| Os. onceet Orniaten Saget Xes, Cave \eck, Dt ed Rn oa hae 7 Rc REPAIR, EVALUATION, MAINTENANCE, a a van ; REHABILITATION RESEARCH oo %) i )) || l He] US Army Corps | | TECHNICAL REPORT REMRLCO. of Engineers CASE HISTORIES OF CORPS BREAKWATER ~ AND JETTY STRUCTURES Report 3 NORTH CENTRAL DIVISION s) by Robert R. Bottin, Jr. Coastal Engineering Research Center DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Waterways Experiment Station, Corps of Engineers PO Box 631, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180-0631 June 1988 Report 3 of a Series Approved For Public Release; Distribution Unlimited Prepared for. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US Army Corps of Engineers ; Washington, DC 20314-1000 brie under Work Unit 32278 and Work Unit 31269 The following two letters used as part of the number designating technical reports of research published under the Repair Evaluation. Maintenance, and Rehabilitation (REMR) Research Program identify the problem area under which the report was prepared Problem Area Problem Area CS Concrete and Steel Structures EM Electrical and Mechanical GT Geotechnical El Environmental Impacts HY Hydraulics OM Operations Management (oe) Coastal Destroy this report when no longer needed. Do not return it to the originator The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products COVER PHOTOS TOP Field Research Facility, Duck, North Carolina BOTTOM View of 2-ton dolos at the west end of Cleveland Harbor East Breakwater, Cleve- land, Ohio SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMB No, 0702-0188 Exp Date Jun 30, 1986 Ta REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Tb RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS Unclassified 2a SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY OF REPORT Approved for public release; distribution 26 DECLASSIFICATION / DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE unlimited @ PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) Technical Report REMR-CO-3 6a. NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 6b. OFFICE SYMBOL | 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION USAEWES, Coastal Engineering (If applicable) Research Center 6c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 7b. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) PO Box 631 Vicksburg, MS 39180-0631 8a. NAME OF FUNDING / SPONSORING 8b. OFFICE SYMBOL 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (If applicable) US Army Corps of Engineers 8c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS ee reverse. PROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNIT Washington, DC 20314-1000 ELEMENT NO. NO. NO ACCESSION NO 11. TITLE (Include Security Classification) Case Histories of Corps Breakwater and Jetty Structures; Report 3: North Central Division 12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) Bottin, Robert R, Jr. 13a. TYPE OF REPORT 13b. TIME COVERED 14. DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month, Day) |15. PAGE COUNT Report 3 of a series | rrom_ Apr 85 1o Jan 87 June 1988 437 16. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION Available from National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. 1) SC OSATIUCODES umn 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) Breakwater REMR (Repair, Evaluation, [a er ae) Concrete armor units Maintenance, and Rehabilitation) (on ey Ss Ee (BOS 7 Rubble-Mound structures 19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) This report is third in a series of case histories of US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) breakwater and jetty structures at nine Corps divisions. Case histories are pre- sented for 107 projects which include jetty structures located within US Army Engineer Division, North Central (NCD), which encompasses the Great Lakes region. Presently there are approximately 481,570 lin ft of breakwater and jetty structures managed by NCD. These structures consist of timber crib, stone, sheet-pile, and concrete construction. Many have undergone repair and/or modification during their lifetime. A variety of re- pair methods have been utilized, including replacement of wooden structures, addition of stone, use of concrete and concrete caps, and placement of concrete armor units. 20. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 21 ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Gd UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED (©) SAME AS RPT OO otic users | Unclassified 22a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 22b TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) | 22c OFFICE SYMBOL DD FORM 1473, 84 MarR 83 APR edition may be used until exhausted SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE All other editions are obsolete Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS (Continued). Work Unit 32278 and Work Unit 31269. Unclassified ey SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE PREFACE This report was prepared as part of the Coastal Problem Area of the Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation (REMR) Research Program. The work was carried out jointly under Work Unit 32278, "Rehabilitation of Rubble-Mound Structure Toes," of the REMR Program and Work Unit 31269, "Sta- bility of Breakwaters," of the Civil Works Coastal Area Program. For the REMR Program, Problem Area Monitor is Mr. John H. Lockhart, Jr., Office, Chief of Engineers (OCE), US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). REMR Program Manager is Mr. William F. McCleese of the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station's (WES's) Structures Laboratory, and Coastal Problem Area Leader is Mr. D. D. Davidson of WES's Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC). Messrs. John G. Housley and Lockhart, OCE, are Technical Monitors of the Civil Works Coastal Program and Dr. Linwood C. Vincent is CERC Program Manager. This report is third in a series of case histories of Corps breakwater and jetty structures at nine Corps divisions. The case histories contained herein were extracted from information obtained from several sources (where available) which included inspection reports, conferences, telephone conversa- tions, project plans and specifications, project files and correspondence, de- sign memorandums, literature reviews, model studies, surveys (bathymetric and topographic), survey reports, annual reports to the Chief of Engineers, House and Senate documents, and general and aerial photography. Unless otherwise noted, only prominent changes to the prototype structures subsequent to March 1986 are included in this report. This work was conducted at WES during the period April 1985 - January 1987 under general direction of Dr. James R. Houston, Chief, CERC, and . Mr. Charles C. Calhoun, Jr.; Assistant Chief, CERC; and under direct supervi- sion of Mr. C. Eugene Chatham, Jr., Chief, Wave Dynamics Division (CW), and Mr. D. D. Davidson, Wave Research Branch (CW-R), CW. This report was prepared by Mr. Robert R. Bottin, Jr., CW. Messrs. Robert D. Carver, Dennis G. Markle, R. Clay Baumgartner, C. Ray Herrington, and Willie G. Dubose, CW-R, conducted site inspections and collected much of the data contained herein. This report was typed by Ms. Myra E. Willis, CW-R, and edited by Ms. Shirley A. J. Hanshaw, Information Products Division, Information Technology Laboratory, WES. COL Dwayne G. Lee, CE, was Commander and Director of WES during the pub- lication of this report. Dr. Robert W. Whalin was Technical Director. CONTENTS Page PREPAGE idles. sast\. Brea A set SSS niclestese Seek oche slats waseyerh eek nere ol earcierer scence CONVERSION FACTORS, NON-SI TO SI (METRIC) UNITS OF MEASUREMENT......... PARTolis) | | INTRODUCTION ois(cb clelornisie slaroiei=latotevs eve elelaieiiels, 10 orel as orenexeho leper BEV) era G Gog OOO OOOODDD0GD00000000000000000000000000000000000500 PUTPOSE. 2. ccccecrcccvcccscerserscevvcecserseeescessesccessccvcce PART II: SUMMARY OF CORPS BREAKWATERS AND JETTY STRUCTURES IN NCD..... REFERENCES... ccc ccccccccc cece ccc cece ccc ccc crccrcecesesrcesesceceesesccce 432 D Fr FF WwW Fe CONVERSION FACTORS, NON-SI TO SI (METRIC) UNITS OF MEASUREMENT Non-SI units of measurement used in this report can be converted to SI (metric) units as follows: Multiply By To Obtain feet 0.3048 metres inches 2.54, centimetres miles (US statute) 1.609347 kilometres pounds (mass) 0.4535924 kilograms tons (2,000 pounds, 907.1847 kilograms mass) CASE HISTORIES OF CORPS BREAKWATER AND JETTY STRUCTURES NORTH CENTRAL DIVISION PART I: INTRODUCTION Background 1. The Corps of Engineers (Corps) is responsible for a wide variety of coastal structures located along the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the gulf coast, the Great Lakes, the Hawaiian Islands, other islands, and inland water- ways. Coastal improvements such as breakwaters and/or jetties are necessary to provide harbor protection and the safe passage of vessels. These struc- tures are usually constructed on movable-bed materials and are continuously subjected to wave and current forces. Under these conditions, structural deterioration may occur and, in time, maintenance may be required when the structure fails to serve the needs of the project. Some projects have been maintained for 150 years or more. Methods of construction (and repair) have varied significantly during this time principally because of a better understanding of coastal processes, availability of construction materials, existing wave climates, regional construction practices, and economic considerations. Purpose 2. The purposes of this report are to lend insight into the scope, mag- nitude, and history of coastal breakwaters and jetties under Corps jurisdic- tion; to determine their maintenance and repair history; to determine their methods of construction; to make this information available to Corps person- nel; and to address objectives of the Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation (REMR) Research Program. To this end, case histories of Corps breakwater and jetty structures have been developed to quantify past and pres- ent problem areas (if any), steps taken to rectify these problems, and subse- quent evaluation of the remedial measures. General design guidance can be obtained from the solutions that have been most successful. Information in this report should be of particular value to Corps personnel in the US Army Engineer Division, North Central (NCD), and its coastal districts and possibly to non-Corps personnel. Further research is being conducted to address prob- lems where adequate solutions are lacking or where specific guidance is re- quired (i.e. general armor stability, toe protection, localized damage, use of dissimilar armor, wave runup, and overtopping). PART II: SUMMARY OF CORPS BREAKWATER AND JETTY STRUCTURES IN NCD 3. NCD has a total of 107 projects located in the Great Lakes region which include breakwater and/or jetty structures. NCD refers to many struc- tures as piers which actually function as jetties. Therefore, the term "pier" used in this report will carry the same meaning as the term "jetty." Seventy of the projects are within US Army Engineer District, Detroit's (NCE's), area of responsibility; six are located within US Army Engineer District, Chicago's (NCC's) boundaries; and thirty-one are under the jurisdiction of US Army Engineer District, Buffalo (NCB). Figures 1-3 show the locations of these projects along the Great Lakes. Overall, there is a total of about 481,570 lin ft* of breakwater and/or jetty structures in NCD. Breakwaters ac- count for approximately 69 percent of this total, and jetty structures account for the remaining 31 percent. Construction materials used for these struc— tures include stone, concrete, steel sheetpiling, woodpiling, timber, and con- crete armor units (dolosse used at Cleveland Harbor, Ohio). 4. Twenty-one projects are located on the United States shoreline of Lake Superior, thirty-eight on the Lake Michigan shoreline, fifteen on the Lake Huron shoreline, one on the Lake St. Clair shoreline (small lake between Lake Huron and Lake Michigan), twenty-two on the southern shore of Lake Erie, and ten on the Lake Ontario shoreline. Structures within NCD have experienced — problems in all four major REMR problem areas (runup and overtopping, local- ized damage, toe stability, and use of dissimilar armor). Many of NCD's proj- ects have deteriorated and have been repaired or modified since construction. 5. Breakwaters and jetties in NCD have been constructed on top of exist- ing sediments (usually fine to coarse sand) in water depths ranging from 8 to 70 ft. These structures have crest elevations (el) ranging from 4 to 18 ft and crest widths ranging from 1 to about 60 ft. Side slopes of stone struc- tures range from 1V:1.25H to 1V:2H. Design guidance for breakwater cross— sections (stone sizes, crest height, width, etc.) is provided by the Shore Protection Manual (SPM) (1984) or other appropriate Corps engineering manuals. Several of NCD's projects have been model tested at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. * A table of factors for converting non-SI units of measurement to SI (metric) units is presented on page 3. sjo0efoad 4930f pue taqemyeeI1q S,HON JO UOTIBIOT °T ein3staq _ AMVONNOS 1LOINLSIG Mae VNVIONI) | TELS Y S31W NI 31V9S udesor igi \. SIONITI — uaanH yinosy ‘| (af As eyo7 @ a yonsobnos, /OYSOUBy SLfeny vows pudjioH ues NVOIHOIN nano puo.sh ‘ans uoybuixa7] Pape UO, BuiysoMA yeenuos 440d z bl baa f: \ 40g §: pRB A 3 UDOKOGENEN y 5 JOJOMUd Fs = ‘ yo0eg J0qJ0H®. y, uoj6uipn7 J DOMONUDIN) FOyOO 7 =) : uysny ine P a Vd cones y SJOAIY OML poen a SOME 8407 0604 J0¢5 peaunomey a1gDS Ny Dipoouy owoblys, 57" F Jojyuo.4 Bf Hi )|!4S1I30H BINNANDIN0I9 5 JouoD Aog J ff 33, ; uoebsnis/e «7, Po\u020 ' ? @oulwousN anni ope / NISNODSIM / (—_ swannoe 19141S10 Aog puowwof7 upbAogayy. = an s SDUNDONG F COs COR - f SS OT Pon DINSIUDIN, OT ab: NVOIHOIN “OINVLNO- = 7 = = a z a Cow, ~eiulog 07 OK: feaing oyu 0 J - 0 . Aog ®830A0J, puaos' 7 fo 20QJ0H OML 21/98 07 907, ° ¢ ° mousemey Ai YOIWFINS = INT a, aor SBIDIOW pUDsD oy, f es IN. oluvino) sj0efoid AQ3ef pue tazemyeatg S,)DN JO uozTIeD0T °Z Van3Ty NVOIHODIW SCALE IN MILES NVIOIHIIW Yo, 6. (~) 4M 4 NISNOODSIM ~ > snpos aire id xz RK = is) INTERNATIONAL 8B! ps0y219 409 f ylonbapuoy| . Jajsayroy@) :: o c c ° f S) = ra) 5 c =~ oO & * oO ( uffalo. ~ 2X) attaraugus'Creek YAIHUNGOS. 0U0/90 10gds “i PENNSYLVANIA NG wyanbsag y \ e ee y y) \ inva) qd = ‘ ; YsDq B40YS407Q* ha \ oinqoyysy BO: NA puojanaper Janiy Ayooyebe \ - \._UlDso7y y40g MAIABYOTEy Uo! Wenge SCALE IN MILES Location of NCB's breakwater and jetty projects Figure 3. 6. The els of various structures and depths on the Great Lakes are based on low water datum (lwd) which is referenced to mean water level (mwl1) at Father Point, Quebec, according to the International Great Lakes Datum (IGLD) of 1955. Figure 4 shows a profile of the Great Lakes region. Horizon- tal and vertical distances have been distorted somewhat to convey visual impression. IGLD-INTERNATIONAL GREAT LAKES DATUM LWD-LOW WATER DATUM MWL-MEAN WATER LEVEL PoAlse ST. CLAIR MWL AT FATHER POINT QUEBEC (IGLD1955 ST. LAWRENCE RIVER LAKE MICHIGAN LAKE ONTARIO LAKE SUPERIOR Figure 4. Profile of the Great Lakes region (lwd referenced to mwl at Father Point, Quebec according to IGLD of 1955) 7. Case histories for NCD's breakwater and jetty structures are pre- sented in Tables 1-107. Figures depicting structure alignments, cross sections, and aerial photographs for some sites accompany the various tables. Sites are presented in the order of west to east and counterclockwise along the lake shoreline (i.e., the first site being presented on the northwest end of Lake Superior and the last on the east coast of Lake Ontario). General characteristics of the structures at the various sites are shown in the fol- lowing tabulation: 10 a _ 11 12 Grand Marais Harbor, Minn. Two Harbors, Minn. Knife River Harbor, Minn. Duluth-Superior Harbor, Minn. and Wis. Port Wing Harbor, Wis. Cornucopia Harbor, Wis. Bayfield Harbor, Wis. La Pointe Harbor, Wis. Ashland Harbor, Wis. Saxon Harbor, Wis. Black River Harbor, Mich. Ontonagon Harbor, Mich. Struc- ture Type & Construction Materials** Lake Superior B(3) TC,S,C€,CC BiG): aalGeSniGC BiG2) a eLCES AED Bi) ee LCASHCRGCESSP P(4) P(2) WP,S,CC,SSP P(2) WP,SSP,S,CSSP B(2) CSSP,S B(1) CSSP,S,SSP BiG), ealCasnce B(2) S,SSP,CSSP B(2) § P(2) TC,S,WP,SSP, CRCC (Continued) Structure Length 1,806 1,468 242 200 8,000 1,033 1,380 4,782 Date of Improve- Origin mentt 1883 M 1893 M 1957 M 1898 R 1903 R 1957 N 1936 N 1967 N 1889 N 1965 N 1957 N 1868 N * Type (B - breakwater, J - jetty, and P - pier) and number of structures (i.e., B(3) indicates 3 breakwaters). ** C - concrete, CC - concrete cap, S -— stone, TD — timber deck, TC - timber crib, WP — wood piling, CSSP - cellular steel sheet pile, SSP - steel sheet pile. +t M - modification, R - rehabilitation, N — none, D - dolosse, Z-W - Z-wall, G - Gabion, SP - Sta-pod. 11 (Sheet 1 of 8) Struc— ture Structure Date Type & Construction Length of Improve- Table Location No. Materials ft Origin ment Lake Superior (Continued) 13 Keweenaw Waterway, B(3) TC,S,SSP,C, 8,844 1860 N Mich. CC 14 Lac La Belle B(2) SSP,CSSP,S 1,179 1959 N Harbor, Mich. 15 Grand Traverse Bay P(2) SSP,CSSP,S, 1,618 1949 M Harbor, Mich. CC 16 Big Bay Harbor, B(2) S,SSP,CSSP 1,258 1960 R Mich. 17 Presque Isle B(1) TC,S,C 2,816 1897 R Harbor, Mich. 18 Marquette Harbor, B(1) TC,S,CC 4,510 1867 R Mich. 19 Grand Marais P(2) TC,S,CC,WP, 4,409 1883 R Harbor, Mich. CSSP 20 Little Lake Harbor, B(2) S,CSSP 1,270 1964 N Mich. 21 Whitefish Point B(3) CSSP,SSP,S, 1,364 1968 N Harbor, Mich. CC Lake Michigan 22 Manistique Harbor, B(2) TC,S,CC,WP 4,046 1887 M,R Mich. P(1) 728} Cedar River Harbor, P(2) WP,S 1,100 1883 M Mich. 24 Memominee Harbor, P(2) WP,S,C,CC,SSP 3,912 1871 R Mich. 25 Oconto Harbor, Wis. P(1) WP,S,CSSP,CC 2,144 1883 R 26 Sturgeon Bay Canal, B(2) TC,CC,S,WP 2,688 1873 N Wis. (Continued) (Sheet 2 of 8) 12 a 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Algoma Harbor, Wis. Kewaunee Harbor, Wis. Two Rivers Harbor, Wis. Manitowoc Harbor, Wis. Sheboygan Harbor, Wis. Port Washington Harbor, Wis. Milwaukee Harbor, Wis. Racine Harbor, Wis. Kenosha Harbor, Wis. Waukegan Harbor, Ill. Chicago Harbor, Ill. Calumet Harbor, I11. and Ind. Indiana Harbor, Ind. Burns Waterway Harbor, Ind. Struc- ture Type & Construction Materials Structure Length Lake Michigan (Continued) P(1) B(2) P(2) B(1) P(2) P(1) B(2) P(2) B(1) B(3) P(2) B(2) P(2) B(2) P(2) B(1) P(2) B(1) P(1) B(2) B(2) B(2) B(1) WP,TC,CC,S WP,SSP,5,CC WP,TC,S,CC WP,TC,S,C,CC WP,TC,S,CC S,C,CSSP, SSP, WP TGs SG, CG, SSP ,WP TC,S,C,CC, WP , SSP TC,C,CC,WP, SSP TC,C,CC,S, WP , SSP TC,C,CC,SSP, S TC,S,CC,CSSP $,C (Continued) 13 5,456 3,313 4,904 6,443 4,713 22,882 5,509 3,048 6,545 20,351 11,721 3,645 5,830 Date of Improve- Origin ment 1871 N 1881 R 1872 R 1895 R 1873 R 1934 M 1855 R 1900 R 1899 R 1903 M,R 1874 M,R 1904 R 1922 M 1968 R (Sheet 3 of 8) Struc- ture Structure Date Type & Construction Length of Improve- Table Location No. Materials ft Origin ment Lake Michigan (Continued) 41 Michigan City B(2) TC,S,CC,SSP, 5,415 1884 R Harbor, Ind. P(2) WP 42 New Buffalo Harbor, B(2) S,SSP 2,045 1975 R Mich. 43 Saint Joseph P(2) TG, CGS SSP), 5,361 1836 R Harbor, Mich. WP,S 44 South Haven Harbor, P(2) TC,S,CC,SSP, 2,395 1868 R Mich. WP 45 Saugatuck Harbor, P(2) TC,S,CC,SSP, 5,016 1904 R Mich. WP 46 Holland Harbor, B(2) TC,S,CC,SSP, 2,953 1868 R Mich. P(2) WP 47 Grand Haven Harbor, P(2) TC,S,CC,SSP, 2,931 1867 R Mich. WP 48 Muskegon Harbor, B(2) C,S,CC,WP, 7,480 1868 M,R Mich. P(2) SSP 49 White Lake Harbor, P(2) TC,S,WP,CC 1,518 1870 N Mich. 50 Pentwater Harbor, P(2) S,TC,WP,CC 1,421 1868 M Mich. : 51 Ludington Harbor, B(2) S,TC,CC,WP, 8,069 1866 R Mich. P(2) SSP Sy Manistee Harbor, B(1) TC,WP,SSP,S, 4,410 1912 R Mich. P(2) CC 53 Portage Lake P(2) TC,S,CC,WP 2,632 1883 R Harbor, Mich. 54 Arcadia Harbor, P(2) TC,S,SSP,CC 1,410 1909 R Mich. (Continued) (Sheet 4 of 8) 14 a ne ee ood 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Frankfort Harbor, Mich. Leland Harbor, Mich. Greilickville Harbor, Mich. Charlevoix Harbor, Mich. Petoskey Harbor, Mich. Detour Harbor, Mich. Mackinac Island Harbor, Mich. Mackinaw City Harbor, Mich. Cheboygan Harbor, Mich. Hammond Bay Harbor, Mich. Alpena Harbor, Mich. Harrisville Harbor, Mich. Au Sable Harbor, Mich. Tawas Bay Harbor, Mich. Struc ture Type & Bi@2) B(2) P(1) B(1) B(3) P(2) B(1) Construction Materials TC,C,S,WP,CC, SSP,CSSP $,CSSP,SSP,WP SSP,S,CC,CSSP TC,S,CSSP,WP CC,SSP TC,S,CC Lake Huron B(1) B(2) B(2) B(1) B(2) B(1) B(2) J(2) B(1) S,CC CSSP,SSP,S,CC SSP,CC,5 (Continued) 15 Structure Length Lake Michigan (Continued) 2,005 1,688 1,250 1,310 1,860 630 775 1,905 750 2,780 2,407 1,564 Date of Improve- Origin ment 1868 R 1936 M,R 1950 M 1872 R 1895 R 1982 N 1914 M 1955 N 1968 R 1965 R 1939 M 1959 M,R 1962 R 1977 N (Sheet 5 of 8) 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Point Lookout Harbor, Mich. Caseville Harbor, Mich. Port Austin Harbor, Mich. Harbor Beach, Mich. Port Sanilac Harbor, Mich. Lexington Harbor, Mich. Clinton River, Mich. Bolles Harbor, Mich. Port Clinton Harbor, Ohio West Harbor, Ohio Sandusky Harbor, Ohio Huron Harbor, Ohio Vermilion Harbor, Ohio Lakeview Park, Ohio Struc- ture Type & Construction B(2) B(1) B(1) B(3) B(2) B(2) Materials Lake Huron (Continued) S CSSP,S,CC TC,S,CC CSSP,S,CC, SSP S Lake St. Clair B(1) af((ily) J(2) B(2) J(1) P(1) B(1) P(2) B(1) B(3) S Lake Erie S,WP,SSP,CC S,C S S,TC,CC,SSP, WP TC,S,CSSP,CC (Continued) 16 Structure Length 7,800 1,780 1,926 7,876 2,575 2,595 1,400 400 3,330 2,925 6,000 4,973 2,656 750 Date of Improve- Origin ment 1972 R 1964 R 1959 R 1874 R 1951 M 1976 N 1966 N 1970 N 1893 R 1982 N 1897 R 1827 R 1836 M,R 1977 N (Sheet 6 of 8) 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Lorain Harbor, Ohio Rocky River Harbor, Ohio Cleveland Harbor, Ohio Fairport Harbor, Ohio Geneva-on-the-Lake, Ohio Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio Lakeshore Park, Ohio Conneaut Harbor, Ohio Presque Isle Peninsula, Pa. Erie Harbor, Pa. Barcelona Harbor, N.Y. Dunkirk Harbor, Mado Cattaraugus Harbor, Nines Buffalo Harbor, Nien Yee Black Rock Channel, Mo Wo Struc- ture Type & Construction PI@2)) B(3) PG) P(2) B(2) Pi@2)) B(2) B(3) B(3) B(3) P(1) B(2) B(3) P(2) B(2) P(1) B(3) B(2) B(5) P(1) Materials Lake Erie (Continued) TC,S,CC,CSSP TEA SACGED TCASMCCRSSE) C,CSSP SP,G,Z-W S,TC S,CSSP,TC,CC TC,S,CC,SSP CSSP,CC,S, SSP C,S,CC $,C TC,S5,CC TC,S,CC,TD (Continued) 17 Structure Length 12,541 900 32,560 12,105 270 13,051 3/5 11,100 375 5,463 2,057 6,888 2,450 24,433 10,507 Date of Improve- Origin ment 1828 M,R 1873 R 1875 M,R 1868 M,R 1978 N 1897 M,R 1983 N 1894 M,R 1978 N 1825 R 1960 M 1868 M,R 1983 N 1869 M,R 1822 M,R (Sheet 7 or 8) 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Wilson Harbor, N.Y. Olcott Harbor, N.Y. Oak Orchard Harbor, N.Y. Rochester Harbor, N.Y. Irondequoit Bay, N.Y. Great Sodus Bay Harbor, N.Y. Little Sodus Bay Harbor, N.Y. Oswego Harbor, N.Y. Sackets Harbor, Woxéc Cape Vincent Harbor, N.Y. Struc- ture Type & Construction No. Materials Lake Ontario PQ) eSSPsSACG.IDs TC PI(2) SIG SSSPASACCs TD P(2) S,CSSP,CC B(1) P(2) $S,TC,SSP,CC BC) es SCL) P(2) TC,S,SSP,CC B(1) P(2) TC,S,SSP,CC B(1) B(3) TC,S,CC JC) wWPe;s BC) — WE5S,e (Concluded) Structure Length 2,120 5,770 2,100 4,527 5,237 10,265 164 1,381 Date of Origin 1975 1835 1985 1910 1867 1882 1888 1915 Improve- ment M,R 18 (Sheet 8 of 8) Date(s) 1883- 1884 1901- 1902 1925 1926 1933 1959 1972 1981 Table 1 Grand Marais Harbor Breakwaters Grand Marais, Minnesota Construction and Rehabilitation History A 300-ft-long rock-filled timber-crib breakwater was constructed at the site (Figure 5, Sections E and F) during this period. The outer 48 ft of the structure (Figures 5 and 6, Section E) was built 40 ft in width, and the remaining 252 ft (Figures 5 and 6, Section F) was constructed 30 ft in width. A 350-ft-long rock-filled timber crib breakwater was constructed west of the first structure during this period (Figures 5 and 6, Section D). The structure was built 24 ft wide. A concrete cap (superstructure) was constructed on the outer 48 ft of the structure built during 1883-84. The crest el was +7 ft lwd (Fig- ure 6, Section E). A concrete cap (superstructure) was completed on the 30-ft-wide, 252-ft-long structure built during 1883-84. The crest was con- structed at an el of +7 ft lwd (Figure 6, Section F). A concrete cap (superstructure) was installed on the breakwater built during 1901-02. The crest el was +7 ft lwd. Heavy riprap was placed on both sides of the structure (Figure 6, Section D). Also in 1933 a 43-ft-long concrete breakwater connecting the east breakwater to shore was constructed (Figure 5, Section G). The structure was 12 ft wide and had a crest el of +7 ft lwd (Figure 6, Section G). Construction of a 921-ft-long rubble-mound inner breakwater was com- pleted (Figure 5, Section A). Cover stone, a minimum of 2 tons, was placed on the outer 550 ft of the structure, and l-ton (minimum) cover stone was placed on the remaining part of the breakwater. The crest el was +6 ft lwd with an 8-ft width. The structure had side slopes of 1V:1.5H (Figure 6, Section A). The inner breakwaters were model tested (Fenwick 1941, 1944). A 65-ft-long rubble-mound breakwater connecting the shore to an is- land (Figure 5, Section B) and a 40-ft-long rubble-mound breakwater connecting the island to the east breakwater (Figure 5, Section C) were constructed. These structures were built with stone ranging from 5 to 20 tons and had crest els of +6 ft lwd (Figure 6, Sec- tions B and C). Model testing of these structures was conducted (Fenwick 1941). A survey of the structures revealed spalling of the concrete at sev- eral locations, particularly on the lakeside of the east breakwater. The rubble-mound shore connection of the west breakwater required (Continued) 19 Date(s) 1986 Table 1 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History additional stone to raise the el in some locations above the water level. The concrete cap of the west breakwater was noted shifting, cracking, separating, and/or tilting in some locations. Concrete spalling also was noted. The general condition of the east and west breakwaters is considered fair. The rubble-mound inner breakwater is in good condition. 20 ARON UE US | | | Note: Project depths and soundings are referred 2 to LWD 600.0 fee! above MWL af Father = | Point, Quebec (1GLD 1955) (Internatiana Z a H Great Lakes Datum 1955). A E | GRAND MARAIS ARBOR G FOURTH AVE Ped AVE AVE AVE THIRD J H VICINITY MAP oO 20 3O 40 80 60 70 60 SCALE IN MILES SECOND ; emer N pecmeel (eames) le rR R AN N OD iE COOK COUNTY MINNESOTA S At Z| ( ST SECOND SEVENTH BROADWAY FOURTH EIGHTH wo ee ) x -) in FIRST WISCONSIN U.: a] J tee! Gribbing placed se y Minn. Hignway Dep't. hock Fi SMALL BOAT HARBOR CONSOL ‘DATED WATER SOWER. AND LIGHT CO Cty Project Depth 16° = = ae ee Ss \e / Pile and Rock Groins Built by U.S.Coast Guard. 2 Project Depth /8” es = Se = a 7 D ) Project Depth 20’ Figure 5. Grand Marais Harbor, Minnesota Zoi 2 Ton Min. Cover Stone-Outer 550’ | Ton Min. Cover Stone-Inner 375! +6 L. W.D.*600.0' \ INNER BREAKWATER Length 921’ Built {Subetiuetuge 1959 “ Superstructure 1959 A 5-20 Ton Stone , 5-20 Ton Stone ip NEE OE L.w.D. 600.0° Total Length 65° WEST BREAK Built 1972 : Total Length 40° B Built 1972 Cc 40-0 . ” @ “ mA ’ 5-9 6-oO 18-0 = LAKE !SIDE j LAKE SIDE : | < Pp = aot TIVITIES ee BY wy Ns 7 Nes Oo SE2— 0 2 ON.Vs Ota PS ba y —2= Ss) BS @I=IB=97.G.0=09=2=07 } SO SC ST ‘PAI IP A a = Heavy Riprap Entire length Heavy Riprap Entire leng ge 0. a6 Ge w5ee Cute sen Bull! eum er rhe ten 1925. UI SIE ESS IY Oo, WEST BREAKWATER i EAST BREAKWATER L 350/ ALi Views Locking Lakeward ength Burl tisenetauctuce 1901-2 E Superstructure 1933 D ka 4 SSS Se SCZ EES Pa PV EC NS nn ROW FAL SY ' Substructure 1883-4 252 Built oupercreocrore 1926 F G Figure 6. Typical breakwater cross sections, Grand Marais Harbor, Minnesota 22 Table 2 Two Harbors Breakwaters Two Harbors, Minnesota Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1893 Construction of a 900-ft-long stone-filled timber crib breakwater (Figure 7, Sections C, D, and E) was completed at the site. The cribs were built on rubble-mound foundations. The easternmost 800 ft of the structure was 24 ft wide (Figure 8, Section C), the adjacent 50-ft portion was 20 ft wide (Figure 8, Section D), and the western- most 50 ft of the breakwater was 16 ft wide (Figure 8, Section E). 1933- A concrete cap (superstructure) was built on the breakwater. The 1934 crest el was +7 ft lwd (Figure 8, Sections C, D, and E). 1947- A 1,302-ft-long stone-filled timber crib breakwater on a rubble-mound 1949 base was constructed (Figures 7 and 8, Section B). The structure was 30 ft wide. The rubble-mound base consisted of 5-ton cover stone on 1V:1.5H side slopes. 1948 Construction of a 326-ft-long rubble-mound shore connection of the east breakwater was completed (Figures 7 and 8, section A). The crest was 12 ft wide with a +6 ft crest el. 1948- A concrete cap (superstructure) was built on the 1,302-ft-long break- 1950 water that was completed during 1947-49 (Figure 8, Section B). The crest el of the structure was increased to +8 ft. 1986 Since construction, records indicate that localized damage of the breakwaters has occurred and has been repaired during routine main- tenance. The structures are presently in good condition. 23 ane : _ MICINITY MAP 0 - . oF Te wee ae STALE HW) MILES [ee fe Ss ee an era epee lien = | On= CABLE ; A #\ q Omi. N | I LE WAL VK TE SY 2 & — & O© f& Figure 7: Two Harbors, Minnesota 24 0-0" i i i: “A cy IL CK < et a S Z ENS an a s s roth i‘ ie ox "Que Z 2 NS t ese 3 § eS Sr ii CPE BCC BT SEND. P-2156 Ke AYR he sse Elk Ne et R a! eo: \ ara SHED WU SIL! SNS SMES KRYEASA a 2 i | | Be eT | ! f f il a it i tlh ob SYYy WY IY; Syyry MY DN S “gS 10 ton sto Rok) i) wn Substructure 1947-49 PSO ce Built {Sgesteeet ees 1948-50 G€AST BREAKWATER 70.1?" | O- 3 il Fi | a | =H\ |, Hl q all i x it iH hii | | al ih i | | | Hl I ELH ify! Hilly! | u hil i tik yey iH wi Sil K A lS 32 i mink Le ! \R a Ae ee LS 23 Hy; = rc: 8 f Lt Se CREERE 2 eg ie i ey Ba hem O-0 I ere I; I) a | | i | = i 1S E LSE ily We | = (693 tructure i933 a= 4% Jd 4s tp Ur XOX so’ Built {§ {>} \ ‘2 Cate! ») 2. NR, ith2 S Ls as 0S' SPORE II sures ated 0 Substructure 1893 Outer 800 Bui | Supstryeture 8 1933/34 BREAKWATER west c Typical structure cross sections, Two Harbors, Minnesota Figure 8. Date(s) Table 3 Knife River Harbor Breakwater Knife River, Minnesota Construction and Rehabilitation History 1957= 1958 1974 1986 Construction of a 245-ft-long breakwater occurred at the site (Fig- ure 9) during this time frame. The shoreward 215 ft of the structure was of rubble-mound construction, and the lakeward 30 ft was a stone- filled timber crib breakwater (Figure 10). The rubble-mound portion of the breakwater had a crest width of 8 ft and an el of +8 ft Ilwd. Side slopes of 1V:1.5H were constructed, and armor stone ranging from 3 to 5 tons was used. The timber crib structure was 30 ft wide with a crest el of +9 ft lwd. It was constructed on a stone mattress and had a timber deck. Rock was placed around the toe of the structure comprised of cover stone ranging from 1 to 5 tons. After construc-— tion it was noted that a design deficiency existed in that the break- water did not effectively protect the harbor entrance from adverse wave conditions from northeasterly storms. A modification to the project authorized the construction of a 451-ft-long rubble-mound breakwater with four 62.8-ft diam steel sheet-pile cells (250 ft) at its head (Figure 9). Construction of the breakwater has not been initiated. Since the original breakwater was completed, it has sustained some localized damage which was repaired during routine maintenance. The structure is presently in good condition. 26 MINNESOTA ; Oe test ae SE LAKE SUPER/OR PROPOSED 62.00' 01a \ 7 BREAKWATER CELLS sro! aa incon PLAN 100 ‘} 100 200 300 SCALE IN FEET Figure 9. Knife River Harbor, Minnesota 27 RUBBLE MOUND Lendward End fo L.W.D. Shore Line Built 1957-1958 RUBBLE MOUND L.W.D. Shore Line te -!0 Contour Built! 1957-1958 | +38 _— 5 Ton Idin. - Cover Stone L.w.0.2 600.0’ RUBBLE MOUND -10 Contour to Landward End of Crib Built 1957-1958 30° LAKE SIDE Timber Deck HARBOR SIDE ~Elevation varies from +07‘ at landward Oo} end of crib to -12.0' at a point II feet TIMBER CRIB Londword 25° Built 1957-1958 30' AK LAKE SIDE Timber Deck HARBOR SIDE TIMBER CRIB Lakeward 5' Built 1957-1958 Figure 10. Typical structure cross sections, Knife River Harbor, Minnesota 28 Date(s) 1898- 1900 1904- 1907 1908- 1913 1933 1949 1956 1957- 1958 Table 4 Duluth-Superior Harbor Structures Duluth-Superior, Minnesota and Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History The construction of two 1,720-ft-long entrance piers at Duluth Ship Canal (Figure 11) occurred during this period. These were timber crib structures filled with stone and timber (oak and pine) with a concrete superstructure (monolith blocks). The el of the super- structure ranged from +10 to +18 ft lwd with widths of 24 ft to 36 ft at the structure heads (Figure 12). Construction of a 2,096-ft-long north pier and a 1,581-ft-long south pier progressed at Superior Entry (Figure 11). These structures were built with concrete. Crest widths ranged from 8 to 11 ft with els ranging from +10 to +16 ft lwd (Figure 12). During this time, a 4,137-ft-long north breakwater and a 1,866-ft- long south breakwater were constructed (Figure 11) at Superior Entry. The pierheads and breakwater heads were timber cribs filled with stone and timber. Crest els were +10 ft lwd, and widths were 40 and 31 ft, respectively, for the pierheads and breakwater heads (Fig- ure 12). The breakwater trunks were rubble-mound structures in- stalled at el +8 ft lwd (Figure 12) with 1V:1.5H side slopes. Ten-ton armor stone was used. The shoreward ends consisted of con- crete structures installed on rubble (Figure 12). Crest widths were 12 ft, and crest els were +8 ft lwd. A 530-ft-long rubble-mound shore connection was installed on the inner end of the north breakwater at Superior Entry. It consisted of an 8-ft crest width at an el of +8 ft lwd with 1-V:1.5-H side slopes. Thirty feet of the outer south pierhead at Duluth Ship Canal was re- built, and 406 ft of the south pier at Superior Entry was rebuilt. These consisted of steel sheet-pile walls and concrete (Figure 12). The pierhead at Duluth Ship Canal was built with a crest width of 14 ft at an el of +13 ft lwd. The pier at Superior Entry was 8 ft wide with an el of +10 ft lwd. Longitudinal cracks on the pierhead in the middle of the super- structures were repaired at Duluth Ship Canal. The repair consisted of horizontal tie bolts through each monolith and reinforcing bars drilled and grouted through the tunnel. After the bars were in place, the tunnel was filled with concrete. No separation of the monolith has occurred since then. Twenty-six feet at the inner end of the south pierhead and 1,019 ft at the south pier at Superior Entry were rebuilt using steel sheet- pile walls and concrete (Figure 12). (Continued) 29 Date(s) 1960 1977- 1978 1984 1986 Table 4 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History A hydraulic model investigation (Wilson 1963) was conducted at Superior Entry to improve wave conditions in the navigation channel and at the ore docks located opposite the entry. Proposed plans in- volved detached breakwaters lakeward of the existing entrance. In- provements were never constructed at the site. The concrete superstructures of the north and south piers and the substructures at Duluth Ship Canal were inspected. The timber cribs, riprap, and armor protection were determined to be, generally, in good condition. Small gaps were noted along the joints of the cribs, but the timbers were still firm, and no warping was noted. Some cracks were noted in the monolith blocks, but there was no misalign- ment or settlement; and the joints were all tight. An inspection of the piers at Duluth Ship Canal was conducted. The north pier was in need of work both above and below the surface, and the south pier was reported in very good condition. An inspection of the Superior Entry inner piers indicated that the structures were in fair condition. In general, the structures needed maintenance, and repairs were done. In general, very little maintenance has been needed since construc- tion of the project. Minor patching of spalling concrete has been attempted with generally poor results. The structures overall are presently in fair condition. 30 COUNTY BERET BUMS eer eeen pret tee ¢ OULU TH SH10 CANAL ‘Omi. / GeP ER 5 2C ¢ AG % SS 3 al 8 t pl ofal 4 a © 4 COLL: It 'CCL-fet waey SAUGDCECE = w a N oO: a \ ai 30 29M-'SUDERICR ENTRY D> +32" n S-2°26° 2 5902 2 259° . 120° 7308 «606 Qr126° P-1 030° Figure 11. Duluth-Superior, Minnesota and Wisconsin 31 UTSUODSTM pure PJOSeUUTW ‘10TAednsg—-YyAntTng ‘suoT}DeS ssoi1d Aetd [TeotdA] °Z{I eansTy $224 O9O1 P10— 99049 GING “HD4 LOGY -D1OMNEOIG Uys - 9u;bUO) 10/0) AVLND BOIWAINS LV SUALVANVAUS jem FOR 2g WINS Om med UNO EDIE EEE soaree ope 5 ry 1015 wowaen } as o oF = 4924 1961 22!d 4yROS ood 88: Zeid dyS0q | essbuey coven 40 woo! WINE AULNZ YOIWIdNS LY SUZid BINVYAND €-u t-u v-u 1-¥ O6 Loo! WOR 6-45 1 s z Ss 24 821'Cw 0S: 156 o Al SET On 422s FER 104 4224 QOf'2-w °? yy oie} 666 ec lcer anaey 4s ben mat) 4ag anes Hi (24,821 2a YInos O6- L661 Way Pug 42uu) 4D 4804 93 4204 206 421g WINCS sea ines as. < ry Fy d Pua 4170 +0 4 P2a4s8d YIN wee anal Reg me 65-217 21 Bo ie eat me N A Lal \-d pos 407 4824001 4g YINOS, 3 (20) oot - 281d at-on szatheaoeieataness 696 anaay o ¢ . etree 401g oa w on oon iio wy Vinnens Date(s) 1903- 1904 1906 1917 1946 1949- 1950 1961 1986 Table 5 Port Wing Harbor Piers Port Wing, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History The construction of an 800-ft-long east pier and a 45-ft-long pile revetment progressed at the site (Figure 13). The outer 555 ft of the west pier (Figure 13, Section A) was con- structed. The structure consisted of wood piles filled with wood slabs and capped with stone. It was 11 ft wide and installed at an el of +5.5 ft lwd. : The inner 224 ft of the west pier was constructed. The cross section of the structure was the same as the outer portion built in 1906. The outer portion of the west pier (45.6 ft long) was rebuilt (Fig- ures 13 and 14, Section B). Steel sheetpiling and stone were used to increase the width of the structure to 18.7 ft. Large stone was used to cap the structure. The crest el was +5 ft lwd. The east pier and pile revetment were rebuilt. The east pier con- sisted of wood piles filled with stone and capped with a concrete and stone superstructure. The crest el of the structure was +5.5 ft lwd with a 19.75-ft width, and the length was decreased to 446.5 ft. Stone was placed on the lakeside of the pier (Figure 14, Section C). The pile revetment consisted of woodpiling filled with sand and capped with concrete. It was increased to 388 ft in length. The el was +4.0 ft lwd, and stone was placed on the channel side (Figure 14, Section D). Steel sheetpiling was placed on the shoreward end of the west pier for a distance of 192.4 ft (Figures 13 and 14, Section E). The structure was 1.0 ft wide at an el of +5.5 ft lwd. A rock berm was installed on each side of the structure (Figure 14, Section E). Steel sheetpiling was also placed on the channel side of the west pier for a distance of 779 ft (Figures 13 and 14, Section A). The structures presently are in good condition. “ho NB Oe VICINITY MAP Ld ° tp 20 30 40 SO €0 70 60 SCALE IN MILES oe ~ ae rs 5 iso! {ie B-45.6 i a iY LAKE iN SUPERIOR LEN> (U2 c-4465' aHNe iB 1 On A-779 “ENS Ih >a lt Ate Project Dep th (5 SZ i yyy Le bl ts Upstream Limit of -. edera! Project Biber. Head of Navigation for small launches. - Distance from_lake end of piers, 2 Mile. OO” Log Sluice Figure 13. Port Wing Harbor, Wisconsin 34 WEST PIER Sute= 555 Bult <9cb nner Bu it 917 779) Of Stee! Sheet Piling Placed |961 SLISSILINS 29580 800’ Built 1903-4 446.5’ Rebuilt 1949-1950 Lendward continuation of Steet Sheet Piling. |92.4'placed 1961 PIER VY rood Slabs 4 Stone WEST PIER Outer 4526” Rebuilt 1946 S25 Ox ieee PILE REVETMENT 745" Built 1904 388 Rebuilt 1949-1950 9.5" Figure 14. Typical structure cross sections, Port Wing Harbor, Wisconsin Date(s) WOVSS7/ 1986 Table 6 Cornucopia Harbor Piers Cornucopia, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 938-ft-long east pier and a 530-ft-long west pier was completed at the site (Figure 15). The shoreward 370 ft and 372 ft of the west and east piers, respectively (Figures 15 and 16, Section D), were constructed with woodpiling and filled with stone. Steel sheetpiling was installed also on the channel side at an el of +8 ft lwd. The remaining 160 ft of the west pier, and the next 286 ft of the east pier (Figures 15 and 16, Sections B and C) were constructed of woodpiling with sand and stone fill. Steel sheet- piling was installed on each side of the structure at a +8 ft el lwd. Stone was grouted in place to cap the structure. The west pier was 15 ft wide, and the east pier ranged from 17 to 45 ft in width. The next 100 ft of the east pier was constructed of steel sheetpiling with sand and rock fill (Figures 15 and 16, Section E). This struc- ture was 24 ft wide with a crest el of +8 ft lwd. The outer 180 ft of the east pier was a cellular sheet-pile structure (Figures 15 and 16, Section F). The cells were filled with dredged sand or gravel and capped with 2 ft of rocks filled with grout. The diameter of the cells was 30.55 ft, and the crest el was +8 ft lwd. Rock berms were placed at the toe of the structure on both sides. No records of repair to the structure have been noted, and the piers presently are in good condition. 36 LAKE SUPERIOR SISKIWIT BAY VICINITY MAP Sill 190 19 20 30 40 30 @0 70 00 Wee SCALE IN MILES = Project >, Upstream limit of Federal Project 60:0 PRIVATE SLIF - STREET a i Ps) 2 Cc me) v > Figure 15. Cornucopia Harbor, Wisconsin 37 vl =i 3,ROWS OF 612° TIMBERS BOTTOM -DRIVING LINES [ 17 FOR EAST PIER (6) Ss toy U. -20° +B0 9 ; co os EAST PIER (¢) ____ bie HL 1S FOR WEST PIER :B) = hi DEFLECTION DIKE I APPROX TOP OF SROUTED IN PLACE +80 j ’ Sa eae : , Be Boe Wate-cse aces es SeISOr i 12x207° C WALES ( 29.5! z-27 ——- i \ STEEL SHEET PILING, 26' LONG 2 ! t ba . ‘ETE ROD-9' Oc ~ 4 | ox PILING —~J Y \ if STONE PAVING- 9° THICK Built 1960 Wht STONE FILL | ' | o— SAND FILL IGteses, APPROX TOP OF STONE FILL 227; STEEL SHEET PILING, 35° Max £4.600.9'_ 0.0 Low. b. wood PILING ——~* MAx DEPTH it a ELEVATIONS OF -18.0° BOTTOM OF PILING a ire | |-24", STA $+60 TO STA.6+40 +WEST PIER |-27', STA 6+ 40 To OUTER END | 4 a U wax |722', STA 4+70 TO STA 5+ 66 D — B-C |-24°, STA 5+66 TO STA 6+S6 [EAST PIER TYPICAL SECTION YPI 727’, STA. 6+56 TO OUTER END, er AY ELCACRSECTION! E INNER ENDS OF PIERS OUTER ENDS OF PIERS Built 1957 Built 1957 5 ° 8 10 L re 4 as SCALE IN FEET a EL) 55 ae DRIVING LINE. 2) OF ROCK,VOIDS FILLED 2a ) WITH GROUT --—_ = es ae fe NAVIGATIONICICHU SaaS INSPECTION HOLES i ROCK FILL- 2° MIN~ +80" FOUNDATION Neen +80 =a a WAI 23.0 i2in20 OREWALES STEEL SHEET PILE CELL oO 600.0..." 24 TIE RODS 0.0" SACI2S A FILING 00" }{EL 6000 Na Tie RODS 6'0.c aa LW SAND a DREDGED SAND OR —— EXISTING (GROUND) LINE a ' -120 COGS, AM /ROCK BERM --120 1 ont 2-27’ STEEL SHEET PILING, 40° LONG TYPICAL CELLULAR SECTION _-32.0° E EXTENSION TO EAST PIER TYPICAL SECTION EXTENSION TO EAST PIER Built 1957 10 ° 10 20 SCALE IN FEET Figure 16. Typical structure cross sections, Cornucopia Harbor, Wisconsin 38 Date(s) 1936 1941 1960 1986 Table 7 Bayfield Harbor Structures Bayfield Harbor, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History A 465-ft-long pier (Figure 17, Section A) was constructed by the State of Wisconsin. The pier was a rock-filled timber crib structure that was 24 ft wide and had a crest el of +4 ft lwd (Figure 18, Section A). A 200-ft-long city pier ell and a 459-ft-long city breakwater pier (Figure 17, Section B) were constructed by the State of Wisconsin. The structures had the same cross sections as the pier built in 1936. A 103-ft-long extension of the city pier ell and a 139-ft-long extension of the city breakwater pier were completed by the Corps. The extensions were of cellular sheet-pile construction. The cell diameters were 30.55 ft in width and had a +6 ft lwd crest el. They were sand filled with a grout-filled stone cap. Toe protection was provided on the lakeward side of the north extension only (Figures 17 and 18, Section C). The Corps also built a parapet wall totaling 843 ft in length on the existing piers. The crest el of the parapet was +6 ft lwd. The structures presently are in good condition. 39 a q = > E = eS > 70 30 40 50 60 TO BO SCALE IN MILES PARAPET ~ 2 y4 Fisnemiey_] CORPORATION ANOUS wHaQe 6 ee eee — ' 1 ! f | { | ! { I | i| if i 1 I Bayfield Harbor, Wisconsin FE 7) Oo mHan | Ss SS ee { — | Re | iB a s : mes IRIS awe) CRO TEICAY | (eam ee (ee) I | N Sil) eat E | i t —— Figure 17. ESTs) 40 Plank Top Loke Side 100' Long Rock Filled Timber Crib A. City pier 465‘ long built [936 by W.P.A. 184' of parapet added 1960 B. City Breakwater and City Pier Ell built 1941 Superstructure rebuilt and parapet added 1960 "of Stone Paving Voids Grout Filled Sheet Pile Cell ie 22' and-23' Built 1960 Figure 18. Typical structure cross sec- tions, Bayfield Harbor, Wisconsin 41 Table 8 La Pointe Harbor Breakwater Madeline Island, Wisconsin Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1967 A 200-ft-long extension of an existing rock-filled timber crib break- water was completed by the Corps (Figure 19). The existing structure was 37.3 ft wide with a crest el of +4 ft lwd. It was constructed by local interests (Figures 19 and 20, Section A). The initial 74 ft of the extension was built with steel sheetpiling that was sand filled and capped with stone (Figures 19 and 20, Section B). It was 25 ft wide with a crest el of +7 ft lwd on the lakeside and +4 ft lwd on the harbor side. The lakeward 126-ft length of extension was a cel- lular sheet-pile structure with cell diameters of 20.36 ft. They were sand filled and had stone caps (Figures 19 and 20, Section C). The crest el of the sheet pile was +7 ft lwd on the lakeside and ranged from +4 to +7 ft lwd on the harbor side. Riprap was placed along the toe of the cellular structure. 1986 No repairs to the structure have been noted, and it is presently in good condition. 42 MINNESOTA guPeR ion LA POINTE HARGOR TWO HARBORS MADELINE ISLAND SUPERIOR ASHLAND WISCONSIN 25 LOCATION MAP 20 fe) 20 40 60 80 a ee ee eS SCALE IN MILES 8' DEPTH 10' DEPTH CELLULAR BREAKWATER NAVIGATION LIGHT Yo. LAKE SUPERIOR S Figure 19. La Pointe Harbor, Wisconsin 43 A-37.3' | HARBOR SIDE i LAKE SIDE +4.0' L4.0= 600.0" STEEL SHEET PILING -18.0' BREAKWATER TIMBER CRIB 400.7' (COMPLETED BY OTHERS) HARBOR’ SIDE LAKE SIDE SAND FILL 2-27 STEEL SHEET PILING =21.0' B BREAKWATER STEEL SHEET PILING 73.5 (CORPS OF ENGINEERS) 20.36' +7.0' | F +7.0' TOP OF STEEL SHEET PILING AND ROCK FILL -AT OUTER END CELL ONLY +4.0' LAKE SIDE HARBOR SIDE Cc BREAKWATER CELLULAR 126.24' (CORPS OF ENGINEERS) Figure 20. Typical breakwater cross sections, La Pointe, Wisconsin 44 Date(s) 1889- 1894 1908- 1910 1911 1912- 1913 1913- 1914 1986 Table 9 Ashland Harbor Breakwater Ashland, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 7,363-ft-long timber crib breakwater progressed at the site (Figures 21 and 22, Section C) during this time. The struc- ture was filled with timber slabs and capped with stone. It had a crest width ranging from 20 to 28 ft and was installed at el +7 ft lwd. Stone reinforcement was installed on both sides of the structure (Figure 22, Section C) on a slope of 1V:1.5H. A timber crib pierhead was constructed. The structure was stone and timber filled, 32 ft wide, and 48 ft long. Riprap toe protection was included (Figures 21 and 22, Section A). A 589-ft-long rubble-mound breakwater was built during this period. The structure connected the pierhead to the original breakwater (Fig- ure 21, Section B). It had a +7 ft lwd crest el with a 10-ft-width (Figure 22, Section B). Side slopes were approximately 1V:1H. A concrete and stone cap (superstructure) was installed on the pier- head. The el of the structure was now +6.75 ft lwd. Only routine maintenance has been performed, and the structure pres-— ently is in fair condition. 45 ae pierre ena a fe VICINITY MAP La WA WS AE RN fm ee > SOD \ 1 : Shes ae SOx 25 o> SOK \ SS eND SUNT SU A 2 Figure 21. Ashland Harbor, Wisconsin 46 3202s SAE. 6-6 19-0" 6-6 Built by U.S.Lt. Ho. u J Service} PIERHEAD Outer 48' Substructure 1911 Saale Superstructure 1913-14 OI O¢ Me eH AAAS IN nae OOiWeatlsan 62: esieee 28-0 Sta. 0+00 to 10+21 ee ae 7 = 20-0" « 10*21 to 5e+2I 28-0" « 56*21 to 13°63 —— a w. = a Sta. 0+00 is at Shore end. Pi se\vcee| te ae QtVis 42 a2me|Oe-~ : = el — owe ee DIYWSINn WS NZS ' Timber Structure 1889-94 Inne ng GS BUILS { Rubble Reinforcement 1908-10. BREAKWATER Cc Figure 22. Typical structure cross sections, Ashland Harbor, Wisconsin 47 Date(s) 1965 1983 1986 Table 10 Saxon Harbor Breakwaters Saxon, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 417-ft-long west breakwater and a 616-ft-long east breakwater was completed at the site (Figure 23). The shoreward 335 ft of the east breakwater was of rubble-mound construction. The crest el was +8 ft lwd with an 8-ft width, and side slopes were 1V:1.5H (Figure 24, Section A). Armor stone was approximately 6 ft thick. The shoreward 381.5 ft of the west breakwater was constructed of steel sheetpiling with rock toe protection (Figure 24, Section B). The crest el was +8 ft lwd. The lakeward ends of both structures were cellular sheet pile (Figures 23 and 24, Section C). Cells with diameters of 35.65 ft were used. They were filled with excavation fill and capped with stone (voids filled with concrete). The crest el of the cells was +8 ft lwd, and toe protection was included. An inspection made of the site indicated minor cracking of the cap of the innermost east breakwater cell. The cap of the outermost east breakwater cell was also noted cracking with a void in the center of the cap. In addition, the cap had settled as much as 8 in. in some areas. The structures have undergone only routine maintenance and presently are in good condition. 48 VICINITY 12 9 10 20 30 4c 30 00 70 00 SCALE iM MILES ENTRANCE CHANNEL PROJECT DEPTH 10 FEET C 7; STEEL SHEET PILING] / @® I BREAKWATER ) | / ff abv 4 ° =| RUBBLE | BREAKWATER le w 0 OPENING OF MOUTH Li KS) m OF ) / (2 | PARKERS CREEK INNER HARBOR laa) 1 PROJECT DEPTH aw | ie | EAST PIER SFEET A : REVETMENT —- ~ = STEEL SHEET PILE] L } REVETMENT 4 VILLAGE \oF \ FRANCIS \ \ MANDATORY \ OISPOSAL AREA ROAD RAISE EXCAVATION = a REMOVAL OF BRIDGE, ABUTMENTS, ANDO WINGWALLS 47 OY 70 CREEK IRON COUNTY WISCONSIN Figure 23. Saxon Harbor, Wisconsin 49 Cover stone 6'¢ thick Core stone — “~~ Secondory layer stone 2) t thick 335 East Breakwarer Rock protection | 3815 West Breakwater 3565' | Ins DeCuocaay) Navigation Light | hole 2° Of rock filled aiff concrete Harbor excavation fill Rock berm Variable Stee! Sheet Piling 35.65’ Wes! Breakwator 280.93 =us! Breok water Figure 24. Typical breakwater cross sections, Saxon Harbor, Wisconsin 50 Table 11 Black River Harbor Breakwaters Gogebic County, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Date(s) LOS7/ 1983 1986 The construction of an 825-ft-long east breakwater and a 555-ft-long west breakwater was completed at the site (Figure 25). The break- waters were of rubble-mound construction (Figure 26) with crest els of +7 ft lwd and crest widths of 8 ft. Side slopes were 1V:1.5H, and 3-ton minimum armor stone was used. An inspection made of the structures revealed that both breakwaters were in good condition with the exception of several areas on each structure that needed additional core and cover stone. Since construction, the breakwaters have been repaired during routine maintenance operations. They presently are in good condition. An aerial view of Black River Harbor breakwaters is shown in Figure 27. 51 VICINITY MAP 9 Bw WO 40 00 ro QCALE WH OLED GOGEBIC COUNTY MICHIGAN aioe c Rock Areq 7 ee ber (Shea/) Baise f o 0 See eon Fah \ *, : Parking Area a 0 \o i Os q ‘ eo) Figure 25. Black River Harbor, Michigan 52 2 Ton minimum cover stone Lakeword End to -5 Ft. Contour -5 Ft. Contour to +2Ft. Contour +2Ft. Contour to Londward End RUBBLE MOUND - BUILT 1957 EAST AND WEST BREAKWATERS Eos! Breokwoter- 825 FI. * Total Lengths en Breokwoter-555 F1. + Figure 26. Typical breakwater cross sections, Black River Harbor, Michigan 53 me es 8 x e y 54 Aerial view of Black River Harbor, Michigan Figure 27. Date(s) 1868- 1872 1868- 1879 1875- 1890 1881- 1882 1882- 1888 1920- 1935 1933 1935- 1936 1947 1983 Table 12 Ontonagon Harbor Piers Ontonagon, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the inner 1,069 ft of the west pier (Figures 28 and 29, Section E) occurred during this time. This structure con- sisted of woodpiling filled with stone. The pier width ranged from S55 CO iil se, The outer 1,515 ft of the east pier (Figures 28 and 29, Section A) was built during this period. This was a rock-filled timber crib structure. The pier was 20 ft wide and had stone toe protection at its base. Construction of 1,398 ft of the west pier (Figures 28 and 29, Sec- tion A) progressed. The pier had the same cross section as the pier built during 1868-79. Construction of an additional 255 ft of the east pier (Figures 28 and 29, Section B) was completed. This was a 20-ft-wide stone-filled timber crib structure with stone toe protection. The inner 545 ft of the east pier (Figures 28 and 29, Section C) was built. This pier also was a stone-filled timber crib structure with a 20-ft crest width. A stone superstructure was built on 1,515 and 1,398 ft of the east and west piers, respectively (Figure 29, Section A). The el of these piers was +5 ft lwd. A concrete cap (superstructure) was constructed on the inner 1,069 ft of the west pier (Figure 29, Section E). The el of the channel side of the pier was +4 ft lwd. A stone and concrete cap (superstructure) was installed on 800 ft of the east pier (Figure 29, Sections B and C). The shoreward 545 ft of structure had a crest el of +5 ft lwd (Section C), while the remain- ing pier had an el of +6 ft lwd (Section B). The 96-ft-long west pierhead was rebuilt with steel sheetpiling that was stone filled. It was capped with 5-ton minimum cover stone. The pierhead was 22 ft wide with a crest el of +6 ft lwd. Riprap was in- stalled to provide toe protection. It is not clear when the pierhead was originally constructed. A structural inspection of the piers was made. A void up to 20 ft wide was observed on the west pier, and sand was being lost through the cribbing under the superstructure. Additional stone was required (Continued) 55 Date(s) 1986 Table 12 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History at various locations on both piers, and it was noted that the con- crete superstructure had spalled in areas. In the summer of this year, core and cover stone were placed where necessary to repair the structures. The piers presently are in fair condition. An aerial view of Ontonagon Harbor piers is shown in Figure 30. \ 2 y% SN yA i \ a Yh N \ = NY NICS VICINITY MAP o0F 2 9 1 20 30 00 30 60 70 00 w [3 OE ; SCALE H MILES. Ss LAKE SUPERIOR Ontonagon River is navigable for QO distance of || miles above Highway Bridge. ON TON AGO io) 2) 5 43 x g / OS i x SN 1 8" diameter Oll Pipeline above | ground Upst ream ‘ limit of -* INTONAGGN VILLAGE WATER LINE ONTONAGON COUNTY MICHIGAN Figure 28. Ontonagon Harbor, Michigan 57 29; peer = Apo S « wali aGze-. A PDALE LA : y SSDs ER LVI De NK a S YS SANA a ee 2 Inner 645 2-9 =F a ay Acnonne: Side wo oa FT 3 5 Sy 254". Beginning $45°6 f-om inner End But) seOstructure 188-82 | Supers*ructure 1935-30 EAST PIER nne- 1669! Bur $y SUDSTructure 1868-12 Superstructure 1933 WEST PIER P erhead- 96’ Rebuilt 1947 WEST PIER Scaie of Feet RE PE LPS ET ° S ° sO 25 e ” Inner 545-6 gyit) SUastructure 1882-86 | Superstructure 1935-36. EAST PIER Cc Figure 29. Typical pier cross sections, Ontonagon Harbor, Michigan 58 ues Tt yor ‘loqiey uoseuojIUQ JO MaTA Tefisy ° O€ eanstg 59 Table 13 Keweenaw Waterway Structures Keweenaw Waterway, Michigan Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History North (Upper) Entry 1898- A 2,385-ft-long east breakwater and a 2,645-ft-long west breakwater 1902 were constructed at the north entrance during this time (Figure 31, Sections C and D). These structures were stone-filled timber crib breakwaters. The shore wings were 20 ft wide, and the main break- waters were 30 ft wide. 1917- The main breakwaters (Figures 31 and 32, Section C) were capped with 1931 5-ton stone. Fifteen-ton stone was placed on the channel side of the structure for stability of the cap. The el of the structure was +8 ft lwd. Rubble was placed on the lakeward side of the structure on a 1-V:1.5-H slope and capped with 10-ton stone. 1933 The inner wings of the breakwaters (Figures 31 and 32, Section D) were capped with a stone fill and concrete. The el of the structures ranged from +5 to +7 ft lwd. Rubble toe protection also was installed. 1948- Construction of the breakwater pierheads (Figures 31 and 32, Sec- 1949 tions A and B) progressed during this period. The 50-ft-long east pierhead was built with steel sheet piles and sand, and the outer cover of the entire structure was built with concrete. The crest el of the structure was +18 ft lwd. The west pierhead was 50 ft long and constructed of concrete and steel sheet piles with a sand fill. The el of the structure was +10 ft lwd. 1986 The breakwaters at the Upper Entry have undergone routine maintenance and presently are in fair condition. Figure 33 is an aerial view of the upper entrance to Keweenaw Waterway. South (Lower) Entry 1860 Construction on the inner 950 ft of the breakwater was completed by private interests (Figure 34, Section I-L). This structure was a stone-filled timber crib breakwater. The width of the shoreward 325 ft of breakwater was 13 ft, and the remaining structure was 30 ft wide to a point 912 ft from its origin. At this point, the structure width changed to 24 ft. 1897- The outer 2,764 ft of the breakwater was built by the United States 1900 during this period (Figure 34, Sections L-N). The breakwater was a stone-filled timber crib structure with a 24-ft width, except for the lakeward 100 ft which was 30 ft wide. (Continued) 60 Date(s) 1920 WAT 1928- 1930 1930 1983 1986 Table 13 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History South (Lower) Entry The outer 50 ft of the breakwater was capped with concrete (Fig- ures 34 and 35, Section N). The crest el of the cap was +5.5 ft lwd, and it was 32 ft in width. The shoreward 912 ft of the structure was capped with stone and con- crete (Figures 34 and 35, Sections I-K). The crest of the shoreward 325 ft of breakwater was built at an el of +4.0 ft lwd with the re- maining 587 ft installed at an el of +4.5 ft lwd. During this period a 2,/02-ft-long section of the breakwater was capped with stone and concrete (Figures 34 and 35, Section L). A crest el of +6 ft lwd was constructed. The superstructure of the 50-ft-long pierhead was completed (Fig- ures 34 and 35, Section M). Concrete and stone were used for con- struction with a crest height of +6 ft lwd installed. An inspection of the Lower Entry breakwater indicated the structure was stable and generally in good condition. Extreme spalling of the concrete had taken place in some areas, however, and some areas of the breakwater were in need of additional stone fill. The breakwater at the Lower Entry presently is in fair to good condition. 61 MICH. 203 4 ——- Pues Sor. "U.S Coast Guard nUifev call Slaton: -Parh’. Steel kevetmente Township i" VICINITY MAP 20 © 40 30 60 70 BO SCALE Im MILES Upper entrance, Keweenaw Waterway, Michigan Figure 3l. 62 uesTYyoT SACMI9IeM MEUDEMEY ‘suoz}0es SSOI2 9inqonzqs [Teop~dA, soueazjque aeddqg °7¢E san3tTy SINVYULNS H3AddN LY SYUALYVMYNVAUE 008! 424DMHDOIg {say {1091 4BSOMHODIG 4s03 sysbuer 1S -Li6l 411N@ Bunson44saedns Ppuos UI PBIING mou See doo 94242009 usm toy} Sul 159M anion 20-9681 41ING esnyonsyaqns TS CuEatyE cen; COMED SUSLVAMYBNE NIVW EC4I dInd. a4ny2n44s30dns Q 9 -NOILO3¢ 0 2061-868) 4)1NQ BANnjansysqns P yY , > S a S SONIA SYOHS a-Noissas B NA NS Ws INCI OSS, = —-— _—-— => Gees s ae - MSS = Sa, > a es 3 ie eee eee = = dee Es ed \ SS SS SS &, eas a6 Of Bo > L. 0-S! 9-01 a : 0-0 6+ -8rel 4'Ng ; 6v-8v6l 41!Ng GVSHYSIid LSIM OQW3aHYsIid ASYW3 8-NOIL93S ee W-NOIL93S (ao NZ}, He Ye i YN SN NWN NN i uv. oO @: = ee HI RUHIH (HH | Ar DAYoOIIG Of UOI}I3UWU0D 4940MyA0IIG OF UO! 4IaULO as aye Sa}!d_ 492US 1224S-adAj yo4 asog samo) yybi4 63 uestyoTHW ‘Kemn19eM MEUGIMEY OF VOUPAQUS Aaddn jo Mata TeTAsy € € ean3stq 64 ue8TyotW ‘hemi07eM MeUeeMEeYy SadUeAQqUS AeEMOT “HE 2IN3TY Buiyouno7 100g _ ». ~-Dasy Buiyis0g J ee Jaid buisoow ~ asta yondsy 40 & AOVH wrAle 7LYID ~~ y A y g \\ Y Jot metaceese) 0 a9 y coin Nanos? oD : 19 «ott on (eG = ne as BS ~~ ajqn> auoydaja, TALS Or aa is aoa Sos, 0. ORES mM vy Mw g J Me oF y eee $371m Ni 3919S Aenea oe Beep be ee : 20 02 01 OD OF Ov OF CZ Or 0 OF % 5 f 2 Go 39 rel (P dVW ALINIOIA ae ele —F 4. a ‘¢ ? { ents = % e BRE CO ge ae . = aT BO 2 OS oD oo a ao . 65 *suotqoes T-NOILIAS O€-8261 $11NQ D4Njons4suadnc Puj 42uUu) Wo} 216 Buluuibaq 2022 ‘ 1 uesTyoTW ‘henze7eM MeUDeMey SSO1D JazeMYyYeeIq [TeoTdA} soUeATUe ZBMOT “GE V9AN3TYq se o€ sz oz si ol s ° ¢ 4294 $0 9}09S P40M3H 07 bui40074 SMAIA NY ‘sn Aq o06i-Losi 4INF {HILT 424NO SySd1a4uUl DpOAI4d kq 098) ul 411NG ,0S6 42uu) | A VILE CKO buiysixg poop AYLNA 39VL00d YO Y3MO071 LV ASLVANV3NaE N-NOIL93S DaNyonazyeqns W-NOILD3S O26! 411INQ ®inyInaysuadng O€b6l 41INQ B4Nydn4ysuadns 04 424no Pug 424no Wi0d} 04 Buiuuibaq 104 Q NOILVGNNO4S ASNOHLHDIT q a: . QV3HY3Id PTTL OY HA Tl SSN |S SS ~¥]000 H-NOILDAS Ing d4anyIn4ysuadn cf-NOiLOa3S reer Gee ors ieacee Lag I-N OILo3as ‘ LU61 $11NQ DBanydnaysuodng 66 Table 14 Lac La Belle Harbor.Breakwaters Keweenaw County, Michigan Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1959 Construction of two breakwaters was completed at the site (Fig- ure 36). Three consisted of a 490-ft-long north breakwater and a 689-ft-long south breakwater. The north breakwater consisted of a 458-ft steel Z-piling section anda 32-ft cellular steel sheet-pile head. The south breakwater had a 470.5=ft steel Z-piling section with cellular steel sheet piles on the lakeward end cumulating over 218 ft in length (Figure 36). The Z-piling and the cellular struc- tures were both built to an el of +8 ft lwd. The cellular sheet piles were 32 ft in diameter and were-sand filled with a 2-ft rock cap (Figure 37). Rock toe protection was provided on the lakeside of the outer cells on the south breakwater, 1983 An inspection of the structures revealed a tipped section toward the channel on the south breakwater about 50 ft shoreward of the cells. Subsequently, the tipped section was straightened, and stone was added on the channel side to prevent scour. 1986 The breakwaters presently are in good condition. An aerial view of Lac La Belle Harbor breakwaters is shown in Figure 38. 67 suPpEeRLoa”n gare oarac oar LOCATION MAP Pits Hak Ce a ee : : aD .f2..9. «000 eae Se ot 5 = : | VICINITY MAP? Te fla oft, af 5 yu f OF 0 : oH a TCALe wm FEE! “a8 R flere. TH RS OLS, . =F. v ect uate ° . ve" we Ge! (PR SIE TR A fe Ommaney NORTH Z- Piles. eee 4705 ele, acim - pil SOUTH Ee Be, QDeETE GRUS.E Bary ENTRANCE CHANNEL PROJECT DEPTH 12 FEET USCG Property Line Figure 36. Lac La Belle Harbor, Michigan 68 SPOIL DISPOSAL W.D. 600.0' 1 ON 2 SECTION A-A “SAND. FILL: P Ze g'= SAND FILL cae * 10ON 2 1ON2 SHEET PILE cme SHEET PILE CELL SECTION B-B ROCK PROTECTION DD SECTION C-C SHEET PILE CELL NORTH Z-PILING BREAKWATER — 4586.5' SOUTH Z-PILING BREAKWATER — 470.5) SOUTH CELL BREAKWATER - 218.7 BUILT 1959 Figure 37. Typical structure cross sections, Lac La Belle Harbor, Michigan 69 i=) wo rot) ca tc 3) Py u ° a u wo m o qo oq o OQ © 4 3) « = wy ° 3 0 a > oq « a u a) build 22 7 Busy ‘ jo 4aK0) au O'2 + UONDAa!a 04 al ROSE) J0 aun ioeN build 222 0-8 0-5 20-,S A 77 uestyotW ‘toqiey Aeg 3Tgq Jo mata [TeT1aey Date(s) 1897- 1901 1903 1927 1938 1938- 1939 1963 1975 1986 Table 17 Presque Isle Harbor Breakwater Presque Isle, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,053-ft-long breakwater was performed during this period (Figures 45 and 46, Section B). The structure was a 24-ft- wide stone-filled timber crib breakwater with riprap toe protection. A 163-ft-long stone-filled timber crib breakwater (16 ft wide) was completed connecting the original structure to shore (Figures 45 and 46, Section A). A stone and concrete capped superstructure was built on the existing structures (Figures 45 and 46, Sections A and B). The crest el of the structure was +8 ft lwd. Construction of the breakwater head was completed. The structure was a stone-filled timber crib breakwater that was 30 ft in width (Fig- ures 45 and 46, Section D). The stone portion of the substructure and stone placed on the lakeward side of the breakwater were in- stalled at an el of +8 ft lwd. Armor stone on the lakeside and toe protection on the harbor side of the structure were in the 10-ton range. The concrete superstructure was built to an el of +16 ft lwd for a lighthouse. A 1,600-ft-long rubble-mound breakwater was constructed connecting the breakwater head to the existing structure (Figures 45 and 46, Section C). The crest was 12 ft wide with an el of +8 ft lwd. Ten- ton armor stone was used. Riprap cover stone (5.5 ton) was installed for a distance of 180 ft on the harbor side and 400 ft on the lakeward side of the original timber crib structure (Figure 46, Section B). The inner 1,216 ft of breakwater was rehabilitated for a cost of $76,500. An inspection of the site indicated that the outermost portion of the rubble-mound breakwater needed some minor stone rearranging. This work was completed later in the year. The breakwater presently is in good condition. An aerial view of Presque Isle Harbor breakwater is shown in Figure 47. 79 VICINITY MAP 0 0 2 30 40 50 60 70 90 SCALE IN MILES PRESQUE ISLE” Ne aa MARQUETTE COUNTY \-: MICHIGAN oy Wa Sar PARK iS RoR UPPER PENNINSULA GENERATING CO. ‘oR CONVEYOR e o- 2, Sp OD 4 a ’ \e. J eo , ig “3 S Wey 4, Project Dent 28° Saks ay o> G “t. De ie Orcect Devt» 95° Figure 45. Presque Isle Harbor, Michigan 80 Harbor Side = - hq Pe See ST LX == i SSR —S L—) CSCS er PT Ie py bs = = S ~ Boe ay pyre ZX Sos nas e vt bas ON Qin =—— f Pepe KR, ¢ SASSI {ADMYYY See ITY SIS CRANK. Ler DIROVVYT Gx teage mck RE CO AEN M6éIMMAry—v BIILNIRECINKIIA pt SV III ORI IE IO RII III IIIS Boies ocnuatl D tty en (DY te ae — AVIA Its " = —— SS eer nic Oa tee ty = At fs LAT ODN Ay Vo) Or nmr OCRAAKK_iA_A_ Sms Cuter 1600' Built 1938-39 Cc p Basra ered] “+LW0-G00.0' na ‘ ans | *o <0 _ URE RIPE a 7 Substructure 1903 Irrer 63 Built ( Superstructure 1927 A eee ett ae ee —SIINIVIS ' Substructura '697-190). 1053 Built srespeetcres 1927. * Cover stone 53 100 mewmum Landword 400 ot loxeword 630 Cover stone 54 ton minimum B Qaded 1953 Landword 180’ of jakeward 185’ jed 1963 BREAKWATER SECTIONS Figure 46. Typical breakwater cross sections, Presque Isle Harbor, Michigan 81 ueStyotW ‘1oqaey eTS~T enbserzg JO MaeTA [eT1ey “LY oin3ty Date(s) 1867 1868- 1874 1889- 1894 1896- 1904 1897- 1905 1912— 1918 1920- 923 1965 1979 1986 Table 18 Marquette Harbor Breakwater Marquette, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the inner 410 ft of the breakwater was completed (Figures 48 and 49, Sections A and B). The structure was a stone- filled timber crib breakwater. The inner 260 ft was 20 ft wide, and the remaining 150 ft was 25 ft wide. An additional 1,600 ft of breakwater was built during this time. It also was a stone-filled timber crib structure and was 30 ft wide (Figures 48 and 49, Section C). During this period the breakwater was extended an additional 1,000 ft (Figures 48 and 49, Sections D, E, F, and G). The structure was a stone-filled timber crib breakwater and was 24 ft wide. It was built on a stone base and included riprap toe protection. A concrete cap (superstructure) was added to the 1,600-ft-long break- water built during 1868-74 (Figures 48 and 49, Section C). The crest el of the structure was +10 ft lwd. A concrete cap (superstructure) was installed on the remaining por- tion of the breakwater (Figures 48 and 49, Sections A, B, D, E, F, and G). The superstructure was built to an el of about +10 ft Ilwd. Stone was added on the lakeside of the inner 410 ft (Sections A and B), and on both sides of the 123-ft-long section designated as G (Figures 48 and 49). The breakwater was extended an additional 1,500 ft during this period. The extension consisted of a rubble-mound structure (Fig- ures 48 and 49, Section H). The shoreward 500 ft of structure was installed at an el of +8 ft lwd, and the outer 1,000 ft was con- structed to a +10 ft lwd el. The breakwater was constructed of 10-ton armor stone. Riprap was placed on the lakeside of the 1,600-ft-long breakwater originally constructed from 1868-74 (Figure 49, Section C). Rehabilitation of the inner 3,010 ft of the breakwater was completed for a cost of $465,747. Stone placement along a 500-ft section of the breakwater (sta 22+50 to 27+50) was completed. Also the placement of riprap stabilizing stone at the lakeward structure toe was completed. The breakwater presently is in very good condition. An aerial view of Marquette Harbor breakwater is shown in Figure 50. 83 VICINITY _MAP i Scale EES N w & ss d Bae "Hg A-260' = east Guard STO" FE Yocht Basin 4 Ore ; : os CS) Coal Wher feet ee ore | Soo eee Mich.Gos & Elec. Co.; \z \ Figure 48. Marquette Harbor, Michigan 84 ueBTYOTW ‘t0qiey azqQenbaeW ‘suotjoas ssoa9 dajemyeeaiq Teotddy °*64 eansry H 861-216) Pe 9 996) O31viIVieWHae NOISN31X3 QNNOW 3786NYy (OOS! $061 - 168: LING 3uNLINwiswaanS 601-600) 117g 3uni2nuisens VLG Y Rie ops Z RU) ON3 U3NNI MOUS 0182 ONINIDIG .£ 21 ,000! psomonon ole} ,00S psompun) B+ | 2301S 3xv7 =f 5 ae = = =e a S06) PeWiGoyey O61 - 168) WFQ esjonjssedns 68) - BSG! 1ING @mj>2);8QNS ON3 YANNI NOUS S£62 ONINNIDIG LL ON3 YSNNI WOU 0102 ONINNID3S OOF KEXCKKKKCKCKKQKKKG EKOMELOERREN ON3 Y3INN! WON 0112 ONINNID IG OO! = 2 008 One: 2301S 3xv7 a) S96) PeONNQouay €261-O26) Peppo dosdiy pO6! - 968) 4" b18)- 698! g 596) poyosQoUueY INNI 1 ON3 Y3NNI WOUd lb ONINNID3B 009 GaGhoeGo Un OF £901 1g eanjonsieans GN3 Y3NNI WON 092 ONINNIDIG OS! sepa A Tiel | | — . ¢ a an ee os a es epIs B40) eps BHO; PRs BMDT 85 uesTyoTW ‘10qieyH eajenbaeW FO MeTA TetAey °OG eanstTy Date(s) 1883- 1885 1885- 1903 1892 1893- 1903 1895- 1898 1905- 1907 1914 1936- 1942 1950- 1951 1960 Table 19 Grand Marais Harbor Piers Grand Marais, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of 700-ft-long portions of the east and west piers pro- gressed during this time (Figures 51 and 52, Section B). It was a timber crib structure with a 20.5-ft width and was built on a stone blanket. Stone protection also was included in construction. A 1,112-ft-long portion of the west pier (a timber crib structure) was constructed during this period (Figures 51 and 52, Section A). It was 24.5 ft wide. The structure was built on a stone mattress, and riprap was placed along the sides for toe protection. The inner 250-ft-long portion of the east pier and 100-ft-long por- tion of the west pier were completed (Figures 51 and 52, Section C). These were wood-pile structures filled with sand and stone. They were 12.5 ft wide with crest els of +6 ft lwd. Stone was placed on the channel side of the structures. The outer 745-ft-long portion of the east pier (Figures 51 and 52, Section E) was constructed during this period. This was a 24-ft-wide stone-filled timber crib structure. It was built on stone, and rip- rap was placed on each side of the structure. A 5,770-ft-long timber-pile dike (Figures 51 and 52, Section D) was constructed during this time. It was installed at an el of +4 ft lwd. Stone reinforcement was added along the timber-pile dike built during 1895-98. The stone crest was 10 ft wide at an el of +4 ft lwd. Timber crib structures on the west pier (Figures 51 and 52, Sec- tion A) were repaired. Crib walls were repaired with tie rods, and 425 tons of crib-fill stone was installed in the outer 500-ft portion of the pier. Repairs were made to the east and west piers (Figures 51 and 52, Sec- tion B). These included replacing decaying, broken, or missing deck planking and replenishing crib-fill stone. A concrete cap (superstructure) was installed on the east pier (Fig- ures 51 and 52, Section E). The cap extended to an el of +6 ft Ilwd. Construction of an 802-ft-long cellular sheet-pile breakwater exten- sion was completed at the lakeward end of the west pier (Figures 51 and 52). The lakeward 307 ft of the structure was constructed with 58.9-ft diameter cells, and the remaining portion was built with (Continued) 87 Date(s) 1971 1986 Table 19 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History 46.1-ft diameter cells. The cells were filled with dredged fill material and capped with 3-ton (minimum) cover stone. The crest el of the structure was +8 ft lwd. Riprap stone was placed around the toe of the cells. Portions of the east and west piers (Figures 51 and 52, Sections A and B) were capped with concrete. The new superstructures extended to) ells of -b/ ft) lwd- The east and west piers have undergone additional maintenance and presently are in fair condition. The pile dike, which is not included in the present project, is badly deteriorated and in ruins. An aerial view of Grand Marais Harbor piers is shown in Figure 53. ANIOd 3MOS3N07 oid 10uo'® uesTYyoTW ‘10qiey sTerey ALWNOD uae vwoeu#vuw. io) SNINS NI = ra St MG a 0229-90, os eo, . er 2-9 eee Se» sowans % wre ae pueay AN 61 QL GQUIVABIVR 8|,01 Htd30 123708 “TG ean3tq A Ae) onve 9» > 89 ueSTYOTW ‘10qIeY STeAPW pueAD ‘SUOFIDeS Sso1D 91Nn}9N14S Teordhy °7G ean3sTyq BWw26 ON TV139 HONOMHL NOILIZS WWIIdAL Buyiid weys 18915 Bz—G odd4—]_ = 1109 |10 40) (ujw voy) BUOIS 4eA0D ‘VIO 6196 °§1739 Hadad ‘WIG 69°96 °S1139 I 3dAL (sprang Nt) G NOILO3S 9 NOILDISS 3 NOILOSS “R508! deer sunianng veg) 18 2601 11108 aWld 31d 00} souy | 49td ISA IS6I-OGG6I JIMqoy e4njonsjssedns EOGI-E68! WING S4nyonsjaqns DSISZSS ZN YP W0e vow YEN IG AE “2681 UNG BUjosH 40. "2681 ana “one TRE! } 201g ve03 e3ld 1sv2 @ NOlL9 as v NOILOSS WWIIdAL 1461 O3d0v> 1461 :03dd¥2 2@y-9€6! -OIIVdIY biG! O2vivdIy €06!-GORI 1 1ING SS3¥Livea HSnue so-€901:171N8 yOBVH yosuvH 90 91 Aerial view of Grand Marais Harbor, Michigan Figure 53. Date(s) 1964 1986 Table 20 Little Lake Harbor Breakwaters Little Lake, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 270-ft-long east breakwater and a 1,000-ft-long west breakwater was completed at the site (Figure 54). These were rubble- mound structures with cellular steel sheet-pile heads. The east breakwater included 3-ton (minimum) cover stone and an 8-ft-wide crest width. The side slopes were 1V:1.75H and 1V:1.5H on the lake- side and harbor side, respectively. The elevation of the structure was +8 ft lwd from the -6 ft contour lakeward and +6 ft lwd shore- ward. Stone of 5 tons (minimum) was also used (Figure 55). A 20.7-ft diameter cellular steel sheet-pile breakwater head was built on the lakeward end. The cell was sand filled and capped with as- phalt. Its crest el was +8 ft lwd, and stone riprap was installed around the structure (Figure 55). The west breakwater consisted of the same cross section as the east structure (Figures 54 and 55), ex- cept portions of the breakwater were constructed of 5-ton (minimum) cover stone and 7-ton (minimum) toe.stone. The west breakwater head consisted of two 36.6-ft-diameter cellular steel sheet-pile struc- tures. The cells were sand filled and capped with 3-ton (minimum) cover stone. Their crest el was +8 ft lwd, and riprap was installed around the structures (Figure 55). The condition of the breakwaters is very good at present. The proj- ect provides protection for recreational craft; however, entrance into Little Lake during periods of storms is still hazardous because of the scattered shoals in the channel entrance. Maintenance dredg- ing is required annually. A model study was conducted to aid in the development of the most economical plan to minimize shoaling without adversely impacting navigation (Seabergh and McCoy 1982). Construc- tion improvements have not been performed, however. 92 ENTRANCE CHANNEL PROJECT DEPTH 12 FT. SECTION I WEST SECTOR 2 UCE COUNTY ROAD comm LAUNCHING RAMP PUBLIC DOCK a a ° & ry a Luce COUNTY Figure 54. Little Lake Harbor, Michigan 93 COVER STONE (3 TON MIN) NOTE: ALL SHEET PILING FOR = CELLS IS TYPE S-28 BEDDING LAYER OF QUARRY SPALLS had 3% __/G.L.0_ EL. 600.0" —— == Ph a riprap — J! pee mt aoe - - WD —— SS 'LRIPRAR Sas he, STONE hg MATTRESS ~~ EXISTING BOTTOM > 1 OREOGED CUT PICAL CROSS SECTION—TYPE I CELLULAR BREAKWATER NO SCALE 20.69! 4° THICK CATIONIC 12” LAYER COMPACTED SAND ASPHALT NOTE: ALL SHEET PILING FOR CELLS IS TYPE S-28 STONE ___ MATTRESS EXISTING BOTTOM OREOGED CUT T CROS TION — TY! C AR BREAKWATER WO SCALE 8.0" LAKE SIDE COVER STONE HARBOR SIOE 8’ ABOVE I.G.LD. FROM OUTER SECT. I= 5 TON MIN. SECT. X23 TON MIN. END TO 6'CONTOUR. 6’ ABOVE , 1.G.L.0. FROM 6' CONTOUR TO ’ pe TOE STONE THE SHORE END. JIS SOSA AZ SEGT. £27 Tow win. 1G.L.2 EL.. 600.0' vy o yy 6.0' SECT. 129 TOM min. CORE STONE 5 4.0' SECT. I 4.0° sect. & 5.0 SECT. I 5.0' SECT. CTION RUBBLE M SCALE OF FEET Figure 55. Typical breakwater cross sections, Little Lake Harbor, Michigan 94 Date(s) 1968 1969 1986 Table 21 Whitefish Point Harbor Breakwaters Whitefish Point, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 507-ft-long south breakwater and a 58/7-ft-long north breakwater was completed at the site (Figure 56). The south breakwater consisted of a 323-ft-long steel sheet-pile cantilever wall and a 184-ft-long sand-filled cellular steel sheet-pile struc- ture (Figure 56). The cells were 25.5 ft in diameter and were capped with reinforced concrete. Riprap was placed on each side of the cells. The entire breakwater was constructed to a +8 ft lwd el. The north breakwater was constructed with sand-filled cellular steel sheet-pile structures that were also capped with reinforced concrete. The shoreward cells were 25.5 ft in diameter, while the lakeward cells had a diameter of 30.2 ft (Figures 56 and 57). Riprap was placed on each side of the structure, and the crest el was +8 ft lwd. A 270-ft-long interior breakwater was constructed (Figure 56) for wave absorption. This structure consisted of steel sheetpiling in- stalled at an el of +8 ft lwd and riprap installed at 0.0 ft lwd on each side of the structure (Figure 57). The weight of the riprap ranged from 1,600 to 6,000 1b, and about 6,860 tons of stone was used. The cost of this structure was approximately $112,000. The breakwaters appear to be functioning well and presently are in good condition. An aerial view of Whitefish Point Harbor breakwaters is shown in Figure 58. 95 LAKE SUPERIOR Wy WHITEFISH ONTARIO BAY >, ea MICHIGAN county Road ° 36: VICINITY MAP Scelo of Miee 9 é ° 10 20 x 7 - , s< SQQ M.S. WC. SMALL BOAT oO Brown's eT RAMP AND DOCKS ! Fisheries ~~ SS . : SS EXISTING # % BREAKWATER xy ff NORTH BREAKWATER WHITEFISH POINT CHIPPEWA COUNTY INTERIOR BREAKWATER HARBOR BASIN PROJECT DEPTH T IeREEE LAKE '©'O:0!0:7..0:@10:e10) 110.01 01¢10!010, ENTRANCE CHANNEL PROJECT DEPTH 12 FEET SUPERIOR 16.4.0. EL.600.0' WHITEFISH - BAY ’ Figure 56. Whitefish Point Harbor, Michigan 96 if) Poa aged irs VARIES FROM 140’ TO 6 Ae | JGLO_EL_6000" EXISTING BOTTOM——“% VARIES FROM 180'TO 90' Z 27 PILING FOR TYPE I att SHEET PILING SECTION OF CANTILEVER WALL NO SCALE TYPE I CELLS 30.24' DIA TYPE T CELLS 25.46’ DIA. TYPE Il CELLS NORTH BREAKWATER I8 (MEAN) | 7 TYPE I CELLS NORTH BREAKWATER 20(MEAN) g | TYPE I! CELLS SOUTH BREAKWATER 15 (MEAN) 1 BRR a. p a FOR ALL CELLS Seon la ei ————— FOR THE OUTER 60’ OF THE SOUTH BREAKWATER | FOR THE OUTER 70 OF THE NORTH BREAKWATER | STONE MATTRESS S TING BOTTO SUSU PROJECT DEPTH 5'-MINIMUM DEPTH OF PENETRATION TYPICAL CROSS SECTION- CELLULAR BREAKWATER NO SCALE >—BASELINE NOTE: ALL SHEET PILING FOR CELLS !S TYPE S-28 FILL PIPES NOT SHOWN ON THIS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION TOP OF STL SHEET PILING (Z-27) EL. 608.0 — 4S vy HARBOR SIDE 4 UPPER TOLERANCE LAKE SIDE, 3 NEAT LINE Eee LOWER TOLERANCE EXISTING GRADE MATTRESS STONE— NOMINAL @ THICKNESS BEING 20'WITH A 0.5 UPPER TOLERANCE AND A 0.25 LOWER TOLERANCE. I “BOTTOM OF STEEL SHEET PILING EL. 575.0 TYPICAL SECTION— INTERIOR BREAKWATER NO SCALE Figure 57. Typical structure cross sections, Whitefish Point Harbor, Michigan 97 uesTYyOTW *‘1OqIeY WUTOg YSTJoIEUM FO MOTA °@G ean3sty Date(s) 1887 1909 1911- 1915 1953 1957 Table 22 Manistique Harbor Breakwaters Manistique, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History A 420-ft-long timber crib breakwater was constructed offshore of the site (Figures 59 and 60, Section E). The structure was about 29 ft wide, and stone was placed on each side of the breakwater. Core stone ranged from 2 to 3 ft in thickness, and cover stone was a mini- mum of 4.5 ft thick. A 322-ft-long stone-filled timber crib pier was completed west of the harbor entrance (Figures 59 and 61, Section H). The pier was approx- imately 20 ft wide and installed at an el of +4 ft lwd. The lakeward portion of the structure included a concrete cap (cast in place) and riprap toe protection. The rest of the pier consisted of a cap of precast concrete blocks and stone. During this time, construction of the east and west breakwaters was completed (Figure 59, Sections A-G). The 420-ft-long breakwater (built in 1887) was capped with concrete and became a portion of the east breakwater. The shoreward 624 ft of the east breakwater and 480 ft of the west breakwater (Figure 60, Sections A and B) were con- structed of woodpiling and stone. The superstructure consisted of a concrete cap and stone. The shoreward portion (Section A) was 8 ft wide, and the rest of the structure (Section B) was 11 ft wide. The crest el was +7.1 ft lwd, and stone was included on both sides. The 1,000-ft-long lakeward end of the west breakwater and 300 ft of the east breakwater shoreward of the dogleg section (Figures 59 and 60, Sections C and D) consisted of wooden crib construction with concrete caps. The 300 ft of east breakwater and 500-ft-long shoreward end of the portion of the west breakwater (Section C) were 20 ft wide. The outer 500-ft-long portion of the west structure (Section D) was built 24 ft wide. The breakwaters (Sections C and D) had a +7.1 ft lwd erest el. The outer 400 ft of the east breakwater (Figures 59 and 61, Sections F and G) consisted of timber crib construction with concrete caps. The breakwater was 24 ft wide and had a crest el of ar/ otk sete Ibexele The shoreward end of the east breakwater was extended 200 ft to shore and 300 ft parallel to the shoreline (Figures 59 and 61, Sec- tion I). The structure was of rubble-mound construction with 1V:1.5H side slopes. It had an 8-ft crest width and +7.0 ft lwd crest el. Cover stone on the lakeside ranged from 1 to 3 tons and on the harbor side from 0.5 to 1.5 tons. The structure presently is entirely on shore. The superstructure of the inner 924 ft of the east breakwater (Fig- ure 59, Sections A, B, and C) was refilled with stone. (Continued) 99 Date(s) 1958 1961 1963 1981 1986 Table 22 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History Riprap was placed on both sides of the east breakwater on the outer 100 ft of Section C (Figures 59 and 60). The outer 820 ft of the east breakwater (Figures 59-61, Sections E-G) was reconstructed dur- ing this period as rubble-mound breakwaters. Riprap was placed around the outer end of the west breakwater and for a distance of 200 ft on each side (Figure 59, Section D). Riprap also was placed around the outer end of the east breakwater and 150 ft along each side (Figure 59, Sections F and G). Rehabilitation of navigation structures included reconstruction of the inner 470 ft and 624 ft of the west and east breakwaters, re- spectively (Figure 59, Sections A and B). Also included in the rehabilitation was reconstruction of the pier (Figure 59, Section H). The shoreward 88 ft of the pier included a rubble-mound structure (Figure 61, Section H), 8 ft wide, with a crest el of +4 ft lwd and side slopes of 1V:1.5H. An inspection of the breakwaters revealed that the east breakwater had some areas where the concrete cap was in an advanced state of de- terioration, and the stone fill had washed away. The west breakwater required some stone fill also and new concrete in some areas. Break- water repairs were made subsequent to the inspection. The structures have been reconstructed and repaired during their his- tory and presently are in fair condition. 100 uesTuoTW ‘z20gzeH enbtyasTueW °6G eANnBTyq ‘O26N JX Alv3IcOud $n 29IAWSS 1S3WOI ‘SN \ NNER: \\ XL Be woeY NAY W OFYFLNNOWNI SI \ WON BYFHA LATIN. D 09 4900 S \- L9G! HLA FO LIZAONS \\y ieee UN SMe 121 01 cas viNivA GND LHOWA SS, 4 BNOULSINGET 123r0ud \V = snovuviivo E} > 4 snineuy BYFOTS SO AMilT (a3 ei YOO Adans o| Y MIGEAS S37 40 39Vv9S dVW ALINIOIA UNVIONI INV7 NVSIHOIW NYDIHDIA 101 ueSTyoTW ‘roqaey enbrTjsTueW ‘SsuoTIOeS SsOotD 19zeMyee1q qTeotdsy, acs: @319N¥1SNOI3u v-ci6: 3yunionuisu3zdns 2901 aun.gNyssens -111Ine Y3SLVMHNVIYE 1SV3 3-NOIL93S INIOd SIL -3N01S 3800 —~ T xww.¢ NIN WOLL08 av] | ©woii08 3x07 SNILSIXI A cas ONILSIXS XUW ES NA Z = = 8915 18 948 a7 91 > ioe “s'p aNo1s y3A09 40 SSSNNDIHL NIW r g x —ti-—— jou} tog! O349NwAENODIYU x €-216) G-w6i = BwNLINGISHAGNS €-2161 Jen.INesswadns JyNAINNASHIANS fo) santioneTsans 1uine ua) Oo aunionuasans 111n8 2-116) Bunsonuisens 11108 a Y3ZLVMyV3INe 1S3M ySiVMy¥V3Ne LS3IM 8B 1SV3 Y3LVMNVaNS LSIM D Q-NOIL9O3S 9-NOIL904S 8 NOIL93S --- WOLLO8 ONILSIXS ee ee a re a ee = v2 ===> = a (oe NOILI3S JO YBLIVMNN3NE 1Sv3 ON3 431NO SSO¥DY ONY 30/S JO S30!S HL08 40 ONZ wn HOW3 40 002 431NO SNOT 43190 3H1 30 00! SNOT 1961 NI O3901d avaais 8961 Ni O30V1d dvudid K —- = 0 9 £961 0349Nw1sNOD ay uy p-216) BUNLIFw1SBIGNS m 2-116) 3eni2nwasans .tine YSLUMxV3IUs LSIM vV NOIL93S KA 6. —wo1ilog yi i 3NO1S D “ wu 3Y05 : ONILSIXE Y Oat — 3NO1S 43A09 09 ean3Tg e936! O313NwiSNOI3u G-pi6! 3uNLINYLSUadNS v-ciét Junsonwaseans .une yB1vMNV3uS 1SV3 @ NOILO3S 7— WO1108 ONILSIXS O39, 9NwASNOD3u 38N13N81SH30S JuNasnwasens icine uBivMNvaua = 1SV3 Vv NOILO3S WO1108 ONILSIX3 3u0D Hi h f t Oz 3NOLS 83A0D 3NO1S 83A09 102 -RIPRAP PLACED IN 1961 ALONG BOTH SIDES OF OUTER 100 OF SECTION SS | i COVER STONE 6 TON MIN. IO TON AV. | TOE STONE IO TON MIN. 12 TON AV MIN. THICKNESS OF COVER STONE 45° ae 876.92 _2'MIN, 3 MAX THIS POINT ft 2 | =-EXISTING LAKE BOTTOM VN 2'MIN 3'MAX. | i THs powt — | cone srone SECTION-F EAST BREAKWATER BUILT) SUBSTRUCTURE 19-2 SUPERSTRUCTURE 191-3 RECONSTRUCTED 1958 RIPRAP PLACED IN 1961 ALONG BOTH J si0es AND OUTER END OF SECTION WJ Ww = a oO a a ° NS : 2a a: a oe ECTION-G — wre mmypye e q~ EAST BREAKWATER NOTE: < DATA PERTINENT TO STONE PLACEMENT 2) = BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 19-2 IS SAME AS SHOWN IN SECTION-F. SUPERS TRUCTURE 9-3 RECONSTRUCTED 1986 COVER STONE COVER STONE CAST -IN- PLACE CONCRETE CaP 576 8° SECTION-|I East BREAKWATER Built 1933 BOTTOM ty Pky th TD IGLD. 3768 SECTION-H- EXISTING WEST PIER S BOTTOM CS ¥9+18w TOC S 3442w. SECTION-H- BUILT 1909 WEST PIER RECONSTRUCTED 1963 cs 0+00 19 €5 0+86N PRECAST TOP BUILT 1963 a, -—— BLOCK (Ea _-— VARIES. PRECAST BOTTOM BLOCK STONE FILLED _ TIMBER CRIB = EXISTING -4= BOTTOM SECTION-H- WEST PIER CS '+0@w TOCS 3e18W BUILT 1909 RECOMSTRUCTED 1963 Figure 61. Typical structure cross sections, Manistique Harbor, Michigan 103 Table 23 Cedar River Harbor Piers Cedar River, Michigan Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1883- A 750-ft-long west pier and a 350-ft-long east pier were constructed 1885 during this period at the mouth of Cedar River (Figure 62). These structures were built with wood piles spaced 14 ft apart (width) and filled with stone (Figure 62). The original crest el was +8.2 ft lwd. A timber cap provided a 16-ft-wide crest width. 1965 Construction of a new west pier and a 2,100-ft-long rubble-mound east pier with a cellular sheet-pile pierhead (Figure 62) was authorized. Construction, however, has not yet occurred. 1986 The existing piers are in ruins. am cr Le Te25" NA ‘MICH IG iter ae tee orm = ie ——— 4 I ele ev ieee oe i Le rane j 3 eae ‘9 S: La4e€ e_9 eee PMICHIGAN Zz ocomTo 1 stunccon | i c TP Y i vieieuity MAP [a= = \ —— comes oes) ae BAY "ys SSeom arwok ane \ 3 = Ul WN wr \ suing ' 2 _===— ’ QUMT: CesT Prem 1005-05 @ weer Pine 600 ; ZA 4 SECTION 4T Oo EAST ANDO WEST PER Y H oo YG / Figure 62. Cedar River Harbor, Michigan 104 Date(s) 1871- 1874 1877- 1879 1883- 1884 1912 1915 1922 1927 Table 24 Menominee Harbor Piers Menominee, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 566-ft-long north pier (Figure 63, Sections A and B) and a 1,913-ft-long south pier (Figure 63, Sections E, F, A, and B) were completed during this time. The piers were initially constructed with woodpiling and stone. The pilings were installed 13 ft apart on the shoreward ends of the piers (Figure 64, Sec- tions E, F, and A) and 17 ft apart on the lakeward ends of the struc- tures (Figure 63, Section B). Extensions of the north and south piers by 596 ft and 613 ft, respec- tively, were completed (Figure 63, Section C). The extensions con- sisted of stone-filled timber crib structures (Figure 64, Section C). Construction of the heads of the north and south piers was completed (Figure 63, Section D). The lakeward end of the north pier was 62 ft long and was of stone-filled timber crib construction, while the lakeward end of the south pier was 162 ft long and was of rubble- mound construction (Figure 64, Section D). The shoreward 566-ft portion of the north pier was reconstructed, (Figure 63, Sections A and B). Steel sheetpiling was installed that resulted in pier widths ranging from 21 to 27 ft. The structures were stone filled and capped with a concrete superstructure at an el of +7.0 ft lwd (Figure 64, Sections A and B). Riprap toe protection also was installed. A 508-ft-long portion of the south pier (Figure 63, Sections A and B) and a 596-ft-long portion of the north pier (Figure 63, Section C) was reconstructed in a manner similar to that in 1912. Steel sheetpiling was installed, filled with stone, and capped with a concrete super- structure to an el of +7.0 ft lwd (Figure 64, Sections A, B, and C). A 412-ft portion of the south pier had a 20-ft width (Section A) and the remaining 96-ft portion a width of 25 ft (Section B). the north pier portion (596 ft long) had a width of 27 ft (Section C). Riprap toe protection also was placed on each side of both piers. The 162-ft-long lakeward end of the south pier was modified (Fig- ure 63, Section D). A rock-filled concrete superstructure was built on the existing rubble-mound pier. The superstructure had a crest el of +7.1 ft lwd with an 8-ft width (Figure 64, Section C). A 613-ft-long portion of the south pier (Figure 63, Section C) and the 62-ft-long lakeward end of the north pier (Figure 63, Section D) were reconstructed. Steel sheetpiling was placed a width of 30.3 ft apart on the south pier (Figure 64, Section C). The voids were filled with stone, and a concrete superstructure with a crest el of +7.0 ft was installed. Riprap toe protection was also installed. Steel sheetpiling was installed on each side of the north pier which (Continued) 105 Date(s) 1944 1982 1986 Table 24 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History was stone filled and capped. The outer end of the north pier, how- ever, was constructed with a 47./5-ft-diameter cellular sheet-pile structure (Figure 64, Section D). The cell was filled with stone and gravel and capped with a concrete superstructure at an el of +8 ft lwd. An 880-ft-long portion of the south pier (Figure 63, Section F) was reconstructed similar to other sections of the pier. Steel sheet piles were installed forming a pier width of 22 ft. The voids were stone filled, and the structure was capped with a concrete super- structure installed with a crest el of +7.0 ft lwd (Figure 64, Section F). The shoreward 525-ft length of the south pier was modified (Fig- ures 63 and 64, Section E). A rubble-mound superstructure was con- structed on the existing structure. The crest width of the new superstructure was 4 ft, and it had an el of +4.5 ft lwd. The cellular sheet pile at the lakeward end of the north pier was re- paired (Figure 63, Section D). A 613-ft-long section of the south pier was repaired (Figure 63, Section C). Repairs were made to a 508-ft-long section of the south pier (Fig- ure 63, Sections A and B) and a 1,164-ft-long portion of the north pier (Figure 63, Sections A, B, and C). An 880-ft-long portion of the south pier was repaired (Figure 63, Section F). The cellular sheet-pile north pierhead was again repaired (Figure 63, Section D). The lakeward end of the south pier (Figure 63, Section D) experienced some settlement and was observed slightly leaning toward the channel. Additional riprap placement was completed in the area. A site inspection of the structures indicated that the north pier was in very good condition and that the south pier was generally in good condition. The settlement of the lakeward end of the south structure (Figure 63, Section D) appeared to have stabilized since placement of the riprap in 1977. The concrete superstructure of the portion of the pier needed maintenance however. The piers have experienced reconstruction, repairs, and maintenance during their lifetime, and they presently are considered in good condition. 106 Figure 63. \ STURGEON | BAY CANAL () ts) WASHINGTON ISLAND) LAKE HICHIG AW ae {! VICINITY MAP. Sc OF MILES | ie) 20 | (0 Menominee Harbor, Michigan 10 7 ELEVATED WALK (N PIER ONLY) Lwo. 2-27 STEEL SHEET PILING cA SHEET PILING -33 ol] [-ss0 =33.0 SOsE CHANNEL 20'-0" ,S PIER) 25'-0" (S PIER) 24-0" TO 27'-0" (N PIER) ('-0" TO 24-0" (N PIER ELEVATED| WALK ELEVATED WALK (N PIER 2-38 STEEL SHEET PILING CLOSE PILING eT 2-27 STEEL c [J-s30 NORTH PIER ei NORTH PIER Western -38.0' TO 41.0' SECTION-A SOUTH PIER SECTION B SOUTH PIER BUILT: N.PIER SUBSTRUCTURE 1072-3 BUILT: W.PIER SUBSTRUCTURE 1878 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1912 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1912 SECTION-C NORTH PIER SPIER SUBSTRUCTURE 1073 $ PIER SUBSTRUCTURE 1674 QUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1877-8 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1913 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1915 SUBSTRUCTURE OT REPAIRED: 1963 REPAIRED: 1963 AECAIREDYNIG@S 47'-9" 01a. —+8.0° Lw.o S-32 STEEL EET PILING u -373 -29.5' ros7stt SECTION C SOUTH PIER SECTION-D NORTH PIER BUILT’ SUBSTRUCTURE 1879 CIRCULAR CELL PIER HEAD SUPERSTRUCTURE 1927 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1883 REPAIRED: 1955 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1927 REPAIRED: 1954 BI97T4 ° J z 5 3 — 5768 a a uw ww g 3 a rt} ¥ z-27 greet SHI SECTION-D_ soutn Pier SECTION-E sourn eer PILING GUAT SUBSTRUCTURE 1ee3-4 unt: suesTAUCTURE o71 (5 SUPERSTAUCTURE 10223 SUPLASTAUCTURL 1060 ‘G ae SECTION -F souTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE (871-3 SUPERSTRUCTURE (944 REPAIRED 1965 Figure 64. Typical pier cross sections, Menominee Harbor, Michigan 108 Date(s) 1883 1957 1974- 1975 1986 Table 25 Oconto Harbor Pier Oconto, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History A 2,077-ft-long south pier was completed as a Federal project (Fig- ure 65, Sections B-E). The structure consisted of woodpilings filled with sand and gravel (Figure 66, Sections B-E). A rubble-mound north pier was built by local interests. Construction of the 67-ft-long lakeward end of the south pier was completed (Figure 65, Section A). The extension consisted of 30.5-ft diameter cellular steel sheet-pile structures. The cells were filled with gravel and stone and had crest els of +8.5 lwd. The lakeward cell was capped with concrete, and the adjacent cell was capped with 3- to 5-ton capstone (Figure 66, Section A). The original 2,077-ft-long pier was reconstructed. Ruins of the existing structure were capped with stone. The 227-ft-long lakeward portion of the original structure (Figure 65, Section B) consisted of a rubble-mound structure with a crest el of +10 ft lwd and a width of 9 ft. Side slopes were installed at 1V:1.5H (Figure 66, Section B). The remaining portion of the existing breakwater (Figure 65, Sec- tions C-E) consisted of a rubble-mound structure with a crest el of +8 ft lwd and a width of 7 ft. Stone ranging from 400 to 1,000 1b was used as armor, and side slopes of 1V:1.5H (Figure 66, Sec- tions C-E) were constructed. The structure is considered to presently be in good condition. 109 MICHIGAN ; GLAOSTONE)S | i=) | wicsenees A ISLAND, a) MENOMINEE Ved Si LAKE aerep ra i eaiy, MICHIGAN | 6 VICINITY MAP SCALE OF MILES OLO PIER RUINS , = a RUBBLE MOUND BUILT rr sae i UPSTREAM LikttT OF FEDERAL PROJECT: LN s 8Y LOCAL INTERESTS 2 ; Za Ao DEPRES > N; i ‘2 GREEN AWULIL ULL (OOUU0)/f] Figure 65. Oconto Harbor, Wisconsin 110 UPSUODSTM “Loqiey OJU0DQ ‘suOT}9eS SssotD 9AN}ONAAS TeoTdA] °99 eAn3sTy Ww a a 576.8 oh a W STEEL SHEET Zz PILING z ; 3B age = ‘D MICHIGAN o w a 5 3 5 . ay ale 5 B oct 9g STURBEON | | = BAY CANAL ROLL AND PENBAUKEE = i 2 b> NOR : ta MANS VICINITY MAP FY a » BIG SUAMICO oy RN KEWAUNEE County i Tacoma. SCALE OF MILES 442% GREEN BAY LESS ce of 0 20 30 = z ois ea Nin 1 2 g 5 E “. 3 $ g 3 ALGOMA & FUEL CO Sr RZ GW UPSTREAM LIMIT. OF Nias x LAKE MICHIGAN Sl lal aol a | fl Hwy. [Eeczee | I Figure 69. Algoma Harbor, Wisconsin 116 SIDE HARBOR 23 v PT eezfeted ii fa SECTION-A NortuH PIER SECTION-B NortH PIER BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE '871 BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 'e7t SUPERSTRUCTURE 1932 SUPERSTRUCTURE 19032 —-—-20 +70 i [ al nearer i — Lw.0.= 576.8 em BS = SIEGHONEC SECTION AD N. PIER & $8. BKWATER S. BREAKWATER BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1075. 1862-4 BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 19008 u A) SUPEASTRUCTURE 1032 6as SUPERSTRUCTURE 1932 576 8 SECTION-F S. BREAKWATER BUILT. SUBSTRUCTURE 1908 SUPEASTAUCTURE!035 SECTHIOINSE S BREAKWATER BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1908 SUPEASTRUCTURE 1932 Figure 70. Typical structure cross sections, Algoma Harbor, Wisconsin 117 Date(s) 1881- 1883 1885- 1891 1893- 1897 1910- 1912 1928 1933 1936- 119397 1949 Table 28 Kewaunee Harbor Structures Kewaunee, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 626-ft-long north pier (Figure 71, Section A) and the shoreward 70-ft-long portion of the south pier (Figure 71, Sec- tion C) was completed during this time. These piers were built with woodpilings installed to form a structure 14 ft wide (Figure 72, Sec- tions A and C). A 289-ft-long portion of the south pier (Figure 71, Section B) with wood piles (Figure 72, Section B) formed a structure 14 ft wide. Construction of a 1,070-ft-long portion of the south pier (Figure 71, Sections D and Dl) was completed during this period. The piers were built 18 ft in width with woodpiling that was stone filled (Fig- ure 72, Sections D and Dl). A 1,359-ft-long portion of the south pier (Figure 71, Sections B, D, and Dl) was capped with a concrete superstructure. The 626-ft-long north pier was capped with a stone and concrete superstructure (Figure 72, Section A). The crest el of the pier was +7.1 ft lwd, and the width was 17.25 ft. The 70-ft-long shoreward end of the south pier had a superstructure installed which consisted of concrete on the channel side backfilled with rock (Figure 72, Section C). The crest el was +7.1 ft lwd. A 2,980-ft-long north breakwater (Figure 71, Sections F, G, and H) was constructed during this period. The shoreward 2,440 ft of the structure consisted of rubble-mound construction (Figures 71 and 72, Section H). The breakwater was constructed at a +7.0 ft lwd crest el with a width of 10 ft and side slopes of 1V:1.5H. The outer 540 ft of breakwater (Figure 71, Sections F and G) was constructed on wood- pilings installed to form a width of 20 to 22 ft. A stone-filled concrete superstructure was included which was 7.3 ft wide at the crest with a +7.0 ft lwd crest el (Figure 72, Sections F and G). The outer 54-ft length of the breakwater consisted of two rectangular caissons. Stone was installed on each side of the structure to an el of -4 ft lwd. A 210-ft-long inner portion of the south pier (Figure 71, Section M) was completed. This structure consisted of steel sheetpiling (el +7.0 ft lwd) installed parallel to the shoreline and backfilled with earth (Figure 72, Section M). (Continued) 118 Date(s) 1954- 1958 1956 1966 1983 1986 Table 28 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History Reconstruction of 45 ft of the lakeward end of the south pier (Fig- ure 71, Section Dl) occurred during this period. Steel sheetpiling was installed on each side of the existing structure forming a pier width of 26.5 ft (Figure 72, Section Dl). The voids were filled with gravel and stone, and a concrete superstructure was installed at an el of +8.0 ft lwd. Riprap toe protection was installed on each side of the structure. A 211-ft-long inner portion of the south pier (Figure 71, Section E) was constructed. The pier section consisted of steel sheetpiling installed adjacent to the shoreline at an el of +7 ft lwd and back- filled with earth (Figure 72, Section E). Riprap was placed along the toe of the structure. A 969-ft-long portion of the south pier was reconstructed (Figure 71, Sections B and D). Steel sheetpiling was installed on each side of the existing pier a distance of 26.75 ft apart. The void between the sheet pile was filled with stone, and a concrete superstructure was installed (Figure 72, Sections B and D) at an el of +7.67 ft lwd. A site inspection revealed that the structures were generally in good condition. Minor concrete repairs and the placement of additional riprap were recommended for the north breakwater. The work has sub- sequently been completed. It was noted also that settlement of the north pier on the channel side had occurred. During their lifetime the structures have undergone reconstruction and normal maintenance repairs. Presently they are considered in good condition. 119 | wager” pee a oad MICHIGAN US HARBOR KEWAUNEE LINE PROJECT OFFICE \ CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2 oePoT -- <= 6.08 AC <4 —— UPSTREAM Lda DF EDERAL PROJECT ST Hwy 2 E.us st KEWAUNEE VICINITY MAP SCALE OF NILES o [o 0 3520 43°00 “tt IE WAUREE: Figure 71. Kewaunee Harbor, Wisconsin 120 ELEVATED WALK ELEVATED WALK US CG. LIGHTHOUSE ON GASTERLY 43°T. 2-32 5% Piling ° z 2 2] 3 ad |jz 3 eics S \ii5 C a w ” wo al] 2 z |Ic a wie i a s CHI) bs 2) ies \ j ° 4 SECTION-A SECTION-B ff], SECTION-C vanes NORTH PIER ae -36.5 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE Iee1-39 -36.5 SOUTH PIER nm el teh SOUTH PIER SUPERSTRUCTURE 1928 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1033 BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1003,3,87 ®UKT SUBSTRUCTURE 18057.028 0! SUPERSTRUCTURE 1010, 11.812 VARIES SUPERSTRUCTURE 1910-11 RECONSTRUCTED 1966 RECONSTRUCTED 1966 , ' F eee al +8.0 EPSNOM 576.8 wo STEEL 1 ANCHOR u 7-32_STEE Z-32 STEEL RIUE'S SHEET PILING SHEET PILING 4576 8 M-29.0' Lead i ; -355/{] U-sa0 300) []_555 SECTION - DI SECTION-E SOUTH PIER BUILT. SUBSTRUCTURE 186935 87 SOUTH PIER SUPERSTRUCTURE 1910, I A12 BUILT: 1958 1 RECONSTRUCTED 1954-58 OUTER $4 LINEAR Consists. Orn wo 10; SECTION — F_ Rectancucar caissons. nf, Ae i NORTH BREAKWATER r “| ane . - BULT SUBSTRUCTURE 1036-7 ARS GO a SUPERSTRUCTURE 1990-7 ve snes ; SHEETING -37' )__\) -285° SECTION-M SOUTH PIER BUILT: 1900 ; a ‘ enone SECTION = G NORTH BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1936-7 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1936-7 ) uJ 2 2 q Ir MINIMUM SECTION oO MAXIMUM SECTION SECTION-—H N 6KW @ SHORE CONNECTION- BUILT 1936-37 Figure 72. Typical structure cross sections, Kewaunee Harbor, Wisconsin 121 Date(s) 1872- 1874 1875- 1874 1875- 1883 1907- 1908 1929- 1931 1937- 1941 NOSE 1953 Table 29 Two Rivers Harbor Piers Two Rivers, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History The shoreward 968-ft-portion of the south pier (Figure 73, Sections E and F) was constructed during this period. These were woodpiling structures (Figure 74, Sections E and F) that were stone filled. Construction of the lakeward 752 ft of the south pier and 750 ft of the north pier (Figure 73, Sections C, D, Dl, and D2) were completed during this time. The structures were of stone-filled timber crib construction (Figure 74, Sections C, D, Dl, and D2) and were 18 ft in width. Construction of the lakeward 752 ft of the south pier and 750 ft of the north pier (Figure 73, Sections C, D, Dl, and D2) were completed during this time. The structures were of stone-filled timber crib construction (Figure 74, Sections C, D, Dl, and D2) and were 18 ft in width. The shoreward 843-ft portion of the north pier (Figure 73, Sections A and B) was constructed of woodpiling (Figure 74, Sections A and B) that was stone filled. The width of the pier was 14 ft. The shoreward 843-ft portion of the north pier (Figure 73, Sections A and B was capped with a stone and concrete superstructure (Figure 74, Sections A and B). The width of the pier was 15 ft, and the crest el was +7.3 ft lwd. The lakeward 398-ft length of the north pier and 198-ft length of the south pier were also capped with a concrete superstructure (Figures 73 and 74, Sections D, Dl, and D2). The trunk portion of the structures (Section D) had a crest el of +7.3 ft lwd. Steel sheetpiling was installed around both head sections (Sec- tions Dl and D2). The north pier head (Section D2) was 23 ft in width with a crest el of +8.25 ft lwd, and the south pier head (Sec- tion Dl) was 21 ft in width with a crest el of +7.0 ft lwd. Riprap stone was placed around the pierheads for toe protection. Superstructures were constructed for the shoreward 968-ft portion of the south pier. these consisted of concrete poured to an el of +7.0 ft on the channel side and backfilled with stone (Figure 74, Sections E and F). Two trunk sections, one 352 ft long and the other 554 ft long, of the north and south piers, respectively, (Figures 73 and 74, Section C) were capped with a stone and concrete superstruc— ture. The crest el of these structures was +/.3 ft lwd. The south pierhead (Figure 73, Section Dl) was repaired. The north pierhead (Figure 73, Section D2) was repaired. (Continued) 122 Date(s) 1984 1986 Table 29 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History A site inspection revealed the north pier to be in very good condi- tion and the south pier to be in fair to poor condition. The south pier had sheeting boards that were deteriorated and loose in some areas and not effectively retaining fill material. The overall condition of the structures is presently considered fair. pee S| al Neves eos Nestscer ie SS VICINITY MAP | o Dp wW 40 Figure 73. Two Rivers Harbor, Wisconsin 123 lear, 18, - - 2 - 51a’—- - [Teaxttegs cl Ope) seb ers e434 | I: 15° \ She . | —="E \ i i Lw. = 576 je % REST 4 ry ——————————— a SECTION -A SECTION- B SECTION — C NORTH PIER NORTH PIER N 2 S$ PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1907-8 QUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1907-8 BUILT: SUBSTAUCTURE 1875,7901 SUPERSTRUC TURE 1020-3! SUPERSTRUCTURE 1020-31 SUPERSTAUCTUAL 194) uJ (2) t) +70 50 a PS os soe 06 ; OA-92 STEEL ee Pa AKI a «+ Ce Q i: a: SECTION - D Hi iH —) N.& S. PIER i it Ww BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1070-0103 -23 m i. a3! Zz SUPERSTRUCTURE 1920 Rea, Z SECTION - DI = SOUTH PIER rs) , BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1670-01,03 23 SUPEASTAUCTURE 1020 REPAIRED 1031 _+8 25 Tear , £5 ea UWB. = 5 OP-1 STEEL SHEET PILES Wy My SECTION-E SECTION -F Ui 25 SOUTH PIER SOUTH PIER Us SECTION - D2 QUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1074 QUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE - 1072,74 SUPEASTAUCTURL 107,41 SUPEARSTRUCTURE 1037, 41 NORTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTAUCTUAE SUPERSTAUCTURE 1020 REPAIRED 1053 Figure 74. Typical pier cross sections, Two Rivers Harbor, Wisconsin 124 Date(s) 1895 1907- 1910 1918 1924 1925 1926 11933 — 1934 Table 30 Manitowoc Harbor Breakwaters Manitowoc, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the lakeward 800-ft portion of the north breakwater (Figure 75, Sections C and D) was completed. The breakwater con- sisted of stone-filled timber crib construction (Figure 76, Sec- tions C and D). Riprap toe protection was included around the base of the structure. The shoreward 1,740-ft portion of the north breakwater and the entire 2,290-ft south breakwater were constructed during this time (Fig- ure 75, Sections A, B, E, F, and Fl). The shoreward 1,450- and 1,200-ft lengths of the north and south breakwaters, respectively, (Figures 75 and 76, Sections A and E) were constructed of wood piles and were 14 ft in width. The adjacent 290-ft lengths of breakwater extending lakeward on each structure (Figures 75 and 76, Section B) were constructed of stone and concrete and were also 14 ft in width. The remaining 800 ft of the south breakwater was built of timber cribs filled with stone (Figures 75 and 76, Sections F and Fl). They were 24 ft in width. Riprap was placed along each side of the struc- tures for toe protection. The 100-ft-long north breakwater head (Figures 75 and 76, Section D) was capped with a concrete superstructure. The elevation of the breakwater was +7.1 ft lwd. The shoreward 1,450-ft-long portion of the north breakwater (Fig- ures 75 and 76, Section A) was capped with a stone and concrete superstructure. The total width of the cap was 17 ft, and the crest el was +7.1 ft lwd. The shoreward 1,200-ft-long portion of the south breakwater (Fig- ures 75 and 76, Section E) was capped with a stone and concrete superstructure. The total width of the cap was 15 ft, and the crest el was +7.1 ft lwd. A 700-ft-long portion of the north breakwater (Figures 75 and 76, Section C), and the lakeward 800 ft of the south breakwater (Fig- ures 75 and 76, Sections F and Fl) were capped with stone and con- crete superstructures. The structures were 24 ft in width with crest els of +7.1 ft Ilwd. The 290-ft-long trunk portions of the north and south breakwater (Figures 75 and 76, Section B) were capped with concrete super- structures with +7.1 ft lwd crest els. (Continued) 125 Date(s) 1948- 1949 1951- 1960 1982 1983 1986 Table 30 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History A 74-ft-long stone-filled timber crib north pier was constructed in 1948. (Figure 75, Section G). In 1949 the pier was rebuilt by installing steel sheet piles on each side, filling the voids with gravel, and capping the structure with stone (Figure 76, Section G). The pier was 24 ft in width and had a crest el of +7.0 ft lwd. A 148-ft-long portion of the south breakwater (Figures 75 and 76, Section Fl) was repaired. Steel sheet piles were installed along each side of the breakwater, and 3-ft-thick precast concrete blocks were placed in the superstructure. A site inspection made of the structures indicated that the north pier and north breakwater were in good to excellent condition. The shoreward 1,200 ft of the south breakwater was also in good condi- tion; however, the lakeward portions (Sections B, F, and Fl) were in need of repair. Settlement of Section B had occurred, and portions of the concrete cap had deteriorated and required patchwork. Sec-— tions F and Fl were in fair to poor condition. Stone fill was required under the concrete cap, and in some areas the cap needed replacement. Repair of the deficiencies noted during the 1982 site inspection was completed. The structures are presently in good condition. 126 uTSUOOSTM *‘1OqaeyH JOMOATUe_ NVPIIHIIW °¢L ean3tg 48, Rins o~ 127 +) 1s sq =) Wt alaiciiie Sap aces } laa | ‘ | +7.1 cl aC MEAGER CONCRETE Py ey LWD = 576.8 SECTION-A SECTION -B SS NORTH BREAKWATER N.& S. BREAKWATER - BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1908-10 soo: Subeneratcrune eat : is SUPERSTRUCTURE 1933-4 SECTION-C NORTH BREAKWATER BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1695 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1926 ‘ 5 p —i}-—_13 ike Ww 24 ; ARE S 2 core VAC RIr a : ; ; +71 as +— $7.1 LW. = 576.8 __ lag fe) oO SECTION -D SECTION-E R SOUTH BREAKWATER x NORTHRBRE AK AER BUILT: SUBS TRUC TURE 1907-8 r-¢ SUPERSTRUCTURE 1e16 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1925 = NOTE: PRECAST CONCRETE BLOCKS 3 FT. DEEP WERE PLACED IN@7’ OF SUPERSTRUCTURE CELLS : ne (= 2 ie ry ronal | 2ive del od‘) ede el 2) eee x . : = =o) Z-32 STEEL SHEET PILES 4 lL k ~~ pe SiECTIOINEAR =26.0' H R R ra Ee eee tT SECTION-F-I SUPERSTRUCTURE 1926 SOUTH BREAKWATER BUILT’ SUBSTRUCTURE 1907-6 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1026 REPAIRED: 1951 - 1960 20— at +10 L.W0.=576.8 CHANNEL BASIN SIDE OA-27 STEEL SHEET PILES PILES SECTION-G NORTH STUB PIER BUILT: 1948 REBUILT; 1949 Figure 76. Typical structure cross sections, Manitowoc Harbor, Wisconsin 128 Date(s) 1873 1881- 1882 1885- 1893 1895- 1897 1900 1903 1904 1908 1913- 1915 Table 31 Sheboygan Harbor Structures Sheboygan, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of an initial 50-ft-long portion of the south pier was completed (Figures 77 and 78, Section J). This was a stone-filled timber crib structure that was 30 ft wide. Riprap toe protection also was provided. The original pier was extended 132 ft lakeward (Figures 77 and 78, Section K). The extension consisted of woodpiling installed to form a pier 19 ft in width. The structure was filled with stone. An additional 100-ft lakeward extension was completed during this time (Section L). This was a 20-ft-wide stone-filled timber crib struc- ture with riprap toe protection. Another lakeward extension of the pier was completed. This construc- tion entailed a 650-ft-long stone-filled timber crib structure that was 20 ft wide with riprap installed along its base (Figures 77 and 78, Section M). Construction of the shoreward 958-ft portion of the south pier was completed during this period (Figures 77 and 78, Section I). It was a 14-ft-wide structure built with woodpiling and a stone fill. Rip- rap was placed on the lakeside of the pier. Construction of the lakeward 600-ft portion of the north breakwater was completed (Figures 77 and 79, Sections G and H). The breakwater was built of stone-filled timber cribs 30 ft in width, which included stone along the base on each side of the structure. Construction of a 120-ft-long north pier (Figures 77 and 78, Sec- tion P) and a 600-ft-long extension of the south pier (Figures 77 and 78, Section N) was completed. The north pier was constructed of woodpiling installed 14 ft apart and was stone filled. The south pier extension was a stone-filled timber crib structure. It was 24 ft wide and included stone toe protection. A 196-ft-long shoreward extension of the north breakwater was con- structed (Figures 77 and 79, Section F). The structure was of stone- filled timber crib construction and was 30 ft in width with stone installed on each side of its base. Construction of the shoreward 3,037-ft portion of the north break- water was completed (Figures 77 and 79, Sections A, B, Bl, C, D, and E). The structure was built with wood piles and filled with stone, and the width of the structure varied from 11 to 20 ft. The breakwater was also capped with a concrete superstructure at a crest (Continued) 129 Date(s) 1918 1925- 1926 11933 1963 1964 1980 1984 1986 Table 31 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History el of +7.1 ft lwd, and riprap was installed on both sides of the structure. The 100-ft-long lakeward end of the north breakwater (Section H) was also capped with a concrete superstructure in 1915. The north pier was capped with a concrete superstructure with a crest el of +7.3 ft lwd (Figure 78, Section P). A concrete and stone superstructure was installed on 1,250 ft of the south pier (Figures 77 and 78, Sections M and N) and 696 ft of the north breakwater (Figures 77 and 79, Sections F and G). The crest el of these structures was +/.1 ft lwd. A stone and concrete superstructure was installed on the shoreward 1,240 £t of the south pier (Figures 77 and 78, Sections J, K, L, and I). The widths of the superstructure ranged from 15 to 20 ft, and the crest el was +7.1 ft lwd. A 1,728-ft-long portion of the north breakwater was repaired (Fig- une. Ji) SectlonsG. Ds ander). The 958-ft-long shoreward end of the south pier was repaired (Fig- ure 77, Section I), and the north pier was rebuilt (Figures 77 and 78, Section p). Steel sheet piles were driven on each side of he existing north pier forming a width of 23 ft. The voids were filled with stone and concrete to an el of +7.3 ft lwd. An 843-ft-long por- tion of the north breakwater also was repaired during this year (Fig- ures 77 and 79, Sections B and Bl). Riprap was installed to the el of the superstructure (+7.1 ft lwd) on both sides of Section B with 1-V:1.5-H side slopes. Stone was installed over Section Bl to an el of +6.75 ft lwd. The crest was 20 ft wide, and the stone was grouted in place. Side slopes were 1V:1.5H. Toe stone was placed along the outermost section of the south pier (Figure 77, Section N) to stabilize settling of the structure. Con- crete repair work was completed on the north pier. A site inspection of the south pier indicated the channel side of the structure was in good condition. Fill rock was needed, however, in some areas, and the concrete cap was leaning toward the channel in one area. The structures presently are considered to be in good condition overall. 130 ufTsuoostmM ‘zoqieyq ueshoqeysg “// aan3tq NVIOSHIIW IMV] LdI/2 OLLISE HLdIO 199704 = ~ iw + ~ ~[25 N w ° » 6. 1 le ,009 ,0S9 |Szer | (O56 ’ es, TAGs hae ae ee ~ SS Me Bs etl ‘ 4412 HLd90 19370¥d com [8 42397080 $ Zo2 maans e EN var onvuez0qM \ Ls 02 HL1dIO TEMS ay 40 3219S ALINIDIA APs! Ja wNVA TIN NOLONIMGYM 1Yu0d_ HO, 2) OS 0 N tS WN g e a ¢ 8 % ? 131 a pg ioe aif - ean a ee riics 2 16 ——+2 ; tae a coma ae 576.8 AB Lwo. a ) H i 2 3 19 ———w/> Se a | a w o j 3 3 3 SECTION- J SECTION-K SOUTH PIER SOUTH PIER BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1673 BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 168!-2 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1933 SUPEARSTRUCTURE 1933 uJ a Va) !e—— 18 ——— bey 2} 14’ 4 2 t- a {2a 2am 2k | | ~~! 18 ——41 fo} 2 4 ee 4 2 a : a -¢ a5 EXe 576.8 ™ a 12) SECTION - i SECTION-M SOUTH FIER SOUTH PIER BUILT. SUBSTRUCTURE 1862 BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1665,69893 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1933 SUPERSTAUCTURE 1925-6 as uJ Zz 7s < x= + 24———+4 U sabes 6 a5 as ‘ + 7.1 23 Lw. 0. SS F738 +73 s768—| Alea I al 2 2 2 off = br} SECTION- N “lees SOUTH PIER aes i BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1903-4 2 3 2 SUPERSTRUCT URE 1926 4 by i | ee It =285° SECTION — P NORTH STUB PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1903-4 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1918 REBUILT 1964 SECTION — I SOUTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1895-7 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1933, REPAIRED: 1964 Figure 78. Typical pier cross sections, Sheboygan Harbor, Wisconsin 132 15° 2333] 23[24]| SECTION -A SECTION-B SECTION Se N. BREAKWATER N. BREAKWATER N. BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1013-15 BUILT. SUBSTRUCTURE 1913-15 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1913-15 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1913-13 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1913-15 SUPERSTAUCTURE 1913-15 REPAIRED 1964 REPAIRED: i9e3 L.W.D: 576.8 Liw.0. o ms ae Uo! NO ZUCLELLL not known pe SECTION-D SECTION -E N. BREAKWATER N. BREAKWATER a) BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1913-15 BUILT; SUBSTRUCTURE 1913-15 _— SUPERSTAUCTURE 1913-15 BUPERSTRUCTURE 1913-15 REPAIRED: i963 REPAIRED: 1963 a) fom ee Coy ‘ Sig eel non = || Lw.o. —— 576.8 _—————————— 2) Sei OWN Ste SECTION -G N. BREAKWATER N. BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 19086 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1900 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1920 SUPEASTRUCTURE 1920 STONE GROUTED IN PLACE CHANNEL SECTION B, NORTH BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1913-15 REPAIRED: 196% SECTION -H N. BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1900 SUPEASTAUCTURE 19:15 Figure 79. Typical structure cross sections, Sheboygan Harbor, Wisconsin 133 Date(s) Table 32 Port Washington Harbor Structures Port Washington, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History 1934 1936 1940 1950 1976 Construction of a 2,537-ft-long north breakwater was completed (Fig- ure 80, Sections A-E). The shoreward portion of the breakwater was composed of single-wall steel sheet piles installed at an el of +7.0 ft lwd with riprap placed on both sides to a 0.0-ft lwd el (Fig- ure 81, Section E). The next lakeward 990-ft-long portion of the north breakwater (Section D) was constructed on stone-filled cellular sheet-pile structures (arch cell type). Capstone was grouted in place at an el of +7.5 ft lwd. The structure ranged from about 14 ft in width to over 22 ft. Riprap was placed along both sides of the structure (Figure 81, Section D). The lakeward portion of the break- water consisted of a concrete superstructure on a rubble-mound base (Figure 81, Sections A, B, and C). The width of the superstructure was 6.2 ft, and the crest el was +8.0 ft lwd. The rubble-mound por- tion had side slopes of 1V:1.5H. The outer 54 ft of the north break- water consisted of two rectangular caissons. Construction of the 1,006-ft-long south breakwater was completed (Figure 80, Sections A, I, and J). The lakeward 392.5-ft portion of the breakwater consisted of a concrete superstructure on a rubble- mound base similar to the outer end of the north breakwater (Fig- ure 81, Section A). The remaining structure was of rubble-mound construction with a crest el of +8.0 ft lwd and a crest width ranging from 6 to 7 ft. Side slopes were constructed 1V:1.5H (Figure 82, Sections I and J). Construction of the north pier was completed (Figure 80, Sections F and G). The structure included timber cribs with woodpiling on the channel side with an el of +8.0 ft lwd (Figure 82, Sections F and G). The structure was capped with sand and earth fill (Section F) and stone fill (Section G). Because storm waves caused damage to harbor facilities and because of difficulties to navigation since breakwater construction, the harbor was modeled (Fortson 1951). Model tests for improving wave condi- tions involved placement of rubble-wave absorbers at critical loca- tions in slips, placement of rubble on the lakeside of the north and south breakwaters, construction of a small-boat basin for pleasure craft, and extension of the lakeward end of the north breakwater. Model tests involving the use of Igloo wave absorber units (Bottin 1976) were conducted to determine if wave heights in the inner slip areas of the harbor could be significantly reduced, if the Igloos could be substituted for rubble-mound structures in the proposed small-boat harbor, and if the absorbed units could be used as an alternative to rubble absorbers proposed for the small-boat harbor. (Continued) 134 Date(s) 1980 1982 1986 Table 32 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History A site inspection of the structures indicated that they were in good condition but required minor repair in the form of a finishing touch on the grouted cap to improve their appearance. The work was subse- quently completely. Construction of breakwaters and other improvements within the exist- ing harbor was completed (Figure 83). A 725-ft-long west breakwater, a 320-ft-long east breakwater, an absorber, and a parapet wall were installed. The east and west breakwaters were rubble-mound struc- tures with a 12-ft-wide crest width covered with 4.2-ton armor (Figure 84). Side slopes were 1V:1.5H. The crest el of the west breakwater was +8 ft lwd, and steel sheet pile was included to make the structure impervious. The east breakwater had a crest el of +12 ft lwd. An absorber and a parapet wall were installed along the existing north breakwater adjacent to the harbor (Figure 84). The absorber, installed at an el of +4 ft lwd, was comprised of 2-ton cover stone. The crest el of the parapet was +7 ft lwd. The improvements were model tested (Bottin 1977) prior to construction. The structures presently are in good condition. 135 JACKSON sT. = WASHINGTON //™" Re (eee) eee Er, WASHINGTON st. : r E a era) F UPSTREAM LIMIT OF = i] W FEDERAL PROJECT z f z z | — mn 4 H Le] Z ain ST. = Gy) si 2 TKoy * = OST ie : : Seif & LAKE og if Fa GRAND AV Nees 23; US.41 8 ST HWY. 32 nS SE] . e 4 “4 . ot aus Z | es So:/1 Cy ry : c.& IPSTREAM L/htiF OF FEDERAL PROJECT MICHIGAN SCALE OF SS 2 MILWAUREE: Figure 80. Port Washington Harbor, Wisconsin 136 SUPERSTRUCTURE ON SOUTH BREAKWATER |-6 BELOW TOP OF CAISSON. NOTE: OUTER 54 LINEAR . FEET OF SECTION A, NORTH BREAKWATER, CONSISTS OF TWO RECTANGULAR CAISSONS. SECTION-A NORTH & SOUTH BREAKWATER x0 30. BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1934 1936 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1934 1936 CAP STONE GROUTED IN PLACE +7.5' STEEL SHEET PILES ARCH CELL TYPE | SLOPE” 1 m2 iT Sa " qf T A it WL Ld LL wings —!9'TO-27° SECTION-B SECTION-D NORTH BREAKWATER NORTH BREAKWATER QUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1936 BUILT: 1936 SUPEASTRUCTURE 1938 HARBOR ~ 47.0 STEEL SHEET PILES SINGLE WALL TYPE , _ Lwo 15:1 SLOPE ah 1 SLOPE id tI wr to=i7" aie Ref PO PRRs SECTION-E SECTION-C NORTH SHORE CONNECTION QunT: 1936 NORTH BREAKWATER QUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE (934 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1934 Figure 81. Typical breakwater cross sections, Port Washington Harbor, Wisconsin 137 OR HARBOR SIDE CHANNEL SECTIONS SECTION-G NORTH STUB PIER NORTH sTuB PIER BUILT. 1940 BUILT: 1940 + 8.7————— Lad AY) SS: ateesl V) SECTION-I WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER CO. SECTION~-J SOUTH BREAKWATER BUILT: 1936 Figure 82. Typical structure cross sections, Port Washington Harbor, Wisconsin 138 uTsuoostmM ‘uoj3uTYysemM 340g Je 1300" 3dALOLONG 1333 NI S301V59S SHILLIC WIILS LIIWS sqjuemaaoiduy °¢g ean3Ty Zoqiey Jeoqg-[[eus 10; OM1 OL O34Y3I3N 1334 NI 3¥V SNOILVA313 310N | I i ! i | I | SYFLUMAV IAG YOIFILNI MIN ¢ ATID) TD OD YIMOd| | YIFITI NISHODSIA| VINNVHD JNVLINI SILVM INITOOD 139 ONCRETE PARAPET ELt+7 2-TON EXISTING NORTH a aaah Ni ‘ : BREAKWATER fT MODIFICATIONS TO NORTH BREAKWATER ADJACENT TO NEW HARBOR SCALE IN FEET toy ©) 10 20 30 40 | aaa EL+i2 EAST BREAKWATER EL+8 WEST BREAKWATER _ sae Aah eou 1.5 DSO IGE STONE ARMOR STONE u AYER s 4.2 TON et a ; 2 LAYERS NEW EAST AND WEST INTERIOR BREAKWATERS SCALE IN FEET 10 ie} 10 20 2S Figure 84. Cross sections of small-boat harbor structures at Port Washington, Wisconsin 140 Date(s) 1855- 1866 1868- 1869 1871 1881- 1893 1888- 1899 1903- 1906 1907- 1910 Table 33 Milwaukee Harbor Structures Milwaukee, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,056-ft-long north pier at the entrance (Fig- ure 85) progressed during this period. The pier was a stone-filled timber crib structure and was 24 ft in width (Figure 86, Section F). A 250-ft lakeward extension of the north pier was completed (Fig- ure 86, Section G). The extension was a stone-filled timber crib structure that was 28 ft in width. An additional 200-ft extension of the north pier was constructed (Figure 86, Section H). The extension was also a stone-filled timber crib structure with a total width of 33.5 ft. Construction of the shore-connected portion of the north breakwater was completed during this time (Figure 85). The breakwater was built with stone-filled timber cribs. The outer 1,756 ft was built on a stone foundation, and the width of the structure ranged from about 20 to 32 ft (Figure 87, Sections A, B', B'-1, B-2, and B-5). Riprap was placed along the base of most of the remaining structure. Construction of the northern 3,780 ft of the detached portion of the north breakwater was completed during this period (Figure 87, Sec- tions B'-3, C, and C-1). The structures were also built with stone- filled timber cribs and ranged from 23 to 30 ft in width. Riprap was placed along the base of the structure. During this time the north pier was extended an additional 150 ft (Figure 86, Section I). The extension was a 28-ft-wide stone-filled timber crib structure built on woodpilings with riprap installed along the base on each side. The entire north pier was capped with a concrete superstructure. The shoreward 1,056 ft (Section F) had a crest el of +9.0 ft lwd, and the remaining portion of the structure (Sections G, H, and I) had an el of +11.5 ft lwd. The shore- connected portion of the north breakwater was capped with a concrete superstructure (Figure 87, Sections A, B', B'l, B2, and B5). The shoreward 1,472-ft length (Sections A and B5) also included a 3-ft- wide concrete parapet wall at an el of +11.4 ft lwd. The remaining portion of the breakwater (Sections B' and B'-1) had a crest el of +8.1 ft lwd. the 450-ft-long outer end (Section B'-1) had riprap installed on each side of the structure. The el of the stone was +3. ft lwd, and it had side slopes of 1V:1.5H. The detached portion of the north breakwater was extended southerly by 980 ft (Figure 87, Section D). The extension was constructed of stone-filled timber cribs and was 30 ft in width. The existing de- tached portion of the north breakwater at this point (Figure 87, Sec- tions B'-3, C, and C-1) was capped with a concrete superstructure, which resulted in a crest el of +8.2 ft lwd. (Continued) 141 Date(s) 1909- 1910 1923- 1924 1924- 1929 1950- 1952 1953 1957 — 1959 1962- 1964 1976- Oi, 1984 1985 1986 Table 33 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History A 216-ft-long south pier extension was constructed (Figure 86, Sec-— tion L). The pier was a stone-filled concrete structure built on woodpilings and stone. It was 18 ft in width and had a crest el of +8.1 ft lwd. A 980-ft portion of the detached north breakwater was capped with a concrete superstructure (Figure 87, Section D). The crest el of the structure was +8.6 ft lwd. Construction of the southerly 1,744-ft portion of the north break- water and the entire south breakwater (Figure 87, Section E) was com- pleted during this time. The breakwater was a stone-filled concrete structure built on stone. It had a crest width of 6.7 ft and an el of +8.6 ft lwd. The outer 54 ft of the north breakwater consisted of three rectangular caissons. A 530-ft-long section of the attached north breakwater (Figure 87, Section B5) and a 68-ft-long portion (Section B2) were repaired. Steel sheet piles were driven on both sides of the existing timber erib structure. The 1,385-ft-long south pier was constructed by the City of Milwaukee (Figure 86, Section J). It consisted of steel sheet piles on the channel side which were backfilled with earth. The existing pier (time of construction unknown) was completely covered by the new structure. A 1,940-ft-long portion of the north breakwater was repaired (Fig- ure 87, Section B'-3 and C-1). Steel sheetpiling was driven adjacent to both sides of the timber crib structure. A 1,840-ft-long portion of the north breakwater (Figure 87, Sec- tion C) was repaired. Steel sheet piles were installed on each side of the existing timber crib. A portion of the north breakwater was rebuilt (Figure 87, Sec- tion B5). Steel sheet piles were installed on each side of the existing structure with the width varying from 30 to 32.5 ft. The voids were filled with stone, and the concrete cap and parapet wall were reconstructed. A parapet wall also was installed on an adjacent portion of the breakwater (Section B2). A site inspection of the north breakwater revealed some sections in good shape and others requiring repair and maintenance. Repair of the head of the south breakwater was completed for a cost of $810,942. A new caisson was constructed and capped with concrete. Stone, ranging from 3 to 6 tons, was placed around the new caisson for toe protection. The breakwaters and piers are presently considered to be in fair condition. 142 mae SIE Ui ae 1 ef (| (an) Jey Milwaukee Harbor, Wisconsin Cw CJc ieee LIGIE|AIe) VAM Arr aieo IStr (EI) MICHIGAN AL LAKE 2 lala i= tie oy easton iF WH “Tarahelmvo ale \\ll [ey \ ¥ ff DOeSOUUE LD 143 Figure 85. CHANNEL ENTRANCE PIERS SCALE OF FEET SECTION = F NORTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE SUPEASTRUCTURE 1055-68 1903-4 SECWION = hl NORTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1000 100 300 500 —————————————— <— 29-9" OA-32 STEEL SHEET PILE SECTION- J SOUTH PIER BUILT: 1953 BY CITY OF MILWAUKEE Figure 86. SUPERSTRUCTURE 144 1o7t 1905-6 Pe LP ~~ ~~ \BACKFILLED SECTION EAG NORTH PIER BUILT) SUBSTRUCTURE SUPERSTRUCTURE 1666-9 1905-6 a SECON | NORTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1903 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1905-6 + 4 » SECTIONS E SOUTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1909-10 SUPEASTRUCTURE 1909-10 Typical pier cross sections, Milwaukee Harbor, Wisconsin UTSUODSTM S1OqGIeH = 1 1-9 NOIL93S 1 D o. ton sunt anu eusers ie) “200 JUALINVLEENE 171Ne 42-9161 .71ne3u >) 086! a3uivaiu BILVANVING HLYON 2en 4 2M ne 0-60 JUNLINGLEONS A WHe >C=in e-8 NOIL93S Use| Y3ILVMNVIUG HLYON | I S-8- NOIL93S 7) GW2 HinOs G34 S's Oz-vS 40 626 = yor-7a ht iw) QN3 HLYON S3TId S'S z2E-5 40, #——, 801 #0 21 m 9.5 THI $3716 13008 ‘79318 ee-2z Ores ie | ne pay 686! oavivdsy gow 311 40 a 60'90'L06! auNL9N¥LSH34uNS = ay a S3IUVA alle = 60) ot sain f6'is'os'ea'eaa! = IBNLINUASANS A1INa = -31WM 40D avo ONEINa HONSUL be of = a Y3LVMyV3NS HLYON ate €-8 NOILO3S WG —= SNONNILNOD ,2/1 #0 #0 7d 's's 1108 $8) NOD $371d 133HS 3wNLINwISBIENsS TEED IES oot ae JenLonwisens LIne BILVMYVINEB HLYON CL Ya) I —NOILO3S erage - — NOL TI 0 8189 40 WO1108 5 8 - > ero! Jen INwseIINE 5 (su a watsneisanceinna ae a YBRLVMH.YB ON Y-NOILD9S Gln Bt) dvadid Z|! Ss! (00-0m7 onal) 30is 4OsYVH (LeLt ava a3avuve QNOD SOl-.bz OL .O1 6a MOMS EIIVVA 330NVATIW OM) 40 Asia Ag 037014 Y 1324 40 31v98 ONNONITBENY SZ ey) 9% A/ via SYaLVMYVaNE a10Nv 4734s 3MI7 BNIAING 3d 1335 13916 FONIIS yo? they NVIIHIIA 145 Date(s) 1900 1912- 1913 1917- 1919 1924 1925 Table 34 Racine Harbor Structures Racine, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the 796-ft-long outer portion of the north breakwater (Figure 88, Section F) was completed. The breakwater was a stone- filled timber crib structure (Figure 89, Section F). It was 30 ft wide, and riprap toe protection was placed on each side. Construction of the 1,844-ft shoreward portion of the north break-— water was completed during this time (Figure 88, Sections A, A", B, B', C, D, and E). The shoreward 800 ft of the structure (Figures 89 and 90, Sections A, A', B, and B') were constructed with woodpilings driven from 11 to 14 ft apart and stone filled. The breakwater was capped with a stone and concrete superstructure installed at an el of +7.1 ft lwd. Riprap toe protection was placed on both sides of the breakwater. The adjacent 1,044 ft of breakwater extending lakeward (Figure 89, Sections C, D, and E) was constructed of a stone-filled concrete structure built on wood piles. The crest el of the break- water was +7.1 ft lwd, and the crest width ranged from 15 to 20 ft. Riprap toe protection also was installed on both sides of the breakwater. Construction of the 1,512-ft-long lakeward portion of the south breakwater (Figure 88, Sections H, I, and J) was completed during this period. The breakwater consisted of a concrete superstructure built on stone. The superstructure was either sand or stone filled (Figure 89, Sections H, I, and J). The crest el of the structure was +7.1 ft lwd, and it had a 10-ft crest width. The outer portion of the structure (Section J) was covered with riprap ranging from 6 to 16 tons (9-ton average) to an el of +4 ft lwd. The slope of the rip- rap was 1V:1.5H. Construction of the shoreward 1,104-ft-long portion of the south breakwater (Figure 88, Sections B and G) and the south pier (Sec- tion M) was completed. The breakwater was constructed with a stone- filled concrete superstructure built on woodpilings (Figure 89, Sections B and G). The pilings were 14 ft (Section B) or 17 ft (Sec- tion G) apart. Riprap toe protection was included on both sides of the breakwater. The north pier also consisted of a stone-filled con- crete superstructure built on woodpilings that were spaced 15.5 ft apart (Figure 89, Section M). The crest el of both the breakwater and pier built during this time was +7.1 ft lwd. The lakeward portion of the north breakwater (Figure 88, Section F) was capped with a concrete superstructure. The crest el of the structure was +7.1 ft lwd (Figure 88, Section F). (Continued) 146 Date(s) 1940 1959 1966 1971 1973 1974 1986 Table 34 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the north pier (Figure 88, Sections K and L) was com- pleted. The inner 105-ft-long portion was a timber crib structure with a sand cap. It was 24.5 ft wide and had a crest el of +7.5 ft lwd (Figure 89, Section K). The outer 75 ft of the pier (Section L) was a wood-pile structure that was 19.5 ft in width and +7.5 ft lwd in height. It was capped with stone. A 252-ft-long portion of the north breakwater was repaired (Fig- ure 88, Section C). A 50-ft-long portion of the south breakwater was constructed (Fig- ure 88, Section G-l). The breakwater was built with stone and had a 14-ft-width crest with an el of +7.1 ft lwd. Side slopes were 1V:1.5H. The stone along the crest was grouted in place. The shoreward 1,104 ft of the south breakwater (Figure 88, Sections B and G) were repaired, and riprap was installed on each side of the structure to an el of +4 ft lwd (Figure 89, Sections B and G). Side slopes of the riprap were 1V:1.5H. The lakeward 796-ft-long portion of the north breakwater was repaired (Figure 88, Section F). Riprap was installed on each side of the structure (Figure 89, Section F) to an el of +4 ft lwd. The riprap was placed with side slopes of 1V:1.5H. Two sections of the north breakwater (Figure 88, Sections A' and B") were rebuilt. Steel sheetpiling was driven on the lakeward side of the 183-ft-long portion of Section A' (Figure 90). Filling the voids with stone and capping the breakwater with concrete resulted in a breakwater section that was 17.5 ft in width with a crest el of +7.5 ft lwd. The 60-ft-long portion of Section B' (Figure 90) was covered with stone. It had a 15-ft-wide crest with an el of +7.1 ft lwd. Concrete was poured between the stones on the crest to form a walking surface. The existing concrete superstructure was removed because of its deteriorated condition prior to placement of the stone. Side slopes of the structure were 1V:1.5H. The structures have undergone repair and maintenance during their lifetime; however, they are presently in good condition. The President signed an act to deauthorize the project at Racine, and the title to any facilities constructed by the United States has been transferred, without consideration, to Racine County. 147 | zo WIL Eee = NX? UL Zu Le Se na = LAKE a JOLILILIL IL Nest Figure 88. Racine Harbor, Wisconsin 148 VARIES eLVARIES aero & SECTION-A SECTION-B N. BREAKWATER N.&S. BREAKWATER we se SECTION-C SECTION-D BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1012-3 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 123 1924 N. BREAKWATER Ww. BREAKWATER SUPERSTRUCTURE 1912-3 SUPEASTRUCTURE 1912-3 1926 REPAIRED 1971 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 112-3 BuLT suBSTRUCTURE 1912-3 SUPERSTRUCTURE 12-3 SUPEASTAUCTURE (012-3 REPAIRED 1959 ; 3 sae 30 ais 6 Typ ose SECTION -G ey: S$. BREAKWATER SECTION-E SECTION -F QUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1926 N. BREAKWATER 4 MSUPERSTRUCTURE 1926 BUILT. SUBSTRUCTURE 1823 N. BREAKWATER REPAIRED: \971 SUPERSTAUCTURE 19123 9 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1e00 ing 10 SUPEASTRUCTURE 1925 fo} REPAIRED (o73 a x < x= a (e} CHANNEL F : SLEEPERS SECTION-H SECT IOIN —aI SOUTH BREAKWATER SOUTH BREAKWATER BUT: SUBSTRUCTURE 191-0 QUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1917-0 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1010 SUPEASTRUCTURE 1917-6 4-2. 4 | 4 inmate tewioi +7. ———~ eg eiee +g) Lwo. SECTION -K SOUTH STUB PIER Siren! TON NORTH STUB PIER NORTH STUB PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1026 9 TON AVERAGES euLT: 1940 BuLT: 1940 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1024 SECTION -J SOUTH BREAKWATER tebe SECTION G-1 _-ob Ht eee es Rear $ SOUTH BREAKWATER SUPERSTAUCTURE 1917-6 BUILT: 1966 Figure 89. Typical breakwater and pier cross sections, Racine Harbor, Wisconsin 149 15-0" CONCRETE POURED BETWEEN STONES TO FORM WALKING SURFACE HARBOR SIDE ° LAKE SIDE +71¢ = eel EXISTING CONCRETE SUPER- STRUCTURE REMOVED DUE TO ITS DETERIORATED CONDITION. EL#25 = oA NEW STONE TOP OF RIPRAP BASED ON 1967 RIPRAP SOUNDINGS. TIMBER PILES AT 4-0" 0.C. VARIES 14' TO IG | VARIES - 19's TO 2!' Y ‘ SECTION — B ——————— BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1912-13 SUPER-STRUCTURE 1912-13 RE-BUILT 1974 2 y——== REMOVED EXISTING 4° CONCRETE OVERLAY AND REPLACED WITH NEW 6" CONCRETE OVERLAY & HARBOR SIDE 1g CAP. REINFORCE W/626-6/6 W.W.F. EXISTING GiOUND — z (EL. VARIES) 7s LAKE SIDE BRS E SS ‘o]Z BOTTOM CONCRETE 0) (SLAB @ ¢ OF WALE NEW HP 8236 30° ASPHALT SATURATED ROOFING FELT FILL CELLS WITH STONE EXISTING LAKE BOTTOM EL. VARIES. NEW PZ 27 VARIES-14'2 TO 16't EXISTING STRUCTURE VARIES -19' TO - 21's SECTION - A’ BUILT: SUB-STRUCTUPE 1912-13 SUPER-STRUCTURE 1912-15 RE-BUILT 1974 Figure 90. Typical structure cross sections, Racine Harbor, Wisconsin 150 Date(s) 1899- 1900 1916 1923 1969- 1970 1977 1980 1986 Table 35 Kenosha Harbor Structures Kenosha, Wisconsin Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,077-ft-long portion north pier, a 1,175-ft-long south pier, and a 796-ft-long offshore breakwater was completed (Figure 91). The shoreward 927 ft of the north pier consisted of a wood-pile structure with widths of 14 ft (Figure 92, Section A) and 18 ft (Section B). The outer 150-ft-long portion of the north pier (Figure 92, Section C), the south pier (Figure 92, Section E), and the offshore breakwater (Figure 92, Section H) were stone-filled timber crib structures. Riprap toe protection was installed on each side of the timber cribs. Stone and concrete superstructures were constructed on the north and south piers to an el of +6.8 ft lwd (Figure 92, Sections A, B, C, and E). A stone and concrete superstructure was built on the detached breakwater (Figure 92, Section H) to a crest el of +7.1 ft lwd. The structure was 30 ft wide. The north and south piers were rehabilitated during this time (Figure 92, Sections A, B, C, and E). Steel sheetpiling was driven on each side of the north pier resulting in a structure 30 ft wide. Voids were filled with stone, and a concrete cap was installed at a crest el of +8.5 ft. Riprap was installed on each side of the structure. Steel sheetpiling was installed on the lakeward side of the south pier. The void and the existing pier were filled with 50- lb stone. A parapet wall was installed on the lakeward side of the structure to an el of +10 ft lwd. (This was adjacent to a confined dredging disposal area). The detached breakwater (Figure 92, Section H) was rebuilt, and l- to 6-ton (3-ton average) riprap stone was placed on each side of the structure to an el of +4 ft lwd. Side slopes of the riprap were 1V:1.5H. A site inspection of the structures revealed them to be generally in good condition. Spalling of concrete was noted in several areas; however, the problem was not critical at that time. The structures presently are considered to be in fair condition. 151 067130 3°00 | MILWAUKEE Hie ' aoe :: | a = | 1G \LAKE iz MACHIGAN e ’ wo 42°30: oS VICINITY | MAP o SCALE orl MILES 42°00 i 000) a x 1 — i J | 4 CB if L + MICHIGAN | - mo ZL ciTY coral PES Meth DIANA aie SIMU H lee SIT SIE rile ne ava SS ; LAKE MICHIGAN | SIMMONS ISLAND oi? TE Gatti eoar YN URS ALES @ SERVICE PROJECT DEPTH % 2) FT. 5 s ; oC —_ — oo i v oF « cry o- U SG oar Mel 4” 4 . Wie CITY WATER WKS. . Gg. 1S vA 8 SS ‘ 450 \sd —_—— ee 4 3 = ae al 7 FT. “Er 4 & lore PTH 2 \ DEPTH\26 FT! PROJECT \D ————7 i] ae b 132 ie | 1 HS ! UPSTREAM LIMIT OF FEDERAL PROJECT— \ | CONFINED OREDGING DISPOSAL AREA- 100° Figure 91. Kenosha Harbor, Wisconsin 5/2 Lwo lavid.7 TO STA.wrero (TYP SECTIONS ‘A’ O'8). 30 oan STA. 44 90. (TYP, BecTio +825 a = J = °o rt) = z =| Ly ko a . = 2 ae = 2 a ms Ss||ez v2 3 = =| a zi Ea c o a a] ws eC) = r w ro a ° > a al|za a 4 a “|| O90 a 2 Lt 3 2 vyiallra 3 a : a mj | 2? 3 ZA te) a N rr -38 SECTION-A SECTION-B SECTION-C NORTH PIER NORTH PIER NORTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1090 = BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1900 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1900 SUPERSTRUC TURE 1910 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1916 SUPERS TRUC TURE IOI REHABILITATION 1969-70 REHABILITATION 1969-70 REHABILIT ATIONI969-70 REFILLED W/STONE TO TOP ie: EXISTING PIER EL.*105 | sexist. ConcRETE 3a TOP EXIST. PIER NEW CONCRETE EL.6.8f G wacey oy EL*5.0 CHANNEL SIDE NEW STOWE FILL LAKE BOTTOM 4° 9 ST'D PIPE 230° LONG ANCHORS @ 6.0" cTAS. 42.5°8 475% ALTERNATING IN MOST CASES gars / ELE Va VARIES. BOTTOM PILE EL-52.0 SECTION E —— 5768 RIP RAP STONE |-TO 6 TON SECTION-H DETACHED BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1900 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1923 RE QUILT 1977 Figure 92. Typical structure cross sections, Kenosha Harbor, Wisconsin 153 Date(s) 1903 1904 1906 1930 1931 1932 Table 36 Waukegan Harbor Structures Waukegan, Illinois Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the 3,211-ft-long south pier (Figure 93, Sections L, M, N, O, P, and R) was completed. The shoreward 1,812 ft of the pier consisted of a wood-pile breakwater filled with stone (Figure 94, Sections L, M, N, and 0). The structure was 14 ft in width. The outer 1,399 ft of the pier was a stone-filled timber crib structure (Figure 94, Sections P and R) with a width of 24 ft. With the excep- tion of the shoreward 226 ft (Section L), riprap toe protection was placed along the toe of the pier. The lakeward 998 ft of the north pier (Figure 93, Section K) and 588 ft of the north breakwater (Figure 93, Section F) were con- structed. The pier and breakwater consisted of stone-filled timber crib structures (Figure 95, Sections F and K). The widths of the pier and breakwater were 24 and 30 ft, respectively. Riprap toe protection was placed on both sides of the structures. The shoreward portion of the north pier (Figure 93, Section J) was constructed. The structure consisted of parallel timber walls with rock fill and a timber superstructure. The structure was 15 ft in width. The shoreward 1,573 ft of the south pier (Figure 93, Sections L and M) was capped with a stone and concrete superstructure. The crest el of the pier was +7.85 ft lwd, and it had a width of about 17 ft (Figure 94, Sections L and M). The existing north breakwater (Figure 93, Section F) was capped with a concrete superstructure and extended 271 ft shoreward (Figure 93, Section E). A 1,033-ft-long shore connection (Sections A, B, C, and D) was also constructed. The shoreward extension of the break— water included a stone-filled concrete structure built on a stone base (Figure 95, Section E). The el of this extension and the new breakwater superstructure (Figure 95, Section F) was +7.1 ft lwd. The shoreward 398 ft of the shore connection consisted of steel sheetpiling with riprap on each side (Figure 95, Section A). The remaining portion of the shore connection consisted of parallel steel sheet piles ranging from 12 to about 17 ft in width (Figure 95, Sections B, C, and D). The area between the sheet piles was stone- filled and capped with concrete. The shore connection portion of the structure (Sections A, B, C, and D) had a crest el of +6.1 ft Ilwd. Concrete superstructures were built on the lakeward ends of the north (Figure 93, Section K) and south (Figure 93, Sections N, 0, P, and R) piers. The north pier had a parapet wall installed to an el of (Continued) 154 Date(s) 1960 1961 ITT 1978 1981 1986 Table 36 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History +7.1 ft lwd on the channel side (Figure 95, Section K). The south pier superstructure had crest els ranging from +7.6 to 8.85 ft Iwd (Figure 94, Sections N, O, P, and R). A portion of the south pier (Figure 93, Section M-1) was repaired. Steel sheet piles were driven on each side of the existing struc- ture. The voids were filled with stone, and the pier was capped with concrete at an el of +7.85 ft lwd (Figure 94, Section M-1). Stone toe protection was placed on each side of the structure. The shoreward portion of the north pier (Figure 93, Section J) was removed and rebuilt. Steel sheetpiling was installed at an el of +7.1 ft lwd and backfilled with earth fill (Figure 95, Section J). Riprap toe protection was also installed on the channel side of the pier. Portions of the south pier (Figure 93, Sections M and 0) were rebuilt. An underwater intersection was made along the north pier which in- dicated that the structure was intact with the exception of con- struction joints. There were holes and gaps about 5 in. across at each construction joint along the wall. It was also noted that wood had rotted underneath the concrete cap at several locations. Maintenance repairs were made subsequent to the inspection. A superstructure condition survey indicated that the structures were in good condition. The structures have undergone rehabilitation and maintenance during their lifetime; however, they are presently considered to be in good condition. An aerial photograph of the harbor structures is shown in Figure 96. 5)5) SPFOUTTTI ‘aZoqiey ueSeynem °¢6 21N3Ty N VY J) / H 2 / WW Vi / = |\ sv ot 3,080l U8 5) Fam aay, (ale Manos ushi Zia RUDY GE ‘0D YoLONM NOSNHOr a39034u0 LON "AlQ. AWGRNOS HOH! aguo = MVNIOVS LB TOYNASHD dyo> SYOLON WWHINIOD dyO2 SNINVW GYuVOBsLNO 156 17'-0" ate | 16-6: 1 ELEVATED | WALA FOR ©. 1327° CONCRETE STONE BLOCKS FOR (4) FT. EAST ONLY. CELL COVERS RUGBLE CONC caP SI SYS) LWw.0.576.8 SHEETING SHEETING SOUTH PIER SECTION AT YEAR OF COMPLETION 1903 CONCRETE SUPA. BUILT 1930 REBUILT 1977 SOUTH PIER SECTION AT L YEAR OF COMPLETION 1903 CONCRETE SUPR. BUILT 1930 CLEVATEO WALA ELEVATED WALR CONCRETE CELL COVERS CONCRETE SHEETING SOUTH PIER SECTION AT P YEAR OF COMPLETION 1903 CONCRETE SUPR BUILT 1922 SOUTH PIER SECTION AT O YEAR OF COMPLETION 1903 CONCRETE SUPR. BUILT 1932 REBUILT 1977 YEAR OF REPAIRED Figure 94. Typical pier cross 157 CONCRETE COMPLETION 1903 ELEVATED WALA & PILE SHEETING SOUTH PIER SECTION AT N YEAR OF COMPLETION 1903 CONCRETE SUPR. BUILT 1932 LIGHT HOUSE FOUNDATION 24-0" 2' 20-0" z. Zz : 276 SOUTH PIER SECTION AT A YEAR OF COMPLETION 1903 CONCRETE SUPRA. BUILT 19032 VARIES ELEVATED WALK | +785 +2.0 0.0 LAKE | |w-Z-27 SS PILING =20.5 SOUTH PIER SECTION AT M-I sections, Waukegan Harbor, Illinois ACCESS WALK CONCRETE Zz - +61 £6! BYTTRESS WALLS WALE 13-4" CTRS. w0.5768 0 LWP LWwo bane HARBOR Came NAALGOR Z REINFORCED - ace CONC CAISSON HO . Ce i4-3" STEEL SHEET PILING USS eir i STEEL SHEET PILING H 1-9" [| UNKNOWN a SHORE CONNECTION SHORE CONNECTION SECTION AT A YEAR OF COMPLETION 1931 NORTH BREAKWATE YEAR OF COMPLETION 1031 SECTION aT E NORTH BREAKWATER SECTION AT F YEAR OF COMPLETION 1904 CONCRETE SUPA BUILT 1631 : THIS SECTION OMITTED SHE ON INNER 350° OF PIER +2.0' “— EARTH FILL~ TIE ROD ANCHOR PILE \eep STEEL SHEET PILING 40'-0" -28'TO 33.5' ee He NORTH PIER SECTION AT A NORTH PIER YEAR OF COMPLETION 1904 SECTION AT J COMCRETE SUPA BUILT 1032 ORIGINAL STRUCTURE REMOVED. REBUILT: 196! Figure 95. Typical structure cross sections, Waukegan Harbor, Illinois 158 SFOUTTTI % e a3 a ene 7 ‘> ort 1L3Y) Date(s) 1874 1876 1880 1889 1908 1917 1920 Table 37 Chicago Harbor Structures Chicago, Illinois Construction and Rehabilitation History cee eee eee eee ee ee Construction of the 4,338-ft-long northern portion of the inner breakwater (Figure 97, Sections K, L, M, N, O, and U) was completed. The breakwater was constructed of stone-filled timber cribs on a stone base. It was 30 ft in width (Figure 98, Sections K through 0 and U). Construction of the 960-ft-long north pier (Figure 97) was completed. The pier was of stone-filled timber crib construction (Figure 98, Section J). It was built on a stone base and was 30 ft in width. The 2,544-ft-long southern portion of the inner breakwater (Fig- ure 97, Sections P, R, and S) was constructed. These structures also were stone-filled timber cribs built on a stone base (Figure 98, Sec- tions P, R, and S). The southern 2,244 ft of breakwater was 16 ft in length (Sections R and S), and the remaining 300-ft portion (Sec- tion P) was 30 ft in width. Construction of a 5,321-ft-long extension breakwater (Figure 97, Sec- tions C, D, and E) was completed. This was a stone-filled timber crib breakwater (Figure 99, Sections C, D, and E) built on a stone base with a 30-ft width. The north pier was capped with a concrete superstructure (Figure 98, Section J) with a crest el of about +11 ft lwd. A 2,250-ft-long shore arm extension (Figure 97, Sections A, Bl, B2, and B3) and a 2,227-ft-long southerly extension (Figure 97, Sec- tion F) of the exterior breakwater were constructed. The shore arm extension was constructed with stone-filled timber cribs (Figure 99, Sections A, Bl, B2, and B3) built on a stone base. The shoreward 750-ft-length (Section A) was 24 ft in length, and the remaining breakwater (Sections Bl, B2, and B3) was 30 ft wide. The southerly extension was a rubble-mound breakwater with 1V:1.5H side slopes (Figure 99, Section F). Its crest el was +8.44 ft lwd, and armor stone sizes were 3 tons (minimum) from el +1.72 ft lwd to the lake bottom and 7 tons (minimum) from el +1.72 to +8.44 ft lwd. An additional 1,532-ft-long portion of the southerly extension (Fig- ure 97, Section G) was constructed. The extension was a rubble- mound structure with a crest el of +6.1 ft lwd and 1-V:1.5-H side slopes (Figure 99, Section G). Armor stone sizes ranged from 3 tons (minimum) from el 0.0 ft lwd to the lake bottom to 7 tons (minimum) aero, UL (WG) dete Ayal (eo ao il sete Akesala (Continued) (Sheet 1 of 3) 160 Date(s) 1923 1928- 1929 1930 1934 1950 1955 1958 1960 Table 37 (Continued) Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the southern end of the southerly extension (Fig- ure 97, Section H) was completed. It consisted of a stone-filled concrete breakwater (Figure 99, Section H) built on a stone base. The crest el of the extension was +6.1 ft lwd, and its width was 53) AEE. The exterior breakwater (Figure 97, Sections C, D, and E) was capped with a concrete superstructure. The crest el of the breakwater was +7.1 ft lwd. Riprap (7-ton average) was placed on the lakeside of the structure (Figure 99, Sections C, D, and E) to an el of +4.6 ft lwd on a 1-V:1.5-H slope. Seven-ton riprap also was placed on the harbor side in some areas (Figure 97, Sections C-4 and E). Portions of the inner breakwater (Figure 97, Sections 0, P, R, and S) were capped with a concrete superstructure. The 150-ft-long portion of section O (Figure 98) included a parapet with an el of +8.85 ft Iwd, and the 300-ft-long portion of P had a crest el of +7.1 ft lwd. The remaining portions (Sections R and S) were constructed with crest els of +6.43 ft lwd. The remaining sections of the inner breakwater (Figure 97, Sec- tions K, L, M, N, and U) were capped with concrete superstructures. The longest length (3,488 ft) of structure (Section N) included a parapet with an el of +8.85 ft lwd (Figure 98). A 100-ft section of the breakwater (Section U) also included a parapet, but the crest el was +8.58 ft lwd. This portion of the breakwater also included the installation of steel sheetpiling on each side of the timber cribs and riprap toe protection (Figure 98, Section U). The northernmost end of the inner breakwater had a crest el of +5.1 ft lwd (Figure 98, Section K), and the remaining portions of the structure (Sections L and M) involved a +7.1-ft-lwd crest el. The inner end of the shore arm extension (Figure 97, Section A) was capped with a concrete superstructure. The superstructure included a parapet with an el of +7.0 ft lwd (Figure 99, Section A). A 1,000-ft-long portion of the shore arm extension (Figure 97, Sec- tion B2) was capped with a capstone superstructure. The minimum size of the capstone was 4 tons (Figure 99, Section B2), and the crest el was +7.0 ft lwd. A portion of the inner breakwater was repaired (Figure 97, Section R). Riprap (7-ton average) was placed on each side of the existing breakwater (Figure 98, Section R). The stone extended above lwd and had side slopes of 1V:1.5H. Riprap (/7-ton average) was installed on each side of the southern end of the inner breakwater (Figures 97 and 98, Section S). The stone protruded above lwd and had 1-V:1.5-H side slopes. A 300-ft-long portion of the shore arm extension (Figure 97, Sec- tion Bl) was capped with a concrete superstructure which included a parapet installed at an el of +7.0 ft lwd (Figure 99, Section Bl). (Continued) (Sheet 2 of 3) 161 Date(s) 1965 UY) 1981 1983 1986 Table 37 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History The lakeward end of the shore arm extension (Figure 97, Section B3) was capped with a concrete superstructure. The breakwater included a parapet installed at an el of +7.0 ft lwd (Figure 97, Section B3). Rubble (7-ton average) was added on each side of a portion of the inner breakwater (Figures 97 and 98, Section P), and the north pier (Figures 97 and 98, Section J) was repaired. The north pier and por- tions of the inner breakwater (Figure 98, Sections J, M, and N) were modified by the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago. This modification included the creation of wider structures by con- structing a wall, filling voids with clay, and installing stone (Figure 98). A site inspection of the structures indicated cracks in the parapet walls of the shore arm extension (Figure 97, Sections A, Bl, and B3). In Section B2 of the shore arm extension fill stone had settled; and cap stone was either settled, broken, or missing in some areas. Spalling at construction joints and along the edges of the exterior breakwater (Figure 97, Sections C, D, and E) was observed. Along Section E the timber structure in some places had deteriorated, and fill stone was missing. Cover stone was missing and/or deteriorated along Sections F and G (Figure 97) of the exterior breakwater southerly extension. Spalling at construction joints and along the edges of the inner breakwater (Figure 97, Sections M, N, P, and S) was noted. Maintenance of the breakwaters was performed subsequent to this inspection. A condition survey of the structures indicated that the shore arm extension (Figure 97, Sections A, Bl, B2, and B3) were in good con- dition. The exterior breakwater (Sections C, D, and E) was also in good condition except for an area in Section E where failure of the crib substructure resulted in the superstructure's caving in. The exterior breakwater southerly extension was in good condition at Section H; however, in many locations along Sections F and G concrete fill between the armor stone had been lost. Also, many of the stones were split in pieces and disintegrating. In many locations stone was low (either lost or subsided). The north pier was in good condition except for minor spalling and weathering of concrete. The inner breakwater (Sections K, L, M, N, U, 0, P, R, and S) was in good con- dition except for Sections N, U, and O where the concrete base slab was severely spalled and eroded with reinforcing bars exposed at the edges in many locations. Rubble-mound areas of the southerly extension (Figure 97, Sections F and G) were rehabilitated, and maintenance of the other faults noted in the condition survey of 1981 was performed. The structures are presently considered to be in good condition. (Sheet 3 of 3) 162 STOUTTII ‘ioqiey o8eoTUD °/6 PAN3TyA \ C . ONLINGLONOD UBIEA DAILO V- HiSON MuVd ANVED \V vauy 20rwONINE a VQ a 423006 . . 4 Wy basso 40 L017 3 ° Ove! wiSuG w INH! iS (are 3 Psy WO : b i= ° 2 rT im 3 hoe ees Re eer -68G) x 4 | LSE 0 RSS Ses ep C) .00 7 a z 5 ° n © j eDavo 02110 ocom x 4 \ic l Mi BA It 9 re 2 wl le SSSSS 34 |? | " * iS 31 |- | x q |r S55 » is ay Sy \ re os } 2 | ? mon auune If 2 | 48v0d 6A Not i g | \ aa 21 | | Pessssses= Bhs i] fi an “] / (b=. Suit ade is Tee be @ vive s00¥0NIN NV IOIH DIN ~ wdionda Ming _ twos IM VT ——a ae OOS: --+- ° 3 e 163 23018” 18 W302 30 CONCRETE 1 gu GO" AAILS CONCPET > wa — pi 576.8 PILING Sor seisis PILE NORTH PIER INNER BREAKWATER INNER BREAKWATER SECTION AT J SECTION AT A SECTION ATL YEAR OF COMPLETION 1876 YEAR OF COMPLETION 1674 YEAR OF COMPLETION 1674 CONCRETE SUPR BUILT 1908 CONCRETE SUPR BUILT 1934 CONCRETE SUPR BUILT 1934 REPAIRED 1965 30° Or eles: _ |. 878° N 50) R (ae iG I U WALLS, 65°CTRS | i| 71 | 236 LW D STEEL PILING STEEL 4 PILING | PRS @o7 RAILS, 60% RAILS, a ABT. 7'-6°CTRS ABT. 7°-6"CTRS. INNER BREAKWATER INNER BREAKWATER SECTION AT w SECTION AT WN YEAR OF COMPLETION 1874 YEAR OF COMPLETION 1874 CONCRETE SUPR BUILT 1934 CONCRETE SUPR BUILT 1934 CONCRETE ~esr | | INNER BREAKWATER INNER BREAKWATER INNER BREAKWATER SECTION aT O SECTION aT P SECTION aT AR YEAR OF COMPLETION 1674 YEAR OF COMPLETION 1880 YEAR OF COMPLETION 1880 CONCRETE SUPR BUILT 1930 CONCRETE SUPR BUILT 1930 CONCRETE SUPR BUILT 1930 RUBBLE ADDED 1I965- REPAIRED: 1955 RIPRAP PROTECTION -———© 30" ( e || t LAKE BASIN CONCRETE 222 SMEEC SHEET PILING Zae2USTEELS SHEET PILING INNER BREAKWATER SECTION AT S YEAR OF COMPLETION 1060 CONCRETE SUPA BUILT 1930 RUBBLE ADDED 1938 INNER BREAKWATER SECTION AT U YEAR OF COMPLETION 1674 CONCRETE SUPR BUILT 1934 Figure 98. Typical structure cross sections, Chicago Harbor, Illinois 164 STOUTTTI ‘10qieH OBPOTYD ‘SuOTIDeS SSOID AezeMYyeeIq [eoTdA, °66 e1N3Ty O26) NOIL3ISROD 40 wv3i 0 Oo oso 4161 NOIL3IIIMOD 4O Wva4 2 4v NOILD2S ——ae = 4 1Y NOILDIS €26) MOILZIDMOD 30 vv34 NOISN3LX3 ATYH3BHINOS 1334 40 3925 NOISN31X3 ATUBHLNOS wiv WolwSse y y y NOISN3LXI ATH3SHLNOS SNOL 4 WIR BNOIS SNOL ® 2OVUDAV $@1006 NIM INOUE SNO1 CE NIM aNOUS Ny AuwYND WO BiSVA SaiHD “INOUE - v— To NOteIV> Sa 212u9NO2 6261 HIN@*wans 3a1zav NOD O26) FING ‘wdM 343VIN0D eee! Petes aay MERA e246) i7IN@-‘wéns 313u2N0D Ford Reema Ame 1 wol 680! NONL3ZTGMOD JO uvdA YALVMNV3YS YOINILKXa pores > iy nor93e UILVMNVIYB YWOINILKE ~-9 1093S JOISYOBYVH G39V1d dvbdi¥ YILVAMVIYG YOINILXS woovun 8 OM : —————————— NO\LO310¥d dvudiy S oitbaiied dvudIy STO OR Po See et RO | e916 087 - ae i z . TATU SY nolo 310¥d avuaiu DGO Oae LOTT Ao = ve BL3u2NOD A = i fs TG ide fe oH eels > 243u2N09 bo t . 213u9N0d 7 7 5 7 7 ; Oka SS6l 17IN@ YdNS 3NOISdyD G06) TING EG waNs 3134IN0D 4161 NOIL31dWOD 4O YvaA 096! 111N@ 10 'wsNs 243¥2NOD ose! ating wens sacgeaat 416) NOILZDIEMOD 20 WVBR 416! NOILIISGMOD 3 2-8 1v NOIL93S mavansiieWivincliozs vy av Nors338 vV 2YOHS NOISN31X3 WUv 3YyOHS NOISN3LX2 Wuv 3YOHS NOISN31X3 Wu 89245 OM SNOL b 32Z1S ‘NIW 43W90d 8149 Y3d 3NO1S A] —dv2 SNO1 9 KOUddY or NISEE 9 Date(s) 1904 1921 1924 11935 S)557/ 1961- 1962 1984 1985 Table 38 Calumet Harbor Breakwaters Calumet Harbor and River, Illinois and Indiana Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 6,/14-ft-long attached breakwater was completed (Figure 100, Sections A and B). The breakwaters were stone-filled timber crib structures built on a stone base. Riprap toe protection was installed on each side of the breakwater. The shoreward 1,/00-ft length was 24 ft in width (Figure 101, Section A), and the remaining breakwater was 30 ft wide (Figure 101, Section B). The inner 1,700-ft portion of the breakwater (Figure 100, Section A) was capped with a stone and concrete superstructure, resulting in a crest el of +7.1 ft lwd (Figure 101, Section A). The outer 5,014-ft portion of the timber crib breakwater (Figure 100, Section B) was capped with a stone and concrete superstructure. The crest el of the breakwater was +7.1 ft lwd (Figure 101, Section B). Construction of a 5,007-ft-long cellular steel sheet-pile detached breakwater (Figure 100, Section C) was completed. The cells had a radius of 40 ft and were stone filled. Riprap toe protection was placed on each side of the breakwater. The structures were capped with stone (7 to 20 tons each) and had a crest el of +7.6 ft lwd (Figure 101, Section C). Portions of the detached breakwater (Figures 100 and 101, Sec- tions C-1 and C-2) were repaired. Heavy riprap stone was placed on each side of the structure at the northern end (Section C-1) and on the lakeside of the breakwater on the southerly end (Section C-2). Portions of the attached timber crib breakwater (Figures 100 and 101, Sections A-1 and B-1) were repaired. Riprap protection was placed on the lakeside of the breakwater at Section A-1 and on the harbor side at Section B-l. A severe storm occurred in February with estimated wave heights of 15 ft. Two cells at the southern end of the detached breakwater failed, and the fill stone was lost under the impact of the storm waves. Stones ranging from 6 to 23 tons were placed on the ends of the damaged cells in October to stabilize them and prevent damage to adjacent cells. A total of 3,938 tons of stone was used during these repairs. During November a site inspection of the attached timber crib structure revealed damaged concrete with exposed rebar, spalling, concrete deterioration, fractured concrete, voids, and erosion of some cribs on the harbor side. A reconnaissance report for breakwater rehabilitation was published by NCC recommending conversion of the attached breakwater to a rubble-mound structure as an attempt to preserve the detached break- water with rubble-mound berms installed on each side. 166 eueTpuy pue STOUTTI] ‘izo0qiey JounTe) “QO, ean3ty YIAIW ONY YOSUTH N33M190 NOISIAIO O9VIIHD ALNVIVG JO ALND Wsodsig S3au ov 6090 ALw3d0ud SA W1Y0ON Phe aot @iud VNVION! SIONITT: 167 oad —— 2" Fee al nel |e ates . 7, RIPRAP one Bore 6 'eye O'ere 6'ere 6 GO aA PROTECTION | oe | ARETE : H CONCRE Sit rr Wy ,-30 NOTE: SEE BELOM FOR ¥ TAY 5 Ss SECTION AT A-i CRIB BREAKWATER KWATER SECTION AT A NOTE. SCE BELOW SECTION aT B TION aT YEAR OF COMPLETION 1904 CORSE Ce YEAR OF COMPLETION 1904 CONCRETE SUPR BUIIT 1921 CONCRETE BUPR. BUILT 1924 CAP STONE 7 TO 20 TONS EACH RIPRAP PROTECTION \ CRIB ManBOR ry 29 STEEL SHEET PILES 16" C TOC OF INTERLOCK RADIUS 40-0" APPROX. 100 TONS TOE PROTECTION STONE DEPOSITED OVER RIPRAP ON EACH SIDE OF CELL 1 " QUARRY RUN it STONE FILL CRIB BREAKWATER TYPICAL REPAIR SECTIONS A-1 (LAKE SIDE) 8-1 (HARBOR SIDE) u 1 4 u STEEL BREAKWATER SECTION AT C YEAR OF COMPLETION 1923 CAP STONE 7 TO 20 TONS EACH +76 z van L.w 0. 5768 ‘< i yy oz eas Dy | Dy = “ Oo ~ K HARBOR 0 HEAVY RIPRAP w STONE Ma A ( ——— AN I \ ~38.9 * "38.9 RUBBLE MOUND BREAKWATER SECTION AT C-I YEAR OF COMPLETION 1957 ~CAP STONE Lw od 5768 | HARGOR APPROX 4300 TONS TOE PROTECTION STONE DEPOSITED OVER RIPRAP QUARRY RUN STONE FILL ~ RIPRAP STONE \ RUBBLE MOUND BREAKWATER SECTION AT C-2 YEAR OF COMPLETION 1957 Figure 101. Typical structure cross sections, Calumet Harbor, Illinois and Indiana 168 Date(s) 1922 1926 1935 1951- 1957 1986 Table 39 Indiana Harbor Breakwaters Indiana Harbor, Indiana Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,120-ft-long north breakwater (Figure 102, Sec- tion A) was completed. The breakwater was built of rubble-mound con- struction. It had a crest el of +6 ft lwd and side slopes of 1V:1.5H (Figure 103, Section A). Armor stone sizes along the crest were 7 tons (minimum), and armor stone along the slope (beneath the water surface) ranged from 1 to 7 tons with an average weight of 3 tons. Construction of a 201-ft-long east breakwater (Figure 102, Section B) was completed. The breakwater was a stone-filled concrete structure (Figure 103, Section B) built on a stone base. It had a crest el of +6.1 ft lwd and a width of 8.3 ft. A 2,324-ft-long lakeward rubble-mound extension of the each break- water was completed (Figure 103, Section C). It had a crest el of +9.0 ft lwd, a crest width of 10 ft, and 1-V:1.5-H slide slopes. Armor stones along the crest ranged from 7 to 20 tons, and armor along the slope (beneath the water surface) ranged from 2 to 7 tons (Figure 103, Section C). A series of model tests was conducted (Hudson and Housley 1959) to determine the extent of reflected waves in the navigation channel and remedial measures required to alleviate the problems. Maintenance costs have been low throughout the lifetime of the break- waters, and the structures are presently in good condition. 169 oA eueTpuy ‘10qiey eueTpUT *ZOT eanst a 170 NORTHERLY BREAKWATER SECTION AT A YEAR OF COMPLETION 1922 A STONE-QUARRY RUN B STONE-1TO7 TONS Av.3 TONS © STOME-MIN S00™ MAX. 2000 D STONE- MIN 7 ‘TONS CATWALK ONLY ON NORTH 100° OF CAISSON SECTION concrere “| CAISSON LWO._ 576.8 EASTERLY BREAKWATER EASTERLY BREAKWATER SECTION ATES SECTION AT c YEAR OF COMPLETION 1926 YEAR OF COMPLETION 1933 A STONE-OUST TO 1 TON SCALE OF SEC 8 ® STONE- 2 TO 7 TONS ———— ES ¢ STONE- 500° TO | TON Cre a ec SS D STONE- 7 TO 20 TONS Figure 103. Indiana Harbor, Indiana 7/1 Typical breakwater cross sections, Date(s) Table 40 Burns Harbor Breakwater Burns Waterway, Indiana ee eee ee ————————ee———ee Construction and Rehabilitation History 1968 1975 1976 WN 1 1978 1980 1984 1986 Construction of a 5,830-ft-long, rubble-mound breakwater (Figure 104) was completed. width of 17 ft. with side slopes of 1V: DH breakwater stability (Jackson 1967). The structure had a crest el of +14 ft lwd with a Armor stones ranging from 10 to 16 tons were placed Model tests were conducted to determine An inspection of the breakwater indicated that settlement of the structure in several locations below the constructed +14-ft-—lwd crest el had during 16,730 from 3 A total of 17,267 tons average) was placed on A total of 10,027 tons average) was placed on A total of 14,340 tons average) was placed on A total of 47,334 tons average) was placed on of stone ranging from the breakwater. of stone ranging from the breakwater. of stone ranging from the breakwater. of stone ranging from the breakwater. 3 3 3 3 to to to to occurred, and the breakwater was subsequently being overtopped all seasons by less than the design waves. tons of stone was placed during the year. to 16 tons having a 9-ton average. A total of Stone sizes ranged 16 tons (9-ton 16 tons (9-ton (9-ton 16 tons 16 tons (9-ton A storm in March caused damage to the breakwater dislodging armor stone in many areas and the overall integrity of the above-water stone placement. The breakwater has undergone extensive maintenance and rehabilitation since its construction because of structure slumping. cause of the slumping is not known. The exact A study is presently being con- ducted to identify the cause of the problem where remedial measures can be taken. WZ 87°30 87°00 NORTH. IND PUBLIC SERV ee aN 8URNS HBR WATERWAY LAKE MI\CHIGAWN BETHLEHEM STEEL CORP | WSs BURNS DITCH, LOCATION MAP SCALE OF FEET 42°00 | ILLINOIS <7 SANO CORE irs SS SANO BAcKFILL a NORTH BREAKWATER ea SECTION AT A mes | | 3S Le | | = | sii ! ae} | = lel ee ee ks >} | KR Pye o a w | lr 5 | xs |{ le : 3F | 3 BETHLEHEM =| a | | | a Ih #3 Sieve || ry he CORP ts UE ly 2 Iesiea |E al o& HE INDIANA 5} | | PORT 3 | | |s COMMISSION MIDWEST | | fe STEEL ! 3 CORR Paciinies Figure 104. Burns Harbor, Indiana LS) Table 41 Michigan City Harbor Structures Michigan City, Indiana Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1884 Construction of the 1,000-ft-long east breakwater (Figure 105, Sec- tion N) was completed. The breakwater was a timber crib structure with a width of about 29 ft (Figure 106, Section N). 1902 Construction of the 2,276-ft-long east pier (Figure 105, Sections G, H, J, K, L, M-1, and M) was completed. The pier was stone-filled timber crib structures (Figure 106) that ranged from about 18 to 34 ft in width. 1903 Construction of the 1,304-ft-long detached breakwater (Figure 105, Sections A, B, and C) was completed. This breakwater also was a timber crib structure (Figure 107, Sections A, B, and C) built ona stone base and was 30 ft in width. 1909 Construction of the 835-ft-long west pier (Figure 105, Sections D, E, and F) was completed. The pier consisted of a stone fill between woodpilings (Figure 107, Sections D, E, and F) that ranged in width from about 14 to 20 ft. 1911 The lakeward head of the detached breakwater (Figures 105 and 107, Section C) was capped with a concrete superstructure. The crest el of the breakwater was +10.5 ft lwd. 1923 The shoreward head of the detached breakwater (Figures 105 and 107, Section A) was capped with a concrete superstructure to an el of Ol fit. Twdis 1925 The trunk section of the detached breakwater (Figures 105 and 107, Section B) was capped with a concrete superstructure to an el of “Over eaters 1930 The shoreward portion of the east pier (Figures 105 and 106, Sec- tions G, H, J, K, and L) was capped with concrete and/or stone superstructures. The crest el of the pier was installed at +7.85 ft lwd, and the crest widths ranged from 18 to 34.25 ft in width. 1931 The lakeward portions of the east (Figures 105 and 106, Sections M and M-1) and west (Figures 105 and 107, Sections E and F) piers were capped with stone and concrete superstructures. The crest el of the east pier was +10.1 ft lwd (Sections M and M-1). The crest of the lakeward portion of the west pier (Section F) was +10.52 ft lwd and the adjacent portion (Section E) was installed at an el of +7.85 ft lwd. (Continued) 174 Date(s) 1939- 1940 1948 1968 1972 1978 1979 1986 Table 41 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History Riprap was placed on each side of the lakeward head of the detached breakwater (Figure 107, Section A). The crest of the riprap was placed at an el of +5.1 ft lwd, and side slopes of 1V:1.3H were installed. The east breakwater (Figures 105 and 106, Section N) was capped with a concrete superstructure to an el of +11.4 ft lwd. The shoreward end of the west pier (Figures 105 and 107, Section D) was reconstructed resulting in a pier that was 21 ft in width. Riprap was placed along both sides of the outer 1,106 ft of the de- tached breakwater (Figure 105, Sections B and C); both sides of the outer 537 ft of the west pier (Figure 105, Sections E and F); and along the outer 1,146 ft of the east pier (Figure 105, Sections M and M-1). Section M-1 included riprap on the lakeside only (Figure 106) with the crest at an el of +4 ft lwd. The outer end of the east pier (Figure 106, Section M) included riprap with a +4 ft lwd berm on the lakeside and a -2 ft el on the harbor side. Side slopes were 1V:1.5H. Riprap along the west pier (Figure 107, Sections E and F) was installed with side slopes of 1V:1.5H and an el of +4 ft lwd on the lakeside and below the surface of the water on the harbor side for toe protection. Riprap installed along both sides of the outer end of the detached breakwater (Figure 107, Sections B and C) was installed at an el of +4 ft lwd with side slopes of 1V:1.5H, with the exception of the head (Section C) which had a slope of 1V:2H on the lakeside. The shoreward portion of the west pier (Figure 105, Section D) and a portion of the east pier (Figure 105, Sections H and J) were reha- bilitated. Steel sheetpiling was driven on each side of the existing piers, and the voids were filled with stone. The west pier (Figure 107, Section D) was capped with concrete with a crest el of +7 ft lwd and a new width of 28 ft. The east pier (Figure 106, Sections H and J) consisted of a concrete and stone cap installed at a cost el of +7.85 ft lwd. The inner portion (Section H) was 34 ft in width and remaining portion (Section J) was built 38 ft wide. The concrete cap on the shoreward end of the detached breakwater (Figures 105 and 107, Section A) was rebuilt. An inspection of the structures indicated that the east breakwater was in fair condition and the other structures generally were in good condition. Riprap on the lakeside of the detached breakwater was low in areas, and the concrete cap on the east pier had deteriorated in areas. Subsequent maintenance repairs have been performed. The structures are presently in good condition. 175 bh AUS AE MICHIGAN -—..U.S) EAST BREAKWATER 1000' == PROJECT DEPTH j5' lana EPTH 8° OUTER Basin | ROdECT 1) Ind Michigan City Harbor, Figure 105. 176 CONCRETE 23-3" | — oh so ae cone oo | és : ry | | i nal CHAMAEL PZ27 SS PILING—— _} cwanueu| Came b| PZ 2793 PILING —Z w+) PILES PILES y BOTTOM OF "ROTTOMOF OLO CRIB WALLS PICES=I3/0 aloncatenwatts PILE -15.0 PILES se) SHEETING PILES SHEETING . ad ————— "1 BOTTOM SS BOTTOM OF Pp - 24. CAST PIER cS EAST PIER PILE -24.0 EAST PIER SECTION aT G SECTION aT ™ SECTION AT J CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED 1002 CONBTAUCTION COMPLETED (902 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED 19028 CONCRETE SUR. BUILT 930 CONCRETE SUPR. BUILT 1930 CONCRETE SUPRA. BUILT 1930 Rense COMOLEREO IOLA. COMPLETED 1972 CATWALA CXYCHOS FOR 43' ON A ENO OF SECTION L. 18-0" 20-10 A CONC. WALA 2763 CONC. WALA ’ . CONCACTE 24.33 concrete |/"FRR =a Wo $768 Lwo.s76.8 [26 CHANEL CHAMMEL SHEETING PILES PILES EAST PIER SECTION AT A EAST PIER SECTION AT L EAST PIER SECTION AT NM, UI RECOWSTRUCTION COMPLETED 1902 YEAR OF COMPLETION i902 YEAR OF COMPLETION (902 CONCRETE SUPR. BUILT 1930 CONCRETE SUPR. BUILT 1930 CONCRETE SUPA. BUILT 1931 SECTION M AS SHOWN CONCRETE 6 5 L.w.0, 576 Bar, LAAE » OASIN EAST BREAKWATER SECTION AT N YGAR Of COMPLETION CONCRETE SUPR BUILT 1940 Figure 106. 1004 SECTION M-!| RIPRAP LAKESIDE ONLY. Typical east structure cross sections, Michigan City Harbor, Indiana 177 CONCRETE TIMBER CRIB DETACHED BREAKWATER DETACHED BREAKWATER SECTION AT A SECTION AT B YEAR OF COMPLETION 1003 YEAR OF COMPLETION 1903 CONCRETE SUPA BUILT 1923 CONCRETE SUPR BUILT 1025 RIPRAP PLACED 1939-40 RIPRAP PLACED 1968-69 CONCRETE CAP REBUILT 1978 CONCRETE SAREE IIe Lwo. 576.8 (=) Reed "Ree SIG OETACHED BREAKWATER SECTION AT C YEAR OF COMPLETION 1903 CONCRETE SUPR BULTIDII RIPRAP PLACED 1968-69 SCALE OF SECTIONS A.B.C. 10° 0 10° 30° 50° 70 28'-0" 21-0" | 21'-0* \ 9° al CONCRETE! ee WALLS +e CAP ie: er a cTas | 2709 | CONCRETE +35 L.w.0. 576 8 Yh | PZ27S8S PILING PILES BOTTOM OF | FILE EL.-15.0 PZ27s3 2"! PILING BOTT OMEOE WEST PIER WEST PIER WEST PIER CE £L.-220 U section at 0 SECTION AT E SECTION aT F YEAR OF COMPLETION i909 YEAR OF COMPLETION 1909 TEAR OF COMPLETION '909 RECOMSTRUCTIOM COMPLETED \948 CONCRETE SUPRA. BUILT 1931 COMCRETE SUPR BUILT 1931 REHAB RIPRAP PLACED 1968-69: RIPRAP PLACED 1968-69 COMPLETED 1972 Figure 107. Typical structure cross sections, Michigan City Harbor, Indiana 178 Date(s) OS 1980 1983 1986 Table 42 New Buffalo Harbor Breakwaters New Buffalo, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of two breakwaters totaling 2,045 ft in length (Fig- ure 108) was completed at the mouth of the Galien River. The outer 480 ft of the north breakwater (Figures 108 and 109, Reach-A) con- sisted of a rubble-mound structure with a crest el of +9.0 ft lwd and a width of 12 ft. Armor stone ranged from 10 to 16 tons (12-ton average). The adjacent shoreward portion of the north breakwater and the outer end of the south breakwater (Figures 108 and 109, Reach B) consisted of a rubble-mound structure with a crest width of 10 ft and an el of +8.0 ft lwd. Armor stone on this portion of the breakwater ranged from 5 to 10 tons (6-ton average). The adjacent shoreward portions of both structures (Figures 108 and 109, Reach C) involved a rubble-mound breakwater with a crest el of +8.0 ft lwd and a crest width of 8 ft. Armor stone ranged from 3 to 5 tons (4—-ton average). The adjacent shoreward portions of the breakwaters (Figures 108 and 109, Reach D) included a rubble-mound structure with a crest el of +7.0 ft and a crest width of 6 ft. Armor stone ranged from 2 to 4 tons (3-ton average). All rubble-mound portions of the breakwaters had side slopes of 1V:1.5H. The inner ends of both breakwaters (Figure 108, Reach E) consisted of vertical steel sheetpiling with an el of +7 ft lwd. Riprap was placed on each side of the sheet- piling for toe protection. The breakwater configuration was model tested prior to construction (Dai and Wilson 1967). An inspection of the structures at the site indicated that voids existed in the outer reach (Reach A) of the north breakwater and minor settlement had occurred, particularly around the head of the structure adjacent to the navigation lights. The remaining portion of the rubble-mound north breakwater also consisted of many voids with some stones deteriorating (cracking or crumbling into smaller pieces). The outer portion of the south breakwater (Reaches B and C), although in better condition than the north structure, also had experienced some settlement and contained some gaps where waves washing through the structure was noted. The inner portion of the breakwaters was in good condition. Stone was placed in the voids of the outer portions of each breakwater (Reaches A and B, north breakwater, and Reach B, south breakwater, Figure 108). A site inspection in the latter part of the year revealed that some of the smaller stone (used to fit the voids) had washed out. Voids in the trunk sections of the breakwater (Reaches C and D, north structure, and Reach C, south structure) still existed along with settlement of 1 to 2 ft in some areas. The structures are presently considered in fair condition. Maintenance repairs of the breakwater have been recommended but not yet implemented. 1.7/8) MILWAUKEE MICHIGAN |WISCONSIN | VICINITY | MAP | SCALE OF! MILES 1 REACH-A 480 {e) 30 a 8 q (ENA AGO! o 200 HE MICHIGAN CITY OIANA VILLAGE Figure 108. New Buffalo Harbor, Michigan 180 AVERAGE |2 TON COVER STONE (RANGE 10 TO 16 TONS) EXISTING = \5 -LAKE BOTTOM 5 Ae EEO! \ \ \ 2'-O" BEDDING STONE \—CORE STONE (100-LB. TO! TON (1-LB. TO 50-LB QUARRY PLACE LARGER STONE ON OUTSIDE) SPALLS ) 16 TON TOE STONE REACH-A BUILT 1975 10-0" AVERAGE 6 TON COVER STONE | | £EL*8.0' > (RANGE 5 TO 1O TONS ) Vas ien—asias am 5-0" EXISTING 15 SFEFESTON GLAKE BOTTOM | L—2'-0" BEDDING STONE = CORE STONE (I-LB. TO 1,000-LB. | (1-LB. TO 50-LB. QUARRY PLACE LARGER STONE ON OUTSIDE.) SPALLS ) | L_19 TON TOE STONE AVERAGE 4 TON COVER STO! {RANGE 3 TO 5 TONS) OG FS ra 5 TON TOE STONE 2'-0" BEDDING STONE REACH-B BUILT 1975 ne—. | & | _ EXISTING 'S LAKE BOTTOM CORE STONE (1-LB. TO 500-LB. PLACE LARGER STONE ON OUTSIDE ) (1-LB. TO 50-LB. QUARRY SPALLS ) CORE STONE (I*TO 500°) PLACE LARGER STONE OUTSIDE AVERAGE 3 TON COVER STONE (2 TO 4 TON) EXISTING LAKE BOTTOM:y REACH-C BUILT 1975 Lao BEDDING STONE (1* To Figure 109. New S5O"QUARRY STONE) REACH-D BUILT 1975 Typical breakwater cross sections, Buffalo Harbor, Michigan 181 Date(s) 1836- 1866 1875- 1979 1880- 1881 1889- 1900 1901- 1903 1911 1918- OS 1924- 1925 Table 43 Saint Joseph Harbor Piers Saint Joseph, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the inner 948 ft of the north pier (Figure 110, Sec- tions C, D, and E) was completed during this time. (Figures 110, 111, 112, and 113 illustrate structures at St. Joseph Harbor.) The shoreward 573-ft portion was constructed of woodpilings spaced about 12 ft apart and filled with stone (Figure 112, Section E) pele remaining portion of the work consisted of stone-filled timber crib structures that were 24 ft wide (Figure 112, Sections C and D). The north structure was extended lakeward by 354 ft (Figure 110, Sec- tion B) during this period. The pier extension consisted of a 24-ft wide, stone-filled, timber crib structure (Figure 112, Section B). The north structure again was extended lakeward (Figure 110, Sec- tions A and A4). The length of the pier extension was 747 ft, and the structures were built of stone-filled timber cribs that were 30 ft in width (Figure 111, Sections A and A4). Construction of the inner 819 ft of the south pier (Figure 110, Sections I, J, K, and L) was completed during this time frame. The pier was constructed of woodpilings spaced from 26 to 34 ft apart and filled with earth and stone (Figure 113, Sections I, J, K, and L). Construction of the lakeward 709 ft of the north pier (Figure 110, Sections Al, A2, and A3) and the lakeward 1,784 ft of the south pier (Figure 110, Sections F, G, and H) was completed during this period. Both piers were constructed of stone-filled timber cribs built on a stone base. The entire north pier extension consisted of timber cribs that were 30 ft in width (Figure 111, Sections Al, A2, and A3). The south pier extension was 30 ft wide at its lakeward end (Figure 112, Section F) and 24 ft wide where it extended shoreward (Figure 112, Section G and Figure 113, Section H). The lakeward portion of the south pier (Figure 110, Section F) was capped with a concrete superstructure (Figure 112, Section F). The inner portion of the north pier (Figure 110, Section E) was capped with a concrete superstructure to an el of +7.0 ft lwd (Figure 112, Section E). A 426-ft-long portion of the south pier (Figure 110, Section H) was capped with a concrete and stone superstructure (Figure 113, Sec- tion) H) stor an) el Note ppemtalwdre (Continued) (Sheet 1 of 3) 182 Table 43 (Continued) Construction and Rehabilitation History Date(s) W227 1931 1934 1941 95 2— 1953 1961 1963 Portions of the north (Figure 110, Sections C and D) and the south pier (Figure 110, Section I) were capped with concrete and stone superstructures. The crest el of the north pier was +7.0 ft lwd (Figure 112, Sections C and D) and the south pier had an el of +7.5 ft lwd (Figure 113, Section I). The lakeward end of the north pier (Figure 110, Sections Al, A2, A3, A4, A, and B) were capped with a concrete superstructure (Figure 111, Sections Al, A2, A3, A4, and A, and Figure 112, Section B). A 376-ft-long portion of the south pier (Figure 110, Section G) was capped with a concrete superstructure (Figure 112, Section G). The shoreward portion of the south pier (Figure 110, Sections J, K, and L) was capped with a concrete superstructure on the channel side (Figure 113, Sections J, K, and L). The crest el of the cap was 7.0 ft Iwd, and it was backfilled with earth and stone. Portions of the north pier (Figure 110, Sections Al and A2) were repaired by enclosing the structure in a steel sheetpiling encase- ment (Figure 111, Sections Al and A2). Voids were filled with con- crete, and the pier was recapped with concrete. The outer portion (Section Al) had a crest el of +8.0 ft lwd and was 35.5 ft wide, while the other portion (Section A2) was +7.1 ft Ilwd with a width of 35.5 ft. Riprap toe protection was also installed on each side of the piers adjacent to the new sheet-pile walls. Additional portions of the north pier were repaired (Figure 110, Section A4, C, D, and E) by using steel sheetpiling. The shoreward portions of the pier were repaired by installing sheetpiling on the channel sides of the existing structures (Figure 112, Sections C, D, and E) and backfilling the voids with stone prior to capping the area with concrete. The el of this portion of the pier was +7.0 ft lwd. The remaining portion of the pier was repaired by enclosing the structure in a steel sheet-pile encasement (Figure 111, Section A3). Voids were filled, and the structure was capped with concrete to an el of about +7.6 ft Iwd. The pier width was approximately 36 ft. A portion of the north pier (Figure 110, Section A4) and a portion of the lakeward end of the south pier (Figure 110, Section F) were re- paired by enclosing the structures in steel sheetpiling encasements (Figure 111, Section A4 and Figure 112, Section F). Voids between the sheetpiling were filled with stone, and the piers were capped with concrete. The structures were about 36 ft wide and had crest els of approximately 7.0 ft lwd after repairs were made. Riprap toe protection was also installed on each side of the piers. (Continued) (Sheet 2 of 3) 183 Date(s) 1972 1976 1982 1985 Table 43 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History Additional portions of the south pier (Figure 110, Sections F, G, K, and L) were repaired. Section G and a portion of Section F were enclosed in a steel sheet-pile encasement (Figure 112). The voids between the sheetpiling were filled with stone, and the pier was capped with concrete to an el of about +7.0 ft lwd. After repairs the width of the structures was 36 ft (Section F) and 31 ft (Sec— tion G). Steel sheetpiling was installed on the channel side of the shoreward end of the south pier (Figure 113, Sections K and L). The voids were filled with stone, and a concrete cap installed. Another portion of the south pier underwent repairs (Figure 110, Sec- tions I and J). Steel sheetpiling was installed on the channel side of the pier (Figure 113, Sections I and J), and the voids were filled with stone. The pier was capped with concrete to an el of +7.5 ft lwd. Stone fill in portions of the north pier (Figure 110, Sections Al, A, and B) was replenished, and new concrete caps were installed in these areas. An inspection of the structures revealed that fill stone was 3 to 6 ft low in areas of the north pier and that cracking of the super- structure was prevalent in places. It was also noted that fill stone in the south pier was settling which was also causing cracking of the concrete superstructure. Maintenance repair of the structures has been recommended but not yet performed. The piers are considered to be in fair condition. (Sheet 3 of 3) 184 uesTYyITW ‘toqzey ydesor qutes “oT ean3tg AINNOD N3II1¥NIg 185 pore eee / 1 a AES °°43@anu by Op = \ Twidasnan: ae [i131 ley! » =3e.8'{! NORTH PIER 5220.8 BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE i880- 8! SUPERSTRUCTURE !931 REPAIRED 1963 (STEEL SHEET PILING ENCASEMENT; 1.G.L.0 SECTION —A NORTH PIER BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE |880-6! SUPERSTRUCTURE 193) Typical north pier cross sections, Saint Joseph Harbor, Michigan 186 SHEET PILES SIDE LAKE = 50-6- — —— — 26 ond — 30 —— —de = 10 + wae Ese! = 15 —_ i ; 40 aE pf WAS CA ay A Yai wi Bak! Vaio S32 +7 i: +70)! pCa ——— --——1G6L.0.576 8} ————--- 10 /2’ CENTERSs 23 CHS SHEET PILING 41.0 S305) SECTION-B = ee -46.0 aw NORTH PIER SECTION-C =) BUILT SUG STRUCTURE ‘875-9 NORTH SUPERSTRUCTURES:9 31 BUILT: SUB STRUCTURE 836-66 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1927 wn REPAIRED: STEEL SHEET PILING WALL ANO ANCHORAGE SYSTEM i96I - —50-6' = Soe 30 —- = 15 V2 +d | | | W) 1072 CENTERS ar Ip 22 Svea T i | SHEET PILING gu 3er rect a bh a {| SHEET PILING Bat -37.5) “41.0 SECTION-D (37:5 - 46.0 SECTION-E : NORTH are NORTH - 46. _t} "BUILT: SUB__ STRUCTURE 1836-66 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1927 BUILT. SUB STRUCTURE 1836-66 my REPAIRED: 196! STEEL SHEET PILING WALL SUPERSTRUCTURE 1918-19 AND ANCHORAGE SYSTEM REPAIRED. 1961 STEEL SHEET PILING WALL 2 AND ANCHORAGE SYSTEM z 36 a LN 30° RAILING Ay i 31 OLmaSIS} 60 29, SiO mmaNS steel RAILING 26 = i | Lp ie =k (S) u a ry f a ee Oe ¢ eee Se — --=23—1.G.L.D. 576.8 —__— - - zz" =7 29 ae) In ‘ eo i 2 J z3 30 Ww “ 4, rea Synstste SHEET PILING Z-27 STEEL SHEET ENG SECTION-G H SECTION-F Rye | SOUTH PIER ie teva alll SOUTH PIER BUILT. SUB STRUCTURE 1901-3 BUILT SUB STRUCTURE !901-3 SLPERSTRUCTURE 1934 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1911 REPAIRED: STEEL SWEET PILING WALL 1972 REPAIRED STA. 22+22W TO STA 26+03W STEEL SHEET PILING wALL 963 REPAIRED STA 16+21W TO STA 22+22W STEEL SHEET PILING WALL 1972 Figure 112. Typical pier cross sections, Saint Joseph Harbor, Michigan 187 1.G6.L.D. 576.8" SECTION-H SOUTH PIER SUBSTRUCTURE SUPERSTRUCTURE BUILT 1901-3 1924-5 =32.5' SECTION—I SOUTH BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1899 -1900 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1927 REPAIRED: STEEL SHEET PILING WALL 1976 lu a Fe 63.5' ¥Y) 45.67' n oy Hl , RAILINGS [—_ oe = =a ssiekef RIET TSS cm ESI +5.7' 1 4 ae ma 1.G.L.0. §76.8' "i i 2-27 $5 P. i ANCHOR WALL SS | CLOSE PILING PZ.-275.S.P. | Ww i a -9.3'TO-15.3' ! 2 OLO_PILES ; a 2+13W. TO 5+OOW. [== = t=——PZ-325.S.P, I re) i SECTION—J 2-32 s.s.P>| SECTION—K SOUTH =28.0 SOUTH BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1899-1900 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1899-1900 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1941 SUPERSTRUCTURE i941 REPAIRED: STEEL ieee PILING WALL 1976 REPA| RED: STEEL SHEET PILING WALL 1972 45.67 y RAILING) = tt —— +7.0' 1.G.L.0 576.8" 2-27 5.S.P. ANCHOR WALL (i (sa \ ROUND PILES STA. O+O8w. TO O+64w. An a SECTION—L ; =28.9S0UTH BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1699-1900 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1941 REPA/RED: STEEL SHEET PILIMG WALL 1972 Figure 113. Typical structure cross sections, 188 Saint Joseph Harbor, Michigan Date(s) 1868 1870- 1874 1871- 1874 1887 1888 1897- 1898 1899 1900 1912- NOS 1924- 1925 1930- 1931 Table 44 South Haven Harbor Piers South Haven, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the shoreward portion of the south pier (Figure 114, Section L) was completed. (Figures 114, 115, 116, and 117 illustrate structures at South Haven Harbor.) The pier was built with stone- filled timber crib structures and was about 20 ft in width (Fig- ure 117, Section L). Construction of a 287-ft-long portion of the north pier (Figure 114, Section C) was completed. The structure consisted of a stone-filled timber crib that was 23 ft in width (Figure 115, Section C). Extension of the south pier by 150 ft (Figure 114, Sections K and K2) was completed during this period. The pier extension consisted of a 32-ft-wide, stone-filled timber crib structure (Figure 117, Sec-— tions K and K2). An additional 50-ft extension of the south pier (Figure 114, Sec- tion Kl) was completed. The extension consisted of a stone-filled timber crib structure that was 30 ft in width (Figure 117, Sec- tion Kl). Construction of the shoreward 320 ft of the north pier (Figure 114, Sections D and Dl) was completed. These structures were 20-ft-wide stone-filled timber cribs (Figure 115, Sections D and Dl). An additional 179-ft-long lakeward extension (Figure 114, Section J) of the south pier was constructed. The extension consisted of stone- filled wood-pilings spaced 25 ft apart (Figure 116, Section J). Another 200-ft lakeward extension of the north pier (Figure 114, Sec- tion H) was completed. The pier was built of a stone-filled timber crib structure which was 24 ft in width (Figure 116, Section H). A 200-ft lakeward extension of the north pier (Figure 114, Section B) was constructed. The pier was constructed of stone-filled timber cribs that were 24 ft in width (Figure 115, Section B). Construction of the lakeward portions of the north and south piers (Figure 114, Section A) was completed. Both these structures were 24-ft-wide, stone-filled timber cribs (Figures 115 and 116, Sec- tion A). The shoreward 784 ft of the south pier (Figure 114, Sections H, J, Kl, K, K2, and L) was capped with a stone and concrete super- structure. The crest el of this structure ranged from +5.5 to +7.1 ft lwd (Figure 116, Sections J and Hs; and Figure 117, Sec- testo iKils Ks 125 ehavel 1), The shoreward 807 ft of the north pier (Figure 114, Sections B, C, D, and Dl) was capped with a concrete superstructure. Crest els ranged from +6.5 to +7.0 ft lwd (Figure 115, Sections B, C, D, and Dl). (Continued) 189 Date(s) 1940 1962- 1963 1964- 1965 1970- 1972 1981 1982 1983 1985 Table 44 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History The landward portions of the north and south piers (Figure 114, Sec- tion A) were capped with stone and concrete superstructures resulting in pier crest els of +7.0 ft lwd (Figures 115 and 116, Section A). The entire north pier (Figure 114) was repaired during this time frame. Repairs consisted of installing steel sheetpiling on each side of the existing structures, filling the voids with stone, and capping the structure with concrete. Widths of the pier ranged from SI Syston 40 som at halcuren il 5) SectdlonseAyeBmGuDpmratidesD i») A 179-ft portion of the south pier (Figure 114, Section J) was re- constructed. Steel sheetpiling was installed on each side of the existing pier forming a 32.7 ft-wide structure (Figure 116, Sec- tion J). The voids were filled with stone, and a concrete cap was installed. Additional portions of the south pier (Figure 114, Sections H, Kl, K, K2, and L) were repaired during this period. These piers were repaired similar to the earlier ones by the installation of steel sheetpiling on each side of the existing pier. Voids were again stone filled and the structure capped (Figure 116, Section H; and Figure 117, Sections Kl, K, K2, and L). Widths of the rehabilitated structure sections ranged from 30 to 42 ft. Riprap ranging from 1 to 6 tons was placed along the lakeside face of the north pier (Figure 114, Section A). Approximately 1,788 tons of stone was used that extended from the head of the pier 600 ft shore- ward. Also, 38 tons of 2- to 4-in. stone was placed under the caps to replenish fill stone. Approximately 1,029 tons of riprap was placed along the north pier (Figure 114, Sections A and B) and 2,054 tons along the south pier (Figure 114, Section A). Three- to sixteen-ton stone was used for the purpose. Additionally, 40 tons of 1- to 3-ft stone was placed under the caps of the south pier to replenish fill stone. About 600 tons of 6- to 12-ton riprap was placed along the lakeside of the north pier shoreward of the riprap placement of 1981 and 1982. An inspection of the structures revealed that the north pier was in good condition. The lakeward end of the south pier (Figure 114, Sec- tion A) appeared stable and in fair condition. Separation, settle- ment, and cracking of the superstructure was noted, and maintenance repairs have been recommended. The remaining portions of the south pier were in good to excellent condition. An aerial view of the South Haven Harbor piers is shown in Figure 118. 190 ueSTyoTW ‘10qiey UeAeH YINOS “HTT eaNSTy oo os 0 SIIW JO 3913S dVW ALINIDIA VNVIONI In77 NV OIHOIW MVNIDVS eA 33.1.SINVA NVOIHIIA 0 W > [7 j 6) =a ou 31s Lnvs S| P wOluRINS WELD Mal Ol Ud 61 LV OINIVLANIVA SEES 432?%1S JH VT 191 SIDE 315' TO 33.7' a a | | a 2373 = Tones TeaeeaRaSIES | 17+94 Q N a & 1498 TO 20+02 0 +02 TO SECTION-A NORTH PIER SUBSTRUCTURE 1912-13 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1940 REPAIRED 1962 BUILT cal SECTION-D NORTH PIER BUILT’ SUBSTRUCTURE 1088 SUPERSTRUCTURE 193 REPAIRED 1965 115. Typical north pier SECTION-C NORTH PIER BUILT: REPAIRED 1962 VARIES 19" VARIES fez See SUBSTRUCTURE i870-7!, 73-74 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1930 ca t n ne 36.0' [se Oo” 5768 SECTION-B NORTH PIER BUILT: UN 2 ii ' rr) @ 38 5' 3 7+94 TO I7+74 7+74 TO I5+94 STA 6 0” STA SUBSTRUCTURE 1900 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1930 REPAIRED 1962 a LITO 13+39 (2 Sy an & STA 15+69 [ STA.15 +01 (J Sa ie Lae eS a HAG) SECTION Dj NORTH QUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1868 SUPERSTRUCTURE [931 REPAIRED 1963 eross sections, South Haven Harbor, 192 Michigan SIDE CHANNEL erate 1GL.O. eS 8 SS STONE & GROUT BTW. DECK SLABS es EEE 4 ee 7 ey 7 es [ei Tele, ae) SECTION-A SOUTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1912-13 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1940 ee o |" —— ji — 2 irs 6 6) at lent 2 | a oe ey co} S 4 © ¢ Si Nn a SECTION-H SOUTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1899 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1924 REPAIRED 9.3.P.1970-72 576.8" 1.G.L.D. — Sara 1 SS i I Slee ea se a | | +7 |(+—_|- r/) SECTION-J SOUTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1897-98 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1924 RECONSTRUCTED 1964-65 Figure 116. Typical south pier cross sections, South Haven Harbor, Michigan 193 Le ¢ rE 40.0' eases S353 5.5' 2) SIDE \ —18"¢@ PILING — SECTION-KI SOUTH PIER SUBSTRUCTURE !887 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1924 REPAIRED S.S.P.1970-72 BUILT: Ae By ~ l LONG 32' CRIB REQ'D Z-27SSP.37.5' SECTION- K2 SOUTH PIER BUILT. SUBSTRUCTURE (871-74 Se S AGATETA CHANWEL 42" PILING, 32' LONG, 4'C.C SUPERSTRUCTURE 1924-25 REPAIRED S.S.P. 1970-72 2” 1 PILING,32' LONG, 4.CC N f-} Te] 3 SECTION-L SOUTH PIER STA.10+02.0-11+76.0 , BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1866 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1925 REPAIRED S.S.P 1970-72 Figure 117. Typical pier cross sections, 194 _ REQ'D Z-27 SSP 37.5' LONG South 'D Z-27 34.5’ LONG REO'E S 7 ra = aa OLD —7EcRIB ay ———— a a IE a = H 2-27 S.S.P21.0' LONG 32° CRIB 12" @ PILING, 32'LONG, 4'C.C. SECTION-K SOUTH PIER SUBSTRUCTURE 1871-74 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1924-25 REPAIRED S.S.P 1970- 2 BUILT = Z-27 S.S.P.28.0' LONG \ Li2"6 PILING,32'LONG, 4'C.C. SECTION-L SOUTH PIER STA.1+77.5-18 +53.0 BUILT: SUPERSTRUCTURE 1668 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1923 REPAIRED 9.S.P. 1970-72 Haven Harbor, Michigan uesTyoTW ‘1oqiey UeAeYH YINOS FO MaeTA TeTA9y "SIT eansTy 195 Date(s) 1904- 1905 1906- 1908 1936- 1938 1959 1974 1980 1981 1982 Table 45 Saugatuck Harbor Piers Saugatuck, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the lakeward portions of the north and south piers (Figure 119, Sections A, B, and C) was completed during this time frame. The extreme outer portions were constructed of 24-ft-wide stone-filled timber cribs (Figure 120, Section A). Riprap toe pro- tection was placed on each side of the timber cribs. The remaining portions of the pier (Sections B and C) were constructed of wood- piling spaced 13 ft apart (Figure 120, Sections B and C) and filled with stone. Construction of the shoreward portions of the north and south piers (Figure 119, Sections D, E, and F) was completed during this period. These piers ranged from 13 to 14 ft in width and were built with woodpilings (Figure 120, Sections D, E, and F). The north and south piers (Figure 119) were capped with concrete and/or stone superstructure. The lakeward portions of the piers were installed at a crest el of +7.0 ft lwd (Figure 120, Sections A, B, and C). The crest el of the shoreward portions of the piers was +6.0 ft lwd (Figure 120, Sections D, E, and F). A 375-ft portion of the south pier (Figure 119, Section Fl) was re- built. Steel sheetpiling was utilized and backfilled with earth and a stone cap (Figure 120, Section Fl). The el of this section of pier was +6.0 ft lwd. Fill stone replenishment for the north (Figure 114, Sections C and F) and south (Sections C, D, E, and F) piers was performed. An inspection of the piers revealed cracking, settlement, separation, misalignment, and tilting of the superstructures in various areas on both piers. Fill stone in most the piers was in need of replenish- ment also. The structures were in fair to poor condition with the exception of Section Fl (Figures 119 and 120) which was reconstructed in 1959. Approximately 500 tons of 1- to 8-ton riprap was placed along the west end and lakeside face of the south pier from the pier head to a point 100 ft shoreward. About 115 tons of 3- to 12-in stone fill also was placed under the superstructure at Section B (Figure 119) of the south pier. In addition, sand backfill was placed along 100 ft of Section D of the south pier and 500 ft of Sections E and F of the north pier. Approximately 300 tons of 6- to 12-in. fill stone was used to re- plenish the stone fill under the superstructure of the south pier. Additionally, about 500 tons of 50- to 300-1b ballast fill stone was placed into Section C (Figure 119) and along the lakeside of (Continued) 196 Date(s) 1985 1986 Table 45 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History Section D of the south pier. About 470 tons of the 50- to 300-1b ballast stone was placed into or along the north revetment. An inspection of the structures indicated the north pier to be in Fill stone had again settled, and the super- fair to poor condition. structure was still in poor condition because of cracking, settle- ment, tilting, etc. The south pierhead was in a poor to near failed condition (Figure 119, Section A), while the remaining portion of the pier is in a condition of fair to poor similar to the north pier. The only exception is Section Fl which is still considered to be in good condition. Considera— A major rehabilitation study for the piers is under way. tion is being given to using rubble-mound structures as opposed to vertical steel sheetpiling. An aerial photo of the Saugatuck Harbor Piers is shown in Figure 121. “i? U G td o @ Zl WwW KALAMAZOO LAKE NE A Saugatuck Harbor, Michigan be a s Figure 119. 197 SECTION - A N. @ S. PIERS La $.P BUILT’ SUBSTRUCTURE 1904-$ 1904-5 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1937 1936 = Ne v ai 1.G.LD.E1. 576.8" .G.LD. £1. 576. eae SECTION-D N.&S. PIERS Cad 3.P QUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 19C6-9 1906-8 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1937 938 ———— 75 ‘ia, 3-8 STONE 7 RAVEL FILL SAND FILL STEEL SHEET Pp PILING Z-27 STEEL] SHEET PILING SECTION-FI SOUTH PIER 1 | | | + | BIKeh ) i) ! BUILT 1958 SECTION-B N.&S. PIERS Laid SP BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1804-5 1904-5 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1937 1936 SECTION-E NORTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1906-0 SUPERBTRUCTURE 1937 SECTION-C N.@ S. PIERS Laid 3.P. BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1906-5 1906-6 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1937 i938 SECTION-F N.&S. PIERS ne 3.0 BLT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1908-8 1908-8 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1937 1938 Figure 120. Typical pier cross sections, Saugatuck Harbor, Michigan 198 ueszyITW *10qaey YonJeSneg Jo MaTA TefAey °TZ] ean3Ty Date(s) 1868- 1879 1875- 1876 1906- 1909 1908- 1909 1929 1932- 1933 1958 1963- 1964 Table 46 Holland Harbor Structures Holland, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the south pier (Figures 122, 123 and 124, Sections I and J) and a portion of the north pier (Figure 123, Section D) was completed at the site (Figure 122) during this period of time. The north pier (Section D) consisted of woodpilings driven about 24 ft apart and filled with earth and stone, while the south pier (Sec- tions I and J) involved a 20-ft-wide, stone-filled timber crib structure. Construction of the lakeward end of the north pier (Figure 123, Section C) was completed during this period. The pier consisted of a 20-ft-wide stone-filled timber crib structure. Construction of the north and south arrowhead breakwater arms (Figure 123, Sections Al, A and B) was completed at the site (Fig- ure 122). The lakeward portions (Sections Al and A) were constructed with 30-ft-wide stone-filled timber cribs, while the shoreward portions of the breakwater (Section B) were built with 24-ft-wide stone-filled timber cribs. Construction of the breakwater pier connections (Figure 123, Section Q) was completed during this period. They consisted of wood- pilings driven 12 ft apart and filled with stone. The el was +2.0 ft lwd. Rubble was placed on each side of the structure to the +2 ft lwd crest el and extended down on a slope of 1V:1.5H. The north pier (Figure 123, Sections C and D) was capped with a con- crete and stone superstructure. The el of the lakeward end of the pier (Section C) was +7.1 ft lwd, and the shoreward end (Section D) was installed at a crest el of +6.1 ft lwd. The south pier (Figures 123 and 124, Sections I and J) and both breakwaters (Figure 123, Sections Al, A, and B) were capped with stone and concrete superstructures during this time. The south pier and both breakwaters were constructed to els of +7.1 ft lwd. The north pier (Figure 123, Sections C and D) was repaired. Steel sheetpiling was installed on each side of the structure, and the voids were filled with stone and capped with concrete. The width of the lakeward portion (Section C) was 32 ft, and that of the shore- ward portion (Section D) was 33.8 ft. Rehabilitation of the lakeward heads of the breakwaters (Figure 123, Section Al), the pier connections (Figure 123, Section Q), and the south pier (Figures 123 and 124, Sections I and J) was completed. (Continued) 200 Date(s) 1979 1980 1983- 1984 1985 Table 46 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History Steel sheetpiling was driven on each side of the breakwater heads (Section Al) forming a structure 40.3 ft in width. The voids were stone filled and capped with concrete. The pier connections (Sec- tion Q) were capped with an 8-ft-wide precast concrete slab at an el of +4.5 ft lwd. Stone was added to the channel side and the lake- side of the structure with slopes of 1V:2H and 1V:1.5H, respectively. Steel sheetpiling also was added along the sides of the south pier (Figures I and J). The voids were filled with stone, and a concrete cap was added. An inspection of the structures indicated that the breakwaters and north pier were in good condition, while the south pier revealed cracks, settlement, and erosion of concrete and was considered in fair condition. It was noted that replenishment of riprap stone was required in some areas along the breakwater. Riprap stone was placed around the lakeward end of the north break- water (Section Al) on the lakeside. The north and south pier con- nections underwent replenishment of stone in areas that had settled. The lakeward 55 ft of the south pier (Section I) and a 55-ft-long portion of Section J were rehabilitated. Precast concrete caps were installed. A 142-ft-long portion of the north breakwater (Figure 123, Section B) and a 124-ft-long portion of the south breakwater (Section A) were encased with steel sheetpiling, filled with stone, and capped with concrete. The remaining portions of Section B (north breakwater) and Section A (south breakwater) were encased with protection stone. Approximately 80,000 tons of stone was used, and the cost was approximately $3,000,000. An inspection of the structures revealed them to be generally in good condition. Fill stone replenishment was recommended, however, at the lakeward heads of the breakwaters (Figure 123, Section Al). An aerial view of Holland Harbor Structures is shown in Figure 125. 201 o_o oe dVW ALINISIA ueSTYTW ‘1oqieH PueTIOH “ZZT eansTy LD cote 5 ls a 3 ale ~ 4 Wad K p VAVLYOUW =) Cas iS va muons nv > a ae = | syd BeeN . eee] OSsINacr y n N I IANSS m4 Ly gy I = CPP — So Yl Wa 2 Hov3aa eee J ONIONYT SH3NVve aH a‘ x TEN 6) S19 UMVLI @ NOOw3a ce EZ m 2 ivoa NOova3 = ge ae (j= I * aie £2 Hid 30 LOOK IE5 THANUHD FOINVALINI \ \ ie 1H9I7 —|_i2 INIOd 3anvua VAY LY IW 9/ i xe INV T btn. 4H917 121909 ang aNNOYS 370GINW ~ A) YNVIONI zr rhe aoe ~ ° AVG 91IG ~ Avis Ava = NYY = > VNINVIA 2 N3AVH Ava x A>) a = L_____— 202 SIDE CHANNEL RAILING COUNTY j OTTAWA - PROJECT PROJECT = S DEPTH DEPTH as ow me 9) 23 FT. 235FTTO2ZIFT, MICHIGAN 37° NORTH Tvar€s a OR ian = BPE AK WATER a = 20) c= 45° SOUTH - _ ae 7 ee Gee BREAKWATER BS © 6 eal -— VARIES 7 sortH © t SreaxwaTeR Ltt 25 $ SOUTH U we Ww ~~ = 33 NORTH = SECTION-Al 2-27SSP-4| _33 NoRTH SERS auWATs Ann Cieza a) ANO)GIGREARWATER cae ae =335 SOUTH } . =335 SouTH BREAKWATER @ULT. SUBSTRUCTURE NB 1906-7 SB 1907 BREAKWATER SUPERSTRUCTURE NB 1932 SB 1933 REPAIRED 1963-1964 FP ————— 9 = = 30 - > — — 24 ——_—__» SO 1 53-2 6 ee 7 ee 6 ee Sse a4 ae 6) meg ae 6 ea ati 2i pe mal 2 fhe ° z iz a, id Gi! HS ai! Ww G! | Carats: | 155) | Iu NU cll IN + = a 7 aes oc w -390'|} SECTION- SECTION-B SECTION-C SOUTH BREAKWATER N. AND S BREAKWATER NORTH PIER 8 s68 nB se BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1675.6 BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 906-7 907 SuILT SUBSTRUCTURE ‘906-7 1907 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1929 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1932 1933 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1932 1932 REPAIRED 1958 -———_ —. -33:8f"- - = 26% —e | = 4a —___ 185 —— eae Bog op es TYPICAL SEG.-J = f SOUTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1866-70 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1932 G 3 GLO =) a 0 wl u el Ni -110° REMOVABLE ___ b { PRECAST CONCRETE SLAB / CHAIN RAILING | _— COVER STONE lo ~~ CORE STONE TYPICAL SEC-D NORTH PIER BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 868, 9 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1929 REPAIRED 1956 TOE STONE SECTION-Q PIER CONNECTIONS BUILT: 1906-9 REPAIRED 1963-1964 Figure 123. Typical breakwater and pier cross sections, Holland Harbor, Michigan 203 5768 VARIES +575 LGLD. 576.8 STONE 18" DIA. HP 10x42 TYPICAL SEC.-J esas ; VARIES e TYPICAL SEC.- | Figure 124. Typical structure cross sections, Holland Harbor, Michigan 204 UPSTYOTW “A0q1eY PUBTTOH JO META [eTAey °GzI ean3Ty Date(s) 1867- 1869 1875- 1879 1882- 1887 1887- 1894 1916- 1922 1952- 1960 1976 1980 Table 47 Grand Haven Harbor Piers Grand Haven, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the shoreward 396 ft of the south pier (Figure 126, Sections K, Jl, and J) was completed during this period. The pier consisted of timber piling spaced approximately 30 ft apart and filled with stone (Figure 128, Sections K, Jl, and J). Construction of the shoreward 605 ft of the north pier (Figure 126, Section B) was completed during this time. The pier was constructed with a 30-ft-wide stone-filled timber crib structure (Figure 127, Section B). The south pier was extended by 1,000 ft (Figure 126, Sections HI and I). This extension consisted of stone-filled timber crib structures (Figure 128, Sections Hl and I) built on a stone base. The cribs were about 30 ft wide. The south pier was extended by 119 ft (Figure 126, Section H) and the north pier by 811 ft (Figure 126, Sections A, Al, and A2) during this time. The extensions were constructed with stone-filled timber cribs on stone bases (Figure 127, Sections A, Al, and A2; and Figure 128, Section H). The width of the structures were 30 ft. The north and south piers (Figure 126) were capped with stone and concrete superstructures during this period. The north pier (Fig- ure 127, Sections A, Al, A2, and B) ranged in el from +7.1 to +8.0 ft lwd, and the south pier (Figure 128, Sections H, Hl, I, J, Jl, and K) had a crest el ranging from +6.3 to 9.1 ft lwd. The north and south piers (Figure 126) were repaired during this time. The existing structures were encased in steel sheetpiling (Figures 127 and 128). The voids between the sheetpiling and the existing structures were filled with gravel or stone, and the pier edges were capped with concrete. The north pier ranged from about 34 to 36 ft in width (Figure 127, Sections A, Al, A2, and B), and the south pier was from 37 to 51.5 ft in width (Figure 128, Sections H, ils I, ay Mil, emnal 1X) Riprap stone was placed along the outer 210 ft of the lakeside por- tion of Section H-1 (Figure 126) of the south pier. Fill stone also was replenished in the cells of Section K of the south pier, and they were capped with concrete. Riprap was placed along portions of the north (Figure 126, Sections A and Al) and south (Sections J, Jl, and H) piers. (Continued) 206 Table 47 (Concluded) Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1983 Additional riprap stone was placed along the north (Figure 126, Sec- tions A and Al) and south (Section H) piers. 1985 A site inspection indicated the structures were generally in very good condition. An aerial photo of the Grand Haven Harbor Piers is shown in Figure 129. ER ATK TE Gil LT ee mW 4 MICHIGAN{ (633 ACRES) SEE SHT HE oe ee Figure 126. Grand Haven Harbor, Michigan 207 uesTYyITW ‘10qiey ueAey pueIy ‘suOoT}9eS ssoto AeTd yjaou [eofdky, */zZ] Panty as > 8-256! aauivday 3 ss- sel aauivd3y P) 2261 3uNsonuisuadns O'fb- Se 1261 3uNLoNyssuaans sec-@ 62'82 ‘Ld ‘Sz8! Byanigneiseans (LINE 3 ee- 6'l6'68 ‘2e8) ZYNLINSLSENS “LINE : (oe) ee Yald HLYON Y3dld H1LYON a il €-NOILOAS V-NOILOSS Aer “v SE 2 / a / a ; <9 57. - r /1 2-9 ® Szs \b-SseE@ ls -| 2S6! Q3auivd3y 1261 3YNLONeLSYadNs bes! 3yNLINYISENs ‘11INe taid HLYON oe ail 2V-NOILOAS ie sais ese! a3uivd3y % (261 3unLoNYLsSU3aNs ; al Ol ves! -auNonyuseNs ‘LIne — Siv- Y3ld HLYON IV¥-NOILDSS Bujlid “S'S BE-Z 3 : ad Sulld S°S BE-Z Buijig 404s Buijig 42ayS PAS Le-vO 1891S L2-Z Chala 8°92S = ‘791 —S'b+ = 7 at OSs Oo — deep Z| pasncug We Or: i ae r ve | weAeas 208 +6.5) im) EO Ge = | —-— + 3.0' ; aif, _} 576.8! +40) — 1G-L.0 — = we 2-38 erecta OR AYEE Fa SHEE |2-38 STEEL 3 SHEET PILING FILL SHEET PILING r 2-32 STEEL] x SHEET PILING | 2 & Rowe a jul ah YY TYPICAL SECTION —H me 8G) -43.0' | SOUTH PIER L = 43.0 BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1893-4 ae SUPERSTRUCTURE i921- REPAIRED 1957 ———"= = = | t 1 a | IR = LG) Sn = eel — 1750) ‘ +3.0 ao LG.LD 576.8 4 = 2-38 STEEL ae SHEET PILING 4 a 2-27 STEEL a <~ SHEET PILING a oO TRTRT RG & Pg =430' ff BUILT: NOTE ——— 374 SECTION - I SOUTH PIER SUBSTRUCTURE 1882-4 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1919-20 REPAIRED 1951, 52 2-32 S.S. PILING USED BTW STATION 2+01 AND 2+53 | | == 204 | i) “ | + af [ES 3) be -s 2p +9 mee. | STONE AND SROUT +5.0' pry BETWEEN SLABS a RHE 1G.L.0. 576.8 Z-38 STEEL SHEET PILING wy) =~ . a *5-27.0' TO 340 27 STEEL SHEET PILING jeez -240'| SECTION-K SOUTH PIER BUILT REPAIRED Figure 128. SUBSTRUCTURE SUPERS TRUCTURE 1667-8 1916-7 1959-60 Typical south pier ; —-+5.0 #)'| 576.8 _ = we wi: Si PU Z=320STEEL o) [SHEET PILING c °°, ~ SECTION - HI J=335' 10 39.5 SOUTH PIER BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1663-5,7 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1921-2 REPAIRED 1954 ——_ 37'-0" +l} 30'-6" oll le Le Dll wd jy fe 2-3" Seinen | ial | | p Se weed | NOTE: SECTION JI IS THE SAME IN DESIGN AS SECTION v QUT WITH) GROUT BE TWEEN| > SLABS 8 37’ 6 2-32 San aa Z- 38 S.S.PILING USED. SECTION - J,ul SOUTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1868-9 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1919-20 REPAIRED 1957, 59-60 cross sections, Grand Haven Harbor, Michigan 209 ueSTYUOTW *‘10qiey usAeYy pueig jo Mata Tetley "671 eanstgy 210 Date(s) 1868- 1890 1906 1927- 1931 1932- 1934 1942- 1954 1960- 1963 1966 Table 48 Muskegon Harbor Structures Muskegon, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 703-ft-long north pier and a 692-ft-long south pier (Figure 130) was completed during this time. The piers were originally built with woodpilings and ranged from 18 to 32 ft in width. The area between the pilings was filled with stone and tin- ber, and the piers were capped with a timber superstructure. The north pier was rebuilt with timber pilings similar to the origi- nal construction. Construction of the north and south breakwaters (Figure 130) was completed. (Figures 130, 131, and 132 illustrate structures at Muskegon Harbor.) The north breakwater was a rubble-mound structure (Figure 132, Sections A and B) that was capped with 8- to 10-ton armor stone (Section A) with the exception of the shoreward end (Sec- tion B) which had 1- to 5-ton armor protection. The crest el of the structure was about +8.5 ft lwd, and side slopes were 1V:1.5H. The lakeward portion of the south breakwater (Figure 132, Sections C, D, and E) was constructed with stone-filled concrete caissons on wood- pilings. These structures had concrete caps that were 7.3 ft wide at the crest with an el of +7.1 ft lwd. The shoreward portion of the south breakwater (Figure 132, Sections F, G, and H) was composed of woodpiling with a stone fill and concrete and stone superstructures. The structures ranged from 14 to 17 ft in width and had crest els ranging from +7.1 to +7.4 ft lwd. The outer 54 ft of the south breakwater consisted of two rectangular stone-filled concrete caissons. Riprap with a 1-V:2-H side slope was placed along the sides of most of the structure. The north and south pier superstructures were rebuilt and consisted of concrete and stone construction (Figure 131, Sections N, O, and P). : During this period a total of 16,757 tons of riprap stone was placed along the sides of the south breakwater (Figure 132, Sections C, D, E, F, and G). An additional 4,832 tons of riprap was placed along the south break- water at Sections E and F (Figure 130). The south pier (Figure 130, Sections N, 0, and P) was rehabilitated by encasing it in steel sheetpiling. The voids were filled between the sheetpiling and the existing structure, and the pier was capped with concrete. The new el was +8.5 ft lwd, and the width ranged from 35 to 45 ft. A portion of the south breakwater (Figure 130, Sec- tions F and G) was rehabilitated also. Fill-stone replenishment and regrouting of the superstructure was accomplished, and additional riprap stone was placed along the shoreline. (Continued) 211 Date(s) UTS) 1979- 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1986 Table 48 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History Stone was placed along the lakeward end of the north breakwater (Fig- ure 130, Section A) in areas of settlement and along the lakeward end of the south breakwater (Figure 130, Section D) for protection against wave and ice action. The entire north pier (Figure 130) was removed, and the structure was replaced with a rubble-mound pier (Figure 131). The crest el of the pier was +8.5 ft lwd, and side slopes were 1V:2.5H on the channel side and 1V:1.5H on the lakeside. Approximately 1,000 tons of stone was placed along the navigation light at the head of the north break- water. Riprap stone also was placed along the south breakwater head. Approximately 510 tons of riprap stone was again placed at the head of the north breakwater around the navigation light (Figure 130). Riprap also was again placed around the head of the south breakwater. Fill stone in the entire south pier (Figure 130, Sections N, 0, and P) was replenished, and the structure was recapped with concrete. The stone at the head of the west breakwater (Figure 130) again was washed out, and approximately 1020 tons of 8- to 16-ton riprap stone was placed around the navigation light. Also added were 50 tons of 3- to 10-in. fill stone, 247 tons of 50- to 300-1b core stone, and 312 tons of 500-1b to 3-ton riprap to the north breakwater (Fig- ure 130, Section A). Repairs to the head of the south breakwater (Section C) included the addition of 324 tons of 500-1b to 3-ton rip- rap as core stone along the lakeside face and 1,038 tons of 3- to 16-ton riprap around the breakwater head. In addition, 800 tons of 500-lb to 3-ton riprap stone was placed as toe protection along the channel side of the south pier. The north pier (Figures 130 and 131) was repaired with the placement of larger cover stone, and 8- to 12-ton riprap stone was placed around the navigation light at the head of the west breakwater (Figure 130). Major riprap placement at the south breakwater (Figure 130, Sec- tions C, D, and E) for protection against waves and ice action was completed which involved approximately 86,770 tons of 10- to 26-ton cover stone (with stones as large as 49 tons in some areas). This placement encompassed the south breakwater head and both the lake and harbor sides. The stone was placed to an el of +8.0 ft lwd. Reconstruction of the head of the north breakwater was initiated and involved (Figure 130) removal of the existing cover and core stone and the placement of a steel sheetpiling with a concrete cap break-— water head structure. Also initiated was rehabilitation of the south breakwater concrete caps which are extensively spalled with large pieces cracked and broken off causing a hazard to the public. After these repairs, the structures will be in good condition. An aerial view of Muskegon Harbor structures is shown in Figure 133. 212 J UPSTREAM LIMIT_OF STATE: (PARK fl dy FEDERAL PROJECT PROJECT DEPTH USK EGON NLA KE MUSKEGON COUNTY WANISTEE NORTH MUSKEGON LAKE MICHIGAN INDIANA VICINITY MAP SCALE OF MILES P ' LOCATION MAP SCALE OF FEET 3,000 10,000 —— r Figure 130. Muskegon Harbor, Michigan 213 uesTYyoTW ‘10qiey uoseysny ‘uoTj—esS 9096) Q@vH3ay " €-286) ayNisnuisuadns 060! 3UNJINWIGENS ‘INE Si d-NOILOAS TWOIldAL 996! BVH3Y £ -296) 3yNonyisH3dNS i s.el Bunianeisans iting | Yy3ald HiNOS | i iN - NOILOSS 47 | || i | | | | 4 f= a [e) 7 Pal 1 SSO1D 91n,9nI4s TeoTdA, “TE, eAanBTyq (r 096) @vHay 5 €-266) gunLINwsswadNS 6690) agunsonuiseans -i they | uid H1NoOS ree NOILISS WOldA YOSYVH oGé! @VH3u b-EE! Jun. INU-sHadNs 9061 Bunionwasans :111ng UBld HLYON wert SONITIVE AL3IVE PEC aS 214 —— 255° T0195: -255 TO 195——— A -aquarry RUN B -1 To 5 ToN CG -4105 TON 2 TO 10 TON SECTION -—A NORTH BREAKWATER euiet 930-1 SECTION-B NORTH BREAKWATER auict 1930-1 OUTER 54 LINEAR FEET OF SECTION “C"CONSISTS OF 2 RECTANGULAR CAISSONS wo Vows YE vat SECTION —C SOUTH BREAKWATER Bult SUBSTRUCTURE 1927-30 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1927-30 —+7I' a fo) o ed = wo ww ae SECTION —E SOUTH BREAKWATER SECTION = 0 BUILT: OvOSTRUCTURG 1027- DO SOUTH BREAKWATER SUPERB RUCTURE 1987-20 Quy suesTRUcTURE (927-30 fe IO SAFETY RAILING SUPEROTRUCTURE 1027-30 a —— SAFETY RAILING GOES SUROIES 29 +7!" cover 5 CEI 2.3, STONE fe COVER STONE~ +45" +4'5 10! 36), aS 39) 39048 10 —— 38. 1 Te*h \ 576.8 LAKE SIDE ie “exist. BTM. : ian ee RIPRAP fel one : ' ak of STONE ~SECTION-G SOUTH BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1926-30 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1930 MATTRESS STONE SOUTH BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1928-30 SUPERSTRUCTURE ‘930 SAFETY. SECTION-H SOUTH BREAKWATER WaT ovOcmuCTURE 1980-00 SuPaASTAucTung 1930 Figure 132. Typical breakwater cross sections, Muskegon Harbor, Michigan ZAI) ueSTYyoTW ‘1oqaey uoseysnW JO META [eTAey “CET eansTy Date(s) 1870- 1872 1899 1900 1936- 1937 1971 1982 1983 1985 Table 49 White Lake Harbor Piers White Lake, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History A 495-ft-long north pier was constructed at the site (Figure 134, Section G) during this time frame. The pier was constructed of wood- pilings driven from 21 to 29 ft apart and filled with stone (Fig- ure 135, Section G). A 673-ft-long south pier (Figure 134, Sections C, D, and E) was con- structed. The inner 369 ft was constructed with woodpilings (Fig- ure 135, Sections D and E). The piers were stone filled and ranged in width from 22 to 26.5 ft. The outer 304-ft-long portion (Fig- ures 134 and 135, Section C) consisted of a stone-filled timber crib structure that ranged from 28 to 30 ft in width. The north and south piers were extended by 200 and 150 ft, respec-— tively (Figure 134, Sections A and B). The extensions were stone- filled timber crib structures and were built on a stone base (Fig- ure 135, Sections A and B). The north pier (Section A) was 24 ft in width, and the south pier (Section B) was 34 ft wide. The north and south piers were capped with concrete and stone super-— structures (Figure 135, Sections A-E and G). The crest els of the pier were +7.0 ft Ilwd. Fill stone was replenished in the shoreward portion of the north pier (Figure 134, Section G). An underwater examination of the lakeside of the south pier revealed signs of deterioration of the timber piling along Sections C and D (Figure 134) and fill stone being washed out between these pilings. Fill stone was replenished in the lakeward portion (Figure 134, Sec— tion A) of the north pier and the south pier (Figure 134, Section B). Riprap stone around the head of the south pier (Section B) also was placed. Riprap stone around the heads and along the lake and channel sides of Section A (Figure 134) was placed. In addition, stone fill was again placed in open pockets of the superstructures of this portion of the pier and grouted over. An inspection of the structures indicated that the substructures of both piers are deteriorating, resulting in superstructure settlement and cracking, considerable misalignment and tilt, and loss of fill stone. Both structures are considered to be in poor condition. Reconstruction and/or rehabilitation has been recommended within the next 2 to 3 years. Qi) uesTYOTW *10q1eH eye] SIFYM “HET PANsTY oe Fa S31A 40 31V9S es QVM ALIWIOTA HOV3E8 NWAIAS . UNVIGNI -NNI > S, AVYYNW (88I'gG) S4BISNID BIg maroc Nae (OF JES aD S/W. (Salid €) OL OINIVLNIVW 7 Se s1aisni9 y \ IVT \: @ | Sa / | 0 > o ,€9m 902 | ,boe | OS! rn bn x ™ 5S in) S 9 b = 8! shh abe dgaji 91 902 7% Hidz0 ,0@ L939°70Ud 9 a Ls g 10d. O) HLdIIO 21 ivan Ol NIVINIOW NVIONI Wi LITOUd WHIGIS JO 1/WI7 WV FHLSIN SN Ve eT, 218 S37IW JO 31v0S dvW NOILV907 PIERSON Vp Bt SNOW LNOW ea = \ = 4 Se LAVERY APAYERY IY ET YA | Fat | Ww SECTION - A SECTION - B SECTION - C fo) NORTH PIER SOUTH PIER SOUTH PIER wn BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1900 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1900 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1899 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1936 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1937 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1937 —22' To 26°—+ 21° To 29 24 4 oa \ = 4P = : SECTION - D SECTION - E SECTION - S SOUTH PIER SOUTH PIER see Liga © BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1899 BUILT- SUBSTRUCTURE 1899 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1870-2 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1937 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1937 SUPERSTRUCTURE i936 Figure 135. Typical pier cross sections, White Lake Harbor, Michigan 219 Date(s) 1868- 1870 1872 1887 1938 1959 1971 1981 1982 Table 50 Pentwater Harbor Piers Pentwater, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 606-ft-long north pier (Figure 136, Sections B, C, D, and E) and a 620-ft-long south pier (Figure 136, Sections B, H, and J) was completed during this period. The shoreward 439 ft of the north pier was constructed with woodpilings (Figure 137, Sec- tions D and E) that were spaced 14 ft apart and stone filled. The remaining portions of the north pier and the entire south pier (Fig- ure 137, Sections B, C, J, and H) were constructed with stone-filled timber crib structures. The width of the timber cribs at the north pier (Sections B and C) were 20 ft, and the south pier timber crib structures (Sections B, H, and J) ranged from 20 to 32 ft in width. The north pier was extended by 34 ft (Figure 136, Section A) with a timber crib structure. The pier extension was 30 ft wide and filled with stone (Figure 137, Section A). The south pier was extended by 101 ft (Figure 136, Section G). The extension included a 30-ft-wide stone-filled timber crib structure (Figure 137, Section G). The north and south piers were capped with concrete and stone super-— structures (Figure 137). The crests of the piers were installed at an el of +7.0 ft lwd. The piers ranged in width from 18 to about 37.5 ft. The widths of two portions of the north pier (Figure 137, Sections A and C) were increased by installing woodpilings on the channel side and filling the voids with stone prior to capping the structures. A 60-ft-long rubble-mound extension to the north pier was completed (Figure 136). The structure had a 10-ft-wide crest width and an el of +5.0 ft lwd (Figure 137). Side slopes were 1V:2H, and 9-ton (min) toe stones were utilized. Riprap stone was placed around the head and on the lakeward side of the rubble-mound portion of the north pier (Figure 136), and stone replenishment and regrouting was completed for the remaining portion of the north pier (Sections A, B, C, and D). Riprap also was placed around the head of the south pier, and fill stone placement and re- grouting were completed for Section B (Figure 136) of the south pier. Riprap was placed along the lakeside of a portion of the south pier (Figure 136, Section H). Small core stone was placed into gaps of the rubble-mound portion of the north pier (Figure 136) between the cover stones. Fill stone (Continued) 220 Table 50 (Concluded) Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History replenishment and concrete capping were completed to Sections A, B, C, D, and E of the north pier and Section G of the south pier (Figure 136). 1985 A site inspection of the structures indicated that the rubble-mound extension of the north pier (Figure 136) has settled up to 1 ft throughout. The remaining portions of the north pier (Sections A, B, C, D, and E) and the south pier (Sections G, H, B, and J) are bulging, tilting, leaning, cracked and misaligned. These factors, along with loss of fill stone, indicate substructure deterioration. The structures are considered in poor condition; however, major rehabilitation has been recommended and is scheduled for 1987. An aerial view of the Penwater Harbor piers is shown in Figure 138. AK. RIOR ae jae a : 2S D cf CS INDIANA On! VICINITY MAP CHARLES MAINTAINED TO P } & l2FEET é SS + B 5 SSS [| : 4. SEL v g od Wo,to SS a a? ] P SUBM. CABLE mee? UPSTREAM LIMIT OF FEDERAL PROJECT LIMITS OF APPROVED PROJECT- \ (3) 2D] im) im 2 ln iS iD im im 4 STREET FIRST STREET DOVER SECOND STREET THIRO STREET ae 1\ Ps) FOURTH | CABLE Figure 136. Pentwater Harbor, Michigan rc > x ™ 221 po 24 70 28° SECTION— A SECTION— B SECTION — C NORTH PIER N.&S. PIER NORTH PIER BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 172 NP SP QuiLT suBSTRUCTURE 1870 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1936 BUILT’ SUBSTRUCTURE 1870 1869 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1938 SUPERS TRUCTURE 1936 1938 SIDE SECTION—- D SECTION - E SECTION -G NORTH PIER NORTH PIER SOUTH PIER BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE ‘670 BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1870 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE ‘867 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1936 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1936 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1938 4 = SECTION - H SECTION -J 2 SOUTH PIER SOUTH PIER a BULT SUBSTRUCTURE 1070 BUILT’ SUBSTRUCTURE 1668 = SUPERSTRUCTURE 1936 SUPERSTRUCTURC 938 10'-0" _TOE STONE [NEAT LINE 9 TON MIN 2k | \ ff TOE STONE___ \ | 6'-07 9TON MIN. -LG.L.0.__\_—— SD 4-¢; 4'-O"MAX “e TYPICAL RUBBLE MOUND SECTION Surry 3999 Figure 137. Typical structure cross sections, Pentwater Harbor, Michigan 222 ueSTyoTW ‘10qzey AeQeMqQUeg JO META TeFIey “gET eaANSTY Date(s) 1866- 1874 1879- 1880 1907- 1914 1922- 1929 1936- 1937 1954- 1964 Table 51 Ludington Harbor Structures Ludington, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a north (Figure 139 Sections J and Jl) and south (Figure 139, Sections L, M, and N) pier was completed during this period. The north pier consisted of stone-filled timber cribs about 20 ft in width (Figure 140, Sections J and Jl). The south pier orig- inally consisted of stone-filled 20-ft-wide timber cribs (Figure 139, Sections L and M) and woodpilings (Figure 137, Section N) spaced about 20 ft apart and filled with stone. The north pier was extended (Figure 139, Sections G and H) by 311 ft. The extension involved the construction of stone-filled timber cribs (Figure 140, Sections G and H) with a width of about 24 ft. Construction of the north and south breakwaters (Figure 139) was completed in this time frame. The lakeward portions of the break- waters (Figures 139, 141, and 142, Sections A, B, C, D, and E) were constructed with stone-filled timber cribs with a width of 30 ft. The structures were built on a stone base. The shoreward portions of the breakwaters (Figures 139 and 142, Sections F and Fl) were con- structed with woodpiling with widths ranging from 12 to 20 ft. The north pier (Figures 139 and 140, Sections G, H, J, and Jl), the south pier (Figure 139, Sections L, M, and N) and the lakeward por- tions of the north (Figures 139 and 141, Sections A and B) and south (Figures 139 and 142, Sections C and D) breakwaters were capped with stone and concrete superstructures during this period. The crest els of the north and south piers were +6.0 ft lwd, and those of the north and south breakwaters were approximately +7.1 and +6.75 ft lwd, respectively. The shoreward portions of the north and south breakwaters (Fig- ures 139, 141, and 142, Sections C, F, and Fl) were capped with stone and concrete superstructures. The crest els of these structures ranged from about +6 ft to +7.1 ft lwd. The north pier (Figure 139, Sections G, H, J, and Jl) and the lake- ward end of the south breakwater (Figure 139, Sections D and E) were repaired during this time. The north pier was encased with steel sheetpiling. The lakeward portion of the pier (Figure 140, Sec- tions G, H, and J) included gravel fill and a concrete cap. The re- paired pier was about 32 ft wide and had a crest el ranging from +7.0 ft lwd (Section G) to +7.5 ft lwd (Sections H and J). The shoreward portion of the pier (Figure 140, Section Jl) was stone filled on the channel side with a concrete cap. The structure was backfilled with sand at an el of +6.0 ft lwd. Repairs to the south (Continued) 224 Date(s) 1970- 1971 1974- 1975 1977- 1981 1985 Table 51 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History breakwater (Figure 142, Sections D and E) involved the placement of new core stone over the existing riprap and cover stone on each side of the structure. The cover stone was 8 tons (minimum 10-ton average) with a crest el of +3.0 ft lwd and side slopes of 1V:1.5H. Portions of the north and south breakwaters (Figure 139, Sections A, B, C, and Fl) were repaired. The lakeward portion of the north breakwater (Figure 141, Sections A and B) included the placement of new core stone over the existing riprap and 8-ton minimum to 10-ton maximum cover stone with an el of +3.0 ft lwd on each side of the breakwater and 1-V:1.5-H side slopes. Repairs to Sections C and Fl of the north breakwater and Section Fl of the south breakwater (Fig- ures 141 and 142) included core stone and 8- to 12-ton cover stone on the lakeside of the structures with an el of +3.0 ft lwd and 1-V:1.5-H side slopes. Toe stone on each side of the breakwaters ranged from 10 to 15 tons. A hydraulic model investigation was conducted (Crosby and Chatham 1975) to determine optimum design features at the breakwater entrance which would allow the passage of larger and deeper draft vessels while still providing wave protection at the existing docking facilities. The south pier (Figure 139, Sections L, M, and N) was reconstructed. The new pier consisted of a rubble-mound structure with a concrete cap which ranged from 9.5 to 11 ft in width (Figure 143, Sections L, M, and N) and had a crest el of +7.0 ft lwd. The lakeward portion of the pier included 3- to 6-ton cover stone (Sections L and M), and the remaining portion had 100- to 250-1b cover stone. Side slopes of the pier were 1V:1.75H. A wave absorber was installed adjacent to the north pier (Figure 140) with a slope of 1V:1.5H and an el of +7.0 ft lwd. Cover stone ranging from 2.5 to 5 tons was utilized. Site inspection of the structures indicated that they were generally in fair condition with the breakwater caps in need of maintenance. An aerial view of the Ludington Harbor structures is presented in Figure 144. 225 : 3 uBsTYOTW *10qIeH UOASUFPNT “GET PANSTA WM (7 8 & te & b tJ J ' I-g ; 2001 looz fone & WLd90 1297049 tn 181 ONILSIXZ iNT WY ' TTT TTT TTT 4 59701 G62 ‘ J 5 | 9 TEE) 22300 r= o —— M4890 19370u | — ' ba) ' SO HL070 }/2370u0 ' O00 = je W49I0 19300NG o Hig (8! ONILS 1X9 ° Pall 001 os oo! Bol 10 O102g JDUW ALINIDIA O1HO PAPOSMeion 3uvi 7 swugis 226 9702 01 67! ‘3NO1LS SS3¥LLUW “87008 01°8100S POLS Y3AVINIONN NOLGOL NOLZ/2 ‘3NO1S Y3A0) ONINIWY 3did B3Id 'N ONILSIX3 JO 3DV. ,O2— ,891G ueSTYUITW S10qgAeyH UORBUTpNT ‘Ssuot}Z.es sso1z9 Y3BYNOSEY 3AVM IVOIdAL 1061 :171N@ I-F BP'H'S SNOILI3S Y3Ild HLYON G66! O3uivd3y O'2261 JUNLINUISHIGNS | ONINd SS 22-Z '4-9981 3yuNLONYLSEANS H1YON f—-NOILOIS 1114 @ ONINIe SS ‘dV ane \ WOLL08 T3NNVHD ONILSIX3 ([|&= 0° 26— eanjonaqs [TeostdkAy, “OT ean3Tyq 996! O3LINYISNOD-3uy 826!) 3YNLINGISH3dNS 12-996! 3uNLINYISEBNS :171Ne H.LYON If —NOILDSS TWOIdAL (OLE - ONINId SS L2-Z Mar VWs 3NOLS 6925 Q791 ONIMNd SS 22-2 WW4 ONVS a Vogt cer dv) 31382NOD S3IMVA Sod S66! G3u¥lvd3Y O56! OI¥Ivd3u- 8426) 3UNLINWLEY INS @-2426) 3uNLNwISHadNS oe'6.e! 2UNLINGASGNS «171Ne 068) 3uNLNwiseNns ‘111Ne UZld HLYON Sree ]]sec- Yald HLYON care = 40 dau) |].S H- NOILI3S Ny } 9 - NOILID3S oO 7) F N 3 2 | JONI ‘S's 0 b <|[ 2-2 O2- = mn (Pp wo on ay = E 1 Z | \ 1892S ine Ob+ “(62+ 227 HARBOR SIDE LAKE SIDE COVER STONE. 6 TON MIN 10 TON MAX 1GLD. $768 _ 1G.L.0. $76.8 TOE STONE: 10 TON MIN 15 TON MAX A JATTRESS STONE —=¥ WwW ey WAS EXISTING BOTTOM EXISTING BOTTOM TYPICAL SECTION A NORTH BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1909 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1922, 4 REPAIRED 1970-71 LAKE SIDE HARBOR SIDE 4 RAILING COVER STONE: 6 TON MIN 10 TON Max TANS 1GL0.5768 16.1.0. 576.6" TOE STONE: 10 TON MIN 1S TON MAX EXISTING BOTTOM EXISTING BOTTOM TYPICAL SECTION B NORTH BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1909-11 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1924 REPAIRED 1970-71 COVER STONE: 8 TO 12 TON 1.6.L.0. 576.8' | vs TOE STONE:10 TO 15 TON NEAT LINE MATTRESS STONE LAs MATTRESS STONE NORTH BREAKWATER BUILT, SUBSTRUCTURE 1914 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1936'37 REPAIRED 1970—71 Figure 141. Typical north breakwater cross sections, Ludington Harbor, Michigan 228 qr r WN —- MIN THICKNESS — FG —G= OF COVER STONE S’ VARIES +673 MIN._THICKNESS ‘ OF COVER STONE S__ -*.30 1GLO_ 5768' — NATURAL TOE STONE 10 TON MIN __ LAKE BOTTOM 5 iP 7D MIN 3 MAX 2 TON AVG 2 U7 THIS POINT 7 BOTTOM OF OREDGE CUT TYPICAL SECTION DO aE rss SOUTH BREAKWATER RECONSTRUCTED - 1954-59 “NATURAL LAKE BOTTOM LAKE SIDE HARBOR SIDE COVER STONE § TON MIN 1Q TON AVG MIN THICKNESS (a UIN, THICKNES| OF COVER STONE S / OF COVER STONE Ly IGLD. 5768° NEAT LINE OF STONE MOUND £ 1 NATURAL Xf LAKE BOTTOM rs Z EXISTING r 1 TOE STONE 10 TON MIN—, r ae RIP-RAP— . TMT ! 7 a 2) Min 3 wax Zo 2 ol re THIS POINT ¢ s 2 2 = Tone = D 7 STONE Z ——— “~ x ” * —BOTTOM OF DREDGE CUT rw Mant TYPICAL SECTION E — 23-0 ——_—_—. SOUTH BREAKWATER RECONSTRUCTED -1954 “NATURAL LAKE BOTTOM TYPICAL SECTION—F N. & S. BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE SUPERSTRUCTURE Pp 1914 1913-4 1936-7 1936-7 RAILING ——~ COVER STONE: 8 TO !2 TON TOE STONE 10 TO 15 TON?! MATTRESS STONE SECTION — F-I N.& S. BREAKWATER BUILT, suesTRUcTURE 1916 SUPERETRUCTURE 936-7 1936-7 REPAIARO 70-71 Figure 142. Typical breakwater cross sections, Ludington Harbor, Michigan 229 10" » 10" « 3° CONCRETE LIGHT GASE 3.0 TOM-6.0 TON COVER STONES SECTION -L SOUTH PIER BuaT 1077 & CONC WALK L55' 40 K RAWLINGS 3 TONS TO 6 TONS COVER STONE LWD. 00 (5768) S00*TO 1800" UNDERLAYER STONE so. ™TO 7O*MATTRESS STONE SECTION-M CONSTRUCTED - 1961 & SOUTH WAVE ABSORBER 155, 49! | | RAILINGS —~ ——=f1CF _ LO. 0.0 (5768) | 1007 — 250 6" GROUTED COVER STONE MATTRESS — (P70 MATTRESS STONE ' oe - 320° SECTION —N CONSTRUCTED - 1981 Figure 143. Typical structure cross sections, Ludington Harbor, Michigan 230 ueSTYyoTW ‘1Oqaey UOIZUTPNT JO MeTA Tetley “HHT FANSTy Date(s) 1912- 1915 1917= 1920 1926 9383 = 1935 1942 1949- 1950 1953 1964- 1966 Table 52 Manistee Harbor Structures Manistee, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the lakeward portions of the north pier (Figure 145, Sections A-1, A, B, C, D, and E) and the south breakwater (Fig- ure 145, Sections B-1 and B) was completed during this time. These structures consisted of stone-filled timber cribs. The width of the north pier ranged from 24 to 30 ft (Figure 146), and that of the south breakwater was 30 ft (Figure 147, Sections B and B-1). Construction of the shoreward portion of the south breakwater (Fig- ure 145, Sections M, N, 0, O-1, P, and Q) was completed. The break- water consisted of stone-filled woodpilings spaced from 9 to 17 ft apart (Figure 147). The breakwater was capped with a stone and concrete superstructure (Figure 147) that ranged from +5.7 ft (Section P) to +6.7 ft (Sections M, N, O, and O-1) Iwd. The lakeward end of the north pier (Figure 145, Sections Al-A, and B) was capped with a concrete and stone superstructure (Figure 146, Sec- tions A, A-l, and B). The crest el of the pier was +7.1 ft Ilwd. The lakeward end of the south breakwater (Figure 145, Sections B and Bl) and the shoreward end of the north pier (Figure 145, Sections C, D, and E) were capped with concrete and stone superstructures. The crest el of the structures was +7.1 ft lwd (Figures 146 and 147). A 350-ft-long shoreward extension of the north pier (Figure 145, Sec- tion F) was constructed. The extension consisted of woodpilings filled with stone (Figure 146, Section F). A concrete superstructure was installed on the channel side to an el of +6.0 ft lwd. Construction of the south pier (Figure 149, Section J) was completed. This structure consisted of steel sheetpiling spaced 15.7 ft apart and filled with stone (Figure 146, Section F). The crest el of the pier was +7.0 ft lwd. The north pierhead (Figure 145, Section A-1) was rebuilt by encasing it in steel sheetpiling. The structure width was increased to 35.3 ft, voids were filled with stone, and a concrete cap was in- stalled at a crest el of +8.0 ft lwd (Figure 146, Section A-1). Portions of the north pier (Figure 145, Sections A-F) and the south breakwater (Sections Bl, M, N, 0, O-1, and P) were rehabilitated during this time. Sections C through E of the north pier (Fig- ure 146) were encased with steel sheetpiling which resulted in pier widths ranging from about 31 to 38 ft. Voids were filled with stone, and a concrete cap was installed at an el of +8.0 ft lwd. Section F (Continued) 232 Date(s) 1980 1982 1985 Table 52 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History (Figure 146) of the north pier was enclosed in steel sheetpiling with a concrete cap from the channel piling to the existing concrete and stone fill from that point shoreward. The el of this section was +6.0 ft Iwd. Rehabilitation to Sections M, N, 0, and O1 of the south breakwater (Figure 147) involved the placement of stone to each side of the breakwater. Stone was placed to an el of +2.0 ft lwd with 1V:1.5H side slopes. Cover stone ranging from 5 (min) to 7 tons (max) was placed adjacent to Sections M and N, while cover stone ranging from 1.5 (min) to 2.5 tons (max) was placed adjacent Sec- tion O and 0-1. Stone was placed only on the lakeside of Sections P and Bl (Figure 147). Cover stone ranging from 7 (min) to 10 tons (max) was used at the pierhead (Section Bl), while 0.5-ton riprap was placed adjacent to Section P. Side slopes were 1V:1.5H, and crest els were +2.0 ft lwd. Approximately 1,016 tons of riprap (0.5 to 4 tons) was placed along the channel side of the north pier to reduce scouring, and about 110 tons of stone fill was placed in the cells of the south breakwater. Riprap (2,024 tons) ranging from 3 to 16 tons was placed along the lakeside of the south breakwater, and about 2,545 tons of 0.5- to 3-ton riprap was installed on the channel side of the structure as toe protection. A total of 529 tons of riprap was placed along the channel side of the north pier as toe protection. This stone ranged from 0.5 to 3 tons in weight. Stone fill was replenished at the head of the south breakwater and on the channel side of the south pier also during this year. An inspection of the structures revealed them to be, generally, in fair condition. Minor settlement and cracking of the concrete cap was observed along the north pier indicating some fill stone settle- ment. Loss of fill stone and superstructure misalignment, settle- ment, and cracking indicates substructure deterioration of the south breakwater. Repairs consisting of stone replenishment and new con- crete caps along with additional riprap within the next 2 years have been recommended. An aerial photo of Manistee Harbor structures is shown in Figure 148. 233 o&—— et S37P 40 aTw98 dV¥W ALINIDIA VNVIGNI NVUIIHIIN JH77 ueszyo-W ‘10qieyH veqsTueW sew 40 0109S dyW NOI1V9O1 “Gy ean3ty 234 ueSTyoTW ‘loqiey eeqsfueW ‘suot}z9es ssozo aZetd [eoTdk], “gHT aan3Tyq 996! OF1ViITIGVHIY 926) ayNsINyisuadNs Z161 BuNLINYASENs -17ine u3ld HLYON @-NOIL9O3S G9— 996! Gai INwLSNOD aw GE6l 3yNLONHIsHI0NS 216) 3unionwasens iting Yald HLYON 69-0961 WOILINYISNOD o8o! aun L9Nw16uadNs a | Z161 3unaonwisens = 1ine 9 NOIL93S Y3id HLYON 3-NOILO3S 99-96! GaL2Nw1SNODIY 028) dunionwiGuadns Ziel BUNAONwAGENS | 171N Bald HLYON V-NOI1LI3S 7,8¢ ail ©9-¥96! NOILINYLSNOD S66! 3¥NLINWASB3eNS Zé! aunsonwisens sing Y3id HLYON Q-NO!ILO3S SaIUVA []] iseoe-Q S3IUVA See- ONIMNd 133HS 1331S BLE 182 - S00 06-606) :111Ne Y3Id HLNOS f-NOILI3S ONIL33HS fast $0-09GI Gai nvI SHODDY 2961 aun .onuisuadns tee: Bun.onyisens -1ne HLYON J-NOILO3S ese! s7':n@ae Y3id HLYON I-V ~NOILI3S _OV3H Wald =a | liae| Q l 3s FRA aD = EI = = g > KE D vest o iz ° —L —— 29 a) oath S m 235 LAKE SIDE HARBOR SIDE LAKE SIDE HARBOR SIDE is" | COVER STONE — COVER STONE ER STONE | | STON MIN t 3 TON Mim Cou KX Ete 12" eat ee 4 7 TON Max . ON wax San It +6.7) TOE STONE TOE STOWE ~ . a\Laz — TOE STONE — \ Wie a ve Pre 7 TON min. \ x wie / ; 7 TON MIN + \ 10 TON wax. J +20 10 TON Max EL. 576.84 50 124 CORE . i MATTRESS . 4 g | \q { STONE ore 1: il STONE MATTRESS STONE EXISTING q ( EXISTING BOTTOM i 3 EXISTING BOTTOM MATTRESS STONE SECTION-M SECTION-N S. BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1917-20 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1919-20 CONSTRUCTION 1965 S. BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE :917-20 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1919-20 CONSTRUCTION 1965 LAKE SIDE HARBOR SIDE LAKE SIDE HARBOR SIDE COVER STONE COVER STONE COVER STONE , 172 TON WIN. E 172 TON MIN 1172 TON MIN see 22 TON max 22 TON max 22 TON max OP FP P ay TOE STONE TOE STONE TOE STONE 32 TON MIN 3/2 TON MIN 3/72 TON MIN 32 TON max 5/2 TON max 5/2 TOM max. EXISTING goTTom ‘cone stone } ~ EXISTING BOTTOM MATTRESS STONE MATRESS STONE i MATTRESS STONE | EXISTING BOTTOM STONE wy ad EXISTING BOTTOM ) STONE | i] SECTION-O SECTION-O1 S. BREAKWATER S. BREAKWATER BUILT. SUBSTRUCTURE 1917-20 BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1917-20 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1919-20 SUPERSTRUCTURE 19/9-20 CONSTRUCTION 1965 CONSTRUCTION 1965 LAKE SIDE inp ln. Uo ag EXISTING 1/2 TON RIPRAP R ON : SB.

oy . st | ae eee ! | =. H ey COVER STONE H a. ot “7 TON MIN {lO TON MAX — 576.8' 1.6.L.0 _ 576.8 vt TOE STONE Ba 10 TON MIN. =k AL wi : = av a oe ‘~s 3 aXe E ZL <= TEAL = a ¥ 4 w SECTION—B SECTION—BI S. BREAKWATER S. BREAKWATER BUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 912,15 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1912.15 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1933 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1933 REHABILITATED 1966 Figure 147. Typical breakwater cross sections, Manistee Harbor, Michigan 236 UPSTYITW *SLOqGAIeY vsoIST~Ue_ JO Mata [TeTIey Date(s) 1883- 1888 1900- 1901 1939- 1940 1980- 1981 1985 Table 53 Portage Lake Harbor Piers Portage Lake, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,149-ft-long north pier and a 383-ft-long south pier (Figure 149, Sections B, C, E, and F) was completed during this time. The lakeward end of the north pier was built with 24-ft-wide, stone-filled, timber cribs (Figure 150, Section B) on a stone base. The south pier and the shoreward end of the north pier consisted of woodpilings with a stone fill. The north pier was extended lakeward by 200 ft (Figure 149, Sec- tion A), and the south pier was extended 900 ft (Figure 149, Sec- tions A and B). The lakeward 200 ft of each pier consisted of 30-ft- wide stone-filled timber cribs (Figure 150, Section A) built ona stone base. The trunk portion of the south pier was similar except it was 24 ft in width (Figure 150, Section B). The shoreward ends of the piers (Figures 149 and 150, Sections C, E, and F) were rebuilt with woodpilings spaced from about 18 to 24 ft apart and filled with stone. Concrete and stone superstructures were constructed along the entire length of each pier (Figure 150) toa crest el of +7.0 ft lwd. Riprap stone was placed around the heads of the north and south piers (Figure 149, Section A) during this period, and stone fill was re- plenished at various areas along both piers. After replenishment, the concrete caps were repaired. An inspection of the site indicated the piers were, in general, in fair condition. Settlement and cracking of the superstructure and fill stone loss indicate some substructure deterioration. Replenish- ment with large fill stone has been recommended along with additional riprap installation. An aerial view of Portage Lake Harbor piers is shown in Figure 15l. 238 LOCATION MAP SCALE OF MILES ie) | 2 4 UPSTREAM LIMIT OF 7 FEDERAL PROJECT ap )LmiTs OF S| PAPPROVED PROJECT MAINTAIN TO 12.0 FT. CRESCENTY BEACH %. NORTH . POINT PORTAGE LAKE LAKE Sf HARBOR 7 a + Va A A < SrRanxroat »: 4 MANISTEE \ s ~ G \ Bay CITY. SAGINAW, LAKE MICHIGAN ST. sOSEP4Y VICINITY MAP Scete of Miles Lele} 50 it Figure 149. Portage Lake Harbor, Michigan 239 uo vod w - 7 @a -— tx ZO aho on Ooz8n ~w (= oe Gg ca = =) oO, Fr We Be ca Do eR ow Z2 wa aw “oa Sy) ho 3 @ al, Nudes qt 80 = 2 a 2 ee Or 196, =—7 0” aS wo 2 O06 ww Wy 35 63 DE Mr vv a 322 2 be uw ctr >a. n> YY re! 2 oO TANNVHO F RE BUILT 1940 SECTION- SOUTH PIER Portage Lake Harbor, Michigan ions, Typical pier cross sect Figure 150. 240 uesTYOTW ‘10qiey eye] e3e,A0g JO MefA TeFAeV “IG Date(s) 1909 1971 1973 1983 1985 Table 54 Arcadia Harbor Piers Arcadia, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 620-ft-long north pier and a /790-ft-long south pier (Figure 152) was completed by private interests. The north pier is a stone-filled timber crib, and the south pier consists of stone-filled timber cribs and steel sheetpiling with concrete caps. The outer end of the south pier is a 20-ft semicircular steel sheet-pile cell with a concrete cap. Maintenance of the project by the Corps was authorized. Maintenance of the piers prior to this time was performed by private interests and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Riprap stone was placed along and into the water along 490 ft of the north pier which was in a very poor to failed condition. Fill stone was placed in the steel sheet-pile cell at the head of the south pier, and riprap stone was placed around and on top of the cell. A 35-ft breached area and a 10-ft breach near the shoreline of the south pier also were repaired with fill/core and riprap stone. An inspection of the site indicated settled and/or washed out stone in numerous areas of the north pier. Water is washing through the voids of the structure, and three areas are nearly breached. The steel sheet-pile cell at the head of the south pier is completely broken out, and most of the grout cap along the entire length of the pier is missing with stone being washed out. The condition of the piers is very poor, and immediate reconstruction/rehabilitation has been recommended. itd . SoS STEPPE ITE! NORTH BAR Figure 152. Arcadia Harbor, Michigan 242 Date(s) 1868- 1873 1870- 1879 1889- 1895 1928- 1932 1933- 1963 1934 1950 1953 Table 55 Frankfort Harbor Structures Frankfort, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the south pier (Figure 153, Sections N-l, N, and 0) was completed during this time frame. The lakeward end of the pier was constructed with 20-ft-wide stone-filled timber cribs (Fig- ure 154, Sections N and N-1). The shoreward portion (Section 0) was composed of woodpilings spaced about 21 ft apart and filled with stone and sand. Construction of the shoreward 603-ft length of the north pier (Figure 153, Sections L-1 and L) was completed. The pier was a 20- ft-wide stone-filled timber crib structure (Figure 154, Sections L-1 and L). A 200-ft-long extension of the north pier was completed (Figure 153, Section K). The extension consisted of a stone-filled timber crib structure that was 24 ft in width (Figure 154, Section K). Construction of the north and south breakwaters (Figure 153) was completed during this period. The lakeward portions of the struc-— tures consisted of stone-filled concrete breakwaters (Figure 156, Sections A, B, and C). The crest widths were slightly more than 7 ft with els of +7.1 ft lwd. The outer ends of the breakwaters each in- cluded 2 rectangular caissons for a distance of 54 ft. The shoreward ends of the breakwaters were woodpilings spaced from 11 to 14 ft apart (Figures 155 and 156, Sections D, E, F, G, H, I, and J). The structures were stone filled and capped with concrete and stone superstructures. The north and south breakwaters ranged from 14 to 17 ft in width and had crest els of +7.1 and +7.3 ft lwd, respectively (Figures 155 and 156). A total of 71,496 tons of riprap was placed along the sides of the lakeward ends of the north and south breakwaters (Figure 156, Sec- tions A, B, and C). The north and south piers (Figure 153) were capped with concrete and stone superstructures (Figure 154, Sections K, L, L-l, N, N-l, and 0). The piers ranged from 23 to 27 ft in width with crest els of +7.0 ft lwd. The shoreward end of the south pier (Figure 153, Section 0) was reconstructed by the installation of steel sheetpiling on the channel side (Figure 154, Section 0). The void between the existing struc- ture and the new steel sheetpiling was filled with stone and capped with concrete at an el of +7.0 ft lwd. The lakeward 36 ft of the south pier (Figure 153, Section N-1) was repaired by encasing it in steel sheetpiling (Figure 154, Sec- tion N-1). The new width of the pier was 27 ft. Voids between the (Continued) (Sheet 1 of 3) 243 Date(s) 1958 1960- 1961 1966 1977 1981 1982 Table 55 (Continued) Construction and Rehabilitation History existing structure and the steel sheetpiling were filled with stone and the area capped with concrete. Construction of a new north pier head and repair of the adjacent 200 ft of the north pier (Figure 153, Sections K-1 and K) was com- pleted. The pier head consisted of a circular steel sheet-pile cell with a diameter of 23.75 ft. The cell was stone filled and capped with concrete to an el of +5.0 ft, and riprap was placed around its base on a 1-V:1.5-H slope. Section K was encased in steel sheet- piling (Figure 154). Voids were filled with stone, and the area be- tween the existing pier and the new steel sheetpiling was capped with concrete at an el of +5.0 ft lwd. The new pier width was 33 ft. The shoreward portion of the north pier (Figure 153, Sections L-l and L) was encased in steel sheetpilings (Figure 154) resulting in a new pier ranging from 29.75 ft (Section L) to 33 ft (Section L-1) in width. The voids between the new steel sheetpiling and the existing piers was filled with stone and capped with concrete (Figure 154). The shoreward portion of the south breakwater (Figure 153, Sec- tions F, G, H, and I) was rehabilitated. Rehabilitation consisted of the placement of stone along the structures (Figure 155) on slopes of 1V:1.5H. Cover stone ranged from 9 (min) to 12 tons (max) along Sec- tion F, 6 (min) to 8 tons (max) along Section G, and 3.5 (min) to 5.5 tons (max) along Section H (Figure 155) on both sides of the breakwater. Riprap (1 ton) cover stone was installed on the lakeside only of Section I. Portions of the north breakwater (Figure 153, Sections D and E) were replenished with fill stone, and the structure was grouted over with concrete. Riprap stone was placed around the heads of both the north and south breakwaters (Figure 153, Section A). The lakeward end of the south pier (Figure 153, Sections N and N-1) was repaired by encasing it in steel sheetpiling (Figure 154, Sections N and N-1). Voids between the existing pier and new steel sheetpiling were filled with stone which was covered with a concrete cap at an el of +7.0 ft lwd. Sec-— tion N was 30 ft wide, and Section N-1 was 32 ft wide (Figure 154). The landward portion of the south pier (Figures 153 and 154, Sec- tion 0) was repaired, and riprap was placed on the channel side of the pier with 1-V:2.5-H side slopes. Fill stone also was replenished in the north pierhead cell (Figure 153, Section K-1). (Continued) (Sheet 2 of 3) 244 Table 55 (Concluded) Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1984 Riprap stone was placed along the lakeward end of the south break-— water (Figure 153, Section A). 1985 An inspection of the structures indicated that the breakwaters were, generally, in fair condition. Their superstructures revealed cracks, settlement, and misalignment in areas, which indicate some substruc-— ture deterioration. Riprap was also needed in areas. The piers were considered in good condition during the inspection. An aerial view of the Frankfort Harbor structure is shown in Figure 157. (Sheet 3 of 3) FRANKFORT ES : eal BENZIE | COUNTY i LA KE a ——T we (marae : "| : JANN ARBOR Upst-eam Limit of °° Faderal Project — - 4) PS VS mcm 7 AK y = | PROJECT DEPTH 1 10 FT Pann mm py OF Ay Ties te PPRIVECT H EPTH PROJECT DEPTH 8 Q! 18 FT RN CHOR AGE: AREA © 26)5T Si) “provecr, j al gePrH Sy ) BETSIE at, elias . | —__ Provecr vePTn 22rr Ts a \ MANEUVERING PROJECT DEPTN BROFT. 379° - = AREA 4 36 ii + 3] > Ss aay ° N F, eS, JETTIES & s.& STONE PROTECTION MICHIGAWN MICHIGAN LAKE INDIANA | OHIO VICINITY MAP SCALE OF MES Figure 153. Frankfort Harbor, Michigan 245 é 7-32 SS PILING ~. | TYPICAL SECTION— K ER REPAIRED 1958 SA-23 SS. PILING SECTION-—L-I NORTH PIER BUILT. SUBSTRUCTURE 1870-1879 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1934 REPAIRED 1960-1961 SECTION K-l. CELL OUTER END NORTH PIER BUILT 1958 ™ NORTH PI a BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1889-1695 Oo SUPERSTRUCTURE 1934 16.L.0. 576.6 | WwW r 4 2 < = (5) (ae: +2" “SECTION-N-! 4-110 9.8. PILINO io i Y7-270.9.PLiINa SOUTH PIER REBUILT SUBSTRUCTURE 1934 SUPERS TRUC TURE 1934 napameo REPAIRED STRUCTURE 1953 ree Figure 154. Typical pier SECTION-O SOUTH PIER BUILT REPAIRED 1950 1982 2-27 8.3.PRINO ? = f l| V_26' To-29' SE SECTION—L NORTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1670-1879 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1934 REPAIRED 1960-196! "24-15 222) -6.0-90 Jens -22.0' SECTION-N SOUTH PIER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE {866-1073 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1954 REPARMED 1001 cross sections, Frankfort Harbor, Michigan 246 LAKE SIDE COVER STONE 9 TON MIN PES 12 TOM MAX. NEAT LINE Lwo.ELEV_576.8' TOE STONE 11 TON MIN 1S TON MAX EXISTING LAKE CORE STONE seco SECTION — F S. BREAKWATER BUILT: 1928-31 REHABILITATED 1966 LAKE SIDE COVER STONE Lt 6 TON MIN. 6 TON MAX. TOE STONE 9 TON MIN. 12 TON MAX. LWO ELEV 576.8 EXISTING LAKE BOTTOM SECTION — G S. BREAKWATER BUILT: 1926-3) REHABILITATE D: 1966 14" LAKE SIDE COVER STONE : 3.42 TON MIN TOE STONE 5/2 TON MAX 6 TON MIN. 8 TON MAX LWO ELEV 576.8'_ \ourene LAKE BOTTOM RIPRAP SECTION —H S. BREAKWATER BUILT: 1928-31 REHABILITATED 1966 LAKE SIDE HARBOR SIDE 1- TON RIPRAP NEAT LINE EXISTING BEACH EXISTING LAKE GOTTOM SECTION — I S. BREAKWATER BUILT: 1928-31 REHABILITATED: 1966 \ CORE STONE COVER STONE 9 TON MIN. HARBOR SIDE 12 TON MAX TOE STONE 11 TON MIN 15 TON Max CORE STONE COVER STONE 6 TON MAX. TOE STONE 9 TON MIN \2 TOM Max BOTTOM COVER STONE ron Cin HARBOR SIDE NeExisTING HARBOR 342 TON MIN. HARBOR SIDE 5 2 TON MAX TOE STONE 6 TON MIN BOTTOM D_¢ To 7 — -12'TO-15'— SECTION — J S. BREAKWATER BUILT: 1928-31 Figure 155. Typical breakwater cross sections, Frankfort Harbor, Michigan 247 EXISTING HARBOR _ ELEV 576.8" uesTYyOEW ‘10qreyH JAOFYUeAG ‘SuUOTIIeS SSOID JezeMyes1q Teordky, °oc{, eansty (€-9261 2E6i 3yNLIMNYISY3dNS '€-8261 26) 3YNLONYISENS '11INe &S wbllvwwaua's @'N ze6! 1INS ee6! 11NE 9 =_ NOIL9O3S uaLVMNV3ua ‘N MALYMNW3Ne “N 3-NOILO3S Q-NOILOSS onsc-oflf 4 A AK ice ee ~ an 1€- O26) 2261 3yNLONYLSYSINS ig- 8261 Z£61 3unionwisans ine ualVMNV3de8 -HLNOS ONY HLYON V-NOILOSS ‘OS L¥-O1 Ov- enzv-or co6- NM AAA AN AN ov 0 wm ' ot ot ve te G1 266! 3UNLNALSYICNS B26! E61 auntonuisens ime y3LVMANV3Ne 'S BN 8 -NOILIIS SNOSSIVD YVINONVLISY 2 JO SLSISNOD,,V, SNOILII3S 3O 1334 YV3INID ~S Y31NO YOsYyVH 3als 248 ueSLyoTW ‘1oqieyH JAOFyUeAG JO META TeTAPW °/GT eaNn3Ty Table 56 Leland Harbor Structures Leland, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Date(s) 1936 1952 1966 1968 1983 1985 Construction of a 440-ft-long south pier (Figure 158, Sections B and C) was completed. The pier consisted of woodpilings spaced 11 ft apart and filled with stone (Figure 159, Sections B and C). The lakeward 33 ft of the south pier (Figure 158, Section B) was en- cased in steel sheetpiling. The voids were filled with stone, and the structure was capped with stone (Figure 159, Section B). The width of this portion of the south pier was 15.25 ft, and the crest el was +8 ft lwd. The lakeward 33 ft of the south pier (Figure 158, Section B) was rehabilitated. Riprap was placed on each side of the pier. It was -5 ft at its crest and had 1-V:1.5-H side slopes (Figure 159, Sec-— tion B). A 407-ft-long portion of the south pier (Figure 158, Section C) was rehabilitated by the placement of stone along both sides and across the top of the pier (Figure 159, Section C). The new rubble-mound pier had an 8-ft crest width and a +8.0-ft lwd crest el. Cover stone ranged from 1 (min) to 2 tons (max), and side slopes were 1V:1.5H. A 35-ft-long extension of the south pier (Figure 158, Sec- tion A) involved the construction of two steel sheet-pile cells with diameters of 17.5 ft each. The cells were filled with coarse aggre- gate and capped with 500-1b (min) stone. The crest el of the cells was +8.0 ft lwd, and riprap was installed around the lakeward cell. A 1,200-ft-long offshore rubble-mound breakwater (Figure 158) also was constructed. The breakwater had an 8-ft crest width, 1-V:1./5-H side slopes on the lakeside, and 1-V:1.5-H side slopes on the harbor side (Figure 159). The 300-ft-long north shore arm had a crest el of +8.0 ft lwd (Figure 158, Section II), and the remaining 900 ft of the breakwater (Figure 158, Section I) had a crest el of +10.0 ft lwd. Cover stone of the breakwater ranged from 5 (min) to 7 tons (max), and core stone ranged from 500 to 1,000 1b. A site inspection of the harbor structures revealed them to be in fair to good condition. Settlement of cover stone and a portion of the north shore arm of the breakwater (Figure 158, Section II) was observed and has subsequently been repaired by the placement of additional stone. Stone settlement of portions of the entire south pier were observed and scheduled for replenishment. The structures are currently considered to be in good condition. 250 MICHIGAN LAKE DA CAUTION “S XY sin a LAKE MICHIGAN Figure 158. Leland Harbor, Michigan 251 SIDE LAKE S576 8° TOE STONE-3 TON MINA DIA 7S eee SY Seen Pritt TT eas |. Oe Oso fo) ats 185 oD 3 576.8° + COARSE ra heeds : AGGREGATE ‘ ‘+ ARIES 7.5 2 CELL FILLY ty} ai je 4 Cy \% ad OD $-28 STEEL SHEET PILE SHEET PILING —4 | ee A J 721.5" 1 -21.5' SECTION-A SECTION-8B CONSTRUCTED: 1968 BURT: = 1936 REPAIRED: 1952 REHABILITATED: 1966 aor +8 1.6.L.0. — CLOSE PILING os “STONE MATTRESS SECTION-C BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE: 1936 CONSTRUCTED: 1968 COVER STONE 3 TON MIN. SECTION I-10 SECTIONS: TOE STONE Cy = 7 TON ae 1G.L.0. SAILS EXISTING BOTTOM ~ TYPICAL CROSS SECTION-RUBBLE MOUND BREAKWATER S CONSTRUCTED. 1968 ~ STONE MATTRESS Figure 159. Typical structure cross sections, Leland Harbor, Michigan 252 SIDE HARBOR Date(s) 1950 1951 1966 1976 1979 1985 1986 Table 57 Greilickville (formerly Traverse City) Harbor Breakwaters Traverse City, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,217-ft-long steel sheet-pile breakwater (Fig- ures 160 and 161, Sections A and B) was completed. The crest el of the structure was +7.0 ft lwd. A 35.8-ft-diameter steel sheet-pile cell was constructed at the head of the breakwater (Figures 160 and 161, Section B-B). The cell was stone filled and capped with concrete at an el of +7.0 ft Ilwd. Construction of east and west rubble-mound breakwaters (Figure 160) was completed. Steel sheet-pile cells were installed on the channel ends of the breakwaters (Figure 160). The cells were 19.1 ft in diameter and had a crest el of +7.0 ft lwd (Figure 161). They were stone filled and capped with concrete. The east and west breakwaters had crest els of +8.0 ft lwd and crest widths of 8 ft. Cover stone ranged from 1 to 2 tons, and the breakwaters had 1-V:2-H side slopes (Figure 161). Stone was placed into a washed out area of the east end of the east breakwater (Figure 160). Stone was placed along both sides of the steel sheet-pile breakwater (Figure 160, Sections A and B) to reduce scouring and maintain struc- ture stability. A site inspection of the breakwaters indicated that the rubble-mound east and west breakwaters were deteriorating slightly, with stones cracking and breaking into smaller pieces as a result of the low- grade limestone used in initial construction. Rehabilitation with sounder and slightly larger cover stones has been recommended. The breakwaters, however, were considered to be in good stable condition. An aerial photo of Greilickville Harbor breakwaters is shown in Figure 162. Traverse City Harbor was renamed "Greilickville Harbor," on 17 October 1986, in the 99th Congress, 2nd Session, Title XIII, Section 1304. 253 GRAND / ITT — SE [ TRAVERSE BAY el x") i= ge (024) CAUTION SIGN wy, <| SS —> s | =) E Ca ee Pe i] o, S No “e, . XS 4? M5, o- Ne x Xo Xe OARROW MARNIA BOAT LAUNCHING amp 2 e. toa a ELMWOOD TOWNSHIP ) PUBLIC DOCK LEELANAU ann COUNTY LOCATION MAP SCALE OF WILES o 10 20 30 4 os Greilickville Harbor, Michigan Figure 160. 254 19.1018 = 35.8: DIA § CELL : is eee CONC [ \p CELL | "EG “BEODING STONE COVER STONE : 1.G.L.0 ; m5 P Gh = S 576 9' == 2 4 mess $-28 STEEL PILING COVER STONE ! Xx IHeH- PILE FOR LIGHT SUPPORT| S-28 STEEL PILING—. SECTION A-A WEST BREAKWATER BUILT 1966 +7' +7 HARBOR SIDE Z-32 STEEL SHEET ee ME SECTION B-B sas OUTER BREAKWATER BUILT. 1951 O =2m' 1-26" 8! SECTION-A SECTION-8B BuILT 1950 BUILT 1980 COVER STONE BREAKWATER CORE eet, a: = TYPICAL SECTION—RUBBLE MOUND BREAKWATER NO SCALE TON VARIABLE ® R 5'TO18 BUILT -1966 Figure 161. Typical structure cross sections, Greilickville Harbor, Michigan 255 UBSTYOFW ‘LOGACH STITFAYIFTFEAN JO Mea TeFIey *79] ean3Ty Date(s) 1872 1879- 1880 1882 1897 1930 1942 1966 1971 1981 Table 58 Charlevoix Harbor Piers Charlevoix, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a north pier (Figure 163, Section B) was completed. The structure was a 20-ft-wide stone-filled timber crib. Construction of the lakeward portions of the north and south piers (Figure 163, Sections A and A-1) was completed. The piers consisted of stone-filled timber crib structures (Figure 164, Sections A and A-1) that were 20 ft in width. Construction of a shoreward portion of the south pier (Figure 163, Section F) was completed. The pier consisted of woodpilings driven approximately 20 ft apart (Figure 164, Section F) and filled with stone. Rubble was placed along the lakeside and over the shoreward portion of the north pier (Figure 163, Section B). The crest width of the rubble structure (Figure 164, Section B) was 10 ft, and it had an el of +8.1 ft lwd. Side slopes were 1V:2H, and the cover stone used was 1,000 1b (min). The shoreward portion of the south pier (Figure 163, Section F) was repaired and capped with a concrete and stone superstructure (Fig- ure 164, Section F). The crest el of the pier was +7.1 ft lwd. The lakeward portions of the north and south piers (Figure 163, Sec- tions A and A-1) were capped with concrete and stone superstructures (Figure 164, Sections A and A-1) with crest els of +7.0 ft lwd. The lakeward portion of the existing north pier (Figure 163, Sec- tion A-1) was repaired by encasing it between steel sheetpiling spaced 33 ft apart (Figure 164, Section A-1). The voids between the steel sheetpiling and the existing timber crib were filled with stone and capped with concrete to an el of +6.75 ft lwd. A 35-ft-diameter steel sheet-pile cell was constructed at the head of the north pier (Figures 163 and 164, Section A-2). The pier head was filled with stone and capped with concrete at an el of +7 ft lwd. Steel sheet- piles were also installed on each side of the shoreward portion of the south pier (Figures 163 and 164, Section F). On the channel side the void was filled with stone, and the crest was grouted at an el of +6.5 ft lwd. Replenishment of fill stone was performed on the lakeward portion of the south pier (Figure 163, Section A). Portions of the north (Figure 163, Sections A and B) and south (Fig- ure 163, Section A) piers were rehabilitated. The existing timber (Continued) 257 Table 58 (Concluded) Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History cribs were encased in steel sheetpiling (Figure 164, Section A). The voids between the steel sheetpiling and the cribs were filled with stone and capped with concrete at an el of +6.75 ft lwd. The rubble portion of the north pier (Figure 164, Section B) was repaired, and a concrete cap was included which had an el of +8.5 ft Iwd. 1985 An inspection of the piers revealed them to be in fair condition. Settlement and loss of fill stone are evidenced in the piers, and some of the structures are cracked and tilting. Replenishment of fill with larger stone, and placement of riprap along the piers have been recommended. An aerial view of the Charlevoix Harbor piers is shown in Figure 165. LOCATION MAP SCALE OF FECT 102 1020 _s0poo HHEAST JORDAN eg tL VICINITY MAP PETOSKEY Es ipo , RBOYNE ALG OF Wee re a LEAR KG es B . z : 4. - 2 5 é Vie 164.0. EL. 5768 g 2 / 4 en R DIXON AVE es HA e er be x 2 s NETTLETON WEEC ——— { Fy >, 2 LEwis ANCHORAGE AREA FOR SMALL CRAFT PROSPECT | = Fl i ok HUALBUT Figure 163. Charlevoix Harbor, Michigan 258 ueS8TUoTW ‘10qzey xFOAeTAeYyQ ‘suotTjoes ssoto azeqtd TeotdA] *49T aan3stq 106) @vHau yu3aid HLYON 8@-NOI104S @ AVM WOM (8914S gi191 ONITIVE AL3dVS oes: Qauiveay avine3se 996: sine W200 Y3id HLYON 2v-NO/I1L93S > re 5 jo. 4 | p —oniid 73345 ONINId T3a391S | _ g2-Ss e2-s— 8515 arsi 996) 171N@3u $2 Gb- 3unLonyisuazans y 1... —_ 08-618! 3unNLNYisens -171INe Oz uaid H1YON WER) BY = (Si Bf - I\V-NOI1L93S § nigh lees 3 ——— io6! Gvnay s2c2- ONIAd ugza 2 aunlionuiieesane H 7331S wn.onwasans 42-2 and ONINd 133HS y HiLNOS QNV_H1YO 4331S 42-2 vV-NOI193S 9019 01-22 ONI Vd L39HS 1331S 42-2 SL 9+ 7 7 Bi £Oy A — =! ONITIVE 3 | ALBIVS 259 uesTyoTW ‘10qieH XTOAeTAeUD JO META Tetley °Gg] eANn3Ty Date(s) 1895- 1896 1897 1905- 1907 1930 1949 1970 1973 1977 1978 1985 Table 59 Petoskey Harbor Breakwater Petoskey, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 600-ft-long portion of the breakwater (Figure 166, (Sections B and C) was completed. This breakwater consisted of stone-filled timber cribs built on a stone base (Figure 167, Sec- tions B and C). Part of the breakwater was 26 ft wide (Section B), and the remaining portion (Section C) was 28 ft wide. Construction of the 355-ft-long shoreward portion of the breakwater (Figure 166, Sections D and E) was completed. This portion of the breakwater was rubble mound with a 10-ft crest width and a +7.0 ft lwd crest el (Figure 167, Sections D and E). A concrete walkway was also installed on its crest. Construction of the lakeward end of the breakwater (Figure 166, Section A) was completed. This portion of the breakwater was a 30- ft-wide stone-filled timber crib built on a stone base (Figure 167, Section A). The lakeward 895 ft of the breakwater (Figure 166, Sections A, B, and C) was capped with a stone and concrete superstructure. The crest el of the breakwater was +7.0 ft lwd (Figure 167, Sections A, B, and C). The rubble-mound portions of the breakwater (Figure 166, Sections D and E) were rehabilitated. The rubble-mound sections of the breakwater (Figure 166, Sections D and E) were rebuilt (including the concrete walkway). Riprap stone (1 to 6 tons) was placed along both sides of the rubble- mound portion of the breakwater (Figure 166, Sections D and E). Riprap stone was placed in areas along both sides of the timber crib breakwater (Figure 166, Sections A, B, and C). Replenishment of fill stone was performed in the timber cribs (Sec- tions A, B, and C), and additional riprap was placed along areas of the timber crib breakwater where stone was not placed in 1977. Rip- rap was also placed along the rubble-mound breakwater (Sections D and E) where washouts and voids existed. A site inspection of the breakwater indicated superstructure tilt, settlement, cracking, and loss of fill stone along the timber-crib portion of the structure (Sections A, B, and C) which suggests sub- structure deterioration. The rubble-mound portion of the breakwater (Continued) 261 Table 59 (Concluded) Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History (Sections D and E) had stone voids and washouts in areas, and the concrete walkway was undermined. New stone (2,750 tons) was placed at the base of the structure, and about 300 tons of stone was recov- ered and replaced at the harbor by hired labor. The structure is considered to be in fair condition, and rehabilitation has been recommended. An aerial view of the Petoskey Harbor breakwater is shown in Figure 168. 262 uestTyoTW ‘z0qieyq Aaysojqeg °9OT PANSTYA © 01 S21 20 37W9S JVW ALINISIA VNVIONI aguvmaow ~ » Fs NIHON ) = = fam Q [48 aso 3901N@ 1004 5 : £y i 0) aaisinve Y / =~ Kt JF ae YBLVANV INE Cy on O AVG FSHIAVHYL ese fale) G3TIW 40 2IVIS dVW NOILY9O7 31UVA NYOIHOIAW 48 L1NVS KIOAZ 1BW M2 Log IWMSI7 — fey. a ; AVG ISUIAVHL ~~ n \ a Peon] & ; AuVH S jj 2008 N “ : ec. 7 at 263 3yvVv1 SUGARS, ue8TyoTW ‘10qiey Aeysojag ‘Ssuo~}o.es ssoXd |9ainjonAAS Teoftdky, °/oT san8Ty Ota Ole Oe Ok ~93S WOIdAL =" g-nologas “a TRH Fe °S-~O5O-< sake BOSS iess\i OS6! JUNLINNISUIENS O€6! AuNioneisHadAS Of6! 3yuNLINNISUadNS 9-S60! JuNLONHISENS 17ine 9-660! 3¥NLIONwISENS 17I1ne 1-606! 3yNL9Nu1SeNS 47INB 9-NOILS3S 8-NOILOSS V-NOILOISS D > TX IR > Da GD @ ea ROR AR ERE PSS etarage, —G ———t a) a) cTy rf a ? 4H9I7 w2ivaxvaue 7 +8V3 ONY ISI JuNINoveR VNVIONI (U3 dinved UNE) Wiig aN5i3u4 jury & Ff . / Ke ase z tf 80 Ose ah ~ 4 “ad < (03 4ISNVtd O1ONeY) = . Sea B3lg BIUNISS Va ALNNOD QWNINOWA = en mS ‘ Bild VVIS oniusixg “TENT Od NOISSIW / A GNVISI SVNINOVW (OMI UISNWEL Suiveds) Big 1vOaAuy a 4. 268 ue8TYyoTW ‘1Oq1ey pueTS] IeUTYOeW JO META TeTAeV IZ I ean3sty 269 Table 62 Mackinaw City Harbor Breakwaters Mackinaw City, Michigan Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1955 Construction of a 600-ft-long causeway, which serves as a breakwater, was completed by local interests (Figure 172). The structure was built of rock and concrete. The harbor side of the structure was lined with vertical sheetpiling, and the lakeward side was con- structed with rubble-mound materials with side slopes of about 1V:1H (the natural angle of repose). 1967 Construction of a 430-ft-long rubble-mound breakwater (Figure 172) was completed. The breakwater had a crest el of +8.8 ft lwd with a width of 8 ft. One- to two-ton cover stone was used in construction along with side slopes of 1V:1.5H (Section B-B). The outer 200 ft of the existing breakwater was authorized for federal maintenance. 1986 The breakwaters presently are considered to be in good condition. An aerial photo of the Mackinaw City Harbor breakwaters is shown in Fig- ure 173. STRAITS OF COU. p, MACKINAC alm HL fi ibs so Ay HOO MORINA RueSLEuOUND BReAne AREA MAINTAINED BY OTHERS oLPrn o * oo 10 SECTION 8-B Figure 172. Mackinaw City Harbor, Michigan 270 uesTyoTW S10qiey AITO MeUTYOeW JO META TeTAey “E/T eaNn3Ty Date(s) 1968 1982 1986 Table 63 Cheboygan Harbor Breakwater Cheboygan, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 775-ft-long rubble-mound breakwater (Figure 174) was completed. The breakwater was constructed with a crest el of +6.0 ft lwd and a crest width of 8 ft. Cover stone was 2 tons (min), toe stone was 4 tons (min), and side slopes of the structure were 1V:1.5H (Figure 174). Minor repairs to the existing stone breakwater and construction of a concrete walkway on the crest of the structure were completed. The breakwater is presently considered to be in good condition. An aerial photograph of the Cheboygan Harbor breakwater is shown in Figure 175. — HARBOR INDIANA VICINITY MAP SCALE OF HES ‘ee ge 100 COVER STONE Lane sive 2TONMIN- CHANNEL S/DE _. a. = TURNING BASIN j Cy PROJECT DEPTH 2/FT \ ea a 4 Rar > @ : —~ Cc EXISTING BOTTOM—~ AN SECTION A-A aN Le TYPICAL SECTION OF RUBBLE-MOUND BREAKWATER Figure 174. Cheboygan Harbor, Michigan 272 ‘zoqieyq uesAoqeuy JO MefA T WV “G/T ean3sty Table 64 Hammond Bay Breakwaters Hammond Bay, Michigan Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1965 Construction of a 460-ft-long west breakwater and a 1,445-ft-long east breakwater were completed (Figure 176). The breakwaters were rubble-mound structures with crest widths of 8.0 ft (Figure 176). The crest el of the west breakwater (Section A) and the shoreward arm of the east breakwater (Section D) was +8 ft lwd, while the remaining portions of: the east breakwater (Sections B and C) had a crest el of +10 ft lwd. Cover stone for Sections A and D was 1 ton (min), and for Sections B and C cover stone of 3.5 tons (min) was used in con- struction. Toe stone for Sections A and D was 3 tons and for Sec— tions B and C it was 3.5 tons. Side slopes of 1V:1.5H were also used. 1982 A total of 210 tons of 3- to 5-ton cover stone was added to supple- ment the existing cover stone. The cost of these repairs was about $133,000. 1984 An inspection of the breakwaters noted some winter storm damage to the east breakwater. Some cover stone and core stone was missing over about a 70-ft-long area. The west breakwater was in good condition. 1986 The breakwaters presently are considered in fair condition. An aerial view of the Hammond Bay breakwaters is shown in Figure 177. LAKE : ENTRANCE CHANNEL \ HURON PROJECT DEPTH 12° HIGHWAY ~ POINT | | PUBLIC ACCESS AREA FOR HARBOR TYPICAL SECTION Figure 176. Hammond Bay Harbor, Michigan 274 [=| 0 fo") oa a 13) “4 = uw fo} pe) u i) = > G) Q us) i=] es is) = WH ° 2 CY) ial > ee i} al w <= Figure 177. Table 65 Alpena Harbor Breakwater Alpena Harbor, Michigan Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1939 A 750-ft-long rubble-mound breakwater (Figure 178) was constructed from the shore extending parallel to the entrance channel. 1965 The project was modified, which entailed removal of the existing breakwater and construction of a new 550-ft-long offshore rubble breakwater. The new structure would include an 8-ft crest width, 4-ton cover stone, a crest el of +8 ft lwd, and 1-V:1.5-H side slopes on the harbor side with 1-V:1./75-H side slopes on the lakeside (Figure 178). 1969 The 1965 modification to the project was reclassified into an in- active status based on an unfavorable benefit-to-cost ratio. 1986 The existing breakwater has never undergone maintenance during its lifetime and is considered presently to be in good condition. LAKE SIDE D&K Storage Co. 4-TON COVER STONE 6-TON TOE STONE STONE MATTRESS Municipal Yocht Basin —_*» RUBBLE 2 BREAKWATER > (NOT CONSTRUCTED) Figure 178. Alpena Harbor, Michigan 276 Date(s) 1959 1971 1984 1985 1986 Table 66 Harrisville Harbor Breakwaters Harrisville, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 360-ft-long north breakwater and a 2,170-ft-long south breakwater was completed (Figure 179). The breakwater was con- structed of rubble-mound materials with cover stones ranging to 3 (min) and 5 tons (min) for Types III and IV and Types I and II struc- tures, respectively (Figure 179). The lakeward end of the south breakwater (Type I) had a crest el of +10 ft lwd, and the remaining portions of the structure (Types II, III, and IV) had a crest el of +8.0 ft lwd. The crest width was about 7.5 ft; and side slopes on the lakeside of the breakwaters were 1V:1.75H, while side slopes on the harbor side were 1V:1.5H. Toe stone ranged from 5 tons (min) in Types III and IV to 7 tons (min) in Types I and II. Replenishment of cover stone on the breakwaters was accomplished. An inspection of the breakwaters revealed some winter storm damage since several cover stones were missing. An estimated 80 tons of stone would be required to repair the breakwaters. Extensions of the north and south breakwaters of approximately 140 and 110 ft, respectively, were completed (Figure 179, hatched ends) for a cost of over $433,000. Cover stones up to 9.5 tons were used. The breakwaters, presently, are considered in fair condition. An aerial photo of the Harrisville Harbor breakwaters (prior to break- water extensions) is shown in Figure 180. ZU Tf dma te # Pe [i 99619 A791 o» S2A 20 DVIS u AVN ALINIDIA O1HO ae INO4S 01 SS Fel lech a | t JOIS Juv ~ VNVIGNI eoer usiaieno2 SuaLVMAVINE JO NOI193S _. serapescemel ¢ 3MOLS SS3IUL1IVN 3NO1LS 3809 04108 34¥) = _ = aie — — x Pe ° = = fe} C a ueSTyoTW ‘10qzeH PTTFASTAIeH «SLI PANSTY 7330 L£FF/ O/ NISVG HOGXVH $a .itiows OMIHANZS 3AVIS 40 NOISNVdX3 ae AILUMHNVIOE HLYON S$SOHYD WWIIdAL ST. \ BOM b211 0 JOS sOeurH BL puo mM seddy vs wnwiviw vor Sg pue T sedky vi wnwiuyy ver ¢ BuOIE COL AL puo my eddy uv wnuijuje vor & pve | #0dky uy wnuru voi G BuOWH 20409 240" asus Ee ieahie a sq UIA SU tl th WwW tJ \ \ 278 ueSTYOTW ‘10qIeH PTTFASTAAePH JO MoTA TeTI0V “OST ean3ty 279 Table 67 Au Sable Harbor Jetties Au Sable, Michigan Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1962 Construction of north and south jetties (Figure 181) was completed. The shoreward 980 ft of the north jetty and 1,000 ft of the south jetty were constructed with steel sheetpiling at a crest el of +8.0 ft lwd (Figure 182). The lakeward 227 ft of the north jetty and 200 ft of the south jetty were constructed with 27.2-ft diameter steel sheet-pile cells. The cells were stone filled and capped with concrete to an el of +8.0 ft lwd (Figure 182). Riprap was placed on each side of the cellular portions of the breakwater (Figure 182) and along some portions of the steel sheet-pile structures (Figure 181). 1975 Rehabilitation of the north and south jetties was completed for a cost of about $392,000. This work included repairs for broken and sunken cell caps and replenishment of riprap in various areas. 1984 An inspection of the jetties revealed them to be in very good con- dition. An aerial view of the Au Sable Harbor jetties is shown in Figure 183. i A LES eo STEEL CELLS— SEE INSERT A fos eS Or Ce-- \ iN y & f RIPRAP yo" e UPSTREAM LIMIT) OF ADP ca H U RON & . FEDERAL PRQJECT Le Figure 181. Au Sable Harbor, Michigan 280 ue8TYyoTW ‘toqiey eTqGes ny ‘SMeTA ueTd pue uotIIeS 91nj}oN14s TeordAy, “*7Zgl eansty YVITIWIS ALL3f HINOS -310N AL1L3f HLYON 'S1139 133LS-NW 1d Vv LY3asni VIM 83A3 TINY) 7331S v-v NOIL93S 8-8 NOILD3S TANNVHD TOS L a GVO0 ONI Tid 493HS 13315 pe efi EISSLEASLS/ r (422 3dA1) ] BZARITINGD BNDIe 9nNIGda6 dvudil (0916 79.0797 ONITIVY 3Adid 281 uesTyITW ‘10qieWH eTqes Ny JO MeTA [TeT1say “ESI eansty 282 Table 68 Tawas Bay Harbor Breakwater Tawas Bay, Michigan Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1977 Construction of a breakwater having four interconnected sections with an aggregate length of 1,564 ft (Figure 184) extending bayward from an existing timber state-owned pier was completed. The breakwater consisted of steel sheetpiling spaced to form a structure 24 ft in width. The structure was sand filled and capped with precast con- crete at a crest el of +7.25 ft lwd. The sheetpiling was extended to an el of +10.5 lwd on the bay side. Riprap ranging from 50-400 1b was also placed on the bay side (Figure 184). 1985 An inspection of the site indicated the breakwater to be in very good condition. No maintenance has been performed on the breakwater since its construction. An aerial photograph of the Tawas Harbor break- water is shown in Figure 185. 283 ueSTyoFR *‘t0qiey Aeg seme, °478T aan3t gq NOILINULSNOD y3LVANVIUB oz ° on 1333 40 aos Y3LVMNV3NB 11VM 378N0G — NOILDAS WOIIdAL OMITa 13308 7928 az-2 S83ulive — = a (096 72) (44 A 30s woeevn +- permapa'| |e v2 us ( MONLONMLSNOD BIGRIL) e C 4 “——SBLITIOVs ONOOR ONY GY Ss wid Jivs 32140 ‘$w21Svm2200 O3INIVINIVA 38 1M JONVYUAN BHI WI 1334 21 ONV V3NV JOVUOHINY NI 1334 O01 40 SH1d30 ONILSING fi ol 028 no? aan oo — oo B21 20 DWI CVA AAIMIDIA UNVION! jv? MVDINDIA 284 ueStTyotW ‘z0qieq Aeg Semel Jo MeTA [TeT1A9y °C8T eanstyq Date(s) 1972 1976 1978 1986 Table 69 Point Lookout Harbor Breakwaters Au Gres, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 4,000-ft-long east and a 3,800-ft-long west break-— water was completed. The breakwaters were rubble-mound structures extending parallel into Saginaw Bay (Figure 186). They consisted of cover stone laid on excavated material. Cover stone on the channel sides consisted of 1/4-ton (min) material, and cover stone on the bay sides of the breakwaters consisted of 3/4-ton (min) material. The breakwaters had 10-ft crest widths and side slopes of 1V:3H for the east breakwater and 1V:2.5H for the west structure. The crest el of the east breakwater ranged from +9 to +12 ft lwd, and the west break- water had a crest el ranging from +6 to +9 ft lwd (Figure 186). Approximately 1,300 tons of cover stone (1,500-300 1b) was placed along the bay side of the east breakwater in critical areas to pre- vent failure of the structure. Approximately 500 tons of cover stone (3/4 to 1 ton) was placed along the bay side of the west breakwater in areas to maintain stability and prevent failure. Stone was placed at the harbor, and the structures are currently in good condition. An aerial photograph (photo taken in 1981) of the Point Lookout Harbor breakwaters is shown in Figure 187. 286 ue8TyoF ‘seay ny ‘z0qieH ANOYOOT WUTOd °98T ain3stq =A VA ALINIDIA 37v2s ON vaviowt ; v-vV NOILO3S G31LVAVIXI 38 OL Wwibjivn 3NO1S 301 3NOLS 301 3NO1S 301 3NO1S 301 NIFENOL 2/11 p NIWNOL 2/1 = { =NIMINOL 2/1 NIN NOL 2/1 1 ayy? TWIdJiVA O3j1LVAVING TWId3LVA OIL VAVIKI 3NO1S U3AOD J z (5 el SHONGrERGE (074 2 wim NOL o/c fi 7 i ‘ f NIWNOL &/1 3NOLS ¥3A09 - G NIANOL] 6/€ — 3NOLS Y3A0D 21+ 01 6+ S3IBVA, NINIROL EZ ONITIVE AVOINIIA Y2LVAWV3IUB YILVMHV INE isw3 41S3M AV@a H1dIO LITO “14 0/. CEPOL SELL) Y31VANVINS 4 = ae Resoopesor . HLdIO LDILOd “1d 9 “1 wasva~ 1,A05 00+0 dnvy vou +— jivis Seri oo+e Oo+g) 1LY3AIND 50% MUVN/IDVS 287 uestyotW ‘sez9 ny ‘10qzey JNoYooT WUTOg JO MeTA TeTI9y °/8T aan3tg Table 70 Caseville Harbor Breakwater Caseville, Michigan Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1964 Construction of a 1,780-ft-long rubble-mound breakwater (Figure 188) was completed. The structure had an 8-ft crest width, 1-V:1.5-H side slopes on the channel side, and 1-V:1.75-H side slopes on the lake- side (Figure 188). The lakeward 1,000-ft length (Section I) had a crest el of +8.0 ft lwd and 2-ton (min) cover stone, while the shore- ward 780-ft section (Section II) included a crest el of +6.0 ft lwd and cover stone that was 1 ton (min). 1980 Repair of the rubble-mound breakwater was performed. 1986 The structure presently is considered to be in good condition. An aerial view of the Caseville Harbor breakwater is shown in Figure 189. f (. MICHIGAN Ne g i 3 MICHIGAN LAKE LAKE SIDE 3 CHANNEL SIDE TE NEAT Line =~ ——~——-\ fi Sees ss Sa = = a b a COVER STONE (2TON MIN SECT I 5| EE SSsectauva- 1 TON MN SECT I) 3. 5 ianeeimeacay. oats y STON Mun SECT 1) BI { F a 3) nee 4 aa = mAb eres, | 40st y MATTRESS STI or 0 SHE Bie Flee cS 5 é AI TYPICAL CROSS SECTION— RUBBLEMOUND BREAKWATER (vooxinc UPSTREAM) FEDERAL PROJECT \\ Figure 188. Caseville Harbor, Michigan 289 ue8TyoTW ‘10qzeyq eTTFAese) Fo MeFA [eFleVy "681 ean3sta 290 Date(s) 1959 1979 1983 1986 Table 71 Port Austin Harbor Breakwater Port Austin, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,926-ft-long offshore breakwater (Figure 190) was completed. The breakwater was built with cellular steel sheetpiling which ranged from 15.3 (Type D) to 30.4 ft (Type A) in diameter (Fig- ure 190). The cells were filled with sand and gravel and crowned with a bituminous cap. The crest el of the breakwater was +10 ft lwd for Types A and B and +8 ft lwd for Types C and D. Riprap was placed along the sides of the cellular breakwater except on the harbor side of Types C and D. The lakeward cells (Types A and B) were replenished with stone and capped with concrete. The shoreward cells (Types C and D) revealed hairline cracks in the asphalt which were sealed. Caulking of construction joints in the breakwater also was performed. A safety railing was installed on the structure. The breakwater is considered to be in good condition; however, some construction joints are separating and require repairs. An aerial view of the Port Austin breakwater is shown in Figure 191. 291 ueSTyoTW ‘10qiey uUFASNy 340g “O61 24Nn3TA Y3LVMAVSYE JO NOILDSS SSOYND TWdIdAL 4@\ORNDOIG Bui JO APIS 10Qs0H OUy UL BD tuouses wi pormbey Gordy oN ~ MO1108 ONIASIKG B2-VS edky si Bung ieeUS thy 310N S 9946 77 OT OT iz 092 S3dA1 wos 1335 0} BOw SIdAi BOS 1334 OF wuvd 2, > NOUNH ee 44 w34_ Y03NBOMD (S35uN02 Z)a¥> SNOMANLIG B 41139 wid 6316 U (9739 wae 83918 o (1739 u3a S31 24) WO SOF 'V-3441 1739 #200 9I08Nd \ WINOD SAVMYILUA \ 3iviS NVSIHOIA ee SIWA 40 319s AVW ALINISIA Ono VNVWIONI NVOIHOIR AFIFTGLIO! NISV@& © avmove 6 >» x C & ~ 5 = ~ 8 » = YOReUXUH @ ?LusmuA ¢3730 1321 Ue p TINNUHD JINVHYING Fi 292 uesTyoTW ‘zoqiey UTAISNY JAOg JO META Tetley i 6 T 293 Date(s) 1874- 1885 1905- 1909 1911- 1912 1916- MLZ 1916- 1919 1921 1925- 1926 1966 W7/AL 1975 Table 72 Harbor Beach Breakwaters Harbor Beach, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,204-ft-long north breakwater, a 4,716-ft-long main breakwater, and a 1,956-ft-long south breakwater (Figure 192) was completed during this period. The breakwaters were constructed with stone-filled timber cribs which ranged from 16 to 38 ft in width (Figure 193). The main breakwater was capped with a stone and concrete super-— structure (Figure 193, Cross Sections D-D and E-E). The super- structure included a parapet that had a crest el of +16.5 ft Ilwd. The north breakwater was capped with a concrete superstructure (Fig- ure 193, Cross Sections A-A and B-B). The breakwater crest el was established at +8.0 ft lwd. The south breakwater was capped with a concrete superstructure (Figure 193, Cross Sections F-F through I-I). The crest el of most of the structure was +8.0 ft lwd, but the northern end of the break-—- water (Cross-Section F-F) included a parapet with an el of +14 ft lwd. Riprap was placed on the lakeside of the main breakwater (Fig- ure 193, Cross Sections D-D and E-E). It was placed on a 1-V:1.5-H slope with a crest ranging from about +3 ft lwd (Cross Section D-D) to +6.5 ft lwd (Cross Section E-E). Riprap was placed on each side of the south breakwater (Figure 193, Cross Sections F-F through I-I). The crest of the riprap on the lakeside was +8.0 ft lwd, and on the harbor side it was at an el of Toe) se Alarale Riprap was placed on the lakeside of a portion of the north break-— water (Figure 193, Cross Section B-B) to an el of about +3.5 ft lwd. Rehabilitation of the south end of the main breakwater (Figure 192, Cross Section E-E) was performed. Work consisted of replenishing stone fill and repairing cracks in the substructures. Cost of the repairs was about $172,000. Rehabilitation of portions of the south breakwater (Figure 192, Cross Sections F-F through H-H) was completed. Riprap protection which included a total of approximately 38,500 tons of stone (ranging from 6 to 15 tons each) was performed for about $676,000. Riprap was replenished along portions of the main breakwater. (Continued) 294 Date(s) 1981 1985 Table 72 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History Riprap was replenished along portions of the north breakwater, and cracks in the superstructure were repaired. An inspection of the site indicated the structures are in need of major rehabilitation. The timber cribbing of the substructures is collapsing under the weight of the concrete superstructures resulting in shifting and cracking of the superstructure. The breakwaters are considered to be in poor condition, and major rehabilitation has been recommended for the harbor to maintain its protective status. An aerial view of the Harbor Beach breakwaters is shown in Figure 194. 0400 =. MAIN ENTRANCE FI 0400 3 +00 ER & TRUCTURE Anwar 1956" ARETE SUPERS [Recexcs pate HURON LAKE MICHIGAN INDIANA OHIO VICINITY MAP. SCALE OF MRLES Figure 192. Harbor Beach, Michigan 295 -—— | 6:0"— = BO | 7 HARBOR —is'-11—-r af LAKE HARBOR Te LAKE SIDE Gey SIDE Burlap Stee! Plote CROSS SECTION A-A CROSS SECTION 8-8 NORTH BREAKWATER NORTH BREAKWATER : BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1873 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1876 SUPERSTRUCTURE 911 - 12 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1912 Ripanenes teeeoee HARBOR SIDE CROSS SECTION D-D GROSS SECTION E-E MAIN BREAWATER MAIN BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1676-8 & 1880-2 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1682-3 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1905-09 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1909-3 RIPRAPPED 1916-19 RIPRAPPED 1919 REHABILITATED 1966 -—— #4'-0= HARBOR 8-13 8-105 LAKE HARBOR LAE CROSS SECTION F-F SOUTH BREAKWATER BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1883 GROSS SECTION G-G SUPERSTRUCTURE 1916 SOUTH BREAKWATER RIPRAPPED i9@t BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1934 REHABILITATED 1971 SUPERSTRUCTURE 191G RIPRAPPED 1921 REHAQILITATED 1971 20-04 —'s- H4RBOR p p LAKE HARBOR ' LAKE SIDE Tie Rods TRSUTRY IRS Ws CROSS SECTION H-H CROSS SECTION _I-! I SOUTH BREAKWATER SCO E RE ARWATER GUAT: SUBSTRUCTURE 18693 BUILT: SUBSTRUCTURE 1864 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1917 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1916 -17 RIPRAPPED i9at RIPRAPPED ig2i REMABILITATED 1971 Figure 193. Typical breakwater cross sections, Harbor Beach, Michigan 296 uesTyotW ‘Yyoeeg AoqieyH JO MaeTA TeTAeyY “61 PANSTY Date(s) 1951 1975 1984 Table 73 Port Sanilac Harbor Breakwaters Port Sanilac, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,230-ft-long north breakwater and a 949-ft-long south breakwater (Figure 195, Types A, B, C, and D) was completed. The shoreward ends of both structures consisted of steel sheetpiling with an el of +8.0 ft lwd (Figure 196, Type D). Riprap was placed on the lakesides of the structures. The remaining portions of the breakwaters were constructed of sand- and gravel-filled cellular steel sheet-pile structures with cell diameters ranging from 23.87 (Figure 196, Type A) to 28.85 ft (Figure 196, Types B and C). The Type C structure at the lakeward end of the north breakwater (Fig- ure 196) had a crest el of +10 ft lwd, and the remaining portions (Types A and B) were installed at a +8 ft lwd crest el. Riprap was placed on both sides of the lakeward portion of the north breakwater (Type C) and on only the lakesides of the cells of the remaining structures (Types A and B). The cells were capped with asphalt. To reduce wave heights in the harbor to approximately one-half foot, a 327-ft-long extension to the north breakwater and a 69-ft-long ex- tension of the south breakwater (Figure 195, Types E and F) was com- pleted. The north breakwater extension consisted of stone-filled, steel sheet-pile cells with a diameter of 43 ft and a crest el of +10 ft lwd (Figure 196, Type E). The south breakwater extension was constructed of stone-filled cellular sheet piles (Figure 196, Type F) with diameters of 31.8 ft and a crest el of +8 ft lwd. The exten- sions were capped with bituminous concrete. Riprap stone ranging from 1,000 1b to 1 ton was placed on both sides of the north break- water extension and on the lakeside of the south extension. A site inspection of the structures revealed that some of the asphalt caps of the north breakwater had settled, but the breakwaters were generally in good condition. An aerial view of the Port Sanilac Harbor breakwaters is shown in Figure 197. 298 SANILAC COUNTY Limit of Federal Project a VILLAGE ° TYPE E" CHANNEL LINE -—------ Pt Sanilac Light MICHIGAN INDIANA VICINITY MAP SCALE OF MILES o 30 \ Figure 195. Port Sanilac Harbor, Michigan 299 ueSTuoTW ‘10qiey DETTUeS 3IOg ‘SuOT Des SsotD 9injoNI14S qTeorddsy, jd, 3AdAL \22- ‘say os -1 3NOLS SS3YL1VW— wa, SdAL } dL 2] . = he ae aa —— dAL,o we ‘a ' © nr 1S 8l- ; , Noli” fb As : one . say ost OL NOL 2/1 aNOLS / : D ee ae aNOIS SS3ULLVN , NOWMoaLOde, oe: dAL 2 < ——— ; : a4 3No1s dAL b ‘ a's : 2 2 5 “ — in . . . Not | O41 ‘ W114) NOLS ONITId 133HS = NOUS IMGNOTSE: 5 aN cree cFEIG OD Sa 2 prrenrenecsrs bers grin rnry ss NOILD3L0Nd~ OS™” ‘ 00°0M1 IP dALe,1 3d016 3d071s ONINd 133HS JUS F1V7 13318 82-Sd7~ f-dAl-,1 3407 @-FWw43e 335 ‘dvd BL3YONOD SNONIWNLIG ,9— JOS IA4V7 ~ asunod y3iMd .9 “{dAl) 90'8 + We! a MeROD nd, SGAL 060494) WE UoljossauEd @bDIIAY 8/GOIIOA ysbuay vaatig 4$ 9 UOIjossaued “B/JOI IDA 3L3Y9NOD SNONIWNLIG 9 @ WVL30 33S ‘dvd Ww SONVH (dA1) 80° 01+ 1961 031 3.4ROD wu IdAL G8 B2 "961 PAN3T A 3SYNOD Y31714 9 300 Ny rk 3 he 5 1 en 20 Wty 184019 ; = 99269 19 a791 9925 17 pun puos | o79/ aca Bee Buitd - 8 4234S 18815 voljoueued eee 1961 031974R0> —19AY af qDIJDA we AdAL yi UueAlig te ae 4 ee Js 9 voYoyaued ! LO EZ OJBRY B/JOIJON Ny qsibuey wong ~ 8 ¢ S| dos-diy ' g ? = S| eee 8) egy ae a Slancow/t 6 on 6926 73 6925 17 (OD) FUER 10757 But built o 5 Fine Seal (hs 1825 18315 1204S 1925” re ees ese || JaIs dog snouwnig p ee 7 INYT Ue uestyoTH ‘z0qi1ey ae TEues 320g FO MoTA TeFtey £61 24nstq 301 Date(s) 1976 1984 Table 74 Lexington Harbor Breakwaters Lexington, Michigan Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,905-ft-long north breakwater and a 690-ft-long south breakwater (Figure 198) was completed. The north breakwater was a rubble-mound structure with a 15-ft-wide crest and 1-V:1.5-H side slopes. The crest el was +9.5 ft lwd for the shoreward 300-ft length and +11.5 ft lwd for the remaining portions of the structure (Figure 199). Cover stone ranging from 4.5 to 16 tons was used. The south breakwater was a rubble-mound structure also with a crest el of +8 ft lwd and a crest width of 8 ft (Figure 199). Side slopes of 1V:1.5H and cover stone ranging from 350 to 850 1b were utilized. A site inspection of the breakwaters indicated that they were in very good condition. An aerial view of the Lexington Harbor breakwaters is shown in Figure 200. 302 ueSTYyoTW Stoqiey Uu0IBUEXEeT °g6] ean3tTg “L401 Hid30 193r0ud TANNVHD HOVOUddY o a "18 pay Y3LVANVIue O ( "16 WOLDMIAOT O (ALNNOD IvIiNvS) NOLONIX 437 NOU#YNH & Sk mF PEK 5 5 dVR NOILYVIOT ANTUNVIS2e 3o See a { (as } YILvMV3IuB HLUON HOUNN) OS-m AvENBIN avis 3 O9VATATA svyiva (=) B2113HS 4snoy DINDId 5 wy JOVITA “448 H1d3Q 193r0ud \\ V3¥y 39VYOHONY gow™ ———— 18 HORNS ALwzdoud AVA IVA 20V 7710 Hovae ¥ SNINIVe = {008 3OVITIA O t= oO -N- JIHvT 303 ue8TyoTW ‘10qaiey uojzZuTKXeT ‘suoT_IeS ssotO 19}eMyeIIG TeopdAy, °661 ean3sta 926! LIING HILVMYV3ESYE HLNOS NOILOAS SSOHD WOldAL INGLIS YIAV 1Y3Z0NN V1i4 0390340 001 O1 #2 1892S 9191 9261 111N8 HALVMYNVSHa HLYON NOILOAS SSOHYO IWOIdAL JNGLS YFAVINIONN 1S tL OL 152 W114 0399340 JNOLS SS3u1LUW #02 OL #1 18°92S 0191 JNOLS YAANOI 191 OL 1S b (,00¢ 1SY14 YO4 1S 6+) , yavMaais— NOLS SSIYLIVW O31NOWD O02 OL #1 304 ues TyoTW “ ‘zoqieH u07BUTX Cl JO MaTA TeTiey 0 0 (6 ean3staq 305 Table 75 Clinton River Breakwater Clinton River, Michigan Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1966 Construction of a 1,400-ft-long rubble-mound breakwater north of the river entrance and an earth fill (Figure 201) was completed. The breakwater had a +6.1 ft lwd crest el, an 8-ft-wide crest width, and 1-V:1.5-H side slopes (Figure 201). Cover stone ranged from 1,000 1b tomlstontk 1986 There is no record of breakwater maintenance, and the structure presently is in good condition. An aerial photograph of the Clinton River breakwater is shown in Figure 202. BecmaseeSitter oiny Ny ANCHOR Mg = Cc, i} - 5 pee Downstream limit of BREAKWATER. Federal Project LAKE SIDE BASIN SIDE UPPER TOLERANCE —_ NEAT LINE . wanisTee od Se COVER STONE! 100010.MIN.} e 200010. MAX) L wo 5717" a ra LAKE MICHIGAN —| It FILTER BLANKET FILTER BLANKET TYPICAL SECTION THRU RUBBLEMOUND BREAKWATER INDIANA NO SCALE VICINITY MAP. BUILT-1966 fo GCME OF MILES LAKE ST. CLAIR Figure 201. Clinton River Harbor, Michigan 306 ue3sztuoTW ‘loqiey A®PATY UOIUTTD JO Meta TeTAsy ZOZ Pansty 307 Table 76 Bolles Harbor Jetty Bolles Harbor, Michigan Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1970 Construction of a 400-ft-long rubble-mound jetty west of the entrance and a disposal site (Figure 203) was completed. The jetty had a 10-ft crest width and an el of +7.0 ft Iwd (Figure 203). It included side slopes of 1V:2H and armor stone ranging from 700 to 1,600 Ib. 1984 An inspection of the site indicated the jetty was in good condition. There is no record of jetty maintenance. VICINITY MAP SCALE OF mines TYPICAL JETTY CROSS CRC al Figure 203. Bolles Harbor, Michigan 308 Date(s) 1893 1963 1973 1980 1982 1983- 1984 1986 Table 77 Port Clinton Harbor Jetties Port Clinton, Ohio Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of parallel jetties extending lakeward from the mouth of the Portage River (Figure 204) was completed. The original lengths of the east and west jetties were 2,200 and 1,980 ft, respectively. The jetties were constructed of woodpiling and stone. Side slopes of the rubble portions of the structures were 1V:1H. Breakwater repairs were completed for a cost of $12,240. Placement of stone on various portions of the east jetty was com- pleted to repair areas that were washed out and damaged by a large storm in 1972. The cost of these repairs was $128,860. An inspection of the site indicated the structures were in very poor condition with the exception of the areas that were repaired in 1973. The jetties were badly deteriorated and sheet pile and additional stone was recommended. It was also recommended that 850 ft of the shore arm of the west jetty be deauthorized since much of it was settled badly and/or buried and it was not considered necessary for shore protection. This deauthorization would result in a west jetty length of 1,130 ft as shown in Figure 204. Repair of damaged areas of the east jetty was completed. Damaged areas were overlayered with stone similar to that used during con- struction in 1973. Steel sheetpiling and a concrete cap were in- stalled on the portion of the jetty adjacent to the overbank, and a concrete walkway was installed on the structure originating at the shoreline and extending 1,000 ft lakeward (Figure 204). The crest el of the concrete cap ranged from +3 to +5 ft lwd, and the el of the walkway was +7.25 ft lwd. Repairs to the west jetty were completed. Armor stone was placed along the lakeside and the crest of the existing jetty. These stones ranged from 0.5 to 3.5 tons. The crest el after the repairs was +7.3 ft lwd. The structures are presently considered to be in good condition. An aerial view of the Port Clinton Harbor Jetties is shown in Figure 205. 309 VICINITY MAP SCALE OF MILES fe} Yi) a) dG / / LAs Ay Zp Veet / ——— ~ ~ PORTAGE RIVER WATERWORKS Plo Rt Beli m Ow PERRY STREET JEFFERSON WASHINGTON MADISON EL 5686 | | PILES ——ej | sheer PILE Ud SECTION A-A PORTAGE RIVER SECTION B-B8 WALKWAY PORTAGE RIVER LAKE ERIE SECTION C-C LAKE ERIE PORTAGE RIVER SECTION D-D Figure 204. Port Clinton Harbor, Ohio 310 OFY4O ‘1oqieyY UOJUTTD 310g JO Mata TeFIIV “G0Z aan3tyq 311 Table 78 West Harbor Breakwaters Ottawa County, Ohio Date(s) 1982 Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of two breakwaters in an arrowhead configuration extend- ing lakeward on each side of the natural entrance (Figure 206) was completed. The north and south breakwaters were rubble-mound struc- tures with lengths of 1,350 and 1,575 ft, respectively. The struc- tures had 10-ft-wide crest widths and els of +6.9 ft lwd (Fig- ure 207). Armor stone ranged from 1 to 3 tons, and side slopes were 1V:1.5H on the breakwater trunks and 1V:3H at the heads. 1986 There is no record of maintenance or repairs to the breakwaters, and they presently are considered to be in good condition. An aerial view of the West Harbor breakwaters is shown in Figure 208. VICINITY MAP SCALE OF MILES LOCATION MAP eee SSS SCALE OF MILES 30 oO 50 _—— —__ OmIOcE 2 OFEmEGS | womzomrac Ct 25 vemticas CL 1S (6260) MO“? wa ON Figure 206. West Harbor, Ohio 312 STONE GRADATION TYPE “A'STONE 1-3 TONS TYPE 'B STONE 200-700 POUNDS TYPE C STONE 05-50 POUNDS CHANNEL SIDE LAKE SIDE NAVIGATION LIGHT FOUNDATION TYPE A ARMOR 30.4 10° PRIMARY ARMOR-TYPE A =~ EL.577,5 UNDERLAYER-TYPE B—\_ | \ __ | ee EL. 575.5. 3 —li__LWO EL 5686 (IGLD) ><" = BEDDING AND CORESTONE- TYPE C APPROX.LAKE BOTTOM TYPICAL HEAD SECTION STA.O0+00TO 1+00 ARMOR LAYER 9.8FT THICK (NORTH AND SOUTH BKW) STA. |+O0 TO 2+00 ARMOR LAYER 6.5FT. THICK (SOUTH ONLY) HANDRAIL CONCRETE WALK ESS I72529) PRIMARY ARMOR-TYPE A UNDERLAYER-TYPE B LAKE SIDE CHANNEL SIDE BEDDING ANO CORE STONE-TYPE C APPROX. LAKE BOTTOM TYPICAL OUTER TRUNK SECTION STA. 3+20 TO 5+00 TYPICAL BREAKWATER SECTIONS Figure 207. Typical breakwater cross sections, West Harbor, Ohio Sil) OFYO *‘10qieH ISAM JO Mata TeTAVy °g0Z ean3ty 14 3 Table 79 Sandusky Harbor East Jetty Sandusky, Ohio Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1897- Construction of a 6,000-ft-long rubble-mound east jetty was completed 1922 (Figure 209) during this time. The jetty had a 10-ft-wide crest with an el of +6.0 ft lwd and side slopes of 1V:1.5H. Armor stone used from an el of about -2 ft lwd to the crest had a minimum weight of 2 tons. Stone used below this el (-2 ft lwd) had a minimum weight of 500 1b and not less than 50 percent was 2 tons or more. 1963- Rehabilitation of the lakeward 4,000-ft portion of the jetty was 1964 completed during this time. The el of the jetty was raised to its authorized height of +6 ft lwd. Armor stone with a minimum weight of 4 tons each was used. 1985 The east jetty was considered to be in poor condition, and repairs were recommended. Estimated costs of these repairs were about $84,000. ~ SAND POINT 7 wy & ig Sandusky Pierhead Inner Reor HE Range Light ) CEDAR POINT VICINITY MAP SCALE OF MILES 5 ° LW.D. EL. 5666 @-STONE :MIN. WEIGHT S00 LBS. NOT LESS THAN 50% 2 TONS 1 OR MORE. @-STONE:MIN. WEIGHT 2 TONS. SECTION OF EAST JETTY (A-A) (BUILT 1897-1922) Figure 209. Sandusky Harbor, Ohio 315 Table 80 Huron Harbor Structures Huron, Ohio Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1827- Construction of an 800-ft-long west pier (Figure 210, Section A) was 1831 completed. The pier was a 20-ft-wide stone-filled timber crib struc- ture (Figure 211, Section A). 1891- A 973-ft-long extension of the west pier (Figure 210, Sections C and 1894 G) was completed. The extension consisted of a stone-filled timber crib structure that ranged from 16 to 20 ft in width (Figure 211, Section C). 1907- Construction of a 1,450-ft-long rubble-mound east breakwater (Fig- 1908 ure 210, Section B) was completed during this time. The breakwater had a crest width of 10 ft and an el of +10.3 ft lwd (Figure 212, Section B). Side slopes were 1V:2H on the lakeside and 1V:1.34 on the harbor side. A concrete and stone superstructure was installed on a portion of the west pier (Figures 210 and 211, Section C) also during this period of time. The crest el of the pier was +8.3 ft lwd. 1914 A 280-ft-long shoreward extension of the west pier (Figure 210, Sec- tions D and F) was completed. The lakeward portion of the extension involved woodpilings driven about 15 ft apart and filled with stone (Figure 212, Section D). The extension was capped with larger stone (5-ton minimum) and had a crest el of about +6.0 ft lwd. The adja- cent 160-ft-long shoreward portion of the extension (Figure 212, Section F) was a rubble-mound structure with a crest width of 5 ft and an el of +5 ft lwd. Side slopes were 1V:1H. 1925 A concrete superstructure was installed on an 800-ft-long portion of the west pier (Figures 210 and 211, Section A). The crest el of this portion of the pier was +6.3 ft lwd. 1930 The shoreward rubble-mound portion of the west pier constructed in 1914 (Figures 210 and 212, Section F) was repaired and extended shoreward an additional 110 ft. 1933- A 1,360-ft-long rubble-mound extension of the west pier (Figure 210, 1934 Section E) was constructed during this period. The breakwater had a crest width of about 8 ft and an el of +8 ft lwd. Side slopes were 1V:1.3H (Figure 211, Section E). Armor stones with a minimum weight of 3 tons, and not less than 50 percent being 5 tons or more, were used. 1950 A 242-ft-long portion of the west pier was repaired by encasing it with steel sheetpiling (Figures 210 and 211, Section C). The voids between the sheetpiling and the existing structure were filled with (Continued) 316 Table 80 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History Date(s) 1957 1963 1975 1984 stone and a concrete cap was installed. The width of the pier varied from 24 to 28 ft, and the crest el ranged from +8.4 to +9.4 ft lwd. A 341-ft-long portion of the west pier was repaired (Figures 210 and 211, Section C) in the same manner as the 1950 repairs. A 390-ft-long portion of the west pier was repaired (Figures 210 and 211, Section G) in a manner similar to the 1950 and 1951 repairs. The structure width, however, was 34.7 ft, and the crest el was 1 Olen pieetitars Reconstruction of the portion of the west pier adjacent to the Corps disposal area (Figure 210) was completed. The rubble- mound portion of the pier (Section E) was raised to an el of +15.25 ft lwd and had a crest el of 8 ft (Figure 211). The steel sheet-pile encased por- tion of the pier (Sections C and G) included the installation of stone adjacent to the containment side of the pier (Figure 211). The crest el of the stone structure was 10.25 ft lwd, and the crest width was 8.5 ft. A parapet was installed at an el of +11.0 ft on the en- cased structure adjacent to the stone crest. Many repairs have been performed during the structure's lifetime, and they are considered to be in fair condition. An aerial photo of the Huron Harbor structures is shown in Figure 213. a LEAL’, Lo 7 ae VA 7 we 74 < 4 sy! 7 4m > a Huron Light 7) 4 I. ie < CORPS OF ENGINEERS le ee DISPOSAL AREA é K y 2 N/, 7 7 REPAIRED 1960 ~ 4 RECONSTRUCTED 1078 Y A ic cur OY. “2 |EPAIRED 1967 ; RECONSTRUCTED 1978 VW v7 nei xy | RECONSTRUCTED 1978, pr Huron Inner Light Vi Oy s 4. a ic Ss ia es | ag PROJECT DEP Y TURNING BASIN PROJECT DEPTH 22 FT. UPSTREAM LIMIT Oye PROJECT Figure 210. Huron Harbor, Ohio oTuO S‘iO0qiey UOrTNny S26! Q3LINYLSNOD|3Y (ye61-Eeg6! 111Ne) -d-1v Y3ald LSSM 40 NOILD3S ==| Twikdivn O. euos 4 a ADINVIG HLS CuddS Vi, b2o1 G390340 HIN34L WO1108 3yv7 yu3eenY - 0613 Foe 13 eu0}S ,, 301s LN3SWNIVINOS S261 13 Lf ac s2) 3qis 3yv1 $261 Ni O300v T1vMVaS ONY NOIL9310¥d 3AVM‘LAINYIE Y31II5 46] Y3ld 4O 1334 Ive ITIne3yY OS6l Y3Id 4O 43343 262 11INe3U 8061-2061 34NLONYASY3dNS (~68!-168!1 1IINe) -9-1V Y3ld LS3M 4O NOILO3S 31id 133HS ao 7331s £2- 2.9 ICP REC LIB Q311I3 3NOiS wO1108 Eb Lal NOIL93108d 3AUM TWiI831VW,9,-13xNvIe ¥31113 G30v"D 7) 6+ 13 OL 6 B+ 13°S3IGVA $2 01473 3gls LN3WNIVINOOD Ont 13 TAWAVv35 “9NOD St] Suivd3y NOILONWISNODSN GLEI + Ssuotjq90s ssoid azetd [eordéy 37!d 433HS 43318 12-2 —=} 3NI7 ONIAIUO-—=) WO1L08 T3NNVHD ane uv INNvyS— + O0u 31194 Gi OF HS3W 34IM 030 "OME OM-9¥D 301s 3471 a NOD 3NI139SV8 34399NO9 *TIZ ean3tyq SZ61 Ni Q30gv 11VMV3S ONY NOIL93L0¥d SAVM L3YNV1IG Y3LI4 9-1V €96!1 NI SQVW Y3ld 1S3M 40 1334 O6€ Ol SYIVdSY 30 NOIL93S TWIB3LVH 9, 434nvid y3iqig a3avuo — 3NOLS.,, 3, rows NOlL>a Loud 301s J INSWNIVINOO S¥lvd3y C96! “S41 GZI syBjom “KDW 04 eAG!S CCEZ 1,40W ,,9,, *Sq1 001 syb1om WNWIXOW -"SqiE syBjom ujW, eUoIS 4, “$41 OOb syBjom wnul|XOW -'S4/ GZ sYyBjem‘uIW euo;S 3, 89) O02! sybjom WNWIKDW-6q/ Gz sYyBOM “UjW euOKIS of}n “Qi | UUs 650} %E Udy; SEO; jou @10W JO BQiGL %SE UOY) GSO) jORY BUDS non “BQ OO) WyBjom ujW eUolS 6, “O10W JO 8U0)G % OG UUs 6SE) Jou SUOL gs yYBjom UIW eUoIS vy, “SU01G IyBiem ujW-oU0IS yO0Q NOILvVaVYS 3NO1S L. NOILINWISNOD3Y GLE! $26! 11IN@ 3uNLONeIsY3adNs (teei- 2281 171N8) -V-1v Y3sld LS3M JO NOIL9O3S 319 "TIE ROD ‘-9" LONG WEST PIER | SECTION D Ny (BUILT IN 1914) WEST PIER SECTION F BUILT 160'-1914 BUILT 110'-1930 HARBOR SIDE T ‘Ol L.w.0. EL.568.6' Ts CALE 23.5 Rie 22 bi He i EAST BREAKWATER SECTION B (BUILT 1907 — 1908) Figure 212. Typical pier and breakwater cross sections, Huron Harbor, Ohio 320 otyo ‘Zoqiey UoINy JO MaTA [eT19Vy "€1Z ean3Ty 321 Date(s) 1836- 1839 1874 1906- 1914 1964 1973 1986 Table 81 Vermilion Harbor Structures Vermilion, Ohio Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of parallel piers at the mouth of the Vermilion River was completed. The piers extended to the -10 ft lwd contour and had crest els of about +5.0 ft lwd. They were stone-filled timber crib structures, and were 16 ft in width. The east and west piers were extended to the -12 ft lwd contour. No other lakeward extensions have been made. The east pier is 458.5 ft long, and the west pier is 1,333.5 ft long (Figure 214). A heavy stone superstructure was installed on both piers (Figure 215) to els ranging from +6 to +6.5 ft lwd. The crest width was 10 ft. Rehabilitation of 450 ft of the west pier and 230 ft of the east pier was completed (Figures 214 and 215). The crest els of these portions were raised to +6.5 ft lwd, and riprap was installed on the lakesides of the structures. Construction of an 864-ft-long detached breakwater (Figure 214) was completed. The breakwater was a cellular steel sheet-pile structure with 35-ft diameter cells. The cells were granular filled and capped with concrete at an el of +10 ft lwd (Figure 215). The offshore breakwater was model tested (Brasfield 1970) prior to construction. The structures presently are considered in good condition. An aerial view of the Vermilion Harbor structures is shown in Figure 216. 322 NEW YORK = Ty CLEVELAND VERMILION | fe) | VICINITY MAP SCALE OF MILES 50 100 R / [5 E K E [t, A \ \ \N \ DETACHED Z, BREAKWATER 5 864 oars ® 2» I B NSN | D \ | 2 XN XS Z \ ) z N N : a \ LAKE APPROACH a \ Y CHANNEL — PROJECT DEPTH 12 EAST PIER LIGHT ‘ xe} oO LAKE APPROACH | ~ CHANNEL PROJECT DEPTH 8 Sa AREAS OF REHABILITATION — U.S. WEST PIER COMPLETED 1964 US. EAST PIER z I 4585 FEET 1333.5 FEET Sy fee | ! ENTRANCE CHANNEL \ c| \ PROJECT DEPTH 12 \ eo WATER INTAKE LIN sf [pf —— ————— a SUPERIOR LAGOON CITY OF VERMILION SEWAGE PUMPING PLANT VERMILION 3000 ANSNONYS Figure 214. Vermi lion Harbor, Ohio 323 LAKE SIDE > 500060 OS n : —— (Ase OT Pe cease oe keer REA @n,85 RIPRAP eR STONE Oe mes SECTION OF EAST PIER WEST PIER SIMILAR BUT OPPOSITE HAND (BUILT 1836 - 1839, REBUILT 1906 - 1914) REHABILITATION OF 450 FEET OF WEST PIER AND 230 FEET OF EAST PIER INITIATED IN JUNE 1964 AND COMPLETED IN OCTOBER 1964. (TOP ELEVATION RAISED TO 6.5 FEET ABOVE L.W.D. AND RIPRAP STONE PLACED ON LAKE SIDE.) 6"x6"x % g WELDED WIRE MESH 2' CONCRETE CAP ___35.0N'|OIAMETER _ DETACHED BREAKWATER (BUILT 1973) Figure 215. Typical structure cross sections, Vermilion Harbor, Ohio 324 OTYO ‘LOqAeY UOTTTWAIEA JO MeTA TeTAePyY “OIZ eANSTy Table 82 Lakeview Park Breakwaters Lorain, Ohio Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1977 Construction of three 250-ft-long offshore breakwaters was completed at the site (Figure 217). The breakwaters were rubble-mound struc- tures with +8 ft lwd crest els and 14-ft-wide crest widths (Fig- ure 217). Side slopes were 1V:1.5H, and armor stone ranged from 4.5 (min) to 10 tons (max). 1982 Model tests (Bottin 1982a) were conducted to determine causes of ero- sion of the beach fill. Improvement plans consisted of modifications to the west end of the west breakwater and the west groin. 1986 There is no record of repairs to the breakwaters, nor have any im— provements been made. The breakwaters are in good condition. An aerial view of the Lakeview Park breakwaters is shown in Figure 218. LAKESIDE [ety malice 055 0WL. (DESIGN WATER LEVEL) lat ARMOR STONE) 5! BOTTOM VARIES -8 TO-I0 VICINITY MAP SCALE OF MILES Ao _ ——*__ peacn oF => x LI ° PLACED : Siena SAND FILL [ 7} éR EDGE aT MLC a sa oars ee wat | aap NE Pee Zag Online aan Fee aes ~5766 ——— Lo —— Soy opnaa BERM +8LWOW~ N \ > WF ees \ ae any me ACCESS ROAD > == SEA WALL SEA WALL ica ae CAs wae Ty Sa tee wee te Figure 217. Lakeview Park, Ohio 326 otyo yYAeg MeTasyxeT jo MaTA TeTs0y BIZ ean3Ty 327 Date(s) 1828- 1896 1897- 1908 1901- 1915 1921 1963 1964- 1965 1977 1986 Table 83 Lorain Harbor Structures Lorain, Ohio Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of two stone-filled timber crib piers was completed at the mouth of the Black River (Figure 219) during this time. The east pier was originally 1,875 ft long, and the west pier was 1,004-ft long. The east pier was 20 ft wide, and the west pier ranged from 17 to 23 ft wide (Figure 220). The east and west piers were capped with concrete superstructures (Figure 220). The crest els of the piers were +8.2 ft lwd. Construction of two detached rubble-mound breakwaters (Figure 219) was completed. The east and west breakwaters were 2,300 and 2,811.5 ft long, respectively. The structures had crest els of +10.2 ft lwd and crest widths of 10 ft. Side slopes were 1V:3H on the lakeside and 1V:1.3H on the harbor side. Armor stones used were 3 tons (minimum). The west breakwater was extended to shore (Figure 219). The exten- sion was of rubble-mound construction and originated at the shore end of the existing west breakwater extending shoreward 438.5 ft. At this point there was a 75-ft gap and then a 750-ft-long extension to the shore. The structure had a crest el of +3.9 ft lwd with a width of 5 ft (Figure 220). Armor stone was 2 tons (minimum). Construction of a 2,457-ft-long east breakwater shore arm (Fig- ure 219) was completed at a cost of about $2.7 million. The outer 2,323 ft was a granular-filled concrete capped cellular steel sheet- pile structure. The cells had a 35-ft diameter with a crest el of +10 ft lwd (Figure 221). Also included was a 134-ft-long rubble- mound shore connection (Figure 219). The rubble-mound portion had a crest el of +10 ft lwd and was capped with rectangular blocks (Figure 221). The lakeward 995-ft portion of the east pier was removed leaving an 880-ft-long pier, and the lakeward 280-ft portion of the east break-— water was removed resulting in a structure 2,020 ft in length (Fig- ure 219). A 2,180-ft-long granular-filled cellular steel sheet-pile outer breakwater was constructed (Figure 219). Cell diameters were 46.15 ft, and the breakwater was capped with concrete to an el of +10 ft lwd (Figure 221). Riprap toe protection also was placed adja- cent to both sides of the breakwater. This modification was model tested (Wilson, Hudson, and Housley 1963). A combination rubble-mound and steel sheet-pile dredge disposal dike was constructed and attached to the east breakwater shorearm. Recent site inspections indicated that portions of the rubble-mound stone sections of the structures show localized damage and consider- able settlement. The structures are considered in fair condition, and no repairs are planned in the near future. An aerial photo of the Lorain Harbor structures is shown in Figure 222. 328 ofyQ ‘t0qaieH UTeIOT “°6[Z eAN3Ty T3ANNVHO HOVONddY 3NWT ——. <= Se eGe) aR 44817 1g 159M —~ == Bb V2 3NINVMAns jl i O 1 2OOGANO De Ain J) tS 92 AY YAVOVT¥ ce =) fess WEL NOILD3NNOD 3YOHS 3NO1S v3u¥v IvSodsia SY33NIDN3 40 SdY¥O9 S31IW 40 30v9S dVW ALINIDIA N ON 3 d | fo} ' H fo} | NIV¥O! OnNV13A3199 329 ; 32) 208—= = HARBOR! SIDE 40 SECTION OF EAST AND WEST BREAKWATERS "A' AND "B" (BUILT 1901-1915) NOTE: OUTER 280' OF EAST BREAKWATER / = 1 | A219’ B15’! 2 —=2' REMOVED IN 1965. Clea iCheISabeae: eISnat a= SECTION "E" WEST BREAKWATER EXTENSION TO SHORE COMPLETED IN 192! = = A-MIN. WEIGHT 500LBS NOT LESS = ry ‘ 1 THAN 50% 2 TONS OR MORE 6' Anos ee? 6 3 S (lL B SMUNEWE LG Hae SONS ! SECTION OF WEST PIER TIMBER CRIB STRUCTURE BUILT, 1828 -1896 CONCRETE SUPERSTRUCTURE, !897 -1908 STONE FILLED TIMBER CRIB "0 | _-t CONCRETE Se a en eT SECTION A -PIERHEAD TO A POINT - [3 SENSE GR) vt ———— 244' SHOREWARD HP —————s K SECTION B - NEXT 365' TOTAL LENGTH 1004' SECTION OF EAST PIER TIMBER CRIB: SUB-AND SUPERSTRUCTURE, 1830 - 1894; CONCRETE SUPERSTRUCTURE, 1903 - 1905; NOTE: 995' OF OUTER END OF PIER REMOVED IN 1965, TOTAL OVERALL LENGTH AFTER REMOVAL IS 880’. Typical pier and breakwater cross sections, Figure 220. Lorain Harbor, Ohio 330 6"X6"X 6/6 Welded Wire Mesh~_ 2' Concrete Cap LAKE SIDE Granular} Fill TYPICAL " SECTION OUTER BREAKWATER (BUILT 1964-1965) ONCRETE - 4' to 6 (Horizontal) +10 3' to 5' (Vertical) HARBOR SIDE LAKE SIDE L.W. D. EL. 568.6 TYPICAL SECTION OF RUBBLE MOUND SHORE CONNECTION EAST BREAKWATER SHORE ARM (BUILT 1963) 2 Concrete Cap 6'X 6'"X 6/6 Welded Wire Mesh ) | Diameter Steel Sheet Piling Lake Bottom TYPICAL SECTION OF CELL EAST BREAKWATER SHORE ARM (BUILT 1963) Figure 221. Typical breakwater cross sections, Lorain Harbor, Ohio 331 ofuoO *‘Joqiey UfFeAOT JO MeTA TeTIIV *Z2~ ~Pan3syty 332 Date(s) 1873 1941 1970 1981 Table 84 Rocky River Harbor East Pier Rocky River, Ohio Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 448-ft-long rubble-mound pier (Figure 223, Sec- tion B) was completed east of the mouth of the Rocky River. The crest el of the pier was +5.0 ft (Figure 224, Section B). The existing pier was rebuilt to its original design and extended an additional 452 ft lakeward (Figure 223, Section A). The pier exten- sion was of rubble-mound construction and had a crest width of 5 ft and a crest el of +5 ft lwd (Figure 224, Section A). Side slopes were 1V:1.3H, and armor stones had a minimum weight of 2.5 tons with not less than 40 percent of 4 tons or more. A total of 260 stones was placed on the pier to repair storm damage. An inspection of the pier indicated the lakeward portion was in good condition, but the shoreward 390 ft of the pier required rehabili- tation. Although no emergency existed at this time, maintenance was recommended to provide full protection to the river entrance and safer access for fishermen onto the pier. It is not known if the repairs were performed. An aerial view of the Rocky River Harbor East pier is shown in Figure 225. 33}3) L ACRE EER le Ej Oe VICINITY MAP SCALE OF MILES (e) CITY OF LAKEWOOD INNER. LIGHT Ne o ~~’ (S261 CITY OF ROCKY RIVER RIVER CHANNEL PROJECT DEPTH 6 FEET RIVER CHANNEL PROJECT DEPTH 6 FEET IN SOFT MATERIAL, 7 FEET IN HARD MATERIAL Figure 223. Rocky River Harbor, Ohio 334 CHANNEL SIDE 5-0" Min. LAKE SIDE SECTION OF EAST PIER -A- ( LAKEWARD 452 FT. BUILT 1941) t Covering Stone- Minimum weight 22 tons, not less than 40% 4tons or more. Toe Stone — Minimum weight 6 tons. Core Stone — Not less than75% 150 pounds or more, not more than 5% less than 5 pounds each. an ¢ of East Pier rf 9.5' '44 36 60' Z_.W.D.E! 568.6' SECTION OF EAST PIER -B- (INNER 448 FT. BUILT (873, REBUILT 1941) Figure 224. Typical pier cross sections, Rocky River Harbor, Ohio 335 Date(s) 1875 1876- 1884 1887- 1900 1898- 1907 1899- 1901 1903- 1915 1904- 1909 1917 — 1926 1961- 1962 Table 85 Cleveland Harbor Structures Cleveland, Ohio Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,602-ft-long stone-filled timber crib east pier at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River (Figure 226) was completed. (Fig- ures 226, 227, 228, and 229 illustrate structures at Cleveland Har- bor.) The pier was 20 ft wide and included a concrete superstructure with a crest el of +7.3 ft lwd (Figure 227). Construction of a 6,048-ft-long stone-filled timber crib west break- water (Figure 226) was completed. The structure was 32 ft wide, and riprap stone was placed on the lakeside to an el of +5 ft Ilwd. Construction of a 3,000-ft-long portion of the east breakwater (Fig- ure 226, Sections X and Y) was completed. The structures were stone- filled timber cribs that were 32 ft wide. A concrete superstructure was installed on the west breakwater to a crest el of +12 ft lwd. Construction of a 1,440-ft-long west pier was completed (Figure 226). It was a stone-filled timber crib structure with a concrete super- structure (Figure 227) installed at an el of +6.8 ft lwd. Construction of a 17,970-ft-long portion of the east breakwater was completed (Figure 226, Sections P and D). The breakwater was a rubble-mound structure with a crest el of +10.3 ft lwd and a crest width of 10 ft (Figure 227, Section P, Figure 229, Section D). Side slopes were 1V:1.5H. Construction of the east and west arrowhead breakwaters was completed (Figure 226) at the main entrance. These structures were each 1,250 ft long and constructed of rubble-mound materials. They had crest widths of 10 ft and an el of +8 ft lwd (Figure 227). Side slopes of the arrowheads along the water level were 1V:1.3H. Armor stone had a minimum weight of 3 tons, with not less than 50 percent of 5 tons or more. A stone superstructure was installed on portions of the east break- water (Figure 226, Sections X and Y). The crest el of Section X (Figure 228) was +6 ft lwd. Riprap was also installed along both sides of this portion of the breakwater. The crest el of Section Y (Figure 228) was +10 ft lwd, and stone extended from the el down the lakeside of the structure to the lake bottom. Rehabilitation of 1,700 ft of the east breakwater (Figures 226 and 227, Section P) was performed. Original construction methods were used in making the repairs. (Continued) S337 Date(s) 1963 1979 1980 1982 1982- 1983 1984 1985 1986 Table 85 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History Rehabilitation of 1,000 ft of the protective riprap slope on the lakeside of the west breakwater (Figures 226 and 227) was performed. Portions of the west breakwater were rehabilitated (Figure 229). The concrete cap was restored to its original height, and new armor stone was installed along the lakeside of the riprap slope. The eastern portion of the east breakwater was in poor condition during a site inspection. Rehabilitation of 4,400 ft of the eastern end of the east breakwater (Figure 226, Section D) was performed using 29,700 two-ton unrein—- forced dolos concrete armor units. Two layers of dolosse were placed on the lakeside of the trunk and around the head using a placement density of 161 dolosse per 25 lin ft of breakwater. The slope was 1V:2H. Model tests were not conducted prior to installation of the dolosse. Repair of the head of the east breakwater following a storm in April was completed using 200 two-ton unreinforced dolosse. Model tests were conducted to determine the breakwater modifications necessary at the west (main) entrance to accommodate the passage of 1,000-ft-long ore carriers (Bottin 1983). Breakwater modifications at Edgewater Marina (adjacent to the west breakwater) for wave pro- tection also was investigated in the model (Bottin and Acuff 1983). An inspection of the east breakwater (Figure 226, Section D) revealed 659 broken dolosse. Many of these units were broken during initial placement. A concentration of broken dolosse near the top of the slope at the head was believed to be remnants of those broken during the 1982 storm. In general, dolosse are generally confined to the upper third of the structure slope and are at about 2 percent of the total number placed. A contract was awarded to rehabilitate an additional 3,300 ft of the east breakwater (an area of Section P (Figure 226) adjacent to the dolos rehabilitation). The repairs involved placement of 9- to 20-ton armor-stone mix. Model testing was conducted prior to reha- bilitation work (Markle and Dubose 1985). Repairs have been extensive at Cleveland Harbor over its lifetime (particularly to the east breakwater). Until recently the structure was repaired in a manner similar to the original construction using 3- to 8-ton stone. Consequently, maintenance on the breakwater dur- ing a 19-year period (1966-1984) involved repairs to about 12,500 lin ft of breakwater at an expenditure in excess of $17,000,000. Since the latest rehabilitation, the structures are considered to be in good condition. Aerial photos showing the Cleveland Harbor struc-— tures are presented in Figures 230-233. 338 OFYO ‘10qzeH pueTeEAeTD *97Z eAN3Ty q “ w LIL ee Po, Ju y Wee Se if a A= SSeS prea tenes Zp — aap Lis ae ee ee NE eS See Seen iiai ts = or —— og eal aun Al Ele OLE EI =F = 339 eo———$ 10" +e 15.634 A65\ | ¥ LAKE SIDE Os by i HARBOR SIDE AA i= 3 ue LOW WATER DATUM. EL|568.6 ae ! ar = Spf Vd @ rx Sd =22§@a— @ NY RSS WH WY \ (Saree aor 14° SECTION OF EAST BREAKWATER -P- (BUILT 1903-1915) Rehabilitation of breakwater in 5 sections Fr 10" totaling !,700 feet was initiated in Nov. 196! ond completed in Nov. 1962 LAKE SIDE HARBOR SIDE zone eile 1 zx 19.5! A + + Sy aeteS] Ip tm fas CONCRETES: EL. 568.6 : © L.W.D.,EL.$68.6' F fe=F STONE FILLED SECTION OF irr hs a WEST BREAKWATER (BUILT 1876-1884) SECTION OF SECTION OF CONCRETE SUPER-STRUCTURE WEST PIER. EAST PIER BUILT 1898-1907 HSS eels (BUILT 1875) Rehabilitation of protective riprap slope on lake side, in sections totaling |000' was done during the period April-May 1963. (BUILT: SUB-STRUCTURE 1899 ) SUPER-STRUCTURE !901 VARIABLE SECTION OF ARROWHEAD BREAKWATERS (BUILT 1904-1909) DECK STONE -MIN. WEIGHT 5 TONS. A STONE - MIN. WEIGHT 3 TONS, NOT LESS THAN 50% 5 TONS OR MORE. 8 STONE - MIN. WEIGHT 100 LBS. © STONE - NOT LESS THAN 35% 75 LBS. OR MORE, NOT MORE THAN 3% LESS THAN | LB. D0 STONE — MIN.WEIGHT 3 TONS. TOE STONE — MIN. WEIGHT 7 TONS. Figure 227. Typical pier and breakwater cross sections, Cleveland Harbor, Ohio 340 | HARBOR SIDE = SECTION "Y" EAST BREAKWATER (BUILT 1887-1900) (STONE SUPERSTRUCTURE BUILT 1917-1926) S Lali HARBOR SIDE

8 | SSS : \\4 Zs = ae \ aa nator es a= + : / 2 ANAWL3A3 dtl $9086 13 1LyaANI aoe 44N18 40 301 NIVYO 3did AV 19 ,2i lyrk- a 3903 S,u3LvM VEC EW ea 9915 13 us Wet \\ a Ka Vs HOV3E ONVS TILIN|I — a \V ess Bie a Wis \ ceo) 0 a = = 7 5 Es — Y31VMAV3HB G3HDVL30 3YOHSI4O ~ (dL) 002 =| ——— ——“Caal) sel :| | FI MN VT os o A os —————— SSS dDVW ALINIDIA VINVATASNN3d | 000r 00m ° 4334 40 31V9! dVW ALINV9O1 ues BEANE AIS VEU LHSY 7) Oo Oo 0 2 Sc 8 is 362 OTYO ‘31eq e1oyseyey] Jo maya TeTAey *GyHz Date(s) 1894 1905- 1907 1911- 1912 1912- 1917 1916- 1923 1934- 1936 Table 90 Conneaut Harbor Structures Conneaut, Ohio Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of the east and west piers (Figure 246) was completed. The piers were constructed of stone-filled timber cribs. (Fig- ures 246, 247, 248, and 249 illustrate structures at Conneaut Har- bor.) The east pier was 18 ft wide (Figure 247), and the west. pier was 24 ft wide (Figure 249). The east and west piers were capped with concrete superstructures during this period. The east pier had a crest el of +8.3 ft lwd (Figure 247), and the west pier superstructure was installed at an el of about +6.1 ft lwd (Figure 249). The Corps of Engineers presently maintains only the lakeward 300-ft-long section of the west pier. A 1,054-ft-long portion of the east breakwater (Figure 246, Section C) also was constructed during this time. The breakwater was a 23-ft wide stone-filled timber crib. A concrete superstructure with a crest el of +10.3 ft lwd was included along with a rubble slope on the lakeside (Figure 247, Section C). An 810-ft-long rubble-mound shoreward extension of the east break- water (Figure 246, Section A) was completed. The extension had a crest el of +10 ft lwd and a crest width of 10 ft (Figure 247, Sec- tion A). Side slopes on the lakeside were 1V:1.5H, and 1V:1.3H on the harbor side. Armor stones greater than 3 tons each were used in construction. A 3,403-ft-long rubble-mound west breakwater (Figure 246, Sections A and I) was constructed during this time. Breakwater cross sections were similar to those used for the east breakwater extension built during 1911-1912 (Figure 247, Section A, and Figure 248, Section I). Construction of an 886-ft-long rubble-mound lakeward extension of the east breakwater (Figure 246, Section B) was completed during this time. The structure cross section was similar to the shoreward ex- tension of the east breakwater completed during 1911-1912 (Fig- ure 247, Section B). Construction of a 935-ft-long rubble-mound lakeward extension of the east breakwater (Figure 246, Section G); an 865-ft-long rubble-mound lakeward extension of the west breakwater (Figure 246, Section F)3 and a 1,670-ft-long rubble-mound shore arm of the west breakwater (Figure 246, Section H) was completed. The lakeward extensions had 10-ft crest widths and crest els of +10 ft lwd (Figure 248, Sections F and G). Side slopes were 1V:1.3H, and armor stone had a minimum weight of 3 tons with not less than 50 percent of 5 tons or more. (Continued) 364 Date(s) 1941- 1954 1954- 1960 1963- 1964 1965 1983 1986 Table 90 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History The west breakwater shore arm had a crest el of +8 ft lwd and a width of 10 ft and 1-V:1.3-H side slopes (Figure 248, Section H). Armor stone sizes were the same as those on the lakeward breakwater extensions. Rehabilitation of a 1,251-ft-long portion of the west breakwater (Figure 246, Section I) was performed. The structure was built up with additional stone to a crest el of +10 ft lwd and a crest width of 8 ft (Figure 248, Section I). Side slopes of 1V:1.3H were used, and armor stone with a minimum weight of 3 tons and not less than 50 percent of 5 tons or more was placed. A 1,552-ft-long portion of the west breakwater trunk was rehabili- tated by the installation of additional stone to its original design (Figures 246 and 247, Section A). Rehabilitation of a 600-ft-long portion of the west breakwater (Fig- ures 246 and 247, Section A) and an 800-ft-long portion of the east breakwater (Figures 246 and 247, Sections B and C) was completed. The rubble-mound portions of the breakwaters were repaired by the in- stallation of additional stone to original design specifications. A 1,187-ft-long cellular steel sheet-pile shoreward east breakwater extension (Figure 246, Sections J and K) was constructed. The cells were granular filled (Figure 249, Sections J and K) and had diameters of about 30.2 (Section J) and 20.7 ft (Section K). They were capped with concrete at an el of +10 ft lwd. Model testing was conducted prior to the construction of this extension (Hudson and Wilson 1963). Maintenance repair to the west breakwater was performed for a cost of about $310,000. The structures are presently considered to be in fair condition. The concrete cap in the midsection of the east breakwater (Figures 246 and 247, Section C), particularly, is in need of repair. An aerial view of the Conneaut Harbor structures is shown in Figure 250. 365 K E \ WEST BREAKWATER LIGHT- REMABILITATION COMPLETED 196: REHABILITATION COMPLETED 1963 \X | \ PROJECT DEPTH 28'IN SOFT AND 29° rome HARD CN PROJECT DEPTH 22'IN SOFT AND 23' IN HARD MATERIAL \ INNER HARBOR PROJECT DEPTH 27 FEET IN EARTH 28 FEET IN HARD MATERIAL ©. ae (es Ba Yea (a ac} | LR p= ‘| i oe LIMIT OF FEDERAL PROJECT 5 ei AERIAL CAGLE SwimG BRIDGE (1NOPERATIVE) fi eee a c 7 Ve = “NE OLE] RE ek : 5 ere oS nr | 7 eet) | ——<— TEEN — Figure 246. Conneaut Harbor, Ohio 366 LAKE SIDE al HARBOR SIDE SECTION OF EAST AND WEST BREAKWATERS-A-8 EAST BREAKWATER "A" SECTION BUILT {911-1912 “B" SECTION BUILT 1916-1923 REHABILITION OF 200' OF “B” SECTION INITIATED IN MAY 1963 AND COMPLETED IN JUNE 1964. WEST BREAKWATER "A" SECTION BUILT 1912-1917 1,552' REBUILT 1954-1960 REHABILITION OF 600! INITIATED IN MAY 1963 AND COMPLETED IN JUNE 1964 @® auarry cups. QUARRY RUN NOT LESS THAN 3 TONS. © QUARRY RUN BETWEEN 500 L8S, AND 3 TONS. © CAPPING STONE GREATER THAN 3 TONS. iz fest =, ° = 6 a jo SECTION OF EAST BREAKWATER-C SECTION OF EAST PIER (BUILT-1905-1907) (BUILT 1894, 1907) REHABILITION OF 1000 FEET INITIATED IN APRIL 1963 ANO COMPLETED IN OGTOBER 1963. Figure 247. Typical structure cross sections, Conneaut Harbor, Ohio 367 TOE STONE SECTION OF EAST AND WEST BREAKWATERS-F-G WEST BREAKWATER ("F" SECTION BUILT 1934-1936) EAST BREAKWATER ("G" SECTION BUILT 1934-1936) SECTION OF SHORE ARM BRE AKWATER-H (BUILT 1934-1935) SECTION OF WEST BREAKWATER=I BUILT 1912-1917 REBUILT 1941-1954 SECTIONS-F-G-H-| DECK STONE: MINIMUM WEIGHT 5 TONS. MINIMUM THICKNESS 30 INCHES. (@ STONE: MINIMUM WEIGHT 3 TONS. NOT LESS THAN SO% 5 TONS OR MORE. MINIMUM THICKNESS 24 INCHES. @® STONE: MINIMUM WEIGHT 150 LBS. © core STONE: NOT LESS THAN 35% 75 LBS. NOT MORE THAN 3% WEIGHING LESS THAN | LB. EACH. TOE STONE: MINIMUM WEIGHT 7 TONS. MINIMUM THICKNESS 42 INCHES. Figure 248. Typical breakwater cross sections, Conneaut Harbor, Ohio 368 Becta e oe peg eG) + CONCRETE. 4.5 ele ee ROE Che oo oP) STONE FILLED TIMBER CRIB SUBSTRUCTURE SECTION OF OUTER SOO FEET OF WEST PIER (OWNED BY U.S. GOVERNMENT) (BUILT 1894 RECONSTRUCTED (906) SECTION -J- SECTION -K= 30.24 DIA. CELLS 20.69 OIA. CELLS = i} uy 6 2' CONCRETE CAP- 6°X6"X WELDED WIRE MESH X g 7 EXISTING BOTTOM cme (La LLL Lh LL SECTIONS OF EAST BREAKWATER EKTENSION (BUILT 1965) Figure 249. Typical pier and breakwater cross sections, Conneaut Harbor, Ohio 369 ofyo ‘10qieH jneauu0g jo Mata Teysey "0S¢ eanstg 370 Date(s) 1978 1986 Table 91 Presque Isle Breakwaters Presque Island Peninsula, Pennsylvania Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of three detached, offshore, rubble-mound, experimental, breakwaters (Figure 251) was completed for beach erosion control. The breakwaters were each 125 ft long and had crest els of +6.0 ft lwd and widths of 6 ft. Side slopes were 1V:2H, and armor stone ranged from 1.5 to 3.5 tons (Figure 251). There are no records of maintenance repairs to the breakwaters since construction, and they are considered to be in good condition. An aerial view of the Presque Isle experimental breakwaters is shown in Figure 252. A proposal for construction of a series of 58 offshore breakwaters along the Presque Isle Peninsula is being considered. Model tests of a representative portion of the peninsula and some of the breakwaters were conducted (Seabergh 1983). LAKE (2 lie (Z EXPERIMENTAL BREAKWATERS AND INTERIM NOURISHMENT lef COMPLETED JUNE 1978 AN f aw “0 | on F 2 L ae o a oe i ha oO Z 2 o 7 ae ° oC ca % 2 MZ, wre o% \ \ 7 he v \ - BORROW AREA ww &) \ Ye a ae PRESQUE ISLE YACHT CLUB 27 EN, ye . A! Z s! Figure 251. Presque Isle, Pennsylvania 371 eqTueaTAsuueg ‘aTS] enbseig jo Maza TeTley °ZGZ ean3tyq 372 Date(s) 1825- 1900 1827- 1903 1903- 1909 1953- 1956 1979 1984 1986 Table 92 Erie Harbor Piers Erie, Pennsylvania Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 3,248-ft-long north pier (Figure 253) was completed during this time. The pier was a stone-filled timber crib structure that ranged in width from 16.5 to 30 ft (Figure 254). Construction of a 2,215-ft-long south pier (Figure 253) was completed during this period. This pier was also a stone-filled timber crib structure that was 18 ft wide (Figure 254). Concrete and stone superstructures were installed on the north and south piers (Figure 254). The crest el of the south pier was +6.3 ft lwd, and the el of the north pier varied from section to section. Rehabilitation and repair of portions of the north pier were per-— formed. Portions of the pier were repaired by the installation of steel sheetpiling, granular fill, and a new concrete cap (Fig- ure 254, Sections A and D). A total of 1,141 ft of the north pier superstructure was rebuilt. A disposal dike was constructed adjacent to the south pier (Figure 253). Portions of the north pier were repaired (Figure 253, Sections A, F, and G). These piers were encased in steel sheetpiling. The voids between the sheetpiling and the existing timber cribs were granular filled, and the structure was recapped with concrete (Figure 255). The shoreward end of the north pier (Section A) was approximately 21 ft in width with a crest el of +7.3 ft lwd. The lakeward portions of the pier (Section F and G) were about 28 ft wide with an el of +9).8 ft lwd. The piers are presently considered to be in good condition. An aerial photo of the Erie Harbor piers prior to the construction of the disposal dike is shown in Figure 256. Sis) RANGE LIGH ~. UBMARINE \ \s 56 Ze = si - PROJECT DEPTH cases oF 28 IN SOFT ANO eG 129" IN HARD MATERIAL] Sqo>7_ IEE “€ ye ENGINEERS 7 iH DISPOSAL 7; AREA | APPROACH AREA PROJECT DEPTH 27'IN SOFT AND 28'IN HARD MATERIAL di. a AM DX \' Figure 253. Erie Harbor, Pennsylvania 374 A-220L. 16.5 W. E-366'L. 20.0'W. B-540L. 26.5W. F-755'L. 23.0'W. C-300L. G-480L 30.0'w. D-587'L. 29.0'W. STEEL SHEET PILE PIER REPAIR BLOCK} L.W.D_EL.5686 STONE FILLING a= ja LY, cs ee ee a Ween NY oan Po NS VARIES SECTION OF NORTH PIER BUILT 1825 - 1900 SUPERSTRUCTURE 1903-1909 REBUILT I141 FEET OF SUPERSTRUCTURE 1953 - 1956 A-REPAIRED IN 1953-1954 D-REPAIRED IN 1954-1955 CONCRETE ELEV. 568.6 FILLING SECTION OF SOUTH PIER-H (BUILT 1827- 1903 | SUPERSTRUCTURE 1903-1909) Figure 254. Typical pier cross sections, Erie Harbor, Pennsylvania 375 CHANNEL SIDE BAY SIDE WELDED WIRE FABRIC 6x6-W2.9xW2.9 +7.0' ar Woe) TIE ROD/ \ FILL TO AT +6.0 +6.0 L.W.D. 568.6 (0.0) EXISTING TIMBER CRIB PIER STRUCTURE GRANULAR FILL SHEET PILE DRIVING LINE SHEET PILE 29 P2Z27 PILE DRIVING LINE 22a SECTION OF NORTH PIER-A REPAIRED 1984 CHANNEL SIDE LAND SIDE WELDED WIRE FABRIC 6x6—W2.9xW2.9 +9.8 + 9.5 TIE ROD / \ FILL TO +65 AT+8.5 = ts Ue FILL & GRADE AT + 4.5 L.W.D.568.6 (0.0) i] GRANULAR FILL EXISTING ! 47' PZ27 PILE TIMBER CRIB SHEET PILE PIER f DRIVING LINE STRUCTURE ——a} 38 Pz27 PILE SHEET PILE GRANULAR FILL DRIVING LINE -—37.5 t i 26.2 SECTION OF NORTH PIER-F-G REPAIRED 1984 Figure 255. Typical north pier cross sections, Erie Harbor, Pennsylvania 376 eTueaTAsuueg ‘1oqiey eftaq JO meta [eTrey 9SZ eansTy 377 Date(s) 1960 1984 1986 Table 93 Barcelona Harbor Breakwaters Barcelona, New York Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 693-ft-long east and a 790-ft-long west breakwater (Figure 257) was completed. The breakwaters were constructed with cellular steel sheetpiling filled with granular fill and capped with concrete. The cell diameters were about 38 ft, and the els were +9 and +11 ft lwd for the east and west structures, respectively (Figure 257). A 174-ft-long steel sheet-pile shore arm connected the west breakwater to shore. Its el was +9 ft lwd. Construction of a 250-ft-long lakeward west breakwater extension, a 150-ft-long shoreward east breakwater extension, and segmented wave absorbers adjacent the harbor side of the west breakwater was com- pleted (Figure 257). The modifications were constructed of rubble- mound materials. The west breakwater extension consisted of a structure with a crest el of +11 ft lwd, a crest width of 12 ft, side slopes of 1V:1.5H, and armor stones ranging from 7.5 to 16 tons. The east shoreward extension had an el of +8 ft lwd, a crest width of 8 ft, side slopes of 1V:1.5H, and armor stones ranging from 1.2 to 2.5 tons. The modifications were model tested prior to construction (Bottin 1984). The structures are presently in good condition. An aerial photo of the Barcelona Harbor breakwaters is shown in Figure 258. 378 f i 4 LAKE | | 4URON- i u a | f 3, 47 BUFFAIS ee ers War Oe he 4 { a%o\ Zo ES LA “le if Os - , of | 9eTROIT ii ee Je DUNKIRK — eat es aa £7 ¢ ~~ | BARCELONA ~—( py Is Re SSS SSS Ut ‘ G = = = > o < Seine AON > —— CLEVELAND 2 ~ ° G H 1 0) (7 E N N VICINITY MAP SCALE OF MILES PROJECT CEPTH iOFT (9161) O8- 193r0ud 14 8 Hidad ciTY 0OCK LATHROP'S RESTAURANT —TOP OF BANK—~ LS 0 = a g PS Ze SS OLD LiGHTHOUSE=EE Pgs aoe i —_( ABANDONED) Fa cE a — ee [oS = a = \ @pancecona 3 aX Perit dg oo # 23 aos @) aa AIVL LAGE OF ee Be XZ A 2 6's -2.0'Concrete cap Ye Wire mesh — a \\t, BA ReeCw CE OE N Aw co a ey 1 i € BREAKWATER 9' Tenn : net W BREAKWATER |! 1 Nbtg Py UU EM lit wee sees: ety 1! NG Writ Ay LATTE a A pil ; Sa AS FS }Lske bottom a OE SSA an WAY Fi Sati E eS Saeaab Ta, I © Wad] 5 NC me pals Bottom of piling in ares S ~ Boffom c ~Rock surface crosswal| TYPICAL SECTION OF BREAKWATERS Figure 257. Barcelona Harbor, New York 3337/8) yIO_ MeN ‘1OqIey eUOTeDIeg JO MafA TeT1eVy °gcGz aanstq 380 Date(s) 1868- 1870 1897- 1921 1898 1899 1930 1931 1979- 1980 1986 Table 94 Dunkirk Harbor Structures Dunkirk, New York Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,410-ft-long west pier (Figure 259, Section I) was completed during this time. The pier was constructed of concrete and stone (Figure 260, Section I) and was 30 ft in width. A concrete superstructure was installed on most of the west pier. The maximum el of the superstructure was +11.3 ft lwd (Figure 260, Section I). A small portion of the superstructure next to the shore- line was constructed with large stone. Construction of a 577-ft-long portion of the outer breakwater (Figure 259, Section J) was completed. The breakwater was a stone- filled timber crib structure that was 30 ft in width (Figure 260, Section J). Construction of a 2,237-ft-long portion of the outer breakwater (Fig- ure 259, Sections G and H) was completed. The structure was 30 ft wide and consisted of stone-filled timber cribs (Figure 260, Sec- tions G and H). A concrete superstructure was installed on a 310-ft- long portion of the breakwater (Section G). It had an el of +10.3 ft Iwd (Figure 260). A concrete superstructure was installed on a 577-ft-long portion of the outer breakwater (Figure 259, Section J). The maximum el of the superstructure was +8 ft lwd (Figure 260, Section J). Stone riprap was placed along the lakeside at the west pier also during this year. A stone superstructure was installed on a 1,827-ft-long portion of the outer breakwater (Figure 259, Section H). The el of the super- structure was +8.3 ft, and it had a 10-ft crest width (Figure 260, Section H). The stone extended along the lakeside of the breakwater on a 1-V:1.5-H slope. A 110-ft-long portion of Section H (Fig- ure 259) included a precast concrete superstructure. Construction of a 1,200-ft-long west and 1,464-ft-long east break-— water (Figure 259) was completed during this period. The structures were rubble mound with els of +11 ft lwd, crest widths of 10 ft, side slopes of 1V:1.5H, and armor stones ranging from 1,400 to 3,800 lbs. The inner rubble-mound breakwaters presently are in good condition, and the west pier and outer breakwater are considered to be in fair condition. The concrete portions of the superstructure of the outer breakwater and pier show signs of spalling and slight separation at the joints; however, no immediate action is required. The stone superstructure portions of the outer breakwater seem to have settled lakeward in areas, and additional stone has been recommended to in- crease the height of the structure to its original design. An aerial view of the Dunkirk Harbor structures is shown in Figure 261. 978) art ws vA was: yO MeN S10qGAeH YATYuNG -—0038 = °6SZ ean3Tg Z\ qvavas $\ oniasixa dVW ALINISIA asa 2h )YNIBY oe See nw y piwoRd! op $3118 30 JIWIS 4334 9 Hid30 1L93fr0ud TANNVHD LNOYJ 4900 3901N8 1003 313489NOD 7 Y3LVMNV3Na 1Sv3 1333 9 H1id30 193°0Ud TV3NNVYHD LNOYS 1900 GNV NISV8 ININOOW ° 1334 8 Hid3a Same ST4NNVHD $S309¥ 382 Ef IN VT FG t AD ” MASS CONCRETE , 7” ’ < a » ee 30° ae TION OF WEST PIER -I- F BREAK eh (BUILT 1868 - 1870) (BUILT IN 1899 CONC. SUPER-STRUCTURE 1897-1921 STONE RIPRAP 1930 SECTION OF BREAKWATER -J- Sut aoa SECTION OF BREAKWATER -H- CONC. SUPER-STRUCTURE IN 1930 (BUILT IN 1899 STONE SUPER-STRUCTURE IN 1931) LAKESIDE LANDSIDE DECK STONE 10.0' COVER STONE “A” UNDERLAYER STONE “8” CORE STONE "Cc" O. EL. 568.6 EXISTING LAKE BOTTOM BEDDING LAYER THICKNESS 2.0' MIN EAST AND WEST INNER BREAKWATER (BUILT 1979-1980) STONE GRADATION "A" Stone 1400 Ibs. - 3800 Ibs "B" Stone 90 Ibs. - 380 Ibs "C" Stone Chips - 20 Ibs. Figure 260. Typical structure cross sections, Dunkirk Harbor, New York 383 YAO MeN ‘S10qieyH YATYUNG FO MeFA T[eFISV nae °19Z eanstg 384 Date(s) 1983 1986 Table 95 Cattaraugus Creek Harbor Breakwaters Hanover, New York Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of two rubble-mound breakwaters was completed (Fig- ure 262). The north breakwater was 600 ft long with a crest el of +12.5 ft lwd and a crest width of 11 ft (Figure 263). Side slopes were 1V:2H, and armor stone ranged from 2 to 5 tons. The south breakwater was 1,850 ft long and included armor stone that ranged from 4 to 9 tons. It included a +12.5 ft lwd crest el, a 13.5-ft crest width, and 1-V:2-H side slopes (Figure 263). The cost of con- struction was about $6.1 million, which included a 550-ft-long berm attached to the north breakwater (Figure 262). The breakwater con- figuration was model tested prior to construction (Bottin and Chatham 8)7/5)) No maintenance repairs have been performed, and the structures are in good condition. An aerial photo of the Cattaraugus Creek breakwaters is shown in Figure 264. NORTH BREAKWATER : wichioas DETROIT Le) Z . CATTARAUGUS CREEK CLEVELAND | pHio | pbemmsyivania ( VICINITY MAP SCALE OF MILES Figure 262. Cattaraugus Creek Harbor, New York 385 " CHANNEL S/OE LAKE SIDE SaaS HANDRAIL CONCRETE WALKWAY .+0.5', 2 -0.0 POLYETHYLENE LINER BACKED WITH FILTER FABRIC (LARGE VOIDS FILLED) FILTER FABRIC (EXTEND TO STA.5+00) TYPICAL SECTION OF NORTH BREAKWATER LAKE SIDE [325% CREEK SIDE HANDRAIL CONCRETE WALKWAY POLYETHYLENE LINER BACKED WITH FILTER FABRIC(LARGE VOIOS FILLED) EXISTING GROUND SURFACE TYPICAL SECTION OF SOUTH BREAKWATER Al-ARMOR STONE: 2 TO 5 TONS A2- 4 TO 9 TONS A3- 6 TO 13 TONS B-BEDDING STONE: 6'TO IO’IN. UI-UNDERLAYER STONE: 240 TO 9S5OLBS. U2- 460 TO I8SOLBS. UR}o 640 TO 2550LBS. Figure 263. Typical breakwater cross sections, Cattaraugus Creek Harbor, New York 386 YAOK MON *qjoqiey yeer9 sn8nezeqje) JO MaTA [eTAey “7G Z san3stTy 387 Table 96 Buffalo Harbor Breakwater Buffalo, New York Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1869- Construction of the Old Breakwater (Figure 265, Sections C and D) was 1893 completed during this period. The original length of the structure was 7,609 ft, and it consisted of stone-filled timber cribs (Fig- ure 266, Section C and Figure 267, Section D) that were 36-ft in width. 1889 A concrete superstructure was installed on a portion of the Old Breakwater (Figure 265, Section C). The crest el of the structure was +14.5 ft lwd (Figure 266, Section C). 1897- Construction of the 1,603-ft-long Stony Point breakwater (Figure 265, 1898 Section K) was completed. It consisted of 36-ft-wide stone-filled timber cribs (Figure 266, Section K). 1897- Construction of a 2,204-ft-long north breakwater (Figure 265, Sec- 1902 tions A and B) and a 10,200-ft-long south breakwater (Figure 265, Sections E, F, G, and H) was completed during this time. The north breakwater was constructed with 24-ft-wide (Figure 268, Section B) and 36-ft-wide (Figure 268, Section A) stone-filled timber cribs. Concrete and stone superstructures were included which had crest els of +13.5 ft lwd (Figure 268, Sections A and B). Portions of the south breakwater were constructed with 36-ft-wide stone-filled timber cribs (Figure 266, Section G and Figure 268, Sections F and H). Sec- tion G (Figure 266) included a concrete and stone superstructure with a crest el of +15 ft Ilwd. Section H (Figure 268) inciuded a concrete superstructure with an el of +14.5 ft lwd, and Section F (Figure 268) had a stone superstructure with an el of +14.5 ft lwd and a 14-ft- wide crest width sloping to the lake on the lakeside. Section E (Figure 266) was a rubble-mound structure with a crest el of +14.5 ft and a width of 14 ft. Slopes on the harbor side ranged from 1V:0.7H to 1V:1.22H to 1V:2.5H. Armor stone on the lakeside was approxi- mately 6.5 tons in weight. 1902- Riprap was placed on the lakeside of a portion of the south break- 1927 water (Figures 265 and 266, Section G). The stone ranged from 0.5 to 4 tons each. 1907- A stone superstructure with a concrete cap was installed on a portion 1924 of the Old Breakwater (Figures 265 and 267, Section D). The crest of the breakwater was 12 ft in width with a crest el of +14.5 ft lwd. Slopes on the harbor side were 1V:0.7H, and slopes on the lakeside ranged from 1V:1.25H to 1V:2.5H. 1923- A stone superstructure with a concrete cap was placed on the Stony 1924 Point breakwater (Figures 265 and 266, Section K). The structure had (Continued) 388 Date(s) 1930- 1934 1936 1959- 1962 1964- 1965 1977 1982 1983- 1984 1986 Table 96 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History a crest el of +12 ft lwd with slopes of 1V:1H on the harbor side and 1V:1.5H on the lakeside. Major repairs were performed on portions of the Old Breakwater (Figures 265 and 266, Section C). Portions of the concrete super- structure were replaced, and a protective stone slope was installed on the lakeside of the structure. A 2,000-ft-long south entrance arm breakwater (Figure 265, Section J) was constructed. The structure was built with rubble-mound materials and had a +14.2 ft lwd crest el with a 10-ft width. Slopes on the harbor side were 1V:1.3 and 1V:1.5H, and slopes on the lakeside were 1V:1.5H. Armor stone weight was 3 tons (min), with not less than 50 percent being 5 tons or more. A portion of the Old Breakwater was removed, resulting in a 982-ft gap for a new entrance channel (Figure 265). A 1,800-ft-long rubble- mound west breakwater (Figure 265) with a concrete cap was con- structed to provide wave protection to the new entrance. The breakwater had a crest el of +12.2 ft with a width of 8 ft. Side slopes were 1V:1.3H on the harbor side and 1V:1.5H on the lakeside. Armor stone was 7 tons (min) each. These modifications were model tested prior to construction (Hudson, Housley, and Wilson 1960). Rehabilitation of portions of the old breakwater (Figure 265) was completed. Repairs consisted of reconstruction of the stone slopes adjacent to the sea sides of the structures. The cost of improve- ments was about $220,000. A disposal dike was constructed adjacent to the south entrance arm breakwater (Figure 265). A major storm occurred in January with wind gusts reaching 75 mph, resulting in extraordinary sized storm waves. An inspection of the harbor breakwaters subsequent to the storm revealed damages to about 300 ft of the north breakwater. Concrete caps were dislodged, and core stone was exposed. Rehabilitation was recommended. Recommended repairs with stone and concrete to about 300 ft north of the breakwater were completed for a cost of about $900,000. New armor stone ranging from 6 to 13 tons was utilized (Figure 269). The crest of the new stone was +13.5 ft lwd. The breakwaters are presently considered to be in good to fair condi- tion. There are isolated areas of settlement along the length of the Old Breakwater, the south breakwater, and the west breakwater. No immediate repairs are required, but the structures are being moni- tored for signs of accelerated deterioration. An aerial view of the Buffalo Harbor breakwaters is shown in Figure 270. 389 YAOK MeN SAOGAIey OTeFJNG °Ggz 2ANSTYA esi O1v 3IN8 ee) oe 71 = = AK Ail eas a Zone se Nee RU oS = Vo UY ie Ne Yi) A ie oe 390 Rehabilitation of portions of Section C needless commenced on 24 May 1964. The northerly HARBOR kee a, (LA LSIS 451 feet of the breakwater northerly of the SIDE ieee ial RATURAL Mi i) SIDE North Entrance Channel,and a 200 foot CON ffesestast CONCRETE = Qn?! section about 300 feet southerly of the ==> Sfrgreitsttasbe North Entrance Channel were repaired and additional riprap onthe harbor side was placed. Rehabilitation was completed on 3! August 1965. TIMBER CRIB FILLED WITH STONE. EXACT | CONSTRUCTION NOT KNOWN. WEE SECTION OF OLD BREAKWATER -C- (BUILT SUPER-STRUCTURE 1889) LAKE SIDE [4/py__Low WATER DATUM, EL.568.6 : Dh, ee =e CRAY a, = Cat MTS TEL (PRRIPRAP STONE Oxy FROM 4704 TONS Tf 2 Fg s2@ EACH Ay TP SECTION OF SOUTH BREAKWATER ce (BUILT 1897-1902) (SUPER-STRUCTURE 1902-1927) —— + io LAKE SIDE LAKE RUBBLE STONE FROM SO LBS. TO 4 TONS EACH ibs P : 150° SECTION OF SOUTH BREAKWATER -E- (BUILT 1897-1902) LAKE SIDE = oe SECTION OF STONY PT. BKW. -K- (BUILT 1897-1898) (SUPER-STRUCTURE 1923-1924) Figure 266. Typical old, south, and Stony Pt. breakwater cross sections, Buffalo Harbor, New York 391 HARBOR SIDE Slope |on0.7 A TPIT PIS ET A i ¥ ZEt © 9 Jaen. aa 1 OF) a) BL S OS OR IT YOO STI (A Do LAAT ITY PE IIS PA REY SOT VAR EIS SEPP NTF INY Tal Sal O1C aa. 4S Cem as LAKE SIDE CAPPING STONE Slope lon!.25 £4 | : L.W.D., El. 568.6 Ar Slope lon25 SECTION OF OLD BREAKWATER -D- ( SUB-STRUCTURE BUILT 1869-1893 ) SUPER-STRUCTURE BUILT 1907-1924 (BECK STONE 36.2' Slope CHANNEL SIDE lonl.3 |/-TOE STONE 10' t Ks Lo > Slope |on |.5———~=awxSy AQ Ze aad Ja eee ee” 7 "C" STONE SECTION OF SOUTH ENTRANCE ARM BREAKWATER -J- (BUILT IN 1936) Deck Stone — Minimum weight 5 tons "A" Stone — Minimum weight 3 tons, not less than 50% 5 tons or more. "D" Stone — Minimum weight 3 tons Toe Stone — Minimum weight 7 tons "B" Stone — Minimum weight 100 pounds. “C" Stone — Not less than 35% 75pounds or more, not more than 3% less than one pound. Figure 267. Typical old and south entrance arm breakwater cross sections, Buffalo Harbor, New York 392 OREDGE DUMPINGS LAKE SIDE E L.568.6 aloe 7 RIP-RAP vy! “a 4 701 TON EACH SECTION OF ——— s NORTH BREAKWATER -A- OY | ROCK ag TRYRT, |e (BUILT 1899 - 1901) SECTION OF NORTH BREAKWATER -B- 9 (BUILT 1899 - 190!) LAKE SIDE Lw.D. EL.568.6 SECTION OF SOUTH BREAKWATER -F- LAKE SIDE ete CONCRETE CAP COVER STONE CORE STONE SS SECTION OF WEST BREAKWATER SECTION OF SOUTH BREAKWATER -H- Figure 268. Typical structure cross sections, Buffalo Harbor, New York 893) FACE OF BREAKWATER so" = LAKE SIDE 36-0 (SEE aa a ee +1355 a Isat BREAKWATER EL. 568.8) NEW ARMOR STONE (SEE TABLE FOR os \ EXISTING TOE STONE SECTION OF NORTH BREAKWATER -A- (SOUTH END SECTION REPAIRED 1984) WISE TABLE) APPROXIMATE LAKE BOTTOM LAKE SIDE FACE OF BREAKWATER W(SEE TABLE) @& ARMOR STONE (SEE TABLE FOR WEIGHT! EXISTING BREAKWATER APPROXIMATE SECTION OF NORTH BREAKWATER -A, B- au FACE OF BREAKWATER w (SEE TABLE) (REPAIRED 1982) (REPAIRED 1984) Lw.0.+13.5't LAKE SIDE C, ARMOR STONE, (SEE TABLE FOR WEIGHT)> W (SEE TABLE) Gen. BREAKWATER) bp 2 y) eu) | SECTION OF NORTH BREAKWATER -B- (NORTH END SECTION REPAIRED 1984) FACE OF BREAKWATER LAKE SIDE 10" w nat Lw.0.+13.5'¢ ( 1.5 “NEW ARMOR STONE 1 (SEE TABLE) ) LwD. vy €L.5688 ZWiSEE TABLE) EXISTING TOE STONE LAKE BOTTOM. BACK WALL LOCATION OF BROKEN BACKWALL ude. CONCRETE AND STONE FILL FROM a 1 [jp 36 | aREAKWaTER SECTION OF NORTH BREAKWATER -A- (REPAIRED 1982) ARMOR STONE [section-a | section-8 | SEcTION-A wa | w" swe “we 9-13 [6-10 | 6-13 6-10 6-13 7-il 7-15 Figure 269. Typical north breakwater cross sections, Buffalo Harbor, New York 394 YOK maN ‘LOqrey OTeFFng Jo MeTA TeTAey “OZ eAN3Ty Date(s) 1822- 1825 1837- 1937 1869- 1892 1928- 1929 1928- 1938 1986 Table 97 Bird Island Pier Black Rock Channel, Buffalo, New York Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 6,606.5-ft-long portion of the pier (Figure 271, Section Z) was completed during this time period. The structure con- sisted of stone-filled timber cribs that were 18 ft in width (Fig- ure 272, Section Z). The pier originally included a timber deck. The entire 6,605.5-ft-long structure (Figure 271, Section Z) was re- built during this period. The pier was capped with stone to an el of about +9 ft lwd, and stone slopes were included on each side of the pier (Figure 271, Section Z). A 3,100-ft-long extension of the pier (Figure 271, Section Y) was completed during this time. The extension consisted of stone-filled timber cribs that were 20 ft in width (Figure 272, Section Y). A timber deck was installed initially. The 3,100-ft-long pier extension (Figure 271, Section Y) was capped with a concrete superstructure. The maximum el of the superstructure was +10 ft lwd (Figure 272, Section Y). An additional 800-ft-long extension of the pier (Figure 271, Sec- tion X) was completed during this period. This extension was a rubble-mound structure with an 8-ft-wide crest with an el of +10.2 ft lwd. Side slopes were 1V:1.3H, and armor stone weighed 3 tons (mini- mum) with not less than 50 percent of 5 tons or more. No records of maintenance to the pier are available, and the present condition is not known. 396 397 Black Rock Channel, New York Figure 271. 8' DECK Se a ee Slope | onl.3 | | Slope lon 1.3 we KH BLACK ROCK CANAL 7 L.W.D. Ze 2 » El. 568.6 Y 4 Cae TOE STONE SECTION X (BUILT 1929 - 1938) Deck Stone - Minimum weight 5 tons. "A" Stone Minimum weight 3 tons,not less than 50% 5 tons or more. "B" Stone Minimum weight 150 pounds. "C" Stone Not less than 35% 75pounds or more, not more than 3% less than one pound. Toe Stone Minimum weight 7 fons Reinforcing bars BLACK ROCK CANAL L.W.D. El. 568.6 SECTION Z BUILT 1822 - 1825 SECON REBUILT a cee BUILT: SUB-STRUCTURE 1869-1892 SUPER -STRUCTURE 1928 - 1929 TYPICAL SECTIONS OF BIRD ISLAND PIER Figure 272. Typical structure cross sections, Black Rock Channel, New York 398 Date(s) 1878- 1883 1949 1950 1964 1986 Table 98 Wilson Harbor Piers Wilson, New York Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of parallel piers at the site (Figure 273) was completed by private interests. The structures were initially stone-filled timber cribs with timber decks. The piers were rehabilitated by the US Government as authorized by the River and Harbor Act of 1945. The shoreward 264.9 ft and 149.4 ft of the east and west piers, respectively, were constructed of steel sheetpile at an el of +7.25 ft lwd. The lakeward 398.8 ft of the east pier and the adjacent 356.1 ft of the west pier were re- paired by encasing the original timber cribs with steel sheet-piling. The area between the sheetpiling was filled with gravel and capped with concrete (Figure 273). The piers were 22.75 ft wide and had an el of +7.5 ft lwd. A 161.3-ft-long lakeward extension of the west pier was completed resulting in a total pier length of 666.8 ft. The pier was con- structed with parallel steel walls filled with gravel and capped with concrete. It was 22.75 ft wide and had an el of +7.5 ft Ilwd. A 200-ft-long stone walkway with a concrete cap was constructed adja- cent to the east pier (Figure 273). Routine maintenance repairs have been performed over the years, and the structures are presently considered to be in good condition. An aerial view of the Wilson Harbor piers is shown in Figure 274. 399 40 Ca 0.07 STW 40 3109S dDVW ALINIOIA g Old na” PCELELLY GY A NOSTIM NOSTIM g OU ad Wiha ce a w ro} < 4 \ \ ‘aI rr (2 hi, ‘a\\y200 Hsia any /K AMBAIT_LVOB ol wuv9o A ; ra 2 C4 4 Ea 133415 AINW1d LN3WLY 341 39vM3S——— 44002 X 149 AVMAIVM SS3090V 14 6'p92-NOIL03S Y3ARILNVD 414 8B6E- NOILOIS 11VM 1331S 1311VeWd 13 2€99-y3ld 1Sv3'SN 438 H1d30 193f08d T3ENNVHD SONVYLNS YAO MeN \ *loqiey UOSTTM ——— > fe, 1w3nin9 — 6a <2 o 4 °€LZ Pan3sTq 4 o> & Rea hee, owt : ‘ mm - \ ant AYWLNNOD § [cei P See ante 220089 NostimM -U a 82S 4O NMOL 2S = £/ 3y0v2 * SSS eS THs LK jwwowssrs1 >A ¥ ye Jo3x9uamans i Bye 7 ue 3s f , OSI fF 4 o* oiuwiNo , vINO mo ae ‘L436 H1d30 L935f0O¥d T3ENNVHD SONVYLNG 4 JO NOISN3LX3 400 14 €191-NOIL93S NOISN3LX3 11¥M 1334S 1311 avd 14 b 6bI-NOILI3S Y3AFTILNVO 13 19SE-NOIL93S 11VM 1331S 1371VeVd ‘La 8'999-H3Ild 1S3M'SN 4HOIT CLELCEICE ve i Yald LS3M GNV LSV3 JO NOILDSS 6¥6! LTINe 3uNLINYLsY3dNS €60!-e828! 17Ine ——Burjid jooys jeois OM? B.| o/s i TINNVHD ysow OK : Kies do? 0)819U05. yYAOK MON ‘i0qiey UOSTTM JO MOTA TeTI9y HLS aIn3sty 401 Date(s) 1918 1930 1949 1963 973 1986 Table 99 Olcott Harbor Piers Olcott, New York Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of an 850-ft-long east pier and and 8/3-ft-long west pier (Figure 275) was completed. The piers were originally of stone- filled timber crib construction with timber decks. The east and west piers were capped with stone and concrete super-—- structures. Repairs were made to an 800-ft-long portion of the east pier (Fig- ure 275) by driving rows of sheetpiling on each side of the pier, filling the voids with granular fill, and capping the structure with concrete (Figure 276). The pier width was 20 ft, and it had an el of +6.0 ft lwd. The concrete superstructure extended shoreward an addi- tional 22 ft shoreward of the repair section (Figure 275). Rehabilitation of a 614-ft-long portion of the west pier (Figure 275) was completed which consisted of encasing the existing structure in steel sheet piles (Figure 276). The voids between the old pier and the new steel sheetpiling were granular filled, and the structure was capped with concrete to an el of +7.0 ft lwd. The width of the pier on the lakeward end was about 26 ft (Figures 275, Section A and 276). Emergency repairs to the west pier were performed consisting of repairs to the stone in portions of the structure and recapping the pier with concrete. Routine maintenance has been performed on the structures over the years, and they presently are in good condition. An aerial photo of the Olcott Harbor piers is shown in Figure 277. 402 \ \ LAKE \ \ ONTARIO OLCOTT LIGHT \ & \ STEEL SHEET ~ PILING 65 Me. OLCOTT YACHT clus RETAINING WALL OLCOTT \). MARINE : \ S, ; 3 Nyy McDONOUGH ic < ° > < < - Si TOWN OF SS 5 NEWFANE oe MARINA os \o we p .3 eos ITY _M SCALE OF MILES ————SSs 20 9 20 40 60 80 ‘00 Figure 275. Olcott Harbor, New York 403 Steel sheet piles STEEL SHEET PILE REPAIR 1949 LAKE SIDE SECTION OF EAST PIER CHANNEL SIDE +70. Concrete cap 7 PARES 1) +63 tie rod Granular fill a JIVAN | PAVIA tS 25 95's] varies see profile SECTION OF WEST PIER REHABILITATION UNDER PUBLIC WORKS ACCELERATION ACT FOR ENTIRE 614 FOOT LENGTH OF PIER INITIATED IN JUNE 1963 AND COMPLETED IN NOVEMBER 1963. Figure 276. Typical pier cross sections, Olcott Harbor, New York 404 yok Man *loqiey 3209[Q JO MeTA TeTI1ey LL Z PaAN3Ty 405 Date(s) 1975 1986 Table 100 Oak Orchard Harbor Structures Oak Orchard, New York Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of parallel piers and a detached breakwater (Figure 278) was completed at the mouth of Oak Orchard Creek. The east and west piers were rubble-mound structures that were 6/70 and 900 ft long, respectively. They had crest els of +8 ft lwd, crest widths of 12 ft, and cover stones ranging from 3.5 to 7 tons with 50 percent or more of the total stones weighing at least 4.5 tons (Figure 279). A concrete walkway was also installed. The detached breakwater was 550 ft in length and of cellular steel sheet-pile construction. Cell diameters were about 36 ft and included granular fill and concrete caps (Figure 279). The crest el of the breakwater was +8 ft lwd. No record of maintenance to the structures is available, and they are considered to be in good condition. An aerial view of the Oak Orchard Harbor structures is shown in Figure 280. 406 Lane ONTARIO OAK o Y ORCHARD MOCNESTER Ree BUFFALO = iE N G w > fa) < > FE) % PENNSYLVANIA \ -) a < rr} =| S VICINITY MAP SCALE OF MILES 200 20 40 60 G0 100 DETACHED BREAKWATER 550 FEET LONG, 1,000 FEET FROM SHORE /0 FOOT CONTOUR [ CAKE APPROACH CHANNEL | PROJECT DEPTH 10 FEET WEST JETTY 900 FEET LONG CONCRETE WALKWAY AND GUARD RAILING ON TOP OF JETTY _DREDGED TO7 FEET ~ EAST JETTY 670 FEET LONG CONCRETE WALKWAY AND GUARD | RAILING ON TOP OF JETTY STATE OF NEW YORK MARINE PARK OEVELOPMENT AREA Figure 278. Oak Orchard Harbor, New York 407 IMPICAESECMONSOESCEEREURARESIMEEE SHEET PILE DETACHED BREAKWATER CHAIN RAILING CONCRETE WALKWAY TYPICAL SECTION OF EAST AND WEST JETTIES Figure 279. Typical structure cross sections, Oak Orchard Harbor, New York 408 YAIOX MeN SA0qazeyH preYyoIQ yeO (es JO META Tetley °OSz PAN3TyA 409 Date(s) 1835 1934 1938 1948- 1949 1954 UO p7ett 1980- 1981 1983- 1984 1986 Table 101 Rochester Harbor Piers Rochester, New York Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of two parallel piers at the mouth of the Genesee River (Figure 281) was completed. The lengths of the east and west piers were 2,706 ft and 3,064 ft, respectively. The structures were origi- nally constructed of 20-ft-wide stone-filled timber cribs with stone and concrete superstructures (Figure 282) with crest els of +7.5 ft lwd. Rehabilitation of a 345-ft-long portion of the west pier was com— pleted (Figure 281). Repairs consisted of encasing the original structure with steel sheetpiling (Figure 282). The pier was capped with concrete to an el of 7.37 ft lwd, and the width of the structure was 22.63 ft. A 238-ft-long portion of the west pier (Figure 281) was rehabili- tated. Construction was similar to that of 1934. The lakeward 901 ft of the west pier was rehabilitated (Figure 281). Steel sheet pile was driven on each side of the existing structure (about 27 ft apart). The voids between the sheetpiling and the ex- isting structure were granular filled, and the pier was capped with concrete to an el of +8 ft Iwd (Figure 282). Rehabilitation of the lakeward 551-ft-long portion of the east pier was completed (Figure 281). The repairs were similar to those of the west pier completed during 1948-49 (Figure 282). Additional rehabilitation of the 706 ft of the east pier was com- pleted (Figure 281). Repair methods consisted of parallel steel sheetpiling, granular fill, and a conerete cap, similar to that done previously (Figure 282). Rehabilitation of a 410-ft-long portion (Figure 281) of the west pier was completed. Repairs consisted of the installation of parallel steel sheet-pile walls (on each side of the existing structure). Voids were granular filled, and the pier was capped with concrete. The crest el of the repaired structure was +7.5 ft lwd, and the pier width was 22 ft. A 1,125-ft-long portion of the west pier (Figure 281) was rehabili- tated. Repairs were similar to those done previously by encasing the existing structure in steel sheetpiling, filling the voids with granular fill, and capping the structure with concrete. The structures presently are in good condition with the exception of minor repairs needed on the shoreward ends of both piers. An aerial photo of the Rochester Harbor piers is shown in Figure 283. 410 ONTARIO OGOENSBURG 20 40 60 80 100 a \ ple — A ij — — 24F%. Contour: PROJECT DEPTH 23 FT. MAINTAINED TO 19 < ye Figure 281. Rochester Harbor, New York 411 25° and 27° ! ae =< if 7am zs 2: w ki Steel sheet FJ | pile pier q Sn e | repairs. a s@0c0.oN' W. Pier, ¢ = 1948 &194! ri | E.Pier,195 & 1971 Granular fill. SECTION OF PIERS BUILT 1835 SCALE OF FEET a 5 {0} 5 10 CHANNEL SIDE LAKE SIDE L.W.D. S| Type Apile pier repairs Type A pile W. Pier 1934 plier repairs W. Pier 193474) ; 8.37 SECTION OF REPAIRS WEST PIER 1934 SCALE OF FEET gn 22163 5 ) Sita 10 Figure 282. Typical pier cross sections, Rochester Harbor, New York 412 WYAOk MON ‘Zoqiey 1ajSsayd0Yy Jo Mata T[eTIIy €8 Z eazn3BTy 413 Date(s) 1985 Table 102 Irondequoit Bay Structures Irondequoit Bay, New York Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,350-ft-long west breakwater and a 750-ft-long east jetty (Figure 284) was completed. The structures were built of rubble-mound materials with crest els of +10 ft lwd (Figure 285). The trunk section of the east jetty had an 11l-ft-wide crest width, 1-V:1.5-H side slopes, and 0.5- to 1.5-ton armor stone. The east jetty head section and the shoreward arm of the west breakwater had crest widths of 14 ft and armor stones ranging from 3.0 to 6.5 tons. The head section of the east jetty had side slopes of 1V:2H. The lakeward arm of the west breakwater included armor stone ranging from 7 to 15.5 tons and a crest width of 16 ft. Side slopes of the west breakwater were 1V:1.5H, with the exception of the head which had 1-V:2-H slopes. An aerial view of the Irondequoit Bay structures taken during construction is shown in Figure 286. (Note the channel had not been dredged.) MAVIGATION PROJECT | QuTMOMIZED BY 1950 | MIVEA @ HARGOR ACT | (tat lh acta 2 ° = 3° dr VICINITY MAP o SCALE _OF ULES \G 0 0 0 Ey LOCALITY MAP © SCALE OF FEET ee) S »S NN BS ke PROJECT DEPTH 1 9 FeET nN ~ WEST BREAKWATER ENTRANCE CHANNEL 0000000 «000 0 oop a0 qBooo0p0 0 a =a » 2 °o en 8 ac a 4 ° 3 z Ve / | Figure 284. Irondequoit Bay, New York x 414 CHANNEL SIDE 10° __ FILTER FABRIC LAKE SIDE CONCRETE WALKWAY—__ Er Gaa Caan Ak S/o ey a EL 2528 (#100) | is || / Aas) v2 ag 50! BERM EL. VARIES 50 Ut op EL. VARIES (+10 TO +50) ITA 20° vine BOTTOM EL VARIES (-2.0 TO +30) CONCRETE WALKWAY —__ CHANNEL SIDE LAKE SIDE EL. 252.8 (+100) BOTTOM EL. VARIES / (-5.0 TO -3.1) = HEAD SECTION EAST JETTY CONCRETE CHUN ESS FILTER FABRIC EL. 2528 (+10.0) LAKE SIDE CHANNEL SIDE BOTTOM EL VARIES (-6.8 TO -2.0) LAKE SIDE CHANNEL SIDE BOTTOM EL. VARIES (-10.1 TO -85) NORTH ARM WEST BREAKWATER A2 ARMOR STONE 70 TO 15.5 TONS A3 3.0 TO 65 TONS AG 05 TO |! 5 TONS 8! BEDDING MATERIAL O TO !5 IN Ul UNDERLAYER STONE (1500 TO SOOO LBS. u2 400 TO 1300LBS. Figure 285. Typical structure cross sections, Irondequoit Bay, New York 415 yYAOX men SAeg AFOonbapuorzy Jo MeFA TeFA9y "98% ean3Tyq 416 Table 103 Great Sodus Bay Harbor Structures Sodus Point, New York Construction and Rehabilitation History Date(s) 1910- 1919 1920- 1931 1948 1958 1962- 1963 1974 1976 1978 Construction of a 1,294-ft-long east pier and and 1,580-ft-long west pier (Figure 287) was completed during this time. The piers con- sisted of stone-filled timber crib construction with stone and con- crete superstructures (Figure 288). The structures were 18 ft in width and had crest els of +7.4 ft lwd. Construction of a 1,653-ft-long east breakwater (Figure 287) was com-— pleted during this period. The breakwater consisted of stone-filled timber cribs with a concrete cap (Figure 288). It was 14 ft wide and had a maximum el of +7.4 ft lwd. Rehabilitation of the east breakwater was performed which included the installation of steel sheet-pile walls on each side of the exist-— ing structure. The voids between the old timber crib and the new sheetpiling were filled with stone, and the breakwater was capped with concrete to an el of +8.5 ft lwd. A 503-ft-long portion of the west pier was repaired (Figure 287). The existing pier was encased with steel sheetpiling driven 27 ft apart. Voids were granular-filled, and the pier section was capped with concrete (Figure 288). The el of this portion of the pier was +8.7 ft lwd. A 557-ft-long portion of the west pier and two portions (445 and 449 ft) of the east pier (Figure 287) were rehabilitated. Repairs were similar to those done on the west pier in 1958 (Figure 288). The els of these pier portions were +8.8 ft lwd. Rehabilitation of the remaining 400-ft section of the east pier (Fig- ures 287 and 288) was completed. Repairs included two sheet-pile walls, granular fill, and a concrete superstructure (similar to pre- vious rehabilitation of the structure). Repairs to the west pier, also performed during this year, consisted of the placement of riprap stone on the lakeside of the structure. The stone ranged in weight . from 400 1b to 2 tons and extended to the Iwd el. A 400-ft-long section of the east breakwater (immediately east of the east pier) was repaired using stone fill and recapping the structure with concrete. Stone was also placed on the lakeside of the break-— water in this location. Repairs to the west pier were performed which included placing fill stone in portions of the pier and capping the structure with con- crete. Riprap was also placed alung the channel side of the pier. Riprap stone ranged in weight from 250 to 500 1b. (Continued) 417 Table 103 (Concluded) Construction and Rehabilitation History Date(s) 1986 The piers presently are in satisfactory condition, and no immediate The east breakwater, however, appears to have Re- repairs are required. areas where undermining is prevalent and concrete is spalled. pairs have been recommended. An aerial photo of the Great Sodus Bay Harbor structures is shown in Figure 289. get LA co Ey (A. SRORE: bee OV IN ol eA tee, JG soous OUTER LT [4 Pity tie | i come al | Ne SAE ren ato oro SIE sates ese [ | | ot eet ah R Aer US STEEL SHEET PILE BULKHEAD WEE a 7 // vats CHARLES mw Pont. 8 LO ae ‘ ry ‘een yy na Cenc ree Figure 287. Great Sodus Bay Harbor, New York 418 Fes _— Walkway f Va (West Pier Only) i} \ (BAY SIDE) SECTION OF EAST BREAKWATER (BUILT 1920-1931) SECTION OF PIERS (BUILT 1910 -1919) Walkway Replaced On Repaired Pier 9 = 6/6 No.6 Wire FODGEG a Concrete Cap +85 +8.8 +8.5 a ee oT] Ws sere oat es al eles ane hres || SL Er sO t “ , Granular Fill Granular Fill case The Rod Sat ee 4 A urnbuckle urnbuckle “5 L.w.d] uw L.W.D. 242.8 bs 4 L wd. Existing Bottom — pest Existing Pier tj === 4 ! Existing Pier ‘° Qo SS ~ ( i Existing © § Existing Bottom MZ g Channel § = Stone Protection 5 Bottom = &S i mace 3 Stone Protection v “= Existing Old Timber Crib Stone ; ; 1] Protection 1 m Z-27 Pilin = pee (LAKE SIDE) iling (CHANNEL Z-27 Piling (LAKE SIDE) i SIDE) ' ; -30.0' pee ee [] ELEVATION VARIES WEST PIER EAST PIER TYPICAL SECTIONS OF REPAIR EAST AND WEST PIERS (1962-1963 ) EAST PIER (1974) (CHANNEL SIDE) Min. Thickness 0.6 , 8X6 |No.6 Wire Fabric Can at $87 7.4 Tle Rod Y —\+7.0 Top of Granular Fill Granular Fill L.W.D. £12928 (LAKE SIDE) Granular Fill TYPICAL SECTION OF REPAIR TO WEST PIER - 1958 Figure 288. Typical structure cross sections Great Sodus Bay Harbor, New York 419 420 Aerial view of Great Sodus Bay Harbor, New York Figure 289. Date(s) 1867- 1906 1873- 1885 1913 1916 1945 1967 1971- 1972 1974 1978 1986 Table 104 Little Sodus Bay Harbor Structures Little Sodus Bay, New York Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,810-ft-long east pier and a 1,/47-ft-long west pier (Figure 290) was completed during this period. The structures were stone-filled timber cribs with widths of 20 ft (Figure 291). Construction of a 1,680-ft-long east breakwater (Figure 290) was com- pleted during this time. The breakwater was constructed with stone- filled timber cribs that were 20 ft in width (Figure 291). The east and west piers were capped with a concrete and stone super- structure (Figure 291). The el of the piers was +7.1 ft lwd. The east breakwater was capped with a concrete superstructure (Fig- ure 291). Of the 20-ft width of the breakwater, 9 ft had an el of +7.4 ft lwd, and the remaining 11 ft had an el of +4.4 ft lwd. Rehabilitation of 272 ft of the east pier (Figure 290) was completed. Repairs consisted of driving steel sheet-pile walls on each side of the pier sections, filling the voids between the new steel pile walls with stone, and placing a concrete cap (Figure 291). The width of the repaired sections was about 22 ft, and the crest el was +7.4 ft lwd. Repairs to 300 ft of the east pier and 1,127 ft of the west pier (Figure 290) were completed. They included encasing the existing structures with steel sheet-pile walls, filling the voids between the new sheetpiling and the existing pier with granular fill, and capping the structure with concrete (Figure 291). The crest el of the east pier was +8.3 ft lwd, and the west structure had an el of +8.7 ft lwd. Rehabilitation of another 626 ft of the east pier (Figure 290) was completed. Repairs were similar to those completed in 1967 (Figure 291). Remaining portions of the east pier (those not rehabilitated at an earlier date) were repaired (Figure 290). Rehabilitation consisted of similar construction methods used in earlier repairs which in- cluded steel sheet-pile walls, granular fill, and concrete caps (Figure 291). Repairs to the shoreward 620-ft-long portion of the west pier were completed (Figure 290). Rehabilitation consisted of encasing the existing pier with steel sheet-pile walls, installing granular fill in the voids between the new walls and the old timber crib, and pour- ing a concrete cap. During their lifetime the entire east and west piers have been re- habilitated. There is no record of repairs to the west breakwater; however, the concrete cap is currently spalled and cracked in many locations. Presently the structures are considered to be in fair condition. OGDENSBURG ~ LITTLE SODUS | F 3000" o ROCHESTER P BAY R / O eT 4 2 i AMP ae ILITATION REHABIL AD IN 1967 PROJECT DEPTH 15.5' im Fair Haven ud Outer Lt. 20 40 60 80 fal —— ON =| REHABILITAT! 5 OMPLETED IN 1967 all . Cc \ “tT REPAIRS MAD Wa INT =1972 FAIR HAVEN BEACH U.S. WEST PIER ll psl{) 12! REPAIRED b> 1747 FT. LONG IN | STAT ANS U.S. EAST PIER LOD ATE PARK i 1810 FT. LONG Ye \\ U.S. EAST BKW. 1680 FT. LONG a fi if SABN PT. | f # 1 ‘pil Fun Mt val ~ co J SU ~t m SOOUS BAY #urtLe eee | ep ao? Figure 290. Little Sodus Bay Harbor, New York 422 LAKE SIDE VARIES CHANNEL SIDE VARIES LAKE SIDE Se =| So +9.4'; CONCRETE CAP o Ac tes) CONCRETE cap ! : — aa sess : +8.0 GRANULAR ae == SS! Ph | esas areata PY age Bet, \ agin hes sen eae eee cv |e pa a RAS | i ak GRANULAR ay nye GRANULAR FILING joes Soe ce FILL Al vty lea /\..w.o. €L. 242.8 | 1a rs Wied aS i SSF ye " == ih SSS == 1} EXISTING PIER |! EXISTING aE AUSTUNG SPER ES iM Sueee (aS SSS Me $d it ia CHANNEL Ue a SHEET vt vn BOTTOM i, ie PILING i te te 1 | 1 Bah Pei a A 2 ! econ =) 3a S EXISTING LAKE BOTTOM LT Sige Stet Silas E PILING SECTION OF SECTION OF WEST PIER REPAIRS REHABILITATION WORK INITIATED IN SEPT. 1965 AND COMPLETED IN JULY 1967 SHEET PILING HO tne ‘2 MO SS EWe Sa 209 22 2"~2@'e> -. NAb Bert ee te q \ Sx Yu a= Oa OZ 0R0> 7.0 MPa, SECTION OF REPAIRS MADE TO EAST PIER IN 1945 SECTION OF EAST BREAKWATER (BUILT 1873 - 1885) SUPERSTRUCTURE I9I6 Figure 291. SUPERSTRUCTURE EAST PIER REPAIRS. MAY — JULY 1967 OCT. 1971 — 1974 SECTION OF PIERS (BUILT 1867-1906) I9I3 Typical structure cross sections, Little Sodus Bay Harbor, New York 423 Date(s) 1882 1931- 1932 1942 1958- O59, 1962 1983- 1984 1986 Table 105 Oswego Harbor Breakwaters Oswego, New York Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 4,515-ft-long west breakwater (Figure 292, Sec- tions C and D) was completed. The structures consisted of stone- filled timber cribs with widths of 35 ft (Figure 293, Sections C and D). Construction of a stone and concrete superstructure (Figures 292 and 293, Sections C and D) was completed on the existing timber crib structures. A 2,/00-ft-long west arrowhead and a 2,200-ft-long east arrowhead breakwater (Figure 292, Sections A and B) were also constructed. The arrowheads were rubble-mound structures with crest els of +8.5 ft lwd and widths of 10 ft. Side slopes were 1V:1.5H on the lakeside and 1V:1.3H on the harbor side (Figure 293, Sections A and B). Armor stones weighing 3 tons (minimum) with not less than 60 percent of 6 tons or more were used. Stone was placed along the lakeside of the timber crib west break-—- water (Figures 292 and 293, Sections C and D). A slope of 1V:2H was used, and the el at the top of the slope ranged from 6 to 6.5 ft Ilwd. Cover stone weighed from 3 to 5 tons each. Construction of an 850-ft-long detached rubble-mound breakwater (Figure 292) was completed. The crest el of the structure was +10 ft lwd, and its width was 8 ft. Slopes on the lakeside were 1V:1.5H, and on the harbor side they were 1V:1.3H (Figure 293). Cover stones weighed 7 tons each. This breakwater was model tested prior to construction (Fortson et al 1949). Rehabilitation of the west breakwater (Figures 292 and 293, Sec-— tions C and D) was completed. Repairs consisted of replacement of lost stone on the lake slope, placement of riprap stone on the harbor side, and replacement of portions on the concrete superstructure (over cracked and displaced sections). The weight of the cover stone used on the harbor side ranged from 1 to 3 tons. Rehabilitation of the breakwaters was performed. The timber crib structure was replenished with stone fill, and the concrete cap was repaired in various areas. Riprap on the lakeside and harbor side was replaced as needed. Missing armor stones on the rubble-mound sections of the breakwater were replaced as needed. The breakwaters presently are considered to be in very good condi- tion. Minor repair work has been noted and will be accomplished during routine maintenance operations. An aerial view of the Oswego Harbor breakwater at the harbor entrance is shown in Figure 294. 424 YAO MON SAOqGAeH OBemsQ °767Z VANBTy di9 samug ergo eueverny oo os OF Ov OF O OF —— __ —— __-.- s371m 30 31v9S SS GVW ALINIDIA VIiNVWVATAS NN IG provect | DEPTH 25 FT ee eS ae 425 LAKE SIDE ' HARBOR SIDE DECK STONE Minimum weight 10 tons. + DECK STONE COVERING Minimum weight stone 3 STONE "A" tons, not less than 60% 6 tons or more. COVERING Minimum weight |OO pounds 50% by weight not less STONE B than 3 tons each. Quarry run stone with not CORE more than 3% in pieces of TONE "C" less than | pound in weight, s and 50% in pieces weighing SECTION OF BREAKWATER-A AND B more than |OO pounds. (BUILT #93!-1932) LAKE SIDE HARBOR SIDE STONE FILLED COVER STON Ss reat park STONE FILLED TIMBER CRIB SECTION OF BREAKWATER = ¢ ADDED DURING (BUILT 1882,1931,1942) REHABILITATION LAKE SIDE COVER STONE SLOPE | ON 2 HARBOR SIDE REHABILITATION OF 536 FEET WAS COM- PLETED DURING THE PERIOD MAY-NOV. 1962 LW.D. El. 242.8 COVER STONE SLOPE 1 ON 2 =>... SECTION OF peel — =D (8 T1882, 1931, 1942 STONE FILLED ADDED DURING REHABILITATION UIL LAME. NBR & CONCRETE HARBOR SIDE L.W.D, _€1.242.8 SS mb bat as euro es re So wes n ul SLOPE 10N 1.5 SLOPE 10N1.3 & : $ x) 12" MIN. = ae. ed Lf Ce — RE) ri LAKE BOTTOM OF \ RE ror TINT oe PS fT s. YU SUS) SULLY NY SY S/ARWSY, YUU SJbg SI)/§ SINS ACHED REAKWATE ZISTONE (BUILT 1958 -1959) Figure 293. Typical breakwater cross sections, Oswego Harbor, New York 426 YAOX may ‘Aoqiey o8emso JO MaTA TeTrey "p67 ean3Ty 427 Table 106 Sackets Harbor Jetty Black River Bay, New York Date(s) Construction and Rehabilitation History 1888 Construction of a 164-ft-long jetty (Figure 295) was completed. The jetty consisted of stone and wood piles and had an el of +4.0 ft lwd and a width of about 11 ft (Figure 295). 1986 There are no records of repairs to the jetty, and it appears the shoreline has progressed beyond the jetty yielding it nonfunctional. ITY _MAP SOALE OF WILED (euiLT 1880) Figure 295. Sackets Harbor, New York 428 Date(s) 1915 1981 1986 Table 107 Cape Vincent Harbor Breakwater Cape Vincent, New York Construction and Rehabilitation History Construction of a 1,381-ft-long offshore breakwater parallel to the shoreline (Figure 296) was completed. The structure was comprised of 27-ft-wide stone-filled timber cribs with a concrete and stone super- structure (Figure 296). The el of the structure was about +/.5 ft lwd. Because of deterioration, the existing superstructure was recapped with concrete to an el of +8.0 ft lwd (Figure 296). The structure is presently in good condition. An aerial photograph of the Cape Vincent Harbor breakwater is shown in Figure 297. 429 ONTARIO ROCHESTER KE BUFFALO a \ A (a OWELLSVILLE > MIGINN- AAR: Ts SCALE OF MILES U.S. wae 2 Qicicnary, 7 TOP OF EXISTING BREAKWATER VARIES WELDED WIRE FABRIC HARBOR SIDE Lw.0. EL. 2928-00 -_____— 27.0144 SECTION OF BREAKWATER (BUILT 1915) SCALE OF FEET Figure 296. Cape Vincent Harbor, New York 430 yIox MeN ‘loqieyH quedUTA ede £6Z 2an3tq 431 REFERENCES Bottin, Robert R., Jr. 1976. "Igloo Wave Absorber Tests for Port Washington Harbor, Wisconsin; Hydraulic Model Investigation," Miscellaneous Paper H-76-22, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. . 1977. "Design for Small-Boat Harbor Improvements, Port Washington Harbor, Wisconsin; Hydraulic Model Investigation," Technical Report H-77-1, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. . 1982a. “Lakeview Part Beach Erosion Study, Ohio," Letter Report, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. . 1982b. "Design for Wave Protection and Prevention of Shoaling, Geneva-on-the-Lake Small-Boat Harbor, Ohio; Hydraulic Model Investigation," Technical Report HL-82-17, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. - 1983 (March). "Cleveland Harbor, Ohio, Design for the Safe and Efficient Passage of 1000-ft-long Vessels at the West (Main) Entrance; Hydrau- lic Model Investigation; Technical Report H1-83-6, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. - 1984 (Aug). "Barcelona Harbor, New York, Design for Harbor Improvements; Hydraulic Model Investigation," Technical Report CERC-84-3, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. Bottin, Robert R., Jr., and Acuff, Hugh F., Jr. 1983 (July). Edgewater Marina, Cleveland, Ohio, Design for Wave Protection; Hydraulic Model Inves- tigation," Technical Report HL-83-11, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. Bottin, Robert R., Jr., and Chatham, Claude E., Jr. 1975 (Nov). "Design for Wave Protection, Flood Control, and Prevention of Shoaling, Cattaragus Creek Harbor, New York; Hydraulic Model Investigation," Technical Report H-75-18, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. Brasfield, C. W. 1970. "Wave Action and Breakwater Location, Vermilion Harbor, Ohio; Hydraulic Model Investigation," Technical Report H-70-5, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. Crosby, Leroy G., and Chatham, Claude E., Jr. 1975. "Design of Entrance Channel Improvements for Ludington Harbor, Michigan; Hydraulic Model Investi- gation,'’ Technical Report H-75-14, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. Dai, Y. B., and Wilson, H. B. 1967. "Selection of Optimum Alignment, Length, and Height of Breakwaters, New Buffalo Harbor, Michigan; Hydraulic Model Investigation," Technical Report No. 2-761, US Army Engineer Waterways Experi- ment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. Fenwick, G. B. 1941. "Model Study of Plans for Reduction of Wave Action in Grand Marais Harbor, Minnesota," Technical Memorandum No. 186-1, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. 1944. 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