a CATALOGUE BIRDS BEITISH MUSEUM. VOLUME XI. L 0 N D 0 ]S' : PRINTED BY OEDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1886. CATALOGUE PASSERIFORMES, PEEOHING BIRDS, COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. FRINGILLIFORMES: Part II. CONTAINING THE FAMILIES CCEKEBID.E, TANAGEID^, AND ICTEKID^. PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1886. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, EED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE. Ornithologists will perceive with pleasure that full justice has been done to the unrivalled series of South-American Passerine Birds which the British Museum now possesses by securing the aid of Mr. Selater, who for many years has been the principal authority on the subject, and who has also undertaken to prepare one of the succeeding volumes. The New-World Passerine Birds were but poorly represented in the British Museum before the acquisition of the Salvin-Godman and Selater Collections ; and only a few of the specimens of the old collection, viz. those of which the precise origin is known, or to which some special interest is attached, have been retained and are recorded in the present volume. ALBERT GUNTKEE, Keeper of tlie Department of Zoology. British Museum, N. H., May 7, 1886. INTRODUCTION. The Tanagers were the subject of some of my earliest studies in the class of Birds. After -writing many preparatory papers and notes on this group, I communicated, in 1856, to the Zoological Society of London a Synopsis of the whole family, which appeared in their ' Proceedings ' for that year ; and in the following year I published an Illustrated Monogi'aph of one of the most extensive and brilliant genera. I may add that I have never lost sight of the si;bject since that period, but have always taken special interest in the group. It was therefore with great pleasure that I acceded to Dr. Giinther's request that I should prepare the Catalogue of the specimens of Tanar/ridce in the British Museum, to which my own series, the result of some thirty-five years' assiduous coUectiug, has been receiitly added. The two families Coerehidce and Icteridoi, with which I had also a considerable previous acquaintance, were likewise assigned to me to make up the volume. The species of Coerebidse recognized in the present Catalogue are 70. Of these 63 are represented in the Collection by 672 specimens, 15 of which are types. Thus only 7 species of CcBrebidse have no representatives in the National Collection. The Tanagridte are a much more extensive family, no less than 377 species being acknowledged as valid in the present volume. Only 20 of this number have no representatives in the Collection. The remaining 357 are very fully represented by 3413 specimens, of which 7-4 are actual types or typical specimens. Of the remaining family, Icteridie. the number of valid species Vlll INTRODUCTION. accepted in the present work is 128. Of these 3 only are unrepre- sented in the National series, while the remaining 125 species are weU represented by a fine series of 1409 specimens, amongst which are 12 typos of species. Putting the three families together, it will be found that the total number of species treated of in the present volume is 575, represented in the British-Museum Collection by 5494 specimens, referable to 545 species, leaving only 30 species deficient to the Collection, whilst the series of specimens in most cases are very extended, and serve admirably to show the geographical distribu- tion of the species. The CoerebidK, Tanagridte, and Icteridfe are three families of nine-primaried Oscines, restricted to the New World, and especially characteristic of the Neotropical Eegion. The CoerebidiB I consider to be nearly allied to the Tanagrida3 ; and it is indeed somewhat difficult to separate them by external characters. They appear to perform the same functions in Nature in the Neotropical Region as the Nectariniida3 and Dicseidse in the tropics of the Old World. The Tanagridse are also very closely allied to the Fringillidse, and are in fact fruit- and insect-eating Finches. They come in very naturally between tho Mniotiltida3 and Ca3rcbida3 on the one side, and the Fringillidaj on the other. But whether the Icteridse should immediately follow the Tanagridoe in a natural series is, I think, a little open to question. To my mind, the Icteridse, although their outer primary is entirely aborted, present many points of alliance with the Sturnidce ; and it would therefore be better, I think, to place them after tho Fringillidae, and in the immediate neighbourhood of the former family. But, under Mr. Wallace's system of arrangement of the Oscines according to the number of their primaries, which has been adopted in this part of the Catalogue of Birds *, the Icteridae do very well in their present situation. Many valued friends and correspondents have rendered me mate- rial assistance in the compilation of this volume by the loan of * See Mr. Sharpe's remarks on this subject. Cat. Birds, vol. x. p. 1. INTRODUCTION. IX specimens. Amongst these I particularly wish to record mj- thanks to : — Herr August von Pelzeln, of Vienna ; Prof. Baird and Mr. Ridg- way, of the U.S. National Museum, Washington ; M. L. Taczanowski, of Warsaw ; Hans, Graf von Berlepsch, of Mucnden ; and Mr. G. N. Lawrence, of New York. Finally, I must ask to be allowed to express my admiration of the noble gift made to the Nation by Messrs. Osbert Salvin and F. DuCane Godman of their unrivalled series of New- World Birds, the accession of which has enormously increased the wealth of the National Collection as regards the families treated of in the present volume. I must also ask these gentlemen to accept my grateful acknow- ledgments of the liberal manner in which they have given me unrestricted access to their specimens, so that I was enabled to catalogue them before their transfer to the British Museum. The facilities thus generously afforded have greatly lessened my labours on the present Volume. PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 3 Hanover Square, W., 19th April, 1886. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Order PASSERIFORMES. Suborder PASSERES. Section FRINGILLIFORMES. Fam. CcEREBiD^. Subfam. I. Diglossix^^. Page 1. Diglossa, Waffle?- 2 1. baritula, JVaffl 3 2. sittoides, crOrb. et Lafr. . 4 3. gloriosa, 8cl. et Salr. .... 6 4. brimneiventris, Lafr. ... 5 5. pectoralis, Cab 6 6. mystacalis, Lafr 6 7. carbonaria, d'Orb. et Lafr. 6 8. major, Cab 7 9. lafresnayi, Boiss 7 10. hiirueralis, Fraser 8 11. aterrima, Lafr 8 12. albilateralis, Lafr 9 13. pktmbea, Cab 9 14. personata, Fraser 10 15. indigotica, Scl 10 16. glauea, ScL et Salv 11 2. Diglossopis, Scl 11 1. caerulescens, Se/.ei.SWc. 178 1. sanguinoleuta, Less 178 23. Caloehc-etes, Scl 179 1. coccineus, .SW 180 y. TaiiM/rince seLirostrL's. 24. Pyranga, Vieill 181 1. sestiva, G)h 182 2. cooperi, Bkhiw 184 8. testacea, Sd. et Salv. . . 184 4. hfemalea, Sah. et (fudm. 18o 5. figliua, Salv. et Godin. . . 185 6. saira, Spiv 185 7. azarse, 254 1 . toiquatus, d' Orb. et Lafr. 256 2. phffiopleunis, Scl 256 3. assimilis, Boiss 257 4. virenticep.s, Bp 257 5. brunneiniicha, Lafr. . . 258 ('). inornatiis, 37. graysoni, Cass 387 38. leucopteryx, Wagl 387 Subfam. V. Quiscalin^e. 23. Lampropsar, Cah 388 1. tanagrinus, Spix 388 24. Scolecophagus, Siv 390 1. ferrugineas, Gm 390 2. c}'anoceplialus, Wagl. . . 390 25. Dives, Cass 391 1. sumiclirasti, Df Satis. . . 392 2. wareewiezi. Cab 392 3. atroviolaceus, d^Orh. . . 393 26. Quiscalus, Vieill 393 1. versicolor, Vieill. 394 2. major, Vieill. 395 3. macrurus, Sw 396 4. assimilis, Scl 396 5. graysoni, Scl 397 6. tenuirostris, Sw 397 7. gundlaehi, Cass 398 8. niger, Bodd 398 9. crassirostris, Sio 398 10. bracliypterus, Cass 3H9 11. fortirostris, Lawr 400 12. inflexirostris, Sio 401 13. guadeloupensis, Lawr. . . 401 14. luminosus, Lawr 402 15. lugubris, Sw 402 27. Macragelaeus, Cass 403 1. subalaris, Boiss 403 28. Hypopyrrhus, Bp 403 1. pyrypogaster, De Tarr. 403 29. Aphobus, Cab 404 1. chopi, Vieill 405 CATALOGUE BIRDS Order II. PASSERIFORMES (Cat. E. Tol. iii. p. 1). Suborder I. PASSERES (Cat. B. vol. iii. p. 1). Section B. FRINGILLIFORMES (Cat. B. vol. X. p. 1). Family CGEREBIDiE. The Ccerehidie, or Guit-giiits, are a group of nine-primaricdOsciiies peculiar to the Neotropical Region, and, indeed, to the forest-covei'cd portion of that region, which extends from the tierra caliente of Southern Mexico on the north to the Gulf of Guyaquil on the western coast of South America, and to the southern limits of the wood- region of S.E. Brazil and the great Amazonian valley on the eastern side of the Andes. The Ccerebidce are all of small size : they have typical Oscinine tarsi, with the posterior face smooth, and with indications of several scutes more or less obsolete on the anterior face. The wings are of moderate length, without any indication of the first or external primarj', and with the second, third, and fourth primaries usually nearly equal and longest. The bill is small and slender and without any notch at the extremity of the upper mandible, but varies in structure in the four Subfamilies. The tongue is pencilled at the extremity. The members of this family are mostly of brilliant colour, and when such is the case the plumage of the male is usually quite distinct from that of the female. It is in some instances difficult to distinguish the C'oerehidce from the Tanagridce on the one side and from the Mniotiltidce on the other; but the more slender unnotched bill and filamentous termination of the extensile tongue, when the latter character is discernible, will usually serve to indicate a Coerebine bird. VOL. XI. B 0 Key to the Suhfanillies. a. Bill straight ; upper mandible lengthened and curved over the tip of the lower. . 1. DIGLOSSIN^, p. 2. h. Bill straight ; mandibles equal in length and pointed at the ends 2. BACNIBIN^E, p. 12. c. Bill lengthened; both mandibles incurved 3. CiEREUINAi,^. 2d. d. Bill short, thick, conical, slightly in- curved 4. GLOSSIPTILINjE, [p. 47 Subfamily I. DIGLOSSIN^. Key to the Geneva. a. Bill strongly hooted at the extremity 1. Diglossa, p. 2. h. Bill very slightly hooked at the extremity . . 2. Diglossopis, p. U. 1. DIGLOSSA. Type. Diglossa, Waffler, Ms, 1832, p. 280 D. baritula. Agrilorhinus, Bp. Nuov. Ann. So. Nat. Bologna, i. p. 408 (1838) D. baritula. Uncirostrum, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 100 D. carbouaria. Serrirostrum, (TOrb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. ii. p. 24 (1838) . D. carbouaria. Campylops, Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 56 (1854) D. baritula. Tephrodiglossa, Cassin, Pr. Ac. So. Phil. 1864, p. 273 . D. carbonaria. Pyrrhodiglossa, Cassin, op. cit. p. 274 I), mystacalis. Cyanodiglossa, Cassin, ibid. D. personata. Melanodiglossa, Cni'^-'v, ibi-1 D. lafresnayi. Structure of Diglossa major. 1. DIGLOSSA. 3 The genus Diglossa contaius about sixteen species of small Tit-like birds easil}' recognized by their peculiar hooked bill. The}- arc dif- fused over the more northern portion of tlie Neotropical llegion, from Southern Mexico to Bolivia, and are confined nearly entirely to the upland forests above 6000 feet in altitude. They are said to frequent the bushes and trees at the edges of the forests, and to be usually fouud in small parties, ever active in search of insects. The nests of two of the species taken by Salmon in Antioquia {cf. P. Z. S. 1879, p. -iOG) were open and cup-shaped. The eggs (pp. cit. pi. xlii. fig. 1) are spotted with brown on a greenish ground. Key to the Species. Sect. i. Plumage more or less varied with rufous. a. Abdomen and crissum alike rufous; f throat plumbeous 1. baritula, p. 3. J throat rufous like the beUy 2. sittoides, p. 4. 1 throat black all over . . 3. gloriosa, p. 5. [ throat black iu middle, sides rufous .... 4. brunneiventris, p. 5. b. Abdomen black ; crissum rufous ; I pectoral band rufous 5. pectoralis, p. 6. ) no pectoral band 6. mystacalis, p. 6. c. Abdomen cinereous ; crissum rufous ; I breast black 7. carbonaria, p. 6. j breast cinereous like the belly 8. major, p. 7. Sect. ii. Plumage uniform or nearly so. d. Black above and below ; ibend of wing bluish 9. hifresnayi, p. 7. bend of wing y reyish 10. liumeralis, p. 8. bend of wing black , 11. aferrima, p. 8. bend of wing white . 12. ulbilaferah's, p. 9. e. Plumbeous above and below 13. jiluinbea, p. 9. f. Bluish above and below. a'. Face black 14. personata, p. 10. b' . Face like the body : I brighter, purplish blue 1.5. indu/otku, p. 10. j darker, with ouly a bluish wash .... 16. glaiico, p. 11. 1. Diglossa baritula. Diglossa baritula, Wm/l. Ms, 1832, p. 281 ; Hahn, Orn. Atl xii. tab. 1 et 2 ; HaHl. Rev. Zool. 1842, p. 56 ; Gray et Mitch. Gen. B. i. p. 157, pi. 42 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 401 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 18.36, p. 286, 1859, pp. .364, 376, et 1864, p. 173 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 48 ; id. Ibis, 1875, p. 207 ; Cab. Mus. Ilein. i. p. 97 ; Sclater et Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 14 : ReicJi. Ha/nib. p. 233, t. dliv. ff. 3762, 3763 : Cass. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 273 ; Sumichr. Mem. Bost. Soc. Jv. H. i. p. 548 ; Gray, Hand-l.\. p. 118; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 15; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 174 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. C.-A., Aves, i. p. 242. Campylops hamulus, Licht. Nomencl. Mus. Berol. p. 56 (descr. nulla). Agriloilnuus sittaceus, Bp. Nuov. Ann. Sc. Nut. Boloqna, i. p. 408 (1838). Uncirostrum brelayi, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 18.39, p. 100. Unciroslrum sittaceuui, lafr. Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 292. Agiilorhiuus olivaceus, I'raser, P. Z, S. 1840, p. 22. b2 4 CCERERID^. Above plumbeous, head, wings, and tail darker ; below ferruginous red ; throat plumbeous like the back ; under wing-coverts red like the bellj' ; upper mandible dark, lower and feet carneous : whole length 4-5 inches, wing '2-4:, tail 1"9. Female. Olive-green : wings and tail blackish, edged with olive ; secondaries broadly edged with pale fuscous ; below pale yellowish olive. Hab. S. Mexico and Guatemala. Guatemalan specimens have less plumbeous on the throat, thereby approaching D. siitoides. Purchased. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Zool. Soc. Coll. (Type of Ai/rilor/iinus olivaceun.) Sc'later Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. SaU'in-Godmau Coll. Selater CoU. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CuU. Selater Coll. 2. Diglossa sittoides. Serrirostrum sittoides, cVOrb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. ii. p. 25 (1838) ; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 374, t. 58. fig. 3. Diglossa sittoides, Bridqes, P. Z. S. 1847, p. 29 ; Gray et Mitch. Gen. B. i. p. 137 ; Beich. Handh. p. 233, t. dliv. f. 3766 ; Ca&sin, Pr. Ac. So. Phil. 1864, p. 273 ; Grm/, Hand-l. i. p. 118 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 15 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, pp. 496 (Antioquia), 596 (Bolivia) ; Tacz. P.Z.S. 1874, p. 511, et 1882, p. 8; id. Orn. Perou, i. p. 417 ; Scl. Ibis, 1875, p. 208. Diglossa similis, Lafr. Bev. Zool. 1846, p. 318 ; Selater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 138, et 1868, p. 170; id. Cat. A. B. p. 48; Bj). Comp. i. p. 401 ; Beich. Handb. p. 233, t. dliv. f. 3764 ; Cass. Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, p. 273 ; Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 118 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 15. Diglossa hyperythra, Cab. Mus. Ilein. i. p. 97 (1850) (ex Venezuela). Uncirosti-um d'orbignii, Boiss. Bet. Zool. 1840, p. 5. Diglossa d'orbignyi, Beich. Handb. p. 233 ; Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 118. Above plumbeous, front and sides of head darker : below uniform ferruginous red ; upper mandible dark, lower and feet carneous : whole length 4-4 inches, wing 2*25, tail 1'8. Female. Olive, wings and tail blackish with olive edgings ; below pale yellowish olive. Bah. Highlands of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Lafresnaye has been followed by other authors in separating the a. : Ac. Sc. Phil. 18G4, p. 275 ; Sd. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 780 ; iid. Nomend. p. 15 ; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 324 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 224, 1880, p. 193 ; id.'Orn. Perou, i. p. 418 ; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 119 (S. Marta); Berl. J. f. 0. 1884, p. 285 (Biica- ramanga) ; Perl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 287 (W. Ecuador) ; Tacz. et Perl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 75 (Ecuador). Dark ciuereous ; axillaries, flanks, and under wing-coverts pure ■white ; bill and feet black : whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2-3, tail 2. Female. Dark rufous olive : wings and tail blackish, with the edges of wing- coverts and secondaries rufescent ; below buffj' rufous, flanks white. Hab. Andes of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The white flanks distinguish this widely spread species in both sexes and in all ages. a, b. S 2 a^d. st. Venezuela {Dyson). Pui'cliased. c. cJ ad. sk. Aragua, Venezuela. Purchased. d, e. (S ad. et 5 jr. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. ./") !J- d 2 ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godmau Coll. h. 2 ad. sk. Antioquia (Sahnon). Purchased. i. 5 ad. sk. Antioquia {Salmon). Sclater Coll. j. cS ad. sk. Retiro, Antioquia {Sal- Salvin-Godman Coll. nion). f'', I- d 2 ad. sk. Santa Elena, Antioquia Salvin-Godman Coll. {Salmon). m. (S ad. sk. ; n. c5 Son Sebastian, U. S. C. Salviu-Godman Coll. jr. sk. {Simons). 0. cJ ad. ; j). d jr. Jima, Ecuador {Buckleij). Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. q. (S ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador Sclater Coll. {Fraser). r. cJjr.sk.; s. 2 ad. Puellaro, Ecuador (i^yase?-). Sclater CoU. sk. t. c? ad.sk. Tambillo, Peru( ■ • Greenish blue ; lores, iuterscapulium, and tail black ; wings black ; secondaries edged externally with greenish blue ; under wing- coverts white ; bill and feet black : whole length 4-5 inches, wino- 2-4, tail 2. {Oustalet.) " Hab. Isthmus of Darien. Only known from the single specimen in the Paris Museum. a. Drawing from the typical specimen {Eeulemans). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Dacnis flaviventris. Dacnis flaviventris, d'Orb. et Lafr. Si/n. Av. i. p. 21 ; Bp. Cotisp i p. 400 ; Scl. Contr. Oni. 1851, pp. 108, 114; id. P. Z. S. 1854, p 252" 1857, p. 263; id. Cat. A. B. p. 51; id. Ibis, 1863, p. 316; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Se. Phil 1864, p. 270; Pelz. Oni. Bras. p. 25; Gray p. oy/ ; nrf. JSomencl. p. io ; I acz. Urn. Perou, i. p. Couirostrum ! flaviventre, Reichenb. Handb. p. 229. 24 CCEBEBII)^. Bright yellow ; front, sides of head, interscapulium, throat-patch, wings, and tail black ; cap bright green ; under wing- coverts white ; bill and feet black: whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1-5. Female. Olive-brown; beneath paler, somewhat ochreous ; wings and tail dark brown. Hab. Eastern Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. A very distinct species, originally obtained by d'Orbigny in the forests of Yuracares, Bolivia ; since received in several collections from Upper Amazon:' a. a. S ad. St. Ucayali. Purchased. b. $ ad. sk. Lower Ucayali (R Barf- Sclater Coll. left). c. c? ad. sk. Pebas, E. Peni {Hauxivell). Salviu-Godmau Coll. d. (S jr. sk. Yquitos, Upper Amazons Salviu-Godman Coll. ( Whifely). e. S ad. sk. Peruvian Amazons {Haux- Sclater Coll. well). f. g. (S ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador {Buck- Salvin-Godmau Coll. ley). ^, «. (J ad. St. Amazons (?). Purchased. 8. Dacnis venusta. Dacnis, sp., Lawr. Ann. Lj/c. N. Y. vii. p. 319. Dacnis venusta, Lawr. Ann. Lijc. N. Y. vii. p. 404, ix. p. 97 Scl. Ibis, 1863, p. 315, t. 7 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 348, 1879, p. 497 (Antioquia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 160 ; Casshi, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 269 ; Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 117 ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 185. Above bright blue ; front, lores, space round the eyes, intersca- pulium, wings, and tail glossy black ; below glossy black ; thighs scarlet ; under wing-coverts whitish ; bill and feet black : whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2-6, tail 1-6. Female. Above dirty greenish ; rump bluish ; below ashy ochraceous. Ilah. Costa Rica, Panama, and interior of Colombia. This species is readily distinguished by its scarlet thighs and glossy black under surface. It is best known from Costa Eica and Panama, but has also been obtained in Antioquia by Salmon. a,h. c? 2 ad. sk. ; c. (S Tucurriqui, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman CoU. jr. sk. (Arce). d, e. c? $ ad. sk. Costa Rica {Carmiol). Sclater Coll. f. (5' ad. sk. Volcan de Chiriqui (^rce). Sclater Coll. '^. cJ ad. sk. Bugaba,Chiriqui(ylrcej. Sclater Coll. A. 5 ad.sk. Chiriqui (ylrce). Sclater Coll. i,j. c? ? ad. sk. Panama (ilfcZfrtnwaH). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. S ad. sk. Remedios, U.S. of Co- Salviu-Godman CoU, lombia (Salmon). 9. Dacnis pulcherrima. Dacnis pulcherrima, Sclater, Rev. Zool. 1853, p. 480 ; id. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 252, et 1855, pp. 84, 137 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 51, pi. viii. ; id. Ibis, 1863, p. 316 : Cassiti, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 270 ; Graij, 7. DACNIS. 25 Hand-l. i. p. 117; Scl. et Salt: Nomencl. p. 16: Tacz P Z S 1874, p. 510 ; id. Orn. Perou, i. p. 432. Dacnis pulclierrima, j5. aiireinucha, Ridciw. Pr. U.S. N M 187S p. 484 ; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 76. ' " ' Above black ; a distinct cervical collar pale golden yeUow ; middle of interscapulium and whole lower back pale silvery green ; wings and tail black ; margins of wing-coverts and slight edgings to secon- daries aiid tail-feathers blue ; below pale silvery green ; throat black ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black, pale at the base ; feet dark brown : whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 1-8. Female (probably) like the male. Hah. Interior of Colombia and Ecuador. This conspicuous species has rather a thicker biU than its con- geners, and may possibly be a Tanager, as supposed by Du Bus. It was described from Bogota skins, but extends from Colombia into Ecuador under a very slightly different phase, which Mr. Eidgway has separated as a subspecies, having the nuchal band of a more golden tinge. a. Subsp. typica. a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type , . , , T. ^ of the species.) b. Ad.sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godmau Coll. b. Subsp. aureinnclia. a, b Ad sk. Intaj, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll c. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godmau Coll" d. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Salviu-Godman Coll.' 10. Dacnis leucogenys. Dacnis leucogeuys, Z«/r. B. Z 1852, p. 470; Sclater, Ibis, 1863, p. 317; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 270; Gray, Hand-l. i p. 117 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 16. Above dark bluish grey; cap black; ear-coverts white; wings and tad blackish, edged with grey ; below ])aler, whitish grey ; cris- sum chestnut ; under wing-coverts white ; bill and fect"^ blackish • whole length 3-6 inches, wing 2-2, tail 1-4. Female. Above grey," wmgs and tail blackish ; beneath pale yellowish ; sides greyish. Hab. Interior of Colombia. Very easily known by its black cap and red crissum ; only yet met with in " Bogota " collections. a, b. S ad. sk. ; c. $ ad. sk. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll d, e. (S ad. sk. ; /. $ ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater CoU. 11. Dacnis analis. 26 C(EREBID^. a. S ad. sk. h. now). Rio Napo (Buckley). Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Yquitos, Upper Amazous (Whitely). Nairapi, Bolivia (Buckley). Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. SclaterColl. (Types of Chi. guatemalensis.) Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Sclater Coll. J. Gould, Esq. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. a. S ad. sk. h. rj ad. sk. Trinidad. Trinidad. c. Subsp. typica. Sclater Coll. Purchased. 10. CCEREBA. 31 c,d. (S 2 ad.sk. Bai'tica Grove, Brit. Guiaua Salvin-Godman Coll. ( Wliitely). e,f. (S 2 ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiaua Salviu-Godman Coll. ( IVhitely). g. S ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. h, i. (S 2 ad. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil ( W. A. Salvin-Godman Coll. Forhes). J. 2 ad. sk. Baliia, Brazil (WMcAere?-). Salvin-Godman Coll, h. (5' ad. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. iJoyner). I. c? ad. St. South America. Prof. Lichtenstein [P.]. m. (S ad. st. South America. Hardwick Bequest. n. 2 ad. St. South America. Major Finch [P.]. 2. Chlorophanes purpurascens. (Plate IV.) Chlorophanes purpurascens, Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. pp. IG, 167. Dullish purple-blue, with the lower black colour of the feathers showing through in places ; front space round the eyes, wings, and tail black ; wing-coverts and secondaries with slight blue edgings ; lower mandible yellow, upper black ; feet brown. Whole length 4'9 inches, wing 2-8, tail 1'7. Hab. Venezuela. This species, described from the only known specimen, has quite the habit of C spiza, but is at once distinguishable by its colour. a. c? sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) 10. C(EREBA. Type. Ccereba, Vieill. Ois. Ain. Sept. ii. p. 70 (1807) C. cyanea. Arbelorhina, Cab. Arch.f. Nat. p. 325 (1817) C. cyanea. The brilliant group of " Blue Creepers " which constitute this genus pervades the tropics of America from Cuba and Mexico to {Southern Brazil and Bolivia. Four forms only seem to me worthy of specific separation, and two of these are but slightly different representatives of the same structure. The Ccereba are at once known from their relatives of the same group by the deep blue colour of the males and the slender Creeper-like bill. They are low- ranging birds, not apparently ascending to high elevations, and fre- quent the edge? of the forests and the trees and shrubs of the more open districts, where they arc perpetually in search of their insect food among the branches ; but they also eat ripe fruit. Key to the Species. A. Interscapulium black ; throat blue ; inner webs of primaries yellow _ 1. cyanea, p. 32. B. Interscapulium blue ; throat black ; inner webs of primaries blackish. u. Bill longer. General colour deep purple 2. ccrrulea, p. 33. General colour brighter purple 3. Incida, p. 35. b. Bill shorter 4. nitida, p. 35. 32 CCEREBID^. 1. Coereba cyanea. Certbia cayana, Linn. S. N. i. p. 187 ( $ ) ? Certhia cyanea, Linn. S. N. i. p. 188 ( j ). Grimpereau de Bresil, Daub. PI. Mil. S3. fi». 2. Certhia cyanogastra, Lath. Lid. Orn. i. p. 295. Le Giut-guit, And. et Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 69, tt. 41, 42, 43. Coereba cyanea, Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. GIO ; id. Gal. Ois. i. p. 288, pi. 176; Ma.v. Beitr. iii. p. 761; Bp. Consp. i. p. 399; id. Notes Or«. p. 50; d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. ii. p. 24; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 25 ; Laim: Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 97 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 266 ; Btirm. Syst. Ueh. iii. p. 150 ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 140, 286, 1857, p. 263 ; id. Cat. Am. B. p. 52 ; Tat/lor, Lhis, 1864, p. 81 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 179, 1867, pp. 570, 749, 1868, pp. 166, 627, 1870, p. 836, 1873, p. 260, 1879, p. 597 ; iid. Nomencl. p. 16 ; Fimch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 561 ; Salvin, Lhis, 1872, p. 315, 1885, p. 207 (Brit. Guian.) ; id. Cat. StricU. Coll. p. 177 ; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 199, 1880, p. 119 ; iid. Biol. C.-A., Aves, i. p. 248 ; Lai/ard, Ibis, 1873, p. 378 ; Forbes, I/ns, 1881, p. 330 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 9 ; id. Orn. Permi, i. p. 436. Arbelorhina cyanea, Cah. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 675; id. Mus. Hein. i. p. 96 ; Giindl. Orn. Cuba, p. 105. Coereba carneipes, Scl. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 376, 1864, p. 173 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 52 ; Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1860, p. 32 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 349 ; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. vi. pp. 291, 318, viii. p. 175 ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 137, 1870, p. 185 ; Sumichr. Mem. Boat. Sac. N. H. i. p. 548. Arbelorhina brevipes et A. exiniia. Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 96. Coereba cyanea, C. eximia et C. brevipes, Peich. Handb. pp. 236-7. Coereba cyanea eximia, Berl. J.f. 0. 1884, p. 287 (Bucaramanga). Above and below bright purple-blue ; lores, space round the eyes, interscapulium, -wings, and tail velvety black ; cap pale blue ; under wing-coverts and inner webs of wing-feathers sulphur-yeUow ; bill black ; feet flesh-colour : whole length 4-4 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1-4. Female. Above dark green, superciliary stripe whitish ; wings and tail blackish, edged with green ; below paler, yellowish green, obsoletely striated ; under wing-coverts and inner webs of wing- feathers yeUow ; biU i.orn-colour ; feet brown. Hah. From Southern Mexico over Central and Southern America down to S.E. Brazil and Bolivia. Also found in Cuba. The varieties of this species differ principally in the length of the biU and in other dimensions. But although I formerly separated the form from the north of Panama as C. carneijies, I now agree with Messrs. Salvin and Godmau {op. s. c), that neither this nor the other forms can be satisfactorily arranged as species or even as subspecies. a-b. c? ad. sk. Oaxaca, Mexico (Boucard). Sclater Coll. c. S ad. sk. Cuba. Salviu-Godman CoU. d-e. $ ad.sk. Coziunel 1., Yucatan (©. Salviu-Godman Coll. F. Gaumer). f. 5 ad. sk. Belize (Blancaneata). Salviu-Godman CoU. g. (S ad. sk. Corosal, Brit. Honduras Salvin-Godman CoU. (Jioe). 10. COEEEBA. 33 h. (J ad. sk. f. S jr. sk. j. (S ad. St. k. (^ ad. sk. /. $ ad.sk. m,n. (5 ad.,etd" jr. sk. o,p. 2 ad. sk. q. (S ad. sk. r. cS ad. sk. s. S'«/- vin) , Bebedero, Nieoja, Costa Rica (Arce). Costa Rica. Chontales,Nicaragiia(i?eft). Cbitra, Veragua (Arce). Santa Fe, Veragua (Arce). Santiago de Veragua(^r(7e). Castillo, Veragiia (Arc^). Cordillera de Tole, Veragua (Arce). Bugaba, Cbiriqui (Axe). Lion Hill, Panama (Mc- Leannan). Manaure, Santa Marta, Colombia (Simons). Minca, Santa Marta, U. S. C. (Simons). Gorgona I., U. S. C. N.W. coast of S. America. Venezuela. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Cn'Ttitely). Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Caj-enne. Lower Amazons( Wallace). Ega, Amazons (Bates). Pernambuco, Brazil ( W. A. Forbes). Babia, Brazil (Wncherer). Rio Clare, Goyaz, Brazil (Joyner). Brazil. Brazil. S. America. S. America. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Capt. Kellett & Lieut. Wood [P.] Capt. Kellett & Lieut. Wood [P.]. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater CoU. Purchased. Piu'chased. Pm-chased. 2. Ccereba caerulea. Certhia caerulea, Linn. S. N. i. p. 185. Grimpereau verd tacheti? de Cayenne, Daub. PL Enl. 682. fig. 2 ( 2 ). Certhia ochrochlora, Gm. S. K. i. p. 472. Certhia surinamensis, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 295. Le Guit-guit noir et bleu, Aud. et Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 74t 14, 46, 46. ' VOL, XI. D 34 CCEREBID^. Coei-eba c^rulea, Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. 610 ; Schd. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 137, 1857, p. 26.3 ; id. Cut. A. B. p. 53 ; Tmihr, Ibis, 1864, p. 81 ; Sclat. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, pp. 570, 749, 977, 1868, p. 167, 1873, p. 185, 1879, p. 497 (Antioquia), p. 597 (Bolivia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 16 ; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 378 ; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 119 ; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 207 (Brit. Guian.) ; Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 25 ; Tacz. Orn. Perou, i. p. 437 ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 543. Arbelorhina CEerulea, Cab. in Schomh. Guian. iii. p. 675; id. M^is. Hein. i. p. 96 , Reichenb. Haiidb. p. 235. Arbelorhina brevirostris, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 96. Arbelorhina longirostris, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 96. Ccereba longirostris, Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 561 ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 53 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 267. Ccereba brevirostris, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 53: Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 267. Ccereba cferiilea microrhvTicha, Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 287 (Bucara- manga). Atiove and below purple-blue ; lores, throat, wings, tail, and under wing-coverts velvety black ; bill black ; feet flesh-colour : whole length 3*7 inches, wing 2-2, tail I'l. Female. Above dark green ; lores rufous ; below pale yellowish, with dark green stria- tions : throat rufous ; bill blackish ; feet brown. Hal. South America, from Colombia down to Amazonia, Eastern Peru and Bolivia ; to the north of Colombia replaced by the next species. This is also a somewhat variable species ; but after examining several large series, I think it better to keep all the specimens from countries to the south of Panama under one specific name. This bird does not seem to occur in South-east Brazil, but extends all over Amazonia. The descriptions are taken from Cayenne skins. n, b. (5 $ ad. sk. Miuca, Santa MartajU.S.C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Simo)is). c. (5 ad. sk. Eemedios, Antioquia, Salvin-Godman Coll. U. S. C. {Salmon). d. (S ad. sk. Venezuela. Purchased. e. (5 ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. f. c? ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. g. h. c? 2 ^^- sk. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. i. (S jr. sk. Bogota. Purchased. j, k. J 5 ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador Salvin-Godman Coll. ( Buchley). I. cS ad. sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. m. 2 ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. n. c? jr. sk. Gorgona I., U. S. C. Capt. Kellett& Lieut. Wood [C.]. o, p. c? $ ad. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Haiixicell). Salvin-Godman Coll. q. S ad. sk. Ega, Amazons (Bates). Purchased, r. 5 iid. sk. Santarem,Amazons(5a<. et Godm. Biol. C.-A., Aves, i. p. 251 ; mdffw. Pr. U. S. A\ M. 1885, p. 27. Above slaty blackish ; rump rellow ; superciliaries white ; white wing-spot distinct, rather square ; below, throat pale ashy white, abdomen yellow ; flanks ciuerasceut ; crissum yeUowish ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 4*2 inches, wing '2 b, tail 1"6. Hah. Island of Cozumel, Yucatan (Cabot). Similar to C. bahamensis, but " the yellow of the underparts is darker and more extended, the alar speculum squarer, and the tail less conspicuously tipped with white." a. Ad. sk. Cozumel Island, VV. I. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Devis). b-i. Ad. sk. Cozumel Island, W. I. Salvin-Godman CoU. (G. F. Gaumer). 3. Certhiola tricolor. Certhiola tricolor, Ridcjw. Pr. U. S. N. M. 1884, p. 178, et 1885, pp. 27, 29. " Similar to C. bahamensis, but larger, upper parts darker ; yellow on rump more extended, and posterior lower parts pale yeUowish." (^Hichjiva)/.) Hub. Old Providence Island, W. I. Examples of the adult and young of this species are in the U.S. National Museum. 4. Certhiola mexicana. Certhiola mexicana, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 286, 1859, pp. 364, 376 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 54 ; Sabin, Ibis, 1861, p. 352 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 349, 1879, p. 497 (Antioquia) et p. 597 (Bo^^•ia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 17 ; Cassin, Proc. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 271 ; Lawrence, Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. -98 (Costa Eica) ; Sund. (Efv. K. Vet.-Ak. Fork. 1809, p. 623 : Gray, Hmid-l. i. p. 120 ; Fimch,'Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 772 ; Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 428 ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 543; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 288 (Bucaramanga) ; Bidffw. Pr. U. S. N. M. 1885.' p. 27. Certhiola luteola, Scl. P. Z. S. 18-55, p. 138 (Bogota), 1858, p. 452, I860, pp. 85, 292 (Ecuador) ; Salvin, P. Z. S. 1807, p. 137 (Veragua) ; Laiorence, Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 291 (Panama), et viii. p. 174 (Veragua). Certhiola columbiana, Cab. J. f. 0. 1805, p. 412 ; Siind. (Efv. K. Vet.- Ak. Forh. 1809, p. 622 ; Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 120. Certhiola peruviana. Cab. J.f. O. 1865, p. 413; Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 428 ; Sund. (Eft. K. Vet.-Ak. Forh. 1869, p. 623 ; Graij, Hand-l. i. p. 120 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 512, et 1879, p. 225 ; id. Orn. Perou, i. p. 439 (Peru). Certhiola, sp., Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 225. Certhiola magnirostris, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 193; id. Orn. Perou, p. 441 (?). 11. CEETHIOLA. 39 Above dark gre}-, with olive tinge on the back ; head black ; rump olivaceous yellow ; superciliaries from front to neck white ; wing- spot square, white, distinct ; below, throat light ashy, belly yellow, sides olivaceous ; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; tail black, outer rectrices slightly tipped with white: whole length 3-7 inches, wing 2-2, tail 1-3. Female similar. Hah. South Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. I cannot agree with Prof. Baird and Mr. Eidgway in keeping C. colombiana distinct from C. mexicana. As regards the rump- patch (the point of difference given by them), I find Mexican and Peruvian specimens quite similar. But in Peruvian specimens the wing-spot is decidedly smaller, and shows a deviation towards C chloropyga, to which I have actually referred the Bolivian examples. I have before me two examples of the form called by M. Taczauowski 0. magnirostris ; but I doubt their distinctness, though the beak is decidedly longer than in normal specimens. a. Ad. sk. b. Ad. sk. c. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. f-h. Ad. sk. i,j. Ad.; k. Jr. sk. /. Ad. sk. m. S ad. sk. n, o. (S ad. et jr. sk. p-s. (S 2ad.etjr.sk. t, u. (S 2 sk. V. Ad. sk. w. Ad. sk. .r, j/. Ad. sk. 2. Ad. sk. a',b'. cS 2 a.d. sk. c'. Ad. sk. d'. Ad. sk. e'. $ ad. sk. (j'.dJT^-; 2ad.sk. . (f ad. sk. cJ ad. sk. Ad. sk. , /'. Ad. et jr. sk. '. Ad. sk. Mexico (Salle). Jalapa, Mexico (V/e Oca). Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Choctum, Vera Paz (Sah: et Godman). Turrialba, Costa Rica (Arce). Costa Rica (Arce). Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arce). CordUlera del Chucu, Ve- ragua (Arce). LiouHill Station, Isthm. of Panama (McLean nan). Panama (McLeannan). Paraiso Station, Isthm. of Panama (Hughes). Gorgona I., U. S. C. Bogota. Bogota. Medelliu,U. S. C. (Sal- mon). Vicinity of Quito, Ecuador. Intaj, Ecuador (BucMey). Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Zamora, Ecuador (Fraser). Gualaquiza, Ecuador (Fraser). Nanegal, Ecuador (Fraser). Ecuador. Ecuador. Ecuador. Purchased. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Capt. Kellett & Lieut. Wood [C.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater CoU. Sclater Coll. Sclater CoU. Sclater CoU. Purchased. Gould CoU. Salvin-Godman CoU. 40 »'. Ad. sk. o'. Jr. sk. p'. Ad. sk. q'. Ad. r'. Ad. Sarayacu, Ecuador Salvin-Godman Coll. (^Buckley). Sarayacu, Peru (T?7«('ei'y). Sclater Coll. Pacasmayo, Peru {Stolz- Sclater Coll. niann). Callacate, Peru {Stok- Sclater Coll. mami). (C magnirostris, Tacz.) Guajauja, Peru QStolz- Sclater Coll. matm). (C. magnirostris, Tacz.) 5. CertMola luteola. Certhiola luteola, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 96 (Puerto Cabello) ; Sund. (Efv. K. Vet.-Ak. Fork. 1869, p. 621 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 271 ; Reichenb. Handb. p. 251 ; Sclat. Cat. A. B. p. 53 ; Tttiilor, Ibis, 1864, p. 179 (Trinidad) ; Scl. et Sab>. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 179, 1868, p. 167; iid. Nomencl. p. 16 ; Graij, Hand-l. i. p. 120 ; Fii^ch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 561 ; id. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 767; Wi/att, Ibis, 1871, p. 324 ; Salo. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 119 ; Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 427 ; id. Am. Nat. vii. p. 612 ; Ridgw. Pr. U. S. N. M. 1885, p. 28. Certhiola ilaveola, Leotatid, Ois. Trinidad, p. 126. Above sooty black ; rump bright yellow : superciliaries from front to neck white ; white wing-spot large and distinct ; below, throat ashy (as in C. portoricensls) ; belly bright yellow ; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; tail black, tipped with white, which in outer web of outer tail-feather is but slightly apparent ; bill black ; legs and feet dark brown : whole length 4-3 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1-5. Female similar. Hah. Trinidad, Venezuela, and north coast of Colombia. This species was established by Cabanis upon a specimen from Puerto Cabello, and I have taken my description from a female from Carupano, Venezuela {Goeriag). It seems to me rather diffi- cult to say whether the Guianan form (C. major. Cab.) should be referred here or to C. Moropyga ; but as the wing-spot is almost, and in some skins quite, obsolete, I place it under the latter head. Nor am I quite satisfied as to the Bogota form ( C. Columbiana, Cab.) ; but, on the whole, I prefer to follow Finsch in uniting it to C. mexi- cana, rather than to the present species. a. Ad. sk. Santa Marta, U. S. C. (^Si7nons^. b. Ad. sk. Santa Marta, U. S. C. c. S ad. sk. Valle Dupar, U. S. C. {Simons). d. 'S ad. sk. Carupano, Venezuela {Goering). e. 2 ad. sk. V^enezuela {Goering). f. Ad. sk. Trinidad. 6. Certhiola bananivora. Bananiste, Buff. H. N. Ois. v. p. 332. Motacilla bananivora, Gm. S. N. i. p. 951. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. 11. CERTHIOLA. 41 Certhiola clusiiB, Hartl. Kaumamiia, ii. pt. 2, p. 56 (1852) ; Finsch Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 771 ; Scl. et Salt: NumencL p. 17. Certhiola, sp. inc., Sdatei; P. Z. S. 1857, p. 233. Certliiola bananivora, Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 427: id. Am Nat vii p. 612; Ridgw. Pr. U. S. N. M. 1885, p. 28. Above sooty black; rump yellow; superciliaries from front to neck white ; wing-spot white ; below, throat ashy, rather darker than in C. portoricensis ; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white; tail black tipped with white, which is but very slightly apparent on the outer web of the outer tail-feathers ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1-5. Hob. S. Domingo. Dr. Fiusch speaks of the wing-spot being very small in this species. Eut although this is the case in the example in the col- lection of Messrs. Salvin and Godman (Hearne) which he examined, the wing-spot is large and weU-developed in another example in the' same collection, received from Mr. Cory, from which my description IS taken, and I regard the former specimen as immature. Prof. Baird correctly gives the wing-spot as like that of C.flaveola, but less extended. The form comes very near G. portoricensis, but the throat is rather darker, and the outer web of the outer rectrix has hardly any white on it. a. S ad. sk. Samana, San Domingo, W. I. Salvin-Godman Coll {Cory). b. c? ad. sk. San Domingo {McGregor). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. San Dommgo {Gould). Salvin-Godman CoU. 7. Certhiola portoricensis. Certhiola fiaveola, Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 166. Certhiola flaveola, var. portoricensis, Bryant, Proc. Boston Soc. N H X. p. 252 (1866). Certhiola portoricensis, Smid. CEfv. Vet.-Ak. Fork. 1869, p. 622 • Fimch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wim, 1871, p. 760; Gundl J. f. 6 lb/ 4, p. 312, et 1878, p. 179 ; id. Ah. Soc. Fsp. H. N. vii. p 216 (lb/8) ; Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 427 ; id. Am. Xat. vii. p. 611 ; Scl. et Salv. Notneticl. p. 16. Above sooty black; rump yellow; superciliaries from front to neck white ; wing-spot white, conspicuous ; below, throat ashy coDtrastmg with black sides of head; beUy yellow ; crissum, under wmg-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; taU black tipped with white, which is broad on both webs of outer tail- feathers ; bill black, feet dark brown : whole length 4 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1-6. Female similar. Ilab. Porto Eico. On the nesting of this species cf. Gundlach, -J. f. 0. 1S78, p. 179. a. Ad. sk. Porto Rico {Bryant). Mrs. H. Bryant. b. Ad. sk. Porto Eico (Bryant). Sclater CoU. 42 COEKEBID^. c. Ad. sk. Porto Rico {Latimer). Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Porto Rico {Bri/atit). Salvin-Godinan Coll. e-ff. Ad. sk. Porto Rico (Latimer). Salvin-Godman Coll. A. Ad. sk. Porto Rico {Gundlach). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8. CertMola sancti-thomaB. Certhiola portoriceusi.?, Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 760 (part.) ; Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 427 (part.). Certhiola sancti-thomae, Ridgw. Pr. U. S. K M. 1885, p. 29. Similar to C. iwrtoricensis, but throat (perhaps) rather darker grey. Hah. St. Thomas, W. I. I confess I should hardly have separated this form, as far as my specimens go, from 6'. portoricensis, hut I follow Mr. llidgway's lead. a. Ad. sk. St. Thomas (E. Newton). Sclater Coll. h. Ad. sk. St. Thomas {E. Newton). U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. c. Ad. sk. St. Thomas {Swift). Sclater Coll. d, e. Ad. sk. St. Thomas (0. Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. /. Ad. sk. St. Thomas {Akhurst). Salvin-Godman Coll. 9. CertMola bartholemica. Certhia bartholemica, Span-m. Mus. Carls, t. 57 (1788) ; Sund. R. Vet.-Ak. Hnndl. n.f. ii. 3, p. 10 (1857). Certhiola bartholemica, Reichenh. Handh. p. 253 ; Sund. (Efr.K. Vet.- Ak. Fork. 18G9, pp. 584, 622 ; Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 763; Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 428 ; id. Am. Nat. vii. p. 612 ; Ridgw. Pr. U. S. N. M. 1885, p. 28. " A peculiar species, distinguishable by the greyish-white fore- head, the slight olivaceous yellow uropygial band, and the very small wing-spot." {Finsch.) Hah. St. Bartholomew, W. I. I am not sure that the white front is a very reliable character, as it appears in one specimen of C. newtoni and not in another. 10. CertMola saccharina. Certhiola saccharina, Lator. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Set. i. p. 150 ; id. Proc. U. S. N. M. 1878, pp. 190,487 ; Ridgio. Pr. U. S. N. M. 1885, p. 28. Above sooty black ; rump bright yellow ; saperciliaries from front to neck white ; wing- spot white ; below, throat dark ashy, belly bright yellow ; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner mar- gins of wing-feathers white ; tail black, tipped with white ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 4 inches, wing 2"3, tail 1"4. Hah. St. Vincent and Grenada, W. I. The description is from a Grenada skin kindly lent by Mr. Law- rence. The species seems nearest to G. newtoni, but has a broad yellow rump and more yellowish belly. 11. CEETHIOLA. 43 11. Certhiola flaveola. Black and Yellow Creeper, Edwards, Birds, iii. t. 123. Certhia flaveola, Linn. S. K. i. p. 187. Certhiola flaveola, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 102; Gosse, B. of Jam.^.M, etlllustr. t. xvi. ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 402 ; Reichenh. Handb. p. 250 ; Scl. P. Z: S. 1861, p. 73 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 54 (part.) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 18(34, p. 271 ; Cab. J.f. 0. 1865, p. 412; Sund. CEfv. K. Vet.-Ak. Fork. 1869, p. 621 ; Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 120 ; Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 756 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 16 ; Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 427 ; id. Am. Nat. vii. p. 611 ; Ridgw. Pr. U. S. N. M. 1885, p. 28. Adxdt male. Above sooty black ; rump bright j-ellow ; super- ciliaries from front to neck white ; broad -wing-spot and outer margins of primaries white ; below, throat dark ashy, belly yeUow ; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; tail black, tipped with white, which is broad on both webs of the outer tail-feathers ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 4 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1-4. Female similar. Hah. Jamaica. The extension of the white of the wing-spot over the outer edges of the primaries and the bright yellow of the rump are the leading characteristics of this species. a. S ad. sk. Jamaica (Bryant). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Jamaica (Bryant). Mrs.H. Bryant [P.]. c. Ad. sk. Jamaica (Bryant). Sclater Coll. d. c? ad. sk, Moncague, Jamaica ('S'a/y. Sclater Coll. et Godm.). e. Ad. sk. Jamaica. Purchased. /, (J. Ad. sk. Jamaica. Sclater Coll. 12. Certhiola newtoni. Certhiola flaveola, A. S,- E. Newton, Ibis, 1859, p. 67. " Certhiola sti.-thomse, Newton," Sund. OEfv. K. Vet.- Ah. FiJrh. 1869, p. 622. Certhiola bartholemica, Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 763 (part.). Certhiola newtoni, Baird, N'. A. B. i. p. 427 (1874) ; id. Am. Nat. vii. p. 611. Above sootj- black ; rump olivaceous yellow ; superciliaries from front to neck white ; -wing-spot white ; below, throat dark ashy, belly yellow ; cnssum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; tail tipped with white, which is broad on both webs ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whcle length 4 inches, wing 2"3, tail 1'4. Female similar. Young. Above dark olive-browu ; super- ciliaries yellowish ; rump yellowish ; below, throat pale ashy, belly yellowish. Hab. St. Croix, "West Indies. The quadrate wing-spot and more olivaceous rump separate this form from C.fiaveola. Dr. Finsch has referred it to C. bartholemica. 44 CQEKEBID^. but in that species the white wing-spot would appear to be almost obsolete ; in the bird from St. Croix it is well marked. a, h. Ad. sk. ; St. Croix {Neivton). Sclater Coll. c, d. Jr. sk. 13. Certhiola dominicana. (Plate V. fig. 2.) Certhiola dominicana, Trtyfor, Ibis, 1864, p. 167 ; Simd. (Efo. K. Vet.- Ak. Fork. 186y, p. 623 ; Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 120 ; Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. men, 1871, p. 787; Sda'ter, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 765 (Montserrat) ; Grisdale, Ibis, 1882, p. 486 (Montserrat) ; Set. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 17 ; Baird, Am. Nat. \\\. p. 612; Lawrence, Proc. U. S. N. M. 1878, p. 56 (Dominica) ; id. op. cit. p. 233 (Antigua) et p. 239 (Barbuda). Certhiola frontalis, Paird, Am. Nat. vii. p. 612 ; id. N. A. B. i. p. 428 (Antigua). Above dark ashy black ; uropygial band slight, olivaceous yellow ; superciliaries elongated, white ; no wing-spot ; below, throat ashy black, paler than head ; breast and beUy yellow ; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; tail black tipped with white ; biU black, feet dark brown : whole length 4'5, wing 2-5, tail I'G. Female similar. Hab. Dominica, Montserrat, Antigua, and Barbuda. Like 0. martinlcana, this species has the uropygial band very slightly marked ; but there is no trace of white on the throat, which is of a uniform dark ashy colour. According to Mr. Law- rence, C. frontalis was based upon a young bird of this species. a,b. cJ 5 ad. sk. Dominica, West Indies Salvin-Godman Coll. (Oier)- c,d. J 5 ad. sk. Dominica, West Indies Sclater CoU. (O/w). e. Ad. sk. Dominica, West Indies Sclater Coll. (Type of the {Tayloj-). species.) f. Ad.sk. Montserrat, West Indies Sclater Coll. {Sturge). 14. Certhiola suEdevalli. Certhiola sundevaUi, Pidyw. Pr. U. S. N. M. 1885, p. 26. Similar to C. dominicana, but superciliary stripe witb at least the anterior half yellow, and the back rather more slaty (Ridgivai/). Hab. Dominica and Guadeloupe. I agree with Mr. Eidgway that this is probably only a phase of C. dominicana. The yellowish superciliaries I have found in young examples of other species, e. g. C. sanctl-thomce. 15. Certhiola chloropyga. Nectarinia flavlcola, Licht. Doiibl. p. 15. Ccereba flaveola, Max. Beitr. iii. p. 774. Certhiola flaveola, Ptirm. Si/st. Ueb. iii. p. 155 ; Cab. in Schomb. Gitian. iii. p. 675 ; Euler, J. f. 0. 1867, p. 406 (nest). 11. CEETHIOLA. 45 Certliiola chloropyga, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 97 (1851) ; Reichenb. Handb. p. 252 ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 53 ; Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 120 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 272 ; Scl. 8,- Sale. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 570 (Lower Amazons) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 17; Pelzebi, Orn.Bras. p. 26 ; Reinhardt, Fuglef. Camp. Bras. p. 244 ; Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 779 ; 'Baird, Am. Nat. 1873, p. 613 ; id. N. A. B. i. p. 428; Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 330 (Pernambuco) ; Ridgiv. Pr. U. S. N. M. 1885, p. 28 ; Salvin, Ibis, 1885, p. 207 (Biit. (iuian.). Certhiola guianensis. Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 97; Reichenb. Handb. p. 252 ; Grajj, Hand-l. i. p. 120. Certbiola majuscula. Cab. J. f. O. 1865, p. 413; Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 120. Above dark ashy grey ; head black, rump olivaceous yellow ; superciliaries from the front to the neck white ; no visible wing- spot ; below, throat pale ashy, abdomen yellow, flanks olivaceous ; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; bill black, feet dark brown : whole length 4 inches, wing 2*2, tail 1'8. Female similar. Young. Above dark slaty olive, with the white superciliaries and yellow rump only faintly indicated ; below mediallj' yellowish, passing into cinereous at the sides. Hah. Cayenne, Lower Amazonia, S.E. Brazil and Bolivia. This species presents transitional forms in Bolivia to C. mexicana and in Guiana to C luteola, as already remarked under the heads of these species. Some Bolivian skins show a small white alar specu- lum, in others this is obsolete. Salviu-Godman Coll. Sclater CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salviu-Godman Coll Salvin-Godman Coll, a. cJ ad. sk. ; b, c. 2 ad. sk. d. (^ ad. sk. e. 2 ad. sk. /, f/. c? ? ad. sk. h, I. (S 2 ad. sk. j. S jr. sk. k. Ad. sk. I. Ad. sk. m. Ad. sk. n. Ad. sk. o. 2 ad. sk. p. S ad. sk. q. Ad. sk. r. c? ji". sk. s. (S ad. sk. t, u. Ad. sk. V. S ad. sk. xv-z. Ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana ( Whitely)._ Roraima, Brit. Guiana {Whitely). It. Atapurow, Brit. Guiana {Whitely). Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana ( Whitely). Camacusa, Brit. Guiana ( Whitely). Camacusa, Brit. Guiana ( Whitely). British Giuana {Spence). Oyapok, Cayenne. Oyapok, Cayenne. Cayenne. Cobati, Rio Negro ( Wallace). Para, Lower Amazons ( Wallace). Para, Lower Amazons. Island of Mexiana, Lower Amazons ( Wallace^. Lower Amazons ( Wallace). Pernambuco, Brazil ( W. A. Forbes). Pernambuco, Brazil ( W. A. Forbes). Babia, Brazil {Wucherer). Sclater Coll. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 46 CCEREBir^. a', b'. Ad. sk. Eio, Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. (•'. c? ad. sk. ; d'. Pelotas, Uio Grande do Siil, Sahin-Godman Coll. Ad. sk. Brazil {Joipier). e'. Ad. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Sahin-Godman Coll. (Joj/ner). f. Ad. sk. ; /;'. Bagaiiti, Bolivia (BucJdey). Salvin-Godman Coll. Jr.sk. h'. Ad. sk. Baganti, Bolivia (Biukleij). Sclater Coll. i',j'. Ad. St. S. America. Purcbased. 16. Certhiola barbadensis. Certhiola barbadensis, Baird, Am. Nat. vii. p. 612 ; id. N. A. B. i. p. 428 (1874); Salvin, Cat. Sfrickl. Coll. p. 178; Ridyio. Pi: U. S. KM. 1885, p. 28. Certbiola martinicana, Scl. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 174. Above asby black, witb a very faint olive uropygial band ; super- ciliaries wbite ; sides of bead and tbroat black, witb a small median wbite blotcb on tbe latter ; breast and belly yellow ; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margin of wing-featbers wbite ; tail black, tipped witb wbite : wbole lengtb 4-5 incbes, wing 1-5, tail 1-5. Hah. Barbadoes. a. Ad. sk. Barbadoes (Schomhurffk). Purcbased. b. Ad. sk. Barbadoes (Brir/r/s). Sclater Coll. 17. Certhiola martinicana. (Plate V. fig. 1.) Certbia martinicana sive saccbarivora, Briss. Orn. iii. p. 611. Certbiola martinicana, Reichenh. Handb. p. 252 (185.3) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 271 ; Graij, Hand-l. i. p. 120 ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 269 (St. Lucia); Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 788 ; Semper, P. Z. 8. 1872, p. 649 ; Lawrence, Pr. U. S. N. M. 1878, p. 354 (Martinique) ; Baird, Am. Nat. vii. p. 612 ; id. N. A. B. i. p. 428. Certbiola flaveola, Scl. Ibis,1862, p. 288. Certbiola albigula, Bp. C. R. xxxviii. p. 259 (1854) ; id. Notes Orn. p. 51 ; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 167 ; Sund. (Efv. K. Vet.-Ak. Fdrh. 1869, p. 624. Above asby black, witb a faint olive-yellow uropygial band ; superciliaries wbite ; below, middle of tbroat wbite, cbin and sides of tbroat black ; breast and belly yellow ; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-featbers wbite ; tail black, tipped witb wbite ; bill black, feet dark brown : wbole lengtb 4*5 incbes, wing 1-5, tail 1-5. Female similar. Hah. Martinique and St. Lucia. Tbis is a distinct species, baving tbe rump-band almost obsolete, and a pure wbite patch in tbe middle of tbe tbroat. a. Ad. sk. IMartinique. Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Santa Lucia, West Indies Salvin-Godman Coll. {Semper). c-e. Ad. sk. Santa Lucia, West Indies Sclater Coll. {Semper). 12. GLOSSirTILA. 47 IS. Certhiola finscM. Certbida finschii, Eiclyiv. Pr. U. S. X. M. 1885, p. 25. Similar to C. marfinicana, but back slate- colour ; superciliary- stripe mostly yellow ; a small white spot on each side of nape. {Ridgimy. ) Hah. Dominica (?). My impression is that these yellow-browed birds are in young plumage. 19. Certhiola atrata. Certhiola atrata, Laim: Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. i. p. 150 ; id. P)-oc. U. S. Nat. Mh.9. 1878, pp. 190, 269, 487 ; Lister, Ibis, 1880, p. 40 ; liidf/ii'. P. U. S. N. M. 1885, p. 30. Dicaeiim aten-imum, Zesson, Traite d'Orn. i. p. 303 (1831) ; Pucheran, Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 134 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. C.-A., Aves, i. p. 251 (?). Uniform dull black ; slightly olivascent on the rump and abdomen ; bill and feet black : whole length 4-5 inches, Aving 2-5, tail 1'5. Female similar, but rather smaller. Hab. St. Tincent and Grenada, W. I. a. Ad. sk. St. Vincent, W. I. {Bailey). Sclater Coll. b, c. (S ad. sk. ; d. Grenada, W. I. {J. Grant Sclater Coll. ? ad. sk. Wells). Subfamily IV. GLOSSIPTILIN^. The correct position of the monotypic form Glossiptila is, perhaps, still a little uncertain. It was formerly placed with the Tanagers in the genus TanayrclJa. Bonaparte in his ' Conspectus ' associated it with the Finches of the genus Lo.rigilla. But the structure of the tongue, as described by Gosse, led me in 1856 to isolate it under the generic name Glossiptila, that of Neornis (previously suggested by Hartlaub) having been already ajipropriated. I now propose to raise this curious Antillean type to the rank of a subfamily among the Ccerehidir. 12. GLOSSIPTILA. ^ Tj'pe. Neornis, Hartl. Nachtr. z. I'erz. Mits. Brem. p. 8 (1846), nee Hodgson G. rufieollis. Glossiptila, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 269 G. ruficolhs. The nesting of Glossiptila is described by Gosse (B. Jam. p. 236). The nest is cup-shaped ; the eggs white, spotted with duU red. 48 CCEREBID^. 1. Glossiptila ruficollis. Motacllla campestris, Linn. S. N. i. p. 329 ($) ? American Hedge-Sparrow, Edwards, Nat. Hist. B. iii. pi. 122. Rufous-throated Tanager, Lath. Syn. ii. pt. 1, p. 241. Tanagra ruficollis, Gin. S. N. ii. p. 894. Structure of Glossiptila. Tanagrella ruficollis, Gray et Mitch. Gen., App. p. 17 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 236 ; Gosse, B. of Jam. p. 236; id. HI. B. Jam. pi. 58. Tachyphonus rufigularis, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 320. Pyi-riiulagra ruficollis. Bp. Consp. p. 493 {excl. syn.). Neornis cserulea, Hartl. Nachtr. z. Verz. Mus. Brem. p. 8 (descr. nulla). Rufous- chinned Finch, var. A, Lath. Gen. Hist. vi. p. 126. Glossiptila ruficollis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 269, 1861, p. 73; id. Cat. A. B. p. 54 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomcncl. p. 17. Certhiola ruficoUis, Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 120. Above and below dull plumbeous blue ; lores black ; throat chest- nut-red ; wings and tail dull black, slightly edged with blue ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 4-8 inches, wing 2-8, tail 1-8. Female. Dull grey, beneath paler ; with a brownish tinge on the back ; wings and tail brownish. Hah. Jamaica. «, i. c? 2 ad. sk. c,d. 6 $ ad. sk. e,f. p. Conqh i. p. 232 ; Cab. Mvs. Hein. i. p. 329 ; P,urm. Si/st. Ueb. iii. p. 191 ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 55 ; Gray, Hand-l. ii. p. 77 ; Salv. ^ Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 199 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 597 ; iid. Nomencl. p. 17 ; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 132 ; Salv. Cat. Stricld. Coll. p. 178 ; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 207 (Brit. Guiana ). Procnias crerulea, Dm6o2s, Eev. Zool. 1861, p. 620 ; Berlepsch, Ibis, 1881, p. 244. Procnias occidentalis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 240, 1855, p. 15-3, 1858, 1. PEOCXIAS. 51 pp. 74, 452, 1860, p. 375 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 55 ; Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 77 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 56G (Ucayali),'l867, p. 749 (E. Peru) et p. 977 (Pebas), 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela), 1869, p. 597 (W. Peru), 1873, p. 260 (E. Peru) ; ikJ. Nomencl. p. 17 ; Pelz. Om. Bras. p. 132 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 518 (Central Peru) ; id. Orn. Perou, ii. p. 437. Procnias Cferulea occidentalis, Berl. J.f. 0. 1884, p. 288; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 76. Structure of Procnias. Brigtt turquoise-blue ; -svings aud tail black, edged with similar blue ; front, sides of the face, and throat jet-black ; middle of belly and crissum pure white ; sides of belly blue, traversed by narrow black cross bauds ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3-7, tail 2-2. Female. Above bright green ; wings and tail brownish black, edged with similar green : below green, crossed by narrow yello^\^sh transverse bars ; middle of belly and crissum pale yellow ; throat greyish brown, minutely freckled ; bill plumbeous ; feet brown. Hah. South America from Colombia down to Bolivia and S. Brazil. Specimens of Procnias, except those from S.E. Brazil, seem rather referable to the smaller subspecies, occidentalis. But some of them are certainly intermediate in size ; I therefore now quite agree with Messrs. Salvin and Godman (Ibis, 1879, p. 199) that the smaller form is untenable as a species, the difference being solely one of dimensions, in which also there is considerable variation. e2 52 TANAGKID.E. (t, b. S 9 a.l. c. cJ ji'- sk. d, e. (5 5 ad. f. c? ad. sk. >/, h. (5 2 ad. i, j. S ad. St. 2 ad. St. sk. ; sk. sk. ■,k. a, 6. (5 2 ad. c. (3 jv. sk. d. J ad. sk. ('. S ad. sk. /. 6 ad. sk. //, h. d" 2 ad sk.; sk. /. cJ ad. st. j, h. d 2 ad. I. J ad. sk. sk. 'tu. d ad. sk. n. d ad. sk. «. d ad. sk. 7). d ad. sk. (J. d ad. sk. r. d ad. sk. a. Subsp. tijpim. Pernambuco, Brazil (^W. A. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Forhlis). Eahia, Brazil (Wncherer). Sahiu-Godiuan Coll. Eio Janeiro, Brazil (Youds). Salviii-Godiriau Coll. Sao Paulo, IJrazil {Joi/ner). Salviii-(Todman Coll. S. America. J. Gould, Esq. b. Subsp. occidentalis. Roraima, British Guiaua (W/ntcl>j). Cayenne. A'enezuela (Spei/re). Carijie, Venezuela {Giieniit/). Bogota. Colombia. Remedios, Antioqnia ('S'a???jo?j). Mauaure, Santa Marta, Co- lombia (Simons). Minca, Colombia {Simons). Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraaer). Sarayacu, Ecuador {Biichht/). Santa Rita, Ecuador {Buckley). Eastern Peru (Farris). Bolivia {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. (Types of F. occidentalis.) Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvln-Godmau Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Subfamily II. EUPIIONIIN^. The Eiqihoniina', although more closely allied to the typical Tanagcrs than the Procniatince, present "well-marked external differences in their short swollen bill, thick head, and short tail. The iij)per mandible in the Eui^honiino' is usually provided with Stomach of Euphonia violacea. (P. Z. S. 1880, p. 145.) A portion of the alimentary canal of EiqjJi07iia violacea, twice the natural size, cut ojicn and seen from behind, to show the proventriculus {p), the narrow zone representing the gizzard {z). and the commencement of the small intestine {sm.i) The liver and spleen are also seen, as is the end of the (Ksophagns, which is opened up. 2. cnLOEornoNiA, 53 several small serratious, sifuated behind tlie normal notch ; but these are barely discernible even in some species of true Enphonia, and in Pyrrhnphonia and Hiipophwa seem to be altogether obsolete. The very peculiar structure of the digestive tube of the Euphonias was first pointed out by Lund. Forbes's article (P. Z. S. 1880, p. 144) contains an account of all that Tve yet know upon this interesting subject. Key to tJie Genera. A. Upper mandible with a terminal notch. [p. 5.3, a. Plumage bright green 2. Chlohophonia, h. Plumage mostly black and yellow 3. Euphonia, p. 58. B. Upper mandible without anj' terminal notch. c. Tail rather long _. 4. Hypoph^a, p. 84. d. Tail short (as in Euphonia) 5. Pyebhuphonia [p. 85. 2. CHLOROPHONIA *. Type. Chlorophonia, Bp. Her. Zool. 1851, p. 137 C. viridis. Triglyphidia, lieich. Av. Syd. Nat. pi. Ixiii. (1850) No type given. Acrocompsa, Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 88 C. callophrys. This group of nine species is, as Messrs. Salvin and Godman have lately pointed out (Biol. C.-A., Aves, i. p. 252), barely separable from Euplionia in structure, although their bright grass-green colour renders them easily recognizable. The area occupied by the group extends fiom South Mexico to Southern Brazil and Bolivia, being nearly the same as that of Euphonia. Key to the Species. A. Cap bright green. a. Bill black. a'. Front green. a". Rump blue : I belly pale yellow 1. viridis, p. 54. I belly dark yello\\ 2. lonyipeuiiis, p. 54. h". Hump green 3. torrejoni, p. 65. V . Front yeUow : j interscapulium green 4. frontalis, p. 55. ] interscapulium blue 5. 'roraimretrii, p. 5(>. C. Cap green, with a bright blue nuchal spot. c. SuperciHaries green 8. occi/iita/is, p. 57. d. Superciliaries yellow 9. calltiphrys, p. 58. * Euphonia cyaiwdorsalis, Dubois, Eev. Zool. 1869, p. 49. tab. 2, from Guatemala, is a very doubtful species of this genus (c/. Berlepscb, Ibis, 1881, p. 17U). The type is lost. 54 TANAfilUD.E. 1. Chlorophonia viridis. Tanap^a viridis, Vicill. Koiw. Did. xxxii. p. 42G; id. Enc. Meth. p. 784 : Temm. PI. Col. 36. fig. 3. Pipra chlorocapilla, Shaw, Zuol. xiii. p. 255. Eupbouia Tiridis, JBp. Consp. i. p. 233 ; Sclater, Contr. Oni. 1851, p. 88; Burm. Si/st. Ueh. iii. p. 107. Procnias viridis, Cab. in Tsch. Faun. Per. p. 197. Chlorophonia viridis, i?/A Mev. Zool. 1851, p. 137; id. Note s. I. Tariff. p. 12 ; Sclafer, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 269 ; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 95 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 55 ; Scl. et Salv. Ex. Orn. p. 81 ; iid. Nomencl. p. 17; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 598 (Bolivia); Pelz. Orn. Bras. ■^.202. Briglit grass-greca ; whole back and tail-coverts and eye-circlet shining blue ; wings and tail black, edged with green, the wing- coverts suffused with blue : abdomen bright yellow ; under wing- coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; bill dark plirmbeous ; feet brown : whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2-6, tail 1-5. Female. Similar, but not so bright, and with the blue of the back only on the back of the neck and rump ; abdomen yellowish green. Eah. S.E. Brazil. a, b. c? 2 ad. sk. ; Brazil. Sclater Coll. c. 6 ji'- d. d ir- st. S. America. Purchased. e. $ ad. St. Eio. R.H.Wood,Esq.[P.]. /, (/. d 2 ad. sk. Piio Janeiro, Brazil (Totals). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. cJ ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil ( Wucherer). Salvin-Godman CoU. i. $ ad. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). j. 5 ad. sk. Brazil {Natterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Chlorophonia longipennis. Euphonia longipennis, Du Bus, Bull. Acad. Brux. xxii. pt. i. p. 156 (1855). Chlorophonia longipennis, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 158, 1856, p. 270 ; id. Syn. Av. Tun. p. 96 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 55 ; Scl. et Salv. Ex. Orn. p. 82, t. xli. fig. 2 ; iid. No^nencl. p. 17. Similar to C. viridis, but M'ith the abdomen brighter yellow, and more clearly defined in contrast with the green of the breast; wing perhaps rather longer. Hah. Colombia and Ecuador. I look upon this as a very doubtful species, but am un- willing to unite it with C. viridis without access to a fuller series of specimens from intermediate localities. a. c? ad. St. Bogota. Purchased. h. (S ad. sk. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. c, d. d 2 *d. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. e,f. cS ad.sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman CoU. ff. d ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador Salvin-Godman CoU. {Buckley). 2. CHLOROrHONIA. 55 3. Chlorophonia torrejoni. Chlorophoiiia viridis, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 225. Chlorophonia torrejoni, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 9, pi. i. fig. 1 ; id. Oni. Per. ii. p. 438. Bright grass-green, riimp rather brighter ; broad patch on the back of the neck and eye-circlet shining bhie ; abdomen greenish yellow, brighter in the middle ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of the wing-feathers white; bill dark horn-colour ; feet brown : whole length 3-7 inches, wing 2-4, tail 1*3. Female similar, but less bright in colours (Tacz.). Hab. Colombia, Pera, and Bolivia. Had not M. Stolzmann obtained examples of both sexes of this species, I should have taken it for the female of C. viridis or C. lon- gipennis, which it nearly resembles, except in the rump being bright green without any trace of blue. A skin from Bolivia (Bucl-ley) and another from Ecuador both appear to belong to this species, as does one skin from Bogota. a. c? ad. sk. Chirimoto, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. b. (^ ad. sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. c. S ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. d. (S ad. sk. Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Chlorophonia frontalis. Euphonia frontalis, Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 89. Chlorophonia frontalis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 270 ; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 96 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 55 ; Scl. et Salv. Ex. Orn. p. 81, t. xli. fig. 1 ; lid. Nomencl. p. 17 ; Salv. et Godtn. His, 1879, p. 199. Bright grass-green : broad coUar on nape, eye- circlet, rump, and upper tail-coverts bright blue ; wings and tail black, edged with green ; front yellow ; abdomen bright yellow ; under wing-coverts pale yellowish; inner margin of wing-feathers white: bill dark horn-colour; feet brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2-6, tail 1*5. Female. Like the male, but not so bright ; blue collar on nape less distinct ; rump green ; yellow front less evident ; abdomen greenish yellow. Hah. Venezuela and Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta. This species was originally based on a specimen obtained from Verreaux, of Paris, and labelled " Ecuador." But I hare little doubt this locality was an error, and that the skin was really from Venezuela, whence specimens of the same species were transmitted by Levraud to the Paris Museum. Examples from the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta (Simons) seem to be similar to the Venezuelan bird, a. no7is). e. 2 ^^- s^- Valley of Chinchichiia, Santa Salvin-Godman Coll. Mai'ta, Colombia (Simons). 56 TANAGEID.E. 5. Chlorophonia roraimsB. (Plate VI. fig. 1.) ChloropLonia i'oi'aima>, Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1884, p. 444 ; Suhnn, Ibis, 1885, p. 208. Bright grass-green ; nuchal collar, cj-c-circlet, rump, and upper tail-coverts bright blue : interscapulium strongly glossed with the same colour ; Avings and tail black, edged with green ; front yellow ; abdomen bright yellow ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white, axillaries pale yellow ; bill dark horn-colour ; feet brown : whole length 4'5 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1-4. Female similar, but colours not so bright ; intei-scapulium wholly green ; abdomen greenish yellow. Bah. llorairaa Mountains, Eritish Guiana. Eather smaller than C. frontaUs, and with the interscapulinm in the adult male strongly washed with blue. The female also diflers from C. frontalis 2 in having the rump blue. a-c. c? ad. sk. ; Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. d-e. 2 ad.sk. (Tfliiteh/). (T-siiPsof the species.) />&■ c? ? ad. sk. Eoraima, JBrit. Guiana Sclater Coll. {W/iiteh/). 6. Chlorophonia flavirostris. (Plate YI. fig. 2.) CHorophouia flavirostris, Schif. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 129 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 55 ; 8d. et Salv. Ex. Om. p. 84 ; iid. Notnencl. p. 17. Uniform bright grass-green ; wings and tail black, edged with similar green : below rather paler ; middle of belly and crissum pale yellow ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; eye-circlet and slight chin-spot pale yellow ; bill and feet yellow : whole length 4 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1"2. Hah. Ecuador. The type specimen, which is at present uniqiie, is probably a female. If is at once distinguished by its yellow bill and the narrow circlet of yellow feathers round the eye. a. 5 (?) sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. (I'ype of the species.) 7. Chlorophonia pretrii. Tanagra (Euphouia) pretrei, lafr. Rev. Zool. 184-'), p. 97 ; id. Mar/. ZooL 1843, Ois. pi. 42 ( d )• " Euphouia pretrei, Up. Consp. i. p. 233 ; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 89. Chlorophonia pretrei, Bp. Bev. Zool. 1851, p. 138; id. Notes. I. Tang. p. 12 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 159, 1856, p. 270 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 96; id. Cat. A B. p. 55: Scl. et Salv. Ex. Orn.^ -p- ^4; iid. Komencl. p. 17 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 780 (Merida), 1879, p. 498 (Antioquia). Eupbonia pyn-hophrys, Scl. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 89, t. 75. fig. 2 ($). Above dark green ; cap bright blue ; front green, divided from 2. cnLOEOPHOSiA. 57 the blue cap by a dark red line, which is continued over the eyes ; rump yellow ; wings and tail black, edged with green : below, throat and neck bright grass-green, bordered below by a narrow dark maroon hand ; middle of belly and crissum dark chestnut ; sides of belly bright yellow ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white : bill black ; feet brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-6, tail 1-5. Female. Above dark green ; cap blue ; front and superciliaries chestnut : below, throat and neck bright green ; abdomen greenish yellow. Hab. Colombia, and Andes of Merida, Venezuela. This splendid species is easily recognizable by its blue cap and the chestnut in the middle of the belly. Euplionia piirrlioiihnjs was based on the female. a. S ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. b. 5 ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of E. p!/)-rJiophri/s.) c. . -u.. ij. ^. -. « , ul. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 4, p. 1 8 ; i: Frantz. J.f. 0. 1869, p. 297 ; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 442 (Yucatan) ; Sumichr. Mem. Best. Soc. N. H. i. p. 550 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 257. Phonasca affinis, Cab. J. f. 0. 1860, p. 332. Acroleptes affinis, Cab. J.f. 0. 1861, p. 91. Above bluish black, with purplish tinge on the neck ; front half of cap yellow : below yellow, throat bluish black ; tail below black, with white patches on the inner webs of the two outer rectrices ; wings below black, under wing-coverts and a large patch on the inner webs of the wing-feathers white ; bill black, feet dark brown : whole length 3-8 inches, wing 2-1, tail 1-4. Female. Above greyish olive, with a yellowish tiuge on the rump and forehead ; below pale yellowish. Hah. S, Mexico and Central America down to Costa Rica. TOL. XI. I" 66 TANA&RID^, Closely allied to E. cJilorotica, but without the purplish tinge on the back, and with the yellow head and abdomen of a paler tint. The female differs from the corresponding sex of E. chlorotica in being nearly of a uniform greyish, tinged with yellowish green below. a, b. c? 2 ad. sk. c. 5 ad. sk. d, e. S 2 ad. sk. /. 5 ad. sk. ff. (S ad. sk. h. (5 ad. sk. i. 2 ad. sk. J, h.. cJ ad. ; I, m. S jr. ; n, o. 5 ad. sk. p. (S ad. sk. Orizaba, Mexico {Botteri). Mexico (Boiicard). Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Belize, Brit. Honduras {Blan- canemix). Calderas, Volcan de Fuego {Sahin). Duenas, Guatemala (Salv. Sf Godm.}. Savana Grande, Guatemala (^/Saloin). Retalhuleu, Guatemala (Salv. ^- Godtn.). Central America {Delattre). Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. SalTUi-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater CoU. 9. Euphonia trinitatis. Euphonia trinitatis, Strickl. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 72 ; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 84 ; id. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 274 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 100 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 67; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela), 1879, p. 498 ( Antioquia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 17. Phonasca trinitatis, Cab. J. f. 0. 1860, p. 3o0. Acroleptes trinitatis, Cab. J.f. O. 1861, p. 91. Above steel-bluish black, whole summit of cap yellow : below yellow, throat blue-black ; tail beneath black, with white patches on the inner webs of the two outer rectrices : under surface of wings black, with white patches on the inner webs of the wing- feathers ; bill black, feet dark brown : whole length 3-8 inches, wing 2-1, tail 1-3. Female. Above yellowish green ; below brighter, middle of breast and belly cinereous. Hah. Trinidad, Venezuela, and Northern Colombia. This species may be distinguished from E. chlorotica by the extension of the yellow over the whole top of the head, where it is rounded behind, and by the steel-blue-black of the back, with a slight purplish tinge only on the nape of the neck. a, b. ($ ad. sk. ; Trinidad. Sclater CoU. c. S jr. sk. d-f. (S jr. sk. Trinidad. Purchased. g. 5 ad. sk. Trinidad. Salvin-Godman Coll. A. cJ ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela ( Goering) . Salvin-Godman CoD. i. c? ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela. Purchased. j. c? ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. k. cJ ad. sk. Remedios, Antioquia {Sal- mon). Sclater Coll. /. cjad. ; jn.cJ jr. sk, Santa Marta. Sclater Coll. n. 2 sk. Colombia. Purchased. 3. EUPHONIA. 87 10. Euphonia xanthogastra. Euplionia xanthogastra, Sund. Vet.-Ak. Handl. 1833, p. 310, pi. 10. f. 1 ; B}). Consp. i. p. 233; Sclater, Cuntr. Orn. 1851, p. 85; id. P. Z. S. 1851, p. 115, 1855, p. 159, 1856, p. 275, 1858, pp. 74, 452, 1859, p. 140, et 1860, pp. 87, 275 ; id. Sipi. Av. Tan. p. 101 ; id. Cat A. B. p. 57 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 179 (Ucayali), 1868, p. 627 (Veuezuela), 1873, p. 780 (S.W. Peru), 1879, p. 498 (An- tioquia); iid. Nomencl.^. 17; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 518 (C. Peru), 1882, p. 10 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 444 ; Bed. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 544, 1884, p. 288 (Ecuador) ; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 77 (Ecuador) ; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 208 (Brit. Guiau.). • Phonasca xanthogastra. Cab. J.f. 0. 1860, p. 330. Acroleptes xauthogaster. Cab. j.f. O. 1861, p. 91. Euphonia ochrascens, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. o26. Euphonia brevirostris, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 136 ; id. Note s. I. Tana, p. 10. Acroleptes brevirostris, Cab. J. f. O. 1865, p. 408. Above glossy purplish black ; whole summit of head and abdomen deep orange-j-ellow ; throat purplish black like the back ; tail beneath black, with a white patch ou the inner web of the outer feather ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; biU black, feet dark brown : whole length 4 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1-4. Female. Darkish olive-green, nape more cinereous, front yellowish ; below yellowish ; throat, breast, and middle of the belly buffy cinereous, with a strong rufescent tinge in some specimens. Rab. S.E. Brazil, Amazonia, Guiana, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. This species, originally described from Brazil, is widely diffused, as will be seen by the list of localities below. It is easily distin- guished from E. chlorotica by its deep orange-yellow colour and larger size, and by having only one of the external rectrices marked with white. I cannot separate the Colombian form, E. brevirostris of Bonaparte. S.E. BrazU. Sclater Coll. Novo Fribourgo, Rio de Ja- Salvin-Godman CoU. neiro (Youds). Brazil. Gould Coll. R. Atapiu'ow, Brit. Guiana Salvui-Godman Coll. (W/iitehj). Merume Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll ( Whitely). Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll, (Whitely). Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman CoU. {Whitely). Bogota. Salvin-Godman CoU. Bogota. Sclater Coll. Antioquia, Colombia {Salmon), Salvin-Godman CoU. Napo, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman CoU. Napo, Ecuador {Jameson). Sclater CoU. Napo, Ecuador. Sclater Coll. 3p2 a. cJsk. b. (S ad. sk. e. c^ad. sk. d. d ad. sk. e. S ad. sk. f. 6 ad. sk. y- 2 ad. sk. h, i.6i 1 ad. sk. ji k. c? ad.; I. 5 ad. sk. m . dad ,8k. n. cJ ad. sk. 0. d ad. sk. V. $ad. sk. 68 TANAGRIDiE. q, r. (S ad. ; Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. s. 2 ad. sk. t. S ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Salviu-Godman Coll. u,v. c5' 2 ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (-Fraser). Sclater Coll. w, X. 2 ad. sk. Yquitos, Upper Amazons {JVhitely). SalTin-Godman Coll. 11. Euphonia ruficeps. Euphonia ruficeps, iq/r. et cFOrh. Syn. Av. in May. de Zool. 1837, p. .30 ; cFOrb. Voy. p. 268, pi. 22. f. 2 ; 5^j. Consp. i. p. 232 ; id. Eev. Zool. 1851, p. 136; id. Note s. I. Tarn/, p. 10; Sclater, Cuntr. Orn. 1851, p. 85 ; id. P. Z. S. 1856. p. 27*6; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 102 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 58; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 598 (BoHvia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 17. Phouasca ruficeps, Cah. J. f. 0. 1860, p. 330. Acroleptes ruficeps, Cah. J.f. 0. 1861, p. 91. Above purplish black, with violaceous tinge at the back of the head ; crown of head dark chestnut-red : beneath orange-yellow, with a slight rufous tinge in the middle of the abdomen ; throat black ; tail beneath black, the external feather with a white patch ; under wiiig-coverts white; bill black, feet dark brown: whole length -4-2 inches, wing 2-4, tail 1-3. Female. Above olive-green, nape plumbeous, anterior half of crown tinged with rufous ; below yellowish olive, throat and middle of abdomen ochraceous, with a strong rufous tinge on the middle of the belly and crissum. Hah. Bolivia and Venezuela. This well-marked species was discovered in Bolivia by d'Orbigny. I have also seen specimens from Venezuela, but not as yet from intermediate localities. The female is much like that of E. xwntlio- gastra ; but the front of the head is rufous instead of yellowish, and there is a stronger rufous tinge on the middle of the abdomen. a. c? ad. sk. Bolivia (d'Orbiyny). Sclater Coll. b, c. d ad. sk. Bolivia (BucMcij). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. c? ad. sk. Boli-via (Buckley). Sclater Coll. e. 2 ad. sk. Bolivia. Salvin-Godman Coll. f. 2 ad. sk. San Esteban, Venezuela Salvin-Godman Coll. (Goeriny). g. 2 ad. sk. Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. h, i. S 2 ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater CoU. 12. Euphonia luteicapilla. rhonasca luteicapilla, Cab. J.f. O. 1860, p.- 332. Euphonia luteicapilla, Salvin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 186 (Chu-iqui) ; Laivr. Ann. Lye. N. ¥. ix. p. 98 (Costa Rica) ; v. Frantz. J. f. 0. 1869, p. 297 (Costa Eica) ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 17 ; Salv. et Godtn. Biol. Centi-.-Am., Aves, i. p. 260, tab. xvi. fig. 1. Acroleptes luteicapillus, Cab. J.f. O. 1861, p. 91. Above steel-bhie ; whole cap of head bright yellow ; below bright yellow, throat steel-blue ; tail beneath black ; under wing-coverts and inner webs of wing-feathers white ; bill black, plumbeous at 3. EtrPHONIA. 69 the base; feet black: whole length 4 inches, wing 2-2, tail 1-3. Female. Above olive-green; beneath yellowish, brighter in the middle ; under wing-coverts white. Hah. Costa Eica and Yeragua. Easily known from its immediate congeners by the wholly yellow cap, which extends down to the nape. «, b. (S ad. sk. Costa Rica. Sclater Coll. c. 2 ad. sk. Turrialba, Costa Rica ( Car- Salvin-Godman Coll, niiol). d. S ad. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui, Veragua Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arce). e,/. (5' ad. sk. Boquete de Chitra, Veragua Salvin-Godman CoU. {Arce). g. c? jr. sk. Cordillera del Chucu, Ve- Salvin-Godman Coll. ragua {Arce). h. cJ ad. sk. ; Paraiso Station, Isthmus of Salviu-Godman Coll. i. c? ji"- sk. Panama (Hughes). j. $ ad. sk. Chepo, Isthmus of Panama Salvin-Godman CoU. {Arce). 13. Euphonia gracilis. Phonasca gi-acihs, Cab. J. f. O. 1860, p. 333. Euphonia gracilis, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 359; Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 186 (Veragua) ; Laior. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ix. p. 98 ; v. Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 297; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 17; Salv. et Godm.'Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 259, tab. xvi. fig. 3. Acroleptes gi-acihs, Cab. J.f. O. 1861, p. 91. Above dark bluish blaclv, with purplish tinge on the neck; anterior half of cap bright yellow : below, throat and whole of breast bluish black, abdomen yellow ; under wing-coverts white ; tail beneath black ; bill plumbeous ; feet dark brown : whole length 3-6 inches, wing 2-1, tail 1-2. Female. Above ohve-green ; beneath yellowish olive. Hab. Costa Rica and Veragua. The extension of the black throat far down on the breast separates this species from its nearest allies. a, b. 2 sk. Costa Rica {Hoffmann). Sclater Coll. c, d. S ad. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui, Veragua Salvin-Godman Coll. {Arce). e. S ad. sk. Volcan de Chiriqui, south Salvin-Godman Coll. side {Arce). f. S ad. sk. Veragua {Arce). Sclater CoU. 14. Euphonia concinna. (Plate VII.) Euphonia concinna, Scl. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 98, pi. Ixv. fig. 2, 1855, p. 159, 1856, p. 275 ; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 101 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 57 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 17. Euphonia hirundinacea, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 1.86; id. Note s.l. Tang. p. 10 (?) Phonasca concinna, Cab. J.f. 0. 1860, p. 330. Acroleptes concinnus. Cab. J.f. O. 1861, p. 91. 70 TAIiTAGEID^. Above dark bluish black, purpurascent on the interscapulium and back of the neck ; small round patch on the top of the head yellow ; front black : below bright yellow ; throat slightly extended on to breast, blue-black : tail beneath black ; under wing-coverts white : whole length 3-5 inches, wing 2-1, tail 1"4. Female. Above olive, rather brighter on rump ; narrow front yellow ; below yellowish olive, brighter in the middle of the abdomen. Hah. Colombia. Originally described from Bogota skins, but occurring h\ other districts of Colombia. The circular yellow patch on the crown does not quite extend to the front, which is black. In all specimens before me the tail below is black ; but I have seen a skin in Graf von Berlcpsch's collection, apparently belonging to this species, with indications of white marks. a. S ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) h. S ad. sk. ; c, d. $ Bogota. Sclater CoU. ad. sk. e, f. S ad. sk. ; g. S Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. jr.sk.: h, i. 5 ad.sk. J, k. (S 2 ad. sk. Colombia. Sclater Coll. I, m. (S $ ad. sk. Colombia. Purchased. n. 5 ad- sk. Cayenne (?). Sclater Coll. 15. Euphonia finschi. (Plate YIII. fig. 1.) Euplionia concinua, Peh. Orn. Bras. p. 203 (teste Berlepsch). I'Aiphoiiia finschi, Scl. et Sa/v. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 19. Eupbonia melanura, Natt. MS. Above glossy purplish black : anterior half of crown orange- yellow : below reddish orange-yellow ; throat purplish black ; tail beneath black ; under wing-coverts and inner webs of wing-feathers white ; bill and feet black : whole length 3"5 inches, wing 2*1, tail 1'2. Female. Similar to E. violacea $ , but much darker and more yellowish underneath {Pelzeln). Hah. Interior of Guiana ; Rio Brancho (Natt.). Graf von Berlepsch tells me that Pelzeln 's E. concinna belongs to this species, which was described in 1877 from a single skin received in exchange from the Bremen Museum, and said to have been obtained from Demerara. a. cJ sk. British Gmana (Wilkens) . Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) 16. Euphonia saturata. (Plate VIII. fig. 2.) Phonasca saturata, Cab. J.f. 0. 18G0, p. 336. Acroleptes saturatus, Cab. J.f. O. 1861, p. 91, 1865, p. 407. Euphonia satm-ata, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 19 ; iid. Nomencl. p. 17; Tacz. P.Z.S. 1877, p. 744 (W. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 443 ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 288 (Ecuador) ; Tacs. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 76 (Ecuador). 3. EFPHONIA. 71 Above glossy purplish black, violaceous on the upper back and neck ; whole crown of head orange-yellow : beneath deep orange- yellow ; throat purple-black ; tail beneath black ; under wing- coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white; bill dark plumbeous ; feet dark brown : whole length 3-6 inches, win"- 2-2 taill-2. ° Hah. Western Ecuador and Peru, Similar to E. finschi, but with the whole summit of the crown orange. a. (S sk. Tumbez, W. Peru (Jelski). Sclater Coll. b. cJad.sk. Balzar Mts., Ecuador (///inywrt/j). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. S ad. sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. 17. Euphonia minnta. Euphouia olivacea, Desm. Tariff, pi. xxvii. (?). Tanagra olivacea, Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. 782 (?) Euphonia minuta, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 671 ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 159, et 1856, p. 274 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 100 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 57 ; id. Ibis, 1873, p. -373 (Nicaragua) ; Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1860, p. 275 (Guatemala) ; iid. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 179 (Ucayali), 1807, p. 749, et 1873, p. 260 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 498 (Antioquia) : ltd. Nomencl. p. 17 ; Laior. Ann. Lye. N. Y. vii. p. 332 (Panama) : Pek. Orn. Bras. p. 203 ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 186 (Yeragua) ; id. Cat. Stricld. Coll. p. 180; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 208 (British Guiaua) ; Sah. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 258. Phonasca miuuta, Cab. J. f. O. 1860, p. 330. Acroleptes minutus, Cab.'j.f. O. 1861, p. 91. Euphonia strictifrons, Strickl. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 72: Scl. Cunir Orn. 1851, p. 84. Acroleptes strictifrons. Cab. J.f. O. 1861, p. 91. Euphonia pumila, Bp. Bet: Zool. 1851, p. 136 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 10. Phonasca humihs, Cab. J. f. O. 1860, p. 334. Acroleptes humilis, Cab. j.f. O. 1861, p. 9. Euphonia hmnilis, v. Franiz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 297. Euphonia leucopyga, Natt. MS. Above shining greenish black, upper back and neck purplish; broad frontal band yellow : below yeUow, throat purplish black ; lower belly and crissum white ; tail beneath black, with a large white patch on the inner webs of three outer feathers ; under wing- coverts and inner webs of wing-feathers white; bill plumbeous: feet black : whole length 3-3 inches, wing 1-8, tail 1*1. Female. Above olive-green ; below yellowish olive, throat and centre of abdomen pale cinereous white. Hub. Guiana, Lower Amazonia, Colombia, Panama, and Central America up to Guatemala. The white crissum and narrow yeUow frontal band will distinguish this species, of which the female resembles that of E. clilorotica. I agree with Messrs. Salvin and Godmau in not recognizing E. Immilis as distinct, although the dimensions of Central-American specimens are somewhat larger. 72 TANAGRID^. a. c? fid. sk. b. S B.A. sk. ; c, d. 2 ad. sk. e. (S ad. sk. ; f. S jr. sk. ; ff, h. $ ad. sk. i. S ad. sk. j. S ad. sk. ; k. <5 jr. sk. ; Z. 2ad.sk. m. S ad. sk. n. S ad. sk. 0. 2 ad. sk. J). (S ad. sk. q. cJ ad. sk. ?•. 2 ad. sk. s. cj ad. sk. t. c? ad. sk. M. cJ ad. sk. V. S ad. sk. ?p. /att, Ibis, 1871, p. 325 (Ocana, Col.); Salvin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 187 (Chiriqui) ; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 209 (Brit. Guian.) ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 267 ; Berl. J.f. O. 1884, p. 289. > ^ tf . Above bright green ; feathers of head, iijiper back, and wing-coverts black, edged with green, and thus showing rounded black spots ; lores black ; narrow front and feathers round the eye golden yellow : below white, tinged with green on the flanks ; sides of the throat and breast spotted with well-defined oval black spots ; middle of belly and under wing- coverts white; crissum yellowish; bill blackish, lower mandible plumbeous; feet dark brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 27, tail 2-1. Female similar, but less distinctly marked, and slightly smaller in size. Hah. British Guiana, Venezuela, Trinidad, jS'orthern Colombia, and Isthmus of Panama north to Costa liica. The larger size and golden-yellow front and eye-region appear to distinguish this species very satisfactorily from the two preceding. As regards its alleged occurrence in Ecuador (upon which Messrs. Salvin and Godman, I. s. c, have lately cast some doubt) we have only Bourcier's authority, and there was probably some error. a,b. cJad.sk.; Roraima, Brit. Guian. (TF/«Ve/'y). Sahin-Godman Coll. c. 2 ad. sk. d. cJ ad. sk. Venezuela {Dyson). Sclater Coll. (Type of C. chrysophrys.) e. S ad. sk. Puerto Cabello. Sclater Coll. /, g. d ad. sk. Caracas. D. Dyson [C.]. A. c? ad.sk. San Cristobal, Venezuela (ffoe- Salvin-Godman Coll. ring), i. d ad. sk. Venezuela. Salvin-Godman Coll. J,k. d 2 ^^^- Trinidad. Sclater CoU. I. d ad. sk. ; m, Bogota. Gould CoU. n. 2 "d. sk. 0. d ad. sk. Colombia. Sclater Coll. p. d ad. f^k. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. q. d ad. sk. Southern slope of A'olcan de Salvin-Godman Coll. Chiriqui (Arce). r. d ad. sk. Chiricui (Arce). Sclater CoU. 106 TAXAGETB^. s. S ad. sli. TucuiTiqui, Costa Rica (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. t. (S ad. sk. Augostura, Costa Rica (Car- Salviu-Godman Coll. 77liol). u. 2ad.sk. Costa. Hica. (CarmioT). Sclater Coll. 14. Calliste xanthogastra. Calliste xanthogastra, Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, pp. 2-3, 55; id. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 115, 1855, p. 157, et 1856, pp. 19, 249 ; id. Mon. Callist. p. 23, pi. 11 : id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 75 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 64; Sd. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 180, 1867, p. 977, et 1873, p. 261 (Upp. Amazons) ; iid. Komend. p. 19; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 514, et 1882, p. 11 rid Orn. Per. ii. p. 461 (Peru) ; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 209 (Brit. Guian.). Ixothraupis chrysogaster, Bp. Pev. Znol. 1851, p. 144 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 18. Above bright green, interscapulium bluish green, slightly varied, except on lower back, ■with rounded black spots occupying the centres of the feathers ; wings and tail black, edged with bluish green like the interscapulium : below bright green, slightly spotted with round black spots ; middle of belly and crissum sulphur-yellow ; under surface of wings and tail dark cinereous ; under wing-coverts white ; bill blackish ; feet dark cinereous : whole length 4*2 inches, wing 2'5, tail I'o. Female similar : not quite so bright. Hah. Upper Amazonia, Eastern Ecuador, Colombia, and Roraima, Brit. Guiana. This is quite a distinct species, readily known by its yellow belly. a. S ad. sk. Upper Amazons. Sclater Coll. (Type of C. xanthogastra, Sol.) b. 2 ad. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Hana-welT). Salviu-Godman Coll. c-e. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. Rio Napo. Salvin-Godman CoU. g. Ad. sk. Colombia. Sclater Coll. h. Ad. sk. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. i. Ad. sk. Colombia. Purchased. j, k. 2 ad. St. Colombia. Purchased. /, m. S ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana ( UHiiteh/). Salvin-Godman Coll. n. 2 ad. sk. Kukenam, Brit. Guiana Salviu-Godman Coll. (TVIiiteIg). 15. Calliste graminea. Tangara tachetd de Cayenne, Buff. PI. Enl. 301. f. 1. Tangara petit Syacou, Less. Tr. d'Orii. p. 462. Tanagra graminea. Spiv, Av. Bras. ii. p. 40, pi. 53. f. 2 ( 2 ). Calliste virescens, Sclat. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 22, pi. 69. f. 1, et p. 56. Ixothraupis pusiUa, Bp. Bet: Zool. 1851, p. 144 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 18. Calliste gi-aminea, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 19, 250 ; id. Mon. Callist. p. 25, pi. 12 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 76 ; id. Cat. A. 5. p. 64 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 19. 10. CALLISTE. 107 Above and below bright green ; interscapulium bluish green ; wings and tail blackish, edged with bluish green hke the inter- scapulium ; head and breast varied with a few small, almost obsolete blackish spots ; middle of belly slightly yellowish ; wings and tail beneath pale ashy ; under wing-coverts white ; bill nearly black : feet brown : whole length 4 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1-5. Female. N^early uniform grass-green, rather yellowish on the belly. Hah. Cayenne and Lower Amazonia. This is a scarce species. It clearly belongs to the present group, but the usually characteristic rounded spots are but slightly apparent. It is also of remarkably small size. a. (S ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. (One of the types of C. virescens.) h. (J ad. sk. Cayenne. vSalviu-Godman Coll. c. (S ad. sk. Cayenne. Gould Coll. d. (S ad. sk. ; e. Pull. sk. Cavenue. Purchased. /. 2 ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 16. Calliste ruflgularis. Tanagrella rufigula, Bp. Compt. Rend, xxxii. p. 77 ; id. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 130; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 4. Calliste rufigula, Sclater, C'ontr. Orn. 1851, p. 55. Calliste rutigularis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 19, 250, 1859, p. 440, 1860, p. 86 ; id. Man. Callist. p. 27, pi. 13 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 76 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 65 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 19. Above, head black ; interscapulium and wing-coverts black, edged with green ; wings and tail black, slightly margined with green ; lower back green, slightly spotted with blackish : below white, breast and flanks spotted with rounded black spots, which are edged with green ; throat rusty red : crissnm washed with rufous ; under wing-coverts white ; bill blackish ; feet dark brown : whole length 4'7 inches, wing 2'5, tail 1"7. Female like the male. Hah. Ecuador. A very distinct species from its black head and red throat, but clearly belonging to this group of Calliste, and not to Tanagrella. a. Ad. sk. ; b. Jr. sk. Nauegal, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. d, e. Ad.sk. Quito, Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. /. Ad.sk. Ecuador {Boitrcier). Salvin-Godiuau Coll. (One of the types of the species.) <;. Ad. sk. Pasto, Ecuador (Ze/(?«a«w). Sdvin-Godmau Coll. \i. Ad.sk. Intaj, Ecuador (i^i/c/iVc//). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. Ad.sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (i/we/o/ff/). Salvin-Godman Coll. 108 TANAQRrD.ai, Sect. IV. Group of C. aurulenta. General plumage golden yeUow ; interscapulium black, varied with yellow. Key to the Species. A. Throat yellow or chestnut : fwhole uuder surface golden 17. aurulenta, p. 108. I whole under surface chestnut 18. sclateri, p. I08. <^ abdomen chestnut, throat and mid belly I golden 19. arthusi, p. 109. [abdomen yellow ; throat chestnut 20. pulchra, p. 109. B. Throat silvery grey 21. icterocephala, p. 110. 17. Calliste aurulenta. Tanagra (Aglaia) aurulenta, Lafr. Bev. Zool. 1843, p. 290, et 1854, p. 207. Calliste aurulenta, Bp. Consp. i. p. 235 ; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 52 (partim) ; id. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 157, 1856, pp. 19, 250, 1859, p. 140, 1860, pp. 86, 87; id. Mon. Callist. p. 30, pi. 14. f. 2; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 76 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 65 ; Sd. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 19 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 498 (Antioquia) ; Be7-l. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 288 (W. Ecuador). Chrysothraupis am'ulenta, B]}. Bev. Zool. 1851, p. 142 ; id. Note s. I. fang. p. 16. Above orange-yellow ; interscapulium black, variegated with yellow ; lores, auricular spot, wings, aud tail black ; wing-coverts and secondaries edged with yellow : below golden yellow ; a slight chin-spot black ; under vriug-coverts and inner margins of wing- feathers white ; bill black : feet dark brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 3, tail 2. Female like the male. Hah. Colombia and Ecuador. Colombia. Purchased. Bogota, Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. Bogota, Colombia. Purchased. Bogota, Colombia. Sclater CoU. Frontino, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman ('oil. {Sahnoji). Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater CoU. Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater CoU. San Jose, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. Pallatanga, Ecuador (jPr«.se/-). Sclater Coll. Ecuador. Goidd Coll. 18. Calliste sclateri. Calliste aurulenta, Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 52. Calliste sclateri, Lafr. Bev. Zool. 1854, p. 207 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 157, 1856, pp". 19, 250 ; id. Mon. Callist. p. 31, pi. 14. f. 1 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 77 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 65 ; Scl. et Salv. Noniencl. p. 19. a. Ad. St. b, c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. /. 2 ad. sk. 9- h. i, k, m Ad. sk. cJ ad. sk. /. Ad. sk. I. c? ad. sk . Ad. sk. 10. CAXLISTE. 109 Similar to C. aurulenta, but body beneath of a deep uniform chestnut. Hub. Int. of Colombia (Bogota collections). a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. b, c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll, d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Gould CoU. e,f. Ad. sk. Bogota. Pm-chased. » 19. Calliste arthusi. Tauagi-a arthus, Less. III. Zool. pi. 9. Calliste arthus, £p. Cons]}. i. p. 235, sp. 36. Calliste arthusi, Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 63 ; id. F. Z. S. 1856, pp. 19, 251 ; id. Mon. Callist. p. 35, pi. 16 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 77 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 65 ; Sd. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 19. Above orange-yellow ; interscapulium blacli, varied with yellow ; lores, auricular spot, wings, and tail black ; wing-coverts and secondaries edged with yellow : below dark chestnut ; throat and middle of belly bright yellow ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; bill black ; feet brownish : whole length 5-5 inches, wing 3-2, tail 2-3. Female similar to the male. Hah. Venezuela, forests of the Andes. a. Ad. sk. Venezuela {Dysoii). Sclater Coll. h. Ad. sk. Venezuela. D. Dyson [C.]. c. Ad. sk.. Venezuela. Salvin-Godmaa Coll. d, e. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Purchased. /. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Gould CoU. 20. Calliste pulchra. Calospiza pulchra, Tsch. in Wiegm. Arch. 1844, pt. 1, p. 285 ; id Faun. Per. p. 200, pi. 18. f. 2 ; Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1854, p. 206. Calliste pidchra, Bp. Consp. i. p. 235, sp. 32 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 19, 261, et 1858, p. 74 ; id. Mon. Callist. p. 33, pi. 15 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 77; id. Cat. A. B. p. 65; Scl. et Salv. F. Z.S. 1873, p. 186 (S. Peru), 1879, p. 698 (Bolivia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 19 ; Tacz. F. Z. S. 1874, p. 514 (Central Peru), 1882, p. 11 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Fer. ii. p. 462. Calliste pulchra sequatorialis, Tacz. et Berl. F. Z. S, 1885, p. 77. Above orange-yellow ; rump golden yellow ; interscapulium black variegated with yellow ; lores, large auricular spot, wings, and tail black ; wing-coverts and secondaries edged with ycUow : below bright yellow ; throat dark orange or chestnut ; broad chiu-spot and sides of biU black ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 5'5 inches, wing 3, tail 2'1. Female like the male. Hah. Eastern Ecuador (Napo district), Peru, and Bolivia The extension of the black chin and dark orange or almost chest- nut throat readily distinguish this species from its three foregoing aUies. 110 TANAGEIBJE. a. Ad. sk. Rio Napo, Ecuador. h. Ad. sk. Ecuador. c, d. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador {Biuikley). e. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador {Buckley). f. Ad. sk. Machay, Ecuador {Stohmmui). g. S ad. sk. San Antonio, Peru (Whiteli/). h. 2 ad.sk. Cuzco, Peru (ir/iiVe/y). t. Ad. sk. Bolivia {Buckley). Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. 21. Calliste icterocephala. Cfalliste icterocephala, Bp. Compt. Rend, xxxii. p. 76 ; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 63, pi. 70. f. 1 ; id. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 19, 251, et 1860, p. 87 ; id. Mon. CalUst. p. 37, pi. 17 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 77 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 65 ; Sahin, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 138, et 1870, p. 186 (Veragua) ; Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ix. p. 198; Frantz.J.f. 0. 1869, p. 298 (Costa Rica) ; Boiicard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 54 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 19 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 498 (Antioquia) ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Ani., Aves, i. p. 269. Callispiza (Chrysotkraupis) frantzii, Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 87. Calliste frantzii, Salvin, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 169 ; Sclater, Ibis, 1863, p. 451, 1868, p. 72, et 1876, p. 407. Above bright yellow ; interscapuliiim strongly variegated with black ; wings and tail black, edged with green ; the wing-coverts edged with greenish yellow : below bright yeUow as above, but with throat and ueck, together with a slight collar on the upper surface, of a pale silvery greenish ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers ashy white ; bill blackish ; feet dark brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 3, tail 2. Female like the male, but not so bright in colours, and of a greenish yellow above. Hab. Costa Eica, Veragua, Colombia, and Ecuador. Although apparently belonging to this section, C. icterocephala is at once recognizable by the peculiar silvery greenish colour of the throat and fore ueck, which is also slightly apparent on the back of the neck. a. (S ad. sk. b, c. (S ad. sk. d. S ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. /. J ad. sk. y, h. (S ad. sk. i. 5 ad. sk. j. 2 ad. sk. k. J ad. sk. I. S ad. sk. m. J ad. sk. n. c? ad. sk. 0, p. Ad. sk. q. c? ad. sk. r. (S ad. sk. Barranca, Ccsta Rica (CVwwn'o^). Turrialba, Costa Rica (Arce). Dota, Costa Rica (Carmiol). S. Jos(5, Costa Rica {Canniol). Cordillera de Tole, Veragua (Arce). Calovevora, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Santa Fe, Veragua {Arce). Salviu-Godmau Coll. Southern slope of the Volcano Salvin-Godman Coll. of Chiriqui {Arce). Chii'iqui {Arce). Sclater Coll. Frontino, U. S. C. {Salmon). Salvin-Godman CoU. Pasto, Ecuador (Lehmann). Salvin-Godman Coll. Napo, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. Ecuador {Bourcier). Sclater CoU. (One of the types of C. ictei-ocephala.) Nanegal, Ecuador (Frasei-). Sclater CoU. 10. CALLISTE. Ill Sect. V. Group of C. flava. General plumage dull green or pale yellow ; cap rufous or yellow. Key to the Sjjecies. A. Cap rufous, distinct from nape and back. Body below pale greenish cinereous 22. vitriolina, p. Ill, Body below ochraceous. Throat dark bluish 23. cuyana, p. 111. Throat uniform. Cap bright rufous 24. versicolor, p. 11.3. Cap dark chestnut 25. cucvllata, p. 113. B. Cap and whole body above fidvous yellow . . 26. fiava, p. 113. C. Cap and hind neck chestnut. Interscapulium chestnut 27. pretiosa, p. 114. Interscapulium black 28. melanonota, p. 115. 22. Calliste vitriolina. CaUispiza vitriolina, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 28. Calliste ruhcapilla, Sclafer, Contr, Orn. 1851, p. 61 ; id. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 158, et 1856, p. 19. CaUiste vitriolina, Sclater, P. Z. 8. 1856, p. 252, 1860, p. 86 (Ecuador) ; id. Mon. Callist. p. 39, pi. 18 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 78 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 66 ; Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 139 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 13 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 498 (Antioquia) ; id. Nomencl. p. 19 ; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 325 (OcanaJ ; Berl. J.f. O. 1884, p. 298 (Bucai-amanga). Above greyish green ; cap rufous ; wings and tail blackish, edged with green : below paler, cinereous tinged with green, middle of the belly whitish, crissxim washed with fulvous ; under wing-coverts white ; bill and feet brown : whole length 5-5 inches, wing 2*9, tail 2*1. Female similar. Rab, Colombia and Ecuador. In this plainly coloured species the sexes seem to be similar. In all the other members of this group they are more or less different. a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater CoU. (Type of C. riijicapilla.) b-d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. e,f. cJad. sk. Medelliu, Antioqiua, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman CoU. {Salmon). g. Ad. sk. Pasto, Ecuador (Zehmann). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Baisa, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. i, j. > • Tanagra ( Calliste) ruQvertex, Prev. et Des 3hirs, Zod. Voy Venus p. 212 (1855). •^ ' Arremon rufivertex, Gra;/, Gen. B. ii. p. 361. Chalcothraupis ruficervix, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 144 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 18. Calliste ruficervix, Scl. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 58; id. P. Z 8 1855 p. 158, 1856, pp. 19, 259, 1859, p. 139; id. Mon. Ca/list. -p. 71,' pi. 32; id. St/n. Av. Tan. p. 85 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 69 ; Scl. et Salv. Komencl. p. 19; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 499 (Antioquia); Bed. et Tacz. P. Z. 8. 1884, p. 288 (W. Ecuador). Calliste leucotis, 8cl. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 58. Above blue, slightly mottled with blackish on the interscapulium ; rump brighter ; head black, glossed with purple : lores black ; nape crossed by a distinct rufous-orange baud ; wings and tail black edged with blue ; lesser wing-coverts rather brighter : below blue ; middle of belly and crissum pale fulvous ; under wing-covcrts white ; biU black : feet brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-9, tail 1-9. Female similar. Hah. Colombia, TTesteru Ecuador, and North Penu 130 TANAGRID^. a, h. Ad. St. Colombia. Purchased. c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Gould Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godmau Coll. e. Ad. sk. ; /. Bogota. Sclater Coll. Jr. sk. g. cJ ad. sk. Antioquia, U. S. C. {Salmon'). Salvin-Godman Coll. A. Ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (J^;-ase?-). Sclater CoU. 46. Calliste taylori. Calliste taylori, Tacz. et Bed. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 78. Similar to C. rujicervix, but with the nape-band broader and of a golden yellow ; aLso rather brighter below. Hah. Eastern Ecuador. I am a little doubtful whether this form is anything more than a subspecies of C. riificervLv. a. Ad. sk. Machay, Ecuador {StoJzmami). Sclater Coll. (One of the tj-pes of C. taylori.) b, c. Ad. sk. Rio Napo, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Gould Coll. 47. Calliste fulvicervix. Calhste ruficervix, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 514. Calliste fulvicervix, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 354, pi. xxx. fig. 1, 1879, p. 599 ; Scl. Ibis, 1876, p. 408 ; Tacz. Orn. Ph: ii. p. 465. Above bright blue with a purplish tinge, rather brighter on the rump and purple on the head, which is crossed on the nape by a faint fulvous band ; lores black ; wings and tail black, edged with blue; lesser wing-coverts purplish blue : below purple -blue ; middle of belly and crissum fulvous ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 4-3 inches, wing 2-9, tail 1-9. Hah. Bolivia. The only known specimen is in the collection. The species is distinguishable from C. ruficervix by the purplish colour of the back and breast and the faint fulvous nape- stripe. a. Ad. sk. Boli%-ia {Buckley). Sdvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) 48. Calliste labradorides. Tanagra (Aglaia) labradorides, Boiss. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 67. Tanagra labradorides, Prev. et Des Murs, Voy. Venus, Zool. p. 213, et Atlas, Ois. t. v. fig. 2. Calhste labradorides, 5/). Co«s;;.i.p. 235; Scl. Contr. Orw. 1851,p. 57; id. P Z.S. 1855, p. 158, 1856, pp. 19, 262, 1858, p. 294; id. Mon. Callist. p. 89, pi. 39 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 88 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 70 ; Scl. et Salv. Komencl. p. 19 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 499 (Antioquia). Chalcothraupis labradorides, Bp. Eev. Zool. 1851, p. 144 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 18. Above, head in front and broad superciliaries shining greenish 10. CALLISTE. 131 blue with silvery reflections ; lores narrow ; space round the eye, hack of head, and nape black ; whole back shining greenish blue ; wings and tail black ; remiges narrowly edged with blue ; lesser wing-coverts shining blue : below nearly uniform shining bluish green ; middle of belly and crissum fulvous ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black ; feet pale brown : whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2"6, tail I'S. Female similar. Hah. Colombia and Ecuador. a, b. Ad. St. Colombia. Purchased. c, d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. e,f. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad. sk. Bogota. Gould Coll. h. (S ad. sk. Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman CoU. i. Ad. sk. Concordia, Antioquia {Salmon). Sclater Coll. /. Ad. sk. SantaElena, Antioquia(iS'«^wiow). Sclater Coll. k. Ad. sk. Pasto, Ecuador (Lehmanii). Salvin-Godman Coll. /. Ad. sk. San Lucas, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 49. Calliste melanotis. Calliste cyanotis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 441 ; id. Ibis, 1863, p. 451 (err.). Calliste melanotis, Scl. Ibis, 1876, p. 408, pi. xii. fig. 1 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 12 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 473 ; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 79 (Ecuador). Above black : broad supereiliaries, lower hack, lesser wing-coverts, and outer margins of larger wing-coverts bright bluish green ; jjri- maries and rectrices with very narrow bluish margins : below bluish green ; middle of belly and crissum fulvous ; under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2-8, tail 1-9. Female (probably) similar. Hah. Eastern Ecuador and N.E. Peri:. The original specimen of this species was first regarded as the adult stage of C. cyanotis, a mistake afterwards corrected. a. Ad. sk, Eio Napo. Sclater Coll. (Type of C. mela- notis, Ibis, 1876, p. 408. ) b. Ad. sk. Chu-imoto, Peru Sclater Coll. (Stolzmann). 50. Calliste cyanotis. Calliste cyanotis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 294 (Eio Napo) ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 71, pi. 9 ; id. Ibis, 1876, p. 408, pi. xii. tig. 2 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 599 (BoUvia). Above, head black, broad supereiliaries bright bluish green ; in- terscapulium blackish green : lower back bright bluish green ; wings and tail black, edged with bluish green : below bluish green ; middle of belly and crissum fulvous ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 3-8 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1*7. Hah. S. Peru and Bolivia. k2 132 TANAGRID^. Nearly allied to C. mclanotis, but distiiigiushable by its dusky green back and bluish-green ear-coverts. a. Ad. sk. S.Peru. Selater Coll. (Typeof the species, r. Z. S. 1858, p. 294.) h. Ad. sk. Bolivia {Buckley). Salviu-Godiuan OoU. 51. Calliste rufigenis. Calliste rufigenis, Selater, P. Z. S. 185(3, p. .311 ,et 1857, p. 66 ; id. Mon. Callist. n. 91, pi. 40; /(/. Cat. A. B. p. 71 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20. Above and below shining green ; head and rump rather more bluish ; interscapulium darker ; lores, chin, and sides of the head dark fulvous brown : middle of belly and under wing-coverts pale fulvous ; crissum rufous ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 1-7. Female (probably) similar. Hah. Venezuela. An vmmistakable species, distinguished by the well-marked rufous sides of the head and general green colour. a. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Selater Coll. (Tvpe of tbe species, P. Z. S. 18-56, p. 311.) b. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Selater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Venezuela, Purchased. 52. Calliste parzudakii. Tanagra parzudakii, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1843, p. 97 ; id. Mag. de Zool. 1843, Ois. pi. 41. Calhste parzudakii, Bp. Consp. i. p. 235, sp. 26 ; Selater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 66 ; id. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 11-5, 185.5, p. 1.58, et 1856, pp. 19, 263 ; id. Mon. Callist. p. 93, pi. 41 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 89 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 71 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 515 (Centr. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 474. Chrysothraupis parzudakii, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 143; id. Note s. I. Tatig. p. 18. Above, cap and nape golden yellow ; broad front and sides of head scarlet ; back black ; rump and upper tail-coverts shining silvery green ; wings and tail black ; lesser wing-coverts and edgings of greater wing-coverts shining silvery green, like the lower back : below shining silvery green with an ochraceous tinge ; chin black ; middle of belly and crissum fulvous ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 5'5 inches, wing 3'i3, tail 2. Female similar. Hah. Colombia, Eastern Ecuador, and Peru. The scarlet face and golden cap render this species easily dis- tinguishable. a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Selater Coll. b-d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Colombia. Gould Coll. f. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buchley). Selater Coll. y. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 10. CALLISTE. 133 h. Ad. sk. Chiquinda, Ecuador Salvin-Godman Coll. (Buckley). V ^|d- sk. Rio Napo. ' Gould Coll. J. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Salvin-Godniin Coll. 53. Calliste lunigera. Calliste lunio-era, Sclater, Cuntr. Orn. l8ol, p. 65, pi. 70 f 2 • id P Z. S. isoti, pp. 19, 203, et 1860, p. 87 ; id. Jlon. Cakist. p.' 95* pi 42 ; id. Sipi. Av. Tan. p. 89 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 71 ; Sd. et Sale. Nomencl. p. 20 ; B,frl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 289 (W. Ecuador). Above, cap and sides of head orange ; lores and rounded patch on the side of the head black ; nape and interscapulium black ; lower back shining green ; wings and tail black ; M'ing-coverts and secon- daries edged witli shining green : below shining green mixed with rufous; chin black; middle of belly and crissum dark brownish fulvous ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 5-3 inches, wing 2-8, tail I'S. Female similar. Hab. Western Ecuador. Nearest to C. parzudcdii, but without any scarlet on the face. a. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. (Type described, , . , , ^^ Coutr. Orn. 1^51, p. 6').) b. Ad. sk. Nanegal, Ecuador Sclater Coll. {Fraser). c. Ad. sk. Quito. J. Gould, Esq. d. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Gould Coll. e. Ad. sk. Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. /, g. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. 54. Calliste venusta. Calliste xanthocephala, Sclat. Cuntr. Orn. 1851, p. 58 ; id P Z S 1854, p. 115 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 227 (N. Peru). Calliste venusta, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 248, 1855, p. 158 1856 pp. 19, 264, et 1858, p. 74 ; id. Mon. Cullist. p. 101, pi. 44. f. 2; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. tiO ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 72 ; Wi/aft, Ibis, 1871, p. 325 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20 ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 289 (W. Ecuador) ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 470 : Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 80 (Ecuador). Above, cap and sides of head yellow ; lores and nape black ; in- terscapulium black, variegated with shining blue ; lower back shining blue ; wings and tail black, edged with shining blue : below shining blue ; chin black ; middle of belly and crissum fulvous ; under wing-coverts pale fulvous : whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1'5. Fenude similar. Hah. Colombia, Western Ecuador, and IS". Peru. Distinguished by having the cap and sides of the head of a uniform golden yellow. a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Typa of the species.) b. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. 134 TANAGKID^i;. c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godinan Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. e. Ad. St. Bogota. Purchased. f. Ad. sk. Antioquia, Colombia {Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. 'g,h. Ad.sk. Antioquia, Colombia (»S'a/?«oM). Sclater Coll. t. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Gould Coll. j. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. 55. Calliste xanthocephala. Callospiza xanthocephala, Tsch. in Wiegm. Arch. 1844, pt. 1. p. 285 ; id. Faun. Per. p. 200, pi. 17. f. 2 (tig. pass.) ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 235. Calliste lamprotis, Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 65. Chrysothraupis xanthocephala, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 44-3 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 17. Calliste xanthocephala, Sclater., P. Z. S. 1854, p. 248, 1856, pp. 19, 264, et 1858, p. 294 ; id. Mon. Callist. p. 99, pi. 44. f. 1 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 90 ; id. Cat. A. B.^.ll; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 599 (Bolivia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 20 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 515 (Ceutr. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 475. Above, cap brilliant orange ; sides of head bright yellow ; lores and nape black ; interscapulium black, varied with greenish blue ; lower back greenish blue ; wings and tail black, margined with greenish blue : below greenish blue ; chin black ; middle of belly and crissum fulvous ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 5-5 inches, wing 2-9, tail 1-9. Female similar. Hah. Peru and Bolivia. Nearly allied to C. venusta, but at once distinguishable by its orange crown contrasted with the pure yellow ear-coverts. a, b. Ad. sk. Bolivia. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bolivia. _ T. Bridges [C.]. d. Ad. sk. Juanaui, Bolivia {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Bolivia {Buckley), Salvin-Godman Coll. /. Ad. sk. Peru. Salvin-Godman Coll. 56. Calliste chrysotis. Calliste chrysotis, Du Bus, Esq. Oni. pi. 7 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 236 ; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 66 : id. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 19, 263, et 1859, p. 440 ; id. Mon. Callist. p. 97, pi. 43 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 89 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 71 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 12 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 475 ; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 79 (Ecuador). Chrysothraupis chrysotis, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 142 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 17. Above, cap black ; front and ear-coverts bright shining green glossed with golden chestnut ; superciliaries, sides of neck, and lower back bright sliining green ; interscapulium black, varied with bright green ; wings and tail black, edged with bright green : below bright shining green ; middle of belly and crissum chestnut-brown ; under wing-coverts blackish ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 5-5 inches, wing 2-9, tail 1-9. Female similar. 10. CALLISTE. 135 Hah. Eastern Ecuador and jS". Peru. The black head and rather chestnut golden ear-coverts at once separate this well-marked species from its allies. a. Ad. sk. Upper Amazons. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Machay, Ecuador {Stolzviann). Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Ecuador {Buckley). Salviu-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador (Bruce). Salviu-Godman Coll. /. Ad. sk. Ecuador. L. Eraser [C.]. Sect. XII. Group of C. cyanoptera. Cap black ; back silvery green. Female different from male. Key to the Species. A. Throat black, like the head ; belly silvery green : I wings black, edged with bhie . . 57. ajanoptera, p. 1.35. I wings black 58. tckitelyi, p. 136. B. Throat and chest green; belly purplish. . 59. atricupilla, p. 136. C. Belly black : I throat shining fulvous 60. argentea, p. 137. ( throat green 61. argyrophenges, p. 137. 57. Calliste cyanoptera. Aglaia cyanoptera, Sw. Orn. Dr. pi. 8 (1841). Tanagra argentea, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1843, p. 69. Calliste cyanoptera, ^/>. C'onsp. i. p. 234 ; id. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 140 ; id. Notes. I. Tang. p. 15 ; Sclat. Cuntr. Orn. 1851, p. 64 ; id. P. Z. 8. 1856, pp. 19, 254; id. Mon. CalHst. p. 53, pi. 24; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 80 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 67 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Caracas) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 19 ; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 200, et 1880, p. 120 (Sierra Nevada of S. Marta). Callispiza cyanoptera. Cab. Mus. Ilein. i. p. 27. Silvery green ; head and neck all round and wings and tail black ; remiges and rectrices narrowly' edged with blue ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black; feet brown : whole length 5-5 inches, wing '6, tail 2. Female. Above green, brighter on the rump ; wings and tail black edged with green : below paler, ashy on the throat and breast, buffy white in the middle of the belly, and greenish on the flanks. Hah. Venezuela and N. Colombia. a. S ad. St. Venezuela. Purchased. b,c. (5 $ ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. d. c? ad. sk. Venezuela. Salviu-Godman Coll. e. S ad. sk. Venezuela. Gould CoU. f,g. (5 $ ad. sk.; Minca, Santa Marta, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. h. S ji'- sk. {Simons). i. cJ ad. sk. San Jos4, Santa Marta, Salvin-Godman Coll. U. S. C. {Simons). 136 TANAGRID^. 58. Calliste whitelyi. Calliste wbiteljd, Salv. et Godin. Ibis, 1884, p. 445, t. xiii. ; S<^^>^- Ibis, 1885, p. 210. Silvery green, beneath obsoletely mottled ; head and neck all round and wings and tail black ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 5-3 inches, wing 2'8, tail 1-9. Female. Above dark green ; darker on the head, paler on the rump ; wings and tail black edged with green : beneath pale biifFy, obsoletel}' mottled with ashy ; Hanks and crissum greenish. Hub. lloraima, British Guiana. Closely similar to C. cyanoptera, but without any blue edgings to the wing- and tail-feathers, and darker below. a, b. c? ad. sk. ; c. $ ad. lloraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman GoU. sk. ; d. (S jr. sk. {Whitely). (Types of the species.) e,f. (S $ ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana. tSclater Coll. 59. Calliste atricapilla. Tanagra (Aglaia) atricapilla, Lafr. Hen. Zool. 1843, p. 290. Calliste atricapilla. Up. Consp. i. p. 235; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 59 ; id. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 249, 1855, p. 158, 1856, p. 259 ; id. Syn. Av. tan. p. 85 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 69 ; id. Mon. Callist. p. 73, pi. 33. f. 1 c? , 2 5 ; Scl. et i>alv. Notnencl. p. 19; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 499 (Antioquia) ; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 325. Ohalcothraupis atricapilla, lip. Rev. Zuol. 1851, p. 144 ; id. Note s. I. Tajig. p. 19. Procnias heinei, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 31 (jr.) ; Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 134 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 8. Above silvery bluish grey ; cap black ; wings and tail black edged with bluish grey : below dark purplish blue ; feathers of side of head, neck, and breast lanceolate, black at their bases, and broadly terminated with bright green ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 4-8 inches, wing 2-8, tail 1*7. Female. Above green, cap rather bluish green : below ashy. Hanks passing into green ; throat and breast with green lanceolate feathers, but not so bright as in the male. Hah. Colombia and Venezuela. a,b. cJ 2 ^^- ^- Bogota. Sclater Coll. c. J ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman CoU. d. (S ad. sk. Bogota. Gould ColL e. S ad. sk. Colombia (Delattre). E. Wilson, Esq. f,(/. J ad. sk. ; Retiro, Antioquia, Colombia Sidvin-Godman Coll. h. 5 ad. sk. {Salmon). i. 2 ad. sk. Frontino, Colombia (-jO (err.). Iridosornis rufivertex, Less. Echo d. M. S. 1844, p. 80 ; id. Rev. Zool. 1844, p. 4.31 ; id. Bescr. d. Mamm. et Ois. p. 350. Pcecilornis rufivertex, Hartl. Rev. Zool. 1844, p. 369. Tanagi-a dubu.sia. Up. Consp. i. p. 2.39. Euthraupis dubusia. Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. .30. "Tanagrra chrysolopha, auct.," Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 131 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 6. Iridosornis dubusia, Stricld. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 127, pi. 94. Iridornis dubusia, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 157, 1856, p. 242 ; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 68 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 72 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20 ; iid. P. Z. 8. 1879, p. 500 (Antioquia) ; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 80 (Ecuador). Above and below black, strongly glossed with purple on the back and abdomen ; large vertical crest orange ; crissum and lower belly chestnut ; wings and tail black ; greater coverts, secondaries, and tail-feathers margined with blue ; lesser coverts purple like the back ; bill black, under mandible whitish at the tip ; feet dark brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3*2, tail 2"8. Female similar. Hub. Colombia and Ecuador. a. Ad. st. Colombia. Purchased. b, c. Ad. fk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godmau Coll. e. Ad. sk. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. /. S ad. sk. Sauta Elena, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-CTodman Coll. (/. Jr. sk. Nanegal, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Quito. J. Gould, Esq. i,j. Ad. sk. Sical, Ecuador (Bucklei/). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Iridornis reinhardti. Iridornis reinhardti, Scl. Ibis, 1865, p. 495, pi. 1] ; Scl. et Sale. Nomencl. p. 20 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 514 (Centr. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 477. Above black, strongly glossed with purple on the back ; lower back and margins of the wing- and tail-feathers greenish blue ; a large and conspicuous broad band on the back of the neck golden yellow : below black, glossed strongly with purple on the breast and with greenish blue on the belly and crissum ; bill black, tip of lower mandible whitisb ; feet dark brown : whole length (3-3 inches, wing 3-2, tail 2-6. Hob. Central Peru. At once distinguishable from /. dubusia by its golden-yellow nuchal plaque. 12. IRIDORKIS. 141 3. Iridornis jelskii. Iridornis jelskii, Cah. J. f. O. 1873, p. 316, pi. v. fig. 1 ; Tacz P. Z. S. 1874, p. 614 (Peru^ ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 478 ; %l. et Salt P. Z. S. 1879, p. 599 (Bolivia). Above black ; inl-erscapulium, scapularies, and lesser wiug-covorts purple ; lower back and edges of wing- and tail-feathers^grcenish blue ; back of head and sides of neck occupied by a bright golden- yellow patch, M^hich leaves the face black : below chestnut, throat black ; bill black, tip of under mandible whitish ; feet dark brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-9, tail 2-4. Fc^maJe similar. Ilab. Peru and Bolivia. The large nuchal patch and chestnut belly at once distinguish this fine species. a, b. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Buchley). 4. Iridornis porphyrocephala. Lidornis porphyrocephala, Scla/er, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 227, pi. 110 1856, p. 243; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 69; id. Cat. A. B. p. 72; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 500 (.'\utioquia). _ Above dark purple, passing into greenish blue on the rump ; sides of head black ; wings and tail black, edged with greenish blue : below purple, passing into greenish ashy on the sides ; whole throat bright yellow ; middle of belly fulvous ; crissum chestnut ; bill pale plumbeous ; feet brown : whole length 5-6 inches, wing' 2-9, tail 2-3. Female similar. Hah. Ecuador and Colombia. a. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. (One of the types of the species. ) b. Ad. sk. Quito. J. Gould, Esq. c. Ad. sk. Medellin, Antioqiiia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. d. cS ad. sk. Medelliu, Autioquia, U. S. C. Salviu-Godmau Coll. {Salman). €. Ad. sk. Antioquia, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. /-/*. Ad. sk. Intaj, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Iridornis analis. Tanagra analis, Tsch. in IViegm. Arch. 1844, pt. i. p. 287 ; id. Faun. Per., Aues, p. 205, pi. 18. f. 1 ; Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1847, p. 71. Calliste analis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 236. Euthraupis analis, Cab. Mus. Ilein. i. p. 30 (note). Iridornis analis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 227, 1850, p. 243; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 69 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 72 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomeiicl. p 20 •' iid. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 185 (S. Peru) ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874 p 514 (C. Peru), 1882, p. 12 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 479. Above dark cinereous, strongly glossed with purple on the head, 142 TANAGRID^. and with greenish hlue on the lower back and margins of the wing- and tail-feathers ; lores and sides of head black : below rufous, passing into cinereous on the sides ; whole throat bright yellow ; crissum chestnut; under wing-coverts rufous; bill plumbeous; feet dark brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3-2, tail 2-5. Female similar. Hah. Peru. Closel)^ allied to /. porjjJv/rocephala, but distinguished by the rufous under surface and under wing-coverts. rt.Ad.sk. Fevii (Tsclimh). Sclater Coll. 6. Ad. sk. San Antonio, Veni (JJ^ite/i/). Sal vin-Godman Coll. 13. DELOTHRAUPIS*. Bill of Delotliraapis. Under this name I propose to separate the species until lately called Pipridea casianeiventris, which cannot certainly go along with P. melcnionota, and seems more nearly allied to Iridornis, from which it differs in its longer and more compressed bill. 1. Delothraupis castaneiventris. Calliste castaneoveiitris, Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 61. Pipridea castaneiventris, Sclater, Tan. Cat. iS)j. p. 13 ; id. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 266; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 92 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 518 (Centr. Peru) : id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 451 : ScL et Salv. Nomencl. p. 18 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 598 (Bolivia).' Above dark greyish blue ; front and sides of head black ; wings and tail black, edged with greyish blue ; beneath bright chestnut ; chin paler, with a slight black rictal stripe on each side ; bill blackish, lower mandible paler ; feet dark brown : whole length 5"8 inches, wing 3-1, tail 2-8. Hab. Bolivia and Peru. a. Ad. sk. Bolivia {Buckley). Sclater Coll. J, c. Ad. sk. HolWrn {Buckley). Salviu-Godman Coll. Delothraupis, geuus noTum (^f;Xos, maiiifestus, et 6pov7ris, taiiagra). 14. STEPHANOPHOETJS. 143 14. STEPHANOPHORUS. Stephanophoms, Strickl. P. Z. S. 1841, p. 30 Type. S. leucoceplialus. Structure of Stephanophoms. This IS a cunous monotjpic form, at once distinguishable by its short, swollen, almost pyrrhuline bill and elevated crest It is pecnhar to Southern Brazil, Paraguay, and the northern part of the Argentine Eepublic. ^ 1. Stephanophoms leucocephalus. ^^Sr ^^y^T^^P'^''''*''' ^'''''«'^^- ^^''^''- -0«f^. xxxii. p. 408; id. Eve. Pyrrhula carulea, VieiU. Gal. Ois. i. p. 61 pi 54 Nemosia diademata, Shp/i. ZooL siv. p. r,' Stephanophorus cffinUeus, Strkkl. P. Z. S. 1841, p. 31 : £p Pons}} i ^^ p. 238; Pnrm. Si/st. Ueb. iii. p. 205. ' ^ ' ^' -"""'P'^- Stephanophorus leucocephalus, Ifartl. Ind. Az. p. 6; Sdater P. Z. S. 144 TAXAGRID.T5, 1856, p. 241 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 67 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 73 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomend. p. 20 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 161 et p. 632 (Rep. Arg.) ; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 208 ; Hudson, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 114. Black -u'ith a strong bluish tinge, especially on the rump and sides of the head ; lesser wing-coverts blue ; back of head silky white, with a small crimson vertical crest in front of it ; forehead, lores, and chin black ; feathers of forehead short and erect ; bill brownish black, below paler ; feet brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 4, tail 3-3. Female similar, but not quite so bright in colour ; and red in crest barely apparent. Hub. Southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and N. of Argentine llepublic. n. Ad. St. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. h c. 6 5 ad. sk. Novo Frihourgo, Rio de Janeiro ( Youds). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 2 ad. sk. Curytiba, Brazil {Natterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. «7 /. 6 ? ad. sk. Sao Paulo, Brazil {Juyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. 9- S ad. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil {Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. ; i sk. Ad. sk. ; k. Jr. Campana, Uruguay. A. Peel [C.]. J. Jr. Buenos Ayres {Hasle- Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. htist). I, m. <5 2 ad . sk. Conchitas, Buenos Ayres {Hrtdson). Sclater Coll. n 2 ad. sk. Conchitas, Buenos Ayres. H. Durnford [C.]. 0. Skel. Brazil. Eyton Coll. 15. PffiCILOTHRAUPIS. Type. Pcecilothraupis, Cah. Mus. Hein. i. p. 30 (18-50) P. lunulata. Anisognathus, Eeich. Av. S. N. pi. 77 (1850). No type given, but apparently intended for P. lunidata. This little group is recognizable by its shorter and wider bill, but is otherwise of the same general conformation as Iriclornis. The five known species are confined to the Andean valleys of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Key to the Species. A. Abdomen scarlet ; throat black. Remiges uniform black 1. himdata, p. 144. Remiges edged v^nth blue 2. igniventris, p. 145. B. "Whole under surface yellow. a. Under surface orange-yellow : I with a yellow lateral neck-spot 3. palpehrom, p. 146. I without yellow neck-spot 4. lacnjmosa, p. 146. b Under surface clear yellow 5. 7nelanogenys, [p. 147. 1. Pcecilothraupis lunulata. Tanao-ra lunulata, Dv Bus, Btdl. Acad. Brvx. v). pt. 1, p. 439 (cum figO (1839) ; id. Esq. Orn. pi. 4 ; Bjy. Consp. i. p. 239. Tanaora (Euphone?) constantii, Boiss. Rev. Zoul. 1840, p. 3. 15. PCECII,0THRAUfI3. 145 Ag-laia ervthrotis, Jard. et Selbi/, III. Orn. n. s. pi. 36 (1840). Tanaj^n-a erythrotis, Less. Echo' d. M. S. 184.3, p. 947. Tanagra ig-niventris, Tsch. in Wieym. Arch. 1844, pt. 1, p. 287 ; id. Faun. Per. p. 205 ? Pcecilothraupis igniventri.s, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. .30. PcBcilothraupis lunulata, Sclater, P. Z. S. 185f!, p. 241, 1858, p. 551, 1860, pp. 76, 86 (Ecuador) ; id. Si/n. Ai\ Tan. p. 67 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 72; Scl. et Sah: Notnoirl. p.' 20 ; Wrjatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 325 (Colombia) ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 280 (W. Ecuador). Pcecilothraupis atricrissa, Cab. J.f. O. 1866, p. 165. PcBcilothaaupis lunulata atricrissa, Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 80 (Ecuador). Pcecilothraupis ignicrissa. Cab. J. f. 0. 1873, p. 317 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 514 (Centr. Peru), 1882, p. 13 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 482. Above black ; rump and lesser wing-coverts blue ; auricular patch scarlet : below scarlet, throat and fore neck black ; crissum black, or with the feathers more or less tipped with scarlet ; bill and feet black : whole length 7 inches, wing 3-8, tail 2-9. Female similar. JJab. Colombia, Ecuador, and N. Peru. In specimens from Ecuador (P. atricrissa, Cab.) the crissum is usually quite black without anj^ scarlet, but MM. v. Berlepsch and Taczanowski have shown (P. Z. S. 1884, p. 289) that this is not alwa3's the case. I have therefore given P. atricrissa only the rank of subspecies. Another subspecies is P. ignicrissa of Northern Peru, in which the crissum is said to be wholly scarlet. a, b. Ad. St. c. Ad. sk. d, e. Ad. sk. /. Ad. ; (/. Jr. sk. a. Subsp. typica. Colombia. Bon^ota. Bogota. Purchased. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. a. 2 ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. c. cJ ad. sk. d. Jr. sk. e,f. Ad. sk. g. Ad. sk. b. Subsp. atricrissa. Matos, Ecuador (Fraser). Andes of Ecuador (Jatne- son). Lloa, Ecuador (Fraser). Quito, Ecuador. San Lucas, Ecuador (Buckley). San Lucas, Ecuador (Buckley) . Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater CoU. 2. Pcecilothraupis igniventris. Aglaia igniventris, d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 32. Tanagra igniventris, d'Orb. Voy. p. 275, pi. 25. fig. 2 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 239 (partim) Ansiognathus igniventris, Sclater, Tan. Cat. Sp. p. 11. Pcecilothraupis igniventris, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 242; id. Syn. Ao. VOL. XI. I" 146 TANAGKID^. Tan. p. 68; Sd. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 678 (Cuzco), 1879, p. 600 (Bolivia); iid. Nomencl. p. 20; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 482. Above black ; rump and lesser wing-coverts and narrow edgings of wing- and tail-feathers blue : below scarlet, throat black; crissum uniform with abdomen ; bill and feet black : whole length 6 inches, wing 3'5, tail 2'5. Female similar. Hub. S. Pern and Bolivia. Only different from P. lunulata in having the wing- and tail- feathers edged with blue, and no traces of black on the crissum. a. Ad. sk. Bolivia {Buckley). Sclater Coll. b, c. Ad. sk. Tilotolo, Bolivia {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bolivia. T. Brido-es [C.]. e. Ad. sk. Cachupata, Peru (U7jei!tZ2/). Sclater Coll. 3. Pcecilothraupis palpebrosa. Tanagra palpebrcsa, Lafr. Jiev. Zool. 1847, p. 71 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 239. Anisognathus lacrimosus, Sclater, Tan. Cat. Sp. p. 11. Pcecilothraiipis lacrimosa, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 242 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 68 ; id. Cat. v4. ^. p. 73 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 780 (Merida), 1879, p. 500 (Antioquia); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 227; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 481. Poecilothraupis palpebrosa, Cab. J.f. 0. 1873, p. 317; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 194; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 80 (Ecuador). Above blackish ; rump, lesser wing-coverts, and edgings of wings and tail purplish blue ; sides of head blackish ; spot under the eye and on each side of the neck yellow ; under surface orange-yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 7 inches, wing 2"6, tail 1"9. Female similar. ffab. Yeuezuela (Merida), Colombia, Ecuador, and N. Peru. a. 2 ^^- ^^- Merida, Venezuela {Goe- Salvin-Godman CoU. 7-inf/). b, c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater CoU. d. Ad. sk. Colombia {Delattre). F,. Wilson, Esq. e. Ad. sk. Antioquia {Salmon). Sclater Coll. /, ff. cJ ad. sk. ; h. Santa Elena, Antioquia, Salvin-Godman Coll. 2 ad. sk. Colombia (Salmon). i, j. Ad. sk. San Lucas, Ecuador Salvin-Godman CoU. {Bt(ckley). k. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. /. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. m. $ ad. sk. Cutervo, Peru (Stokmann). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Poecilothraupis lacrymosa. Tachvphonus lacrimosus, ilri Bus, Esq. Orn. pi. 10; Bp. Consp. i. p. 237. Dubusia lacrymosa, Bp. C. R. xxxi. p. 424(1850). 16. BUIHRAtrpiS. j^-. Pcecilothraupis lacrymosa, Cab.J.f. O. 1873 xi ^17 ■ 1, p. 171 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 22. Buthraupis cucullata, Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 157, et 1856, p. 239 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 65 : id. Cat. A. B. p. 73 ; Scl. et Salo. P. Z. S. 1873, pp. 186, 780 (S. Peru), et 1879, p. 500 (Antioquia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 20; Tacz. P.Z.S. 1874, p. 513 (C. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 483. Above purple-blue ; head black : below, throat black ; abdomen yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 8-5 inches, wing 5-2, tail 3-6. Female rather duller in plumage. Hab. Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. At once distinguishable from B. montana by the absence of the silvery nape-band. In South-Peruvian skins the belly is rather more of an orange-yellow, and this colour ascends higher in the middle of the throat. a, b. Ad. St. Colombia. Purchased. c, d. Ad. sk. Bogot:i. Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Antioquia, Colombia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. /. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. y. Ad. sk. Ecuador (Gould). Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i. Ad. sk. Chiquinda, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. c? ad. sk. Iligos, Central Peru (Jp^s^z). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Ad. sk. Iluas.impilla, Peru ( Whitely). Sclater Coll. / Ad.sk. \ia^A-<\m\)\\\'A (Mliitdy). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Buthraupis chloronota. Buthraupis chloronota, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 97, pi. 64, 1856, p. 240, et 1858, p. 551 ; id. Si/tt. Av. Tan. p. 66 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 73 : Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 80. 16. BUTHRAUPIS. 149 Above green ; cap and lesser wiug-coverts blue ; wings and tail black, larger coverts and secondaries edged with green : below yellow ; sides of head, throat, and breast black ; bill and feet black : whole length 8-5 inches, wing 4-4, tail ;{-8. Fonalc similar. I^lah. Western Ecuador. Larger than B. eximia, and at once known by its wholly green back. a. 2 ad. sk. Matos, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. c. d. Ad.sk. Intaj, Ecuador (BiwJdci/). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Sical, Ecuador (L'uck/ei/). Salviu-Goduian Coll. f. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. y. Ad. sk. Ecuador (Gould). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Buthraupis eximia. Tanagra eximia, Boisf:. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. G6 ; Bj). Consp. i. p. 239. Tanagra (Saltator) eximia, Less. Descr. d. Momm. et Ois. p. 346. Buthraupis eximia. Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. "^9; Scl.P.Z.S. 1855, p. 157, et 1850, p. 240; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 66; id. Cat. A. B. p. 73; Set. et Sail}. Nomenel. p. 20. Above green ; cap, lesser wiug-coverts, and rump blue ; wings and tail black, greater wing- coverts and secondaries edged with green : below yellow ; throat, breast, and sides of head black ; bill and feet black : whole length 7 inches, wing 4-5, tail 3-5. Female similar. Hah. Colombia. Onl}' known to me from Bogota skins. Purchased. Sclater Coll. J. Gould, Esq. Salvin-Godmau Coll. a, h. .\d. St. Bogota. c, d. Ad. sk. Bogota. e,f. Ad. sk. Bogota. //. Ad. sk. Bogota. 5. Buthraupis arcsei. Buthraupis arctei, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 439, pi. 31 ; iid. Nomenel. p. 20; Salvin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 187 (Veragua) ; Salv. et Godtn. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aws, i. p. 27(). Above dark purplish blue : wings and tail black, edged with bluish ; lores and throat black ; abdomen yellow ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 5-5 inches, wing ;j'5, tail 2. Female similar. Hah. Veragua. The small size and dark bluish back at once distinguish this species. «, h. (S ? fid. sk. Cordillera de Cliucu, \'eragua {Afce). c. S ad. sk. Calobre, Veragua (Arcc). rf. .\d. sk. Veragua (Arve). Salviu-Godman Coll. (Types of tlie species.) Salviu-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. 160 TANAQRID^. 6. Buthraupis edwardsi. Buthraupis edwardsi, Elliot, Nouv. Arch. d. Mus. i. Bull. p. 77, tab. iv. tig. 2 (18U5) ; Salvin, Ibis, 1874, p. 307. Above olive-green ; cap and lores black ; sides of head blue ; wings and tail blackish, edged with bluish green : below yellowish olive ; throat black ; patch in the middle of the breast orange- yeUow ; bill horn-colour, darker above ; feet brown : whole length 5-5 inches, wing 3'3, tail 2-2. Female. Paler ; throat and head more olivaceous. Hah. Western Ecuador. A very distinct species, at once known by its yellow pectoral patch. a, h. (S ad. sk. ; Pasto, Ecuador {Lehmann). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 2 ad. sk. 17. COMPSOCOMA. Compsocoma, Cab. Mus. Hetn. i. p. 140 (1850) C. victonni. The four species of Compsocoma are all closely allied and have the under surface altogether of a brilliant yellow. The structure is much the same as in Buthraupis, but the bill is more produced and conical. This is again a group peculiar to the Andes of South America. Key to the Species. A. Whole under surface yellow. Back olive-green ]. victorini, p. 150. Rack black j rump greeuish 2. sumptuosa, p. 151. Back black ; rump blue 3. Jlavinucha, p. 152. B. Chin black ; rest of under surface orange .... 4. notabilis, p. 152. 1. Compsocoma victorini. Tachyphonus victorini, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1842, p. 336. Tanagra victorini, Bp. Consj). i. p. 239. Compsocoma victorini, Cab. Mus. Ilein. i. p. 140 ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 84, 1856, p. 238; id. Syn. Av. Tati. p. 64; id. Cat. A. B. p. 73; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 291 (Bucaramanga) ; I'acz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 80 (E. Ecuador). Above olive-green ; wings and tail black, edged with bright blue ; lesser wing-coverts purplish blue ; head black ; a broad medial stripe from the vertex to the uape and the body beneath bright yellow ; bill aud feet black : whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-6, tail 2-8. Female similar. Hab. Colombia and Eastern Ecuador. a. Ad. St. Bogota. Purchased. b. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. e-d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll e. Ad. sk. Colombia. J. Gould, Esq. /. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll 17. COMPSOCOMA. 151 2. Compsocoma sumptuosa. Tachyplionus sumptuosus, Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 463 ; Puch. Arch. Mus. Par. vii. p. 379, pi. 23. Tanao-ra sumptuosa, Bp. Consp. i. p. 239. Compsocoma sumptuosa, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 140; Sclater, P. Z. S. 185-5, p. 84, 185(3, p. 238, 1859, p. 139, et 1860, p. 86 (Ecaador) ; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 64 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 74 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela), et 1879, p. 50 (Antioquia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 20 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 513 (0. Peru), et 1882, p. 13 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 484. Tachyplionus flaviiiucha, Tsck. Faun. Per. p. 208. Tacliyphonus elegaus, Less. Echo d. M. S. 1844, p. 57 ; id. Descr. d. Mamm. et 0/s. p. 349 (?) ; Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 171. Compsocoma elegaus, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 140; Scl. Cat. A. B.f. 74. Compsocoma cyanoptera, Cab. J.f. O. I860, p. 235. Compsocoma sumptuosa evanoptera, Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 546, et 1884, p. 289 (W. Ecuador). Above black, passing more or less into olivaceous green on the rump ; wings and tail black ; lesser wing-coverts and outer margins of the wing- and tail-feathers bine ; head black ; a broad stripe from the vertex to the uape and the body beneath bright yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 7 inches, wing 4, tail 3"2. Female similar. Hah. Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. In examples from the vicinity of Quito the blue edgings to the wing- and tail-feathers are of the same hue as the shoulders (C. cyanoptera) ; in Venezuelan, Eastern-Ecuador, and Peruvian skiua the blue edgings are much brighter in hue ; but examples from Antioquia are more or less intermediate. {Cf. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 500.) a. Subsp. typica. a. Ad. st. Caracas, Venezuela. D. Dyson [C.]. h. c? ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela {Goering). Salvin-Godman CoU. c. Ad. sk. San Lucas, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. San Jos^, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. S ad. sk. Marca, Peru {Jelski). Sclater Coll. f. Ad. sk. Peruvian Amazons. Sclater Coll. g. Ad.sk. Eastern Peru (rsc/jKc?*"). Sclater Coll. a'. Intermediate between subsp. typica and subsp. cyanoptera. a. Ad. sk. St. Helena, Antioquia {Salmon). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Ketiro, Antioquia {Salmon). Sclater Coll. c. d. cJ $ad. sk. Retire, Antioquia {Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Subsp. cyanoptera. a. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. 6. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Purchased. c. Ad. sk, Ecuador. Sclater Coll. d, e. Ad. sk. Baisa, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman CoU. f. Ad. sk. Paste, Ecuador {Lehmann^. Salvin-Godman Coll. 152 tanagrid.t:. 3. Compsocoma flavinucha. Tachvphonus fl' pi. 21 ; aray, Gen. B. ii. p". 365. Tanagra flavinucha, Bp. Co/t-sp. i. p. 239. Compsocoma flavinucha, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 140 ; 8nl. P. Z. S 1856, p. 238 ; 7d. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 64 ; Scl. et Salv. Nometicl. p. 20 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 600 (Bolivia). Above black ; rump, lesser wing-coverts, and edgings of tail- feathers blue, edgings of primaries lighter blue ; broad nuchal band and body below bright yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length (5 inches, wing 3'5, tail 2'7. Female similar. Hah. Bolivia. At once recognizable by its blue rumj:). a. Ad. sk. Simacu, Bolivia (BiicMei/). Salvin-Godnian Coll. b. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Ymigas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Biicklet/). c. Ad. sk. Bolivia ( Buckley). Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. 4. Compsocoma notabilis. Tanagra notabilis, Jard. Edinb. N. Phil. Journ. u. s. ii. p. 119; Scl. P.Z.S. 1855, p. 84, pi. 91. Compsocoma notabilis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 239; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 65 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 74 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20. Above yellowish olive ; wings and tail black, larger wing-coverts . edged with blue, the smaller yellowisb olive like the back ; whole head and chin black ; large nuchal spot yellow ; body below orange- yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 7 inches, wing 3"6, tail 2-8. Hah. Western Ecuador. Very distinct, from its black chin and yellowish-olive back. a. Ad. sk. Quito {Jameson). Sclater Coll. h, c. Ad. sk. Intaj, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman CoU. d. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Salviu-Godman Coll. e,f. Ad. sk. Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. IS. DUBUSIA. Dubusia, Bp. C. R. xxxi. p. 424 (1850). The single species of this genus is aUicd to Compsocoma, but dis- tinguished by its more compressed bill with a more rounded culmen, and the longer tail. It is peculiar to the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador. 1. Dubusia taeniata. Tanagra (Tachyphonus) tasniatus, Boiss. Jiei\ Zool. 1840, p. 67. Tacliyplionus tseniatus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 237. Arremou taeniatus, Gray, Gen. B., App. p. 16. IHibusia titniata, Scl. Pl Z. S. 1855, p. 157, 1856, p. 237 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 63 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 74 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 21 ; iid. I 19. TANAGRA. 153 P. Z. S. 1879, p. 500 (Antioqiiia) ; Bed. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884 ^ p. 289 (Ecuador) ; Tacz. et JJerl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador). Tanagra selysia, Bp. Consp. i. p. 239. Dubusia selysia, Bp. Compt. Rend. xxxi. p. 424 (1850), et xxxii p. 81 ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 2:>>7 ; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 63 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 74; Scl. et Sah: Nomencl. p. 21. Above black, more or less tinged with bluish ; lesser wing-coverts light greyish blue ; wings and tail black, margined vdth. duU blue ; whole head and nape black ; the points of the feathers on the front and sides of the head and neck light blue, forming long well-marked superciliaries ; breast-band and crissum pale buff ; belly yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 7-3 inches, wing 3-7, tail S-s! Femak' similar. Bah. Colombia and Ecuador. Some examples from Ecuador (perhaps not quite adult) have the back olivaceous instead of bluish. Upon such Bonaparte established his D. selysia . Others agree well with Bogota skins. «, b. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater CoU. c, d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salviu-Godman Coll. e. 2 ad. sk. Santa Elena, Antioquia Salviu-Godman Coll. {Salmon). /, g. Ad. sk. Sical, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. j. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. J. Goidd, Esq. 19. TANAGEA. Type. Tanagra, Linn. S. N. i. p. 313 (17G6) Type not given, but Tanayra episcoptis by general consent. Thraupis, Boie, Isis, 1826, p. 974 T. archiepiscopus. The fourteen species comprehended in this genus are all of moderate size and typical structure. They are distributed throughoi;t the Neotropical Region from Southern Mexico to the southern limit of the forests in Bolivia and the Argentine Republic, but do not intrude on the Pampas. The species of the blue-grey section of this genus allied to 2\ eplscopus are very difficult to distinguish, and even with the large series before mo I do not pretend to have been able to arrange them satisfactorily. The nesting of several species of this genus is known to us. They build an open nest, like our Finches, and lay spotted eggs. {Cf. Euler, J. f. O. 1867, p. 41U.) Key to the Species. A. Rump uniform with back : sexes similar : A. I'lumage above and below of a bluish grey. . , . «. Lesser coverts silvery white : greater coverts slightly edged with white 1. episcopus, p. 164. greater coverts broadly edged with white 2. calestis, p. loo. 154 TANAGRID^. b. Lesser coverts violet 3. sclateri, p. 155. c. Lesser coverts blue : I smaller : head greyisli 4. cana, p. 156. I larger : head greenish white 5. ci/anoplera, p, 157. d. Lesser coverts greenish : ) breast grey 6. sayaca, p. 158. ( breast violet 7. glaiicocolpa, p. 159. B. Plumage above and below of an olive- green. e. No yellow on wings 8. palma7-u}n, p. 159. f. Wings ornamented with yellow : ' tips of lesser wing-coverts yellow .. 9. omnia, 'p. 161. I yellow speculum at the base of the primaries 10. abbas, p. 162. c. Plumage above yellowish olive ; head blue : abdomen cinereous 11. cyanocejihala, p. 162. abdomen blue 12. olivicyanea, p. 163. B. Hump yellow, distinct from back : sexes different : I interscapulium black 13. bonariensis, p. 164. ( interscapulium olive 14. darivini, p. 165. 1. Tanagra episcopiis. Episcopus avis, Briss. Orn. iii. p. 40. Tanagra episcopus, Limi. S. N. i. p. 316; Strickl. Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. p. 332 (1847) ; Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 670; Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 170 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 21 ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 157, 1856, p. 231 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 58 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 74 ; Scl. et Sulv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 571 (Para) ; iid. Nomend. p. 21 ; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 379 (Para); Pelz. Oni. Bras. p. 208; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 210 (Brit. Guian.). Tanagra glauca, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 364. Tanagra serioptera, >S'w. An. in Menag. p. 313 ; Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 670. Thraupis serioptera, Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 28. Tanagra leucoptera, G. R. Gray, in 3Ius. Brit. (Bogota) ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 74. Pale bluish grey, rather darker on the interscapulium, and tinged with violet on the rump and breast ; wings and tail blackish mar- gined with blue ; lesser wing-coverts clear bluish white ; bill dark horn-colour ; feet brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3-5, tail 2'5. Female similar, perhaps rather duller in plumage. Hah. Guiana, Lower Amazonia, and Colombia. Bogota skins show sUght indications of bluish-white edgings to the larger wing-coverts, and are thus varying towards T. ccelestis. They have been designated Tanagra leucoptera in G. R. Gray's MS. a. Subsp. typica. a, b. (J ad. sk. ; Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 2 ad. sk. {Jlliitely). d. (J ad. ak. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. ( Vf^itely). 19. TANAGRA. 155 e,f. (S ad. sk. ff, h. Ad. sk. t. Ad. sk. j. Ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana ( Jlliitely). Cayenne. Cayenne. Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. H. C. Eothery, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Ad. sk. Para, Amazons {Wallace). b. Subsp. leucoptera. a, b. Ad. sk. c, d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. Bogota. Bogota. Bogota. Sclater CoU. Purchased. J. Gould, Esq. 2. Tanagra ccelestis. Tanagra ccelestis, Spi.v, Av. Bras. ii. p. 42, pi. 55. fig. 2; Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 121 ; id. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 169 ; id. Note s. I. Tung. p. 20 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 115, 1856, p. 232, 1858, p. 453 ; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 58 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 75 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 180 (Ucavali), 1867, p. 749 (£. Peru), 1869, p. 597 (Cosni- pata), 1873," p. 261 (E. Peru), 1876, p. 16 (S. Peru) ; iid. Komsjicl. p. 21 ; Tacz. P. Z. 8. 1874, p. 513 kC. Peru), 1879, p. 227, 1880, p. 195 (N. Peru), 1882, p. 13 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 485 ; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador). Tanagra episcopus, S. 1837, p. 110. Tanagra diaconus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1850, pp. 142, 2.33, 303, 1859, pp. 59, 304, 1804, p. 173 ; id. Sya. Av. Tan. p. 59 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 75; Scl. et Salv. Ibis, \859, p. 10, 1800, p. 33; iid. P.Z.S. 1864, p. 350 (Panama), 1870, p. 830 (Honduras); Taylor, Ibis, 1860, p. Ill ; Salvin, P.Z. S. 1867, p. 138, 1870, p. 187 (Veragua) ; id. Ibis, 1872, p. 316 ( Cliontales) ; Laior. Ann. L. N. I', viii. p. 175 (Veragua), ix. p. 99 (Costa Pica); Sumichrast, 3Ieni. Bost. Sac. N. H. i. p. 550 (Vera Cruz) ; Frantz. J.f. 0. 1809, p. 298 (Costa Rica). Pale bluish grey, darker on the interscapulium ; bluish on the rump, and in some specimens on the breast ; wings and tail blackish, edged with greenish blue ; upper wing-ooverts bright shining blue ; bill dark horn-colour : feet black : whole length 6 inches, Ming 2*5, tail '2.U . Female similar. Hah. Southern Mexico, and throughout Central America to Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and N. Peru. There are slight variations in the shades of the blue and grey in examples from different localities, but on the whole 1 am .satisfied that the most reasonable plan is to refer all the birds from America north of Panama to this species, which extends soutliwards to Colombia and Western Ecuador. 19. TANAGRA. 157 a. 2 ad- sk. b. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. . Ad. sk. y. cJ ad. sk. r. 2 ad. sk. ^■, <. Ad. sk. M. Ad. sk. r, 10. S 2 ad. sk. X, y. Ad. sk. ; Jr. sk. z. 2 ad. sk. a'. 2 ad. sk. b', c'. S 2 ad. sk. d'. (S ad. sk. e'. Ad. sk. /'. Ad. sk. g'. Ad. sk. h', i'. Ad. sk. j'. Ad. sk. 'A;', v. Ad. sk. »»', m'. Ad. sk. o\ p' • 6 2 ad. sk. y', »*'. S 2 ad. sk. s'. Ad. sk. t' , u'. Ad. sk. v'. Ad. sk. M*'. Ad. sk. Orizaba, Mexico. Orizaba, Mexico. Mexico. Belize, Brit. Honduras (Blan- caiiemix). British Honduras. Retalhuleu, Guaty mala (Salvin). Duenas, Guatemala (Salrin ). Yaxcamnal, Guatemala ( Salvin). Lanquin, Guatemala (SaJvin). San Pedro, Honduras ( Whitehj). Irazu Distr., Costa Rica {Rogers). Tucurriqui, Costa Eiea (Arce). Punta Arenas, Costa Rica (Sa/rin). Bebedero, Nicoja, Costa Rica (A)-cc). Costa Rica (Cnrmiul). Santa Fe, Veragua {Arce). Calovevora, Verapua {Arce). Verao-ua {Arce). Paraiso Station, Isthmus of Panama {Hughes). Panama {McLeannnn). Santa Marta. Santa Marta, Colombia {Simons). Santa Marta, Colombia (Simms). Medellin, Antioquia {Saimo>i). Medellin, Antioquia [Salmoti). Bogota. Bogota. San Esteban, Venezuela {Hanke). Venezuela. Trinidad. Tobago {Kirk). Tobago P Babahoyo, Ecuador {Fraser). Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Quito. Puna Island, Guyaquil ( T'illa- gomez). Loja, Ecuador. Choco Bay, Pacific coast of Colombia. Salvin-Godraan Coll. Purchased. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Salvin- Salvin-( Coll. ■Godman Coll. •Godnian Coll. Godman Coll. Godnian Coll. ■Godman Coll. Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll, Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Sclater Coll. J. Gould, Esq. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Kellett and Wood [C.]. Kellett and Wood [C.]. 5. Tanagra cyanoptera. Lindo saihobi, Azar. Pa.r. i. p. 370. Saltator cvanopterus, Tleill. Noui\ Diet, xiv p. 790. ■ p. lOi : id. F»c. Meth. 158 tanagridjE. Tanagra sayaca, Max. Beitr. iii. p. 484 ; Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 176 (c?) ; Sd. et Sah. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 600 (Bolivia). Tanagra virens, Siickl. Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. p. 332 (1847). Aglaia episcdpu.s, cVOrh. et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 33. Tanagra episcopus. Hartl. Ind. Az. p. 6; d'Orb. Voy. Ois. p. 274; Sw. Om. Dr. pi.' 39 (adult). Tanagra inornata, Sw. Om. Dr. pi. 40 (jr.) ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 238. Tanagra argentata, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 364. Tanagra pra3latu.s, Less. Tr. d' Om. p. 402. Tanagra cvanoptera, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 170; id. Note .s. /. Tang. p. 21 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 233 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 59 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 75 ; Sd. et Salv. P. Z. S. "1868, p. 139 (Buenos Ayres) ; iid. Nomend. p. 21 ; Hudson, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 114 ; Hamilton, Ibis, 1871, p. 303 ; Berl. J.f. O. 1873, p. 240. Thraupis cyanoptera, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 29 ; id. J.f. 0. 1866, p. 305. Bluish grey with a greenish tinge above ; below much paler, especially in the middle of the belly ; wings and tail blackish, edged with greenish blue ; lesser wing-coverts bright shining blue (nearly as in T. cana) ; bill dark plumbeous ; feet brown : whole length 6-6 inches, wing 3-9, tail 2-8. Female similar, but rather less brilliant in colour, and lesser wing-coverts greenish blue. Hah. Southern Brazil, Paraguay, Buenos Ayres, and Bolivia. The large size and greenish tinge on the head render this species readily distinguishable from T. cava. It is, however, very difficult in some cases to decide whether specimens should be referred to this species or to T. sayaca. This is specially so in Bolivian and Argentine examples, where the blue of the lesser wing-coverts is not so bright as in specimens from Southern Brazil. a,b. cJ $ ad.sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). c, d. J 9 ad. sk. Sao Paulo, Brazil {Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. c5' ad. sk. Pelotas, liio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman CoU. Brazil (Joyner). f. Ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio da Salvin-Godman Coll. Janeiro {Yotids). g. Ad. sk. Rio Grande do Sul (Plant). Sclater Coll. h, i. (S 2 ad. sk. S. Brazil. Sclater Coll. j, k. /.,Ois. p. 274 ; Sw. Orn. Dr. pi. 38 ; Cab. in Schomh. Oman. iii. p. 070 ; Burm. Si/st. Ueb. iii. p. 175; Leotaud, Ois. Trin. p. 295; Tsch. Faun. Per., Ave.'f, p. 204 Thraupis olivascens, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 28. Tanao-ra melanoptera, Hartl. MS. ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 235, 1858, p. 74 (Rio Napo) et p. 453 (Ecuador), 1860, p. 292 (Ecuador); id. Si/n. Ac. Tan. p. 61 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 76; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 200; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 350 (Panama), 1866, p. 180 (Ucayali), 1867, p. 740 (E. Peru), 1868, p. 627 (Vene- zuela) ; Salv. P. Z.S. 1867, p. 13S (Veragua) ; Fruntz. J. f. 0. 1869, p. 298 (Costa Rica) ; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 326 (Colombia) ; Bei-- lepsch, J.f. O. 1873, p. 243 (S. Catharina) ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 513 (C. Peru) ; Laivr. Ann. Lye. .iV. Y. ix. p. 99 (Veragua). Tanagra p dmarum violilavata, Bvrl. vt Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 546 (Ecuador). Tanagra palniarum melanoptera, Berl. J.f. O. 1884, p. 291 (Ecuador) ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 486. Taugava eveque, femelle, Desm. Tang. pi. 16. Olive-green, lighter on the head and darker on the back ; wings and tail brownish black : wing-coverts edged with olive like the back ; bastard wing, reraiges, and rectrices more or less margined with darker olive ; under wing-coverts pale olive ; under surface of wing-feathers towards their bases creamy white: bill dark horn- colour ; feet brown : whole length 7"5 inches, wing 3-8, tail 3. Female similar, but rather smaller. Bah. From 8. Brazil and Bolivia northwards to Trinidad, Vene- zuela, Colombia, Panama, and Costa ilica. The western form {T. nwlanojdira) is hardly distinguishable as a species, as there are many intermediate grades ; but in general there are no olive-green edgings to the wing- and tail-feathers in western specimens. In Guiauan skins these edgings are slightly manifest. a. 8ubsp. tripica. a,b. cS ^ ad. sk. Perr.ambuco (Forbes). Sclater Coll. c, d. Ad. sk. Pernambuco {Forbes). Salvin-Godraan Coll. e,/. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (TT^itcAc/-f 7-). Salviu-Godman Coll. g. Sk. Brazil. M. Claussen [P.]. h, i. S ad. sk. ; Brazil. Sclater Coll. j. 2 ad. sk. (Varieties from captivity.) b. Subsp. melanoptera. a. Ad. sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica {Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad.sk. Costa Rica (C'annto/). Sclater CoU. c. 5 ad. sk. Santiago de Veragua {Arve). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Paraiso Station, Isthmus of Salvin-Godman Coll. Panama (Hughex). e,f. d 2 ad. sk. Panama (MeLeannan). Salviu-Godman Coll. ff,h. cS 2 ad. sk. Panama {MeLeannan). Sclater Coll. i. 2 ad. sk. ./. Ad. sk. k. 2 ad. sk. /. Ad. sk. m. Ad. sk. 71. Ad. sk. 0. Ad. sk. p, q. Ad. sk. r. cS ad. sk. s. d ad. sk. t. Ad. sk. ?<, i). Ad. sk. w. Ad. sk. a. Ad. sk. 6, f. (5' 2 ad. sk. d,c. c? 2 ad. sk. /. $ ad.sk. ff. Ad. sk. h. Ad.sk. «. Ad. sk. 1!). TAXAGRA. Minca, U. S. of Colombia (Si?no7is). Santa Marta, Colombia. Remedies, U. 8. of Colombia. Bogota, Colombia. Bogota, Colombia. Ivio Napo. Rio Napo. Saiayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Yquitos, E. Peru ( Whitchj). Saravacu, Peru (JJliife/j/)'. Cangalli, Bolivia {Buckley). Bolivia. c. Intermediate forms. British Guiana (Whitely). Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana ( Whitely). Roraima, J>rit. Guiana {Whit.'ly). Maroui R., Surinam (Kappler). Island of Mexiana, Lower Amazons ( Wcdlace). Island of Mexiana, Lower Amazons ( Wallace). Trinidad (?). 0. Tanagra omata. 161 Salvin-Godman Coil. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-CTodman Coll. Salviu-Godmau Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-C.Todman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Tanagi-a ornata, Sparrm. Mus. Carls, pi. 95 ; Stc. Orn. Dr. pi 42 • Bp. Consp. i. p. i>;38 ; id. Rev. Zool. Lsol, p. 170 ; id. Xote s. I Tanq p. 21 (partim) ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 231 ; id. &i/ii. Av. Tan p. 00: id. Cat. A. B. p. 76; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 21 ; Barm Sy.st. Ueb. iii. p. 174; Hamilton, Ibis, 1871, p. 30-3 (S. Paulo)- Berl. J.f. O. 1873, p. 242 (S. Catharina) ; Pelz. Orn. Bras. -p. 209' lanagra archiepiscopus, Desm. Tan. pis. 17 et 18 ; Spix, At: Bras. ii. p. 42, pi. 55. f. 1 ; Ma.c. Beitr. iii. p. 481 ; Cab. in Schonib. Gaiaii 111. p. 670. Tbraupis ornata, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 28. Above olive-green, interscapulium darker, head blue : wings and tail blackish, margined with olive ; lesser wing-covcrts bluisht with bright yellow edgings : below grey, strongly washed with blue on the throat, breast, and flanks : under wing-coverts creamy white ; inner margins of wing-feathers ashy ; bill black, feet brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 3-8, tail 3. 'Female similar, but rather paler Hah. S.E. Brazil. a. Ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio de Janeiro ( Youds). b, c. 2 ad. sk. Sao Paulo, Brazil (Juyner). d. Ad. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Juyner). e. (S ad. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 162 tanagridjE. f. A.d. sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. y, h. Ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. i. Ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. j, k. Ad. sk. Brazil. M. Clausseu [P.]. 10. Tanagra abbas. Tanag^ra abbas, Licht. Preis- Verz. p. 2, no. 70 (1831) ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 235, 303, 1858, p. 358, 1859, pp. 364, 378, 1864, p. 173 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 61 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 76 ; Sclater et Salvin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 836 (Honduras) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 21 ; Sumichrast, Mem. Post. S. N. H. i. p. 550 ; Lamr. Bull. JJ. S. Nat. Mus. no. 4, p. 19 ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 189 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 278. Tanagra (Aglaia) vicarius. Less. Cent. Zool. pi. 68. Tanagra vicarius, Bjj. Cotisj). i. p. 238 ; id. P. Z. S. 1837, p. IIG; id. Eev. Zool. 1851, p. 171 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 22 ; Scl. et Salv. Bis, 1859, p. 16 (Guatemala); Moore, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 69 (Honduras) ; Taylor, Ibis, 1860, p. Ill (Honduras). Thraupis vicarius, Cah. Mus. Hein. i. p. 29. Olive-green ; interscapulinm darker, slightlj' variegated with black; head blue ; wings and tail black; wing- coverts olive ; pri- maries and secondaries crossed by a bright yellow band : below brighter and rather more yellowish : throat tinged with bluish ; bill dark horn-colour, feet brown : whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-9, tail 2*8. Female similar, but rather duller in colour. Hah. South Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras. a, b. Ad. St. Mexico. Purchased. c. Ad. sk. Orizaba, Mexico. Purchased. d. Ad. sk. Jalapa, South Mexico {de Oca). Salvin-Godman Coll. e,/. Ad. sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. y. Ad. sk. Behze, Brit. Honduras {Blanca- Salvin-Godman Coll. neaux). h. Ad. sk. Cahabon, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. {. Ad. sk. Coban, Vei-a Paz {Salving. Salvin-Godman Coll. ;. c?ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (;S'«Zmh). Salvin-Godman CoU, k. Ad. sk. Cbisec, Vera Paz {Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. I. Ad. sk. Dueiias, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad. sk. Retalhuleu, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. n. Ad. sk. San Pedro, Honduras (JF7«eYe?»/). Salvin-Godman Coll. 11. Tanagra cyanocephala. Aglaia cyanocepliala, <^'0/'6. etLafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 32. Tanagra maximiliaui, d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 276, pi. 23. f. 2. Tanagra cyanocephala. Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 364 ; Bj). Consp. i. p. 238 ; Tsch. Faun. Per. p. 205; Sclatei-, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 236, et 1859, p. 139; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 62; id. Cat. A. B. p. 77; ^-e^. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 21 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 501 (Antioquia) et p. 600 (Bolivia) ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 513 (C. Peru), 1879, p. 227 (N. Peru), 1882, p. 13 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 490 ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 290 (Ecuador). Thraupis cyanocephala, Cab. Mus. Hein, i. p. 29. 19. TANAGEA. 163 Dubusia cyanocephala, Sclate)\ P. Z. S. 1855, p. 157, et 1856, p. 2o6. Dubusia auricrissa, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 227. Tanagi-a auricrissa, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 236 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 62 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 77 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 780 (Venezuela) ; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 326 (Colombia). Tanaofra subcinerea, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 129 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 77 ; Leotaud, Ois. Trin. p. 296. Above dark yellowish olive, cap blue ; sides of head blackish : below cinereous ; flanks and crissum yeUow, more or less tinged with olive ; under wing-coverts and inner webs of wing-feathers bright yellow ; bill dark horn-colour ; feet brown : whole length 6'5 inches, wing 3-5, tail 3. Female similar. Hah. Andes of Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. In the Colombian form i^T. c. auricrissa) the crissum is of rather a brighter yellow ; in the Venezuelan bird {T. c. subcinerea) the under surface is rather more ashy. rt, h. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. /. Ad. sk. //. Ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. i. Ad. sk. _/. Ad. sk. a. Ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. c,d. c^2 ad. sk. e. 2 ad. sk. /. Ad. sk. g. Ad. St. a. Ad. sk. b. Ad. sk. a. Subsp. typica. Ramosani, Bolivia {Buckley). Tilotilo, Bolivia {Buckley). Bolivia. E. Peru (Tschudi). Puuamarca, Peru (Jehki). Pallatanga, Ecuador (Praser). Ecuador. San Lucas, Ecuador ( Villayomez). Jima, Ecuador {Buckley). b. Subsp. miricrissa. Bogota. Antioquia (Salmon). Retiro, Antioquia {Scdmon). Santa Elena, Antioquia {Salmon). Canuto, Magdalena valley {Wyatt). Colombia. c. Subsp. subcinerea. Venezuela. Trinidad. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godmau Coll. T. Bridges [C.J. Sclater Coll. Sclater CoU. Sclater Coll. Sclater CoU. Salviu-Godmau CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. (Type of T. auricrissa, Scl.) Sclater CoU. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. Sclater CoU. (Type of T. subcinerea, Scl.) Sclater CoU. 12. Tanagra olivicyanea. Tanagra olivicyanea, Lafr. Eev. Zool. 184-3, p. 69 ; i?/>. Consp. i. p . 238 ; Sclafer, P. Z. S. 1856", p. 237 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 63 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 77 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 21 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela). Tachyphonus oUvicyaneus, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 365. Dubusia olivicyanea, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 157. m2 Ig4 TANAGKID^. Above dark yellowish olive ; whole head and body beneath bright blue ; crissum yellowish olive ; under wing-coverts and thighs sulphur- yellow ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 7 inches, wiug 3-6, tail 2-9. i^ema?e similar. Bah. Andes of Venezuela and Colombia. Like T. cyanoa'pliala, but at once recognizable by the bright blue head and under surface. a, h. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. c. 5 ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela ( Goe- Salvin-Godman Coll. ring) . d, e. Ad. sk. Venezuela (?). J. Gould, Esq. 13. Tanagra bonariensis. Loxia bonariensis, Gm. S. N. i. p. 850. Lindo celeste oro v negro, Azara, Apunt. \. p. 377. Tanagra striata, Gm. 8.N. i. p. 899; cTOrb. Voy., Ois. p. 273; £p. Consp. i. p. 239 ; Hartl. Lid. Az. p. 6 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 97 (note), et 1856, p. 236 (partim) ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 77; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 21 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 139 (Buenos Ayres), 1869, p. 597 (S. Peru), 1879, p. 600 (Bolivia) ; White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 596; Tacx. Orn. Per. ii. p. 489. Tanagra chrysogaster, Ctiv. Peg. Anim. i. p. 3G6 (1829) ; Ptich. Arch. Mus. Par. vii. p. 344. Aglaia striata, Lafr. et d'Orh. Sijn. Av. i. p. 32; Danviii, Zool. Voy. ^Beagh, iii. p. 97 (partim). Tanagra darwini, Gray, Zool. Voy. Beagle, iii. pi. 34. Lores, region round the eyes, and back black ; rump orange ; head all round and edgings of wings and tail blue : abdomen yellow, passing iuto orange on the breast ; bill horn-colour, lower mandible whitish ; feet brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 3-6, tail 2-8. Female. Greyish brown ; beneath paler, tinged with yellowish olive on the rump and throat. Hah. South Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentine Republic, and Bolivia. a. S ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. h. 2 ad.sk. Bio Grande do Sul (P/««^). Sclater CoU. c, d. cT ? ad. sk. Uruguay. A. Peel [C.]. e f rT 2 ad. sk. Maldouado, Uruguav. Bm-nett aud Fitzrov (7 2 ad sk. Corrientes, Arg. Rep. Sclater Coll. "' ^ ■ (White). /(_ 9 ad. Punta Lara, Buenos Ayres. H. Uuruford [C.]. t rj ad sk PampiHs, Argentiuas (L^y- Salvin-Godman Coll. hold). j k. (S 2 ad. sk. Mendoza, Arg. Rep. {Bur- Salvin-Godman Coll. meistei'). I. (J ad. sk. Ciuti, Bolivia (Buekley). Salvin-Godman Coll. »». 6 i^- sk. Bolivia. Sclater Coll. 20. SPIXDALIS. 165 14. Tanagra darwini. Tanagra darwinii^^^. p. Z. S. 1837, p. m ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 18-58 pp. 4o3, 551 (Ecuador), 1800, p. 86, 1866, p. 97 1867 p 341 i- \^\\^^Jc^ P- ^^^' ^S*^^' P- 569, 1869, p. 151, 1876: p 16 fS Peru), et ] 879, p. 600 (BoUvia) ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874 p 5 3(0 Peru) 1880 p. 195 (X. Peru), 1882, p. 13 (N.E. Peru)? £ O.-l '^'i ' p. 488 ,BerL et Tacz. R Z S. 1884, p. 290 (Ecuador). ' Tanagra fru-ileg„s, Tsch. Wiegm. Arch. 1844, pt. 1, p 986 • id Oalliste friigilegus, Bp. Consp. i p -^m ^'i;? w7''l7™"'^^°"'' ^^'- ^""- ^"°^- ^^^' P- 1^'5 ^'^^^ ^"^'''''' Aglaia strikta, Darwin, Zool. Vol/. Beagle, iii. p. 97, pi. 34 (partim) Tanagra striata, Sclafer, P Z. ^.1856, p. 2.35 (partim). ^P*"'^""^' Lores and line round the eye black ; back olive-green ; rump yeUow; head and neck all round, and edges of ^ings and Z blue: abdomen yellow; bill hom-colour, lower mandible whitish- feet brown : whole length 6-7 inches, wing 3-5, tail 2-9. Kmcde. ti';iwX"i?owi.:r^ "^^^^ ''-'^'-'^ '-'^^ p^^--' ^^^-- ffab. Bolivia, Peru, and Western Ecuador l^.?^^'V'f"''f'^ ^li^ /.striata, hut (juite distinct and easily known by the olive back of the male. "^ «. dad. sic. TilotiloYuugas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (BucA-tei/). d % i^f- '''■ !"''*"' ^'''li^r (£'"^^^1^!/)- Salvin-Godman Coll. '^- ^ ''^- ^''^- Arequipa S.W. Peru Salvin-Godman Coll. ( // /life/i/). e, .f. d 2 ad. sk. Western Peru ( Tschudi). Sclater Coll. : f fooA 1 ^^araynioc, Peru (J./.;l^•). Sclater Coll. ik i 9 J- i p'"^' ^T^°' (^"i;^-%)- Salvin-Godman Coll. ■/'J;; ^ L 1 1 • S"'^^^^' Ecuador ( J-;mw). Sclater Coll. '' '''■ ^ ? ^'i- '^- Ecuador. L. Eraser [C.]. 20. SPINDALIS. Spindalis /«r^. et Selb^Ill. Orn. n. s. tab. ix. (1836) . . S. nigilcephala bpizampehs, Brganf, Proc. Bast. Soc. N. H x p •■>.53 (^^66) ^ :..:.. S.pretiii. This is a small group peculiar to the Antilles. It is hardly different in structure from TaiHKjra, but may be kept distinct con- veniently on account of its distribution and peculiar ornamentation The male dress is of a brilliant orange, varied with black and white stripes and markings. The females are duller and distinct in plumage. The nest of ^S". nkjrkephala, as described by Gosse is open and cup-shaped, and placed in trees or shrubs. The en-o-s are spotted. "" 166 TANAGEID^. Key to the Species. A. Rump olive like the back. Nape olive like the back 1. nigricephala, p. 166. Nape orange 2. portoricensis, p. 167. B. Rump chestnut, distinct from the back. Back dark oUve. Nape yellow ; belly yellow 3. multicolor, p. 167. Nape orange ; belly white 4. pretrii, p. 168. Nape chestnut ; be'lly white 5. benedicti, p. 168. Back black ; nape ches'tnut 6. zena, p. 169. 1. Spindalis nigricepliala. TaBagra nigricephala, Jameson, Ed. N. Phil. Journ. xix. p. 213 (1835) ; Gosse, III. B. Jam. pi. 56. Spindalis bilineatus, Jard. et Selb. III. Orn. n. s. pi. 9 (1836). Tanagra zena, Gosse, B. Jam, p. 231. Tanagra zenoides, Des Murs, Icon. Orn. pi. 40 (1847). Spindalis nigricephala, Bp. Consp. i. p. 240 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 230, 1861, p. 74 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 66; id. Cat. A. B. p. 77 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 21. Yellowish olive ; head, wings, and tail black ; broad superciliaries, edgings of greater wing-coverts and remiges, and terminal spots on inner webs of outer rectrices white : below orange-yellow ; throat black, with a large white patch on the chin, and a broad mystacal band on each side white ; flanks and lower part of belly greenish yellow ; under wing-coverts and crissum white ; bill and feet black : whole length 7 inches, wing 3-8, tail 3. Female. Above olive, more yellowish on the rump ; wings black, edged with white ; tail blackish, with slight olivaceous edgings and white terminal spots on inner webs of outer rectrices : below yellow, breast passing into orange, flanks into olive : throat grey ; middle of belly, crissum, and under wing-coverts white. Hah. Jamaica. a. S ad. st. Jamaica. Purchased. b, c. cJ 2 sk. Jamaica. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 42 ; .•Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 130 ; id. Sgn. -Av. Tan. p. o4 : Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 21 ; Laior. Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. vii. p. 331 (Panama) ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 4tl4 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 284. Eamphopis melauogaster, Sio. An. in. Men. p. 359 (1838) ? Eamphopis luciani, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 363. Head and ueck all round dark crimson ; middle of back, wings, and tail black ; lower back and abdomen bright scarlet, with a large patch in the middle of the belly and the thighs black; bill black, base of lower mandible bluish white ; feet black : whole length 7'3 inches, wing 3*4, tail 3*2. Female. Above dark brown, wings and tail blackish ; rump and bodj- below reddish brown, throat darker. Hah. Panama, Colombia, and Peru. Allied to R. dimidialm, but at once recognizable by its black back. In R. dhnidiatMS the back is of the same dark crimson as the bead. a, b. cJ ad. sk. E. Peru {Farris). Sclater Coll. c,d. S 2 ad. sk. E. Peru {Farris). Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. Rhamphoccelus uropygialis. Ramphocelus uropvgialis, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 178 ; id. Note s. I Tang. p. 29 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 130 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 54 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 79; Salvin, Ibis, 1866, p. 193; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 21 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Ares, i. p. 284 t. xviii. tig. 2. Rampliocelus afiinis. Lesson, R. Z. 1840, pp. 1, 133 (?). Above brownish black ; lower part of rump and upper tail-coverts bright crimson ; head and ueck all round dark crimson ; abdomen bright crimson, with a central patch on the belly and slight fiammulations on the sides black : thighs black ; bill black, lower mandible except the tip bluish white ; feet brown : whole length G-y inches, wing 3*3, tail 3-1. 174 TANAGRID^. Hah. Guatemala. This species is most like 11. luciani, but at once recognizable by the blood-red uropygium and upper tail-covcrts, the rest of the back being dark brownish black. The type specimen is at present unique. a. (5' sk. Guatemala. SclaterCoU. (Typeof a. urojjygialis, Bp.) 7. Ehamphoccelus jacapa. Taiiagra jacapa, Linn. S. A. i. p. 313; Gm. S. A^. i. p. 888; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 419. Rampbocelus pinpureus, Vieill. Enc. Metli. p. 796. Ramphopis atrococcineus, Sw. Orn. Dr. pi. 20 ; Cah. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 668. Kamphocelus jacapa, Less. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 132 ; i?^j. Consp. i. p. 241 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. ] 28 ; id. Syu. Av. Tan. p. 62 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 78 ; Burm. Syst. TJeh. iii. p. 172 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 180 (Ucayali), 1867, pp. 571, 749, 977 (Amazonia), 1869, p. 597 (S. Peru) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 21 ; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 379 (Lower Amazonia) ; Tacz. P. Z. *'. 1882, p. 14 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 491 ; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador) ; Salv. This, 1885, p. 210 (Brit. Guiana). Ramphopis jacapa, G7-ay, Gen. B. ii. p. 363. Rampbocelus venezuelensis, Lafr. Pev. Zool. 1853, p. 243 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 129 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 53; id. Cat. A. B. p. 79 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela). Rampbocelus magnirostris, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1863, p. 243 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 129 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 53 ; id. Cat. ^. i?. p. 79 ; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 82 (Trinidad) ; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 581 (Trinidad). Rampbocelus unicolor, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 128, 1867, p. 19, et 1858, p. 453 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 52 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 79. Red-breasted Tanager, Lath. G. H. vi. p. 2. Tangara pouipre de Cayenne, Daub. PL Enl. 128. Tanagra albirostris, Bodd. Tail. p. 8 (1783). Rampbocele bec-d' argent, Desm. Tang. tabb. 30, 31 . Rampbocelus albirostris, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 210. Rampbocelus atrosericeus, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 211 (part.). Dark velvety black, more or less glossed with crimson ; head and neck all round and breast dark crimson, which is brightest on the breast and gradually passes into black on the belly ; under wing- coverts black ; bill black, widened base of lower mandible bluish grey; feet black: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-2, tail 2-9. Female. Dark brownish black ; face, rump, and body beneath dark rosy rufous ; bill and feet brown. Hah. Guiana, Venezuela, Trinidad, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Upper and Lower Amazonia, and Brazil. A more careful study of an extensive series of this Tanager has induced me to sink under one head three geographical forms which I formerly recognized. I cannot even make distinct subspecies of them. A specimen of Natterer's from Goyaz, referred by Heir v. Pelzeln to R. atrosericeus, belongs also, in my opinion, to this 21, RHAMPHOCCELtrS. J^g species, although it is nearly black on the back. But I have seen similar examples from other localities: a. c? ad. St. b. 2 ad. St. c. d. c^ 2 ad- sk. «,/. c? ad. sk. !/■ d ad. sk. h. (S ad. sk. i. d ad. sk. ./, fc. d $ ad. sk. /. d ad. sk. »'. 2 ad. sk. «. c? ad. sk. o. d jr. sk. p. d ad. sk. y? =• d ad. sk. «'. d ad. sk. 6'. d" ad. sk. c'. d ad. sk. d'. d ad. sk. e'. d ad. sk. /'. d ad. sk. .9', /»'. d ad. sk. ; «'. 2 ad. sk. British Guiana. British Guiana. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana ( Wliitely). Roraima, Brit. Guiana iWhitehj). Georgetown, Brit. Guiana {Brown). Cayenne. Oyapoe, Cayenne. Mexiana, Lower Amazons ( Wallace). Para, Lower Amazons ( Wallace). Para, Lower Amazons ( Wallace), Amazons ( Wallace). Nauta, Amazons. Pebas, Eastern Peru {Haux- well) . Rio Napo. Sarayacu, Ecuador {Buckley). Gualaquiza, Ecuador {Fraser). Ecuador. Bogota. Bahia, Brazil ( Wucherer). Goyaz, Brazil {Natterer). {R. magnirostris.) Caracas, Venezuela {Goerhiq). Venezuela {Salle). Trinidad. Trinidad. Pui'chased. Roy. Geogr. Soc. [P.], Salvin-Godman Coll. Sahin-Godman Coll. Selater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll, Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Sclater Coll. L. Eraser [C.]. Sclater Coll. (Types of It. unicolor.) Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Sclater Coll. 8. Rhamphoccelus atrosericeus. Ramphocelus atrosericeus, i«/r. e« ^'O;-^,. ,SV«. .4. i „ 2,X- rVn.h Voy., Ois. p. 280 nl 2fi fio- 1- t^.^j r 7, ^" ' ^^>o- Comp.l-p.24ti il P Aw 'fi.^TI- ^"'- P- -06; Sp. ,. RHA/B V -'xP".., (^- Peru), 187a p. 16 fS Pern^ 1«7Q p. 600 (Bolivia); tid. Nomencl. p. 21: Tac P 7 k ^R7A Ih (nest) ; id. Oni. Per. ii. p. 49.3 ^ ' ' ^ *' ^^'^' P- ^12 Ramphopis atrosericeus, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p 363 Kamphocelus aterrimus, Lafr. R. Z. 1853, p. 244 (jr ) 176 TANAGRIB^. Female. " Blackish ; rump, breast, belly, and crissum reddish brown" (cVOrb.). Young male. Nearly uniform brownish black. Hub. Bolivia and Southern Peru. Distinguishable from R. jacapa by the absolutely black back and belly. a, b. J ad. sk. Bolivia. Selater Coll. c. ? ad. sk. Bolivia (Bndqes). Selater Coll. <^, e. c? 2 ad. sk. Bolivia. " T. Bridges [C.]. f, ff. (S 2 <'^d. sk. Kamosaui, Bolivia (Bucl-lry). Salvin-Godinan Coll. /*. S ad. sk. Ramosani, Bolivia (Uucklci/). 8clater Coll. i. c? ad. sk. Bolivia. Salviu-Godniau Coll. J. (S ad. sk. ; Bolivia. Purchased. k. d jr. 9. Ehampliocoelus passerinii. Ramphocelus passerinii, i)^5. Antolof/ia, 1831, no. 130, p. 3; id.Consp. i. p. 24:3; Less. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 133 (excl. syn.) ; Selater, P. Z. S. ISoP). pp. 130, 142 ; irh Syn. Av. Tan. p. 54 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 79 ; Svlnt. et Sale. Ibis, 1859, pp. 5, 16, et 1860, p. 32 (Gua- temala) ; iid. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 278 (Mosquitia), 1870, p. 836 (Hon- duras) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 21 ; Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 467, 1872, p. 316 (Choutales) ; id. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 138, et 1870, p. 187 (Veragua) ; 3Ioore, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 59 (Honduras): Cab. J. f. O. 1860, p. 330 (Costa Rica) ; Taylor, Ibis, 1860, p. Ill (Honduras) ; Frantz. J. f. 0. 1869, p. 299 (Costa Rica) ; Salr. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am'., Aves, i. p. 281 ; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 175 (Chiriqui) et p. 179 (Nicaragua), ix. p. 99 (Costa Rica). Ramphopis passerinii, Bp. Notes Orn. p. 52. Ramphopis Hammigerus, Baird, Stansbury's Exp. to Gt. Salt Lake, App. p. 330 ? Velvetv black ; lower half of back and upper tail-coverts bright crimson-red ; bill bluish lead-colour, darker at tip ; feet black : -whole length 6*2 inches, wing 3-1, tail 2"7. Female. Above yel- lowish olive, darker on the interscapulium ; wings and tail brownish black ; head and neck aU round greyish brown ; abdomen yellowish olive tinged with grey. Hah. Central America, from Honduras and Guatemala to Chiriqui. a, 6. c? ? ^^- st. Coban, Guatemala. Purchased. c,d. 2ad.sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (. 242; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 132, 303, et 1859, p. 377 ; id. Syn. Av.' Tan. p. 56 ; id. Cat. A. B.Y>.80; Sclat. et Salv. Ihis. 1859, p. 16; iid. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 278 (Mosquitia), 1870, p. 836 (Honduras) ; Zawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 99 (Costarica) ; Moore, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 59 (Peten) ; Salvin, Ilm, 1872, p. 316 (Chontales) ; Frantz. J. f. 0. 1869, p. i99 (Costa Rica) ; Svmichr. Mem. Boston Soc. N. H. i. p. 549 (^Vera Cruz). Phlogothraupis sanguinolenta, Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 21 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 285. 23. CALOCn^ETES. 179 Dull black ; back of head and neck behind united to a broad band on the breast, and upper and under tail-covcrts and under winp;- coverts scarlet ; bill uniform plumbeous ; feet dark brown : whole length 7"2 inches, wing 3'7, tail 3-5. Female similar. IIa/>. Central America, from Southern Mexico to Costa Rica. a. Ad. sk. b, c. cJ ad. sk. ; $ ad. .sk. e. Jr. sk. /. Ad. sk. (/. Ad. sk. h. Ad. St. i,j. Ad. sk. k. cJ ad. sk. I. Ad. sk. . Ad. sk. Ad. sk. S. Mexico. d. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Vera Paz (Salvhi). Belize {Blancanean.r). San Pedro, Honduras ( Whltely). Honduras. Chontales, Xicaragua {Belt). Antjostura, Costa Rica ( Car- miol). Navarro, Costa Rica( Cooy^e?-). Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (^ircej. Central America. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Codmau Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. D. Dyson [C.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Pm-chased. 23. CALOCH.ffiTES. Euchastes, Sd. P. Z. S. IS-'tS, p. 7;j Calochffites, Sd. Ibis, 1S79, p. :i'3 (Arg. Rep.) ; id. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 192. Pyranga coccinea, Bunn. La Plata Reise, ii. p. 479. Above dull rosy red ; interscapulium and wing-edgings with a decidedly cinereous tinge : below much brighter, nearly uniform rosy red, rather duller on the sides ; bill dark plumbeous, with a very slight commissural tooth ; feet dark brown : whole length 7'2 inches, wing 3-S, tail 3-1. Female. Greyish olive; beneath yellow, passing into cinereous on the flanks and belly. Hub. Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentine Republic, and Bolivia. Apparently quite distinct from P. saira, as above pointed out, and most nearly related to P. he_putica, but of smaller size. a. S ad. sk. h, c. (S ad. sk. ; d, e. 5 fid. sk. /. S ad. sk. ; g. S jr. sk. h. cS ad. sk. i. (S ad. ; j. $ ad. ; k. S jr. sk. I. (5 jr. ; m. 2 ad. sk. n, o. S ad. sk. p, q. S ad. sk. Uruguay. Cordova, Arg. Rep. {White). Cordova, Arg. Rep. ( JVhite). Salta, Arg. Rep. {Burn- fovd). Salta, Arg. Rep. Tucuman (Dumfurd). Cinti, Bolivia {Buckley). Bolivia. Alan Peel [C.]. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. H. Durnford [C.]. Pm-ebased. Salvin-Godman Coll. T. Bridges [C.]. 8. Pyranga hepatica. Pyranga hepatica, Siv. Phil. Muq. n. s. i. p. 438 (1827) ; Sclater, P.Z.S. 1856, p. 124, 1857, p. 213, ] 858, p. 303, 1859, pp. 364, 377, ]864, p. 373 (Mexico); id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 48; id. Cut. A. B. p. 81 ; Sclat. et Sal v. Ibis, 1859, p. 15 ; iid. l\oviencl. p. 22 ; Baird, 24. Pl'RAXGA. 187 B. N. Am. p. 302 ; Smnichr. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. S. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz) ; Ridg^v. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 18G9, p. 132 ; Lawr. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. H. ii. p. 274 (N.W. Mexico) ; id. Bull. U. S. N. M. no. 4, p. 19 ; Ridgic. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1869, p. 132 ; Baird, Brew., et Ridgw. N. A. B. i. p. 440; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 192 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 291. Phoenicosoma hepatica, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 25. Phffinisoma dentata, LicJit. in Mus. Berol. Pyranga azarae, Sityreaves Re}), p. 82 (New Mexico). Above dull rosy red, with a strong cinereous tinge on the back (except the rump), cheeks, and scapularies ; wings dark cinereous, edged with dull ros}' red ; tail dull cinereous tinged with rosy red, with brighter margins : below bright rosy red, flanks washed with cinereous ; bill dark plumbeous, with a slight median notch ; feet clear brown : whole length 8 inches, wing 4'1, tail 3'3. Female. Above olive, front yellowish, lores blackish ; beneath yellowish olive. Hah. Arizona, Mexico, and Guatemala. Nearest to P. azane, but of larger dimensions, and with greyish cheeks and a more decidedly cinereous tinge on the back. a, h. cj jr. sk. c. (S ad. sk. d, e. cJ 2 ad. sk. /. c? ad. sk. g,h. (5 5 ad. sk. i. (5 ad. sk. j. 2 ad. sk. k. is ji"- sk. Arizona (Henshmv). Villa Alta, Mexico {Boucard). Mexico City. Jalapa, Mexico {de Oca). Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Mexico. Mexico. Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. ydater CoU. Purchased. Sclater Coll. J. Gould, Esq. Salvin-Godman Coll. 9. Pyranga roseigularis. Pyranga roseigularis, Cabot, Bost. Jovrji. N. H. v. p. 416 ; Schit. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 6 ; id. B)is, 1873, p. 125, t. 3 ; Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 15 ; Salvin, Ibis, 1874, p. .327, 1885. p. 190 ; Laicr. Ann. N. Y. Ac. Sc. ii. p. 245 ; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 443 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 293. Above dark cinereous ; cap and margins of wing and tail dark rosy red : below pale cinereous ; throat, middle of abdomen, and crissum rosy red ; bill pale brown, with a slight commissural tooth ; feet brown : whole length G'o inches, wing 3-1, tail 2'7. Female. Above dark cinereous, cap, wings, and tail washed with yellowish ; beneath pale cinereous, throat and crissum washed with yellowish. Hah. Yucatan. A very well-marked and peculiar species, apparently confined to Northern Yucatan and Cozumel Island. a. (S ad.sk. Chem Jonat forest, Yucatan Salvin-Godman Coll. {Gamner). b. (5jr.sk. Tzalam, Yucatan (Ga««ie)-)- Salvin-Godman CoU. c. Jr. sk. Cozumel Island {I)evis). Salvin-Godman Coll, d-f. 5 ad. sk. ; g-i. Cozumel Island (6-'. F. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2 ad. sk. Guumcr). 188 TANASRID^. 10. Pyranga rubra. Tanagra rubra, Linn. S. N. i. p. 314 ; Gm. S. N. i. p. 889 ; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 420 ; Wils. Am. Orn. ii. p. 42, t. xi. figs. 3, 4 ; Aud. Orn. Biogr. iv. p. 388, t. cccliv. ; Desm. Tang. t. 34. Tangara du Canada, Daub. PI. Enl. 156. fig. 1. Red Tanager, Lath. G. H. vi. p. 5. Pyranga rubra, Sw. North. Zool. ii. p. 273 ; Jard. Wils. Am. Orn. i. p. 192 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 241 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 156, 1856, p. 123, et 1858, p. 73 ; id. Sgn. Av. Ta7i. p. 47 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 80 ; Salvin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 187 (Veragua) ; id. Ibis, 1872, p. 316 (Choutales); id. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 191; Gosse, B. Jamaica, p. 235 ; Jones, Nat. Bermud. p. 31 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z, S. 1864, p. 352 (Panama), 1879, p. 501 (Antioquia\ 1879, p. 601 (Bolivia) ; iid. Nomejicl. p. 22 ; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 479 (Te.xas) ; Laiur. Ann. Lye. N. Y. viii. p. 331 (Panama), ix. p. 99 (Costa Rica) ; Snmichr. Mem. Bost. Soe. N. H. i. p. 5oO (Vera Cruz) ; Baird, Brew., et Ridi/w. N. A. B. i. p. 435 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 514 (C. Peru); Gundl. J. f. O. 1859, p. 298, 1861, p. 328, et 1872, p. 421 (Cuba); Fra)iiz. J.f. O. 1869, p. 299 (Costa Rica); Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 287; Berlepsch, J.f. O. 1884, p. 292 (Bucaramanga) ; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador) ; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 55 (Costa Rica), 1883, p. 443 (Yucatan). Phffinicosoma rubra, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 24 ; id. J.f. 0. 1855, p. 477 (Cuba). Pvi'anga erythromela?, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, xxviii. p. 293 ; id. Enc. "Meth. p. 800. Above and below scarlet ; wings and tail black ; bill horn-colour, feet brown : whole length 6"7 inches, wing 3'8, tail 2"8. Female. Olive, beneath more j-ellowish ; wings and tail brown. Hah. Eastern N. America (in summer) and throughout the Antilles and Central America to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia (in winter). a,h. c? $ ad. st. c,d. cJ 5 ad. sk. e,f. J- 6 2 ad.sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. 2 fid. sk. Chisec, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. I. cJ ad. sk. Savana Grande, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvi7i). w. S ad. sk. ; Sources of R. de la Pasion, Gua- Salvin-Godman Coll. n. cJ jr. sk. ; temala (Salvin). 0. 2 ad. sk. p. Salviu-Godmau Coll. c. 5 ad.sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (5^^t7l/e^/J. ) Salvin-Godman Coll. (Tj^pes of the species). d,e. (5 2 ad. sk. Chamicuros {Hauxwell) . J. Gould, Esq. f. cJ ad. sk. Eg'i) Amazons. Purchased. 6. Phcenicothraupis fuscicauda. Phcenicothraupis fuscicauda, Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 86 (Costa Pica) ; Aves, i. p. 302 ; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 55 (Costa Rica). Phcenicothraupis erythrolfema, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 83. Phcenicothraupis ruhicoides, Laur. Ann. L. N. T. vii. p. 297 (Panama) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1865, p. 171 (Costa Rica). Above dull testaceous red ; median crest scarlet, the crest-feathers more or less tipped with ashy brown like the sides of the head; wings and tail externally ashy brown, with a slight reddish tinge 20O taxageid.t;. on the outer margins of the latter : below brighter testaceous red mixed with ashy ; throat bright rosj- red ; wings and tail beneath pale cinereous, under wing-coverts slightly tinged with rosy ; bill dark horn-colour ; feet pale brown : whole length 7 3 inches, wing 4, tail 3"8. Female. Above olive-brown, without any indication of the median crest ; below much paler, yellowish on the throat. Ilab. Nicaragua, Costa Ilica, Panama, and vicinity of Santa Marta, Colombia. A large species, distinguished bj' its half-concealed crest, which has no signs of the lateral blackish border, but is partially tipped with dull ashy brown, and the ashy-browu wings. a. (5 ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Jcmseti). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. (^ ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 5 sk. Nicaragua (A'm^/«((/). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. d. (S ad. sk. Nicoya, Costa Rica (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. c? ad.sk. Panama (ilfcZeaMwa?;). Salvin-Godman Coll. /. $ ad. sk. Lion Hill Station, Panama Salvin-Godman Coll. {3IcLeannan). g, A. cT 2 ^d. sk. Panama (llcZecmntm). Sclater CoU. i. c? ad. sk. Santa Marta, Colombia. Sclater Coll. (Type of P. enjthroJcema, Sclater.) 7. Phcenicothraupis salvini. Phoenicothraupis salvini, Berl. Ibis, 1883, p. 487 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Cenfr.-Am., Aves. i. p. 303. Phoenicothraupis rubicoides, Boucard, P. Z. S. 188.j, p. 443 (Yucatan). Above testaceous red ; crest scarlet, the feathers slightly tipped with brown, which is the colour of the front and sides of the head ; wings ashy brown, with margins like the back; tail like the back but rather duller : below rosy red, with a strong cinereous tinge on the abdomen ; under surface of wings ashy, of tail reddish ashy ; bill dark plumbeous ; feet pale brown : whole length 7*2 inches, wing 3'9, tail 3-6. Female. Above brown, without signs of any median crest ; below brighter brown, yellowish on the throat and middle of the belly. Hah. S. Mexico, Yucatan, Honduras, and Guatemala. I follow Graf v. Berlepsch and Messrs. Salvin and Godman in placing this species as distinct and as the northern form of F. fusci- cauda. But I must say I find some difficulty in distinguishing the males of P. ruhicoiJes and P. i^alviui in some cases, although the females (if correctly understood) are obviously different. The male of P. salvini seems distinguishable from that sex of P. fuscicauda by the reddish tinge of its tail below. «. tS ad. sk. Mexico. Purchased. h. S jr. sk. ; e. Mexico. Sclater Coll. $ ad. sk. d. cS ad. sk. Mexico. J. Gould, Esq. e. cJ ad. sk. ; /. Tehuantepec (Siimic/irnsf). Salvin-Godman Coll. djr. sk. I 29. LANIO. 201 g. S ad. sk. Tzalani, Xoithem Yucatan Salvin-Godman Coll. ( Gaumer). h. (^ ad. sk. Belize (BUincaneaux). Salvin-Godmau Coll. i. S iid. sk. Corosal, British Honduras {Roe). Sah-in-Godiuan Coll. j. c? ad. sk. : k, Chisec, Vera Paz {Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. I. 2 ad. sk. 8. Phcenicothraupis cristata. PhcEnicothraupis cristata, Luwr. Ann. L. N. Y. xi. p. 70 (Bogota) ; Scl. et Salt-. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 582 (Antioquia). Above diill brownish testaceous ; wings dark brown with external testaceous edgings : tail nearly uniform testaceous red ; elongated vertical crest scarlet : below slightly paler ; sides of head, throat, and upper breast bright red, almost rosaceous ; under surface of wings and under wing-coverts cinereous ; bill dark horn-colour ; feet brown : whole length 7'5 inches, wing 3-7, tail 3"4. Female similar, but rather smaller, not so bright, and wings externally brown. JIdb. Colombia. Very easily distinguished from all the preceding species by its long projecting crest. a, b. c? 2 ad. sk. Antioquia (Scilmon). Sclater Coll. c. (^ ad. sk. Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. 9. Phcenicothraupis gutturalis. (Plate XI.) Phcenicothraupis gutturalis, .St/. Ann. X. IT. 18.54, xiv. p. 2o ; id. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 156, 185'), p. 120 ; id. Si/ti. Av. Tan. p. 44 ; Wi/att, Ihh, 1871, p. 326 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. oS-2 (Antioquia) ; iid. Nomenvl. p. 22. Xearly uniform blackish grey above and below ; projecting vertical crest bright scarlet : throat scarlet, paler in the centre ; bill black; feet dark brown : whole length 7*3 inches, wing 3-9, tail3-6. Female similar, but rather smaller, and paler in colour. Hah. Colombia. a. (^ ad. sk. Colombia. Purchased. (Type of the species.) b. c5' ad sk. Remedios, Antioquia (Salmoti). Sclater Coll. r. 2 ad. sk. Remedios, Antioquia {Sal»207i). Salvin-Gudman Coll. d. (5 ad. sk. Nichi, Antioquia {Sabnon). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. 5 ad. sk. Naranjo, U. S. C. ( Wi/atf). Sclater Coll. 29. LANIO. lype. Lanio, Jleill. Analyse, p. 40 (1816) L. atricapillus. Pogouothraupis, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 669. . . . L. atricapillus. In typical Lanio the curious commissural tooth of this section of the Tuna(jri)ia' takes its greatest development, and the upper man- 202 TANAGRID^. dible has also a strong terminal hook. The feet are weak, the tail long and rather squared at its extremity. The Lmiiones are mostlj- clad in 3-ellow and black, with black heads, black wings, and a more or less pronounced white scapi;lar patch. Thej' range from South Mexico to Bolivia, but are not found in South-eastern Brazil. Structure of Lanio auranfms. Key to tlie Species. A. Size large ; rump yellow or black. a'. Throat black 1. aurcmthis, p. 202. b'. Throat white : rump yellow 2. lencothorax, p. 203. rump black 3. melunopyyius, p. 203. B. Size small ; rump orange : j throat black ; gr. wing-coverts black . 4. africajnllus, p. 204. j throat olive ; gr. wing-coverts white . 6. versicolor, p. 204. C. (Only known in immature dress) 6. hncrencii, p. 205. 1. Lanio aurantius. Lanio aurantius, Lafr. i?«'. ZooL 1846, p. 402 ; I)u Bus. JEsq. Oin. t. 21 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 240 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, ])p. 119, 303, et 1857, p. 229 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 43 ; id. Cat A. B. p. 83 ; Sclat. et Salr. Ibis, 1859,"p. 15 (Guatemala) ; iid. E.r. Orn. p. 61, t. 31 ; lid. Nomfncl. p. 22 ; Suviichr. Mem. Bast. »Soc. K. If. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz); Latvr. Bull. U. S. N. M. no. 4, p. 19 (N.W. Mexico); Salv. et Godm. Biol. Cetifr.-A>n., Ares, i. p. 304. Above and below bright yellow : head and neck all round and a. 6 ad. sk. h, c. 62 ad. sk. (I. 6 ad. sk. e. d ad. sk. f- 2 ad. sk. ff- d ad. sk. h. 2 ad. sk. i. 6 ad. sk. i 29. LANio. 203 ■wings and tail black ; lesser upper -wing-coverts and under wing- coverts -white ; breast stained -with orange ; thighs black ; bill black; feet brown : whole length 7"5 inches, wing 4-2, tail 3'8. Female. Above dark olive-brown ; rump j-ellowish brown ; head greyish olive : beneath greenish yellow, throat grey ; crissum stained with orange ; under wing-coverts whitish. Hab. Southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. S. Comapan, South Mexico Sclater Coll. (Salle). British Honduras (Blan- Salvin-Godman Coll. caneau.i'). CJuatemala (Salvin). Sclater CoU. Cohan, Vera Paz (Constancid). Salviu-Godman Coll. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. Chisec, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. I\amkhal,Guatema]a('S'afcwi). Salvin-Godman Coll. Honduras (Dyson). , Purchased. 2. Lanio leucothorax. Lanio leucothorax, Sali\ P. Z. S. 1864, p. 581 (Veragua) ; id. Ibis, 1873, p. 317 (Niearao-ua) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1865, p. 171 (Costa Eica) ; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 299 (Costa Rica) ; Scl. et Salv. Ex. Orn. p. 63 (part.), t. 32 ( 2 ) ; iid. Nommcl. p. 22. Above and below bright yeUow ; head, wings, and tail black ; lesser upper wing-coverts, i;nder wing-coverts, and middle of throat white ; thighs black ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 7'S inches, wing 4-1, tail 3"S. Female. Above olive-brown, head greyish: beneath orange-brown; throat greyish; middle of belly yellow. Hah. Nicaragua and Costa Eica. The white throat at once distinguishes this species from L. aurantius, which it otherwise closely resembles. a, b. S ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 2 ad. sk. Angostura, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Canniol). d,e. (5 2 ad.sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (^rce). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Lanio melanopygius. Lanio leucothorax, Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 139, et 1870, p. 188 (Veragua); Scl. et Salv. F.v. Orn. p. 63 (part.), t. 32 (6); Hd. Komencl. p. 22. Lanio melanopygius, Pidc/w. Pr. U. S. N. M. 1883, p. 412 (Costa Rica) ; Salv. ei Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 305. Above bright yellow ; head, wings and tail, and lower half of back black ; lesser upper wing-coverts, under wing-coverts, and throat white ; thighs and crissum black, the latter sometimes slightly tipped with yellow ; bill black : feet brown : whole length 7'S inches, wing 4-1, tail 3-8. Female. Above olive-brown , head greyish; be- neath orange-brown ; throat greyish, middle of belly yellow. Hab. Costa llica and Veragua. 204 tanagPvId.t:. A representative form of L. leucotlwra.v, distinguishable by the black lower back. The crissiim is also black, but in some specimens the feathers are slightly edged with yellow. a. (S ad. sk. b. S ad. sk. c. S jr. sk. d,e. cJ 2 ad. sk. ; f. 6 jr. sk. g. S ad. sk. h. 5 ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arce). Cordillera de Toll, Veragua (Arce). Santiago deVeragua(^/re'). Bugaba, Ohiriqiii (Arce). Veragua (Arce). Verao-ua, Salvin-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Arce [C.]. 4 Lanio atricapillus. Tangara jaune a tete noire, Daub. PL Enl. 809. fig. 2. Tanagra atricapilla, Gm. S. N. i. p. 899 ; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 224. Lanio atricapillus, I'ieill. Noiiv. Diet, xvii. p. .305; id. Enc. Meth. p. 741; id. Gal. Ois. p. 223, pi. 138; Bp. Consp. i. p. 240; Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 156, 1856, p. 118, et 1858, pp. 72, 454; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 42 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 83 ; Scl. et Salv. Ex. Orn. p. 64 ; iid. Nomencl. p. 22 ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 193 ; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 211 (Brit. Guian.). Pogonothraupis atricapilla, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 669. Black-headed Tanager, Lath. G. IT. vi. p. 14. Above and below orange-yellow, passing into dark orange-brown on rump and fore neck ; head all round and wings and tail black ; a portion of scapularies white : under wing-coverts M'hite stained with ferruginous ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 6-3 inches, wing 3-6, tail 3-1. Female. Brown ; rump and body below paler ; throat washed with cinereous ; under wing-coverts pale fulvous. Hab. Cayenne, Guiana, Colombia, and Ecuador. a. (S ad. St. b. (J ad. sk. c. (^ ad. sk. d. e. (S $ ad. sk. /. S ad. sk. ff. S ad. sk. /(, i. J ad. sk. /. J ad. sk. k,l. c? 2 ad. sk. m. cJ ad. sk. n. 2 ad. sk. S. America. Cayenne. Cayenne. Bartica Grove, British Guiana ( Whitely). Merunie Mts., British Guiana ( Whitely). li. Atapurow, British Guiana ( Whitely). Bogota. Monji, Ecuador (i?M(:A7«/). Sarayacu, Ecuador {Buckley), Ecuador {Buckley). llio Napo. 5. Lanio versicolor. Purchased. Sclater Coll. H. C. llothery, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater CoU. Tachyphonus versicolor, d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 28. Pyi-anga versicolor, d'Orb. Voy. p. 262, pi. 19. fig. 1. Lanio versicolor, ia/r. P. Z. 184U, p. 203; Gray, Gen.B. ii. p. 364; Bp. Cu7isp. i. p. 240 ; 'Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 119 ; id. Syn, Av. Tan. p. 43 ; 30. TACHYPHONTJS. 205 Scl. et Sah: P. Z. S. 1873, p. 185 (S. Peru) et p. 262 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 601 (Bolivia) ; iid. Ex. Orn. p. 64 ; iid. ]S'omt7icl. p. 22 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 513 ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 500. Above bright yellow, passing into orange on the upper back ; head black, the feathers of the vertex slightly tipped with olivaceous yellow ; wings and tail black, wing-coverts white : below yellow, passing into orange on the breast ; throat greenish olive ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 6*3 inches, wing 3-4, tail 3. Female. Above orange-brown, brighter on the rump, more olivaceous on the head : below bright brownish orange, middle of belly yellow ; under wing-coverts ashy white. Hah. Bolivia and South Peru. The large expanse of white on the wing-coverts and the olive throat render this species readily recognizable. The tooth on the commissure is but -slightly apparent. a. cjjr.sk.; b. $ Cosnipata, Peru (nV^Vc/^). Sclater Coll. ad. sk. c. c? ad. sk. Cosnipata, Peru (Tlldtely). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. S fid. sk. Rio .Tavari. Purchased. e. (S ad. sk. Bolivia. Purchased. C. Lanio lawrencii. Tachyphonus atricapillus, Laicr. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1868, p. 360. Lanio lawrencii, Sclater, Ibis, 1885, p. 272, t. vi. fig. 2. Above olive-green, with indications of black coming out on the interscapulium ; wings and tail brownish black edged with olive ; upper surface of head and nape black ; sides of head brownish ; throat greyish white ; middle of abdomen ferruginous orange ; sides passing into olive ; under wing-coverts white ; bill blackish, pale at the base below ; feet clear brown : whole length 4"8 inches, wing 2-4, tail 2-2. Hab. Trinidad {Alexander'). Mr. Lawrence having kindly sent me his unique example of this species for examination, I have come to the conclusion that it is a young male of a species of Lanio, allied to L. versicolor, and re- markable for its small size. 30. TACHYPHONUS. Tvpe. Tachyphonus, Vieill. Analyse, p. 33 (1816) T. mejaleucus. Pyrrota, Viei.ll. Analyse, p. 45 (1816) T. melaleucus. Comarophagus, Boie, Isis, 1826, p. 074 T. melaleucus. In the smaller and weaker Taclu/phoni the dental tooth is hardlv apparent, but the general conformation is that of Lanio. The genus consists of twelve or thirteen species, which do not range higher in Central America than Costa Kica, but extend southwards to Para- guay and Bolivia. The nesting of T. melaleucus has been well described by Euler 206 TANAGRIB.E. (J. f. 0. 1SG7, p. 40S). The nest is placed in thick bushes near the ground, and is open and cup-shaped. The eggs are flesh-colour, marked and spotted with dark reddish. See also a figure of the egg of this species, P. Z. S. 1879, pi. xlii. fig. 5. Key to the Sjjecies. A. Head without a vertical crest. a. Head black. a'. Rump black. a". Bend of wing pure white : ' larger : lesser wing-coverts black 1. 7nelaleiicics, p. 206. I smaller : lesser wing-coverts ( white 2. luctuosus, p. 208. b" . Bend of wiug white, with a red spot 3. phccniceus, p. 208. h' . Rump yellow 4. xanthopi/f/iiis, p. 209. b. Head yellow 5. chrijsomelas, p. 210 B. Head with a median vertical crest. c. Lower back pale fulvous. c' . BeUv black. c". With a fulvous throat-spot 6. cristatus, p. 210. d". Throat uniform black, without any spot; j crest fulvous 7. sitrinamus, p. 211. I crest orange 8. nattereri, p. 213. d' . Belly rufous 9. rujiventris, p. 213. d. Lower back black. e' . Under wing-coverts white : rest scarlet 10. coronatus, p. 213. I crest yellow 11. nitidissimus, p. 214. f . Under wing-coverts black . . 12. delattrii, p. 215. 1. Tachyphonus melaleucus. Oriolus melaleucus, Sparnn. 3Ii(s. Carls, no. xxxi. (1787). Tangara noir d'Amerique, Daub. PL Enl. 179. fig. 2 {S )■ Le Tangaroux de Cavenne, Daub. I'l. Enl. 711 ( $). Tanagra rufa, Bodd.'Tabl. d. PI. Enl. p. 44 (1783). Oriolus leucopterus, Gm. S. N. i. p. 392 (part.) (1788). Tanagra nigerrima, Gm. 8. N. i. p. 81)9; Eesm. Tang. tt. 45, -iC; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 534. Tachvphouus leucopterus, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, xxxii. p. 358; id. Enc. Mkh. p. 803; id. Gal. Ois. p. 113, pi. S'l ; D'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 277. Pyrrota leucoptera, Bp. Consp. i. p. 238. Tachypbonus nigerrimus, Sw. Quart. Journ. Sc. 182(5, p. 62 ; Lafr. et d'Orb. Syn. Av. i. p. 29; Cab. in Scliomb. Guian. iii. p. 669; id. Mus. Hein. i.'p. 22; Burin. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 166. Tachvphonus melaleucus, Sclater, P. Z. 8. 1856, p. 113 ; id. 8i/n. Av. Tan. p. 37 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 84 ; 8alv. Cat. 8trickl. Coll. p. 194 : Scl. et Salv. P. Z. 8. 1864, p. 351 (Panama), 1867, p. 571 (Lower Amazons), 1868, p. 167 (Yeuezuela), 1876, p. 16 (S. Peru), 1879, p. 503 ( Antioquia) ; iid. Ex. Orn. p. 68; iid. Nvmvnd. p. 23; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 82 (Trinidad) ; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 327 30. TACHXPnONFS. 20: (Colombia) ; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 379 (Lower Amazons) ; Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 333 (Pernambuco) ; Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 212; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 331 (Panama) ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 15 (X.E. Peru); Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 582 (Trinidad); Zeledon, Vat. Avvs Costa Rica, p. 7 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Ares, i. p. 309 ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 504 ; Berl. J. f. O. 1881, p. 292; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 211 (Brit. Guiana). Pyrrota valerii, /. ^- E. Verr. R. Z. 18.55, p. 351. Tachyplionus valerii, IScl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 114; id. 8yn. Av. Tan. p. 38. Tacbyphonus beaupertbu-^-i, Bp. C. R. xxxii. p. 82 (1851) ; Scl. Cat.. A. B. p. 85 ; Levtaud, bis. Trin. p. 299. Uniform silky black ; upper lesser Aving-coverts and under wing- coverts pure white ; bill and feet black : whole length 7 inches, ■wing 8-6, tail 3-2. Female. Rusty brown, below rather paler ; bill dark horn-colour ; feet brown. Hab. Costa Rica, Panama, and S. America down to S.E. Brazil and Peru. a. (S ad. sk. b. S ad. sk. c,d. (5 2 ^d. sk. e,f. c? 2 ad. sk. g. 2 ad. sk. h. (j ad. sk. i. (S ad. sk. ; j. ^ jr. sk. k. cJ ad. sk. I. S ad. sk. m. 2 ad. sk. n. S ad. sk. 0, p. 2 ad. sk. q. S ad. sk. r, s. c? 2 ad. sk. t. cJ ad. sk. u,v. ,5 2 ad. sk. IV. 2 ad. sk. X. J ad. sk. y. S ad. sk. s, a'. cJ ad. sk. ; b'. 2 ad. sk. 'c',d'. c? 2 ad.sk. e' . c? ad. sk. ;/'. jr. sk. (/. S ad. sk. h'. cT ad. sk. t'J'- S 2 ad.; W. 6 jr. St. Costa Rica (Van Patten). Veragua (Arce). Panama (Arcs). Panama (McLeannan). MedelUu, Colombia {Sahnon). Eemt'dios, Antioquia, U. S. C. (Salmon). Bogota. Venezuela. Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela. Trinidad. Trinidad. Tobago (Kirk). Cayenne (Jelski). Cayenne. Bartica Grove, British Guiana ( Whitely). Para, Lower Amazons (Wal- lace). Rio Tocantins ( Wallace). Baiao, Rio Tocantms ( Wallace). Pernambuco, Brazil ( W. A. Forbes). Pernambuco ( W. A. Forbes). Bahia ( Wuckerer). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. Sclater CoU. D. Dvson [C], D. Dyson [C.J. Sclater Coll. Zool. Soc. CoU. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Sclater CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Rio Claro, Goyaz, BrazU (Joy- Salvin-Godman Coll. ner). Rio I'arana (Xatterer). Salvin-Godman Cull. S. America. Pm-chased. 208 TANAGEID-E. 2. Tachyphonus luctuosus. Tachvphonus luctuosus, Lafr. et (TOrb. Si/n. Av. i. p. 29; Sclnter, P.^Z. S. 1854, p. 115, 185o, p. 156, 1856, p. 114, 1860, pp. 274, 292 ; id. Sij7i. Av. Tan. p. 38 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 85 ; Sd. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 351 (Panama), 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela), 1879, p. 503 (Antioquia) et p. 601 (Bolivia) ; u'd. Ex. Oni. p. 68 ; iid. Numencl. p. 23 ; Peh. On}. Bras. p. 213 (Int. of Brazil) ; Cas.nn, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1860, p. 141 (Truando), et 1865, p. 171 (Costa Rica) ; Lawr. Ann. L. K. Y. vii. p. 297 (Panama), ix. p. 100 (Costa Pica) ; Frantz. J. f. O. 1809, p. 299 (Costa Pica) ; Fmsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 582 (Trinidad) : Sahin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 188 (Veragua) ; id. liii, 1872, p. 317 (Niearap-ua) ; id. Cat. Sfrickl. Coll. p. 194; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 332 (W. Ecuador) ; Sfdv. et Godm. Biol. Cenfr.- Am., Aves, i. p. 310 ; Bed. J.f. O. 1884, p. 292 (Bucaramano-a) ; Ridg^o. P. U. S. N. M. 1883, p. 412 (Costa Rica) ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 547 (W. Ecuador) ; Salvin, Ibis, 1885, p. 211 (Brit. Guiana). Pyranga luctuosa, d'Orb. Voy. p. 263, pi. 20. f. 1 J, 2 2 • Lanio tenuirostris, Bp. Consp. i. p. 240. Tachyphonus albispeciilaris, Leotaud, Ois. Trin. p. 300. Silky black : lesser wing-coverts and under wing-coverts white ; bill black, at base plumbeous ; feet black : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-5, tail 2-1. Female. Olive; head greyish ; beneath yellow, throat whitish ; under wing-coverts white. Nab. Nicaragua, Costa Eica, Panama, and S. America down to Trinidad and Guiana on the east and Bolivia on the west. Not found, apparently, in the main valley of the Amazons, but obtained by batterer on the Madeira and on the Bolivian frontier of Brazil. a. c? ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Jansen). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, c. cJ ad. sk. ; Angostiu-a, Costa Eica ( Car- Salvin-Godman Coll. (5 jr. sk. miol). d. tS ad. St. Panama (Arc.e). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. (S ad. St. Chepo, Panama (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. /. S ad. sk. Santa Marta, Colombia. Sclater Coll. g. (S ad. sk. Remedios, Antioquia i^Suhnon). Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i. S 2 ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater CoU. J. (5' jr. sk. Bogota. Purchased. k, I. (5 2 ad. sk. Santa Eita, Ecuador {Villa- Salvin-Godman Coll. (/omez). m,n. S 2 ad.sk. Esmeraldas, Ecuador {Fraser). Sclater Coll. 0. (S ad. sk. Bolivia. Sclater Coll. p. S ad. sk. Eng. do Gama, Brazil {Natt.). Salvin-Godmau Coll. q. (S ad. sk. ; r. Trinidad. Sclater Coll. 6 jr- sk. s, t. cT ad. sk. ; Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana. Salvin-Godman Coll. u. 2 ad. sk. 3. Tachyphonus phceniceus. Tachy]ihonus phceniceus, Siv. An. in Men. p. 311 (Peru) ; id. Class. B. ii. 'p. 285; Bp. Cmisp. i. p. 237; td. sk. Bibalaz, Chiriqui {Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. (/. (S ad. sk. Chiriqui {A7-ce). Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i. J 2 fid. sk. Chiriqui {Arcf). Sclater Coll. j. 2 ad. sk. Valzn, Costa Rica {Car- Salvin-Godman Coll. mini). 31. CREFRGOPS. 215 12. Tachyphonus delattrii. Tacliyphonus delattrii, Lnfr. 1{. Z. 1847, p. T2 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 237 ; adat. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 116, 1859, p. 139 (W. Ecuador) ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 40; id. Cat. A. B. p. 86; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 18U0, p. 142 (Truando), 1865, p. 171 (Costa Eica) ; Zaior. Ann. L. N. Y. Tii. p. 331 (Panama), ix. p. 180 (Costa Eica) ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 351 (Panama), 1879, p. 503 (Antioquia) ; iid. Ex. Orn. p. 67, t. 34 ; iid. Nomencl. p. 23 ; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 299 (Costa Eica) ; Sakiti, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 740, et 1870, p. 180 (Veragua) ; Boncard, P. Z. iS. 1878, p. 55 (Costa Eica) ; Salv. et Gudm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 312. Clilorospingus brunneiis, Laicr. Ann. L. N. Y. x. p. 395 {'^,cf. Salv. Ibis, 1874, p. 308). Uniform black ; crest orange ; nnder wing-coverts dull black ; bill and feet black: whole length 5-5 inches, wing 3, tail 2-5. Female. Above black ; head and neck and body beneath dark oli- vaceous brown, rather lighter on the throat ; flanks and crissum blackish. Bah. Costa Pdca, Veragua, Panama, Colombia, and N. Ecuador. The black under wing-coverts isolate this species. Fraser's female from Pallatanga, Western Ecuador (_y), may possibly belong to another species, but the bii'd certainly reaches as far south as Paste (see specimen Ic). a. c? ad. sk. Santa F^, Veragua [Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. (S ad. sk. Santiago de Veragua {Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. S ad- sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. cJ ad. sk. Panama {McLeannan). Sclater Coll. e. (5 ad. sk. Gorgona Island, coast of Co- Kellett & Wood [C.]. lombia. f) !/■ c? 2 ad. sk. Eemedios, Antioquia {Salnw}i). Sclater Coll. h. (S ad. sk. Eemedios, Anticquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. i. cJ ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. ?j. 5 ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. k. (5 ad. sk. Pasto, Ecuador (Lehman). Salvin-Godman Coll. 31. CREURGOPS. „ Type. Creurgops, Scl. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 75 C. verticahs. The median commissural notch is well developed in this form, and there are scarcely any signs of rictal bristles. In other respects Greuryops comes near to the preceding genus. The type is only known from Colombia and Ecuador. 1. Creurgops verticalis. Creurgops verticalis, Scl P. Z. S. 1858, p. 73, t. 132, 1866, p. 180, et 1873, p. 262 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 513 ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 501 ; Scl. et Sail'. P.Z. S. 1879, p. 583 (Antioquia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 23 ; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z.S. 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador). Above slaty grey, wings and tail rather blacker ; head blackish, 216 TANAGRIDJi. with a half-concealed median crest of pale fulvous mixed with fer- rus^inous : below uniform reddish ochraceous ; under wing-coverts like the belly ; bill dark plumbeous, pale at the base ; feet pale brown: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-6, tail 2-8. Female similar, but head uniform grey like the back. Hah. Colombia and Ecuador. a. (S ad. sk. h,c. c? 2 ad. sk. d. S ^^. sk. St. Elena, Antioquia (Salmon). St. Elena, Antioquia (Salmon). Antioquia (Sabnon). Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. 32. MALACOTHRAUPIS. Malacothraupis, Scl. et Salt: P. Z. S. 1876, p. 353 Type. M. dentata. Structure of Malacothraupis. This is a much weaker form, of abnormal colouring of grey and rufous, but with a distinct commissural notch. The single species known is Eolivian. 1. Malacothraupis dentata. Malacothraupis dentata, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 353, pi. xxxi., 1879, p. 601 (^Bolivia). Above cinereous, rather darker on the head ; narrow superciliaries prolonged to the nape, white ; sides of head and body below clear chestnut ; chin, middle of abdomen, and under wing-coverts white ; crissum white, tinged with cinereous ; bill above blackish, below brown ; feet dark plumbeous : whole length 5-5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2-7. Hab. Bolivia. .1. Ad. sk. Bolivia (^Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) 33. EUCOMETIS. 217 33. EUCOMETIS. Type. Eucometis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 117 E. penicillata. Eucometis consists of four representative species, and a single divergent form. They range from Southern Mexico southwards to Bolivia. The structure is intermediate between P/jramja and Tachy- phonus ; it is weaker than in Pyranga, and the coloration is generally duller. The sexes are similar. The short nuchal crest is a special character, and there is a slight development of rictal setae. Key to the Sjjecies. A. Body above yellowish olive. a. Throat white, with a slight greyish tinge. Crest longer, white tipped with grey . . 1 . penicillata, p. 217. Crest shorter, uniform grey 2. albicollis, p. 217. h. Throat cinereous. Crest longer, grey like the throat 3. eristata, p. 218. Crest short, darker than the throat .... 4. spodocephala, p. 219. B. Body above blackish 5. cassini, p. 219. 1. Eucometis penicillata. Tanagra penicillata, Spix, Av. Bras. ii. p. 36, pi. xlix. fig. 1 (1825). Tachyphonus penicillatus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 237. Eucometis penicillata, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 117 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 41 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 84 ; Pdz. Orn. Bras. p. 212 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 180 (Ucayali), 1867, p. 571 (L. Amazons), 1873, p. 262 (E. Peru) ; iid. Aomencl. p. 23 ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 500. Above yellowish olive ; wings blackish, with margins like the back ; tail pale brown, with yeUowish-olive margins ; head grey, with a projecting crest of white feathers tipped with grey : below bright brownish yellow, throat pale cinereous white ; under wing- coverts yellowish; bill hazel, whitish below; feet pale brown: whole length 7"3 inches, wing 38, tail 3'5. FtmaU similar. Hub. Cayenne, Amazonia, W. Ecuador, and E. Peru. a. Ad. sk. Cavenne. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. St. Para. R. Graham, Esq. [P.]. c. Ad. sk. Lower Amazons ( Wal- Sclater Coll. luce). d. cj ad. sk. Mexiana, Lower Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. {Wallace). e,f. c? ? ad. sk. Yquitus, Peru (TFMeZy). Salvin-Godman Coll. g,h. (5' 5 ad. sk. Yquitos, Peru ( Whitely). Sclater Coll. i. Ad. sk. Upper Amazons. Pm-chased. j. Ad. sk. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. k. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. 2. Eucometis albicollis. Pyranga albicollis, Lafr. et d'Orb. Syn. Ac. i. p. 33 (1837); d'Orb. Voy. p. 265, pi. xxvi. fig. 2; Bp. Consp. i. p. 241. 218 TANAGEIDiE, Trichothraupis albicollis, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 23 (note). Eucometis albicollis, Scl.P.Z.S. 1856, p. 117; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 41 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 84; Pch. Orn. Bras. p. 212; Scl. et Salv. i\o7nencl. p. 23; rid. F. Z. S. 1879, p. 001 (Bolivia). Above yellowish olive ; wings blackish, with margins like the back ; tail pale brown tinged with olive and with olive margins ; head subcrestcd, brownish cinereous : below yellow, throat dirty white ; ear-coverts brownish cinereous ; under wing-coverts creamy white tinged with yellowish ; bill pale horn-celour ; feet pale brown : Avhole length 6-2 inches, wing 3-8, tail 3. Udh. Bolivia and interior of Brazil. The description is from one of Xatterer's skins from Goiaz. It is possible that the Bolivian bird may be different ; at any rate it re- quires comparison. But the present species is, I think, separable from E. jwxicillafa, having a shorter uniform crest, brownish ear- coverts, and a paler throat. a. 2 afl- Goiaz {Natterer). Sclater Coll. 3. Eucometis cristata. Pipilnpsis cristata, DuBus, Bull. Acad. Bru.v. xxxii. p. 154 (1855). Trichothraupis penicillata, Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 156 (err.). Eucometis cristata, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 118 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 42 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 84 ; Cassin, Pr. An. Sc. Phil. 1860, p. 141 ; Zawv. Ami. L. N. T. vii. p. 298 (Panama) ; Scl. et Sn!v. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 350 (Panama), 1868, p. 627 (Venezuela) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 23 ; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 121 (S. Marta); iid. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 306. Above yellowish olive ; wings blackish, with margins like the back ; tail brownish olive ; head crested, cinereous : below bright yellow ; throat pale cinereous ; under wing-coverts yellowish : bill black : feet pale brown : whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-4, tail 3. Femctle similar. Bab. Panama, Colombia, and Venezuela. a, 6. cJ 2 ad. sk. Panama {McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. c, d. Ad. sk. Panama {McLeannan). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Paraiso Station, Isthmus of Panama (Huffhc."). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. S ad. sk. Arihueca, Colombia (Sin70)is). Salvin-Godman Coll. !!■ c? ad. sk. Santa Marta, Colombia. Sclater Coll. h. 2 ad. sk. Minca, Santa Marta (Simons). Sclater Coll. i. Jr. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. )■ Jr. sk. Bogota. Purchased. h. Ad. sk. Colombia. Sclater Coll. I. 2 ad. sk. San Esteban, Venezuela (Goei'iny). Salviu-Godman Coll. m . Ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. 33. EUCOMETIS, 219 4. Eucometis spodocephala. Chlorospingus spodocephahis, Bp. Cmnpt. Eend. xxxix. p. 922; id. Notes Orn. p. 22 ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1856; p. 91 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 29. Eucometis spodocephala, Scl et Salv. Ibis, 1800, p. 274 (Guatemala); iid. F. Z. a. 1870, p. 836 (Honduras) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 23 ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 84 ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 139, 1870, p. 188 (Veragua) ; id. Ibis, 1872, p. 316 (Nicaragua) ; Lutvr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 130 (Costa Rica); Frantz. J.f. O. 1809, p. 299 (Costa Rica); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 443 (Costa Rica) ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.- Atner., Aves, i. p. 307, t. xx. fig. 2. Above yellowish olive ; wings blackish, margined with yellowish olive ; tail yellowish olive ; head slightly firested, dtirk cinereous : beneath bright yellow, inclining to orange ; throat cinereous ; under wing-coverts tinged with yellowish : whole length 6-7 inches, wing 3' 6, tail 3"1. Female similar. Hcib. South Mexico and Central America southwards to Chiriqui. This form is distinguishable from its southern ally E. cristata by its shorter and much darker crest. a, h. Ad. sk. Northern Yucatan {Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Yucatan. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. British Honduras (Blanca- Salvin-Godmau CoU. jieau.r). e. Ad. sk. Cohan, Vera Paz (Constancia). Salvin-Godman Coll. /. Ad. sk. Virgin Bav, Lake of Nicaragua Salvin-Godman Coll. JBridffe's). g. Ad. sk. Nicaragua (Salle). Sclater Coll. h. 2 ad. sk. Nicaragua {Kiitting). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. i. Ad. sk. Nicoya, Costa Rica (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. _/. $ ad. sk. Santa F^, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Jr. sk. Mina Chorcha, Chiriqui, Ve- Salvin-Godman Coll. ragua (Arce). I. cJ ad. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Jr. sk. Chiriqui (Arce). Salvin-Godmau Coll. 5. Eucometis cassini. TachA-phonus cassini, Laicr. Arm. L. N. Y. vii. p. 297 (Panama) ; Frantzius, J.f. O. 1869, p. 299 (Costa Rica). Eucometis cassini, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1804, p. 351, t. SO (Panama), 1879, p. 503 (Antioquia) ; iid. Nornencl. p. 23 ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 1.39 (Veragua); Sale, et Godm. Biol. Cenfr.-A7n., Aves, i.Tp.S07. Tachyphonus, sp., Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1860, p. 142 (Rio Tru- ando). Above dark blackish grey, wings and tail rather darker ; head black, with a large triangular patch of yellowish olive on the nape and vertex : below yellowish olive-brown, crissum tinged with ful- vous : throat and under wing-coverts cinereous ; bill plumbeous, lower mandible whitish ; feet brown : whole length 6*7 inches, wing 3-4, tail 3*1. Female similar. 220 TAXAGEID^. Uab. Costa Rica, Yeragua, Panama, and Colombia. An aberrant species, with stronger feet than in typical Eucomctis, and of peculiar coloration. rt. Ad. sk. Costa Rica {Carmiol). Salviu-Godman Coll. h. (^ ad. sk. Santiago de Veragua (Arce). Salviii-Godmau Coll. c. 2 ad. sk. ; d. Panama {McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. Jr. sk. e. (5' ad. sk.; f. Panama (iT/cieoMwaw). Sclater Coll. Ad. sk. g. $ ad. sk. Nichi, Antioquia (Salinon). Sclater Coll. h, i. (S 2 f^d. sk. Nichi, Antioquia (Sal/non). Salvin-Godman Coll. 34. TRICHOTHRAUPIS. Tricliotbraupis, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 23 (1850) .... T. quadricolor. This monotypic Brazilian form is at once recognizable by the well-developed rictal setas and concealed yellow crest, which give it a superficial resemblance to some of the Ti/rcomidir;. This is, however, no doubt its proper place, and it is nearly allied to Tacliy- jihonus, but it has a weaker, broader bill, and no signs of the com- missural tooth. 1. Trichothraupis quadricolor. Tachyphonus quadricolor, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, xxxii. p. 359 ; id. Enc. Meth. p. 803; Bp. Consp. i. p. 237; Bunn. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 164. Muscicapa melanops, Vieill. Nouv. Diet. xxi. p. 452 ; id. Enc. Meth. p. 827 (ex Azara). Tanagra am-icapilla, Spi.v,Av. Bras. ii. pi. Iii. p. 39; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 538. Muscicapa galeata, Licht. Douhl. p. 56. Tachyphonus suchii, Sw. Quart. Journ. Sc. 1826, p. 66. Trichothraupis quadricolor, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 23 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 117; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 41; id. Cat. A. B. p. 84; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 212 .; Berl. J.f.0. 1873, p. 244 (S. Catharina) ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 23 ; Salv'. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 194; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 513 (C. Peru), 1882, p. 14 i^N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 506. Above greyish olive ; a large recumbent vertical crest briglit yel- low ; sides of the head and wings and tail black ; l)elow pale ful- vous ; under wing-coverts and a cross-bar near the base of the wing- feathers white ; bill whitish, plumbeous at the base ; feet pale brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3-3, tail 2-9. Female similar, but without the vertical crest. Hah. Southern Brazil, Paraguay, and ili.siones, Arg. Eep. a,h. (S 9. ad. st. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. c. ^ ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Kio de Salvin-Godman Coll. Janeiro ( 3 'ciiu/*'). i d. ). Above bluish grey ; lores white ; head above and baud passing down the neck on each side black ; inner webs of wing- and tail- feathers blackish ; beneath white ; bill black ; feet yellow : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-8, tail 2. Female above bluish-grey ; lores and body below white ; breast tinged with ochreous ; bill brown ; lower mandible and feet yellow. Hnh. Littoral of Colombia, Venezuela, Cayenne, Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia. a,b. S 9- ^d. sk. Valencia, U. S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. S ad. sk. Mcxiana, Lower Amazons ( Wallace). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. $ ad. sk. Mexiana, Lower Amazons ( Wallace). Sclater Coll. e. S ad. sk. Lower Amazons. Purchased. f,g. 6 2 ad- sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (TF. A. Forbes). Salvin-Godman Coll. /(. c? ad. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (If. A. Forbes). Sclater Coll. 224 TAXAGIUD.E. «', /. c? ad. sk. ; A', I. Baliia, Brazil (Witcherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2 ad. sk. VI. cJ ad. sk. Araguay, Brazil (j\"rti«.r. Beitr. iii. p. 736. Hemitliraupis ilavicoUis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 312. Ileniitliraupis melanoxantlia, Cab. Mus. Ilein. i. p. 21. Neniosia auiicollis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. Ill ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 35 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 87 ; Pclzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 215 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 750 (E. Peru). Isemosia iusigaiis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 110 ; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 34 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 87 ; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 215. Above dull sooty black ; vring with a slightly concealed white speculum ; lower back bright yellow : below white, with slight cinereous frccklings ; throat and crissum yellow ; under wing- coverts wliite ; upper mandible dark, lower whitish ; feet brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2-1. Female. Above brownish olive ; rim round the eye and edgings of wings and tail yellow : below dull yellow ; under wing-coverts white. JIab. Guiana, Cayenne, Brazil, and Bolivia. Specimens from Cayenne are the smallest, those from S. Brazil (Nemosia insir/nis) largest in size, and in the latter the yellow back extends further up. Skins from Bolivia seem to be inter- mediate. a, b. cS 2 ^^- st- c. c? 'id. sk. d, e. S 2 ^^- sk. /. S ad. sk. ff, h. /j. Itev. Zool. IS-jI, p. 173 ; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 24. Nemosia peruana, Sclater, P.Z.S. 1856, p. Ill ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 35 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 23 ; Tacz. Orn. Fcr. ii. p. 512. Above black ; lower back and spot on the wing-coverts bright yellow ; a concealed alar speculum white : beneath white, slightly variegated with ashy on the breast ; sides of neck, throat, and crissum yellow ; under wing-coverts white ; bill horu-colour, lower mandible at base whitish ; feet brown : whole length 4'5 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2. Female. Above brownish olive ; wings and tail blackish with olive edgings ; beneath yellow, cinerasccnt on the flanks. Hah. Colombia, Upper Amazonia, Peru, and Eolivia. Similar to N. jiavicoUis, but known by the yellow wing-spot. a, b. c? 2 f'd. sk. Upper Amazons. Sclater Coll. c. (S jr. sk. Pebas, Peru {IlauxiveU). Salvin-Goduian Coll. d, e. c? $ ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ec. (Bucklei/). Sclater Coll. /) 9-6 9- ^^- '^^^ Sarayacu, Ec. {Buckley). Salviu-Godman Coll. h. (S ad. sk. Peru (?). Purchased. 7. Nemosia albigularis. (Plate XII.) Nemosia albigularis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 109, pi. 99, et p. 155, 1856, p. Ill ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 35 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 87 ; Sd. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 2;3; iid. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 503 (Antioquia); Berl. J.f. 0. 1884, p. 292 (Bucaramauga). Above black ; binder back yellow; concealed alar speculum white : below white, slightly varied with cinereous ; patch on each side of the neck and crissum yellow ; under wing-coverts white ; bill pale horu-colour, lower mandible whitish : whole length 4-2 inches, wing 2"5, tail 1"8. Female. Above jellowish olive ; wings and tail blackish edged with olive ; rump bright yellow ; below white, throat and crissum pale yellow. Hah. Colombia. The white throat at once distinguishes this species. a. S ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) 6, c. J 2 ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. d, e. cS 9 f'd. sk. ; Bogota. Purchased. /. c? jr. sk. ff, h. S ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. i. S ad. sk. Bogota. J. R. Elsey, Esq. [P.], j. (S ad. sk. Eemedios, Antioquia Salviu-Godman Coll. (Salmon). q2 228 TANAGEIDJ,. 38. THLYPOPSIS. „ Type. Thlypopsis, Cah. Mm. llvin. i. p. 138 (18ol) T. fulvescens. In TJiJi/popsis the bill is more slender and more elongated than in Nemosia, and the general form comes very near to that of some of the Mniotiltida; {BasUmterus) ; but the rictal bristles are shorter and less conspicuous than in the last-named genus. The sexes are coloiired nearly alike. The area of the genus is confined to South America from Venezuela and Colombia to Bolivia and Brazil. Key to the Species. A. Abdomen pale, cinereous or fulvous. a. Head orange-red ; throat yeUov?. I Flanks" fulvous 1. sordida, p. 228. 1 Flanks cinereous 2. amazonum, p. 229. h. Head yellowish ; throat yellow 3. chrysopis, p. 229. c. Head bright rufous. ) Abdomen cinerous 4. fulviceps, p. 229. "I Abdomen fulvous 5. inornata, p. 230. B. Abdomen more or less dark rufous. Breast and flanks dark rufous 6. ornata, p. 230. Breast rufous, flanks grey 7. pectoralis, p. 230. C. Abdomen yellow '. 8. rujiceps, p. 231. 1. Thlypopsis sordida. Nemosia sordida, Lafr. et d'Orb. Syn. Av. i. p. 28; d'Orh. Voy. p. 261, pi. 18. fig. 2; Gray, Gen. ii. p. 366; Bp. Consp. i. p. 236; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 24; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 602 (BoUvia). Nemosia fulvescens, Strickl. Ann. N. II. xiv. p. 420 ; Bp. Cons}}, i. p. 23(3 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 24 ; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 215 (part.) ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 196 ; Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 334 (Pernam- buco). Thlypopsis fulvescens, Cab. Mus. Ilein. i. p. 138; id. J.f. 0. 1866, p. 232. Nemosia blanda, Licht. in Mus. Berol. Nemosia fulviceps, Burm. St/st- Ueb. iii. p. 159. Nemosia sordida, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 119; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 36; id. Cat. A. B. p. 88. Above cinereous ; head and neck orange-red, yellowish on the front and sides of the head : below pale ochraceous, middle of belly passing into white ; throat yellow ; under wing-coverts white ; bill plumbeous ; feet cinereous : whole length 4-7 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2'1. Female similar. Hah. S.E. Brazil and Bolivia. I can find no difference between Brazilian specimens of this species and a Bolivian example obtained by Bridges. I have therefore reunited T. fulvescens to T. sordida. But the Upper-Amazonian bird {T. sordida of Cab., and oUm of Scl. and Salv.) seems to differ 38. THLYPopsrs. 229 constantly iu the cinereous (not pale fulvous) colour below ; I liave therefore kept it separate as T. amazunum. a-d. Ad. sk. S.E. Brazil. Sclater CoH. e. Ad. sk. Pernambuco. Sclater Coll. f. d ad. sk. Pernambuco (Forbes). Sclater Coll. ff. (S ad. sk. ; h. ^J Pernambuco (Forbes). Salvin-Godman Coll. jr. sk. i, j. Ad. sk. Babia ( Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. k'. Ad. sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. I. Ad. St. S. America. Purchased. 2. TMypopsis amazonum, sp. nov. Nemosia sordida, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 180 (Ucayali) ; Tmz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 508. Neniosia fulvescens, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 263 (E. Peru). Thlypopsis sordida, Cab. J.f. O. 1866, p. 232. Above cinereous ; head and uape orange-red, passing into yellow on the sides : below pale cinereous, on the middle of the belly whitish ; throat pale yellowish orange ; under wing-coverts white ; bill plumbeous ; feet cinereous : whole length 4-7 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2-1. Female similar. Hab. Bolivia, adjoining frontiers of Brazil and Upper Amazonia. Very clearly related to M. sordida, but distinguishable by its cinereous belly without ochraceous tint. a. Ad. sk. Lower Ucayali (Bartletf). Sclater Coll. (Tvpe of the species.) h. Ad. sk. Lower Ucayali (Bartlett). Purchased. c. 5 ^d. sk. Pebas, Peru (Hauxwell). Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Nauta, Peru (Bartlett). Salvin-Godman Cull. e. (S sk. Cuyaba (Natterer). Sclater Coll. 3. Thlypopsis chrysopis. Nemosia chrysopis, Scl. et Sale. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 15.5. Above cinereous, strongly washed with yellowish except on the lower back, outer secondaries, and tail ; lores, sides of the head, and throat yellow ; abdomen yellowish, brighter on the breast ; middle of belly bufi'y white ; band of wing yellowish ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white; bill hazel; feet plum- beous : whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2'2. Hab. Eastern Ecuador and Peru. The general yellowish tinge renders this species easily recognizable. a. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) h. Jr. sk. Santa Cruz, E. Peru. E. Bartlett [C.]. 4. Thlypopsis fulviceps. Tachyphonus ruficeps, Lafr. llev. Zool. 1848, p. 173. Nemosia ruticeps, Sclater, P.Z.S. 1856, p. 112 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 36 ; 230 T.VNAGEIDJ5. id. Cat. A. B. p. 88 ; Scl. et Sah: P. Z. S. 18GS, p. 1G7, et 1870, p. 780 (Venezuela). Thlypopsis fiilviceps, Cab. Mm. Ilein. i. p. 138; id. J.f. 0. 18GG, p. 232. Nemosia fulviceps, iSd. et Scdv. Nomend. p. 24. Cinereous ; paler below and whiter in the middle of the belly ; whole head and neck bright chestnut-red, rather paler on the throat ; under wing-coverts white ; bill plumbeous ; feet hazel : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-5, tail 2. II ah. A'cuezuela. a. Ad. sk. Caraccas. Sclater CoU. b. S ad. sk. Caraccas {Guering). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. .St. Oaia:cas {Dyson). Purchased. 5. Thlypopsis inornata. (Plate XIII. fig. 2.) Nemosia inornata, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 228, et 1880, p. 195 (N. Peru) ; id. Oni. Per. ii. p. 509. Above cinereous ; cap bright chestnut-red ; sides of the head and bod}- below pale fulvous, whiter on the middle of the belly; \inder wing-coverts white : whole length 5 inches, wing 2*8, tail 2-2. Female similar, but cap merely washed with rufous ; sides of the head rufescent. Ilab. Peru. Ileadily distinguishable by its pure pale fulvous under surface. a. c? ad. sk. Tambillo, Peru (Stohmann). Sclater Coll. b. cJ ad. sk. Callacate, Peru {Stohmann). Sclater Coll. 6. Thlypopsis ornata. (Plate XIII. fig. 1.) Nemosia ornata, Sdater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 138 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 88 ; Sd. et Salv. Nomend. p. 24 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 515 (C. Peru), 1879, p. 227, et 1880, p. 195 (N. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 507 ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 290 (W. Ecuador). Thlypopsis ornata. Cab. J.f. O. 1866, p. 233. Above cinereous ; whole head and body below rich chestnut-red, rather paler on the throat ; middle of belly and under wing-coverts white ; bill plumbeous ; feet brown : whole length 4-7 inches, wing 2*4, tail 2. Female similar, but head aud body below pale fulvous. Hah. Ecuador. a, b. J ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador Sclater Coll. (Types (Fraser). of N. oniuta.) c. c? ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador Purchased. (Fraser). d. S ad. sk ; e, f. Monji, Ecuador (Buddei/). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2 ad. sk. 7. Thlypopsis pectoralis. Nemosia pectoralis, Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 508. Above grey ; whole head and neck above with throat and breast 39. LAMPROTES, 231 bright rufous ; bellj- white, sides cinereous, crissum slightly tinged ■with rufous ; bill and I'cct plumbeous : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-5, tail 2-1. Hah. Central Peru. M. Taczanowski has kindly lent me the type specimen of this rare species. It is nearest to T. ornata, but is easily recognized by the sides of the belly being cinereous, instead of rufous like the breast. S. Thlypopsis ruficeps. Sylvia ruficeps, Lafr. et d'Orh. Syn. Av. i. p. 29. Hylophilus ruficeps, d'Orh. Vot/., Ois. p. 216, t. xili. fig. 1. Nemosia ruficeps, Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 2o ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 00-3 (Bolivia). Above cinereous ; cap bright chestnut-red ; beneath yellow ; flanks tinged with cinereous ; under wing-coverts white ; bill plum- beous ; feet pale brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-5, tail 2. Hah. Bolivia and Tucuman, Argentine liepublic. a. c? ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yucgas, Bohvia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman CoU. b. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Ym:gas, Bolivia (Buckley). Sclater Coll. c. c? ad. sk. Sorata, Bolivia {Buckley). Salvin-Godmau Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bolivia (-D. Forhes). Sclater CoU. e. Ad. sk. Tucuman, rep. Arg. (Schiih). Sclater Coll. Subfamily IV. LAMPROTIN^. The genera Lamprotes and Sericossi/pJia stand apart from the other Tanagers in possessing large feet, armed with sharp curved claws, and may, I think, be most conveniently arranged as forming a peculiar subfamily. The bill is straight and stout, and carries a strong terminal hook. But one species of each genus is yet known. Of the two species, one is found only in the forests of S.E. Brazil, the other in those of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Kei/ to the Genera. a. Nostrds naked ; wings short 39. Lamprotes, p. 231. b. Nostrils almost covered by frontal plumes ; wings long 40. Seeicossypha, p. 232. 39. LAMPROTES. t, lype. Lamprotes, Siv. Class. B. ii. p. 263 (1837) L. loricatus. The peculiar long and sharpened claws and glossy black plumage at once distinguish this Brazilian type. 1. Lamprotes loricatus. Tanagra loricata, Licld. Douhl. p. 31 (1823), $ ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 237. Tanagra rubricollis, tipi.v, Av. Bras. ii. p. 43. Tanagra rubrigularis, Spir, Av, Bras. ii. tab. hi. fig. 1. 232 TAXAGKID^. Tanao^a bonariensis, Max. Beitr. iii. p. 530. Lamprotes loricatus, Sdater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 121 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 45 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 82 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 22 ; Salv. Cat. Sfrickl. Coll. p. 193. Tachyphouus loricatus, Bunn. Syst. Ueh. iii. p. 107. Uniform glossy black ; middle of tbroat and breast scarlet ; bill and feet black : whole length &b inches, wing -l-G, tail 3. Female. Uniform glossy black. Hah. S.E, Brazil. a. S ad. St. Bahia, Purchased. h. 2 ad. St. Brazil. Purchased. c. S ad. sk. Bahia. Sudbury Mus. [E.]. d. (S jr. sk. Brazil. Purchased. e. S ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. f. 2 ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Sclater CoU. 'g. S ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. /(. c? ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. 40. SERICOSSYPHA. Type. Sericossypha, Less. Echo d. M. S. 1844, p. 382 S. albicristata. Sericossypha is closely allied to Lamprotes, and has similar sharp elongated claws. But the bill is shorter and not so strong, and the singular projecting frontal plumes extend over the nostrils. The habits of this Colombian form are said to be rather those of the Cotingidce than of the typical Tanagers {cf. Taczanowski, Orn. Per. ii. p. 3S7), but I cannot believe that it has anything to do with the former group. 1 . Sericossypha albicristata. Tanagi-a (Lamprotes) alhocristatus, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1843, p. 132. Lamprotes alhocristatus, Lafr. May. de Zool. 1844, pi. 50 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 121 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 45 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 82 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 22. Sericossypha sumptuosa, Less. Echo d. 31. S. 1844, p. 382, et 1855, p. 156 ; id. Descr. d. Mamm. et Ois. p. 354. Sericossypha albocristata, Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 387. Yelvety black, wings and taU glossed with purple; cap pure white : whole throat and breast blood-red ; bill and feet black : whole length 9 inches, wing 5-5, tail 4. Female. Like the male, but throat much darker, of a deep beetroot-red. Nestling. Uniform dull black ; cap white. Ilah. Colombia and Peru. a,h. c? ? ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater CoU. c, d. (S ad. sk. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. S ad. sk. Colombia. Salvin-Godman CoU. /. 5 ad. sk. Colombia. Purchased. y. 5> ad. sk. Yauayaca, Ecuador Purchased. {Biichley'). h. PuU. sk. Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. 41. PHCEXICOPHILIJS. 233 Subfamily V. PHCENICOPHILIN^. This _ IS subfamily consists of two well-marked genera peculiar to the ishmd of ban Domingo, and remarkable for their lengthened and compressed beak. In plumage one of them, PlicenicophUus shows some resemblance to Arremon, and has consequently been usuaUv placed among the Pitylbice next to that genus. But the resemblance seems to be merely superficial ; and I have some doubts whether the Fhosnuoplahnce ought to be included at all in the Taiiagrine series famil ^''''"'^' ^°''^^^''' ^^""y "^^y r^'^^i'i bere as a distinct sub- Key to the Genera. A. Bill slightly widened at the base ; tarsi ±5. Bill constricted at the base ; tarsi rather f • --">■ longer and stouter; tail much rounded 42. Calyptophilus p '^35 41. PH(ENICOPHILUS. Phcenicophilus, StricM. Contr. Orn. lHol, p. 104 . Type. P. palmarum. Structure of Phanicophilus. 234 TANAGRID^. This very remarkable form, peculiar to San Domingo, somewhat reminds one of Arrcnwn in its plumage, but is at once distin- guishable by its long straight beak, short tarsi, and squared tail. lu'u to the Species. Cap black 1. pahiianini. p. 234. Cap grey 2. puliocq)hulus, p. 234. 1. Phcenicophilus palmarum. Turdus palmarum, Linn. S. N. i. p. 295; Vivill. Ois. de VAm. mer. ii. p. 16, pi. Oy c? , 70 2 . Tacliypliouus palmarum, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, xxxii. p. 359 ; id. Enc. Mcfh. p. 803. rhcenicophilus palmarum, Stricld. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 104; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 84, et 1857, p. 232 ; id. Si/n. Ai\ Tan. p. 22 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 92 ; Scl. et Salv. Noniencl. p. 25 ; Salv. Cat. StricM. Coll. p._198; Tristram, Ibis, 1874, p. 168; Cory, Bull. Xutt. Orn. Cbib, vi. p. 152 ; id. Birds of San Domingo, p. 56. Arremon palmarum. Gray, Gen. B. Siippl. p. 16 ; Bryant, Pr. Bast. Soc. N. H. xi. p. 92 (1866). Above bright olive ; head black, a spot above the lores on each side, another (larger) above the eye, and a narrow stripe below the eye pure white ; neck cinereous : beneath white, sides passing into cinereous ; bend of wing yellow ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black ; feet plumbeous : whole length 7-3 inches, wing 3-7, tail 2-7. Female similar, but slightly smaller. ifah. San Domingo. a-c. Ad. sk. San Domingo {Salle). Purchased. d. Ad. sk. San Domingo (Salic). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. San Domino;o. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. PhcenicopMlus poliocephalus. Dulus poliocephalus, Bp. Bev. Zool. 1851, p. 78; id. Note s. I. Tang. Phoenicophilus poliocephalus, Stricld. Contr. Orti. 1851, p. 104. Phoenicophilus palmarum § , Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 84 ; id. Sy?i. Av. Tan. p. 22. Phoenicophihis dominlcensis, Cory, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, vi. p. 129 (1881) ; id. Birds of San Domingo, p. 58, pi. viii. Like P. palmarum, but with the cap greyish plumbeous like the neck. Female similar. Ilab. AVestern coast of San Domingo. This species was first characterized by Bonaparte, but subse- quently gcnerallj' supposed to be the female of P. j)(dmarvni. There can be no doubt, however, from Mr. Cory's observations, that it is distinct. ♦ 42. CALYPTOPniLUS. 23j 42. CALYPTOPHILUS. Calyptnpliilus, Corij, Aitk, i. p. 1 (1884) Type. C. friwivorus. Structure of Cali/ptojjJnlus. This singular genus, also peculiar to San Domingo, is cvidentlj- allied to PluenicopMlm, but easily distinguished by its much more compressed bill and much rounded tail. 1. CalyptopMlus fmgivorus. rhoenicopbilus frugivorus, Cnnj, Jouni. Bost. Zool. Soc. ii. p. 45 (1888). Calyptophilus frugivorus, Cori/, Auk, 1884, p. 3 ; td. Birds of San JJomiiiffo, p. 50, pi. ix. Above olive-brown ; head dark cinereous, with a slight yellow loral spot : below white, flanks and crissum passing into brownish cinereous ; axillaries and under wing-coverts pale lemon-yellow ; bill above plumbeous, below whitish ; feet hazel : whole length 7-3 inches, wing 3-G, tail 3-5. Female similar, but rather smaller and duller in colour. Hah. San Domingo. a, b. Ad. sk. Arenoso, San Domingo (McGrcf/or). Salvin-Godmaa Coll. 230 TANAGRID^. Subfamily VI. PITYLIN^. In the Pitiflince we have the most Fringilliue of Tanagers, and iu some cases 1 find it impossible to draw any line between forms assigned to the present subfamily and the trne FriwjlUidcv. Dr. Cabauis has, in fact, placed the whole series of Piii/lince in the last- named family ; and Bonaparte, apparently following his lead, has done the same. I3ut to adopt this course is merely to shift the difficulty from one place to another ; for it is by no means easy to decide whether to place such forms as Schisiochlaim/s with the Piiyliiice or with the typical Tanagrince. Again, in other points some of the Pitylince approach nearly the MniotUtidce, some of the more slender-biUed Chlorosphu/i being very likely to be mis- taken for Basileuteri and allied forms. On the whole, therefore, it seems to be best to retain the PityJince within the limits of the Tanayridce, placing them at the end of the series, where Cardinalis and such-like forms among the FringiUidce would naturaUj^ follow them. To divide the Pitylince into genera is not difficult ; but to arrange these genera in a form adapted for explanation by a key seems to be well-nigh impracticable without bringing them into an unnatural series. The only way to get over the difficulty is to divide the sub- family into sections, as follows : — a. Bill short, pointed, subconical, iu some cases almost Mniotiltine ; feet mode- rate or weak; wings short PifyhrKS pnrvirostres, p. 236. ^. Bill longer, stronger, in some cases almost FringiUiue ; feet large and strong Pitylina fringilUrostres, p. 253. y. Bill conical; culmen slightly incurved; wings short ; feet weak Pitylince conirostres, p. 272. 8. Bill larger, stronger ; culmen more incurved ; feet larger Pitylina validirostres, p. 280. e. Bill very strong; upper mandible swollen ; culmen much incurved . . Pitylince tuniidirostres, p. 297. a. PITYLIN^ PAHVIEOSTEES. This section embraces Chlorospinyus and the allied genera, in which the beak varies much in thickness, and in the extreme forms comes very near that of some of the Mniotiltince. These are all arboreal birds, clad in dull olives and browns. Key to the Genera. Bill thicker. \ Tail moderate, more or les^quared . . 43. Chlorospingus, p. 237. ( Tail lengthened, much rounded .... 44. Ubothraupis, p. 251. Bill very thin and slight 45. Micbospingus, p. 252. 43. CHLOEOSPINGUS. 237 43. CHLOEOSPINGUS. „ Type. Chlorospingiis, Cab. Mm. Thin. i. p. 139 (1851). . C. ophthalmicus. Hemispingii8, Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 139 (1851) . . C. superciliaris. Dacnidea, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 131 C. leucogaster. Structure of Chlorospingus o'plithalmiciis. \ This genus has an extensive range in the Neotropical Eegion, from Southern Mexico to Bolivia. The species are clad in sober hues of olive and brown, and are mostly found in the elevated regions of the Andes. The biU, rather stout in the typical forms, becomes much weaker in the more aberrant species, and approximates these latter to some of the Mniotiltidce so much that it is diihcult to draw the line in some cases. The eggs of C.flavipectus were obtained by Salmon in Antioquia, and are figured, P. Z. S. 1879, pi. xlii. fig. 6. T.hey are of a pinkish white, spotted with grey and browu. Key to the Species. Sect. A. Bill shorter, thicker, more Fringilliue. (Chloeospingus.) a. With a white postocular spot. a' . Without white superciliaries. a . Cap dark brown, without a mesial band: throat white 1. ophthalmicus, p. 238. throat brownish white, speckled with blackisli 2. albitewporalis, p. 239. P. Cap dark brown, with a pale mesial band 3. olivaceus, p. 240. 238 TANAGEID^. C-. Cap uniform grej'isli brown 4. postocularis, p. 240. d'^. Cap fjrey 5. sif/natns, p. 241. e-. Cap black 6. inmctidatus, p. 241. &'. With white superciliaries 7. 2nleatus, p. 241. 6. ^^'ithout a white postocular spot. c'. With a pale j-ellowish breast-band : 1 throat brov.-nish white, speckled 8. Jlavipectus, p. 242. ■< throat clear greyish white 9. canujularis, p. 242. (throat brownish, unspeckled .... 10. pJtceocephahis, p. 243. d'. Without a yellowish breast-band. /'-. Head yellowish olive : {throat and chin yellow 11. farif/ularis, p. 243. throat yellow ; chin white . . 12. kypophceus, p. 243. whole under surface yellowish olive 13. Jlavovirens, p. 244. g'-. Head dark cinereous : ( throat cinereous 14. semifusus, p. 244. I throat whitish 15. cinercocephalus, p. 244. Sect. B. Bill longer, thinner, more Sylviine. (Hemispingus.) c. Back olive. e'. Cap black. li^. Superciliaries white : ) cheeks olive 16. atripileus, p. 24o. j cheeks black 17. atiricidaris, p. 245. i^. Superciliaries reddish yellow .... 18. culophrys, p. 245. /'.Cap grey. _ _/^. Ihroat cinereous ; abdomen yellow : I bill red 19. rtihrirosfris, p. 246. f bill dark corneous 20. chrysogaster, p. 246. k'. Whole under surface yellow : I superciliaries white 21. super ciliaris, p. 246. j superciliaries olive 22. reyi, p. 247. . g'. Cap olive, like the back : j abdomen yellow 23. chrysophrys, p. 247. I abdomen olive 24. ignoUlis, p. 248. d. Back grey or olive-brown. h'. Under surface grey. /-. No white superciliaries : i head black, vertex rufous .... 25. verttcaKs, p. 248. I head uniform cinereous 26. lant/tophf/iabm/s, ]).2-i9. m-. Superciliaries white 27. leucugaster, p. 249. i'. Under surface rufous. n'. Head black ; superciliaries white : I chin black ; breast red 28. castaneicollis, p. 249. j chin red like breast 29. goeringi, p. 250. 0'. Head plumbeous ; superciliaries indistinct. «3. Sides of head black : j superciliaries whitish 30. melanoth, p. 250. I superciliaries obsolete 31. berlepschi, p. 251. b^. Sides of head fuscous 32. ochraceus, p. 251. 1. Chlorospingus ophthalmicus. Arremon ophthalmicus, Dn Bus, Bidl. Acad. Brux. xiv. pt. 2, p. 106 (1847) ; id. Bcv. Zool. 1848, p. 247. I 43. cnLOKosrESTGUs. 239 Clilorospingiis leucnpbrys, Cah. Mus. Ilein. i. p. 139. Pipilopsis ophthalmicus, Bp. C'onsp. i. p. 485 (partim). Chlorospingus ophthahnicus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 89, 302, et 1859, pp. .364, 377 ; id. Sijn. Av. Tan. p. 27 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 88 ; Cah. J. f. 0. 1866, p. 162 ; Sumichr. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. H. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz) ; Selat. et Salv. Ibis, 1860, p. 32 ; iid. Nomend. p. 24 ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 196 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 314. Above olive-green ; cap and sides of head dark brown, beneath the eye blackish ; postocular spot white : below yellowish olive, throat and middle of belly greyish white ; under wing- coverts white ; bill black ; feet hazel : whole length 5'8 inches, wing 2-9, tail 2"4. Female similar. Hah. Southern Mexico. a. Ad. St. Mexico. Purchased. b. Ad. sk. Orizaba {Botteri). Purchased. c. Ad. sk. Orizaba (Botteri). Sclater Coll. d. 2 ad. sk. Valley of Mexico (Ze Strange). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (f/e Oca). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (Hot/e). Salvin-Godman Coll. ff. Ad. sk. Mexico. Purchased. 2. Chlorospingus albitemporalis. Tachvphonus albitempora, Zafr. Rev. Zool. 1848, p. 12 ; Bi). Consp. i. p. 237. Chlorospingus albitemporalis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, 1856, p. 89, et 1858, p. 293 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 28 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 89 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1865, p. 171 (Costa Rica) ; Laicr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 101 (Costa Rica) ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 188 (Chiriqui) ; id. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 196 ; Scl. et Scdv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 630 (Venezuela), 1879, p. 602 (Bolivia) ; iid. Nomend. p. 24 ; Wi/aft, Ibis, 1871, p. 327 (Colombia) ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 513 ; Berl. J.f. O. 1884, p. 293 (Bucaramanga). Chlorospingus flaviventris, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 91 (cf. Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 197). Above olive-green ; cap and sides of the head dark brown ; post- ocular spot white : beneath yellowish olive ; throat dirty white, slightly speckled with blackish points; middle of belly greyish white ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black ; feet hazel : whole length 5-8 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2-3. Female similar. Ilab. Costa Kica, Yeragua, Colombia, Venezuela, and Bolivia. A close ally of C. oj^hthahnicus, but distinguishable by its more brownish throat, the brighter yellowish olive below, the smaller postocular spot, and the lighter colovu' under the eye. a, b. (5 ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Costa Rica {Fra7itzius). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Volcano de Cartage, Costa Salvin-Godman Coll. Rica {Ai-ce). e. Ad. sk. Irazu distr., Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. {Rogers). 240 XANAORID^. h. Ad. St. i. Ad. sk. ,/, k. Ad. sk. /, m. Ad. sk. 71. c? ad. sk. o. 2 ad. sk. p. Ad. sk. Southern slope of Volcan de Cbiriqui (^Arce). Caraccas {Dyson). Venezuela ( Goeriiir/). Tilotilo, Yungas, BoliAia {Buckley'). Bolivia {Bridyes). Soiata, Bolivia (Biirklet/). Nairapi, Bolivia (Bnckley). Bolivia {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. 3. Chlorospingus olivaceus. Poospiza olivacea, Bp. Consp. i. p. 473. Chlorospinous olivaceus, Set. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 90 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 28; Sah. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 315. Above olive-green ; cap and sides of the head dark brown, with a slight cinerascent occipital band ; postocular spot white : below yellowish olive, throat and middle of the belly greyish white ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black ; feet hazel : whole length o'O inches, wing 2"7, tail 2'3. Female similar. Hah. Vera Paz, Guatemala. Very closely allied to C. oj)hthalmicus, but distinguishable by its greyish occipital band. a. Ad. sk. Cohan, Vera Paz {Sahnn). b. Ad. sk. Cohan, Vera Paz {Salvin). c. Ad.sk. Kamkbal, Guatemala (iS'fl/w'w). d. Ad. sk. Central America. e. f. Ad. sk. Guatemala. ff. Ad. sk. Guatemala. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. J. Gould, Esq. 4. Chlorospingus postocularis. Chlorospingus postocularis, Cab. J. f. O. 18G6, p. 1G3 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 314. Above olive-green; cap and sides of the head uniform greyish brown ; postocular spot white : below yellowish olive, throat and middle of the belly greyish white ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black ; feet hazel : whole length 5-9 inches, wing 3-7, tail 2-5. Female similar. Hah. Guatemala, Volcan de Fuego and Volcan de Agua. Another very close ally of C. ophthalmicus, apparently only dis- tinguishable by the greyish tint of the brown cap. a. Ad. sk. c. 2 ad. s d. e. 2 ad. sk Ad. sk. Duenas, Guatemala {Sahiii). k. Volcano de Fuego, Calderas {Salvin). Volcano de Fuego { Salvin). Volcano de Agua, San Diego {Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 43. cnioEosi'iNGrs. 941 o. ChlorospingTis signatus. Chlorospirio-usj siguatus, Tacz. et Bed. R Z. S. 1885, p. %2. Above oKve-green; cap and sides of the head uniform dark fh middle oft' f'll "'■ ^'^"^ P'^'^ ^'^'"^ ^■^^^^' ^'^--^ "^ the middle of the belly : a narrow pectoral band and the crissum Em ffarS; T' 't'T^ °^^^ -der wing-coverts whle" Bab. Ecuador, Eastern slope. This species is quite distinct, and easily recognized by its -rev Sr sjlt" "'''' ^'^ ''• ^^"^''^'•^■^' ^^^ ^^^ a%ell-m4ed iS «. c? ad. sk. Ecuador iStokmann). Sclater Coll. (One of h. 2 ad. sk. Mapota, Ecuador (SM.nann). '' sSt^rColl.' ^'^"'"-^ 6. Chlorospingus punctulatus. Above olive; cap and sides of head black ; postocular spot white- beneath yd owish ohve ; breast tinged with orange ; throat yeUowh' faiiely pointed w.th black; middle of belly whi^e; undlr win--' Wi%"? l"^^'' "^'^^"""^^ Wll black; feet'brown: whole u\ V '°'^''' "^'"8' - "' t^^l --• ^^'"«?''' similar. riab. \ eragua. Easily known by its black head and punctured throat. ""ad^^k'^- '^•' ^- ^ ^'T^^''^ del C'hucu, Salvin-Godman Coll. e, f. \d sk V ^'"'^°"^i^!;''^'> (Types of the species.) e,J..^a.s\.. \ eragua (^rce). Sclater CoU. 7. Chlorospiugiis pileatus. ^^LaTZ:fTv'-''"^^m''rr''- ^J^^' P" ^^l (Costa Eica) ; il'I-i^f- ^-^A i-'^'S- Pl (Costa Eica) ; 8cl. et Salv. NomJc p. 24; &ah. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 316 t xxii fag. 2 ; Ii^dff^c. Pr. U. S. Ji. M. 1883, p.'412 (CostlRkaj. Above olive; cap and sides of the head dull black; long super- ciliary stripe and postocular spot running into it white : beneath jel owish olive, throat and middle of the belly greyish whiS under wmg-coverts white: bill black; feet pale brown: w lol; length 0-4 inches wing 1>7, taH 2-6. Female similar. YouT Above hke the adult but duller; beneath yellowish, with sliS blackish sagittate spots : lower mandible yellowish. " Bab. Costa Eica and Chiriqui. _ Eeadily known by the long white superciliary stripe. The s^ace just above the eye is black, above which is the white stripe VOL. XI. <^<-^^l>^.. 242 TANAGRID^. o, b. Ad. sk. Volcan de Cartago, Costa Salvin-Godman Coll. 'Rica, {Arce). (Types of the species. ) c. Ad.sli.; f/. Jr.sk. Irazu, Costa Rica {Rogers). Salviu-Grodman Coll. e. Ad.sk. Irazu, Costa Rica (-Rof/e/'A'). Sclater Coll. /. Ad. sk. Cliiriqui {Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8. Chlorospingus flavipectus, Arremon flavipectus, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 227. Tacbyphonus flavipectus, Lafi: Rev. Zool. 1848, p. 11 ; Bj). Consp. i. p. 237. Pipilopsis flavipectus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 485. Chlorospingus flavipectus, Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 139 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, et 1856, p. 90 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 28 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 89 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 24 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 503 (Antioquia) ; Salt: Cat. StricJd. Coll. p. 197. Above olive ; cap dark cinereous, sides of the head blacker : be- neath yellowish olive, brighter on the breast ; throat greyish white, with slight black puuctulations ; middle of belly white ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 5-8 inches, wing 2-8, tail 2-4. Female similar. Hub. Colombia and Ecuador. a, b. Ad. sk. Bogota, Colombia. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bogota, Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. cJ 5 ^^- sk- Santa Elena, Antioquia, Salvin-Godman Coll. U. S. C. (Salmon). f. c? ad. sk. Retiro, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salviu-Godman Coll. (Salmon). (/. Ad. sk. Medellin, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). h. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman CoU. 9. Chlorospingus canigularis. Tachvphonus canigularis, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1848, p. 11 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 2.37. Pipilopsis canigularis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 485. Chlorospingus canigularis, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 139 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, 1856, p. 90, et 1859, p. 138 ; id. Sijn. Av. Tan. p. 28; id. Cat. A. B. p. 89 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 24 ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 547 (Ecuador) ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 197. Hemispingus veneris, Bpi. Notes Orn. p. 22. Above olive ; cap and sides of the head cinereous : beneath yel- lowish olive, throat and middle of the belly pure greyish white ; under wing-coverts white : bUl black ; feet brown : whole length 4"8 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2"2. Female similar. Hah, Colombia and Ecuador. Very like C. flavipectus, but smaller, and always recognizable by its lighter grey head and purer greyish-white throat. a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. b. c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. cT ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Purchased. I 43. CHLOKOSPINGFS. 243 10. Chlorospingus phaeocephalus. Chlorospingus pliseocepbalus, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 521, pi. 52. fig. 2 ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 290. Chlorospingus albitemporalis, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 89 (517, c.) Above olive-green ; cap and sides of head dark cinereous ; throat pale brownish ; breast, flanks, and crissum olive-green ; middle of belly cinereous ; under wing-coverts whitish ; bill dark corneous ; feet brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2-2. Female similar. Hah. Western Ecuador. Nearest to C. jiavipectux, but distinguishable by its darker un- speekled throat, and much less bright breast and flanks. a. cJ ad. sk. Ecuador (Sfulzmcom). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Chdlaues, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater CoD. c. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador [Biwkley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 11. Chlorospingus flavigularis. Pipilopsis fia.vigularis, Scl. Rev. Zool. 1852, p. 8; id. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 131, pi. 98. Chlorospingus flavigidaris, Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, 1856, p. 91, et 18U0, p. 86 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 29 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 89 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 750, 1873, p. 185 (S. Peru) et p. 263 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 602 (Bolivia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 24 ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 547, et 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador) ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 514. Above yellowish olive : wings and taU brown edged with olive : beneath pale cinereous, almost white in the middle of the belly ; throat yellow ; crissum yellowish ; under wing-coverts white, slightly tinged with yellow : bill dark plumbeous, paler below ; feet plumbeous : whole length 5-9 inches, wing 3'4, tail 2-5. Female similar. Hah. Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Bogota. Sclater Coll. Bogota. Salviu-Godman Coll. Vicinity of Quito, Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. Nanegal, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater CoU. Chavavetas, Eastern Peru Salvin-Godman Coll. {ijardett). Chavavetas, Eastern Peru Pui-chased. {Bartktt). Cosnipata, Peru (Wliitely). Sclater Coll. Simacu, Bolivia {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 12. Chlorospingus hypophaeus. Chlorospingus hypopliajus, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 389 ; iid. Nomencl. p. 24 ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 188 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Cenf.r.-Am., Aves, i. p. 317, t. xxii. fig. 3. Above uniform yellowish olive ; throat yellow, growing paler, e2 «) h. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. f. S ad. sk. 9- $ ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. i. Ad. sk. 244 TANAGKID^, almost white, on the chin ; abdomen pale cinereous, white in the middle, with a tinge of brown on the breast and of olive on the crissum ; under wing-coverts dirty white, with a slight tinge of yellow ; bill dark horn-colour, paler below ; feet brown : whole length 5'5 inches, wing 2'7, tail 2. Female similar. Hab. Veragua. Nearest to G. Jlavu/ularis, but easily distinguished by its whitish chin and the brownish tinge of the breast. a, b. 2 £id. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Types of the species.) c. Ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arce). 0. Salviu, Esq. [P. j. d. cJ ad. sk. Chitra, Veragua (A)-ce). Salviu-Grodman Coll. e,f. c? ad. sk. Veragua (Arce). Sclater Coll. 13. Chlorospingus flavovirens. Buarremon flavovirens, Lawr. Aim. L. N. 1'. viii. p. 467 (1867). Chlorospingus flavovhens, Sclater, Ibis, 1885, p. 274. Above clear yellowish olive ; below brownish yellow^ ; flanks somewhat cinereous ; under surfaces of wings and tail brownish cinereous ; bill dark horn-colour; feet brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3-5, tail 2-5. Hab. Ecuador. Only known from a single skin (apparently of Quito make) in Mr. Lawrence's collection. Upper surface like that of G. hypo- ■phaus, lower clear uniform brownish yellow. 14. Chlorospingus semifuscus. Chlorospingus semifuscus, Scl. et Sain. Komejicl. pp. 24, 157. Above olive-green ; cap, nape, and sides of the head dark brownish cinereous : below rather paler brownish cinereous, lighter in the middle of the belly ; lower flanks, crissum, and under wing-coverts dull olive: whole length 5-5 inches, wing 3*1, tail 2-5. Hab. Vicinity of Quito, Ecuador. a. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) 15. Chlorospingus cinereocephalus. Chlorospingus cinereocephalus, Taez. P. Z. S. 1874, pp. 132, 516. Above olive-green ; head and neck cinereous : below jiale whitish cinereous, throat with a slight fulvous tinge : middle of belly almost white ; flanks and crissum yellowish olive ; under wing-coverts white tinged with yellow ; bill blackish, paler below ; feet brown : whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2-2. Hub. Central Peru. A distinct species, recognizable by its pale colour below and by the slight fulvous tinge on the throat. The specimen kindly lent 43. CHLOEOsprN^GUs, 245 to me by M. Taczanowski had slight traces of white on the cilite of the eye : but as this is more apparent on one side than the other, it may be due to individual variation. IG. ChlorospingTis atripileus. Ai-remon atripileus, Lafr. Eev. Zool, 1842, p. 335. Pipilopsis atripileus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 48-5. Cblorospingus atripileus, Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, 1856, p. 91, et 1860, pp. 76, 80 ; id. Sijn. Av. Tan. p. 29 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 89 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomcncl. p. 24 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 604 (Antioquia) ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 197 ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador). Above olive-green ; cap black ; sides of head dark olive ; long superciliary stripe "white : beneath yellowish olive, brighter in the middle ; bill horn-colour, paler below ; feet pale brown : whole length 5'9 inches, wing 2'S, tail 3. Female similar. Hah. Colombia and Ecuador. a, h. Ad. sk. Colombia. Purchased. c. cJ ad. sk. Colombia. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Medellin, U. S. C. {Salmon). Salvin-Godmau Coll. /. 5 ad. sk. Lloa, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. ff. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 17. Cblorospingus auricularis. Cblorospingus (Ilemispineus) auricularis. Cab. J. f. 0. 1873, p. 318 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 516 ; id. Om. Per. ii. p. 519. Above olive-green ; cap and sides of head black ; long and broad superciliary stripe white : beneath yellow, throat tinged with orange, flanks and lower belly more olivaceous ; bill plumbeous ; feet pale brown : whole length 5"5 inches, wing 2'9, tail 2"8. Female similar, but throat not so bright. Ilab. Peru. Closely allied to C. atripileus, but with the sides of the head decidedly black like the cap, and more brightly coloured below. a. $ ad. sk. Central Peru {Jelski). Sclater Coll. 18. Cblorospingus calopbrys. Cblorospingus calopbrys, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 354, 1879, p. 602 (Bolivia). Above olive-green, cap and sides of head black ; broad superciliary stripe bright orange-rufous : below yellow, passing into orange- rufous on the throat ; flanks and crissum yellowish olive ; bill pale plumbeous, lower mandible whitish ; feet pale brown : whole length 5-5 inches, wing 2-0. Hah, Bolivia. 246 TANAGKID.^. This is another representative of C. atripilens, but quite distinct with its orange-rufous eyebrows and throat. a. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type {Buckley). of the species.) 19. Chlorospingus rubrirostris. AiTemon rubrirostris, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 227. Nemosia rubrirostris, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1848, p. 11. Pipilopsis rubrirostris, Bp. Consp. i. p. 485. Ilemispingus rubrirostris. Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 138. Chlorosping-us rubrirostris, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, 1856, p. 92 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 30 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 89 ; Scl. et Salv. Nommcl. p. 24 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 504 (Antioquia) ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 197. Above olive-green ; head and neck cinereous ; beneath yellow, throat and upper breast pale cinereous ; flanks and crissum olive- green ; bill red ; feet pale brown : whole length 5'7 inches, wing 3*1, tail 2-7. Female similar. Hab. Colombia and Ecuador. a-c. Ad. sk. Bogota, U. S. C. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bogota, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Medellin, U. S. C. {Salmon). Salvin-Godman CoU. /. cJ ad. sk. Santa Elena, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. ff, h. Ad. sk. Santa Rita, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 20. Chlorospingus chrysogaster. Chlorospingus chrysogaster, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 517; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 515. Above olive-green ; head and neck cinereous : below bright yellow ; throat and breast pale cinereous ; bill and feet brown : whole length 5-6 inches, wing 3-1, tail 2-5. Hah. Peru. I am greatly indebted to M. Taczanowski for the loan of a specimen of this distinct species. It is nearest to C. nihrirostris, but the bill is dark horn-colour instead of red, and the whole belly is clear yellow. 21. Chlorospingus super ciliaris. Arremon superciliaris, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 227. Nemosia superciliaris, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1848, p. 11. Pipilopsis supercUiaris, Bp. Con.s]). i. p. 485. Hemispingus supercUiaris, Cab. Mvs. Hein. i. p. 138. Chlorospingus superciUaris, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, 1856, p. 92, et 1860, pp. 05, 86 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 30 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 90 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 24 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 229 (N. Peru), 1880, p. 195 (N. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 517; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 197. Hylophi]us leucophiys, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1844, p. 81. 43. CHXOROSPINGTJS. 247 Clilorospinj^us nigrifrons, Lmvr. Ibis, 1875, p. 384 ; Bed. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 290. Chlorosping-us superciliaris nigrifrons, Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. 8. 1885, p. 81. Above olive-green ; front half of cap and side.s of head cinereous ; superciliary stripe white : below yellow ; bill plumbeous ; feet pale brown : whole length 5-3 inches, wing 2-9, tail 2-5. Female similar. Hob. Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. In Western Ecuador specimens present a darker forehead and sides of the head (C. nif/rifi-ons, Lawrence). But it is in some cases difficult to say to which form a specimen should be referred, and I think it is better to regard this as a case of subspecies. a. Subsp. typiea. a, b. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater CoU. c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. d, e. Ad. sk. Bogota. b. Subsp. nigrifrons. Salvin-Godman Coll. a. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Purchased. b. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. d. Ad.sk. Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater CoU. e,f. Ad. sk. Sical, Ecuador (Buckley). Sahin-Godmau Coll. g. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckki/). Salvin-Godman Coll. 22. Chlorospingus reyi. Chlorospingus reyi, Berlepsch, Ibis, 1885, p. 288. Above olive ; cap cinereous : below yellow ; flanks olivascent ; under wing-coverts yellowish ; beak plumbeous ; feet pale brown : whole length (about) 5-5 inches, wing 2"7. Hab. Merida, Venezuela. Nearest to C. sujyerciliaris, but without any white superciliaries. A single, not quite perfect, skin is in Graf v. Berlepsch's collection : I am greatly indebted to him for the loan of it. 23. Chlorospingus chrysophrys. Chlorospingus xanthophrys, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. 8. 1870, p. 780 {nee Scl). Chlorospingus chrysoplnys, 8cl. et Salv. P. Z. 8. 1875, p. 235. Above olive-green ; superciliary stripe yellow : beneath yellow ; under wing-coverts whitish ; bill plumbeous ; feet brown : whole length 5'5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2'3. Hah. Merida, Venezuela. Of the same structure as C. siiperciliaris, but distinguishable by its j-ellow supercUiaries. 248 TAXAGRTU^. a. 2 ad. sic. Merida, VeuezueLa (Gomw^). SclatevColI. (Type of the species.) b. 5 ad. sk. Merida, Yeuezuela (Goerinr/). Salvin-Godman Coll. 24. Chlorospingus ignobilis. Sphenops ignobilis, Scl. P. Z. S. 18G1, p. -379 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. IGO. Sphenopsis ignobilis, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. xvi. Chlorospingus ignobilis, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 784 (Venezuela), 1879, p. 504 (Antioquia). Chlorosping'us oleagineus, Scl. P.Z.S. 1S62, p. 110; id. Cat. A.B. p. 3o9; Scl. et Sale. Notnmcl. p. 24 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 517 (C. Peru), 1879, p. 229 (N. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 516; Tacz. et Bcrl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador). Above olive -green ; wiugs and tail brownish ; wing-coverts edged with olive ; slight snperuiliary stripe yellowish : beneath yellowish olive with a slight rufeseent tinge ; bill and feet pale brown : whole length 5-5 inches, wing 2-8, tail 2-7. Female similar. J/ah. Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. a, h. Ad St. Venezuela (2)yso7i). Purchased. c. Ad. sk. South America. Sclater Coll. (Type of Sphenops ignobilis, Sclater.) rf.cJad.sk. Merida, Venezuela (G^oez-iWY/). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of Ch. oleagineus, Sclater.) f. Ad. sk. Bogota, Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. g. $ ad. sk. Santa Elena, Colombia {Sal- Salvin-Godman Coll. mvn^. 25. Chlorospingnis verticalis. Nemosia verticalis, Lafr. Eev. Zool. 1840, p. 227 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 2-36. Chlorospingus verticalis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, 1856, p. 93 ; id. Si/H. Av. Tan. p. 31 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 90 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 24 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 604 (Antioquia) ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 197. Chlorospingus lichtensteiai, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 30 ; id. Sgn. Av. Tan. p. 31 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 24. Above cinereous ; wings and tail dark brown ; head black, broad vertical stripe pale rufous : below pale cinereous, middle of belly whitish ; throat black ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2'8, tail 2-8. Young like the adult, but throat white. Hah. Colombia and Ecuador. I am not quite sure whether the female resembles the male in this species or has the throat white. There are several transitional s]jecimens iu the series between the young white-throated bird (C lichtemteini, mihi, olim) and the adult. «. Ad. ; 6, e. Jr. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. KA.;e,f,g. Jr. Bogota. Sclater Coll. sk. 43. CHLOEOSPINGTTS. 249 h, i. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purcliased. _/. Ad. .sk. jNIedellin, U.S.C. (Salmon). Salviu-Godman Coll. A-. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 26. Chlorospingus xanthophthalmus. Dacnis xanthophthalma, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 510, 1882, p. 9. Chlorosping'us xanthophthalmus, Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 522. Female. Above nearly uniform brownish grey, with a very slight tinge of chocolate-brown on the head : below pale whitish cinereous, clear in the middle and more ciuerasccnt on the sides ; under wing- coverts white ; crissum slightly tinged with fulvous; bill blackish ; feet brown : whole length 5-5 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2-5. Hah. Northern and Central Peru. My characters are from one of the two only known examples of this species, kindly lent to me by the Warsaw Museum. In accor- dance with M. Taczanowski's latest view, that this is probably the female of a Chlorospingus allied to C. verticalis, I place it here, but I am not at all sure that the discovery of the male may not result in causing the species to be moved back into the Ccerebidce. 27. Chlorospingus leucogaster. Dacnidea leucogaster, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 131, pi. xix. fig. 2. Dacnidea albiventris, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 510. Chlorospingus leucogaster, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 15 ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 518. Above cinereous ; head rather darker, superciliary stripe from the front to beyond the eye white; lower back slightly tinged with oUve ; wings and tail blackish, edged with olivaceous cinereous : beneath white, breast and flanks cinerascent ; crissum and flanks slightly tinged with fulvous ; under wing-coverts white ; bill and feet plumbeous : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2-4. Female similar. JIab. Peru. I agree with M. Stolzmann's opinion, recorded by M. Taczanowski (Orn. Per. ii. p. 519), that this is a Chlorospingus, and that the genus Dacnidea may be suppressed. a. 5 ad. sk. Chachapoyas, Peru {Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. 28. Chlorospingus castaneicollis. Chlorospingus castaneicollis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 293 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 90, pi. X. ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 24 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 602 (Bolivia) ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 617 (C. Peru), 1879, p. 229 ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 520. Above olive-brown ; head dark greyish black ; sides of head 250 TANAGEID^. blnck, bordered above bj- distinct white superciliaries ; wings and tail dark brown, with olivaceous edgings on the wings : below ehcstnut-red, much paler and more fulvous on the middle of the belly ; chin and upper part of throat black ; under wing-coverts rufous : bill black ; feet pale brown : whole length 5-3 inches, wing 2-4, tail 2-4. Hah. Peru and Bolivia. a. Ad. sk. Peru. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) 6. Ad. sk. Bolivia (Bucklei/). Sclater Coll. c-e. Ad. sk. Ramosaui, Bolivia {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 29. Chlorospingus goeringi. Chlorospingus goeringi, . iJill larger, culmen much incurved 48. NESOsPLXGvs/p.aZl 40. PEZOPETES. Ptztpctes, Cah. Jvurn.f. Orn. ISGO, p. 415 . Type. P. capitalis. Foot of Fe;opetcs capitals Pezopetes has most of the general characters of BiKtrremon but is distniguishable by its very large feet, in which respect it comes near the Ground- Finches {Pqnlo). It is peculiar to the highlands ot Costa Eica and Yeragua. 254 TANAUKID^. 1. Pezopetes capitalis. Pezopetes capitalis, Cab. J.f. 0. 1800, p. 415; Sah. P.Z.S. 1870, p. 189. Buarremon capitalis, Scl. et Salt: Nomencl. p. 24 ; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 55 (Costa Rica) ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p.322, t. xxiii. %. 1. Above dark olive-greeu ; wings and tail Idackish, wings edged with olive-green ; caj) black ; a slight occipital stripe and sides of head dark cinereous : beneath olive-green, paler in the middle of the 1)elly, and slightly tinged with brown on the flanks and crissum ; chin black, passing into dark cinereous on the upper throat ; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 7'5 inches, wing 3'3, tail 3'4. Female similar. Hah. Costa Rica and Chiriqui. a, h. Ad. sk. Volcau de Cartage, Costa Eica Salvin-Godman Coll. {Arce). c, d. Ad. sk. Irazu district, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Rogers) . e. Ad. sk. S. slope of volcano of Chiriqui Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arce). 47. BUARREMON. lype. Buarremon, Bp. Comp. i. p. 483 (1850) B. torquatus. Chrysopoga, Bp. Consp. i. p. 480 (1850) B. gutturalis. Pipilopsis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 485 (1850) B. semirufus. Carenockrous, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 87 B. latinucha. Under the head of Buarremon, I place a series of about thirty- five species, generally recognizable by their rather elongated conical bill, with the tip pointed and the culmen slightly incurved, short wings, and only moderately strong feet. The plumage is generally dull, of olive-grey and yellowish, and the sexes ar6 alike. Buarremon ranges over the whole Tanagrine area of Central and South America, from Mexico to Bolivia and Southern Brazil, but is especially an Andean type. The eggs of B. elaopronis obtained by Salmon in Antioquia are of a reddish white, thickly blotched and spotted with red and lilac. I will treat of this extensive group under two subgenera : — I. BUAEBEMON. This section embraces the larger and stronger species, with a larger and more elongated bill, longer tail, and stronger feet, to suit their terrestrial habits. II. Pipilopsis. The members of this group, distinguished by their shorter bill and smaller feet, are said by M. Stolzmann (P.Z. S. 1880, p. 197) to be exclusively aiboreal in their habits. 47. BUAEREMON, 255 Key to the Species. A. BUAEEEMON. A. Throat white ; middle of belly white ; flanks cinereous or olive. a. Head black, with well-marked super- ciliaries and vertical stripe. 'I. With a black pectoral collar : ) flanks olive 1. torqtmtm, p. 256. I flanks brown 2. fliceopleurxm^ p. 256. h' . With no pectoral collar: j vertical stripe o;rey 3. assimilis, p. 257. ( vertical stripe olive 4. virenticeps, p. 257. b. Front black, with three white points ; crown chestnut : I with a black pectoral collar 5. brimneinucha, p. 258. I without a black pectoral collar 6. inornatus, p. 259. c. Whole head black 7. atricapillm, p. 259. B. Throat yellow ; belly yellow or white. d. Head black, with a white vertical stripe : ) throat yellow ; belly white 8. yutttiralis, p. 259. ). whole under surface yellow 9. alhimicha, p. 260. e. Head uniform black 10. melatioeephalus, p. 261. C. Throat blackish ; abdomen dark olive. /. Back blackish ; eye-region white 11. leucopis, p. 261. (/. Back olive ; eye-region black. c'. Middle of belly olive 12. castaneiceps, p. 261. d'. Middle of belly yellow 13. crassirustris, p. 262. D. Under surface black ; thighs yeUow .... 14. tibialis, p. 262. B. PiPILOPSIS. A. Sides of head black ; cap red : abdomen yellow. a. With no white mystacal stripe. a'. Tliruat black 15. melanolavms, p. 263. b'. Throat yellow like the belly. a'-. Back black. rt^. No alar speculum : I lores yellow 16. ntfinucha, p. 263. I lores black 17. melnnops, p. 26S. 6-\ With a white alar speculum. ... 18. latinucha, p. 264. b'^. Back cinereous : j lores black 19. spodionotus, p. 264. I lores yellow 20. cnmptus, p. 264. c". Back olive 21. elceoprorus, p. 265. h. With a white mystacal stripe : j throat white 22. albifrenatus, p. 205. { throat yeUow 23. merida, p. 266. B. Sides of head black ; occiput red or ful- vous ; abdomen white : j front red 24. leucopterm, p. 266. I front black 25. dresseri, p. 266. C. Sides of head black : cap red ; abdomen more or less cinereous. c. Middle of belly white; crissum ochra- ceous 26. seebohmi, p. 267. 256 TANAGRIDJi. (/. 'N'S'liolo under surface cinereous. c'. Narrow front blacli : I alar speculum white 27. schistaceus, p. 267. I no alar speculum '2S. taczanoxcskii, p. 267. d'. Front chestnut like cap 29. castaneifrons, p. 268. D. Sides of head black ; front and broad occipital stripe white or fulvous ; abdo- men yellow : I nape whitish ; 30. paUidinucha, p. 268. I nape yellow 31. tricolor, p. 269. E. Sides of head chestnut like the cap. e. Breast chestnut 33. seminifm, p. 2G9. f. Breast yellow : j back "slaty 33. persontitus, p. 270. I back light olive-green 34. fuhiceps, p. 270. F. Sides of head yellow, with an olive auri- cular patch 35. citrincllus, p. 270. A. Subgenus Buaeremon. 1. BuarremoD torquatus. Embernagra torquata, d'Orb. et Lafr. Si/n. Av. pt. i. p. 34 (18.37). Ai-remon alfinis, d'Orb. Voi/., Ois. p. 282, pi. xxvii. %. 1. Buarremou torquatus, Bp. Consp. i. p.4S3; Scl. P. Z. S. IBoG, p. 84 ; id. Sijn. Av. Tan. p. 22 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 24; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 602 (Bolivia) ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 515 (Central Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 530. Above olive-green ; wings and tail blackish brown, edged with olive; head black : vertical band cinereous ; superciliaries, beginning above the eye, white: below white, with a well- defined black pec- toral collar ; flanks and crissum olive ; bend of wing yellow ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3, tail 3-2. Female similar. Bab. Bolivia. a, b. Ad. et jr. sk. Ilamosani, Bolivia (Buckki/). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Buckley). d. Ad. sk. Bolivia {Buckley). Sclater Coll. 2. Buarremon phaBopleurus. Buarremon phfeopleurus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 85; id. St/n. Av. Tan. p. 23 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 90 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 24. Above olive-green ; wings and tail blackish brown, edged with olive-green ; head black ; vertical stripe cinereous ; superciliaries, commencing on the front, white : below white, with a well-defined black pectoral collar ; flanks and crissum fuscous ; bend of the wing yellow : whole length 7 inches, wing 3*2, tail (rather worn) 3. Hah. Venezuela. This is a close ally of B. torquatus, but may be distinguished by its brown sides and crissum. The white stiperciliaries commence 47. BUARREiloX. 257 from the front, instead of beginning over the eye, and the under surface of the tail is miich browner. a. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) 3. Buarremon assimilis. Tanagra assimilis, Boiss. Eev. Zool. 1840, p. 07. Buarremon assimilis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 484 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, 1856, p. 85, 1859, p. 441, 1860, p. 70 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 23 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 90 ; Salv. Ibis, 1874, p. 308 (Costa Rica) ; id. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 197 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 284 (Merida), 1879, p. 504 (Antioquia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 24 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 196 (N. Peru), 1882, p. 15 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 531 ; Laivr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 101 (Costa Rica) ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 318; Berl. et Tac:. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 291 (W. Ecuador); Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 84 (Ecuador). Above olive-green ; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive ; head black ; superciliaries and broad vertical stripe ciuerecus : be- neath white, sides cinereous, tinged vrith oHve on the flanks and crissum ; bend of the wing yellow ; biU black ; feet brown : whole length 7'4 inches, wing 3-4, tail 3*5. Female similar. Hah. Costa Rica, Colombia, Yenezuela, Ecuador, and Peru. a. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater CoU. c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. d. e. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. /. 2 a*i- sk. MedeUiu, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman CoU. {Salmon). (/, h. Ad. sk. Sical, Ecuador {Btickley). Salvin-Godman CoU. /,.y. Ad. sk. Quito. Govdd CoU. k. Ad. sk. Cutervo, Peru {Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. I. Ad. sk. CaUacate, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater CoU. 4. Buarremon virenticeps. Fringilla quadiivittata, Licht. in JIus. Berol. Buarremon ^U'enticeps, Bp. Compt. Rend. xli. p. 657 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 85 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 23 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 90 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 24 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 319. Above olive-green ; wings and tail brown, edged with olive-green ; head black ; superciliaries and vertical stripe commencing at fore- head whitish, then passing into yellowish oHve : beneath white ; sides cinereous, passing- into olivaceous on flanks and crissum ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 7'o inches, wing 3-1, tail 3'4. IJah. Mexico. This is a close ally of B. assimilis, but distinguishable by its yellowish-green superciliaries and vertical stripe. a. Ad. sk. Mexico (Sicinichi-ast). Sclater CoU. b. Ad. sk. Southern Mexico {Boucard). Salvin-Godman CoU. c. Ad. sk. La Puebla, Mexico. Pui'chased. VOL. ii. s 258 TANAGRIDJE. 5, Buarremon bnumeinucha. Embernagra bninueimiclia, Lafr. Ilcv. Zool. l8o9, p. 97. Taiiagra (Embernapra) bruuuti-nuclia, Boiss. liev. Zool. 1840, p. 68. Arreinon frontalis, Tsch. in TJ'wijm. Arch. 1844, p. 289 : id. Faun. Per., Ois. p. 212. Buarremon brunneinucha, Bp. Consp. i. p. 484 ; Sclatev, T. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, 1850, pp. 85, 302, 1858, pp. 72, 303, 1859, pp. 364, 377, 1864, p. ]74 (Mexico); id. Syn. A v. Tan. p. 23 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 90 ; Sclut. ft Sale. Ibis, 1859, p. 15 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1808, p. 627 (Venezuela), 1875, p. 234 (Meridaj, 1879, p. 504 (Antioquia) ; iid. Nomend. p. 24 ; Salvvn, P. Z. S. 18G7, p. 140 ( Veragua), 1870, p. 189 (Veragua) ; id. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 198 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1865, p'. 170 (Costa Rica) ; Sumichr. Mem. Post. 8. N. II. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz) ; Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ix. p. 101 (Costa Rica); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 300'; Cab. J. f. O. 1860, p. 414 (Costa Rica) ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 515 (Ceutr. Peru), 1879, p. 228 (N. Peru), 1880, p. 197 (N. Peru), 1882, p. 15 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Om. Per. ii. p. 529; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 84 (Ecuador) ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 319. Buarremon xauthogenys, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 141. Above-olive green ; wings and tail brown, edged with olive ; front and sides of head black, with three white stripes on the front ; crown dark chestnut: below wliito, with a well-defined black liectoral collar ; sides cinereous, flanks and crissuni tinged with olive ; bend of wing yellowish ; bill black ; feet clear brown : whole length 7'5 inches, wing 3-4, tail 3-4. Female similar. Hah. Southern Mexico, and throughout Central America to Vene- zuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. a. Ad. sk. Jalapa {de Oca). b. Ad. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). c. d. Ad. sk. Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala {Salvin). e. 5 jr. sk. Calderas, Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala (Salvin). f. Jr. sk. Vera Paz, Guatemala {Hague). g. (S ad. sk. Dota, Costa Rica (Carmiol). h. Ad. sk. Irazudistr., Costa Rica (i2of/ers). i. Jr. sk. Costa Rica ( Carmiol). j. S ad. sk. Santiago de Veragua {Arcf). k. Ad. sk. Southern slope, Volcan de Chi- riqui (Arce). I. cJ ad. sk. Cordillera de Tole, Veragua (Arce). m. 2 ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arce). II. cj ad. sk. Merida, Venezuela (Goering). o. cJ ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela {Goering). p. Ad. sk. Bogota. q, r. Ad. sk. Bogota. s. Ad. sk. Bogota. t. Ad. St. Bogota. u. § ad. sk. Santa Elena, U. S. C. {Salmon). V. Ad. sk. Pasto, Ecuador {Lekmami). w. Pull sk. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. 47. BTJARKEMON. 259 6. Buarremon inornatus. Buarremon bninneinucluis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 138. Buarremou itioruatus, Sol. et Salv. Ibis, 1879, p. 427 ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 291 (W. Ecuador). Above olive-green ; wings and tail blackish brown, edged with olive ; front and sides of head black, with three white points on the front ; crown chestnut : beneath white, sides of breast ashy, passing into olivaceous on the flanks and crissum ; bill black ; feet clear brown : whole length 7*3 inches, wing 3-3, tail 3-2. Female similar. Hab. Ecuador. Exactly similar to B. braimeinucha, but without the black pec- toral collar. a. 5 ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. Pull. sk. Pallatanga {Fraser). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Pallatanga (Fraser). Salvin-Godman CoU. d. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godmau Coll. 7. Buarremon atricapillus. Buarremou atricapillus, Laicrence, Ann. Lye. N. Y. x. p. 39G (1874). Above rather j-ellowish olive-green; wings and tail blackish brown, edged with olive ; whole head above uniform black : beneath white, sides of breast ashy ; flanks and crissum olive-green ; bend of wing yellow ; bill black ; feet clear brown : whole length G-5 inches, wing 3-4, tail 3-4. Hah. Colombia. A scarce species, with the general structure of B. brunneimtcJia, but with a stouter bill, and at once known by its black head. a. Ad. sk. Colombia. Salvin-Godman CoU. 8. Buarremon gutturalis. Arremon gutturalis, Zafr. Rev. Zool. 1843, p. 98. Buarremon gutturalis, i?;j. Consp. i. p. 484 ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 86; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 24 ; Salvin, Ibis, 1874, p. 322 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 504 (Antioc[uia) ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.- Am., Aves, i. p. 320. Chrysopoga typica, Bj). Consp. i. p. 480. Buarremon clirysopogon, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 8G ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 24 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 91 ; Scl. et Sah\ Ibis, 1859, p. 15 (Guate- mala) ; iid. Komencl. p. 24 ; Salvin, Ibis, 1870, p. 189 (Veragua) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1865, p. 171 ; Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ix. p. 101; Frantz. J.f. O. 1809, p. 300; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 50 (Costa Rica). Atlapetes cbrysopogon, Cab. J. f. 0. 18G0, p. 414, 1801, p. 94 (Costa llica). Buarremon albinuchus, Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1800, p. 274 (Cohan). Above cinereous ; head black, with a broad white vertical stripe : 260 TANAGRIDiE. below pale ashy white, rather darker on the sides and crissura ; throat pale lemon-yellow ; bill dark horn-colour ; feet brown : whole length 6"7 inches, wing 2'S, tail 3. Female similar. Hah. Guatemala and throughout Central America into Colombia. The lemon-yellow colour on the throat is replaced in some speci- mens by bright orange. u. Ad. sk. ; b. Jr. Coban, Vera Paz [Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. c. Ad. sk. Totonicapam, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. {Salvin). d. Ad. sk. Volcan de Agua, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin). e. (S ad. sk. Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. (^Salviii). f. Ad. sk. Calderas, Volcan de Fuego, Salvin-Godman Coll. Guatemala {Salvin). (J. Ad.sk. San Jose, Costa Eica (Crt?'w«'oZ). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Irazu, Costa Rica (Rogers). Salvin-Godman Coll. i. Pidl. sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica [Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. c? ad.sk. Calovevora, Veragua (^rce). Salvin-Godman Coll. k, I. S ad. sk. Castillo, Veragua {Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Orange-throated variety.) m. cS ad. sk. Southern slope of Volcan de Salvin-Gtfdman Coll. Cbiriqui {Arce). n. Ad. sk. Bogota {Leadbeater). Sclater Coll. o, p. cJ 5 ad. sk. Medellin, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). 9. Buarremon albinucha. EmbernagTa albinucha, d'Orb. et Lafr. -Rev. Zuol. 1838, p. 105. Buanemon albinucha, Bp. Consp. i. p. 484 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, 1850, p. 80, 1857, p. 205, 1859, pp. 364, 377, et 1864, p. 173 (IVlexico) ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 24 ; id. Cat. A. £. p. 91 ; Scl. et Salv. Noniencl. p. 24 ; Salvin, Cat. SiricM. Coll. p. 198 ; Sumichr. Mem. Host. Soc. N. H. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz) ; Sah. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 321. Buarremon vitellinus, Licht. in Mus. Berol. Atlapetes albinucha, Cab. Mxis. Hein. i. p. 140. Embernagra mexicaua, Less. Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 42. Above dark ashy ; head black, with a broad white vertical stripe : below yellow, flanks and crissum greyish ; bill dark horn-colour ; feet hazel-brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 3, tail 3-2. Female similar. Nestlincj. Above brownish grey ; beneath with longitudinal blackish shaft-stripes. Hah. Southern Mexico and Colombia. The distribution of this bird is very curious, as it occurs in Southern Mexico (where the preceding species is not found) and again in Colombia, but appears absent throughout Central America. As in B. gtUturalis (from which B. albinucha is at once distinguished by its yellow belly) the throat in some specimens is of a bright orange. 47. BTTAKEEMON. 261 a. Ad. sk. Jalapa. SclaterColl. (Variety with the throat orange.) b. Ad. sk. Jalapa (Ifof/e). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Pull. sk. Jalapa (de Oca). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. c? ad. i?k. Orizaba. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Orizaba {Botteri). Sclater Coll. /. c? ad. sk. Totontepec {Boucard). Salvin-Godman Coll. (/. Ad. sk. Colombia (Dehittre). Sclater Coll. ■^. Ad. sk. Colombia. Sclater Coll. ^. Ad. st. Central America. Purchased. 10. Buarremon melanocephalus. Buarremon melanocephalus, Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 121. Above cinereous tinged with olive ; head black, cheeks greyish : below yellow, chin blackish ; bill black ; feet hazel : whole length 6-5 inches, wing 2-8, tail 2-8. Hah. Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta. There are indications of longitudinal blackish striations in the younger specimen. The species is allied to B. albinvcha, but dis- tinguished at once by its black head. a. cJ jr. sk. San Sebastian, Sierr. Nev. of Santa Salvin-Godman Coll. Marta (Sitnons). (Type of the species.) b. S ad. sk. San Jose, Sierr. Nev. of Santa Salvin-Godman Coll. Marta {Simons). 11. Buarremon leucopis. (Plate XIV.) Buarremon leucopis, Sd. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 439. Above black, very slightly tinged with olive on the back ; crown of head and nape dark chestnut ; sides of head black ; narrow rim round the eyes white : beneath dark olive-green, blackish on the chin ; bill black ; feet horn-colour : whole length 7 inches, wing 3-4, tail 3-3. Ilab. Ecuador. A distinct species, very easily recognizable by the narrow white rim round the eye. «, b. Ad. sk. Yauayaca, Ecuador (BucMei/). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Tj'pes of the species.) 12. Buarremon castaneiceps. Buarremon castaneiceps, Sclater, F. Z. S. 1859, p. 441, et 1860, p. 86 ; . Consp. i. p. 484 (partim) ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 18.56, p. 87 ; id. Sy7i. Av. Tan. p. 2-5 ; id. Cut. A. B. p. 91 ; Sd et Salv. KomencL p. 24; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 603 (Bolivia) ; {id. Ibis, 18/9, p. 427. Body above and sides of head black : cap chestnut ; loral spot yellow: body below clear yellow: bill dark brown; feet clear brown : whole length 5-o inches, wing 2, tail 2-5. Ilah. Bolivia. a. Ad. sk. Bolivia {Bridges). Sclater Coll. b, c. Ad. sk. Bolivia (Bridr/es). Purchased. d. Ad.sk. Tilotilo,Yungas, Bolivia (i?w^%). Salvin-Godman Coll. 17. Buarremon melanops. liuarremon rufiuuchus, Set. Cat. A. B. p. 91 (err.). Buarremon melanops, Scl. et Salt. P. Z. S. 1876, p 253 1879 n Cd'\ (Boli\a) ; iid. Ibis, 1879, p. 427. ' ^ V- ^<> Body above and sides of head black ; cap chestnut : below yellow • flanks and crissum passing into olivaceous ; bill black ; feet dark flesh-colour: whole length 6 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2-6. Hah. Bolivia. Very similar to the preceding species, but without the \elIow loral spot, and of a brighter yellow below. 264 TANAGKID^. a,h. Ad.sk.; c,<1. Simacii, Bolivia (-Zj«fA7e?/). Salvin-Godman Coll. Jr. sk. (T^^es of the species.) e,f. Ad. sk. Bolivia. Sclater Coll. 18. Buarremon latinxicha. Buarremon latinucliiis, Du Bus, Bull. Acad. Brux. xxii. pt. i. p. 154 ; Sol. et Snlv. Nomencl. p. 25 ; iid. Ibis, 1879, p. 427, t. x. fig. 1 ; Tdcz. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 197 (N. Peru), 1882, p. IG (N.E. Peru). CarenocLrous latinuclius, Tacz. Oni. Per. ii. p. 524. Buarremon specularis, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 228. Above slaty black ; sides of head black ; cap chestnut ; a well- developed alar speculum white : beneath yellow ; slightly oliva- ceous on the flanks and crissum ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 2-9, tail 2-9. Hab. Peru and Eastern Ecuador. The wcU-marked specalum distinguishes this form among the black-backed species of this group. B. clceopvorns has also a white speculum, but an olive back. a. Ad. sk. TambiUo, Peru {Stolzmami). Sclater Coll. h. Ad. sk. Peru {Stolz7nami). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 19. Buarremon spodionotus. Buan-emon latinuchus, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 87, et 1860, pp. 76, 85 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 25 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 91. Buarremon spodionotus, Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1879, p. 425. Carenochrous spodionotus, Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 292. Above cinereous ; sides of head black ; cap chestnut ; wings and tail blackish : beneath yellow ; bill dark corneous : feet brown : whole length 6-8 inches, wing 3'2, tail 3-2. Female similar. Hab. Western Ecuador. The ashy back and want of any visible alar speculum distinguish this species. a. S ad- sk. Guapulo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. c? pull. sk. Calacali, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Above Puellaro, Ecuador. L. Fraser [C.]. d. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. f. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. (/. Ad. sk. Sical, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Maravina, Ecuador (Buckley). Sclater CoU. 20. Buarremon comptus. (Plate XV.) Buarremon comptus, Scl. ct Sah: Ibis, 1879, p. 426. Above cinereous, wings and tail blackish, slightly edged with cinereous ; crown light chestnut-red ; sides of the head deep black ; 47. BTJAEREMON. 265' lores yellow : beneath clear yellow ; under wing-coverts white ; biU dark corneous ; feet clear brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 3-3, tail 3-3. Hah. Eastern Ecuador. Allied to B. spodionotus, but distinguished by its bright yellow lores, and the lighter colour of the chestnut head. a, b. Ad. sk. Maravina, Ecuador (Buckhy). Salvin-Godmau Coll. (Type of the species.) 21. Buarremon elaeoproms. Buarremon elaeoprorus, Scl. et Sah. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 504 (Antioquia) ; iid. Ibis, 1879, p. 427. Above dark oHve ; wings and tail black, with a well- defined white alar speculum ; crown of head and nape chestnut ; sides of head black, with a small yellow loral spot : below yellow ; flanks and crissura passing into olivaceous ; bill horn-colour ; feet hazel : whole length 7 inches, wing 2-8, tail 3. Female similar. Rah. Antioquia, U.S. Colombia. The dark olive back distinguishes this form of the group of B. riifinucha. There is a slight spot of yellow on the lores, and a well-marked white alar speculum. a,b. (f $ ad. sk. Santa Elena, Antioquia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). (Types of the species.) e. Ad. sk. Antioquia (Sabnon). Sclater Coll. 22. Buarremon albifrenatus. Tanagi-a (Arremon) albofrenatus, Boiss. Bev. Zool. 1840, p. 68. Buarremon albifrenatus, B^i. Consp. i. p. 484 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 18o5, p. 1.55, et 1856, p. 88 ; id. Si/ti. Av. Tan. p. 26 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 92; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 25; Berl. J.f. O. 1884, p. 293 (Bucararaanga). Arremon mvstacahs, Sclater, Rev. Zool. 1852, p. 8 ; id. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 131, pi. 99. Above olive-green ; wings and tail blackish, edged with oUve ; cap chestnut ; narrow front and sides of head black, with a well- defined white mystacal stripe separated from the throat by a black line ; throat white ; abdomen clear yeUow, slightly olivaceous on the flanks and crissum ; bill horn-colour ; feet pale hazel : whole length rv7 inches, wing 2-9, tail 2-9. Hah. Colombia. a. Ad. sk. ; b. Jr. sk. Colombia. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Ocaiia, Magdalena Vallev Salvin-Godman Coll. {Wijatt). ?6G TANAGRID^. 23. Buarremon meridae. Buarremon meridfe, Sd. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 785; iid. Nomevcl. p. 25. Above olivc-grccn ; -winji-s and tail blackish edged with olive; whole cap pale chestnut, sides of head black ; mystacal stripe white, separated from the throat by a black line ; under surface clear yel- low, slightly olivaceous on the flanks and crissum ; bill horn-colour ; feet hazel : whole length 6-5 inches, wing 2"8, tail 3-2. Hah. Ticinity of Merida, 'Vene7,uela. Closely allied to B. aJbifrenatus, but distinguished by the yellow throat and the want of the black front. a. S ad. sk. Merida {Goering). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) 24. Buarremon leucopterus. An-emon leucopterus, Jard. Edinh. N. Thil. Juurn. n. s. iii. p. 02. , Buarremon leucopterus, Sclafcr, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 214, pi. 109, 1850, p. 87, et 1859, p. 138; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 25; id. Cat. A. B. p. 91 ; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 114 ; Roraima, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. ''g. (S y- sk. {Whifehj). 34. Buarremon fulviceps. Emberiza fulviceps, if{/)-. et cTOrb. Sijn. Av. i. p. 77 ; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. ;562, pi. 46. fig. 2. Pipilopsis fidviceps, Bp. Consp. i. p. 485. Buarremon fulviceps, Scl. et Sale. Numencl. p. 25; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 60-3 (Bohvia) ; Tacz. Cm. Per. ii. p. 532. Above olive-green, wings and tail blackish, edged with olive ; head and nape bright chestnut : lores yellow : beneath yellow ; throat with a slight red mystacal stripe on each side ; flanks and crissum olivaceous ; bill horn-colour ; feet brown : whole length 5-8 inches, wing 3, tail 3. Bab. BoHvia. Apparently allied to B. personatus, but with the bill rather weaker, and readily known by its olive back, yellow lores, and red mystacal stripe on each side of the throat. a. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yimgas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (^Bucklei/). 35. Buarremon citrinellus. Buan-emon (Atlapetes) citrinellus. Cab. J. f. 0. 1883, p. 109, t. i. fig. 2. Above olive-green, darker on the head ; wings and tail blackish brown, edged with olive ; a broad superciliary stripe, commencing on the front on each side, and another commencing at the gape, bright yellow, leaving in the middle a broad patch of dark olive : beneath yellow, breast and flanks olivaceous ; throat yellow, bordered 48. NESOSPIXGTJS. 271 on each side bj- a dark olive mystacal stripe ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length . S 2 ad. sk. q. S ad. sk. r. Ad. sk. s. cJ ad. sk. t. Ad. sk. w. 2 ad. sk. V, w. Ad. sk. X, y. Ad. sk. ; a. Jr. sk. a'. 2 ad. sk. b'. Ad. sk. c'. Skeleton. Minca, U. S. C. (Simons). Manaure, U. S. C. (Si7rtons). Bogota. Bogota. Remedios, Antioquia, U. S. C. (Salmon). Sta. Rita, Ecuador (Buckley). Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Quito. Chamicuros, E. Peru (Haitxtcell). Mirkimarca, Bolivia (Buckley). Tilotilo, Yimgas, Bolivia (Buckley). Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Roraima, Brit. Guiana (imtely). Cayenne. Para, Lower Amazons ( Wallace). Para (Wallace). Pernambuco, IJrazil (Forbes). Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Bahia, Brazil ( Wucherer). Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil (Joyner). Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. J. Gould, Esq. J. Gould, Esq. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Eyton Coll. 4. Saltator atripennis. Saltator atripeimis, S'w. Birds of Brazil, pi. 3. Psarocolius icteronotus, Wagl. Syst. Av. sp. 5. Cacicus icteronotus, Scl. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 455. Glossy black ; large blotch on the wing-coverts, hinder back, crissum, and basal half of tail bright yellow ; bill white ; feet black : whole length 11 inches, wing 6, tail 4-3. Female similar, but smaller and not so glossy : whole length 8"5 inches, wing 4-7, tail 3-6. Bab. South America, from Colombia down to South Brazil and Bolivia. a. (J ad. sk. Bogota. Salviu-Godman Coll. b. (S ad. sk. Trinidad. Sclater CoU. c,d. (S 2 ^'^- sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Sidviu-Godnian Coll. (W/iitely). e,f. c? 2 ad. st. British Guiana. Chev.Schomburgk[C.J. (/. cJ ad. sk. Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. h. (S ad.sk. Para, Lower Amazons (JT'rt/- Salvin-Godman Coll. lace). i. (J ad. sk. Island of Mexiana, Lower Salvin-Godman Coll. Amazons ( Wallace). j. S ad.sk. Amazons (TT «//(««'). Salvin-Godman CoU. k,l. (^2 ad. sk. Yquitos, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. {Whitely). m, n. (5ad.sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (i??. $ ad. sk. Buenos Ayres (-S«s/e/iM;-s^). Sclater Coll. 2. Amblycercus holosericeus. Sturnus holosericeus, Licht. Preis Verz. Mex. Vdg. p. 1 ; Cab. J. f O. 1863, p. 55. Cacicus holosericeus, Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 262. Cassieus holosericeus, Scl. Ibis, 1883, p. 163 ; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 445 ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 415. Amblyramphus prevostii, Less. Cent. Zool. p. 159, pi. 54. Amblycercus nigerrimus, Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 190 (note). Casiiculus prevostii, Bj). Consp. i. p. 428 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 301, 1859, pp. 57, 365, 380, 1860, pp. 276, 293, 1864, p. 174; id. Cat. A. B. p. 129 ; Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 19, 1860, p. 34 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 353, 1870, p. 836; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 142, 1870, p. 190. Cassieus prevosti, Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 36; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 322 (Tumbez) ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 552. Deep black ; bill white ; feet black : whole length 9 inches, wing 4"1, tail 4'3. Female siniUar. Hah. Southern Mexico and Central America down to Panama, Colombia, Western Ecuador, and X.W. Peru. This is apparently a smaller northern representative of A. soli- tarius. a. Ad. St. b. Ad. sk. c. S ad. sk. d. e. Ad. sk. /. Ad. sk. g, h. Ad. sk. i. (S ad. sk. j. Ad. sk. k. Ad. sk. I. 2 ad. sk. fii, n. S 2 ad. sk. South America. Jalapa, S. Mexico (de Oca). Tonala, Chiapas, Mexico (Sumichrast). Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Behze, Brit. Honduras (Blanca)ieaux). Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Duenas, Guatemala (Salvin). Ketalhuleu, Guatemala (Salvin). Irazu, Costa Rica (Rogers). Santa Fe, Veragua (Aj-ce). Calovevora, Veragua (Arce). Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Col!. Si J8 ICTERJDili, 0. Ad. sk. Paraiso Station, Isthm. of Panama ( Hughes). P- $ ad.sk. Lion Hill, Isthm. of Panama (McLeannan). ?• Ad. sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Frascr). *; s. Ad. sk. Monji, Ecuador (^Bxickley). t. Ad. sk. Bogota. u. Ad. sk. Bogota. V. 2 ad. sk. Aragua, Venezuela. Salviu-Godinan Coll. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. 8. CASSICULUS. Cassiculus, Sw. Zool. Journ. iii. p. 352 (1827) , Type. C. melanicterus. The single form upon which Swainson based the genus Cassiculus is distinguished readily by its well-developed crest. The mesorhiuium is scarcely enlarged, but projects into the forehead, and terminates in an angular, not rounded shape. The sexes are rather differently coloured. Range. Western Mexico. 1. Cassiculus melanicterus. Icterus melanicterus, B}]. Journ. Acad. Fhilad. iv. p. o89 (1824), Icterus diadematus, Temm. I'l. Cvl. 482 (181:^9). Cassiculus coronatus, Sic. Zool. Journ. iii. p. 353 ; id. Phil. May. 1827, i. p. 436. Xauthornus coronatus, Jard. et Selb. III. Orn. pi. 45. Cassiculus melanicterus, Bjy. Consp. i. p. 428; Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 186 ; Sclater, Caf. A. B. p. 129 ; id. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 380 ; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 156 ; Baird, Ibis, 1863, p. 476 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 35 ; Sa/v. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 422. Cassicus melanicterus, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 66. Glossy black ; rump, lesser wing-coverts, and crissum yellow ; tail yellow, two middle rectrices and external edges of the others black : bill white, plumbeous towards the base ; feet blackish : whole length 10-5 inches, wing 5*8, tail 4-8. Female similarly marked, but general colour dark cinei'eous : whole length 9-5 inches, wing 5, tail 4-2. Hah. Western Mexico, a,b. c? 2 ad. sk. c-f. (5 ad. sk. ; y. jr. sk. h. cS ad. sk. i. (S .ji'- sk. /. ^. d $ ad. sk. ; I. S ji'- sk. m . c? jr. sk. ; n. 2 ad. sk. 0. c? jr. sk. P- 2 ad. sk. ?• cj ad. sk. ; r. d jr. sk. s. d jr. sk. t, u. S 2 ad. sk. ■", to. J 2 ad. sk. X. d ad. sk. y> z. (^ ad. sk. 11. MOLOTHRtrS. 335 Mexico. Purchased. Orizaba, Mexico {Botteri). Purchased. Mexico {de Smissure). Sclater Coll. Mexico. Sclater Coll. Jalapa, Mexico {de Oca). Sclater Coll. Presidio {Forrer). Salviu-Godman Coll. Mazatlan, W. Mexico Salvin-Godman Coll. {Forrer). Oaxaca, S. Mexico (Fenochio). Salvin-Godman Coll. Southern Mexico (Boucard). Salviu-Godman Coll. Northern Yucatan {Gaumer). Salvin-Godman CoU. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. Duehas, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. Calobre, V^eragua (A)-ce). Salvin-Godman Coll. Orosi, Costa Kica (Kramer). Salvin-Godman Coll. Chitra, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Molothrus armenti. Molothrus armenti, Cab. Mas. Ilein. i. p. 192 : id. J. f. O. 1861, p. 82 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. So. Phil. 1866, p. 18 ; Scl. Ibis,' 18Si, p. 5. Smaller than M. ceneus ; biU more slender ; entire plumage black ; head and body with a rich, silky, yellowish-brown lustre. (Cassin, J. c.) Hob. Coast-region of Colombia and Venezuela. I have not seen the adult of this bird, and am not sure that the single skin registered below belongs to it. But it appears to be a youug male or female of some species of the genus. a. 2 jr. sk. Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. 4. Molothrus bonariensis *. Tangavio, Dattb. PI. Enl. 710. Tanagra bonariensis, Gm. 8. N. i. p. 898. Molothrus bonariensis, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 193 ; Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 5 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 140 (Arg. Rep.) ; iid. Nojiiencl. p. 37 ; Cassiii, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 19 ; Hudson, P. Z. S. * When at Philadelphia in 1884, I took the opportunity of examining the go-ealled Ci/rtotcs maxillaris, and came to the conclusion that the specimens so named are only males of Molothrus bonariensis with the beak defonned. As, however, uiy examination was a hasty one, and it is still possible that I mav have been mistaken, I add the synonymy of this (supposed) genus and s^jecies.' Cyktotes maxillaris. Icterus maxillaris, d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. ii. p. 6 ; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 367 tab. lii. fig. 2: Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 643. Molothrus maxillaris, Cass. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 21. Cyrtotes maxillaris. Up. Consp. i. p. 437 ; Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 9. Hab. Cochabamba, Bolivia (d'Orb.). There is no specimen of this bird in European collections, so far as I know. 336 1872, p. 809, et 1874, pp. 153 et seqq. (Bueuos Ayres) ; Berlepsch, Jutirn. f. Orn. 1873, p. 249 (Santa Catharina) ;" Durnford, Ibis, 1877, pp. 33, 174 (Chupat) ; Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 339 (Pemam- buco) ; White, F. Z. S. 1883, p. 601 (Arg. Rep.). Tordo comuu, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 275. Icterus seiiceus, Licht. Douhl. p. 19 ; Tsch. Faun. Per. p. 225. Molotlirus sericeus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 437 yNeioton, Ibis, 1860, p. 308 ; Feh. Orn. Bras. p. 200 ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 135. Molobrus sericeus, Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 279 ; id. La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 494; Sternb. J.f. O. 1869, p. 125. Scolecopliagus sericeus, Siv. An. in Menag. p. 301. Icterus minor, Spix, Av. Bras. i. p. 07, pi. 63. fig. 2 (?). Icterus violaceus. Max. Beitr. iii. p. 1212. Molotlirus niger, Gould, Zool. Vot/. ' Beagle,' iii. p. 107. Passerina discolor, Vieill. N. D. d'H. N. xxxiv. p. 552 ; id. Erie. Meth. p. 939. Uniform shining purplish black ; on wings and tail not so bright ; bill and feet black : whole length 7"5 inches, wing 4-5, tail 3. Female. Dark ashy brown, beneath paler ; bill and feet black ; slightly smaller in size. Hah. Argentine Eepublic, Patagonia, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Brazil. a, b. 1. Waldron I., Domiuiou of Canada. Fort Dufferin, N.W. A. jS'.W. coast of N. America. Fort Simpson, N. A. Pembina, Dakota (Coues). Illinois (Coale). Mt. Carmel, Illinois {Ridf/icai/). Nova Scotia (Downs). Canada (Salvin). Washington, D.C., U. S. A. (Bre.der). The Slashes, Distr. of Colombia (Coues). Arizona (Coues). Me.xico. Northern Yucatan (Gaiwter). Cozumel I., Yucatan (G. F. Gaumer). Belize, Brit. Honduras (BlaHcaneaux). Lake of Peteu, Guate- mala (Salvin). Duefias, Guatemala. Guatemala (Constancia). Bebedero, Nicoya, Costa Rica (Aree). Dr, LyaU [P.]. Dr. LyaU [P.J. N. A. Bound. Comui. Capt. Kellett and Lieut. Wood [P.]. B. Ross, Esq. [P.]. U. S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. U. S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. U. S_. Nat. Mus. [P.l. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Cell. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Agelaeus assimris. Ageheus assimilis, Gundl. in Lemheye, Aves de Cuba, p. 64, t. 9. fig. 3 (1850) ; ul. J.f. 0. 1856, p. 12, 1861, pp. 332, 413, 1862, p. 189, et 1874, p. 131 ; id. Boston Journ. N. H. vi. p. 316; Poetj, Rep. F.-N. i. p. 288 (1866) ; Sd. Ibis, 1884, p. 10. Agelaeus phceniceus, var. assimilis, Coues, B. N.-W. p. 186. Male. Similar to A. i^hcenice'us, but rather smaller, uniform black. Hah. Cuba. Female 3. Agelaeus gubernator. Psarocolius gubernator, Wagl. Isis, 1832, p. 281. Agelseus gubernator, Bp. Consp. i. p. 430 ; Baird, B. N. Am. p. 529 ; Sd. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 213 (Orizaba), 1859, p. 365 (Jalapa), 1864, p. 175 (City of Mexico) ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 135 ; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 10 ; Sd. et Salv. Nomend. p. 37 ; Cuuper, Orn. Cal. i. p. 263. Agelaiusphoeniceus, var. gubernator, Baird, Breic.,et JRidgw. N.A.B. ii. p. 163 ; Coues, B. N- W. p. 186. Agelaeus phceniceus gubernator, Coues, Key N. A. B. (1884) p. 404. 342 ictekidj:. Glossy black ; lesser wing-coverts crimson, without or with scarcely any oehraceous border ; bill and feet black. Hah. Pacific coasts of N. America, and south to Southern Mexico. a. (S ad. St. California. Sir E. Belcher [P.], h. S iid. sk. San Francisco, Cal. {Cutts). U.S. Nat.Mns. [P.]. c. (S ad. sk. California {Bell). Sclater Coll. d. cJ jr. sk. Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. {Hm- U.S. Nat. Mas. [P.]. shnic). e. Ad. sk. Jplapa, Mexico {de Oca). Salvin-Godman Coll. y, (7. Ad. et jr. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (f/e Oca). Sclater Coll. h. Ad. sk. Orizaba, Mexico {Botteri). Sclater Coll. i. $ ad. St. Mexico. J. Gould, Esq. 4. Agelaeus tricolor. Icterus tricolor, Aiid. Orn. Biugr. v. p. 1 (1839) ; Nuttall, 3Ian. i. (2nd edit.) p. 186. Agelaius tricolor, B}). Comp. ^ Geoyr. List, p. 29 ; Arid. Syn. p. 141 (1839) ; id. Birds Am. iv. p. 27, pi. ccxiv. (1842) ; Baird, Birds N. Am. p. 530 (1858) ; Baird, Brew., et Bidi/io. N. A. B. ii. p. 105 ; Cooper, Orn. Cal. i. p. 265 (1870) ; Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 11; Cuues, Key N. A. B. (1884) p. 404. Agelaius phoeniceus, var. tricolor, Cones, Key, p. 150 ; id. B. N.- W. p. 180. Glossy black ; lesser wing-coverts blood-red, with a distinct white border below ; bill more slender than in A. ■plioeniceus : whole length 8'5 inches, wing 4-9, tail 2-5. Hah. Coast-district of California and Oregon. a. cJ ad. sk. California {Hepburn). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. J ad. sk. California. Sclater Coll. c. 5 ad. sk. Santa Barbara, Cal. {Henshatv). U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. d. S ad. sk. Stockton, Cal. {Beldiny). U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. 5. Agelaeus humeralis. Leistes humeralis, Vig. Zool. Journ. iii. p. 442. Icterus humeralis, d'Orb. in La Sayra's Cuba, Ois. p. 91, pi. xx. Agelaeus humeralis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 4.30 ; Gundl. J. f. O. 1850, p. 13, 1861, p. 332, 1874, p. 1.30, et 1878, p. 177; Pcbeln, Ibis, 1873, p. 28 ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 136 ; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 11 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 37 ; Poey, Rep. F.-N. i. p. 288. Glossy black ; wing-coverts yellowish-brown with a paler border below ; bill and feet black : whole length 7 inches, wing 4*2, tail 3"2. Female similar, but rather smaller, and wing-coverts mixed with black. Hah. Cuba. a, b. S fid. sk. San Cristobal, Cuba. Salvin-Godman Coll. c. (5 ad. sk. Cuba {Poey). Salvin-Godman Coll. (7. cf ad. sk. Cuba. Salvin-Godman Coll. e,f. cJ ad sk Cuba. Sclater Ct>ll. y. J ad. sk. Cuba {Bryant). Mrs. Bryant [P.]. 12. AGELJitrs. 343 6. Agelaeus xanthomus. Agelaius chi-ysopterus, Vieill. Nuuv. Diet, xxxiv. p. 539 ; id. Enc. Meth. p. 713 (partim); Sand. (Efv. af K. Vet.-Akad. Fork. 18G9, p. 597; Scl. et Salu. Nomencl. p. 37; Gundlach, J. f. O. 3874, p. 312, et 1878, p. 177; id. An. 8oc. Esp. H. N.' \ii. p. :211 (1878). Icterus xantbomus, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 131 ; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 168 ; Bryant, Proc. Boston S. N. H. x. p. 254. Hypliantes xantbomus, Ca.'^s. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 63. Agelajus xantbomus, Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 12. Glossy black ; lesser wing-coverts yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 7"S inches, wing 4-2, tail 3'4. Female similar, but smaller, and wing-coverts sometimes mixed with black. Mab. Portorico. The name chri/sopterus cannot be conveniently used for this bird, as under his Agelaius cTirysopterus Yieillot included Icterus cayan- ensis (Ibis, 1S83, p. 359), and apparently also Ayelaius thilius. The name has consequently been applied to all these three species. a. Ad. sk. Porto Rico (Bryant). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Poito Eico (Bryant). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Porto Rico (Taylor). Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Porto Rico. Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Porto Rico (Sjcift). Salviu-Godman Coll. /. c? ad. sk. Porto Rico (Bnjant). Mrs. Bryant [P-]- 7. Agelaeus thilius. Turdus thilius, Mol. Hist. Nat. Chili, p. 345 (1782). Tordo negro cobijas amarillas, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 301. Xantbomus cbrysocarpus, Viy. P. Z. S. 1832, p. 3. Agelaius tbilius, Bp. Consp. i. p. 431 ; Scl. et Salv. Notnencl. p. 37 ; Dunifoi-d, Ibis, 1S76, p. 159 (Buenos Ayres), 1877, p. 33 (^Cbupat ), p. 174 (Bueuos Ayres), et 1878, p. 394 (Cbupat) ; Burin. La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 493 ; Cassin in Gilliss^s U.S. Nav. Astr. E.vp. ii. p. 179, t. 16. fig. 1 ; id. P: Ac. Sc. Phil. 186G, p. 12 ; JMiite, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 602 (Buenos Avres) ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 422 (Cocimmbo) ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii."p. 424; Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 12. Agelasticus tbilius. Cab. 3Ius. Hein. i. p. 188 ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 323 (Cbili) ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 130 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 153 (S. Peru). Icterus cbrysopterus, cVOrb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. ii. p. 5. Agelasticus cbrysapterus, Cub. Mas. Hein. i. p. 188. Cacicus cbrysocarpus, Gay, Hist, de Chile, i. p. 345. Xantbomus cayanensis, Gay, op. cit. p. 346 (Chili). Xantbomus cbrysopterus, Gould, Zoot. Foy. ' Beayle,' Birds, p. 106. Agelaius xantbocarpus, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 12. Black ; lesser upper and under wing-coverts yellow ; bill and feet black: whole length 5-o inches, wing 3-0, tail 2-7. Female. Above pale brown striated with black ; distinct superciliaries white ; beneath paler, cineraceous white with black striations ; smaller, and bill sliorter. Hub. S. Peru, Chili, Patagonia, Argentine Republic, and Paraguay. 344 ICTERID^ai. The form from the eastern side of the Andes (A. chrysoca?'pus) is rather smaller, and has been kept distinct by Cabanis and Cassin. a. Subsp. tijpica. a. S ad. sk. Tungasuca, W. Peru ( Whitely). b,c. c? 2 ad St. Chili. d, e. 5 jr. sk. Coquimbo, Chili (Markham). f. 2 ad. sk. Chili (lieed). 9) ^- c? 2 ad. sk. Chili. b. Subsp. clirysocarpa . a. cJ jr. sk. Mendoza, Arg. Rep, (Sunjieister). b. (S ad. sk. Pampas of Arg. Eep. (Leij- bold). c. . i. p. 42.5 ; Cassin, GiUiss^s U. S. Astr. B.vp. ii. p. 178, pi. XV. Cura?us aterrimus, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 139; id. Ihis, 1884, p. 21 ; Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1869, p. 283 (Cape Ne^ro, Patagonia) : Salv. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 428 (Chili). TTniform black, with lighter shaft-stripes above and slight metallic reflections ; feathers of head lanceolate and rather rigid ; bill and feet black: whole length 11 inches, wing 5-4, tail 4-5. Female similar. Bah. Chili and "Western Patagonia down to Magellan Straits. Mrs. Graham [P.]. T. Bridges [C.]. Lords Commissioners of the Admiraltv [P.]. Capt. Kino- \vy\. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Dr. Coppinger [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. ' Challenger ' Exp. Salvin-Godman Coll. a. Ad. st. ChiH. b. Ad. St. Chili. c. Ad. sk. Chili. d. Ad. sk. Chili. e,f. Ad. sk. Chili. i). Payta, Peru (Markhani). Arequipa, S.W. Peru ( JTliifeli/). Arequipa, Peru. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Capt. Kellett and Lt. Wood [P.]. Sclater CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Whitely [C.l. 3. Trupialis defilippii. Trupialis defilippii, Bp. Consp. i. p. 429 ; Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 24. Sturnella militaris, De Filip2yi, Cat. Mus. Mediol. p. 32 ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 422. Trupialis militaris, Burm. S;/st. Ueb. iii. p. 261 ; id. La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 490. Pezites militaris. Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 191. Sturnella defiUppii, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 138 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 161 (rep. Arg.) ; iid. Noinencl. p. 38. Like T. militaris, but rather smaller, and with the under wing- coverts black. Hah. Argentine Republic and Uruguay. a,h, (5 2 ad. sk. Vicinity- of Buenos Ayres Salvin-Godman Coll. (^Haslehurst) . 3o8 ICTERID^. c, d. cJ ad. sk. Argentine Republic. Sclater Coll. e. Jr. sk. Monte Video. Sclater Coll. /, g. Ad. sk. S. America. Zool. Soc. Coll. 20. STUENELLA. „ Type. Sturnella, Vieill. Analyse, p. .34 (1816) S. ludoviciana. Pedopsaris, Gloyer, Handb. p. 292 (1842) S. ludoviciana. The northern yellow form of the Sturnellince is extended over a wide area, embracing the whole of North America with the exception of the Arctic Region, Cuba, and Central America, as also the grassy llanos of Colombia, Venezuela, and Guiana. It varies much accord- ing to locality in size and in minor particulars of colour, but seems to present only oiie specific type. 1. Sturnella magna. Alauda magna, Linn. S. N. i. p. 289. Sturnella magna, Baird, B. N. Am. p. 535 ; Cones, Key N. A. B. (1884) p. 406; id. B. N.-W. p. 190; Baird, Brew., et Eidyiv. N. A. B. ii. p. 174. Cacicus alaudarius, Daiid. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 325 (1800). Sturnus ludovicianus, Linn. S. JV. i. p. 290 ; Gm. S. N. i. p. 802 ; Laf/>. Lid. Oni. i. p. 323. Sturnella ludoviciana, Stv. Faun. Bor.-Am. ii. p. 282 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 429; Cab. Mus. Ilein. i. p. 192; Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 29 (Bogota) et p. 142 (David) ; id. Ibis, 1861, p. 178 (England), et 1884, p. 25 ; Sah. P. Z. S. 18G7, p. 142 (Veragua) ; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 219 (Brit. Guiana); Scl. et Salt\ Nome^icL p. 38 ; Laivr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ix. p. 104 (Costa Rica) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 18G6, p. 23 ; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 201 (Santa Marta) ; Boitcard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 446 (Yucatan). Sturnella collaris, Vieill Gal. Ois. i. p. 134, pi. 90. Sturnella neglecta, And. B. Am. vii. p. 339, t. 487 (1843) ; Sclater, Ibis, 1861, p. 179 ; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 492 (Texas) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 23 ; Cooper, B. Cal. p. 270. Sturnella magna, var. neglecta, Coti.es, Key N. A. B. (1884), p. 406 ; id. B. N.-W. p. 190 ; Baird, Brew., et Eidyw. N. A. B. ii. p. 176. Sturnella ludoviciana neglecta, Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 25. Sturuus hippocrepis, Wayl. Isis, 18.32, p. 281. Sturnella hippocrepis, Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. vii. p. 266 ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 30, .301, 1859, pp. 58, 365, 381 (Guatemala) ; id. Ibis, 1861, p. 179; id. Cat. A. B. p. 139; Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 19, et 1860, p. 34 (Guatemala) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 24 ; Giindl. J. f. 0.1856, p. 14, 1861, pp. 3,32,413, 1862, p. 189, 1871, p. 276, 1874, p. 1.33 ; Finsch,P. Z. S. 1870, p. 575 (Trinidad). Sturnella magna, var. hippocrepis, Baird, Brew., et Ridyiv. N. A. B, ii. p. 172. Sturnella ludoviciana hippocrepis, Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 25. Sturnella mexicana, Scl. Ibis, 1861, p. 179 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 139 ; id. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 175 (Mexico) ; La^or. Ann. Lye. N. Y. viii. p. 176 (Veragua). Sturnella magna, var. mexicana, Baird, Brno., et Pidytv. N. A. B. ii. p. 172 ; Cones, B. N.-W. p. 190. Sturnella ludoviciana mexicana, Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 26. Sturnella magna mexicana, Coues, Key N. A. B, (1884) p. 406. 20. STUENELLA. 359 Sturnella meridionalis, ScL Ibis, 1861, p. 179; id. Cat A B -o 139- Sd. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela) ; Pek. Orn Bras p. 108 (Rio Brancho) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 24. Sturnella magna, var. meridionalis, Baird, Bretv., et Ridnw. NAB ii. p. 172 ; Cones, B. N.-W. p. 191. ■ • • Sturnella ludovieiana meridionalis, Sd. Ibis, 1884, p. 26. Lousiane Stare, Lath. G. H. v. p. 6. Above brown, variegated with black and pale bufF; head blackish, with a distinct median stripe and snperciliaries pale buff; the superciliaries in front of the eye and bend of the wing yellow: below bright yellow, with a well-defined black gorget more or less enlarged on the middle of the breast ; flanks and crissum pale buff striated with bhick ; under wing-coverts white ; bill horn-colonr, paler at the tip ; feet clear brown : whole length 9 inches, wing 4-5, tail 3. Female similar, but smaller and not quite so bright. ^aJ. Grassy plains of America, from the Saskatchewan down to Colombia and Guiana ; also Cuba. The "Meadow-Lark," as the Americans call the Sturnella, occupies an extensive range in the New Yv^orld, occurring wherever prairies or such-like open spaces suitable to its terrestrial habits are met with, from the Dominion of Canada down to Colombia and Guiana. It has been divided into five subspecies, amongst which many less niarked and mere local varieties are to be found. But so much individual variation occurs that it would be very difficult, if not in impossible in some cases, to refer specimens to their correct subspecies without previous knowledge of their locality. The five subspecies under which I have arranged the Sturnella are : — 1. Subsp. tiipica, of the Eastern United States. Generally the largest form, and with a wide black tbroat-gorget. 2. Subsp. ner/lecta, of the Western United States and Canadian North-west. Very nearly similar, but generally paler, and said to be different in habits and song. 3. Subsp. jnexicana, of Mexico and Central America down to Veragua. Smaller, and with the black throat-gorget narrow. 4. Subsp. hijjpocrepis, from Cuba; like St^. mexicanu, but still smaller. 5. Subsp. meridionalis, from Colombia and Guiana. Almost as large as St. magna typica, but with a narrow throat-gorget and shorter wings, a. Subsp. ttjpica. a. Ad. St. N. America. Hardwicke Bequest h. Jr. St. N. America. J. Gould, Esq. c Ad. sk. Washington, D.C. (Falh). Salvin-Godman Coll d. S ad. sk. District of Colombia {Bean). U. S Nat Mus fP 1 e. Ad. sk. New York (Koebele). U. S. Nat. Mus' fp 1 /. Ad. sk. IlliDois, U. S. A. (Peed). Salvin-Godman Coll ff. Ad. sk. Illinois, U. S. A. (Coale). P.B.SIiaipe,E*q FP 1 /(. Ad. sk. South Chicago, III, U. S. A. Il.B.Sharpe.Esq fP 1 {Coale). ^ ' ^■L^'-'' i. Ad. sk. United States {Bell). Sclater Coll. 360 ICTERIDjE. a. Ad. st. b. Ad. sk. c. cJ ad. sk. rf. Jr. sk. e. Ad. sk. /. Jr. sk. ff. Ad. ; A. Jr. sk. i. Ad. sk. ;. Ad. sk. k. Ad. sk. /. Pull. St. »M. $ jr. sk. M. 5 jr. sk. a. Ad. sk. J. Ad.sk. c. Ad. sk. (/. Ad. sk. e. 2 ad. sk. /. c? ad. sk. i' S?^^"- Co ombia (Prentiss). U.S. Nat. Mus. fP l. ff. 2 ad. sk. Distr. Colombia (Coues). U.S. Nat. Mus. fP ] /«. d ad. sk ; Pennsylvania. Sclater CoU. I. 6 jr. sk. / d jr. sk. ; Pennsylvania. Salvin-Godman Coll. A. X o-d- sk. I. 2 ad. sk. New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. Sclater Coll. (3ferna7}i). VI. d ad. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Salvin-Godman Coll. w. 5 ad sk Jalapa, Mexico (r/e Oca). Sclater Coll. o,p. S2 ad. sk. Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll q. d ad. sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll /•. d ad. sk. Belize, Brit. Honduras (Blan- Salvin-Godman Coll caneatix). *~"V^ ^"l , Dueiias, Guatemala (Saloin). Salvin-Godman Coll change) sk. w, X. d ad. sk. Caliabon, Guatemala ( Cham- Salvin-Godman Coll pion). y. d ad. sk. Retalhideu, Guatemala (Salvin Salvin-Godman CoU. 4" Godman). z. d ad. sk. Sources of Rio de la Pasion, Salvin-Godman Coll Vera Paz (Salciti ^ Godman). 368 ICTERID-E. a',b'. (5 jr., 2 ad.sk. Coban, Vera Paz {Salm'n). c'. cJ ad. sk d'. (S ad. sk. e-'i'. Ad. sk. ;■', k'. _cJ 5 ad. sk. I'. ^ jr. sk. m'. c? ad. sk. n', o'. (S 2ad.sk. p'. J ad. sk. San Pedro, Honduras ( Whitehf). San Pedro, Honduras ( Whitely). Cozumel I., Yucatan (G. F. Gamner). Irazu distr., Costa Rica {Rogers) . Costa Rica {Carmiol). Isthm. of Panama {Arce). Lion Hill, Isthm. of Panama {McLeannan). Panama {McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. 5. Icterus bonana. Oriolus bonana, Linn. S. N. i. p. 162. Le Carouge, Daub. PI. Enl. 535. fig. 1. Icterus bonana, Daud. Tr. d'Orn. li. p. 332 ; Lawr. Pr. U. S. N. M. i. p. 355 ; Scl. Cut. A. B. p. 131 ; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 358 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 36 ; Taylor, Ihis, 1864, p. 167. Pendulinus bonana, Vieill. N. D. v. p. 316 j Bp. Consp. i. p. 432; Cassin, Pr. Ac. iSc. Phil. 1867, p. 54. Xanthornus bonana, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 183. Above black ; bead and neck dark brownish chestnut ; lesser wing-coverts bright chestnut ; lower back brownish orange : below brownish orange, throat and breast brownish chestnut like the head ; under wing-coverts and thighs orange ; bill and feet black : whole length 7-5 inches, wing 3-7, tail 3-5. Female similar. Hah. Martinique, W. I. a. Ad. sk, h,c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. st. Martinique, W. I. Martinique, W. I. West Indies. West Indies. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Dr. Smith [P.]. 0. Icterus pyrrhopterus. Tordo negro cobijas de canela, Azara, Ajnint. i. p. 318. Agelaius pyrrhopterus, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, sxxiv. p. 543 ; id. Enc. Meth. p. 716. Psarocolius pyrrhopterus, Wagl. Syst. Av. Stippl. sp. 8. Pendulinus periporphyrus, Bp. Cons}}. i. p. 432. Hyphautes pyrrhopterus, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 63 ; Pelz. 'Orn. Bras. p. 194. Xanthornus pyrrhopterus. Burin. La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 493. Icterus pyrrhopterus, d' Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. ii. p. 6 ; tScl. Cat. A. B. p. 131 ; id. Ihis, 1883, p. 358 ; Scl et Salv. Nomencl. p. 36 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 140 (Conchitas, rep. Arg.), 1879, p. 608 (Tilotilo, Boliv.) ; Hudson, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 88 ; Burnford, Ibis, 1878, p. 69 ,; Salvin, Ibis, 1880, p. 356 (Salta). Uniform black ; upper lesser wing-coverts chestnut ; bill black ; feet dark brown: whole length 7'7 inches, wing 3-6, tail 3-8. Female similar. Hab. S. Brazil, Paraguay, Argentine Republic, and Bolivia. 3(39 Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Durnford [C.]. Salviu-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. T. Bridges [C.]. Salviu-Godman Coll. Zool. Soc. Coll. a. 9 ad. sk. Conchitas, Buenos Ayres {Hzuhon). b. Ad. sk. Buenos Ayres i^Huslehurst) . c. Ad. Salta, Arg. Rep. d. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia {Buckley). e. Ad. sk. Bolivia. /. Ad. sk. Bolivia. f/. S ad- sk. S. Brazil (Natterer). h, i. Ad. sk. S. America. 7. Icterus chrysocephalus. Oriolus cliry.soceplialus, Linn. S. JV. i. p. 164. Gracula clirysoptera, Merr. Icon. Av. pi. 3. Peuduliuus cliryso^ephalus, Viei/l. Gal. Ois. i. p. 122, pi. 86 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 4;i2 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 56 ; Pelz. Orn. Bras. i. p. 1*J4. Xantliornus clii-vsocephalus, Cab. Mits. Ilein. i. p. 184 ; Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 270. Icterus chrysocephalus, Baud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. .336 ; Spi.v, Av. Bras. i. p. 68, pi. 67. iig. 1 ; Scl.Cat. A. B. p. 131 ; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 359 ; Cab. ill Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 680 ; Scl. et Salv. Ninnencl. p. 36 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 182, 1873, p. 266 (Ucayali) ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 416 ; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 218 (Brit. Guian.). Psarocolius icteroeephalus, Wagl. Syst. Av. sp. 20. Gold-headed Oriole, Latham, Gen. H. B. iii. p. 125. Black ; cap, except the front, upper lesser wing-coverts, under wing-coverts, and thighs yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 8"5 inches, wing 43, tail 3'9. Female similar. Hah. Colombia, Venezuela, Guiana, and Amazonia. a. Ad. St. British Guiana. b. 2 ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana {miitely). c. S ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana {Mliitehj). d. Ad. sk. Demerara. e. Jr. sk. Cayenne. /. Jr. sk. Upper Amazons (Hati.vwell). g. Ad. sk. Sarajacu, Ucayali. h, i. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador {Buckley), j. Ad. sk. Bogota. k. Ad. sk. Bogota. /. Ad. sk. Bogota. m. S ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela (Goeriny). 8. Icterus cayanensis. R. Schomburgk [C.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. J. Gould, Esq. E. Bartlett [C.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. J. Gould, Esq. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Oriolus cayanensis, Linn. S. N. i. p. 163. Icterus cayanensis, Daud. Tr. d^Orn. ii. p. 3.36 ; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 1204; Sw. Zool. III. ser. 2, pi. 22; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 131 ; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 359 ; Scl. et Salv. Komencl. p. 36 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 573 (Lower Amazons), 1873, p. 260 (UcayahJ ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 417. Pendulinus cavauensis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 433 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. Ifc67, p. 57. Agelaius chrysopterus, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, xxxiv. p. 539; id. Enc. Mefh. p. 713 (partim). Xanthornus chrysopterus, Bnrm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 271. Yellow-winged Oriole, Latham, Gen. II. B. iii. p. 124. VOL. XI. 2 b 370 ICTERID^. Black ; lesser upper -wing-coyerts yellow ; under wing-ooverts black mixed with yellow: whole length T'S inches, wing 4-1, tail 3*8. Female similar. Hah. Guiana and Amazonia. a. Ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Surinam. C. Bavtlett [C.l c. Ad. sk. Para, Lower Amazons ( Wallace). Salrin-Godmari Coll. d. Ad.sk. Island of Marajo, Amazons (jr«?/aec). Salvin-f4odman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Peruvian Amazons (Bartktt). Salvin-Uodman Coll. /. Ad. sk. S. America. Sclater Coll. . Black ; lo-n^er back, lesser wing-coverts, under wiug-corerts, crissum, thighs, and Hanks yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 7*5 inches, wing 3'6, tail 3'4. Female similar. Hah. San Domingo. Tery like /. lujpomelas, but in the present bird the yellow covers the whole of the crissum and the lower portion of the flanks. a. Ad. St. San Domingo (Salle). Purchased. b. c. Ad. sk. San Domingo. Salle [C.]. d. Ad. sk. ; San Domingo. Zool. Soc. Coll. e. Jr. sk. /. Ad. sk. San Domingo (Salle). Sclater Coll. ff. Ad. sk. San Domingo (Salle). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. 2ad.sk. Puerto Plata, San Domingo (Co/-«/). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8. Ad. sk. Hayti (6'wyj. Sclater Coll. 12. Icterus portoricensis. Icterus dominicensis, \?a\ portoricensis, Bryant, Pr. Boston Soc. N. H. xi. p. 94 ; Sinid. E. Yet.-Ak. Forh. 1809, p. 597. Icterus dominicensis, Taylor, Ibis, 1804, p. 107. Penduliuu? portoricensis, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1807, p. 58. Icterus portoricensis, Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 30 ; Scl. Ibis, 1883, p. 301. Xantbornus portoricensis, Gnndl. An. de Hist. Nat. Madrid, vii. p. 210 (1878). Black ; lower back, lesser wing-coverts, under wing-coverts, thighs, lower belly, and crissum yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 7'6 inches, wing 3'6, tail 3"4. Female similar. Young, Brownish olive, beneath yellow ; wings brown. Hah. Porto Rico. Very near to /. dominicensis, but distinguishable by having the yellow colour confined to the lower belly and crissum, and not ex- tending over the flanks. a. Ad. sk. ; North side of Porto Rico (Latimer). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Jr. sk. c. Jr. sk. North side of Porto Rico (Swift). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2b2 372 ICTERID^. d. Ad. sk. ; Porto Rico (Latimer). Sclater Coll. e. Jr. sk. /. Ad. sk. Porto Rico {Bryant). Sclater Coll. g. Ad. sk. ; Porto Rico {Bryant). Mrs. Bryant [P.]. h. Jr. sk. t. Ad. sk. Porto Rico {Bryant'). Salvin-Godman Coll. 13. Icterus laudabilis. Icterus laudabilis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 270, pi. xxi., 1S72, p. 649 ; id. Ibis, 188.3, p. 361. Black ; rump, lesser wing-coverts, under wing-coverts, and lower part of belly and crissum orange-yellow; bill and feet black: whole length 8'5 inches, wing -I'S, tail 5-2. Female similar. Toung. Olivaceous brown ; rump and body below yellowish ; throat black. Hah. Island of St. Lucia. The large size and orange-yellow rump and belly render this fine species easily distinguishable. a. Ad. sk. St. Lucia, W. I. {Semper). Sclater Coll. _ (Type of the species.) b. Ad. sk. ; c, St. Lucia, W. I. {Semper). Sclater Coll. d. Jr. sk. e,f. Ad. sk. St. Lucia, W. I. {Semper). Salvin-Godman Coll. g, h. Jr. sk. St. Lucia, W. I. Sah-in-Godman Coll. 14. Icterus oberi. Icterus oberi, Lawr. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mas. iii. p. -Sol (1880) ; Gris- dale, Ibis, 1882, p. 487, pi. xiii. ; Scl. Ibis, 1883, p. 362. Black ; rump, belly, and crissum orange-yellow ; under wing- . coverts yellow ; biU and feet black : whole length 8 inches, wing 3-6, tail 4. Female similar. Young. Above brownish olive, beneath yellowish. Hah. Moutserrat, W. I. Allied to /. laudahilis, but distinguished by the black upper wing-coverts and the greater amount of orange on the belly. d. . A.d. sk. e. Ad. sk. f. Ad . sk. y- Jr. sk. h. Jr. sk. i. Jr. sk. j- Ad . sk. k. Jr. sk. I. Ad, . sk. m . 2 ad. sk. n. Jr. sk. British Honduras. Corosal, Brit. Honduras (Boe). Belize, Brit. Honduras (Blau- caneaux). Cboctum, Vera Paz (Salviri). Vera Paz {Hague). Sources of Kio de la Pasion, Vera Paz (Salrin t^- Godman). Guatemala {Boucard). San Pedro, Honduras ( Whiteh/). San Pedro, Honduras {IMiitely). Honduras {Whitely). Peje, Costa Rica {CarmioPi. Tucurriqui, Costa Pica {Aj-ce). 17. Icterus maculi-alatus. D. Dyson [C.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Icterus maculi-alatus, Cassin, Jvurn. Acad. Pkilnd. ser. 2, 1. p. 137, pi. 16. fig. 1 ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 132; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 363; Scl.et Sali\ Ibis, 1860, p. 398 ; iid. Xomencl. p. 36. 374 ICXEKIDJ!. Peiidulinus maculi-alatus, Bp. CunsjJ. i. p. 4i33 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. He. Phil. 1867, p. 56. Above deep black ; lower back and lesser wing-coverts yellow ; a row of spots on the tips of the greater wing-coverts, and slight ex- ternal edgings to the live or six outer primaries about halfway down the quills white : beneath orange-yellow ; sides of head, throat, and \ipper breast black ; bill black, bluish at the base ; feet black : whole length 7 inches, wing 89, tail 3-3. Young. Above olive ; wings and tail brownish, with slight white spots on the greater wing-coverts : below yellowish ; front, sides of the head, and throat down to the middle of the breast black. ifab. Pacific coast of Guatemala. This is a local species, confined, so far as we know, to tlie Pacific coast of Guatemala, but well marked by the white spots on the greater wing-coverts. a. Ad.sk.; Yolcan de Fuego, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. b. 2 .ii'- sk. {iSalvhi). e. cS ad. sk. Volcan de Agua, above San Salvin-Godman Coll. Diego {Salvin). d. Jr. sk. San Pedro Martyr, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin). e. cJ ad. sk. Escuintla, Guatemala (Fraser). Sclater Coll. f. Jr. sk. Aguna, Guatemala {Fi-aser). Sclater Coll. 18. Icterus parisorum. Icterus parisorum, Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 110 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 303 (Oasaca), i860, p. 251, 1864, p. 175 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 132 ; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 365 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 54 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 36 ; Smnichrast, Mem. Bost. 8. N. H. i. p. 553 (Orizaba) ; Bnird, Breicer, et Bidqw. N. A. B. ii. p. 188 ; Baird, B. N. Am. p. 544 ; Coues, Key N. A. B. (1884) p. 409. Icterus melanochrysurus, Less. Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 105. Icterus scottii, Couch, Pr. Acad. Philad. vii. p. 66 (1854). Xanthornus parisorum, Bp. Consp. i. p. 434. Above black ; lesser wing-coverts and lower back sulphur-yellow ; wings black, greater wing-coverts tipped with white : below down to the middle of the breast black ; belly and basal half of tail yellow ; apical half of tail black, the black extending further up on JDhe central tail-feathers ; bill and feet black: whole length 7'5 inches, wing 4, tail 3"4. Female. Above olivaceous, slightly varied with black on the interscapularies ; wings blackish, wing-coverts termi- nated with white : below yellowisli. Hub. Lower California, Arizona, Texas, and Mexico. The male of this species is easily known by the yellow basal por- tion of the lower surface of the tail being divided in a straight line, about halfway between the crissum and the end, from the black apical portion. «. 6, pi. xi. Bright yellow, more or less tinged with orange ; interscapulium, wings, tail, front, lores, circle round the eyes, and throat down to the middle of the breast deep black ; lesser wing-coverts yellow ; a conspicuous patch on the outer secondaries and the tips of the external rectrices white ; bill and feet black : whole length 7'5 inches, wing 3'5, tail 3-7- Female similar. Huh. Coast-region of "Western Ecuador and Peru. Allied to /. niesomelas, but at once recognizable by the conspicuous white wing-patch, and the difFerent colour of the outer rectrices, which are black tipped with white instead of yellow. a. Ad. sk. Mochala, Guayaquil. Salviu-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Payta, Peru {Marhham). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 5 ad. sk. Tumbez, Peru (Jelski). Sclaler CoU. d. Ad. St. Piura, Peru. Capt. Kellett and Lt. Wood [C.]. 24: Icterus mesomelas. Psarocolius mesomelas, Waffl. Isis, 1829, p. 755. Xanthornus mesomelas, Bp. Consp. i. p. 434. Icterus mesomelas, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 154 (Bogota"), 1856, p. 301 (Cordova), 1859, p. 58 (Omoa, Hond.), 18G0, pp. 277, 293 {Western Ecuador) ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 133 ; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 367 ; Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1860, p. 34 (Coban) ; iid. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 354 (Panama), 1867, p. 279 (Mosquitia), 1870, p. 838 (Honduras), 1879, p. 509 (Autioquia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 36 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1860, p. 140 (li. Atrato), et 1867, p. 51 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 323 (Tumbez), et 1880, p. 200 (N. Peru) ; Sumichrast, Mem. Bost. Soc. N. H. i. p. 553 (Vera Cruz) ; Lawr. Bidl. U. S. N. M. no. 4, p. 23 ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 4-22;Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 445 (Yucatan) ; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 552 (West Ecuador) ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 417. Icterus atrogularis. Less. Cent. Zuol. p. 73, pi. 22. Oriolus musicus, Cabot, Boston Journ. K. H. iv. p. 465. Icterus salvini, Cassin, Pr, Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 51 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 838 ; Laivr. Ann. Lijc. N. Y. ix. p. 104. Bright yellow ; interscapulium, wings, lores, sides of head, and throat down to the middle of the breast deep black ; lesser wing- coverts and under wing-coverts yellow ; tail black, three outer rectrices on each side with the greater part of the apical portion yellow ; outer secondaries sometimes slightly bordered with white ; 2:^. ICTERUS. 379 bill and feet black : whole length S'O inches, wing 3-9, tail 4-2. Female similar. hah. {Southern Mexico and Guatemala and southwards to Colom- bia, Ecuador, and AVestern Peru. /. sah'lni of Costa Eica and Colombia has been separated mainly on account of the absence of the narrow white external edgings of the outer secondaries. But this edging is certainly quite apparent in some Bogotavspecimens, and is also well marked in examples from Western Peru. ■ It does not seem to me to be a constant character. Mexico. Purchased. Orizaba (Sfeveyis). Sclater Coll. Yucatan {Gaumer). Salvia-Godman Coll. Mexico. Purchased. Choctum, Vera Paz {Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. Corosal, Brit. Honduras {Roe). Salviu-Godman Coll. Belize, Brit. Honduras Salviu-Godman Coll. [Blancaneaux). San Pedro, Houduras {G. M. Salvin-Godman Coll. Whitely). Valza, Costa Pica {Canniol). Salviu-Godman Coll. Chepo, Isthmus of Panama Salviu-Godman Coll. (Arce). Lion Hill, Isthmus of Panama Salvin-Godman Coll. {McLeannna). Panama {McLeaunan). Sclater CoU. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. Botoga. Sclater Coll. Santa Rita, Ecuador (Biichhy ). Salvin-Godman Coll. Chiquiuda, Ecuador (i>»cA:/d'!/). Salvin-Godman Coll. Payta, Peru [Markham). Salviu-Godman Coll. S. America. Purchased. 25. Icterus giraudi. Icterus giraudii, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Se. Pfiil. 1847, p. 333, 1860, p. 140 (R. Truando), et lf^t)7, p. 52; id. Journ. Acad. PJiilad. ser. 2, i. p. 138, pi. 17 ; Sclater, 1'. Z. S. 1855, p. 154 (Bogota), et 1857, p. 228 (Vera Cruz) : id. Oaf. A. B. p. 133 ; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 366; Scl.et Sa/v. Ibis, 1859, p. 20 (Guatemala); iid. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 353 (Panama), 186t<, p. 167 (Caracas), 1879, p. 509 (Antioquia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 36 ; Scdvin, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 142, et 1870, p. 190 (Veragua) ; Boxcard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 445 (Yucatan). Icterus melanopterus, Hartl. Bcv. Zool. 1849, p. 275. Xanthornus melanopterus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 434. Bright yellow, more or less tinged with orange ; front and sides of the head, throat down to the middle of the breast, and wings and tail black ; bill and feet black : whole length 8 inches, wing 3-9, tail 3'8. i^tma/f similar. Hab. S. Mexico, Yucatan, Guatemala, and throughout Central America south to Venezuela and Colombia. a. Ad. sk. Northern Yucatan Salvin-Godman Coll. ( G(iu)iier). a. Ad. St. b. Ad. sk. c, d. d 2 ad. sk.. e. Ad. sk. f, g. Ad. sk. 'A. Ad. sk. t..Ad. sk. j, k. Ad. sk. /. Ad. sk. m. Ad. sk. n,o. cJ $ ad. sk. p. Ad. sk. q. Ad. sk. r. Ad. sk. ; s. Jr. sk. t, 71. Ad. sk. f. Ad. sk. w. Ad. sk. X. Ad. St. 380 ICTERlUJi:. b. Ad. sk. c. cJ ad. sk. ; d. Jr. sk. e. Ad. sk. /. c? ad. sk. ff. 2 F- sk. h. $ ad. sk. J. Ad. sk. j. Ad. sk. k. 2 ad. sk. /. Ad. sk. m. Ad. st. n. Jr. sk. 0. Jr. st. p. 5 ad. sk. g-. Ad. sk. r. Ad. sk. s. c? ad. sk. ;:. Ad. sk. Tactic, Vera I'az (Salvin). \ olcau de Fuego, Gua- temala (Salvi)i). Chontales, Nicaragua (Selt). Boqiiete de Chitra,Vera- giia {Arce). Chitra, Veragua (Arce). Sauta Fe, Veragua (Arce). Veragua (Arce). Cliepo, Isthm. of Pana- ma (Arce). Lion Hill, Isthm. of Panama (A7-ce). Paraiso Station, Istlim. of Panama (Hughes). Panama. Panama. Colon, Panama. Medellin, Autioquia (Salmon). Bogota. Bogota, Colombia. Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-CTodmau Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Capt. Kellett and Lt. Wood Capt. Kellett and Lt. Wood [I'-]- Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. 26. Icterus xanthornus. Oriolus xanthoruus, Gm. S. N. i. p. 391, Carouge de Mexique, Daub. PI. Enl. 5. fig. 1. Xanthornus linnasi, Bp. Consp. i. p. 434. Icterus xanthornus, Z)aMC?. Tr.d'Orn. ii. p. 334; Cab. in ScJwmb. Guian. iii. p. 680 ; id. Mus. Hein. i. p. 185 ; Burtn. iSyst. Ueb. iii. p. 269 ; Sd. Cat. A. B. p. 133 ; id. Ibis, ISSM, p. 368; Cassi^i, Pr. Ac. Sc.Phil 1867, p. 60 ; Scl.et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 36 ; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 84 (Trinidad) ; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 329 (Santa Marta) ; ISalv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 123 (Santa Marta); Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 678 (Trinidad); Pelz. Orji. Bras. p. 195. Icterus auratus, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1807, p. 50. Icterus xanthornus, var. /3. marginalis, Dubois, Bull. Ac. Belg. ser. 2. ^vohxL p. 800(1875). Xanthornus nigrigularis. Halm, Vog. cms Asien, v. p. 1, t. i. (1820). Icterus nigrogularis, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 273. Above bright yellow, with a more or less perceptible olivaceous tinge on the interscapnlium ; lores and wings black ; lesser wing- coverts yellow ; greater wing-coverts, secondaries, and primaries at their bases edged more or less distinctly with white : below yellow, middle of throat, extending on to the breast, black ; tail black, but yellow at the base beneath the tail-coverts ; bill and feet black : whole length 7'5 inches, wing 3'6, tail 35. Female similar. 22. ICTERUS. 381 Hah. Northern Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Guiana, Cayenne, and Upper Rio Negro. I have no evidence of the occurrence of any form of this species at Panama or anywhere to the north of it (except the distinct /. auratus of Yucatan), and there is much individual variation in the amount of the white edges to the wing-coverts and secondaries, as also in the slight white alar speculum at the base of the pri- maries. Under these circumstances I have not adopted Mr. Hidg- way's recently jaroposed division of this species into two subspecies, " xantJiornus" and " Ihma'i," (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1884, p. 176). The example that best accords with his character of /. wan- thoniKs (ti/jnnis) is perhaps that from Santa Marta (k), which has a white speculum. But this feature is also slightly shown in some skins from Venezuela, Trinidad, and Cayenne, and does not seem to be constant. a, b. Ad. st. British Guiana. Chev. Schomburgk [P.]. c. Ad. sk. Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Jr. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. George Town, Demerara Salvin-Godman Coll. (Brown). f. Ad. sk. George Town, Demerara Sclater Coll. (Broicn). g. Ad. sk. Demerara. J. R. Jackson, Esq. [P.]. h. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Salvin-Godman Coll. i. (S ad. sk. Carupano, Venezuela Salvin-Godman Coll. (Goeriiu/). j. S ad. sk. Trinidad. Sclater CoU. k. 2 ad. sk. Santa Marta, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Simons). I. Ad. sk. South America. Sclater Coll. VI. Ad. sk. South America. Purchased. 27. Icterus curasoensis. Icterus curasoensis, Ridgw. P. U. S. N. M. 1884, p. 174. Similar to /. .ranthornus, but bill longer, more attenuated, and more acute, the white markings of the wings much broader, and the yellow colour paler. Hah. Island of Cura^oa, "VV. I. Only known to the author from the original description. The points of difference from /. .rauthomus do not seem to be very strong. 28. Icterus dubusi. Icterus xanthornus, var. a. dubusi, Dubois, Bull. Ac. Belg. ser. 2, xl. p. 790. Above yellow ; interscapulium slightly marked by narrow black shaft-spots ; wings black ; lesser coverts black, with broad yellow margins ; greater coverts and secondaries slightly edged with white : beneath yellow ; middle of throat, extending to the breast, black ; ;382 iCTKRin.E. under wing-coverts pale yellow ; tail black, at the base beneath ihe coverts yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 7'2 inches, wing 2'5, tail 'i. Hab. Panama (?). I bought the skin above described at Southampton in 1846, and have never yet seen a second example. It appears, however, to agree with Dubois's description of two specimens in the Brussels Museum, said to be from Panama (?), and seems to be sufficiently different from /. xantliornus to require recognition. The two points of difference are the striations on the interscapulium, of which there is no sign in /. xantliornus, and the colour of the lesser wing-coverts, which are black at their bases and broadly margined witli yellow. In /. xanthornus these coverts are wholly yellow. a. Ad. sk. S. America. Sclater Coll. 29. Icterus auratus. Icterus auratus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 435 ; Laivr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ix. p. 271 (Yucatan) ; Sclater, Ibis, 1883, p. 369 ; Boucard, P. Z. 8. 1883, p. 445. Above and below bright orange ; lores, space at the base of the lower mandible, throat, extending down to the middle of the breast, and wings black ; lesser wing-coverts black mixed with yellow ; middle wing-coverts with broad white ends, forming a conspicuous white cross baud : edgings of greater wing-coverts and remiges also white ; tail black, with the base beneath the coverts pale orange, and slight whitish tips ; bill and feet black : whole length 8 inches, wing 3' 7, tail 3' 6. Bah. Yucatan. The intense reddish-orange colour, the black space at the base of the lower mandible, which unites the lores and the throat, and the conspicuous white terminations of the middle wing-coverts render this fine species easily distinguishable from /. xanthornus. a, b. Ad. sk. ; c, d. Northern Yucatan Salvin-Godman Coll. Jr. sk. (Gaumer). 30. Icterus vulgaris. Oviolus icterus, Linn. S. N. i. p. IGl. Icterus vulgaris, Daud. Tr. d'Oi-n. ii. p. 340 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 434 ; Baird, B. N. Am. p. 542; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 1.33; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 3(;9 ; Scl. et Salv. F. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 36 ; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 578 (Trinidad) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. So. Phil. 1867, p. 46 ; Sah. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 200 (Santa Marta). Agelaius longirostris, Vieill. Nonv. Diet, xxxiv. p. 547. Icterus longirostris, Bp. Consp. i. p. 435 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 46. Icteric Oriole, Latham, Gen. H. B. iii. p. 114. Above and below brilliant orange ; whole head and neck and elongated feathers of the throat, broad interscapulium, and tail SZ. IC'TKRTJS. 383 black : wings black, lesser coverts orange, middle M'ing-covcrts and broad outer margins to secondaries, forming together a large and conspicuous bar, white ; under wing-coverts yellow ; bill black, plumbeous at the base ; feet dark brown : whole length 10 inches, wing 4"6, tail 4. Female similar. Hab. Coast-region of Colombia and Venezuela and Trinidad. The guttural feathers are still more elongated in this species than in the two next. The conspicuous white wing-patch also renders it easily distinguishable. a. Ad. sk. Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta Sclater Coll. (Simons). h. S ad. sk. Valle Dupai-, Santa Marta, Salvin-Godman Coll. U. S. C. (Simons). c. J ad.sk. Carupano, Venezuela (6roer?»^). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. South America. Sclater Coll. e. Ad. St. South America. Zool. Soc. Coll. 31. Icterus jamacaii. Oriolus jamacaii, Gm. S. N. i. p. 391. Icterus jamacaii, Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 335 ; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 1199 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 435 ; Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 185 ; Burm. 8i/st. Ueb. iii. p. 268 ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 133 ; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 370"; Scl. et Salt). Nomencl. p. 36. Xauthornus aurantius, Hahn ii. Kiister., Vog. ausAsien, Lief. vi. p. 1, t. i. (1850). Icterus aurautius, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 47. Jamacii Oriole, Lath. Gen. H. B. iii. p. 123. Bright reddish orange ; whole head and throat, interseapulium, and tail black ; wings black, lesser coverts orange, middle and greater coverts black ; external margins of the secondaries white, forming a conspicuous white patch ; bill black, at the base plumbeous ; feet black : whole length 8"5 inches, wing 3-9, tail 3'8. Female similar, but rather smaller, and not quite so bright. Hah. S.E. Brazil. a. Ad. sk. Ceara, N. Brazil (Jesse). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Ceara, N. Brazil (Jesse). Salvin-Godman Coll. c,d. Ad.sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (i^orSes). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. /. Ad. sk. Brazil. Purchased. 32. Icterus croconotus. Psarocolius croconotus, Wac/l. Isis, 1829, p. 757. Icterus croconotus, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 34-3 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 435 ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 133 ; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 370 ; Cassin. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 47 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 266 (Upper Amazons), 1879, p. 608 (Bolivia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 36 ; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 381 (Para) ; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 195 ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 420. Icterus jamacaii. Cab. in Schomb. Guia7i. iii. p. 679. Bright orange ; front, sides of head, throat, and tail black ; wings black, lesser coverts orange, middle and greater coverts black ; a 3S4 ICTERID.E. -white patch formed hy the white outer margins of the secondaries : hill black, plumbeous at the base ; feet black : whole length 8 inches, wing 3-8, tail 3-9. Female similar. Mab. Guiana and Amazonia to Ecuador and interior of Brazil. A close ally of /. Jamacall, but easily known by the orange extending over the interscapnlium and the head, except the front. a, h. Ad. St. British Guiana. Sir K. Scbomburgk [P.J. c. Ad. sk. Guiana (JBroicn). Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckle)/). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Peruvian Amazons (Bartleti). Salviu-Godman Coll. /. Ad. sk. Upper Amazons (Bates). Sclater Coll. g. Ad. sk. Cuyaba, Brazil (Xatterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Bolivia. J. Gould, Esq. 33. Icterus gularis. Psarocolius gularis, IFaql. Isis, 1829, p. 754. Icterus gulavis, Bp. Coiisp. i. p. 435 ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1857, pp. 205, 228, 1858, p. 358 (Honduras), et 1859, p. 3G5 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 133; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 371 ; Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 19 (Guatemala) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 30; Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 468, et 1860, p. 195; Tai/lor, Ibis, 1860, p. Ill (Brit. Hond.) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 49; Oweii et Sah: Ibis, 1861, p. 62; Lawr. Bull. V. S. N. M. no. 4, p. 23 ; Des Mnrs, Icon. Orn. pi. 9. Icterus mentalis, Zcss. Cent. Zool. p. Ill, pi. 41. Orange-yellow ; interscapnlium, lores, throat extending down to the breast, and tail black ; wings black, margined with white, lesser wing-coverts yellow ; thickened bill and feet black : whole length 10 inches, wing 4-7, tail 4-5. Female yellow ; throat black ; inter- scapulium and tail olive ; wings brown edged with whitish. Hah. Southern Mexico, Yucatan, British Honduras, and Guatemala. a. Ad. St. Mexico. Baron Laugier Coll. b. Ad. St. Mexico. J. Gould, Esq. [P.]. c. 5 sk. Jalapa, Mexico (Hoi/e). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. (S jr. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Sclater Coll. e-g. S ad.sk.; Tonala (Chiapas), Mexico (;7/fwO. //. Jr. sk. Moneague, Jamaica (Salvin Sf G adman), h. Jr. sk. Jamaica. J. Gould, Esq. Purchased. Sclater Coll. Sclater CoU. Mrs. Bryant [P.]. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. 2c2 388 Subfamily V. QUISCALIN.E. After the elimination of CassiclLv, the Quiscalina'. form a more natural group, characterized by their rather attenuated bill, which has an incurved culmen and a rounded and unexpanded meso- rhinium, and by their long and generally graduated tail, which in the typical genera is carried in life in a boat-shaped fashion, so that the side feathers are brought up together above the median rectrices. The legs are stout, and the tarsi long and ambulatorial. The coloration is mostly uniform black, only relieved by metallic glosses in some genera, and by scarlet and brown patches in others. The nests of the Qtiiscalinai, so far as known to us, are open and cup-shaped, and placed in bushes or trees. The eggs are variously spotted on a lighter ground. Ranrje. Whole of the Nearctic and Neotropical Regions. Key to the Genera. A. Head-feathers normal. a. Frontal plumes erect 23. LAMPBOPSAn, p. 388. h. Frontal plumes recumbent. a'. Tail sliglitly rounded. j Bill thin, compressed 24. Scolecophagus, p. 390. I Bill stout, thick 25. Dives, p. 391. v. Tail much graduated. ( Bill longer, thinner 26 Quiscai.us, p. 393. j Bill shorter, broader 27. Macbagel^us, p. 403. B. Head-feathers lanceolate. Tail graduated ; bill smooth 28. Hypopybbhus, p. 403. Tail slightly rounded ; bill rugose .... 29. Aphobus, p. 404. 23. LAMPROPSAE. Type. Lampropsar, Cah. Mus. Hein. i. p. 194 (185]) L. tanagrinus. Potamopsar, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 141 (18G2) L. tanagrinus. The peculiar structure of the short erect frontal feathers charac- terizes this genus. The tarsi are rather short, and indicate arboreal habits ; the tail is long and much rounded ; the mesorhinium is Unciform, and the culmen slopes but very slightly. Ranrje. Guiana, Venezuela, and Amazonia. 1. Lampropsar tanagrinus. Icterus tanagrinus, Sjn.r, Av. Bras. i. p. 67, pi. 64. f. 1. Lampropsar tanagrinus, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 194 ; Scl. et Salv. No- mend, p. 38 ; Pek. Orn. Bras. p. 200 ; Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 149 ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 433 ; Scl. et Salo. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 267 (Ucayali). Lampropsar guianensis, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 682 ; id. Mus. Hein. i. p. 194 ; Scl. ct Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 38. 23. LAMPROPSAE. 389 Quiscalus (Potamopsar) minor, Set. Cat. A. B. p. 141. Potamopsar minor, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 18G6, p. 415. Qiiiscalus, sp., Sd. et Sain. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 182. Structure of Larnprojpsar tanagrinus. Uniform black, slightly sbining ; bill and feet black : wbole length 8 inches, wing 4-5, tail 4*1. Female similar, but rather smaller. Hah. Guiana, Yenezuela, and Amazonia. As regards the identification of Icterus tanagrinvs with Lmn- ^iropsar guianensis, see my remarks, Ibis, 1884, p. 149. a. cJ ad. sk. Venezuela {Goering). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Trinidad. Zool. Soc. Coll. c. 2 ad.sk. Barra do Piio Negro (A'«/^e?w). Sclater CoU. d. Ad.sk. Peruvian Amazons (^«/'/(/e/'). Salvin-Godman Coll. I'. Ad. sk. Maryland (^Taylor). Sclater Coll. /. d ad. sk. Alexandria, Va. ( W. Palmer). U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. a, &. d" $ ad. sk. c. c? ad. sk. d. iS ad. sk. e. (S ad.sk. _/'. cJ ad. sk. "4 ; Scluter, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 58 (Omoa) ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 141 ; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 155; Baird, B. N. Am. T^. 5bb ; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 494 (Texas); Salv. Ibis, 1866, p. 194 (Belize) ; Cussi?i, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 409 ; Baird, Breiu., et Ridyiv. X. A. B. ii. p. 222 ; Lawr. Mem. Boston Soc. N. II. ii. p. 281 (N.W. Me.\ico) ; Coues, Ibis, ISTO, p. 367; id. Key N. A. B. (1884) p. 412. Quiscalus corvinus, Sw. An. in Menag. p. 300. Chalcophanes major. Cab. Mus. Ilein. i. p. 196. Blackish, with shining green reflections ; head and neck all round passing into purpli.sh ; bill and feet black : whole length 15 incbes, wing 7 ; tail, middle rectrices 7, external 4"5. Female. Above smoky brown, with slight metallic reflections ; head brown ; below brown, middle of the belly dirty white ; crissum blackish : whole length 11 inches, wing 5'3, tail 5. Huh. Coast-region of South Atlantic States of North America. a. (S ad. St. b. 2 ad. St. c. cJ ad. sk. (/. (5 ad. sk. e,f. d2 ad. sk ff. cJ ad. sk. N. America. N. America. N. America. Charlotte Harbour, Florida {J. Bell). Florida. N. America. M.-Geu. J. Ilardwicke [P.]. Duke of Sussex [P.]. Duke of Sussex [P.]. U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. 396 3. Guiscalus macrurus. Quiscalus macrurus, Sio. An. in Menag. p. 299 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 424 ; Baird, B. N. Am. p. 554 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 18oG, p. 300 (Cordova, Mex.), et 1858, p. 358 (Hondiu'as), et 1864, p. 175 (City of Mexico) ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 141 ; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 156 ; Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 20 (Guatemala) ; iid. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 837 (Hon- duras) ; iid. Komencl. p. 38; Taylor, Ris, 1860, p. 112; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 410 ; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 446 (Yucatan) ; Coues, Key, 1884, p. 412. Chalcopbanes macrom-us, Cah. Mus. Hein. i. p. 196; id. J. f. 0. 18G1, p. 82 (Costa liica). Quiscalus major, var. macrurus, Baird, Brnc, et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 225 ; Laicr. Mem. Boston Soc. JV. 11. ii. p. 281 (North- west Mex.). Shining purplish black, passing into a greenish tinge on the lower back and crissnm ; wings and tail dull Uack ; bill and feet black : whole length 17 inches, wing 7-9 ; tail, middle rectrices 8-8, outer 5-3. Female. Above blackish brown, with slight metallic reflections ; below brown ; crissum blackish : whole length 13 inches, wing 6, tail 6-5. Hob. Mexico and Guatemala. a. cS ad. St. Mexico. J. Taylor, Esq. [C.]. b. $ ad. sk. Mexico ( /. Taylor). J. Gould, Esq. c. cT ad. sk. Jalapa, S. Mexico (de Oca). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. e. (S 2 ^^- ^^- Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Sclater Coll. fi ff- c? ? ad. sk. Oaxaca, S. Mexico (Fenochio). Salvin-Godman Coll. V;.'2 ad.sk. Northern Yucatan ( Gff(«wer). Salviu-Godman Coll. i. d ]!'■ sk. Merida, Northern Yucatan Salvin-Godman Coll. (Gaumer). j-m. (S ad.; n. S Cozumel I., Yucatan {G. F. Salvin-Godman Coll. jr. ; o-j}. 5 ad. sk. Gaumer). q. $ ad. sk. Belize, British Honduras Salvin-Godman Coll. {Blancaneaux). r. S ad. sk. Half Moon Quay, Brit. Hond. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmn). s. S ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz, Guat. Salviu-Godman Coll. {Salvin). t. 2 ad. sk. Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. u,v. cJ 2 ad. sk. Duenas, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. w. c? ad. sk. Guatemala (Salvin). Sclater Coll. .r. 2 ad. sk. Guatemnla (Flee). Sclater Coll. y. (S jr. sk. ; z, a'. Honduras. Purchased. 2 ad. .sk. 4. Guiscalus assimilis. Quiscalus peruvianus, Sw. An. in Menag. p. 354 (1838) : Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 412 (?). Quiscalus assimihs, Sclater, Cat. A. B. p. 141 ; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 156; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 410 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomei^cl. p. 38 ; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 330 (Colombia); Taez. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 323, et p. 751 (Western Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 431. Quiscalus macrurus ?, Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 191 (Veragua). 26. QUISCALTJS. 397 Similar to Q. juaerurus, but smaller: whole length 14-5 inches, wing 6-9, middle rectrices 7-2, external 4-6. Hah. Veragua, Panama, and Colombia. a. S ad. sk. Calobre, Verajjua {Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. S ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua {Arce). Salvin-Godmau Coll. c. c? ad. sk. Veragua {Arce). Sclater Coll. a. S ad. sk. Lion Hill, Isthm. of Panama Sahin-Godman Coll. {McLeannan). e,/. c? 2 ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) 5. Guiscalns graysoni. Quiscalus palustris, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 411. Quiscalus major, var. palustris, Baird, Breiv.. et Ridcjw. N. A. B. ii. p. :^14; LaiL-r. Mem. Boston Sac. X. II. ii p -'82 (N w' Mexico). V • • Quiscalus graysoni, Sd. Ibis, 1884, p. 1.57. Similar to Q. macrurus, but still smaller than Q. assimilis : whole length 14-0 inches, wing 6-6; tail, middle rectrices 6-5, external 4-5. Hab. Western ]SIexico. This^ is a small Western Mexican form of Q. macrurus ; the adult is, I believe, quite indistinguishable from Q. macrurus in plumage, the specimens with brown thighs mentioned by Cassin and Lawrence being doubtless immature. It is very doubtful whether this bird has any real claim to Swainson's title ixdustris : his specimens from the lakes near Mexico city were probably of the species which he afterwards described as Q. tetmirostrts. a, b d' ai sk. ; c. Mazatlaii, A^'. Mexico {Furrer). Salvin-Godman Coll ? ^•^^'- (Types of the species.) 6. Quiscalus tenuirostris. Scaphidurus palustris, Stv. Phil. Mag. n. s. i. p. 437 (1827) » Quiscalus tenuirostris, Siv. An. in Men. p. 1^99 (1838): Cassin, Pr Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 411 ; Baird, Brew., et Ridt/w. iV. A B ii' p. 214 J Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 157, pi. v. ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 38.' Uniform dark purplish black, with slight metallic reflections; wings and tail dark shining black ; thighs brownish ; bill and feet black: whole length 13 inches, wing 6-7; tail, middle rectrices 7, external 4-3. Female. Above brown, passing into blackish on the rump, wings, and taU ; superciliaries and bodv below pale brown ; flanks and crissum blackish ; bill and feet blackish : whole leno-th 10-5 inches, wing 5-2, middle rectrices 4-4, external 3-3. ° Hah. Central Mexico. This species is easily recognizable by its slender and more in- curved bill. ■«. d ad sk Mexico. Sclater Coll. 6, c. c? ? ad. sk. Mexico {Boucard). Sclater Coll d. S ad. sk. Mexico. Salvin-Godmau Coll. e. V ad. sk. ^ icmity of Mexico city Salvin-Godman CoU. {Boueard). 3'JS 7. Cluiscalus gundlaclii. Quiscaliis baritus, d'Orh. in La Sagra's Ctiha, Ois. p. 95, pi. xviii. ; Thienemann, J. f. O. 18o7, p. lol. Chalcophanes baritus, Cab. AIus. Hem. i. p. 197; Gundl. J. f. O. 1856, p. 15. Quiscalus gundlacliii, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 406 ; Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 159. Quiscalus baritus, var. gundlacliii, Bnird, Breic, et Pidqw. N. A. B. ii. p. 213. Clialcophaues guudlacliii, Gundl. J.f. 0. 1874, p. 135. Bill of Qtiiscalus gundlcicfii. Violaceous black ; -wings and tail washed with greenish ; bill strong, conical, elougated ; culmcn but slightly incurved: bill and feet black : whole length 12 inches, wing 5-S, tail 5. Female similar, but smaller. Hah. Cuba. a. Ad. sk. b. Ad.sk. c. c? fid. sk. d. (S ad. sk. San Cristobal, Cuba. San Cristobal, Cuba. Cuba. Cuba {Bryant). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Mrs. Bryant [P.]. 8. Quiscalus niger. Troupiale noir de St. Domingue, Daub. PI. Enl. 534. Oriolus niger, Bodd. Tabl. d.Pl. Enl. p. 31 (1783). Quiscalus niger, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 407 ; Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 159 ; Co7y, Birds San Domingo, p. 73. Quiscalus barita, Salle, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 232. Quiscalus ater, Bryant, Pr. Boston Soc. N. H. xi. p. 94 (1866) ; Cory, Bidl. Nutt. Orn. Club, vi. p. 153. Quiscalus baritus, var. niger, Baird, Brew., et Eidyiv. N. A. B. ii. p. 213. Similar to Q. gundlachi, but smaller. Hab. San Domingo. a, b. cj ad. sk, San Domingo. A. Salle [C.]. 9. Quiscalus crassirostris. Cracula barita, Linn. S. N. i. p. 165 (i"). Sturnus jamaicensis, P)aud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 317 (?). Quiscalus crassirostris, Sw. An. in Minug. p. 355 ; Bj). Consp. i. 2C). auiscALus. 399 p. 425 ; Gosse, B. Jam. p. 217 ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 359 ; id. Ibk, 1834, p. 159 ; Scl. et Sab. N,nnend. p. 38. Quiscaliis baritus. Cassia, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 405: Baird, Bretv., et Ridyw. N. A. B. ii. p. 213. BiU of Quiscalus crassirostris. Black with a violaceous gloss, passing into greenish on the wings and tail ; bill thick, culmen much incurved : whole length 10-5 inches, wing 5-7, tail 5. Female similar, hut smaller. Hub, Jamaica. a. 2 ad. st. b. (j ad. st. c. c? ad.sk. d. e. tS 2 ad. sk. /. cS ad. sk. Jamaica. Jamaica. Metcalfe Parish, Jamaica (G. N. Allen). Jamaica {March). Spanishtown, Jamaica {March). Purcliased. J. Goukl, Esq. U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. Sclater Coll. Salviu-Godmau Coll. 10. Guiscalus brachypterus. Quiscalus brachypterus, Cass. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 400 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 38 ; Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 160. Quiscalus crassirostris, Bryant, J.f. O. 1866, p. 188. Chalcophaues brachypterus, Gundl. J.f. 0. 1878, p. 177; id. Anal. Soc. Esp. H. N. vii. p. 213 (1878). Chalcophaues lugubris, Sund. (Efv. K. Vet.-Ak. Fijrh. 1869, p. 598. Quiscalus baritus, var. brachypterus, Baird, Breto., et Eidyio. N. A. B. ii. p. 213. Bill of Quiscalus brachypterus. Black with a strong violaceous gloss, passing into greenish on the wings and tail : hill much compressed, culmen incurved : whole length 10-5 inches, wing 5, tail 4-5. Female similar, hut smaller. ilab. Porto Rico. 400 ICTERID.E. This species is easily distinguishable from the three preceding by its more slender and compressed bill. a. (S ad. sk. h,c. cS 2 ^^- sk. d, e. (S 2 f^d. sk. /. 2 ad. sk. ff. (^ ad. sk. Porto Rico, N. side (Latimer). Porto Rico (Brymit). Porto Rico (Bri/ant). Porto Rico (Brj/ant). Porto Rico (Swift). Salvin-Godman Coll. Mrs. Bryant [P.]. Sah'in-Cxodman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. 11. Guiscalus fortirostris. Quiscalus fortirostris, Lmor. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1868, p. 360 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 38 ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 175 ; id. Ibis, 1873, p. 334 (Barbadoes), et 1884, p. 161. Quiscalus rectirostris, C'assin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 409 (?). Bill of Quiscalus fortirostris, c? et 2 . Uniform black Avith a purplish gloss, which is rather greenish on the wings and tail ; bill and feet black : whole length 9 inches, wing 4-3, tail 3-7. Female similar, but smaller and of a dull black ; wings and tail brownish. Hah. Barbadoes. Sir William Robinson, in answer to my inqttiries,has most kindly sent me a series of skins of this bird, and likewise some specimens in spirit. The latter have enabled me to ascertain without doubt, what I had akeady believed to be the case from the examination of the skins, that the sexes in this Quiscalns are nearly alike in ])lumage, and that it agrees in this respect with the species of the Larger Antilles, although it is of smaller size. n-c. S ad. sk. : Barbadoes (Sir IV. Eolinsun). Sclater Coll. d-y. 5 ad. sk. //. .Tr. sk. Barbadoes (Sir G. Brif/gs). Sclater Coll. i. Ad. sk. Barbadoes. Sir R. Schoiuburgk [C.]. 26. QUISCA1U8. 401 12. Quiscalus inflexirostris. Quiscalus inflexirostris, Sxv. An. in Men. p. .300 (1838) ; Cassin, Tr- Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 407 ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 175 ; id. Ibis, 1864, p. 100; Laxvr. Proc. U. S. iV. M. i. p. 355, et p. 487 (Martinique) Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 38. Quiscalus barita, Taylor, Ihis, 1864, p. 168 (Martinique). Quiscalus lugubris, Scl. P.Z.S.1S71, p. 271 (St. Lucia); Semper, P. Z. S. 1672, p. 650 (St. Lucia). Bill of Quiscalus inflexirostris. Black •with a strong violaceous gloss, -which passes into greenish on the wings and tail ; bill shorter thaTi in preceding species, culmen much incurved, gonys straight ; hill and feet black : 'whole length 8-8 inches, wing 4-2, tail 3'4. Female. Above brown, with ill- defined lighter superciliaries ; beneath pale cinereous brown, lighter on the breast and throat ; bill and feet black. Hah. Martinique and St. Lucia. It is impossible to give any satisfactory account of this and the other smaller Black Quiscali of the Lesser Antilles and adjacent portions of South America, until a good series with sexes ascertained by dissection has been obtained from every island. Under these circumstances I shall merely take the supposed species in geographical order from north to south. a. S ad. sk. Martinique, W. I. (Ober). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. c? ad. sk. Martinique (Oler). Sclater Coll. c. S ad. sk. Martinique. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. J' ad. sk. Martinique {E. C. Taylor). Sclater CoU. e. 5 ad. sk. Martinique. Sclater Coll. f,g. c? 2 ad. sk. St. Lucia, W. I. {Semper). Sclater Coll. 13. Guiscalus guadeloupensis. Quiscalus guadeloupensis, Lawr. Pr. U. S. X. M. i. pp. 457, 487 ; Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 160. Similar to Q. inflexirostris from Martinique, but rather larger and bill straighter (Lawrence). Bab. Gviadeloupe. a. Ad. sk. Guadeloupe (Ober). Sclater Coll. VOL. XT. 2d 402 14. Cluiscalus luminosus. Quiscalus, sp., Lmvr. Pr. U. S. JV. M. i. p. 191. Quiscalus lumiuosus, Lawrence, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sc i. p. 1(52 (1878) ; id. Proc. U. S. Nat. 3Ius. i. pp. 270, 487 ; Ober, Camps in the Caribhees, p. 246 ; Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 161. Bill of Quiscalus limiinosus. The single pair of this form recentlj^ received seem to show that the species is nearest to Q. inflexirosiris, but has a longer and more compressed bill. The plumage of the male is darker and more violaceous. Length 9'4 inches, wing 4*7, tail 4. The female is nearly similar to that of Q. inflexirostris, of Martinique. Hah. Grenada and the Grenadines. a,b. c? 5 ad. sk. Grenada, W. I. (J. Grant Sclater Coll. 15. Quiscalus lugubris. Quiscalus lugubris, Sio. An. in Memu/. p. 299; Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 28.3; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 84 (Trinidad); Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 408 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 38 ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 141 ; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 162. Ohalcophanes jamaicensis (cJ) et 0. minor (5), Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 683. Ohalcophanes lugubris, Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 577. Quiscalus barita, Leotaud, Ois. Trin. p. 268 i^Triuidad). Black, strongl}' glossed with violaceous ; wings and tail with a slight greenish tinge ; bill and feet black ; bill strong, the culmen inflexed, gonys straight : whole length 8-2 inches, wing 4 : tail, middle rectr. 3-7, outer 2*8. Female. 8moky blackish, wings and tail darker, very slightly glossed ; beneath paler, smoky brown : whole length 8-2 inches, wing 4 ; tail, middle rectr. 3-7, lat. rectr. 2-8. Hah. Trinidad, Venezuela and Cayenne. «. S ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater CoU. b. 5 ad. sk. Cayenne. Salvin-Godmau Coll. c. cJ ad. sk. George Town, Demerara Sclater Coll. {Brown'). d. e. S ad. sk. Demerara. J. C. Jackson, Esq. [P.]. /. S ad. sk. Trinidad. Sclater Coll. g. S ad. sk. Trinidad. Zool. Soc. Coll. h. cj jr . sk. Venezuela. Salvin-Godman Coll. I 27. MACEAGEL^TTS. — 28. HTPOPTRRHTJS. 403 27. MACRAGELiEUS. Type. Macroagelaius, Cassin, B: Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 13 M. subalaris. The much elongated tail is, I think, sufficient to separate this form from the Quisccdi, to which it is undoubtedly allied. I cannot see that it has anything to do with Agelceus, as Cassin has suggested, though the bill is shorter and rather more broadened at the base than in most Quisccdi. Range. Andes of Colombia. 1. Macragelaeus subalaris. Quiscalus subalaris, Boiss. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 70; Bp. Consp. i. p. 425 ; Scl Cat. A. B. p. 141 ; id. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 153 (Bogota) ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 38; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, pp. 127, 330 (Colombia). Agelaius subalaris, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 13. Macragelaeus subalaris, Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 162. Deep black, slightly resplendent ; under wing-coverts dark chest- nut ; bill and feet black : whole length 11 inches, wing 5, tail 5'7. Female similar, but rather smaller. Hah. Andes of Colombia. a, &. c? 2 ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. e. S ad. sk. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. 28. HYPOPYRRHUS. Type. Hypopyrrhus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 425 (1850) H. pyrypogaster. The bill of this monotypic form is ratlier stout and thick for one of the Quiscalino}, but the culmen is decidedly incurved, and the mesorhinium is not flattened. Its nearest ally is probably Aphohiis, with which it agrees in the peculiar structure of the head-feathers. But there are no signs of the sulcations on the lower mandible which distinguish Aphohus. Range. Andes of Colombia. 1. H3rpopyrrhus pyrypogaster. Cassicus pyrobypogaster, De Tarr. Bev. Zool. 1847, p. 252. Hypopyrrhus pyi'rhogaster, Bp. Consp. i. p. 425 ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 154 (Bogota) ; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 163; Sclat. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 39 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 510 (Antioquia). Quiscalus pyrrbogaster, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 141. Quiscalus pyrobypogaster, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil, 1866, p. 412. Dull black ; feathers of the head and neck above constricted, thickened, and with shining shafts ; axillaries, lower belly, and crissum bright crimson-red ; thighs black ; bill and feet black : whole length 2d2 404 ICTERIDJE. 12 inches, wiug 5"5, tail 5"5. Female similar, but smaller and not quite so bright. Hab. Colombia. a, 6. c? 2 ad. sk. Envigado, Antioquia {Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. fi, rf. d' 2 ad. sk. Envigado, Antioquia {&/«(o>j). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Colombia. Sclater Coll, 29. APHOBUS. Aphobus, Cah. Mu^. Hem. i. p. 194 (1851) Type. A chopi. Structure of Aphobus chopi. The curious sulci on the lower mandible, which are verj' prominent in the adult males, characterize this form, which, if trulj- Quiscaline, 29. APHOBus. 405 is certainly very aberrant. The culmeu is incurved and the moso- rhinium is not flattened. Ranfje. Western Peru, Bolivia, Chili, Argentine Republic, Para- guay, and South Brazil. 1. Aphobus chopi. Tordo chopi, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 282. Agelaius chopi, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, xxxiv. p. 537 (1819) ; id. Enc. Meth. ii. p. 712 ; Cmsin, Pr. Ac. So. Phil. 1866, p. 11 ; Hartl. Ind. Azara, p. 4 (Paraguay)- Icterus unicolor, Licht. Doitbl. p. 19 ; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 1208 (Bahia and Minas). Icterus sulcirostris, Spix, Av. Bras. i. p. 67, pi. 64. f. 2 (Minas). Agelaius sulcirostris, Sw. An. in Menag. p. 303. Aphobus chopi, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 194 ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 141 ; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 163 ; Cahanis, J. f. 0. 1874, p. 85 (Cantagallo, Rio) ; Hamilton, Ibis, 1871, p. 303 (S.Paulo) ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 323 (Tumbez, W. Peru) et p. 750 (W. Peru); Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 339 (Pernambuco); Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 39. Psarocolius unicolor, Burtn. Si/st. Ueb. in. p. 281 ; id. La- Plata Reise, ii. p. 494 (Meudoza). Uniform black, slightly resplendent ; bill and feet blaok ; lower mandible sulcatcd : whole length 9'2 inches, wing 5-2, tail 4. Female similar, but smaller and duller ; bill not sulcated. Ilah. South Brazil, Paraguay, northern provinces of Argentine Republic, Bolivia and Peru. a. 2 ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil ( Wncherer). Sclater Coll. b. S ad. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Brazil (Joi/ner). c,d.d2 ad. sk. Boli\^a. T. Bridges [C.]. c. 2 ad. sk. Bolina {Bridges). Salvin-Godman Coll. /. c? ad. sk. Paraguay (?)! Sclater Coll. (J, h. S ad. st. Brazil. M. Claussen [P.]. /',/. Skeletons. Purchased. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. abbas (Tanagra), 154, 1P.2. abeillaei (Arremon), 273, 278. abeillei (Hyphantes), 366. abeillei (Icterus), 363, 3(i6. abeillei (Orcliesticus), 297. abeillei (Pyrrhiila), 297. abeillei (Xanthornus), 366. Acrocompsa, 53. Acroieptes, 58. 63. ffinea (Euphonia), 84. £eneu9 (Molothnis), 332, 333, 334. seneus (Psarocolius), 334. seneus (Qiiiscalus), 394. iequatorialis (Qiiiscalus), 392. aestiva (Phceiiicosoma), 182. sestiva (Phoenisoma), 182. jEstira (Prrauga). 181. 182, 184. sestiva (Tanagra), 182. aestiva, var. cooperi (Pj'- ranga), 184. affiuis ( Acroieptes), 65. affinis (Arremon), 256. affiuis (Bananivorus), 367. affinis (Cassicus), 321, 325. affinis (Euphonia), 63, 65. affinis (Icterus), 367. affinis (Pendulinus), 367. affinis (Plionasea), 65. affinis (Eamphocelus), 173. affinis (Tanagra). 65. affinis (Xanthornus), 367. Agelseus, 331, 339. Agelaioides, 332. Agelaius, 339. aglsBus (Quiscalus), 394. Aglaia, 95. Agrilorhinus, 2. alaudarius (Cacicus), 358, albertinse (Calliste), 116, 118. albicollis (Eucometis), 217, 218. albicollis (Pyranga), 217. albicollis (Saltator), 283, 291, 294. albicollis (Trichothrau- pis), 218. albicristata (Sericossy- pha), 232. albiflorus (Sturnus), 356. albifrenatus(Buarremon), 255, 265. albifrons (Conirostnun), 13, 16. albigula (Certhiola), 46. albigularis (Nemosia), 223, 227. albilateraHs (Diglossa), 3,9. albinucha (Atlapetes), 260. albinucha (Buarremon), 255, 259. 260. albinucha (Embemagra), 2(50. albipes (Leistes), 357. albirostris (Archiplaniis), 323. albirostris (Cassicus), albirostris (Eamphoce- lus), 174. albirostris (Tanagi-a), 174. albispecularis (Tachy- phonus), 208. albitempora (Tachy- phonus), 239. albitemporalia (Chloro- spingus). 237, 239, 243. albiventris (Calliste), 119. albiventris (Dacnidea), 249. albiventris (Dacnis), 17. albiventris (Diva), 17. albiventris (Hemidacnis), 17. albiventris (Piprseidea), 17. albocristatus(Lamprotes), 232. albocristatus (Tanagra), 232. albofrenatus (Tanagra), 265. aliredi (Cassicus), 318. alfredi (Ostinops), 315, 318. amazonum (Thlypopsis) 228. 229. Amblycercus, 309, 326. Amblyrhamphu.s, 331, 350. Amblyrhynchus, 350. American Hedge-Spar- row, 48. americanus (Leistes), 349. americanus ("Oriolus), 348. analis (Calliste), 141. analis (Dacnis), 19, 25. analis (Euthraupis), 141 analis (Iridornis), 140, 141. analis (Tanagra), 141. Andriopsar, 362. angelica (Dacnis), 18, 22 angustifrons (Cassicus), 319. angustifrons (Ostinops), 315, 319. Anisognathus, 144. annse (Euphonia). 64, 72. anticus (Icterus), 352. anticus (Leistes), 352. Aphobus, 388, 404. Aporophantes, 362. Arbelorhina, 31. arcffii (Buthraupis), 147, 149. archangeUca (Dacnis), 22. arehiepiscopus (Tanagra), ardens (Phoenisoma), 190. ardens (Pyranga), 182, 190. 408 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. argentata (Tanagra), 158. argentea (Calliste), 135, 137. argentea (Chalcotlirau- pis), 137. argentea (Procnopis),137. argentea (Tanagra), 135. argentea viridieollis (Cal- liste), 137. argyrophenges (OalUste), 135, 137. armenti (Molothrus), 333, 335. Arremon, 272. arremonops (Oreotlirau- pis), 298. arremonops (Saltator), 298. arthuB (Calliste), 109. arthus (Tanagra), 109. artlmsi (Calliste), 108, 109. assimiUs (Agelseus), 340, 341. assimilis (Buarremon), 255, 257. assimilis (Quiscalus), 393, 396. assimilis (Tanagra), 257. Ateleodacnis, 18. Ateleopsar, 362. ater (Cassicus), 329. ater (Cassidix), 329. ater (Molothrus), 333. ater (Orehesticus), 302. ater (Quiscalus), 398. ater (Saltator), 301. ater (Scaphidurus), 329. ater obscurus (Moloth- rus), 333. aterrima (Diglossa), 3, 8. aterrimum (Dicajum), 47. aterrimus (Curseus), 3.54. aterrimus (Ramphocelus), 175. aterrimus (Sturnus), 354. atra (Diucopis), 301. atra (Nemosia), 301. atra (Scaphidura), 329. atra (Schistoclilamys), 301. atra (Tanagra), 301. atrata (Certhiola), 37, 47. atrioapilla (Buarremon), 255, 259. atricapilla (Calliste), 135, 136. atricapilla (Chalcothrau- pis), 136. atricapilla (Chloropha- nes), 29. atricapilla (Coereba), 29. atricajnlla (Dacnis), 29. atricapilla (Pogonothrau- pis), 204. atricapilla (Tanagra\204 . atricapillus (Lanio), 201, 202, 204. atrieapillus (Tachypho- nus), 205. atriceps (Saltator), 282, 283. atriceps (Tanagra), 283. atricollis (Saltator), 283, 293. atricollis (Tanagra), 293. atrici'issa (Poecilothrau- pis), 145. atripennis (Saltator), 282, 286. atripileus(Arremon),245. atripileus (Ohlorospin- gus), 238, 245. atripileus (Pipilopsis), 245. atroca?rulea (Calliste), 94. atrocaerulea (Chalcothrau- pis), 94. atrocierulea (Diva), 94. atrocarulea (Procnopis), 93, 94. atrocastaneus (Ostinops), 317, 318. atrochalybeus (Pitylus), 304. atrococcineus (Eampho- pis), 174. atrocyaneum (Coniros- trum), 13, 16. atrogularis (Icterus), 378. atronitens (Molothrus), 333, 337. atro-olivaceus (Caryo- thraustes), 305. atro-olivaceus (Icterus), 3.52. atro-olivaceus (Pitylus), 305. atro-purpuratus (Peri- porphyrus), 305. atro-purpuratus (Pity- lus), 305. atrosericeus (Rampho- celus), 174, 175. atrosericeus (Rhampho- coelus), 170, 175. atrosericeus (Rampho- pis), 176. atroviolaceus (Dives), 392, 393. atroviolaceus (Quiscalus), 393. atroviolaceus (Scaphidu- rus), 393. atroviolaceus (Scoleco- phagus), 393. atrovirens (Cassicus), 317, 318. atrovirens (Ostinops), 315, 317, 318, 319. audubonii (Icterus), 375. aurantiirostris (Arre- mon), 272, 275. aurantiirostris (Saltator), 283, 292. aurantius (Icterus), 383. aurantius (Lanio), 202. aurantius (Xanthornus), 383. auratus (Icterus), 363, 380, 382. aureata (Cyanophonia), 61. aureata (Euphonia), 61. aureata (Tanagra), 61. auricapillus (Icterus), 362, 363, 377. auricapillus (Pendulinus), 377. auricapillus (Tanagra), 220. auricoUis (Nemosia), 226. auricrissa (Dubusia), 163. auricrissa (Tanagra), 163. auricularis (Cblorospin- gus), 238, 24.5. auritus (Lanio), 209. aurulenta (Calliste), 95, 108. aurulenta (Chrysothrau- pis), 108. aurulenta (Tanagra), 108. autumualis (Fringilla), 111. avis (Episeopus), 154. axillaris (Arremon), 273, 277. axillaris (Chlorospingus), 214. axillaris (Tanagra), 279. azariB (Phoenisoma), 184, 185. azara; (Pyranga), 181, 184, 186, 187. azaraj (Saltator), 291. badius (Agelaius), 338. badius (Dolichonyx), 338. badius (Icterus), 338. badius (Molothrus), 332, 333, 338. . Bahama Titmouse, 37. bahamensis (Certhia), 37. bahamensis (Certhiola), 36, 37. bahamensis (Frinffilla), 169. bairdi (Certhiola), 37. baltimore (Hyphante.s), 364. baltimore (Icterus), 362, 363, 364. Baltimore Oriole, 364. baltimore (Oriolus), 364. baltimore (Yphautes), 364. baltimorensis (Hypbau- tes), 364. baltimorensis (Icterus), 364. Bananiste, 40. bananiTora (Certhiola), 36,40. bananivora (Motacilla), 40. Bananivorus, 362. barbadensis (Callosi)iza), 119. barbadensis (Certhiola), 37, 46. barbadensis (Tanagra), 119. barbadensis ca?ri.ilea (Tauagra), 119. barita (Gracula), 398. barita (Quiscalus), 401, 402. barita, (Scaphidura), 329. baritula (Diglossa), 2, 3. baritus (Chalcophanes), 398. baritus (Quiscalus), 394, 398, 399. baritus, var. brachypte- rus (Quiscalus), 399. baritus, var. gundlachii (Quiscalus), 398. baritus, var. niger (Quis- calus), 398. bartholemica (Certhia), 42. bartholemica (Certhiola), 37, 42, 43. beaiiperthuyi (Tacliy- pbonus), 207. bellicosa (Trupialis), 3.56, 357. benedicti (Spindalis), 166 168. berlepschi (Chlorospin- gus), 238, 251. Bethylus, 299. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. bicolor (Amblyramphus), 351. bicolor (Conirostrum), bicolor (Dacnis), 27. bicolor (Dendroeca), 27. bicolor (Euphonia), 79. bicolor (Nectarinia), 19. bicolor (Saltator), 299. bicolor (Sylvia), 27. bidentata (Phcenicosoma), 190. bidentata (Pyranga), 182, 190. bifasciatus (Cassicus), 313. bifasciatus (Gymnosti- nops), 313. bifasciatus (Ostinops), 313. bifasciatus (Psarocolius) 313. bilineatus (Spindalis), 16(1 bivittata (Phcenicosoma), 189. bivittata (Phoenisoma), 190. bivittata (Pyranga), 189, Black-crowned Oriole, 362. Black-faced Tanager, 302. Black-headed Tanager 204. blanda (Nemosia), 228. Blue-bird (Ked-bellied), 87. boliviana (Ualliste), 119 121. boliviana (Callospiza), 121. bonana (Icterus), 363, 368. bonana (Oriolus), 368. bonana (Pendulinus), 368. bonana (Xanthornus), 368. bouapartii (Agrilorhi- uus), 7. bonariensis (Loxia), 164. bonariensis (Molothrus), 332, 333, 335. bonariensis (Tanagra) 154,164,2.32,335. bourcieri (Calliparaa), 90. bourcieri (Calliste), 90. bourcieri (Chlorochrvsa), ■ 90. ^ ' bracliypterus (Chalco- ]3hanes), 399. 409 brachypterus (Phonasca), 74. brachypterus (Quiscalus), 394, 399. branickii (Diva), 94. branickii (Procnopis), 93, 94. brasilia (Ramphopis), 170. brasiha (Tanagra), 170. brasiliensis CCalliste), 95 96, 119. ~ brasiliensis (Callospiza), 119. brasiliensis (Caryothj-aus- tes), 306. brasihensis (Pitylus), 303, 306. brasiliensis (Tanagra), 119. brasiliensis viridis (Syl- via), 224. brasilius (Ramphocelus), 170. brasilius (Rhamphocoe- his), 169, 170. Brazilian Tanager, 170. brelayi (Uncirostrum), 3. brevipennis (Dacnis), 26. brevipennis (Helinaia), 26. brevipes (Arbelorhina), 32. brevipes (Coereba), 32. brevirostris (Acroleptes), 67. brevirostris (Arbelo- rhina), 34. brevirostris (Coereba), .34. brevirostris (Euphonia), 67. ' brevirostris (Icterus),338. brevirostris (Pezites),357. breweri (Quiscalus), 391. brunnea (Tanagra), 210. bruuneinucha (Buarre- mon), 255, 258, 259. brunneinucba (Emberna gra), 258. brunneinucba (Tauagra), 258. brunneiventris(Diglossa), 3, 5. bniuneus (Chlorospin- giis), 215. bryanti (Euphonia), 60. Buarremon, 253, 254. bullocki (Hyphantes), 365. bullocki (Icterus), 363, 365 410 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. bullocki, var. abeillei (Icterus), 366. bullockii (Xanthornus), 365. bullockii (Ypbantes), 365. bursarius (Japus), 326. Buthraupis, 139, 147. cabanisi (Calliste), 122, 123. caboti (Certbiola), 36, 38. Oacicus, 320. cselestis (Tanagra), 156, 159. cserulea (Arbelorhiua), 34. casrulea (Certhia), 33. cserulea (Coereba), 19, 31. 33, 35. cKi-ulea (Neornis), 48. cserulea (Pyrrhula), 143. cserulea (Tersina), 60. cseruleifrons (Coniros- trum), 16. cseruleocephala (Aglaia), 127. cserulescens (Cocco- thraustes), 304. cserulescens (Diglossa), 1 1 . cserulescens (Diglossopis), 11. ccerulescens (Pitylus), 304. cserulescens (Saltator), 283, 287, 290, 291. c£eruleus (Hylophilus), 223. cffiruleus (Stephanoplio- rus), 143. californicus(Penclulinus), 386. Calliparaa, 89. calliparisa (Calliste), 90. calliparsea (CaUospiza), 90. calliparia (Chlorochrysa), 89, 90. Calliste, 86, 95. Callithraupis, 193. callophrys (Acrocompsa), 58. callophrys (Chloropho- nia), 53, 58. callophrys (Hvpothlypis), 89. eallophry s(Trigly phiclia ), 58. Callothrus, 332. Calochsetes, 139, 179. calophrys (Chlorospin- gus),238, 245. calophrys (Tanagrella), 87, 89. Calospiza, 95. Calyptophiius, 233, 235. campestris (Motacilla), 48. Campylops, 2. cana (Tanagra), 154, 156. cana (Thraupis), 155, 156. Canada Grosbeak, 306. canadensis (Loxia), 306. canadensis (Pitylus), 306. canigularis (Chlorospin- gus), 238, 242. canigularis (Pipilopsis), 242. canigularis (Tachypho- nus), 242. capistrata (Diucopis),301. capistrata (Schistochla- mys), 301. capistrata (Tanagra), 301. capistratus (Orehesticus), 301. capitalis (Buarremon), 254. capitalis (Pezopetes), 253, 254. carbonaria (Diglossa), 2, 3, 6. carbonarium (Serriros- trum), 6. Oarenochrous, 254. carmioli (Chlorothrau- pis), 194. carmioli (Phoenico- thraupis), 194. canieipes (Coereba), 32. Carouge, 368. Carouge de Mexique, 380. Carouge de St. Domingue, 371. Cai'yothraustes, 303. Cassiculoides, 362. Cassiculus, 309, 328. Cassicus, 309, 320. Cassidix, 309, 329. cassini (Eucometis), 217, 219. cassini (Molothrus), 333, 337. cassini (Tachyphonus), 219. Cassique huppe de Cay- enne, 315. Cassique rouge de Bresil, 324. Cassique vert de Cayenne, 316. castaneiceps (Buarre- mon), 255, 261. castaneicoUis (Chloro- spingus), 238, 249. castaneifrous (Buarre- mon), 256, 268. castaneiventris (Calliste), 142. castaneiventris (Delo- thraupis), 142. castaneiventris (Pipri- dea), 142. castanonota (Calliste), 114. caudacutus (Psarocolius), 331. cayana (Aglaia), 114. cayana (Calliste), 111, 114. cayana (Calospiza), 112. cayana (Certhia), 32. cayana (Dacnis), 18, 19. 22. cayana (Euphonia), 79, 81. cayana (MotaciUa), 19. cayana (Saltator), 286. cayana (Sylvia), 22. cayana (Tanagra), 81,111, 114. cayanensis (CaUospiza), 120. cayanensis (Caryothraus- tes), 306. cayanensis (Fringilla), 306. cayanensis (Icterus), 363, "3(19, 370. cayanensis (Oriolus), 369. cayanensis (Pendulinus), 369. cayanensis (Pitylus), 306. cayanensis crerulea (Syl- via), 19. cayanus (Coracias), 286. Cayenne EoUer, 286. cayenuensis (Euphonia), 81. cayennensis(Tanagra),81 . ceiaeno (Fringilla), 305. celreno (Pitylus), 303,305. Certhidea, 12, 27. Certhiola, 29, 36. chalcopasta (Euphonia), 82. Chalcophanus, 39-3. Chalcothraupis, 95. chalybea (Euphonia), 84. ehiilybea (Hy23oph£ea),84. chalybea (Phonasea), 84. chalybea (Tanagra), 84. chapoul (Aglaia), 90. chilensis (Aglaia), 97. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 411 chloricterus (Tacbypbo- nus), 193. chlorocapilla (Pipra), 54. Chlorocbrysa, 86, 89. chlorocyanea (Tanagra), 80. cbloronota (Buthraupis), 147, 148. Chlorophanes, 29. Cbloropbonia, 53. cbloroptera (Tanagra), 114. cbloropyga (Certbiola), 37, 44. Cblorornis, 281. Cblornspingus, 236, 237. Ohlorotbraupis, 180, 194. cblorot.ica (Eupbonia),58, 63, 64, 82. chlorotica (Pbonasca), 64. chlorotiea (Tanagra), 64. cbloroticus (Acroleptes), 64. cbopi (Agelaius), 404. cbopi ( Apbobus), 345,405. cbrysoearpus (Cacicus), 343. cbrysoearpus (Xantbor- nus), 343. cbrysocepbalus (Icterus), 362, 363, 369. cbrysocepbalus (Oriolus), 369. cbrysocej)balus (Penduli- uus), 369. cbrysocepbalus (Xantb- ornus), 369. cbrvsogaster (Chloro- spingus), 238, 246. cbrysogaster (Ixothrau- pis), 106. cbrysogaster (Tanagra), 79, 164. cbrysogastra (Tanagra), 61. cbrvsolopba (Tanagra). 140. cbrysomelas (Tachypbo- nus), 206, 210. Cbrysomus, 339. cbrysonota(0alliste),112. cbrysonotus (Cassiculus), 322. cbrysonotus (Cassicus), 321, 322. cbrysonotus (Ramphoce- lus), 177. cbrysonotus (Eliampbo- coelus), 170, 177. cbrysopasta (Euphonia). 81, 82. cbrysopbrys (CaEiste), 105. cbrysopbrys (Cblorospin- gus), 238, 247. cbrysopis (Nemosia), 229. cbrysopis (Tblypopsis), 228, 229. Cbrysopoga, 254. cbrjsopogon (Atlapetes), 259. cbrysopogon (Buarre- mon), 259. cbrysoptera (Aglaia), 116. cbrysoptera (Gracula), 3(59. cbrysoptera (Gyrola), 116. cbrysopterus (Agelaius), 343, 369. cbrysopterus (Agelasti- cus), 343. cbrysopterus (Icterus), 343. cbrysopterus (Xantbor- nus), 323, 343, 369, 370. Cbrysotbraupis, 95. cbrysotis (Calliste), 129, 133, 134. cbrysotis (Cbrysotbrau- pis), 134. cinerea (Eupbonia), 85. cinereocepbalus (Cbloro- spingus), 238, 244. cinereum (Conirostrum), 13, 15. Cissopis, 298, 299. Cissurus, 303. citreus (Cassicus), 315. citrinella (Aglaia), 101. citrinella (Buarremou), 256, 270. citrinella (Calliste), 101. citrinella (Cbrysotbrau- pis), 101. citrinella (Tanagra), 100. citrinus (Icterus), 362. citrius (Oriolus), 315. clusiaj (Certbiola), 41. Clypeicterus, 309, 310. eoccinea (Pyranga), 185, 186. eoccinea (Eamphopis), 170. eoccinea (Tanagra), 182. cocciueus (Oaloebsetes), 179, 180. coccineus(Eucbtetes),]80. cocciueus (Rampbocelus), 170. ccelestis (Eupbonia), 62. coelestis (Tanagra), 153, 155. coelicolor (Calliste), 96. Ccereba, 29, 31. coerebicolor (Arbelorhi- na), 21. coerebicolor (Dacnis), 18, 19, 21. coerulea (Procnias), 50. coerulea microrbyncba (Ccereba), 34. coerulea occidentalis (Procnias), 51. coeruleocepbala (Calliste), 127. coeruleocepbala (Eupbo- nia), 59. coeruleocepbala grana- densis (Calliste), 127. collaris (Sturnella), 358. coUurio (Coryus), 299. Columbiana (Certbiola), 38. Columbiana (Tanagra), 191. Comarophagus, 205. Compsoooma, 139, 150. comptus (Buarremon), 255, 264. concinna (Eupbonia), 64, 69, 70. concinna (Pbonasca), 69. concinnus (.4croleptes), 69. Conirostrum, 12, 13. Conotbraupis, 272, 280. constantii (Tanagra), 144. cooperi (Pyranga), 181, 184. eoronatus (Agelaius), 213. coronatus (Cassiculus), 328. coronatus(Tacbypbonus), 206, 213. coronatus (Xautbornus), ;«8. coryinus (Quisi'alus), 395. corypbteus (Pyrrota), 213. corypbaBus (Tanagra), coztototl (Psaroeolius), 366. erassirostra (Scapbidura), 329. crassirostris(Buarremon), 255, 262. crassirostris (Cassicus), 325. crassirostris (Eupbonia) 76, 77. 412 ALPHAIiETICAL INBEX, crassirostris (Quiscalus), 393, 394, 398, 399. Creeper, Black-aud-Yel- low, 43. Crested Tanager, 210. Creiirgops, 181, 215. cristata (Eucometis), 217, 218. cristata (Phoenicothrau- pis), 196, 201. cristata (PipUopsis), 218. cristata (Tanagra), 210, 212. cristatella (Tanagra), 213. cristatellus (Tachypho- mis), 210. cristatus (Cassicus), 315. cristatus (Lanio), 212. cristatus (Orioliis), 315. 316. cristatus (Ostinops), 315. cristatus (Psarocolius), 315. cristatus (Taeliypboiius), 206, 210, 214.' croconotus (Icterus), 362, 364, 383. croconotus (Psarocolius), 383. cucullata (Aglaia), 113. cucullata (Buthranpis), 147, 148. cucullata (Calliste), 111, 113. cucullatus (Icterus), 363, 376. cucullatus (Pendulinus), 376. cucullatus (Pyranga), 192. cucullatus igneus (Icte- rus), 376. cucullatus nelsoni (Icte- rus), 376. CuriEus, 331, 354. curiEus (Leistes), 354. curxus (Psarocolius), 354. curfeus (Turdus), 354. curasoensis (Icterus), 363, 381. cyanater (Dacnis), 19. cyanea (Arbelorhina), 32. cyanea (Certhia), 32. cyanea (Coereba), 31, 32. cyanea (Diglossa), 10. cyanea eximia (Coereba), 32. cyanea (Pipraidea), 92. cyaneicollis(Calliste),124, ' 127, 128. cyaneiventris (Calliste), 98, 100. cyanescens (Calliste), 123. cyanescens (Xanthornus), 343. eyaneum (Conirostrum), 13, 14. eyaneum (Unci rostrum), 10. cyanicoUis (Aglaia), 127. cyanicollis (Callospiza), 127. cyanicollis (Tanagra), 127. cyanictera (Pyranga), 193. Cyanicterus, 180, 193. cyanicterus (Callithrau- pis), 193. cyanicterus (Orthogonys), 193. cyanilia (Tanagra), 159. cyanocephala (Aglaia), 100, 162. cyanocephala (Dacnis), 19. cyanocephala (Dubusia), 163. cyanocephala (Tanagra), 100, 154, 162. cyanocephala (Motacilla), 19. cyanocephala (Neotari- nia), 19. cyanocephala (Pipra), 61. cyanocephala (Thraupis), 162. cyanocephalus (Psaroco- lius), 390. cyanocephalus (Scoleco- phagus), 390. Cyanodacnis, 18. Cyanodiglossa, 2. cyano-dorsalis (Eu- phonia), 53. cyanogastra (Certhia), 32. cyanolajma (Calliste), 112. cyanolaima (Calliste), 112. cyanoleucus(HylophiIu8), 223. cyanomelajna (Tana- ■ grella), 87, 88. cyanomelas (Dacnis), 19. cyanomelas (Fringilla), 19. cyanomelas (Tanagra), ' 88. cyanomelas (Tanagrella), 88. Cyanophonia, 68. cj-anoptera (Aglaia), ■ 135. cvanoptera (Callispiza), * 135. cyanoptera (Calliste), 96, 135. cyanoptera (Compso- coma), 151. cyanoptera (Tanagra), 154, 156, 157. cyanoptera (Thraupis), 158. cvanopterus (Saltator), ' 157. cyanopus (Ageteus), 34.0, 344. cyanopus (Icterus), 345. cyanopygia (Oalliste),124, 128. Cyanothrus, 332. cyan Otis (Calliste), 129, 131. cyanoventris (Callist*), 117. cyanoventris (Gyrola), 117. cyanoventris (Tanagra), 100. Cypsnagra, 221. Dacnidea, 237. Dacnis, 12, 18. darwini (Tanagra), 154, 164, 165. decuiuanus (Ostinops), 315. decumanus (Xanthornus), 315. defilippii (Sturnella), 357. defilippii (Trupialis), 356, 357. delattrii (Tachyphonus), 206, 215. Delothraupis, 139, 142. dentata (Malaco thraupis), 216. dentata (Phcenisoma), 187. desmaresti (Calliste), 116, lis. desmaresti (Tanagra), 212. devillii (Ai-remon), 272, 274. devillii (Cassicus), 314. devillii (Ostinops), 314. diaconus (Tanagra), 156. diademata (Nemosia), 143. diademata (Tanagra), 143. diadematus (Icterus), 328. ALPFABETICAL INDEX. 413 Diglossa, 2. Diglossopis, 2, 11. dimidiatus (Eampbo- celus), 172. dimidiatus (Eamphopis), 172. dimidiatus (Ehampliocoe- lus), 170, 172. discolor (Molothrus), 337. discolor (Passerina), 33fi. Diucopis, 272, 279. Diva, 93. diva (Tanagra), 93. Divaricated Tanager, 29r). Dives, 388, 391. dives (Lampropsar), 392. dives (Scolecophagus), 392. Dolichonys, 331. dominicana (Certhiola), 37, 44. dominicensis (Icterus), 352, 363, 370, 371. dominicensis (Oriolus), 371. dominicensis (Pendii- linus), 371,372. dominicensis (Phoenico- philus), 234. dominicensis (Tanagra), 1(17. dominicensis (Xanthor- nus), 370. domimcensig,var. portori- censis (Icterus), 371. dominicensis, var. wag- leri (Icterus), 372. d'orbignii (Uneirostrum), 4. d'orbignyi (Diglossa), 4. dorsalis (Eamphocelus), 171. dorsalis( Eliamphocoel us), 170, 171. dowi (Calliste), 122, 124. dresseri (Buarremon), 255, 266. dresseri (Carenochrous), 2(;6. dubius (Japus), 323. dubusi (Icterus), 363, 3S1. Dubusia, 139, 152. dubusia (Eutbraupis), 140. dubusia (Iridornis), 139, 140. dubusia (Iridosornis), 140. dubusia (Tanagra), 140. dubusii (Tanagrella), 90. duplicata (Tanagra), 296. edwardsi (Butliraupis), 147, 150. egregia (Dacnis), 18, 22. egregia requatorialis (Dac- nis), 23. elffioprorus (Buarremon), 255, 265. elegnns (Compsocoma), 151. elegans (Psittospiza), 281, 282. elegans (Saltator), 282. elegans (Tachypbonus), 151. elegans (Tanagra), 100. elegantissima (Euphonia), 59, 62. elegantissima (Pipra), 62. elegantissima (Tana- grella), 88. ej)hippialis (Eamphoce- lus), 171. episcopus (Aglaia), 158. episcopus (Caryo- thraustes), 307. episcopus (Tanagra), 153, 154, 155, 156, 158. erythrocepbala (Py- ranga), 182, 192. erythrocepbala (Sperma- gra), 192. erythrola^ma (Phoeuico- thraupis), 199. erythromelfena (Py- ranga), 182, 189. erytbromelas (Cocco- tbraustes), 305. erytbromelas (Loxia), 305. erytbromelas (Peripor- phyrus), 305. erytbromelas (Pitylus), 303, 305. erytbromelas (Pyranga), 188. erytbromelas (Tanagra), 189, 190. erythropis (Pyranga), 191. Erythropsar, 339. erythrorhyncbus (Arre- mon), 275. erythrorhyncbus (Pify- 'lus), 304. ervtbrothorax (Leistes), 348. erythrotis (Aglaia), 145. erythrotis (Tanagra), 145. Etourneau des terres Ma- gellaniques, 356. Euchfetes, 179. Eucometes, 181,217. Eucometis, 217. Eucorystes, 309,311. Eudacnis, 18. Euojjsar, 362. Euphagus, 390. Euphone organiste, 60. Euphone a ventre mar- ron, 80. Euphonia, 53, 58. Euprepiste, 25. Euschemon, 95. Eutbraupis, 1.39. eximia (Arbeloi'hina), 32. eximia (Eutbraupis), 147, 149. eximia (CcEreba), 32. eximia (Tanagra), 149. exsul (Spindalis), 168. fanny (Aglaia), 125. fanny (Calliste), 125. fasciata (Diucopis), 279. fasciata (Tanagra), 279. fastosa (Calliste), 98. fastuosa (Tanagra), 98. fastuosa (Tatao), 98. ferruginea (Gracula), 390. ferrugineiventre (Coni- rostrum), 13, 15. ferrugineus (Oriolus), • 390. ferrugineus (Scolecopha- gus), 390. festiva (Callispiza), 100. festiva (Calliste), 98, 100. festiva (Tanagra), 100. festiva (Tatao), 100. figlina (Pyranga), 181, 185. Finch, Eufous-ehinned, 48. finscbi (Certhiola), 37, 47. finschi (Euphonia), 64, 70. flammieeps (Tanagra), 196. ilammigerus (Eamphoce- lus), 177. flammigerus (Eampho- pis), 176, 177. flammigerus (Ehampho- coelus), 170, 177- 414 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. flava (Oallispiza), 114. flava (CalUste), 95, 96, 111, 113. flava (Tanagra), 113. flavasilla (Xanthomus), 370. flayeola (Certliia), 37, 43. flaveola (Certhiola), 36, 37, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46. flaveola (Ooereba), 44. flavicep.s (Psarocolius), 346. flavicola (Nectarinia), 44. flavicollis (Hemitbrau- pis), 226. flavicollis (Nemosia), 223, 22.'?. flavicrissiis (Cassiculus), 322. flavicrissiis (Cassicus), 320. flavidicollis (Saltalor), 283, 294. flavifrons ( Emberiza), 63. flavitVons (Eupbonia), .59, 60, 63. flavifrous (Tauagra), 63. flavigaster (Pendulinus), 371. flavigaster (Psarocolius), 372. flavigalaris (Chlorospin- gus), 238, 243. flavigularis (Pipilopsis), 243. flavinucba (Oompso- coma), 150, 152. flavinucba (Tachypbo- niis), 151, 152. flavinucba (Tanagra), 152. flavipectus (Arremon), 242. flavipectus (Cblorospin- gus), 238, 242. flavipectus (Pipilopsis), 242. flavipectus (Tachy- pbonus), 242. flavirostris (Arremon), 272, 274. flavirostris (Chloro- phonia), 53, 56. flaviventre (Ooniros- trura), 23. flaviventris (CaUispiza), 120. flaviventris (Calliste), 119, 120, 121. flaviventris (Cblorospin- gus), 239. flaviventris (Dacnis), 18, 23. flaviventris (Tanagra), 120. 121. flavocinereus (Pitylus), 307. flavovirens (Buarremou), 244. flavovirens (Cblorospin- gus), 238, 244. flavus (Agelaeus), 340, 346. flavus (Chrysomus), 346. flavus (Icterus), 346. flavus (Leistes), 346. flavus (Oriolus), 346. flavus (Xautbornus;, 346. flavus (Xantbosomiis), 346. florida (Calliste), 98, 103. forbesi (Agelseus), 340, 345. formosa (Tanagra), 114. formosus (Icterus), 385. fortirostris (Quiscalus), 394, 400. franciscae (Calliste), 125. frantzii (CaUispiza), 110. frantzii (Calliste), 110. fraseri (Conirostrum), 12, 13, 15. fraseri (Oreomanes), 12. fringillarius (Agelaius), 338. fringillarius (Icterus), 339. fringillarius (Molotbrus), 333, 339. frontalis (AgeUeus), 340, 347. frontalis (Arremon), 258. frontalis (Certbiola), 44. frontalis (Cbloropbonia), 53, .55. frontalis (Cbrysomus), 347. frontalis (Dolicbonyx), 347. frontalis (Eupbonia), 55. frontalis (Xauthosomus), 347. frugilegus (CaUiste), 165. frugilegiis (Cbrysotbrau- pis), 165. frugilegus (Tanagra), 165. frugivorus (Calyptopbi- lus), 235. frugivorus (Pbcenicopbi- lus), 235. fuliginosa (Loxia), 304. fuliginosus (Pitylus), 303, 304. fulvescens (Nemosia), 228, 229. fidvescens (Thiypopsis), 228. fulviceps (Buarremon), 256, 270. fulviceps (Emberiza), 270. fidvieeps (Nemosia), 228, 230. fulviceps (Pipilopsis), 270. fulviceps (Thiypopsis), 228, 229. fulvicervix (Calliste), 129, 130. fulviorissa (Acroleptes), 73. fulvicrissa (Eupbonia), 64, 73. fulvicrissa (Phonasca), 73. fumigata (Tanagra), 221. fusca (Certhidea), 28. fuscicauda (Pbcenico- thi-aupis), 196, 199. fuseipennis (Dolicbonyx), 339. galbula (Icterus), 364. galeata (Muscicapa), 220. galericulata (Pipra), 62. gasquet (Xanthomus), 352. genaEs (Saltator), 291. giganteus (Arremon), 283. gigantodes (Saltator), 284. giraudi (Icterus), 363, 379. glauca (Diglossa), 3, 11. glauca (Tanagra), 154, 155. glaucocolpa (Tanagra), 154, 155, 159. glaucocolpa (Tbraupis), 159. gloriosa (Diglossa), 3, 5. Glossiptila, 47. gnatho (Eupbonia), 73, 76. gnatho (Fringilla), 304. gnatbo (Pbonasca), 76. gnatho (Pitylus), 304. gnatbo (Tanagra), 283. goeringi (Cblorospiugus), 238, 250. Gold-headed Oriole, 369. AXPHA.BETICAL INDEX. 415 gouldi (CalHste), 98, 102. gouldi (Euphonia), 73, 81. grace-annEB(Ict*eriis), 363, 378. gracilis ( Acroleptes), 69. gracilis (Euphonia), 64, 69. gracilis (Phonasca), 69. Grakle, Purple, 394. graminea (Calliste), 103, 106. graminea (Tanagra), 106. Grand Tanager, 286. grandis (Saltator), 283, 288. grandis (Tanagra), 288. graysoni (Icterus), 364, 387. graysoni (Quiscalus), 393, 397. Grimpereau de Bresil, 32. Grimpereau a tete noir de Bresil 29. Grimpereau verd de Bre- sil, 19. Grimpereau verd de Ca- yenne, 29. Grimpereau verd tachete de Cayenne, 33. Griverd de Cayenne, 286. Grosbeak, Canada, 306. Grosbeak, Grey, 85. Grosbeak, Sooty, 304. Grosbeak, White- throated, 303. Grosbec bleu d'Amerique, 303. grossa (Loxia), 303. grossus (Pitylus), 303. guadahipensis (Saltator), 283, 295. guadeloupensis (Quisca- lus), 394, 401. guatemalensis (Cliloro- phaues), 29. guatimozinus (Cassicus), 314. guatimozinus (Gymnosti- nops), 313, 314. guatimozinus (Ostinops), 314. gubernator (Psarocolius), 341. gubernator (Agelceus), 340,341. guberuatrix (Tanagra), 210. guiauensis (Certhiola), 45. guianensis (Lampropsar), 388. guianensis (Leistes), 348. guianensis (Oriolus), 348. guiauensis (Pedoti-ibes), 348. guianensis (Trupialis), 348. guira (Hylophilus), 224. guira (Motacilla), 224. guira (Nemosia), 223, 224. Guira Warbler, 224. guirahuro (Agelaius),352. guirahui'o (Icterus), 352. guirahuro(Pseudoleistes), 351, 3.52. guirina (Nemosia), 224. Guit-guit, 32. Guit-guit noir at bleu, 33. gularis (Icterus), 362, 364, 384. gularis (Psarocolius), 384. gularis (Saltator), 287. gundlachi (Chalco- phanes), 398. gundlachi (Quiscalus). 394, 398. guttata (Callispiza), 105. guttata (Calliste), 103, 105. guttulata (Calliste), 105. guttulata (Ixothraupis), 105. guttulatus (Icterus), 385. gutturalis (Arremon),259. gutturalis (Buarremon), 254, 255, 259. gutturalis (Phceuico- thraupis), 196, 201. guttm-alis (Saltator), 287. Gymnomystax, 361. gymnops (Psarocolius), 362. Gymnostinops, 309, 312. Gyrola, 95. gjTola (Aglaia), 117. gyrola (Callispiza), 116, 117. gyrola (Calliste), 95, 96, 116. gyrola (Tanagra), 114, 115, 116, 117, 118. gyroloides (Aglaia), 117. gyroloides (CalUste), 116, 117, 118. habia (Lamprospiza), 296. habia (Psaris), 296. habia (Tityra), 296. Habia de ceja blanca, 290. Habia gola negra, 293. Habia pico naranjado, 292. heemalea (Pyranga), 181, 185. hsemorrhous (Cacicus), 324, 325. hremorrhous (Cassicus), 320, 321, 324. hsemorrhous (Icterus), hcemorrhous (Oriolus), 324. hffimorrhous (Psaroco- hus), 324. hamulus (Campylops), 3. hannahije (Calliste), 127. hartlaubi (Callispiza), 138. hartlaubi (CaUiste), 1.38. hartlaubi (Dacnis), 138. hartlaubi (Pseudodacnis), 138. hauxweUi (Icterus), 363, 377. Hedge-Sparrow, Ameri- can, 48. heinei (Procnias), 136. Hemidacnis, 12, 17. Hemispingus, 237. Hemithraupis, 222. hepatica (Phoenicosoma), 187. hepatica (P^Tanga), 181, 184, 185, 186. hippocrepis (Sturnella), 358, 360. hippocrepis (Sturnus), ' 358. hirundinacea (Euphonia), 69, 73, 75, 76. hirundinacea (Phonasca), 75. hirundinacea (Procnias), 50. hirundinacea (Tanagra) 221. Holoquiscalus, 393. holosericeus (Amblycer- cus), 326. holosericeus (Ambly- rhamphus), 350, 351. holosericeus (Cacicus), 327. holosericeus (Cassicus), 327. holosericeus (Sturnella), 351. 416 holosericeus (Sturuus), 327. holosericeus (Xantlior- nus), 351. Hooded Tanager, 223. humeralis(Agela;us), 340, 342. humeralis (Agrilorliinus), 8. humeralis (Diglossa), 3, g humeralis (Icterus), 342. humeralis (Leistes), 342. humeralis (Pitylus), 303, 307. humilis (Acroleptes), 71. humilis (Euijhonia), 71. humilis (Phonasca), 71. hyperytbra (Diglossa), 4. Hypobletis, 332. hypomelas (Icterus), 363, 370. hypomelas (Pendulmus), 370. Hypophfca, 53, 84. hvpopbsus (CUorospm- gus), 238, 243.^ Hypopyrrhus, 388, 403. Hypothlypis, 87. hvpoxantha (Euphonia), 74,77. Icteric Oriole, 382. Icterioides, 362. icterocephalus (Agelffius), 339, 340, 345, 350. icterocephalus (Calliste), 108, 110. icterocephalus (Chryso- mus), 345. icterocephalus (Leistes), 3-16. ' ^ , ^ icterocephalus (Oriolus), 345. icterocephalus (Psaroco- lius), 369. icterocephalus (Xantho- cephalus). 349, 3.'0. icterocephalus (Xautho- somus), 345. icterouotus (Caciois), 321. . , icterouotus (Cassicus), 321. icterouotus (Kampboce- lus), 177. , . ^ icterouotus (Ramphopis) 178. icterouotus (Rhampho- coelus), 170, 177. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. icterouotus (Psarocolius), 321. icterophrys (Saltator), 288, 289. ieteropus (Pyranga), 193. Icterus, 361, 362. icterus (Oriolus), 382. ignescens (Rampbocelus), 171. ignescens (Tanagra), 171. ignicapilla (Phoenico- thraupis). 198. ignicapilla (Pyranga), 198. ignicrissa (Poecilothrau- pis), 145. igniventris (Aglaia), 145. igniventris (Ansiogna- thus), 145. igniyentris (Poecilotbrau- pis), 144, 145. igniventris (Tanagra), 145. ignobilis (Chlorospni- gus), 238, 248. ignobilis (Sphenops), 248. ignobilis (Sphenopsis), 248. Iliolopha, 58. imthurmi (Agelseus), 340, 344. indigotica (Diglossa), o, 10. inflesirostris (Quiscalus), 394,401. inornata (Buarremon), 255, 259. inornata (CaUiste), 96, 121. inornata (Nemosia), 230. inornata (Tanagra), 158. inornata (Thlypopsis), 228, 230. insignis (Euphonia), 59, 60. insignis (Nemosia), 226. intercedens (Tachypho- nus), 210. intermedia (Diglossa), 7. intermedius (Saltator) 284. interrupta (Tanagra), 277. iridina (Hypothlypis), 87. iridina (Tanagra), 88. iridina (Tanagrella), 87 88. Iridornis, 139. isthmicus (Saltator), 295^ iugularis (Fringilla), 293. Ixothraupis, 95. Jacapa, 169. jacapa (Ramphocelus), 174. iacapa (Ramphopis), 174. iacapa (Ebamphoccelus), 169, 174. jacapa (Tanagra), 174. jamaoaii (Icterus), 364, 383. jamacaii (Oriolus), 383. Jamacii Oriole, 383. Jamaica (Euphonia), 85. Jamaica (Fringilla), 85. Jamaica (Pyrrhuphonia), 85. iaraaicensis (Chalco- phanes), 402. jamaicensis (Euphonia). 85. jamaicensis (Sturnus), 398. jelskii (Iridornis), 1.39, 141. iugularis (Tanagra), 293. labradorides (Calliste), 95, 129, 130. labradorides (Cbalco- thraupis), 130. labradorides (Tanagra), 130. lacrimosa(Anisognathus), 146. lacrimosa (Tacbypbo- nus), 146. lacrvmosa (Dubusia). 146. laerymosa (Pcecilothrau- pis), 144, 146. lafresnayi (Diglossa), 2, 3,7. lafresnayi (rncirostrum), 7. , Lampropsar, 388. Lamprospiza, 281, 296. Lamprotes, 231. lamprotis (Calliste), 134. laniirostris (Euphonia), 74, 76. laniirostris (Phonasca), 76. Lanio, 180, 201. i AIPHABETICAI INDEX.. 417 larvata(Calliste), 96, 124, 126. larvatus (Tatao), 125. laticlavius (Saltator), 283, 292. latinucha (Buarremon), 254, 255, 264. latinuchus (Careno- cbrous), 264. latirostris (Oassicus), 311. latirostris (Ocyalus), 310, 311. laudabilis (Icterus), 363, 372. lavinia (CaUiste), 116. lawrencii (Lauio), 202, 205. Leistes, 331, 348. lessoni (Pendulinus), 373. leiicocampter (Tanagra), 209. leucocepbala (Tauagra), 143. leucocephalus (Stephano- phorus), 143. leucogaster (Ohlorospin- gus), 237, 249. leucogaster (Dacnidea), 249. leueogeuys (Dacuis), 18, 19, 25. Ieucopha3a (Scbistochla- mys), 301. leucophaja (Tanagra), 301. leucophrys (Chlorospin- gu.s), 239. leucophrys (Hylophilus), 246. leucopis (Buarremon), 255, 261. leucopterus (Arremon), 266. leucopterus (Buarremou). 255, 266. leucopterus (Careno- cbrous), 266. leucopterus (Oriolus), 206. leucopterus (PjTauga), 189. leucopterus (Pyrrota), 206. leucopterus (Tanagra), 154. leucopterus (Tacbypho- nus), 206. leucopteryx (Icterus). 364, 387. VOL XI. leucopteryx (Pendulinus), 387. leucopteryx (Psarocolius), 387. leucopvga (Euphonia), 71. " Leucopj'gia, 221. leucorhamphus (Cassicu- lus), 323. leucorhamphus (Xau- tbornus), 323. leucothorax (Lanio), 202, 203. leucotis (CaUiste), 129. leveriana (Oissopis), 299, 300. leverianus (Lauius), 299. Uchtensteini (Ohlorospin- gus), 248. lichtensteini (Euphonia), 74. Uchtensteini (Phonasca), 74. Lindo azul y oro, 64. Lindo azul y oro cabeza celeste, 61. Lindo beUo, 113. Lindo celeste oro y negro, 164. Lindo precioso, 114. Lindo saibobi, 157. linnsei (Xantbornus), 380. longipennis (Obloro- pbonia), 53, 54. longipennis (Euphonia), 54. lougipes (Agelaus), 350. longipes (Icterus), 350. longipes (Xauthoce- phalus), 350. longirostris (Agelaius), 3S2. longirostris (Ai'belo- rhina), 34. longu'ostris (Coereba), 34. longirostris (Icterus), 382. loricata (Tanagra), 231. loricatus (Lamprotes), 231. loricatus (Tacbyphonus), 232. Lousiane Stare, 359. loyca (Pezites), 356. loyca (Stumella), 357. loyca (Sturnus), 356. loyca (Trupialis), 357. luciani (Eampbocelus), 173. luciani (Kamphopis), 1 73 . luciani (Ehampbocoelus), 170, 173. luci^a (Ooereba), 31, 35. luctuosa (Pyranga), 208. luctuosus (Taohypho- uus), 206, 208, 214. ludoviciana (Pyranga), 182, 191. ludoviciana (Stm-nella), 358. ludoviciana (Tanagra), 191. ludoviciana hippocrepis (Sturnella), 358. ludoviciana meridionalis (Sturnella), 359. ludoviciana mexicana (SturneUa), 358. ludoviciana neglecta (Sturnella), 358. lugubris (^Ohalcophanes), 399, 402. lugubris (Quiscalus), 394, 401,402. luminosus (Quiscalus), 394, 402. lunigera (OalUste), 129, 133. lunulata (Pcecilothrau- pis), 144. lunulata (Tauagra), 144. lunulata atricrissa (Poeci- lothraupis), 145. luteicapiUa (Acroleptes), 68. luteicapiUa (Euphonia), 63, 68. luteicapiUa (Phonasca), 68. luteola (Certhiola), 36, 38, 40. lute\is (Cassious), 321. Macragela>us, 388, 403. macrourus (Chalco- phanes), 396. macrurus (Quiscalus), 393, 396. maeuh-alatus (Icterus), 363, 373. maculi-alatus (Pendu- linus), 374. macuUpectus (Saltator), 294. Magellanic Stare, 356. magna (Alauda), 358. magna (SturneUa), 358. magna (Tanagra), 285. magna, var. hippocrepis (Sturnella), 358. 2b 418 ALPHABETICAL INDEX, magna, var. meridionalis (Sturnella), 359. magna, var. mexicana (SturneUa), 358. magna, yar. neglecte (Stumella), 3.58. magnirostris (Certliiola), 38. magnirostris (Rampho- celus), 174. magnoides (Saltator), 282, 284. magnus (Saltator), 282, 284, 285. Magpie Shrike, 299. major (Ohalcophaues), 395. major (Cissopis), 299, 300. major (Diglossa), 2, 3, 7. major (Quiscalus), 393, 395. major (Tliilius), 344. major, var. maorurus (Quiscalus), 39(3. major, var. palustris (Quiscalus), 397. majuscula (Certhiola), 45. Malacothraupis, 181, 216. Manakin, Blue, 19. Manakin, G-old-breasted, 80.^ marginalis (Icterus), 380. martialis (Tanagra), 212. martinicana (Certhiola), 37, 46. martinicana sive sac- charivora (Certhiola), 46. martinicensis (Saltator), 296. maxillaris (Cyrtotis), •335. maxillaris (Icterus), 335. maxillaris (Molothrus), 335. maxillosus (Saltator), 282, 287. maximiliani (Tanagra), 162. media (Cissopis), 299. medius (Bethylus), 299. Megaquiscalus, 393. melaleucus (Oriolus), 206. melaleucus (Tachypho- nus), 205, 206. melanicterus (Agelaius), 362. melanicterus (Cassiculus), 328. melanicterus (Cassicus), 328. melanicterus (Gymuo- mystax),361,362. melanicterus (Icterus), 328. melanicterus (Leistes), 362. melanicterus (Pseudo- leistes), 362. melanocephalus (Buarre- mon), 255, 261. melanocephalus(Icterus), 362, 363, 375. melanocephalus (Psaro- colius), 375. melanocephalus (Xan- thomas), 375. melanocephalus, var. au- duboni (Icterus), 375. melanochrysurus (Icte- rus), 374. Melanodiglossa, 2. melanogaster (Rampho- pis), 173. melanogenys (Pcecilo- thraupis), 144, 147. melanolasmus (Buarre- mon), 255, 263. melanolaemus (Oareno- chrous), 263. melanoleuca (Lampro- spiza), 296. melanoleucus (Saltator), 296. melanouota (Calliste), 92, 111,115. melanouota venezuelensis (Pipridea), 92. melauopis (Saltator), 302. melanopis (Tanagra), 302. melanops (Buarremon), 255, 263. melanops (Diglossa), 10. melanops (Muscicapa), 220. Melanopsar, 362. melanopsis (Psarocolius), 370. melanoptera (Tanagra), 160. melanopterus (Icterus), 379. melanopterus (Xanthor- nus), 379. melanopygius (Lanio), 202, 203. melanota (Aglaia), 115. melauota (Pipridea), 91. melanota (Procnopis), 92. melanota (Tanagra), 92. melauotha (Tanagra), 92. melauotis (Aglaia), 102. melanotis (OalUste), 129, 131. melanotis (Clilorospin- gus), 238, 250. melanotis (Dacnis), 22. melauoxantha (Hemi- thraupis), 226. melanoxantha (Hylophi- lus), 226. melanoxantha (Sylvia), 226. melanura (Euphonia), 70, 74, 78. melanura (Phonasca), 78. mentalis (Icterus), 384, 385. meridse (Buarremon), 255, 266. meridionalis (Sturnella), 359, 360. mesochrysa (Euphonia), 81, 82. mesomelas (Icterus), 363, 378. mesomelas (Psarocolius), 378. mesomelas (Xanthornus), 378. mexicana (Aglaia), 121. mexicana (Calliste), 120. mexicana (Callospiza), 120. mexicana (Certhiola), 36, 38. mexicana (Embernagra), 260. mexicana (Pyi-anga), 305. mexicana (Sturnella), 358, 360. mexicana (Tanagra), 120. mexicanus (Cassidix), 329. mexicanus (Corvus), 329. mexicanus (Gymnomys- tax), 362. mexicanus (Oriolus), 362. mexicanus (Scolecopba- gus), 391. ALPHABETICAI, lliTDEX. 419 microrhynchus (Caciciis), 325. microrhynchus (Cassicu- lus), 325. microrhynchus (Cassi- ciis), 321, 325. Microspingus, 236, 252. militaris (Agelaius), 348. militaris (Leistes), 348. militaris (Pezites), 357. militaris (Sturnella), 357. militaris (Sturnus), 356. militaris (Tanagra), 348. militaris (Trupialis),356, 357. minor (Bethylus), 299. minor (Oissopis), 299. minor (Icterus), 336. minor (Potamopsar), 389. minor (Quisealus), 389. minuta (Acroleptes), 71. minuta (Euphonia), 64, 71. miuuta (Phonasca), 71. mississipensis (Tanagra), 182, 185. mississippiensis (Pyran- ga), 186. mitrata (Nectarinia), 29. modesta (Dacnis), 26. Molothrus,331,332. montana (Butliraupis), 147, 148. montezuma (Cacicus), 313. montezumse (Cassicus), 313. montezumiE (Gymnosti- nops), 313. montezumiB (Ostinops), 313. multicolor (SpiuclaUs), 1()6, hu. multicolor (Tanagra), 167. multicolor (Tanagrella), 88. musica (Cyanophonia), 60. musica (Euphone), 61. musica (Euphonia), 58, • 59. musica (Oriolus), 378. musica (Pipra), 59. musica (Tanagi-a), 59. muta (Tanagra), 291. mystacalis (Arremon), 265. mystacaUs (Buarremon), 267. mystacalis (Diglossa), 2, 3,6. mystacea (Diglossa), 6. naiDensis (Tachyphonus), 212. nattereri (Tachyphonus), 206, 213. neglecta (Sturnella), 358, 360. Nemosia, 221, 222. Neornis, 47. Nesopsar, 331, 353. Nesospingus, 253, 271. newtoni (Oerthiola),37,43. niger (Cassicus), 329. niger (Leistes), 354. niger (Molothrus), 336. niger (Oriolus), 398. niger (Quisealus), 394, 398. niger (Scoleeophagus), 390. nigerrimus (Agelaius), 354. nigerrimus (Amblycer- cus), 327. nigerrimus (Cassicus), 326. nigerrimus (Icterus), 353. nigerrimus (Nesopsar), 353. nigerrimus (Psarocolius), 326. nigerrimus (Tachypho- nus), 206. nigerrimus (Tanagra), 206. nigricephala (Spindalis), 165, 166. nigricephala (Tanagra), 166. nigriceps (Arremon), 273, 277. nigi'icincta (Calliste), 124, 126. nigricollis (Euphonia), 59, 61. nigricollis (Tanagra), 61, 224. nigrifrons (Chlorospin- gus), 247. nigrigula (Tanagra), 224. nigrigularis (]^emosia), 224. nigrigularis (Eamphoce- lus), 171. nigrigularis(Ramphopis), 171. nigrigularis (Rhampho- coelus), 170, 171. nigrigularis (Xanthor- nus), 380. nigripes (Dacnis), 18, 19, 21. nigrirostris (Arremon), 273, 276. nigriviridis (Calliste), 96, 122. nigriviridis berlepschi _ (Calliste), 123. nigro-cincta (Aglaia), 126. nigro-cincta (CaUiste), 126. nigro-cincta (Chalco- thraupis), 126. nigrogularis (Icterus), 380. nigrogularis (Tanagra), 171. nigroTiridis (Callispiza), 123. nigroviridis(Chalcotbrau- pis), 123. nigroviridis (Tanagra), 122. nitens (Quiscala), 394. nitida (Arbelorhina), 36. nitida (Ccereba), 31, 35. nitidissima (Chloro- chrysa), 90, 91. nitidissimus (Tachypho- nus), 206, 214. notabilis (Compsocoma), 150, 152. notabilis (Tanagra), 152. oberi (Icterus), 363, 372. obscurus (Molothrus), 333. occidentalis (Procnias), .50,51,52. occipitalis (Acrocompsa), 57. occipitalis (Chloropho- nia), 53, 57. occipitalis (Euphonia), 57. occipitalis (Orcliesticus), 297. occipitalis (Tanagra),297. ochraceus (Chloros^jin- gus), 238, 251. ochrascens (Euphonia), 67. oclirochlora (Certhia), 33. ochrogastra (Euphone), 79. ochronota (Tanagra), 114. oehropygos (Tachypho- nus), 212. 420 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Ocyalus,309, 311. oleagineus (Chlorospin- gus), 248. oleaijineus (Ostinops),315, 319. oUvacea (Certhiclea), 27, 28. olivacea(Chlorotbraupis), 194, 195. olivaeea (Euphonia), 71. olivacea (Poospiza), 240. olivaeea (Tanagra), 71. olivaceus (Agrilorhinus), 3. olivaceua (Chlorospin- gus), 237, 240. olivaceus (Orthogonys), 195. olivascens (Saltator), 283, 285, 289, 294. olivascens (Tanagra), 160. olivascens (Tbraupis),160. olivicyanea (Dubusia), 163. olivicyanea (Tachypho- nus), 163. olivicyanea (Tanagra), 154, 163. oliviua (Tanagra), 302. ophthalmicus (Arremon), 238. ophthalmicus (Chloro- spingus), 237, 238. ophthalmicus (Pipilop- sis), 239. orbignii (Arremon), 272, 274. Orchesticus, 281, 297. orenocensis (Saltator), 283, 291. Oreomanes, 12. Oreotbraupis, 298. Organiste, 59. Orgauiste de S. Domin- gue, 59. Oriole, Baltimore, 364. Oriole, Black-crowned, 362. Oriole, Gold-headed, 369. Oriole, Icteric, 382. Oriole, Jamacii, 383. Oriole, Eiee, 390. Oriole, Yellow- winged, 369. oriolides (Leistes). 352. ornata (Nemosia), 230. ornata (Tanagra), 154, 161. ornata (Thlypopsis), 228, 230. ornata ( Tbraupis), 161. Orthogonys, 180, 193. oryzivora (Oassidix), 329. oryzivora (Passerina), 331. oryzivorus (Dolichonyx), 331. oryzivorus (Emberiza), 331. oryzivorus (Oriolus), 329. oserj'i (Cassicus), 310. oseryi (Clypeicterus), 310. Ostinops, 309, 315. palliatus (Cassicus), 329. palliatus (Psarocolius), 329. pallidinucha (Arremon), 268. pallidinuclia (Atlepetes), 268. palUdinucha (Buarre- mon), 256, 268. pallidinucha (Tanagra), 268. paUidinucbus (Careno- chrous), 268. palmarum (Arremon), 234. palmarum (Phoenicopbi- lus), 233. palmarum (Tacbypho- nus), 234. palmarum (Tanagra), 154, 159. palmarum (Tbraupis), 160. palmarum (Turdus), 234. palmarmn melanoptera (Tanagra), 160. palmarum violilavata (Tanagra), 160. palpebrosa (Poecilothrau- pis), 144, 146. palpebrosa (Tanagra), 146. palustris (Quiscahis), 397. palustris (Scaphidurus), 397. paradisea (Aglaia), 96. paradiseus (Tatao), 96. pardalotes (Tanagra), 84. parina (Xenodacnis), 17. parisorum (Icterus), 362, 363, 374. parisorum (Xanthornus), 374. parzudakii (Calliste), 129, 132. parzudakii (Chryso- thraupis), 132. parzudakii (Tanagra), 132. passerinii (Eampbocelus), 176. passerinii (Eamphopis), 176. passerinii (Ebampho- coelus), 170, 176. pecoris (Agelaiis), 333. peooris (Emberiza), 333. pecoris (Fringilla), 333. pecoris (^Molotbrus), 332, 333. pecoris, var. obscurus (Molotbrus), 333. pectoralis (Diglossa), 3, 6. pectoralis (Euphonia), 79, 80. pectoralis (Icterus), 364, 385. pectoralis (Nemosia), 230. pectoralis (Pipra), 80. pectoralis (Psarocolius), 385. pectoralis (Thlypopsis), 228, 230. pectoralis espinachi (Icte- rus), 385. Pedopsaris, 358. Pendidinus, 362. penicillata (Eucometis), 217. penicillata (Tachypho- nus), 217. penicillata (Tanagra), 217. penicillata (Trichothrau- pis), 218. Periporpbyrus, 303. peripoi'pbyrus (Pendu- linus), 368. persicus (Cacicus), 321, 322. persicus (Cassicus), 320, 321. persicus (Oriolus), 321. personatus (Agrilorhi- nus), 10. personatus (Arremon), 270. personatus (Buarremon), 256, 270. personatus (Diglossa), 2, 3, 10, 11. personatus (Icterus), 387. personatus (Pipilopsis), 270. pei-souatus (Pitylus),306. ALPHABETICAL INBEX. 421 personatus(Pvrrhocoma), 270. personatus (Tanagra), 293. perspicillatus (Psaroeo- lius), 350. perspicillatus (Xantho- cephalus), 350. peruana (Hemithraupis), 227. peruana (Nemosia), 223, 227. peruviana (Aglaia), 117. peruviana (CaUiste), 1 15. peruviana (Certhiola), 38. peruviana (Phcenico- thraupis), 199. peruviana (Quiscalus), 396. peruviana (Tanagra), 11.5. Pezites, 356. Pezopetes, 253. pbseocepbalus (Cbloro- spingus), 238, 243. phffiopleurus (Buarre- mon), 255, 256. Phlogotliraupis, 139, 178. phceniceus (Agelaeus), 339, 340, 346. plioeniceus (Agelaius), 340. phceniceus (Oriolus), 340. phceniceus (Tachypho- nus), 206, 208. phceniceus, var. assimilis (AgeL-eus), 341. phoeuiceus, var. guberna- tor (Agelaius), 341. phceniceus, var. tricolor (Agelaius), 342. Pbcenicopbilus, 233. Pbcenicosoma, 181. Phoenicothraupis, 180, 195. pbcenicotis (CaUiparsea), 90. pbcenicotis (Calhste), 90. pbcenicotis (Cblorocbry- sa), 89, 90. Pboenisoma, 181. Phonasca. 58. picatus (Bethylus), 299, 300. picatus (Lanius), 299. Pico de punzon amarilla barba negra, 224. Pico de punzon azul y canela, 92. Pico de punzon negro azul y bianco, 223. Pie Pie-grieche, 300. pUeata (Nemosia), 222, 223. pileata (Tanagra), 223. pileatus (Cblorospingus). 238, 241. Pipilopsis, 254. Pipit bleu de Cayenne, 19, 22. Pipit bleu de Surinam, 87. Pipridea, 86, 91. Piranga, 181. Pitylus, 298, 303. plumbea (Dacnis), 19,'26. plumbea (Diiilossa), 3, 9. plumbea (Euphonia), 81, 83. plumbea (Sylvia), 26. plumbeiceps (Saltator), 283, 289. plumbeus (Saltator), 289. Pcecilornis, 139. Poecilotbraupis, 139, 144. Pogonothraupis, 201. Polidacnis, 18. poliocephalus ^Dulus), 234. poliocephalus (Eupho- nia), 83. poliocephalus (Pbcenico- pbilus), 234. poliogaster (Pitylus), 303, 307. polionotus (Arremon), 273, 278. PoUopsar, 362. popayanus (Ocyalus), 311. porphyrio (Tanagra), 196. porphyroeephala (Iridor- nis), 140, 141. portorieensis (Certhiola), 37, 41, 42. portorieensis (Icterus), 363, 371. portorieensis (Spindalis), 166, 167. portorieensis (Tanagra), 167. portorieensis (Xantbor- nus), 371. postocularis (Chloros23iu- gus), 238, 240. Potamopsar, 388. prajlatus (Tanagra), 158. prasina (Cblorornis), 281. prasina (Psittospiza), 281. prasina (Tanagra), 281. preciosa (Callispzia), 114. preciosa (Calliste), 114. predatorius (Sturnus), 340. pretiosa (Calliste), 111, 114. pretrei (Euj>houia), 56. pretrei (Tanagra), 56, 168. pretrii (Cblorophonia), 53, 56. pretrii (Spindalis), 165, 166, 168. prevosti (Cassicus), 327. l^revostii (Amblyram- phus), 327. prevostii (Cassiculus), 327. Procnias, 60. Procnopis, 86, 91, 93. propinquus (Tacbypho- nus), 209. prosthemelas (Icterus), 363, 373. prosthemelas (Penduli- nus), 373. prosthemelas (Xanthor- nus), 373. Psarocolius, 315. Pseudodacuis, 86, 138. Pseudoleistes, 231, 351. psittacina (Tanagra), 304. psittacinus (Saltator), 304. Psittospiza, 280, 281. pidcberrima (Dacnis), 18, 24. pulcherrima aiu-einucha (Dacnis), 25. pulcbra (Calhste), 108, 109. pulcbra (Calospiza), 109. pulcbra iequatorialis (Calliste), 109. pumila (Euphonia), 71. pimctata (CaUiste), 95, 103. 104. punctata (CaUospiza), 105. punctata (Isothraupis), 104. punctata (Tanagra), 104. punctulata (Calliste),103, 104. punctulatus (Cblorospin- gus), 238, 241. 422 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Purple Grakle, 394. p\irpurascens(Chloroplia- nes), 31. purpurascens (Molo- thrus), 333, 337. purpurascens (Xanthor- nus), 337- purpuratus (Quiscalus), 394. purpureus (Euphonia), 74. purpureus (Quiscalus), 394. purpureus (Eainphoce- lus), 174. purpureus, var. ceneus (Quiscalus), 394. purpureus, yar. aglaius (Quiscalus), 394. pusilla (Isothi-aupis), 106. pustulatus (Agelaius), 345. pustulatus (Icterus), 364, 386. pustulatus (Psarocolius), 386. Pyrauga, 180, 181. pyrohypogaster (Cassi- cus), 403. pyrohypogaster (Quisca- lus), 403. pyrrhocepbala (Pyranga), 192. pyrrhoceplialus(Sturnus), 351. Pyrrhocoma, 221, 222. Pyrrliodiglossa, 2. pyrrhogaster (Ilypo- pyrrhus), 403. pyrrhogaster (Quiscalus), 403. pyrrhophrys (Euphonia), 56. pyrrhopterus (Agelaius), 368. pyi-rhopterus (Hyplian- tes), 368. pyrrhopterus (Icterus), 362, 363, 368. pyrrhopterus (Psaroco- Uus), 368. pyrrhopterus (Xanthor- nus), 368. Pvrrhuphonia, 53, 85. Pyri-ota, 205. pyrypogaster (Hypo- pyrrhus), 403. quadricolor (Tachypho- nus),,220. quadricolor (Tricho- thraupis), 220. quadrivittata (Fringilla), 257. quajacina (Pyranga), 198. Quiscalus, 388, 393. quiscalus (Chalcophanes). 394. quiscula (Gracula), 394. Eamphocele bec-d'argent, 174. Ramphocele scarlette,170. Eamphooelus, 169. Bauiphopis, 169. raptor (Pyrrhula), 283. rectirostris (Quiscalus), 400. Eed Tanager, 188. Red-breasted Tanager, 174. reinhardti |(Iridornis), 139, 140. reyi (Chlorospingus), 238, 247. Ehamphocoelus, 139, 169. rhodinola'ma (Phoenico- thraupis), 196, 199. Eice Oriole, 390. riefferi (Chlorornis), 281. rieiFeri (Psittospiza), 281. riefferi- (Saltator), 281, 282. rieflferi (Tanagra), 281. robustus (Molothrus), 334, 337. Roller, Cayenne, 286. roraimje (Chlorophonia), 63, 56. roseigularis (Pyranga), 181, 187. rourii (Nemosia), 223, 224. rouverdin (Tangara), 116, 118. ruber (Agelaius), 351. ruber (Amblyrhaniphus), 351. ruber (Cassicus), 325. ruber (Oriolus), 351. ruber (Saltator), 186. ruber (Tachyphonus), 198. rubica (Phoenicotbrau- pis), 195,196,198,199. rubica (Pyranga), 196. rubicoides (Phoenico- thraupis), 196,197,199, 200. rubicoides (Saltator), 197. rubicus (Saltator), 196. rubious (Tachyphonus), 196. rubra (Muscicapa), 182. rubra (Phoenicosoma), 188. rubra (Phoenicothraupis), 196, 197, 198. rubra (Pyranga), 181. rubra (Sturnella), 351. rubra (Tanagra), 188. rubricapiUus (Japus), 351. rubriceps (Pyranga), 182, 192; rubricolHs (Tanagra), 100, 231. rubrifrons (Tachypho- nus), 209. rubrigularis (Tanagra), 231. rubrirostris (Arremon), 246. rubrirostris (Chlorospin- gus), 238, 246. rubrirostris (Hemispin- gus), 246. rubrirostris (Nemosia), 246. rubrirostris (Pipilopsis), 246. rufa (Tanagra), 206. ruficapilla (Calliste), 111. ruficapilla (Hemithrau- pis), 225. ruficapilla (Nemosia), 222, 223, 225. ruficapilla (Sylvia), 225. rufleapillus (Agelseus), 339, 340, 347. ruficapillua (Dolichonyx), 347. rufleapillus (Xanthoso- mus), 347. ruficeps (Acroleptes), 68. ruficeps (Euphonia), 63, 68. ruficeps (Hemithraupis), 225. ruficeps (Hylophilus), 225, 231. ruficeps (Nemosia), 222, 229, 231. ruficeps (Phonasca), 68. ruficeps (Pipilopsis), 222. ruficeps (Pyrrhocoma), 222. ruficeps (Sylvia), 231. ruficeps (Tachyphonus), 2'72 229. ruficeps (Thlypop8is),228, 231. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 423 ruficeps (Trupialis), 347. riificerTix (Oalliste), '06, 129, 130. riiflcervix (Chalcothrau- pis), 129. ruflcervix (Tanagra), 129. ruficollis (Agelaius), 347. ruficollis (Gerthiola), 48. I'uficollis (Cypsnagra) 221. ruficollis (Glossiptila), 47, 48. ruficollis (Leucopygia), 221. ruficollis (PjTrbulagra), 48. ruficollis (Tanagra), 48, 221. ruficollis (Tauagrella), 48. rufl-dorsalis (Arremou), 276. rufigenis (Calliste), 129, 132. rufigula (Calliste), 107. rufigula (Tauagrella), 107. ruflgularis (Calliste), 103, 107. rufigularis (Tacbypho- nus), 48. rufinucba (AiTeuion), 21)3, 269. rufinucba (Buarremon), 255, 263. rufinucba (Embernagra), 263. rufiventer (Tanagra), 213. rufiventris (Eupbonia), 79, 80. rufiventris (Saltator), 283, 285, 293. rufiventris (Tacbypbo- nus), 206, 213. rufiventris (Tanagi-a), 79. rufivertex (Arremou), 129, 140. rufivertex (Eupbonia), 72. rufivertex (Iridosornis), 140. rufivertex (Poecilornis), 140. rul'o-axillaris (Molo- tbrus), 333, 338. rut'o-cinerea (Dacnis), 14. rufum (Conirostrum), 13, 14. saccliarina (Certbiola), 37, 42. saira (Pyranga), 181, 185. saira (Tanagra), 185. saira, var. testacea (Py- ranga), 185. salmoni (Dacnis), 19, 27. salmoni (Ostinops), 315, 317. Saltator, 281, 282. salvini (Icterus), 378. salvini (Pboenicotbrau- pis), 196, 200. sanctK-tboma3 ( Certbi- ola), 37, 42, 43. sanguinolenta (Pblogo- tbraupis), 178. sanguinolenta (Pyranga), 190. sanguinolentus (Eani- pbocelus), 178. sanguinolentus (Tacby- phonus), 178. sanguinolentus(Tanagra), 178. satui-ata (Eupbonia), 64, 70. saturata (Pbonasca), 70. saturatus (Acroleptes), 70. saucius (Tacbyphonus), 209. sayaca (Tanagra), 154, 156, 158. sayaca (Tbraupis), 159. Scapbidiu-us, 329, 393. scbistaceus (Atlapetes), 267. scbistaceus (Buarremon), 256, 267, 268. scbistaceus (Oareuo- cbrous), 267. scbistaceus (Tanagra), 267. Scbistocblamys, 298, 301. scblegeli (Arremou), 273, 279. scbrankii (Aglaia), 102. scbraukii (Calliste), 98, 102. scbrankii (Callospiza), 102. scbrankii (Cbrvsotbrau- pis), 102. scbrankii (Tanagra), 102. solateri (Calliste), 108, 123. sclateri (Eupbonia), 59, 60. sclateri (Icterus), 364, 385. sclateri (Tanagra), 154, 155. Scolecophagus, 388, 390. scottii (Icterus), 374. seebobmi (Buarremon), 255, 267. seebobmi (Carenocbrous), 267. selysia (Dubusia), 153. selysia (Tanagra), 153. semifuscus (Cblorospin- gus), 238, 24r4. semirufus (Buarremon), 254, 256, 269. semirufus (Pipilopsis), 269. semii'ufus (Tanagra), 269. semitorquatus ( Arremon), 273, 277. septicolor (Tauagra), 97. sericeus (Icterus), 336. sericeus (Molobrus), 336. sericeus (Molotbrus), 336. sericeus (Scolecopbagus), 336. Sericossypha, 231 , 232. serioptera (Tanagra), 154. serioptera (Tbraupis), 154. serrirostris (Acroleptes), 64. serrirostris (Eupbonia), 64. serrirostris (Pbonasca), 64. Serrirostrum, 2. Sbrike, Magpie, 299. signatus (Cblorospingus), 238, 241. silens (Arremon), 272, 273, 274, 276. silens (Embernagi-a), 274. silens (Tanagra), 273. Silent Tanager, 273. similis (Diglossa), 4. similis (Saltator), 282, 287. sincipitalis (Ostinops), 315, 318. sittaceum (Uncirostrum), 3. sittaceus (Agrilorbinus), 3. sitticolor (Conirostrum), 13. sittoides (Diglossa), 3, 4. sodiroi (Clilorocbrysa),91 . soUtarius (Amblycercus), 326, 327. 424 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. solitarius (Cassiculus), 326. solitarius (Cassicus), 326. Sooty Grosbeak, 304. sordida (Buavremon), 268. sordida (Nemosia), 228, 229. sordida (Saltator), 293. sordida (Thlypopsis), 228, 229. speciosa (Dacnis), 19, 26. speciosa (Sylvia), 26. speciosa (Sylvicoia), 26. spectabilis (Arremou), 272, 275. specularis (Buarremon), 264. speculiferus (Chloro- spingus), 272. Bpeeulifenis (Nesospiii- gus), 271, 272. speculiferus (Tanagra), 226. speculigera (Conothrau- pis), 280. speculigera (Diucopis), 280. speculigera (Scbisto- cblamys), 280. Spiudalis, 139, 165. spiza (Certbia), 29. spiza ( Obloropbanes), 29. spiza (Ooereba), 29. spiza (Dacuis), 29. Spizampelis, 165. spodionotus (Buarre- mon), 255, 264. spodionotus (Careno- chrous), 264. siJodocepbala (Euco- metis), 217, 219. spodocepbalus (Cbloro- spingus), 219. spuriiis (Icterus), 362, 363, 366. spurius (Oriolus), 366. spurius (Pendulinus), 367. spurius (Xantbornus), 367. spurius (Ypbantes), 367. spurius affinis (Icterus), 367. Stare, Lousiane, 359. Stare, Magellanic, 356. Stepbanophorus,139, 143. stolzmanni (Cbloro- tbraupis), 194, 195. stolzmanni (Pboenico- tlii-aupis), l95. stolzmanni (Urotbraupis), 251. striata (Aglaia), 164, 165. striata (Tanagra), 164, 1()5. striatipectus (Saltator), 294. strictifrons (Acroleptes), 71. strictifrons (Euphonia), 71. Sturnella, 355, 358. subalaris (Agelaius), 403. subalaris (Macragelseus), 403. subalaris (Quiscalus), 403. subcinerea (Tanagra), 163. sucbii (Leistes), 352. sucbii (Tachypbonus), 220. sulcirostris (Agelaius), 405. sulcirostris (Icterus), 405. sumicbrasti (Dives), 391. sumichrasti (Quiscalus), 392. Summer Tanager, 182. sumptuosa (Oompso- coma), 150, 151. sumptuosa(Sericossypba), 2.32. sumptuosa (Tacbypbo- nus), 151. sumptuosa (Tanagra), 151. sumptuosa cyauoptera (Compsocoma), 151. sundevalli (Oertbiola), 37, 44. superciliaris (Ari-emon), 246. superciliaris (Cbloro- spingus), 237, 246. superciliaris (Hemispin- gus), 246. superciliaris (Leistes), 349. superciliaris (Nemosia), 246. superciliaris (Pipilopsis), 246. superciliaris (Saltator), 283,287,291. superciliaris (Tanagra), 287,291. superciliaris (Trupialis), 349. superciliaris nigrifrons (Oblorospingus), 247. surinamensis (Certbia), 33. surinamensis (Merula), 211. surinamensis (Tacbypbo- nus), 211. surinamensis ca3rulea (Syh-ia), 88. surinamus (Tacbypho- nus), 206, 211. siu'inamus (Turdus), 211. surinamus napensis (Tacbypbonus), 212. swainsoni (Tanagra), 156, 159. Tacbypboue a (Epaulettes bleues, 193. Tacbypbonus, 180, 205. taczanowskii (Buarre- mon), 256, 267. taczanowskii (Careno- cbrous), 267. tseniata (Arremon), 152. tffiniata (Dubusia), 152. tteniatus (Tanagra), 152. Tanager, Black-faced, 303. Tanager, Black-beaded, 204. Tanager, Brazilian, 170. Tanager, Crested, 210. Tanager, Divaricated, 296. Tanager, Grand, 286. Tanager, Green-headed, 99, 100. Tanager, Hooded, 223. Tanager, Bed, 188. Tanager, Eed-breasted, 174. Tanager, Eufous- tbroated, 48. Tanager, Silent, 273. Tanager, Spotted Eme- rald, 105. Tanager, Summer, 182. Tanager, Variegated, 182. Tanager, Yellow, 113. Tanagra, 139, 153. Tanagrella, 86, 87. tanagrinus (Icterus), 388. tanagriuus (Lampropsar), 388. Tangara bleu de Cayenne, 119. Tangara du Bresil, 97, 170. Tangara du Canada, 188. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 425 Tangara a coiffe uoire, 223. Tangara 4 coiffe noiro de Cayenne, 223. Tangara a cravatto noiro de Cayenne, 301. Tangara tiveque, 160. Taugara des grauds bois, 260. Tangara de la Guyaiie, 273. Tangara hupe de Cay- enne, 210. Tangara liupe de la Gui- ane, 212. Tangara jauue a tete noire, 204. Tangara du Mississipi, 182. Tangara noir d'Ame- rique, 2(Xi. Tangara olive a gorge noire de Cayenne, 224. Tangara du Perou, 116. Tangara petit Syacou, 106. Tangara pourpre de Cay- enne, 174. Tangara tachetiS de Cay- enne, 106. Tangara varie a tiJte bleue de Cayenne, 100. Tangara vari6 a tete verte de Cayenne, 99. Tangaroux de Cayenne, 206. Tangavio, 335. Tatao, 95. tatao (Callispiza), 96. tatao (Calliste), 95, 96. tatao (Tanagra), 96, 99. taylori (Calliste), 129, 130. tenuirostris (Lanio), 208. tenuirostris (Quisealus), 393, 397. tenuirostris (Tanagrella), 88. Tephrodiglossa, 2. Tersa, 50. tersa (Ampelis), 50. tersa (Procnias), 50. Tersina, 50. testacea (Pyranga), 181, 184. thalassina (Calliste), 12(5. thalassina (Cliryso- tliraupis), 126. Thilius, 339. thilius (Agelceus), 339, 340, 343. VOL. XI. thilius (Agelasticus), 343. thilius (Turdus), 343. Thlypopsis, 221, 228. thoracica (Calliste), 98, 101. tlioracica (Chrysothrau- pis), 101. thoracica (Tanagra), 101. tlioracica (Callispiza), 101. Thraupis, 153. tibialis (Buarreuion), 255, 262. tibialis (Icterus), 363, 370. tibialis (Pendulinua), 370. tibialis (Tachyphonus), 262. tibicen (Euphoue), 62. Titmouse, Bahama, 37. Tordo de bosque torqiiato, 274. Tordo cabeza amarilla, 346. Tordo ehopi, 405. Tordo comuu, 336. Tordo corona de canela, 347. Tordo degollado tercero, 349. Tordo Dragon, 352. Tordo grande, 329. Tordo guirahuro, 352. Tordo negro cabeza roxa, 351. Tordo negro cobijas ama- rillas, 343. Tordo negro cobijas de canela, 368. Tordo negro y vario, 344. Tordo pardo-roxizo, 338. torquatus (Ai'remou), 273. torquatus (Buarremon), 254, 255, 256. torquatus (Embernagra), 256. torrejoni (Chlorophonia), 53, 55. Tricbothraupis, 181, 220. triehroa (Tanagra), 100. tricolor (Agelaeus), 340, 342. tricolor (Buarremon), 256, 269. tricolor (Callispiza), 99. tricolor (Calliste), 95, 98, 99. tricolor (Carenochrou.';), 269. tricolor (Certhiola), 36, 38. tricolor (Icterus), 342. tricolor (Tanagra), 99, 100. tricolor (Tatao), 99. trifasciatus (Microspin- gus), 252. Triglyphidia, 53. trinitatis (Acroleptes), 66. trinitatis (Euphonia), 63, 66. trinitatis (Phonasca), 66. Troupiale a ailes rouges de la Louisiane, 340. Troupiale de la Caroline, 333. Troupiale jauue a calotte noire de Cayenne, 362. Troupiale noire de St. Dominguo, 398. Troupiale rouge, 351. Troupialis, 355, 356. typica (Chrysopoga), 259. ultramarina (Dacnis), 19. ultramarina (Tanagra), 88. umbilicalis (Euphonia), 80. umbilicalis (Tanagra), 80. Uucirostrum, 2. uuicolor (Icterus), 405. unicolor (Leistes), 345. unicolor (Psarocolius), 405. unicolor (Ramphocelus), 174. uropygialis (Casaicus), 321,325. uropygialis (Ramphoee- lu.s), 173. uropygialis (Rhampho- coelus), 170, 173. Urothraupis, 236, 251. valerii (Pyrrota), 207. Talerii (Tachvpbouus), 207. validus (Saltator), 293. varians (Ramphocelus), 177, 178. variegata (Tanagra), 182. Variegated Tanager, 182. vassori (Diva), 93. vassori (Procnopis), 93. vaiisorii (Tanagra), 93. vegeta (Tanagra), 194. velia (Motacilla), 87, 88. vdia (Tanagra), 87. 2f 426 ALrHABETICAL INDEX. Telia (Tanagrella), 87, 88._ veneris (Hemispingus), 242. Tenezuelensis (Pipri- dea), 92. venezuelensis (Rampho- celus), 174. ventralis (Procnias), 50. Tenusta (Calliste), 129, 133. venuBta (Dacuis), 18, 24. TenuBtus (Cyanicterus), 193. Tersicolor (Calliste), 111, 113. versicolor (Lanio), 202, 204. versicolor (Pyranga), 204. versicolor (Quiscalus), 393, 394. versicolor (Tacbypho- nus), 204. versicolor £eneus (Quisca- lus), 394. versicolor nglaius (Quisca- lus), 394. verticalis (Chlorospin- gus), 238, 248. verticalis (Oreurgops), 215. verticalis (Neniosia), 248. vicarius (Tanagra), 162. vicarius (Thravipis), 162. victoriui (Oompsoconia), 150. victorini (Tachyi^honus), 150. victorini (Tanagra), 150. vieilloti (CaUisle), 120. vieilloti (Cassidix), 329. vieilloti (Lanio), 210. vigorsi (Saltator), 288. vigorsi (Tacbyphonus), 213. viguieri (Dacnis), 18, 23. vinacea (Phoenicotbrau- pis), 196, 197. violacea (Euphonia), 52, 68, 73, 74. violacea (Icterus), 336. violacea (Phonasca), 74. liolacea (Tanagra), 74. violacea, var. cbloi-otica (Tanagra), 64. violacea, var. minor (Eu- pbone), 74. violaceieollis(Acroleptes), 64. violaceicollis (Eupbonia), 64. virens (Tanagra), 158. virentieeps (Buarremou), 265, 267. virescens (Agelaius), 352. virescens (Calliste), 106. virescens (Icterus), 352, 370, 375. virescens (Leistes), 352. virescens (Pseudoleistes), 352. viridis (Caryotbraustes), 306. viridis (Cassicus), 316. viridis (Cbloropbonia), 53, 54, 55. viridis (Coccotbraustes), 30(5. ■viridis (Eupbonia), 64. viridis (Fringilla), 306. viridis (Leistes), 352. viridis (Oriolus), 316. viridis (Ortbogonys), 193, 194. viridis (Ostinops), 315, 316. viridis (Pitylus), 303, 306. viridis (Procnias), 54. viridis (Psarocobus). 316. viridis (Pseudoleistes), 352. viridis (Tanagra), 194. viridissima (Aglaia), 118. viridissima (Calliste), 118. viridissima (Gyrola), 118. vitellinus (Buarremon), 260. vitellinus (Cassicus), 322. vitriolina (Callispiza), 111. vitriolina (Calliste), 111. vittata (Aglaia), 92. vittata (Calliste), 92. vittata (Euphonia), 79, 80. vittata (Tanagra), 92. vulgaris (Icterus), 362, 364, 382. wagleri (Cacicus), 312. vvagleri (Eucorysles), 310, 311,312. wagleri (Icterus), 362, 363, 372. wagleri (Pendulinus), 372. Warbler, Guira, 224. warcewiezi (Dives), 392. warcewiezi(Lampropsar), 392. wbitelyi (Calliste), 135, 136. Wbite-tbroated Gros- beak, 303. wilsoni (Aglaia), 126. wilsoni (Calliste), 126. wucbereri (Arremon), 273, 278. xantbocarpua (Agelaius), 343, 350. xantliocepbala (Calliste), 129, 134. xantbocepbala (Callo- spiza), 134. xantbocepbala (Cbryso- tbraupis), 134. xantbocepbala (Icterus), 350. Xantbocepbalus, 331,349. xantbogaster (Acrolep- tes), 67. xautbogastra (Calliste), 103, 106. xautbogastra (Euphonia), 63, 67. xantbogastra (Phonasca), 67. xantbogenys (Buarre- mon), 268. xanthomas (Agelseus), 340, 343. xanthomus (Hyphantes), 343. xanthomus (Icterus), 343. xantbopbrys (Ohlorospin- gus), 247. xantbopbtbalma (Dac- nis), 249. xantbopbtbalmus (Chlo- rospingus), 238, 249. xanthopygius (Cbryso- mus), 346. xanthopygius (Tacby- phonus), 206, 209. Xanthomus, 362. xanthomus (Icterus), 31)3, 380. xantliornus (Oriolus), 380. xanthomus, var. dubusi (Icterus), 381. Xanthosomus, 339. Xenodacuis, 12, 17. Yapvi negro, 326. Yapii negro y air.arillo, 323. Yellow-winged Oriole, 369. yeni (Aglaia), 97. yeni (Oalliste), 9(5, 97. yeni (Callospiza), 97. yeni (Tanagra), 97. yeni (Tatao), 97. Ypbantes, 392. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Ypopliaaa, 84. yuracares (Cassicus), 314. yuracarium (Cassicus), 314. yuracarium (Gymno- stinops), 313, 314. yuracarium (Ostiuops), 314. 427 zena (Fringilla), 169. zena (Spiudalis), 166, 168, 169. zena (Tanagra), 166, 168, 169. zenoides (Tanagra), 168. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plate I. Page DigJossa mysiacalis 6 Plate IT. Fig. 1. Conirostrum fraseri, cT 15 Fig. 2. Dacnis salmoni, $ 27 Both from the typical specimens. Plate III. Fig. 1. Dacnis coerebicolor, c? } '' Fig. 2. „ „ 2 From the typical specimens. Plate IV. Chlorophanes purpiirascens, cj 31 From the typical specimen. Plate V. Fig. 1. CertJiiola martinicana 46 Fig. 2. dominicana (from the typical specimen) 44 Plate VI. Fig. 1. Chloroplionia roraimce, S 56 Fig. 2. jluvirostris (from the typical specimen) 56 430 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plate VII. Fig. 1. Euplionia concinna, (J | Fig. 2. „ „ ? } From the typical specimens. Plate VIII. Fig. 1. EuphoniafiiiscM, J (from the typical specimen) .... 70 Fig. 2. saturata, c? 70 Plate IX. Fig. 1. Euplionia melantira, S \ _^ Fig. 2. „ „ 2 1 From the typical specimens. Plate X. Euphonia vittata (from the typical specimen) 80 Plate XI. Phoenicothraupis c/iUturalis 201 Plate XII. Fig. 1. Nemosia albi^idaris, S i } Fig. 2. „ „ $ From the typical specimens. Plate XIII. Fig. 1. Thhjpopsis oniata, d (from the typical specimen) .... 230 Fig. 2. inornata, S 230 Plate XIV Buarremon leucopis (from the typical specimen) .... 261 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 431 Plate XV. Page Buarremon comj^)tus (from the typical specimen) 264 Plate XVI. Buarremon tricolor 269 Plate XVII. Arremon ivuchereri (from the typical specimen) 278 Plate XVIII. Icterus Jiauxivelli (from the typical specimen). Re- duced I 377 PRINTED BY TATLOK AND FRANCIS, RED LION COl'KT, FLEET STREET. Bi;rcis B.M.Vcl.Il. PI . f. J. Srtut dtl et liiVi . Dig Lcs.'iCL 1 1 ly.s- IctctxU.^ Mintern. Bros . itnp . hfchs B..\t.Val.XI. PI . II. J. Smlt del et]ith. 1. CoTLir^vstrujin' frxiseri , c? . Minterrv Broa . imp . fiii>\te»Ti Bros . TiTip. Bircl^ B.M.Val.X]. ri.AT. Sirai dei et ilk Bilrirvrriufn ccitiJjiu^ . Mjrttem. Bros . rmp Bir^rLf B.M.Vvl.H. PI Wl Sunt del et litK MiritairrL Brocs . ittj: Bii u ij 'X/^joJrtf^ . Bri^ds B.M. Vol.JJ. pi.jvn. 'A ^ -1 J- Smit dei et lith Irfintem Bros . itrp. ^Ai^Terticrv 'i%'iiciust^ej^v . Bu'cU B.M.Vvl.XI. Pi.xvm. J Smit del at litK . Mlnterrx Bros . imp . Ictvtv.u-i haa.nnvcili