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Kansas State Agricultural College Bulletin

Volume XIV

June 15, 1930

Number 7

Complete Catalogue Number




MANHATTAN, KANSAS Published by the College







LD im/30



The College Calendar 7

Administrative Officers 9 , 10

Officers of Instruction and Administration 11

President and Professors 11

Associate Professors 19

Assistant Professors 23

Associates 29

Instructors 29

Assistants 34

Superintendents 38

Agricultural Agents 38

Home Demonstration Agents 43

Graduate Assistants 45

Research Assistants 47

Fellows 48

Other Officers 49

Standing Committees of the Faculty 50

Agricultural Experiment Station and Branch Stations 51 , 53

Engineering Experiment Station 54

Bureau of Research in Home Economics 56

History and Location of the College 57

Aims and Purposes of the College 57

Buildings and Grounds 59

The College Library 64

Student Health Service 65

Requirements for Admission 66

Accredited High Schools 69

Junior Colleges 72

Undergraduate Degrees and Certificates 74

Graduate Study 76

General Information 81

The Division of Agriculture 100

Curriculum in Agriculture 104

Curriculum in Agricultural Administration 105

Curriculum in Landscape Gardening 107

Agricultural Economics 108

Agronomy 110

Animal Husbandry 113

Dairy Husbandry 116

General Agriculture 119

Horticulture 119

Milling Industry 123

Poultry Husbandry 124

Agriculture in the Summer School 126

Special Courses in Agriculture 126

(3) O

4 Contents


The Division of Engineering 127

Curriculum in Agricultural Engineering 131

Curriculum in Architectural Engineering 132

Curriculum in Architecture 133

Curriculum in Chemical Engineering 134

Curriculum in Civil Engineering 135

Curriculum in Electrical Engineering 136

Curriculum in Flour-mill Engineering 137

Curriculum in Landscape Architecture 138

Curriculum in Mechanical Engineering 139

Agricultural Engineering ' 140

Applied Mechanics 142

Architecture : 144

Civil Engineering 148

Electrical Engineering 151

General Engineering 155

Machine Design 155

Mechanical Engineering 157

Shop Practice 160

The Division of General Science 164

Curriculum in General Science 168

Curriculum in Industrial Chemistry. 169

Curriculum in Industrial Journalism . . 170

Curriculum in Piano , 171

Curriculum in Public-school Band and Orchestra 172

Curriculum in Public-school Music 173

Curriculum in Violin 174

Curriculum in Voice 175

Curriculum in Physical Education for Men 176

Curriculum in Physical Education for Women 177

Curriculum in Commerce 178

Groups of Electives and Options 179

Bacteriology 187

Botany and Plant Pathology 190

Chemistry 193

Economics and Sociology 200

Education 204

English 213

Entomology 218

Geology 221

History and Government 222

Industrial Journalism and Printing 227

Library Economics 230

Mathematics 231

Military Science and Tactics 234

Modern Languages 238

Music 240

Physical Education and Athletics 248

Contents 5

The Division of General Science Concluded. page

Physics 252

Public Speaking 256

Zoology 257

The Division of Home Economics 261

Curriculum in Home Economics 263

Curriculum in Home Economics and Art 264

Curriculum in Home Economics and Nursing 264

Group of Electives 265

Art 267

Child Welfare and Euthenics 269

Clothing and Textiles 270

Food Economics and Nutrition 272

General Home Economics 275

Household Economics 275

Institutional Economics 276

The Division of Veterinary Medicine 278

Curriculum in Veterinary Medicine 279

Curriculum in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine 280

Curriculum in General Science and Veterinary Medicine 281

Anatomy and Physiology 282

Pathology 284

Surgery and Medicine 286

The Division of College Extension 289

Institutes and Extension Schools 291

County Agent Work 294

Home Economics 296

Home Demonstration Agent Work 296

Boys' and Girls' 4-H Club Work 297

Rural Engineering 299

Home-study Service 300

The Agricultural Experiment Station 306

Branch Agricultural Experiment Stations 309

The Engineering Experiment Station 311

The Bureau of Research in Home Economics 312

Special Courses 313

Farmers' Short Course 313

Dairy Manufacturing Short Courses 316

Courses in Trades Related to Engineering 318

Degrees and Certificates Conferred in 1929 321

Honors 328

Indexes 331










































































































































































































































































24 31





























































































































































. . . .


























































































































3 4






























































































23 30







24 31










































































































































May 31, Saturday. Registration of students for Summer School begins at 8 a. m.

May 31, Saturday. Examinations for students deficient in entrance subjects, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.

May 31, to Aug. 1, Saturday to Friday. Summer School in session, nine weeks.

June 2 to 6, Monday to Friday. 4-H Club Round-up.

June 14, Saturday. Preliminary reports on masters' theses are due.

July 4, Friday. Independence Day, holiday.

July 5 to Aug. 1, Saturday to Friday. Second session of Summer School, four weeks.

July 15, Tuesday. Abstracts of masters' theses are due.

July 26, Saturday. Masters' theses are due.

July 31, Thursday. Commencement exercises at 8 p. m. for those receiving degrees at end of

Summer School. Aug. 8, Friday. Reports of all Summer School grades due in registrar's office.


Sept. 5, Friday. All members of the instructional force on duty.

Sept. 6, Saturday. Meeting of assigners with committee on schedule at 2 p. m.

Sept. 6, Saturday. Meeting of assigners with deans at 3 p. m.

Sept. 8, Monday. Admission and registration of students begin at 7 :45 a. m.

Sept. 8V Monday. Examinations for students deficient in entrance subjects, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.

Sept. 10, Wednesday. Registration of students closes at 9 :30 a. m.

Sept. 10. Wednesday. Opening convocation, 11 a. m. to 12 m.

Sept. 10, Wednesday. *All classes, except freshmen, meet according to schedule, beginning

at 1 p. m. Sept. 10 and 11, Wednesday and Thursday. f Mental tests for freshmen, 1 to 4 :30 p. m. Sept. 19, Friday. f All freshman students meet at 11 a. m. Sept. 19, Friday. Annual student -faculty informal reception, 8 p. m. Oct. 4, Saturday. Examinations to remove conditions.

Oct. 11, Saturday. Scholarship deficiency reports to students and deans are due. Nov. 8, Saturday.- Midsemester scholarship deficiency reports to students and deans are due. Nov. 15, Saturday. Preliminary reports on masters' theses are due. Nov. 26, Wednesday. Thanksgiving vacation begins at 12 m. Nov. 29, Saturday. Thanksgiving vacation closes at 6 p. m. Dec. 20, Saturday. Winter vacation begins at 6 p. m. Jan. 3, 1931, Saturday. Winter vacation closes at 6 p. m.

Jan. 5, Monday. Farmers' Short Course and Dairy Manufacturing Short Courses begin. Jan. 5, Monday. Abstracts of masters theses are due. Jan. 19, Monday. Masters' theses are due.

Jan. 16 to 24, Friday to Saturday. Examinations at close of semester. Jan. 24, Saturday. First semester closes at 11 a. m. Jan. 24, Saturday. Semester scholarship deficiency reports to students and deans are due.


Jan. 26, Monday. Meeting of assigners with committee on schedule at 2 p. m.

Jan. 26, Monday. Examinations for students deficient in entrance subjects, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.

Jan. 27, Tuesday. Admission and registration of students begin at 7 :45 a. m.

Jan. 28, Wednesday. Registration closes at 5 p. m.

Jan. 29, Thursday. * All classes meet according to schedule, beginning at 8 a. m.

Feb. 3 to 6, Tuesday to Friday.- Farm and Home Week.

Feb. 7, Saturday. Reports of all grades for first semester due in registrar's office.

Feb. 21, Saturday. Examinations to remove conditions.

Feb. 28, Saturday. Farmers' Short Course and Dairy Manufacturing Short Courses close

at 12 m. Feb. 28, Saturday. Scholarship deficiency reports to students and deans are due. Mar. 14, Saturday. Preliminary reports on masters' theses are due.

Mar. 28, Saturday. Midsemester scholarship deficiency reports to students and deans are due. April 2, Thursday. Easter vacation begins at 6 p. m. April 6, Monday. Easter vacation closes at 6 p. m.

April 9, Thursday. Announcement of elections of seniors to Phi Kappa Phi. May 4, Monday. Abstracts of masters' theses are due. May 12 to 19, Tuesday to Tuesday. Examinations for seniors.

* Students must be present at the first meeting of each class or render a reasonable excuse. Failure to take out an assignment is not accepted as an excuse for absence from classes. A fee of five dollars is charged those who are assigned after the time set for close of registration.

t Attendance of all freshmen is required on each of the three days.


8 Kansas State Agricultural College,

May 19 to 26, Tuesday to Tuesday. Examinations at close of semester.

May 20, Wednesday. Masters' theses are due.

May 24, Sunday. Baccalaureate services, beginning at 8 p. m.

May 27, Wednesday. Alumni Day. Business meeting at 2 p. m., banquet at 6 p. m.

May 28, Thursday. Sixty-eighth Annual Commencement at 10 a. m.

May 29, Friday. Semester scholarship deficiency reports to students and deans are due.

June 11, Thursday. Reports of all grades for second semester due in registrar's office.


May 29, Friday. Registration of students for first session of Summer School begins at 8 a. m.

May 29, Friday. Examinations for students deficient in entrance subjects, 8 a. m. to 5 p. >n.

May 30, Saturday. Memorial Day, holiday.

May 29 to July 30, Friday to Thursday. First session of Summer School, nine weeks.

June 1 to 5, Monday to Friday. 4-H Club Round-up.

June 15, Monday Preliminary reports on masters' theses are due.

July 4, Saturday. Independence Day, holiday.

July 3 to July 30, Friday to Thursday. Second session of Summer School, four weeks.

July 15, Wednesday. Abstracts of masters' theses are due.

July 25, Saturday. Masters' theses are due.

July 30, Thursday. Commencement exercises at 8 p. m. for those graduating at end of first session of Summer School.

Aug. 20, Thursday. Reports of all grades for first session of Summer School due in regis- trar's office.

FIRST SEMESTER, 1931 -'3 2

Sept. 14, Monday. Admission and registration of students begin at 7:45 a. m.

Sept. 14, Monday. Examinations for students deficient in entrance subjects, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.

Sept. 16, Wednesday. Registration of students closes at 9 :30 a. m.


The following tabulation shows the schedule of hours for registration and assignment of students for the college year 1930-31, arranged according to the initial letters of their last names:


Monday, September 8, 1930 Hours. Initial letters.

7 :45 to 9:30 A, C, L

9:45 to 11:15 E, M, N, U, X

12 :30 to 2 :00 G, J, O, W, Y

2:15 to 3:45 H, I, K, Z

Tuesday, September 9, 1930

8:00 to 9:30 P, S

9 :45 to 11:15 B, T, V

12 :30 to 2 :00 D, F, Q, R

2:15 to 3 :45 Special students

Wednesday, September 10, 1930

8 :00 to 9 :30. Trade Course students and any other students

not yet assigned.


Tuesday, January 27, 1931

7:45 to 9 :30 D, F, Q, R

9 :45 to 11 :15 A, C, L

12 :30 to 2:00 E, M, N, U, X

2 :15 to 3:45 P, S

Wednesday, January 28, 1931

8 :00 to 9 :30 B, T, V

9:45 to 11:15 H, I, K, Z

12:30 to 1:45 G, J, O, W, Y

2 :00 to 5 :00 Special students, Trade Course students, and

any other students not yet assigned.

The State Board of Regents

Name and address. Term expires.

W. Y. MORGAN, Chairman, Hutchinson June 30, 1930

B. C. CULP, Beloit June 30, 1932

OSCAR STAUFFER, Arkansas City June 30, 1933

C. M. HARGER, Abilene June 30, 1930

M. G. VINCENT, Pittsburg June 30, 1930

C. B. MERRIAM, Topeka June 30, 1931

C. C. WILSON, Meade June 30, 1933

C. W. SPENCER, Sedan June 30, 1931

W. E. IRELAND, Yates Center June 30, 1932

H. R. Rhodes, Business Manager

J. E. Brewer, Assistant Business Manager


Administrative Officers of the College

President F. D. Farrell

Vice President, and Dean of the Division of General

Science J. T. Willard

Dean of the Division of Agriculture, and Director of

the Agricultural Experiment Station L. E. Call

Dean of the Division of Engineering, and Director of

the Engineering Experiment Station R. A.Seaton

Dean of the Division of Home Economics Margaret M. Justin

Dean of the Division of Veterinary Medicine , . R. R. Dykstra

Dean of the Division of College Extension H. J. Umrerger

Chairman of the Graduate Council J. E. Ackert

Dean of Women Mary P. Van Zile

Dean of the Summer School E. L. Holton

Registrar Jessie McD. Machir

Librarian Arthur B. Smith

Custodian of Buildings and Grounds G. R. Pauling


Officers of Instruction and Administration


Francis David Farrell, Agr. D., President of the College (1918, 1925).*

B. S., Utah Agricultural College, 1907; Agr. D., University of Nebraska, 1925.

tA 30 ; President's House, College Campus.


John Daniel Walters,1 M.S., A.D., Professor of Architecture, Emeritus (1877, 1917— Sept. 30, 1929).

M.S., K. S. A. C, 1883; A. D., ibid., 1908.

Julius Terrass Willard, M.S., Sc. D., Vice President of the College (1883, 1918); Dean of Division of General Science (1883, 1909); Professor of Chemistry (1883, 1901); Consulting Chemist, Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion (1888, 1918). B. S., K. S. A. C, 1883; M. S., ibid., 1886; Sc. D., ibid., 1908. A 48; 1014 Houston.

Benjamin Luce Remick, Ph. M., Professor and Head of Department of Mathematics (1900). Ph. B., Cornell College, 1889; Ph. M., ibid., 1892. E223; 613 Houston.

Albert Dickens,2 M.S., Professor and Head of Department of Horticulture (1899, 1902); Horticulturist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1899, 1902).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1893; M.S., ibid., 1901. H 28 ; 1230 Fremont.

Ralph Ray Price, A. M., Professor and Head of Department of History and Government (1903).

A. B., Baker University, 1896; A.M., University of Kansas, 1898.

F 57; 615 Humboldt.

Julius Ernest Kammeyer, A. M., LL. D., Professor and Head of Department of Economics (1903, 1904).

A. B., Central Wesleyan College, 1886; A.M., ibid., 1889; LL. D., Kansas City Uni- versity, 1912. A 52 ; 1011 Kearney.

John Vanzandt Cortelyou, Ph. D., Professor and Head of Department of Modern Languages (1904, 1916).

A. B., University of Nebraska, 1897; A. M., ibid., 1901; Ph. D., University of Heidelberg, 1904. A 71; 325 N. 14th.

* One date standing after the title shows when the office was assumed. In the case of two dates separated by a comma or semicolon, the first date indicates when services with the College began, the second when present office was assumed. Dates separated by a dash in- dicate time of assumption and termination, respectively, of the duties indicated in the title. t The College buildings are designated by letters, as follows : A Anderson Hall (Administration) Li Library

Ag Waters Hall (Agriculture) M Auditorium

Bks Barracks MA Music Annex

C Denison Hall (Chemistry, Physics) N Nichols Gymnasium

CH College Hospital P Stock Judging Pavilion

D Chemistry Annex No. 2 PP Heat, Power and Service Building

E Engineering Hall R Farm Machinery Hall

F Fairchild Hall S Engineering Shops

G Education Hall T Thompson Hall (Cafeteria)

H Horticulture Hall V Veterinary Hall

I Illustrations Hall VH Veterinary Hospital

K Kedzie Hall (Printing) W Chemistry Annex No. 1

L Calvin Hall (Home Economics) X Maintenance Building

1. Deceased.

2. Absent on leave, 1929-1930.


12 Kansas State Agricultural College,

John Orr Hamilton, B. S., Professor and Head of Department of Physics (1901, 1908); Physicist, Engineering Experiment Station (1913).

B. S., University of Chicago, 1900. C 33 ; 331 N. 14th.

Mary Pierce Van Zile, B.S., Dean of Women (1908, 1918).

Diploma, Iowa State College, B. S., 1904 ; B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929.

A 40; 800 Houston.

Lowell Edwin Conrad, M.S., Professor and Head of Department of Civil Engineering (1908, 1909); Civil Engineer, Engineering Experiment Station (1913).

B. S., Cornell College, 1904; C. E., ibid., 1906; M.S., Lehigh University, 1908.

E124; 317 N. 17th.

Edwin Lee Holton, Ph.D., Professor and Head of Department of Education (1910, 1913); Dean of Summer School (1910, 1918).

A. B., Indiana University, 1904; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1927.

G28A; 217 N. 14th.

Roy Andrew Seaton, M.S., Dean of Division of Engineering (1904, 1920); Director of the Engineering Experiment Station (1904, 1920).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1904 ; M. S., ibid., 1910 ; S. B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1911. E115; 722 Humboldt.

Arthur Bourne Smith, Ph. B., B.L. S., College Librarian (1911).

Ph. B., Wesleyan University, 1900; B. L. S., University of Illinois, 1902.

Li 31; 1503 Fairchild.

Leland David Bushnell, Ph.D., Professor and Head of Department of Bac- teriology (1900, 1912); Bacteriologist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1909, 1912).

B. S., Michigan Agricultural College, 1905; M.S., University of Kansas, 1915; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1921. V 54 ; 801 Osage.

Leland Everett Call, M.S., Dean of Division of Agriculture (1907, 1925) ; Di- rector of Agricultural Experiment Station (1907, 1925).

B. S. inAgr., Ohio State University, 1906; M.S., ibid., 1912. Agll2; 223 N. 14th.

George Adam Dean, M.S., Professor and Head of Department of Entomology (1902, 1913); Entomologist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1902, 1913).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1895; M.S., ibid., 1905. F 52 ; 1725 Poyntz.

Robert Kirkland Nabours,3 Ph.D., Professor and Head of Department of Zoology (1910, 1913); Zoologist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1910, 1913); Curator of the Natural History Museum (1910).

Ed. B., University of Chicago, 1905; Ph.D., ibid., 1911. F30; 401 Denison.

Ralph R. Dykstra, D.V. M., Dean of Division of Veterinary Medicine (1911, 1919) ; Professor of Surgery and Head of Department of Surgery and Medi- cine (1911, 1913).

D. V. M., Iowa State College, 1905. V29; 607 Houston.

Michael Francis Ahearn, M. S., Professor and Head of Department of Physi- cal Education, and Director of Athletics (1904, 1920).

B. S., Massachusetts Agricultural College, 1904; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1913.

N 35 ; 104 N. Juliette.

Charles Moses Siever, Ph. G., M.D., College Physician (1916).

Ph. G., Trinity University, 1903; M. D., ibid., 1903; M. D., University of Kansas, 1907.

A 65 ; 1719 Laramie.

Walter William Carlson, M.E., Professor and Head of Department of Shop Practice (1910, 1917); Superintendent of Shops (1910, 1912); Industrial En- gineer, Engineering Experiment Station (1913).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1908; M. E., ibid., 1916. S 62 ; 1722 Laramie.

3. On sabbatical leave, Oct. 1, 1929, to June 30, 1930.

Officers of Instruction 13

Samuel Cecil Salmon, M.S., Professor of Farm Crops (1913, 1917).

B. S., South Dakota Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1907 ; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1923.

Ag 217 ; 1648 Leavenworth.

Harry John Charles Umberger,4 B. S., Dean of Division of College Extension (1911, 1919); Director of College Extension (1911, 1919).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1905. A 33; 1412 Leavenworth.

Herbert Hiram King, Ph. D., Professor and Head of Department of Chemistry (1906, 1918); Chemist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1918); Chemist, Engineering Experiment Station (1909, 1918).

B. S., Ewing College, 1904; A.M., ibid., 1906; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1915; Ph.D., Uni- versity of Chicago, 1918. C30; 1711 Fairchild.

Charles Wilbur McCampbell, D.V. M., Professor and Head of Department of Animal Husbandry (1910, 1918) ; Animal Husbandman, Agricultural Ex- periment Station (1910, 1918).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1906; D. V. M., ibid., 1910; B. S. in Agr., ibid., 1918.

Agl5; 343 N. 14th.

Ray Iams Throckmorton, M. S., Professor and Head of Department of Agron- omy (1911, 1925); Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1911, 1925).

B. S. in Agr., Pennsylvania State College, 1911; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1922.

Ag 214 ; 825 Houston.

James Edward Ackert, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology (1913, 1918); Parasitol- ogist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1913).

A. B., University of Illinois, 1909; A.M., ibid., 1911; Ph.D., ibid., 1913.

F 27 ; 1923 Leavenworth.

Alfred Everett White, M.S., Professor of Mathematics (1909, 1918).

B. S., Purdue University, 1904; M.S., ibid., 1909. A 72; 1743 Fairchild.

James Burgess Fitch, B. S., Professor and Head of Department of Dairy Hus- bandry (1910, 1918); Dairy Husbandman, Agricultural Experiment Station (1910, 1918).

B. S., Purdue University, 1910. Ag 151 ; 321 N. 16th.

Hallam Walker Davis, A.M., Professor of English (1913, 1918); Head of Department of English (1913, 1921).

A. B., Indiana University, 1909 ; A. M., Columbia University, 1913.

K52; 1727 Fairview.

Araminta Holman, B. S., Professor and Head of Department of Art (1913, 1918).

Graduate, New York School of Fine and Applied Art, 1912; B. S., Columbia University, 1922. A 67; 513 N. 16th.

Vivan Lewis Strickland, Ph.D., Professor of Education (1917, 1922).

A. B„ University of Nebraska, 1906; A.M., ibid., 1915; Ph.D., ibid., 1925.

G 28 ; 1512 Leavenworth.

James Park Calderwood, M.E., M.S., Professor and Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering (1918, 1922); Mechanical Engineer, Engineering Experiment Station (1918).

M. E., Ohio State University, 1908; M.S., Pennsylvania State College, 1916.

E106; 321 N. 14th.

James Henry Burt, D.V. M., Professor and Head of Department of Anatomy and Physiology (1909, 1919).

V. S., Ontario Veterinary College, 1895; D. V. M., Ohio State University, 1905.

V32; 800 Poyntz.

Leo Edward Melchers, M.S., Professor and Head of Department of Botany and Plant Pathology (1914, 1919); Plant Pathologist, Agricultural Experi- ment Station (1914).

B. S., Ohio State University, 1912; M.S., ibid., 1913. H 58 ; 325 N. 17th.

4. In cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture.

14 Kansas State Agricultural College

Edwin Cyrus Miller, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Physiology (1910, 1919).

A. B., Lebanon College, 1906; A. B., Yale University, 1907; Ph.D., ibid., 1910.

H56; 211 N. 18th.

Cyrus Vance Williams, Ph.D., Professor of Vocational Education (1920).

B.Ed., (Peru) Nebraska State Normal School, 1909; A.M., University of Nebraska, 1910; B. S. inAgr., College of Agriculture, ibid., 1919; Ph.D., 1925.

G 29 ; 1735 Fairview.

William Hiddleston Andrews, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Education (1906, 1920).

A. B., University of Chicago, 1900; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1919; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1923 ; LL. D., College of Emporia, 1921. G 28 ; 1704 Fairview.

Charles Oscar Swanson, M.Agr., Ph.D., Professor and Head of Department of Milling Industry (1906, 1923).

A. B., Carelton College, 1899; M.Agr., University of Minnesota, 1905; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1922. Agll9; 1640 Fairview.

Ivor Victor Iles, A.M., Professor of History and Government (1911, 1920).

A. B., University of Kansas, 1905; A.M., ibid., 1905. F58; 1725 Fairchild.

Josiah Simson Hughes, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry (1910, 1920).

B. S., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1908; M.S., ibid., 1910; A.M., Ohio State University, 1910; Ph.D., ibid., 1917. C 41 ; 333 N. 15th.

Robert Warren Conover, A.M., Professor of English (1915, 1920).

A. B., Wesleyan University, 1911; A.M., ibid., 1914. K52; 1729 Fairchild.

John Christian Peterson, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology (1917, 1926).

A. B., University of Utah, 1913; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1917.

G 33 ; 1330 Laramie.

Herbert Frederick Lienhardt, V. M. D., Professor and Head of Department of Pathology (1917, 1920).

V. M. D., University of Pennsylvania, 1916. V58; 1118 Bertrand.

George Ellsworth Raburn, M.S., Professor of Physics (1910, 1920).

A. B., University of Michigan, 1907; M.S., ibid., 1913. C 34 ; College Heights.

Robert John Barnett, M.S., Professor of Horticulture (1920); Acting Head of Department of Horticulture (1929-'30).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1895; M. S., ibid., 1911. H 28; 1203 Thurston.

Mary Theresa Harman, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology (1912, 1921).

A. B., Indiana University, 1907; A.M., ibid., 1909; Ph.D., ibid., 1912.

F 41 ; 1430 Poyntz.

Floyd Wayne Bell, B. S. A., Professor of Animal Husbandry, in Charge of Advanced Judging (1918, 1921).

B. S., Cornell University, 1911. Ag 5 ; 1736 Fairview.

Eustace Vivian Floyd, B.S., Professor of Physics (1911, 1921).

B. S., Earlham College, 1903. C 34 ; 1451 Laramie.

Waldo Ernest Grimes, Ph.D., Professor and Head of Department of Agri- cultural Economics (1&13, 1921).

B S., K. S. A. C, 1913; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1923.

Ag 350 ; 203 N. Delaware.

John Huntington Parker, Ph.D., Professor of Crop Improvement (1917, 1921).

B. S. in Agr., University of Minnesota, 1913; M.S. in Agr., Cornell University, 1916; Ph.D., Cambridge University, 1928. Ag 103 ; 1728 Fairview.

Howard Templeton Hill, J. D., Professor and Head of Department of Public Speaking (1920, 1922). B. S., Iowa State College, 1910; J. D., University of Chicago, 1917. G 55; 1616 Osage.

Officers of Instruction 15

Noble Warren Rockey, A.M., Professor of English (1921).

A. B., Ohio State University, 1905; A. M., ibid., 1916. K 52 ; 1605 Leavenworth.

Edward Guerrant Kelly, Ph.D., Professor of Entomology, Division of Col- lege Extension (1918, 1922).

B. S., University of Kentucky, 1903; M.S., ibid., 1904; Ph.D., Iowa State College, 1927. F69; 1621 Humboldt.

Howard W. Brtjbaker, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry (1913, 1922).

B. S., Carleton College, 1899; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1904.

C12; 1929 Leavenworth.

Percy Leigh Gainey, Ph.D., Professor of Bacteriology (1914, 1922); Soil Bacteriologist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1914).

B. Agr., North Carolina A. and M. College, 1908; M.S., ibid., 1910; A.M., Washington University, 1911; Ph.D., ibid., 1927. V 261 ; 1123 Houston.

Forrest Faye Frazier, C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering (1911, 1922).

C. E., Ohio State University, 1910. E 123 ; 1815 Leavenworth.

Royce Gerald Kloeffler,5 B.S., Professor and Head of Department of Elec- trical Engineering (1916, 1927). B. S. in E. E., University of Michigan, 1913. E 120 ; 1218 Kearney.

Clinton Elliott Pearce, S. B., Professor and Head of Department of Machine Design (1917, 1922).

S. B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1913. E210; 615 N. 11th.

Charles Henry Scholer, B. S., Professor and Head of Department of Ap- plied Mechanics (1920, 1922); Engineer of Tests in the Road Materials Laboratory (1920).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1914. E 11 ; 806 Bluemont.

Loyal Frederick Payne, M. S., Professor and Head of Department of Poultry Husbandry (1921, 1922); Poultry Husbandman, Agricultural Experiment Station (1921, 1922).

B. S., Oklahoma A. and M. College, 1912; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1925.

Ag 245 ; 4 College Heights Road.

Martha S. Pittman,5 A. M., Professor and Head of Department of Food Economics and Nutrition (1919, 1922).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1906; B. S., Columbia University, 1916; A.M., ibid., 1918.

L43; 112 S. 12th.

George Albert Gemmell,5 M.S., Professor of Education, in Charge of Depart- ment of Home Study Service, Division of College Extension (1918, 1922).

B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, 1917; B. S., K. S. A. C, 1920; M.S., ibid., 1922. A 5 ;411 N. 16th.

William Timothy Stratton,5 A.M., Professor of Mathematics (1910, 1923).

A. B., Indiana University, 1906; A.M., ibid., 1913. E223; 511 N. Sunset.

Roy Monroe Green,6 M.S., Professor of Agricultural Economics (1920, 1923).

B. S. in Agr., University of Missouri, 1914; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1922.

Ag 345 ; 855 Anderson.

Margaret M. Justin, Ph.D., Dean of Division of Home Economics (1923).

B. S. in H. E., K. S. A. C, 1909; B. S. in Educ, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1915; Ph.D., Yale University, 1923. L29; 531 N. Manhattan.

Amy Kelly, B.S., Professor, State Home Demonstration Leader, Division of College Extension (1923).

B. S., South Dakota State College, 1908. A 36 ; Apt. 603, Wareham Hotel.

5. On sabbatical leave, 1929-'30.

6. On sabbatical leave, Nov. 1, 1929, to June 30, 1930.

16 Kansas State Agricultural College

Heman Lauritz Ibsen, Ph.D., Professor of Genetics (1919, 1924).

B. S., University of Wisconsin, 1912; M.S., ibid., 1913; Ph.D., ibid., 1916.

Agl5A; 1031 Thurston.

Elden Valorius James, A. M., Professor of History and Government (1912, 1924).

A. B., Marietta College, 1901; A. B., University of Michigan, 1905; A.M., Marietta College, 1908. F 62 ; 1723 Fairview.

Paul Weigel, B.Arch., Professor and Head of Department of Architecture (1921, 1924),

B.Arch., Cornell University, 1912; Architect, University of State of New York, 1920; Graduate, Buffalo Normal School, 1921. E 302 ; 1918 Leavenworth.

Lilian Clara Williams Baker, A. M., Professor and Head of Department of Clothing and Textiles (1924).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1914; A. M., University of Chicago, 1921. L56; 522 N. 14th.

Walter Gilling Ward,5 B. S. Arch., Professor in Charge of Rural Engineering, Division of College Extension (1920, 1925).

B. S. in Arch., K. S. A. C, 1912; Architect, ibid., 1922. E131; 519 N. Manhattan.

Charles Eliqns Rogers, M.S., Professor and Head of Department of In- dustrial Journalism (1919, 1926).

A. B., University of Oklahoma, 1914; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1926. K 30 ; 1740 Fairview.

Edgar Talbert Keith, B. S., Professor of Industrial Journalism and Printing (1912, 1925).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1912. K26; 1421 Poyntz.

James Walter McColloch,1 M.S., Professor of Entomology (1910, 1925-Nov. 11, 1929); Associate Entomologist, Agricultural Experiment Station (1910, 1918-Nov. 11, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1912; M. S., ibid, 1923.

Charles William Colver, Ph.D., Professor of Organic Chemistry (1919, 1925).

B. S., University of Idaho, 1909; M.S., ibid., 1911; Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1919.

C 56 ; 1635 Fairchild.

Charles Walton Matthews5 A.M., Professor of English (1920, 1925).

B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, 1918; A. M., University of Chicago, 1923.

K52; 1745 Anderson.

Martha Morrison Kramer, Ph.D., Professor of Food Economics and Nutri- tion (1922, 1925).

B. S., University of Chicago, 1916; A.M., Columbia University, 1920; Ph.D., ibid., 1922. L 43 ; 1740 Fairview.

Jules Henry Robert, B. S., Professor of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics (1916, 1925).

B. S., University of Illinois, 1914. E 113 ; 1729 Fairchild.

James Marshall Petty, Col. Inf., U.S.A., Professor and Head of Depart- ment of Military Science and Tactics (1926).

Graduate, Infantry and Cavalry School, Fort Leavenworth, 1903 ; Graduate, Infantry School, Fort Bennington, 1925 ; Graduate, Command and General Staff School, Fort Leaven- worth, 1926. N 26 ; Wareham Hotel.

Harry Winfield Cave, M.S., Professor of Dairy Husbandry (1918, 1926).

B. S. A., Iowa State College, 1914; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1916. Agl51; 1638 Osage.

Louis Coleman Willtams, B. S., Professor of Horticulture, Division of College Extension (1915, 1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1912; B. S., ibid., 1922. A 34 ; 1116 Bluemont.

1. Deceased.

5. On sabbatical leave, 1929- '30.

Officers of Instruction 17

Roger Cletus Smith,2 Ph.D., Professor of Entomology (1920, 1926).

A. B., Miami University, 1911; A. M., Ohio State University, 1915; Ph.D., Cornell Uni- versity, 1917. F 55 ; 1605 Leavenworth.

Edwin Jacob Frick, D.V.M., Professor of Medicine (1919, 1926).

D. V. M., Cornell University, 1918. VH 54 ; 319 N. 16th.

Alfred Evans Aldous, B. S., Professor of Pasture Management (1926).

B. S., Utah Agricultural College, 1910. Ag216; 200 N. 16th.

Louis Henry Limper, A.M., Professor of Modern Languages (1921, 1926).

A. B., Baldwin Wallace College, 1907; A.M., University of Wisconsin, 1914.

A 69 ; 1324 Laramie.

Henry Arthur Shinn,*2 J.D., Professor of Public Speaking (1923, 1926-May 31, 1930).

A. B., University of Kansas, 1916; J. D., Leland Stanford University, 1926.

G 55 ; 1715 Fairview.

Helen Wheeler Ford, Ph.D., Professor and Head of Department of Child Welfare and Euthenics (1926; July 1, 1928).

B. S., Rhode Island State College, 1914; Ph.D., Yale University, 1925.

L 64 ; 531 N. Manhattan.

William Lindquist, B. M., Professor of Voice and Head of Department of Music (1925, 1927).

B. M., Cosmopolitan School of Music and Dramatic Art, Chicago, 1925.

M33; 202 S. 17th.

Floyd Pattison, M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Home Study Service, Division of College Extension (1919, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1912 ; M. S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1929.

A 5 ; 805 Kearney.

Beatty Hope Fleenor, M. S., Professor of Education, Home Study Service, Di- vision of College Extension (1923, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1919; M.S., ibid., 1923. A 5; 1635 Osage.

Maynard Henry Coe, B.S., Professor, State Club Leader, Division of College Extension (1922, 1927).

B. S., University of Minnesota, 1917. A 35 ; 336 N. 16th.

Wilmer Esla Davis, A.B., Professor of Plant Physiology (1909, 1927).

Graduate, Ohio Normal University, 1894 ; A. B., University of Illinois, 1903.

H 76; 1123 Thurston.

Ada Rice, M.S., Professor of English (1899, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1895 ; M. S., ibid., 1912. A 61 ; 917 Osage.

Manford W. Furr, C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering (1917, 1927).

B. S. in C. E., Purdue University, 1913; C. E., ibid., 1925; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1926.

E 122 ; 1426 Humboldt.

Jacob Olin Faulkner, A.M., Professor of English (1922, 1927).

A. B., "Washington and Lee University, 1907; A.M., Pennsylvania State College, 1920.

K 52; 1720 Fairview.

Herbert Henley Haymaker, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology (1917, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1915; M. S., University of Wisconsin, 1916; Ph. D., ibid., 1927.

H54; 315 N. 16th.

Arthur Bradley Sperry, B.S., Professor of Geology (1921, 1927).

B. S., University of Chicago, 1919. F5; 326 N. 16th.

Albert John Mack, M.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1917, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1912; M. E., ibid., 1921. E 109 ; 1619 Osage.

2. Absent on leave, 1928 -'30.

12. Absent on leave, 1929-'30; resigned.

18 Kansas State Agricultural College.

Gabe Alfred Sellers, M.S., Professor of Metallurgy and Metallography (1919, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1917; M.S., ibid., 1929. S 62 ; 927 Moro.

Willard Hungate Martin, M.S., Professor of Dairy Husbandry (1925, 1928).

B. S., Purdue University, 1918; M.S., Pennsylvania State College, 1922.

Agl51; 1615 Osage.

Merrill Augustus Durland, M.S., M.E., Professor of Machine Design (1919, 1928); Assistant Dean of Division of Engineering (1919, 1926). B. S., K. S. A. C, 1918; M. E., ibid., 1922; M.S., ibid., 1923.

E116; 1715 Houston.

Frank Leslie Duley, Ph.D., Professor of Soils (1925, 1928).

B. S., University of Missouri, 1914; A.M., ibid., 1915; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1923. Ag216; 1814 Laramie.

Rudolph Henry Driftmier, M. S., A. E., Professor of Agricultural Engineer- ing (1920, 1928).

B. S. in A. E., Iowa State College, 1920; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1926; A. E., ibid., 1929.

E216; 335 N. 15th.

Frederick Charles Fenton, B. S. in A. E., Professor and Head of Department of Agricultural Engineering (1928). B. S. in A. E., Iowa State College, 1914. E214; 401 Denison.

Alvtn Nugent McMillin, Professor of Physical Education and Head Coach of Athletics (1928).

N 35 ; 1810 Laramie.

Frank Caleb Gates, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology (1919, 1928).

A. B., University of Illinois, 1910; Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1912.

H 77 ; 1515 Humboldt.

Jesse Lamar Brenneman, E.E., Professor of Electrical Engineering (1920, 1928); Acting Head of Department of Electrical Engineering (1929, 1930).

B. S., University of Chicago, 1908; E. E., University of "Wisconsin, 1913.

E120; 1017 Thurston.

Thomas Joel Anderson, Jr.,5 A.M., Professor of Economics (1922, 1928).

B. S., University of Missouri, 1922; A.M., ibid., 1923. A 74 ; 1420 Laramie.

Margaret S. Chaney, Ph.D., Professor of Food Economics and Nutrition (1926, 1928).

Ph. B. in Ed., University of Chicago, 1914; A. M., University of California, 1923; Ph. D., University of Chicago, 1925. L 47 ; 1021 Leavenworth.

Bessie Brooks West, A.M., Professor and Head of Department of Institu- tional Economics (1928); Manager of Cafeteria (1928).

A. B., University of California, 1924; A.M., ibid., 1928. T 27 ; 1520 Humboldt.

Bernard Martin Anderson, M.S., Professor of Animal Husbandry (1920; July 1, 1929).

B. S. inAgr., K. S. A. C, 1916, 1923; M.S., ibid., 1928. Ag 24 ; 323 Yuma.

Harry Ernest Reed, M.S., Professor of Animal Husbandry (1923; July 1, 1929).

B. S. in Agr., University of Missouri, 1914; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1928.

Ag 27 ; 1119 Laramie.

Don Cameron Warren, Ph.D., Professor of Poultry Husbandry (1923; July 1, 1929).

A. B., Indiana University, 1914; A.M., ibid., 1917; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1923.

Ag249; 1616 Osage.

5. On sabbatical leave, 1929 -'30.

Officers of Instruction 19

Lucile Osborn Rust, M.S., Professor of Education (1924; Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, 1921; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1925.

G29; 710 Humboldt.


Grace Emily Derby, A. B., Associate Librarian (1911, 1918).

A. B., Western College for Women, 1905. Li 55; 1825 Leavenworth.

Ina Foote Cowles, B. S., Associate Professor of Clothing and Textiles (1902, 1918).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1901. L 55 ; 513 N. 16th.

Malcolm Cameron Sewell, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Soils (1914, 1920).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1912; M.S., Ohio State University, 1914; Ph. D., ' University of Chicago, 1922. Ag 213 ; 315 N. 15th.

William Henry Sanders, M. E., Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineer- ing (1912, 1920).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1890; M. E., ibid., 1916. R 28 ; 1208 Kearney.

Carl G. Elling, B. S., Associate Professor of Animal Husbandry, Division of College Extension (1918, 1921).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1904. A 33 ; R. R. 1.

Alonzo Franklin Turner,4 B.S., Associate Professor, Field Agent, Division of College Extension (1917, 1920).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1905. A 60 ; 810 Moro.

James Walter Zahnley, M.S., Associate Professor of Farm Crops (1915, 1921).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1909; M.S., ibid., 1926. Ag 314 ; R. R. 8.

Hilmer Henry Laude,6 M.S., Associate Professor of Agronomy (1920, 1921).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1911; M. S., Texas A. and M. College, 1918. Ag 202; 326 N. 16th.

Joseph Prestwich Scott, D.V. M., Associate Professor of Pathology (1916, 1921).

B. S., Scientific Gymnasium, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1910; D. V. M., Ohio State University, 1914; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1924. V2; 1114 Bertrand.

William Max McLeod, D.V. M., Associate Professor of Anatomy (1919, 1921).

D. V. M., Iowa State College, 1917. V 32 ; 1114 Bertrand.

Elsie Harriet Smith, Associate Professor of Piano (1917, 1922).

Graduate, Certificate Course, Chicago Musical College, 1909 ; Postgraduate Diploma, In- stitute of Musical Art, New York City, 1914. M58; 1704 Fairview.

Edgar Lemuel Tague, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry (1914, 1923); Assistant in Protein Chemistry, Agricultural Experiment Station (1914).

A. B., University of Kansas, 1908; A.M., ibid., 1909; Ph.D., ibid., 1924.

C3; 321 N. Delaware.

William Raymond Brackett, A.B., Associate Professor of Physics (1919, 1923).

A. B., University of Colorado, 1905. C 38 ; 1824 Humboldt.

Harrison Boyd Summers,5 A.M., Associate Professor of Public Speaking 1923).

A. B., Fairmont College, 1917; A.M., University of Oklahoma, 1921.

G 55 ; 1645 Laramie.

4. In cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture.

5. On sabbatical leave, 1929- '30.

6. On sabbatical leave, Nov. 1, 1929, to June 15, 1930.

20 Kansas State Agricultural College.

Earl Booth Working, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Milling Industry (1923).

A. B., University of Denver, 1917; A. M., ibid., 1919; Ph. D., University of Arizona, 1922.

Ag 120 ; 918 N. 10th.

Ernest Blaine Wells, M.S., Associate Professor of Soils, Division of College Extension (1920, 1924).

B. S. A., West Virginia University, 1917 ; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1922.

Ag 202 ; 1615 Leavenworth.

Alfred Lester Clapp, B.S., Associate Professor of Crops, Division of College Extension (1920, 1928). B. S., K. S. A. C, 1914. Ag250; 1109 Kearney.

George Edwin Johnson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Zoology (1924) ; Mam- malogist,- Agricultural Experiment Station (1924).

B. S., Dakota Wesleyan University, 1913; M.S., University of Chicago, 1916; Ph.D. Harvard University, 1923. F 7 ; 1614 Humboldt.

Allan Park Davidson, M.S., Associate Professor of Vocational Education (1919, 1924).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1914; M.S., ibid., 1925. G 29 ; 1600 Humboldt.

Ira Nichols Chapman, M.S., Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Division of College Extension (1922, 1925).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1916; M.S., ibid., 1926. Ag 345 ; 1210 Thurston.

Floyd Alonzo Smutz, B.S., Associate Professor of Engineering Drawing and Descriptive Geometry (1918, 1925).

B. S. in Arch., K. S. A. C, 1914. S 51; 1530 Pierre.

Earle Reed Dawley, M.S., Associate Professor of Engineering Materials (1920, 1926); Assistant Engineer of Tests (1920).

B. S., University of Illinois, 1919; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1927. E 14; 1200 Kearney.

Morris Evans, M.S., Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics (1920, 1926).

B. S. in Agr., K. S. A. C, 1920; M. S., ibid., 1925. Ag348; 1601 Poyntz.

Ralph Langley Parker, Ph. D., Associate Professor of Apiculture and Ento- mology (1925, 1926); State Apiarist (1925).

B. S., Rhode Island State College, 1915; Sc. M., Brown University, 1917; M.S., Iowa State College, 1922 ; Ph. D., Cornell University, 1925. F 82 ; 1809 Leavenworth.

Helen Elizabeth Elcock,5 A.M., Associate Professor of English (1920, 1926).

A. B., College of Emporia, 1907; A.M., University of Chicago, 1921.

A63A; 513 N. 16th.

Emma Hyde, A.M., Associate Professor of Mathematics (1920, 1926).

A. B., University of Kansas, 1912; A.M., University of Chicago, 1916.

A 58; 320 N. 15th.

Clarence Flavtus Lewis, M.S., Associate Professor of Mathematics (1920, 1926).

A. B., University of Denver, 1913; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1925.

E 223 ; 1615 Humboldt.

Anna Marie Sturmer, A.M., Associate Professor of English (1920, 1926).

A. B., University of Nebraska, 1917; A.M., ibid., 1920. A 53 ; 1636 Fairchild.

Charles Meclain Correll, Ph. M., Associate Professor of History and Gov- ernment (1922, 1926); Assistant Dean, Division of General Science (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1900; Ph. B., University of Chicago, 1907; Ph. M., ibid., 1908.

F 64 and A 49; 1621 Fairchild.

5. On sabbatical leave, 1929- '30.

Officers of Instruction 21

Eugene Clayton Graham, B. S., Associate Professor of Farm Shop Practice (1922, 1926).

B. S., Carleton College, 1898; B. S. in M. E., University of Minnesota, 1902.

S36; 501 Sunset.

Waldo Hiram Lyons, A.M., Associate Professor of Mathematics (1924, 1926).

A. B., University of Denver, 1912; A.M., ibid., 1916. E 223 ; 1126 Laramie.

Augtjsttn Wilber Breeden, A.M., Associate Professor of English (1926).

Ph. B., University of Chicago, 1924 ; A. M., "ibid., 1925. K 52 ; 1728 Laramie.

Fred Albert Shannon, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History and Govern- ment (1926).

A, B., Indiana State Normal School, 1914; A.M., Indiana University, 1918; Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1924. F 60 ; 1525 Humboldt.

Dwight Williams, A.M., LL. B., Associate Professor of History and Govern- ment (1926).

A. B., University of Minnesota, 1916 ; LL. B., ibid., 1918 ; A. M., ibid., 1926.

F 61 ; 1204 Fremont.

Luther Earl Willoughby, B. S., Associate Professor of Farm Crops, Division of College Extension (1917, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1912; B. S. in Agr., ibid., 1916. Ag 250 ; 918 Thurston.

Walter Leroy Latshaw, M.S., Associate Professor of Chemistry (1914, 1927).

B. S., Pennsylvania State College, 1912; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1922.

C3; 927 Fremont.

Arthur Cecil Fay, M.S., Associate Professor of Bacteriology (1921, 1927).

B. S., University of Missouri, 1920; M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1921.

V28; 1621 Leavenworth.

Ada Grace Billings, M.S., Associate Professor of History and Government, Home Study Service, Division of College Extension (1921, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1916; M.S., ibid., 1927. A 5; 714 Moro.

Marcta Hall, A.B., Associate Professor of English, Home Study Service, Di- vision of College Extension (1923, 1927).

A. B., University of Wisconsin, 1914. A 5; 1626 Laramie.

James Walter Linn, B. S., Associate Professor of Dairy Husbandry, Division of College Extension (1923, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1915. Ag 147; R. F. D. 1.

Earl Milo Litwiller, M. S., Associate Professor of Horticulture, Home Study Service, Division of College Extension (1924, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924; M. S., ibid., 1926. A 5; 916 Vattier.

Hugh Durham, A.M., Assistant Dean, Division of Agriculture (1915, 1927); Assistant Director, Agricultural Experiment Station (1915, 1927) ; Associate Professor of Agricultural Education (1927).

Graduate, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, 1901; A. B., University of Kansas, 1909; A.M., ibid., 1915. Ag 109 ; 730 Osage.

Leon Vincent White, C. E., M.S., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (1918, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1903; C. E., ibid., 1918; M.S., ibid., 1927.

E 122 ; 1832 Anderson.

Nora Elizabeth Dalbey, A. M., Associate Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology (1918, 1927).

A. B., University of Kansas, 1913 ; A. M., ibid., 1914. H 54 ; 1424 Fairchild.

Ernest Baker Keith, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry (1918, 1927)

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1913; Ph.D.. University of Chicago, 1924.

W 27 ; 1719 Fairchild.

22 , Kansas State Agricultural College,

Russell Marion Kerchner, M.S., Associate Professor of Electrical Engi- neering (1922, 1927).

B. S., University of Illinois, 1922; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1927.

E 121 ; 512 N. Denison.

Arthur Fremont Bowen, Capt. Inf. U.S. A., Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics (1925, 1927).

Graduate, U. S. Infantry School, 1924. N 26 ; 1440 Laramie.

Wilson Forrest Brown, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry (1928).

B. Ch. E., Ohio State University, 1916; M.S., ibid., 1926; Ph.D., ibid., 1928.

D 8; 1116 Bluemont.

Cliff Errett Aubel, M.S., Associate Professor of Animal Husbandry (1919, 1928).

B. S., Pennsylvania State College, 1915; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1917. Ag 27; 323 N. 15th.

Charles Howard Kitselman, V. M.D., M.S., Associate Professor Pathology (1919, 1928).

V. M. D., University of Pennsylvania, 1918; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1927.

V 55A; 1417 Pierre.

Leon Reed Quinlan, M.L. A., Associate Professor of Horticulture, in Charge of Landscape Gardening (1927, 1928).

B. S., Colorado Agricultural College, 1920; M. L. A., Harvard University, 1925.

H 34 ; 813 Vattier.

Frank Jacobs Cheek, Jr., C. E., Associate Professor of Structural Design (1923, 1928).

A. B., Center College, 1914 ; C. E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1919.

E304; 1109 Thurston.

Eric Ross Lyon, M.S., Associate Professor of Physics (1921, 1928).

A. B., Phillips University, 1911; M.S., ibid., 1923. C 61 ; 1026 Bertrand.

Louis Pierce Washburn, M.P.E., Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men (1926, 1928).

B. S., Carieton College, 1907; B. P. E., Springfield Y. M. C. A. College, 1911; M. P. E., ibid., 1926. N 36 ; 1641 Laramie.

Ethel May Arnold, A.M., Associate Professor of Art (1922, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1918; Graduate, French -American School of Costume Design, Los Angeles, 1921 ; A. M., University of Chicago, 1925. A 68 ; College Hill.

Margaret Ahlborn, M.S., Associate Professor of Food Economics and Nu- trition (1923, 1928); Assistant Dean of Division of Home Economics (1923; July 1, 1929).

A. B., University of Kansas, 1906; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1924. L 28; 350 N. 15th.

Fred Louis Parrish, A.M., Associate Professor of History and Government (1927, 1928).

A. B., Northwestern University, 1917; B. D., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1920; A.M., Northwestern University, 1922. F 64 ; 332 N. 15th.

Helen G. Saum, B. S., Associate Professor of Physical Education for Women (1928).

Diploma, Battle Creek School for Physical Education, 1919; B. S. in Ed., Ohio State Uni- versity, 1927. Nl; 315 N. 16th.

Louise Helen Everhardy, A.M., Associate Professor of Art (1919; Sept. 1, 1929).

Graduate, New York School of Fine and Applied Art, 1916; B. S., Columbia University, 1925; A.M., ibid., 1926. A 56; 1301 Poyntz.

Boyd Bertrand Brainard, B.S., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineer- ing (1923; Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S. inM. E., University of Colorado, 1922. E 109 ; 1209 Vattier.

Officers of Instruction 23

Cornelia Williams Crittenden, A. M., Associate Professor of Modern Lan- guages (1926; Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., University of Nebraska, 1918; A.M., ibid., 1926. A 71 ; 1425 Laramie.

Oscar William Alm, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., University of Nebraska, 1917; A.M., Columbia University, 1918; Ph.D., Uni- versity of Minnesota, 1929. G 33 ; 804 Moro.

Randall Conrad Hill, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924; M.S., ibid., 1927; Ph.D., University of Missouri, 1929.

A 74; 1611 Laramie.

William Peter Mortensen, M.S. A., Associate Professor of Agricultural Eco- nomics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S. A., North Dakota Agricultural College, 1921; M. S. A., ibid., 1923.

Ag351; 426 N. 17th.

Wtilmer T. Scott,* Major C. A. C, U. S. A., Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics (Sept. 1, 1929-Dec. 4, 1929).

Thomas Ogden Humphreys, Major C. A. C, U. S. A., Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics (Nov. 25, 1929).

Graduate, Command and General Staff School, 1923. N 26 ; 1420 Humboldt.


Daniel Emmett Lynch, Assistant Professor of Forging (1914, 1920); Fore- man of Blacksmith Shop (1914).

S38; 1528 Pierre.

Edward C. Jones, M.E., Assistant Professor of Machine Tool Work (1916, 1920).

B. M. E., Iowa State College, 1905; M. E., ibid., 1922. S 32 ; R. F. D. 1.

Elizabeth Hamilton Davis, B. L. L., Reference Librarian (1920).

A. B., Illinois Women's College, 1909; B. L. S., University of Illinois, 1914.

Li 51 ; 1224A Moro.

Lawrence William Hartel, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physics (1920).

A. B., Central Wesleyan College, 1911; B. S., ibid., 1912; B. S. in Ed., University of Missouri, 1915; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1924. C 57 ; 1824 Humboldt.

William Francis Pickett, M.S., Assistant Professor of Horticulture (1917, 1921).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1917; M.S., ibid., 1923 H 33 ; 1622 Osage.

Charles DeForest Davis, M.S., Assistant Professor of Farm Crops (1921).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1921; M. S., ibid., 1926. Ag309; 1013 Laramie.

David Leslie Mackintosh, M. S., Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry (1921, 1922).

B. S., University of Minnesota, 1920; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1926.

Agl3; 1425 Humboldt.

William Alexander Van Winkle, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1922, 1923).

B. S., University of Michigan, 1911; M.S., University of Illinois, 1917; Ph.D., ibid., 1920. D30; 1110 Thurston.

Joseph Lowe Hall, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1922, 1923).

B. S., University of Illinois, 1919; M.S., ibid., 1921; Ph.D., ibid., 1922.

C10; 1131; Kearney.

Charles William Corsaut, Assistant Professor of Physical Education (1923).

Graduate, Y. M. C. A. College, 1917. N 36 ; 1601 Humboldt.

* On sick leave after Oct. 31, 1929 ; died Dec. 4, 1929.

24 Kansas State Agricultural College

Ira Kaull Landon, B.S. inAgr., Assistant Professor of Agronomy (1923).

B.S. inAgr., K. S. A. C, 1921. Ag 201 ; 3000 Broadway, Parsons, Kan.

Frank Otto Blecha, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension; District Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1919, 1923).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1918; M. S., ibid., 1926. A 60; 1507 Leavenworth.

Ruth Hartman, Assistant Professor of Music (1924).

Graduate, Department of Public School Music, Iowa State Teachers College, 1912; Two- year Certificate, Northwestern University, 1923. M58; 1614 Fairchild.

Walter Buswell Balch, M.S., Assistant Professor of Horticulture (1921, 1924); Greenhouse Foreman (1921). B. S., Cornell University, 1919; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1925. H 33 ; 1734 Fairchild.

Edgar McCall Amos, B. S., Assistant Professor of Industrial Journalism and Printing (1920, 1924).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1902. K31; 1015 Leavenworth.

Minna Ernestine Jewell,10 Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Zoology (1922, 1924-Jan. 30, 1930).

A. B., Colorado College, 1914; A.M., University of Illinois, 1915; Ph.D., bid., 1918.

Clarice Marie Painter, Assistant Professor of Piano (1924).

Diploma in Piano, Hardin College, 1919 ; Diploma, New England Conservatory of Music,

1922. M 51 ; 1601 Fairchild.

Frank Pletcher Root, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Athletics (1924).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1914 ; M. S., ibid., 1924. N 35 ; 901 Bertrand.

Alfred Thomas Perkins, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1925).

B. S., Pennsylvania State College, 1920; M.S., Rutgers College, 1922; Ph.D., ibid.,

1923. C 4 ; 1616 Humboldt.

Harry Workman Aiman, A. B., Assistant Professor of Woodwork (1918, 1925).

A. B., Oskaloosa College, 1921. S 29B ; 1200 Bertrand.

Hazley Thomas Groody, M.D., Assistant Physician, Department of Student Health (1925).

B. S., Valparaiso University, 1900; M. D., Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, 1913.

A 59; 514 N. Juliette.

Edwin Donald Sayre, M.B., Assistant Professor of Voice (1925).

A. B., DePauw University, 1923; M. B., School of Music, ibid., 1925.

M 54 ; 1230 Vattier.

Gay Tetley Klein, M. S., Assistant Professor of Poultry Husbandry, Division of College Extension (1925, 1926).

B. S., University of Missouri, 1923; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1926.

Ag 245 ; 1711 Leavenworth.

Julian Adair Hodges, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics (1923, 1926).

B.S. inAgr., University of Kentucky, 1917; M. S. in Agr. Ec, ibid., 1923.

Ag348; 1649 Fairchild.

John Wallace Lumb, D.V. M., Assistant Professor of Veterinary Medicine, Division of College Extension (1924, 1926).

D. V. M., K. S. A. C, 1910. V31; 1631 Leavenworth.

Francis Eugene Charles, M. S., Assistant Professor of Industrial Journalism (1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924; M.S., ibid., 1929. K 30A ; 1211 Thurston.

10. Resigned.

Officers of Instruction 25

Mary Fidelia Taylor, A.M., Assistant Professor of Household Economics (1919, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1919; A. M., Teachers College, Columbia University, 1926.

T56; Paddleford Apts.

William Charles Janes, A.M., Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1922, 1926).

B. S.. Northwestern University, 1919; A.M., University of Nebraska, 1922.

S 55; 1115 Thurston.

Thirza Adaline Mossman,2 A.M., Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1922, 1926).

A. B., University of Nebraska, 1916; A.M., University of Chicago, 1922.

A 62A ; 1601 Fairchild.

Ernest Knight Chapin, M.S., Assistant Professor Physics (1923, 1926).

A. B., University of Michigan, 1918; M.S., ibid., 1923. C 57 ; 1860 Anderson.

Randolph Forney Ginrich, M.S., Assistant Professor of Engineering Drawing and Descriptive Geometry (1923, 1926).

B. S. inC. E., University of Nebraska, 1923; M.S., K. S. A. C., 1929.

S 51 ; 1731 Humboldt.

Orville Don Hunt, B. S. in E. E., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineer- ing (1923, 1926).

B. S. in E. E., Washington State College, 1923. E 127 ; 1822 Poyntz.

John Frederick Helm, Jr., B.D., Assistant Professor of Free-hand Drawing and Painting (1924, 1926).

B. D., Syracuse University, 1924. E308; 1508 Humboldt.

Leo Spurrier, A.M., Assistant Professor of Economics (1924, 1926.)

A. B.f University of Kansas, 1923; A.M., ibid., 1924. A 74; 1026 Vattier.

Henry Miles Heberer, A.B., Assistant Professor of Public Speaking (1925, 1926).

A. B., University of Illinois, 1922. G 55 ; 1611 Laramie.

Louis Mark Jorgenson, B. S., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (1925, 1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1907. E 24; 730 Laramie.

Reginald Henry Painter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Entomology (1926).

A. B., University of Texas, 1922; A. M., ibid., 1924; Ph. D., Ohio State University, 1926.

F 81 ; 501 Sunset.

Russell Seeley Sink, M.S., Assistant Professor of Shop Practice (1926).

B. S. in M. E., Purdue University, 1918 ; M. E., ibid., 1925. S 62 ; 1634 Laramie.

Otto Herman Elmer, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Botany and Plant Pathol- ogy (1927).

B. S., Oregon Agricultural College, 1911; M.S., ibid., 1916; Ph.D., Iowa State College, 1924. H56; 1612 Osage.

Albert John Schoth, B. S., Assistant Professor in Junior Extension, Division of College Extension (1921, 1927).

B. S., Oregon Agricultural College, 1918. A 35 ; 1116 Bluemont.

Georgiana Smurthwaite, B.S., Assistant Professor of Food and Nutrition, Division of College Extension (1924, 1927).

B. S., Utah Agricultural College. A 36 ; 514 N. 17th.

Jeptha Jerry Moxley, B. S., Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, Di- vision of College Extension (1925, 1927). B. S. in Agr., K. S. A. C, 1922. A 34 ; 1116 Bluemont.

2. Absent on leave, 1929 -'30.

26 Kansas State Agricultural College

Stella Maude Harriss, M.S., Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1917, 1927).

Graduate, (Peru) Nebraska State Normal School, 1908; B. S., K. S. A. C, 1917; M.S., ibid., 1919. W 26 ; 311 Denison.

Annabel Alexander Garvey, A. M., Assistant Professor of English (1920, 1927).

A. B., Wellesley College, 1912; A.M., University of Kansas, 1914.

A55A; 343 N. 14th.

Helen Dorothy Rushfeldt,5 A.M., Assistant Professor of English (1920, 1927).

A. B., University of Minnesota, 1915; A.M., Columbia University, 1920.

A63A; 513 N. 16th.

Esther Bruner, M.S., Assistant Professor of Clothing and Textiles (1920, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1920; M.S., ibid., 1921. L 53 ; 311 Denison.

Inez Gertrude Alsop, M.S., Assistant Professor of History and Government (1923, 1927).

B. S., K. S. T. C, Emporia, 1916; M. S., University of Kansas, 1920.

F 63 ; 1601 Fairchild.

James Phillip Callahan, A.M., Assistant Professor of English (1924, 1927).

B. S., K. S. T. C, Hays, 1919; A.M., University of Kansas, 1926.

K 54 ; 908 Leavenworth.

Harriet Shipley Parker, A.M., Assistant Professor of English (1924, 1927).

A. B., University of Kansas, 1909; A.M., Washington University, 1912.

A 53 ; 1605 Leavenworth.

Harold Howe, M. S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics (1925, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1922; M. S., University of Maryland, 1923. Ag 345 ; 1204 Fremont.

Alice Claypool Jefferson, B.M., Assistant Professor of Piano (1925, 1927).

Graduate, American Conservatory of Music, 1921 ; B. M., ibid., 1929.

MA 8 ; 906 Fremont.

Myrtle Annice Gunselman, A. M., Assistant Professor of Household Eco- nomics (1926, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1919; A. M., University of Chicago, 1926. T 52 ; 830 Bertrand.

Carl Alfred Brandly, D.V. M., Assistant Professor of Bacteriology (1927).

D. V. M., K. S. A. C, 1923. V 53 ; 1026 Kearney.

Mildred Camp, B. L. S., Head of Circulation Department, College Library (1927).

A. B., Eureka College, 1912; B. L. S., University of Illinois, 1924.

Li; 500 Humboldt.

Maurice Rose, Capt. Inf., U. S. A., Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics (1927).

Graduate, U. S. Infantry School, 1926. N 26 ; Paddleford Apt. 8.

Charles Harrington Stewart,11 Capt. C. A. C, U. S. A., Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics (1927).

Graduate, Coast Artillery School, 1923. N 26 ; 1819 Leavenworth.

Elden Emanuel Leasure, D.V. M., Assistant Professor of Pathology (1926, 1928).

D. V. M., K. S. A. C, 1923. V 55; 1531 Leavenworth.

Edward Raymond Frank, D.V. M., M.S., Assistant Professor of Surgery and Medicine (1926, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1918; D. V. M., ibid., 1924; M.S., ibid., 1929.

VH53; 1114 Fremont.

5. On sabbatical leave, 1929-'30.

11. On sick leave beginning Nov. 11, 1929.

Officers of Instruction 27

Harold Martin Scott, M.S., Assistant Professor of Poultry Husbandry (1928).

B. S., Oregon Agricultural College, 1924; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1927.

Ag252; 918 Ratone.

Katherine Jane Hess, M.S., Assistant Professor of Clothing and Textiles (1925, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1900; M.S., ibid., 1926. L 53 ; 601 Fremont.

Martin Adkisson Alexander, M.S., Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry (1927, 1928).

B. S., Washington State College, 1923; M.S., Colorado Agricultural College, 1924.

Agl9; 1114 Bluemont.

Homer Jay Henney, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics (1927, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1921; M.S., ibid., 1928. Ag 353 ; 1723 Leavenworth.

Martine A. Seaton, B. S., Assistant Professor of Poultry Husbandry, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S. inAgr., University of Missouri, 1924. Ag350; 1116 Bluemont.

Henry Evert Wichers, M.S., Assistant Professor of Rural Architecture (1924, 1928).

B. S. in Arch., K. S. A. C, 1924; M.S., ibid., 1925. E 224 ; 1501 Humboldt.

Harry Stephen Bueche, E.E., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (1925, 1928).

Graduate, U. S. Naval Academy, 1920 ; B. S. in E. E., Villanova College, 1922 ; E E., ibid., 1924. E19; 1119 Kearney.

Harry Martin Stewart, M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Accounting (1926, 1928).

A. B., University of Kansas, 1920; M. B. A., ibid., 1926. A 74; 915 Fremont.

George Willard Maxwell, A.M., Assistant Professor of Physics (1927, 1928).

A. M., University of Michigan, 1920. C 38 ; 1004 Thurston.

Dorothy Bradford Pettis, A. M., Assistant Professor of Modern Languages (1927, 1928).

A. B., University of Nebraska, 1919; A. M., ibid., 1924. A 70 ; 1631 Leavenworth.

Madalyn Avery, B.S., Assistant Professor of Physics (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924. C 36 ; 1601 Fairchild.

Lyle Wayne Downey, B. M., Assistant Professor of Violin (1928) ; Director of College Band, and Instructor in Band Instruments (1928; Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., James Millikin University, 1923 ; B. M., American Conservatory, 1928.

M 30; 1218 Kearney.

Mary Elizabeth Hoff, B. S. in L. S., Head of Documents Department, College Library (1928).

A. B., Friends University, 1925 ; B. S. in L. S., University of Illinois, 1928.

Li 52; 312 N. 15th.

John Harvey Madison, First Lieut. C. A. C, U. S. A., Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics (1928).

Graduate of Basic Course, Coast Artillery School, 1920; Graduate of Battery Officers Course, ibid., 1927. N 29 ; 614 N. 11th.

Ray Eugene Marshall, First Lieut. Inf., U. S. A., Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1922; Graduate, U. S. Infantry School, 1928.

N 26; 1741 Laramie.

Donald Alden Wilbur,7 A.M., Assistant Professor of Entomology (1928).

B. S., Oregon State College, 1925 ; A. M., Ohio State University, 1927.

F 55 ; 1002 Houston.

7. Temporary appointment.

28 Kansas State Agricultural College

Edward Joseph Wimmer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Zoology (1928).

A. B., University of Wisconsin, 1925; A.M., ibid., 1927; Ph.D., ibid., 1928.

F 40 ; 1116 Bluemont.

Levelle Wood, M.S., Assistant Professor of Institutional Economics (1928).

B. S., Oregon Agricultural College, 1921 ; M. S., Columbia University, 1928.

Van Zile Hall.

John Jay Feroe, A.M., Assistant Professor of Physics (1928).

A. B., Des Moines University, 1914; A.M., ibid., 1916. C 39 ; 1108 Bluemont.

John Snell Glass, B. S., Assistant Professor of Rural Engineering, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S., Iowa State College, 1917. E 131; R. R. 8.

John Cochrane Nisbet, B.S., Assistant Professor of Dairy ' Husbandry, Di- vision of College Extension (1928).

B. S., University of Wisconsin, 1923. Ag 147 ; 1505 Humboldt.

Clarence Roy Jaccard, B. S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension; District Agricultural Agent, Division of College (1922, 1928). B. S., K. S. A. C, 1914. A 60; 920 Leavenworth.

Henry Lewis Lobenstein, B. S., Assistant Professor of Horticulture, Division of College Extension (1928; Mar. 25, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1926. A 34; 1116 Bluemont.

Willis Lloyd Lesher, B.S., Assistant Professor of Highway Materials, (Apr. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924. E17; 1529 Humboldt.

Anna Grace Seyler,7 M.D., Assistant College Physician (Apr. 7, 1929).

A. B., University of Denver, 1924; M. D., University of Colorado, 1927.

A 64; 1301 Poyntz.

Carrell Henry Whitnah, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Asso- ciate Food Analyst (June 1, 1929).

A. B., University of Nebraska, 1913; M.S., University of Chicago, 1917; Ph.D., Uni- versity of Nebraska, 1925. D14; 1719 Anderson.

Harry Ray Bryson, M.S., Assistant Professor of Entomology (1924; July 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1917; M.S., ibid., 1924. F 55 ; 1821 Leavenworth.

Ethel Justin Marshall,8 M.S., Assistant Professor of Home Economics, Home Study Service, Division of College Extension (1928; July 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1910; M.S., ibid., 1926. A 2; 630 Moro.

William Hugh Riddell, M. S., Assistant Professor of Dairy Husbandry (July 1, 1929).

B. S. A., University of British Columbia, 1922; M.S., University of Minnesota, 1924.

Agl45; 1631 Humboldt.

Charles Alden Logan, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering (Aug. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1925. E 216 ; 414 N. Juliette.

Francis Leonard Timmons, B. S., Assistant Professor of Cooperative Experi- ments, Department of Agronomy (1928; Aug. 15, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. Ag202; 1709 Anderson.

Ina Emma Holroyd, A.M., Assistant Professor of Mathematics (1900; Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1915; B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, 1916; A.M., Columbia University, 1929. A62A; 1001 Moro.

7. Temporary appointment.

8. On half time.

Officers of Instruction 29

Elizabeth Quinlan, M.S., Assistant Professor of Clothing and Textiles (1925; Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. CL, 1917; M.S., Columbia University, 1924. L 53 ; 1212 Fremont.

George Francis Corcoran, M. S., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (1927; Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., South Dakota State College, 1923; M.S., University of Minnesota, 1926.

E 127 ; 1116 Bluemont.

Harold Nathan Barham, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Bethany College, 1921; M.S., Ohio State University, 1922; Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1928. C 56 ; 900 Bluemont.

Genevieve Jackson Boughner, A.B., Assistant Professor of Industrial Journal- ism (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., University of Minnesota, 1916. K33A; Wareham Hotel.

Mendel Elmer Lash, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Ohio State University, 1920; M.S., ibid., 1922; Ph.D., ibid., 1928.

CIO; 1116 Bluemont.

Max Rule Martin, Assistant Professor of Violin, Viola, and Reed Instru- ments (Sept. 1, 1929).

Graduate in Violin, William A. Bunzen; Graduate in Orchestra, Sander Harmati; Gradu- ate in Musical Composition, R. Cuscaden. MA 7 ; 1700 Laramie.

Bernice Lillian Patterson, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Women (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., University of Washington, 1922; M.S. in Phys. Ed., ibid., 1929.

Nl; 1613 Fairchild.

Harry Edward Van Tuyl, D.V. M., Capt. V. C, U. S. A., Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics (Sept. 1, 1929).

D. V. M., K. S. A. C, 1917; Honor Graduate, U. S. A. Veterinary School, 1923.

V27; 807 Osage.

Ellsworth Young, B. S., Capt. C. A. C, U. S. A., Assistant Professor of Mili- tary Science and Tactics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Iowa State College, 1916. N 26; 1100 Kearney.

Edward Henry Leker, M. S., Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, Division of College Extension (Oct. 1, 1929).

B. S., University of Missouri, 1917; M. S., K. S.' A. C, 1927. H 53; 601 N. 14th.

Herman Farley, D.V. M., Assistant Professor of Pathology (Oct. 1, 1929).

D. V. M., K. S. A. C, 1926. V ; 1020 Kearney.

Halvor H. Myrah, First Lieut., C. A. C, U. S. A., Assistant Professor of Mili- tary Science and Tactics (Jan. 24, 1930). Graduate, U. S. Military Academy, 1918; Graduate, Coast Artillery Battery Officers

Course, 1927. N 26 ; Wareham Hotel.

Murville Jennings Harbaugh, A. B., Assistant Professor of Zoology (Sept. 1, 1929; Feb. 1, 1930); Instructor in Zoology (Sept. 1, 1929-Jan. 31, 1930).

A. B., University of Montana, 1926. F78; 1116 Bluemont.


Benjamin Levi Smits, Ph.D., Associate Food Analyst (1926, 1928).

B. S., Michigan State College, 1924; M.S., ibid., 1925; Ph.D., ibid., 1926.

W29; 1719 Fairchild.


Edward Grant, Instructor in Foundry (1913); Foreman of Foundry (1913).

S 42; 1814 Anderson.

Katherine Maxwell Bower, A.M., Instructor in English (1918, 1919).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1915 ; A. M., University of Kansas, 1924. A 54 ; 817 Poyntz.

30 Kansas State Agricultural College

W. Pearl Martin, R. N., Instructor in Home Health and Sanitation, Division of College Extension (1919).

Graduate, Christ's Hospital, Topeka. A 36 ; 930 Osage.

Marion Coffee, First Sergt. C. A. C, U. S. A., Instructor in Military Science and Tactics (1920).

N 26 ; 911 Vattier.

Nellie Aberle, M.S., Instructor in English (1921).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1912; M.S., ibid., 1914. A 63A ; 1442 Fairchild.

Ellen Margaret Batchelor, B.S., Instructor and Assistant State Home Demonstration Leader, Division of College Extension (1917, 1921).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1911. A 36; 1212 Fremont.

Jessie Gulick, Acting Head Cataloguer in Library (1907, 1923).

Li 52; 421 N. 16th.

William Wesley Crawford, M.Di., Instructor in Civil Engineering (1923).

A. B., University of Iowa, 1912; B. S. in C. E., Iowa State College, 1917; M.Di., Iowa State Teachers College, 1908. E 220 ; 715 Poyntz.

Conie Caroline Foote, B. S., Instructor and Specialist in Foods and Nutrition, Division of College Extension (1924).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1921. A 36; 513 N. 16th.

Maud Elizabeth Deeley, B. S., Instructor in Clothing and Textiles, Division of College Extension (1923, 1925).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1923. A36A; 1000 Kearney.

Francis Dale Pugh, Sergt. Inf., U. S. A., Instructor in Military Science and Tactics (1925).

N 26; R. R. No. 8.

Hazel Thompson, Supervisor of Vocational Home Making, Department of Education (1925).

Hubert Whatley Marlow, M.S., Instructor in Chemistry (1925).

B. S., North Texas Teachers College, 1925; M.S., University of Chicago, 1928.

W31; 113 N. 9th.

George Montgomery,7 M.S., Instructor in Agricultural Economics, Depart- ment of Institutes and Extension Schools, Division of College Extension (1925, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1925; M.S., ibid., 1928. Ag 347 ; 1116 Bluemont.

Arthur Clinton Andrews, M.S., Instructor in Chemistry (1926).

B. S., University of Wisconsin, 1924; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. D 30; 428 Humboldt.

Linus Burr Smith, B. S., Instructor in Architecture (1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1926. E 308 ; 1811 Humboldt.

Edna Minerva Bender, B. S., Assistant State Club Leader, Division of College Extension (1926).

B. S., University of Minnesota, 1923. A 35 ; 1649 Fairchild.

May Miles,7 B. S., Instructor and Assistant State Home Demonstration Leader, Division of College Extension (1926, 1928).

B. S., University of Illinois, 1926. A 36 ; 1649 Fairchild.

Ruth Emma Tucker, M.S., Instructor in Food Economics and Nutrition (1925, 1926).

A. B., University of Illinois, 1923; M. S., ibid., 1925. L 69; 1109 Kearney.

Roy Clinton Langford, M.S., Instructor in Psychology (1925, 1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1925; M.S., ibid., 1926. G 34 ; 426 N. 17th. 7. Temporary appointment.

Officers of Instruction 31

Harold Jerome Brooks, M.S., Instructor in Dairy Husbandry (1926).

B. S., University of Missouri, 1924; M.S., South Dakota State College, 1926.

Ag 145 ; 1130 Bluemont.

Irene Eldridge, A.M., Instructor in Mathematics (1926).

B. S., Beloit College, 1920; A. M., ibid., 1924. A62A; 1613 Fairchild.

Maynard Lee McDowell, A.M., Instructor in Chemistry (1926).

A. B., Central College, 1924; A.M., University of Missouri, 1926.

W 30 ; 520 Thurston.

Thomas Isaac Porter, A. B., Instructor in Mathematics (1926).

A. B., University of Missouri, 1925; B. S. in Ed., ibid., 1915. PI; 615 Humboldt.

Maybelle Pritchard Smith, M.S., Instructor in General Chemistry (1926).

A. B., University of Illinois, 1922; M. S., University of Wisconsin, 1926.

W26; 426 N. 17th.

Howard Dale Tyner, M.S., Instructor in General Chemistry (1926).

B. S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1925; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1929.

W31; 1014 Vattier.

Alden Hebbard Loomis, B. S., Instructor in Manual Training (1926).

B. S., Oklahoma A. and M. College, 1916, 1929. S 28 ; 900 Humboldt.

John Carl Olsen, B. S., Instructor in Machine Drawing and Design (1927).

B. S. inM. E., Colorado Agricultural College, 1925. E 209 ; 1804 El Paso.

Matthew Joseph Connolly, Sergt. Inf., U. S. A., Instructor in Military Sci- ence and Tactics (1927).

N 26 ; 517 Leavenworth.

Royce Owen Pence, B.S., Instructor in Milling Industry (1927).

B. S. inF. M. E., K. S. A. C, 1924. Ag 120; 917 Kearney.

Lillian Juliette Swenson, A.B., Assistant Reference Librarian (1927).

A. B., Colorado College, 1924; B. S., Simmons College, 1927. Li 51; 1203A Moro.

Maria Morris, M.S., Instructor in Art (1925, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1911; Graduate, New York School of Fine and Applied Art, 1924; M. S., K. S. A. C, 1927. A 67 ; 816 Juliette.

Elsa Ottilia Horn, M.S., Instructor in Botany and Plant Pathology (1926, 1927).

A. B., University of Minnesota, 1919; M. S., Oregon Agricultural College, 1926.

H 76B ; 1531 Leavenworth.

George Francis Branigan, B.S., Instructor in Engineering Drawing and De- scriptive Geometry (1927).

B. S., University of Nebraska, 1927. E 209 ; 804 Moro.

Wilbur John Caulfield, M.S., Instructor in Dairy Husbandry (1927).

B. S., University of Minnesota, 1924; M.S., Pennsylvania State College, 1926.

Ag 147 ; 1131 Bluemont.

Horatio Minter Farrar, A. B., Instructor in Voice (1927).

A. B., Hastings College, 1927; Voice Diploma, ibid., 1927. MA 12; 1116 Bluemont.

Katherine Geyer, B. S., Instructor in Physical Education for Women (1927).

Diploma, Sargent School of Boston University, 1925 ; B. S., Ohio State University, 1927.

N 1 ; 514 N. 17th.

Hilda Rose Grossman, B.M., Instructor in Voice (1927).

B. M., Chicago Musical College, 1925 ; Illinois State Certificate in Public School Music, ibid., 1927. MA 14; 1109 Kearney.

Vida Agnes Harris, A.M., Instructor in Art (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1914; A. M., University of Chicago, 1927. A 56 ; West Anderson.

32 Kansas State Agricultural College

Loretta McElmurry, B. S., Instructor in Clothing and Textiles, Division of College Extension (1927).

B. S., South Dakota State College, 1901. A 36; 514 N. 17th.

William Bowen Sarles,2 M.S., Instructor in Bacteriology (1927).

B. S., University of Wisconsin, 1926; M.S., ibid., 1927. V52; 1127 Kearney.

Earl Le Roy Sitz, B.S., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (1927, 1928).

B. S. inE. E., Iowa State College, 1927. E 24 ; 1122 Bluemont.

Charles William Stratton,2 B.M., Instructor in Piano (1927).

B. M., K. S. A. C, 1926. MA 4 ; 511 N. Sunset.

Gladys Ellen Vail, M. S., Instructor in Food Economics and Nutrition (1927).

A. B., Southwestern College, 1924; M.S., University of Chicago, 1927.

L 69 ; 1203 Moro.

Percy Leroy DePuy, M.S., Instructor in Animal Husbandry, Home Study Service, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1918; M.S., ibid., 1923. A5; 1725 Leavenworth.

Russell Ira Thackrey, B. S., Instructor in Industrial Journalism (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1927. K30A; 1519 Fairchild.

Marguerite Velma Harper, B.S., Instructor in Household Management, Di- vision of College Extension (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. A 36 ; 1408 Laramie.

Margaret Alice Newcomb, M.S., Instructor in Botany and Plant Pathology (1925, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1925; M.S., ibid., 1927. H76; 1733 Laramie.

Gratia Marie Burns, A.M., Instructor in Modern Languages (1928).

B. S., University of Minnesota, 1926; A.M., ibid., 1928. A 70; 1425 Laramie.

Martha Rebecca Cullipher, B.S. inL. S., Loan Assistant in Library (1928).

A. B., Indiana University, 1926; B. S. in L. S., University of Illinois, 1928.

Li 52; 312 N. 15th.

Arnold Roosevelt Jones, B. S., Instructor in Accounting (1928).

B. S-., University of Kansas, 1927. A 74 ; 1203 Moro.

Marion Herfort Pelton, B.S., Instructor in Piano (1928).

B. M., University of Wisconsin, 1927. MA 5 ; 1425 Laramie.

Velma May Talmadge, B.S., Instructor in Voice (1928).

B. M., Chicago Musical College, 1923. MA 7 ; 1704 Fairview.

Glenn Lyonal Rucker,7 B. S., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, Home Study Service, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924. A 2 ; 1023 Laramie.

Alpha Corinne Latzke, M.S., Assistant State Home Demonstration Leader, Division of College Extension (Jan. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1919; M. S., ibid., 1928. A 36; 344 N. 15th.

Lawrence Orville Mott, D.V. M., Instructor in Surgery and Medicine (July

1, 1929).

D. V. M., K. S. A. C, 1929. VH 53 ; VH.

Charles George Dobrovolny, A. B., Technician and Instructor in Zoology (Aug. 1, 1929).

A. B., University of Montana, 1928. F 31 ; 1116 Bluemont.

2. Absent on leave, 1929- '30. 7. Temporary appointment.

Officers of Instruction 33

Harold Edwin Myers, M.S., Instructor in Soils (Aug. 12, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928; M.S., University of Illinois, 1929. Ag 213 ; 111G Bluemont.

Leone Bower Kell, M.S., Instructor in Household Economics (1927; Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1923; M.S., ibid., 1928. L 35 ; 727 Leavenworth.

Vernon Daniel Foltz,7 M.S., Instructor in Bacteriology (1927; Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1927; M.S., ibid., 1929. V 52 ; 1531 Leavenworth.

Leon Battig,7 A.M., Instructor in Mathematics (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., University of Wisconsin, 1917; A.M., ibid., 1929. E 223 ; 624 Houston.

Mary Myers Elliott, A.B., Instructor in Public Speaking (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., University of Kansas, 1926. G 55 ; 426 Leavenworth.

Paul Lawrence Evans,7 A.B., Instructor in Mathematics (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Baker University, 1916. E 223 ; 1605 Anderson.

Roscoe Orvale Faunce,7 A.M., Instructor in Public Speaking (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., University of Iowa, 1927; A.M., ibid., 1928. G 55 ; 1611 Laramie.

Edith Agnes Goerwitz, M.B., Instructor in Piano (Sept. 1, 1929).

M. B., Northwestern University, 1929. MA 4 ; 211 N. 15th.

Arthur Leonard Goodrich, Jr., M.S., Instructor in Zoology (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., College of Idaho, 1928; M. S., University of Idaho, 1929. F 78; 1212 Fremont.

Ruth Josephine Hlavaty,7 M.B., Instructor in Piano (Sept. 1, 1929).

M. B., Northwestern University, 1929. M ; 211 N. 15th.

Richard Roslyn Jesson, M.B., Instructor in Piano (Sept. 1, 1929).

M. B., Oberlin College, 1929. MA 13 ; 1324 Laramie.

Lester Henry Koenitzer, M.S., Instructor in Applied Mechanics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Iowa State College, 1926; M.S., ibid., 1929. E 17 ; 1721 Laramie.

Darrel Jay Mase,7 B. S., Instructor in Public Speaking (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, 1928. G 55 ; 1624 Osage.

Howard Oren Matson,7 M.S., Instructor in Architecture, Division of College Extension (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Cotner College, 1924; B. S., University of Nebraska, 1927; M.S., University of California, 1929. E 131 ; 518 Leavenworth.

Rachel Jean Morrow, A.B., Instructor in Physical Education for Women (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1928. N3; 1631 Leavenworth.

Reed Franklin Morse, B.S., Instructor in Civil Engineering (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Cornell College, 1921; B. S., Iowa State College, 1923. E 220 ; 1021 Kearney.

Gerald Pickett, B.S., Instructor in Applied Mechanics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Oklahoma A. and M. College, 1927. E 113 ; 821 Fremont.

Carl Clark Rice,7 B.S. Instructor in Electrical Engineering (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. E 30 ; 1218 Bertrand.

Helen Carmaleta Sharp, M.D., Instructor in Child Welfare and Euthenics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., University of Kansas, 1927; M. D., ibid., 1928. L 60 ; 1520 Humboldt.

Victoria Gower Smith, Ph.B., Instructor in Art (Sept. 1, 1929).

Ph. B., University of Chicago, 1927. A 78 ; 1212 Fremont.

7. Temporary appointment.


34 Kansas State Agricultural College,

Charles Ray Thompson,7 A. M., Instructor in Economics and Sociology (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., University of Kansas, 1927; A.M., ibid., 1928. A 74 ; 811 Laramie.

Lowell Ray Tucker,7 M.S., Instructor in Horticulture (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., University of Illinois, 1926; M. S., University of New Hampshire, 1928.

H 32; 1220 Vattier.

Joseph Thomas Ware, Jr., B.S., Instructor in Architecture (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Georgia School of Technology, 1929. E 308 ; 1123 Thurston.

Nathan Reed, M.S., Instructor in Chemistry (Sept. 6, 1929).

B. S., Oklahoma A. and M. College, 1922; M.S., University of Oklahoma, 1924.

D 30; 325 N. 17th.

Earl Henry Hahn, B.S., Instructor in Machine Drawing and Design (Sept. 21, 1929).

B. S., Iowa State College, 1923. E 209 ; 825 Bluemont.

Conrad Stephen Moll, B.P.E., Instructor in Physical Education for Men (Sept. 24, 1929).

B. P. E., Y. M. C. A. College, 1925. N36; 1424 Houston.

Arthur Oran Flinner, B.S., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering (Dec. 1, 1929).

B. S. inM. E., K. S. A. C, 1929. E 109 ; 1130 Vattier.

Fred Foster Greeley, Instructor in Machine Shop and Welding (1923; Jan. 1, 1930); Assistant in Shop Practice (1923; Dec. 31, 1929).

S 30 ; 931 Fremont.

Sterling McCollom, Instructor in Shop Practice (Jan. 1, 1930).

S 32 ; 909 Leavenworth.

Erwin John Benne, B.S., Instructor in Chemistry (Jan. 18, 1930).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. W 30 ; 917 Osage.

Naomi Zimmerman Crawford,7 M.S., Instructor in Zoology (Feb. 1, 1930- May 31, 1930).

B. S., University of Nebraska, 1919; M. S., ibid., 1922.


Alan son Lola Hallsted,4 B.S., Assistant in Dry Farming, Fort Hays Branch Agricultural Experiment Station (1910).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1903. Hays, Kan.

Nellie May, Postmistress (1911).

A 44 i 717 Laramie.

Hattie Helen White, Secretary, Business Office (1912).

A 27 ; 717 Laramie.

Mabel Gertrude Baxter, Assistant in Charge of Continuations, College Li- brary (1916, 1918).

Li 26; 1624 Fairchild.

Elisabeth Perry Harling, Seed Analyst, Department of Agronomy (1912, 1917).

Ag 77 ; 628 Fremont.

Mary Kimball, B. S., First Assistant to the Registrar (1918).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1907. A 29 ; 1311 Laramie.

4. In cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture. 7. Temporary appointment.

Officers of Instruction 35

Myrtle Evelyn Zener, Secretary to the Vice President (1918).

A 47; 1104 Vattier.

Chester Willis Oakes, Miller, Department of Milling Industry (1918).

Agl98A; 1326 Houston.

Louise Schwensen, Secretary to the Dean, Division of Engineering (1915, 1918).

E115; 1800 Leavenworth.

Bruce Bunyan Smith, Assistant in Agricultural Engineering (1918).

Bks. 2 ; 830 Laramie.

Alice Maude Melton, B.S., Assistant to the Dean, Division of General Sci- ence (1900, 1919).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1898. A 50; 831 Leavenworth.

Edward L. Claeren, Major, D. E. 0., Retired, Military Property Custodian, Department of Military Science and Tactics (1910, 1919).

N 29 ; 900 Pierre.

Grace Ellen Umberger, B.S., R. N., Head Nurse, Department of Student Health (1919).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1905; R. N., Illinois Training School for Nurses, 1909.

A 65 ; 1412 Leavenworth.

Arthur Frithiof Swanson, B. S., Assistant in Cereal Investigations, Fort Hays Branch Agricultural Experiment Station (1919). B. S., K. S. A. C, 1919. Hays, Kan.

Delfa Mary Hazeltine, Assistant to the Dean, Division of College Extension (1920).

Graduate, Lawrence Business College. A 33 ; 900 Bluemont.

Clarence Osborn Price, Assistant to the President (1920).

A 30 ; 501 Bluemont.

Joseph Farrington Merrill, B. S., Assistant Chemist, Agricultural Experi- ment Station (1921).

B. S., University of Maine, 1907. C3; 318 N. 16th.

Floyd Joseph Hanna, Assistant inv Department of Illustrations (1922); Acting Head of Department of Illustrations (July 1, 1929).

I; 1612 Leavenworth.

Clara Magdalene Siem, Financial Secretary, Division of College Extension (1920, 1924).

A 33; 1425 Humboldt.

Florence Lillian Dial,10 B. S., Class Reserves Assistant in Library (1923- Nov. 30, 1929). B. S., K. S. A. C, 1919.

William Henry Irwin, Assistant in Shop Practice (1923).

S 29; R. R. 2.

Rebecca Salome Meyer, R.N., Nurse in College Hospital (1923).

Graduate, Mary Thompson Hospital, 1900. College Hospital.

Hazel Elizabeth Taylor Pfuetze, Secretary, Department of Education (1925).

G28; 1101 Bertrand.

Jeanne Macbride, Housekeeper in College Hospital, Department of Student Health ( 1925).

College Hospital. 10. Resigned.

36 Kansas State Agricultural College.

Frank Lewis Myers, B. M., Assistant to the Director of Physical Education (1926).

B. M., K. S. A. C, 1924. N 35 ; 1527 Humboldt.

Jack Harris Linscott, Assistant in Heat and Power (1927).

E 27 ; 1030 Houston.

Ernest William Johnson, B. S., Forest Nurseryman, Fort Hays Branch Ag- ricultural Experiment Station (1927).

B. S., Colorado Agricultural College, 1926. Hays, Kan.

Lisle Leslie Longsdorf, M.S., Extension Editor, Division of College Exten- sion (1927).

B. S., University of Wisconsin, 1925; M.S., ibid., 1926. A3; 816 Leavenworth.

Christopher Henry Ficke,7 M.S., Assistant Pathologist, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology (1925, 1927-Dec. 31, 1929).

B. S., Iowa State College, 1925; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1927. H 53 ;' 930 Ratone.

Emery Jack Coulson, B. S., Assistant Chemist, Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1927. C4; 1006 Bertrand.

Glenn Everett Webster, Radio Operator, Division of College Extension (1928).

N 83; 359 N. 15th.

Jane Wilson Barnes, B.S., Secretary to the Dean, Division of Home Eco- nomics (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1912. L29; 1208 Bluemont.

Rose Louise Child, Assistant to the Dean of Women (1928).

A 40A; 1725 Fairchild.

Clarence Edward Crews, B. S., Assistant in Agronomy (1928); Foreman of Agronomy Farm (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. Agronomy Farm; 1830 Poyntz.

Charlotte Crouch Lamprecht, Assistant to the Dean, Division of Home Eco- nomics (1928).

Diploma, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, 1903. L 66 ; 815 Osage.

Karl William Niemann, B.S., Assistant in Veterinary Medicine (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1926. V 2; 1030 Fremont.

Libbie Ellen Reeves, Assistant to the Superintendent, Fort Hays Branch Ag- ricultural Experiment Station (1928).

Hays, Kan.

Iva Larson, M.S., Assistant in Genetics, Department of Zoology (1927, 1928).

A. B., University of South Dakota, 1927; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1929.

Insectary; 918 N. Manhattan.

Laura Belle Baxter, B.S., Assistant in Home Economics Education (1927, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1915. G29; 610 Vattier.

Effie LoVisa Hastings, Second Assistant to the Registrar (1927, 1928).

A 29 ; 122 S. Manhattan.

Ward Hillman Haylett, A.B., Assistant in Physical Education (1928).

A. B., Doane College, 1926. N 34 ; 1642 Laramie.

Myra Thelma Potter, B. S., Technician, Department of Food Economics and Nutrition (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. L 18; 1821 Poyntz. 7. Temporary appointment.

Officers of Instruction 37

Myra Edna Scott,7 A.M., Assistant in English (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1921; A. M., Stanford University, 1928. Af>3A; 924 Moro.

Mary Lois Williamson,7 B. S., Critic Teacher, Home Economics Education (1928).

M. H. S. ; 1514 Humboldt.

Belle Clarke Howard, R. N., Nurse, Department of Student Health (1928).

R. N., Charlotte Swift Hospital, 1919. College Hospital.

Charles A. Pyle,7 D.V. M., Animal Pathologist, Department of Veterinary Medicine (1928). D. V. M., K. S. A. C, 1907. Sedan, Kan.

Harriet May Clark,7 A.M., Assistant in English (Feb. 1, 1929).

A. B., University of Nebraska, 1923; A.M., ibid., 1928. A 54; 1636 Fairchild.

Ralph Oscar Lewis, B. S., Assistant in Soil Survey, Department of Agronomy (May 13, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. Ag216; 1409 Fairchild.

George Hemrod Railsback, B. S., Laboratory Assistant in Applied Mechanics (July 1, 1929). .

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1914. E112; 615 Kearney.

Lawrence Fener Hall, B.S., Assistant in Education (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1923. G 29 ; 810 Vattier.

William McKinley Stensaas,7 A.B., Assistant in English (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Bethany College, 1922. K 54 ; 1728 Laramie.

Florence Harris,10 M. S., Assistant in Institutional Economics (Sept. 1, 1929- Jan. 20, 1930) .

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1925; M.S., ibid., 1929. T 29 ; 2000 Anderson.

Gladys Matilda Boehm,7 M.S., Assistant in Food Economics and Nutrition (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Drury College, 1925; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1929. L 47 ; 1633 Anderson.

Edith Clara Campbell,7 A.M., Assistant in English (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, 1920; A.M., University of California, 1926. A 63A; 114 S. 8th.

Aldene Scantlin Langford,7 M.S., Assistant in Child Welfare and Euthenics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1927; M. S., ibid., 1928. L40A; 426 N. 17th.

Ruth Kell Noble,7 M.S., Assistant in Child Welfare and Euthenics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1925; M.S., ibid., 1927. L 34 ; 1425 Laramie.

Bella Catherine Robertson, B.S., Assistant in Education (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1926. Jr. H. S. ; 431 Humboldt.

Esther Margaret Thomas, B. S., Nurse, Department of Student Health (Sept 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1927; Graduate, Charlotte Swift Memorial Hospital, 1925.

College Hospital.

Lee Rudell St. John, B. S., Laboratory Assistant in Applied Mechanics (Nov. 1, 1929).

B. S. inC. E., K. S. A. C, 1929. E 18 ; 611 N. 11th.

Anna Neal Muller, B. S., Class Reserves Assistant in Library (Dec. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1921. Lil; 1115 Bluemont.

7. Temporary appointment. 10. Resigned.

38 Kansas State Agricultural College

Leona Thurow Hill, M.S., Assistant in Education (Jan. 16, 1930).

A. B., University of Southern California, Feb., 1923; B. S., K. S. A. C, June, 1923; M. S. ibid., 1926. Manhattan High School; 1611 Laramie.

Emily Bennett Kerchner,7 M.S., Assistant in Food Economics and Nutri- tion (Feb. 1, 1930-May 31, 1930). A. B., University of Illinois, 1921; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1924.

Iva Belle Welch,7 A. B., Assistant in Institutional Economics (Feb. 1, 1930).

A. B., Baker University, 1921. T29; 1704 Fairview.


Louis C. Aicher, B. S., Superintendent, Fort Hays Branch Agricultural Ex- periment Station (1921).

B. S. in Agr., K. S. A. C, 1910. Hays, Kan.

Jacob Lund, M.S., Superintendent of Heat and Power, Emeritus (1883, 1925); Custodian of Buildings and Grounds, Emeritus (1883, 1925).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1883; M.S., ibid., 1886. E 26B ; 1414 Fairchild.

Charles Wesley Hobbs, D.V. S., Superintendent of Vaccine Laboratories 1913, 1919).

D. V. S., Western Veterinary College, 1901. V 31 ; 1328 Fremont.

George Richard Pauling, Superintendent of Maintenance, in Charge of Build- ing and Repairs, Custodian, and Heat and Power Departments (1916, 1925).

PP 28 ; 1015 Humboldt.

Fay Arthur Wagner, B. S., Superintendent, Garden City Branch Agricultural Experiment Station (1919).

B. S. in Agr., New Mexico Agricultural College, 1916. Garden City, Kan.

Thomas Bruce Stinson, B. S., Superintendent, Tribune Branch Agricultural Experiment Station (1924).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924. Tribune, Kan.

Allen Pearson Loomis, Superintendent of Poultry Farm (1926).

Poultry Farm, Route 8.

Embert Harvey Coles, B. S., Superintendent, Colby Branch Agricultural Ex- periment Station (1922; Apr. 15, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1922. Colby, Kan.


Herbert Lynne Hildwein, B. S., Sedgwick County Agricultural Agent, Divi- sion of College Extension (1917, 1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1914. Wichita, Kan.

Joe Myron Goodwin, Atchison Countv Agricultural Agent, Division of Col- lege Extension (1919, 1923).

Effingham, Kan.

Charles Elmer Cassel, B. S., Butler County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1912, 1923).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1910. Lyndon, Kan.

Albert Barney Kimball,10 B. S., Smith County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1918, 1925-Nov. 16, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1889. Smith Center, Kan.

4. In cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture. 7. Temporary appointment. 10. Resigned.

Officers of Instruction 39

Robert Elliott Curtis, B. S., Ottawa County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1919, 1924).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1916. Minneapolis, Kan.

Herman Frederick Tagge, B. S., Jackson County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1920, 1923).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1914. Holton, Kan.

John Albert Hendriks, B. S. A., Anderson County Agricultural Agent, Divi- sion of College Extension (1920, 1924).

B. S., Iowa State College, 1913. Garnett, Kan.

Ernest Lee Mcintosh, B.S., Osage County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1920, 1923).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1920. Lyndon, Kan.

Harry Charles Baird, B. S., Lane County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1920; May 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1914. Dighton, Kan.

Arthur I. Gilkison, Douglas County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1920, 1926).

Lawrence, Kan.

Carl Lewis Howard, B. S., Lyon County Agricultural Agent, Division of Col- lege Extension (1920, 1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1920. Emporia, Kan.

Roy Elmer Gwin, B. S., Allen County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1921, 1924).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1914. Iola, Kan.

John Vern Hepler, B. S., Washington County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1921).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1916. Washington, Kan.

Paul Bernard Gwin, B.S., Crawford County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1921; Feb. 1, 1930). B. S., K. S. A. C, 1916. Girard, Kan.

William Louis Tayloe,10 B. S. A., Crawford County Agricultural Agent, Di- vision of College Extension (1921; Dec. 31, 1929).

B. S. A., University of Missouri, 1917. Girard, Kan.

Charles Harold Stinson, B. S., Pawnee County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1921, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C., 1921. Larned, Kan.

Robert E. Williams,10 B. S., Barton County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1922-Nov. 16, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C., 1907. Great Bend, Kan.

William Herbert Robinson, B.S., Shawnee County Agricultural Agent, Di- vision of College Extension (1923, 1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1916. Topeka, Kan.

Clarence Eugene Agnew, B. S., Wilson County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1923, 1924).

B. S., K. S. A. C., 1923. , Fredonia, Kan.

Louis Meyers Knight, B. S., Sumner County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1923, 1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C., 1923. Wellington, Kan.

10. Resigned.

40 Kansas State Agricultural College.

Charles Enoch Lyness, B. S., Doniphan County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1923).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1912. Troy, Kan.

Ray Leighton Graves, B. S., Clay County Agricultural Agent, Division of Col- lege Extension (1923, 1928). B. S., K. S. A. C, 1912. Clay Center, Kan.

George W. Sidwell, A. B., Edwards County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1913, 1928).

A. B., Fairmount College, 1915. Kinsley, Kan.

Samuel David Capper, B. S., Riley County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1923, 1925).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1921. Manhattan, Kan.

Mott Luther Robinson, B.S., McPherson County Agricultural Agent, Divi- sion of College Extension (1923).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1923. McPherson, Kan.

Junius Warren Farmer, B.S., Greenwood County Agricultural Agent, Divi- sion of College Extension (1923). B. S., K. S. A. C, 1923. Eureka, Kan.

William O'Connell, B. S., Marshall County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1924).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1916. Marysville, Kan.

Ralph Reuben McFadden, B. S., Harvey County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1922, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1921. Newton, Kan.

Dwight Ellsworth Hull, B. S., Saline County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1924, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1917. Salina, Kan.

Leonard Neff, B.S.A., Cloud County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1925).

B. S. A., Purdue University, 1922. Concordia, Kan.

Edward Aicher, D.V.S., Cowley County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1925).

D. V. S., Colorado State College, 1910. Winfield, Kan.

Dewey Zollie McCormick, B. S., Morris County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1925).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1921. Council Grove, Kan.

Walter Jones Daly, B. S., Linn County Agricultural Agent, Division of Col- lege Extension (1925, 1927).

B. S. in Agr., K. S. A. C, 1925. Mound City, Kan.

Duke Daniel Brown, B. S., Wyandotte County Agricultural Agent, Division of, College Extension (1925; April 11, 1929).

B. S. in Agr., K. S. A. C, 1921. Kansas City, Kan.

Glen McKinley Reed, B.S., Nemaha County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1925, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1925. Seneca, Kan.

William Scott Speer, B.S., Kingman County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1925. Kingman, Kan.

Neil Lewis Rucker, B.S., Ellsworth County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1926; April 1, 1930).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1913. Ellsworth, Kan.

Officers of Instruction 41

Walter Henry von Trebra, B. S., Rice County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924. Lyons, Kan.

Walter Henry Atzenweiler, B. S., Brown County Agricultural Agent, Divi- sion of College Extension (1926). B. S., K. S. A. C., 1926. Hiawatha, Kan.

George Smith Atwood, B. S., Hodgeman County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924. Jetmore, Kan.

John Henry Shirkey, B. S., Meade County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1926. Meade, Kan.

John Herbert Coolidge, B.S., Gray County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1926).

B. S., Knox College, 1925. Cimarron, Kan.

Fred James Sykes, B.S,, Comanche County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1926. Coldwater, Kan.

John Delmont Montague, B. S., Marion County Agricultural Agent, Divi- sion of College Extension (1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1920. Marion, Kan.

Arthur William Knott, B.S., Montgomery County Agricultural Agent, Di- vision of College Extension (1927).

B. S., University of Wisconsin, 1917. Independence, Kan.

Amwel Edwin Jones, B. S., Dickinson County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1917. Abilene, Kan.

Ralph Paul Ramsey, B. S., Jewell County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1916. Mankato, Kan.

Carl Milton Carlson,10 B. S., Reno County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1927-Sept. 21, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1927. Hutchinson, Kan.

Eugene Arthur Cleavenger, B. 8., Coffey County Agricultural Agent, Divi- sion of College Extension (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1925. Burlington, Kan.

Raymond Luther Stover, M.S., Lincoln County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924; M. S., Oregon Agricultural College, 1927. Lincoln, Kan.

Charles Archer Jones, B. S., Johnson County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924. Olathe, Kan.

John Harold Johnson, B.S., Sedgwick County Club Agent, Division of Col- lege Extension (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1927. Wichita, Kan.

John Tanton Whetzel, B. S., Miami County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1927. Paola, Kan.

10. Resigned.

42 Kansas State Agricultural College

Theodore Franklin Yost, B.S., Bourbon County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1920. Fort Scott, Kan.

Orville Ray Caldwell, B.S., Finney County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. Garden City, Kan.

Vance Mather Rucker, B. S., Harper County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. Anthony, Kan.

Robert Thomas Patterson, B. S., Cherokee County Agricultural Agent, Di- vision of College Extension (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924. Columbus, Kan.

Herman Albert Biskie, B. S., Franklin County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S., University of Nebraska, 1917. Ottawa, Kan.

Lester Shepard, B. S., Neosho County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1928).

A. B., University of Iowa, 1913; B. S., Iowa State College, 1916. Erie, Kan.

Lyle Maypield, B.S., Clark County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. Ashland, Kan.

Leonard Beath Harden, B. S., Labette County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1926. Altamont, Kan.

Ragnar Nathaniel Lindburg, B.S., Butler County Club Agent, Division of College Extension (Jan. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. El Dorado, Kan.

Edward Albert Stephenson, Jr., B. S., Chase County Agricultural Agent, Di- vision of College Extension (Jan. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. Cottonwood Falls, Kan.

Otis Benton Glover, B.S., Jefferson County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (Apr. 15, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1915. Oskaloosa, Kan.

Robert Samuel Trumbull, A.M., Ford County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (May 1, 1929).

B. S., Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1907 ; A. M., University of Nebraska, 1908.

Dodge City, Kan.

Ivan Keith Tompkins, B. S., Sheridan County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (May 28, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. Hoxie, Kan.

Theodore Roosevelt Warren, M. S., Bourbon County Club Agent, Division of College Extension (1927; Jan. 1, 1930).

B. S., University of Idaho, 1927; M. S„ K. S. A. C, 1928. Eort Scott, Kan.

Milburne Clinton Axelton, B. S., Woodson County Agricultural Agent, Di- vision of College Extension (June 17, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. ' Yates Center, Kan.

Leslie Melvin Wolfe, B.S., Ness County Agricultural Agent, Division of Col- lege Extension (June 20, 1929). B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. Ness City, Kan.

Officers of Instruction 43

Earl Hicks Teagarden, B. S., Stafford County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (Jan. 10, 1929; July 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1920. St. John, Kan.

John Wesley Roussin, B.S., Rawlins County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (July 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. Atwood, Kan.

Bernie William Wright, B. S., Russell County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (July 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924. Russell, Kan.

Ray Lewis Remsberg, B. S., Kingman County Club Agent, Division of Col- lege Extension (July 15, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. Kingman, Kan.

Ogden Worley Greene, B. S., Pratt County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (Aug. 28, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. Pratt, Kan.

Preston Orin Hale, B. S., Leavenworth County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (Oct. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1916. Leavenworth, Kan.

George Winfred Hinds, B.S., Reno County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (Oct. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1920. Hutchinson, Kan.

Sherman Stanley Hoar, B. S., Barton County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (Jan. 2. 1929; Dec. 5, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. Great Bend, Kan.

Elmer Oscar Graper, B. S., Smith County Agricultural Agent, Division of Col- lege Extension (Dec. 20, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1913. Smith Center, Kan.

Harvey J. Stewart, B. S., Cheyenne County Agricultural Agent, Division of College Extension (Dec. 20, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. St. Francis, Kan.

Jester Bailey Taylor, B. S., Douglas County Club Agent, Division of College Extension (Jan. 18, 1930).

B. S., Oklahoma A. and M. College, 1925. Lawrence, Kan.


Laura Winter, Sedgwick County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (1925).

Wichita, Kan.

Florence Dresser Syverud,10 B. S., Allen County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (1925-Dec. 31, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1908. Iola, Kan.

Esther Mae Huyck, B. S.,. Rawlins County Home Demonstration Agent, Di- vision of College Extension (1925).

B. S., South Dakota State College, 1925. Atwood, Kan.

Mabel McComb Carlson, Reno County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (1925, 1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1925. Hutchinson, Kan.

4. In cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture. 10. Resigned.

44 Kansas State Agricultural College

Ella M. Meyer, B.S., Ford County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (1925; Jan. 1, 1930); Franklin County Home Demonstra- tion Agent, Division of College Extension (1925-Dec. 31, 1929). B. S., K. S. A. C, 1907. Dodge City, Kan.

Elizabeth Randle, B.S., Douglas County Home Demonstration Agent, Divi- sion of College Extension (1926).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1907. Lawrence, Kan.

Charlotte Elizabeth Biester, B. S., Johnson County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (1924, 1926).

B. S., University of Illinois, 1921. Olathe, Kan.

Lois Holderbatjm, B. S., Shawnee County Home Demonstration Agent, Di- vision of College Extension (1927, 1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1925. Topeka, Kan.

Nora Elizabeth Bare, B. S., Butler County Home Demonstration Agent, Di- vision of College Extension (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1925. El Dorado, Kan.

Lucretia Scholer, B. S., Harvey County Home Demonstration Agent, Divi- sion of College Extension (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1920. Newton, Kan.

Grace Herr, B. S., Bourbon County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (1927).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1922. Fort Scott, Kan.

Sara Jane Patton, Neosho County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1915. Erie, Kan.

Mary Dunlap Ziegler, Pratt County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1916. Pratt, Kan.

Christie Cynthia Hepler, B. S., Labette County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1920. Altamont, Kan.

Vernetta Fairbairn, A. B., Montgomery County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (1928).

A. B., University of Kansas, 1927. Independence, Kan.

Louella Elizabeth Margaret McCall,10 M.S., Ford County Home Demon- stration Agent, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1918; M. S., Iowa State College, 1927. Dodge City, Kan.

Ruth Jeanette Peck, B. S., Wyandotte County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (1928).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. Kansas City, Kan.

Jessie Campbell, B. S., Rice County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (1928; Jan. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1925. Lyons, Kan.

Margaret Annabel Koenig, B. S., Clay County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (Jan. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. Clay Center, Kan.

Alberta Wenkheimer, A.B., Harper County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (Jan. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1909; A. B., University of Kansas, 1928. Anthony, Kan.

10. Resigned.

Officers of Instruction 45

Mabel Rachel Smith, B. S., Crawford County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (Feb. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1926. Girard, Kan.

Ethel Faye Watson, B. S., Greenwood County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (Feb. 13, 1929).

B. a, K. S. A. 0., 1926. Eureka, Kan.

Gertrude Edna Allen, B. S., Lyon County Home Demonstration Agent, Divi- sion of College Extension (May 15, 1929).

B. S., University of Minnesota, 1929. Emporia, Kan.

Iva Luella Holladay, B. S., Leavenworth County Home Demontration Agent, Division of College Extension (July 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. Leavenworth, Kan.

Rachel Markwell, B. S., Morris County Home Demonstration Agent, Divi- sion of College Extension (July 1, 1929).

B. S., Oklahoma A. and M. College, 1926. Council Grove, Kan.

Florence Mable Funk, B. S., Cherokee County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (July 9, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. G, 1929. Columbus, Kan.

Linnea Carlson Dennett, B.S., Riley County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (July 16, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. Manhattan, Kan.

Grace Merle Reeder, A. B., Miami County Home Demonstration Agent, Di- vision of College Extension (Aug. 1, 1929).

A. B., Baker University, 1920. Paola, Kan.

Alberta Pauline Sherrod, B.S., Kingman County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (Aug. 1, 1929).

B. S., Oklahoma A. and M. College, 1926. Kingman, Kan.

Mary Elsie Border, B.S., Dickinson County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (Sept. 16, 1929).

B. S., Ohio State University, 1926. Abilene, Kan.

Grace Mildred Henderson, B. S., Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, Di- vision of College Extension (Jan. 1, 1930).

B. S., University of Nebraska, 1924. Manhattan, Kan.

Edith O'Brien Rosevear, B.S., Allen County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (Jan. 1, 1930). . ;

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1911. Iola/Kan.

Eula May Neal, B. S., Franklin County Home Demonstration Agent, Division of College Extension (Jan. 25, 1930).

B. S., State Teachers College, Kirksville, Mo., 1927. Ottawa, Kan.


Austin Gerald Goth,10 B.S., Graduate Assistant in Crops, Department of Agronomy (Feb. 1, 1929-Jan. 31, 1930).

B. S., University of Nebraska, 1929. Agl02; 1725 Fairchild.

Mary Frances White, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Education (July 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. G 33 ; 1743 Fairchild.

Glenn Allen Aikens, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Bacteriology (Sept. 1 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1924. V 53B ; 358 N. 15th.

10. Resigned.

46 Kansas State Agricultural College

William Purvis Albright, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Poultry Husbandry (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., North Carolina State College, 1929. Ag249; 1116 Bluemont.

Forrest Bennett Alspach,10 B. S., Graduate Assistant in Soils, Department of Agronomy (Sept. 1, 1929-Feb. 15, 1930).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. Ag 296 ; 1101 Moro.

Ida Anderson, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Clothing and Textiles (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Iowa State College, 1927. L 56; 906 Fremont.

Frederick Bruce Bosley, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Botany and Plant Pa- thology (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. H 77; 1015 Vattier.

Marion Isabell Campbell, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Zoology (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, 1924. F 38 ; 1311 Laramie.

Lawrence William Decker, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Animal Husbandry (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Purdue University, 1929. Ag24; 1116 Bluemont.

Winifred Maude Edwards, B. S., Graduate Assistant in Child Welfare and Euthenics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1927. L 64 ; 310 N. 16th.

Helen Ehrhardt, A.B., Graduate Assistant in Food Economics and Nutrition (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Baker University, 1925. L28; 1031 Thurston.

Bernice Lucile Harper, A. B., Graduate Assistant in Zoology (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Kalamazoo College, 1929. F 38 ; 1509 Humboldt.

Lucretia Maye Hoover, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Institutional Economics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, 1928. L 30 ; 610 N. Manhattan.

Otho Jay Hopper, B. S., Graduate Assistant in Animal Husbandry (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., University of Missouri, 1929. Ag 24 ; 1016 Vattier.

Merle Raymond Hubbard, A.B., Graduate Assistant in Chemistry (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Southwestern College, 1929. W30; 1023 Laramie.

Eunice Leola Kingsley, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Botany and Plant Pa- thology (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., North Dakota Agricultural College, 1926. H76B; 1733 Laramie.

Harold Christl\n Larsen, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Agricultural Eco- nomics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., South Dakota State College, 1929. Ag 363 ; 1116 Bluemont.

Arthur Meyer, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Horticulture (Sept, 1, 1929).

B. S., Oklahoma A. and M. College, 1929. H 33 ; 1116 Bluemont.

Merlin Mundell, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Chemistry (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. D 30; 353 N. 15th.

Genevieve Alice Nowlin, B. S., Graduate Assistant in Dean's Office, Division of Home Economics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1914. , G29; 1104 Vattier.

10. Resigned.

Officers of Instruction 47

John Henry Shenk, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Chemistry (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. D 30 ; 916 Osage.

Clifford Lovejoy Smith, B. S., Graduate Assistant in Dairy Husbandry (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Oregon State College, 1929. Ag 147 ; 1116 Bluemont.

Elbert Cecil Tabor, A.B., Graduate Assistant in Chemistry (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Kentucky Wesleyan College, 1929. W30; 1116 Bluemont.

Ethel Florence Trump, B. S., Graduate Assistant in Institutional Economics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. T 31 ; 1223 Bluemont.

Mary Woodward, A. B., Graduate Assistant in Zoology (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Oklahoma City University, 1929. F38; 1021 Leavenworth.

Henry Monroe Beachell, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Agronomy (Feb. 1, 1930).

B. S., University of Nebraska, Feb. 1, 1930. Ag 102 ; .

Jessie Sarah Stewart, B.S., Graduate Assistant in Institutional Economics (Jan. 13, 1930).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. T 31; 1613 Fairchild.

GRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANTS Coit Alfred Suneson, B.S., Graduate Research Assistant in Agronomy (1928).

B. S., Montana State College, 1928. Ag2l7; 426 Leavenworth.

George Laurin Graham, A. B., Graduate Research Assistant in Parasitology, Department of Zoology (Sept. 1, 1928).

A. B., Grand Island College, 1927. F38; 1116 Bluemont.

Anna Tessie Agan, B.S., Graduate Research Assistant in Food Economics and Nutrition (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., University of Nebraska, 1927. L16; 2000 Anderson.

George Cauthen, A.B., Graduate Research Assistant in Parasitology (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Austin College, Sherman, Texas, 1928. F 38 ; 1116 Bluemont.

Flora Marie Deal,10 B.S., Graduate Research Assistant in Institutional Eco- nomics (Sept. 1, 1929-Jan. 13, 1930).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. T31; 1716 Fairchild.

Joy William Dull, B.S., Graduate Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Oregon State College, 1925. E 27 ; 1011 Vattier.

Stella May Heywood, B. S., Graduate Research Assistant in Household Eco- nomics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1927. T52; 914 Osage.

Ralph Edward Hodgson, B. S., Graduate Research Assistant in Dairy Hus- bandry (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., University of Wisconsin, 1929. W151; 1116 Bluemont.

Harry Llewellyn Kent, Jr., B.S., Graduate Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., New Mexico A. and M. College, 1929. E 109 ; 340 N. 16th.

10. Resigned.

48 Kansas State Agricultural College.

Robert Russell Murphy, B.S., Graduate Research Assistant in Poultry Hus- bandry (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Pennsylvania State College, 1929. Ag 252 ; 814 Laramie.

Philip Myron Noble, B. S., Graduate Research Assistant in Highway Ma- terials (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1926. E 16; 1425 Laramie.

James Leroy Potter, B.S., Graduate Research Assistant in Electrical En- gineering (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1928. E30; 1423 Fairchild.

Lolie Smith, B. S., Graduate Research Assistant in Household Economics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., Texas State College for Women, 1916. T 56 ; 1613 Fairchild.

Julia Lurena Southard, B.S., Graduate Research Assistant in Clothing and Textiles (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., University of Missouri, 1926. L 67; 522 N. 14th.

Nelson John Wade, A. B., Graduate Research Assistant in Mammalogy, De- partment of Zoology (Sept. 1, 1929).

A. B., Kalamazoo College, 1929. F 7 ; 1201 Bluemont.

Minor Day,10 B. S., Graduate Research Assistant in Animal Husbandry (Oct. 1, 1929-Feb. 1, 1930).

B. S., Pennsylvania State College, 1928. Ag 24; 1116 Bluemont.

Dwight Seath, B.S., Graduate Research Assistant in Dairy Husbandry (Oct. 1, 1929).

B. S., Iowa State College, 1926. Ag 155 ; 1104 Vattier.

Ralph Dale Nichols, M.S., Research Assistant in Agricultural Economics (Dec. 2, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1920; M.S., ibid., 1923.


Samuel Greenberry Kelly, B.S., Industrial Research Fellow of the Common- wealth of Australia, Department of Entomology (June 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. F 67 ; 1010 Vattier.

Dale Franklin King,10 M. S., Ikton Industrial Fellow, Department of Chem- istry (June 15, 1929-Jan. 15, 1930).

B. S., Oregon State Agricultural College, 1928; M.S., K. S. A. C, 1929.

C 41 ; 1219 Poyntz.

Harvey Stafford German, B.S., Ashgrove Lime and Portland Cement Com- pany Fellow, Department of Applied Mechanics (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. E 11; 511 N. Juliette.

Frederick Edward Goetz, B. S. A., Kansas C. R. E. A. Fellow, Department of Agricultural Engineering (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S. A., University of Saskatchewan, 1929. E 217 ; 1018 Fremont.

Robert Earl McCormick, B. S., Association of Operative Millers Fellow, De- partment of Milling Industry (Sept. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1929. Ag 120; 350 N. 15th.

Harry Edwin Skoog, B.S., Crop Protection Institute Fellow, Department of Entomology (Nov. 1, 1929).

B. S., K. S. A. C, 1926. F 66 ; Veterinary Hospital.

10. Resigned.

Officers of Instruction 49


Jessie McDowell Machir; Registrar (1913).

A 29; 1641 Fairchild.

Kenney Lee Ford, B. S., Alumni Secretary (1928).

B. Si. K. S. A. C, 1924. A38A; 1516 Leavenworth.

Adrian Augustus Holtz, Ph. D., Men's Adviser and Secretary of Young Men's Christian Association (1919) ; Assistant Professor of Sociology (July 1, 1929).

A. B., Colgate University, 1909; Ph. M., University of Chicago, 1910; B. D., ibid., 1911; Ph.D., ibid., 1914. A; 520 N. Manhattan.

Ruth Mead Fertig, A.B., Secretary of the Young Women's Christian Asso- ciation (1928).

A. B., Mount Holyoke College, 1925. L 41 ; 1723 Leavenworth.

Stephen Arnold Geauque, Custodian (1918, 1926).

PP37; 1014 Laramie.

Lester Henry Drayer, Chief Engineer, Heat and Power Department (1916, 1927).

E 3 ; 531 Moro.

50 Kansas State Agricultural College.

Standing Committees of the Faculty

Admission : Jessie McD. Machir, J. V. Cortelyou, B. L. Remick, Ina Hol- royd, J. O. Hamilton, W. H. Andrews, H. L. Ibsen, Geo. A. Dean.

Advanced Credit: L. D. Bushnell, R. R. Price, H. H. King, J. T. Willard, H. W. Davis, R. R. Dykstra, Gladys Vail (in place of Martha Pittman, on leave), L. F. Payne, M. A. Durland.

Assignment: Jessie McD. Machir, A. E. White, Araminta Holman, C. H. Scholer, W. E. Grimes, J. H. Robert, C. V. Williams.

Athletic Council: H. H. King, F. D. Farrell, M. F. Ahearn, E. L. Holton, R. A. Seaton, R. I. Throckmorton, G. A. Dean.

Calendar: Mary P. VanZile, J. C. Peterson, M. F. Ahearn, H. T. Hill, J. T. Willard, Ina Holroyd, Wm. Lindquist, F. E. Charles.

Catalogue: J. V. Cortelyou, J. T. Willard, H. W. Davis. Community Chest Executive: F. L. Parrish, H. T. Hill, W. H. Andrews, Mary P. VanZile, F. D. Farrell, A. A. Holtz, Ruth Fertig.

Control: I. V. lies, Albert Dickens, Margaret M. Justin, R. A. Seaton, R. R. Dykstra, Mary P. VanZile.

Examinations: A. E. White, C. W. Colver, R. A. Seaton.

Faculty Loan Fund: J. V. Cortelyou, Mary P. VanZile, R. R. Dykstra, L. E. Call, R. A. Seaton, Jessie McD. Machir.

Graduate Council: J. E. Ackert, L. E. Conrad, L. E. Call, H. H. King, L. D. Bushnell, J. H. Burt, Margaret M. Justin.

Major Musical and Dramatic Entertainments: J. C. Peterson, H. T. Hill, Carl Kipp, Mrs. C. O. Swanson, Wm. Lindquist.

Public Exercises: J. E. Kammeyer, J. V. Cortelyou, H. W. Davis, E. L. Holton, W. H. Andrews, Wm. Lindquist.

Reinstatement: R. I. Throckmorton, Elizabeth Quinlan, W. M. McLeod, J. H. Robert, E. C. Miller (in place of W. T. Stratton, on leave).

Relation With Junior Colleges and Arts Colleges: J. H. Parker, B. H. Fleenor (in place of George Gemmell, on leave), Margaret Chaney, R. R. Dykstra, M. A. Durland, F. L. Parrish.

Schedule of Classes: A. E. White, J. T. Willard, W. T. Stratton, L. E. Conrad, W. E. Grimes, Martha Pittman.

Student Affairs: Mary P. VanZile, A. A. Holtz, L. E. Conrad, R. I. Throckmorton, A. F. Bowen, Grace E. Derby, Harold Howe.

_ Student Health: L. E. Conrad, L. D. Bushnell, Mary P. VanZile, C. M. Siever, M. F. Ahearn.

Student Honors: J. 0. Hamilton, R. W. Conover, B. L. Remick, M. W. Furr.

Vocational Guidance: Mary P. VanZile, J. T. Willard, R. A. Seaton, R. R. Dykstra, E. L. Holton, Margaret M. Justin, L. E. Call.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 51

Agricultural Experiment Station


F. D. Farrell, President of the College


L. E. Call, Director

H. R. Rhodes, Business Manager

Hugh Durham, Assistant to Director


W. E. Grimes, Farm Organization, in Charge

Harold Howe, Land Economics

R. M. Green, Marketing (on sabbatical leave)

W. P. Mortenson, Marketing

Morris Evans, Farm Organization

J. A. Hodges, Farm Organization

Homer J. Henney, Marketing Live Stock

H. C. Larsen, Graduate Assistant


F. C. Fenton, in Charge

R. H. Driftmier, Farm Machinery

C. A. Logan, General Investigations


R. I. Throckmorton, in Charge

S. C. Salmon, Crops

J. H. Parker, Plant Breeding4

A. E. Aldous, Pasture Management

F. L. Duley, Soils

M. C. Sewell, Soils

A. M. Brunson, Corn Breeding4

J. W. Zahnley, Crops

H. H. Laude, Cooperative Experiments (on sabbatical leave)

H. E. Myers, Soils

F. L. Timmons, Cooperative Experiments

C. O. Grandfield, Alfalfa Investigations4

I. K. Landon, Southeastern Kansas Experimental Felds

R. O. Lewis, Soil Survey

C. W. Bower, Field Agent, Corn Breeding4

C. E. Crews, Farm Superintendent

Elisabeth Harling, Seed Analyst

Harland Stevens, Nursery Foreman4

A. G. Goth, Graduate Assistant F. B. Alspach, Graduate Assistant

C. A. Suneson, Graduate Research Assistant


C. W. McCampbell, in Charge H. L. Ibsen, Animal Genetics

B. M. Anderson, Cattle Investigations H. E. Reed, Sheep Investigations

D. L. Mackintosh, Horse Investigations

C. E. Aubel, Swine Investigations M. A. Alexander, Live Stock

4. In cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture.

52 Kansas State Agricultural College

O. J. Hopper, Graduate Assistant L. W. Decker, Graduate Assistant Minor Day, Graduate Research Assistant


L. D. Bushnell, in Charge

A. C. Fay, Dairy Bacteriology

P. L. Gainey, Soil Bacteriology

C. A. Brandly, Poultry Disease Investigations


L. E. Melchers, Plant Pathology, in Charge4

E. C. Miller, Plant Physiology O. H. Elmer, Plant Pathology

CO. Johnston, Cereal Disease Investigations4 Hurley Fellows, Cereal Disease Investigations4 Eunice Kingsley, Graduate Assistant

F. B. Bosley, Graduate Research Assistant


H. H. King, in Charge

J. T. Willard, Consulting Chemist

W. L. Latshaw, in Charge Analytical Laboratory

E. L. Tague, Protein Investigations

J. S. Hughes, Animal Nutrition

C. J. Whitnah, Feeding Stuffs Analysis

J. F. Merrill, Fertilizer Analysis

A. T. Perkins, Soil Investigations


J. B. Fitch, in Charge

H. W. Cave, Dairy Production

W. H. Martin, Dairy Manufactures

H. J. Brooks, Official Testing

W. H. RiDDELL, Dairy Production

W. J. Caulfield, Dairy Manufactures

C. L. Smith, Graduate Assistant

D. M. Seath, Graduate Research Assistant R. E. Hodgson, Graduate Research Assistant


G. A. Dean, in Charge

Ralph L. Parker, Apiculture, Fruit Insects

Roger C. Smith, Staple Crop Insect Investigations (on leave)

R. H. Painter, Staple Crop Insect Investigations

H. R. Bryson, Staple Crop Insect Investigations

Donald A. Wilbur, Staple Crop Insect Investigations

HOME ECONOMICS- MARGARET M. Justin, in Charge Martha Kramer, Food Economics and Nutrition Margaret Chaney, Food Economics and Nutrition Esther Bruner, Clothing and Textiles Katherine Hess, Clothing and Textiles Mary F. Taylor, Home Management Tessie Agan, Graduate Research Assistant Julia Southard, Graduate Research Assistant Lolie Smith, Graduate Research Assistant

4. In cooperation with the TJ. S. Department of Agriculture.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 53

horticulture- Albert Dickens, in Charge (on leave) R. J. Barnett, Pomology W. F. Pickett, Orchard Investigations L. R. Quinlan, Landscape Gardening W. B. Balch, Floriculture and Vegetable Gardening Arthur Meyer, Graduate Assistant


C. 0. Swanson, in Charge

Earl B. Working, Wheat and Flour Investigations

R. O. Pence, Milling Technology

C. W. Oakes, Milling

Robert E. McCormick, Graduate Research Assistant


L. F. Payne, in Charge

D. C Warren, Genetics

H. M. Scott, Poultry Production

A. P. Loomis, Superintendent of Poultry Plant

Wtm. P. Albright, Graduate Assistant

R. R. Murphy, Graduate Research Assistant

VETERINARY MEDICINE— R. R. Dykstra, in Charge C. W. Hobbs, Field Veterinarian H. F. Lienhardt, Pathology J. P. Scott, Blackleg Investigations

C. H. Kitselman, Abortion Disease Investigations Herman Farley, Shipping Fever Investigations


R. K. Nabours, in Charge (on sabbatical leave)

J. E. Ackert, Parasitology

Iva Larson, Genetics

G. E. Johnson, Injurious Mammals

Charles G. Dobrovolny, Technician

George L. Graham, Graduate Research Assistant

George E. Cauthen, Graduate Research Assistant

Nelson J. Wade, Graduate Research Assistant



L. C. Aicher, Superintendent

E. W. Johnson, Forest Nurseryman

A. L. Hallsted, Dry-land Agriculture Investigations4

D. A. Savage, Forage Crop Investigations4 A. F. Swanson, Cereal Crop Investigations4


F. A. Wagner, Superintendent

R. L. von Trebra, Dry-land Agriculture Investigations4


E. H. Coles, Superintendent4

J. B. Kuska, Dry-land Agriculture Investigations4


T. B. Stinson, Superintndent

4. In cooperation with the TJ. S. Department of Agriculture.

54 Kansas State Agricultural College

Engineering Experiment Station


F. D. Farrell, President of the College


R. A. Seaton, Director Louise Schwenson, Secretary M. A. Durland, Bulletin Editor


F. C. Fenton, in Charge

R. H. Driftmier, Farm Machinery W. H. Sanders, Tractors C. A. Logan, General Investigations Frederick Goetz, Rural Electrification


C. H. Scholer, in Charge.

E. R. Dawley, Materials of Construction

W. L. Lesher, Road Materials

L. H. Koenitzer, Road Materials

G. H. Railsback, Road Materials L. R. St. John, Road Materials P. M. Noble, Road Materials

S. H. German, Road Materials


H. H. King, in Charge

W. F. Brown, General Investigations


L. E. Conrad, in Charge

J. W. Dull, General Investigations


R. G. Kloeffler, in Charge (on leave) J. L. Brenneman, Acting in Charge J. L. Potter, General Investigations


C. E. Pearce, in Charge. M. A. Durland, General Investigations G. T. Brannigan, General Investigations E. H. Hahn, General Investigations


J. P. C alder wood, in Charge A. J. Mack, General Investigations A. O. Flinner, General Investigations H. L. Kent, Jr., General Investigations


J. O. Hamilton, in Charge

G. E. Raburn, General Investigations

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 55


W. W. Carlson, in Charge G. A. Sellers, General Investigations E. C. Graham, Farm Shop Problems R. S. Sink, Automotive Engineering E. C. Jones, Machine Tools Edward Grant, Foundry Practice

56 Kansas State Agricultural College

Bureau of Research in Home Economics


F. D. Farrell, President of the College Margaret M. Justin, Director

CHILD WELFARE AND EUTHENICS— Helen Wheeler Ford, in Charge Helen Sharp, Public Health

CLOTHING AND TEXTILES— Lilian Baker, in Charge Katherine Hess, Physics of Textiles Esther Bruner, Chemistry of Textiles Julia Southard, Assistant


Martha S. Pittman, in Charge Martha Kramer, Nutrition Margaret Chaney, Applied Nutrition Myra Potter, Food and Nutrition Tessie Agan, Assistant


Margaret M. Justin, in Charge

Myrtle Gunselman, Household Management

Mary Taylor, Equipment


Bessie B. West, Institutional Economics LaVelle Wood, Institutional Economics

The Kansas State Agricultural College


The Kansas State Agricultural College was established under the authoriza- tion of an act of congress, approved by Abraham Lincoln, July 2, 1862, the provisions of which were accepted by the state February 3, 1863.

Under the enabling act the College received an enrowment of 90,000 acres of land and its leading object as stated by the law is

" Without excluding other scientific and classical studies and includ- ing military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legislatures of the states may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal, and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life."

The College was located at Manhattan February 16, 1863, partly in order to receive as a gift the land, building, library and equipment of Bluemont Central College, an institution that was chartered by a group of cultured pioneers, February 9, 1858. The Bluemont College building was erected in 1859.

The Agricultural College opened September 1, 1863, in the Bluemont College building. Most of the work of the College was moved to the present site in 1873. This location is adjacent to Manhattan, a city which has a residential population of ten thousand, and is unsurpassed for wholesomeness of influence by any city in the state.

The fertile valleys of the Kansas and the Blue rivers meet here, and these, with their borders of hilly upland drained by many small wooded streams, create a natural environment which is unusually attractive.

Manhattan is reached by the Union Pacific and Rock Island railways and connecting lines, and the following automobile highways: Midland Trail, Victory Highway, Golden Belt, Oklahoma City-Lincoln, Manhattan-Omaha, and state highways Nos. 13 and 29, and U. S. highways 40, 40N, and 40S. It has motor-bus service between the railway stations and the College, and with cities to the east and to the west. Practically all of the streets are paved, and an ample supply of pure water is provided.

The residents of Manhattan give most cordial support to the College and do all that could be desired to make students feel welcome, and to support them in their legitimate undertakings. The student body responds by habit- ually orderly and law-abiding conduct.


The Kansas State Agricultural College has three chief aims : To give to the young men and women of Kansas a high standard of collegiate training in agriculture, engineering, home economics, general science, and veterinary medicine; to investigate through its experiment stations, the agricultural and industrial problems of Kansas; and by means of its extension division, to carry the full benefits of the College to the remotest parts of the state.

In all the collegiate curricula particular pains are taken that each student, in connection with the scientific and technical instruction necessary to his voca- tion, be given thorough training in fundamental cultural subjects which pro- mote sound thinking and good citizenship. The College aims to turn back to the state the type of citizen who is straight-thinking in all lines and a particu- larly valuable leader in some definite field of human activity. Its chief aim is the development of intelligent, effective leadership.


58 Kansas State Agricultural College,

Besides the full collegiate course the College offers short courses in many fields of agricultural and industrial activity. These courses do not lead to degrees. Their aim is to give in the shortest possible time the gist of the practical training needed by the efficient artisan.

The second important aim of the Kansas State Agricultural College is, to serve the state by investigating in a scientific manner the state's problems in agriculture and the industries. This work is accomplished through the various agricultural and engineering experiment stations. All investigational work is directly connected with the educational work of the College, so that the students are given the widest opportunity for appreciating the true value of scientific investigation. Many opportunities in the United States Department of Agriculture and in the various experiment stations of the country are thus opened to such students as show interest and skill in investigational work.

In addition to the regular instructional work conducted on the campus, the College realizes its third important aim through the Division of College Ex- tension. This is a highly organized system of agricultural education and service carried directly to the homes of the farmers. The work has been so highly developed within the last few years that the College has come to look upon the whole state as its campus. In addition to the regular staff of the Division of College Extension, many members of the College board of in- struction and the staff of the experiment stations give several weeks of each year to this public work among the people of the state.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 59

Buildings and Grounds

The College campus occupies a commanding and attractive site upon an elevation adjoining the western limits of the city of Manhattan, with motor- bus service into town and to the railway stations. The grounds are tastefully laid out according to the designs of a landscape architect, and are extensively planted with a great variety of beautiful and interesting trees, arranged in picturesque groups, masses, and border plantings, varied by banks of shrubbery and interspersed with extensive lawns, gardens, and experimental fields. Broad, well-shaped, macadamized avenues lead to all parts of the grounds. Cement walks connect the buildings with one another and with the entrances. Includ- ing the campus of 146.6 acres, the College owns 1,420.3 acres of land at Man- hattan, valued at $413,093. Outside the campus proper, all of the land is de- voted to educational and experimental work in agriculture. Within the Col- lege grounds, much of the space not occupied by buildings and needed for drives and ornamental plantings is devoted to orchards, forest and fruit nurseries, vineyards, and gardens.

The more important buildings of the College are harmoniously grouped and are constructed of limestone obtained from the College quarries. These build- ings are listed below, and have a total value of $2,634,860.

Anderson Hall. Erected, 1879, 1883, and 1885; cost, $79,000; dimensions, 152 x 250' feet ; two stories and basement. Contains the offices of administra- tion of the College, a social center hall, the College post office, offices of the Division of College Extension and of the Department of Student Health, and offices and classrooms of the Departments of Applied Art, Economics, English, Mathematics, and Modern Languages. It also contains the alumni and stadium offices.

Auditorium. Erected, 1904; cost, $40,000; dimensions, 113x125 feet. Has a large stage with drop curtain and scenery. Seating capacity, 2,300. Contains also the offices and music rooms of the Department of Music.

Calvin Hall. Erected, 1908; cost, $70,000; dimensions, 92x175 feet; two stories and basement. The first-floor and basement are occupied by the lab- oratories, classrooms, and offices of the Departments of Food Economics and Nutrition, and Household Economics; the second floor is occupied by the lab- oratories, classrooms, and offices of the Department of Clothing and Textiles.

Chemistry Annex No. 1. Erected, 1876; cost, $8,000; dimensions, 35x110 feet and 46 x 175 feet, in the form of a cross. Originally erected as a chemical laboratory. Reconstructed at a cost of $5,000 after fire in 1900. The building was used from 1902 to 1911 as a women's gymnasium; since 1911, used by the Department of Chemistry.

Chemistry Annex No. 2. Erected, 1904; cost, $15,000; dimensions, 72 x 103 feet; one story and basement. Occupied by the Department of Dairy Hus- bandry from the time of its erection till the fall of 1923, since which time it has been used by the Department of Chemistry.

Denison Hall. Erected, 1902 ; cost, $70,000 ; dimensions, 96 x 166 feet ; two stories and basement. Occupied throughout by the laboratories, classrooms and offices of the Departments of Chemistry and Physics.

Education Hall. Erected, 1900; cost, $25,000; dimensions, 90x95 feet; two stories and basement. Occupies original site of the president's house, destroyed by lightning in 1896. Formerly housed the Departments of Agron- omy and Animal Husbandry, later the Vocational School. The abolition of the latter brought change of name in the summer of 1924. Contains class- rooms and offices of the Departments of Education and Public Speaking and ■offices of the custodian.

60 Kansas State Agricultural College,

Engineering Hall. Erected, east wing, 1909; main portion, 1920. Cost, $270,000. Dimensions: Main portion, 60x236 feet; east wing, 113x200 feet. Three stories in height, but much of the east wing is built on the gallery plan rather than by complete floor separation into different stories. This building contains the general offices and library of the Division of Engineering, and the offices, drafting rooms, and laboratories of the Departments of Agricultural Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Machine Design, Mathematics, and Mechanical Engineering.

Engineering Shops. These consist of several connected structures, erected 1875, 1890, 1900, and 1905. The original building, now used as the woodworking shop, was erected in 1875; a series of additions having later been successively made, the present group is the result. Cost of the group, $35,000. A portion of the building is two stories high. On the upper floor, which has a floor area of 9,260 square feet, are the classrooms, drafting rooms, pattern storage room and offices of the Departments of Machine Design and Shop Practice. The woodworking shop (35 x 219 feet) is equipped with bench tools and woodwork- ing machinery. Adjoining is the machine shop, amply equipped with modern machine tools. The blacksmith shop (50x100 feet) contains 30 forges of modern type, connected with power blast and down-draft exhaust. The iron foundry (27x100 feet) and brass foundry (24x34 feet) are well supplied with the necessary equipment. The wash and locker room contains 250 steel lockers. A general supply room (22 x 24 feet) is conveniently located for storing small supplies. One room is fitted up as a model farm shop and is used in the train- ing of teachers for rural communities in accordance with the Smith-Hughes requirements.

Fairchild Hall, Erected, 1894; enlarged, 1903; remodeled, 1927; cost, $91,750; dimensions, 100x140 feet; two stories, basement, and attic. Occupied by offices, classrooms, and laboratories of the Departments of Entomology, Zoology, and History and Government. The museums of natural history also are housed here. For many years, till the fall of 1927, the major part of this building was occupied by the College library.

Farm Barn. Erected, 1913; cost, $25,000; dimensions, 80x160 feet; two stories and basement. Consists of three sections, arranged like the letter H, and a glazed tile silo of 200 tons capacity. The west wing contains nine box stalls and twenty-six single stalls, equipped with sanitary feed mangers and racks, and is designed especially for the housing of horses. The east wing con- tains twelve box stalls and thirty single stalls for the breeding cattle and the show herd. The central section has an office, feed rooms, a washing floor, and a basement containing the engine room. The loft, to which a driveway leads, has storage space for ten carloads of grain and 100 tons of hay and straw and contains the grinding apparatus. The barn is used by the Department of Animal Husbandry.

Farm Machinery Hall. Erected, 1873; cost, $11,250; dimensions, 46x95 feet; two stories. This was the first building erected on the present campus. It was originally designed as a College barn, and first used for that purpose. It has been used as a general College building, and successively by the Depart- ment of Botany and the Department of Veterinary Medicine. The first floor, a large hall, was used for many years as an armory by the Department of Military Science. The entire building is now used by the Department of Agicultural Engineering and contains modern types of farm machinery.

Heat, Power, and Service Building. Erected, 1928; cost, with plant equipment, $375,000; dimensions, 122x210 feet; three stories high. The building houses the Departments of Heat and Power, and. Building and Re- pair, and the offices of the custodian and superintendent of maintenance. The heat and power plant furnishes steam for the heating system and power and light for the entire campus. The plant has a rated boiler capacity of 1,900 horsepower and an engine capacity of 1,125 kilowatts. A complete system of underground tunnels connects the main buildings and through these tun- nels are carried the steam and electric energy to the different parts of the campus.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 61

Horticulture Barn. Erected, 1917; cost, $1,500; dimensions, 38x55 feet- Two stories, first story stone, second frame. This building is located one mile west of the College campus.

Horticulture Hall. Erected, 1907; cost, $50,000; dimensions, 72x116 feet; two stories and basement. This building is used by the departments of Botany and Plant Pathology, and Horticulture. Its classrooms, labora- tories, museums, and equipment are modern and ample.

Illustrations Hall. Erected, 1876; cost, $4,000; dimensions, 32x80 feet; one story and basement. At an early period used as a horticultural hall; later the headquarters for general College repairs; since the summer of 1919 used by the Department of Illustrations.

Infirmary. Erected, previous to 1871; rebuilt, 1919; dimensions, 34x34 feet; two stories. Originally a farm house, later used as dwelling by the pro- fessor of agriculture and more recently by the custodian; has served its pres- ent use since 1919. Contains separate wards for men and women, five rooms in each ward.

Kedzie Hall. Erected, 1897; cost, $16,000; dimensions, 70x84 feet; two stories and basement. Used from its erection till 1908 by the Departments of Domestic Science and Domestic Art. Basement occupied by the printing plant; first floor taken up by the Department of Industrial Journalism and Printing; second floor divided into general class rooms and offices used by the Department of English.

Library. Erected, 1926; cost, $250,000; three stories and basement. The floor plan is of "T" shape, with dimensions of 183x46 feet and 107x64 feet. Three large reading rooms are provided, each 176 x 40 feet, the class reserve reading room being in the basement, the periodical room on the first floor, and the main reading room on the second floor extending through the second and third stories. The remainder of the building is devoted to stack rooms, seminar rooms, offices, working quarters, and an exhibition gallery.

Maintenance Building. Erected, 1888; cost $5,000; dimensions, 30x30 feet; one story and basement. Used for years by Department of Horticulture and Entomology, later by the state dairy commissioner and assistants.

Memorial Stadium. West wing erected, 1922; east wing erected, 1924; cost of portions now completed, $260,000; cost of entire structure when com- pleted as planned, $400,000. The seating decks are constructed of reinforced concrete. The end walls and the- east wall are built of limestone; the south entrance and wall and the west wall will be of the same material. Capacity of the seating decks now standing, 15,000; capacity of the completed structure will be 22,500. The stadium is being built as a memorial to alumni, students, former students, and faculty of the College who participated in the World War. The cost is met entirely from funds raised by popular subscription.

Nichols Gymnasium. Erected, 1911; cost, $122,000; dimensions, 102x221 feet; three stories and basement. The building consists of a main section and two wings. The main section (85 x 141 feet) , consisting of two stories and a basement, is used as a men's gymnasium and armory, and contains a running track, sixteen laps to the mile. The east half of the basement of the main section contains a swimming pool, baths, rest rooms, etc., for women; the west half contains a swimming pool and baths for men. The east wing (40x102 feet) contains the women's gymnasium, classrooms and offices of the Depart- ment of Military Science, and several literary society halls. The west wing (40 x 102 feet) contains the offices of the director of athletics and physical education, a large locker room for men, several literary society halls, and the radio broadcasting studio. This building is constructed on the old armory- castle type and is modern in every respect.

President's Residence. Erected, 1924; cost, $31,000; three stories and basement; built from funds bequeathed by Mehitable Calef Copenhagen Wilson in memory of her husband, Davies Wilson.

62 Kansas State Agricultural College

Thompson Hall. Erected, 1921; cost, $125,000; dimensions, 138x60 feet and 38x24 feet; two stories and basement. Basement occupied by receiving and storage rooms for the cafeteria, dishwashing room, refrigeration machinery room, pipe room, locker rooms, and bakery. The first floor is devoted to the cafeteria, including kitchen, dining room, two offices, and lobbies. On the second floor are a tea room, with a main dining room, kitchen, three alcoves, receiving room, serving room, lobby and coat room, office, two classrooms, and the household-management laboratory.

Van Zile Hall. Erected, 1926; cost, $175,000; dimensions, 169x85 feet; three stories and basement. The building contains bedrooms, dining hall, kitchen facilities, and social quarters for 125 women students, besides rooms for guests, matron, and social director.

Veterinary Hall. Erected, 1908; cost, $70,000; dimensions, 133x155 feet; two stories and basement. Occupied by the laboratories, demonstration and dissecting rooms, classrooms, and offices of the Departments of Anatomy and Physiology, Bacteriology, Pathology, and Vaccine Laboratories, and by the offices of the dean of the Division of Veterinary Medicine.

Veterinary Hospital. Erected, 1923. Contract price, $118,000. The build- ing is of stone and of fireproof construction throughout, with general dimen- sions of 145 x 146 feet. It consists of a central portion and two wings, and is two stories and an attic in height, with a basement under one of the wings. The building is used exclusively for the teaching of the practical phases of veterinary medicine and surgery. It is equipped for housing sick animals of all species, such as horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, dogs, and cats. Its equipment includes an hydraulic elevator, large and small animal operating tables, cattle and horse stocks, dog kennels, operating rooms, laboratories for the diagnosis of animal diseases, etc. In addition there are well-equipped rooms for senior students in veterinary medicine, together with a reception room for visitors, and offices for members of the veterinary clinical teaching staff.

Waters Hall. East wing erected, 1912; west wing erected, 1923; cost of portions now completed, $500,000; cost of building when developed and com- pleted as planned, $1,000,000. Each of the wings now completed is 80 feet wide and 169 feet long and four stories high. An 80x50 foot one-story annex on the east wing serves as a meats laboratory, and a similar annex on the west wing serves as a creamery. A stock-judging pavilion (45x100 feet) is located between the two wings and is divided into two large stock-judging rooms, each having a seating capacity of 475. The two wings and the stock-judging pavilion are used by the Departments of Agricultural Economics, Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, Milling Industry, Poultry Husbandry, and the general offices of the Agricultural Experiment Station and of the Division of Agriculture. The equipment includes an electrically operated flour mill capable of manufacturing 75 barrels of flour a day, a modern cream- ery, a well-equipped meats laboratory, and modern laboratories for instruc- tional and investigative work in seed testing, market milk, soils, field crops, farm organization, grain grading, etc.

In addition to the substantial stone buildings mentioned above, the College has a number of other buildings, among them the following:

Auto Mechanics Laboratories. Erected, 1918; moved to the present loca- tion in 1927; dimensions, 30x75 feet; two stories high. This building is part of the structure erected for the S. A. T. C. as mess hall (barracks No. 5). The building is occupied by the repair and ignition sections of the auto mechanics laboratories.

Experiment Station Building. Erected, 1918; dimensions, 40x176 feet; two stories. Built as barracks No. 4 for the S. A. T. C, now used by the Agricultural Experiment Station.

General-purpose Building. Erected, 1918; dimensions, 40x80 feet; two stories. Built as barracks No. 6 for the S. A. T. C. This building is used by

Sixty -seventh Annual Catalogue 63

the Department of Electrical Engineering and as a hospital for patients with contagious diseases.

Greenhouse. Erected, 1909; cost, $7,000; dimensions, 114x150 feet. Con- tains six sections used by the various departments as follows: Horticulture, three; Botany, one; Agronomy, one; Entomology and Zoology, one.

New Greenhouse. Erected, 1926; cost, $10,000; dimensions, 29x100; occupied by the Departments of Agronomy and Botany.

Plant Museum. Erected, 1907; cost, $2,500; dimensions, 20x100 feet. Used by the Department of Horticulture. Contains a large number of rare growing plants, including many subtropical species.

Serum Barn. Erected, 1914; cost, $3,000; dimensions, 92x96 feet; con- tains 30 pens, each 8x12 feet, and two feed rooms of the same dimensions. This is a frame and cement building situated three-quarters of a mile north of the College campus.

Serum Plant. Erected, 1914; cost, $7,000; constructed of brick; dimen- sions, 20x60 feet; two stories.

Sheep Barn. Erected, 1927; cost, $10,000; dimensions: main structure, 43x51 feet, and wings, 32x90 feet. Situated north of the main campus.

Traction Engine Laboratories. Erected, 1918. These are two frame build- ings on concrete foundations, built originally as barracks Nos. 2 and 3 for the S. A. T. C.

Pump House. The waterworks pump house contains electric motor-driven pumps of an aggregate capacity of 600 gallons per minute. Cast-iron water mains distribute this over the campus, and a steel tank of 110,000 gallons capacity supported on a steel tower provides a reserve supply.

64 Kansas State Agricultural College

The College Library

The general College Library consists of all books belonging to the College, including the library of the Agricultural Experiment Station, which is incor- porated with it. On June 30, 1929, the Library contained 88,800 bound vol- umes, besides much unbound material. It receives currently about 1,200 serial publications. As a depository the Library receives the documents and other publications of the United States government. The books are classified according to the Dewey system and are indexed in a dictionary card catalogue.

The Library is primarily for free reference use, but the privilege of drawing books is accorded to all those connected with the College as registered stu- dents or as members of the faculty. Books not specially reserved may be drawn for home use for two weeks. All books are subject to recall at any time.

General reference books, books reserved for classes, general periodicals, and certain other groups of books are to be consulted only in the reading rooms. They may not be loaned from the Library except when the reading rooms are closed. They must then be returned to the Library by the time it next re- opens. Any violation of the regulations of the Library subjects the offender to a fine, or to a withdrawal of library privileges, or to both, according to the gravity of the offense. More serious offenses, such as mutilation or theft of books or periodicals, are considered just causes for suspension or expulsion of the offender, who is also required to make good the loss incurred.

Reading Rooms. Three reading rooms are maintained in connection with the Library: The general reference room, containing encyclopedias, diction- aries, atlases, bibliographies, and general reference books; the special reference room, containing books reserved for classes; and the periodical room, con- taining current magazines and the important daily and weekly Kansas news- papers. These rooms are freely open to the student and to the public for pur- poses of reading and study.

Divisional Libraries. Divisional and departmental collections are deposited in certain College buildings apart from the main Library. These collections are for the special convenience of the instructors and students of the depart- ments concerned. They are under the direction of the librarian and are ac- cessible to all students at regular hours.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 65

Student Health Service

The Department of Student Health was established in order to maintain good health among the students of the College. Two doctors give their entire time and three doctors devote part time to this service. The services of the College physicians are free, but the student may employ, at his own expense, any physician he may desire. Four nurses are employed on full time and the matron of the hospital also devotes all her time to student health needs.

The offices of the department are in Anderson Hall and are open to students each school day from 7:45 a. m. to 5 p. m. It is expected that students who have need of medical services and are able to walk will go to the office, unless there is a possibility that they have a contagious disease. Those who are unable to walk to the physician's office, or who have reason to believe that they have some contagion, should go to the hospital at once.

The College hospital is ready to receive students any hour of the day or night. Free hospital service is given for three days in each case of acute sick- ness except smallpox. After that period a charge of one dollar a day is made. Smallpox cases are not handled at the hospital except in cases where the dis- ease has been contracted after proper vaccination against it. Patients are ad- mitted to the hospital only on recommendation of the head of the College medical corps. Hospital service does not include major surgical cases, such as appendicitis, hernia, etc. If such a case develops while the student is in the hospital, he will be transferred, at his own expense, to a hospital of his choice. Treatment of chronic cases by the College physicians cannot be guaranteed. However, when practicable, treatment of such cases may be undertaken on the same basis as acute cases. Fractures and dislocations of a serious nature are not treated, but minor cases may be treated at the option of the head physician. Students with fractures are admitted to the hospital.

Standard hospital nursing service is furnished free, but the student may employ, at his own expense, a private nurse at any time he desires to do so. A private nurse must obey the same rules that the College nurses are expected to follow. No ambulance service is maintained by the College, as in prac- tically all cases of beginning sickness patients are able to ride to the hospital in an ordinary conveyance.

In order to help control contagious diseases, a student absent from classes because of illness must, before he returns to his classes, secure from the College physician a return card showing him to be free from all such diseases.

Students have the privilege of consulting any of the College physicians at any time on any question of personal hygiene of whatsoever nature.

The health office observes the same vacations and holidays as the rest of the College. Students admitted to the hospital or remaining in the hospital at a time for which the sick-benefit fee has not been paid or during Christmas holidays, will be charged the actual cost of service.

The department owns equipment valued at $9,413.

The student health service is maintained by the sick-benefit fee fund. For data concerning this fee see the section on expenses, under General Infor- mation.


66 Kansas State Agricultural College

Requirements for Admission

The entrance requirements of the College are made broad and flexible, only fundamental subjects being definitely required. Those requirements are made upon the supposition that high schools are local institutions in which the courses should be adapted to the needs of the individual localities, and that College entrance requirements should be such as to take the output of the high schools, rather than to determine the nature of the work offered in them.

Any person who has completed a four-year course of study in any high school or academy accredited by the State Board of Education will be admit- ted to the freshman class. The student should have sent in advance a certif- icate showing his high-school credits.

In order to carry the several curricula successfully the following subjects must have been completed:

Curricula Units of fixed entrance requirements

Agriculture (4 years) English, 3 ; science, 1 ; algebra, 1 ;

geometry, 1

Agricultural Administration (4 years) Same as for Agriculture

Agricultural Engineering (4 years) Same as for Architecture

Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

(6 years) Same as for Agriculture

Architecture (4 years) English, 3; science, 1; albegra, iy2

geometry, 1 %

Architectural Engineering (4 years) Same as for Architecture

Chemical Engineering (4 years Same as for Architecture

Civil Engineering (4 years) Same as for Architecture

Commerce (4 years) Same as for General Science

Electrical Engineering (4 years) Same as for Architecture

Flour-mill Engineering (4 years) Same as for Architecture

General Science (4 years) English, 3 ; science, 1 ; algebra, 1 V2 ]

geometry, 1 General Science and Veterinary Medicine

(6 years) Same as for General Science

Home Economics (4 years) English, 3 ; science, 1 ; algebra, 1 ;

geometry, 1 Home Economics, with stress upon Art

(4 years) Same as for Home Economics

Home Economics and Nursing (5 years) Same as for Home Economics

Industrial Chemistry (4 years) Same as for Architecture.

Industrial Journalism (4 years) Same as for Agriculture

Landscape Architecture (4 years) Same as for Architecture

Landscape Gardening (4 years) Same as for Agriculture

Mechanical Engineering (4 years) Same as for Architecture

Physical Education for Men (4 years) Same as for Agriculture

Physical Education for Women (4 years) Same as for Agriculture

Piano (4 years) English, 3 ; science, 1 ; algebra, 1 ;

geometry, 1

Public-school Music (4 years) Same as for Piano

Public-school Band and Orchestra (4 years)... Same as for Piano

Veterinary Medicine (4 years) Same as for Agriculture

Violin (4 years) Same as for Piano

Voice (4 years) Same as for Piano

These curricula were formulated on the assumption that the high-school subjects named will be offered for admission. Those graduates of accredited high schools who in accordance with a state law are admitted as ireshmen without all of the high-school subjects that are prerequisite to carrying the curricula chosen will be assigned to the necessary subjects and allowed College credit toward graduation in them, as follows: Algebra III, two semester hours, and Solid Geometry, two semester hours. No other subjects are taught in classes at the College with a view to providing the high-school work necessary for successfully carrying certain curricula. Students without high-school credit in one unit of Algebra and one unit of Geometry are not permitted to register for an engineering curriculum, the curriculum in general science, or the curricu- lum in commerce. High-school subjects may be taken by correspondence in the department of home study.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue


Persons who are not graduates of accredited high schools or academies will be admitted to the freshman class if they have completed fifteen acceptable units of high-school work, including the fixed requirements. (A unit is defined to be the work in an accredited high school or academy in five recitation periods a week for one school year.) One who offers fourteen such units will be admitted as a freshman, but will be conditioned in one unit. Such de- ficiency (whether fixed or optional requirement) must be made up the first year that the student is in attendance. If the optional requirement is not made up within that time College credits are taken in its place.

Subjects acceptable for entrance, arranged in eight groups, together with the number of units that may be offered, are shown as follows :

GROUP I English Three or four units







Natural Sciences


History and Social Sciences


Normal Training Subjects


Industrial Subjects


Commercial Subjects

. Latin, one, two, three, or four units Greek, one, two, three, or four units German, one, two, three, or four units French, one, two, three, or four units Spanish, one, two, three, or four units

. Elementary algebra, one or one and one-half units Plane geometry, one unit Solid geometry, one-half unit Plane trigonometry, one-half unit Advanced algebra, one-half unit

. Physical geography, one-half or one unit *Physics, one unit *Chemistry, one unit *Botany, one-half or one unit *Zoology, one-half or one unit *PhysioIogy, one-half or one unit *General biology, one-half or one unit *General Science, one-half or one unit

. Greek and Roman history, one unit Medieval and modern history, one unit English history, one unit American history, one unit Economics, one-half or one unit Sociology, one-half unit Civics, one-half or one unit Constitution, one -half unit

. Psychology, one-half unit Methods and management, one-half unit Higher arithmetic, one-half unit Reviews

Grammar, geography, and reading, twelve "1

weeks each, or > one unit

Two of these, eighteen weeks each J

*Music, one unit

.*Agriculture, one-half, one, two, three, or four units *Drawing, one-half or one unit *Woodwork, one-half, one, or two units *Forging, one-half or one unit *Printing, one-half, one, or two units *Domestic science, one-half, one, or two units *Domestic art, one-half, one, or two units

. Commercial law, one-half unit

Commercial geography, one-half unit

Bookkeeping, one -half or one unit *Stenography and typewriting, one-half or one unit each


All entrance deficiencies must be made up before the beginning of the sophomore year. Entrance requirements in Elementary Algebra (one unit) and Plane Geometry (one unit) may be made up by correspondence; Ad- vanced Algebra and Solid Geometry may be taken for college credit in classes provided by the College.

No student who fails or is conditioned or found deficient in any subject, or

* In courses consisting of laboratory work wholly or in part, two periods of laboratory work are to be considered the equivalent of one recitation period.

68 Kansas State Agricultural College.

whose average grade in all subjects falls below B in any semester, is allowed to carry extra work during the succeeding semester.

No student is considered a candidate for graduation in the spring who is deficient more than nine semester hours in addition to his regular assignment at the beginning of the first semester.


At the discretion of the president, students who present certificates showing credits for college work done in other acceptable institutions are allowed hour- for-hour credit on courses in this College in so far as they may be directly applied or can be accepted as substitutes or electives. Candidates must present to the Committee on Advanced Credit their high-school and college credits certified to by the proper authorities. It is requested, also, that a col- lege catalogue covering the period of attendance be furnished with college credentials. In cases 'in which it is impossible for one to furnish an acceptable certificate concerning work upon which advanced credit is asked, examinations are given, if the subject has been studied under competent instruction.

It is strongly urged that persons entering with advanced credit send to the registrar, at least two or three weeks in advance of entrance, certified tran- scripts of their work at other colleges. Transcripts received after September 1, 1930, cannot be acted upon completely before the opening days of College.

Advanced credit in certain subjects of freshman rank may be secured by examination on account of surplus high-school units over and above the fifteen acceptable units required for admission. The registrar, on request, will furnish a statement of such surplus units to the Committee on Advanced Credit and that committee will conduct the examination within the first thirty days of the semester. Examinations, however, which affect the assignment of the first semester will be given the first Saturday of the first semester. After the ex- piration of the thirty-day period such examinations are authorized by the student's dean.

If the work of the student shows that advanced credits have been wrongly allowed, such credits will be revoked.


Admission by Examination. Examinations for admission will be held at the College on Monday, September 8, 1930; Monday, January 26, 1931; and Saturday, May 29, 1931. These examinations are given for the benefit of those students who need some additional high-school credits to qualify them for entrance to the freshman class. Applications for these examinations should be made in advance to the registrar.

Admission by Certificate. The applicant is required to submit to the Committee on Admission a certificate of the high-school or academy credit properly certified to by the authorities of the institution in which the work was done. Blanks will be furnished by the College for this purpose.

It is greatly to the advantage of the prospective student to see to it that this blank, properly filled out and indicating the curriculum he wishes to take here, be sent to the College as soon as possible after graduation. A permit to register will then be sent him by the registrar before the first of September. This permit cannot be sent unless the prospective student sees that the infor- mation as to curriculum is sent to the registrar. This will greatly facilitate the work of entrance. The student will present this permit at the registration room in Nichols Gymnasium, and will not be compelled to wait for his turn to meet the Committee on Admission. High-school transcripts received after September 1, 1930, cannot be acted upon before the opening days of College.


A considerable amount of extra work and a great deal of confusion is caused by the neglect of students to enroll at the time set for that purpose, and a fee of $5 will be charged those who are assigned after the time fixed for the close of registration.

Sixty -seventh Annual Catalogue



In recognition of the fact that experience and maturity tend to compensate, in a measure at least, for lack of scholastic attainment, the College admits as special students those who are twenty-one years of age or older, without re- quiring them to meet the regular entrance requirements, provided (1) they show good reason for not taking a regular course; (2) they be assigned only to such work as they are qualified to carry successfully; (3) they do superior work in the subjects assigned. The age limit is not applied to special students of music.

A special student is assigned by the dean of the division in which occurs the major subjects to be pursued.

Special students are subject to all the general regulations and require- ments of regular students, such as assignments to physical education and mili- tary training.


(Candidates admitted without examination)

Burdett Burdick

Diamond Valley H. S. Burlingame Burlington Burns Burr Oak Burrton Bushong Bushton Byers Caldwell Cambridge Caneiro Caney Canton Carbondale Cassoday Castleton Cawker City Cedar

Cedar Point Cedarvale Centerview Centralia Chanute Chapman

Dickinson Co. Com. Chase

Chautauqua Cheney Cherokee

Crawford Co. Com. Cherryvale Chetopa Cimarron Circleville Claflin Clay Center Clayton Clearwater Cleburne Clements Clifton Climax Clyde Coats Cockerill

Mulberry P. O. Codell Coffeyville Colby Coldwater Collyer
















Baxter Springs










Windthorst H. S.

Labette Co. Com.

Belle Plaine

Alta Vista







Beloit H. S.


St. John's H. S.





Anthony, H.



Spring Twp.




St. John P. 0.




Pomona P. 0.






Arkansas City

Bird City








Blue Mound


Blue Rapids


Bluff City



Atchison H. S.

Bonner Springs

St. Benedict's




Brewster H. S.

Mt. St. Scholastica

Brownville Con. H.






Glen Elder P.






Brewster P. 0.






Bucyrus H. S.


Wea H. S.





Axtell H. S.


St. Michael's

H. S.



Kansas State Agricultural College

Colony Columbus

Cherokee Co. Com. Concordia

Concordia H. S.

Nazareth H. S. Conway Springs Coolidge Copeland Corning

Cottonwood Falls Chase Co. Com. Council Grove Courtland Covert Coyville Cuba Cullison Culver Cunningham Deerfield Delavan Delia Delphos Denison Dennis Densmore Denton Derby De Soto Dexter Dighton

Lane Co. Com. Dodge City

Dodge City H. S. St. Marys of the Plains Academy Doniphan Dorrance Douglass Dover Downs Dresden











Atchison Co. Com.

El Dorado


Elk City

Elk Falls




















Fall River



Florence Fontana

Osage Twp. Ford Formoso Fort Scott Fostoria Fowler Frankfort Franklin Fredonia Frontenac Fulton Galena Galesburg Galva

Garden City Garden Plain Gardner Garfield Garnett Garrison Gaylord Gem Geneseo Geneva Geuda Springs Girard Glasco Glendale

Brookville P. O. Glen Elder Goddard Goessel Goff Goodland

Sherman Co. Com. Gorham

Gorham H. S. St. Mary's H. S. Gove Grainfield Great Bend

Great Bend H. S. Immaculate Conception Greeley Green Greenleaf Greensburg Grenola Gridley Grinnell Gypsum Haddam Halstead Hamilton Hamlin Hanover Hanston Hardtner Harlan Harper Hartford. Harveyville Havana Haven Havensville Haviland

Haviland R. H. S. Friends' Academy Hays

Hays H. S. Girls Catholic H. S. Catholic College Academy Hazelton Healy Hepler Herington Herndon


Hesston College Academy Hiawatha Highland Highland Park

Topeka P. O. Hill City Hillsboro

Hillsboro H. S. Tabor College Academy Hoisington Holcomb Hollenberg Holton Holyrood Hope Horton

Horton H. S. St. Leo's H. S. Howard Hoxie

Sheridan Co. Com. Hoyt Hudson Hugoton

Stevens Co. Com. Humboldt Hunter Hutchinson

Hutchinson H. S. Bressee College Academy St. Teresa Academy Independence Ingalls Inman Iola Ionia Irving Isabel Jamestown Jarbalo Jennings Jetmore Jewell City Johnson

Stanton Co. Com. Junction City

Junction City H. S. St. Xavier's H. S. Kackley Kanopolis Kanorado Kansas City Argentine H. S. Catholic H. S. K. C. Univ. Academy Pembroke School Rosedale

State School for Blind Sumner H. S. Welborn H. S. Western Univ. Academy Wyandotte H. S. Keats Kensington Kincaid Kingman Kingsdown Kinsley Kiowa Kipp Kirwin Kismet La Crosse La Cygne Lafontaine La Harpe Lake City Lakin Lane

Sixty -seventh Annual Catalogue





Larned H. S.

Zook H. S. Latham Lawrence

Haskell Institute

Liberty Memorial H. S.

Oread Training School Leavenworth

Immaculate Conception

Leavenworth H. S.

St. Mary's Academy Lebanon Lebo

Lecompton Lehigh Lenora Leon Leona

Leonardville Leoti

Wichita Co. Com. Leoville Le Roy Levant Lewis Liberal Lillis Lincoln Lincolnville Lindsborg Linn Linwood Little River Logan Lone Elm Longford Long Island Longton Lorraine Lost Springs Louisburg Louisville Lovewell

Sinclair R. H. S. Lucas Luray Lyndon Lyons McCracken McCune McDonald McLouth McPherson

McPherson H. S.

Central College Academy Macksville Madison Mahaska Maize Manhattan

Manhattan H. S.

Sacred Heart Academy Mankato Manter Maplehill Marion Marquette Marysville Matfield Green Mayetta Meade

Medicine Lodge Melvern Menlo Meridan


Shawnee Mission H. S. Michigan Valley Midian Milan Mildred Mil ford Miller Milton Miltonvale

Miltonvale R. H. S.

Miltonvale Wesleyan Academy Minneapolis Minneola Moline Montezuma Montrose Monument Moran Morehead Morganville Morland Morrill Morrowville Moscow Mound City Moundridge Mound Valley Mount Hope Mulberry Mullinville Mulvane Munden Muscotah Narka Nashville Natoma Neal

Neodesha Neosho Falls Neosho Rapids Ness City Netawaka Newton Nickerson

Reno Co. Com. Norcatur Northbranch

Northbranch Academy North Topeka

Seaman R. H. S. Norton Nortonville Norway Norwich Oakley Oberlin

Decatur Co. Com. Offerle Oketo Olathe Olivet Olpe

St. Joseph's H. S. Olsburg Onaga Oneida Osage City Osawatomie Osborne Oskaloosa Oswego Otis Ottawa Overbrook Oxford Ozawkie

Page City



Paola H. S.

Ursuline Academy Paradise Park Parker Parkerville Parsons Partridge Pawnee Rock Paxico Peabody Penalosa Perry Peru

Phillipsburg Piedmont Pierceville Piper Pittsburg

Pittsburg H. S.

K. S. T. C. H. S. Plains Plainville Pleasanton Plevna Pomona Portis Potter Potwin Powhattan Prairie View Pratt Prescott Pretty Prairie Preston Princeton Protection Quenemo Quincy Quinter Radium Ramona Randall Randolph Ransom Rantoul Raymond Reading Reece Republic Reserve Rexford Richfield Richmond Riley Riverton Robinson Rock Creek Rolla Rosalia Rosedale Rose Hill Rossville Roxbury Rozel Russell

Russell Springs Sabetha Saffordsville

Toledo Twp. H. S. St. Francis

St. Francis Com. St. Francis H. S.

St. Paul P. O. St. George


Kansas State Agricultural College,

St. John

St. John H. S.

Antrim R. H. S. St. Marys

St. Mary's H. S.

St. Mary's College Academy

Immaculate Conception H. S. St. Paul

fit. Paul H. S.

St. Francis H. S. Salina

Salina H. S.

Sacred Heart H. S.

Marymount Academy Satanta Savonburg Sawyer Scandia Schoenchen Scott City Scottsville Scranton Seaman

North Topeka P. O. Sedan Sedgwick Selden Seneca

Seneca H. S.

Sts. Peter and Paul H. S. Severance Severy

Shallow Water Sharon

Sharon Springs Shawnee Mission

Merriam P. O. Silver Lake Simpson Smith Center Smolan Soldier Solomon South Haven Sparks Spearville Speed Spivey Spring Hill Spring Twp.

Anthony P. O. Stafford Stanley Stark






Strong City



Sun City

Sylvan Grove










Utopia P. O. Topeka

Topeka H. S.

Catholic H. S.

Highland Park H. S.

Kansas Vocational School

Seaman R. H. S.

Washburn R. H. S. Toronto Towanda Tribune

Greeley Co. Com. Trousdale Troy Turner Turon Tyro Udall Ulysses

Grant Co. Com. Uniontown Utica

Valley Center Valley Falls Vermillion Vernon Vesper Victoria

St. Fidelis H. S. Vilas Vinland Viola Virgil Wakeeney

Trego Co. Com. Wakefield Waldo





Washburn R. H. S.

Topeka P. O. Washington Waterville Wathena Waverly Wayside Wea

Bucyrus P. O. Webber Webster Weir Welborn

Kansas City P. O. Welda Wellington Wellsville Weskan West Mineral Westmoreland Westphalia Wetmore Wheaton White City White Cloud Whitewater Whiting Wichita

Wichita H. S.

American Indian Institute

Cathedral H. S.

Mt. Carmel Academy

St. Johns Academy Wilburton Williamsburg Willis Wilmore Wilsey Wilson Winchester Windom Winfield Winona Woodbine Woodruff Woodston Yates Center Zenda Zook

Larned P. O.


Every junior college student who expects to complete his education at this College is urged to model his course in junior college in such a way as to meet all of the requirements for the particular curriculum which he expects to pur- sue here. Different curricula have different prerequisites; but admission to advanced standing in the College is reasonably flexible, hour-for-hour credit being given for two years' work wherever the work done in an accredited junior college can be directly applied or can be accepted as substitutions or electives in the curriculum chosen. If the work done in junior college has been carefully selected with regard to the curriculum to be pursued here, the average junior college graduate carrying the maximum assignment can usually complete the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in two addi- tional years.

Detailed statements as to the requirements for graduation in each of the sev- eral curricula at the College may be found in other sections of this catalogue.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 73

Kansas Junior Colleges in Fully Accredited Relations with

the College


Arkansas City Junior College, Arkansas City Coffeyville Junior College, Coffeyville El Dorado Junior College, El Dorado Fort Scott Junior College, Fort Scott Garden City Junior College, Garden City Hutchinson Junior College, Hutchinson Independence Junior College, Independence lola Junior College, Iola Kansas City Junior College, Kansas City Parsons Junior College, Parsons


Central Academy and College, McPherson. Hesston College, Hesston Highland Junior College, Highland Kansas City University, Kansas City, Kan. Mt. Saint Scholastica, Atchison College of Paola, Paola St. Marys Junior College, Leavenworth Tabor College, Hillsboro

74 Kansas State Agricultural College.

Undergraduate Degrees and Certificates

For graduation, one must complete one of the four-year curricula as shown elsewhere. These are believed to provide for the necessities of most students who seek an institution of this kind, and departures from the specified work are not encouraged. Under special conditions, however, such College substi- tutions are allowed as the interests of the student demand. The total require- ment, including military science or physical training, is about 124 to 142 hours, or semester credits, according to the curriculum taken. (A semester credit is one hour of recitation or lecture work, or three hours of laboratory a week, for one semester of eighteen weeks.) A student, to be considered as a candi- date for graduation, must have done his last year's work in residence. Not less than 20 semester hours of undergraduate work are to be taken here while this residence requirement is being fulfilled. Not to exceed 16 semester hours of a student's last year's residence work may be taken for graduate credit, pro- vided that all undergraduate requirements will have been satisfied by the close of the second semester of the year of graduation. In special cases candidates will be considered who have done three full years of work here and have done their last year of work in an institution approved by the faculty.

Candidates desiring to be graduated must make application to the registrar at least 30 days before the date that graduation is expected. The responsibility rests with a candidate to see that he has complied with all of the requirements.

Candidates for graduation or for advanced degrees are required to be present in person, unless arrangements have been made in advance for the conferring of the degree in absentia. Application for this privilege should be made to the student's dean. Candidates for graduation are required to be present at the exercises of baccalaureate Sunday, unless excused by the council of deans.


The following degrees are conferred on completion of four-year curricula:

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Agriculture, Agricultural Administra- tion, Landscape Gardening)

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Architecture

Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Flour-mill Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Home Economics (Home Economics, Home Economics and Art)

Bachelor of Science in Commerce

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Journalism

Bachelor of Science in Physical Education

Bachelor of Music

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

The degree Bachelor of Science in Home Economics is conferred upon those who complete the five-year curriculum in Home Economics and Nursing.

Upon those who have completed the six-year curriculum in Animal Hus- bandry and Veterinary Medicine or the six-year curriculum in General Science and Veterinary Medicine the degree, Bachelor of Science, is conferred when the first four years are completed and the degree, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, is conferred upon completion of the remaining two years of the curriculum.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 75


An appropriate certificate is granted upon completion of any one of the following :

1. The farmers' short course

2. Any one of the dairy-manufacturing short courses

3. An}' one of the one-year or two-year courses in trades related to engineering

76 Kansas State Agricultural College

Graduate Study

James Edward Ackert, Chairman of Graduate Council


The administration of the graduate courses is vested in the Graduate Council. This body consists of seven members, selected from the following divisions of the College: Agriculture; Engineering; General Science; Home Economics; and Veterinary Medicine. The members of the Graduate Council are appointed and its chairman designated by the President.

The graduate faculty consists of the President of the College, the deans of the academic divisions, and the staff members recommended by the depart- ment heads and approved by the Graduate Council as qualified to give grad- uate instruction. Its chairman is the President of the College; and its sec- retary, the secretary of the Graduate Council. The graduate faculty offers all graduate courses, and at the call of the chairman holds meetings for the con- sideration and adoption of general rules of procedure in the administration of the graduate work.

The Graduate Council determines, subject to the authority of the Presi- dent of the College and the State Board of Regents and in accordance with any general regulations adopted by the graduate faculty, matters of curriculum, admission to graduate study and to candidacy to advanced degree, and other matters which relate to the proper administration and development of grad- uate work in the College.


Admission to graduate courses is granted to graduates of institutions whose requirements for the bachelor's degree are substantially equivalent to those of the Kansas State Agricultural College. Admission to the graduate courses, however, may not be construed to imply admission to candidacy for an ad- vanced degree. Such candidacy is determined by the Graduate Council upon the recommendation of the major instructor after the student has demon- strated by his work for a period of two months or longer that he has the abil- ity to do major work of graduate grade.

Application blanks for admission to graduate courses may be secured from the chairman of the Graduate Council. Every applicant for admission must submit with his application an official transcript of his college record.


Students applying for graduate work should present themselves to the chair- man of the Graduate Council at Nichols Gymnasium during the regular regis- tration days (see College calendar), and at other times at his office, room 27, Fairchild Hall.

Students who have been admitted to the graduate courses are required to register with the College registrar and be assigned by the chairman of the Graduate Council, at the beginning of each semester, unless special permission for later registration has been granted by the chairman of the Graduate Council. Credit toward the fulfillment of the residence requirements dates from the time of registration and not from the beginning of the semester when the student enters.


Of the advanced academic degrees, the Master of Science degree is con- ferred. The following professional degrees are conferred. Agricultural Engi- neer, Architect, Architectural Engineer or Landscape Architect, Chemical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Flour Mill Engineer and Me- chanical Engineer.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 77


Tuition. There is no charge for tuition.

Matriculation Fee. A matriculation fee of $10 for residents of Kansas, or $15 for nonresidents, is charged all students in College curricula. Thi3 fee is not charged Summer School students, short-course students, or students in trade courses, but is payable by special students in the College.

Incidental Fee. An incidental fee of $25 a semester or $20 a summer term is charged residents of Kansas; nonresidents pay $37 a semester or $25 a sum- mer term. The incidental fee for the second summer term is $10. The inci- dental fee for members of the College faculty, including graduate assistants and graduate research assistants, is prorated.

Student-health Fee. Graduate students are excused from payment of the student-health fee.

Student- activity Fee. The student-activity fee is not assessed graduate students, but they are allowed the privilege of participating in the activity fee plan.

Laboratory Fees. Laboratory fees, ranging from 50 cents to $10 a semester, are charged graduate students in the various subjects.

Late Assignment Fee. For assignment after the close of the regular registration period the student is charged $5. There is no exception to this rule.

Commencement Fee. On graduation students pay a commencement fee of $10 to cover the cost of the diploma and other commencement expenses.

Payment of Fees. The matriculation fee is paid upon admission to the College. The incidental fee and laboratory fees are payable at the beginning of each semester.

Rooms. Rooms are not furnished by the College. They are readily ob- tained in the city at a cost of from $10 to $15 a month for a room suitable for two occupants. Less desirable quarters and less desirable locations may be obtained at a lower rate. There are great differences in the accommodations offered. Those for which the higher prices are charged are modern in all respects, and light, heat, and bath are included in the cost stated.

Board. The cost of board depends largely upon individual requirements. In clubs and private boarding houses the cost is usually from $5 to $7 a week. Students may board themselves at a smaller money outlay. The College operates a first-class cafeteria, where all meals may be obtained, except on Sundays, at moderate prices. Food is furnished at cost and the expense to the student depends upon the care and judgment which he employs.

For additional information address, Chairman of the Graduate Council, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan.


Candidates for the degree of Master of Science (M.S.) are required to spend at least one collegiate year in residence, except under certain special con- ditions when the residence may be reduced to one and one-half semesters. The equivalent of thirty-two semester credits, including a thesis, must be satisfac- torily completed. Not more than sixteen credits, including thesis, may be se- cured in a single semester. Students holding graduate assistantships may not obtain more than twelve credits, including thesis, in one semester.

Grades. Graduate student's work is graded in eight classes: A, B, C, D, Con., Inc., F, and Wd. The degree will not be conferred on any student who does not receive an average grade of B or higher in three-fourths of the courses taken, including thesis. A failure or absence from examination in any course may prevent the conferring of the degree, and failure in any course in the major field precludes conferring the degree in the same year.

78 Kansas State Agricultural College.

Language Requirements. A reading knowledge of two modern languages is highly desirable.

Master's Thesis. Each candidate for a master's degree is required to pre- sent a thesis on some subject approved by the Graduate Council upon the recommendation of the instructor in charge of his major work.

The thesis ordinarily demands one-fourth of the student's time and may not exceed one-third of it. The thesis and special reports upon it must be prepared in accordance with specifications to be obtained from the office of the chairman of the Graduate Council. (See College calendar for dates.)

A candidate for the master's degree is subject to a rigid oral examination covering his major and minor subjects and thesis by a committee consisting of the dean of the division in which his major subject was taken, a member of the Graduate Council, and the instructors with whom he has taken his major and minor work.


In carrying graduate work, the student is expected to assume the initiative and the responsibility. It is important to recognize that graduate work does not consist in the fulfillment of routine requirements alone. The various courses as well as the assistance and advice of the instructors are to be re- garded simply as aids in acquiring the methods, discipline, and spirit of in- dependent research.

Each candidate for a degree is expected to have a wide knowledge of his subject and of related lines of work. This is usually obtained only by a wide range of private reading and study outside the immediate field covered by the formal courses to which he may be assigned.

The branch of knowledge to which the student expects to devote the larger part of his time is termed his major subject. The other fields of study selected, which will necessarily be more restricted in scope, are termed minor subjects. The latter should be chosen with reference to their direct bearing on the major subject.

Approximately two-thirds of the student's time is devoted to his major sub- ject and one-third to one or more minor subjects. The word subject is used to designate a recognized field of study, and is not defined by the limits of a department. The nature and distribution of the majors and minors are ap- proved by the Graduate Council, upon the recommendation of the major instructor.

The program of study suggested by the major instructor and approved by the Graduate Council is made the basis of the formal assignment to courses at the beginning of each semester and of the summer sessions.

It will be noted that in the announcements of the various departments of the College, certain courses are open to both graduate and undergraduate students. For graduate credit in such courses, the student must do extra work. No credit earned during the undergraduate course may be counted for graduate credit, unless registered, at the time taken, with the chairman of the Graduate Council as credits in excess of those required for the bachelor's degree.


Upon the recommendation of his major instructor a student not registered in the College may accumulate a limited number of graduate credits in prob- lem or research courses during the period between the close of the first summer school and the beginning of the next succeeding semester under the following provisions: (1) The approval of the Graduate Council must be secured. (2) The work must be done under the supervision of a member of the graduate faculty.

" The credit so earned will be included on the student's next regular assign- ment marked "vacation credit" and will be in addition to the regularly al- lowed number of credits assigned. Such credits will be forwarded to the regis- trar by the instructor as soon as the latter receives the class cards after the be- ginning of the next semester.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 79


Graduates on full-time employment may be enrolled for from one to six credit hours of research or problem work in absentia on a pro rata basis, on the recommendation of a member of the graduate faculty and of the Graduate Council.


In order to encourage graduates of this College and of similar institutions to continue their studies and to pursue advanced work leading to a master's degree, the College has established graduate assistantships in several depart- ments. These assistantships, which may be graduate assistantships or graduate research assistantships, demand approximately one-third of the time of the student for laboratory or research assistance along the line of his major work during the regular collegiate year. The remainder of his time is given to graduate study. No graduate assistant or graduate research assistant may re- ceive more than twelve graduate credits per semester nor satisfy the residence requirements in less than two semesters and one first summer school.

Graduate assistantships, paying a salary fixed each year by the State Board of Regents, have been established as follows:

Subject. Number.

Agricultural Economics 1

Agronomy 2

Animal Husbandry 2

Bacteriology 1

Botany and Plant Pathology 2

Chemistry 4

Child Welfare 1

Clothing and Textiles 1

Dairy Husbandry 1

Education 1

Food Economics and Nutrition 1

General Home Economics 1

Horticulture 1

Institutional Economics . . 2

Poultry Husbandry 1

Zoology 3

Graduate research assistantships as listed below usually are maintained in the departments named. Occupants of these positions assist in the conduct of regular research work of the institution.

Subject. Number.

Agronomy 1

Animal Husbandry 1

Applied Mechanics 2

Civil Engineering 1

Clothing and Textiles 1

Dairy Husbandry 2

Electrical Engineering 1

Food Economics and Nutrition 1

Household Economics 2

Institutional Economics 1

Mechanical Engineering 1

Poultry Husbandry 1

Zoology 3

By satisfactorily completing eight credits of graduate work in the first summer session, graduate assistants and graduate research assistants may meet the requirements for a master's degree within one calendar year.

Appointments for all assistantships are made annually in March, or soon thereafter, for the following year. Students desiring such appointments may obtain application blanks from the chairman of the Graduate Council.


The Manhattan branch of the American Association of University Women offers a graduate fellowship, a gift of $200 annually, to a woman who has a standard bachelor's degree. The candidate must have an undergraduate

80 Kansas State Agricultural College,

record equivalent to an average of B at Kansas State Agricultural College and give promise of ability to do research work. Work may be pursued in any department recognized by the Graduate Council.

Applications and transcripts of undergraduate work must be sent to the chairman of the A. A. U. W, Fellowship Committee on or before April first prior to the beginning of the academic year in which the scholarship is desired.


A senior who has completed so much of his work for the bachelor's degree that his program for the year is not full may, with the consent of his dean and of the Graduate Council, be assigned to one or more courses for graduate credit. In no case shall such combination of courses exceed the number of credit hours of a normal senior assignment for his curriculum.


Graduate students desiring to do a part or all of the work for the master's degree in the summer may complete the residence requirements, in certian lines only, by pursuing graduate work for four first summer sessions. Persons interested should correspond with the chairman of the Graduate Council in advance. In special cases it may be possible to complete the residence re- quirements for the master's degree in three first summer sessions.

A detailed statement concerning the graduate work in the Summer Schools may be obtained by applying to the dean of the Summer School, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan.



A graduate in engineering or in architecture from this College will be granted the professional degree of Mechanical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Chem- ical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Agricultural Engineer, Flour Mill Engineer, Architect, Architectural Engineer, or Landscape Architect, under the following conditions :

If he graduated in 1917 or later he must have been engaged in engineering or architectural practice for a period of three years or more; if he graduated previous to 1917 he must have been engaged in engineering or architectural practice for a period of five years or more.

The candidate must submit a statement of his experience and a thesis covering some phase of his practice. The thesis and experience must be ap- proved by the head of the department in which the degree is requested, by the dean of the Division of Engineering, and by the Graduate Council, before the granting of such a degree will be recommended to the College Faculty and to the State Board of Regents.

The candidate must declare his candidacy and file with the dean of the Di- vision of Engineering a detailed statement of his professional study and ex- perience, and an outline of his proposed thesis, not later than the November 15 next preceding the commencement at which the degree is to be conferred.

A preliminary copy of the completed thesis must be submitted for criticism not later than April 1, and the final copy in duplicate must be submitted not later than May 15.

The candidate for a professional degree shall present himself at the com- mencement exercises in order that the degree may be conferred.

He shall pay a diploma fee of $10 to the registrar not later than May 15.


The Graduate Club is an organization composed of graduate students and members of the graduate faculty. Its purpose is to promote sociability and wide acquaintance among its members.

Sixty -seventh Annual Catalogue 81

General Information


Good conduct is expected of all students. Aid and stimulus toward the de- velopment of good character is given by the Christian organizations of the College and the town and by the College itself. Every student is expected to render a good account of himself in the College community life. College dis- cipline is confined chiefly to sending away those whose conduct, after fair trial, makes their further attendance at the College unprofitable or inadvisable.

In order that a fine type of democratic sociability may be fostered among students and faculty, a large community recreation and rest center is provided in Anderson Hall, the administrative building. This center, one of the largest rooms on the campus, is furnished with divans, arm chairs, and writing tables in wicker and is neatly and beautifully decorated. During vacant hours and between classes, students and faculty gather here for rest and conversation. The room is available for student and faculty receptions and parties during the late afternoon and the evening hours.

Absences from class or laboratory must be accounted for to the instructor concerned. Permission for absence from College for one or more days must be secured in advance from the dean of the division in which the student is reg- istered. Students cannot honorably leave the College before the close of a semester except by previous arrangement with the deans concerned.

Opportunities for general scientific, literary, music, and forensic training are afforded, in addition to the College courses, by various societies and clubs, which are described elsewhere in the catalogue and afford excellent training in their diverse lines.

At various times during the year College halls are opened for social, literary, musical, and dramatic entertainments furnished by lecture courses, by the literary societies, by the Department of Music, by the Dramatic Club, by the Oratorical Association, and by other organizations of students and in- structors. Addresses by prominent speakers, men of affairs, and persons promi- nent in scientific, educational, and social work are of frequent occurrence.


Tuition. There is no charge for tuition. Class instruction in music is free, but fees are charged for individual instruction. (See Department of Music for statement of fees for music.)

Matriculation Fee. A matriculation or entrance fee of $10 for residents of Kansas, or $15 for nonresidents, is charged all students in College curricula. This fee is not charged summer school students, short course students, or students in trade courses, but is payable by special students in the College.

Incidental Fee. An incidental fee of $25 a semester or $20 a summer term is charged residents of Kansas; nonresidents pay $37 a semester or $25 a sum- mer term. Eight-week short-course students pay an incidental fee of $5; the incidental fee for the two-week short courses is $3. The incidental fee for the second summer term is $10.

Student-health Fee. Each undergraduate student in the College pays a student-health fee of $3 a semester or $1.50 a summer term. For students in the short courses, lasting eight weeks only, this fee is $1.50. Graduate students do not pay this fee, nor do they receive the benefits of the student-health service.

The student-health fee entitles the student to receive the services of the College physicians for any illness contracted while in College. It also includes the cost of medicine, and free hospital service up to three days. The fee does

82 Kansas State Agricultural College

not include the cost of surgical operations, reduction of fractures, or the treat- ment of chronic conditions.

As in the case of all other fees, the College reserves the right to change this fee or to modify the benefits given for it, without previous notice.

The College maintains on the campus a contagion hospital having separate wards for men and women. This hospital is in charge of a matron who resides continuously in the building and cares for the patients, under the direction of the College physician. Students, when suffering from or suspected of having any contagious disease, except smallpox, are admitted to the hospital on the recommendation of the College physician. The student's only expense for hospital service is a fixed charge of $1 a day, after three days of free service. The aim of the College in providing this hospital is to prevent contagious diseases among the students and, in case the student should contract such a disease, to make it unnecessary to quarantine a rooming house where there are many students.

Student- activity Fee. Each undergraduate student pays a student-activity fee of $5 a semester. This fee is imposed by the vote of the students them- selves, and at their request is collected by the College at the beginning of each semester along with the fees levied by the state. _ The fund is used to sup- port ten student activities, including athletics, intercollegiate debate, the Student Governing Association, intercollegiate judging contests, and the College Band. Payment of this fee admits the student to all athletic events, to all intercollegiate debates and oratorical contests, and to band concerts, and gives membership in the Student Governing Association. The mem- bers of the faculty, the employees of the College, and graduate students are allowed the privilege of participation in the activity-fee plan.

Recapitulation. To make plain to prospective students the amount of fees due at the opening of the College year in accordance with the statements of the above paragraphs, the following tabular statement is given:


Old students New students

Matriculation (paid only once) None. $10 . 00

Incidental (one semester) . $25.00 25 . 00

Student -health (one semester) 3 . 00 3 .00

Student-activity (one semester) 5.00 5.00

Totals $33.00 $43.00


Old students New students

Matriculation (paid only once) None. $15 . 00

Incidental (one semester) $37 .00 37 . 00

Student -health (one semester) 3 . 00 3 . 00

Student -activity (one semester) 5.00 5 . 00

Totals $45.00 $60.00


2 weeks 8 weeks

Incidental g-OO $5.00

Student-health None. 1 50

Totals $3.00 $6.50

Late Assignment Fee. For assignment after the close of the regular regis- tration period the student is charged $5. There is no exception to this rule.

Laboratory Expense. In all laboratories students are required to pay for supplies used and for apparatus broken or lost. The cost in the several sub- jects ranges from 50 cents to $10 a semester. These charges, effective Septem- ber 1, 1928, are noted under the descriptions of the several courses. In the special courses related to engineering, the laboratory charges are fixed at from $18 to $36 for the entire course.

Commencement Fee. On graduation students pay a commencement fee of $10 to cover the cost of the diploma and other commencement expenses.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 83

Payment of Fees. The matriculation fee is paid upon admission to the College. The incidental fee, the student-health fee, laboratory fees, and the student-activity fee are payable at the beginning of each semester.

Fees for Graduate Students. Fees to be paid by graduate students are listed fully in the section headed "Graduate Study."

Fee Receipts Are to be Saved. Receipts for fees must be shown to the as- signer at the beginning of each semester before a student is permitted to take out his assignment.

Refund of Fees. No refund is made on the matriculation fee. Certain refunds are made on other fees, as shown below, and no exceptions are made to these rules.

A student permitted to withdraw on or before the end of the first one- fourth of a semester or summer term may receive a refund of one-half the fees paid for that semester.

A student permitted to withdraw after remaining one-fourth and less than one-half semester or summer term may receive a refund of one-fourth the fees paid for that semester.

Refund is made on the unused portion of laboratory fees.

Refunds are given only on the presentation of the fee receipt for various fees paid. Refunds are authorized at the office of the registrar. Fee receipts must be preserved by the student.

A student dropping music before the end of a term or semester may receive a refund of fees paid corresponding to the remaining time of the first three- fourths of the term or semester; that is, the fees for at least the last one- fourth of a term or a semester are retained.

Textbooks. The cost of textbooks varies considerably from semester to se- mester and according to the curriculum pursued. The following tabulation shows the approximate cost of books required during the freshman year.

First Second

Curriculum semester semester

Agricultural Administration $18 .85 $7 . 60

Agricultural Engineering 20.35 7.60

Agriculture 18.85 7.60

Agriculture with Landscape Gardening 18.85 7 .60

Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine 18.85 7.60

Architectural Engineering 20.55 5.35

Architecture 29 . 45 5.35

Chemical Engineering 20.35 10 . 60

Civil Engineering 20 . 85 8.10

Commerce 12.25 2.90

Electrical Engineering 27 . 85 11 . 60

Flour Mill Engineering 20.35 8.60

General Science 18.50 2.90

General Science and Veterinary Medicine (six-year).... 21.85

Home Economics 14.20 6.75

Home Economics and Applied Art 8.80 8 . 00

Home Economics and Nursing 15.10 13.00

Industrial Chemistry 23.25 5.85

Industrial Journalism 12.45 .80

Landscape Architecture 23.00 5.10

Mechanical Engineering 22.35 8 . 60

Physical Education for Men 12.25 8.25

Physical Education for Women 11.50 3.50

Piano 8.50 2.05

Public-school Band and Orchestra 9 .00

Public School Music 11 . 55 1.75

Veterinary Medicine 19.85 3.00

Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry 18.85 7.60

Violin 10.50 2.05

Voice 10.50 2.05

Drawing Instruments. In several curricula, especially in architecture and engineering, drawing instruments are required. These range in price from $7.50 to $25 a set.

Gymnasium Suits. Each young woman taking physical training must have an approved gymnasium suit costing about $4.50. Complete gymnasium suits for young men cost about $5.

84 Kansas State Agricultural College

Military Uniform. Each student who takes military training must have a uniform. For the basic courses the uniform, except shoes, is furnished by the war department. For the advanced courses an allowance is made toward the cost of the uniform used.

Rooms. Rooms are not furnished by the College. They are readily ob- tained in the city at a cost of from $10 to $15 a month for a room suitable for two occupants. Less desirable quarters and less desirable locations may be obtained at a lower rate. There are great differences in the accommodations offered. Those for which the higher prices are charged are modern in all respects, and light, heat, and bath are included in the cost stated.

Board. The cost of board depends largely upon individual requirements. In clubs and private boarding houses the cost is usually from $5 to $7 a week. Students may board themselves at a smaller money outlay. The College operates a first-class cafeteria, where all meals may be obtained, except on Sundays, at moderate prices. Food is furnished at cost and the expense to the student depends upon the care and judgment which he employs.

Laundry. The expense for laundry may be estimated at 40 cents to 70 cents a week, depending upon individual requirements.


The Christian Associations of the Agricultural College keep on file the official list of boarding and rooming houses. All correspondence relative to boarding accommodations, in advance of the student's arrival in Manhattan, may be addressed to the secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association, to the secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association, or to the registrar of the College. Upon arrival in Manhattan, young men should go directly to the office of the Y. M. C. A. secretary in Anderson Hall on the College Campus. Young women upon arrival should go directly to the Y. W. C. A. offices in Calvin Hall on the campus. Taxi service may be had from either station.

For three days before the opening of the fall semester and for the first three days after the opening day, committees from these associations meet trains and assist in directing new students, either to the association offices or directly to proper boarding places. The associations make no charge for their services or for lists of all approved boarding places, and new students should depend absolutely upon the recommendations of the association com- mittees.

Van Zile Hall, a dormitory for women students, is located on the campus. It accommodates one hundred twenty-five women. It is a beautifully fur- nished, well-equipped, fire-proof building of stone. Applications for rooms are considered in the order in which they are received. To validate an applica- tion for residence in the Hall a deposit of $10 is required. This amount is credited on the first payment for room and board, or is refunded provided request is made to the dean of women by August 1. The contract for room and board in Van Zile Hall is for a full semester (eighteen weeks) and the ob- ligation is canceled only for reasons satisfactory to the dean of women. All correspondence in regard to the dormitory should be addressed to "Dean of Women, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan."


The courses of instruction are based upon the supposition that the student is here for study. Therefore a proper grasp of the subjects cannot be ob- tained by the average student unless the greater part of his time is given to College work. Students of limited means are encouraged and aided in every possible way, but unless exceptionally strong, both mentally and physically, such students are advised to take lighter work by extending their courses, in case they are obliged to give any considerable time to self-support. As a rule, a student should be prepared with means for at least a semester, as some time

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 85

is required in which to make acquaintances and to learn where suitable work may be obtained.

There are various lines in which students may find employment. The College itself employs labor to the extent of about $1,200 a month, at rates varying from 20 to 35 cents an hour, according to the nature of the employ- ment and the experience of the employee. Most of this labor is upon the College farm, in the orchards and gardens, in the shops and the printing office, for the janitor, etc. Various departments utilize student help to a considerable extent during the vacations. Students demonstrating exceptional efficiency, ability and trustworthiness obtain limited employment in special duties about the College. Many students secure employment in various lines in the town, and some opportunity exists for obtaining board in exchange for work, with families either in town or in the neighboring country.

Labor is universally respected in the College community, and the student who remains under the necessity of earning his way will find himself ab- solutely unhampered by discouraging social conditions. Indeed, over one- third of the students support themselves wholly, while a third support them- selves in part. False standards regarding physical work do not exist, and are not tolerated by the board of instruction or by the student body as a whole. Absolutely democratic standards prevail at the College, and students are judged on the basis of their personal worth and efficiency alone.

Students are assisted to obtain employment by means of the employment bureaus maintained by the Young Men's Christian Association and by the Young Women's Christian Association of the College, with the secretaries of which organizations correspondence is encouraged.


The Alumni Loan Fund. The Alumni Association of the Kansas State Agricultural College has created a loan fund, chiefly by means of payments by which the alumnus is relieved from further regular dues in the association. Members are due to pay the association $3 a year, and on payment of $50 in one sum they are relieved from such dues. If a husband and wife are both eligible to membership, joint membership may be obtained .by payment of $75. The fund so created, amounting now to about $22,500, is lent to students at 6 per cent per annum. The fund is administered by a committee appointed by the directors of the Alumni Association. The committee 'announces no specific rules governing the granting of loans, but in general gives preference to junior and senior students, and to loans of smaller amounts on short time over larger amounts which cannot be paid for several years. Alumni are urged to take life memberships and thus add to the funds available to worthy students. Students wishing loans from this fund may address Dr. W. E. Grimes, chairman of the Alumni Loan Fund Committee, Manhattan, Kan.

Acknowledgment of additions to the Life Membership Fund is made at this place from year to year. Since the last report and up to November 6, 1929, the following-named persons have completed payments for life membership: Elizabeth Allen, Fred D. Allison, Edith Ames, A. C. Apitz, Irvin Atkins, Milburne Axelton, C. W. Bower, Ruth L. Bowman, Louis Brous, Margaret Burtis, George Bush, Joseph Church, Helen Cortelyou, Fern Cunningham, William Dalton, Esther Dizmang, Kennis Evans, Elizabeth Fairbanks, L. W. Fielding and Crete Spencer Fielding, Clarence Fisher, L. A. Fitz, Olive Flippo, Fred Fockele, Kenney L. Ford, Rose Straka Fowler, W. E. Grimes and Ethel Roseberry Grimes, Theodore Guthrie, Jr., Eldon Harden, Cora Thackrey Harris, Fred M. Hayes, Christie Hepler, Elfrieda Hemker, Katherine Paddock Hess, Sherman Hoar, Wilma Hotchkiss, Vera Howard, Floyd Hull, Emma Knostman Huse, Carl lies, Glenn Johnson, B. A. Kahn, Leone Bower Kell, Ruth M. Kellogg, Florence Larmer, R. N. Lindburg, Vera Lindholm, Catherine Lorimer, Esther Tracy Luke, Victor Lundry, R. Waldo McBurney, Thomas McCarty, Roy McConnell, LeRoy Melia, Genevieve Michelson, Alice Miller, Sarah Morris, John O. Morse, M. F. Mueller, Merle Mundhenke, Hannah Murphy, Harold Myers, Jennie Nettrouer, Floyd B. and Edith Beaubien Nichols, V. E. Oman and Susan Davies Oman, Daisy Osborn, Opal Osborne,

86 Kansas State Agricultural College

Mabel Paulson, Edwin Peterson, Lester B. Pollom, A. J. and Lucy Cottrell Pottorf, Harry Ratcliff, Ada Rice, L. E. Rossel, Ruth Schlotterbeck, May Bowen Schoonover, Susan Scott, Charles W. Shaver, Byron Short, Lonnie Simmons, Mildred Loveless Skinner, Berniece Sloan, Ralph Snyder, Grace A. Steininger, Edna Stewart, Harvey Stewart, Fred Strickler, Robert Tulloss, Crystal Wagner, Jessie Wagner, Louis Williams, M. M. Williamson, F. D. Wilson, and Lucile Berry Wolf. During this period also many pledges have been made and many partial payments have been received.

The Henry Jackson Waters Loan Fund. The Henry Jackson Waters loan fund consists of the royalties received from the Kansas sales of Ex-President Waters' textbook, The Essentials of Agriculture, for the first five years. The royalties have amounted to approximately $2,000, which sum has been aug- mented by gifts of $100 each from Senator Capper and L. R. Eakin and by smaller amounts received from some others. The entire amount, now over $3,000, is in constant use. The fund is administered by a committee appointed by the president of the College approved by the Board of Regents. The rules for the loans are likewise approved by the Board. The rules allow emergency loans of $50 to any student who has completed one semester of work in this college. Juniors may borrow $100 and seniors may borrow $150. Applications for loans should be made to Prof. Albert Dickens, chairman of the Waters Loan Fund Committee, Manhattan, Kan.

The Chamber of Commerce Loan Fund. The members of the Chamber of Commerce of Manhattan have raised a fund which now amounts to $3,000 and is being augmented constantly. This is loaned to deserving students at 5 per cent per annum. About ninety loans have been made. Applications for loans from this fund should be addressed to the secretary, Chamber of Com- merce, Manhattan, Kan.

The 4-H Club Loan Fund. The Collegiate 4-H Club of the College has created a loan fund of approximately $1,000 to be loaned to deserving students who were former successful 4-H club members. This fund is loaned in units of $50, drawing interest at 6 per cent per annum. The fund has been created by the efforts of the members of the Collegiate 4-H Club in editing and pub- lishing the "Who's Whoot," the annual 4-H Club Year Book of Kansas. It is hoped that the fund will increase in size from year to year and that it will prove helpful to deserving 4-H club members attending college. The fund is administered by the K. S. A. C. Alumni Association in cooperation with the Collegiate 4-H Club.

The State Federation of Women's Clubs Loan Fund. Each year several of the young women students of the Kansas State Agricultural College are beneficiaries of the State Federation of Women's Clubs through the adminis- tration of its liberal Young Women's Student Loan Fund. Information re- garding this fund can be obtained by addressing Dean Mary P. Van Zile, Manhattan, Kan.

The P. E. O. Loan Fund. The P. E. O., a national organization of women, maintains an education fund to be loaned to girls to help defray college ex- penses. Information regarding this fund may be obtained from Dean Mary P. Van Zile.

The Social Club Loan Fund. This is a fund loaned by the K. S. A. C. Social Club and is administered by the Waters Loan Fund Committee.

The D. A. R. Loan Fund. The D. A. R. loan fund is a fund available to both men and women students and is administered by the Waters Loan Fund Committee.

The Women's Pan-Hellenic Loan Fund. The Alumnae Pan-Hellenic Fund is loaned to women students. Applications should be made to the president, City Pan-Hellenic, through Dean Mary P. Van Zile.

The Woman's Club Loan Fund. This is a fund established by the Woman's Club of Manhattan, and is available to both men and women students. This loan is administered by the Waters Loan Fund Committee.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 87

The Belle Selby Curtice Loan Fund. Mrs. Belle Selby Curtice, a grad- uate of the class of 1882, established a loan fund of $1,000 in memory of the influence and inspiration the College has given her life. This fund is avail- able to young women in the curriculum in Home Economics and is adminis- tered by the Henry Jackson Waters Loan Fund Committee.

Masonic Loan Funds. The Scottish Rite Consistory and the Knights Tem- plar Commandery have established loan funds that are available for men and women who have given evidence of scholarship and worth. Applicants should seek recommendations from the consistory and commandery with whose mem- bers they may be acquainted.


Stock Judging. The Block and Bridle Club offers four medals, one gold, one silver, and two bronze, to students obtaining the highest four places in the club's stock-judging contest. The same organization offers prizes of books for stock judging. The faculty of the Department of Animal Husbandry offers prizes of books or papers on stock judging.

Dairy Judging. The Student Dairy Association each year holds a dairy- judging contest, and offers a gold, a silver, and a bronze medal to students obtaining the highest three places.

Poultry Judging. The Department of Poultry Husbandry offers prizes to the value of $150 to students in poultry-judging contests.

Grain Judging. The Klod and Kernel Klub holds an annual grain-judging contest. Cash prizes, subscriptions to farm papers, and ribbons are given to the highest ranking students.

Agricultural Engineering. The Agricultural Engineering faculty offers annually to the senior agricultural engineering student having the highest scholarship standing in his junior and senior subjects a cash prize of $25.

Architecture. The American Institute of Architects offers a medal to the senior architect showing the highest degree of general excellence. The faculty of the Department of Architecture offers prizes of books to those freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who do the best work. Lorentz Schmidt offers a cash prize to the student doing the best work in courses in working drawings and specifications.

Civil Engineering. The Kansas section of the American Society of Civil Engineers offers payment of the initiation fee into the American Society of Civil Engineers to the senior civil engineer making the highest grades during his senior year.

Electrical Engineering. Two medals, first (gold) and second (silver), are awarded those seniors who have made the best records in twenty hours of certain fundamental, required electrical engineering subjects. Also, two medals, first (gold) and second (silver), are awarded to the ranking juniors who have completed not less than eighty semester credits of the required electrical en- gineering curriculum.

Play Writing. The Purple Masque Dramatic Fraternity offers each year a prize of $50 for the best original play written by a student of the Kansas State Agricultural College and suitable for presentation by the fraternity.

Scholarship. Freshman women. Phi Alpha Mu, the women's honor so- ciety of the division of general science, offers each year a prize of $20 to the young woman making the highest scholarship standing in the freshman work. Omicron Nu, the honor society of the division of home economics, grants an- nually a prize of $.10 to the young woman achieving highest rank in scholarship among the freshmen of that division.

Short-story Writing. The Quill Club offers anually a gold medal to the

88 Kansas State Agricultural College.

student of Kansas State Agricultural College writing the best short story in a contest held by this organization.

Journalism. The United Companies offer two prizes of $25 each for stu- dents in advertising who write the best copy. Professors Rogers and Charles offer $25 annually for the best rural press team. The outstanding student in Agricultural Journalism each year is honored by having his name engraved upon one of the several smaller shields surrounding a larger shield containing these words: "Recognition for superior attainments in Agricultural Journal- ism. Presented by Arthur Capper to students in the Department of Industrial Journalism and Printing, Kansas State Agricultural College."

Oratory. The literary societies, through the Oratorical Board, offer each year, in the Intersociety Oratorical Contest, the following prizes: First prize, gold medal and $25. Second prize, silver medal and $15. Third prize, bronze medal and $10. The Oratorical Board also finances the sending of a representative from the College to the annual Peace Oratorical Contests, to the winners of which val- uable prizes in money are awarded.

The Department of Public Speaking sends to the annual Missouri Valley Contest an orator as the representative of the College. In this contest valu- able prizes in money and medals are awarded.

Sociology. The Kappa Alpha Chapter of Chi Omega Sorority offers a prize of $25 to the student who holds the highest grade in sociology at the end of the second semester each year, the standing of the student to be determined by the instructor.

Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Edward A. Schmocker offers two prizes of $10 and $5 respectively to the senior veterinarians showing the greatest general proficiency. The Jensen Salsbery Laboratories of Kansas City, Mo., offers two prizes of $10 and $5 respectively to junior veterinarians having the highest standing in therapeutics. The veterinary staff offer $7.50 to the sophomore ranking highest in physiology, and $7.50 to the senior ranking highest in pathology.


Debate. In the Department of Public Speaking two scholarships of the value of $100 each, one for men and one for women students, are offered annually for proficiency in intercollegiate debating.

For High-school Students. The Department of Education offers scholar- ships to high school students as follows : $100 for the best score in the annual scholarship contest, $75 for the second best score, $50 for the third best score, and $25 each to individuals scoring fourth, fifth, and sixth highest respectively.

For 4-H Club Members. The Union Pacific System offers $100 scholarships to winners in 4-H Club work (in 36 counties named), the money to be used to enroll for a full term course in agriculture or home economics.

The Folger Coffee Company of Kansas City, Mo., offers $300 annually for the purpose of providing two 4-H Club scholarships of $150 each for any full- term course at the Kansas State Agricultural College. One of these scholar- ships goes each year to the boy standing highest and the other to the girl standing highest in the 4-H leadership project in Kansas.

For World War Veterans and Their Descendants. The trustees of the estate of La Verne Noyes award scholarships annually to various colleges and universities. In 1928- '29 five such scholarships were awarded to the Kansas State Agricultural College and it is expected that a similar or larger number will be awarded annually in the future. These scholarships are available with certain reservations to deserving students who served in the Army or Navy

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 89

of the United States between the dates of April 6, 1917, and September 11, 1918, and who need this assistance. Applications for these scholarships should be made through the student's dean.


The Manhattan branch of the American Association of University Women offers a graduate fellowship, a gift of $200 annually, to a woman who has a standard Bachelor's degree. The candidate must have an undergraduate record equivalent to an average of B at K. S. A. C, and give promise of ability to do research work. Work may be pursued in any department of the Kansas State Agricultural College recognized by the Graduate Council.

Applications and transcripts of undergraduate work must be sent to the chairman of the A. A. U. W. Fellowship Committee on or before the March first previous to the academic year in which the fellowship is desired.


Graduate assistantships have been established for some years by action of the Board of Regents, and are available in several departments of the College. For full details see a previous paragraph in the section devoted to graduate study.


General information concerning the College may be obtained from the president or the registrar. Financial matters are handled through the office of the business manager, State Board of Regents, Topeka, Kan.

Prospective students desiring information or catalogues should address the vice president's office.

Scientific and practical questions, and requests for special advice in subjects in which the College and the Experiment Stations are prepared to give infor- mation, should be addressed to the heads of the departments concerned with the work regarding which information is sought.

Applications for farmers' institutes should be made as early in the season as possible, to the Division of Extension. Applications for the publications of the Agricultural Experiment Station should be addressed: Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan, Kan. Publications of the Engineering Experiment Station may be had by addressing: Director of the Engineering Experiment Station, Manhattan, Kan.

Donations to the Library should be addressed to the librarian, and dona- tions to the Museum to the curator of the Museum.


The Student Assembly is held one hour each week. The library, offices, classrooms, and laboratories are closed and the students gather in the Col- lege Auditorium. These assembly exercises consist of devotional services, music, and addresses. The devotional exercises are conducted by members of the faculty, by resident ministers of the various denominations, or by prom- inent visitors. Excellent music is provided by the College Orchestra, by mem- bers of the Department of Music, and by available outside talent. In addition to the addresses delivered by the president and by members of the faculty, many prominent leaders of state and national reputation are invited to address the assembly. Thus the Student Assembly has become a center of true culture and enlightenment. Although attendance is not compulsory it is common to see nearly two thousand students present during these exercises.


The official organ of the College is The Kansas Industrialist, published and printed at the College weekly by the Department of Industrial Journalism and Printing. Its pages are filled with articles of interest, with special reference to agriculture and the industries. Particular attention is paid to information

90 Kansas State Agricultural College

concerning the work of the College, to investigations of the Experiment Sta- tions, and to local and alumni news. The Kansas Industrialist will be sent to any address for $3 a year. The alumni having active membership in the Alumni Association receive The Kansas Industrialist free of charge.

The Division of College Extension issues a monthly publication entitled Agricultural Education, of special interest to institute members.

The students of the College publish a semiweekly periodical, The Kansas State Collegian, in the interests of the students at large. A humorous maga- zine, The Brown Bull, is published by the students and appears about four times during the college year. The Kansas State Engineer is published by students in the Division of Engineering. Students in the Division of Agri- culture issue The Kansas Agricultural Student. The Home Economic News is published quarterly by the faculty and students of the Division of Home Economics. A College annual, Royal Purple, is published each year by the senior class.


The College operates an office for the reception and delivery of mail. This is not a part of the United States postal service, but students and College officers may have their mail delivered there. Mail is received from the Man- hattan post office and taken to it three times a day. Matter may be deposited for registered mail, and postage stamps may be procured, but post office orders cannot be obtained.

The chief purpose of this office is to facilitate intercommunication of Col- lege departments and communication of deans and teachers with students. All students are expected to call for their mail at least once each two days and preferably every day.


The student, primarily, is responsible for seeing that he conforms to the requirements of the curriculum for which he is enrolled. His assigner and his dean will assist him in planning his work, but are not responsible for his errors. The catalogue is the authentic source of information. College officers try to see that requirements are complied with, but if they fail, the student is not thereby relieved. All of the catalogue statements concerning assignments, and the student's curriculum, should be read.

No student may be enrolled in classes or for private lessons in music or other subjects before receiving an assignment, and no assignment is completed until after the incidental fee and any special fees or charges are paid.

Assignments at the dates shown in the College calendar are made in Nichols Gymnasium, where detailed directions are announced by placards. Later as- signments are made by the student's assigner during regular office hours, but are subject to checking by the registrar in respect to availability of classes. Classes are closed when the limits as to numbers are reached. A student is not admitted later than ten days after the opening of the semester except by special permission of his dean. An extra fee of five dollars is charged for assignments secured after the regular dates for assignment of students at the opening of each semester as announced in the College calendar.

A student desiring to take work at any other than the regular time must obtain the written consent of his dean, the head of the department in which the work is to be done, and the dean of the division to which the department belongs.

Each student must take full work unless excused by his dean, and more than regular work is not allowed to any student except by permission of his dean, and under no circumstances to anyone who failed or was conditioned or deficient in any subject the preceding semester, or whose average grade was below B.

A student is not allowed to carry work by correspondence while enrolled here, except by permission of his dean.

Special requests concerning assignments, and permission to make up defi- ciencies by outside study under an approved tutor, are acted upon by the student's dean in conference with the heads of the departments involved.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 91


Subjects are not dropped from assignments within two weeks preceding the close of a period covered by midsemester or final scholarship-deficiency reports.

No student may drop a study or modify his assignment except by a re- assignment, and any student desiring a change in his assignment must apply to his dean. Any change in a student's assignment is made in the office of his dean. Teachers desiring that assignments be changed send requests to the proper deans. Notices of changes are furnished the registrar, the student, and the student's assigner. Changes are effective at once, and the registrar, through the heads of departments, sends notices or enrollment cards to the teachers affected.

A student receiving a notice of reassignment must at once report to classes in accordance therewith. If not content with the revised assignment, he may confer with his dean concerning it. All absences caused by a student's drop- ping out of class without a proper reassignment are reported by the instructor as unexcused absences.


Any freshman student who receives deficiencies (grades of F or Con.) in one-third of the work to which he is assigned, or any other student who re- ceives deficiencies in one-fourth of his work, at the end of the semester, is automatically placed on probation for one semester and the parent or guard- ian of the student is informed of the fact. A third such probation auto- matically includes dismissal from the College.

Any freshman student who receives deficiencies in one-half of his work, or any other student who receives deficiencies in two-fifths of his work, at the end of the semester, is automatically dismissed from the College. The deans notify parents and guardians of the fact when students are dismissed or put on probation on account of scholarship deficiencies.

Students dismissed at the end of the first semester shall be excluded until the beginning of the next summer session. Those dismissed at the end of the sec- ond semester shall be excluded till the end of the next fall semester. During this period of dismissal the student must not habitually appear upon the campus nor enter any classes. Any student dismissed for scholarship deficien- cies may petition in writing, on a form provided by the College, for immediate reinstatement. Petitions presented by such students are considered by a com- mittee appointed for that purpose. Reinstatement is granted only in ex- ceptional and meritorious cases.


Each student must appear at the first exercises of his classes after he is assigned. Students must be present the very first day of each semester or render a reasonable excuse. All absences are reported from the first day of the semester, even though the student enrolled late. Failure to take out an assignment is not accepted as an excuse for absence from classes. A student is not admitted later than ten days after the opening of the semester except by special permission of his dean.

Each student is required to attend every exercise of a class to which he is assigned. All absences and all cases of tardiness must be promptly accounted for on the "absence blanks." Permission for necessary absences from College for a day or more must, in all cases, be previously obtained from the dean. Any student present at College and desiring to be excused for the day from certain classes must apply in advance to the teachers of those subjects.

The student's attendance record is considered by each instructor as an im- portant factor in determining the grade given in a subject.

The class record of attendance is marked immediately after the beginning of the class period. For students who come in late the record of absence may be changed to that of tardiness, but the teacher is not obliged to make such

92 Kansas State Agricultural College

change unless the student on the day of tardiness hands to him at the close of the hour, on the "absence blank," a statement that he was present. In such a case the record is changed to agree with the facts. When a student who has been absent from College because of sickness returns, he must present to each instructor a certificate of good health from the College physician before he is permitted to remain in any classroom. The aim is to prevent the spread of any contagious disease.

Any class is excused if for any reason the instructor fails to report at the end of ten minutes after the beginning of the recitation period, unless the in- structor sends word that he will be there later.

Signed reports of absences for each day are sent to the deans by the teach- ers before five o'clock p. m. Excuses submitted by students are transmitted with a recommendation in respect to excusing the absence. Action concerning excuse for absence is taken by the student's dean. Excuse for an absence does not relieve the student from responsibility for lecture, recitation or laboratory work lost while absent.

Any student who is found to be persistently inattentive in his College work is at once temporarily suspended by his dean, and reported by the president for permanent suspension.


Examinations are held during the last eight days of the semester in ac- cordance with a definite examination schedule which, as far as possible, gives the student not more than two examinations on any one day.

No regular examination may be given at a date in advance of that provided except that, at the discretion of the head of the department, a student may be permitted to take his examination with another class in the same subject in- stead of his own class, and that in cases of extreme importance the dean of the student may authorize an examination at an earlier date.

Any student who receives a grade of A for the semester, in any subject, and whose absences for all causes from the class in each subject do not exceed one-tenth of the number of times the class is scheduled to meet during the semester, may be excused from the final examination in that subject, at the discretion of the instructor; provided, however, that instructors are to an- nounce such exemption lists in their respective subjects not earlier than the last session of the class preceding the final examination.

Examinations to remove conditions are held on the fourth Saturday of each semester. A student who has received the grade of Con. is entitled to take such special examination, provided the instructor or the department head be notified of the student's desire to take the examination not later than the Tuesday evening preceding the Saturday set for the examination. If a sub- ject in which a student is conditioned is not passed at the first opportunity, the grade is changed from Con. to F, except that in individual instances, where the reason is sufficient, the student's dean may authorize such examination at a date different from that provided by the rule.

Permission for examination in subjects not taken in class or to make up failures by special examination must be obtained, on recommendation of the professor in charge, from the dean of the division in which the student is as- signed. Permission to take such examination is not granted unless the prepa- ration for it is made under an approved tutor. All such examinations are under the immediate supervision of the professor in whose department the subject falls.

Examinations in high-school subjects for admission to the College are held at the beginning of each semester and of the summer school. Students desir- ing such examinations should consult the registrar in advance.


Student grades are designed by A, B, C, D, Con., Inc. and F, having the following significance and order of rank :

The grade A designates really distinguished achievement, and is the net resultant of exceptionally good mental ability in conjunction with serious

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 93

application. It is expected that this grade will not include more than ten per cent of all grades given a class, and usually will include about five per cent.

The grade B represents superior achievement, better than that exhibited by the average student, but not distinguished. It is recognized as a mark of considerable honor and is the resultant of high ability and fair application, or of fair ability and serious application. The percentage of students assigned this grade will depend somewhat on the number assigned grade A, but the sum of grades A and B should approximate twenty-five per cent of all grades assigned.

The grade C represents the standing of about half of all students in the College. It means achievement equal to that of the average of students, and includes about half of all student grades. It indicates neither superior nor inferior accomplishment.

The grade D, meaning passed, represents achievement of a grade below that of the average of students. It indicates a student's position as being in the upper part of the lower fourth of the class, and his work as being such as may be described as poor, or inferior. The number of grades D awarded, together with the grades Con. and F, should not, on the whole, exceed twenty-five per cent of all, and are expected to include about that proportion.

The grade Con., meaning conditioned, is the symbol used to represent work which is deficient in qualitj^. The results of examinations to remove conditions are reported simply as D (passed) or F (failed). In case such examinations are not taken at the first opportunity offered, the grade Con. automatically becomes an F.

The grade F, meaning failed, is used to indicate work that is so unsatisfac- tory as to require that the work be repeated in class or under an approved tutor.

Inc., meaning incomplete, is reported when, in the judgment of the in- structor, the student deserves further time to complete work which has been interfered with by illness or other excusable cause of absence or disability. Inc., is also reported when the work of the student is satisfactory as to quality but inadequate as to quantity. This is only a temporary report and in no way prejudices the student's final grade in a course. Incomplete work for which a grade of Inc., has been reported, if not made up within the first semester the student is in attendance automatically becomes an F.

The distribution of grades indicated above applies to large numbers, at least a hundred or several hundred, and is not necessarily true of small num- bers. It is not a foregone conclusion, for example, that one in a class of twenty must fail nor even that one in the class must have an A grade. In a small group the chances are very much greater that there may be a de- parture from the normal. If there be such a departure it should of course be recognized in the grades issued. In the long run the accumulated grades for a series of small classes should, however, approach the normal distribution.


On the fifth Saturday and the ninth Saturday of each semester, on the last day of the first semester, and within two days after the close of the second semester, reports of all grades below passing at those dates are sent to the students and the deans. The dates are shown in the College calendar, and these reports are an imperative duty of all teachers. The first two of these reports are made in percentages on a scale of seventy for passing. The reports at the end of the semester are on the letter system in use.

Students desiring reports of intrasemester grades must supply their teachers with properly filled officially prepared cards between the fourth and the eleventh days after the fifth or the ninth Saturday of a semester. Reports so requested are to be made by the teachers, and may be sent to the students through the College post office, or otherwise.

The instructor prepares for each student a semester grade based on the examination and class work, and is required to report this to the registrar for record within two weeks after the close of the semester. If a student goes through the first half of the semester, but not the second half, a half-semester grade is reported for record, and designated as such. If the student drops out

94 Kansas State Agricultural College

of College before midsemester a grade of Wd (withdrawn) is reported for each subject, irrespective of the standing of the student in the subject. Similarly, if a student drops a subject before midsemester a grade of Wd is reported. However, subjects are not dropped from assignments within two weeks pre- ceding the close of a period covered by midsemester or final scholarship- deficiency reports. A subject dropped at any time after midsemester on account of failure is given a semester grade of F.

The result of an examination to remove a condition is reported in quad- ruplicate to the dean of the student, who transmits copies to the registrar, the student and the student's assigner. The same procedure is followed in report- ing grades to replace "Inc.'s" and in reporting corrections of grades.

In case of absence from the final examination at the end of a semester, a semester grade is not reported until the reason for such absence has been learned; and if the absence is excused or excusable, a reasonable time, usually not over one month, is allowed within which the examination may be taken. In such cases, however, within two weeks after the end of the semester the teacher reports to the registrar a mark of Inc. with a grade for the first half of the semester. If the student's absence is inexcusable a semester grade is reported on the basis of zero for the final examination.

Students in laboratory and industrial work must put in at least four-fifths of the required time in order to get a passing grade in the subject. Should the required time minimum not be reached a mark of Inc. is reported if the quality of the work done is satisfactory and one of F if it is unsatisfactory.

Instructors are enjoined to leave all class books on file in the proper depart- ment or with the president of the College when severing their connections with the institution.


For each semester credit of work assigned, the student receives points, ac- cording to the grade attained, on the following scheme: Grade A, 3 points; B, 2 points; C, 1 point; and D (or lower), no points. For graduation the total requirement in points is the same as in credits. Above the freshman year classification is based on the same requirement in points as in credits.

Seniors meeting the graduation requirements in credits but failing to meet it in points are required to take further courses designated by the dean of the division in which their major work lies, until the requirement in points is met.


Activities connected with the College, but not provided for by any of the curricula, either as required subjects or as electives, are designated as extra subjects.

Credit for extra work may be given when the student is regularly assigned to the work in accordance with the general rules governing assignments. A student may be assigned to extra work for credit upon the written recom- mendation of the instructor in charge of the work. This recommendation is filed in the office of the student's dean, and is effective until revoked.

Credits earned for extra work may be counted as part or all of the electives in any of the College curricula. In curricula that do not include electives, credits for extra work are available only as substitutions for required work, and must be approved in the regular way before becoming effective. A total of not more than eight semester credits may be allowed a student for extra work, and not more than two of these may be obtained in any one semester.

The number of semester credits that may be allowed for extra work is as follows :

Subject Per semester Total

Orchestra 1 4

Band 1 4

Debate 2 4

Oratorical Contest 2 4

Kansas State Collegian journalism 1 4

Home Economics News journalism 1 4

Agricultural Student journalism , 1 4

Kansas State Engineer journalism 1 4

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 95


Bible study is an elective. Two semester credits are granted for each com- pleted one-year course. Credit may be granted to any one student for not more than two courses. Teachers of classes are to be approved as tutors, and the supervision of the work is placed in the Department of Education. This department also conducts the examination for credit in Bible study.


Each course offered bears a number indicating in a general way the standing of students for whom it is given. Courses for undergraduates bear numbers 101 to 199, courses for undergraduates and graduates bear numbers 201 to 299, and courses for graduates only bear numbers 301 to 399. The numbers 1 to 29 are applied to studies offered for short-course students, the numbers 31 to 49 are assigned to Summer School subjects not taught for entrance credit or for College credit, and subjects which give credit for admission to the College are numbered 51 to 99.

In applying this system, the courses offered by any department are num- bered independently of all other departments of the College.


The minimum numbers for which classes are organized are as follows:

Freshmen or sophomores 12

Juniors or seniors 7

This rule is varied only by special permission of the Board of Regents. THE STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION

The governing association of the student body was organized in the spring of 1919, as the Student Self-governing Association, and reorganized in the spring of 1926 as the Student Governing Association.

The executive council of the association consists of seven members, elected each spring for the following school year by the student body as a whole. The council discharges all executive functions of the association, and sits as a court in disciplinary cases. Actions of the council are subject to approval by the faculty council. In cases of disagreement which are not compromised successfully, the decision of the president of the college is final.

Officers of the association are a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer, elected by the council. Though the council sits as a committee of the whole in all its affairs, certain members are put in charge of certain ac- tivities, such as discipline, social affairs, etc. Membership in the student as- sociation is contingent upon payment of the varsity activity fee.


The Young Men's Christian Association and the Young Women's Christian Association are organizations of the greatest worth and value in the College community, forming centers of moral culture and religious stimulus among the young men and women during their development period. As is well known, the Christian associations in colleges stand for the best ideals among the stu- dents, and are always accorded the cordial support of the authorities. In ad- dition to general moral and spiritual development, the college Christian as- sociations have a practical and efficient influence among the students in many directions.


The College Y. M. C. A. has always been a strong and influential body among the students. All young men of the College are welcomed into mem- bership of the organization. No fixed fee is charged, each member giving whatever he feels able to afford. The work of the organization is carried on by a student cabinet, which is composed of the chairmen of the standing com-

96 Kansas State Agricultural College

mittees and officers. Each year there is organized a freshman commission for the benefit of the new men, especially those who have had Hi-Y experience. One of the useful and practical features of the Y. M. C. A. is the student's employment bureau, which is maintained for all students seeking employment. Especial attention is given the new students on and after arrival in helping them to find rooms and boarding places and to get the right start in College life. The association maintains a regular secretary, with whom prospective students are cordially encouraged to correspond. Address, General Secretary Y. M. C. A., Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan.


Similar in aim and purpose to the organization of the young men is the Young Women's Christian Association. Calvin Hall is the headquarters of the Association, to which all young women of the College are at all times cordially welcome. An office for the general secretary and rest rooms for the young women are maintained in this building during the College year.

An employment bureau for women students is maintained by the general secretary, without charge to its beneficiaries. Various committees are re- sponsible for the lines of work of the association. At the opening of the Col- lege semesters the incoming trains are met by "Big Sisters" who assist new women students, the "Little Sisters," in securing suitable lodging and boarding places. If any prospective woman student will write to the general secretary of the association, her "Big Sister" will correspond with her during the sum- mer vacation.

During the College 37ear various social functions are given for the young women. The first of these is an informal reception to enable the College girls to become acquainted with one another. Once each year the two Christian associations entertain jointly.

The religious life of the young women is fostered by the weekly vesper serv- ices held in Recreation Center. The different churches of the city extend a cordial welcome to the College women, and through the efforts of the asso- ciation they are encouraged to active participation in the services of the church of their choice.


The Newman Club, an organization of Catholic students, holds meetings devoted to religious study on alternate Sundays. This work is carried on under the local pastor. The College authorities recognize this Bible study by allowing a two-hour credit for it when duly certified. In further recognition of the club's efforts the College has placed a set of the Catholic Encyclopedia in the library, where there is also a comprehensive selection of Catholic books and pamphlets purchased by the club. In addition to the meetings devoted to religious study, social meetings are held.

The club is affiliated with the national organization of Newman clubs of the state universities and colleges. Its aim is to foster sound morality, to develop character, and to promote the knowledge and practice of their faith among Catholic students.


The literary societies of the College, eight in number, are wholly student organizations, holding weekly meetings in the College buildings. The Alpha Beta and Franklin literary societies are open to both sexes; the Ionian, Eu- rodelphian and Browning societies admit only young women to membership; the Webster, Hamilton and Athenian societies admit young men only. Stu- dents are encouraged to join one of these organizations for the sake of prac- tice in the use of language, training in debate, and general experience in con- ducting meetings and in dealing with their fellows. These societies jointly maintain a debating council which cooperates with a faculty committee in arranging for all intercollegiate and interstate debates participated in by rep- resentatives of the College. The oratorical board, similarly maintained by these societies, arranges for the intersociety oratorical contest.

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 97


The Science Club, meeting monthly, is an organization of instructors, stu- dents and others interested in science. Its programs include popular lectures by prominent men of science, and papers giving the result of research work at the College. The meetings are also characterized by free discussion of the subjects presented.


The Agricultural Association meets Monday evenings. All students in- terested in agriculture are eligible to membership. The object of the associa- tion is to promote the general interests of agriculture in the College and in the state.

The Agricultural Economics Club meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Membership is open to undergraduate students majoring in agricultural economics, graduate students majoring or minoring in agricultural economics, and to members of the faculty whose work is of an agricultural economic character. The object of the club is to promote interest in agricul- tural economic topics, to encourage sound economic thinking, and to further the acquaintanceship of faculty and students. Outside speakers are frequently secured for special meetings which are open to the public.

The Block and Bridle Club meets on the first and third Mondays of each month. Membership is open to all animal husbandry students above the fresh- man year. The object of the club is to promote the interests of animal hus- bandry in the College and in the state. Live-stock problems of all kinds are taken up, and the members of the faculty and outside speakers are secured for addresses on special topics.

The Dairy Club meets on the first and third Mondays of each month. Membership is open to anyone who is taking any four-year curriculum in the Division of Agriculture and also to anyone actively engaged in dairy work at the College. The object of the organization is the furtherance of dairying in Kansas. Current topics and records of the dairy breeds are read and lectures on special subjects are given by faculty and outside speakers.

The Horticultural Club meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month during the College year. Its object is to promote the horticultural interests of the state and to afford opportunity for students to improve their knowledge of horticulture. Students of the College interested in horticulture and faculty members are eligible for membership. Students present the majority of the programs.

The Klod and Kernel Klub meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Membership is open to junior and senior agronomy students and members of the agronomy faculty. The object of the society is to arouse more interest in agronomic work and to help students and faculty members of the Department of Agronomy to become better acquainted. Faculty and outside speakers are secured for programs.


The students in agricultural, civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering are organized as student branches of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, the American Society of Civil Engineers, The American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, respectively. The Architects Club conducts the meetings of the students in architecture.

The purpose of these various societies is to acquaint the students with the latest development in the fields of engineering and architecture, to give them more definite ideas as to the opportunities in their professions and the require- ments for success in their professions, to promote acquaintance and fellowship among the students, and to further the interest of the Division of Engineering in the College and the state.


98 Kansas State Agricultural College


The Popenoe Entomological Club meets twice a month. The object of the club is to promote interest in entomological work at the College. Mem- bership is open to students and faculty members interested in insects. En- tomological topics are discussed by members of the club and outside speakers. Occasional field trips are sponsored by the club.


The Home Economics Association is an organization in which membership is open to any student in the Division of Home Economics.

Its purpose is to promote professional interest by means of social contact and through talks by leaders in the field of home economics. It aids in the publication of Home Economics News, the divisional magazine issued four times a year. It is affiliated with the American Home Economics Association and is designed to lead to continued membership in that organiation after graduation from college.


In each of the divisions of the College, "sophomore honors" are awarded at Commencement to not more than five per cent of the sophomore class having the highest standing up to the close of the sophomore year.

In a similar manner "senior honors" are awarded to not exceeding ten per cent of the senior class having the highest standing during their junior and senior years.

In awarding honors, the following values are assigned: Grade A, 3; B, 2; C, 1; D, 0; Con., minus 1; and F, minus 2. The honor grade is found by dividing the sum of the product of the grade values and the credit hours by the number of credit hours of work taken. In order to receive honors, the student's average must be B or higher.

The diplomas of the highest three per cent of the senior class are inscribed "with high honor" and of the remainder of the highest ten per cent "with honor."


A chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, an honor scholarship society, membership in which is open to honor graduates of all departments of American universities and colleges, was installed at the Kansas State Agricultural College on Novem- ber 15, 1915. The eligibility of undergraduates to membership is determined on the basis of their scholarship. The candidates are elected to membership at the October, April, and July meetings of the chapter.

The honor society of agriculture, Gamma Sigma Delta, has as its object the encouragement of high standards of scholarship in all branches of agricultural science and education, and the encouragement of a high degree of excellence in the practice of agricultural pursuits. Seniors whose grades place them in the upper one-fourth of their class are eligible for membership. Election is in the hands of faculty members of the local chapter.

A chapter of Sigma Xi was installed at this institution in March, 1928. The object of this society is to encourage original investigations in pure and applied science. Members of the faculty and graduate students who have shown noteworthy achievement in original investigations are eligible for elec- tion to active membership; seniors who have shown marked excellence in two or more departments of pure or applied science are eligible for election to asso- ciate membership.

Besides these above mentioned there are a number of honor fraternities, sororities, and societies which are open to students in different divisions of the College or in different activities. These are treated below.


The honorary and professional organizations of the College consist of fra- ternities, sororities, and societies. Membership in these organizations is based on scholarship and achievement. They seek to stimulate effort and to pro-

Sixty-seventh Annual Catalogue 99

mote the interests of the various divisions or departments which they serve or represent. The list of organizations follows:

Organization Division or department

Alpha Kappa Psi Commerce

Alpha Zeta Agriculture

K Fraternity Athletics

Mu Phi Epsilon Music

Omicron Nu Home Economics

Phi Alpha Mu Women's Science

Phi Delta Kappa Education

Phi Mu Alpha Music.

Pi Kappa Delta Debating

Purple Masque Dramatics

Quill Club College Writers

Scabbard and Blade Military

Sigma Delta Chi Industrial Journalism

Sigma Tau Engineering

Theta Sigma Phi Industrial Journalism

In addition to these student organizations there are chapters of Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta and Sigma Xi. In these societies election is based on scholarship and is in the hands of faculty members. (See "Honor Socie- ties," above.)


The College Band is a military organization, composed of cadets assigned to this duty for the College year in lieu of drill and technical military in- struction. The Band is limited in its membership, and attendance of the mem- bers upon its exercises is obligatory. It has proved an effective aid to the cadet corps, stimulating a love for martial music, and affording an attractive feature of the various public ceremonial occasions at the College.


The Orchestra is a student organization connected with the Department of Music, membership in which is voluntary. Its daily training under com- petent leadership results in the acquisition of a considerable repertoire of mu- sical compositions of the best quality. Those connected with the Orchestra obtain in this way familiarity with the works of many of the great composers, and among the students at large the orchestra is an efficient aid in cultivating a taste for, and appreciation of, good music.


By means of the gymnasium the College is prepared to give complete physical as well as mental training. This building, which is equipped with all the usual accessories, assists in developing and maintaining physical tone and health in the student body. In addition to the gymnasium classes, and physical training in the military corps of cadets, all young men are encouraged to develop their physical skill by playing on practice teams in various athletic lines. In the fall football teams are organized; in the fall and winter, basket ball; while in the spring, baseball, tennis, and track athletics prevail. Every possible encouragement is given all students desirous of participating in these games to enter the practice teams and receive the necessary instruction. The most proficient of these have opportunity to enter the first teams and par- ticipate in intercollegiate contests. The College authorities encourage all reasonable and sane athletic development, as a means for the training of physical qualities desirable in men everywhere. Professionalizing tendencies are strictly repressed, and the athletic rules adopted by the faculty prevent by proper regulation all participation in intercollegiate games on the part of students deficient in their studies.

The women students have equal opportunity with young men for general physical training. In the gymnasium, under a physical director, they receive training suitable for their needs. Basket ball and tennis teams are organized among the young women.

The Division of Agriculture

Leland Everett Call, Dean

The teaching of rational, practical agriculture is fundamental to develop- ment in a state whose principal industries are agricultural. Kansas prospers in direct proportion to the productivity of her soil and to the effectiveness with which it is utilized. Effective utilization of the agricultural resources of the state depends upon the success with which the agricultural industries of the state are developed. In order to succeed in farming it is necessary to know something of the soil, the conservation of its fertility and moisture, and its proper cultivation ; the kinds of plants to grow and how to improve them ; the selection, breeding, and feeding of live stock; the maintenance of _ orchards, gar- dens, and attractive surroundings; farm buildings, and the equipment of the farm and the farm house with modern conveniences; the best methods of mar- keting the product of the farm; and in addition to all this, how to make the farm home the center of influence for good citizenship in the agricultural community.

A man may learn many of these things through practical experience, and thus become successful in modern farming. But practical experience alone is slow and expensive. The Kansas State Agricultural College furnishes a means of acquiring systematic training in agriculture which fits young men adequately for the farm and at a moderate expenditure of time and money.

In addition to training men for service as farmers, the College prepares students for various other activities which must be carried on if the agriculture of the state and nation is to be developed properly. These activities include scientific investigation of agricultural problems in state and national institu- tions, agricultural extension work, teaching of agriculture, service in the indus- tries directly involving agriculture, and a variety of other lines of public and private service of an agricultural nature. The demand for well-trained, reliable men in all these lines is always extensive. The primary aim of the College in training men in agriculture is to fit them for service in which they will develop into agricultural leaders, either as farmers or in some other capacity, and as such, contribute to the upbuilding of rural institutions and the improve- ment of American country life.


The facilities for such training at this College are of a high order. The College owns 1,420.3 acres of land, which is used for investigation, instruction, and demonstration in the various courses in agriculture and allied branches. The campus, which comprises 160 acres, is one of the best examples of orna- mental tree planting and forestry in the state. Students working daily amid such surroundings can scarcely fail to gain an appreciation or love for the beautiful. A tract of 320 acres is devoted to the work in agronomy; for horti- culture and forestry work, 80 acres are used; for dairy work, about 160 acres; and for animal husbandry, about 550 acres. The herds and flocks contain high- class representatives of the important breeds of dairy and beef cattle, hogs, horses, and sheep. With this class of stock available for the work in judging, the student is supplied with types of the best breeds and becomes familiar with these types by actual handling of the stock.


Division oj Agriculture 101


The various needs of the student of agriculture are met by the following curricula:

A four-year curriculum in agriculture.

A four-year curriculum in agricultural administration.

A four-year curriculum in agriculture with special training in landscape gar- dening.

A six-year curriculum in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.

Various special courses. (The work of these courses is discussed in another section of the catalogue.)


The four-year curricula in agriculture lead to the degree of Bachelor of Science (in agriculture).

The six-year curriculum in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, the last two years of which are given in the Division of Veterinary Medicine, leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science at the end of four years, and to the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the end of two more years.


The curriculum in agriculture and the curriculum in agricultural administra- tion have a common freshman year. It isn't necessary until near the end of this freshman year that any student of agriculture state formally which of these curricula he will pursue.

Students selecting the curriculum in agriculture are not required until the second semester of the sophomore year to name the department in which they will major. A student may major not only in any department in the Division of Agriculture but also in the Departments of Botany and Plant Pathology, Entomology, Zoology, Bacteriology, Chemistry, or Agricultural Engineering. Liberal provision is also made for substitutions to meet definite and purposeful objectives. See "Substitutions to Meet Certain Objectives," following the outline of "Curriculum in Agriculture."


The four-year curriculum in agriculture is designed primarily to meet the needs of the students who expect to return to the farm. However, the student who completes the curriculum will have had sufficient training to enable him to enter some one of the many lines of agricultural industry as a specialist. The demand for men thus trained is constantly increasing, and such positions offer attractive opportunity for men who by nature and training are adapted to the work. The United States Department of Agriculture, the state colleges and departments of agriculture, high schools, private institutions of secondary and college rank, and a great variety of commercial interests, are constantly demanding men trained in agriculture.

The young man who expects to make farming his life work can start with no better asset than the thorough training in practical and scientific agricul- ture afforded by the four-year curriculum. The American farmer needs more of the skill that comes through the training of the hand, in order that he may better do the work of farming; but much more he needs the training of the mind in the fundamental truths that underlie every operation in farming, in order that he may use the skill of the craftsman with reason and judgment. One may learn to plow a field with the greatest skill; the work may be a model of its kind. If, however, it is plowed with utter disregard of the mois- ture conditions which prevail the result may be a failure. To understand the conditions which should determine when and how to plow is the work of the trained mind; the other is the work of the trained hand. The farmer and the teacher of agriculture must possess both kinds of training, and the curriculum has been organized with this fact in view, and has been so arranged that the student begins his practical training in agriculture on the first day he enters College.

102 Kansas State Agricultural College


One hundred twenty-four semester credits in addition to military science are required for graduation, as follows:

Semester credits

Prescribed in agriculture 31

Electives in agriculture, required with the prerequisites 21

Required in agriculture 52

Prescribed in nonagriculture 47

Electives in nonagriculture, required 6

Electives that may be nonagricultural 19

Total allowed in nonagriculture. 72

Required in military science 4

Total semester credits for graduation 128

Any candidate for a degree in agriculture must have had at least six months' farm experience approved by the dean of the Division of Agriculture. A formal statement giving information regarding this experience must be filed in the dean's office during the last semester of the senior year.

The student who completes the freshman and sophomore years will have had, in addition to the fundamental work in chemistry, zoology, geology, botany, and English, basic studies in soils, farm crops, live stock, dairying, poultry husbandry, horticulture, and agricultural economics. These two years give the student a general knowledge of the whole range of agriculture, more than one-third of his time being devoted to strictly agricultural courses.

During the junior and senior years the student continues his studies of fundamental science and learns to apply science to agriculture. He is led step by step to understand the scientific relations to every farming operation. There is so much agriculture to be taught that it becomes necessary for the student to determine which of the general lines he should emphasize. Thia is made possible by numerous electives in soils, crops, agricultural economics, animal husbandry, dairy husbandry, horticulture, milling, and poultry hus- bandry.


The curriculum in agricultural administration is planned to meet the needs of students preparing for industries that are closely related to farming and in which basic training in both agriculture and business principles is desirable. Important among such industries and occupations are: Rural banking, the marketing and processing of grains, the sale and development of lands, hard- ware and implement retailing, promotion and sales, writing on farm subjects or in other phases of agricultural journalism, and the teaching of agriculture in high schools and elsewhere. Those wishing to engage in certain specialized types of farming will find this curriculum suited to their needs. An increasing demand for men trained in the business phases of agriculture and closely re- lated industries is coming from industries whose customers are primarily in rural communities. The United States Department of Agriculture, the state agricultural colleges and departments of agriculture, high schools, and many other interests are also in need of men trained along these lines.

The interdependence of town and farm is increasing. Recognition of this increased interdependence is to be found in many of the activities of farmers' and civic organizations in which the farmers and the business men of the towns join to attain mutually desired ends. The business man of the rural town must render service to farmers and service can be rendered best when the needs of customers are understood. In addition, every business man needs to know the principles underlying successful business activity. The curriculum in agricultural administration is planned to give this combined understanding of the needs and problems of agriculture and of the principles that must be observed to make a business successful. Ample opportunity is given to elect business subjects such as accounting, business organization, credit and finance, business law, marketing, and subjects in other related fields.


One hundred twenty-four semester credits in addition to military science are required for graduation. For the field of agricultural education, field 6

Division of Agriculture 103

as presented under "Electives" in the outline of the curriculum, these require- ments may be classified as follows:

Semester credits

Prescribed in agriculture 25

Electives in agriculture required with the prerequisites 27

Required in agriculture 52

Prescribed in nonagriculture 38

Electives in nonagriculture, required 15

Electives that may be nonagricultural 19

Total allowed in nonagriculture 72

Required in military science 4

Total semester credits for graduation 128

For fields 1 to 5 the credits may be grouped as follows :

Semester credits

Prescribed in agriculture 25

Electives in agriculture required with the prerequisites 30

Required in agriculture 55

Prescribed in nonagriculture 38

Electives in nonagriculture, required 15

Electives that may be nonagricultural 16

Total allowed in nonagriculture 69

Required in military science 4

Total semester credits for graduation 128

The fifteen hours of major electives are chosen from courses in agricultural economics. The other electives in agricultural and nonagricultural subjects are grouped according to the industry or occupation for which the student is preparing.


By the selection of proper electives in the Department of Education, the four-year curriculum in agriculture or in agricultural administration may not only lead to the degree of Bachelor of Science in agriculture, but also qualify the student for the three-year Kansas state teacher's certificate, renewable for life and valid in any high school or other public school in the state. A student in the curriculum in agriculture, desiring to qualify for teaching, should begin his professional preparation by electing Psychology, first semester, junior year. (This course is required in the first semester of the sophomore year in the curriculum in agricultural administration.) A total of eighteen semester credits in the Department of Education is required for this certificate. These must include the following courses: Psychology, Educational Administration, and Educational Psychology.


Electives in the curriculum in agricultural administration and in the field of agricultural education may be so chosen as to meet the requirements for the state certificate for the teaching of vocational agriculture in Kansas high schools participating in the federal Smith-Hughes funds. In this case the group of minor electives in related nonagricultural subjects must complete the candidate's professional preparation in education and the group of general electives must include the necessary training in mechanical lines for the handling of farm shop problems. These groups must, therefore, include the following courses or their equivalents:

Semester credits

Minor electives 15

Educational Administration B 3

Educational Psychology 3

Special Methods of Teaching Agriculture 3

Supervised Observation and Teaching in Agriculture 3

Vocational Education 3

General electives 18

Gas Engines and Tractors 3

Farm Buildings 3

Farm Equipment 3

Farm Carpentry 1 3

Farm Blacksmithing 1 1

Farm Blacksmithing II 1

Farm Shop Methods 3

Total 32

104 Kansas State Agricultural College


This four-year curriculum leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in agriculture with special training in landscape gardening is planned to prepare those who complete it for the practice of general landscape gardening. The training given includes the engineering features of the profession, the design of landscape improvements, and the plant materials and architectural struc- tures which are used in the arrangement and beautification of both public and private grounds.

As the general culture and wealth of the country increases, one of their most common expressions is the improvement of home surroundings, for both utility and beauty, and the enlargement and beautification of public parks, recreational areas, school grounds, and cemeteries. The design and supervision of this work requires professionally trained men. Those so trained have in- creasingly great opportunity for profitable, interesting, and valuable employ- ment in a profession which requires the talents of an artist and the practica- bility of a builder.


A combined curriculum in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine has been outlined so that students may receive the degree of Bachelor of Science in agriculture at the end of four years, and the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the end of two years more, thus securing both degrees in six years.

The outline of this curriculum is to be found in the section of this catalogue tinder the heading "Division of Veterinary Medicine."

Curriculum in Agriculture


First Semester Second Semester

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 *3(3-0) Gen. Geology, Geol. 103.... 3(3-0)

Gen. Botany I, Bot. 101 3(1-4, 2) Gen. Botanv II, Bot. 105 3(1-4, 2)

Gen. Chemistry, Chem. 110 5(3-6) Gen. Org. Chemistry, Chem. 122 5(3-6)

El. of An. Husb., An. Husb. 125. .3(2-4)or El. of Dairying, Dairy Husb. 101 . .3(2-3)or

El. of Dairying, Dairy Husb. 101 3(2-3) El. of An. Husb., An. Husb. 125 3(2-4)

Freshman Lect., Gen. Agric. 102 1(2-0) Library Methods, Lib. Ec. 101 1(1-0)

Infantry I, Mil. Tr. 101A 1(0-3) Infantry II, Mil. Tr. 102A 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103..R(0-2) Phys. Education M, Phys, Ed. 104..R(0-2)

Agric. Seminar,1 Gen. Agric. 103 R Agric. Seminar,1 Gen. Agric. 103 R

Total 16 Total 16


First Semester Second Semester2

El. of Horticulture, Hort. 107 3(2-3) Prin. of Feeding, An. Husb. 152 3(3-0)

Agric. Economics, Ag. Ec. 101 3(3-0) College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Anat. and Physiol., Anat. 131 3(2-3)or

Plant Physiology I,3 Bot. 208 3(3-0)

Soils, Agron. 130 4(3-3)or Farm Crops, Agron. 101 4(2-6)or

Farm Crops, Agron. 101 4(2-6) Soils, Agron. 130 4(3-3)

Farm Poult. Pro., Poult. Husb. 101, 2(1-2, 1) General Zoology, Zool. 105 5(3-6)

Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A 1(0-3) Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105..R(0-2) Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106..R(0-2)

Agric. Seminar,1 Gen. Agric. 103 R Agric. Seminar,1 Gen. Agric. 103 R

, Total 16 Total 16

* The number before the parenthesis indicates the number of semester hours of credit ; the first number within the parentheses indicates the number of hours of recitation each week the second shows the number of hours to be spent in laboratory work each week ; and the third, where there is one, indicates the number of hours of outside work in connection with the laboratory each week.

1. Four meetings each semester.

2. Sometime during the second semester of the sophomore year each student is required to file a written statement in the office of the dean of the Division of Agriculture, desig- nating the department of the division in which he will major.

3. Students who do not expect to major in animal husbandry, dairy husbandry, or poultry 'husbandry may, with the approval of the head of the department in which they expect to major, take Plant Physiology I (Bot. 208) instead of Anatomy and Physiology.

Division of Agriculture 105 JUNIOR

First Semester Second Semester

Genetics, An. Husb. 221 3(3-0) Gen. Entomology, Ent. 203 3(2-3)

Plant Pathology I, Bot. 205 3(1-4, 2) Farm Organization, Ag. Ec. 106 3(2-3)

Agric. Microbiology, Bact. 106 3(1-6) Agric. Journalism, Ind. Jour 3(2-3)

Electives 7 Electives 7

Agric. Seminar,1 Gen. Agric. 103 R Agric. Seminar,1 Gen. Agric. 103 R

Total 16 Total 16


First Semester Second Semester

Agric. Relationships, Gen. Agric. 105, R(l-0)

Electives 16 Electives 16

Agric. Seminar,1 Gen. Agric. 103 R Agric. Seminar,1 Gen. Agric. 103 R

Total 16 Total 16

Number of semester hours required for graduation, 128.


The electives in the curriculum in agriculture are grouped as follows:

Semester credits MAJOR ELECTIVES 12

These electives may be taken in any one of the departments of the Division of Agriculture. In certain cases also a science department outside of the division may be selected for a major department ; e. g., Chemistry, Entomology, Bacteriology.


These electives may be taken from one or more departments but must directly strengthen the student's preparation in agriculture.


These electives must be chosen from one or more of the following departments: Education, Economics and Sociology, History and Government, Mathematics, Modern Languages.


These electives are expected to be chosen because they are adapted to meet indi- vidual needs and to round out the preparation provided by the rest of the student's curriculum. All students not offering one unit of high -school physics for entrance are required to include three credit hours of general physics in their electives.

All electives must be officially approved before assignment by both the dean of the Division of Agriculture and the head of the department in which the student majors.


Students desiring more definitely to prepare themselves for scientific or special work in the field of agriculture may, with the approval of the dean of the Division of Agriculture and the head of the department in which they expect to major, substitute courses in the Department of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Bacteriology, Entomology, Zoology, Botany and Plant Pathology, Education, Agricultural Engineering, Modern Languages, and other approved departments, in place of twenty-five credit hours in the curriculum in agri- culture. Provided that no student may receive a degree in agriculture who does not have at least twenty-five credits in technical agriculture in not fewer than three departments.

Curriculum in Agricultural Administration


First Semester Second Semester

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0) Gen. Geology, G'eol. 103 3(3-0)

Gen. Botany I, Bot. 101 3(1-4, 2) Gen. Botany II, Bot. 105 3(1-4, 2)

Gen. Chemistry, Chem. 110 5(3-6) Gen. Org. Chemistry, Chem. 122 5(3-6)

El. of An. Husb., An. Husb. 125. .3(2-4)or El. of Dairying, Dairy Husb. 101 3(2-3W

El. of Dairying, Dairy Husb. 101 3(2-3) El. of An. Husb., An. Husb. 125 3(2-4)

Freshmen Lect., Gen. Agric 102 1(2-0) Library Methods, Lib. Ec. 101 1(1-0)

Infantry I, Mil. Tr. 101A 1(0-3) Infantry II, Mil. Tr. 102A. . 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103..R(0-2) Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104..R(0-2)

Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R

Total 16 Total 16

* Four meetings each semester.

106 Kansas State Agricultural College


First Semester Second Semester

Psychology A, Educ. 101 3(3-0) El. of Hort., Hort. 107 3(2-3)

Agric. Economics, Agric. Ec. 101 3(3-0) Feeding L. S., An. Husb. 172 3(3-0)

College Algebra A, Math. 107 5(5-0) College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Soils, Agron. 130 4(3-3)or Soils, Agron. 130 4(3-3)or

Farm Crops, Agron. 101 4(2-6) Farm Crops, Agron. 101 4(2-6)

Farm Poult. Pro., Poult. Husb. 101, 2(1-2, 1)

Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A 1(0-3) Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105..R(0-2) Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106..R(0-2)

Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R

Total 16 Total 16


First Semester Second Semester

Agric. Journalism, Ind. Jour 3(2-3)

Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R

Electives 13 Electives 16

Total 16 Total 16


First Semester Second Semester

Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R Agric. Relationships, Gen. Agric. 105, R(l-0)

Electives 16 Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R

Electives 16

Total 16

Total 16

Number of semester hours required for graduation, 128.


The electives in the curriculum in agricultural administration are grouped as indicated below in the following fields: (1) Rural banking, (2) land eco- nomics, (3) grain industries, (4) agricultural journalism, (5) agricultural en- gineering, and (6) agricultural education.


Credits Credits

in fields in fields

Group. 1, 2, 3,4,5 6

Major electives in agricultural economics 15 10

Minor agricultural electives (not more than nine semester credits from one

department) 15 17

Minor electives in related nonagricultural subjects. 15 15

General electives 16 19

Total 61 61

Note. All students not offering one unit of high -school physics for entrance are required to include three credit hours of general physics in their electives.

All electives must be officially approved before assignment by both the dean of the Division of Agriculture and the head of the Department of Agri- cultural Economics.

Adaptation of Curriculum in Agricultural Administration for

Class of 1931

The class of 1931 will be held for the freshman year as outlined on page 100 of the catalogue issued under date of May 1, 1927. The other years will be the same as outlined on a preceding page of this catalogue, except that in the second semester of the sophomore year, three semester credits of options will displace College Rhetoric II.

Number of semester credits required for graduation, 134. * Four meetings each semester.

Division of Agriculture


Curriculum in Agriculture, with Special Training in Landscape



First Semester

Second Semester

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Gen. Botany I, Bot. 101 3(1-4, 2)

Gen. Chemistry, Chem. 110 5(3-6)

Engr. Draw., Mach. Des. 101 2(0-6)

Library Methods, Lib. Ec. 101 1(1-0)

Freshman Lect., Gen. Agric. 102 1(2-0)

Infantry I, Mil. Tr. 101A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151A, R(0-3) Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R

Gen. Geology, Geol. 103 3(3-0)

Gen. Botany II, Bot. 105 3(1-4, 2)

Gen. Org. Chemistry, Chem. 122 5(3-6)

Extempore Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106.. 2(2-0) Domestic Arch., Arch. 124 2(2-0)

Infantry II, Mil. Tr. 102A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A, R(0-3) Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R

Total men 16

Total women 15

Total men 16

Total women 15


First Semester

Object Draw., Arch. Ill 2(0-6)

Agric. Economics, Agric. Ec. 101. .. .3(3-0)

Plant Physiology I, Bot. 208 3(3-0)

Soils, Agron. 130 4(3-3)

Landscape Gardening I, Hort. 125 3(3-0)

Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A (men). . .1(0-3) Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3) Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R

Second Semester

Object Draw. II, Arch. 114 2(0-6)

Plane Trigonometry, Math. 101 3(3-0)

General Zoology, Zool. 105 5(3-6)

El. of Horticulture, Hort. 107 3(2-3)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys, Ed. 154..R(0-3) Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R

Total men 16

Total women 15

Total men 16

Total women 15


First Semester

Plant Materials I, Hort. 224 3(2-3)

Plant Pathology I, Bot. 205 3(1-4, 2)

Surveying I, Civ. Engr. 102 2(0-6)

Theory of Lands. Design, Hort. 243.. 2(2-0) Greenhouse Con. & Man., Hort. 128.. 3(3-0) Taxo. Bot. of Fl. Plants, Bot. 225. .3(1-4, 2)

Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R

Second Semester

General Entomology, Ent. 203 3(2-3)

Agric. Journalism, Ind. Jour. 160 3(2-3)

Surveying II, Civ. Engr. Ill 2(0-6)

Plant Materials II, Hort. 226A 3(2-3)

Plant Ecology, Bot. 228 2(2-0)

Floriculture Problems, Hort. 220 2( - )

Electives1 ; l

Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R

Total 16

Total 16


First Semester Landscape Gardening II, Hort. 238.. 3(1-6)

Dendrology, Hort. 117 3(2-3)

Spraying, Hort. 207 3(2-3)

Pencil Rend. & Sketch., Arch 116 2(0-6)

Landscape Constr., Hort. 227 3(2-3)

Electives1 2

Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 R

Second Semester Agric. Relationships, Gen. Agric. 105, R(l-0)

Silviculture, Hort. 119 3(2-3)

Landscape Gardening III, Hort. 246, 3(1-6)

Water Color I, Arch. 118 2(0-6)

Civic Art, Hort. 223 3(1-6)

Landscape Gard. Prob., Hort. 240... 4( - )

Electives i

Agric. Seminar,* Gen. Agric. 103 7.R

Total 16 Total 16

Number of semester hours required for graduation: Men, 129; women 125.

Electives in Industrial Journalism

Provision is made for students desiring to prepare for the field of agricul- tural journalism to major in industrial journalism. They thus secure to a large extent the agricultural training provided in either the curriculum in agri- culture or the curriculum in agricultural administration, but instead of securing advanced intensive training in some field of agricultural production or agri-

* Four meetings each semester.

1. All students not offering one unit of high-school physics for entrance are required to include three credit hours of general physics in their electives.

108 Kansas State Agricultural College,

cultural administration, secure some fundamental training in journalism. They are then well prepared for a large vocational field as agricultural writers, maga- zine and newspaper publishers, or leaders in other journalistic activities, es- pecially those closely related to agriculture. The electives provided for stu- dents selecting such a field for major work are as follows:

Electives for Students of Agriculture Majoring in Industrial Journalism

First Semester Second Semester

Principles of Advertising 3(3-0) Industrial Writing 2(2-0)

Industrial Feature Writing 2(2-0) Editorial Practice 2(2-0)

Copy Reading 2(0-6) Ethics of Journalism 2(2-0)

The Rural Press 2(2-0) Journalism Surveys 2(0-6)

Agricultural Economics

Professor Grimes Assistant Professor Hodges

Professor Green Assistant Professor Howe

Associate Professor Evans Assistant Professor Henney

Associate Professor Mortenson Graduate Assistant Larsen

The investigational work in agricultural economics brings together the latest information concerning the business of farming and of closely related indus- tries. These data are used in the instructional work of the department and illustrate the principles of successful farm organization and operation, the mar- keting of farm products, and the conduct of business enterprises that are closely related to agriculture. The student has an opportunity to learn of the factors and economic forces involved in marketing, credit, taxation, land utili- zation, conservation, and similar subjects. Attention is given to the probable future consequences of various policies and practices, in addition to providing opportunity to become acquainted with existing conditions. The student in agricultural economics has exceptional opportunity to work with facts taken from the actual business of farming and of other industries that are closely related to agriculture.

The department is expanding its facilities to meet the growing demand for advanced study. Opportunities of careers for those who are well trained in this field are increasingly favorable, because of the growing importance of agri- cultural economics to the farmer and in our national life.

The equipment belonging to the department is valued at $4,733.f



101. § Agricultural Economics. 3(3-0) ;* I. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Dr. Grimes, Mr. Howe, Mr. Henney and Mr. Larsen. Economic principles as they relate to agriculture.

106. Farm Organization. 3(2-3) ; I and II. Prerequisites: Ag. Ec. 101, Agron. 130, and An. Husb. 152. Dr. Grimes, Mr. Evans, Mr. Hodges, and Mr. Larsen.

The economic factors affecting the organization and operation of the farm business, and their effect on profits. Results from actual farms are studied in the laboratory. Charge, $1.

*The number before the parenthesis indicates the number of semester hours of credit ; the first number within the parentheses indicates the number of hours of recitation each week; the second shows the number of hours to be spent in laboratory work each week; and the third, where there is one, indicates the number of hours of outside work in connection with the laboratory required each week. I, II, and SS indicate that the course is given the first semester, second semester, and summer session, respectively.

f The figures for equipment given here and on pages following are based on the official reports of June 30, 1929.

t Absent on leave year of 1929-'30.

§ For an explanation of the system used in numbering courses, see the paragraph on "Course Numbers," given elsewhere in this catalogue.

Division of Agriculture 109

112. Farm Cost Accounting. 3(2-3) ; I and II. Prerequisite: Ag. Ec. 101. Mr. Evans and Mr. Hodges.

Various systems of farm records and accounts. In the laboratory, problems from actual farms. Cost of producing farm products; analysis and utilization of cost of production data. Charge, $1.


202. Marketing of Farm Products. 3(3-0); I and II. Prerequisite: Ag Ec. 101. Mr. Green, Mr. Mortenson, and Mr. Henney.

Price problems affecting time of buying and selling; buyers' and sellers' re- lations; marketing organizations and the control of marketing, and the adapta- bility of products to market demands and preferences.

203. Grain Marketing. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Ag. Ec. 202. Mr. Green.

Price influences and price relationships, buying and selling problems; do- mestic and export trade in grain; grain trade organization; regulation and control of the trade.

204. Transportation of Farm Products. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Ag. Ec. 101. Mr. Henney.

Rate making and other transportation problems having an important in- fluence on the marketing of farm products.

206 A. Advanced Farm Organization. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisite: Ag. Ec. 106. Dr. Grimes and Mr. Evans.

Factors affecting the successful organization and operation of the farm busi- ness; effects of external factors. A number of the better and more profitable farms are visited.

212. Conservation of Agricultural Resources. 2(2-0) ; II. Prerequisites: Ag. Ec. 101; junior standing. Mjr. Howe.

The world's agricultural resources, the economics of their utilization, and their present and future relationship to human well-being.

218. Agricultural Land Problems. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Ag. Ec. 101. Mr. Howe.

A study of the relation of population to land supply and the conditions affecting tenure, ownership, and valuation of land.

219. Taxation and Land Ownership. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Ag. Ec. 101, or consult instructor. Mr. Howe.

Analysis of public expenditures and revenues, public credit, and fiscal ad- ministration with special emphasis upon the effects of each upon agriculture.

Land Law. See Land Law (Hist. 276).

221. Agricultural Finance. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Ag. Ec. 101. Mr. Howe.

Sources and kinds of credit for purchasing farm land and financing farm operations.

227. Farmer Movements. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Ag. Ec. 101. Dr. Grimes.

Farmers' efforts to improve economic status through organization. Prin- ciples underlying successful organization of farmers.

231. Agricultural Economics Seminar. 1(1-0); I and II. Prerequisites: Ag. Ec. 101. Dr. Grimes, Mr. Green, Mr. Mortenson, Mr. Evans, Mr. Howe, Mr. Hodges, and Mr. Henney.

Current questions in agricultural economics reviewed and discussed; topics prepared and presented by students.

235. Live-stock Marketing. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Ag. Ec. 202. Mr. Henney.

The economics of live-stock marketing and factors affecting live-stock prices.

240. Principles of Cooperation. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Ag. Ec. 101. Dr. Grimes.


Kansas State Agricultural College

A study of the principles underlying cooperative endeavor. Experiences of cooperative associations of farmers are used as illustrative material.

270. Agricultural Economic Problems. 1 to 4 credits; I, II, and SS. Pre- requisites: Ag. Ec. 106 or 202, or such other courses as are necessary for the study of the problem selected. Dr. Grimes, Mr. Green, Mr. Mortenson, Mr. Evans, Mr. Hodges, Mr. Howe, and Mr. Henney.


301. Research in Agricultural Economics. 1 to 5 credits; I, II and SS. Prerequisites: Consult instructors. Dr. Grimes, Mr. Green, Mr. Mortenson, Mr. Evans, Mr. Hodges, Mr. Howe, and Mr. Henney.

Individual research problems in the marketing of farm products, cooperation among farmers, farmer movements, land problems, taxation, tenancy, agricul- tural industries, agricultural finance, farm labor, farm power, farm organization, and cost of producing farm products. Any of the subjects assigned may furnish data for a master's thesis.

305. Advanced Agricultural Economics. 3(3-0) ; I. For prerequisites, consult instructor. Mr. Green and Mr. Mortenson.

The basic principles of economics, a strengthened foundation in funda- mentals; planned readings in the works of leading economists, and discus- sion of principles and their application to problems confronting specialists in agricultural economics.

310. History of Agricultural Economic Thought. 3(3-0); II. Prerequi- sites: Consult instructor. Dr. Grimes.

Development of agricultural economics and relation of agricultural economic doctrines to conditions existing when they were formulated.


Professor Throckmorton Professor Salmon Professor Parker Professor Aldotjs Professor Duley Associate Professor Sewell Associate Professor Zahnley Associate Professor Laude Assistant Professor Davis

Assistant Professor Timmons Instructor Myers Assistant Lewis Assistant Harling Farm Superintendent Crews Graduate Research Assistant Suneson Graduate Assistant Goth Graduate Assistant Alspach

The College farm used by the Department of Agronomy comprises 320 acres of medium rolling upland soil, well suited to experimental and demonstration work. It is well equipped with all kinds of farm machinery necessary in crop production. The general fields and experimental plots used for the breeding and testing of farm crops, and for conducting experiments in soil fertility and methods of culture, afford the student excellent opportunities for study and investigation.

Large and well equipped laboratories for soil and crop work are maintained for the regular use of students. Material is provided for the study of the grain and forage crops best adapted to different purposes and most suitable for growing in the state. Ample greenhouse space is provided for problems and research work in crops and soils.

The Department of Agronomy offers courses in cereal and forage crop pro- duction and improvement, in pasture management, in soils, soil fertility, soil survey, and dry land farming.

This department owns equipment valued at $28,869.



101. Farm Crops. 4(2-6); I and II. Prerequisite: Bot. 101. Mr. Davis. The distribution, relative importance, value, and production of the more important grain and forage crops. Deposit, $5.

Division of Agriculture 111

105. Seed Identification and Weed Control. 2(1-3); I. Prerequisite: Agron. 101. Mr. Zahnley and Mrs. Harling.

Methods of propagation, control, and eradication of weeds.

Laboratory.— Identification of weed plants and seeds; germination and purity testing; field trips. Charge, $2.50.

108. Grain Grading and Judging. 2(0-6); II. Prerequisite: Agron. 101. Mr. Zahnley.

Practice in grading and judging crops and crop products, including wheat corn, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat, flax, rice, alfalfa, clover, soybeans, cowpeas. and various kinds of hay. Charge, $3.50.

114. Advanced Grain Judging. 2(0-6) ; I. Prerequisite: Agron. 108. Mr. Zahnley.

Identification, commercial grading and judging^ and presenting orally and in writing the merits of samples of the various kinds of field crops. Charge, $3.50.


202. Crop Improvement. 3(2-3) or 4(2-6) ; II. Prerequisites: Agron. 101. and An. Husb. 221. Dr. Parker.

Principles of plant breeding reviewed and applied to the principal groups of field crops; methods of selection, hybridization, and breeding for special qualities.

Laboratory. A study of heritable characters in crop plants and of lab- oratory, greenhouse, and field methods of plant breeding. Charge, $2.50.

203. Advanced Forage Crops. 2(1-3); I. Prerequisite: Agron. 101. Mr. Zahnley.

Results of the most recent investigations in forage crops here and abroad; a more intensive study of the sorghums, alfalfa, sweet clover, soybeans, and other important or promising forage crops.

Laboratory. The growth habits of crops considered in the lecture, especially as related to the production and improvement of these crops, storing, market grading, and marketing of hay. Charge, $1.

205B. Principles of Agronomic Experimentation. 3(2-3) ; I. Prerequi- sites: Agron. 101 and 130. Mr. Salmon.

The principles of experimentation in general, and their application to agro- nomic problems; important contributions to agronomic science studied from the historical and statistical viewpoint. Charge, $2.50.

206. Agronomy Seminar. 1(1-0); II. Prerequisites: Agron. 101 and 130. Mr. Throckmorton.

Students review before the class timely articles appearing in bulletins and current journals.

207 A. Pasture Improvement. 3(2-3) ;' II. Prerequisites: Bot. 102 and Agron. 101. Mr. Aldous.

Native forage plants, their distribution, value, life history and habits, and their management; management of pastures and ranges, including determina- tion of their carrying capacity, character of stock best suited to a range or pasture, and proper methods of handling areas for maintenance or increase of forage cover.

208. Plant Genetics. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 221. Dr. Parker.

An advanced course for students interested in plant breeding and principles of genetics. Offered in 1928- '29 and alternate years thereafter.

209. Genetics Seminar. 1 credit; the year. Prerequisite: Consult in- structors. Dr. Nabours, Dr. Parker, Dr. Warren, Dr. Ibsen, and Dr. Brunson.

Study and criticism of genetic experiments in plants and animals, of the biological and mathematical methods employed, and of the validity of con- clusions drawn.

112 Kansas State Agricultural College

210. Crop Problems. 1(0-3) to 4(0-12) ; I, II and SS. Prerequisite: Agron. 203. Mr. Salmon, Dr. Parker, Mr. Aldous, and Mr. Zahnley.

Special problems chosen or assigned; written reports upon completion of problems; credit varies with amount and quality of work done. Deposit, $5.

211. Crop Ecology. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Agron. 101. Mr. Salmon. Distribution of farm crops with special reference to the climatic, edaphic,

economic, and social factors primarily responsible for the concentration of crop production in certain countries; possibilities of further increases in crop- producing areas and probable nature and direction of such increases.

212. Origin and Classification of Crop Plants. 3(l%-4%) ; I. Pre- requisite: Agron. 101. Offered in 1929-'30 and alternate years thereafter. Dr. Parker, Mr. Zahnley, and Mr. Laude.

Geographical and botanical origin of crop plants; characters used in iden- tification of varieties of crop plants and related wild forms. Charge, $2.50.

213. Special Crops. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Agron. 101. Mr. Zahnley. Distribution, climatic and soil requirements, relative importance, and pro- duction of sugar beets, cotton, flax, hemp, tobacco, and other minor crops.


301. Crop Research. 1 to 10 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Agron. 203. Mr. Salmon, Dr. Parker, Mr. Aldous, and Mr. Zahnley.

Special problems chosen or assigned, resulting data being available for master's thesis. Charge, $5.

302. Pasture Improvement Research. 1 to 5 credits; I, II, and SS. Pre- requisites: Agron. 207, Civ. Engr. Ill, and Bot. 225. Mr. Aldous.

Special problems chosen or assigned; investigations may furnish data for master's thesis.

303. Plant Breeding Literature. 1(0-3); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 221. Dr. Parker.

An opportunity is offered to familiarize students with current literature in genetics and plant breeding.



130. Soils. 4(3-3); I and II. Prerequisites: Chem. 110 and Geol. 103. Mr. Throckmorton, Dr. Sewell, and Mr. Myers.

Fundamental principles underlying the management of soils. Charge, $3.50.


231. Dry-land Farming. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Agron. 130. Mr. Myers. Principles underlying the cultivation methods and farming systems under light rainfall conditions.

232A. Advanced Soil Fertility. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Agron. 130. Dr. Duley.

Physical, chemical, and biological factors which influence the fertility of the soil and practical use of manure, fertilizer, lime, and legumes. Charge, $5.

233. Soil Survey. 2(1-3); II. Prerequisite: Agron. 130. Mr. Myers and Mr. Lewis.

Types of soils of the United States and methods of mapping soil areas; special attention to study of Kansas soils in the field. Charge, $1.

235. Advanced Soils Laboratory. 1(0-3) to 4(0-12); I, II, or the year. Prerequisite: Agron. 130. Dr. Duley, Dr. Sewell, and Mr. Myers.

The more advanced problems of soil physics and fertility, the making of mechanical analyses; determination of moisture equivalent; specific heat; pot work with soils in the greenhouse. Charge, $2.50.

Division of Agriculture


236. Soil Problems. 1(0-3) to 4(0-12); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites depend on problem assigned. Mr. Throckmorton, Dr. Sewell, and Dr. Duley. Special problems in soils, chosen or assigned. Deposit, $5.

243. Soil and Crop Management. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisites: Agron. 101 and 130. Dr. Duley.

Discussion and investigation of practical management of soils and crops.

247. Interrelations of Soils and Crop Plants. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisites: Agron. 130 and Bot. 208. Dr. Sewell.

Chemical laws, plant physiology, and ecological factors applied to Boil problems in relation to crop production.


331. Soil Research. 1 to 10 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Agron. 130 and Chem. 250. Mr. Throckmorton, Dr. Duley, and Dr. Sewell.

Special soil problems, which may extend throughout the year and furnish data for a master's thesis. Charge, $5.

Animal Husbandry

Professor McCampbell Professor Bell Professor Ibsen Professor Reed Professor Anderson Associate Professor Aubel

Assistant Professor Mackintosh Assistant Professor Alexander Graduate Assistant Hopper Graduate Assistant Decker Graduate Research Assistant Day

The courses of study in this department are arranged to give the student special instruction in the selection, breeding, feeding, marketing, and manage- ment of all classes of live stock.

The department devotes 624 acres of land to the maintenance of herds and flocks of pure-bred horses, cattle, sheep, and hogs. The College live stock has attained a national reputation among breeders and feeders on account of the many prize-winning animals produced.

This department feeds experimentally from 750 to 1,000 animals each year. This affords excellent opportunity to study feeding animals and problems in feeding.

The feed yards and barns are well arranged for experimental feeding and the maintenance of the herds. The laboratory of the animal husbandry stu- dent is the feed lot and the judging pavilion. He studies the animal from the standpoint of the breeder and the feeder. He learns to combine the needs of each and to find those qualities in the animal best suited to meet these needs.

The department owns equipment valued at $38,545. This includes live stock having a value of $26,796.



125. Elements of Animal Husbandry. 3(2^4); I and II. Mr. Bell, Mr. Mackintosh, and Mr. Alexander.

A general survey of the field of animal husbandry with special emphasis on the relation of live stock to agriculture in general. Type, conformation, quality, character, and breed characteristics in animals are stressed in the laboratory. Charge, 50 cents.

140. Advanced Stock Judging I. 2(0-6); I. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 125. Mr. Bell.

The judging of market animals and of different breeds of pure-bred stock, four to six animals in a group as is customary at county and state fairs. Charge, 50 cents.

114 Kansas State Agricultural College

143. Advanced Stock Judging II. 2(0-6) ; II. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 140. Mr. Bell.

Continuation of An. Husb. 140; occasional trips to the best live-stock farms of the state, where the management of herds and flocks as handled by the most successful stockmen of the state are judged and observed. Charge, 50 cents.

146. Form and Function in Live Stock. 2(0-6); I. Prerequisites: An. Husb. 143 and 180. Mr. Bell.

A detailed and specific study of animal form and type, and influence of type upon function; relation of form, type and condition to growth and de- velopment; comparative measurements of growing and fattening animals, speed and draft horses, mutton and wool sheep, and lard and bacon types of hogs; special training in presenting orally the relative merits of animals of all breeds. Charge, 50 cents.

152. Principles of Feeding. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisites: Anat. 131 and Chem. 122. Mr. Anderson.

The digestive system and processes of nutrition; the origin, chemical analysis, grades, and feeding values of different feeds; the theory of practical economy of rations for the maintenance and for the fattening of all classes of farm animals.

155. Beef-cattle Production. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisites: An. Husb. 120, 180, and 152. Dr. McCampbell and Mr. Anderson.

Economical methods of growing and fattening market cattle; practice in feeding, management, and housing of cattle.

158. Swine Production. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisites: An. Husb. 120, 180, and 152. Mr. Aubel.

Economical methods of growing swine for the market; practice in the feed- ing, management, and housing of swine.

161. Sheep Production. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisites: An. Husb. 120, 180, and 152. Mr. Reed.

Economical methods of growing, fitting, and finishing sheep for market; practice in the feeding, management, and housing of sheep.

164. Horse Production. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisites: An. Husb. 120, 180, and 152. Mr. Mackintosh.

Economical methods for growing, handling, and housing horses for breeding purposes, for work, and for the market; practice in feeding, handling, and housing horses.

167. Meats. 2(1-3); II. Prerequisites: An. Husb. 120 and 152. Mr. Mackintosh.

Killing and dressing, cutting, and curing meats. Charge, $1.

171. Live-stock Production. 3(3-0); II and SS. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 152 or 172. Open only to juniors and seniors not majoring in animal hus- bandry. Mr. Bell.

Practical insight into the production of beef cattle, horses, swine, and sheep.

172. Feeding Live Stock. 3(3-0) ; II. Open only to students in agricultural administration and agricultural engineering. Mr. Alexander.

The processes of digestion and assimilation, the food requirements of dif- ferent animals, methods of calculating rations, and the relative feeding value of different feeds.

176. Meats HE. 1(0-3); II. For juniors and seniors in home economics. Prerequisite: Food and Nut. 106. Mr. Mackintosh.

The selection, cutting, and curing of meats; particular attention to grading of carcasses and the uses of the various cuts of meats. Charge, $1.

181. Breeds of Live Stock. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 120. Mr.


Division of Agriculture 115

A study of the origin, development, adaptability, families, strains, noted sires, and noted breeders of the leading breeds of farm live stock other than dairy cattle.

182. Meat Studies HE. 1(0-3); I. For juniors and seniors in home eco- nomics. Prerequisite: Food and Nut. 106. Mr. Mackintosh.

Lectures and demonstrations illustrating wholesale and retail cuts of meat and their utilization; also the factors determining quality and palatability in meat. Not accepted as a prerequisite for Advanced Meats.


221. Genetics. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Zool. 105 and Bot. 105. Dr. Ibsen.

A general study of variation, Mendelian inheritance, and related subjects.

223. Animal Breeding. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 221. Mr. Aubel.

The physiology of reproduction; general principles of heredity; variation; systems of mating; influence of pedigrees and herdbook standard; and an analysis of the breeding practices of leading breeders.

225. Advanced Genetics. 4(3-3); II. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 221. Dr. Ibsen.

Genetics studied in greater detail than in An. Husb. 221 ; particular attention to the relation of chromosomes to heredity.

227. Genetics Seminar. 1 credit; the year. Prerequisites: Consult in- structors. Dr. Nabours, Dr. Ibsen, Dr. Parker, and Dr. Warren.

Genetic experiments in plants and animals, the biological and mathematical methods employed, and validity of conclusions drawn.

229. Research in Genetics. 1 to 10 credits; I and II. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 225. Dr. Ibsen.

A two-semester course offering opportunity for individual study of prob- lems in which small mammals are used as the experimental animals.

231. Advanced Studies in Pedigrees. 3(1-6); II. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 181. Mr. Mackintosh.

Pedigrees and prepotency of individuals representing the more important strains and families of beef cattle, horses, sheep, and swine.

233. Advanced Feeding. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 152. Mr. Anderson.

A survey of the experimental feeding of horses, cattle, sheep, and hogs; fundamental and practical feeding problems of the various sections of the country; results obtained in experimental investigation of these problems.

244. Animal Husbandry Seminar. (1-0) ; II. Open only to seniors and graduate students majoring in animal husbandry. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 152. Mr. Reed.

245. Animal Husbandry Problems, 1 to 5 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequi- sites: An. Husb. 152 and other courses; consult instructor. Dr. McCampbell.

250. Pure-bred Live-stock Production. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 181 and 223; senior or graduate standing. Mr. Reed.

The real function of pure-bred live stock; the many factors upon which the successful production of pure-bred live stock depends; and possibilities in pure-bred live-stock production.

260. The American Live-stock and Meat Industry. 3(3-0); II. Pre- requisites: An. Husb. 120 and 152. Dr. McCampbell.

An advanced study of the live-stock and meat industry; its organization, operation, and development; and the relation of its diversified activities to each other and to the public. Lectures, assigned readings, and reports.


Kansas State Agricultural College

268. Live-stock Experimental Methods. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisites: An. Husb. 152 and 221. Dr. McCampbell and Dr. Ibsen.

How to plan, conduct, and interpret experiments involving the use of ani- mals.

270. Live-stock Management. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisites: An. Husb. 125 and 152 or 172. Dr. McCampbell and other members of the department.

This course deals with the details of management, including general care, shipping, fitting, showing, etc.

274. Advanced Meats. 1 to 4 credits; II. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 167. Mr. Mackintosh.

Grading of carcasses; studies in nutritive value of different grades of meat; factors influencing the quality of meats; factors influencing dressing per- centages of meat animals; and identification of meats from different animals.

290. Problems in Training Agricultural Judging Teams. Class 2 hours daily; 2 credits. 2d SS. Prerequisites: An. Husb. 125, Agron. 101, Poult. Husb. 101, Dairy Husb. 101, one year's teaching experience. Mr. Bell in charge, cooperating with Mr. Zahnley, Mr. Scott, Mr. Cave, and Mr. Davidson.

A seminar course in problems involved in training agricultural judging teams in animal husbandry, agronomy, poultry husbandry, and dairy husbandry. Practice in each field is a part of the course.


301. Research in Animal Husbandry. 1 to 10 credits; I and II. Pre- requisites: An. Husb. 155, 158, 161, and 164. Dr. McCampbell.

Special problems in beef-cattle production, swine production, sheep produc- tion, horse production, pure-bred live-stock production, and genetics.

305. Animal Nutrition Seminar. 1 credit; the year. Prerequisite: Con- sult instructors. Dr. Hughes, Dr. McCampbell, Dr. Leinhardt, Dr. Burt, Dr. Kramer, Mr. Payne, and Mr. Fitch.

Study and criticism of experimental work in animal nutrition, of the methods employed, and of the validity of conclusions drawn.

311. The Wool Industry. 3(2-3) ; II. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 161. Mr.


The supply of wool and the demand for it; and the method of producing, marketing, storing, grading, and manufacturing wool.

Dairy Husbandry

Professor Fitch Professor Cave Professor Martin Assistant Professor Riddell Instructor Brooks

Instructor Caulfield Graduate Assistant Smith Graduate Research Assistant Hodgson Graduate Research Assistant Seath

The activities of the Department of Dairy Husbandry may be divided into two groups; those that deal with the production of milk and those that deal with the marketing and manufacturing of the several dairy products. In order to get first-hand information a dairy herd is maintained and a creamery operated. The animals in the dairy herd are used by judging classes and in experiments in the feeding, care, and management of dairy animals. Up-to- date methods in creamery operation are exemplified in the creamery.

The dairy herd consists of excellent types of the four dairy breeds: Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire, and Holstein. These animals are pure-bred, and a num- ber have been entered in the advanced registry of their respective breeds. The excellence of the herd is shown by the yearly records of the cows that have been officially tested. The average for the Guernseys is 9,532 pounds of milk and 432 pounds of butter fat; for the Ayrshires, 11,614 pounds of milk

Division of Agriculture 117

and 442 pounds of butter fat ; for the Holsteins 13,925 pounds of milk and 492 pounds of butter fat; and for Jerseys 6,897 pounds of milk and 400 pounds of butter fat.

The Department of Dairy Husbandry is provided with ample room in the west wing of Waters Hall. The creamery is located in a one-story annex on the north end of this wing. In this building the department has the most up-to-date equipment available for handling butter, cheese, milk, ice cream, and condensed milk on a quantity basis, and is equipped far better than ever before to instruct students interested in the manufacturing side of dairying.

Students who have specialized in dairying are now among the leading dairy- cattle breeders of the state. Others who were interested in the manufacturing side of dairying are in responsible positions with creameries and milk com- panies or in business for themselves. The dairy industry is expanding in Kansas, and this is bringing a greater demand for men with experience and knowledge of dairying.

The instruction in the Department of Dairy Husbandry includes the study of the selection and breeding of dairy animals, the production of milk, its manufacture into butter, cheese, and other dairy products, and its sale on the market. The success of the instruction in judging dairy animals may be assumed from the fact that in thirteen contests the Kansas team has averaged better than third place.

This department owns equipment valued at $51,516. This figure includes live stock to the value of $26,365.



101. Elements of Dairying. 3(2-3) ; I and II. Mr. Cave, Mr. Caulfield. Mr. Brooks, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Hodgson.

The secretion, composition, and properties of milk; factors influencing the quantity and quality of milk; care of milk and cream on the farm; different methods of creaming; construction and operation of farm separators; principles and application of the Babcock test; use of the lactometer; and butter making on the farm.

Laboratory. Practice in making the Babcock test, in use of the lactometer, in separation of milk, and in farm butter making. Charge, $2.

104. Dairy Judging. 1(0-3) ; I and II. Mr. Brooks.

Judging dairy stock from the standpoint of economical production and breed type.

106. Dairy Inspection I. 2(1-3); I. Prerequisites: Bact. 106 and Dairy Husb. 101. Mr. Caulfield.

Advanced work in the testing of dairy products and testing for adultera- tions; practice in use of score cards for inspecting and grading milk plants, farm dairies, and creameries; outlining of state and city ordinances governing the handling and public sale of dairy products; training in duties of city, state, and government inspectors. Charge, $3.

108. Milk Production. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisites: Dairy Husb. 101 and An. Husb. 152 or 172. Mr. Fitch.

Economical production of milk and the most approved method of handling the dairy herd; construction of dairy barns and buildings; other subjects re- lating to the dairy farmer.

109. Butter Making I. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisites: Dairy Husb. 101 and Bact. 211. Mr. Martin.

Principles of creamery butter making; construction and care of creameries and their appliances; methods of sampling and grading cream; pasteurization; starter making; cream ripening; and creamery accounting.

Laboratory. Practice in the sampling and grading of milk and cream, etc.; the making of salt, fat, and moisture determinations of the finished product; judging and scoring butter. Charge, $3.

118 Kansas State Agricultural College

111. Butter Making II. 4(2-6); I. Prerequisites: Dairy Husb. 101 and Bact. 211. Mr. Martin.

Similar to course 109; for students specializing in dairy manufacturing. Charge, $3.

116A. Market Milk. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisites: Dairy Husb. 101 and Bact. 211. Mr. Martin.

Classes of market milk; equipment and methods for clean milk production; relation of clean milk to producer, dealer, and consumer; systems of milk inspection, score cards, and milk and cream contests; milk plants, including their methods and equipment.

Laboratory. Actual practice in all the steps in the production of market milk and cream in the College milk plant. Charge, $3.

118. Dairy Inspection II. (Vet.) 1(0-3) ; II. Mr. Caulfield. The testing of dairy products; the inspection and scoring of dairies and milk depots; the testing for adulterants in dairy products. Charge, S3.

120. Advanced Dairy Judging. 1(0-3); II. Mr. Cave. Continuation of Dairy Husb. 104; visits to the best farms of the state; opportunity to judge and handle stock kept by the most successful breeders.

127. Condensed and Powdered Milk. 2(1-3); I. Prerequisites: Dairy Husb. 116 and Bact. 211. Mr. Martin.

The history of milk condensing, methods of manufacture, condensing ma- chinery, and the powdered-milk industry.

Laboratory. Condensing milk in the college plant. Charge, $3.

130. Ice Cream Making. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisites: Dairy Husb. 106 and 116. Mr. Martin and Mr. Caulfield.

A thorough study of the science and practice of the commercial manufacture of ice cream and ices.

Laboratory. Practice in all phases of the manufacture of ice cream and ices in the college plant. Charge, $3.

135A. Cheese Making. 2(1-3); II. Prerequisites: Dairy Husb. 106 and Bact. 211. Mr. Caulfield.

Manufacture of American cheddar cheese, soft cheeses, and the most im- portant foreign varieties.

Laboratory. Actual manufacture of the various types of cheese. Charge, $3.


202. Dairy Seminar. 1(1-0); II. Prerequisites: Dairy Husb. 101, 106, and 108. Mr. Fitch.

A study and review of dairy periodicals and experiment station bulletins, books, and other dairy literature.

207. Feeding and Management of Dairy Cattle. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisites: Dairy Husb. 108 and An. Husb. 152. Mr. Cave.

An advanced course in feeding as it applies to dairy cattle under ordinary conditions and to cows on advanced registry test; general management prob- lems and the fitting of animals for show and sale. Charge, $1.

<211. Dairy Breeds and Pedigrees. 2(1-3); I. Prerequisite: Dairy Husb. 108. Mr. Brooks.

The history and development of the different breeds of dairy cattle.

Laboratory.— Study of the herdbooks of the dairy breeds and study of the pedigrees of some of the prominent animals of each breed. Charge, $1.

216. Dairy Production Problems. 1 to 5 credits; I and II. Prerequisites: Dairy Husb. 101, 104, and 108, and An. Husb. 152. Mr. Fitch and Mr. Cave.

An investigation pertaining to dairy production problems, plans for said in- vestigation to be so formulated that the study may be continued for more than one semester, if necessary.

Division of Agriculture 119

221. Dairy Manufacturing Problems. 1 to 5 credits; I and II. Prerequi- sites: Dairy Husb. 101, 106, 108, 111, and 114. Mr. Martin.

An investigation pertaining to dairy manufacturing problems, plans for said investigation to be so formulated that, if necessary, the study may be con- tinued for more than one semester.

226. Creamery Management. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Dairy Husb. 111. Mr. Martin.

An advanced course in creamery management for students specializing in dairy manufacturing.


301. Dairy Research. 1 to 10 credits; I and II. Prerequisites: Dairy Husb. 108, 109, 211, or 108, 111, 116, and 226.

Special investigations in dairy husbandry or dairy manufactures which may form the basis of a thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the de- gree of master of science.

305. Animal Nutrition Seminar. 1 credit; the year. Prerequisite: Con- sult instructors. Dr. Hughes, Dr. McCampbell, Dr. Leinhardt, Dr. Burt, Dr. Kramer, Mr. Payne, and Mr. Fitch.

Study and criticism of experimental work in animal nutrition, of the meth- ods employed, and of the validity of conclusions drawn.

General Agriculture

Dean Call

102. Freshman Lectures. 1(2-0); I. Dean, assistant dean, heads of de- partments and freshman advisers of the Division of Agriculture, assisted by a professor of education and various other members of the College faculty.

A two-fold object: (1) To assist in development of ability to study effec- tively, and (2) to inform regarding prospective opportunities for service in various fields of work open to agricultural graduates, and requirements for success in these fields; and regarding the relationship between agricultural and other subject matter in well-balanced agricultural training.

103. Agricultural Seminar. R(four meetings each semester). Discussion of general agricultural questions and of agricultural student

affairs; programs presented by students, members of the faculty, and invited speakers from outside.

105. Agricultural Relationships. R(l-0) ; II.

Agricultural graduates and their duties, responsibilities, and opportunities for service as citizens of the agricultural community and as specialists in various phases of agricultural activity.


Professor Dickens* Assistant Professor Balch

Professor BARNETTf Instructor Tucker

Associate Professor Quinlan Graduate Assistant Meyer Assistant Professor Pickett

Instruction offered in the Department of Horticulture covers pomology, vegetable gardening, greenhouse practice, forestry, and all phases of land- scape gardening.

The horticultural farm consists of eighty acres of land devoted exclusively to horticultural and forestry work. A full equipment of garden tools, spraying

•Absent on leave, year 1929-'30. t Acting head, year 1929-'30.

120 Kansas State Agricultural College

machinery and accessories, pruning tools, and special apparatus for floriculture is available at all times for the use of students. The College grounds furnish one of the finest and most complete laboratories in the state for the study of landscape gardening and on them are located the vegetable gardens.

Instruction in landscape gardening is planned to meet the requirements of two classes of students: (1) Students who wish a general knowledge of the principles underlying landscape gardening; (2) students who wish to specialize in landscape gardening. A complete curriculum, with the cooperation of the Departments of Civil Engineering and Architecture, is offered the latter students. (See "Curriculum in Agriculture With Special Training in Land- scape Gardening.")

The value of the equipment belonging to this department is $7,142.



105. Systematic Pomology. 4(2-6); I. Prerequisite: Hort. 107. Mr. Barnett and Mr. Pickett.

Technical study of fruit varieties, including varietal relationships; principles underlying pomological nomenclature, variety description, and artificial and natural systems of variety classifications.

Laboratory. Study of actual fruits, from many parts of the United States; description, identification, judging and preparation of fruit displays. Charge, $1.

107. Elements of Horticulture.. 3(2-3); I and II. Prerequisite: Bot. 105. Mr. Barnett, Mr. Pickett and Mr. Tucker.

The relation of the more important subdivisions of horticulture to general agriculture and to advanced courses in pomology and olericulture; practices necessary for success in orcharding and gardening and the principles on which these practices are based.

Laboratory. Study of fruit-bearing habits, propagation, pruning, spraying, transplanting, cover crops, fruit varieties, etc. Charge, $1.

110. Small Fruits. 2(2-0) ; II and SS. Prerequisite: Bot. 105. Mr. Pickett. Culture, harvesting and marketing small fruits; management of home and commercial plantations.

114. Farm Forestry. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Bot. 105. Mr. Pickett.

The needs of Kansas farms for windbreaks and wood lots for post and fuel production; forest conservation and methods of handling timber; the growing of trees in locations better suited for timber than for other crops; composition of windbreaks and their value as protection to home orchards and fields.

Laboratory. Identification of species, methods of forming windbreaks, nur- sery work in transplanting trees of various sizes, determination of rate of growth of trees under various conditions.

117. Dendrology. 3(2-3) ; I. Prerequisite: Bot. 105. Mr. Pickett.

Classification and identification of forest trees; forest ecology and taxon- omy; classification of commercial species; relative importance of timber species; the life history and requirements of trees.

Laboratory , Studies in the College arboretum and excursions to near-by wood lots; becoming acquainted with trees that do well in Kansas.

119. Silviculture. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisite: Hort. 114 or 116. Mr. Pickett.

The business of tree growing for economic purposes; requirements of species, their range and requirements as to soils, climate and the various factors that determine their reproduction and rate of growth; protection of forests from fires and insects; and the applications of various systems of silvi- culture.

125. Landscape Gardening I. 3(3-0) ; I and SS. Mr. Quinlan. An introductory course in the fundamental principles of landscape garden- ing.

Division of Agriculture 121

128. Greenhouse Construction and Management. 3(3-0) ; I. Mr. Balch. The more important points of greenhouse construction and the proper

methods of greenhouse management; the commercial standpoint and private conservatories.

129. Floral Arrangement. 2(1-3); I. Mr. Balch.

The use of flowers and floral pieces for the home and the store. Laboratory. The arrangement of seasonable flowers for various uses.

130. School Gardening. 2(2-0) ; SS. Mr. Balch.

A general study of soils, insects, diseases, and machinery as related to veg- etable crops and their culture.

133. Elements of Vegetable Gardening. 3(2-3) ; II. Mr. Balch.

The practices necessary for success in vegetable gardening the funda- mentals for the student who becomes a teacher, a county agricultural agent or a vegetable grower, and a foundation for advanced courses in vegetable pro- duction. Charge, $1.


201. Practical Pomology. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisite: Hort. 105. Mr. Barnett and Mr. Pickett.

Fruit geography, orchard locations, financing the orchard, orchard equip- ment, orchard economics, fruit manufactured products, and fruit marketing. Lectures and recitations.

Laboratory. Laboratory practice in grading and packing fruits, intensive field work in identification of fruit plant varieties; propagation and ad- vanced pruning of fruit plants. Charge, $1.

202. Subtropical Pomology. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Hort. 105. Mr. Barnett.

The geography and methods of production of the principal subtropical fruits grown in the United States. Lectures and assigned readings.

205. Advanced Pomology. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Hort. 105. Mr. Bar- nett and Mr. Pickett.

A course on the fundamentals of orcharding.

Laboratory. Advanced apple judging; production and marketing studies. Charge, $1.

207. Spraying. 3(2-3) ; I. Prerequisite: Chem. 110. Mr. Pickett.

Spray machinery and accessories; chemical properties, manufacture and use of the important insecticides and fungicides; determination of spray dates.

Laboratory. Preparation and testing of spray materials; special study of spray machinery and accessories. Charge, $1.

209. Orchard Problems. 1 to 5 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Hort. 105, and senior or graduate standing. Mr. Barnett and Mr. Pickett.

Problems related to commercial orcharding, such as orchard surveys, pro- duction costs, root-stock adaptations, pruning tests, and studies of fruit in common storage. A charge may be made.

210. Market Gardening. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisites: Agron. 130 and Hort. 133. Mr. Balch.

The business side of market gardening; preparation of seed orders; esti- mates of cost per acre of growing various garden crops; harvesting, storing, and marketing vegetables.

Laboratory. Each student is assigned a plot of ground to plant and care for during the semester. Careful records of cultural operations and of yields; disease and insect control. Charge, $1.

218. Market-gardening Problems. 1 to 5 credits; I and II. Prerequisite: Hort. 210. Mr. Balch.

The important methods of production of standard vegetables of both garden and greenhouse: problems of marketing, storage, and shipping.

122 Kansas State Agricultural College

220. Floricultural Problems. 1 to 5 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Hort. 128. Mr. Balch.

Propagation and culture of floricultural crops under glass or in the garden.

223. Civic Art. 3(1-6); II. Prerequisite: Hort. 243. Mr. Quinlan.

A study of the growth and development of cities and towns. Emphasis is laid on the design of community and civic centers, parks, land subdivisions, etc.

224. Plant Materials I. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Bot. 105. Mr. Quinlan. Study and identification of perennials and annuals for general ornamental

planting; planting plans.

226A. Plant Materials II. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisite: Hort. 224. Mr. Quinlan.

Study and identification of trees, shrubs, and vines for general ornamental planting. Planting plans, sketches, and written reports are required.

227. Landscape Construction. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Civil Engr. 111. Mr. Quinlan.

Interpretation of topographic maps, preparation of grading plans; struc- tures in relation to the topography, sewage, water supply, lighting, and drain- age on the private estate.

235. Horticulture Seminar. 1(1-0); I and II. Prerequisites: Hort. 105, 133 or 128. Mr. Barnett.

A study and critical discussion of recent horticultural publications and of experimental and research projects now under way in this and other agri- cultural experiment stations.

238. Landscape Gardening II. 3(1-6); I. Preerquisites : Hort. 125 and 226. Mr. Quinlan.

An elementary course in the designing of the home grounds, the country estate, special gardens, and playgrounds. Several sketch problems will be given during the course. Charge, $1.

240. Landscape Gardening Problems. 1 to 5 credits. Prerequisites: Hort. 238 and 243. Mr. Quinlan.

In this course the student solves original advanced problems in landscape design, construction, maintenance, and materials for landscape gardening. The course may extend through the school year.

243. Theory of Landscape Design. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Hort. 125. Mr. Quinlan.

The economic and aesthetic theory of design; taste, character, historic styles, composition; natural elements in design; and planting design.

246. Landscape Gardening III. 3(1-6); II and SS. Prerequisites: Hort. 226, 243, and 238. Mr. Quinlan.

Advanced course in designing of large parks, cemeteries, golf courses, edu- cational groups, and high-class land subdivisions; construction details; con- tracts and specifications. Several sketch problems will be given during the course. Charge, $1.


301. Horticultural Research. 1 to 10 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequi- sites: Consult instructor. Mr. Dickens, Mr. Barnett, Mr. Balch, and Mr. Quinlan.

Any feasible problem relating to the student's major line of graduate study pomology, olericulture, forestry, or landscape gardening. Data collected may form basis for a master's thesis.

Division of Agriculture 123

Milling Industry

Professor Swanson Miller Oakes

Associate Professor Working Research Fellow McCormick

Instructor Pence

The milling of wheat and other cereals is one of the leading manufacturing industries of the United States, and milling products constitute over one-third of the total food materials produced in the United States. An industry of such magnitude calls for technically trained men. Kansas is the center of the hard- winter-wheat belt, and flour milling is the second manufacturing industry in the state.

The department has a well-equipped flour mill, consisting of six double stand rolls with necessary wheat-cleaning machinery, sifters, purifiers, and dust collectors. The equipment is equal to that found in the commercial mills of the same capacity.

The baking laboratory is equipped with dough mixer, proofing closet, baking oven, and other necessary apparatus. The chemical laboratory contains the apparatus needed for flour and wheat testing. For advanced work there are available a hydrogen-ion potentiometer, and apparatus for making conductivity measurements and viscosity tests.

The department owns equipment valued at $40,238.



104. Principles of Milling I. 2(1-3); I. Dr. Swanson and Mr. Oakes. The theory and principles of flour-milling operations; practice work on an experimental mill. Charge, $2.

106. Principles of Milling II. 1(0-3) ; II. Mr. Pence and Mr. Oakes. Wheat conditioning and the study of the course of different products through the mill with the aid of a flow-sheet. Charge, $2.

109. Milling Practice I. 3(1-6); I. Prerequisite: Mill. Ind. 106. Mr. Pence and Mr. Oakes.

A study of the operation of wheat-cleaning machines, tempering controls, grinders, sifters, and purifiers. Charge, $2.

111. Milling Practice II. 3(1-6); II. Prerequisite: Mil. Ind. 109. Mr. Pence and Mr. Oakes.

Relation of roll and bolting surfaces, flour blending, redressing, principles of bleaching, belt management, lubrication, spout construction, methods of checking mill operation. Charge, $2.

115. Thesis. 1 to 5 credits; I and II. Dr. Swanson, Dr. Working, and Mr. Pence.

Experimental work on problems connected with flour milling or the testing of wheat and flour, the subject of investigation to be selected in consultation with the head of the department at the beginning of the senior year.


201. Milling Technology I. 2(0-6); I. Prerequisite: Mill. Ind. 111. Mr. Pence.

Problems related to management of flour-mill operations, variation in wheat conditioning, corrugation, roll spiral, roll surfaces, purifiers, and bolters. Charge, $2.

202. Milling Technology II. 2(0-6); II. Prerequisite: Mill. Ind. 201. Mr. Pence.

Study of the influence of external conditions on flour-mill operations, management of air control, exhaust, dust collectors, flour bleachers, determining the flow of mill streams. Charge, $2.

124 Kansas State Agricultural College

205. Wheat and Flour Testing. 3(0-9); I. Prerequisites: Mill. Ind. 212 and Chem. 123 and 251 or 260. Dr. Working.

Special quantitative tests applied to cereals and their products; methods of analysis and interpretation of results. Deposit, $7.50.

206. Experimental Baking. 3(1-6); II. Prerequisite: Mill. Ind. 205. Dr. Working.

Practice in baking tests; comparison of methods, formulas, and flours; interpretation of results. Charge, $4.

210. Advanced Wheat and Flour Testing. 1 to 5 credits; I and II. Pre- requisites: Mill. Ind. 205 and other courses; consult instructors. Dr. Swanson and Dr. Working.

Physiochemical and other methods used in testing wheat and flour. De- posit, $2.50 per credit.

212. Milling Qualities of Wheat. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Chem. 123. Dr. Swanson.

Factors which affect the milling qualities of wheat and the quality of flour, such as moisture, respiration, enzymes, harvesting, storage, climate, and soil.

214. Milling Industry Problems. 1 to 5 credits; I, II, and SS. Pre- requisites: Mill. Ind. 212, or such other courses as are necessary for the problem selected. Dr. Swanson, Dr. Working, and Mr. Pence. Charge, $2.50 per credit hour.


301. Milling Industry Research. 1 to 10 credits; I, II, and SS. Pre- requisite: Mill Ind. 205 and 206, and other courses required by the problem selected. Dr. Swanson, Dr. Working, and Mr. Pence.

A definite line of investigation which may, if sufficient as to quality and quantity, be used as a basis for a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.

Poultry Husbandry

Professor Payne Graduate Assistant Albright

Professor Warren Graduate Research Assistant Murphy

Assistant Professor Scott Superintendent Loomis.

The poultry plant, occupying twenty-four acres and situated just north of the northeast corner of the College campus, is devoted to the breeding and rearing of the stock used for class and experimental work. It is equipped with various types of houses, runs, incubators and brooders, and with flocks of the leading breeds of fowls.

There is in the government and state experiment stations and in schools and colleges an increasing demand for men with experience and systematic training in handling poultry. There is likewise a growing demand for men to enter poultry-packing houses and for men capable of managing poultry-farm- ing enterprises of considerable proportions.

The department owns equipment valued at $13,517.



101. Farm Poultry Production. 2(1-3); I and II. Mr. Payne and Mr. Scott.

Problems of poultry management on the general farm. Charge, $2.

104. Practice in Poultry Feeding. 1(3 times a day, 7 days a week, for 3 weeks, at hours outside the regular schedules) ; II. Prerequisite: Poult. Husb. 101. Mr. Scott.

Division of Agriculture 125

A flock of fowls cared for under supervision of an instructor; careful records kept of feeds consumed and eggs produced; survey of recent literature on poultry feeding. Charge, $2.

109. Poultry Judging. 3(1-6); I. Prerequisite: Poult. Husb. 101. Mr. Scott.

A historical study of the various breeds commonly found on the Kansas farm; particular attention to production characteristics and tracing evolution of present breed types.

Laboratory. Judging the standard breeds and varieties by score card and by comparison; judging hens for egg production on the basis of their trap-nest records. Charge, $3.

116. Market Poultry and Eggs. 4(2-6); I. Prerequisite: Poult. Husb. 101. Mr. Payne.

Methods of handling market eggs and live and dressed poultry.

Laboratory. Candling and grading eggs; crate-feeding, killing, dressing, grading, and packing market poultry. Charge, $3.

120. Artificial Incubation and Brooding. 3(1-6) (laboratory 3 times a day, 7 days a week for not less than 8 weeks, at hours outside the regular schedule); II. Prerequisite: Poult. Husb. 101. Mr. Scott and Mr. Albright.

Survey of the literature upon incubation and brooding; actual care of an incubator throughout the incubation period; bringing off the hatch; care of chicks in brooder for three weeks. Charge, $3.

125. Advanced Incubation. 1 credit (3 times a day, 7 days a week, for not less than three weeks, at hours outside the regular schedule) ; II. Prerequisites: Poult. Husb. 101 and 120. Mr. Payne and Mr. Albright.

Study of the baby chick industry; operation of a Mammoth incubator; packing and shipping of baby chicks. Charge $2.


202. Poultry Breeding. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: An. Husb. 221. Dr. Warren.

Experimental work on inheritance in poultry is reviewed.

Poultry Farm Organization. See Advanced Farm Organization (Ag. Ec. 206A).

Poultry Bacteriology. See Poultry Bacteriology. (Bact. 216.)

Poultry Anatomy. See Special Anatomy (Anat. 202).

206. Poultry Problems. 1 to 5 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Poult. Husb. 101, 104, and such other courses as required. Mr. Payne.

A definite investigation covering some phase of poultry work, to be con- tinued into the next semester if necessary.

210. Genetics Seminar. 1 credit; the year. Prerequisites: Consult in- structors. Dr. Nabours, Dr. Ibsen, Dr. Warren, and Dr. Parker.

Genetic experiments in plants and animals, the biological and mathematical methods employed, and validity of conclusions drawn.

215. Poultry Management. 2(2-0); II and SS. Prerequisites: Poult. Husb. 101; senior or graduate standing. Mr. Payne and Mr. Scott.

A detailed study of all phases of farm and commercial flocks, including cost of production.

220. Poultry Seminar. 1(1-0); I. Prerequisite: Poult. Husb. 101. Re- quired of all graduate students and of both juniors and seniors majoring in poultry husbandry. Dr. Warren.

A review of current literature appearing in periodicals and bulletins and reports on research projects and topics of special interest.

126 Kansas State Agricultural College


301. Poultry Research. 1 to 10 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Poult. Husb. 101, 104, 109, 116, 120, or their equivalent, and such other courses as required. Mr. Payne and Dr. Warren.

A definite line of investigation which may form the basis of a master's thesis.

305. Animal Nutrition Seminar. 1 credit; the year. Prerequisite: Con- sult instructors. Dr. Hughes, Dr. McCampbell, Dr. Leinhardt, Dr. Burt, Dr. Kramer, Mr. Payne, and Mr. Fitch.

Study and criticism of experimental work in animal nutrition, of the methods employed, and of the validity of conclusions drawn.

Agriculture in the Summer School

Teachers in the high schools and grade schools of Kansas appreciate the value of the work offered in the Summer School of Kansas State Agricultural College. Besides first-class professional courses in education and other regular standard courses of college grade, courses in agriculture and agricultural en- gineering furnish unusual opportunities to teachers preparing for large useful- ness in Kansas communities. Basic college courses are offered in most of the departments in the Division of Agriculture, and opportunity for graduate work is being broadened each year. This is especially true as regards graduate work provided for high school teachers of vocational agriculture. Brief information regarding many of these courses offered in the Summer School may be found in the department descriptions of courses in this catalogue. Furt.her information may be secured by addressing a request to Dean of the Summer School, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan.


The Farmer's Short Course and the Dairy Manufacturing Short Courses are discussed with other special courses in another part of this catalogue. They may be found by reference to the general index.

The Division of Engineering

Roy Andrew Seaton, Dean

The Division of Engineering offers curricula in agricultural engineering, architectural engineering, architecture, chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, flour mill engineering, landscape architecture, and me- chanical engineering, each leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in the profession selected.

While the curricula, as scheduled, are believed to be sufficient to cover the needs of the average young man, it is possible to combine portions of the work of two or more of them in such a way that one may be prepared to take up a special line of work for which he desires to fit himself. For example, by substituting certain courses from the departments of chemistry and geology for some of those in the curriculum in mechanical engineering, a young man can fit himself for work in connection with the oil industry. By combining some of the courses in civil and mechanical engineering and by taking addi- tional work in chemistry and geology, a young man may fit himself for special work in connection with the development of the coal fields of the country. In special cases permission will be granted to combine the work on the lines here indicated. With the permission of the dean of the division students desiring to do so may substitute work in the reserve officers' training corps for certain subjects in any of the curricula of the division.

It is believed that the curricula as tabulated give the best preparation for students expecting to follow general work in the profession selected and for those who are not certain what particular branch of the profession they will follow. The substitutions and combinations indicated, and others similar to them, will be permitted only when there is good evidence that the student desiring such work is practically certain to follow the branch selected.

In the case of any of these modifications, the degree granted will be that of the course in which the major portion of the work is taken. In no case will the substitution of an additonal amount of technical work for any of the general cultural work in the course be allowed.

Besides the four-year professional curricula, the Division of Engineering offers one- or two-year courses in auto mechanics and machine shop work.


By substituting nine specified credit hours of work in the Department of Education a four-year curirculum in engineering may lead not only to the de- gree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering, but at the same time qualify the student for a three-year Kansas state teachers' certificate, renewable for three- year periods. By taking nine additional credit hours of work in the Depart- ment of Education, graduates in engineering are qualified for the three-year Kansas state teachers' certificate, renewable for life and valid in any high school or any other public school in the state. A student desiring to qualify for teaching should begin his professional preparation by electing psychology in his junior year.


The curriculum in agricultural engineering is designed to qualify men for engineering work in the science of agriculture; for positions in the farm- machinery and farm-motor industry; for the management of farms where drainage, irrigation, or power-farming methods are prevalent; and for the positions as advisers, consulting engineers, or architects in connection with agricultural development.


128 Kansas State Agricultural College

The work of the first year is similar to the other engineering curricula. Dur- ing the last three years about one-fourth of the time is devoted to agricul- tural subjects, in order to familarize the students with the modern methods of scientific agriculture and to enable them to apply engineering principles to agricultural problems. Considerable time is devoted to farm machinery, farm motors, rural architecture, highway engineering, irrigation, drainage, and concrete construction.


The curriculum in architectural engineering as herein outlined is designed primarily for the student who wishes to specialize in the constructional side of the building profession.

The field of the architectural engineer is wide and varied. It comprises the superintending of building construction, general contracting, the estimating of costs for construction projects, and the designing of the structural members of steel, timber and concrete.

Because of the nature of the work of the architectural engineer in the pro- fession, it is necessary that he be also well grounded in the underlying prin- ciples of art and architectural design. In addition to the necessary architec- tural and engineering requirements the curriculum also provides for general cultural courses. These courses are designed to provide the student with the essentials of a liberal education.


The curriculum in architecture aims to provide the technical training which will give a broad and sound foundation for the needs of the practicing archi- tect, as well as the essentials of a liberal education. Although closely associ- ated with, and somewhat dependent upon, science and engineering, architec- ture is primarily a fine art; hence the training of the architect, while including the general fundamentals of engineering and science, must be based primarily upon a study and understanding of the basic architectural principles together with the canons of art and good taste. A major portion of the curriculum is therefore devoted to the study of architectural design, supplemented by those subjects preparatory or contributory to it.

Supporting this line of study the student is given a comprehensive view of the development of civilization together with a more detailed study of the history of architecture and of art. Throughout the course draughtsmanship as applied to architectural design and construction, as well as to free-hand drawing and sketching, is given constant attention. Courses dealing with the fundamental principles of building construction, sanitation, heating, and light- ing, together with a careful study of the properties and uses of building ma- terials, are given simultaneously with the courses in design and drawing.

In addition to the above-outlined professional and technical studies, ap- proximately one-quarter of the curriculum is devoted to more general studies designed to broaden the student's view and to give him the essentials of a liberal education. Thus it is the aim not only to provide a fundamental training upon which the student may base his professional development and advancement, but to afford a training which is in the broadest sense educa- tional.

Students pursuing the curriculum in architecture are urged to devote a fifth year to the work. By so doing the student can combine the curricula in archi- tectural engineering and architecture and receive the Bachelor of Science de- gree in both architectural engineering and architecture.


Though the progress of chemical science and of the chemical industries has been rapid in the last twenty-five years, their development really has only begun. One need but survey briefly the hosts of industries which are depend- ent upon chemistry for their improvement to realize what opportunities await the trained chemical engineer. Industries which have been more or less em-

Division of Engineering 129

pirically developed include those concerned with the manufacture of paints and varnishes, soaps, glass, leather, rubber, and ceramic materials. Industrial products which are the direct result of chemical research include dyes, syn- thetic essential oils, drugs, food products, and all electrochemical and electro- thermal products, such as calcium carbide, carborundum, graphite, caustic soda, chlorine, chlorates, aluminum and other metals, and atmospheric ni- trates. S'till further improvements are possible in the present processes and a vast number of entirely new industries are waiting to be developed.

The training offered in the chemical engineering curriculum gives the stu- dent knowledge of the theoretical phases of chemistry and engineering which are fundamental to further development in many lines of industrial work. It is intended to fit him to enter the professional field of chemical engineering. In addition to sound training in chemical laws and processes, considerable work is given in the mathematical and physical sciences, drawing, economics, and engineering methods and operations.


The aim of the curriculum in civil engineering, as outlined in this catalogue, is to give the young men taking the work the best possible preparation for entering upon the active practice of the profession under present conditions. It will be noted that the first and second years are devoted largely to general cultural studies and the sciences, including mathematics. This follows the arrangement generally found in the engineering curricula of American colleges, and it finds its justification in the well-nigh universally accepted idea that any engineering education worthy of consideration must be grounded upon ample preliminary education in the allied sciences. An introduction to the technical work is given in these years through courses in drawing, shopwork, surveying, and the elementary phases of engineering.

The last two years are devoted largely to technical work. In recognition of the mechanical trend of the age, liberal provision is made for class and laboratory work in mechanical and electrical engineering. In view of the growing importance of municipal problems, such as paving, sewerage, and water supply, the curriculum in civil engineering includes required courses in these subjects.

Advanced elective courses in railway, highway, and irrigation and drainage engineering are offered in the second semester of the senior year.


The curriculum in electrical engineering aims to prepare the student for leadership in the field of his chosen profession. The graduate may enter upon one of several divisions in the field of electrical engineering, such as electrical design, application, commercial, or operation in either the electric power or the electric communication industry.

In order to qualify for the various division of the profession, the student should have a thorough grounding in mathematics and the sciences; practice and theoretical training in drawing, surveying, and shop practice; and a liberal training in the cultural subjects of English, history and economics. Such a broad foundation serves as the basis for the more technical training in elec- trical engineering. This technical training begins with a course during the first year in College, is followed by another course during the second year and is completed by several courses extending through the junior and senior years. The curriculum provides, in addition, for approximately one semester of elec- tive work, giving the student ample opportunity for the selection of extra work along cultural, economic or technical lines.

Instruction is provided by lecture, recitation, and laboratory methods, with particular stress on the deductions and reports of laboratory experiments.

An opportunity for contact with the field of electrical engineering is offered by special lectures and by inspection trips. The student is aided in securing professional experience during the summer vacation periods.


130 Kansas State Agricultural College


The milling of wheat and other cereals is an important industry in this state. The curriculum in flour-mill engineering is designed to prepare men for the management of mills, for work in connection with the designing of milling plants, and for research work in preparation and utilization of mill products.

The work of the freshman year is the same as in the other engineering courses. The sophomore year is similar to that of the mechanical engineering course, but includes additional chemistry and a beginning course in milling practice. In the junior and senior years, besides the courses dealing with the production, marketing, testing, and milling of grain products, a considerable amount of time is devoted to mechanics, chemistry, history, economics, steam and gas engineering, and flour-mill design.


The aim of the curriculum in landscape architecture is to give to the stu- dent such technical training as will equip him for successful practice as a landscape architect.

The work of the landscape architect embraces the design, construction, execution, planting, and maintenance of farmsteads, estates, and other home grounds. In his work he is also called upon to plan parks, playgrounds, real estate subdivisions, country clubs, and boulevards and street systems. City planning and the laying out of town sites is probably the most important work of the landscape architect.

The function of the landscape architect is the fitting of land for human use, convenience, and enjoyment, whether it be in the city or in the country. The work requires a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals of architecture, engineering, and horticulture. Because landscape architecture is primarily a fine art, especial emphasis is given to the study of the fundamental principles of design. A major portion of the curriculum is therefore devoted to the study of architectural and landscape design. These courses are supplemented with courses in drafting, free-hand drawing, and sketching, so the student may develop a facility for expressing his ideas on paper. Throughout the course the student is also given intensive training in the study of plant materials, forestry, and soil conditions.

In addition to professional courses of study the curriculum provides gen- eral cultural courses. These courses are designed primarily to give the stu- dent the basic elements of a liberal education.


The work in mechanical engineering prepares for the successful manage- ment and superintendence of factories and power plants; for the design of power machinery installations; for the design and construction of machine tools, steam and gas engines, compressors, hydraulic machinery, etc.; and for the design and erection of engineering buildings and factories, including the selection, purchasing, and location of the equipment.

The curriculum has been laid out with the aim of securing a judicious mix- ture of theory and practice, such as will not only give the student the techni- cal skill required for engineering operations, but will also endow him with an understanding of the scientific and economic principles necessary for the solu- tion of engineering and industrial problems.

Throughout the four years the theoretical studies in the classroom are supplemented by practical work in the laboratories in such a manner as very materially to strengthen both. In the testing laboratories the work does not end when the test is completed, but the entire problem must be written up in such a manner as would be approved in the best commercial testing labora- tories. The laboratory work in the shops not only gives the student practice in operating the machinery and performing the various mechanical operations, but includes a scientific study of the factors of production, so that the loss of material and expenditure of human effort will be a minimum.

Optional and elective courses are available in the senior year and give the

Division of Engineering


student an opportunity for instruction in the more specialized branches of mechanical engineering, including factory engineering, power production, and aeronautical engineering.

Students pursuing a mechanical engineering curriculum are urged to spend at least two summers in some shop or commercial plant in order to broaden their training.

Curriculum in Agricultural Engineering


First Semester

Chemistry E-I, Chem. 107 *4(3-3)

College Algebra,t Math. 104 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Engr. Draw., Mach. Design 101 2(0-6)

Agric. Mach. & Con., Agr. Engr. 122, 2(1-3) Extempore Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106.. 2(2-0)

Artillery I, Mil. Tr. 113A 1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103..R(0-2)

Second Semester

Chemistry E-II, Chem. 108 4(3-3)

Plane Trigonometry, Math. 101 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Descriptive Geom. Mach. Des. 106... 2(0-6)

Feeding Livestock, An. Husb. 172 3(3-0)

Forging I, Shop 150 1(0-3)

Artillery II, Mil. Tr. 114A 1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104..R(0-2)

Total 16

Total 17


First Semester

Engr. Physics I, Phys. 145 5(4-3)

Plane Analytical Geom. Math. 110... 4(4-0) American Industrial Hist., Hist. 105, 3(3-0)

Mechanism, Mach. Design 121 3(3-0)

Surveying I, Civ. Engr. 102 2(0-6)

Artillery III, Mil. Tr. 115A 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M., Phys. Ed. 105..R(0-2)

Second Semester

Engr. Physics II, Phys. 150 5(4-3)

Calculus I, Math. 205 5(5-0)

General Geology, Geol. 103 3(3-0)

Mach. Draw. I, Mach. Design 111... 2(0-6)

Surveying II, Civ. Engr. Ill 2(0-6)

Artillery IV, Mil. Tr. 116A 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106..R(0-2)

Total 18

Total 18


First Semester

Applied Mechanics, Ap. Mech. 202... 4(4-0)

Calculus II, Math. 206 3(3-0)

Soils, Agronomy 130 4(3-3)

Fid. & Power Mach., Agr. Engr. 111. .4(2-6)

Carpentry, Shop 149 2(0-6)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total 17

Second Semester

Str. of Mat., Ap. Mech., 211, 220 6(5-3)

Livestk. Production, An. Husb. 171... 3(3-0)

Farm Crops, Agronomy 101 4(2-6)

Farm Motors, Ag. Engr., 125, 127 4(2-6)

Foundry Production, Shop 161 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total 18

First Semester


Second Semester

Economics, Econ. 101 3(3-0)

Farm Structures, Ag. Engr. 105 4(2-6)

Highway Engineering I, Civ. Engr.

23-1 2(2-0)

Hydraulics, Ap. Mech. 230, 235 4(3-3)

Highway Materials Lab., Ap. Mech.

250 1(0-3)

Machine Tool Work I, Shop 170 2(0-6)

Law for Engineers, Hist. 167 2(2-0)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Farm Organization, Ag. Econ. 106. ...3(2-3) Land Reclamation, Ag. Engr. 150.... 3(2-3) Electrical Engineering C, Elect. Engr.,

160, 165 3(2-2,1)

Heating & Ventilation A, Mech. Engr.,

135 3(3-0)

Modern Farm and Home Equipment,

Ag. Engr. 115 3(2-3)

Elective! 2( - )

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total 18 Total 17

Number of hours required for graduation, 140.

* The number before the parenthesis indicates the number of semester hours of credit ; the first number within the parenthesis indicates the number of hours of recitation each week; the second shows the number of hours to be spent in laboratory work each week ; and the third, where there is one, indicates the number of hours of outside work in connection with the laboratory each week.

f Students who offer but one unit of algebra for admission take a five-hour cours« in College Algebra, Math. 107, the first semester, postponing two hours of other work.

$ Electives are to be chosen with the advice and approval of the head of the department and the dean.

§ Optional subjects are offered during the senior year for those wishing to specialize in rural electrification.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Curriculum in Architectural Engineering:


First Semester

Chemistry E-I, Chem. 107 4(3-3)

College Algebra,* Math. 104 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Descr. Geom. A, Mach. Design 107... 3(0-9)

El. of Arch. I, Arch. 106A 3(0-9)

Artillery I, Mil. Tr. 113A 1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103..R(0-2)

Total 17

Second Semester

Chemistry E-II, Chem. 108 4(3-3)

Plane Trigonometry, Math. 101 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Shades and Shadows, and Per- spective, Mach. Design 108 3(0-9)

El. of Architecture II, Arch. 107 A 3(0-9)

Artillery II, Mil. Tr. 114A ....1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104..R(0-2)

Total 17


First Semester

Engr. Physics I, Phys. 145 5(4-3)

Hist, of Arch. I, Arch. 154A 2(2-0)

Plane Analytical Geom. Math. 110... 4(4-0)

Object Drawing I, Arch. Ill 2(0-6)

Extern. Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106 2(2-0)

Surveying I, Civ. Engr. 102 2(0-6)

Artillery III, Mil. Tr. 115A 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M., Phys. Ed. 105..R(0-2)

Second Semester

Engr. Physics II, Phys. 150 5(4-3)

Hist, of Arch. II, Arch. 157A 2(2-0)

Calculus I, Math. 205 5(5-0)

Object Drawing II, Arch. 114 2(0-6)

Electrical Machinery and Construc- tion, Elec. Engr. 170 2(0-6)

Artillery IV, Mil. Tr. 116A 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106..R(0-2)


Total 17


First Semester Applied Mechanics, Ap. Mech. 202... 4(4-0)

Calculus II, Math. 206 3(3-0)

Hist, of Arch. Ill, Arch. 158A 2(2-0)

Masonry and Found., Civ. Engr. 120, 2(2-0)

Design I, Arch. 142 3(0-9)

Pen. Rend. & Sketch., Arch. 116 2(0-6)

Elective! 2( - )

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Second Semester

Str. of Mat., Ap. Mech. 211, 220 6(5-3)

Work. Draw, and Speci., Arch. 191... 3(0-9) Hist, of Arch. IV, Arch. 160A 2(2-0)

Design II, Arch. 144 3(0-9)

Water Color I, Arch. 118 2(0-6)

Elective! 2( - )

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105. . . . R

Total 18

Total 18


First Semester

Str. in Framed Struc, Civ. Engr. 201, 4(4-0) Civil Engr. Draw. II, Civ. Engr. 205.. 2(0-6)

Design III, Arch. 145 5(0-15)

Rural Architecture, Arch. 153 2(0-6)

Economics, Econ. 101 3(3-0)

Law for Engineers, Hist. 167 2(2-0)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Second Semester

Des. of Fr. Struc, Civ. Engr. 246 3(0-9)

Concrete Design, Civ. Engr. 250, 255.. 3(2-3)

Design IV, Arch. 147 5(0-15)

Heating and Ventilation A, Mech.

Engr. 135 3(3-0)

Business Management, Econ. 126 ... .2(2-0)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Inspection Trip, Arch. 199 R


IS Total

Number of semester hours required for graduation, 139.


* Students who offer but one unit of algebra for admission take a five-credit course in College Algebra, Math. 107, the first semester, postponing two hours of other work.

t Electives are to be chosen with the advice and approval of the head of the department and the dean.

Division of Engineering


Curriculum in Architecture


First Semester

College Algebra,* Math. 104 3(3-0)

Hist, of Arch. I, Arch. 154A 2(2-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Desc. Geom. A, Mach. Des. 107 3(3-9)

Object Drawing I, Arch 111 2(0-6)

El. of Arch. I, Arch. 106A 3(0-9)

Artillery I, Mil. Tr. 113A (men) 1(0-3)

Phvs. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 15lA..R(0-3) Engr. Lectures, Gen. 101 R

Total, men 17

Total, women 16

Second Semester

Plane Trigonometry, Math. 101 3(3-0)

Hist, of Arch. II, Arch. 157A 2(2-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104. .... . .3(3-0)

Sh. & Shad. & Per., Mach. Des. 108, 3(0-9)

Object Drawing II, Arch. 114 2(0-6)

El. of Arch. II, Arch. 107A 3(0-9)

Artillery II, Mil. Tr. 114A (men) 1(3-0)

Phys. Education M. Phys. Ed. 104, R(0-2)or- Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A, R(0-3) Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Total, men 17

Total, women 16


First Semester

Gen. Physics I, Phys. 135 4(3-3)

Hist, of Arch. Ill, Arch. 158A 2(2-0)

Bid. Mat. & Con., Arch. 187A 3(3-0)

Pencil. Rend. & Sketch., Arch. 116... 2(0-6)

Design I, Arch. 142 3(0-9)

French I, Mod. Lang. 151 3(3-0)

Artillery III, Mil. Tr., 115A (men). . .1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. education M, Phys. Ed. 105, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153. . .R(0-3)

Total, men 18

Total, women 17

Second Semester

General Physics II, Phys. 140 4(3-3)

Hist, of Arch. IV, Arch. 160A 2(2-0)

Work. Draw. & Spec, Arch. 191 3(0-9)

Water Color I, Arch. 118 2(0-6)

Design II, Arch. 144 3(0-9)

French II, Mod. Lang. 152 3(3-0)

Artillery IV, Mil. Tr. 116A (men) 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 154..R(0-3)

Total, men 18

Total, women 17


First Semester

Ap. Mech. A, Ap. Mech. 102 3(3-0)

Still-life Drawing, Arch. 117 2(0-6)

Design III, Arch. 145 5(0-15)

Rural Architecture, Arch. 153 2(0-6)

Economics, Econ. 101 3(3-0)

Hist, of Civ. & Art I, Arch 178 2(3-0)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Second Semester Str. of Mat. A, Ap. Mech. 116, 121, 4(3-3)

Life Drawing I, Arch. 121 2(0-0)

Design IV, Arch 147 5(0-15)

Extern. Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106 2(2-0)

Law for Engineers, Hist. 167 2(2-0)

Hist, of Civ. & Art II, Arch. 182 2(3-0)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total 17

Total 17


First Semester

Second Semester

Interior Design, Arch. 120 2(0-6)

Design V, Arch. 253 8(0-24)

Theory of Struc. I, Arch. 192 4(2-6)

Electivef 4( - )

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Life Drawing II, Arch. 123 2(0-6)

Design VI, Arch. 256 8(0-24)

Theory of Struc. II, Arch. 194A 5(3-6)

Electivef 2( - )

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Inspection Trip, Arch. 199 R

Total 18 Total 17

Number of semester hours required for graduation: Men, 139; Women, 135.

* Students who offer but one unit of algebra for admission take a five- credit course in College Algebra, Math. 107, the first semester, postponing two hours of other work.

t Electives are to be chosen with the advice and approval of the head of the department and the dean.


Kansas State Agricultural College.

Curriculum for Chemical Engineering


First Semester

Chemistry I, Chem. 101 5(3-6)

College Algebra,* Math. 104 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Engr. Drawing, Mach. Des. 101 2(0-6)

German I, Mod. Lang. 101 -. . .3(3-0)

Artillery I, Mil. Tr. 113A 1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103..R(0-2)

Second Semester

Chemistry II, Chem. 102 5(3-6)

Plane Trigonometry, Math. 101 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Des. Geometry, Mach. Des. 106 2(0-6)

German II, Mod. Lang., 102 .3(3-0)

Artillery II, Mil. Tr. 114A 1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104..R(0-2)

Total 17

Total 17


First Semester

Engr. Physics I, Phys. 145 5(4-3)

Plane Analytical Geom., Math. 110... 4(4-0)

Adv. Inorganic Chem., Chem. 207 3(3-0)

Cryst. and Min., Geol. 209 4(2-6)

Artillery III, Mil. Tr. 115A 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M., Phys. Ed. 105..R(0-2)

Second Semester

Engr. Physics II, Phys. 150 5(4-3)

Calculus I, Math. 205 5(5-0)

Quantitative Analysis, Chem. 241 .. .5(1-12)

Metallurgy, Shops 165 2(2-0)

Artillery IV, Mil. Tr. 116A 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106..R(0-2)

Total 17

Total 18


First Semester

Calculus II, Math. 206 3(3-0)

Ap. Mech., Ap. Mech. 202 4(4-0)

Steam and Gas Engr. I, Mech. Engr.

201, 202 5(4-3)

Organic Chemistry I, Chem. 218. ... .4(2-6) Mach. Drawing I, Mach. Des. 111... 2(0-6) Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total 18

Second Semester

Str. of Mat. E, Ap. Mech. 216, 220.. 4(3-3) Steam and Gas Engr. II, Mech. Engr.

204, 205 4(3-3)

Organic Chem. II, Chem. 219 4(2-6)

Elec. Engr. C, Elec. Engr. 160, 165, 3(2-2, 1)

Economics, Econ. 101 3(3-0)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total 18


First Semester

Industrial Chem. I, Chem. 203 5(3-6)

El. of Chemical Engr., Chem. 280... 3(2-3)

Phys. Chem. I, Chem. 206 5(3-6)

Mechanism, Mach. Des. 121 3(3-0)

Fire Assaying, Chem. 242 2(0-6)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Second Semester

Industrial Chem. II, Chem. 204 5(3-6)

Chemical Engr. Prin., Chem. 281 2(2-0)

Chemical Problems, Chem. 270 3(0-9)

Physical Chemistry II, Chem. 272... 3(3-0)

Electivesf 4( - )

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Inspection Trip, Chem. 130 R


18 Total ..

Number of semester hours required for graduation, 140.


* Students who offer but one unit of algebra for admission take a five-credit course in College Algebra, Math. 107, the first semester, postponing two hours of other work.

f Electives are to be chosen with the advice and approval of the head of the department and the dean.

Division of Engineering


Curriculum in Civil Engineering


First Semester

Chemistry E-I, Chem. 107 4(3-3)

Plane Trigonometry,* Math. 101 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Engr. Drawing, Mach. Des. 101 2(0-6)

Surveying I, Civ. Engr. 102 2(0-6)

Extern. Speech I, Pub. Spk. 10G 2(0-2)

Artillery I, Mil. Tr. 113A 1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Eel. 102..R(0-2)

Second Semester

Chemistry E-II, Chem. 108 4(3-3)

College Algebra,* Math. 104 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Des. Geometry, Mach. Des. 106 2(0-6)

Surveying II, Civ. Engr. Ill 1(0-6)

Engr. Woodwork I, Shop 101 1(0-3)

Forging I, Shop 150 1(0-3)

Artillery II, Mil. Tr. 114A 1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104..R(0-2)

Total 17

Total 17


First Semester

Engr. Physics I, Phys. 145

Plane Analytical Geom. Math. 110.. Amer. Industrial Hist., Hist. 105... Surveying III, Civ. Engr. 151, 155. Mach. Drawing I, Mach. Des. 111..

Artillery III, Mil. Tr. 115A

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105

Phys. Education M., Phys. Ed. 105..

.5(4-3) .4(4-0) .3(3-0) .3(2-3) .2(0-6) .1(0-3)



Second Semester

Engr. Physics II, Phys. 150 5(4-3)

Calculus I, Math. 205 5(5-0)

Metallurgy, Shop 165 2(2-0)

Surveying IV, Civ. Engr. 156, 157... 3(2-3)

C. E. Drawing I, Civ. Engr. 125 2(0-6)

Artillery IV, Mil. Tr. 116A 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106..R(0-2)

Total 18

Total 18


First Semester

Applied Mech., Ap. Mech. 202 4(4-0)

Calculus II, Math. 206 3(3-0)

Highway Engr. I, Civ. Engr. 231 2(2-0)

Engr. Geology, Geol. 102 4(3-3)

Masonry & Found., Civ. Engr. 120... 2(2-0)

Law for Engineers, Hist. 167 2(2-0)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total 17

Second Semester

Str. of Mat., Ap. Mech. 211, 220 6(5-3)

Hydraulics, Ap. Mech. 230, 235 4(3-3)

Ry. Engr. I, Civ. Engr. 145 2(2-0)

Drain. & Irrig. I, Civ. Engr. 161 2(2-0)

Steam & Gas Engr. C, Mech. Engr.

120, 125 3(2-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total 17


First Semester

Str. in Fr. Struc, Civ. Engr. 201 4(4-0)

C. E. Drawing II, Civ. Engr. 205 2(0-6)

Astr. & Geod., Civ. Engr. 211, 216... 4(2-6)

Water Supply, Civ. Engr. 220 2(2-0)

Sewerage, Civ. Engr. 225 2(2-0)

Highway Materials Lab., Ap. Mech.

250 1(0-3)

Economics, Econ. 101 3(3-0)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Second Semester

Des. of Fr. Struc, Civ. Engr. 246 3(0-9)

Elec. Engr. C, Elec. Engr. 160, 165, 3(2-2, 1)

Engr. English, Engl. 110 2(2-0)

Business Management, Econ. 126 2(2-0)

Con. Design, Civ. Engr. 250, 255 3(2-3)

Ry. Engr. II, Civ. Engr. 260, 265 4(2-6)

Hy. Engr. II, Civ. Engr. 270, 275 . .4(2-6)or Drain. & Irrig. II, Civ. Engr.

280, 285 4(2-6)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Inspection Trip, Civ. Engr. 180 R


18 Total

Number of semester hours for graduation, 139.


* Students who offer but one unit of algebra for admission take a five-credit course in College Algebra, Math. 107, the first semester, postponing Plane Trigonometry and two hours of other work until the second semester.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Curriculum in Electrical Engineering


First Semester

Chemistry E-I, Chem. 107 4(3-3)

Plane Trigonometry,* Math. 101 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Engr. Drawing, Mach. Des. 101 2(0-6)

Engr. Woodwork I, Shop 101 1(0-3)

Forging I, Shop 150 1(0-3)

Elec. Mach. & Con., Elect. Engr.

170 2(0-6)or

Surveying I, Civ. Engr. 102 2,0-6)

Artillery I, Mil. Tr. 113A 1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103..R(0-2)

Second Semester

Chemistry E-II, Chem. 108 4(3-3)

College Algebra,* Math. 104 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Desc. Geom., Mach. Des. 106 2(0-6)

Extern. Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106 2(2-0)

Elect. Mach. & Con., Elect. Engr.

170 2(0-6)or

Surveying I, Civ. Engr. 102 2(0-6)

Artillery II, Mil. Tr. 114A 1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104..R(0-2)

Total 17

Total 17


First Semester

Engr. Physics I, Phys. 145 5(4-3)

Plane Analytical Geom. Math. 110... 4(4-0)

Mechanism, Mach. Des. 121 3(3-0)

Mach. Draw. 1, Mach. Des. Ill 2(0-6)

Metallurgy, Shop 165 2(2-0)or

Prin. of Elec. Engr., Elect. Engr. 179, 2(2-0)

Foundry Production, Shop 161 1(0-3)

Artillery III, Mil. Tr. 115A 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M., Phys. Ed. 105..R(0-2)

Second Semester

Engr. Physics II, Phys. 150 5(4-3)

Calculus I, Math. 205 5(5-0)

Amer. Indus. History., Hist. 105 3(3-0)

Mach. Draw. E-II, Mach. Des. 117.. 2(0-6)

Prin. Elect. Engr., Elect. Engr. 179, 2(2-0)or

Metallurgy, Shop 165 2(2-0)

Artillery IV, Mil. Tr. 116A 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106..R(0-2)

Total 18

Total 18


First Semester

Steam & Gas Engr. I, Mech. Engr.

201, 202 5(4-3)

Calculus II, Math. 206 3(3-0)

Direct-current Mach. I, Elect. Engr.

203, 204 4(3-2, 1)

Elect. Meas., Elect. Engr. 227, 228... 3(2-3) Economics, Econ. 101 3(3-0)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Second Semester

Steam & Gas Engr. II, Mech. Engr.

204, 205 4(3-3)

Applied Mech., Ap. Mech. 202 4(4-0)

Direct -current Mach. II, Elect. Engr.

206, 207 3(2-2, 1)

Alternating- current Mach. I, Elect.

Engr. 209, 211 5(4-2, 1)

Elect. Mach. Des. I, Elect. Engr. 270, 1(0-3) Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total li

Total 17


First Semester Str. of Mat. E, Ap. Mech. 216, 220. .4(3-3)

Hydraulics, Ap. Mech. 230, 235 4(3-3)

Alternating-current Mach. II, Elect.

Engr. 214, 216 4(3-3)

Electrical Communication I, Elect.

Engr. 217, 218 3(2-2, 1)

Electivef 2( - )

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Inspection Trip, Elect. Engr. 190 R

Second Semester

Machine Tool Work I, Shop 170 2(0-6)

Alternating-current Mach. Ill, Elect.

Engr. 224, 225 5(3-3)

Nontechnical elective 6( - )

Electivef 4( - )

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R


17 Total

Number of semester hours required for graduation, 139.


* Students who offer but one unit of algebra for admission take a five-credit course in College Algebra, Math. 107, the first semester, postponing Plane Trigonometry and two hours of other work until the second semester.

f Electives are to be chosen with the advice and approval of the head of the department and the dean.

Division of Engineering


Curriculum in Flour-mill Engineering


First Semester

Chemistry E-I, Chem. 107 4(3-3)

College Algebra,* Math. 104 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Prin. of Milling I, Mill. Ind. 104 2(1-3)

Engr. Drawing, Mach. Des. 101 2(0-6)

Engr. Woodwork I, Shop 101 1(0-3)

Forging I, Shop 150 1(0-3)

Artillery I, Mil. Tr. 113A 1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103..R(0-2)

Second Semester

Chemistry E-II, Chem. 108 4(3-3)

Plane Trigonometry, Math. 101 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Des. Geom., Mach. Des. 106 2(0-6)

Extern. Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106 2(2-0)

Surveying I, Civ. Engr. 102 2(0-6)

Artillery II, Mil. Tr. 114A 1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104..R(0-2)

Total 17

Total 17


First Semester

Engr. Physics I, Phys. 145 5(4-3)

Plane Analyt. Geom., Math. 110 4(4-0)

Elem. Organic Chem., Chem. 123 3(2-3)

Mach. Draw. I, Mach. Des. Ill 2(0-6)

Quantitative Analysis A, Chem. 250.. 3(1-6)

Artillery III, Mil. Tr. 115 A 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M., Phys. Ed. 105..R(0-2)

Total 18

Second Semester

Engr. Physics II, Phys. 150 5(4-3)

Calculus I, Math. 205 5(5-0)

Mechanism, Mach. Des. 121 3(3-0)

Mach. Draw. II, Mach. Des. 116 3(0-9)

Prin. of Mill. II, Mill. Ind. 106 1(0-3)

Artillery IV, Mil. Tr. 116A 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106..R(0-2)

Total 18


First Semester Applied Mechanics, Ap. Mech. 202... 4(4-0)

Calculus II, Math. 206 3(3-0)

Ad. Quantitative Anal., Chem. 260... 1(0-3)

American Ind. Hist., Hist. 105 3(3-0)

Farm Crops Laboratory, Agron. 101.. 2(0-6)

Milling Practice I, Mill. Ind. 109 3(1-6)

Milling Entomology, Ent. 116 1(1-0)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Second Semester

Str. of Mat. E, Ap. Mech. 216, 220.. 4(3-3)

Economics, Econ. 101 4(3-0)

Grain Grad. and Judg., Agron. 108... 2(0-6) Mill. Qual. of Wheat, Mill. Ind. 212, 3(3-0)

Milling Practice II, Mill. Ind. Ill 3(1-6)

Machine Tool Work I, Shop 170 2(0-6)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total 17

Total 17


First Semester

Second Semester

Wheat and Fir. Test., Mill. Ind. 205, 3(0-9)

Grain Marketing, Ag. Ec. 203 3(3-0)

Flow Sheet Design, Mach. Des. 214.. 2(0-6)

Mill. Tech. I, Mill. Ind. 201 2(0-6)

Steam and Gas Engr. I, Mech. Engr.

201, 202 5(4-3)

Elective! 3( - )

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Exper. Baking, Mill. Ind. 206 3(1-6)

Elec. Engr. C, Elec. Engr. 160, 165, 3(2-2, 1) Flour-mill Design, Mach. Des. 215... 2(0-6)

Mill. Tech. II, Mill. Ind. 202 2(0-6)

Steam and Gas. Engr. II, Mech.

Engr. 204, 205 4(3-3)

Elective! 4( - )

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R


18 Total

Number of semester hours required for graduation, 140.


* Students who offer but one unit of algebra for admission take a five-credit course in College Algebra, Math. 107, the first semester, postponing two hours of other work.

t Electives are to be chosen with the advice and approval of the head of the department and the dean.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Curriculum in Landscape Architecture


First Semester

Plane Trigonometry,* Math. 101 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

General Botany I, Bot. 101 3(1-4, 2)

Des. Geom. A, Mach. Des. 107 3(0-9)

Object Drawing I, Arch. Ill 2(0-6)

Surveying I, Civ. Engr. 102 2(0-6)

Artillery I, Mil. Tr. 113A (men). .l(0-3)and Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151A. .R(0-3) Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Total, men 17

Total, women 16

Second Semester

College Algebra,* Math. 104 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Gen. Botany II, Bot. 105 3(1-4,2)

Sh. & Shad., & Per., Mach. Des. 108, 3(0-9)

Object Drawing II, Arch 114 2(0-6)

Surveying II, Civ. Engr. Ill 2(0-6)

Artillery II, Mil. Tr. 114A, (men), l(0-3)a??d Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A, R(0-3) Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Total, men 17

Total, women 16


First Semester

Hist, of Arch. I, Arch 154A 2(2-6)

El. of Arch. I, Arch. 106A 3(0-9)

Surveying III, Civ. Engr. 151, 155... 3(2-3)

General Chem., Chem. 110 5(3-6)

Land. Gardening I, Hort. 125 3(3-0)

Artillery III, Mil. Tr. 115A (men), l(0-3)and Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total, men 17

Total, women 16

Second Semester

Hist, of Arch. II, Arch. 157A 2(2-0)

El. of Arch. II, Arch. 107A 3(0-9)

Water Color I, Arch. 118 2(0-6)

Plant Ecology, Bot. 228 2(2-0)

El. of Hort., Hort. 107 3(2-3)

General Geology, Geol. 103 3(3-0)

Artillery IV, Mil. Tr. 116A, (men), l(0-3)and Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106, R(0-2)or

Phys. Education W, Phys.Ed. 154 R(0-3)

Elective! 1( - )

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total, men 17

Total, women 16


First Semester

Hist, of Arch III, Arch. 158A 2(2-0)

Pen. Rend, and Sketch., Arch 116... 2(0-6)

Design I, Arch. 142 3(0-9)

Bldg. Mat. & Con., Arch. 187A 3(3-0)

Theory of Land. Des., Hort. 243 2(2-0)

Plant Materials I, Hort. 224 3(2-3)

Plant Physiology I, Bot. 208 3(3-0)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total 18

Second Semester

Hist, of Arch. IV, Arch. 160A 2(2-0)

Silviculture, Hort. 119 3(2-3)

Design II, Arch. 144 3(0-9)

Plant Materials II, Hort. 226A 3(2-3)

Work. Draw. & Spec, Arch. 191 3(0-9)

Soils, Agron. 130 4(3-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total 18


First Semester

Landscape Construct., Hort. 227 3(2-3)

Greenhouse Const. & Mngt., Hort. 128. 3(3-0)

Highway Engr. I, Civ. Engr. 231 2(2-0)

Highway Materials Lab., Ap. Mech.

250 KO-3)

Rural Architecture, Arch. 153 2(0-6)

Land. Gard. II, Hort. 238 3(1-6)

Plant Pathology I, Bot. 205 3(1-4, 2)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Second Semester

Civic Art, Hort. 223 3(1-6)

Land. Gard. Ill, Hort. 246 3(1-6)

City Planning, Arch. 249 3(0-9)

Economics, Econ. 101 3(3-0)

Inspection Trip, Arch. 199 R

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Elective! 6( - V

Total 17 Total 18

Number of semester hours required for graduation: Men, 139; women, 135.

* Students who offer but one unit of algebra for admission take a five-credit course in College Algebra, Math. 107, the first semester, postponing Plane Trigonometry and two hours of other work until the second semester.

t Electives are to be chosen with the advice and approval of the head of the department and the dean.

Division of Engineering


Curriculum in Mechanical Engineering


First Semester

Chemistry E-I, Chem. 107 4(3-3)

College Algebra,* Math. 104 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Engr. Draw., Mach. Des. 101 2(0-6)

Extern. Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106 2(2-0)

( Engr. Woodwork I, Shop 101 1(0-3) 1

( Forging I, Shop 150 1(0-3) J or

Elements of Steam and Gas Power,

Mech. Engr. 130 2(0-6)

Artillery I, Mil. Tr. 113A 1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103..R(0-2)

Second Semester

Chemistry E-II, Chem. 108 4(3-3)

Plane Trigonometry, Math. 101 3(3-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Des. Geom., Mach. Des. 106 2(0-6)

Surveying I, Civ. Engr. 102 2(0-6)

Elements of Steam and Gas Power,

Mech. Engr. 130 2(0-6)or

f Engr. Woodwork I, Shop 101 1(0-3) )

( Forging I, Shop 150 1(0-3) J

Artillery II, Mil. Tr. 114A 1(0-3)

Engr. Lectures, Gen. Engr. 101 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104..R(0-2)

Total 17



First Semester

Engr. Physics I, Phys. 145 5(4-3)

Plane Analytical Geom. Math. 110... 4(4-0)

Mechanism, Mach. Design 121..." 3(3-0)

Mach. Drawing I, Mach. Des. 111... 2(0-6)

Metallurgy, Shop 165 2(2-0)

Metallography, Shop 167 1(0-3)

Artillery III, Mil. Tr. 115A 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M., Phys. Ed. 105..R(0-2)

Second Semester


Engr. Physics II, Phys. 150 5(4-3)

Calculus I, Math. 205 5(5-0)

American Indus. Hist., Hist. 105 3(3-0)

Mach. Drawing II, Mach. Des. 116.. 3(0-9)

Foundry Production, Shop 161 1(0-3)

Artillery IV, Mil. Tr. 116A 1(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106..R(0-2)

Total 18


First Semester

Ap. Mech., Ap. Mech. 202 4(4-0)

Calculus II, Math. 206 3(3-0)

Steam and Gas Engr. I, Mech. Engr.

201, 202 5(4-3)

Machine Tool Work I, Shop 170 2(0-6)

Economics, Econ. 101 3(3-0)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Second Semester

Str. of Mat., Ap. Mech. 211, 220 6(5-3)

Graphic Statics, Ap. Mech. 225 1(0-3)

Steam and Gas Engr. II, Mech.

Engr. 204, 205 4(3-3)

Machine Tool Work II, Shop 192 2(0-6)

Nontechnical Elective! 4( - )

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Total 17

Total 17


First Semester Electrical Engr. M-I, Elect. Engr.

230, 231 4(3-2, 1)

Power Plant Engr., Mech. Engr. 206. .3(0-9) Mach. Design I, Mach. Des. 204, 205.. 5(3-6) Hydraulics, Ap. Mech. 230, 235 4(3-3)

Factory Option:

Factory Engr., Shop 245A.


Power Option:

Ad. Thermody., Mech. Engr. 230... 2(2-0)

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Second Semester

Electrical Engr. M-II, Elect.

Engr. 242, 243 4(3-2, 1)

Refrig., Heat, and Vent.,

Mech. Engr. 210, 215 3(2-3)

Machine Design II, Mach. Des. 210.. 2(0-6)

Commercial Engr., Elect. Engr. 250.. 2(2-0)

Factory Option:

Factory Design, Shop 255 2(0-6)

Machine Tool Work III, Shop 193, 1(0-3) Electivef 3( - )

Power Option:

Steam Turb., Mech. Engr. 235 2(2-0)

Electivet 4( - )

Seminar, Gen. Engr. 105 R

Inspection Trip, Mech. Engr. 180 R


18 Total

Number of semester hours required for graduation, 139.


* Students who offer but one unit of algebra for admission take a five-credit course in College Algebra, Math. 107, the first semester, postponing two hours of other work.

t Electives are to be chosen with the advice and approval of the head of the department and the dean.

140 Kansas State Agricultural College

Agricultural Engineering

Professor Fenton Assistant Professor Logan

Professor Driftmier Assistant Smith

Associate Professor Sanders

This department gives instruction in such branches of engineering as are di- rectly related to agriculture. It also correlates and gives general supervision to such courses presented in other engineering departments as are open to students in agriculture and agricultural engineering, in order that the agricul- tural application and uses of engineering principles, methods, and materials may be kept clearly before the student.

In all the courses given, the time is carefully apportioned between the class- room and laboratory, in order to present the subject in the clearest and most forceful way. The practical application of theoretical principles is em- phasized.

The laboratory equipment is unusually ample and complete; all kinds of modern farm implements and equipment, to the value of $30,000, are available, hence their construction, operation, adjustment, and care may be fully cov- ered in the field and laboratory studies. The study of traction engines is ar- ranged to cover thoroughly the construction, operation and repair of the nu- merous modern tractors which are part of the regular equipment; traction tests in conjunction with various types of farm power machinery are also made. The tractor laboratory is equipped with four tractor power units mounted on bases, with various types of tractor ignition apparatus, and with complete apparatus for power and draft tests. All farm machinery and tractor equip- ment is kept up to date through a system of exchange with the manufacturers whereby old machines are replaced, when advisable, by new ones.

The comparatively recent development of this work, and its rapidly grow- ing importance, render investigational study very valuable, and special atten- tion is given to the courses covering this phase of the subject.

The department possesses equipment valued at $10,110.



103. Farm Buildings. 3(1-6)*; II. Mr. Driftmier and assistants.

Requirements, details of arrangements, and materials of construction for barns, storage, and work buildings for the farm; preparation of specifications, bills of material, and estimates of costs.

105. Farm Structures. 4(2-6); I. Prerequisite: Applied Mechanics (Ap. Mech. 202). Mr. Fenton and assistants.

Design of farm structures, details and materials of construction ; specifica- tions and estimates.

108. Field and Power Machinery C. 3(2-3) ; I. Mr. Driftmier and as- sistants.

Construction, operation and use of tillage, seeding, harvesting and miscel- laneous farm machinery operated by animal and mechanical power. Charge, $2

111. Field and Power Machinery. 4(2-6); I. Prerequisites: Mechanism (Mach. Des. 121), Engineering Physics II (Phys. 150). Mr. Driftmier and assistants.

Development, design, and utilization of tillage, seeding, and harvesting machinery for all forms of farm power. Charge, $2.

* The number beiore the parenthesis indicates the number of semester hours of credit ; the first number within the parentheses indicates the number of hours of recitation each week ; the second shows the number of hours to be spent in laboratory work each week ; and the third, where there is one, indicates the number of hours of outside work in connection with the laboratory required each week. I, II, and SS indicate that the course is given the first semester, second semester, and summer session respectively.

Division of Engineering 141

115. Modern Farm and Home Equipment. 3(2-3) ; II. Prerequisite: Hy- draulics (Ap. Mech. 230, 235). Mr. Fenton and Mr. Driftmier.

Water supply, sewage disposal, lighting, heating, and ventilation of farm buildings; refrigeration; and rural electrification. Charge, $1.

122. Agricultural Machines and Construction. 2(1-3); II. Mr. Drift- mier and assistants.

Introductory principles of mechanics and physics as applied to agricultural equipment. Charge, $1.

123, 124.t Farm Equipment. 3(2-3) ; II and SS. Mr. Driftmier and assist- ants.

Basic principles of mechanics, farm construction methods, farm surveying, lighting, water, and sewage disposal systems. Charge, $1.'

125, 127. Farm Motors. 4(2-6); II. Prerequisites: Engineering Physics II (Phys. 150) and Calculus I (Math. 205). Mr. Sanders and assistants.

Theory, principles of construction, operation and adjustment, and the ap- plication of tractors, trucks, and other internal combustion engines to agri- cultural uses. Charge, $3.

130. Gas Engines and Tractors. 3(2-3); I, II, and SS. Mr. Sanders and assistants.

Principles and application of the internal combustion engine, engine mech- anisms, carburetion, valve timing, cooling, lubrication, and ignition. Charge, $2.

140, 145. Elements of Irrigation and Drainage. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Soils (Agron. 133). Mr. Fenton and Mr. Driftmier.

The fundamental principles of land reclamation by drainage and irrigation, with special reference to agricultural development. Charge, $1.

150. Land Reclamation. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisites: Hydraulics (Ap. Mech. 230, 235) and Soils (Agron. 133). Mr. Fenton and assistants.

Principles and methods of bringing waste lands into production by drain- age, irrigation, terracing, and land clearing. Charge, $1.


205. Farm Machinery Research. 2(0-6) to 5(0-15); II. Prerequisites: Field and Power Machinery (Ag. Engr. Ill), such other courses as required, and permission of instructors. Mr. Fenton and Mr. Driftmier.

Original investigations along the lines of draft requirements, power con- sumption, or operation of farm machinery.

215. Tractor Research. 2(0-6) to 5(0-15) ; I. Prerequisite: Farm Motors (Ag. Engr. 125, 127) or its equivalent. Mr. Driftmier and Mr. Sanders. Research studies relating to tractor construction and operation.


301. Agricultural Engineering Research. 1 to 10 credits; I and II. Pre- requisites: Soils (Agron. 133), and Engineering Physics II (Physics 150) or equivalent. Mr. Fenton and Mr. Driftmier.

The laboratories of the College are available for research in the design, use, and application of machinery and equipment in the development of agriculture. The results of such investigations, if suitable, may be incor- porated in bulletins of the Engineering Experiment Station, or the work may furnish material for the master's thesis.

f In the case of many of the engineering courses, one course number is used for the reci- tation and another for the laboratory part of the course.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Applied Mechanics

Professor Sc holer Professor Robert Associate Professor Dawley Assistant Professor Cheek Assistant Professor Lesher

Instructor Koenitzer

Instructor Pickett

Assistant Railsback

Graduate Research Assistant Noble

Research Fellow German

The aim of the course in applied mechanics is to give to the engineering student a practical working knowledge of those fundamental principles of mechanics upon which his future work in structural and machine design may be based.

The materials-testing laboratory is well equipped with machines and ap- paratus for making physical tests of materials of construction, such as tension, compression, flexure, shear, torsion, hardness, and impact tests, and tests un- der repeated load. Some of the machines are of sufficient capacity to test full size structural and machine members to destruction, among them being a universal machine of 200,000 pounds capacity, with extension members for testing long beams and columns. Facilities are provided for making, curing, and testing concrete and reinforced concrete test specimens.

The materials-testing laboratory also has complete equipment for the test- ing of highway materials, and has been designated as the official laboratory of the Kansas Highway Commission.

The hydraulics laboratory has facilities for furnishing water under a con- siderable range of pressures and volumes. It contains devices for measuring and recording the flow of water, including measuring pits, water meters, weirs, nozzles, pitometer, and a Venturi meter. It is also provided with pumps, a standpipe, water motors, and a turbine water wheel for testing purposes, and a supply of pressure gauges, weighing scales, and other auxiliary apparatus. The equipment belonging to the department is valued at $33,755.



102. Apr lied Mechanics A. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisites: Plane Trigonometry and Engineering Physics I. Mr. Robert and Mr. Cheek.

A study of statics, with applications to stresses in structures; center of gravity; and moment of inertia.

116. Strength of Materials A Recitation. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Applied Mechanics A. Mr. Robert and Mr. Cheek.

Behavior of materials subjected to tension, compression, and shear; strength and stiffness of simple beams; moment and shear in flexure of beams, with diagrams; designs of beams of wood, steel and reinforced concrete, and design and investigation of columns.

121. Strength of Material A Laboratory. 1(0-3); II. Prerequisite: Ap- plied Mechanics A. Mr. Robert and Mr. Cheek.

A study of various testing machines; tension, compression, shear, and bend- ing tests on iron, steel, wood, and concrete; tests on cement and on the fine and coarse aggregates for concrete. Charge, $2.

150. Thesis. 1(0-3), I; and 2(0-6), II. Mr. Scholer and Mr. Robert.

An excellent opportunity for experimental work in strength of materials, road materials, concrete and hydraulics, suitable for thesis projects in any branch of engineering; subject of investigation to be selected in consultation with the head of the department at the beginning of the senior year.

for graduate and undergraduatei credit

202. Applied Mechanics. 4(4-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Calculus I and Engineering Physics II. Mr. Scholer, Mr. Robert and Mr. Pickett.

Composition, resolution, and conditions of equilibrium of concurrent and nonconcurrent forces; center of gravity; friction; laws of rectilinear and curvilinear motion of material points; moments of inertia; relations between

Division of Engineering 143

forces acting on rigid bodies and the resulting motions; and of work, energy, and power.

211. Strength of Materials Recitation. 5(5-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequi- site: Applied Mechanics. Mr. S'choler, Mr. Robert and Mr. Koenitzer.

Behavior of materials subjected to tension, compression, and shear; riveted joints; torsion; shafts, and the transmission of power; strength and stiffness of simple and continuous beams; bending moments and shear forces in beams; design of beams; stresses in columns and hooks; and the design of columns.

216. Strength of Materials E Recitation. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Pre- requisite: Applied Mechanics. Mr. Robert, Mr. Dawley, and Mr. Pickett. Similar to course 211, but much less time given to study of continuous girders and of reinforced concrete.

220. Strength of Materials Laboratory. 1(0-3); I, II, and SS. Must accompany or follow course 211 or 216. Mr. Robert, Mr. Dawley, and Mr. Pickett.

Tension, compression, shear, and bending tests on specimens of iron, steel, wood and concrete; torsion tests on steel shafting; standard tests on fine and coarse aggregates for concrete. Charge, $2.

225. Graphic Statics. 1(0-3); II. Must accompany or follow course 102 or 202. Mr. Robert.

Graphical solutions of the stresses existing in a number of typical trusses, under a variety of loadings.

230. Hydraulics Recitation. 3(3-0) ; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Applied Mechanics. Mr. Robert, Mr. Dawley, and Mr. Pickett.

Fluid pressures, center of pressure, immersion and flotation; Bernoulli's theorem; orifices, weirs, short and long pipes; flow of water in open channels, and its measurement; elements of water power, impulse wheels, reaction turbines, and centrifugal pumps.

235. Hydraulics Laboratory. 1(0-3). I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Applied Mechanics. Mr. Robert, Mr. Dawley, and Mr. Pickett.

Tests to determine the coefficients of weirs and orifices, loss of head in pipes, water wheels, water turbines, rams, and pumps, also use and calibration of water meters. Charge, $1.

250. Highway Materials Laboratory. 1(0-3); I. Prerequisite: Strength of Materials Laboratory. Mir. Scholer, Mr. Lesher, and Mr. Koenitzer.

A comprehensive course in the examination and testing of road materials. Charge, $1.50.

260. Advanced Applied Kinetics. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Strength of Materials or Strength of Materials E. Mr. Robert.

Advanced problems in kinetics with special attention to kinetics of rigid bodies.

265. Advanced Mechanics of Materials. 2(2-0) ; I. Prerequisite: Strength of Materials. Mr. Scholer.

Theory of elasticity and its applications; advanced problems in continuous girders involving general three-moment equations.

270. Hydraulic Machinery. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Hydraulics. Mr. Robert.

Characteristics and applications of water wheels, turbines, pumps, and other hydraulic machinery.

275. Advanced Highway Materials. 2(1-3); II. Prerequisite: Highway Materials I Laboratory. Mr. Scholer.

An advanced course in the properties and testing of the various materials used in road construction.

280. Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete. 2(2-0) ; I. No credit for stu- dents who have had Strength of Materials. Prerequisite: Strength of Ma- terials E. Mr. Scholer.

144 Kansas State Agricultural College

The behavior of reinforced concrete structural elements, including slabs, rectangular beams, T-beams, columns, and special floor systems under load.


301. Research in -Materials op Construction. 1 to 10 credits; I or II. Mr. Scholer, Mr. Robert, and Mr. Dawley.

Many problems related to materials used in engineering construction offer attractive fields for research. A number of special pieces of apparatus in addi- tion to the usual equipment of strength-of-materials laboratory are available for this work. The results of such investigations, if suitable, may be incor- porated in bulletins of the Engineering Experiment Station; this work may furnish materials for the master's thesis.


Professor Weigel Assistant Professor Wichers

Associate Professor Cheek Instructor Smith

Assistant Professor Helm Instructor Ware

The courses in architecture are offered not only to provide for the funda- mental training necessary for the practice of architecture, but also to give the student a facility and working knowledge which will be of immediate value to him upon graduation. The foundation which the student acquires in college should be supplemented by continual professional study, especially during those years immediately following graduation, when it is desirable that he should acquire practical experience in the employ and under the guidance of capable and experienced members of the profession. Students are most urgently advised to acquire practical experience in an architect's office during the summer vacations of their college course.

Throughout the course the instruction by lectures, recitations and drafting- room practice is fully amplified and expanded by a free use of the equipment of the Department of Architecture. Within the department is housed a good working library of the standard architectural works and leading professional magazines, together with the collections of lantern slides and photographs, to all of which the student has free access. Placed about the amply lighted and well-equipped rooms of the department is a generous collection of plaster casts, including important examples of architectural fragments and ornaments from historical monuments. On the walls of the drafting rooms, where they are constantly before the student, are hung selected examples from the depart- ment's collection of original drawings, including specimens of both academic and current professional work. From time to time this exhibit is changed.

At frequent intervals, representative men actually engaged in the practice of architecture and the allied arts and trades are invited to talk to and to ad- vise the student. During the junior or senior year under the direction of and in company with a member of the departmental faculty, each student is ex- pected to make a visit to one or more of the neighboring cities, thus enabling him to acquaint himself with the representative work of the profession as well as with the operations and processes involved in the conduct of allied pro- fessions and industries.

Students pursuing the curriculum in architecture are urged to devote a fifth year to the work. By so doing, a student can combine the curricula in architectural engineering and architecture and receive the bachelor of science degree in both.

All drawings or designs made during the student's course are to become the property of the department, to be used or returned at the discretion of the faculty.

The department owns equipment valued at $15,151.

Division of Engineering 145



106A. Elements of Architecture I. 3(0-9) ; I and SS. Mr. Wichers and Mr. Ware.

A thorough treatment of the orders and fundamental elements of architec- tural forms; special attention to the development of a high standard of letter- ing and draftsmanship. Charge, $1.

107A. Elements of Architecture II. 3(0-9) ; II and SS. Prerequisite : Elements of Architectuure I. Mr. Wichers and Mr. Ware.

Simple application of the forms studied in course 106 A; simple architectural rendering. Charge, $1.

111. Object Drawing I. 2(0-6) ; I, II, and SS. Mr. Helm and Mr. Wichers. The drawing of simple geometric objects; studies from fragments of antique architectural ornament.

114. Object Drawing II. 2(0-6); II, and SS. Prerequisite: Object Draw- ing I. Mr. Helm and Mr. Wichers.

An application and expansion of the principles taught in Object Draw- ing I.

116. Pencil Rendering and Sketching. 2(0-6); I, and SS. Prerequisite: Object Drawing II. Mr. Helm and Mr. Wichers.

The drawing of architectural ornament, architectural fragments, and pencil sketches from nature.

117. Still Life Drawing. 2((M5); I, and SS. Prerequisite: Water Color I (Arch. 118). Mr. Helm.

Advanced studies from full-length plaster casts in charcoal; pen and ink rendering.

118. Water Color I. 2(0-6); II, and SS. Prerequisite: Arch. 116 or ap- proval of instructor. Mr. Helm.

Exercises in the handling of the medium and of the translation of color; theory of color.

119. Water Color II. 2(0-6); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Arch. 118. Mr. Helm.

Advanced study in the technique of the medium. Includes both studio work and out-of-door sketching.

120. Interior Design. 2(0-6); I, and SS. Prerequisites: Arch. 118, 145, and 244. Mr. Helm.

The principles of interior architecture with special attention to period design.

121. Life Drawing I. 2(0-6); II. Prerequisite: Arch. 118. Mr. Helm. Drawing from the living model in charcoal. Deposit, $5.

123. Life Drawing II. 2(0-6); II. Prerequisite: Arch 121. Mr. Helm. A continuation of Life Drawing* I. Deposit, $5.

124. Domestic Architecture. 2(2-0) ; I and II. Mr. Wichers.

The course is designed to help the student understand home building prob- lems. A detailed study is made of home designing and planning with the help of lantern slides.

133. Clay Modeling. 2(0-6); I. Prerequisite: Arch. 117. Mr. Weigel and Mr. Helm.

The making of clay models, plaster casts of simple decorative fragments and anatomical forms; and construction of relief maps. Charge, $1.

134. Pen and Ink Drawing I. 2(0-6); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Arch. 116 or approval of instructor. Mr. Helm.

146 Kansas State Agricultural College,

A study of the technique and drawing of fragments, casts, still-life, etc., in this medium, also outdoor sketching.

142, 144. Design I and II. 3(0-9) each; I and II respectively. Prerequi- sites: For I, Arch. 107A and 114; for II, Arch. 142. Mr. Weigel and Mr. Smith.

An analysis of architectural composition and rendering. Charge, $1 for each course.

145, 147. Design III and IV. 5(0-15) each; I and II respectively. Pre- requisites: For III, Arch. 117 and 144; for IV, Arch. 145. Mr. Weigel and Mr. Smith.

Continuation of Design II; time problems and rapid design sketches re- quired, at frequent intervals. Charge, $1 for each course.

153. Rural Architecture. 2(0-6); I. Prerequisites: Arch. 144 and 191. Mr. Wichers.

A detailed study of the small home and the architectural needs of rural com- munities.

154A, 157A. History of Architecture I and II. 2(2-0) each; I and II respectively. Mr. Smith.

The history of architecture from the dawn of civilization to the end of the Roman Empire, in I; II covers the Gothic period, to 1400.

158A, 160A. History of Architecture III and IV. 2(2-0) each; I and II respectively. Prerequisites: Arch. 114 and 157A. Mr. Smith.

Continuation of Arch 157A; finishes the history of architecture to modern times.

163, 164. Historic Ornament I and II. 2(1-3) each; I and II respectively. Prerequisites: Arch. 118 and Arch. 160A. Mr. Helm.

The study and analysis of historic ornament and its application to archi- tectural and decorative design. Charge, $1 for each course.

165, 170. Commercial Illustration I and II. 2(0-6) each; I and II re- spectively. Mr. Helm.

The principles of advertising arrangements; making various types of ad- vertising designs, such as newspaper advertisements, lettering, and posters; making cover designs for magazines, books, and trade catalogues; for headings, tail pieces, and decorative page arrangements; drawings carried out in black and white and in one or more colors.

178, 182. History of Civilization and Art I and II. 2(3-0) each; I and II respectively. Mr. Smith.

In course 178, a study of development of painting, sculpture, furniture and the minor arts to the fifteenth century. In course 182, continuation to the be- ginning of the twentieth century.

187A. Building Materials and Construction. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Elements of Architecture II (Arch. 107A). Mr. Cheek.

An introduction to the properties and uses of the materials of construction; also plumbing, heating, and lighting systems; occasional visits to buildings un- der construction.

191. Working Drawings and Specifications. 3(0-9); II. Prerequisites: Arch. 142 and 187A. Mr. Weigel and Mr. Wichers.

Preparing working drawings and specifications for suburban residences; drawing complete details for buildings, working out heating, plumbing, and structural problems.

192. Theory of Structures I. 4(2-6) ; I. Prerequisites: Arch. 191, Applied Mechanics A (Ap. Mech. 102), and Strength of Materials A (Ap. Mech. 116, 121). Mr. Cheek.

Mathematical and graphical solutions of stresses in framed structures under static loading; practical problems in the design of wood construction; occa- sional inspection trips to buildings under construction.

Division of Engineering 147

194A. Theory of Structures II. 5(3-6); II. Prerequisite: Arch. 1792. Mr. Cheek.

A continuation of Theory of Structures I applied to steel and masonry- structures.

196, 198. Structural Design I and II. 3(1-6) each; I and II, respectively Prerequisite: Theory of Structures II (Arch. 194A). Mr. Cheek.

Application of the principles covered under Theory of Structures to the co- ordinated, grouped design of an entire structure with complete working draw- ings and details; preferably a problem simultaneously under consideration in an architectural design course.

199. Inspection Trip. R; II. Prerequisite: Senior classification. Mr. Weigel and assistants. .

An inspection trip is made to one of the larger cities of the Middle West by the senior students in Architectural Engineering, Architecture, and Landscape Architecture. The inspection party is under the charge of one or more faculty members of the Department of Architecture. Time allotted to the trip is from three days to one week. Cost to each student for trip, including meals, lodging and transportation, approximately


201, 206. Advanced Free-hand Drawing I and II. 2(0-6) each; I and II, respectively. Prerequisites: Arch. 117 and 118. Mr. Helm.

Study of the human figure and exercises in original composition of archi- tectural ornament, various mediums being employed.

208. Furniture Design. 3(1-6); I. Prerequisites: Arch. 120 and Arch. 160A. Mr. Helm.

A study of the history of furniture design and its relationship to architec- tural development.

211, 216. Advanced History of Civilization and Art I and II. 2(2-0) each; I and II respectively. Prerequisite: Arch. 182. Mr. Weigel.

In course 211, a detailed study of civilization from the Babylonian and As- syrian empires to the fifteenth century, tracing the artistic development of each epoch; in course 216, a continuation of course 211.

217, 218. Etching I and II. 2(0-6) each; I and II respectively. Prerequi- sites: Arch. 117 and Arch. 134. Mr. Helm.

Instruction is given in the technical principles of etching on copper and zinc plate.

221. Problems in Architectural Development. 1 to 5 credits; I and II. Mr. Weigel.

Under direct supervision of some member of the departmental staff, study of historic problems in architectural development.

230, 235. Oil Painting I and II. 2(0-6) each; I and II, respectively and SS. Prerequisite: Water Color I (Arch. 118) or approval by instructor. Mr. Helm.

Rudiments of painting in oil; sketching of simple objects and drapes. In course 235, painting of larger still-life groups and out-door sketching.

244. General History of Architecture. 3(3-0); I and II. Prerequisite: Object Drawing II (Arch. 114) or Design A (Ap. Art. 106). Mr. Weigel.

The historic architectural styles of the world studied and analyzed; writ- ten papers, with sketches, required of each student.

249. City Planning. 3(0-9); II. Prerequisites: Arch. 144, Hort. 223 and Hort. 245. Mr. Weigel.

A detailed study of city planning, including transportation and street sys- tems, parks and recreation facilities, public buildings and civic centers, subdi- visions of land, restrictions and zoning.

148 Kansas State Agricultural College.

253, 256. Design V and VI. 8(0-24) each; I and II respectively. Pre- requisites: For V, Arch. 118 and 147; for VI, Arch. 253, Mr. Weigel and Mr. Smith.

Continuation of Design IV; special training in interior design and decora- tion. Charge, SI for each course.


301, 304. Advanced Design I and II. 3(0-9) to 10 (0-30) each; I and II respectively. Mr. Weigel.

A study of the planning of important buildings and groups of buildings. Course 304, a continuation of 301, may furnish material for the master's thesis.

324. Research in Architecture. 1 to 10 credits; I and II.

The study of a research problem in architecture, determined by conferences between Mr. Weigel and the student and approved by the Graduate Coun- cil. This course may furnish material for the master's thesis.

Civil Engineering"

Professor Conrad Instructor Crawford

Professor Frazier Instructor Morse

Professor Furr Graduate Research Assistant Dull

Associate Professor White

The purpose of the instruction in the Department of Civil Engineering is to give the student a thorough knowledge of the fundamental principles of engineering and to develop his ability to analyze engineering problems, and thus prepare the graduate to enter any one of the many special fields which are usually included under the title of civil engineering.

In addition to the laboratory equipment of the other engineering depart- ments, which is available to civil-engineering students, the Department of Civil Engineering possesses a good assortment of transits, levels, plane tables, compasses, tapes, and chains. It also owns a precise level, a direction theodo- lite, a repeating theodolite, four different kinds of solar attachments, and a base-line outfit.

Approximately 90 per cent of the graduates of this department are now engaged in engineering work in cities, in the oil fields, in the government reclamation and valuation service, in consulting engineering, in highway work, in construction work, and in other work in which a knowledge of civil engi- neering is a prerequisite.

The department owns equipment valued at $19,739.



102, 111. Surveying I and II. 2(0-6) each; I, II, and SS each. Prerequi- site or parallel (for I): Plane Trigonometry (Math. 101); prerequisite (for II) : Surveying I. Mr. White, Mr. Crawford, and Mr. Morse (for I) ; Mr. Furr and Mr. White (for II).

Course 102, the use and care of engineer's surveying instruments; course 111, land and topographic surveying. Charge, $1 for each course.

120. Masonry and Foundations. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Engineering Physics II (Physics 150); prerequisite or parallel: Applied Mechanics I (Ap. Mech. 202). Mr. Frazier.

Design and construction of foundations; stresses in plain masonry struc- tures; the method of designing such structures.

125. Civil Engineering Drawing I. 2(0-6) ; II. Prerequisite : Machine Drawing I (Mach. Design 111). Mr. White.

Stereotomy, shades and shadows, isometric and perspective drawing; copy- ing working drawings of engineering structures.

Division of Engineering 149

145. Railway Engineering I. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisites: Surveying IV and C. E. Drawing I (Civ. Engr. 125, 156, and 157). Mr. Frazier.

Railway engineering based on Wellington's economic theory; study of track construction and maintenance; design of yards and terminals.

151, 155. Surveying III. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Surveying II. Mr. Purr and Mr. White.

Topographic, hydrographic, city, and mine surveying.

Laboratory. Topographic surveying and topographic mapping.

156, 157. Surveying IV. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisite: Surveying III; pre- requisite or parallel: Calculus I (Math. 205). Mr. Furr. Railroad curves and earthwork.

161. Drainage and Irrigation I. 2(2-0) ; II and SS. Prerequisite and paral- lel: Hydraulics (Ap. Mech. 230, 235). Mr. Conrad and Mr. White. Design and construction of drainage and irrigation works.

170. Thesis, 1(0-3), I; and 2(0-6), II respectively. Mr. Conrad.

A report on a proposed design, and original investigation, or a library re- search. With approval of Mr. Conrad, thesis work may be taken in some other department, the thesis subject to be selected and approved by the department head before the October first next preceding the student's graduation. An equivalent amount of work in an elective subject approved by the dean of this division may be substituted for thesis.

180. Inspection Trip. R; II. Prerequisite: Senior classification. Mr. Conrad and assistants.

A trip of three to four days to Kansas City and other near-by industrial centers for the purpose of inspecting industrial plants and projects of special interest to civil engineers. The plants inspected are carefully selected to exemplify various engineering applications in practice. Cost to each student, including meals, lodging and transportation, approximately $25.


201. Stresses in Framed Structures. 4(4-0); I and SS. Prerequisite: Strength of Materials (Ap. Mech. 211). Mr. Conrad. Computation of stresses in bridges and buildings.

205. Civil Engineering Drawing II. 2(0-6); I and SS. Prerequisite: Strength of Materials Rec. (App. Mech. 211). Mr. Conrad.

Graphic statics and design of simple roof trusses in timber and steel.

211, 216. Astronomy and Geodesy. 4(2-6); I. Prerequisites: Surveying III (Civ. Engr. 151, 155) and Calculus II (Math. 206). Mr. Frazier.

The elements of practical astronomy; precise methods of surveying and leveling.

Laboratory. Astronomical observations, principally for determining true meridian and latitude; base-line measurements and triangulation work.

220. Water Supply. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Hydraulics (Ap. Mech. 230, 235) . Mr. Frazier.

Water supply from the standpoint of consumption, collection, storage, dis- tribution and purification.

225. Sewerage. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Hydraulics (Ap. Mech. 230). Mr. Frazier.

Design and construction of sewer systems and disposal plants.

230. Highway Engineering I Recitation. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Sur- veying II (Civ. Engr. 111). Mr. Furr.

Location, construction, and maintenance of roads and pavements.

246. Design of Framed Structures. 3(0-9); II and SS. Prerequisite: Stresses in Framed Structures (Civ. Engr. 201). Mr. Conrad.

150 Kansas State Agricultural College,

The making of general drawings for a highway truss bridge, a railroad truss bridge, and a railroad deck plate girder.

250, 255. Concrete Design. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisite: Strength of Ma- terials (Ap. Mech. 211). Mr. Conrad.

Design of reenforced buildings, retaining walls, dams and bridges.

Laboratory. Drawing reenforced concrete retaining walls, dams , slab bridges, and girder bridges.

256. Reenforced Concrete Arches. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Concrete Design (Civ. Engr. 250, 255). Mr. Conrad.

Various types of reenforced concrete arches adapted for use in bridges, build- ings, and dams; computation of stresses; arrangement of details.

260, 265. Railway Engineering II. 4(2-^); II. Prerequisite: Railway Engineering I (Civ. Engr. 145). Mr. Frazier. Railway operation and maintenance.

Laboratory. A reconnoissance and survey of a short railroad; making the maps, profiles, and estimates from the survey.

270, 275. Highway Engineering II. 4(2-6); II. Prerequisite: Highway Engineering I (Civ. Engr. 230). Mr. Furr.

Highway laws, highway administration, and highway economics.

Laboratory. A reconnoissance and survey for a highway a few miles long; making the maps, profiles, and estimates from the survey.

276. Highway Economics. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Highway Engineering II. Mr. Furr.

Highway transport and construction problems as affected by recent findings of research agencies.

280, 285. Drainage and Irrigation II. 4(2-6); II. Prerequisite: Drainage and Irrigation I (Civ. Engr. 161). Mr. Conrad.

Design of irrigation structures and management of irrigation projects.

Laboratory. Making the survey for a drainage or irrigation project; mak- ing maps, estimates, and designs, using the survey as a basis.


301. Advanced Bridge Stresses. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Stresses in Framed Structures (Civ. Engr. 201). Mr. Conrad.

A study of deflections; stresses in continuous, movable, cantilever, suspen- sion, and steel arch bridges; and secondary stresses.

304. Civil Engineering Research. 3 to 10 credits; I, II, and S'S. Pre- requisites depend on subject of research. Mr. Conrad, Mr. Frazier, or Mr. Furr.

Original investigation or advanced study in some field relating to the practice of civil engineering.

316. Railroad Transportation. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Railway Engi- neering I (Civ. Engr. 146). Mr. Frazier.

A study of the function of the railway system; its relation to industrial development and its correlation with other methods of transportation.

Division of Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Professor Kloeffler*

Professor BRENNEMANf

Associate Professor Kerchner Assistant Professor Hunt Assistant Professor Jorgenson

Assistant Professor Bueche

Assistant Professor Corcoran

Instructor Sitz

Instructor Rice

Graduate Research Assistant Potter

Instruction in the Department of Electrical Engineering is planned _ to give the student a thorough training in the underlying principles of electrical phenomena, direct and alternating current, and in the application of electri- cal theory to the solution of the practical problems in the many fields of the industry. The textbook, lectures and classroom instruction is accompanied by extended courses in the laboratories.

The main dynamo laboratory contains examples of many types of electrical machinery and control apparatus, including more than 50 direct and alter- nating-current generators and motors ranging from 1 to 15 kilowatts capacity. The instrument room in connection contains more than 140 instruments for the measurement of current, voltage, power, frequency and other electrical quantities. The dynamo laboratory also includes a complete electric-railway test set, consisting of two modern railway motors, geared to a load and operated by a modern pneumatic type of control equipment. Supplementary to this laboratory is another dynamo laboratory fitted with direct-current motor-generator sets and accessory equipment for the first-year course in electric-machine construction and operation.

An electrical measurement laboratory is equipped with standards of re- sistance, electromotive force, self-induction and capacity and many types of bridges and apparatus for the measurement of magnetic and electric quantities. The main electrical measurement laboratory is supplemented by a standardizing laboratory which contains all the necessary precision instru- ments, sine wave generating equipment and control apparatus for calibrating voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters, watt-hour meters, and rotating standards.

There are two communication laboratories: The wire communication laboratory contains several demonstration panels and switchboards for mag- neto, common battery (manual) and automatic telephone systems, and oscillators, bridges, and artificial telephone lines for making measurements at the various frequencies encountered in telephone practice. The radio communication laboratory is supplied with equipment for high frequency measurements and the study of radio phenomena.

An illumination laboratory is equipped with bar, spherical and portable photometers and accessory equipment such as lamps, reflectors and luminaires.

The wiring laboratory for the freshman course contains sixteen booths or rooms, in imitation of buildings both finished and in process of construction, and a complete stock of supplies for concealed knob and tube, conduit, and conduit construction which provides students with actual practice in wiring buildings.

The equipment belonging to the department is valued at $50,971.



160, 165. Electrical Engineering C. 3(2-2, 1); II. Prerequisite: Engi- neering Physics II (Physics 150). Mr. Jorgenson.

The fundamental principles of direct-current and alternating-current elec- tricity, with emphasis upon proper installation and operation of different classes of machines.

Laboratory. Practice to give a knowledge of the most important commer- cial tests; proper use of electrical instruments; a written report of each test. Charge, $1.50.

On sabbatical leave, year 1929 -'30.

t Acting head, year 1929-'30.

152 Kansas State Agricultural College

170. Electrical Machinery and Construction. 2(0-6) ; I and II. Pre- requisite: High-school Physics. Mr. Hunt, Mr. Jorgenson and Mr. Sitz.

An introductory course in applied electricity; various modern methods of interior wiring, and installation, care, operation and repair of electrical ma- chinery. Charge, $3.

179. Principles of Electrical Engineering. 2(2-0) ; I and II. Prerequi- sites: Electrical Machinery and Construction (Elec. Engr. 170) and Trigo- nometry (Math. 101). Mr. Kloeffler and Mr. Jorgenson.

The fundamental principles of electrical circuits; an introduction to later courses in direct and alternating-current machines.

190. Inspection Trip. R; I. Prerequisite: Senior classification. Mr. Kloeffler and assistants.

A trip of four to six days to Kansas City, St. Louis and other cities for the purpose of making inspections of power plants and various industries il- lustrating, the application of electrical engineering principles. Cost to each student, aproximately $45.

195. Thesis. 1(0-3), I; and 2(0-6), II. Mr. Kloeffler, Mr. Brenneman, Mr. Kerchner, Mr. Hunt, Mr. Bueche and Mr. Corcoran.

Subject for thesis work selected in consultation with the department head at the beginning of the senior year; every opportunity given to work out original ideas as to design and operation of electrical apparatus and machinery.


203, 204. Direct-current Machines I. 4(3-2, 1); I, II, and SS. Prerequi- sites: Calculus I (Math. 205) and Engineering Physics II (Physics 150). Mr. Brenneman, Mr. Sitz and Mr. Rice.

A detailed study of the fundamental principles of magnetic and electric circuits and their application to the various types of direct-current machines.

Laboratory. A series of experiments designed to show the fundamental principles and characteristics of direct-current machines. Charge, $1.75.

206, 207. Direct-current Machines II. 3(2-2, 1); I, II, and SS. Pre- requisites: Direct-current Machines I. Mr. Brenneman, Mr. Hunt, Mr. Jorgenson, Mr. Sitz and Mr. Rice.

A detailed study of special types of direct-current machinery, dynamo losses, and commutation.

Laboratory. Special attention to the different methods of determining gen- erator and motor efficiencies and to proper tabulation and interpretation of results. Charge, $1.50.

209, 211. Alternating-current Machines I. 5(4-2, 1) ; I. II, and SS. Pre- requisites: Calculus II (Math. 206) and Direct-current Machines I (Elec. Engr. 203, 204). Mr. Kerchner, Mr. Hunt, Mr. Jorgenson, and Mr. Corcoran.

A mathematical treatment of alternating-current phenomena.

Laboratory. A series of experiments illustrating the theoretical work; practice in accurate measurement of capacity and inductance, and the effect of each upon the circuit; study of polyphase circuits. Charge, $1.75.

214, 216. Alternating-current Machines II. 4(3-3) ; I, II, and SS. Pre- requisite: Alternating-current Machines I. Mr. Kerchner, Mr. Hunt, and Mr. Corcoran.

Principles of design, construction and operation of transformers and alter- nating-current generators.

Laboratory. A series of experiments involving commercial and special tests of transformers and alternators. Charge, $1.50.

217,218. Electrical Communication I. 3(2-2, 1); I. Prerequisite: Alter- nating-current Machines I (Elec. Engr. 209, 211). Mr. Kloeffler, Mr. Bueche, and Mr. Rice.

Division of Engineering 153

The principles of telephone communications as applied to the apparatus and circuits used on magneto, common battery (manual), Strowger automatic, and machine switching systems; toll telephone practice, involving the use of line loading, repeaters, and carrier currents.

Laboratory. Study of telephone apparatus and circuits on magneto, com- mon battery, and automatic systems; measurements made on artificial tele- phone lines. Charge, $1.50.

219, 223. Radio Communication. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisite: Alternating- current Machines I (Elec. Engr. 209, 211). Mr. Kloeffler and Mr. Bueohe.

The production, measurement, and control of high-frequency alternating currents and electro-magnetic waves, and their application to radio telegraphy and telephony and carrier current transmission; principles of operation of thermionic vacuum tubes and a proper consideration of these principles in their application to the generation, modulation, amplification, and detection of continuous waves.

Laboratory. Characteristics of vacuum tubes; high frequency measure- ments. Charge, $1.50.

224, 225. Alternating-current Machines III. 5(3-3, 3); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Alternating-current Machines II. Mr. Kerchner, Mr. Hunt, Mr. Jorgenson, and Mr. Corcoran.

Continuation of Alternating-current Machines II (E. E. 214), including synchronous motors, parallel operation of alternators, converters, induction and commutator alternating-current motors, rectifiers, alternating-current in- struments, and accessory apparatus.

Laboratory. Continuation of Alternating-current II Laboratory. (Elect. Engr. 216.) Tests on machines listed in Elect. Engr. 224. Charge, $2.

227,228. Electrical Measurements. 3(2-3) ; I and II. Prerequisites: Cal- culus I (Math. 205) and Engineering Physics II (Physics 150). Mr. Kloeffler and Mr. Bueche.

Methods for electric and magnetic measurements; resistance, quantity, cur- rent, electromotive force, capacity, inductance.

Laboratory. Applications of fundamental principles studied in the class room. Charge, $2.

230, 231. Electrical Engineering M-I. 4(3-2, 1); I. Prerequisites: Cal- culus I and Engineering Physics II. Mr. Hunt and Mr. Rice.

Direct-current machines with reference to the fundamental laws of the electric circuit, the principles of direct-current machinery, and the more im- portant commercial tests; an introduction to alternating-current circuits.

Laboratory. A series of experiments covering the fundamental principles and characteristics of direct-current machines. Charge, $1.50.

232, 233. Electrical Communication II. 3(2-3) ; II. Prerequisite : Elec- trical Communication I. Mr. Kloeffler and Mr. Bueche.

Transmission problems, telephonic efficiencies, telephone repeaters, wave filters, and carrier currents.

Laboratory. High frequency measurements as applied to wire communica- tion. Charge, $1.50.

235,236. Illuminating Engineering. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisites: Calculus I and Engineering Physics II. Mr. Kloeffler and Mr. Hunt.

Photometry, light standards, principles of illumination and illumination design.

Laboratory. Photometric measurements of light intensity, luminous flux, brightness, and illumination; the determination of light distribution about various illuminants and luminaries. Charge, $1.50.

238,239. Electrical Instruments and Meters. 3(2-3) ; II. Prerequisite: Alternating-current Machines I. Mr. Kloeffler and Mr. Bueche.

154 Kansas State Agricultural College

The operation, construction and testing of indicating instruments, watt- hour meters, instrument transformers, and relays;

Laboratory. Various methods of testing and calibrating electrical instru- ments and meters. Should accompany the class work. Charge, $1.50.

240. Electric Railways. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Alternating-current Machines II. Mr. Kerchner and Mr. Sitz.

The development of electric traction; conditions and train schedules; speed-time curves ; power generation and distribution for electric railway signal systems; types of cars and locomotives in use; various control systems; and adaptability of electric traction to steam railroads.

242,243. Electrical Engineering M-II. 4(3-2, 1); II. Prerequisite: Elec- trical Engineering M-I (Elec. Engr. 230, 231). Mr. Hunt.

The important principles of alternating-current machinery of primary im- portance to mechanical engineers.

Laboratory. Standard tests of alternators, motors, and transformers, and methods of operating the different- types of alternating-current machinery. Charge, SI. 50.

246. Storage Battery Engineering. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisites: Chemistry E-I (Chem. 108) and Engineering Physics II (Physics 150). Mr. Brenneman.

Process of manufacture, molecular and chemical theory of operation, be- havior on charge and discharge, rating, life, and applications of a storage battery.

250. Commercial Engineering. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite:' Economics (Econ. 101). Mr. Kloeffler and Mr. Jorgenson.

The relation of the engineer to commercial life; salesmanship.

270, 271. Electrical Machine Design I and II. 1(0-3) and 2(0-6), I and II, respectively. Prerequisite: Direct-current Machines I (Elec. Eng. 203). Mr. Brenneman and Mr. Hunt.

In I, the principles of electrical design, each student makes calculation for electromagnets and a direct-current motor. In II, study of the principles of alternating-current design, each student makes the necessary design calcula- tion for a transformer and an alternator.

275. Advanced Calculations in Alternating-current Circuits. 2(2-0) ; I. Prerequisite: Alternating-current Machines I (Elec. Engr. 209). Mr. Kerchner.

Use of the vector methods in solving alternating-current problems; solving of single-phase, balanced or unbalanced three-phase problems in networks; computations of real and reactive power or the reverse handled by symbolic notation.

280. Generation, Transmission, and Distribution of Electrical Energy. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Elec. Engr. 213. Mr. Brenneman.

Transmission line design, economic and technical features; and properties of cables and insulators.

284. Transient Electrical Phenomena. 3(3-0) ; II. Prerequisites: Alter- nating-current Machines I and II, and Differential Equations (Math. 201). Mr. Brenneman.

Two phases of electrical phenomena; (a) transients in time, and (b) tran- sients in space.

286. Advanced Illumination. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Illuminating Engineering (Elec. Engr. 235). Mr. Kloeffler and Mr. Hunt.

Continuation of the work of Illuminating Engineering I with special em- phasis upon problems on the illumination of stores, offices, drafting rooms, machine shops, railway shops, hospitals, and city streets.


336. Electrical Engineering Research. 1 to 10 credits; I or II. Prerequi- site: Alternating-current Machines II ,(Elec. Eng. 214). Mr. Kloeffler, Mr. Brenneman, Mr. Kerchner, and Mr. Corcoran.

Division of Engineering 155

An introduction to more elaborate work of special investigation; adapted to meet the needs and attainments of individual students; particular problems which must be studied by reference to existing literature and by experimental work, and on which completed reports must be submitted.

General Engineering

Dean Seaton Assistant Dean Durland

101. Engineering Lectures. R(l-O); entire freshman year. Dean Seaton, other members of the engineering faculty, and visiting practicing engineers.

Designed to acquaint freshmen engineers and architects with fundamental principles of their profession and to give a general survey of the field. Charge, 75 cents.

105. Seminar. R(l-O); sophomore, junior and senior years. Members of the engineering faculty.

Presentation by students of abstracts and reviews of articles appearing in the journals of their respective societies or in the technical press of their pro- fession, and as far as possible is conducted by the student branches of the pro- fessional engineering societies. Occasionally these individual groups unite in the General Engineering Society, under whose auspices lectures are given by practicing engineers and by members of the engineering and college faculty on topics of general interest to engineering students. Charge, 75 cents.

Machine Design

Professor Pearce Instructor Olsen

Professor Durland Instructor Branigan

Associate Professor Smutz Instructor Hahn Assistant Professor Gingrich

The courses in engineering drawing and machine drawing deal principally with the training of the freshman and sophomore students in visualization, and the application of graphical language to engineering problems, with par- ticular reference to commercial drafting-room methods. The object of these courses is primarily to develop this graphical language as a tool to be used in all future engineering work.

The courses in machine design deal with the mechanical transmission of power, the analysis of the action of machine parts, and the design of machine elements and of complete machines with regard to strength, stiffness and gen- eral operating efficiency. In this group may be included also the courses in flour-mill design, which deal with the layout of flow sheets and the selection and arrangement of milling machinery.

The department owns equipment valued at $8,207.



101. Engineering Drawing. 2(0-6) ; I, II, and S'S. Mr. Smutz, Mr. Ging- rich and Mr. Hahn.

The selection and use of drawing instruments, construction of geometrical figures, lettering, orthographic projections and sections, and pictorial methods of representation.

106. Descriptive Geometry. 2(0-6); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Course 101, and Solid Geometry. Mr. Smutz. Mr. Gingrich, and Mr. Branigan.

More advanced problems than in Engineering Drawing, involving the point, line, and plane; the intersection and development of the surfaces of geometric solids; practical applications of the principles involved; emphasis on develop- ing the student's ability to visualize drawings in the third angle.

156 Kansas State Agricultural College,

107. Descriptive Geometry A. 3(0-9); I. Mr. Gingrich and Mr. Branigan. This course is primarily for architectural students, and its problems are all

related to their work.

108. Shades and Shadows, and Perspective:. 3(0-9); II. Prerequisites: Descriptive Geometry A, and Elements of Architecture I (Arch. 106A). Mr. Smutz and Mr. Gingrich.

Conventional shades and shadows of common geometrical solids, solids of revolution, and simple architectural members; the theory of perspective as applied to the same simple solids and to problems from architectural practice. Charge, $1.50.

111. Machine Drawing I. 2(0-6); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Engineering Drawing (Mach. Design 101). Mr. Durland, Mr. Olsen, Mr. Branigan, and Mr. Hahn.

Conventional representations, working drawings, modern drafting-room sys- tems, and the reproduction of drawings; special emphasis given to proper se- lection of views to present the necessary information in convenient forms, di- mensioning, checking for errors, and the subject matter and arrangement of titles and notes,

116. Machine Drawling II. 3(0-9); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Machine Drawing I (Course 111). Mechanism (Course 121) must precede or accom- pany this course. Mr. Durland, Mr. Olsen, and Mr. Hahn.

The making of free-hand sketches of simple machine parts and complete working drawings from these sketches without further reference to the ob- jects; kinematic problems, including belting, cams, linkages, and gears to ful- fill specified conditions.

117. Machine Drawing E-II. 2(0-6); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Ma- chine Drawing I. Mr. Pearce, Mr. Olsen, and Mr. Hahn.

Machine sketching from parts of actual machines; complete working and assembly drawings. Practice is given in tracing and blue printing.

121. Mechanism. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Plane Trigonom- etry (Math. 101) and Descriptive Geometry (Mach. Design 106). Mr. Pearce, Mr. Olsen, and Mr. Hahn.

A careful study of the fundamental elements of machinery with reference to the transmission of motion and force, and to their forms and arrangements in actual machines; the solution of a large number of graphical and mathe- matical problems is required.

126. Thesis. 1(0-3), I, and 2(0-6), II, respectively. Mr. Pearce and Mr. Durland.

Excellent material for thesis study furnished by projects in machine design or flour-mill design; subject of the investigation selected in consultation with the head of the department at the beginning of the senior year.


204, 205. Machine Design I. 5(3-6); I. Prerequisites: Strength of Ma- terials (Ap. Mech. 211), Machine Drawing II (Mach. Design 116), and Steam and Gas Engineering II. Mr. Pearce and Mr. Durland.

The straining actions in machine elements; frictions and lubrication; the action of reciprocating parts in engines; problems arising in the transmisson of power and in the design of high-speed machinery.

Laboratory. Riveted joints of a steam boiler designed in strict conformity to the A. S. M. E. Boiler Code; calculations for a number of simple machines and machine parts, paralleling the recitation class assignments.

210. Machine Design II. 2(0-6); II. Prerequisite: Courses 204, 205. Mr. Pearce and Mr. Durland.

Design of a small power shear; calculations made for all parts; a graphical analysis made of the stress in the shaft; working drawings made; and the rotative effect diagram of a steam engine.

Division of Engineering 157

214. Flow Sheet Design. 2(0-6); I. Prerequisites: Machine Drawing II (Mach. Design 116) and (Mill. Ind. 110). Mr. Pearce.

The construction of complete flow sheets for medium capacity flour mills.

215. Flour-mill Design. 2(0-6); II. Prerequisites: Strength of Mate- rials E (Ap. Mech. 216) and Milling Practice I (Mill. Ind. 109). Mr. Pearce.

The making of a design for a medium capacity flour mill, including the construction of a complete flow sheet, and the selection and planning of the arrangement of the machinery.

225. Graphics of Engineering Formulas. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Plane Analytical Geometry (Math. 110). Mr. Pearce.

Design of empirical equations according to the methods of selected points, averages, or least squares, and a consideration of general methods of plotting; the diagramming of formulas; construction of nomographic or alignment charts, in which all the variables of a formula are along any straight trans- versal cutting the lines of the diagram.

250. Aerodynamics. 4(3-3); I. Prerequisite: Applied Mechanics (App. Mech. 202). Mr. Pearce and Mr. Durland.

A general introduction into aerodynamics, particularly as regards the action of air foils, the effects of parasite drag, the prediction of performance, and the analysis of stability and control.

255. Airplane Design. 2(0-6); II. Prerequisites: Aerodynamics, and Strength of Materials (App. Mech. 211 and 220). Mr. Pearce and Mr. Durland.

A general presentation of the problems involved in the design and stress analysis of an airplane structure, particularly as regards the requirements of the United States Department of Commerce.


301. Advanced Machine Design. 1 to 10 credits; I or II. Mr. Pearce and Mr. Durland.

At the option of the student this course may include either the design of a machine or a study of the advanced dynamics of machinery, with special refer- ence to inertia effects, torque characteristics, fly-wheel design, and balancing of multiple cylinder engines and compressors, the design of turbine drums and disks, the critical speed of rotating parts, and gyroscopic action. The course may furnish material for the master's thesis.

Mechanical Engineering

Professor Calderwood Instructor Flinner

Professor Mack Graduate Research Assistant Kent

Associate Professor Brainard

The object of the instruction in this department is to give to the student the fundamental principles underlying the design, construction, selection, op- eration and testing of steam boilers; steam engines and steam turbines; gas producers; gas and petroleum engines; compressed-air and refrigerating ma- chinery; condensers and evaporators. These subjects are developed by courses in engineering thermodynamics and in steam and gas engineering, and are fol- lowed in the fourth year by courses in power-plant engineering, in refrigera- tion, and in heating and ventilation. The classroom instruction of every course consists of lectures and recitations, which are paralleled by work in the draft- ing room and laboratory, and supplemented by numerous practical problems, trade catalogues, notes, and inspection trips requiring written reports.

The mechanical-engineering laboratories are well equipped for the testing of boilers, steam engines, gas engines, refrigeration machinery, fuels, lubricants, airplane motors, and other equipment and materials met with in the practice

158 Kansas State Agricultural College.

of mechanical engineering. In addition to the equipment installed especially for experimental purposes, all the heating, power, ventilating, and pumping equipment of the College subserves the further purpose of experimental work. The equipment belonging to this department is valued at $28,776.



120, 125. Steam and Gas Engineering C. 3(2-3); I and II. Prerequisites: Engineering Physics II and Calculus II. Mr. Brainard and Mr. Flinner.

Steam boilers, steam engines, steam turbines, gas and oil engines, including the various auxiliaries.

Laboratory. Study and calibration of steam gauges, indicators, and pla- nimeters; calorimeters; evaporative tests of steam boilers; determination of the heating value of liquid and gaseous fuels ; tests of steam engines ; operation and testing of refrigerating machines. Charge, $1.50.

130. Elements of Steam and Gas Power. 2(0-6) ; I and II. Mr. Brainard and Mr. Flinner.

An elementary study of steam engines, steam turbines, steam boilers, steam power-plant auxiliaries, gas and oil engines, natural and manufactured gas, gas power-plant auxiliaries, and the elements of automotive engineering.

135. Heating and 'Ventilation A. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Engineering Physics II. Mr. Mack.

Fundamental principles of heating and ventilation; heat transmission of materials; furnace, steam, hot-water, and fan systems of heating.

170,175. Dairy Refrigeration. 2(1-3) ; I. Mr. Brainard.

The elementary theory and principles of operation of various refrigerating and ice-making machinery and of cold storage, with special reference to the dairy industry.

Laboratory. Various types of refrigeration systems and their operation; steam engine operation; tests of refrigeration machines. Charge, $1.

180. Inspection Trip. R; II. Prerequisite: Senior classification. Mr. Calderwood and assistants.

A trip of three to four days to Kansas City and other nearby industrial centers for the purpose of inspecting industrial plants of special interest to mechanical engineering students. The plants inspected are carefully selected to exemplify various engineering applications in practice. Cost to each student, including meals, lodging and transportation, approximately $25.

195. Thesis. 1(0-3), I, and 2(0-6), II; respectively. Mr. Calderwood and Mr. Mack.

The department laboratories are well equipped with apparatus suitable for experimental and research work in the field of heat-power engineering. Sub- ject for investigation to be selected in consultation with the department head at the beginning of the senior year.


201, 202. Steam and Gas Engineering I. 5(4-3); I, and II. Prerequisites: Mechanism (Mach. Design 121) and Calculus II (Math. 206). Mr. Calder- wood, Mr. Mack, Mr. Brainard, and Mr. Flinner.

Heat-power engineering, including valve gears and thermodynamics, with special stress upon the thermodynamics of gases and vapors, and gas and vapor cycles.

Laboratory. Study and calibration of steam gauges, indicators, and pla- mineters; valve-setting and steam-engine operation; study of calorimeters, flow meters, and feed-water heaters; determination of the indicated and brake horsepower, mechanical efficiency and the steam consumption of high-speed

Division of Engineering 159

automatic cut-off, Corliss, simple and compound engines; tests of DeLaval, Kerr and Terry steam turbines. Charge, $1.50.

204, 205. Steam and Gas Engineering II. 4(3-3); I, and II. Prerequisite: Course 201. Mr. Calderwood, Mr. Mack, Mr. Brainard, and Mr. Flinner.

A detailed study of steam engines, steam boilers, steam turbines, internal- combustion engines, fuels and combustion, gas producers, and other power- plant equipment.

Laboratory. Proximate analysis of coal; determination of the calorific values of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels; evaporative tests of steam boilers; tests of internal-combustion engines; test of compressed air and refrigerating machinery. Charge, SI. 50.

206. Power-plant Engineering. 3(0-9); I. Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 204. Mr. Mack, Mr. Brainard, and Mr. Flinner.

Complete power-plant testing; special investigations of steam-engine per- formance; operation of gas producers; advanced laboratory work on internal- combustion engines; the designing of a complete power plant; and the solu- tion of special problems dealing with power generation. Charge, $1.50.

210, 215. Refrigeration, Heating and Ventilation. 3(2-3) ; II. Prerequi- site: Mech. Eng. 204. Mr. Mack.

Fundamental principles of refrigerating systems; the application of re- frigeration to ice making, cold storage, and the cooling of air, liquids, and solids; fundamental principles of heating and ventilation.

Laboratory. Tests of refrigerating machinery and of the thermal conduc- tivity of insulating materials; tests of fans and blowers, radiators and house- heating boilers; the design of heating and ventilating systems for buildings. Charge, $1.

221. Refrigeration. 2(2-0) ; II. Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 201. Mr. Mack.

Thermodynamics of refrigeration; systems of refrigeration and their opera- tion; application of refrigeration to ice making, cold storage and the cooling of gases, liquids, and solids.

230. Advanced Thermodynamics. 2(2-0) ; I. Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 201. Mr. Calderwood.

The advanced phases of engineering thermodynamics, including research work along fundamental properties of gases and vapors.

235. Steam Turbines, 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 204. Mr Calderwood.

The theoretical principles involved in the various important types of steam turbines and the construction and operation of some of the commercial types; the selection of a steam turbine as a prime mover for power plants operating under particular operating conditions; the effect of factors such as superheat, vacuum, and pressure.

240. Airplane Motors. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 204. Mr Calderwood.

General principles, cycles of operation, efficiency, engine requirements, fuels, altitude performance, reliability, and types of airplane engines.


305. Engineering Research. 1 to 10 credits;. I or II. Mr. Calderwood and Mr. Mack.

The laboratory work is correlated with the work of the Engineering Experi- ment Station. Investigations on lubricants, fuels, combustion, internal-corn^ bustion engines, steam engines, steam turbines, steam boilers, gas producers, refrigeration, heat-insulating materials, heating and ventilation, compressed air, and similar subjects are carried on. Data secured in this course may be used as the basis for a master's thesis.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Shop Practice

Professor Carlson Professor Sellers Associate Professor Graham Assistant Professor Jones Assistant Professor Lynch Assistant Professor Aiman

Assistant Professor Sink Instructor Grant Instructor Loomis Assistant Greeley Assistant Irwin

The work in the shops is planned to meet the needs of three classes of students: (1) those in the special courses related to engineering and agricul- ture who expect to make use of the knowledge gained in their subsequent work in the shops and on the farm ; (2) those who are training themselves for teach- ing and need a general knowledge of the principles underlying shop work, to- gether with sufficient skill in the performance of various operations to be able to instruct others; and (3) those in the courses in engineering whose need is to secure a thorough knowledge of the methods of performing various kinds of shop work, of the machines best suited for the different purposes, of the amount of work that may be expected of the different machines and of the workman under different conditions.

The shop building is a series of connected structures. The woodworking shop consists of two rooms, 40 by 90 and 35 by 42 feet, respectively. The wood machinery room is 45 by 81 feet and contains an excellent assortment of machines used in exemplifying commercial woodworking methods. The farm shop, 65 by 75 feet, is equipped for handling farm shop projects. The machine shop, 40 by 170 feet, is- one of the best equipped shops of its kind in the country. The blacksmith shop is 50 by 100 feet and is equipped with thirty modern down-draft forges, oxyacetylene welding outfits and other important equipment. The iron and brass foundries, 27 by 100 and 24 by 34 feet, re- spectively, are modern in every respect.

A locker room of ample capacity is conveniently located near the shops building for the use of students taking work in the department.

The value of equipment belonging to the department is $44,221.



101. Engineering Woodwork I. 1(0-3); I and II. Mr. Aiman and Mr. Irwin.

Importance of the use of methods, machinery, and men in connection with an industrial woodworking plant; forest conditions, wastage, the structural growth of wood, and the kiln drying of lumber.

117. Manual Training for Primary Grades. 2(0-6) ; SS. Mr. Aiman.

Exercises suitable for pupils from the primary to the eighth grade ; selection of suitable problems, material and equipment; special instruction in methods of teaching this work. Charge, $2.50.

119. Reed Furniture Construction. 2(0-6); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Shop 125. Mr. Loomis.

Exercises with reed and art fiber in constructing commercial articles; special instruction in methods of teaching this work. Charge, $2.50.

120. Woodworking for Grammar Grades. 2(0-6) ; I, II, and SS. Mr. Loomis.

Elementary manual training for those who are preparing to teach problems suitable for grammar grades. Charge, $2.50.

125. Woodworking I for High Schools. 2(0-6) ; I, II, and SS. Prerequi- site: Shop 120. Mr. Loomis.

Continuation of course 120; problems suitable for high-school students; special attention to the study of woods, methods of finishing, and use and care of tools. Charge, $2.50.

Division of Engineering 161

130. Woodworking II for High Schools. 2(0-6) ; I, II, and SS. Prerequi- site: Shop 125. Mr. Loomis.

Advanced work in cabinet construction by the use of woodworking machin- ery, and such bench work as is necessary; both quantity and quality are empha- sized, in order that proper use be made of time ; the use, care, and selection of machines for a manual training shop. Charge, $2.50.

135. Wood Turning. 2(0-6); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Shop 130. Mr. Iiwin.

Practice in handling the lathe and turning tools. Charge, $2.50.

140. Advanced Woodwork. 2(0-6); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Shop 130. Mr. Loomis.

An opportunity to specialize in wood finishing, cabinet work, or some other work of special interest to the student. Charge, $2.50.

142, 143. Automobiles I and II. 2(2-0), I, and 3(1-6), II; respectively. Prerequisite: High School Physics. Mr. Sink.

In I, the general principles of construction and operations of the automobile ; in II, a continuation of Automobiles I supplemented by laboratory practice. Charge (for II), $5.

147. Farm Carpentry I. 3(1-6); I and SS. Mr. Graham.

Rafter cutting and erection, studding and siding work, making window and door frames, hanging doors, and similar operations on full-size construction work; making out bill of material; care and upkeep of tools; designed for training of teachers who must solve problems in connection with carpentry work on the farm. Charge, $2.50. ,

149. Carpentry. 2(0-6); I. Mr. Graham.

Discussions, demonstrations and practice in connection with tools and ma- terials used in carpenter work on the farm. For students in agricultural en- gineering. Charge $2.50.

150. Forging I. 1(0-3); I and II. Mr. Lynch and Mr. Sink.

Practice, demonstrations and discussions covering: (a) forging of iron and steel; (6) production equipment as used in the commercial forge shop; (c) operation of gas, oil and electric furnaces, heat-treating steel and oxyacetylene and electric welding. Charge, $2.50.

157, 158. Farm Blacksmithing I and II. 1(0-3) each; I and SS, and II and SS, respectively. Mr. Lynch.

In I, preliminary work same as in Shop 150; exercises closely related to work on the farm; designed to train teachers for work in rural communities. Charge, $2.50.

In II, more advanced instruction in the working of iron and steel, and in the annealing, hardening, and tempering of tools. Charge, $2.50.

161. Foundry Production. 1(0-3); I and II. Mr. Grant and Mr. Sink.

(a) Bench, floor and pit molding, use of molding and core machines, operat- ing nonferrous furnaces and the cupola; (b) study of commercial foundry equipment and the operation and control of the foundry. Charge, $1.

165. Metallurgy. 2(2-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Chemistry E-I and E-II; or may be taken with Chemistry E-II. Mr. Sellers.

Manufacture and use of iron, steel, copper, and their alloys; proper selec- tion and use of these in the manufacturing industries.

167. Metallography. 1(0-3); I and II. Prerequisites: Shop 150 and 165, or may be taken with the latter. Mr. Sellers and Mr. Greeley.

The microscopic constituents of the different grades of iron, steel, and the more common nonferrous alloys; changes in the structure and properties of the metals as produced by heat treatment, mechanical working, and compo- sition. Charge, $2.50.


162 Kansas State Agricultural College,

168. Airplane Fabrication. 1(0-3); I and II. Prerequisites: Shop 150 and 167. Mr. Greeley.

Demonstrations, discussions and practice in the construction and testing of airplane parts. Consideration is also given to equipment used in the construc- tion of the airplanes. Charge, $2.50.

170. Machine Tool Work I. 2(0-6); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Shop 161. Mr. Jones.

Practice in chipping, filing, shaper and planer work; scraping, drilling, and turning on the lathe. Charge, $5.

175. Farm Shop Methods. 3(1-6); I and SS. Prerequisites: Shop 147 and 157. Mr. Graham.

Babbitting, soldering, drilling, and drill grinding, thread cutting with dies and taps, tool sharpening, belt lacing, repair of machinery, and other practical operations; designed to train teachers in farm-shop work. Charge, $2.50.

186. Shop Practice Teaching. 1 to 6 credits; I, II, and SS. For prerequi- sites consult instructor. Mr. Carlson and assistants.

Actual laboratory teaching experience under the supervision of an instructor. Work covers the outlining, preparation and presentation of assignments and the supervision of the work; procurement of materials and equipment, shop layouts and upkeep, and general considerations. In so far as possible the course is adapted to the particular needs of the student.

192, 193. Machine Tool Work II and III. 2(0-6) and 1(0-3), respectively; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite : Shop 170. Mr. Jones.

In II, progressive problems in turning, calipering, boring, reaming, taper turning, threading on the lathe, in chucking, use of forming tools, gear cutting; study of cutting edges and tool adjustments best suited to the different metals, cutting speeds and feeds. Charge, $5.

In III, work on the turret lathe, boring mill, hand and automatic screw machines, and grinder; practical work with jigs and fixtures and a study of rapid production of duplicate parts. Charge, $2.50.

195. Thesis. 1(0-3); I, and 2(0-6), II, respectively. Mr. Carlson and Mr. Sellers.

The student works out problems of interest and value to himself under his own initiative, but subject to the supervision of his instructors. Ample facili- ties are available for carrying on work of a constructive or investigative nature.


245A. Factory Engineering. 2(2-0); I and II. Prerequisites: Shop 170 and Ap. Mech. 211. Mr. Carlson.

Problems of the factory executive, such as the selection, installation, and arrangement of direct and indirect equipment, the standardization of machines and tools, stock and store methods, and the various other factors that have to do with the design and control of factories.

255. Factory Design. 2(0-6); II. Prerequisite: Shop 245. Mr. Carlson. Knowledge gained in shops and laboratories and in Factory Engineering (Shop 245A) is used in the design of a factory.

260. Advanced Shop Practice. 1 to 5 credits; I, II, and SS. Mr. Carlson

Continuation of courses Shop 101, 135, 140, 143, 147, 150, 158, 161, 167, 175, 193, 255 or 275. Opportunity is also offered to specialize to a limited degree along certain lines of shop practice, such as heat treatment of steel, oxyacetylene and electric welding, jig fixture and die work, patternmaking and any shop work that may be of special interest to the student. All assignments must be approved by the head of the Department of Shop Practice. Charge varies with subject matter.

270,275. Automotive Engineering. 2(1-3); II. Prerequisites: Ap. Mech. 211, 220 and Mach. Design 204, 205. Mr. Sink.

Division of Engineering 163

The design and operation of the various parts of the automobile. A course adapted to the needs of those who expect to follow some phase of automobile work or to take up employment in automobile factories. Charge, $2.50.


301. Shop Practice Research. 1 to 10 credits; I, II, and SS. Mr. Carlson, Mr. Sellers and assistants.

The problems related to shop practice offer a broad field for research. Au- thoritative data are needed by industry in many fields dealing with metallurgy, metallography, foundry, blacksmithing, woodworking, machine-shop practice, the farm shop and the automobile. The results of such investigations, if suit- able, may be incorporated in bulletins of the Engineering Experiment Station; this work may furnish material for the Masters thesis. All assignments must be approved by the head of the Department of Shop Practice.

Engineering in the Summer School

In order to encourage the introduction of manual training and industrial drawing in the common schools and high schools of the state, and to improve the quality of work now being given, the College offers summer courses in mechanical drawing, manual training, and shop practice for high-school and grade teachers.

In addition various courses required in the several engineering curricula are offered in the Summer School. This enables teachers who wish to take an engineering curriculum to get a considerable start on the work during their summer vacations, and also enables College students who are irregular to make up their back courses.

For full information in regard to the courses offered, a special circular giving details concerning the Summer School may be had upon application to the vice president of the College.

Special Course Related to Engineering

Special one- and two-year courses in trades related to engineering dealing with automobile repair and machine shop work are grouped with other special courses in another part of this catalogue, and are there described in detail. Reference should be made to the general index in the back of this book.

The Division of General Science

Julius Terrass Willard, Dean

In the land-grant colleges, of which tihis institution is one, the classical studies of the older type of college are replaced by work in the sciences and in professional and vocational subjects. A sound basis for technical training includes thorough training in mathematics, physical science, and biological science. It is believed also that education should include some preparation for the discharge of one's duties to the state and to the community in which he lives. It should afford him that discipline and culture which alone can give him a grasp of the relations among persons and activities, peoples and events, with breadth of view and tolerance of attitude, and hence an influ- ence over his associates and fellow citizens of every station of life.

It is the province of the departments grouped in this division of the College to give this basic, scientific, cultural and disciplinary training. Their work is not only foundational, but it penetrates through all of the characteristic voca- tional courses of the institution, as the structural steel of the modern sky- scraper penetrates the entire building and forms a secure framework and sup- port for the more readily visible and evidently important parts. The depart- ments of this division thus give unity to all of the four-year curricula offered in the institution. Eleven of these are in charge of this division, and some of them, by means of electives and options, are susceptible of manifold modifica- tion and application.


The curriculum in general science includes the fundamental training in English, mathematics, science, history, economics, military science, and physical training required in the several specialized curricula now offered by the College. Its required subjects constitute the central educational basis of the institution. By means of a number of groups of electives, it gives an opportunity to students to advance themselves still further in these funda- mental lines and to give special attention to some, instead of taking the tech- nical subjects characterizing other courses. This opportunity meets the needs of several types of young people, among whom are: (1) Those who have not yet fully decided as to their vocation, but who wish an education that is strong and well balanced in respect to modern science and cultural subjects, as a foundation for further education or as a preparation for sound citizenship, and intellectual, esthetic and ethical satisfaction in life. (2) Those who are looking forward to teaching in the high schools of the state. The electives offered allow one to give special attention to mathematics, physical science, biological science, agriculture, home economics, history, economics, English, journalism, music, professional educational subjects, and several other lines. (3) Those who are fitting themselves for research work in the sciences, especially as applied to agriculture, engineering, and other industries. (4) Those for whom a good general education is required or desirable before studying a profession such as law or medicine.

The elective groups offered in this curriculum are to a considerable extent made up of studies required in one or more of the specialized curricula. They provide, also, advanced work not included in the other curricula. The scien- tific work in connection with the Agricultural and Engineering Experiment Stations, and several fields of state investigation and service, calls for the operation of unusually well-equipped departments in the sciences, and excellent facilities for practical training in this work are thus afforded.

While the curriculum in general science offers a wide choice of electives,


Division of General Science 165

these may not be selected aimlessly, or with the idea of choosing the easiest, or of obtaining credit for miscellaneous subjects taken elsewhere or in other curricula. The studies of the freshman and sophomore years are basic and are required of all, without exception. They insure a broad and adequate foundation for subsequent work in the several lines of electives. The electives are to be chosen in groups, approved by the faculty or by the dean of the Division of General Science, and in such a manner as to give logical coherence to the curriculum as a whole. Special combinations in home economics and mechanic arts have been planned to meet the needs of prospective teachers of household arts and manual training. Students changing from other curricula to that in general science receive credit for work done in the other curricula in so far as it can be fitted into the general plan of this one.

The curriculum in general science is thus many in one. Such various combi- nations of groups are possible that it is not practicable to print all of them in extended form. There are, therefore, formally presented here the required subjects of the curriculum in their specified order by years and semesters, and on later pages a considerable number of groups of electives. Most of these groups may be considerably extended by including other acceptable subjects.


Knowledge is power only as it comes into the possession of those who can use it; it gives pleasure in direct proportion to the extent of its diffusion. A discovery is of little value as long as the discoverer is the only one who knows of its existence, and the printed page is by far the most effective means of extending knowledge concerning it. Magazines and newspapers never sleep, nor do they take vacations, and their power to elevate mankind is incalculable. But printed knowledge becomes effective only as it is read, and to be widely read in this day it must stand out from the great mass of other matter and gain the attention and hold the interest of the reader. To do this its points must be sharp and easily seen, and the style must be attractive. On the other hand, if the presentation is not essentially true, the more attractive it is the worse it is, and the greater the harm that follows wide reading of it.

The curriculum in industrial journalism endeavors to give young men and women training which will enable them to write both truthfully and effectively, particularly upon industrial subjects. To such subjects the modern newspaper and the general magazine are giving constantly more attention while there are also 500 agricultural publications and a greater number of class and trade pub- lications which are largely or exclusively concerned with matters relating to industrial life. The training given by the College has enabled a goodly num- ber of alumni to do successful work upon these publications.

The aim of the curriculum is to present such subjects as will enable the writer to see his work in proper perspective, to obtain authoritative knowledge of some field of industrial activity, and to write acceptably. The curriculum consequently offers, in the first place, fundamental studies of literary, social, and scientific character. Because of the materials with which journalism deals, it is highly desirable that the student obtain a clear knowledge of the social sciences and be able to read at least one current foreign language. In the sec- ond place, the student is required to elect subjects in agriculture, mechanic arts, applied science, or home economics, depending on the portion of the field of industrial journalism which he desires to enter, it being expected that every student graduated from the curriculum shall have special knowledge of some prominent line of industry. In the third place, the theory and practice of journalism are presented in a series of courses extending throughout the sopho- more, junior, and senior years, and opportunity is offered for taking additional electives in journalism simultaneously with the required courses.

The College thus affords preparation for work in a wide and inviting field. Our unprecedented industrial achievements have been made by the applica- tion of discoveries in physical and biological science. Much of discovery and much of application are yet to come, and one who can write truthfully and attractively of that which is, and of that which comes, will find ample reward.

166 Kansas State Agricultural College


The facilities for instruction in chemistry are ample, and the demand of students for a curriculum planned especially to give chemical training is such that a formulation has been made to meet the needs of those desiring to specialize in industrial chemistry. A curriculum in chemical engineering is also offered in the Division of Engineering. The instruction facilities of the Department of Chemistry, reinforced by opportunities for practical work in connection with the researches of the experiment stations, are such as to provide amply for this specialized training.


A knowledge of music contributes to the satisfaction in life of practically all cultivated people. This College throughout its history has maintained a department of music for the purpose of affording culture in this art to any of its students. In recent years the excellence of the instruction offered has cre- ated a demand for curricula in music.

Four-year curricula are offered in voice, piano, and violin, and the last may be adapted to the needs of students who adopt some other major instrument. Curricula are also offered in public-school music, with specialization in either voice or instrument, and in public-school band and orchestra. Students com- pleting one of these four-year curricula are awarded the degree of Bachelor of Music, and are eligible to receive a three-year state certificate, renewable for life.

The curriculum in public-school band and orchestra is designed to train the student in the practical problems of amateur and semiprofessional bands and orchestras. The curriculum is comprehensive in that it provides for sixty-five hours of general college work in addition to the general courses in the theory of music, and also specific preparation in the organizing, managing and con- ducting of bands and orchestras. The courses in dramatic production should prepare the student to produce and direct operettas.


Within recent years a great awakening has taken place in respect to physical development. The prevalence of bodily conditions and defects that systematic and intelligently directed exercise would have corrected has been found to be serious. Since the situation has been recognized there has been in schools of all grades a great increase in the provision for physical education and training. Success in teaching this work requires vigorous health, a normal condition of the hands, feet, joints, muscles and internal organs, and eyes that do not require glasses. The curricula offered at this institution are designed to prepare teach- ers of physical education who are fundamentally trained. This is a much broader field than mere coaching of athletics. At the same time it is fully recognized that the impulse to play is instinctive, and that wisely chosen games, conducted under adequate supervision, constitute attractive and effective agencies for physical development. The theoretical and practical instruction given in these curricula amply prepares students for coaching athletic games. The curricula are also so planned as to enable the student to get the work in professional education necessary for a state certificate, and to elect work in English, mathematics, history or some other subject which one may teach in connection with physical education in the smaller schools.


The curriculum in commerce was established chiefly because of the re- lationship of this College to the business activities of the state and nation that directly involve agriculture and rural affairs. The commercial prosperity of Kansas depends primarily upon the business success of its farming popula- tion. The success of the farmer is determined to a large extent by his relations

Division oj General Science 167

with those who handle its products or furnish him with goods and service. The towns of the state and the strictly rural districts about them constitute an economic unit, the members of which are mutually dependent. A knowl- edge of the economic, financial, social, and business principles affecting the country and the towns, in themselves and in their interrelations, is of the greatest importance. The curriculum in commerce is designed primarily to train men and women for citizenship and business service in these com- munities, but the information acquired, and the general principles involved are applicable everywhere and in all lines of business.

The completion of this curriculum should not only enable one to conduct his own business more successfully, but give him an insight into the problems of others in their occupations. A general diffusion of such knowledge pro- motes tolerance, consideration for the general public with which each deals, and social unity.

Choice of electives is rather free in this curriculum, and any agricultural, industrial, commercial or social subjects of study will be approved if they are chosen in such relationships as to give promise of usefulness.


A six-year curriculum has been formulated which combines many of the advantages of a course of general scientific study with preparation for the pro- fession of veterinary medicine. During the first four years science work of a general character is combined with subjects fundamental in veterinary medi- cine, and on completion of these four years the degree of Bachelor of Science is conferred. The last two years are given almost exclusively to professional veterinary subjects, and complete the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.


At the present time teaching of vocational subjects in the public schools is undergoing great development. Many schools are introducing manual train- ing, agriculture, food and nutrition, and clothing and textiles, and many others are extending the work hitherto given. The state law requiring the teaching of agriculture in the rural schools is also creating a strong movement in the same direction. There is an active demand for teachers who can handle such work successfully.

The college offers to graduates of other institutions, and indeed to all who have studied such subjects as may be prerequisite, unexcelled facilities for securing training in the industrial subjects indicated. Courses extending over one or two years may be arranged by means of which the student who is already prepared in English, mathematics, and to a certain extent in the sciences, may prepare himself to enter a broader and, frequently, a more remunerative field.

Nos. 31, 32, 35 and 36 of the groups of electives illustrate the possibilities in work of this character, and other arrangements may be made. Those taking such courses will be cared for in the regular classes provided for other stu- dents, and no limitation is imposed except that the prerequisites for any sub- ject must have been taken previously, here or elsewhere. These prerequisites are stated in this catalogue in connection with the description of each sub- ject. The catalogue also shows the semester in which a subject is regularly given.

The conditions and requirements for the different classes of state certificates are stated in the introductory paragraphs for the Department of Education.

The course for persons who wish to prepare for teaching vocational agricul- ture under the Smith-Hughes law is outlined under the Division of Agricul- ture, and the course for those wishing to qualify as teachers of vocational home economics, under the same law, is given under the Division of Home Economics.

168 Kansas State Agricultural College

Curriculum in General Science

In effect September, 1929, for class of 1933 and later classes.


First Semester Second Semester

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 *3(3-0) College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Chemistry I, Chem. 101 5(3-6) Chemistry II, Chem. 102 5(3-6)

College Algebra, f Math. 104 3(3-0) Plane Trigonometry,! Math. 101 3(3-0)

General Botany I, Bot. 101 3(1-4, 2) General Botany II, Bot. 105 3(1-4, 2)

Library Methods, Lib. Ec. 101 1(1-0) Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Infantry I, Mil. Tr. 101A (men) 1(0-3) Infantry II, Mil. Tr. 102 A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103, R(0-2)or Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104, R(0-2)or

Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151A, R(0-3) Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A, R(0-3)

Total 15 or 16 Total 15 or 16


First Semester Second Semester

English Literature, Engl. 172 3(3-0) American Literature, Engl. 175 3(3-0)

English History, Hist. 121 3(3-0) Modern Europe II, Hist. 223 ...3(3-0)

General Physics I, Physics 135 4(3-3) General Physics II, Physics 140 4(3-3)

General Zoology, Zool. 105 5(3-6) Psychology A, Educ. 101 3(3-0)

Electivet 2( - )

Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A (men) 1(0-3) Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105, R(0-2)or Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3) Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 154..R(0-3)

Total 15 or 16 Total 15 or 16


First Semester Second Semester

Hist, of Engl. Literature, Engl. 181.. 3(3-0^ American History I, Hist. 201 3(3-0)

Amer. Govt., Hist. 151, 152 or 153. . .3(3-0) Economics, Eeon. 101 3(3-0)

Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0) Gen. Microbiology, Bact. 101 3(1-6)

Extern. Speech I, Publ. Spk. 106 2(2-0)

Elective! 6( - ) Elective! 6( - )

Total 15 Total 15


First Semester Second Semester Elective! 15( - ) Elective! 15( - )

Summary.- Men : Physical education, two years, ^ required ; military science, 4 hours ; other prescribed subjects, 76 hours; elective 44 hours; total 124 semester hours. Women: The same, except no military science. Total, 120 semester hours.

Adaptation, Classes of 1931 and 1932

The required subjects are the same for these classes as for the class of 1933. The elective hours are: Class of 1931, fifty; class of 1932, forty-seven.

* The number before the parenthesis indicates the number of semester hours of credit; the first number within the parenthesis indicates the number of hours of recitation each week ; the second shows the number of hours to be spent in laboratory work each week ; and the third, where there is one, indicates the number of hours of outside work in connection with the laboratory each week.

f Students who offer but one unit of algebra for admission take a five-credit course in College Algebra, Math. 107. The additional credits are applied against electives.

! Electives are to be chosen, with the advice and approval of the dean, in groups of not less than eight semester credits, or in courses which extend fields already entered in the re- quired work.

Division of General Science 169

Curriculum in Industrial Chemistry

Effective September 1, 1929, for class of 1933 and later years.


First Semester Second Semester

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0) College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Chemistry I, Chem. 101 5(3-6) Chemistry II, Chem. 102 5(3-6)

College Algebra, Math. 104 3(3-0) Plane Trigonometry, Math. 101 3(3-0)

Engr. Drawing, Mach. Des. 101 2(0-6) Des. Geometry, Mach. Des. 106 2(0-6)

General Geology, Geol. 103 3(3-0) Machine Drawing I, Mach. Des. 111. .2(0-6)

Library Methods, Lib. Ec. 101 1(1-0)

Infantry I, Mil. Tr. 101A (men) 1(0-3) Infantry II, Mil. Tr. 102A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103, R(0-2)or Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151A, R(0-3) Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A, R(0-3)

Total 16 or 17 Total.. 16 or 17


First Semester Second Semester

Inorg. Preparations, Chem. 202 2(0-6) Quant. Analysis, Chem. 241 5(1-12)

Plane Anal. Geometry, Math. 110 4(4-0) Calculus I, Math. 205 5(5-0)

Engr. Physics I, Physics 145 5(4-3) Engr. Physics II, Phys. 150 5(4-3)

Adv. Inorg. Chemistry, Chem. 207... 3(3-0)

Commercial Law, Hist. 160 1(1-0)

Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A (men) 1(0-3) Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105, R(0-2)or Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106, R(0-2)or

Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3) Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 154..R(0-3)

Total 15 or 16 Total 15 or 16


First Semester Second Semester

German I, Mod. Lang. 101 3(3-0) German II, Mod. Lang. 102 3(3-0)

Organic Chemistry I, Chem. 218 4(2-6) Organic Chemistry II, Chem. 219 4(2-6)

Physical Chemistry I, Chem. 206 5(3-6) Physical Chemistry II, Chem. 272 3(3-0)

Calculus II, Math. 206 3(3-0) Elec. Engr. C, Elec. Engr. 160, 165, 3(2-2, 1)

Fire Assaying, Chem. 242 2(0-6) History of Chemistry, Chem. 208 1(1-0)

Electivesf 3( - )

Total 17 Total 17


First Semester Second Semester

Amer. Govt., Hist. 151, 152, or 153.. 3(3-0) Economics, Econ. 101 3(3-0)

Indust. Chemistry I, Chem. 203 5(3-6) Indust. Chemistry II, Chem. 204 5(3-6)

Scientific German, Mod. Lang. 237... 4(4-0) Chemistry Problems, Chem. 270 3(0-9)

Inspection Trip, Chem. 130 R

Electivesf 5( - ) Electivesf 5( - )

Total 17 Total 16

Summary. Men: Physical education, required; military science, 4 hours; chemistry, 52 hours; engineering, 9 hours; other prescribed subjects, 55 hours; elective, 13 hours. Totai, 133 semester hours. Women: The same, except no military science. Total, 129 semester hours.

Adaptation, Classes of 1931 and 1932

Members of these classes should take the subjects provided for the class of 1933, arranging for them by appropriate substitutions made in the dean's office, or as electives.

f Electives are to be chosen, with the advice and approval of the dean, in groups of not less than eight semester credits, or in courses which extend fields already entered in the re- quired work.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Curriculum in Industrial Journalism

Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1934 and later classes.


First Semester

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

General Chemistry, Chem. 110 5(3-6)

French I, Mod. Lang. 151 3(3-0)or

Spanish I, Mod. Lang. 176 3(3-0)or

German I, Mod. Lang. 101 3(3-0)

Pre-Journalism Lee. I, Ind. Jour. 141. .1(1-0) Option related to an Industry or to

Applied Science* 3( - )

Infantry I, Mil. Tr. 101A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151A, R(0-3)

Total 15 or 16

Second Semester

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

General Geology, Geol. 103 3(3-0)

Modern Language, continued 3(3-0)

Pre-Journalism Lee. II, Ind. Jour. 142, 1(1-0) Option related to an Industry or to

Applied Science* 4( - )

Library Methods, Lib. Ec. 101 1(1-0)

Infantry II, Mil. Tr. 102A (men) 1(0-3)

Phvs. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A, R(0-3)

Total 15 or 16


Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1933 and later classes. First Semester Second Semester

El. Journalism, Ind. Jour. 151 2(2-0) Industrial Writing, Ind. Jour. 161 2(2-0)

Prin. of Typography, Ind. Jour. 101.. 3(2-3) English Literature, Engl. 172 3(3-0)

General Zoology, Zool. 105 5(3-6)or General Botany II, Bot. 105 3(1-4, 2)or

General Botany I, Bot. 101 . .3(1-4, 2) General Microbiology, Bot. 101 3(l-6)i;

Modern Language Readings 3(3-0) General Botany I is chosen the first


Psychology A, Educ. 101 3(3-0)

Option related to an Industry or to Option related to an Industry or to

Applied Science* 2 or 4( - ) Appld. Sc. or Social Science*. .7 or 4( - )

Industrial Journalism Lecture R Industrial Journalism Lecture R

Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A (men) 1(0-3) Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105, R(0-2)or Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3) Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 154..R(0-3)

Total 15 or 16 Total 15 or 16


Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1932 and later classes.

First Semester Advanced Reporting, Ind. Jour. 163.. 3(3-0) Ind. Feature Writing I, Ind. Jour. 167, 2(2-0) Prin. of Adv., Ind. Jour. 179 3(3-0)

American Literature, Engl. 175 3(3-0)

Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Option related to an Industry or to

Appld. Sc. or Social Science* 3 - )

Industrial Journalism Lecture R

Total 15

Second Semester Jour, for Women, Ind. Jour. 172. . .2(2-0)or

The Rural Press, Ind. Jour. 181 2(2-0)or

Adv. Practice I, Ind. Jour. 220 2(2-0)

Copy Reading, Ind. Jour. 254 2(0-6)

History of English Lit., Engl. 181 3(3-0)

Extempore Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106.. 2(2-0)

Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Options and Electives* 5( - )

Industrial Journalism Lecture R

Total 15


Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1931 and later classes.

First Semester Circ. & Adv. Pro., Ind. Jour. 251A. . .2(2-0)

Editorial Practice, Ind. Jour. 257 2(2-0)

Contem. Thought, Ind. Jour. 255 3(3-0)

Electives and Options* 8( - )

Industrial Journalism Lecture R

Total 15

Second Semester Ethics of Journalism, Ind. Jour. 260, 2(2-0) American Govt., Hist. 151 3(3-0)

Electives and Options* 10( - )

Industrial Journalism Lecture It

Total 15

Summary. Men: Physical education, two years required; military science, 4 hours; in- dustrial journalism, 30 hours; restricted options, 27 hours; modern language, 9 hours; other prescribed subjects, 39 or 40 hours; general electives, 14 or 15 hours; total, 124 semester hours. Women: The same, excepting no military science, total 120 semester hours.

* The options and electives are chosen with the advice and approval of the dean. The options are in two general groups: (1) fifteen semester hours in courses related to an indus-

Division of General Science


Curriculum in Piano

Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1934 and later classes.


First Semester

Piano I, Mus. 170A 4(1-12)

Harmony I, Mus. 101 2(2-0)

Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing I, Mus. 105.. 2(2-0) Ensemble I, Mus. 190A, 193A, or

196A R(l-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Hist. & Apprec. of Mus. I, Mus. 112, 3(3-0) Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Piano Ensemble I, Mus.. 176A R(l-0)

Infantrv I, Mil. Tr. 101A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151A, R(0-3)

Total 15 or 16

Second Semester

Piano II, Mus. 170B 4(1-12)

Harmony II, Mus. 102 2(2-0)

Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing II, Mus. 106, 2(2-0) Ensemble II, Mus. 190B, 193B, or

196B R)l-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Hist. & Apprec. of Mus. II, Mus. 113, 3(3-0)

Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Library Methods, Lib. Ec. 101 1(1-0)

Piano Ensemble II, Mus. 176B R(l-0)

Infantry II, Mil. Tr. 102A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A, R(0-3)

Total 16 or 17


Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1933 and later classes.

First Semester

Piano III, Mus. 170C 4(1-12)

Voice B-I, Mus. 164A 2(1-6)

Harmony III, Mus. 103 2(2-0)

Ensemble III, Mus. 190C, 193C, or

196C R(l-0)

Recital I, Mus. 184A R( - )

English Literature, Engl. 172 3(3-0)

Psychology B, Educ. 102 3(3-0)

Piano Ensemble III, Mus. 176C R(l-0)

Elective, nonmusic 2( - )

Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A (men) 1(0-3)

Phvs. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3)

Second Semester

Piano IV, Mus. 170D... 4(1-12)

Voice B-II, Mus. 164B 2(1-6)

Harmony IV, Mus. 104 2(2-0)

Ensemble IV, Mus. 190D, 193D, or

196D R(l-0)

Recital II, Mus. 184B R( - )

American Literature, Engl. 175 . . . : . .3(3-0)

Harmonics, Physics 222 2(2-0)

Piano Ensemble IV, Mus. 176D R(l-0)

Elective, nonmusic 3( - )

Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 154..R(0-3)

Total 16 or 17

Total 16 or 17


First Semester

Piano V, Mus. 170E 4(1-12)

Counterpoint, Mus. 108A 2(2-0)

Ensemble V, Mus. 190E, 193E, or

196E R(l-0)

Recital III, Mus. 184C R( - )

German I, Mod. Lang. 101 3(3-0)

Normal Piano Methods, Mus. 140 2(2-0)

Piano Ensemble V, Mus. 176E R(l-0)

Conducting I, Mus. 117 1(1-0)

Elective, nonmusic 5( - )

Total ,


Second Semester

Piano VI, Mus. 170F 4(1-12)

Musical Form and Anal., Mus. 109, 2(2-0) Ensemble VI, Mus. 190F, 193F, or

196F R(l-0)

Recital IV, Mus. 184D 2(2-0)

German II, Mod. Lang. 102 3(3-0)

Practice Teaching of Mus., Mus. 188, 2( - ) Piano Ensemble VI, Mus. 176F R(l 0)

Elective, nonmusic 3( - )



try or to applied science, and (2) twelve semester hours in courses in political or social his- tory, government, economics or sociology. The options taken in the freshman year, and a large part of those in the sophomore year, must be those related to an industry or applied science. In the tabulated presentation of electives for students in the Division of General Science, groups may be found that will be accepted as the required options and electives. These are printed immediately following the presentation of the curricula. Group 31 (applied science), group 32 (home economics), group 35 (agriculture), group 36 (architecture), or group 37 (manual training), may be chosen in satisfaction of the fifteen hours required related to an industry or applied science. From group 30, twelve hours are to be chosen in satisfaction of the social science option.

The electives are to be chosen in groups of usually not fewer than eight semester credits, unless they are courses which extend fields already entered through the required subjects or the options.


Kansas State Agricultural College.


First Semester

Piano VII, Mus. 170G 4(1-12)

Instrumentation, Mus. 130 2(2-0)

Ensemble VII, Mus. 190G, 193G, or

196G R(l-O)

Recital V, Mus. 184E R( - )

Educational Psychology, Educ. 109.. 3(3-0)

French I, Mod. Lang. 151 3(3-0)

Piano Ensemble VII, Mus. 176G R(l-0)

Elective, nonmusic 5( - )

Total 17

Second Semester

Piano VIII, Mus. 170H 4(1-12)

Orchestration, Mus. 133 2(2-0)

Ensemble VIII, Mus. 190H, 193H, or

196H R(l-0)

Recital VI, Mus. 184F 2(2-0)

French II, Mod. Lang. 152 3(3-0)

Piano Ensemble VIII, Mus. 176H. . .R(l-0) Elective, nonmusic 6( - )

Total 17

Summary. Women: Physical education, required; music, 71 hours; education, 6 hours; other prescribed subjects, 29 hours; elective, 24 hours. Total, 130 semester hours. Men: The same, except that military science, 4 hours, is also required. Total, 134 semester credits.

Curriculum in Public-school Band and Orchestra

Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1934 and later classes.


First Semester

Instrument I, Mus. 137A 3(1-9)

Piano D-I, Mus. 177A KV2-6)

Harmony I, Mus. 101 2(2-0)

Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing I, Mus. 105, 2(2-0) Ensemble I (Band or Orchestra),

Mus. 193A or 196A R(l-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Psychology B, Educ. 102 3(3-0)

Elective, nonmusic 1(1-0)

Infantry I, Mil. Tr. 101A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151A, R(0-3)

Total 15 or 16

Second Semester

Instrument II, Mus. 137B 3(1-9)

Piano D-II, Mus. 177B 2(1-6)

Harmony II, Mus. 102 2(2-0)

Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing II, Mus. 106, 2(2-0) Ensemble II (Band or Orchestra),

Mus. 193B or 196B R(l-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Surv. of Pub.-Sch. Mus., Mus. 110.. 2(2-0)

Extern. Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106 2(2-0)

Infantry II, Mil. Tr. 102A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A, R(0-3)

Total 16 or 11


Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1933 and later classes.

First Semester

Instrument III, Mus. 137C 3(1-9)

Piano D-III, Mus. 177C l(y2-6)

Orch. Instruments I, Mus. 142A l(y2-6)

Ensemble III (Band or Orchestra),

Mus. 193C or 196C R(l-0)

Harmony III, Mus. 103 2(2-0)

Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing III, Mus. 107, 2(2-0) Hist. & Apprec. of Music I, Mus. 112, 3(3-0)

English Literature, Engl. 172 3(3-0)

Conducting I, Mus. 117 1(1-0)

Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A (men) 1(0-3)

Phvs. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3)

Total 16 or 17

Second Semester

Instrument IV, Mus. 137D 3(1-9)

Piano D-IV, Mus. 177D 2(1-6)

Orch. Instruments II, Mus. 142B. . .l(V2-6) Ensemble IV (Band or Orchestra),

Mus. 193D or 196D R(l-0)

Harmony IV, Mus. 104 2(2-0)

Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing IV, Mus. 108, 2(2-0) Hist. & Apprec. of Mus. II, Mus. 113, 3(3-0) American Literature, Engl. 175 3(3-0)

Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 154..R(0-3)

Total 16 or 17


Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1932 and later classes.

First Semester

Instrument V, Mus. 137E 3(1-9)

Counterpoint, Mus. 108A 2(2-0)

Instrumentation, Mus. 130 2(2-0)

Ensemble V (Orchestra), Mus. 193E,. .1(1-0)

Conducting II, Mus. 128 1(1-0)

Dramatic Pro. I, Pub. Spk. 130 2(2-0)

Mod. Lang. I (French or German),

Mod. Lang. 101 or 151 3(3-0)

Educational Adm. A, Educ. 105 3(3-0)

Second Semester

Instrument VI, Mus. 137F 2(1-6)

Musical Form & Anal., Mus. 109 2(2-0)

Ensemble VI (Orchestra), Mus. 193F, 1(1-0)

Dramatic Pro. II, Pub. Spk. 135 2(2-0)

Modern Language II, Mod. Lang.

102 or 152 3(3-0)

Educational Psychology, Educ. 109... 3(3-0) Elective, nonmusic 5(5-0)

Total 1"

Total 18

Division of General Science



Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1931 and later classes. First Semester Second Semester

Instrument VII, Mus. 137G 2(1-6)

Orchestration, Mus. 133 2(2-0)

Practice Conducting, Mus. 135 l(%-2)

Ensemble VII (Orchestra), Mus.

193G 1(1-0)

Chorus, Mus. 190 R(l-O)

Modern Language (continued) 3(3-0)

Elective in Education 3(3-0)

Elective, nonmusic 3(3-0)

Instrument VIII, Mus. 137H l(y2-6)

Harmonics, Physics 222 2(2-0)

Ensemble VIII (Orchestra), Mus.

193H Kl-0)

Prac. Teaching of Mus., Mus. 188 A, 1( - )

Modern Language (continued) 3(3-0)

Elective in Education 6(6-0)

Elective, nonmusic 3(3-0)

Total 15

Total 17

Summary. Men : Physical education, required ; military science, 4 hours ; music, 68 hours ; education, 18 hours; other prescribed subjects, 32 hours; nonmusic electives, 12 hours. Total, 134 semester hours. Women: The same, except no military science. Total, 130 semester hours.

Curriculum in Public-school Music

Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1934 and later classes.


First Semester

Second Semester

Public-school Music I, Mus. 120 2(2-0)

Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing I, Mus. 105, 2(2-0)

Harmony I, Mus. 101 2(2-0)

Piano A-I* Mus. 171A l(y2-6)

Voice A-I,* Mus. 162A 2(1-6)

Chorus I, Mus. 190A R(l-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Psychology B, Educ. 102 3(3-0)

Phys. Ed. W, Phys. Ed. 151A R(0-3)or

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103..R(0-2) Infantry I, Mil. Tr. 101A (men) 1(0-3)

Public-school Music II, Mus. 121 ... .2(2-0) Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing II, Mus. 106, 2(2-0)

Harmony II, Mus. 102 2(2-0)

Piano A-II, Mus. 171B 2(1-6)

Voice A-II, Mus. 162B l(y>-6)

Conducting I, Mus. 117 1(1-0)

Chorus II, Mus. 190B R(l-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Extern. Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106 2(2-0)

Phys. Ed. W, Phys. Ed. 152A R(0-3)or

Phys. Ed. M., Phys. Ed. 104 R(0-2)

Infantry II, Mil. Tr. 102A (men) 1(0-3)

Total 15 or 16

Total 15 or 16

First Semester


Second Semester

Public-school Music III, Mus. 122.. 2(2-0) Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing III, Mus. 107, 2(2-0)

Harmony III, Mus. 103 2(2-0)

Piano A-III, Mus. 171C l(y2-6)

Voice A-III, Mus. 162C 2(1-6)

Orch. Instruments I, Mus. 142A l(y2-6)

Chorus III, Mus. 190C R(l-0)

English Literature, Engl. 172 3(3-0)

Hist. & Apprec. of Mus. I, Mus. 112. .3(3-0) Phys. Education W, Phys, Ed. 153, R(0-3)or Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105..R(0-2) Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A (men) 1(0-3)

Public-school Music IV, Mus. 123... 2(2-0) Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing IV, Mus. 108, 2(2-0)

Harmony IV, Mus. 104 2(2-0)

Piano A-IV, Mus. 171D 2(1-6)

Voice A-IV, Mus. 162D l(y2-6)

Orch. Instruments II, Mus. 142B. . . .l(y2-6)

Chorus IV, Mus. 190D R(l-0)

American Literature, Engl. 175 3(3-0)

Hist. & Apprec. of Mus. II, Mus. 113, 3(3-0) Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 154, R(0-3)or Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106..R(0-2) Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A (men) 1(0-3)

Total 16 or 17

Total 16 or 17


First Semester

Public-school Music V, Mus. 124 2(2-0)

Counterpoint, Mus. 108A 2(2-0)

Voice or Instrument, Mus 2(1-6)

Chorus V, Mus. 190E R(l-0)

A Modern Language 3(3-0)

Elective in English 3(3-0)

Elective in Education 3(3-0)

Elective, nonmusic 2( - )

Total 17

Second Semester Public-school Music VI, Mus. 125. .. .2(2-0) Musical Form and Anal., Mus. 109.. 2(2-0)

Voice or Instrument, Mus 2(1-6)

Methods of Teach. Mus., Mus. 145, 1( - )

Chorus VI, Mus. 190F R(l-0)

Modern Language (continued) 3(3-0)

Elective in Education 3(3-0)

Elective, nonmusic 5( - )

Total is

* The relative amounts of vocal and instrumental study in the several years are subject to change on recommendation of the head of the Department of Music on a request for sub- stitution blank, the total being three semester hours each semester the first two years, and two semester hours each semester of the last two years.


Kansas State Agricultural College


Effective September 1, 1930, for

First Semester Public-school Music VII, Mus. 126, 2(2-0)

Instrumentation, Mus. 130 2(2-0)

Voice or Instrument, Mus 2(1-6)

Practice Teach, of Mus., Mus. 188A, 1( - )

Chorus VII, Mus. 190G R(l-O)

Modern Language (continued) 3(3-0)

Elective in Education 3(3-0)

Elective, nonmusic 3( - )

class of 1931 and later classes.

Second Semester

Public-school Music VIII, Mus. 127.. 2(2-0)

Orchestration, Mus. 133 2(2-0)

Voice or Instrument, Mus 2(1-6)

Chorus VIII, Mus. 190H R(l-0)

Modern Language (continued) 3(3-0)

Elective in Education 6(6-0)

Elective, nonmusic 3( - )

Total 16

Total 18

Summary. Women: Physical education, required; music, 71 hours; other prescribed sub- jects, 17 hours; electives in education, 15 hours; electives in one modern language, 12 hours; general electives, 16 hours; total, 131 hours. Men: The same, except that military scence, 4 hours, is also required. Total, 135 semester hours.

Curriculum in Violin

Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1934 and later classes.


First Semester

Violin I, Mus. 165A 4(1-12)

Harmonv I, Mus. 101 2(2-0)

Hist. & Apprec. of Mus. I, Mus. 112. .3(3-0) Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing I, Mus. 105.. 2(2-0) Ensemble I, Mus. 190A, 193A, or

196A 11(1-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Infantry I, Mil. Tr. 101A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151A, R(0-3)

Total 15 or 16

Second Semester

Violin II, Mus. 165B 4(1-12)

Harmony II, Mus. 102 2(2-0)

Hist. & Apprec. of Mus. II, Mus. 113, 3(3-0)

Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Library Methods, Lib. Ec. 101 1(1-0)

Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing II, Mus. 106, 2(2-0) Ensemble II, Mus. 190B, 193B, or

196B R(l-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Infantry II, Mil. Tr. 102A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A, R(0-3)

Total, 16 or 1'


Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1933 and later classes.

Second Semester

First Semester

Violin III, Mus. 165C 4(1-12)

Piano B-I, Mus. 173A 2(1-6)

Harmony III, Mus. 103 2(2-0)

Ensemble III, Mus. 190C, 193C, or

196C ..: R(l-0)

Recital I, Mus. 184A R( - )

English Literature, Engl. 172 3(3-0)

Psychology B, Educ. 102 3(3-0)

Elective, nonmusic 3( - )

Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3)

Total 17 or 18

Violin IV, Mus. 165D 4(1-12)

Piano B-II, Mus. 173B 2(1-6)

Harmony IV, Mus. 104 2(2-0)

Ensemble IV, Mus. 190D, 193D, or

196D R(l-0)

Recital II, Mus. 184B R( - )

Harmonics, Physics 222 2(2-0)

American Literature, Engl. 175 3(3-0)

Elective, nonmusic 3( - )

Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 154..R(0-3)

Total 16 or 17


Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1932 and later classes.

First Semester

Violin V, Mus. 165E 6(1-24)

Counterpoint, Mus. 108A 2(2-0)

Ensemble V, Mus. 190E, 193E, or

196E R(l-0)

Recital III, Mus. 184C R( - )

Piano B-III, Mus. 173C 2(1-6)

German I, Mod. Lang. 101 3(3-0)

Methods of Teach. Mus., Mus. 145, 1( - )

Conducting I, Mus. 117 1(1-0)

Elective, nonmusic 3( - )

Total 18

Second Semester

Violin VI, Mus. 165F 6(1-24)

Mus. Form and Anal., Mus. 109 2(2-0)

Ensemble VI, Mus. 190F, 193F, or

196F R(l-0)

Recital IV, Mus. 184D 2(2-0)

Piano B-IV, Mus. 173D 2(1-6)

German II, Mod. Lang. 102 3(3-0)

Prac. Teach, of Mus. A, Mus. 188A..1 - )

Elective, nonmusic 1( - )

Total 17

Division of General Science



First Semester

Violin VII, Mus. 165G 6(1-24)

Instrumentation, Mus. 130 2(2-0)

Ensemble VII, Mus. 190G', 193G, or

196G R(l-O)

Recital V, Mus. 184E R( - )

French I, Mod. Lang. 151 3(3-0)

Educational Psychology, Educ. 109... 3(3-0) Elective, nonmusic 3( - )

Second Semester

Violin VIII, Mus. 165H 6(1-24)

Orchestration, Mus. 133 2(2-0)

Ensemble VIII, Mus. 190H, 193H, or

196H R(l-0)

Recital VI, Mus. 184F 2(2-0)

French II, Mod. Lang. 152 3(3-0)

Elective, nonmusic 3(3-0)

Total 17

Total 16

Summary. Women : Physical education, required ; music, 81 hours ; education, 6 hours ; other prescribed subjects, 29 hours; elective, 16 hours. Total, 132 semester hours. Men: the same, except that military science, 4 hours, is also required. Total, 136 semester hours.

Curriculum in Voice


First Semester

Voice I, Mus. 160A 4(1-12)

Hist. & Apprec. of Mus. I, Mus. 112, 3(3-0) Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Harmony I, Mus. 101 2(2-0)

Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing I, Mus. 105, 2(2-0)

Choral Ensemble I, Mus. 192A R(l-0)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Infantry I, Mil. Tr. 101A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103, R(0-2)or Phvs. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151A, R(0-3)

Second Semester

Voice II, Mus. 160B 4(1-12)

Hist. & Apprec. of Mus. II, Mus. 113, 3(3-0)

Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Library Methods, Lib. Ec. 101 1(1-0)

Harmony II, Mus. 102 2(2-0)

Ear Tr. & Sgt. Singing II, Mus. 106, 2(2-0)

Choral Ensemble II, Mus. 192B R(l-0)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Infantry II, Mil. Tr. 102A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A, R(0-3)

Total 15 or 16

Total 16 or 17


Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 3 933 and later classes.

First Semester

Voice III, Mus. 160C 4(1-12)

Piano B-I, Mus. 173A 2(1-6)

Harmony III, Mus. 103 2(2-0)

Choral Ensemble III, Mus. 192C R(l-0)

Recital I, Mus. 184A R( - )

English Literature, Engl. 172 3(3-0)

Psychology B, Educ. 102 3(3-0)

Elective, nonmusic 3( - )

Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3)

Second Semester

Voice IV, Mus. 160D 4(1-12)

Piano B-II, Mus. 173B 2(1-6)

Harmony IV, Mus. 104 2(2-0)

Choral Ensemble IV, Mus. 192D R(l-0)

Recital II, Mus. 184B R( - )

Harmonics, Physics 222 2(2 0)

American Literature, Engl. 175 3(3-0)

Elective, nonmusic 3( - )

Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 154..R(0-3)

Total .

.17 or 18

Total 16 or 17


Effective September 1, 1930, for

First Semester

Voice V, Mus. 160E 4(1-12)

Methods of Teach. Mus., Mus. 145, 1( - )

Counterpoint, Mus. 108A 2(2-0)

Choral Ensemble V, Mus. 192E R(l-0)

Recital III, Mus. 184C R( - )

Piano B-III, Mus. 173C 2(1-6)

German I, Mod. Lang. 101 3(3-0)

Conducting I, Mus. 117 1(1-0)

Elective, nonmusic 5(5-0)

class of 1932 and later classes.

Second Semester

Voice VI, Mus. 160F 4(1-12)

Prac. Teach, of Mus. A, Mus. 188A, 1( - )

Mus. Form and Anal., Mus. 109 2(2-0)

Choral Ensemble VI, Mus. 192F R(l-0)

Recital IV, Mus. 184D 2(2-0)

Piano B-IV, Mus. 173D 2(1-6)

German I, Mod. Lang. 102 3(3-0)

Elective, nonmusic 2( - )


Total 16


Kansas State Agricultural College


First Semester

Second Semester

Voice VII, Mus. 160G 4(1-12)

Instrumentation, Mus. 130 2(2-0)

Choral Ensemble VII, Mus. 192G R(l-O)

Recital V, Mus. 184E R( - )

Educational Psychology, Educ. 109.. 3(3-0)

French I, Mod. Lang. 151 3(3-0)

Repertoire I, Mus. 185A 1(1-0)

Elective, nonmusic 3( - )

Voice VIII, Mus. 160H 4(1-12)

Orchestration, Mus. 133 2(2-0)

Choral Ensemble VIII, Mus. 192H R(l-0)

Recital VI, Mus. 184F 2(2-0)

French I, Mod. Lang. 192 3(3-0)

Repertoire II, Mus. 185B 1(1-0)

Elective, nonmusic 3( - )

Total 16

Total 15

Summary. Women: Physical education, required; music, 75 hours; education, 6 hours; other prescribed subjects, 29 hours; elective, 19 hours. Total, 129 semester hours. Men: The same, except that military science, 4 hours, is required. Total, 133 semester hours.

Curriculum in Physical Education for Men

Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1934 and later classes.


First Semester

Gymnastics I, Phys. Ed. 115A 2(1-3)

Football I, Phys. Ed. 126A 2(1-3)

Basket Ball, Phys. Ed. 130A 2(1-3)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

General Chemistry, Chem. 110 5(3-6)

Extern. Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106 2(2-0)

Infantry I, Mil. Tr. 101A .1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103..R(0-2)

Total. 17

Second Semester

Gymnastics II, Phys. Ed. 117A 2(0-6)

Track and Field Sports, Phys. Ed.

140A 2(1-3)

General Zoology, Zool. 105 5(3-6)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

El. Org. Chemistry, Chem. 123 3(2-3)

Extern. Speech II, Pub. Spk. 108 2(2-0)

Infantry II, Mil. Tr. 102A 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104...R(0-2)

Total ,


Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1933 and later classes.

First Semester

Apparatus, Phys. Ed. 109 1(0-3)

Football, Phys. Ed. 127 2(1-3)

Swimming M-I, Phys. Ed. 121 1(0-3)

Human Anatomy, Zool. 123A 5(3-6)

Embryology A, Zool. 135 3(2-3)

Psychology A, Educ. 101 3(3-0)

Library Methods, Lib. Ec. 101 1(1-0)

Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105..R(0-2)

Second Semester

Personal Hygiene, Phys. Ed. 119 2(2-0)

Baseball, Phys. Ed. 135A 2(1-3)

Swimming M-II, Phys. Ed. 122 1(0-3)

Kinesiology M, Phys. Ed. 141B 3(3-0)

Physiology, Zool. 130 4(3-3)

History and Principles of Phys. Ed.,

Phys. Ed. 192 3(3-0)

Playground Management and Games M,

Phys. Ed. 145A 2(2-0)

Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106..R(0-2)

Total 17

Total 18


Effective September 1

First Semester

School Hygiene, Phys. Ed. 196 3(3-0)

Boxing, Phys. Ed. 132 1(0-3)

First Aid and Mas., Phys. Ed. 113A, 3(3-0) Organization and Administration of

Phys. Ed. M, Phys. Ed. 146B 2(2-0)

El. Jour., Ind. Jour. 151 2(2-0)

Practice Teaching in Physical Educa- tion I, Phys. Ed. 136A 2(0-6)

Electivef 3( - )

Total 16

1930, for class of 1932 and later classes. Second Semester

Gen. Microbiology, Bact. 101 3(1-6)

Sociology, Econ. 151 3(3-0)

Wrestling, Phys. Ed. 128 1(0-3)

Psychology of Childhood and Adoles- cence, Educ. 208 3(3-0)

Educ. Admin. A, Educ. 105 3(3-0)

Practice Teaching in Physical Educa- tion II, Phys. Ed. 136B 2(0-6)

Electivef 3( - )

Total .

t All electives are to be chosen in accordance with the general rules governing electives and taken in departments other than that of physical education.

Division of General Science



First Semester Diag. & Presc.


Phys. Ed. 124A 3(3-0)

Practice Teaching in Physical Edu- cation III, Phys. Ed. 136C 2(0-6)

Educ. Psychology, Educ. 109 3(3-0)

Special Histology, Path. 252 3(1-6)


4( - )

Total 15

Second Semester

Physiol, of Exercise,

Phys. Ed. 123 2(2-0)

Practice Teaching in Physical Edu- cation IV, Phys. Ed. 136D 2(0-6)

Methods of Teaching B, Educ. 112.. 3(3-0)

Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Public-school Program in Physical

Education, Phys. Ed. 142A 2(2-0)

Electivef 5( - )

Total 15

Summary. Military science, 4 hours; physical education, 52 hours; professional education, 15 hours; other prescribed subjects, 48 hours; general electives, 15 hours. Total, 134 semes- ter hours.

Curriculum in Physical Education for Women

Effective September 1, 1930, for class of 1934 and later years.


First Semester

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

General Chemistry, Chem. 110 5(3-6)

Extern. Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106 2(2-0)

Library Methods, Lib. Econ. 101 1(1-0)

Hygiene, Child Welfare 101 2(2-0)

Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151A, R(0-3) Gen. Technic I, Phys Ed. 157A 2(1-3)

Second Semester

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

El. Org. Chemistry, Chem, 123 3(2-3)

Extern. Speech II, Pub. Spk. 108 2(2-0)

General Zoology, Zool. 105 5(3-6)

First Aid, Phys. Ed. 158 1(1-0)

Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A, R(0-3) Gen. Technic II, Phys. Ed. 157B 2(1-3)

Total 15

Total 16

First Semester


Human Anatomy, Zool. 123A 5(3-6)

English Literature, Engl. 172 3(3-0)

Embryology A, Zool. 135 3(2-3)

Playground Management and Games

W, Phy. Ed. 182A 2(1-3)

El. Journalism, Jour. 151 2(2-0)

Phys, Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3) Gen. Technic III, Phys. Ed. 157C. . .2(1-3)

Second Semester

Psychology A, Educ. 101 3(3-0)

Kinesiology W, Phys. Ed. 189 3(3-0)

American Literature, Engl. 175 3(3-0)

Physiology, Zool. 130 4(3-3)

History and Principles of Physical

Education, Phys. Ed. 192 3(3-0)

Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 154..R(0-3) Gen. Technic IV, Phys. Ed. 157D 2(1-3)

Total 17



First Semester

Second Semester

School Hygiene, Phys. Ed. 196 3(3-0)

Hist, of Engl. Lit., Engl. 181 3(3-0)

Gen. Microbiology, Bact. 101 3(1-6)

Phys. Diagnosis W, Phys. Ed. 170.. 3(3-0)

Folk Dancing I, Phys. Ed. 160 1(0-3)

General Technic V, Phys. Ed. 157E.. 2(1-3)

Electivef 2( - )

Educ. Admin. A, Educ. 105 3(3-0)

Psychology of Childhood and Adoles- cence, Educ. 208 3(3-0)

Therap. and Mas., Phys. Ed. 172 2(1-3)

American History I, Hist. 201 3(3-0)

Folk Dancing II, Phys. Ed. 161 1(0-3)

General Technic VI, Phys. Ed. 157F. . 2(1-3) Methods of Teaching Gymnastics,

Phys. Ed. 168 1(1-0;

Electivef 2( - )

Total 17

Total 17

f All electives are to be chosen in accordance with the general rules governing electives and taken in departments other than that of physical education.


Kansas State Agricultural College


First Semester

Educ. Psychology, Educ. 109 3(3-0)

Supervised Teaching in Physical Edu- cation, Phys. Ed. 186 3( - )

Teaching and Adaptation of Physical

Education, Phys. Ed. 188. 3(3-0)

Theory and Technic of Dancing,

Phys. Ed. 163 1(1-0)

Gen. Technic VII, Phys. Ed. 157G. . .2(1-3) Electivef 5( - )

Total 17

Second Semester

Educ. Sociology A, Educ. 118 3(3-0)

Organization and Administration of

Phys. Ed. W, Phys. Ed. 176 2(2-0)

Applied Nutrition, Food & Nut. 121.. 2(2-0)

Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Gen. Technic VIII, Phys. Ed. 157H.. 2(1-3) Electivef 6( - )

Total 16

Summary. Physical education, 44 hours; professional education, 18 hours; other pre- scribed subjects, 56 hours; general electives, 15 hours. Total, 133 semester hours.

Adaptation, Classes of 1931 and 1932.

Junior and Senior years. Omit Sports Technic I to IV. VII, and VIII, 2(1-3) each instead of 1(0-3) each.

Take General Technic V, VI,

Curriculum in Commerce

Effective September 1, 1929, for class of 1933.


First Semester

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Phy. or Bio. Science* 5( - ) or 3( - )

Modern Language* 3(3-0)

Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Psychology A, Educ. 101 3(3-0)

Extern. Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106 2(2-0)

Infantry I, Mil. Tr. 101A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151A, R(0-3)

Second Semester

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Phys. or Bio. Science* 3( - ) or 5( - )

Modern Language* 3(3-0)

Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

College Algebra,* Math. 104 3(3-0)

Infantry II, Mil. Tr. 102A (men) 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A, R(0-3)

Total 15 or 16

Total 15 or 16


First Semester

Second Semester

Com'l Correspondence, Engl. 122 3(3-0)

Accounting I, Econ. 133 3(2-3)

Modern Language 3(3-0)

Economic Geography, Econ. 122 2(2-0)

Am. Ind. History, Hist. 105 3(3-0)or

Hist, of Commerce & Ind., Hist. 110. .3(3-0)

Extern. Speech II, Pub. Spk. 108 2(2-0)

Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A (men) .. .1(0-3) Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3)

Writ. & Oral Salesmanship, Engl. 123, 3(3-0)

Accounting II, Econ. 134 3(2-3)

English Literature, Engl. 172 3(3-0)

Economics, Econ. 101 3(3-0)

History Elective* 3 ( - )

Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A (men). . .1(0-3) Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106, R(0-2)or Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 154..R(0-3)

Total. ." 16 or 17

Total 15 or 16

* Eight hours of physical or biological science are to be elected in this curriculum, if pos- sible in the freshman year. Subject to any prerequisites, chemistry, physics, botany, zool- ogy and geology are available. If Chemistry I is taken, Chemistry II is required also. In one modern language a student must attain the proficiency given by nine semester hours of College work. If the language has been studied in high school, elementary work may be avoided in College, and the time saved used for elective studies. Students who have had only one year of high-school algebra are assigned to a five-credit course in College Algebra, Math. 107. Because of the various contingencies and elective possibilities in the sciences and modern languages, the proper planning of the work of the freshman year requires great care and foresight.

f All electives are to be chosen in accordance with the general rules governing electives and taken in departments other than that of physical education.

Division of General Science 179


First Semester Second Semester

Elements of Statistics, Math. 126, 3(3-0)or Math, of Investments, Math. 150. .3(3-0)or

Math, of Investments, Math. 150 3(3-0) Elements of Statistics, Math. 126 3(3-0)

Business Management, Econ. 126 2(2-0) Business Finance, Econ. 217 3(3-0)

Money and Banking, Econ. 116 3(3-0) Amer. Govt., Hist. 151, 152, or 153.. 3(3-0)

Marketing, Econ. 245 2(2-0) Sociology, Econ. 151 3(3-0)

Special Electives,t minimum 2 or 3( - ) Special Electives,f minimum 3 or 2( - )

General Electives 5 or 4( - ) General Electives 2 or 3( - )

Total 17 Total 17


First Semester Second Semester

Business Law I, Hist. 163 3(3-0) Business Law II, Hist. 164 3(3-0)

Public Finance, Econ. 213 2(2-0) Investments, Econ. 221 2(2-0)

Labor Problems, Econ. 233 2(2-0)

Special Electives, f minimum 2 or 3( - ) Special Electives, f minimum 3 or 2( - )

General Electives 7 or 6( - ) General Electives 8 or 9( - )

Total 16 Total 16

Summary. Men : Physical education required ; military science, 4 hours ; commerce courses, 48 hours; other prescribed courses, 47 hours; special and general electives, 32 hours. Total, 131 semester hours. Women: The same except military science, 4 hours, not required. Total, 127 semester hours.

Adaptation, Class of 1932

Freshman year as given 1928-'29. Later years as for the class of 1933 excepting that in the sophomore year, first semester, Psychology A replaces Extempore Speech II.

Adaptation, Class of 1931

Freshman and sophomore years as provided for 1927-'28 and 1928-'29, respectively. Junior year as for the class of 1933 excepting that in the first semester English Literature replaces Business Management, and the general electives are reduced to 3 or 2 semester hours. The senior year is the same as for the class of 1933 excepting that Business Law I is re- placed by two hours of general electives.

Groups of Electives and Options for Students in the Division of General Science

In addition to the courses included in the following groups, others will be found described in the exposition of the work of the respective departments. From any group elected a sufficient number of courses. to constitute an effective block of knowledge must be taken. At least eight semester credits in any new field are usually required, but a smaller number will be honored if in a field already entered upon. In a modern language a student must reach a point equivalent to that obtained by college courses aggregating at least eight or nine semester hours. For strong preparation in any field the student should take a total of twenty to forty hours in a department, or in closely related departments, a large part of this work should be in courses designed for juniors and seniors.

Any student desiring to major in a certain field should confer with the head of the department in which most of the work is given. This conference should be held in the sophomore year, or earlier, so that a decision may be made in respect to the subjects that should be taken in that and other departments, and their proper sequence. These will vary with the objective of the student which may be general culture, or preparation for teaching, research, or some other profession.

In connection with some of the groups listed below are brief statements giving the order in which the earlier courses in a field should be taken. De- partment heads should be consulted for additional advice.

f Special electives recommended for students in the curriculum in commerce are: Eco- nomics, 131, 229, 242, 244, 248, 251, 280, 282, 283A and 285; Education, 170 and 243; English, 223; History and Government, 260; Industrial Journalism, 179.


Kansas State Agricultural College

1. English Language

Students majoring in English should elect courses 113 and 116, and twelve to twenty ad- ditional hours of English language and literature, under the guidance of -the head of the department. Twelve hours of a modern foreign language is strongly recommended.

First Semester

Advanced Composition I, Engl. 113.. 2(2-0)

Com'l Correspondence, Engl. 122 3(3-0)

Oral English, Engl. 128 3(3-0)

The Short Story I, Engl. 251 3(3-0)

The Light Essay, Engl. 225 2(2-0)

Engineering English, Engl. 110 2(2-0)

Agricultural English, Engl. 137 3(3-0)

Second Semester Advanced Composition II, Engl. 116.. 2(2-0) Writ. & Oral Salesmanship, Engl. 123, 3(3-0) Methods of Teaching Engl., Engl. 134, 3(3-0)

The Short Story II, Engl. 252 3(3-0)

Critical Writing, Engl. 202 3(3-0)

Technical Writing, Engl. 207 2(2-0)

Adv. Problems in Commercial Cor- respondence, Engl. 223 3(3-0)

2. English Literature

First Semester Chaucer, Engl. 260 3(3-0)

The English Bible, Engl. 271 3(3-0)

Shakespearean Drama I, Engl. 273... 3(3-0) The English Romantic Revival,

Engl. 278 .3(3-0)

World Classics I, Engl. 280 3(3-0)

Contemporary Fiction, Engl. 283 3(3-0)

The Novel I, Engl. 286 2(2-0)

English Survey I, Engl. 288 2(2-0)

American Literature, Engl. 175 3(3-0)

Kansas Literature, Engl. 267 2(2-0)

Second Semester

Milton and the Puritan Revolt,

Engl. 262 3(3-0)

American Survey, Engl. 265 2(2-0)

Shakespearean Drama II, Engl. 274.. 3(3-0) English Essayists of the Eighteenth

and Nineteenth Cent., Engl. 276... 3(3-0)

World Classics II, Engl. 281 3(3-0)

Contemporary Drama, Engl. 284 3(3-0)

The Novel II, Engl. 287 3(3-0)

English Survey II, Engl. 290 2(2-0)

Browning and Tennyson, Engl. 293... 3(3-0) Contemporary Poetry, Engl. 297 3(3-0)

3. German

First Semester

German I, Mod. Lang. 101 3(3-0)

German Readings, Mod. Lang. 111... 3(3-0) Scientific German, Mod. Lang. 237... 4)4-0)

German Classics, Mod. Lang. 226 3(3-0)

German Prose, Mod. Lang 231 3(3-0)

Second Semester

German II, Mod. Lang. 102 3(3-0)

Ger. Short Stories, Mod. Lang. 201.. 3(3-0) German Comedies, Mod. Lang. 206.. 3(3-0)

4. French and Spanish

Students who wish to major in Romance Languages should take such of the following courses as they have not already pursued: In French, courses 151, 152, 161, 251, 256, 261, and, if they expect to teach French, course 270; in Spanish, courses 176, 177, 180, 195A, 272, 275, and 280. In each group the courses should be taken approximately in the order here shown and always in conformity with requirements as to prerequisites.

First Semester Second Semester

French I, Mod. Lang. 151 3(3-0) French II, Mod. Lang. 152 3(3-0)

French Readings, Mod. Lang. 161 3(3-0) French Sh. Stories, Mod. Lang. 251.. 3(3-0)

French Drama, Mod. Lang. 256 3(3-0)

Fr. Comp. & Conv., Mod. Lang. 261, 3(3-0)

Spanish I, Mod. Lang. 176 3(3-0) Spanish II, Mod. Lang. 177 3(3-0)

Spanish Readings, Mod. Lang. 180.. 3(3-0) Span. Sh. Stories, Mod. Lang. 272... 3(3-0)

The Spanish Novel, Mod. Lang. 275.. 3(3-0) Spanish Drama, Mod. Lang. 280 3(3-0)

Spanish Conv., Mod. Lang. 195A. .. .3(3-0)

5. Mathematics

Students continuing work in mathematics beyond trigonometry are advised to take courses in the following order: Math. 110, 205, 206, 122, 201, 210, 213, and 216, and in any event strictly in accordance with the stated prerequisites.

First Semester Second Semester

Plane Anal. Geometry, Math. 110 4(4-0) Calculus I, Math. 205 5(5-0)

Calculus II, Math. 206 3(3-0) Special Methods in the Teaching of

Mathematics, Math. 122 3(3-0)

Differential Equations, Math. 201 3(3-0) Advanced Calculus I, Math. 210 3(3-0)

Advanced Calculus II, Math. 213 3(3-0) Theory of Equations, Math. 216 3(3-0)

Division of General Science


6. Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

Students desiring extensive training in Chemistry are advised to take the curriculum in industrial chemistry, supplementing the required work by electives chosen with the advice of the head of the department. Those who wish to prepare for teaching chemistry in high schools, in addition to courses 101 and 102, should elect courses 121 or 218 and 219, and courses 207, 241 and 206. Math. 110, 205 and 206 are very desirable and Physics 135 and 140, or 145 and 150 are essential.

First Semester Second Semester

Adv. Inorg. Chem., Chem. 207 3(3-0) Ind. Electrochem., Chem. 205 2(2-0)

Industrial Chemistry I, Chem. 203... 5(3-6) Industrial Chemistry II, Chem. 204.. 5(3-6)

Physical Chemistry I, Chem. 206 5(3-6) Physical Chemistry II, Chem. 272... 3(3-0)

Surface Tension and Related Chemical Statics and Dynamics.

Phenomena, Chem. 209 2(2-0) Chem. 210 2(2-0)

Colloidal Chemistry, Chem. 213 2(2-0)

Chemical Thermodyn., Chem. 215... 3(3-0) Theoretical Electrochem., Chem. 216, 3(3-0)

Electrochemistry Lab., Chem. 217 2(0-6)

Selected Topics in Inorganic Chem- istry, Chem. 271 2(2-0)

7. Organic and Physiological Chemistry

Preparation for work in biological chemistry or nutrition should include courses Chem. 101, 102, 121 or 118 and 119, 241, 206, 231, 237 and 239; Physics 135 and 140; Zool. 105 and 235, and Bact. 101, 106 or 121A.

First Semester Second Semester

Organic Chemistry I, Chem. 218 4(2-6) Organic Chemistry II, Chem. 219 4(2-6)

Organic Chemistry HE, Chem. 121... 5(3-6) Stereoisomeric and Tautomeric Com- pounds, Chem. 225 2(2-0)

Organic Preparations, Chem. 223. .. .5(0-15) Carbocyclic and Heterocyclic Com- pounds, Chem. 226 2(2-0)

Physiological Chemistry, Chem. 231.. 5(3-6) Qual. Org. Anal., Chem. 224 .2(0-6)

Pathological Chem., Chem. 235 2(2-0) Laboratory Technique in Animal

Biochemistry Analysis, Chem. 237 2(0-6) Nutrition, Chem. 239 2(0-6)

8. Analytical Chemistry

After completing Chem. 241 or 250 and 251, the student may take one or more courses in several different fields of analysis,- such as soils, fertilizers, gases, feeds, foods, dairy prod- ucts, etc.

First Semester

Adv. Qual. Anal., Chem. 240 3(1-6)

Quan. Analysis A, Chem. 250 3(1-6)

Second Semester

Quan. Analysis, Chem. 241 5(1-12)

Quan. Analysis B, Chem. 251 3(1-6)

9. Physics

Students who expect to teach physics in high schools should complete a course in college physics and at least ten hours additional as advised by the head of the department, fol- lowed by course 224. Students who wish to major in physics may, with the advice of the major instructor, choose from courses 250, 220, 230, 233, 252, 254, 256, 258 and 260, pref- erably in the order given. Math. 110, 205 and 206 are desirable or necessary for the more advanced courses. Physics 120, 133A and 155 are available for commerce and journalism students.

First Semester

Household Physics, Phys. 101 4(3-3)

Photography, Phy. 120 2(1-3)

Modern Physics, Phys. 250 3(2-3)

Molecular Phys. & Heat, Phys. 220.. 3(2-3)

Wireless Telephony, Phys. 130 2(1-3)

Spectroscopy, Phys. 230 3(1-6)

Radio Measurements, Phys. 245 2(1-3)

Advanced Electrical Laboratory,

Phys. 256 1(0-3) or 2(0-6)

Advanced Mechanics Laboratory,

Phys. 252 1(0-3) or 2(0-6)

Experimental Problems in Physics,

Phys. 260 1(0-3) or 2(0-6)

Second Semester

Harmonics, Phys. 222 2(2-0)

Special Methods in the Teaching of

Physics, Phys. 224 3(2-3)

Meteorology, Phys. 133A 3(3-0)

Descriptive Astronomy, Phys. 155. .. .3(3-0)

Storage Batteries, Phys. 235 2(1-3)

Radioactivity and Electron Theory,

Phys. 233 3(3-0)

Advanced Light Laboratory,

Phys. 258 1(0-3) or 2(0-6)

Advanced Heat Laboratory, Phvs.

254 1(0-3) or 2(0-6)

Biophysics, Phys. 264 3(2-3)


Kansas State Agricultural College

10. Microbiology

Courses 101, 106 or 121A may be followed in order by 202, 204, 211 and 206.

First Semester Second Semester

General Microbiology, Bact. 101 3(1-6) Household Microbiology, Bact. 121A, 3(1-6)

Agricultural Microbiology, Bact. 106.. 3(1-6) Soil Microbiology, Bact. 202 3(3-0)

Hygienic Bacteriology, Bact. 206 4(2-6) Soil Microbiology Lab., Bact. 204... 2(0-6)

Pathogenic Bacteriology II, Bact. 116. .4(2-6) Pathogenic Bacteriology, I, Bact. Ill, 4(2-6)

Dairy Bacteriology, Bact. 211 3(1-6)

Poultry Bacteriology, Bact. 216 3(1-6)

11. Botany

Courses 101 and 105 are prerequisites to all other courses, following which students spe- cializing in plant diseases should take, in order, courses 205, 202, 240 and 232 ; those in plant physiology, courses 208, 209 and 232 ; those in taxonomy and ecology, courses 225, 228 or 234 and 232. For general training, all are available if the prerequisites have been taken.

First Semester

General Botany I, Bot. 101 3(1-4, 2)

Plant Pathologv I, Bot. 205 3(1-4,2)

Morph. of the Fungi, Bot. 206 3(1-6)

Plant Physiology I, Bot. 208 3(3-0)

Fruit Crop Diseases, Bot. 202 2(1-2,1)

Botanical Problems, Bot. 232....1to5( - ) Taxonomic Botany of the Flowering

Plants, Bot. 225 3(1-4, 2)

Second Semester

General Botany II, Bot. 105 3(1-4,2)

Plant Histology, Bot. 215 2(0-6)

Phytogeography, Bot. 234 2(2-0)

Plant Physiology II, Bot. 209 2(0-4,2)

Plant Ecology, Bot. 228 2(2-0)

Field Crop Diseases, Bot. 240 2(1-2,1)

Vegetable Diseases, Bot. 245 2(1-2,1)

12. Zoology

A student who wishes to major in zoology should in connection with the required work in this field or after completing it elect from the courses listed below subjects varying with his special interest, such as parasitology, embryology, genetics, etc. Consult the head of the department.

First Semester Adv. Human Physiology, Zool. 235... 4(3-3)

Cytology, Zool. 214 4(2-6)

Parasitology, Zool. 208 3(2-3)

Comp. & Human Neur., Zool. 250 3(2-3)

Taxonomy of Parasites, Zool. 240 2(1-3)

Field Zoology, Zool. 205 3(1-6)

Heredity and Eugenics, Zool. 216 2(2-0)

Zool. Problems, Zool. 203 1 or 2( - )

Genetics Seminar, Zool. 227 1(1-0)

Research in Zool., Zool. 301 1 to 8 cr.

Second Semester Comp. Anat. of Vertebrates, Zool. 245, 3(1-6) Evol. & Heredity, Zool. 217. .2(2-3) or 4(2-6) Animal Ecology, Zool. 211. .2(2-0) or 3(2-3)

Ornithology, Zool. 230A 3(2-3)

Embryology B, Zool. 219A 4(3-3)

Adv. Embryology, Zool. 220 4(2-6)

Human Parasitology, Zool. 218 3(3-0)

Zool. Technic, Zool. 206 1 or 2( - )

Zool. and Ent. Seminar, Zool. 225 1(1-0)

Research in Zool., Zool. 301 1 to 8 cr.

13. Geology

Comprehensive study of geology involves a knowledge of astronomy, chemistry, physics, botany and zoology, but some phases of the field may be studied with profit without ac- quaintance with all of these sciences.

First Semester

Engineering Geology, Geol. 102 4(3-3)

Economic Geology, Geol. 207 4(3-3)

Crystallography and Mineralogy,

~Geol. 209 4(2-6)

Second Semester

General Geology, Geol. 103 3(3-0)

Historical Geology, Geol. 203 4(3-3)

14. Entomology

Students majoring in entomology, with due regard for prerequisites, should take courses: Ent. 203, 211, 212, 231, 216, 217, 218, 226, 206, 221 and 238, and preferably in this order.

First Semester

General Entomology, Ent. 203 3(2-3)

Insect Morphology I, Ent. 211 3(1-6)

Insect Morphology II, Ent. 212 3(0-9)

Ent. & Zool. Literature, Ent. 231 3(2-3)

Medical Entomology, Ent. 226 3(2-3)

Advanced Apiculture B, Ent. 228 3(2-3)

Second Semester

Principles of Taxonomy, Ent. Taxonomy of Insects I, Ent. Taxonomy of Insects II, Ent. Adv. Gen. Entomology, Ent.

Gen. Eco. Entomology, Ent. 206 3(2-3)

Entomological Prob., Ent. 238 2 to 4 cr.

General Apiculture, Ent. Ill 3(2-3)

Insect Physiology, Ent. 234 2(2-0)

216. .








Division of General Science


15. History and Government

To prepare for teaching history in high school the student should have at least ten semester hours of college history following two years of history in high school, or its equiva- lent in college. History 232, Problems in History Instruction, may then be pursued in sum- mer school. The advice of the head of the department should be followed in each case.

First Semester

Medieval Europe, Hist. 102 3(3-0)

English History, Hist. 121 3(3-0)

American History I, Hist. 201 3(3-0)

American History II, Hist. 202 3(3-0)

American Agr'l History, Hist. 204 3(3-0)

Modern Europe I, Hist. 115 3(3-0)

History of the Far East, Hist. 229.. 2(2-0)

Hist, of Com. & Ind., Hist. 110 3(3-0)

Am. Political Parties, Hist. 206. . T. . .2(2-0)

Immig. & Inter'l Rel., Hist. 228 2(2-0)

Am. Government, Hist. 151 3(3-0)

Am. Nat'l Government, Hist. 152 3(3-0)

Comparative Government, Hist. 252.. 2(2-0)

Second Semester

Ancient Civilizations, Hist. 101 3(3-0)

Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Am. Indust. History, Hist. 105 3(3-0)

American History III, Hist. 203 3(3-0)

Latin America, Hist. 207 2(2-0)

Modern Europe II, Hist. 223 3(3-0)

20th Century Europe, Hist. 224 2(2-0)

The British Empire, Hist. 226 2(2-0)

History of the Home, Hist. 225 3(3-0)

International Law, Hist. 256 2(2-0)

Gov't Regulations of Bus., Hist. 260, 2(2-0)

Am. State Gov't, Hist. 153 3(3-0)

History of Religions, Hist. 231 2(2-0)

16. Law

First Semester

Farm Law, Hist. 175 2(2-0)

Business Law I, Hist. 163 3(3-0)

Land Law, Hist. 276 2(2-0)

Second Semester

Commercial Law, Hist. 160 1(1-0)

Business Law II, Hist. 164 3(3-0)

International Law, Hist. 256 2(2-0)

17. Economics, Sociology and Accounting

Some of the subjects in this list are required in the several curricula of the institution, and the others are available as electives if any -prerequisites have been satisfied. Additional work is offered in the department of agricultural economics.

First Semester

Economics, Econ. 101 3(3-0)

Public Finance, Econ. 213 2(2-0)

Labor Problems, Econ. 233 2(2-0)

Marketing, Econ. 245 2(2-0)

Economic Geography, Econ. 122 2(2-0)

Advanced Economics, Econ. 251 3(3-0)

Sociology, Econ. 151 3(3-0)

Rural Sociology, Econ. 156 3(3-0)

Social Problems, Econ. 257 2(2-0)

Accounting I, Econ. 133 3(2-3)

Cost Accounting, Econ. 287 3(3-0)

Adv. Accounting I, Econ. 280 3(3-0)

Income Tax Accounting, Econ. 282... 2(2-0) Auditing, Econ. 285 3(3-0)

Second Semester

Money and Banking, Econ. 116 3(3-0)

Business Finance, Econ. 217 3(3-0)

Transportation Prob., Econ. 229 2(2-0)

Business Management, Econ. 126. .. .2(2-0)

Economic Problems, Econ. 248 ( - )

Community Organization, Econ. 267.. 3(3-0)

Advanced Sociology, Econ. 273 3( - )

Adv. Rural Sociology, Econ. 270 3( - )

Property Insurance, Econ. 242 2(2-0)

Life Insurance, Econ. 244 2(2-0)

Accounting II, Econ. 134 3(2-3)

Investments, Econ. 221 2(2-0)

Accounting Systems, Econ. 283A. .. .2(2-0) Institutional Accounting, Econ. 132, 3(3-0)

18. Education and Psychology

Students desiring to qualify for the state teacher's certificate based on sixty hours of college work should take course 101 or 102 in psychology, and course 107 and 111 in edu- cation. Those qualifying for the certificate based on graduation from a four-year curriculum should, in addition to 101 or 102, take 109, and 105 or 106. If without teaching experience course 112 is recommended for this group also. Advice should be obtained from the head of the Department of Education in respect to additional courses necessary or advisable. See, also, "Education" in this catalogue for information concerning special certificates.

First Semester Psychol. A, B or C, Educ. 101-103. .3(3-0)

School Management, Educ. 107 3(3-0)

Educational Administration A or B,

Educ. 105 or 106 3(3-0)

Hist, of Education A, Educ. 113 3(3-0)

Applied Psychology, Educ. 170 3(3-0)

Mental Measurements, Educ. 211 3(3-0)

Educl. Measurements, Educ. 212 3(3-0)

Technic of Mental Testing, Educ. 235, 3(1-6)

Introd. to Philosophy, Educ. 150 3(3-0)

Statistical Methods Applied to Edu- cation, Educ. 223 3(3-0)

Vocational Education A, Educ. 125.. 3(3-0)

Agric. Educ. B, Educ. 330 .3(3-0)

Supervised Observation and Teaching in

Science, Educ. 163 3(3-0)

Special Methods in the Teaching of

Home Economics, Educ. 132 3(3-0)

Supervised Observation and Teaching

in Agriculture, Educ. 161 3(3-0)


Second Semester Methods of Teaching A, Educ.

Educl. Psychology, Educ. 109

Methods of Teaching B, Educ. 112.

Educl. Sociology A, Educ. 118

Psychology of Childhood and Ado- lescence, Educ. 208

Abnormal Psychology, Educ. 213... Advanced Psychology, Educ. 216... Philosophy of Education, Educ. 206, Rural Life and Educ, Educ. 201.. Rural Secondary Educ, Educ. 204. . ,

,3(3-0) .3(3-0) .3(3-0)


.3(3-0) .3(3-0) .3(3-0) .3(3-0) .3(3-0) .3(3-0)

Vocational Education B, Educ. 226.. 3(3-0)

Specal Methods in Teaching of In- dustrial Arts, Educ 140 3(3-0)

Supervised Teaching in Home Eco- nomics, Educ 160 3(3-0)

Special Methods in the Teaching of

Agriculture, Educ. 136 3(3-0)


Kansas State Agricultural College

20. Industrial Journalism

While those who wish to give much attention to journalism will choose the curriculum in industrial journalism, many in other curricula desire some training in this field. Selection from the following list may be made in so far as the prerequisites permit.

First Semester

El. Journalism, Ind. Jour. 151 2(2-0)

Ind. Feature Writ., Ind. Jour. 167 2(2-0)

Materials of Jour., Ind. Jour. 265 2(2-0)

History of Jour., Ind. Jour. 274 2(2-0)

Second Semester

Industrial Writing, Ind. Jour. 161 2(2-0)

Jour, for Women, Ind. Jour. 172 2(2-0)

Magazine Features, Ind. Jour. 270. . . .2(2-0) Jour. Surveys, Ind. Jour. 278 2(2-0)

23. Music

Students in the various curricula are permitted to study theoretical or applied music, but the acceptability for elective credit of work in voice or instrumental music is contingent upon the attainment of an effective degree of proficiency. Certification to this is made by the head of the department of music.

Voice B (Music 164A to 164H) Two private lessons a week. Two credits per semester.

Violin A (Music 166A to 166H) Two private lessons a week. Two credits per semester.

Piano B (Music 173A to 173H) Two private lessons a week. Two credits per semester.

Violoncello A (Music 178A to 178H) Two private lessons a week. Two credits per semester.

Double bass (Music 179A to 179H) Two private lessons a week. Two credits per semester.

Wind Instruments (182A to 182H) Two private lessons a week. Two credits per semester.

First Semester Second Semester

Harmony I, Music 101 2(2-0) Harmony II, Music 102 2(2-0)

Harmony III, Music 103 2(2-0) Harmony IV, Music 104 2(2-0)

Counterpoint, Music 108A 2(2-0) Musical Form and Anal., Mus. 109.. 2(2-0)

Hist. & Apprec. of Mus. I, Mus. 112. .3(3-0) Hist. & Apprec. of Mus. II, Mus. 113. .3(3-0)

Public-school Music I, Music 120 2(2-0) Public-school Music II, Music 121 2(2-0)

Public-school Music III, Music 122.. 2(2-0) Public-school Music IV, Music 123... 2(2-0)

Choral Ensemble, Mus. 192A to 192H, 1(0-3) Choral Ensemble, Mus. 192A to 192H, 1(0-3)

Orchestra, Music 193A to 193H 1(0-3) Orchestra, Music 193A to 193H 1(0-3)

Band, Music 196A to 196H 1(0-3) Band, Music 196A to 196H 1(0-3)

25. Military Science and Tactics

Men who have completed the basic course in infantry may elect the advanced course if approved by the president, the dean and the head of the department of military science and tactics.

First Semester Second Semester

Infantry V, Mil. Tr. 109 3(2-3) Infantry VI, Mil. Tr. 110 3(2-3)

Infantry VII, Mil. Tr. Ill 3(2-3) Infantry VIII, Mil. Tr. 112 3(2-3)

26. Physical Education and Athletics

In connection with the required work or after its completion, students may elect courses in physical education. For a special state certificate at least forty hours are required. The courses listed below, and others on the advice of the head of the department, are available.

FOR MEN First Semester Second Semester

Gymnastics I, Phys. Ed. 115A 2(1-3)

Football I, Phys. Ed. 126A 2(1-3)

Football II, Phys. Ed. 127 2(1-3)

Basket Ball, Phys. Ed. 130A 2(1-3)

Swimming M-I, Phys. Ed. 121 1(0-3)

Boxing, Phys. Ed. 132 1(0-3)

School Hygiene, Phys. Ed. 196 3(3-0)

Apparatus, Phys. Ed. 109 1(0-3)

First Aid and Mas., Phys. Ed. 113A,. .3(3-0)

Gymnastics II, Phys. Ed. 117A 2(0-6)

Track & Field Spts., Phys. Ed. 140A, 2(1-3)

Baseball, Phys. Ed. 135A 2(1-3)

Wrestling, Phys. Ed. 128 1(0-3)

Swimming M-II, Phys. Ed. 122 1(0-3)

Playground Management and Games

M, Phys. Ed. 145A 2(2-0)

Personal Hygiene, Phys. Ed. 119 2(2-0)

Division of General Science



The following courses are available after completing the two years of required work:

First Semester

Folk Dancing I, Phys. Ed. 160 1(0-3)

Playground Management & Games

W, Phys. Ed. 182A 2(1-3)

General Technic III, Phys. Ed. 157C, 2(1-3) General Technic V, Phys. Ed. 157E.. 2(1-3)

Second Semester

Folk Dancing II, Phys. Ed. 161 1(0-3)

First Aid, Phys. Ed. 158 1(1-0)

General Technic IV, Phys. Ed. 157D, 2(1-3) General Technic VI, Phys. Ed. 157F, 2(1-3)

27. Public Speaking

Courses covering various aspects of public speech are open for election after completing any prerequisites. The head of the department should be consulted for advice as to the individual needs.

First Semester Second Semester

Extempore Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106.. 2(2-0) Extempore Speech II, Pub. Spk. 108.. 2(2-0)

Oral Interpretation, Pub. Spk. 101.. 2(2-0) Dramatic Reading, Pub. Spk. 102 2(2-0)

Parliamentary Proced., Pub. Spk. 126,1(1-0) Lecture Recital, Pub. Spk. 115 2(2-0)

Dramatic Produc. I, Pub. Spk. 130... 2(2-0) Dramatic Produc. II, Pub. Spk. 135.. 2(2-0)

Argumentation and Debate I, Argumentation and Debate IT,

Pub. Spk. 121 2(2-0) Pub. Spk. 122 2(2-0)

Pageantry, Pub. Spk. 251 3(3-0) Pageantry, Pub. Spk. 251 3(3-0)

30. Social Science

(Political and Social History, Government, Economics, and Sociology.)

In the curriculum in industrial journalism students are required to elect twelve hours in a social science option. The following list includes some subjects, and many more are offered by the several departments. See, also, groups 15, 16 and 17.

First Semester American History I, Hist. 201 .


American Government, Hist. 151. . .3(3-0)or Amer. Nat'l Government, Hist. 152... 3(3-0)

Latin America, Hist. 207 2(2-0)

Agric. Economics, Ag. Ec. 101 3(3-0)

Money and Banking, Econ. 116 3(3-0)

Business Finance, Econ. 217 3(3-0)

Market, of Farm Prod., Ag. Ec. 202. .3(3-0) Agric. Land Prob., Ag. Ec. 218 3(3-0)

Second Semester

American History II or III, Hist.

202 or 203 3(3-0)

Amer. State Govt., Hist. 153 3(3-0)

Modern Europe I, Hist. 115 3(3-0)

Modern Europe II, Hist. 223 3(3-0)

English History, Hist. 121 3(3-0)

Economics, Econ. 101 3(3-0)

Public Finance, Econ. 213 2(2-0)

Labor Problems, Econ. 233 2(2-0)

Sociology, Econ. 151 3(3-0)

31. Applied Science

Students in the curriculum in industrial journalism who do not wish to elect subjects directly related to a single industry are permitted to elect sciences that support industries, and subjects that involve applications of the sciences, in so far as they have satisfied re- quirements as to prerequisites.

First Semester

General Botany I, Bot. 101 3(1-4,2)

Plant Pathology I, Bot. 205 3(1-4, 2)

Fruit Crop Diseases, Bot. 202 2(1-2,1)

Farm Forestry, Hort. 114 3(2-3)

Seed Identification and Weed Control,

Agron. 105 2(1-3)

General Zoology, Zool. 105 5(3-6)

Parasitology, Zool. 208 3(2-3)

Zool. and Embryol. (Vet.), Zool. 109, 5(3-6) Landscape Gardening I, Hort. 125. . . .3(3-0) Hygienic Bacteriology, Bact. 206. .. .4(2-6)

General Entomology, Ent. 203 3(2-3)

Hort. Entomology, Ent. 201 2(2-0)

El. Org. Chemistry, Chem. 123 3(2-3)

Dairy Chemistry, Chem. 254 3(1-6)

Economic Geology, Geol. 207 4(3-3)

Human Nutrition, Food & Nut. 112.. 3(3-0)

Second Semester

General Botany II, Bot. 105 3(1-4,2)

Field Crop Diseases, Bot. 240 2(1-2,1)

Vegetable Diseases, Bot. 245 2(1-2,1)

Plant Ecology, Bot. 228 2(2-0)

El. of Horticulture, Hort. 107 3(2-3)

Small Fruits, Hort. 110 2(2-0)

General Microbiology, Bact. 101 3(1-6)

Gen. Ec. Entomology, Ent. 206 3(2-3)

General Apiculture, Ent. Ill 3(2-3)

Applied Nut., Food & Nut. 121 2(2-0)

General Geology, Geol. 103 3(3-0)

Historical Geology, Geol. 203 4(3-3)

Meteorology, Physics 133A 3(3-0)

Household Physics, Physics 101 4(3-3)

Photography, Physics 120 2(1-3)


Kansas State Agricultural College

32. Home Economics

This group is suggestive to young women in the curriculum in industrial journalism. It states the fundamental subjects in the three lines, food, clothing and applied art. The re- quired option related to an industry may be satisfied by fifteen hours in one or more of these lines. Additional subjects in each line are described in the department sections of the catalogue. Prerequisites count on the group requirement.

First Semester

Household Physics, Physics 101 4(3-3)

Organic Chem. (HE), Chem. 121 5(3-6)

Foods I, Food & Nut. 101A 3(iy2-4y2)

Foods II, Food & Nut. 106 5(3-6)

Human Nutrit., Food & Nut. 112 3(3-0)

Dietetics, Food & Nut. 201 5(3-6)

Applied Nutrit., Food & Nut. 121 2(2-0)

Clothing II, Clo. & Text. Ill 3(1-6)

Elementary Design, Art. 101 3(1-6)

Intermediate Design, Art. 102 3(1-6)

Second Semester Household Microbiology, Bact. 121A.. 3(1-6)

Clothing I, Clo. & Text. 101 2(1-3)

Costume Design I, Art 130 2(0-6)

Textiles, Clo. & Text. 116 3(2-3)

House Furnishings, Art 108 2(1-3)

Int. Dec. and Furn., Art 114 3(1-6)

Principles of Art and Their Appre- ciation, Art 124 3(3-0)

Advanced Design, Art 105 2(0-6)

35. Agriculture

This group, compiled for the use of young men who elect the agriculture option in con- nection with their work in industrial journalism, gives the basic subjects in some agricultural lines. Subjects for which these are prerequisite are also acceptable. See the expositions of the work of the several departments in the division of agriculture.

First Semester

General Botany I, Bot. 101 3(1-4, 2)

Live-stock Judging, An. Husb. 120.. 3(2-4)

El. of Dairying, Dairy Husb. 101 3(2-3)

El. Org. Chemistry, Chem. 123 3(2-3)

Plant Pathology I, Bot. 205 3(1-4, 2)

Soils, Agron. 130 4(3-3)

Farm Poultrv Production, Poultry

Husb. 101 2(1-2, 1)

Second Semester

General Botany II, Bot. 105 3(1-4,2)

El. of Horticulture, Hort. 107 3(2-3)

Dairy Judging, Dairy Husb. 104 1(0-3)

Prin. of Feeding, An. Husb. 152 3(3-0)

Field Crop Diseases, Bot. 240 2(1-2,1)

Farm Crops, Agron. 101 4(2-6)

Genetics, An. Husb. 221 3(3-0)

36. Architecture

Students in industrial journalism, with due regard for prerequisites, may elect fifteen hours from this group in order to fulfill the requirement in respect to subjects related to an industry.

First Semester

Engr. Drawing, Mach. Des. 101 2(0-6)

El. of Arch. I, Arch. 106A 3(0-9)

Object Drawing I, Arch. Ill 2(0-6)

Design I, Arch. 142 3(0-9)

Coml. Illustration I, Arch. 165 2(0-6)

General Hist, of Arch., Arch. 244. .. .3(3-0) Pencil Rend. & Sketch., Arch. 116... 2(0-6) Water Color II, Arch. 119 2(0-6)

Second Semester

Descr. Geom., Mach. Des. 106 2(0-6)

El. of Arch. II, Arch. 107A 3(0-9)

Object Drawing II, Arch. 114 2(0-6)

Design II, Arch. 144 3(0-9)

Coml. Illustration II, Arch. 170 2(0-6)

Domestic Arch., Arch. 124 2(2-0)

Pen and Ink Drawing I, Arch. 134.. 2(0-6) Water Color I, Arch. 118 2(0-6)

37. Manual Training and Engineering.

Fifteen hours may be chosen from this group by students in industrial journalism in satisfaction of the option related to an industry. Students preparing to teach manual train- ing will require credits in at least forty semester hours in that line. Prerequisites must be observed.

First Semester

Engr. Drawing, Mach. Des. 101 2(0-6)

Descr. Geom., Mach. Des. 106 2(0-6)

Woodworking for Grammar Grades,

Shop 120 2(0-6)

Woodworking II for High Schools,

Shop 130 2(0-6)

Forging I, Shop 150 1(0-3)

Machine Tool Work I, Shop 170 2(0-6)

Machine Tool Work III, Shop 193... 1(0-3) Gas Engine and Tractors, Ag.

Engr. 130 3(2-3)

Machine Drawing I, Mach. Des. 111. .2(0-6)

Reed Furn. Constr., Shop 119 2(0-6)

Foundry Production, Shop 161 1(0-3)

Shop Practice Tchg. I, Shop 184 3(2-3)

Adv. Shop Practice, Shop 260 1 to 5 cr.

Second Semester

Engr. Woodwork I, Shop 101 1(0-3)

Manual Training for Primary Grades,

Shop 117 2(0-6)

Woodworking I for High Schools,

Shop 125 2(0-6)

Wood Turning, Shop 135 2(0-6)

Farm Carpentry I, Shop 147 3(1-6)

Machine Tool Work II, Shop 192 2(0-6)

Metallurgy, Shop 165 2(2-0)

Farm Buildings, Ag. Engr. 103 3(1-6)

Surveying I, Civ. Engr. 102... 2(0-6)

Farm Shop Methods, Shop 175 3(1-6)

Metallography, Shop 167 1(0-3)

Shop Practice Tchg. II, Shop 185 2(2-6)

Division of General Science


45. Milling Industry

Students in general science or industrial chemistry may elect work in milling industiy for which they have taken the prerequisites.

First Semester

Milling Practice I, Mill. Ind. 109 3(1-6)

Wheat and Flour Testing, Mill.

Ind. 205 3(0-9)

Advanced Wheat and Flour Testing,

Mill. Ind. 210 1 to 5( - )

Farm Crops, Agron. 101 4(2-6)

Grain Marketing, Ag. Ec. 203 3(3-0)

Quantitative Analysis A, Chem. 250.. 3(1-6)

El. Org. Chemistry, Chem. 123 3(2-3)

Milling Technology I, Mill. Ind. 201.. 2(0-6) Mill. Ind. Problems, Mill. Ind. 214, 1 to 5 cr.

Second Semester

Prin. of Milling I, Mill. Ind. 104 2(1-3)

Prin. of Milling II, Mill. Ind. 106 1(0-3)

Milling Practice II, Mill. Ind. Ill 3(1-6)

Milling Qualities of Wheat,

Mill. Ind. 212 3(3-0)

Exptl. Baking, Mill. Ind. 206 3(1-6)

Grain Grading and Judging,

Agron. 108 2(0-6)

Quant. Analysis B, Chem. 251 3(1-6)

The Chemistry of Proteins,

Chem. 236A 3(2-3)

Milling Technology II, Mill. Ind. 202, 2(0-6) Colloidal Chemistry, Chem. 213 2(2-0)


Professor Bushnell Professor Gainey Associate Professor Fay

Assistant Professor Brandly Instructor Foltz Graduate Assistant Aikins

The department of Bacteriology occupies parts of the first and second floors of Veterinary Hall. The space is divided into offices and private laboratories, an experiment station and research laboratory, two large general laboratories, incubator or temperature room, preparation room, and stock room. The lab- oratories are well lighted and equipped with gas, lockers, ice chests, sterilizers, wall cases, microscopes, and other modern facilities necessary for bacteriologi- cal work.

The instruction consists of lectures, recitations, demonstrations, and labora- tory practice. Printed synopses of lectures and printed laboratory directions are furnished the students in some of the courses; in others textbooks are required. The department library contains textbooks on bacteriology and allied subjects, also the current files of the important technical periodicals relating to bacteriology. These are at the constant disposal of the students for reference. To those who desire graduate work the department offers excellent facilities.

Bacteriology is presented* to the students as a biological science and as a practical factor in everyday life. In this subject only the simplest forms of life, consisting almost invariably of one-celled organisms, are studied. It is now possible to study these microscopical forms with ease and accuracy, thus paving the way for a more complete study and better understanding of cells in the aggregate. The second point of view from which this subject is ap- proached is that of its practical application in agriculture, medicine, domestic science, and sanitation.

This department owns equipment valued at $14,178.



101. General Microbiology. 3(1-6) ; I and II* Not open to students who have credit in Bact. 106 or 121. Prerequisite: Chemistry II, or General Chem- istry. Dr. Gainey and Mr. Foltz.

Morphological and biological characters, classification and distribution of bacteria, factors necessary for the development of bacteria, culture media, cul-

* The number before the parenthesis indicates the number of semester hours of credit ; the first number within the parentheses indicates the number of hours of recitation each week; the second shows the number of hours to be spent in laboratory work each week; and the third, where there is one, indicates the number of hours of outside work in connection with the laboratory required each week. I, II, and SS indicate that the course is given the first semester, second semester, and summer session respectively.

188 Kansas State 'Agricultural College

tural features, staining values, and fundamental principles of applied bac- teriology.

Laboratory. The student prepares culture media and becomes familiar with principles of sterilization and incubation, and with general laboratory technic. Deposit, $10.

106. Agricultural Microbiology. 3(1-6); I and II. Not open to students who have credit in Bact. 101 and 121. Prerequisites: Chem. 122, Gen. Org. Chemistry. Dr. Gainey and Mr. Fay.

A general course emphasizing particularly the relation of microorganisms to agriculture.

Laboratory. Methods of cultivating and studying bacteria, yeasts, and molds; methods for quantitative and qualitative analysis of water, milk, etc.; methods of sterilization and use of germicidal agents. Deposit, $10.

Ill, 116. Pathogenic Bacteriology I and II. 4(2-6) each; II and I re- spectively. Prerequisite: Chem. 123, El. Org. Chemistry. Dr. Bushnell and Dr. Brandly.

I: Distribution and morphological and biochemical features of microor- ganisms; factors necessary for the development and cultivation of bacteria; fundamental principles of bacteriology as applied to veterinary medicine. II: Morphology, powers of resistance, pathogenesia, distribution, channels of in- fection, and means of dissemination of pathogenic bacteria; epizootic and epidemic diseases of unknown etiology; manufacture, standardization, prepara- tion for the market and use of vaccines, antitoxins, and other biological prod- ucts related to diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of specific infectious dis- eases; and various other topics.

Laboratory. I: General laboratory technic; pathogenic microorganisms studied morphologically, culturally, and biochemically; quantitative and quali- tative examinations of milk, and of water. II: Microscopical and cultural characteristics of pathogenic microorganisms continued; laboratory animal inoculations, autopsy, and diagnosis; prevention and treatment of specific in- fectious diseases; experimental production of opsonins, antitoxins, agglutinins, precipitins, and cytolysins; etc. Deposit, $10.

121A. Household Microbiology. 3(1-6) ; I and II. Not open to students who have credit in Bact. 101 or 106. Prerequisite : Chem. 121, Organic Chem- istry HE. Mr. Fay and Mr. Foltz.

Classification, distribution, and relative importance of bacteria; morpho- logical and biochemical characters of microorganisms; factors necessary for the proper development of bacteria; fundamental principles of the science as applied to household economics.

Laboratory. Practical applications of theories discussed in the classroom, such as bacteriological study of water, milk, and foods; determination of the potability of water; microscopical study of yeasts and molds; methods of food preservation; the germicidal action of various disinfectants, etc. De- posit, $10.


202. Soil Microbiology. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Course 101 or 106. Dr. Gainey.

The influences of depth and character of soil, temperature, moisture, chemi- cal action, aeration, and other factors upon the activities of soil microorgan- isms; the influence of such phenomena as ammonification, nitrification, deni- trification, symbiotic and nonsymbiotic nitrogen fixation upon crop produc- tion. Various texts recommended as reference books.

204. Soil Microbiology Laboratory. 2(0-6) ; II. Prerequisite: Course 101 or 106. To accompany or follow course 202. Dr. Gainey.

The preparation of various special culture media and reagents necessary to conduct bacteriological analyses of the soil; qualitative and quantitative an- alysis and the laboratory study of nitrification, denitrification, and nitrogen fixation; plot experiments and field work illustrating the influence of various

Division of General Science 189

factors upon the bacterial flora and the inoculation of soil with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Deposit, $10.

206. Hygienic Bacteriology. 4(2-6); I. Prerequisite: Course 101, 106, or 121A. Dr. Bushnell.

Pathogenic bacteria, especially those related to disease in man; channels of infection, and means of dissemination of pathogenic bacteria; epidemics, their cause and control; and other topics dealing with bacteria in connection with health. Various books recommended as textbooks.

Laboratory. Microscopical and cultural study of pathogenic bacteria; tech- nic involved in the diagnosis of Bacterium tuberculosis in sputum; culture of pathogenic anaerobic bacteria; the isolation and indentification of pathogenic bacteria; and other practical studies of theories discussed in the classroom. Deposit, $10.

211. Dairy Bacteriology. 3(1-6); II. Prerequisite: Course 101, 106 or 121. Mr. Fay.

Bacterial flora of milk, butter and cheese; infectious diseases conveyed through dairy products; bacterial contaminations of milk by air, water, utensils, etc.; normal and abnormal fermentations in milk, their significance and control.

Laboratory, Preparation of culture media necessary for dairy bacteriological work; bacteriological analysis of milk; microscopical and cultural characters of the types of miscoorganisms representing the flora of milk, butter, and cheese; and kindred practical bacteriological studies relating to dairy products. Deposit, $10.

216. Poultry Bacteriology. 3(1-6); II. Prerequisites: Course 101, course 106 or 111. Dr. Brandly.

Etiology, sources, and modes of infection of diseases of poultry; microbial content of freshly laid eggs, cold-storage eggs, and egg products; conditions tending toward increase or decrease of this microbial content.

Laboratory. Study of microorganisms pathogenic for poultry; microbial content of eggs and egg preparations handled and produced under various conditions. Deposit, $10.

217. Poultry Diseases. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisites: Courses 111 and 116, and Therapeutics (Surg, and Med. 162). Dr. Brandly.

Anatomy of the fowl; poultry sanitation and hygiene; a complete sys- tematic study of the infectious diseases of all classes of domestic fowl ; general diseases of a noninfectious nature; external and internal parasites of domestic fowl; minor surgical operations.

226. Bacteriological Problems. 1 to 4 credits; I, II and SS. Prerequisite: course 101, 106, 111 or 121A. Dr. Bushnell, Dr. Gainey, Mr. Fay, and Dr. Brandly.

Special problems assigned, credit depending upon amount and quality of work done. Deposit by arrangement with professor in charge.

230. Bacteriology Seminar. 1(1-0); I and II. For prerequisites, consult professor in charge. Dr. Bushnell.

Papers and discussion by members of the department and the more ad- vanced students on all phases of current research work in bacteriology, serology, and related subjects. Graduate students in this department may be assigned to this subject for credit; others interested may visit the meetings at any time.


310. Research in Bacteriology. Credit to be arranged; I, II and SS. Pre- requisites: At least two courses in this department. Dr. Bushnell, Dr. Gainey, Mr. Fay, and Dr. Brandly.

Properly qualified advanced students admitted to this course upon approval of the department head; supervision by a faculty member of the department, and subject for investigation chosen and outlined in consultation with him; opportunity to do experiment-station and advanced research work during vaca-


Kansas State Agricultural College.

tion periods under faculty supervision; individual research problems for stu- dents working toward an advanced degree; upon completion, results presented in form of a thesis which, when accepted, fulfills part of the requirements for the master's degree. Amount of deposit to be arranged with the professor in charge.

Botany and Plant Pathology

Professor Melchers Professor Miller Professor Davis Professor Haymaker

Professor Gates

Associate Professor Dalbey

Assistant Professor Elmer

Instructor Horn Instructor Newcomb Assistant Pathologist Ficke Associate Pathologist Fellows* Associate Pathologist Johnston* Graduate Assistant Kingsley Graduate Assistant Bosley

The instruction given in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology has a threefold purpose: To give a training in botany for the general broadening of the student's knowledge; to give a training in the knowledge of plants that will serve as a foundation for the student's further college courses in agricul- tural subjects; and to instruct and direct those students who desire to investi- gate such problems in plant life as affect agriculture. Investigations may be undertaken in plant pathology, plant physiology, taxonomy, and ecology of plants.

In the general courses each student is supplied with a compound microscope and with all the other accessories of a modern well-equipped botanical labora- tory. The laboratory for advanced study is provided with the general equip- ment for investigational work, and additional facilities are readily available for those who desire to pursue special lines of research. The department has an excellent herbarium, especially complete for Kansas, and a botanical library containing the usual standard texts and the principal botanical journals. The equipment owned by the department has a value of $45,370.



101, 105. General Botany I and II. 3(1-4, 2) each; I and SS, and II and SS., respectively. Mr. Melchers, Dr. Miller, Mr. Davis, Dr. Haymaker, Dr. Gates, Miss Dalbey, Miss Horn, Miss Newcomb, Miss Kingsley.

I: The principal life functions of plants; response of plants, such as photo- synthesis, digestion, respiration, transpiration, and growth; the responses of plants to environmental conditions and physical stimuli; and the anatomy of the plant.

II: The significance of plant morphology to the allied branches of botany, such as plant physiology, taxonomy and ecology; the economic importance of the fungi and other pathogenic plants; the evolution of plants, as developed by morphological criteria.

Laboratory. I: A series of typical experiments followed out in the labora- tory and in the greenhouse. Charge, $3.50.

II: Study of the morphology of the typical representatives of the great groups of the plant kingdom, the ecological factors affecting plants, and their identification under both winter and summer conditions by use of an identi- fication key. Charge, $3.50.

126. Medical Botany. 2(1-3); I. Prerequisite: High-school botany or its equivalent. Dr. Gates.

The principal stock-poisoning plants of the range; habitat, poisonous prop- erties, and methods of control and elimination of native poisonous plants.

Laboratory.— A study of the native poisonous plants of the United States, but chiefly of the Western states. Charge, $2.

* In cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture.

Division of General Science 191


202. Fruit Crop Diseases. 2(1-2, 1); I. Prerequisite: Course 205. Offered in 1929- '30 and in alternate years thereafter. Dr. Haymaker.

Diseases affecting fruit crops of all kinds; methods and measures for con- trolling these diseases; preparation and practical application of standard sprays.

Laboratory. A detailed study of each disease affecting the major fruit crops; a detailed microscopic study of the organism causing the disease. Charge, $2.

205. Plant Pathology I (or Economic Plant Diseases). 3(1-4, 2) or 3(2-3); I and SS. Prerequisites: Courses 101 and 105. Mr. Melchers, Dr. Haymaker and Dr. Elmer.

Causes and symptoms of plant diseases, infection phenomena, control of plant diseases, breeding for resistance, and plant quarantine.

Laboratory. Work in the recognititon of all the more common plant dis- eases of the farm, orchard, and garden; detailed microscopic studies of diseased tissues and identification of the fungous pathogenes which cause them. Charge, $2.

206. Morphology of the Fungi. 3(1-6); I. Prerequisite: Course 205. Offered in 1930-'31 and in alternate years thereafter. Dr. Haymaker.

Structure of slime molds, mold-like bacteria, and fungi studied to determine taxonomic relationships; especial attention to organisms capable of causing disease in plants.

208. Plant Physiology I. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisites: Courses 101 and 105, and Chemistry I and II. Dr. Miller.

A detailed study of such subjects as the root systems of plants, absorption, wilting coefficient, resistance to drought, transpiration, water requirement, pho- tosynthesis, respiration, digestion, and growth with special stress on the phases pertaining to agriculture.

209. Plant Physiology II. 2(0-4); II. Prerequisite: Course 268. Dr. Miller.

Methods used in obtaining experimental data in regard to the more com- mon functions of plants. Charge, $5:

212. Problems in Botanical Instruction. 3(2-3) ; SS. Prerequisite: Ten credit hours in botany or in courses of botanical nature. Dr. Haymaker.

Advanced work in the morphology, anatomy, physiology, taxonomy, and diseases of plants; special methods of teaching technic in presenting botany to high-school and college students. This course may be used in fulfilling the educational requirements for the state teacher's certificate. Charge, $2.

215. Plant Histology. 2(0-6); II. Prerequisite: Course 101 or 105. Of- fered in 1929- '30 and in alternate years thereafter. Miss Dalbey.

A thorough training in the principles and practice of microtechnical methods in botany, including the study of anatomy of the higher plants.

218. Field Botany. 3 credits; SS. Prerequisites: Courses 101 and 105. Dr. Haymaker.

A study of the technical terms used in different keys and texts for the identification of various plants; the different systems of classification and nomenclature considered from historical and utilitarian standpoints; history of the higher plants from an evolutionary viewpoint.

Laboratory. Study and identification of the vegetation of nearby prairies, woodland, and swamps; morphological characteristics, distribution, habits of plants and their relation to different environmental conditions; poisonous or medicinal properties of native plants; and allied subjects. Charge, $2.

220. Botanical Seminar. 1(1-0); I and II. For prerequisites, consult pro- fessor in charge.

Presentation of investigational work in botany, including plant pathology, plant physiology, plant ecology, taxonomy, morphology, and genetics; funda-

192 Kansas State Agricultural College.

mental papers along botanical lines reviewed and a digest presented. Graduate students taking major or minor work in the Department of Botany are ex- pected to attend these sessions and take part in the programs.

225. Taxonomic Botany of the Flowering Plants. 3(1-4,2); I. Prere- quisites: Courses 101 and 105. Dr. Gates.

Terms employed; development of the more important systems of classi- fication; and consideration of families of plants.

Laboratory. Study of selected flower types representing the principal orders and families of plants; identification of plants in field and in the laboratory. Charge, $2.

228. Plant Ecology. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisites: Courses 101 and 105. Dr. Gates.

The structure and dynamics of vegetation.

Laboratory. With the opening of vegetation in the spring, field trips are taken to selected places.

232. Botanical Problems. 1 to 5 credits; I, II and SS. Prerequisites: Courses 101 and 105, and approval by the head of the department. Mr. Melchers, Dr. Miller, Mr. Davis, Dr. Haymaker, Dr. Gates, Miss Dalbey, Dr. Elmer, and Miss Horn.

A student wishing to pursue a special field of work not definitely represented by one of the undergraduate elective courses may do so upon consultation with the instructor. Charge, $2.

234. Phytogeography. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisites: Courses 101 and 105. Offered in 1929- '30 and in alternate years thereafter. Dr. Gates. The distribution and characteristics of vegetation.

240. Field-crop Diseases. 2(1-2, 1); II. Prerequisite: Course 205. Of-' fered in 1930- '31 and in alternate years thereafter. Mr. Melchers.

The historical development of phytopathology; the various factors entering into the problem of disease resistance in plants; Breeding for resistance; the most important literature on the subject.

Laboratory. A detailed microscopic and symptom study of the fungous, bacterial, and nonparasitic plant diseases attacking cereal and forage crops other than those considered in Plant Pathology I. Charge, $2.

245. Vegetable Diseases. 2(1-2, 1); II. Prerequisite: Course 205. Offered in 1929- '30 and in alternate years thereafter. Mr. Melchers.

The problem of disease resistance in plants; breeding for disease resistance in vegetables.

Laboratory. A detailed microscopic and symptom study of the fungous, bacterial, nonparasitic, and degenerative diseases attacking vegetables. Charge,


265. Literature of Botany. 1(1-0) ; I and II. Prerequisites: Courses 101, 105, and 205. Miss Horn.

Aims of the course: (1) To become acquainted with the more important sources of botanical literature, including the texts, monographs, etc., of noted authors; (2) to study the periodicals containing articles relating to botany; (3) to learn to use the publications containing citations and abstracts of papers; and (4) to become acquainted with the work of modern botanists by reviewing the articles appearing in current periodicals, experiment station reports, etc. Graduate students majoring in botany are expected to take the course. The subject may be continued the second semester for credit.


301A. Plant Pathology III. 3(1-4,2); I. Prerequisite: Course 205. Of- fered in 1930-'31 and in alternate years thereafter. Dr. Elmer.

A course in phytopathological technic; a close and extended study of the pathogenic organisms which cause plant disease; preparation of various kinds* of culture media, isolation and culture of pathogenic organisms, nutrition of

Division of General Science


fungi, studies in enzyme secretion and action, micrometry, incubation and infection phenomena, etc. Charge, $5.

310. Research in Botany. 1 to 12 credits; I, II, and SS.

Research in the various fields of botany may be outlined. A member of the department staff is chosen by the student as his major instructor in the line of work which he wishes to pursue. Upon the completion of the work it may be submitted in part or as a whole towards the masters's thesis. Work is offered in the following lines :

Plant Pathology. Mr. Melchers, Dr. Haymaker, and Dr. Elmer.

Plant Physiology. Mr. Davis and Dr. Miller.

Taxonomy and Ecology. Dr. Gates and Miss Horn.

Histology, Morphology and Anatomy. Miss Dalbey.


Professor King Professor Hughes Professor Brubaker Professor Colver Associate Professor Tague Associate Professor Latshaw Associate Professor Keith Associate Professor Brown Assistant Professor Van Winkle Assistant Professor Hall Assistant Professor Perkins Assistant Professor Harriss Assistant Professor Whitnah

Assistant Professor Lash Assistant Professor Barham Instructor Marlow Instructor Andrews Instructor McDowell Instructor Tyner Instructor Smith Instructor Reed


Graduate Assistant Shenk Graduate Assistant Mundell Graduate Assistant Tabor Graduate Assistant Hubbard

All of the industries are becoming more and more dependent for their high- est success upon intelligent application of the physical and biological sciences, and the social sciences are making their greatest progress by tracing their phenomena back to the physical and chemical changes that accompany them. A study of chemistry and physics is therefore essential to any understanding of the processes of nature or of human industry. In the instruction in chemistry the aim is to insist upon a mastery of the chief concepts of the pure science through the agency of textbook drill, accompanied by demonstrations in the lecture room, and experimental observation by the student himself in the laboratory. As the course proceeds, illustrations of chemical principles are drawn from the industrial processes of the chemical, agricultural, domestic, and other arts, thus impressing upon the mind the practical nature of the study. The ultimate object of instruction in this science is to develop in the stu- dent the power to form independent judgments upon the manifold problems of daily life in which chemistry plays a part.

The lecture rooms are amply equipped for experiments and demonstrations, and laboratories are designed to accommodate 1,363 students each semester in freshman work and qualitative analysis. The laboratories for more advanced work provide space for 324 students, and are well supplied with general and special facilities. The state work in foods, feeding stuffs, and fertilizers, and the chemical investigations of the Experiment Station in soils, crops, animal nutrition, etc., afford unusually good opportunities for students to obtain experience in practical chemistry. In all of the laboratory work the student is required to give the designated amount of time, and at least a certain amount of work must be satisfactorily performed in order to obtain credit.

The Department of Chemistry possesses equipment valued at $67,817.



101, 102. Chemistry I and II. 5(3-6) each; I and II, and SS. each. Not open to students who have credit in Chem. 105, 107, 108 or 110. Prerequisite: for II, Chemistry I. Dr. King, Dr. Keith, Miss Harriss, Dr. Lash, Mr. Marlow, Mr. McDowell, Mr. Tyner, Miss Smith, Mr. Tabor, and Mr. Hubbard. 7—2266

194 Kansas State Agricultural College

I: The principal theoretical conceptions of chemistry, principles of nomen- clature, significance of formulas, chemical equations, etc.; practical uses of the substances and processes used in metallurgy, engineering, agriculture, and other arts.

II: Completion of the study of general chemistry; general principles of qualitative analysis.

Laboratory. I: Experiments touching preparation and properties of the more important substances performed independently by the student, the ob- jects being here as in other courses to illustrate chemical phenomena, to teach care in manipulation, attentive observation, logical deduction, and discrimina- tion and accuracy in recording results and conclusions. Deposit, $10.

II: Ordinary methods of separation and detection of the more common metals, nonmetals, acids, bases, and salts. Deposit, $10.

105. Chemistry (Vet.). 5(3-6); I and II. Not open to students who have credit in Chem. 101, 102, 107, 108 or 110. Dr. Lash.

Fundamental laws and theories of chemistry, elements and their inorganic compounds ; emphasis on the application of chemistry to the arts and industries.

Laboratory. Training in manipulation and first-hand knowledge of the im- portant laws of chemistry and the properties of substances studied, by use of appropriate experiments performed by the student himself. Deposit, $10.

107, 108. Chemistry E-I and E-II. 4(3-3) each; I and II respectively. Not open to students who have credit in Chem. 101 and 102, respectively. Dr. King, Dr. Van Winkle, Mr. Andrews, Mr. Reed, Mr. Shenk, and Mr. Mundell.

I: General chemistry; fundamental principles of chemistry which have a special bearing upon engineering and engineering material. II. General chemistry and qualitative analysis.

Laboratory. I: Experimental work on the topics considered in the class- room. Deposit, $7.50.

II: Qualitative analysis; a systematic study of the chemistry of the more common metais and acids; analysis of alloys, minerals, and ores. Deposit, $7.50.

110. General Chemistry. 5(3-6); I. Not open to students having credit in any college course in inorganic chemistry. Dr. King, Mr. Wampler, Miss Harriss, Dr. Lash, Mr. Marlow, Mr. McDowell, Mr. Tyner, Miss Smith, Mr. Tabor, and Mir. Hubbard.

A general treatment of some of the principal laws and theories of chemistry ; preparation, properties, and uses of some of the important metallic and non- metallic substances.

Laboratory. Actual preparation and study of the properties of many of the elements and compounds mentioned in the lectures; applications of some of the laws. Deposit, $10.

121. Organic Chemistry (HE). 5(3-6); I and II. Not open to students who have credit in Chem. 122, 218 or 219, and for only two hours to those having credit in Chem. 123. Prerequisite: Chemistry II. Dr. Colver and Dr. Barham.

The more important classes of organic compounds, with special attention to those organic compounds which are used for clothing, fuel, light, antiseptics, disinfectants, anaesthetics, medicinals, solvents, in the commercial manufacture of other important products, as well as to many other compounds which con- tribute to a fuller understanding of the systematic relations existing among all organic compounds.

Laboratory. Preparation of one or more representative examples of most of the classes of compounds taken up in the classroom ; study of their physical properties and of their chemical properties as shown by typical reactions. Deposit, $10.

122. General Organic Chemistry. 5(3-6) ; I and II. Not open to students who have college credit in organic chemistry, except that it may be taken for two hours credit by students who have completed Chem. 123. Prerequisite: Chem. 105 or 110. Dr. Colver, Dr. Barham, Mr. Marlow, and Mr. Tyner.

Division of General Science 195

General study of some of the more important classes of organic compounds ; a more detailed study of those hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, organic acids, waxes, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins which are of general interest to agricultural students.

Laboratory. Preparation of a few organic compounds and the study of their physical and chemical properties. Deposit, $10.

123. Elementary Organic Chemistry. 3(2-3) ; I and II. Not open to stu- dents who have college credit in organic chemistry. Prerequisite: Chem. 105 or 110. Miss Harriss.

An elementary outline dealing with some of the more important hydrocar- bons, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, organic acids, and various esters, waxes, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, with special emphasis on their toxological and physiological properties.

Laboratory. Preparation of a few organic compounds and the study of their physical and chemical properties. Deposit, $7.50.

130. Inspection Trip. No credit hours. Dr. Brown.

A large number of manufacturing plants of chemical and chemical engineer- ing nature are visited. Different types of plants are selected, only one of each type being visited. An effort is made to vary the trip from year to year and to include such manufacturing centers as Kansas City, St Louis, and Chicago. The cost of the trip varies from about $30 to not more than $50, depending on the places visited.


202. Inorganic Preparations. 1 credit for each 3 hrs. of laboratory; I and II. Prerequisite: Chemistry II. Dr. Brubaker.

Preparation and purification of some typical inorganic compounds, of those of more complex composition, and compounds of the rarer elements. Charge,

203, 204. Industrial Chemistry I and II. 5(3-6) each; I and II respec- tively. Prerequisite or concurrent: Physical Chemistry. Dr. Brown.

The fundamental course in industrial chemistry, dealing with the problems of the chemical industries, and placing stress upon the economic questions involved in chemical manufacturing, materials of plant construction, as well as the engineering operations involved in chemical engineering, and the principles underlying the applications of chemistry and engineering to a se- lected number of chemical industries.

Laboratory. An introduction to industrial chemical research through as- signed manufacturing problems, beginning with the general chemical in- dustries. Deposit, $10.

205. Industrial Electrochemistry. 2(2-0) ; II. Offered in case of sufficient demand. Prerequisites: College courses in general chemistry and physics. Dr. Brown.

The principles of voltameters, electrochemical methods of analysis, electro- plating, electrotyping, and the production of metallic objects by electroplating methods, electrolytic refining of metals, manufacture of various industrial products by electrolytic and electrothermic methods, etc.

206. Physical Chemistry I. 5(3-6); I. Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis; Calculus, though not a prerequisite, is recom- mended. Dr. King and Dr. Hall.

The modern conception of the atom and radioactive phenomena; relations with matter in the gaseous, liquid, and solid states; emphasis placed upon osmosis, solution including colloids, surface tension, adsorption, equilibria, ionization, hydrolysis, electromotive force, and hydrogen ion concentration.

Laboratory. The laboratory follows the subject matter of the lectures very closely. Deposit, $10.

207. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. 3(3-0) ; I. Prerequisite: Chemistry II. Dr. Keith.

196 Kansas State Agricultural College

A thorough study of the facts of chemistry and their theoretical interpre- tations according to the views of the present ; special stress upon the properties of the elements as a basis for methods of classification, and upon the rarer elements and compounds. Students electing this course are advised to take course 202.

208. History of Chemistry. 1(1-0); II. Prerequisite: Chem 206. Dr. Van Winkle.

History of the development of the principal laws and theories of chemistry, with special emphasis upon the failures and triumphs of the founders of chem- ical science.

209. Surface Tension and Related Phenomena. 2(2-0) ; I or II, when requested by a sufficient number. Prerequisite: Chem. 206. Dr. King.

Methods of measuring surface tension; surface energetics; relation of sur- face tension to absorption; and colloidal formation.

210. Chemical Statics and Dynamics. 2(2-0) ; II, when requested by a sufficient number. Prerequisites: Approved courses in physical chemistry and calculus. Dr. King.

Chemical equilibria, velocity of chemical reactions, hydrolysis, catalysis, etc.

211. Paint Oils and Pigments. 2(2-0) ; I, by appointment. Prerequisites: Satisfactory courses in organic chemistry and qualitative analysis. Dr. King.

Extraction, purification, and properties of the oils commonly used in paints; manufacture and properties of paint pigments; the products employed as pro- tective coverings for both wood and metal.

213. Colloidal Chemistry. 2(2-0) ; II, when requested by a sufficient num- ber. Prerequisite: Chem. 206. Dr. Tague.

Suspensoids and emulsoids, optical and electrical properties of colloids, Brownian movement, action of electrolytes on colloids, adsorption and sur- face phenomena, and short review of the method for the preparation of colloids.

215. Chemical Thermodynamics. 3(3-0); II, when requested by a suf- ficient number. Prerequisites: Approved courses in physical chemistry and calculus. Dr. Keith.

Those fundamental principles of thermodynamics which are particularly applicable to chemistry, such as the first and second laws of thermodynamics and their application to fusion, evaporation, phase rule, chemical equilibrium, chemical affinity, electromotive force, surface tension and adsorption.

216. Theoretical Electrochemistry. 3(3-0) ; I, when requested by a sufficient number. Prerequisites: Approved courses in physical chemistry. Dr. Keith.

The theory of electrolytic cells, the electrochemical series of metals, elec- trodes, potentials, polarization, overvoltage, and deposition of metals by elec- trolysis.

217. Electrochemistry Laboratory. 2(0-6); II. Prerequisite; Physical Chemistry I or equivalent. Dr. Hall.

A laboratory course designed and recommended to accompany or follow Theoretical Electrochemistry. Selected experiments in electrometric titrations, storage battery efficiency, polarization, overvoltage, electrode potentials, and related subjects. Deposit, $10.

218. 219. Organic Chemistry I and II. 4(2-6) each; I and II, respectively. Prerequisite : Chemistry II. Dr. Colver.

I: The aliphatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, acids, esters, amides, and related compounds considered particularly from the stand- point of structure, methods of laboratory and commercial preparation, reac- tions and uses; special attention to such topics as structural, geometrical, and optical isomerism, and the use of acetoacetic ester in organic synthesis.

II. Structure, methods of laboratory and commercial preparation, reactions and uses of the aromatic compounds, orientating influence of various groups; structure and reactions of the diazonium compounds; the different classes of dyes, the alkaloids, the terpenes, and a few heterocyclic compounds.

Division of General Science 197

Laboratory. I: Preparation, purification, and reactions of one or more typical examples of most of the groups of compounds studied in the classroom. Deposit, $10.

II: Various preparations that illustrate the reactions characteristic of aro- matic compounds; determination of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen in pure unknown organic compounds by the combustion method. Deposit, $10.

223. Organic Preparations. 1(0-3) to 5(0-15); I. Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry II. Dr. Colver.

Such compounds prepared as give a thorough knowledge of the fundamental principles of synthetic organic chemistry. Deposit, $10.

224. Qualitative Organic Analysis. 2 (0-6) ; II, when requested by suffi- cient number. Prerequisite : Course 219. Dr. Colver.

Characteristic reactions of the various classes of organic compounds; class reactions, using known compounds; classification and identification of pure, unknown substances and mixtures. Charge, $10.

225. Stereoisomeric and Tautomeric Compounds. 2'(2-0) ; II, when re- quested by a sufficient number. Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry II. Dr. Colver.

Optical isomerism and methods of determining the configuration of the asymmetric carbon atoms of sugar; geometrical isomerism; and keto-enol tautomerism.

226. Carbocyclic and Heterocyclic Compounds. 2(2-0) ; II, when requested by a sufficient number. Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry II. Dr. Colver.

Structure, orientation, methods of synthesis, and reactions of benzene, naphthalene, anthracene and derivatives; furane, pyrrol, thiophene, pyridine, quinoline, isoquinoline, purine, pyrimidine, hydantoin, and some structurally related substances.

228. Special Reactions of Organic Compounds. 2(2-0); I, when requested by a sufficient number. Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry II. Dr. Colver.

Some of the less common reactions which take place with certain aliphatic and aromatic compounds.

230. Principles of Animal Nutrition. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry. Dr. Hughes.

The relation of animals to matter and energy, and the physiological prin- ciples involved.

231. Physiological Chemistry. 5(3-6) ; I. Not open to students who have credit in Chem. 232 or 233. Prerequisite: An acceptable course in organic chemistry. Dr. Hughes.

The synthetic and analytical chemical changes that accompany the physio- logical processes of animals and plants.

Laboratory. Practical work with the compounds and processes discussed in the classroom. Deposit,

234. Biochemical Preparations. 5(0-15); II. Prerequisites: Organic Chem- istry II, and Physiological Chemistry. Dr. Hughes.

The isolation, purification, and analysis of a number of compounds which are of importance in biochemistry and nutrition. Deposit, $10.

235. Pathological Chemistry. 2(2-0) ; when requested by a sufficient num- ber. Prerequisite : An approved course in physiological chemistry. Dr. Hughes.

The chemical facts involved in the causation, progress, and results of disease discussed under the following heads: Inflammation, degeneration, infection, anaemia, tuberculosis, dyspepsia, typhoid fever, jaundice, nephritis, diabetes, gout, rheumatism, and intoxication.

236A. The Chemistry of the Proteins. 3(2-3); I, when requested by a sufficient number. Prerequisite : An approved course in organic chemistry. Dr. Tague.

The chemistry of the proteins, particulary as regards their sources, isola-

198 Kansas State Agricultural College

tion, purification and uses, their derivatives and degradation products. De- posit, $7.50.

237. Biochemical Analysis. 2(0-6) ; I and II. By appointment. Pre- requisite: Physiological Chemistry. Dr. Hughes.

Quantitative determinations of the organic and inorganic constituents of blood, urine, and other biological material. Deposit, $10.

238. Chemistry of Enzyme Action. J2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Physical Chemistry. Dr. Hughes.

A brief review of catalysis; physical and chemical properties of enzyme preparations, and the reactions catalyzed by them.

238A. Catalysis in Organic Chemistry. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisites: Or- ganic Chemistry II and Physical Chemistry. Dr. Barham.

The theories of catalysis and its' applications along with some of the most recent developments in that field.

239. Laboratory Technique in Animal Nutrition. 2(0-6) ; I and II. Pre- requisite: An acceptable course in nutrition or physiological chemistry. Dr. Hughes.

Preparations of diet and the care of experimental animals used in the study of various nutritional problems. Deposit, $10.

240. Advanced Qualitative Analysis. 3(1-6) ; I, when requested by a suffi- cient number. Prerequisite: Chemistry II. Dr. Van Winkle.

A systematic study of the properties of the acid and basic elements and their compounds as shown in a detailed study of systematic analysis; the ap- plication of chemistry theory to analytical reactions. Deposit, $10.

241. Quantitative Analysis. 5(1-12); II. Prerequisite: Chemistry II or equivalent. Dr. Brubaker.

Practically the same as course 250 and 251. Deposit, $10.

242. Fire Assaying. 2(0-6); I. Prerequisite: Course 241. Dr. Brown. The ordinary methods of fire assaying, with some attention to wet assaying.

Fire assays of ores containing such metals as copper, zinc, lead, bismuth, tin, silver, and gold. Deposit, $10.

243. Gas Analysis. 1(0-3); I. Prerequisite: Quantitative Analysis. Dr. Brown.

Use of standard apparatus in analysis of gases; analysis of air, flue and furnace gases, and illuminating gas. Deposit, $7.50.

245. MiCROCHEMiCAL Methods of Analysis. 1(0-3); I and II, when re- quested by a sufficient number. Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry and Quan- titative Analysis I. Dr. Brubaker.

The various methods of using the microscope in chemical analysis, both qualitative and quantitative, applied to both inorganic substances and to vegetable and animal products. Deposit, $7.50.

250, 251. Quantitative Analysis A and B. 3(1-6) each; I and II, respec- tively. Prerequisites: For A, Chemistry II; for B, course A. Dr. Brubaker.

Course A: General procedures of gravimetric analysis; chemical theory as applied to quantitative reactions.' Deposit, $10.

Course B : General procedures in volumetric analysis ; preparation of stand- ard solutions and their uses. Deposit, $10.

252A. Chemistry of Soils and Fertilizers. 2(0-6); I. Prerequisite: Quantitative Analysis I, or equivalent. Dr. Perkins.

The most important chemical methods used in the analysis and investiga- tions of soils and fertilizers. Deposit, $10.

253A. Chemistry of Crops. 2(0-6) ; II. Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis I, or equivalent. Dr. Perkins.

The most important chemical methods used in the analysis and investiga- tions of substances present in plants and plant products. Deposit, $10.

Division of General Science 199

254. Dairy Chemistry. 3(1-6); I. Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry and Chem. 250. Dr. Whitnah.

Chemical compounds present in milk, butter, cheese, and other dairy products; chemical changes effected by conditions of handling dairy products; a review of literature relating to recent investigational work in dairy chemistry.

Laboratory. The most important chemical methods used in the analysis and investigation of dairy products. Deposit, $10.

256. Insecticides and Fungicides. 2(2-0) ; given when requested by a suffi- cient number. Prerequisites: Satisfactory courses in organic chemistry and quantitative analysis. Mr. Latshaw.

The manufacture of spray materials; the chemistry involved in mixing, and the theory of their toxic actions.

257. Food Analysis. 3(0'-9) ; II, when requested by a sufficient number. Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry and course 250. Dr. Brubaker.

The quantitative methods employed in the analysis of foodstuffs; practice in testing for the presence of adulterants, preservatives, and coloring materials. Deposit, $10.

260. Advanced Quantitative Analysis. 1 credit for each 3 hrs. of lab- oratory; I. Prerequisites: Courses 250 and 251. Dr. Brubaker.

Included here, any kind of quantitative chemical work not otherwise desig- nated; a large opportunity for advanced work afforded by the various re- search and state laboratories. Deposit, $10.

270. Chemistry Problems. 1 to 5 credits; I, II, and SS.

Individual problems to fulfill the thesis requirements of students in agricul- tural chemistry, biochemistry, and industrial curricula.

271. Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: A course in physical chemistry. Dr. Lash.

Material from such topics as thermal analysis, temperature measurements, atomic hydrogen, the hydrides, the halogens, corrosion of metals, and the ammonia system.

272. Physical Chemistry II. 3(3-0) ; II. Prerequisite: A beginning course in physical chemistry. Dr. King.

A continuation of the general principles of physical chemistry, with partic- ular attention given to the elementary principle of thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibrium, electromotive force, photochemistry, electrical theory of matter, radio activity, and atomic struc- ture.

275. Chemistry Seminar. Once a week, throughout the year, the officers of the department, with the more advanced students and such others as wish to, meet for papers and discussion upon topics representing the progress of chemical science, chiefly as found in the current journals. The preparation of subjects for presentation at these meetings may be made a part of the credit work of advanced students.

280. Elements op Chemical Engineering. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisites: Cal- culus, Physical Chemistry. Physical Chemistry may be taken concurrently. Dr. Brown.

The design and use of chemical engineering equipment; chemical engineer- ing operations such as storage, disintegration, mechanical separation, heat flow, fluid flow, filtration, crystallization, calcination drying, evaporation, distillation, conveying, refrigeration, absorption, mixing and high pressure work. Deposit, $7.50.

281. Chemical Engineering Principles. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisites: Same as for Elements of Chemical Engineering. Dr. Brown.

The principles of plant location, plant layout and design; the principles of organization and control of chemical plants, utilization of fuels and energy, and chemical engineering operation costs; laboratory research and technical development.

200 Kansas State Agricultural College


301. Chemical Research. Excellent opportunities are offered students to undertake research work in chemistry. Such work is being constantly con- ducted in the laboratories of the department in connection with the Agricul- tural and Engineering Experiment Stations. The State Food Laboratory and the laboratories for analysis of feeds and fertilizers are also accessible to stu- dents desiring research, along such lines. Much emphasis is placed upon re- search in the department, and all graduate students whose training is adequate are encouraged to participate. Students working out their master's thesis in the Department of Chemistry are assigned to this course. Work is offered in the following lines:

Agricultural Chemistry. Dr. King, Mr. Latshaw, and Dr. Perkins.

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Dr. Brown and Dr. Van Winkle.

Analytical Chemistry. Dr. Brubaker and Mr. Latshaw.

Organic Chemistry. Dr. Colver and Dr. Barham.

Biochemistry. Dr. Hughes, Dr. Tague, and Dr. Whitnah.

General and Physical Chemistry. Dr. King, Dr. Hall, Dr. Keith, Dr. Lash.

305. Animal Nutrition Seminar. 1 credit for the year. For prerequisites, consult instructor. Dr. Hughes.

Experiments in nutrition, the methods employed, and validity of conclusions drawn.

Economics and Sociology

Professor Kammeyer Assistant Professor Stewart

Professor Anderson* Assistant Professor Holtz

Associate Professor Hill Instructor Jones

Assistant Professor Spurrier Instructor THOMPSONf

Some of the courses offered by this department are either required or elective in most of the curricula of the several divisions of the College. In the curriculum in commerce more than twenty-eight per cent of the required courses are given by this department; and of the sixteen special electives recommended for students in this curriculum, eleven are courses offered by this department. This shows a wide distribution of courses among the curricula and a concentration of courses in the curriculum in commerce. While special emphasis is placed on the relation of these courses to commerce and industry, their cultural advantage is not neglected. Vocational training is essential and important to students in their preparation for occupational activity, but the state also needs men and women trained for citizenship. It is the purpose of this department to plan and direct its work with these ends in view.

The department has equipment valued at



101. Economics. 3(3-0) ; I, II, and SS. Not open to students who have credit in Agricultural Economics. Dr. Kammeyer, Mr. Spurrier, Mr. Stewart, and Mr. Thompson.

An introductory study of the fundamental facts, concepts, and principles pertaining to modern economic phenomena; a foundation course for all special- ized studies in economics.

116. Money and Banking. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Eco- nomics. Dr. Kammeyer and Mr. Thompson.

The nature, history, and functions of money; its place as a factor in man's economic progress, and its importance as such in his business activities a3 organized to-day; banking in its historic forms; the federal reserve system, the

* Absent on leave, year 1929- '30. t Appointed for the year 1929- '30.

Division of General Science 201

federal farm loan system, and state banks; savings banks, trust companies, building and loan associations and other institutional forms of credit.

122. Economic Geography. 2(2-0); I and SS. Dr. Holtz. Mr. Spurrier. The major facts and principles relative to the origin, distribution, and de- velopment of the industries and commerce of the world.

126. Business Management. 2(2-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Eco- nomics, or may be taken concurrently. Dr. Kammeyer and Mr. Spurrier.

The business structure and executive functions an analysis of management factors such as personnel, finance, accounting, production, and marketing. An elementary course covering the entire range of business endeavor.


213. Public Finance. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Economics. Mr. Thomp- son.

The major facts and principles relative to public expenditures; public reve- nues, especially taxation; the administration of public funds; fiscal emergencies and public indebtedness; the budget and other means of control over expendi- tures and revenues.

217. Business Finance,. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Money and Banking (Econ. 116). Mr. Thompson.

Business financing, with special emphasis upon the problems of financing corporations; the securing of capital, internal financial management, financial methods in case of receivership and corporate reorganization.

221. Investments. 2(2-0); II and SS. Prerequisite: Money and Banking (Econ. 116). Mr. Spurrier.

Financial types of investment securities; investment risks; effect of economic trends upon investment values; functions of investment banks; investment policies suitable for various investment classes.

229. Transportation Problems. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Economics. Mr. Thompson.

A brief review of the development of transportation, followed by a study of the economic characteristics of the railroad industry, results of unrestrained competition in the industry, adoption of public regulation, and the legal and economic phases of regulation.

233. Labor Problems. 2(2-0); I and II. Prerequisite: Economics or Sociology. Dr. Holtz.

Present status and trends in industrial relations; the background in history and activities of labor organizations and employers' associations; legislation bearing upon industrial relations; new problems of personnel administration, cooperation, profit-sharing, industrial partnership, etc.

242. Property Insurance. 2(2-0); I, SS. Prerequisite: Economics. Mr. Spurrier.

Fire, marine, automobile, title, and credit insurance, and corporate bonding; also other forms of property insurance, such as burglary and theft, plate glass, steam boiler, windstorm and tornado, etc.

244. Life Insurance. 2(2-0); II, SS. Prerequisite; Economics. Mr. Spurrier.

Nature and uses of life insurance, kinds of policies, determination of pre- miums, reserves, surrender values, dividends, etc.; the organization and man- agement of legal reserve companies, and important legal phases of life insur- ance.

245. Marketing. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Economics. Mr. Spurrier. Marketing functions, such as assembling and grading of products, storing,

transportation, financing and risk taking, stimulation of demand, and merchan- dising; marketing agencies and methods by means of which products are moved from producer to consumer; basic marketing systems; retailing as

202 Kansas State Agricultural College,

carried on by department, specialty, and chain stores, and mail order houses; marketing problems of the individual business; prices and price policies, sales planning and management, salesmanship, and advertising campaigns.

248. Economic Problems. Credits and hours arranged by consultation with the head of the department. Prerequisites: Economics, and a two-hour course in advanced economics. Dr. Kammeyer and Mr. Spurrier.

251. Advanced Economics. 3(3-0) ; I and SS. Open only to seniors and graduates. Dr. Kammeyer.

A critical study of fundamental economic principles and the writings of leading economists of the past and present. The course is designed for mature students in the field of economics.


301. Research in Economics. 1 to 10 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Such courses as the problem undertaken may require. Dr. Kammeyer and Mr. Spurrier.

Graduate students who enroll in this course may elect for original investiga- tion any acceptable problem in the general field of economics.


for undergraduate credit

151. Sociology. 3(3-0) ; I, II, and SS. Dr. Hill.

The fundamental principles of social life as related to other scientific prin- ciples; their practical application to social action and organization; normal constructive social evolution emphasized; the processes of socialization, social forces, and social control, particularly in their relation to commercial, indus- trial, and professional leadership.

156. Rural Sociology. 3(3-0) ; I. Preferably a course in sociology should precede this. Dr. Hill.

The fundamental principles of the science of sociology applied to rural society; social phases of agricultural and economic movements; the relation of nation, state and county to socializing projects in rural society.


257. Social Problems. 2(2-0); I. II. and SS. Prerequisite: Sociology. Dr. Hill.

The social phases of population movements, dealing with the problems of quantity and quality; charity and reform organization and technique; pro- fessional social work.

267. Community Organization. 3(3-0); II and SS. Prerequisite: Sociol- ogy. Dr. Hill.

A study, on a functional basis, of organizations working in the urban and rural fields; the principles involved and the technique of organization. The student has opportunity to choose for special study an organization or institu- tion in which he hopes to have a position of leadership for his life work. Special assistance will be given in these special studies, which may afford the capable student valuable means of approach to future employment.

270. Advanced Rural Sociology, 3 credits. Prerequisite : Rural Sociology. Dr. Hill.

A continuation of Rural Sociology; a wide field of reading in the literature of rural life ; original research work and a thesis required.

273. Advanced Sociology. 3 credits. Prerequisite: Course 151 (Sociology). Dr. Holtz.

A continuation of Sociology, with the view of examining critically the soci- ological theories of recent writers, and of laying a foundation for a construc- tive theory of social life.

Division of General Science 203

277. History of Social Thought. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Sociology. Dr. Holtz.

The development of social thought from ancient civilization to the present the social philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Hume, Montesquieu, Condercet; and the socio- logical systems of Comte, Spencer, Sumplowicz, Ratzenhofer, Tarde, Ward, and others.

279. Sociology Seminar. I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Sociology. Credits to be arranged in consultation. Dr. Hill.

Selected literature and investigation of social problems.


351. Research in Sociology. 1 to 10 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Such courses as the problem undertaken may require. Dr. Hill.

Graduate students who enroll in this course may elect for original investi- gation any acceptable problem in the field of sociology.



132. Institutional Accounting. 3(3-0); II. Mr. Stewart.

A study of elementary accounting principles and their application to the home, cafeteria, lunch and tea rooms, dormitories, clubs, hospitals, and other institutions.

133, 134. Accounting I and II. 3(2-3) each; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: For 134, course 133. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Jones.

I: A study of the principles and structure of accounts designed to give power to analyze commercial accounts and statements; problems and practice sets used as an application of principles to practice.

II : Partnership and corporation accounting and problems peculiar to them ; valuation of balance-sheet items with special reference to depreciation, inven- tories, and intangibles; and several other topics.

280. Advanced Accounting. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Course 134. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Jones.

Advanced course in accounting theory relating to depreciation, goodwill, intangibles, funds, reserves, inventories, capital accounts, income and its de- termination, and other special topics.

282. Income-tax Accounting. 2(2-0); II. Given in 1929-'30 and alternate years thereafter. Prerequisite: Advanced Accounting or Cost Accounting. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Jones.

Preparation of federal income-tax returns, and a study of accounting prob- lems arising in connection with them.

283. Accounting Systems. 2(2-0); II. Given 1930- '31 and alternate years thereafter. Prerequisite: Advanced Accounting or Cost Accounting. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Jones.

The construction and installation of accounting systems for commercial enterprises.

285. Auditing. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Advanced Accounting or Cost Accounting. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Jones.

Auditing accounts of commercial enterprises; attention to balance sheet and detail audits with study of both principles and practice.

287. Cost Accounting. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Course 134. Mr. Stewart.

A study of cost accounting principles and the principal types of cost systems now in use; methods of estimating and charging production, administrative, and selling costs.


Kansas State Agricultural College,

289. Governmental Accounting. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Advanced Ac- counting or Cost Accounting. Mr. Stewart.

Federal, state, and municipal accounts, and accounts for certain public in- stitutions.

292. C. P. A. Problems. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Advanced Accounting or Cost Accounting. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Jones.

Advanced problems taken from numerous certified public accountant ex- aminations and covering various accounting fields. Aim is to familiarize stu- dents with typical problems used in such examinations.


Professor Holton Professor Andrews Professor Williams Professor Peterson Professor Strickland Professor Rust Associate Professor Davidson Associate Professor Alm

Instructor Langford Instructor Baxter Assistant Hall Assistant Williamson Assistant Robertson Doctor Holtz Graduate Assistant White

The courses in this department have for their controlling purpose the pro- fessional training of teachers. Two types of courses are offered: (1) courses that give the broad, fundamental principles upon which public education is based, and (2) courses that develop technic and skill in school management and the organization of the subject matter of the curricula. All courses are based upon the proposition that education supported by public taxation should function in social and vocational efficiency. The department possesses equip- ment valued at $4,317.

The State Board of Education has set up the following standards or their equivalents for the certification of teachers:

1. Three-year Certificates Renewable for Life.

a. Complete four years of college work with degree.

b. At least eighteen hours of the four years' work must be taken in

the Department of Education, as follows:

(1) Three semester hours in Psychology, three in Educational Administration, and three in Educational Psychology.

(2) Nine additional semester hours elected from the Depart- ment of Education, and approved by head of department.

c. Credit obtained in college courses in the teaching of special sub-

jects will be accepted to the extent of three semester hours to apply on the required credits in Education, provided that these courses are conducted with the approval of the College Depart- ment of Education and are offered in the junior or senior year, with preliminary preparation as follows:

English. Not less than fifteen semester hours of college credit, following at least three high-school units.

Foreign Languages. Not less than fifteen semester hours of college credit in the language in which the teachers' course is taken, following at least three high-school units or equivalent in some foreign language or languages.

Mathematics. Not less than fifteen semester hours of college credit, following at least two high-school units.

Physical Science. Not less than ten semester hours of college credit in the science in which the teachers' course is taken, following at least two high-school units or equivalent in physical science.

Biological Science. Not less than ten semester hours of col- lege credit in the science in which the teachers' course is taken,

Division of General Science 205

following at least two high-school units or its equivalent in bio- logical science.

History. Not less than ten semester hours of college credit, following at least two high-school units or equivalent.

In any of the above, six hours of college credit will be re- garded as the equivalent of one high-school unit. d. Valid in any elementary or high school in Kansas.

2. Three-year Certificates Renewable for Three-year Periods.

a. Complete at least two years of college work, including three se-

mester hours in Psychology, three in School Management, and three in Methods of Teaching.

Not more than fifteen semester hours in any one department of education will be accepted on transcripts snowing only sixty hours of credit.

b. Valid in any elementary school, junior high school or high school

offering not more than a two-year course of study.

3. Certificates for Teachers of Vocational Agriculture.

a. Complete four years of college work, including the following :

(1) Not less that fifty semester hours in technical or practical agriculture.

(2) Not less than twenty-one hours of science related to agriculture.

(3) Eighteen semester hours in the Department of Education : viz., three in Psychology, three in Educational Administration, three in Educational Psychology, three in Vocational Education, three in Special Methods in Agriculture, and three in Supervised Observation and Teaching.

(4) Eighteen semester hours in mechanical lines related to farm-shop problems.

b. Valid for three years and may be renewed for life.

4. Certificates for Teachers of Vocational Home-making.

a. Complete four years of college work, including the following :

(1) Thirty-four semester hours in technical home economics, as required in the curriculum in Home Economics, and six se- mester hours of electives: viz., three semester hours in Child Welfare, and three semester hours in Practice Work in House- hold Management.

(2) Eighteen hours in the Department of Education: viz., three in Psychology, three in Educational Administration, three in Educational Psychology, three in Vocational Education, three in Special Methods in Home Economics, and three in Supervised Observation and Teaching.

b. Valid for three years and may be renewed for life.



Psychology A, B and C are parallel courses in introductory psychology. The content of these courses is fundamentally the same, but emphasis differs according to the preparation and needs of the various groups of students as indicated below. Only one of these three courses may be taken for credit.

101. Psychology A. 3(3-0) ; I or II. Not open to juniors or seniors, or to those who have credit in courses 102 or 103. Dr. Aim and Mr. Langford.

An introduction to the fundamental facts and principles of general psy- chology. The physiological and neural basis of behavior; innate and acquired tendencies to reaction; the nature of the learning process and the methods and conditions which favor rapid and effective learning; individual differences as related to vocational and personal efficiency.

206 Kansas State Agricultural College.

102. Psychology B. 3(3-0) ; I. Not open to students who have credit in courses 101 and 103. Dr. Aim.

Based on the same facts and principles as course 101, but draws largely from musical material for illustration and application; includes experimental work in the analysis and measurement of musical talent, and bears directly upon the teaching and learning of vocal and instrumental music.

103. Psychology C. 3(3-0) ; I or II. Not open to freshmen or sophomores, nor to students who have credit in courses 101 or 102. Dr. Peterson and Mr. Langford.

The same general content as course 101, with some additional materials in the application of psychology; more attention given to the methods by which new facts are discovered and interpreted.

105, 106. Educational Administration A and B. 3(3-0) each; I or II. Only one of these courses may be taken for credit. Dr. Andrews.

Course A: The organization of state, city and county school systems; or- ganization of school systems in Kansas, both rural and city; the school laws of Kansas.

Course B : Similar to course A in that it discusses the general principles of educational administration in a democracy, but differs from it in that it gives special emphasis to the administration and supervision of vocational agricul- ture, home-making, and trades and industry.

107. School Management. 3(3-0) ; I or II. Limited to freshmen and sophomores. Dr. Strickland.

A survey of classroom and school administration and management of pupils in groups; problems of discipline, school sanitation and hygiene and school health, and general classroom efficiency. The student is shown how to develop an efficient classroom routine and class program.

109. Educational Psychology. 3(3-0); I or II. Prerequisite: General Psychology. Dr. Strickland.

The native equipment of human beings which serves as a basis for educa- tion, individual differences, and the psychology of learning.

111. Methods of Teaching A. 3(3-0); I or II. Prerequisite: General Psychology. Open to freshmen and sophomores only. Dr. Strickland.

Problems of general method in classroom procedure in grades and junior high school. Required of candidates for three-year certificate renewable for three-year periods.

112. Methods of Teaching B. 3(3-0); I or II. Prerequisite: General Psychology. Open to juniors and seniors only. Dr. Strickland.

Problems of general method in classroom procedure from the high school viewpoint.

113. History of Education A. 3(3-0); I or II. Dr. Andrews.

An outline survey of the development of educational institutions and prac- tice in Europe and America; emphasis upon institutional history rather than theory; the history of education as a conscious evolution of society.

118. Educational Sociology A. 3(3-0) ; I, II and SS. Dr. Holton.

The group activities of the school in relation to personality traits; psychol- ogy of personality; the school's responsibility in the development of socialized personality traits.

125. Vocational Education A. 3(3-0); I or II. Prerequisite: Course 105 or 108. Dr. Williams.

A comparative study of the provisions for the different phases of vocational education in Kansas and other states and countries, and of the principles underlying such education, with emphasis upon the relation of vocational education to the community, county, state, and nation, and the part to be played by each in its development. The aim is to fit the student to plan, teach, and administer or supervise vocational work, especially in high schools.

Division of General Science 207

132, Special Methods in the Teaching of Home Economics. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Foods I and II, Clothing I and II, and Psychology. Mrs. Rust.

The principles of teaching applied to the selection and development of home-economics subject matter in lessons for all types of pupils, and to the conduct of laboratory and classroom exercises.

136. Special Methods in the Teaching of Agriculture. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Psychology. Mr. Davidson.

Training in planning lessons, organizing materials, and conducting class, laboratory, and field instructional work in vocational agriculture is the purpose of this course. The individual and class project are studied, as well as the problem of coordinating farm mechanics work.

140. Special Methods in the Teaching of Industrial Arts Subjects. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisites: Mechanical Drawing II, Woodworking II, and Educational Psychology. Dr. Williams.

The various lines of work included under the head of industrial arts; a series of progressive lessons worked out in each of these lines, with emphasis upon important elements; the various materials employed and the methods of utilizing them for the needs of pupils; the arrangement of courses; the outlining and presentation of assignments; preparation of assignments; prepa- ration of laboratory material and the conduct of laboratory exercises.

141. Special Methods in the Teaching of Physics. 3(2-3). (See Department of Physics, course 224.)

142. Special Methods in the Teaching of Mathematics. 3(3-0). (See Department of Mathematics, course 122.)

144. Methods of Teaching English. 3(3-0); II and SS. (See Department of English, course 134.)

145. Special Methods in Arithmetic. 2(2-0) ; SS. (See Department of Mathematics, course 123.)

146. Supervised Teaching in Physical Education. 3(0-0) ; I. (See Department of Physical Education for Women, course 186.)

150. Introduction to Philosophy. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Junior stand- ing or better. Dr. Andrews.

A study of the more important interpretations of experience and an exami- nation of the bases of values in modern life.

160. Supervised Teaching in Home Economics. 3 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Foods I and II, and Clothing I and II; prerequisite or parallel- Educ. 132. Mrs. Rust.

Supervised teaching carried on in the home economics classes of the Man- hattan high school.

161. Supervised Observation and Teaching in Agriculture. 3 credits; I and II. Prerequisites: Courses 109 and 136. Mr. Davidson.

Three weeks of observation and practice teaching in vocational agriculture classes in the Manhattan high school and other high schools by arrangement; group study of classroom problems; lesson plans and presentation criticized by the College instructor and the vocational teacher in the practice department.

163. Supervised Observation and Teaching in Science. 3 credits; I and II. Prerequisities : Methods of Teaching, or Educational Psychology, and at least ten hours of college credit in the science to be taught. Dr. Strickland.

Three weeks of observation and practice teaching in a science; group study of lesson plans, special methods and devices, organization of courses, etc.

170. Applied Psychology. 3(3-0); I or II. Prerequisite: Psychology. Dr. Peterson.

The psychological conditions of personal, industrial, and business efficiency as determined by observation and experiment in such special fields as adver-

208 Kansas State Agricultural College,

tising, salesmanship, employment, scientific management, etc.; use of psycho- logical tests in employment, vocational guidance, etc.


201. Rural Life and Education. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Educational Administration. Mr. Davidson.

Historical and social study of rural life; institutions and organizations that have contributed to rural life development; evolution from the one-room rural school to the rural high school and consolidated schools; farmers' organizations and all forms of organized community life in the open country, in relation to the problems of public education.

202. Extra-CurrioUlar Activities. 3(3-0) ; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Educational Administration. Dr. Holton and visiting instructors.

A careful survey of the extra-curricular activities in the junior and senior high schools; determination of the educational objectives of these activities and the most effective methods and means employed in the accomplishment of the objectives.

203. Problems in Teaching. 3(3-0); SS. Prerequisites: Educational Psychology, and senior or graduate standing. Visiting instructors.

What the superintendents expect of the teacher in (1) classroom instruction and standrads, (2) attitudes and ideals, (3) cooperation and teamwork, and (4) professional growth.

204. Rural Secondary Education. 3(3-0); I or II. Prerequisite: Educa- tional Administration. Dr. Williams.

A brief historical study of rural secondary education with special emphasis on objectives of junior and senior high-school organization; curriculum and methods of organizing and conducting rural secondary schools ; field problems in rural secondary education set up. A certain amount of field work is required.

205. The Junior College. 3(3-0); SS. Prerequisite: Educational Admin- istration. Dr. Andrews and the dean of a junior college.

A study of the historical development of the junior college and its place in the American public school system; its curricula and administration; the pres- ent-day trends in its development and extension.

206. Philosophy of Education. 3(3-0) ; II and SS'. Prerequisite: Educa- tional Sociology and Educational Psychology. Dr. Holton.

A critical study of the controlling and unifying philosophy of the American public school system and its European background.

207. Problems of the Principal. 3(3-0); SS. Prerequisite: Educational Administration. Visiting city superintendents.

A careful survey of the work of the principals of junior and senior high schools.

208. The Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence. 3(3-0) ; I or II. Prerequisite: Psychology A, B, or C. Dr. Aim.

A genetic study of the developing child with applications valuable to par- ents and teachers. The course is conducted in two sections: Section A, with emphasis on the psychology of childhood; and section B, with emphasis on the psychology of adolescence.

211. Mental Measurements. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Psychology. Dr. Peterson.

The methods and devices employed and the more significant results so far obtained in the measurement of mental alertness, special aptitudes, and character traits.

212. Educational Measurements. 3(3-0) ; I or II. Prerequisites: General Psychology and Educational Psychology. Dr. Strickland.

The scientific measurement of achievement as distinguished from intelli- gence testing.

Division of General Science 209

213. Abnormal Psychology. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Psychology A, B, or C. Dr. Peterson.

Such manifestations of faulty integration of bodily activities and mental functions as are found in hysteria, dreams, hypnotism, trances, multiple per- sonality, etc.; certain questionable concepts of abnormal psychology in current literature; prevalent practices in dealing with mental disorders.

215. Problems in Psychology. 1 to 3 credits; I, II, and SS, by appoint- ment. Prerequisite: Superior performance in one or more courses in psy- chology and general scholarship standing of B or better. Dr. Peterson, Dr. Aim, and Mr. Langford.

Each student studies an individual problem appropriate to his degree of advancement in the field of psychology. A written report is required. The amount of credit depends upon the work done. Enrolment by recommenda- tion of the instructor not later than mid-semester.

216. Advanced Psychology. 3(3-0); I or II. Prerequisite: Psychology. Mr. Langford.

Fundamental problems, methods, and interpretations of general psychology.

217. Experimental Psychology. 3(3-0); I or II. Prerequisite: Psychol- ogy A, B, or O. Dr. Peterson.

A few representative experiments in animal and sensorimotor learning, as an introduction to the types of problems encountered and to the basic methods of procedure essential to the analysis of the thought processes; a survey of the experimental literature on the higher mental processes, with special atten- tion to the more objective studies in the experimental analyses of the thought processes.

219. The Curriculum. 3(3-0); I or II. Prerequisites: Six hours in edu- cation, and junior standing. Dr. Andrews.

The fundamental requirements of our modern life upon the schools; edu- cational objectives in the light of these requirements; each subject in the cur- riculum examined for its minimum essentials both in the elementary school and in the high school.

221. Extension Methods and Problems. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisites: Edu- cational Administration, and Vocational Education A. Dr. Williams and members of the Division of College Extension.

Origin and development of extension work, its aim and purposes, and its relation to other general educational activities; organization and administra- tion of extension work under the Smith-Lever law and the part taken by col- leges and the Department of Agriculture; types of extension work conducted by bankers, railroads, manufacturers, and other agencies; and future prob- lems of extension work.

223. Statistical Methods Applied to Education. 3(3-0) ; I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Six hours in education, and junior standing. Not open to stu- dents who have credit in Math. 203. Dr. Andrews.

Aims of the course: To organize material and data of educational expe- rience and research for statistical interpretation; to develop skill and con- fidence in the use of statistical methods; to provide discussions and interpreta- tions of statistical methods employed in scientific studies in education; and to give experience in the computation of statistical constants and develop the ability of graphical representation and interpretation.

225. Foundations of Method. 2(2-0). Dr. Strickland.

A critical study of the underlying principles by which current methods of teaching may be evaluated and the development of method may be gained.

226. Vocational Education B. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Edu- cational Administration. Dr. Williams.

The administration and supervision of the different fields of vocational edu- cation, including agriculture, home making, trade, and industrial and commer- cial education; curricula and curriculum building in the different vocational fields in relation to community needs.

210 Kansas State Agricultural College,

230A. Vocational Guidance. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Edu- cational Administration, Psychology, and Vocational Education. Dr. Williams.

The best methods and practices now used in the field of pupil guidance in study of vocations and career planning; analysis of a number of the more desirable trades, professions, and business callings; guidance problems of the elementary, junior high school, senior high school and continuation schools.

235. The Technic of Mental Testing. 3(1-6) ; I or II. Prerequisites or parallels: Courses 211 and 223. Dr. Peterson.

Methods of giving and scoring the Stanford Revision of the Binet Scale, with practice under the observation of the instructor until sufficient reliability- is secured; the principal standard group tests of intelligence and special abili- ties analyzed and finally given and scored under observation; choice of tests for specific purposes; tabulation and interpretation of scores.

240. Social Psychology. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisites: Psychology A, B, or C. Mr. Langford.

The reactions of individuals to the behavior of their fellow beings; the genesis and motivation of group habits, such as language, money, customs, con- ventions, fashions, laws, etc., and of group norms of capacity and achievement as they affect the relations of social classes, nationalities, and races.

241. History of Modern Psychology. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Psychology A, B, or C. Dr. Aim.

A study of trends in modern psychology traced back to their origins. The various schools of thought are compared and their views are evaluated.

243. Psychology and Personnel Management. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisites: A grade above M in Psychology A, B, or C, and consent of the instructor. Dr. Peterson.

Scientific principles and procedures involved in employment; promotion, motivation of work, measurement and reward of achievement, etc.

245. The Junior High School. 3(3-0); SS. Prerequisites: Six semester hours of Psychology and Education. Dr. Andrews.

Educational and social bases of the intermediate school, its method of teaching, its administration and discipline; the curriculum of the junior high school and its articulation with the elementary school and the senior high school.

250. Problems in Special Teaching Methods. 3(3-0) ; I, II, and SS. Pre- requisites. Psychology, and Special Methods of Teaching Home Economics. Mrs. Rust.

Objectives and principles involved in teaching subjects related to home eco- nomics ; planning of courses of study which are based upon the problem meth- ods of teaching. (Designed for teachers of science and art related to voca- tional home-making, required in the Smith-Hughes high-school courses.)

253. Administration and Supervision of Secondary Schools. 2(2-0) ; 2d SS. Prerequisites: Psychology, Educational Administration, and Educational Psychology. Dr. Williams.

Problems of organization, administration, and supervision covering the com- plete program of an administrative head of a school system in a small city. (Designed for principles of rural high schools and superintendents of small city systems.)

255. The Project Method in Agricultural Education. 2(2-0; 2d SS. Prerequisites: Education 136 and 161. Mr. Davidson.

The project as a teaching device, with intensive treatment of project values, project analysis, project accounting, project supervision, project types, project results, project records, project reports, etc. The course is conducted on the problem basis.

257. Organization and Conduct of Class Projects. 2 credits; 2d SS. Prerequisites: Education 106 and 125. Mr. Davidson.

Fundamentals and principles on which productive class projects should be organized. Research and field work in class project study will be undertaken.

Division of General Science 211

258. Administration and Supervision op Vocational Education. 2(2-0) ; 2d SS. Prerequisites: Educational Administration, Psychology, and Educa- tional Psychology. Dr. Williams.

Objectives, curriculum organization and content, administrative and super- visory problems from the viewpoint of the city superintendent leadership needs which must be met in a school system offering vocational education. The problem basis of treatment is used.

262. Community Problems in Vocational Agriculture. 2 credits; 2d SS. Prerequisites: Dr. Williams.

Methods, organization, and conduct of club work, junior project work, class projects, and community projects in general a course conducted on the problem basis and designed specifically for teachers, supervisors, and directors of agricultural work.

263. Problems in Evening School Classes. Class, 2 hours, daily; 2 credits; 2d SS. Open to college graduates who have taught one year of vocational agriculture. Dr. Williams or Mr. Davidson.

Problems of organization, curriculum, and methods of teaching evening schools and classes sponsored by the national vocational education act. De- signed for teachers in service.

264. Organization Problems in Teaching Farm Mechanics. Class, 2 hours, daily; 2 credits; 2d SS. Prerequisites: Educ. 136 and 161. Mr. Brad- ford.

An analysis of the farm mechanics course of study; needs and interests of boys, learning difficulties, skills and technical knowledge required. Correla- tion with agriculture. Application of laws of learning to the teaching process. Determining objectives.

265. Problems in Organization and Presentation of Home Economics. 1 to 5 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing. Dr. Justin, dean of the Division of Home Economics, and Mrs. Rust.

This course permits opportunity for study of problems of organization and administration in this field.


301, 302. Educational Seminar I and II. 4 credits for both (2-0) ; I and II, respectively. Prerequisites: Psychology, Educational Psychology, and Educa- tional Administration. Dr. Holton and other members of the graduate faculty.

A topic for special investigation chosen by each member of the seminar early in the term; preliminary reports, and the final results of the study embodied in a carefully prepared report.

303. Educational Sociology C. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Psy- chology, Educational Psychology, and Educational Sociology A. Dr. Holton.

Fundamental social objectives for the curricula in high schools and colleges. Research and critical study of curricula.

306. Educational Administration C. 3(3-0). Dr. Andrews. Fundamental problems in public school administration are assigned to each

student for investigation and report.

307. History of Education B. 3(3-0). Dr. Andrews.

The history of education in the United States, with a consideration of the more important present-day problems in the organization, administration, and adjustment of public education in the fight of historical development.

309. Problems in Educational Psychology. 3(3-0) ; I, II, and SS. Pre- requisites: General Psychology, Educational Psychology. Dr. Strickland.

A study of problems, recent experimentations, and applications of the prin- ciples of educational psychology.

310A. Psychology of Teaching and Learning. 3(3-0); I or II. Dr. Peterson.

212 Kansas State Agricultural College,

An analysis of the various forms of learning and of the conditions favorable to the rapid development and effective functioning of knowledge, skills, atti- tudes, and purposes.

313. Research in Organization and Presentation of Home Economics. 1 to 10 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Dr. Justin, dean of the Division of Home Economics, and Mrs. Rust.

Individual research problems in phases of organization and administration for home economics. May be chosen as the basis for thesis for the master's degree. The nature of the problem will depend upon the student's major interest.

315. Supervision in Home Economics. 2 credits; by appointment. Pre- requisites: Psychology, Special Methods in Teaching Home Economics, and experience in teaching home economics. Mrs. Rust.

Problems met by a supervisor or director of home economics in the public schools; standardization of work; relation of supervisor to teacher; modern- ization of plant and equipment; course of study, etc.

320. Research in Psychology. 1 to 10 credits; I and II. Members of Graduate Faculty.

Individual research problems in the field of psychology.

325. Research in Education. 1 to 10 credits; I and II. Members of Graduate Faculty.

Individual research problems in the general field of education and in the fields of psychology mental testing, administration, and vocational education.

330. Agricultural Education B. 3(3-0); I or II. Dr. Williams.

A research survey course in the field of agricultural education required of all candidates for the degree of Master of Science whose major work in the Department of Education is in the field of agricultural education.


The purpose of courses in religious education is twofold : To train students in the method of establishing social control through the implanting and careful nurture of ideals; and to serve as a basis for preministerial or prereligious vocational training. (Not accepted as part of the requirements in education for a teacher's certificate.)


180. Religious Education A. 2(2-0) ; I. Dr. Holtz.

The origin of the Bible; the Bible as a social inheritance; Old Testament history with special emphasis upon the social message of the prophets; the New Testament with attention given to the social teachings of Christ.

182. Religious Education B. 2(2-0) ; II. Dr. Holtz.

The fundamental instincts; the physiological and psychological character- istics of the various stages of development; and the best methods of moral and religious instruction suited to these stages.

184. Religious Education C. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Psychology. Dr. Holtz.

The recognized principles underlying modern religious education; organiza- tion of Sunday schools, the subject matter best adapted to each department of the organization, and the application of modern methods of teaching.

Division of General Science



Professor Davis Professor Conover Professor Rockey Professor Matthews* Professor Rice Professor Faulkner Associate Professor Sttjrmer Associate Professor Elcock* Associate Professor Breeden Assistant Professor Garvey

Assistant Professor Rushfeldt* Assistant Professor Callahan Assistant Professor Parker Instructor Bower Instructor Aberle Assistant Scott Assistant Clark Assistant Stensaas Assistant Campbell

Ability to think accurately and speak well, and capacity to appreciate the world's best literature are recognized essentials of a liberal education. The work of the Department of English is to acquaint the student with the best standards of English practice and appreciation and to encourage him to main- tain these standards in all his work. To this end the department offers studies in cultural and technical English and special drills in expressing thought freely and effectively in matters touching the vital interests of the student. The study of the English language and literature is thus made the means of in- creasing his power and efficiency.

The equipment owned by the department is valued at $1,929.



101. College Rhetoric I. 3(3-0) ; I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Three units of high-school English. Mr. Davis, Mr. Conover, Mr. Rockey, Mr. Matthews, Miss Rice, Mr. Faulkner, Miss Sturmer, Miss Elcock, Mr. Breeden, Miss Gar- vey, Miss Rushfeldt, Mr. Callahan, Mrs. Parker, Miss Bower, Miss Aberle, Miss Scott, Mr. Stensaas, Miss Clark, and Miss Campbell.

The improvement of students' written and spoken English by reviewing the principles of correct and effective diction, grammar, and sentence structure; by discussing models of good contemporary writing ; by studying and practicing various types of paragraph; and by writing expository themes with guidance in selecting material, planning, writing, and revision.

104. College Rhetoric II. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Course 101. Mr. Davis, Mr. Conover, Mr. Rockey, Mr. Matthews, Miss Rice, Mr. Faulkner, Mr. Breeden, Miss Sturmer, Miss Elcock, Miss Bower, Miss Garvey, Miss Rushfeldt, Miss Aberle, Mr. Callahan, Mrs. Parker, Miss Scott, Mr. Stensaas, and Miss Campbell.

The principles of argument, description, and narration, illustrated by stand- ard and contemporary literature, and applied in frequent themes; correct form, structure, and diction of some common business letters; organization and writing of one extended composition.

107. Special English. No credit. (3-0) ; I and II, when need arises. Miss Rice, Miss Elcock, and Miss Aberle.

A review of English grammar, spelling, and diction with drill exercises, and individual consultations, required of students in courses 101 and 104 who show marked inability to write clearly and accurately.

110. Engineering English. 2(2-0); I and II. Prerequisites: College Rhetoric II, and junior standing. Mr. Rockey, Mr. Matthews, and Mr. Faulk- ner.

The general problems of engineering writing: technical descriptions, and the exposition of ideas, mechanisms, and processes; the preparation of engineering talks, business letters, technical manuscripts, and reports. A brief review of composition essentials is included.

* Absent on leave, year 1929-'30.

214 Kansas State Agricultural College,

113. Advanced Composition I. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: College Rhetoric II. Mr. Conover and Mr. Matthews.

Special emphasis given to exposition; subjects selected from the student's particular field of work; exposition of mechanisms, processes, and general ex- pository writing carefully studied.

116. Advanced Composition II. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Advanced Com- position I. Mr. Conover and Mr. Matthews.

Narrative writing both in its relation to the other forms of composition and as an independent form; practical forms of the narrative, special attention to the short story.

122. Commercial Correspondence. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: College Rhetoric II. Mr. Davis, Mr. Faulkner, and Mr. Callahan.

A thorough review of the routine types of business correspondence; the writing of adjustment, credit, collection, and sales letters; the principles of effective writing as seen in the best writing in the commercial world.

123. Written and Oral Salesmanship. 3(3-0); I and II. Prerequisite: College Rhetoric II. Mr. Faulkner and Mr. Callahan.

Special attention to the writing of follow-up systems of sales letters and to the composition and display of circular material and catalogues; the basic prin- ciples of advertising and the psychology of selling ; special practice in the vari- ous forms of sales talks; arrangement made for actual sales practice with commercial concerns.

128. Oral English. 3(3-0) ; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: College Rhetoric I. Mr. Rockey and Mr. Matthews.

The principles of oral composition as applied to conversation and informal discussion; the correction of the grammatical faults of everyday speech; the application of rhetorical principles to informal speech and discussion. Subjects selected from the fields of painting, politics, music, and literature.

134. Methods of Teaching English. 3(3-0); II and SS. Prerequisite: College Rhetoric II. Mr. Davis, Miss Rice, and Miss Elcock.

The course of study, the application of English instruction to life needs, and definite methods of motivating English instruction especially considered. (For those called upon to teach English in connection with the applied sciences.)

137. Agricultural English. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: College Rhetoric II. Mr. Davis, Mr. Conover, Mr. Matthews, and Mr. Faulkner.

A brief review of the composition essentials, business correspondence, bulle- tin writing, the organization of short business talks, the principles of farm advertising ; and writing the problems that confront the county agent, the high- school teacher of agriculture, and the farm manager.

140. Literature from the Readers. 3(3-0); SS. Miss Bower, Miss Aberle, and Mrs. Parker.

Reading considered both as a fundamental means of acquiring knowledge and as a stepping stone to the appreciation of literature. (Planned to meet the needs of teachers of rural and graded schools.)

143. Advanced Grammar. 3(3-0); SS. Miss Bower, Miss Aberle, and Mrs. Parker.

A systematic study of grammar with emphasis on English etymology, inflec- tions, syntax, and modern usage in both England and America. Especially those details of grammar closely related to the use of English as a tool are stressed.


202. Critical Writing. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: College Rhetoric II. Mr. Matthews.

Representative examples of criticism from English and American literature, from leading critics, and from standard newspapers and magazines; assignment to musical programs and art exhibits on the campus, and writing of reviews of books published by the faculty.

Division of General Science 215

207. Technical Writing. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: One of the following courses: 113, 116, 122. Mr. Davis, Mr. Conover, Mr. Matthews, and Mr. Faulkner.

Fundamental principles of technical and scientific writing, with such practice as will necessitate clearness, accuracy, and effectiveness.

223. Advanced Problems in Commercial Correspondence. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Commercial Correspondence. Mr. Faulkner.

Problems in special types of business letters; writing of adjustment, credit, and collection letters ; specialized study and writing of sales and business pro- motion letters; composition of form paragraphs, circular letters, and business reports; correspondence supervision.

225. The Light Essay. 2(2-0) ; I and SS. Prerequisite : College Rhetoric II. Mr. Davis.

Much writing practice, with light essays and sketches from current standard magazines as models; the writing of humor.

251, 252. The Short Story I and II. 3(3-0) each; I and II respectively. Prerequisites: For I, English Literature; for II, The Short Story I. Miss Rice.

I: The world's best short stories; practice in writing sketches and short stories; special emphasis on the elements of the story plot, setting, action, and characterization.

II: Special stress on the preparation of the short story for publication; the short story in America, with special attention to types, characteristics, and tendencies; standards set by the leading magazines; market problems.



172. English Literature. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: College Rhetoric II. Mr. Davis, Mr. Conover, Mr. Rockey, Mr. Matthews, Miss Rice, Mr. Faulkner, Mr. Breeden, Miss Sturmer, Miss Elcock, Miss Bower, Miss Garvey, Miss Rushfeldt, Miss Aberle, Mr. Callahan, Mrs. Parker, Miss S'cott, Mr. S'tensaas, and Miss Campbell.

The application of principles of literary appreciation to representative texts in narrative, lyric, and dramatic poetry, and to examples of the essay and the novel.

175. American Literature. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: English Literature. Mr. Davis, Mr. Conover, Mr. Rockey, Mr. Matthews, Miss Rice, Mr. Faulkner, Mr. Breeden, Miss Sturmer, Miss Elcock, Miss Bower, Miss Garvey, Miss Rushfeldt, Miss Aberle, Mr. Callahan, Mrs. Parker, Miss Scott, Mr. Stensaas, and Miss Campbell.

A study of American prose and poetry, the purpose being to acquaint the student with representative American writers by intensive study of illustrative selections, and to present the historical background and the tendencies of American literature.

181. History of English Literature. 3(3-0); I and II. Prerequisite: English Literature. Mr. Davis, Mr. Conover, Mr. Rockey, Mr. Matthews, Miss Rice, Mr. Faulkner, Miss Sturmer, Miss Elcock and Miss Aberle.

A study in the history of English literature, the object being to give the student a perspective of the field of English letters, and to study the works of authors in relation to their own periods.


260. Chaucer. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: English Literature. Miss Elcock. The life, times, works, and characteristic language of Chaucer, with the emphasis upon the study of his principal works.

262. Milton and the Puritan Revolt. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: English Literature. Miss Elcock.

The life and times of Milton and his chief works; the conflict in the seven-

216 Kansas State Agricultural College.

teenth century between the reverence for authority in government, religion, and literature, and the growing spirit of intellectual inquiry.

265. American Survey. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisites: Courses 172 and 175. Mr. Davis and Mr. Breeden.

An advanced study in the history of American literature beginning with colonial literature and continuing through the period of the Civil War down to the present time.

267. Kansas Literature. 2(2-0); I and SS. Prerequisite: American Lit- erature. Mr. Callahan.

A study of the novels, short stories, essays, and poems written about the state. Especially the literature produced by Kansas authors.

271. The English Bible. 3(3-0) ; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: English Lit- erature. Mr. Conover.

The Bible as literature, with special stress on the narratives of the Old Testament, poetry, wisdom literature, and the book of Job.

273, 274. Shakespearean Drama I and II. 3(3-0) each; I and II, respec- tively. Prerequisite for each. English Literature. Mr. Davis and Miss Sturmer.

I : The life and times of Shakespeare and the background of Shakespearean tragedy; intensive study of five of Shakespeare's tragedies: Macbeth or Othello, Hamlet, King Lear, Coriolanus, and Romeo and Juliet.

II: An intensive study of five of Shakespeare's comedies: The Winter's Tale, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, Cymbeline, and The Tempest; collateral readings of earlier comedy, Shakespearean comedy, that of his contemporaries, and present-day criticism of Shakespeare.

276. English Essayists of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: English Literature. Mr. Davis and Mr. Conover.

Two periods of especially notable English prose. Among the authors dis- cussed are Swift, Addison, Steele, Johnson, Burke, Lamb, Hazlitt, DeQuincey, Wilson, Newman, Ruskin, Spencer, Huxley, Pater, and Wilde.

278. The English Romantic Revival. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: English Literature. Mr. Rockey.

The chief poetical works of Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, Coleridge, and Byron, with some consideration to the period as a revival of romanticism.

280, 281. World Classics I and II. 3(3-0) each; I and II, respectively. Prerequisites for each: English Literature and American Literature. Mr. Faulkner.

I: The literary masterpieces (in translation) of early times, particular at- tention being paid to Greek and Latin classics.

II: The literary masterpieces (in translation) of Western Europe, with par- ticular attention to the works of Italian, Spanish, French, and German writings that have attained lasting world fame.

283. Contemporary Fiction. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: American Litera- ture. Mr. Conover.

The more important British and American fiction since Hardy.

284. Contemporary Drama. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: American Litera- ture. Mr. Conover.

Development of the drama since Ibsen; types of modern drama; works of important English, Irish, and American dramatists.

286, 287. The Novel I and II. 3(3-0) each; I and II, respectively. Pre- requisites: For I, American Literature; for II, The Novel I. Mr. Breeden.

1 : The English novel, its historic development, its relation to other forms of fiction, and its place in contemporary literature; especial attention to rep- resentative works of modern English and American writers.

II: Continuation of The Novel I. Review of essentials in study of the novel; readings of representative modern novels continued; class reports.

Division of General Science 217

288, 290. English Survey I and II. 2(2-0) each; I and II, respectively. Prerequisites: For I, History of English Literature; for II, I. Mr. Davis, Mr. Conover, and Mr. Breeden.

I: An advanced study in the history of English Literature from Anglo- Saxon times down to the close of the Elizabethan period.

II: The rise of Puritanism and its influence on English literature; the classical movement emphasized; romanticism and its development.

293. Browning and Tennyson. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: English Litera- ture. Mr. Rockey.

Interpretation of the most important poetic and dramatic works of Alfred Tennyson and of Robert Browning.

297. Contemporary Poetry. 3(3-0) ; II. and SS. Prerequisite: History of English Literature. Mr. Davis and Mr. Conover.

A study of representative contemporary poetry.

298. Problems in the Teaching of English, 3(3-0); SS. Prerequisites: 15 hours of English and 9 hours of Education. Mr. Davis and Miss Elcock.

The history of the teaching of English both in England and in America; an investigation of English curricula in representative high schools of the United States; and a thorough consideration of the subject matter for both composition and literature courses in the high-school teaching of English.

299. Research in English. Advanced students with acceptable funda- mental training may, with the approval of the head of the department, under- take original investigation in some definitely prescribed field of English literature or applied English. Such work must be pursued under the direct supervision of some member of the faculty of the department, and the final results may be used to fulfill the thesis requirements for the master's degree. Students doing research in English will be required to give evidence of ap- proved training in the subject and to have a broad general knowledge of English literature. Mr. Davis, Mr. Conover, Mr. Rockey, Mr. Matthews, Miss Sturmer, and Miss Elcock.


Classes in courses listed under the graduate group are organized whenever the demand for them is sufficient. When the demand does not justify the or- ganization of a class, the work may be arranged for by appointment. Special arrangements for work should be made with the head of the department.

301, 302. History of the English Language I and II. 2(2-0) each; I and II, respectively. Prerequisite: History of English Literature. Mr. Conover and Miss Sturmer.

I: The origin and development of the English language, with special stress on Old English.

II: A continuation of course 301, with special emphasis on Middle English, and Modern English.

304. Research in Applied English. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: History of English Literature. Mr. Davis.

Individual assignments in fundamental fields of research in applied English, an original investigation, and an acceptable report thereon being required.

315. Research in the Literature of Industry. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: History of English Literature. Mr. Davis and Mr. Conover.

This is an investigation and research course based on a careful study of the development of the distinctive literature of industry.

218 Kansas State Agricultural College.


Professor Dean Assistant Professor Painter

Professor McCoLLOCHf Assistant Professor Wilbur |[

Professor Smith! Assistant Professor Bryson Associate Professor Parker

In all courses a special effort is made to make the student realize that he is studying living things which form a part of his daily environment, and upon which his welfare in many cases vitally depends. In courses in which both class and laboratory instruction is given, the closest correlation is striven for, and whenever possible the same form is studied simultaneously in laboratory and class. The student is led to integrate his classroom knowledge with local animal life by means of frequent and carefully planned field excursions and by the free use of vivaria in laboratory and museum. The courses offered are intended to awaken in the student a keen appreciation of the general prin- ciples underlying insect life, of the life economy of the more beneficial as well as the more injurious species, and of the general principles governing methods for their control.

Standard anatomical charts, a representative collection (especially of local species), a high-grade lantern for the projection of lantern and microscope slides, a large and excellent series of lantern slides (many of them colored), and a series of microscope slides are available for illustration. Compound and dissecting microscopes sufficient for the needs of laboratory classes have been provided.

Facilities for advanced work are provided for graduate students and others who expect to pursue the subject professionally. An advanced laboratory is equipped with individual desks, binocular microscopes, compound microscopes, rotary microtome, imbedding ovens, drawing apparatus, and a supply of glass- ware and reagents sufficient for histological work and for research. A well- equipped insectary is available for training in insectary methods. An air- conditioning machine in the insectary adds materially to the possibilities for experimental work. A field station with all the necessary equipment provides means for the study of insects under normal field conditions.

The department owns equipment valued at $26,834.



111. General Apiculture. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisite: General Entomology. Dr. Parker.

A general study of the structure, life history, general behavior, activities, and products of the honeybee; practice beekeeping and best methods used among beekeepers; bee diseases and the standard methods to be used in their eradica- tion and control; relation of bees to agriculture and horticulture. Charge, $1.

116. Milling Entomology. 1(1-0); I. Offered 1930-'31 and alternate years thereafter. Mr. Dean.

Insect pests of flour mills, elevators, granaries, warehouses, and bakeries and standard methods of dealing with them; inspection trips to flour mills and warehouses.


201. Horticultural Entomology. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: General En- tomology. Dr. Parker.

The most important insect pests of orchard, garden, and forest, and standard methods of controlling their ravages.

203. General Entomology. 3(2-3) ; I, II. Prerequisite: General Zoology. Mr. Dean and Mr. Bryson.

t Died November 11, 1929.

% Absent on leave to March 31, 1930.

1 1 Temporary appointment.

Division of General Science 219

The elementary anatomy and physiology of insects, complete enough to give a thorough understanding of the life history and habits of the most important species and the general principles upon which the control of these economic forms is based; the more important general facts about insects as a class; main characters of the different orders and groups; how they survive and mul- tiply; and why measures of control differ for different groups. Charge, $1.

206. General Economic Entomology. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisite: General Entomology. Mr. MtcColloch.

The life history of the more important economic insects of field crops, methods to be used in dealing with them, and the literature of economic entomology.

Laboratory. Practical problems in insect surveys, control, rearing, collecting, and life histories, in the course of which the student gains a first-hand acquaint- ance with the more important injurious insects at home in nature. Charge, 50 cents.

211, 212. Insect Morphology I and II. 3(1-6) and 3(0-9), respectively; 211, I; 212, I or II. Prerequisites: For I, General Entomology; for II, course 211. Dr. Painter.

I : The external anatomy of representative insects belonging to a number of orders, the types studied being selected to present the essentials of the structure of the exoskeleton and to afford a basis for the courses in taxonomy and for professional studies in hexapod morphology. Charge, $1.

II: The internal anatomy of representative insects, the dissections of which present the general plan and structure of the internal systems; one conference each week, with assigned readings in selected texts and papers. Charge, $1.

216. Principles of Taxonomy. 1(1-0); II. Prerequisites: (1) For students taking course 217, courses 203 and 211 ; (2) for students taking General Zoology. This course must be taken with course 217 or with one of the taxonomic courses in zoology. Dr. Painter.

Fundamental principles of zoological taxonomy. In detail: Systems of classification; terminology of taxonomic groups; criteria of species and genera; binomial nomenclature, pre-Linnsean and modern nomenclature; international code of zoological nomenclature, and other codes; laws of priority; professional ethics and modern tendencies in taxonomy.

217, 218. Taxonomy of Insects I and II. 2(0-6) and 3.(0-9), respectively; II each. Prerequisites: For I, General Entomology and Insect Morphology I. Principles of Taxonomy must be taken with this course. For II, Tax- onomy of Insects I. Dr. Painter.

I: Practice in the determination of insects, at least of all the major orders to genera, sometimes species; an acquaintance with the most useful taxonomic literature in each group and the use of catalogues. Charge, $1.

II: A group is selected, and intensive study of the insects and literature of the group is made in order to become proficient in their determination. Charge, SI.

221. Advanced General Entomology. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: General Entomology. Mr. Wilbur.

A comprehensive view of the broad biological aspects of the subject and an understanding of the relation of insects to the complex of environmental fac- tors; the various subdivisions of entomology correlated and used as a basis in the presentation of general principles as well as illustrating the problems of maintenance and the various ways in which insects have solved them.

226. Medical Entomology. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisites: General Entomology. Mr. Wilbur.

Insects and other arthropods as parasites and disseminators of diseases of man and domestic animals; the life cycles, biology and control of insect para- sites.

Laboratory. A detailed study in order to recognize the various stages of

220 Kansas State Agricultural College.

the insect parasites of man and domestic animals; a study of the organisms of insect-borne diseases; house fumigation and observation of local sanitation problems bearing on the subject. Charge, $1.

227. Advanced Apiculture A. 3(2-3); SS. Prerequisite: Apiculture. Dr. Parker.

A continuation of apiculture. The principles of bee behavior studied under actual conditions during the active season; practical work in the manipulation of bees during the production of the honey crop, in swarm-control methods, and making increases in the colony; queen rearing. Charge, 50 cents.

228. Advanced Apiculture B. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Apiculture or its equivalent. Dr. Parker.

A continuation of apiculture. The principles of bee behavior, and how these are related to practice of good beekeeping; preparation for wintering, feeding for winter, and winter protection; merits and demerits of different systems of wintering; extracting honey, preparing it for market, marketing, and other advanced subjects. Charge, 50 cents.

231. Entomological and Zoological Literature. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: General Entomology. Dr. Painter.

The literature of entomology which is inseparably associated with that of zoology and hence of equal importance to students of both subjects; general and special biographical sources; foreign and American scientific journals and serials; the construction of special bibliographies according to approved meth- ods; a study of the biographies of leading world biologists of all ages and their publications, particularly of those in the College library. All advanced students of entomology and zoology are expected to take this course.

234. Insect Physiology. 2(2-0) ; given when requested by two or more students. Prerequisites: Insect Morphology II, Cytology or Histology, and Physiological Chemistry. Dr. Parker.

Physiology of the cell, respiration, metabolism, reproduction, muscular ac- tivity, nervous responses, sense organs and senses, circulation, glandular sys- tem, and the metamorphosis of insects.

235. Field Entomology. 2(0-6); I and SS. Prerequisite: General Ento- mology.

Study of insects in the field, methods of collecting, mounting, preserving, and rearing; identification of some of the commoner insects in the field; eco- logical phases stressed, especially with regard to communities and apparatus for measuring factors. Charge, $1.

236. Zoology and Entomology Seminar. 1 (2-0) ; I and II. For prerequi- sites, consult seminar committee.

Presentation of original investigations, reviews of papers appearing in cur- rent journals, summaries of recent advances in various fields and discussion of various aspects of the fundamental problems of modern biology.

238. Entomological Problems. 2 to 4 credits; I and II. For prerequisites, consult instructors. Mr. Dean, Mr. McColloch, Dr. Parker, Dr. Painter, Mr. Bryson, and Mr. Wilbur.

Students having sufficient training may, with approval of the head of the department, pursue under the direct supervision of some members of the de- partmental staff a special problem in one of the following subjects: Insect life history, insect control, insect classification, apiculture, insects injurious to stored grain and milled products, and household insects.


316. Research in Entomology. Prerequisites: (1) For research in tax- onomy and morphology, Entomology 203, 211, 217, and Cytology; (2) for re- search in economic entomology, Entomology 203, 206, and 217. Mr. Dean, Mr. McColloch, Dr. Parker, Dr. Painter, Mr. Bryson, and Mr. Wilbur.

Division of General Science 221

With the approval of the head of the department, advanced students having sufficient fundamental training may undertake original investigation in one of the following fields of entomology: Taxonomy, morphology, economic en- tomology. Such work is pursued under the direct supervision of some mem- ber of the departmental faculty and the final results, if of sufficient merit, may be used to fulfill the thesis requirement for the master's degree. If willing and capable, special students may be drawn into the research work of the Agricul- tural Experiment Station during the summer vacation and receive training in the investigation of economic problems.


Professor Sperry.

The courses offered in geology are designed to meet the needs of three kinds of students: The technical student in agriculture, civil engineering or chemistry who must know something of the relationship of geology to his par- ticular field; the general student who desires some knowledge of the world about him, and who realizes the cultural and economic value of understanding his physical environment; and finally the student who wishes to major in geology.

The equipment consists of collections of rocks, fossils, and minerals and the laboratory instruments necessary to study these materials. The country around Manhattan, in addition to splendid Permian and Late Pennsylvanian inverte- brate fossils, offers considerable variety of geologic phenomena such as lime- stone outcrops, sand dunes, glacial drift, a small volcanic plug, and the physiographic features characteristic of the prairie-plains. To take advantage of this outdoor laboratory, field trips are given in most courses as a regular part of the laboratory work.



102. Engineering Geology. 4(3-3); I. Prerequisite: Chemistry 105, or equivalent. Mr. Sperry.

The general principles of geology and their application to engineering prob- lems.

Laboratory. Observation and description of the structural and dynamic features of this locality; the study of topographic and geologic maps. Charge, $1.50.

103. General Geology. 3(3-0) ; I and II. Three or four field trips are taken during the semester. Not open to students having credit in Geology 102. Prerequisite: High school or general chemistry. Mr. Sperry.

The structural and dynamic features of the earth; the rock-forming min- erals; the rocks and their decay; a short history of the earth.


203. Historical Geology. 4(3-3); II. Prerequisites: Course 102 or 103. Mr. Sperry.

The procession of physical and biological events through which the earth has gone, with stress on the philosophical side of earth history.

Laboratory. Collection and study of local fossils, and their application in the identification of the rock measures; study of museum specimens and of paleogeographic maps. Charge, $1.50.

207. Economic Geology. 4(3-3) ; I. Prerequisite: Course 103. Mr. Sperry. The origin and mode of occurrence of nonmetallic minerals, including coal and petroleum, and of metallic mineral deposits.

222 Kansas State Agricultural College.

Laboratory. Identification and study of the ore-forming minerals; map studies of the economic areas. Charge, $1.50.

209. Crystallography and Mineralogy. 4(2-6); I. Prerequisite: General Chemistry. Mr. Sperry.

The fundamentals of crystallography and mineralogy.

Laboratory. The measurement of crystal angles and the determination of crystal constants; identification of minerals by physical characters and with the blowpipe. Charge, $1.50.

210. Field Geology. SS. Credit to depend upon the amount of work done. Opportunity is offered students to do field work in the Rocky Mountains. Students interested should consult Mr. Sperry.


301. Research in Geology. Credit to be arranged; I and II. Students with adequate preparation may undertake original investigations in geology.

History and Government

Professor Price Associate Professor Shannon

Professor Iles Associate Professor Williams

Professor James Associate Professor Parrish

Associate Professor Correll Assistant Professor Alsop

Training for citizenship, breadth of view, historic-mindedness, fairness of judgment and general culture are constant and specific aims of each course offered by the Department of History and Government. As a result of the training received in these courses the student is better prepared to understand and appreciate the institutions in the midst of which he lives and of which he is a part. He is also prepared to act more wisely his part as a leader in good citizenship wherever his lot may be cast. In our modern age and self-govern- ing nation, and in an institution supported by the state and nation, it would seem to be the imperative duty of every student to secure specific training for wise and effective leadership in the governmental affairs of the state and nation that are thus preparing him for life and its duties.

Equipment valued at $1,006 is owned by this department.



101. Ancient Civilizations. 3(3-0); II and SS. Mr. Parrish.

The beginnings and growth of western culture; early civilizations of the Near East and Mediterranean regions, from the rise of Egypt and Babylonia to the decline of the Roman Empire (395 a. d.). Special attention is given to the achievements of the Greeks and Romans.

102. Medieval Europe. 3(3-0) ; I and SS. Mr. Parrish.

The development of civilization in Europe from the decline of the Roman Empire (395 a.d.) to the discovery of the new world (1500 a. d.). Changes which laid the foundation for modern Europe : Interaction of forces of Roman Empire, organized Christianity, barbarians, Islam, Arabic and Byzantine cul- ture; monasticism, feudalism; beginnings of modern states; universities and cathedrals; towns and trade; the intellectual awakening and a new world.

103. American History Lectures. 0(2-0); SS. Mr. Price.

A series of lectures on American history; no recitations and no examinations.

105. American Industrial History. 3(3-0) ; I, II, and SS. Not open for credit to students who have credit in course 203. Dr. Shannon.

History of American agriculture, manufactures, and commerce with related activities from their colonial beginnings to the present; survey of the physical

Division of General Science 223

basis of American history, the growth of population and its expansion across the continent, and the reflection of these things on our industrial, social and political life; European developments, as a side light on American history; growth of our national industrial organization and its present-day aspects.

110. History of Commerce and Industry. 3(3^0); I. Dr. Shannon.

The evolution of industry and commerce from primitive beginnings to present-day organization traced in broad outline, and economic survey of world history, with special stress on the modern period.

115. Modern Europe I. 3(3-0) ; I or II. Miss Alsop.

The evolution of modern institutions from the renaissance to the opening of the nineteenth century, the principal movements being the commercial revolution through which European trade turned from Mediterranean to Atlantic ports; the Reformation; the earlier phases of the development of political democracy through the Puritan revolt in England and the French Revolution; and the Napoleonic era.

121. English History. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Mr. James.

A general survey of the whole field of English history, including the outlines of political history and the essentials of English constitutional development and stressing the development of the empire, the English background of American history, and the industrial and social development of the English people.

126. Current History. 1(1-0); I, II, and SS. May not be taken more than four semesters for credit. Mr. Price, Mr. lies, Mr. James, Mr. Correll, Dr. Shannon, Mr. Williams, Mr. Parrish, and Miss Alsop.

The essentials of American and foreign governments, of international re- lations, of international law, of biography, of industrial developments, and of the larger world issues as they appear in current news reports giving a wide outlook on the world of to-day and a better understanding of conditions and institutions in the midst of which we live.


201. American History I. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite, when taken for graduate credit: Three credits of college history. Mr. Price.

Beginning of the American nation: The origin and development of Ameri- can nationality and democracy to the end of the War of 1812, with special stress on the industrial phases, but including our constitutional and political development, with the European background in each case.

202. American History II. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite, when taken for graduate credit: Three credits of college history. Mr. Price.

Western expansion and sectionalism: The industrial conditions, the politi- cal issues, and the leaders of the middle period of our history, from the close of the War of 1812 to the Civil War.

203. American History III. 3(3-0); II and SS. Prerequisite, when taken for graduate credit: Course 105, 201, or 202.

The new industrial age: Review of the industrial conditions in America just before the Civil War; industrial effects of that war; the political and govern- mental activities of the last half century in the light of the industrial condi- tions and developments of that period.

204. American Agricultural History. 3(3-0) ; I. Prerequisite, when taken for graduate credit: Three credits of college history. Dr. Shannon.

European background and Indian beginnings; agricultural development dur- ing the colonial period ; the westward movement into the prairie regions of the Mississippi valley, with the distinctive American developments in methods, live stock, and especially farm machinery; the last quarter century with its varied industries, more intensive farming, and higher cost of living.

206. American Political Parties. 2(2-0); I. Intended to supplement

224 Kansas State Agricultural College,

course 105 or 204. Prerequisite, when taken for graduate credit: Three credits of college history. Mr. lies.

Origin, development, leaders, and function of political parties in America; issues and results of the more important presidential elections; growth of nationality and development of self-government through American history, with special reference to present tendencies.

207. Latin America. 2(2-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite, when taken for graduate credit: Three credits of college history. Mr. James.

History, government, and industrial and social conditions of Mexico, Central America, and the South American nations; the interrelations of each of these and the United States; particular attention given to contemporary Latin America.

223. Modern Europe II. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite, when taken for graduate credit: Course 115. Mr. Parrish.

Evolution of the modern European nations since 1814, with special attention to political organization, industrial development and colonial expansion; po- litical problems and social and economic adjustments due to the Great War.

224. Twentieth Century Europe. 2(2-0) ; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite, when taken for graduate credit : Course 223. Mr. Correll.

The causes of the World War; the nations that entered it and why; the war; the making of the treaty, and its provisions; the League of Nations; and postwar reconstruction.

225. History of the Home. 3(3-0) ; II. Prerequisite, when taken for grad- uate credit: Three credits of college history. Miss Alsop.

The primitive family; the Hebrew family; family life of the Greeks and of the Romans; the home and family life during the Middle Ages, including the influence of the Christian church; the English family in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; the American colonial home; the industrial revolution and its effects upon family life; the family during the nineteenth century; the present situation and tendencies.

226. The British Empire. 2(2-0); II and SS. Prerequisite: For under- graduates,*entrance credit in English history or three credits of college history; for graduate credit, the latter. Mr. James.

The English phase of the European expansion movement, with considera- tion to the forces and influences promoting the "swarming of the English" over- seas; growth and development of the English provinces into self-governing colonies and the union of these into practically independent dominions; the drawing together of the widely scattered English people into a British com- monwealth of nations, and the significance of this fact in the struggle for democracy.

228. Immigration and International Relations. 2(2-0); I and SS. Pre- requisite, when taken for graduate credit: Three credits of college history. Mr. Price.

Causes and effects economic, social, and political of the coming of the for-* eigner to our shores, from the colonial period to the present, with special refer- ence to the recent changes as to the character of the immigrants and as to the conditions in Europe and in America that affect the number and quality of immigrants; a clear survey of the important epochs in our diplomatic history.

229. History of the Far East. 2(2-0) ; I. Prerequisite, when taken for graduate credit; three credits of college history. Mr. Parrish.

Rise, development and spread of Chinese civilization in the Far East; achievements in politics, economics, philosophy, science, art, literature; impact of the modern West, including United States; special attention is given to China's economic, social and diplomatic problems since 1840; rise of Japan; partial dismemberment of China under the Manchus, and rise of the republic ; new role of China and of Japan in world commerce, trade and politics.

231. History of Religions. 2(2-0); I or II, and SS. Prerequisite, when taken for graduate credit: 3 credits of college history. Mr. Parrish.

Division of General Science 225

Rise and growth of historic religions which influence most of the peoples of the world to-day; relation of each religion to race, physical environment, and advance in culture; the leading personalities, religious conceptions, and historic events and movements which modify life and thought in Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Mohammedanism, Judaism, and Christianity.

232. Problems in History Instruction. 2(2-0) ; SS. May be taken for three graduate credits, in which case ten credits in history and nine credits in education are prerequisites, and a series of problems must be worked out from first-hand material. Mr. lies or Dr. Shannon.

The different texts in history and civics critically compared as to points of excellence or weakness, including lectures on the content and viewpoint of each; the best available illustrative material and helps in the teaching of his- tory and civics; evolution in the writing of history; the growing importance of history and civics in the modern school curriculum; the improving viewpoint as to content of both the history and civics courses; for the more advanced students, special attention to the bibliography of history, to the better known collections of sources, and to the more approved methods of taking and using notes in teaching history.

250. Seminar in History and Government. 2 to 5 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite : Six credits of college history of a type that will serve as a proper background for the subject to be studied. Mr. Price, Mr. lies, Mr. James, Mr. Correll, Dr. Shannon, and Mr. Parrish.

Preference to special fields connected with the history of agriculture, of industry, or of commerce, though other fields may be studied at the discretion of the department.


301. Research in History. 1 to 6 credits; I, II, and SS. For prerequisites, consult instructor. Mr. Price, Mr. lies, Mr. James, Mr. Correll, Dr. Shannon, and Mr. Parrish.

Individual research problems in European or American history, including international relations. Conclusions will generally take the form of a thesis.



151. American Government. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Not open to students having credit in History and Government 152 or 153. Mr. lies.

A definite review of the fundamental principles and operations of our state and national governments, including the principles of constitutional law, but giving special emphasis to present-day conditions and movements in our gov- ernmental and political life.

152. American National Government. 3(3-0) ; I. No credit for students having credit in course 151. Mr. lies.

The mechanism, functions, and control of the government of the United States, with considerable attention to principles and problems. With course 153, this course affords a comprehensive study of American national, state, and local government.

153. American State Government. 3(3-0) ; II. No credit for students having credit in course 151. Mr. lies.

State and local government, with special attention to functions and prob- lems.

155. Our National and State Constitutions. 2(2-0) ; SS. Mr. lies and Mr. Williams.

The state texts, supplemented by an abundance of illustrative material intended to be specifically useful in presenting the subject to pupils. For teachers required by law to teach the constitution of the United States; of value also to those preparing for a course in law.

g— 2266

226 Kansas State Agricultural College,

160. Commercial Law. 1(1-0); I. Mr. Williams.

The elementary principles of contracts, agency, sales, and negotiable in- struments. Business Law A may be substituted for Commercial Law, where the requirements of the curricula permit, and the extra credit used as an elective.

163, 164. Business Law I and II. 3(3-0) each. Prerequisite for II: Course 163 or 167. Mr. Williams.

I: Contracts, agency, and sales.

II: Negotiable instruments, partnership, and corporations.

167. Law for Engineers. 2(2-0) ; I and II. Mr. Williams. A study, chiefly through cases, of such rules of law as will prove most useful to engineers and architects, with special emphasis on the law of contracts.

175. Farm Law. 2(2-0) ; I. Offered 1929- '30 and alternate years thereafter. Not open to students having credit in Business Law I or II. Mr. Williams.

A study of the particular rules in various branches of the law, such as property (including deeds, mortgages, the relation of landlord and tenant) con- tracts, negotiable instruments, sales, agency, insurance, and police regulation, a knowledge of which is most useful to the conduct of the business of a farmer,


252. Comparative Government. 2(2-0) ; I or II, and SS. Mr. lies.

The leading features, especially with regard to administration, of certain European governments such as England, France, and Germany, and a com- parison of essential feature with government in the United States. (A sup- plement to the course in American Government.)

256. International Law. 2(2-0) ; II. Mr. James.

Fundamental principles of international law and international relations; public and private rights and obligations in time of peace and in time of war, especially in the light of recent developments, such as the Hague conference.

260. Government Regulation of Business. 2(2-0) ; II. Prerequisite, when taken for graduate credit: Course 151, 161, or 163. Mr. Williams.

Government powers; trade regulations; labor unions; protection of debtors; business affected with a public interest; conservation of natural resources; vested rights; confiscatory legislation; and certain positive governmental activities.

276. Land Law. 2(2-0) ; I or II. Planned to supplement Agricultural Land Problems (Ag. Ec. 218.) Mr. Williams.

The estates, interests, and rights in land, including relation of landlord and tenant, future interests, joint estates, easements, equitable interests, and mort- gages; acquisition of land, including conveyances, descent, devise, adverse possession; notice of rights of power owner or incumbrancer, including notice by recording, notice by possession, etc.


351. Research in Government. 1 to 6 credits; I, II, and SS. For Prerequi- sites in each case, consult instructor. Mr. Price, Mr. lies, Mr. James, Dr. Shannon, and Mr. Williams.

Individual research problems in national or local government, American or European, including studies in comparative government or international law. The conclusions generally take the form of a thesis.

Division of General Science 227

Industrial Journalism and Printing

Professor Rogers Assistant Professor Charles

Professor Keith Assistant Professor Boughner

Assistant Professor Amos Instructor Thackrey

The work in industrial journalism and printing is designed to accomplish two purposes the preparation of students in other fields to do occasional writing for newspapers and other periodicals on subjects of special interest; and the training of students fundamentally interested in journalism for posi- tions on farm journals, newspapers and other publications, particularly where writing on agriculture and other industrial subjects is in demand. The in- struction considers the requirements of newspapers, agricultural papers, trade publications, and general magazines, and the ethical problems of the profes- sion of journalism. The Kansas Industrialist^ the official paper of the College, is under the editorial and mechanical direction of the department. The office of The Kansas State Collegian, the student semiweekly newspaper, is in the department practice room. The Brown Bull, a humorous magazine is pub- lished by students in the department. Students write also for general news- papers, farm journals, and magazines.

Attention is given to the mechanical side of the profession in the instruction in printing, which is required of all students taking the curriculum in industrial journalism. Printing has been taught in the institution continuously since 1873 the longest period during which instruction in the subject has been given in any American college.

The equipment for instruction in journalism and printing is that of a prac- tical publishing and printing plant. This department owns equipment valued at $14,785.

A large amount of timely agricultural and other information is furnished regularly to Kansas newspapers, farm journals, and other publications. Special assignments are covered for these periodicals, and special inquiries are answered.

All students enrolled in the curriculum in industrial journalism and all stu- dents electing journalism practice or laboratory courses pay a laboratory charge of $1.50 a semester.



101. Principles of Typography. 3(2-3) ; I and II. Mr. Amos.

The case, the point system, and the measurement of type and stock; the history of printing; development of the various typographic styles; practice in setting straight matter, with emphasis on accuracy. Type faces and the typography of advertisements and head display; principles of effective make-up.

108, 111, 112. Ad. Composition, I, II and III. 2(0-6) each; I and II each. Prerequisites: For I, course 101; for II, course 108; for III, course 111. Mr. Amos.

I: Principles of display and design as applied to newspaper and magazine advertisements; practical work in setting ads. for magazines.

II and III : Course 108 continued ; more complicated work studied.

114, 118, 120. Job Composition I, II and III. 2(0-6) each; I and II each. Prerequisites: For I, course 101; for II, course 114; and for III, course 118. Mr. Amos.

I: Emphasis on differences in requirements for job composition and ad. composition; proper selection of type faces, borders, and ornaments; setting jobs and locking them up for the pressroom.

II and III: Color work, tabular forms, and other complicated kinds of job work.

122, 126. Platen Press Work I and II. 2(0-6) each; I and II each. Pre- requisites: For I, course 108 or 114; for II, course 122. Mr. Amos.

228 Kansas State Agricultural College.

I: Practical platen presswork under ordinary printing-office conditions; feeding of the press and preparation of the jobs by the student; selection of inks and care of printing rollers.

II: I continued, with more advanced work in mixing inks and in color work.

131, 136. Cylinder Press Work I and II. 2(0-6) each; I and II each. Prerequisites: For I, course 126; for II, course 131. Mr. Amos.

I: The fundamentals for work on all kinds of cylinder presses; how to make the work ready and how to feed; the general care and handling of cylinder presses.

II : A continuation of Cylinder Presswork I.



141, 142. Pre-Journalism Lectures I and II. 1(1-0) and 1(1-0); I and II, respectively. Mr. Rogers.

I. Examination and description of the publishing field, the daily newspaper, press services and syndicates, the weekly newspaper, the trade and business press, the agricultural press, preparatory to entering professional courses in journalism.

II. Continuation of I. Women in journalism, the field of advertising, cir- culation, magazines, free-lance writing, information services, the printing trades, photography and art, accounting and executive work.

151. Elementary Journalism. 2(2-0); I and SS. Prerequisites: Courses 141 and 142. Mrs. Boughner.

Methods of obtaining news of various types, the writing of the lead, and the general styles of the news story.

160. Agricultural Journalism. 3(2-3) ; I and II. Mr. Charles.

The course is intended to supply sufficient knowledge of the principles of news writing as applied to agriculture to enable students in agriculture to be- come occasional contributors to newspapers and farm journals. Much prac- tice given in agricultural writing.

161. Industrial Writing. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Course 151. Mrs. Boughner and Mr. Thackrey.

Application of the principles of journalism to the treatment of industrial subjects, such as are found in agriculture, engineering, home economics, and more general scientific research.

163. Advanced Reporting. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Course 161. Mrs. Boughner and Mr. Thackrey.

Recitation and practice covering the work of the reporter in connection with local, state, and national government; the reporting of conventions, ex- hibitions, and large public gatherings. Special assignments in connection with industrial and scientific news. (For students who are familiar with the funda- mentals of news reporting.)

167. Industrial Feature Writing. 2(2-0) ; I and SS. Prerequisite: Course 161. Mr. Rogers.

The feature article; its underlying principles applied to writing on agricul- tural and other industrial subjects; demands of newspapers, farm journals, and general magazines for writing of this character; agricultural journals, trade journals, and other publications of highly specialized character; actual writing for publications of these types and submission of material to editors.

172. Journalism for Women. 2(2-0) ; II. Prerequisite: Course 167. Mrs. Boughner.

A course for women students in news and feature writing for women's pages and women's magazines, and consideration of specialized fields for the woman writer.

179. Principles of Advertising. 3(3-0); I and II. Prerequisites: For in-

Division of General Science 229

dustrial journalism students, course 161; for commerce students, Written and Oral Salesmanship. Mr. Keith.

Study of the goods to be advertised, analysis of the market, psychology of advertising, preparation of advertising copy, and other important matters; application of the principles involved.

181. The Rural Press. 2(2-0) ; I and II. Prerequisite: Course 151. Mr. Charles.

Nature and needs of the community newspaper, with emphasis on its pre- sentation of the agriculture and rural life in its field; actual writing of news stories and items gathered on the campus for publication in Kansas community newspapers.

183. News Bureau Methods. 2(2-0); I. Mr. Charles.

A study of publicity methods, accepted and condemned practices, the psy- chology of the press agent's copy, its effect on the editor and the reader. Lec- ture and recitation supplemented with practice writing for the College news bureau.


220, 221. Advertising Practice I and II. 2(2-0) each; II and I respectively. Prerequisites: For I, course 179; for II, course 220. Mrs. Boughner.

I: Practice in advertising writing, with special attention to copy and dis- play problems; practical problems in the advertising of student activities and of local merchants; actual commercial work.

II : Making of layouts and consideration of advertising production methods such as art work, typography, engraving processes.

251 A. Circulation and Advertising Promotion. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Course 171 or equivalent. Mr. Keith.

Building up of circulation of periodical publications; soliciting of adver- tising; premiums and other plans for increasing circulation; the advertising agency, circulation analysis, and the fixing of advertising rates.

254. Copy Reading. 2(0-6); II. Prerequisite: Course 163. Mr. Charles, Mrs. Boughner, and Mr. Thackrey.

Practice in the work required of a copy reader, whether on a newspaper, an agricultural journal, or some other publication.

255. Contemporary Thought. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Course 254. Mr. Rogers.

Correlation and unification of various subjects previously pursued in college; unbiased presentation of contemporary development and contemporary figures in science, the arts, and philosophy.

257. Editorial Practice. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Course 254. Mrs. Boughner.

The writing of editorials suitable for farm papers, trade papers, and news- papers; the shaping of editorial policies.

260. Ethics of Journalism. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Course 255. Mr. Rogers.

The ethics of journalism as exemplified in the use of contributed matter, in the work of the reporter or staff writer, in the editorial conduct of the paper, and in the handling of circulation and advertising; federal and state laws re- lating to periodical publications, to advertising, to libel, and to author's rights.

265. Materials of Journalism. 2(2-0); I. Mr. Charles.

The principal newspapers and magazines; accuracy and adequacy of news reports and other published matter; materials handled by the publications; methods of treatment; character of editorial comment.

270. Magazine Features. 2(2-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Mr. Rogers and Mrs. Boughner.

The matter of the course is varied to suit the needs and desires of the students, emphasis being laid upon such types of magazine writing as members of the class wish to practice.

230 Kansas State Agricultural College,

274. History of Journalism. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: One semester of college American History. Mrs. Boughner.

The history of journalism from its beginning and the history of printing as far as this is concerned with periodical publications.

278. Journalism Surveys. 2(0-6); II. Mr. Rogers and Mrs. Boughner.

Careful investigation of the periodical reading matter of communities; tabulation of information obtained; relation of the reading matter to the industrial, economic, social and moral life of the communities.

282. Column Conducting. 2(2-0) ; II, when requested by a sufficient num- ber. Mr. Davis, of the Department of English.

The conducting of the so-called column, humorous or semiserious; writing paragraphs, light verse, and similar material, with stress on practice in writing humor.

287. Current Periodicals. 3(3-0) ; II. Mrs. Boughner. The material contained by current periodicals of various types, and the nature of its appeal to the reader.


351. Research in Industrial Journalism. 2 to 5 credits: I and II. Mr. Rogers.

Several courses embodying creative literary work or detailed research in specialized journalism are arranged to meet the specific needs and desires of the individual graduate students.

Library Economics

Librarian Smith Reference Assistant Swenson

Associate Librarian Derby General Assistant Hoff

Acting Reference Librarian Davis Loan Assistant Cullipher

Loan Librarian Camp

The Library supplements the work of every department of the College. It is a storehouse of knowledge for every student. It supplies information and the latest results of scientific research for every instructor. The Library is thus essential to the College, forming, as it were, a center from which its various activities radiate.

In order that the Library may perform its functions with the highest degree of efficiency it is necessary that instruction be given regarding its use. With this thought in mind a course is offered, the purpose of which is to familiarize the student with scientific, up-to-date methods in the use of books and to acquaint him with the best general reference books as well as with standard works on various subjects. Placed at the beginning of his College course it should tend to increase largely his efficiency in study throughout the entire course.

The books and pamphlets in the library are valued at $280,919; other equip- ment has a value of $58,738.



101. Library Methods. 1(1-0); I and II. Miss Derby, Miss Hoff, Miss Davis, Miss Camp, Miss Swenson, and Miss Cullipher.

Classification and arrangement of books in the library; card catalogues; the principal works of reference, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, and standard works in history, literature, economics, quotations, statistics, etc.; public documents and their indexes; indexes to periodicals, etc.; methods of indexing current reading for purposes of future reference.

Division of General Science



Professor Remick Professor White Professor Stratton* Associate Professor Hyde Associate Professor Lewis Associate Professor Lyons Assistant Professor Janes

Assistant Professor Mossman* Assistant Professor Holroyd Instructor Eldridge Instructor Porter Instructor Battig Instructor Evans

In an institution that stands as an exponent of the industrial type of educa- tion, mathematics should occupy an important place. Training in this exact science is valuable not only for its own sake but also on account of its mani- fold applications. On this basis the courses in mathematics are offered pri- marily with the following ends in view: (1) The attainment of mental power and accuracy in the interest both of general culture and special application; (2) the acquirement of facts and processes that will provide the student with an indispensable tool for further scientific and technical study.

As several of the curricula of the College are formulated on the assumption that a half-year of solid geometry will have been taken in high school, classes in this subject are provided for students who are deficient in this respect. Col- lege credit on electives is allowed for this work.

The equipment owned by this department is valued at $810.



101. Plane Trigonometry. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Plane geometry and one and one-half years of high-school algebra. Mr. Stratton, Miss Hyde, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lyons, Miss Holroyd, Mr. Janes, Miss Mossman, Mr. Porter, Miss Eldridge, Mr. Battig, and Mr. Evans.

Functions. of acute right triangles, goniometry, oblique triangles, practical problems.

102. Solid Geometry. 2(2-0); I, II, and S'S. Prerequisites: Plane geom- etry and one year of high-school algebra. Mr. Lewis, Mjr. Janes, Miss Holroyd, Mr. Porter, Miss Eldridge, and Mr. Evans.

Principal theorems, numerical exercises, and mensurational problems

104. College Algebra. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Duplicates latter part of Math. 107. Prerequisites: Plane geometry and one and one-half years of high-school algebra. Mr. Stratton, Miss Hyde, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lyons, Miss Holroyd, Mr. Janes, Miss Mossman, Mr. Porter, Miss Eldridge, Mr. Battig, and Mr. Evans.

Elementary topics, functions and their graphs, and quadratic equations rapidly reviewed; complex numbers, theory of equations, permutations and combinations, partial fractions, logarithms, and determinants.

107. College Algebra A. 5(5-0); I, II, and SS. Includes Math. 105. Pre- requisite: Plane geometry and one year of high-school algebra. Mr. Stratton, Miss Hyde, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lyons, Miss Holroyd, Mr. Janes, Miss Mossman, Mr. Porter, Miss Eldridge, Mr. Battig, and Mr. Evans.

Brief review of elementary subjects; a thorough treatment of quadratics, ratio, proportion, progressions, and the binomial theorem for positive ex- ponents; the chief content of course 104.

110. Plane Analytical Geometry. 4(4-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Plane Trigonometry and College Algebra. Mr. White, Mr. Stratton, Miss Hyde, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Janes, Miss Mossman, and Mr. Battig.

Coordinate systems, projections, loci, straight line conies, parametric and empirical equations, with a discussion of the general equation of the second degree.

* Absent on leave, year 1929-'30.

232 Kansas State Agricultural College,

119. Calculus. 3(3-0) ; I. Not open to students who have credit in Math. 205. Prerequisite: Plane Analytical Geometry. Mr. Remick, Mr. Stratton, and Mr. Lyons.

Brief treatment of the fundamental principles of both branches of calculus; practice with the standard formulas of differentiation and their application to geometry and mechanics; integration of the usual elementary forms; the idea of the definite integral and a few of the more important applications.'

122. Special Methods in the Teaching of Mathematics. 3(3-0) ; II. Miss Hyde.

Best methods of teaching arithmetic, algebra, and geometry; the reports of prominent mathematical organizations, especially those of the international commission; comparison of the curricula of different schools; an examination of books and articles of the teaching of mathematics; emphasis on pedagogical questions, with some reference to the historical development of elementary mathematics.

123. Special Methods in Arithmetic. 2(2-0); SS. Miss Holroyd.

Best methods of presenting the various topics; use of standardized and practice tests; supplementary work; best method of adapting the state test to the minds of the pupils, etc.

126. Elements of Statistics. 3(3-0); I. Not open to students having credit in Educ. 223. Mr. White.

The parts of algebra most needed as a basis for statistical work; develop- ment of the elementary principles used in analysis of statistical data.

129. Survey Course in Mathematics. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisites: Trigo- nometry and College Algebra. Mr. Stratton.

A general culture course designed to give an insight into the nature and function of mathematics beyond the elementary field. Essential ideas of ana- lytical geometry and calculus with applications.

150. Mathematics of Investment. 3(3-0); I and II. Prerequisite: Ac- counting II (Econ. 134). Mr. Stewart, from Department of Economics and Sociology.

Problems relating to interest, annuities, sinking funds, amortization and valuation of bonds, depreciation, building and loan, and life insurance.

for graduate and undergraduate credit

The following courses are available on request by a sufficient number of students. Numbers 201, 203, 205, 206, 210, 213, and 216 are offered each year.

201. Differential Equations. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Calculus II. Mr. Remick.

The various standard types of differential equations, with the usual appli- cations.

203. Theory of Statistics. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Elements of Statis- tics, or equivalent. Mr. White.

The theory of probability applied to statistical problems; statistical curves, correlation theory, curve fitting, and problems of random sampling; actual practice with data from biology, agronomy, physics, etc.

204. Method of Least Squares and Theory of Measurement. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Calculus II. Mr. Remick and Mr. White.

The law of errors based on the theory of probability and the probability curve; adjustment of observations by the method of least squares, develop- ment of precision measures; distribution of errors; and Gauss's method of sub- stitution in the solution of normal equation.

205. Calculus I. 5(5-0) ; I, II, and SS. Open for only two hours credit to students who have credit in Math. 119. Prerequisite: Plane Analytical Geometry. Mr. Remick, Mr. White, Mr. Stratton, Miss Hyde, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lyons, and Mr. Janes.

Division of General Science 233

The usual topics of differential calculus, with integration of standard forms, definite integrals, rational fractions, and integration by parts.

206. Calculus II. 3(-0) ; I. Prerequisite: Calculus I. Mr. Remick, Mr. White, Mr. Stratton, Miss Hyde, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lyons, and Mr. Janes.

Problems involving areas, lengths, surfaces, and volumes treated by proc- esses of single integration; idea of successive and partial integration applied to areas, moments, centers of gravity, surfaces, volumes, etc.; types of differ- ential equations most frequently met subsequently by the student of engi- neering.

206A. Calculus HA. 4(4-0); I and II. Prerequisite: Calculus I. Mr. Remick, Mr. White, Miss Hyde, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lyons, and Mr. Janes.

Similar to course 206 with the addition of a brief statement of some of the more common types of differential equations likely to be met in engineer- ing applications.

207. Solid Analytical Geometry. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisites: Courses 110 and 206. Mr. White.

Coordinates of points in space and their transformation involving discus- sion of lines and planes; standard types of quadratic surfaces, their classifica- tion and principal properties.

210. Advanced Calculus I. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Calculus II. Mr. White and Mr. Lyons.

Special topics in integral calculus, including various methods of integrating elementary forms, definite integrals with attention to gamma and beta func- tions, and applications to lengths and areas.

213. Advanced Calculus II. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Course 210. Mr. White and Mr. Lyons.

Continuation of course 210, including further application to geometry and mechanics, a treatment of line, surface, and space integrals, and a discussion of elliptic integrals.

216. Theory of Equations. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Calculus II. Mr. Remick.

The elements of the classical theory including the general cubic and quartic equation and the complete solution of numerical equations; discussion of symmetric functions, resultants, and discriminants.


The following courses are available by appointment:

301. Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable. 3(3-0) ; II. Prerequi- sites: Advanced Calculus II and Differential Equations. Mr. Remick. An introductory course with the usual line of topics.

306. Theoretical Mechanics. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Calculus II. Mr. Stratton.

Mechanics in its relation to mathematical analysis.

311. Projective Geometry. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Course 110. Mr. White.

The fundamental forms, projective relations, point rows, and pencils of the second order, poles and polars, properties of conies and involution.

316. Advanced Differential Equations. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Course 201. Mr. Remick.

Treatment of special topics, such as the equations of Legendre, Bessel, and Ricatti, with applications.

321. Lie Theory of Differential Equations. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Course 201. Mr. Remick.

Lie's theory of one-parameter groups, with special reference to its applica- tion to the solution of the various types of differential equations.

326. Calculus of Variations. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Course 201. Mr. Remick.

234 Kansas State Agricultural College

Some of the standard problems of maxima and minima wherein a definite integral affords the fundamental form of expression.

331. Mathematical Research. Credit and hours of work arranged in con- sultation with the head of the department; I and II. Required of all candi- dates for the master's degree whose major work is in the Department of Math- ematics.

Military Science and Tactics

Professor Petty, Colonel Inf., U. S. A.

Associate Professor Humphreys/ Maj. C. A. C, U. S. A.

Associate Professor Bowen, Capt. Inf., U. S. A.

Assistant Professor Stewart, f Capt. C. A. C, U. S. A.

Assistant Professor Young, Capt. C. A. C, U. S. A.

Assistant Professor Van Tuyl, Capt. V. C, U. S. A.

Assistant Professor Rose, Capt. Inf., U. S. A.

Assistant Professor Madison, First Lieut. C. A. C, U. S. A.

Assistant Professor Myrah,$ First Lieut. C. A. C, U. S. A.

Assistant Professor Marshall, First Lieut. Inf., U. S. A.

Military Property Custodian Claeren, Major D. E. O.

Instructor Coffee, First Sergeant C. A. C, U. S. A.

Instructor Connolly, Staff Sergeant Cav., U. S. A.

Instructor Pugh, Sergeant Inf., U. S. A.

Instructor Wilson, Sergeant C. A. C., U. S. A.

Since this College is one of the beneficiaries of the act of congress of 1862, military tactics is required in the College curricula. All male students, not physically disqualified, are required to take military training three hours a week for two years. Students entering with 25 hours of advanced credit are excused from one year of military training; those entering with 59 hours of advanced credit are excused from all military requirements.

Requests for excuse from military science, or for postponement of the work, are acted upon by the president of the College.- Such requests are presented through the student's dean, and the president obtains the advice of the pro- fessor of military science and tactics, who thoroughly investigates each case on its merits and makes his recommendation to the president- Requests based on physical condition must be accompanied by a recommendation made by the College physician. Students excused from military science for any reason are assiged to an equivalent amount of some other College work instead. Students permitted to postpone military science are not thereby excused, but must take it up later.

Students enrolling in military courses who were members of junior units, R. 0. T. C, at military academies or high schools, or those receiving military training while enrolled in government-aided schools (section 55c, national defense act, and section 1225, Revised Statutes) may apply for advanced credit examinations on the basis of one semester for each year of training at a high school or government-aided school; provided there is stationed at these schools a regular officer of the United States Army ; and provided further, that no credit will be given beyond the basic course, which comprises the first four semesters of the College curricula (freshman and sophomore years). (See "Advanced Credits.")

The act of congress of June 3, 1916, known as the national defense act, pro- vides for the establishment in civil institutions of a Reserve Officers' Training Corps (R. O. T. C).

The object of this provision is stated as follows:

"The primary object of establishing units of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps is to qualify, by systematic and standard methods of training, students at civil institutions for reserve officers. The system of instruction, herein pre- scribed, presents to these students a standard measure of that military training

♦From November 21, 1929.

t On sick leave after November 29, 1929.

$ From January 24, 1930.

Division of General Science 235

which is necessary in order to prepare them to perform intelligently the duties of commissioned officers in the military forces of the United States, and it enables them to be thus trained with the least practicable interference with their civil careers.

"Units of the senior division may be organized at civil institutions which require four years of collegiate study for a degree, including state universities and those state institutions that are required to provide instruction in mili- tary tactics under the provisions of the act of congress approved July 2, 1862, donating lands for the establishment of colleges where the leading object shall be practical instruction in agriculture and the mechanic arts, including mili- tary tactics.

"Units of the junior division may be organized at any other public or pri- vate educational institution."

An infantry unit, a coast artillery unit, and a veterinary unit of the Re- serve Officers' Training Corps have been established in this College.

Members of the R. O. T. C. will receive the benefits mentioned below:

1. Senior Division, Basic Course (freshmen, sophomores). Each student of these classes will be furnished with complete uniform, and equipment for his use during the course. The articles remain the property of the United States and must be accounted for and turned in by each student at the close of each college year or upon withdrawal from the R. O. T. C. Shoes are not furnished. Each student will provide himself with a pair of high tan shoes (not laced boots), before entering College, as they will be required immedi- ately upon his admission.

A laboratory fee of 35 cents per semester is charged all students assigned to military training.

Corporals are selected from sophomores and specially qualified freshmen.

2. Senior Division, Advanced Course. (Students who have completed the two years' Basic Course.) The student who continues in the R. 0. T. C after completing the Basic Course will receive the following benefits:

He will receive a special uniform allowance.

He will receive commutation of subsistence at the rate of 30 cents per day, provided he executes an agreement to complete the Advanced Course, or to continue in the course during the remainder of his time in College, and to take the course in camp training during such period as prescribed by the Secretary of War. The camps referred to involve no expense on the part of the student. In addition, a complete summer uniform will be issued and he will be paid at the rate of 70 cents per day for not to exceed six weeks, and five cents per mile to and from camp to cover travel expenses.

After graduation he will be eligible for appointment by the President of the United States as a reserve officer of the army, and if so appointed he may, under certain conditions, be appointed and commissioned a second lieutenant in the regular army with pay at the rate of $125 per month, with the usual allowances. (Ration allowance is $18 and allowance for quarters, $40 per month.)

In order to elect the Advanced Course, R. O. T. C, a student must have the recommendation of the president of the College, his dean, and the pro- fessor of military science and tactics.

The corps of cadets at present is organized as one regiment. A military band is also provided for, the members of which must be thoroughly trained in military tactics. Assignments to the military band are made upon recom- mendation of the bandmaster, who has charge of the technical instruction.

Officers and higher noncommissioned officers are selected from the students taking the Advanced Course, R. 0. T. C, according to class standing. This selection is made from among those cadets who have been most studious and soldierlike in the performance of their dujties, and the most exemplary in their general deportment.

Students who are regularly enrolled in the Advanced Course of the Senior Division normally receive three semester credits of elective work toward grad- uation for each semester of military training taken beyond the Basic Course.

236 Kansas State Agricultural College.

This department possesses equipment valued at S3, 175. In addition, the department is the custodian of federal government equipment valued at $300,000.



Senior Division R. O. T. C.


101A. Infantry I. 1(0-3); I. Capt. Bowen, Capt. Rose and Lieut. Mar- shall.

(a) Practical. Physical Drills, infantry drills (close and extended order.

(b) Theoretical. Military courtesy and discipline, national defense policy, infantry drills.

102A. Infantry II. 1(0-3); II. Prerequisite, Course 101. Capt. Bowen, Capt. Rose and Lieut. Marshall.

(a) Practical. Infantry drills (close and extended order), rifle marksmanship.

(b) Theoretical. Rifle marksmanship, military courtesy and customs, mili- tary hygiene and first aid, scouting and patrolling.

103A. Infantry III. 1(0-3); I. Prerequisite: Course 102. Lieut. Marshall.

(a) Practical. Acting as instructors of freshmen in infantry drills.

(b) Theoretical. Infantry drills (close and extended order), combat princi- ples (squad), ceremonies.

104A. Infantry IV. 1(0-3); II. Prerequisite: Course 103. Lieut. Marshall.

(a) Practical. Automatic rifle firing, musketry problems, scouting and pa- trolling. Acting as instructors of freshmen in infantry drills.

(b) Theoretical. Automatic rifle, scouting and patrolling, musketry.


109. Infantry V. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Infantry IV. Captain Rose.

(a) Practical. Instructors of freshmen and sophomores in all basic course subjects, map reading and sketching.

(b) Theoretical. Infantry drill. Machine gun, map reading and sketching.

110. Infantry VI. 3(2-3) ; II. Prerequisite : Infantry V. Captain Rose.

(a) Practical. Firing of 37-mm. and trench mortar, combat principles of the rifle section and platoon, instructors in all basic course subjects.

(b) Theoretical. 37-mm. gun and trench mortar, combat principles of the rifle platoon and section.

111. Infantry VII. 3(2-3) ; I. Prerequisite : Infantry VI. Captain Bowen.

(a) Practical. Instructors in all basic course subjects and first year advanced course subjects, infantry drills and ceremonies.

(b) Theoretical. Review of infantry drill, company administration, military law and reserve corps regulations.

11,2. Infantry VIII.- 3(2-3); II. Prerequisite: Infantry VII. Captain Bowen.

(a) Practical. Instructors in all infantry subjects, field engineering, combat principles of the rifle, machine gun and howitzer companies.

(6) Theoretical. Military history and policy, field engineering, combat principles of the rifle, machine gun and howitzer companies.

N0TE. Advanced -course students are required to attend one camp. This comes normally at the end of the junior year, and is held normally at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.

Division of General Science 237

BASIC COURSE, COAST ARTILLERY (For students of the Division of Engineering only.)

113A. Artillery I. 1(0-3); I. Maj. Humphreys, Capt. Stewart and Lieut. Madison.

(a) Practical. Physical drill, infantry drill.

(b) Theoretical. Close-order infantry drill, to include the company, military courtesy and customs of the service. Discipline, national defense act, mili- tary hygiene and first aid, rifle marksmanship.

114A. Artillery II. 1(0-3); II. Prerequisite: Artillery I or Infantry I. Maj. Humphreys, Capt. Stewart and Lieut. Madison.

(a) Practical. Close-order infantry drill, parades, rifle marksmanship, and preliminary artillery instruction.

(b) Theoretical. Ammunition, cordage, telephones and coast artillery in- struction covering duties of the second-class gunner.

115A. Artillery III. 1(0-3); I. Prerequisite: Artillery II. Capt. Young.

(a) Practical. Close-order infantry drill and ceremonies; harbor defense, mobile, and antiaircraft artillery.

(6) Theoretical. Fire control instruments, range finding and range section duties for harbor defense, mobile, and antiaircraft artillery.

116A. Artillery IV. 1(0-3); II. Prerequisite: Artillery III. Capt. Young.

(a) Practical. Section (a) of course 115 continued.

(b) Theoretical. Continuation of section (b), course 115 to include the du- ties of the second class gunner; aiming and laying of guns; target charac- teristics.

ADVANCED COURSE, COAST ARTILLERY (For students of the Division of Engineering only.)

117. Artillery V. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Artillery IV and Plane Trig- onometry. Capt. Stewart.

(a) Practical. Duties as cadet officers and noncommissioned officers in con- nection with course 113 to 116, artillery materiel, sketching.

(b) Theoretical. Topography, position finding, gunnery for heavy artillery.

118. Artillery VI. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisites: Artillery V and Plane Trig- onometry. Capt. Stewart.

(a) Practical. Section (a) of course 117 continued.

(b) Theoretical. Gunnery for heavy and antiaircraft artillery.

119. Artillery VII. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Artillery VI. Maj. Hum- phreys.

(a) Practical. Duties as cadet officers and noncommissioned officers, ar- tillery materiel, motor transportation, command and leadership, orientation.

(b) Theoretical. Military law, motor transportation, orientation.

120. Artillery VIII. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisite: Artillery VII. Maj. Humphreys.

(a) Practical. Section (a) of course 119; gunnery-

(b) Theoretical. Tactical employment of artillery, field engineering, admin- istration and supply, artillery materiel, military history and policy.

Note. Advanced -course students are required to attend one camp. This comes normally at the end of the junior year and is held normally at Camp Knox, Ky.

BASIC COURSES, VETERINARY CORPS (For students in the Division of Veterinary Medicine only.)

121A. Military Science (Vet.) I. 1(0-3); I. Capt. Van Tuyl.

(a) Practical. Same as course 101 (Infantry I).

(b) Theoretical. Organization and policies of the U. S. Army, military art.

238 Kansas State Agricultural College.

122 A. Military Science (Vet.) II. 1(0-3); II. Prerequisite: Course 121. Capt. Van Tuyl.

(a) Practical. Same as course 102 (Infantry II).

(b) Theoretical. Organization and administration, sanitation, logistics, first aid.

123A. Military Science (Vet.) III. 1(0-3); I. Prerequisite: Course 122. Capt. Van Tuyl.

(a) Practical. Same as section (a) of course 102; duties of privates and noncommissioned officers of the veterinary corps demonstrated.

(b) Theoretical. Tactics, logistics.

124A. Military Sciencei (Vet.) IV. 1(0-3); II. Prerequisite: Course 123. Capt. Van Tuyl.

(a) Practical. Same as courses 102 (Infantry) and 123.

(b) Theoretical. Organization and administration, sanitation, military art, logistics, first aid.

ADVANCED COURSES-, VETERINARY CORPS (For students in the Division of Veterinary Medicine only.)

129A. Military Science (Vet.) V. 1(1-10); I. Prerequisite: Course 124. Capt. Van Tuyl.

(a) Practical. Duties of junior officers demonstrated.

(b) Theoretical. Organization and administration, sanitation, and animal management.

130A. Military Science (Vet.) VI. 1(1-0); II. Prerequisite: Course 129. Capt. Van Tuyl.

(a) Practical. Continuation of section (a), course 129.

(6) Theoretical. Sanitation, including inspection of meat and food products.

131A. Military Science (Vet.) VII. (1-0); I. Prerequisite: Course 130. Capt. Van Tuyl.

(a) Practical. Continuation of section (a), course 129.

(b) Theoretical. Hospitals, hospitalization, and sanitation.

132A. Military Science (Vet.) VIII. 1(1-0); II. Prerequisite: Course 131. Capt. Van Tuyl.

(a) Practical. Continuation of (a), section 129.

(b) Theoretical. Communicable diseases, foreign inspection, organization and administration (continued), resume of entire course.

N0TE- Advanced -course students are required to attend one camp. This comes normally at the end of the junior year, and is held normally at Fort Snelling, Minn.

Modern Languages

Professor Cortelyou Assistant Professor Pettis

Professor Limper Instructor Burns

Associate Professor Crittenden.

The study of modern foreign languages serves a number of purposes. It gives the student general training and culture; it throws helpful side lights upon English, his mother tongue; and it gives him important aid in scientific research. It is desired that the instruction in modern languages here given be as practical as possible, without, however, failing to encourage an appre- ciation of modern foreign literature. The plan of instruction in general is a combination of the grammatical and conversational methods, each of which has its own special advantages.

A number of literary and scientific periodicals published in French, Spanish, and German are received by the College Library, and afford the student excellent opportunity to amplify his reading knowledge of these languages.

Division of General Science 239

Students who have had French, Spanish, or German in high school are re- quired, as a rule, to take more advanced courses as their elective or required work in that language. Those who have had one year of a foreign language in high school should be assigned to the second course here; those who have had two years in high school should consult the head of the department regarding assignment to advanced work here.

The department equipment is valued at $637.



101, 102. German I and II. 3(3-0) each; I and II respectively. Prerequi- site: For II, I or equivalent. Dr. Cortelyou and Mr. Limper. Introductory courses; grammar completed.

111. German Readings. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: German II or equiva- lent. Dr. Cortelyou and Mr. Limper.

Readings of fairly easy, idiomatic selections from modern authors; gram- matical drill; German conversation based on the text read.


201. German Short Stories. 3(3-0) ; II, when requested by a sufficient number. Dr. Cortelyou and Mr. Limper. Interesting short stories by modern authors.

206. German Comedies. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: German Readings. Dr. Cortelyou and Mr. Limper.

Recent one-act comedies of literary merit and of a realistic, lively, and cleanly humorous nature; conversation and composition based on the text.

226. German Classics. 3(3-0) ; I, when requested by a sufficient number. Dr. Cortelyou.

An introduction to the German classics.

231. German Prose. 3(3-0) ; I, when requested by a sufficient number. Prerequisite: Course 201 or 206. Dr. Cortelyou.

Designed to give facility in rapid translation of fairly easy prose; prepared translations and sight translations.

237. Scientific German. 4(4-0); I. Prerequisite: German II. Dr. Cor- telyou.

An introduction to the vast field of scientific publications appearing in Ger- man; miscellaneous scientific articles, especially those dealing with chemistry and physics.



151, 152. French I and II. 3(3-0) each; I, II, and SS, each. Prerequisites: For II, I or one year of high-school French. Mr. Limper and Miss Pettis. The fundamentals of French grammar; reading and conversation.

161. French Readings. 3(3-0); I and SS. Prerequisite: French II or equivalent. Mr. Limper and Miss Pettis.

Primarily a reading course; grammar reviewed; conversation.


251. French Short Stories. 3(3-0); I and II. Prerequisite: French Read- ings or two years of high-school French. Mr. Limper and Miss Pettis.

Modern short stories by such writers as Daudet, Maupassant, and Zola.

256. The French Drama. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: 12 hours of college French or equivalent. Mr. Limper.

Some outstanding plays of Moliere, Corneille, Beaumarchais, Labiche et Martin, and Hervieu; their place in French drama.

261. French Composition and Conversation. 3(3-0); II, when requested

240 Kansas State Agricultural College

by a sufficient number. Prerequisite : 12 hours college French, or equivalent. Mr. Limper.

Class period devoted to practice in speaking French, written themes re- quired as preparation for each recitation.

270. Teachers' Course in French. 3(3-0) ; when requested by a sufficient number. For prerequisites, consult instructor. Mr. Limper.

Anatomical basis for production of sounds peculiar to French; methods of presenting grammar; thorough grammar review; careful examination of the French reading texts used in Kansas; methods of conducting a cercle jrangais, and material to be used in it.



176, 177. Spanish I and II. 3(3-0) each; I, II, and SS, each. Prerequisite: For II, I or one year of high-school Spanish. Miss Crittenden and Miss Burns.

The fundamentals of Spanish grammar, stress on training to understand spoken Spanish.

180. Spanish Readings. 3(3-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Spanish II, or equivalent. Miss Crittenden and Miss Burns.

Readings from such representative Spanish authors as Alarcon, Padre Isla, and Martinez Sierra.

195A. Spanish Conversation. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Spanish Read- ings or equivalent. Miss Crittenden and Miss Burns.

Purpose, to develop an ability to speak Spanish and to understand the spoken language.


272. Spanish Short Stories. 3(3-0) ; I and II, by appointment. Prerequi- site : Spanish Readings. Miss Crittenden and Miss Burns.

Stories from the most eminent of modern Spanish authors, such as Bequer, Trueba, Alarcon, Valdes, and Ibafiez.

275. The Spanish Novel. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Course 272 or equiv- alent. Miss Crittenden and Miss Burns.

A panoramic view of the Spanish novel in the several periods of Spanish literary production.

280. The Spanish Drama. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Course 272 or equiv- alent. Miss Crittenden and Miss Burns.

A general view of the drama produced in Spain's best literary periods.


Professor Lindquist Instructor Farrar

Associate Professor Smith Instructor Grossmann

Assistant Professor Hart man Instructor Stratton*

Assistant Professor Painter Instructor Pelton

Assistant Professor Sayre Instructor Talmadge

, Assistant Professor Jefferson Instructor Goerwitz

Assistant Professor Downey Instructor Hlavaty

Assistant Professor Martin Instructor Jesson

To be a vital factor in the life of every student is the aim of the Depart- ment of Music. It strives to create and foster a love for and an appreciation of the best in music, and to give to students that broader culture and more complete education which is gained through academic, professional and voca- tional training combined with musical and artistic study. Believing that this can be accomplished to a much greater degree by having a teaching staff of

* Absent on leave, year 1929-'30.

Division of General Science 241

musicians who are not only capable instructors but also artistic performers, courses are offered which will prepare the student not only for the teaching profession, but for an artistic career as well. Students enrolled in the de- partment participate in the musical contributions to the public programs of the College and such participation is a part of their training and study. The De- partment of Music is provided with equipment valued at $22,091.


Instruction in vocal and. instrumental music is given in private lessons. No two students have the same mental, physical or artistic capacity, and their individual capabilities can be neither properly nor fully developed without painstaking personal attention. The best results are dependent, on a close adaptation to the individual needs of the pupils, and this, of course, cannot be gained in classes, as is the case in the individual lessons. The effectiveness of the methods used is demonstrated by the interest and progress of the pupils.

All theoretical work is taught in classes. These and some other classes in the Department of Music are free to any student in the institution.


Students taking work in the Department of Music to a sufficient extent are allowed credits on their electives in the Divisions of General Science, Home Economics, and Agriculture, while substitutes in Music, with the ap- proval of the dean, may be made in the Division of Engineering, as follows: For Voice or some instrument, two hours each semester; for History and Appreciation of M^usic, three hours each semester; for Harmony, two hours each semester; for Counterpoint, two hours each semester; for Musical Form and Analysis, two hours each semester; for Orchestra or Band, one hour each semester; for Public-school Music methods, two hours each semester. Any student having a full assignment may, upon recommendation of the director of music together with the approval of the student's dean, take music without credit.

Students coming from other schools to enter our courses in music may be sufficiently advanced as players or singers to enter the second or third year of the regular music curricula but prohibited therefrom owing to their lack of knowledge of theory. If such students enter the first year of the theoretical course, their progress as players and singers is not retarded, but' it would be much to their advantage to make special theoretical preparation in ♦the hope of qualifying for more advanced standing.


Preliminary training in music is undertaken by two classes of students. The first class consists of College students not able to meet the College entrance requirements for freshman standing in the four-year music curricula. The second consists of grade-school and high-school students whose parents desire to secure for their children the kind of "conservatory" instruction that the Department of Music is in a position to offer.

Special training is given in rhythm, ear training, sight reading, scale building, melody writing, and appreciation. This work aims to develop in the student a natural means of expression through music and to furnish the right foundation for a musical education.

Applicants for freshman standing in the four-year music curricula must pass an examination over certain requirements, which are as follows:

Piano: A considerable degree of proficiency in the fundamentals of piano technic and in the playing of the easier classics.

Public-school band and orchestra: A practicable degree of proficiency in the fundamentals of piano technic.

Public-school music: A practicable degree of proficiency # in the funda- mentals of piano technic and sight reading, and the ability to sing in time and in tune.

242 Kansas State Agricultural College

Violin: A considerable degree of proficiency in the fundamentals of violin technic and in the playing of the easier classics.

Voice: A voice of superior quality, ability to sing in time and in tune, and a practical knowledge of musical notation.

A list of examination material may be had by writing the director of the Department of Music.


The aim of theoretical courses is to give the student an intelligent concep- tion of music through the study of its historical development and scientific construction.


101, 102. Harmony I and II. 2(2-0) each; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Music Fundamentals or equivalent. Mr. Sayre and Mr. Jesson.

I: A study of the major and minor scales, intervals, construction and pro- gression of the primary triads and their inversions; the dominant seventh and its* progressions and inversions, harmonizing melodies and basses.

II: Subordinate triads and their sevenths in progressions and inversions; the beginnings of modulation; writing of original exercises.

103, 104. Harmony III and IV. 2(2-0) each; I and II, respectively, and SS. Prerequisite: Harmony II. Mr. Jesson.

I: Modulation completed; altered and mixed chords; embellishments.

II: Works of the masters; writing of original exercises and small compo- sitions.

105, 106, 107, 108. Ear Training and Sight Singing I, II, III and IV. 2(2-0) each, but no credit outside the music curricula; I, II, I and II, respec- tively. Prerequisite: Music Fundamentals or equivalent. Miss Hartman.

The reading and hearing of intervals, chords, and rhythmical forms.

108A. Counterpoint. 2(2-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Harmony IV. Miss Jefferson.

A study of melody writing, the association of melodies in simple counter- point, leading to the writing of original two- and three-part inventions.

109. Musical Form and Analysis. 2(2-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Harmony IV and Counterpoint. Mr. Jesson.

The various forms used in composition; the music of Bach, Haydn, Beetho- ven, Schumann, Chopin and others.

110. Survey of Public-school Music. 2(2-0); II. Miss Hartman.

A general resume of the work in public-school music methods and materials, designed to give the student such data as will enable him to understand the relationship of his specialized work to the public-school music system.

112, 113. History and Appreciation of Music I and II. 3(3-0) each; I and II, respectively. Mr. Downey.

Aim of this course: To give definite knowledge of each of the musical periods, the style of music peculiar to each, and musical contact with the great personalities in music.

114. History and Appreciation of Music 3(3-0) ; SS. A condensation of courses 112 and 113.

117. Conducting I. 1(1-0) ; I, II, and SS. Mr. Downey.

Practical training in essentials of good conducting, including the correct method of indicating all forms of rhythm, the seating arrangements of bands, orchestras and choruses, and a practical illustration of the use of this informa- tion in the various ensemble organizations of the College.

118. Vocal Composition. 2(1-0), six hours of preparation; II. Prerequi- sites: Harmony I to IV. Mr. Downey.

Division of General Science 243

Comprehensive study of rhythm and tone color in poetry ; writing of original musical settings for the different poetic forms; composition of vocal solos, duets, trios, and quartets, both with and without piano accompaniment.

119. Instrumental Composition. 2(1-0), six hours of preparation; II. Pre- requisites: Harmony I to IV, and Counterpoint. Mr. Downey.

Advanced study in composition; writing of music for all instruments, both in solo and ensemble.

120, 121. Public-school Music I and II. 2(2-0) ; I and II, respectively, and SS. Prerequisite : Understanding of musical notation and the piano keyboard. Miss Hartman.

Given for the training of teachers of music in the public schools. These courses cover work for primary and intermediate grades and meet requirements of the state of Kansas for such training.

122 to 127. Public-school Music III to VIII. 2(2-0) each; I, II, I, II, I and II, respectively. Miss Hartman.

Courses 120 and 121 continued. Ill covers work in the grammar grades; IV consists of a comparison of methods for elementary grades; V and VI consist of methods and practice teaching material suitable for junior high school, and VII and VIII, for senior high school.

Students in the above courses are expected to do one semester of practice teaching of music in the grade schools of Manhattan under the supervision of Miss Hartman, and to observe such additional music work in the high schools as may be possible.

128. Conducting II. 1(1-0); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Harmony I to IV, and Conducting I. Mr. Downey.

A continuation of Conducting I, course 117.

130. Instrumentation. 2(2-0); I and SS. Prerequisite: Harmony II. Mr. Downey and Mr. Martin.

All band and orchestra instruments studied with relation to their character, range, and function; simple and familiar compositions scored for string trio, quartet, and quintet, and for wind quartet and sextet.

133. Orchestration. 2(2-0); II and SS. Prerequisites: Harmony I to IV, and Counterpoint. Mr. Downey, Mr. Martin.

Writing of music for orchestra and band studied; analytic and synthetic study of music scores.

135. Practice Conducting. l(%-2); II. Prerequisite: Conducting II. Mr. Downey.

A special ensemble group is trained by the student in some work he has prepared in the course in orchestration. This problem is then presented in public.

140. Normal Piano Methods. 2(2-0) ; I. Miss Smith.

Discussion of principles and processes involved in various phases of piano study as a means of music education ; study of teaching material for the piano ; observation of lessons given in the preliminary piano classes.

142A, 142B. Orchestral Instruments I and II. l(%-6) each; I and II, respectively, and SS. Mr. Downey, Mr. Martin, and assistants.

A course designed to acquaint the student with the methods of tone pro- duction and fingering of the most important instruments in the orchestra. Each instrument is studied for a period of from four to six weeks.

145. Methods of Teaching Music. 1( - )'.; I. Mr. Lindquist, Miss Smith, Mr. Downey, and Mr. Martin.

Methods of teaching fundamental technic, selection of teaching materials, and the outlining of courses of study. Designed for public-school music stu- dents majoring in some instrument and preparing to teach it in high school; taught in separate divisions for voice, violin, piano, etc.

244 Kansas State Agricultural College,


137A to 137H. Instrument I to VIII. 3(1-9) each for courses I to V, 2(1-6) each for VI and VII, and KV2-6) for VIII; I courses I, III, V, and VII) and II (courses II, IV, VI, and VIII), and SS. Mr. Downey, Mr. Martin, and assistants.

These courses are offered exclusively to students taking the curriculum in public-school band and orchestra, and these general designations cover assign- ments to any of the band or orchestral instruments, one of which is chosen by the student as his major instrument and studied through the four years.

155. Music Fundamentals. 1(2-0); I, II, and SS. Mr. Sayre. Class singing, study of note values, rhythm, scales, intervals, key signatures, etc.; and the application of this knowledge to the singing of part songs.

160A to 160H. Voice I to VIII. 4(1-12) each; I (courses A, C, E, G) and II (B, D, F, H) and SS. For the Curriculum in Voice. Prerequisite: An en- trance examination to determine quality of voice, ability to sing in time and in tune, and extent of knowledge of musical notation. Prospective students should write the head of the Department of Music for a list of material re- quired. Mr. Lindquist, Mr. Sayre, Miss Grossmann, Mr. Farrar, and Miss Talmadge.

Since production of tone in singing is governed by certain fundamental, ex- plainable laws of phonetics and breath control, teaching the intelligent use of these laws is the constant objective of these courses. Coaching is given in the singing of French, Italian, and German songs; but the greater part of the work is in English, and pure enunciation of the mother tongue is constantly stressed. This series of courses is intended for students having special talent, and its purpose is to give sound technical training in the use of the vocal mechanism, and to develop capable teachers and good performers.

162A to 162H. Voice A-I to A-VIII. 2(1-6) each for courses I, III, V, VI, VII and VIII; and l(M>-6) each for courses II and IV; I (courses A, C, E, G) and II (courses B, D, F, H), and SS. For the Curriculum in Public-school Music. Prerequisite : An entrance examination to determine ability to sing in time and in tune. Courses V to VIII are optional under Voice or Instrument. Mr. Lindquist, Mr. Sayre, Miss Grossmann, Mr. Farrar and Miss Talmadge.

Instruction similar to that given in courses 160A to 160H.

164A to 164H. Voice B-I to B-VIII. 2(1-6) each; I (courses A, C, E, G) and II (courses B, D, F, H) and SS. For the Curriculum in Piano, and elec- tive in other curricula. No prerequisites. Mr. Lindquist, Mr. Sayre, Miss Grossmann, Mr. Farrar, and Miss Talmadge.

Instruction similar to that given in courses 160A to 160H.

165A to 165H. Violin I to VIII. 4(1-12) for courses A to D; 6(1-24) for courses E to H; I (courses A, C, E, G) and II (courses B, D, F, H) and SS. For the Curriculum in Violin. Prerequisite : An entrance examination to de- termine degree of proficiency in the fundamentals of violin technic, and in the playing of the easier classics. Prospective students should write the head of the Department of Music for a list of material required. Mr. Martin.

Reserved for students showing an especial talent for the violin and entering college technically equipped to begin study of the standard works of violin literature; no special method advocated; a graceful and natural style insisted upon; outline of study so planned that an equibalanced technic and sound musicianship are developed.

166A to 166H. Violin A-I to A-VIII. 2(1-6) each. I, II, and SS. For stu- dents who take Violin as an elective. No prerequisites. Mr. Martin and as- sistants.

* In cases in which a course in music which requires two private lessons a week is desired by a student who can take only one lesson per week, the course shall be designated in the correct form followed by the notation, "a," or, if one-half of the course has already been taken the notation shall be "b." A student may be assigned to the second half of one course and the first half of another by this procedure. The requirements of a series of courses may thus be satisfied semester hour by semester hour.

Division of General Science 245

Instruction begins with the fundamentals of violin technic and extends over the more difficult literature written for this instrument.

169 A to 169H. Violin Ensemble I to VIII. 1(0-3) each; I (courses A, C, E, G) and II (courses B,D, F, H). Elective for students of superior talent. Prerequisites: Four semesters of violin, viola, or violincello, or the equivalent. Mr. Downey.

A practical course in the playing of string duets, trios, and quartets.

170 to 170H. Piano I To VIII. 4(1-12) each; I (courses A, C, E, G) and II (courses B, D, F, H), and SS. For the Curriculum in Piano. Prerequisite: An entrance examination to determine degree of proficiency in the funda- mentals of piano technic and in the playing of the easier classics. Prospective students should write the head of the Department of Music for a list of ma- terial required. Miss Smith, Miss Painter, Miss Jefferson, Mr. Jesson and Miss Hlavaty.

Intended for students having special talent. Its purpose is to give a sound technical foundation; to cultivate a thinking musicianship; to acquaint stu- dents with a generous amount of the best music literature ; to develop capable teachers and good performers, and thus to furnish the foundation upon which the superstructure of the artist may be built. Instruction outlined for each year is a conservative estimate of what a student of average talent is expected to accomplish. Every two weeks a one-hour auxiliary playing class is held, which all students majoring in piano are required to attend, and which is also open to all piano students recommended for admission by their teachers. Opportunity is given for frequent playing, study of music terminology, dis- cussion of how to study, and acquiring a knowledge of the development of piano literature.

171A to 171H. Piano A-I to A-VIII. l(%-6) each for courses I and III; 2(1-6) each for courses II, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII; I (courses A, C, E, G) and II (courses B.D, F, H), and SS. For the Curriculum in Public-school Music. Courses V to VIII are optional under Voice or Instrument. Prerequisite : An entrance examination to determine degree of proficiency in the fundamentals of piano technic and sight reading. Miss Smith, Miss Painter, Miss Jefferson, Mr. Jesson, and Miss Hlavaty.

Attention given to sight reading and accompaniment for public-school music students and to developing a medium grade of pianistic performance.

173A to 173H. Piano B-I to B-VIII. 2((l-6) each; I (courses A, C, E, G) and II (courses B, D, F, H), and SS. For the curricula in Voice and Violin, and for students who take piano as an elective. No prerequisites. Miss Smith, Miss Painter, Miss Jefferson, Mr. Jesson, and Miss Hlavaty.

Instruction follows same plan as for courses 171A to 171H.

175A to 175D. Piano C-I to C-IV. No credit (1-6). Designed for students who cannot meet entrance requirements for courses 170A, 171A and 177A. May require one semester or longer, according to ability and previous training of student.

176A to 176H. Piano Ensemble I to VIII. R (1-0) ; I (courses A, C, E, G) and II (courses B, D, F, H). Miss Painter.

During the first two years this work is in classes of four, for practice in sight reading and ensemble playing, the chief material used being orchestral music arranged for eight hands. During the last two years the work is done partly in classes of four, but develops into two-piano work and training for accompaniment and ensemble with various groups of orchestral instruments.

177A to 177D. Piano D-I to D-IV. l(%-6) each for courses I and III; 2(1-6) each for courses II and IV; I (courses A and C) and II (courses B and D), and SS. For the curriculum in public-school band and orchestra. Prerequisite: An entrance examination to determine degree of proficiency in the fundamentals of piano technic. Miss Smith, Miss Painter, Miss Jefferson, Mr. Jesson, and Miss Hlavaty.

Instruction follows same plan as for courses 171A to 171H.

246 Kansas State Agricultural College.

178A to 178H. Violoncello A-I to A-VIII. 2(1-6) each. For students who take Violoncello as an elective. No prerequisites. Mr. Downey.

Instruction begins with the fundamentals of violoncello technic and extends over the more difficult literature written for this instrument.

179A to 179H. Double-bass I to VIII. 2(1-6) each. For students who take Double-bass as an elective. No prerequisites. Mr. Downey.

Instruction begins with the fundamentals of double-bass technic and extends over the more difficult literature written for this instrument.

180A to 180H. Ensemble, I to VIII. I (courses A, C, E, G) and II (courses B, D, F, H). Required or optional without credit in semester hours in the curriculum in piano and in the curriculum in violin. In the curriculum in public-school band and orchestra, ensemble work is required or optional with- out credit in the freshman and sophomore years, but in the junior and senior years gives one hour of credit per semester. Mr. Lindquist, Mr. Downey, and Mr. Martin.

Required ensemble work may be taken in Chorus (courses 190A to 190H), Orchestra (193A to 193H), or Band (196A to 196H).

182 A to 182H. Wind Instruments I to VIII. 2(1-6) each. For students who take Wind Instruments as elective. No prerequisites. Mr. Downey, Mr. Martin, and assistants.

Opportunity for study of any wind instrument. Instruction begins with elementary scale and technical study and extends over the more difficult literature written for wind instruments.

184A to 184F. Recital I to VI. No credit for courses A, B, C, and E; 2 credits each for courses D and F; I (courses A, C, and E) and II (courses B, D, and F).

An entire solo recital in courses IV and VI.

185A, 185B. Repertoire I and II. 1(1-0) each; I and II, respectively. Mr. Lindquist.

An exhaustive study of vocal literature of all periods; songs prepared out of class and presented in class for criticism. Classes limited to eight members.

188. Practice Teaching of Music. 2(-) ; I and II. Miss Smith.

Practice teaching in private classes for students in the curriculum in piano.

188A. Practice Teaching of Music, A. l(-); I and II. Mr. Lindquist, Mr. Downey and Mr. Martin.

Practice teaching in private classes for students in the curricula in public school band and orchestra, public-school music, violin and voice.


The existence of an organization of individuals is justified by the service such a body renders. The musical organizations at this College are second to none in the colleges of America. Students are here given a rare opportunity to study the great musical compositions that have been written for various ensemble combinations, and to render very good service to the College and community as well as to themselves in the presentation of public programs.

190A to 190H. Chorus I to VIII. Weekly rehearsals, all special rehearsals, and public performances; I | courses A, C, E, G) and II (courses B, D, F, H). Prerequisite: Ability to read musical notation and to sing in tune. Written approval of the head of the department of music must be obtained. Mr. Lindquist.

The College Chorus presents two or more standard cantatas or oratorios each year.

The Men's Glee Club. The Men's Glee Club is composed of about forty of the best men's voices in the College. Membership is open to the best voices that try out from the whole College. This organization is available for a limited number of concert engagements throughout the state. Mr. Lindquist.

Division of General Science 247

The Women's Glee Club. This is an organization of the young women of the College. The voices are selected in the same manner as are those of the Men's Glee Club. Mr. Sayre.

The combined glee clubs present one standard opera each year.

192A to 192H. Choral Ensemble I to VIII. Required without credit in the curriculum in voice; as elective in nonmusic curricula gives one hour of credit per semester. Weekly rehearsals, all special rehearsals, and public per- formances; I (courses A, C, E, G) and II (courses B, D, F, H). Prerequisites: A voice of good quality, a knowledge of musical notation, ability to sing in time and in tune, and an entrance examination. Mr. Lindquist and Mr. Sayre.

Membership in both the College Chorus and the Men's Glee Club or the College Chorus and the Women's Glee Club.

193A to 193H. Orchestra I to VIII. Required or optional without credit in semester hours in curricula in music; as elective in other curricula gives one hour of credit per semester. Weekly rehearsals, all special rehearsals, and public performances; I (courses A, C, E, G) and II (courses B, D, F, H). Mr. Downey.

The College Orchestra is a definite organization in which discipline prevails and permanent membership with regular attendance is insisted upon. This body maintains a correct and well-balanced instrumentation, containing all the instruments of the modern symphony orchestra. The work is highly edu- cational, and offers in the preparation of concerts and performances with the College Chorus the actual experience and routine necessary for efficient or- chestra playing. Membership is open to all in the College who are capable of playing acceptably.

196A to 196H. Band I to VIII. Required or optional without credit in semester hours in curricula in music; as elective in other curricula gives one hour of credit per semester. Regular rehearsals, all special rehearsals, and public performances; I (courses A, C, E, G) and II (courses B, D, F, H). Mr. Downey and Mr. Martin.

The College Band plays for all military functions and major athletic events. In addition to this, several concert appearances on the campus are made during the early fall and in the spring. The band plays the musical settings for the annual May Fete.


Course 1 2 Two lessons each week for a semester:

Piano $40

Voice $46 40

Violin 40

Other orchestral instruments 40

One lesson each week for a semester:

Piano $22

Voice $25 22

Violin 22

Other orchestral instruments 22

Piano ensemble $5 a semester.

Orchestral Instruments I and II $5 a semester.











































* Fees for children.

f Student assistants' fees.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Physical Education and Athletics

Professor Ahearn Professor McMillin Associate Professor Washburn Associate Professor Saum Assistant Professor Corsaut Assistant Professor Root

Assistant Professor Patterson Instructor Geyer Instructor Moll Assistant Myers Assistant Haylett Assistant Morrow

The purpose of the Department of Physical Education and Athletics is to assist the students of the College to live to the best advantage, and so to aid them in the formation of hygienic habits that during their college course they may make a profitable physical preparation for life.

All young men and all young women of the College are entitled to the privileges of the gymnasium, which is large and well equipped with all sorts of apparatus for physical training, with lockers, plunge baths, shower baths, and other accommodations. The gymnasium equipment is valued at $10,966.

In courses requiring a change of clothing, lockers may be obtained by making a locker deposit of $3. Upon return of lock, key and towels a refund of $1 is made in each case. Only one locker fee is required of a student in any one semester.

Equipment is furnished to acceptable candidates for varsity and freshman athletic teams. It is checked out to individual candidates and they are held responsible for it. It must be returned when called for by the property clerk. Failure to return or replace equipment when called for subjects the offender to a fine or to other disciplinary action.

Physical education is required of all freshmen and sophomores unless excused for disability on recommendation of the College physician. Students entering with 15, 25, 44 or 59 hours of advanced credit are excused from one, two, three or four semesters, respectively, of physical education, no substitution being required.

The work of the department is based largely upon a physical examination given each student when he enters upon the work of the department. All students, whether taking work in the department or not, are entitled to receive a physical examination and advice as to their physical condition.

A diagnosis is made of the vital organs to ascertain their functional condi- tion, and a complete inspection of the whole body is made to detect any weak- ness or deformity that may exist. Based upon the information thus obtained, advice is given and work assigned to students in accordance with their physical needs, tastes, and capabilities. All candidates for athletic teams are expected to pass a thorough physical examination.

Members of men's varsity and freshman athletic team squads may substitute such athletic work for the regular class work and will receive full semester credit for the work, provided they report regularly and for the full season of such sport.



103, 104, 105, 106. Physical Education M. R(0-2) each semester of fresh- man and sophomore years. Mr. Washburn, Mr. Corsaut, Mr. Root, and Mr. Moll.

Personal hygiene and social problems; marching, calisthenics, apparatus and games, selected with the object of obtaining the best hygienic, educational and recreative results for the student.

The following activities may be elected by students in place of the gym- nasium work: (a) Swimming: Beginning, advanced, and Red Cross life-sav- ing. (Beginning swimming is a prerequisite for advanced swimming and for Red Cross life-saving. Students must pass a preliminary test before entering the Red Cross life-saving class unless they have passed the tests given in the advanced swimming class.) (b) Boxing, (c) Wrestling, and (d) Corrective Gymnastics. Deposit, $3 each semester.

Division of General Science 249

109. Apparatus. 1(0-3); I. Prerequisite: Gymnastics I and II. Mr. Moll. Carefully selected and graded exercises on the various pieces of apparatus, fundamental apparatus stunts, mat exercises and tumbling. Deposit, $3.

113A. First Aid and Massage. 3(3-0); I and SS. Prerequisite: Human Anatomy. Mr. Moll.

Different forms of injuries and their temporary protection, including dress- ing, bandaging, transportation of the injured, etc., aid in case of accident, preparation of solutions, bandages, splints, etc., the methods of massage.

115A, 117A. Gymnastics I and II. 2(1-3) and 2(0-6), respectively; I and II, respectively, and SS. Mr. Washburn and Mr. Moll.

I: Theory and practice of marching and calisthenics; principles of the gymnastic lesson; nomenclature and arrangement of exercises; light ap- paratus; games. Deposit, $3.

II: Continuation of course 115 A, with the addition of gymnastic dancing, the composition and teaching of model lessons, fundamental exercises on the apparatus and mat work. Deposit, $3.

119. Personal Hygiene. 2(2-0) ; II and SS. Mr. Washburn. This course deals with health from the standpoint of the individual; care of the body, its organs, and vital processes.

121, 122. Swimming M-I and M-II. 1(0-3) each; I and II, respectively, and SS. Swimming I is a prerequisite for Swimming II. Mr. Patterson and Mr. Moll.

I: Instruction and practice of breast, back and crawl strokes, of diving, treading water, and floating, land exercises and methods of breathing. De- posit, 33.

II: Continuation of Swimming M-I. Advanced swimming and diving, water games and stunts, Red Cross life-saving methods. Methods of teaching and conduct of swimming meets and programs are discussed. Deposit, $3.

123. Physiology of Exercise. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisites: Human Anat- omy and Physiology. Mr. Washburn.

The effect of exercise on the tissues, systems, and organs of the body.

124A. Physical Diagnosis and Prescription. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisites: Gymnastics I and II, and Kinesiology. Mr. Washburn.

Students are taught to diagnose faulty conditions and, in cases that can be remedied by exercise, to give directions and write prescriptions of exercise.

126A, 127. Football I and II. 2(1-3) each; I and SS. Mr. McMillin.

I: Study of the rules, theory, and the practice of fundamentals, equipment, care and treatment of injuries, and the use of mechanical devices. Deposit, $2.

II: Various positions on a football team, generalship and field tactics, and systems of offensive and defensive football. Deposit, $3.

128. Wrestling. 1(0-3); II. Mr. Patterson.

Rules, and the method of attack and defense in catch-as-catch-can wrestling ; theories of wrestling, and wrestling psychology. Deposit, $3.

130A. Basket Ball. 2(1-3); I and SS. Mr. Corsaut.

The rules, technic of basket shooting, foul throwing, catching and passing, dribbling, reverse turn, different styles of play, offense, defense, team work, selection of players, training and equipment. Deposit, $3.

132. Boxing. 1(0-3); I. Mr. Patterson.

Instruction in various modes of attack and defense; discussion of training, wrestling and boxing tournaments, and related topics. Deposit, $3.

135A. Baseball. 2(1-3) ; II and SS. Mr. Corsaut.

Theory and technic, each position being studied separately; rules, schedules, equipment, strategy, signals, team organization, plays, and players. Deposit, $3.

136A, 136B. Practice Teaching in Physical Education I and II. 2(0-6)

each; I and II, respectively. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Mr. Washburn.

Under immediate supervision of the teachers and coaches, students assist

250 Kansas State Agricultural College,

in the physical education classes, athletic squads, intramural teams, and offi- ciate in intramural games. The theory of teaching and officiating is also dis- cussed. Deposit, $3 for each course.

136C, 136D. Practice Teaching in Physical Education III and IV. 2(0-6) each; I and II, respectively. Mr. Washburn.

Continuation of courses 136A and 136B. Deposit, $3 for each course.

140A. Track and Field Sports. 2(1-3) ; II and SS. Mr. Haylett.

Rules and theory of track and field events; organization, conduct, officiating of meets, construction of all track equipment, training, dieting, equipment, and selection of material. Fundamentals of track and field sports. Deposit, $3.

141B. Kinesiology M. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Human Anatomy. Mr. Washburn.

The mechanics of movements; elemental body movements analyzed, and principles involved applied to teaching of physical education.

142. Public-school Program in Physical Education. 2(2-0); II. Pre- requisite: Senior standing. Mr. Washburn.

The objectives of physical education; the educational, health and recre- ative significance, content of the school program, types of activity to be em- phasized in grades, high school and college.

145A. Playground Management and Games M. 2(2-0) ; II. Mr. Wash- burn.

Management and activities of the playground; equipment of playgrounds, arrangement of apparatus and places for games, track work, wading pools, etc.; municipal and industrial recreation centers, mass athletics.

146B. Organization and Administration of Physical Education M. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Mr. Washburn.

Organization and administration of the physical education department in various types of institutions; intercollegiate, interscholastic and intramural athletics.


151A, 152A, 153, 154. Physical Education W. R(0-3) each; I of freshman year to II of sophomore year. Miss Saum, Miss Patterson, Miss Geyer, Miss Morrow.

Interpretative dancing, swimming and corrective gymnastics offered through- out the year: Hockey, volley ball, tennis, basket ball, archery, baseball, track and field sports given in season. Deposit, $3 each semester.

Recreational swimming hour. There is an open hour in the pool, on Tues- days and Thursdays at 4 o'clock. No instruction is given. This hour is open to those who have registered in the College and paid the necessary fees. Charge $1 each semester.

157A. General Technic I. 2(1-3); I. Miss Saum, Miss Morrow. Theory and practice of tennis and interpretative dancing. Deposit, $3.

157B. General Technic II. 2(1-3); II. Miss Geyer. Theory and practice of gymnastics and soccer. Deposit, S3.

157C. General Technic III. 2(1-3); I. Prerequisite: 157B. Miss Saum, Miss Geyer.

Theory and practice of swimming and gymnastics and light apparatus. Deposit, $3.

157D. General Technic IV. 2(1-3) ; II. Miss Geyer.

Theory and practice of moderate sports, i.e., bowling, canoeing, field ball, speed ball, golf, handball, horseshoes, indoor baseball and deck tennis, and field and track. Deposit, $3.

157E. General Technic V. 2(1-3) ; I. Miss Saum, Miss Geyer. Methods of teaching hockey and volley ball. Deposit, $3.

157F. General Technic VI. 2(1-3) ; II. Miss Patterson. Methods of teaching basket ball and baseball. Deposit, $3.

Division of General Science 251

157G. General Technic VII. 2(1-3); I. Prerequisites: Courses 157A, B and C. Miss Geyer.

Practice teaching in gymnastics and interpretative dancing. Deposit, $3.

157H. General Technic VIII. 2(1-3); II. Prerequisites: Courses 157B, C and D. Miss Saum, Miss Patterson and Miss Geyer.

Methods of teaching swimming, archery and Danish gymnastics. De- posit, $3.

158. First Aid. 1(1-0); II and SS. Miss Geyer.

The prevention of accidents, and the treatment of injuries in an emergency.

160. Folk Dancing I. 1(0-3); I. Prerequisites: Courses 151A to 154. Miss Patterson.

Singing games for gymnasium, classroom and playground; selected and graded list of simple folk dances. Material adapted for use in elementary schools. Deposit, $3.

161. Folk Dancing II. 1(0-3); II. Prerequisite: Course 160. Miss Mor- row.

A selected list of folk dances and clog dances for use in junior and senior high schools. Deposit, $3.

163. Theory and Technic of Dancing. 1(1-0); I. Prerequisites: Folk Dancing II and at least one semester of advanced dancing. Miss Morrow.

Place of dancing in education, value of dancing as an art and as a means of expression; dancing correlated with music, literature, painting, and sculpture.

1681. Methods of, Teaching Gymnastics. 1(1-0); II. Prerequisites: courses 157A to 157C. Miss Geyer.

Selection, classification, arrangement, and progression of gymnastic exercises ; practice teaching within the class.

170. Physical Diagnosis W. 3(3-0) ; I. Prerequisites: Anatomy, Kinesiol- ogy and Physiology. Miss Patterson.

Causes and symptoms of common diseases, deformities, and other abnormal conditions; methods of giving physical examinations.

172. Therapeutics and Massage. 2(1-3); II. Prerequisites: Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Physical Diagnosis. Miss Patterson.

Postural defects studied and exercises given for correction of each; general and local massage practiced for cases which can be treated by the Department of Physical Education. Deposit, $3.

176. Organization and Administration of Physical Education W. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisites: Courses 157A to 157H, 182A, 186 and 188. Miss Saum.

Administrative policies of physical education departments: the staff, activi- ties, basic principles. Construction, equipment and care of plant.

178. Folk Dancing. 1(0-3); SS. Miss Morrow.

Lectures on origin and values of folk dancing, principles of teaching folk dances, use of folk dances in festivals; practical work consisting of graded folk dances and some practice teaching; a notebook required. Deposit, $3.

182A. Play Ground Management and Games W. 2(1-3) ; I, and SS. Pre- requisites: Courses 151 A and 152A. Miss Morrow.

Organization and administration of playground activities and equipment; history of the playground movement and the various theories of play. Types of games suitable for different age periods, methods of coaching and managing group contests. Deposit, $3.

183. Physical Education for Elementary Schools. 1(0-3); SS. Miss. Patterson.

Principles of selection, methods of teaching and organization of work in elementary schools; practice of the activities used, and some practice teaching, Deposit, $3.

185. Tennis and Clogging. No credit. 0(0-3) ; SS. Miss Patterson.


Kansas State Agricultural College,

Practice in the correct form in playing tennis and simple clog dances. This course may be substituted for one semester of the physical education require- ment. Deposit, $3.

186. Supervised Teaching of Physical Education. 3( - ) ; I. Prerequi- site: Senior standing. Miss Saum and Miss Patterson.

Supervised teaching carried on in the physical education classes of the Manhattan grade and high schools.

187A. Technic of Basket Ball, Baseball, and Volley Ball. 1(0-3); SS. Rules, duties of officials, organization of squads and teams, equipment. Methods of coaching and conducting of tournaments. Deposit, $3.

188. Teaching and Adaptation of Physical Education. 3(3-0) ; I. Pre- requisites: Courses 161, 157A to 157F, 168 and 182A. Miss Saum.

Problems of physical education and general principles of leadership; adap- tation of material to meet needs of various groups and to meet aims and ideals of physical education.

189. Kinesiology W. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisite: Human Anatomy (Zool. 123). Miss Geyer.

The mechanics of movement; elemental body movements analyzed and principles involved applied to the teaching of physical education.

190. Elementary and Intermediate Swimming W. No credit. 0(0-3) ; SS. Beginning class for those who do not know how to swim, 4th hour daily.

Intermediate class for those who can swim sidestroke length of pool, 7th hour daily. Charge, $1. This course may be substituted for one semester of the physical education requirement.


192. History and Principles of Physical Education. 3(3-0); II. Pre- requisite: Sophomore standing. Miss Saum.

A survey of the field of physical education from ancient to modern times; aims and ideals of physical education and its relation to general education.

196. School Hygiene. 3(3-0) ; I. Prerequisites: Personal Hygiene, Human Anatomy, and Physiology. Mr. Washburn.

Hygiene of the building and of the teacher ; principles, content, and methods of health education.


Professor Hamilton Professor Raburn Professor Floyd Associate Professor Brackett Associate Professor Lyon

Assistant Professor Hartel Assistant Professor Chapin Assistant Professor Maxwell Assistant Professor Avery Assistant Professor Feroe

Recognizing the need of a thorough knowledge of the fundamental laws and principles involved in all physical changes, provision has been made, in the courses which follow, for both a theoretical and a practical treatment of the subject. Instruction is based upon the facts given in selected textbooks, and these topics are enlarged upon by lectures and illustrated by experimental demonstrations. The purpose is to give a training in exact reasoning, and a knowledge of principles that will be factors in the solution of problems in all branches of science as well as in everyday life.

The laboratory work which accompanies the courses in physics gives a student abundant opportunity to test the principal laws of the science; and, since he is expected to arrange and operate the apparatus, the work should enable him to acquire skill in manipulation, precision of judgment, and care in the use of- delicate instruments. The laboratories are well arranged for the work, and the equipment provided is of a nature adapted to meet the require- ment of accurate work in all courses. The manual in use in most of the courses

Division of General Science 253

is one prepared by the department to meet the exact conditions and equip- ment of the laboratory.

The equipment owned by this department has a value of $31,420.



101. Household Physics. 4(3-3); I and II. Includes parts of Physics 135, 140, 145, and 150. Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Floyd, and Miss Avery.

Lectures and demonstrations, in which the laws relating to principles in- volved in appliances of the household are explained and illustrated. Deposit, $3.

120. Photography. 2(1-3) ; I and II. Mr. Hamilton.

Chemical and physical principles involved in photography; practice in making good negatives and prints. Deposit, $3.

130. Wireless Telephony. 2(1-3); I. Mr. Lyon.

The most efficient types of receiving and transmission sets, fundamental principles of electric waves, the most important factors in the erection of a good plant.

Laboratory. Various radio circuits assembled by the student from standard parts and tried out for their transmitting and receiving properties. Charge, $3.

133A. Meteorology. 3(3-0); II. Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Raburn.

Weather phenomena and the underlying principles of weather forecasting; factors that fix the climate of Kansas and of the United States; applications of weather to agriculture and the teaching of general science and physiog- raphy.

134. Agricultural Physics. 3(3-0); I. Mr. Brackett.

Fundamental principles of physics as related to agriculture. (For students in agriculture who enter without high-school physics.)

135, 140. General Physics I and II. 4(3-3) ; I and II, respectively. Not open for full credit to students who have credit in Physics 101, nor to students who have credit in Physics 145 and 150. Prerequisite: Plane Trig- onometry. Mr. Floyd, Mr. Brackett, Mr. Hartel, Mr. Lyon, and Mr. Chapin.

I: A thorough treatment of the general principles involved in mechanics, sound and heat.

II : Theory of electricity and light with special emphasis on those parts that have an immediate bearing on the work of other sciences, such as electrolysis, thermal effects, relation of electrical and mechanical energy.

Laboratory. Exercises' based on laws and principles discussed in the class- room and giving a practical illustration of the facts learned. Charge, $3 for each course.

145, 150. Engineering Physics I and II. 5(4-3) each; I and II each. Pre- requisites: For I, Plane Trigonometry; for II, I. Not open for full credit for students who have credit in Physics 101, 135, and 140. Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Raburn, Mr. Brackett, Mr. Lyon, Mr. Maxwell, and Mr. Feroe.

I: A course in mechanics, sound, and heat; intended to give a thorough working knowledge of fundamental units and laws involved in force, work, power, and energy.

II: Units employed and fundamental laws of electricity; methods of pro- ducing a current, its uses, and the system by which electrical energy is meas- ured; the principal phenomena of light and the laws that may have direct bearing upon light as a standard and method of measurement.

Laboratory. I: Use of apparatus to test the laws of inertia, moments of force, moments of torsion, elasticity and rigidity, and other laws and prin- ciples involved in mechanics and heat. Charge, $3.

II: Measurements of electrical resistances, study of primary cells and transformation from mechanical into electrical energy; laws of reflection and refraction of light, measurements of wave length by means of the spectrom- eter, use of the interferometer, and photometry. Charge, $3.

254 Kansas State Agricultural College,

155. Descriptive Astronomy. 3(3-0) ; I. Mr. Hartel.

An introductory course in astronomy largely descriptive in character.


203. Laboratory Technic. 2(0-6); I. Mr. Floyd and Mr. Brackett.

Saw filing and tool grinding; glass blowing, cutting, grinding, polishing, and cementing; metal filing, drilling, soldering, and brazing; and making a set of punches, reamers, and cold chisels. In certain cases, special problems may be undertaken at a cost covering the raw materials. Deposit, $3.

213. Acoustics. 1(1-0); I. Prerequisite: Engineering Physics II. Mr. Floyd and Mr. Brackett.

Acoustic properties of building; architectural defects which give rise to poor acoustics; special methods to avoid such troubles in construction of buildings or to correct them in constructed buildings.

220. Molecular Physics and Heat. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: One year of college physics. Mr. Floyd and Mr. Raburn.

Molecular physics presented and utilized as a basis of an explanation of such phenomena as depend on the interaction of molecules and such as are fundamental in the presentation of the molecular theory of heat.

222. Harmonics. 2(2-0) ; II. Prerequisite : One year of music. Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Floyd.

Lectures, library work, and demonstrations dealing with pitch, loudness, quality and dissonance, scales and chords.

224. Special Methods in the Teaching of Physics. 3(2-3) ; II. Pre- requisites: Educational Psychology and College Physics. For credit toward state teacher's certificate, must be taken in senior year. Mr. Floyd and Mr. Brackett.

An analysis of the present status of physics and of physics instruction in our high schools based on a critical study of the state text as well as other modern texts that may be used for reference.

Laboratory. Formation and adaptation of courses suitable for high school.

230. Spectroscopy. 3(1-6); I. Prerequisites: College Physics and College Chemistry. Mr. Raburn and Mr. Floyd.

Theory and use of the spectroscope and spectrometer as instruments for identifying elements or their compounds, when rendered incandescent, by means of their characteristic spectra or definite wave lengths.

Laboratory. Calibration of prisms and gratings for ready use in chemical laboratories; ample training in measuring wave lengths and in identifying the spectra of many substances.

231. Optics. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisite: One year of college physics. Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Floyd.

An advanced course in light, dealing with reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, and polarization.

233. Radioactivity and the Electron Theory. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisites: College Physics and College Chemistry. Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Raburn.

Nature of the electron and its behavior in electric and magnetic fields; temperature effects and behavior of the electron in cathode tubes using a hot cathode; historical development of methods for determining mass and velocity of electrons; nature and effects of the various rays.

235. Storage Batteries. 2(1-3); II. Prerequisites: Physics and Chemistry. Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Floyd, and Mr. Maxwell.

History and development of the storage cell, lead and other types of cells; characteristics and behavior of cells on charge and discharge, care and opera- tion of storage batteries, and renewal of sulphated cells.

Laboratory. Testing of batteries for efficiency, rebuilding of broken do\*n cells, rejuvenation of sulphate cells.

237. Teachers' Course in Advanced Electricity. 2 credits; SS. Prerequi- site: Physics. Mr. Lyon.

Division of General Science 255

Laboratory exercises following or intermixed with lectures; experiments and demonstrations, use of models, properties of alternating current circuits, rec- tifiers, transformers, transmitting and receiving radio circuits, radio sets suit- able for use in high school ; construction of these appliances by members of the class under direction of the instructor.

245. Radio Measurements. 2(1-3); I and II. Prerequisite: College Physics, and an elementary course in radio or equivalent. Mr. Lyon.

Standard radio measurements, such as determination of tube characteristics, calculation and design of inductances and capacities, properties and designs of antennas, tuning of transmitting sets, wave lengths and calibration of receiv- ing sets, etc. The student may arrange to carry on an investigation of some special problem of radio.

250. Modern Physics. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisites: College Physics (1 yr.) and Chemistry (1 yr.). Mr. Brackett and Mr. Lyon.

Theories involved in recent advances in physics reviewed critically from the historical standpoint and the evidence for and against them discussed; each member of the class assigned to read several texts and articles on modern physics and to report and discuss his findings before the class.

252. Advanced Mechanics Laboratory. 1(0-3) or 2(0-6); I. Prerequisite: One year of college physics. Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Hartel.

A second course in mechanics experiments selected according to the needs and interests of each student from topics such as: Surface tension, viscosity, simple harmonic motion, torsion, pendulum, flexure, moment of inertia, rigid- ity, etc.

254. Advanced Heat Laboratory. 1(0-3) or 2(0-6); II. Prerequisite: One year of college physics. Mr. Floyd and Mr. Chapin.

A second course in heat experiments selected according to the needs and interests of each student from topics such as: Differential thermometers, vaporization, ratio of specific heats, vapor density and humidity, thermal con- ductivity, the mechanical equivalent, isotherms, etc.

256. Advanced Electrical Laboratory. 1(0-3) or 2(0-6); I. Prerequisite: One year of college physics. Mr. Brackett and Mr. Lyon.

A second course in electrical experiments selected according to the needs and interests of each student from topics such as: The magnetometer, hys- teresis, types and characteristics of galvanometers, effect of temperature on cells, thermoelectricity, ratio of e/m, quadrant electrometers, potentiometer, power factor, recifiers, vacuum tubes, etc.

258. Advanced Light Laboratory. 1(0-3) or 2(0-6); II. Prerequisite: One year of college physics. Mr. Raburn and Mr. Maxwell.

A second course in light experiments selected according to the needs and interests of each student from topics such as: Laws of lenses, laws of mirrors, the sextant, interferometer, polarimeter, gratings, total reflection, Brownian movements, Zeeman effect, photometry, calorimetry, etc.

260. Experimental Problems in Physics. 1(0-3) or 2(0-6); I, II, and SS, by appointment. Prerequisite : College Physics or equivalent. Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Brackett.

Selected problems involving physical phenomena or work preliminary to such investigations. This may count as part of the major requirement for the master's thesis provided the problem selected has the approval of the head of the department in which the major work is taken.

263. Mathematical Problems in Physics. 2(2-0). Prerequisites: Physics 135 and 140, or 145 and 150. Mr. Raburn and Mr. Lyon.

Solution of practical mathematical problems based on fundamental prin- ciples of physics.

264. Biophysics. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisites: One year each of college physics or household physics, organic chemistry, and zoology or botany, or their equivalents. Mr. Floyd.

Some of the more important physical manifestations as related to living

256 Kansas State Agricultural College

matter from the point of view of the organism as a whole and from that of the cell. For students of biology, nutrition, and medicine; lectures, library readings, and quiz; seminar reports on the literature.


301. Research in Physics. 1 to 10 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: College Physics.

Problems in original investigations; new and important fields investigated.

Public Speaking

Professor Hill Instructor Elliott

Professor Shinn* Instructor Faunce

Associate Professor Summers* Instructor Mase Assistant Professor Heberer

It is the constant effort of the Department of Public Speaking to relate the training in public speaking to the work of all other departments of the College and to harmonize it with the spirit of the College. With this object in view, students are trained in the presentation and discussion of the valu- able ideas acquired in their various fields of study. The method pursued in this training is that of actual practice on the platform before an audience.

The department seeks to place itself at the service of those various organi- zations of the College which desire or need its assistance, and at the service of the communities of the state. In addition to its regular courses, it aims to make itself available as far as possible for individual rehearsals. It trains the orators of the College, coaches and directs college plays, and prepares inter- collegiate debating teams. Students are urged to ally themselves with the organizations representing those various activities.

The equipment of this department has a value of $510.



101. Oral Interpretation. 2(2-0) ; I and II. Dr. Hill and Dr. Shinn. Purpose, to enable the student to attain some proficiency in the art of oral

interpretation; training to develop a natural style; points of theory and rou- tine drill necessary for the development and use of the voice and for proper platform deportment.

102. Dramatic Reading. 2(2-0); I and II. Prerequisite: Course 101, or by arrangement with head of department. Dr. Hill, Dr. Shinn, and Mrs. Elliott.

A continuation of course 101, involving more advanced study of the prin- ciples of oral interpretation and their application to platform reading.

106, 108. Extempore Speech I and II. 2(2-0) each; I and II each. Pre- requisite: For II, I. Dr. Hill, Dr. Shinn, Mr. Summers, Mr. Heberer, Mr. Mase, Mr. Faunce, and Mrs. Elliott.

I: Preparation and delivery of short addresses based on prepared outlines.

II: Course 106 continued, with special attention to specific application of the principles of that course to particular occasions.

115. Lecture Recital. 2 credits; I and II. Prerequisites: Courses 101 and 102, or by special arrangement with the head of the department. Dr. Hill.

Preparation and delivery by the student of one extended lecture recital, lecture, or preparation and delivery of short recitals; a study of types.

121, 122. Argumentation and Debate I and II. 2(2-0) each; II, and by appointment, respectively. Prerequisite: For I, course 106; for II, course 121; or, for both, by arrangement by head of the department. Mr. Summers.

* Absent on leave, year 1929-'30.

Division of General Science


I: Fundamentals of argumentation as applied in debate, with special work on the making of debate outlines, collection and organization of material, struc- ture and style of the debate speech, and methods of refutation; opportunity given to participate in a number of classroom debates for criticism.

II: The more technical phases of contest debating, with special attention to the outstanding problems of debate coaching, debate strategy and general- ship, persuasion as used in debate, methods of increasing rebuttal effectiveness, and management of debates; participation in classroom debates; opportunity to gain experience in debate coaching or judging.

126. Parliamentary Procedure. 1(1-0); I. Mr. Summers and Mr. Mase.

How to organize and conduct meetings and take part in deliberative assem- blies, with stress on three phases: How to conduct a meeting as chairman; how to take part from the floor; and how to organize and work in committee.

130, 135. Dramatic Production I and II. 2(2-0) each; I, II, and SS each. Prerequisite for II: I or consent of the instructor. Mr. Heberer.

I: The elementary principles of acting, diction, and make-up.

II: The theory and technique of stage craft with particular reference to producing plays in high schools; practical experience in scene design, lighting, and direction. Several one-act plays are presented during the semester in the workshop theater.

150, 152. Development of the Theater I and II. 2(2-0) each; I and II, respectively. Mr. Heberer.

I: The theater from its beginning down to the end of the nineteenth cen- tury; types of plays, theaters, acting and production, and their relations to the time.

II : The modern theater, its problems, plays, actors, artists, and producers a study of the American theater principally, and a survey of the contemporary stage.


251. Pageantry. 3(3-0); I and II. Prerequisites: English Literature and Extempore Speech I. Mrs. Elliott.

History of community drama and pageantry; finding and arranging mate- rials; organization of pageant groups; methods of financing; the adaptation of costuming, dancing, music, and setting to pageant production. Students during the course write a complete pageant manuscript, and produce a pageant in reality or in miniature under laboratory conditions.


Professor Nabours* Professor Ackert Professor Harman Associate Professor Johnson Assistant Professor Jewell Assistant Professor Wimmer Instructor Dobrovolny Instructor Goodrich

Instructor Harbaugh Assistant Larson Graduate Assistant Campbell Graduate Assistant Harper Graduate Assistant Woodward Graduate Research Asst. Cauthen Graduate Research Asst. Graham Graduate Research Asst. Wade

The courses have been planned to give a fundamental knowledge of the structures, functions, and relations of animals; information concerning the manner in which animals respond to the conditions of the environment; an appreciation of their human values; and a consideration of the problem of heredity and evolution.

General Zoology (course 105) constitutes a general survey, and forms an introduction to all lines in agriculture, general science, and home economics. Embryology B (219A), Physiology (130), Cytology (214), Neurology (250), Advanced Embryology (220), Parasitology (208), Human Parasitology (218), Evolution and Heredity (217), Heredity and Eugenics (216), Advanced Hu-

* Absent on leave, year 1929 -'30.


258 Kansas State Agricultural College

man Physiology (235), and Historical Geology (Geol. 203) are preliminary to advanced work in animal breeding, animal husbandry, dairy husbandry, vet- erinary medicine, home economics, and nursing. Selections may be made among these courses and Embryology (219), Comparative Anatomy of Verte- brates (245), Ornithology (230A), Field Zoology (205), Animal Ecology (211), Zoological Problems (203), Research in Zoology (301), and the Seminars (225, 227), by those who expect to do advanced work in zoology or entomology, or become teachers of biology.

The classrooms and laboratories are equipped with charts, models, micro- scopes, microtomes, paraffin baths and other apparatus both for elementary and advanced work, and a good natural history museum is available. A spe- cially trained technician is in charge of equipment and available in matters connected with zoological technic. The equipment belonging to the depart- ment is valued at $31,570.



105. General Zoology. 5(3-6)^1, II, and SS. Dr. Nabours, Dr. Ackert, Dr. Harman, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Jewell, Mr. Goodrich, and Mr. Harbaugh.

Structures, functions, relations and evolution of types of both invertebrates and vertebrates in the class, laboratory and in nature. Charge, $3.

109. Zoology and Embryology (Vet.). 5(3-6); I. Dr. Johnson. A study of the principles and types of animal life, and of the development of vertebrate embryos. Charge, $3.

123A. Human Anatomy. 5(3-6); I. Prerequisite: General Zoology or equivalent. Dr. Wimmer.

Special attention to- the human skeleton and organs; study of dissectible models, skeletons, charts, and living models. Charge, $3.

130. Physiology. 4(3-3); I, II, and SS. Prerequisites: Zool. 105 and General Chemistry or equivalent. Dr. Wimmer.

Functions of the organs and systems of the human body. Charge, $3.

135. Embryology A. 3(2-3); I and SS. Prerequisites: Zool. 105 or equiva- lent. Dr. Harman.

Development of the germ cells, fertilization, origin of the germ layers, initia- tion and growth of systems of organs, establishment of fetal relations, and nutrition and growth of mammals. The chick and pig are used principally as laboratory materials. Charge, $3.

137. Special Methods in Teaching Zoology. 3(3-0) ; I, II, and SS. For selected assistants in zoology. Prerequisites: Psychology and ten hours in zoology. Dr. Harman, Dr. Jewell, and Dr. Wimmer.

The functions of courses in general zoology, embryology and physiology, and their places in curricula; reviews of the subjects with special reference to their presentation in high school and junior college; care of live animals and the use of the local field; utilization of charts, models, specimens, apparatus and general technic in the teaching of the subjects.


203. Zoological Problems. 1 or 2 credits; I, II, and SS. Dr. Nabours, Dr. Ackert, Dr. Harman, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Jewell, Dr. Wimmer, and Mr. Har- baugh.

Individual problems in heredity, parasitology, physiology, cytology, em- bryology, and ecology assigned by the instructors in charge.

205. Field Zoology. 3(1-6); I. Prerequisite: Zool. 105. Dr. Jewell.

A general survey of the animal kingdom with collection, preservation, and identification of local forms; notes on their life histories, distribution, and relationships. Charge, $3.

206. Zoological Technic. 1(0-3) or 2(0-6); II. Prerequisite: General Zoology, or equivalent. Dr. Nabours and Mr. Dobrovolny.

Division of General Science 259

Methods of killing, fixing, imbedding, using microtome, staining, dehy- drating, and other processes in preparation of microscopical slides, principles of photomicography, museum mounting and labeling, and introduction to taxidermy. Charge, $3.

208. Parasitology. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Zool. 105, or 109. Dr. Ackert. A study of the biology, pathology, and prophylaxis of the principal external and internal parasites of the domestic animals. Charge, $2.

211. Animal Ecology. 3(2-3) or 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Zool 105, or equivalent. Dr. Jewell.

Relation of animals to the complete environment, with special attention to the dynamic factors of the environment and their effect on the present status and future changes of the animal community. Charge, $2.

214. Cytology. 4(2-6); I. Prerequisite: Zool. 105, or equivalent. Dr. Harm an.

. Methods of preparing material for cytological study, development of the germ cells and theories of structures and functions of the different parts of the cell. Charge, $3.

216. Heredity and Eugenics. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Zool. 105, or equiv- alent. Dr. Nabours and Mr. Harbaugh.

Human inheritance and the interactions of nurture and heredity.

217. Evolution and Heredity. 3(2-3) or 4(2-6); II. Prerequisites: Zool. 105 and Genetics (An. Husb. 221), or equivalent. Dr. Nabours and Mr. Harbaugh.

Development of the idea of evolution; evidence and principal theories of the causes of evolution; problems of variation, heredity, and experimental evolution.

218. Human Parasitology. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Zool. 105, or equiv- alent. Dr. Ackert.

Biological, pathological and prophylactic phases of the principal parasitic maladies of man.

219A. Embryology B. 4(3-3); I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Zool. 105, or equivalent. Dr. Harman.

The physiology of reproduction, developmental anatomy and physiology of mammals, with special reference to man. Charge, $3.

220. Advanced Embryology. 4(2-6); I. Prerequisites: Zool. 105 and 201 or 109, or equivalent. Dr. Harman.

Further study of the main facts of embryology, with special reference to their bearings upon biological theories, and a comparative study of the physi- ology of reproduction in mammals, including man. Charge, $3.

225. Zoology and Entomology Seminar. 1 credit; I and II. Prerequisite: Zool. 105, or equivalent.

Presentation of original investigations, reviews of papers appearing in cur- rent journals, summaries of recent advances in various fields, and discussion of various aspects of the fundamental problems of modern biology.

227. Genetics Seminar. 1 credit; the year. Prerequisite: Zool. 105, or equivalent. Dr. Nabours, Dr. Warren, Dr. Parker, and Dr. Ibsen.

Study and criticism of genetic experiments in plants and animals, biological and mathematical methods employed, validity of conclusions drawn.

230A. Ornithology. 3(2-3); II and SS. Prerequisite: Zool. 105. Mr. Goodrich.

Study of birds with reference to classification, habits, habitats, adaptations, migrations, and economic importance. Charge, $2.

235. Advanced Human Physiology. 4(3-3); I. Prerequisites: Zool. 105 and Organic Chemistry. Dr. Wimmer.

The fundamental principles and theories of the functions of muscles, nerve, circulation, digestion, respiration, secretion and excretion. Charge, $3.

260 Kansas State Agricultural College

240. Taxonomy of Parasites, 2(1-3); I. Prerequisite: Zool. 105 or 109. Dr. Ackert.

Structure of animal parasites; relation of certain animal groups; principles of classification; identification of parasites of man and of domestic animals.

245. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates. 3(1-6); II. Prerequisite: Zool. 105, or equivalent. Dr. Johnson.

A comparative consideration of the skeletal, muscular, nervous, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and urogenital systems and the sensory organs of vertebrates. Charge, $3.

250. Comparatve and Human Neurology. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Zool. 105. Dr. Johnson.

Structure, functions and evolution of the nervous system. Charge, $2.


301. Research in Zoology. 1 to 8 credits; I, II, and SS. Prerequisite: Zool. 105. Dr. Nabours, Dr. Ackert, Dr. Harman, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Jewell, Dr. Wimmer, and Mr. Harbaugh.

Individual research problems are assigned in the fields of heredity and ex- perimental evolution, parasitology, cytology, embryology, ecology, physiology, neurology, and endocrinology.

The Division of Home Economics

Margaret M. Justin, Dean

Modern research in the sciences and present-day development of the in- dustries, arts, and professions have brought a recognition of the value of technical training as a part of the preparation for life's work. An educational plan which combines industrial, technical, and scientific subj ects with the older general studies results to the students in the power to express, in every- day activities, the knowledge acquired in the classroom. It increases the capacity for productive work and develops the desire to realize in practical form the theories and principles studied. The aim of a collegiate course in home economics is not merely to increase the student's stock of information, but to stimulate interest in continued study or research, to train in accuracy in detail, to teach discrimination with regard to criteria by which to interpret results of work, and to cultivate an attitude of economic and social responsi- bility.

The course as outlined below is arranged to meet the needs of the following groups of students : Those who wish to teach, those who wish to enter graduate courses leading to technical or professional work, and those who wish to apply their knowledge to various problems of home life or in fields of industry and social service in which an understanding of home-economics subjects is essen- tial to intelligent action. While emphasis is laid on the material and prac- tical side of life, the training does not stop here. The young women are con- stantly reminded that life is not drudgery; that technical knowledge and scientific skill even fail to include the full meaning of education in its highest sense. They are taught that any training that fails to develop harmoniously body, mind, and spirit is inadequate and incomplete. They are brought face to face with ideals as well as with actualities, and are made to see that, while skillful labor gives dignity to life, grace, refinement, and self-poise are the highest requisites for true service.

That training given is as varied as it is broad. It includes a knowledge of the laws of health; and understanding of the sanitary requirements of the home; the study of values, both absolute and relative, of the various articles used in the home; the wise expenditure of money, time, and energy; the scientific principles underlying the selection and preparation of food ; the right care of children; and the ability to secure efficient service from others. In- struction is methodical and thorough, and is suited to the circumstances of the students. Experience shows that such training teaches contentment, industry? order, and cleanliness, and fosters a woman's independence and feeling of responsibility.

The work in home economics includes :

A four-year curriculum, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science.

A four-year curriculum leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science with special training in art.

A five-year curriculum leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science and a diploma in nursing.

Graduate work leading to the degree of Master of Science, majoring in home economics.


The training in the four-year curriculum is both general and specific. Since scientific training is fundamental in the intelligent and successful administra- tion of the home, strong courses in the sciences are given as a foundation for the special training in home economics. To the end that well-rounded culture may be attained, courses in English, history, economics, sociology, and psy- chology receive due prominence. The time of the student is about equally


262 Kansas State Agricultural College

divided among the purely technical subjects, the fundamental sciences, and studies of general interest. The courses in the related subjects are given in the different departments of the College, while the technical courses are given in the Division of Home Economics. In the junior and senior years oppor- tunity is given for choice of electives, which makes it possible for students to specialize in some chosen line. To this end electives are to be chosen in groups combined logically in courses approved by the faculty or by the stu- dent's dean. This choice of electives will be made during the second semester of the sophomore year.


The four-year curriculum is recommended for all who desire to teach home economics, or to enter professional fields in which home economics may be applied.


The student who in addition to securing the Bachelor of Science degree is desirous of qualifying for the three-year Kansas state teacher's certificate, re- newable for life and valid in any high school or other public school in the state, should elect certain courses in the Department of Education and other technical courses which are deemed essential for vocational home economics and desirable for all teaching of home economics. These courses are as fol- lows :

Educational Subjects Technical Subjects

Educ. Ad. A or B, Educ. 105 or 106.. 3(3-0) Child Care & Training L, Child

Educ. Psychology, Educ. 109 3(3-0) Welf. 201 3(1-6)

Vocational Educ. A, Educ. 125 3(3-0) House Furnishings, Art 108 2(1-3)

Special Methods in Teaching of Home Practice Course in Household Man- Economics, Educ. 132 3(3-0) agement, Hshld. Econ. 116 3( - )

Supervised Teaching in Home Economics, Clothing III, Clo. and Text. 126 3(1-6)

Educ. 160 .3(3-0)


The four-year curriculum offering special training in art is designed to meet the need of students especially interested in this field. The courses give back- ground for professional work in the art field, for teaching of art and for the general culture afforded by art study.


The five-year curriculum, offered in affiliation with the Charlotte Swift Hospital of Manhattan, enables the student wishing to take the Bachelor of Science degree and the full professional training in nursing to complete this work in five years. The first two years are spent at the College. The third and fourth years are spent at the Nursing School of the hospital, where both theoretical and practical training in nursing is given. During the fifth year required courses for the Bachelor of Science degree are completed at the Col- lege and electives are chosen which will prepare the student for the field of nursing in which she is most interested.

The demand for trained women to fill administrative and teaching positions in schools of nursing and to enter the various branches of public-health nurs- ing is greater than the supply and offers a growing and attractive field of work for the college graduate.

Before entering upon this curriculum the student must report to the super- intendent of the Hospital for a physical examination, and she must have her plan of study approved by the dean of the Division of Home Economics.

Further information concerning the work at the hospital may be obtained from the director of the Training School for Nurses of the Charlotte Swift Hospital, Manhattan.

The College does not assume the responsibility of insuring employment to graduates, but the latter rarely experience difficulty in obtaining remunerative positions.

Division of Home Economics


Curriculum in Home Economics


First Semester

College Rhetoric I,* Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Chemistry I, Chem. 101 5(3-6)

Elementary Design, Art 101 3(1 -G)

Foods I, Food & Nut. 101A 3(iy2-4y2)

Hygiene, Child Welf. 101 2(2-0)or

Psychology A, Educ. 101 3(3-0)

Clothing I, Clo. & Text. 101 2(1-3)

Seminar, Gen. H. E. 101 R(l-0)

Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151 A. .R(0-3)

Second Semester

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Chemistry II, Chem. 102 5(3-6)

Costume Design I, Art 130 2(0-6)

Psychology A, Educ. 101 3(3-0)

Clothing I, Clo. & Text. 101 2(l-3)or

Foods I, Food & Nut. 101A 3(iy2-4y2)

Hygiene, Child Welf. 101 2(2-0)

Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A. .R(0-3)

Total 16




First Semester

Organic Chem. (HE), Chem. 121 5(3-6)

English Literature, Engl. 172 3(3-0)

General Zoology, Zool. 105 5(3-6)

Clothing II, Clo. & Text. Ill 3(l-6)or

Household Physics,f Physics 101 4(3-3)

Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3)

Second Semester

Foods II, Food & Nut. 106 5(3-6)

American Literature, Engl. 175 3(3-0)

Embryology B, Zool. 219A 4(3-3)or

Physiology, Zool. 130 4(3-3)

Clothing II, Clo. & Text. Ill 3(l-6)or

Household Physics, Physics 101 4(3-3)

Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 154. . .R(0-3)

Total 16 or 17

Total 15 or 16


First Semester

German I & II, Mod. Lang. 101

and 102 6(6-0)or

French I & II, Mod. Lang. 151 & 152, 6(6-0)

Human. Nut., Food & Nut. 112 3(3-0)

Economics, Econ. 101 3(3-0)

Art Elements, Art 118 1(1-0)

Elective 3( - )


Second Semester

German Readings, § Mod. Lang.

Ill 3(3-0)or

French Readings, Mod. Lang. 161 3(3-0)

Hshld. Mngt., Hshld. Econ. 107 3(2-3)

Textiles, Clo. & Text. 116 3(2-3)

Hshld. Microb., Bact. 121A 3(1-6)

Elective 4( - )




First Semester

American History I,§ Hist. 201 3(3-0)

Dietetics, Food & Nut. 201 5(3-6)

Elective 8( - )

Second Semester Amer. Govt.,§ Hist. 151, 152 or 153.. 3(3-0)

Family Health, Child Welf. 211 3(3-0)

Seminar, Gen. H. E. 151 R(l-0)

Elective 10( - )

Total 16 Total 16

Total requirement for degree of Bachelor of Science in Home Economics, 128 hours.

* The number before the parenthesis indicates the number of semester hours of credit ; the first number within the parentheses indicates the number of hours of recitation each week ; the second shows the number of hours to be spent in laboratory work each week ; and the third, where there is one, indicates the number of hours of outside work in connection with the laboratory each week.

f General Physics may be substituted if a student plans to pursue research later.

$ Students in the Division of Home Economics enrolling in modern language take a mini- mum of nine hours of French or German unless they have had previously one or more years high -school work in the language in question. In case French or German has been taken previously in high school only six semesters in advanced courses of that language are re- quired. Students who under these circumstances take less than nine semester credits in modern language are required to take additional elective hours, so that their total requirement is the same as for other students.

§ An option of equivalent hours in the fields of mathematics, chemistry, physics or zo- ology may be taken instead of the course marked, with the advice and approval of the dean.

264 Kansas State Agricultural College.

Curriculum in Home Economics with Special Training in Art


First Semester Second Semester

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0) College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Gen. Chemistry, Chem. 110 5(3-6) Gen. Organic Chemistry, Chem. 122.. 5(3-6)

Elementary Design, Art 101 3(1-6) Intermediate Design, Art 102 3(1-6)

Hygiene, Child Welfare 101 2(2-0) Clothing I, Clo. & Text. 101 2(1-3)

Foods I, Food & Nut. 101A 3(1% -4%) Costume Design I, Art 130 2(0-6)

Seminar, Gen. H. E. 101 R(l-0) Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151A. .R(0-3) Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A. .R(0-3)

Total 16 Total 16


First Semester Second Semester

English Literature, Engl. 172 3(3-0) American Literature, Engl. 175 3(3-0)

Psychology A, Educ. 101 3(3-0) Foods II, Food & Nut. 106 5(3-6)

General Zoology,* Zool. 105 5(3-6) Ancient Civilization, Hist. 101 3(3-0)

Art Elements, Art 118 1(1-0) Advanced Design, Art 105 2(0-6)

Sketching, Art 120 2(0-6) Clothing II, Clo. & Text. Ill 3(1-6)

Extern. Speech I, Pub. Spk. 106 2(2-0) Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 154. .R(0-3)

Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3)

Total 16 Total 16


First Semester Second Semester

German I and II, Mod. Lang. 101 German Readings, Mod. Lang 111 . .3(3-0)or

and 102 6(6-0)or

French I and II, Mod. Lang. 151 and French Readings, Mod. Lang. 161 ... .3(3-0)

152 6(6-0)

Human Nut., Food & Nut. 112 3(3-0)or Hist. & App. of Music, Music 114 3(3-0)

Applied Nut., Food & Nut. 121 2(2-0) Costume Design III, Art 138 2(0-6)

Costume Design II, Art 134 2(0-6) Medieval Europe, Hist. 102 3(3-0)

Elective 5 or 6( - ) Elective 5( - )

Total 16 Total 16


First Semester Second Semester

Prin. of Art and their Application I, American History I, Hist. 201 3(3-0)

Art 124 3(3-0) Int. Dec. and Furn., Art 114 3(1-6)

Child Care and Training I, Child Welf. Principles of Art and their Application

201 3(1-6) II, Art 126 3(3-0)

Elective 10( - ) Hist, of Cost., Clo. and Text. 265 1(1-0)

Seminar, Gen. H. E. 151 R(l-0)

Total 16 Elective 6( - )

Total 16

Number of semester hours required for graduation, 128.

Curriculum in Home Economics and Nursing


First Semester Second Semester

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0) College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Gen. Chemistry, Chem. 110 5(3-6) Gen. Organic Chemistry, Chem. 122.. 5(3-6)

German I & II, Mod. Lang. 101 and Gen. Zoology, Zool. 105 5(3-6)

102 6(6-0) Psychology A, Educ. 101 3(3-0)

Foods I, Food & Nut. 101A 3(iy2-4y2) Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 152A. .R(0-3)

Seminar, Gen. H. E. 101 R(l-0)

Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 151A, R(0-3) Total 16

Total 17

* General Botany I and II may be taken as an option for General Zoology and the neces- sary adjustment made in providing the required number of hours each semester and in lessening the electives one hour if the option is desired.

Division of Home Economics 265


First Semester Second Semester

Foods II, Food & Nut. 106 5(3-6) Gen. Microbiology, Bact. 101 3(1-6)

Physiol. Chem., Chem. 231 5(3-6) Amer. Govt.,§ Hist. 151, 152 or 153 .. .3(3-0)

Embryology B, Zool. 219A 4(3-3)or American Literature, Engl. 175 3(3-0)

Physiology, Zool. 130 4(3-3) Current History, Hist. 126 1(1-0)

English Literature, Engl. 172 3(3-0) Elective 6( - )

Phys. Education W, Phys. Ed. 153..R(0-3)

Total 17 Total 16


(Replaced by two years at Charlotte Swift Hospital)

Theoretical and practical work during the time includes:

First Year Second Year

History and Ethics of Nursing Surgery and Surgical Nursing and Bandaging

Hospital Economics Obstetrics and Gynecology

Nursing Methods Pediatrics

Medical Nursing Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat

Communicable Diseases Nervous and Mental Diseases

Special Therapeutics and Massage Materia Medica

Problems in Nursing

Equivalent to 32 college hours _


First Semester Second Semester

(Specialized work in affiliated hospitals) American Hist. I,§ Hist. 201 3(3-0)

Equivalent to 16 college hours Dietetics, Food & Nut. 201 5(3-6)

Seminar, Gen. H. E. 151 R(l-0)

Elective 6( - )

Total 14

Total requirement for degree of Bachelor of Science in Home Economics and Nursing, 128 hours.

Groups of Electives for Students in the Division of Home Economics

The groups given below are selected with a view to training students for the vocations in which home economics may be directly applied.

A sufficient number of hours may be chosen from any group to fill the elective requirement, or a smaller number of hours may be taken from a group and, for the remaining elective hours, advanced courses of related sub- ject matter may be chosen.

Music may be added to any group, in a minimum of six semester hours.

Child Care and Training

First Semester Second Semester

Sociology, Econ. 151 3(3-0) History of the Home, Hist. 225 3(3-0)

Social Problems, Econ. 257 2(2-0) Psychology of Childhood and Ado-

The Mod. Family, Child Welf. 216. . .2(2-0) lescence, Educ. 208 3(3-0)

Fid. Work in Nut., Food & Nut. 215. .3(2-3) Child Care and Training II, Child

Heredity & Eugenics, Zool. 216 2(2-0) Welf. 206 3(3-0)

Child Care and Training I, Child Pos. Child Health, Child Welf. 111.. 2(2-0)

Welf. 201 3(1-6) Problems in Child Welfare, Child

Seminar in Child Welfare and Euthenics, Welf. 221 1 to 5

Child Welf. 226 1 or 2

§ An option of equivalent hours in the field of mathematics, chemistry, physics or zo- ology may be taken instead of the course marked, with the advice and approval of the dean.


Kansas State Agricultural College.


First Semester

Hist, of Costume, Clo. & Text. 265... 1(1-0)

Clothing III, Clo. & Text. 126 3(1-6)

Clothing IV, Clo. & Text. 270 3(1-6)

Clothing Economics, Clo. & Text. 237, 3(3-0) Hygiene of Clothing, Clo. & Text. 251, 3(3-0)

Sociology, Econ. 151 3(3-0)

Costume Design II, Art 134 2(0-6)

Intermediate Design, Art 102 3(1-6)

Second Semester

Prin. of Adv., Ind. Jour. 179 3(3-0)

Prin. of Art and their Application I,

Art 124 3(3-0)

Labor in Clo. & Text. Industries,

Clo. & Text. 260 1(1-0)

Medieval Europe, Hist. 102 3(3-0)

Prob. in Clo. & Text., Clo. & Text. 256, 1 to 3 Modern Europe I, Hist. 115 3(3-0)


First Semester

Inst. Econ. I, Inst. Econ. 201 3(1-6)

Physiological Chem., Chem. 231 5(3-6)

Fid. Work in Nut., Food & Nut. 215.. 3(2-3) Food Econ. & Nut. Seminar I, Food

& Nut. 251 2(2-0)

Child Care and Training I, Child

Welf. 201 3(1-6)

Second Semester

Inst. Econ. II, Inst. Econ. 205 3(3-0)

Dietetics for Abnormal Conditions,

Food & Nut. 205 2(1-3)

Meats (HE), An. Husb. 176 1(0-3)

Inst. Marketing, Inst. Econ. 215 2(2-0)

Meth. of Invest, in Foods & Nut.,

Food & Nut. 265 2(1-3)

The Nut. of Dev., Food & Nut. 210.. 2(2-0)

Food and Nutrition

First Semester

Physical Chemistry I, Chem. 206 5(3-6)

Microchemical Meth. of Anal., Chem.

245 1(0-3)

Adv. Human Physiology, Zool. 235... 4(3-3)

Hygienic Bacteriology, Bact. 206 4(2-6)

Problems in Food Econ. & Nut. I,

Food & Nut. 248 2 to 5

Food Econ. & Nut. Seminar I, Food

& Nut. 251 2(2-0)

Fid. Work in Nut., Food & Nut. 215.. 3(2-3)

Bact. Problems, Bact. 226 1 to 4

College Algebra, Math. 104 3(3-0)

Plane Trigonometry, Math. 101 3(3-0)


First Semester Child Care & Training I, Child Welf.

201 3(1-6)

The Mod. Family, Child Welf. 216.. 2(2-0)

Sociology, Econ. 151 3(3-0)

Community Organization, Econ. 267.-3(3-0) Prob. in Foods I, Food & Nut. 243. . 1 to 3 Practice Course in Hshld. Mngt.,

Hshld. Econ. 116 3( - )

World Classics I, Engl. 280 3(3-0)

The Nut. of Dev., Food & Nut. 210.. 2(2-0)

Second Semester

Physiological Chem., Chem. 231 5(3-6)

Biochem. Prep., Chem. 234 5(0-15)

Quantitative Anal., Chem. 241 5(1-12)

Food Analysis, Chem. 257 3(0-9)

Histology I, Path. 101 3(1-6)

Food Econ. & Nut. Seminar II,

Food & Nut. 252 2(2-0)

Meth. of Invest, in Foods & Nut.,

Food & Nut. 265 2(1-3)

Human Parasitology, Zool. 218 3(3-0)

Stat. Meth. Applied to Education,

Educ. 223 3(3-0)

Nut. of Dev., Food & Nut. 210 2(2-0)


Second Semester Child Care & Training II, Child

Welf. 206 3(3-0)

Principles of Art and their Appli- cation I, Art 124 3(3-0)

Econ. of Hshld., Hshld. Econ. 265... 2(2-0)

Clothing III, Clo. & Text. 126 3(1-6)

Meats (HE), An. Husb. 176 1(0-3)

Hist, of Eng. Lit., Engl. 181 3(3-0)

Psychology of Childhood & Ado- lescence, Educ. 208 3(3-0)

Institutional Economics

First Semester

Inst. Econ. I, Inst. Econ. 201 3(1-6)

Com. Correspondence, Engl. 122 3(3-0)

Prob. in Inst. Adm., Inst. Econ. 210, 1 to 5

Inst. Econ. II, Inst. Econ. 205 3(3-0)

Prob. in Fds., Foods & Nut. 243, 244. .1 to 3 Fid. Work in Nut., Food & Nut. 215. .3(2-3)

Second Semester

Meats (HE), An. Husb. 176 1(0-3)

Inst. Marketing, Inst. Econ. 215 2(2-0)

Inst. Accounting, Econ. 132 3(3-0)

Tea Room Mngt., Inst. Econ. 225 3(0-9)

Physiological Chem., Chem. 231 5(3-6)

Meat Studies (HE), An. Husb. 182... 1(1-0)


First Semester

Elem. Journalism, Ind. Jour. 151 2(2-0)

Journalism for Women, Ind. Jour. 172, 2(2-0)

Indust. Writing, Ind. Jour. 161 2(2-0)

Advanced Reporting, Ind. Jour. 163.. 3(3-0)

Second Semester

Copy Reading, Ind. Jour. 254 2(0-6)

Indust. Feature Writ., Ind. Jour. 167, 2(2-0) Contemporary Thought, Ind. Jour.

255 3(3-0)

Additional selections to be chosen in the subject-matter fields.

Division of Home Economics 267

Lecturing and Demonstrating

First Semester Second Semester

Oral English, Engl. 128 3(3-0) Dramatic Read., Pub. Spk. 102 2(2-0)

Oral Interp., Pub. Spk. 106 2(2-0) Extern. Speech II, Pub. Spk. 108 2(2-0)

Oral Interp., Pub. Spk. 101 2(2-0) Applied Psychology, Educ. 170 3(3-0)

Sociology, Econ. 151 3(3-0) Rural Sociology, Econ. 15G 3(3-0)

Technical Writing, Engl. 207 2(2-0) Com. Organization, Econ. 267 3(3-0)

Prac. in Food Dem., Food & Nut. 117, 1(0-3) Ind. Writing, Ind. Jour. 161 2(2-0)

Meats (HE), An. Husb. 176 1(0-3) Methods for Ext. Workers in Foods,

Ind. Feat. Writing, Ind. Jour. 167 2(2-0) Food & Nut. 260 2( - )

Social Welfare Work

First Semester Second Semester

Child Care and Training I, Child Welf. Child Care and Training II, Child

201 3(1-6) Welf. 206 3(3-0)

The Mod. Family, Child Welf. 216. . .2(2-0) Labor Problems, Econ. 233 2(2-0)

Econ. of the Hshld, Hshld. Econ. 265, 2(2-0) Rural Sociology, Econ. 156 3(3-0)

Sociology, Econ. 151 3(3-0) Social Problems, Econ. 257 2(2-0)

Latin America, Hist. 207 2(2-0) Modern Europe II, Hist. 223 3(3-0)

Community Org. Econ. 267 3(3-0) Immi. & Int. Rela., Hist. 228 2(2-0)

Fid. Work in Nut., Food & Nut. 215, 3(2-3) Prob. in Child Welfare, Child Welf.

221 1 to 5


First Semester Second Semester

College Algebra, Math. 104 3(3-0) Physical Chemistry I, Chem. 206 5(3-6)

General Physics I, Physics 135 4(3-3) Qualitative Analysis, Chem. 224 2(0-6)

General Physics II, Physics 140 4(3-3) Prob. in Clothing and Textiles,

Plane Trigonometry, Math. 101 3(3-0) Clo. & Text. 256 1-3*

Hygiene of Clothing, Clo. & Text. 251, 3(3-0) Adv. Human Physiology, Zool. 235. . .4(3-3) Clothing Economics, Clo. & Text. 237,3(3-0) Statistical Methods Applied to Edu-

Experimental Textiles, Clo. & Text, 312 . . .3* cation, Educ. 223 3(3-0)

Bact. Problems, Bact. 226 1 to 4

Advanced Textiles, Clo. & Text. 246. .3(1-6)


Professor Holman Instructor Morris

Associate Professor Arnold Instructor Harris

Associate Professor Everhardy Instructor Smith

There is an increasing realization of the need for a usable knowledge of art. The curriculum in art is designed to develop the general culture afforded by art study, to train teachers of art, and to provide a background for professional work.

This department owns equipment valued at $8,987.



101. Elementary Design. 3(1-6); I, II, and SS.f Miss Holman, Miss Arnold, Miss Everhardy, Miss Morris, Miss Harris, and Miss Smith.

A fundamental course in the study of color and form and the application of their principles to daily living. Charge, 50 cents; deposit, 25 cents.

102. Intermediate Design. 3(1-6); I and II. Prerequisite: Course 101. Miss Arnold, Miss Everhardy, and Miss Harris.

A continuation of course 101 with special emphasis on color possibilities in different processes. Charge, 50 cents; deposit, 25 cents.

* By appointment.

f The number before the parenthesis indicates the number of semester hours of credit ; the first numeral within the parenthesis indicates the number of hours of recitation each week; the second shows the number of hours to be spent in laboratory work each week; and the third, where there is one, indicates the number of hours of outside work in connection with the laboratory required each week. I, II, and SS indicate that the course is given the first semester, second semester, and summer session respectively.

268 Kansas State Agricultural College,

105. Advanced Design. 2(0-6); II. Prerequisite: Course 102. Miss Arnold, Miss Everhardy, and Miss Harris.

A continuation of course 102, with emphasis on art structure. Charge, 50 cents; deposit 25 cents.

108. House Furnishings. 2(1-3); I and II. Prerequisite: Course 101. Miss Holman, Miss Harris, and Miss Morris.

The decorative phase of design studied in the solving of problems which occur in the furnishings of the house. Planned specifically for the students meeting requirements for vocational home economics teaching. Charge, 50 cents; deposit, 25 cents.

110. Public-school Art. 2(1-3); SS. Prerequisite: Course 101. Miss Holman, Miss Arnold, Miss Everhardy, and Miss Harris.

Methods and problems in art as aids for the public school teacher. Charge, 50 cents; deposit, 25 cents.

114. Interior Decoration. 3(1-6); II. Prerequisite: Course 102. Miss Holman, Miss Everhardy, Miss Morris, and Miss Harris.

Study of the house and its furnishings as a design. Charge, 50 cents; de- posit, 25 cents.

118. Art Elements. 1(1-0); I and II. Prerequisite: Course 101. Miss Holman and Miss Morris.

A course to stimulate an interest in art and to foster the appreciation of beauty in our surroundings.

120. Sketching. 2(0-6) ; II. Prerequisite: Course 101. Miss Arnold and Miss Harris.

Representative sketching, decorative illustrating, and creative designing in which a variety of mediums and technique is employed. Charge, 50 cents; deposit, 25 cents.

124. Principles of Art and Their Application I. 3(3-0) ; II. Prerequisite: Course 101. Miss Holman and Miss Arnold.

A study of color and form as found in the world's art.

126. Principles of Art and Their Application II. 3(3-0) ; I. Prerequi- site: Course 124. Miss Holman and Miss Arnold. A continuation of course 124.

130. Costume Design I. 2(0-6). Prerequisite: Course 101. Miss Holman, Miss Arnold, Miss Everhardy, Miss Morris, Miss Harris, and Miss Smith.

Modern dress as a design, consideration of individual requirements; brief survey of historic costume; this course a design basis for garment selection and construction. Charge, 50 cents; deposit, 25 cents.

134. Costume Design II. 2(0-6). Prerequisite: Course 130. Miss Arnold, Miss Morris, and Miss Harris.

Review of line, form, and proportion in modern costume and in the human figure as the structure upon which costume is built; special problems in his- toric dress design; the Hambidge Theory of Dynamic Symmetry. Charge, 50 cents; deposit, 25 cents.

138. Costume Design III. 2(0-6). Prerequisite: Course 134. Miss Arnold, Miss Morris, and Miss Harris.

A continuation of course 134, particularly in relation to historic costume. Charge, 50 cents; deposit, 25 cents.


201, 202. Problems in Elementary and Intermediate Design. 1 to 3 credits each; SS. Prerequisites: For Course 201, Course 134; for Course 202, course 201. Miss Arnold and Miss Everhardy.

Course 201: Special phases of decorative design considered with reference to the student's experience and development of projects through research and invention. Charge, 50 cents; deposit, 25 cents.

Division of Home Economics 269

Course 202: The aim, to develop appreciation for art in everyday sur- roundings and as far as time permits to develop skill in expression; problems adapted to the needs of the student. Charge, 50 cents; deposit, 25 cents.

206. Problems in Teaching Art. 3(1-6); SS. Prerequisites: Elementary Design and Special Methods in Teaching of Home Economics, or its equiva- lent. Miss Holman, Miss Arnold, and Miss Everhardy.

For the high school teacher who is correlating art with home economics subjects, particularly for the teacher of art subjects connected with vocational training; training given through lectures and class discussions of methods, consideration of suitable laboratory equipment, use of illustrative material, and preparation of courses of study. Charge, 50 cents; deposit, 25 cents.

211. Problems in Costume Design. 2(0-6); I. Prerequisites: 9 credits in Design; consult instructors. Miss Arnold and Miss Morris.

Problems to develop taste in selection and use of historic material for dress, plays, and pageants. The aim is to increase appreciation and improve technique. Notes and sketches are required. Charge, 50 cents; deposit, 25 cents.


301. Art Research. 2 to 10 credits, by appointment. For prerequisites, consult head of department.

A problem in art selected from some of the following fields: (a) Historic research; (6) organization of curriculum; (c) methods of teaching; and (d) theoretical aspects of art education.

Child Welfare and Euthenics

Professor Ford Assistant Noble

Instructor Sharp Assistant Langford

Instructor Kell Graduate Assistant Edwards

Home economics must always be chiefly concerned with the individuals in the homes, and the various phases of home economics gain in importance only as they contribute something of value to the lives of individuals. If homes are to prepare their members to help in the progress of society and to receive the highest satisfactions from life, they must insure three things.

They must first of all insure a childhood safeguarded by the wise applica- tion of the latest principles of science. The environment must be such as to foster the fullest development of desirable qualities and to suppress the de- velopment of undesirable qualities. In the second place, through right family relationships and family living based on sound principles and high ideals, the home must insure such help and sense of security to the individual as can come in no other way. In the third place, the home must lay a sure founda- tion for both the physical and mental health of its members. We realize now that health is much more than the absence of disease. It is positive, buoyant health that homes must strive to give individuals to-day.

To help educate in right living, from the standpoint both of individual and family well-being, and to further whatever is of benefit to children are the aims of the courses offered in this department.

This department has equipment valued at $2,608.


101. Hygiene. 2(2-0); I and II. No prerequisite; must be taken parallel with Foods I by home economics students. Dr. Sharp.

Personal hygiene as a means of maintaining and improving health.

111. Positive Child Health. 2(2-0) ; I and II. For prerequisites, consult instructor. Dr. Sharp.

Public-health aspects of school hygiene, the object of health development in educational systems, organization and administration of health work in

270 Kansas State Agricultural College

public schools, and the teaching of hygiene by practical demonstration and the project method.


201. Child Care and Training I. 3(1-6); I and II. Prerequisites: Em- bryology or Physiology, psychology, and Human Nutrition. Dr. Ford.

Development, care, and training of the infant and preschool child.

Laboratory. Directed observations and assisting in the nursery school. Charge, $1.

206. Child Care and Training II. 3(3-0; II. For prerequisites, consult the instructor. Dr. Ford.

The development, care, and training of older children; community problems in child welfare.

211. Family Health. 3(3-0); I and II. Prerequisites: Embryology or Physiology, and Household Microbiology. Dr. Sharp.

Health of individuals in the family; the importance of preventive medi- cine; the household as a factor in health conservation; the interrelation of home and community health; simple nursing procedures.

216. The Modern Family. 2(2-0); I and II. Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing. Consult instructor. Dr. Ford.

Functions of the family and the various problems which confront it to-day.

221. Problems in Child Welfare and Euthenics. 1 to 5 credits; I and II. Prerequisite : Child Care and Training I. Consult instructor. Dr. Ford.

Individual investigation of a special problem in some phase of child welfare ; conferences, and reports at appointed hours.

226. Seminar in Child Welfare and Euthenics. 1 or 2 credits; I and II. Prerequisite : Child Care and Training I. Dr. Ford.

Discussions and reports dealing with important publications and activities in the field of child welfare and euthenics.


301. Research in Child Welfare and Euthenics. 1 to 10 credits; I and II. Prerequisites: Consult instructor. Dr. Ford.

Opportunity for original research in the field of child welfare and euthenics which may form the basis of work for a master's thesis.

Clothing and Textiles

Professor Baker Assistant Professor Quinlan

Associate Professor Cowles Graduate Assistant Anderson

Assistant Professor Bruner Graduate Research Assistant Southard Assistant Professor Hess

Clothing is an important factor in both the physiological and psychological well-being of the individual and of the family. The wise selection of the clothing requires a high degree of skill in the application of hygienic, economic, and aesthetic principles. The preservation and care of clothing are based upon a practical knowledge of chemistry, entomology, and bacteriology. In the con- struction of garments, art, applied art, and technic are presented in their proper relations in order to train students in fundamental principles and enable them to utilize these principles in their everyday practices. In this department advanced courses are offered for students who wish to prepare for vocational, profes- sional, and business positions such as college teachers, research workers, textile chemists, clothing consultants, purchasing agents for institutions, department stores, and millinery establishments, and extension workers as well as other professions.

The equipment belonging to this department is valued at $7,609.

Division of Home Economics 271



101. Clothing I. 2(1-3); I and II. Prerequisite or parallel: Elementary Design. Miss Baker, Miss Cowles, and Mrs. Hess.

The factors that influence the individual in the selection and purchase of clothing; knowledge of clothing fabrics, the testing of sewing ability, learning buying procedures, the use of the clothing budget, and self-analysis as a basis for clothing choices. Charge, $1; deposit, 25 cents.

111. Clothing II. 3(1-6); I and II. Prerequisites: Clothing I and Cos- tume Design I. Miss Quinlan and Miss Cowles.

This course offers an opportunity for the girl to design and construct dresses that express individuality through the correct use of line and color. Charge, $1; deposit, 25 cents.

116. Textiles. 3(2-3); I and II. Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry and Clothing I. Mrs. Hess and Miss Bruner.

The social and economic development of the textile industry, from the "industrial revolution" to the present time; the combination of art, science, and mechanics that makes it possible to develop a clear and sound judgment in the selection of textile fabrics for household and personal use and to become familiar with best methods of determining quality.

Laboratory. Chemical, physical, microscopic tests on textile fibers, yarns, and fabrics. Charge, $2; deposit, 25 cents.

126. Clothing III. 3(1-6); I and II. Prerequisites: Courses 101, 111, 116, and Costume Design I. Open to juniors and seniors.

Aesthetic and modish adaptation of materials to the individual; self- expression through dress; emphasis on problems of the high school teacher and designs for clothing based on natural objects.

Laboratory. Self-fitting and problems in silk fabrics, renovation and practice in demonstration work. Charge, $1.50; deposit, 25 cents.

130. Clothing and Linens for the Household. 3(1-6) ; I and II. Pre- requisite or parallel: Elementary Design or approval of instructor. Miss Cowles.

The selection, purchase, and construction of children's clothing and the linens (sheets, curtains, table linens, etc.) needed in the ordinary home. Planned for students desiring a general clothing course; may be used as an elective for home economics majors. Charge $1; deposit, 25 cents.


237. Clothing Economics. 3(3-0); I. Prerequisites: Economics, Textiles, Clothing I and II. Miss Baker.

A study of the organization of the textile industries and markets, of wages and standards of efficiency in workmanship, of standardization of fabrics, and legislation concerning textiles. Topics are assigned for reading and in- vestigation in addition to classroom work.

246. Advanced Textiles. 3(1-6); I. Prerequisites: Textiles, and Clothing I and II. Mrs. Hess, and Miss Bruner.

Special work in the analysis of fabrics, study of scientific equipment used in colleges and commercial plants as well as assigned problems in textiles, dyeing, and deterioration in fabrics and fibers.

Laboratory. Charge, $3; deposit, 25 cents.

251. Hygiene of Clothing. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisites: Textiles, Embry- ology or Physiology, Microbiology, and Clothing I and II. Miss Baker.

A study of the body as it may be affected by clothing, and a summary of the factors in textile fibers and fabrics that affect the health of the body. Students are assigned special problems for investigation based on clothing in relation to health and its effect upon anatomical form, muscular development, and physiological functions.


Kansas State Agricultural College,

256. Problems in Clothing and Textiles. 1 to 3 credits; I and II. By appointment. For prerequisites consult Miss Baker.

An assigned problem in some phase of clothing or textiles. Charge, to be arranged with the instructor.

260. Labor in the Clothing and Textile Industries. 1(1-0); II. For prerequisites consult instructors. Miss Cowles and Miss Quinlan.

Ancient and modern methods of textile production; problems arising from the conditions of labor, especially as affecting the mental, moral, and physical health of the workers, methods used in bettering these conditions, in addition to a local survey of labor related to textiles.

265. History of Costume. 1(1-0); I. Prerequisites: Costume Design I and II, Textiles, or approval of instructor. Miss Quinlan.

Ancient and modern costumes with their various phases of development; comparison of classes and the relative cost of living in the various ages.

270. Clothing IV. 3(1-6); II. For prerequisites, consult Miss Baker and Miss Quinlan.

Sociological, historical, and philosophical aspects of costume; the relation of dress to civilization, architecture, religion, occupation, amusement, and the like; a summary of clothing and textile subject matter and its place in the high-school and college curricula.

Laboratory. Fundamentals in tailoring and essentials in millinery. Charge, $2; deposit, 25 cents.


301,. Research in Clothing and Textiles. 2 to 10 credits; by appoint- ment, I and II. For prerequisites consult instructors. Miss Baker, Mrs. Hess, and Miss Bruner.

A research problem considering the hygienic or economic aspects of textiles or an investigation of clothing as it is related to art, psychology or bacteriology may be chosen as the problem, depending on the courses elected. Charge, to be arranged with the instructor.

312. Experimental Textiles. 3 credits; by appointment. Prerequisites: Advanced Textiles. Mrs. Hess and Miss Bruner.

The work covered in this course consists primarily of experimental work on and with textiles. Written reports of all work done will be required before a student will receive credit for the course. Charge, $5; deposit, 25 cents.

Food Economics and Nutrition

Professor Pittman* Professor Keamer Professor Chaney Associate Professor Ahlborn Instructor Tucker

Instructor Vail

Assistant Boehm

Technician Potter

Graduate Assistant Ehrhardt

Research Graduate Assistant Agan

Food is an important factor in the health of the individual and the family. Selection of wholesome and economical food requires the application of chemistry, physiology, sanitary science, and economics. Preparation and preservation of food involve processes dependent upon physics, chemistry, and bacteriology. In the modern science of nutrition and dietetics, the stu- dent learns the chemical and physiological principles involved in the nutrition of the body and applies these to planning of food for the individual and the group.

Advanced courses in this department provide training for teachers of foods, dietitians, demonstrators, extension workers and similar professions.

The equipment belonging to this department is valued at $22,527.

* Absent on leave, year 1929- '30.

Division of Home Economics 273



101A. Foods I. SHV2AV2); I and II. No prerequisite; must be accom- panied by Hygiene (Child Welfare 101). Miss Vail, Miss Boehm, and Miss Ehrhardt.

Study of elementary nutrition and etiquette; practice in the various methods of preparing and serving meals. Charge, $4; deposit, 25 cents.

106. Foods II. 5(3-6); I and II. Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry, and Foods I or equivalent. Miss Pittman, Mass Tucker and Miss Vail.

Classification, composition, occurrence, and general properties of foods; food values in relation to cost; legal and sanitary aspects of food products handled in commerce; place of various foods in diet.

Laboratory. Foods are tested to show chemical composition and reactions. Food preparation is from the experimental standpoint. Recipes are compiled and food products are scored. Charge, $4.25; deposit, 25 cents.

112. Human Nutrition. 3(3-0); I and II. Prerequisites: Organic Chem- istry, Embryology or Physiology, and Foods II* Dr. Kramer.

The chemistry of food and nutrition, with emphasis upon the food nutrients, digestion, and metabolism.

117. Practice in Food Demonstrations. 1(0-3); II. Prerequisite: Foods II. Miss Pittman and others.

Instruction in the technic of food demonstrations; each student allowed opportunity for practice in various types of demonstrations. Charge, S3; deposit, 25 cents.

121. Applied Nutrition. 2(2-0); I and II. Prerequisite: Organic Chem- istry or permission of instructor. Miss Pittman and Miss Ahlborn.

Practical nutrition for the college student, including food requirements, food selection, and food habits. A course designed for men and women students not majoring in home economics.


201. Dietetics, 5(3-6); I and II. Prerequisites: Foods II and Human Nutrition. Dr. Chaney, Miss Ahlborn, and Miss Tucker.

Food requirements in health throughout infancy, childhood, adolescence, adult life, and old age; typical dietaries for each period of life; milk formulae; the problem of satisfying the diverse requirements in families and other groups.

Laboratory. Studies of weight, measures, and cost of some of the common food materials; calculations and quantitative preparation of standard portions and combinations of foods; practice in marketing and serving; and other practical applications of classroom theories. (For graduate students, an as- signed problem instead of marketing and serving.) Charge, $6; deposit, 25 cents.

205. Dietetics for Abnormal Conditions. 2(1-3); II. Prerequisite: Di- etetics. Dr. Kramer.

t Varying dietetic requirements in different pathological conditions, such as diabetes, nephritis, gout, gastric ulcer, etc. (For students who expect to qualify as professional dietitians.)

Laboratory. Demonstrations of special foods used in such conditions, and computation of dietaries. Charge, $3; deposit, 25 cents.

210. The Nutrition of Development. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisites: Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Dr. Chaney.

Food requirements in pregnancy, fetal life and lactation. Infant feeding, food for the preschool child, the school child, and the adolescent.

* Students from other divisions desiring to elect Human Nutrition may substitute an equivalent number of hours in other sciences for Embryology or Physiology, and Foods II.

274 Kansas State Agricultural College

215. Field Work in Nutrition. 3(2-3); I and II. Prerequisites: Human Nutrition, and Dietetics. Dr. Chaney and .

Survey work along nutritional lines and corrective work with malnourished individuals, either separately or in groups. Charge to be arranged with instructor.

243, 244. Problems in Foods I and II. 1 to 3 credits each; I and II, re- spectively. Prerequisites: Foods II, and Human Nutrition. Miss Pittman, Miss Tucker, and Miss Vail.

I: Problems in food assigned for individual study. Charge to be arranged with instructor.

II: A continuation of I, or may be elected independently. Charge to be arranged with instructor.

248, 249. Problems in Food Economics and Nutrition I and II. 2 to 5 credits each; (conferences, laboratory work, and reports); I and II, respec- tively. Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing. Miss Pittman, Dr. Kramer, and Dr. Chaney.

I: Problems in the nutritive value of foods; feeding experiments; dietary studies, or practice in the methods commonly used in the simpler experiments in nutrition, are assigned for individual study. Charge depends on problem chosen.

II: Continuation of course 248 or may be elected independently. Charge depends on problem chosen.

251, 252. Food Economics and Nutrition Seminar I and II. 1 or 2(2-0) each; I and II respectively. Prerequisite: Human Nutrition. Dr. Kramer.

I: Assigned reading and discussion of topics in the fields of food economics and nutrition, with special attention to recent literature bearing on problems in dietetics in both normal and pathological conditions, on growth, and on normal and subnormal nutrition in infancy and childhood.

II: Continuation of I or may be elected independently.

260. Methods for Extension Workers in Foods. 2 credits; II. Prerequi- site: Dietetics. Miss Pittman.

Origin and development of the extension field in home economics; food problems of the extension worker and methods suggested for handling them; federal, state, and county organizations considered. Some field work required.

265. Methods of Investigation in Foods and Nutrition. 2(1-3) ; I and II, by appointment. Prerequisite : Dietetics. Dr. Kramer and Dr. Chaney.

Current methods in investigation of foods and of problems in nutrition.

Laboratory. Laboratory procedures in simple food analyses, digestion and metabolism experiments, and animal feeding technic. Charge, $3; deposit, 25 cents.

for graduate credit

305. Research in Food Economics and Nutrition. 1 to 10 credits; I and II. For prerequisites, consult instructors. Miss Pittman, Dr. Kramer, and Dr. Chaney.

Individual research problems, which may form the basis for the thesis sub- mitted for the master's degree. Charge to be arranged with instructor.

306. Animal Nutrition Seminar. 1 credit for the year. Prerequisite: Consult instructor. Miss Pittman, Dr. Kramer, and Dr. Chaney.

Experiments in nutrition, methods employed, and validity of conclusions drawn.

Division of Home Economics 275

General Home Economics

Dean Justin Professor Rust*

Assistant Dean Ahlborn Graduate Assistant Nowlin



101. Home Economics Freshman Seminar. R(l-O); I. Dean Justin, Assistant Dean Ahlborn, department heads of the division, and Professor C. V. Williams*

The purpose of the seminar is: (1) The orientation of the student to her college environment. (2) The development of the ability to study. (3) Guidance in choice of one of the several fields of home economics for her profession.

151. Home Economics Senior Seminar. R(l-O) ; II. Dean Justin.

The opportunities and responsibilities of the home economist are presented, and means for professional growth and personal advancement of the trained woman are stressed.

for graduate and undergraduate! credit

201. Problems in Organization and Presentation of Home Economics. 1 to 5 credits; I and II. Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing. Dean Justin and Mrs. Rust.*

This course permits opportunity for study of problems of organization and administration in this field.

There are investigations that touch the various fields of home economics which are primarily approached from the standpoint of organization and pres- entation of home economics, taking subject matter from the departments and correlating it into a general program. Such investigations may be car- ried on in conjunction with the Department of Education or with the Depart- ment of Home Economics in Extension.

for graduate credit

301. Research in Organization and Presentation of Home Economics. 1 to 10 credits; I and II. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Dean Justin and Mrs. Rust*

Individual research problems in phases of organization and administration for home economics. May be chosen as the basis for thesis for the master's degree. The nature of the problem will depend upon the student's major interest.

Household Economics

Dean Justin Graduate Assistant Heywood

Assistant Professor Gunselman Graduate Research Assistant Smith

Assistant Professor Taylor'

The successful administration of the home depends upon the wise expendi- ture of time, money and effort, the maintenance of healthful and comfortable home conditions, and an appreciation of the importance of the home and its relation to the community. Through the courses in this department, training is given in household equipment, problems of household administration, and standards of living.

Those preparing to become directors of residence units, specialists in house- hold management, teachers, or research workers in this field find suitable courses in this department.

The department owns equipment valued at $3,041.

* Of the Department of Education.

276 Kansas State Agricultural College


107. Household Management. 3(2-3); I and II. Prerequisites: Foods II, and Clothing II. Miss Gunselman and Miss Taylor.

Organization and simplification of housework; choosing the home and its furnishings; time schedules; the income and its expenditures; advancement of the family; and the place of the family in the community.

Laboratory. Planning the spending of the income. Time and efficiency studies; care of metals and restoration of wood surfaces; planning and equip- ping a kitchen. Charge, $1.

116. Practice Course in Household Management. 3 credits; I and II. Prerequisites: Household Physics, Household Management, and Human Nu- trition. Miss Gunselman.

Opportunity is given in the practice house for the practical application of principles of science and art to the home. The aim is to develop good judg- ment in planning expenditures of time, money and effort, and in evaluating the factors that determine standards of living.


202. Household Equipment. 3(1-6); I and II. Prerequisites: Physics 101 and Hshld. Ec. 107. Miss Taylor.

Studies and tests of household equipment from the physical standpoint. Charge, $2.50.

243. Problems in Household Economics. 1 to 5 credits; I and II. Pre- requisite : Household Management. Consult instructor. Dr. Justin, Miss Gunselman, and Miss Taylor.

Special problems for individual investigation in standards of living and family expenditures; housing, household equipment, organization and methods of housework; use of time freed from housework, or social aspects of the household and of the family.

265. Economics of the Household. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisites: Foods II and Economics. Miss Gunselman.

Problems of income, housing, standards of living, budgets, and accounts.


301. Research in Household Economics. 1 to 10 credits; I. Prerequi- sites: Consult instructors. Dr. Justin, and Miss Gunselman.

An individual research problem in the field of household administration. This may form part or all of the basis for a master's thesis.

Institutional Economics

Professor West Graduate Assistant Trump

Assistant Professor Wood Graduate Assistant Hoover

Assistant Harris Graduate Assistant Deal

The successful administration of the institution involves the wise expendi- ture of time, energy, and money, in order that the requirements of food and shelter may be satisfactorily furnished to large groups. Courses in this de- partment provide training for cafeteria, tea-room, lunch-room managers, dietitians, and directors of residence halls. The equipment of this department is valued at $13,229.


201. Institutional Economics I. 3(1-6); I and II. Prerequisite: Foods II ; prerequisite or parallel : Human Nutrition. Miss Wood and graduate assistant.

Division of Home Economics 277

Food problems of institutions, including preparation and serving of food, arrangement of menus and cost of service.

Laboratory. Carried on in College cafeteria and Girls' Residence Hall, where food is prepared in large quantities for serving. Charge, $2.50.

205. Institutional Economics II. 3(3-0); I and II. Prerequisite: Insti- tutional Economics I. Graduate students may parallel Institutional Eco- nomics I and II. Miss Wood.

A study of institutions, their organization and management problems. In- cludes floor plans, equipment, qualifications and duties of the manager, per- sonnel work, and office management.

210. Problems in Institutional Administration. 1 to 5 credits; I and II. Prerequisite : Institutional Economics I ; prerequisite or parallel : Institu- tional Economics II. Consult instructor. Mts. West.

Individual investigation of problems in the field of institutional economics. Conferences are held and reports made at appointed hours.

215. Institutional Marketing. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Foods II. Mrs. West.

Study of producing areas, storage, local and general marketing of fresh, canned, and dehydrated vegetables; meats; and fresh, canned, and dried fruits.

218. School Lunch-room Management. 2(2-0); II and SS. Prerequisite: Human Nutrition. Mrs. West.

The principles involved in equipment, organization, administration, pur- chasing, and menu-making of the school lunch.

225. Tea-room Management. 3(0-9); I and II. Prerequisites: Institu- tional Economics I. Prerequisites or parallel : Institutional Economics II and Institutional Marketing. Miss Wood and graduate assistant.

Practical experience in the planning, preparation and serving of food to the public. Afternoon tea, dinner, and catering for small parties is included. The College Tea Room serves as a laboratory for this course. Charge, $2.50.


301. Research in Institutional Economics. 2 to 10 credits; I and II. For prerequisites, consult instructor. Mrs. West.

Home Economics in the Summer School

In addition to instruction in various branches of home economics available to teachers during the regular College year, the College offers numerous courses in this subject in the Summer School. These courses apply directly on the curriculum in home economics, or on graduate credit.

A special circular giving in detail the courses offered in the Summer School may be had by applying to the vice president of the College.

The Division of Veterinary Medicine

Ralph R. Dykstra, Dean

The College has one of the best-equipped schools of veterinary medicine in the West. It is rated in class "A" by the United States Department of Agri- culture, which rating places it among the best in the United States and Canada. In addition to giving the student the best possible technical training in veteri- nary medicine, the course is designed to give the broad culture necessary for men who are to take their places in public affairs. Professional men, such as veterinarians, are placed in a more or less public relation to the communi- ties they serve. They must have a broad groundwork in culture and ethical training, which will win them the confidence and respect of their communities. Success is measured in something more than dollars and cents, and the man whose view of life is no broader than his profession adds but little to the world and its happiness. The training given by the College in veterinary science seeks to emphasize the value of the man as a man, as much as his value as a specialist.

The Division of Veterinary Medicine gives most of the technical work in the curriculum in veterinary medicine, a general description of which is given below. The division is housed in the Veterinary buildings, which were erected at a cost of over $175,000, and are thoroughly equipped throughout. Veterinary Hall contains modern classrooms, and its laboratories possess the necessary appliances for illustrating the several subjects required. The mode of instruc- tion is more specifically detailed in succeeding sections.

The policy adhered to in the instruction in all the departments is that the science of veterinary medicine is the foundation, and the art merely supple- mentary. A thorough drill is given in the foundation studies, and later in the curriculum practical application of these is made in actual field work. This result is a thoroughly scientific veterinary education.

In the arrangement of the schedule of the veterinary curriculum it is im- plied that the courses should be followed in regular sequence, as each year's work depends upon the work done the previous year. Certain courses, how- ever, may be selected as electives if a student has the necessary prerequisites. These courses are mentioned in the list of electives.


Veterinary medicine has made remarkable advances within recent years, and is taking its place alongside human medicine as a science. In truth, medical science and veterinary science are but specialized branches of the same science, and must be developed together. The modern veterinarian takes his place in the community as a professional man of education and culture. With the gen- eral improvement of the live stock on the farms, and with the advance of live stock in value, there is constant increase in the demand for skilled physicians to care for them.

The veterinarian, while primarily trained to conserve the health of farm animals, has yet larger service to render in preventing disease common to both man and beast from being communicated from domestic animals to man. Moreover he must see that the animals slaughtered for meat are healthy and that the products are handled under such conditions as to render them suitable for human food. The public is now demanding that milk and other food products be free from contamination and that they be incapable of transmitting dangerous diseases, like tuberculosis, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, and diph- theria. There is ample work for all of the thoroughly competent veterinarians that the colleges of the country will train.


Division of Veterinary Medicine 279

The curriculum in veterinary medicine at the Agricultural College was es- tablished to give the young men of this state an opportunity to pursue these studies in an agricultural environment, where the facilities offered by other branches of the College would be at their command. While the instruction in this curriculum is largely technical, enough subjects of a general character are included to give a sound education and a broad outlook. Better to fit the veterinarian to deal wisely with the live-stock problems which he has to meet, he is required to take the work in live-stock feeding, breeding and judging, and in milk inspection, zoology, and embryology, in addition to his purely pro- fessional work.

The diploma from this school is recognized by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, by the United States Civil Service Commissions, by the American Veterinary Medical Association, and by the various examining boards of the several states and territories of America where it has been pre- sented.


The combined curriculum in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine has been outlined so that students may receive the degree of Bachelor of Science at the end of four years, and the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the end of two years more, thus securing both degrees in six years.

This curriculum is prepared especially for students who intend to become managers of live-stock farms or to enter special lines of veterinary practice.


The combined curriculum in general science and veterinary medicine has been so arranged that students may receive the degree of Bachelor of Science at the end of four years, and the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the end of two years more, thus securing both degrees in six years. The cur- riculum is intended especially for students who intend to pursue teaching or research work in agricultural experiment stations.

Curriculum in Veterinary Medicine


First Semester Second Semester

Anatomy I, Anat. 104 *4(3-3) Anatomy II, Anat. 109 7(3-12)

Histology I, Path. 101 3(1-6) Histology II, Path. 106 3(1-6)

Zool. and Emb. (Vet.), Zool. 109 5(3-6) Chemistry (Vet.), Chem. 105 5(3-6)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0)

Mil. Sci. (Vet.) I, Mil. Tr. 121A 1(0-3) Mil. Sci. (Vet.) II, Mil. Tr. 122A 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103..R(0-2) Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104..R(0-2)

Total 16 Total 16


First Semester Second Semester

Anatomy III, Anat. 112 4(1-9) Anatomy IV, Anat. 116 3(1-6)

Comp. Physiology I, Anat. 221 5(4-3) Comp. Physiology II, Anat. 226 3(2-3)

Medical Botany, Bot. 126 2(1-3) Path. Bact. I, Bact. Ill 4(2-6)

El. Org. Chemistry, Chem. 123 3(2-3) Pathology I, Path. 202 3(2-3)

Live-stock Judging, An. Husb. 120... 3(2-4) Prin. of Feeding, An. Husb. 152 3(3-0)

Mil. Sci. (Vet.) Ill, Mil. Tr. 123A. . .1(0-3) Dairy Judging, Dairy Husb. 104 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105..R(0-2) Mil. Sci. (Vet.) IV, Mil. Tr. 124A. . .1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106...R(0-3)

Total 18 Total 18

* The number before the parenthesis indicates the number of semester hours of credit ; the first number within the parentheses indicates the number of hours of recitation each week; the second shows the number of hours to be spent in laboratory work each week ; and the third, where there is one, indicates the number of hours of outside work in connection with the laboratory each week.


Kansas State Agricultural College,


First Semester

Surgery I, Surg, and Med. 101 3(3-0)

Diagnosis, Surg, and Med. 170 2(2-0)

Materia Medica, Surg, and Med. 157, 4(4-0)

Pharmacy, Surg, and Med. 166 1(0-3)

Pathology II, Path. 207 3(2-3)

Patho. Bact. II, Bact. 116 4(2-6)

Clinics I, Surg, and Med. 137 1(0-6)

Total 18

Second Semester

Surgery II, Surg, and Med. 106 3(3-0)

Dis. of Lg. Ani. I, Surg. & Med. 174, 4(4-0) Farm Poult. Pro., Poult. Husb. 101, 2(1-2, 1)

Therapeutics, Surg, and Med. 163 3(3-0)

Pathology III, Path. 212 5(4-3)

Clinics II, Surg, and Med. 140 1(0-10)

Total 18


First Semester

Surgery III, Surg, and Med. Ill 3(3-0)

Dis. of Lg. Ani. II, Surg. & Med. 177, 5(5-0)

Jurisprudence, Anat. 161 1(1-0)

Pathology IV, Path. 214 3(2-3)

Meat Inspection, Path. 216 2(2-0)

Parasitology, Zool. 208 3(2-3)

Clinics III, Surg, and Med. 143 1(0-12)

Second Semester

Surgery IV, Surg, and Med. 116 3(3-0)

Inf. Dis. of Large Animals, Surg.

and Med. 181 5(5-0)

Dis. of Small Ani., Surg. & Med. 186, 2(2-0)

Poultry Diseases, Bact. 217 2(2-0)

Op. Surgery, Surg, and Med. 121 1(0-3)

Obstetrics, Surg, and Med. 131 3(3-0)

Dairy Insp. II, Dairy Husb. 118 1(0-3)

Clinics IV, Surg, and Med. 146 1(0-12)


18 Total

Number of semester hours required for graduation, 140.



First Semester Second Semester

Special Histology, Path. 252.. Vaccine Manu. I, Path. 227 2(1-3) Vaccine Manu. II, Path. 230..

First or Second Semester

Pathological Technic and Diagnosis I, Path. 220 2(0-6)

Pathological Technic and Diagnosis II, Path. 221 ..4(0-12)

Research in Pathology, Path. 302 1 to 10( - )

Special Anatomy, Anat. 202 2 to 4( - )

Applied Anatomy, Anat. 206 1(0-3)

Problems in Physiology, Anat. 215 , 3 to 5( - )

.3(1-6) .2(1-3)

Curriculum in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine1


Freshman year of the Curriculum in Agriculture


First Semester

General Zoology, Zool. 105 5(3-6)

Anatomy I, Anat. 104 4(3-3)

Soils, Agron. 130 4(3-3)

Elements of Horticulture, Hort. 107, 3(2-3)

Infantry III, Mil. Tr. 103A 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105..R(0-2) Agric. Seminar, Gen. Agric. 103 R

Second Semester

Path. Bact. I, Bact. Ill 4(2-6)

Anatomy II, Anat. 109 7(3-12)

College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Infantry IV, Mil. Tr. 104A 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106..R(0-3) Agric. Seminar, Gen. Agric. 103 R


Total 17

1. This curriculum is so arranged that students may receive the degree of Bachelor of Science (in agriculture) at the end of four years, and the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the end of two more years.

Division of Veterinary Medicine 281


First Semester Second Semester

Embryology A, Zool. 135 3(2-3) Prin. of Feeding, An. Husb. 152 3(3-0)

Anatomy III, Anat. 112 4(1-9) Anatomy IV, Anat. 116 3(1-6)

Histology I, Path. 101 3(1-6) Histology II, Path. 106 3(1-6)

Genetics, An. Husb. 221 3(3-0) El. Journalism, Ind. Jour. 151 2(2-0)

Electives2 4( - ) Jour. Pract. I, Ind. Jour. 154 2(0-6)

Farm Crops, Agron. 101 4(2-6)

Agric. Seminar, Gen. Agric. 103 R Agric Seminar, Gen. Agric. 103 R

Total 17 Total 17


First Semester Second Semester

Gen. Entomology, Ent. 203 3(2-3) Agric Rela., Gen. Agric. 105B R(l-0)

Agric Economics, Ag. Ec. 101 3(3-0) Farm Org., Ag. Ec 106 3(2-3)

Comp. Physiology I, Anat. 221 5(4-3) Comp. Physiology II, Anat. 226 3(2-3)

Pathology I, Path. 202 3(2-3)

Electives2 5( - ) Electives2 7( - )

Agric. Seminar, Gen. Agric. 103 R Agric Seminar, Gen. Agric 103 R

Total 16 Total 16


Junior year of the Curriculum in Veterinary Medicine.


Senior year of the Curriculum in Veterinary Medicine. Number of semester hours required for graduation, 202.

Six-year Curriculum in General Science and Veterinary



First Semester Second Semester

Anatomy I, Anat. 104 4(3-3) Anatomy II, Anat. 109 7(3-12)

College Rhetoric I, Engl. 101 3(3-0) College Rhetoric II, Engl. 104 3(3-0)

Chemistry I, Chem. 101 5(3-6) Chemistry II, Chem. 102 5(3-6)

College Algebra,* Math. 104 3(3-0)

Mil. Sci. (Vet.) I, Mil. Tr. 121A 1(0-3) Mil. Sci. (Vet.) II, Mil. Tr. 122A 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 103..R(0-2) Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 104..R(0-2)

Total 16 or 18 Total 16


First Semester Second Semester

Histology I, Path. 101 3(1-6) Histology II, Path. 106 3(1-6)

German I or French I, Mod. Lang. German II or French II, Mod. Lang.

101 or 151 3(3-0) 102 or 152 3(3-0)

General Zoology, Zool. 105 5(3-6) Plane Trigonometry, Math. 101 3(3-0)

Library Methods, Lib. Econ. 101 1(1-0) Prin. of Feeding, An. Husb. 152 3(3-0)

Organic Chemistry I, Chem. 218 4(2-6) Organic Chemistry II, Chem. 219 4(2-6)

Mil. Sci. (Vet.) Ill, Mil. Tr. 123A. . .1(0-8) Mil. Sci. (Vet.) IV, Mil. Tr. 124A. .. 1(0-3)

Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 105..R(0-2) Phys. Education M, Phys. Ed. 106..R(0-2)

Total ... 17 Total 17

2. All electives must be officially approved before assignment by both the head of the Department of Animal Husbandry and the dean of the Division of Agriculture.

* Students who offer but one unit of algebra for admission take a five-credit course in College Algebra, Math. 107, making a total of 17 y2 credits for the semester.

282 Kansas State Agricultural College


First Semester Second Semester

Anatomy III, Anat. 112 4(1-9) Anatomy IV, Anat. 116 3(1-6)

General Botany I, Bot. 101 3(1-4, 2) General Botany II, Bot. 105 3(1-4, 2)

General Physics I, Physics 135 4(3-3) General Physics II, Physics 140 4(3-3)

Live-stock Judging, An. Husb. 120... 3(2-4) Pathogenic Bact. I, Bact. Ill 4(2-6)

Modern Europe II, Hist. 223 3(3-0) Amer. Ind. Hist., Hist. 105 3(3-0)

Dairy Judging, Dairy Husb. 104 1(0-3)

Total 17 Total


First Semester Second Semester

Comp. Physiology I, Anat. 221 5(4-3) Comp. Physiology II, Anat. 226 3(2-3)

Patho. Bact. II, Bact. 116 4(2-6) Dairy Bacteriology, Bact. 211 3(1-6)

Parasitology, Zool. 208 3(2-3) Embryology A, Zool. 135 3(2-3)

El. of Statistics, Math. 126 3(3-0) Dairy Insp. II, Dairy Husb. 118 1(0-3)

Advanced German or French, Mod. American Government, Hist. 151 3(3-0)

Lang 4(4-0) or 3(3-0) Pathology I, Path. 202 3(2-3)

Total 19 or 18 Total 16

Summary for the first four years. Physical education, required ; military science, 4 hours ; sciences, 54 hours; veterinary subjects, 35 hours; other prescribed subjects, 42 to 45 hours. Total 135 to 138 semester hours.


The same as the junior year in the curriculum in veterinary medicine, except that four semester hours of elective replace Pathogenic Bacteriology II, which has been taken in the junior year.


The same as the senior year in the curriculum in veterinary medicine, except that four hours of elective replace Parasitology, 3 hours, and Dairy Inspection II, 1 hour, these having been taken in the senior year.

Summary. Physical education, required; military science, 4 hours; sciences, 56 hours; veterinary subjects, 99 hours; other prescribed subjects, 47 to 50 hours, elective, 7 hours. Total, 213-216 semester hours.

Anatomy and Physiology

Professor Burt

Associate Professor McLeod

This branch of veterinary medicine extends over the freshman and sopho- more years for veterinary students, and one semester is required in the curric- ulum in agriculture.

The classroom instruction consists of lectures, quizzes and recitations and special dissection of the part under discussion, also a study of dissected speci- mens, various models, and the Azoux model of the horse. Mounted skeletons and limbs, and loose bones are abundant in the museum. The horse is taken as a type and the other domestic animals are compared with the horse. As often as necessary parts of other animals are dissected to show the differences.

The courses in anatomy require several lecture rooms, which contain models, skeletons, and bones of all kinds, and a thoroughly sanitary dissecting room equipped with all the latest materials necessary to give a course in anatomy second to none on the continent.

The equipment for instruction in physiology is ample to give the student a thoroughly comprehensive course of laboratory study.

The department owns equipment valued at $9,407.

Division of Veterinary Medicine 283



103. Anatomy I. 3(2-3) ; I * Dr. McLeod.

A detailed study of the bones of the horse, and a comparative study of the bones of other domestic animals, and of man. Deposit, $3.

108. Anatomy II. 8(4-12); II. Prerequisite: Anatomy I. Drs. Burt and McLeod.

Myology, arthology, and splanchology, or a study of muscles, joints, and viscera. Deposit, $5.

112, 116. Anatomy III and IV. 4(1-9) and 3(1-6) respectively; I and II respectively. Prerequisites: For III, Anatomy II; for IV, III. Dr. Burt.

Distribution, location, and relation of the blood vessels and nerves; all parts not previously dissected; two-thirds of the subject covered in Anatomy III, one-third in Anatomy IV; in Anatomy IV also a comparative study of the principal structural differences of the various domestic animals, not studied concurrently with the previous courses. Deposit, $5 for each course.


202. Special Anatomy. 2 to 4 credits; II. Prerequisite: Any course in Anatomy and Physiology (102, 107, 111, 116, or 131), or equivalent. Dr. Burt.

Study of any part of the horse, as the digestive system, the genital system, etc., or of similar parts of the ox, sheep, pig, etc., or of poultry anatomy; this course being adaptable to the requirements of the line of work in which the student is specializing.

206. Applied Anatomy. 1(0-3); I. Prerequisite: Anatomy IV. Dr. Burt.

Dissection of certain areas embraced in performing the various surgical operations, and study of all the structures in each area and their relation to one another as they would present themselves during an operation.



131. Anatomy and Physiology. 3(2-3); I. Drs. Burt and McLeod.

Physiology of the domestic animals with special emphasis on digestion, absorption, metabolism and excretion; sufficient anatomy to give a thorough understanding of the correlation between the two subjects and of the physio- logic relations existing among the various organs of the body. Charge, $1.



161. Jurisprudence. 1(1-0); I. Dr. Burt.

The veterinarian's legal responsibilities; national and state live-stock laws; quarantine regulations, etc.



215. Problems in Physiology. 3 to 5 credits ; I and II. Prerequisites: Any course in Anatomy and Physiology (131, 221, or 226), or their equivalent. Drs. Burt and McLeod.

* The number before the parenthesis indicates the number of semester hours of credit ; the first numeral within the parenthesis indicates the number of hours of recitation each week ; the second shows the number of hours to be spent in laboratory each week ; and the third, where there is one, indicates the number of hours of outside work in connection with the laboratory required each week. I, II, and SS indicate that the course is given the first se- mester, second semester, and summer session respectively.

284 Kansas State Agricultural College

Individual investigational problems in the physiology of digestion, repro- duction, endocrin glands, etc.

221. Comparative Physiology I. 5(4-3); I. Prerequisites: For veterinary students, Anatomy I and II and Organic Chemistry (Vet.) ; for others, an approved course in organic chemistry. Drs. Burt and McLeod.

Physiology of domestic animals and man, beginning with the study of the blood, heart, blood vessels, and continuing with the ductless glands and internal secretions, respirations, digestion, and absorption.

Laboratory. A practical application of the knowledge derived in the class- room. Laboratory directions furnished the student. Deposit, $3.

226. Comparative Physiology II. 3(2-3); II. Prerequisites: Same as for course 221. Drs. Burt and McLeod.

The urine and urinary system, nutrition, animal heat, muscular and nervous systems, locomotion, generation and development, growth and decay. De- posit, $3.


301. Animal Nutrition Seminar. 1(1-0); I and II. For prerequisite, con- sult Dr. Burt. «

Study and criticism of experimental work in animal nutrition, of the methods employed, and of validity of conclusions drawn.


Professor Lienhardt Assistant Professor Leasurb

Associate Professor Scott Assistant Professor Farley

Associate Professor Kitselman

The Department of Pathology presents courses in histology, pathology and meat inspection. The instruction is presented by lectures or recitations, laboratory periods, and demonstrations which are carried out by the use of the projectoscope and by autopsies.

The laboratory is fully equipped and entirely up to date. The equipment consists of microtomes, paraffin ovens, microphotographic and projection ap- paratus, centrifuge, shaking machines, sterilizers, etc. Each student is fur- nished a drawer, microscope, prepared slides for study, and all other essentials needed for study in the laboratory courses.

The department is also in possession of a fairly complete pathological mu- seum, which contains specimens of organs and tissues that show lesions typical of the various infections, and some noninfectious diseases. These specimens are used in the study of pathology, and together with the specimens sent in from over the state and fresh material from the immediate vicinity, they furnish ample material for the course in pathology.

The department library contains text and reference books on pathology and allied subjects, also the current files of the important technical periodicals relating to pathology. These books are at the constant disposal of the student for reference.

The course in meat inspection together with the allied subjects required for a degree in veterinary medicine make the student eligible to take the civil- service examination for meat inspection. In this course visits are made to packing plants in Topeka and Kansas City.

The equipment owned by the department is valued at $13,994.



101. Histology I. 3(1-6); I. Dr. Leasure.

Care and manipulation of the microscope ; microscopical examination of the various tissues previously sectioned and mounted; blood-forming organs,

Division of Veterinary Medicine 285

the digestive tract, etc., studied with a microscope and drawn by the student; preparations are teased and many sections in paraffin and celloidin. Deposit,


106. Histology II. 3(1-6); II. Prerequisite: Histology I. Dr. Leasure.

Study of the stomachs of the dog, the horse and the ox; the intestines, the liver, pancreas, respiratory tract, the urinary organs, genital organs, the skin and appendages, suprarenal gland, the brain, the eye and the ear; these tissues studied with the microscope, and drawn by the student. Text : Same as course 102. Deposit, $3.


252. Special Histology. 3(1-6); I. Prerequisite: Anat. 131 or its equiv- alent. Dr. Leasure.

A course dealing with special organs, as those concerned with digestion, respiration, etc., tissues fixed, dehydrated, imbedded, sectioned, stained, mounted and studied. Charge, $3.



202, 207. Pathology I and II. 3(2-3) each; II and I respectively. Pre- requisites: For I, History II, and Chem. 107; for II, Path. 107 and 202, Anatomy 226, and Bact. Ill, I. Drs. Lienhardt and Leasure.

General pathology, treating of the history of pathology, predisposition, im-' munity, congenital and inherited disease, cause of disease, course and termi- nation of disease. Deposit, $3 for each course.

212. Pathology III. 5(4-3); II. Prerequisites: Path. 207, Anat. 116, and Bact. 116. Drs. Lienhardt and Leasure.

Special pathology and pathological technic; collecting, fixing, hardening, embedding in celloidin and paraffin sections of fresh, frozen and embedded tissues; and study of the method of preserving gross specimens. Deposit, $3.

214. Pathology IV. 3(2-3); I. Prerequisite: Path. 212. Drs. Lienhardt and Leasure.

Pathology of the infectious diseases and laboratory diagnosis. Deposit, $2.50.

216. Meat Inspection. 2(2-0); I. Prerequisite: Path. 212. Dr. Kitsel- man.

Kinds and classes of stock, traffic and transportation of animals, inspection before and after slaughter, disposition of the condemned from economic, hygienic, and sanitary standpoints, and study of different preparations and methods of preservation, adulterations, sanitary laws and regulations, and other points bearing on the question of healthful meat production.

220, 221. Pathological Technic and Diagnosis I and II. 2(0-6) and 4(0-12) respectively; I and II each. Prerequisites: I, Path. 207; II, Path. 212 and 220. Drs. Lienhardt and Leasure.

Practice in post-mortem and laboratory diagnosis. Deposit, $3 for each course.

227, 230. Vaccine Manufacture I and II. 2(1-3) each; I and II each. Prerequisite: Bact. 116. Dr. Scott.

I: Theory and practice of immunization as applied to blackleg and hog cholera.

Laboratory.— Isolation and identification of the blackleg organism and of related anaerobes, and practical production of blackleg biological products and anti-hog-cholera serum and virus. Deposit, $3.

II: Preparation and standardization of various veterinary biological prod- ucts, such as tuberculin, bacterial vaccines, and bacterins.

286 Kansas State Agricultural College

Laboratory. Production of some of the products mentioned and special work on blackleg biological products and anti-hog-cholera serum and virus. Deposit, $3.


302. Research in Pathology. 1 to 10 credits; I and II. Prerequisites: Pathology 214 and 221, Bact. 116 and Chem. 235, or their equivalent. Drs. Lienhardt and Scott.

Individual research problems in pathology of the nervous system, eye, and ear; investigational work on disease caused by a filterable virus. This work may form the basis for a master's thesis. Deposit, $3.

310. Animal Nutrition Seminar. 1(1-0); I and II. For prerequisite, consult Dr. Lienhardt.

Study and criticism of experimental work in animal nutrition, of the methods employed, and of validity of conclusions drawn.

Surgery and Medicine

Professor Dykstra Assistant Professor Frank

Professor Frick Instructor Mott

For instruction in surgery and clinics the equipment is excellent. The vet- •erinary hospital, recently completed at a cost of more than $100,000, is equipped with every modern appliance for surgical operations and diagnosis of animal diseases. The hospital has capacity for more than fifty horses or cattle, and in addition, it can accommodate fifty small animals, such as sheep, swine, cats, dogs, etc. In addition to the foregoing, members of the clinical staff, accompanied by students, make trips into the surrounding country to give veterinary attention to ailing patients. In this way the students come in con- tact every year with the diseases of animals and their treatment. The work is always under the guidance of proficient practitioners.

For the study of materia medica and pharmacy there is a general pharmacy laboratory containing all the drugs used in the practice of veterinary medicine and a practicing pharmacy where medicines are compounded for the everyday practice connected with the College.

This department owns equipment to the value of $6,297.



101, 106. Surgery I and II. 3(3-0) each; I and II respectively. Dr. Dyk- stra.

I: Methods of restraint; asepsis and antisepsis; anaesthesia, both local and general, inoculation, bandaging, controlling hemorrhage; division of tissues and uniting of wounds; injections of medicines into the subcutaneous tissues, blood streams, trachea, spinal canal; thorough study of animal dentistry.

II : Surgical diseases of the head, neck, thorax, abdomen, stomach and bowels, urinary organs and organs of generation.

Ill, 116. Surgery III and IV. 3(3-0) each; I and II respectively. Dr. Dykstra.

I: Causes, symptoms, and treatment of lameness; fractures and their re- duction; diseases of joints, tendons and sheaths, muscles and fascia; surgical diseases of the foot; horseshoeing.

II: Special operations, such as neurectomies, autoplasties, desmotomies, actual cauterization; tenotomies, myotomies, enterotomy and enteroanasto- mosis, and surgery of the eye.

121. Operative Surgery. 1(0-3): II. Drs. Dykstra, Frank and Mott.

Division of Veterinary Medicine 287

More than 100 operations are performed on old horses which have been placed on the operating table and anaesthetized. The student is required to observe a careful technic, such as antisepsis, and, in fact, performs the oper- ation as thoroughly and completely as possible. Charge, $5.



131. Obstetrics. 3 (3-0); II. Prerequisites: Anatomy IV and Zoology and Embryology (Vet.) ; or Anatomy and Physiology, and Embryology. Dr. Frank.

Physiology of pregnancy, principles of breeding, anatomy of the generative organs, care and hygiene of the pregnant animals, sterility, diseases incidental to pregnancy, diseases of new-born animals, care of new-born animals, ab- normal presentation during parturition, surgery of obstetrics, etc.



137, 140. Clinics I and II. 1(0-6) and 1(0-10) respectively; I and II re- spectively. Drs. Dykstra, Frick, Frank, and Mott.

A free clinic is conducted, at which all species of domesticated animals are presented for treatment. In clinics I and II junior students assist in these treatments, become proficient, by practical experience, in the restraint of animals, in bandaging, etc., and have charge of compounding prescriptions, preparation of antiseptics and other medicinal agents. Deposit, $5 for each course.

143, 146. Clinics III and IV. 1(0-12) each; I and II respectively. Pre- requisite: Junior or senior veterinary assignment. Drs. Dykstra, Frick, Frank, and Mott.

Diagnosis and treatment of hospital patients, including the keeping of clinic sheets, the administering of all medicines, changing of dressings on surgical wounds, etc.; assisting clinicians in out-clinic work. Deposit, $5 for each course.



157. Materia Medica. 4(4-0); I. Dr. Frank.

Modes of action of drugs in general, their method and rapidity of absorp- tion and elimination, physiological and chemical incompatibilities, etc.; origin, physical properties, active constituents, and official preparation of medicinal agents.

163. Therapeutics. 3(3-0); II. Prerequisite: Materia Medica. Dr. Frank.

Physiological and therapeutic action of the various drugs both on the healthy and on the diseased animals; symptoms and treatment of poisons fre- quently encountered in veterinary practice; the proper dose of the crude drug and its preparation for horses, cows, dogs, cats, and swine.

166. Pharmacy. 1(0-3); I. Drs. Frank and Mott,

Meanings of the various pharmaceutical terms; various systems of weights and measures; prescription writing; principles of filtration, percolation, hot- water and sand baths, etc.; preparation of at least one of each of the follow- ing: An infusion, a decoction, a tincture, a wine, a syrup, a fluid extract, a liniment, an emulsion, a liquor, an aqua, a spirit, an ointment, an electuary, and a cataplasm; a thorough course in the compounding of prescriptions. Deposit, $3.

288 Kansas State Agricultural College



170. Diagnosis. 2(2-0) ; I. Prerequisites: Anat. and Physiol. 116 and 226. Drs. Frick and Mott.

Different diagnostic methods employed for the detection of diseases, in- cluding auscultation, percussion, palpation, and inspection; normal and abnor- mal abdominal and thoracic sounds, including diagnostic inoculations, as an aid to the detection of disease.

174, 177. Diseases of Large Animals I and II. 4(4-0) and 5(5-0) respec- tively; II and I respectively. Prerequisite: Diagnosis. Dr. Frick.

I: Noninfectious diseases of the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory organs of the larger animals.

II: Noninfectious diseases of the urinary organs, diseases of metabolism, of the nervous system, of the organs of locomotion, of the skin, and of the eye.

181. Infectious Diseases of Large Animals. 5(5-0); II. Dr. Frick. The distinctly infectious and contagious diseases of the larger domestic animals.

186. Diseases of Small Animals. 2(2-0); II. Prerequisite: Diagnosis. Dr. Frick.

Infectious and noninfectious canine and feline diseases; breeds of dogs, cats, and fur-bearing animals, erection of kennels, the breeding and care of puppies, care and feeding of dogs in general, and the hygienic measures pertaining thereto.

190. Farm Animals in Health and in Disease. 3(2-3) ; II and SS. Pre- requisite: Anatomy and Physiology. Dr. Mott.

First-aid treatment of diseases of domestic animals; special emphasis on cause and prevention of disease in farm animals; domestic animals studied in relation to their surroundings.


301. Research in Surgery. 1 to 10 credits; I and II. Prerequisites: Surgery I to IV, Anatomy I to IV, and Therapeutics. Dr. Dykstra.

The purpose of this course is to attempt to solve many of the surgical prob- lems confronting the average veterinary practitioner. Offered especially for graduates in veterinary medicine.

The Division of College Extension

Harry Umberger, Dean and Director

The people of Kansas believe in using their educational institutions to their full capacity, not only for the students privileged to come to them but also for the state at large, They know that the number who complete a College course in agriculture, engineering, or home economics is small in comparison with the great majority of the people who cannot go to college, and it is their wish that this majority also be served. The Agricultural College is in full sympathy with this desire and is ambitious not only to give its resident students the best pos- sible training for leadership in life's work but to be of direct service to every community in the state.

As far back as 1864 conventions of the farmers of Manhattan and vicinity were held at the College. The first well-organized farmers' institute conducted under the auspices of the Faculty was held at Manhattan, November 14, 1868, and this was followed by a similar gathering at Wabaunsee, November 20 and 21 of the same year. In 1868 the Board of Regents adopted a resolution recommending "that a system of lecturing on agricultural subjects "at this College and the populous settlements of the several counties of the state should be conducted, so that the benefits of farming according to correct agricultural principles may be disseminated throughout the state."

A few meetings were held each year for the next several years, increasing in number from 1879, but no definite appropriation for extension work was made until 1899, when $2,000 per year was appropriated for this purpose by the state legislature. The annual appropriation remained at this figure until 1905, when the legislature appropriated $4,000 for the work, to which the College added $800. Up to this time no regular staff for extension work was employed, and all extension activities were conducted by a committee. In October of that year, however, a superintendent to organize the institute work was selected by the Board of Regents, and in July, 1906, the Department of Farmers' Institutes was formally organized.

The interest in extension work throughout the state then developed rapidly. Beginning with 1907, appropriations by the Kansas legislature for extension work in the state have been as follows:

For biennium. Amount. For biennium. Amount.

1907-'09 $10,500 1919-'21 $138,277

1909-'ll 52,500 1921-'23 174,289

1911-'13 75,000 1923-'25 165,000

1913-'15 95,000 1925-'27 165,000

1915-'17 41,262 1927-'29 203,683

1917-'19 89,762 1929-'31 203,683

This rapid development of extension work was made possible not only be- cause the people of the state wished to have such work done, but because much new light has been thrown on the essentials in agriculture by the effec- tive experimental work done by the Experiment Stations and by the United States Department of Agriculture.

In 1914 the federal government felt that the useful and practical informa- tion on subjects connected with agriculture and home economics developed by the experiment stations, by the Department of Agriculture, and by the experience of the best farmers and home makers should be made more readily available to everyone; and in order that this information might be more fully and effectively diffused among the people of the several states and its practical application encouraged, the congress of the United States, in 1914, passed the Smith-Lever bill, which provides for "cooperative agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in the several states receiving



290 Kansas State Agricultural College

the benefits of an act of congress approved July 2, 1862, and of acts supple- mentary thereto, and the United States Department of Agriculture." To fur- ther this act the congress provided for an annual appropriation of $480,000, of which $10,000 is paid each year to each state which assents to the provisions of the act. This initial appropriation was increased each year for seven years, such increase being allotted annually to each state in the proportion which the rural population of such state bore to the total rural population of all the states, providing a sum equal to such increase had been appropriated for that year by the legislature of such state, or had otherwise been provided from within the state, for the maintenance of the cooperative agricultural extension work.

Under this act the cooperation of the agricultural colleges and the United States Department of Agriculture has been assured, extension work has be- come a national as well as state project, and its effectiveness has been greatly increased.

The governor of the state and the Kansas legislature of 1915 accepted the provision of the Smith-Lever act immediately, and $10,000, therefore, was secured from the federal government for extension work for the year ending June 30, 1915, and for each succeeding year thereafter. The additional sums coming from the federal funds under this act to the state for the years ending June 30, 1916 and 1917, respectively, were $14,555 and $26,685; for the years 1918 and 1919, $38,815 and $50,944, respectively; for the years 1920 and 1921, $63,074 and $75,203, respectively; for the years 1922 and 1923, $80,641 and $90,842, respectively; and for each of the years 1924 to 1929, inclusive, $91,842. These sums were duplicated by an equal appropriation by the legislature of Kansas for the years named with the exception of 1924, 1925, 1926 and 1927, for each of which the legislature appropriated $82,500, and for each of the years 1928, 1929, and 1930, $101,841. In addition, from the appropriation made to the Agricultural College for all its work, $31,000 was set aside for extension work for the year ending June 30, 1923. During the war congress made an emergency appropriation to extension work, in order that special attention might be given to maximum production of food, conservation and economic utilization of farm products. This appropriation terminated June 30, 1919. There was such great demand for continuation of much of the work started under this appropriation, with a view to carrying it on a more constructive and permanent basis, that congress appropriated funds for this purpose, effective July 1, 1919. This is known as the supplementary federal Smith-Lever appropri- ation. In addition to the federal appropriations named, the seventieth congress enacted the Capper-Ketcham bill. The appropriation resulting from this act is supplemental to those heretofore named in furtherance of extension work. Through this legislation there is appropriated to the state of Kansas $20,000 for the year 1928-'29, and $31,165 for the year 1929-'30. The total sum for exten- sion work under the Smith-Lever act and from state funds for the year ending June 30, 1930, was as follows: From the federal government through the Smith-Lever act, $101,841; from the federal government through the supple- mentary Smith-Lever appropriations, $35,281 ; from the general state appropri- ations made to the College, $29,000; from the state legislature by direct appro- priation for Smith-Lever work, $101,841; from federal government through the Capper-Ketcham appropriation, $31,165; from county appropriations dupli- cating the supplementary Smith-Lever appropriation, $35,281, and $11,165 duplicating the Capper-Ketcham appropriation; total for the year, $345,574.

County funds are appropriated for the support of the county farm bureaus through a special act of the legislature enabling the county commissioners to levy a direct tax for this purpose. (Session Laws of Kansas for 1915, p. 204, ch. 166, sections 1, 2 and 3; Session Laws of Kansas for 1919, p. 217, ch. 157, sections 1, 2 and 3.)

The rapid growth of extension work has demanded efficient administrative machinery. In the judgment of the president of the College and the Board of Regents it became necessary to create, in December, 1912, a Division of College Extension coordinate with the other divisions of the College. This at first was subdivided into four distinct sections or departments, but the increase in work and personnel of the division made necessary a reorgan-

Division of College Extension 291

ization into eight departments, namely: institutes and extension schools, county-agent work, boys' and girls' club work, home economics, home demon- stration-agent work, rural engineering, rural service, and home-study service, each with its own head and staff. The department of rural service was dis- continued June 30, 1922. The heads of the departments are responsible to the director, who is dean of the Division of College Extension. Through this organization it is possible to administer the extension work effectively and economically, to reach directly more than 500,000 people in the state each year, and to conduct some activity in every county.

Publications covering practical subjects in the field of agriculture, home economics and rural engineering are issued from time to time by the Division of College Extension as bulletins, circulars and leaflets. The authors of these publications are the extension specialists or the specialists of the departments in the other divisions of the College. The regular publications of the Agri- cultural Experiment Station are also used extensively in the extension work. A series of publications in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture is receiving special attention. Extension publications are mailed regularly to a list, composed of members of farm and home institutes, home- makers' clubs, extension schools, and farm bureaus; i. e„, to members of or- ganizations cooperating closely with the Agricultural College. Any citizen of the state, however, on request, may secure copies of individual publications.

While the extension work is directed by the Division of College Extension for administrative efficiency, its scope would be limited were it not for the close cooperation of the other divisions and departments of the College, which not only help in supplying lectures for agricultural meetings and exten- sion schools, material for publication, assistance in demonstration work and helpful counsel, but also are responsible for all subject matter taught by the extension specialists.

Beginning in February, 1924, the radio has been used as a means of ex- tending information from the College to those living in distant parts of the state. This service has consisted in the giving of instruction in many subjects both by means of regular courses of lectures in specialized fields and by general discussions of subjects having timely interest to the people of the state.

Institutes and Extension Schools


L. C. Williams, in Charge

L. C. Williams, Horticulture Jas. W. Linn, Dairy Husbandry

H. L. Lobenstein, Horticulture J. C. Nisbet, Dairy Husbandry

C. G. Elling, Animal Husbandry E. B. Wells, Soils

J. J. Moxley, Animal Husbandry A. L. Clapp, Crops

J. W. Lumb, Veterinary Medicine L. E. Willoughby, Crops

E. G. Kelly, Entomology Geo. Montgomery, Marketing

G. T. Klein, Poultry Husbandry I. N. Chapman, Farm Management

M. A. Seaton, Poultry Husbandry E. H. Leker, Plant Pathology

, Rodent Control

The Department of Institutes and Extension Schools has direct supervision over farm and home institute organizations, extension schools in agricul- ture and home economics, and the work of the agricultural extension special- ists. The department has charge of the program and arrangement for Farm and Home Week, annual state-wide farmers' meetings, and the scheduling of judges for county and local fairs.

Each farm and home institute of the state is an association or farmers' club with regular officers, constitution and by-laws. Some organizations hold six or more monthly meetings, and practically all of them have no fewer than three, for no institute organization can obtain state aid unless, in addition to the annual meeting, at which some representatives of the College must be present, it also holds at least three local meetings. The College plans to send two specialists to the annual meeting, one in agriculture and one in home

292 Kansas State Agricultural College

economics, to present certain well-defined lessons and to give the results of demonstration work for the county or locality. The specialists and their sub- jects are chosen because of a known need or interest of a particular com- munity or a plan to start or encourage certain definite lines of work.


Owing to the nature of the farm and home institutes, the demand for in- struction can be met only in part, and for that reason extension schools or short courses in agriculture and home economics have been organized in com- munities which desire more complete courses in these subjects than can be given at the institutes.

The College now conducts extension schools in agriculture and home eco- nomics of from one to five days' duration, sending to each school two or more instructors. Well-planned, comprehensive courses are given at these schools in the various lines of agriculture and home economics, so that some of the essentials of these subjects may be learned. The local committees are re- quired to organize the classes and pay the local expenses for each school. The Agricultural College supplies the teachers and pays their traveling expenses from funds appropriated for this purpose.

In addition to these general schools, special schools in animal diseases, dairying, poultry, orcharding, road making, crop production, animal hus- bandry, tractors and farm machinery, and building construction are held in communities desiring them and willing to defray the local expenses.

Extension schools are popular where the communities are brought to understand the work given. Almost every community that has had one school has petitioned for another. Each community is now required to submit the names of at least thirty men and twenty women who agree to attend as many sessions as possible, unless the schools are held as a regular part of the definite project work being carried on in each county, in which case the specialist in charge outlines the necessary requirements.


The specialists of this department work in extension schools and institutes during the winter months only, and a portion of this time is devoted to co- operative demonstration work in agriculture and home economics. During the spring, summer, and fall they conduct special campaigns, such as silo building, poultry culling, wheat improvement, grasshopper control, cow test- ing, better sires, hog-cholera control, and cooperative demonstration work. The latter phase of the work of the extension specialists is being especially met by the organization of cooperative demonstration work in each branch of agriculture in a certain number of counties each year. In much of the co- operative work each specialist has from 10 to 100 or more cooperators in each county. These men and women work under the direction of the specialist and the county agent. They keep records of the work and call demonstration meetings at their farms on each trip of the specialist. The number of visits which the specialist makes to each point varies from two, in the case of the specialist in soils, to six, in the case of the specialists in horticulture and en- tomology. The aim in all of this cooperative demonstration work is to show as well as to explain. This line of work is especially appreciated, and the representatives of the department have been able to meet only a fraction of the demands for it.

The extension specialist takes to the farm and farm home the newest re- search work of the Agricultural Experiment Station and the United States Department of Agriculture in a practical, effective and usable form. He is also of material assistance to the Agricultural Experiment Station of the College and to the United States Department of Agriculture in reporting the progress and success of demonstration work in the field. He seldom makes a trip without coming in contact with new agricultural problems or old ones requiring the attention of the research workers of the Agricultural Experiment

Division of College Extension 293

Station. By working in the closest cooperation with the subject-matter de- partment of the College, the specialists become the carriers of information, not only from the Agricultural Experiment Station to the farmers, but from the farmers to the research workers of the Experiment Station. The ex- tension specialist is, therefore, a medium through which both the Agricultural Experiment Station and the farmers can function to their mutual advantage.

To reach all of the people of the state, the work of the specialist becomes largely a matter of teaching and training leaders, such as the county agents, the home demonstration agents, the boys' and girls' club agents, and project leaders. If they are successful in teaching these leaders how to carry forward their various projects they are most efficient in carrying their message to all the farmers in the state. The specialists, therefore, are becoming more and more each year teachers of leaders instead of public speakers at general farmers' meetings as they were in times past.

Through these various leaders a definite check is kept regarding cost of production, need of follow-up work, and the progress made in the demonstra- tion work undertaken. Haphazard, hit-and-miss extension work, therefore, has no place in our program under the present system.

The calls for extension specialists in all lines of work are so many that it is impossible to meet more than two-thirds of the calls for assistance from county agricultural agents and from farmers' organizations. The number of specialists is being increased rapidly, yet the work is growing still more rapidly, thus indicating a healthy condition.


farm-management demonstrations are conducted by a farm-management specialist in cooperation with the county agents. In these demonstrations such records are taken as are essential to the determination of the net profits of the individual farms. These records are classified according to different types of farming, the profits of each type are determined, and individual farm records are compared with the average of all the farm records taken. The re- sults of the study are made known to each farmer interested, in order that he may use the suggestions received in any need or reorganization of his own business. For those who desire it, farm account books are opened and instruc- tion is briefly given in keeping simple records. The work was begun in Sep- tember, 1914. The demand for this work was greatly increased by the enact- ment of the income tax law, the resulting need of business records by which the income might be determined, and by the demand for accurate cost-of-pro- duction figures by price-fixing commissions.


The animal husbandry and crop specialists devote from one to two months in judging the live stock and agricultural products at county and local fairs. This furnishes an excellent opportunity for lectures and demonstration work. Large numbers of people are reached through the fair judging work. In many cases people become interested in the work of the specialists who have not been interested or reached through farmers' meetings and demonstrations. Each specialist endeavors to make his judging work as practical and instructive as possible.


The purpose of Farm and Home Week is to interest the farmers of the state in better methods of production and of farm management that will increase farm profits, to demonstrate to farm women methods of household management that will add to the comfort and enjoyment of farm life, and to encourage farm folks in social organization that will enrich the social life of the rural com- munity.

All meetings, lectures, and demonstrations during Farm and Home Week are free of charge, and the expense of the trip to Manhattan, with reduced railroad rates, should not prevent any farmer from attending. The investment in knowledge and enthusiasm will make bigger profits on the farm.


Kansas State Agricultural College

During this week the Agricultural Experiment Station, the Extension Service, the United States Department of Agriculture, agricultural specialists and lead- ing farmers bring to those in attendance the latest results in investigative work in all lines of agriculture, home economics, and mechanical engineering.

Problems concerning crops and soils, dairying, beef cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, poultry, horticulture, community service, beekeeping, and diseases of animals are discussed by some of the leading agricultural authorities in America. In addition to these lectures and demonstrations there are many other interesting features, such as the display of the live stock of the College, the barns, machinery, buildings, library, museum, dairy, . experimental plots, orchards, and gardens.

County Agent Work

H. UmbeegeRj Dean and Director F. O. Blecha, District Agent C. R. Jaccard, District Agent J. V. Hepler, District Agent A. F. Turner, Field Agent

J. A. Hendriks, Anderson Joe M. Goodwin, Atchison. Wm, G. Amstein, Atchison

(Assistant County Agent) Sherman S. Hoar, Barton T. F. Yost, Bourbon W. H. Atzenwjeiler, Brown Chas. E. Cassel, Butler E. A. Stephenson, Jr., Chase R. T. Patterson, Cherokee Harvey J. Stewart, Cheyenne Lyle Mayfield, Clark Ray L. Graves, Clay E. A. Cleaving er, Coffey Fred J. Sykes, Comanche E. H. Aicher, Cowley Roy E. Gwin, Crawford A. E. Jones, Dickinson Chas. E. Lyness, Doniphan A. I. Gilkison, Douglas Geo. W. Sidwell, Edwards Neil L. Rucker, Ellsworth Robt. S. Trumbull, Ford H. A. Biskie, Franklin Paul B. Gwin, Geary J. H. Coolidge, Gray J. W. Farmer, Greenwood Vance M. Rucker, Harper R. R. McFadden, Harvey Geo. S. Atwood, Hodgeman H. F. Tagge, Jackson Otis B. Glover, Jefferson Ralph P. Ramsey, Jewell C. A. Jones, Johnson W. S. Speer, Kingman L. B. Harden, Labette Harry C. Baird, Lane

Preston O. Hale, Leavenworth R. L. Stover, Lincoln W. J. Daly, Linn Carl L. Howard, Lyon M. L. Robinson, McPherson J. D. Montague, Marion W. O'Connell, Marshall John H. Shirkey, Meade J. T. Whetzel, Miami

A. W. Knott, Montgomery

D. Z. McCormick, Morris G. M. Reed, Nemaha Lester Shepard, Neosho Leslie M. Wolfe, Ness

E. L. McIntosh, Osage Robt. E. Curtis, Ottawa Chas. H. Stinson, Pawnee

0. W. Greene, Pratt

J. W. Roussin, Rawlins Geo. W. Hinds, Reno W. H. von Treba, Rice S. D. Capper, Riley

B. W. Wright, Russell

D. E. Hull, Saline

H. L. Hildwein, Sedgwick W. H. Robinson, Shawnee

1. K. Tompkins, Sheridan

E. O. Graper, Smith

E. H. Teagarden, Stafford L. M. Knight. Sumner L. F. Neff, Washington W. C. Farner, Washington

(Assistant County Agent)

C. E. Agnew, Wilson

M. C. Axelton, Woodson Duke D. Brown, Wyandotte

County-agent work in this state is provided for by the federal Smith-Lever act and the state farm-bureau law. The federal Smith-Lever act provides an appropriation which increased each year until 1922 when it reached its maxi- mum and which is distributed among the states according to their rural popula- tion. In addition to the regular Smith-Lever appropriations, Kansas receives additional funds from the so-called supplementary Smith-Lever appropriation. This appropriation was made available immediately following the war period in order that permanent work which had been established during the war period need not be discontinued due to the inability of the regular Smith-Lever appro- priations to finance it. Before the federal funds are available they must be duplicated within the state.

The state legislature appropriates at each session an amount approximately equal to that available to this state from the federal Smith-Lever appropriation.

Division of College Extension


In addition to this, the state farm-bureau law, effective June 17, 1919, provides that when one-fourth, or as many as 250, of the bona fide farmers of a county shall form a farm-bureau organization, adopt a constitution and by-laws and elect officers, and when an equipment fund of at least $800 has been provided and deposited in a local bank, the county commissioners shall appropriate at least $1,200 per year (which sum may be raised by a special tax levy), and the Agricultural College shall appropriate at least $1,200, so long as funds are available from the state or federal funds above mentioned, for the purpose of hiring a county agent or agents and paying their expenses.

Previous to 1914 county agents were financed by membership dues, private subscription and a small state appropriation. At that time a membership of at least 100, each paying dues of $5, was required. In 1914, congress passed the Smith-Lever act and in 1915 the Kansas legislature passed the farm-bureau law, which has since been the basis of the extension of this work. During the war period, July 1, 1917, to June 30, 1919, supplemental agricultural appropriations were made by congress for more rapid extension of county-agent work.

August 1, 1912, the first county agent in Kansas was employed by the Leavenworth county farm bureau. The number has increased gradually, until at the present time, October 1, 1929, there are seventy-two active farm bureaus in Kansas, as follows:









































































The county agents are active in conducting demonstrations in the best methods of production and marketing, in assisting farmers with suggestions and plans relative to farm management and the farm business, and in or- ganizing rural activities. Field demonstrations are conducted for the purpose of introducing crops and testing relative value of varieties already grown, and methods of cultivation and harvesting. Proper methods of the feeding, care and management of live stock, and controlling insects and live stock and plant diseases are among the most popular demonstrations. Surveys of the farm business are made in order to study the conditions prevailing in typical areas, and possible improvements in farm-management methods that should be instituted. Improved methods of marketing and community welfare, in which better social relations are fostered, are important features of this work. The county agent interests himself in practically every farm activity, especially where there is need of improvement.

A course suggesting special lines of training for those desiring to enter ex- tension work will be found elsewhere in this catalogue.


Kansas State Agricultural College,

Home Economics

Miss Amy Kelly, State Home Demonstration Leader, in Charge

Miss Loretta McElmurry, Clothing

Miss Maude Deely, Millinery

Miss W. Pearl Martin, Home Health

and Sanitation Miss Marguerite Harper, Household


Miss Conie Foote, Foods and Nutrition Miss Georgiana H. Smurthwaite, Foods

and Nutrition Miss Alpha Latzke, Clothing

There are approximately eight hundred women who annually receive in- struction in home economics at the Kansas State Agricultural College, and there are several thousand throughout the state who have had the advantages of resident instruction either in this or some other institution. While this is true, the number is small when compared to the great majority of women and girls in the state to whom the work has not been available. To give as much assistance as possible to this vast majority of women is the aim of the Department of Home Economics Extension, and with this in view seven specialists were regularly employed part time during the last year.

The Extension work in home economics is carried on by means of definitely organized programs of work carried on throughout the year through the agency of the County Farm Bureaus, the instruction being given by the spe- cialists and Home Demonstration Agents to local leaders who in turn pass it on to the women in their respective communities.

Home Demonstration Agent Work

Miss Amy Kelly, State Home Demonstration Leader

Miss Ellen M. Batchelor, Assistant State Leader

Miss May Miles, Assistant State Leader

Miss Alpha Latzke, Assistant State Leader

Mrs. Edith O. Rosevear, Allen County Miss Grace Herr, Bourbon County Miss Nora E. Bare, Butler County Miss Florence Funk, Cherokee County Miss Margaret Koenig, Clay County Miss Mabel Smith, Crawford County Miss Mary Elsie Border, Dickinson

County Miss Elizabeth Randle, Douglas County Miss Ella M. Meyer, Ford County Miss Eula M. Neal, Franklin County Miss Et.hel Watson, Greenwood County Miss Alberta Wenkhe-imer, Harper

County Miss Lucretia Scholer, Harvey County Miss Charlotte Biester, Johnson County Miss Alberta P. Sherrod, Kingman County

Miss Christie C. Hepler, Labette County Miss Iva Holladay, Leavenworth County Miss Gertrude Allen, Lyon County Miss Grace M. Reeder, Miami County Miss Vernetta Fairbairn, Montgomery

County Miss Rachel Markwell, Morris County Miss Sara Jane Patton, Neosho County Mrs. Mary D. Ziegler, Pratt County Miss Esther Mae Huyck, Rawlins County Mrs. C. M. Carlson, Reno County Miss Jessie Campbell, Rice County Mrs. Linnea C. Dennett, Riley County Mrs. Laura I. Winter, Sedgwick County Miss Lois Holderbaum, Shawnee County Miss Ruth Peck, Wyandotte County

Home demonstration work was made possible in August, 1917, through the passage by congress of the emergency bill. This bill provided funds for the employment of county home demonstration agents. These agents were called emergency home demonstration agents. Before the end of the year there were twenty-five of these agents in the state. The emergency fund was discontinued June 30, 1919.

In the early days the work of the emergency home demonstration agents was instituted under the auspices of city or county organizations, but after following this plan for a short time it was found that it would be advanta- geous to defer the placing of home demonstration agents until the counties were properly organized for this specific purpose.

Since August, 1918, farm-bureau counties which have requested home dem- onstration agents have been organized on the basis of an ideal farm bureau; that is, the women have been taken into the farm bureau as regular members, having all the rights and privileges, and have become part of the working

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organization. In such counties the work of the home demonstration agents is taken up as part of the regular extension program, which includes the de- velopment of farm activities, home activities, and community activities. There are thirty counties organized with an extension program which includes the work of the home demonstration agent.

The program of work for the home demonstration agent is based on the needs of the communities in the county and is evolved through the community and committee meetings. To-day each county has a county program of work based on the needs of the communities in the county, and this is a part of the state program. The home demonstration agent, in cooperation with the Agri- cultural College and United States Department of Agriculture, works to carry out the community, county and state program.

Since July 1, 1921, the counties desiring a home demonstration agent are required to meet the following conditions:

1. Supply an office equipped for work, and adequate stenographic help. 2. Secure a total county appropriation of not less than $2,400 to the county farm bureau for the salary and expenses of the county agricultural agent and the home demonstration agent.

There are certain conditions which must be met before project work in home economics is scheduled in those counties having county agricultural agents but not having home demonstration agents. These requirements are as follows:

1. In each of those counties east of the west line of Sedgwick county and the east line of Rice county, there must be at least one hundred paid-up women members of the farm bureau. This membership must be organized into not less than ten farm bureau units which have for their specific purpose the adoption of home economics projects to be conducted in the county.

2. In each of those counties west of the west line of Sedgwick county and the east line of Rice county, there must be at least seventy paid-up members of the farm bureau. This membership must be organized into not less than seven farm bureau units which have for their specific purpose the adoption of home economics projects to be conducted in the county.

3. The membership dues required shall not be less than $1 per annum for each member and may be such amount above this as may be decided by the membership of the farm bureau at an annual meeting. Such action per- taining to women's dues must be made a part of a regular constitutional pro- vision by the farm bureau and must be approved by the director of extension as required by law.

Boys' and Girls' 4-H Club Work

M. H. Coe, State Club Leader

Edna Bender, Assistant State Club Leader

A. J. Schoth., Assistant State Club Leader

J. Harold Johnson, County Club Agent, Sedgwick County

R. N. Lindburg, County Club Agent, Butler County

J. B. Taylor, County Club Agent, Douglas County

R. L. Remsberg, County Club Agent, Kingman County

T. R. Warren, County Club Agent, Bourbon County

Boys' and girls' 4-H club work is one of the very important phases of Agri- cultural College extension service. Clubs are organized and conducted in co- operation with farm bureaus, farmers' institutes, business men's organizations, and other interested groups or individuals. Through these clubs the College is able to reach and serve a large class of young people which it could neither reach nor serve in any other way. A large number of boys and girls receive an incentive for higher training in agriculture and home economics and gain their first acquaintance with the College through 4-H club work. Boys and girls receive frequent visits from the county extension agents and written ma- terial is prepared by the College specialists, and sent out by the state club leader, giving the members definite information regarding farm and home practices recommended by the College.

298 Kansas State Agricultural College.

The project which each club member selects is a fundamental characteristic of 4-H club work. This project is a substantial piece of work designed to show some better practices on the farm or in the home. The club member keeps a careful record of results, follows instructions that are given to him, and ex- plains the work to others. At the end of the year he makes a final report upon the entire year's project and all points related to the same. Fifteen projects are offered to 4-H club members in Kansas as follows: beef, swine, sheep, dairy, poultry, colt, sorghum, corn, garden, potato, clothing, food preparation, baking, canning, food preservation, supper and room improvement. New proj- ects are being added as fast as interest warrants the same.

In interesting boys and girls in 4-H club work, projects are selected which meet, to some extent, at least, the farm and home problems within a commu- nity. For example, in communities badly infested with round worms in hogs, the boys are urged to joint a 4-H club, select the sow and litter project, and raise worm-free litters. This serves as a demonstration to the community in the importance of better swine management and the club member thus feels that he is doing a worthwhile and needed piece of work and that his efforts are of importance.

Four-H club work is available to all boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 20 years, inclusive. The members are organized into clubs varying in size from five or less to fifty or more. In rare instances some clubs reach a mem- bership of over a hundred, though perhaps the average size of the clubs is somewhere between ten and twenty members. These clubs elect their own officers, which consist of a president, vice president, secretary-treasurer, and club reporter, together with any other officers they may desire. Each club has at least one adult leader. In clubs that are especially large it is possible that each project represented may have a leader. The clubs meet from time to time, conduct their meetings along parliamentary lines, have a program in which the project of their respective lines of work is presented and discussed, give demonstrations, sing songs, play games, practice yells, and carry on like matters of interest to young people.

All of the boys and girls of one community interested in club work are organized into one club organization, even though they may vary in the selec- tion of their projects; thus a community club may contain a certain number of members enrolled in baby-beef work, others in swine work, and the girls may be enrolled in poultry, clothing, or other lines of home-economics work. It is preferable that the members of a club unite on the selection of a few projects rather than to have too wide a variation of projects within a club; however, all of the fifteen projects previously mentioned are available for either boys or girls, there being no line drawn between boys' and girls' work.

The very essence of club work is its voluntary nature. Certain minimum requirements are specified which include age of club members, the keeping of records, the conducting of a project, and the attendance at club meetings. Aside from these requirements the work is purely voluntary, and no system- atic course of instruction is attempted. Each member is given suggestions as to best methods of handling his project, but whether or not he adopts these methods is left to his own volition. Ownership is an essential characteristic of club work which centers around living things like growing of plants or animals, or concerned with the active processes of home making, or other matters relating directly to the daily life of the farm and the farm home. As previously indicated, the study of books is incidental and supplemental to the actual work of the project. Club work is learning by doing.

Leadership is another very essential characteristic of 4-H club work. This is of two types ; the first being the adult leaders who supervise the club activities and the projects selected by the members. These leaders are usually experi- enced men or women or older club members who are trained by the extension agents and who know how the thing ought to be done and can tell the mem- bers something of the reason why. The other type of leadership, which is assuming greater importance as time goes on, is that which is developed in club members as a result of their club experience. This is one of the splendid

Division of College Extension 299

products of club work. Boys and girls who several years ago were members of 4-H clubs are now taking their place as young men and young women who are known as leaders for the best things in agriculture and in the home, and in life in general.

Not only is it essential that 4-H club members learn to do by doing, but they are expected to pass on this knowledge and information to others. There- fore> many club members are trained to put on demonstrations and explain their work to the public. They are expected to exhibit at least some of their products which they have grown or made at the local, county, and state fairs. Those who have attended these fairs in Kansas during the last few years will recall that club members have made remarkable exhibits, not only as regards quantity, but quality as well.

The records which the club members have kept throughout the year in re- gard to time spent, materials used, and costs, form a part of these exhibits. Any prizes which are awarded come as a result of the record which has been kept as well as the excellence of the product itself. Members are trained how to judge quality of such exhibits, and at the time of fairs judging contents are held to determine who has become the best judge. In a similar way dem- onstration team contests are held to determine what club members have be- come most proficient in telling others of the things they have learned. Thus, it can be seen that 4-H club work is an educational process, dealing not so much with books as with the things out of which books are made.

Interspersed with all of these essentials of club work are the so-called club activities, which include club tours, club contests, field meetings, festivals, an- nual club round-up at Manhattan, 4-H club camps during the summer, and similar club functions, which lend color to the work for the young people and bring them in contact with their leaders and the leaders of other clubs. These activities put them in rivalry and contests not only among themselves but with the members from the rest of their county and from the entire state. This "rubbing of elbows" brings them a wholesome contact which helps to develop and broaden their ideals and ambitions. All of these various contacts with men and problems and the affairs of life serve to awaken youth and stimulate the desire to do and accomplish. Thus, by means of these splendid plans and activities and through the recognition of worthwhile and lasting achievements which 4-H club boys and girls are making in the common and ordinary business of the farm and the home, real progressive, sane agricultural leadership is being developed which may be translated in terms of a progres- sive, intelligent, and happy citizenship for the future.

Rural Engineering

Walter G. WARi>,t Extension Architect, in Charge John S. Glass, Extension Agricultural Engineer Howard C. Matson,|| Architect

Kansas farms present numerous problems in engineering. The construction and maintenance of 160,000 sets of farm buildings, valued at more than $350,- 000,000, offers a big field for the development of more efficient, more durable, more attractive, and better arranged improvements. Standardized plans are furnished each year for hundreds of farm buildings throughout the state. One- day builders' schools held out in the counties furnish information direct to those interested in the planning and construction of farm buildings.

Modern conveniences in the farm home require an understanding of engi- neering principles for satisfactory operation and maintenance. Water supply systems, sewage disposal, lighting, and heating bring numerous questions to the Department of Rural Engineering.

More than 50,000 tractors and 35,000 combines comprise a part of the more

J Absent on leave, year 1929- '30. j| Temporary appointment.

300 Kansas State Agricultural College

than $225,000,000 worth of mechanical equipment on Kansas farms. The se- lection, adjustment, operation, and repair of this equipment is an important factor in the agriculture of Kansas. Through two-day and three-day extension schools conducted out in the counties, information is disseminated on gas engines and tractors and the adjustment and repair of farm machinery.

Assistance is rendered the farmers of Kansas with their problems in land drainage, irrigation, and the control of soil erosion. This work is handled by establishing demonstrations on suitable farms to illustrate the recommended practice to the farmers of that community. The control of soil erosion by means of terracing is just beginning to be recognized as an important problem and is applicable in all sections of the state; We now have approximately 3,000 acres terraced.

In addition to the information furnished through meetings held out in the counties, several thousand mail inquiries, of an engineering nature, are answered each year by the engineers of this department. The work in the counties is conducted principally in cooperation with the county farm bureaus.

Home-Study Service


George GemmellJ Head of Department Ada Billings, History and Government

P. L. DePuy, Animal Husbandry Marcia Hall, English

B. H. Fleenor, Education Earl Litwiller, Horticulture

Floyd Pattison, Industrial Subjects Ethel Marshall, Home Economics Glenn RuckerJ Industrial Subjects

Note. The faculty members employed in the Home-study Service devote their entire time to the work of teaching by correspondence. They keep in close touch with the various de- partments of the College, and all credit courses which are offered by correspondence must first meet the requirements of the regular College departments handling the courses in resi- dence.


There are many people in Kansas and elsewhere who for many reasons cannot attend classes on the college campus, or are past the time when this would be advisable, but who can use the facilities of the college to great advantage. The Home-study Service is a part of the Extension Division of the Kansas State Agricultural College, designed to make the state its campus to enable the College to come to those who cannot come to it.

Once it was thought that educational problems could be solved only in the classroom, where subject matter was chosen from a textbook. To-day it is realized that the home, the farm, and the shop are calling continually for the solution of problems upon which the future of the people of the state depends. A barren soil, an unprofitable herd, an insanitary home, and kitchen wastes are but petty examples of the innumerable difficulties to be overcome. Years of experience and observation have enabled many to solve their problems with some degree of success, but the lack of scientific knowledge is responsible for many individuals experimenting extravagantly and often uselessly. A com- bination of experience and training in scientific methods is best.

One way of meeting these situations is through correspondence courses. They are no longer an experiment but are a demonstrated success. With them odd hours of spare time may be made to count. The gross time required to complete correspondence courses is practically the same as would be necessary for the same courses in school. Correspondence courses may be started at any time. They wait when one is busy. They are instantly ready when one has time. In fact, they are "made to order" for the busy person.

J Absent on leave, year 1929- '30. || Temporary appointment.

Division of College Extension 301


Though credit courses offered by the Home-study Service are still limited, the number is steadily growing, and it is the purpose of the department to add courses whenever a demand for them becomes evident. The following groups in particular should profit by the courses offered:

1. Those who have completed a common school course but who for any reason are unable to attend high school.

2. High school graduates temporarily or permanently unable to attend college.

3. Students who for any reason have fallen behind in their work and wish to use their spare time catching up.

4. Students whose attendance at high school or college has been interrupted.

5. The strong, aggressive student who does not wish to halt his progress for vacation and other interruptions.

6. High school and grade classes in practical courses that need supplement- ing and enrichment.

7. Teachers who wish further professional or other training or who need help in planning and conducting their work.

8. Professional and business men who wish to keep growing along some line of interest, industrial or avocational.

9. Clubs and other organizations that wish to make systematic studies.

10. Men and women who wish effective help in meeting the demands of their vocations for technical and scientific knowledge and training.


In correspondence courses, the assignment usually takes the form of as- signed readings, studies, and investigations, together with a list of questions and directions for a written report. To save postage and trouble in mailing numerous lessons, the correspondence lesson is usually much longer than the common lesson in resident class work. When necessary, the lessons may be accompanied by a lecture prepared by the instructor containing helpful out- lines and explanations, additional subject matter, and such special directions as seem desirable. The lessons are modified from time to time as suggested by experience and as new information becomes available.

As soon as an enrollment card and fee are received at the Department of Home-study Service, the first assignments are immediately sent out. As re- ports are received additional assignments are mailed. This plan keeps work always at hand for the student and at the same time, makes it possible for the instructor to keep in close touch with the student's progress and to offer from time to time such suggestions as seem desirable to guide the student in his work. As a rule, the student should make careful study of the corrections, comments, and suggestions upon receiving a returned paper before going fur- ther with succeeding lessons.

The progress made by the student depends entirely upon his ability, pre- paredness, and application. As a general suggestion, it might be stated that an hour a day spent in systematic study should enable the average student to complete an assignment a week. Students may work more rapidly if their opportunities permit. Lessons will be received as rapidly as is consistent with good work, providing not more than eight assignments are sent in one week. Under no circumstances will hastily prepared manuscripts showing superficial knowledge be accepted.

The questions accompanying each assignment are intended to help the student to a better understanding of the subject. After careful study of the assignment, the student should write his manuscript, answering the questions carefully and concisely. This manuscript should be mailed at once to the Department of Home-study Service, where all lesson papers are read care- fully, criticized, marked, and returned to the student with such comments, suggestions, advice, and additional references as may be deemed necessary. This plan is continued throughout the course, and each student should feel

302 Kansas State Agricultural College

free to ask questions, relate his personal experience, and in every way possible get into close contact with his instructors. No effort is spared by the depart- ment to bring about the nearest possible approach to personal acquaintance- ship between each instructor and his students.


At the close of each course, before a grade is issued, a final examination is necessary. This final examination may be taken in the office of the Depart- ment of Home-study Service at the College, or other arrangements may be made by the student to take it locally under the city or county superintendent of schools or the principal of the local high school. In the latter case, the examination questions and instructions for conducting the examination are mailed from the department to the examiner, and the student's paper is sent in by him.


The enrollment fee for credit courses is $12.50 a year. This rate applies to all residents of Kansas. (The fee required of nonresidents of the state is $17.50 a year.) Those who mjay be only temporarily employed outside of the state may enroll for the regular $12.50 fee provided they still claim their citizenship in Kansas. Enrollment cannot be transferred from one student to another.

If a student's work is interrupted by protracted illness or other good reason, he may by special arrangements secure an extension of his enrollment period without payment of further dues. All such cases must be handled individually.

Each student is expected to pay the postage on lessons, manuscripts, and communications sent in to the department. This office will furnish postage for the return of all such papers to the student.

This enrollment entitles the student to as much work as can be satisfactorily completed in one year, not to exceed eight semester hours of college work or three semester credits of high school work, unless work is of a very high char- acter, in which event special arrangements may be made for a limited amount of additional work.


1. Enrollments for correspondence-study work will be received at any time during the year, and students may continue their work uninterruptedly throughout the entire year.

2. Correspondence students will be expected to complete any course for which they are enrolled within twelve months from date of enrollment.

3. Not more than two courses are advised by correspondence at any one time. It is recommended that a student carry but one subject at a time, particularly where only part of the time is given to the work.

4. Each subject listed under the various departments constitutes what is known as a correspondence "course."

5. Students enrolling for correspondence courses must meet the prerequi- sites the same as if undertaking the work in residence.

6. A student may not be enrolled for correspondence work while in attend- ance at any institution of learning without special permission from the dean or proper authorities in the institution of which he is a student.

7. No correspondence student shall be permitted to complete a three-hour course in less than three weeks; a two-hour course in less than two weeks; a one-hour course in less than one week.

8. A student enrolled for resident work in College, who enrolls in a subject by correspondence, shall be required to take an examination after each eighth lesson before proceeding with the course ; i.e., after the eighth, the sixteenth, and the twenty-fourth lessons, respectively.

9. Where there is evidence of any correspondence student copying any part of the lessons from the papers of another student who has previously taken the course, such student is to be automatically and permanently dropped from the course and a failing grade is to be sent to the registrar's office with notation of cause.

Division of College Extension 303


(College Entrance Credit Work)

In offering the following work for high-school credit, there is no intention of competing with high schools of the state. It is not the purpose of those who have planned the work to present a full four-year high-school course. Students who have opportunity to attend local high school should by all means take advantage of the opportunity, for in such attendance they will have the benefits to be derived from association with fellow students as well as many other advantages which will be helpful to immature students of high school age.

These courses are offered as an aid to those who may by necessity be temporarily out of high school, who may not find the work which they desire offered locally, or who wish to carry work for high-school credit during vacation periods. It is not to be expected that a student can progress as rapidly by correspondence-study methods as he can by devoting his full time to his work when attending high school. Any student who completes a half year of high school work in a year by correspondence may feel that he has done exceedingly well.

The high-school courses will be especially advantageous to prospective col- lege students who have entrance deficiencies and to public school teachers who may not have had the opportunity to do this type of work. No effort has been spared to make the work as nearly as possible parallel with the courses offered by the accredited high schools of the state. The same textbooks have been used wherever feasible, and the credits issued by this department are recognized by the colleges and State Board of Education.

List of High-school Courses

agriculture Number of Unit H. S.

Course No. assignments credit

PCA 1. Elementary Agriculture 1 20 y2

PCA 2. Elementary Agriculture II 20 y2


PCD 3. Shop Mechanical Drawing 1 20 %

PCD 4. Shop Mechanical Drawing II 20 y2


PCE 1C. Grammar and Composition (first year) 20 y2

PCE 2L. Literature (first year) 20 y2

PCE 3C. Composition (second year) 20 y2

PCE 4L. Literature (second year) 20 y2

PCE 5C. Composition (third year) 20 y2

PCE 6L. Literature (third year) 20 y2


PCH 1. Ancient History I 20 y2

PCH 2. Ancient History II 20 V2

PCH 3. Modern History I 20 y,

PCH 4. Modern History II 20 y2

PCH 5. American History I 20 y2

PCH 6. American History II 20 y2

PCH 7. Community Civics 20 y2

PCH 8A. Civics 20 %

PCH 8. Constitution of United States 20 y2

PCH 9. World History I 20 yc,

PCH 10. World History II 20 %


PCM 1. Algebra I 20 %

PCM 2. Algebra II 20 %

PCM 3. Algebra III 20 %

PCM 4. Plane Geometry I 20 y2

PCM 5. Plane Geometry II 20 %

PCM 6. Solid Geometry 20 %

PCM 7. Bookkeeping 20 %

304 Kansas State Agricultural College

Number of Course No. science assignments

PCS 1. Physical Geography 20

PCS 2. Botany 20

PCS 4. Physiology 20

PCS 5. General Science 20

PCC 1. Commercial Geography 20

PCC 2. Elementary Economics 20

College Credit Courses



Course No. agronomy credits

CA 3. Farm Crops 3


CL 2. History of Breeds 2


CH 1. Elements of Horticulture 2

CH 2. Vegetable Gardening 2

CH 3. Floriculture 2

CH 5. Landscape Gardening 1

CH 6. Small Fruits 2


CPP 1. Farm Poultry Production 1



CE 2. Engineering Drawing 2

CE 6. Machine Drawing I 2

CE 4. Mechanism 3

CE 11. Descriptive Geometry 2


CE 1. Highway Engineering I 2


CE 7. Metallurgy 2


CE 3. Gas Engines and Tractors 2


CE 9. Steam Turbines 3

CE 10. Essentials of Steam and Gas Power Engineering 2



CHE 1. Textiles 2


CHE 3. Sanitation and Public Health 3



CEc 1. Economics 3

CS 2. Rural Sociology 3

CS 3. Sociology 3

CS1 4. Community Leadership 2


CP 2. Educational Psychology 3

CP 3. Educational Sociology 3

CP 4. History of Education 3

CP 5. School of Management 3

CP 6G. Methods of Teaching in Elementary Graded Schools and Rural

Schools 3

CP 6H. Methods of Teaching in the High School 3

CP 7. Educational Administration 3

CP 8. Psychology 3

Unit H. S. credit

y2 y2

Assign- ments



16 16 16 8 16

16 16 24 20








24 24 24 16

24 24 24 24

24 24 24


Division of College Extension 305

Semester Assign- Course No. credits merits

CP 9. School Discipline 2 16

CP 12. Home Economics Education 3 24

CP 13. Vocational Guidance 2 16

CP 14. Vocational Education 3 24


CCE 1. College Rhetoric 1 3 24

CCE 2. College Rhetoric II 3 24

CCE 3. Commercial Correspondence 3 24

CCE 4. The Short Story 3 24

CCE 6. English Literature I 3 24

CCE 7. American Literature 3 24


CCJ 1. Agricultural Journalism 3 24


CG 1. Geology 3 24


CHC 1. Community Civics 2 16

CHC 2. Modern Europe I 3 24

CHC 4. English History 3 24

CHC 5. Medieval History 3 24


CM 7. Plane Trigonometry 3 25

CM 8. College Algebra 3 25

The Agricultural Experiment Station

The Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station was organized under the pro- visions of an act of congress, approved March 2, 1887, which is commonly known as the "Hatch act," and is officially designated as

"An act to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges estab- lished in the several states under the provisions of an act approved July 2, 1862, and the acta supplementary thereto."

The wide scope and far-reaching purposes of this act are best comprehended by an extract from the body of the measure itself, in which the objects of its enactment are stated as being

"To aid in acquiring and diffusing among the people of the United States useful and prac- tical information on subjects connected with agriculture, and to promote scientific investigation and experiment respecting the principles and practice of agricultural science."

The law specifies in detail

"That it shall be the object and duty of said experiment stations to conduct original re- searches or verify experiments on the physiology of plants and animals ; the diseases to which they are severally subject, with remedies for the same; the chemical composition of useful plants at their different stages of growth ; the comparative advantages of rotative cropping as pursued under a varying series of crops; the capacity of new plants or trees for acclima- tion ; the analysis of soils and waters ; the chemical composition of manures, natural or arti- ficial, with experiments designed to test their comparative effects on crops of different kinds ; the adaptation and value of grasses for forage plants ; the composition and digestibility of the different kinds of food for domestic animals ; the scientific and economic questions involved in the production of butter and cheese; and such other researches or experiments bearing directly on the agricultural industry of the United States as may in each case be deemed advisable."

On the day after the Hatch act had received the signature of the President, the legislature of Kansas, being then in session, passed a resolution, dated March 3, 1887, accepting the conditions of the measure, and vesting the respon- sibility of carrying out its provisions in the Board of Regents of the Kansas State Agricultural College.

Until 1908 the expenses of the Agricultural Experiment Station were pro- vided for entirely by the federal government. The original creative act (the Hatch act) carried an annual congressional appropriation of $15,000. No further addition to this amount was made until the passage of the Adams act, which was approved by the President March 16, 1906. This measure provided, "for the more complete endowment and maintenance of agricultural experi- ment stations," a sum beginning with $5,000, and increasing each year by $2,000 over the preceding year for five years, since which time the annual appropriation has been $15,000

"To be applied to paying the necessary expenses of conducting original researches or ex- periments bearing directly on the agricultural industry of the United States, having due regard to the varying conditions and needs of the respective states or territories."

It is further provided that

"No portion of said moneys exceeding five percentum of each annual appropriation shall bi applied, directly or indirectly, under any pretense whatever, to the purchase, erection, preser- vation or repair of any building or buildings, or to the purchase or rental of land."

The Adams act, providing as it does for original investigations, supplied the greatest need for the Agricultural Experiment Station means of providing men and equipment for advanced research. Only such experiments may be entered upon under the provisions of this act as have first been passed upon and approved by the Office of Experiment Stations of the United States De- partment of Agriculture.

Further support for the Agricultural Experiment Station was provided by


Agricultural Experiment Station 307

the federal government by the passage of the Purnell act, which was approved by the President February 24, 1925. This measure authorized an appropriation of $20,000 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1925, with increasing annual allotments of $10,000 until a total of $60,000 will be reached for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1929. The law specifies that

"The funds appropriated pursuant to this act shall be applied only to paying the neces- sary expenses of conducting investigations or making experiments bearing directly on the pro- duction, manufacture, preparation, use, distribution, and marketing of agricultural products and including such scientific researches as have for their purpose the establishment and main- tenance of a permanent and efficient agricultural industiy, and such economic and sociological investigations as have for their purpose the development and improvement of the rural home and rural life, and for printing and disseminating the results of said researches."

The Purnell act, while specific in its statement of the purposes for which the appropriation may be used, is broad in scope and provides specifically for scientific research in agricultural economics, home economics and rural sociol- ogy, in addition to providing more liberal support for the older established work of the Agricultural Experiment Station.

More than one hundred projects, covering practically all phases of agri- culture investigation, are being studied by the members of the Agricultural Experiment Station staff.

The farms, live stock, laboratories, and general equipment of the College are all directly available for the use of the Agricultural Experiment Station.

The results of the work of the Station are published in the form of bulletins, circulars, and scientific papers. These bulletins are of two classes those which record the results of research work of a purely scientific character and those which present technical information in a simplified form, suitable for the gen- eral reader. The circulars are popular presentations of data which call for immediate application, as well as timely and useful information not necessarily new or original. The scientific papers are usually published as reprints or addresses given before scientific bodies. These reprints contain original infor- mation or report definite step in the progress of investigations under way.

All bulletins and other publications from the Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion are sent without charge to citizens of the state. Any person in the state who so desires may have his name placed on the permanent- mailing list of the station.

Letters of inquiry and general correspondence should be addressed: "Agri- cultural Experiment Station, Manhattan, Kan." Special inquiries should be directed, so far as possible, to the heads of departments having in charge the matters concerning which information is desired.


In addition to the work of agricultural investigation, the state has enlarged the activities of the station along various lines of state executive or control work.

One of the important lines of control work is that of the State Entomolog- ical Commission. (Laws of 1907, ch. 386; 1909, ch. 27.) This commission, created in 1907, was established

"To suppress and eradicate San Jose scale and other dangerous insect pests and plant diseases throughout the state of Kansas."

The professors of entomology at the Agricultural College and at the Uni- versity of Kansas are by law designated as two of the five members of the above commission. Acting under the title of state entomologists, they divide between them the territory of the state, for the purpose of inspection.

They are empowered

"To enter upon any public premises ... or upon any land of any firm, corporation or private individual within the state of Kansas, for the purpose of inspection, destroying, treating, or experiment upon the insects or diseases aforesaid."

They may treat or cause to be treated "any and all suspicious trees, vines, shrubs, plants, and grains," or, under certain conditions, may destroy them.

308 Kansas State Agricultural College

They must annually inspect all nursery stock, and no nursery stock is to be admitted within the state without such inspection.

By legislative act (Laws of 1909, ch. 49), a "division of forestry" at the Agricultural College is also provided for in the following terms:

"For the promotion of forestry in Kansas there shall be established at the Kansas State Agricultural College, under the direction of the Board of Regents, a division of forestry. The Board of Regents of the Kansas State Agricultural College shall appoint a state forester, who shall have general supervision of all experimental and demonstration work in forestry con- ducted by the Agricultural Experiment Station. He shall promote practical forestry in every possible way, compile and disseminate information relative to forestry, and publish the results of such work through bulletins, press notices, and in such other ways as may be most prac- ticable to reach the public, and by lecturing before farmers' institutes, associations, and other organizations interested in forestry."

It will thus be seen that the state of Kansas is making increasing use of the scientific staff of the Agricultural Experiment Station in matters of state importance requiring the application of technical knowledge.

Agricultural Experiment Station 309

Branch Agricultural Experiment Stations


The land occupied by this Station is a part of what was originally the Fort Hays military reservation. Being no longer required for military purposes, it was turned over to the Department of the Interior, October 22, 1899, for dis- posal under the act of congress of July 5, 1884. Through the influence of Sen- ator, later Regent, W. A. Harris, and of Congressman Reeder, a bill was passed in the fifty-sixth congress setting aside this reservation "for the purpose of establishing an experimental station of the Kansas Agricultural College and a western branch of the Kansas State Normal School thereon and a public park." This bill was approved by the President on March 28, 1900. By act of the state legislature, approved on February 7, 1901, the act of congress donating this land and imposing the burden of the support of these institutions was accepted. The same session of the legislature passed an act providing for the organization of a branch experiment station and appropriating a small fund for preliminary work. In the division of this land, the College received 3,560 acres.

The land at the Fort Hays Branch Station consists mainly of high, rolling prairie, with a limited area of rich alluvium bordering on a creek, and is situ- ated on the edge of the semiarid plains region. It is well suited for experimen- tal and demonstration work in dry farming, in irrigation, and in crop, forestry, and orchard tests, under conditions of limited rainfall and high evaporation.

The work of this Station may be divided into two divisions: (A) experi- mental projects, (B) general farm and live-stock work. The experimental projects are as follows: Dry-farming investigations, forage-crop investigations, cereal-crop investigations, forest, nursery and park demonstration and investi- gations, farm dairying, and experiments in the feeding and breeding of live stock. All this work is confined to the study of the problems peculiar to the western half of the state, and relates especially to crop production under limited rainfall, to the development of varieties better adapted to the climatic conditions there prevailing and to studies of the systems of animal husbandry and dairy husbandry suited to this region. The facilities of this Station are being used for the growing of large quantities of pure seed of the strains and varieties which have proved in actual test to be most productive in the western part of the state.


In 1906 the county commissioners of Finney county purchased, for purposes of agricultural experimentation, a tract of land amounting to 320 acres, situ- ated four and one-half miles from Garden City, on the unirrigated upland.

The land has been leased for a term of ninety-nine years to the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station as an "experimental and demonstration farm," for the purpose of determining the methods of culture, crop varieties, and crop rotation best suited to the southwestern portion of the state, under dry- land farming conditions. A pumping plant irrigating from eighty to one hundred acres has been installed for the purpose of investigating the expense of pumping and the cost of equipment necessary for plants of this type, which are common in the shallow-water districts between Garden City and Scott City and along the Arkansas valley. The Agricultural Experiment Station's investigations in irrigation agriculture are centered at this branch station.


The legislature of 1913 provided for the establishment of a branch experi- ment and demonstration station near Colby, in northwestern Kansas, "for the purpose of advancing and developing the agricultural, horticultural, and

310 Kansas State Agricultural College

irrigation interests of this state and western Kansas." This Station was lo- cated upon a tract of three hundred and fourteen acres of land bordering upon the town site of Colby. This land was purchased by the county and deeded to the state for the purposes named above. Operations were begun in March, 1914. Cropping experiments are being conducted under dry-land conditions and under irrigation. Water is being lifted one hundred and fifty feet for irri- gating a garden, fruit trees, and a few desirable crops, such as alfalfa, that could not be grown successfully in western Kansas with the natural rainfall. The pri- mary purpose of the Colby Station is to determine the best methods of de- veloping the agriculture of northwestern Kansas and to make it a still more desirable place to live.


At the Tribune Station experimental and demonstration work is conducted for the benefit of the surrounding territory. Special attention is paid to the problems of producing, storing, and utilizing crops for winter feeding of cattle which in summer graze the extensive range areas of the extreme western part of the state.

Engineering Experiment Station 311

The Engineering Experiment Station

The Engineering Experiment Station was established for the purpose of carrying on tests and research work of engineering and manufacturing value to the state of Kansas, and of collecting, preparing and presenting technical in- formation in a form readily available for the use of the various industries within the state. It is the intention to make all the work of the Experiment Station of direct importance to Kansas.

All of the equipment of the various engineering and scientific laboratories, the shops, and the College power plant are available for the work, while the personnel of the Station consists of members of the teaching staff from the various departments of the Division of Engineering and from other scientific departments whose work is directly related to the work of this division, and others employed especially for the work of the station.

' Among the investigations now being carried on are : Quality of concrete used in Kansas highway construction; air resistance of motor vehicles; farm sewage disposal systems; radio-activity of gas-well borings; Lewis factors for nonstandard gear teeth; durability tests of belt lacings or fastenings; tests of oil and gas burners for house-heating boilers; study of automobile headlights; road material resources of Kansas; pise de terre construction; a small furnace for melting brass and aluminum; durability of concrete; short-time strength tests for concrete sands; study of tension and compression tests of cement and mortars; relation of electricity to processing and handling of grain and forage; study of electric tireless cookers; the Kansas farm home; deterioration of concrete in silos; harvesting and storage of grain crops; volume changes in sand concrete; economic study of rural-line electrification; refrigeration in the home; harvesting and baling hay; modernizing the home; hydrogenation of Kansas coals; farm lighting plants; farm refrigeration^ properties of early strength cements; and the elastic properties of concrete.

The testing laboratories of this Station have been designated by law* as the testing laboratories for the State Highway Commission and the state highway engineer, and as such have charge of the testing of all road materials for use in federal-aid road construction in this state.

The results of the investigations are published as bulletins and circulars of the Engineering Experiment Station, which are sent free to any citizen of the state upon request. Twenty such bulletins have been published and are now available. Besides issuing these bulletins, the Station answers yearly many hundreds of requests for information upon matters coming within its field.

Requests for bulletins and general correspondence should be addressed to Engineering Experiment Station, Manhattan, Kan. Requests for information in specific matters should be addressed, so far as it is possible, to the heads of departments in whose fields the particular matters lie.

* Sec. 5, ch. 64, Laws of 1917.

312 Kansas State Agricultural College,

Bureau of Research in Home Economics

The Bureau of Research in Home Economics conducts investigations in the scientific, economic and social problems of the home. The purpose of this research is to discover new facts and new methods of the application of scien- tific knowledge bearing upon the welfare of the members of the family and the conditions under which they live.

The fields of research included in the bureau are: Child welfare, clothing and textiles, food economics, household administration, institutional economics, human nutrition, dietetics, and public health.

The laboratories of the Division of Home Economics include equipment suitable for work on certain of the problems. Opportunities for surveys and investigations of conditions in the state are found through the cooperation of various educational and social agencies.

The results of all investigations are published from time to time and are available on request to all citizens of the state.

The personnel of the bureau staff includes members of the teaching faculty in home economics. Several of the departments in other divisions of the College advise or collaborate with officers of the bureau on problems of related interest.

Among the investigations in progress are the following:

*Utilization by children of calcium and phosphorus from canned, dried,

fresh, and other forms of milk. ^Factors influencing the growth of children. * Vitamin content of foods relating to human nutrition :

a. Fruits.

b. Vegetables.

c. Cereals.

Human utilization of the carbohydrates of parsnips. A study of the coefficient of protection of clothing fabrics. *The screening action of fabrics against sunlight. A study of costs of sickness to farm families. The development of motor abilities of preschool children. The effect of certain factors of nursery school environment upon the

modification and development of definite personality traits. The effect of cod-liver oil on the erythrocyte count and the gastric

activity of anemic college girls. Age factor in the resumption of growth by stunted children. Factors affecting seasonal variation of the growth of children.

* Those starred are being supported in part by funds from the Agricultural Experiment Station.

Special Courses

Short Courses in Agriculture Farmers' Short Course

Kansas State Agricultural College offers in agriculture primarily a four-year curriculum, which gives the student fundamental training in the sciences re- lating to agriculture and their application to the production of crops and live stock, and to farming in general. Such a curriculum not only equips a man to become a successful farmer, but makes of him a better citizen, and a leader in the broader duties of life.

Many men who have chosen farming as their vocation, and who are alive to some of the advantages offered by this institution to the farmers of the state, are denied the opportunity of pursuing the College curriculum in agri- culture, or even as much as one year's work in that curriculum. For such men the Agricultural College provides the Farmers' Short Course.

The course requires two years for completion, an eight-week term being given each year. For 1931 the session will begin Monday, January 5, and close Saturday February 28. Besides the required subjects each student may take one or two elective subjects each year.


The Arabic numeral immediately following the name of a subject indicates the number of credits, while the numerals in parentheses indicate the number of hours a week of recitation and laboratory, respectively.

First Year


Soils and Fertilizers 4(4-0)

Live-stock Production I 5(3-4)

Dairying I 5(3-4)

Grain Crops 4(3-2)

Special Lectures 1(2-0)


Poultry Husbandry 3(3-0)

Live-stock Sanitation 3(3-0)

Farm Management 4(3-2)

Farm Marketing 3(3-0)

Farm Accounting 3(2-2)

Dairying II 5(3-4)

Gas Engines and Tractors 5(2-6)

Blacksmithing 2(0-4)

Carpentry 2(0-4)

Automobiles 5(2-6)

Second Year


Forage Crops 4(3-2)

Live-stock Production II 5(3-4)

Farm Buildings and Equipment 4(4-0)

Farm Horticulture 3(3-2)

Special Lectures 1(2-0)

Any of the subjects listed in the elective work of the first year mivy also be taken as elec- tives during the second year.

For each hour of recitation per week usually at least one hour of outside preparation is required. Laboratory or field work requires little or no outside preparation. Each credit (standard for measuring the quantity of work done) represents not less than two hours' work per week for the entire eight weeks of


314 Kansas State Agricultural College

the term. A regular, full-time assignment consists of not less than twenty credits, and students are usually not encouraged to take more than twenty-four credits.

Certificate. A certificate will be granted to each student completing sat- isfactorily the thirty-six credit hours of work required and not less than four credit hours of electives.

Requirements for Admission. This course is intended primarily for mature individuals. High-school work in the state is becoming so general and avail- able to all communities that the demand for short-course work for boys of high-school age is being greatly reduced. Young farmers, not in school, are especially urged to consider the advantages of the Farmers' Short Course. Students over seventeen years of age are admitted without examination.

Expenses. There is no charge for tuition, but each student is required to pay, on enrollment, an incidental fee of $5, also student-health fee of $1.50. This latter fee entitles him to free medical attendance by the College physi- cian. In several of the laboratories, laboratory deposits or charges varying from 50 cents to $1 must be made to cover cost of materials used. In "Gas Engines and Tractors" and "Automobiles" the laboratory charges must neces- sarily be higher, being $3 and $2.50, respectively.

Self-support. The subjects of this course are primarily practical. They bring the student into actual contact with farm conditions and products. Be- sides the classroom work, many hours each week are spent in the stock-judging pavilion, laboratory, shop and barn. This leaves the student but little time for outside labor, and students are therefore advised to come provided with as nearly all the necessary funds for the course as possible.


Soils and Fertilizers. (Agron. 3.) Various soil types common in Kansas are studied, especially with reference to their economical management for the production of profitable crops and the maintenance of fertility.

Live-stock Production I. (An. Husb. 6.) A study of the principles and practices of feeding and management of live stock. The laboratory time is devoted to judging market live stock.

Dairying I. (Dairy Husb. 1.) Farm dairying, including the composition and properties of milk, the feeding of the dairy cow, the selecting and breeding of the dairy herd, and dairy sanitation. The laboratory provides practical work with the Babcock tester, in the use of the farm separator, and in butter making. Deposit, $1.

Grain Crops. (Agron. 1.) A practical study of grain-crop production. Laboratory exercises are given for the identification of different kinds of threshed grain and the determination of damage and market classes and grades. Charge, 50 cents.

Special Lectures. One credit is given each year for attending these lectures. Among the speakers provided are members of the College Faculty, including the president of the College, and some outside, well-known agricultural leaders.

Forage Crops. (Agron. 2.) A study of the distribution and production of important forage crops, especially for Kansas conditions. Practical exercises in identification are given in the laboratory. Charge, 50 cents.

Live-stock Production II. (An. Husb. 8.) A study of the principles and practices in breeding, history of the development of the different breeds, and the pedigrees of noted individuals. Some time is given to the matter of fitting live stock for show and sale. The laboratory work consists of judging breed- ing live stock and butchering and handling meats.

Farm Buildings and Equipment. (Ag. Engr. 2.) A study of the funda-

Special Courses 315

mental principles of farm building arrangement and construction, including barns, houses, hog houses, poultry houses, machine sheds, silos, cribs, and granaries. Particular attention is given to farm equipment, such as tillage, seeding, and harvesting machinery, both horse-drawn and power. Some time is devoted to concrete construction, farm water systems, sanitation, heating, lighting, and ventilation.

Farm Horticulture. (Hort. 1.) A study of the possibilities of the art of horticulture in creating better living conditions and better homes. Planning of the farmstead; the planting of ornamentals, wind-breaks, and forrest trees; and the care of garden, small fruits, and the home orchard. Incidentally an attempt is made to suggest the possibilities of commercial horticulture in localities adapted to special crops.

Poultry Husbandry. (Poult. Husb. 1.) The practical phases of poultry management, including feeding, breeding, housing, incubation, and brooding.

Live-stock Sanitation. (Vet. Med. 1.) A study of diseases that are com- municable from animal to animal or from animal to man. The causes, symp- toms and methods that are emplo^ved to prevent and to combat the spread of diseases, and the drugs that are commonly used as disinfectants, for washes, dips, etc., are given full consideration. The uses of serums, vaccines, etc., for the prevention of diseases is considered. Methods of disposal of sick and dead animals as well as the means employed to clean and to disinfect the premises so as to prevent a recurrence of diseases are considered.

Farm Management. (Ag. Ec. 1.) In this class the work in the various agricultural subjects is correlated and placed on a practical workable basis. The principles of farm accounting, distribution of capital, laying out of fields, planning rotations, etc., are given first consideration. Charge, 50 cents.

Farm Marketing. (Ag. Ec. 2.) A study of marketing functions and serv- ices and means of improving the methods of marketing farm products. Con- siderable attention is given to cooperation as a means of improving the mar- keting of farm products.

Farm Accounting. (Ag. Ec. 3.) Records which the farmer should keep, methods of keeping these records, and ways of utilizing the information given by the records. Laboratory exercises deal with inventory, crop, live stock, labor, and other accounts, using figures obtained from Kansas farms. The practice work shows methods of keeping accounts and analyzing their results. Accounting forms and supplies for laboratory use are furnished the student. Charge, 50 cents.

Dairying II. (Dairy Husb. 3.) Keeping records and accounts of dairy- farm business; building up the dairy herd; dairy buildings and equipment; silos and silage; the dairy business and soil fertility; cow-testing associations; cooperative ownership of dairy sires; and detailed plans for the management of the dairy farm. Laboratory work consists of judging dairy cattle from the standpoint of economical production and breed type.

m Gas Engines and Tractors. (Ag. Engr. 3.) A practical study of the prin- ciples and applications of the stationary gas engine and the tractor for farm use. Class work includes a study of tractor construction, operation, and repair, and of carburetion, ignition, lubrication, and cooling systems. A study is made of the repair jobs the tractor operator should be able to do himself. Charge, $3.

Blacksmithing. A series of graded exercises or problems in blacksmithing closely related to farm work is given. Charge, $1.50.

Carpentry. The work begins with a few preliminary problems especially adapted to teaching the proper use of woodworking tools. This is followed by actual experience in the various phases of building construction. Charge, 75 cents.

Automobiles. This subject consists of lectures, discussions, and laboratory

316 Kansas State Agricultural College

practice in the operation and care of automobiles from the standpoint of the owner. Instruction and practice are provided in adjusting bearings and ignition points, timing valves and spark, grinding valves, cleaning carbon, etc. Charge, $2.50.

Dairy Manufacturing Short Courses

Four dairy manufacturing short courses, each lasting two weeks, will be offered January 5 to February 28, 1931. The first course (January 5 to 17, inclusive) will be a general one devoted principally to the testing of milk, cream, and other dairy products. The course for the second two weeks (January 19 to 31, inclusive) will be devoted to a study of market milk and cheese making. The third period (February 2 to 14, inclusive) will consist of intensive study and practice in butter making. The fourth and last two-week course (February 16 to 28, inclusive) will be one in ice-cream making.

The work is so arranged that students can take one or more of the four courses, the full eight weeks of work making an intensive and practical com- mercial creamery short course. While, as a rule, it will be recommended that students take the entire course, the plan makes it possible for students in cer- tain cases to take just the work that interests them most.

Admission. Any one not less than 17 years of age may enroll in any of these courses.

Expenses. An incidental fee of $5, a student-health fee of $1.50, and a lab- oratory fee of $2 will be charged all students enrolling for the eight weeks of work. For students enrolling for less than the entire course, an incidental fee of $3 will be charged and an additional laboratory fee of $2 for each two-week course taken.

Certificates. Students who complete the entire eight weeks of required work as here outlined, and who show satisfactory evidence that they have had six months successful creamery experience will be granted certificates.


General Course in Milk and Cream Testing

January 5 to 17, 1931 lectures laboratory work

Scope of Dairy Industry Milk Testing the Babcock Test

Testing Milk Testing Milk of Different Breeds

Milk Secretion, Composition, and Properties Testing Skim Milk, Buttermilk, and Whey

Factors Affecting Composition Testing Frozen, Sour and Churned Milk

Sampling Milk and Cream Testing Cream

Cream Testing Study of Farm Separators

Cream Separation and Farm Separators Standardization of Milk and Cream

Standardization of Milk and Cream Testing Milk for Solids and Adulterations

Testing Milk for Solids the Lactometer and Separation of Milk

Its Uses. Plating Milk for Bacterial Counts

Bacteriology of Milk Farm Butter Making and Creamery Butter- Counting Bacteria in Milk making Demonstration

Keeping Milk and Butter- fat Records Testing Butter and Cheese for Fat

The Butter Industry Testing Powdered Milk, Ice Cream, and Con- Application of Babcock Test to Other Products densed Milk for Fat

Acidity and Its Relation to Dairy Products Dairy Arithmetic

Kansas Dairy Laws Testing Milk and Cream for Acidity

Clean Milk Production Dairy Farm and Plant Inspection

Dairy Breeds Demonstration in Freezing Ice Cream

The Ice-cream Industry Demonstration in Market Milk Handling

Food Value of Milk and Its Products Demonstration in Cheese Making and Milk The Market Milk Industry Condensing

Cheese and Condensed-milk Industry Examinations

Special Courses


A Course in Market Milk and Cheese Making

January 19 to 31, 1931


History and Development of Market Milk

Industry Milk as a Food Grades of Milk

Bacteriology as Applied to Market Milk How to Produce Low-count Milk Pasteurization of Milk Cream Line Studies Cultured Buttermilk Chocolate Milk

Cottage Cheese and Soft Cheese Milk Plant Equipment Cheddar Cheese Milk Ordinances

Condensed Milk and Milk Powders Milk By-products Types of Milk Plants Milk Distribution Adulteration in Milk Cost of Milk Production Examinations

LABORATORY WORK Standardization of Milk and Cream Receiving, Clarification, Pasteurization Bottling Milk Determination of Food Value by Fat and

Solids Test Determination of Cleanliness and Keeping

Quality by Acid and Sediment Test Plating Milk for Bacteria Methylene Blue Test Cream Line Studies

Making Starters and Cultured Buttermilk Making Chocolate Syrup and Chocolate Milk Making Cottage Cheese Making Cheddar Cheese Detection of Adulterations Designing Milk Ordinances Making Condensed Milk

A Two-week Course in Butter Making

February 2 to 14, 1931


History of the Butter Industry

Neutralization of Cream

Pasteurization of Cream

Churning Cream

Composition of Butter

Overrun in Butter

Cream Procurement

Cream Grading

Starter Making

Cream Ripening

Cream Station Operation

Market Grades of Butter

Butter Defects

Cream Separation

Bacteria and Their Relation to Butter Making

Yeast and Mold in Butter

Sweet -cream Butter

Factory Losses

Food Value of Butter

Marketing Butter



Pasteurization of Cream

Analysis of Butter

Cream Grading and Testing

Preparation of Starters

Printing Butter


Cream Station Inspection

Judging Butter

Yeast, Mold, and Bacteria Counts

Receiving, Weighing, and Sampling Cream

Condensing Buttermilk

Flash Pasteurization

Sweet -cream Butter

A Two-week Course in Ice-cream Making

February 16 to 28, 1931


History and Development

Composition and Properties of Milk

Testing Milk and Cream

Testing Ice-cream Mix

Standardization of Milk and Cream

Acid Test

Ingredients Used in Ice Cream

Composition of Ice Cream

Calculation of the Mix and Standardization

Processing the Mix

Freezing the Mix

Bacteria and Their Relation to Ice Cream

Ices and Sherbets

Fruit and Fancy Ice Cream


Storage of Ice Cream

Gelatin and Egg in Ice Cream

Flavoring Materials

Food Value of Ice Cream

Defects of Ice Cream



Standardization of Milk and Cream

Preparation of Simple Mix

Testing Mix for Fat

Freezing Simple Mix

Preparation and Freezing of Mixes with Vary- ing Per cent of Fat

Preparation and Freezing of Mixes with Vary- ing Per cent of Serum Solids

Preparation and Freezing of Mixes with Vary- ing Per Cent of Sugar

Preparation and Freezing of Mixes with Vary- ing Per cent of Gelatin and Egg Yolk

Use of Improvers

Preparation and Freezing of Ices and Sherbets

Mojonnier Testing

Preparation of Mixes in Vacuum Pan

Bricks and Fancy Molds

Preparation of Mixes from Butter and Powder

Judging Ice Cream

Study of Refrigeration Machinery

318 Kansas State Agricultural College

One- and Two- Year Courses in Trades Related

to Engineering

The purpose of these courses is to give practical working knowledge of the trades, and in addition to give training in shop arithmetic, shop drawing, and other subjects which are essential to its successful application. Each of the courses is intensely practical. A certificate is granted to each student satisfac- torily completing the prescribed work. These courses begin and end on the same dates as the regular College work as given in the College calendar on page 7.

For each hour of recitation per week at least one hour of outside preparation is required. Laboratory work requires little or no outside preparation. Each semester credit (standard for measuring the quantity of work done) repre- sents not less than two hours' work per week for the entire semester. For Summer School each credit represents not less than four hours' work per week.

In general, students are required to take the subjects in the order outlined; however, if the conditions warrant, the order may be changed by the head of the department.

Substitutions will be allowed in certain cases where the conditions seem to justify them.

Requirements for Admission. Students entering either of the trade courses should be at least eighteen years old and should have completed the eighth grade in common-school education, or its equivalent.

Two-year Trade Course for Machinists

The Arabic numeral immediately following the name of a subject indicates the number of credits, while the numerals in parentheses indicate the number of hours a week of recitation and laboratory, respectively.


First Semester Second Semester

Shop Calculations I, Shop 1 3(3-0) Shop Calculations II, Shop 2 3(3-0)

Shop Drawing I, Shop 3 2(0-4) Shop Drawing II, Shop 4 2(0-4)

Sold, and Babbit., Shop 20 2(0-4) Machine Shop II, Shop 11 16(0-32)

Blacksmithing I, Shop 21 2(0-4)

Oxy. and Elect. Welding, Shop 24 2(0-4)

Foundry I, Shop 40 2(0-4)

Machine Shop I, Shop 10 6(0-12)

SUMMER SCHOOL Machine Shop III, Shop 12 10(0-40)


First Semester Second Semester

Shop Drawing III, Shop 5 2(0-4) Shop Management, Shop 7 3(3-0)

Machine Shop IV, Shop 13 18(0-36) Jig and Fixt. Design, Shop 6 2(0-4)

Machine Shop V, Shop 14 15(0-30)

SUMMER SCHOOL Machine Shop VI, Shop 15 10(0-40)

Special Courses 319

One-year Trade Course for Automechanics

The Arabic numeral immediately following the name of a subject indicates the number of credits, while the numerals in parentheses indicate the number of hours a week of recitation and laboratory, respectively.

First Semester Second Semester

Shop Calculations I, Shop 1 3(3-0) Shop Calculations II, Shop 2 3(3-0)

Shop Drawing I, Shop 3 2(0-4) Shop Drawing II, Shop 4 2(0-4)

Sold, and Babbit., Shop 20 2(0-4) Shop Management, Shop 7 3(3-0)

Blacksmithing I, Shop 21 2(0-4) Automechanics I, Shop 30 13(0-26)

Oxy. and Elect. Welding, Shop 24 2(0-4)

Foundry I, Shop 40 2(0-4)

Machine Shop I, Shop 10 6(0-12)

SUMMER SCHOOL Automechanics II, Shop 31 10(0-40)


1. Shop Calculations I. 3(3-0). Mr. Sink.

Practice and use of the principles of arithmetic in the solution of shop problems, including information on various matters to which shop mathematics is applied.

2. Shop Calculations II. 3(3-0). Prerequisite: Shop I. Mr. Sink. Continuation of Shop Calculations I, including problems and applications.

3. Shop Drawing I. 2(0-4). Mr. Sink.

Free-hand lettering, use of drawing board, T-square, and drawing instru- ments; the construction of geometrical figures, making orthographic projec- tions and sections of simple objects.

4. Shop Drawing II. 2(0-4). Prerequisite: Shop 3. Mr. Sink. Continuation of Shop Drawing I. Practice in the construction of ortho- graphic and isometric projections, and sheet-metal drafting.

5. Shop Drawing III. 2(0-4). Prerequisite: Shop 4. Mr. Sink. Working drawing from plates, free-hand sketches of machine parts and

working drawings from these sketches.

6. Jig and Fixture Design. 2(0-4). Prerequisite: Shop 5. Mr. Sink. Design of jigs and fixtures for machining interchangeable machine parts,

empirical methods used to acquaint the student with the use of standard hand- books.

7. Shop Management. 3(3-0). Mr. Sink.

Problems of the shop foreman or owner, study of the selection, installation, and arrangement of equipment.

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Machine Shop I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. 6(0-12), 16(0-32), 10(0-20), 18(0-36), 15(0-30), and 10(0-20), respectively. Mr. Jones.

Exercises to bring into use the various machines and practical work in the building of wood lathes; in making repairs on machinery, babbiting and fitting of bearings; aligning shafting and pulleys; lacing and fitting belts. More advanced work includes instruction on milling machines, universal grinders, and screw machines. Special work is given in tool making when the skill necessary for this class of work is acquired. Charge, $1.50 per credit.

20. Soldering and Babbiting. 2(0-4). Mr. Sink.

Instruction and practice in forming and soldering the common metals; the use of the different fluxes; proper pouring and fitting of babbit bearings. Charge, $1.50 per credit.

21. Blacksmithing I. 2(0-4). Mr. Lynch.

Practice in forging operations; exercise in drawing, upsetting, welding, bend-

320 Kansas State Agricultural College

ing; instruction in the use and care of the fire and tools, drills, hammers, and other tools used in the trade. Charge, $1.50 per credit.

24. Oxyacetylene and Electric Welding. 2(0-4). Mr. Lynch. Instruction and practice in making different types of welds. Charge, $7 for 2 credits.

30, 31. Automechanics I and II. 13(0-26), 10(0-20), respectively. Mr. Sink.

A study of the mechanism, adjustments, materials of automotive construc- tion; carburetion; cooling systems, and lubrication. The most important fundamental principles of electricity and magnetism are included in electrical work. Advanced work includes systematic trouble shooting. During the latter part of the course the students are allowed, when conditions warrant, to specialize in the work they expect to follow. Charge, $1.50 per credit.

40. Foundry I. 2(0-4). Mr. Grant.

Bench, floor, and machine molding, using a great variety of patterns; use of different kinds of sands and facings; open sand work, sweep moulding, core making, and all important foundry operations. Repairing and operating of cupola and brass furnace, and practical work, such as found in a commercial foundry.

Selection of equipment and general foundry layout are considered. Charge, $0.75 per credit.

Degrees and Certificates Conferred

In the Year 1929





Arthur Clinton Andrews, B. S., University of Wisconsin, 1924, Manhattan Earl Blackbourn Belscamper, A. B., College of Emporia, 1925, Electra, Tex. Arthur Wallace Benson, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1928, Clay Center Gladys Matilda Boehm, A. B., Drury College, 1925, Springfield, Mo. Almond Derrill Bull, B. S., Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1925, Craw- ford, Okla. Lila Marguerite Canavan, A. B., University of Kansas, 1919, Lawrence Ida Alfreda Carlson, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1913; M. S. (in English),

ibid., 1927, Manhattan Percy Walter Cockerill, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1915, Manhattan ^Leonard Paul Elliott, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1923, Manhattan Vernon Daniel Foltz, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1927, Belle Plaine Edward Raymond Frank, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1918; D. V. M.,

ibid., 1924, Manhattan Henry Nelson Gilbert, A. B., Friends University, 1925, Wichita Isabelle Gillum, B. S., University of Texas, 1927, Elgin, Tex. Randolph Forney Gingrich, B. S., University of Nebraska, 1923, Manhattan David Goodsell Hall, B. S., Ohio State University, 1926, Tippecanoe City, Ohio Charles Wilber Howard, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1922, Holcomb Ralph Alexander Irwin, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1928, Manhattan John Wesley Jarrott, B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, 1924, Hutchinson Carroll Mendenhall Leonard, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1924; M. E.,

ibid., 1928, Manhattan Lucille McCall, A. B., Southwestern College, 1926, Wlnfield

Arthur Einas Mortensen, B. S., South Dakota State College, 1926, Bruce, S. D. Ali Nouman, Graduate, Halkali Agricultural College, Turkey, 1914, Angora, Turkey Edward Schneberger, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1928, Cuba Emmett Allen Smith, B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Hays, 1925, Manhattan Francis Lorin Smith, B. S. A., University of Arizona, 1927, Snow Flake, Ariz. Mildred Bertha Thurow, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1927, Macksville Howard Dale Tyner, B. S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1925, Manhattan George B. Wagner, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1928, Manhattan Herkle Lester Wampler, A. B., McPherson College, 1925, McPherson Rachel Wright Working, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1928, Manhattan



Rudolph Henry Driftmier, B. S., Iowa State College, 1920; M. S., Kansas State Agri- cultural College, 1926, Manhattan


Ira David Sankey Kelly, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1924, Thebes, 111. Francis Joseph Nettleton, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1925, Winfield


Claude Leonard Wilson, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1925, Prairie View, Tex.

* In absentia.

(321) 11—2266


Kansas State Agricultural College



Henry Chaffee Abell, Riley

Forrest Bennett Alspach, Wilsey

Scott Roe Bellamy, Meade

James Lyle Blackledge, Manhattan

Hobart Pattison Blasdel, Sylvia

Floyd Albert Blauer, Stockton

Omar Lewis Buzard, Kansas City, Mo.

Francis Edward Carpenter, Wakefield

George J. Casper, Jr., Alida

Everett Garth Champagne, Oketo

Carl Sutter Channon, Ottawa

Edward Crawford, Stafford

Norman Curtis, Toronto

Marion Kerr Fergus, Garnett

Theodore Russell Freeman, West Plains, Mo.

Ogden Worley Greene, Paradise

William Ellsworth Gregory, Walnut

Theodore Fowler Guthrie, Jr., Saffordville

Fred Lincoln Huff, Chapman

Samuel Greenberry Kelly, Manhattan

Albert Best King, Centralia

Terrell Weaver Kirton, Amber, Okla.

Leonard William Koehler, Kansas City, Mo.

Waldo Haymond Lee, Keats

Ralph Oscar Lewis, Parsons Philip Bard McMullen, Stella, Neb. Donald James Martin, Fellsburg Albert William Miller, Manhattan Merle Glen Mundhenke, Lewis Theophilus Edward Nafziger, Cimarron Howard Milton Nester, Scranton William Harold Polhamus, Parker Robert Louis Rawlins, Holton Ray Lewis Remsberg, La Harpe John Wesley Roussin, Brewster Charles Elmer Russell, Stafford Marion Lynn Russell, Garden City Paul Griffith Sayre, Manhattan Robert Theodore Schafer, Jewell John Frederick Smerchek, Cleburne James Harold Sutton, Ensign Ivan Keith Tompkins, Byers James Frederick True, Jr., Perry Azel Oscar Turner, Lawrence Lyle Alexander Will, Denison Temple Fay Winburn, De Kalb, Mo. Leslie Melvin Wolfe, Johnson Ralph Rogler Wood, Cottonwood Falls


Silas Solomon Bergsma, Lucas Thomas Glen Betts, Detroit Roy Elmer Bonar, Washington *Edgar Dowden Cannon, Manhattan Tudor John Charles, Jr., Republic Charles Raymond Curtis, St. John

Harold David Garver, Manhattan William Wade Gosney, Goddard Francis William ImMasche, Saffordville John Paul Lortscher, Fairview Joseph Ardrey Watson, Sedan

Division of Engineering


Edgar Lee Barger, Topeka Raymond Rodney Drake, Nekoma Frank Leroy Fear, Jr., Clay Center Clifford Nelson Hinkle, Lenora John Arwin Hoop, Fowler

Chester Merle Roehrman, White City Walter Elsworth Selby, Manhattan Harold Earl Stover, Colwich Raymond Jennison Tillotson, Shields Hugh Erwin White, Kingsdown


*Harman Edward Guisinger, Kansas City, Mo. *Harry Adolph Koenig, Chanute Harvey Rockburn Harwood, Farmington, N. M. Stanley Eaton Morse, Manhattan


Paul A. Cooley, Neodesha Ernest Burton Woodward, Medicine Lodge

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Emmet Leonard Hill, Jennings Ned Woodman, Manhattan


Robert Frederick Childs, Hugoton *Joseph Homer Garrison, Lincolnville Walter Rudolph Helm, Chanute

Joe Hyer, Coffeyville

Lester Melvin Mishler, Sabetha

Galen Emil Schwandt, Manhattan


Francisco Albano Asis, Piddig, P. I. Thomas Ralph Barner, Belle Plaine *Clint Eugene Critchfield, Kansas City, Mo. Loyal Hendrickson Davies, Manhattan Homer Thomas Deal, Hoisington Arthur Elmer Dring, Pawnee Rock Martin Keller Eby, Wellington Ralph Wilson Frank, Manhattan Perry Lester Gardner, Louisburg

Orvel Leonard Gathers, Miltonvale Virgil Himes Harwood, Manhattan George Allan Johnson, Manhattan Emil E. Larson, Agenda Victor Palenske, Alma Kenneth Edward Rector, Scott City Earl Leroy Sloan, Boise City, Okla. Harold Germain Wood, Topeka

* In absentia.

Degrees and Certificates Conferred



Earl Bowater Ankenman, Dellvale

*Noel Grant Artman, Denison Laurence Edwin Baty, Manhattan Alfred Merle Breneman, Parsons Thomas Richard Brennan, Bonner Springs Arthur Westnidge Broady, Plains Leonard Hathaway Brubaker, Manhattan Donald Cameron, El Dorado Paul Southworth Colby, Denver, Colo. Earl Jewell Cover, Ozawkie Verl Harvey Dobbins, Pratt Emerson George Downie, Hutchinson Norton Taylor Dunlap, Berry ton

*Philip Joseph Edwards, Athol Edward V. Ellifrit, Kansas City

*Francis Glenn Fry, Waldo Chester Alexander Garrison, Pittsburg Malaeska Milton Ginter, Manhattan Cecil Edgar Hammett, Manhattan Garcel Kelly Hays, Manhattan Arthur Henry Hemker, Great Bend Wesley McKinley Herren, Manhattan David Paul Hutchison, Council Bluffs, Iowa

Glenn Koger, Herington Donald Cutler Lee, Harper Harold Carl Lindberg, Courtland Ralph LaRue Miller, Norton Vern Denton Mills, Manhattan Charles Belgrove Olds, Delphos Merton Elias Paddleford, Randolph Craig Evan Pickett, Glen Elder Elwood Effenger Reber, Wetmore Benjamin Luce Remick, Jr., Manhattan Carl Clark Rice, Manhattan Owen Gayle Rogers, Bronson Galen Emil Schwandt, Manhattan Harold Alfred Senior, Independence Joe Joshua Shenk, Manhattan Edward John Skradski, Kansas City Claude Wilber Sloan, Dalhart, Tex. *Arthur William Vance, Garden City Arthur R. Weckel, Piqua Rex Edward Wheeler, Manhattan Rexford Everett White, Jewell Francis Eugene Wiebrecht, Strong City



Loyle William Bishop, Kansas City, Mo. *Martin Arthur Edwards, Chautauqua

Arthur Oran Flinner, Wichita

Laurence Charles Hill, Emporia *Harold Clarence Huffman, Pittsburg

James Dan McGregor, Columbus

Jay Clayton Marshall, Manhattan Walter Seamons Mayden, Manhattan Fred Roy Mouck, Grove, Okla. Lois Thomas Richards, Parsons Charles Fredrick Sardou, Topeka

Division of General Science


Malcolm Llewellyn Alsop, Wakefield

Verne Russell Alspach, Wilsey

Inez Pearl Anderson, Richland

Joseph McDaniel Anderson, Salina

Alta Elizabeth Barger, Manhattan

Mary Elizabeth Blakslee, Manhattan

Frederick Bruce Bosley, Manhattan

Kenneth Arthur Boyd, Irving

Carolyn Marie Brandesky, Severy

Beatrice Brown, Manhattan

Nancy Genevieve Carney, Manhattan

Helen Van Zandt Cortelyou, Manhattan

Bruce Oliver Dallam, Faucett, Mo.

Rebecca Lillian Dubbs, Ransom

Irene Elliott, Topeka

Virgil Monroe Fairchild, Wichita

William Boswell Floyd, Manhattan

Ernest Rixey Foltz, Belle Plaine

Eldred LaMonte Gann, Burden

Roderic Grubb, Kanopolis

Iola Marguerite Gunselman, Holton

Ben Henry Hageman, White Cloud

Ruth Meryle Harlow, Lucas

Helen Leone Hawley, Manhattan

Irene Burnema Heer, Manhattan

Helen Charlotte Heise, Topeka

Earl William Henderson, Beloit

Arle William Higgins, Manhattan

Willetta Jane Hill, Belleville

Stanley John Holmberg, Stillwater, Minn.

William Milton Holt, Augusta

Mary Florence Hoop, Fowler

John Lester Hooper, Robinson

Elizabeth Raley Hullinger, Garden City

Anna Alice Jacobs, McCune

Elston Leslie Johnson, Randolph

Tracy El Delle Johnson, Olsburg

George Clair Jordan, Jewell

Dorothy Alice Kendall, Manhattan Margaret Knight, Medicine Lodge Walter Fred Kuiken, Glen Elder

* Virgil Hudson Leonard, Richland Una Minnette Le Vitt, Wilson Joseph Kenneth Limes, La Harpe Curtis Joseph Lund, Lasita Renness Irene Lundry, Arlington Agnes Jeanne Lyon, Manhattan Wayne McCaslin, Osborne Paul Joseph McCroskey, Netawaka Walter Gordon McMoran, Coldwater Harold Parker Mannen, Lincoln Silas Milbern Miller, McPherson Wilhelmina Louise Moehlman, Manhattan Reginald Moore, Robinson Thelma Jane Moore, Humboldt Helen Augusta Mundell, Nickerson Anna Mae Nettrouer, Manhattan Elsie Sonya Nuss, Hoisington Mabel Grace Paulson, Whitewater Clara Margaret Paustian, Manhattan Lillian Susanna Paustian, Manhattan Marjorie Prickett, Wamego

*Frank Hoyt Purcell, Jr., Kansas City, Mo. Hazel Romer, Holly, Colo.

*Marshall Berry Ross, Manhattan Letha Mildred Schoeni, Athol

*Emma Schreiner, Ramona Myrna Frances Smith, Manhattan Ida Elizabeth Snyder, Effingham Donald Alvin Springer, Manhattan Elma Mae Stoops, Bellaire Carol Lusetta Stratton, Manhattan Ruth Varney, Manhattan Theodore Roosevelt Varney, Manhattan Esther Weisser, Paxico Lila Williams, Broughton

* In absentia.


Kansas State Agricultural College


Edwin Henry Kroeker, Hutchinson William Robert Love, Bronson

John Henry Shenk, Manhattan Donald Wade, Manhattan


John Stothers Chandley, Kansas City Kathryn Frances Coles, Galena Charles Edward Converse, Manhattan Charles Lafayette Dean, Manhattan Meredith Ernestine Dwelly, Manhattan Glen Robert Fockele, Le Roy Gordon Sheffield Hohn, Marysville

Ralph Richard Lashbrook, Almena Lenore McCormick, Cedarvale Albert Houston Meroney, Garden City Shirley Caroline Mollett, Manhattan Wilmar Walton Sanders, Clay Center Gladys Estelle Suiter, Macksville


Lillian Colleen Alley, Manhattan Alma E. Brown, Kansas City Jennie Maurine Burson, Manhattan Ruth Correll, Manhattan Ruth Davies, Delphos Hope Dawley, Manhattan *Albert Rowland Edwards, Fort Scott

Ruth Isabel Frost, Blue Rapids Zella Elizabeth Hartley, Manhattan Mildred Huddleston, Fulton, Ky. Marjorie Blanche Mirick, Halstead Kirk Monroe Ward, Elmdale Beatrice Wilhelmina Wood, Great Bend


Ray Lee Althouse, Bartlesville, Okla. Robert Anderson Barr, Manhattan Verne W. Boyd, Irving Charles Frank Chrisman, Hutchinson Lyle Daily DeBusk, Macksville Glenn Albert Durland, Irving John Clayton Dwelly, Manhattan Everett Emerson Fear, Bala Clarence Joseph Goering, Moundridge Virginia Deane Hawkins, Monte Vista, Colo. *Ralph Taft Howard, Mount Hope

Charles Harold Hughes, Manhattan Blanche Lucille Myers, Americus Raymond Soper Myers, Manhattan Robert William Myers, Manhattan Frank Nellis Parshall, Manhattan Dwight Kimball Putnam, Salina George Doster Stewart, Abilene Scott Lester Turnbull, Allen Christopher Simon Williams, Manhattan *Hal Spring Wilson, Valencia Edward Everett Wyman, Clifton


Dorothy Lee Allen, Fayetteville, Ark. Lillias Maria Samuel, Manhattan

Hazel Alberta McGuire, Manhattan Jeanice Reel, Detroit

Gladys Alice Swartz, Atchison Ruth Lillian Turner, Manhattan

Division of Home Economics


Agnes Mertina Bane, Manhattan Lottie Nevella Benedick, Manhattan Bertha Jane Boyd, Manhattan Miriam Elizabeth Brenner, Waterville Helen Virginia Brewer, Peabody Doris Isabelle Bryan, Greensburg Daryl Durland Burson, Manhattan Georgiana Bush, Little River Vivian Hall Bushong, Clinton, Mo. Bessie Mabel Cook, Bucklin W. Garnet Crihfield, Geneseo Mary Louise Crowder, Manhattan Louise Johanna Cunningham, Manhattan Grace Annetta Daugherty, Republic Ina Williametta Davidson, Manhattan Flora Marie Deal, Great Bend Linnea Carlson Dennett, Lindsborg Vianna Ruth Dizmang, Manhattan Opal Dougherty, Manhattan Lillys Molly Duvall, Arkansas City Elizabeth Fairbank, Topeka

♦Frances Webb Frey, Manhattan Florence Mable Funk, Iola

*01ive Grace Haege, Manhattan Viola Grace Hart, Topeka Beulah Mae Henderson, Solomon Grace Virginia Henley, Eureka Iva Luella Holladay, Dodge City Norma Lucile Hook, Topeka Emma Lobelia Huxmann, Arnold Dorothy Alice Johnson, Lyons Mary Ellen Karns, Bucklin Mary Louise Kinkead, Troy Lorie Konantz, Olathe Agatha Meta Leuthauser, Beemer, Neb. Mabel Mae McClung, Manhattan

* Esther Beatrice McGuire, Manhattan

Thelma Faye Mall, Manhattan Marceline Markle, Chase Mary Edith May, Wichita

*Beryl Johnson Mohri, Olsburg Mattie Louise Morehead, Norton Eula Frances Morris, Yates Center Pearl Frances Musgrave, Hillsdale Mary Araminta Norman, Fowler

*Ethel Evelyn Oatman, Lawrence Velma Luella Oliphant, Kinsley Edythe La Verne Parrott, Manhattan Carrie Alma Paulsen, Stafford

*Helen Elizabeth Paynter, Manhattan Marguerite Leona Richards, Manhattan Lucile Kathryn Rodgers, Abilene Irene Josephine Rogler, Matfield Green Pearl Elzora Rorabaugh, Lebanon

*Lois Russell, Manhattan Florence Caroline Sederlin, Scandia Ida Mabel Shrontz, Wilsey Mildred Mabel Sinclair, Macksville Florence Verlene Smith, Tarkio, Mo. Kathryn Socolofsky, Tampa

*Anna Caroline Stewart, Manhattan Jessie Sarah Stewart, Maplehill Reva Mae Stump, Blue Rapids Cora Esther Thomas, Narka Helen Grace Trembley, Hutchinson Grace Elsie Walrod, Bradshaw, Neb. Hazel Maude Walter, Riley Beatrice Shirley Warner, Goodland Vera C. Warnock, Hutchinson Nana Frances Whitman, Kansas City Helen Willcuts, Burr Oak Ruth Williams, Broughton Helen Mildred Wilmore, Halstead

* In absentia.

Degrees and Certificates Conferred


Division of Veterinary Medicine


*CarrolI Ferdinand Alexander, Manhattan Clair Lenna Butler, Glasco Frank Howard Callahan, Abilene Clifford Vernon Conger, Ionia Daniel DeCamp, Manhattan Finis Ewing Henderson, Manhattan Hugh Edward McClung, Haywards, Cal. Ralph William Mohri, Manhattan

Needham Branch Moore, Jr., Manhattan Lawrence Orville Mott, Spencer, Neb. Karl Willim Niemann, Manhattan Charles Robert Omer, Mankato Harry Edward Schaulis, Wakefield Francisco Rioja Taberner, Dolores, Abra, P. I. Martin Van Der Maaten, Orange City, Iowa



Forrest Bennett Alspach, Wilsey

*Joseph Monroe Barger, Manhattan James Lyle Blackledge, Manhattan Thomas Richard Brennan, Bonner Springs Charles Frank Chrisman, Hutchinson Charles Edward Converse, Manhattan Daniel DeCamp, Manhattan Emerson George Downie, Hutchinson Arthur Elmer Dring, Pawnee Rock

*Gabriel Ernest Drollinger, Wichita Arthur Oran Flinner, Wichita Cecil Edgar Hammett, Manhattan

*Eugene Francis Harmison, Great Bend Garcel Kelly Hays, Manhattan Arthur Henry Hemker, Great Bend Arlie William Higgins, Manhattan

*Thomas Burl Hofmann, Silver Lake Stanley John Holmberg, Stillwater, Minn. Charles Harold Hughes, Manhattan Samuel Greenberry Kelly, Manhattan

*Wayne Kimes, Dodge City Glenn Koger, Herington Donald Cutler Lee, Harper

Hugh Edward McClung Robert Earl McCormick, Oatville Jay Clayton Marshall, Manhattan Charles Hubert Mehaffey, Farmington Silas Milbern Miller, McPherson Ralph William Mohri, Manhattan Needham Branch Moore, Manhattan Lawrence Orville Mott, Spencer, Neb. Merlin Mundell, Nickerson Robert William Myers, Manhattan Charles Belgrove Olds, Delphos Charles Robert Omer, Mankato *Leonard Milton Pike, Goddard Charles Edward Reeder, Troy Arthur Vernon Roberts, Vernon James William Schwanke, Alma Robert Philip Smith, Junction City William Jay Sweet, Wichita Gerald Dean Van Pelt, Beloit Rex Edward Wheeler, Manhattan Temple F. Winburn, De Kalb, Mo. Harold Germain Wood, Topeka



Lorin Y. Bradshaw, Langdon H. Bertram Garard, Olivet Charles Thornton Grimm, Caldwell Floyd D. Guyer, Bloomington Irving R. Guyer, Bloomington

Harold Nelson Kilbourn, Sterling Joseph Wendell McFarland, Sterling Dwight B. Robb, Dodge City Dale W. Schweitzer, Osborne Louis C. Schweitzer, Osborne


Walter Teddy Becker, Manhattan Noble Christenson, Tonganoxie Glen Irvin Dunham, Eureka Harold Knight Freeman, Manhattan Charles Raymond Gillilan, Manhattan

Albert Eugene La Croix, Hiawatha Otto Reynold Shultz, Lawrence James Milton Soper, Herington Dorwin Clair Wright, Manhattan

* In absentia.




Jean Greiner Alexander, A. B., Oklahoma City University, 1928, Oklahoma City, Okla.

*Floyd Warnick Atkeson, B. S., University of Missouri, 1918, Moscow, Idaho Frances Mable Backstrom, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1928, Kansas City, Mo. Roy Bainer, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1926, Manhattan Jacob Biely, B. S. A., University of British Columbia, 1926, Vancouver, B. C. Cecil Thomas Blunn, B. S., University of California, 1928, Los Angeles, Cal.

*Homer Cleo Bray, B. S., Oregon State Agricultural College, 1928, Salem, Ore. Margaret Angeline Brenner, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1926, Waterville Marian Elizabeth Brookover, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1922, Eureka Francis Eugene Charles, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1924, Manhattan Early Mast Chestnut, A. B., University of Kansas, 1921, Manhattan Helen Elizabeth Cobb, B. S., University of Wisconsin, 1924, Fort Scott Hubert Lee Collins, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1923, Denver, Colo. William Eugene Connell, B. S., Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1928, Rupert,

Idaho Nellie May Cook, A. B., Hiram College, Ohio, 1913; B. S., Phillips University, 1923, Chap- man Eula Mae Currie, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1928, Manhattan Alice Josephine Englund, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1926, Salina Howard Kay Gloyd, B. S., Ottawa University, 1924, Manhattan

Clarence Owen Grandfield, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1917, Manhattan Harry Herbert Halbower, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1923, Kingman Florence Harris, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1925, Manhattan Martha Luella Hensley, B. S., University of Missouri, 1926, Jackson, Mo. Robert Towner Hill, B. S., South Dakota State College, 1928, Grand Meadow, Minn. Cecil Canum Holmes, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1923, Goff Ruth Louise Holton, B. S., University of Minnesota, 1926, Manhattan William Robert Horsefall, B. S. A., University of Arkansas, 1928, Monticello, Ark.

*Vincent Charles Hubbard, A. B., University of Minnesota, 1927, Minneapolis, Minn. Herbert Lee Kammeyer, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1925, Wamego Dale Franklin King, B. S., Oregon State Agricultural College, 1928, Manhattan Fred Franklin Lampton, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1924, Cherokee Iva Larson, A. B., University of South Dakota, 1927, Alcester, S. D. Paul Merville Larson, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1927, Manhattan John Lowe, B. S., University of Missouri, 1923, Winfield

*George Edward Marshall, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1928, Bonner Springs Edith Seavey Martin, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1928, Manhattan Leon Francis Montague, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1926, Solomon Mary Hope Morris, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1924, Manhattan Luther Owen Nolf, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1926, Manhattan Laurence Parker, B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, 1926, Manhattan Louise Arminda Phelps, A. B., Washburn College, 1924, Beaver, Okla. Raymond Edwin Samuelson, B. S., Iowa State College, 1928, Ames, Iowa Gabe Alfred Sellers, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1917, Manhattan Beulah Fern Shockey, B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, 1921, Iola Samuel Allen Summerland, A. B., Arkansas State Teachers College, 1922; A.M., Peabody

College, 1926, Manhattan Eugene Albertice Waters, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1925, Wellsville Bertha Evelyn Wentworth, A. B., Friends University, 1903, Furley Jesse Frederick Westerdale, B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, 1925, Topeka

*Ruth Esther Williams, B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Hays, 1926, Ransom Karl Marx Wilson, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1924, Concordia Wilbur William Wright, B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1917, Hope


BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE James Byron Brooks, Garrison Walter McConnell Crossen, Turner


Albert Brown, Circleville Hugh Kenneth Richwine, Holcomb

Richard Edward Hamler, Manhattan James Arlie Stewart, Abilene

Carl Heinrich, Durham

* In absentia.


Degrees and Certificates Conferred


Division of Engineering


Hilliard Lafayette Gamble, Halstead


*Harold Mahlon Souders, Eureka


Harvey Stafford German, Little River James Roe Heller, Detroit James Eugene Irwin, Le Roy

Harry Kibler, Sedan

Walter Harold Murray, Manhattan

Lee Rudell St. John, Morland


eMelvin Cooper Coffman, Wakefield Edwin Osborne Earl, Nickerson Lester Charles Gates, Seward Thomas Burl Hofmann, Silver Lake Glade W. Hurst, Caldwell Francis Earnest Johnson, Burlington

Floyd Sereign Naugle, Highland William Anthony Nelson, Alta Vista Gerald Dean Van Pelt, Beloit *Forrest Barber Volkel, Lenora Royden Keith Whitford, Hamlin


Justin Joe Joy, Osborne Karl Polk Niederlander, Wichita

Charles Hubert Mehaffey, Farmington

Division of General Science


Helen Rose Anderson, Thayer Lottie Sybell Andrews, Junction City Sister Domitilla Arnoldy, Manhattan Sister Nicholas Arnoldy, Manhattan Cora Mae Geiger, Salina Velna Genevieve Hallock, Ada Verna Doris Holmstrom, Randolph Helen Kimball, Manhattan Vivian Iliene Kirkwood, Manhattan Dorothy Beryl Kuhnle, Concordia

Mildred Hazel Lemert, Cedarvale

Alice Manley, Cheney

Mary Amanda Meyer, Mound City, Mo.

Maurice Charles Moggie, Manhattan

Merlin Mundell, Nickerson

Bernice Elizabeth Shoebrook, Horton

Katherine Bingman Snair, Manhattan

John Willard Truax, Peabody

Mary Pierce Van Zile, Manhattan

John Howard Worley, Randall

Hellen Rachel Elling, Manhattan *Lee Elmar Hammond, Osborne


Madison Bertrand Pearson, Manhattan


*Joseph Monroe Barger, Manhattan Theodore Allen Fleck, Wamego Hazel Juanita Hotchkiss, Manhattan

Charles Ellis Luthey, Carbondale Fred Irwin Nevius, Paola


Gladys Hattie Crumbaker, Manhattan Florence Estelle Dudley, Clay Center

Bert Lewis Hostinsky, Manhattan Carola Peshel Swanson, Manhattan

Division of Home Economics


Johanna Helena Barre, Tampa

Erma Mildred Coleman, Mayetta

Marjorie May Collins, Manhattan

Frances Eloise Gibson, Muskogee, Okla.

Mary Gertrude Grider, Rolla

Eunice Grace Grierson, Medicine Lodge

Ruth Velma Hallett, Topeka

Gertrude Claire Hamilton, Wichita

Margaret Lorraine Hemphill, Chanute

Norma Louise Knoch, Lincoln

Josephine Elizabeth Koenig, Kansas City, Mo.

Agnes Vivian McKibben, Springfield, Mo. Feme Hilda Moore, Blue Rapids Gladys Myers, Burns

fMartha Mary Sandeen, Stillwater, Minn. Mabel Luella Sellens, Russell Velma Elizabeth Vincent, Alden Mary Frances Wagner, Manhattan Violet Lovina Walker, Manhattan Lulu Parken Wertman, Morrowville Mary Christine Wiggins, Eureka

* In absentia.




Arthur Clinton Andrews Floyd Warnick Atkeson Howard Kay Gloyd Ralph Alexander Irwin John Wesley Jarrott Lawrence Parker Lila Marguerite Canovan Iva Larson

Early Mast Chestnut Wilbur William Wright Clarence Owen Grandfield Jean Greiner Alexander Leon Francis Montague Ruth Esther Williams Henry Nelson Gilbert Herkle Lester Wampler

GRADUATES, CLASS OF 1929 Division of Agriculture

Hobart Pattison Blasdell Albert William Miller Leonard William Koehler Samuel Greenberry Kelly

James Lyle Blackledge Henry Chaffee Abell Norman Curtis Ralph Oscar Lewis

Division of Engineering

Earl Leroy Sloan James Eugene Irwin Emerson George Downie Ralph La Rue Miller Charles Belgrove Olds Arthur Elmer Dring Glenn Francis Fry Arthur Oran Flinner

Harold Alfred Senior Homer Thomas Deal Robert Frederick Childs Paul Southworth Colby David Paul Hutchinson Philip Joseph Edwards Martin Keller Eby

Division of General Science

Carol Lusetta Stratton Nancy Genevieve Carney Helen Van Zandt Cortelyou John Henry Shenk Helen Charlotte Heise Shirley Caroline Mollett Letha Mildred Schoeni Mabel Grace Paulson Renness Irene Lundry Esther Weisser

Donald Wade Walter Gordon McMoran Marjorie Prickett Charles Harold Hughes Vivian Iliene Kirkwood Ren Henry Hageman Gladys Estelle Suiter Edward Everett Wyman Robert William Myers Mildred Huddleston

Division of Home Economics

Esther Beatrice McGuire Mattie Louise Morehead Linnea Carlson Dennett Helen Virginia Brewer Marguerite Leona Richards

Flora Marie Deal Lucile Kathryn Rogers Ina Willametta Davidson Mary Arminta Norman Thelma Faye Mall

Division of Veterinary Medicine

Karl Willim Niemann

Lawrence Orville Mott


* Honors 329


(1929) Division of Agriculture

Henry Chaffee Abell Sam Greenbury Kelly

Albert Brown *fLeonard William Koehler

*Hobart Patterson ("Albert William Miller Norman Curtis

Division of Engineering

Robert Frederick Childs Emmett Leonard Hill

*Paul Southworth Colby James Eugene Irwin

{•Homer Thomas Deal Harold Alfred Senior

Martin Keller Eby Joe Joshua Shenk

*|Arthur Oran Flinner fEarl Leroy Sloan *Francis Glenn Fry

Division of General Science

Frederick Bruce Bosley Silas Milbern Miller

*fNancy Genevieve Carney *Maurice Charles Moggie * ("Helen Van Zandt Cortelyou Shirley Caroline Mollett

Eldred La Mont Gann fLetha Mildred Schoeni

Cora Mae Geiger fjohn Henry Shenk *Helen Charlotte Heise Elma Mae Stoops

Vivian Iliene Kirkwood *fCarol Lusetta Stratton fRenness Irene Lundry Mary Pierce Van Zile

Walter Gordon McMoran Donald Wade

Division of Home Economics

Helen Virginia Brewer *fMattie Louise Morehead fFlora Marie Deal Gladys Myers

*fLinnea Carlson Dennett Marguerite Leona Richards

Esther Beatrice McGuire Irene Josephine Rogler

Thelma Faye Mall

Division of Veterinary Medicine

Laurence Orville Mott *Karl Willim Niemann

* Awarded high honors.

f Also received sophomore honors.


Kansas State Agricultural College


Division of Agriculture

John Lincoln Wilson George David Oberle

Clyde Newman Harold Everett Trekell Kenneth Duree Grimes Gayle Hosack Lee Otis Stafford Floyd Gerald Winters

Fulton George Ackerman Bruce Ross Taylor

Division of Engineering

Charles Elmore Funk Otis Harold Walker William Richard Chalmers George Eugene Wise Ernest Samuel Cook Melvin Ernest Smith

Division of General Science

Josephine Lighter Clarice Virginia Erickson Selma Ellen Turner Drusilla Madge Beadle Vernal Charles Rowe Edna Elizabeth Findley Mildred Emily Purcell

Aline Wegert

Charles William Koester

Pauline Willa Samuel

Alice Tribble

Richard George Vogel

Helen Louise Sloan

Geraldine Joan Johnston

Division of Home Economics

Thelma Reed Edna Irene Pieplow Marian Genie Eads Luella Cane Vanderpool

Grace Dorothy Brill Mary Alice McCreight Gertrude Louise Seyb

Division of Veterinary Medicine

Don Harvey Spangler



Aberle, Nellie 30, 213

Ackert, J. E 10, 13, 50, 53, 257

Agan, Tessie 47, 52, 56, 272

Agnew, C. E 39, 294

Ahearn, M. F 12, 50, 248

Ahlborn, Margaret 22, 270, 275

Aieher, Edward 40, 294

Aicher, L. C 38, 53

Aikens, G. A 45, 187-

Aiman, H. W 24, 160

Albright, W. P 46, 53, 124

Aldous, A. E 17, 51, 110

Alexander, M. A 27,51,113

Allen, Gertrude E 45, 296

Aim, O. A 23,204

Alsop, Inez G 26, 222

Alspach, F. B 46, 51, 110

Amos, E. M 47, 227

Amstein, W. G 294

Anderson, B. M 18, 51, 113

Anderson, Ida. 46, 270

Anderson, T. J 18, 200

Andrews, A. C 30, 193

Andrews, W. H 14, 50, 204

Arnold, Ethel M 22,267

Atwood, G. S 41, 294

Atzenweiler, W. H 41, 294

Aubel, C. E 22, 51, 113

Avery, Madalyn 27, 252

Axelton, M. C. 42, 294

Baird, H. C 39, 294

Baker, Lilian C. W 16, 56, 270

Balch, W. B , 24, 53, 119

Bare, Nora E 44, 296

Barham, H. M 29, 193

Barnes, Jane W 36

Barnett, R. J 14, 53, 119

Batchelor, Ellen M 30, 294

Battig, Leon 33, 231

Baxter, Laura B 36, 204

Baxter, Mabel G 34

Beachell, H. M 47

Bell, F. W 14, 113

Bender, Edna M 30, 297

Benne, E. J 34

Biester, Charlotte E 44, 296

Billings, Ada G 21, 300

Biskie, H. A 42, 294

Blecha, F. 0 24, 294

Boehm, Gladys M 37, 272

Border, Mary E 45, 296

Bosley, F. B 46, 52, 190

Boughner, Genevieve 29, 227

Bowen, A. F 22, 50, 234

Bower, C. W

Bower, Katherine M 29

Brackett, W. R 19

Brainard, B. B 22

Brandly, C. A 26, 52

Branigan, G. F 31, 54

Breeden, A. W 21

Brenneman, J. L 18, 54

Brewer, J. E

Brooks, H. J 31, 52

Brown, D. D 40

Brown, W. F 22, 54

Brubaker, H. W 15

Bruner, Esther 26, 52, 56

Brunson, A. M

Bryson, H. R 28, 52

Bueche, H. S 27

Burns, Gratia M 32

Burt, J. H 13, 50

Bushnell, L. D 12, 50, 52

Calderwood, J. P 13, 54

Caldwell, O. R

Call, L. E 10, 12, 50, 51, 100

Callahan, J. P 26

Samp, Mildred 26

Campbell, Edith C 37

Campbell, Jessie 44

Campbell, Marian 1 46

Capper, Arthur 86

Capper, S. D 40

Carlson, C. M

Carlson, Mabel M 43

Carlson, W. W 12, 55

Cassel, C. E 36

Caulfield, W. J 31, 52

Cauthen, George 43, 53

Cave, H. W 16, 52

Chaney, Margaret 18, 50, 52, 56

Chapin, E. K 25

Chapman, I. N 20

Charles, F. E 24, 50

Cheek, F. J 22,142

Child, Louise

Claeren, E. L 35

Clapp, A. L 20

Clark, Harriet M 37

Cleavenger, E. A 41

Coe, H. M 17

Coffee, Marion 30

Coles, E. H 38

Colver, C. W 16, 50

Connolly, M. J 31

Conover, R. W 14, 50

Conrad, L. E 12, 50, 54


51 213 252 157 187 155 213 151 9 116 294 193 193 270

51 218 151 238 282 187 157

42 119 213 230 213 296 257

88 294

41 296 160 294 116 257 116 272 242 291 227 144

36 234 291 213 294 297 234

53 193 234 213 148



Name Index


Coolidge, J. H 41, 294

Corcoran, G. F 29,151

Correll, C. M 20, 222

Corsaut, C. W 23, 248

Cortelyou, J. V 11, 50, 238

Coulson, E. J 36

Cowles, Ina F 19, 270

Crawford, Naomi Z 34

Crawford, W. W 30, 148

Crews, C. E 36, 51, 110

Crittenden, Cornelia W 23, 238

Cullipher, Martha R 32, 230

Culp, B. C 9

Curtis, R. E 39, 294

Dalby, Nora E 21, 190

Daly, W. J 40, 294

Davidson, A. P 20, 204

Davis, C. D 23,110

Davis, Elizabeth H 23, 230

Davis, H. W 13, 50, 213

Davis, W. E 17, 190

Dawley, E. R 20, 54, 142

Day, Minor 48, 52, 113

Deal, Flora M 47, 276

Dean, G. A 12, 50, 52, 213

Decker, L. W 46, 52, 113

Deeley, Maud E 30, 296

Dennett, Linnea C 45, 296

DePuy, P. L 32, 300

Derby, Grace E 19, 50, 230

Dial, Florence L 35

Dickens, Albert 50, 53, 86, 119

Dobrovolny, C. G 32, 53, 257

Downey, L. W 27, 240

Drayer, L. H 49

Driftmier, R. H 18, 51, 140

Duley, F. L 18, 51, 110

Dull, J. W 47, 54, 148

Durham, Hugh 21, 51

Durland, M. A 18, 50, 54, 155

Dykstra, R. R 10, 12, 50, 53, 278, 286

Edwards, Winifred M 46, 269

Ehrhardt, Helen 46, 272

Elcock, Helen E 20, 213

Eldridge, Irene 31, 231

Elling, C. G 19,291

Elliott, Mary M 33, 256

Elmer, O. H 25, 52, 190

Evans, Morris 20, 51, 108

Evans, Paul L 33, 231

Everhardy, Louise H 22, 267

Fairbairn, Vernetta 44, 296

Farley, Herman 29, 53, 284

Farmer, J. W 40, 294

Farner, W. C 294

Farrar, H. M 31, 244

Farrell, F. D 10,11,50,54, 56

Faulkner, J. 0 17, 213

Faunce, Roscoe 33, 256

Fay, A. C 21, 52, 187

Fellows, Hurley 52, 190


Fenton, F. C 18, 51, 54, 140

Feroe, J. J 28, 252

Fertig, Ruth 49, 50

Ficke, C. H 36, 190

Fitch, J. B 13, 52, 116

Fleenor, B. H 17, 50, 300

Flinner, A. 0 34,54,157

Floyd, E. V 14, 252

Foltz, V. D 33,187

Foote, Conie C 30, 296

Ford, Helen W 17, 56, 269

Ford, K. L 49

Frank, E. R 26, 286

Frazier, F. F 15, 148

Frick, E. J 17 , 286

Funk, Florence M 45, 296

Furr, M. W 17, 50, 148

Gainey, P. L 15, 52, 187

Garvey, Annabel A 26, 213

Gates, F. C 18, 190

Geauque, S. A 49

Gemmell, G. A 15, 50, 300

German, H. S 48, 54, 142

Geyer, Katherine 31, 248

Gilkison, A. 1 39, 294

Gingrich, R. F 25, 155

Glass, J. S 28, 299

Glover, O. B 42, 294

Goetz, F. E 48, 54

Goerwitz, Edith 33, 240

Goodrich, A. L 33, 257

Goodwin, J. M 38, 294

Goth, A. G 45, 51, 110

Graham, E. C 21, 55, 160

Graham, G. L. . . 47, 53, 257

Grandfield, C. 0 51

Grant, Edward 29, 55, 160

Graper, O. E 43,294

Graves, R. L 40, 294

Greeley, F. F 34, 160

Green, R. M 15,51, 108

Greene, O. W 43, 294

Grimes, W. E 14,50,51,85,108

Groody, H. T 24

Grossmann, Hilda R 31, 240

Gulick, Jessie 30

Gunselman, Myrtle A 26, 56, 275

Gwin, P. B 39, 294

Gwin, R. E 39, 294

Hahn, Earl H 34,54,155

Hale, Preston 0 43, 294

Hall, J. L 23, 193

Hall, L. F 37, 204

Mall, Marcia 21, 300

Hallsted, A. L 34, 53

Hamilton, J. 0 12, 50, 252

Hanna, F. J 35

Harbaugh, M. J 29, 257

Harden, L. B 42, 294

Harger, CM 9

Harling, Elisabeth P 34,51,110

Name Index


Harman, Mary T 14

Harper, Btrnice 46

Harper, Marguerite 32

Harris, Florence 37

Harris, Vida A 31

Harriss, Stella M 26

Hartel, L. W 23

Hartman, Ruth 24

Hastings, LoVisa

Haylett, W. H 36

Haymaker, H. H 17

Hazeltine, Delfa M

Heberer, H. M 25

Helm, J. F 25

Henderson, Grace M

Hendriks, J. A 39

Henney, H. J 27, 51

Hepler, Christine C 44

Hepler, J. V 39

Herr, Grace 44

Hess, Katherine J 27, 52, 56

Heywood, Stella M 47

Hildwein, H. L 38

Hill, H. T 14, 50

Hill, Leona T

Hill, Randall C 23

Hinds, G. W 43

Hlavaty, Ruth 33

Hoar, Sherman 43

Hobbs, C. W 38

Hodges, J. A 24, 51

Hodgson, R. E 47, 52

Hoff, Mary 27

Holderbaum, Lois 44

Holladay, Iva L 45

Holman, Araminta 13, 50

Holroyd, Ina E 28, 50

Holton, E. L 10, 12, 50

Holtz, A. A 49, 50, 200

Hoover, Lucretia M 46

Hopper, O. J 46, 52

Horn, Elsa 0 31

Howard, Belle C

Howard, C. L 39

Howe, Harold 26, 50, 51

Hubbard, M. R 46

Hughes, J. S 14, 52

Hull, D. E 40

Humphreys, T. 0 23

Hunt, O. D 25

Huyck, Esther M 43

Hyde, Emma 20

Ibsen, H. L 16, 50, 51

lies, I. V 14, 50

Ireland, W. E

Irwin, W. H 35

Jaccard, C. R 28

James, E. V 16

Janes, W. C 25

Jefferson, Alice C 26

PAGE 257 257 296 276 267 193 252 240

36 248 190

35 256 144

45 294 308 296 294 296 270 275 294 256

38 200 294 240 294

53 108 116 230 296 296 267 231 204 204 275 113 190

37 294 108 193 193 294 234 151 296 231 113 222 9 160 294 222 231 240


Jesson, R. R 33, 240

Jewell, Minna C 24, 257

Johnson, E. W 36, 53

Johnson, G. E 20, 53, 257

Johnson, J. H 41, 297

Johnston, C. 0 52, 190

Jones, A. E 41, 294

Jones, A. R 32, 200

Jones, C. A 41, 294

Jones, E. C 23, 55, 160

Jorgenson, L. M 25, 151

Justin, Margaret M 10, 15, 50, 52

56, 261, 275

Kammeyer, J. E 11, 50, 200

Keith, E. B 21, 193

Keith, E. T 16, 227

Kell, Leone B 33, 269

Kelly, Amy 15, 296

Kelly, E. G 15,291

Kelly, Samuel G 48

Kent, H. L 47, 54, 157

Kerchner, Emily B 38

Kerchner, R. M 22, 151

Kimball, A. B 38

Kimball, Mary 34

King, D. F 48

King, H. H 13, 50, 52, 54, 193

Kingsley, Eunice 46, 52, 190

Kipp, Carl 50

Kitselman, C. H 22, 53, 284

Klein, G. T 24, 291

Kloeffler, R. G 15,54,151

Knight, L. M 39, 294

Koenig, Margaret A 44, 296

Koenitzer, L. H 33, 54, 142

Knott, A. W 41,294

Kramer, Martha M 16,52, 56, 272

Kuska, J. B 53

Lamprecht, Charlotte 36

Landon, I. K 24, 51

Langford, Aldene S 37, 269

Langford, R. C 30, 204

Larsen, H. C 46, 51, 108

Larson, Iva 36, 53, 257

Lash, M. E 29, 193

Latshaw, W. L 21, 52, 193

Latzke, Alpha 32, 296

Laude, H. H 19, 51, 110

Leasure, E. E 26, 284

Leker, E. H 29, 291

Lesher, W. L 28, 54, 142

Lewis, C. F 20, 231

Lewis, R. 0 37, 51, 110

Lienhardt, H. F 14, 53, 284

Limper, L. H 17, 234

Lindburg, R. N 42, 297

Lindquist, William 17, 50, 240

Linn, J. W 21, 291

Linscott, J. H 36

Litwiller, E. M 21, 300

Lobenstein, H. L 28, 291


Name Index


Logan, C. A 28, 51, 54, 140

Longsdorf, L. L 36

Loomis, A. H 31, 160

Loomis, A. P 38, 53, 124

Lumb, J. W 24, 291

Lund, Jacob 38

Lynch, D. E 23, 160

Lyness, C. E 40, 294

Lyon, E. R 22, 252

Lyons, W. H 21, 231

McCall, Elizabeth M 44

McCampbell, C. W 13, 51, 113

McColloch, J. W 16, 218

McCollom, S. A 34

McCormick, D. Z 40, 294

McCormick, R. E 48, 53, 123

McDowell, M. L 31, 193

McElmurry, Loretta 32, 296

McFadden, R. R 40, 294

Mcintosh, E. L 39,113, 294

McLeod, W. M 19, 50, 282

McMillin, A. N 18, 248

MacBride, Jeanne 35

Machir, Jessie M 10, 49, 50

Mack, A. J 17, 54, 157

Mackintosh, E. L 23, 51

Madison, J. H 27, 234

Markwell, Rachel 45,296

Marlow, H. W 30, 193

Marshall, Ethel J 28, 300

Marshall, R. E 27,234

Martin, Max R 29,*240

Martin, W. H 18, 52, 116

Martin, W. Pearl 30, 296

Mase, D. J 33, 256

Matson. H. O 33, 299

Matthews, C. W 16, 213

Maxwell, G. W 27, 252

May, Nellie 34

Mayfield, Lyle. ." 42, 294

Melchers, L. E 13, 52, 190

Melton, Alice M 35

Merriam, C. B 9

Merrill, J. F 35, 52

Meyer, Arthur 46, 53, 119

Meyer, Ella M 44, 296

Meyer, Rebecca S 35

Miles, May 30, 296

Miller, E. C 14, 50, 52, 190

Moll, C. S 34, 248

Montague, J. D 41, 294

Montgomery, George 30, 291

Morgan, W. Y 9

Morris, Maria 31, 267

Morrow, Rachel 33,248

Morse, R. F 33, 148

Mortensen, W. P 23, 51, 108

Mossman, Thirza A 25, 231

Mott, L. 0 32, 286

Moxley, J, J 25, 291

Muller, Anna N 37


Mundell, Merlin 46, 193

Murphy, R. R 48, 53, 1 24

Myers, F. L 36, 248

Myers, H. E 33, 51, 110

Myrah, H. H 29, 234

Nabours, R. K 12, 53, 257

Neal, Eula M 45, 296

Neff, Leonard 40, 294

Newcomb, Margaret A 32, 190

Nichols, R. D 48

Niemann, K. W 36

Nisbet, J. C 28, 291

Noble, P. M 48, 54, 142

Noble, Ruth K 37, 269

Nowlin, Genevieve 46, 275

Oakes, C. W 35, 53, 123

O'Connell, William 40, 294

Olsen, J. C 31,155

Painter, Clarive M 24,240

Painter, R. H 25,52,218

Parker, Harriet S 26, 213

Parker, J. H 14, 50, 51, 110

Parker, R. L 20, 52, 218

Parrish, F. L 22, 50, 222

Patterson, Bernice L 29, 248

Patterson, R. T 42, 294

Pattison, Floyd 17, 300

Patton, Sara J 44, 296

Pauling, G. R 10, 38

Payne, L. F 15, 50, 53, 124

Pearce, C. E 15, 54, 155

Peck, Ruth J 44, 296

Pelton, Marion 32, 240

Pence, R. 0 31, 53, 123

Perkins, A. T. . . « 24, 52, 193

Peterson, J. C 14, 50, 204

Pettis, Dorothy B 27,234

Petty, J. M 16,234

Pfuetze, Hazel E. T 35

Pickett, Gerald 33, 142

Pickett, W. F 23, 53, 119

Pittman, Martha S 15, 50, 56, 272

Porter, T. I 31, 231

Potter, J. L 48, 54, 151

Potter, Myra 36, 56, 272

Price, C. 0 35

Price, R. R 11, 50, 222

Pugh, F. D. 30, 234

Pyle, C. A 37

Quinlan, Elizabeth 29, 50, 270

Quinlan, L. R 22, 53, 116

Raburn, G. E 14, 54, 252

Railsback, G. H 37, 54, 142

Ramsey, R. P 41, 294

Randle, Elizabeth 44, 296

Reed, G. M 40, 294

Reed, Nathan 34, 193

Reed, H. E 18, 51, 113

Reeder, Grace M 45, 296

Reeves, Libbie E 36

Name Index



Remick, B. L 11, 50, 231

Remsberg, R. L 43, 297

Rhodes, H. R 9, 51

Rice, Ada 17, 213

Rice, Carl C 33, 151

Riddell, W. H 28,52,116

Robert, J. H 16, 50, 142

Robertson, Bella C 37, 204

Robinson, M. L 40, 294

Robinson, W. H 39, 294

Rockey, N. W 15, 213

Rogers, C. E 16, 227

Root, F. P 24, 248

Rose, Maurice 26, 234

Rosevear, Edith 0 45, 296

Roussin, J. W 43, 294

Rucker, G. L 32, 300

Rucker, N. L 40, 294

Rucker, V. M 42, 294

Rushfeldt, Helen D 26, 213

Rust, Lucile 0 19, 204, 275

St. John, L. R 37, 54

Salmon, S. C 13, 51, 110

Sanders, W. H 19, 54, 140

Sarles, W. B 32

Saum, Helen C 22,248

Savage, D. A 53

Sayre, E. D 24, 240

Scholer, C. H 15, 54, 142

Scholer, Lucretia 44, 50, 296

Schoth, A. J 25, 297

Schwenson, Louise 35, 54

Scott, H. M 27,53,124

Scott, J. P 19, 53, 284

Scott, Myra 37, 213

Scott, W. T 23

Seath, D. M 48, 52, 116

Seaton, M. A 27, 291

Seaton, R. A 10, 12, 50, 54, 127, 155

Sellers, G, A 18, 55, 160

Sewell, M. C 19,51,110

Seyler, Anna G 28

Shannon, F. A 21, 222

Sharp, Helen 33, 56, 269

Shenk, J. H 47, 193

Shepard, Lester 42, 294

Sherrod, Alberta P 45, 296

Shinn, H. A 17, 256

Shirkey, J. H 41, 294

Sidwell, G. W 40, 294

Siem, Clara 35

Siever, C. M 13, 50

Sink, R. S 25, 55, 160

Sitz, Earl 32, 151

Skoog, H. E 48

Smith, A. B 10, 12, 230

Smith, B. B 35, 140

Smith, C. L 47, 52, 116

Smith, Elsie H 19, 240

Smith, L. B 30,144

Smith, Lolie 48, 52, 275


Smith, Mabel R 45, 296

Smith, Maybelle P 31, 193

Smith, R. C 17, 52, 218

Smith, Victoria 33, 267

Smits, B. L 29

Smurthwaite, Georgiana 25, 296

Smutz, F. A 20, 155

Southard, Julia L 48, 52, 56, 270

Speer, W. S 40, 294

Spencer, C. W 9

Sperry, A. B 17, 221

Spurrier, Leo 25, 200

Stauffer, Oscar 9

Stensaas, W. M 37, 213

Stephenson, E. A 42, 294

Stevens, Harland 51

Stewart, C. H 26, 234

Stewart, H. J 43, 294

Stewart, H. M 27, 200

Stewart, Jessie S 47

Stinson, C. H. .- 39, 294

Stinson, T. B 38, 53

Stover, R. L 41,294

Stratton, C. W 32, 240

Stratton, W. T 15,231

Strickland, V. L 13, 204

Sturmer, Anna M 20, 213

Summers, H. B 19, 256

Suneson, C. A 47, 51, 110

Swanson, A. F 35, 53

Swanson, C. 0 14,53,123

Swanson, Mrs. C. 0 50

Swenson, Lillian J 31, 230

Sykes, F. J 41, 294

Syverud, Florence D 43

Tabor, E. C 47, 193

Tagge, H. F 39, 294

Tague, E. L 19, 52, 193

Talmadge, Velma 32, 240

Tayloe, W. L 39

Taylor, J. B 43, 297

Taylor, Mary F 25, 52, 56, 275

Teagarden, E. H 43, 294

Thackrey, R. 1 32, 227

Thomas, Esther M 37

Thompson, C. R 34, 200

Thompson, Hazel 30

Throckmorton, R. 1 13, 50, 51, 110

Timmons, F. L 28, 51, 110

Tompkins, I. K 294

Trumbull, R. S 42,294

Trump, Ethel F 47, 276

Tucker, L. R 34, 119

Tucker, Ruth E 30,272

Turner, A. F 19, 294

Tyner, H. D 31, 193

Umberger, Grace E 35

Umberger, H. J 10, 13, 289, 294

Vail, Gladys 32, 50, 272

Van Tuyl, H. E 29,234

Van Winkle, W. A 23, 193


Name Index


Van Zile, Mary P 10, 12, 50, 86

Vincent, M. G 9

Von Trebra, R. L 53

Von Trebra, W. H 41, 294

Wade, Nelson J 48, 53, 257

Wagner, F. A 38, 53

Walters, J. D 10

Ward, W. G 16, 299

Ware, Joseph T 34, 144

Warren, D. C 18, 53, 124

Warren, T. R 42, 297

Washburn, L. P 22, 248

Waters, H. J 86

Watson, Ethel F 45, 296

Webster, G. E 36

Weigel, Paul 16, 144

Welch, Iva B 38

Wells, E. B 20,291

Wenkheimer, Alberta 44, 296

West, Bessie B 18, 56, 276

Whetzel, J. T 41, 294

White, A. E 13,50,231

White, Hattie H 34

White, L. V 21, 148

White, Mary F 45, 204


Whitnah, C. H 28, 52, 193

Wichers, H. E 27,144

Wilbur, D. A 27, 52, 218

Willard, J. T. 10, 11, 50, 52, 164

Williams, C. V 14, 50, 204

Williams, Dwight, 21, 222

Williams, L. C 16,291

Williams, R. E 39

Williamson, Mary L 37,204

Willoughby, L. E 21, 291

Wilson, C. C 9

Wilson, Sergeant 234

Wimmer, E. J 28, 257

Winter, Laura 43, 296

Wolfe, L. M 42, 294

Wood, LeVelle 28, 56, 276

Woodward, Mary 47, 257

Working, E. B 21, 53, 123

Wright, B. W 43, 29 1

Yost, T. F 42, 294

Young, Ellsworth 29, 234

Zahnley, J. W 19, 51, 110

Zener, Myrtle E 35

Ziegler, Mary D 44, 296



Absences and tardiness 91

Accounting, Courses in 203

Accredited high schools and academies, List of 69

Administrative officers 10> H

Admission, Methods of 68

Admission, Requirements for 66

Advanced credit 68

Advanced degrees 76, 80

Agricultural Administration, Curriculum in 102, 105

Agricultural agents, List of 38

Agricultural agents' work 294

Agricultural Economics, Courses in 108

Agricultural Engineering, Courses in 140

Agricultural Engineering, Curriculum in 127, 131

Agricultural Experiment Station 51, 306

Agricultural societies 97

Agriculture, Curriculum in 101, 104

Agriculture, Division of 100

Agriculture, Electives in Curriculum in 105

Agriculture, in the Summer School 126

Agriculture, Special courses in 126, 313

Agronomy, Courses in 110

Aims and purposes of the College 57

Anatomy, Courses in 283

Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Curriculum in 104

Animal Husbandry, Courses in 113

Applied Mechanics, Courses in 142

Architectural Engineering, Curriculum in 128, 132

Architecture, Courses in 145

Architecture, Curriculum in 128, 133

Art, Courses in 267

Art, Curriculum in Home Economics and 264

Assembly, General, of students and faculty 88

Assignment and Registration Schedule % 8

Assignment to studies 90

Assignments, Changes in 91

Assistants, List of 34

Assistant Professors, List of 23

Associate Professors, List of 19

Associates, List of 29

Athletic organizations 99

Athletics 248

Automechanics, One-year trade course in 319

Bacteriology, Courses in 187

Band, The College 99, 247

Bible study 95, 212

Board and rooms 84

Board of Regents, The State 9

Botany and Plant Pathology, Courses in 190

Boys' and Girls' Club work 297

Branch Agricultural Experiment Stations 53

Buildings and grounds 59

Bureau of Research in Home Economics 56, 312

Business directions 89

(337) 12—2266

338 General Index


Calendar, The College 7

Certificates 74

Certificates, Recipients of, in 1929 325

Chemical Engineering, Curriculum in 128, 134

Chemistry, Courses in 193

Chemistry, Industrial, Curriculum in 166, 169

Child Welfare and Euthenics, Courses in 269

Chorus, The College 246

Christian Associations, The 95

Civil Engineering, Courses in 148

Civil Engineering, Curriculum in 129, 135

Classes, Minimum size of 95

Clinics, Courses in 287

Clothing and Textiles, Courses in 271

Colby Branch Agricultural Experiment Station 53, 309

College buildings, Description of the 59

College calendar 7

College Extension, Division of 289

College Orchestra, The. 99

Commerce, Curriculum in 166, 178

Commissions awarded in 1929 325

Conditions, How removed 94

Cooking see Food Economics and Nutrition 273

Correspondence study 300

County agent work 294

Course numbers 95

Course see, also, Curriculum, and Special courses.

Credit, Advanced 68

Credit Courses, in Extension 303

Credits for extra work 94

Curricula in Music 166, 171-175

Curriculum in Agricultural Administration 102, 105

Curriculum in Agricultural Engineering 127, 131

Curriculum in Agriculture 101, 104

Curriculum in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine 279, 280

Curriculum in Architectural Engineering 128, 132

Curriculum in Architecture 128, 133

Curriculum in Chemical Engineering 128, 134

Curriculum in Civil Engineering ., 129, 135

Curriculum in Commerce 166, 178

Curriculum in Electrical Engineering 129, 136

Curriculum in Flour Mill Engineering 130, 137

Curriculum in General Science 164, 168

Curriculum in General Science and Veterinary Medicine, Six-year 279, 281

Curriculum in Home Economics 262, 263

Curriculum in Home Economics and Art 264

Curriculum in Home Economics and Nursing 262, 264

Curriculum in Industrial Chemistry 166, 169

Curriculum in Industrial Journalism 165, 170

Curriculum in Landscape Architecture 130, 138

Curriculum in Mechanical Engineering 130, 139

Curriculum in Physical Education for Men 166, 176

Curriculum in Physical Education for Women 166, 177

Curriculum in Piano 166, 171

Curriculum in Public-school Band and Orchestra 166, 172

Curriculum in Public School Music 166, 173

Curriculum in Veterinary Medicine 278, 279

Curriculum in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry 279, 280

Curriculum in Violin 166, 174

Curriculum in Voice 166, 175

General Index 339


Dairy Husbandry, Courses in 117

Dairy Manufacturing Short Courses 316

Deficiencies, when made up 67

Degrees conferred by the College 74, 76

Degrees in Agriculture 101

Degrees, Professional, in Engineering and Architecture 80

Degrees, Recipients of, in 1929 321, 326

Division of Agriculture 100

Division of College Extension 289

Division of Engineering 127

Division of General Science 164

Division of Home Economics 261

Division of Veterinary Medicine 278

Domestic Art see Clothing and Textiles 271

Domestic Science see, also, Food Economics, Household Economics, 273, 275

Dormitory 84

Drawing and Machine Design, Courses in 155

Dressmaking see Clothing and Textiles 271

Duties and privileges of students 81

Economics, Courses in 200

Education, Courses in 205

Electives, in Curriculum in Home Economics 265

Electives, in Division of General Science 179

Electrical Engineering, Courses in 151

Electrical Engineering, Curriculum in 129, 136

Employment bureau for students 96

Engineering, Curricula in 127-139

Engineering, Division of , 127

Engineering Experiment Station 54, 311

Engineering, in the Summer School 163

Engineering, Short Courses related to 318

Engineering societies 97

English Language, Courses in 213

English Literature, Courses in 215

Entomology, Courses in 218

Entrance to College, Requirements for 66

Equipment, in Division of Agriculture 100

Euthenics and Child Welfare, Courses in 269

Examinations 92

Expenses of students 81

Experiment Station, Agricultural 51, 306

Experiment Station, Branches of the Agricultural 53, 309

Experiment Station, Engineering 54? 311

Expression see Public Speaking 256

Extension Schools 292

Extension see College Extension 289

Extra work, Credits for 94

Faculty, Standing committees of the 50

Fairs, County and local 293

Farm and Home Week 7} 293

Farm Crops, Courses in 110

Farm-management demonstrations 293

Farmers' Short Course 313

Fees and tuition 77? 8\

Fellows .' 48

Flour Mill Engineering, Curriculum in 130, 137

Food Economics and Nutrition, Courses in ' 273

Fort Hays Branch Agricultural Experiment Station 53? 309

French, Courses in 239

340 General Index


Garden City Branch Agricultural Experiment Station 53, 309

General Agriculture, Courses in 119

General Engineering, Courses in. . . . 155

General Home Economics, Courses in 275

General information - . . 81

General Science, Curriculum in 164, 169

General Science, Division of 164

General Science and Veterinary Medicine, Six-year Curriculum in 279, 281

General Science societies 98

Geology, Courses in 221

German, Courses in 239

Girls' and Boys' club work 297

Government, Courses in 225

Grades, Reports of 93

Grading, System of 92

Graduate assistants, List of _ 45

Graduate assistantships 79, 89

Graduate fellowship , 89

Graduate study 76

Graduation, Requirements for 74

Grounds and buildings 59

Health Service 65

High schools and academies accredited 69

Histology, Courses in 284

History, Courses in 222

History and location of the College 57

Home demonstration agent work 296

Home demonstration agents, List of 43

Home Economics, Bureau of Research in 56, 312

Home Economics, Curriculum in 262, 263

Home Economics, Division of. 261

Home Economics, Extension work in 296

Home Economics, General, Courses in 275

Home Economics in the Summer School . . .277

Home Economics societies 98

Home-study Service 300

Honor societies 98

Honorary and professional organizations 98

Honors awarded for scholarship 98

Honors, Recipients of, in 1929 327

Horticulture, Courses in 120

Household Economics, Courses in 276

Industrial Chemistry, Curriculum in 166, 169

Industrial Journalism, Curriculum in 165, 170

Industrial Journalism and Printing, Courses in 228

Institutes and extension schools 291

Institutional Economics, Courses in 276

Instruction and administration, Officers of 11

Instructors, List of 29

Journalism see Industrial Journalism 227

Junior colleges accredited 73

Jurisprudence, Course in 283

Land, College 59

Landscape Architecture, Curriculum in 130, 138

Landscape Gardening, Special training in .'■; 104' 107

Late assignment . . . ' 68

Library, The College ; . . . 64

General ; Index 341


Library Economics, Course in 230

Literary and scientific societies »6

Loan funds °5

Machine Design, Courses in . . . . . . 155

Machinists, Two-year trade course for 318

Materia Medica, Courses in 287

Mathematics, Courses in 231

Mechanical Engineering, Courses in 158

Mechanical Engineering, Curriculum in. 130, 139

Medals and prizes 87

Medicine, Courses in 288

Men's Glee Club 246

Military Science and Tactics, Courses in 236

Milling Industry, Courses in 123

Modern Languages, Courses in 239

Music, Courses in 242

Music, Curricula in 166, 171-175

Musical organizations 246

Name index 331

Newman Club, The 96

Numbering of courses 95

Nursing and Home Economics, Curriculum in 262, 264

Nutrition, Food Economics and, Courses in 273

Obstetrics, Course in 287

Officers, Miscellaneous, of the College 49

Officers of instruction and administration 11

Orchestra, The College 247

Organizations, Honorary and professional 98

Pathology, Courses in 285

Physical Education, Curricula in 166, 176, 177

Physical Education and Athletics, Courses in 248

Physical Education for men 248

Physical Education for women 250

Physics, Courses in 253

Physiology, Courses in 283

Piano, Curriculum in 166, 171

Point System, The .' 94

Post office, College 90

Poultry Husbandry, Courses in 124

President of the College 11

Printing, Courses in 227

Prizes and medals 87

Professional degree in Engineering and Architecture 80

Professors, List of H

Public-school Band and Orchestra, Curriculum in 166, 172

Public-school Music, Curriculum in 166' 173

Public Speaking, Courses in ' 256

Publications of the College 89

Refund of fees .,-, 83

Registration and Assignment Schedule. 8

Religious Education, Courses in 212

Reports of grades - 93

Research Assistants, List of 47

Research assistantships 79

Rooms and board 84

Rural Engineering, Extension work in [ ' 299

342 General Index


Scholarships 88

Science Club 97

Scientific societies, Literary and 96

Self-support, Opportunities for 84

Sewing see Clothing and Textiles 271

Shop Practice, Courses in 160

Short Course, Farmers' 313

Short Courses in Agriculture 313

Short Courses, Dairy Manufacturing 316

Short Courses related to Engineering 318

Sociology, Courses in 202

Soils, Courses in 112

Spanish, Courses in 240

Special Courses in Agriculture 313

Special Courses related to Engineering 318

Special students 69

Standing committees of the faculty 50

State Teachers' Certificates 103, 127, 204

Student loan funds 85

Student organizations 95, 96

Students' Governing Association 95

Superintendents, List of 38

Surgery, Course in 286

Table of Contents 3

Tardiness, Absence and 91

Teachers' Certificates, State 103, 127, 204

Teachers, Special courses for 167

Trade courses 318

Tribune Brach Agricultural Experiment Station 53, 310

Tuition and fees 81

Unit of high-school work defined 66

Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Curriculum in 279, 280

Veterinary Medicine, Courses in 283

Veterinary Medicine, Curriculum in 278, 279

Veterinary Medicine, Division of 278

Violin, Curriculum in 166, 174

Vocational Agriculture, Certificate for teachers of 103

Voice, Curriculum in 166, 175

Women's Glee Club 247

Young Men's Christian Association 95

Young Women's Christian Association 96

Zoology, Courses in 258


Kansas State Agricultural College Bulletin

Volume XIV

June 1, 1930

Number 6



MANHATTAN, KANSAS Published by the College





The Kansas State Agricultural College Bulletin is -published on the first and fifteenth of each month by the Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan., to which requests for copies of the publication should be addressed. Entered as second-class matter November 6, 1916, at the post office at Manhattan, Kan., under the Act of August 24, 1912.



Students Pursuing Graduate Work 5

Graduate Students 5

Seniors 8

Undergraduate Students > 9

Seniors . 9

Juniors 13

Sophomores 17

Freshmen 23

Special Students 31

Students in Special Courses 23

Summer School Students 33

First Session Students 33

Second Session Students 38

Home Study Service Students 39

Statistics 46

Summaries of Attendance, 1929-1930 46

Record of Attendance, 1863 to 1930 47


Lists of Students

Students Pursuing Graduate Work

June 1, 1929, to May 29, 1930


Henry Chaffee Abell ; Riley

Harry Enoch Adell ; Leonardville

Anna Tessie Agan; St. Edward, Neb.

Mildred Laura Ahlstrom; Reading

Glenn Allen Aikins; Valley Falls

Dorothy Marguerite Akin; Manhattan

William Purvis Albright; Greensboro, N. C.

Alfred Evan Aldous; Manhattan

Jean Greiner Alexander; Manhattan

Martin Adkisson Alexander; Manhattan

Ethlyn Marie Alsop; Junction City

Malcolm Llewellyn Alsop; Wakefield

Forrest B. Alspach ; Wilsey

Hazel Lillian Anderson ; Bronson

Ida Anderson; Norfolk, Neb.

Arthur Clinton Andrews; Manhattan

Ruth Evangel Angstead; White City

Ethel May Arnold; Manhattan

Floyd Warnick Atkeson; Moscow, Idaho

Madelyn Avery ; Wakefield

Frances Mable Backstrom, Kansas City, Mo.

Roy Bainer; Manhattan

Lilian Baker; Manhattan

Clarence Orval Banta ; Ottawa

Jane Wilson Barnes ; Manhattan

Arthur Theodore Bartel; Bard, Cal.

Laura Falkenrich Baxter; Manhattan

Henry Monroe Beachel ; Manhattan

Winifred Daisy Beeby; Hays

Erwin John Benne; Manhattan

Marjorie Marie Berger; Manhattan

Silas S. Bergsma ; Lucas

Jacob Biely ; British Columbia, Can.

Ada Grace Billings; Manhattan

Floyd Albert Blauer; Stockton

Cecil Thomas Blunn; Manhattan

Gladys Matilda Boehm ; Springfield, Mo.

Frederick Bruce Bosley; New Creek, W. Va.

Boyd Bertrand Brainard ; Manhattan

Carl Alfred Brandly ; Manhattan

George Francis Branigan ; Manhattan

Marian E. Branigan ; Manhattan

Homer Cleo Bray ; Manhattan

Parks Hillis Brittain ; Manhattan

Frank Brokesh ; Munden

Marian Elizabeth Brookover; Eureka

Harold J. Brooks; Ottumwa, Iowa

Frances L. Brown; Tucson, Ariz.

Vira Brown ; Edmond

Esther Bruner ; Manhattan

Thomas Walter Bruner; Jewell

Elgin R. Button ; Meriden

James Phillip Callahan; Manhattan

Marion Isabell Campbell ; Manhattan

Hugh Stanley Carroll ; St. Marys

Sherman Harold Carter; Oneida

Elisha Joe Castillo ; Independence

George E. Cauthen; Manhattan

Joanna Seiler Challans ; Halstead

Virginia Chambers ; Grandfield, Okla.

Ira Nichols Chapman; Manhattan

Francis Eugene Charles ; Manhattan

Early Mast Chestnut ; Manhattan

Alfred Lester Clapp ; Manhattan

Helen Elizabeth Cobb ; Manhattan

Maynard Henry Coe ; Manhattan

John Robert Coleman ; Wichita

Laurence LaRue Compton; Manhattan

William Eugene Connell ; Rupert, Idaho

Emma Miller Cook ; Mil ford

Nelle May Cook ; Chapman

Robert Francis Copple; Flagstaff, Ariz.

E. Jack Coulson ; Manhattan

Margaret Coventry ; Pittsburg

Fern Covert ; Wichita

Ina Foote Cowles; Sibley

Francis Scott Coyle ; Manhattan

Orville Robinson Cragun; Milford

Naomi Zimmerman Crawford ; Manhattan

Clarence E. Crews ; Manhattan

Blaine Crow ; Silver Lake

Eula Mae Currie; Manhattan

Erma Evangeline Currin; Manhattan

Bruce Oilver Dallam ; Faucett, Mo.

Earl Gilbert Darby; Manhattan

Sarah Emily Da vies; Riley

Charles Deforest Davis; Manhattan

Loren LeRoy Davis ; Manhattan

Raymond Howard Davis ; Hays

Minor Day ; Tamaqua, Pa.

Flora Marie Deal ; Great Bend

Lawrence William Decker; Manhattan

Dorsie Laurence Deniston ; Louisburg

Linnea Carlson Dennett ; Manhattan

Percy Leroy DePuy ; Manhattan

Fred V. Dial; Manhattan

Russell Reuben Dodderidge; Council Grove

Dorothea Ruth Dowd ; Manhattan

Clara Kathryn Dugan ; Manhattan

Joy William Dull ; Manhattan

John Clayton Dwelly ; Manhattan

W. Harvey Ebersole; Newton

Janet Cuthbert Edelblute; Topeka

Winifred M. Edwards; Athol

Helen Ehrhardt ; Garnett

Harold Chester Elder; Smith Center

Leonard Paul Elliott ; Manhattan

Mary Myers Elliott; Manhattan

Delbert Frederick Emery ; Parsons

Opal Marion Endsley; Manhattan

Alice Josephine Englund ; Salina

Morris Evans ; Manhattan

Paul Lawrence Evans ; Baldwin

Thomas Conway Faris ; Lebanon

Vern Oren Farnsworth ; North Topeka

Luther M. Feathers; Johnson City, Tenn.

Ethel B. Feese ; Junction City

Ruth Mead Fertig; Manhattan

Alice R. Fitch ; Manhattan

Beattie Hope Fleenor; Manhattan

Vernett Edward Fletcher; Alton

Arthur Oran Flinner; Manhattan

Kenney Lee Ford ; Manhattan

Orval French ; Geneseo


Kansas State Agricultural College

Graduate Students Continued.

Louis Edwin Fry ; Manhattan Edith Fultz; Wichita Harold David Garver ; Merriam Annabel Alexander Garvey ; Topeka Bessie Geffert ; Manhattan George Albert Gemmell ; Manhattan Harvey S. German ; Little River Willard Dyke Gilbert; Alden Adelaide Louise Glaser; Ozawkie John Snell Glass ; Manhattan Archibald Alexander Glenn ; Webster Beulah McNall Glenn; Webster Frederick Edward Goetz ; Saskatoon,

Sask., Can. Austin Gerald Goth ; Red Cloud, Neb. Earle Ervin Graham ; Magnolia, Ark. George Lauvin Graham ; Manhattan Clarence Orrin Grandfield ; Manhattan

E. Rebecca Green; Cawker City Roy Monroe Green ; Manhattan Ethel Mae Griggs; Palestine, Tex. Hilda R. Grossmann; Manhattan Welthalee Grover; Iola

Myrtle Annice Gunselman; Manhattan Ferdinand Daniel Haberkorn; Hutchinson Earl Henry Hahn; Mallard, Iowa Harry Herbert Halbower; Kingman Marcia Biddison Hall ; Manhattan Philip Walter Hansen; Columbus Bernice Lucille Harper; Vicksburg, Mich. Florence Harris; Manhattan Vida Agnes Harris; Manhattan William Pliny Harriss; Kansas City Maude Hart; Albuquerque, N. Mex. Everett F. Haukenberry; Manhattan Chester Havley; Frankfort Irene Burnema Heer; Manhattan Grace Mildred Henderson; Lincoln, Neb. Alice Evangeline Henley; Ness City Martha Louella Hensley ; Jackson, Mo. Elizabeth Spears Hepler; Parsons

F. Floyd Herr; Argonia Katharine Paddock Hess ; Manhattan Stella May Hey wood ; Bennington Earl Martin Hiestand ; White Cloud Frank Webster Hill; Rochester, N. Y. Leona Thurow Hill ; Manhattan

Robert Towner Hill, Grand Meadow, Minn.

Julian Adair Hodges; Manhattan

Ralph Edward Hodgson; Mazomanie, Wis.

Mary Alice Holladay ; Augusta

Cecil Cannum Holmes; Goff

William Milton Holt, Augusta

Ruth Louise Holton ; Manhattan

Lucretia Maye Hoover; Sedgwick

Otho J. Hopper; Chillicothe, Mo.

Elsa Ottilia Horn; Manhattan

William Robert Horsfall ; Manhattan

Sarah Genevieve Howe ; Emporia

Merle Raymond Hubbard ; Kingman

Leo Everett Hudiburg; Independence

Verda Murphy Hudson; Manhattan

Lelia Mary Hughes; Kansas City, Mo.

Orvi Ae D. Hunt ; Manhattan

Esther Victoria Hyrup ; Mentor

Ceci'e Mae Jackson ; Kress, Tex.

Clarence Oliver Jacobson ; Sedgwick

William Charles Janes ; Manhattan

Lois Bennett Jarrott; Hutchinson

Alice Claypool Jefferson ; Manhattan

Margaret Louise Jodon ; Salina

Julian Almon Johnson ; Kiowa

Victor H. Johnston ; Winfield

Edward C. Jones ; Manhattan

Ruth Cress Jones ; Manhattan

G. Clair Jordan ; Jewell

Louis Mark Jorgenson ; Manhattan

Herbert Lee Kammeyer; Wamego Samuel Greenberry Kelly; Manhattan Beulah Henderson Kenison ; Solomon Harry Llewellyn Kent; State College,

N. Mex. John Humphrey Kerr; Miltonvale Bruce Alvin Kindig; Medicine Lodge Dale Franklin King; Manhattan Eunice Leola Kingsley; Tolley, N. Dak. Vivian Iliene Kirkwood ; Manhattan Lester Henry Koenitzer; Manhattan Aldene Scantlin Langford ; Manhattan Roy Clinton Langford; Manhattan Harold Christian Larsen ; Brookings, S. Dak. Iva Larson; Alcester, S. Dak. Paul Merville Larson; Manhattan Bessie Adaline Leach ; Bird City Elden Emanuel Leasure ; Manhattan Willis Lloyd Lesher; Manhattan Clarence F. Lewis ; Manhattan Ralph Oscar Lewis ; Parsons Ruby Mae Lewis ; Concordia Joe Kenneth Limes ; La Harpe Arthur William Lindquist ; Lindsborg Gustave William Lindquist ; Manhattan Aubrey Erskine Lippincott ; Manhattan Earl Milo Litwiller; Manhattan Charles Alden Logan ; Eskridge Alden H. Loomis ; Manhattan John Lowe ; Winfield John Wallace Lumb ; Manhattan Georgie Seaman Lyman; Ulysses Jeanne Lyon ; Manhattan Lucille McCall; Winfield Maude Nonamaker McColloch ; Manhattan Grace Kerns McCoppin ; Phillipsburg Robert Earl McCormick ; . Oatville Maynard L. McDowell ; Manhattan Alice Edna McLean ; Jewell David Leslie Mackintosh ; Manhattan Stella Cook Maddy; Seibert, Colo. Hubert Whatley Marlow ; Manhattan Ethel Justin Marshall ; Manhattan George Edward Marshall ; Bonner Springs Earl Harrison Martin ; Pratt Ralph R. Martin; Topeka Edith Edna Seavey Martin; Manhattan Charlotte Viola Mathias ; Manhattan Lora Gertrude Mendenhall; Manhattan Arthur Meyer ; Manhattan Albert William Miller; Manhattan William Edward Moling; Carterville, Mo. Leon Francis Montague ; Solomon George Montgomery ; Manhattan Helen Handel Moore ; Altamont Una Morlan ; Courtland Katherine Dyllys Morris ; Manhattan Maria Morris ; Manhattan Eula Frances Morris ; Yates Center Mary Hope Morris ; Manhattan Merle Dallas Morris ; Paxico Reed F. Morse; Manhattan William P. Mortenson; Manhattan Thirza Adaline Mossman ; Manhattan Lawrence Orville Mott; Spencer, Neb. James Herbert Moyer; Manhattan Anna Neal Muller; Topeka Flavius Albert Mundell ; Nickerson Merlin Mundell ; Nickerson Robert Russell Murphy; State College, Pa. Nancy Mary Mustoe ; Norton Joyce Myers ; Sylvia Eula May Neal; Walnut Alma Dale Newell ; Durham Philip Myron Noble; Manhattan Ruth Kell Noble; Manhattan Onie L. Norton ; Altamont Genevieve Alice Nowlin; Manhattan Harold Alfred Noyce; Keats Loren Manuel Nuzman ; Manhattan

List of Students

Graduate Students Concluded.

John C. Olsen ; Manhattan

Bessie Mae Orr; Summerfield

Opal Frances Osborne; Partridge

Alfred Robb Paden ; Argonia

Lita Mae Paine; Admire

John Huntington Parker; Manhattan

Laurence Parker; Manhattan

Olodine Nina Parshall ; Manhattan

Dwight Patton ; Harper

Marian Herfort Pelton ; Manhattan

Royce Owen Pence; Manhattan

Louise Arminda Phelps ; Dwight

Gerald Pickett ; Manhattan

Irene Olive Pierson ; Stanton, Iowa

Isa Ruth Plank ; Lyons

James Leroy Potter; Carthage, Mo.

Myra Thelma Potter ; Lawrence

Marjorie Prickett; Wamego

Galen Stephen Quantic ; Riley

Elizabeth Quinlan ; Manhattan

Addie Alice Radebaugh ; Frankfort

George Hemrod Railsback ; Manhattan

Mary Betz Reed, Manhattan

Fred Thomas Rees ; Mound City

Ethelyn Pray Rees; Mound City

Roger E. Regnier; Fairview

Carl Clark Rice ; Manhattan

Alma Margaret Richhart ; Nickerson

Bella Catherine Robertson; Manhattan

Ethel Ann Robinson ; Emporia

Frazier Rogers; Gainesville, Fla. Glenn L. Rucker; Ottawa Marguerite Dorothy Samco; Canning, S. Dak.

William H. Sanders ; Manhattan

Harry Weber Schaper; Jewell City

Ruth Schlotterbeck ; Chickasha, Okla.

Lester John Schmutz ; Wakefield

Ralph Schopp ; Abilene

Mary Frances Schuerer ; Junction City

Harold Martin Scott; Manhattan

Myra Edna Scott; Manhattan

Dwight M. Seath; Manhattan

Minnie Seath ; Manhattan

Sopha Mae Shade ; Hays

George Oscar Sharp ; Pittsburg

Floyd Henry Sheel ; Earlton

John Henry Shenk; Manhattan

Elsie Leah Shippy; Chapman

Lina Maria Shippy; Chapman

Beulah Fern Shockey; Iola

Mabel Shrontz; Wilsey

Sidney Simmons; Greensboro, N. C.

Sister M. Domitilla Arnoldy; Manhattan

Earl LeRoy Sitz; Manhattan

Veda Rozella Skillin ; Frankfort

Clifford Lovejoy Smith; Corvallis, Ore.

Florence Verlene Smith ; Tarkio, Mo.

Glenn Sanborn Smith ; Manhattan

Lolie Smith; Marlin, Tex.

Maybelle Pritchard Smith; Dixon, 111.

Sam J. Smith ; Florence

Victoria Smith ; St. Louis, Mo.

Georgiana Hope Smurthwaite; Ogden, Utah

Stanley Livingstone Soper; Manhattan

Julia Lurena Southard; Southard, Mo.

Alma Spencer ; Yates Center

Jessie Sarah Stewart ; Maplehill

William Timothy Stratton; Manhattan

Mary L. Summers; Horton

Coit Alfred Suneson; Missoula, Mont.

Wilma Olive Sutton ; Kingman

Charlotte Huntington Swanson ; Manhattan

Elbert Cecil Tabor; Manhattan

Mary Fidelia Taylor; Newton

William Henry Teas ; Kingman

Russell Ira Thackrey; Manhattan

Francis Leonard Timmons ; Manhattan

Ivan O. Townsdin; Randall

Ethel Florence Trump ; Russell

Mary Edna Tupper; Manhattan

Howard Dale Tyner; Manhattan

Gladys Ellen Vail; Plains

Lois Castle Vance; Kiowa

Leland Stanford Van Scoyoc ; Manhattan

Mary Pierce Van Zile; Manhattan

Jerry Julian Vineyard ; Junction City

Nelson J. Wade; Saugatuck, Mich.

Crystal Louise Wagner; Manhattan

Walter Gilling Ward; Manhattan

Eugene Albertice Waters ; Eureka

Jewell Kimball Watt; Coyville

Ella H. Webb; Kansas City

Iva Belle Welch ; Pittsburg

Thornton Walton Wells ; Hays

Bessie Brooks West; Manhattan

Jesse Frederick Westerdale ; Wakefield

Forest Whan ; Manhattan

Florence Rilla Whipple ; Manhattan

K. Marie White; Oswego

Mary Frances White; Manhattan

Margaret Katherine Wieda ; Hiawatha

Donold Alden Wilbur; Manhattan

Esther Margaret Wilkins ; Meade

Viola Jenet Williams; Kansas City, Mo.

Harold Arthur Williamson; Manhattan

Mary Lois Williamson; Independence, Mo.

Hugh Willis ; Williamsburg

Luther Earle Willoughby ; Manhattan

Karl Marx Wilson; Concordia

Temple F. Winburn ; De Kalb, Mo.

Verna B. Winchel ; Salina

Homer Carlton Wood ; Reading

LeVelle Wood ; Manhattan

Mary Woodward ; Manhattan

Wilbur William Wright ; Hope

Claude Newton Yaple ; Ford

Joe Stanley Yoder; McPherson

Marian Irene Young; Cedar Point

Carol Oscar Youngstrom; Culver, Ore.

Iscah Marion Zahm ; Topeka


Arthur Theodore Bartel ; Bard, Cal. John Flower Bullard ; Lafayette, Ind. Elisha Joseph Castillo ; Independence Emma Miller Cook; Milford Orville Robinson Cragun ; Milford Raymond H. Davis; Hays Dorsie Laurence Deniston; Louisburg Harold C. Elder; Smith Center Ethel B. Feese; Junction City Archibald Alexander Glenn; Webster

Earle Ervin Graham ; Magnolia, Ark. Elizabeth Spears Hepler ; Parsons Lois Bennett Jarrott ; Hutchinson Grace Kerns McCoppin ; Phillipsburg Claire Arnot Martin; Abilene Alfred Robb Paden ; Argonia Isa Ruth Plank ; Lyons Lina Maria Shippy ; Chapman Thornton Walton Wells ; Hays Emily Wilson ; La Harpe


Kansas State Agricultural College


Henry John Barre; Tampa Raymond Andrew Bell ; Beverly Albert Ross Challans ; Newton Robert James Copeland, Jr. ;

Canon City, Colo. Frances Rebekah Curtis ; Kansas City Marjorie Hazel Curtis; Manhattan Bernice Louise Decker; Holton Irene Jeanette Decker; Robinson Rosamond Aleda Eddy; Havensville Edward Joseph Fisher; Leavenworth Bex Le Roy Fossnight; Ottawa Howard Johnson Jobe ; Sedan William Howard Jobling; Caldwell Anne Helen Klassen ; Inman

Joe Alphonsus Kuffler; Parsons Thelma Fern McClure; Hutchinson Charles Porter McKinnie; Glen Elder Richard Bruce Mather; Burdett Austin Morgan ; Lebo Winifred Ann Nachtreib ; Atchison Raymond William O'Hara ; Blue Mound Bruce Robinson Prentice ; Clay Center Louise Eleanor Reed ; Holton Frederick Henry Schultis; Sylvan Grove Harry Edwin Skoog; Caldwell Floyd Howard Smith ; Wichita Martha Agnes Smith ; Durham George Ruben Vanderpool ; Meade


James Thomas Newton ; Douglass William Richards ; Burrton

List of Students

Undergraduate Students

The following lists include seniors, juniors, sophomores, freshmen and special students in College. For students in the Summer School and in special courses see lists following these.

Abbreviations here used denote curricula as follows: AA, agricultural ad- ministration; Ag, agriculture; AE, agricultural engineering; AH&V, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine; ApA, applied arts; Ar, architecture; ArE, architectural engineering; C, commerce; CE, civil engineering; ChE, chemical engineering; EE, electrical engineering; FME, flour-mill engineering; GS, general science; GS&VM, general science and veterinary medicine; HE, home economics; HE&N, home economics and nursing; IC, industrial chemistry; IJ, industrial journalism; LA, landscape architecture; LG, landscape gardening; M, music; ME, mechanical engineering; PE, physical education; PSM, public school music; PSB&O, public school band and orchestra; VM, vet- erinary medicine.


Vivian Dial Abell (HE); Riley Hugh Richard Abernathey (CE) ; Manhattan Frank Milton Adair (ME) ; Frontenac Roland Edgar Adams (ArE) ; Manhattan Jay Adriance (IJ) ; Manhattan Raymond Hilton Alexander (VM);

Manhattan George Mitchell Allen (CE) ; Manhattan Milton Francis Allison (IJ) ; Great Bend Kenneth Charles Anderson (ChE) ; Eskridge Lois Ida Anderson (HE) ; Byers Ross Harris Anderson (GS) ; Richland Virginia Anderson (HE) ; Lincoln Phil V. Andrew (Ar) ; Ottawa Anna Annan (PE) ; Beloit Marie Arbuthnot (HE) ; Bennington Mahala Arganbright (HE) ; Wamego Leslie Linnaeus Aspelin (ME) ; Dwight Garland Martin Atkins (C); Fort Scott Byron Edson Atwood (EE) ; La Cygne Harry Fisk Axtell (Ag) ; Dimmitt, Tex. Cleo Orland Baker (CE) ; Marysville Howard William Baker (Ar) ; Lyndon Mildred Marita Baker (HE); Gove Baha E. Bakri (Ag) ; Damascus, Syria Clarence DeWitt Barber (EE) ; Iola Mary Elvina Barkley (GS) ; Manhattan Claude Lawrence Barnett (Ar) ; Manhattan Fern Doris Barr (GS) ; Manhattan

fHenry John Barre (AE) ; Tampa Etnah Beaty (ApA) ; Lakin Vernon Augustus Beck (ME) ; Topeka Sigrid Evangeline Beckstrom (HE) ; Wichita Lyle Holmes Beebe (VM) ; Manhattan George Edward Bell (ArE) ; Yates Center

7 Raymond Andrew Bell (PE) ; Beverly Bernice Eleanor Bender (IJ) ; Holton Gladys Meyer Benne (HE) ; Linn Kenneth Dean Benne (GS) ; Washington Helen Lee Bentley (HE) ; Manhattan John Thomas Bertotti (ME) ; Osage City Wesley Watson Bertz (VM); Manhattan Henry John Besler (EE) ; Manhattan John Alexander Bird (IJ) ; Hays Olive Elizabeth Bland (HE); Garden City Jesse Benjamin Boehner (IC) ; Downs William Robert Boggess (EE) ; Scandia Fletcher Gist Booth (C) ; Olathe Tony Borecky (GS) ; Holyrood Ruth Mary Boyles (HE); Manhattan John Frank Boznick (EE) ; Frontenac

Howard Raley Bradley (AA) ; Kidder, Mo. Charles Lewis Brainard (Ar) ; Manhattan Elmer James Branham (EE) ; Altamont Robert Fenton Brannan (Ag) ; Meade William Jacob Braun (Ag) ; Council Grove Elmer Henry Bredehoft (EE) ; Fairmont,

Okla. Gertrude Elizabeth Brookens (GS) ; West- moreland Edwin Lewis Brower (VM); Manhattan Orpha Brown (HE) ; Edmond Jasper Leland Brubaker (EE) ; Manhattan Hugh Herschel Bruner (C) ; Concordia Ralph Ernest Brunk (EE) ; Kansas City Lillian Josephine Brychta (HE) ; Blue Rapids Hazel Eirene Buck (HE); Derby Dorothy Helen Burnet (ApA) ; Manchester,

Okla. Henry Alonzo Burt (AA) ; Manhattan Lester Burton (EE) ; North Topeka Norval Odell Butler (EE) ; Manhattan Beulah Louise Callis (GS) ; Chase Gladys Marie Griffin Calvert (IJ); Man- hattan Erma Belle Canning (HE); Manhattan Clifford Beamer Carlson (ME); Utica Dave Anthony Carlson (Ag) ; Manhattan Raymond Delasmith Caughron (GS) ; Man- hattan •"Albert Ross Challans (GS); Newton William Chapman (Ag) ; Wichita Katherine Chappell (HE); Manhattan Beatrix Lorena Charlton (HE) ; Edwards -

ville Rose Louise Child (IJ) ; Manhattan Paul Raymond Chilen (AA) ; Miltonvale Ruth Rosalie Claeren (IJ) ; Manhattan Joseph Eugene Clair (VM); Manhattan Curtis Forgv Clayton (CE) ; El Dorado Floyd Alfred Clayton (IC) ; El Dorado Laurence Victor Clem (GS) ; Chanute Arlie Lewis Coats (EE) ; Altoona Harry Pliny Coberly (AE) ; Hutchinson Max William Coble (ME); Sedgwick Owen Lovejoy Cochrane (PE) ; Manhattan Dave Miles Colby (VM) ; Manhattan Harley Edward Cole (ME); Manhattan Howard Allen Coleman (CE) ; Denison tJohn Robert Coleman (ChE-1 ; Grad.-2); Wichita Garlie Franklin Collins (ChE) ; Emporia

t Also pursuing graduate study.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Seniors Continued.

*Kenneth W. Comfort (CE) ; Topeka

tLaurene LaRue Compton (Ag-1; Grad.-2); Manhattan Frances Rebecca Conard (HE) ; Ottawa Paul Waldo Condry (IC) ; Beloit

*Blaine Davies Coolbaugh (PSM); Stockton

fRobert James Copeland, Jr. (ChE) ; Canon City, Colo. Herman Charles Cowdery (CE) ; Lyons Manford Lester Cox (Ag) ; Goodrich

jFrancis Scott Coyle (Ag-1 ; Grad.-2); Man- hattan Andy W. Crawford (VM) ; Manhattan Harold Samuel Crawford (LG); Bonner

Springs Vera Lucille Crawford (IJ) ; Lincoln William Leslie Criswell (EE) ; Manhattan Earl Edward Crocker (C) ; Manhattan Genevieve Crowley (GS); Manhattan Chester Arthur Culham (ME); Junction

City George Joseph Cunningham (Ag) ; Manhattan

*Lemuel Joseph Cunningham (Ag) ; Manhat- tan

jFrances Rebekah Curtis (HE) ; Kansas City John Jay Curtis (Ag) ; Toronto

tMarjorie Hazel Curtis (HE) Manhattan Nellie Dorothy Darrah (HE) ; Marquette Bernice Veneta Davidson (HE) ; Manhattan Frank Marshall Davis (IJ) ; Manhattan Paul Davis (EE) ; McPherson Saloma Elizabeth Davis (C) ; Carthage, Mo.

jBernice Louise Decker (HE) ; Holton

t Irene Jeanette Decker (HE) ; Robinson John William Decker (Ag) ; Holton Clara Farmer Denison (GS); Hazelton Walter Raymond Denman (EE) ; Sedan Robert Irving Denny (AE) ; Harper Russell Clay Derbyshire (GS) ; Omaha, Neb. Theodore Marion DeVries (VM) ; Manhat- tan Darcy Dayton Dial (FME) ; El Dorado

*Donna Marie Dickinson (HE) ; Udall

*Omeda Mae Dickison (HE) ; Nevada, Mo. Mary Lucile Dietz (HE) ; Cawker City Herbert A. Dimmitt (EE) ; Manhattan Robert Hugh Dodge (Ag) ; Manhattan Harry Stillman Dole (IJ) ; Almena Gabriel Ernest Drollinger (ME); Manhattan Donna Gayle Duckwall (Ar) ; Abilene

*Etha Chloa Dungan (HE) ; Independence Clarence Mitchell Dunn (Ag) ; Oskaloosa Leda Anna Dunton (GS) ; Lebanon Neil Durham (AG); Randall

f Rosamond Aleda Eddy (HE); Havensville Edna Frances Ehrlich (HE) ; Marion Kyle Engler (EE) ; Burrton Alfred Harlan Epperson (AA) ; Hutchinson Anna Marie Erickson (HE) ; Clyde Karl Wheeler Ernst (EE) ; Topeka Clifford Charles Eustace (Ag) ; Wakefield Thomas Marion Evans (PE) ; Gove Galen Lee Farnsworth (IC) ; Wichita Everett Ellsworth Fauchier (C) ; Osage City John Virgil Faulconer (CE) ; El Dorado Elwin E. Feather (GS) ; Minneapolis

f Edward Joseph Fisher (ChE); Leavenworth Janice Irene Fisher (PSM) ; Beverly Josephine Louella Fisk (GS) ; Alta Vista Geraldine Genevieve Foley (GS) ; Oronoque

|Rex LeRoy Fossnight (CE) ; Ottawa Mildred Mae Fox (HE); Wichita Harold Earl Frank (AA) ; Manhattan Maurice Benjamin Franklin (EE) ; Topeka Kathleen Grace Fraser (GS); Talmage Harry Orwin Frazier (GS) ; Idana Alva Henry Freeman (PE) ; Manhattan

Ralph William Freeman (FME) ; Kirwin fOrval French (AE-1; Grad.-2); Geneseo Amelia Marie Frohn (HE) ; White City Raymond Glenn Frye (AA) ; Freeport Roy Jacob Furbeck (CE); Lamed Kenneth Manning Gapen (AA); Manhattan Margaret D. Garrison (HE&N) ; Chanute Charlie Gurdon Gates (CE) ; Kingman Charles Richard Gerardy (ChE) ;

Clay Center Walter Geurkink (VM) ; Manhattan Clarence Emmett Ghormley (AE) ;

Hutchinson Henry Wilbur Gilbert (LG) ; Manhattan Thomas Henry Gile (Ag) ; Scandia Florence Ann Glenn (GS) ; Manhattan La Vone Goheen (GS) ; Oak Hill Myrtle Genevieve Gohlke (HE) ; Holton Ruth B. Gordon (HE) ; De Soto George Mather Grafel (C) ; Herndon Joseph Howard Greene (AA) ; Beverly Margaret Hamilton Greep (HE) ; Longford Roy Orval Greep (GS) ; Longford Rudolph Thechsel Greep (IC) ; Longford Cloyde Lowell Guinn (VM) ; El Dorado Eva Maude Guthrie (HE) ; Woodston Chester Walton Haas (C) ; Winfield Edwin Otto Habiger (AA) ; Bushton Minnie Rosie Hahn (HE) ; Inman Vernon Leslie Hahn (AA) ; Muncie Kenneth Morgan Hall (AA) ; Agra Catherine Marie Halstead (IJ) ; Manhattan Lewis Greeley Hamilton (VM) ;

South Haven Lee Allen Hammond (ArE) ; Wichita

(deceased) George Risley Hanson (AA) ; Syracuse Junieta LeeElla Harbes (HE) ; Manhattan Katharine Frances Harding (PSM) ;

Manhattan William Fred Hardman (EE) ; Frankfort Eugene Francis Harmison (ME);

Great Bend Florence Lavina Harold (HE) ; Dresden Faye Harris (ApA) ; Parsons Paul Washington Harris (GS) ;

Havensville Theodore Garrard Harris (Ag) ; Manhattan Rodney DeWalt Harrison (C) ; Burden Laura Zurilda Hart (PSM); Overbrook Benjamin Franklin Hartman (ChE);

Topeka Russell Lynn Hartman (CE) ; Hoisington Lillian Iola Havley (GS) ; Manhattan Orville Elton Hays (Ag) ; Manhattan Cecil Benjamin Headrick (ME);

Manhattan Robert Bates Heckert (EE) ; Independence Fred Hederhorst (ME) ; Stockton . Paul Raymond Heinbach (EE) ; Neodesha Helen Alberta Hemphill (IJ) ; Clay Center Esther Marie Herman (C) ; Abilene Byron William Herrington (IJ) ;

Silver Lake Thomas Marion Heter (Ar) ; Sterling Theron W. Hicks (CE) ; Norton Lora Valentine Hilyard (ApA) ; Manhattan Charles Frank Hirsch (C) ; Ellinwood Eva Burndette Hixson (C) ; Wakeeney Harold Chester Hoffman (GS) ; Haddarn Russel Walter Hofsess (CE) ; Partridge Virginia Schwager Hoglund (HE) ;

Manhattan Anita Mae Holland (HE) ; Harper Erwin Dean Hollingsworth (ArE) ; Salina Eugene Holmberg (ME); Kansas City Johnson Alcott Holmes (IJ) ; Manhattan

* Matriculated 1929 -'30.

t Also pursuing graduate study.

List of Students



Myrtle Evelyn Home (HE); Alma Roy Mitchell Hoss (AA); Potwin William Harris Houston (Ag) ; Potwin Clarence Paul Howard (IJ) ; Mount Hope Ida Mae Howard (HE); Garnett Muriel Howard (GS); Oberlin Orlando Whiting Howe (AE); Stockdale Aileen Hull (ApA) ; Manhattan Florence Hazel Hull (HE) ; Downs Kathleen Virginia Hulpieu (HE) ;

Dodge City James Ward Ingraham (EE) ; Manhattan Marie Insley (HE&N) ; Manhattan Glenn Charles Isaac (Ag) ; Baldwin Mary Jane Isbell (HE) ; Bennington Ralph William Jackson (VM) ; Manhattan Sherman Keith Jackson (CE) ; Holton Russell Everett James (ME) ; Wetmore Vernon Elmer Jefferies (EE) ; Kiowa George Jelinek (GS) ; Ellsworth Ernest Frank Jenista (GS) ; Caldwell Wilma Jennings (PE) ; Little River

fHoward Johnson Jobe (CE); Sedan Mary Jeanette Jobling (PSM) ; Caldwell

fWilliam Howard Jobling (IC) ; Caldwell Alvin Adolph Johnson (AA) ; Kanana James Foley Johnson (GS); Manhattan Margaret Verneal Johnson (HE) ; Axtell Robert Franklyn Johnson (C) ; Salina Hazel Mae Johnston (PSM) ; Leonardville Sara Virginia Jolley (IJ) ; Manhattan Esther Margaret Jones (GS) ; Frankfort J. Harold Karr (EE); Troy Josephine Dell Keef (IJ) ; Glen Elder Pauline Kegereis (HE) ; Salina Elmer Willis Kelley (C) ; Kansas City Robert Warrtn Kellogg (ChE) ; Sedan Carol Sanford Kelly (GS) ; Manhattan Mary Janice Kelly (HE) ; Lindsborg Charles Harris Kenison (C) ; Solomon Annie Mary Kerr (HE) ; Manhattan John Harold Kershaw (EE) ; Garrison

*Marjorie Russell Kimball (GS) ; Manhattan Solon Toothaker Kimball (IJ) ; Manhattan Wayne Kimes (EE) ; Dodge City Milford Jeter Kindig (AA); Olathe Willis Bertrand Kinnamon (C) ; Larned Loren Robert Kirkwood (EE) ; Manhattan

fAnne Helen Klassen (GS) ; Inman Julius William Kloepper (ME) ; Monrovia Martin Simon Klotzbach (EE) ; Humboldt Frank Wendell Knopf (EE) ; Holton Henry H. Knouft (GS) ; Circleville George Herman Koelling (IC) ; Talmage demons Malcolm Kopf (EE) ; Beverly Grace Esma Kottwitz (HE) ; Peabody Louis Joseph Kovar (AE); Rossville

fJoe Alphonsus Kuffler (CE) ; Parsons Kenneth James Latimer (ChE) ; Humboldt Ruth Laura Lattimore (HE) ;

Westmoreland Verna Latzke (HE) ; Chapman Eleanor Laughead (HE) ; Dodge City Eugene Pepper Lawrence (PE) ; Manhattan

fBessie Adaline Leach (GS-1; Grad.-2) ; Bird City Oliver Glen Lear (Ag) ; Stafford Eugene Marshall Leary (Ag) ; Lawrence Thomas Joy Leasure (VM) ; Solomon Greta Velma Leece (HE) ; Formoso Robert Lengquist (ME) ; Riverton Evelyn Mae Lindsey (HE) ; Winchester Clabern Oakley Little (ME); Manhattan Abe B. Litvien (CE) ; Kansas City Robert Ivan Lockard (Ar) ; Norton


Genevieve Long (HE) ; Haviland Louise Loiaine Lortscher (HE) ; Fairview Herbert Dale Lott (CE) ; Minneapolis Henry Wilbur Loy (ChE) ; Chanute Bernice Etha Loyd (GS) ; Hiawatha Verna Merne Loyd (HE) ; Hiawatha Reland Estella Lunbeck (IJ) ; Manhattan Lawrence Nile Lydick (EE) ; Winfield George Cardinal Lyon (PE) ; Manhattan Andrew Lafayette McBride (VM) ;

Manhattan Ed Cleland McBurney (CE) ; Newton -Ruth Beryl McCammon (GS-1; HE-2);

Norton Caroline Louise McCarthy (HE) ;

Kansas City Elinor Mary McCaul (HE); Elk City f Thelma Fern McClure (HE) ; Hutchinson Robert Herald McCollum (PE) ; El Dorado Roy H. McKibben (ME); Kansas City Margaret McKinney (IJ) ; Great Bend f Charles Porter McKinnie (Ag) ; Glen Elder Harold Isaac McKinsey (C) ; Manhattan Dan McLachlan, Jr. (IC) ; Pleasanton Howard Orville McManis (AE) ;

South Haven Ray John McMillin (PE) ; Manhattan Cecil James Wilson McMullen (EE) ;

Norton Daisy Feme McMullen (ApA) ; Norton *EIbert Bonebrake Macy (GS) ; Woodston Merle Lyle Magaw (Ag) ; Ames Harold Gustav Mangelsdorf (EE) ;

Atchison Preston Leonard Manley (C) ; Topeka Roy Merlin Mannen (Ag) ; Manhattan Marjorie Ellen Manshardt (IJ) ;

Leonardville Charles Mantz (AA) ; Preston Willa Lois Mantz (HE); Coldwater Laura Mae Marcy (GS) ; Milford *Miriam Leona Marsh (HE) ; Chanute fClaire Arnot Martin (GS-1; Grad.-2);

Abilene Paul E'rastus Massey (EE) ; Yates Center Arnold Alcorn Mast (Ag) ; Abilene Clara Winfred Mather (HE) ; Centralia f Richard Bruce Mather (Ag) ; Burdett Corinne Fern Maxey (HE) ; Coats Mary Evangeline Maxwell (HE) ;

Manhattan Mary Frances Maxwell (C) ; Manhatan Paul Arthur Mears (AA) ; Beloit Ralph Francis Melville (C) ; Muncie Glen Ervan Meredith (ArE) ; Junction City Thomas Nelson Meroney (Ag) ;

Garden City John Kingsley Merritt (C) ; Haven Clara Grace Miller (HE); Manhattan Marion Edgar Miller (CE); Quenemo Paul Alvin Miller (EE) ; Parsons Robert Wilson Miller (ME); Haviland John Lensfred Minor (Ag) ; Syracuse

(deceased) Warren Dale Moore (Ag) ; Copeland fAustin Morgan (CE) ; Lebo Charles Elias Morgan (GS) ; Hollis Arlee Murphey (HE); Scott City Thomas Jerome Muxlow (VM); Manhattan Channing George Myers (IC) ; Salina f Winifred Ann Nachtreib (HE); Atchison Loyle Mac Nash (PE) ; Long Island Marvin Francis Naylor (IC) ; Tonganoxie Borden Dean Neiman (EE) ; Manhattan William Melvin Newman (AA) ; Centralia Roscoe Townley Nichols, Jr. (C) ;


♦Matriculated 1929-'30.

t Also pursuing graduate study.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Seniors Continued.

Gordon Curtis Nonken (EE) ; Manhattan Laurence Harold Norton (AA) ; Kalvesta Clarence Evan Nutter (Ag) ;

Falls City, Neb. Lois Marie Oberhelman (HE) ; Barnes Ruth Malissa O'Donovan (ApA) ; Topeka

t Raymond William O'Hara (Ag) ; Blue Mound Beatrice Oliphant (HE); Hutchinson Luella O'Neill (HE); Winchester Mildred Marie Osborn (PE) ; Clifton Arthur Owen (EE) ; Wichita Laurel Joseph Owsley (EE) ; Manhattan Leone Evelyn Pacey (GS) ; Manhattan William Hocksworth Painter (GS) ; Meade Frances Lenore Paisley (GS) ; Manhattan Leslie Ellison Paramore (EE) ; Delphos Helen Verna Parcels (HE); Hiawatha LeRoy Clay Paslay (EE) ; Manhattan Harry Albert Paulsen (AA); Stafford Ray Charles Paulson (EE) ; Whitewater Warren Caufield Perham (C) ; Iola Vernon Stanley Peterson (AE) ; Gypsum Ralph Frank Pettit (Ag) ; Manhattan Karl Hamilton Pfuetze (GS); Manhattan Frances Louise Pickens (HE); Lake City Leonard Milton Pike (Ag) ; Goddard Harold Henry Piatt (Ag) ; Manhattan Clark Gardner Porter (GS); Manhattan Everett Francis Potter (ME); Manhattan Walter Preston Powers (AA) ; Netawaka James Wilson Pratt (C) ; Manhattan

fBruce Robinson Prentice (EE) ; Clay Center Doris Estelle Prentice (HE) ; Manhattan

fGalen Stephen Quantic (AA-1; Grad.-2); Riley George LeRoy Quigley (EE) ; Halstead Francis James Raleigh (Ag) ; Clyde Ben Elkins Ramsey (CE) ; Dighton Elsie Emma Rand (HE); Wamego Elmer Wayne Randle (EE); Jefferson Margaret Elizabeth Rankin (IJ);

Wakefield Mary Edith Rankin (HE); Kansas City Mildred Hester Rathbun (GS) ; Manhattan Esther Virginia Ratliff (HE); Manhattan Mary Bell Read (PE) ; Manhattan Lawrence Rector (C) ; Manhattan Oscar Earl Reece (AA) ; Hopewell Alzina LaVerne Reed (GS) ; Wakefield Anna Reed (GS) ; Kanopolis Grace Editha Reed (PE) ; Topeka

fLouise Eleanor Reed (HE); Holton Charles Edward Reeder (ArE) ; Troy Louis Powers Reitz (Ag) ; Belle Plaine John Sword Rhodes (EE) ; Tampa Clement Dee Richardson (EE) ; Hugoton Earl Cranston Richardson (TJ) ; Coffeyville George Elliott Richardson (EE) ; Pittsburg Ruth Roberta Richardson (HE) ;

Manhattan Herbert Cecil Reipe (CE) ; Dighton Ronald Carl Riepe (IJ) ; Kansas City Wanda Harriett Riley (GS); Chanute Mary Eilleen Roberts (GS) ; Manhattan Thelma Gossard Roberts (GS) ; Manhattan

♦Pauline Roedel (HE) ; Iola Floyd Nolan Rogers (FME); Smith Center Ralph Rogers (ChE) ; Madison Randle Chester Rolfs (C) ; Lorraine William Alfred Romary (VM); Manhattan Mae Margaret Rooney (HE) ; Haddam Marjorie Evon Root (HE) ; Medicine Lodge

Flora Helena Ross (HE); Amarillo, Tex. Frank Henry Roth (EE) ; Wichita Dorothy Harriet Rucker (HE); Burdett Neva Edwina Rush (HE) ; Severy Ray Russell (ME); Kansas City Robert Henry Russell (ME) ; Manhattan William Everett Russell (IJ) ; La Crosse Helen Marguerite Rust (PSM) ; Manhattan Alton Hoyt Ryon (EE) ; Manhattan Russell Scott Sage (EE) ; Maplehill Miner Ray Salmon (Ag) ; Manhattan Jack Sanders (EE) ; Independence Mariorie Maud Sanders (HE&N) ;

Clay Center Robert Elmer Sanders (PE) ; Burlington Gladvs Myrtle Schafer (IJ) ;

Del Norte, Colo. Margaret James Schattenburg (IJ) ; Riley Raymond Schlotterbeck (PE) ; Manhattan Gladys Schmedemann (PSM); Manhattan Lorna Katherine Schmidler (IJ) ; Marysville Edward Henry Schneider (EE) ;

Kansas City Ruby Thelma Scholz (HE); Manhattan Leah Schreiner (HE) ; Ramona Dorothy Schrumpf (HE);

Cottonwood Falls Charles Arthur Schubert (EE) ; Centralia f Frederick Henry Schultis (AA) ;

Sylvan Grove William Joseph Schultis (GS) ;

Sylvan Grove James William Schwanke (EE) ; Alma Sybella Adelaide Scott (PE) ; Manhattan Hazel Lindley Scott (HE); Rolla, Mo. Ralph Lester Scott (GS) ; Le Loup Frances Deane Shewmaker (HE) ; Chanute Gertrude Sheetz (PSB&O) ; Admire Frances Dow Sheldon (GS) ; Blue Rapids Allen Parker Shelly (ME); Atchison Ralph Shenk (GS) ; Silver Lake Juanita Lee Shuck (HE) ;

Kansas City, Mo. Helen Marie Shuyler (IJ) ; Hutchinson Dale Harold Sieling (IC) ; Hays Travis William Siever (GS); Manhattan Kermit James Silverwood (IJ) ; Ellsworth fHarry Edwin Skoog (VM) ; Caldwell Henry Devore Smiley (VM) ; Manhattan Elmer Harold Smith (AE) ; Baldwin f Floyd Howard Smith (EE) ; Wichita Gerald George Smith (EE) ; Topeka James Everett Smith (Ag) ;

Woodward, Okla. fMartha Agnes Smith (PE) ; Durham

Ralph Ottis Smith (EE) ; Hutchinson *Ruth Irene Smith (ApA); Winfield Edward Paul Smoot (EE) ; Eureka Inez Eva Snyder (GS) ; Osborne Dale Edward Springer (AE) ; Garrison Marjorie Elizabeth Stafford (GS) ;

Leonardville Herbert Norman Stapleton (AE) ; Jewell Arlo Lester Steele (EE) ; Manhattan Irwin Roy Stenzel (EE) ; Marion Helen Steuart (GS) ; Winchester Harland Stevens (Ag) ; Valencia Harold Calvin Stevens (AE) ; Blue Rapids Samuel Roger Stewart (Ag) ; Vermillion Ross Alonzo St. John (CE) ; Morland Maidene Bertha Stout (PE) ; Peobody Marguerite Marie Stullken (GS) ; Bazine Ida Jane Summers (GS) ; Manhattan William Joy Sweet (ArE); Wichita Charles Henderson Synnamon (ChE) ;

Wichita John Edward Taylor (Ag) ; Topeka

* Matriculated 1929-'30.

t Also pursuing graduate study.

List of Students


Seniors Concluded.

Merrill Medsger Taylor (Ag) ; Perry- Edgar Arnold Templeton (AA) ; El Dorado Joel Allen Terrell (Ag) ; Syracuse Zabel Herman Tessendorf (CE) ; Onaga Mary Cleo Teter (HE); El Dorado Emily Sheppeard Thackrey (IJ) ; Manhattan Eugene Ware Theiss (VM); Hutchinson Howard Phil Thudin (EE) ; Mulvane Opal Fiorennia Thurow (IJ) ; Macksville Orville William Thurow (C) ; Moscow Ralph Victor Thurow (C) ; Macksville Charles Cheuvront Todd (AA) ; Auburn Frederick Walter Toomey (EE) ; Neodesha John Gordon Towner (CE) ; Dwight William Lowell Treaster (IJ); Beloit Nellie Florine Trechsel (GS) ; Idana Roy Henderson Trompeter (Ag) ; Horton Lorene Renata Uhlrig (GS); Belvue Lucille Adella Uhlrig (GS) ; Belvue Mildred Fern Ungeheuer (HE) ; Centerville f George Ruben Vanderpool (CE) ; Meade Virginia Van Hook (HE); Topeka Jeanette Verser (GS); Tulsa, Olka. Chris Viergever (GS) ; Willard Frances Marian Wagar (PE) ; Florence Dorothy Wagner (ApA) ; Topeka Mildred Ann Walker (GS) ; Manhattan Ruel Scott Walker (Ar) ; Galena

Elsie Gertrude Wall (PSM); Cawker City Everett Robert Wallerstedt (Ar); Manhattan Henry Brown Walter (LG); Wichita Mary Virginia Washington (HE) ;

Manhattan Edgerton Lynn Watson (Ag-1 ; VM-2);

Manhattan Ellen Louise Watson (HE); Manhattan John Clarke Watson (IJ) ; Frankfort Vernon Reed Weathers (CE); Great Bend Maurice Franklin Weckel (EE) ; Garnett * Alice Weigel (HE) ; Victoria Frances Laverne Wentz (HE) ; Ames Stanley Archie White (EE) ; Lewis Kathryn Whitten (HE) ; Wakarusa Louis George Wieneke (ChE) ; Sabetha Jess Willard Wilhite (EE) ; Manhattan Kathryn Louise Wilson (PSB&O);

Liberty, Mo. Leone Wilson (PE); Wichita Mary Helene Wilson (HE) ; Council Grove Richard Maxwell Wilson (Ag) ; Geneva Adrian Edward Winkler (Ag) ; Paxico Lula Josephine Winter (HE) ; Ashuand Delbert Lester Yeakley (C) ; Hoisington Homer Yoder (PSB&O); Manhattan Clemens Harry Young (Ag) ; Manhattan


Fulton G. Ackerman (Ag) ; Lincoln Alice Virginia Adams (HE) ; Leavenworth Edna Fay Allen (HE); Burlington William H. Allen (EE) ; Rock Creek Loren Norton Allison (EE) ; Falls City, Neb. James Westerfield Amis (C) ; Manhattan Henry Everett Anderson (C) ; Richland

*Ralph Lester Anderson (GS) ; Dodge City Lydia Elizabeth Andres (GS) ; Alta Vista Edwin Lee Andrick (GS) ; Wheaton Theodore Alois Appl (EE) ; Great Bend Clifford Elroy Armstrong (EE) ; Pittsburg Roy Herbert Armstrong (GS) ; Lecompton William John Arndt (CE) ; Hutchinson Kimball Lincoln Backus (AA) ; Olathe

*Clementine Vosse Bacon (GS); El Dorado Olive Baker (GS); West Helena, Ark. Donald C. Baldwin (Ar) ; Manhattan

*William Bryce Bandy (EE) ; Parsons Dwight Hale Banks (EE) ; Wamego Ben William Barber (Ar) ; Alton Byron Barkley (EE) ; Little River Alex Barneck (EE) ; Salina. Lawrence Richard Barnhart (IJ) ;

Independence Josephine Louise Barry (GS) ; Manhattan Kenneth Clinton Bauman (C) ; Salina Drussilla Madge Beadle (PSM); Effingham Ray Hadley Beals (PSB & O) ; Dodge City Ernest Wilson Bennett (EE) ; Great Bend Gladys Benson (HE); Clay Center Keith Bentz (EE); Peabody

•Robert Allen Bickel (ChE); Kansas City, Mo. George Gorrell Biles (C) ; Chanute Howard T. Blanchard (Ar) ; Wichita Harold Deen Boles (CE) ; Madison Harold Clifford Boley (EE) ; Topeka James Patrick Bonfield (C) ; Elmo Georgena Bowman (GS) ; Garnett Richard Earl Bowman (GS) ; Pawnee Rock John Shaw Boyer (Ag) ; El Dorado Margaret Irene Boys (HE) ; Linwood

Margaret Louise Bragg (HE) ; Dodge City

♦Oliver Karl Brandon (ME) ; Ash Valley Donald Parker Brenz (ME); Arkansas City Quentin Victor Brewer (IJ) ; Manhattan Anna Esther Briggs (GS) ; Hutchinson Gertrude Adeline Brill (HE) ; Westmoreland Grace Dorothy Brill (HE) ; Westmoreland Faith Winifred Briscoe (GS) ; Cambridge Louie Elizabeth Britt (GS) ; Manchester George Shelton Brookover (AA) ; Eureka Paul Edwin Brookover (ME) ; Scott City Chester Lee Brown (EE) ; Herington Esther Louise Brown (IJ) ; Manhattan Maxine Brown (PSM) ; Manhattan Ralph Irvin Brown (C) ; Hutchinson Lewis Jay Bryan (C) ; Manhattan Edwin George Brychta (GS) ; Blue Rapids Alpheus Darrel Buckmaster (PE) ;

Manhattan Lowell Jacob Burghart (ME) ; Chanute Merl Leroy Burgin (EE) ; Coats John Wesley Burke (ArE) ; Glasco Vada Burson (PE) ; Manhattan Neva Le Verne Burt (HE) ; Greensburg Walter Ward Butler (Ar) ; Glasco Gerald Edwin Cain (EE) ; Pomona

♦Marion John Caldwell (ChE) ; El Dorado David Valentine Campbell (ArE) ; McPherson Richard Joseph Campbell (ME) ; Herington

*Ferro Castellani (EE) ; Frontenac Marvin Oliver Castle (AA) ; Mayetta James Willard Caughron (C) ; Manhattan Marguerite Virginia Chaffin (HE) ; Caldwell William Richard Chalmers (CE) ; Burlingame Wilbur Chamberlin (EE) ; Newton Arnold Ervin Chase (GS-1; AA-2); Abilene

*MeIvin Fuller Chubb (Ag) ; Baxter Springs Elmer Field Clark (AE) ; Jewell Olive Josephine Clark (AA) ; Leavenworth Vernie Irene Clausen (HE) ; Alton Ruth Clency (GS) ; Manhattan William Welch Coffman (AA) ; Overbrook Clarence Ralph Collins (GS) ; Wellsville

* Matriculated 1929-'30.

f Also pursuing graduate study.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Juniors Continued.

Eugene Frederick Collins (CE) ; Wellsville Gilbert Underwood Combs (EE) ; Manhattan Llovd Harold Compton (EE) ; Lamed Frank Robert Condell (ME); El Dorado Carl Clarence Conger (Ag) ; Manhattan Mary Naomi Cook (IJ) ; Linn Wilber Abram Copenhafer (LG) ; Manhattan Harold Richard Corle (CE) ; Caney Kenneth Deorace Cornell (EE) ; Kansas City E. Kenneth Corporon (ME); Wichita John Trumbull Correll (IC) ; Manhattan Bernice Louise Cousins (GS); Manhattan Byron Irwin Cousins (EE) ; Manhattan Frances Marian Covey (GS) ; Miltonvale Marion Asa Cowles (EE) ; Sharon Springs Inez Mildred Crabb (HE); Colby Cecil Clyde Crane (CE) ; Severy Jay James Cress (EE) ; Manhattan Hilah Eileen Crocker (IJ) ; Manhattan George Richard Crossen (ME); Turner Clarence Benedict Cunningham (Ag) ; Manhattan

*D*onald Curtis (CE) ; Kansas Citv Eli Egbert Daman (C) ; Fort Riley Margaret Hodges Darden (GS) ; Manhattan Lillian Bpyer Daugherty (PSM) ; Manhattan Dorothy Loreen Dexter (PSM) ; Manhattan Richard Kimball Dickens (IJ) ; Manhattan Florence Matilda Diehl (HE) ; Chapman

*Nellie Ruth Dilsaver (HE) ; Kensington Paul Lawrence Dittemore (IJ) ; Manhattan Iva Fern D'ix (HE); Manhattan Helen Laura Dodge (PE) ; Manhattan

*W. Russell Downs (CE) ; Wellington Thomas Edward Doyle (PE) ; Manhattan Clair Eber Dunbar (Ag) ; Manhattan Martha Lois Dunlap (HE) ; Reece Izola Mildred Dutton (ApA) ; Manhattan

*Edward James Dyer (ME) ; Leavenworth Miriam Genie Eads (HE); Cullison Dean Martin Earl (CE); Nickerson Lester Alfred Eastwood (Ag) ;

Summerfield Nina Edelblute (GS) ; Keats Howard Carl Edinborough (LG) ; Tescott Frank Edward Edlin (IC) ; Herington Chester Oliver Ehrlich (IJ) ; Marion Marvin Neel Elder (ME); Manhattan Carl Emmert Elling (Ag) ; Manhattan Howard Andrew Elwell (EE) ; Hutchinson Ruth Mary Emrich (HE); Tyronza, Ark. Kermit Vernon Engle (Ag) ; Abilene Walter Newton Epler (ChE) ; Scott City

*Ernestine Barbara Ernst (HE) ; Paolo Katrinia Eskeldson (HE) ; Ramona James Howard Evans (C) ; Barnard William G. Evans (CE); Barnard

*Verna Mae Eveleigh (PE); Hoisington Arthur Edward Everett (CE) ; Hutchinson Wayne Ewing (AA) ; Beloit Sidney L. Falin (IJ) ; Cleburne Joseph Fickel (ME); Chanute Edna Elizabeth Findley (M) ; Manhattan Ladek Charles Fiser (PE); Mahaska Clella Lula Fisher (HE) ; Fellsburg

*Howard Roland Fisher (AA) ; Hays William McAvoy Fitzgerald (ME);

Goodland Max Charles Fleming (EE); Paola George M. Fletcher (Ag) ;

Pawnee City, Neb. Elsie Louise Flinner (IJ) ; Wichita John Sebastian Florell (ArE); Manhattan Virginia Forrester (IJ); Manhattan Wallace Albin Forsberg (PE) ; Lindsborg

*Irene Etta Fox (GS) ; Junction City

Ray Leslie Fox (GS); Perth Alva Leo Frashier (EE) ;

Kings Mill, Tex. Chester B. Freeman (Ar) ; Junction City Lloyd Everett Fritzinger (EE) ; Manhattan Howard Leroy Fry (AA) ; Hope Vernon Eugene Frye (AA) ; Quenemo Katherine Idell Fullinwider (HE);

El Dorado Charles Elmore Funk (EE) ; Iola Edgar Daniel Furse (EE) ; Pleasanton Ruth Starkweather Garrison (HE) ;

Chanute Helen Iola Gates (HE); Iola Orville Howard Gates (ME); Seward Marion Jennings Gaumer (CE); Oberlin Nathan Bartlett Geer (AE) ; Auburn Herschel R. Geiman (EE) ; Larned Miles Wiley George (LG) ; Wichita Ralph Friedley Germann (Ag) ; Fairview Eolia Eunice Gilson (HE) ; Manhattan Theodore Roosevelt Gingrich (CE) ;

Garden City Charles Eugene Glasco (EE) ; Emporia

*Ed Cephas Glover (EE) ; Coolidge Letha Goheen (GS) ; Oak Hill Trilla Bell Goheen (HE); Manhattan William Isaac Gorrell (ArE) ; Onaga Edward Lawrence Grafel (ME); Herndon George Alex Graham (C) ; Manhattan Ruth Elinor Graham (ApA) ; Manhattan Spencer William Graham (EE) ; Beattie Fred Foster Greeley (ME); Manhattan Freda Leila Greer (HE) ; Marion Winston King Grigg (C) ; Abilene Kenneth Duree Grimes (EE) ; Topeka Charles Leonard Gunn (FME) ; Great Bend Arthur Carroll Hadley (Ar) ; Wichita Lela Mae Hahn (C) ; Manhattan Velma Irene Hahn (PSM) ; Idana Wilma Helene Hahn (GS); Clay Center Dale Evart Halbert (Ag) ; Abilene Cloyce Marvin Hamilton (IJ) ; Solomon Alice Hawkins Hammett (PSM) ;

Manhattan John Bonar Hanna (Ag) ; Clay Center May Harland (HE); Frankfort R. Clare Harner (IJ) ; Howard

*Clarence Edmund Harness (CE) ; Liberal Ivan Harold Harris (CE); Manhattan

*Glen Russell Harsh (ME-1; C-2); Oil Hill Frank Merle Hartman (ArE); Dodge City Vernon Eugene Harvey (CE) ; Selma

*Orville I. Haury (AA) ; Halstead William Thomas Havens (EE) ;

Manhattan Maxine Hawley (PE) ; Manhattan Mary Opal Hay (HE); Parker Ralph Carroll Hay (AE) ; Parker Violet Alvina Heer (HE) ; Manhattan Harold Keith Hefling (CE) ; Manhattan John James Heimerich (ArE) ; Clay Center

*Robert Bruce Helming (VM) ; Waukon, Iowa Ruth Wilhelmina Helstrom (IJ) ;

McPherson Harold Kingsley Herr (C) ; Hutchinson Frances Ada Hester (ApA) ; Medicine Lodge

*Marcelline Murial Hill (GS) ; Plainville Opal Brown Hill (ApA) ; Manhattan Ruth Hill (HE); Guthrie, Okla.

*Opal Lorene Hoard (HE) ; Kingsdown Harvey Edward Hoch (AA) ; Alta Vista Meryle Hammett Hodges (GS) ; Manhattan Clarence Athel Hollingsworth (Ag) ; Perry

* Matriculated 1929-'30.

List of Students


Juniors Continued.

*Phillip Forrester Hoover (EE) ; Enid, Okla. Gayle R. Hosack (EE) ; Holton John Thomas Hoyne (EE) ; Salina Marie Hughes (C) ; Salina Edythe Grace Huitt (PSM); Talmage Raymond P. Hunsberger (CE) ;

Mount Hope La Verne Elizabeth Huse (GS) ; Manhattan Alice Mary Irwin (PSM) ; Manhattan Percy Jennings Isaacson (PE) ; Walsburg William Bart Jackson (ME) ; Holton

*Florence Elizabeth James (HE) ; New England, N. Dak. Genevieve Albertine Johnson (C) ;

Manhattan Raymond Delbert Johnson (C) Washington Elmer David Johnston (VM) ; Pomona Geraldine Joan Johnston (PE) ; Manhattan Glenn Vivian Joines (CE) ; Manhattan Dale Vincent Jones (GS) ; Junction City Hugh Jones (Ar) ; Horton Elbert Elvin Karns (AE) ; Bucklin Le Roy Francis Kepley (CE) ; Chanute Wayne Otho Kester (VM); Manhattan Clifford Wayne Kewley (AE) ; Stockton Walt er Elwood Keyser (EE) ; Maplehill

*Martin Murvin Kig r (AA) ; Washington Lawrence Wilford Kilbourne (EE) ;

Manhattan Paul A. Kindsvater (Ag) ; Hoisington Edna Alma King (HE) ; Manhattan Leslie R. King (CE) ; Manhattan Venice Marie King (GS) ; Olsburg Hester Ellen Kinkead (IJ) ; Troy Willis Francis Kipper (CE) ; Belleville Herbert H. Kirby (EE) ; Toronto Dorothy Elizabeth Klein (IC) ; Topeka Louis Dunham Kleiss (ChE) ; Coffeyville Millard Paul Knock (GS) ; Independence Fritz Gustave Knorr (PE) ; Manhattan

* James Gerard Koch (ChE) ; St. Joseph, Mo. Clarence Walter Koerner (CE) ;

Wellington Norma Evelyn Koons (HE) ;

Sharon Springs Elsa Dorothy Krause (HE) ; Manhattan Menno Philip Krehbiel (EE) ; Moundridge Aldun Glen Krider (Ar) ; Newton Lawrence Gilbert Kurtz (GS); Alton

*Edgar Colberg Laird (CE) ; Wichita Alonzo Lambertson (Ag) ; Fairview Charles Herbert Lantz, Jr. (GS) ; Manhattan

*Thelma Lois Large (PE) ; Protection Edna May Lawhead (GS); La Cygne Lesta Lolita Lawrence (M) ; Abilene Daniel Noel League (C); Wetmore Eugenia Leigh ton (HE); West Helena, Ark.

*Mildred Woodcock Leker (HE); Manhattan Pauline Ruth Lengquist (HE); Manhattan He'en Adams Lentz (PSM); Everest Miles Corrington Leverett (ChE);

Bartlesvi le, Ok1 a. Lawrence Lewis (EE) ; Hays John Eugene Lev (EE) ; Sharon Springs

*Helen Marie Lichty (HE); Sabetha Alice Charlotte Linn (HE); Clyde Jack Harris Linscott (EE) ; Manhattan Eugene Clifford Livingston (ME) ;

Hutchinson Esther Emma Lobenstein (HE) ;

Edwardsville George Wayne Long (IJ) ; Burlington Edith Marian Loomis (PSM); Osborne Charles Thomas Lorenz (C) ; Salina Forrest Coniver Love (VM); Manhattan Hugo Frederick Lucas (EE) ; Dodge City

Harold Frederick Luffel (C); Fort Scott

*Marjorie Nelson Lyles (PE) ; Saffordville William Jesse Lynn (Ag) ; Centralia William D. Lyon (Ag) ; Faulkner

Moan Berry Lytle (IJ); McPherson Aria Amelia McBurney (GS); Manhattan Alice Alene McCammon (IJ) ; Mankato

*Edith Louise McCauley (ApA) ; Coldwater Agnes Helen McCIaren (PSM); Galena Arthur Jesse McCleery (EE) ; Esbon Alice Louise McC'elland (IJ); Topeka

*Sarah Katherine McCiintock (GS); Wichita Harriet Elizabeth McConnell (HE); Cherryvale

*Raynard Edward McCormick (ME); Fort Scott

*R. Stewart McCoy (AA) ; Cedarvale Mayme V. J. McCrann (GS); Manhattan Mary Elizabeth McCroskey (HE);

Junction City Eugene Porter McCullev (EE) ; Beloit Marshal! S. McCulloch (C); Shawnee Orpha Olive McDaniels (HE); Scottsville

*Zu.a Gladys McDonald (HE); Grantville Hiram Temple McGehee (IC); Manhattan

♦Elizabeth Warren McGeorge (GS); Wellington Arthur Sidney Mclntire (ME);

Burlingame E. Pearle McKinney (PSM); Junction City Gladys Vera McKown (HE); Manhattan Conway McLeavy (C) ; Dwight Leona Irene Maas (PSM); Alma

*Christine Louise Madison (HE) ; Columbia, Mo. Dorothy LaVern Magee (GS) ; Goddard Helen Lovine Magee (PE) ; Goddard Carl Jacob Majerus (VM); Falls City, Neb. Vera Pearle Marietta (HE); Cawker City

*Minerva Emma Marlow (GS); Manhattan D. Madge Marteney (ApA) ; Hutchinson Howard Eugene Martin (Ar) ; Eskridge Jess Roland Mathias (CE); Manhattan

*Marjorie Agnes Mauzy (C) ; Atchison Victor Harold Meseke (CE) ; Manhattan Alvin D. Meyer (ME); Haven Alfred Maxwell Meyers (CE) ; Merriam HaroM Spencer Miller (ME); Kansas City Loyal J. Miller (AA) ; Lebanon Marion Francis Miller (ME); Norton

*Merna Beatrice Miller (HE); Kansas City Ruth Christine Miller (C) ; Palco Ruth Marie Miller (ApA) ; Minneapolis Walter Ford Mitchell (C) ; Manhattan Walter Rankin Mitchell (EE); Salina Olney Merle Mohney (AE); Sawyer Cloris Rex Molineux (EE) ; Goff Vivian Monson (C) ; Lindsborg Frederick Thomas Moore (ArE) ; Manhattan

May Fred Morgan (AA) ; Ottawa Olive Elfa Morgan (GS); Manhattan

*Thomas Daniel Morgan (CE) ; Kansas City, Mo.

*F ranees Morlan (PSM); Courtland Marjorie Eleanor Moulton (HE) ; St. George

*William Gottlieb Munz (ChE); Hudson Clyde Allen Munell (AA); Hopewell Charles Wilbur Naylor (EE); Burr Oak Ruby Eva Nelson (PE) ; Jamestown James Neville (CE) ; Coffeyville Clyde Newman (EE) ; Holton William Granville Nicholson (Ag) ; Neal James Andrew Nielson (AE) ; Spearville Alex Nigro (C) ; Kansas City Leon Fred Nixon (EE) ; Manhattan

♦Matriculated 1929-'30.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Juniors Continued.

Lawrence Bertram Noble (ME) ; Stockton

*Julia Anna Noell (GS) ; Syracuse Orville Arthur Noell (EE) ; Hartford Dale Leora Norris (EE) ; Raymond Dorothy Elaine Norris (C) ; Raymond Earl Conley North (EE) ; Marlow, Okla. George David Oberle (Ag) ; Carbondale Dorothy Lydia Obrecht (HE); Topeka Ida Elizabeth Osborn (GS) ; Clifton Marvin George Ott (EE) ; Madison

*Harold Owen (ChE) ; Douglass Robert Joseph Pafford (EE) ; Salina Edith Alice Painter (HE); Meade Clement C. Parrish (CE) ; Radium Gwendolyn Anne Paslay (ApA) ; Manhattan Lloyd Everett Patterson (EE) ; St. John Raymond Patterson (GS) ; Morrowville Nina Dorothea Paulsen (HE) ; Onaga Paul Eugene Pearson (C) ; Concordia

•Albert Arnold Pease (AA) ; Fort Scott Laurence Adolph Peck (AA) ; Soldier Mary Aleta Peck (GS) ; Council Grove

•Dorothy Weatherly Peery (GS) ; El Dorado Helen Jane Pembleton (GS) ; Ness City Alice Elizabeth Peppiatt (ApA) ; Ellsworth Lewis S. Perkins (Ag) ; Argonia Paul Chadwick Perry (ME) ; Manhattan

♦Eugene Forrest Peterson (EE) ; Yates Center Walden Richard Peterson (GS) ; Topeka Charles A. Pine (CE) ; Coffeyville

*Mary Irene Piper (HE); Garden City Frank Leslie Piatt (IJ); Davenport, Iowa Wilfred Emerson Piatt (PE) ; Manhattan Lucena Margaret Plummer (IJ) ; Newton

•Barbara Jean Pollock (GS); Topeka Dorine Helen Porter (HE); Stafford

•Mildred Aileen Porter (HE); Mount Hope Opal Mae Porter (HE); Stafford Frances Edna Potter (PSM); Natoma Frederick Gerald Powell (EE) ; Frankfort Horace Pierce Powers (A A) ; Junction City Frank B. Prentup (PE) ; Fort Riley Nellie Lucile Pretz (HE) ; Irving Clayton John Price (VM) ; Osage City Delmas Eugene Price (C) ; Wakefield Willet Jesse Price (VM); Liberty Don Glenn Purcell (ArE) ; Wichita Mildred Emily Purcell (PE) ; Manhattan Dorothv Raburn (GS) ; Manhattan Helen Marie Randall (PSM); Ashland Effie Grace Rasher (PE) ; Solomon

* James Chalmers Rayburn (CE) ; Newton Edris William Rector (C) ; Manhattan Willard Virgil Redding (Ag) ; Coffeyville Albert Leonard Reed (ArE) ; Cassaday James Kessi Reid (ME) ; Manhattan Earl Milton Regier (ChE) ; Moundridge Niles Franklin Resch (Ar) ; Independence, Mo.

*S. John Rever (EE) ; Parsons Alice Lou Rhea (HE) ; Larned Claude Marion Rhoades (ArE) ; Newton Harold Duane Richardson (GS) ; Long Island Thelma Gladys Rickey (GS); Phillipsburg Clark A. Rife (CE) ; Anthony Clarence Adam Rinard (Ar) ; Salina Esther Joanne Rockey (IJ) ; Manhattan Steven Samuel Roehrman (GS); White City Mabel Elsa Roepke (HE) ; Manhattan Ovella Mary Fay Rogge (HE) ; Muscotah Fred Madison Root (Ar) ; Medicine Lodge Everett Laurence Ross (EE) ; Ashland Vernal Charles Rowe (C) ; Dighton Lloyd Findley Roy (CE) ; Wilsey Iva Salinda Rust (HE) ; Junction City

Mabel Verbina Ruthi (HE) ; Bloomington Robert Jacob Rychel (EE) ; Downs Milton Ernest Saffy (AA) ; Alma Pauline Samuel (PE) ; Manhattan Mart Benjamin Sanders (EE) ; Marion Harry Clinton Sawin (EE) ; Waterville

•Flossie Evelyn Sawyer (HE) ; Kensington Matilda Amelia Saxton (PSM) ; Fort Scott Venita Grace Schade (PSM); Manhattan

*Donald Frederick Schafer (C) ; Fort Scott Dorothy Pauline Schermerhorn (IJ) ; Wilson Alva Marion Schlehuber (Ag) ; Durham Maxine Sophia Schorer (IJ) ; Clyde Elmer Philip Schrag (AA) ; Moundridge Ebur Samuel Schultz (Ag); Miller

•Hildred Schweiter (GS) ; Wichita James Foster Scott (IJ) ; Manhattan

*Lucille Scribner (C) ; Hutchinson Fred Andrew Seaton (IJ) ; Manhattan Mildred Elaine Sederlin (GS) ; Scandia Roy Nelson Selby (AE) ; Manhattan Gertrude Louise Seyb (HE) ; Pretty Prairie Clyde Shade, Jr. (IJ) ; Ottawa

•David Marion Shannon (C) ; Iola Karl Shaver (EE); Cedarvale

•Laurena Bertha Sheetz (HE); Wichita Estella Bernice Shenkel (GS) ; Geneseo Nina Sherwood (GS) ; Talmo Joe Henry Shepek (EE) ; Wayne Leota Isabella Shields (ApA) ; Ramona George Raymond Shier (AE) ; Gypsum Harold Henry Shomber (EE) ; Ottawa Leo Charles Short (ME) ; Norton Curtis Daniel Sides (EE) ; Lamar, Mo. Dorothy Elizabeth Simpson (Ar) ; Colorado Springs, Colo.

•Frances Harriet Simpson (IJ); McPherson Elvon Gilbert Skeen (PE) ; Eskridge Mina Mae Skillin (PE) ; Frankfort Helen Louise Sloan (IJ) ; Hutchinson Elbert Wendell Smith (C) ; Russell Francis Glenn Smith (C) ; Potwin

*Harold Larkin Smith (ChE) ; Parsons

*Helen Mildred Smith (IJ) ; Augusta Melvin Ernest Smith (EE); Concordia Roy Blanchett Smith (PE) ; Herington Dale Smith Snider (C) ; Abilene Maynard Harold Solt (IC) ; Manhattan Don Harvey Spangler (VM) ; Stanton, Neb. Bessie Loretta Sparks (HE) ; Kingman Raymond Guy Spence (C) ; Fairbury, Neb. Marie Elizabeth Sperling (GS) ; Manhattan Richard Kenneth Stahl (C) ; Kansas City Clifford A. Standley (EE) ; Lucas

*Mable Anna Steiner (HE) ; Moundridge Harlan Bennett Stephenson (LG) ; Iola William Emil Steps (CE) ; Halstead Clarence Walter Stewart (CE) ; Coldwater Eva Almeda Stewart (GS) ; Manhattan Hugh Leonard Stewart (AA) ; Vermillion James Leslie St. John (Ag) ; Louisville Esra Ervin Stockebrand (AA) ;

Yates Center Leah Angeline Stout (HE) ; Peabody Bennett Thorne Stryker (CE) ; Waterville Richard William Stumbo (Ag) ; Bayard Dale Suplee (VM) ; Council Grove Cleon Orel Tackwell (PE) ; Manhattan Philip Jesse Tatman (CE) ; Lucas Bruce Ross Taylor (Ag) ; Alma Harold Everett Taylor (IJ) ; Clay Center

•John George Taylor (GS) ; Parsons Katherine Edna Taylor (HE) ; Chapman Lot Forman Taylor (AA) ; Ashland

•Earl D. Tefertiller (ChE); Wichita

* Matriculated 1929- '30.

List of Students


Juniors— Howard Everett Tempero (GS) ; Broughton

♦Robert Eldon Teter (ME-1; GS-2); El Dorado

♦Vera Charlotte Thackrey (GS) ; Lyons Elmer Howard Thorn (EE) ; Oakley Dale Alfred Thomas (IJ) ; Ellsworth Jay Humphrey Thomson (C) ; Emporia Clyde Francis Thudin (EE) ; Mulvane Margaret Lucille Titus (HE);

Council Grove Esther Rozella Toburen (HE); Cleburne Glenn Edwin Toburen (M); Cleburne Wayne Tolley (EE) ; Delphos William Gilbert Towler (PE); Topeka Ruth Anna Tredway (GS) ; La Harpe Harold Everett Trekell (EE) ; Belle Plaine Alice Tribble (GS) ; Circleville Elliott Rodney Trull (VM) ; Padonia Selma Elin Turner (GS) ; Manhattan Clarence Correll Uhl (CE) ; Manhattan

♦Samuel George Unger (ChE) ; El Dorado Luella Cone Vanderpool (HE); Meade Helen Louise Van Pelt (PE) ; Beloit Olive Elsie Van Pelt (PSM); Beloit

♦Catherine Vaughn (HE) ; Garnett John Lee Vaupel (GS); Manhattan Richard George Vogel (C) ; Stuttgart Ralph Francis Vohs (PE) ; Osawatomie Ralph Richard Wagner (Ar) ; Emporia Juanita Kathryn Walker (GS) ; Valley Falls Otis Harold Walker (CE) ; Junction City Vera Isabelle Walker (IJ) ; Wakeeney Vesta Estelle Walker (IJ) ; Wakeeney Andrew Bernard Walsh (ME) ;

Kansas City Chester Joseph Ward (Ag) ; Osawatomie John Robert Warner (EE) ; Whiting Rodney Otto Warner (EE) ; Manhattan Frederick Henry Warnken (GS) ; Hutchinson


Aline Wegert (GS) ; Rice

Margaret Wegert (GS) ; Rice

Kenneth Albert Wehl (AE) ; Scottsville

Mabel D. Weir (HE) ; Newton

F. Henry Weirick (CE) ; Olathe

Ruth Weisser (HE); Paxico

Verne Elbridge Wesley (CE) ; Eureka

Frank Loy Westerman (EE) ; Wamego

Paul Charles Westerman (IJ); Wamego

Bernice Elizabeth Weygandt (HE); Keats

Kenneth Paul White (GS) ; Kingsdown

Fay Allan Whiteside (Ar) ; Neodesha

Max Wible (ArE); Caldwell

Ruth Alice Widestrand (GS) ; Topeka

Earl LaVerne Wier (Ag) ; Blue Mound

Ada Caroline Wiese (GS) ; Manhattan

Donald Wiggins (ArE) ; Lyons

Gertrude H. Wilber (PE) ; Belleville

Jesse Isiah Wilcoxen, Jr. (AE) ; Ford

*Leroy Albert Wilhelm (Ag) ; Arkansas City Carl Williams (AA) ; Dodge City Anna Marian Wilson (HE); St. George Edward William Wilson (VM); St. George Jerome W. Wilson (GS) ; Ashland John Lincoln Wilson (Ag) ; Geneva Martha Alice Wilson (C) ; Blue Rapids Herbert L. Winston (EE) ; S-tilwell Floyd Gerald Winters (AE) ; Oswego George Eugene Wise (EE) ; Wichita Chester Aaron Wismer (Ag) ; Pomona Beatrice Woodworth (HE) ; Corning Clair M. Worthy (CE) ; Wetmore Dorwin Clair Wright (Ag) ; Bronson Zint Elwin Wyant, Jr. (CE) ; Topeka Clifford Richard Yardley (EE) ; Hutchinson James J. Yeager (Ag) ; Bazaar Erville Elmo Young (ArE) ; Hutchinson

♦Josephine Young (PE) ; Junction City Flor B. Zapata (GS&V) ; Lawrence Grace Irene Zeller (HE) ; Manhattan Frank Zitnik (Ag) ; Scammon


Joseph Shirley Adams (Ag) ; Oak Mills Donald Adair Adell (CE) ; Manhattan Clarence Edward Ainsworth (CE) ; Elmo Vivian Forestine Albright (HE) ; Netawaka Merle Walter Alien (GS) ; Manhattan Ruth L. Allen (IJ) ; Parsons Sam Edward Alsop (Ag) ; Wakefield Clare Kenneth Alspach (C) ; Wilsey

♦Dallas Dale Alsup (Ag) ; Frontenac Alpha Harold Ames (Ar) ; Corbin

Trances Ida Amstutz (GS) ; Halstead Mabel Caroline Amthauer (HE) ; Dwight Harold Lee Anderson (IC) ; Manhattan John Edmond Anderson (IC) ; Belvue Lewis Keith Anderson (Ag) ; Cleburne Joye Ansdell (HE) ; Jamestown

"John Lawrence Armstrong (ArE) ; Salina Omo Arthur Attwood (IC) ; Randolph William Henry Auchard (CE) ; Manhattan Elden LeRoy Auker (PE) ; Norcatur Herbert Willard Avery (VM); Wakefield Donald Keith Ayers (EE) ; Manhattan Walter Worth Babbit (Ag) ; Willis James Lister Baird (Ag) ; Wellsville

'Dorothy Attal Baldwin (GS) ; Manhattan Dorothy Gertrude Barlow (HE);

Manhattan Donald Wynne Barnett (Ag) ; Gallatin, Mo. Everett Chlelen Barnett (CE) ; Manhattan Bertha Gesine Barre (HE); Tampa Vernon C. Bates (ArE) ; Garden City

Raymond William Bebermeyer (AA) ;

Abilene La Verne Dwight Behnke (Ag) ; Bushton

♦Mildred Eleanor Beil (ApA) ; Bavaria John Gregory Bell (Ag) ; Atchison Lawrence Marion Bell (ME); Selden Lawrence Charles Benne (CE) ; Washington

♦Earl Benjamin Benner (Ag) ; Weston, Mo. Jay Russell Bentley (Ag) ; Ford Esto Ray Berkey (EE) ; Hutchinson Dalys Lewis Berry (VM); Wilsey Lynn Nathan Berry (CE) ; Manhattan William Henry Berry (CE) ; Attica Martha Pearl Betz (HE&N); Enterprise Winifred Bickel (IJ) ; Kansas City, Mo. John Milan Biddison (EE) ; Manhattan Mary Katherine Bird (Ar) ; Hays

♦Opal Eleanor Birt (HE); Beloit Dean Francis Bishop (ME); Kendall Elmer Carson Black (PE) ; Utica

♦John Alexander Black (CE) ; Galena Ensly Dee Blackburn (CE) ; Anthony Philip Carl Blackburn (IC) ; Herington Gordon Ingraham Blair (C) ; Junction City Robert Overall Blair (Ag) ; Coleman, Tex.

♦Maxine Rose Blankenship (HE) ; Downs Major Guy Bliss (CE) ; Minneapolis Nellie J. Bloom (HE); Liberal Benny Wayne Blosser (ME); Caldwell Loyd Edwin Boley (VM) ; Topeka

♦Grace Louise Booker (HE) ; Clay Center

Matriculated 1929-'30.



Kansas State Agricultural College

*George Wiley Bookless (ME); Nickerson George Illingworth Boone (C) ; Manhattan

♦Astrid Anna Borg (GS) ; Marysville Vera Theresa Bowersox (Ar) ; Great Bend

♦Mildred Whitehead Bowles (HE); Walnut Neil Duane Bowman (Ar) ; Pawnee Rock

♦Theodore Edmond Bowman (Ar) ; Denver, Colo. Albert Henry Boyer (EE) ; Welda Fred Ewing Brady (EE) ; Topeka Howard Albert Brand (Ar) ; McPherson AValter E. Brandenburg (AA) ; Riley Agustin Younse Breeden (GS) ; Manhattan Clarence Eckhart Brehm (Ar) ; Wichita. Justina Veronica Brening (ApA) ; Burns

♦Noble Elmer Brewer (EE) ; Abilene Alice Katherine Brill (GS) j Westmoreland Carol Mildred Briscoe (HE) ; Cambridge Mary Esther Brittain (HE) ; Atchison Ruthford E. Brodie (ME) Manhattan Arthur Raymond Brodme , (EE) ; Sahna Robert Vernon Brown (EE) ; Manhattan Verdis U. Brown (ME); Larned Barbara Brubaker (GS) '.Manhattan Aileen Virginia Brunson (IJ) ; Dellvale John Arthur Bryan (C); Leoti Leslie Matthew Bryson (ChE); Abilene Margaret Iola Buck (ApA); Derby

*Burnill Howard Buikstra (GS) ; Cawker City Gladys Ruth Buikstra (HE) ; Manhattan Vance L. Burch (C) ; Manhattan Virgil Arthur Burfield (CE) ; Lyons Harry Dale Burkholder (CE) ; Wamego Leon Pennington Burris (C) ; Chanute Scott Burton (EE) ; Burlmgame Elizabeth Doris Butrum (HE); Holton Floyd William Caldwell (CE) ; Parsons Harold Vanevery Carlson (ME) ; Utica

♦Hugo Homer Carlson (CE) ; Lindsborg Twila Marie Carmony (HE-1; GS-2);

Manhattan Mary Latta Carney (C) ; Manhattan John Clarence Carter (Ag) ; Bradford Alfred Louis Casey (AE) ; Corning

♦Mildred Castleman (HE); Junction City Boyd Ralph Cathcart (Ag) ; Winchester Margaret Brooks Chaney (GS) ; Manhattan

♦Leland Randall Chapin (GS) ; Glasco James Percy Chapman (IJ); Manhattan Carl James Chappell (CE) ; Republic John Bertram Cheshire (VM) ; Hopkins, Mo. Edwin Roy Chesney (IJ) ; Wichita Ida Margaret Chitwood (HE); Menden Leonard William Christal (Ag) ; Manhattan Mary Kathryn Chronister (C) ; Topeka Raymond William Cilek (C) ; Jennings

♦Erick R. Claassen (ME); Newton Virgil Howard Clark (VM) ; Montrese

♦Marietta Cleland (PE) ; Whiting Donald C. Close (EE) ; Belleville Beth Cole (PSM) ; Norton Maxine Alice Cole (C) ; Norton Dema F. Coleman (HE) ; Manhattan Lester Estel Collier (FME) ; Ardmore, Okla. Ruby Leona Colony (IJ) ; Manhattan Margaret Louise Colver (PSB & O) ;

Manhattan Murray Devine Comer (EE) ; Muscotah Helen Josephine Cook (HE) ; Monument Morris Jackson Coolbaugh (CE) ; Natoma Lloyd Marion Copenhafer (LG) ; Manhattan Lucile Maude Correll (PSM) ; Manhattan James Delos Corrigan (C) ; Holyrood Mary Josephine Cortelyou (GS) ; Manhattan Sammie Prentis Cory (EE) ; Dodge City Lucile Marie Costello (HE); Carlton Grant Fuller Cottrell (VM); Andover Ferrol Eugene Cowan (C) ; Nickerson

Sophomores Continued.

Walter Ellis Crabb (Ar) ; Lebanon Mary Ellen Crabbe (IJ) ; Manhattan Dale Everett Crangle (CE) ; Mankato Marian Crocker (IJ) ; Manhattan Henry Oliver Cronkite (PE) ; Belle Plaine Alvin Warren Crooke (IJ) ; Great Bend Richard Jerome Crowley (Ar) ; Manhattan

♦Helen Jennings Culbertson (GS) ; Kansas City, Mo. Blanche Irene Curry (HE) ; Winchester Faigh Ruth Daigh (ApA); Ashland Sterle Ernest Dale (Ag) ; Protection Ward Edward Dale (ME); Topeka William Wesley Daniels (C) ; Ellsworth Roy Emanuel Danielson (EE) ; Manhattan

♦Georgia Maree David (HE); Bartlesville, Okla. George Hughes Davis (C) ; Manhattan Hilma Ruth Davis (HE) ; Manhattan

♦Louise Davis (HE) ; Nashville, Tenn. Thomas John Dawe (AA) ; Abilene

♦Aryles Howard Dawson (AE) ; Tulia, Tex. Ben Harrison Dean (VM) ; Manhattan Loua Marjorie Dean (GS) ; Manhattan Phares Decker (AG) ; Holton Ruth Ernestine DeWitt (HE);

Medicine Lodge Robert C. Dial (CE); Manhattan Marsden Hall Dice (Ar) ; Wichita Tom David Dicken (Ag) ; Winfield B. A. Dillard (PE) ; Manhattan Charles Eugene Dimon (VM) ; Manhattan Dale D. Dixon (CE) ; Norcatur Dick Albert Dodge (AA) ; Manhattan Iris Roberta Dodson (PSM); Silt, Colo. Gerald Michael Donahue (EE) ; Ogden Dorothea Helen Doty (HE) ; Cunningham Gladys Hope Dowd (IJ) ; Bayneville Dorothy Downie (PE) ; Grantville Lynn Emerson Drake (C) ; Natoma Truman Ben Drury (EE) ; Burden Robert Watson Dudley (PE) ; Manhattan Junia Louise Duffin (GS) ; Kingman Ethel Louise Dunn (HE) ; Oskaloosa James Phil Dunn (CE) ; Liberal Helen Gertrude Durham (M); Manhattan Keith Barber Dusenbury (Ag) ; Anthony Orin Dutton (CE) ; Jamestown Philip William Dutton (CE) ; Burlingame Max Leon Eaton (ChE) ; Colby Ethel Amelia Eberhart (Ar) ; Topeka

♦Rudolph Eugene Eberle (CE) ; Emporia Virginia Edelblute (PE) ; Manhattan Mildred Rae Edlin (HE); Herington Harold Edmondson (FME) ; Manhattan Anna Marie Edwards (GS) ; Athol Richard Laurence Edwards (ME) ; Meade Milton Ehrlich (C) ; Marion Oscar Sievert Ekdahl (Ar) ; Manhattan

♦Margaret Virginia Elder (HE) ; Hutchinson Glenn Leslie Ellithrope (AE) ; Russell James Clinton Ellsworth (Ag) ; Cherryvale

♦John W. Enns (EE) ; Newton

♦Dorothy Edith Ericson (GS) ; Salina Carl Hugh Errington (Ag) ; Ruleton Grace Elizabeth Eustace (GS) ; Wakefield Paul Eugene Fairbanks (PE) ; Topeka Laura Virginia Fairman (IJ) ; Manhattan Verona Anna Fark (GS) ; Greensburg James Severy Farmer (EE) ; Pratt Emma Lucile Farris (HE) ; Winchester Harold Ralph Fatzer (AA) ; Fellsburg Hubert Louis Fatzer (AA) ; Fellsburg Forrest Malcolm Faulconer (IC) ;

Clay Center Violet Sarah Feathers-ton (ApA) ; Quenemo Gerald Emerson Feldhausen (AE) ;

Frankfort G. Jean Ferguson (HE) ; Manhattan

* Matriculated 1929 -'30.

List of Students


SorHOMORES Continued.

Elsie Marie Fiechter (C) ; Robinson Elma Viola Filson (M) ; Scott City Eva Merle Filson (HE); Scott City Alice Louise Fincham (IJ) ; Pratt Lendall Kiple Firth (VM) ; Manhattan Ronald Walter Fleck (EE) ; Beloit Donald Murlin Flippo (AA) ; Abilene Wyona Myrtle Florence (IJ) ; Manhattan Robert Sheldon Florer (CE) ; Marion Oliver Elroy Flory (VM); Great Bend Max Frank Fockele (C) ; Ottawa

*Lyle A. Foland (ME); Coffeyville Kale Max Fones (AE) ; Kansas City, Mo.

♦Marjorie Forbes (HE); Columbus Anthony Dominie Fornelli (CE) ; Cherokee Curtis H. Foss (EE-1; C-2) ; Manhattan Leta Orvillene Foster (HE) ; Penalosa Feme Murray Frashier (PSM) ; Manhattan Frank Ryder Freeman (Ag) ; Kirwin

♦Sidney Maria Freeman (HE); Manhattan Keith Gerald Friel (C) ; Manhattan Edith Martha Fritz (HE); Manhattan Frank B. Fry (AA) ; Eureka Leonard Elvin Garrison (C) ; Manchester John Glynn Garver (AA) ; Abilene Elizabeth Gaston (IJ) ; Philadelphia, Pa.

-♦Fern Emeline Gaston (C) ; Wakefield John Lester George (VM) ; Mulberry Bernard Kenneth Geraghty (EE) ; Selden Robert Clyde Getty (ChE) ; Winchester Leah Myrtle Gibbs (IJ) ; S'pearviile Clarence Byron Gibson (IC) ; Douglass

♦Harold Gibson (EE) ; Altoona George Adamson Gillespie (Ag) ; Welda

♦Kathryn Gillihan (IJ); Gallatin, Mo. He'en Glunt (ApA); Garrison William Phillip Glunt (GS); Garrison Harold Alvin Goff (Ag) ; Manhattan Esther Isabelle Gould (HE); Manhattan Grace Gould (GS); Beloit

♦Lois Alta Graham (HE) ; Peabody Gerald Goodale Green (C) ; Norton Marian Mildred Greene (ApA); Lincoln Bertie Lester Greer (GS); Manhattan Ada Irene Gregory (PE) ; Woodston Howard Henry Gregory (CE) ; Ellsworth George Robbins Grimes (EE) ; Jetmore

♦Lloyd William Grothusen (Ag) ; Ellsworth Orrin F. Grover (IC) ; Manhattan Dorothy Belle Gudgell (IJ) ; Edmond Lloyd Oscar Gugler (Ag) ; Woodbine

♦Frank Wilbanks Gurney (CE) ; Independence Hazen A. Gustafson (EE) ; Abilene Paul Anton Haas (EE); Kansas City Lester Theodore Hagadorn (CE) ;

Manhattan Charles Tomas Hall (Ag) ; New Albany Lyman Monroe Hall (C) ;

Downers Grove, 111. Thomas Elliot Hall (Ag) ; Manhattan William Hall (ME); Lindsborg

♦Helen Margaret Halstead (GS) ; Manhattan Lewis G'enn Halverstadt (EE) ; Oxford Georgia Margaret Hamm (ApA); Humbolt Homer Joshua Hammond (EE) ; Osborne Frances Pearl Hampshire (HE); Manhattan

♦Virgiline Wilma Hanes (ApA) ; Augusta Carl Hansen (ME); Strong City Oscar Miles Hardtarfer (AA) ; Lawrence Harold Byron Harper (Ag) ; Manhattan Harold Percy Hartzell (VM); Manhattan

♦Ira Berton Haskett (EE) ; Parsons Russell Hastings (Ar) ; Atchison Louis Ernest Hay (EE) ; Clay Center Raymond William Hayes (VM) ; Manhattan

David A. Hays (IJ); Manhattan Lowell Doan Hazlett (EE); Bloomington.

Neb. Hal Thomas Heath (C) ; Enterprise Achille Charles Hebert (EE); Boley, Okla. Ivalee Beryl Hedge (HE); Manhattan Allen Richard Heidebrecht (EE) ; Buhler Alfred Helm (Ag) ; Chanute Willard Sandman Hemker (EE) ; Great Bend

*Charles T. Herring (Ag) ; Tulia, Tex. Lynn Bandy Hicks (ME); Oil Hill Inez Mildred Hill (HE); Topeka Harry Wilson Hinckley (PSB&O); Barnard Walter Clarence Hinkle (AE) ; Lucerne

♦William Haden Hobbs (CE); Oil Hill Esther Elzena Hobson (PE) ; Kingman Melvern Eugene Hodgson (VM); Hutchinson

♦Robert Lee Hodshire (ME); Coffeyville Raymond Kenneth Hoefener (ArE) ;

Leavenworth Willard Emmerson Hoffman (AA) ; Hope Loretta Alberta Hofman (HE) ; St. George Alfred Arnold Holmquist (CE) ; Manhattan Zadock Wayne Hook (Ag) ; Manhattan Otis Horchem (C) ; Ransom Seward Ellis Horner (GS) ; Abilene Otis Fearing Hornish (EE) ; Bucklin Sydney Will Hornsby, Jr. (VM) ;

Manhattan Floyd James Hoss (AA) ; Potwin Alvin Albert Hostetler (C) ; Hutchinson Helena Mae Hotchkiss (C) ; Concordia DeWitt Clinton Houck (AA) ; Americus Ruth Vivian Houghton (HE); Jamestown

♦James William Howard (IJ) ; Douglass Helen Phebe Howe (HE); Stockdale Genevieve Loban Hoyt (IJ) ; Manhattan Adolph Rudolph Hraba (FME) ;

East St. Louis, 111. Helen Mary Hughes (GS); Manhattan Edwin Louis Hulland (ME); Hollister, Mo. Fred Huntington (CE) ; Eureka Lloyd Wendling Hurlbut (AE) ;

Sylvan Grove James Lawrence Hurley (CE) ; Aurora Velma Good Huston (HE) ; Manhattan Adelaide Hutter (C) ; Cherryvale Kermit Roosevelt Huyck (AA) ; Morrowville Harold Thomas Hyde (ChE-1 ; C-2) ;

Wichita Kenneth Vernon Ingle (CE) ; Caldwell Luther Arthur Jacobson (Ag) ; Horton Pearl Elizabeth Jahnke (HE); Leonardville Leila Grace James (HE); Kansas City, Mo. Paul Leslie Jameson (Ag) ; Garrison

♦Amy Eva Jasperson (GS); Colby George Henry Jenkins (EE) ; Carthage, Mo. Elmer Roy Jenson (EE) ; Herington John Jay Jewett (CE) ; Halstead Earnest Mason Joerg (ArE); Randall Earl H. Johnson (AA) ; Norton Herbert Galloway Johnson (GS) ; Larned

♦James Tobin Johnson (C) ; Solomon

♦Joseph Claude Johnson (C) ; Russell Naomi Marie Johnson (HE); Oskaloosa Roland Justin Johnson (ME) ; Marysville Vern Waldo Johnson (ArE); Salina Winifred Laura Johnson (HE); Frankfort Zara Walter Johnson (C) ; Beeler John Hoffman Johntz (C) ; Abilene Anna Baker Jones (HE) ; Frankfort Elmo Elder Jones (CE) ; Manhattan

♦Frances Jane Jones (C) ; Kansas City

Matriculated 1929 -'30.


Kansas Slate Agricultural College

Sofhomores -Continued.

Louise Emma Jones (GS) ; Manhattan Mildred Irwin Jones (C) ; Clay Center Robert Reynolds Jones (GS); Clifton Taylor L. Jones (Ag) ; Garden City Wayne Le Roy Jones (AE-1 ; AA-2);

Talmage William Laurie Jones (VM); Manhattan John Willis Jordan (Ag) ; Claflin Paul Nick Jorgensen (EE) ; Stockton Mildred Bernice Julien (C) ; Wamego William J. Justice (ME); Olathe John Joseph Kackley (CE) ; Burrton Mildred Ruth Kadel (HE); Victor

♦Frank Kolm Keinoth (Ar) ; Emporia John Howard Kelly (C) ; Mayetta Lonnie Worth Kemper (EE) ; Wichita

*Goldie Merle Kennedy (ApA) ; Macksville George Raymond Kent (AA) ; Wakefield Russell Anthony Kern (GS); Junction City Oliver Willard Kershaw (AA) ; Garrison Keith James Kimball (AA) ; Nickerson Pattie Margaret Kimball (GS) ; Manhattan Tom Russell Kimball (GS); Manhattan Fay Kimes (EE) ; Dodge City Claude Lewis King (Ag) ; Olsburg George Wilson King (ME); Manhattan Mildred Kingsburg (PE) ; Herington

Ted Roosevelt McCandless (Ag) ; St. John A. Lucile McClaskey (GS) ; Manhattan

*George Max McClellan (CE) ; Glasco

♦Joseph Everett McClellan (AA) ; Topeka Vernita Rose McClelland (IJ) ; Topeka Harold LeRoy McClure (ChE) ; Kingman William Elroy McClurg (CE) ; Meriden Loretta Irene McCormick (IJ) ; Plainsville Zada Gayle McCutchen (PE) ; Kingman Wilbur McDaniel (GS) ; Michigan Valley Harold McElroy (CE) ; Randall

♦Don Thomas McKee (GS) ; Hiawatha Blanche Irene McMoran (ApA) ; Coldwater W. Loy McMullen (AA) ; Oberlin

♦Georgia Anne McNickle (C) ; Ashland Fred Elmo McVey (ME-1; AA-2);

Oak Hill Murt Francis Makins (Ar) ; Abilene Arvid Irwin Mall (C) ; Manhattan Carroll Manda (C) ; Dodge City

♦Helen Charlotte Mangelsdorf (HE); Atchison Dorothy lone Mannen (HE) ; Manhattan Merle Mark (HE) ; Abilene Benjamin Eber Markley (PSB&O) ;

Bennington Margaret Mary Marks (PSM) ; Ogden

Trancis Kirby Marston (C) ; Junction City

ivinaieu ivm^uuis v>~ '• 7rTn? Manhattan Frank Stephen Martin (ChE); Manhattan William Goodman Kirby (CE)j_ Toronto

Lawrence Dee Kirkman (C) ; Hays ♦Roy Charles Kirkpatrick (EE) ; Iola Norbert Julius Klinge (EE) ; Topeka Harold Kneeland (C) ; Council Grove ♦James Ravmond Knox (CE) ; El Dorado Benjamin Christ Kohrs (AA) ; Dillon Otho Merton Koontz (C) ; Jetmore Al Joseph Koster (ME); Manhattan Edwin Kotapish (GS) ; Irving Fred Short Kruger (Ag) ; Holton Theodore Andrew Kurtenbach (VM);

Lindsay, Neb. Dorothea Annette LaFollette (IJ); Manhattan ♦Malcolm Laman (GS) ; Manhattan ♦Julia Sirena Lamb (C); Blue Rapids Rachel Joy Lamprecht (IJ) ; Manhattan Florence Mary Landrum (GS) ; Effingham ♦Harold Melvin Lang (GS) ; Winfield ♦Benjamin Reight Lantz (LA); Salina Ernest Ira Largent (C) ; Oak Hill Frances Katheryn Marie Larson (HE) ;

Smolan John Russell Latta (Ag) ; Holton Minnie Marie Laue (HE); Lyndon Philip Ott Lautz (EE) ; La Junta, Colo. Howard Kenneth Learned (IC) ; Plevna Freda Nixon Leasure (GS) ; Topeka Olin Zebediah Leasure (ME); Boicourt Carolyn Alice Leonard (HE); Coolidge Murray Lesher (Ar) ; Manhattan Velma Liles (HE); Kingsdown Elizabeth Maris Lloyd (GS) ; Leavenworth ♦Nina Mary Lodge (HE); Wellington Carlton Edward Logan (CE) ; Quenemo Edward Wallace Lohman (IJ); Clay Center John Roger Long (ChE); Abilene Evelyn E. Longren (GS) ; Leonardville Harley Lawrence Lowe (ME) ; Powhattan Gilbert Victor Ludeman (EE) ; Anthony

Margaret Belle Martin (HE) ; Glasco

♦Mary Marie Martin (PE) ; Sterling Carl Jesus Martinez (EE) ; Manhattan Mildred Ruth Masden (PSM) ; Lenora Everett Raymond Mason (EE) ; Wakefield James Milton Mason (ME) ; Kansas City Margaret Maude Mathews (GS) ;

Manhattan Murray Edgar Matter (EE) ; Jewell Edna Estella Maxwell (HE) ; Manhattan William Henry Meissinger (Ag) ; Abilene Mildred Elnora Mellinger (GS) ; Milford

♦Joseph William Menzie (GS) ; Manhattan Stanley Taylor Merrill (EE) ; Abilene

♦Lawrence Paul Miles (ME) ; Independence Vera Jane Miles (GS) ; Jewell Albert Royce Miller (EE); Centralia Arch Earl Miller (A A) ; Cottonwood Falls Edith Frances Miller (GS-) ; Milford Grant Gould Miller (EE) ; Offerle Harry Carl Miller (GS) ; Manhattan Joyce W. Miller (Ag) ; Sycamore Verna Irene Miller (HE); Milford Zola Frances Miller (HE) ; Minneapolis Clark Carlvle Milligan (Ag) ; Boyle

♦Wilma Phebe Mills (GS) ; Frankfort John George Mogge (C) ; Goodland Luther Emanuel Monell (EE) ; Osage City

♦Freda Miriam Monfort (HE) ; Iola Charles Talmott Monteith (CE) ; Hoxie Leonard Howard Montgomery (Ag) ; Neodesha

♦Carol Elizabeth Moore (C) ; Ashland Hugh Isaac Moore (AA) ; Wakarusa Grace Selina Morehouse (GS) ; Irving Clark Leroy Morford (GS) ; Olsburg Alvin Morgan (Ag) ; Manhattan Lawrence Dale Morgan (Ag) ; Manhattan Marvin Bradford Morgan (AA) ; Manhattan

♦Marguerite Morris (HE) ; Paxico Eva Hope Morrison (HE) ; Manhattan

Arthur Conrad Lundgren (EE) ; Osage City Jared Barnette Morse (Ar) ; Manhattan

William Harold Lundry (ME); Arlington Sumner V. Lyons (GS) ; Lucas Warren Peer Lyttle (EE) ; Council Grove James Andrew McBride (CE) ; Seneca Mildred Katherine McBride (HE); Boyle John Everett McBurney (C) ; Manhattan

Gladys Mortensen (PSM) ; Everest Clarence Henry Moyer (AE) ; Hiawatha Grace Irene Mundell (HE&N) ; Nickerson ^Claire W. Munger (Ag) ; Hoisington Ralph Conrad Munson (Ag) ; Junction City

Matriculated 1929 -'30.

List of Students


Sophomores Continued.

Will Martin Myers (Ag) ; Bancroft Charles William Nauheim (Ag) ; Hoyt

♦Benjamin A. Neill (GS) ; Miltonvale Dorothy Belle Neill (ApA) ; Clay Center Jennie Joy Nelson (ApA); Manhattan Kenneth Elmer Netson (ArE) ;

Manhattan Ralph Wesley New (EE) ; Norcatur Edwin Mahlon Newman (CE) ; La Crosse Mary Vivien Nickels (GS) ; Manhattan

♦Margaret Nolan (HE) ; Larned Harold Leroy Nonomaker (AA); Osborne

♦Harriet te Juanita Norton (IJ) ; Kalvesta Evelyn Jean Nuzman (IJ) ; Manhattan Gretchen Ellen O'Conner (HE); St. John Lillie Clara Olson (HE); Manhattan Carl Gerhardt Ossmann (ArE); Concordia Dale Oswalt (AE-1 ; AA-2); Little River Marion Corydon Oursler (C) ; Newton Roberta Lee Oursler (IJ) ; Circleville Harold Weekley Overbey (Ag) ; Winfield

♦Neil Welton Owen (CE); Fort Riley Carol Lee Owsley (GS) ; Manhattan Chester Anson Paige (VM); Aurora, Mo. Clifford Arthur Palmquist (EE) ;

Concordia Ralph Berthard Parker (ChE) ; Broughton

♦Sybil Maurine Parks (PSM) ; Parsons Luella Gertrude Parrott (HE);

Manhattan Glen Frank Patton (VM) ; Cawker City

♦Leonard William Patton (Ag) ; Newton Eugene J. Peltier (CE; Concordia Paul Clutter Perry (CE) ; Little River Robert Bruce Perry (IC) ; Manhattan Raymond Louis Peters (ME) ;

Leavenworth Vera Linnea Peterson (ApA) ; Gypsum Elmer Petsch (ME); Waterville Thomas Marshall Petty (IJ) ; Manhattan Robert Emil Pfuetze (GS) ; Manhattan Kenneth Dale Phelps (ME); Pratt Marion Edgar Phillips (CE) ; Scott City Robert Phillips, Jr. (Ag) ; Joplin, Mo. Edna Irene Pieplow (HE); Hutchinson Lorenza Dow Pierce (AE) ; Scranton Lawrence Bryan Pilcher (PE) ; Glasco Wallace Henderson Piper (ArE) ;

Fort Scott Dale Franklin Pocock (C) ; Atlanta Lucile Posey (PE) ; Larned Charles Edwin Powell (LG) ; Frankfort Cornelia Jane Prather (C) ;

Excelsior Springs, Mo. Laurence Allen Pratt (C) ; Manhattan John Jesse Province (AE) ; Manhattan George Lee Pryor (C) ; Salina Esther Clarabel Quenzer (HE) ; Bazine Emerald Glenn Rader (CE) ; Severy Emma Evelyn Rathbone (GS) ; Manhattan Mary Josephine Ratliff (C) ; Manhattan Pearl Playback (Ar) ; Goodland

♦Royce Sudendorf Rearwin (ME); Salina Donald Reber (EE) ; Manhattan Leonard Abbott Rees (Ag) ; Abilene Earl Hubert Regnier (AA) ; Spearville Holly Marks Reichart (C) ; Valley Falls

♦Wilma Elizabeth Reinhardt (HE); Bison Charlotte Louise Remick (PE) ; Manhattan Harlan Cromer Rhodes (C) ; Manhattan Laurence Walter Rice (CE) ; Parsons Garfield Richard (I J) ; Topeka

♦James Munroe Richardson (AE) ; Port au Prince, Haiti Helen Sophie Richt (VM); South Omaha, Neb.

♦Jean Rickenbacker (IJ) ; Turlock, Cal.

Carl Jay Riggs (EE) ; Clayton Eugene Ellis Rippey (Ar) ; Ellis Joseph Alexander Ritchie (Ag) ; McLouth Ivan Everett Roberson (C) ; Abilene June Roberts (AE); Ford ♦John Bissell Roberts (AA) ; Manhattan Ralph Edwin Roderick (CE); Manhattan Lyla Sophia Roepke (HE); Manhattan Roland Cribner Rogler (AA) ; Manhattan Ray Carl Rohrdanz (ChE); Bala Karl William Root (C); Topeka Theodore Joseph Rostocil (EE) ; Zurich Clyde Eugene Row (IC-1 ; AA-2); Larned Harold Thomas Rowland (AE) ;

Clay Center Dorothy B. Rude (HE); Great Bend Anna Marie Rueschhoff (HE); Grinnell ♦Henry Ruff (ME); Newton Emily Olive Rumold (M) ; Herington John Howard Rust (VM); Manhattan ♦Roy Herman Same (ChE); Topeka Victor Henry Saffry (AA); Alma Ray Fred Sanders (PE) ; Manhattan Loretta Mave Sawin (HE) ; Waterville Mary Elizabeth Sayre (HE); Manhattan Norma Harriet Sayre (HE); Ingalls Karl Marion Scanlan (ME); Agra John Seaton Schafer (ME);

Del Norte, Colo. Mary Ellen Schafer (HE); Manhattan John Will Scherzinger (C) ; Ransom Martha Louise Scheu (HE); Clay Center Dallas Glenn Schmidt (EE) ; Lorraine Fred F. Schmidt (VM) ; Junction City J. Clifford Schmidt (CE) ; Syracuse Leon Schmutz (ME); Chanute Robert Allen Schober (Ar); Manhattan ♦Dorothy May Schooler (HE);

Kansas City, Mo. Forrest Leroy Schooley (C) ; Hutchinson Marlin Charles Schroder (GS) ; Olivet Eunice Alvina Schroeter (HE); Ellenwood Charles Henry Schruben (C) ; Stockton LaVelle Robert Schruben (EE) ; Dresden Nick John Schumacher (VM) ;

Granville, Iowa Henry John Schwartz (CE) ; Hanover Marvin Rudolph Scranton (EE) ; Ulysses Emily Alberta Seaburg (PSM) ; Manhattan William Elden Seagraves (C) ; Topeka Walter Bell Sexton (EE); Garden City Floyd Henry Seyb (AA) ; Pretty Prairie Kenneth Leroy Shay (CE) ; Miltonvale ♦Lydia Marian Sellors (LA-1; LG-2);

Fort Worth, Tex. Ralph William Sexton (EE) ; Neodesha Jerome Anthony Shaffer (GS) ; Simpson Leslie Maurice Shaw (ME); Bloomington Wyatt Ellett Shelor (AE) ; Dodge City ♦Ayleen Hartzell Shenk (GS) ; Manhattan Emma Frances Shepek (HE); Narka Charles Laurence Shepherd (C) ;

Harveyville William Humphrey Shivel (EE) ; Galena Oliver Wendell Shoup (AA); Udall Virgil William Siebert (ME);

Pretty Prairie Gal vesta May Siever (PE) ; Manhattan Ruth Elizabeth Silkensen (PE) ;

Dell Rapids, S. Dak. Loula Marie Simmons (HE) ; Manhattan Josephine Nell Skinner (HE) ;

North Topeka Kelso Wilton Slaughter (ME-1 ; C-2);

Manhattan Leland Milton Sloan (Ag) ; Leavenworth

Matriculated 1929- '30.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Sophomores Continued.

Frieda A. Sloop (HE); Lyndon

*Myrtle Marie Smedley (GS) ; Gretna Elizabeth Ann Smerchek (HE) ;

Cleburne Joseph Daniel Smerchek (Ag) ; Garnett Libbie Ann Smerchek (HE) ; Garnett

*Charles Robb Smith (Ar) ; McPherson Daphyne Vivian Smith (HE) ; Manhattan Frank Lynn Smith (IC) ; Manhattan Gerald Francis Smith (C) ; Manhattan Hobart Muir Smith (GS) ; Bentonville, Ark. Mildred Marie Smith (HE); Manhattan Walter Bruce Smith (ME) ; Hoisington

*Ralph Owen Snelling (Ag) ; West Point, Ind. Paul Francis Snyder (EE) ; Elkhart Edna Mae Socolofsky (C) ; Tampa Lela Vale Sourk (PSM) ; Goff John Henry Sours (EE); Manhattan Jane Sparr (PE) ; Ellsworth

* James Grey Speer (ME); Olathe Genevieve Miller Stanley (EE) ; Manhattan Z. Roy Stanley (EE); Manhattan Lewis Alvin Stapp (EE) ; Norton

*Quentin Jerome Stein (EE) ; Parsons Elden Russell Steinsass (EE) ; Concordia Laura Esabel Stepanek (C) ; Cuba Alvin Howard Stephenson (Ag) ; Clements Dorothy Claire Stevens (GS);

Medicine Lodge Charles William Stewart (AE) ; Hunter

*WiIbur Charles Stewart (ME); Harland Russell Stoker (CE) ; Morrowville

*Geoffery Donald Stoltz (ME); El Dorado Mona Valeria Stoops (GS) ; Bellaire Fred Storz (VM) ; Kansas City

*Eugene Bristol Stotts (EE) ; Manhattan Ruby Roberta Stover (GS) ; Kansas City- Edith Elizabeth Streeter (GS); Wakefield lone Strickland (GS); Manhattan Ida Sarah Studt (PSM); Glasco Harold Howard Stump (AA) ; Blue Rapids Harold Leroy Sturdevant (ME) ; Chanute Karl J. Svaty (CE) ; Ellsworth

*Orva Lucille Swafford (HE); Cullison Santos Dumont Swancy (EE) ; Kansas City Price Kenneth Swartz (AA) ; Everest

*Roland Harold Swenson (CE) ; Cimarron

*Edward Henry Tabb (CE) ; Oil Hill Harry Joseph Tannehill (Ag) ; Broughton Elmer Alexander Taylor (AE) ; Solomon Mark Mowell Taylor (Ag) ; Harveyville Marvin Howard Taylor (EE) ; Downs Lewis Whitney Teall (IC-1 ; LG-2);

Larned John D. Tedrow (C) ; Medicine Lodge Helen Theodora Teichgraeber (HE) ;

Marquette George Baldridge Telford (C) ; Manhattan Floyd Leonard Tempero (CE) ; Broughton John Franklin Thackrey (IJ) ; Manhattan Howard Irwin Thaller (VM) ; Manhattan Ruth Thomas (M) ; Baxter Springs Chester Gordon Thompson (Ag) ; Randolph William Sims Thompson (EE) ; Topeka Willis Alexander Thomson (VM); McCune Edith Catherine Thummel (IC) ; Leaven- worth Lovell Thurow (AE-1 ; Ag-2); Macksville Mary Louise Thurow (M); Macksville Vernell Ellsworth Thurston (EE); Delphos John Herman Tietze (CE) ; Kansas City Alvin Paul Timmons (ME-1 ; AA-2) ;

Geneseo Lee Toadvine (AA) ; Dighton Mayme Thelma Toburen (ApA) ; Cleburne

Irene Lillice Todd (HE) ; Topeka Corabelle Tolin (GS) ; Havensville Helen Tolin (PE) ; Havensville William Norton Tomlinson (ChE) ;

Heber Springs, Ark. Elta Marie Tompkins (HE) ; Byers T. Kyle Tomson (CE); Dover Gladys Clara Tonn (PSM); Haven Joseph Edward Torkelson (PE); Everest Ruth Sarah Tracewell (HE); Lincoln Allen Tucker (C) ; Ottawa Dell William Turner (EE) ; Holton Roland F. Turner (EE) ; Manhattan Ernest Julius Underwood (CE) ; Topeka ♦Howard A. Van Doren (ME) ; El Dorado Clea Maurine Van Meter (ApA) ; Ada Arthur Frederick Van Meveren (VM) ;

Orange City, Iowa Fred Lewis Van Scoyoc (ME); Oak Hill ♦Christine Eloise Vaughan (HE); Scott City Beatrice Petrinella Vaught (HE) ; Plains Robert Vernon Vaupel (GS-1); Manhattan William Dale Vawter (ME); Liberty Oliver Rodger Vignery (C) ; Concordia Hadley Herman Voights (AA) ; Kansas City Georgie Frances Voshell (HE) ; Bucklin Lloyd Loomis Vrooman (ArE);

Independence Leo Conrad Wacker (EE) ; Leavenworth Henry Castle Walbridge (AA) ; Russell *Dent McCalmont Walker (GS); Anthony Fred Henry Walker, Jr. (Ag) ; Salem, Mass. Helen Frances Walker (IJ) ; Manhattan Mary Catherine Walker (HE); Manhattan *Paul Benson Walker (Ar) ; Wichita Cecil Newton Walter (CE) ; Kingman Virgil Howard Walters (ME); Centralia *John Edward Wampler (AA) ; Garden City Doris Aileen Wapler (GS); Wakefield Charles Fayette Ward (GS) ; Pratt Louise Ware (HE); Fairbury, Neb. Larrv Oneil Washington (ArE); Kensington Alva S. Watson (VM); Oakley *Ramona Ernestine Weddle (GS-1; ApA-2); Lindsborg Russell True Weirick (Ar) ; Olathe Haro'd Rowe Weller (PE); Olathe *Ethel Sue Wells (GS) ; Manhattan Eugene L. Wells (EE) ; Meriden Everett Homer Wells (ChE); Turon Ivan Lee Welty (CE); Hill City Dick Estes West (EE) ; Hartford Elsie Mae West (GS); Manhattan Sydney Francis Weybrew (EE) ; Wamego Harry Clifton White (ME); Kansas City *Marcia Jane White (C); Kansas City, Mo. Delta Nadine Whitmore (ApA) ; Manhattan Herbert Justice Whitney (ME) ; Utica Wayne Clark Whitney (Ag) ; St. George Max Allen Wickham (C) ; Manhattan Maxine Wickham (PE); Manhattan George Samuel Wiggins (PE) ; Lyons Leon Clifford Wilcoxen (ArE) ; Ford Ernest Sherman Wild (PE) ; Wilsey George Frank Wilev (ME); Chanute *Otis Earl Wiley (EE); Manhattan Harold Roy Williams (CE) ; Valley Falls William Everett Williams (ME); Neodesha *Lois A. Williamson (HE); Manhattan *Clare Wilson (GS-1; HE-2); Onaga Robert Jerome Wilson (C) ; Manhattan Claude Chester Winchell (ME-1; C-2);

Winfield Florence Thelma Wineinger (HE); Norwich *Estelle Winters (GS); Onaga Jo Marie Wise (PSM); Manhattan

* Matriculated 1929 -'30.

List of Students


Eleanor Womer (GS) ; Agra

John Dewey Woodruff (CE) ; Dodge City

Alfred Eugene Wooster (EE) ; Erie

*Harry Bush Wooten (AE); Liberal William Worthington (CE); Turner Walter Irvin Wright (C); Larned Helen Katherine Wyant (PE) ; Topeka Fred George Wyatt (ArE) ; Kansas City

♦Harold Everett Yenzer (CE) ; Saffordville

Sophomores Concluded.

Mary Irene Yoder (GS) ; Manhattan John Dean Youle (Ag) ; Winfield George William Young CO; Paola Laurence Walter Younkin (GS) ; Wakefield Delia Evangeline Zeigler (HE); Abilene Iva May Zimmerman (GS); Simpson Bertha Annetta Zimmers (ApA); Hiawathas Catherine Eva Zink (HE); Lincoln Harold Anderson Zirkle (EE) ; Berryton


Erwin Abmeyer (Ag) ; Grantville *Cirilo Lagmay Adam (Ag) ; Sison, P. I. ♦Lola Mae Adams (HE); Dodge City *Leonard Rusco Adler (EE) ; Goddard

Max Bruce Ainsworth (Ag) ; St. John *Clifford Lankford Alcorn (EE) ; Ionia *Pearl Mareta Alexander (HE) ; Norcatur ♦Robert Joseph Alexander (ArE) ;

Independence, Mo. *Gayle Derwood Allen (VM); Shelton, Neb. *Velma Dorothy Allen (HE); Liberty ♦Carl Dwight Allmon (ME) ; Kingsdown

* Juliana Amos (M) ; Manhattan ♦Junior Donald Amos (CE) ; Latimer ♦Bemice William Anderson (VM) ;

Springfield, Mo. *Clarence Hobert Anderson (AA); Richland ♦Edna Evelyn Anderson (IJ); Wichita ""Leslie Elvira Anderson (C) ; Concordia ♦Marion Charles Anderson (GS) ; Moscow ♦Olin Alvin Anderson (VM); Reynolds, Neb. ♦Dosie Lee Andrews (HE) ; Kansas City *Homer Derrington Anshutz (EE) ; Healy ♦Lawrence Alfred Antenen (C) ; Bazine *Nelle Geraldine Arbuthnot (ApA ;

Lake Alfred, Fla. *Everett Asjes, Jr. (LG) ; Kansas City, Mo. *Clarence William Ater (Ag) ; Fort Scott *Katherine Burt Avery (Ar) ; Ashland ♦Thomas Burt Avery (Ag) ; Coldwater ♦Lois Louise Avis (HE) ; Fostoria ♦Helen Evelyn Axelton (HE&N); Manhattan *Fred Ernest Ayers (Ag) ; Estancia, N. Mex.

Guy William Ayers (ME); Pratt ♦James Richard Ayres (C) ; Greenleaf

Mark J. Babb (C) ; Lebanon ♦Ruth Maxine Babbitt (HE); Miltonvale ♦Lewis Harold Bacon (Ag) ; Sylvan Grove ♦Margaret May Bacon (Ar) ; Wellington

* Albert Kilian Bader (ArE) ; Junction City *Myron Albert Bailey (ME) ; Syracuse

William A. Baird (Ag) ; Topeka ♦Kenneth Baker (EE) ; Harper

* Merle Ivan Baker (PE) ; Winfield *Janette Ina Ballagh (HE) ; Oskaloosa *Lu Roy Ballard (CE) ; Almena ♦Dale Everett Barkalow (EE) ; Burden

Loraine Metta Barrett (PE) ; Topeka *Albert Lee Barton (C) ; Filer, Idaho *Robert Laverne Barton (C) ; Filer, Idaho *Arthur Paul Baxter (PE) ; Little River ♦Don Francis Beach (ME) ; Chanute ♦Glen Gerald Beal (Ag) ; Eureka

Leslie Richard Beard (ArE-1; C-2) ; McPherson *Carl Crawford Beeson (GS); Wamego *Kenneth Gordon Behrends (ME) ; Randall ♦Don Wilton Belisle (EE) ; Miltonvale *Frances Elaine Bell (HE); Marysville *Grace Anna Bell (M); Beverly *Hayden Ellwood Bemis (C) ; McPherson *Kenneth Urbon Benjamin (EE) ; Deerfield

Newton Lee Bennett (CE) ; Norton

♦Herman Theodore Beninga (GS) ; Bala *Martha Bruik Benninga (GS) ; Bala

Kenneth Bentz (C) ; Peabody *Dale Berger (ME) ; Burlingame ♦Gale Berger (Ar) ; Burlingame *Robert Charles Berger (AA); Douglass ♦Robert Treat Berry (Ag) ; Atchison *J. Ralph Bert (LA); Abilene *Robert Charles Besler (ME); Manhattan ♦Joe Anthony Bieberly (IJ); Spearville ♦Margaret Doreen Bierman (HE) ; Kensington

Wayne Gordon Billings (Ag) ; Jetmore *Dale Lafe Bivin (VM); Glasco ♦Loren Cleatus Blackburn (VM) ;

Norman, Neb. ♦Blanche Louise Blair (GS); Manhattan ♦Fenton William Blake (PE) ; Glasco ♦Leslie Marion Blake (GS) ; Glasco ♦Hazle Florence Bland (HE); Garden City ♦Elmer Red Blasdel (CE) ; Belle Plaine ♦John Thomas Blasdel (ME-1; Ag-2);

Sylvia ♦Douglass Arthur Bly (EE) ; Pierceville

Edith Irene Bockenstette (C); Sabetha ♦Helen Ruth Bocock (C) ; Wilsey ♦John William Bogart (C) ; Tescott ♦Raymond Arthur Boles (Ag) ; Liberal ♦Thomas Leonard Bond (VM);

Cumberland, Iowa ♦Forrest Edmund Booth (Ag) ; Fairview ♦Perle Lewis Bottger (ChE) ; Belleville ♦Patricia Capsey Boult (C) ; Manhattan

Josephine Alberta Bouse (HE); Ottawa ♦Mildred Margaret Bower (HE); Norton ♦Fred Virgil Bowles (Ag) ; Walnut ♦Donald Houts Bowman (AgE) ; Manhattan ♦George William Boys (EE); Linwood ♦Alice Marguerite Bozarth (M); Lenora ♦Ferrell McClellan Bozarth (AgE); Lenora

Forest Clifford Braden (C) ; Eureka ♦Marjorie Vera Bradley (PE) ; Manhattan ♦Doris Mae Bramwell (PSM); Concordia ♦Mabel Rebeca Brasche (HE) ; Volland ♦Fred William Braun (EE) ; Galena

Merle Dutton Breeding (VM) ; Herkimer ♦William Raymond Brenner (C); Manhattan *Veva May Brewer (IJ); Wichita ♦Helen Bernadine Bright (PSM);

Little River ♦Robert Clyde Briix (EE) ; White City ♦Joseph Emil Brinkman (EE) ; Americus ♦Carrol Wright Brooks (PE); Manhattan ♦Bartos Burton Brown (AA) ; Osborne ♦Cecil Gaylord Brown (ME); Herington ♦Charles Gabriel Brown (Ag) ; Osborne ♦Edna Brown (ApA) ; Fort Scott ♦Homer Ryland Brown (EE) ; El Dorado ♦Kenneth Sanford Brown (CE) ; Lewis ♦Maurice Emerson Brown (ME) ; Herington ♦Richard Carlton Brown (ArE); Hill City ♦Rita Brown (PE) ; Edmond ♦Robert William Brown (Ag) ; Fall River

♦Matriculated 1929-'30.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Freshmen Continued.

*Russell Earnest Brown (Ag) ; Ashland *George Harold Brummer (C) ; Tipton ♦Allen Vincent Brunke (VM) ; Campbell, Neb. Ralph Young Buchanan (CE) ; Marquette ♦Lester Ramond Buell (GS); Nickerson ♦William Allen Buell (Ag) ; Topeka

Marvin Almanza Burd (GS) ; Clyde *David Minford Burgess (C) ; Oswego *Alva Neill Burns (Ag) ; North Topeka Bun William Burnside (Ag) ; Garden City Edith Marian Burt (HE); Manhattan Vester Marion Butts (ME); Norton ♦Earle Conrad Byers (ME); Manhattan ♦Henry Rudolph Byers (CE); Hoxie ♦Franklin Alfred Cain (ME-1; PE-2); Chanute Olyn Danford Calhoon (ME); Manhattan Don Thomas Campbell (CE) ; Topeka ♦Marcine Dorothy Campbell (PE) ; Hollis ♦Dorothy Ruth Canham (PE);

Kansas City, Mo. ♦Cyril Anthony Carberry (VM) ;

Buffalo, N. Y. ♦Carrol Obert Carlgren (AgE) ; Scandia ♦Cecelia Barbara Carlson (HE); Manhattan ♦Lyle Carmichael (C) ; Manhattan ♦Jack Carr (ArE); Salina ♦Glen Allen Carriker (EE);

Kansas City, Mo. ♦Nelda Marian Carson (IJ) ; Morganville ♦Albert Earl Carter (ME); Ulysses ♦Merrill Levern Carter (ChE) ; Smith Center ♦Leroy William Carver (CE) ; Junction City ♦Fairy Kathryne Casey (GS-1 ; HE-2);

Glasco ♦Francis Willard Castillo (Ag) ; McCune ♦Gerald Arthur Caufield (GS) ; McLouth ♦Joseph Leo Cavanaugh (VM); Esbon Merle Vernon Chase (1C-1; VM-2) ; Manhattan ♦Charlotte Maude Chatterton (HE);

Admire ♦Willard Martin Cheney (EE) ; Abilene Emerson Dwight Chilcott (AA) ; Manhattan Henry Chiles (Ag) ; Silver Lake ♦Lester Raymond Chilson (Ag) ; Oberlin ♦Loraine Chrisman (C) ; Hutchinson ♦Blanch Lucille Christensen (HE); Bushong ♦Eunice Sarah Christenson (HE) ; Olsburg ♦Donald Christy (AE); Scott City ♦Dorothy Mabel Christy (HE); Scott City ♦Mary Lou Clark (PE) ; Burr Oak

Henry Louis Clarke (EE) ; Troy ♦Myron Grover Clausen (Ag) ; Alton ♦Harry Donald Clawson (VM) ; Hartford ♦Carl Andrew Cleek (ME); Olathe ♦Herbert William Clutter (Ag) ; Larned ♦Allene Cochrane (C) ; Manhattan ♦John Grover Coe (ME); Council Grove ♦Raymond Joseph Cohorst (Ag) ; Marysville Laurence Len Cole (PE) ; Cedar Robert Cole (EE) ; Wetmore ♦Lea Rae Collett (PSB&O) ; Manhattan ♦Elery Lowe Collins (Ag) ; Fontana ♦William Vaughn Combs (Ag) ; Linn ♦Ida Emma Comstock (C) ; Fort Scott ♦Grace Caroline Conger (PSM) ; Ionia ♦Wilrher I. Conger (VM); Ionia ♦Ralph Martin Conrad (IC) ; Manhattan ♦Paul Wesley Converse (GS); Pawnee Rock

Ned Dennis Conrow (Ag) ; Manhattan ♦Dorothy Louise Conwell (PE) ; Potwin ♦Helen Beulah Cook (GS) ; Bucklin

Herbert Derwood Cool (C) ; Manhattan ♦Henry Charles Cooley (CE) ; Stockton ♦John Robert Cooper (Ag) ; Humboldt, Neb.

♦Bessie Maybelle Copper (GS); McDonald ♦James Lamar Corbin (Ag) ; Washington ♦William Law Corkill (GS) ; Dover ♦Manly Everett Cornwell (Ag) ; Bushong ♦Earl Clark Coulter (Ag) ; Willis ♦David Perry Course (PE) ; Abilene ♦Gertrude Alice Cowdery (GS) ; Lyons ♦Verne Willard Cowell (GS) ; Fairbury, Neb. ♦Joel Frank Cox (Ag) ; Goodrich

Donald K. Coy (EE); Deerfield ♦Glenn W. Crabb (ME); Colby ♦Robert Norman Craft (Ag) ; Latham ♦Ronald Kenneth Cram (PE) ; Bird City ♦Audrey Louvina Cramer (HE) ; Webber ♦Edward Richmond Crans (EE-1; C-2);

Lenora ♦Dwight Edward Crawford (ME);

Dodge City ♦Mary Elizabeth Crawford (HE); Madison

Lowell Creighton (GS); Manhattan ♦Edward Everett Criner (C) ; Wamego

Marian Carolyn Cross (IJ); Manhattan ♦Stanley Emil Cummings (C) ; Coldwater ♦Gerard Vincent Cunningham (C) ;

Wellington ♦Isabel Clara Cunningham (IJ) ; Manhattan

Burdell E. Curl (EE); Bartlett ♦Esther Ruth Curry (HE); St. Francis ♦Ray Curry (VM) ; Selma ♦Francis Elizabeth Curtis (GS) ; Frankfort ♦William Edward Curtis (C) ; Wichita

James Riley Custer (LA) ; Manhattan

Harold Amos Daily (Ag) ; Waverly

Richard B. Dale (Ag) ; Stafford ♦James Chester Dalgard (CE) ; Manhattan ♦L]oyd Henry Dal ton (C); Fort Scott ♦Sydney Glen Dalton (C) ; Dodge City ♦Earl Clifton Daniels (C) ; Westfall ♦Laurence Robert Daniels (CE-1; Ag-2);

Haigler, Neb. ♦Earl Anstem Davidson (Ar-1 ; C-2);

Cimarron ♦Floyd Ewing Davidson (Ag) ; Madison ♦Lysle A. Davidson (EE) ; Bucklin ♦Paul Hughes Davies (Ag) ; Delphos ♦Marvin David Davis (Ag) ; Rossville ♦William DeOzro Davis, Jr. (ChE);

McPherson ♦Milbern Harry Davison (CE) ; Concordia ♦Myron Winterstein DeGeer (EE) ;

Lake City ♦Vaughn Eugene DeGeer (AE) ; Lake City ♦Salvador Baldonado Delia (Ag) ; Santa Maria, P. I.

Orville Frederick Denton (Ag) ; Denton ♦Bertus Johannas Deters (GS) ; Cawker City ♦Leonard Idenire Dfevore (IC) ; Narka ♦Mary Helen Dick (GS); Little River ♦Hilma Nadine Dickinson (HE); Udall ♦Oliver Henry Dilsaver (EE); Kensington

Louis James Dittemore (CE) ; Manhattan ♦Leo Bernard Dixon (EE) ; Severy ♦Louis Elmer Dobson (LA); Manhattan ♦LaVerne Hamilton Dodd (EE) ; Parker

William Lovejoy Dole (CE); Almena ♦Alfred Loyd Dorman (ME); Lucas ♦Calvin Elmer Dornberger (As:) ; Talmage

Devere Delos Doty (AA) ; Cunningham ♦Sandy D'oubleday (GS) ; Selden ♦Orva Harrison Douglas, Jr. (ME); Courtland

♦Abbie Kay Downey (ApA) ; Manhattan

♦Avis A. Downey (GS) ; Manhattan ♦Maurice Edgar Downing (AA) ; Deerfield

♦Melba Mae Doyle (HE); Eskridge Lowell Miles Drake (C) ; Natoma

♦Howard A. Drew (EE) ; Rolla

Matriculated 1929-'30.

List of Students


•James Drew (EE) ; Rolla ♦Wallace Reed B'udley (EE) ; Goodland ♦Harold Arthur Duffy (AE) ; Vermillion ♦Maurice Leland DuMars (IJ) ; Agra *George Wallace Duncan (Ar) ; Topeka ♦Laverne John Duncan (Ag) ; Bushong

Kenneth Wayne Dunnington (ME); Elmont ♦Grand Canapa Duquling (VM) ;

Concepcian, P. I. ♦Florence Durham (HE); Randall ♦Glenn Wane Durrell (ME) ; Bartlesville, Okla ♦Max Vernon Dyerly (C) ; Pratt ♦Richard Francis Eads (Ag) ; Cullison ♦Robert Morris Eakins (CE); Topeka ♦Louis Bion Earle (VM) ; Washington ♦Wilnia Annabelle Eastman (HE & N) ;

Whiting ♦Charles Kesler Ebert (ChE); Salina ♦Glenys Edna Ebright (HE) ; Lyons

Freshmen Continued.

♦William Robert' Friend (ArE) ; Randall ♦Wilbur Clyde Frisbie (IC) ; Bonner Springs ♦Theodora Fritze (HE&N); Strong City ♦Dwight Dalbey Fulkerson (AE) ;

Jerseyville, 111. ♦Elcye Olive Gaddie (HE) ; Wellington ♦Frank Gaddie, Jr. (Ag) ; Bazaar

Harold Henry Gaines (ArE); Peabody ♦Harry Winston Ganstrom (Ar) ; Hollis ♦Harry Bertram Garard (Ag) ; Olivet

Eugene Louis Gardiner (Ag) ; Oxford

George Donald Garner (C) ; Hiawatha ♦Robert Elmer Garvin (Ag) ; Ogden ♦Clarence Henry Gatch (C) ; Hope

Ward A. Gibbs (C) ; Topeka ♦Wayne Virgil Gibbs (AA) ; Gem

Walter Coleridge Gill (VM); St. Johns, B. W. I. ♦Margaret Flora Gillespie (HE); Harper

John Lawrence Edie (ME-1; C-2); Merriam *Harriet Cordilla Gilson(GS); Manhattan

♦Barbara Anne Ehrman (HE) ; Howard ♦Margaret Virginia Eiler (C) ; Oberlin ♦Lester Clayton Ekberg (Ag) ; Alma, Neb. ♦Kenneth Joseph Ekdahl (C) ; Manhattan ♦William Mervan Elliott (VM) ; Emporia ♦Gene Ellis (CE); Council Grove

Harold Ward Ellis (Ag) ; Coldwater ♦Frances Evlynn Ellsworth (IJ) ; Formoso

Gerald Franklin Ely (EE) ; Spivey ♦Clyde Emmerson Emel (Ag) ; Winona ♦Laurence Ivan Engdahl (CE) ; Marquette ♦Darwin Russell Enochs (ArE); Randolph ♦James Russell Epperson (ME); Hutchinson ♦George Erdtmann (EE) ; Ellsworth ♦Andrew Brian Erhart (Ag) ; Timken

♦Garold Elton Ginder (IC) ; Dodge City ♦John Kenneth Glasscock (CE) ; Moline ♦Charles Kenneth Glenn (AH&V) ;

Sharon Springs ♦Nona Bernice Goff (GS) ; Bucklin

William Rollie Gohn (ME); Protection ♦Jack Going (ME) ; Topeka ♦Emery Atwood Good (PSB&O) ; Manhattan ♦Parker Bryant Goodman (ArE) ;

Independence, Mo. ♦Linn Alvin Gore (ME); Bushton ♦Elmer Ellsworth Gorman (VM);

Creston, Neb. ♦Gladys Graham (GS) ; Emporia ♦James Delbert Gray (IJ) ; Randall

Andrew £nan urnan ^Agj; iimKen "Dorothy Elizabeth Green (HE); Whiting

Reuben Carl Erwin (EE) ; Kansas City, Mo. *Ernest Varren Green (EE) ; Concordia

♦Gilbert Dale Green (C) ; Norton

♦Eteward Hilton Estes (ME); Topeka ♦Charles William Evans, Jr. (EE) ;

Washington ♦Charles Vern Everett (ME) ; Longford

William Exline, Jr. (C) ; Kipp ♦Robert Clifton Eychner (ChE) ; Jewell ♦Pearl Allene Fanning (IJ) ; Holton ♦John Allen Farnham (C) ; Abilene ♦Glen Orlin Farrar (ME); Burlingame

Edith A. Fear (HE&N); Clay Center ♦Verla Lucile Feldhausen (HE) ; Frankfort ♦Glenn David Ferguson (EE) ; Gridley ♦John M. Ferguson (EE) ; Bazine ♦Burton Carl Filken (Ag) ; Wilsey ♦Elmer Fred Finke (VM) ; Buckner, Mo. ♦Mabel Rosalind Fisher (HE) ; Mahaska ♦Charles Emil Fisher (Ag) ; Cuba ♦Francis Eugene Fisher (C) ; Cedarvale ♦Leonice Marie Fisher (HE); Fort Scott ♦Vera Marie Fisher (HE) ; Fellsburg ♦Willa Genevieve Fiser (HE) ; Bennington ♦Hazel Dee Fix (HE); Bird City ♦Richard Winston Fleming (C) ; Manhattan ♦Fred Franklin Fletcher (AA) ; Bucklin ♦Frances Ann Fockele (PSM) ; LeRoy ♦Thalia Follmer (GS) ; Buffalo ♦Gordon Edward Foltz (C) ; Belle Plaine ♦Maxine Elizabeth Fones (ApA) ;

Kansas City, Mo. ♦Kenneth Edward Foote (VM) ; Chase ♦Hazel Vivian Forbes (PE) ; Eureka ♦Gerald James Ford (CE-1; C-2); Solomon ♦LaVare June Fossnight (C-l ; HE-2) ; Ottawa

Joseph Freman Foster (Ag) ; Topeka

*Glenn Sylvester Fox (Ag) ; Rozel

Rockwell N. Greene (Ag) ; Lincoln ♦Ruth Marjorie Greene (PE) ; Beverly ♦Howard Leslie Gregory (Ag) ; Lawrence ♦Arthur Louis Gribben (AE); Gypsum ♦Paul Wilson Griffith (Ag) ; Edmond

Wava Eula Grigsby (HE); Attica ♦Arthur Groesbeck, Jr. (C) ; Manhattan ♦Richard Leo Groody (C) ; Washington ♦Rose Katherine Grossardt (PSM); Claflin ♦Ida Natalie Groves (HE); McPherson ♦William Upton Guerrant (C) ; Manhattan ♦Robert Henry Gump (VM) ; Abilene ♦Maurice Lee Gunn (ME); Great Bend ♦Frank Wilson Gwinn (ME);

Falls City, Neb. ♦Mary Sue Haas (IJ) ; Arlington ♦William Thomas Hacker (Ag) ;

Medford, Okla. ♦Dorothy Hadsell (IJ) ; Manhattan *Charles Adrian Hageman (Ag) ;

White Cloud ♦William Hagstrom, Jr. (EE-1; C-2);

Lindsborg ♦Milo Franklin Hahn (C) ; Clay Center ♦Alice Lucille Hakl (HE); Stanton, Neb.

John Lowell Hakl (VM) ; Stanton, Neb. ♦Jack Fredrich Hall (C) ; Council Grove ♦Mabel Lillian Hall (GS) ; Kensington

Thelma Lucille Hall (HE); Utopia ♦Bernard Eugene Hammond (EE) ; Salina ♦Leo Jeremiah Hammond (GS) ; Manhattan

Marvin Harvey Hammond (C) ; Great Bend ♦Loren Allen Hammond (GS) ; Great Bend ♦John Hamon (Ag) ; Valley Falls

John Edward Haney (C) ; Topeka

♦Sidney Lorenz Franz (AgE-1 ; Ag-2) ; Soldier ♦Oran Andrew Harger (EE) ; Oberlin

♦Marian Frances Freedlun (Ar) ; Chanute ♦Marvin William Freeland (EE) ; Effingham ♦Geraldine Mabel Freeman (HE) ; Hamilton ♦Beulah May Frey (HE); Elmdale

♦Hal Charles Harned (GS) ; Manhattan ♦Kermit Harris (EE) ; Peabody ♦Helen Hettie Harrision (HE); Burden ♦George Bertrand Harrop (C) ; Manhattan

Matriculated 1929 -'30.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Freshmen Edward Lynn Hartley (AA) ; Manhattan ♦Frederick Baker Hartman (Ar); Horton *Zonald Clark Hartman (ChE) ; Lvons *John Craton Hartung (PSB&O) ; Parsons *Mary Elizabeth Harvey (C) ; Harveyville ♦Harry Larry Hasler (PE); El Dorado Hoyt Vincent Hatfield (C); Belle Plaine Ruth Esther Haughawont (PSM) ; Onaga Irving Bennett Hawk (Ag) ; Effingham George William Hawks (PE) ; Holton Donald Quentin Haws (PE) ; McPherson Eugene Haro'd Heck (VM); Carthage, Mo. *wan? M Say, Heckendom (EE); Cedar Point

Wilbur Gould Heer (ME) ; Manhattan *K" -J* A^,aymond Hein (Ag) ; Washington *5aVl,AII^nTHen:ey (AA): Eureka Earl Claud Henry (ME); Chanute Samuel Wilson Hepworth (GS) ;

Kansas City, Mo. *LoweIl Vance Hermon (ArE) ; Dighton Max Powell Hickman (Ag-1; FSC-2) Kirwin ♦Ruth Dorothy Hickok (HE); Ulysses ♦Charhne Vee Hill (ApA) : Horton Joseph Glenn Hilyard (IJ) ; Severy Keith Harry Hinchsliff (Ar) ; Kensington Thomas CI ark Hinkle (Ag) ; Carbondale Newton Lowell Hinkson (ME); Halstead *™& Allce Hodgs°n (GS) ; Little River Mable Virginia Hodgson (HE); Little River Robert Milton Hodgson (Ag) ; Little River Rexford Daniel Hodler (AE) ; Beloit Lawrence Chester Hoener (ME); Preston Marlin Shafer Hoffman (GS) ; Wilsey Grace Dawson Hofsess (LA); Partridge John Collins Hofsess (CE-1; PE-2)-

Mexico, Mo. ♦Leor Virgil Hogg (EE) ; Manhattan C Raymond Hoglund (Ag) ; McPherson Glen Arnold Hoglund (CE) ; Miller *Hilton De'as Hollembeck (Ag) ; Ingalls Earl Finley Hollenshead (C) ; Neosho Dorothy Louise Holm (HE); Dwight Harvey Collins Holm (Ag) ; Dwight *Donald Max Holmes (EE); Augusta

Horace Alvin Holmes (IJ); Eureka ♦Mary Holton (HE); Manhattan George Leslie Honstead (GS); Watervil'e John William Hood (CE); Washington Kathenne Virginia Hooven (C); Westmoreland *Orville Wareham Hopkins (EE) ; Augusta ♦Ralph Horchem (C) ; Ransom *Karl Frederick Horn (ArE); Russell *LaVona Ruth Horner (HE); Fellsburg ♦VerLee Ona Hotz (C); Dodge City Mack Wesley Householder (C) ; Clay Center *Mary Caroline Houser (IJ) ; Wooster, Ohio ♦Philip Clay Houston (AA); Elgin *Claude Henry Houtz (As); Abilene *Clair Louis Howard (CE) ; Clyde ♦Darrel Ervin Hubbard (C) ; Minneapolis ♦Gail Leonard Hubbell (Ag) ; Bellefont *Clarence Preston Hubbs (ME) ; Manhattan ♦Wilham Ben Hudelson (EE); Attica ♦Claude Hudson (VM) ; Gothenburg, Neb.

Harlow Krnyon Hudson (VM); Manhattan ♦Raymond Hickman Hughes (GS) ;

Manhattan ♦John Robert Hughey (CE) ; Junction City ♦Imogene Muriel Hugunin (C) ; Kirwin ♦Boyd Henry Hull (Ar) ; Concordia ♦Walter George Hume (Ar) ; Arkansas City ♦Harry McDowell Hunt (C); Chiilicothe, Mo. James William Hunter (Ag) ; Irving


♦John Mark Hurd (VM); Pawnee, Neb ♦Howard Kendal Hynes (EE) ; Arlington ♦Sue Washington Irons (HE);

Winter Haven, Fla. ♦George Raleigh Irvine (AE) ; Stafford ♦Frank Arthur Irwin (Ar) ; Manhattan ♦Una Juanita Irwin (HE); Waterville ♦William Francis Irwin (ArE-1; VM-2);

Wilsey ♦Conley Gordon Isenberg (VM); Manhattan ♦Louta Lucille Ives (HE-1; IJ-2);

Mount Hope ♦Frances Marie Jack (PSM); Russell ♦Roberta Amelia Jack (PE-1 ; ApA-2); Russell Arlie Virgil Jackson (AE) ; Lenora ♦Warren Cowan Jackson (ME) ; Nickerson ♦Frank Jacobs (ME); Quenemo ♦Jack Edwards Jacobsen (EE); Attica ♦Verland Thomas Jahnke (GS); Woodbine ♦Harry Douglas James (EE) ; Rossville ♦Hazle Marie James (ApA); New England, N. Dak. Olive Catharine James (HE) ; Wetmore ♦Ralph Wilson James (EE) ; Rossville ♦Victor Harold Jefferies (ArE); Kiowa ♦Paul William Jenicek (AE) ; Holyrood ♦Isabel Bettv Jenkins (HE); Holton ♦Mark Edwin Jennings (Ag) ; Eskridge ♦Rex Mortimer Jennings (C) ; Hoyt ♦Allan Francis Johnson (EE) ; Manhattan ♦Arvid Theodore Johnson (Ag) ; Miami, Fla. ♦Charles Edward Johnson (Ag-1; PE-2);

Belpre ♦Irving Mauritz Johnson (EE); Smolan

Jay Bernard Johnson (C); Olsburg ♦Kathryn J. Johnson (GS) ; Abilene ♦Leora Caroline Johnson (HE) ; Brookville ♦Myrtle Helena Johnson (GS); Concordia ^Raymond Arthur Johnson (Ag) ; Yates Center Wendell Wilbur Johnson (C) ; Axtell ♦Jack Arnold Johnston (C) ; Junction City ♦William Asa Joines (IJ); Clyde

Walter Newman Jolley (CE) ; Manhattan ♦Harold D. Jones (GS) ; Augusta ♦Lawrence Delmer Jones (GS) ; Manhattan ♦Lenore Elizabeth Jones (PE) ; Chanute ♦Walter James Jones (ME) ; El Dorado ♦He' en Shell Joseph (HE); Kirwin

Richard Hulett Jurden (VM); Manhattan ♦Isabelle Ruth Kaine (ApA) ; Wamego ♦Earle Laurance Karr (C) ; Troy ♦Charles Manuel Kastner (VM) ; Manhattan ♦D'Vere Kay (EE-1; PSB&0-2) ; Morland ♦Mary Elizabeth Keegan (HE-1; GS-2);

Great Bend ♦Sylvester Harwood Keller (AE) ; Newton

James Vincent Kelley (Ag) ; Chapman ♦Louis Arthur Kelly (Ag) ; Manhattan ♦Elna Ralph Kennedy (VM) ; Chase ♦Charles Harry Kent (AE) ; Wakefield ♦Earle Lewis Kent (EE) ; Carthage, Mo. ♦Wilbur Warren Kent (ME) ; Beloit ^Dorothy Jane Kern (HE) ; Leavenworth ♦John Elwood Kerr (Ag) ; Craft ♦Joel Piatt Kesl <>r (EE) ; Overbrook ♦Howard Luther Kester (VM); Cottonwood Falls Yum Sur Kim (Ag) ; Shanghai, China Jay Grant Kimball (IJ) ; Manhattan ♦Inez Vera King (PE) ; Junction City ♦Thomas Clair King (GS) ; Oakley ♦Carl Lawrence Kirk (C) ; Newton

William Harold Kirkpatrick (GS) ; Webber ♦Lucia Mabel Kirkwood (HE) ; Leavenworth ♦Maurice Raymond Kirkwood (Ag) ; Natoma


Matriculated 1929- '30.

List of Students


Fresh men Continued.

•Frank Edward Kiser (CE) ; El Dorado •Robert Hayman Kissick (ME); Kansas City *Darwin Bruce Kissinger (CE) ; Beloit ♦William George Klein (ChE) ; Halstead May B. Kline (ChE) ; Dodge City •Edwin Knapp (EE) ; Winona *Clovis Lee Roy Knecht (GS) ; Leona •Everett Carl Kniestadt (Ag) ; Home *Zora Lee Knox (HE) ; Emporia *James Douglass Kohler (CE) ; Herington *Velma May Koontz (C) ; Jetmore *Ada Leah Kraus? (GS) ; Marysville *Adin Elmer Krause (ME); Hutchinson *Edith Emma Krause (GS); Marysville •Lilly Anna Krause (GS) ; Marysville *Louise Frances Krauss (HE-1; IJ-2); » Topeka Waldo Ottive Kretzmeier (Ar) ; Manhattan •Harold LeRoy Kugler (Ag) ; Abilene Vaughn Lacey (PE) ; Sharon Springs •Wilbur Eugene Laird (CE) ; Wichita *Russell Laman (GS) ; Rice *Kenneth George Lancaster (ME) ;

Junction City •Robert Francis Lang (PE) ; Denver, Colo. *Roger Andrew Lang (GS-1 ; Ag-2);

Denver, Colo. *Gladys Carrie Langdon (GS) ; Lebanon *Merriam Marvin Langmade (IJ) ; Oberlin •Melvin Earl Lantz (EE) ; Madison

Ralph Vernon Larkin (Ag) ; Admire *Loyt Leland Lathrop (EE) ; Burlington •Raymond Price Latimer (Ag) ; Topeka •Harry Edward Lattin (EE) ; Gypsum •lrvin Dale Lawman (EE) ; Severy •Beulah Mae Leach (HE) ; Bird City •Bernard Roy Leak (AA) ; Colby

Lawrence Cecil Learned (Ag) ; Plevna •Raymond Dale Lee (EE) ; Pratt •lrvin Arthur Lehman (ME) ; Halstead •Lorraine Lucille Lemon (HE) ; Douglass •Norvelle Nielson Lemon (EE-1; IJ-2);

Douglass •Berney Hallonquist Lesher (CE) ;

Dodge City *N. Clyde Lewis (PE); Topeka Charles M. Light (Ag) ; Liberal Eugene Michael Lill (CE) ; Mount Hope •Theodore Russell Lilyhorn (GS) ;

Bertrand, Neb. •Russell Allen Lindley (Ag) ; Hill City •William Hautecoyne Lindley (VM) ;

Vicksburg, Miss. •Frank J. Linenberger (EE) ; Victoria •Dorothy Edna Linge (HE) ; Topeka •Claude Earl Livengood (AE) ; Kinsley •Urban Monroe Lodge (ChE) ; Wellington •Lillian Marie Lohmeyer (PSM) ; Bern •Clark Henderson Long (ME); Haddam Willard Shull Longabach (CE) ; Wakarusa Cled Dempsey Loper (ME); Dewey, Okla. •Hazen Clyde Love (Ag) ; Wilsey •Charles Herbert Lovitt (Ag) ; Centralia •Gerald Lowell (IC) ; Hollis •Otto Walter Ludloff (VM) ;

Honolulu, T. H. •Henry Norbert Luebeke (EE) ; Marysville •Rhodoric William Lumb (GS) ; Wakefield •Virgil Ferderand Lundberg (EE) ; Falun

Ruth Devouta Lutz (HE); Manhattan •Margaret Anna Lynch (HE) ; Hutchinson •Alvena McArm (HE); Okemah, Okla. •James Milton McBeth (Ar) ; Abilene Lester LoVerne McBride (VM) ; Manhattan Francis Dean McCammon (Ag) ; Oronoque •Ruth McChesney (PSM); Luray

•John Roscoe McClintock (CE) ;

Hamilton •Clifford Edward McClure (AE-1; Ag-2);

Republic •Thyra Corrine McClure (ApA) ; Manhattan •John Pierce McClurg (GS) ; Meriden •Nellie Edith McConnell (ApA) ; Dodge City •Wayne John McConnell (GS); Auburn •Hal H. McCord, Jr. (ArE) ; Manhattan •Richard B. McCord (LA); Manhattan •Ralph Erving McCormick (EE) ;

Arkansas City •Margaret Elizabeth McCoy (GS) ; Meriden •Hiram M. McCullough (IC) ; Mulberry •Frank Clemens McCurdy, Jr. (GS) ;

Leavenworth •Ivan Earnest McDougal (EE) ; Chardon

Willard Lawrence McFillen (EE) ; Athol •Edna Fern McGill (HE-1; GS-2); Moscow •Allen William McGinness (Ag) ; Lincoln •Velmer Wayne McGinnis (VM); Ords, Neb. •Mary Rosetta McKean (HE); Scott City •Velma Dorthy McKee (ApA); Spearville •Emily Mae McKenzie (PE) ; Plainville •Robert Tulloss McLean (AA-1; VM-2) ;

Ottawa •George Miles McLenon (Ag) ; Monrovia

Marvin Albert McMinimy (AA) ; Ashland •Ruth McNally (ApA); Olathe •Everett John McNay (Ag) ; Clay Center •Quentin Dalbert McNergney (C); Seneca •May Louise McNiff (ApA) ; Manhattan •Robert Fred McNitt (Ag) ; Washington

Louise Madsen (M); Natoma •Tyson Harvey Mailen (ChE);

Cottonwood Falls •Alice Marie Maixner (GS) ; Wilson •Dorothy Lorraine Maltby (PE) ; Canton •Clarence Lingard Mann (CE) ; Dodge City •Grace Sadie Mann (GS) ; White City •James Leonard Mann (AE) ; Quinter

Robert Franklin Mannen (C) ; Manhattan •Ralph Ernest Marken (Ag) ; Topeka

Merrill Manning Marshall (C) ; Manhattan •Wayne Stalnaker Marteney (C) ; Hutchinson •Arthur Ray Martin (ChE); Sabetha

Robert George Martin (EE) ; Leavenworth •Wilber John Martin (IJ); Broughton •Lorraine Virginia Martinson (PE-1; HE -2); North Topeka

Roy Marion Martz (CE); Liberal •Lawrence Norbert Marx (CE-1; GS-2);

Manhattan •Earl Henry Massengill (AE) ; Caldwell •Harold Ross Matheny (ME-1 ; IJ-2); Douglass

Irl McClellan Mayden (GS) ; Manhattan •Floyd James Mayer (CE) ; Wetmore •Hester Leonell Mazy (HE); Bryan, Tex. •Hazel Marie Mead (HE) ; Manhattan

Challis Walter Meagher (IJ); Wamego (deceased) •Ruth Marie Mears (HE) ; Simpson •Kenneth Gerald Medley (EE) ; Hill City

Ben L. Meibergen (CE) ; Downs •Gordon Clarence Raymond Melgren

(EE-1; GS-2); Olsburg •John Alden Meredith (CE) ; Auburn •William Jerrold Meredith (C) ; Hill City •Anton C. Mermis (EE-1; C-2) ; Gorham •Victor Therom Merryfield (IC) ; Minneapolis

Jess F. Merryman (CE) ; Topeka •Josephine Elizabeth Merryman (ApA);

Topeka •Donald Kenneth Meyer (CE) ; Topeka

* Matriculated 1929-'30.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Freshmen Continued.

*Wiley Wilbert Meyer (Ar-1; Ag-2) ; Bazine *John Wesley Meyers (C) ; Merriam *Lloyd William Michael (PE) ; Lawrence *Julius Carl Michaelis (GS) ; Paxico ♦Murray Samuel Mikesell (VM) ; Republic *Arvena Mildred Miller (PSM); Manhattan *John Ivan Miller (Ag) ; Prescott *Kenneth Byron Milliken (CE) ; Tecumseh James Martin Mills, Jr. (CE) ; Kansas City Frank Missimer, Jr. (C) ; Russell ♦Irene Catherine Missimer (GS) ; Manhattan ♦Catherine Beatrice Mitchell (C) ; Concordia ♦Ralph Emen Mitchell (Ar) ; Manhattan Loyal Ray Mock (ME) ; Osborne Fred William Moehlman (C) ; Manhattan ♦Mary Ida Molby (HE); Greenleaf ♦Orville Bertrand Moody (Ag) ; Ogden ♦Gilbert Carlyle Moore (Ag) ; Louisburg Raymond Benjamin Moorman (GS) ;

Manhattan *Margaret Naida More (GS) ; Glen Elder ♦Neal Francis Morehouse (IC-1; CE-2);

Manhattan ♦Virgil Idmire Morey (GS) ; Narka ♦Etna Faye Morgan (GS); Hugoton ♦Lee Thomas Morgan (Ag) ; Hugoton *Mildred Elaine Morgan (PE) ; Smith Center *Wade Lawrence Morgan (Ag) ; Phillipsburg ♦Alfred Less Morris, Jr. (Ag) ; New Albany *Earl Frederick Morrison (PE) ; Colby ♦Dorothea Mable Morse (HE) ; Wichita *Ethel Clarine Morton (HE); Coldwater ♦Amos William Mosher (AE) ; Lucas *Richard Edward Moss (Ag) ; Coats *"Buard Loree Motes (ME); Scottsville *Marvin Rodney Motes (AE) ; Scottsville Florence Erma Mott (HE);

Webster Grove, Mo. *George Frederick Mueller (Ag) ; Hanover *Karl Muenzenmayer (AA) ; Woodbine *Howard Muilenburg (C) ; Palco ♦William Clarence Muirhead (VM) ;

Bradshaw, Neb. *Kenneth Calvin Mulliken (Ag) ; Topeka *Esther Laura Mundell (M) ; Nickerson *Bessie Glea Munson (GS); King City, Mo. Gaylord Russell Munson (Ag) ;

Junction City ♦Fred Immanue! Munz (EE) ; Hudson ♦Vera Lois Murphy (ApA) ; Detroit *Clarence Bredette Murray (C) ; Nickerson ♦Henry Lower Muth (GS) ; Washington *Ella Augusta Naylor (ApA) ; Cimarron *Robert Bennett Neihart (CE) ; Lyndon ♦Frances Maude Neill (GS) ; Clay Center *Joseph P. Neill (Ag) ; Miltonvale

Harold Milton Npllams (ME) ; Potwin *Isabelle Elizabeth Nelson (PSM); Delphos *Lucille Velma Nelson (PE) ; Jamestown ♦Raymond Maurice Nelson (EE) ; Troy ♦Roy Addison Nesbit (Ag) ; Ottawa Hampton Nett (Ag) ; Edwardsville *Charles Schomp Nevius (ME); Paola ♦Harold Redmond New (AE) ; Lenexa ♦Merta Louise Newcombe (ApA) ;

Hutchinson ♦Rollin Allen Newcombe (Ag) ; Manhattan ♦Clifford Franklin Newell (CE); Abilene ♦John Walter Newton (CE) ; Winfield

Bonnidelle Nicholson (HE) ; Olathe ♦Joseph Fedelis Nieberding (VM) ;

Marysville ♦Arthur Benjamin Niemoller (EE) ;

Wakefield ♦Walter William Niemoller (Ag) ; Wakefield ♦Lucy Ermine Nixon (HE); Manhattan

♦Galen Wiley Nolder (EE); Dodge City ♦Raymond Norman (EE) ; Halls Summit Sidney Bertrand North (Ar-1 ; C-2) ;

Marlow, Okla. ♦Stephen Duane Northup (EE-1; C-2);

Quinter ♦Don Leroy Nutter (IJ) ; Republic ♦Axel Reynold Nydell (EE); Cleburne

Wilber Enoch Oberg (IJ) ; Manhattan ♦Kathryn Mary Offerle (HE); Dodge City ♦Chester Francis Ogan (VM) ; Madison ♦Orin Relis dinger (GS-1; AE-2); Hugoton ♦Wayne Edward Olson (EE) ; Junction City ♦Frieda Marie Oltjen (HE); Leona ♦Ruby Isabelle Orebaugh (HE); Dodge City ♦Ruth Ellen Orebaugh (HE); Dodge City ♦John Allen Owen (EE) ; Oil Hill ♦Joenetta Orelna Owens (HE) ; Manhattan ♦Mina Opal Paddack (ApA) ; Lakin ♦Carmy Gross Page (Ag) ; Norton ♦Grant Wingerd Page (Ag) ; Detroit ♦Arlie Edward Paige (EE) ; Manhattan ♦Lucille Ruth Palmquist (C) ; Concordia ♦Leona Pauline Parken (ApA) ; Dwight ♦Lois Lilly Parker (GS) ; Broughton

Robert Scott Parker (LG); Manhattan ♦Virginia Anne Parker (ApA) ; El Paso, Tex. Luman Gilbert Parrott (Ar) ;

Kansas City, Mo. Harry Clinton Parshall (Ag) ; Manhattan ♦Horace Allan Paskl (C) ; Toronto ♦Lormor Allen Pearman (ArE) ; Holton ♦LeRoy Matthew Peak (CE); Pratt

Paul Frederick Peak (RC) ; Manhattan ♦Marion Wesley Pearce (Ag) ; Miltonvale ♦Dorothy Pease (ApA); Manhattan ♦Eugene Way Peck (VM) ; Falls City, Neb. ♦Frederick Adams Peery (ArE) ; Manhattan ♦Fern Doris Pendleton (PE) ; Rossville ♦Francis Joseph Perrier (ME); Olpe ♦Erma Juanita Perry (HE) ; Greenleaf ♦Hester Marie Perry (GS) ; Manhattan ♦Jack Curtis Perry (EE) ; Manhattan ♦Raymond Charles Peterson (AE) ; Wilsey ♦Virginia Janette Peterson (GS) ;

Manhattan ♦Robert Pattison Peyton (Ag) ; Topeka ♦Maria Elizabeth Pfuetze (HE&N) ;

Manhattan ♦Ward Robert Philip (Ag) ; Hays ♦Charles Deets Pickett (VM) ;

Kansas City, Mo. ♦LeeRoy Albert Pierce (VM) ; Manhattan ♦Margaret Kathryn Pierson (HE) ;

Wakeeney ♦Benjamin David Pile (EE) ; Pomona ♦Charles LeDell Pincomb (ME);

Overland Park ♦Mila Margaret Pishney (HE) ; Cleburne ♦Mildred Mary Pishny (HE); Waterville ♦Alvin George Ploger (Ag) ; Kinsley ♦Hazel Irene Poague (GS); Westmoreland Theodore Nicholas Polcyn (C) ; Gorham ♦Nancy Elizabeth Poole (GS) ;

Kansas City, Mo. ♦William Alonzo Poole (Ar) ; Oil Hill ♦Dorothy Nadine Porter (PE) ; Lyons ♦William Sanford Powers (EE-1; GS-2);

Gove ♦Walter Grizzell Praeger (EE) ; Claflin ♦Homer Lee Prather (Ag) ; Elmdale ♦Charles Joseph Prchal (VM) ; Omaha, Neb. ♦Hickman Price, Jr. (Ag) ; Kress, Tex. ♦Marie Vivian Priddy (ApA); Cullison ♦Charles Stanley Prince (EE) ; Manhattan

Matriculated 1929-'30.

List of Students



*Amos Leo Prouty (Ar) ; Newton

Kenneth Webb Putney (CE) ; Topeka *Marjorie McDonald Pyle (IJ) ; Manhattan *Byron White Quinby (Ag) ; Sun City *Eva Elizabeth Raase (GS) ; Belvue ♦Everett Scott Rairdon (IC) ; Havensville *Edith LaVerne Ramey (HE) ; Manhattan *Marjorie Elizabeth Ramey (HE);

Manhattan ♦Eldred Adelbert Randall (Ag) ; Ashland *John Milton Raven (AA) ; Morrowville ♦Glenn Joseph Rawlin (ME); Gypsum Clarence Maynard Record (EE) ; Humboldt *Gladys Louise Reddington (ApA) ;

Blue Rapids *Ernest Harold Reed (GS) ; Norton ♦Eunia Reed (Ar) ; Kanopolis ♦Everett Eugene Reed (ArE) ; Smith Center *Myrton Reeves (EE) ; Beeler ♦Arthur Abraham Regier (EE) ; Elbing

Donald William Rehberg (EE) ; Niles ♦Albert Cones Reicherter (PE) ; Silver Lake ♦Jake Louis Reineccius (VM); Creston, Neb. ♦John Henry Reinecke (IJ) ; Great B?nd ♦Ross William Reinhardt (VM) ; Home ♦Clarence Reiswig (EE) ; Hutchinson ♦Frank Henry Remlinger (EE) ; Strong City ♦Clarence Augustic Reynolds (VM) ; Wilder ♦John Lyman Rhea (Ag) ; Louisburg ♦George Phillip Rhoades (ME); Ashland

Mildred Joyce Rhodes (GS) ; Tampa ♦Wayne G. Richards (EE) ; Manhattan ♦William Andrew Richmond (C) ; Stockton

Burrell R. Rightmire (IC) ; Manhattan ♦Marian Riordan (C) ; Solomon ♦William Robert Roberts (EE) ; Manhattan ♦Harry Brookhart Robeson (EE) ; Galena ♦Philip Dean Rockwood (GS) ; Parker

Frank Alonso Rody (IC-1; Ag-2) ; Leoti ♦Raymond Rollin Roepke (IC) ; Manhattan ♦Harold Roeske (CE) ; Bison ♦Charles Harold Rogers (CE) ; Blue Mound ♦Clyde Henry Rogers (Ag) ; Willard ♦Melvin Palmer Rogers (Ag) ; Glasco ♦Donald Winter Rohrbaugh (Ag) ; Ingalls ♦John Newby Romine (ME) ;

Kansas City, Mo. ♦Robert Talbot Romine, Jr. (Ag) ;

Kansas City, Mo. ♦Hazel May Roney (HE) ; Hutchinson ♦Thomas Chester Roney (ME-1; C-2) ;

Webb City, Mo. ♦Elizabeth Roniger (HE); Elmdale ♦Maxine Garr Roper (IJ) ; Manhattan ♦Dorothy Rosencrans (GS) ; Manhattan ♦Don Carson Ross (GS) ; Manhattan ♦Frances Noami Ross (PE) ; Armarillo, Tex. ♦Edward Charley Rostocil (Ag) ; Zurich ♦Myra May Roth (HE); Ness City ♦William Hugh Roth (EE) ; Ness City ♦Esther May Row (C) ; Larned ♦Merritt Roscoe Royer (CE) ; Newton

Louis Elmer Rufener (AE) ; Strong City ♦Edna Maria Runcinman (PSM) ; Culver ♦Aileen Rundle (HE) ; Clay Center. ♦Dorothy Pearl Ruscoe (HE); Wakefield ♦Loyal Luther Rush (VM) ; Erie ♦Louise Rust (IJ) ; Manhattan ♦Olin Sandlin (Ag) ; Hill City ♦Frank Santo (EE) ; Manhattan ♦Edward Robert Satunas (PE) ; Manhattan ♦Flossie Arlene Sauvain (PE) ; Broughton

Mary Lois Saxton (HE) ; Fort Scott ♦Joan Gladys Schafer (IJ) ; Vermillion

John Nicholas Schiltz (GS) ; Wakefield ♦Lova May Schlatter (HE) ; McPherson ♦Mary Alice Schnacke (IJ) ; La Crosse


Ethel Lucille Schoen (GS); Cawker City ♦Grace Leona Scholz (HE) ; Manhattan

Jonah Schreiner (CE) ; Ramona ♦Ronald Raymond Schroeder (EE) ; Beverly ♦Luke Michael Schruben (C-l; AA-2);

Dresden ♦Maurice Elmer Schruben (PSB & O) ;

Dresden *Elbert Konrad Schuler (ArE-1; GS-2) ;

Valley Falls ♦Loyd Schulz (VM) ; Norton ♦Ephraim Orion Schwab (AE) ; Greeley ♦Louis Carl Schwanke (EE) ; Alma ♦Robert William Schwindler (Ar) ;

Manhattan ♦Leon Lee Schwandt (CE) ; Bison Elizabeth Scott (GS) ; Manhattan Harold J. Scott (C) ; Altoona ♦Herbert Franklin Seibert (VM) ;

Nelson, Neb. ♦Olmer John Selfridge (Ar-1; C-2); St. John ♦Ben Alfred Sellers (ME); Lyons ♦Gardner Charles Sellers (EE) ; Downs ♦William Arthur Sells (EE) ; Effingham ♦Frederic Raymond Senti (FME) ;

Cawker City ♦Ralph Franklin Shaner (VM) ; Topeka ♦Glenn Virgle Shank (C) ; Bazine ♦LeNora Marie Shara (C) ; Narka ♦Leona Edythe Shara (HE) ; Narka ♦James Leroy Sharp (EE-1; C-2); Newton ♦Doria Maxine Shaver (PE) ; Cedarvale ♦Marvin Ruderer Shaw (FME); Holton ♦Stanley Byrne Shaw (ME) ; Galesburg ♦Mildred Fay Shawver (ApA) ; Kincaid ♦Samuel LeRoy Sheetz, Jr. (C) ; Manhattan ♦Genevieve Marie Shellhaas (GS) ;

Junction City ♦Josephine Clara Shellhaas (GS) ;

Junction City ♦Nina Mae Sherman (HE) ; Grinnell ♦Margaret Elizabeth Shewell (HE);

Neosho Falls ♦Wayne David Shier (Ag) ; Gypsum ♦Elwyn Space Shonyo (IC); Bushton ♦Lloyd Russell Shoup (ME); Udall Francisco Antonio Sierra de Soto (GS) ;

Atchison ♦Dessie Caroline Sigg (C) ; Chapman

Earl Lee Sims (PE) ; Republic ♦Gerald Alvin Simpson (Ag) ; Milton ♦George Walter Skinner (ME) ; Baxter Springs ♦Jane Isabell Skinner (PE) ; Stockton ♦Theodore Skinner (C) ; Manhattan ♦William Edgar Skinner (ChE) ; Belleville ♦Sadie Sylvia Sklar (Ar) ; Manhattan ♦Andrew Skradski (ME); Kansas City ♦Joseph Charles Slechta (IC) ;

East St. Louis, 111. ♦Glenn Wilkins Sloan (CE) ; Selden ♦Quintine Joseph Smart (EE) ; Collyer ♦Lisle Leroy Smelser (CE) ; Manhattan ♦Helen Elsie Smerchek (HE); Garnett ♦Esther Smiley (ApA) ; Manhattan ♦Hubert Leslie Smith (VM) ; Marshall, Mo. ♦Maurine E. Smith (HE-1; C-2); Hutchinson ♦Pansy Smith (HE); Moran ♦Russell Smith (IC) ; Manhattan *Vera Genevieve Smith (PSM) ; Manhattan ♦William Richard Smith (Ag) ; Manhattan ♦William Berchard Snodgras (VM) ;

Manhattan ♦Orville Lewis Snyder (EE) ; Salina ♦Charles Raymond Socolofsky (PE) ; Tampa ♦Theodore Sommers (Ag-1; C-2); Leoti ♦Margaret Grace Souders (GS); Co^y ♦Elroy Clarence Sowers (EE) ; Leoti

* Matriculated 1929-'30.


Kansas State Agricultural College


♦Donald James Spangler (Ag) ; Lone Elm

♦Reuben Albert Sparks (GS-1; Ag-2); Carneiro

♦Howard Scott Spear (EE) ; Leoti

*Kenneth Ross Speed (Ar) ; Holton

Robert William S'piker (ChE-1; C-2); Manhattan *Raymond Robert Spilman (Ar-1; IJ-2); Manhattan

Homer Ackerly Staadt (CE); Garnett ♦Earl Louis Stadel (VM); Manhattan

John Loren Stafford (C); Leonardville ♦Helen Maxine Stanley (ApA); Concordia ♦George Alfred Stansbury (ME-1;

PSB&0-2); Ulysses ♦Lois Lillian Starbuck (HE) ; Goodland

Charles Guy Steele, Jr. (AA) ; Barnes "*Harry William Steele (Ag) ; Arcadia ""Virginia Maurine Steele (HE); Manhattan *Ernest Martin Steelsmith (ME-1; C-2);

Detroit *Earl Raymond Stegman (ME) ; Plains ♦Harvey Albert Steiger (GS) ; Menlo ♦James Byron Stephenson (CE); Sedan ♦Marjorie Marks Stevenson (IJ) ; Oberlin

Sylvia E'dana Stewart (PE) ; Eskridge "*Velton A. Stewart (Ag) ; Manhattan *W. Russell Stewart (EE) ; Lowemont ♦Marion R. Stiles (IC); Jewell *Lois D. Stingley (PE) ; Manhattan ♦Rowena Pearl Stiles (HE); Kansas City ♦Ruth Vernetta Stiles (IJ); Kansas City ♦Homer John Stockwell (EE); Meriden ♦Charles Watson Stull (EE); Osborne ♦Dale Kent StuHz (CE) ; Woodston

Beulah Mae Stumbo (HE); Bayard ♦Francis E. Sturgeon (C) ; Dodge City ♦Edward Stephen Sullivan (Ag) ; Mercier

Carl Clinton Surig (EE) ; Altoona *Donald Charles Sutherland (Ar) ; Herington *Geneva Mae Sutter (HE) ; Effingham *Dorothy Eleanor Sutton (IJ) ; Kingman *John Anderson Sutton (C) ; El Dorado ♦Helen Louise Swan (HE); Topeka ♦Helen Elizabeth Swartz (HE); Everest

J. Lawrence Stoddard (EE); Manhattan

Edward Leroy Stoneking (Ag) ; Baldwin *Elden G. Stoskopf (ME); Baxter Springs ♦Cora Irene Stout (HE); Russe'l ♦Harold LeRoy Stowe (CE-1; AA-2);

Little River ♦Ruth Evangeline Strickland (Ar) ;

Manhattan *Juanita Lucille Strong (IJ) ; Topeka *Helmar Ginton Stuart (GS) ; Sterling

Maryon Henry Swartz (ArE) ; Manhattan *Carl Marion Swinney (EE) ; Chanute

Charles Henry Talbot (EE); Manhattan ♦Hughel K. Tatum (ME); Lamed *Preston Taylor (Ag) ; Admire ♦Helen Marie Tedman (HE) ; Mount Hope ♦George Emil Teichgraeber (FME-1 ;

AA-2); Marquette ♦Woodrow Teichgraeber (Ag) ; Osage City ♦Claude Sheikh TempHn (ME); Salina *Alta Nellie Thierer (M); Manhattan *Viola Martha Thomas (HE) ; Protection ♦Alfred Martin Thompson (PSB&O);

Wamego ♦Arnold Charles Thompson (GS) ;

Washington ♦Chester Irwin Thompson (Ag) ; Linn

Dale Elliott Thompson (CE); Green ♦Florence M. Thompson (HE); Manhattan ♦Fred Witt Thompson (Ag) ; McLouth ♦James Vern Thompson (GS); Good'and

Continued. ♦Marian Thompson (HE); Manhattan ♦Maurice Hoch Thompson (GS) ; Dodge City

Orville Freeman Thompson (C) ; Alma ♦Penn Thompson (AA); Williamstown ♦Thomas Marion Thompson (VM); Mulberry ♦Velma Fern Thompson (HE&N) ; Manhattan

Arthur Chase Thomson (Ag); McCune ♦Esther Wilhellmina Thornwall (HE);

Topeka ♦Hill Cook Thurman (Ag) ; Plattsburg, Mo. ♦Joseph Francis Tighe (EE); Junction City ♦Bessie Smith Timmons (HE) ; Manhattan ♦Rexford Victor Tipton (EE) ; Glen Elder ♦Charles Kirshner Titus (Ag) ; Manhattan ♦Blanche Louise Tomson (HE) ; Dover

Bessie Louise Torgeson (GS) ; White City ♦Harold Arthur Totten (EE) ; Clifton ♦Ernest Alva Trummel (GS); Wilmore ♦Richard Duncan Turk (VM);

Ash Grove, Mo. ♦Charles Frederick Turner, Jr. (C) ; Hartford ♦Besse Irene Tyree (IJ) ; Wayne ♦Donald Ernest Underwood (IJ) ; Agra ♦Floyd Allen Underwood (Ag) ; De Kalb, Mo.

Virgil Arvid Unruh (AA) ; Pawnee Rock ♦John Sumner Van Aken (GS) ; Lyons ♦Ralph Arthur Van Camp (IJ) ;

Council Grove ♦Lyle Raymond Van Doren (ME) ;

Manhattan ♦Charles Winifred Van Vranken (ArE) ; Pratt ♦Francis Arthur Vaughn (CE); Hartford ♦Marven Eugene Vautravers (Ag) ; Centralis ♦Albert Vesecky (EE) ; Kansas City ♦Stephen Vesecky (Ag) ; Kansas City ♦Raymond Ralph Vogelman (EE) ; Potwin ♦Ruth Leanore Voshell (PE) ; Buckhn ♦Raymond Beaty Wagner (Ag) ; Richmond

Betty Jane Wagstaff (HE-1 ; PE-2); Topeka ♦Wilbur Wahl (Ag) ; Wheaton ♦Leslie Elmer Wakeman (EE-1 ; Ag-2);

Dodge City ♦Kendall Allison Walker (PE) ; Glen Elder ♦Sam Cyril Walker (GS) ; Junction City ♦Arden Lyal Wallace (C) ; Hill City ♦Wilfred Nuffer Wallace (ME); Augusta ♦Freda Pauline Walters (PE) ; Edmond ♦Paul Frank Warner (ChE) ; Whiting ♦Loren Everett Washburn (Ag) ; Spivey ♦Anne Elizabeth Washington (I J) ; Manhattan

George Washington (Ag) ; Manhattan

Fred Charles Weingarth (IC) ; Leavenworth ♦Cleo Belle Welch (ApA); Paxico ♦James Wesley Wells (IC-1 ; ChE-2);

Winona ♦Max Welton Wells (GS); Asherville ♦Carl Edward Wendell (VM) ; Mulberry ♦Henry William Wendt (EE) ; Howard, Neb. ♦Fern Uldeen Wentz (ApA) ; Ames ♦Frank Fowler West (ME) ; Arkansas City ♦Harry Eugene West (EE) ; Soldier ♦Margaret Jo Westermeier (C) ; Colby

Kermit Louis Westrup (C) ; Woodbine ♦Neil Joseph Weybrew (PE) ; Wamego ♦Helen Frances Weygandt (HE) ; Keats ♦Mabel Edith Wharton (Ar) ; Powhattan ♦Elbert Eden Wheatley (CE) ; Gypsum ♦Dorothy Grace White (GS); Burlington ♦Jack White (IC) ; Kanopo'is ♦Robert G. White (AE) ; Norborne, Mo. ♦Vee White (GS) ; Manhattan ♦William Morris Whitehead (Ar) ; Abilene ♦Leonard Eugene Whitlock (PE) ; El Dorado

Matriculated 1929-'30.

List of Students


Fresh M en Concluded.

*James A. Whitten (Ag) ; Wakarusa ♦Margaret Wichers (GS) ; Downs *Howard Wildman (Ag) ; Manhattan *Loyd Elbert Wildman (AA); Manhattan ♦G'eorgiabelle Wilkerson (HE) ; Campus *Velma Ruth Wilkerson (IJ) ; Smith Center ♦Philip Sidney Wilkins (GS) ; Miltonvale ♦Philip Williams (VM); Dodge City ♦Delphin Amherst Wilson (C) ; Axtell

Earl Roland Wilson (Ar) ; Milford *Lewis Alfred Wilson (CE) ; Valley Center *Merwin Hales Wilson (Ag) ; Mulvane ♦Richard Byron Wilson (ME); Herington ♦Rollo Davis Wilson (VM); Jewell ♦Walter Edwin Wilson (Ag) ;

Blackfoot, Idaho. ♦Walter George Wilson (Ag) ; Lincoln ♦Florence Lillian Wiltse (GS);

River Forest, 111. ♦Charles Asher Wimer (EE) ; South Haven ♦Lois Emily Windiate (HE) ; Nickerson ♦Carl William Wing (ME); Benedict ♦George Walter Winterscheidt (ME); Horton

George O. Wise (Ar) ; Newton ♦Harlev Alvin Witt (CE) ; Partridge ♦John Wright Witts (ME); Topeka ♦Cecil Eugene Wittum (Ag) ; Caldwell

George Gordon Wolf (Ag) ; Marion ♦Jim Alfred Wolfe (GS) ; Manhattan ♦Agnes Anna Wolkensdorfer (HE) ; Herndon ♦Heloise Wood (C) ; Clay Center

Thomas Austin Wood (EE); Louisburg ♦Joe Edgar Woodford (ME) ; Salina ♦Clifford Jay Woodley (ME); Tecumseh

♦Edward Francis Woods (IJ); Kansas City ♦Sheldon Edgar Woods (IC); Delphos ♦Rex Valentine Woodward (EE) ;

Medicine Lodge ♦Charles Lee Woodyard (PE) ; Waterville ♦James Clayton Woodyard (PE) ; Waterville ♦John Preston Woolcott (FME) ;

Harrisburg, 111. Kenneth D. Worley (IJ) ; Randall ♦Amos Alexander Wright (ME); Concordia ♦Eleanor Emily Wright (GS) ; Concordia ♦Estel Lee Wright (Ag) ; Blue Mound ♦Harold Brockway Wright (ChE) ; Herington ♦Merle Elbert Wright (EE); Kiowa ♦Gertrude Wuester (PSM); Beattie ♦Donald Wilson Wyatt (IJ) ; Stockton ♦Joseph Casewell Wyatt (ME-1; PSB&0-2);

Carthage, Mo. ♦Wendell Wadsworth Wyatt (ChE); Stockton ♦Harold Robert Yonts (Ag) ; Holcomb ♦Leonard Marion Young (ChE); Sabetha ♦Verlester Evelyn Young (ApA) ; Haddam ♦Wayne Winkelman Young (C) ; Alexander ♦Gerald Alden Younie (ChE); Natoma ♦Everett Fairbanks Yoxall (AE) ; Woodston Robert Allen Zebold, Jr. (AA) ;

Pine Bluff, Ark. Walter William Zecker (ME); Alma Leslie George Zies (ChE); Pratt ♦Paul Willard Zimmer (AA); Dodge City ♦Mark Joseph Zoeller (C) ; Manhattan ♦Fred Zohner (EE) ; Penokee ♦John Francis Zumbado (ME); Junction City


♦William Joseph Angeur (GS); Muscatine, Iowa

♦Andre Audant (Ag) ; Port au Prince, Haiti

♦Grace Iva Barger (GS) ; Garfield.

♦Dennie Carree Barnett (CE) ; Goodland

♦Nadim A. Barudi (Ag) ; Damascus, Syria

♦Gaston Bert (GS) ; Milford Louise Bowlus (GS) ; Russell Norma Lou Brien (GS) ; B^rn Ray James Bryan (GS) ; Woodbine

♦Velma Lorence Capper (GS) ; Manhattan Thelma Bernice Carver (GS) ; Chanute Miriam Clammer (GS); Manhattan Edwin Lorenz Coleman (GS) ; Vermillion

♦Catherine Conroy (GS) ; Manhattan

♦Wilma Elizabeth Copper (HE); Stockton Ralph Howard Crouch (GS); Herington Harvey Ellis Davidson (EE) ; Emporia

♦Marv Duncan Dimmitt (HE) ; Iola

♦Fdth Mare Dobson CGS) ; Manhattan Helendeen Harris Dodderidge (GS) ; Manhattan

♦John Joseph Donnelly (ME) ; Manhattan Adin Montgomery Downer (GS); Syracuse Emilv Eleanor Downing (GS) ; Oklahoma City, Okla.

♦Maebell Irene Dunbar (GS) ; Manhattan

♦William Louellyn Edwards (GS) ; Concordia

♦Henrietta Lois Erdman (GS); Park Falls, Wis. Virginia Fielding (HE) ; Manhattan

♦Edward Cumberland Fisher, Jr. (GS) ; St. Louis, Mo. Mattie Leona Goodin (GS) ; Clay Center

♦Christine Buckley Goodrich (GS) ; Manhattan

♦Esther Virginia Green (HE) ; Whiting David George Griffiths (GS); Manhattan

♦Pearle Haas (HE); Winfield

Hazel Hanna (GS) ; Riley ' ♦S. Louise Huey (GS); Ogden William Huey (GS) ; Ogden Electa Jewell Hull (GS); Manhattan ♦Harold Oscar Johnson (GS) ; Kanona William Lee Johnson (GS); Alma W;lliam Richard Kendall (GS); Manhattan ♦Theodore Monroe Knittle (EE) ; Salina ♦Carol Christianson Kruwell (GS); Man- hattan ♦Maurine Theresa Lewis (GS) ; Manhattan ♦Carolyn Mather (GS) ; Burdett Earle Merritt (GS) ; Fletcher, Okla. Wilbur S. Nay (GS); Manhattan f * James Thomas Newton (Ag) ; Douglass Daniel Vernon Norris (GS); Manhattan ♦Amelia Regnild Olsen (HE); Manhattan ♦Opal Olson (HE-1; GS-2); Manhattan ♦Henry Benjamin Peery (GS) ; Manhattan ♦Casimir Pomarzynski (Ar) ; Buffalo, N. Y. Claire Price (GS); Fredonia Clarence Osborn Price (GS); Manhattan ♦Ruth Bertha Raase (HE) ; Belvue f^William Richards (Ag) ; Burrton ♦Retha Avis Roach (GS) ; "Utica Harriet Robertson (GS); Manhattan Grayce Constance Rogers (GS); Stockton Eva Mae Smalley (GS); Kansas City Norman Courtland Smith (GS) ; Manhattan Vera May Strong (HE); Wichita James William Taylor (GS) ; Manhattan Edith Watson Templeton (HE); Wichita Ruth E. Tibbetts (GS); Leoti ♦Clay H. Tolle (CE) ; Manhattan ♦Ila Hall Wells (HE); Manhattan Claude Allen White (Ag) ; Manhattan Lillian Mary Wilber (GS) ; Belleville Wallace Robert Womer (GS); Manhattan

Matriculated 1929-'30.

f Also pursuing graduate study.


Kansas State Agricultural College

Students in Special Courses

The abbreviations following the names of students have the following significations: DMSC, dairy manufacturing short course; FSC, farmers' short course; AMTC, auto mechanics' trade course; MTC, machinists' trade course.

William Agin (FSC); Gypsum Earle David Allen (DMSC); Manhattan John A. Beck (FSC) ; Ness City Amos Harold Beyer (FSC) ; Gridley Roy B. Bozarth (FSC); Lenora Ray Aurthur Buchanan (FSC) ; Richland Vira May Crawford (DMSC) ; Manhattan Jack Hubert Dannecker (DMSC) ; Bucklin A. Adolf Duerksen (DMSC); Hillsboro Adolph Fehrenbach (FSC); Ness City Henry William Fluder (FSC); Lenexa Eldon Donald Furney (FSC); Alta Vista Clifford Thomas Gordon (AMSC) ;

Manhattan Ermon Dennis Haag (MTC) ; Larned John Henry Haag (DMSC) ; Holton Lawrence Habiger (FSC) ; Bushton Waldemar Lewis Hanke (FSC) ; Waterville Louis Benton Hanson (FSC) ; Jamestown George Thomas Hawley (AMTC) ; Garrison Hugh Miller Hay (DMSC); Belmont, Ohio Richard H. Herrs (FSC); Linn Frank Newton Holliday (FSC); Soldier Victor Hopeman (FSC) ; Independence Gerald Ray Horton (FSC); Madison Elmer Marion Irvin (AMSC) ; Lewis Carl John Henry Jasper (FSC) ; Fairview Harold Peyton Jeffers (FSC); Highland Glenn Dean Johnson (MTC) ; Larned William Henry Juzi (FSC) ; Florence Orren Leslie Karr (FSC) ; Americus Jesse LeRoy Kump (DMSC) ; Scott City Donald Henry Laflin (FSC); Broughton George Edward Larson (FSC) ; Chanute Everett Charles Lowry (FSC) ; Logan Gerhard H. F. Lutjemeier (FSC) ; Barnes Robert Glen McAninch (AMTC) ; Garrison Julius Ceasar McCann (AMTC) ; Manhattan Irene McGann (DMSC) ; Manhattan Delmar Luke Miley (FSC) ; Hoxie Frederich William Millenbruch (FSC); Herkimer

William Y. Nauerth (FSC); Keats Ralph Loren Newsom (AMSC) ; Lewis Myron T. Osenbaugh (FSC) ; Clay Center Emil Herman Ott (FSC); Madison Emil Fredrick Peeks (FSC); Marysville Artie I. Peffley (FSC) ; Manhattan Emil William Ploog (FSC); Lorraine George Michael Reddy (DMSC);

Manhattan Clyde C. Reed (FSC); Kanopolis Albert Lawrence Reichle (FSC) ; Riley Vernon Evan Ritz (FSC); Cawker City Gerald Leroy Rose (FSC) ; Agra Walter Raymond Rothe (FSC); Ness City Homer Glace Rundle (FSC) ; Clay Center Lawrence John Sack (FSC) ; Hays Ernest Charles Schlagel (FSC) ; Lenexa Will Henry Schneider (FSC); Gridley Rowland Whedon Schultz (FSC) ; Lisle, Mo. Arndt M. Schumann (FSC); Netawaka Bruce Phillip Scott (FSC) ; Manhattan Harry Eldon Scott (FSC); Le Loup William Bernard Shaffer (FSC); Dighton Glen Siegle (FSC) ; Manhattan James Milton Soper (DMSC) ; Manhattan Leland Russell Stewart (MTC); Fort Riley Gerard Aloysias Still (FSC); Atchison David Frank Stouffer (FSC); Glen Elder Ernest P. Suderman (FSC); Hillsboro Julius Clarence Torkelson (FSC) ; Everest Severt Albert Torkelson (FSC); Atchison Lyle Clifford Trapp (FSC) ; Waldo George Vander Giesen (FSC) ; Cawker City Neil Cornelious Van Hosen (FSC); Elkhart Raymond Vogelman (FSC) ; Potwin Carl Walker (DMSC) ; Garden City Cyril Joseph Wassenberg (FSC) ; Seneca Harold Carl Wehrman (FSC); White Cloud Clifford E. Whitney (DMSC); Manhattan George Wierenga (FSC) ; Cawker City Hugh Scott Wilson (FSC); Council Grove Paul A. Wood (DMSC); Clay Center

List of Students


Summer School Students

First Session

Genitha Berneice Adams; Frankfort

Cirilo Lagmay Adam ; Sison, Pang, P. I.

Irene Theresa Adams ; Frankfort

Donald Adair Adell ; Manhattan

Harry Enoch Adell ; Leonardville

Mildred Laura Ahlstrom ; Reading

Dorothy Marguerite Akin ; Manhattan

Jean Greiner Alexander; Manhattan

Glen Allen ; North Topeka

Hazel Evelyn Allen ; Louisville

Agnes Mae Allender; Junction City

Ethlyn Marie Alsop ; Junction City

Malcolm Llewellyn Alsop ; Wakefield

Carl Boyd Anderson ; Richland

Ethel Leonard Anderson ; Rossville

Hazel Lillian Anderson ; Bronson

Helen Rose Anderson ; Thayer

Kenneth Charles Anderson ; Eskridge

Ross Harris Anderson ; Richland

Lottie Sybell Andrews ; Junction City

Ruth Evangel Angstead ; White City

Mary R. Anthony ; Wayne

Frederick R. Arnold; Enid, Okla.

Floyd Warnick Atkeson; Moscow, Ida.

Esther Elizabeth Avery; Riley

Ruth Hilda Avery ; Riley

Lucile Helen Babcock ; Phillipsburg

Ruth Irene Babcock ; Harper

Frances Mable Backstrom ; Kansas City, Mo.

Kimball Lincoln Backus ; Olathe

Roy Bainer; Manhattan

Lilian Baker; Manhattan

Lucille Marguerite Bangs ; Madison

Clarence Orval Banta ; Ottawa

Lillian Evelyn Banta ; Ottawa

Joseph Monroe Barger; Manhattan

Ellen Isabel Barker; Beloit

Dorothy Gertrude Barlow; Manhattan

Claude Lawrence Barnett ; Manhattan

Lawrence Richard Barnhart ; Independence

Johanna Helena Barre ; Tampa

Arthur Theodore Bartel; Bard, Cal.

Laura Falkenrich Baxter; Manhattan

Frances A. Beal ; Clearwater

Lillian Louise Bedor; Hollis

Winifred Daisy Beeby ; Hays

Lillie Emma Beerh alter; Junction City

John Gregory Bell ; Atchison

Bernice Eleanor Bender; Holton

Erwin John Benne; Manhattan

Gladys Ethel Meyer Benne; Manhattan

Kenneth Dean Benne; Washington

Helen Lee Bentley; Manhattan

Marjorie Marie Berger; Manhattan

Myrtle Pauling Berger; Onaga

Silas S. Bergsma; Lucas

William Henry Berry; Manhattan

Mildred Adeline Bettles; Barnes

Thomas Glen Betts; Detroit

Jacob Biely; Vancouver, Canada

Ethel Marie Billups; Arrington

John Alexander Bird ; Hays

Doris Marie Bland ; Lucas

Olive Elizabeth Bland; Garden City

Floyd Albert Blauer; Stockton

Pearl Cline Blauer; Stockton

Dorothy Ann Blomgren ; Randolph

Cecil Thomas Blunn; Manhattan

Mildred Freda Bohnenblust ; Leonardville

Helen Elizabeth Boler; Dover

Frederick Bruce Bosley; Manhattan

Belle Bowen; Arnold

Gladys Pearl Bowman; Wamego


Jessie Mildred Bowman ; Wamego

Fred Ewing Brady ; Topeka

Carl Alfred Brandly; Manhattan

Homer Cleo Bray ; Manhattan

Elmer Henry Bredehoft ; Manhattan

Evelyn Lanore Brenn ; St. John

Alice Katherine Brill ; Westmoreland

Gertrude Adaline Brill; Westmoreland

Grace Dorothy Brill; Westmoreland

Eva Edna Brittain ; Manhattan

Helen Sproul Brittain; Manhattan

Parks Hillis Brittain; Manhattan

Stanley Hyde Brockway; Topeka

Frank Brokesh ; Munden

Gertrude Elizabeth Brookens; Westmoreland

Mirian Elizabeth Brookover; Eureka

James Byron Brooks ; Garrison

Albert Brown ; Manhattan

Esther Louise Brown; Manhattan

Frances L. Brown; Tucson, Ariz.

Orpha Brown; Edmond

\ ira Brown ; Edmond

Alice Elizabeth Browne; Vermillion

Barbara Brubaker ; Manhattan

Edna Ida Bruenger; Broughton

Frances Brumm ; Junction City

Thomas Walter Bruner; Jewell

Lela Jane Bryan; Kansas City

Ray James Bryan; Woodbine

Hazel Eirene Buck; Derby

Roberta Claire Burgert ; Hiawatha

Thomas J. Burke; Wheaton

Neva Le Verne Burt; Greensburg

Norval Odell Butler; Manhattan

Hazel Caldwell; Clay Center

James Phillip Callahan; Manhattan

Albert B. Cameron; Smith Center

Edna Dolores Campbell ; Hanover

Marcine Dorotha Campbell; Hollis

Marion Isabell Campbell; Lyons

Erma Belle Canning; Manhattan

Bessie Gladys Carey; Belleville

Zelma N. Carey; Protection

Abbie Mae Carpenter; Clay Center

Ina Carolyn Carpenter; Sabetha

Sybil lone Carpenter; Sabetha

Sherman Harold Carter; Oneida

Thelma O'Dell Carter; Oneida

Mildred J. Casey; Dorrance

Elisha Joe Castillo ; Independence

Mildred Castleman ; Junction City

B. Helen Caughron; Manhattan

James Willard Caughron; Manhattan

George E. Cauthen; Manhattan

Virginia Chambers; Grandfield, Okla.

Edna Neetta Chapin; Westphalia

Ira Nichols Chapman ; Manhattan

Frances Eugene Charles; Manhattan

Merle Vernon Chase; Manhattan

Nettie Evelyn Chavey; Clyde

Early Mast Chestnut; Manhattan

Rose Louise Child ; Manhattan

Thelma Elizabeth Child; Manhattan

Leonard William Christal ; Manhattan

Mary Kathryn Chronister ; Topeka

Julia Madge Clayton; Wilsey

Opal Jane Clayton ; Wilsey

Lawrence Victor Clem ; Chanute

Ruth Clency ; Manhattan

James Wendell Coate ; Miltonvale

Helen Elizabeth Cobb ; Manhattan

Maynard Henry Coe; Manhattan


Kansas State Agricultural College

Summer School Continued.

Melvin Cooper Coffman; Wakefield

Harley Edward Cole; Manhattan

Robert Cole ; Wetmore

Erma Mildred Coleman; Mayetta

Margaret L. Colver; Manhattan

Frances Rebecca Conard ; Ottawa

Quinton Dieter Conklin ; Abilene

William Eugene Connell ; Rupert, Idaho

Marguerite Josephine Conroy ; Manhattan

Bertha Lina Cook; Effingham

Emma Miller Cook, Milford

Nelle May Cook; Chapman

Walter Vernon Cormack ; Rossville

E. Jack Coulson; Manhattan

Fern Covert ; Wichita

Inez Mildred Crabb; Colby

Mary Ellen Crabbe; Manhattan

Orville Robinson Cragun ; Milford

Golda Mildred Crawford ; Manhattan

Clarence E. Crews; Manhattan

Grace Marie Crick ; Ash ton

Earl Edward Crocker; Manhattan

Walter McConnell Crossen; Turner

Genevieve Crowley ; Manhattan

Leonard E. Croy ; Norcatur

Naomi R. Croy; Norcatur

Gladys Crumbaker ; Manhattan

Ethel Beatrice Culbreath ; Douglass

Eula Mae Currie; Manhattan

Marjorie Hazel Curtis; Manhattan

Geraldeane Cutler ; Manhattan

Edmond Ray Dailey; Garden City

Dorothy Dean Dale; Coldwater

Ward Edmond Dale; Topeka

Bruce Oliver Dallam ; Faucett, Mo.

Edith Josephine Dam; Marysville

Grace Emily Darby ; Wakefield

Nellie Dorothy Darrah ; McPherson

Grace Louise Dart ; Washington

Katherene Elizabeth Davies; Manhattan

Mary Anne Davies ; Riley

D'Gracia Jane Davis; Lawrence

Hilma Ruth Davis; Manhattan

Howard Preston Davis ; Manhattan

Marion Bradford Davis; Manhattan

Raymond H. Davis; Hays

Irene Jeanette Decker ; Robinson

Clara Farmer Denison; Hazelton

Dorsie Lawrence Deniston; Louisburg

Walter Raymond Denman; Sedan

Edgar Denny ; McLouth

Richard Kimball Dickens; Manhattan

Donna Marie Dickinson; Udall

Hilma Nadene Dickinson; Udall

Mary Beatrice Dickson ; Washington

Marguerite Dickson ; Washington

Leona Sedonia Diederich ; Greenleaf

James Roy Dinwiddie; Easton

Mary Louise Dittemore; Manhattan

Paul Lawrence Dittemore; Manhattan

Edith Marie Dobson; Manhattan

Helendeen Harris Dodderidge; Manhattan

Russell Reuben Dodderidge; Council Grove

Harry Stillman Dole; Manhattan

Mary Monica Dougherty; Lillis

Myrtle Dougherty; Manhattan

Dorothea Ruth Dowd; Manhattan

Fern Louisa Downs ; Oak Hill

Thomas Edward Doyle; Manhattan

Bertha Lumena Dreier; Berryton

Gabriel Ernest Drollinger; Manhattan

Florence Estelle Dudley; Clay Center

Clara Kathryn Dugan; Manhattan

Mary Irene Dunn; Clay Center

Helen Gertrude Durham; Manhattan

Izola Mildred Dutton ; Manhattan

Edwin Osborne Earl; Manhattan

W. Harvey Ebersole; Newton

Janet Cuthbert Edelblute; Topeka

Frank Edward Edlin; Manhattan

Helen Ehrhardt ; Westphalia

Edna Frances Ehrlich ; Marion

Harold Chester Elder; Mankato

Lois Wanda Elder; Marysville

Hellen Rachel Elling; Manhattan

Opal Marion Endsley ; Manhattan

Mildred V. English ; Lincoln

Alice Josephine Englund ; Salina

Alfred Harlan Epperson; Manhattan

Anna Marie Erickson ; Clyde

Iris Clara Ericson ; Bridgeport

Mildred Berniece Esslinger; Bala

Ruth Elizabeth Esslinger ; Bala

Everett Noel Evans; Wilsey

Paul Eugene Fairbank ; Topeka

Sidney Lanier Falin; Cleburne

Everett Ellsworth Fauchier; Osage City

Elwin E. Feather; Minneapolis

Eth<>l B. Feese; Junction City

G. Jean Fergerson; Manhattan

Lendall Kiple Firth ; Manhattan

Edward Joseph Fisher; Leavenworth

Theodore Allen Fleck; Wamego

Beattie Hope Fleenor; Manhattan

John Sebastian Florell ; Manhattan

Kenney Lee Ford ; Manhattan

Cora Helen Forney; Minneapolis

LeVern Velma Forsyth ; Wakefield

Harold Earl Frank; Manhattan

Kathleen Grace Fraser; Talmage

Enos Allen Fritz; Riley

Raymond Glenn Frye; Manhattan

Edith Fultz; Wichita

Edgar Daniel Furse; Pleasanton

Hilliard Lafayette Gamble ; Halstead

Ruth Dible Gamble ; Rexf ord

Marguerite Jane Gardner; Clifton

Alice Louise Garvin; Ogden

Fern Emeline Gaston; Wakefield

Lester Charles Gates; Seward

Martin Henry Gates; Kansas City

Bessie Geffert ; Manhattan

Cora Mae Geiger; Salina

Harvey Stafford German; Little River

Glen Erwin Ghormley ; Monomi, Neb.

Frances Eloise Gibson; Muskogee, Okla.

Marie Mary Gibson; Palco

T. Henry Gile; Scandia

Adelaide Louise Glaser; Ozawkie

John Snell Glass ; Manhattan

Archibald Alexander Glenn ; Webster

William Henry Glover; Crescent, Okla.

Myrtle Genevieve Gohlke ; Holton

Margaret Rose Goodyear; Wichita

Ruth Beatrice Gordon ; De Soto

Austin Beatrice Gordon ; De Soto

Austin Gerald Goth; Manhattan

Esther Gould; Manhattan

Earle Ervin Graham; Magnolia, Ark.

George Lauvin Graham; Manhattan

Ruth Elinor Graham; Manhattan

Spencer William Graham; Beattie

Clarence Orrin Grandfield ; Manhattan

Erma Sarah Gravenstein; Riley

E. Rebecca Green; Cawker City

Roy Monroe Green; Manhattan

Mary Gertrude Grider; Rolla

Eunice Grace Grierson ; Manhattan

David G. Griffiths; Manhattan

Winston King Grigg; Abilene

D'anton Grover; Salina

Myrtle Annice Gunselman ; Manhattan

Grace Mary Gustafson ; Marysville

Ruth Violet Gustin ; Manhattan

Eva Maude Guthrie; Woodston

Ferdinand Daniel Haberkorn ; Hutchinson

Arthur Carroll Hadley; Wichita

List of Students


Summer School Continued.

Bernice Mildred Hageman ; Leonardville

Gladys Iona Hahn ; Clay Center

Wilma Helene Hahn ; Clay Center

Verna Lucille Hahn ; Clay Center

Harry Herbert Halbower; Kingman

Marcia Hall ; Manhattan

Ve'na Genevieve Hallock ; Manhattan

Helen Margaret Halstead ; Manhattan

Doris Independence Hamilton ; Glen Elder

Richard Edward Hamler; Manhattan

Gladys Viona Hanson; Leonardville

Katherine Frances Harding; Manhattan

Oscar Miles Hardtarfer; Lawrence

May Harland ; Frankfort

Maude Harland ; Frankfort

Florence Harris; Manhattan

Vida Agnes Harris; Manhattan

William Pliny Harriss; Kansas City

Maude Hart; Albuquerque, N. Mex.

Frank M. Hartman ; Manhattan

Li'lian E. Haugstead ; Lyndon

Irene J. Hauk ; Holton

Everett F. Haukenberry; Manhattan

Stella Havel ; Cuba

Chester Havley ; Frankfort

Lillian Iola Havley ; Manhattan

Martha Jane Hay; Sterling

Alunda Mae Hayes ; Onaga

Frederick Hedstrom; Manhattan

Hazel Ruth Heikes ; Wakefield

Carl Heinrich ; Durham

James Roe Heller; Detroit

Margaret Lorraine Hemphill ; Chanute

Alice Evangeline Henley ; Ness City

Naomi Ruth Henry; Clay Center

Martha Loue'Ja Hensley ; Jackson, Mo.

Elizabeth Spears Hepler; Columbus

Katharine Paddock Hess; Manhattan

Lucille Hesselbarth ; Abilene

Fern Vivian Hickey; Dover

Lynn Bandy Hicks; Oil Hill

Earl Martin Hiestand ; White Cloud

Edna Elizabeth Higgins; Solomon

Charline Vee Hill ; Horton

Frank Webster Hill; Rochester, N. Y.

Robert Towner Hill ; Grand Meadow, Minn.

Lora Valentine Hilyard ; Manhattan

Harry Wilson Hinckley; Barnard

Winnie Blanche Hinman ; Esbon

Thomas Burl Hofmann ; Silver Lake

Mary Alice Holladay; Augusta

Cecil Cannum Holmes ; Goff

Johnson Alcott Holmes ; Manhattan

Vera M. Holmstrom; Randolph

Verna Doris Holmstrom ; Randolph

Joseph Frank Holsinger; Kansas City

WiUiam Milton Holt; Augusta

Ruth Louise Holton ; Manhattan

Elsa Ottilia Horn; Manhattan

Myrtle Evelyn Home; Alma

William Robert Horsfall ; Manhattan

Harper Delmar Horton ; Plevna

Bert Lewis Hostinsky; Manhattan

Hazel Juanita Hotchkiss; Manhattan

Sarah Genevieve Howe; Emporia

Mildred Howe; Beloit

George Edward Hrdy; Waconda Springs

NePie May Hubbard ; Cedarvale

Lela Ethel Huber; Leonardville

Verda Murphy Hudson ; Manhattan

Twila Loreen Huggins; Manhattan

Lelia Mary Hughes; Kansas City, Mo.

Marie Hughes ; Salina

Aile^n Hull; Manhattan

Glade W. Hurst; Caldwell

Adelaide Hutter; Cherryva^

Esther Victoria Hyrup ; Mentor

Helen Eileen Ingalls; Talmage

Edna Victoria Isaacson ; Randolph

Percy Jennings Isaacson ; Walsburg

Mary Jane Isbell ; Bennington

Cecile Mae Jackson ; Kress, Tex.

Hazel Elevet Jackson; Clifton

Ralph William Jackson ; Manhattan

Lucile Jaedicke; Hanover

Lois Bennett Jarrott ; Hutchinson

George Henry Jenkins; Manhattan

Pauline Gertrude Jermark ; Delphos

Mary Jeanette Jobling; Caldwell

Lillian Iris Johanek ; Esbon

Ethel Evangeline Johnson ; Cleburne

Francis Eugene Johnson; Manhattan

Genevieve Alberteen Johnson ; Manhattan

George RoU Johnson ; Council Grove

Ruth Maude Johnson ; Beloit

Hazel M. Johnston ; Leonardville

Sara Virginia Jolley; Manhattan

Elmo E. Jones; Manhattan

Esther Margaret Jones ; Frankfort

Margaret F. Jones; Abilene

Mildred Irwin Jones ; Clay Center

Louis Mark Jorgenson; Manhattan

Justin Joe Joy ; Osborne

Ralph M. Karns ; Ada

Pauline Kegereis; Salina

Harry Llewellyn Kent ; State College,

N. Mex. Harry Kibler; Sedan Helen Kimball; Manhattan John Kimball; Smith Center (deceased) Pattie Margaret Kimball ; Manhattan Bruce Alvin Kindig; Medicine Lodge Dale Franklin King; Manhattan Marion Gibbonney Kirkpatrick; Manhattan Me'.vin Clair Kirkwood ; Natoma Vivian Iliene Kirkwood ; Manhattan Dorothy Elizabeth Klein; Topeka Norma Louise Knock ; Lincoln James Raymond Knox ; El Dorado George Herman Koelling; Talmage Josephine Elizabeth Koenig; Kansas City,

Mo. Elsie La Verne Kramer; Hiawatha Carrie Gertrude Krueger; Bison Dorothy Beryl Kuhnle; Concordia Malcolm Laman; Rice Russell Laman; Rice Rachel Joy Lamprecht; Manhattan Charles Herbert Lantz, Jr. ; Manhattan Melvin Earl Lantz; Madison Fern Aileen Larabee; Haddam Eveline Juliet Larson ; Leonardville Frances Katheryn Marie Larson ; Smolan Iva Larson ; Manhattan Merville Larson; Manhattan Helen E. Lauck; Maplthill Bessie Adeline Leach ; Bird City Daniel Noel League; Wetmore Elden Emanuel Leasure ; Manhattan Edwin E. Lee; Michigan Valley Greta Velma Leece ; Formoso Lucy Mae Leiszler; Clifton Mildred Hazel Lemert ; Cedarvale Florence Marie Leonard ; Manhattan M. Marie Lesher; Dodge City Willis Lloyd Lesher; Manhattan Bessie Helen Lewis; Wakefield Clarence F. Lewis; Manhattan Ruby Mae Lewis ; Concordia Joe Kenneth Limes ; La Harpe Norman M. Lindbloom ; Cleburne Per Gustave William Lindquist ; Manhattan Alice Charlotte Linn ; Clyde Aubrey Erskine Lippincott ; Manhattan Eugene Clifford Livingston; Hutchinson Twila Ellen Lloyd; Oak Hill Maude Maxine Lober; Keats


Kansas State Agricultural College

Summer S Robert Ivan Lockard ; Norton Evelyn E. Longren; Leonardville Elizabeth A. Lorimer; Kansas City, Mo. L. Loraine Lortscher; Fairview Virginia Louise Lovitt ; Great Bend Ruth Mildred Low rey ; Selden Gladys May Loy ; Wakeeney Ruby Lillian Loy; Barnard Verna Mern Loyd ; Hiawatha Otto Walter; Honolulu, T. H. Elmer Lull ; Haddam John . Wallace Lumb ; Manhattan Lucile Alice Lund ; Manhattan Charles Ellis Luthey; Carbondale R.uth Devouta Lutz ; Manhattan Lawrence Niles Lydick ; Winfield Georgie Seaman Lyman; Ulysses George Cardinal Lyon; Manhattan Agnes Jeanne Lyon ; Manhattan Florence Minette McCall ; Salina Lucille McCall; Winfield Geraldine Alberta McCammon; Wellington Hazel Juanita McCammon ; Wellington Hildred Naomi McCammon; Wellington Caroline Louise McCarthy ; Kansas City Wayne McCaslin ; Osborne Elinor Mary McCaul ; Elk City Arthur Jesse McCleery ; Esbon Anna Evelyn McClung; Attica Helen Edith McClung; Attica Thelma Fern McClure ; Hutchinson Grace Kerns McCoppin; Phillipsburg Robert Earl McCormick; Oatville Mary Alice McCreight ; Soldier Ethel McDonald ; Manhattan Ada Marie McKeever ; Holton Agnes Vivian McKibben ; Manhattan E. Pearle McKinney ; Junction City M. Roselyn McKinney ; Junction City Mary Martha McMichael ; Council Grove Daisy Feme McMullen; Norton Alvin Arthur Maddy ; Utica Stella Cook Maddy; Seibert, Colo. Dorothy Andrews Madison; Manhattan Helen Lorine Magee ; Goddard Hazel Mahon ; Silver Lake Alice Manley ; Cheney Selma Marie Maronde ; Gorham Daniel Claire Marshall ; Manhattan Ethel Justin Marshall ; Manhattan George Edward Marshall ; Bonner Springs Arthur Ray Martin ; Sabetha Claire Arnot Martin ; Abilene Dorothy A. Martin; Manhattan Edith Edna Seavey Martin ; Manhattan Flossie Pearl Martin; Topeka Helen Crittendon Martin ; Abilene Ralph R. Martin ; Topeka Charlotte Viola Mathias ; Manhattan Esther Carol Mathies; Alma James Asel Matson ; Miltonvale Mary Evangeline Maxwell ; Manhattan Charles Hubert Mehaffey ; Farmington Glen Ervan Meredith ; Junction City Alfreda Meyer; Frankfort Mary Amanda Meyer; Mound City, Mo. Alfred Maxwell Meyers; Merriam Albert William Miller; Manhattan Breta Stena Miller ; Blue Rapids Clara Grace Miller ; Manhattan Govan Mills, Jr. ; Lake City Esther Edna Mitchell ; Rosedale Walter Rankin Mitchell; Salina Maurice Charles Moggie ; Manhattan Aldie Ann Moline ; Randolph William Edward Moling; Carterville, Mo. Luther Emanuel Monell ; Osage City Leon Francis Montague ; Solomon

chool Continued.

George Montgomery; Manhattan

Leonard Howard Montgomery; Neodesha

Feme Hilda Moore; Blue Rapids

Helen Handel Moore; Altamont

Raymond Benjamin Moorman; Manhattan

Alta M. Morehouse; Manchester

Alice Prince Moreland ; Manhattan

J. Wade Morey ; Narka

Virgil Idmire Morey ; Narka

Alice Lucille Morgan ; Concordia

Charles Elias Morgan ; Concordia

Una Morlan ; Courtland

Eula Frances Morris ; Yates Center

Irene Morris ; Paxico

Marguerite Morris ; Paxico

Maria Morris ; Manhattan

Mary Hope Morris ; Manhattan

Merle Dallas Morris ; Paxico

Paul R. Morris ; Paxico

Eva Hope Morrison; Manhattan

Thirza Adaline Mossman ; Manhattan

Edna Caroline Mueller; Washington

Anna Neal Muller; Topeka

Flavius Albert Mundell ; Nickerson

Merlin Mundell ; Nickerson

Stella Constance Munger; Manhattan

Feme Aileen Murray ; Manhattan

Walter Harold Murray ; Manhattan

Nancy Mary Mustoe; Norton

Gladys Myers ; Burns

Joyce Myers ; Sylvia

Floyd Sereign Naugle; Highland

Irene Josephine Nelson; Bridgeport

William Anthony Nelson; Alta Vista

Louis Bert Neuman ; Norton

Fred Irwin Nevius ; Paola

Alma Dale Newell ; Durham

Leanor Nichols ; Manhattan

Bonnidell Nicholson ; Olathe

Karl Polk Niederlander ; Manhattan

Freda Marie Nixon; Topeka

Philip Myron Noble; Manhattan

Ethel Myrtle Noland; Keats

Delmo Alice Nowels ; Glasco

Harold Alfred Noyce; Keats

Gladys Mae Nulik; Caldwell

Evelyn Jean Nuzman ; Manhattan

Loren Manuel Nuzman; Manhattan

Geraldine O 'Daniel ; Westmoreland

Vera Maye Odell ; Republic

Loren William Olmstead ; Great Bend

Lillie Clara Olson ; Manhattan

Luella O'Neill ; Winchester

Bessie Mae Orr; Summerfield

Opal F. Osborne; Partridge

Robert Leroy Owens ; Chapman

Alfred Robb Paden; Argonia

Lita Mae Paine ; Admire

Leslie Ellison Paramore ; Delphos

John Huntington Parker; Manhattan

Laurence Parker; Manhattan

Marguerite Parker; Lebanon

Muriel Rebecca Parrack ; Mahaska

Jennie M. Parry ; Riley

Olodine Nina Parshall ; Manhattan

Dorothy Paula Pease; Manhattan

R.oyce Owen Pence ; Manhattan

Alice Elevera Peterson ; Assaria

Irving Everett Peterson; Haddam

Virginia Janette Peterson ; Manhattan

Eunice Ruby Phelps; Blue Rapids

Louise Arminda Phelps ; D\vight

Geneva Pauline Phillips ; Chapman

Hazel Mae Pickard; Haddam

Irene Olive Pierson ; Stanton, Iowa

Isa Ruth Plank ; Lyons

Adolph Gustav Pommerenke; Clay Center

Myra Thelma Potter; Lawrence

List of Students


Summer School Continued.

H. Pierce Powers; Junction City

George Lee Pryor ; Salina

Mildred Emily Purcell ; Manhattan

George Morris Purcell ; Manhattan

Elizabeth Quinlan ; Manhattan

Addie Alice Radebaugh ; Frankfort

Grace Radebaugh ; Frankfort

George Hemrod Railsback ; Manhattan

Edith LaVerne Ramey ; Manhattan

Marjorie Elizabeth Ramey; Manhattan

Marie Inez Ramsey ; St'. Francis

Elsie Emma Rand ; Wamego

Lillie Lavone Randle; Idana

Mary Edith Rankin; Kansas City

Emma Evelyn Rathbone ; Manhattan

Mary Josephine Ratliff; Manhattan

Lyle Cheadle Read ; Clay Center

Lawrence V. R-ector; Manhattan

Alzina LaVerne Reed ; Wakefield

A. Louise Reed ; Manhattan

Mary Betz Reed; Manhattan

Ruth Ellen Reed; Belleville

Charles Edward Reeder; Troy

Ethelyn Pray Rees; Mound City

Charlotte Louise Remick ; Manhattan

Anna Hilkea Remmers ; Riley

Jennie Fee Richards ; Keats

Nell G. Richards; Keats

William Richards; Burrton

Eva Beatrice Richardson ; Endicott

Gracia Fern Richardson; Endicott

Alma Margaret Richhart ; Nirkerson

Hugh Kenneth Richwine; Holcomb

Tillie Helen Rife ; Anthony

Mary Eilleen Roberts ; Manhattan

Lucille Roberts ; Republic

Sarah Helen Roberts; Manhattan

Bella Catherine Robertson; Manhattan

Chester Merle Roehrman ; White City

Mabel Elsa Roepke; Manhattan

Floyd Nolan Rogers; Smith Center

Frazier Rogers ; Gainesville, Fla.

Emily May Rogler ; Manhattan

Mary Magdalene Rolfe; Fairview

Laree L. Rolph ; Delphos

Clara Irene Rosenow ; Clay Center

Edna Ross ; Clay Center

Frank Henry Roth ; Wichita

Dorothy Dee Roy ; Wilsey

Glenn L. Rucker; Ottawa

Fern Rundle ; Clay Center

Ray Russell ; Kansas City

William Everett Russell ; La

Helen Marguerite Rust ; Manhattan

John Howard Rust ; Manhattan

Henry Benton Ryon ; Manhattan

Pauline Elizabeth Sadler; Randall

Russell Scott Sage ; Maplehill

Fyrn Salley ; Manhattan

Fontella Emma Salmon ; Wayne

Marguerite Dorothy Samco ; Canning, S. Dak.

Jack Sanders ; Independence

Robert E. Sanders ; Burlington

Eugene Caldwell Saunders ; Roswell, N. Mex.

Mabel Lucille Schardein ; Nickerson

Margaret James Schattenburg ; Riley

Ruth Schlotterbeck ; Chickasha, Okla.

Gladys Schmedeman; Manhattan

Lorna Katherine Schmidler ; Marysville

Edward Henry Schneider ; Kansas City

Mary Frances Schuerer ; Junction City

Ruby Thelma Scholz ; Frankfort

Marie Frances Schoneweis ; Clay Center

Eunice Alvina Schroeter; Ellinwood

Leona Gwendolyn Schuester; Cowgill, Mo.

James William Schwanke ; Alma

Agnes Mabel Scott ; Westmoreland

Harriet Newell Scott ; Kirwin

Marjorie Marie Scott; Altoona

Myra Edna Scott ; Manhattan

Emily Rose Sedivy ; Irving

Aurelia A. Seeberger ; Hanover

Alma Elizabeth Seematter; Marysville

Lela Mae Segrist; Manhattan

Mirriam Ettna Selden; Clyde

Mabel Luella Sellens; Russell

Sopha Mae Shade; Hays

Maxine M. Shaffer; Beloit

Leona Edythe Shara ; Narka

Vivian Bernice Shaw; Louisville

Alene Frances Shay; Miltonvale

Cecelia Matilda Shea; Clifton

James Frederick Shea; Manhattan

Floyd Henry Sheel ; Earlton

Gertrude Sheetz; Admire

Vivian A. Shields; Hoxie

Elsie Leah Shippy; Chapman

Lina Maria Shippy; Chapman

Daisy May Shivers; Manchester

Beulah Fern Shockey; Iola

Bernice Elizabeth Shoebrook; Horton

Leo Charles Short; Norton

Mabel Shrontz; Wilsey

Verma Alice Siddens; Westmoreland

Kermit James Silverwood; Ellsworth

Lonnie Joseph Simmons; Manhattan

Dorothy Lois Simpson; Leonardville

Hazel Belle Simpson; Bala

Mildred Virginia Simpson; Dunavant

Sister Lorena Heidrick; Manhattan

Sister M. Domitilla Arnoldy; Manhattan

Sister Nicholas Arnoldy; Manhattan

Sister M. Francis Costello; Manhattan

Sister M. Roselita Hall; Concordia

Lois A. Sitterley; Hanhattan

Sadie Sylvia Sklar; Manhattan

Harry Edwin Skoog; Caldwell

Helen Louise Sloan; Hutchinson

Daphyne Vivian Smith; Manhattan

Ella Lavonne Smith; Agenda

Florence Verlene Smith; Tarkio; Mo.

Frank Lynn Smith; Longford

Hobart Muir Smith; Bentonville, Ark.

Sam J. Smith; Florence

Edward Paul Smoot; Eureka

Katherine Bingman Snair; Manhattan

Ruth Margaret Solomon; Kansas City, Mo.

Stevie Stiles Solt; Manhattan

Stanley Livingstone Soper; Manhattan

Julia Lurena Southard; Manhattan

Alma Spencer; Yates Center

Virgie Spreer; Clay Center

Elda Etta Stafford; Republic

Thelma Winona Stafford; Republic

Ruth Elizabeth Stener; Courtland

Irwin R. Stenzel ; Marion

Ruth Sterling; Morganville

Eva Almeda Stewart; Manhattan

James Arlie Stewart; Abilene

La Von Stewart ; Wamego

Mary Emma Stewart; Auburn

Lee Rudell St. John; Morland

Catherine Oloyn Stone ; Manhattan

Mona Valeria Stoops; Bellaire

Leah Angeline Stout ; Manhattan

Maidene Stout ; Manhattan

Ruby Roberta Stover; Kansas City

William Timothy Stratton; Manhattan

lone Strickland ; Manhattan

Rozella Stutz ; Manhattan

Mary L. Summers; Horton

Coit Alfred Suneson; Missoula, Mont.

Wilma Olive Sutton ; Kingman

Gertrude Bernice Swagerty ; Clay Center

Carola Agnes Swanson ; Manhattan

Charlotte Huntington Swanson ; Manhattan

Elizabeth Dorothy Swart ; Riley

William Jay Sweet ; Wichita


Kansas State Agricultural College

Summer School Concluded.

Charles Henderson Synnamon ; Wichita

Cleon Orel Tackwell; Manhattan

Laura Ethel Taggart; Salina

Velma Arthena Talbot; Marysville

Philip Jesse Tatman; Lucas

James W. Taylor; Manhattan

Lot Forman Taylor; Ashland

Mark Mowell Taylor; Harveyville

Mary Fidelia Taylor; Newton

Svlvia Ernestine Teasley; Glasco

Donald M. Telford; Manhattan

Juanita La Vern Telford ; Manhattan

Mary Cleo Teter; El Dorado

Rebecca Louise Thacher; Waterville

Emily Sheppeard Thackrey; Manhattan

Russell Ira Thackrey; Manhatttan

Howard I. Thaller; Manhattan

Beulah Helen Thomas; Ottawa

Grace Anna Toburen ; Barnes

Mateel Finch Todd; Manhattan

Evelyn Lucille Torrence; Independence

Ivan C. Townsdin; Randall

Nellie Trechsel ; Idana

Ruth Anna Tredway ; La Harpe

Opal Pearl Tucker; Alton

Mary Edna Tupper; Manhattan

Faye Marjorie Turner; Manhattan

Clarence Correll Uhl ; Manhattan

Mildred Fern Ungeheuer; Centerville

Gladys Ellen Vail; Manhattan

Lois Castle Vance; Kiowa

Ruth Van Orsdol ; Rossville

Gerald Dean Van Pelt; Beloit

Grace Emily Van Scoyoc; Mont Ida

Leland Stanford Van Scoyoc ; Manhattan

Mary Pierce Van Zile ; Manhattan

Lillian Elizabeth Vennum; Columbus

Ruth Kathleen Vennum ; Columbus

Velma Elizabeth Vincent; Alden

Jerry Julian Vineyard ; Junction City

Crystal Louise Wagner; Manhattan

Dorothy Wagner; Topeka

Mary Frances Wagner; Manhattan

Mildred Margaret Wagner; Ames

Helen Frances Walker; Manhattan

Violet Lovina Walker; Manhattan

Elsie Gertrude Wall ; Cawker City

Margaret Lois Walters ; Riley

Walter Gilling Ward; Manhattan

Louise Ware; Manhattan

Mary Virginia Washington; Manhattan

Eugene Albertice Waters ; Eureka

Ellen Louise Watson; Manhattan

John Clarke Watson ; Frankfort

Jewell Kimball Watt; Coyville

Alta Bernice Watters; Marysville

Ella H. Webb; Kansas City

Ray Edward Weide; Leona

Harold Rowe Weller; Olathe

Ethel Sue Wells; Winona

Olive O. Wells; Belleville

Thornton Walton Wells; Hays

Lulu Part en Wertman ; Morrowville

Jesse Frederick Westerdale; Wakefield

Opal Augusta Westhausen; Belleville

Bernice Elizabeth Weygandt ; Manhattan

Florence Rilla Whipple; Manhattan

Julia Alberta White; Clay Center

K. Marie White; Oswego

Mary Frances White; Manhattan

Royden Keith Whitford ; Hamlin

Delta Nadine Whitmore; Manhattan

Kathryn Whitten; Wakarusa

Margaret Katherine Wieda; Hiawatha

Louis George Weineke; Sabetha

Mary Christine Wiggins; Eureka

Esther Margaret Wilkins ; Meade

Jean Frances Willis; Washington

Emily Wilson ; La Harpe

Karl Marx Wilson; Concordia

Leone Wilson ; Wichita

Charles Asher Wimer; South Haven

Ruth Maybelle Wimer; South Haven

Verna B. Winchel ; Salina

Jo Marie Wise; Manhattan

Irma Mildred Wolf; Lawton, Okla

Ruth Wolfe; Admire

Hilma Leona Wolgast ; Alta Vista

Wallace Robert Womer; Manhattan

Catherine Louise Wood ; Wakefield

Etha King Wood ; Reading

Mildred L. Wood ; Mary ville, Mo.

Gracelee Woolverton ; Abilene

John Howard Worley ; Randall

Clair M. Worthy; Wetmore

Estel Lee Wright; Blue Mound

Wilbur William Wright ; Hope

Clifford Richard Yardley ; Hutchinson

Evelyn Ruth Yarrow ; Wakefield

Mary Irene Yoder; Manhattan

Carol Oscar Youngstrom ; Culver, Ore.

Iscah Marion Zahm; Topeka

Bertha Annetta Zimmers ; Hiawatha

Second Session

Elgin R. Button; Meriden Blaine Crow ; Silver Lake John Clayton Dwelly ; Manhattan Thomas Conway Faris ; Lebanon Vern Oren Farnsworth ; North Topeka Vernett Edward Fletcher; Alton Harold David Garver ; Merriam Willard Dyke Gilbert; Alden Beulah McNall Glenn; Webster Philip Walter Hansen ; Columbus F. Floyd Herr; Argonia Julian Almon Johnson ; Kiowa Herbert Lee Kammeyer; Wamego John Humphrey Kerr ; Miltonvale John Lowe; Winfield

Earl Harrison Martin ; Pratt

Onie L. Norton ; Altamont

Dwight Patton ; Harper

Fred Thomas Rees; Mound City

Roger E. Regnier; Fairview

Harry Weber Schaper; Jewell City

Lester John Schmutz; Wakefield

Sidney Simmons; Greensboro, N. C.

William Henry Teas; Kingman

Forest Whan; Manhattan

Viola Jenet Williams ; Kansas City, Mo.

Hugh Willis; Williamsburg

Homer Carlton Wood; Reading

Claude Newton Yaple; Ford

August Period

Maynard Henry Coe; Manhattan George Albert Gemmell ; Manhattan Royce Owen Pence ; Manhattan

Glenn Rucker; Ottawa

William Timothy Stratton; Manhattan

List of Students


Home Study Service Students

(Instruction by Correspondence)

For the year January 1, 1929, to January 1, 1930, those who took credit courses numbered 853 and those who enrolled in vocational courses num- bered 23.

In the following list, those taking college credit courses are indicated by (c), those taking high-school courses by (p) and those taking vocational courses by (v).

Where enrollments are from Kansas the name of the state is omitted. It is given in all other cases.

Vivian D. Abell (c) ; Riley

Lora W. Aborn (c) ; River Forest, 111.

June Adair (p); Wathena

Alice V. Adams (c) ; Leavenworth

Leo V. Adkins (p) ; Glasco

Gladys Ahlericks (p) ; Winfield

Helen Elizabeth Allison (p) ; Florence

Ethel L. Alston (c) ; Raleigh, N. C.

Le Roy Alt (c) ; Mankato

Ruth C. Anderson (c) ; Manhattan

Mrs. Birdie Anderson (v) ; Clay Center

Frances A. J. Anderson (c) ; Winnetka, 111.

Elna Andrick (c) ; Wheaton

L. Keith Anderson (c) ; Cleburne

Jessie Yahn Andrews (c) ; Manhattan

Joye Ansdell (c) ; Jamestown

Paul W. Archer (c) ; Hutchinson

Ruth C. Archer (c) ; Hutchinson

Mrs. Mahala Arganbright (c) ; Wamego

Bessie Marie Argo (p) ; Oketo

Sister M. Nicholas Arnoldy (c) ; Manhattan

Sister M. Domitialla Arnoldy (c) ; Manhattan

Edward L. Askren, Jr. (c) ; Manhattan

Estella Ault (p) ; Wamego

Herbert W. Avery (c) ; Wakefield

Donald K. Ayres (c) ; Manhattan

Frank H. Backstrom (c) ; Kansas City, Mo.

Mildred Bailey (p) ; Agra

J. L. Baird (c) ; Wellsville

Loran Dale Balderson (p) ; Wamego

Don C. Baldwin (c) ; Manhattan

L. R. Ballard (p) ; Manhattan

Frances Bane (p) ; Webster

Dora Gladys Banks (p); Wamego

John V. Baptist (p) ; Uniontown

Irene Barber (c) ; Miltonvale

Alex J. Barneck (c) ; Salina

Ruth Barnes (c) ; Paxico

Wilma M. Barr (p) ; Manhattan

Ruth Barrett (c) ; Wichita

William Barth (p); Wathena

L. G. Bartholomew (c) ; Wichita

Earl T. Basore (p); Valley Center

Sue E. Bates (c) ; Manhattan

Mrs. Wm. Bauer (v) ; Clay Center

Cecil Baum (p); Belpre

Kenneth Bauman (c) ; Salina

Pauline Beck (c) ; Republic

Neva J. Beckey (c) ; Bavaria

Sigrid Beckstrom (c) ; Marquette

Clara Benne (p) ; Washington

Martin Benston (p); Leona

Thelma Berg (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Margaret M. Bergman (p); Independence

H. J. Besler (c) ; Manhattan

Mildred Adeline Bettles (c) ; Greenleaf

T. G. Betts (c); Detroit

John Bird (c) ; Manhattan

Caroline Bivins (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Doris Bland (c) ; Lucas

Nellie Bloom (c) ; Liberal

Mrs. Irma McKinnell Boardman (c) ;

Thoreau, N. Mex. Mrs. Louise G. Boatman (c) ; Norton George Bolley (p) ; Washington Margaret Boore (v) ; Manhattan Patricia Boult (p); Manhattan Mildred Boyd (p); Norton Beulah B. Boyd (p); Waterville H. R. Bradley (p) ; Manhattan C. Clifford Brady (c) ; Epworth, Iowa Katherine Brannan (c) ; Texarkana, Ark. Justina Brenning (c) ; Burns Lilly Brenner (c) ; Clay Center Leonard K. Brewster (p) ; Independence Gertrude Brill (c) ; Westmoreland Faith Briscoe (c) ; Cambridge Vernon L. Britton (c) ; Wellington Frances E. Broadbeck (c) ; Washington Velma Brockway (p) ; Simpson Mildred Bronstine (p) ; Lewistown, Mo. Gertrude Brookens (c) ; Westmoreland Mrs. K. B. Brooks (c) ; Junction City Dorothy M. Brophy (p) ; Vliets Lura A. Brown (c) ; Cassoday Claude H. Brown (c) ; Winfield Flossie Brown (p) ; Winfield Ralph M. Brown (c) ; Kansas City T. B. Brown (v) ; Ulysses Orpha Brown (c) ; Edmond Earl Robert Brown (v) ; Plains Alice E. Browne (c) ; Corning V. C. Brubaker (c) ; Abilene Maurine Bryan (c) ; Delia Lily Mae Buchanan (c) ; Ottawa Thos. Buchman (p) ; Paola Wilma Mae Bucknell (c) ; Olathe Leon P. Burris (c) ; Chanute Jeanne Burt (p) ; Manhattan Georgiana Bush (c) ; Little River Norvall Butler (c) ; Manhattan Floyd W. Caldwell (c) ; Parsons Jessie Campbell (v) ; Lyons Wm. Frank Campbell (p) ; Independence Velva Campbell (p) ; Norton Margaret Canham (c) ; Kansas City, Mo. Edward Canisius (v) ; Sheboygan, Wis. E. D. Cannon (c) ; Manhattan Gladys Carder (c) ; Langdon Thadene Carey (c) ; Valley Center William Carlson (p) ; Smolan Helen C. Carlson (c) ; Cleburne Mildred Casey (c) ; Dorrance Tulloch Casey (p) ; Corning Wm. R. Chalmers (c) ; Topeka Lucille Chastain (c) ; Manhattan Gladys Chegwidden (c) ; Claflin Milton Cherry (c) ; Chicago, 111. Leota Chester (p) ; Glade Marian Childers (c) ; Wamego Harley Chilson (c) ; Oberlin Mildred Christenson (c) ; Concordia


Kansas State Agricultural College

Elverine Clapp (p) ; Washington

Helena Clapp (p) ; Washington

Elmer Field Clark (c) ; Jewell

Velma Clark (p) ; Savannah, Mo.

Vernie Clausen (c) ; Alton

Floyd A. Clayton (c) ; El Dorado

C. F. Clayton (c) ; El Dorado

Ina L. Clements (p) ; Havensville

Elizabeth O. Clencv (c) ; Manhattan

Mildred A. Cleveland (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Chas. E. Cole, (c) ; Cicero, 111.

Lillian M. Colfer (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Frances Conard (c) ; Ottawa

Catherine Conroy (p) ; Manhattan

Lucy E. Caster (c) ; Manhattan

Wrilma Copper (c) ; Manhattan

Donald Russell Corey (c) ; Jackson, Miss.

Sister M. Frances Costello (c) ; Manhattan

Lucile Costello (c) ; Carlton

George O. Covert (p) ; Hiawatha

Frances M. Covey (c) ; Miltonvale

Donald W. Cowan (c) ; Valley Falls

Herman C. Cowdery (c) ; Lyons

Josephine A. Cox (c) ; Chicago

Lucile Cox (p) ; Havensville

W. H. Cox (c); Elk City

Norman C. Craig (p) ; Hiawatha

F. M. Crawford (p) ; Manhattan Vera Crawford (c) ; Lincoln Jimmie Cress (p) ; Cedar Point Earl E. Crocker (c) ; Manhattan Geneveieve Crowley (c) ; Manhattan Mrs. Naomi R. Croy (c) ; Norcatur Ethel Culbreath (c) ; Douglass

Guy W. Cummings (c) ; Nettleton, Mo.

Phyllis C. Cunningham, (c) ;

Michigan City, Ind.

Roy Cupp (c) ; Washington

Cora Dell Curry (c) ; Winchester

Mildred W. Cyr (p) ; Miltonvale

Maude Daniels (c) ; Randolph

Bill Daniels (c) ; Westfall

Agnes Daugherty (p); Manning

Rowland A. Davenport (c) ; Ottawa

Saloma Davis (c) ; Carthage, Mo.

Frances E. Davis (p); Americus

Paul Davis (c) ; Manhattan

-Glenn M. Deeter (c) ; Norcatur

Dewian L. Delp (p); Norton

Clara F. Denison (c) ; Attica

Bessie Elaine Dennis (p); Macksville

Donna Dickinson (c) ; Douglass

Guy E. Dickinson (c) ; Sabetha

Hilma M. Dickinson (c) ; Winfield

Benetta Diehl (c) ; Polo, 111.

Earl I. Dixson (p); Forgan, Okla.

Elizabeth R. Dixson (c) ; Buffalo, Okla.

Thelma A. Dodd (p); Linn

William H. Dodderidge (p); Manhattan

R. R. Dodderidge (c) ; Council Grove

Mrs. Karl E. Donnell (c) ; Hutchinson

Esther B. Dosser (p) ; Jetmore

Joseph A. Doubrava (c) ; Lorraine

Maggie Doyle (c) ; Douglass

Etha C. Dungan (c) ; Independence

Rachel Dunham (c) ; Broughton

John E. Dunkin (c) ; Wellington

Martha DuMars (c) ; Topeka

Jean Lois Durland (c) ; Irving

Mrs. Mabel L. Eade (c) ; Duluth, Minn.

Albert R. Edwards (c) ; Manhattan

Charles Eichman (p) ; Williamsburg

Mary Eisendrath (c) ; Hubbard Woods, 111.

Lino Elefante (p); Fort Riley

Harold Ellington (p); Monticello, Mo.

G. F. Ely (c); Spivey Mildred Emery (c) ; Hutchinson P. A. Engle (p); Abilene

John English (p); Topeka

Arthur A. Erickson (c) ; Kansas City

Home Study Students Continued.

Clarice Erickson (c) ; Aurora, 111.

Alexander L. Erickson (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Geo. F. Ernsbarger (c) ; Randolph

Ernestine B. Ernest (c) ; Paola

Ruth E. Esslinger (c) ; Bala

Grace E. Eustace (c) ; Wakefield

Thomas M. Evans (c) ; Gove

Cleora Ewalt (c); Dodge City

Margaret Fairman (p); Manhattan

Sidney L. Falin (c) ; Cleburne

Wilma Falen (c) ; Oak Hill

G. L. Farnsworth (c) ; Wichita

C. Archer Farrell (c) ; Berwyn, 111.

Vera Farrell (c) ; Clay Center

Cecil Farrington (p); Phillipsburg

J. V. Faulconer (c) ; El Dorado

David M. Feese (c) ; Bozeman, Mont.

Mrs. Mildred H. Ferguson (c) ; Fairfield, 111.

Mabel M. Ferris (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Joe Fickel (c) ; Chanute

Beryl E. Field (c) ; Ogden

Alta Fields (c) ; Manhattan

Floyd Finley (p) ; Waterville

Wm. I. Finley (v) ; Lyons

Clella L. Fisher (c) ; Fellsburg

Theodore A. Fleck (c) ; Manhattan

R. W. Fleck (c); Beloit

Hattie Flesher (c) ; Carthage, Mo.

Lucy Fletcher (c) ; Salina

R. S. Florer (c) ; Marion

Eva Ford (c) ; Manhattan

Kathryn Forseman (c) ; Council Grove

Wallace Forsberg (c) ; Lindsborg

J. M Foster (v) ; Clifton

Joseph F. Foster (c) ; Kansas City, Mo.

Zelda Frame (p); Norton

Artie R. Frank (p); Grainfield

Maurice B. Franklin (c) ; Manhattan

F. J. Franks (p); Rock

Alva H. Freeman (c) ; Manhattan

Ray French (p); Hiawatha

Elta Frey (c) ; Sylvan Grove

Matilda Fricke (c) ; Morrill

John D. Friesen (p) ; Buhler

J. R. Frizzell (c) ; Hutchinson

Dollie Mae Frost (c) ; Emporia

Ruth Frost (c) ; Blue Rapids

Evangeline Fullerton (p); Medicine Lodge

Margaret Fulton (p) ; Marysville

Lowell Funk (c) ; Seneca

Lowell Funk (c) ; Manhattan

Edgar D. Furse (c) ; Fort Scott

Ruth Gamber (c) ; Manhattan

Ruth Dible Gamble (c) ; Halstead

Kenneth Gapen (c) ; Manhattan

Victor Garner (p); St. John

William Garner (p) ; St. John

Alice Garvin (c) ; Ogden

L. C. Gates (c) ; Manhattan

Warren G. Gates (p) ; Broughton

Minnie Dee Gay (p); Paragould, Ark.

Helen M. Gelakoski (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Florence L. Getz (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Ward Gibbs (c) ; Topeka

Glen Gibson (p); Independence

Virginia Gibson (c) ; Potwin

Glen Gilbert (c) ; Manhattan

Walter C. Gill (c) ; St. John's Barbados,

British West Indies. Mrs. H. E. Gillette (v) ; Ottawa Clarence Lee Gish (c) ; Abilene Ruth Gladfelter (c) ; Whitewater Louise C. Glick (c) ; Garden City Elizabeth Goggin (p); Junction City Elizabeth Gordon (p); Independence Ruth Gordon (c) ; De Soto W. W. Gosney (c) ; Goddard Gwendolyn Gosney (c) ; Goddard

List of Students


Homk Study Students Continued.

Geo. M. Grafel (c) ; Herndon

Gladys Graham (c) ; Manhattan

Erma Gravenstein (c) ; Riley

Richard H. Graves (p); Darlow

Margaret Greep (c) ; Longford

Freda L. Greer (c) ; Marion

Howard Gregory (c) ; Manhattan

Donald Green (p) ; Independence

Gilbert Green (p); Norton

Andrew P. Grimes (c) ; Greenwood, Mo.

La Verene Grover (p) ; Menlo

Hilda Grossmann (c) ; Manhattan

Beatryce Grundy (p) ; Webster

Elaine Gustafson (c) ; McPherson

Grace M. Gustafson (c) ; Manhattan

Miranda Gustafson (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Paul Habiger (p) ; Bushton

August Haegelin (c) ; Atchison

Minnie Hahn (c) ; Inman

Albert Hahn (c) ; Halstead

Vera Hahn (c) ; Clay Center

Gladys Hahn (c) ; Clay Center

Sister M. Roselita Hall (c) ; Concordia

Florence Hall (c) ; Elkhart

Lucille L. Hamill (c) ; Grenola

Gertrude Hamilton (c) ; Wichita

Francis H. Hammett (p) ; Marysville

Maxine E. Hale (p) ; Formoso

Harry Hancks (p) ; Wamego

Zelma Hancock (p) ; Randolph

Mrs. Ray E. Hanna (v) ; Clay Center

Gladys Hanson (c) ; Leonardville

Maude Harland (c) ; Frankfort

Ruth Harlow (c) ; Lucas

Florence Harold (c) ; Dresden

Faye Harris (c) ; Parsons

Harold Harris (p) ; Grinnell

Rodney Harrison (c) ; Burden

Mary C. Harrison (c) ; Tahlequah, Okla.

Alta Hart (c) ; Webster

Laura Hart (c) ; Overbrook

L. R. Hartman (c) ; Hoisington

John Hartung (p) ; Manhattan

Mercedes B. Hawkins (c) ; Tulsa, Okla.

Ola Hay (p) ; Norwich

Lucile Hayman (p) ; Formoso

Francis Hayward (p) ; Menominee, Mich.

Harold Heckendorn (p) ; Cedar Point

Robert B. Hedrick (c) ; Wichita

Violet A. Heer (c) ; Manhattan

Walter Heide (p) ; Harlan

Edward Heikes (p) ; Riley

Lawrence Heinz (p) ; Bushton

Mrs. A. B. Hemphill (v) ; Broughton

Georgia Hemphill (c) ; Clay Center

Mrs. W. O. Henderson (v) ; Lane

Wayne Henderson (p) ; Oxford

Marguerite Henry (p) ; Coffey ville

Elizabeth Herold (p) ; Ellinwood

Lucille Hesselbarth (c) ; Abilene

Delia E. Heibert (p) ; Hillsboro

Edna Higgins (c) ; Solomon

Frank W. Hill (c) ; Manhattan

Everett A. Hinz (c) ; Abilene

Eva Hixson (c) ; Wakeeney

Thurman Hobson (p) ; Sugar City, Colo.

Lawrence F. Hofflinger (c) ; Kansas City

Mary P. Hoffman (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Glen Hoglund (p) ; Miller

Harold Holmes (c) ; Riley

Horace A. Holmer (c) ; Eureka

Joe Holsinger (c) ; Manhattan

Julian Holuba (p) ; St. George

James M. Hoover (p) ; Greenleaf

Fred C. Horan (c) ; Oak Grove, Mo.

Seward E. Horner (c) ; Abilene

Virgin Horrell (c) ; Vinland

De Witt Houck (c) ; Americus

Harold Hovde (c) ; Fort Atkinson, Wis.

Dorothy Howard (c) ; Garnett

Ida Howard (c) ; Garnett

Muriel Howard (c) ; Oberlin

Junior Howard (p) ; Oberlin

John T. Hoyne (c) ; Manhattan

Adolph Hraba (c) ; East St. Louis, 111.

Harold Hoffman (p) ; Chapman

Elmo Wm. Huffman (c) ; Cunningham

Louise Huey (c) ; Ogden

Aileen Hull (c) ; Manhattan

Walter K. Hull (v) ; Ottawa

Sibyl Maude Humbert (c) ; Danville

Anita Humbert (c) ; Danville

George M. Hunholz (c) ; Wamego

H. M. Hunter (c) ; Topeka

Elsie D. Irwin (c) ; Wakefield

Ima Isom (c) ; Lebanon

R. W. Jackson (p) ; Manhattan

Frank Jacobson (p) ; Manhattan

George Jelinek (c) ; Ellsworth

Mark Jenkins (p) ; Paola

Geo. H. Jenkins (c) ; Carthage, Mo.

La Motte J. Jenkins (c) ; Quindaro

Dolf Jennings (c) ; Lyndon

Wilma Jennings (c) ; Little River

Rena Jewell (p) ; Kanopolis

Florence Johnson (p) ; Caldwell

Geneva Johannes (c) ; Willis

Viola Johnson (p) ; St. Francis

Mrs. Laura Johnson (v) ; Ottawa

Robert F. Johnson (c) ; Salina

Ruth Johnston (c) ; Berwyn 111.

Mrs. Edna Johnson (p) ; Beeler

Wm. Z. Johnson (c) ; Beeler

Dwight Deihl Johnson (c) ; Topeka

Glenn Joines (c) ; Manhattan

Lee G. Jolley (c) ; Bastrop, Tex.

Lillie Jones (c) ; Ramona

Dorothy May Jones (p) ; Belleville

Henry Jones (p) ; Enterprise

Margaret Jones (c) ; Abilene

Raymond Judd (p) ; Wellington

John Junkins (c) ; Detroit, Mich.

Elva Keefover (p) ; Waterville

Pauline Kegereis (c) ; Manhattan

Frances Kehler (p) ; Solomon

Willis Kelley (c) ; Kansas City

R. W. Kellogg (c) ; Manhattan

Evelyn Kelly (c) ; Wellington

C. H. Kenison (c) ; New Cambria

Alice E. Kennedy (p) ; Fort Leavenworth

Virginia F. Kennedy (p) ; Fort Leavenworth

Sadie M. Kerr (c) ; Croft

Y. S. Kim (p); Manhattan

Ned Kimball (p) ; Manhattan

John Kimball (c) ; Manhattan

Nellie Kimbrell (p) ; Norton

Dorothy K. Kimman (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Clara Bess King (c) ; Delphos

Frances A. Kinghorn (c) ; Morrowville

Mildred Kingsbury (c) ; Smith Center

Vela Kinman (p) ; Coffeyville

Eunice Kinner (c) ; White City

Mrs. W. S. Kinsey (v) ; Overland Park

Aaron Kipp (c) ; Ellsworth

W. F. Kipper (c) ; Manhattan

Arthur Kirby (c) ; Chanute

Herbert H. Kirby (c) ; Manhattan

Wm. G. Kirby (c) ; Manhattan

Bernice Kirby (p) ; Independence

Hazel Kitch (c) ; Bethel College, Newton

Marius Kjar (p) ; Bartlett, 111.

Marie Kline (p) ; Wathena

Martin Klotzback (c) ; Humboldt

Frances Knerr (c) ; Manhattan

Edna Knode (c) ; Wichita

Laura A. Knop (p) ; Ellinwood

Viola Koenig (c) ; Manhattan

Clarence C. Koerner (c) ; Amarillo, Tex.

Margaret F. Kohl (c) ; Furley

Alice R. Kunze (c) ; Green


Kansas State Agricultural College

Home Study Students Continued.

Blair Kope (p) ; Winfield

Iva M. Kopp (c) ; Hiawatha

Grace Kottwitz (c) ; Peabody

Martha Krehbeil (p) ; Moundridge

Lawrence G. Kurtz, (c) ; Alton

Dorothea La Follette (c) ; Utica

Amy Lamb (c) ; Blue Rapids

Julia S. Lamb (c) ; Blue Rapids

Beth Elaine Lambertson (p) ; Florence

Frank La Plant (c) ; Minneapolis

Ruth Larimer (v) ; Topeka

Eveline Larson (c) ; Leonard ville

K. J. Latimer (c) ; Coffeyville

Joseph W. Laughlin (c) ; Syracuse

E. P. Lawrence (c) ; Eads, Colo.

Roy Legg (p); Scott City

Dorothy E. Lehman (c) ; Bern

Mrs. Mildred W. Keler (c) ; Manhattan

Ora Francis Leonard (c) ; El Dorado

Christine Leseberg (p) ; Phillipsburg

C. A. Lindenmyer (c) ; Russell

Con Linwall (c) ; Lindsborg

Cornelia List (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Edward Litchen (p); Leavenworth

Robert E. Little (c) ; Fowler

E. C. Livingston (c) ; Manhattan

Sophroni Lockhart (p); Beloit

Adolph Lonborg (c) ; Topeka

Clara Long (c) ; Idana

Angelina M. Lotesto (c) ; Chicago, 111.

H. Dale Lott (c) ; Minneapolis

Eleanor Loughridge (c) ; Lyndon

Charlotte Loughridge (c) ; Lyndon

Leonard M. Lovejoy (c) ; Almena

Franklin Lundstrom (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Mrs. Corrinne W. Lutz (c) ; Logan

Charles N. Lyman (p); St. Joseph, Mo.

Wm. D. Lyon (c) ; Faulkner

Avis Mack (c) ; Clay Center

Elbert B. Macy (c) ; Manhattan

Dorothy Madison (c) ; Manhattan

Helen L. Magee (c) ; Goddard

Melvin L. Marsh (p) ; Independence

Lewis P. Marshall (p); Wakefield

Raymond A. Marston (p) ; Chapman

Catherine Martin (p); Bala

Teresa Martin (p); Bala

Wilbur Martin (c) ; Broughton

Chloe Marland (p); Scott City

Mildred Masden (c) ; Lenora

Merton Mathews (p); Manhattan

Eva M. Mathes (p) ; Wichita

J. R. Mathias (c) ; Manhattan

James A. Matson (c) ; Miltonvale

Truman Mauck (c) ; White Water

Gertrude May (c) ; Manhattan

W. S. Mayden (c) ; Manhattan

Albert L. McCauley (c) ; Leoti

Ruth McCammon (c) ; Oronoque

Milton M. McClintock (p) ; Denton, Tex.

Percy McClain (p); Gaylord

Mrs. Laura E. McClure (c) ; Topeka

Ronald McClain (p) ; Harlan

Charles McClenory (p) ; Valley Falls

Mabel McCormick (p); Manhattan

Robert H. McCollum (c) ; Manhattan

Raymond E. McCormick (c) ; Fort Scott

Joe McCormick (p) ; Webster

Rachel McCoy (c) ; Wamego

Harriet McConnell (c) ; Cherryvale

Ronald McCrea (c) Chicago, 111.

Dora F. McCrery (c) ; Hiawatha

Earldine McCune (p) ; Stafford

Eugene P. McCulley (c) ; Beloit

Donald McCallister (c) ; Amarillo, Tex.

Geneva McDaniels (c) ; Scottsville

Mrs. Z. H. McDonall (v) ; Wichita

Cole McFarland (p) ; Fort Leavenworth

Clifford L. McGinnis (c) ; Valley Falls

A. Sidney Mclntire (c) ; Burlingame

E. Pearle McKinney (c) ; Junction City

Frances McKenna (c) ; Ottawa

Niva McManis (c) ; South Haven

Robert McLean (p) ; Manhattan

Gail McLaughlin (p) ; Alta Vista

Don T. McClelland (c) ; Maplehill

Ruth McManis (c) ; Manhattan

J. H. McNary, Jr. (p) ; Manhattan

May McNiff (p) ; Manhattan

Mildred Meisenheimer (p) ; Hiawatha

Mrs. Ruth Mellenbruch (v) ; Anthony

Ralph F. Melville (c) ; Muncie

John K. Merritt (c) ; Manhattan

Mary Meyer (c) ; Mound City, Mo.

Alfreda Meyer (c) ; Lillis

Alfred Meyers (c) ; Merriam

M. B. Miller (c) ; Manhattan

H. S. Miller (c) ; Kansas City

Alma Miller (c) ; Howard

Breta S. Miller (c) ; Blue Rapids

M. E. Miller (c) ; Quenemo

Govan Mills, Jr. (c) ; Manhattan

W. R. Mitchell (c) ; Manhattan

Elvaida Moffit (p) ; Meriden

Birdie Montgomery (c) ; Newton

Warren D. More (c) ; Copeland

Reginald Moore (c) ; Robinson

Alta Morehouse (c) ; Abilene

Alyin Morgan (c) ; Lebo

Olive Morgan (c) ; Hugoton

Albert Morgan (p) ; Phillipsburg

Frances Morlan (c) ; Salina

Phalvie I. Mortenson (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Anna Neal Muller (c) ; Topeka

Arlee Murphey (c) ; Manhattan

Louise L. Murphy (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Margarette Murray (p) ; Langdon

Ansel Myers (c) ; Lyons

Channing Myers (c) ; Salina

Mary Nash (c) ; Lawrence

Mr. John N. Nash (p) ; Green

Maxine Naylor (p); Manhattan

Martha Nazarenus (p): Dighton

Hubert S. Neas (c) ; Wichita

Leonard G. Nehring (c) ; Harveyville

Mrs. Merrit Nelson (v) ; Augusta

W. A. Nelson (c) ; Manhattan

Ella Nelson (p); Manhattan

Lucile Newell (c) ; Wakefield

Alma Dale Newell (c) ; Durham

W. M. Newman (c) ; Centralia

Alex Nigro (c) ; Manhattan

Rosemary Nilsoon (p); Winfield

Ethel Noland (c) ; Keats

K L. Noland (c) ; Cedarvale

Dale Norris (c) ; Raymond

Dorothy Norris (c) ; Manhattan

Nora Norris (c) ; Lawrence

Earl C. North (c) ; Manhattan

L. C. Northcutt (p); Copeland

W. E. Oberg (c) ; Manhattan

Lois Oberhelman (c) ; Barnes

Herbert O'Brien (p) ; Phillipsburg

Chester O'Brien (c) ; Sabetha

Geraldine O'Daniel (c) ; Westmoreland

Beatrice Oliphant (c) ; Hutchinson

Pauline Olmstead (c) ; Concordia

Allan Olsmith (p) ; Fort Leavenworth

Luella O'Neill (c) ; Winchester

Mildred Osborn (c) ; Clifton

Aileen Ostlind (c) ; McPherson

Dale Oswalt (c) ; Little River

Joenetta O. Owens (p); Manhattan

Mrs. Elizabeth M. Painter (c) ; Manhattan

Clarence Parker (c) ; Arkansas City

Marian Parker (p); Long Island

Clemont C. Parrish (c) ; Great Bend

Dorothy E. Peak (c) ; Lindsborg

List of Students


Home Study Students Continued.

Lormor A. Pearman (c) ; Holton

Aleta Peck (c) ; Council Grove

Harold D. Peck (p); Independence

Garland Pennington (p); Wichita

Raymond L. Peters (c) ; Leavenworth

Leona Peterson (c) ; Enterprise

A. Blanche Peterson (c) ; Winfield

Louise Peterson (c) ; Randolph

Royal Peterson (c) ; Cleburne

Tom Petty (c) ; Manhattan

Marion E. Phillips (c) ; Wichita

Maryellen Phillips (p); White Cloud

Gladys Pickett (p) ; Manhattan

W. M. Pishmey (c) ; Leonardville

Velma Pitman (p); Grigston

Russell Pitney (p); Wamego

Wilfred Piatt (c); Manhattan

Mrs. Norman V. Plummer (v) ; Horton

Margaret Polifka (p); Wilson

Orville Pool (p) ; Wetmore

Gladys Popham (c) ; Minneapolis

Ora F. Porter (p); Beloit

E. F. Potter (c) ; Manhattan

Frances E. Potter (c) ; Natoma

Nellie L. Pretz (c) ; Irving

Hazel S. Price (c) ; Liberty

Delmas Price (c) ; Wakefield

John Province (c) ; Manhattan

Mrs. E. L. Publes (c) ; Pine Bluff, Ark.

Betty Purcell (p); Manhattan

Mrs. Maude B. Purdum (c) ; Glen Ellyn, 111.

Ernest Quick (c) ; Belief ont

George E. Rainsberger (c) ; Chillicothe, 111.

Francis J. Raleigh (c) ; Clyde

Ben E. Ramsey (c) ; Dighton

Ralph P. Ramsey (c) ; Mankato

Mabel Rand (p); Wamego

Harold Randolph (p) ; Valeda

Elmer W. Randle (c) ; Jefferson

Mary Rankin (c) ; Manhattan

Winetta Rauhut (p); Coats

Georgette Rebeil (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Wayne Rector (p) ; Scott City

Willard V. Redding (c) ; Manhattan

Mrs. Jaunita J. Redus (c) ; Lexington, Mo.

Alzina Reed (c); Manhattan

Muriel G. Reed (c) ; Oak Hill

A. Louise Reed (c) ; Manhattan

Jeanice M. Reel (c) ; Detroit

Theodore James Regier (p); Elbing

Alma Regier (p); Whitewater

Maria Reimer (c) ; Canton

Eleanor Resler (c) ; Clay Center

Marguerite L. Richards (c) ; San Leandro, Cal.

Elizabeth Richards (c) ; Waldo

Earl C. Richardson (c) ; Coffeyville

J. A. Richardson (c) ; Douglass

Margaret Richardson (p); Glade

Kate Richardson (c) ; Manhattan

Paul Ricketts (p); Wallace

R. C. Riepe (c) ; Kansas City

Carl J. Riggs (c) ; Clayton

Wanda Riley (c) ; Chanute

Tracy M. Roberds (c) ; Caney

Lucille Roberts (c) ; Republic

L. Clements Robbins (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Elsie Belle Rogge (c) ; Hyde Park, Chicago, 111.

Randle Rolfs (c) ; Lorraine

Edith Rolland (p); Clayton

Adolphus Roncaglio (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Mae Rooney (c) ; Haddam

Karl W. Root (c) ; Topeka

Ruth Rosenstiel (c) ; Goddard

E. L. Ross (c) ; Manhattan

Don C. Ross (p); Manhattan

Marshall B. Ross (c) ; Manhattan

Edward J. Ruisinger (c) ; Manhattan

Anna Rundus (p); Belleville

Mabel Ruthi (c) ; Bloomington

Victor H. Saffry (c) ; Alma

Orville Saffry (p); Alma

Martha M. Sandeen (c) ; Stilwater, Minn.

Mary Lois Saxton (c) ; Manhattan

Gladys Schafer (c) ; Manhattan

Louise Scheu (c) ; Clay Center

Francis Schiller (c) ; Abilene

Raymond Schlotterbeck (c) ; Manhattan

Carrie Mae Schmidt (p) ; Oketo

Gladys Schmedemann (c) ; Manhattan

Ann Schonholtz (c) ; Arlington

Ethel Schoen (c) ; Cawker City

Lewis M. Schrader, Jr. (p); Kinsley

William J. Schultis (c) ; Sylvan Grove

Eber Schultz (c) ; Miller

Virginia M. Schwager (c)) Adrian, Mich.

Galen E. Schwandt (c) ; Manhattan

Wilber Schweizerhof (p) ; Smolan

Agnes M. Scott (c) ; Westmoreland

James F. Scott (c) ; Manhattan

Clyde Scott (c) ; Sedan

Eleanor R. Scott (p); Independence

Olivette Scritchfield (c) ; St. George

Emily Seaburg (c) ; Manhattan

Mila Sedivy (c) ; Blue Rapids

Mabel Sellens (c) ; Russell

Virginia Shafer (p) ; Manhattan

V. V. Shaffer (c) ; Salina

C. L. Shepherd (c) ; Harveyville

Roger T. Shepherd (c) ; Harveyville

Bearl Shepherd (p); Bala

Mrs. Alice Sherman (v) ; Kinsley

H. K. Shideler (c) ; Anthony

Frances Shields (c) ; Garden City

George R. Shier (c) ; Gypsum

Avis P. Shobe (p) ; Independence

Ethel Shobe (p) ; Independence

Will F. Shorman (c) ; Morganville

Marie Shouse (c) ; Kipp

Curt Siemens (c) ; Newton

Elva Sigler (p); Norwich

Helen Simmons (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Harold Simpson (p); Clyde

Wilma Simpson (c) ; Clyde

Clude Sloan (c) ; Dalhart, Tex.

John F. Smerchek (c) ; Cleburne

Sam J. Smith (c) ; Fairfield, 111.

E. P. Smoot (c) ; Eureka

Harry Smoot, Jr. (p) ; Leavenworth

Carl D. Smith (c) ; Mayetta

Mildred Smith (c) ; Belleville

Blanche Smith (p); Norton

Henrietta D. Smith (c) ; Minneapolis, Minn.

Inez Snyder (c) ; Osborne

Pearl Snyder (c) ; Osborne

C. H. Somers (c) ; Clay Center

Margaret Sorensen (c) ; Kansas City

Raymond Spence (c) ; Fairbury, Neb.

Margaret Spencer (p) ; Manhattan

Margaret Spencer (c) ; Ottawa

Mary Springer (p); Jetmore

Vivian Squires (c) ; Topeka

Homer Staadt (c) ; Garnett

Hirt N. Stapleton (c) ; Jewell

Mrs. Amy B. Steele (c) ; Bird City

Mrs. Erwin Stateler (c) ; Alta Vista

Lillian Steinmeyer (c) ; Manhattan

Ruth E. Stener (c) ; Courtland

Mabel Stener (c) ; Courtland

Kenneth R. Sterett (c) ; Leavenworth

Ruth Sterling (c) ; Morganville

Anne Stever (c) ; Eureka

J. A. Stewart (c) ; Manhattan

C. W. Stewart (c) ; Coldwater

Elma K. Stewart (c) ; Aurora, 111.

Mrs. Edith L. Stewart (c) ; Rosedale

Ross A. St. John (c) ; Wellington


Kansas State Agricultural College

Kenneth Steinford (p); Alicia Esther J. Stoddard (p); Wakefield Lorene Stone (p) ; Norwich Leonard P. Straub (p) ; Valeda Dora May Streator (c); Denton Paul Streeter (p) ; Manhattan Velma M. Streeter (c) ; Chicago, III. Edith E. Streeter (c) ; Wakefield Laura J. Strode (p) ; Garden City Vera Strong (c) ; Manhattan B. T. Stryker (c) ; Waterville Marguerite M. Stullken (c) ; Bazine Beulah Stumbo (c) ; Manhattan Aimee C. Stumpf (c) ; Chicago, 111. Sofronio O. Suguitan (c) ; Liberty, Mo. Mrs. H. B. Summers (c) ; Manhattan Ida J. Summers (c) ; Manhattan Zara O. Sumner (c) ; Chicago, 111. Martin Sundgren (c) ; Wilmore Karl J. Svaty (c) ; Ellsworth

A. R. Swanson (c) ; Fort Riley Mrs. F. A. Swanson (c) ; Wakefield Gladys Swartz (c) ; Atchison

Mary Isabell Talley (c) ; Council Grove

Garry Taylor (p) ; Arlington

Chester Teas (p) ; Manhattan

Douglas Tedrow (c) ; Medicine Lodge

Edith Tempero (c) ; Clay Center

Floyd L. Tempero (c) ; Broughton

Wilma Jane Tennant (p); Manhattan

Alberta Thoes (c) ; Topeka

Ernest R. Thomas (c) ; Kansas City

Opal Thomas (p) ; Medicine Lodge

Raymond Thomas (p) ; Valeda

Doris Lillian Thompson (c) ; Belleville

La Vina Thorkelson (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Charles A. Thresher (c) ; Jetmore

Anka Tiarks (p) ; Valeda

Ruth E. Tibbetts (c) ; Manhattan

Joseph Tighe (p); Junction City

Carmelita Tipton (c) ; Atchison

Ellen E. Tinney (p); Norton

Ernest Toland (c) ; St. John

Ruth Torrance (c) ; Norwich

lone Torance (c) ; Norwich

Wm. Towler (c) ; Topeka

Ruth Tracewell (c) ; Lincoln

Marie Trantham (p); Rover, Mo.

Lowell Treaster (c) ; Beloit

Harold W. Turner (c) ; Argonia

Andrew linger (p); Herndon

Mildred Ungeheuer (c); Manhattan

John J. Valek (p); Cuba

Gerald D. Van Pelt (c) ; Manhattan

Elva B. Vincent (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Clair Vincent (p) ; Phillipsburg

Edward Vlcek (p); Wilson

Margaret Von Senden (p); Fort Leavenworth

B. J. Vroom (c) ; Chicago, 111. Frances Wagar (c) ; Florence Henry C. Walbridge (c) ; Manhattan Raymond R. Walton (c); Chicago, 111. Lewis Wallace (p); Norwich

Home Study Students Concluded.

Catherine Walker (p) ; Manhattan

F. V. Waller (c) ; Faucett, Mo.

Beth Walter (c) ; Manhattan

Chas. M. Ward (c); Manhattan

Charles F. Ward (c) ; Pratt

Walter G. Ward (c) ; Manhattan

George W. Ward (p) ; Glasco

Chester J. Ward (c) ; Lindsay, Cal.

Winifred W. Warner (c) ; Rockford, Ohio

D. S. Waters (c) ; Leavenworth

Elizabeth Watson (p); Garden City

Lynn Watson (c) ; Manhattan

Glenn E. Webster (c) ; Manhattan

Thiele Weeks (p); Macksville

Sylvia Weethee (c) ; Clay Center

Aline Wegert (c) ; Rice

Margaret Wegert (c) ; Rice

Don Weik (p); Manhattan

Doris B. Welch (p) ; Macksville

Ethel Sue Wells (c) ; Winona

Ruth J. Weyer (p) ; Webster

Lucy F. White (c) ; Wyoming, 111.

Fred White (p) ; Manhattan

Mildred White (c) ; Chicago, 111.

Lois Whitmer (p); Wilson

Vida Whitney (p); Rossville

Ruth Widestrand (c) ; Topeka

Freda M. Wiegant (c) ; Wathena

George Wiggins (c) ; Lyons

Jesse Wilcoxen (c) ; Ford

Mary Louise Williams (c) ; Wann, Okla.

B. B. Williams (c) ; Lone Oak, Tex.

Rolland Wilkens (c) ; Manhattan

Peggy Edna Wilkinson (p); Independence

Edward M. Wilkinson (p) ; Independence

Adrian A. Wilson (p); Wetmore

Mrs. Katherine Hutto Wilson (c) ; Turner

Earl R. Wilson (c) ; Milford

Almeda Wineinger (c) ; Wichita

Lena Fern Wing (c) ; Modoc

Jonathan Wingfield, Jr. (p) ; Council Grove

Myrna Winter (p) ; Manhattan

Matilda Winters (p) ; Webster

Thelma Wood (c) ; Searcy, Ark.

Mrs. Etha Wood (c) ; Reading

Mildred L. Wood (c) ; Maryville, Mo.

Ardyus Woods (p) ; Lebanon

Matthew Woods (c) ; Tuskegee Institute, Ala.

Blanche Woodward (c) ; Frankfort

Beatrice Woodworth (c) ; Corning

Gladys P. Wooley (c) ; Osborne

Mabel L. Wray (c) ; Hunter

Virginia Wright (p) ; Monticello, Mo.

Helen Wurm (p); Ellinwood

Zint E. Wyant (c) ; Topeka

Fremont Wylie (c) ; Salinas, Cal.

Mrs. Fred Yarrow (v) ; Clay Center

Mrs. Mary Yohe (p) ; Zurich

Clara Helen Young (c) ; Winchester

Mrs. Mabelle Zahnley (c) ; Manhattan

George Zavesky (c) ; Manhattan

Elva Zigler (c) ; Hunter

List of Students


Students by States and Counties



7 2


9 4




2 9


. . 3,740

British West Indies . .


.. 1 .1

Allen 23

Anderson 16

Atchison 28

Barber 19

Barton 34

Bourbon 16

Brown 40

Butler 61

Chase 18

Chautauqua 12

Cherokee 18

Cheyenne 6

Clark 13

Clay 103

Cloud 80

Coffey 13

Comanche 15

Cowley 29

Crawford 19

Decatur 19

Dickinson 110

Doniphan 15

Douglas 13

Edwards 13

Elk 3

Ellis 16

Ellsworth 24

Finney 17

Ford 57

Franklin 25

Geary 53

Gove 8

Graham 12

Grant 5

Gray 6

Michigan 2

Minnesota 1

Mississippi 1

Missouri 75

Montana 1

Nebraska 40

North Carolina 2

North Dakota 3

New Mexico 4

New York 3

Ohio 3


Haiti ' . 2

Hawaii 1

Philippine Islands 3


Greenwood 34

Hamilton 10

Harper 19

Harvey 38

Haskell 1

Hodgeman 4

Jackson 50

Jefferson 36

Jewell 42

Johnson 25

Kearny 5

Kingman 18

Kiowa 4

Labette 24

Lane 7

Leavenworth 20

Lincoln 28

Linn 20

Logan 7

Lyon 36

McPherson 35

Marion 37

Marshall 84

Meade 10

Miami 11

Mitchell 40

Montgomery 30

Morris 48

Morton 5

Nemaha 35

Neosho 32

Ness 25

Norton 39

Osage 34

Osborne 38

Oklahoma 24

Oregon 2

Pennsylvania 3

South Dakota ........ 4

Tennessee 1

Texas 14

Utah 1

West Virginia 1

Wisconsin 2

Total 3,975

Syria , 2

Total 12

Grand total 3,987

Ottawa 28

Pawnee 24

Phillips 20

Pottawatomie 83

Pratt 26

Rawlins 5

Reno 71

Republic 44

Rice 41

Riley 852

Rooks 29

Rush 9

Russell 22

Saline 54

Scott 11

Sedgwick 58

Seward 7

Shawnee 123

Sheridan 13

Sherman 8

Smith 29

Stafford 22

Stevens 7

Sumner 45

Thomas 11

Trego 6

Wabaunsee 43

Wallace 5

Washington 65

Wichita 7

Wilson 18

Woodson 12

Wyandotte 52

Total 3,740


Kansas State Agricultural College


College Enrollment, 1929-1930

The Diusion.

The Division of Agriculture.

Graduate students




Freshmen -

Special students.

Short-course students . .

The Division of Veterinary Medicine.

Graduate students





Special students.

The Division of General Science.

Graduate students





Special students

The Division of Home Economics.

Graduate students





Special students

The Division of Engineering.

Graduate students





Special students

Trade-course students. . .

The Summer School (1929)


Counted twice .

Net totals .

Students Pursuing Graduate Work .... i

Graduate students in regular session

Graduate students in summer session (excluding duplicates).

Graduate students in absentia

Senior students pursuing graduate work

Special students pursuing graduate work


Counted twice .












3 20 12 27 62


67 91 94 126 230 21

Net totals .


37 163 206 273 377 6 9


2,744 259








252 10










58 117

91 129 160



3 1 2 5


1,706 204





















20 12 28 62

1,182 116 175 210 254 378 49


58 117

91 129 160



40 164 208 278 385 6 9


4,450 463








449 17


List of Students


Record of Enrollment and Degrees Conferred, 1863-1930








1863- 64 . .

1864- 65 . . 1865 .... 1866-67.. 1867-68.. 1868-69.. 1870-71.. 1871-72.. 1873 .... 1873-74.. 1874-75.. 1875-76.. 1876- 77. . 1877-78.. 1878-79.. 1879-80.. 1880-81.. 1881-82.. 1882- 83. . 1883-84.. 1884-85.. 1885-86.. 1886-87.. 1887-88.. 1888-89.. 1889-90.. 1890-91.. 1891-92.. 1892- 93 . . 1893-94.. 1894-95.. 1895-96.. 1896- 97. . 1897-98.. 1898-99.. 1899-1900 1900-01.. 1901-02.. 1902-03.. 1903-04.. 1904-05.. 1905-06.. 1906-07.. 1907-08.. 1908-09.. 1909-10.. 1910-11.. 1911-12.. 1912-13.. 1913-14.. 1914-15.. 1915-16.. 1916-17.. 1917-18.. 1918-19.. 1919-20.. 1920-21.. 1921-22.. 1922-23.. 1923-24.. 1924-25.. 1925-26.. 1926-27.. 1927-28.. 1928-29.. 1929-30..

17 15





















































6 26 57 72 66 38 16 24 28 23 26 18 111 26
































M to


£0 Si §






















































146 164 162

136 103



77 110 162 318 298

42 443 500 598 144 134 134




528 521 453 364 580 654

d 'c

V g


658 560 484 422 231 216 224 280 221 220 167 47

42 89 166 178 227 241 255 271 273 303 305 266 307 343 336 339 275 276 353 321 316 306 376 348 396 471 403 289 373 411 450 491 456 533 337 444 516 575 605 693 483 810 894 878 931 1,004 1,160 1,391 1,494 1,311 1,039 1,084 1,128

23 89 61 48 50 60 92 71 91 100 92 103 105 135 139 110 141 108 121 163 174 177 163 183 206 229 206 198 214 26P 357 381 417 412 461 432 431 368 454 471 349 322 401 602 628 656 657 679 725 854 819 74? 787






















































5 12 11

9 11

















































2 5 4

10 2 7











































































107 113 150
































































5 3 2 5 2 5 9 4 9 7 8 9
















































* None of the figures above this in this column include graduate students in summer sess ion, nor undergrad- uate students pursuing graduate work.


Summary of Attendance





f 1











1 "







\ 8.



















1 |

i i












Mon. Won.™

Men. 1 Women

Mon. | Women.

Mon »


Mon. 1 Women





Men. 1 Women.









Men. | Womenj™..

Men. | Women

Men. 1 Women.

M,„ W «






























































128 30

































"" 88"




























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