Le on ee we oo: y OF THE | NATIVE PHENOGAMOUS PLANTS AND FERNS > i a 7 eA “ies Midis . - ae yee ae KENTUCKY. oa eS, Bhat ap Ligh &Y * haea +i ws aaa . Ph, SET RE Ek nto Sh ect MD. >. , e* EG Rae the Transylvania Journal of Medicine, &c- reat il 7 * te ° « _— ; tag , * . 7 ? mM * ‘ © RETIGBORT HE : PRINTED BY J. CLARKE & CO: (Note-—The following Catalogue is doubtless very incom- * » plete, since it includes only those species which have fallen under the actual observation of three of our botanical friends, © Prof. Suorr, and Messrs. Prrer and Griswonp, who are still diligently extending their researches and daily adding to the number. Tt is, therefore, offered at the present, as an outline, faithful so far as it goes, of the Botany of Kentucky. The arrangement and the names are those adopted in the 6th Edition of Eaton’s Manual.—Ep.) | Abies Canadensis, Acalypha Virginiana, Acer rubrum, ” dasycarpum, saccharinum, » “negundo, Acerates viridiflora, Achillea millifolium, ~ Acnida cannabina, Acorus calamus, Actea alba, Actinomeris squarrosa, Adiantum pedatum, #Esculus Ohioensis, _ pallida, Agave virginica, Agrimonia eupatoria, ” parviflora, Agrostemma githago, Agrostis vulgaris, — lateriflora, clandestina? » dispar? Alisma plantago, oY ee be: PR A 9 - ”? CATALOGUE, &c. * ) * ba Virginicum, 7 furcatum, | © EG ciliatum, Anemone Virginiana, = * | ee aconitifolia, : 7 nemorosa, » ” ait, Allium tricoccum, ” cernuum, ” . canadense, - Alnus serrulata, | Alyssum dentatum, (Vutt.) Amaranthus, 2 or 3 species, — Ambrosia trifida, : ¥ elatior, Ammannia humilis, -Amorpha fruticosa, Ampelopsis quinquefolia, | Amphicarpa monoica, Amsonia latifolia, Andromeda arborea, Andropogon scoparium, * a thalictroides, — Anthemis arvensis, é cotula, : ee b ba os 8 e s et. ia Catalague of Plants of Kentucky. ; Antirrhinum linaria, — Aplenium ruta-muraria, Apios tuberosa, * montanum, Aplectrum hyemalis, 2 melanocaulon, —s, Apocynum cannabinum, __ Aster linarifolius, | stg! . hypericifolium, » — ericoidess ate Aquilegia canadensis, _ ” multiflorus, | aaaane " Arabis thaliana, _ ” — flexuosus, me ” falcata, - » cornifolius, ” rhomboidea, » humilis, y Aralia spinosa, | » amygdalinus, ” racemosa, : » nove-angliz, Arctium lappa, » — phiogifolius, Arenaria serpyllifolia, ” diversifolius, : ee" etricta, ” cordifolius, . Aristolochia serpentaria, * amplexicaulis, wey Aronia botryapium, » prenanthoides, ” melanocarpa, ” levis, . Arum dracontium, ” conyzoides, »” triphyllum, » _ fragilis, z Asarum canadense, ** Shortii, (Booit.) ; i Asclepias syriaca, Astragalus canadensis, ‘ * phytolaccoides, Atriplex, 1 or 2 species. . amzna, Atropa physaloides, ” incarnata, Azalea nudiflora, # quadrifolia, Baptisia cerulea, e verticillata, ™ alba, ¥ tuberosa, ¥ tinctoria, » nivea, Barbarea vulgaris, : Ascyrym crux-andree, Batschia canescens, Aspidium acrostichoides, Bellis integrifolia, ” marginale, Betula, 2 or 3 species, - felix-mas, Bidens cernua, ” bulbiferum, » chrysanthemoides, ¢; tenue, a frondosa, Aplenium rhyzophyllum, ”» bipinnata, ” angustifolium, Bignonia gadicans, “) ebenum, ts crucigesa, , ” thelypteroides, Beehmeria lateriflora, = Botrychium obliquum, ? virginicum, Bromus secalinus, Cacalia atriplicifolia, 5 suaveolens, Cactus opuntia, Callitriche verna, Caltha palustris, Campanula amplexicaulis,. 4 acuminata, Capraria multifida, Cardamine rotundifolia, 2 pennsylvanica, uniflora, Carex multiflora, * — Jupulina, digitalis, retrorsa; with several other species, Carpinus americana, “ 39 ” = ” : Carya alba, Ef sulcata, ss amara, My porcina, % olivaeformis, Cassia marylandica, ; “ chameecrista, » ~ nictitans, as tora, * aspera, Castanea vesca, ” pumila, Catalpa cordifolia, Caulophyllum thalictroides, Ceanothus americana, Celastrus scandens, Celtis crassifolia, ” pumila, _ = oh Catalogue of Plants of Kentucky. Ee nvolvulus repens, oy” Mise a a Es Cephalanthus occidentalis, | Cerastium hirsutum, » — vulgatum, glutinosum, (JVutt.) arvense, Cercis canadensis, Ceresia fluitans, Chelone glabra, Chenopodium hybridum, album &y. viride, botrys, _ ‘ anthelminticum, ~ Chimaphila maculata, » ~_ umbellata, Chionanthus virginica, Chrysopsis mariana, Cicuta maé@tlata,” Cinna arundinacea, Circa lutetiana, Claytonia virginica, (2 vars.) Clematis virginica,” | . reticulata, Cleome dodecandra, ” 9 7 Cnicus lanceolatus, ij 7 altissimus, discolor, 7 virginianus, : Collinsia verna, e4 Collinsonia canadensis, ‘ Comin’ communis, a virginica, ‘ Conium maculatum, Convallaria racemosa,” w multiflora, b> a arvensis, panduratus, spithameus, * 9 93 . eo r | 7 % : P t : 5 aaa ove Catalogue of Plants of Kentucky. ” Convolvulus machrorhizus,. Decodon verticillatum, Conyza camphorata, Delphinium tricorne, Corallorhiza odontorhiza, » — exaltatum?. Coreopsis trichosperma, © Dentaria diphylla, ¢ tripteris, | z laciniata, ; ‘ re auriculata, é te hetérophiyiiaitend a 4 senifolia, Diclytra cucullaria, = Cornus florida, ” canadensis, === » sericea, Digitaria sanguinalis, = e. calbas ae: Dioscorea villosa, = Corydalis aurea, Dyospyros virginiana, Corylus americana, Dypsacus sylvestris, .. » | _ Crategus coccinea, Dirca palustris, PED Sy : ee.” crus-galli, © = © Dodecatheon meadia, .”’ populifolia, Dracocephalum virginianum, , » he several other species, denticulatum, Croton capitatum, @ Sew ms eordatim,. / ya Cucubalus stellatus, Drosera longifolia, - bunila mariana, .».», bcs ” rotundifolia, — , Gr phea viscosissima, Dulichium spathaceum, _ . Cupressus disticha, Eclipta procumbens, ~Cuscuta americana, Elephantopus carolinianus. +e ‘ opogon pulchellum, . Eleusine indica, } . ' glossum. officinale, a mucronata? , : p>. amplexicaule, Elymus canadensis, yper s faves ei peas villosus, “Wee inflexus, Oy) pion ? hystrix, - phymatodes, ___ _Elodea petiolata, ” strigosus, : ‘i Enslenia albida, 4 others undetermined, Epigea repens, Cypripedium pubescens,. _—- Epilobium coloratum, ) ui parviflorum, | Epiphegus virginianus, ~ r) ed spectabile, E uisetum arvense, 7 4, 4 acaule, Aye hyemale, 9 _Dactylis slomerata, oo bellidifolium, Danthonia spicata, ) he.” >. parpuream;*>s . Datura stramonium, hiladelphicum, — : al ” tatula, | eign "3 alee . yee . R hte ae, ied Wie: a wi a My ge tes cial Kank, deanna Bethalto oh ae a E ’ adi Catalogue of Plants of Kentucky. — 7 Erigeron canadense, Galium aparine, : Erigenia bulbosa, — »_ cirezezans, Erysimum palustre, 2% boreale, a eee ? .albidum, ‘ Euchroma coccinea, . Euvonymus atropurpureus, <4 americanus, obovatus, Eupatorium sessilifolium, nid purpureum, - verticillatum, . perfoliatum, - celestinum, ageratoides, -glaucescens? Euphorbia corollata, ape peplus, hypericifolia, maculata, thymifolia, Fagus sylvatica, Fedia radiata, Festuca elatior, © »+ pratensis, Flerkea uliginosa, Fragaria virginiana, canadensis, Frasera verticillata, ” 9 oy Fraxinus quadrangulata, >» acuminata, « ” sambucifolia, Galardia bicolor, Galega virginiana, * ” hispidula? — Galium trifidum, . ” tinctorium, ” asprellum, _ Hedyoma pulegioides, “te * 4 wee a ip) Wier - ‘yy Sw s: . Gaultheria procumbens, Guara biennis, Gentiana saponaria, vi ocroleuca, i quinqueflora, Geranium maculatum, Gerardia flava, ' pedicularia, a purpurea, . s A tenuifolia, rds FP a quercifolia, | Geum virginianum, a 2 Gillenia stipulacea, breve Pe Glechoma hederacea, Gleditschia triacanthos, Lew Gnaphalium polycephalum, 24 plantagineum, re -purpureum, » * uliginosum, | a @ Gonolobus_ hirsutus, a: : Goodyera pubescens, en 4 99 95 99 ’ Gratiola virginica, » i Evan Gymnocladus canadensis, ee Gyromia virginica, re at Habenaria ciliaris, ; + ” _ fimbriata, | Hamamelis virginica, © Hedyotis glomerata? Hedysarum canadense, - d. viridiflorum, |. vs Aikinii? i. x rotundifolium, , “ a _ nudiflorum _ glutinosum, ‘ “- 8 Catalogue of Plants of Kentucky. Hedysarum acuminatum, i pauciflorum, others undetermined. Helenium autumnale, Helianthus trachelifolius, _ ” decapetalus, altissimus? pubescens, frondosus, > P] 39 39 others, undetermined. ‘Heliopsis levis, © Heliotropium indicum, _ Helonias diocia, Hepatica acutiloba, Heracleum lanatum, Hesperis pinnatifida, Heteranthera reniformis, Heuchera americana, 4 pubescens, caulescens, “4 acerifolia, (faf.) Hibiscus moscheutos, 4 militaris, Hieracium venosum, é ‘gronovii, - paniculatum, Hippuris vulgaris, Hottonia inflata, Houstonia cerulea, 4 longifolia, purpurea, 9 _ Humulus Jupulus, Hydrangea cordata, mm * vulgaris, Hydrastis canadensis, » Hydropeltis purpurea, Hydrophyllum appendiculatumLaurus benzoin, 6 canadense, e%-* ta = . ‘ pe Hydrophyllum virgini im, Hypericum prolificum, , ae e perforatum, © > ce corymbosum, — ae’ go parviflorum, or . others, undetermined. Hypopithys lanuginosa, Hypoxis erecta, | 7 Hyssopus nepetoides, . | x scrophularifolius, : Ilex opaca, Impatiens pallida, : 6 fulva, — | ; Inula helenium, Jonidium concolor; Ipomeza, several species, Iresine celosioides? Iris versicolor, “ cristata, “ verna, Isopyrum thalyctroides; _ Isanthus ceeruleus, Isnardia palustris, Jeffersonia diphylla; Juglans nigra, - cinerea, Juncus effusus, /* » tendis, . “ others, undetermined, Juniperus virginiana, I i tN = Justicia pedunculosa, Kal mia latifolia, z Krigia amplexicaulis, Kyllingia pumila, | Lactuca elongata, — Lamium amplexicaule, 6 sassafras, we ie oo Catalogue of Plants of Kentucky. Lechea major, minor, “ racemulosa, 4 Leersia virginica, , “ ~ oryzoides. Lemna minor, | % trisulca, Leontodon taraxacum, Leonurus cardiaca, » Lepidium virginicum, Leptandra virginica, Lespedeza capitata, 6“ violacea, < procumbens, ™ prostrata, Liatris squarrosa, “ spicata, “ —_ graminifolia, Liliam canadense, ” superbum, ? Catesbei, Lindernia dilatata, “4 attenuata, Linum virginianum, Liquidambar styraciflua, Liriodendron tulipifera, Lithospermum arvense, " latifolium, Lobelia cardinalis, ” —. syphilitica, wae inflata, “es Claytoniana, . te puberula, Lonicera parviflora, Ludwigia Repent Luzula Lycopodium Goifiplinatunt; and others. Lycopus europeus, a virginicus, Lys satis quadrifolia, ciliata, = hybrida, a quadriflora? Lythrum hyssopifolium, Macrotrys racemosa, is Magnolia tripetala, “ macrophylla, “ cordata, “ ariculata, Malaxis liliifolia, Malva rotundifolia, Marrubium vulgare, Martynia proboscidea, Meconopsis peteolata, Melica speciosa, Menispermum canadense, - smilacinum? Mentha tenuis, “ borealis, 6 viridis, Miegia macrosperma, Mikania scandens, Mimulus alatus, . ingen Mitchella repens, Mitella diphylla, Mollugo verticillata, 4 Monarda oblongata, “ fistulosa, S hirsuta, se ciliata, : Monotropa uniflora, orus rubra, > Muhlenbergia diffusa, S erecta, — we: Pe & % wer “ 10 ~ Myosotis arvensis, Myosurus Shortii, (Raff:) Nelumbium luteum, Neottia tortilis, — , Nepeta cataria, Nuphar advena, Nyssa aquatica, “ tomentosa, Obolaria virginica, (Enothera biennis, . 6 _muricata, ss grandiflora, 4 tetragona? others, undetermined. . Onoclea sensibilis, Onosmodium hispidum, “ii mmpollege,~ Ophioglossum vulgatum, &e bulbosum, Orchis spectabilis, 6 tridentata, Orobanche uniflora, 6 americana, Osmunda regalis, Ostrya virginica, Oxalis violacea, % — stricta, “ corniculata? Pachysandra procumbens, Panax quinquefolia, - Pancratium rotatum, - ‘Panicum crus-galli, ? & clandestinum, “ —_ Jatifolium, “ — dichotomum, « nitidum, ‘ ies capillare, > virgatum, es : ge 4 Catalogue of Plants of Kentueky. ; Parietaria pennsylvanica, Paspalum ciliatifolium, © ws plicatulum, — Passiflora, lutea, 7 “<< _ » incarnata, Pedicularis canadensis, é< pallida, Penthorum sedoides, Penstemon pubescens, ~~ 1“ levigatum, Petalostemon candidum, — cure violaceum, Phacelia bipinnatifida, 6“ fimbriata, é heterophylla, Phalangium esculentum, Phaseolus perennis, Phlox paniculata, “¢ pyramidalis, “maculata, “ aristata, “6 pilosa, “ divaricata, ‘¢ reptans, “« subulata, - “ setacea, “ cordata, Phryma leptostachya, Physalis viscosa, ‘“ __— obscura, ; a pennsylvanica, - Phytolacca decandra Pinus inops, “ alba, * , Piptatherum nigrum, “ Plantago major, . “ lanceolata, « S virginica, : 4 RS ae Sin. of Plants of Kentucky. it Plantago cordata, - Pontederia angustifolia, Platanus occidentalis, Populus tremuloides, eg pratensis, — ' a candicans, 4 annua, - levigata, i trivialis, Porcelia triloba, *“ compressa, Portulacca oleracea, “ nervata, Potamogeton natans, iF “ capillaris? z 2 lucens, “ reptans, 2? acutifolium, “ eragrostis, . gramineum, Podophyllum peltatum, Potentilla canadensis, ‘ Podostemum ceratophyllum, Prenanthes alba, : ‘ Podostigma viridis, a serpentaria, : Pogonia ophioglossoides, “i crepidinea, , . “ verticillata, as deltoidea, Polemonium reptans, Proserpinaca palustris, . ‘ Polygala incarnata, Prunella vulgaris, ‘ us senega, _ Prunus pennsylvanica, ae purpurea, ” _-virginiana, | . “ verticillata, — pe serotina, sé setacea, — 3 chicasa, | Polygonum aviculare, ** depressa, * ° 6 erectum, Psoralea eglandulosa, ; 4 punctatum, Ptelea trifoliata, ‘ “i virginianum, Pteris aquilina, i 3 persicaria, ” _ atropurpurea, “~~. pennsylvanicum, Pulmonaria virginica, Mf amphibium, Pycnanthemum incanum, 4: sagittatum, 2 linifolium, | ¥ hastatum, si lanceolatum, - arifolium, Pyrus coronaria, F scandens, Quercus phellos, * Polymnia canadensis, Ra imbricaria, ”. uvedalia, y ferruginea, - Polypodium vulgare, ey tinctoria, ; .” hexagonopterum, ”’ falcata, * _—sincanum, = palustris, Pontederia cordata, ” obtusiloba, & inh . 12 Quercus macrocarpa, ” alba, " castanea, “s pumila, Queria canadensis, Ranunculus flammulus, oa abortivus, sceleratus, fascicularis, ‘recurvatus, fluviatilis, lacustris, — nitidus, Rhamnus carolinianus, m9 lanceolatus, Rhexia mariana, ” virginica, Rhododendron maximum, Rhus glabrum, ” copallinum, toxicodendron, aromaticum, Rhyncospora, | or 2 species, Ribes conosbati, ‘” floridum, Robinia pseudo-acacia, 99 ” _Rochelia virginica, Rosa parviflora, ” rubiginosa, others undetermined, Rubas ideus, ”. villosus, ” — occidentalis, . — trivialis, odoratus, 9 a 33 Se Rudbeckia purpurea, “hirta, 4 triloba, Catalogue of Plants of Kentue Rudbeckia ee at a ‘ 9 Teatn pinnata, Ruellia stepens, Rumex crispus, ” — acetosellus, . persicarioides, — others undetermined, » Sabbatia angularis, 4 gracilis, id Sagittaria sagittifolia, 99 33 PP) pusilla, Salix, several species not deter. Salvia lyrata, | " Sambucus canadensis, Samolus valerandi, Sanguinaria canadensis, Sanicula marylandica. © Saponaria officinalis, Sarothra gentianoides, Saururus cernuus, . Saxifraga virginiensis, Schollera graminifolia, Scirpus tenuis, Lt autumnalis, palustris, ‘ capitatus, 9 29 99 americanus, © atrovirens, brunneus, eriophorum, Scrophularia marylandica, Scutellaria lateriflora, 9 93 9) ” galericulata, ? parvula, ‘ “y canescens, 4: cordifolia, © e 7? ovalifolia, = ” ” (SY graenies” bad * 4 | . ae * o" 7 +” >. = Sonchus oleraceus, * . spinulosus, ¥ ludovicianus, > 4 , Trifolium reflexum, ~ “ repens, . pratense, ake a Catalogue of Plants of Kontushy, . 3 llaria ambigua, Sparganum americanum, Sedum ternatum, Spermacoce diodina, » pulchellum, is glabra? Senecio obovatus, Spigelia marylandica, balsamite, Spirza salicifolia, Seymeria pectinata, ” tomentosa, _ Sicyos angulata, * corymbosa, Sida spinosa, . x opulifolia, ” abutilon, ‘ aruncus, 4 Silene pennsylvanica, * betulifolia, . ” virginica, Stachys aspera, a” ” ~~ regia, Staphylea trifolia, he ” rotundifolia, Stellaria media, 7% Silphium perfoliatum, " pubera, © yr ” terebinthinaceum, Streptopus lanuginosus, Sison trifoliatus, Stylosanthes elatior, Sisyrinchium anceps, Symphoria racemosa, 3 mucronatum, & glomerata, . Smilax rotundifolia, Synandra grandiflora, * ” peduncularis, Teucrium canadense, » herbacea, Thalictrum doicum, 9 bona nox, "7 corynellum, ; fi others undetermined, a ranunculinum, Solanum dulcamara, Thesium umbellatum, Xi af nigrum, Thlaspi bursa-pastoris, . z carolinense, Thuya occidentalis, Solidago canadensis, Tiarella cordifolia, 5 nemoralis, Tilia pubescens, “ odora, © ” americana, 7 bicolor, Tipularia discolor, s i graminifolia, Tradescantia virginica, c 7 cesia, a fi rosea, flexicaulis, Tricodium laxiflorum, ” latifolia, » — scabrum, 4: axillaris, Trichostema dichotoma, POR Oh Se te a tee ee ae ‘ 14 P Catalogue of Plants: of Kentucky. ih - Trifolium procumbens, Verbelina facets “6 stoloniferum, Vernonia noveboracen Trillium sessile, ” pendulum, 6 erectum, oe grandiflorum, “ cernuum, s- pictum,. _ Triosteum perfoliatum, . Triphora pendula, ee .» Troximon virginicum, ri Turritis. glabra, 7 &,. Ty 1a latifolia, “ Ulmus americana, “#* °fulva, # “ - alata, Uniola latifolia, » Uraspermum claytoni, 66 hirsutum, Urtica pumila, “> urens, a “« dioica, “ canadensis, Utricularia macrorhiza, * 7 Uvalaria perfoliata, - 2 sessilifolia, hae “ grandiflora, : Vaccinium stamineum, — et resinosum, | a “ ~~ corymbosum, % frondosum, Valeriana pauciflora, Vallisneria spiralis, — -Verbascum thapsus, “ blattaria, ~ Jey Verbena hastata, nh . &“ urticifolia, 66 augustifolia, % bracteosa, Veronica nerpylhielin ge 6 anagallis, “arvensis, * agrestis, - peregrina, | Vexillaria virginiana, Viburnum prunifolum, “ , lentago, ¥° is dentatum, edn 2a pubescens, re acerifolium, Vicia cracca, ae Viola cucullata, “© affinis, re “© palmata, “ _ sororia, “sagittata, -amena, “¢ _ blanda, “© primulifolia, lanceolata, » “ pedata, “ — canadensis, a rostrata, “ ~~ Muhlenbergiana, “-. striata, _“ — pubescens, “ heterophylla? ' Virgilia lutea, Viscum verticillatum, Vitis lubrusca, “cordifolia, — Windsoria seslerioides, Xanthium strumarium, Xyris flexuosa, Zapania aie ¥ « . : Zanthoxylum fraxineunie . * ‘ » S¥em : ene ge aa ° Suan’ DA AR SS, * % ce a : ee _— - . ee puns 5 em, Be ae ’ + ~ rs ry ~ Piva vee * : ~s c ri VilL—aA pk ait Nomad of the Plants a Rn . ‘ tucky. Bs paarnaens Suorr and Perer.Qy) ol SS ¢ [NOTE meas ie “Catalogue of the Plants of Kentucky oie in the 6th vol. of the Transylvania Jotrnal of Medicine, &c., ‘it was’ be suggested that the number of species therein contained fell far | short of the entire amount embraced by the Flora of Kettucky. We now append to that list the following additions and corrections made t during the past season; still inserting none which have not fallen under 4 our own observation.] 4.» 4 “. ADDITIONS. > . * -Actea palmata, — ; Cardamine. Ludovigiana, Hook, Acer nigrum, . [> * Coculus Varelinianus, Andromeda paniculata, , © Cunila glabella, * A Archemora rigiday ot © Cyperus Nuttallii, © “ Agrimonia suaveolens, Digitaria filiformis, ” Agrostis tenuiflora, Echiam re, Arrenatherum ae ETT Eupatorium ovatum, Bw. Aristida | rupestre, Rafin. Asclepias variegata, ‘ Fatncd, nutans, Aster Carolinianus, . _o* senelia,; « *s * «© Novi Beigii,” entiana Cateshei, “ diffusus, — Gonolobus opoobrilaas « divergens, » ~~ Glyceria fluitans + *. * multiflorus, Hedy pa ey “« miser, ‘ “ scaberrimum, Bidens Cobia hTcer ' zig ‘euspidatun, “y t Bletia aphylla, © a racteosum, Boehmeria cylindrica, | ss Maryla m. Bromus Canadensis, xs ‘,.*<£ @btusome , sad ubescens, Houstonia ciliolata, - e volts? ~ Horde Care al dissectum, « Hypopeltis obtusa, * Carex a Keleria trunéata, “anceps, “ 9 Pennsylvanica, «« Willdenovii, © Lemania fluviatilis, © varia, Leptanthus ovalis, « ~~ Multenbergii, - Lycopodium dendroideum, “ folliculata » Malaxis opbioglossoides, “© = acuta, © WMelica diffusa, * hirsuta, _ Gigothera Eien, - bescens! , fruticos * « setacea? Oxydenia attenu as “ pellita? Pauax trifolin, mT cag! gs geanularig®? : “= multiflora’ anicum preli ve ° i * stipata? @ « hystericimat al © graciliimat. : “ stellulata’ et’ 4 . ae v , _ Supplemeniary Catalogue of Planis. * * §98 Poa pungens, . | Spartina cynosuroides, Polygonum lapathifolium, Stachys sylvatica, Potamogeton compressum, Strophostyles angulosa, Polypodium connectile, - peduncularis, © Prunus obovatus, Stylipus verna, Rafin. , Psoralea onobrychis, Solidago *cordata, Quercus chinquapin, — fs serotina, * Rosa corymbosa, 7 rupestris, Rafin, *¢ rubifolia, Tragia macrocarpa, Ranunculus pusillus, Triosteum angustifolium, Rhyncospora glomerata, Uniola gracilis, * lata, Uraspermum procumbens, Sagina *fontinalis, - Canadense, Sagittaria obtusa, Udora Canadensis, Scirpus triqueter, Veratrum angustifolium, * lacustris, Violatenella, Senecio hieracifolius, Veronica scutellata, aureus, Zizia cordata, ; Seymeria macrophylla, ** integerrima, Sisymbrium canescens, ‘ CPF fs II. CORRECTIONS. — Alyssum dentatum, JVull, of the formerCatalogue, is the Draba dentata, Asclepias nivea, _ isthe Asclepias variegata, [Hook,- Agrimonia parviflora, ce Agrimonia suaveolens, Aster fragilis, , «¢ s¢ Aster Carolinianus, _ Clematis reticulata, eH Clematis viorna, Gx Dracocephalum denticulatum, “ ‘“ Dracocephalum variegatum, Eupatorium glaucescens? ‘« «© _Eupatorium rupestre, Rajin Hedyotis glomerata? a Spermacoce glabra, Luzula ————? $6 66 _ Luzula campestris, Coculus Carolinianus, Actea palmata. Menispermum smilacinum? 4» Sh Thalictrum ranunculinum, se Tiss Ill. DESCRIPTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS. Solidago *cordata. Stem striated, pubescent; lower leaves petiolate, cordate, sharply and irregularly serrate, acute, upper ones ovate, gradu- ally becoming sessile and entire, radical leaves, broad cordate and ser- rate; spikes axillary and terminal, densely flowered; folioles of the per- ianth lanceolate, obtnse, adpressed. Stem erect, generally purple, often branching at the summit with a few lax, divaricate branches; leaves scabrous beneath; flowers small, of a bright golden yellow colour; ligules about half the length of the cylin- drical light-green perianth. Perrenial; flowers from August to October, grows from two to four feet in height. Hab. On the steep, wooded, hill-sides, on the banks of the Kentucky river; where Jarge patches of its broad cordate radical leaves are very conspicueus at mostseasons. This species has some agreements with the ie ‘ i . ‘ « ~ 600 Supplementary Catalogue of Plants. « description of S. sphaéelata (Raf.), but it differs in having no sphacela- tions on the folioles of the perianth, as well as in the colour of the flow- ers, those of S. sphacelata being “ofa dirty brownish yellow,” and in its broad cordate, serrate leaves, which are from two to four inches long. Even should the present species be the one intended by that au- thor, we consider the name now proposed decidedly preferable to his, since it has reference to a somewhat peculiar character always present, instead of ‘‘a desperate microscopical one,” not to be met with jn healthy perfect specimens. Sagina *fontinalis. Stem procumbent, branching, dichotomous a- bove; leaves opposite, linear-spatulate, entire; pedicels solitary, alter- nate, longer than the leaves. Annual. ; Glabrous, apetalous; calyx 4—5 leaved; sepals ovate, obtuse; stamens 4 to 6; capsule somewhat 4-sided, one-celled, many-seeded. Hab. On the cliffs of the Kentucky river and Elkhorn creek; form- ing mats in wet places where the water of springs flows over. Flowers in April and May; stems 8-15 inches long. Cunila glabella. This is undoubtedly the original plant of Michaux: and it agrees much better with his description than do specimens which under the synonymous name of Hedeoma glabra we have received from the Niagara falls. Our plant is usually from 1 to 2 feet high; its larger leaves 2 inches long by } broad, coarsely serrate towards the apex, at- tenuated at base, and distinctly petioled; whorls from 3 to 15 flowered. Hab. We have only found this plant in one locality, on the borders of a rivulet emptying into Elkhorn, at the Forks near Frankfort, Ky. At this point in rich soil among fragments of limestone, (a locality alto- gether analogous to Michaux’s original one,) it occurs in great abund- ance, flowering in June. From an accurate comparison of the two plants we are compelled to believe that the New York species is distinct from the present—and we prefer for our plant the name given by Mi- chaux, although our specimens were all distinctly didynamous. A SECOND SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE, ?” OF THE PLANTS OF KENTUCKY. [From the Transylvania Journal of Medicine, &c., N o. XXXII.] My Dunine the past season of 1835 our attention has still been directed to an examination of the plants of Kentucky, and we are now enabled to add nearly two hundred species to the num. ber contained in our preceding catalogues, published in the XXIV and XXVIII numbers of this Journal. To this addition many species have beencontributed by our friend Mr. Griswol: from the immediate neighbourhood of Louisville, his presen: residence—a locality especially rich in paludal and aquatic plants; and a few have been added from the borders of the Ohio river, opposite the mouth of the Scioto, where they were observed by Mr. Riddell, of Cincinnati. For accurately deter. mining a number of the Carices contained in this supplement, we are indebted to Professor Dewey, of Pittsfield, Mass. who has made this difficult genus the object of his particular study. Those species marked with the asterisk (*) are either new or have not been introduced into any of the systems of Amer- ican Botany. CATALOGUE, &c. Anagallis arvensis, Amaranthus hybridus, — Actinomeris helianthoides, Arabis levigata, Agrostis Virginica? “ hastata, “ — vagineflora, “ hirsuta, “ — trichopodes, “ — lyrata, Aletris farinosa, Ammi costatum, Alopecurus geniculatus, Aristida purpurascens, Amaranthus spinosux, “ gracilis, ‘ a. 2 Catalogue of Plants of Kentucky. Aristida dichotoma, Artemisia Canadensis, Arum Virginicum, Aspidium Noveboracense, “ Goldianuim, angustum? Asclepias purpurascens, “¢ . Varlegata, Aster *amethystinus, Nutt. Astragalus Carolinianus, Atheropogon apludoides, Boltonia asterioides? Buchnera Americana, Cannabis sativa.,} Carex oligocarpa, & 6s dea, festucacea, straminea, squarrosa, Hitchcockiana, “ sparganoides, milliacea, “ retroflexa, “virescens, “© pubescens, varieties, intumescens, “ paleacea, ‘“ crinita, « laxiflora,’ “ = =Davisil “ *Shortiana, Dew. & Tor. “ “ conoidea, “« cephalophora, rosea, large and small *Stenolepsis, Torrey. Carex tentaculata, - Ceratophylium demersum, Convallaria angustifolia, 6 bifolia, Coreopsis verticillata, Croton ellipticum, Cyperus erythrorhizos, Cornus paniculata, «¢ asperifolia, alternifolia, Convolvulus *micrantha, (1) Riddell, Crategus punctata, Delphinium azureum, Diarrhena Americana, 66 muricata, var. cephaloi- Dicksonia pilosiuscula, Digitaria glabra, Draba hispidula, Draczna umbellata, Elymus striatus, “« -Virginicus, Erigeron*amplexicaule, Tor. Eryngium aquaticum, gracile, Eupatoreum serotinum, “6 album, pubescens, ceanothifolium, *Torreyanum, (2) Short. “ maculatum, Euphorbia obtusata, “ —_ depressa, dentata? Ferula villosa, Festuca duriuscula, Galium lanceolatum, “c 66 “ Catalogue of Plants of Kentucky. Galium tinctorium, « pilosum, “« trifidum, Gaura angustifolia, Gentiana rubricaulis, Gerardia glauca, Geranium pusillum, “ Carolinianum, Hedysarum obtusum, ” canescens? Habenaria fissa, Helianthus angustifolius; « divaricatus, Helonias erythrorhizos, Hieracium marianum, Mentha piperita, “ arvensis, Mariscus echinatus, Melanthium Virginicum, Melissa officinalis Monarda mollis, Myosotis palustris, Myriophyllum scabratum, Neottia cernua, Panicum hispidum, Paspalum lve, Parthenium integrifolium, Pennisetum glaucum, - a“ verticillatum, Penstemon latifolium, Hydrophyllum *macrophyllum,Phiox acuminata, (3) Nutt. Hypericum angulosum? “ — nudiflorum, Houstonia 2(4) Ixia Chinensis, (5) Iris hexagona, Jeffersonia *lobata, (6) Nutt. Juncus polycephalus, “ bulbosus, % acuminatus, Krigia Caroliniana, Kuhnia eupatorioides, Lathyvis palustris, Lespedeza polystachya, - repens, « angustifolia, Liatris scariosa, Lilium Philadelphicum. Ludwigia Jussieuoides, “ *polycarpa, (7) Lysimachia revoluta, Phyllanthus obovatus, Pontederia cordata, var. *albiflora, (8) Poa nemoralis, “ dentata, , “ rigida, Polygala ambigua, “ cruciata, ~ Polygonum mite, - tenue, Potamogeton heterophyllum ™ crispum? fluitans, Poly podium dryopteris, Prinos verticillatus, Pinus variabilis, (9) Potentilla Norwegica, Prenanthes altissima, _ aspera, Pycnanthemum pilosum, “ muticum, ee “4 Catalogue of Plants of Kentucky. Physalis angulata, “ lanceolata? Rhododendron callendulaceum, “ Rhus typhinum, (9) Rhyncospora longirostris, Rosa Carolina, “ gemella, (9) Rumex verticillatus, _ Rubus obovalis, (9) Salix Muhlenbergiana, Sagittaria graminifolia, Scirpus quadrangulatus, “ —_Jineatus, « — subsquarrosus, Scutellaria integrifolia, “ pilosa, “ serrata, “ *hirsuta,(10) Silene antirrhina, Silphium laciniatum, “ trifoliatum, Sium latifolium, mere *hirsuta, Nuttall, elliptica, rigida, gigantea, altissima, fee Solidago tortifolia, “ — glomerata, ulmifolia, “ arguta, “ recurvata, «¢ procera? “¢ _ squarrosa, ‘others undetermined. Sonchus acuminatus, «© ~ macrophyllus, Sparganum ramosum, Stellaria palustris, Symphitum officinale, (11) Tanacetum vulgare, (11) Thalictrum revolutum, Thaspium barbinode, &“ acteifolium, Trichodium alatum, s“ scabrum, Trifolium arvense, _ Trisetum purpurascens; Urtica gracilis, Raf. “© procera, Veronica beccabunga, Vicia parviflora, Villarsia lacunosa, Zizania aquatica. Pas "a 4 < Catalogue of Plants of Kentucky. ee Notes TO THE PRECEDING CATALOGUPy_ (t) Cannabis sativa. The hemp has long been extensively cultivated in the “ Elkhorn country” around Lexington, and the exuberant fertility of the soil of this district is admirably adapted to its culture. Owing to these circumstances it has become partially naturalized, and we have met with it in sé- cluded situations, miles distant from any scene of cultivation. (1) Convolvulus micranthus. Tor a description of this spe- cies, see * A synopsis of the Flora of the Western States. By John L. Riddell, A. M.” (Cincinnati, O. 1835.) p. 70. “Close- ly allied to C. lacunosus, Spreng? perhaps only a variety of it.” (2) Eupatoreum *Torreyanum. Leaves ternate and oppo- Site, sub-sessile, narrow-lanceolate, coarsely serrate, three nerved, punctate beneath, glabrous above. Description: Stem solid, erect, striate, purplish, slightly pubescent below, becoming more so above, about two feet high; lower leaves by threes, narrow lanceolate on short pe- tioles or mostly subsessile, with a few coarse serratures, and, scabrous on the margin, three nerved and thickly sprinkled be- neath with glandular dots; upper leaves opposite, or by threes, narrower and less serrate. At the axil of each leaf is a small branch with numerous small narrow entire leaves, all glandu- lar-punctate. Flowering branches by threes and twos. Corymb nearly fastigiate. Involucrum 5-flowered, 8-10 leav- ed, exterior leaves small, acute, interior long, strap-shaped, pu- bescent and fringed at the summit. Seeds 5-angled smooth; pappus slighty scarious; pistil deeply cleft, the divisions re- volute. Found on dry sandstone knobs in the’barrens of Kentucky, near the Mammoth Cave; flowering September 20th. This species has some agreements with 2. parviflorum, and perhaps still more with EL. amenum, but seems in some parti- culars to differ from both; from the last especially in not hav- ing the “coloured” leaves of the involucrum, nor the “purple or flesh-coloured flowers”—ours are a pure white. The namé trifoliatum, or ternifolium, would be peculiarly appropriate for * 6 | Catalogue of Plants of Kentucky. this plant, inasmuch as all its leaves are constantly by threes; except occasionally one or two sets of opposite ones near the summit; these names, however, seem applied to very dif- ferent species from the present; and we, therefore, venture to dedicate this handsomest of the genus to one who is deserved- ly placed at the head of American Botanists. (3) Hydrophyllum *macrophyllum, Nutt. See Jour. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Phila. vol. vii. p. 111, 1834. Mr. Riddell, in the Synopsis above alluded to, has introduced this speci.s un- der the name H. hispidum, which is entirely in consonance with its charac‘er; but as Mr. Nuttall’s name is prior, it must be adopted. (4) Houstonia ? This plant has always been considered by us the H. longifolia, Willd. and numerous correspondents to whom we have sent it under that name, have received and acknowledged it as such. Among these, Professor Hooker, in remarking on it as Hi, longifolia, says “it is exactly what I have so called in the Botanical Magazine, No. 3099.” That figure, however, plainly refers to H: ciliolata—a plant pro- fusely abundant on the denuded hills around the Blue-licks, in this state, and the knobs back of New-Albany, Indiana; where- as our present species has occurred to us only among tie rich debris of the limestone cliffs bordering the Kentucky river; where, rooting deeply in the fissures of the rock, it forms dense clumps of considerable magnitude, with numerous semo-pros- trate stems a foot long. ; Unless, therefore, luxuriance of growth has given to it an aspect very different from that of specimens which we have received from other portions of the Union, as H. longifolia, we are inclined to consider our species distinct, but without more thorough investigation we do not pronounce it so. (5) Ixia Chinensis. This pretty exotic now so generally met with in our gardens under the name of “black-berry lilly,” is becoming abundantly naturalized in this state. In the west- ern part of it, we observed, last autumn, one locality espe- cially, where it had spread from a garden to a considerabie lis. tance both into the adjoining barrens and timbered land. Catalogue of Plants of Kentucky. 7 (6) Jeffersonia *lobata, Nutt. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila. vol. Vil, p- 99. ‘This is assuredly only a variety of J. diphylla. We have met with them both growing in the same spot, and passing into each other by insensible g gradations. (7) Ludwigia *polycarpa. Erect, much branched; leaves narrow-lanceolate, acute at each end, alternate, glabrous; flow- ers apetalous? closely sessile, axillary. and stoic cap- sules spherical, two-leaved. Description: Stem erect, 1 to 3 feet high, angled and very branching, branches of irregular length and irregularly dispo- sed. Leaves narrow-lanceolate end very acute, alternate, sub-sessile, glabrous on both surfaces and scabrous on the mar- gin; the lower ones 4 inches long by # inch wide, diminishing upwards. Flowers apetalous? axillary and closely sessile, generally solitary, but frequently collected in confused heads on the main stem, or smaller branches; capsules spherical, slightly angled, with two small, narrow, lanceolate, serrulate leaves seated on it, near the base; leaves of the calyx shorter than the capsule. Discovered by Mr. H. A. Griswold in the wet lands around Louisville, where ii occurs in greatabundance, flowering from to October. This species certainly bears considerable affinity to the L. mollis as described by Elliott, but it differs from that in being altogether destitute of the characteristic. villosity, and in having an angled stem. We have therefore given it a name from the profusion of its capsules—a greater profusion by far than is borne by any other species within our knowledge. (8) Pontederia cordata, var. *albiflora. Our friend and fel- . low-labourer, Mr. Griswold, pointed out this variety tous ina pond near Louisville. It there occurred in company with the common blue or purple flowered species, from which it seems to differ only inthe colour of its flowers, which is a pure white, with a slight tinge of pink. (9) Pinus variabilis, Rhus typhinum, Rosa gemelta, &c. These species have not been met with by ourselves, within the limits of this state: they are introduced into this Catalogue on the au- . & 8 Catalogue of Plants of Kentucky. thority of Mr. Riddell, who reports to us his having found them on the Kentucky sideof the Ohio river, opposite to the mouth of the Scioto river. | (10) Scutellaria *hirsuta. Stem erect, simple, sparingly branched, hirsute; leaves petioled broad-ovate, crenate, obtuse, hirsute; bractes ovate, ciliate; calyx hairy. Description: Stem erect, stout from 1 to 2 feet high, quad- rangular and grooved between the angles, with a few opposite branches towards the summit, the whole thickly beset with a hirsute pubescence standing out at right-angles from the stem: leaves few and large; the lower ones sub-cordate, on petiales of some length; the upper broad-ovate attenuated into petioles which become shorter upward, all obtuse and coarsely crenate, covered on the upper surface and the veins beneath with stiff hairs. Floral leaves entire, broad-oval, nearly round, pubes- cent, ciliate, longer than the calyx which is very hairy, espe- cially the upper lip. Flowers not seen. This species approaches nearest to the S. pilosa but is al- together a more stout and hirsute plant. They differ also m the form of their leaves and bractes, Discovered by Mr. H.A. Griswold on the borders of marshes around Louisville, Ky. Unfortunately the flowers had passed before it was met with. (11) Symphitum officinale—Tanacetum vulgare. These two exotics having passed the confines of cultivation, are becoming naturalized. We have met with them both in situations remote from settlements.