Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Doh igoue A er h l Vv; FEBes. 1960 +* | Depa Quarles Seed Co. ih bee 327 South Wilmington Street, Raleigh, North Carolina New ANNUALS To Beautify Your Home 1071 SNAPDRAGON. Rocket mixed. All America Winner for 1960. The first Fl Hy- brid Snapdragon purposely bred for garden use and hot weather tolerance. Long spikes with evenly spaced florets produced on vigor- ous and uniform plants. Pkt. 75c; 1/128 oz. $3.00. “1885 PETUNIA, Scarlet Lustre. An Fl Hybrid Grandiflora. Vivid scarlet blooms. Pkt. : 75c; 1/128 oz. $12.10. prs 1020 ALYSSUM, Pink Heather. All American Selection Bronze Medal Winner for 1959. A dis- tinct new color in Alyssum. De- scriptively named, a soft rose- pink so popular in Heather as widely used by the florists. Color is deeper during cooler weather and lightens with the onset of summer weather. Has the plant and blooming habit of Violet Queen and_ Little Mek gle Gem. Pkt. 50c; 1/16 oz. $1.50; aa) ASE Vg oz. $2.75. 2. ; i = vS % ~ .& 1946 PHLOX GLAM- 1769 MARIGOLD, Spun- =. OUR. All America gold. All America < Bronze Medal Winner Bronze Medal Winner for 1960. A vigorous, for 1960. Dwarf Chrys: uniform, free flowering anthemum flowered annual Phlox of a most type flowers 3 inches pleasing shade of mid- across, with incurved salmon with slightly petals of bright, gold- deeper salmon eye. en yellow. Height 12 ee See WS cx inches. Pkt. 50c; 1/16 oe Ses ee $2.50. oz. $1.40. 1769 MARIGOLD, SPUNGOLD RECOMMENDED VEGETABLES 736 TOMATO, Homestead 24. Quality excellent, tusarium wilt resistant. Pkt. 25¢; Yq oz. 60c; oz. $1.65, postpaid. 1946 PHLOX, GLAMOUR 4 736 TOMATO HOMESTEAD 24 65 BUTTERBEAN Greenseeded Henderson (Thorogreen) 65 BUTTERBEAN, Greenseeded Henderson (Thoro- green). The preferred butterbean for treezing. Pkt. 15c; yy Ib. 40c; lb. 70c, postpaid. 496 OKRA, CLEMSON SPINELESS 34 BEAN, Gardengreen. | All America Winner | for 1959. Bush bean. | Excellent quality. Pkt. 25c; Vy |b. 55c; |b. 95c, postpaid. 496 OKRA, Clemson Spine- less. A uniform, spine- less variety. Pods rich green, angular, ridged. Plants 5 feet. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; '44 |b. 65c; |b. 1.75, tpaid. $ postpal 34 BEAN, GARDENGREEN TRY these NEWER VARIETIES this Year ease Soca Fe BS -S 32 Beans, Pearlgreen ALL AMERICA VEGETABLE WINNERS 32 PEARLGREEN SNAPBEANS (Bush). AAS '58. It has the very desirable quality of having white seed, which makes it particu- larly valuable as a canning variety. Pods are round quite green and firm, 512 to 614 inches long. Stringless at all stages. Plants are highly resistant to bean mosaic. Good yielder. Pkt. 253c; 4% Ib. 55; lb. 95; 2 Ibs. $1.80; 3 to 9 Ibs. 78c lb., postpaid. 34 GARDENGREEN SNAPBEANS (Bush). (See illustration inside front cover.) AAS ’59. Pods are 5 to 55 inches long, round, bright dark green, smooth and stringless. Garden- green has an excellent flavor, free from fiber. Plants are most vigorous, growing about 18 inches tall, with dark green foliage and re- sistant to common bean mosaic. 52 days. Pkt. 25c; % Ib. 55c; lb. 95c; 2 Ibs. $1.80; 3 to 9 Ibs. 78c lb., postpaid. 282 Cucumber, Ashley Dank, 27¢en- ing type with fruit tapering at the ends. Re- sistant to downy mildew. An early variety every grower should consider. 65 days. Pkt. 20c; oz. 45c; %4 Ib. $1.25; 1 Ib. $3.50, postpaid. WYATT'S SEEDS 282 Cucumber, Ashley 400 Cantaloupe, Rio Gold Recently released by Texas A & M, has been tested and recommended by Horticultural Department, N. C. State College, and looks very promising. Yields are good, with large percentage of marketable cantaloupes. The melons are almost round, well netted with light ribbing. Flesh is orange, thick and firm. Quality excellent. The seed cavity is very small. It is resistant to downy mildew. Esti- mated that under conditions of severe infec- tion the leaves of Rio Gold will hold up 1 to 2 weeks longer than the commonly grown varieties. 90 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; 1% Ib. $1.10; lb. $3.00, postpaid. * New for '58. 419 Cantaloupe, Edisto SS (etn? noticeably thicker than the present commer- cial varieties and usually a somewhat deeper and richer salmon. When grown on good soil, this cantaloupe averages between 3 and 4 pounds and after tests from 12-13% soluble solids, indicating a high sugar content. The rind is exceptionally hard, making it a better shipper than other commercial varieties. Vines are quite vigorous and quite resistant to alternaria and powdery mildew and tol- erant to downy mildew. 95 days. Pkt. 25c; oz. 55c; 44 Ib. $1.45; lb. $4.00, postpaid. * Le ee Dy ae 419 Muskmelon, Edisto 650 Radish, Champion 4%,37.¢s quality, size, color and long-standing without getting pithy makes it a winner. Champion is larger than the popular and useful Cherry Belle. It is a very clear bright scarlet, round or ball shaped, about the size of a silver dollar, with a shim taproot. Pkt. 15c; oz. 30c; 14 Ib. 80c; Ib. $2.25, postpaid. 650 Radish, Champion 457 Watermelon, Garrisonian 457 Watermelon, Garrisonian New for ’58. Resembles Garrison variety, but its rind is harder and melons are larger. The most important difference is its relative resistance to Anthracnose in contrast with Garrison’s suscep- tibility. It is believed to be fully equal to Gar- rison in eating quality. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; %4 lb. 90c; lb. $2.50, postpaid. 450 Watermelon, Sugar Baby A small round melon, resembling Florida Giant (Cannonball) in appearance. It is an ice box type and apparently superior flesh and shipping qualities to other midget types. Flesh is red and good quality. Early maturity. Pkt. 25c; 0z. 60c; 14 Ib. $1.65; lb. $3.50, postpaid. 736 Tomato, Homestead 24 (See illustration inside front cover.) New for 59. Selected from Homestead for uniform determi- nate plant type and fruit color. Resistant to fusarium wilt. Produces higher percentage of marketable, full globe fruits than the original with thick walls, smooth shoulders and small blossom scar. Fruits medium large and bright red. Superior to the old strains of Homestead. 83-85 days. Pkt. 25c; 144 0z. 60c; oz. $1.65; 14 Ib. $4.50; lb. $12.50, postpaid. 450 Watermelon, Sugar Baby “TESTED SEEDS” The term “tested seeds’ as used in this catalog, and in all of our advertising means that every bag or package of seeds purchased at |) Wyatt-Quarles is supplied from a lot that has been carefully tested by _the North Carolina Seed Testing Laboratory and the seeds are known ‘to grow. Every lot of seeds reaching our warehouse is sampled and tested before the seeds are moved into our store for packaging or for ‘sale in bulk. This accounts for the fact that Seeds” are more and more in demand in North Carolina and in the | South. Plant Wyatt-Quarles Tested Seeds and be sure of success, BOX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. “Wyatt-Quarles Tested PRICES Prices shown on all Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, supplies and materials in this catalog are subject to change at any time. Postpaid prices, where shown, include postage through the 3rd zone. Additional postage will be required on orders to more distant points. Our catalog must be compiled during the fall months at which time it is impossible to establish prices on all items accurately. All offerings are without engagement subject to prior sale and the availability of supplies. We warrant, to the extent of the purchase price, that Seeds or Bulbs sold are as described on the container, within recognized tolerances. We give no other or further warranty, express or implied. 30 Beans, Topcrop Bush Snap Beans CULTURE: Plant in the spring after danger of frost and the soil is warm. For a continuous supply plant every 2 to 3 weeks until late August. Select any well drained soil of loose texture with a DH of 5.5 to 6.5. Fertilize with 800 lbs. of 6-8-6 or 5-10-10 per acre (3 quarts per 100 ft. row). Snap beans are susceptible to fertilizer injury, mix fertilizer well with soil or apply in bands on each side and below seed. Make rows 215 to 3 feet apart and plant seed 115 inches deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. Cultivate shallowly. Do not cultivate or pick beans when vines are wet. Side- dress at time of bloom with 15 pounds nitrogen per acre (15 cup of Nitrate of Soda, or equivalent, per 100 ft. or row). Fifty pounds of seed to plant one acre; one lb. per 200 feet of row. Bountiful is practically rust, 17 Bountiful mildew proof, very hardy, extremely early. Recommended for early com- merical crops. The pods are large, rich green in color, almost flat and straight. They are uniform in shape, solid, meaty, tender and delicious. 48 days. Pkt. 15c; 14 Ib. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 50c 1b.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 42c Ib., post- paid. Asparagus Roots and Seeds This choice of spring vegetables should be grown in every garden as better quality can be produced there than can usually be bought. 100 roots plant about 15 x 50 feet; 5,000 to 7,000 will plant an acre. Cultural instruction mail with order or on request. Washington Rust-Resistant Roots 25 for $1.75; 50 for $2.75; 100 for $4.25, post- paid. Not prepaid, 25 to 99 @ .04 each; 100- 999 @ .031%4 each; 1,000 or more @ .02% each. 14 New Pedigreed Washington S d Pedigreed Washington Asparagus €€GS stands ahead of all other varieties as a standard for the home or market garden. Seed Prices: Pkt. 15c; oz. 65c; %4 Ib. $1.75, postpaid. 14 Asparagus WYATT-QUARLES IDAHO FREEZING VARIETIES Bush Snap Beans: Wade, Tendergreen, Cherokee Wax, Pole Snap Beans, Blue Lakes, Kentucky Wonder (White Seeded). 20 Wade Wade has a high rating in almost every bean use. The plants are resistant to Common and Southern Bean Mosaic and Powdery Mildew. Height 20-24 inches. Pods are long (6145 to 7 inches) straight, stringless, round, quite smooth, very dark green, and slow wilting. These outstand- ing characteristics make Wade an important shipping and marketing variety, as well as a processing bean. Excellent for freezing. A yield test by an N. C. Experiment Station showed 219.9 bu. per acre compared to 197.8 bu. per acre of Tendergreen. 50-52 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 45c; Ib. 75c; 2 Ibs. $1.30; 3-9 lbs. & 55c Ib.; 10-24 lbs. @ 47c lb., postpaid. 24 Tendergreen The Standard all-purpose commercial and home garden bean for canning, freezing and shipping. Pods 6 to 7 inches, straight, excel- lent quality, round, dark green, stringless. Plants tall and strong holding beans off ground. You will find our carefully selected strain of this fine bean one of the very best for home consumption or for critical market purposes. 54 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 50c ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 42c lb., postpaid. 25 Tennessee Green Pod 48 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.25; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 52c lb.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 44c lb., postpaid. 28 Black Valentine Stringless A fine strain, which is productive, early and fine quality for market. Pods slender, oval. nearly straight, dark green, crisp, stringless, and tender. Safest bean for extra early spring or late fall planting. Retains color and tex- ture long after picking. Plants large, thrifty, hardy, and prolific. 52 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 40c; lb. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 50c lb.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 42c Ib., postpaid. 21 Commodore Sometime called Bush Kentucky Wonder. Quite popular for home gardens because of its fine flavor for canning and freezing. High yielder for market. Pods 7 to 812 inches long, dark green fleshy, fiberless, round and stringless. 58 days. Pkt. 20c; % Ib. 50c; Ib. 85c; 2 Ibs. $1.50; 3-9 lbs. @ 65c lb.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 52c Ib., postpaid. Plants are productive, 30 Topcrop mosaic resistant. Beans are round, tender, meaty, 515 to 6 inches long, stringless and fiberless. Fine for freez- ing. For market, we recommend Wade, Tendergreen, Stringless Black Valentine and Contender as being better varieties. 50 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 45c; lb. 75c; 2 lbs. $1.30; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 55c Ib.; 10-24 lbs. @ 47c lb., postpaid. 18 Burpees Stringless Plants are sturdy, bushy and productive. Pods are nearly round, slightly curved, stringless, meaty and fiberless, 5 to 6 inches long. 48 days. Pkt. 15c; 14 lb. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 50c Ib.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 42c Ilb., postpaid. 19 Contender (Buff Valentine) An outstanding yielder. Mosaic and Powdery Mildew resistant. A very attractive bean, 614 inches long, dark green, stringless and nearly round. Because of its extreme heat tolerance Contender is particularly valuable for fall cropping. Very high yields are pos- sible with Contender on fertile soil or with extra nitrogen. 52 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 40c: Ib. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3-9 Ibs. @ 50c Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 42c Ib., postpaid. WYATT’S SEEDS 20 Bean, Wade 26 Giant Stringless Green Pod An excellent variety for home, market, garden, shipping and canning. Plants are vigorous, large and productive. Pods are round, meaty, brittle and stringless. For a better crop of handsome 6 to 614 inch beans plant our extra quality Idaho grown, hand picked Giants. 50 days. Pkt. 15c; Y% Ib. 40c; lb. 70c; 2 lbs. $1.20; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 50c lb.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 42c Ib., postpaid. 32 Pearlgreen Snapbeans AAS ’58. It has the very desirable quality of having white seed, which makes it particularly valuable as a canning variety. Pods are round, quite green and firm, 542 to 614 inches long. Stringless at all stages. Plants are highly resistant to bean mosaic. Good yielder. Pkt. 25c; % Ib. 55c; Ib. 95c; 2 Ibs. $1.80; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 78e Ib., postpaid. 34 Gardengreen Snapbeans (See illustration inside front cover.) AAS ’59. Pods are 5 to 54% inches long, round, bright dark green, smooth and stringless. Gardengreen has an excellent flavor, free from fiber. Plants are most vigorous, growing about 18 inches tall, with dark green foliage and resistant to common bean mosaic. 52 days. Pkt. 25c; % Ib. 55ce; Ib. 95c; 2 Ib. $1.80; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 78c Ib., postpaid. WAX PODDED BUSH BEANS 44 Cherokee The outstanding wax bean for all purposes. Records show Cherokee will almost double the yield of other wax varieties. Plants vigorous and producing over a long season. Bright, yel- low pods, oval, 6 inches, slender, straight, string- less and fiberless. A U.S.D.A. development of recognized productiveness and tolerance to com- mon bean diseases. 50 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 45c; Ib. 75c; 2 Ibs. $1.30; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 55c Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 47c Ib., postpaid. jp ae eee Wrart's Beeps 28 Beans, Black Valentine string’ es -WYATT-QUARLES $ ~~ r eet GROWN Snap Beans 107 Beans, Kentucky Wonder CULTURE: Plant well after danger of frost and when soil has warmed up. Seeds tend to decay in cold, wet soils. Select a loose well drained soil | with a pH 5.5 to 6.5. Fertilize with 800 lbs. of _ 6-8-6 or 5-10-10 per acre (3 qt. per 100 ft. row). | Mix fertilizer thoroughly with the soil or apply _in bands 3 inches each side of and below the ' seed. Plant seed 115 inches deep, 4 to 6 inches apart in rows 3 feet apart. Sidedress with 15 lbs. of nitrogen per acre (12 cup of Nitrate of Soda, / or equivalent, per 100 ft. of row) when first _ blooms appear. Additional similar sidedressings - at 3 week intervals will prolong bearing season. _ Fifty pounds of small seed varieties, or 75 lbs. of large seeded varieties per acre. About one lb. _ of the large seeded will plant 100 ft. of row. | A distinct improve- 63 Fordhook 242 ment over the stand- ard Fordhook, especially in setting beans. The vigorous plants have more foliage and will set pods in abundance even during hot dry weather. The beans have the same fine quality and are large and thick. 70-75 days. Pkt. 15c; 1% Ib. 40c; lb. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.25; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 52c Ib.; 10 to 24 1b. @ 44c Ib., postpaid. WYATT-OUARLES SEEDS 65 Thorogreen Butter Beans 3OX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. zd POLE SNAP BEANS 51 Kentucky Wonder Pole Wax The best wax pole bean. 65 days. Pkt. 25c; 14 Ib. 50c; Ib. 85c; 2 lbs. $1.50; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 65¢ Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 57c lb., postpaid. 104. White Half Runner Wherever this bean is tried it immediately becomes popular because of the distinctively good bean flavor. Vines are bushy, short run- ners, very productive of short (4 to 5 inch) round, fleshy but stringy pods at maturity. 60 days. Pkt. 15c; 1% Ib. 40c; lb. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.30; 3-9 lbs. @ 55c lb.; 10-24 lbs. @ 47c Ib., postpaid. 106 Blue Lakes Stringless A white seeded, high producing stringless variety. Excellent for canning and freezing as well as using fresh. Pods are dark green, round, medium in length, smooth, straight, tender, and fleshy. Vines resistant to com- mon Mosaic and some strains of rust. 65 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 40c; lb. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.25; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 52c lb.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 44c lb., post- paid. 107 Kentucky Wonder or Old An old favorite with home Homestead and market gardeners. Vig- orous grower and climber and a wonderfully heavy producer. The pods are 6 to 8 inches long, round, dark green in color, very meaty, tender and practically stringless. 70 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3-9 Ibs. @ 50c Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 42c Ib., postpaid. 65 Greenseeded Henderson (Thorogreen Similar to the popular Henderson Bush, except that the beans retain their green color longer and are therefore preferred especially for freezing and canning. 65 days. Pkt. 15c; 4 lb. 40c; lb. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 50c lb.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 42c Ib., postpaid. 67 Burpee’s Improved Bush Lima 72 days. Large, flat, white lima beans. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 40c; lb. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.25; 3 to 9 72 lbs. @ 52c lb.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 44c lb., postpaid. 68 Calico Bush or Jackson Wonder Lima More productive and withstands adverse con- ditions better. Rich flavored. Dry beans are dark brown. 68 days. Pkt. 15c; 1 Ib. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 lbs. $1.25; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 52c Ib. 10 to 24 lbs. @ 44c Ib., postpaid. Small round 64 Baby Fordhook $732, penne Prolific. 70 days. Pkt. 15¢; 1% Ib. 45c; Ib. 75c; 2 lbs. $1.35; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 56c Ib.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 48c lb., postpaid. WYATT'’S SEEOS 71 Butterpeas, White 106 Beans, Blue Lake (Pole) 108 Kentucky Wonder 191 (White Seeded) Pods 845 inches long, thick and oval, dark green, tender and stringless at snap stage. A white seeded Kentucky Wonder type, recommended where rust is prevalent. 64 days. Pkt. 15c; 14 lb. 40c; 1 lb. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.25; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 52¢ Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 44c Ib., postpaid. Strong pro- 102 Genuine Cornfield S'rone, pro- bearing an abundance of nearly round stringless, straight, 612 inch beans. They are fleshy, tender and delicious at picking stage becoming some- what stringy later. 71 days. Pkt. 15c; 1% lb. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 lbs. $1.20; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 50c Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 42c Ib., postpaid. 110 Nancy Davis or Striped Excellent variety for planting Creaseback with corn. A vigorous ‘produc tive, medium early variety that bears quantities of fat, round, fleshy pods. 72 days. Pkt. 15c; 1% lb. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 50c Ih.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 42c Ib., postpaid. WYATT-QUARLES BUSH LIMA OR BUTTER BEANS 66 Henderson’s Bush Lima We are quite proud of our fine strain of this most popular small white seeded bush butter or lima bean. Plant small, dark green, bushy and erect, very early. Pods flat, containing 3 to 4 flattish, small oval beans. 65 days. Pkt. 15c; 14 Ib. 40c; lb. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 50c Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 42c lb., postpaid. 69 Prolific Bush Lima White Beans slightly larger than Henderson Bush. Pkt. 15c; 1% Ib. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 50c Ib.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 42c lb., postpaid. A very pro- 71 Butterpeas, White ach Broa bush butter bean, so named because of its de- liciously rich flavor. A valuable new variety for your garden for serving fresh, freezing, canning or marketing. Plant successively throughout the summer. 65 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.25; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 52c Ib.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 44¢ lb., postpaid. 66 Beans, Henderson Bush WYATT-QUARLES POLE LIMA OR BUTTER BEANS 86 Beans, Carolina Sieva CULTURE: Planting, fertilization, and cultiva- tion similar to bush beans, except for spacing. Plant in rows 4 to 5 feet apart. Use 7 to 8 ft. stakes spaced 18 to 30 inches in row, 3 to 4 plants per stake, or a trellis, drill seed 6 to 8 inches apart in row. All pole beans twine around the pole in a counter clockwise direction. 30 Ibs. of seed per acre. 15 Ib. seed per 200 ft. 81 Calico Pole or Florida Butter Yields an abundance of rich flavored beans till frost. 85 days. Pkt. 15c; 16 Ib. 40c; Ib. 65c; 2 Ibs. $1.15; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 47c Ib.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 39c lb., postpaid. Freezing Varieties Beans, Lima: Bush, Fordhook 242, Green Seeded Henderson, Pole, Sieva. Small white 82 Willow Leaf Pole pole butter bean similar to Sieva but said to be resistant to bean beetles. 80 days. Pkt. 15c; 1 Ib. 45¢; Ib. 75c; 2 Ibs. $1.30; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 55e Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 47e I1b., postpaid. 84 King of the Garden Very large white seeded pole lima. 85 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 45c; Ib. 75c; 2 Ibs. $1.30; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 55c Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 47c Ib., postpaid. 85 Improved Pole Lima Grows larger than the Carolina Sieva and is considered more prolific. 78 days. Pkt. 15¢e; 15 lb. 40c; Ib. 7c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 we) 50c lb.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 42c lb., post- paid. 86 Carolina Sieva or Small Pole Lima The best small pole butter bean. Very prolific, early and stands more cold weather than most varieties. 77 days. Pkt. 15c; 4% Ib. 40c; Ib. 65c; 2 lbs. $1.15; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 47c Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 39c Ib., postpaid. 85 Beans, Improved Pole Lima 87 Giant Calico Pole This is a large sized speckled pole butter bean similar to the smaller Calico or Florida Butter. Produces an extremely heavy crop of deliciously rich flavored beans over a wide season. 80 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 40c; lb. 75c; 2 Ibs. $1.30; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 55c lb.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 47c Ilb., postpaid. Beets are easy to grow: CULTURE: A cool season crop, plant seed in February or March for spring crop, and in July or August for fall crop. For well shaped roots a loose textured soil with pH of 6.0 to 6.5 is de- sirable. Fertilize with 1,200 lbs. of 5-10-10 per acre (5 qts. per 100 ft. of row). If internal black spot or canker is a problem, apply borax at the rate of 15 lbs. per acre mixed with the fertilizer (2 level tablespoons per 100 ft. of row). Drill seed 12 inch deep, !2 inch apart, in rows 2 to 3 feet apart. When plants are 2 inches high thin to 115 to 2 inches apart. Sidedress with 15 lbs. nitrogen per acre (15 cup of Nitrate of Soda, or equivalent, per 100 ft. of row) when plants are 4 to 6 inches high. Six to eight lbs. of seed per acre; ounce per 100 ft. of row. 125 Beet, 4 Early Blood Turnip BEETS Growth Sear Round 128 Beet, Detroit Dark Red 4 s One of the 123 Crosby's Egyptian On¢,o! the be ready for market. The skin is smooth and dark red; foliage sparse and erect. The roots are almost round, with a small taproot and a very small crown of leaves. The flesh of the beets is deep blood-red, with slightly lighter zonings. Texture crisp and free from fiber. 55 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; %4 Ib. 65c; Ib. $1.75, postpaid. 127 Beet, Perfected Detroit Smooth, globe shaped, oxblood-red roots with medium tall green tops and rich dark red flesh plus dependable high yields earned an All-America award for Perfected Detroit. 57 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 144 lb. 65c; lb. $1.75, postpaid. 128 Detroit Dark Red A standard variety for truck- ers, shippers, canners, and home gardeners. Attractive roots are globular, smooth, uniform. Color deep oxblood red. Flesh dark red with in- distinct lighter red zones. Fine quality, sweet and ten- der. 58 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 14 lb. 65c; lb. $1.75, postpaid. 125 Early Blood Turnip Early market beets, also suit- able for the home garden. The roots are nearly round; exterior color dark red, flesh dark red with lighter red zones, crisp, tender, sweet and a good keeper. 50 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 14 Ib. 65c; Ib. $1.75, postpaid. 138 Swiss Chard or Spinach Beet Swiss Chard is prepared for table in the same manner as spinach. Seeds planted early in the spring will quickly produce plants from which cuttings may be made in 24 days, and continued all sum- mer. Late summer seeding produces a cold hardy crop all winter. Can be cut to the ground and new shoots will soon spring up and make a fast growth. 25 days. Pkt. UBER Oe, PEO YA Ns Reg AD; $1.79, postpaid, Ei 141 Broccoli, Italian Green Sprouting Culture same as Cabbage. 141 Italian, Green Sprouting Plants medium tall, rapid growing and produce a large head of dark bluish green color at center of plant in about 70 days from date of planting. The head is a compact cluster of tightly closed flower buds. When the central head is cut, numerous sprouts develop from the leaf axis, each sprout terminating in small green separate heads. These are cut in lengths of 10 to 12 inches. Served in the same way as asparagus, forming a very tasty and nourishing dish. June seeded plants transplanted in July provide a welcome mid-winter crop in this datitude. 70 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 45c; %4 Ib. $1.05; lb. $3.00, postpaid. 2 This variety has 143 Broccoli, Salad jecsme poplar in the eastern part of North Carolina. It is planted in the fall, and in growth somewhat resembles the Seven Top Turnip. In the spring it sends up sprouts which are cut and bundled for market. Withstands cold and hot weather better than most greens. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 1% Ib. 65c; Ib. $1.75, postpaid. BRUSSELS SPROUTS One ounce will produce 3,000 plants CULTURE: Extremely cold hardy. Sow seeds in bed during August for mid-winter and early spring crop. Sow again during January or February for late spring and summer crop. Set plants in 215 foot rows when 3 to 4 inches tall. Belongs to Cab- bage family and responds to same care. ou Plants 18 inches to & 148 Long Island ft. high, hardy, ster thickly covered with small, firm cabbage like balls, which mature in succession from base 0: plant to top. 100 days. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 40c; 0z 70c; 14 Ib. $1.80, postpaid. WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO aaa Wyatt-Quatles Toa\i-s.\Giaapia a0) Days indicated represent time from setting plants to heading. WYATTS SEEDS 151 Cabbage, Early Jersey Wakefield CULTURE: A cool season crop grown mostly in spring and fall, but also grown in winter in coastal areas and in summer in mountain areas. Cabbage is grown on all types of soils from the sands and mucks to the heavy soils. A sandy loam, high in organic matter with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 is preferred. Fertilize with 700 to 1,000 lbs. per acre of 8-8-8 containing 20 lbs. of borax per ton (215 to 4 qts. of 8-8-8 and 2 level table- spoons of borax per i100 ft. of row). Sidedress with 30 lbs. nitrogen (1 cup Nitrate of Soda, or equivalent, per 100 ft. of row). One ounce of seed produces about 1,500 plants; one-half pounad of seed will produce plants for an_acre. For winter and early spring crop, plant seed in fall and transplant when plants are large enough. For spring planting, sow seed in beds December to February. For fall crop, sow seed in late June and July. Space plants 12 inches apart in rows 3 feet apart. 151 Early Jersey Wakefield Earliest and surest heading pointed head va- riety. Plants medium size, uniform, and with few outer leaves. 2 to 3 pounds, firm heads, interior white, crisp, tender. A dependable cropper of good quality and excellent flavor. You will profit from these extra qualities in our fine strain of this popular variety. 63 days. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 30c; 0z. 50c; 14 Ib. $1.25; lb. $3.00, postpaid. The round heads are 166 Round Dutch fe eet oka early. Heads about 71% inches across and 515 to 615 inches deep, averaging 415 to 5 pounds each and ready for the market earlier than the flat Dutch types. 70 days. Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. 35c; A 0z. 55c; %4 Ib. $1.45; Ib. $4.00, postpaid. 170; Chieftan Savoy feo oo 8 hardy. Heads nearly round, firm, large coarsely savoyed, dark green leaves. Well known for its extra fine flavor and tenderness. 85 days. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 35c; oz. 55c; %4 Ib. $1.45; 1b. $4.00, postpaid. BOX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. 166 Cabbage, Early Round Dutch. Most important commercial cabbage in North Carolina. 152 Charleston Large . Matures about ten days later Wakefield than Early Jersey Wakefield. The heads are blunt pointed but broad at the base and fully one-half larger than the Jersey Wakefield. A favorite with shippers on ac- count of its hardiness, earliness and size. 73 days. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 30c; oz. 50c; %4 Ib. 1m $1.25; Ib. $3.00, postpaid. 153 Large Late Flat Dutch The heads are flat but deep, distinctly flat- tened on top, solid and of excellent quality. A late fall or winter variety. 100 days. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 30c; oz. 50c; 144 Ib. $1.25; Ib. $3.00, postpaid. A valuable medium 161 All Seasons early variety and a reliable header. It resists heat and drought well. Very solid and compact, round head of fine quality. 85 days. Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. 25c; oz. 40c; 44 Ib. $1.10; lb. $3.00, postpaid. 165 Early Flat Dutch 4.,st@ndara sort, sure, solid header, of even size, weight average 10 pounds each. It succeeds in most sections of the South, as it resists heat well. 75 days. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 30c; 0z. 50c; 14 Ib. $1.25; Ib. $3.00, postpaid. WYATT'S SEEOS 170 Cabbage, Chieftan Savoy 169 Chinese or Celery Cabbage, Mi hthli Can be sown early in spring and Icninit again in July. Early and the surest header of the Chinese Cabbage. Dark green leaves, uniform heads 3 to 4 inches thick tapering at the tip. Sweet flavored and can be served as a salad like lettuce, or cooked like asparagus. 75 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; 14 Ib. 90c; 1b. $2.50, postpaid. 169 Chinese Cabbage WYATT-QUARLES CARROTS “WYATT'S SEEDS 186 Carrot, Long Orange 185 Carrot, Danvers Half-Long CULTURE: A hardy vegetable that may be grown in both spring and fall. The carrot thrives best in a deep, loose, fertile, loamy soil with pH of 6.0 to 6.5. Fertilize with 1,200 lbs. of 8-8-8 per acre (5 qts. per 100 ft. row). Sidedress with 15 lbs. of nitrogen per acre (15 cup of Ni- trate of Soda, or equivalent, per 100 ft. of row) when the plants are 4 to 6 inches high. Space rows 2 to 3 feet apart and drill seed at rate of 25 to 30 seed per foot, !2 inch in depth. Thin plants to one or two inches apart when 2 inches in height. Four lbs. of seed per acre; 15 oz. per 100 ft. of row. All American Selections ] 81 Gold Pak Bronze Medal Award Win- ner for 1956. This rich orange, long slender bunching carrot shows great promise as a com- mercial and home garden variety. Coreless, smooth skinned and with very short, strong tops. Best adapted to sandy, loam and organic soils. 80 days. Pkt. 20c; 14 0z. 35¢; 0z. 50c; 4 Ib. $1.45; Ib. $4.00, postpaid. An outstanding type de- 182 Imperator veloped to meet the de- mand of the most critical market trade for a long, smooth carrot. Tops are medium but strong enough for good bunching. Roots have rounded shoulders, smooth deep rich orange; uniformly tapered to a semi-blunt end. Flesh fine grained, tender and of excellent quality. 77 days. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; %4 Ib. 95c; 1b. $1.75, post- paid. A good variety for 186 Long Orange light soils. The flesh is deep orange, lighter core and this variety is considered the heaviest cropper of all carrots. Splendid for stock feeding. 80 days. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 25¢e; oz. 40c; %4 Ib. 95c; Ib. $1.75, postpaid. ne 185 Danvers Half-Long fateine va. riety commands approval wherever planted. Bright orange throughout, smooth roots taper to a blunt point. Roots uniform and tender, aver- age 615 inches. It is grown principally for a late main crop and produces a high yield. 75 days. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 25c; oz. 40c; %4 Ib. 95c; Ib. $1.75, postpaid. 5 COLLARDS 1 oz. for 150 feet of row, 14 Ib. for an acre. CULTURE: The collards grows best during cool seasons, but may be grown throughout the year. Seed are sown in both spring and summer, either directly in rows or in beds for transplanting. It is widely grown for use as a leafy green vegetable primarily during the fall and winter months. Collards are an important source of calcium, vitamin A and C during the winter months and should be in every sraden. It is grown on all kinds of soil, but sandy loams and silt loams having a oe of 6.0-6.5 are considered best. Space 18 to 24 inches apart in 3 to 4 ft. rows. Use 800 lbs. of 8-8-8 fertilizer per acre (3 qts. per 100 ft. of row). Side- dress with 15 lbs. of nitrogen per acre (15 cup Nitrate of Soda, or equivalent, rey ABER) Se SUeh wana eae Sn ae as needed at 3 week i -four - seed wi roduce enou ants fo ne : ounce will produce about 5,000 innit! ae Bae acre 226 Morris Im- proved Heading Plants are compact pro- ducing heavy heads on short stems and can be set closer in the rows, in- creasing the tonnage per 224 North Carolina Short Stem Short stems and large leaves. This variety with- stands drought in summer and cold in winter better than other varieties. 80 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25e; 4 Ib. 75c; lb. $2.00, postpaid. 222 Vates Developed by and named for the: - Virginia Truck Experiment Sta- tion. Best open or loose head collard. Small, low, acre. Leaves are slightly ¢old hard “ y. Slow seeder. Leaves waxy green with savoyed, darker green . : 3 ihaceOrdinarymecoliaeds green rib. 90 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; %4 Ib. 90e; Ib. and the flavor is distinctly MEN 19085 EU E better. 85 days. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 30c; oz. 50¢; 4 Ib. 22 ral This collard will $1.35; Ib. $3.50, postpaid. 2 Geo gia Cabbage not winter-kill wvatr’s seus. and also grows fine during hot weather. The plant ae Paras has medium height, a cluster of loose folding, tender leaves forms the head. 90 days. Pkt. 15¢; 0Z. 25c; 4 Ib. 75c; lb. $2.00, postpaid. 226 Collard, Improved Heading GELERY Celery is a cool season crop and should be seeded in a protected bed 10 to 14 weeks before field setting. It will stand light spring frosts, and should be set in the field slightly before the last frost in the spring. Cultural instructions mailed on request. Three ounces of seed will produce plants for one acre. One ounce of seed will pro- duce about 20,000 plants. 202 Golden Self-Blanching Plants compact and stocky with yellowish-green foliage, stalks perfectly solid of fine flavor and attain a good size. Pkt. 20c; 14 oz. 45c; oz. 80c; 14 Ib. $2.15, postpaid. Wyatt-Quarles [ETI Auli iaaies CULTURE: A warm season crop that will not withstand the frosts. May be grown on a wide range of soil, but a sandy loam with pH 5.5-6.5 is preferred. Make first planting after last frost in spring and a second planting 3 to 4 weeks later. Fertilize with 800 lbs. of 8-8-8 per acre (3 qts. per 100 ft. of row) 7-10 days before planting. Plant in rows 5 feet apart and drill seed so that a final stand of one plant every 12-14 inches is obtained. Cultivate shallow and early to keep weeds down. Sidedress with 15 lbs. of nitrogen (12 cup of Nitrate of Soda, or equivalent, per 100 ft. row) when plants are 6 inches tall. Two pounds of seed will plant one acre; 42 oz. per 100 ft. of row. To reduce disease, seeds should be wet treated with mercuric chloride. Do not plant after other vine crops like water- melons, squash, cucumbers or cantaloupes. An early downy mildew 282 Ashley resistant variety which Crisp and white, 299 White Wonder good quality. 60 191 Cauliflower, Snowball CAULIFLOWER One ounce of seed will produce 1,500 plants, 1% pound sufficient for an acre. 1912 Snowball. scree ea and even late summer growing. A remarkably sure header and matures in about 60 days after planting. Plants are compact and produce med- ium to large round, snow white heads, 9 to 10 inches in diameter of excellent quality and flavor. 60 days. Pkt. 25c; 1%4 oz. $1.05; 1% oz. $1.75; oz. $2.90; 1%4 Ib. $8.00, postpaid. Rhee Soa ‘eS ae Seat DS BSS 9 s anee 3 OS SE ee ees es 280 Cucumber, Early Green Cluster has color equal to any other slicing variety. An early variety every grower should con- sider. Pkt. 20c; oz. 45c; %4 Ib. $1.25; Ib. $3.50, postpaid. Fine fruit characteristics 286 Santee —dark green, uniform, eylindrical, slightly pointed at ends. A high yielding and mid-season variety resistant to downy mildew. Recommended for early spring planting. Slicing type. 65 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; 1%4 Ib. $1.10; Ib. $3.00, postpaid. 280 Early Green Cluster Small fruits, 542 in. long borne in clusters. Rather chunky, uniform, medium green, smooth skin. Recommended for both slicing and pickling. 55 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 14 Ib. 70c; lb. $2.00, postpaid. Since the color is 284 Long Green not °as ‘dark green and does not hold as long as some of the superior varieties of green cucumbers, this variety is no longer used as a commercial cuke. A good slicing cuke of fine quality for the home gardener. 68 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 30c; 14 lb. 90c, postpaid. The princi- 285 National Pickling $ar commer. cial pickling variety. Fruits 6 in. long, medium green, full ended and symmetrical, black spined. Very prolific and fine quality. 56 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; %4 Ib. 70c; Ib. $2.00, postpaid. 292 Early Surecrop Hybrid Plants of exceptional vigor, resistant to Mosaic and Downy Mildew, remaining green and productive much longer than most va- rieties. Fruits are slender, blunt ended, 8 to 9 inches long, dark green with crisp white flesh of fine flavor and quality. Commercial growers will find this an extra profitable cuke. 58 days. Pkt. 35c; % oz. $2.40; oz. $4.00, postpaid. days: Pkt. 25c; oz. 45c; %4 Ib. 90c; Ib. $2.50, post- paid. An important commercial 289 Mar keter variety for its high yield, dark green color which is held over a long period, small seed area. Fruits 8 inches long, uniform, cylindrical ends tapering. Mid-season. Suscept- ible to downy mildew. Slicing type. 65 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; %4 Ib. 90c; lb. $2.50, postpaid. 294 Gherkin or Burr 72° .pesi Waris as the fruits only measure about 3 inches long. 60 days. Pkt. 25c; oz. 60c; 14 Ib. $1750. wYATT’S SEEDS 286 Cucumber, Santee, Outstanding Commercial Cucumber 292 Cucumber, Early Sure Crop Hybrid WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO. : | ; _ WYATT-QUARLES NORTHERN GROWN Roasting Ear and Sugar Com One pound will plant about 200 hills; 10 pounds will plant an acre CULTURE: Sweet corn, a warm season annual, is increasing rapidly in importance in the South. Improved methods of refrigeration and handling which reduce the rate of loss of sugar, have made it possible to produce sweet corn commercially. It is a standard crop in home gardens. After harvest, sweet corn should be immediately placed in temperature conditions of 35-40 degree F to prevent the loss of sugar and a lowering of quality. It can be grown on a great variety of soils. A well drained sandy loam with adequate humus supply and moisture is desirable. Fertilize with 500 Ibs. of 8-8-8 per acre (2 qts. per 100 ft. of row) prior to planting the seed. Sweet corn responds to nitrogen sidedressing. Apply about 80 lbs. of nitrogen in split applications, 40 lbs. (1144 cups of Nitrate of Soda, or equivalent, per 100 ft. of row) when plants are about knee high and 40 lbs. when tassels begin to show. Plant seed in hills one foot apart, ‘or drill seed and thin. One or two plants per foot is recommended. Rows should be spaced 3 feet apart. Two ounces of seed to plant 100 ft. of row; 10 lbs. seed per acre. ROASTING EAR CORNS Lo . 2s WR ERED Cu 255 Bland’s Extra Early Earliest of All 255 Bland’s Extra Early The earliness and prolific qualities of Bland’s makes it very popular for truckers and home gardeners. Produces two well filled, 8 inch ears which are tasty, tender and sweet. 53-58 days. 515-612 ft. tall. Pkt. 15c; 1% Ib. 35c; lb. 60c; 2 Ibs. $1.00; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 40c Ib.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 32c Ib., postpaid. 253 Truckers Favorite $ The Standard 253 Truckers Favorite SOc Ib.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 7T2e Ib., postpaid. 271 South American Giant Yellow Best in the open pollinated popceorns, Pkt. 15c; ls Th. 40c; Ib. 65ce; 2 Ibs. $1.10; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 45e ib.: 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 3%ec Ib., postpaid. EGGPLANT CULTURE: A warm season crop transplanted to the field or garden well after danger of frost. Cultural requirements are similar to the tomato except that it requires a longer growing season and is more seriously checked by cool weather. Well drained sandy loam soils, high in organic matter, with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5 are de- sirable. Sow seed in protected beds about 8 to 10 weeks prior to date of field transplanting. Fertilize with 800 to 1,200 lbs. of 8-8-8 (3-5 qts. per 100 ft. of row) prior to transplanting. Apply 30 lbs. of nitrogen in three applications, of 10 pounds each (45 cup of Nitrate of Soda, or equivalent) spaced at about 2 weeks apart. Space plants 18 inches to 2 feet apart in rows 315 to 4 feet apart. Cultivate shallow, sufficiently to control weeds. One-eighth ounce to produce plants for 100 feet of row. Four ounces to produce plants for one acre. S : Plant upstand- 315 Florida High Bush jn2yoiding fruits off the ground. Elongated fruits, that taper towards the stem; dark purple. Resistant to drought and disease, hardy. 85 days. PKt. 15c; 14 oz. 45c; oz. 80c; 14 Ib. $2.15, postpaid. ENDIVE It is hardy, a vigor- 319% Green Gurled=s 2 sone oe sith bright deep green finely divided leaves. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 1% Ib. 65c, postpaid. KOHL RABI 353 Early White = Extremely Vienna —Ganly. The bulbs are of medium size, very light green or white; best for table when 2 to 245 inches in diameter. 60 days. Pkt. 25c; % oz. 50c; oz. 90c; 1% lb. $1.50, postpaid. LEEK 358 Large Flag A large growing type, desirable in every way. Its dependability and ease of culture make it the most widely used variety for both family and market use. 1 oz. 1 sow 100 feet of d Pkt, 25c; % oz. 50c; oz. 90c; %4 lb. $2.00, postpaid. 385 Leek, Large KALE CULTURE: A cool season crop that may be grown throughout the year. May be grown on most types of soil with pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Fertilize with 800 Ibs. of an 8-8-8 per acre (8 qts. per 100 ft. of row). Make first planting 3-4 weeks before last frost in spring and make periodic plantings, every 3-4 weeks, until a month before first frost in fall. Drill seeds 15 inch deep and ‘5 inch apart in rows 2-3 feet apart. Sidedress twice, about 3 weeks and 5 weeks after seed comes up, with 15 lbs. ni- trogen per acre each time (15 cup of Nitrate of Soda, or its equivalent, per 100 ft. of row). One ounce seed will plant 200 feet of row; two lbs. seed per acre. 341 Dwarf Green Curled Scotch Popular with truck growers because of its rich green color and double-curled leaves. This Kale is extremely hardy to both hot and cold weather making it a sure crop regardless of conditions. Pkt. 15¢c; oz. 25c; %4 Ib. 70c; Ib. $2.00, postpaid. . . The hardie f 343 Early Siberian 27° ean Seee! tables. Plant early spring or fall, drilled as turnips for salad, kale withstands more heat and cold. The flavor is similar to that of turnip salad and it exceeds spinach in total food value. 60 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25¢e 4 Ib. 55c; lb. $1.50, postpaid. S Alsocalle 344 Spring or Smooth 3730.03 ETS Spring Sprouts, and Hanover Salad. It can be sown in the spring or fall as it stands extreme cold. A quick growing smooth leaved variety, ' WYATT'S SEEDS o 343 Kale, Early Siberian very sweet and tender and should be used when the plants are quite young. 27 days. Pkt. 15¢; oz. 25c; %4 Ib. 45c; Ib. 80c, postpaid. Loose Leaf and Head LETTUCE Plant Spring and Fall aS CULTURE: A cool season crop that will not head in hot weather. Seed may be sown in protected beds 6-8 weeks before transplant- ing into field. Lettuce will stand light frosts and may be set in field 3-4 weeks before last frost in spring. Lettuce seed may also be drilled in the row in late winter or early spring for the spring crop, and in August and September for the fall crop. A fertile, well drained sandy loam soil with a pH of 6.0 is ideal. Fertilize with 1,000 lbs. of 5-10-10 per acre (4 qts. per 100 feet of row). Sidedress twice with 15 lbs. nitrogen per acre (15 cup Nitrate of Soda, or equiva- lent, per 100 ft. of row) at 4-5 weeks after transplanting and then again 2-3 weeks later. When seeded direct sidedress at the same in- tervals after the plants have come up to a good stand. Plant in rows 212-3 feet apart and 12 inches apart in row. One pound of seed per acre for transplanting; 2 pounds for drill- ing in row; 1 ounce of seed will produce 3,000 plants. : A most popular 370 Grand Rapids loose leaved va- riety for early outside planting or forcing. Heat tolerant. Plants erect and compact. Leaves light green, crinkled and fringed. It is crisp, tender and sweet. 45 days. Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. 30c; oz. 45c; 14 Ib. 80c; lb. $2.25, post- paid. 388 Lettuce, Salad Bowl 371 Early Curled Simpson Plants are early medium large, compact, a vigorous and dependable grower. The leaves, | light green, large, frilled and curled form a compact bunch in the center of the plant. Stand- ard home garden variety for its excellent quality and sweet flavor. 45 days. Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. 30c; oz. 45c; 1%4 Ib. 80c; Ib. $2.25, postpaid. 372 Selected Big Boston 22¢,nea%s_2r | and compact, finely shaped, color medium light green with a slight tinge of brown on margins of outer leaves. The heads are crisp, firm, but- tery, and the interior quite a golden yellow. It heads up well under cold conditions. 75 days. © Pkt. 15c; 1%4 oz. 30c; oz. 45c; % Ib. 80c; Ib. $2.25, postpaid. A desirable crisp head- | 385 Great Lakes ing variety without tip burn, even under adverse conditions. Heads | large, firm, dark green, outer leaves well folded - and ribby. Slow bolting and of good shipping © quality. 82 days. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 45c; oz. 75c; 1% Ib. $2.00; lb. $5.50, postpaid. For forcing or home garden = 379 Iceberg planting this crisp lettuce © is ideal. The leaves are broad, crumpled, borders — finely frilled. Heat resistant and produces firm, — white, tender sweet flavored heads. 85 days. — Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. 30c; oz. 50c; 14 Ib. $1,00; Ib. $2.75; postpaid. Particularly outstanding ~ 388 Salad Bowl for its characteristic of producing attractive, tender leaves even under | warm dry conditions, and stands handling bet- | ter than most other leafy varieties. Very good source of Vitamin A & C. Large rounded and ~ compact leafy heads of long, deeply-lobed, waved leaves of medium green color. 45 days. Slow — bolting. Pkt. 20c; 14 oz. 45c; oz. 80c; %4 lb. $2.15; 1b. $6.00, postpaid. 379 Lettuce, Iceberg WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO. WYATT-QUARLES Western Grown Muskmelons CULTURE: The melons thrive best and develop the highest flavor in a hot dry climate. Sow the seed after all danger of frost has passed. For an extra early crop, sow seed in pots, or other containers, in a glass covered bed 2-3 weeks before last killing frost in spring and transplant to the field. The most suitable soil is a warm, rich, sandy loam with a pH of 6.0-6.5; however, they will do well in most types of well drained soils. Fertilize with 600-800 pounds of 8-8-8 per acre (3 qts. per 100 ft. of row). Plant in rows 5-6 feet apart. Plant 6 seed per hill (1 inch deep) 2 feet in the row and gradually thin to 1-2 plants per hill. Sidedress with 15 lbs. of nitrogen when vines begin to run (42 cup of Nitrate of Soda, or its equivalent, per 100 ft. of row). BA) PSSSSSHFFFFHFFFHPSSIFSHPFSHSFFFSFSFFSSSHSHSSH $§ MARKET GROWERS 2 Be sure to plant a part of your erop in our No. 402 Rockyford Earliest. At the same time plant No. 419 Edisto. This doubles your chances of coming on the market when prices are good. You can de- rend on Wyatt-Quarles Tested Seeds. a sSSoSsesssssssssssssisssssssssssssseeeds s 1 400 Rio Gold rotna well netted with light ribbing. Flesh is orange, thick and firm. Quality excellent. The seed cavity is very small. Resistant to downy mildew. 90 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; 14 lb. $1.10; Ib. $3.00, postpaid. 402 Rockyford Earliest 22,,o°0? any appearance, ripening a week earlier than other varieties of Rockyfords, and larger than Hale’s Jumbo. The delicious spicy sweetness typical SSSFSSS$$HSSHSHH ESSSSSSsssoeaas A of the Rockyford strain recommends it for home gardens as well as for commercial production. 75 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; %4 Ib. $1.10; Ib. $3.00, postpaid. WYATT'S SEEDS 402 Rockyford Earliest, an Ideal Commercial Melon Two pounds of seed will plant one acre; 1 ounce will plant 800 feet of row. A very long, smooth, 401 Banana canteloupe, tapering at both ends, lemon colored skin when mature. The flesh is pink with delicious banana flavor. They grow 14 inches long and withstand the summer heat. 100 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; 14 Ib. 90c; lb. $2.50, postpaid. 418 Cantaloupe, Hales Jumbo / Agen ; ly, 418 Hale’s Jumbo a nidic attractive melon grown principally for home yardens and local markets. Fruits oval, 5-6 lIbs.. slightly ribbed and well netted. Thick flesh of deep salmon, and fine quality. Large seed cavity. 85 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; 14 Ib. 90c; lb. $2.50, postpaid. 419 Edi t New for 58. The flesh is Isto noticeably thicker than the present commercial varieties and usually a somewhat deeper and richer salmon. When grown on good soil, this cantaloupe averages between 3 and 4 pounds and after tests from 12-13% soluble solids, indicating a high sugar content. The rind is exceptionally hard, making it a better shipper than other commercial varieties. The vines are quite vigorous and quite resistant to alternaria and powdery mildew and tolerant to downy mildew. 80 days. Pkt. 25c; oz. 55c; 44 Ib. $1.45; lb. $4.00, postpaid. 410 Gold Lined Rockyford A green fleshed fruit of spicy deliciousness peculiar to Rockyford melons. It has a gold lining next to the small seed cavity which makes it unusually attractive in appearance. The flesh is green, thick, and sweet. 80 days. Pkt. 15c; 0z. 35c; 44 Ib. 90c; Ib. $2.50, postpaid. : * WYATT’S (SEEDS 424 Rockyford or Netted Gem 424 Rockyford or Netted Gem Principally used for home and market gardens, since it does not stand distant shipping. Re- garded by consumers to have the finest flavor and quality. Fruits small, 215 lbs., rounded with faint ribs, very heavy covering of hard gray netting. Uniform size, juicy, thick green flesh with yellow tinge at center and a sweet spicy flavor. 90 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; %4 Ib. 90c; Ib. $2.50, postpaid. 409 Imperial or Hale’s Best No. 45 (MILDEW RESISTANT) Fruits are short oval with indistinct ribbing and heavily netted. Flesh thick, firm, sweet, of good quality and flavor, light orange in color. Imperial can be picked at much later ripened stages than other melons for distant shipping and it holds firm and in good edible condition. Recommended for areas in which powdery mildew is prevalent. 88 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; %4 Ib. 90c; Ib. $2.50, postpaid. A melon which 422 Smith’s Perfect has attracted tre- mendous attention because of its resistance to diseases and its ability to make good crops, even under adverse conditions. Ideal size, well netted and very thick orange flesh. Seed cavity small. 90 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; 14 Ib. $1.10; Ib. $3.00, postpaid. A very large type 405 Hackensack used principally for home gardens and local markets. Fruits some- what flattened, weigh 7 pounds; prominently ribbed with little netting. Flesh thick, unusually juicy, sweet green in color. 88 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; 44 Ib. $1.00; Ib. $2.50, postpaid. 413 Honey Dew ir5 globe shaped with a hard, smooth, creamy white skin. The flesh, ripening to the rind, is light green, exceptionally juicy, with a distinctive flavor of its own. 100 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; 14 Ib. 90c; Ib. $2.50, post- paid. A mid-season ANS tleants of Gold) macs: is gues early varieties. Grown extensively by home gardeners and for local markets. Fruits, 2 lbs., are nearly round, distinctly ribbed, deep green, covered with fine gray netting. Flesh thick and firm, tender, juicy, a distinct sweet and spicy flavor. 90 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35e; %4 Ib. 90c; Ib. $2.50, postpaid. fruits are large, WYATT'S SEEOS 484 Broad Leaf of the plant. 14 Ib. 55c; Ib. $1.50, postpaid. weather and are seldom attacked by insects or disease. 799 Tendergreen or Mustard Spinach favorable conditions tendergreen can be ready for the table in less than 3 weeks. Crisp, tender and delicious, this popular variety is also very high in nutritive value. The large oblong leaves are dark green. thick and easy to wash for the table. 35 days. Wyatt-Quarles MUSTARD CULTURE: 1 ounce is sufficient for 100 feet of drill; 2 pounds will sow an acre. Sow February to October, 14 of an inch deep, broadcast, or in drills 18 inches apart, thin- ning to from 2 to 3 inches. By successive sowings every fortnight beginning early in March, the salad may be had at its best until summer. Large, upright, bright green leaves, thick and smooth. Many prefer the smooth variety because it’s easier to clean than the curled types. 45 days. Pkt. 15c; 0z. 25c; %4 lb. 55c; Ib. $1.50, postpaid. 485 Southern Giant Curled large, erectly held leaves are finely curled at the edges, adding much to the appearance In addition to being resistant to cold the plants withstand some hot This splendid variety continues to be the most popular mustard for the South. The 40 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; Widely known as the quickest growing salad _ crop. Under 485 Mustard, Southern Giant Curled Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; % Ib. 55c; lb. $1.50, postpaid. ‘BOX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. 9 Wyatt-Quarles Watermelons CULTURE: Sow seed after all danger of frost has passed. If early crop is desired, plant in pots, 4-5 seeds per pot sand loam soil with a pH of 1 feet of row or equivalent, 5.0-6.0 is ideal. per 100 feet of row). unce will plant 50 hills. Pe 6 NS ix YS 460 Certified Congo See picture 450 Sugar Baby scription, page l. 25c: oz. 60c; 14 Ib. $1.65; lb. $3.50, postpaid. Round, dark green, 463 Golden Honey small.. The crisp tender fiesh is bright yellow and fine flavored. 90 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; % Ib. $1.10; Ib. $3.00, postpaid. and de- Pkt. Almost round, thin rind, de- 454 Ledmon liciously sweet, but too ten- der for shipping. Flesh red, crisp and one of the very sweetest. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; %4 Ib. $1.10; lb. $3.00, postpaid. 461 Stone Mountain -275§ with blocky ends, rind hard and tough, dark green with indistinct veining, flesh bright red, sweet, and of good quality. Massive heart. Medium to large, 50 Ibs. 90 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; %4 Ib. 65c; lb. $1.75, postpaid. Large almost 447 Florida Giant (Cannonball) Large, 40-50 lbs., nearly round, glossy dark green, thick rind, bright red, firm textured flesh of excellent quality. Black seeds. Vines are vigorous and productive. One of the best all-purpose varieties. 95 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 14 lb. 65c; lb. $1.75, postpaid. 446 Wondermelon (Improved Kleckley Sweet) Sx9"f,untonmy tenes green with thin rind and has small crease like markings. Melons weighing 60 Ibs. are not unusual. The flesh, which is free from fiber, juicy, and extremely sweet, ripens to the rind. Massive heart. Not a shipping melon. 85 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 14 Ib. 65c; Ib. $1.75, postpaid. 477 Striped Seedless Watermelon Watermelons produced by hybridizing that are essentially free from seeds. Excellent flavor and eating quality. Not a long distance shipper but ideal for home or local market trade. Cul- tural instructions and Pollinating Variety en- closed in every packet. Packet of 10 seed $1.00; 25 seed $2.00; 100 seed $8.00; 500 seed $30.00, postpaid. WYATT'’S SEEOS 454 Ledmon 10 in a glass covered bed 2-3 weeks before last frost in spring. A well drained Fertilize with 600 lbs. of 8-8-8 per acre (2 qts. per Sidedress with 15 lbs. of nitrogen when vines begin to run (42 cup Nitrate of Plant 6-8 seeds in hills spaced 8-10 feet each way. lly thin the plants out to one or two per hill. Three pounds of seed will plant an acre; Disease Resistant Varieties 457 Watermelon, Garrisonian New for °58. Resembles Garrison variety, but its rind is harder and melons are larger. The most important difference is its relative re- sistance to Anthracnose in contrast with Garrison’s susceptibility. It is believed to be fully equal to Garrison in eating quality. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; %4 Ib. 90c; Ib. $2.50, postpaid. 448 Wéilt-Resistant Garrison A cross of Hawkesbury and Garrison and 95 per cent resistant to Wilt. 85 days. Pkt. lic; oz. 35c; 14 Ib. 90c; Ib. $2.50, postpaid. 442 Dixie Queen Wilt Resistant An improved Dixie Queen, resistant to Fu- sarium Wilt. Fruits are round, oval, striped, more uniform in size, cut redder and ship better than the standard strain of Dixie Queen. A very fine watermelon for ship- ping. 85 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; %4 Ib. $1.00; lb. $2.75, postpaid. 452 Charleston Gray, Wilt-Resistant 452 Charleston Gray 4,2o1ieh¢ green watermelon, possessing qualities which have long been hoped for—strong against sunburn and fusarium wilt, and relatively high in resistance to anthracnose. A heavy yielder of superior shape melons, weighing 28 to 35 pounds that are highly acceptable on the market. The thin rind is unusually tough making it a good shipper. Pkt. lsc; oz. 35c; 14 lb. 90c; Ib. $2.50, postpaid. Anthracnose resistant and 459 Congo slightly resistant to Fu- sarium Wilt. A good yielder and shipper, hav- ing attractive marketing characteristics. The fruits (up to 50 lbs.) are long, cylindrical having dark green stripes on a medium green background. Tough rind. Bright red flesh that is solid, crisp, sweet. 93 days. PKt. 15c; oz. 35c; 14 lb. 90c; 1b. $2.50, postpaid. Developed by the 470 Blackstone U.S.D.A. Laboratory, Charleston, South Carolina, and released for 1957. It has been tested in the southern watermelon trials and is suitable for ship- ment, local marketing, and home gardens. Blackstone has a dark green color, com- monly referred to as black. It is round, and has a hard rind. The advantages of Black- stone include earliness and its relative resist- ance to Anthracnose. The melons are uni- form in shape and size, being nearly spherical and should average about 30 pounds each. 83 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; 14 lb. 90c; Ib. $2.50, postpaid. 491 Okra, Dwarf Green Prolific OKRA CULTURE: A warm season crop that should not be planted until the soil warms up in the spring. Most good soil in the south will grow a satisfactory crop, but a sandy loam with a pH of 6.0-6.5 is preferred. Fertilize with 600 pounds of 6-8-6 per acre (2 qts. per 100 ft. of row). Sidedress twice with 15 lbs. nitrogen per acre each time (12 cup of Nitrate of Soda, or equivalent, per 100 ft. of row) applying the first when plants are about 12 inches high and the second 3-4 weeks later. Similar sidedress- ings throughout the summer will lengthen the harvesting season. Plant or drill in rows 31% feet apart and thin to one plant every 12 to 18 inches in the row. Sow the seed one inch deep. Four pounds will plant one acre; one ounce will plant 300 feet of row. 496 Clemson Spineless @fsiine: pod characteristics of uniformity, spineless rich green, angular and ridged which makes it valu- able for canning, commercial and garden uses. Very prolific. Plants 5 ft. 55 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25ce; %4 lb. 65c; 1b. $1.75, postpaid. 494 Emerald Green Velvet Uniform, spineless. Plants 6-7 ft. tall; pods round, smooth, and rich green. 58 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; %4 Ib. 65c; Ib. $1.75, postpaid. 493 Perkins Mammoth Long Pod Very productive. The pods 7-8 inches, bright deep green, straight, ribbed and spined. The fleshy, excellent quality pods make this okra a valuable market and canning variety. 58 days. Pkt. 15¢; oz. 25c; %4 lb. 65c; lb. $1.75, postpaid. 491 Dwarf Green Long Pod Dwarf variety with large green pod character- istics. Very prolific. 55 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 14 lb. 65c; Ib. $1.75, postpaid. Possesses the 496 Okra, Clemson Spineless WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO. Wyatt-Quarles Onion Seeds A cool season crop that will withstand moderate freezes. Sow seed in plant beds in September or October and set in field when about 6 inches high. Seed may also be drilled in row in late winter. Three pounds of seed will plant one acre; one ounce of seed will pro- duce 4,000 plants for transplanting or will drill 400 feet of row. . A popular variety for all 506 Prizetaker purposes, producing high tonnage per acre of fine uniform light copper skinned bulbs, globe shaped with very thin skin. The flesh is creamy white, mild and sweet. 100 days. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 35c; oz. 60c; %4 lb. $1.45; lb. $4.00, postpaid. 509 White Portugal or Silver A medium size, flat. white onion that is mild flavored and fine grained. Grown for onion sets, pickling and bunching. 96 days. Pkt. 15c; e Oz. 35c; oz. 60c; 14 Ib. $1.45; lb. $4.00, postpaid. ONION SETS Plant sets from September to February in rows 115 to 3 feet apart and space them 4 inches apart in the row. Do not cover them entirely. One pound will plant 50 feet; 8 bushels will plant an acre. 530 Red Wethersfield Medium large, flattened with sloping top. Purplish red skin. Flesh white tinted pink. Strong flavor. Good keeper. 100 days. Prices: Tb. 50c; 3 to 9 Ibs. 40c 1b.; 10 Ibs. or more 35c Ib., postpaid. s . Grown from our Grow- 536 Silver Skin er’s strain of White Portugal or Silver Skin. Prices: Ib. 50c; 3 to 9 Ibs. 40c lb.; 10 Ibs. or more 35c Ib., postpaid. 537 Yellow Danvers Presucss oece size, globe Onions. Prices: lb. 50c; 3 to 9 Ibs. 40c 1lb.; 10 lbs. or more 35c Ib., postpaid. Parsnips CULTURE: Sow very thickly from January to March 14 of an inch deep in drills 18 inches apart in sandy loam. When plants are 2 to 3 inches high, thin out to 4 inches apart. 1 ounce is enough for 100 feet of drill; 4 to 6 pounds will sow an acre. Rich, very sweet 555 Hollow Crown flavor, immensely pro- ductive, ready for use in 80 to 85 days. Roots are smooth, in good soil 15 inches long by 3 inches across the shoulder; tender and sugary. 80 days. Pkt. 25c; oz. 65c; %4 Ib. $1.75, postpaid. PARSLEY One Ounce for 150 Feet of Drill CULTURE: Can be sown during the fall from August to October, and during spring from the end of January to the end of April. It is generally sown broadcast. Soak the seed for twenty-four hours and mix with sand; it is very slow to germinate and sometimes remains in the ground from four to five weeks before making its appearance. Plants of dwarf com- 541 Double-Curle pact growth, and the young leaves have the edges heavily crimped, giving a general appearance of coarse moss. Used by market gardeners. Pkt. lic; 1% 0z. 35c; oz. 65c; 14 lb. $1.25, postpaid. ble Curled 541 Parsley, Dou BOX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. Idaho Gsoun GARDEN PEAS CULTURE: A cool season crop that should be planted during January in the east and February in the piedmont. Plant in a sandy loam soil that is not too high in organic mat- ter and with a pH of 5.5-6.5. Fertilize with 800 lbs. of 6-8-6 per acre (3 qts. per 100 ft. of row) and sidedress at time of first bloom with 15 lbs. nitrogen per acre (12 cup of Nitrate of Soda, or its equivalent, per 100 ft. of row). Plant seeds 115 inches deep and one inch apart in rows 212-3 feet apart. One-hundred pounds of seed will plant one acre; 12 pound will plant 100 ft. of row. 570 Wando Much more tolerant of cold and heat than other peas. Plants are upright and 215 feet tall and mildew resistant. Pods dark green, blunt, well filled, 3 inches long containing medium size dark green peas. 68 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 50c Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 42c Ib., postpaid. 574 Dwarf Telephone a roseye variety. Pods are 4! inches, broad, contain- ing 8-10, large, round, medium green peas of excellent quality. 70 days. Pkt. 15c; % Ib. 40c; lb. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 50c Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 42c lb., postpaid. 566 Thomas Laxton ~xcclent, for ket gardens and shipping, canning, and freez- ing. Plants 3 feet high; pods 312 inches long, dark green and packed with 7 to 8 delicious peas that are almost round, medium green color, and of high quality. 58 days. Pkt. 15c; 14 Ib. 40c; lb. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3-9 Ibs. @ 50c Ib.; 10-24 lbs. @ 42c lb., postpaid. 570 Peas, Wando 4 The best dwarf large wrinkled pea. Plants 16 to 18 inches 580° Laxton Ss Progress tall. The pods are dark green, about 4 inches long, and usually contain 8 or 9 dark green peas of excellent flavor. 62 days. Pkt. 15c; 14 Ib. 40c; lb. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 50c lb.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 42c lb., postpaid. 2 An excellent dwarf sort for the home garden and market. Vines 571 Little Marvel heavily set with large, deep green 3 inch pods which are square ended and well filled with 7 large tender, dark green peas. 62 days: Pkt. 15c; 1% Ib. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 50c Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 42c Ib., postpaid. im Vine 18 to 20 inches, very dark green ana 375 Hundredfold (Imp. Laxtonian) strong. Pods single, broad, dark green, pointed, curved; contain 8 large peas of excellent quality. An attractive early 415 inch podded sort for home gardeners, truckers and shipping. 63 days. Pkt. 15c; 144 Ib. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 50c Ib.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 42c Ilb., postpaid. Large podded Alaska. Early, prolific, good quality. 58 days. Pkt. 15¢; 1% Ib. 564 Ameer 45c; Ib. 75c; 2 Ibs. $1.30; 3-9 Ibs. @ 55c Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 47c Ib., postpaid. . A large fine flavored edible podded pea for home 577 Mammoth Melting Sugar or market. Pkt. 15c; 14 Ib. 45c; Ib. 75c; 2 Ibs. $1.30; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 55c Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 47c Ib., postpaid. _ An extra early round, smooth variety with 5 to 7 562 Pedigree Extra Early peas in each pod. 50 days. Pkt. 15c; 1% Ib. 35c; lb. 60c; 2 Ibs. $1.00; 3-9 Ibs. @ 40c Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 32c Ib., postpaid. . . V it xe 563 Alaska, Extra Early (Wilt Resistant) cei, Adeners. “Grows about 21 feet and a heavy yielder of well filled medium size pods, which are round, straight and square ended. Pods contain six small light green peas. 55 days. Pkt. 15c; 1% Ib. 35c; Ib. 60c; 2 Ibs. $1.00; 3-9 Ibs. @ 40c Ib.; 10-24 lbs. @ 32c Ib., postpaid. Freezing Varie- ties Thos. Laxton Laxton Progress Wando 576 Tall Telephone Tall and vigorous growing vines about 4 feet high which produce an abun- dance of pointed, bright green pods; often 415 to 5” long filled with large, tender, sweet peas of excellent flavor. Suitable to many uses. 70 days. Pkt. 15¢c; % Ib. 40c; Ib. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 50c Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 42c Ib., postpaid. “™~F115 Purple Hull Be F11G Peas Dixiclec Edible Peas Cow-peas or Field Peas CULTURE: The field pea is a warm weather crop srown mostly in the southern states. It is easily Gamaged by frost and should not be planted until danger of frost is past in the spring. It fits in well as a summer crop follow- i spring vegetables This vegetable is in- creasing rapidly in importance both for fresh market It grows well on a and for processing e of soil types, but produc es best on with pH of 5.5-6 6.5. On wide rs soils of medium fertility soils of high fertility levels excessive vine srowth, with sparse flower and pod develop- ment results. Fertilize with 400 Ibs. of 6-8-6 in rows prior to planting. Seed should be drilled 1s to inches in depth in rows 3% feet apart. urths of a pound of seed will plant 100 100 lbs. of seed to plant one acre. F112 Rice or Lady The peas are the smallest, but the sweetest and best flavored of all the edible Cow-peas. 1% Ib. 45e; Ib. 75c; 2 Ibs. $1.30; 3-9 Ibs. @ 57c Ib.; 10-24 49e Ib., postpaid. lbs. @ Fil Brown-Eyed Six Weeks Popular small brown-eyed, white peas. Quite prolific, excellent table quality. 1% Ib. 45c; Ib. 75c; 2 Ibs. $1.30; 3-9 Ibs. @ 55c Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. @ lb., postpaid. F122 Brown Sugar Crowder Not only one of the earliest to mature, but is also one of the most prolific and best flavored table peas. 14 Ib. 45c; Ib. 75c; 2 Ibs. $1.25; 3-9 Ibs. @ 53c Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 45c Ib., postpaid. A standard home garden and market variety; good flavor for canning and green shelled peas. Pods purple, somewhat tough, seeds smooth, medium, creamy white with brown eye. % Ib. 40c; lb. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.20; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ Slc Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 43c Ib., postpaid. ~~ F106 Taylor or Blue Goose Large purplish-gray peas produced in long pods on heavy, productive vines. This is one of the best all-purpose varieties. Excellent for soil- building, hay or edible peas. \% Ib. 35c; lb. 65c; 2 Ibs. $1.15; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 48c Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 40c Ib., postpaid. Unsurpassed for market and home and for commercial canning and freezing. The bunch to semi-bunch plants are highly productive, bearing several heavy sets of 8 inch pods which ripen uniformly. Each pod contains 19, buff to light brown color peas with brown eye. Roots are not attacked by nematode. An edible pod pea. Prices: 1% lb. 40c; lb. 70c; 2 Ibs. $1.25; 3 to 9 Ibs. @ 5le lb.; 10-24 ibs. @ 43c lb., postpaid. F103 Large Black Eye snes with piscic. eyed white peas. An important food green or dry. 14 Ib. 35c; Ib. 60c; 2 Ibs. $1.05; 3 to 9 lbs. @ 42c lb.; 10-24 lbs. @ 34c Ib., postpaid. gardening, Long pods well = ——__—— k KZ, @ { F103 Peas, Large Black Eye PEPPERS CULTURE: Peppers, like tomatoes, are a warm season crop and cannot be planted in the open until danger of frost is past. Seed should be planted in a glass covered plant bed 8-10 weeks before field setting is desired (usually March). A warm, deep, fairly moist and loose soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5 is desired. Fertilize with 700-800 pounds of 6-8-6 per acre (3 qts. per 100 tt. of row). Set in rows 3! feet apart and space plants 18 inches apart. Sidedress 3-4 weeks after field setting with 10-15 pounds of nitrogen per acre (15 cup of Nitrate of Soda, or its equivalent, per 100 feet of row) and at best twice thereafter at about two week intervals. Six ounces of seed will produce plants for one acre; 1 ounce will produce about 1,500 plants. 590 Early Calwonder An early strain of California Wonder matur- ing a week to ten days earlier than others. Plant stocky and sturdy, vigorous, prolific. Fruits 3- and 4-lobed, upright, smooth, uni- form, deep green changing to bright crimson at maturity; Thick, sweet and mild. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 30c; oz. 80c; %4 Ib. $2.15; lb. $6.00, post- paid. 591 Yolo Wonder Bose cImilar to California Wonder, but flesh not as thick. A blocky, attractive, prolific pepper worthy of consideration. 80 days. Pkt. 15¢e; 144 oz. 30c; oz. 80c; 4 Ib. $2.15; lb. $6.00, postpaid. 592 California Wonder Walls exceptionally thick, heavier and firmer than any other sort, and deliciously sweet and spicy. Some specimens measure 414 inches across and 5 inches long. The bright, attractive green changes to a brilliant light crimson. 75 days. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. 80c; 44 Ib. $2.15; lb. $6.00, postpaid. 595 Pimento flesh fruits of medium size, 315 inches long and 215 inches in diameter, becoming bright crimson at ma- turity. 105 days. Pkt. 15c; 1%, oz. 35c; oz. $1.10; 1% Ib. $2.70; lb. $7.50, postpaid. 593 Bell or Bull Nose The plants are very vigorous and productive. The fruits are about 3 inches long, 2 inches in diameter and blocky. Flesh thick, dark green, becoming scarlet at maturity. 100 days. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 30c; oz. 80c; %4 Ib. $2.00; Ib. $5.50, postpaid. “I; Plant low spreading 604 Red Chili growth, 18 inches tall, very productive. Pods 2 to 3 inches long and are one-fourth inch thick, smooth, cone shaped, thin fleshed, borne upright. One of the hottest peppers for pickles. 112 days. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. 80c; 44 Ib. $2.15; lb. $6.00, postpaid. Heart-shaped, thick WYATTS SEEDS 592 Pepper, California Wonder PEPPERS 594 Long Red Cayenne #,,/2yo72t¢ for canning, pickles, and drying. Plant large and prolific. Fruits tapering, 3 inches long, one- fourth inch thick, frequently twisted. Dark green changing to bright dark red when mature. 112 days. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. 85c; % Ib. $2.15; lb. $6.00, postpaid. PUMPKINS CULTURE: Plant after danger of frost in the spring. Most soils suitable for corn will also grow a good crop of pumpkins. Fertilize same as for squash. Plant 5-6 seeds per hill, one inch deep, in rows 6-8 feet apart. Gradu- ally thin to 1-2 plants per hill. One and one- half pounds of seed will plant one acre; one ounce will plant 800 feet of row. A handsome and 619 Sugar or Pie productive small pumpkin, 10 to 12 inches in diameter, round- flattened, skin orange, flesh deep yellow. 75 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; %4 Ib. 65c; Ib. $1.75, postpaid. 621 Green Striped Cashaw Fruits are large, with crooked neck. Color creamy white, irregular striped or traced with green. Flesh light yellow, very thick, rather coarse, but sweet. Very hardy and vigorous. Can be grown among corn and makes heavy yields. 90 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; %4 Ib. 65c; Ib. $1.75, postpaid. 615 Pumpkin, Jack O’ Lantern 110 days. The Jack O’ Lantern is a new pumpkin, bred specially for the Hallowe’en trade—which today accounts for 99% of all pumpkins sold at retail. The Jack O’ Lantern is the right size—the right shape—for best and easiest Jack O’ Lantern carving. Stands 9” high—measures 7” to 8” in diameter—with smooth skin and firm, even-textured flesh. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; 1% Ib. $1.10; lb. $3.00, post- paid. 617 Big Jumbo or King of the When the size is considered, this Mammot is the largest of all varieties. The quality is excellent. The flesh is bright yellow, fine grained and thick. Skin is a salmon-orange and the pumpkins grow large and round, slightly flattened. Excellent stock feed for winter months. 110 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 30c; %4 Ib. 80c; lb. $2.25, postpaid. 617 Pumpkin, King of the Mammoth WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO. 654 Radish, Cherry Belle RADISHES One Ounce is Sufficient for 100 Feet of Drill; 8 to 10 lbs. to the acre in Drills An All American Selec- 650 Champion ticn for i957. Its quality, size, color and long-standing without getting pithy make it a winner. Champion is larger than the popular and useful Cherry Belle. Itisa very clear bright scarlet, round or ball shaped, about the size of a silver dollar, with a slim taproot. It is believed exceptional for market and home gardens, for longer season use, from small to large. Pkt. 15c; oz. 30c; 14 lb. 80c; lb. $2.25, postpaid. 652 Early Scarlet Turnip White- Ti d Extra early, handsome, bright red, ippe with sparkling white tip. Tops are small, allowing close planting. A superior va- riety making a nice globe-shaped, clean root with no laterals. 25 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; %4 Ib. 45c; Ib. $1.15, postpaid. Creates for itself a 655 Long Scarlet place on every market and commands the highest price. Beautiful tap- ering, bright scarlet, crisp roots and short tops. 30 days. Pkt. 20c; oz. 45c; %4 Ib. 85c; Ib. $1.50, postpaid. 651 Early Scarlet Globe The most important shipping variety. Roots slightly olive shaped and a rich, bright, scarlet. Flesh white, crisp and tender. Grows quickly and evenly, maturing in just over 3 weeks under normal conditions. Best for early pianting for the home garden or market. 22 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; %4 lb. 45c; Ib. $1.15, postpaid. A new brilliant red 654 Cherry Belle early round _ radish, suitable for market or home garden. 24 days. Pkt. 15c¢; oz. 25c; %4 Ib. 45c; Ib. $1.25, postpaid. 696 Spinach, Dark Green Bloomsdale BOX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. One ounce of the bush varieties to 40 hills; 2 to 3 lbs. per acre. One ounce of the large-seeded varieties to 15 hills; 3 to 4 lbs. per acre. Cultural instructions mailed on request. 706 Early Summer Crookneck A delicious small yellow crookneck squash. The earliest of the yellow squashes and al- ways a favorite for the table or on the mar- ket. 52 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; %4 lb. 55c; lb. $1.50, postpaid. Small, round 708 Early White Bus flat with ridges or scalloped edges. It is quite disease- resisting and a very prolific variety. They measure 7 to 8 inches across, are almost smooth, and the color is a creamy white. 52 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; % Ib. 55c; Ib. $1.50, postpaid. 714 Early Prolific Straightneck An important commercial squash especially designed with straight neck for packing in crates with minimum damage and best ap- pearance. This variety is less susceptible to bacterial soft rot which sometimes attacks other varieties reducing stands and yields. Quite uniform, small, early, fine quality, bright yellow, and very productive. A deli- cious squash for the table. 50 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 1% Ib. 55c; Ib. $1.50, postpaid. A distinctly shaped 717 Butternut fruit 8 to 10 inches long, slightly bulbous at blossom end where it attains 4 to 5 inches in diameter. Very solid flesh, yellow, fine grained, dry and excellent quality. Skin creamy yellow, thin but tough. An excellent variety for all purposes. 95 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 30c; %4 Ib. 80c; lb. $2.25, postpaid. A recent and im- 7] 9 Royal Acorn proved strain of the deliciously rich flavored acorn squash. The fruits are acorn shaped, 4 to 5 inches in diameter and 5 to 6 inches in depth, promi- nently ribbed with dark green skin. Flesh of the finest texture, quality and flavor. Should be allowed to mature on the vine after which they will bake fine or keep all winter. 90 days. Pkt. 15c; oz .25c; %4 Ib. 65c; lb. $1.75, postpaid. S a 714 Squash, Early Prolific Straightneck 719 Squash, Royal Acorn 708 Early White Bush 706 Squash, Early Summer Crookneck SPINACH Spinach is adapted to both spring and fall production. For the spring crop, seed should be planted in February. For the fall crop, seed should be planted in late July and August. Drill seed in row, 14 inch deep, at rate of about 24 seed per foot. Plants should be thinned to 4 inches apart. Space rows from 18 inches to 3 feet apart. Seed required per acre 10 to 15 lbs.; one ounce per 100 ft. of row. 696 Dark Green Bloomsdale A true Bloomsdale Savoy type with the added advantage of possessing an unusually dark green color, making for much quicker sales on the market. 40 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25ce; 4 Ib. 45c; Ib. 90c, postpaid. The flavor is fine and 698 New Zealand the fact that it does well throughout the hottest summer, makes it all the more desirable. Plant 3 or 4 seeds in hills 2 feet apart each way. Germination can be hastened by soaking seeds in warm water 24 hours. 55 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 14 Ib. 50c; lb. $1.25, postpaid. SALSIFY (Vegetable Oyster) Soil and culture should be the same as for parsnips. Sow August, February or March. Salsify is boiled like parsnips or carrots. 682 Mammoth Sandwich Island Tender and delicious. Prices: Pkt. 15¢e; ™% 35c; oz. 60c; 4 Ib. $1.45, postpaid. 0Z. 13 TOMATOES Plant Successively, Grow a Surplus to Can CULTURE: tender and will not withstand a hard freeze. the seed in The tomato is a warm season crop and requires a relatively long season. The general practice for a spring crop is to sow a warm protected bed in late January or early February. The seedlings may be It is transplanted to a cold frame prior to transplanting to the field, or they may be thinned and transplanted direct from the original bed. ciently to stand the field conditions. freezes is past loam desirable moderately In either case, the plants should be hardened suffi- They should not be set to the field before the danger of The tomato is grown on all types of soil from sands to heavy clays. high in organic matter and nitrogen, with a pH between 5.5 to 6.5 is most Fertilize with 800 to 1,200 pounds of 5-10-10 per acre (3-5 qts. per 100 ft. of row). A sandy After about 3 weeks in the field, apply 30 pounds of nitrogen in 15 lb. applications (42 cup of Nitrate of Soda, or equivalent, per 100 ft. of row) at 2 week intervals. Space plants 2 to 3 feet apart in rows 4 to 5 feet apart. One-fourth pound of seed will produce enough plants for one acre. 729 Tomato, Certified Rutgers oie Plant vigor and 729 Certified Rutgers jay Sroduc- tion plus the color, quality and size of the fruit are the prime reasons for the popularity of RUTGERS. The tomatoes are large, solid and meaty. Plants are mildy fusiarium resistant. For greater fusiarium-wilt resistance use No. 736 Homestead 24. 85 days. Pkt. 20c; %4 oz. 30c; oz. 80c; 14 lb. $2.15; Ib. $6.00, postpaid. 756 V li t An early large fruited home alian garden and market variety. Vine vigorous and productive, spreading and open growth. Fruits bright scarlet, deep globu- lar, meaty, mild flavored. 70 days. Pkt. 20c; %4 oz. 35c; 0z. 90c; %4 Ib. $2.50; lb. $7.00, postpaid. ° Immense, flat, meaty, with 742 Brimmer few seeds. The flavor is mild, delicate and free from acidity found in many other sorts. Vines are luxuriant and healthy; heavy yielders. 85 days. Pkt. 25c; %4 oz. 60c; 14 oz. $1.00; oz. $1.70; 14 lb. $4.30; Ib. $12.00, postpaid. 742 Tomato, Brimmer 726 Giant Tree or Potato Leaved The vine will grow to 18 feet or more in a season. Extra large pink fruit often weighing 1 lb. or more. The quality is very good, being particularly adapted to slicing. 90 days. Pkt. 25e; 144 oz. $1.45; oz. $4.00, postpaid. A main crop, scarlet 739 Marglobe fruited variety posses- sing fine commercial qualities and resistant to fusarium wilt and ‘‘nail-head rust.’’ Where fusarium is a problem, we strongly recom- mend No. 736 Homestead 24. No. 731 Pan American, or No. 750 Southland as more strongly resistant. 75 days. Pkt. 20c; 44 oz. 35c; oz. 95c; 14 Ib. $2.35; 1 lb. $6.50, postpaid. A first-early variety, of 734 Earliana open and spreading plant growth with stout-jointed branches. Yields well and fruit is flattened, solid, bright red in color, and of good size and quality. 60 days. Pkt. 15c; % 0z. 35c; 0z. 95; 14 lb. $2.50; lb. $7.00, postpaid. 4 An extra early very 740 June Pink productive pink toma- to. Fruits are medium sized, flattened and smooth. Plants are slightly resistant to Fusarium wilt. 65 days. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 40c; oz. $1.10; %4 lb. $2.70; lb. $7.50, postpaid. 1 745 Break o’ Day $iS¢ht orange. scarlet, smooth, globe shaped, fleshy with good flavor. Wilt resistant. Good shipper. 68 days. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 30c; oz. 90c; %4 lb. $2.40; lb. $6.75, postpaid. A new main crop 750 Southlan shipping and canning tomato, for home and market gardens. Nearly globe shaped, with thick, solid flesh walls, it is of splendid scarlet color. Practically im- mune to fusarium wilt and resistant to collar rot caused by Alternari, it is also resistant to some forms of late blight (Phytophthers). 85 days. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 35c; oz. 90c; %4 lb. $2.50; lb. $7.00, postpaid. Large, spreading lish pink fruits, which are extremely large, flat, very firm, with few seeds. Its mild flavor and thick meaty flesh makes it a home garden favorite. 85 days. Pkt. 25c; %4 oz. 60c; oz. $1.70; 14 lb. $4.70; Ib. $13.00, postpaid. 753 Improved Stone 2.08 Rater” Late bright red variety, unsurpassing for slic- ing and canning. The fruits are bright deep scarlet, oval or nearly round. One of the best long distance shippers. 85 days. Pkt. 20c; 1%, oz. 35¢; oz. 95ce; %4 Ib. $2.15; lb. $6.00, postpaid. Medium large, Plant Growers See BIRD’S VITA BANDS AND FLATS Page 29 SMALL FRUITED TOMATOES 743 Red Cherry 746 Yellow Pear 747 Red Plum All Above: Pkt. 25c; 44 02. 50c; oz. $1.45; %4 lb. $3.60, postpaid. 736 Tomato, Homestead 24 Selected from 736 Homestead 24 Homestead for uni- form determinate plant type and fruit colors. Resistant to fusarium-wilt. Produces higher per- centage of marketable, full-globed fruits than the original with thick walls, smooth shoulders and small blossom scar. Fruits medium-large and bright red. 83-85 days. Pkt. 25c; 44 oz. 60c; OZ. $1.65; 14 lb. $4.50; lb. $12.50, postpaid. A wilt resistant, late 754 Beefsteak variety. Plants large, open habit of growth. Fruits large, flat, red, smooth, with firm flesh and few cavities. 85 days. Pkt. 20c; 44 oz. 45c; oz. $1.30; % Ib. $3.60; Ib. $10.00, postpaid. Large, smooth 758 Golden Ponderosa ids, fomato. 85 days. Pkt. 25c; 44 oz. 65c; oz. $1.80; 44 Ib. $5.05; lb. $14.00, postpaid. The pink fruits are solid 763 Oxhea rt having very, very small seed cavities. Combines mildness of flavor, thick, tender meat, good color, and size. Oxheart shaped. 85 days. Pkt. 25c; %4 oz. 70c; % oz. $1.20; oz. $1.95; 14 lb. $5.40; lb. $15.00, postpaid. 748 Burpee Big Boy Hybrid (R Reg. T.M. of W.*Atlee Burpee Co.) Fruits large, meaty, red; not wilt resistant; high yielder. 86 days. Pkt. 50c; 2 pks. 95c; 3 pkKts. $1.35; 4% oz. $7.50, postpaid. 751 Early Giant King Hybrid An excellent Hybrid Tomato combining earliness and large fruit size. Early Giant averages about one-third larger than Rutgers, being earlier and more productive. Good red color, fine quality, moderately open vine habit. Pkt. 50c; 2 pkts. 95c; 3 pkts. $1.35; 1/16 oz. $3.60; 14 oz. $5.95. WYATT’S SEEDS 751 Tomato, Early Giant King Hybrid WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO. Turnips “Keep ‘em growing year ‘round’ URE: A cool season crop that may be planted from early to late spring and also in late Leas and early fall. Any good, loose textured soil is satisfactory. Fertilize with 800 lbs. of 8-8-8 per acre (3 qts. per 100 feet of row). Sidedress with 15 pounds of nitrogen per acre (12 cup of Nitrate of Soda, or its equivalent, per 100 ft. of row) when plants are about half grown. Drill seed 14 inch deep and about 142 inch apart in rows 2-3 feet apart. One and one-half pounds of seed will plant one acre; one ounce will plant 300 feet of row. 774 Early White Flat Dutch A pure white flat. variety. 46 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 14 Ib. 45c; Ib. $1.00, postpaid. 780 Large White Norfolk 70 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; %4 lb. 45c; lb. $1.00, postpaid. C A splendid quick-growing 785 White Egg egg-shaped variety, with pure white skin. 45 days. Pkt. 15c; 0z. 25c; 1% lb. 45c; Ib. $1.00, postpaid. 778 Long White Cowhorn This variety often grows from 12 to 15 inches long. 70 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; %4 Ib. 45c; Ib. $1.00, postpaid. 776 Yellow or Amber Globe The best yellow fleshed turnip for the home garden. 76 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; %4 Ib. 60c; lb. $1.50, postpaid. 781 Purple Top White Globe Roots globe shaped and flesh pure white. For table use pull when about 2 inches in diameter. Can be grown much larger for stock feeding. Recommended for both home _ gardens and truckers. 55 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 44 lb. 45c; Ib. $1.00, postpaid. FOR SALAD PLANT 783 SEVEN TOP: A foliage turnip raised in the Southern States as a winter annual. Makes plenty of leaf and sprouts in the spring, tender and tasty as Turnip greens. Can also be used for grazing for stock. Roots are tough, woody and inedible. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 14 Ib. 45c; lb. $1.00, postpaid. 782 Shogoin or Japanese Tops and turnips. Insect resistant. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 14 lb. 45c; lb. $1.00, postpaid. TENDERGREEN Delicious Salad in Less Than Three Weeks! 799 Tendergreen ai vescisnies 25 all vegetables to grow. Perfectly hardy to hot or cold weather and in good growing conditions during the spring of the year TENDER- GREEN is ready with the tastiest, most nourishing salad for the table in 18 to 19 days. TENDERGREEN is a most profitable crop for the market since it requires but little cultivation and time. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; 4 Ib. 55c; lb. $1.50, postpaid. 781 Turnip, Purple Top White Globe RUTABAGAS 787 American Purple Top Yellow This is a selected strain which makes much larger and finer roots than the ordinary strains. The flesh is rich and sweet, retains its ex- cellent flavor until late in the spring. 88 days. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25e; 14 Ib. 45c; lb. $1.00, postpaid. Wyatt-Quarles Vegetable Plants CABBAGE PLANTS Shipments February, March, April. Variety: Jersey Wakefield. 50 plants 70c; 100 for $1.20; 500 for $4.25, postpaid. PEPPER PLANTS Shipments May, June Varieties: California Wonder (Sweet), Long Red Cayenne Hot. 1 doz. plants 65c; 2 doz. for $1.00, postpaid. ONION PLANTS Shipments February, March, April Varieties: White Bermuda (Crystal Wax), Yel- low Bermuda. 100 plants $1.00; 500 plants $4.00, postpaid. NO C.0.D. SHIPMENTS COLLARD PLANTS Shipments June, July, August Variety: Morris Improved Heading. 50 plants 70c; 100 plants $1.20, postpaid. TOMATO PLANTS Shipments April, May, June Varieties: Homestead 24, Valiant. 25 plants 75c; 50 for $1.25; 100 for $2.00, postpaid. STRAWBERRY PLANTS November ist to June Ist Shipment (From the most nematode and virus free stock we have found) Albritton (Early)—The berry grown most widely in North Carolina, in general replac- ing the Massey variety. A good red, glossy berry from vigorous plants. Excellent flavor but not considered a good freezing variety. 25 plants $1.50; 50 for $2.30; 100 for $3.45; 200 for $5.85, postpaid. Massey (Late)—Still grown and preferred by many North Carolina growers. A well shaped firm variety that has proven very Satisfactory and produc- tive in the North Carolina Coastal Plain. 25 plants $1.35; 50 for $1.95; 100 for $2.95; 200 for $4.95, postpaid. Blossom-Set Blossom Set makes blossoms set fruit: holds them on_ plant, makes tomatoes ripen 1 to 3 weeks earlier. Recommended for beans, berries, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, and squash. 4 oz. bottle (makes 1 to 2 gal- lons) 95c, postpaid; 11 oz. Aero- sol Bomb (Season’s supply—100 Plants) $2.00, postpaid. HERBS For Beauty—Flavor—Fragrance A small assortment of herbs will furnish food, flavoring, fragrance in the garden and in the home, besides their beauty as garden subjects and cut flowers. Herbs thrive in most soils and should be sown early in the spring. Those grown for foliage should be cut before they come into full bloom and hung in bunches or spread thinly where they can dry quickly. A—annual. B—biennial. P—perennial. 220 CHIVES—Plant 10 inches tall, bushy with thin onion-like leaves. A hardy perennial of the onion family. Stems are used for flavor- ing soups, salads, stews and the purple flowers are highly decorative. Milder than onions. Pkt. 25ce; 4 oz. 45c, postpaid. BOX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. 808 BORAGE—A—(2 ft.)—Food for the bees Leaves used as cordial flavoring. Beautiful Shy, ibiue flowers. Pkt. 25c; 14 oz. 45c, post- paid. 846 THYME—P—(10 in.)— Plant used green or dry for seasoning. Its dwarf habit makes the plant an attrac- tive subject for borders or rockeries. Pkt. 25c; 44 oz. 45c, postpaid. 830 SAVORY SUMMER—A — (10 in.)—Entirely used for flavoring dressings, sal- ads, etc. Pkt. 25c; 4% oz. 45c, Gees postpaid. 2 . THYMES: 215 CHERVIL—Resembling parsley, it has finely curled bright green leaves. They are pungently aromatic and used for garnishing and flavoring. 60 days. Pkt. 25c; 14 oz. 45c, postpaid. 806 SWEET BASIL—A—(2 ft.) —Sweet scented leaves are used for flavoring soups, sauces, etc. Pkt. 25c; 144 oz. 45c, postpaid. 818 DILL—A—(3_ ft.) — Seeds and stems furnish the flavor for the famous dill pickles. Also used in sauces, ete. Pkt. 25c; 14 oz. 45c, postpaid. 823 LAVENDER — P — (2 ft.) — Real old-fashioned lavender for perfume. Leave used for season- ing. Pkt. 25c; %4 oz. 45c, post- paid. 825 MARJORAM—P—(15 in.)— Leaves used green in summer, dried in winter for seasoning. Pkt. 25c; 44 oz. 45c, postpaid. 837 S A G E—P—(15 in.)—Most popular of all seasoning herbs. Pkt. 25c; 144 oz. 45c, postpaid. toward Wvratt-Quarles CAROLINA LAWN GRASS MIXTURE F-60. W.-Q. CAROLINA MIXTURE of lawn grass seeds is an improve- ment on all the better mixtures offered heretofore at comparative prices. Our constant experiments have taught us just what grasses are best suited for eastern and southern states. The finest seeds of these varieties are carefully recleaned and blended into our Carolina Mixture so as to give the very best results obtainable. Sow 6 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Prices: 1 to 4 Ibs. 92c per Ib.; 5 to 24 lbs. 82c per Ib.; 25 to 99 Ibs. 80c per 1b.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 77ec per Ilb., postpaid. Wyatt-Quarles SUNNY SOUTH LAWN GRASS MIXTURE F-59. W.Q. SUNNY SOUTH MIXTURE. For lighter soils and soils that become extremely dry, and in locations subjected to extreme heat during the summer months Wyatt-Quarles Sunny South Mixture of lawn grasses is recommended. The grass varieties including Bermuda used on golf greens over the entire South predominate in this mixture. Only the purest stocks are used. Sow 6 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Prices: 1 to 4 lbs. 92c per Ib.; 5 to 24 Ibs. 82c per lb.; 25 to 99 lbs. 80c per 1b.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 77c per lb., postpaid. Wyatt-Quarles COASTLAWN LAWN GRASS MIXTURE F-63. A mixture of grasses particularly adapted to our eastern coastal plain soils. It should be considered for lighter soils where reasonable moisture levels are the rule. Prices: 1 to 4 Ibs. 82c per lb.; 5 to 24 Ibs. 72c per Ilb.; 25 to 99 Ibs. 70c per Ib.; 100 lbs. or more 67c per Ib., postpaid. Wyatt-Quarles SHADY NOOK LAWN GRASS MIXTURE F-61. W.-@. SHADY NOOK LAWN GRASS. A carefully blended mix- ture of exclusively perennial grasses best adapted to shaded situa- tions. Use 6 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. These shade tolerant varieties are seriously injured by close mowing during warm dry weather, particularly during their first 2 or 3 seasons. We recommend they be allowed to go un-cut during the summer, June through September, until well estab- lished. Where the soil is acid from poor drainage or drippings from trees, occasional applications of agricultural lime should be made at the rate of 5 Ibs. per 100 sq. ft. Prices: 1 to 4 lbs. $1.05 per Ib.; 5 to 24 Ibs. $1.00 per lb.; 25 to 99 Ibs. 98c per I1b.; 100 lbs. or more 95c Ib., postpaid. Wyatt-Quarles SHADY NOOK No. 2 F-58. W.-Q@. SHADY NOOK NO. 2. For those who want a lower cost Shady mixture we have added annual Ryegrass to our regular Shady Nook offered above. Prices: 1 to 4 lbs. 92c per Ib.; 5 to 24 Ibs. 82c per lb.; 25 to 99 lbs. 80c per l1b.; 100 lbs. or more @ 77c per Ib., postpaid. STRAIGHT SEEDS F-49. U3 BERMUDA. A new variety that produces leafy, fine-stemmed lawn turf of a rich green color. A beautiful turf that grows earlier in spring and stays green longer in the fall than common Bermuda. Sow 2 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Prices: lb. $5.20; 2 to 9 Ibs., $5.10 per lb., postpaid. F-37. HULLED BERMUDA. You buy only the fine seed kernel itself in this pure, hulled Bermuda seed. Should be sown only after the soil is warm in the spring. Sow 2 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Prices: lb. $1.30; 2 to 9 Ibs. @ $1.12 lb.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 99c 1b., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 to 24 lbs. @ 92c lb.: 25 to 99 Ibs. @ 90c 1b.; 100 lbs. or more @ 88c Ib. 16 i a successful lawn. the mixture below, most suited to your needs. << Wyatt-Quarles Lawn Grass Seeds \ A smooth, green lawn is your home's greatest beauty asset. Deep, thorough preparation, proper fertilization and good seed are the most important steps Read “10 Steps in Lawn Building,” then select The results will please you. F-36 MERION KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS. Has shown to be markedly superior to common bluegrass from the turf standpoint. Resistant to leafspot, withstands close mowing and is heat and drought tolerant. Possesses good texture and color, a vigorous grower. Prices: lb. $2.80; 2 to 9 lbs. @ $2.60 lb., postpaid. Not prepaid, 1 to 4 lbs. @ $2.50 Ib.; 5 to 24 lbs. @ $2.25 Ib. F-51. CARPET. Beautiful, dark green, low creeping grass and excel- lent for the low moist soils of the coastal areas. Shade tolerant. Spring planting is preferable, March and April, or fall planting with Red Top. Sow 80 lbs. per acre (2 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.). Prices: Ib. 95c; 2 to 9 Ibs. @ 80c lb.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 66c lb., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 59c lb.; 25 to 99 lbs. @ 57%c Ib.; 100 lbs. or more @ 55c Ib. F-67 CENTIPEDE GRASS. A fine bladed grass of creeping habit that forms a dense sod. It is more tolerant to shade than Bermuda and can also stand close mowing. Seed very small, sow 4 ounces per 1,000 sq. feet. Prices: 4 0z. $4.05; 8 oz. $7.95; lb. $15.20, postpaid. F-40. KENTUCKY BLUE. Very dark glossy green, remaining green most of the year where adapted. Makes little growth during midsum- mer, but starts growth in early spring. Ideal for lawns but requires deep, fertile, alkaline soil. Use lime and 8-8-8 fertilizer regularly. Never cut close during hot dry seasons. Seed 80 lbs. per acre (2 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.) Prices: lb. $1.15; 2 to 9 lbs. @ $1.00 Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 82c lhb., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 to 24 lbs. @ 75c lb.; 25 to 99 lbs. @ 70c Ib.; 100 lbs. or more @ 65c lb. F-46. CHEWINGS FESCUE. Best for dense shade. Very fine leaved, dark green grass which once established withstands the poor dry soil under trees better than most others. Sow 4 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Prices: Ib. 95c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 73c Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 58c; lb. Postpaid. Not prepaid. 10 to 25 lbs. @ 53c Ib.; 25 to 99 Ibs. @ 50c Ib.; 100 lbs. or more @ 48c Ib. F-52. RED TOP. A fine leaved variety, well adapted to grow under a number of soil conditions, best suited to moist fertile soils, and drought tolerant. Sow 2 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Prices: Ib. 90c; 2 to 9 Ibs. @ 79c lb.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 66c Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 59c lb.; 25 to 99 lbs. @ 57c 1lb.; 100 lbs. or more @ 55c lb. F-43. RYE GRASS (Annual). The quickest germinating and fastest growing grass for lawn use. May be seeded any month and will germi- nate and produce a green lawn until killed by warm weather. Sow 10 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.; established lawns 2 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Prices: lb. 50c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 37c lb.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 24c¢ lb., postpaid. Write for quantity prices. F-80. WHITE DUTCH CLOVER. A most dependable lawn subject. Stays green almost the year ’round, and if limed and fertilized improves the soil and serves as a nurse crop for grasses. Sow 1 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. Prices: lb. $1.10; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 90c Ib.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 77e Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 to 59 lbs. @ 70c lb.; 60 lbs. or more @ 65c Ib. Ten Steps in Lawn Building 1—Break or plow deeply with subsoil or similar plow to prevent bury- ing top soil—then level or grade as needed. : 2—Apply the equivalent of 3 heavy green cover crops or 3 inches weed free manure or both if available. = 3—Apply lime as needed up to 50 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. and fertilize with 50 lbs. of 8-8-8 per 1,000 sq. ft. 4—Pulverize and smooth surtace. 3 5—Seed 6 lbs. Carolina, Sunny South or Shady Nook mixture per 1,000 sq. ft., between September 1 and March 15. _ 6—Soak thoroughly but slowly to avoid moving seeds. until grass is up. Soak occasionally during dry periods. 7—Mow Bermuda and rye grasses close and often; Blue grasses and fescues no closer than 2 inches nor more often than necessary, par- ticularly during hot, dry seasons. ‘ 8—Return compost clippings with liberal amount of sand to lawn in light applications as a mulch during summer. 9—Feed at 8 weeks intervals. year round. with 20 to 40 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft., high grade fertilizer or 50 to 100 Ibs. per 1,000 sq. ft. sheep manure, or both. Always sprinkle after feeding. ; 10—Apply additional seeds as needed with regular feedings. WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO. Keep moist —————-.--- All-American Winners and Special Novelties For the Modern Flower Garden 1071 Snapdragons, Rocket Mixed Alyssum All American Selec- 1020 Pink Heather tion Bronze Medal Winner for 1959. A distinct new color in Alyssum. Descriptively named, a soft rose-pink so popular in Heather as widely used by the Florists. Color is deeper during cooler weather and lightens with the onset of summer weather. Has the plant and blooming habit of Violet Queen and Little Gem. Pkt. 50c; 1/16 oz. $1.50; 4% oz. $2.75. Snapdragons An All American 1071 Rocket Mixe Selection Winner for 1960. While Fl hybrid snaps have been in use by greenhouse growers for some time, the Rocket hybrids are the first to be marketed for outdoor garden use. The reliability and endurance of these fine hybrids in this mixture was demonstrated across the entire country last year, and their superiority above standard varieties is as evident as that of F1 Petunias over open pollinated strains. Height 21, to 3 ft. A carefully formulated blend of Bronze, Rose, Orchid, Pink, Yellow, Red and White. Pkt. 75c, 1/128 oz. $3.00. 1779 Marigold Crackerjack BOX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. Cosmos The first of a new class 1476 Manda rin of Cosmos, with strong double flowers (up to 50 petais), orange flare color, and the heavy dense cover of foliage makes it superior to any other variety. This pleasing foliage is maintained all through the blooming season, even after the plants have been in bloom a long time, and converts Cosmos from a sparse, open plant to a lux- urious garden specimen. Pkt. 25c; 4% oz. 60c; % oz. $1.10; oz. $3.60. Marigolds (See picture on in- 1769 Spun Gold side front cover.) Bronze Medal All American Selections Win- ner for 1960. It is an early dwarf Chrysan- themum flowered type averaging 12 inches tall, erect, bushy growth, with a multitude of large double flowers 3 inches across, with incurved petals, bright golden yellow in color. The foliage is medium green. Prominent features of this Bronze Medal Winner are ex- treme earliness, uniformity of height and habit and profuse blooming. Ideal for mass bedding, borders, plant flats, window boxes and pot work. Pleasing effects can be ob- tained when used in garden arrangements with other popular, colorful annuals such as Ageratum, Alyssum, etc. Pkt. 50c; 1/16 oz. $1.40; %4 oz. $4.55. Petite Marigolds This class of extra Dwarf French Mari- gold was awarded the All-America Bronze Medal winner for 1958 (except Petite Yellow, which was not included in the All- America trials, as it was not ready at that time), because it fills a much wanted need for an extra dwarf, uniformly even, very early and extremely floriferous Marigold for borders and mass effects. Height 6 inches. All American @®) 1750 Harmony Winner for 1958. The flower is a beautiful contrasting bicolor. Guard petals are a rich, deep mahogany with a solid gold crested center. 1751 Gol @®) 1752 Orange for 1958. 1753 Yellow 1754 Mixed All Petite Marigolds, Pkt. 25c; 14 oz. 90c; oz. $3.00. All American Winner for 1958. All American Winner Petunia 1885 Scarlet Lustre New for 1959. { Glowing and vivid scarlet blooms with waved and fringed petal edges and a bright yellow throat make this new grandiflora hybrid an instant fa- vorite. Plants reach a height of only 1 foot spreading to 2 feet across and blooming steadily over the entire area. A good con- DS ane Blue Lustre. Pkt. 75c; 1/128 oz. 1886 Blue Lustre a fine F1 Hybrid Grandiflora Petunia. Newly opened blooms are deep velvety Petunia Blue. As they ma- ture, or in hot weather, they develop a rich red undertone, which varies like taffeta, de- pending on the light under which they are viewed. Plants grow only a foot tall, spread- ing 24 inches, bearing an incredible number of waved, lustrous flowers during the course of the season. Pkt. 75c; 1/128 oz. $12.10. = An All - American @) 1887 Maytime Bronze Medal Win- ner for 1958. Is an Fl Hybrid grandiflora in an enchanting shade of clear, light salmon pink, with slightly deeper veining. The flowers are large, 342 to 4”, of good substance with just a slight fringe, freely produced on vigorous, compact, spreading plants with an average height of 12 inches. Free flowering. Pkt. 50c; 1/128 oz. $4.50. New in 1958 and 1885 Petunia, Scarlet Lustre All America for 1957. 1936 Glitters this ki Hybrid Mutu: flora is a fine development in Petunia crossing. Attractive bicolor, red and white, everblooming type on low growing bushy plants. Pkt. 50c; 1/128 oz. $4.50; 1/64 oz. $8.00. Giant Cetra Phlox (See picture on inside front 1946 Glamour cover) — All-America Bronze Medal Winner for 1960. A delightful, glamorous shade of mid-salmon with a slightly deeper salmon eye. Flowers are very large, 134 in. across, and borne in showy unbels above the rich green foliage of the 12 in. plants. Being a tetraploid, Glamour is a vigorous, uniform, free flowering annual phlox of a most pleasing warm color. Highly desirable for garden and cutting purposes. Pkt. 75c; 1/16 oz. $2.50. ZINNIA 2250 Pride of Dieldrin 224, a2 type is a new color combination in its class and big and husky both in flower and plant. The blooms are fully 5 inches across, with the outer petals a golden orange and the heart of the flower a vivid searlet flame. Pkt. 25c; 14 oz. 55c; 1% oz. $1.00; oz. $3.30. 2241 Zinnia, Pride of Dieldrin Wyatt-Quarles Zinnias > happy sola sold Zinnias in your community. CULTURE. warm h Thin out or transplant to 1 to 2 NEW TYPE GIANT CACTUS FLOW ERED ZINNIA Flowers grow 5 inches or more across, with a variation of petal formation. Plants are strong, free blooming, 215 to 3 feet tall. 2250 PRIDE OF DIELDRIN. New bicolor orange and flame. See page 17. PKt. 25c; 4% oz. 55c; 14 oz. $1.00; oz. $3.30. 2248 SUNNY BOY. Buttercup yellow, with flat re- flexed petals. Makes beautiful cut flowers. Pkt. 25c; 1, oz. 90c; oz. $3.00. 2246 FLORADALE SCARLET. Vibrant red with twisted flat petals. Vigorous grower. Pkt. 25c; 4 oz. 80c; oz. $3.00. 2247 ROSALIND. A beautiful rose-pink deepening to salmon rose in the center. Rosalind is well worthy of growing. Pkt. 25c; 14 oz. 95c; 144 oz. $1.70; oz. $5.60. 2249 ESKIMO. Flowers are loosely ruffled creamy white with cupped ‘needle’ petals. Not twisted. PKt. 25c; 44 oz. 90c; oz. $3.00. 2251 BLAZE. AAS Winner. Bright flame orange, with twisted flat petals. Pkt. 25c; 4% oz. 65c; %4 oz. $1.20; oz. $3.90. 2254 MIXED. A well blended mixture of rose, lav- ender, canary, yellow, orange-scarlet, white and cerise formulated for greater contrast. Pkt. 25c; 4 oz. 70c; oz. $2.25. 2201 BURPEE HYBRIDS. Varied mixture of Cactus or Chrysanthemum flowered type with gorgeous range of colors and color combinations. Pkt. 25c; 14 oz. 90c; oz. $3.00. A striped Zinnia with husky 2243 Ortho Polka plants and ideal 4 inch, double blooms. Color combinations include pink and white, rose and white, red and white, lavender and orange, pink and rose, as well as some solid colored flowers of each hue. The markings are extremely varied. Pkt. 25c; % oz. 60c; oz. $1.95. 2260 Tom Thumb Mixture Smaller even than the popular Lilliput these mites grow only 8 to 10 inches tall. The plants are covered with well formed double flowers of red, orange, yellow, pink and rose. Such a dainty and tiny plant with so much ruggedness and versatility will certainly Esanete every flower lover. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 40c; Oz. 30. 2198 Super Crown O’Gold Pastel Tints It is a mixture of pastel tints containing a wide range of pastel shades. The plants are strong and robust and the flowers are borne profusely through the season. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 45c; oz. $1.50. 2220 Zinnia, Dahlia Flowered Mixed 18 to offer this year, seeds from the very finest Zinnias cultivated. from the fields where Wyatt-Quarles seeds are selected have been awarded medals for distinction in size and color since 1926. of Zinnias comes direct from the originator who has exhibited all over the world. Each year Wyatt-Quarles Zinnias produce prize winning flowers for flower growers all over the South. Get your seeds from the pure strain and raise the prize winning Sow the seeds indoors in March or April or outdoors after ground is { t 2 feet apart when plants are 3 to 4 inches h. Fertilize heavily and pinch out first bud_ when it first forms in the top of the plants. Wyatt-Quarles Zinnias grow 6 in. to 5 feet high. Wyatt-Quarles pure strain GIANTS OF CALIFORNIA DOUBLE ZINNIAS The Giants of California type of Zinnias differ from the Dahlia flowering group only in that they are dif- ferent in form. Both types produce immense double flowers in almost every color and shade. Invaluable for showy beds or borders outside or for cut flowers. Zinnias can be kept in constant bloom by a suc- cession of plantings. 7 BEST COLORS PURITY. Best pure white. 2224 GOLDEN QUEEN. Golden. 2225 CRIMSON QUEEN. Rich crimson. SALMON QUEEN. Salmon rose. 2228 VIOLET QUEEN. Deep purple. ENCHANTRESS. Light rose, deep rose center. 2237 DAFFODIL. Canary yellow. Any of the above GIANTS OF CALI- FORNIA DOUBLE ZINNIAS, Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 40c; oz. $1.30. 2240 GIANTS OF CALIFORNIA MIX- TURE. A mixture of all colors and many shades. Pkt. 15¢; 14 oz. 35c; oz. $1.20. SUPER GIANT ZINNIAS 2202 FINEST MIXED. This mixture con- tains the loveliest colors and combina- tions of colors ever seen in Zinnias. Unusual shades of apricot, cream, buff, salmon and orange with few yellows and whites. Giant flowers 5 to 6 inches across, and of a wide diversity of flower form. Plants 3 ft. tall. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 40c; oz. $1.30. FANTASY ZINNIAS 2241 FINEST MIXED. Medium size flowers, informal in appearance, shaggy, rag-like petals massed to make a rounded, double flower. The colors are rich and full; bright yellow, red and pink shades predominating the well blended mixture. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. $1.30. Gaillardia Flowered Mixed The flowers bearing a striking resemblance to double gail- lardias in both form and color and are especially nice for cutting. This variety blooms in 45 to 50 days on plants usually 2 feet tall. The flowers are of medium size. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 55c; 1% oz. $1.00; oz. $3.30. ZINNIAS 2194 PERSIAN CARPET. AAS Winner. Fully double miniature flowers, varie- gater in many combinations of gold and silver with maroon, wine, bronze, etc. Cutting stems on everblooming 12-inch mound-shaped plants. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 40c; %4 oz. 70c; oz. $2.25. 2196 Haageana Double Mi A.mixture of dwarf double IX€@ Mexican Hybrid Zinnias em- bracing a wide range of colors including flowers of solid color and combinations of yellow, orange, scarlet, gold, maroon and many other rich shades. Pkt. 15c; 1g oz. 65c; %4 oz. $1.20. An early 2197 Linearis Mixed 235 Tone season zinnia species producing on com- pact plants, 8-10 inches tall, hundreds of single gold, orange and white flowers. Good cut-flower. Ideal for formal gar- dens, pots and edging. Pkt. 25c; 1/16 oz. 75c; 1% oz. $1.35; %4 oz. $2.45. 2244 Floradale Scarlet DOUBLE DAHLIA-FLOW ERED ZINNIAS Plants are medium height, 212 to 3 feet tall, bearing on many strong stems huge fully dou- ble flowers resembling the show type of Dahlia. 2204 POLAR BEAR. Pure snowy white flowers of great size and remarkable texture. 2205 DREAM. Giant flowers of true deep laven- gee shades. This variety makes perfectly formed owers. 2206 SCARLET FLAME. Brilliant scarlet. This is by far the showiest of all flowers for mass planting or cutting. 2209 METEOR. A rich glowing deep red. Dark- oy of all the reds and produces tremendous ooms. 2214 CANARY BIRD. Clear rich canary yellow. This shade is valuable for setting off other colors and brightening large beds of Zinnias. 2215 ILLUMINATION. Rich deep rose. A mag- nificent flower in every respect. All above named varieties, Pkt. 15c; 40c; %4 0z. 70c; oz. $2.40. 2220 GOLD MEDAL DAHLIA-FLOWERED MIXED ZINNIAS. A very choice mixture made up of the named varieties listed above. Pkt. 15c; 1g oz. 35c; 44 oz. 65c; oz. $2.10. Y oz. PUMILA DWARF DOUBLE ZINNIAS (Cut and Come Again) 2200 MIXED. This garden favorite is becoming an important early cut flower. Flowers inter- mediate between Giants and Lilliputs. Plants 2 ft. tall. Pkt. 15c; 1%4 oz. 40c; oz. $1.30. DOUBLE LILLIPUT ZINNIAS The Lilliputs (Ponpon or Baby Zinnias) are among the most popular for cut flowers. Flowers are small, compact and symmetrical, on strong stemmed plants, 115-2 feet tall. 2278 Rose BUD 2279 CANARY GEM 2282 MAHOGANY GEM 2284 CRIMSON GEM 2286 PURPLE 2287 WHITE GEM 2280 DOUBLE MIXED 2288 PASTEL MIXED Above varieties Lilliput Zinnias, Pkt. 15c; 48 oz. 40c; 14 oz. 70c; oz. $2.40. 2366 Miniature Creeping Zinnia The plants grow only 6 inches tall, and are of creeping habit. They start blooming in June and continue till frost and are unexcelled for dwarf borders or edgings. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 50c; oz. $1.70. WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO. @® 1021 Alyssum, Royal Carpet Sweet Alyssum Alyssum can be planted nearly every month in the year in the south and will bloom profusely until killed. It takes a hard freeze to kill Alyssum. All - American @® 1021 Royal Carpet. winner. A com- panion for Carpet of Snow. Will grow only a few inches high but ten inches across, flowering when only a few weeks old until the end of the season. It is a neat and well-behaved edging for the flower bed or in drifts of vibrant purple color like a tropical sea. Pkt. 20c; %4 oz. 80c; ¥% oz. $1.45; oz. $2.60. 1017 CARPET OF SNOW. Very dwarf and_com- pact; literally covered with white flowers. Height 6 inches. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. $1.30. 1018 LITTLE GEM. Blooms in 5 to 6 weeks. Best variety for edging. Compact plants 4 inches high. Very hardy. Border all of your beds with Alyssum. The effect will please you. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 40c; oz. $1.30. : i 1019 VIOLET QUEEN. A beautiful rich violet. Free flowering. Very dwarf. Pkt. 15c; 44 0z. 60c; oz. $1.90. NEW ALYSSUM 1020 PINK HEATHER. See page 17 for de- seription. Pkt. 50c; 1/16 oz. $1.50; 4 oz. $2.75. AGERATUM (Floss Flower ) An annual plant, growing about a foot high and covered all summer with close fluffy bloom heads of a pretty blue share. 1011 BLUE PERFECTION. Deep amethyst blue brush-like flowers that do not fade, bloom from early summer until frost. Height 12-15 inches. A wonderful bedding plant. Pkt. 15c; %& oz. 40c; % oz. 70c; oz. $2.35. ° The little plants grow 1013 Midget Blue 3453 inches high and they are practically covered with true blue flowers. This is really the first dwarf Ageratum that we have found that will come uniformly dwarf and true to color from seed. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 55c; %4 oz. $1.80; oz. $6.00. ANCHUSA @) 1036 Blue Bird This is the attractive annual Anchusa. The com- pact plants grow 20-24 inches tall producing a Wealth of flowers in a beautiful shade of indigo blue so rarely found. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 65¢; oz. $2.10 Amaranthus These plants grow 2 to 3 feet tall and have orna- mental foliage as well as flowers. The seed is very fine, but grows readily if kept moist. Do not cover seed over a quarter of an inch. Hardy annual. 1027 CAUDATUS (Love-Lies-Bleeding). Long, drooping sprays of red flowers. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 55c; OZ. $1.80. 1028 MOLTEN FIRE. Dark foliage with brilliant ‘Poinsettia-like heads. 4 feet. Pkt. 20c; 14 0z. 85¢; 0Z. $2.80. 1032 Mixed. This is a fine mixture of many brightly colored varieties. Pkg. 15c; % oz. 45c; Y% Oz. 80c; oz. $2.70. ‘BOX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. q Wyatt-Quarles RUST RESISTANT SAntirrhinums (Snapdragons) In keeping with the progress made by the world's leading seed hybridists, we offer only RUST RESISTANT SNAP- DRAGONS throughout. The resistance of these new Snapdragons to rust will enable millions of fanciers to grow this most colorful flower with ease. Plant early giving protection, setting the plants 1 foot apart in the open when the ground is warm. 1053 ALASKA. A beautiful pure white Snapdragon, extremely popular with florists where size, height and form are so necessary. 3 feet. 1054 COPPER QUEEN. A _ beautiful bronzy copper blending to antique gold at the nose. 1055 CAMPFIRE. A new color in Snap- dragons. A clear luminous scarlet, free of orange. The yellow lip seems to add brilliance to the clear color of the flower. 3 feet. 1056 LOVELINESS. The finest pure soft rose pink variety. 3 feet. 1058 CANARY BIRD. Large, clear ca- nary yellow flowers crowded on the tall strong stems. A vigorous grower aug a good variety in every respect. 3 eet. All above Snapdragons: Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 55c; %4 oz. $1.80; oz. $6.00. 1060 GIANT-FLOWERED MIXED. A mixture of lovely colors in a flower famed above all else for its coloring. Where else does one find such color? Pure colors and combinations of white, pinks, yellows, reds, bronze, orange, copper and many others. 3 feet. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 40c; % oz. 70c; oz. $2.35. NEW ROCKET SNAPDRAGON 1071 ROCKET MIXED. A.A\S. 60. See picture and description page 17. Pkt. 75c; 1/128 oz. $3.00. 1061 TETRAPLOID SUPERFINE MIX- TURE. Tetra Snaps are erect, medium tall with husky growth. Florets are huge, majority richly veined and ruffled and stay on stems so that 12-in. flower stems Colors cover the full oz. 55¢e; 4% oz. $1.00; are not unusual. range. Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. $3.30. This is a formula 1062"Panoramd) 0. oe eo generation seed, created to withstand the hot, dry mid-continent and Eastern sum- mers. Home gradeners everywhere will enjoy the robust, healthy, free bloom- ing plants. Don’t miss this sensational new development. Pkt. 25c; 1% oz. $1.00; i, oz. $3.30. . Firmly estab- 1OG3sMardil Grass fm eae: leading F2 Hybrid Snapdragon, Mardi Gras combines the advantages of earli- ness (to escape damaging heat) with hy- brid vigor for long spikes and the ex- treme color range possible only by the precise application of the F2 breeding method. In a good sized planting, you can count at least 20 colors and color combinations. Pkt. 25c; 4% oz. 75c; 1% oz. $2.45. Wya tt-Quarles WILT RESISTANT Asters In many parts of the country the growing of this most lovely of flowers has been almost impossible. But now, they’re easy to grow anywhere. You can grow them in your own garden with ease and enjoy their delicate shades, exquisite form, long graceful stems for cutting and their charming effect in the garden. Wilt-resistant Aster seeds need only to be sown 14 inch deep in a well prepared bed or box of soil in full light and where an even and very light moisture can be maintained. The small plants should be transplanted to 3 inches apart when several leaves have formed, and when 2 inches tall, set into the garden 12 to 15 inches apart. BRANCHING ASTERS Plants 2’-215’ tall, branching robust, flowers large, double and fine form, blooming in late August. 1096 1099 1102 1163 1106 1110 Deep Blue or Purple. Shell Pink. Scarlet. White. Azure Blue. MIXED BRANCHING. Any of the above Branching Asters. Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. 45c; 4 oz. 80c; OZ. $2.60. The SUPER GIANT ASTERS much appreciated wilt resistant strain of true giant ostrich-feather flowers with long heavy non- lateral stems, borne on plants 3’ high. Blooms late summer to frost. The best Giant Aster. 1129 1130 1131 1132 1134 Any HOLLYWOOD—Pure paper white. SANTA BARBARA—Dark purple. EL MONTE—Crimson. LOS ANGELES—Shell Pink. SUPER GIANT—Mixed (all colors). of the above Super Giants. Pkt. 25c; 1/16 oz. 70¢; % oz. $2.25; oz. $7.50. Asters continued to page 20 1060 Antirrhinum Giant Flowered Mixed 19 ASTERS Continued from page 18 CREGO ASTERS shaggy A very fine variety with large gy well formed flowers borne on long strong stems. Fine for cutting. Height 219 feet. 1115 White. 1116 Shell Pink. 1117 Lavender. 1118 Crimson. Any of the above Crego Asters. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 40c; 14 oz. $1.35; oz. $4.20. 1120 CREGO MIXED. Pkt. 7c; oz. $2.25. PRINCESS ASTER 1127 FINEST MIXED. The flowers are borne on long stems, have crested centers that remain full when flower is completely open, surrounded by multiple rows of guard petals. Fine for home gar- deners because of high wilt resistance. Plants 2 to 2'; feet tall, branching habit, blooms in late August. Pkt. 15c; bg oz. 55c; 14 oz. $1.00; oz. $3.40. CALIFORNIA SUNSHINE ASTERS 1149 MIXED. The flowers exhibit all the grace and beauty of the single Aster greatly enhanced by a cushion center of tiny quills of a contrasting color. Every garden-lover who wants fine flowers for cutting should have this. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 50c; 14 oz. $1.65; oz. $5.40. QUEEN OF MARKET ASTERS Earliest of all Asters and best for the South. Widely used for early market cutting. Plants 20” tall, long stemmed, medium size flower. 1151 BALLET QUEEN. Salmon rose. 1/16 oz. 35c; 144 oz. $1.20; oz. $3.90. 1150 QUEEN OF THE MARKET MIXED. Pkt. 15c; 1g oz. 35c; 144 oz. 60c; oz. $2.05. BOUQUET ASTERS 1152 POWDERPUFES. blended according to formula. 15ec; ty oz. 40c; 4 Oz. PEG oc; Mixture of all colors, Plants literally covered with refined, tightly double flowers, about 20 per plant. Pkt. 15c; 14% oz. 60; 1%4 oz. $1.10; oz. $3.75. 1127 Aster, Princess Mixed 20 BALSAM (Lady's Slipper) A half-hardy annual of easiest culture. Prefers a rich soil and plenty of water. One of the old-time favorites. Balsam still deserves a place in your garden. Height 2 feet. 1180 CHOICE DOUBLE MIXED. All colors. PKt. 15¢; 4 oz. 35c; oz. $1.10. 1790 BELLS OF IRELAND (Molucella Laevis) A novelty for your garden. The bell shaped, green flowers, which have ex- cellent keeping quality as cut flowers, are borne on sturdy stems. Sow in the spring after soil has warmed well for best germination. Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. 35; 14 oz. 65c; oz. $2.10. BEGONIA 1190 FIBROUS ROOTED CHOICE MIXED. Aside from being attractive pot plants, begonias are valuable as bedding flowers, thriving in shade or sun if ample moisture is provided. This is a splendid mixture of green and bronze leaved varieties. Pkt. 35c; 1/32 oz. 90c; 1g oz. $3.00. CALENDULA (Pot Marigold) One of the best and showiest free- flowering hardy annuals growing well in any garden soils. They make fine cut flowers, attractive beds and bor- ders and bloom profusely. 1240 DOUBLE MIXED COLORS. Pkt. 15c; 44 oz. 35c; oz. 95c. CANDYTUFT This is another of the old-fashioned favorites that still holds its place in the gardens of today. It can be sown out- side right where it is to bloom. 1265 ROSE. 1267 LILAC. 1269 WHITE. 1270 CANDYTUFT MIXED. A choice mixture of all colors. 1273. GIANT WHITE HYACINTH FLOWERED. Immense trusses of pure white flowers, often 6 inches long. The largest of all Candytuft. Plants well branched, excellent for cutting. Any of the above Candytuft. Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. 55c€; oz. 95c. CALIFORNIA POPPIES Eschscholtzia It flowers early, and where the weather remains cool keeps on blooming until October. The plants are particularly well adapted for beds or borders. They are dwarf and spreading, growing about a foot tall, with gayly colored flowers of a satiny finish. 1591 AURANTIACA. Flaming orange flowers. Pkt. 15c; 44 oz. 35c; oz. 95c. 1600 CHOICE MIXTURE. A well bal- anced mixture of all varieties and eolors. Pkt. 15ce; 44 oz. 35c; oz. 95c. 1601 SEMI-DOUBLE MIXED. Pkt. 15c; 1% OZ. 55C; OZ. 95c. CARNATIONS 1320 MARGUERITE MIXED. These carnations will bloom the first year from seed, which should be sown in a hotbed in March or April, or out- doors in May. The blossoms are large, deliciously scented and rival even the greenhouse Carnation for cutting. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 35c; 44 oz. $1.20; oz. $3.90. we 1342 Celosia Pampas Plume Mixed CELOSIA (Cockscomb ) Free blooming very showy annuals that can be cut and dried for winter bouquets. @®) 1340 CRISTATA TOREADOR. AAS Winner. An improved cockscomb type, which is about 115 feet tall. Bright scarlet with light green foliage in either a single comb or several small ones. PKt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 40c; 14 oz. $1.35; oz. $4.50. 1348 CRISTATA EMPRESS. A dwarf Cockscomb type growing only 1 foot high. Dark foliage, deep coacen bloom. Pkt. 25c; 1/16 oz. 60c; %4 oz. $2.00; oz. $6.60. 1350 CRISTATA DWARF MIXED. Cockscomb type growing about 1 foot tall. Pkt. 15¢c; 1% oz. 65c; 14 oz. $1.20; oz. $3.90. 1341 PLUMOSA FOREST FIRE. Most impressive, brilliant red feathery type which deserves a place in every garden. Height 215 feet. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 55c; 144 0Zz. $1.80; oz. $6.00. 1342 PAMPAS PLUME MIXED. Big fleecy, feathery flowers of brilliant autumn colors. Height 30 inches. Pkt. 15c; 44 oz. 40c; oz. $1.30. 1345 PLUMOSA GOLDEN FLEECE. Here’s an an- nual that will stand any amount of hot weather. The clear golden yellow feathery spikes are carried on good stems giving a magnificent airy appearance. The plumes are huge and dense on long stems. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 35c; 1%4 oz. $1.20; oz. $3.90. Centaurea BACHELOR’S BUTTON, RAGGED SAILOR, RAGGED ROBIN, OR CORNFLOWER 1364 RED BOY. Double deep red. 1366 DOUBLE PINKIE. An exceptionally fine strain of deep rose pink Bachelor Button. 1367 DOUBLE BLUE BOY. A very old favorite gar- den annual, flowering freely in almost any situation. Height 2 to 3 feet; largely used for cut flowers. (®) 1368 JUBILEE GEM. AAS winner. Jubilee Gem is outstanding because of the number of flowers of deep clear blue borne on each plant. Popular in pots, in the border, beds, rock garden or cutflowe- garden. It prefers semi-shade, will do well in almost any soil and is extremely easy to grow. 1 foot. 1369 SNOW MAN. Double pure white. 1370 DOUBLE MIXED COLORS. Produces large globular heads of flowers filled up to the center wit! florets. Any of the above Centaurea. Pkt. 15c; 144 0z. 35¢; 0Z 95c. COLEUS 1470 RAINBOW IMPROVED MIXTURE. Coleus may be planted outdoors in a_ well-prepared bed or may be grown as a pot-plant. Requires plenty of sunlight. This fine mixture contains an assortment of different types and different colors. Pkt. 35c; 1/64 oz. 85c; 1/32 oz. $1.50: 4g oz. $5.00. WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO. @®) 1487 Cosmos, Fiesta COSMOS Cosmos should be sown in spring in the open ground, when danger of frost is past, or the seed may be started under cover and afterwards transplanted. Plant not less than 18 inches apart in rows or in masses in beds. When the plants are about a foot high the tops should be pinched out to induce a bushy growth. NEW COSMOS 1476 MANDARIN. See page 17 for de- scription. Pkt. 25c; 14 oz. 60c; 14 oz. $1.10; oz. $3.60. COSMOS SENSATION The Sensations reach a height of 4 feet or more but begin to flower when only 132 feet high. Feathery foliage. 1480 DAZZLER. The well-formed broad- petaled blooms are an appealing deep crim- son. 1481 PINKIE. A beautiful light pink. 1483 PURITY. Exquisite white blooms. 1485 RADIANCE. Top award winner for 1948. A striking new color combination never before seen in Sensation Cosmos. It has deep rose petals overlaid with large well-defined zone of rich crimson. 1482 SENSATION MIXED. The surprisingly large pink, red and white flowers sometimes reach 4 to 5 inches across. Any of the above Cosmos Sensation. Pkt. 15c; Ym oz. 45c; 1% oz. 80c; oz. $2.70. COSMOS EARLY SENSATION SINGLE 1478 SPECIAL MIXED. All colors. Height 3 feet. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 45c; oz. $1.50. COSMOS HYBRIDA EARLY KLONDYKE Earlier and dwarfer than other Cosmos. 1487 FIESTA. AAS winner. These semi-double ruffled, gold striped scarlet flowers borne like tropical birds amidst lacy foliage. Fiesta makes a compact 215 ft. plant with a riot of blooms all summer long. Pkt. 15e; 1/16 oz. 35c; % oz. 60c; 14 oz. $1.10; oz. $3.60. 1490 Single Late Mixed 2h¢ late Cos: come into bloom until early autumn but they remain in bloom much longer than the ordinary early Cosmos. The flowers are large and our mixture contains all of the bright colors. Pkt. 15c; 1%4 oz. 40c; oz. $1.30. CHRYSANTHEMUMS 1410 CORONARIUM DOUBLE ANNUAL MIXED. A beautiful blend of varied colors. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 55c; oz. 75c. 1420 CARINATUM SINGLE ANNUAL MIXED. This improved mixture of the Single Annual Painted Daisies offers a wider choice of brighter, more varied colors. It grows easily in a variety of climates, to bedding height, and produces quantities of flowers | eet ra cutting stems. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 40c; oz. $1.40. OX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. CLARKIA 1455 DOUBLE MIXED. Clarkia is one oi our easiest grown annuals, developing to perfection in a cool climate. The plants grow quickly and are in full bloom from 5 to 6 weeks after sowing. Contains rosy purple, rose, salmon, and white. A fine garden flower and good for cutting. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 55c; oz. $1.80. CLEOME (Spider Plant) 1460 PINK QUEEN. Huge bright sal- mon-pink flowers from early summer until late fall. As the petals fall, they are succeeded by long pods suspended on long wiry stems 3 to 4 feet. Pkt. 15c; 1g oz. 40c; 4 oz. 70c; oz. $2.40. CYNOGLOSSUM (Chinese Forget-Me-Not ) @®) 1524 FIRMAMENT. Firmament has typical Forget-Me-Not flowers of a rich blue color. It is an easy to grow hardy annual. Its habit is bushy and it grows to a height of 18 inches. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 45c; oz. $1.50. CYPRESS VINE 1528 MIXED. A dainty, lacy vine of rapid growth producing small trumpet- shaped red and white flowers in profu- sion. Very effective where a screen is desired. Pkt. 15c; 4g oz. 35c; 144 oz. 65c; oz. $2.10. DAHLIA 1535 UNWIN’S DWARF HYBRIDS. Readily grown from seed and tubers may be saved from favorite plants. Start early and transplant. This variety presents a fine color range, with semi-double flowers. Height 24 inches. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 35c; 4g oz. 60c; 14 oz. $1.10. Dianthus (OR PINKS) The Dianthus (Pinks) Plants are rugged and dependable. They prefer a well drained location where the sun reaches them most of the day. Pinks bloom continuously over a long period, producing a bright display in the garden and are excellent cut flowers. 1560 CHINENSIS DOUBLE MIXED. These large flowering double pinks very strongly resemble the large double car- nations which are members of the same family. Very hardy and free flowering. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 35c; oz. $1.10. 1581 HEDDEWIGI DOUBLE GAIETY. Carnation Shades, Mixed. Plants dwarf. Compact 10”-12” free flowering, fringed petals. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 60c; %4 oz. $1.10; oz. $3.60. DIANTHUS TETRAPLOID HEDDENSIS Entirely new variety, combining the large flowers of Hedewigi with the long- stemmed habit of Chinensis. More tol- erant of extreme temperatures. than either of its parents. For cutting. Height 115 feet. 1582 WESTWOOD BEAUTY. Shades of red. Pkt. 25c; 4 oz. 75c; %4 oz. $1.35. 1583 FINEST MIXED. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 40c; 4% oz. 75c; % oz. $1.35. DIDISCUS (BLUE LACE FLOWER) 1586 COERULEUS. Beautiful large, lace- like flowers, of a lovely delicate azure- blue, gracefully poised on long stems Sow in the hot-bed in March and out- doors in May and again in June, and you ean cut flowers until frost. Height 215 feet. Pkt. 15c; ¥g oz. 50c; %4 oz. 90C; oz. $3.00. EUPHORBIA (SNOW-ON-THE-MOUNTAIN) 1605 VARIEGATA. Small flowers beau- tifully set off by the top-leaves which are marked with broad white bands on a rich green ground. Grows 2 feet tall, fine for beds and borders. Sow where to bleom as the plants resent transplant- ing. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 40c; 44 oz. 70c; oz. $2.40. FOUR O’CLOCKS 1610 MIXED. Well known free-flowering plants. Sup- posed to open their blooms at 4 o’clock in the afternoon but on cloudy days are out all day. Small trumpet- shaped flowers in bright colors. Grow anywhere. Height 2 ft. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 55c; oz. 95ce. FUCHSIA Culture: Germinate in sterile soil or vermiculite, covering with 1/16” sand or peat moss at 65° F. Treat with Semesan if soil is used. Keep moist but not wet. Transplant into sandy loam mixed with leaf mold. Feed weak liquid fertilizer. 1615 DOUBLE AND SINGLE MIXED. Well known pot and greenhouse plant. Very decorative for window boxes. Sow seed in hot-bed in February or March. Pkt. 50c. GERANIUM 1640 GIANT MIXED. Easily grown as a pot plant or for setting outdoors in beds during the summer and fall. Pkt. 25c; 1/32 oz. 75c; 1/16 oz. $1.40; 4% oz. $2.50. GERBERA (Transvaal Daisy ) They are usually grown as greenhouse or window plants where they flower continuously. The Daisy-like Epos ons: 3 to 4 inches across are borne on 12-inch stems. 1643 NEW HYBRIDS. An infinity of tints, from pure white through yellow, orange, salmon, rose, cerise and ruby-red to violet are represented. Sometimes the color- ing: of rhs disk differs from that of the rays. Pkt. 35c; 2 pKts. 60c. Gourds (ORNAMENTAL) Annual climbers that form curiously shaped:-fruits on vines 10 to 20 feet high. Sow the seed like you would squash or cucumber in hills 3 feet a part and allow 3 plants to grow in each hill. Useful for covering arbors, fences or stone walls. 1657 DIPPER OR SIPHON. Club shaped, light green. 1660 ORNAMENTAL MIXED. This surprise mixture embraces many small-fruited varieties. 16607 LARGE MIXED. This mixture contains a wide assortment of shapes and colors. All Gourds. Pkt. 15¢e; %4 oz. 45c; oz. $1.50. GOMPHRENA (GLOBE AMARANTH) 1656 GLOBOSA MIXED. One of the everlasting flowers that makes a fine display of clover-like blooms in the garden as well as being useful in winter bouquets. Color consists of white, purple and rose. Height 18 inches. Pkt. 15c; 144 0z. 45c; oz. $1.50. (BABY’S BREATH) Pretty, free flowering plants of easy culture, excel- lent for cutting to mix with other flowers. 1665 CARMINEA. (Annual) Deep Carmine. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 45c; oz. $1.50. 1667 ELEGANS GRANDIFLORA COVENT GARDEN IMPROVED. A greatly improved annual strain, usually large white flowers over !5 inch across of fine sub- stance. Plants 145 to 2 ft. Pkt. 15c; 44 oz. 45c; oz. $1.50. 1666 PANICULATA SINGLE (PERENNIAL). Plant 314’ with white single flowers 14 in. across. Pkt. 15c; WY OZ. 35C; OZ. 95c. 1668 PANICULATA DOUBLE (PERENNIAL). 3’ with white, double flowers 14 i 1/16 oz. 40c; %4 oz. $1.35; oz. $4.50. Plants in. across. Pkt. 15c; 1660 Gourds, Ornamental Mixed 21 1681 Double Hollyhocks (PERENNIAL ) Hollyhocks, Double Newport Pink 1681 Newport pink. 1682 Scarlet. Bright red. 1683 Yellow. 1684 Salmon Rose. 1685 Maroon. Very dark red. 1686 White. Pure white. 1690 HOLLYHOCK. Special Mixture of Double Hollyhocks. All of Above Varieties: Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. $1.00; oz. $3.30. ANNUAL HOLLYHOCK 1693 SINGLE MIXED. A wide range of beauti- ful colors with single blooms. Plant early in the spring. Grows 4 to 5 feet. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 50c; 1% oz. 90c; oz. $1.80. 1692 Indian Spring Indian Spring is one of the loveliest summer annuals. It blooms in less than five months. This species has a colorful display of semi-double to double fringed flowers for several weeks during the summer. While pink predominates, variations will occur from a light pink to an Rte ee rose shade. Pkt. 15c; 1%4 oz. 45c; oz. $1.50. oz. 55¢c; 44 1720 Larkspur, Imperial Finest Mixed 22 HELICHRYSUM ( Strawflower ) 1675 MIXED. Helichrysums are an ornament to the garden when growing and are every- where prized for the winter decoration of vases, and for durable bouquets. Flowers in- tended for drying should be gathered when partially unfolded and suspended with their heads downward in a cool place. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 45c; oz. $1.50. KOCHIA (Summer Cypress ) 1706 CHILDSI. A remarkable annual, pro- ducing dense, rounded plants with fine green leaves and growing to a height of three feet. The foliage changes to a reddish shade to- ward fall. Fine for a hedge or to outline the garden. Pkt. 15¢; % oz. 45c; oz. $1.50. LANTANA 1710 HYBRID MIXED. Very desirable for bedding and window boxes. Start the seed early in the cold frame for best results. Colors include red, orange, cream, salmon, pink and aot Dwarf Hybrid. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 70c; oz. AAT Wyatt-Quarles Larkspur THE 2 FINEST STRAINS IN CULTIVATION These magnificent strain of Larkspur bring enthusiastic expressions of warm praise from everyone. Regal Larkspur is equally as hardy as the older strains and can be sown out of doors during the fall or spring with success. Prepare beds with light application of lime. Fertilize with thoroughly rotted manure and Bone Meal. REGAL LARKSPUR With its tremendously long thick spikes and Delphinium-like florets, our Regal Lark- spur suits critical florist standards, yet these same features make it a superb performer in the home garden. Basal branching, tall and early. 1730 REGAL LILAC. Pure clear lilac. 1731 REGAL ROSE. Rich rose. Rise REGAL DARK BLUE. Very deep violet lue. 1733 REGAL WHITE. Pure white. 1734 REGAL PINK. Brilliant pink on sal- mon. 1735 REGAL MIXED Prices for any above: Pkt. 15c; 44 14 Oz. 60c; oz. $1.10. IMPERIAL STRAIN LARKSPUR For florist’s and general use. The tall spikes of double flowers carried on stems of 4’-5’ long are compactly placed on upright plants. 1714 IMPERIAL WHITE KING. Double pure snowy e253 = white. Se 1717 IMPERIAL CAR- MINE KING. Bright car- mine. 1719 IMPERIAL LILAC KING. An exquisite lilac, very double. 1722 IMPERIAL BLUE SPIRE. Handsome, double deep oxford blue. An out- standing variety from a standpoint of size, color and form. 1724 MISS CALIFORNIA. Immense, very double flower of brilliant rose or salmon borne on _ long spikes. 1726 IMPERIAL BLUE BELL. Delightful clear azure blue. Try a bed of this variety mixed with single Shirley wild rose pink poppies. 1720 GIANT IMPERIAL MIXED. Beautifully blended mixture of the most handsome Larkspur grown. Prices for Imperial Lark- spur, Pkt. 15c; 44 0z. 35c; OZ. 95c. Oz. 35c; MORNING GLORIES (Ipomeas ) Always select the driest, sandiest part of the garden and sow where the plants are to flower as the Ipomeas resent transplanting. A rich wine-red with a 1807 Darling snowy-white throat that provides enough contrast to make the flowers “stand out’? immediately. When in full bloom, Darling is a very showy sight. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 35; 0z. 95c. f Ava . 1806 Scarlet O'Hara {hprereman 8 in the most popular red morning glory. Climbs vigorously without outside help. Large deep wine-red color bloom and excellent foliage. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 35c; oz. 95c. A graceful vine 1809 Heavenly Blue oy 2xivemely quick growth producing a great number of ex- quisitely formed deep clear blue petunia-like flowers. Ideal for covering stumps or other unsightly objects. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 35c; oz. 95c. 1810 Mixed The flowers are quite a bit larger than those of the ordi- nary Morning Glories. Pkt. 15c; %4, oz. 35c; oz. 95c. An attractive double 1799 Rose Marie Morning Glory that blooms early with deep rose flowers. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 35c; oz. 95c. EXTRA DWARF DOUBLE MARIGOLDS 1755 GOLDCREST. Golden yellow flowers, crested center of quilled petals, surrounded by several guard petals, free flowering, especially suitable for bedding and borders. Pkt. 15c; 44 oz. 35c; oz. $1.20. 1756 SPRY. One of the very best with extra- double flowers having a light orange center and maroon outer petals. Height 6-8 inches. Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. 35c; oz. $1.20. 1776 POT O’GOLD. A mass of 312”-4” intense dazzling gold flowers on dwarf compact plants, 12 to 15 inches tall and are first among large SO Marigolds to bloom. Pkt. 15c! 4% 0z. 35c; oz. $1.20. 1773 DOUBLE MIXED. A mixture of the finest colors in Marigolds. Height 6-8 inches. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 35c; oz. $1.20. DWARF CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWERED MARIGOLD Flowers 215-3 inches in diameter complete covering the compact 8-inch plant. 1766 CUPID LEMON. Lemon yellow. 1767 CUPID ORANGE. (Oderless.) orange. 1768 CUPID MIXED. Medium All Cupid Marigolds: Pkt. 25c; 1 oz. 65c; 14 oz. $1.15; oz. $3.85. Marigolds continued to page 23 a 1766 Marigold, Cupid Lemon WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO. © i 1760 Marigold, African Double Mixed AFRICAN MARIGOLD Giant flowered types. Strong growing plants 315 feet tall, bearing huge ruffled, tightly petaled peony-flowered blooms; the largest of any Marigold. Height 2-3 feet. 1759 ORANGE PRINCE. Enormous flowers of perfect shape; golden orange color. Pkt. lic; ¥Y% oz. 35c; oz. $1.20. 1758 LEMON QUEEN. Clear, soft lemon yellow. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 35c; oz. $1.20. 1760 AFRICAN DOUBLE MIXED. A _ superb mixture. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 35c; oz. $1.20. 2 Old standard giant infosy ounset Giants 7 i cia, in cold. orange, canary, lemon and primrose. Height 315 feet. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 40c; oz. $1.40. . The new giant flow- 1779 Crackerjack ered Marigold that is early, compact, strong, double, and free flower- ing. The colors in this mixture cover the full Marigold range, including yellow, gold, orange and light primrose. Crackerjack is a Sunset Giant type, with several flaws eliminated. Height 315 feet. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 35c; %4 0z. 60c; oz. $1.95. NEW MARIGOLD 1769 SPUN GOLD. A.S:S. 60. See page 17 for description. Pkt. 50c; 1/16 oz. $1.40; Y% oz. $4.55. MISSION GIANT MARIGOLDS Compact flowers with petals tightly incurved, 215-3 inches or more across on plants 2-3 feet high. 1765 GLITTERS. Canary yellow. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 60c; oz. $1.90. 1770 GOLDSMITH. Golden orange. Pkt. 15c; 4 0z. 60c; oz. $1.90. 1771 YELLOWSTONE. Clear golden yellow. Pkt. 15e; %4 oz. 60c; oz. $1.90. 1780 MISSION GIANT MIXED. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 60c; oz. $1.90. MARIGOLD SIGNATA PUMILA 1777 GNOME. A very delightful little Marigold forming a compact, round bush with fern-like foliage and an abundance of dainty single golden orange flowers. Height 6 inches. Pkt. 15c; Vm oz. 60c; %4 oz. $1.10; oz. $3.60. BOX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. DWARF FRENCH DOUBLE MARIGOLD PETITE MARIGOLDS (See Description Page 17) (@) 1750 HARMONY. All Amer- ica winner for 1958. @®) 1751 GOLD. All America winner for 1958. a) 1752 ORANGE. All America winner for 1958. 1753 YELLOW. 1754 MIXED. All Petite Marigolds: Pkt. 25c; 14 oz. 90c; oz. $3.00. CARNATION FLOWERED MARIGOLD 1762 YELLOW SUPREME. A very free flowering extra large Marigold bearing creamy yellow odorless flowers re- sembling carnations in form. Height 2-215 feet. Pkt. 15c; 14 0z. 35c; oz. $1.05. MOONFLOWER 1797 WHITE. In good soil Moonflower vines grow to 20 feet high, bearing large heart- shaped leaves and white, trumpet-shaped fragrant flowers to 6 inches across. They open in the evening and usually close before noon. Pkt. 15¢ce; 4 oz. 35c; oz. 95c. MATRICARIA (FEVERFEW ) 1781 DOUBLE WHITE. Really a half-hardy perennial, they will bloom the first year from seed. They have fern-like foliage and heads of small double, button-like flowers on long stems for cutting. Pkt. 25c; \% oz. $1.00; 14 oz. $1.80; oz. $6.00. 1782 GOLDEN BALL. Small, golden yellow doubled flowers. Very attractive as a border or planted in pots. Pkt. 25c; 1% oz. $1.00; %4 oz. $1.80; oz. $6.00. MYOSOTIS (FORGET-ME-NOT ) 1812 ALPESTRIS BLUE. Lovely light blue flowers covering the plants completely dur- ing the spring; 12 inches tall. Does best in semi-shade. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 55c; oz. $1.80. NICOTIANA (Flowering Tobacco ) Fine stately plants for background plant- ing or for large beds. Start the seed indoors in boxes filled with fine sandy soil and barely cover from view. 1853 SENSATION DAYLIGHT MIXTURE. Flowers remain open throughout the day even in bright sunshine. Pkt. 15c; 14 0z. 35c; 14 oz. 60c. 1844 Nierembergia Hippomanica (Purple Robe) Begins flowering when the plants are only two inches tall (about 15 weeks after seed is sown), and continues flowering until heavy frost in late fall. Cut plants back at the end of the season and new growth will begin in early spring. Pkt. 35c; 1/64 oz. 85c; 1/16 oz. $2.75. — “a 4, ium, Gleam Hybrids L 1822 Nagitine asturtiums SEMI-DOUBLE (SWEET-SCENTED ) 1819 INDIAN CHIEF. Brilliant scarlet flowers with dark foliage. Gives splendid contrast. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; %4 Ib. $1.10. i 1821 GOLDEN GLEAM. Distinctly semi- double, rich golden, wonderfully fragrant flowers borne on long stems. The plants grow about 18 inches tall and require little or no care. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; %4 Ib. $1.10. (®) 1823 SCARLET GLEAM. Fiery orange scar- let, a color comparable to the brilliance of Scarlet Sage. The individual blooms are of an immense size, almost three inches across and very fragrant. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; %4 Ib. $1.10. 1826 SALMON GLEAM. Very large uniformly semi-double flowers of delicate golden salmon. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; %4 Ib. $1.10. 1822 GLEAM HYBRIDS MIXED. The Hy- brids are a collection of gorgeously colored, large, well formed flowers. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; % Ib. $1.10. 1820 SINGLE DWARF MIXED. An excellent strain of dwarf compact growth well suited for bedding. This well-balanced mixture will give 2 ante colorful display. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; 44 Ib. 1.10. 1831 DOUBLE DWARF GEM MIXTURE. An excellent color range of double sweet-scented flowers. Plants dwarf and globe shaped. Pkt. 15c; oz. 49c; % Ib. $1.10. TALL CLIMBING NASTURTIUMS 1830 SINGLE TALL MIXED. Very easy to grow and they do well under most varied conditions of soil and climates. This mixture contains many brilliant colors. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; 44 Ib. $1.10. NEMOPHILA (Baby Blue Eyes) 1843 BLUE INSIGNIS. A dwarf, graceful an- nual, 6 to 8 inches tall. The plants bloom during spring and summer. They bear a profusion of bright skv-blue flowers with a white center. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 55c; oz. 95c. 1844 Nierembergia (Purple Robe) Petunia, Red Satin <—*\ 1888 wa Fl HYBRID MULTIFLORA PETUNIA Multifloras produce an abundance of medium- sized, plain-edged flowers and generally some- what more colorful in mass plantings. Fe) . All America Winner for & 1936 Glitters $957. "This is a fine de- velopment in Petunia crossing. Attractive bicolor, red and white, everblooming type on low grow- ing bush plants. Pkt. 50c; 1/128 oz. $4.50; 1/64 oz. $8.00. A white of extremely vig- 1957 Paleface crous, but low-growing plants. Pkt. 50c; 1/128 oz. $3.50; 1/64 oz. $6.50. All America Winner ® 1888 Red Satin for 1957. The flowers are a dazzling, intense scarlet red, and stay that way through heat and sun right to the end of the season. The plants stay in a neat ball-shaped form all summer and covered with 215 to 3 inch blooms. Pkt. 50c; 1/128 oz. $4.50; 1/64 oz. $8.00. All America Win- Ry) 1928 Comanche ner. This is the red- dest red Petunia ever offered, with no fading. Brilliant as an Indian sunset. The flowers are 215 to 234 inches across. Pkt. 50c; 1/128 oz. $3.50; 1/64 oz. $6.50. Fl HYBRID GRANDIFLORA PETUNIA Grandifloras are extra large flowered, ruffled and fringed with medium dwarf habit of growth. New for 1959. 1885 Scarlet Lustre Glowing and vivid scarlet blooms with waved and fringed petal edges and a bright yellow throat make this new grandiflora hybrid an instant favorite. Plants reach a height of only 1 foot, spreading to 2 feet across and blooming steadily over the entire area. Pkt. 75c; 1/128 oz. $12.10. | New for 1958. Plants 1886 Blue Lustre grow 1 foot tall and 142 to 2 feet across, with an incredible number of gar pe weve’ mid-blue flowers. Pkt. 75c; 1/128 OZ. 2.10. 6) 1837 Maytime 3.2 All America Bronze Medal Winner for 1958. The flowers are large, 312 to 4 inches, fringed, extremely free flowering. Plants are very uniform, compact, spreading, base branch- ing oud averse height 12 inches. Pkt. 50c; 1/128 oz. $4.50. Gi > Large heavily AS) 1934 Prima Donna 73FF 106? vos pink, : flowers on _ vigorous spreading base branching plants. Pkt. 50c; 1/128 oz. $4.50; 1/64 oz. $3.00. eal F2 Hybrid. A fine ay 1933 Carnival grandiflora Petunia mixture. Flowers are mostly 31% inches or more across and 80% waved, ruffled, or fringed, with an extreme color range. Pkt. 50c; 1/64 oz. $2.75; 1/32 oz. $4.95. 24 Superb Petunias Sow the small seeds in a warm, sunny, open place outdoors, thinning to 15 inches apart, or in frames for transplanting. Scatter seeds thinly, barely cover and firm soil over them; water seed- lings with a fine spray to prevent drying out. The weakest looking seedlings usually produce the finest flowers, so save the weak plants for transplanting. Seed of the hybrid, double and fringed sorts should be pressed into a shallow pot of sifted soil and covered with only a sprinkling of sand. The pot should be watered from below by placing it in water. Never allow to become too dry nor too moist. PETUNIA GRANDIFLORA SINGLE PLAIN EDGED Many plain-edged flowers of heavy substance and velvet texture. 1909 BURGUNDY. A.A.S. Winner. Free flowering 12-16 inch plants. Red with white throat. Pkt. 35c; 1/128 oz. $1.20; 1/32 oz. $4.05. 1912 SNOW STORM IMPROVED. The flowers are the purest white, with yel- low shaded throat. Plants are compact, growing about 12 inches tall. Pkt. 25c; 1/128 oz. $1.50; 1/64 oz. $2.75; 1/32 oz. $5.00. 1921 ELK’S PRIDE. Magnificent large velvety deep purple blooms of excep- tional beauty. Height 12 to 14 inches. Pkt. 25c; 1/128 oz. $1.20; 1/64 oz. $2.20; 1/32 oz. $4.05. GRANDIFLORA SINGLE FRINGED Strong, free flowering, 12-16 inch plants. Many ruffled and _ fringed flowers. 1913 GLAMOUR. A.A.S. Winner. Beau- tiful salmon rose. Huge ruffled blooms. Pkt. 35c; 1/128 oz. $1.15; 1/32 oz. $3.85. 1914 THEODOSIA. Fringed rose pink, gold throat. Pkt. 35c; 1/128 oz. $1.50; 1/32 oz. $5.00. 1920 GIANT FRINGED MIXED. Large, finely fringed flowers, delicately frag- rant and in many attractive colors. Pkt. 25c; 1/64 oz. $1.70; 1/32 oz. $3.15. ALL DOUBLE PETUNIA 1930 DWARF DOUBLE CHOICE MIXED. This mixture has been greatly improved over previous strain. It pro- duces a larger percentage of large flowers and the blend of color is much improved. Pkt. 65c¢; 1/128 oz. $7.25; 1/64 oz. $13.50; 1/32 oz. $25.50. Bedding Cypes PETUNIA HYBRIDA Strong growing and free flowering 20”-24” plants bearing many medium sized plain edged single flowers. 1889 HOWARD’S STAR. Dainty rose- crimson with a _ five-pointed white star. Pkt. 15c; 1/32 oz. 40c; 1/16 oz. 70c; %4 oz. $2.25. 1897 WHITE KING. Pkt. 15c; 1/32 oz. 40c; 4% oz. $1.25; 1%4 oz. $2.25. 1898 GENERAL DODDS. A lovely va- riety with brilliant rich crimson flowers. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 55c; 14 0z. $1.80. 1901 VIOLACEA. The rich velvety purple color gives a striking effect. Pkt. 15c; 1/32 oz. 40c; 1/16 oz. 70c; YZ oz. $2.25. 1915 RADIANCE. Another splendid hybrida of spreading growth carrying great masses of brilliant rose blooms which are truly enchanting. Pkt. 15c; 1/32 oz. 45c; 1/16 oz. 85c; %4 oz. $2.70. 1900 BEDDING MIXED. A choice as- sortment of a wide and varied range of colors. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 50c; 1% oz. 90c; oz. $3.00. 1902 Flaming Veivet. Velvety blood red, Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 60c; 14 oz. $1.10. PETUNIA BALCONY 1894 BALCONY MIXED. Strong growing 18”-24” plants with spreading or trailing foliage, bearing many single plain edge flowers in mixed colors and larger than the ordinary bedding types. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 45c; 4% oz. 80c; %4 oz. $1.45; oz. $4.70. DWARF PETUNIAS Plants bear many medium sized plain edged single flowers. 1908 FIRE CHIEF. A.A.S. Winner. Dwarf, compact, free flowering 12-16 inch plants. Flowers brilliant scar- let red. Pkt. 25c; 1/64 oz. 65c; 1/32 oz. $1.20; 1% oz. $4.00. 1922 BRIGHT EYES. The little plants grow 12 to 14 inches tall and are completely covered with soft, light rose-pink flowers, with pronounced white throat. Pkt. 15c; 1/32 oz. 60c; 1/16 oz. $1.10; 144 oz. $3.65. 1925 TWINKLES. Masses of brilliant rose flowers, starred pure white. Plants 12-15 inches. Pkt. 15c; 1/32 oz. 50c; 1/16 oz. 95c; %4 oz. $3.20. 1926 CELESTIAL ROSE. Compact plant with deep rose flowers. Height 12-16 inches. Pkt. 25c; 1/16 oz. $1.15; 144 oz. $1.80. 1927 DWARF MIXED. Choice mixture of the popular miniature varieties. Height 12 to 16 inches. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 55c; %4 oz. $1.80. Poppies Sow the seed where the plants are to remain, as they resent transplanting. 1964 SINGLE SHIRLEY AMERICAN LEGION. Orange scarlet. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 35c; oz. 95c. 1970 SINGLE SHIRLEY MIXED. Dainty flowers on slender stems, in the most delicate shades, varying in color from pure white and delicate pink to rosy carmine and deep crimson, many of them beautifully striped and edged with white. Pkt. 15c; 14 0z. 35c; oz. 95c. 1990 DOUBLE SHIRLEY MIXED. A fine strain of Poppies. Pkt. 15c; %4 0z. 35c; oz. 95c. 1991 DOUBLE SWEET BRIAR. Deep rose-pink. Pkt. 15¢c; 14 oz. 35c; oz. $1.10. PORTULACA (Sun Plant) For brilliant coloring nothing can excel a bed of — Portulaca. It delights in intense heat, and dry weather » seems to have almost no effect on the plants. 2000 ALL DOUBLE MIXED. An unsurpassed mixture, , including a particularly wide and choice range of bril- - liant colors. Excellent for beds or borders exposed to ) the full sun. Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. 65c; %4 oz. $1.20; oz. $3.90. | 1920 Petunia, Giant Fringed Mixed WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO.| 1875 Pansy, Swiss Giant Mixed Giant Pansies Sow seeds in beds or boxes from August to November. Only slight protection is needed in the most extreme weather. When plants have 4 to 5 leaves transplant 8 inches to 1 foot apart. in highly manured bed and keep well watered. A fall sowing will produce flowers from December to June. 1860 MAPLE LEAF GIANT MIXED. A wide range of bright colors; plants compact with large attractive foliage. Pkt. 25c; 1/16 oz. $1.00; Ym oz. $1.80; 14 0z. $3.30; oz. $10.80. 1869 NEW SUPER GIANT MIXED. The immense flowers of this new strain often produce flowers double the size of the ordinary varieties. Super Giant Pansies are borne in profusion on large yigorous plants supporting long strong stems. The rich coloring and great size of the flowers in addition to its prolonged blooming season will make this variety a garden favorite and a sure prize winner wherever exhibited. Pkt. 35c; 1/16 oz. $1.70; % oz. $3.10; 14 oz. $5.60. 1870 FANCY EXHIBITION MIXED. A blending of our own containing only the very choicest seeds secured from the leading Pansy specialists; it can be relied upon to produce flowers of im- mense size, very heavy texture and of the most brilliant colors. Pkt. 25c; 1/16 oz. $1.05; % oz. $1.90; 1%4 oz. $3.40; oz. $11.25. 1871 MASTERPIECE. Large prolific blooming pansy. Vivid colors. Pkt. 25c; 1/16 0z. 65c; 4 oz. $1.15; %4 oz. $2.45; oz. $6.75. 1875 SWISS GIANT MIXED. This carefully blended mixture of Swiss Giant Pansies is out- standing for its wide range of rich coloring. The flowers are large and on tall stems. Pkt. 25c; 1/16 oz. 75c; % oz. $1.35; 14 0z. $2.45; oz. $8.10. DRUMMONDI PHLOX One of the very easiest of all flowers to grow and yet one of the most satisfactory. Drummondi Phlox may be sown either spring or fall and thrives in almost any soil. 1947 WHITE. Pure white. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 60c; oz. $1.90. 1949 SCARLET, with dark eye. Pkt. 15c; 44 oz. 60c; oz. $1.90. 1951 VIOLET, with white eye. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 60c; oz. $1.90. 1958 BRILLANT. Rose with dark eye. Pkt. 15c; Y% oz. 60c; oz. $1.90. 1960 DRUMMONDI MIXED PHLOX. A well blended mixture that will bloom continuously through the late spring, summer and fall. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 60c; oz. $1.90. 1945 GIGANTEA ART SHADES MIXED. Flowers are produced in the most delicate pastel shades the entire summer disregarding heat and oa Pkt. 25c; 1/16 oz. 75c; 4% oz. $1.30; %4 oz. NEW GIANT TETRA PHLOX 1946 GLAMOUR. For description see page 17. All America Bronze Medal Winner for 1960. Pkt. 75¢e; 1/16 oz. $2.50. DWARF PHLOX 1942 TWINKLES. All American winner for 1957. Dwarf com- pact plants covered with large bril- liant unique star shaped flowers. Flower colors are well balanced in- cluding a high percentage of pink shades. Height 7 inches. Pkt. 35c; 1/32 oz. 75c; 1/16 oz. $1.40; 4% oz. $2.50. 1941 GLOBE MIXED. Very compact strain, with 8” plants. Many colors including white, pink, salmon, rose, red, cream, violet, scarlet and others. Pkt. 25c; 1/32 oz. 65c; 14% oz. $2.10. RICINUS (Castor Oil Bean ) 2020 MIXED. An annual plant height of 6 to 8 feet, with immense leaves. Used extensively in borders and along fence rows where, it is said, the plant repels moles. Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. 35c; oz. 60c; 4 Ib. $1.90. SCARLET RUNNER BEANS 2053. Annual rapid growing vine; makes a good screen or shade. Vines are covered with sprays of bright scarlet pea-shaped blossoms, and these are followed by dark scarlet pods. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c. STATICE SINUATA 2069 MIXED. A showy, everlasting flower with fine clusters of showy blooms carried on graceful stems. Height 2 to 3 feet. Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. 45c; oz. $1.50. SALVIA OR SCARLET SAGE Sow seed after trees are in full leaf and the ground is warm, or may be started earlier in boxes in sunny windows, and transplanted as soon as the soil is warm. 2032 BONFIRE. Medium tall variety growing 26 inches high. Forms compact and oval shaped bushes that are literally ablaze with flowers all summer long. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 40c; 4g oz. 75c; %4 oz. $1.35; oz. $4.50. 2036 SPLENDENS GRANDIFLORA. Tall bushy plants with immense scarlet flower trusses. Height 212 feet. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 40c; % oz. $1.35; oz. $4.50. 2037 BLUE BEDDER. Really a perennial, this desirable Salvia will bloom the first year from seed. Bushes grow 2 to 3 feet tall and carry long spikes of pale blue flowers, ex- cellent for cutting. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 40c; 4 oz. $1.45; oz. $5.00. 2039 ST. JOHN’S FIRE. This new extra early everblooming variety is earliest of all. Bril- liant liquid-like red coloring, compact plants and continues flowering until frost. Plants about 12 inches high. Pkt. 25c; 1/16 oz. 85c; 1% oz. $1.50; 1% oz. $2.70; oz. $9.00. SUNFLOWERS 2110 SUN GOLD. These brilliant golden yel- low flowers which measure 4 to 5 inches in diameter are a delight in a background plant- ing in full sun where they will produce a vivid splash of color in mid-summer. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 45c; oz. $1.50. F298 RUSSIAN. Huge gold pads. Excellent for bird food. Pkt. 15¢e; 4% Ib. 35c¢. SCABIOSA TALL 2050 DOUBLE MIXED. Well blended. Sca- biosas are easily grown in an open sunny position from seed started indoors or planted in the open ground in May. Pkt. 15c; ¥@ oz. 45ce; %4 oz. 80c. STOCKS 2080 TEN-WEEK MIXED. Dwarf compact, branching, fine for bedding. Sweet scented. Includes many lovely colors. Height 12 inches. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 40c; 4 oz. 70c; oz. $2.25. 2081 GIANT IMPERIAL. Of branching habit, the large flowers and long stems of this make it especially desirable for cutting. A splendid assortment made up from the finest colors available. High percentage of doubles. Height 26 inches. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 35c; % oz. 60c; oz. $1.95. TITHONIA SPECIOSA 2144 TORCH. Brilliant Orange-Scarlet giant daisy-like blooms 3 inches across, with golden yellow center. Early and compact. Height 4 feet. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 40c; 1% oz. 75ce; 4 oz. w-@ SEEDS 2036 Salvia, Splendens Grandiflora Verbenas Multiflora Very few plants will make such a gorgeous display during the summer months, or furnish more flowers for cutting. Start seed early in the spring, and transplant after three or four inches of growth. Good healthy plants can be produced readily from seed. 2150 FIRELIGHT. This magnificent Verbena is brighter red than any other verbena yet intro- duced, having no eye. Replaces Spectrum Red. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 55c; 1% oz. $1.00; 0z. $3.30. 2156 STARLIGHT. Blue with cream eye. Re- places Annapolis Blue. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 45c; 1g oz. 85c; 4 oz. $1.55; oz. $5.10. 2157 ROSELIGHT. Rose with white eye, re- placing the variety “Salmon Pink.” Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 45c; % oz. $1.55; oz. $5.10. 2159 SNOW WHITE. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 45c; 14 oz. $1.55; oz. $5.10. 2160 MULTIFLORA MIXED. Formular Mixture. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 55c; 44 oz. $1.00; oz. $3.30. VERBENAS HYBRIDA (Gigantea ) Plants to 10” with florets, born in clusters about 3” across with individual florets 34” across. We recommend Multiflora as being the better strain. 2161 BEAUTY OF OXFORD HYBRIDS. Shades of clear pink, rose pink, salmon pink to deep rose red on strong vigorous plants. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 40c; 4 0z. $1.35; oz. $4.50. 2165 LAVENDER GLORY. Lovely fragrant lav- ender flowers of largest size. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 55¢c; 1@ oz. $1.00; 144 oz. $1.80; oz. $6.00. VINCA (Periwinkle ) 2170 ROSEA MIXED. All colors in mixture. Pretty annuals of compact growth with glossy green leaves and dainty five-petaled star-shaped flowers. Ideal for edgings, borders and window boxes. They will grow under almost any soil conditions. Height 15 inches. Pkt. 15c; 14g oz. 40c; 14 oz. 70c; oz. $2.35. 2170 Vinea, Rosea Mixed WYATT-QUARLES Sweet Peas CULTURE: One ounce will sow from 15 to 20 feet. Sow from November to March. For spring plantings we recommend the sowing of Sweet Pea seeds slightly below the ground level in a bed thoroughly pulverized 2 feet wide by 12 to 18 inches deep. Well rotted (but no other) compost or a liberal sprinkling of Bone Meal might be added when the bed is prepared and when the peas are growing slight applications of Sheep Manure at intervals should be made. Water during dry weather. CUTHBERTSON FLORIBUNDA SWEET PEAS GIANT SPENCER SWEET PEAS 2350 Superb Mixture of Spencer 2396. DANNY. Navy blue. 2398 JANET. Pure white. 2399 KENNETH. Crimson. 2400 LOIS. Rose pink. 2401 MIXED. $1.25; Ib. $4.40. 2350 Sweet Peas, Spencer Mixed 1205 Bellis Monstrosa 1781 Matricaria 2130 Sweet William PERENNIAL SWEET PEAS 2290 MIXED. Quick growing, climbing or trailing plants with showy clusters of sweet-pea like flowers. 5 to 6 feet tall. Pkt. 20c; 44 0z. 75c; oz. $2.10. Perennial Flower Seed Grow Your Own Perennials From Seed Everybody wants Perennials—and wants them in gen- erous measure to secure the desired effects in color and charm. If you delay and finally buy plants, the cost mounts high; an attractive perennial border may require several hundred dollars worth of plants. Exactly the same results can be secured with $3.00 or $4.00 worth of seeds! Aside from the money saved it is very fascinating to grow your own plants from seed. 1023 ALYSSUM. Saxatile compactum. Golden yellow flowers. 9 inches. Pkt. 15c; 14 oz. 40c; oz. $1.30. 1078 AQUILEGIA. McKaus Giant. All American. Large hybrid. Full color range in mixture. Pkt. 25c; 1/32 oz. 90c; 144 oz. $3.00. 1085 ARABIS. Rock Cress. Pure white. 5 inches. Pkt. 15c; 1g oz. 40c; 144 oz. 70c. 1088 ARMERIA LARGE FLOWERED HYBRIDS. (Giant Thrift or Sea Pink) Clover-like blooms growing 6-10 inches high, borne on wiry stems above grass-like foliage. Pkt. 15c; 44 oz. 60c; oz. $1.90. 1205 BELLIS MONSTROSA IMP. Giant double mixed. Pkt. 15c; 1% oz. 60c; %4 oz. $1.10; oz. $3.60. 1275 CANDYTUFT. Gibraltarica. Beautiful lilac flowers. 12 inches. Pkt. 15¢e; 4% oz. 45c; oz. $1.50. 1277 CANDYTUFT. Sempervirens. Pure white. 10 inches. Pkt. 25c; 14@ oz. 45c; 14 0z. 85c; oz. $2.80. 1290 CANTERBURY BELLS. Single mixed colors. 3 feet. Pkt. 15¢; 4 oz. 55c; oz. $1.80. 1295 CANTERBURY BELLS. Cup and Saucer. Mixed colors. Pkt. 20c; % oz. 45c; %4 oz. 85c. 1330 CARNATION. Chaubaud’s Ever-blooming Mixed. A beautiful hardy carnation. Large attractive flowers in many shades. 3 feet. Pkt. 20c; % oz. 45c; %4 oz. 85c. 2179 CHEIRANTHUS. Allioni (Siberian Wallflower) bril- liant orange. Pkt. 15c; 1%4 oz. 45c; oz. $1.50. 1535 DAHLIA. Unwin’s Dwarf Hybrids. Choice mixture from semi-double varieties. Readily grown from seed. Start early and transplant. Height 24 inches. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 35c; 4% oz. 60c. 1543 DELPHINIUM. Gold Medal Hybrids. Very choice. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 45c; %4 oz. 85c. 1545 DELPHINIUM. Bellamosum. Dark blue. Pkt. 20c; 1g oz. 75c; %4 oz. $1.35. 1548 DELPHINIUM. Belladona. Light blue. Pkt. 20c; % oz. 75c; %4 oz. $1.35. 1581 DIANTHUS. Plumarius. Double Mixed. (Double Scotch Pinks.) 12 inches. Pkt. 15c; ¥% oz. 60c; 14 oz. $1.10. 1590 DIGITALIS. (Foxgloves.) Mixed colors. A very fine mixture of Foxgloves containing many new varieties. 3 feet high. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 35c; %4 oz. 65c. 1630 GAILLARDIA GRANDIFLORA MONARCH STRAIN MIXED. Large flowers, good color range. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 40c; %4 oz. 70c. 1666 GYPSOPHILA. Paniculata (Hardy Baby’s Breath.) Single. White. 3 feet. Pkt. 15c 4 oz. 35c; 02. 95c. 26 A new intermediate season type, ex- hibit strong heat resistance. Adapted to both outdoor and greenhouse growing. 2397. FRANK G. Clear lavender. Prices, any above varieties of Cuthbert- son Sweet Peas; Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; 4 Ib. This mixture will delight Sweet Peas every gardener with an abundance of fine flowers of the best varieties. Pkt. 15c; oz. 40c; 14 Ib. $1.10; Ib. $4.05. MULTIFLORA SWEET PEAS 2430 MIXED. A true winter-flowering, or forcing type, yet vigorous enough for summer bloom. Stems are long and very stout. At least 2 more florets per stem than other types. Pkt. 25c; ™% oz. 55c; oz. 90c; 14 Ib. $2.40. 2410 SWEET PEAS, LITTLE SWEET- HEARTS, MIXED. “Little Sweethearts” | are an entirely new class of Sweet | Peas. Each plant makes a_ perfect mound of flowers just under 8 inches in height and width. Flowers are the large ruffled Spencer type and colors range from cream to deep crimson. “Little Sweethearts” flower early and continue in bloom for a long period. Pkt. 25c; 4% oz. 60c; oz. $1.90. vigorous 1668 GYPSOPHILA. Double flowering. A new type bear- ing in profusion double white flowers which last long in perfection. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 40c; 1% oz. 75c. 1679 HIBISCUS. Mallow Marvels. Mixed colors. Very fine. Pkt. 15c; 1/16 oz. 40c; 1% oz. 70c. 1681 HOLLYHOCK. Newport Pink. Pkt. 15c; % oz. 55c¢; \% oz. $1.00. 1682 HOLLYHOCK. Double Scarlet. Bright red. Pkt. 15¢; | ¥g oz. 55c; 14 oz. $1.00. 1683 HOLLYHCOCK. Double yellow. Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 55c; | % oz. $1.00. 1684 HOLLYHOCK. Double salmon rose. Pkt. 15c; ¥% oz. — 55¢e; %4 oz. $1.00. 1685 HOLLYHOCK. Double maroon. Very dark red. Pkt. lic; 4% oz. 55c; % oz. $1.00. 1686 HOLLYHOCK. Double White. Pure white. Pkt. 15c; 1g oz. 55c; 1% oz. $1.00. 1690 HOLLYHOCK. Special mixture of Double Hollyhocks. » Pkt. 15c; 4% oz. 55c; 44 oz. $1.00. 1749 LUPINS RUSSELL STRAIN. A beautiful blend of a = wide range of colors. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 40c; oz. $1.40. 1781 MATRICARIA. (Feverfew.) A _ perennial usually treated as an annual flower. Pure white double flower. © 115 feet high. Pkt. 25c; 4% oz. $1.00; 44 oz. $1.80. : 1782 MATRICARIA. (Feverfew.) Golden Ball. yellow flowers. Pkt. 25c; 4g oz. $1.00; 44 oz. $1.80. 1961 PHLOX DECUSSATA. Giant flowered, choice mix- | ture. 3 ft. Freeze seed before planting. Pkt. 15c; % oz. | 50c; 4 oz. 90c. 1977 POPPY. Oriental hardy. Mixed colors. 3 ft. high. Pkt. 25c; 1/16 oz. 75c; 4% oz. $1.30. 2065 SHASTA DAISY. Pretty white flowers with dark | centers. They grow 215 feet high. Very attractive. Pkt." 15c; 4% oz. 55c; %4 oz. 90c. } 2066 SHASTA DAISY. Giant Double White. Blooms aver- age 4 to 5 inches in diameter, on long, wiry, straight) stems. Pkt. 25c; 1/32 oz. 90c; 1/16 oz. $1.50; 4% oz. $2.55. 7 20S ee, Sinuata. Mixed. 115 feet. Pkt. 15ce; %4 _ oz. 45c. 2290 SWEET PEAS. (Lathryus Latifolius.) Perennial sweet peas in mixed colors. Pkt. 20c; 144 oz. 75c; oz. $2.10. 2120 SWEET WILLIAM. Single mixed. All colors. 14% ; feet. Pkt. 15c; 144 oz. 35c; oz. $1.10. 5 2127 SWEET WILLIAM. Newport pink. Rose-pink. 14 feet. Pkt. 15c; %4 oz. 40c; oz. $1.40. ps Golden 2130 SWEET WILLIAM. Double mixed. Pkt. 15c; 44 0z 40c; oz. $1.40. 2145 TRITOMA UVARI. (Red Hot Poker.) All colors. Mixed. Pkt. 25c; %& oz. 70c; %4 oz. $1.25. ee 2173 VIOLA ODORATA. Sweet scented Violet. blue. 10 inches. Pkt. 15c; 1/32 oz. 40c; 14 oz. $2.25. 2174 VIOLA CORNUTA. Tufted Pansy Violets. So times called Johnny Jump Up. Very attractive vari resembles the pansy. Pkt. 25c; 1/16 oz. 85c; % (02. $ WYATT-QUARLES SEED a ey: ie 5 ag ee FERTILIZE and improve your soil for BETTER garden RESULTS MINERAL FERTILIZER ORGANICS -HUMUS Chlorosis Correctors REE—GREEN A new chelating agent which re- lieves plants of iron chlorosis even on soils that “tie up” iron. Restores deep green color quickly —just sprinkle on soil and water in. Use 12 ozs. per 100 sq. ft. of soil surface over the entire root zone of the plants. Prices 5 lb. bag $2.38, post- paid. Not prepaid, 5 lb. bag $1.98. REE GREEN SPRAY is absorbed directly by the leaves of many plants that either do not respond to, or are injured by other iron compounds. Furthermore, about one-half of the iron in this product is in chelated form which remains plant available to be absorbed by the roots after the iron reaches the soil. 12 oz. can (makes 20 gal- lons of spray) $2.02, postpaid. Not prepaid, 12 oz. can $1.79. COPPERAS (IRON SULPHATE) — FOLIAGE SPRAY—1 oz. per two gallons sprayed on foliage. 14 lb. 35c; Ib. 85c, postpaid. Soil Acidifying Material ALUMINUM SULPHATE. Four to eight ozs. per square yard of soil surface. Ib. 45c; 5 lbs. $1.20, postpaid. SULPHUR—For long lasting action. 1 lb. per 25 square feet. Ib. 45c; 5 Ibs. $1.20, postpaid. TRACE ELEMENTS FERRO FRITTED TRACE ELEMENTS contains essential trace elements which are slowly soluble and is for use as a soil mineralizer to prevent or correct soil deficiencies of manganese, iron, zinc, copper, boron, and molybdenum. 1 Ib. can $1.30; 5 Ib. can $3.42, postpaid. COMPOST ACTIVATORS ADCO Converts grass clippings, weeds, leaves and other non-woody matter into valuable compost. Prices: 5 lbs. $2.08; 20 lbs. $4.98, postpaid. Not prepaid, 5 Ibs. $1.65; 20 lbs. $4.00; 150 Ibs. $24.00. POND FERTILIZER HYDRO-PAK, a high grade nutrient designed to feed water born miscroscopic plant life. ‘These tiny plants color the water, giving it a “bloom.” Start using Hydro-Pak early in the ‘spring when the water warms up to 65 degrees F. ‘Make three early spring applications a week to ten days apart to promote a bloom. After bloom is established apply whenever a bright object can be seen 16 inches under the surface. Each application use one bag (40 lbs.) per surface acre. Price 40 lb. bag, $2.65 each, f.o.b. Raleigh. INSTANT FERTILIZERS All water soluble. Ideal for house plants or transplanting. Directions on package. HYPONEX (7-6-19). 2/3 oz. 18c; 2 oz. 35c; 5 oz. 69c; 10 oz. $1.23, postpaid. INSTANT NUTRO (14-14-14). Pelleted for cleaner, easier handling. 2 Ibs. $1.55, postpaid. NUTRO CRYSTALS (18-18-18). Completely water soluble, dissolves instantly. Feeds the entire olant—foliage, roots and body. 25 lb. bag $5.95, postpaid. RA-PID-GRO (23-21-17). 100% _ soluble. Leaves no sediment to clog sprayers. Feeds all plants. 2 oz. 30c; 8 oz. 90c; lb. $1.50; 5 Ibs. $5.20; 25 ibs. $23.75, postpaid. ORTHO-GRO (10-5-5). Comes as a liquid ready o use. 4 oz. 50c; pint $1.25; quart $2.00; gal- fon $5.49, postpaid. WISS PREPARED SOILS & HUMUS rilized African Violet Soil. It is especially ured for potting African Violets. 3 qt. bag iostpaid. Not prepaid, 49c. | Potting Soil. A perfect soil for seed- a window boxes. 3 qt. bag 92c, post- ‘Not prepaid, 49c. zed Humus. It is the life basis of plant it helps to aerate the soil and holds at. bag 84c, postpaid. Not prepaid, A specially prepared fertilizer for Azaleas, Camellias and all acid loving plants. Used every- where these plants are grown. Prices: 5 lbs. $1.05; 10 lbs. $1.70; 25 lbs. $3.15, postpaid. Not prepaid, 5 lbs. 60c; 10 lbs. $1.05; 25 Ibs. $1.90; 100 Ibs. $5.25. RELIANCE ROSE SPECIAL This is a complete, well-balanced plant food and, as such, will perform best when the soil is properly prepared and good cultural practices are followed. Prices: 5 Ibs. $1.05; 10 lbs. $1.70: 25 lbs. $3.15, postpaid. Not prepaid, 5 lbs. 60c; 10 Ibs. $1.05; 25 lbs. $1.90; 100 Ibs. $5.25. NUTRO PELLETS Pelleted for easy, y cleaner handling. PLANT FOOD . Prices: 25 lb. bag $3.35; 10 lb. pkg. $1.75; 5 lb. pkg. $1.08, post- paid. Not prepaid, 100 Ib. bag $5.95; 50 lb. bag $3.25; 25 Ib. bag $2.15; 10 lb. pkg. Sists. 5) lbh pke. 65c: PELLETS CLEAN. DOSTLESS-ODORLESS NUTRO AZALEA-CAMELLIA PLANT FOOD Special formula. Scientifically blended for all acid-loving plants. Not Postpaid Prepaid LOOP bu Da Bion ene mune” Caeee eee 95 25 lb. bag $3.70 2.50 10 lb. bag 2.00 1.30 5 lb. bag 1.18 75 NUTRO ROSE FOOD Especially prepared for proper and continuous feeding of roses. Not Postpaid Prepaid 25 lb. bag $3.70 $2.50 10 lb. bag 2.00 1.30 5 lb. bag 1.18 75 ORGANIC FERTILIZERS BONE MEAL Excellent for rose beds, flower beds, garden and field crops, and for top-dressing lawns. Because it is slow acting Bone Meal is used dur- ing fall and winter months for spring feeding. Prices: 5 lbs. $1.32; 10 lb. $2.22, postpaid. Not prepaid. 25 Ibs. $2.98; 100 lbs. $7.95. NUTRONITE 10% NITROGEN—50 lbs. f.o.b., Raleigh. MANURES Pulverized and heat-treated to kill weed and grass seeds. Ideal natural manures for trees, shrubs, lawns and gardens. For lawns use 6 to 10 lbs. to every 100 square feet. For vegetable or flower gardens use 10 to 15 lbs. to every 100 square feet. SHEEP MANURE: 5 Ib. bag 88c; 10 lb. bag $1.48; 25 lb. bag $2.67, postpaid. Not prepaid, 5 lb. bag et 10 lb. bag 85c; 25 lb. bag $1.45; 50 lb. bag $3.50, DAIRY ORGANIC COMPOST (Odorless): 25 Ib. bag $2.72, postpaid. Not prepaid, 25 lb. bag $1.50; 50 lb. bag $2.60. OVENE—COMPRESSED MANURE STICKS—\, Ib. 55c, postpaid. p Peat Remember, your garden can be no better than your soil. Get Premier Peat Moss, with the certified seal. For new lawns 1 bale should be thoroughly pul- verized and mixed in each 100 to 200 sq. ft. of lawn area. Nothing is so bene- ficial to establish lawns as a bale of peat mixed with 100 pounds of Sheep Manure applied to each 2,000 sq. ft. 3 or 4 times each summer. Peat should also be used liberally in gardens, flower beds and borders and as a mulch for shrubbery, because of its capacity to hold moisture. Prices: Large Bale 18” x 20” x 39” t.o.b., Raleigh. Also See Organic Fertilizers and $5.25; Manures. BRAND VERMICULITE PLANT AID HELPS FLOWERS AND PLANTS GROW BETTER ... FASTER! As a growth medium mixed with soil, as a mulch, for storing bulbs and root crops and especially for propagating cuttings. Terra- Lite is most efficient. Write for folder giving complete details. Prices: Gal. 70c; % bu. $1.25, postpaid. Not prepaid, Gal. 45c; % bu. 89c; 4 cu. ft. $2.49; 6 cu. ft. bag $3.45. SPHAGNUM MOSS. Milled Horticultural Grade. Safest germinating and growing medium for seeds, bulbs and house plants. Highly recommended by nurserymen and other authorities. 10 oz. bag $1.10; 2 bu. bag $4.25, postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 oz. bag 89c; 2 bu. bag $3.65. SEED and FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTORS Makes seeding, fertilizing and liming lawns a pleasure, and gets the job done quickly and uniformly. LAWN BEAUTY — Spreads all types of fertilizers, grass | seeds and lime uni- § formly in adequate [| quantities. Handle control starts and stops flow instantly. Cam action agitator guaranteed to life of spreader. Lawn Beauty Capacity Price 16” 30 lbs. $15.95 18” 50 lbs. 22.95 24” 70 lbs. 29.95 36” 100 lbs. 94.95 JACKSON SPREADERS Heavy gauge steel hopper electric welded and reinforced with curled edges. Durable finish—deluxe tu-tone baked automotive enamel. Resists rust and corrosion. Swirl type agitator. Rotates in non-corrosive nylon bearings. Width Capacity Price 20 60 lbs. $14.95 24 75 lbs. 18.75 30 100 lbs. 21.95 36 120 Ibs. 53.25 LAWN ROLLERS High grade steel drums with rounded edges to prevent sod cutting. Roller Bearings. Diameter Weight Weight No. Inches Empty Filled Each 11 14 72 182 $20.70 te 18 87 277 23.85 13 24 112 442 33.45 27 Work Savers to Beautify the Home LAWN AND GARDEN CARTS SS = Eliminates lift- ing! Front tilts right down to the ground for easy loading and unloading. JACKSON DeLUXE. Light, sturdy, equipped with rubber tires (illustrated). Each....... $11.40 No. 124 Jet-Lite Cart Wheelbarrow Tray, 10” rubber-tired, ball-bearing wheels................ $16.95 No. 54 Karry Kart, Body 24” long, 16” wide, 12” deep, 7” wheels with rubber tires. Ideal for all- around Jawn work... Se No. 310 S Home Garden Barrow All new! Finished in Pink and Charcoal. All steel except 10” puncture-proof tires and rubber hand grips. Holds 3 cu. ft. heaped. Square nose ortNo=3102R round ose) ee ee $11.95 No. 119-38 Tru Blu Deluxe Grade. Ball-bearing wheel with wide puncture-proof tire. Square nose or No. 120-38 round nose........................ $17.95 SWAN HOSE Prices No. Size Color Make 25 ft.* 50 ft.** 8500 14” Green Plastic —— $ 4.95 8640 3a” Green Plastic ——— 6.50 60 34” Green Plastic —— 9.95 50007 7/16” Green Plastic $1.75 2.65 8700 7/16” G.orR. Plastic 2.95 4.95 8190 33” Green Rub. 7.50 13.95 8960 Hate Green Nyl.-Crd. —— 10.45 165 15” Black Rub 4.15 6.95 * Add 75c postage. ** Add $1.25 postage. Swans Improved Triple Tube Sprinkle Soaker Water channels are larger, “hole growth” has been eliminated, and greater sprinkling and soaking ability achieved at lower water pres- sure. No. 20 Triple Tube 25 ft................. $3.50, postpaid No. 20 Triple Tube 50 ft................. $5.25, postpaid No. 140 HOSE HANGER—100 ft. Capacity. Hangs anywhere. Each......... 95c; Postpaid $1.25 All Fully Adjustable For standard Garden Hose. Sherman No. 161 Brass $1.40* Sherman No. 155 Brass 1.80* Challenge No. 4622 Brass 65c* No. 480 a WYATT S orkon Hosemaster No. 480 Brass Pistoi-Grip handle gives instant control. * Add 12c each for postage. 28 SPRINKLERS RAIN KING Water stream and dis- tance covered, adjustable. Moadel! vB: .c3.ee $ 5.50* Model D 5.95* Model. nee 8.95* Model K (Illustrated) ....0..ccccccccccceeecceeeeeteeee Model K-20, Travels up to LOO=fty Adjustable eee $39.95* Model K-20B Extended Column Traveling Sprinkler (write for literature)............... 47.95 * Add 35c each for postage. SHERMAN RAIN WAVE SPRINKLERS Sprinkles large rectangular area with gentle rain-like spray. Saves water—gets corners with- out overlapping. Model J—Aluminum Spray Tube 15 in. Sprinkles Area 40’ x 50’ $ Model M—AII Aluminum 19 in. Sprinkles Areay(40)Gxc5, 0/22 Se aa ee eee 10 Model 2S—Aluminum Tube 21 in. Sprinkles Area 48’ x 68’ * Add 35c each for postage. SQUARESPRAY. Proen’s patented Squarespray spreads a soft even spray over exact squares from 2 ft. x 2 ft. up, depending on pres- sure. May be coupled in series for large areas. $2.95* WATERSPIKE. 2-in-1, may be used as sprinkler or sub-surface waterer, by simple turn of valve. $4.90.* 7055 SUBURBAN SPRINKLER—Improved im- pulse type Sprinkler as used on golf courses. Simply adjusted to cover any portion of, or a complete circle. Each $9.50.* * Add 40c postage. STOPS GRASS HERE! NO-SEE GRASS BARRIER Use around flower beds, trees, shrubs to elimi- nate hand trimming and prevent spreading of grass beyond desired point. Made of heavily galvanized steel, guaranteed 15 years. Easy to install. Carton of 20—2-ft. lengths, with con- necting clips, or 40 foot continuous coil, $4.98. Postpaid $5.69. BIRD FEEDERS HF-57 BIRDLAND. Sleek-Modern (Size 12” x 8” x 9”). An excellent automatic feeder that has two cake holders and capacity for 5 lbs. W-Q Wild Bird seed. Postpaid, $5.50. Not prepaid, $4.95. W-2 PANTRY SHELF popular window feeder. screws for attaching. Postpaid, $4.35. prepaid, $3.95. (GIGY se 11657). Is complete with > Not | CAROLINA ADAPTED WILD BIRD FOOD. 5 Ibs. $1.50, postpaid. Write for quantity price. BH-52 Birds Filling Station (12” x10” x10”) Postpaid $5.50. Not prepaid $4.95. BIRD BATHS Portable — Porce- lain Enameled Colors: Green or Gray aD No. 11— FLOWER- BED BIRD BATH. No. 12—L AWN (Illustrated) Height BIRD BATH. | 28”, bowl 1612” Height 31”, bowl across. 16145” across. $5.41, postpaid. $8.32, postpaid. WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO. TOM THUMB COMBINA- TION Vita Band 10 and Flats Plant Growers write for quantity prices. Size 1. 134” x 134” x 216”: i Garden Set (10 Flats and 120 bands)........ $ 3.25* 500 Units (500 Flats, 6,000 bands).-.............- 70.50 GSrzege aie 2x2 Yo: Garden Set (10 Flats; 120 bands)............ $ 3.45* 500 Units (500 Flats; 6,000 bands)...-...........- 75.75 Vita-Band 10 will usually contain root growth up to approximately 8 to 10 weeks. Nutrient- treated with quickly available plant food. Your judgment determines need for additional feed- ing. Prices of Vita-Band 10 Only Size Per 100 1,000 cs. (2,000) DIT) sre BAD Grea 1 Aaa eee $2.00* $9.95 $15.00 TRAD" S521 VME AR ee 1.80* 8.95 14.95 It’s the pot that you plant. Quantity Size Price Round 12 214 in. $ .59* Round 12 Saint -98* Round 50 3 in. 2.20* Square 2000 2% in. 20.95 Square 2000 3 in. 39.90 *Postpaid, others F.O.B. Raleigh FRUIT and BERRY BASKETS Prices per Type Size Packed Doz. 100 1,000 Metal Rim Pt. 1,000 $ .90 $4.30 $30.00 Metal Rim Qt. 500 1.10 5.35 36.00 Wood Rim 2-Qt. 500 1.45* 8.65* 76.50 Wood Rim 4-Qt. 500 1.90* 11.00* 98.00 * Postpaid, others f.o.b., Raleigh. CLAY POTS and SAUCERS ; We regret we cannot ship clay pots or saucers. PRICES: CLAY POTS SAUCERS ‘Size Each Dozen Each Dozen } 214 in $ .05 $ .50 Beh Whine 07 70 .09 85 *4 in. 10 1.10 12 1.30 5 in. 20 2.20 17 1.90 +65 int 30 3.30 20 2.20 Ee ain .60 6.90 40 4.50 #10 in. 1.15 13.25 70 7.95 2 eein: 2.00 23.20 13.90 * Azalea pots these sizes, same prices. | | GRAFTING WAX GRAFTING WAX. Used for grafting trees and other plants. Price: 1% lb. $1.20, postpaid. BOX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. | 1 Eézy Wear Gorden Glove. Soft durable, all-leather easy-to-wear gar- den and work gloves for men and women. Dirt proof and washable. : Post- No. Hand Size paid 626 —— ME SS1Z eles sree ee ee ee ee $1.96 626—L, Size 8.. . 1.96 606—M, Size 9.. 2.06 606 TESiz oll Oman Eon Ogg No. D44C—SOFT TOUCH GLOVES for wom- en. Smartly styled and washable. Pastel colors; yellow, green, and blue. Fits sizes 51% through 8. Price: $1.10, postpaid. No. W-55C for women. Cotton material is of exceptionally high quality-heavier weight, and the colors are woven in rather than printed. Sanforized and Colorfast. Fits sizes 514 through 9. Price 70c, postpaid. PERFECT LABELS Permanent plastic la- bels easily marked. At- tractive, inconspicuous. Use ordinary lead pencil. BORDER LABELS ES 2S ir ies een $3.25 per 25 ROCK GARDEN LABELS 4X5 1347 $2.70 per 25 TIE-ON LABELS 34%” x 34”_..$5.25 per 100 POT LABELS 4” x 34”_.._..$4.50 per 100 Postpaid TREE and GARDEN LABELS = Painted Wooden Labels for pots and garden. Size 100 1,000 Size 100 1,000 4 in. $ .80 $5.95 8 in. $1.45 $10.45 Sein: -90 6.50 VOvin= 92220) 16215 6 in. -95 fol lias 12 in. 3.75 Alike) Wired 315-inch Labels for trees, shrubs, plants. Prices: 95c per 100; $7.15 per 1,000. Add 20c to order for Postage. WEATHERPROOF PENCIL, 20c postpaid. BOKAY FIBRE GLASS FLOWER Four attractive colors! For in- doors or out- doors! Styled to blend with period or mod- ern _ furnish- ings. White, green black and brick red; will never need painting, can't rust, peel or fade. Com- pletely water- tight. 18 inches long, 715 inches top width, 515 in. FD SR a eae deep, any color $2.70.* 24 inches long, 734 inches top width, 534 inches deep, any color—$3.15.* 30 inches long, 8 inches top width, 534 inches deep, any color—$3.55.* 36 inches long, 8 inches top width, 534 inches deep, any color—$3.98.* BOKAY STAND—Black iron holds 24 inch, 30 inch or 36 inch box. Each $3.95.* BOKAY WALL BRACKETS—For mounting box on wall. Per pair 98c.* *Add 30c each for postage. METAL FLOWER BOXES No. 15—15 inches long, green................ $1.15* No. 18—18 inches long, green..... s No. 24—24 inches long, green... No. 30—30 inches long, green..... . No. 36—36 inches long, green.................. * Add 30c each for postage. HEDGE SHEARS Disston No. 36—8 inch blades. A practical dura- ble hedge shear. Blades are of high carbon heat treated steel. Top blade ground with com- bination cutting and shearing bevel. Bottom blade ground with shear bevel, serrated and notched. Contoured, round hardwood handles are cherry stained and lacquered. Each $5.20; Postpaid $5.50. Disston No. 30A—8 in. blades. No finer hedge shear on the market—even at twice the price. Hollow ground blade is self-sharpening, stays sharper longer. Light weight and _ perfectly balanced. Each $6.25. Postpaid $6.60. Disston No. 180—6 inch blades. Heat-treated steel blades and tapered hardwood handles. Each $3.15; Postpaid $3.50. No. A-1 Sunbeam Hedge Trimmer (Illustrated). 110V. AC-DC. 10 ft. cord. Shipping wt. 7 Ibs. Each $49.95; Postpaid $50.95. TREE PRUNERS Newman No. 900. Heavy duty tree pruner 10 ft., two sections snap-on handle, multiple pulley action. Each $21.50; Postpaid $22.50. Newman No. 700. Similar to No. 900 except lighter. Each $14.75; Postpaid $15.75. S1—15 inch Saw attachment. Bolts on either See te or 700 Pruner. Each $5.95; Postpaid PRUNING SHEARS LLORES NAP) CU es eccees $3.25* (illustrated) LTSESNARPICUL ss 2.75* 124 PRUNER Se 3.50* 25) PRUNERZ Se 4.00* F-917 TRUE TEMPER... 2.90* * Add 25c Postage. LOPPING SHEARS Handle Prices* Disston No. 2—Wooden...... $3.98* Disston No. 7—24” Steel... 8.39% Seymour Smith No. 045_..... 3.50* * Add 50c each for Postage. S-4 14 in. curved blade (Pull Cut)_.............. $4.98* K-10 18 in. double edge.................. “3s ‘ 32 24 in. professional, big teeth. ape No. 2322 Swedish 1012” folding..................-..- * Add 25c for Postage. GRASS SHEARS MIRACLE No. 1. Each $2.75.* DOO-KLIP SHEARS No. 202. Each $2.50.* DISSTON GRASS HOOK No. 3. Short handled, light, curved razor edge grass Blade. Each $1.56.' Push cut. DOO-KLIP, No. 303 LONG HANDLED SHEARS $4.95* * Add 25c for postage. 29 a ar AMES ROTO EDGERS No. 30 Deluxe (Left) Edging and trimming is easy with the Deluxe Roto Edger. The exclusive adjustable shear blade raises so shear disc teeth float above the trench bottom, cutting grass— not clogging on stones or debris. The Model 30 features wide dual wheels which gives greater traction and easier handling on concrete, grass or earth. Price $6.95; Postpaid $7.45. No. 20 Universal (Center) An all purpose tool for edging. Price $5.95; Postpaid $6.40. (Right) Self sharpening, Postpaid $5.40. Standard Price $4.95. No. 10 nomical. eco- AMES TAPERED NURSERY SPADES 128 712” x 532” x 1215” blade, 13 gauge with riveted steps. Has 27” D-handle strengthened by 20” steel straps. For professional nursery- eee Y Lym OF: Ce) Re ee ac ey een ee See ore $11.25* 924 Garden Spade. 714” x 12” blade of high carbon steel. Northern ash handle. No steel straps but has long rivetless socket. Each $4.60* AMES DRAIN SPADES 120 434” x 16” blade forged from high carbon steel. 27” handle made from selected ash with burntcotesfinish= Hache ee ee ee $7.10* 814 Surburban Spade. Blade measures 512” x 14S turned |Stepsg bach ne es ae $5.05* * Add 43c Postage. ROUND POINT SHOVELS 203 BRONCO Superior grade long handle (49”), round pointed shovel. Blade forged from high carbon steel, measures 914” x 12”. Handle se- lected ash, hardened with Burntcote finish. Rach oso ee ae ee ee ee $6.00* 803 A high quality shovel bearing Ames Ram Brand. Rolled shoulders strengthen top of blade and provide step. 47” ash handle, 87%” x aS blades ‘Bach. Sp ee 2 eae $4.80* 403 AMES OWL BRAND SHOVEL Tempered steel blade with rolled shoulders, 834” x 12”. Serviceable ash handle with lacquer finish. | OE 1 es Se eae a NN AL erg Ves a oe A $3.35* 473 Special shovel. An unusually good long nandled, round pointed shovel for such a low DEICEs Mea C ly ee eR oie tose ane $2.65* LONG HANDLE, SQUARE POINT SHOVELS 801 Same as 903RL except has square point DladelOlA4ex iil 15 eal c hee eaten tat) s cea $4.80* 401 Same as 403 except has square point. Blader9s4o xi S4 Each a ee ep nnreey $3.35* * Add 43 e postage. LONG HANDLE GARDEN SPADES AFGS In light gardening jobs such as spading, edging and turning. This new Ames floral spade performs with ease because of its fine balance and “light” feel. 6” x 914” blade of tempered high carbon steel. 312’ selected ash handle. MONG 6 yt oa ey aoa es, ee 2 ae ae ee ea $3.90* Please Add 3% N. C. Sales Tax when ordering items on this page. AMES ATLAS POST HOLE DIGGERS 507 Blades are high carbon steel riveted to malleable iron casting. 4° handles, selected ash with Burntcote finish. Each............ $5.82* * Add 50c Postage. LAWN RAKES A22 No rake made is superior to this Ames 22 tooth model, in AN: to sweep clean and fast. 2014 wide. 48” Burntcote handle. Machine $3.05 Postpaidi.--.: $3.35 AFBR 22 Popular fan shaped broom rake of Ames quality. Each....$2.25. Postpaid....$2.55 022 Owl lawn rake. Unusual value. 1934” wide, 22 teeth, 48” handle. Each............ $1.00. Postpaid.....__.... $1.30. TWO PRONG STEEL HOE A2PF Ideal all purpose hoe made from one piece of high quality forged steel. Premium grade handle. Hach......0...-.0.....----.-.<------------ $3.30* R2P Similar to A2PF except lighter weight blade. Each $1. SPEEDY CULTIVATOR A4SC The very thing for scratching in the garden. Four tines head 5” wide. Light and easy to use. Ames quality. Each........... $3.40. Postpaid............ $3.70. A3SC Similar to A4SC. Three tines head SMa wide, Bache... ernie cern $3.10. Ks DIG-EZY MATTOCK HOE ADE 3 Ames quality made for long service. Blade and cutter forged from one solid piece of steel. Each _.._. $4.05. — FLORAL HOE AFH5 Designed by Ames for the lady gar- Postpaid... $4.40 a dener. Lightweight yet sturdy. Blade 5” wide, 334” deep. 4’ handle with polished finish} sHac hy sass eo teh a A ee $2.90* FLORAL RAKE ATR8 A small lightweight rake for easy gardening. A top quality Ames tool. Eight curved teeth—width of head 8”. Has 4’ white ashehandlleksi ac ieee nas $2.35 * Add 30c Postage. DANDELION DIGGER ATW AY apeiron se teem eee ee 79c; 94c, postpaid. ADW with 3’ handle....$1.30. Postpaid. -$1.50. BULB PLANTERS AMES BPS 41 inch over-all lightweight tubu- lar steel with depth gauge and 712” foot- piece. Easily opens 214” diameter cylindrical, flat bottom hole. Each_.$3.50; postpaid $3.80. AMES BPD Hand planter with wood grip. Bache 2072 ee 98c; postpaid $1.23. GARDEX 8” over-all wooden D handle opens DAU NOL Ea Cites 98c; postpaid $1.23. AMES HAND TROWELS AT Designed for the home gardener. Light, well balanced. Blade 6” x 35%”. Each...... 95c, postpaid. ATT Same as AT but 215” narrow blade. Each 95c, postpaid. AMES WEED WHIP No. ASGW Has serrated double edze plade 915” x 114”, heat Light and easy to han- *Add 35c Postage. treated. 3812” over-all. dle. $2.05." 7 AMES WEED CUTTER | ASWC—14” x 215” heavy duty blade travels parallel to the ground. Over-all length 38”. Each | $2.50.* *Add 35c Postage. STEEL GARDEN RAKES A16RB AMES BOW RAKE with 16 teeth forged from the finest flexible steel. Sturdily bul ig withstand the severest test. Each... $4. R14RB Similar to Al16RB except 14 teeth, 1 ‘ wide. Each $3.20* | 014RB Owl brand bow rake. Each_........... $2.95* * Add 35c Postage. LEVEL HEAD STEEL GARDEN RAKE R14C A fine rake for the home. 1434”. 5’ solid | ash handle. Each..............----.-.--------.----------------+- $2.70* AX16 Extra heavy steel road rake for unusually heavy work. Each_..............-----.--------------------- $6.85* * Add 35c Postage. 4 TINE SPADING FORKS ATLDA Ames medium weight fork tempered ( for toughness. Each .........._...-.-..-..--------------- $4.40* - AEDA English digging fork of same quality | but with 12” square times. Each _____.._...-.___. $5.00* * Add 40c Postage. POTATO HOOKS A4BOL Four tine steel potato hook with 412 ft. white ash handle. A “must’’ for the garden. Gee wil Ge al Cees ee eee $4 A5BOL Same as A4BOL except has five tines. ' [OP he) pean eee tes vere ePe Pee oe se ae nceceonce 2 $4.50* | A4BOH Heavy pattern, four tines, 742” wide.’ Ames quality. Each.....-............-.-........-----.-.---- $4.857 A5BOH Five tine, heavy. Each... $5.05* * Add 40c Postage. SOUTH ERN MEADOW HOES ASM7 Ames chopping hoe, 7” blade, best ae Ea Ch eee a ee eee ASM8 Same as ASM7 except has 8” Bachws ec. 2 2 ek ee ee ee ze OSM7 Owl hoe, Southern Pattern. Each... R OSM8 Owl hoe, 8” blade. Each... -$2.80*) * Add 35c Postage. ! EARTH AUGER No. 245 2” Earth auger with 9” high quality steel head, 36” 15” steel handle and 14” welded cross handle. 45” over-all. Evergreen enameled Fab gVG) Oy LOE) Vee ee eee see $4.49; postpaid $4.30: WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO GRASSES for Pasture and Hay < A perennial, drought resistant F41 Pensacola Bahia Grass gintner grass heaving creeping rhizomes which eventually form a dense sod. It is not as palatable as orchard or Fescue grass, but it is readily accepted by cattle. It grows well on sandy soils, or soils of low fertility; but need not be restricted to such sites. On better land it is naturally more productive. Furnishes earlier spring grazing than Bermuda and remains green until killing frost. Prices: lb. 75c; 2-9 lbs. @ 54c Ib.; 10-24 lbs. @ 41c Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid 10-24 lbs. @ 34c Ib.; 25 to 99 lbs. @ 32c lb.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 30c Ib. Grows best on sweet soil, but F40 Kentucky Biue Grass does well on any stiff rich soil. Sow either in the fall or spring. 10 to 15 pounds to the acre. Prices: Ib. $1.15; 2-9 lbs. @ $1.00 Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 82c Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid 19-24 Ibs. @ 75c Ib.; 25 to 99 @ 70c Ib.; 100 lbs. or more @ 65c Ib. F66 Permanent Lowland Hay and Pasture Mixture This Mixture includes the most valuable varieties of grasses and clovers for bottom lands and on good soils produces a maximum of grazing or hay. Sow spring or fall 30 lbs. per acre. Prices: Ib. 85c; 2-9 lbs. @ 66c Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 53c Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10-24 lbs. @ 46c Ib.; 25-99 lbs. @ 41c Ib.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 36c lb. A tall or giant Fes- F44 Kentucky 31 Fescue-Certified cuc* adapted to a wide variety of soils and uses. Like most long lived grasses, growth is slow after germination and should not be grazed until 6 inches high. Seed in a prepared, firm seed bed fall or early spring 15 to 20 lbs. per acre alone; 8 to 12 lbs. with 3 lbs. Ladino, White Clover, or 15 lbs. Les- pedeza. Prices: lb. 75c; 2-9 lbs. 59c Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. 47c Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid 10-24 lbs. @ 40c Ib.; 25-49 lbs. @ 38c Ib.; 50 lbs. or more @ 36c lb. Quality comparable to Certified F53_ Kentucky 31 Fescue cas prices: ib. 70c; 2-9 Ibs. 57¢ Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. 45c 1b., postpaid. Not prepaid 10-24 lbs. @ 38c lb.; 25-49 lbs. @ 36c Ib.; 50 lbs. or more @ 34c lb. It stands close grazing re- F57_ Dallis Grass (Imported) Mancahiy Wwe and grows early spring until killing frost. Sow February to April. Plant 8 pounds per acre. Prices: Ib. $1.15; 2-9 Ibs. @ 95c Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 82c lb., post- paid. Not prepaid, 10-24 Ibs. @ 75c lb.; 25-99 Ibs. @ 70c lb.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 65c lb 1 30 to 50 lbs. per acre for pasture. F43 Italian Rye Grass Our seeds are thoroughly recleaned and are 99 per cent pure or better. Prices: lb. 50c; 2-9 Ibs. @ 37c lb.; 10-24 lbs. @ 24c lb., postpaid. Write for quantity prices. F65 Permanent Upland Hay and Pasture Mixture _ A mixture of thoroughly cleaned grasses and clovers of adapted varieties carefully selected and mixed to produce an abundance of rich nutritive grazing or hay. 30 lbs. per acre, spring or fall. Prices: lb. 85c; 2-9 lbs. 66c lb.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 53c lb., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10-24 lbs. @ | 46c Ib.; 25-99 Ibs. @ 41c Ib.; 100 lbs. or more @ 36c lb. F52 Red Top or Herd’s Grass For hay, pasture and lawns. Best on heavy moist low- lands. Sow 10 lbs. to the acre. Prices: lb. 90c; 2-9 lbs. @ 79c Ib.; 10-24 lbs. @ 66c lb., postpaid. Not prepaid 10-24 lbs. @ 59c Ib.; 25-99 Ibs. @ 57c lb.; 100 lbs. or more @ 55c lb. A new orchard grass that F46 Potomac Orchard Grass is superior to other strains. Potomac will produce considerably more forage under the same grow- _ ing conditions and more resistant to diseases than common orchard _ grass. Prices: Sold out. We hope to have seed for fall sowing. One of our most pro- F47 Orchard Grass (Onion Free) 9ncSive grasses for’ ine ’ Middle South for hay and pasture. Succeeding well in almost all fertile soils it does best on loamy and moderately stiff uplands. Starts growth very early in the spring and continues well into the winter. It /. is a long-lived perennial grass. Sow 12 to 15 lbs. per acre alone or 8 to 10 lbs. with other grasses and clovers. Prices: lb. 80c; 2-9 Ibs. 59c Ib.; | 10-24 ibs. @ 46c lb., postpaid. Not prepaid 10-24 Ibs. @ 39c Ilb.; 25-99 ' Ibs. @ 36c Ib.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 34¢c lb. It produces an abundance of fo- F42 Perennial Rye Grass liage that remains bright and ' green throughout the season, will bear frequent and close cropping, except in warm weather. Prices: lb. 65c; 2-9 lbs. @ 45c Ib.; 10-24 lbs. @ _ 32¢ lb., postpaid. Write for quantity prices. Grows on poor sandy soils, ' F5] Carpet Grass conditions are favorable. Sow 10 lbs. per acre for pasture. Prices: lb. 95c; 2-9 lbs. @ 80c Ib.; 10-24 lbs. @ 66c Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10-24 lbs. @ 59c Ib.; 25-99 lbs. @ 5i7c Ib.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 55c Ib. F55 Ti th Sow 15 lbs. per acre. Prices: lb. 75c; 2-9 lbs. @ IMOTNY 52c 1b.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 38c Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid 10-24 lbs. @ 31e Ib.; 25-99 lbs. @ 28c Ib.; 100 lbs. or more @ 26c Ib. Makes a vigorous and persistent growth i F48 Bermuda Grass in every part of the South; lasts for years; stands heat without injury. Sow 10 to 20 lbs. to the acre for pasture, from October until June. Seed will not germinate when ground is cold, and under favorable conditions, takes 30 to 40 days to germinate. Prices: lb. _ $1.05; 2-9 Ibs. @ 89 Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 76c Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid 10-24 Ibs. @ 69c lb.; 25-99 Ibs. @ 67c Ib.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 65c lb. This is the same Arizona grown Ber- ; F37 Bermuda (Hulled) muda offered under F48 except that the tough hull has been removed and 1/3 less seeds are needed. Hulled Bermuda under favorable conditions during the late spring or summer will germinate in 8 to 10 days, and should be sown only during this period. Prices: lb. $1.30; 2-9 lbs. @ $1.12 Ib.; 10-24 lbs. @ 99c Ib., postpaid. Dea ce ala 10-24 lbs. @ 92c Ib.; 25-99 lbs. @ 90c Ib.; 100 lbs. or more @ | BOX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. if moisture Wyatt-Quarles Quality CLOVER and GRASS SEEDS Alfalfa ALFALFAS Write for free bulletin on Alfalfa culture. N. C. Experiment Station reports up to F95 Alfalfa Atlantic a fifth more production with Atlantic than with other adapted strains. following good practices. We offer premium quality seeds of the highest purity. Prices: Ib. 85c; 2-9 lbs. @ 71c Ib.; 10-59 lbs. @ 56c lb., postpaid. Not prepaid 10-59 Ibs. @ 49c Ib.; 60 lbs. or more @ 44c Ib. We handle only premium quality F97 Alfalfa Oklahoma noxious weed free Alfalfa’ seeds. Prices: Ib. 75c; 2-9 lbs. @ 58c lb.; 10-59 Ibs. @ 45c lb., postpaid. Not pre- paid 106-59 lbs. @ 38c lb.; 60 lbs. or more @ 33c lb. CLOVERS F89 Ladino, Blue Tag Certified d.persamia! cover of pastures, especially on moist, fertile land. Recovers rapidly from grazing or clipping and is leafy and succulent. Its growing season is as long as that of any other legume. Like all clovers, Ladino succeeds best on well limed and fertilized land. Sow 5 to 6 pounds per acre alone or 1 to 3 pounds in mixtures. Prices: Ib. $1.35; 2-9 lbs. @ $1.13; 10-49 Ibs. @ $1.00 Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid 10-49 lbs. @ 93c Ib.; 50 Ibs, or more @ 88c Ib. Adapted to most soils; is used for pasture, F87 Sweet Clover forage, ensilage, bees, soil improvement inoculant, and grazing. Especially good as a manure crop and to inocu- late the soil for alfalfa. Sow 15 pounds per acre July to October or February, March. Prices: lb. 65c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 47c Ib.; 10-59 Ibs. @ 34e lb., postpaid. Not prepaid 10-59 lbs. @ 27c lb.; 60 Ibs. or more @ 22c Ib. Because of its spreading habit and F80 White Dutch Clover persistent year ’round growth White Dutch is invaluable for lawn and pasture use. Sow 6 to 8 pounds per acre alone or 2 to 3 pounds with other clovers or grasses. Prices: Ib. $1.10; 2-9 lbs. @ 90c 1b.; 10-59 lbs. @ Tic lb., postpaid. Not prepaid 10-59 Ibs. @ 70c Ib.; 60 lbs. or more @ 65c lb. S Should be sown from August to Oc- F83 Crimson Clover tober. When sown by itself, 25 to 30 lbs. are required to the acre; Sown with grain or vetch. 15 pounds would be sufficient. Write for Prices. Well adapted to our Piedmont soils. Sow early F82 Red Clover spring or fall 20 pounds per acre. Lime and fertilize as for other clovers. Prices: lb. 90c; 2-9 lbs. @ 69c Ib.; 10-59 Ibs. @ 56c lb., postpaid. Not prepaid 10-59 lbs. @ 49c ib.; 60 Ibs. or more @ 44c lb. High yielding, double cut anthrac- F81 Red Clover, Keniand nose resistant Red Clover adapted to the Southeastern Clover belt. Culture same as for other clovers. Prices: lb. 95c; 2-9 lbs. 73c lb.; 10-59 lbs. @ 60c lb., postpaid. Not prepaid 10-59 lbs. @ 53c lb.; 60 lbs. or more @ 48c Ib. LESPEDEZAS o) . Scarified and recleaned. F95 Sericea Lespedeza (Perennial) Bn oe tno ocorest soils without fertilizer or lime. Produces an abundance of hay if cut when tender. Prices: lb. 75c; 2-9 Ibs. @ 53c Ib.; 10-59 lbs. @ 40c Ib., post- ase Not prepaid 10-59 lb. @ 33c lb.; 60-99 lbs. @ 30c 1lb.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 28c lb. A high yielding variety of Korean F94 Rowan Lespedeza Lespedeza, resistant to powdery mildew and two common forms of rootknot nematode. In N. C. its superior yielding ability has been particularly striking on nematode infested soils, where in trials, it has doubled the yield of Korean. It is adapted throughout the Korean belt and matures about the same time as Korean. Prices: lb. 60c; 2-9 Ibs. @ 41c Ib.; 10-24 lbs. @ 28ce lb., postpaid. Not pre- paid 10-24 Ibs. @ 21c Ib.; 25-99 lbs. @ 18c lb.; 100 lbs. or more @ 16c lb. A variety particularly adapted to lowlands F93 Kobe Lespedeza and lighter soils. Sow 30 to 40 Ibs. per acre. Responds to liming and fertilizing. Write for prices. Does best in heavy soils. Korean is F92 Korean Lespedeza earlier than other lespedezas, enabling harvest in time for planting small grain. Sow 30 pounds of seed per acre February to April. Write for prices Corn, Coker 911 ADAPTED FIELD CORNS Southern-bred Hybrids for the South In the selection of a corn to plant, adaptation is of first importance. We offer and recommend only hybrids and varieties adapted to local conditions that produce maximum yields and protection against insects and adverse weather conditions. ~ Excellent rcot and stalk strength, quality, Coker 911 (White) yield and shuck coverage have earned for this fine hybrid a place at the very top of the better corns for the Southeast. Prices: 7 lbs. (46 pk.) $2.60; 14 Ibs. (pK.) $4.60, postpaid. Not prepaid, 7 lbs. $2.00; 14 Ibs. $3.65; 56 Ibs. (bu.) $12.25. Outstanding weevil resistance, stalk and Coker 811 (White) root strength are characteristic of this most widely planted hybrid for the Southeast. Especially well adapted in the S.E. coastal plains. Prices: 7 Ibs. (44 pk.) $2.60; 14 Ibs. (pk.) $4.60, postpaid. Not prepaid, 7 Ibs. $2.00; 14 Ibs. $3.65; 56 Ibs. (bu.) $12.25. Coker 61 6 ( White ) A two eared hybrid with dented grains of medium hard texture. Husk tight and covers the ear. Plants are medium short with sturdy stalks; ears are placed medium low on the stalk and turn down at maturity. Adapted to piedmont and northeast coastal plain. Prices: 7 lbs. (1% pk.) $2.60; 14 Ibs. (pK.) $4.60, postpaid. Not prepaid, 7 Ibs. $2.00; 14 Ibs. $3.65; 56 Ibs. (bu.) $12.25. A new two eared yellow hybrid of excellent Coker 67 (Yellow) root and stalk strength. Produces high yields of top quality, hard grain, medium sized plants with ears oi medium low placement and long shank provide extra protection from weather and easy mechanical harvesting. Prices: 7 lbs. (4 pK.) $2.60; 14 Ibs. (pK.) $4.60, postpaid. Not prepaid, 7 lbs. $2.00; 14 lbs. $3.65; 56 Ibs. (bu.) $12.25. (Yellow) A two eared hybrid with dimple dented Coker 71 grains of hard texture. Husk tight and covers the ear. Plants are medium in height with sturdy stalks; ears are placed medium low on the stalk and turn down at maturity, thereby preventing damage from weather. Adapted to coastal plain. Prices: 7 Ibs. (4% pk.) $2.60; 14 lbs. (pk.) $4.60, postpaid. Not prepaid, 7 Ibs. $2.00; 14 lbs. $3.65; 56 Ibs. (bu.) $12.25 A new early hybrid for 1960, developed Coker 15 (Yellow) especially for hogging down or early harvest in the Coastal Plains where corn must be picked before the hurricane season. It does have enough weevil resistance to make good cribbing corn where weevil damage is severe. Has relatively low, well covered ears on long, strong shanks. Prices: 7 lbs. (44 pk.) $2.60; 14 lbs. (pk.) $4.60, post- paid. Not prepaid, 7 lbs. $2.00; 14 lbs. $3.65; 56 lbs. (bu.) $12.25. SIMAZINE 80W A recommended pre-emergent herbicide that has produced very effective weed control in corn research and trial plots in North Carolina for the past four years when used at the rates of 212 to 4 lbs. per acre. For more information see Simazine 80W page 36 or write for literature. Price: 5 lb. bag $21.15, postpaid; not pre- paid 5 lb. bag $20.75; 50 lb. drum $187.50. ne One of the best yellow hybrids, some varia- Dixie 82 (Yellow) tion in color; good stalk strength, high yield. Adapted in Piedmont and Coastal Plain. Prices: 7 lbs. (% pk.) $2.30; 14 lbs. (pk.) $4.05, postpaid. Not prepaid, 7 lbs. $1.70; 14 Ibs. $3.10; 56 lbs. (bu.) $10.25. Aa One of the better full season yellow hy- Dixie 288 (Yellow) brids for the Coastal Plain. Good stalk strength and shuck protection. Prices: 7 lbs. (4%4 pk.) $2.30; 14 lbs. (pk.) $4.05, postpaid. Not prepaid, 7 lbs. $1.70; 14 lbs. $3.10; 56 Ibs. (bu.) $10.25. NC IZ (Y I ) A widely adapted and planted hybrid of good ellow quality and dependable yield. Prices: 7 Ibs. ('% pk.) $2.30; 14 lbs. (pk.) $4.05, postpaid. Not prepaid, 7 lbs. $1.70; 14 lbs. $3.10; 56 Ibs. (bu.) $10.25. OPEN POLLINATED—YELLOW VARIETIES FZ3 Latham’s Yellow Crosser ccicen: oi corn for the Coastal Plain. Prices: lb. 55c; 2 Ibs. 80c; 5 lbs. $1.40; 14 lbs. (pk.) $2.60, postpaid. Not prepaid, 14 lbs. (pk.) $1.65; 56 lbs. (bu.) $5.59. 32 OPEN POLLINATED—WHITE VARIETIES FI5 Latham’s Double (N. C. Certified Originators Stock) A dependable and high yielding variety for Eastern North Carolina and South Carolina. Shells 85 per cent grain when dry. Weevil resistant. Prices: Ib. 55c; 2 Ibs. 80c; 5 Ibs. $1.40; 14 Ibs. (pk.) $2.60, postpaid. Not prepaid, 14 Ibs. (pk.) $1.65; 56 Ibs. (bu.) $5.50. . . The grain is so wide and deep and the cob so F6 Hickory King small that often a single grain will cover the end of a broken cob. Prices: Ib. 55c; 2 Ibs. 90c; 5 Ibs. $1.65; 14 Ibs. (pk.) $3.05, postpaid. Not prepaid, 14 Ibs. $2.10; 56 Ibs. (bu.) $7.00. COTTON GC oker 100 A Cokers latest strain of cotton seed. Adapted through- ‘ out the southeast. It has excellent disease resistance, high gin turn out and top quality long staple lint. Pedigreed Registered Breeder Stock, machine delinted. Price: 100 lb. bag $13.25, F.o.b., Raleigh. Pedigreed Registered Breeder Stock, acid delinted. Price: 50 lb. bag $9.75, F.o.b., Raleigh. Certified (First generation) machine de- linted. Write for prices. Certified (First generation) acid delinted. Write for prices. Certified (Second generation) machine delinted. Write for prices. Certified (Second generation) acid delinted. Write for prices. CROTALARIA F304 Giant Strata @™ nue Lene Coola tonnage of green manure on the poorest dry or wet land. Only 10 to 15 pounds of seed are required per acre and may be sown in small grains at the time soda is applied if seeding is followed with harrow or weeder. Very deep rooting. Sow February to July. Prices: lb. 55c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 40c lb.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 27c lb., postpaid. Not prepaid 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 20c Ib.; 25 to 99 Ibs. @ 17c Ib.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 15dc lb. SOYBEANS F150 Yel d A new, high yielding, yellow late bean developed einando by Coker Pedigreed Seed Company. Bred espe- cially to plant after small grain for bean production or to plant early for grain. Write for prices. F147 Hill A new high-yielding, widely adapted, early maturing ! bean that is resistant to lodging and shattering of pods. It is resistant to all major diseases of soybean foliage and to phytophthora rot, a fungus that attacks the roots and stem, Hill is also resistant to purple seed stain and has shown evidence of resistance to the root-knot nematode. In field trials at 30 different locations, it averaged nearly 35 bushels per acre. Hill matures 21 to 28 days earlier than Lee and averages 28 to 36 inches in height, has moderate sized stems and heavy foliage. It has white flowers and produces smaller seeds than Lee. Write for prices. F148 H d A new variety that is adapted to North Carolina, Vir- oo ginia and Kentucky. It possesses a growth type similar to Ogden, but has slightly higher seed yields, seed quality and seed-holding ability. Hood is resistant to the soybean diseases bacterial pustule, wildfire, frogeye and target spot. In areas of best adaptation plants average 30 to 36 inches tall with stems of moderate size and heavy foliage. The flowers are purple. Write for prices. F145 Lee (Certified) Especially adapted to the eastern two- thirds of North Carolina and a large area of the southeast and mid-south. Lee is resistant to several major diseases and has shown little shattering 8 to 10 weeks after maturity. Oil content averaged 21.5. Yields averaged 29.3 bushels per acre in over 90 tests in 12 southeastern states. Plants average 30 to 36 inches high, have moderate sized stems, heavy foliage, and purple flowers. Prices: 15 Ibs. (pk.) $2.30, postpaid. Not prepaid 15 Ibs. $1.35; 60 lbs. (bu.) $4.50; Bag (2 bu.) $8.50. F144 Jackson (Certified ) Adapted in the Coastal Plain and Gulf Coast areas of the Southeast, Jackson is expected to lower soybean production costs through higher yields, resistance to lodging, seed quality, oil content and other desirable characteristics. Plants average 39.6 inches high. Prices: 15 lbs. (pk.) $2.30, postpaid. Not prepaid. 15 lbs. $1.35; 60 lbs. (bu.) $4.50; Bag (2 bu.) $8.50. COW PEAS O Good quality Cowpeas are quite scarce Fl 13 Mixed Cowpeas due toh Gronuht conditionee prevailing over most of the producing areas. We have only a limited supply of nice Iron and Clay Mixed Peas, both good hay varieties. Write for Prices. For edible varieties and Crowders, see Page 12. VELVET BEANS F211 Early Running Speckled #3 eo" sara, eyanted throughout the South and extremely popular. It is one of the quickest- growing and earliest maturing of the Velvet Beans. Plant April to July. Prices: 1 lb. 45c; 2-9 Ibs. 35c Ib.; 15 lbs. (pk.) $3.35, postpaid. Not prepaid, 15 Ibs. $2.90; 60 Ibs. (bu.) $9.75. Corn, Coker 71 WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO. } | SORGHUMS - MILLET - RAPE - PEANUTS - OATS For Grain and Foliage—Write for Free Cultural Bulletins On Any Crop. F75 Sweet Sudan A broad leaved, disease resistant Sudan similar to Tift but much sweeter and more palatable to stock. In experimental plantings where Sudans are planted, cattle keep the Sweet Sudan grazed to the ground and graze the Bees only when there is none of the Sweet Sudan to graze. An outstanding summer temporary grazing and hay crop. Plant and handle as other Sudans. Prices: Ib. 55c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 37c Ib.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 24c lb., Postpaid. Not prepaid 10-24 lbs. @ 17c lb.; 25-99 Ibs. @ 14c Ib.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 12c lb. SORGHUMS A recent selection F198 Syrup Cane especially for syrup. Tall heavy stalks of a good uniform type, producing good quality Syrup. Prices: Ib. 55c; 2 to 9 Ibs. @ 47c lb.; 10-24 lbs. @ 37¢ 1b., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10-24 Ibs. @ 30¢ Ib.; 25 to 99 Ibs. @ 28c lb.; 100 lbs. or more @ 26c lb. COMBINE MILO FOR GRAIN F296 Martin’s (Combine) Milo This is the most satisfactory variety for all round Combine purposes in N A superior plant for growing with peas for hay because of its low habit or growth. For grain it out yields corn and brings a higher price. Dry grain is ready in 110 to 120 days. Ready to cut for hay in 60 days. Plant 10 lbs. per acre in rows; broadcast 25 lbs. with peas or 50 lbs. alone. Prices: Ib. 55c; 2 to 9 Ibs. @ 34c lb.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 20c lb., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 13c Ib.; 25 to 99 Ibs. @ 10c Ib.; 100 lbs. or more @ 7c lb. F297 Sorghum, Texas 620 (HYBRID) CERTIFIED MILO. A medium ma- turing hybrid with excellent characteristics and matures about the same time as Martin. Dry headed and of uniform combine height. It pro- duces excellent yield increases wherever Martin is adapted. Because of its larger heads and slightly taller height more lodging may occur. Therefore, should be harvested promptly when mature. Price: lb. 60c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 40c Ib.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 27c Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 to 24 lbs. @ 20c Ib., 25 to 99 lbs. @ lic Ib.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 15c Ib. A new hybrid sor- F295 Amak R.-12 ghum that is setting new standards for sorghum production every- where. Under average growing conditions Amak R-12 attains a height 4 to 5 feet. It blooms in about 65 days and is ready for harvest many days sooner than most mid-early or main crop sorghums. It has red grain, excellent thresh- ability and high test weight. Yields of over 5,000 pounds per acre are usually reported, with some going as high as 6,250 pounds. Price: lb. 65c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 46c lb.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 33e Ihb., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10-24 lbs. @ 26c Ib.; 25 to 99 lbs. @ 23c lb.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 21¢c lb. FORAGE CROPS F194 Sorghum, Sart A2S*$or South. riety for south- ern and southeastern areas. Forage compares favorably with corn. Stalks are very sweet and juicy. Excellent standing ability. Days to bloom 80. Days to mature 125-135. Height 6-10 feet. Prices: lb. 60c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 43c lb.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 30c lb., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 to 24 lbs. @ 23c lb.; 25 to 99 Ibs. @ 20c Ib.; 100 lbs. or more @ 18c lb. * Recognized as F197 Sorghum, Hegari the “host vaiu- able and widely adapted member of the sorghum family. Hegari has great forage value because of its high sugar content, which makes it highly palatable to livestock, its broad leaves and its substantial stalks. Recommended highly for sil- age. A thickly seeded pasture will make good grazing and also makes good hay. Hegari is a “4 BOX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. good substitute crop for corn. It out-yields corn on light soils and corn can be planted much later. Prices: lb. 55c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 36c lb.; 10-24 lbs. @ 23c lb., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10-24 lbs. @ 16c lb.; 25 to 99 lbs. @ 13c lb.; 100 Ibs. or more @ llc lb. F187 Millet, Starr Pearl A new improved variety of Cattail-type Mil- let, easier to manage, lasts longer, leafier and shorter than common millets. Appears to be the best of all summer temporary grazing crops for dairy and beef cattle, and hogs on the lighter soils of the Coastal Plains. Plant before June 10th if possible, 5 to 6 lbs. per acre in 19 to 20 in. rows. Prices: lb. 65c; 2 to 9 Ibs. @ 43c lb.; 10-24 lbs. @ 30c Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10-24 lbs. @ 23c lb.; 25 to 99 lbs. @ 18c lb.; 100 lbs. or more @ 16c Ib. F184 Gahi Millet A2SceRUy 8 pearl (cattail) millet developed at Tifton, Georgia. It is leafier, later maturing and more vigorous and productive than common pearl millet. Also recovers faster after grazing than common pearl millet. In tests to date in North Carolina, under grazing, it has been more pro- ductive than either Starr or common pearl millet. Starr millet, however, is more leafy than Gahi and is easier to manger under graz- ing. Hence, both Gahi and Starr are con- sidered excellent varieties for North Carolina. Write for prices. F185 Millet German Certified Genuine old-fashioned German or Golden Millet. Seed 50 lbs. to the acre, from the middle of April until the end of July. It’s a quick crop, maturing in six to eight weeks. Cut while in bloom, before the seed hardens in the head. Prices: lb. 60c; 2 to 9 lbs. 38c; 10-24 lbs. 25c l1b., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10-24 lbs. 18c; 1b.; 25-99 Ibs. 15c lb.; 100 Ibs. or more 12c Ib. F186 Millet, Pearl or Cattail One of the best and most nutritious of the continuous cutting green forage plants. Grows 8 to 10 feet high, but cutting can commence when it has attained the height of 3 to 4 feet, when it will stool out enor- mously and make rapid growth; can be cut in this way three to four times during the season. It does well even on poor land, and surprisingly well in dry seasons. Plant April to August, 6 to 8 lbs. to the acre in rows 3 feet apart. Prices: lb. 60c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 36c lb.; 10-24 Ibs. @ 23c Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10-24 lbs. @ 16c Ib.; 25 to 99 lbs. @ 14c 1lb.; 100 lbs. or more @ 12c. BROOM CORN Evergreen EZ94°Broom, Gorn 4052 pant in 312-foot rows, thinning out to stand 8 to 10 inches in the row and cultivate like corn. 6 lbs. per acre. Prices: Ib. 85c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 65c; 10 lbs. or more @ 52c Ib., postpaid. F299 BUCKWHEAT The earliest, most prolific and largest grained of all buckwheats, and makes fine flour. Prices: lb. 55c; 2 to 9 Ibs. @ 35c; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 22c lb., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 to 24 lbs. @ 15c; 25 to 99 Ibs. @ 12c; 100 lbs. or more @ 10%c Ib. PEANUTS ‘ Adapted to a variety F221 Valencia of soils and makes few “pops.”’ Straight smooth pods contains 3 to 4 large kernels of finest quality. An early bunch variety. Prices: lb. 75c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 53c Ib:; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 40c lb., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 to 24 lbs. @ 33c lb.; 25 to 99 lbs. @ 30c lb.; 100 lbs. or more @ 28c lb. F226 NC-2 This is one of the new peanuts developed by the N. C. Experiment Station. The superior vigor and uniformity of NC-2 resulting in higher yields and a greater percentage of extra large kernels of higher market value make it a more profitable variety. NC-2 is a semi-bunch variety with large leaves, heavy stems; highly resistant to Southern Stem rot. Prices: Ib. 85c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 63c lb.; 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 55c lb., postpaid. Write for quantity prices. ea Se F287 Rape, Dwarf Essex A succulent F287 Rape, Dwarf Essex 3.54°Sutri: tious quick pasture crop for stock and poultry. Ready in 6 to 8 weeks. After cutting or grazing, plant continues to grow. Makes acceptable table “sreens.”’” Can be planted in drills, using 4 pounds of seed to the acre, or broadcast, 8 pounds. Should be sown at intervals from August to April. Prices: lb. 55c; 2 to 9 Ibs. @ 37c lb.; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 23c lb., postpaid. Not pre- paid, 10 to 24 lbs. @ 16c; lb.; 25 to 99 Ibs. @ 14c lb.; 100 lbs. or more @ 12c Ib. Sunflower F298 Russian Sunflower 2 2om55 sa to poultry makes a real egg-producer, and being rich in oil and protein they make an ideal food during the moulting season. Prices: FOR SEEDS: Ib. 60c; 2 to 9 lbs. @ 47c lb.; 10-24 lbs. @ 34¢ Ib., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10-24 lbs. @ 27c Ib.; 25 to 99 lbs. @ 24c Ib.; 100 lbs. or more @ 22c lb. FOR FEEDING: Ib. 65c; 2 to 9 Ibs. @ 49c; 10 to 24 lbs. @ 36c Ilb., postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 to 24 Ibs. @ 29c lb.; 25 to 99 lbs. @ 26c Ib.; 100 Ibs. or more @ 24c Ib. Write for Field Crop Varieties not listed, information and prices. OATS F172 Coker Moregrain 2° 172% has consistently out produced standard varieties including the widely grown Arlington and Vic- torgrain 48-93. Resists the following diseases: victoria blight, all common races of crown rust, 2 of the 3 prevalent races of smut, soil born mosaic and yellow leaf. Adapted to the upper Coastal Plains and Piedmont. Moregrain will provide a lot of grazing and still make a good crop of grain. Certified $2.15 per bushel. Uncerti- fied $1.95 per bushel. Prices f.o.b. Raleigh. F171 Victorgrain 48-93 Victorgrain was developed from a cross of Ful- grain and Victoria by Coker. It is a week earlier than Arlington, has long, plump, yellow, awnless grains. The plants are a few inches shorter than Arlington with strong, stiff straw. It is resistant to crown rust and smut. Prices: Certified $1.80 per bushel. Uncertified $1.60 per bushel. Prices f.o.b. Raleigh. F296 Combine N . HORMODIN POWDER Cuttings treated with Hormodin Powder root quicker, establish themselves more readily, and have more growing roots per cutting. Can also be used for seed treatment. Supplied in three strengths, range of hormones in nature. Directions and complete plant name-list in each package. paralleling the Hormodin Powder No. 1 The general purpose powder designed for the home gardener or commercial florist. 10 oz- tin, each... eee $ .70 postpaid 1 Ib. tin (for 35,000 cuttings) each.. 4.27 postpaid Hormodin Powder No. 2 For propagating many woody and semi-woody twpes of plants. TESTA AE Ree Eee een eaters $1.05 postpaid 1 lb. tin (for 35,000 cuttings)............ 6.25 postpaid Hormodin Powder No. 3 For propagating the more difficult-to-root TL GA RU Pas enn ae esse se eeresoeSeeCtS $1.40 postpaid 6.25 postpaid Combination Package A convenient combination package is available containing a supply of the three Hormodin Powders, adequate for treating hundreds of cuttings. $1.05, postpaid. Roo#fong Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. ROOTONE, the plant hormone powder, for faster rooting of cuttings. Simply dip the cutting into the powder and plant as usual. Also dust seeds with this powder. Use one ounce to each bushel of seed. 14 ounce packet 35c; 2 ounce jar $1.30; 1 pound can $5.27, postpaid. ROOTONE NO. 10 Reg U. S. Pat. Office An extra strength hormone powder for treat- ing woody cuttings only. 2 ounce jar $2.30; Ib. can $12.25, postpaid. PATENTS PEHDING TRANSPLANTONE TRANSPLANTONE, the hormone-vitamin pow- der for starting plants outright. Use a level teaspoon of TRANSPLANTONE to each ten gallons of starting water when setting out plants. Produces earlier maturity, larger crops on tomato, tobacco and sweet potato plants. % ounce packet 35c; 3 ounce can $1.35; 1 pound can $4.27, postpaid. PRUITONE REG. U.S. PAT. OFFs FRUITONE, the hormone spray for stopping premature drop of fruit, flowers and leaves. When sprayed on flowers of tomatoes or beans it produces better set and larger crop. Pre- vents premature drop of apples and pears. Makes hollies and other Christmas greens hold their leaves longer. 2/5 oz. 35c; 2 ounces $1.35; 12 ounce can $5.23, postpaid. NO-SEED HORMONE LOSSOMI SE No-seed Blossom set increases early set of tomatoes and tends to reduce seeds. Also ef- fective for beans, cucumbers, berries and other crops. 4 oz. bottle (makes 1 to 2 gallons spray) 95c, 12 oz. bomb. $2.00, postpaid. Not prepaid, 4 oz. bottle 75c: 12 oz. bomb $1.79. 34 Insecticides and Fungicides FERMATE FERMATE at the rate of 2 Ibs. per 100 gallons sprayed at 3- to 4-day intervals is the ac- cepted way to control tobacco blue mold in most areas. Also controls many forms of scab, rust, rot and_ anthracnose. Apply before disease occurs. Prices: 14 Ib. can $1.33; 3 Ib. bag $2.12, postpaid. Not pre- paid, % Ib. $1.10; 3 Ibs. $1.77. FERMATE DUST Full 15% strength. Ready to use. Prices: 25 Ib. bag $2.95 not prepaid. FLORAL DUST Du Pont FLORAL DUST—newly de- veloped to control both insects and plant diseases. Prices: lb. $1.65; 3 Ibs. $3.30, postpaid. Not prepaid, Ib. $1.35; 3 lbs. $2.95. DU PONT MARLATE 50 For long lasting con- trol of many insects Where safety is im- portant. Powerful yet safe. Suitable to spray or dust. Extensively used for residual control of flies on dairy ani- mals. 8 0z. can $1.50; 4 Ib. bag $4.06, postpaid. Not prepaid, 8 oz. can $1.25; 4 Ib. bag $3.62. W.-Q. 10% MARLATE DUST A safe, long lasting insecticide of many uses ready to apply. Prices: 2 Ibs. 80c; 5 Ibs. $1.45, postpaid. Not prepaid, 2 lbs. 45c; 5 Ibs. 95c. MALATHION—See page 35 DU PONT ROSE DUST Insecticide and Fungicide One complete formula—all that is needed to grow beautiful roses. Contains Methoxy- chlor Lindane, Fermate, Sulphur and a Miti- cide. Eliminates guess work. For easy, full season use. Controls practically all rose pests, and is easy on buds and foliage. Use as a spray or dust. Prices: one Ib. $1.95; three Ibs. $4.10, postpaid. Not prepaid, one Ib. $1.69; three Ibs. $3.75. DU PONT SPREADER STICKER A combined spreading and sticking agent for use with fungicides, insecticides and weed killing sprays for uniform and thorough coverage and retarding weathering. Dilute 1-800 to 1-600. 1 oz. 65c; pint $2.10; gal. $12.00, postpaid. Not prepaid, 1 oz. 59c; pt. $1.80, gal. $11.20. FRUIT TREE SPRAY Effective against many insects and diseases attacking apples, peaches, cherries, pears, plums, strawberries, ete. Contains Du Pont’s Methoxychlor, Fermate and Sulphur. A wettable powder for dust or spray. 1 lb. to 13 gallons of water. 1 Ib. $1.55; 3 Ibs. $3.35, postpaid. Not prepaid, Ib. $1.25; 3 Ibs. $2.95. DU PONT TOMATO DUST Especially for control of Early, Late and Septoria (Leaf spot) Blights; and Flea Beetles, Blister Beetles, Po- tato Beetles, Fall Army Worm, Tomato Fruit Worm and Tomato MHornworm. Ready to use as a dust or as a spray. Use 12 level teaspoonfuls with one gallon water. (1 lb. makes 5 gals.) 2 lb. bag $1.80, postpaid. Not prepaid, 2 lb. bag. $1.49. DU PONT VEGETABLE GARDEN DUST Is a complete dust or spray for the control of many insects and plant diseases. Contains Methoxychlor, Fermate, Zerlate and MRotenone. Prices.: 8 oz. gun $1.21; lb. $1.65; 4 lbs. $3.15, postpaid. Not prepaid, 8 oz. 98c; lb. $1.35; 4 Ibs. $2.75. DU PONT TERSAN OM Golf and Lawn Turf Spray Tersan OM Thiram — Organic Mercury Turf Fungicide when used in conjunction with good turf management will usually prevent large brown patch, dollar spot, copper spot and certain other diseases on golf greens, grass tennis courts, lawns and other fine turfs. Use at the rate of 3 ounces to 1,000 square feet, making regular spray applications of ‘‘Tersan OM” at intervals of 7 to 10 days, beginning before the earliest probable appearance of the diseases and continuing through the season or until all danger of infection has passed. When such a preventive schedule is not followed, the turf should be inspected each morning, and at the first appearance of disease, apply Tersan OM at the rate of 5 ounces to 1,000 sq. ft. at 7 to 10 days intervals. Prices: 3 Ib. can $8.60, postpaid. Not prepaid, 3 Ib. can $8.25. DU PONT TERSAN 75 A turf fungicide similar to Tersan OM. Tersan OM can be applied either as a spray or mixed with compost. Whereas Tersan 75 is recom- mended to be used as a spray. Rate per 1,000 sq. ft. and timing of application same as Tersan OM. Prices: 8 0z. $2.20; 3 Ibs. $5.85, postpaid. Not prepaid, 8 0z. $1.95; 3 Ibs. $5.50. BLACK-LEAF-40 New activated formu- la. Excellent for killing aphis, thrip, sucking insects, leaf - hoppers, and poultry-lice. 1 to 3 tablespoons per gallon. 2 oz. bottle $1.20; 6 oz. bottle $2.20; 12 oz. bot- tle $3.40, postpaid. Not prepaid, 2 oz. $1.10; 6 oz. $2.05; 12 oz. $3.15; 5 Ib. $9.50; 10 Ib. $17.00. BORDEAUX MIXTURE Controls many plant diseases better than the new fungicide. Lb. $1.20; 4 Ibs. $2.35, postpaid. CHLORDANE 72% CHLORDANE concentrate. Used for ter- mites. Mix 1 qt. 72% Chlordane concentrate with 16 gals. water. Pour 1 gal. of this solution in 6 feet of trench beside wall. 1 qt. bottle, $4.00; gal. jug $12.37, postpaid. Not prepaid, qt. $3.50; gal. $11.70. See Ortho-Klor Chlordane on page 35 CRO-TOX Protects seed corn from crows, blackbirds, squirrels, woodchucks, moles, wire-worms and grubworms, saving from loss of seed and replant- ing. Does not injure the seed corn nor clog the planter. Small can (bushel size) 95c; large can (2 bushel size) $1.55, postpaid. Not prepaid, 1 bu. size 75c; 2 bu. size $1.25. d-CON RAT AND MOUSE BAIT d-CON Ready Mix, used as directed, rids farms, homes, shops, stores, factories of rats forever— yet is safe to use around smallest child and household pets. Price: lb. $1.95; 5 Ib. $6.38, postpaid. Not prepaid, Ib. $1.69; 5 Ib. $5.95. d-CON CONCENTRATE Mix the contents of an 8 oz. box with 514 pounds (makes 6 pounds of bait) of ground corn, oats, etc. Controls rats and mice as well as Ready Mixed. Price: 8 oz. box $3.18 postpaid. Not pre- paid, $2.98. DDT 10% DDT DUST. Properly screened and blended DDT Dust of 10% strength, ready to use. Prices: 4 lb. bag $1.00, postpaid. Not prepaid, 4 lb. bag 65c; 50 Ib. bag $6.25. 5% DDT DUST. Ready to use. Our dusts are prepared over the finest equipment. There are no better dusts available at any price. Prices: Ib. 80c; 5 Ib. bag $1.05, postpaid. Not prepaid, lb. 60c; 5 lb. bag 65c; 50 Ib. bag $5.20. 50% DDT. 50% Wettable DDT powder ready to be mixed with water for spray of any desired strength. Prices: Ib. can $1.40; 4 lb. bag $2.25, postpaid. Not prepaid, lb. $1.19; 4 Ib. bag $1.85. FUMIGANT, SOIL FUMI-SOIL CAPSULES. Effective control for nematodes, wireworms, ants, grubs, garden cen- tipedes, sow bugs. Also moles, landcrabs. Twenty- four capsules will rid 30 ft. of row crops or 8 hills or 24 shrubs or an area 4 ft. x 9 ft. of the worst underground pests. Prices: 3 100 capsules $4.15; 200 capsules $7.25, postpaid. WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO. | 24 capsules $1.55; | i ie | } FUMIGANT SOIL Continued from page 34 NEMAGON may be used safely on lawn grasses, Roses, Gardenias, Hibiscus, Ixora and many other shrubs, flowers and vegetables for the control of Root Knot and other Nematodes without in- jury to plants. When treating before planting, allow from two to three weeks before planting after application. NEMAGON 50 LIQUID. One tablespoon treats 25 sq. ft. 1 pint $3.25; 1 quart $5.30; 1 gallon $10.70, postpaid. Not prepaid, 1 pint $3.00; 1 qt. $5.00; 1 gallon $16.00. NEMAGON 30 GRANULES. One pound treats up to 500 sq. ft. 1 Ib. $1.75; 5 Ibs. $6.80, postpaid. Not prepaid, 1 lb. $1.50; 5 Ibs. $6.35; 25 Ibs. $24.50; 100 Ibs. $65.00. LIME SULPHUR—See ORTHORIX, page 35 MOLOGEN For lawns, flower and bulb beds, estates, golf eourses and institutional grounds infested with moles. It is easy to use—acts quickly and surely. 1% Ib. can 95c; 114 lb. can $1.80, postpaid. RAT BAIT—See d-CON, page 34 W.-Q. 1% ROTENONE Non-poisonous dust, leaf hoppers, cabbage worms, bean beetles and other insects. 2 lb. bag 85c; 5 Ibs. $1.45, postpaid. Not prepaid, 2 lbs. 50c; 5 Ibs. 95c; 25 Ibs. $4.00. W.-Q. 20% SABADILLA A 20% strength Sabadilla dust, for quick and positive control of the troublesome Harlequin or Terrapin bug. Sabadilla also controls squash bugs, chinch bugs, cabbage worms, leaf-hoppers on potatoes, beans and peanuts, blunt-nosed leaf-hopper and cattle lice. 2 Ibs. $1.25; 5 Ibs. | $2.45, postpaid. Not prepaid, 2 lbs. 90c; 5 Ibs. | $1.95. SCALECIDE For fruits and ornamentals, Scalecide as a dormant spray, /1 part to 15 parts of water, not only makes scale control more certain, but also in- -ereases the vigor and produc- ‘tion of the trees. Price: Pt. $1.20; qt. $1.75; gal. $3.80, postpaid. Not prepaid, pt. 95c; qt. $1.39; gal. $3.25; 5 gals. ($13.50. | SULPHUR | Powdered. For Mildew. 2 Ibs. 70c, postpaid. ‘Not prepaid, 10 lbs. $1.50; 50 Ibs. $3.50. 1 | sae BARTLETT TREE PAINT [ff & BLACK ASPHALT PRUNING COMPOUND ; An asphalt base tree paint of excellent quality. Applies readily at all temperatures. Ideal for use on fruit trees, roses, and shade trees. 14 pt. 85c; pt. $1.20; qt. $1.95; gal. $4.10, postpaid. Not prepaid, 144 pt. 60c; pt. 90c; qt. $1.60; gal. $3.50. } | TRI-OGEN Definite mildew and black spot control com- bined with an insecticide. Tri-ogen also stimulates plant growth, result- ing in fine foliage and luxuriant blooms. Not Post- | : Prepaid paid E. Size Kit (makes 8 qts.)_..................... $2.00 $2.27 A. Small Kit (makes 16 qts.)... Eieea 3.10 B. Medium Kit (makes 64 qts.).. . 6.50 7.00 C. Estate Kit (makes 32 gals.)............ 10.50 11.25 ) WOOD PRESERVERS | TIMBERTOX 10 ) (40% Pentachlorophenol) Mix 1 part Timbertox 10 with 10 parts kero- sene or light fuel oil or equivalent petroleum diluent to make Ready-To-Use preservative con- taining 5% by weight of pentachlorophenol. For wood preservation and termite control, write for full information. 1 gal. $5.30, postpaid. Not prepaid, gal. $4.50; 5 gals. $22.00; 55 gals. $198.00. TIMBERTOX RTU (5% Pentachlorophenol) This is a 5% concentration ready to use for all wocd preservative jobs such as fence posts, ridges and lumber for buildings including resi- dential. The treated wood is not discolored and van be glued, glazed or painted 72 hours after application. Also recommended for termite con- ‘rol. 1 gal. can $2.90, postpaid. Not prepaid, . gal. can $2.10. 30X 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. | ORTHO” MAKES GARDENING FUN! ORTHO APPLICATORS NEW ORTHO SPRAY-ETTE ‘ 2.” Handy two-gallon capacity. Sprays insecticides and fungicides. Spray deflector breaks spray material into tiny droplets. No pumping, no mixing! Operates on water pres- sure from your garden hose. Price: Sprayers and Bottles $3.80, post- paid. Extra bottles, 60c, postpaid. Snails, Pound of pellets about 1,200 6 lb. $2.85, postpaid. BUG-GETA PELLETS. Compressed Metaldehyde— Arsenical bait to kill Slugs, and Cutworms. Broadcast baits in evening and sprinkle with water. baits square feet. Price: 12 oz. 84c; 2 lb. $1.49; DUST—WETTABLE POWDERS ORTHO ROSE AND GARDEN FUNGICIDE. Contains 75% Phaltan a new wettable fungi- cide for the control of Black Spot and mildew on roses. Excellent for control of leaf spot on Chrysanthemuns and Iris. Can be used with most commonly used insecticides par- ticularly Isotox Garden Spray. Combination provides complete plant protection of most insects and listed diseases. canister $2.18; 11 oz. Not prepaid, 6 oz. $1.98; 11 oz. 3.59. ORTHOCIDE GARDEN FUNGI- CIDE. 50% Captan. Controls BLACK SPOT, POWDERY MIL- DEW, ROT and DAMP-OFF on bulbs and seed cuttings; BROWN PATCH and other diseases on lawns. 1% lb. makes up to 25 gal- lons of diluted spray. Prices: 8 oz. canister $1.60; Ib. canister $2.46; 2 lb. canister $3.60, post- paid. NEW Prices: taining ORTHOCIDE (Captan), DDT, DDD, and Lindane. Controls many insects and dis- eases on fruit and ber- ries. Prices: 14 oz. $1.65; 1 lb., 12 oz. box $2.80; 4 lb. bag $5.35, postpaid. ORTHO-KLOR 10 CHLORDANE DUST. Contains 10% CHLOR- DANE. Kills ANTS, LAWN 6 oz. box $3.84, postpaid. ORTHO HOME ORCHARD SPRAY. An orchard spray con- (ents ans vas ne Yor cwtonoant MOTHS, CUTWORMS, SOW BUGS, JAPA- NESE BETTLE GRUB and many other pests. Long residual action. Prices: 1-lb. 95c; 5-lb. bag $2.38, postpaid. ORTHO ROSE DUST. plant diseases. Prices: squeeze duster $1.70; Ib. : pists canister Contains Phalton, Lindane, DDT and Sul- phur. The Rose and Flower gar- den dust or wettable powder for the control of most insects and 8 oz. duster $1.40; 10 oz. refills $1.66; 4 lbs. refills $4.20, postpaid. ORTHO LIQUID ROSE FOOD. A complete rose food containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potash, plus chelating agent. A quart makes 60 gallons of fertilizer which feeds through foliage and roots makes feeding as easy as watering. Helps provide bigger, bet- ter and more fragrant blooms. Prices: pint 98c; quart $1.69, postpaid. SPRAYS, INSECTICIDES and FUNGICIDES ISOTOX GARDEN SPRAY. Kills Aphids, Red Spider, Thrips, Japa- nese Beetles, Lacebugs, Lawn Moth, Armyworms, Mole Crickets, White Grubs, Chinch Bugs, Cut- worms, Earwigs, Ants, Flies, Wire- worms and many other pests. Use on Flowers, Shrubs, Fruit Trees and certain Vegetables. Kills three ways—contact, stom- ach poisoning and vapor action. Prices: 4 oz. bottle $1.29; 8 oz. bottle $2.20; pint bottle $3.30; quart bottle $5.80, postpaid. ORTHO-KLOR 44% Chlordane Spray. Cortrols Ants, Lawn Moths, Cutworms, Sowbugs, Chinch Bugs, Thrips, Brachyrbhinus (Strawberry Root) Weevil, Japanese Beetle Grubs, and many other garden pests. Has long residual killing power. Prices: 4 oz. bottle 90c; 8 oz. bottle $1.40; pint bottle $2.25; quart bottle $3.30, postpaid. ORTHORIX SPRAY (Liquid Lime Sulphur). A year-round spray containing 26% CALCIUM POLYSULFIDES plus other actives. For control of many SUMMER plant disease problems, and certain DORMANT diseases. Prices: pint bottles, $1.45, postpaid. VOLCK ISOTOX SPRAY. A petro- leum oil base formulation containing Lindane and DDT. High wetting and spreading qualities. A special type oil product for use on ornamental garden plants. Prices: 4 oz. bottle 59c; 8 oz. bottle 90c; pint bottle $1.45; quart bottle $2.35; gal. jug $5.40, postpaid. VOLCK OIL SPRAY. A highly refined insecti- cide spray for use against Mealybugs, Scale in- sects, Red Spiders, and White Flies on plants. This fine product also acts as an excellent leaf polish. Prices: 4 oz. bottle 50c; pint bottle $1.05; Mm) VOLCK OIL SPRAY PASTE | EMULSION. A high-wetting oil paste emulsion for control of SCALE INSECTS, RED _ SPID- ERS, MITES, MEALYBUGS and WHITE FLY larvae on many plants, shrubs and trees. Acts as 1; an insecticide, ovicide and spray ©} carrier. Prices: pint can $1.05; quart can $1.80; gal. can $3.65, postpaid. ORTHO BORER SPRAY. Contains 20% Lindane. Controls many Borers such as Pine Bark Beetles, Flat Headed Borers, Peach Tree Borers, Wood Boring Beetles and many other Borers. Price: Pint bottle $3.25, postpaid. Not prepaid, $2.98. (RTHO) FLORIDA ORTHO DIELDRIN SPRAY. Contains powerful Dieldrin in handy liquid spray concentrate form. Use to con- trol Ants, Japanese Beetles, Grass- hoppers, Lawn Moths, Chinch Bugs, Armyworms, Sowbugs, Thrips. Ear- wigs and many other insect pests. Prices: 8 oz. bottle $1.60; pine bottle $2.45; quart bottle $4.10, postpaid. ORTHO MALATHION 50 SPRAY. For use on ever- greens, roses, ornamentals, shrubs, trees, etc. Controls Red Spider, Aphids, Mealy- bugs, Scale, Flies, plus cer- tain other pests. Contains 50% Malathion. Prices: 4 oz. bottle $1.30; 8 oz. bottle $2.10; pint bottle $3.15; quart bottle $4.85, postpaid. A amar a i a ata et Pes 3 SCRAM DOG REPELLENT BOMB. Pus repelling of dogs. For protection of trees, shrubs, flowers, garbage cans and other areas where the dogs are in the habit of returning. Price: 12 oz. $1.70, postpaid. HOUSEHOLD SPECIALITIES ORTHO ANT POWDER. Contains Dieldrin and Chlordane, and is especially formulated for use in the control of Ants, Silverfish, Roaches and certain other pests. Price 414% oz. 65c, postpaid. ORTHO FLY SPRAY for household and dairy use. Kills flies, ants, gnats, fleas, mosquitoes, roaches, and clothes moths. Prices: 16 oz. 85c; 32 oz. $1.35; gal. $3.05, postpaid. ORTHO ANT AND ROACH BOMB. Kills insects on contact and leaves a residual deposit. Kills ants, roaches, scorpions, black widow and other spiders, carpet beetles, silverfish, crickets, flies, mosquitoes, gnats, water bugs and wasps. Use on baseboard, walls, cabinets, along foundation, around doorways, sills, ete. Price: 11 oz. $1.20, postpaid. ISOTOX TRANSPLANTER SOLU- TION. Used to control WIREWORMS, CABBAGE MAGGOTS and other soil insects at transplanting time. Saves expensive replanting. Protects young plant roots. Prices: 4-0z. bot- tle, 80c; pint bottle; $2.15; 1-gallon jug, $12.45, postpaid. WEED KILLERS - SEED DISINFECTANTS DU PONT LAWN WEED KILLER Low a} concentrate formula of 2, 4-D prepared especially for use on lawns. Controls dandelions and most other broad leaved weeds common in grass lawns. Cover susceptible ornamentals, etc., with blankets, or jars to prevent spray reaching these plants. Prices: 8 oz. can $1.50; qt. can $3.60, postpaid. Not prepaid, § oz. can $1.25; >= 1 qt. can $3.25. ACP POISON IVY AND POISON OAK KILLER Contains our latest herbicide discovery, Amizol Amino Triazol), a patented material. The best chemical available for killing poison ivy and poison oak. Highly selective. Does not sterilize Non-corrosive. Prices: 8 oz. $1.50; 24 5, postpaid. Not prepaid, 8 oz. $1.25; » . WEEDONE CRAB GRASS AND CHICKWEED KILLER A really superior product for the control of crab grass and chickweed. Contains potassium eyanate and MCP. This combination increases its effectiveness as a crab grass and chickweed killer and also kills such lawn weeds as dande- lion, plantain, buttercup, heal all, purslane, veronica, pennywort and wild carrots without killing the grass or clover. Price: 61% oz. $1.45, postpaid. Not prepaid, 615 oz. $1.25. WEEDAR 64 WEED KILLER Amine salt formula- tion. Contains 4 pounds acid equivalent per gallon. A water solu- ble formulation for treating small annual weeds that are actively growing. Easier on erops than ester for- mulation. Will not in- jure adjoining crops except in case of drift. Recommended for pre- emergence spraying. Will not clog nozzles. Prices: 1 gal. can $4.85, postpaid. Not prepaid, ft gal $4205.05 weal $19.50; 30 gal. $112.50. WEEDONE 2,4,5-T BRUSH KILLER A low volatile ester formulation contain- ing 4 pounds 2,4,5-T acid equivalent per TRA gallon. Especially recommended for killing brambles, cer- tain species of oaks, osage orange, wild rose, poison ivy and poison oak, Mesquite and many other woody plants resist- ant to 2,4-D in fence rows, parks and pas- tures. Weedone 2,4,5-T can be mixed with oil or emulsified in water. Prices: 1 gal. can $12.12, post- paid. Not prepaid, 1 gal. $11.63. 2457 A Lew Vosictiie Tie Fecctewtin iar Eg REAR SEEM ICAL PART COMP RET AEE PD TAA AAAWWiwi«HWVY Cnigimotors of £40 card 24,27 Treathitioer snamamnaa nonmnetsesne neem temninettenenneetenmnnanmnmanitneteentneennntntenaimienatt = WEEDONE 638 WEED KILLER An emulsifiable acid formulation of 2,4-D made exclusively by Amchem Products for killing deep-rooted hard-to-kill perennial weeds. Spe- cially recommended for treating large acreages whi are only sparsely infested with Bind Weed, Spurge or Canada Thistle. It does not give pors which can injure nearby susceptible crops. May be used in combination with nitrogen solutions for weed control and side dressing corn. Price: 1 gal. $8.80, postpaid. Not prepaid, 1 gal. $8.16; 5 gal. drum $40.05; 30 gal. drum $235.80. 36 SIMAZINE 80W A recommended pre-emergent herbicide that has produced very effective weed control in corn on _ research and trial plots in North Carolina for the past four years. It produces no vola- tile fumes and is not active when ap- plied only to the leaves of plants. It is applied on a weed-free soil sur- face and kills plant seedlings a few days after germina- tion. Experiments indicate where Simazine was ap- plied at the rates of 215 to 4 lbs. per acre it gave good weed control for several months. Literature free on request. Prices: 5 lb. bag $21.15, post- paid. Not prepaid, 5 lb. bag $20.75; 50 Ib. drum $187.50. WEEDAZOL (Amino Trizole) WEED KILLER A selective weed killer which is effective on deep-rooted, hard-to-kill annual and peren- nial weeds plus certain grasses. Weeds which have resisted other herbicides can now be killed with this chemical. Use at the rate of 8 pounds per acre on Canada Thistle, Quack Grass, Russian Knapweed, Bermuda Grass and 8 to 16 pounds per acre to con- trol Nut Grass. Prices: Ib. can $4.00; 4 lb. can $12.40, postpaid. Not prepaid, lb. can $3.75; 4 lb. can $12.00. SODIUM TCA WEED KILLER TCA will control many annual and perennial noxious grasses: Johnson, Bermuda, Quack, Crab and others. For control of Bermuda and Quack grass, use 50 to 100 lbs. per acre and for Johnson grass, use 75 to 150 lbs. of TCA per acre. Complete directions will be sent on request. Prices: 1% Ib. can $2.75; 10 lb. drum $5.88, postpaid. Not prepaid, 11% Ib. can $2.50; 10 Ib. drum $5.25; 50 Ib. drum $22.25. ALTACIDE WEED KILLER Altacide is specifically intended for controll- ing all types of weed and grasses. Manu- factured in powder form, it is readily solu- ble in water for spraying or can be effectively used for dry application. Controls Bermuda Grass, Nut Grass, Johnson Grass and other grasses and weeds. Treated soil should not be disturbed until the following spring. Complete directions will be sent on request. Prices: 100 lb. drum $18.50, not prepaid. AMMATE WEED KILLER Ammate offers an effective weapon to help combat the losses caused by certain weeds and woody plant growth. Poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac are particularly dan- gerous to many individuals. Ammate will generally eliminate such plants. Ammate is not considered poisonous and may be used safely on weed-infested areas with- out danger to livestock and humans. Ammate usually exerts only temporary soil sterlizing effects, varying with the soil. Treated areas may often be used for growing crops during the same season. Prices: 2 lb. bag $1.70; 6 lbs. $3.97, postpaid. Not prepaid, 2 lbs. $1.35; 6 Ibs. $3.50. AMMATE X Higher strength than Ammate. Kills more kinds of brush, safely, at lower long-term cost. Prices: 40 lb. drum $14.60; 60 lb. drum $19.20, not prepaid. NEW DU PONT DYBAR Dybar is a pelleted product for dry applica- tion to the ground. Can be applied by ground equipment, airplane or by hand. Use “‘Dybar”’ any time of the year, but for best results apply in late Winter or early Spring. It is non-corrosive, non-flammable, non-volatile and low in toxicity to man and animals. Dybar is economical! For just a few dollars per acre, it will kill undesirable brush which will encourage growth of grasses and ground cover. Prices: 10 1b. drum $16.63, postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 lbs. $16.00; 50 lb. bag $70.00. SSRN < oor ‘ < oe Seed Disinfectants ARASAN SF-M A new dustless and odorless seed disinfectant. This is good news to commercial seed treat- ers and farmers. Arasan SF-M will not dust off. The farmers will not be troubled with dust when planting seed. Arasan SF-M seed disinfectant offers control of more different dis- eases on more crops than any other product. Prices: 25 lb. pail $40.00; 100 Ib. drum $155.00, not prepaid. ARASAN 75 Seed disinfectant and protectant for the treat- ment of: Corn, Sorghums, Soybeans, Sweet Potato Sprouts, Vegetable Seed, Peanuts, Grasses, Legumes, Rice, Sugar Beets and Gladiolus Bulbs. — Arasan 75 destroys many surface seed-borne or- _ ganisms and protects the seed against certain soil-borne organisms responsible for seed decay. — Improves stand and frequently increases yield. | Peas, Beans (Lima), and Peanuts, 2 ounces to 100 lbs. of seed. Prices: 1 0z. 65c; 8 oz. $1.50, | postpaid. Not prepaid, 25 lb. drum $40.30; 100 | Ib. drum $156.25. ARASAN 42-S This Thiram Seed Disinfectant and Protectant is a liquid organic fungicide recommended for the treatment of field and sweet corn, sorghum, mil- let, soybeans, rice, grasses, legumes, acid-delinted cotton, gladiolus bulbs and vegetable seed. Ara- san 42-S will usually increase stands and yields by reducing losses from seed decay, damping off and seedling blights caused by many seed- born and soil-born organisms. Also a_ repellent against rodents, rabbits, deer and birds. Prices: 1 gal. $10.80, postpaid. Not prepaid, 1 gal. $10.20; 7 5 gal. drum $48.75. F CERESAN M Replaces “New Improved Ceresan.”’ A dry, practically odorless, seed disinfectant for wheat, oats, rye, © barley, cotton, peas, and sor- ghum. It kills certain seed- borne diseases by both contact and vapor. 14 oz. can treats 28 bu. of seed grain. 14 oz. $1.65; 3 Ibs. $4.85, postpaid. Not pre- paid, 14 oz. $1.40; 3 lbs. $4.50; 40 lb. drum $46.00; 100 lb. drum $108.75. CERESAN 200 LIQUID Made especially for slurry operators who prefer | | a concentrated liquid disinfectant. “Ceresan” 200 |” is an ethyl mercury treatment, the most efficient iP type of mercury known. Controls stinking smut “i of wheat and diseases of wheat, oats, barley, rye, © flax and cotton. Prices: 5 gal. drum $99.75; 30 — gal. drum $585.00; 55 gal. drum $1,055.00, not prepaid. CERESAN 100 LIQUID For use in mist-type or slurry treaters. For out- |) standing control of seed diseases, before and after planting—on cottonseed as well as seed of wheat, oats, barley, rye and flax. Ceresan 100 } is used undiluted in mist-type equipment or ~ mixes readily with water for slurry treaters. j Prices: 1 gal. $13.38, postpaid. Not prepaid, 1 gal. $12.75; 5 gals. $55.50; 30 gals. $320.00; 55 gals. ~ $566.00. a SEMESAN BEL Tests in fifteen states have proved that most potato grow- ers can usually expect better returns from seed potatoes if they treat them with ““Semesan Bel.” Costs only about 21 cents an acre — generally reduces: seed-piece decay, seed-borne scab and Rhizoctonia. No messy soaking—just dip, drain, dry, and plant. 1 1b. treats 60 to 80 bushels of seed potatoes. Prices: 3 0z. $1.55; 1b. $3.60; 4 Ib. $12.60, postpaid. Not prepaid, 3 oz. $1.45; Ib. $3.35; 4 Ibs. $12.20. WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO ; i Hit FARM EQUIPMENT SEED SOWERS CYCLONE SEED SOWER. Adjustable to any size seeds to be sown. Price: $5.70, postpaid. NO. 27 CLIPPER CLEANER AND TREATER The Clipper “27” is a big capacity grain and bean seed cleaner. Capacity varying with crop, condition and cleaning problems is up to 50 bushels of grain per hour. The machines we offer are equipped with roll feed hopper and brushes under both upper and lower screens to keep them clean during operation. Six screens are included with each new machine and additional screens are available from a selection of more than 200 sizes. Accurate air control, easy brush adjustment, 2-way bagging auger elevator and other Clipper refinements give you cleaning accuracy found only in a Clipper cleaner. Prices: No. 27 Clipper Cleaner com- plete with roll feed hopper and screen brushes, 6 screens.................... $767.88 Screens for No. 27 Clipper Cleaner $13.09 each. 1 h.p. single phase, enclosed motor, rails and drives for No. 27.......... $214.97 No. 9 Slurry Treater attachment (for No. 27 cleaner) with two-way pAagpeine (Cle Vator -:-..:-.2-<<.2-.-.-----2---02- $136.84 CLIPPER SEED CLEANERS No. M2B—Complete with vertical air blast, three-speed fan, labor saving two-way (auger or conveyor) elevator. 30 bushels per hour capacity. Sold complete with 8 inter-change- able screens and 15 H.P. electric motor. Price: No. M2B Special Clipper Cleaner, $382.32. Price: Slurry Treater and Elevator Attach- ment for M2B $157.29. TIME AND MONEY SAVERS Wire ties make bag closing simple, quick and economical. They assure speed and neatness. ; J 1,000* 5,000+ Wamesties >! 7) ga... 2...2..)....4... $3.90 $13.00 Wire ties 6” 17 ga. - 4.05 13.50 Wane ties! 7’ 17. ga......:.. 4.50 15.00 No. 11 Wire tie twister. 7.50 ea AODOMGAe Hooks.......-........... - 3.00 * Add 35c postage, plus 3% sales tax. 7 Add $1.75 postage, plus 3% sales tax. Tag Hooks we i No. 11 Tie Twister BOX 2131, RALEIGH, N. C. Successfully handles Tobacco, Tomato, Pep- per, Sweet Potatoes, Egg Plant, Cabbage, Caulifiower and ll other such plants. Each plant is set, covered and watered in one operation. PRICE Owens $5.98 ea. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF TRANSPLANTER REPAIR PARTS Write for a_ free parts list. Uh HUDSON DUSTERS No. 806B Hudson Roto- Power (Shown). Large, all aluminum duster gives greater air vol- ny other. Holds 14 lbs. average dust. Discharges 5 to 45 Ibs. per acre. Handles any dust. Has wye with 2 flexible tubes for 2-row dustings. Price: $52.60, postpaid. No. 801 Hudson Roto-Power. Steel duster. Holds 8 lbs. average dust. Discharges 5 to 30 lbs. per acre. Price: $27.87, postpaid. No. 4859 Wye Attachment. With nozzles for 2-row dusting. Price: $4.35, postpaid. BARREL SPRAYERS MYERS R318B ORCHARD PUMP for closed top barrel, with 15 feet of hose and nozzle. Price: (without barrel) $28.90. MYERS R-318. Same pump. Complete except without hose and nozzle. $25.10. DOBBINS 3160. For open top barrels, complete with hose, extension pipe, nozzle, ete. Price: 24.15. OBBINS 3175. Heavy duty barrel pump for closed top barrels. Discharge equipment includes 21, ft. spray hose, two 3 ft. brass extension tubes, nozzles and shut-off cock. Price: $33.40. NEW DOBBINS “SEAL-LOX” COMPRESSED AIR SPRAYERS For home _ gardeners, farmers, Nnurserymen, and industry, who want the best for their money. Open head construction, making it easy to clean. Made with fewer parts, re- quiring less service— giving longer life. 215A (illustrated) 11% gal. Cap. $11.80* 230A 3 gallon capacity $13.85* 245A 415 gallon capac- ity $14.95* * Add 50c postage. BEE SUPPLIES Write for Free Catalog, R-V-LITE All-Purpose Window Material Se XY R-V-LITE Just cut to size with scissors and nail down with wood strips. Get increased sunshine benefits and protection from rain, snow, wind and cold with R-V-LITE windows in poultry, dairy build- ings, Sunporches, summer kitchens, playrooms, garages, etc. Buy it by the yard ... or by the roll NO 1S V-Pa Se eee square yard §$ .78 NO315 0= Cee ie ie a aan Square yard -48 INOS 210 0= Cleat ler ee ae ee square yard ates IN(ONY 3.0.0 = CW ceee recent eeee a square yard 1.32 No. 700-W.... ..square yard 1.11 INOS SOOO a ae square yard 1.62 C—Cotton P—Plastic W—Wire reinforcement 50-ft. and 150-ft. ROLLS 36 in. wide Hlog Feeders COMPLETELY NEW DESIGN ... IMPORTANT NEW FEATURES... No. 2A5—2 Foot—2 Doors—5 Bushels—1 Com- partment—1 Regulator. Price: $30.34. No. 210A—2 Foot—4 Doors — 10 Bushels —1 Compartment—2 Regulators. Price: $50.50. No. 315A — 3 Foot — 6 Doors — 15 Bushels —2 Compartments— 4 Regulators. Price: $65.30. No. 420A—4 Foot— 8-doors—20 Bushels. Price: $79.15. No. 525A—5 Foot— 10 doors—25 Bushels —3 Compartments— 6 Feed Regulators Price: $91.90. No. 840A—8 Foot—16 doors—40 Bushels—4 Compartments—8 Feed Regulators. Price $134.85. HOG WATERERS No. 50-A — High pressure type. — 1614-in. long, 7-in. wide, 5-in. deep. Standard 34-in. in- let tap. Works on any pressure not over 70 Ibs. High pressure valve is made of brass. Water level controlled by simple screw adjust- ment. Several waterers may be connected in series at various points in farm yard or feed lot. Each $12.00. F.O.B. Raleigh, No. 30-A—Heavy cast iron bowl is easily cleaned and practically indestructible. 1334-in. long, 634-in. wide, 415-in. deep. Valve assures even water level. Removable brass strainer on water intake. Mud cups cast in one piece with float cover. Mud cups and float cover easily remov- able by hand but fastened so hog cannot loosen. Each. $7.95. F.O.B. Raleigh. CALF-TERIA A nipple pail that saves 100 pounds of milk for every calf. 8 qt. cap. 26 gauge with pail and bracket. Each $3.25, postpaid. Extra nipples 85c each, post- paid. 37 VEGETABLES AND HERB SEEDS PLANTS AND ROOTS Page Asparagus Seeds Asparagus Roots Beans, Lima or Butter Beans, Lima or Butter Pole Beans, Pole Snap Seams, Snap 1- Beans, Wax 2. Beets Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Seeds Cantaloupes age Sack Carrots Cauliflower Celery Seeds - : Ghives =.= -.—.-- ~ 1 Collard Seeds : tO eae Corn, Garden ....... Bi love saesceeeens Corn, Pop .-... Cucumbers ..........- SS Ces Egg Plant Seeds Shee RnGLves ee eres eee Herbs ...... : e Lit (i ee ee ee bu eeceegs * Kohl Rabi _......-.....- T,00K SL Sere Lettuce Seeds Muskmelons .............-.- Mustard ___... Be ee Okra 2-3 Onion Seeds Onion Sets Parsley ....- Parsnip, =) tS Peas. Garden... .- = Peas, Edible (Cowpeas) ne PODDCES re ee er acer eens Pumpkin Radish -_.... Rutabagas a SSE Oh a a ee a ee ee Sadr iyi os oe ae ccc eee Spinach Squash --2 <= See Strawberry Plants _ Tendergreen 2 Tomato Seeds _. PurnipsSs= sa Vegetable Plants - 3. Watermelon 2-2 Ae OU he be he WIG ww i i wn js! COMDMDMHMDUNANAAAARWUWADH FLOWER SEEDS Wy eratunin ©2220 se Se See. eoece ee 19 ARTY SST ee Amaranth, Globe - Amaranthus -...._.. aos _ilG) Anchusa ........... Antirrhinum ___ Aquilegia ___. ene PAD Arabis -........ Baby Blue Eyes............2....222...-.... 23 Bapycsebreath: = oe ee 21 Bachelor’s Button Balsam Begonia Bellis (ppl. Daisy). 26 Bells of-treland!2— ee 20 Calendula California Poppy _. 20 Campania: 23s See 26 Candy Lutt-o 5. 2 ees 20, 26 Carnations §—-=-.>—— AVR 7A Canterbury Bells _. 26 Castor Beans -............. men Celoisa (Cockscomb) ._........_.... 20 Centanreda 3 eee 20 Cheiranthus _.___... . 26 Chrysanthemum peers | MARIA 2: Soe oe Ete eee 21 DEPEND ON WYATT-QUARLES HIGH QUALITY TESTED SEEDS. * 38 INDEX Cleome . Coleus .. Sates Corn Flower .... Cosmos hoc Cynoglossum .... a= Cypress Vine .................5: Dahlia Seeds . : DelphiniumMy See ese eres 26 Dianthus Didiscus .... Digitalis POP NA EY Tacs os oe Se en 21 Feverfew ..... Forget-Me-Not = = Nour OL GIOCKS ee ce Se LOCALE) Saas cokkoases eects = a Gaillardia (Blanket Flower)...... ELSA NET ret Roe eae Aas Sa eeeaecne Gerbera ......- Gomphrena .- Gourds ......... Gypsophila Helichrysum (Strawflavor) Hibiscus .... ORLY OC Kane eee yer VAD Kochia (Summer Cypress). Lace Flower Lantana Larkspur Lupins ........ Marigolds Matricaria -.. Moonflower Morning Glory Myosotis -.......... INGAAS GURL UL SIMs ene een INEM OP Di aye nee Nicotiana -.......- Nierembergia .. Pansy Seeds PP QGUMITAS creer are Poppies .... Portulaca .......... Ragged Robin -. RiCiInUS se Salvia (Scarlet Sage).... S Ca DIOS A reese oor ee es eeneaes Scarlet Runner Bean. Shasta Daisy ....-..--...--- Snapdragons ..........-----.--- Snow on the Mountain... Staticeie= ss ee Stocks*2 22:2 Sunflower -.........---..--- Sweet Peas ... Sweet William .... Thrift (America) -....----- PETG OWN a eee eee Tritoma Verbena Vinca (Periwinkle) -.......- Viola Wallflower (Cheiranthus) ZA TAIN Di reece FLOWERING BULBS Amaryllis Begonias Caladium _- Cannas ....... Be Colchicum= = eee Crinum Lilies Dahlias Daylilies - Se Gladiolus ®..-2 252 Gloxinias, =). 2) SS 39 Peruvian Daffodils 23) ROSS ei eee eee ... 40 Spider Lilies)--2-— = 39 PU CT OSCSiee eee 39 GRASSES, FIELD SEEDS, AND GRAINS DEED Cy Be Se oretece Greens Boece Broom Corn ... Buckwheat LOTTE A oe ates ecesete een Soccer thereon Gloverg. GOttONS COU cere cecnteenee eeeeeseeee = Gorn pi @]ditstencece sone cones ee eeeees 32 GOWRRO RS) nor er conse ee ccnceteeeneennecers 32 Crotalaria ... SY Grasses SG serie Hegari ae 33) Lawn Grasses ...........-.-.-.---- . 16 Lespedeza Millets -.......... Oats heectercc entre ewer ese Soy Beans ...... Sudan Grass .. Sunflower ............ Velvet Beans DISINFECTANTS, FERTILIZERS, FUMIGANTS, HORMONES, INOCULANTS, PESTICIDES A&C Fertilizer. =.--3- 34 PANG ARI erties eee eee 35 TNC (et eee ea ee oats Reet eon Parl Aluminum Sulphate .. rete PNT ENS WOW GS, cease sseneteatccsses . 36 PAT SATUS Bui rte ee eee 36 VAST AS a4 2 = S esac se eae eee 36 Blossom-Set .... Black Leaf 40.. Bone Meal .... Bordeaux Mixture ...............-.....- 34 Borer Spray ....-----.----- pa ON) Bug-Geta -. 5 835) Captan) == -= SSeapa coe paenetaessn 35 Ceresan 100, 200 Liquid.............. 36 Gere Samer caeen asec ae rene see 36 Chlordane -.. Copperas Sed: Cro-Tox .- . 34 DDT ___...... .. 34 Dieldrin --......... . 35 Dog Repellant -.... . 35 Fermate -...-.--.--- = 4 Fertilizers -........- cere Fertilizer, Pond -_............--......... 27 Floral DUS G2 ree 34 SL yAS DIA Yj ose eae 35 Fritted Trace Elements.............. 27 F’rUitom eo eee eee 34 Fruit Tree Spray...................- 34, 35 Fumi-Soil Capsules . Fungicides -___............ = Gardens Dust 2 eee Hormodin Hyponex Insecticide ee Lime Sulphur, Liquid.................. 35 Matlathion®:.!225 [eee Ge ee Se Marlate:-42:33 es Se Manures, Sheep & Cattle. Pentachlorophenol ____.....-........-.-- Potting) S ollie ee ee Rat Bait d-Con.. = Ree-Green __.......-......222----222---------- RO0tone ys Ae eee ee Rose Dust ...... Rose Spray BETTER THAN THE SEEDS YOU SOW. REMEMBER THE CROP YOU GROW CAN BE } ». Rotenone Sabadilla Scalecide Soil Fumigant _.. Sphagnum Moss Spreader Sticker —........-...... 34 Sulphur ............. Ber atiy ss Tersan "15.5. 2.ccsescace-hensusen eee 34 Tersan OM ish... eee 34 Transplanter Solution .. .. 35am Transplantone ............... . 34 Tree Paint ..... Para Triogen __..... N35 Vermiculite “ Volek Be Bird Feed (Wild) Calf-Teria __............ Hog Feeders _......... Hot Waterers GARDEN SUPPLIES, IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, SPRAY- ERS, AND DUSTERS Bee Supplies —................-.--... Berry Baskets . Bulb Planters -... Carts, Pick-Up Dandelion Digger .................-.-.... 30 Dusters ___............ Earth Auger Fertilizer Distributors -......_.... Flower Boxes Flower Stands Gloves ._...........-- Grafting Wax Grass Barrier Grass Hooks ... Grass Shears .. Hedge Shears Hedge Trimmer ........... Hoes; 2-2 ee HoSe ............- Hose Hanger -._....-...... Nose Nozzles ...........--- Labels ...........--- Lawn Edger -.. Lawn Rollers .. Peat: Pots: Pencil, Weatherproof .- Plant Bands & Flats. Plant Setters -........ Post Hole Digger Potato Hooks .......- Pots, Clay .......------- Pot Saucers, Clay... Pruning Saws ...... Pruners, Pole -.. Pruning Shears - Rakescee se R-V-Lite -.. Seed Cleaner, Clipper Seed Sowers -............-- Seed Treaters Shovels => =:32. = ee Soil Soakers ...........-..-------- Spading Fork Sprayers _.. Sprinklers, 2. Tag Hooks .............------------- Tie Wires and Twisters — Trowels =o Wheelbarrows _.....----------------------- iA i Hi Ly: (i Ni Al i 9 i — i. i = Colorful Summer and Fall Flowering Bulbs DAHLIAS ae Dahlia cultural in- structions mailed on request. TYPE OF FLOWERS Ba.—Ball type D—Decorative FD—Formal Decora- tive ID—Informal Decora- tive AMB, VAN KLEFFENS (FD) — Flowers med- ium sized, with a fine blend of orange shade. FLORIST’S BEAUTY (FD). Medium sized deep red with white edges. GALLANT FOX (FD). Medium sized deep red. JANE COWL (ID). Extra large buff and old gold. JEAN KERR (Ba.) Medium sized white. Ex- cellent cutflower. JERSEY BEAUTY (FD). Medium sized rose-pink. Commercial cutflower. MRS. I. DE VER WARNER (FD.). beautiful orchid-pink prolific. ROSY DAWN (Ba.). Light blend of rosy-red and yellow. ROYAL PENNANT (ID). purple. THE COMMODORE (ID). lemon-yellow. All above Dahlias 50c each; 3 for $1.35; 6 for $2.50; 12 for $4.75, postpaid. CACTUS, DAHLIAS SC—Semi Cactus St C—Straight Cactus BONNIE K. (SC). Medium sized golden bronze with white tips. Attractive. CLARA HOOK (StC). Extremely large, golden yellow. FAITHFUL (SC). NICKY K. (StC). across. PRIDE OF HOLLAND (StC). Extremely large, deep rose pink. TORNADO (St C). Large, orange red. All Cactus Dahlias 60c each; 3 for $1.60; 6 for $2.90; 12 for $5.40, postpaid. MINIATURE DAHLIAS Miniature Dahlias are ideal for arrangements. Bushes are generally smaller than other kinds and flowers generally measure about three inches in diameter. FAIRY (FD). Rose-pink with a buff blend. IKE (FD). Beautiful blood-red. LITTLE WISTERIA (FD). Lavender. WHITE FAWN (FD). Finest waxy white; good cutflower. YELLOW KITTEN (FD). Pure yellow. All Miniature Dahlias 50c each; 3 for $1.35; 6 for $2.50; 12 for $4.75, postpaid. POMPON, DAHLIAS Small flowers of ball shape, measuring not more than two inches in diameter. Cut flower arrangement. ANNABELLE. Clear pink. L’INNOCENCE, Pure white. MARY MUNNS. Fine deep lavender; good cutter. 4 RNING MIST. White with rosy-lavender enter. ROTHROUT. Deep red. LOW GEM. Finest deep yellow. above Pompon Dahlias 45c each; 3 for $1.25; ‘& for $2.30; 12 for $4.25, postpaid. AMARYLLIS ectacular and popular huge lily-like flowers from bulbs. Easily grown pot subjects. vise early ordering. LOWERING HYBRIDS (MIXED ONLY) Three $2.25, postpaid. Extra large, Extra large royal- Very large bright Extra large, pure white. Brilliant scarlet. 6” to 7” (ismene calathina) large, fragrant, white flowers; re- : aryllis group. Good cut flower. g and stored in a temperature more during the winter months. egrees or less will kill the 3 for $1.65; 6 for $3.10, BEGONIAS Double Camellia - Flowered (Tuberous Rooted) (Illustrated inside back cover.) Large brilliant flowers resembling Camellias. For early flowers start in flats or pots during February, transferring to shady locations in the garden after danger of frost, or they may be grown in four inch pots all season. Water sparingly until growth starts. A soil mixture composed of loam, peat moss or woodsmold and well rotted cow manure is very satisfactory. Scarlet, White, Salmon, Yellow, Pink. 45c each; 3 for $1.25; 6 for $2.30; 12 for $4.25, postpaid. CALADIUMS FANCY LEAVED Very ornamental foliage plants grown from corms which require warm temperature. Pret- erably, the soil should contain much humus such as peat or leaf mold. Plant upside down for slower starting but more sprouts; top side up for quicker starting. Keep only moist while starting, increasing tne water supply as the leaves become larger and more numerous. The varieties listed are suited to both indoor and outdoor culture. Note: in case of shortage, we shall substitute nearest variety unless instructed otherwise. Illustrated inside back cover. Tall Growing CANDIDUM—AI white, with green veins. Out- standing against brick. RISING SUN—Center red, main leaf blotched with red. EDITH MEADE—White with narrow red veins and green tinting on edge. MRS. F. SANDERS—Green and rose splotched throughout. Soft colors. Medium Height MARIE MOIR—Very similar to Candidum but with a few red blotches. DOCTOR L. T. MEADE—Bronze leaves—quite unusual and striking. JOHN PEED—Dark red center, green border. MRS. FANNIE MUNSON—Excellent pink with darker red veins. Soft colors. green, Low Growing THOMAS TOMLINSON—Vivid pink with dark bronze edge. ACE OF HEARTS—Bright rose center, green border. LORD DERBY—An unusual dull pink, one color. Delicate color. POECILE ANGLAIS—Dark red center, with wide green border. All above Caladiums: Each 45c; 3 for $1.25; 6 for $2.25; 12 for $4.20, postpaid. ELEPHANT EARS (Caladium esculentum.) Huge green heart- shaped leaves of tropical appearance, reaching three feet or more in length under good cul- ture. Plant in rich soil and give plenty of water for best development. EXTRA LARGE SIZE: One 55c; Three $1.50; Six $2.75; Twelve $5.20, postpaid. GIANT FLOWERING CANNAS Familiar plants of tropical appearance in foliage and flower. Of easy culture. All have green toliage except as noted. Color Variety Red—King Humbert, bronze foliage, 5 ft. tall. Rosy Pink—City of Portland, 5 ft. tall. Rose—The President, 4 ft. semi-dwarf. Yellow—King Humbert, 5 ft. tall. All Cannas 25c each; 3 for 70c; 6 for $1.20; 12 for $2.15; 25 for $3.85; 100 for $12.90. COLCHICUM * August-September Delivery Referred to as Autumn Crocus, since it flowers in the fall, and the flower resembles a Crocus, although Colchicum are not related to the true Crocus. A bulb bears clusters of large, pale- lavender blossoms. The coarse grassy foliage appears the following spring, dying down before mid-summer. Each 50c; 3 for $1.35; 6 for $2.20; 12 for $4.50, postpaid. CRINUM “LILIES” Hardy out-of-doors North to Washington, D. C. Rich soil, and plenty of water desirable. Provide ample drainage, however. Moving may throw bulbs ‘out of bloom.” April-May Delivery C. CECIL HANDYSHEL. Flowers deep rose pink. One of the best hybrids all qualities considered. Each $1.50, postpaid. C. ELLEN BOUSANQUET—Large dark wine red. Very beautiful. Each $1.40, postpaid. Cc. LOUIS BOUSANQUET—Tall, pink bloom, long season blooming. Each $1.25, postpaid. Cc. POWELLI ALBA—Extra fine, pure white. Very beautiful. Each 85c, postpaid. HYBRID DAYLILIES (Hemerocallis) The Daylily is of remarkably easy culture in every section of the South. They will thrive in sandy soils, good garden loam, and rather heavy clay and in poor soils. They are re- markably free of insects and disease troubles. The roots can be left in the same spot with- out having to be divided. In short, daylily is a combination of everything we need for abundant summer bloom with the least amount of cultural care. Six wonderful colors: gold, dark red, copper, lemon-yellow, luscious pink and deep rose. Prices: 80c each; 3 for $2.25; 6 for $4.25, postpaid. GLOXINIAS Cultured instructions mailed on request EMEREOR FREDERICH. Scarlet bordered white. EMPEROR WILLIAM. Deep blue bordered white. MONT BLANC. Pure white. FIRE KING. Scarlet. Prices: 50c each; 3 for $1.35; 6 for $2.50, postpaid. TUBEROSES Waxy white flowers of intense fragrance and heavy substance. Favorites in old gardens. Nee et SINGLE—FEarlier flowering and taller. DWARF EXELSIOR PEARL—Compact spikes. Very double. ALL TUBEROSES: 20c each; 3 for 55c; 6 for $1.00; 12 for $1.85; 25 for $3.85; 100 for $12.75, postpaid. SPIDER LILIES—LYCORIS AUGUST - SEPTEMBER DELIVERY L.—Alba (white). Each 40c; 3 for $1.15; 6 for $2.15; 12 for $4.05; 25 for $7.95, postpaid. L.—Aurea (yellow). Each 40c; 3 for $1.15; 6 for $2.15; 12 for $3.95; 25 for $7.20, postpaid. L.—Radiata (red). Each 20c; 3 for 50c; 6 for 95c; 12 for $1.65; 25 for $2.95, postpaid. L.—Squamigera (Pink Hardy Amaryllis). Each 55c; 3 for $1.60; 6 for $2.90; 12 for $5.20; 25 for $9.45, postpaid. Plant TOP SIZE CULTURE: Soil requirements are not very exacting. Plant large corms 149” or more apart 4” to 6” deep depending whether the soil is light or heavy. Plantings made at intervals of 2 to 3 weeks beginning in early April and con- tinued until early July should flower from the latter part of June until frost PINKS ALFRED NOBLE—Beautiful rose pink. GENERAL EISENHOWER—Huge rose pink, one of the best pink glads ever produced. Medium early. PHILLIPPOS MEMORY—Huge soft pink. PICARDY—Shrimp or coral pink, lightly ruffled flowers with perfect stems. SPIC AND SPAN—Large beautiful deep pink with slight salmon shadings. YELLOW HANS VAN MEEGEREN—Deep yellow, splendid substance and healthy grower. SPOTLIGHT—Large deep yellow with a scarlet small blotch in the throat. YELLOW HERALD—Amber yellow : ( with car- mine in the throat. Good commercial yellow. PURPLE, BLUE, LAVENDER BENJAMIN BRITTEN—Magenta purple, striking. ELIZABETH THE QUEEN—Ruffled soft rose- lavender. GRATIA—Beautiful deep violet blue. LAVENDER DREAM—A pleasing shade of pale light lavender. LILAC WONDER—Soft pinkish lilac, height, good bloomer. MEMORIAL DAY—An excellent deep violet. MERRY WIDOW—Mauve with cream white blotch. MABEL VIOLET—Large violet. very medium Wyatt-Quarles Superior GLADIOLUS Postpaid Prices 6 for 55c¢ 12 for 95¢ 25 for $1.65 50 for $2.95 100 for $5.40 Prices include all varieties except All America selection and exhibition mixed. WHITE, CREAM FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE—A very fine white, slightly on the creamy side. Throat shades to deep cream or light yellow. JUNE BELLS—Very pure white with large well placed florets. Healthy grower and good propa- gator. MARGARET BEATON—Beautiful large pure white with a striking red blotch in the throat. SNOW PRINCESS—A leading florist milky white having a light cream throat. VANGUARD—Beautiful white with red throat. RED, ORANGE ARANGUEZ—Deep orange, yellow center. BURMA —Enormeus heavily ruffled deep rose red strong grower of medium height. MANSOER—Large glistening blood-red of vel- vety texture on tall slender stems. ORANGE GOLD—Bright true orange with a golden throat. PACTOLUS—Spectacular deep apricot—cream with orange—red blotches. Eight to ten well placed flowers at a time. PALET—Vermilion red with large purple blotch. Unusually striking. POPPY DAY—Vermilion red, excellent for both exhibition and market. RED CHERRY—Bright scarlet red. Spikes are tall, well balanced. SANS SOUCI—A tall, strong, clear scarlet with a narrow white line on the lower petals. AMERICAN GROWN All American Gladiolus Selections LANDMARK (Pat. Pend.). 1960 AAS. Cream large ruffled florets formally placed with precision like regularity opening 10-14 of the 22 buds at once. LITTLE PANSY (Pat. Pend). AAS 1960. All-America’s first miniature. Light violet with deep blue blotch. SPARKLER (Pat. Pend.). All American selection winner for 1959. Medium yel- low with red throat. Sturdy stems. JOYOUS (Pat. Pend.). All American selection winner for 1959. Velvety rose, lip petals deeper rose. Very healthy. EMPEROR (Pat. Pend.). 1958 AAS. Regal purple trimmed in ermine-white, unusually vigorous, spikes consistently tall and straight. Above All American Gladiolus: 35c each; 3 for $1.00; 12 for $3.45. (Any Combination, postpaid.) EXHIBITION MIXED. A _ carefully blended mixture of choice _ colors. Large flowering varieties. 6 for 45c; 12 for 80c; 25 for $1.40; 50 for $2.60; 100 for $4.95, postpaid. HYBRID TEA ROSES CHARLOTTE ARMSTRONG. H.T. Plant Pat. 455. Tall. Long, slender, rose-red buds open to extra-large blooms of deep, glowing rose. $2.00 ea.; 3 for $5.25. CHRYSLER IMPERIAL. H.T. Plant Pat. 1167. Dark red and very fragrant. Plants are well branched, upright, well foliaged and of medium height. A very popular red rose. $2.50 ea.; 3 for $6.60. ECLIPSE. Golden yellow, regular bloomer, hardy. Ea. $1.75; 3 for $4.65. ETOCILE DE HOLLANDE. H.T. Crimson. Vig- orous plant. Always popular and dependable. $1.50 ea.; 3 for $3.90. FANTAN H.T. Plant Pat. 1913. A rarity in roses . .. a color break. The first tan Rose! $3.00 ea.; 3 for $7.95. LADY ELGIN. Plant Pat. 1469. Brilliant orange- apricot. The plant is tall, upright, vigorous; 35 to 48 petals are large and firm; the foliage is richly colorful; and there is a pleasing fragrance to grace this charmer. $2.50 ea.; 3 for $6.60. LOVE SONG. HT. Plant Pat. 1360. A glowing beauty of radiant, rich, salmon-pink with bril- liant yellow on the lower third of the petals and a lighter yeliow reverse. A truly lovely off- spring of Peace. $2.50 ea.; 3 for $6.60. MOJAVE. H.T. Plant Pat. 1176. Urn-shaped buds of orange-red. Upright plants of medium height with very heavy, leathery foliage. $2.75 ea.; 3 for $7.20. PEACE. Plant Pat. 591. Very popular. Creamy yellow, pink edged. Needs little introduction. Ea. $2.50; 3 for $6.60. PRESIDENT EISENHOWER. H.T. Plant Pat. 1217. A red Rose of rare beauty combined with charm and dependability. Large buds open slowly to well-formed blooms with 35 to 40 petals. $2.25 ea.; 3 for $6.00. SUTTER’S GOLD. H.T. Plant Pat. 885. Brilliant golden buds, shaded coppery orange and ver- milion. Very fragrant. Long buds on straight stems with few thorns. $2.25 ea.; 3 for $6.00. 40 Roses Spring Planted Star Brand Roses for Summer Beauty For other varieties see enclosed order sheet. All Star Brand Roses are Guaranteed to Live and Bloom the First Season Please add 35c handling charge on all Rose orders if less than $10.00. TAPESTRY Plant Pat. 1812. The basic colors are flame, yellow, and copper. The colors are so mingled that no two blossoms on a plant are the same. $3.00 ea.; 3 for $7.95. THE ALAMO. Plant Pat. 1689. The flower is extremely double, having more than 100 petals which compose a full and well formed cardinal red blossom that lasts so long it seems to be painted on the plant. $3.50 ea.; 3 for $9.30. TIFFANY. H.T. Plant Pat. 1304. Often con- sidered best light pink All America winner to date. The long-pointed buds and large blooms are always exquisitely formed. Flowers last well and are pleasingly fragrant. $2.75 ea.; 3 for $7.20. WHITE KNIGHT. Plant Pat. 1359. 1953 AAS. Good buds and big double blooms of snowy white. $3.00 ea.; 3 for $7.95. GRANDIFLORA ROSES BACCANEER. Plant Pat. 1119. First introduced as an H.T., but has now been transferred by the American Rose Society to the new Grandiflora class. Buttercup-yellow buds are borne on tall plants with healthy, dark green foliage. $2.50 ea.; 3 for $6.60. CARROUSEL. Plant Pat. 1066. Garnet-red Rose of excellent quality. Plants are bushy, upright and bloom profusely. $2.00 ea.; 3 for $5.25. MONTEZUMA. Plant Pat. 1383. Vivid, rosy salmon that is very showy. Buds are long and slender and open flower is equally beautiful. $2.75 ea.; 3 for $7.20. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Plant Pat. 1259. H.T. type blooms of attractive shade of pink are produced with the lavish abundance of a _ Floribunda. Plants are tall, upright, vigorous and bloom pro- fusely all season. $2.50 ea.; 3 for $6.60. STARFIRE. Plant Pat. 1742. An All American winner for 759. The bright red flowers open from urn-shaped buds and come one to a stem or in clusters. Stems of from 6 to 12 inches, make Starfire ideal for cutting. $3.00 each; 3 for $7.95. FLORIBUNDA ROSES CIRCUS. Plant Pat. 1382. Changing, gold, red, and vermilion. $2.50 ea.; 3 for $6.60. FIRE KING. Plant Pat. 1758. All America winner for 1960. A tall rose which is literally covered with very double, well-shaped fiery vermilion blooms, each a neat and lively eircle of bright, bright color. There are 45 to 50 petals making up the 3 inch flower. The bush is loaded with clusters of these wonderful blooms, and occasionally there are one or two to a stem, making fine cut- ting for bouquets. $2.50 each; 3 for $6.60. FUSILIER. Plant Pat. 1709. 1958 AAS. Medium tall plant with bright red blooms. $2.50 ea.; 3 for $6.60. GOLD CUP. Plant Pat. 1683. 1958 AAS. Medium sized Floribunda with large blooms of golden yellow. $2.50 each; 3 for $6.60. SPARTAN. Plant Pat. 1357. Coral. $2.50 ea.; 3 for $6.60. THE SWEETHEART ROSE. This famous old rose flowers are light pink on a yellow ground and has long buds and small double flowers. Fragrant free blooming in clusters. $1.75 ea.; 3 for $4.65. Hi WHITE BOUQUET. Plant Pat. 1415. White. 1957 AAS. $2.50 ea.; 3 for $6.60. CLIMBING and PILLAR ROSES BLAZE. (Repeat Blooming). Scarlet-crimson. $1.50 ea.; 3 for $3.90. CLIMBING CRIMSON GLORY. (Repeat Blooming). Plant Pat. 736. Crimson. $2.50 ea.; 3 for $6.60. CLIMBING PEACE. Plant Pat. 932 (Repeat Blooming). Blooms same as Peace. $2.25 ea.; 3 for $6.00. GLADIATOR. (Everblooming). Plant Pat. 1524. Light red. Ea. $2.75; 3 for $7.20. GOLDEN SHOWERS (Everblooming). Plant Pat. 1557. 1957 AAS. Continuous display of large fragrant clear yellow blooms. Can be~ trained as a Pillar Rose or climber. $2.75 ea.; 3 for $7.20. : NEW DAWN. (Everblooming). Flesh-pink. $1.75 ea.; 3 for $4.65. WHITE DAWN (Repeat Blooming). The large flowering white climbing rose that’s recog- nized as being the best in its color. $1.75 ea.; 3 for $4.65. WYATT-QUARLES SEED CO. GLADIOLUS DAHLIA, GALLANT FOX DAHLIA, Gallant Fox. 50c each; 3 for $1.35; 6 for $2.50, postpaid. TORCH SONG | Gladiolus Collection—50 bulbs $2.60, postpaid. BEGONIA Collection. Two each of five colors | (mixed), $3.35 value, for $2.98, postpaid. Koses RED EMPRESS—Plant Patent 1573. New everblooming climber. The blossoms are extra big like Hybrid Teas and color is a striking red. $2.50 each; 3 for $6.60. TORCH SONG—Plant Patent 1760. Hy- brid Tea. This is a new color in roses. The bud is a rich vermilion and opens to a lighter, brighter glow on the inside, with a deeper smoky reverse. $2.50 each; 3 for $6.60. PINK PEACE—Plant Patent 1759. Hybrid Tea. A beautiful, new, giant solid pink. $3.00 each; 3 for $7.95. SARABANDE — Plant Patent 1761. All America Winner for 1960. The Flori- bunda with a heart of gold, is the brighi- est flower in the garden. Its wondertul orient-red shows off the bright yellow stamens to best advantage. $2.50 each; 3 for $6.60. PINK PEACE BEGONIA SOP is | CALADIUM, FANCY LEAF Re os Bata Noe es CALADIUM, Fancy Leaf. 12. vari- eties to choose from. (See page 39.) SARABANDE Wyatt-Quarles Seed Co. Sox 2131, Raleigh, N. C. Forwarded and Return Postage Guaranteed—Form 3547 Requested Bibliography Division : Library, U.S.Dept.of Agric BULK RATE U. S. POSTAGE PAID RALEIGH, N. C. Permit No. 413 Washington 25, D. CG. LAVENDER GIRL GOLDEN GIRL LAVENDER GIRL—Plant Patent 1672. Floribunda. A gor- geous, rich-tone lavender-rose that holds its color even in the strong heat of summer. $5.00 each; 3 for $12.75. LADY ELGIN—Plant Patent 1469. Hybrid Tea. An elegant apricot and orange combination. The plant is sturdy, tall growing, upright and vigorous. $2.50 each; 3 for $6.60. GOLDEN GIRL—Plant Patent 1912. Grandiflora. Big beau- tiful new yellow. Many, many blooms. $3.00 each; 3 for $7.95. GARDEN PARTY—Plant Patent 1814. Hybrid Tea. All- America Winner for 1960. Features a combination of pas- tel tones of ivory and cream, with a pronounced flush of apple-blossom-pink at the outer edges of the petal. Form of bud and bloom is excellent. $3.50 each: 3 for $9.30. WHITE KNIGHT—Plant Patent 1359. Hybrid Tea. A.A.R.'s —1958. Good buds and big double blooms of snowy white. $3.00 each; 3 for $7.95. FIRE KING—Plant Patent 1758. Floribunda. All-America Winner for 1960. A tall rose literally covered with double, well shaped fiery vermilion blooms. $2.50 each, 3 for $6.60. LADY ELGIN GARDEN PARTY q ee diy pe Bac D FIRE KING WHITE KNIGHT