Vijoining N^irive fidSit Socierij Vol. 13 # 2 May 1994 Why Save Rare Plants? By Bobert Dorn and Tim W. Clark Above: Payson’s milfcvelch (/Istrago/us pctvso/iiij, a regional endemic of the mountains of western Wyoming and north-central and east- ern Idaho. This rare plant occurs naturally on disturbed sit^ created by forest fires and blow- downs. Today, it is found primarily on recover- ing dear-cuts and road cuts. The species shows excellent potential for use in reseeding disturbed lands (with the added bonus of being a Nitrogen fixer). 111. by Jane Dorn. I t is estimated that by the year 2000 we will be lasing throughout the world about one species per hour to human caused extinction! And between now and then, if trends are not reversed, 500,000 to 1,000,000 species will become extinct (Eckholm 1978J, This is many more than those that became extinct in the previous million years. This huge number translates into a loss of global biological diversity of at least one-sixth. Such a massive loss would constitute a basic and irreversible alteration in the biosphere. Hntchinson [1978) expressed the fear that long before we have reached even an elementary knowledge of the distri- bution of the kinds of ecological phenome- na, they may disappear owing to the con- tinual erosion of nature that is characteris- tic of OUT era. Aldo Leopold (1966) stated the problem more blimtly: “The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an ani- mal or plant ‘what good is it?' If the laud mechanism as a whole is good, then every part is good, whether we understand it or not. If the biota, in the course of aeons, has built something we like but do not under- stand, then who but a fool would discard seemingly useless parts? To keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution of intelli- gent tinkering.” The consequence of our failure to prevent extinctions is clear: “bio- logical impoverishment and human impov- erishment are inextricably intertwined” (Eckholm 1978). iJOVibiJLetJ on page 4 WNPS NEWS EliEctions; Nominees for Society officers are: President -Barbara Ami don (Rock Springs}, Vice President - Mary Neighbors (Laiamie), Secretary/TTeasurer - Walt Fertig (Laramie), Board Member - Diana Osuna (Kelly). )eimifer W^hipple (Yellowstone NP) is the carry-over Board Member, Additional write-in candidates are wel- come. Scholarship Winner; The Board received six outstanding applications for the annual scholarship (a new record!). At its March meeting, the Board voted to award one scholarship of S300 to Sandy Floyd, a Master's candidate from the University of Colorado. Sandy is completing a three year study of the Colorado butterfly plant [Gaura neomexicana ssp. coJoradensis), a US Fish and Wildlife Service candidate Threatened species restricted to southeast- ern Wyoming and adjacent Colorado and Nebraska. Her research on F. E. Warren Air Force Base is addressing population size and demographic questions that are critical for the development of a management plan for the species. We look forward to learn- ing more about Sandy’s results in a future issue of the newsletter. Name CoHlest: Twelve nominations were received for the “Name the Newsletter Contest", Of these, the Board selected five finalists at its annual meeting. Members are asked to vote for their favorite among the fallowing nominees on the enclosed ballot/renewal form: 1] Artemisia, 2) Boutehua, 3) CastiUeja, 4] Wyoming Native Plant Society' Newsletter (for those opposed to change) & 5) Yermo. Proposed Amendments to the Society By- Laws: At the March Board meeting, a rec- ommendation w'as made to increase the basic membership rate from the current rate of S3. 00 to S5.00 annually. In addition, the initial membership rate of S7.00 would be abolished, as would other membership cat- egories (senior & student rates). This increase is being sought to cover anticipat- ed increases in the cost of First Class postage and to allow the Society' to increase the number of newsletters from 3 to 4 each year. It was also proposed to amend the By-la w's to allow the date of the annual meeting to he determined by the Board and to allow' voting by proxy at Board meetings, These changes require approval by tw'o- thirds vote of the membership in order to be enacted. Please cast your vote on these amendments on the enclosed ballot. Membership Renewal Time; A member- ship renewal form is enclosed with the bal- lot in this issue. Members with a 94 on their mailing label need to renew now to remain in good standing. (Members with a 95 are paid through this year). Piecse note the new address /or fhe Society in sen ding in your ballot/ membership form. Teton Chapter News; Jim Ozenberger, ecol- ogist on the Bridger-Teton National Forest is organizing a group to look for Sensitive and rare plants on the Forest this summer. Anyone interested in participating should contact Jim at Bridger-Teton NF (739-5500) or leaders of the Teton Chapter. Adopt-A'Rare-Planl Program: Several members have agreed to adopt the Hyattville miikvetch, Laramie false sage- brush, and plants of the Red Canyon Preserve. If you are interested in adopting a plant of your own (see February' newslet- ter for more details), contact Walt Fertig (745-5026). New Members: Please welcome the follow- ing new members of WNPS: Frank Blomquist (Raw'Iins), Thomas & Claire Brooks [Saratoga), Mike Bynum [Riverton), Tim Chumley & Irene Thien [Laramie), Deborah Deslaurier (Jackson), Norman Hall [Columbus, OH), Lynn Kinter (Dubois), Judy Kowrach (Cheyenne), Steve Laster [Pinedale], Peggy Lyon [Laramie], Isobei Nichols [Laramie], Mary' Rogers [Dubois], Sherry Shelley (Riverton], Judy Straw [Laramie), Rick Studenmund (Lander], Mrs. D. E. Wilbert [Riverton], Kim Wilbert (Riverton), Cherie Winner [Laramie], Treasurer’s Report: Balance as of 26 April, 1994: General Fund S431.06; 1994-95 Scholarship Fund S 0,00, Total Funds; S431.06. Attention WNPS Members: Your articles about Wyoming native plants or art work are welcome in the newsletter! Deadline for the September issue is 1 September 1994, Vtjommg j NdTive Ptanr Wyoming Native Plant Society President: Phil White Vice President: Barbara Amldon Secretary /Treasurer: Walt Fertig Board Members: George Jones Jennifer Whipple Newsletter Editor: Walt Fertig Layout/Design: Irene Thien Contributors to this issue: John Baxter, Jim Borland, Tim Clark, Carolyn Crawford, Jane Dorn, Robert Dorn, Waiter Fertig (WF), Isobei Nichols, Judy von Ahlefeldt QV). In This Issue: Why Save Rare Plants ? 1 WNPS News 2 Spiranihes diluvialis (Ute Lady’s Tresses), Wyoming's First Listed Threatened Plant Species.. 3 The Botany 130 Song Book 5 Horticultural Notes: Golden currant 6 What's in a Name: Soussiireo weheri 6 Summer Field Trips 7 2 Spiranthes diluvialis {Gte Lady’s Tresses) Wyoming’s First Listed Threatened Plant Species By Waiter Fertig W yoming now has its first feder* ally listed Threatened plant under the Endangered Species Act, thanks to the efforts of Ernie Nelson, Manager of the Rocky Mountain Herbarium (RM). Last August, Emie was botanizing on a piece of state land in southwest Goshen County when he discovered a small population of lady’s tresses orchids (genus Spiranthes). Ernie collected a voucher specimen for the herbarium, and moved on, Initially he thought it was S. romanzoffiana, a species more typical of mountainous areas, or possibly a Plains species new to Wyoming, It was not until this spring that Emie took another look at his specimen. “When 1 studied it closely, 1 realized it was odd for Spiranthes romanzoffiana” said Nelson. “I keyed it in the Flora of the Great Plains, thinking it might be a Plains species, but couldn’t get it to fit. Someone suggested I look at Spiranthes diJuvialis, and that’s what it keyed out to." Other botanists, including Colorado orchid expert Bill Jennings, agreed with Ernie’s determination, Spiranthes diiuviaijs, commonly called Ute lady's tresses, was first described as a new' species by Charles Sbeviak in 19B4. At that time, it was known from only a few' scattered locations on the east slope in Colorado and in northern Utah and east' em Nevada. Several of these populations were suspected to be extirpated, while otli- ers were thought to be potentially vulnera- ble due to development of their habitat. Although additional populations were sub- sequently found in western Colorado and Utah (the single Nevada station is believed to be lost], tlie species was proposed for federal protection under the Endangered Species Act and was formally listed as Threatened in 1992. Ute lady's tresses is a perennial herb with glandular-pubescent stems &-14 inch- es tall (20-50 cm). Its inflorescence is a loose spike of numerous small, irregular, white flowers arranged in a gradual spiral. With some imagination, this inflorescence resembles the braids of a woman’s hair, accounting for its common name, The lip petal is oval to lance shaped, slightly nar- rowed near the middle, and has crispy- wavy margins, Spiranthes diluvialis is morphologi- cally intermediate between S. romanzoffi- ana and S. ma^icamporum, a Great Plains species not known from Wyoming. S. romanzoffiana differs in having a more densely congested spike and deeply con- stricted lip petals, S. mog/ifcamporuin has strap -shaped lip petals with crisp ed-mar- gins and lacks leaves at floweiing time (S, diluvialis retains its leaves when flowering in late summer and early fall). Ute Lady's Tresses. Ulus, by Carolyn Crawford [reprinted from Aquilegia, the Newsletter of the Colorado Native Plant Society}, Cytological and genetic studies by Anna Arft, a graduate student at the University of Colorado, suggest that S. dilu- vialis evolved as a hybrid between these two species, Reproductive barriers maintain these three species as distinct today, Ute lady's tresses is found on moist streambanks, wet meadows, and abandoned stream channels at elevations below 60Q0 feel. It is mostly found on sub-irrigated alluvial soils in full sun, Sheviak suggests that this species was more widespread dur- ing wetter times in the last Pleistocene, but became restricted to scattered, locally moist areas as the climate became progressively drier. Much of the habitat of Spironfhes dfjnviaiis in Colorado and Utah has been altered by agricultural activity in the past century' and a half. Recent studies, howev- er, suggest that some of these activities may be potentially beneficial to the plant. According to Tamara Naumann, botanist with the city of Boulder, CO, winter and early spring grazing by' cattle can stimulate S. diiuviaUs populations by creating open canopies and reducing competing vegeta- tion, particularly aggressive alien weeds such as Canada thistle [Cirsium arvense). Haying and irrigating may also be benefi- cial for seed dispersal and in eliminating competing species, Ute lady’s tresses prob- ably evolved as an early successional species in riparian habitats and was main- tained in the past be periodic flooding events or disturbances created by large ungulates. Additional populations of Spimnthej diluvialis may occur on adjacent private farms and rangeland in southeast Wyoming, or possibly in suitable riparian habitat in southwest Wyoming (several populations are known in. the Green River Basin south of the Wyoming border). Legally, the Ute lady’s tresses is now protected in Wyoming under the auspices of the Endangered Species Act. Protection for plants under the Act is limited almost entirely to federally managed lands. Populations on private lands are only pro- tected from malicious harm by trespassers. Chuck Davis, field supervisor for the US Fish and Wildlife Service in Cheyenne does not expect the discovery of this plant to affect land uses in the area, “Federal agen- cies will have to consult with us before undertaking projects in the vicinity of the plant to help ensure that their actions don’t harm the species" says Davis. “We may be interested in pursuing cooperative agree- ments with other agencies and individual landowners, but we otherwise don't expect landowners to be affected.” More information is needed to deter- mine the biological and management requirements of Spiranfhes diluvialis in Wyoming, With luck, good science-based management will ensure that our newest member of the flora of Wyoming will flour- ish in tlie state for many seasons to come. 3 Why Save Rare Plants ? contjnuecf from pg. 1 The values attributed to endangered and rare species are diverse. Ehrenfeld (1976) condensed these into a list and noted that the following nine values can be assigned a monetary' value and thus become commensurable with ordinary goods and services, although in some cases it would require a good deal of ingenuity to do so. They are: 1) recreational and aesthetic values, 2) undiscovered or undeveloped values, 3) ecosystem stability values, 4) examples of survival, 5) environmental baseline and monitoring values, 6) scien- tific values, 7) teaching values, 8] habitat reconstruction values, and 9] conserva- tive values: avoidance of irreversible change. The specter of irreversibility is the most powerful reason for preserving these species. We should be able to perceive that that which is irreplaceable is priceless. Let us use an endangered plant as an example. Laramie false sagebrush (SpJiaeromerio simplex) was relocated in 1978, 71 years after the last collection on record. Certain chemical compounds which inhibit cell division have been isolated from another species in the same genus. The compounds are of interest in the search for drugs to treat cancer. Could this rare species have a cancer cure? We do not know, but the chances are much better than average. If we are lucky, it will survive long enough for someone to take a look. What other unknown compounds might it contain ? We know we should look for a cancer cure, but we do not know what other compounds to look for because we have no hints like we do for the possible cancer compound. Evolution will continue without these species, but the processes of evolu- tion, as \vG know them, will not put extinct species together again on this planet. The trend of evolution has been one of organ- isms evolving to exploit more and more hostile environments generally characteris- tic of extremes on environmental gradients. In both plants and animals there has been a trend toward more ''independence” from the environment in the following sense. The mode of reproduction has evolved from external in the aquatic environment to completely or nearly completely internal. In flowering plants the game top hyte is no longer independent of the sporophyte, In placental mammals the embryo develops completely in the body of tlie mother and there is postnatal care by at least one adult. This intemalization in both plants and ani- mals is more than parallel evolution in the usual sense. It is deteiminate evolution, a logical sequence to fill previously unoccu- pied euvirouments. In a s imi lar fashion the problem of coping with a cold or extremely dry' season has been solved by specialized adaptations including dormancy in plants and homeostasis or hibernation in animals. These are obvious adaptations. How' many subtle ones exist that we do not yet recog- nize, we cannot even guess. As the human population puts more and more pressure on existing en\''iron- ments and looks for ways to expand into more hostile ones, the very key to learning how to utilize these rigorous environments in ways productive to ourselves may be destroyed through extinctions. In some of these rare species may be our answers to arid-land forming, cold-climate farming, efficient energy utilization, and many other challenges. One aspect which the endangered species programs seldom emphasize is the fact that various species are endangered for different reasons, It is perfectly natural that less efficient organisms will be replaced by more efficient ones through extinction. Some species are evoiutionarily old and were well on their way to extinction with- out man’s help. It is difficult to justify giv- ing these high priority and special consid- eration, especially if substantial cost is involved. On the other hand, recently evolved species are usually colonizing a hostile habitat or one previously unoccu- pied. The greatest potential values are in this group. These deserve top priority in situations where oui resources are limited. Many endangered species have not been Above: Laramie false sagebrush {Sphaeromeria simplex}, a plant that may possess chemical compounds useful for treating cancer. This specliis is known from less than 5 sites worldwide, all in southeastern Wyoming. III. by )ane Dorn. 4 studied because of their rarity, so it may be quite some time before their evolutionary age can be determined. It has been repeatedly pointed out that the biggest single cause of extinctions in modern times is destruction of habitat. We must protect the habitats if we hope to protect the speciesl This is a land manage- ment problem. It seems rather strange that a Christian nation has such a poor record in its stewardship of the land. Aldo Leopold (19665. in reflecting on the evolution of ethics, commented that “obligations have no meaning without conscience, and the problem we face is the extension of the social conscience from people to land,” It should be obvious to anyone giving it half a thought that future generations will be dependent on the land we pass on to them. This is the ultimate resource (except for the sim) for supporting ail life including peo- ple. Have we been good stewards of this land? In most cases we have not, since short-term economics is still the primary factor determining what is done with man's relation to land. Our goal is clear. We need an “ethic dealing with man's relation to land and to the animals and plants which grow upon it” (Leopold 1966). It remains to be seen whether we will be able to achieve this goal in time to save the essential “cogs and wheels” which keep the biosphere running smoothly. In Wyoming w'e have relatively few species to protect. Hopefully we can fulfill our obligations to future generations. References; Eckholm, E. 1970. Disappearing species: the social challenge, Worldwatch Institute, Washington DC. Ehrenfeld, D. W, 1976. The conservation of non-resources. Amer. Scientist 64: 648-656. Hutchinson, G. E. 1978, An introduction to population dynamics. Aria da Capo and Quodlibet. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, CT. Leopold, A. 1966. A Sand County Almanac with other essays on conservation from the Round River. Oxford Univ. Press, NY. Reprinted from "Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants and Vertebrates of Wyoming" edited by Tim Clark and Robert Dom, 1981, Left: Contracted Indian rioegrass [Oryzopsis con- fracfa) is a regional endemic of the b^in country of Wyoming. Montmia, and Colorado. It is close- ly related to Indian ricegrass [Oryzopsis hymenoides), a species that is considered one of the most valuable native forage species for wildlife and livestock. Because it is adapted to cold, dry environments and tolerates distur- bance, Contracted Indian ricegrass has excellent potential for greater use in abandoned land recovery, road side planting, and range improve- ment, III. by Esobel Nichols. The Botany 130 Song Book Sy )ohn "Barney" Baxter A t the University of Wisconsiu- Milwaukee each member of the botany department was assigned a certain number of laboratory sections in Botany 130, the introductory botany course. The following songs describe some of the trials and tribulations in the life of a Botany 130 lab instructor, Potometer [Tune; Oh Taimenbaum) Potometer, Potometer, Oh source of much frustration. So widely used in botany labs To measure transpiiation. Oh gadget that so rarely works, Who can predict your crazy quirks? You make instructors get the jerks And nervous perspiration. Potometer, Potometer, Why have you ceased to function? Perhaps a stopcock open T,vide At some important junction, Our bubble trouble’s getting worse, Just hear our lab instructor curse, I think he’s going to need a nurse Or even extreme unction. Three- Year-Old Basswood (Tune: Winchester Cathedral) Oh 3-year-old basswood You're breaking me down, The students are laughing, I feel like a clown, They asked me a question, I had no reply, I feel so embarrassed, I’m ready to cry. I should have boned up before coming into this class, If I took a test on this stuff I don’t think that Fd be able to pass. I’ll get a hatchet. And all through the town. When I see a basswood I'll chop it right down. Oh no de oh do, I hate em all so, Those Tilia trees have to go 5 HORTICULTURAL NOTES Golden Currant {Ribes aureum) By lim BorJand (Repriptsd from AquHegia, Ihe Newsletter of the Colorado Native Plant Society) A lthough the scientific community seems perplexed about whether to assign all /lihes to the Saxifrage {SaxifragaceaeJ or to the gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae), the horticultural commu- nity continues to use them for both aesthetic value and food. /i/hes aureum has many common names, all of which describe some favorable features of the species. These include the golden currant, buffalo currant, Missouri cur- rant, flowering currant, fragrant currajit, and slender golden currant, as well as clove bush. Native to a large portion of the western U.S., golden currant can be found growing with many other native shrubs and trees from the Plains into the Rocky Mountains [zone 2). Although this shrub is more com- mon to creek and riverside habitats, it has Saussureo weberi (111. by W, Fertig) proved adaptable to drier sites and poorer soils. Generally, golden currant’s native soil is coarse to medium in texture, shallow or deep, well-drained and fertile with a pH of 6.5 to 7.0. Nursery' container soils and gar- den soils that are either more acidic or alka- line generally result in excellent growth as well. In May, golden cnnant produces many racemes of 3/4-1 inch long yellow, tubular flowers that are usually tipped with red and emit a wonderful clove or spicy odor. These flowers are coupled with bright green, 2 inch wide leaves attractively dis- played on a 3 to 9 foot tall upright, branch- ing, spineless shrub. The leaves’ shape resembles that of gooseberry leaves. Golden currant’s fruits are unusually large for a wild currant (up to 1/2 inch in diameter) and are either red, yellow, or black. These edible berries are excellent for people and animals. While this shrub tolerates some shade, its growth is more compact and it produces more flowers in full sun. Furthermore, its foliage turns to burnished yellows, reds, and oranges in sunny loca- tions in fall. Golden currant propagates itself through underground root suckers, which indicates that additional plants can be propa- gated by division or by planting root pieces. Softwood and hardwood cuttings taken near- ly any time of the year will also root through mist propagation or in outdoor beds. In the nursery, this plant can be propagated by exposing the seeds to moist, cold (41 degrees F.) conditions for 60 to 90 days and then ger- minating them at 70 degrees F. A germina- tion rate of 60 to 90 % can be expected from sound seed. Golden currant grows rapidly both in the nursery' and landscape. Due to its affmity to moist habitats, it is difficult to assign a definitive moisture requirement for this species. However, 15 to 20 inches of annual precipitation should ensure good growth. In full sun, additional moisture usually results in a larger, faster- growing shrub that does not become unruly or top-heavy'. If pruning becomes necessary, periodically remove the canes entirely to the plant’s base. Although I have noted aphid infesta- tions (among other gooseberry maladies) on golden currant, serious consequences are uncommon in the vrild. What’s in a Name? W ith this issue, we begin a new series highlighting once famous hut now little-known individuals immortalized in plant genus and species names. Sanssunea wefteri (Weber's Saw-wort] The genus Saussurea in the Asteraceae (sunflower family') contains approximately 300 species, most of which are confined to Eurasia. Saussureo is close- ly related to the thistles, but differs in lack- ing spiny leaves and stems. Several Asian species are gro’ivn as ornamentals, and one particularly odoriferous species (S. hppa] is used for medicines and scents, De Candolle named the genus in honor of Swiss naturalist Horace de Sans sure and his son, Theodore. Theodore Saussure (1767-1845) was one of the leading plant physiologists of his era and his ele- gantly designed experiments resulted in the discovery of many principles of photosyn- thesis and mineral nutrition. In his book "Chemical Researches on Vegetation" Saussure proved that increases in the dry weight of plants came from Carbon derived from atmospheric Carbon dioxide and water from the ground. Plants showed an increase in Carbon only when they were exposed to light. He also showed that plants required minerals for growth (particularly Nitrogen) and that these minerals were derived from the soil rather than the air. Saussure never saw one of his name- sakes, Soussureo weberi, a regional endeiuic of the Rocky Mountains first described by Hulten in 1959. Weber’s saw-wort occurs on alpine limestone talus and rocky grasslands. It has an unusual distribution pattern, being found in only three isolated areas in the Rockies in southwestern Montana, Wyoming’s Wind River Range, and central Colorado. Due to its limited distribution and abundance, the species is designated as Sensitive by the US Forest Service. The specific epithet of Saussurea weberi honors Dr. William Weber, longtime dean of Colorado botany and author of sev- eral popular floras of the Rockies and Colorado. WF 6 Summer Field Trips Explore the Ashenfelder Basin Saturday, }une 18, 1994 T he Ashenfelder Basin consists of several deep canyons on the north- east side of Laramie Peak. Elevations range from about 6000 feet near the Medicine Bow National Forest boundary, to 10,200 feet at the summit of Laramie Peah. The entire basin is forest- ed, with lodgepole pine and subalpine fir at higher elevations and ponderosa pine at lower elevations. Engelmann spruce can be found along streams at mid-eleva- tions. Aven Nelson collected plants in the basin at least twice in the late IBOOs. The endemic Laramie columbine {Aquilegia laramiensis] is known from the basin and other unusual species have been document- ed here. These include Pyrola picta, Carex tenera, and AspJenium septentnonale. The area is best knowm for its virgin stands of ponderosa pine, mth some indi- viduals 400 years old. Between 1988 and 1992 a severe infestation of pine beetles has killed many trees of all age classes. The Ashenfelder Basin has been pro- posed as a Research Natural Area and the Environmental Assessment is currently under revision on the Douglas Ranger District. The flora of the Basin is only par- tially knoivn, end it is hoped that our field trip will add new species to the list being compiled for the area by the Forest Service. The field trip will involve about 6-8 miles of hiking at 6000-7000 feet elevation with some moderate hills on good trails. Be sine to pack a lunch and bring water. Meet at the Hams Park Boy Scout Camp at 8:30 AM. Take the El Rancho Road exit [exit # 94) off 1-25 north of Wheatland. Take the County road to the west (not the El Rancho Rd) and follow the signs to the Boy Scout Camp. Where there are choices, take right turns. JV 7 Annual Meeting/Field Trip Grand Teton National Park July 9-10, 1994 The Society’s annual meeting and field trip will be held in Grand Teton National Park this summer. Plan to meet Saturday, July 9, at 9:00 AM at the Colter Bay Visitor Center parking lot [see map). A brief (?) business meeting will be held in the parking area at which time the Saturday field trip itinerary will be decided. More than one hike may be scheduled depending on the number and interests of the attendees. On Sunday, a trip is planned on the ski tram to visit alpine areas at the summit of the range. Participants may chose to take the tram back or hike down from the suimnit. \VNPS has reserved a group camp site for the weekend at Colter Bay. Cost will be S2 per person for the campsite. Additional camping is available elsewhere in the park and in the adjacent National Forests. Unfortunately, the Society was unable to receive a fee-waiver for entrance to the Park* Costs are SIO per vehicle, but passes are good for at least a week. As of late April, it appears we will receive an educational dis- count for the alpine tram. Cost for the tram is S5 per person. We regret that this year's meeting will be more costly than those in the past, but we hope many of you ^vill still find it worthwhile to enjoy the spectacular scenery of the Tetons in the company of fel- low plant lovers, WF Colter Bay Complex Vtjomms IVlnrive Pbanr Sociera cary'i Walter Fertig 94 507 Fetterman St. La ramie/ WY S2070 Wyoming native plant sociftv 1604 Grand Aii^enue Laramie, WT 82070