-- 1 ' . ,', ...'." '- - - • "• , - ... . . - • • - • - - •- - . 1 ^mm^m^^ iliSi&m FECUNDATION IN PLANTS mmm, wsmm*$&® wm DAVID M. MOTHER, PH. D. :. V:-:,-;- ^-^i-^'I'V^-^.'/:'/'.':-:^^ ^^H n^M mm Mm ••••'•'•' :'": mwm'^x.: tSSSBm :• ,•..;.•;•'.'•••:•- - - ••;- «b K^^a ^•'c^ '^m^ 111: ''' ^' eg FECUNDATION IN PLANTS BY DAVID M. MOTHER, PH. D., PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN INDIANA UNIVERSITY PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON 1904 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON, PUBLICATION No. 15. PRESS OF GIBSON BROS., WASHINGTON, D. C. PREFACE. This volume presents the subject of fecundation in the vegetable kingdom by the discussion of concrete cases, selecting from the great groups of plants certain typical representatives in which the sexual process seems to have been most thoroughly investigated. In the introductory chapter I have discussed typical processes of nuclear division and cell-formation, especially in spore mother-cells, together with a few topics dealing with certain phenomena of the cell and the significance of sexuality. This is considered necessary to a better understanding of sexual reproduction, for problems of sexuality, like problems of evolution, have in late years become reduced to problems of the cell, and, since the nucleus plays by far the most important part in fecundation, I am tempted to say to problems of the nucleus. The pi-ocesses leading to the development and differentiation of the gametes have been regarded as of prime importance, and they have therefore received emphasis. Whenever the subsequent history of the fecundated egg has been followed to any extent this has been done, as in the Ascomycetes and Floridece, to show the relation between the real sexual process and the vegetative fusion of nuclei which has been confused with the sexual act, and, as in the Desmids, for the sake of pointing out certain nuclear phenomena that take place during the germination of the zygote with similar phenomena just preceding the sexual act in the Diatoms. Processes which are purely morphological are assumed or dealt with very briefly. In grouping the representative types into the several chapters I have had in mind no particular theory of the evolution of sexuality, but merely the idea of the evolution of the plant kingdom and the corre- sponding differentiation of the sexual organs and cells accompanying this evolution in the groups of plants themselves. The chapters dealing with the lower plants in which the develop- ment of the gametes is not known from a modern cytological standpoint, and in which the behavior of the sexual nuclei in the fusion of the gametes has not been followed — have been made as brief as possible. For a similar reason the mosses and liverworts have been omitted entirely. iii iv PREFACE. No attempt has been made to discuss the numerous theories bearing upon the subject. Whenever theoretical matters are touched upon the object has been chiefly to suggest probable lines of investigation. I have not hesitated, however, to express my own opinion in all cases in which my special field of study has given me a first-hand knowledge of the subject-matter. To designate the sexual process which consists in the fusion of sex- ually differentiated cells, or gametes, and especially the fusion of their nuclei, the term fecundation has been used instead of fertilization — fecundation being the equivalent of the German Befruchtung and the Yrenc\\fecondation. It has been necessary, of course, to copy numerous figures from the papers of other investigators, but in every case due credit is given. In the citation of literature in the text the author is referred to by the year in which his work was published. No attempt has been made to give a complete bibliography, and no doubt many valuable refer- ences have been omitted. The author is indebted to Professors W. Belajeff, H. O. Juel, F. Oltmanns, S. Ikeno, and to Dr. H. Klebahn, Dr. A. H. Trow, Dr. H. Wager, Dr. S. Hirase, and Dr. V. H. Blackman, for re- prints of their papers, from many of which illustrations have been borrowed, and especially to Professor R. A. Harper for helpful suggestions. DAVID M. MOTTIER. INDIANA UNIVERSITY, August, 1902. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. — INTRODUCTION. PAGE. Nuclear division, ........ 2-30 Karyokinesis in cells of the lower plants in which centrospheres are developed, ....... 2-10 Dictyota, ....... 2 Erysiphe, ....... 7 Mitosis in pollen mother-cells, ..... 1 1-30 The first or heterotypic mitosis, ..... 11-26 Resting nucleus and the development of the chromatin spirem 1 1 Development of the spindle, . . . . 15 Chromosomes, ....... 17 Metakinesis, ... . . 20 The anaphase, ....... 22 The telophase, ...... 23 The nucleolus, ....... 25 The second, or homotypic division, .... 27-31 Cell division, ....... 31-44 The type of the higher plants, . . . . . 31 Free cell-formation, ...... 33 Cell-cleavage, ....... 36 Cell-division in Dictyota and Stypocaulon, . . . .41 The centrosome and the blepharoplast, .... 44 The significance of the sexual process and the numerical reduction of the chromosomes, ....... 49-60 CHAPTER II. — FECUNDATION; MOTILE ISOGAMETES. Ulothrix and Hydrodictyon, . . ... 61-65 Copulation of gametes, .... 65 Ectocarpus, • 65 CHAPTER III. —FECUNDATION ; NON-MOTILE ISOGAMETES. Spirogyra, • • 67 Sporodinia, ....... 7* Closterium and Cosmarium, . 71 Diatoms (Rhopalodia, Cocconeis), . . 73 Basidiobolus, ...... .76 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. — FECUNDATION; HETEROGAMETES. Sphaeroplea, ........ 79 Fucaceae (Fucus, Halidrys), . .... 84 Volvox, ........ 88 CEdogonium, ... .... 89 Coleochsete, ....... 91 Vaucheria, ... ... 94 Albugo (Cystopus), ... ... 96 Achlya and Saprolegnia, . ... 102 CHAPTER V. — TYPE OF THE ASCOMYCETES AND RHODOPHYCE^E . Sphaerotheca, . • • 108 Pyronema, • 1 1 1 Batrachospermum, . . 116-119 Dudresnya, 119-126 Collema, . • 126-128 CHAPTER VI. — ARCHEGONIATES. Pteridophyta, • • -129 The spermatozoid, • . 130-136 The egg-cell and fecundation, . . • 136-142 Gymnosperms, .... . 142 Cycas, Zamia, and Ginkgo, 142 The male gametophyte and the development of the sperma- tozoids, . . I42-I55 ,The archegonium, . 156-158 Fecundation, . . 158-163 Pinus, • • • 163 The male and female gametoph) tes, . . . 163-164 Fecundation, ...... 165-168 CHAPTER VII. — ANGIOSPERMS. The embryo-sac, or female gametophyte, .... 169-174 The male gametophyte, • • 174-176 The fusion of male and egg-nucleus, .... 176-177 The fate of the second male nucleus in the eiabryo-buc, . 177-180 Bibliography, ....... 181-187 INDEX. PAGE. Abies ........ 156 Achlya ......... 102-107 Adiantum ........ 136 Albugo ......... 96-100 Aspidium ........ 136 Basidiobolus ........ 76-78 Batrachospermum ....... 116-119 Callithamnion ........ 119-124 Cell-cleavage in Sjnchitrium discipens .... 36-38 Pilobolus crystallinus .... 38-41 Cell-division in higher plants ..... 3I-33 Dictyota and Stypocaulon .... 4'~43 Cell-formation, free, in Erysiphe communis . . . 33~35 Lachnea scutellata .... 35 Centrosome, in Dictyota ...... 3-7 Erysiphe . . . . . . 8-10 Centrosome and Blepharoplast ..... 44~49 Cephalotaxis , . . . . . . . 157 Chara ........ 135-136 Chromosomes in tetraspore mother-cell of Dictyota . . . 5-6 ascus of Erysiphe .... S-n pollen mother-cells of Lilium . . . 17-31 Podophyllum . . 17-31 Tradescantia . . 17-31 Significance of numerical reduction .... 49-60 Closterium ........ 71 Cocconeis ........ 75 Coleochfete ........ 9*~93 Collema ........ 126-128 Cosmarium ........ 71, 72 Cycas i42-!49. ^6, 157. l63. 166 Cystopus (see Albugo). Dasya . . . . . . . . . 124 Diatoms ........ 73-76 Dictyota ........ 2-6, 26 Dudresnya ........ 119-125 Ectocarpus ........ 65, 66 Equisetum ........ 135 Erysiphe ........ 7-10 Fucus ........ 84-88 Ginkgo . . M9-I55. J62, 163, 166 Glcecosiphonia ....... 124 Gnetum ........ 168, 173 Gymnogramme ....... 130-132 Halidrys ........ 85 Helleborus . . . . . .12, 158, 169-171, 173 Hydrodictyon ........ 63-65 vii viii INDEX. PAGE. Karyokinesis (see Mitosis). Laboulbeniacese ....... 126 Larix ... . . 158, 170-171 Lilium : Mitosis in pollen mother-cells .... 11-30 Development of mitotic spindle in pollen mother-cells . . 15-16 Behavior of chromosomes in pollen mother-cells . . 17~24 Nucleolus ........ 25 Second or homotypic mitosis in pollen mother-cells . . 27~3O Embryo-sac and Fecundation ... . 169-177 Fate of second male nucleus in embryo-sac . . . 177-178 Marsilia ... . . 133, 134, 135 Mitosis in Dictyota ...... 2-7 Erysiphe ....... J-n pollen mother-cells ..... 11-29 Monotropa ........ 177 Nemalion ...... .119, 121 Nucleolus, discussion of ..... 25, 26 CEdogonium ....... 89-91 Onoclea ...... IS0"^. I36» 138-141 Peperomia ........ 173 Peronospora ........ 101 Picea ........ 163 Pilularia ........ 142 Pinus ........ 156, 163-168 Physcia ......... 128 Podophyllum : Resting nucleus of pollen mother-cell . . . 11,12 Nature of nuclear membrane ..... 13, 24 Behavior of chromosomes in pollen mother-cell . . 18, 22 Pteridophyta ........ 129-142 Pyronema ........ m-ii6 Pythium ........ 101 Rhopalodia gibba ....... 73, 75, 76 Saprolegnia ........ 102, 107 Sphseroplea ........ 79-84 Sphserotheca ........ ic8-ui Spirogyra . . . . . . . .26, 67-70, 168 Sporodinia . . . . . . . . 71 Synapsis ........ 13 Tradescantia virginica : Behavior of chromosomes in pollen mother-cell . . .18, 19, 22 Second or homotypic mitosis in pollen mother-cell . . 27, 29 Tsuga ........ 163, 165, 166, 167 Tulipa ........ 178 Ulothrix ........ 61, 62, 65 Vaucheria ........ 94, 95 Vicia faba ........ 25 Volvox ........ 88 Zamia ...... 149-155, 157-161, 163, 166 Zea mays ........ 25, 178 FECUNDATION IN PLANTS. CHAPTER I.— INTRODUCTION. The processes of nuclear division and cell-formation are so closely associated with sexual cells and their development that an adequate understanding of these cells is impossible without a definite and thorough knowledge of the processes involved in their development. Our interpretations of the significance of the sexual process and the phenomena of heredity in all organisms will be more lasting and help- ful as scientific knowledge if these interpretations or doctrines are based upon a well-connected phylogenetic series of the most funda- mental facts. Perhaps no other field of research has been more helpful during the past quarter of a century in enabling the biologist to gain a deeper and more far-reaching knowledge of the physical basis of heredity than the study of mitosis, especially in reproductive cells. The division of the nucleus naturally suggests the division of the cell, or the process by which new cells are formed from a mother- cell, and the study of cell-formation in very recent years, especially among the lower plants, has not only wrought almost a revolution in our knowledge of the processes here involved, but has also furnished new criteria for determining relationships and probable lines of descent. It is deemed necessary, therefore, to introduce the subject of sexual reproduction in plants by a brief presentation of the typical processes of nuclear and cell-division in both the lower and higher forms. In doing so these processes will be described in a few of those forms which have been subjected to a critical study by means of the most improved methods and instruments. The processes described will be confined largely, though not exclusively, to spore mother-cells. The division of the nucleus and of the cell presents generally three processes, the development of the karyokinetic spindle, the behavior of the chromatin, and the formation of the cell-plate or new plasma membrane. This division is made merely for the sake of convenience, as it is not implied that three distinct or separate processes are necessarily involved, although the development of the plasma mem- brane in many cases has apparently little or no connection with the 2 INTRODUCTION. division of the nucleus. The first two of these processes will be dis- cussed under nuclear division, while the third will be dealt with in connection with cell-formation. NUCLEAR DIVISION. KARYOKINESIS IN CELLS OF THE LOWER PLANTS IN WHICH CENTROSOMES AND CENTROSPHERES ARE DEVELOPED. At present there are recognized two types of development of the karyokinetic spindle. In one the spindle arises through the instru- mentality of individualized dynamic centers or centrospheres, as in certain Thallophyta and Liverworts ; in the other, it is developed wholly independently and in the absence of any such centers, as, for example, in the higher plants. We speak of types of spindle develop- ment in this connection also for the sake of convenience, since centro- spheres have not been found in connection with the development of the spindle in all Thallophytes ; but the author does maintain that centrospheres have not been demonstrated to occur in any plant above the Bryophytes, and that in the Angiosperms such structures do not in all probability exist. As illustrating the development of the spindle in which centro- spheres are present, the tetraspore mother-cell in Dictyota dichotoma will be selected from the alga and the mother-cell of the ascus in Erysiphe from the fungi. It is not considered necessary, nor conducive to any better under- standing of the facts presented here, to enter into any lengthy dis- cussion concerning the structure of the firmer framework of the cytoplasm. The consensus of opinion now is that the firmer substance of cytoplasm consists of either a reticulum of fibrillje or of an alveolar or foam structure (Waben of German literature) and that, in many cells, these two structures intergrade into one another. DICTYOTA. The cytoplasm of the tetraspore mother-cell of Dictyota dichotoma during the preparation for nuclear division presents two well-defined portions, the kinoplasm, which is always associated with the nucleus and plays the most important role in the karyokinetic process, and the remaining alveolar portion. Numerous chloroplasts are also present. The first indication of mitosis is the appearance, on opposite sides of the nucleus, of two large sharply defined asters of kinoplasmic fibers radiating from a rod-shaped body, which is often slightly bent, lying either close to the nuclear membrane or at some little distance from it (Fig. i, A). The rod-shaped body is the centrosome, which NUCLEAR DIVISION. together with the kinoplasmic radiations constitutes the centrospkere. The planes of the longitudinal axes of the centrosomes may be parallel or form various angles with each other. In Fig. i, B, the centrosome at the upper side of the nucleus is seen from the side, the lower from '.'•>'i FIG. i. — First mitosis in tetraspore mother-cell of Diclyota dichotoma. A, B, early prophase ; the well-developed centrospheres are on diametrically opposite sides of nuclei. C, the kinoplasmic fibers have begun to enter the nucleus to form the spindle and the chromosomes are being differentiated. D, numerous spindle fibers have entered the nucleus, and the chromosomes are collected in the equa- torial region. the end. Viewed from the pole, the centrosome is always rod-shaped. The kinoplasmic fibers radiate in all directions into the cytoplasm where they pass over into the framework of the same. On the side next the nucleus they may run parallel with its wall for some dis- INTRODUCTION. tance. Near the nucleus the cytoplasm is more granular, with smaller meshes. It is more nearly a thread-like net- work than alveolar in structure, and appears with differential staining as kinoplasm. This very fine granular thread-work often extends in among the radiations of the centrosphere. The resting nucleus shows a large vacuolated nucleolus and a fine linin-reticulum with rather large meshes, upon which are arranged small and nearly uniform granules, all of which do not react as chromatin. With the advance of karyokinesis, the chromatin begins to collect into larger and somewhat irregular masses that finally become the chromosomes. There is not developed, as in vegetative cells of this plant, a regular and uniform chromatin spirem or ribbon. The nucleolus becomes more vacuolated and soon disappears. The nuclear cavity presents a more granular appearance, the granules staining more densely. The kinoplasmic fibers now penetrate the membrane of the nucleus and enter its cavity, while at the same time the polar radiations seem to diminish in number (Fig. i, C). On entering the cavity some of the fibers proceed in advance of the others. Some pass straight to- wai'd the center of the nucleus, while others diverge toward the sides. As these fibers approach from opposite sides of the nucleus, they tend to collect the chromosomes into an irregular mass in the equatorial region, where they finally form the nuclear plate (Fig. i, D). Cer- tain of these fibers coming from opposite sides seem to unite at their ends to form the continuous spindle fibers which extend from pole to pole ; others fasten themselves to the chromosomes, and still others diverge toward the nuclear membrane in the equatorial region (Fig. 2, E). In the mature spindle, therefore, the fibers present the following orientation : those radiating from the poles, the continuous spindle fibers extending uninterruptedly from pole to pole, those running from the poles to the chromosomes, and the fibers which diverge from the poles toward the equatorial region and end in the cytoplasm (Fig. 2, F) . The nuclear membrane in the tetraspore mother-cell of Dictyota disappears very gradually during the process of karyokinesis, often persisting at the sides when the spindle is mature (Fig. 2, F). It begins to disappear at the poles as soon as the fibers enter the nuclear cavity, and by the time the anaphase is reached no part of the membrane can be distinctly seen. Thus the spindle, with the exception of the polar radiations, lies within the nuclear cavity, its fibers, however, being largely of cytoplasmic origin. To what extent any nuclear substance contributes to the formation of the spindle is difficult to determine. On the disappearance of the nucleolus, numerous granules appear in NUCLEAR DIVISION. the nucleus, which stain deeply, closely resembling the chromatin granules. In the meantime the chromosomes increase in size, and it seems reasonable to suppose that the nucleolar substance contributes materially to their growth. The development of the nucleolus in the daughter nucleus and its behavior during the following, or second mitosis, seem to strengthen this theory. The chromosomes, when E y K'-A «?V»sSgffigS^i", ^D»§^^ p *-7V\ \^^jM^\\^'^ f\ V/^^»^T>->--^^ ^•6^tsife^ »4i^m^t^tej:^^ ; r -^ FIG. 2. — Spindle and telophase of first mitosis in the tetraspore mother-cell of Dictyota dichotonta. E, spindle nearly mature; nuclear membrane has disappeared at poles. F, mature spindle ; the small lumpy chromosomes are regularly arranged in equatorial plate ; nuclear membrane persists at sides. G, daughter nuclei still connected by strand of connecting fibers ; at poles of each nucleus is a well- developed centrosphere. arranged in the equatorial plate, appear, especially when crowded to- gether— a phenomenon of frequent occurrence — as rounded lumps (Fig. 2, E, F). A careful study in favorable cases shows clearly that each chromosome is either in the shape of a ring, or so contracted as to leave scarcely any central space, such, for example, as occurs in some higher plants (Podofhyttum^ Helleborus*). In such cases each 6 INTRODUCTION. segment or daughter chromosome forms one-half of the ring, or each maybe in the form of a short, thick U (Fig. 2, F). Sixteen chromosomes, the reduced number, are present in the first mitosis. While on the way to the poles the daughter chromosomes sometimes fuse with one another to form large masses.1 This is especially so in the second mitosis. In the construction of the daughter nuclei, one or more larger masses of chromatin are formed by the chromosomes ; a nucleolus appears near the chromatin mass or masses, and a nuclear membrane is laid down (Fig. 2, G). The membrane is unquestionably formed through the agency of the kinoplasmic fibers. The centrosomes increase in size, and the polar radiations are more distinct than in the spindle stage. The connecting fibers usually persist until the nuclear mem- brane is present, but a little later they disappear entirely. The chro- matin mass, gradually becoming less dense, soon disintegrates, and each daughter nucleus passes into the resting condition (Fig. 2, G). From the preceding it will be seen that each daughter nucleus is provided with one centrosome, but in the first mitosis the centrosomes could not be made out until they were on opposite sides of the nucleus and pi'ovided with radiations. The question naturally arises : Does the centrosome divide to give rise to the two daughter centrosomes? Swingle ('97), who has traced the persistence of the centrosome through several successive generations of vegetative cells in Stypo- caulon, one of the Phceophycece, found that a division of the centro- some takes place, and Strasburger ('97) arrives at the same conclusion as regards Fucus. This is the generally accepted view. We shall trace the early development of the spindle in the second mitosis in the tetraspore mother-cell in order to see what evidence is furnished by Dictyota toward the solution of this problem. During the reconstruction of the daughter nucleus (Fig. 3, H) two rod-shaped centrosomes, each with its radiations, were observed close together, and in such a position as to form a wide V, giving the impression that a longitudinal division of the single centrosome had taken place. The manner in which a cluster of radiations is attached to each daughter centrosome seems to lend weight to this conclusion. The daughter centrosomes now separate, moving along the nuclear membrane, but they do not, as in the first mitosis, traverse an angular distance of 180° before the formation of the spindle begins (Fig. 3, I, K). The development of the spindle is the same as in the first mitosis, as Fig. 3, I, J, K, L, will clearly show. In other brown algse, so far as known (Swingle '97, Strasburger '97) , 1 This massing of the chromosomes may not occur in all cases. NUCLEAR DIVISION. the development of the karyokinetic spindle in both vegetative and reproductive cells agrees essentially with that described for Dictyota. In the diatoms the development of the spindle as described by Lauterborn ('96) is singular and without parallel in the plant king- dom. According to this author, the spindle develops directly from the centrosome by a division of the same or by budding. We shall refer to this phenomenon beyond in the section dealing especially with the centrosome. In the red alga? the development of the karyokinetic figure is known somewhat in detail only in Corallina officinalis. In this plant, Davis ('98) finds that the spindle arises through the agency K H FIG. 3. — Second mitosis in tetraspore mother-cell of Dictyota. H-K, prophase, showing origin of spindle. L, a nearly mature spindle. of centrospheres which undergo a great change in size during mitosis. The persistence of these bodies was not followed from one cell genera- tion to the next. The paucity of our knowledge of nuclear division in the red algae precludes any further mention of the subject in this group of plants. So far as is known to the author, no centrospheres or centrosomes have been authentically observed in the green algae. ERYSIPHE COMMUNIS. For the fungi, the most accurate and complete account of karyoki- nesis is to be found in the classical work of Harper ('97) on certain Ascomycetes. As an illustration of the process in this group of fungi, which is probably best known cytologically, a brief account of mitosis will be given as described by Harper in the ascus of Erysiphe communis. s INTRODUCTION. The ascus of this species offers unusually favorable material for the study of mitosis on account of the clearness with which all details are •/ brought out, and because the three successive nuclear divisions follow each other rapidly, making it possible to trace with unmistakable clearness the persistence of the centrosome from one nuclear genera- tion to the other. Since the spindles lie in different planes, it is pos- sible also to observe, side by side, the same stages at different angles in the same field of the microscope. The following refers especially to the second mitosis in the ascus. ^ ' :.¥•; o FIG. 4. — Mitosis in ascus of Erysiphe contmunis . — (After Harper. ) A, nucleus in resting stage of second nuclear generation in ascus, the flattened or disk-shaped centro- some closely applied to nuclear membrane. B, early prophase ; the kinoplasmic radiations have been developed about the centrosome. C, D, E, F, successive steps in development of spindle. G, mature spindle, the nuclear membrane still persists at sides. H, end of anaphase; connecting fibers extend between the daughter nuclei, which are not yet provided with a nuclear membrane. I, daughter nucleus provided with membrane, kinoplasmic radiations present. J, later stage in which the polar radiations have disappeared. Between the successive nuclear divisions in the ascus, the chromatin of the daughter nuclei does not assume the complete resting condition. It consists (Fig. 4, A) of an irregular net with the angles of the meshes somewhat thickened. Generally the net lies tolerably free in the nuclear cavity, and a very distinct nucleolus is present. The centrosphere appears as a flattened disk closely applied to the nuclear membrane, giving the impression as if the two were grown together (Fig. 4, A). The chromatin net appears also attached at this place NUCLEAR DIVISION. and frequently forms a dense mass. These phenomena indicate clearly that chromatin and centrosphere are in direct communication through the nuclear membrane. > The first step in the division is characterized by the appearance of a well-developed aster or system of radiations about the centrosome. It seems very probable here that the radiations grow out into the cytoplasm from the centrosome as a center. In the development of the radiations the nucleus probably cooperates. At this stage the chromatin is contracted into a dense net toward the centrosphere and appears in close connection with it. From the chromatin mass several fine achromatic threads extend toward the nuclear membrane (Fig. 4, B). In the next stage observed, the two poles of the spindle have been formed, which lie some distance apart on the nuclear membrane (Fig. 4, C). The polar radiations are well developed, and from each centrosome a cone of spindle fibers extends into the nuclear cavity. The diverging fibers seem to be inserted in the nuclear membrane at points opposite the centrosome. As in Dictyota the two systems of fibers cross each other at nearly right angles without in any way uniting. Whether the two centrospheres arose by a division of the primary centrosphere cannot be stated with absolute certainty, since the intermediate stages between B and C, Fig. 4, were not observed, yet from what is known in Stypocaulon and in Dictvota, it seems reasonable to suppose that the centrosphere may undergo a division in Erysiphe also. The chromatin, at this stage, seems to be reduced in mass to that which will appear in the nuclear plate. It lies distributed in irregular lumps among the fibers opposite the two poles. The nucleolus has now disappeared, or, in some cases, it may remain in the form of a weakly staining residue. The spindle fibers within the nucleus be- come attached to the chromosomes and then contract strongly, bringing the chromosomes into the center of the nuclear cavity (Fig. 4, C, D, E, F). Some of the fibers of the bent spindle appear, at this stage, to extend uninterruptedly from pole to pole. The continuous fibers are, in all probability, formed by the union of those which are not attached to the chromosomes. The polar radiations now undergo a marked change, becoming shorter and thicker, as if drawn in toward the poles. The majority of the radiations diverge only slightly. They are contracted into bundles or brush-like collections, which stand perpendicular to the surface of the nucleus. Some of these radiations, however, diverge somewhat from the central group, but all the polar radiations are not centered upon a single point. The pole of the spindle is exactly as broad as the base of IO INTRODUCTION. the central group of polar radiations, and, as will be seen from Fig. 4, E, F, G, the impression is that the polar radiations and the spindle contain the same number of fibers, which are continued uninterruptedly through the poles. But the continuity of the fibers is sharply inter- rupted by an achromatic plane at the nuclear membrane, through which the deeply staining (violet, by the Flernming triple stain) fibers pass from nucleus to cytoplasm. Whether the spindle fibers actually end at the nuclear membrane, or whether their substance only stains less densely there, was not determined. However, the phenomenon leaves the impression that the central body consists merely of the bases of the polar radiations closely crowded together. If the centrosome is an individual organ here, it seems that it must consist of a very thin, flat- tened disk, equal in breadth to the blunt end of the spindle. The poles of the spindle now separate farther from each other, whereby the spindle becomes straight. The individual chromosomes, eight in number, which are arranged in the equatorial plate, are sharply defined, and the nucleus has become somewhat elongated (Fig. 4, G). The polar radiations have again become fine elongated fibers, forming regular systems of sun-like radiations. As soon as the daughter chromosomes have reached the poles of the spindle the nuclear membrane disappears (Fig. 4, H). The fibers of the central spindle become now less sharply defined and broken in different places. Their number is also gradually diminished, their substance soon being indistinguishable from the immediately surround- ing cytoplasm. The polar radiations, however, form at this stage a more regular and sharply defined aster, owing to the outer rays bend- ing somewhat backward round the chromosomes (Fig. 4, H). The latter form a dense mass in which the individual elements are no longer to be distinguished. The centrosome is likewise not to be distinguished from the chromatin mass near which it lies. A nuclear membrane is now formed about each daughter nucleus, which appears as a small vesicle with the chromatin mass at the polar side (Fig. 4, I). With the further development of the nuclear membrane the free cavity of the nucleus increases in size. The chromatin mass begins to swell, and is gradually transformed into threads and lumps which are arranged, at first, mostly along the nuclear membrane, but soon become distributed through the nuclear cavity. A nucleolus now appears, and with the further growth of the nucleus the chromatin passes over into the netlike framework like that in Fig. 4, J, A. As soon as the nuclear membrane is formed, the polar radiations begin to disappear. In Erysiphe they seem to be transformed into a granular mass (Fig. 4, J). Finally, when the daughter nucleus is MITOSIS IN POLLEN MOTHER-CELLS. + II mature, the centrosphere remains as a much flattened disc closely applied to the nuclear membrane. From the foregoing it is clear that, although differing much in detail, the karyokinetic process in Erysiphe is, in general, similar to that in the brown algae. At our present state of knowledge, it is difficult to explain all the minor differences or to form an estimate of their relative importance. MITOSIS IN POLLEN MOTHER-CELLS. The spore mother-cells of certain Liliacece and other monocotyledo- nous species, as well as a few dicotyledonous plants such as Helleborus and Podophyllum, have become classical objects for cytological study, and in these genera the mitotic process is now as well understood as in any other angiosperms. The following discussion of the first two nuclear divisions in the spore mother-cells of higher plants is based upon the author's own investigations made upon Lilium martagon, L. candidum, Fritillaria persica, Tradescantia virginica, Helle- borzis foetidus and Podophyllum peltatum. THE FIRST OR HETEROTYPIC MITOSIS. RESTING NUCLEUS AND DEVELOPMENT OF CHROMATIN SPIREM. Soon after the last nuclear division in the archesporium, or spore- bearing tissue, which gives rise to the pollen mother-cells, the latter begin that period of growth so characteristic of spore mother-cells pre- viously to the fh'st mitosis. The nucleus is relatively large with a sharply defined membrane, and contains a fine linin network, in which the chromatin granules are held, and one or more nucleoli. The nucleolus may lie in a colorless, spherical cavity, which seems sharply circumscribed. The chromatin appears in larger and smaller granules, which are, as a rule, regularly distributed in the linin thread. The cytoplasm presents a uniform netlike structure (Fig. 5, A). This is the typical structure of a pollen mother-cell. With further growth of the nucleus, the chromatin granules increase in size, probably through the union or aggregation of the smaller granules, while at the same time the linin thread contracts and shortens. In this stage the linin net consists of a complicated spirem or thread with short turns. The chromatin granules have attained a more uni- form size, and lie more regularly distributed in the linin thread (Fig. 5, B). This contraction of the linin thread and fusion of the smaller chromatin granules continues, so that the nuclear thread, which later 12 INTRODUCTION. contains a row of larger granules or disks (the Chromatinscheiben of the German literature) of a tolerably uniform size, becomes a hollow spirem whose irregular turns traverse the nuclear cavity (Fig. 5, C). The chromatin disks have usually a jagged or erosed outline, which shows that each disk is composed of smaller granules. The chromatin disks, first carefully described by Strasburger ('82), vary much among themselves in size, and do not always have the same orientation in the linin thread. This fact, together with the twisting of the thread upon its axis, which is a mechanical necessity, gives the impression of a spirem composed of very irregular granules. This is especially notice- FIG. 5. — Pollen mother-cell and early prophase of first or heterotypic mitosis. A, F, Podophylliim peltatum. B-E, Helleborus foetidus . A, typical pollen mother-cell, with nucleus in resting stage, and while the cells are in tissue connection. B, linin net with numerous small chromatin granules. C, spirem in which chromatin disks are of uniform size. D, pieces of chromatin spirem more highly magnified ; a, before longitudinal splitting; b, after longi- tudinal splitting. E, the spirem has split longitudinally; daughter segments show a tendency to separate. F, the chromatin spirem has segmented transversely into chromosomes; daughter segments twisted about each other. ( All figures represent sections.) able immediately after the longitudinal splitting of the chromatin granules. At this stage the most careful staining is necessary to bring out the chromatin disks clearly, since the linin retains the stain with greater avidity, thereby concealing the former. If the nuclear thread be too densely stained, it will appear more or less homogeneous, in which case the chromatin disks manifest themselves as a succession of enlargements whose granular character is concealed. The chro- matin thread consists, therefore, not of a succession of chromatin disks MITOSIS IN POLLEN MOTHER-CELLS. 13 but of a continuous linin thread in which are held the chromatin disks or granules. In an early stage the nuclear thread shows a marked tendency to con- tract into a ball or mass about the nucleolus. The contraction into a dense ball is regarded by some observers as a perfectly normal occur- rence, to which the name synapsis has been given. My own investiga- tions have convinced me that the contraction of the nuclear thread into a ball is in a large measure due to the reagents, and that synapsis has little or no significance. It indicates probably a very sensitive con- dition of the nuclear thread or net at the stage in which the contraction occurs. Soon after the nuclear net has developed into the spirem, as men- tioned, the chromatin and linin elements split longitudinally (Fig. 5, D, a, 6, E). The daughter spirerns remain either closely applied to each other, or, as sometimes happens, they may separate for longer or shorter intervals. They are always twisted upon each other, and, as a consequence, the two parallel rows of disks are not easily seen, especially where the chromatin thread makes short turns. The twist- ing of the daughter spirems upon each other persists after the trans- verse segmentation of the spirem into chromosomes, and in very many cases it is still to be seen during metakinesis (Figs. 6, 7). Very frequently poi'tions of the spirem which run parallel with each other are connected by very fine threads, and, in some cases, as in the pollen mother-cells of Podophylhim, very delicate cytoplasmic threads seem to penetrate the nuclear membrane and fasten themselves to the chromatin spirem. At this stage also one or more nucleoli, of varying sizes and with a homogeneous or vacuolate structure, are pres- ent. The nuclear membrane, especially in Podopkyllutn^ does not present from now on the sharp contour of the resting nucleus. It seems to consist merely of a cytoplasmic boundary (Fig. 5, F), and as will be pointed out in a later paragraph, we may conclude that the nuclear membrane consists of an extremely delicate kinoplasmic network, whose meshes in the resting nucleus are so closely arranged that only a sharp line is seen when observed in optical section. As soon, however, as the meshes widen with the increase in size of the nucleus the nuclear membrane loses its sharp contour. It cannot be asserted with absolute certainty that the fine thi'eads extending from the nuclear membrane to the chromatin thread penetrate the membrane and con- tinue into the cytoplasm, but in Podophyllum the evidence seems to be in favor of such a view. At any rate there seems to be an intimate connection maintained between chromatin and cytoplasm. As karyokinesis progresses, the chromatin thread contracts, becom- INTRODUCTION. ing shorter and thicker, and frequently no trace of the longitudinal splitting can be recognized. There is thus formed the loose, hollow FIG. 6. — Prophase and early stages in development of spindle in\heterotypic mitosis of pollen mother- cell. A, B, Lilium candidum. C, D, L. martagon. A, the kinoplasmic spindle fibers arranged radially about the nucleus, large nucleolus present, and the chromosomes, each consisting of two rather thick segments twisted about each other, lie along the nuclear membrane or scattered through nuclear cavity. B, same developmental stage as A ; here the kinoplasmic fibers are disposed partly radially and partly in form of a weft lying in cytoplasm midway between nucleus and cell-wall. C, the spindle fibers are encroaching upon the nucleus, forming a weft about it; the nuclear membrane as such has nearly disappeared ; it seems to have been converted into fibers. D, multipolar spindle complex, in which the chromosomes are irregularly distributed. spirem, which segments by transverse division into the chromo- somes. MITOSIS IN POLLEN MOTHER-CELLS. 15 We shall now leave the chromosomes for the present and pass to the development of the spindle. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINDLE. The development of the spindle in pollen mother-cells varies some- what in detail in different plants, but it can usually be referred to one type. In all cases, so far as known, it arises as a multipolar structure. As soon as the spirem is segmented into chromosomes, and some- times earlier, the kinoplasmic fibers make their appearance in the cyto- plasm. The arrangement of the kinoplasmic fibers is not quite the same in all cells of the same anther. They may be disposed at first radially about the nucleus (Fig. 6, A), or, as in many cases, may form a weft about the nucleus midway between nuclear membrane and cell- wall (Fig. 6, B). The remaining cytoplasm consists of a fibrillar structure. In this stage the nucleus is filled with a fluid which does not stain, namely, the nuclear sap. The chromosomes are connected with each other and with the nuclear membrane by means of fine fibers, and one or more nucleoli are present. The nucleolus, how- ever, begins to break up at this time, so that one large and several smaller ones may be present. The next step in the development of the spindle may differ slightly in different cells, owing to the orientation of the kinoplasmic fibers. In those cells in which these fibers are disposed radially about the nucleus, the tendency to form poles manifests itself before the disap- pearance of the nuclear membrane. Groups of radiations converge toward various points near the plasma membrane, while others form a weft about the nucleus (Fig. 6, C). A little later the nuclear mem- brane is replaced by this weft, and the fibers begin to enter the nuclear cavity. In some cases well-defined poles (or only a few) are not as yet present. In other cases a greater number of poles are formed, and we have then a very remarkable multipolar complex of kinoplasmic fibers surrounding the nucleus, into which the fibers penetrate from all sides (Fig. 7, E). Gradually more kinoplasmic fibers enter the nuclear cavity until it can no longer be recognized as such (Fig. 6, D). In this complex of spindle fibers the chromosomes are irregularly distributed. They are, however, soon collected together, and to each a bundle of fibers be- comes attached. The chromosomes seem to be aggregated more closely together by a pushing and pulling of the spindle fibers. Owing to the irregular arrangement of the chromosomes and the complexity of the mass of spindle fibers, it is not always possible to determine at this stage the exact manner in which the fibers are fastened to the chro- mosomes (Fig. 7, F). i6 INTRODUCTION. The bipolarity of the multipolar spindle now gradually manifests itself, and the multipolar structure rapidly becomes a typical bipolar spindle in which the chromosomes are arranged in the equatorial plate. FIG. 7. — Heterotypic mitosis in pollen mother-cell (L. martagon}. Development of spindle continued. E, the weft of spindle fibers forms a multipolar complex. F, a multipolar complex in which bipolarity has begun to manifest itself; the weaker poles seem to be drawn in or together. G, bipolarity is established and chromosomes more regularly arranged in equator. H, mature spindle, showing only 3 of the 12 chromosomes; chromosomes fastened endwise to spindle. This transformation is probably brought about by certain of the larger poles converging toward a common area or point, while others are drawn in (Fig. 7, G). The mature spindle is either truncated at the poles (sometimes broadly so) or pointed, and the chromosomes are MITOSIS IN POLLEN MOTHER-CELLS. 1 7 quite regularly arranged in the equatorial plate. They are usually radially disposed, standing at right angles to the axis of the spindle {Fig. 7, H). The spindle fibers present the following arrangement: to each chromosome are attached two bundles of fibers (one to each daughter segment) which extend to the poles ; other fibers, the central spindle fibers, run uninterruptedly from pole to pole, and still others diverge from the poles toward the cell periphery. This arrangement is commonly found in all cells of the higher plants, whether they be reproductive or vegetative. The spindle does not, as may appear at the first glance, present a system of meridional fibers converging toward the poles, but, as is easily seen from thin sections, the fibers cross and anastomose, giving the impression that the spindle consists of a weft or complex of fibers drawn out in the direction of the poles, which, indeed, it really is. In spore mother-cells of plants, the spindle fibers seem to be gener- ally of cytoplasmic origin, /. e., they appear first in the cytoplasm, forming a weft about the nucleus or radiating from it. In the generative cell of gymnosperms and in the first division following fecundation in these plants, it seems that the fibers or many of them arise from kinoplasm, which is in the nucleus or which entered the same in another form. CHROMOSOMES. As is well known, the chromatin spirem, which has split longitudi- nally in the early prophase, segments by transverse division into twelve chromosomes, the reduced number, or half the number in the vegeta- tive cells of the sporophyte. Each chromosome consists, therefore, of two daughter segments, or daughter chromosomes, which are almost always twisted upon each other (Fig. 7, H ; Fig. 8). After the segmentation of the spirem into chromosomes, these contract, thereby becoming shorter and thicker. Previous to the disappear- ance of the nuclear membrane, they lie near it or are scattered throughout the nuclear cavity (Fig. 6, B). In Lilium, the daughter chromosomes are, as a rule, closely applied to each other, but in many cases they tend to become sepai'ated soon after segmentation, so that various forms of chromosomes result, such as rings, loops, X- and V-shaped forms, depending upon the manner in which the daughter segments are oriented toward each other (Fig. 8, A to K). These various forms persist and may be found in the nuclear plate of the mature spindle. The following will explain the manner in which the more fre- quently occurring forms are brought about in Lilium, Podophyllum and in many other higher plants : i8 INTRODUCTION. The daughter segments often diverge at one or at both ends (Fig. 8, B, C). In other cases they may be bent and in contact only near the middle (Fig. 8, D). If the daughter segments adhere at the ends, and bend away from each other near the middle, a ring results (Fig. 8, E). Ring-shaped chromosomes may be so bent as to bring the opposite ends near each other, in which case we have a ring partly folded upon itself. This is true in a measure in Fig. 8, E. When the segments forming a ring separate slightly at one end, an open ring is produced. A Y-shaped chromosome will result when the segments are con- tiguous for a part of their length but diverge at one end (Fig. 8, F). Sometimes the daughter segments adhere near the middle but diverge H ! J K FIG. 8. — Heterotypic mitosis (Liliutn martagon). Different forms of chromosomes. A, B, C, D, chromosomes from prophase. E-K, from equatorial plate. E, ring-shaped, F, Y-shaped, and J, typical X-shaped chromosomes. G, H, I, and K, other forms commonly met with in Lilium. at both ends, so that they may be crossed ; this gives rise to the X- shaped chromosome (Fig. S, J). Instances are also met with in which the segments of the X-shaped chromosome fuse completely at one end, and the chromosome appears as a continuous rod, folded in such a man- ner that the opposite ends are brought together. In this way loops and incomplete rings are produced (Fig. 8, K). In Fig. 8, G, H, and I are forms of chromosomes that are of frequent occurrence. The orien- tation of the daughter segments toward each other, which results in the different forms of chromosomes described, is, in all probability, of no special importance, since two or more of these forms may be seen in the same nucleus. In Tradescantia, between the time of the segmentation of the spirem into chromosomes and the mature spindle, the daughter segments often contract into the form of short, thick crescents. These may adhere at MITOSIS IN POLLEN MOTHER-CELLS. 19 the points of the crescents to form ring-like chromosomes (Fig. 9, D, at the right). In the majority of cases, however, they adhere at only one end, and under such circumstances each chromosome consists of two thick and slightly curved pieces placed end to end, and as they are oriented tangentially upon the spindle, reach nearly from pole to pole (Fig. 9, D). The chromosomes in Podophyllum present the same variety of forms found in Lilium and Tradescantia. Here the segments may be in close contact, side by side, or form loops, rings, X's, and Y's. Per- haps the majority of chromosomes in Podophylhim present the form last mentioned for Tradescantia. In Lilium the chromosomes, when in the nuclear plate, are usually arranged with much regularity about the periphery of the spindle. The majority are fastened to the fibers at the ends, and stand radially to the axis of the spindle (Fig. 7, H). When observed from the pole in this stage, they are seen to radiate like the spokes of a wheel from the central spindle fibers. But all the chromosomes are not so regu- larly oriented upon the spindle, and their manner of attachment to the fibers is also variable. As will be seen in Fig. 8, F-K, they may be fastened to the spindle at some distance from one end or near the mid- dle. Those that are quite regularly ring-shaped are attached near the middle of each segment. In all these cases, the chromosomes are placed tangentially upon the spindle. The X-, Y-, and loop-shaped chromosomes are usually fastened to the spindle as indicated in Fig. 8, F, J, K. Karyokinetic figures are not rare in which two or more of the different forms of chromosomes, with their different orientations and different methods of attachment to the fibers, are found in the same spindle.1 The stage of the mature spindle persists some time and evidently 1 Other interpretations of the chromosomes appearing in the first mitosis have been given by different observers and by the same investigator at different times, owing to the trend of theoretical considerations. One of these, which was announced as early as 1884 by Heuser for Tradescantia virginica (Beobach- tung uber Zellkerntheilung. Bot. Centralblt., 17 : 1884) and which has very recently received support by Strasburger and others (Ueber Reduktionstheilung. Sitzbr. der Konig. Preuss. Akad. der Wiss., 18 : 1-28, 1904) is that the two segments of each chromosome appearing in the equatorial plate of the first mitosis are not the result of the longitudinal splitting of the spirem occurring in the early prophase, but are formed by the folding together or approximation of two chromosomes, each consisting of the two daughter segments resulting from the longitudinal splitting. Each chromosome is therefore a bivalent chromosome, and the first or heterotypic mitosis is a qualitative cr reducing division, whereas the second mitosis is equational, the segments separating along the line of the longitudinal split. Strasburger bases his conclusion mainly upon data obtained from studies of the pollen mother-cells of Galtonia caiidicans. The figures which he gives in support of this view in the paper cited seem to me to be far from convinc- ing. Moreover, Jules Berghs, in a recent study of the prophase of the heterotypic mitosis in Alliuin fistulosuni and Lilium lancifolium (speciosum) (LaCellule, 21: 173-188, 1904), shows clearly, ina careful series of stages, that the two segments of each chromosome are the result of the longitudinal fission and not that of a folding together or approximation of two chromosomes. Unfortunately the papers cited reach me too late for further consideration, as these pages are already in press. 2O INTRODUCTION. represents a slight pause in the process of mitosis. For this reason it is the stage most easily obtained and most frequently observed. METAKINESIS. Up to the stage of the mature spindle, as in Fig. 7, H, each chromosome is seen to consist of two daughter segments oriented in one of the ways described above. As soon, however, as these seg- ments begin to separate in metakinesis, each splits longitudinally in a plane at right angles to the longitudinal splitting which took place in the prophase. In some instances, and when the chromosomes are viewed from the end, each is seen to be composed of four rods, the four granddaughter segments, placed side by side in pairs, forming a tetrad, Fig. 9, A. As a rule the granddaughter segments cannot be definitely recognized until the daughter segments have separated somewhat. Having almost or quite separated, the daughter segments are seen to be in the form of a V, although it never should be for- gotten that V's do not invariably result. As the result of the second longitudinal splitting, each typical V-shaped daughter chromosome consists of two granddaughter segments which adhere or are even fused at the ends to which the spindle fibers are fastened, while the opposite ends diverge (Fig. 9, B). It frequently happens that the opposite ends of the granddaughter segments do not diverge, but lie more or less in contact side by side, so that the retreating daughter chromosomes consist of two applied rods (Fig. 9, F, the middle pairs). In some cases, as already mentioned, the ends of the granddaughter segments forming the angle of the V fuse, so that the V appears to be one piece formed by bending. The bent or contorted condition of the granddaughter segments during metakinesis is due to the previous twisting of the daughter chromosomes upon each other. If the chromosomes be in the form of rings, as shown in Fig. 8, E, it is evident that the separating daughter chromosomes may also be in the form of a V or U, but such V's and U's will be produced by a bending of the daughter segments. This is true in a great many cases in Lilium and in other plants, among both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous species. In such cases each U or V is invariably double, as the result of the second longitudinal fission — that is, the granddaughter segments are U-shaped and closely applied to each other (Fig. 9, F, right and left). Sometimes these granddaughter seg- ments may separate slightly, giving the impression of two similar daughter chromosomes lying one just beneath the other. This is one of the several phenomena that have led to erroneous interpretations of the chromosomes. MITOSIS IN POLLEN MOTHER-CELLS. 21 In Fig. 9, C, on the left, is shown a chromosome in metakinesis, which is fastened to the spindle near the middle. Each daughter seg- ment, which is split longitudinally, is in the form of a U-like figure, FIG. 9. — Heterotypic mitosis. Meta- and anaphases. A, B, C, and F, Liiium. D, Tradescantia. E, Podophyllum. A, metakinesis beginning; viewed from the end, each chromosome is seen to consist of four rods, due to the second longitudinal splitting, which has taken place at right angles to the first. B, metakinesis accomplished ; ends of granddaughter chromosomes, which are directed toward equator, diverge, giving rise to the well-known V-shaped elements; in B all chromosomes are fastened to spindle fibers at the ends. C, chromosome on left was in form of an incomplete ring; segments fastened at place of bending; in this case the U- or V-shaped elements owe their form to a bending; the chromosome on the right was attached endwise. D, mature spindle of Tradescantia. E, F, anaphase ; the retreating pairs of granddaughter segments are rods hooked at one end, or U's. in which one limb seems a little longer than the other. This chromo- some may originally have been a complete ring, as in Fig. 8, E, in which the segments had separated at one end in advance of the other, 22 INTRODUCTION. or it may have had this form at an earlier stage. The chromosome at the right in this figure (Fig. 9, C), was attached to the spindle end- wise, and the retreating granddaughter segments will probably form V's. If the chromosome on the left were rotated 45°, so that the seg- ments would be seen in profile, we might have the picture of two double V's or U's about to separate, for, as shown in the figure, the free ends of the pairs of granddaughter elements tend sometimes to diverge. The two chromosomes in this figure, which belong to the same spindle, show clearly how figures of the same shape may be pro- duced in different ways. In the one on the right the chromosome was probably attached to the spindle by the end, and the V's are formed by the divergence of the free ends, while that on the left was fastened near the middle of each segment, and the V- or U-shape of the retreating segments is the result of a bending. In such chromosomes as Fig. 8, G, H, I, the retreating elements may retain their present form, or they may be bent during metakinesis into U's or V's. When the daughter segments of such chromosomes are separated, they must untwist, and it is reasonable to suppose that the force necessary to separate them when twisted will be sufficient to bend the segments into a U- or V-like figure. THE ANAPHASE. The pairs of granddaughter segments, as they pass toward the poles, are in the form of contiguous, straight, or undulating rods, V's or U's, or, in case one limb of the last two named figures be much longer than the other, as is sometimes observed, the retreating elements will be in the form of hooks. Even in those cases in which both grand- daughter segments are nearly straight or undulating rods of equal length, each is often slightly bent or hooked at the end fastened to the spindle fibers, or the segments may be bent at both ends. The daughter chromosomes in Podophyllum and Tradescantia show with great clearness their double character during the anaphase (Fig. 9, E). The granddaughter segments generally lie close side by side, although cases in which they are slightly separated are now and then to be observed. There are in these genei'a also variations in the forms of the chromosomes which may be explained in the same man- ner as in Lilium. The retreating chromosomes and the structure of the spindle suggest that the segments are conveyed to the poles by a pushing and pulling action of the spindle fibers. MITOSIS IN POLLEN MOTHER-CELLS. 23 THE TELOPHASE. As soon as the daughter chromosomes arrive at the poles, they approach each other very closely, so that, in many cases, the separate individuals cannot be recognized. But very frequently the segments do not become so closely crowded together, and the manner in which the daughter spirem is formed can be followed with accuracy. The formation of the spirem can best be observed when the granddaughter segments arrive at the poles in the form of the familiar V-shaped figures. Generally the ends forming the angles of the V fuse first, unless this has already been accomplished ; then the free ends meet end to end and unite (Fig. 10, G). In this way there is formed a continuous single spirem in which the identity of the individual segments or granddaughter chromosomes is lost. If all the daughter chromosomes were regularly V- or U-shaped the spirem would be regular, consisting of an orderly series of nearly uniform turns ; but the spirem rarely shows such regularity, because the chromosomes vary in size and shape and in the manner in which the granddaughter segments are oriented with respect to each other in the several pairs. During the reconstruction of the daughter nucleus, the chromosomes tend to reticulate, that is, to become irregular and lumpy, so that an irregular skein or net results. This is less pronounced in Lilium than in many other plants. The fact that pairs of granddaughter segments arrive at the poles in different forms, such as V's, double U's, and pairs of parallel rods, shows clearly that in such cases the resulting spirem must be very irreg- ular. The chromosomes are generally so closely crowded together that it is not possible to determine with certainty just how the variously shaped pairs of segments behave. But it is reasonable to suppose that the segments of the double U's and those of contiguous rods must first separate in order to unite end to end, for no case has been clearly made out in Lilium in which a part of the spirem is formed double. The newly formed daughter spirem is close with relatively short turns (Fig. 10, G, H). Between each tw® extends the beautiful system of connecting fibers, which represents the central fibers of the spindle. Fibers are also present which extend from each spirem toward the plasma membrane in the direction of the equator. Some of these reach the plasma membrane, while others seem to end blindly in the cytoplasm, or pass over into its thread-work. In Lilium there are no polar radiations. The system of connecting fibers soon becomes barrel-shaped, and the cell-plate makes its appearance in the equatorial region. We shall return to the formation of the cell-plate beyond. INTRODUCTION. The nuclear membranes are not formed about the daughter nuclei in Lilitim martagon until after the division of the cell, at least in many instances. Soon after the division of the cell, however, the nuclear membranes ai-e laid down. In all plants examined, each appears first FIG. io.— Telophase and daughter nucleus of heterotypic mitosis {Lilium martagon). G, daughter spirem formed by union of granddaughter segments end to end ; each daughter spirem is in the form of a disk from whose edges kinoplasmic fibers extend out in direction of cell-wall ; system of connecting fibers slightly bulged out at middle. H, the cell-plate appears in center of system of connecting fibers. I, J, cell-division is completed, but the daughter nuclei are not yet provided with membranes. K, a daughter nucleus at a later stage with nuclear membrane ; chromatin spirem continuous, the free ends having been made by knife in sectioning. as a weft of kinoplasmic fibers, which are undoubtedly derived from the spindle. It is interesting to note that in Lilium and Podophyllum the nuclear membrane appears in the same form in which it disap- peared during the formation of the spindle. The fact that the nuclear membrane arises first as a weft of kinoplasmic fibers is a strong proof that it is of a kinoplasmic nature. MITOSIS IN POLLEN MOTHER-CELLS. 25 The young weft-like nuclear membrane encloses a cavity containing the chromatin and little or no other staining material. With further development the kinoplasmic weft is transformed into the typical nuclear membrane, appearing in section as a sharp line, and the daughter spirem becomes loose and open, [n the mature daughter nucleus the spirem is continuous and of a tolerably uniform thickness. In some cases it is rather regular, consisting of long turns arranged in the form of a wreath (Fig. 10, K), but in the majority of instances the spirem is irregular, with long and short turns so disposed that its course cannot be easily followed. This condition of the spirem is in all probability due to the variously shaped chromosomes mentioned in a preceding paragraph. THE NUCLEOLUS. In the resting nucleus and during the prophase, one or more nucle- oli are present. These nucleoli take on a deep red or reddish purple color with the Flemming triple stain. They sometimes present a uni- form structure, but, as a rule, the larger nucleoli especially reveal one or more vacuoles. As has been mentioned in a preceding paragraph, the nucleolus very frequently lies within a spherical space which appears in optical section as a colorless court about it. This phe- nomenon is especially striking in vegetative cells of higher plants, such as in root tips of Vicia faba and Zea mays. Experiments seem to show that the colorless space surrounding the nucleolus contains something more than a mere watery fluid which is extracted in dehydration. By subjecting roots of Vicia, Zea and others to a strong centrifugal force, the author (Mottier, '99) found that the nucleolus together with its surrounding colorless court was thrown out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm. The expelled nucleolus was still surrounded by its colorless court — a fact that seems to show that the colorless substance has a specific gravity much greater than other constituents of the nucleolus, and that it may be provided with its own membrane. This colorless substance may represent unorganized nucleolar matter. Frequently before the nuclear membrane disappears a disorganiza- tion begins by which the nucleolus is broken up into several smaller nucleoli (Fig. 6, C). As the nuclear membrane fades away, and the kinoplasmic fibers enter the nuclear cavity, numerous bodies are found distributed in the cytoplasm which stain exactly as nucleoli, and there is no doubt that these bodies represent nucleolar substance. These extra-nuclear nucleoli were found to be more abundant in Lilium martagon. In Lilium candidum there may be none, or only a few 26 INTRODUCTION. small ones, at corresponding stages of mitosis. The presence or ab- sence of extra-nuclear nucleoli may not depend so much upon the plant, perhaps, as upon the condition or activity of the cell. From the spindle stage of the first to the end of the second division there is no noticeable regularity in the behavior of these bodies. In different cells in the same stage of mitosis they may be present or wholly want- ing. Even after the daughter nuclei are provided with membranes, and a nucleolus is present in each, extra-nuclear nucleoli are to be fre- quently seen in the cytoplasm. The same holds also for the second mitosis. A careful investigation of the behavior of the nucleolus in both Thallophyta and higher plants has shown that the nucleolus appearing in the daughter nucleus is not one of the extra-nuclear nucleoli which happened to lie near the chromatin, or in such a posi- tion as to be included by the nuclear membrane, but that the nucleolus arises anew in each daughter nucleus. The nucleolus appearing in the daughter nucleus arises usually near or in contact with the chro- matin thread, but it is not implied that the nucleolus represents reserve chromatin. In the higher plants and in those with typical nuclei the morpho- logical evidence furnished by a study of karyokinesis, as well as the evidence of experimental physiology, goes to show that the nucleolus in such plant cells represents so much food material which can be drawn upon by the cell according to its needs. Whenever the activity of the cell is more intense, the nucleolar substance tends to become diminished, and it matters not whether the activity is directed toward constructive work or the production of energy. It is true that in some cases the food material furnished by the nucleolus seems to be used in a large measure by the chromatin, for example, in Dictyota, but in others by other parts of the living substance, as in the growth of the spindle or cell plate. In certain species of Spirogyra (Wisselingh, '98), in which, as it has been claimed by several investigators, the nucleolus furnishes directly one or more chromosomes, greater diffi- culties present themselves. It is not improbable that the nucleolus of such plants as Spirogyra may possess a totally different composition from that of the typical nucleolus, and we may, therefore, speak with propriety of chromatht nucleoli. However the behavior of the nucleolus is not w7ell enough known in the plant kingdom to justify any attempt to harmonize all the facts now known. Applied to the higher plants the above conclusion seems to be very reasonable, since the facts there are almost wholly confirmatory. MITOSIS IN POLLEN MOTHER-CELLS. 2>J THE SECOND OR HOMOTYPIC MITOSIS. In the pollen mother-cell of Lilium, the daughter nucleus does not pass into the complete resting stage, although in some cases the chromatin tends to become reticulated. In the homologous division in the embryo-sac, the daughter nucleus, on the contrary, passes into a structure which approaches closely that of the resting condition. In Tradescantia the chromatin of the daughter nucleus reticulates more than in Lilium while in certain dicotyledonous species, e. g., Lirio- dendron and Magnolia (Andrews, '01), a complete resting condition is reached. The spindle in Lilium and in all other plants investigated by the author arises also as a multipolar complex of fibers. The develop- ment of the multipolar structure and its transformation into the typical bipolar spindle differ in no essential from that already described for the first mitosis. In Lilium, it is very evident that the spire m does not segment completely into chromosomes before the disappearance of the nuclear membrane. The spirem does not split longitudinally in this division, since that part of the process was accomplished in the preceding mitosis, but during the transformation of the multipolar into the bipolar spindle the chromatin skein segments into the chromosomes, which are arranged in pairs in the nuclear plate. Within the complex of spindle fibers, the spirem, or pieces of it, provided it has partly segmented, are somewhat crowded together. The various turns are greatly entangled, kinked and knotted, so that the segments cannot be accurately traced out. In only the most favorable cases at this stage can a few segments or parts of the spirem be followed definitely throughout their entire length (Fig. 1 1 , A). The kinked and entangled condition of the skein or its segments is due doubtless to the irregularity of the spirem, for were the turns all of a uniform shape and size a less complicated arrangement would result. The appearance of the chromatin during the development of the spindle suggests that the chromosomes were brought to a more regular arrange- ment in the nuclear plate by a pushing and pulling of the fibers. Judging from the form of certain chromosomes which stand out by themselves, and which can be traced throughout their entire length during the development of the spindle or in the nuclear plate, it seems that the spirem, or a part of it at least, segments into pieces compris- ing the two segments of a chromosome, i. /v- •<<'-. fa A-1. - i .' 3 .'• • Vv -\ • • " ":" • '' ^ ^--.' ^ '/ FIG. 26. — Fusion of sexual nuclei in Basidiobolus ranarum. — (After Fairchild.) C, the sexual nuclei are in contact. D, zygote with fusion nucleus and thick cell- wall. reasonably regarded as degenerate gametes, although it may seem idle to attempt to explain or to bring into line the various peculiar phenom- ena bi'ought out in the several preceding paragraphs that pertain to the desmids, diatoms, Basidiobolus and Spirogyra. In the desmids, diatoms and Basidiobolus, it is possible that all these phenomena may have resulted independently from similar causes acting during a large part of the phylogenetic history of the respective groups of plants. CHAPTER IV.— FECUNDATION; HETEROGAMETES. In the preceding chapters we have considered sexual reproduction in certain of those Thallophyta in which no very marked differentia- tion of the gametes has been attained, although in Ectocarpus espe- cially, and even in Spirogyra and Basidiobnlus, a tendency toward a differentiation into male and female cells is manifested. Nor have we found any modification of the cells bearing the gametes into dif- ferentiated sexual organs, unless the gametangia of such forms as Ectocarpus be so considered, and even then there is no apparent difference between male and female gametangia. As already men- tioned in the introductory chapter, the terms male andfemate sexual cells are essentially the expression of a certain fundamental kind of division of labor, and in the developmental history of sexuality in plants we find this division of labor manifested in the gametes them- selves before a corresponding differentiation is apparent in the organs bearing them. SPH^ROPLEA. Among the algse one of the best known and most interesting exam- ples of this fact is illustrated in Sphceroplea annulina. To Ferdinand Cohn ('55) is due the credit of having established the fact of sexual reproduction in this genus, a phenomenon among the alga? little known at the time. Later Sphceroplea was studied by Heinricher ('83), Rauwenhoff ('88), Kny ('84) and more recently by Klebahn ('99). Although both Heinricher and Rauwenhoff followed the behavior of the nucleus during certain stages in the development of the sexual cells and in fecundation, yet in many respects their work was incomplete. For a more thorough investigation of this process, however, we are indebted to the researches of Klebahn, who studied the two varieties of the species, S. annulina var. braunii (Keutz) Kirchner and 6". annulina var. crassisepta Heinricher. The chief interest in the sexual repro- duction of this plant centers upon the fact that in var. braunii several nuclei are usually present in the egg-cell. The contents of the multinucleate cells of Sphceroplea present the well-known and characteristic arrangement : In typical cases the cen- tral cavity of each cell is traversed by a row of large vacuoles inter- spersed by smaller ones of varying size. The protoplasm, which forms only a thin layer between the larger vacuoles and the cell-wall, is collected into dense ring-like or band-shaped masses between the 8o FECUNDATION; HETEROGAMETES. former. These plasmic rings or diaphragms communicate with each other by plasmic strands or bridges. In the plasmic rings are located the rounded chloroplasts, pyrenoids and the nuclei. Of the latter the number in each ring varies from 3 to 20 in var. &raum'iand from i to 4 in var. crassisepta (Fig. 27, A). In those cells in which spermatozoids are developed the nuclei undergo four or five karyokinetic divisions,1 so that ultimately about 300 small nuclei are present in each band (Fig. 28, A to F). During these divisions the pyrenoids disappear, and the chromatophores undergo several divisions and assume a pale, yellowish-brown color. FIG. 27. — Cell-cleavage leading to formation of egg-cells in Spheeroplea braunii. — (After Klebahn.) A, outer view of a protoplasmic ring of a vegetative cell, showing chromatophores, pyrenoids and nuclei. B, portion of an oogonium showing frothy nature of protoplasm and early stages of cleavage. C, small portion of oogonium, showing irregular protoplasts resulting from cleavage, which contain several nuclei and pyrenoids. The plasmic rings up to this time retain their original form. Now the cytoplasm segments into numerous protoplasts, the spermatozoids, in such a manner that each spermatozoid receives only one nucleus (Fig. 29, I, J, K, L). The mature spermatozoids (var. crassisepta) are as a rule spindle-shaped, being smaller at the anterior end, which bears the two cilia. Near the middle lies the very small and densely staining nucleus (Fig. 29, L). Kny in his Wandtafel, LXIII, figures four or five yellowish chromatophores in each spermatozoid. The processes leading to the formation of the egg-cells show a marked difference from those taking place in the antheridium. Even 1 For details of karyokinesis see Klebahn, '99. SPHvEROPLEA. 8l in the two varieties, as will be shown, the cleavage is not the same. In var. braunii the ring-like disposition of the protoplasm disappears, while large vacuoles appear, transforming the entire cell-contents into a foamy structure in which larger and smaller strands and masses alternate (Fig. 27, B). In the dense portions of protoplasm nuclei, as well as chromatophores and pyrenoids, are irregularly disposed. Now a cleavage takes place by which the plasmic contents are segmented into irregular protoplasts of varying sizes (Fig. 27, C). These proto- plasts contract (the large vacuoles thereby gradually disappearing) and A B •iflji^pfe . • ' FIG. 28.— Parts of contents of young antheridia, showing nuclear history preparatory to formation of sperma- tozoids in 5. braunii. — (After Klebahn.) A, part of plasmic ring showing two nuclei in prophase of division. B, spindle stage of same mitosis. C, anaphase probably from second mitosis. D, Telophase of a later nuclear division. E, Condition of nuclei between successive mitoses, pyre- noids still present, F, nuclei shortly before formation of spermatozoids ; the pyrenoids have disappeared. round up to form the egg-cells, of which two to four are seen in a cross- section of the cell. Neither shortly before nor during cleavage, according to Klebahn ('99), is there to be observed a division or fusion of the nuclei, so that (contrary to Rauwenhoff who claimed that during the formation of the eggs the number of nuclei was diminished) each egg1 may contain, in addition to 2 or more pyrenoids, several nuclei, the number varying from i to 5 (Fig. 29, A to E). The number of nuclei falling to any egg is largely a matter of chance, since the cleavage planes do not seem to be determined in any way by the number or position of the nuclei in the cytoplasm. 1 The so-called " giant eggs " are exceptions. 82 FECUNDATION J HETEROGAMETES. In var. crassisepta, whose cells are smaller (narrower) and with fewer nuclei, the process of cleavage differs somewhat. The eggs in this variety contain, as a rule, only one nucleus. When the protoplasm of the oogonium has become frothy, as described for var. braunii, cleavage planes are formed at right angles to the long axis of the cell, thus separating the contents into a row of short segments.1 Here the cleavage follows in such a way that a nucleus will be included in each seg- ment of the cell, although in exceptional cases two nuclei maybe included in a segment. In var. braunii we have, therefore, to do with multinu- cleated eggs, while in var. crassisepta each egg-cell is uninucleate. When the egg-cells are matui'e, small openings are formed in the wall of the oogonium through which numerous spermatozoids enter (Kny, Wandtafel, LXIV). The manner in which the spermatozoids unite with the cytoplasm of the egg was not observed by the authors cited. According to Klebahn ('99) the fecundated egg is readily dis- tinguished by its delicate membrane and by the presence of the sperm nucleus which appears always in sharp contrast to the nuclei of the egg (these resemble vegetative nuclei) as a small, densely staining body about the size of the nucleolus (i. e.v;^i^yp;- . 'v- t>^:~> TTf^^^ &£&%m £*„•: J' .','•; \ :w>^;:~:r^ *m&&£j?\ *m$&x<\ D /HOT V FIG. 30. — Fecundation in Fucus. A-D, Fucus vesiculosus. E, .F. serratus . — (After Strasburger.) A, Egg-cell ten minutes after mixing of sexual elements ; male nucleus applied to that of egg. B, same two nuclei more highly magnified. C, similar to B ; sperm nucleus lies between the observer and egg-nucleus. D, fusion of nuclei has progressed further ; 10 minutes after mixing of sexual elements. E, i% days after fecundation; fusion nucleus preparing for division; poles of future spindle present, but limits of the two nuclei still recognizable ; the part derived from male nucleus (on the left) has also a nucleolus. chromatin thread becomes more prominent, and the boundary between sperm and egg-nucleus gradually disappears (Fig. 30, D, E). In the meantime a nucleolus is found in that portion of the fusion-nucleus coming fi-om the sperm. This is in all probability not brought in as such, but is developed during the process of fusion much in the same-way as in the reconstruction of daughter-nuclei following karyo- kinesis. In no case observed by the authors mentioned was the sperm-nucleus accompanied by a centrosphere or a system of radiations, either during its passage through the cytoplasm or during fusion. Strasburger ('97, p. 365) states, however, that in some cases he was able to trace the apparent connection between the two centrospheres and the limits of the two sexual nuclei in the oospore (Fig. 30, E), and he infers that the centrosomes may have been brought into the egg by the sperm in SS FECUNDATION; HETEROGAMETES. an unrecognizable condition. In the light of what is known in certain animal eggs such an inference was tempting, but, from our present knowledge of the centrosphere and centrosome in plants, such a con- clusion is no longer justifiable. Moreover, when the centrospheres appear in the first nuclear division of the fecundated egg, it is difficult, and may be impracticable, to distinguish between the male and female portions. Only in rare cases does more than one spermatozoid enter the egg, for among several thousand preparations examined by Farmer and Williams, only three cases of polyspermy were observed in which two spermatozoids had effected an entrance. The rare occurrence of poly- spermy under such conditions as are normal for the plants concerned, and as appears favorable for this phenomenon, would seem to indicate that many cases of polyspermy reported for animals might be largely the result of the prevalence of abnormal conditions at the time of fecundation. Concerning the large oosphere-like bodies with two nuclei in Fucus, which have been regarded by Behrens as fecundation stages, the joint authors cited above state with emphasis that these " represent either abnormally developed oosphei'es or oogonia." VOLVOX. Without implying any relationship whatever between the two groups of plants to which they belong, the sexual process in Volvox may be fittingly mentioned along with that of Fucus. In this most highly- differentiated representative of the Volvocacece we have highly special- ized sexual cells, and in fact, as has been already stated in a preceding chapter, there is in this group of plants, as in the brown algae, a gradual transition from the simplest form of sexual reproduction of isogametes to that of the well differentiated bisexual elements of Volvox. Some authors (Strasburger, '92, 1900; Overtoil, '89) regard the spermatozoid of Volvox as a transition between the motile isogametes of algae and the spermatozoids of the Characeag. The spermatozoid of Volvox globator tapers gradually to a slender anterior end which is colorless, the thicker posterior end being yellowish. At the boundary between the two lies the red eye-spot, and a little farther forward are borne the two laterally inserted cilia. It is reasonable to assume that the cilia spring from a blepharoplast, although positive proof is still wanting. Strasburger (1900, p. 196) regards the colorless and slender anterior end as the homolog of the mouth-piece of algal gametes, from which such highly differentiated bisexual elements as those of Volvox CEDOGONIUM. 89 have been evolved ; but in Volvox the insertion of the cilia has under- gone a lateral displacement, so that they now spring from the base of the mouth-piece. The large egg-cells, although not escaping from the mother colony into the surrounding water before fecundation, are in a measure free to move passively within the mother colony. The same kind of stimulus operative in bringing the eggs and spermatozoids together in tttcus may in all probability obtain also in Volvox. In the case of dioecious forms especially, investigation along this line will probably yield important results, and with modern technique a careful study of the behavior of the sexual nuclei and other cytological details of fecun- dation, concerning which we know practically nothing, will also bring to light much of value and interest to our knowledge of fecundation. CEDOGONIUM. We shall now pass to the consideration of the sexual process in certain of those fresh-water algae in which the female gamete remains enclosed in its more specialized and characteristic organ, the oogonium. Beginning with such forms as Cylindrocapsa and CEdogonium we have a progressive series of forms culminating in Coleochcete, in which, apart from the specialized bisexual products, there are more highly differentiated and characteristic sexual organs. The nature and development of the sexual organs in CEdogonium and the process of fecundation have been carefully described by Pring- sheim ('56) and others in so far as these phenomena may be followed with accuracy in the living material, but, as regards the more minute structure of the spermatozoid and egg-cell and the behavior of the sexual nuclei in fecundation, the researches of earlier observers leave much to be desired. In more recent years Klebahn ('91) has suc- ceeded in filling in many of the gaps, and it is to his investigations that we are chiefly indebted for a more detailed knowledge of the behavior of the nuclei. When the oogonium (CEdogonium boscii) has attained its defini- tive form, the protoplasm, which encloses a large vacuole, is every- where closely applied to the cell-wall. Changes which lead to the formation of the opening in the upper part of the organ are then manifested. Near the spot at which the oogonium will open a small elliptical lamella is formed, which gives a cellulose reaction. The formation of the lamella proceeds from a colorless portion of the cyto- plasm, which can not be distinguished at an earlier stage. Between cell-wall and lamella a lens-shaped cavity arises, and a transverse slit 9o FECUNDATION ; HETEROGAMETES. is formed in the wall (Fig. 31, B). Both cavity and slit are probably the result of a swelling of the wall on the side toward the lamella. The two edges of the slit roll upward and downward respectively, and in this way an opening is formed in the cell-wall. The next stage in development is marked by the contraction and rounding up of the protoplasm to form the egg, but the oogonium is still closed by the lamella. The nucleus lies in the upper end of the egg, and below it is the vacuole, which has become smaller. The nucleus resembles the nuclei of the vegetative cells, being relatively large with a large FIG. 31. — Fecundation in (Edogonium boscii. — (After Klebahn.) A, spermatozoid. B, young oogonium, showing origin of opening in the wall and lamella beneath. B, young oogonium C, oogonium just af D-G, upper portions C, oOgonium just after opening. of fecundated eggs, showing successive stages in fusion of nuclei. nucleolus (Fig. 31, C). The so-called receptive spot near the upper end of the egg is formed, according to Klebahn, by the withdrawal of the chloroplasts and not by the collecting of a special mass of cyto- plasm. Finally, the closing lamella disappears (probably by being partly dissolved in water), forming an opening for the entrance of the spermatozoids (Fig. 31, C, 3). No part of the plasmic contents of the egg is expelled on the opening of the oogonium, as has been claimed by some observers. That which is expelled, to judge from Klebahn's COLEOCH-42TE. 91 figure, consists merely of the liquified or gelatinized remains of the lamella. The spermatozoid, contrary to male gametes among the algag, bears a circle of cilia at its anterior end (Fig. 31, A). It is not known whether the cilia are developed from a distinct body or blepharoplast, or whether the cilia-bearer is only a thickening of the plasma mem- brane, as Strasburger maintains for the asexual swarm-spore of this genus. Near the posterior end of the spermatozoid lies its small and dense nucleus, in which a nucleolus is not to be recognized. 7 O Soon after the spermatozoid enters the egg, probably at the receptive spot, its nucleus wanders toward the egg-nucleus (Fig. 31, D, E, F). Before the final fusion of the two nuclei, that of the spermatozoid increases somewhat in size (from 4,0. to 6,u) and becomes looser in structure, but a nucleolus was not seen in it. After fusion has taken place, the fact can be readily recognized in that the chromatin elements of the male nucleus are distinguishable in the egg-nucleus. Very soon, however, this characteristic disappears ; the male chromatin granules become distributed beyond recognition among those of the egg-nucleus, since both nuclei are in the resting condition. COLEOCH/ETE. Coleochsete demands a special consideration not only on account of the peculiarity of the sexual organs but also because this remarkable plant, owing to the behavior of the oosphere subsequent to fecundation, may be regarded as a phylogenetic guide-post, which enables us to connect with each other different groups of thallophytes, and which indicates the probable course traversed by the ancestors of the lower archegoniates. The recent studies of Jost ('95) and especially those of Oltmanns ('98) have confirmed the classical account of Pringsheim ('58, '60) with the addition of clearing up certain obscure cytological details, which was possible only with the aid of more improved technique. In the development of the antheridium a small protuberance is formed from the end cell of a filament, into which passes a daughter- nucleus resulting from the division of the nucleus of the mother-cell, and which is cut off by a wall formed at the junction of the protuber- ance and the mother-cell (Fig. 32, A). No part of the chloroplast of the mother-cell passes into the antheridium. In addition to this central antheridium, others will be formed from the mother-cell in like manner, so that finally several antheridia stand side by side at the end of the mother-cell as so many branches (Fig. 32, B). The spermatozoids, 92 FECUNDATION ; HETEROGAMETES. of which only one is borne in each antheridium, are, according to Pringsheim ('58, p. 297), almost entirely colorless, with but a faint greenish hue; each bears at the anterior end two cilia, one extending backward during the progressive motion of the cell. In the absence of a chromatophore the spermatozoid of Coleochcete differs from that of CEdogonium, in which the chlorophyll undergoes a transformation in the male gametes, and in this respect it foreshadows the develop- ment of the sperm in higher plants. The oogonium is also developed from the end cell of a branch. It is recognized first by the presence of a beak at the distal end of the cell, which soon becomes the neck of the flask-shaped organ (Fig. 32, C, D). In the neck dense colorless cytoplasm accu- mulates which contains one or more large vacuoles. In the basal or ventral portion are sit- uated the nucleus, a large vac- uole, and a laterally placed chloroplast. The neck now increases in length with an ap- parent increase in the quantity of its cytoplasm, the ventral portion remaining unchanged. As soon, however, as the neck FIG. 32,-Development of sexual organs in Coleochate has reached its definitive size, 3 pulvinata. — (After Oltmanns.) A, B, development of antheridium. transformation takes place in c, D, two young stages of the oGgonium. tiie ventral part of the oogo- nium ; the chloroplast leaves its lateral position, passes down and applies itself closely to the bottom of the organ (Fig. 33, E). It has increased appreciably in size and contains two pyrenoids. The oogonium opens probably by the gelatinization of the end wall of the neck. As soon as the organ opens the cytoplasm contracts into the basal portion to form the egg-cell. Whether a part of the cytoplasm in the neck is thrown off cannot be stated positively, but there is no reason to believe that this occurs. Both Jost and Oltmanns accord in the opinion that no cytoplasm is expelled when the oogonium opens, while Pringsheim speaks of the extrusion of a colorless substance only, which disor- ganizes at once. The expulsion of a small quantity of mucilaginous substance, or even cytoplasm, is utterly without important significance, as the nucleus of the oogonium does not divide previously to fecunda- COLEOCH^ETE. 93 tion. In the withdrawal of the chloroplast into the base of the egg- cell, and the formation of a receptive spot, Coleochcete is paralleled by both (Edogonium and Vaucheria. Soon after entering the oogonium the spennatozoid penetrates the egg, a membrane is formed about the latter, and the sperm-nucleus wanders toward that of the egg (Fig. 33, F). Before final fusion takes place, one or more changes occur in the egg, which may be worth noting. The chloroplast which lay at the bottom of the egg, G FIG. 33. — Fecundation in Coleochcete pulvinata. — (After Oltmanns.) E, mature oogonium, egg rounded off. F-H, oogonia with fecundated eggs; male nucleus in F applied to that of egg; both nuclei in resting stage. G, a little later than F ; the chloroplast has taken a lateral position in egg. H, fusion of sexual nuclei complete. as previously stated, divides, and the two resulting chloroplasts take positions on opposite sides of the egg (Fig. 33, G). The egg and, consequently, the ventral part of the oogonium increase in size ; in the former vacuoles appear, and the nuclei which are in the resting con- dition fuse completely (Fig. 33, H). For the further behavior of the oospore and its germination, which, as is well known, bears a tolerably close resemblance to such liver- worts as Riccia, the reader is referred to the original papers of Pringsheim and Oltmanns. 94 FECUNDATION ; HETEROGAMETES. VAUCHERIA. With the possible exception of Sphceroplea annnlina var. braunii, we have dealt thus far with heterogamous fecundation in those algae with uninucleate cells. We shall now examine the sexual process in three notable types, one from among the algae and two from the fungi, namely, Vaucheria, Albugo (Cyst opus}, and Achlya, in which the cells are multinucleate. In the species under consideration, Vaucheria clavata, both anthe- ridia and oogonia may be considered as short side branches cut off from the parent filament by transverse septa. The primordium of the antheridium (Oltmann's, '95) contains numerous small nuclei which probably multiply by division. After the formation of the transverse wall, the nuclei become spindle-shaped, move into the central vacuole, and assume a radial arrangement. Each spindle-shaped body sur- rounded by a court of fine cytoplasm free from chlorophyll I'epresents a spermatozoid. Very fine threads visible in the antheridium were regarded as cilia. Concerning the r61e of the nuclei during the development of the oogonium, the several authors differ somewhat. According to Schmitz ('79) the numerous nuclei present in the young oogonium probably fuse later into one. Similar results were obtained by Behrens ('90). Schmitz ('83) claimed that, in the plasmic mass extruded on the opening of the oogonium, small nuclear fragments were present, which had probably become separated from the nuclei of the young oogonium. Klebahn ('92) disputed the above conclusions and asserted that, long after fecundation, he had observed numerous nuclei in each oospore. Oltmanns ('95), using more exact methods, found that a union of the several nuclei in the young oogonium does not take place, but, on the contrary, all save one pass back into the parent filament before the formation of the transverse wall cutting off the oogonium. The development of the oogonium, according to Oltmanns, is as follows : Together with the protoplasmic mass numerous nuclei pass into the primordium of the oogonium (Oogonanlage) (Fig. 34, A). The nuclei, which are in the neighborhood of the future beak, prob- ably undergo division, thereby increasing their number. As soon as the oogonium has reached its definite size, a retreating movement of the plasmic mass sets in, and a portion of the plasma, with numerous chloroplasts and nuclei, re-enters the mother-filament (Fig. 34, B). The single nucleus remaining tarries awhile in the beak at the bound- ary between the colorless and chlorophyll-bearing plasma, but finally VAUCHERIA. 95 it wanders toward the center of the oogonium (Fig. 34, C) , which is now separated from the filament by a cross- wall. The egg-nucleus retains this position until fecundation (Fig. 34, D) ; it does not divide and the probability of any nuclear substance being thrown off with the extru- sion of a small plasmic or mucilaginous mass when the oogonium opens is, therefore, excluded. Although Oltmanns observed in the cytoplasm of the beak granules staining somewhat more intensely than "tSS&aJKWsiflBSSS—S-- B FIG. 34. — Fecundation in Vaucheria clavata. — (After Oltmanns.) A, B, young oogonia before being delimited by transverse walls from filament. In B all nuclei save one are passing back into filament. C, oogonium ready for fecundation. D, the spermatozoid has entered egg. E, F, sexual nuclei in contact ; in F the male nucleus has increased in size. G, a fusion nucleus. H, oogonium containing oospore several weeks old. the rest, yet he does not think it probable that these sustain any rela tion to the nuclei. At the upper end of the egg is the rather large recep- tive spot formed by the withdrawal of the chloroplasts from that region. Immediately on entering the cytoplasm of the egg the sperm-nucleus increases noticeably in size ; its linin net, now more loosely arranged, reveals many strongly-staining granules which are probably chromatin. In the meantime the egg-nucleus enlarges considerably, and appears 96 FECUNDATION ; HETEROGAMETES. more distinctly granular. It contains also a rather large and distinct nucleolus. When the two nuclei come in contact, the male is smaller than the female (Fig. 34, E). Fusion now takes place (Fig. 34, F, G), and the fusion-nucleus presents at first a fine hollow framework in which lie numerous chromatin granules of about equal size ; later it becomes smaller and denser, appearing more finely granular, when finally a large nucleolar body is again present (Fig. 34, H). ALBUGO (CYSTOPUS). The nuclear behavior and certain cytoplasmic phenomena manifested in the development of the sexual organs, especially the oogonium, of the genus Albitgo is, so far as known, unique among the Thallophyta, if not in the plant kingdom. The union of several male with several female nuclei in the oosphere of A. bliti and A. portulacece (Stevens, '99, '01) is paralleled among plants only by Pyronema (see p. in) and the possible case of Sporodinia grandis. We shall confine our- selves first to the development of the sexual organs and fecundation in Albugo Candida, referring in a later paragraph to the phenomena described for A. bliti, A. portulacece and other closely related repre- sentatives of the group. The following statements are based largely upon the researches of Wager ('96), probably the most complete account published for this species. The observations of Wager have been confirmed by the later studies of Berlese ('98), Davis (1900) and Stevens ('01), those of Davis and Stevens presenting more clearly certain details regarding the central body of differentiated cytoplasm in the oogonium. The more obvious details in the development of the sexual organs are too well known to bear repetition, and consequently the reader's knowledge of that part of the process is assumed. The antheridium, which appears almost simultaneously with the oogonium, is more or less densely filled with granular cytoplasm in which several nuclei are present when the partition wall is formed delimiting the antheridium from the parent hypha. Previously to or during the early development of the conjugation-tube, the nuclei undergo a karyokinetic division by which their number is doubled (Fig. 35, A). When a quantity of cytoplasm and numerous nuclei have passed into the enlarging primordium of the oogonium, a transverse wall is formed separating it from the parent hypha. The cytoplasm shows a foam structure, and the nuclei are more or less regularly spaced in its reticulum (Fig. 35, B). The nuclei possess a membrane, and in ALBUGO (CYSTOPUS) . 97 structure seem not unlike those of higher plants. The number of nuclei in the young oogonium, at this stage, varies with its size, the average being from 70 to no. The antheridium, containing from 6 FIG. 35. — Development of sexual organs and fecundation \nAlbugo (Cystopus) Candida. — (After Wager.) A, antheridium attached to wall of oogonium, just beginning to push out its conjugating tube; dense mass of cytoplasm and several nuclei seen near projection. B, young oogonium after its delimination from mycelium, with antheridium attached ; receptive papilla projects from oogonium toward antheridium ; nuclei seem to be entering prophase of division. C, later stage ; protoplasm has contracted into a large central mass ; nearly all the nuclei have divided, and are collecting at periphery of central mass ; the deeply stained mass of cytoplasm, a (central body, coenocentrum), is seen in center in contact with egg-nucleus ; egg-nucleus is derived from one of the original nuclei of oogonium. D, oogonium into which conjugating tube has penetrated ; differentiation of periplasm and ooplasm becoming apparent, though a plasma membrane has not been formed around the egg ; in center of ooplasm is the egg-nucleus near the dense mass of cytoplasm; in end of conjugating-tube is dense cytoplasm in which lies the male nucleus. E, later stage than D ; apical wall of conjugating tube, becoming very thin ; plasma membrane of ogg not yet formed. to 12 nuclei, now applies itself to the oogonium. The structure both of its nuclei and cytoplasm is similar to that of the oogonium. Soon after the two organs come into contact with each other, a portion 98 FECUNDATION ; HETEROGAMETKS. of the cytoplasm just beneath the wall of the oogonium on the side nearest the antheridium presents a granular and more homogeneous appearance. At this place a papilla with a deeply stained apical spot is formed, which tends to bore its way through the wall of the oogonium, causing the wall to become thinner. This is called the receptive papilla, since it marks the spot at which the conjugation-tube penetrates the oogonium. It doubtless facilitates the development of the conjugation-tube. In A. portulacece (Stevens, '99) this receptive papilla seems to pene- trate the antheridium. The differentiation of the oospore, which now begins, is manifested in the contraction of the protoplasm toward the center into a rounded mass connected with the wall of the oogonium by thick plasmic strands. This mass contains all the nuclei (Fig. 35, C). It gradually becomes further differentiated into a central vacuolate and reticulate mass, the ooplasm, which becomes the egg-cell or oosphere, and an exterior layer of very dense non- vacuolate cytoplasm, the periplasm. With the exception of a few plasmic strands, which extend to the wall of the oogonium, the entire protoplasmic contents outside the oosphere become finally condensed into periplasm. The nuclei, located mostly in the periplasm and gradually becoming more and more restricted to this layer, now undergo karyokinetic division whereby their number is doubled. Stevens claims that two mitoses occur in both sexual organs during their development. While nuclear division is taking place a dense granular and rather sharply defined mass of cytoplasm appears in the center of the not yet completely differentiated oosphere (Fig. 35, C, a). Wager, '96, says: It is of the same nature as the dense protoplasmic mass which appears in the fertilizing tube at the moment when it begins to grow, and is produced probably by an accumulation of stainable granules from the protoplasm. This dense mass of protoplasm can be observed in oogonia of all stages, such as are figured in (1. c.) Figs. 8 and 22. Shortly after its appearance one of the nuclei produced by the division in the oogonium comes into close contact with it, and gradually becomes more or less completely embedded in it. All the other nuclei pass to the periplasm, leaving this single nucleus in the center as the nucleus of the ovum (Fig. 35, D, E). At this stage the oosphere may be considered as differentiated, although its limiting plasma membrane has not yet appeared. It seems that this central cytoplasmic body or mass which has received much attention at the hands of later observers was described by Dangearci as an oil globule, and mistaken by Chmielewskij for a ALBUGO (CYSTOPUS). 99 nucleus. Swingle ('98) called attention to this body in A. Candida, which he was inclined to regard as an organ of the oogonium, taking some part in the deli initiation of the egg and the fusion of the male and female nuclei. A similar body has been observed in A. bliti, A. tragopogonis, and A. portulacece, by Stevens ('99), who proposed for it the name " coenocentrum." In A. bliti, in which it was described as structureless and unchanging, this body does not seem to be so intimately associated with the sexual nuclei as in A. Candida, as noted by Wager and Davis. In A. tragopogonis'rt. occupies an interme- diate position in size between that in A. bliti and A. Candida, where it is largest. According to Davis's figures the female nucleus does not become embedded in the body in question. In A. Candida this body disappears during the union of the sexual nuclei or a little later. There is no doubt that these observers refer to the same phenome- non, which is the expression of a specialized and tolerably well differ- entiated portion of the cytoplasm of the oogonium. It may have to do in some way with the delimination of the egg-cell and, possibly, with the union of the sexual nuclei, but it certainly can not be regarded as an organ of the cell or of the oogonium with morphological rank. Stevens ('01) regards this body as nutritive in character and exerting a chemotactic stimulus upon the sexual nuclei. During the changes just described the nuclei of the antheridium have been undergoing division, and their number is now about twice that at the beginning. The conjugation-tube has grown and pushed its way through the periplasm into the plasma of the egg. A single nucleus and a small quantity of densely staining cytoplasm pass from the antheridium into the conjugation-tube to its apex (Fig. 35, D). The tube now grows toward the centei of the oosphere, around which a plasma membrane has not yet been formed (Fig. 35, E). The dense mass of cytoplasm in the end of the tube becomes reduced in amount, having been used up probably to form the new growing wall (Wager, '96, p. 330). The growth of the conjugation-tube continues until it comes into contact with the central mass of dense cytoplasm (coeno- centrum) referred to in the preceding paragraphs. As soon as the end of the tube comes into contact with the nucleus of the egg the male nucleus is expelled and the tube immediately contracts, or rather col- lapses, and is withdrawn from or absorbed by the oosphere, leaving a large vacuole to mark its position (Fig. 36, F, a). The two nuclei are thus left in close contact with each other, the male being slightly smaller than the female (Fig. 36, F). A delicate membrane, the plasma membrane, now becomes visible around the oosphere, separating it from the dense surrounding cytoplasm, the periplasm. From Davis's IOO FECUNDATION ; HETEROGAMETES. Fig. 5 (1. c., 1900) it seems that the plasma membrane might be formed at an earlier stage. The sexual nuclei remain close, side by side, for a short time, and then fuse to form the nucleus of the oospore or fecun- dated egg (Fig. 36, G). It will thus be seen that while the antheridium of Albugo Candida contains several nuclei, only one, together with a small portion of cytoplasm, passes into the egg. The egg, although differentiated within a multinucleate organ, contains but one nucleus, and fecundation con- sists essentially of the union of one male with one female nucleus. Fro. 36. — Fusion of sexual nuclei and a young oospore of Albugo (Cystopus] Candida..— (After Wager.) F, the conjugating tube within the egg has disappeared, sexual nuclei in contact, surrounded by dense mass of cytoplasm; egg provided with plasma membrane; a, vacuole marking position of conjugation-tube, which has disappeared. G, young oospore with fusion nucleus which seems to be in prophase of division. As already mentioned in a preceding paragraph, a remarkable con- trast is described by Stevens as taking place in two other species of Albugo, namely, A. blitiftnA A. portulacea. In the last two species named the differentiated egg-cell is multinucleate, and, since several nuclei enter from the antheridium, fecundation consists in the union of several male with several female nuclei in the same egg. This is the more remarkable, because in all other species of this genus, so far as the author is aware, and in other closely related genera of the Peronosporece, fecundation consists in the union of one nucleus of each sex. In A. tragopogonis, whose mature egg is uninucleate, Stevens finds that the oogonium develops in the same manner as in A. £/?V/and A. portulacece, but it is reduced to a uninucleate condition by the disorganization of the supernumerary nuclei. ALBUGO (CYSTOPUS). IOI As stated in the foregoing, the process described for A. bliti and A. portulacex is paralleled in Pyronema, one of the Ascomycetes. A discussion of the process in this genus will form a part of the next chapter. Fecundation in the genera Per onospora (Wager, 1900) and Pythium (Miyake, '01 ; Trow, '01) bears a close resemblance to that in Albugo. In the several species investigated, a receptive papilla is formed by the oogonium during its development. This papilla certainly facilitates in some way the development of the conjugation-tube, which, as all the observers state, is formed by the antheridium. In Araiospora pulckra1 Thaxter, one of the Leptomitacece, in which the periplasm is developed as a peripheral layer of cells surrounding the egg, there is some evidence which suggests that possibly the conjugation-tube is formed by the oogonium. Wager's Fig. 4 for Peronospora seems to lend support to this view as applied to that genus. A centi'al body of differentiated cytoplasm is present in some degree in all genera, being more prominent, perhaps, in Albugo Candida and Peronospora parasitica. Wager and Stevens have suggested that it is functional in bringing the sexual nuclei together, but when it is known that in Peronospora parasitica these nuclei separate again some distance from each other before fusion, it is difficult to under- stand the necessity of such a body unless it is assumed that stronger forces are at work in the periplasm which tend to bring all nuclei into that region and retain them there, the central body exerting, of course, a stronger chemotactic stimulus upon some particular nucleus which becomes the egg-nucleus, or, in case of several egg-nuclei, as in A.. bliti and A. portulacece, upon several particular nuclei. During the development of the sexual organs in the several species in question a mitotic division of the nuclei takes place. In Pythium ultimum (Trow, '01) the nuclear division in the antheridium may follow a little later than in the oogonium, thus giving the impression that a second mitosis occurred. The division in both organs seems to be simulta- neous in Pythium de baryanum and Peronospora parasitica. Both Wager and Stevens have expressed the opinion that the reduction in the number of the chromosomes occurs in the antheridia and oogonia, but no decisive evidence is at hand. In Albugo Candida the sexual nuclei fuse immediately after the entry of the male nucleus into the oosphere, and the same is true for Albugo portulacece, Peronospora jicaria, P, alsinearum, and P. eftusa, according to Berlese. In Pythium ultimum, P. de baryanum, 1 From an investigation made in the botanical laboratory of Indiana University, by Dr. C. A. King io2 FECUNDATION; HETEROGAMETES. and Peronospora parasitica, fusion is retarded, taking place only after the egg has developed a tolerably thick wall about itself. The retarded fusion of the nuclei has already been pointed out for Spiro- gyra, Cosmarium, Closterium, and Basidiobolus, and, as will be seen, it is of frequent occurrence in the plant kingdom. ACHLYA AND SAPROLEGNIA. The sexuality of the Saprolegniacece is, perhaps, one of the oldest questions in botany still in dispute. The fact that apogamy obtains in so many species has led observers to accept with the greatest reserve any affirmation of sexuality, although based upon observations which, in other groups of plants, would not be questioned as positive proof of a sexual process. Pringsheim ('57) was probably the first to attribute to any represen- tative of this group a sexual reproduction, basing his conclusions chiefly upon a study of Saprolegnia monoica. He described the develop- ment of the sexual organs, the penetration of the oogonium by the conjugation-tubes, and their growth inward among the egg-cells. He stated also that the tubes opened and discharged their contents among the eggs. Reasoning from the analogy of Vaucherla, Pringsheim concluded that a real sexual process existed in the species in question. Several years later De Bary ('Si) combated this view, alleging that, as he did not observe the fusion of the conjugation-tubes with the egg- cells {Saprolegnia ferax and Ac/ilya polyandra), no fecundation took place and that apogamy characterized the entire group. De Bary made a careful study of several species, keeping pure cultures of the same running for several years, and his view, it is safe to say, has been more generally accepted by botanists than that of Pringsheim. Pringsheim continued his studies, and in 1882 brought forth addi- tional evidence in support of his view. He described and figured the fusion of the conjugation-tubes with the egg-cells in Achlya polyandra, and, although his " spermamoeba " were nearly amoeboid parasites and not male gametes, as he persistently maintained, yet his collected observations seemed to furnish as strong evidence in favor of sexuality as that which could be brought against it by his opponents. Since the above mentioned publications of Pringsheim and De Bary the majority of observers dealing with the subject have leaned toward the view of De Bary. Within more recent years the subject has been taken up by Hartog ('89, '95) and Trow ('95, '99), with the aid of improved technique, especially on the part of Trow. Hartog reaffirms the doctrine of ACHLYA AND SAPROLEGNIA. 103 De Bary, while Trow brings forward fresh evidence in behalf of a real fecundation. The rapid strides made in our knowledge of cytology by the application of better methods of technique and skill in manipula- tion has not only brought to light fresh questions of inquiry, but has made possible also new points of view. Consequently, the observers last mentioned find themselves differing not merely upon the old ques- tion, but upon others of deep significance in connection with the sexual process. Following each of the two publications of Trow ('95, '99) has appeared a criticism by Hartog, in which he calls into question the statements of the formej, without, however, submitting the results of any new observations. As will be shown later, the chief difference of opinion between Hartog and Trow, apart from the main contention, lies in the behavior of the nuclei during the development of the oogonium and the differentiation of the eggs. Hartog finds that, during the development of the oogonium, the nuclei fuse in groups to form the functional nuclei, one of which is present in each egg, ancl concludes with De Bary that no fecundation takes place. Trow finds that a certain number of the nuclei remains functional — one for each egg-cell developed — and that in certain species, as Saprolegnia dioica and Achlya americana, a real sexual process exists. Trow has not demonstrated beyond all question that fecundation does take place even in the species that seems to furnish the best evidence, but, on account of the superior methods used, we are nevertheless justified in believing that his results afford the strongest proof that has ever been advanced in favor of a sexual process, and stronger than all of his recent oppo- nents have produced to the contrary. Since the behavior of the nuclei is of prime importance in the differ- entiation of the sexual elements, and as this is one of the chief points in controversy, a somewhat detailed account of the behavior of the nuclei during the development of the oogonium and the differentiation of the egg-cells will lead the reader to a clearer understanding of the questions in debate. The young oogonium arises as a globular enlargement at the end of a filament, into which flows dense granular cytoplasm together with a number of nuclei. With an increase in size a large vacuole appears in the base of the oogonium, and this vacuole is continuous with a cylindrical vacuole in the filament (Fig. 37, A) . With further growth, which is rapid, the vacuole becomes very large and the cytoplasm is confined to a dense wall-layer. During this process a transverse wall is formed delimiting the oogonium from the filament. The nuclei, which are now distributed in the layer of cytoplasm, divide karyo- 104 FECUNDATION; HETEROGAMETES. kinetically, thereby doubling their number, which may be ten times greater than the number of egg-cells produced in the oogonium. According to Trow the nuclei reveal a structure similar to that in the higher plants. Immediately following the division of the miclei rapid changes take place, whose interpretation has led to differences of opinion. In both Saprolegnia and Achlya, according to Trow, only as many nuclei remain functional in the oogonium as there are egg- cells developed, the supernumerary nuclei being digested immediately after the karyokinesis mentioned above (Fig. 38, B). In Achlya americana the appearance of the supernumerary nuclei suggests that they may possibly divide again before disorganization. In Saprolegnia the same author states that some of the degenerating nuclei do really appear to unite in pairs. Hartog, on the contrary, maintains that the diminished number of nuclei was brought about by nuclear fusions, and consequently each functional nucleus remaining in the oogonium is the result of such fusions. Judging from what we now know of the behavior of nuclei in multinucleated sexual organs in which the sexual nuclei are not the product of nuclear fusions, and from the evidence which Trow has furnished, I am inclined to believe that the evidence is in favor of his conclusions, namely, that the functional nuclei of the egg-cells are not the result of fusions. As is well known the cytoplasm now begins to ball up in masses which eventually form the egg-cells (Fig. 37, B, C). In each mass, as in the completely differentiated egg, only one functional nucleus is present. Accompanying or surrounding this nucleus is a conspicuous mass of finely granular cytoplasm, which, although appearing less highly differentiated than in certain Peronosporece, may have a similar function. The young egg rapidly becomes spherical and is provided at first with a plasma membrane only. The details in the cytoplasmic differentiation of the egg-cells have not, as yet, been critically worked out, except in so far as that is possible in the living specimen or from observations of the organs in toto. Whether the balling of the proto- plasm described by both earlier and more recent observers is a cleavage such as is known to take place in other Phycomycetes can not be affirmed positively, but the facts seem to indicate a similar cleavage or a closely related process (Fig. 37, B, C).1 The antheridia, as is also well known, are developed from the ends of filaments which apply themselves closely to the surface of the oogo- nium (Fig. 37, D). When the cross-wall is formed, separating the 1 The process of the differentiation of the egg-cells as described in the foregoing paragraph is con- firmed by the very careful observations of B. M. Davis on Stproleg nia mixta The manuscript of these pages had left my hands before the receipt of Professor Davis's paper. ACHLYA AND SAPROLEGNIA. '05 anthericlium from the filament it contains a small but variable number of nuclei. These nuclei undergo the same changes as those in the oogonium, /. apij, eyelash or cilium ; and irAacrros, formed. 2 See Introduction, p. 46. PTERIDOPHYTA. Belajeff ('98). Prior to the division of the grandmother-cell of the spermatozoid, /. e., the last cell-division in the spermogenous tissue of the antheridium, which gives rise to the cells that develop directly into the spermatozoids, there appears on opposite sides of the nucleus a small globular body of a homogeneous structure, staining rather densely (Fig. 51, A). These bodies are not provided with any radia- tions. In Onoclea there is, immediately surrounding the nucleus, a region of less granular cytoplasm from which, undoubtedly, the weft of spindle fibers is developed. These bodies, which are the primordia of the blepharoplasts, lie just at the outer edge of this region or weft (Fig. 51, A). In the telophase a blepharoplast primordium lies near the depression of each daughter-nucleus, very near the pole of the spindle (Fig. 51, B, C). Each appears now to be a hollow globular vesicle. Soon after cell-division is completed the development of the daughter-cells directly into spermatozoids begins. The blepharoplast primordium becomes somewhat lens- or crescent-shape in Gymno- gramme, with the concave side turned toward the nucleus. The nucleus at the same time becomes flattened upon one side and gradu- ally passes into a crescent- or pear-shaped body (Fig. 51, D, E). The blepharoplast has elongated into a thread or band, which follows the convex side of the nucleus and is rather close to it. One end of the band now extends beyond that end of the nucleus \vhich will be anterior in the mature spermatozoid (Fig. 51, F, G). With further development the blepharoplast moves away from the nucleus to a position just beneath the plasma membrane (Fig. 51, H). At this stage the cyto- plasm in Onoclea (Shaw, '98) shows a depression corresponding to the concave side of the nucleus. At about this period in the development in Gymnogramme, according to Belajeff, the cilia make their appear- ance as outgrowths of the blepharoplast. The nucleus elongates, becoming more slender, and gradually assuming a spiral or corkscrew shape of two or three turns. In the mature spermatozoid (Fig. 52, A) the nucleus is thicker, tapering abruptly, and sometimes to a point, at the posterior end, but gradually forward into a slender anterior end. It is oval in cross section, or, in some cases, slightly flattened on the inner side, especially in the thicker posterior part. In mature sperma- tozoids of Onoclea struthiopteris, fixed and stained on the slide, the cytoplasmic part seems to be in the form of a band which conforms to the spiral course of the nucleus. It is broadest at the anterior end, which extends a short distance, about one or two turns, beyond the anterior end of the nucleus, but it narrows gradually backward, dis- appearing at a point which marks the thickest part of the nucleus ARCHEGOXIATES. (Fig. 52, A). Along the outer edge of the cytoplasmic band extends the blepharoplast as a thread or narrow band from which the cilia ai'ise. The blepharoplast reaches almost or quite to the anterior extremity of the cytoplasmic part, but it cannot be traced farther back than the posterior extremity of the cytoplasmic part, although it may extend some distance farther as a delicate thread closely applied to the nucleus. The blepharoplast is broadest at its anterior end, where it seems to be not perfectly flat, but curved, appearing as a double line, or in cross section as a shallow U. It is, however, very small, so that the exact shape is difficult to determine with certainty. As already stated, it becomes a very delicate thread at the posterior end which is brought A/I \N \ ^>^«f>v pi ^m \> - — *-•- i FIG. 52. — Two mature spermatozoids drawn from specimens that were fixed and stained upon the slide a few minutes after their escape from the antheridium. A, Onedea, struthioptcris ; B, Marsilia vestita. close to the nucleus by the narrowing of the cytoplasmic band. It is probably for this reason that it cannot be traced after coming into con- tact with the nucleus. There is nothing to indicate that the blepharo- plast extends to the posterior end of the nucleus. The cilia begin at a short distance from the anterior end, and extend backward about two and one-half or three turns. Their length equals or even exceeds that of the spermatozoid when extended. Judging from Belajeff's figure of a mature spermatozoid, it would seem that the cytoplasm envelops the entire nuclear portion, but in my own preparations, which were made by killing and staining the sper- matozoids upon the slide after they had escaped from the antheridium, no cytoplasmic mantle was seen to surround the posterior part of the nucleus. Thorn ('99) states also that the whole nucleus is surrounded by a cytoplasmic envelope. It is possible, of course, that the plasma membrane, or even a thin layer of cytoplasm, may envelop the nuclear portion. The nucleus usually appears homogeneous in structure, but PTERIDOPHYTA. 133 in some cases in which the stain was well washed out the structure appeared coarsely reticulate or granular. This was observed in sper- matozoids of Onoclea strutkiopteris that were killed on the slide in chrom-osmic-acetic acid and stained in safranin gentian-violet and orange G. The posterior turns of the spermatozoid embrace the vesicle, which presents a very fine reticulmn, and in which coarse granules ai'e held, among them being small starch grains. The author has observed that the vesicle of Onoclea struthiopteris became separated from the spermatozoids a short time after their escape from the antheridium ; for, of the many hundreds fixed and stained upon the slide a few minutes after their escape from the antheridia, i-elatively few were found with the vesicle adhering. The development of the spermatozoid of Afarsilia, according to Shaw ('98) and Belajeff ('99), differs in certain important details from that of Onoclea. As this process is known in so few of the Pteridophyta, it is perhaps well to present briefly the facts as they are known in one of the heterosporous forms. At the close of the second from the last division in the spermogenous tissue of Marsilia vestita, or that leading to the great-grandmother- cell of the spermatozoid (the primary spermatocyte of Shaw), there appears at each pole of the spindle, or near it close to the daughter- nucleus, a small body which is called by Shaw a blepharoplastoid. During the resting stage of the nucleus the blepharoplastoid seems to divide. The two halves increase in size and remain together near the nucleus. As soon as the nucleus of the great-grandmother-cell begins to divide, the pair of blepharoplastoids move away from the nucleus and remain at a position in the cytoplasm between one pole of the spindle and the equatorial plane, until the metaphase, or early anaphase, when they disappear. About the same time, or a little later, a small blepharoplast appears near each pole of the spindle. At the close of the division the blepharoplast lies near the nucleus of the grand- mother-cell of the spermatozoid (secondary spermatocyte or sperma- tocyte mother-cell of Shaw). It now divides, and the two daughter blepharoplasts increase in size and separate from each other, at the same time moving away from the nucleus (Fig. 53, A, B). Each takes a position near the pole of the future spindle but always a little to one side of its longitudinal axis. They increase in size and remain apparently unchanged in structure until the anaphase, when each seems to be hollow (Fig. 53, B, C). As soon as the nucleus of the spermatozoid mother-cell (spermatid) 134 AftCHEGONlATES. is formed, a small eccentric body appears in each blepharoplast (Fig. 53, D), then several, so that it appears as if the blepharoplast had broken up into a group of small bodies (Fig. 54, E). Out of these bodies is developed the band, which elongates, and together with the nucleus moves toward the plasma membrane of the cell (Fig. 54, F, G). In cross section the band is broadly U-shaped, but when seen from above it appears as a double line (Fig. 54, H). The band continues to elongate until finally a spiral is formed, which makes five or more turns about the hemispherical half of the cell (Fig. 54, I). The nucleus also elongates, becoming sausage-shaped, and lies in close contact with the larger turns of the blepharoplast. The mature sper- matozoid in Marsilia is composed, therefore, of a blepharoplast, FIG. 53. — Blepharoplast primordium during division of grandmother-cell of spermatozoid in Mursilia. vestita. — (After Shaw.) A, the two primordia of the blepharoplasts lie in cytoplasm some distance from nucleus. B, they are now on opposite sides of the nucleus but a little to one side of median line. C, the nucleus is in spindle stage of division; the young blepharoplasts lie near the respective poles of spindle. D, telophase of division; blepharoplast rudiment at pole of each nucleus contains a dense granule. consisting of a funnel-shaped spiral of about ten or more turns, and a sausage-shaped nucleus without a definite visible structure, which is connected with the three larger posterior turns of the blepharoplast (Fig. 52, B). The posterior end of the blepharoplast, which is usually bent in the shape of a hook, extends beyond the nucleus. The rela- tively large vesicle is embraced by the larger posterior turns of the blepharoplast. In Marsilia vestita the author observed that the vesicle remains adhering to the spermatozoid for a longer time than in Onoclea struthiopteris. The vesicle consists of a delicate cytoplasmic reticulum, in which are held large starch and protein granules. The numerous cilia (the spermatozoids were fixed and stained upon the slide) spring from the middle and posterior coils, the two or three anterior coils being free from them. In some cases observed the cilia extended almost to the posterior end of the blepharoplast. As soon as the vesicle drops off, the spermatozoid becomes much elongated, losing its pronounced funnel-shape. PTERIDOPHYTA. '35 Belajeff ('99), who has also studied the development of the sperma- tozoid in Marsilia, agrees with Shaw in so far as the transformation of the primordium of the blepharoplast into the mature cilia-bearing organ is concerned, but, as regards the earlier behavior of the primordia, these observers disagree in certain important particulars. Belajeff, who regards the blepharoplast as a centrosome, finds that in the division of the grandmother-cell of the spermatozoid, the primordia, which lie some distance from the nucleus, divide, and a faint central spindle is formed between the daughter primordia. This structure, he maintains, gives rise to the karyokinetic spindle just as in some animal -c H G FIG. 54. — Transformation of mother-cell into mature spermatozoid in Manilla, vestita. — (After Shaw.) E, two spermatozoid mother-cells ; each rudiment of biepharoplast has become a group of granules. F, spermatozoid mother-cell ; the blepharoplast (jb) is much elongated. c, cytoplasm ; s, starch grains. G, the thread-like blepharoplast and bean-shaped nucleus lie close to plasma membrane. H, an older stage seen from above; it is apparent that blepharoplast is a band concave on the outside. I, the blepliaroplast and sausage-shaped nucleus (k) make several spiral turns within the cell close to plasma membrane. cells, and concludes, therefore, that the blepharoplast primordia are centrosomes. The author has already dealt with this matter in the introductory chapter, and a further discussion will not be given here. In Equisetum Belajeff has found that the spermatozoid develops in a manner similar to that of the fern, and there are good reasons for believing that the process of development is much the same in the majority of archegoniates, although our knowledge is yet too meager to warrant any sweeping generalization. It seems fitting in this connection to compare the mature spermato- zoid of the Characece with that of the fern. Belajeff ('94) has shown that in the development of the spermatozoid of Charafcetida the two cilia are borne by a thread-like body which arises in the cytoplasm in a manner similar to the blepharoplast of the fern. The spermatozoid, 136 ARCHEGONIATES. as in the Pteridophyta and gymnosperms, is a transformation of the entire contents of the cell, arid we may with much propriety regard the spermatozoid of Chara and that of the fern as homologous structures. But whether we are dealing with real homologies, or only with striking analogies, is certainly a question concerning which there may be some diversity of opinion. The fate of the spermatozoid of Chara after penetrating the egg and the union of the two sexual nuclei is practically unknown in detail, and a further discussion of the process of fecundation in the absence of more facts would seem without value, since it is not the purpose to enter here into any discussion of the homologies of the sexual organs of the Characeas with those of the Archegoniates. THE EGG-CELL AND FECUNDATION. In more recent years the process of fecundation has been observed in various genera of the Felicinex by Campbell, in Onoclea by Shaw, and in Adiantum and Aspidium by Thorn. The author has followed the process in Onoclea struthiopteris, and his observations confirm those of Shaw, who has traced the behavior of the sexual nuclei in great detail in Onoclea sensibilis, Soon after the division which cuts off the ventral canal-cell, and before the archegonium of Onoclea struthiopteris is full grown, the three central cells contain fine-meshed and densely granular cytoplasm. Their nuclei are in the resting stage. The wall between egg and ventral canal-cell is generally arched slightly downward into the egg- cell. This wall is laid down in this position, at least in many cases, and the concave upper surface of the egg does not seem to be due to pressure from the ventral or neck canal-cell. As the archegonium matures it increases in size, and the cytoplasm of the central cells becomes looser. A rather large vacuole has been observed in the ventral canal-cell in the mature organ. It is well known that in Onoclea the nucleus of the neck canal-cell often divides, but a division of the cell does not follow, except, possibly, in rare cases. The daughter-nuclei are reconstructed and lie usually close to each other. The author has observed in several instances that the division of the neck-canal nucleus took place at exactly the same time as the division of the central cell which cuts off the ventral canal-cell. Whether any special significance should be attached to this phenome- non the author is unable to state. Observers have often been tempted to consider the ventral canal-cell as a rudimentary egg, but if there be good grounds for such a view it is, perhaps, as much in harmony with the facts to regard the neck canal-cell or cells as aborted eggs. PTERIDOPHYTA. 137 The entrance of the living spermatozoid into the neck of the arche- gonium and its passage down to the egg is easily followed. In fact, the phenomenon is a matter of common observation in elementary classes. It is only necessary to mount prothallia with mature arche- gonia ventral side up in a drop of water, to which are added several clean male prothallia that contain ripe antheridia, and which have been kept in dry air for a short time previous to the operation. The ripe archegonia will open, and in a few minutes numerous spermatozoids which have escaped on being placed in the water will be found swim- ming about the opening of the archegonium, having been attracted thither by the extruded substance. Many enter the neck, and several may reach the egg-cell. The author has observed instances in which the number of spermatozoids endeavoring to enter the archegonium was so great that they formed a plug which almost completely closed the opening in the neck. Since the interesting researches of Pfeffer ('84) it has been known that the mucilaginous substance formed from the neck-canal and ventral-canal cells acts as a chemotactic stimulus upon the spermato- zoids. Pfeffer found that the spermatozoids of ferns are attracted by malic acid and its salts in very dilute solutions. A solution of o.ooi grm. per cent, is sufficient to bring about a positive chemotactic reaction. Buller (1900) found that in addition to malic acid and its salts, many organic and inorganic salts, widely occurring in the cells of plants, exercise a positive chemotactic stimulus upon the spermatozoids of certain ferns. Among the organic salts which were found to attract are tartrates, potassium oxalate, potassium acetate and sodium formate. Among the inorganic salts are phosphates, sulphates, potassium nitrate and potassium chloride. Organic substances which were found to act indifferently are grape sugar, cane sugar, lactose, amylodextrine, glycerine, alcohol, asparagin and urea. "Inorganic salts not appre- ciably attracting are the chlorides and nitrates of sodium, ammonium and calcium, and also lithium nitrate. Of the four free acids which seem to be most widely found in cell-sap, namely, malic, oxalic, tartaric and citric, only malic acid attracts." The concentration of malic acid which gives the most pronounced reaction is o.oi grm. per cent., while that which gave just an appreciable reaction was o.ooi grm. per cent. With potassium nitrate no attraction could be detected at 0.05 grm. per cent., whereas there was a slight one at o.i per cent. Roughly estimated, therefore, malic acid attracts fifty times more strongly than potassium nitrate. Strong solutions repel. Attempts have been made to elucidate the phenomena of chemotaxis 175 ARCHEGONIATES. \J by means of the theory of electrolytic dissociation of solutions, and with some success. As regards the spermatozoids of ferns, Duller has shown that in the case of some compounds, as certain salts of potas- sium and malic acid, the attraction is probably due to certain ions. It is not to be assumed, however, that a chemotactic stimulus may be given only by ions, for certain substances which are not dissociated have been found to exert a chemotactic stimulus. In this connection it is interesting to note that Pfeffer found that the spermatozoids of mosses are attracted by cane sugar, which does not attract the sperma- tozoids of ferns. FIG. 55. — Archegonium of Onoclea sensibilis. — (After Shaw.) A, vertical section through an open archegonium, probably within ten minutes after entrance of first spermatozoid; an unchanged spermatozoid is inside egg-nucleus. B, vertical section of venter of an archegonium containing spermatozoids, and a collapsed egg with a spermatozoid within nucleus : thirty minutes. Although malic acid exerts a strong chemotactic stimulus upon the spermatozoids of certain ferns, yet from the foregoing it is evident that the attraction by the mucilaginous substance extruded from the arche- gonium is not, of course, a decisive proof that malic acid compounds are present in that substance. Before the archegonium opens the egg-cell is concave on the upper side. The nucleus is also flattened or concave ; it is in the resting stage and may contain one or more nucleoli. Shaw has observed that, in living sections, the egg swells as soon as the canal is cleared of its dissolving contents, and fills the venter. That part which was previously concave now forms the receptive spot. In fixed and stained preparations the author has found this same condition of the egg-cell PTERIDOPHYTA. 139 when the neck-canal contained many spermatozoids, and when one lay against the receptive spot, but had not penetrated. On entering the extruded mucilaginous substance the spermatozoids leave their vesicles behind, and their motion is retarded. The cork- screw spiral is drawn out and the number of turns apparently increased. The forward motion of the spermatozoid is accompanied by a rotation which corresponds to the pitch of the screw. The behavior of the spermatozoid after entering the egg can be fol- lowed only in properly fixed and carefully stained sections. Shaw found that in all prothallia killed within an hour after the entrance of the spermatozoid into the archegonium the egg-cells were in a collapsed condition, being concave on the outside, and the nucleus conforming to the shape of the cell (Fig. 55, A). The concavity of the egg-cell occupies the position of the receptive spot. This condition was regarded by Shaw as normal, and not the result of killing reagents, since in the living condition spermatozoids were seen moving freely in the cavity above the egg. I quote as follows : There are reasons to believe, however, that the collapse is not an artificial plasmolysis, but that it takes place as soon as the spermatozoid enters the egg. The mature egg has been described (for the other species, O. struthiopteris (Campbell, '95)) as having a large hyaline receptive spot. The concavity of the collapsed egg occupies the position of that spot. That it was formed before the plants were killed seems evident from the movement of a number of sper- matozoids in the venter. This can be seen in the living plants. That the number of these spermatozoids is large is shown by the specimens stained and sectioned. They could hardly have been carried into the venter by the fixing agent, for those in the canal were fixed first, in the extended condition, and those in the venter afterward in the contracted form. From the evidence at hand it appears that as soon as the egg is entered by a spermatozoid it loses its turgidity, and the spermatozoids which come into the venter afterward meet with little or no resistance from the egg. It may be that the turgid condition of the egg, in the first place, offers mechanical facility for the screw-like sper- matozoid coming through the narrow base of the neck to force itself into the cytoplasm of the receptive spot, and that the plasmolytic condition of the egg afterward deprives the following spermatozoids of this advantage, and protects the egg from injury or from multiple fertilization by them. In sections made from material killed in both chrom-acetic and chrom-osmic-acetic acid the author has also observed in many cases the collapsed condition of the egg-cell as described by Shaw. Several preparations were, however, especially interesting as they tend to throw some doubt upon the collapsed condition being a normal occurrence. In one of these two or more spermatozoids had entered the egg, one of which, or rather its nucleus, had partly penetrated the egg-nucleus ; 1 4o ARCHEGON1ATES. the others lay in the cytoplasm of the receptive spot (Fig. 56, C). (In this figure one of the spermatozoids was cut in sectioning, so that only two separate pieces of it are shown, the other parts being in the next section.) The nucleus was concave above, but the egg-cell had not collapsed. It remained apparently turgid, having been only slightly shrunken uniformly on all sides by the reagents. The mem- brane of the egg seemed to be firm, but whether it was anything more than a plasma membrane I was unable to determine. The prothal- lium from which this preparation was made was killed in chrom-acetic FIG. 5*1. — Fusion of sperm and egg-nucleus. C, Onoclea struthiopteris ; D and E, Onoclea sensibilis. C, vertical section of egg ; two spermatozoids have pene- trated egg, one of which is just entering egg-nucleus ; the egg is globular, but its nucleus is concave above. D, vertical section of egg ; outside spermatozoids are forced against venter wall by expanding egg; sperm nucleus within egg-nucleus has begun to reticulate; three hours. E, horizontal sectional section of an egg; fourteen hours. (D and E, after Shaw.) acid, and, although stained on the slide with Bismarck brown in addi- tion to the Flemming triple stain, there was nothing to indicate with any certainty a cellulose character of the membrane. Lying in the cytoplasm near the nucleus of each spermatozoid was a delicate thread which seemed to be the blepharoplast. The cytoplasmic reticulum was somewhat shrunken from the membrane of the egg on one side. In another preparation mentioned in a preceding paragraph the open- ing of the neck of the archegonium was apparently closed by a plug of spermatozoids after one had entered. This spermatozoid lay against PTERIDOPHYTA. 141 the oval surface of the receptive spot, but had not penetrated the plasma membrane. It had apparently untwisted and had begun to reticulate, as its structure was somewhat granular or lumpy in appear- ance. In still another instance the spermatozoid had just passed through the plasma membrane at the receptive spot. The egg was not collapsed, but quite turgid. The receptive spot was distinguished from the rest of the cytoplasm only by the presence of fewer granules and, pei'haps, a little looser reticulum. Other eggs were observed in a turgid condition (the archegonium being open), into which no sper- matozoid had penetrated, but the nucleus was concave on the upper side. It may be mentioned that the nucleus is not always concave, but may be rounded or globular. Apart from these instances the observations of the author agree with those of Shaw. In about one-half hour, or less, after the entrance of the spermato- zoid into the archegonium, the canal is closed by the expansion of the four proximal neck-cells and the four just beyond them. The egg recovers its turgidity and forces the free spermatozoids against the outer wall of the venter (Fig. 56, D). A cellulose membrane does not seem to be formed about the egg immediately, although, as stated by Shaw, a very delicate cellulose wall may have been dissolved by the chromic acid used in fixing. Soon after penetrating the egg the nucleus of the spermatozoid enters the egg-nucleus before undergoing any change in form or visible structure (Fig. 55, B). The fate of the cytoplasmic part was not very satisfactorily followed, but all the facts observed indicate that the cytoplasmic band and blephai'oplast are left in the cytoplasm of the egg, where, as in Cycas and Zamia of the Gymnosperms, they are absorbed. In Fig. 56, D, a body lying near the concave side of the nucleus bears some resemblance to the cyto- plasmic part of the spermatozoid. The author has also observed in several instances undoubted traces of the blepharoplast near the upper surface of the nucleus, and there is no question but that the fate of the blepharoplast and cytoplasm is as just stated. The egg-nucleus during the entire process of fecundation is in the resting condition. Several conspicuous nucleoli are usually present. They vary in size and have a vacuolate structure. In the delicate linin network are distributed the small chromatin granules. In a short time the sperm-nucleus within the egg-nucleus begins to reticulate, becoming visibly granular and of a looser structure. This is apparent three hours after the entrance of the spermatozoid into the archegonium (Fig. 56, D), but it may sometimes be seen earlier, after thirty minutes or one hour. The time after which a change is notice- 142 ARCHEGONIATES. able in the sperm-nucleus varies greatly in different individuals. In some cases the sperm-nucleus, after two days, showed no further advance than was observed in others after only thirty-six hours. As the reticulation of the sperm-nucleus continues, its structure becomes looser and more open, and its cork-screw shape disappears (Fig. 56, D, E). As far as is known at present the reticulation of the sperm-nucleus continues until its network is no longer recognizable from that of the egg when fecundation is complete. During the process of fusion it will be seen that the sperm-nucleus goes through the same series of changes as in the development of the spermatozoid, but in the reverse order. The time elapsing between the entrance of the sperm-nucleus into the egg and complete fusion may vary considerably in individual cases. In Pihilaria globulifera, according to Campbell ('88), the sperm- nucleus assumes a loose and more granular structure, and rounds up before penetrating or uniting with the nucleus of the egg. Judging from Campbell's figures, it seems that in Osmunda (Campbell, '92) the sperm-nucleus, as in Onoclea, enters the nucleus of the egg before undergoing any visible change in form or structure. In this respect certain ferns are without parallel in the plant king- dom, except, perhaps, in the Gymnosperms, and it would be inter- esting to know how widely distributed the phenomenon is in the Pteridophyta, and whether it occurs in any other plants. GYMNOSPERMS. CYCAS, ZAMIA, AND GINKGO. THE MALE GAMETOPHYTE. The development of the spermatozoid in Cycas (Ikeno, '96, '98), Ginkgo (Hirase, '96, '98; Webber, '97; Fujii, '1900), and Zamia (Webber, '97, 1901), bears a striking resemblance to that in the fern, especially in regard to the origin and behavior of the blepharoplast. There seems now to be no doubt that the blepharoplast in these three genera is homologous to the blepharoplast of the fern, and, in fact, the entire development of both sexual cells indicates with a certainty that these gymnosperms bear a close phylogenetic relationship to the pteridophytes. Since the development of the spermatozoid in Cycas and Zamia differs in certain important details according to the two investigators, Ikeno and Webber, a somewhat detailed account of the process will be given for both genera, while Ginkgo will be referred to for comparison. GYMNOSPERMS. The mature microspore of Cycas revoluta, according to Ikeno, consists of a large tube cell the so-called vegetative cell, which gives rise to the pollen tube, and two smaller prothallial cells (Fig. 57, A, pi, p2). The nucleus of the tube-cell is large, and contains a loose thread-work and a nucleolus. The nuclei of the prothallial cells are smaller, and flattened to conform with the shape of those cells. The PI FIG. 57. — Microspore and development of male gametophyte in Cycas revoluta. — (After Ikeno.) A, mature microspore. p±, outer,/2, inner prothallial cells; ez, tube cell. B, proximal end of pollen tube capped by exine of spore ; two prothallial cells,/, and/,, have rounded off and increased in size. C, same at later stage of development; the inner prothallial, or antheridial, cell has divided into the generative cell -nd stalk cell (st} ; /,, first prothallial cell; c, c, primordia of blepharoplasts; r, nucleolus of generative cell nucleus. D, later than C ; the blepharoplast primordia (c) have moved away from nucleus. E, proximal end of pollen tube shortly before division of generative cell (kz) which has increased greatly in size ; the large blepharoplasts are provided with beautiful radiations ; the tube nucleus (ezk) has migrated back into proximal end of tube. walls cutting off the prothallial cells, according to Ikeno, are straight, meeting the wall of the pollen spore, while in Zamia Webber finds that these walls, which are only plasma membranes, are arched out into the tube cell. The inner cell (/2) gives rise to the antheridium, and may be known as the antheridial cell. A period of about three months elapses between pollination, which takes place early in July, and fecundation in October. Immediately 144 ARCHEGONIATES. after pollination each spore in the pollen chamber of the macrosporan- gium germinates, the tube cell developing gradually into a branched tube which penetrates the tissue of the nucellus. The tube-nucleus passes into the tube, maintaining a position near the growing region or end as long as the tube continues its growth into the tissue of the nucellus, while the two prothallial cells retain their former position. Contrary to the genus Pinus and other higher Conifers the distal end of the tube does not grow directly toward the archegonia, but later- ally and downward, serving especially as an organ for the absorption of food (Fig. 65, A). The proximal end of the tube, carrying before it the cap of exine, or the remaining outer wall of the spore, finally grows toward the archegonium. The pollen tube has a similar beha- vior in Zamia (Webber, '97) and Ginkgo (Hirase, '98). Soon after the germination of the spore the two prothallial cells increase in size, especially the antheridial cell, which becomes spherical (Fig. 57, B, ^2). Its nucleus is also correspondingly large, and the cytoplasm presents a looser structure. In the meantime the anthe- ridial cell divides, the daughter-nuclei being of equal size. According to Ikeno ('98, p. 172) a wall is not formed between these two nuclei in Cycas revoluta. One of them now increases rapidly, in size, so that it occupies nearly the entire cavity of the mother-cell, while the other remains small and is crowded out as a naked nucleus (Fig. 57, C, D, st} . The larger cell is known as the generative cell (Korperzelle of the German literature) and gives rise to two spermatozoids ; the smaller cell is the stalk cell (Fig. 57, C, D, st). As we shall see later Webber finds that the antheridial cell divides regularly into the stalk and generative cells, but the plasma membrane separating the two cells is delicate, and the stalk cell arches over the first prothallial cell in such a manner as to give the appearance of the latter being nearly enclosed by the former (Fig. 60, F, G). It is pos- sible that the same is true also for Cycas. The plasma membrane, being very delicate, may have been overlooked by Ikeno, for the posi- tion of the two cells is such as to make it appear that the stalk nucleus was forced out of the mother-cell. Soon after this stage of development two small bodies appear in the generative cell (body-cell), lying close to the nucleus and on opposite sides (Fig. 57, C, c). Ikeno seems to be of the opinion that the two bodies, which he calls centrosomes, are derived from the nucleus, for the reason that just prior to their appeai'ance outside of the nucleus, objects staining similarly appear within the nucleus. These bodies, which are the primordia of the blepharoplasts, move away from the GYMNOSPERMS. 145 nucleus toward the periphery of the cell (Fig. 57, D, c). With fur- ther growth the generative cell with its nucleus becomes elliptical, their major axis lying parallel with the longitudinal axis of the tube. The two primordia of the blepharoplasts, which lay previously in line parallel with the transverse axis of the tube, are now found in the ends of the generative cell. About each there soon appear beautiful kino- plasmic radiations, giving them a most striking resemblance to centre- spheres with large centrosomes. Later in the period of development, or about the middle of August in Japan, the young blepharoplasts shift their position again, so that their earlier orientation in the gene- rative cell with respect to the axis of the pollen tube is resumed (Fig. 57, E). The generative cell becomes spherical, and the kinoplasmic radiations are very conspicuous. From this time until the end of September, or about one and one- half months, few changes manifest themselves in the generative cell apart from an increase in size. This period in the development is, therefore, a period of growth, which corresponds to a similar period in the development of the archegonium, and at the end of which all elements have reached their maximum size (Fig. 57, E) . The diameter of the generative cell, which contains dense cytoplasm, is about 0.14 mm., and that of the nucleus is about 60