INVESTIGATIONS OF INFRA-RED SPECTRA Part III — INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA Part IV — INFRA-RED REFLECTION SPECTRA BY WILLIAM W. COBLENTZ WASHINGTON, D. C. Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington December, 1906 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION No. 65 PRE88 OF JUDO A DETWEILEFt, INC. WASHINGTON, 0. C. CONTENTS. PART III — INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. Page Chapter 1 7-15 Introduction 7~9 Present method of investigation 9-10 Pleochroism , II Apparatus and methods 12-13 Accuracy attainable 13 Preparation of the mineral sections 14-15 Scope of present investigation 15 Chapter II. — Transmission spectra of different minerals 17-7° Group I : Minerals containing water of crystallization 17-4° Group II : Minerals containing water of constitution 4O-53 Group III : Miscellaneous compounds 53~70 Sulphates 53-57 PART IV. — INFRA-RED REFLECTION SPECTRA. Chapter 1 73-75 Introduction 73 Apparatus and methods 73-75 Chapter II. — Infra-red reflection spectra of various substances 77-106 Reflection of sulphates 77-79 Reflection of carbonates and silicates 80-90 Reflection of sulphides 91-93 Transparency to x-rays 95 Reflection of metals 95-99 Reflection of solutions 99-105 Summary 105-106 Tables of maxima 107-109 Appendixes 110-127 Appendix I : The temperature of the moon 110-115 Appendix II : Additional data 116-117 Appendix III : The emission spectrum of burning carbon disulpride, etc i 18-120 Appendix IV : A vacuum radiomicrometer 121-125 Appendix V : Note on blowing fine quartz fibers 126-127 Index to minerals examined . 128 PREFATORY NOTE. Parts I and II of "Investigations of Infra-red Spectra" were pub- lished by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, October, 1905. The present volume contains the detailed results of a continuation of this work carried on at the National Bureau of Standards during the past year. 4 PART III INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. In the various determinations of the physical properties of matter, such as electrical and thermal conductivity, specific inductive capacity, coefficients of expansion and refraction, etc., the spectroscopic study of the transparency of substances to radiant energy, and in particular to heat-waves, has been left in the background, although this data is just as necessary in meteorology, geology, and the allied sciences as is our knowledge of any of the other so-called constants of nature. The following research was undertaken to ascertain the cause of absorption, and the connection between absorption and the structure of crystals. In this and in a previous research it has been shown that cer- tain absorption bands in the infra-red are due to particular groups of atoms. The relation of these results to the question of the structure of crystals will be obvious to the reader. For, if the crystal is composed of molecules of, say, water and calcium sulphate, which separately have characteristic absorption bands, then, if these molecules or certain groups of atoms in them undergo no physical change when they com- bine to form a crystal (of selenite in this case), one would naturally infer that the absorption spectrum of the product will be the composite of the absorption bands of the two constituents. This phenomenon is different from the one in which Julius1 showed that the absorption spectrum of a chemical compound is not the com- posite of the bands of the constituent elements. Here the physical molecule has been changed. Just how these specific groups of atoms are placed with respect to the crystallographic axes it is impossible to determine. A practical question in optics, viz, the possibility of finding material suitable for prisms, in certain regions of the spectrum in which our present prism material is opaque or in which its dispersion is small, was also kept in view. The reflecting power of metals was included to fill a gap left in the work of Hagen and Rubens done at the Physikalische Technische Reichsanstalt. The reflection from minerals composing the earth's crust has unexpectedly furnished us with data which will be useful to the meteorologist. It may even aid in clearing up such an obscure question 1 Julius : Verhandl. Konikl. Akad. Amsterdam, Deel I, No. I, 1892. 8 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. as the radiation from the moon. The exact determination of the data presented involves the use of one of the most sensitive heat-measuring devices yet produced, viz, the radiometer. The region examined is a vast one compared with the visible spectrum, and has heretofore been little explored. From the intimate relation between refractive index and reflecting power, the data obtained gives us some idea of the dispersion of the substances examined. The bands of selective reflection, especially the very sharp ones, such as the new one found in quartz at 12.5 /x, will be useful as a monochromatic source of energy, for example, in inter- ferometer work. Many chemical compounds contain both oxygen and hydrogen, which, on applying heat, pass off in the form of water. That the water is not united so tenaciously as the other constituents is evident from the fact that in many instances it can be more easily removed ; many salts give up their water if exposed to dry air at ordinary temperature. From the circumstance that many of these compounds are crystalline, the water is said to be present as "water of crystallisation." The manner in which the water exists in the crystal is not understood. By some it is considered a part of the chemical molecule ; by others it is thought that the molecules of water exist in their entirety among the molecules which constitute the crystal. It is characteristic of water of crystalliza- tion that it is expelled at a temperature far below red heat, and fre- quently below 100° C. Another characteristic of minerals containing water of crystallization is their property of reabsorbing water after it has been removed. Copper sulphate is an excellent example ; on apply- ing heat, the blue crystal becomes a crumbling white mass, which, if permitted to stand in dry air, absorbs water and resumes its blue color and crystalline structure. On the other hand, the water which is given off only at a red, or even a white heat, can scarcely be present in the compound in the same man- ner as the water of crystallization, and is distinguished as "water of constitution." In this case the water is not supposed to exist as such in the mineral, but to result from the union of oxygen and hydrogen or from the hydroxyl groups contained in the compound. Of course there are minerals which contain water in both these \ forms. In copper sulphate (CuSO4+5H2O), four molecules of water are given off at 100° and the fifth at 200°, so that the latter is possibly combined in some manner different from the former. In epsomite (MgSO4-f-7H2O), six molecules of water are given off at 132°, while METHOD OF INVESTIGATION. 9 the seventh is held more tenaciously, and is not given off until heated to 210°. However, in cases like these, where successive portions of water are given off at different temperatures, it is difficult to make a distinction between water of crystallization and water of constitution. In the min- erals just quoted, however, it has been found that the heat of hydration of the last molecule of water is different from that of the molecules of water which pass off at a lower temperature, which confirms the belief of a difference in the bonding in the two cases. As a whole, the question of the association of the atoms of oxygen and hydrogen in certain compounds is far from settled, while the diffi- culties involved in its investigation are very great. The existing data bearing upon the subject is practically nil. PRESENT METHOD OF INVESTIGATION. In a preliminary paper bearing upon this subject1 the writer described the infra-red absorption spectra of two numerals, selenite (CaSO4-(- 2H2O) and brucite (Mg(OH)2), in which the atoms of oxygen and of hydrogen are thought to be combined in a different manner. It was the application of the results of previous work, in which it was abun- dantly proven that certain groups of atoms have characteristic absorp- tion bands. Hence, if the oxygen and hydrogen, which enter into the composition of certain minerals, are united as they are in a molecule of water, then one would expect to find the absorption spectra of such minerals to be a composite of the bands of water and of the bands caused by the other constituents. The only previous investigation bearing on this subject, from the standpoint of infra-red absorption spectra, is that of Konigsberger,2 who studied the pleochroism of several minerals, including selenite. Unfortunately his plate of selenite was too thick, so that no energy was transmitted beyond 2.5 /x. He calls attention to the fact that a small absorption band at 1.5 /A coincides with that of water, from which it would appear that in selenite the absorption of the "water of crystalliza- tion" does not appear to be different from that of water. Thinking that it would be fairer to select the large water bands at 3.0, 4.75, and 6 /x, as a criterion, the writer (loc. cit.) examined thin sec- tions of several minerals and found, as had been anticipated, that min- erals containing water of crystallization have large absorption bands 1 Physical Review, 20, p. 252, 1905. - Konigsberger : Ann. der Phys., 61, p. 703, 1897. io INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. coinciding with those of water. The selection of selenite (CaSO4-f 2H2O) and brucite (Mg(OH),) as types of water of crystallization and of constitution was a fortunate one, for the two following reasons: (i) The selenite curve showed all of the absorption bands of water in their proper positions and intensities, except the 4.65 p band, which is shifted and too deep for the thickness of water contained in the plate under examination. The fact that the band is shifted caused me to suspect that it may be complex, and, from the fact that it lies in the region where the NCS radical and certain sulphur compounds have a strong absorption band, that it may be due to the SO4 radical — a sur- mise that since then has been unexpectedly verified. (2) Although the brucite curve did not contain the water bands, thus showing the differ- ence between water of constitution and water of crystallization, it con- tradicted my previous work,1 in which it was shown that the OH radical in the alcohols has an absorption band of 2.95 /A (true value is 3/u.). From the brucite curve the conclusion was drawn that the OH radical is inactive. Since then I have studied the chemical side of the question more thoroughly, from which it appears that there is no marked differ- ence2 in the activity of the OH radical in the hydroxides studied, and, hence, that the brucite curve should have a band at 3.0 p, instead of the one shifted to 2.5 p.. In other words, the present research, which is in part the outcome of the foregoing discrepancies, has to a very unex- pected degree furnished us with an abundance of new proof that certain groups of atoms have definite absorption bands, which really means that these groups of atoms, or "ions," enter into the various compounds in a similar manner. To sum up, in the present investigation the criterion for distinguish- ing water of crystallization from water of constitution is the presence of absorption bands at 1.5, 2, 3, 4.75, and 6 p., which is the location of the absorption bands of water. If there are no other absorption bands near by, then the intensity of these bands should be somewhat like that of water, viz, the bands at 1.5, 2, and 4.75 /* are weak, while the bands at 3 and 6//, are very strong. A hydroxyl group will also cause an absorption band at 3 p.. Silicates may have a small band shifting from 2.9 to 3.1 p., but since it is weak, there is no danger of confusing it with the strong water band in the same region. 1 Investigations of Infra-red Spectra, Washington, 1905 ; Phys. Rev., vol. 22, 1905. 2 From the chemical standpoint, however, the OH in alcohol and in H2SO4 is more active, since it is replaceable by a metal (more acid) than the OH in brucite , which is not replaceable (more basic). PLEOCHROISM. II PLEOCHROISM. Since the present research involves the examination of minerals which are not isotropic, the question presents itself whether it would be better to examine them in natural or polarized light. In the former case we obtain all the absorption bands, irrespective of the direction of transmission, but their observed intensities will not necessarily be real. In the latter case, where the intensity of the transmitted energy depends upon the direction of vibration of the polarized rays with respect to the axes of the crystal (pleochroism), the observed intensities will be real, the number and position of the absorption bands will depend upon the direction of observation, but the accuracy is less the farther one pene- trates the infra-red, due to loss in polarizing the source of energy. By these statements it is not intended to give the impression that pleochroism is not worth considering. The work of Merritt1 and of Konigsberger2 is especially valuable in demonstrating that absorption is dependent upon the direction of vibration of the incident energy. The visible spectrum is so narrow that it is difficult to separate the absorp- tion bands, while, on the other hand, the infra-red is a vast and almost unexplored region, and it is here that one would expect to resolve wide absorption bands such as exist in the visible spectrum. The curves of Merritt and of Konigsberger show this, especially the calcite curves, which are entirely independent for the ordinary and extraordinary rays. Nevertheless, in looking over the previous work, it seemed to the writer that in the present state of our knowledge of absorption a greater advance would be made by simply mapping the spectra of a great many minerals for energy transmitted through them in its natural mode of vibration. The results have been most gratifying. If we had been content with the examination of a few, easily obtainable, large-sized crystals like colemanite, for pleochroism, the results would have been quite different. The maxima of the absorption of water are constant in position for the amorphous and the crystalline minerals studied, which would indi- cate that in this case the transmission is not affected by the direction of vibration. The desirability of examining many minerals is illustrated in the appended curves, in which it will be seen that frequently in one region of the spectrum the water bands are obliterated by an increase in the gen- eral absorption or by an adjacent absorption band, while in another part of the spectrum the water bands are very distinct. 1 Merritt : Phys. Rev., 2, p. 424, 1894. 2 Konigsberger : Ann. der Phys., 61, p. 687, 1897. 12 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. APPARATUS AND METHODS. In the present investigation a mirror spectrometer, a rock-salt prism, and a Nichols radiometer were used. With the exception of certain improvements, the details in mounting and adjusting the different parts have been described elsewhere,1 and it will be sufficient to add that the spectrometer mirrors were 10 cm. in diameter and 50 cm. in focal length, and that the rock-salt prism was an unusually fine one having a refracting angle of 59° 59' 36" and faces 9 by 9 cm. area. The spec- trometer slits were 0.3 mm. wide, or about 2' of arc. The time required for the radiometer to reach a maximum deflection was about 20 seconds. The different portions of the spectrum were projected upon the radi- ometer slit by using the Wadsworth2 mirror-prism method and rotating the prism-table. Although one doubles the error in making spec- trometer settings, the method was the most convenient one in the present work. The "heater" of a no Nernst lamp on an 8o-volt storage-battery circuit was used as a source of energy. The sections were mounted in the usual manner upon a wooden carrier which moved in vertical ways between the source of energy and the collimator slit. To protect the prism from moisture a small crystallizing dish of phosphorus pentoxide was placed over it, and when not in use a large glass crystallizing dish was inverted over the prism and drying mate- rial. The edge of the large dish was ground to fit the prism-table and prevented the entrance of moisture. The spectrometer was remodeled from a small Fuess pattern having mirrors 4 cm. in diameter. The focal length of the new mirrors was selected as being more advantageous than the 35 cm. or 100 cm. mir- rors, used in previous work, on account of the increased resolving power over the former and the decreased atmospheric absorption which is apparent in the latter. The advantages gained by the use of the larger prism and mirrors is so much more than anticipated that it seems worth while to mention it here. The whole was inclosed in a tin box to protect the prism from air currents and from moisture. The radiometer was of the usual form, with an additional improve- ment which consisted in covering it with a piece of heavy brass tubing, within which was a thick layer of hair felt. Although the radiometer stood close to a large outside window and exposed to sunlight, it was not affected by temperature changes. The vanes were of mica, covered with copper oxide, which was applied by means of shellac or a thin 1 Phys. Rev., vols. 16 and 17, 1903; Investigations of Infra-red Spectra, Wash- ington, 1905. 2 Wadsworth: Phil. Mag. (5), 38, p. 346, 1894. ACCURACY ATTAINABLE. 13 layer of Canada balsam. This method of blackening the vanes was found easier and more satisfactory than smoking them. The sensitiveness was about 10 cm. deflection per square millimeter of exposed surface, scale and candle at I meter. The weight was 10 milligrams. The vane was made heavy to avoid tremors. ACCURACY ATTAINABLE. The writer has been so frequently questioned on the accuracy of the observations that a few remarks will be in order. First of all, nearly all the substances examined have numerous absorption bands, so that we can not find an extinction coefficient by means of which we may determine their transmissivity in absolute value for, say, a centimeter thickness. Again, different samples of a given mineral will vary in homogeneity and in purity. Different parts of a given specimen will vary in thickness, homogeneity, purity, and polish, so that, on remounting the same sample before the spectrometer slit, the relative values of transmission may differ by several per cent. The result is that such a comparison has but little meaning, and is at all times of minor importance. But, after once mounting the specimen before the spectrometer slit, the important question is the relative trans- parency of different regions of the spectrum and the accuracy of the location of the maxima of absorption. This depends upon the accuracy of the observations in any region of the spectrum. With a trust- worthy instrument like the radiometer, and with the specimens securely mounted before the spectrometer slit, in the present research it was found that for a given spectrometer setting the variation of single observations would differ from the mean by only about a tenth of i per cent, so that only in the extreme infra-red, or in locating sharp maxima, were the observations repeated. Consequently the reality of many of the small maxima can be accepted with confidence. The most important question, however, is the accuracy of the location of the maxima, especially those which are sharp and well defined. During the past few years the writer has repeatedly mounted and adjusted his apparatus and has always found the location of certain sharp absorption and emission bands, used as standards of reference, to agree to 0.02 p., which is as accurate as our knowledge of the dispersion of rock salt will permit. The adjustment of the zero of the instrument was tested daily. It was found that the yellow helium line is narrower and brighter and thus better adapted than sodium for making this setting. 14 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. PREPARATION OF THE MINERAL SECTIONS. Whenever possible the crystals were split parallel to a cleavage plane, since many crystals would break in grinding. The remaining ones were ground thin in the ordinary manner. To accomplish this they were mounted upon glass plates by means of pitch having a low melting- point, so as to avoid disturbing the water of crystallization which is expelled from some minerals at a low temperature. The sections were cleaned in chloroform and mounted upon heavy cardboard having rectangular holes about 4 by 10 mm. cut into them. That the crystals were not affected by grinding and the cement was proven in a number of cases where cleavage sections of the same mineral were examined. Sometimes the sections were mere fragments 5 mm. long, so that two pieces had to be placed end to end with a slight overlapping, but not glued at the center. Since we are not concerned with total transmis- sion, but simply with absorption bands, this does not interfere with the investigation. Of course if a glue could have been found which is free from large absorption bands, the sections could have been mounted upon rock-salt plates and ground much thinner. As it was, the sections were entirely free, except at the ends, which rested upon the cardboard, which was then mounted upon the holder, which moved in vertical ways before the spectrometer slit. In the description of the different minerals, the direction of cutting the sections is parallel or perpendicular to some crystallographic axis. In many crystals there is usually a perfect cleavage parallel to one of the crystallographic axes, which fact was taken advantage of in pre- paring the sections. The cleaving was done by means of a small knife- blade struck with a light piece of metal, for example, a file. It may be of interest to note that with crystals, for example anhydrite, which have perfect cleavage in several directions, it was necessary to strike the knife-blade a sudden blow, while in others, like scolecite, a series of light blows started the cleavage and produced large plates. A great many minerals like copper sulphate and alum could not be used, because a slight warming was sufficient to dehydrate them, when the surface became rough and scattered the incident radiation. In the present research the examination of the sections after being prepared was overshadowed by the difficulty in obtaining specimens of sufficient size and in grinding them thin enough. In my previous work it was found that as a general rule the compounds examined increase in their general absorption beyond 5 /*, so that the (liquid) films had to be reduced to o.oi mm. In the present work it was impossible to reduce the thickness to much less than o.i mm., with the consequent result that many sections became opaque beyond 5 /JL. SCOPE OF PRESENT INVESTIGATION. 15 The minerals were obtained from various dealers and from the U. S. National Museum. They were selected according to composition. Of the total number thus selected only about 40 per cent were obtainable and these were oftentimes the least desirable to illustrate the points in question. The expense involved is no small item, and I am very grate- ful to Director Stratton for his generosity in meeting that question. SCOPE OF PRESENT INVESTIGATION. The principal object in this research was to gain information in regard to the molecular structure of minerals containing oxygen and hydrogen. To this end minerals were selected containing these con- stituents. Previous work has shown that in organic compounds certain radicals have characteristic absorption bands. One would therefore naturally expect to find similar relations in inorganic compounds, where more important radicals are to be found. Hence, the list was extended so as to contain a series of minerals having the radicals CO2, PO4, SO4 and OH. The results obtained serve the purpose very well for demonstrating the rashness of attempting to establish "laws" from present data for future investigators to refute, just as is being done at present in more thoroughly explored fields, such as, for example, the absorption of solids in solution. In the study of the carbon compounds in organic chemistry, their constitution has been established by the replacement of certain con- stituents by organic radicals, by the preparation of a series of deriva- tives, by vapor density determinations, or by studying their physical properties in solution. Mineralogy is essentially the chemistry of silicon compounds, to which, as yet, it has not been possible to apply any of the above methods, so that the constitution of many minerals has been derived from analogies with other compounds which are better understood. Hence, in an investigation like the present, it is not surprising to find exceptions to the tentative rules for classifying these minerals. The transmission curves are given without correction for reflection from the surfaces. In most cases, as will be noticed from the reflection curves, the correction is negligible. In one case, viz, stibnite (Sb2S3), such a correction is worthy of notice. The transmission shows a uni- form value of 45 per cent. To the writer this seemed a very transparent substance until the greater surprise of a uniform reflecting power of about 36 per cent was observed, which indicates that after correcting for reflection this mineral (for the thickness examined) is practically transparent. CHAPTER II. TRANSMISSION SPECTRA OF DIFFERENT MINERALS. GROUP I: MINERALS CONTAINING WATER OF CRYSTALLIZATION. All the minerals studied which are generally thought to contain water of crystallization are collected in Group I. First of all, it will be necessary to consider the absorption spectrum of water, which has WO? 0 I Z 3 4 56789 FIG. i.— Water. been studied by Julius,1 Paschen,2 Aschkinass,3 and others. All observ- ers agree in their location of large absorption bands at the approximate wave-lengths 1.5 /*, 3 /*, 4.75 /*, and 6 p. 1 Julius : Verhandl. Konikl. Akad. Amsterdam, Deel I, No. I, 1892. 'Paschen: Ann. der Phys. (3), 53, p. 334, 1894. 'Aschkinass: Ann. der Phys. (3), 55, p. 406, 1895. 2— c 17 i8 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. All have found water extremely opaque to infra-red radiation, so that the film had to be reduced to a few thousandths of a millimeter in order to be able to study it at all. In fig. i are given the absorption curves of water is found by Aschkinass. His values of the maxima are slightly greater than those found by others, but this is simply due to a fault in his calibration. The curves for the different thicknesses (0 = 0.05; 90 % O I 2 3 4 5 6 FIG. 2.— Selenite (a and c) ; Anhydrite (b). b = o.oi mm.) illustrate very well what we are to expect in the case of minerals containing several molecules of crystal water. For a very much thinner film (curve c = 0.001 mm.) by the writer1 the absorption band at 4.75 //, has entirely disappeared. SELENITE (CaSO4+2H2O) ; ANHYDRITE (CaSO«). (Figs. 2, 3, and 4. Selenite: Monoclinic, cleavage parallel to b; t = 0.648 mm. Anhydrite: Orthorhombic, cleavage piece parallel to c; t — 0.656 mm. From Stassfurt, Germany.) Of all the minerals studied containing water of crystallization these two are the most conspicuous for demonstrating the effect of the presence 1 Phys. Rev., 20, p. 257, 1905. WATICR OF" CRYSTALLIZATION. of H2O. It would have been highly desirable to procure more minerals which occur in the hydrous and anhydrous state, but none were obtain- able. The artificially dehydrated minerals, such as copper sulphate, were too opaque for examination after expelling all the water. The only exception is selenite, the various curves of which will now be considered. The anhydrite curve, b, is to be noticed first, from which it will be 90% 01 234 56 FIG. 3.— Anhydrite (d) • Selenite. observed that there are small bands at 1.9, 3.2, 5.7, 6.15, and 6.55 p., and an enormous band at 4.55 p, which will be shown later to be due to the SO4 ion. Turning to the selenite curve (a, fig. 2), it will be noticed that it is less transparent for the same thickness, 0.65 mm., and that in its general trend it is similar to the curve for water. All of its absorption bands coincide with water, with the exception of the 4.75 //, band, which is shifted to 4.6 /*. The shifting of this band is due to the SO4 band at 4.5 fi, as was found on examining anhydrite. The curve, c, for a thickness of 2.57 mm. is due to Konigsberger (loc. cit.). 20 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. In fig. 3 is illustrated the effect of dehydrating the selenite. This was accomplished with difficulty on account of warping and shrinking of the plate, which necessitated dismounting the specimens for each heating. It was found necessary to clamp the specimen between two metal plates in order to prevent it from warping and breaking. Curve a gives the transmission of a clear piece having a thickness of 0.204 mm- > curve b shows the transmission after partial dehydration. 7O% S 6 7 8 FIG. 4.— Selenite. It is of considerable interest in showing the permanence of the 4.55 /* band. Beyond 6 ^ the transparency increases and becomes 1.5 times as great as selenite at 6.9 p. The dehydrated section, which is an opaque white mass, was then moistened with water and allowed to stand over night to dry and set, just as in the case of plaster of Paris. The result is shown in curve c, where the transparency at 6.9 p. has decreased to almost the original value found for the transparent crystal. It will of course be understood that the great opacity up to 5 p. for the dehydrated section is due to the lack of homogeneity introduced in expelling the water, which has the well-known property of scattering the radiation of short wave-lengths. At 7/x the increase in absorption due to the presence of water can not be doubted. In fig. 4 the transmission curves of a very much thinner partially dehydrated section are given. In curve a the section was subtrans- parent and in curve b it was translucent. The curves are given to show the increased transparency beyond the band of metallic reflection in the region of 9 /x. WATER OF CRYSTALLIZATION. 21 Curve c shows the metallic reflection band found by Aschkinass,1 and it will be noticed that the position of the maximum as found by him at 8.69 /t is shifted from that indicated by the present transmission curves. The same lack of coincidence of the maximum of the reflection band with the minimum in the transmission curve will be found in calcite and in mica. This is the first attempt to explore the region of transmission near a reflection band and the explanation to be offered later on for the discrepancy may not hold when more data have been accumulated. QUARTZ (SiO2) ; OPAL (SiOa+xH2O). (Quartz: Cut perpendicular to axis; / = 1.30 mm. Opal: Massive, transparent; t = 0.12 mm. Fig. 5.) '00% 3456 FIG. 5.— Opal (b) ; Quartz. The specimen of quartz examined was made for polariscopic work and was perfectly clear. Its transmission curve (a, fig. 5) shows small bands at 2.9 /x and 4.35 p. Curve c, which shows a series of bands at 1 Aschkinass : Ann. der Phys. (4) , i, p. 42, 1900. 22 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. 5.02, 5.3, 6, 6.26, and 6.65 /x, is due to Nichols,1 who used a section 0.018 mm. thick. Unfortunately his curve begins in the slight band at 4-35 A1; so that there is no check upon its accuracy of location. Konigsberger2 examined smoky quartz and found bands at 3.05 and 4.05 /«,. Merritt,3 using polarized light, found bands at 3 and 3.6 /t for the extraordinary ray, and bands at 2.9, 3.75, and 4.1 p. for the ordi- nary ray. For amethyst, which is violet quartz, of which the color has been attributed to manganese, Konigsberger found an absorption band at 3.1 fi. As a whole, different observers agree in locating a small band near 3 p. which will not interfere in considering water of crystallization. 60% 345 FIG. 6.— Heulandite. to /•*// Opal is quartz containing variable proportions of water, from 5 to 30 per cent. It shows no traces of crystallization. Neither is it considered a solid solution, for the water contained is not a function of the vapor pressure. The transmission curve of opal has the general outline of the curve for water and contains the bands of water at 1.5, 2, 3, and 6/u,, as well as the silicon bands at 4.2 and 5 p. The 3 and 6 p. bands are the composite of the water and silicon bands in those regions. (Section ground parallel to b; f = o.20 and 0.22 mm.; semi-transparent. Fig. 6.) Heulandite belongs to a class of minerals called zeolites,4 which are hydrated silicates of alumina, alkalies, and generally lime. To this class 1 Nichols : Phys. Rev., 4, p. 297, 1896. * Konigsberger : Ann. der Phys. (3), 61, p. 687, 1897. 'Merritt: Ann. der Phys. (3), 55- P- 49, 1895. 1 Miers : Mineralogy, p. 483. WATER OF CRYSTALLIZATION. belong heulandite, stilbite, analcite, natrolite, and scolecite, which are included in the present research. In these minerals the water of crystallization is very loosely held. It is impossible to distinguish between water of constitution and water of crystallization. The water continues to be gradually expelled as the temperature is raised and may be replaced by other substances, such as NH3, H2S, or C2H5OH. The dehydrated crystals absorb definite quantities of these substances as a sponge absorbs water, the process being accompanied by the evolution of heat. 90% 10 O 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FIG. 7.— Stilbite (a); Potassium alum. Since the per cent of water present varies continuously with the vapor pressure it is generally concluded that the water of the zeolites is not analogous to the water of crystallization of most hydrated salts, but resembles more nearly the intermixture which occurs in solid solutions. In fig. 6 two curves of heulandite are given. The sections were about the same thickness, and the great difference in transparency is due to the fact that the crystals were of different homogeneity and trans- parency. The curves show the presence of the water bands at 1.5, 2, 24 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. 3, and 4.75 /x, beyond which point the opacity becomes too great for further exploration. The crystals obtainable were small, so that the section was not quite long enough to cover the whole slit. STILBITE (CaAl2Si6Ow+6H2O). (Transparent section cut perpendicular to optic axis. f = o.ii. Curve a, fig. 7.) The stilbite curve is to be noticed for its great transparency with all the water bands superposed. There do not appear to be any important bands belonging to the mineral itself. POTASSIUM ALUM (K2SO4Al2(SO4)a-|-24HaO). (Cut perpendicular to axis. t = 0.085 mm.; transparent. Curve b, fig. 7.) The exploration of the spectrum extends to 3 /*. The water bands at 1.5 and 2 n are present. With 24 molecules of water and SO4 bands 01 a 3 4 5 6 FIG. 8.— Natrolite (a) ; Scolecite. at 455ft, to be mentioned later, it would not be possible to penetrate beyond 3 /*, unless a thinner section could be made. NATKOLITE (Na2Al2SisO10+2H2O). (Orthorhombic section ground parallel to m; subtranslucent ; f = o.u mm. Curve a, fig. 8.) The specimen from which this section was cut was a tuft of acicular crystals. The section was made from the more massive part, and was almost opaque for the thickness used. The curve (a) in fig. 8 shows the water bands in their usual positions and proper intensities. WATER OF CRYSTALLIZATION. 25 SCOLECITE (CaAl2SisO,0+3H2O). (Monoclinic section split parallel to m; perfectly transparent; t = 0.565 mm. Curve b, fig. 8.) This mineral differs from the preceding in being a lime zeolite, and in having one more molecule of water. Its greater homogeneity makes it more transparent in the region of the short wave-lengths. It has the general outline and the absorption bands of the water curve up to 5 /*, where it is completely opaque. The 3 /* band is evidently complex. Prof. S. L. Penfield kindly presented this specimen. 80 %r 23456 FIG. 9. — Analcite (a); Colemanite. ANALCITE (Na2Al2Si4O (Cut perpendicular to optic axis; subtransparent ; f = o.ii mm. Fig. 9.) This specimen, made by Steeg & Reuter, was small and broken in shipping, so that by placing two pieces end to end the spectrometer slit was not quite covered. Nevertheless it shows a transparency farther into the infra-red than is usual. As a whole, however, it is very opaque (curve a, fig. 9), and the water bands at 1.5, 2, and 4.7 p. are quite obliterated. There seem to be no other than water bands. COLEMANITE (Ca2B8On+5H2O). (Cut parallel to b; transparent; / = 0.268 mm. Curve b, fig. 9.) This mineral is obtainable in large transparent crystals. Neverthe- less, it is unusually opaque to infra-red radiation, so that very little 26 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. energy is transmitted beyond 3 /A; even the water bands at 1.5, 2 and 3 are almost obliterated. As the examination proceeds it will be noticed that this opacity appears to be a property of the borates. CALCIUM CHLORIDE (CaCl2+6H2O). (Film melted between rock-salt plates, t = 0.1 mm. Fig. 10.) This compound comes in large hexagonal crystals. A specimen was melted between two plates of rock salt, and stood over P2O5 for several days, until the edges became white from dehydration. The substance 90%, 10 0 I Z 3 4 5678 FIG. 10. — Calcium chloride (a); Potassium ferrocyanide. recrystallized in the meantime and when examined showed the water bands in their usual position and intensities except the 3 p band, which is shifted to 3.2 yu.. POTASSIUM FERROCYANIDE (K4Fe(CN)«,+3H2O). (Section split parallel to c; transparent; £ = 0.3 mm. Fig. 10.) The water is so easily expelled from this mineral that the heater had to be used on 70 volts. The transmission curve shows the water bands WATER OF CRYSTALLIZATION. 27 at 1.5, 2, and 3 /*, while the next two bands are shifted to 5 and 6.2 ju. respectively. Porter,1 by means of "reststrahlen," located a band at 4.84 it. APOPHYLUTE (H7KCa4(SiO3)8+4/^H2O). (Section cut parallel to c; transparent; t = mm. Fig. n.) This mineral is entirely opaque beyond 3 p. up to 8 fi, where there is slight transparency. The water bands at 1.5 and 2 //, are almost oblit- erated. 60% 3 4- 5 6 7 Q FIG. it. — Apophyllite (a); Deweylite 10 II DEWEYLITE (Massive; whitish color; subtranslucent in section 0.08 mm. thick. From New Rochelle, New York. Fig. u.) In the curve, b, for this mineral the small absorption bands are oblit- erated but the bands at 3 ^ and 6 /*, are very strong, which would make it appear that the water is present in the form of water of crystalli- zation. THOMSENOLITE (NaCAlF8-f-H:>O). (Monoclinic; cleavage parallel to c; transparent; f = o.75 mm. From Ivigtut, Greenland. Curve a, fig. 12.) This mineral was obtained as a mass of small crystals, from which one was obtained having an area of about 4 by 5 mm. This crystal 1 Porter : Ap. Jr., 22, p. 229, 1906. 28 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. was split into two inclined prisms, which, when placed end to end, made a tight joint. The transmission curve, a, shows all the absorption bands of water in their proper intensities. A new band occurs at 2.6 /i which widens the one at 3 /u, but does not displace it. The specimen suddenly becomes opaque at 6 p.. GISMONDITE (Hi(Na2Ca)Al2Si6Oi8+4H2O). (Stalactitic mass; subtranslucent ; f = 0.245 mm. From County Antrim, Ireland. Fig. 12.) This specimen was not very homogeneous, but, in spite of its great complexity chemically, it is fairly transparent. The only bands present are those due to water at 1.5, 2, 3, and 4.7/4. The band at 3;* is very wide, which suggests the presence of others, perhaps of silicon, at 2.9 /i. 60% Z 3 4 5 6 FIG. 12.— Thomsenolite(a); Gisraondite. QLJU BLODITE (MgSCXNaSO^HjO). (Cut perpendicular to axis; t = 0.10 mm. Curve a, fig. 13.) This mineral shows all the water bands, the one at 2/x being con- spicuous for its sharpness. The band at 4.6 is composite, due to the SO4 band at 4.55 //,, as will be shown in discussing the sulphates, while the 3 n band is also complex. THAUMASITE (CaSiO3CaCO3CaSO«-r-i5H2O). (Cut perpendicular to axis; transparent; t = 0.125 mm. Fig. 13.) This mineral is too opaque for heat rays to be considered in demon- strating the presence of water of crystallization. The water bands at WATER OF CRYSTALLIZATION. 1.5 and 2)U, are well defined, considering the great opacity of the sub- stance. 70% 50 40 to "I" c 10 h 10 3 4 5 6 7 FIG. 13.— Blodite (a); Thaumasite (b). KIG. 14.— Hydrotalcite. INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. HYDROTALCITE (Mg3Al(OH)6+3H2O). (From Vernon, New York. Lamellar; massive; subtranslucent ; £ = 0.04 mm. Fig. 14.) The hydroxide group (OH), to be noticed later on, confuses matters at 3 fji. The other water bands at 1.5, 2, and 4.75 /u. are visible in spite of the great opacity, which becomes complete at 6 p.. a FIG. 15.— Varicite (a) ; Wavellite (b and c). VARICITE (A1PO«+2HSO). (Massive; blue color; subtranslucent in thin section of 0.03 mm. From Lewiston, Utah. Fig. 15.) In this mineral the water bands at 1.5, 2, and 4.75 ju, are almost obliter- ated. Those at 3 and 6 p are shifted and are no doubt composites. From this and other minerals studied, having the PO4 group, there is no marked evidence of an absorption band belonging to this group. WAVELLITE (AlOH),(POO.+5HaO. (Crystallized in rays of needles; section ground parallel to rays; subtranslucent. From Arkansas. Fig. 15.) The lack of homogeneity of the crystals renders this mineral very opaque. The water bands at 1.5 and 2 /* are visible, in spite of the complete opacity at 3 /u.. This great opacity appears to be a characteris- tic of the phosphates, as has already been observed in the borates. WATER OP CRYSTALLIZATION. 3! VIVIANITE (Fes(PO4)2+8H2O). (Monoclinic; section ground parallel to b; bluish color; translucent; t = 0.11 and 0.25 mm. Fig. 16.) This section is practically opaque beyond 3 /*. The water bands at 1.5 and 2 p. are visible, although slightly shifted, which is due to general transparency of the mineral. This is well illustrated in curve c, which is curve b magnified 5 times. I am indebted to the late Prof. S. L. Penfield for this mineral. FIG. 16.— Vivianite. MEU.ITE (Al2C«Oi2+i8H2O). (Fig. 17.) This mineral occurs as waxy crystals of variable transparency in European coal measures. It was selected on account of its carbon, and also because of the large number of molecules of water, which is expelled at a low temperature. In fig. 17, curve a, is given the transmission curve of a mineral from Steeg and Reuter, purporting to be mellite or "honeystone," / = 0.125 mm. It was the most flagrant exception to the rule that minerals having water of crystallization are very opaque and have absorption bands in 32 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. common with water. Evidently this needed further investigation; and this was done with minerals purchased from various dealers, care being taken to obtain them from different localities. Curves b and c give the transmission for transparent yellow crystals, t=o.^ and 0.15 mm. respectively, which came from Arten, Thuringia. Curve d is the transmission for a grayish-white translucent crystal, ground to 0.12 mm. in thickness, from Mallonka, Austria. Curve e is for a white transparent crystal, 0.06 mm. in thickness, from Tula, Russia. In all these curves it will be noticed there is no energy transmitted beyond 10 345678 FIG. 17.— Cassiterite (a) ; Mellite. 10 3/i, while from the very nature of the transmission curves the 1.5 band is invisible and the 2 /* band is almost obliterated. As a whole the theory that, in crystal-water, the bonding is the same as in ordinary water has also been confirmed with mellite. A letter of inquiry to Steeg and Renter in regard to the sample sent us revealed the fact that cassiterite (SnCX) was accidentally substituted for mellite. The fact that it was possible to detect the error would indicate that the method of analysis is trustworthy, and in that respect it is fortunate that the substitution occurred. WATER OF CRYSTALLIZATION. d-FRUCTOSE 33 (f = o.i mm. Fig. 18.) The sugars are complex carbohydrates, the constitution of which is not well known. They are rich in hydroxyl groups similar to the alcohols, and hence one would expect to find a band at 3 /*. We would also expect a band at 3.43 /* due to CH2 or CH3 groups, so that as a whole the curve will be complex at 3^. The water bands at 1.5, 2, 80% 345 FIG. 18.— rf-Fructose. and 4.5 /x, should appear in those compounds containing water of crys- tallization. The region from 4 to 6/x ought to be one of great trans- parency if previous results hold. It is a property of sugars that they decompose and give off water when heated above the melting-point. In rf-fructose (C6H12OG) the constitutional formula is written CH2OH(CHOH)3COCH2OH. The curve (fig. 18) shows no absorp- tion in the region of the water bands. There is a large band at 3.25 //, and a small one at 5.85, while beyond 7/x, there is complete opacity. 3— c 34 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. Fructose belongs to the anhydrous group of compounds, but is con- sidered here in order to show the great contrast between it and other sugars having water of crystallization. J-GLUCOSE (DEXTROSE) (CeHiaO.+H2O). (/ = o.i4 and 0.18 mm. Fig. 19.) This compound differs from the preceding in having one molecule of water of crystallization. The region of 3 to 4 ju, is very complex and indeterminate, but the water bands appear at 1.5, 4.75 and 6ju, the 345 FIG. 19. — Dextrose. to 14-) latter being quite indistinct. A sample was heated at 110° for four hours which is supposed to render it anhydrous. After standing over P2O5 for several days, several crystals had formed in the glassy mass. These were melted between plates of rock salt. Curve b shows, how- ever, that the water bands still remain, and from the fact that the amorphous material could not be entirely removed from the crystals it is quite probable that there was still some of the hydrous material present. WATER OF CRYSTALLIZATION. 35 CANE SUGAR (CuH«Ou). (Melted between rock salt; t = o.i. Figs. 20 and 200.) In fig. 20 are given a series of curves for different samples of cane sugar, which is supposed not to contain water of crystallization. It is one of the most conspicuous exceptions to the rule, if it really be anhy- drous. Curve a represents the transmission for barley sugar, which is the name given to cane sugar after it has been melted, when it becomes an amorphous mass. Curve b is another sample, partially dehydrated and decomposed, called "caramel." It was light brown. Curve c is for 90% 60 70 60 4)s+3H2O). (From Litchfield, Massachusetts. Massive dark-gray material ; subtranslucent in section of 0.12 mm. Curve a, fig. 32.) This substance is supposed to contain water of crystallization, but the general outline of the transmission curve does not show it. Possibly it is an hydroxide. The general appearance of the material did not appear to warrant a further inquiry into this apparent exception to the rule. There is a wide band at 2.9 ^. Water is expelled at a high temperature. PECTOUTE (HNaCa2(SiO3)3). (Translucent sections; / = i.o and 0.25 mm. Curves a and c, fig. 33. From Bergen Hill, New Jersey.) Curve a is for a monoclinic prismatic cleavage piece, while curve c is for a mass of needles all of which came from the same piece. The two WATER OF CONSTITUTION. 47 do not give coincident results, but there being no bands near those of water, it did not seem worth while to make further inquiry. CHLORITOID (H2(MgFe)Al2SiO7). (Variety, masonite; cleavage piece parallel to c; transmits blue-green; t = o.2$- Curve b, fig. 33.) This mineral is very opaque to infra-red radiation. There are sev- eral small absorption bands, viz, at 2.3, 2.6, 3.3, 5, 6, and 6.3 /*, as in the preceding. The point of interest is the absence of bands at 1.5 and 3 /*. / 234-567 6JU FIG. 33.— Pectolite(a); Chloritoid CUNOCHLORE (HsMgsAlaSiaOis) J PfiNINlTS (HsMgFe)6Al2Si8Oi»). (Clinochlore: t = o.o8. Peninite: curve b, t = o mm. Fig. 34.) These two minerals belong to the chlorite group, which is related to the micas, to be noticed presently. These minerals contain about 12 per cent of water, which is given off at a high temperature. Their transmission curves are unusually similar to those of the micas. There are absorption bands at 2.9, 5.9, 6.3, 7.1, and 7.8^. The frequently recurring bands at 2.9 and 5.9 p, with the metallic reflection band at 8.5 and 9.02 fi, remind one of harmonic series. It may be that these bands belong to a slowly conveying spectral series, if not a harmonic series, for the first band oscillates between the values 2.8 and 2.95 /*, while the next band shifts from 5.6 to 5.9 /A, as will be noticed in the micas. As already mentioned, the constitution of many minerals is still doubt- ful. Clinochlore is one of these. From investigations made by Clarke and Schneider, it was inferred that the hydroxyl groups MgOH and 48 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. A1(OH)2 are present.1 In the present examination there is no indica- tion of a band at 3 //,, which is a characteristic of the OH radical. 0 FIG. 34.— Clinochlore(a); Peninite. TOURMALINE (Cut parallel to optic axis. Fig. 35.) These curves are due to Merritt (loc. cit.), and show the variation in transmission for the ordinary ray (plotted o-o-o), for the extraordinary (x-x-x), and for unpolarized light. The important absorption bands are at 1.28 and 2.82 /«,. The latter is to be noticed in considering the effect of SiO2, SiO3, and SiO4 groups. MICA; MUSCOVITE, HiKAU(SiO«)»; BIOTITE, (H,K)i(Mg,Fe)«AU(SiO«),. (Cleavage parallel to c; curve a, muscovite; * — 0.02 and 0.04 mm; curve b, biotite, £ = 0.03 mm. Fig. 35.) The constitution of the micas is involved in a greater or less degree of uncertainty. They are all silicates of aluminium, and either K, Na, Li, or of Fe and Mg. All the micas yield water upon ignition, but it is uncertain whether this water of constitution is due to the presence of 1 Clarke and Schneider : American Journ. Sci., 40, 405, 1890. WATER OF CONSTITUTION. 49 H or OH. There is no deep, wide absorption band at 3 p., so that, judging by the present method of examination, there can not be any hydroxyl groups present. Muscovite has a deep, narrow band at 2.85 /*, and smaller bands at J-9> 3-6, 5-6, 5.9, 6.3, and 7.1 /*. Biotite has small bands at 2.8, 5.9, 6.2, and 6.7 /z, and indications of bands at 5.6 and 7 to 8 ju,. It has also a band in the visible spectrum. Both micas have a large opaque region at 9 to n, followed by a transparent region at 12 p, beyond which there is again complete opac- ity. Rubens and Nichols1 have found metallic reflection bands at 8.32, J 4 5 6 9 9 10 II FIG. 35.— Muscovite (a) ; Biotite (b) ; Tourmaline (c). a 9.38, 18.40, and 21.25 p. It will thus be noticed that the bands located by reflection and by transmission do not coincide, as is to be expected, since we are in regions of anomalous dispersion. The spectrum energy curves, found by the writer2 using a rock-salt prism, and a radiometer having windows of the same material, never showed a sharp depression at 2.8 p., while those found by Stewart,8 using a fluorite prism and a radiometer having an inner window of muscovite mica and an outer one of fluorite, contained a conspicuous depression in this region. The discrepancy was explained on the Rubens and Nichols: Ann. der Phys. (3), 60, p. 418, 1897. - Nichols and Coblentz : Phys. Rev., 17, p. 267, 1903. 8 Stewart : Phys. Rev. 13, p. 261, 1901. 4— c 5O INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. assumption of a larger dispersion, and a longer column of air traversed by the rays, which would intensify the CO2 band at 2.75 //,. From the muscovite curve, however, it will be noticed that the air (CO2) band would be intensified by that of mica at 2.85 /*. SERPENTINE (H4(Mg,Fe)3SiO,). (Massive; subtranslucent ; curve a, t = 0.225 mm; curve b, f = o.o8 mm. Fig. 36. From Montville, New Jersey.) In serpentine the water is chiefly expelled at red heat. According to Miers,1 talc and serpentine are to be regarded as basic and not hydrated 10 0 I 23456789 f FIG. 36.— Talc (c) ; Serpentine. silicates, since they part with their water only at a high temperature. From the curve of serpentine, which shows a large absorption band at 3 /t, if the results from the present method of examination are to be trusted, it would appear that there are hydroxyl groups present. From the results obtained by Clarke and Schneider2 it was inferred that the Mg is present as MgOH, and hence the formula is written H3(MgOH), Mg2(SiO)2. It has also been written with two mag- 1 Miers : Mineralogy, p. 439. 2 Clarke and Schneider : Amer. Jour. Sci., 40, p. 308. 1890. WATER OF CONSTITUTION. nesium hydroxyl groups. Serpentine has absorption bands at 1.4, 3, 5, 6.6, 74, 8.1, and 8.5 /*. (Subtransparent; f = 0.06 mm. Curve c, fig. 36.) In talc, water is expelled at red heat ; from its stability with acids it is considered an acid metasilicate. From the investigations of Clarke and Schneider (loc. cit.) no hydroxyl groups were inferred, and the trans- IOO°fo 10 0 I ? 3 4 5 / FIG. 37.-Epidote. mission curve does not show a band at 3 ju,. Talc has absorption bands at 5-6, 5-95> and 7.15/4. EPIDOTB (Ca,(A10H) (Al,Fe).(SiO).). (Cleavage piece parallel to c for curve a, t = o.2i; section perpendicular to axis for curve b, t = o.og. Fig. 37.) The chemical formula of this mineral is variously written, and it may contain hydroxyl groups. The iron may be present as FeOH. 52 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. In the present examination curve a is for a section transmitting a brown color, while curve b was light green. Both show the hydroxyl band at 3 /*,, while additional bands occur at 4.3, 4.7, 5.0, 5.3, 5.6, 5.9, 6.6, and 7.4 /u,, many of which are in common with those of quartz. SODIUM METAPHOSPHATE (NaPo3). (Fused transparent glass; t = 0.37. Fig. 38.) This substance was examined in connection with the following phos- phates to learn the behavior of phosphorus in a compound. There is a wide absorption band at 4 and a second at 6 p.. 10 0 I Z 6 d S to 14- U. FIG. 38.— Sodium metaphosphate (a) ; Meta phosphoric acid (b) ; Ortho phosphoric acid (c). META PHOSPHORIC ACID (HPO3). 0 = 0.25 mm. Curve b, fig. 38.) This substance comes in transparent cylindrical sticks like KOH. It was melted between a plate of rock salt and one of glass. The latter became loose on cooling, and was removed. The compound is too opaque for examination beyond 3 /A. ORTHO PHOSPHORIC ACID (t = 0.12 mm. Curve c, fig. 38.) This compound is formed from HPO,, and also from P2O5, standing in moist air. SULPHATES. 53 In both cases the curves b showed the water bands at 1.5 and 2/t, beyond which there was complete opacity. GROUP III : MISCELLANEOUS COMPOUNDS. It has been noticed elsewhere that in the examination of selenite the large absorption band at 4.55 /* is shifted, and too deep to belong to water ; also that it was suspected to be due to the SO4 groups of atoms. The band has further been noticed in discussing selenite and anhy- drite (fig. 3), and in thaumasite and blodite (fig. 13). Under the present heading will be discussed the absorption spectra of simple sul- 80% E •n c 0/234567 FIG. 39.— Barite(a); Glauberite. phates formed by the combination of a metallic oxide and sulphur trioxide, all of which show a band at 4.55 p., while several have another band in common at 6.5 //,. SULPHATES. BARITE (BaSCy). (Orthorhombic; section parallel to c; translucent; ^ = 0.25. Curve a, fig. 39. From Cheshire, Connecticut.) The barite curve is quite opaque, due in part to numerous cracks. There are bands at 3, 4.6, 6.2, and 6.5 p. Konigsberger's curves show that the band at 4.6 ju, is wide, and shifts for different directions of vibra- tion of polarized light. 54 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. GLAUBERITE (Na2SO*CaSOO. (Monoclinic; cleavage section parallel to c; transparent ; t = 1.26. Curve b, fig. 39). This is a mixture of two sulphates, of which the CaSO4 band at 3.2 and 4.55 /A have already been noticed. Glauberite has bands at 3, 4.55, 5.6, and 6.2 /*. THENARDITE (Na2SO4). (Borax Lake, California. Orthorhombic ; ground parallel to c; f = 2.2 mm. Curve a, fig. 40.) This mineral was too brittle to grind successfully. It shows large bands at 3.1 and 4.55 p. 0/234567 FIG. 40. — Theuardite (a) ; Kieserite. KlESERITE(MgSO4). (Stassfurt Mines. Massive; subtranslucent ; ( = 0.22 mm. Curve b, fig. 40.) This mineral, like selenite, shows both water and SO4 bands. It is very opaque. The water bands at 1.5, 3, 4.55 (complex with SO4), and 6.05 p are prominent. There are two small bands at 1.8 and 7^, respectively. CELESTITE (SrSO<). (From Lampasas, Texas. Cleavage parallel to c; transparent; t = 0.67 mm. Curve a, fig. 41.) Celestite has absorption bands at 3.2, 4.55, and 6.4/1,. The 4.55 /u, band is conspicuous for its depth. ANGLESITE (PbSO<). (Monte Poni, Sardinia. Translucent; section parallel to m; ( = 0.7 mm. Curve b, fig. 41.) The section used was not quite long enough to cover the slit. The lack of transparency was in part due to the fact that on account of its SULPHATES. 55 brittleness the section was not highly polished. The band at 4.55 ]«. is complex, with a deeper one at 5 p. The same is true of the 6.4 /u, band, which is complex, with a stronger band at 6.7 /A. There are slight depressions at 1.9 and 3.2 p,. CADMIUM SULPHATE (Curves a, b, c, d, fig. 42; t = o.g& and o.i mm.) This was an artificially grown crystal, and was perfectly transparent. As a whole, it is very opaque to infra-red radiation. The band at 3 p is complex, as is also the one at 4.6^, which is shown in curve d, the vertical scale of which is magnified 10 times. The water bands at 1.5 and 2 /* are well defined, considering the opacity of the substance. 70% 23456 FIG. 41.— Celestite (a) ; Ans;lesite. SULPHURIC ACID (H2SO«). (Curve e, fig. 42.) The great opacity of this substance makes it difficult for examination. A film, 0.08 mm. in thickness, was pressed between two plates of cover- glass, and stood over P2O5 for several days. It shows no water bands, while the trend of the curve at 4.5 p makes it impossible to decide on the question of the SO4 band. There is a band at 3.6 /* which is broad and shallow. It is difficult to decide whether the frequently recurring bands at 6.2 and 6.5 fj. are due to SO4 ; but it is a fact that they are very conspicuous 100% 56 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. in the sulphates examined, especially for K, Ba, Ca, and Pb, which have a common band at 6.5 /*,. The sulphates of the metals K, Rb, and Cs have been compared by Tutton,1 who has shown that both as regards crystalline form, specific gravity, thermal expansion, and corresponding refractive indices the Rb salt lies between the K and Cs salts. These mono- valent elements occupy con- secutive positions in the even series of Mendeleef's table. The next even series is Ca, Sr, and Ba, the trans- mission curves of which are before us. The following odd series contains Mg, which just precedes Ca and Cd, which lie between Sr and Ba. In other words, the elements lie in the order Mg, Ca, Sr, Cd, Ba, while the maximum of the ab- sorption band occurs in the order 4.5, 4.55, 4.6, 4.6, 4.63 p. Whether this is a true shift, with increase in molecular weights, needs further examination. The data presented are certainly very suggestive of a real shift, with increase in mole- cular weight of the metal. This same shifting of the maximum, with increase in molecular, will be noticed in the reflection curves of SrSO4 and BaSO4 ; in the former the maxima are at 8.2, 8.75, and 9.05 /j., while in the latter the maxima are shifted to 8.34, 8.9, and 9.1 /A. Drude2 has shown that in the ultra-violet the absorption band is due to the sympathetic vibrations of particles which have a charge and mass identical with the "ion" (or "corpuscle"), while, in the infra-red, the absorption bands are due to particles which have a mass of the order of magnitude of the molecule. From this standpoint one would expect 0123 FIG. 42.— Sulphuric acid («) ; Cadmium sulphate. 1 See Miers, Mineralogy. 2 Drude: Ann. cler Phys. (4), 14, p. 677, 1904. MISCELLANEOUS COMPOUNDS. 57 to find a shift of the maximum toward the longer wave-lengths, as we increase the atomic weight of the element which is attached to the radical. MISCELLANEOUS COMPOUNDS. POTASSIUM BICHROMATE (K2CrO7). (Cleavage parallel to m; ^ = 0.85 mm. Fig. 43.) It was found that this substance furnished beautiful, highly polished cleavage pieces, which are quite transparent to infra-red radiation. The curve shows a complex depression at 2.9 to 3.2 /*, and bands at 5.4, 6, 6.65, 7.7, and 8.7 /*. Porter1 located a reflection band at 10.3 p. 70% 60 50 IV 34567 KIG. 43.— Potassium dichromate. SO/A POTASSIUM CHLORATE (KClO8). (Large transparent crystal; t = 0.47 mm. Curve a, fig. 44.) The absorption bands in this substance are strikingly similar to those of potassium dichromate, especially the 5.25 ^ band, which is shifted to 5.4 p. in the latter. There are bands at 3.2, 3.5, 5.25, 6.28, 6.93, and 8.1 /t, beyond which there is complete opacity. 1 Porter : Astrophys. Jour., 22, p. 229, 1905. 58 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. APATITE (Ca5F(PO4)8). (From Kragerve, Norway. Massive; subtranslucent ; f = o.i2 mm. Curve b, fig. 44.) There are no strong bands in this mineral, and none are found to be common with substances containing the PO4 radical. The bands are small and occur at 2.9, 3.9, 4.85, 5.85, 6.4, and 6.85 /tt. 01234-56 FIG. 44.— Potassium chlorate (a) ; Apatite. GARNET (Ca«(Fe,Mg)liAla(SiO«)8). (f = 3.25 mm. Curve a, fig. 45.) This garnet was wine-red in color, showing absorption bands in the yellow-green and in the green-blue parts of the spectrum. The transmission curve is extraordinary, having a wide absorption band extending from 1.2 to 2.6 //,, and complete opacity beyond 4.5 ju,. MONAZITE, (Ce,La,Di)PO4. (t = 1.04 mm. Curve b, fig. 45.) This brown-colored mineral was partly transparent to visible rays, and is equally opaque to infra-red rays. A large band extends from 3.5 to 5.5 p., and opacity beyond 6.5 //,. MISCELLANEOUS COMPOUNDS. 59 (From Parker Shaft, Franklin, New Jersey. Semi-transparent; f = o.o8 mm. Curve c, fig. 45.) The sample was a mixture of calcite and willemite. The section examined was quite pure willemite. The curve shows a depression at 2.9 /A and bands at 5.9 and 6.75 p.. 50°/c O 2 3 4 S 6 FIG. 45.— Garnet (a); Monazite (d) ; Willemite. a COLLODIUM (C,HTO2(ONOa)«). (f = o.oi mm. Curve a, fig. 46.) The film of this compound was made by painting a layer of the com- mercial "collodion" over a rectangular hole, 4 by 10 mm., in a piece of cardboard. After the volatile solvent had evaporated the film was dried over P2O5 for a week. The constitution of this compound is unknown. It will be noticed that the transmission curve is entirely different from those rich in CH2 or CH3 groups or from those found for the benzine derivatives. There are absorption bands at 1.65, 2.9, 3.5, 6.05, 7.3, 7.85, 8.7, 9.2, 9.5, 10.0, 10.8, 11.7, 12.3, 12.7, and 13.6^. AMMONIUM CHLORIDE (NH4C1). (Translucent; t = o.6 mm. Curve b, fig. 46.) Section made from a lump of the commercial material. It is very opaque, with bands at 1.65, 2.2, and 2.95 /x, the latter being in the region where NH2 compounds and NH3 have a band. Porter (loc. cit.) found a reflection band at 344/*. 6o INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. so 80 70 eo 50 +0 /o O I 2 J f 5 6 8 9 /O II /2 FIG. 46.— Collodium (a) ; Ammonium chloride. 10 Z 45 FIG. 47.— Tartaric acid. 6 tO MISCELLANEOUS COMPOUNDS. 61 TARTARIC ACID (C*H6Oo). (Cleavage parallel to a. Curve a, fig. 47.) In fig. 47 curve c is for a film melted and crystallized between thin cover-glass, £ = 0.09 mm., while curve a is for a cleavage section, / = 0.32 mm. Curve b is for a film melted between plates of rock salt. This compound has the properties of a divalent alcohol and of dibasic acids. The curves are characteristic of alcohols, having an absorption band from 2.9 to 4 /*, followed by a transparent region at 4.6 /x,, which is characteristic of carbohydrates. to 01?. 4 6 8 FIG. 48.— Phloroglucin (a) ; Malic acid. PHLOROGLUCIN (C8H8(OH)8+2H2O). (f = O.O2. Fig. 48.) This belongs to the group containing water of crystallization. Apparently it is an exception to the rule. The sample turned light brown on melting, and it is quite probable that the H2O was partly expelled. The compound belongs to the phenols, hence one would expect a band at 3 to 3.2 /*, the latter being the characteristic of benzine. There are small water bands at i .45 and 2.05 /u,. 62 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. MALIC ACID (C2H3(OH) (CO2H)a). (f = o.o8. Curve b, fig. 48.) This compound belongs to the trivalent dibasic acids (CnH2n_,,O6), and, like the acids previously studied, is very opaque, with wide absorp- tion bands at 3.5, 5.9, and 7.2 p.. SODIUM BIBORATE (Na2Br4Oi). (Fused glass, transparent, ground to t = o.i2 mm. Curve a, fig. 49.) This compound is formed on fusing borax (Na7B4O7), which con- tains 10 molecules of crystal-water. It is difficult to decide whether or not the bands at 3 and 4.8 p. are due to H2O. There are other bands at 1.9 and 3.7/1. 90% 80 70 60 ' 50 V) (0 h 30 20 IO IO to 14- u 3 3 •* -5 6 7 8 FIG. 49-— Sodium biborate (a) ; Silver nitrate. SILVER NITRATE (AgNOa). (£ = 1.65 mm. Curve b, fig. 49.) This crystal was ground, but not highly polished. Its transmission curve is marked for its sharp bands at 2.7, 3.6, 4.1, 4.78, and 5.65 /x. MISCELLANEOUS COMPOUNDS. 63 SPHALERITE (ZnS). (Cleavage piece, t= 1.53 mm.; transparent; slightly yellowish tinge. Curve a, fig. 50.) The transmission curve is marked for its extraordinary transparency from 5 to 12 n, interrupted by slight depressions at 1.6, 11.2, and 13.2/4. There is a wide band from 2.7 to 3.3/t, and complete opacity beyond 15/1. SILVER CHLORIDE (AgCl). (Vitreous, t = o.8 mm. Curve b, fig. 50.) This is the only known substance for which no absorption bands have yet been found in the infra-red. It seems to increase in transparency with increase in wave-length, but is opaque for the "reststrahlen" at 53 and 6 1 p., as one would expect from its analogy to NaCl and KC1. 56 7 B S IO II 12 13 /•* IS Fio. 50,— Sphalerite (a) ; Silver chloride. ORTHOCLASE (KAlSi3O8). (Yellowish tinge; subtransparent ; t = 0.07 mm. Curve a, fig. 51.) This mineral belongs to the feldspar group. It has bands at 2.85, 4.7, 5.7, and 6.28 p., which are bands of silicates. Curve c, t = 0.23 mm., is for a cleavage piece from a specimen of unknown composition, and was simply marked "Feldspar." It has the general outline of, but the bands are less marked than in, curve a. AMPHIBOLE (CaMg3(SiO8)i). (Silky gray color, probably tremolite; ground parallel to m; translucent; # = 0.07 mm. Curve b, fig. 51.) This curve is similar to orthoclase, with bands at 2.8, 4.8, 6, 7.4, and 8.2 11. The 6 /A band may be the mean of the two found in orthoclase, at 5.7 and 6.28 /*,, respectively. 64 INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION SPECTRA. SO c o in tn u) C L h- 3O 10 23456 8 FIG. 51.— Orthoclase (a) ; Amphibole (b) ; Feldspar (c). Fio. 52.— Oligoclase (a) ; Orthoclase (*) ; Zircon (c) ; Glass (d). MISCELLANEOUS COMPOUNDS. OUCOCLASK (From Bakersville, North Carolina. Cleavage piece; not polished; transparent; f = 1.25 mm. Curve a, fig. 52.) This mineral has no marked absorption bands. There is a depression in the transmission curve at 3.3 /A. ORTHOCLASE (var. ADULARIA) (KAlSinOs). (From St. Gothard, Switzerland. Cleavage parallel to c; perfectly transparent; * = O.I5 mm. Curve b, fig. 52.) The transmission curve shows bands at 2.0, 3.2, 3.9, 4.8, and 5.6^, and is in marked contrast with the orthoclase curve. ZIRCON (ZrSiCu). (Transparent; f = 3 mm. Curve c, fig. 52.) This specimen was not long enough to cover the slit. It shows bands at 2.1, 3.1, and 3.6 /x, and complete opacity beyond 5 /A. 90 80 •o 60 50 JO 10 \ \ \ IZ 13 14 O I ^ 3 tne first and last being small and not well defined. 5O°/o 56 769/0 FIG. 73. — Amphibole (a) ; Sodium biborate. SODIUM BIBORATE (Curve b, fig. 73.) This substance is a glass made by fusing borax. The surface was well polished ; nevertheless the reflection bands are weak. The maxima are wide and occur at 7.5 and 10 /*. From a comparison with the trans- mission curve it appears that the great opacity of this glass is due to some other property than to bands of selective reflection. 7 B 9 IO FIG. 74.— Datolite(a); Hydrotalcite. /3/J. SILICATES. DATOLITE (Ca(BOH)SiO«). (Curve a, fig. 74.) The reflection curve shows a series of small, sharp maxima at 8.8, 9.2, 9.5, 10, and 10.8 p. The reflection was from a natural crystal face. HYDROTALCITE (Mg3Al(OH),+3HIO). (Curve b, fig. 74.) The results from this mineral are rather disappointing. There is but one reflection maximum at 9.9 /*, and this one is not very large. The transmission curve shows great opacity. 30 <% c _o Y> u /o 456 e 9 /O II 12 FIG. 75.— Natrolite (a) ; Apatite. N ATROLITE ( Na2 AUS i3O10 + HjO ) . (Curve a, fig. 75.) Reflecting face ground parallel to m. There are maxima at 9.05, 9.5, and 10.05 P-> beyond which point the reflecting power remains unusually high to 12/1. APATITE (Ca5F(PO4)s). (Curve b, fig. 75.) The reflecting power gradually decreases to 7.5 /*, beyond which point there are maxima at 9.12 and 9.65 /*. GLASS. (Curves a, b, c, fig. 76, and curve a, fig. 78.) Glass is of such a variable composition that if the various metallic oxides other than of silicon had an effect upon the reflection bands one would expect to observe it. For example, crown glass 0381 contains 68.7SiO2+i3.3PbO-f i57Na2O+2ZnO, while a flint silicate 857 con- tains 2i.9SiO,+78PbO, and a lead glass contains 4.62PbO+8K2O +45Si02. The following samples show that the variation in the silicate content of the glass has little effect upon the maxima, except that of intensity. The curves show a slight curvature at 8.6 to 8.8 /*, a sharp maximum 88 INFRA-RED REFLECTION SPECTRA. at 9.2 to 9.3 ju, and a third band at 9.7 p. Curve a, fig. 76, gives the reflection for a monochromatic red glass, No. 2745, made by Schott & Co., of Jena ; curve b is for a plane parallel interferometer plate ; curve c is for a piece of fluorescent uranium glass, while curve a, fig. 78, is for a piece of ordinary plate glass. The fluorescent glass has an unusually low reflecting power. All of the samples have a uniform reflecting power to 7.0 /*,, then a sudden decrease, followed at 8 ju, by a large band of selective reflection. For FIG. 76.— Glass. the transmission curve of glass (fig. 53) it will be noticed that there is a decrease in the transparency beyond 15 p. Hence one would expect to find the reflection curve to be irregular as observed, being abnormally high just beyond the reflection band at 9.3 p., and abnormally low on approaching the second large absorptive band which lies beyond 15/x. The glass plates were from 3 to 8 mm. thick, hence opaque beyond 4 /x, so that the reflection values are not influenced by energy reflected from the second surface, i. e., the reflection is from only one surface. SILICATES. 89 Pfund1 has published a reflection curve of glass, which is entirely lacking in these small bands, due to the fact that only six spectrometer settings were made between 8 and I2/*, while nineteen settings were made in the present work. GRANITE. (From Barre, Vermont. Fig. 77.) Granite is a mixture of quartz, feldspar, and mica, and hence gives a reflection spectrum which is the composite of these minerals. In the present specimen the mica plates were partly broken off the surface in polishing. 25% O U <*- o e 9 /o FIG. 78.— Glass (a); Pectolite. WILLEMITE (Zn2SiO«). (Curve a, fig. 79.) The reflecting surface was ground from a massive specimen. The transmission curve becomes opaque very abruptly at 9 fi. This is fol- lowed by a sudden rise in the reflection curve at IO/A. There are three strong maxima at 10.1, 10.6, and n /A, respectively, followed by a small band at n.6p.. From the location of the maxima it is evident that the bonding of the SiO2 in willemite is different from that of quartz. 56 7 8 9 /O FIG. 79.— Willemite (a) ; Vaiicite. VARICITE (Curve b, fig. 79.) The reflecting power is low, and decreases uniformly from 4 to 7.5 p., where it decreases abruptly to 8.5 p.. There are maxima at 9.25 and SULPHIDES. 9.7 p.. The latter is not very well defined, so that, from the fact that it coincides with a band found in apatite, one can hardly infer that it is due to the PO4 radical. SULPHIDES. STIBNITE (Sb2S8). (Large fresh cleavage piece parallel to b, perfectly plane without striations. Area i by 1.5 cm. Curve a, fig. So.) The reflecting power of the sulphides of Zn, Pb, Fe, and Sb are worthy of notice. They are known for their metallic luster, especially stibnite (Sb2S3). Their reflecting power in the infra-red is equally conspicuous for its high value, which is uniform throughout the region examined to 12 p.. Stibnite is the most marked in this respect. By transmission it was found to be unusually transparent, the absorption of a thin film, 0.45 mm., being about 45 per cent throughout the whole region to 12 p., beyond which there appears to be another absorption band. The reflecting power was found to be about 35 per cent to 1 1 p, soy, 3 4 s 6 7 a 9 10 n n a FIG. 80.— Stilbite(a); Pyrite (b) ; Galena (c); Sphalerite (rf). is/t so that after eliminating the reflection the mineral is almost transparent. This is well illustrated in curve b, fig. 55, which is for a section 10 times that for curve a. It will be noticed the true absorption is only about 5 per cent. It is difficult to decide from the present date whether the band beyond 14 p. is due to absorption or to selective reflection. The reflection curve drops in the region of 13 ju,, which would indicate a selective reflection just beyond this point. The observations were repeated on different specimens, and no differ- ence greater than experimental errors was found in the reflecting power, so that it can be definitely stated that the reflecting power is higher in the visible spectrum, and drops to a lower value beyond 12 p.. This, as well as the other sulphides, was found to be opaque to Roentgen rays. 92 INFRA-RED REFLECTION SPECTRA. The refractive index of stibnite, found by Drude, for sodium light is 449 (5-1?)- The value calculated from the well-known Fresnel formula : for the region from 4 to 8 /x, where the reflecting power is R = 36, w = 4.o, and n2=i6. The dielectric constant, determined for me by Dr. N. E. Dorsey by the static method, by placing thin sections in a small air condenser, is about 8 to 9, which is only about one-half the computed value, -•= n2 = 16. The difference is so great that it is not permissible to consider this substance a transparent non-conductor. Of course, if there is a large reflection band beyond 15/11 (fig. 55) the above assumption is not true. The proper test would be to find the reflecting power for Hertz waves. Konigsberger and Reichenheim1 examined a series of natural sul- phides by means of what may be called spectrum energy screens or filters, viz, plates of quartz, fluorite, etc., which transmit only certain regions of the spectrum. From the thickness of the plates of the min- erals examined and the observed energy transmitted they computed the reflecting power. The method can not be as accurate as the present one, which involves a direct measurement of the reflecting power ; and this may account for their higher values. For stibnite they observed a reflecting power of 47.6 per cent for the region 0.5 to 4.0 /A, and 43.9 per cent for the region 1.6 to 4.0 /z. Of course, it is possible that their sample had a higher reflecting power. The electrical conductivity was of the order icr15 (Hg= i), and they concluded, as was found in the present work, that the Maxwell relation does not hold true. (From Rio Marina, Island of Elba. Curve b, fig. 80.) The reflecting surface of one specimen was formed by grinding a large crystal face, which was found would not take a high polish. This specimen gradually increased in reflecting power from 25 per cent at 2 /u, to 34 per cent at 12 //.. The low reflection at 2 p is evidently due to lack of polish. Curve b is for a natural cubical crystal face which was i by 1.3 cm. in area. It was quite plane, and had a high polish, except at one end, where there were a few striations. A perfect crystal would have a 1 Konigsberger and Reichenheim : Centralblatt fur Mineralogie, Jahrg. 1905, p. 465- SULPHIDES. 93 slightly higher reflecting power. The specimen has a slightly higher reflecting power in the visible, and beyond 3 p a constant reflecting power of about 32 per cent1 to 14^. According to Reichenheim,2 the electrical conductivity is variable for different specimens on account of impurities, so that no comparisons can be made with the computed reflecting power, such as have been made by Hagen and Rubens3 for metals. (GALENA (PbS). (Cleavage piece, surface 2 by 2.5 cm. ; quite plane. Curve c, fig. 80.) The reflecting power appears to be slightly higher in the visible than in the infra-red, where it is constant at 31 per cent to 14^. No doubt the reflecting power would be slightly higher for a perfect specimen. It was found impossible to grind a surface that was not full of small depressions, due to chipping of the surface. SPHALERITE (ZnS). (Curve d, fig. 80.) The specimen examined was a dark mass of crystals. The surface showed several cracks. The reflecting power is no doubt low, even for a perfect surface, as will be noticed from its uniformity throughout the spectrum to I5//,. No large, clear specimen of this material was obtainable. The refractive index in the visible is 2.369 (Na), while computing from the reflecting power at 5 to 10 /JL would indicate a value of n = 1.85 for R = 0.09. SULPHUR (S). (Reflection from large crystal face. Curve b, fig. 81.) The reflection curve is low and uniform throughout the spectrum. It is interesting to note that the absorption bands at 8 and 12 p. (found in a previous examination) are too small to affect the reflection curve. In this connection it will be noticed that all the sulphides examined, except ZnS, have a much higher reflecting power, while the zinc sul- phide reflection is practically the same as that of pure sulphur. 1 Konigsberger and Reichenheim : Centralblatt fur Mineralogie, Jahrg. 1905, p. 465, "by extrapolation from the curve for the visible spectrum found a reflecting power of 30 per cent." * Reichenheim : Inaug. Diss., Freiburg, 1906. "Hagen and Rubens: Ann. de Phys. (4), u, p. 873, 1903. 94 INFRA-RED REFLECTION SPECTRA. CARBORUNDUM (SiuciuM CARBIDE) (SiC). (Large hexagonal plate, naturally highly polished. Curve a, fig. 81.) This is an artificial product obtained from a carborundum furnace. The reflection curve is the most remarkable one yet discovered. The selective reflection bands of quartz at 8.5 to 9.03 ^ stand second in the order of intensity. Since absorption, reflection, and refraction are intimately connected, the reflection curve gives us an idea, qualitatively, of the dispersion of this mineral. It will be noticed that the reflection curve drops abruptly from a fairly constant value at 9 p, to a very low value at 10 /x, while beyond 13 /j. it remains abnormally high. This is exactly what is found for the refraction curve, in the region of anomalous dispersion, and to illustrate this point the carborundum curve is the best example yet observed. In this connection it will be noticed the reflection curve of quartz decreases more uniformly throughout this whole region. FIG. 81.— Carborundum (a) ; Sulphur (b] ; Graphite (e). GRAPHITE (C). (Natural mineral from Siberia. Curve c, fig. 81.) The reflecting power of various forms of carbon, such as "gas- carbon" and anthracite, have been examined by Aschkinass,1 who found the reflection to increase from 30 per cent at 8 p. to 53 per cent at 26 ft for the former, and a uniform reflection of about 13 per cent throughout this same region for the latter. Aschkinass: Ann. der Phys. (4), 18, p. 373, 1905. TRANSPARENCY TO X-RAYS. 95 The present sample, which had a high polish, increases uniformly in reflecting power from 40 per cent at 2.5 //, to 60 per cent at 12 fi. It thus appears that the presence of silicon in carborundum lowers the reflecting power up to 9, beyond which it becomes abnormally high. The results obtained from the present examination of reflection spectra demonstrate a number of important facts. The first one is the dependence of reflection upon absorption. The second point worthy of notice is that the region of selective reflection begins beyond 7/x, while for the majority of substances studied the region of greatest activity is from 8 to io/x. Whether this coincidence in the grouping of reflection bands (of minerals other than those containing SiO2) is fortu- itous is unknown. A knowledge of their dielectric constants might aid in deciding this point. In considering this question of the selective reflection beyond 7 p., it will be recalled that the "general absorption" of many substances was found1 to increase beyond this point. The results as a whole show that there are not such definite bands, whether found by reflection or by absorption, in the silicates as one would expect. In other words, the silicon radical seems to be differ- ently bonded in each mineral. Possibly there are several radicals — SiO2, SiO3, SiO4 — one or more of which are present in each mineral, or even in different specimens of the same mineral. This would explain the lack of constancy of the occurrence of the bands of quartz at 3 p.. The investigation has added one more radical which has definite absorption bands in the infra-red, viz, SO4, which has harmonic bands at 4.55 and 9.1 /*. TRANSPARENCY TO X-RAYS. The majority of these silicates and sulphides were examined under X-rays, and all but graphite were found to be opaque. Of course, the samples were large, which means that in thin sections, no doubt, many of the silicates would be as transparent as glass. REFLECTING POWER OE METALS. The reflection power of various metals and alloys, which can be easily produced in the form of concave mirrors, has been measured by Hagen and Rubens.2 The list does not include Co, Zn, Cd, Al, Sn, Pd, and Ir, the reflecting power of which in the form of plane mirrors is herewith presented. 1 Infra-red Investigations, Washington, 1905. 2 Hagen and Rubens: Ann. der Phys., 8, p. I, 1902; n, p. 873, 1903. 96 INFRA-RED REFLECTION SPECTRA. The present list can not, of course, be of practical use, since the sur- faces tarnish, but from a theoretical standpoint they are of considerable importance. For example, Hagen and Rubens established relations between the reflecting power and the electrical conductivity of the metals studied. One would, therefore, expect similar relations for closely related metals in the Mendeleef's series. For example, one would expect the reflecting power of cobalt to be of the same order as that of nickel, and a similar relation between zinc, and copper, and palladium and platinum. From the present examina- tion it will be noticed that such a close parallelism exists in all cases where the actual condition of the reflecting surface, i. e., its polish, is negligible. Unfortunately in the present list only zinc and cobalt take a high polish which is quite permanent. Cadmium also takes a high polish, but tarnishes in a day or two. Tin can not be given a high polish ; palladium is of a similar nature, while aluminum always retains a hazy white surface. As a result, in the shorter wave-lengths the reflecting power is lower than normal, and rises steadily to 8 or 10 /*, where it assumes a constant value which can no doubt be interpreted as real. The specimens examined were about 3 by 4 cm. area. They were ground plane, then polished with Vienna lime and stearin oil. The silver mirror was finally prepared by "buffing," and had a fine surface. An attempt was made to use silver-on-glass mirrors, but even those that transmitted only blue light were found to differ as much as 2 per cent in reflecting power, while the best silver-on-glass mirror reflected about 0.5 per cent less than the one of pure silver at 5 ju, to io/t. A mirror of pure silver was therefore used as a standard of reference. It consisted of a thick (0.5 mm.) sheet of the pure metal soldered on a heavy plate of brass. The method of observation consisted in placing the standard silver mirror and the comparison mirror upon the carrier before the spectro- meter slit, as in the preceding work, and obtaining the ratio of the deflections. This gives the reflecting power relative to silver, and is slightly higher than the absolute reflecting power, since silver is not a perfect reflector. The absolute reflecting power of the metals, given in Table I, were found by multiplying the relative values by the reflect- ing power of massive silver, given in the first column of the same table. The reflecting power of Ni and Pt are quoted from Hagen and Rubens (loc. cit.) to show their close relations with Co, Pd, and Ir, respectively. The angle of incidence was about 25°, and was permis- sible, since it is well known that the reflecting power increases but slightly up to this angle. Of course, the assumption is tacitly made METALS. 97 here that the change in reflecting power with angle of incidence is the same for all the metals examined, and, since we are rinding a ratio, will, therefore, affect alike the numerator and denominator of the fraction. Any error thus introduced could be only a fraction of a per cent, which is as accurate as the variation in the polish of different samples of the same metal will permit. The low reflecting power of most of the metals examined in the region of I p, is due more to lack of polish and planeness of surface than to a possible transparent region such as obtains in silver, in the ultra-violet. Palladium is lower in reflecting power than platinum; and it is barely possible that it would have a slightly higher value if a better surface could be produced. The speci- men was made by soldering a o.i mm. sheet upon a heavy plate of brass. TABLE I. — REFLECTING POWER OF METALS. [Absolute values.] « a OJ a U pM ^^ W 0 •z-e, tf. 3 _ OJ (massive, sh 1/5 CS % a 3 a •*j w) 4-* K s _3 a 6C at W N™^ . Is U! (A a! s~*, •M tn 1 ii a fc a •4-" 13 fi o o a • r* a a 13 _« II Sfl .i: * '§ •d ^ 35 « o N < H fL, s M o 1. 06 964 72.0 67-5 794 73-8 54-o 74-8 72.9 79-4 70.8 I 71 q? 3 71. S QI .O 80.8 cq i 79 3 79-5 84 7 85.0 / 3.01 973 88.7 / * \s 767 7 95-5 88.3 68.6 t s \j 875 88.8 91.4 930 3 96 97-7 925 80.7 96.2 91.4 71.7 88 i 9'-5 93-3 95-2 5-24 97-3 947 86 2 97.2 938 76-7 90.4 93-5 94.2 95 9 6.75 985 948 92.7 97 2 95-2 80.3 933 95 5 94-7 97.0 8.02 988 95 ° 948 98.0 96.9 83.2 94-7 95-1 948 978 938 989 95 6 964 98 i 974 87.0 953 95 4 95 6 98.4 10.49 990 95-8 96.8 984 96.9 87.0 966 95-9 95-8 98.3 12.03 989 95 7 96.6 98.3 97-3 86.9 965 96-5 96.1 98.2 T i oo QQ O QC fi 95 QQ.O q6 4 99.0 7 ' T^ Considerable difficulty was experienced in casting a homogeneous plate of cadmium. Success was finally attained by melting it in a thin copper mold. When cool the mold was torn off and the ( i cm. thick) plate filed and ground plane. In fig. 82 it will be noticed that its reflecting power suddenly rises to a constant value beyond 5 /*,. The sheet of cobalt was about 0.5 mm. thick, and permitted consider- able filing and grinding. However, it was found impossible to prepare a surface that was free from pores. This probably explains its devia- tion in reflecting power from that of nickel, out to 10 p, where it reflects more than nickel, as it should, since its electrical conductivity is higher. rs v 98 INFRA-RED REFLECTION SPECTRA. The aluminum was a sheet of commercial material. It took a high polish. Its reflecting power is unusually high beyond lo/x, and is known to be practically a perfect reflector for heat waves at 25 //,. Little can be said concerning tin. It was found impossible to give it a polish, although the melted surface on cooling was very bright. From its electrical conductivity it ought to have a reflecting power of the order of nickel and platinum. \^^^ -JO-fc^ 678 FIG. 82.- -Pure metals. Zinc is the most interesting of all the metals studied. It takes an unusually high polish which is quite permanent. Its color is peculiar. It seems to have a low reflecting power in the visible spectrum, which rises suddenly to a maximum beyond 4 p, and in this respect compares favorably with silver, which is the highest and most serviceable reflector known for the visible and the infra-red spectrum. The electrical con- ductivity, as well as the reflecting power, of zinc and of cadmium are close in agreement. The indium mirror was obtained by polishing a sheet about 3 by 2 by o.i cm. It was not free from scratches, but took a high polish. It has a slightly higher reflecting power than platinum. Its electrical con- METALS. 99 ductivity appears to be unknown, which is also true of the purity of the specimen examined. The metals, with the exception of aluminum, were obtained from Kahlbaum and from Heraeus. Pure cobalt is, of course, practically unobtainable, and the specimen examined probably contained from 1.5 to 2 per cent nickel. Hagen and Rubens (loc. cit.) have computed the absorption of the metals from the electrical conductivity by means of the formula 100 — R= 3 ~5 where R is the reflecting power, c is the reciprocal of the resistance of a conductor I m. long and I sq. mm. area, in ohms, and I = wave-lengths in /* = o.ooi mm. They found a slight varia- tion in the observed and computed values of 100 — R, the maximum being about 0.5 per cent at 12 p. It must be said, however, that if they had selected the wave-length i— 10.49 P, where in many cases the value of R is frequently the same as for 12/1, the discrepancy would be larger, and of the same order as that observed in the present results. In the present work no attempt was made to attain the accu- racy of these two investigators, for the reason that the nature of the material would not permit it. The difference in the observed and com- puted values of 100 — R is given in the following table, using the values of the electrical conductivity as found by Jager and Diesselhorst.1 TABLE II. Metal. TOO—/?. Observed. Computed. Cd 1.8 3-4 ?r 5 L7 13- 2-7 2.87 3.28 3-48 2-59 3-55 1.89 Co Pd Zn. Sn Al The agreement in the observed and computed values (excepting tin) is as close as one can expect from the nature of the metals examined. REFLECTING POWER OF SOLUTIONS. It is well known that in the visible and in the ultra-violet the position of the maximum of absorption of a solid is generally not affected when 1 Jager and Diesselhorst, quoted in Landolt and Bornstein, Tabellen. JOO INFRA-RED REFLECTION SPECTRA. in solution. Stenger1 found that it is only when a change in the aggre- gation conditions or in the solving process is accompanied by a change in the physical molecule that a change occurs in the absorption spec- trum. One would expect similar conditions in the infra-red. In Appendix IV of the first volume of this investigation a preliminary examination was made of the transmission of several solids in solution, and it was shown that the method is feasible for infra-red work. The present examination by reflection is only preliminary, and was under- taken primarily to learn whether possibly some of the sulphates, which in the solid state have a single sharp maximum at 9.1 /A, really have several bands, say at 8.6 and 9.6 /x, which for some unexplained reason are merged into one. (There seems to be no reason why the sulphates ^ Spectrometer slit "/X Plane mirror (Vertical) ir> i '[j -f— ' ^ // i ' ILjA-^-iJ) Vessel for liquids \ 'wgTin itirriS and position of I comparison mirror \ I \ I \ i \ \ t i.'srnst heater FIG. 83. —Arrangement of apparatus for reflection from solutions. of Cd, Co, Ni, and Cu should have a single band, while those of Ba, Sr, and Mg should have several bands.) Of course one would hardly expect this to be the case, but preconceived ideas are often deceptive. The constantly recurring bands of the sulphates at 4.5 to 4.6 /* and 9.05 to 9.2 fj, reminds one of similar conditions in compounds containing CH3 groups. The adjustment of the apparatus is shown in fig. 83. On account of the difficulty of adjusting the liquid to the level of the silver comparison surface no attempt was made to obtain the absolute reflecting power accurately. SULPHURIC ACID (H=SO4). (Concentrated. Fig. 84.) This substance was not examined for various concentrations, as explained in Appendix II. The maxima occur at 8.6, 9.55, 10.42, and 11.35 /x. The fact that the 8.6 [ji and 9.52 /x, band of H2SO4 occurs in the hydrous and anhydrous 1 Stenger: Ann. der Phys. (3), 33, p. 578, 1888. SOLUTIONS. 101 sulphates examined shows that they are not present exclusively in those sulphates containing water of crystallization. In other words, they are due to the SOj radical, and not due to hydrous sulphates, as might be inferred from the study of sulphuric acid. Concentrated sulphuric acid 7 8 9 10 FIG. 84.— Sulphuric acid. \Z contains SCX, and it is interesting to note that the 10.4^ band, which in a previous examination of gases was found in SO2, is one of the strongest here, and, as will be noticed in Appendix II, disappears on diluting the acid. CADMIUM SULPHATE (CdSCX). (Saturated, and dilute 1A H2O solutions. Fig. 85.) The reflecting power is, of course, much lower for solu- tions. Curve b shows that the reflection band is asymmetri- cal. The maximum occurs at 9.2 //,. The absorption band at 4..6 /*, is harmonic with this one. This reflection band was found by Pfund1 for the solid crystal at 9.1 /u, — more nearly 9.15^, as read on the published curve. o It a 3 10 FIG. 85.— Cadmium sulphate. \\JU Water has no reflection bands in this region. NICKEL SULPHATE (NiSC>4+7H2O). In fig. 86 are given the curves (a) for a saturated solution of NiSO4, and (b) for a solution diluted to about one-half, while curve c is for a large, solid crystal which was not highly polished. The curves for the 1 Pfund : Paper presented at the meeting of the Amer. Phys. Soc., April 20-22, 1906. IO2 INFRA-RED REFLECTION SPECTRA. saturated solution indicate that the reflection band is complex, with maxima at 9.15 and 9.5^, the latter being coincident with that of H2SO4. This is better illustrated in the curve for the dilute solution, in which the band at 9.1 ju, has quite disappeared. C 3Z o •s (6 a 9 10 n FIG. 86.— Nickel sulphate. 6 8 10 II IZJUL, FIG. 87.— Copper sulphate (a) and (c) ; Ziuc sulphate (*). SOLUTIONS. 103 The reflection band of the solid crystal does not agree with the one found by Pfund at 9.05 /*, which is the mean value of the present curve. In the present curve the maximum is evidently complex. Neither does the maximum of the solid and that of the solution agree, which is prob- ably to be expected. In fact, the study of solutions was undertaken to test this very point. COPPER SULPHATE (CuSO4+sH*O). In fig. 87, curve a is for a saturated solution of copper sulphate in which the maximum of reflection is very sharp at 9.15 p. For a solid crystal of this material the maximum (curve c) coincides with that of the solution. The reflection band found by Porter at 2.3 /* really occurs at 3.3 /*. The former value is due to an error in computation. ZINC SULPHATE (ZnSO*+7H2O). The reflecting power is somewhat higher than in the preceding com- pound. The maximum (curve b, fig. 87) occurs at 9.2 /* for a saturated solution of this compound. SODIUM SULPHATE (NaSCX+ioHiO). The selective reflection of a satu- rated solution of this compound is shown in curve a, fig. 88. The maxi- mum occurs at 9.2 p, while Pfund found it at 9.02 /*, using the surface of PJG a mass of crystals. MERCURY (Hg). to HjU -Sodium sulphate (a) ; Potassium sulphate. Several observations were made on the reflecting power of mercury, but the present arrangement was not well adapted to determine the absolute reflecting power, and no thorough examination was made. The chief difficulty is in having the two surfaces at the same level. Values of reflecting power as high as 85 per cent (purity not known) were observed, while the computed value is 90 per cent at 12 p. Earth tremors had but little effect on the surface ; while, if pure dust- free mercury be used, this is the best substance available to compare the effect of the polish upon the reflecting power in the region of short wave-lengths. In fact, the determination of the absolute reflecting power throughout the spectrum would be an interesting study by itself. IO4 INFRA-RKD REFLECTION SPECTRA. POTASSIUM SULPHATE (KaSO4). Curve b, fig. 88, is for a saturated solution of this compound. There appear to be two maxima — a small one at 9.1 p, and a much larger one at 9.4 fji — which disagrees with Pfund, who found a maximum at 8.85 for the reflection from the plane surface of a mass of these crystals. The results, as a whole, show that the single narrow reflection bands of several of the sulphates at 9 ^ is complex, and is shifted toward the long wave-lengths when dissolved in water, while in others this band remains single, and is not shifted in solution. The reflection of most of the solids was found by Pfund (loc. cit.). In some cases we agree in the location of the maxima, while in other cases (solids vs. solutions) we do not agree. This is not, in any inherent errors, in adjustment of the present instrument, for at the conclusion of the work the quartz band at 9.05 /j. was found at its proper place, as shown in fig. 86. Neither is it due to errors in Pfund's apparatus (although his dispersion was not so great), for we agree in the position of the maxima of quartz, glass, Iceland spar, potassium nitrate, copper sulphate, and sulphuric acid. The solutions were examined on the same day and in the follow- ing order: H,SO4 and the sulphates of Cd, Ni, Cu, Zn, K, Na. The disagreement is in Ni, Zn, K, Na, which means that the instrument could not have gotten out of adjustment during the examination. The conclusion to be drawn is that several of these sulphates, viz, Ni, K, Na, and possibly Cd, are dissociated, or that the intra-molecular condition of the molecule (the "bonding") has become similar to that of H2SO4. Possibly hydrates have been formed. But what may we say of the sulphates of Ba, Sr, and Mg, which in their solid (anhydrous) condition have several bands, some of which lie close to those of H2SO4 ? The more logical wray of attacking this problem would have been to examine1 the solid crystals at the same time as the solutions ; but life is too short for one man to do all this, and the aforesaid line of reason- ing excludes the possibility of the disagreement being due to instru- mental errors, which would have to amount to from 4 to 6 min. of arc to account for the shifting of some of the maxima. In Cu and Cd the shift, if any, is very slight, although the Cd band is evidently complex. In the sulphates of Ni, K, and Na a definite shift has been noted, and is similar to the effect observed in solutions of iodine in CS2, and in C,H5OH in the visible spectrum. No doubt a solvent may exist, in which the 9.1 \i band of CuSO4 is also complex. 1 Since writing this the author has examined the sulphates of Ni and Cu in the solid state and in solution. The maximum of solid CuSO* and of the solution in water occurs at 9.12^, while in NiSO4 the complex band of the solid at 8.9 to 9.15 ji is shifted to 9.2 to 9.5 ^ in solution. RESULTS. 105 SUMMARY. The transmission and reflection spectra of at least 125 elements and compounds have been examined, many of them to 15 p, by means of a mirror spectrometer, a rock-salt prism, and a Nichols radiometer. The aim of the investigation was the study of a series of minerals containing oxygen and hydrogen in the form of what is known as water of consti- tution and water of crystallization. The interpretation of the results are based upon the assumption that if the union of the oxygen and the hydrogen in the molecules is similar to that of water, then the absorp- tion spectra of minerals, containing these two elements thus united, should show the absorption bands of water superposed upon the absorp- tion spectrum of the other constituents. On the other hand, minerals containing oxygen and hydrogen as water of constitution should not show the water bands, except hydrox- yls, which should show a band at 3 p. The results show that of some 30 minerals containing "water of crystallization" there are no important exceptions to the rule that they should show the bands of water. On the other hand, the one important exception to the rule that minerals containing ''water of constitution" should not show water bands is cane sugar. Minerals containing hydroxyl groups generally have a marked band at 3 /*. Sulphates have a strong band at 4.55^, and a less constantly recurring band at 9.1 /JL, due to the SO4 ion. On the other hand, the silicates do not have such definite bands, which would seem to indicate that the union of the silicate radical is different in each mineral containing that element. In Table III are given a list of groups of atoms which have characteristic absorption bands. TABLE III. Compounds having the following groups. Show characteristic absorption bands at : CH3 or C1T3 •; 4^ 6 86 1^.6—1^.8 and 14 M NH2. . . 2.96 6. i to 6 15 fi r2S /' 6.7S 8.68 9.8 II. 8 12. qs /'- NO2 . 7.47 q 08 ? OH . 3.0 // NCS 4.78 p. 4.55 8.7 9.1 u The examination includes minerals of which the chemical constitu- tion is in doubt; for example, talc and serpentine. The former is not supposed to contain hydroxyl groups, while in the latter such groups are inferred. The present research supports these views in that the. transmission curve of talc does not contain an absorption band at 3 M, IO6 INFRA-RED REFLECTION SPECTRA. while serpentine contains a large band at 3 p., which is in common with substances containing hydroxyl groups. The reflecting power of the metals Zn, Co, Al, Cd, Pd, and Ir is high, and the observed values at 12 ^ are in close agreement with those com- puted from their electrical conductivity. It is a remarkable fact that the region of the first occurrence of selective reflection of the majority of substances examined (other than silicates) lies between the wave- lengths 8 to 10 /JL. This is probably to be expected. Drude1 has shown that the infra-red free vibrations (Eigenschwingungen) depend upon the ponderable mass of the molecule, and, from this, that one can obtain some idea of the molecular weight of the substance. The study of the reflecting power of solids in solution is not suffi- ciently extended to draw general conclusions, but the data shows that the method is feasible — that the reflecting power is proportional to the concentration — and that the maxima may or may not agree with those of the substance in the solid state, depending probably upon the solvent, just as is true of the visible spectrum. A notable example is iodine, in CS2 and in C2H5OH. The experiment also shows that a single band of a mineral in a solid state may appear as several bands when in solu- tion. This is an interesting field that deserves further investigation. The difficulties involved are not greater than for absorption spectra, while the intensity of the energy is still quite large in this region of the spectrum. In the visible spectrum it is known that different maxima appear, depending upon the solvent and upon the addition of acids to the solvent. But the visible spectrum is so narrow in comparison with the absorption bands that the infra-red is far better adapted to the study of this phase of the problem. As mentioned in the text, the chief difficulty in this research was in obtaining minerals suitable to illustrate the questions involved. This has placed the writer under deep obligations to the late Prof. S. L. Penfield, of Yale University, who donated a number of rare minerals not obtainable from dealers, and to the officials of the U. S. National Museum, who also supplied a large number of specimens. The Director of the Bureau of Standards generously supplied apparatus and material. I am also under obligations to Dr. J. C. Blake, whose advice on the mineralogical side of this question was frequently sought. WASHINGTON, D. C., June 20, /pod. 1 Drude : "Optische Eigenschaften and Elektronentheorie," Ann. d. Phys., 14, pp. 677 and 936, 1904. INFRA-RED TRANSMISSION AND REFLECTION SPECTRA. 107 TABLES OF MAXIMA. TABI^E; V.— MAXIMA OF INFRA-RED ABSORPTION AND REFLECTION BANDS. o* d 5 d d d d d d d d O «d d d d d d d Cl d d d CI d CO ft tn ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft X a1 ft ft ft + + ro + ct + + + -r .+ * + iix ta V •o x d tn 3 'S N •e CO 9 tn "cO ulandite. H4CaAl2Si0Oi8 Lbite. CaAI2Si6Oi6 :assium alum. K2SO4A12SO44 d d +j Cl ._.- CO >lec:te. CaAl2Si3Oio 1 emanite. Ca2B6On cium chloride CaCI2 Lassium ferroc K4Fe(CN)0 ophyllite. ,KCa4(Si03)8+, weylite. H4Mj;4(Si04)3 omsenolite. NaCaAlFe 1> 3 a V • *N o 00 y a o CO o ^•"E V J5 < 01 0 ft tn & £ en ft 9, ft d d ft 0 £ d A d CI d w d d d ft O 0 d ft 0 d ft 0 $ rt rr xt ^ to O N 00 00 CO . *^ 1 I !/•) *t ^-1- + ';? " _j_ ^ to ~|~ -^- ~v~ + ismondite. H4( Al2Si6Oi6 iodite. MgSO4NaSO4 haumasite. Ca: C03CaS04-i ydrotalcite. Mg3A d OH 4J 4-* "C CO ivianite. Fe3P3Os Cl d O» / "3 assiterite. Fructose. C, extrose. C6H120 j CO ba cj a altose. Ci2H22Oi O d d o si _o o CO f uni arabic. 2C5H100 ochelle salt. NaKC4H400 0 ffl H ft > § O •« Q u S ~ O ftj 1.4 i-5 i-5 1-5 15 1.48 1.4 3 3-25 [-5 1.5 1.5 i-5 1-5 1.48 1-5 2.0 2.O 2.05 2 19 2.05 2.O 5-8 5-8 3 ° 3-o 2.15 3 to 2.O 2.O 2.1 3-0 3 to 3-0 3 to 3 to 6.6 to 3-4 2.6 3-7 3-o 3-0 3 to 4 4.75 3-5 3.8 38 7-3 3-8 4-75 } o 4-75 33 3-4 4-75 4-7 4-75 475 8.25 4-75 6.0 3-4 6.1 4-75 4-75 5-6 R. 64 9-7 6.0 4-75 6.03 o.o 9-9 R. 6.2 7-1 925 74 9.72 8.1 9 to 10.5 1 08 MAXIMA OK INFRA-RED BANDS. TABLE V. — MAXIMA OF INFRA-RED ABSORPTION AND REFLECTION BANDS— Continued. d a + o Ci s a te. MnO(OH). FeO(OH). A12O(OH)4. e. Al(OH)3-f3lIaO. ,A12(OH)2(P04)2. llite. A1(OH)3. AIO(OH). CatBOH)SiO4. Mg(OH)2. cement. C6H8(OH)6. ydrate. CC13CH(OH)2. A h* phelite. !2(Si04)3-f3H2O. HNaCa2(SiO3)3. Brucine. Cg3 a rt bo a rt V Gothite. Bauxite. Turquois A1P04 Lazulite. Mg.Fe Hydrargi Diaspore Datolite. Brucite. Portland Mannite. Chloral h Prehnite. I Hydrone- HNa2A Pectolite. 1-5 3-2 3-1 2.9 3-3 3° 3-0 1-9 2.2 2-5 3-o 1.6 1.5 2.9 2.8 2-5 1-95 6.2 57 to 5.1 4-3 5-2 3-o 2.8 2-7 2.1 2.O 4.1 3-4 2.4 9.1 3-6 535 5-9 4.8 3-0 3-4 3-0 5.0 3-95 3-4 475 5.65 67 5-3 5-" 38 3-2 5-95 4-55 4-75 5.^ 6-3 R. 6.2 6.7 5-0 3-8 6.8 R. 5'1 7-o 7-6 8.56 R. 7-7 6.1 4.6 7-3 9-4 6.0 9-45? S.8 8.2 5-1 10.3 6.8 9.8 9-2 5-7 10.8 7.2 10.2 9-5 6.2 7-85 12.8 IO.OI 7-1 8-3 13.85 10.8 8.0 9.0 14.6 II. 2 9.2 97 IO.O 10.8 ii-3 n.6 11.9 12.3 12.7 13-3 t— O ob 6 g ei o P° 6 6 5 0 6 0 6 I=c^ \e -l) we can obtain a ratio of the intensities for the two temperatures ^i = 300° abs. and T2 = 5500° from the formula where C2 — 14,500, using ), (max.)=9 /*. This ratio is 0.0016. But the moon, not being a black body, will have a smaller emissivity. If its surface were of iron oxide4 its emissivity would be only 0.3 that of a black body at 300°, and, judging from the rapid decadence of the radiation curve (which may indicate a low conducting material) during an eclipse (fig. 89). its emissive power may be even less than 1 Very : Astrophys. Jour., 8, 199, 1898 ; also Langley, loc. cit. ; Poynting : Jahrb. der Radivaktivitat und Elektronik, 2, 42, 1905. 1 Warburg: Verh. Deutsch. Phys. Ges., i, 2, p. 50, 1899; Day and Van Ostrand: Astrophys. Jour., 19, p. 1, 1904. 'Planck: Vehr. d. Deutsch. Phys. Ges., 2, p. 202, 1900; Ber. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin, p. 544, 1901. 4 Kayser : Spectroscopy, vol. II, p. 80. TEMPERATURE OF THE MOON. 115 this, say o.i. The ratio of the emissive power of the moon to that of the sun will then be 0.00016, which is four times (0.00016-1-0.00004) the reflected energy of the sun from the moon. On this assumption, the moon at o° C. would radiate twice as much as it would reflect from the sun. This shows that unless there is something radically wrong in the assumptions made, the above coincidence is fortuitous. This, however, does not settle the question, for Langley observed also direct radiation from the sun in this region, and from existing data of the radiation from the moon we do not know how much of it is selectively reflected energy from the sun. Computations which require all sorts of assump- tions will not settle the question; but a bolometric comparison of the spectrum energy curves of the sun and of the moon, made at high alti- tudes, will be of the greatest service in clearing up this matter. Since writing this appendix I have computed the fall of temperature of the lunar surface, neglecting the conductivity from the interior (which simplified the computation) and find that for an emissivity of 0.3 of a "black body" (iron oxide) the temperature would fall from 300° to 273° abs. in 1.2 hours, while for an emissivity of o.i, the time would be over 3 hours. By allowing for conductivity these periods would be considerably increased, so that unless the moon's emissiv- ity is considerably higher, the cooling curve will not be coincident with the eclipse curve in fig. 89. Assuming that the sky does not radiate to the bolometer, then the latter would give zero, and finally negative deflections as the temperature falls. Langley does not mention negative deflections from the moon. He records negative deflections for his sky-screen curves. APPENDIX II. ADDITIONAL DATA. \s this work goes to press the experiments on selective reflection by Pfund1 has appeared, and since it contains considerable new data it is added for the sake of completeness. In fact, sulphuric acid was not thoroughly examined by the writer when he learned that another was working in the same field, although the examination of the sulphates demanded it. The sulphates given in the appended table furnish addi- tional evidence of the presence of bands due to the SO4 ion. Further- more, the nitrates have a band at 7.45 p which the writer found in several nitro derivatives2 of benzine. He was uncertain, however, whether it was caused by the NO, group or "ion." In the same man- ner, the 7.4 fj. and 9 ^ reflection bands of nitroso dimethyl aniline coincide with the bands found by transmission at 7.4 and 8.9 p. The transmission curve is very low, and probably most of the bands observed are really due to selective reflection. Again, glycerin has a reflection band at 9.7 /x, which is one of the characteristic bands of the alcohols as found by transmission. No doubt the large absorption bands found by the writer in ethyl succinate from 7 to 8 /*, in cyanine at 6.6 and 13.2^, and in methyl salicylate at 7 to 9 p,, are really due to selective reflection, but this material was not at hand when the present reflection work was done. In fact, it is what one would expect to find for such large bands, although there are no data to indicate the necessary size of the extinc- tion coefficient to cause selective reflection. His interesting experiments showing that a substance in a liquid and in a solid state has the same absorption (reflection) maxima is further proof of what the writer found for the absorption bands of several carbohydrates, such as thymol, paraffin, stearic acid, phenol, and menthol at 3 p., and is, of course, to be expected so long as the "physical molecule" is unchanged, as announced long ago by Stenger. Of more importance are his experiments with sulphuric acid, in which several bands disappear on dilution, which may help clear up a similar case observed by Kriiss in the visible spec- trum. His reflection curves for fuming sulphuric acid show maxima at 7.25, 8.6, and 10.35^, while the writer found absorption maxima at 7.4, 8.7, and 10.37 A* f°r sulphur dioxide (SO2). This is an extraordinary coincidence which, it is true, is apparently not very close for the first 1 Pfund : Astrophys. Jour., 24, p. 19, 1906. 1 Investigations of Infra-Red Spectra, vol. i, p. 86. 116 ADDITIONAL DATA. two maxima. But, when one considers that the bands are wide and completely opaque as found by transmission, while they are very weak as found by reflection (maxima only 7 and 12 per cent), and that they were made by different observers with different instruments, it is not straining matters to consider them to be due to the same ion. For KNO3, Pfund found the maximum at 7.05 /* (on the published curve it appears to be 7.1 //.), while the writer found the same band at 7.14^, so that the discrepancy noted above is more likely to be due to a difference in our calibration curves. Then, too, the maxima found by reflection and by transmission should differ with the latter lying toward the shorter wave-lengths. Whether a gas can have selective reflection will depend mostly upon its extinction coefficient. To examine its reflecting power in its liquid state will be almost impossible because of the dense vapor above its surface. TABLE IV. Reflection maxima. NaK tartrate, KNaC8H4O64-4H2O.. Magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2-j-6H2O Cobalt nitrate, Co(NO3)2+6H2O Ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3 Calcium nitrate, Ca(NO3)2-f-4H2O Silver nitrai e, AgNO3 Potassium nitrate, KNO-, Nickel sulphate, NiSO4+7H.2O Cobalt sulphate, CoSO4-f7H2O Copper sulphate, CuSO4-|-5H2O Cadmium sulphate, CdSO4+4H2O Ferric sulphate, Fe2(So4)3+9H2O Sodium, Na2SO4+ioH2O Potassium, K2SO4 Fuming sulphuric acid and water, H2SO4-f SO3 Nitric acid, HNO3 Glycerin. C3H8O3 Na silicate, Na2SiO3 Nitrosodimethyl-aniline, (CH3)2NC6H4NO 7-45 7-45 745 745 7 45 705 905 9.05 9-15 9.10 9.05 9.02 8.85 (7.25 18.6 7.85 4.80 9 95 7.4 8 6 10.35 96 n-35 10-55 9.70 9.0 It is generally conceded that when a gas is dissolved in a liquid, part of the gas goes into solution, part will be actually liquefied, while part may enter into chemical combination with the liquid. Since change of state does not affect the absorption (reflection) bands, it would appear feasible to examine the reflecting power of gases by this method. How- ever, the question of the solubility of gases in different liquids is also a quite unexplored field, so that the investigator would first have to search for proper solvents. APPENDIX III. EMISSION SPECTRUM OF BURNING CARBON BISULPHIDE AND CORRECTIONS TO THE WORK OF JULIUS.1 It is becoming more and more a recognized fact that the infra-red spectrum is the seat of great disturbances which can be attributed to well-known groups of chemical atoms or "ions." The pioneers in this field of investigation were Angstrom and Julius. Their interest in the subject dates back to the time when rock salt first became recognized as a means for producing the heat spectrum. The dispersion of rock salt was then undetermined beyond 5 /u, and in order to express their emis- sion and absorption bands in wave-lengths they adopted a tentative method of extrapolation, which, since then, has been found to be erro- neous. In the meantime, data on infra-red spectra have continued to accumulate, which are often in violent disagreement. For example, CS2 is variously quoted as having an absorption band at 6.7 to 8.4 ju, while the true value is about 6.8 p. During the past few years the writer has attempted to determine the values of the maxima of absorption and emission as accurately as pos- sible in absolute value of wave-lengths, and thus bring a little harmony out of this chaos. This means repeating part of the work of others in order to get a check upon the extrapolation. One of the most interest- ing pieces of work of this type is that of Julius, who found the emission spectrum of gases during combustion. It contains a very considerable amount of careful work, certain parts of which appear to have gone quite unnoticed by later investigators. It is of no little interest, for it contains evidence of emission bands farther in the infra-red than subse- quent work, along other lines, has been able to show. These bands belong to the acid elements and appear at low temperatures, i. c., they do not appear in spark (and arc ?) spectra. This is just the opposite of what the writer found for the basic elements (metals) in which no emission bands were found beyond 2. p. Perhaps this may eventually give us some clue to the mechanism of radiation. We have two sharp distinctions between the acid and the basic elements. The metals have selective absorption in the short wave-lengths, are opaque to infra-red rays, and no emission lines have been found beyond 2 /*. In fact, accord- ing to Pfliiger's work, the maximum of the emitted energy lies in the short wave-lengths beyond the visible spectrum. On the other hand, the acid elements have selective absorption bands throughout the spectrum and have emission lines extending far into the infra-red, which gen- erally coincide with the marked absorption bands. The question of the 'Julius: Licht- und Warmestrahlung Verbrannter Case., Berlin, 1890. 118 EMISSION SPECTRUM OF BURNING CARBON BISULPHIDE;. 119 coincidence of the emission and absorption bands led the writer to undertake the present work. A previous examination of the absorption spectra of gases showed very marked bands in SO, which were in quite close coincidence with the emission lines of the products of combustion of carbon disulphid, as given by Julius. The absorption spectrum1 of CS2 has a very large absorption band at 6.8^ (opacity from 6.6 to 7.0/11) and smaller bands 80 cm 70 60