sSS5?>'i^ t'lr^^i ^Of-.jiOTr'^rft-ie^- P^^isi ggV^flfesS.. DUEATION OF THE SEVEBAL MITOTIC STAGES IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE COMMON ONION BY HARRY HAMILTON LAUGHLIN, Sc. D. Eugenics Record Office, Carnegie Institution of Washington Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington Washington, 1919 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON Publication No. 265 Paper No. 30 or the Station for Experimental Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor, New York IS'olH PRESS OP GIBSON BROTHERS, INC. WASHINGTON, D. C. CONTENTS. Summary chart Frontispiece Index to charts, diagrams, and tables 4 roof of principle : Hypothetical case 6 Applicability of plan 7 Stage index 9 Mitotic stage duration and time-complex found in dividing root-tip cells of the onion. 9 Formula for determining the average relative duration of a given mitotic stage 9 Procession index 11 Mitotic synchronization in homologous tissue-samples 13 Cautions in method 13 Adequacy of the procession index 14 Formula for the average absolute duration of a given mitotic stage 15 Measure of accuracy 16 PreUminary experiments 18 Average relative durations of the several mitotic stages; PreUminary experiments .... 18 Probable errors 19 Other sources of possible error 21 Average absolute durations of the several mitotic stages: PreUminary experiments. ... 22 Experiments to determine the effects of temperature increments upon the several mitotic stages 24 The velocity of chemical reactions: Response to temperature differences 24 Material for the experiments 25 Apparatus : Thermostat 26 Sampling and counting 27 Further development of the statistical method 29 a. Probable errors 29 6. Procession index 30 c. Coefficient of mitotic homogeneity 30 Further analysis of the dynamics of mitosis by the stage-timing method 30 a. Quantitative increase in data 30 b. Effects of agents other than temperatiu:e 31 c. Possible mitotic models 31 d. Cell-division in development 31 e. Relation of mitosis to other activities 31 Results and discussion 31 A. Rhythm in mitosis 32 (a) General 32 (6) Ward's work 33 (c) Additional evidence ■ 33 (d) Summary of evidence of mitotic periodicity 34 B. Heat factor in growth 35 (o) General 35 (6) Phenology 35 C. Nature of the complex in growth and mitosis 36 D. Physico-chemical aspect 37 (a) IndividuaUty in velocity reactions of the several mitotic stages to the same temperature changes 37 (6) van't Hoff's law 39 (c) Isolation of factors 40 Elimination by comparative experimental evidence 40 A single index for two factors 41 8 4 ' CONTENTS. Results and discussion — continued. p (d) Difference between physiological and piu-ely chenaical temperature- velocity reactions 42 Physiological processes 42 Growth or permanent bulk increase 42 Mitosis 43 (e) The reactions of definite mitotic stages 44 General survey 44 The movement of chromosomes 45 The peculiar reaction of mitotic stage No. 6 45 Summary 4q References 47 Charts, Diagrams, and Tables measuring the relative and absolute durations of the several mitotic stages, and determining the relation between temperature and velocity of each definitely marked stage of the mitotic cycle. (All but the frontispiece in serial order following page 48.) Summary chart. Frontispiece. First series: Principles. 1. Method chart. 2. Properties of four condition-complexes. 3. Principles and formulas. Second series: Preliminary study— Based upon 13,000 cell-counts distributed among 11 stages, through 13 observation-instants (from 10 a. m. to 12 noon), at approximately 18° C. 4. Stage index table. 5. Graphs showing mitotic and stage indices. 6. Procession index table. 7. Graphs showing orderly succession of procession indices. Third series: Final study — Based upon 55,000 cell-counts distributed among 11 stages, through 19 observation-instants (from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.), one-third at 10° C, one-third at 20° C, and one-third at 30° C. A. Average relative durations of the several mitotic stages. 8. Stage index table. 10° C. 9. Stage index table. 20° C. 10. Stage index table. 30° C. 11. Graphs showing mitotic indices at 10° C, 20° C, and 30° C. B. Average absolute durations of the several mitotic stages. 12. Procession index table. 10° C. 13. Procession index table. 20° C. 14. Procession index table. 30° C. 15. Table: Summary and comparison by stages and temperatures. 16. Comparison at 10° C, 20° C, and 30° C. of average relative durations. 17. Comparison at 10° C, 20° C, and 30° C. of average absolute durations. 18. Graphs showing comparative average absolute durations at 10° C, 20° C, and 30° C. Table: Qio values (on page 38 of text). (til I J I <>f S 8.* a y E -o to si - 5 I £ I III!? ll I I » I 2 I 8 Is 1 xj stages in cycle. Average absolute duration] of a given mitotic stage [■ = A. A. D. of C. X A. R. D. of S. (A. A. D. of S.) J 16 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES MEASURE OF ACCURACY. Reverting once more to the Method Chart, we find that by actual count and measure from the diagram, the average relative durations of the five stages run: 0.3213, 0.2609, 0.2167, 0.0398, 0.1611. The same measurement, that is, the average absolute durations of the several stages calculated from the stage indices of Table B, are: 0.2912, 0.2843, 0.2171, 0.0352, 0.1719. Similarly, by actual count and measure from the diagram, the average absolute duration of the stage series measures, in tune-units: 13.84, 11.24, 9.70, 1.78, 7.66; a total for the cycle of 44.25; an average of 8.92. While the same measurements calculated through Table B give: 13.32, 13.00, 9.93, 1.61, 7.86; a total of 45.74; an average of 9.14. The close approximation in this test case, of the series of results derived from the table to those calculated from first-hand count and measure in the diagram, establishes the general vaUdity of the principle followed and demonstrates that results secured from such tables alone may be expected to approximate the truth within a relatively small error, provided that the size and representa- tive character of the sample and the closeness and number of observa- tion-instants in an actual case are comparable (in relation to their stage and cycle durations) to the same relations in the hypothetical case. Or, presenting the principle in another manner, granted that the diagram is correct (an exact picture of a representative sample actually taken). Table B derived from it will approximate it in proportion to the greatness of the number of observation-instants. Only by chance would the determinations of the table and the diagram be exactly the same. The relatively small fluctuation in the duration of average stage length among the waves actually traced (see lower left-hand corner of charts 12, 13, and 14) indicates a consistency in turn indicative of accuracy in measurements and deductions. We know that if in an actual case we find a definite percentage of cells in a given stage at a given observation-instant, and at the next observation find this percentage changed, there is a net difference, but just where in the interim between observation-instants each particular cell-stage changed we do not know. The closeness of the observation- instants tends to lessen the error due to this fact. The facts bring us again (see p. 7) to this: From the data secured in observing homologous dead material killed at regularly successive time-intervals, we can not plot an exact diagram of mitotic stage suc- cession in a given cell ; nevertheless we can construct the exact anolog to Table B (Method Chart) with all of its mathematical properties, including its characteristic close approach to the actual facts. This is what was done, and thus the data are supphed for the determinations IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 17 in both the preliminary and the fuller investigations reported in this paper. The governing maxim in these studies has been: A maximum of biology and a minimum of mathematics. Continual recourse was had back to actual biological fact. Biometrical formulas mathematically derived are mathematically correct, but if in course of their develop- ment a single false biological factor enters, all subsequent derivations are false. Full cognizance of this danger is in mind as the accompany- ing principles and formulas are set forth. They are nevertheless pre- sented with the confidence that they are sound, both biologically and mathematically. We may safely say that although we can not see the mitotic details in actual process of transformation we may determine the average duration of the successive mitotic stages with fully as great accuracy as would be possible if we were able to follow the normal and unhampered mitotic train directly with our eyes (see charts 1 and 6). The work of developing the statistical method of interpreting from dead material the facts concerning stage duration in live material and that of conducting a series of preliminary cytological experiments were, of necessity, carried on at the same time; for thus only could these two phases of the investigation mutually suggest and correct. The work was undertaken with the feeling that there must exist a definite mathe- matically determinable relation between the number of cells found in a given mitotic stage at a given time and the relative duration of that particular stage. The purpose was to find, demonstrate, and formulate such relationships. To begin the work the only thing to be done was to count and classify the cell-stages in comparable samples of mitotically homogeneous tissues killed in successive order. So far as development of the sta- tistical interpretation was concerned, it was possible only to construct charts and diagrams plotting different hypothetical condition-com- plexes in reference to mitotic activity, and then inductively from these to work out the mathematical properties of each factor contributory to the complex relationship between the cell-counts as distributed among specific stages and the average and absolute durations of their respec- tive stages. Unless, indeed, one can see and retain in mind the set of comphcations involved in each different situation, it would seem that such plotting and coordinating of situations in accordance with known biological facts constitute the only safe method of procedure in devel- oping formulas adequate to solving this particular problem. The properties and usefulness, for the end sought, of several of these situa- tion-complexes are summarized in an accompanying table (No. 2) bear- ing the title ''Properties of four condition-complexes in reference to mitotic indices and stage durations." These are way stations reached in seeking the final solution. 18 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS. In the first experiments the samples used were the growing root-tips of a reddish commercial onion about 1.5 inches in diameter. They were sprouted in water at an ordinary room temperature which during their period of growth fluctuated around 18° C, thus preventing the possibiHty of eliminating the temperature factor, but that was not the purpose of the initial study; temperature effects were to be considered in a later investigation. After 5 or 6 days the root-tips had reached a length of 5 to 10 mm. Thirteen samples were taken at lO-minute inter- vals, from 10 a. m. until 12 noon on the same day early in February 1916. Each sample was dropped immediately into a numbered vial of Fleming's fluid, and each was duly prepared, sectioned longitudinally (6 microns), mounted and stained with Heidenhain's hematoxyhn. Then, within two root-tip diameters of the extreme tips, that is, in the mitotically most active region, microscopic fields were selected at ran- dom in which the cells were counted and classified as to the stages of their mitotic progress. In each of the 13 successively cut root-tips 1,000 cells, including both those mitotically active and resting, were observed and classified. The same 10 active mitotic stages which were used in the subsequent and fuller study constituted the basis of classi- fication. The accompanying Summary Chart figures and describes each of these arbitrarily marked sections of the mitotic cycle. Since the mitotic process is a continuous one, there are as many stages in its course as one may care to mark ; nevertheless there are striking transformations which appear to occur with relatively great rapidity, and hence their begin- nings and ends make suitable mile-posts for studying and comparing absolute and differential progress. When less numerous divisions are required, cytologists generally have named the stages of the mitotic cycle as follows: (1) resting, (2) prophase, (3) metaphase, (4) ana- phase, (5) telophase. In these studies ten stages were marked off with arbitrary but definite boundaries in order to provide a more re- fined analysis of the mitotic cycle than the usual fewer and more indefi- nite stages just named imply. AVERAGE RELATIVE DURATIONS OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES. PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS. Applying the principles demonstrated in the method chart, the stage index chart of the preliminary work gives for the average relative dura- tions of the successive stages the following series: 0.4473, 0.2218, 0.0933, 0.0266, 0.0077, 0.0096, 0.0089, 0.02S1, 0.0367, 0.1196 These results are based upon 13,000 individual cell-counts, and if the IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 19 total population of the several samples were the one controlling factor, these findings would consequently be much more to be relied upon than the total of 708 counts recorded in the Method Chart ; but in evaluating the accuracy of these results it must be borne in mind that (a) the num- ber of individual cell-counts, the greatness of which tends to increase accuracy, must be considered; (6) the greater the number of stages into which the mitotic cycle is divided the greater the chance of error; (c) the greater the number of observation-instants the greater the accuracy of the determination; and (d) the shortness of intervals between observation-instants conduces to greater accuracy. PROBABLE ERRORS. These four factors all tend, in so far as their bearing upon accuracy is concerned, in the directions above indicated, but their incorporation into a single accuracy-measuring mathematical formula has not yet been accompHshed. Indeed, none of the several probable-error formu- las now used in biometrical study will apply here. In planning the later studies cognizance was taken of the directions in which all of the aforenamed accuracy-factors operate, and the conditions of experimen- tation, so far as possible and feasible, were modified in accordance with these teachings to make for greater precision in the determinations. The probable error is a measure of accuracy for certain classes of data, but when (a) the data in hand are not from material homogeneous throughout the sampling, or (b) the values involved fall below 5 or 6 per cent, or (c) if the absolute numbers of individuals in the several classes of the series are low, the probable errors as now calculated are not valid. The mitotic index is found by applying the following rule: . Number of cells dividing. Total number of cells (both resting and dividing) observed in the same fields. In these studies on the duration of the several mitotic stages in onion root-tip cells only the mitotic indices lend themselves to the usual probable-error corrections. This is because they alone, of all ratio- results here presented, are measured by high percentages derived from relatively large numbers. But even in case of the mitotic indices each probable error so calculated is comparable with no other like determi- nation of the series, because in each case the material is characteristic of a given time of day, i. e., of a given instant in the mitotic rhythm, and of a given temperature — that is, the population is homogeneous in the given sample only. Nevertheless, the probable-error formula appli- cable in each particular case is : 20 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES In which Po= percentage of cells dividing, Pi = percentage of cells (dividing and active) in the same field, N= population of sample. The determination of standards with which to compare such probable errors would naturally be a part of any investigation seeking to develop a coefficient of mitotic homogeneity. (See p. 30.) If a probable error could be calculated for each of the several stage indices of these determinations, it would greatly simplify the calcula- tions of such a measure for all of the subsequently calculated values, because a stage index is an element in each of them. While the stage index is of the same nature as the mitotic index, and normally should be subject to the same probable-error formula, still it is not so easily cor- rected, for, as a general rule, the values of the stages indices fall below the critical point, namely, 5 or 6 per cent. The fundamental principles upon which the determination of this study are based are demonstrably sound, but it is not possible, in the present stage of biometrical science, to supply formulas which will measure mathematically the approximation to the actual values of the several calculated determinations. Some other common-sense method of estabhshing our confidence in their degree of accuracy must be applied; so let us continue by the comparative method to gage the accuracy of the determinations of the hypothetical case, the preliminary study, and the completer experimentations. It is quite evident that the determinations of the average absolute duration will possess a greater relative error than do those of the average relative duration, because the absolute value of a given stage is based, (1) upon the absolute duration of the whole cycle, which itself is subject to an error, and (2) upon the average relative duration of a given stage, which also possesses an error. An element in reducing error in the average absolute duration is the greatness of the number of waves traced. In the hypothetical studies, in which temperatures were con- stant, 6 waves were traced through the series grown at 10° C, 6 through that at 20° C, and 7 through that at 30° C. Taking into consideration only the total populations of the samples, we find that if the populations sampled be homogeneous throughout, accuracy (or the approximation to the truth) is not directly a function of frequency or numbers, but is a function of the square root of such fre- quency. One must, therefore, if he would halve his approximation to the truth, quadruple the quantity of his observational data. Since in the preliminary study there were 13,000 cell-counts, or 18.35 times the 708 of the Method Chart, it is clear that if the data were taken from a homogeneous population (which is not the present case) the determi- nations based upon the 13,000 counts would in their approximation to the truth deviate on the average only :;^== as far as those based upon 708 counts. In the final studies of this investigation, the first series consisted of 19,000 counts, 26.77 times the number of the Method IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 21 Chart, and consequently deductions from such data would be expected, on the average, to vary only ;7^= as far from the actual values; but other factors enter. In the hypothetical study 708 cell-counts were distributed among 27 observation-instants and 5 mitotic stages. In the preliminary study, which was made on onion root-tips, 13,000 cell-counts were distributed over 13 observation-instants, and classified among 11 stages (10 active and 1 resting) ; while the final study consisted of a total of 55,000 cell- counts divided into 3 subordinate studies, the first with 19,000 counts and the second and third with 18,000 each. In the first the counts were distributed over 19 observation-instants and among 11 (10 active and 1 resting) mitotic stages; the second and third were each distributed over 18 observation-instants and among the same 11 stage- types. As was earlier pointed out, until all these factors have been joined in an accuracy-measuring formula, we must be content to balance in judg- ment the factors which later may be balanced mathematically and with the highest efficiency. In our experimentations we can, there- fore, in the interest of accuracy, only increase as much as feasible the quantity of each type of data in the direction proven to make for the reduction of error. OTHER SOURCES OF POSSIBLE ERROR. But it must not be concluded that all of the sources of error in a study of this sort are traceable to lack of extreme refinement in statistical methods. For instance, the matter of judging the individual cells and classifying them into their previously determined stages is important, especially since it is indeed difficult to draw a sharp line of demarcation between the end of one stage and the beginning of another. Moreover, in counting and classifying so many (55,000) cells, on the basis of mitotic condition (10 active and 1 resting stage) there is a possible source of error of interest both to biologists and psychologists; the criterion for classification are apt to undergo evolution in the ob- server's mind. This diflBculty was attacked by establishing the criteria set forth in the three figures (see Summary Chart) for each stage marked off. From the examination of these it will be seen that the difference between the last condition of one stage and the first of its successor is very slight and is determined in most cases by a single point of differ- ence, the principle being to characterize these stages not by general conditions descriptive of their means, but to set them off by clean-cut lines. If error crept into the determinations because of this difficulty, it would probably have come in between stages 1 and 2 — that is, where the criteria for distinctions are the least well marked. We find in stage 1 but Httle acceleration in the 20° to 30° C. rise, while in stage 2 in the same temperature rise we find the largest velocity increment in the whole series. This compensating coincidence may lend color to the 22 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES theory that a confusion actually occurred here. If stages 1 and 2 actually respond about the same to heat changes, a clean-cut differen- tiation in classifying them in the early countings and a gradual uncon- scious evolution of conscious criteria in the later thousands, in which stage 2 was crowded in favor of stage 1, would give the phenomena recorded. At no other point in the determinations is there such a diffi- cult distinction to miake, nor is there such another adjacent pair of values that might be accounted for by such an error. However, the much greater duration of stage No. 1 over stage No. 2 precludes the possibiUty of errors in then* distinction, greatly changing the determi- nations for No. 1, the longer one. When we test this possible error by uniting stages 1 and 2 into a single stage, we find the following: A A D.atlO°C. = 74.36min.; at 20° C.= 67.49 mm.; at 30° C. = 52.67 mm. Qio 10° C. to 20° C.= 1.10; Qio 20° C. to 30° C.= 1.28 still giving a stage, sluggish hke No. 1, in the 20° to 30° C. temperature- rise response. This indicates strongly that the values calculated for stage 1 are certainly quite correct and those calculated for stage 2 can not be challenged on the grounds of the immediate criticism, and therefore that the striking difference in their calculated temperature reactions is real. AVERAGE ABSOLUTE DURATIONS OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES. PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS. A further examination of the Stage Index Table (No. 4) of the prelim- inary study reveals no recognizable mitotic wave passing through a suc- cession of mitotic stages and time-intervals. This confirms the evidence of the Method Chart that connecting the high points of the stage index sequence through mitotic stages and time-intervals will not, in the situation-complex existing in the material used, suffice to determine the average absolute durations of the several stages. The procession indi- ces of the preliminary study were worked out in accordance with the principles analyzed in detail in the Method Chart, and the result shows clearly 3 different progressive waves passing, as would be expected, in an orderly manner through successive mitotic stages and time-inter- vals. The calculations from these 3 waves give the average dura- tion of the entire mitotic cycle of these 10 active stages to be 172.2 minutes. Dividing this value in proportion to the average relative duration of the several stages, the average absolute duration of the 10 successive stages is as follows (in minutes) : 77.02, 38.19, 16.06, 4.58, 1.32, 1.65, 1.53, 4.83, 6.31, 20.59 These results are based upon large portions of 3 waves, while those in the Method Chart were based upon only 2 waves. If, as is seen, the average IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 23 absolute durations of the several stages of the Method Chart thus cal- culated approximate so closely the correct values obtained through actual counting and measure, one is justified in concluding that por- tions of 3 waves based upon 16 times as many individual cell-counts, although upon twice as many mitotic stage types, and ^ as many observations, would probably as closely approximate the actual facts. The average relative duration of the resting stage in this prelimi- nary work proves to be 66.12 per cent of the entire cycle, when such cycle is conceived to consist of both the resting stage and the 10 mitotic stages, thus crowding the 10 active stages into 33.88 per cent of the 11-stage cycle. Consequently, the average absolute duration of the resting stage, during the period sampled, is 336.06 minutes, and that of the entire cycle (including the resting stage and the 10 active stages) is 508.26 minutes,^ which (so far as the number of cells of the region sampled is concerned) means a doubling in about 8 hours, near neither the minimum nor the maximum for such processes. A word of explanation is perhaps necessary concerning that chart (No. 7) of the preliminary study entitled '' Graphs showing orderly succession of procession indices." This chart is simply another method of show- ing the data tabulated in the Procession Index Table (No. 6) of the same study. The 3 recognizable mitotic waves are traced by the heavy lines connecting successive stages through time-intervals. A heavy line begins at the highest point in the early periods of sampling attained by one of the highest indices of the region. If, by chance, as in wave 1, this happens to be the index for stage 1, at 10^20"^ a. m., the next crest touched must be later than 10*'20'°, and must be that for stage 2, and so on. Thus we connect stages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in one of the straightest lines of the tangle. Wave 2 begins with stage 4, at 10 a. m. This pre- sents a single backward step in that the crest of stage 6 is not quite so far advanced as for stage 5; but, on an average, this line, too, is relatively level. Similarly, wave 3 begins at lO^'lO" a. m. with stage 7, connect- ing the highest point in the region successively for stages 8, 9, and 10, in not so level a manner as waves 1 and 2, but still relatively so. Indeed, the comparison of the high points of the mitotic wave to the peaks of a definitely traced mountain range holds good in this first actual study. The procession index corrects the stage indexes through the successive periods of a given mitotic wave strongly in the direction of uniformity, but never completely reaches it. They (the procession indices) are the best available means of unraveling the mitotic tangle in the material used, for if, as in the Method Chart, one attempts in this actual study a similar wave tracing in the chart (No. 5) " Graphs show- ing mitotic and stage indices," he is hopelessly lost. (See pp. 11 and 14.) 1 If comparison be made with the determinations of the final experiments reported in this paper, account must be taken of the facts that the two experiments differed in temperature, in season of the year, and in variety of onion used (see p. 26) . 24 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES EXPERIMENTS TO DETERMINE EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE INCRE- MENTS UPON THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES. The results of the preliminary study with the 13 successively taken samples of 1,000 cells each accord with common-sense expectations in reference to the durations of the several stages. Also the ends sought by this investigation lend themselves so completely to a simple cyto- logical and demonstrable mathematical method that it appeared invit- ing to continue the study with a view to making practical use of the method developed in measuring accurately the effects, in an actively growing tissue, of some selected and controlled environmental factor upon the relative and absolute durations of the several successive mitotic stages and upon the mitotic cycle as a whole. THE VELOCITY OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS: RESPONSE TO TEMPERA- TURE DIFFERENCES. The mitotic process is, no one doubts, a complex of physical and chemical activities. It is known that, in homogeneous chemical sys- tems, within Umits generally from 10° to 40° C, the velocity of a chem- ical reaction is about doubled or trebled for each rise in temperature of 10° C. This is van't Hoff's law, which experimental physiologists have tested out in reference to so many vital phenomena. It was, therefore, decided to select the temperatures 10°, 20°, and 30° C. for the purpose, not only of determining the effect of these different tempera- ature-increments upon mitosis, but also in order to make comparison in reactions to temperature-increments between mitosis and homogeneous chemical reactions. Furthermore, the temperatures selected present two periods of 10° C. each, both still within the growing temperature- range for plants, 30° C. approximating, but still a little lower than the optimum, and 10° C. well above the minimum for growth in the species selected for study. In general the botanists claim that the range for protoplasmic activity in plants varies from zero to about 50° C. As a rule, at a temperature below zero the protoplasm is killed by freezing, and above 50° C. is killed by ''heat rigor." Of course, it would have been possible to have tested out van't Hoff's law by making studies with smaller temperature-differences and applying the formula,^ _( h \^' Q but in the same quantity of sampling and counting it seemed ad- visable to increase the cell-count per sample rather than, at the expense of cell-count, to lessen the temperature-intervals. In the absence of a » Snyder, Charles D., "A comparative study of the temperature-coefficients of the velocities of various physiological actions." Am. Jour. Physiol. 22: 311, 1908. IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 25 biological necessity of having to resort to the smaller differences, it seemed advisable also to select three temperatures, all between the minimum and optimum for plant growth, and also near the mean temperature most often found in reactions which obey van't Hoff's law. Another reason for basing the first practical measurements (in accordance with the method developed) upon temperature is that the latter is known to exert great influence upon growth, implying bulk increase and mitosis. It is, moreover, one of the external conditions most readily and precisely manipulated. MATERIAL FOR THE EXPERIMENTS. Advantage was taken of the facts presented and the experience gained in the preliminary study in planning and executing the com- pleter one. The temperature-range having been decided upon, it is next necessary to select suitable material. The onion, having proven to be so well adapted to the sort of study in hand, was chosen for the completer investigations. Not only has it long been known to show mitotic rhythm, but it presents a homogeneity of samples not so easily obtained in other types of organisms. Their root-tips closely resemble each other and their mitotic processes were shown to synchronize. (See p. 13.) Moreover, one sample may be taken without disturbing the activity of the others, at least during the few hours of sampling. They are not difficult to prepare cytologically. Furthermore, the cells constituting the growing root-tip show comparatively little differ- entiation. Each possesses a large number of chromosomes, which fact (when the cells are longitudinally sectioned) makes the determination of arbitrarily marked mitotic stages an easy and definite matter. Finally the cells are large and the rate of mitotic activity permits convenient (lO-minute) sampling intervals. Bacteria, such as Ward^ used in his investigations, divide rapidly, but their smallness and the imperfections of the views obtainable of their transformations render them inferior to many other materials. If one desires to learn how the details of certain other mitotic struc- tures— for example, centrosomes which are not present in plant cells — are influenced during their mitotic transformations by various external agents, other materials would be necessary; but, taking all factors into consideration, the onion presents a very satisfactory source of material for the type of investigation here reported. Many of the quantitative studies on growth have been based upon the lengthening root-tips of plants. This is suitable material, whether growth proper — i. e., permanent bulk-increase — is considered alone or in relation to mitosis, for the root-tip grows chiefly in one dimension, namely, length. But very rarely do the cells divide other than trans- iSeeref. No. 1, p. 13. 26 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES versely, and all are about the same size. Thus the cell number, on the average, is roughly proportional to root-tip length in this actively growing tissue. The onions used in these experiments were uniform in size and exter- nal appearance and, while they were purchased in the open vegetable market without their pedigree being known, they were of sufficiently uniform type and sprouted with sufficient uniformity to convince one that their genotypic constitution was quite uniform. An effort was made to divide a single onion into 3 equal vertical sections and to sprout the roots from each section under the 3 different but constant tempera- tures, thus eliminating a possible genotypic difference. It was found, however, that there were not enough root-tips of uniform size in each section to supply the demands of the study, 57 being required. Five onions were grown in each temperature-constant chamber. The 19 samples required for each temperature-series were cut from these five onions on the basis of uniform length and appearance. APPARATUS: THERMOSTAT. Constant temperatures in growing conditions were required and, in the absence of laboratory rooms with equipment especially designed for maintaining constant temperature, a special apparatus had to be built. This consisted of a battery of 3 constant-temperature boxes, each 1 foot by 1 foot by 1| feet in size, mounted longitudinally about a foot apart upon a board. Each box had a wooden top, bottom, and ends, but the front and back were inclosed with double glass doors. Underneath these chambers ran a wooden tunnel, heated at the extreme right with a small kerosene lamp. Since the CO2 contents of the 3 chambers must be constant, the fumes from the lamp were not allowed to enter the tunnel, which was separated from the lamp-container by a zinc partition. Aloxig the top of the chambers ran a similar tunnel, connecting from above with a well-insulated ice-box in which the cool- ing substance (crushed ice and salt) was confined to three-fourths of the space (left-hand) by a wire netting. From each tunnel into each box was an opening covered by a small copper lid slightly controlled by thermo- stats taken from Hoover incubators. The lids and thermostats were so adjusted that a rise in temperature lowered the lid which covered the warm-air opening, and uncovered further the opening from the cold- air tunnel. When the temperature fell, the reverse action was induced. A centigrade thermometer was inserted through a cork which filled a hole in the top of each chamber; the thermometer was long enough to extend into the water in which the onions grew. In each tunnel on each side of each box were hand-dampers controlling the size of the tunnel. It must be confessed that, even at best, this contrivance was was only partially automatic. In order to keep the temperature of each compartment within the range of 1° C. from the desired standard, it IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 27 required to be attended once every 3 or 4 hours during the entire 24; but it worked, and that was the essential thing. Thus the three com- partments maintained temperatures at 10°, 20°, and 30° C, respectively, each with a fluctuation throughout the growing period of less than 1° C. above and 1° C. below the standard set. All other environmental factors, including lighting, were apparently very uniform in the three chambers. The machine was set in a cellar admitting light from the north only. In this room the temperature during the period of 3 weeks in which the thermostats were used did not vary more than 2° or 3° C. This aided the maintenance of constant temperatures in the three chambers. The onions were sprouted in earthen quart crocks and were supported by floating wooden frames so that only the root base of each bulb ex- tended into the water. When onions were first grown, February 1916, for the preliminary work, they sprouted most readily, but in August of the same year, when the constant-temperature apparatus had been built and was in working order ready to receive the onion, the sea- sonal conditions under which this bulb normally sprouts, or can be induced to sprout, evidently were past. In all 5 varieties of onions were tried out, but after 10 days none sprouted, but this time was well spent in learning to maintain constant temperatures. By the time constant temperatures had been attained in the three chambers, it was found that, after scoring them deeply, the small white onions of quite uniform character, commonly found in the fall vegetable markets, could be induced to sprout roots. (See p. 35.) SAMPLING AND COUNTING. As was seen earUer (see p. 22), at a temperature of 18° C. (preliminary study) the whole sequence of these 10 active stages of the mitotic cycle for the onion root-tips, studied during the approach to the natural growing season, occupied approximately 3 hours. This, together with the fact that the highest point in their mitotic activity appeared at 11^40™ a. m., suggested that the most appropriate time for samphng, if one wished to cover a whole active mitotic wave, would be from about 10 a. m. until 1 p. m. This succession was, therefore, decided upon and 19 observation-instants were chosen, each 10 minutes removed from its predecessor, beginning and ending as above suggested. It is clear that a completer and more refined analysis could be made if the observation- instants were less remotely distant from each other; but it was desired to cover as large a portion of a whole mitotic cycle as possible and to make the cell-counts per individual sample as great as possible; hence the necessity, in the interests of accuracy, to continue the observation- instants in a series 10 minutes removed from each other. \Vhether this is really economy working for accuracy can be determined only when the relative influences of various factors (previously mentioned) 28 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES upon the probable error of the determinations are known. (See pp. 19 and 29.) One thousand counts per observation having proven satisfactory, the plan of making similar counts was decided upon for the subsequent study. The task of working out a coefficient (see pp. 13 and 30) of nodtotic homogeneity, or synchronization in the mitotic area, was not under- taken, because the preliminary investigation showed in the Procession Index Tables an orderly succession of high points in mitotic waves through successive mitotic stages and time-intervals that would not have appeared had there not been a high degree of parallelism in the mitotic processes in the several samples taken. Judgment, therefore, dictated that it was necessary, in order to make for adequate accuracy, to include in the actual temperature-studies as many cell-counts as possible. Against this one possible handicap of having to use different cells to restore the sequence series, instead of being able to trace the succession of stages in the same cell — that is, in case the index of mitotic homogeneity or synchronization proved to be low — one must balance the fact that many hundreds of stained dead cells can be classed by the statistical method during the time that would be consumed by directly observing and definitely timing, even if it were possible, only a few cells actually moving through their mitotic stages. Remembering that numbers make for accuracy or, to be exact, that accuracy is a function of the square root of the population of the sample, we have only to increase the number of samples counted in order to increase the true- ness of our statistical picture. In addition, as was stated earlier (see p. 5), the statistical method has the advantage of taking fresh and naturally developing tissue and killing it almost instantaneously, thus insuring relatively untampered-with normal samples. On Saturday, September 9, 1916, the samples were taken. The root-tips were 5 to 10 mm. in length and varied but little in this respect in the three different constant-temperature chambers; but it must be remembered that growth and mitosis are different processes. The sampling began at 10 a. m. and, as was planned, continued at 10- minute intervals until 1 p. m., 19 observations in all. There was one person at each temperature-box and at the given signal an onion was lifted out and the root-tip quickly snipped with a pair of scissors and dropped immediately into Fleming's fluid. The temperature in the growing compartments did not vary so much as 0.5° C. during the 3 hours of sampUng, although each chamber was opened 19 times; doubtless the volume of water in which the onions were sprouted aided in maintaining the constancy. The root-tips were embedded in paraffin and cut in longitudinal sections 6 microns thick, and were stained with Heidenhain's hematoxylin, due precautions having been taken, as in the preliminary work, carefully to label the vials in which the specimens were prepared, and finally to label the slides upon which the series were mounted. IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 29 In order to prevent confusion in counting and classifying the cells, which were viewed under the oil-inunersion lens, the field was divided into quarters by means of hairs crossed in the eye-piece of the micro- scope. Thus in a field containing from 50 to 100 cells it was easy to keep one's bearings. No cells were counted twice, and all cells within a selected field were counted and classified. Special attention is called to the Procession Index Tables (Nos, 12, 13, and 14). In calculating the average absolute durations of the several stages, only those waves were used which traversed in a definite manner at least three-fourths of the stages of the entire mitotic cycle. Some waves were cut off in their prime by the termination of the sampling at 1 p. m., and because the sampling had a beginning (namely, at 10 a. m.) other waves were found already well advanced. The portions of waves unused in the calculations are indicated by dotted lines. There are two blanks in these tables, one in the 20° series for the sample at 11^50™ a. m., and the other in the 30° series for the sample at 10^10™ a. m. These samples were duly taken and fixed, but were ruined in preparation, so that while the results of the 10° series are based upon the determinations of 19 samples of 1,000 cells each, in the 20° and 30° series each is based upon only 18 samples of 1,000 cells. In studying the results given in the several tables, attention is cglled to the fact that, for better comparison between mitotically active and mitotically inactive stages, in some cases the percentages are based upon a cycle consisting of the 10 mitotically active stages only, omitting the resting stage. In other cases the resting stage is considered as a part of the mitotic cycle. Thus, in making comparisons other than those set forth in the same tables, one must make sure that the data apply to the same definition of the mitotic cycle. FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATISTICAL METHOD. The results of the experimentation reported in this paper invite future statistical investigations as follows: (a) To work out with more mathematical refinement the measure for accuracy {prohahle errors) of the formulas here given. — This involves the determination of the interrelation between the accuracy of the calcu- lations and (1) the size of the individual samples, (2) the number of observation-instants per series, and (3) the closeness of observation- instants; and the working out, as hereinafter suggested, of a coefficient of mitotic homogeneity or synchronization in the successive samples — all of which would permit not only the calculation of probable errors for the several determinations, but also would supply the basis for sound judgment in planning experiments. For example, if only a limited number of observations were feasible, it would enable one to choose, in the interests of accuracy, between closer observation-instants covering 30 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES less time and observation-instants farther removed but covering more time. (6) To find, if possible, a theoretically perfect procession-index. — ^The one used in these studies is highly practical and reliable, but, as was pointed out (see p. 11) in the early part of this paper, it lacks certain theoretical refinements. (c) To work out a coefficient of mitotic homogeneity or synchronization. — This could be done by sampling a number of similar-appearing root- tips from the same plant at the same instant, counting a large number (say, 1,000) of cells from each, classifying their stages, and calculating the percentage-frequencies of each, as was done in the study herein reported for successive samples. Then one should calculate through the series of samples, for each stage, the average percentage-frequencies. For each calculation, because the material sampled would be homo- geneous, the usual probable error of the mean would apply. Then %-E% applying the formula — ^7 = 1. H., we would have a good index of /o mitotic homogeneity, for each stage. These values could then be coordinated into a single index of mitotic homogeneity for the entire cycle of mitotic stages. Karsten,^ in his studies, appears to have taken 4 or 5 samples at about the same time and to have taken data from each of them, but from each sample his cell-counts are low, generally ranging from 50 to 100; which being distributed over the 5 mitotic stages which he used as a basis of classification, would make the calculation of their probable errors valueless. But by further inspection of his tables, one finds a constancy fully in accordance with expectation within the comparative smallness of his samples. This would lead one to expect, in a determina- tion based upon large samples, a low probable error in a coefficient of homogeneity or synchronization. (See pp. 13 and 19.) FURTHER ANALYSIS OF THE DYNAMICS OF MITOSIS BY THE STAGE-TIMING METHOD. It would be desirable: (a) To conduct experimentations similar to those here reported, but in which every qualitative feature would be more precise and every quantitative factor making for accuracy greatly increased. For in- stance: Temperature difference of 2° C. from 8° C. to 45° C. (or from the awakening to the maximum temperatures for growth in the particular plant selected), all other environmental factors constant; sampling at 5-minute intervals for 24 hours; 3 or 4 samples per observation-instant; genotypically uniform material; possibly a revi- sion of the successive stages of the mitotic cycle used in this study; at 1 See ref. No. 3, p. 13. IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 31 least 1,000 cell-counts from each sample. This would be a long and arduous task, possibly to be carried out best on a cooperative plan, but it would supply valuable and accurate standards for the further quantitative analysis of mitotic processes. (b) To make studies on the duration of the several mitotic stages at the awakening and end of mitotic activity as affected by temperature changes; also on the effects of light, electricity, moisture, pressure, gra\'ity, foods, and poisons upon stage-durations. Much qualitative work, but none of a quantitative nature, has been done in this direc- tion; for instance, V. Sabline,^ in subjecting the roots of Vicia Jaba to different temperatures, lack of oxygen, quinin sulphate, sulphuric ether, and other substances and conditions, noted their effects upon mitosis up to the instant of killing. The analysis of vital phenomena by timing mitotic stages thus modified is most promising. (c) To follow the clue presented by the effect of temperature on stage 6, in constructing working models simulating this stage of mitotic activity, seeking by a temperature rise to weaken the tension of strands appearing to pull the chromosomes toward the different poles. Indeed, if such strands could be made to appear in a gelatine cell, by a current of electricity, the simulation would be all the more promising as a possible real parallel to mitotic force. (See p. 45). {d) To time in detail the mitotic process, not only in cell-division characteristic of growth in undifferentiated tissue, as in this study, but also in cell-division in tissues undergoing differentiation. (e) To make studies in cell-size, cell-number, mitotic activity, and bulk-increase in the same tissues as affected by temperature-differences. Tissue growth consists in an alternation of cellular bulk-increase and mitosis. The experimentation herein proposed would determine the proportion of the limitation set upon growth by lowering temperatures due to (a) slowing-down the mitotic process, and to (6) reducing the absorption of food materials and delaying the metabolism necessary to creating the chemical potential which must precede mitosis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. The accompanying tables and charts give in detail the cell-countings, the mitotic stage-classification, and the determinations derived from them; they give also the formulas used, and finally they set forth graphically and comparatively the results of the experimentation and calculations for each temperature series. Nevertheless, a short dis- cussion is perhaps permissible. 1 Sabline, V. "L'influence des agents externes sur la division des noyaux dans les racines de Vicia faba." Rev. Gen. Bot. 15:481-497, 1903. 32 DURATION OF TQE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES A. RHYTHM IN MITOSIS, (a). GENERAL. The beginning of the mitotic process in plants is conditioned upon the state of cell-turgor, which in turn impHes that under conditions normal to the growing tissue the cell has not only absorbed a definite quantity of water, but also an amount of food materials and oxygen sufficient to set up the necessary physical and chemical potential de- manded, in the particular setting of things, to start the mitotic train. Strictly speaking, growth and mitosis are two distinct processes; growth refers only to permanent increase in bulk; mitosis, on the other hand, refers to cell-division regardless of increase or decrease in the size of the end product. Not only are they distinct processes, but in the same cell at the same time the one practically precludes the other. But while mitosis and increase in bulk are different processes, they must cooperate, if either is long to continue. Cells must divide, because their contact with the external world is through their surfaces and is therefore proportional to the square of their diameters; but their bulk and consequently the amount of metabolic work they are called upon to do vary with the cube of their diameters. A cell active mitotically is resting from its normal metabolic activities; conversely, while a cell is metabolically highly active it can not undergo mitosis. Sachs,^ in his "Text-book of Botany," says: "This relation of growth, which is dependent on cell-division, to assimila- tion, is especially clear in algae of simple structure (as Spirogyra, Vaucheria, Hydrodictyon, Ulothrix, etc.), which assimilate in the daytime under the influence of light, while cell-division proceeds exclusively or at least chiefly at night "We have here a case of division of physiological work which shows us that the cells which have to do with chemical work (assimilation) can not at the same time perform the mechanical labor of cell-division ; the two kinds of labor are distributed in the higher plants in space, in very simple plants in time. Provided there is a supply of assimilated reserve-material, cell-division can therefore take place either in the light or in the dark. Whether there are special cases in which light promotes or hinders cell-division is not known with certainty." Quoting Famintzin,^ Sachs continues: "The cell-division of Spirogyra has been proved to be dependent on light to the same extent as the formation of starch ; but relationship in the former case differs from that in the latter in the following respect : The formation of starch is induced by a very brief exposure to light (about half-hour) and requires that its action be direct; starch is formed only under the influence of light ; in its absence the formation at once ceases. Cell-division, on the other hand, is induced only after light has acted for some hours; it then commences in the cells, whether these have been exposed to light for some time or have been removed into the dark." 1 Sachs, Julius, "Text-book of Botany." (Tr. by A. W. Bennett.) Ch. 3, pp. 659-689. ^ Famintzin, Melanges phys. et chim. Petersbourg, 1868, Vol. III. IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 33 (6). WARD'S WORK. A very important step in the analysis of vital phenomena was made in 1895, when W. M. Ward/ in his classical experiments " On the biology of Bacillus ramosus (Fraenkel), a schizomycete of the River Thames," determined that growth {i. e., permanent increase in bulk) while in the long run dependent upon cell-division, does not synchronize but rather alternates with it. He measured quantitatively what other investiga- tors had only caught glimpses of. (c). ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE. In 1904 W. E. Kellicott^ pubHshed, in a bulletin of the Torrey Club, his paper "The daily periodicity of cell-division and of elongation in the root of Allium J' In the experimentation upon which this paper was based Kellicott grew onions in wet sawdust until the roots were from 50 to 100 mm. in length. Then, at 2-hour intervals throughout the 24 hours, with the temperature ranging from 14° C. at 1 a. m. to 27° C. at 3 p. m., he took samples of the root-tips and at the same intervals made measurements of the rate of elongation of similar tips. His purpose was to trace the rhythm in cell-division and the rhythm in growth, with a view to determining whether (as Ward nine years previously had found in Bacillus ramosus) the maximum of mitotic activity alternates with the maximum of root-tip elongation. His work seems to have con- firmed for the root-tip of Allium the conclusion of Ward in reference to Bacillus ramosus, and thus tended to suggest the generality of the principle. Besides counting the resting stages in selected areas, he counted also the mitotically active stages, classifying them as early, middle, and late. He reports no further use of this classification other than to add their counts together for determining periods of comparative mitotic activity. His data would hardly suffice for a study of stage duration, for the observation periods were too far apart and the total number of cells counted approximated only 3,000. Kellicott summarizes his investigations as follows: " 1. In the root of Allium there are two maxima and two minima in rate of cell-division during the 24 hours. "2. The primary maximum occurs shortly before midnight (11 p. m.) and the primary minimum about 7 a. m. The secondary maximum occurs about 1 p. m. and the secondary minimum about 3 p. m. "3. There is no correspondence between the rate of cell-division and slight variations in temperature. ******* "6. Under nonnal conditions of growth the rate of elongation of the root of Allium exhibits a daily rhythm, showing two maxima and two minima durmg 24 hours. 1 See ref. No. 1, p. 12. ^See ref. No. 2, p. 12. 34 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES "7. Elongation is most rapid (primary maximum) about 4 or 5 p. m., the secondary maximum occrn'ring about 7 a. m. The primary minimum is about 11 p. m., and the secondary minimum about noon. "8. Periods of rapid cell-division coincide with the low rate of elongation and during rapid elongation the rate of cell-division is lowest." Finally G. Karsten^ records his investigations of the mitotic rhythm through successive intervals under constant temperature. He traced the fluctuations in mitotic activity through long periods of the day, for the most part through the hours of daylight only. The intervals between his observations were not equal, but varied from 30 minutes to 2 hours. His plants were grown in a thermostat, maintaining a temperature constant at 25° C. From 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. the thermostat was lighted electrically, and from 6 p. m. to 6 a. m. it was permitted to remain dark. His purpose was to eliminate the influence of temper- ature fluctuations upon the degree of mitotic activity. He determined particularly that the fluctuations in mitotic activity during the course of the day are not due solely to variation in temperature. In making his cell-counts, Karsten noted five stages, viz., Auflock- kerung, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, and counted for each species studied a total of from approximately 100 to 400 cells per observation-period. Like Kellicott, he apparently made no further use of his division of stages of mitotic progress other than to sum them for measuring the height of mitotic activity at the given instant of observation. Karsten's view that root-tip cells do not show mitotic periodicity is not well founded, nor is Kellicott's conclusion^ in refer- ence to temperature and cell-division. id). SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE OF MITOTIC PERIODICITY. To sum up the evidence in relation to periodicity, we may say that in growing tissue, so far as the individual cell is concerned, there is a definite alternation between permanent increase in bulk and mitosis. Indeed, if bulk-increase is largely anabolic and cell-division catabolic, as is most probably the case, then opposing activities can not synchro- nize in the same cell each as a dominant factor of activity. But syn- chronization of the same activities among many neighboring cells is a different matter. This exists and its degree determines the character of the pulsation observed in rate of growth in actively growing tissues. Even if growing cells did not have to experience this alternation in growth and mitosis, but responded directly and constantly to their environment, we should expect periodicity nevertheless, for the daily cycle of illumination, heat, and moisture, with their concomitant influ- ences, direct and indirect, upon nutrition and metabolism, would make for a rhythm in growth. (See p. 30.) ^Karsten, G. " IJber embryonales Wachstum unci seine Tagesperiode." Zeit. Bot. 7: 1-34, 1915. ^See No. 3, p, 32. IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 35 Not only would we look for rhythm, as caused by the complex of envh-omnental factors, but the internal organization of the plant permits response at one time or season, but not at another. That is, besides the daily response in mitotic and growth rhythms, due chiefly to ex- ternal influences, there is a seasonal rhythm due chiefly to internal organization. Thus in February and March the cured onions, which have been stored through the winter, sprout very readily upon being given moisture and light; but in August the same type of onion, as was earlier reported, is hard to awaken to growth. (See p. 27.) Then, too, each individual tissue of each individual animal or plant would be expected, under a definite complex of environmental factors, to present its own specific train of mitotic phenomena, the parallelism in re- sponse being governed in such cases by the degree of constancy in the en\aronment-complex and in the genotypic constitution of the tissues compared. B. HEAT FACTOR IN GROWTH. (a). GENERAL. Heat is known to exert an important influence upon the velocity (see p. 38) of chemical reactions, and also upon the reaction-rate or strength of practically all of the measurable physical forces known in both the inorganic and the organic worlds. Growth (bulk-increase and mitosis), which is a complex of chemical and physical reactions, can take place only under appropriate temperature-conditions. Other things being equal, the growth response of a specific plant is specific for a given temperature. Many experiments have been conducted upon the rate of growth for the purpose of working out physiological constants for given and various situation-complexes of nature and nurture. So far as temperature-relations are concerned, there have been found cardinal points, specific temperatures, at which growth in a specific plant responds at its mimmum, its optimum, and its maximum rates. As a rule, these points are found to vary from slightly above zero to approxi- mately 50° C. ib). PHENOLOGY. The phenologists have found a certain relationship between the quan- tity of heat (that is, the number of centigrade-degree days) and the stage reached by a given plant in its development from the dormancy of mid- winter. Linsser,^ in 1867, attempted to formulate this relationship. His conclusions were based upon the theory that a definite quantity of heat is required in order to affect the internal reactions necessary to reach a definite developmental stage; regardless of whether this quan- tity be distributed over a long or a short season, its end effect was thought to be the same. In general, phenology is an attempt to har- monize the known facts of energy transmutation and conservation in 1 Linsser, Carl, "Die Periodischen Erscheinungea des Pflanzenlebeas in irhem Verholtniss zu den Warmeerscheinunzen." Mem. Acad. Sci., St. Petersb., Ser. VII, Vol. XI, No. 7, 1867. 36 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES chemical reactions with the phenomena of growth. It does not, how- ever, take into consideration the differential effect of heat at different temperatures, nor the possibility of physical shock in raising and lower- ing the temperature, nor the possible wastage and excretion of products before the measured stage is reached. Ward^ calls attention to a fact of interest to those who seek to estab- Ush physiological constants, namely: "That the variation in rate of growth which has been going on at an hith- erto constant temperature is more pronounced when the rise or fall is 2° C. than when it is only 1° C. will be obvious, and similarly for any other range; but, again, it must be noted that the amount of deflection of the curve for any range of variation depends on the amount of temperature, or the hitherto con- stant temperature at which the growth has been going on The external factors are : (1) Temperature. Variations in the curve are produced by sudden variations in the temperature, and apparently the variations are the more pronounced the quicker the temperature changes and the more extensive their range; but the amount of variation in the curve due to any given rise or fall of temperature in constant time appears to depend on the distance of the tem- perature (from which the variations is reckoned) from the optimum. In other words, the sensitiveness of the organism to a rise or fall of a degree centigrade varies according to the temperature from which the rise or fall occurs; for if it has been growing at 30° C. constant temperature, for an hour, it shows a more marked deflection in the curve for a sudden rise or fall of 1° C. than for the same sudden rise or fall from 25° C." He then discusses other factors wdth which we are here not so con- cerned. C. NATURE OF THE COMPLEX IN GROWTH AND MITOSIS. Physiologists often have attempted to treat the complex of bulk increase and mitotic activity as a unit, fitting in its end-product the simple formula followed by reactions in homogeneous chemical systems. If, by any chance, in a special case, growth (impljdng an alternation in (a) the absorption of food materials, cell turgor, and (6) mitotic poten- tial and its consequent mitosis) should be found to follow the same rule in response to one or more external agents as is obeyed by the simpler organic reactions, it would indeed be a matter of chance and not an homologous response due to types of chemical activity being parallel throughout. The one is a relatively simple and direct reaction, and the other a vast complex of inhibitions and activations, with their interplay, giving finally a single measurable resultant of forces. In mitosis we see different structures and can trace their dissolution and reorganiza- tion; this shows clearly that mitosis is not a homogeneous chemical reaction. There are many different substances distributed throughout the cell, but their distribution is not so homogeneous as not to require the consideration of the diffusion factor before completing their chem- ical reactions incident to mitosis. The fact that different structures and substances in the cells, both Uving and dead, take different stains proves 1 See ref. No. 1, p. 13. IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 37 their different chemical composition and makes possible the micro- chemical analysis of cell structures, but the same evidence of com- plexity demands the greatest refinements in measuring unhampered and elementary vital processes. The mathematical formulas for physio- logical constants are, as a rule, not nearly so dependable as are such velocity-reaction formulas for substances in the world of non-living protoplasm. Doubtless the reason is that in living protoplasm there is a more complex interplay of forces and the consequent manufacture of new products which, in turn, by their presence affect their differential influences upon the whole subsequent course of vital activity. Such can not, without great difficulty, be resolved into its elements and given mathematical interpretation. D. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ASPECT. (a). INDIVIDUALITY IN VELOCITY REACTIONS OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES TO THE SAME TEMPERATURE CHANGES. It should be noted that there is a differential response characteristic of each of the several mitotic stages here listed. This is not surpris- ing, for each mitotic stage possesses its own individuality so far as its physico-chemical complex is concerned. This is most strikingly shown in chart No. 18, in the parallelism between the graphs plotting the velocity reactions of the successive stages at 20° C. compared with the velocities at 10° C, and those for 30° C. compared with the velocities at 20° C. as a standard. If the specimens had been grown at temperature-intervals of 2° C, one would expect, from the response shown in table on page 38, through the temperature series a characteristic and orderly increment or decrease in the velocity-response of each arbitrarily marked-off section (mitotic step or stage) of the mitotic cycle, the same as from the cell- organization as a whole, only in slightly less complex manner. With the microscope it can be seen readily that the mitotic process involves gross molar movements and, as the cycle progresses, differ- ential staining proves the change of minute cellular structures, "the production of structure from metabohsm," involving chemical change. In a homogeneous chemical system it is possible to measure the quan- tity of the homogeneous reaction-product produced in a given amount of time; but in mitotic activity it is the progress of the complex-train with all of its many products that is measured by dividing it into arbitrary but recognizable progress-stages. It is not the mass of its reaction-products that is measured. Thus the end speed of the whole mitotic process is the resultant of many cooperating and conflicting forces; but, regardless of the number of complications, a thing that is measurable and is varied by the change in complicating factors shows orderly change and rhythm. Such measuring is a step in advance because it admits of analysis further than has been made and points the way toward still greater refinements. 38 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES Owing to the individuality of the physico-chemical complex char- acterizing each mitotic stage herein set off, we do not expect orderly fluctuation in the reactions of the successive stages (see chart 18) to the same temperature any more than we expect serial order in the reactions of different organisms selected at random and unseriated; but (see also charts 16 and 17) we do expect to find, in the same organism, that a characteristic and orderly curve plots the reactions to orderly increments in temperature, of the same mitotic stage, of any given combination of mitotic stages, of the entire cell as a unit, or of the more complex organism as a whole. The effect of temperature increments of 10° C. upon the velocity of each of the several mitotic stages in the dividing root-tip cells of the onion. Qio values. Mitotic stages (see summary chart for definite limits) . Velocity at 20° C. compared with velocity at 10° C. Velocity at 30° C. compared with velocity at 20° C. 0.8818 (i. €., -1.1340) +2.6832 +2.9599 + 1.3859 + 1.4071 0.8546 (i. e., -1.1701) + 1.1523 + 1.6334 + 1.3329 + 1.1240 + 1.2215 +2 . 0476 + 1.1990 + 1.1525 +4.9406 +2.6404 +2.7593 +3.0663 +2.3440 +2.7571 +2.6038 +2.1694 +3.0931 +4 . 9463 +3.2311 + 1.3962 9. Early telephase or di-spireme 2 to 10 inclusive 1 to 10 inclusive Entire cycle, i. e., the 1 resting and the 10 active stages + 1.2139 +2.6218 Note. — Each of the above values when preceded by a + or a — sign constitutes the usual Qio calculation. The above shows, in terms of velocity rather than of duration, the effects of temperature increments of 10° C. upon the increased rapidity of each of the several mitotic stages in the dividing root-tip cells of the onion. (Table 15 and charts 16, 17, and 18 give in detail the comparative effects of temperature upon the duration of the several individual mitotic stages.) In two instances it will be seen that mitotic velocity is slowed down by the 10° C. temperature-increase, while in all other cases it is speeded up. On the whole the increased velocity exceeds the retarding influences, so that a rise in tempera- ture increases the rate of mitotic activity. Stages 1 and 6 are, to a greater degree than any other stages, slowed down by a rise in tem- perature, while stages 2 and 8 are greatly accelerated by the same change. The former pair (stages 1 and 6) apparently have little in common, while in the latter pair stage 2 is constructing chromosomes and stage 8 is breaking them down. IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 39 (6). VAN'T HOFF'S LAW. If van't Hoff's principle is taken to apply only to simple chemically homogeneous reactions, it finds little direct application to the measure- ments herein reported for the influence of temperature-increments upon mitotic velocity. However, determining the Qio values, i. e., the coefficients for simple or complex physical, chemical, or physiological activities, is a very useful method of analysis. But when we find Qio values of the magnitude of van't Hoff's expectation, namely, of from +2.0 to +3.0, we must not consider therefore that we have of necessity located a simple homogeneous chemical reaction. We may or we may not have found such. As many as possible of the con- tributing factors must be taken into consideration and each duly weighted. Every chemical and physical activity has its characteristic velocity-response to a 10° C. rise in temperature. Generally these val- ues vary from —2.0 to +5.0. Because in these experiments with mito- sis the value of Qio is never greater than +4.95 and never less than — 1.18, the evidence points strongly toward the nature of mitotic forces being chiefly chemical and physico-chemical, but without further analysis this evidence tells little more as to what combina- tion of a great repertoire of activities may be involved in the mitotic stage-complex whose activities are measured as a unit. The fact that influences are both specific and measurable is the encouraging thing. The measuring of two complexes differing only in one factor supphes a measure of this differential. If finally a vital reaction is analyzed and one of its elements closely accords in behavior with some simple reaction, well and good, for such indicates approach to the elementary, and elemental formulas relating to such a complex can be synthesized; but calling a patently and unanalyzed complex elementary because it responds like such in one or more respects hardly makes for progress. Doubtless the component proc- esses of mitosis are of a chemical and physico-chemical nature and their individual responses to temperature-changes are of the expected nature and degree. But the interplay of activities may cause the complex as a unit to synchronize with certain selected elements or the conflict of forces may greatly retard or accelerate the common progress. For instance, the production of enzyme A may be proceeding at a chemically expected rate in response to its surrounding temperature. But when enzyme A comes in contact with enzyme B, which is being similarly produced, their interaction may introduce another factor, accelerating or retarding general or specific progress. Also, anti- catalysis (or the influencing of the velocity of production of a chemical product by the unremoved product itself) is a factor. It is a mass of such individual activities that we measure in most physiological activities, and especially is this true in mitosis. 40 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES While the experunents and discussions of this paper are confined to the method of mitotic analysis based upon velocity-responses characteristic of definite temperatures, which method doubtless will continue to yield profitable returns, the study of specific mitotic stage- duration as affected by other physical forces, such as light, electricity, pressure, and gravity, and by chemical agents, and finally by given complexes of these forces and agents, must be resorted to for a better determination of the details of mitotic dynamics. The method of measuring the durations of mitotic stages presented in this paper is applicable equally well to each of these situations. Gradually the physiological complex of the cell is being analyzed, each factor measured, and coefficients and indices of reaction of definite living organisms to controlled environmental conditions are being worked out so far as velocity-reactions to temperature are concerned. The fact that mitosis in its complexity does not behave throughout like a uniform and simple chemical reaction is to be ex- pected. In mitosis there exists a microcosm of chemical and physical forces, each with its characteristic response to temperature-increments. Indeed the differential reactions of the several stages of the mitotic process-train present the only possible but nevertheless a most prom- ising key to further analysis of the forces involved in cell division by the method of measuring velocity-response to temperature-changes. Especially valuable will this key be if used under a wide range of con- trolled conditions and applied to mitotic stages of very definite but small differences. Finally, of course, velocity-analysis in its various relations will (like temperature-analysis) reach its Hmits of usefulness, but its possibilities in determining the nature of the dynamics of mitotis are thus far only sampled. (c). ISOLATION OF FACTORS. Elimination hy comparative experimental evidence. — When a physi- ologist confines his investigations to a definite, localized, relatively homogeneous reaction, he may expect results more closely approxi- mating those of the chemist deahng with homogeneous systems. But even then the varying factors may act upon processes controlling the one sought to measure alone. Riddle^ experimented with four species of cold-blooded vertebrates, with a view to determining the velocity of digestion in relation to temperature. He recognized the difficulty in measuring the effects of temperature upon the digestive process alone. In regard to complicating factors he says: "The data indicate that the effects of temperature on the digestive proc- esses must be considered under two heads: First, the accelerating action of increased temperature on the chemical processes involved; and second, the retarding action of very high or very low temperatures due (a) to the pro- duction by the animal of smaller amounts of digestive enzymes under these ' Riddle, Oscar. "Rate of digestion in cold-blooded vertebrates." Amer. Jour. Physiol. 24: 447 et seq., 1909. IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 41 conditions or (6) to the actual destruction of enzymes by these extreme temperatures." After executing his experiments in a manner as nearly as possible eliminating these perturbing influences, he finds: "Within certain not very wide ranges of temperature the rule of van't Hoff applies to the digestive processes in living cold-blooded vertebrates, the aver- age of eight vahd coefficients being 2.62." And, in further interpretation of his results in which the velocity in- crease for a 10° C. temperature-increment varied from 0.93 to 7.81 , he says : " Those numbers which are greater than 3.00 indicate that the lower temper- ature of the two temperatures compared exercises a destructive or inhibitive action on the digestive secretions; whereas numbers smaller than 2.00 indicate that the higher temperature of the two temperatures compared likewise inhibits or destroys ferment action." It is clear that he regards uncomplicated peptic digestion as a simple and purely chemical process which would, therefore, for moderate tem- peratures, show the characteristic Qio value of from +2.0 to +3.0. For these reasons, of the 13 determinations made 5 were rejected as not valid. His 8 valid coefficients, above mentioned, were determined for temperatures approximating the optimum for peptic digestion in each of the several species experimented with. Thus the cardinal temperature-pomts for the particular activity characteristic of the particular species and individuals used in the experiment and must be taken into account in interpreting temperature-indices based upon physiological systems. A single index for two factors. — Livingston^ attacked the problem of physiological constants. As he points out in his investigation, he "takes account of the principle of temperature minima, optima, and maxima." Thus, ''basing the indices upon a physiological rather than an exponential system," he finds ''the van't Hoff-Arrhenius principle, upon which is based the exponential series, appears to hold for the elongation of young maize shoots only for a temperature range from about 20° to about 30° C. (Lehenbauer), and the physiological system is approximately true for all temperatures from 12° to 43°C., at least for the conditions of Lehenbauer's experiments." Subsequently the same author (Livingston) worked out "A single index to represent both moisture and temperature conditions as related to plants."^ There is always great difficulty in attributing to an elementary and uncomphcated physiological process the Qio values found in any given measurement, so great in the Uving organism is the interrelation of activities. The analysis must, however, strive to isolate the factors and thus seek data based upon relatively simple processes. Formulas duly weighing each factor can then be synthesized. 1 Livingston, Burton E. "Physiological temperature-indices for the study of plant growth in relation to climatic conditions." Physiol. Res. 1: No. 8: 399, 1916. 2 Physiol. Res. 1: No. 9: 421-440, 1916. 42 DURATION OF THj: SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES Temp. (C). Qio. 18° to 28° 2.40 19 29 2.24 20 30 2.08 21 31 1.93 22 32 1.82 23 33 1.73 24 34 1.58 25 35 1.41 26 36 1.25 27 37 1.10 28 38 0.96 (d) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PURELY CHEMICAL TEMPERATURE-VELOCITY REACTIONS. Physiological processes. — Harvey/ in his inves- tigations of the rate of conduction of the nerve impulse in the medusa Cassiopea, calls attention to the fact that within medium temperatures — that is, from 18° to 38° C. — the velocity-increment per definite temperature-rise for physiological processes declines as the temperature increases, whereas in purely chemical reactions the velocity- increment increases as the temperature rises. He gives the accompanying table showing the former principle for the experiment above named. In interpreting this behavior Harvey says: "If the rate of nerve conduction depends on the velocity of some chemical reaction in the nerve, the above-mentioned difference in its temperature curve remains to be explained. It is possible, indeed probable, that yet another factor than reaction velocity determines conduction rate, and the resultant curve of the two factors is the one actually observed Different enzymes exhibit maxima at different temperatures. Most of these are rather high, much higher than the maximum for nerve-conduction, which lies at about 33° C. The same ferment obtained from different sources may exhibit dif- ferent maxima .... we may say that the propagation of the nerve impulse is not only dependent on the velocity of a chemical reaction, hut that the reac- tion is further accelerated hy the presence of an enzijme. Thus the characteristic difference in the form of curve from that of a simple reaction." Growth or permanent hulk increase. — Lehenbaur,^ presents the table shown herewith. The purpose of his experiments was to test the appli- cabihty of van't Hoff's principle to the rate of growth in the stem- shoots of maize seedlings. He points out that his results approximate van't Hoff's law in the medium temperatures only, that is, from 20° to 30° C, where the concomitant temperature-coefficients range from H-1.88 to +2.40. The table is indeed a most interesting one, for growth alone is considered, and this he studied in its more restricted sense, namely, permanent increase in bulk disregarding mitotic activity. There is no constant velocity-increment with each temperature-rise of 10° C, but it will be 1 Harvey, E. Newton. "Effects of different temperatures on the medusa Cassiopea, with special reference to the rate of conduction of the nerve inpulse," Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 132, pp. 27-39, 1910. 2 Lehenbauer, Philip A. "Growth of maize seedlings in relation to temperature." Physiol. Res. i:No. 5:281, 1914. Temp. Range of Coeffi- range. growth-rate. cient. mm. °C. 1.01 12 to 22 9 to 59 6.56 13 23 10 64 6.40 15 25 20 75 3.75 18 28 28 98 3.50 20 30 45 108 2.40 21 31 53 109 2.06 22 32 59 111 1.88 25 35 75 86 1.15 32 42 111 11 0.09 33 43 101 6 0.06 IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 43 seen that the lower the temperature the higher the coefficients. It is evident that here increasing temperatures exert a progressively declin- ing accelerative effect upon growth. Mitosis. — Not only is there, in a relatively simple physiological complex, a decrease in Qio values as the temperature increases, but if growth, which is most complex physiologically, is measured in terms of permanent bulk-increase, we find the same phenomenon. In comparing the values found in the mitosis velocity-measurements at different levels on the temperature scale with the two types of velocity-increments which Harvey points out, the striking thing is that in mitosis all of the stages measured in the present investigation show a greater velocity-increment for a rise of 10° C. from 10° to 20° C. than from 20° to 30° C. Thus, unlike the rate of nerve conduction in Cassiopea, and the increase of length in the root-tips of the seedling maize along with physiological activity generally, mitosis behaves in its velocity-increments to temperature-increments like the simpler chem- ical reactions. This does not mean that mitosis is a ''simple chemical reaction." Far from it it is a vast complex of physical and chemical activities. By chance the resultant of the actions and inter- actions of these processes present, when measured as a whole, an aspect resembling in this one feature a simple chemical reaction. Many biological curves are shaped like an elongated and slanting capital letter S — thus ^y'^ ; for instance, the curve of auto-catalysis, when time (abscissae) and quantity of product (ordinates) are plotted. If the temperature at which the onion root-tips of the present study were sampled had extended beyond the cardinal temperature points for mitosis in the specimens used, we would have found ultimately a breaking-point and a decrease in velocity increment in the higher temperatures, such as Harvey found in the velocity of nerve conduc- tion in Cassiopea at 28° C. to 38° C, and Lehenbauer in the growing root-tips of maize at 32° C. to 42° C. The curves for velocity of physio- logical reactions in response to temperature-changes are the shape of the upper end of the elongated y^ , while the curves for mitosis and also for the simpler chemical reactions take the direction of the lower half. The range of temperature in the mitosis experiment (10° C. to 30° C.) is somewhat lower on the temperature scale than those used by Harvey (18° C. to 38° C.) and by Lehenbauer (12° C. to 43° C). In the region of the medium temperatures this particular contrast between the velocity-gradients of mitosis and of physiological processes generally and the closer resemblance of the mitosis-gradient to that of the simpler chemical reactions is undeniable. We must look for its mean- ing not in position on the temperature-scale, but in a physiological (physico-chemical) complex in which the many specific elementary reactions to temperature-changes give a resultant in which the many aberrations from the velocity-gradient characteristic of a simple chemical process are mutually canceled. 44 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES (e). THE REACTIONS OF DEFINITE MITOTIC STAGES. General survey.— The temperatures 10°, 20°, and 30° C. at which the plants experimented with were grown are medium in the sense in which the term is used in relation to physiological experiments generally. At these temperatures, with mitosis as with other physiological pro- cesses, we find Qio values of the expected magnitude. Here also, as is usual with both simple chemical and complex physiological processes, accompanying an arithmetical change in temperature, we find a geo- metrical change in reaction velocity. In some stages, such as No. 2, it appears that the activity is chiefly chemical, or at least diffusional mvolving most minute bodies, for a high-power microscope reveals few structural changes. If the products of reaction were immediately removed, if auto-catalysis and other activating or retarding factors were absent, such a stage might, in its behavior, be expected more nearly to approach van't Hoff's rule than would a stage whose changes appear to be mostly physical, such as, for mstance, stage 6, which seems chiefly a physical shift. This surmise in reference to stage 2 holds good in the temperature-difference 10° to 20° C, but falls down utterly in the 20° to 30° C. rise. While other stages— N OS. 4 to 10 — which seem to be characterized chiefly by gross structural changes, in the 10° to 20° C. change generally respond with a Qio value less than van't Hoff's expectation, but in the 20° to 30° C. change are well within the range of such prediction. These differences indicate an interplay of forces specific for each stage. Doubtless the non-removal of products, which become thereby factors influencing sub- sequent activities, constitutes a very great if not the principal cause of difference between the response of a mitotic stage and a homogene- ous chemical reaction to temperature-changes. A cell through a given mitotic stage is apt to be more homogeneous, i. e. simpler, in its physico-chemical complex than the same cell traced throughout its whole mitotic cycle; also the activities of a given mitotic stage may be chiefly chemical or chiefly molar. We should, therefore, expect to find individual stages presenting velocity-gradients more elementary {i. e., less composite) than the same gradient char- acteristic of mitosis as a whole. Examination of the data shows that for the mitotic cycle as a whole {i. e., the 10 active stages), an increase of 10° (from 10° to 20° C.) causes a reduction in duration from unity to 0.8342 (velocity increase of +1.1990), while an increase of 10° C. (from 20° to 30° C), taking 20° as the standard, causes a reduction in duration for the 10 active stages from unity to 0.7158 (velocity increase of + 1 .3926) . Thus the cumulative effect of increas- ing temperature upon the velocity of mitosis is, in the present experi- ments, greater in the higher than in the lower temperatures, in this respect resembling the simpler chemical reactions. (See pp. 39 and 43.) IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 45 Further, if we take each of the 10 active stages singly, we find that the same rule appHcable to the 10 stages as a whole holds good, with the single exception of stage 3, the spireme stage, in which an increase of temperature from 10° to 20° C. causes an increase in velocity of 2.9599 times, while from 20° to 30° C. velocity is increased only 2.6404. This decrease is sUght, but it operates in the direction of general physio- logical rather than simple chemical expectation. (See pp. 38 and 42.) Nevertheless the values are so close that, considering stage 3 only, the fitting to van't Hoff's rule is most striking. Thus, judged by the van't Hoff rule alone, from its reactions to heat, stage 3 seems to be a comparatively simple chemical reaction; but, as seen through the microscope, it is characterized by molar changes also. So it is prob- able that the close approximation of its Qio value to +3.0 at both the upper and lower temperature ranges is due to its being the resultant of a number of conflicting higher and lower values, else all processes involved were alike in having the same Qio characteristics, which latter is possible, but not probable. The movement of chromosomes. — Stages 4 to 7, as designated in this study, involve the movement of chromosome-bodies within the cell. Although the chromosomes may be attached by strands, it may be profitable to make comparison with the action of heat upon the rate of movement of other bodies in protoplasm. In Davenport's ''Experi- mental Morphology" a diagram^ shows the relation between tempera- ture and the rate of movement of the chlorophyll-grains floating in the protoplasm of the cells of three species of green plants. These curves show a rapid rise in rate of movement from slightly above 0° C. to from 33° to 39° C, and then a rapid falling off. Before their breaking points they are essentially the shape of the curves plotted for velocity-reactions of most of the mitotic stages to temperature-changes. The curve is specific for each particular species. So, with the specific mitotic stages, there is a specificity of reactions due, doubtless, as among the different species and processes above referred to, to a distinctive complex of physiological {i. e., physico-chemical) properties. The peculiar reaction of mitotic stage No. 6. — From the present experimentation one of the most interesting results is in reference to mitotic stage No. 6, in which the chromosomes are moving from the equatorial plate toward the poles. One would naturally suspect that a rise in temperature would increase the speed of these moving bodies, as a rise in temperature increased the rate of movement of the chlorophyll-granules above referred to, but such is not the case. "WTiereas it is true that a rise in temperature increased the speed of the whole mitotic process, it actually decreased the speed of this particular stage. The unexpected response of this stage to temperature- ^ Davenport, Charles B. Experimental Morpholog>-, p. 226, 1899. Data from Velten, W. Die Einwirkung der Temperatur auf die Protoplasma-bewegung. Flora 59: 177-217, 1876. 46 DURATION OF THE SEVERAL MITOTIC STAGES increments might indeed be considered as a mistaken interpretation due to bad statistical methods, or to experimental errors, if we did not have corroborative evidence. If the temperature-response of stage 6 in cells growing at 20° C. is compared with those growing at 10° C. we find a slowing-down, both relatively and absolutely, caused by an increased temperature, and when we take the duration at 10° C. or that at 20° C. as a basis, we find also that at 30° C. there is a similar response, namely, a slowing-down relatively to the velocity increments of the preceding and following stages. This is seen graphically in Chart No. 18 and is too consistent to have been due to error. The decrease in the velocity of stage 6 caused by a rise in temperature is outstanding and real. This brings within range of profitable experi- mentation work seeking to determine the nature of the forces moving the chromosomes from the equator toward the poles. From whatever angle viewed, the problem of the nature of mitotic forces enters the field of physical chemistry, and consequently a more refined analysis of its dynamics is being sought with greatest profit in the realm of this science. Analysis by differential temperature-reac- tions is only one means of attacking the problem, but its possibilities are promising. In a supplementary study^ there were brought together, for the purpose of aiding in the analysis of the mitotic potential, (a) the facts concerning the velocity-reactions to temperature-differences of the several mitotic stages of the growing root-tips of the onion as determined in the present investigation, and (6) data from the experi- ments recorded in scientific literature on the temperature-coefficients of a number of elementary and complex physical, chemical, and physio- logical processes. SUMMARY. (1) This study sets forth and demonstrates the mathematical and biological soundness of a statistical and cytological method of measur- ing both the relative and absolute durations of the several arbitrarily delimited progress-stages in cell-division. (2) The net results of this investigation are given in concise form in the accompanying table (No. 3) ''Principles and formulas for determin- ing the relative and absolute durations of the several mitotic stages," and in the ''Summary Chart," which constitutes the frontispiece and which gives in detail the measurements and ratios found by applying the demonstrated principles to three actual cases, namely, to meas- uring and comparing the duration of the ten active and one resting mitotic stages in the dividing root-tip cells of the common onion {Allium cepa) at 10°, 20°, and 30° C. 'Laughlin, Harry H. The Dynamics of Cell-Division. Pro. Soc. Exp. Med. and Biol., XV, 8, No. 179 (1357), pp. 117-122. May 1918. IN THE DIVIDING ROOT-TIP CELLS OF THE ONION. 47 (3) From the Qio values derived from these comparisons it is found that each mitotic stage presents characteristic velocity-reactions to temperature-increments. 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D. ccA. R. D.. ccA. R. D. . . ccA. R. D.. Constant for all stages and obser- vations. Not constant, but bearing a con- stant relation to its concomitant S. I. of the same stage through successive obser- vations. Constaut for all stages and obser- vations. Not constant, but bearing a con- stant relation to its concomitant S. I. of the same stage through successive obser- vations. None Impossible. Possible by either S. 1. or P. I. Impossible. Possible by P. I. only. Superfluous; S. 1. and P. I. coincide. Orderly pro- cession of S. I. in relation to successive mitotic stages and successive observation-intervals is adequate to determining the absolute duration of a definite portion of the entire mitotic cycle. Essential. In complex cases the P. I. restores the recognizable and orderly procession of the S. 1. in relation to successive mitotic stages and succes- sive observation-intervals, thus making it possible to measure the absolute duration of a definite portion of the entire mitotic cycle. n The key situation into which the situation b, that actually found in mitosis in onion root-tip cells, tends to be corrected by means of the P. I. The condition-com- plex of Type IV is the one analyzed in the method chart (Chart No. 1) because of this direct appUcabiiity to the case in hand. For meaning of formulas see table No, 3, "Principles and Formulas." stage-d urations) Notes: 1. Only when M. I. is constant (but regardless of variation i S. I. of a given stage in a given observation ocA. R. D. in a single sample. 2. £ S. I. for the same stages is always cc A. R. D., regardless of variation i stage duration or constancy in M. I. 3. Jamming is the confusion of the orderly processions of S. I. which results when one fluc- tuation in M. I. follows another so closely that a considerable percentage of cells beginning mitosis in the first fluctuation have finished so small a portion of the cycle that the same stage in both the first and second waves is recorded in the same time interval. The shortening of observation -intervals tends to diminish, but can not totally correct, this difficulty. 4. The amount of fluctuations in M. I. is not essential (however, the greater and more sudden the fluctuation the easier the determination) to determining absolute duration by the P. I . method, but the time intervening between pulsations (i. e., changes in M. I.) is very important — relatively long intervals simplifying, relatively short intervals complicating, the determination. 3. — Principles and formulas for determining the relative and the absolute durations of the several mitotic stages. PRINCIPLES. 1. The duration of a mitotic stage is directly proportional to the summation of its percent-frequencies (^. e., stage indices [S, I.]) observed at successive intervals, in accordance with the principles of sampling, during the mitotic process. 2. The absolute duration of a succession of mitotic stages is measured by the time intei-val between two points in a recognizable procession through time intervals and mitotic stages of the procession indices [P. L], marking, respectively, the first and last stages in the selected succession. FORMULAS. 1. Mitotic index. M I = No. cells dividing. ^ ^^^^ /p. ct. PpXPi Total number of cells (both ' a/ ^ resting and dividing) ob- served in the same fields. 2. Stage index. g J No. cells in a given mitotic stage. Total number of mitotically active cells (i. e., excluding the resting cells) observed in the same fields. 3. Average relative duration of the active cycle. A. R. D. of C. = l when "resting" is not included as a stage; = 1— A. R.D. of R. when "resting" is included as a stage. 4- Average relative duration of a given mitotic stage. S S. I. of the given stage in all S S. I. of the given stage in all A T> Tk ^f a observations. observations. A. K. D. 01 b. = ^ r^ ^ ;; — Ti — : : \ — ; — r Or 2 S. I. of aZZ stages included No. of observation-instants, in the cycle, in all obser- vations. = also the average stage index of the given stage. 5. Procession index. S.I. P. I.= A. R. D.of S. 6. Average absolute duration of the entire active mitotic cycle. Time periods elapsing between two points in a recognizable procession of P. I. A.A.D.ofC.= No. of stages covered. X No. stages in cycle. ' No. P. I. waves followed. 7. Average absolute duration of a given mitotic stage. A. A. D. of S. = A. A. D. of C.XA. R. D. of S. Note: An observation consists of 1,000 cells from the same root-tip selected by counting all cells withm a sufficient number of microscopic fields selected at random within two root- diameters of the extreme tip. 4 — Stage index table. {Preliminary study.) Sta^e 1 \0^ 00" a.m. \0^ 10"" a.m. 10" 20" a.m. lO*" 30"' a.m. a.m. \0^ 50" a.m. ll^'OO"' a.m. ,,h jo-n a.m. l|h 20"' a.m. Ijh SO-" a.m. a.m. l|h 50"" a.m. 12*' 00-" noon X Count ' 2S.I. tive Duration (A.O.R.) Rest- ing I^ount 682 668 696 744 795 846 684 789 530 507 wn 505 653 8,596 00" am. ||h lom a,m. ,|h 20" am. lli^SO" am. ||h 40" am. ll^50'" a.m. 12*' 00" noon 1 4473 S. 1. .6069 .5692 .6578 5195 5560 5324 .3512 3886 2446 2860 ,3021 4686 3083 P.I. 1.3628 1.2524 197^ 1.1614 1,2430 1,1902 785! 8685 5468 6393 6753 1,0476 6892 2 .2218 &I. 1666 1596 0888 2103 ■~-|053- __;2272 2879 1390 3106 2454 2823 .2626 .2449 P.I. 751! 7195 .4003 .9508 ,8354 1.0243 1.3016 ■~:8972-- 04013 1.1064 1,2754 1,1839 1,1041 3 0933 &I. .0631 04S1 .0427 0664 0780 1168 1163 1042 14 68 .0730 1013 1070 1412 P. 1. 7406 .4333 4576 .7116 ,8360 1 2518 1.2465 I.II17 1.5734 7824 1,0851 1.1463 1,5133 4 .0266 &I. 0566 .0180 .0197 .0234 .0146 .0194 .0125 0236 044by 0425 0267 .0121 0317 P.I. 2,278 .6766 7406 .8796 5488 .7293 ,4639 .8872 1.6766 'V^gz 1,0037 4548 1.1917 5 0077 S. 1. .0062 "~oTi3e- ...^0093 0156 .0047 .0000 .0000 .0047 .0127 0101 ^0057_^ .0101 .0144 P.I. .8051 1.1688 1.2727' ■2«.^59 .6103 .0000 .0000 .6103 1.6433 .6346 7402 1^3?!?^ 04701 6 .0096 S. 1. .0031 .0060 .0197 ^tfl95 .0096 .0000 .0157 .0047 .0127 .0182 ,0057 .0041 .0057 P.I. .3229 .6250 l.OS^d 2.0312 1.0000 .0000 1.6354 4895 1.3229 1.8958 ,5937 .4166 .5937 1 .0089 S. 1. .0062 .0180 .0023^ 0195 .0048 .0000 .0157 .0094 .0063 .0223 0076 .0020 .0115 P.l. .6966 2.0224 X .2584 2>aj^ .5393 .0000 1.7640 1.0561 7078 2.5056 ,8534 2247 1.2921 8 .0231 S. 1. .0094 .0421 .0493 .0429 "".m^t- >..0I2_9 .0031 .0142 ,0574 .0446 ,0134 .0121 .0288 p.l. .3345 1.4932 1.7544 1.5266 1.2131 .4590 .1103 "5053- -2.0427 1.5871 4768 .4306 1.0249 9 .0367 S. 1. .0183 .0361 .0361^ .0468 .0243 .0194 .0284 .0236 .0659\ .0851 .0382 .0121 .0403 p. 1. .5122 .9336 .9836 l.'2v.52 .6621 .5286 .7738 .6430 1.7356 2^^88 1,0408 .3297 1.0980 10 .1196 S. 1. .0556 .0783 .0526 .0351 "'.5B7&- ...^0714 .1677 .2274 .0978 1724 .2160 .1128 .1729 p. 1. .4732 .6546 .4937 .2934 ,7341 .5963 l,40"Zi^ .1^093 .8177 1.4414 1.8060 .9431 1.4456 « Calculating the Absolute Duration of the Mitotic Cycle. = The movement of a recognizable Procession Index 'through 5 stages of equal duration in 100 minutes = The movement of a recognizable Procession Index through 6 stages of equal duration in 90 minutes = The movement of a recognizable Procession Index through 3 stages of equal duration in 50 minutes htocessbn Index Time Average Time per Stage 5 stages 100 min. 6 " 90 " 15 3 " 50 " 16.66 " Giving equal weight to each procession 3)51.66 min. Average Duration of 1 step, i. e., ■'fo the cycle = n.22 " '.'The Average Duration of the entire active mitotic cycle = 172.2 The Average Duration of the resting stage =33&06 " The Average Duration of the entire cycle including the resting stage = 508.26 20 min Average Absolute Duration of/. . p, rp^^ the Entire Active Mitotic Cycle ^^'^- '^•° ^' Time elapsing between 2 , points in a recognizable S procession.ofa definite P. I. No. of stages covered No. P. I. followed Naof X stages \n cycle Average Absolute Duration of..,-, rc\ «Ar-. r^ »r^r^ re a given Mitotic Stage ^^- *" °- °^ S.) = A. A. D. of C. x A. R. 0. of S. .*. In this onion root-tip experiment the Average Absolute Duration of the succes- sive mitotic stages is as follows: Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage' Stage Stage 123456789 10 77.02 38.19 16.05 4.58 1.32 1.65 1.53 4.83 &31 20.59 min. min. min. min. min. min, min. mia min. min. 7. — Graphs showing orderly succession of procession indices. {Preliminary study.) = Lines connecting highest points of procession indices in successive stage and time order. ■*^ Procession Indices of Stage One = Procession Indices of Stage Six ": ," I I " Two = Seven , „ Three " " " " Qght „ „ , ^°'" = ' Nine Five = " " " " Tor, 8. — Mitosis I n onion rooUip cells at 10° C. Stage index table, and calculation of average relative duration of the several mitotic stages. Mitotic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IS 17 18 19 2 Count. 2 S. I. Average Btage index. = also average relative duration (A.R.D.) 2S. I. A. R. D. when R "reat- Bidered a Btage. lOi'OO- 10M0» 10»20» 10''30" 101.40" 10'50" ll'OO" ll'lO" llt20» a. m. lli'30" 11>40" 11150" 12>0O" 12M0" p.m. 121.20" p.m. 12'30" p.m. 12I.40" p.m. 12'60" p.m. I'OO" p. m. Rest- ing. Count. 785 722 773 760 742 780 660 641 745 735 781 776 705 606 792 547 639 739 647 13,575 .7144 Count. S. I. 136 .6325 166 .5971 117 .5154 136 .5666 129 .5000 131 .5954 171 .6029 228 .6350 78 .3058 160 .6037 173 .7899 119 .6312 187 .6338 202 .5126 82 .3942 183 .4039 122 .3379 186 .7126 141 ,3994 2,847 10.1699 .5364 10.1699 .1498 2 Count. S I. Count. S. I, 38 .1767 36 .1294 43 .1894 67 .2791 66 .2558 24 .0930 56 .2545 107 .3147 67 .1866 69 .2705 50 .1886 37 .1689 45 .2008 54 .1830 84 .2131 65 .2644 124 .2737 105 .2908 47 .1800 100 .2832 1,250 4.3034 .2265 4.3034 0657 3 4 17 .0790 44 .1582 25 .1101 18 .0750 22 .1000 28 .0823 25 .0696 32 .1254 30 .1132 7 .0319 25 .1116 25 .0847 38 .0964 25 .1201 39 .0860 47 .1301 12 .0459 28 ,0793 511 1.7918 .0943 1.7918 .0268 Count. S. I. 11 .0511 31 .1115 25 .1101 11 .0458 22 .0852 6 .0272 10 .0294 9 .0250 14 .0549 10 .0377 1 .0045 11 .0491 .0101 18 .0456 18 .0865 20 .0441 16 .0415 1 .0038 19 .0638 255 ,9169 .0482 .9169 .0134 5 Count. S. I. 0 .0000 0 .0000 4 .0176 2 .0083 5 .0193 2 .0090 9 .0264 7 .0194 7 .0274 3 .0113 0 .0000 3 0133 .0033 8 .0203 11 .0528 7 .0154 7 .0193 0 .0000 3 .0084 79 .2715 0142 .2715 .0041 6 Count. S. I. 1 .0046 0 .0000 0 .0000 3 .0126 3 .0116 1 .0045 1 .0029 5 .0139 3 .0117 2 .0076 0 .0000 3 .0133 .0033 .0025 1 .0048 8 .0176 4 .0110 0 .0000 2 .0066 39 .1273 .0067 .1273 .0020 7 Count. S. I. 1 .0046 0 .0000 4 .0176 2 .0083 5 .0193 0 .0000 1 .0029 5 .0139 5 .0196 3 .0113 0 .0000 2 .0089 .0033 4 .0101 2 .0096 4 .0088 1 .0027 0 .0000 0 .0000 40 .1409 .0074 .1409 .0021 8 Count. S.I. 4 .0186 0 .0000 8 .0352 1 .0041 2 .0077 2 .0090 5 .0147 4 .0111 15 .0588 5 .0188 0 .0000 5 .0223 6 .0203 12 .0304 2 .0096 20 .0441 10 .0277 1 .0038 8 .0226 no .3588 .0188 .3588 .0057 9 Count. S.I. 2 .0093 0 .0000 0 .GOOD 0 .0000 1 .0038 0 .0000 6 .0176 5 .0139 14 .0649 1 .0037 0 .0000 5 .0223 8 .0271 9 .0228 5 .0240 33 .0728 20 .0554 2 .0076 22 .0623 133 .3975 .0209 .3975 0070 10 Count. S. I. 5 .0232 .0035 1 .0044 0 .0000 1 .0038 0 .0000 2 .0058 4 .0111 18 .0706 1 .0037 1 .0045 6 .0267 9 .0305 18 .0456 7 .0336 15 .0331 30 .0831 12 .0459 30 .0849 101 .5139 .0270 .5139 .0068 2 Count 1 to 10. 215 278 227 240 258 220 340 359 255 265 219 224 295 394 208 453 361 261 353 6,425 2 A. R. D. .9994 22 S. I. 18.9919 2 10 active .2834 2 Count R+1 to 10. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 22 Count 19,000 2R+10 active .9978 Mitotic Index (M. I.). .215 .278 .227 .240 .258 .220 .340 .359 .265 .265 .219 .224 .295 .394 .208 .453 .361 .261 .353 2 M. I. 5.425 Average M.I. .2865 9.- —Mitosis in or ion root-tip cells at 20° C. Stage index table and ca 'culation of average relative duration of ike several mitotic stages. Mitotic stage^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 u 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 S Count. I S. I. .\verage stage index = also average relative duration (A.R.D.) 22 8. I. A. R. D. when R "rest- ing" ia con- sidered a stage. lO'DO" lO'lO" 10'20» lO'SO" lOMO" 10''50" n'OO" U'lO- 1H20"' 11>30" IIHO" U'SO" 12i'00» 12110" p.m. 12>'20"' p. m. 12''30" p.m. 12M0" p. m. 12i'50» p.m. I'OO" p.m. Rest- Count. 665 758 751 770 795 686 717 035 469 603 605 680 720 750 620 647 557 485 11,919 .6621 1 Count. S. I. 253 .7552 192 .7933 188 .7469 140 .6517 138 .6731 194 .6178 222 .7844 281 .7698 433 .8154 267 .6725 297 .7518 215 .6718 203 .7250 145 .5800 290 .7631 271 .7677 356 ,8036 389 .7653 4,478 13,0984 ,7280 13.0984 .2487 = Count. ■S. I. 2S .0S35 21 ,0867 31 .1244 30 1607 24 ,1170 43 .1369 25 .0883 30 .0821 37 .0696 46 .1158 21 .0531 36 .1125 25 .0892 44 .1760 28 .0736 26 ,0736 35 ,0790 51 .0990 587 1,8210 ,1012 1.8210 .0326 3 Count. S. I. 6 .0179 10 ,0413 7 .0281 7 .0312 9 ,0439 17 .0541 17 .0800 9 ,0246 19 .0357 13 .0327 16 .0405 10 .0312 12 .0428 23 .0920 14 .0368 13 ,0368 9 .0203 9 0174 220 .6873 0382 .6873 .0122 4 Count, .S.I. 4 ,0119 7 .0289 8 .0321 15 .0669 10 ,0487 15 .0477 5 .0176 11 ,0301 10 .0188 17 .0428 32 .0810 i 23 .0718 14 .0600 15 .0600 9 .0236 8 .0226 22 .0496 24 .0466 249 .7507 ,0417 .7507 .0138 5 Count. S. I. 0 ,0000 1 ,0041 2 OOSO 1 .0044 1 ,0048 6 ,0191 1 .0035 8 .0219 6 .0112 4 .0100 8 .0202 9 .0281 2 .0071 9 .0360 4 .0105 6 .0169 4 .0090 2 .0038 74 .2186 .0121 .2186 .0041 6 Count, S, I, 3 ,O0S9 0 .0000 I .0040 3 .0133 ,0097 5 ,0159 1 .0035 4 .0109 4 .0075 4 .0100 3 .0075 s 7 .0218 2 .0071 6 .0200 3 .0078 4 .0113 0 .0000 6 .0116 57 .1708 0094 .1708 ,0031 7 Count. S. I. 2 ,0059 1 .0041 2 .0080 3 .0133 3 ,0146 7 ,0222 0 .0000 4 .0109 4 .0075 5 .0125 2 .0050 1 2 .0062 2 .0071 2 .0080 1 .0026 2 .0056 0 .0000 3 .0058 45 .1393 .0077 .1393 ,0025 8 Count. S. I. 4 ,0119 1 .0041 4 .0160 6 .0267 3 .0146 9 .0286 4 .0141 6 .0164 8 .0160 12 .0302 4 .0101 .1 s 2 .0062 1 .0035 2 .0080 7 .0184 1 .0028 2 .0045 9 .0174 85 .2485 .0138 .2485 0047 9 Count. S.I. 12 ,0358 2 .0082 5 .0200 4 .0178 5 .0243 7 .0222 3 .0106 5 .0136 3 .0056 10 .0251 6 .0151 7 .0218 6 .0214 3 .0120 12 .0316 7 .0198 2 .0045 15 .0291 114 .3384 .0188 .3384 .0063 10 Count. S, I. 23 ,0686 7 .0289 3 .0120 3 .0133 10 .0487 11 .0350 5 .0176 7 .0191 7 .0131 19 .0478 6 .0151 9 .0281 13 .0464 2 .0080 12 .0315 15 .0424 13 .0293 7 .0135 172 .5184 .0288 .6184 .0095 S Count 1 to 10, 335 242 249 224 205 314 283 365 531 397 395 320 280 250 380 353 443 516 6,081 S A. R. D. .9997 22 S. I. 17 9914 £ 10 active .3375 r Cunt R+1 to 10. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 21 Count 18,000 2R+10 active .9996 Mitotic Index (M. I.). ,335 ,242 .249 .224 .205 .314 .283 .365 .531 .397 .395 .320 .280 .250 .380 .353 .443 .515 2 M. I. 6,081 Average M. I. .3378 10. — Mitosis in onion root-tip cells at SO°C. Stage index ta )le, and calculation of average relative duration of the several mitotic stages Mitotic stage. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ID 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 2 count Z S. I. Average stage index = also average relative duration (A.R.D.) 22 S. I. A. K. D. when R "rest- ing" is con- sidered a stage. lO'OO- lOMO" 10'20» lO'SO" lOMO" lO'SO" ll'OO" ll'lO" 11'20" U'SO- UI.40'" 11'50» 12W i2no'° p.m. 12i'20» p.m. 12i'30« p. m. 12H0" p.m. 12''50» p.m. I'OO" p.m. Kest- 1115. Count. 369 466 431 531 536 499 477 439 364 325 393 231 373 201 234 82 306 282 6,639 .3632 1 Coimt. S. I. 547 .8668 454 .8501 469 .8242 370 .7889 389 .8389 429 .8562 467 .8929 476 .8484 563 .8852 675 .8518 482 .7940 715 .9297 583 .9298 747 .9349 716 .9347 885 .9640 653 ,9409 673 .9373 10,193 16.8687 .8819 15,8687 ,5662 2 Count. S. 1. 29 .0459 15 .0280 28 .0492 22 .0469 27 .0581 13 .0259 8 .0152 9 .0160 21 .0331 18 .0266 29 .0477 13 .0169 13 .0207 13 .0162 12 .0156 8 .0087 23 .0331 9 .0125 310 .5163 .0286 .6163 .0172 3 Count. .S.I. 7 .0110 12 .0224 9 .0158 8 .0170 15 .0323 27 .0538 12 .0229 10 .0178 9 .0141 16 .0237 21 .0346 18 .0234 10 .0159 12 .0160 11 .0143 9 .0098 6 .0086 9 .0125 221 .3648 0202 .3648 .0122 4 Count, S I. ,0348 24 .0449 18 .0316 25 .0533 8 .0172 18 .0359 4 .0076 14 .0249 10 .0157 21 .0311 10 .0164 6 ,0078 10 .0159 5 .0062 7 .0091 7 .0076 2 .0028 13 .0181 224 .3809 ,0211 .3809 0124 5 6 Count. .S. I. Count, S. I. 4 .0063 3 .0047 _|_ 3 .0056 6 .0105 4 ,0085 5 .0107 2 .0039 5 .0096 5 .0089 3 .0047 8 .0118 8 .0131 3 .0039 1 .0015 0 .0000 0 .0000 1 -0010 0 .0000 0 .0000 58 .0999 0055 .0999 .0032 1 .0018 9 .0168 3 .0063 1 .0021 4 .0079 3 .0057 3 .0063 3 .0047 8 ,0118 9 .0148 1 .0013 2 .0031 3 .0037 5 .0066 3 .0032 1 .0014 1 .0013 63 .1014 ,0056 .1014 .0035 7 Count, S. I. 1 .0015 1 1 .0018 6 .0105 3 .0063 3 .0064 1 .0019 4 .0076 6 .0089 1 .0015 5 .0074 5 .0082 0 .0000 1 .0015 0 .0000 3 .0039 0 .0000 1 .0014 2 .0027 42 .0716 .0039 .0715 .0023 8 Count, S, I. 3 .0047 6 .0112 4 .0070 5 .0106 5 .0107 2 .0039 7 .0133 5 .0089 6 .0078 7 .0103 11 .0181 4 .0052 .0031 4 .0050 4 .0052 0 .0000 3 .0043 4 ,0055 81 .1348 ,0074 .1348 .0046 9 Count, S.I. 12 .0190 8 .0149 14 .0246 14 .0298 4 .0086 4 .0079 6 .0114 15 .0267 4 .0062 10 .0148 16 .0263 3 .0039 0 .0000 7 .0087 4 .0062 3 .0032 1 .0014 5 .0069 130 .2195 .0121 ,2195 .0072 10 Count. S.I. 3 .0047 10 .0187 6 .0106 15 .0319 7 .0150 1 .0019 7 .0133 19 .0338 17 .0267 7 .0103 16 .0263 6 .0078 6 .0079 8 .0100 4 .0052 2 .0021 4 ,0057 .0027 139 .2345 .0130 ,2346 .0077 I Count 1 to 10. 631 534 569 469 464 501 523 561 636 676 607 769 627 799 766 918 694 718 11,461 2 A. R. D. .9993 22 S, I. 17.9923 2 10 active .6364 S Count R+1 to 10. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 22 count 18,000 2R-H0 active .9996 Mitotic In.lfxlM. I), 631 ..534 569 .469 .464 .501 ,523 .561 .636 .675 .607 .769 ,627 .799 .766 .918 ,694 .718 2 M. I. 11.461 Average M. I. .6367 11. — Graphs showing mitotic indices at 10° C, 20° C. and 30° C. I 2 3 ^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 1*1- 15 16 n 18 19 10*' 00" 10^ 10"" 10*' 20"'|o''30"'IO''m'"IO*'50'"Ii''00'"|I*' I0"'1I*' ZO'"m*'30"'11*'40'"i|'' so" IZ*" 00"" IZ*" I0"'i2''20'"i2''30'"i2*'«)'"i2'' 50" l*" 00" I^Q a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. m. p.m. p.m. p m. p.m. p.m. p.m. M.I. at lO'C. 20°C.,and 30°C. M.I. at ZO°C ." lO'C, 20°C.,and 30°C. root-tip ceUs at lO^C. Procession index table, and calculation of average absolute duration of the several mitotic stages. CaJailation of A mage Absolute Duration lA.A.D) Wnvc No. No. of stages passed through Minutes. Av. stage duration = No. of min.-J- No. of stages. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 9 9 9 60 80 100 90 90 90 8.571 8.888 11.111 10 000 10 000 10.000 Total , ..58 570 10 active stages+R = 100.00 per cent of entire duration = 292,52 r 13. — Mitosis in onion root-lip celts 20" C. Procession index table, and calculation of average absolute duration of the several milotiic stages. Calnitalion of Average Abssluie Duration tA.A.D.). Wave No. of BtaRes Minutes. Av. stage duration = No. passed through- No. of min.-^No. of stages. 1 9 50 .I.SSS 2 9 60 6 666 3 9 70 7.777 4 9 90 10,000 5 9 80 8.888 6 8 £0 10 000 Total. ...48.886 Average duration of the entire mitotic cycle when the resting period is considered a stage. , resting 8tage)= 66.21 per cent of entire duration = 159,57 r 10 active 8tage8= 33,78 per cent of entire duration = 81.40e live st3gC3 + R= 100 00 per cent of entire duration = 24 0.97 r U.-Milosi, in onion root-tip celh SO' C.Procesmn index hbU. a,ui cakMion of average absolute duration of the several mitctic stages. Wove No. o[ fitagea Minutes. Av. stage duration = No. pas.'^d through. No. of min.-r- No. of stages. g 40 4.444 2 9 9 60 40 6,666 4.444 40 4.444 5 9 40 80 4,444 8,888 7 8 00 7 500 Total - 40 830 = Average absolute duration of stages. = Average absolute duration of mitotic cycle. Average duration of Ike ejitirc mitotic cycle when the resting period is considered a stage. R (i. e., resting stage) = 36.32 per cent of entire duration = 33.26 r 10 active stagea= G3.67 per cent of entire duration = 58.30 t 10 active 9tage3XR = 100.00 per cent of entire duration = 91.56 i 15 — Mitosis in onion Toot-lip cells. Summary and comparison by stages and temperatures. 10° C. 20°C, 30° C, Mitotic A. R. D. A. A. D. A. R. D. A. A. D. A. R. D. A. A, D. Per cent Minutes Per cent Compared with same at 10° C. Minutes Compared with same at 10° C. Per cent Compared with same at 10° 0. Compared with same at 20° C. Minutes Compared with same at 10° C. Compared with same at 20° C. !• ,5354 62.2550 ,7280 1.3697 69,2592 1.1340 .8819 1.6471 1.2114 61 ,4147 ,9839 ,8676 2* .2265 22,1064 ,1012 .4467 8,2376 .3726 ,0286 .1262 .2826 1.6673 .0754 ,2024 3* .0943 9,2030 ,0382 .4050 3,1094 .3378 ,0202 .2142 .5286 1.1776 .1279 ,3787 4* .0482 4.7043 ,0417 .8651 3,3943 .7216 ,0211 .4377 .5069 1.2301 .2614 ,3624 5* ,0142 1.3859 ,0121 .8621 ,9849 .7106 .0055 .3873 .4546 .3212 .2317 ,3261 6- .0067 .6539 .0094 1.4029 .7651 1 , 1700 .0056 .8358 .5957 .3264 .4991 ,4266 7* .0074 .7222 .0077 1.0405 .6267 ,8679 .0039 .5270 .5064 .2273 .3147 ,3626 8' .0188 1.8348 .0138 .7340 1.1233 ,6122 .0074 .3936 .5362 .4314 .2351 .3840 9* ,0209 2.0398 .0188 .8995 1.6303 .7602 .0121 .5789 .6436 .7054 .3458 .4609 10' ,0270 2.6352 .0288 1 0666 2.3443 .8896 0130 .4814 .4513 .7679 .2876 .3232 Cycle 10 active stages.' 1,0000 97.60 min. 1.0000 1.0000 81.40 min. .8342 1.0000 l.OOOO 1.0000 68.30 min. .5971 ,7158 RegtiDg stage. •• .7147 194.92 min. .6621 .9264 169.67 min. .8186 .3632 .5081 .6486 32.26 min. .1655 .2021 Entire cycle 10 ac- tive stages and R.** 1.0000 292,62 min. 1.0000 1.0000 240.97 min. .8237 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 91. 56 min. .3130 .3799 Stages 1 to 10 in- clusive.** .2855 97. 60 min. .3378 1.1831 81.40 min. .8340 .6367 2.2301 1.8848 68.30 min. .6973 .7162 Stage 1.' .6364 62,2550 ,7280 1.3697 59.2692 1.1340 .8819 1.6471 1.12114 51.4147 .9839 .8676 Stages 2 to 10, inclusive.* ,4640 45,2861 .2717 .5855 22.1159 .4883 .1174 .2530 .4321 6,8446 .1511 .3094 Average M. T. At 10°C.= .286 At20°C. = .337 Compared with av. M.l. at 10° C. =1.1824 At 30° C. =.636 Compared with av. M. 1. at 20° C. = 1 .8872 Compared withav.M.r. at 10°C. =2.2315 16. — Comparison at lO'C, SCfC. and SO'C. of the average relative duration of the several mitotic stages. ■ k1, ,^0!IJ!«A«Z"% ,.'-''' /'' /'' ,^'i^tit /\^^^,. (\^.-,. ( { {{ L,-^ J 999*f% 10 stag.s- 28-55% 17. — Comparison at !0°C., 20°C. and 30°C. of the average absolute duration of the several mitotic stages. "■"'^^-.;.»'*-""%^^^f^^'^i^;- IS.— Graphs showing comparative measures at 10° C, 20° C, and 30° C. of the average absolute durations of the ten active mitotic stages. Base Line A. A. D. at 20° C. compared with A. A. D. at 10° C. as a base. A. A. D. at 20° C. of all 10 active stages as a whole compared with same at 10° C. as a base. Average A. A. D. at 20° C. compared with A. A, D. at 10° C. as a base. A. A. D. at 30° C. of all 10 active stages as a whole compared with same at 20° C. as a base. A. A. D. at 30° C. of all 10 active stages as a whole compared with same at 10° C. as a base. ■Average A. A. D. at 30 C. compared with A.A. 20° C. as a base. Average A. A. D. at 30° C. compared with A. A. D. at 10° C. as a base. A. A. D. at 30° C. compared with A. A. D. at 20° C. as a base. ■A. A. D. at 30° 0. compared with A. A, 0. at 10° C. as a base. Data from Table 15. Mill WllOl 1 IHUAKV lilH IfiKR J :'d'l ^^^ '-■S;?*.^Kr