^cCLvXv^tfO^^ \^^J*-^i^ CATALOGUE * BIRDS n II li I S H M U S E U iM. VOLUME XXV. LOXDOX: riUNTKI) ];Y OltDEll OF THE TIJUSTEES. 18U(i. CATALOGUE GAVIJ] AND TUBINARES COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. GAY IJE (TKRNS, fJULLS, axd SKUAS) liY HOWARD SAUNDERS. TUBINARES (PETRELS AND ALBATROSSES) BY OSBERT SALVIN. L 0 N T) I) X : PRINTED BY ()R])EJ{ OF THE TRUSTEES. SOLI) HV LON&MAXS & Co., 39 PATERXOSTER ROW; B. QUAUITCH. 15 PICCADILLY; DTLAU & Co., 37 SOHO SQUARE, W.; KEGAN PAUL & Co., PATERNOSTER HOUSE. CHARING CROSS ROAD; AXD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD, S.W, 1S9«. FlllNTED V.y TATXOE A >■ D FRANCIS, RKD LION COURT, FI.KET STIiKET. PREFACE. ix has been a fortunate circumstance that for tlie preparatiuu of the present Volume the cooperation of Mr. H. Saunders and Mr. 0. iSalvin could be secured, who for many years past have made the Birds of the families of Gulls and Petrels the special subject of their respective studies. As also the collections formed by these gentlemen have been incorporated with the series in the British Museum, the latter possesses of both these groups a collection unrivalled as to its intrinsic value, if not also as to the number of species and specimens. According to the lists given, this Collection consists now of : — Species. Ganie 115 Tubinares 109 Among the Tubinares only, some of the species (15) are not represented in the Collection. Beside the many friends and correspondents who have rendered material assistance in the preparation of this Volume by the loan or gift of specimens, and who "will be enumerated in the intro- ductory remarks of the Authors, I have to refer specially to the authorities of the United States National Museum and to the Hon. AV. Rothschild, of whom the former sent important types for comparison, whilst the latter placed the whole of his rich collection at the disposal of Iho Authors. Types. Specimens. 17 4G49 27 1086 1 liavo :iucc(k'(l witli i)leasur(.' to the reciui'.st, of the Director of the Museum to mo through the pres8 this and the two remaining Volumes for whitli the arrangements were made during my term of office. Finally, this would seem to be an appropriate place to pay a tribute to the numory of Henry Seebohm, by whose death, on November 26th, Urnithology has lost a most earnest and ardent student and the British Museum one of its most generous friends and benefactors. For the past fifteen years he took a deep interest in the growtli and arrangement of the Collection of Eirds in the British Museum, contributing, without stint, either from his own Collection or by special purchase, any specimens that were required to comiilete the Museum series or to aid in the preparation of the Catalogue. In the latter work he took an active part as the author of the Fifth Volume, which treated of the Warblers and Thrushes. After presenting his immense Collection of Eggs, and incorporating it with that of the Museum, he undertook and completed a Jklanuscript Catalogue of the whole. By his Will he conferred his last benefit on the Museum, bequeathing to the Trustees the entire C'ollection which at the time of his death was still in his possession. ALBERT (itJNTHEll, Keeper of the Zoological Department {retired'). J'.riti^h Miiseiiiu (X. 11.), December IR, 189:). INTRODUCTION TO THE CATALOGUE OF GAVLE. Few iutroductory remarks are requisite for my portiou of the present volume, inasmuch as the current opinions respecting the systematic position of the Order Gavia3 are set forth briefly — but it is to be hoped adequately — on pp. 1-3. It is, however, necessary to allude to the important collections which have been presented to the National Museum of late years, and which have so greatly facilitated the study of the Lnriclf : namely, those of the late Lord Tweeddale and of Major AVardlaw llamsay, Mr. A. 0. Hume, Mr. Henry Seebohm, and Messrs. Salvin and Godman. And it is incumbent upon me to make special reference to the energetic collectors and generous donors who have contributed largely to our knowledge of this family of birds. In the front rank of these are Admiral A. H. Markham, Commander J. K. H. MacFarlane, Staff-Pay- master H. M. Harrison, Colonel H. W. Feilden, Colonel W. V. Legge, R.A., Mr. Ernest Gibson, and Mr. John Young ; while the Hon. Walter Rotlischild placed his entire collection at my disposal. Nor must the names of Lord Lilford, Professor D. Gill, Messrs. W. T. Blanford, J. A. Harvie-Brown, Gervase Mathew, R.N., S. F. Rowland, and G. Stephen be omitted. For the loan of specimens and much 'assistance in the United States, thanks are due to the authorities at the Smithsonian Institution, Mr. William Brewster and Dr. C. Hart Merriara. I am also under obligation to Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe and Mr. W. R. Ogilvie-Grant for their ready co-operation during the two years spent in working at the Museum. HOWARD SAUXDKRS. 7 Radnor Place, W., Julv oU, 18'.);"). INTRODUCTION TO THE CATALOGUE OF TUBINAKES. I U I' WARDS of twenty years liave passed since I began to pay special attention to the Petrels, and during that time, with Mr. Godman, collected all the available specimens we came across. But the amassing anything like a good scries of skins of these birds proved a very slow process. Our chief acquisition, by exchange, was the greater part of the collection formed by the late John Gould, whose early interest in the Petrels generally is M'cll-known, and was con- tinued after he parted with his Australian collection. Amongst the specimens thus accjuired by us were many of great interest, as will be seen in the following pages. Another valuable series of Petrels was most kindly given to us in 1883 by Admiral A. H. Markham, having been formed by him when in command of H.M.lS. ' Tiiumph ' on the Pacific Station. This collection contained the types of Oceano- (Iroma inarkhami, Salv., and Diomedea irrorata, Salv., the last a remarkable Albatros from the coast of Peru, of which the type still remains the only known example. The whole of our series was handed over to the British Museum in 1888. The Museum Collection, apart from that added by us, is a rich one and includes the spoils of several important Government Expe- ditions. Of these I may mention the following : — The Antarctic Expedition of H.M.SS. ' Erebus ' and ' Terror ' under Sir James Koss ; the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Rattlesnake,' the naturalist of which was John Macgillivray ; the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Herald,' naturalist ¥. M. Rayner. Then came the Transit of Venus Expedition to Kerguclen Land, resulting in a collection of Petrels and interesting notes on them by the Rev. A. E. Eaton, forming a large part of Dr. Bowdler Sharpe's article on tlic Birds of the island published in I he • Philosophical Transactions,' vol. 168. The voyage of H.M.S. ' Challenger ' produced a most valuable collection of Petrels' skins, spirit specimens and eggs, tl\e first of which were named Ijy myself, X INTRODUCTION. and the second formed the basis of the late \V. A. Forbes's memoir on the anatomy of the Tubinares, both published in the ' Challenger' Report. Lasth', Dr. Coppinger secured when in H.M.S. ' Alert ' skins of several interesting species of this Order. Of other considerable collections added to the Museum I may mention that of the late Dr. R. McCormick, who accompanied Sir James Ross, and whose collection, bequeathed to the Trustees, forms a valuable addition to the Antarctic series of Petrel skins. The late Harry Berkeley James also left to the Museum a good series of specimens of Chilian species. Mr. H. Seebohm, with his usual liberality, presented the whole of his series of these birds, which consists chiefly of representatives of the species of the North Pacific Ocean, from the neighbourhood of Japan and the Benin Islands to certain islands in mid-ocean. Another important series was secured by the Earl of Crawford, mostly in the South Atlantic and South Pacific Oceans. The Museum has also been enriched by many other donations of greater or less extent, amongst which I may mention the series of Petrels obtained by Mr. W. R. Ogilvie- Grant on the islands near Madeira, and by the same gentleman in company with the Hon. C. Baring during a second visit to the same islands, when they established the fact of the presence of Oceano- droma cryptoleucura on Porto Santo Island and Great Salvage Island, its previous known domicile being the Hawaiian and Galapagos Archipelagos in the far distant Pacific Ocean. They also discovered Pelagodroma marina, previously supposed to be a straggler from the South Seas, breeding in numbers on Great Salvage Island. Besides the Museum specimens immediately before me, I have, as oppor- tunity offered, examined those in the Leyden, Berlin, Vienna, and Paris Museums, and I have also had the advantage of the loan of the types of Peale and Dr. Coues, and some of those of Mr. Ridg- way, through the kindness of the authorities of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington. I have also had before me the very interesting types described by Signer Giglioli and Count Salvadori, which were obtained by the first-named gentleman when on board the Italian frigate ' Magenta " during her voyage round the World. The Hon. Walter Rothschild lent me the whole of his large collection of Petrels, including the types of the species recently INTKODUCXION. XI described by him, and this series has been of material use to me. I have also examined the collection in the University of Cambridge and that of Canon Tristram, both helping to elucidate points of interest. Dr. Elliott Coues's papers on the FroceUariidd', ])ublishtd in the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, in 1864 and 1866, give the first serious attempt to classify these birds Avith proper definitions ; Bonaparte's previous essays in 1855 and 1856 being of a cursory character and often misleading. Dr. Coues's Monographs, though perhaps too much influenced by Bonaparte's writings, must always be consulted by those wishing to master the intricacies of this complicated subject. OSBERT SALVIX. Hawksfold, Fernburst, Sussex, November 3, 1895. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Ordrr XIII. G A \- I .E. Fam. I. L A R I D ^. Subfani. 1. Sternin^. Page 1. Ilydrocbelidon, Boie .... 5 1. leucoptera (Memi^r lV Sc/iinz) (!, 456 2. hybrida (Prt/Z.) .. 10,450 ;'.. nigra (Z.) 17 4. suriuameiisis (Gm.) . . 20 2. I'haethiisa, Wagh-r 23 1. niagnirostris [Licht.). . 23 3. Gelofihelidon, Brehm .... 25 1. anglica (J/o«i;.) .. 25,456 4. Ilydroprogne, Kauj} .... 32 1. ca.spia {Pall.) 32 5. Seena, Bhjth 37 1. aurantia {J. E. Gray) 37,456 6. Rterua, L 40 1. melauogasler, Temm 43, 456 2. fm-steri, ^hdtall 46 3. albistriata ((?. R. Gray) 48 4. virgata. Cab 50 5. vittata, Gm 51, 456 6. hirundinacea, Less. . . 52 7. fluviatilis, Naum. . 54, 457 8. macrura, Naum 62 9. longipennis, Nordm. 67, 457 10. albigena, Licht 69 11. dougalli, Mont 70 12. cantiaca, Gm 75 13. maxima, Bodd 80 14. elegans, Gambel 84 15. eurvgnatba, Saunders . 85 16. media, Horsfield 86 17. bergii, Licht 89 18. bernsteiui, Schley 96 19. frontalis, G. ' R. Gray 97, 457 20. aleutica, Baird 98 21. limata, Peale 100 22. anffistheta, Scop.. . 101, 457 23. fuligino.sa, Gm. . . 106, 457 24. balffinanim, -S/nc/.-/. ..Ill 25. nereis {Gould) 112 26. sinensis, Gm 113 27. miniita, L 116, 457 28. saundersi, ifwi/if . 120,457 29. autillarum {Lf'.' K^X SYSTEMATIC IXDKX. 3 Jr -■^. bulleri, 5«/,. ^^f -^4. cliloioiliynchus, Zft«.'?. . .'{72 —5. fj-iavis ((fUcillt/) . . ' ." .-^73 —0. kiihli (77ai"e) ." 0-- -7. creatopus, f 'o?. yelkouanus (Acerbi) 10. opisthonielas, C'owe* 11. auriciilaris, 7o?rws. 12. gavia (/cj/%si'.) 13. persicus, Hume 381 14. obscurus (Gm.) .' 3^2 Jo. a.s.«imilis, Gould '3^4 16. e\ecr^m,G{gl. ^- Salvad. 385 U. carneipe.s, Gould . 335 18. oTiseus (. ..... 1. macroptera (Smith) 2. aterrinia, Bp 401. 3. lessoni ( r/arwo^J . 401 4. hcesitata (Euhl) ' 402 6. jamaicensis (Bancroft) 403 , 6. rostrata (Peale) 404 7. parvirostris (Peale) . 405 8. incerta (&-^/.) 405 9. mollis (Gould) ... " 40G 10. ni&gentiB,Giffl. ^- Salvd. 407 11. phffiopygia, ,Salv. . . 407 12. brevipes (Peale) 4O8 13. hypoleiica, Salv. . . . 409 14. nigripennis, Pothsch. . 409 15. brevirostris (Less.) ..^ 409 1 16. solandri (Gould) 410 ' 17. externa, 4 1. glacialis (L.) ' ' 42.5 2. glupischa, Stejn. . . . 427 3. rodgersi, Cassin 4-^7 11. T)a.f tion, Steph. .. ' 403 1 capensis(Z.) '//, 4^3 J 2. Halobsena, Is. Geoff r. 431 1. ceerule^ (Gm.) 431 io. i^iion, Lacep 43^ 1. vittatus (Gm.) .....] 4.32 2. banksi, 6r'oM/rf ' 434 3. desolatus (G>n.) . . . 434 4. arid, G^owW '435 Fam. III. Pelecanoidid^."' 1. Pelecanoides, Lacej) 437 1. urinatrix ^r;'ii, ^ ' .. There are, however, some exceptions. Dr. A. Reichenow (' Die Vogcl der zoologischen Giirten,' i. p. 17, 1882) includes three families — Procellariida', Laridce, and Sfernidce — in his Order Longipennes ; while Dr. Elliott Cones considers the Gaviae and Tubinares as forming suborders of the same. Considering the Gaviae equivalent to Longipennes as restricted by Nitzsch, Sclater, and others, this Order has frequently been taken to consist of one Family — Larid [ = Stercorainince^, Larhia; Siernince, and Rhyncliopinm, demonstrates that the first and second and the third and fourth are more nearly related to each other than are the second and third.'" This arrange- ment of the four subfamilies is maintained by Dr. Coues in his ' Key to North-American Birds,' 2nd ed. (1884). The compilers of the American Ornithologists' Code and Check-List, pp. 84-97 (1886), ■went further, and, while restricting their Longipeunes to the Gavige, they divided this Order into three families — Stercorariidcv , Laridce (subfamilies Larince and Sternince), and Rliiincl^opida' . These three families are also adopted by Mr. Ridgway in his ' Manual of North- American Birds,' p. 20 (1887). They are upheld by Dr. Shufeldt in his papers " Comparative Osteological Notes on the Extinct Bird Ichthyornis" (Journ. Anat. & Phys. xxvii. pp. 336-342) and "On the Classification of the Longipennes " (Amer. Nat. 1893, pp. 233- 237). He considers that " BhyncJiops is, in some of its osteological characters, notably in the skull, the vertebral chain and pelvis, not very unlike the fossil cretaceous bird IcJitJiyornis." He is, more- over, of opinion that the Stercorariidce " stand between the Laridce and the MhyncJiopidci', being more nearly related to the first-named than they are to the Skimmers.'' These views are deserving of con- sideration and may eventually prove to be correct, but at present the evidence seems insufiicient to justify their adoption in this volume. Dr. Coues has, however, clearly shown the important characters in which the Stercorarvidcp differ from the Laridce (points which seemed to have escaped some later writers), and I have no hesita- tion in accepting these two as families. They have been adopted as subdivisions by Dr. E.. Bowdler Sharpe in his ' Review of Recent Attempts to Classify Birds,' p. 72 (1891) ; and I further agree with him that, for the present, it is undesirable to elevate the Rhynclio- pince to the rank of a third family. In these introductory remarks the references have been carefully restricted to those writers whose works had a very direct bearing upon the classification of this Order ; but I am also indebted to the treatises of Professors Huxley and Newton, the late A. Garrod and W. A. Forbes, Drs. Piirbringer, Gadow, and Stejneger, Mr. Seebohm and others, in addition to the authorities already cited — and, among the last, especially to Dr. Elliott Coues. Older GAVIiE. Palate schizognathous. Nasals schizorhinal. Basipterygoid processes absent. Front toes entirely connected by webs. Wing aquiutocubital, i. e. the fifth secondary wanting. Bill simple, except in the subfamily Itliynchopince. CeiTical vertebrae fifteen. Coraco-humeral groove distinct. Furcula with hypocleidium. Primaries : ten large and visible, one minute and concealed. Aftershaft to the contour-feather present. Spinal feather-tract: well defined on the neck by lateral bare tracts, and forked on the upper back. Bectrices twelve. Oil-gland tufted. Hypotarsus with two grooves. Young covered with down when hatched, and able to run in a short time. Eggs seldom, if ever, exceeding three in number ; spotted or scrolled with dark colours on a white, buff, or olivaceous ground. Synopsis of the Families. I. Bill without a cere ; sternum with two notches on each side of the posterior margin ; toes partially or fully webbed ; claws feeble or moderate Laridae, p. 3. II. Bill with a cere ; tip of the upper mandible hooked ; sternum with only one notch on each side of the posterior margin ; cseca much larger than in Laridcf ; toes fully webbed, furnished with large, strong, hooked and sharp claws Stercorariidae, p. 314. Family I. LARIDiE. Key to the Subfamilies. Bill straight, rather slender, both mandiblea of about equal length (paragnathous) ; pterylosis perfectly Scolopacine ; tail slightly or distinctly forked STUJiyiN.^, p. 4. B 2 h. Bill with the mandibles much compressed, the upper freely movable, the under con- siderably exceeding the upper in length [p. 152. (hypognathous) ; pterylosis as in Sterna . . RRYNCHOPIN^, c. Bill with the upper mandible long-er and bent down over the tip of the inferior one (epi- gnathous) ; tail usually square, seldom forked, exceptionally cuueate LAEIN^, p. 161. Subfamily I. STERNIN^E. Key to the Genera. a. Tail from nearly square to deeply forked. a'. Head without prolonged plumes at the gape. a". Tail-feathers rounded or slightly point- ed ; tail short, less than half the length of wing. a'". Bill small, the culmen less than twice the length of tarsus ; feet feeble ; webs between toes consider- ably indented 6'". Bill very large and stout, culmen more than twice the length of the tarsus; feet moderately strong; webs only shghtly indented Outer tail-feathers longest, pointed. c'". Tarsus very long, exceeding middle toe and claw ; bill robust, obtuse ; tail less than half the length of the b". [p. 5. 1. Hydrochelidon, 2. Phaethusa, p. 23. d'". Tarsus short, less than middle toe and claw. a^. Tail very short, less than one third of the wing; bill exceptionally stout and deep b*. Tail very long, more than three fourths of the wing ; bill stout, the genys very short c*. Tail at least half — and generally more than half — the length of the wing ; bill compressed and slender ; tarsus generally shorter than — and never exceeding — the middle toe with the claw b'. Head with conspicuously prolonged plumes at the gape ; bill stout, culmeu decurved ; tail slightly forked, the two outer pairs of rectrices nearly equal in length b. Tail graduated, feathers pointed, the outer pair of rectrices shorter than the next pair. c'. Foot very long, the middle toe and claw exceeding the exposed culmen in length ; the second pair of rectrices from the outside the longest ; general colour grey. [p. 25. 8. Gelochelidon, [p. 32. 4. Hydroprogne, 5. Seena, p. 37. 6. Sterna, p. 41. 7. N.ENIA, p. 132. [p. 133. S. Procelsterna, 1. HTDEOCHELIDON. 5 d'. Middle toe and claw shorter than exposed culm en. c". Bill strong, dectirvcd ; distance from the angle of the genys to the tip less than that to the gape ; the fourth pair of rectrices from the outside the longest 9. Angus, p. 136. (■/". Bill slender and long ; the distance from the angle of the genys longer than that to the gape; third pair of rectrices from the outside the longest. 10. MicRANotrs, p. 143. e". Bill stout at the base, pointed ; culmen almost straight or slightly upcurved ; plumage pure white ; toes slender, the middle toe abnormally long ; webs deeply indented 11. Gygis, p. 149. 1. HYDROCHELIDON. Type. Ilydrochelidon, Bote, Isis, 1822, p. .563 H. nigra. Viralva, Stephens, in S/icno^s Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 166 (1826) H. nigra. Telodes, Kaup, Naturl. Sijst. p. 107 (1829) H. hybrida. Range. Temperate portions of North America ; Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand ; occasionally South America in winter. Nesting in marshes, on tussocks or floating vegetation. Key to the Species. a. Black or dark grey below (summer plumage). a'. Upper tail-coverts and tail white; under- parts black as far as the vent ; under wing- coverts black ; coverts along carpal joint white to a considerable extent leucoptera, p. 6. b' . Upper tail-coverts and tail grey. a" . Bill orange-red (blood-red in life) ; chin and sides of face white ; throat and breast grey, passing into blackish grey on the abdomen ; under wing-coverts white . . hybrida, p. 10. b" . Bill black ; chin and sides of the face black, like the underparts : under wing- coverts pale grey. a'". Underparts to vent dark lead-grey . . nigra, p. 17. h'" . Underparts veiy deep black ; line along the edge of carpals conspicuously white mrinamensis, p. 20. b. White below (winter plumage and young). [p. 8. c . Tail white leucoptera ad. hiem., d'. Tail grey. c". Rump grey, like the back. c'". Larger : bill stouter ; feet with the webs much incised h/brida, p. 14. d'". Smaller : bill more slender ; feet with I nigra, p. 19. webs less incised ( s)irina7nensis, p. 20. d' . Ilump white, in contrast with the grey of the back and tail leucoptera ]\.\\ ., p. 8. 1. Hydrochelidon leucoptera. ? L'llirondelle de mer cendree, Briss. Oni. vi. p. 210 (1760 : juv.). ? L'Hirondelle de mer tachet^e, £riss. Om. vi. p. 216, pi. xx. iig. 2 (1760: juv.). ? Sterna fissipes, Zinn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 228 (1766: S. Europe); P. i. S. Midler, S. N. p. 354 (1773) ; Gm. S. N. i. p. 610 (1788). ? Sterna ufevia, P. L. S. Midler [nee Linn.'], S. N. p. 353 (1773) ; Gm. S. N. i. p. 609 (1788). ? Cinereous Tern, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 363 (1785). ? Sterna cinerea, Gm. S. N. i. p. 607 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Om. p. 808 (1790) ; Vieill. N. Diet d'Hist. Nat. xxxii. p. 167 (1819) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 6-59 (1846). Sterna fissipes, Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat. ii. p. 338 (1811 : Don to Ob) ; Aijres, Ibis, 1871, p. 267 (Transvaal). Sterna leucoptera, Meisner ^ Schinz, Vog. Schiueiz, p. 264 (1815) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. p. 483 (1815) ; id. op. cit. ed. 2, p. 747 (1820) ; Vieill. Enc. Method, i. p. 348 (1820) ; Brehm, Beitr. Vogelk. iii. p. 676 (1822) ; Lickt. Verz. Doubl. p. 81 (1823 : Nubia) ; Wernei; Atlas, Palmipedes, pi. 12 (1828) ; Vieill. F. Franqaise, Ois. p. 397, pi. 160. fig. 2 (1828) ; Lesson, Traite, p. 622 (1831) ; Savi, Om. Tuse.m.. p. 83 (1831); St.-Hilaire, Exp. Sc. Moree, Zool. p. 56 (1833) ; Gould, B. Eur. v. pi. 423 (1837) ; Naum. Vog. Deutschl. X. p. 214, pi. 257 (1840) ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. p. 375 (1840) ; Crespon, Om. Gard, p. 477 (1840) ; Keys. u. Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. xcviii & p. 248 (1840); Nordm. in Demid. Voy. Buss. Merid. iii. p. 278 (1840) ; Crespon, F. Merid. ii. p. 119 (1844) ; Schl. Rev. Crit. p. cxxxi (1844) ; Miihle, Om. Grieehenl. p. 147 (1844) ; Yarr. Brit. B. 1st Suppl. p. 50, and 2nd ed. iii. p. 527 (1845) ; Reichenb. Natat. tab. xx. figs. 803-806 (1848) ; Degland, Ois. Eur. ii. p. 351 (1849) ; Thompson, B. Irel. iii. p. 307 (1851) ; Bald. Naum. 1851, Heft iv. p. 47 (Hungary, nesting) ; Bratidt, in Leh- mann's R. n. Buehara, p. 330 (1852 : Trans-Ural steppe) ; Kjcerb. Ua7im. Fuqle, p. 332, taf. 60 b (1852), and Suppl. taf. 21. figs. 3 & 4 (1854); Heugl. Syst. Uebers. p. 71 (1856: Egypt and Nubia); Meyer, Brit. B. vii. p. 105, pi. 296 (1857); Linderm. Vog. Grieehenl. p. 181 (1860) ; Poivys, Ibis, 1861, p. 357 (Corfu) ; Wright, Ibis, 1864, p. 153 (Malta) ; Dyb. J. f. O. 1868, p. 338 (DaLiria) ; Borqgr. Vogelf. Norddeutsehl. p. 145 (1869) ; Heugl. in Peterm. Mitth. p. 408 (1869) ; Ayres, Ibi.%, 1871, p. 267 (Potchef- stroom) ; Hurting, Handb. Brit. B. p. 169 (1872) ; Buckley, Ibis, 1874, p. 391 (Transvaal) ; Coues, Check-l. no. 575 bis (1874 : Wis- consin) ; Seebohm, Ibis, 1882, p. 231 (Kirghiz Steppes) ; id. Brit. B. iii. p. 257 (1885) ; Alleon, Ornis, 1886, p. 425 (Dobrudscha) ; Stevenson 8)- Southw. B. Norfolk, iii. p. 316 (1890) ; Jdckel u. Bias. Vog. Bayerns, p. 376 (1891) ; Hartl. Abh. not. Ver. Bremen, xii. Heft ii. p. 334 (1892 : Tientsin). Sterna grisea, Horsf. Tr. Linn. Sac. xiii. p. 190 (1820, Java ; type in B. M.) ; Steph. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 159 (1825). Ilydrochelidou leucoptera, Boie, Isis, 1822, p. 503 ; Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. pp. 109 & 196 (1829) ; Brehin, Vog. Deutschl. p. 796 (1831) ; Bp. Cat. Uec. Eur. p. 77 (1842); Reichenb. Syst. Nat. tab. iv. (18.50), and Av. Syst. Nat., Lo7igip. p. v (18-52) ; Maegill. Br. B. v. p. 661 (1852); Licht. Notnencl. Av. p. 98 (1854) ; Brehtu, Naum. 1855, p. 295; id. Vogelf. p. 350 (1855); Schrenck, Reise Amurl. p. 511 (18.59); Tristr. Ibis, 1860, p. 82 (E. & W. Sahara); Radde, Reise Sibir., Vog. p. 389 (1863) ; Salvad. Ucc. Sard. p. 123 (1864) : Filippi, Viagg. Pers. p. 352 (1865) ; Doderl. Avif. Mod. Ul'DKOCHKiaDOX. ^ Sicil. p. 252 (1809); Fritsch, Vii;/. Eur. p. 461, tab. 54. fig. 7 (1870); Hume, Ibis, 1870, p. 34() (Tipperaj ; Saund. Ihis, \fil\, p. 399 (S. Spain); HutUm, Cat. N.-Z. B. p. 43 (1871); Finsch, J. f. O. 1872, p. 43, & 1874, p. 206; Gould, B. Gt. Brit. v. pi. 76 (1873); Brooke, Ibis, 1873, p. 346 (Sardinia); Biiller, B. New Zeal. p. 287 (1873) ; Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 321 (1875), pl.s. 590 & 591 ; Irby, Orti. Str. Gibr. p. 211 (1875); Saimd. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 641 (revision) ; id. Bull. Sac. Zool. Fr. 1877, p. 201 (S.E. Spain) ; David Sf Owitul. Ois. Chine, p. 524 (1877) ; Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wieri, xxi.x. j). 280 (1879: Omsk, &c.) ; Hume, Str. Feath. viii. p. 115 ; id. t. c. p. 495 (Andamans) (1879) ; Zec/.r/e, B. Ceylon, p. 1000 (1880) ; Rus.^ow, Orn. Ehst- Liv-, u. Curhmds, Archil'. Nat. Livl. (2) ix. p. 198 (1880) ; Giylioli, Ibis, 1881, p. 218 (Florence : May, rare) ; Ridqio. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21 p. 53 (1881) ; Buller', Man. B. Nexo Zeal. p. 81 (1882) ; Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 022 (1882) ; Cones, Check-l. N. Am. B. p. 124 (1882) ; B. O. U. List Brit. B. p. 185 (1883) ; Gates, B. Brit. Burm. ii. p. 420 (1883) ; Coues, Key N. Am. B. 2nd ed. p. 770 (1884) ; Sharpe, ed. Layard's B. S. Afr. p. 700 (1884) ; Saund. 4th ed. Yarrell's Brit. B. iii. p. 522 (1884); Baird, Brewer, ^• Ridyw. Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 323 (1884) ; Tristr. Faun. Sf Flor. Palestine, p. 137 (1884) ; Whitehead, Ibis, 1885, p. 47 (Corsica, 28 INIay) ; Homeyer, Ornis, 1885, p. 81 ; Torre u. Tschusi, t. c. p. 564 (Austria-Hungary) ; Taczan. Ornis, 1886, p. 506 (Poland, breeding) ; A. O. U. Check-l. p. 96 (1886) ; Giylioli, Avif. Ital. p. 419 (1886) ; id. 1" Resoc. Av. Ital. p. 635 (1889) ; id. 2" Resoc. p. 653 (1890) ; id. 3» Resoc. p. 512 (1891) ; Salvad. Ucc. Ital. p. 280 (1887) ; Booth, Rough Notes, iii. (1887) ; Hartert, MT. orn. Ver. Wien, 1887. p. 180, and Ibis, 1892, p. 520 (East Prussia, once) ; Ridyw. Man. N. Am. B. p. 47 (1887) ; Symonds, Ibis, 1887, p. 335 (Orange Free State) ; Pleske, Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. (7) xxxvi. 3, p. 57 (1888: Samarcaud) ; Buller, B. N. Zeal. 2ud ed. ii. p. 76 (1888) ; Reichenoio, Syst. Verz. Viiq. Deutschl. p. 61 (1889) ; Gnillemard, Ibis, 1889, p. 219, and Lilford, t. c. p. 347 (Cyprus) ; Feilden, t. c. p. 502 (Barbados) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 8 (1889) ; Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 619 (1889) ; Everett, B. Borneo, p. 210 (1889); Radde u. Walter, Ornis, 1889, p. 127 (Trans-Caspia) ; Riesenth. Wasservoy. Mitteleurop. p. 145 (1890) ; Keller, Orn. Carinthia>, p. 308 (1890) ; Heine Sf- Reichen. Nomencl. Mus. Ilein. p. 356 (1890) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1891, p. 187 (Lake Lenian) ; Payton,. t. c. p. 465 (Mogador) ; Styan, t. c. p. 609 (Kiukiang) ; Madard.sz, Ausst. Unyar. Voqelf. p. 121 (1891) ; Frivaldsky, Av. Huny. p. 181 (1891) ; De La Toucke, Ibis, 1892, p. 502 (Foochow and Swatow, spring) ; Fatio Sf Studer, Cat. distrib. Ois. Suisse, pp. 64,65 (1892) ; Cory, Cat. W. Ind. B. p. 83 (1892: Barbados) ; Sharpe, Bull. B. O. Club, no. xi. p. v (1893 : Suakin) ; Sliellei/, Ibis, 1894, pp. 27 & 476 (Lake Sbirwa) ; Lilford, Col. Fiys.' Brit. B. pt. xxix. (1894); Reichen. Voy. Deuts'ch-O.-Afr. p. 21 (1894: Tanganyika). Viralva leucoptera, Ste2)h. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 170(1826). llydrofhflidon leucourus [sic], Seyffertiz Sf Brehm, Isis, 1833, p. 985. llvdroohelidou leucopteriim, Bj). Cornp. List B. Eur. Sj- N. Am. p. 61 '(1838). _ Ilydrochclidon grj^ea, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 184 ; Grai/, List Anseres m Brit. Mus. p. 180 (1844) ; id. Gen. B. iii. p. 660 (1846). Ilydrochelidon fissipes, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 184 ; Taczan. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1876, p. 262 (East Siberia) ; Radde, Orn. Caucas. p. 488 (1884) ; Brusina, Orn. Croatica, p. 92 (1889). Hydrochelidon nigra, Oray [nee Linn.'], List Anseres in Brit. Mus. p. 180 (18-44) ; id. Gen. ^.iii. p. 6G0 (1846) ; Blyt?i, Cat.B. Mtis. As. Soc. p. 291 (1849) ; Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 773 (1856) : Jaub. et Barth.- Lapomm. Rich. Orn. MicUFr. p. 398 & fig. (1859) ; A. E. Brehm, Reis. Hahesch, p. 229 (1863) ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 243 (1863) ; Sivinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 328, and Ibis, 1863, p. 97 (China) ; Jerd. B. India, iii. p. 875, App. (1864) ; Antin. Cat. descr. Ucc. p. 115 (1864 : Nile to 8° N. lat.) ; Blasim, J.f. O. 1866, p. 82 ; Degl. 8,- Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 466 (1867) ; Loche, E.vpl. So. Algh:, Ois. ii. p. 207 (1867) ; Salvad. Faun. Ital., Ucc. p. 284 (1871) ; Swink. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 421 ; Gray, Hand-list B. iii. p. 121 (1871) ; Shelley, B. Egypt, p. 301 (1872) ; Gurney , Andersson^ s B. Damara-land, p. 363 (1872); Heugl. Om. N.O.-Afr. Bd. ii. pt. 2, p. 1447 (1873) ; Coues, B. N.- West, p. 708 (1874) ; Salvad. Ucc. Born. p. 372 (1874) ; Tf^alden, Tr. Z. S. viii. p. 103 (1874 : Celebes) ; Dresser, Ibis, 1876, p. 416 (Turkestan) ; Prjev. in Roioley's Orn. Misc. iii. p. 145 (1878: breeding on Tsaidemin Lake and basin of Lake Hanka) ; Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxix. p. 280 (1879 : Chinese Altai, 5000 feet elevation) ; Bolau, J. f. O. 1882, p. 342 (Daiii-ia) ; Menzbier, Bull. Soc. Mosc. Iviii. p. 136 (1883 : Volga to Oka) ; W. Blasius, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxxiii. p. 73 (1883 : S.E. Borneo) ; Shelley, Ibis, 1888, p. 306 (Lamu, E. Africa); TV. Blasius, Ornis, 1888, p. 633 (Gt. Sanghir I.) ; Vorderm. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. Ii. p. 413 (1892: Java). Hydrochelidon subleucoptera, Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 295 ; id. VogeJfang, p. 350 (1855). Hydrochelidon javanica (nee Horsjield), Swinhoe, Ibis, 1860, p. 68; id. op. cit. 1861, p. 345 (North China). Sterna nigra, Schlegel, Mus. P.-B., Stemse, p. 31 (1863) ; Holdstv. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 481 (Ceylon) ; Legge, J. A. S. B. 1874, p. 58 (Cevlon) ; id. Str. Feath. iii. p. 376; Blanford, East. Pers. ii. p. 294 (1876) ; Bias. u. Nehrkorn, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1882, p. 432 (Amboina : cf. Ibis, 1883, p. 212). Hydrochelidon niger, Severtzoff, Turkest. Jevotnie, p. 70 (1873 : up to 1000 ft.). Hydrochelidon hybridus, Tacz. J.f. O. 1873, p. Ill, and 1874, p. 337 "(Daiiria : cf. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1876, p. 262). Adult male in breeding-plumage. Head, neck, and upper back dark glossy black ; coverts on the carpal joint pure white ; greater wing- coverts pearl-grey ; secondaries darker, passing into slate-grey ; primaries frosted with pearl-grey, which soon wears off the outer quills, leaving the webs sooty black, with a well-defined narrow whitish streak down the middle of the inner webs of the four outer primaries ; shafts white ; back and rump greyish black ; upper tail- coverts and tail pure white ; underparts deep black ; vent white ; flanks, under wing-coverts, and axillaries black : bill livid red ; feet oraugc-red ; webs of toes much indented. Total length 9-3 inches, culmen 1-1, wing 8-2, tail 3-1, tarsus 0-75, middle toe with claw 1. Adult female. Similar to the male. Adult in autumn and. winter plumage. In the latter part of July, when the moult begins (in Europe), the bird is curiously parti- coloured, the new feathers of the head, neck, and underparts being white and those of the back grey (paler than in Hydrochelidon nigra). See specimen from Valencia, East Spain, July 25th. Later, the 1. nYDROCHELIDON. 9 underparts, iucluding the uuder wing-coverts and axillaries, become white, the crown of the head and the nape being merely mottled with black ; but by the following April the black colour has re- appeared to a considerable extent, especially on the axillaries. See specimen from the Andaman Islands, April 16th. Immature. In birds which are not mature, though capable of breeding, the black of the underparts has a brownish tinge and the tail-feathers are pearl-grey, especially towards the tips. In winter, like the adult. Youn;/. Similar to the winter plumage of the somewhat immature bird, but much mottled with dark brown on the upper parts, and the tail-feathers slightly darker grey with a brownish tinge towards the tips ; upper tail-coverts always white. Nc'iilinf/. lluddy fawn-colour, mottled with black above, unspotted pale cinnamon-brown below. JIab. Central and Southern Europe in summer, to about 55° N. on migration ; eastward across temperate Asia to China (but not to Japan) ; soutliward in winter to Australia, New Zealand, and all Africa ; once in Barbados ; once in Wisconsin. a. (S ad. sk. b. 2 vLx ad. sk. c. d. Ad. St. e,A U- d ad. sk. h, i. S 2 ad. sk. ; k. Pull. sk. ; /. Juv. St. m. Jut. sk. »', 0. d $ ad. sk. l^. 5 ad. sk. q. Ad. sk, r. Iinm. sk. s. 2 imm. sk. t, u. 2 juv. St. V. Juv. sk. iv. cf juv. sk. .V. 2 juv. sk. t/. .luv. sk. =. c? juv. ; a'. Ad. sk. b', c', d'. Juv. sk. e'. Juv. sk. /'. 2 imm. sk. Albufera de Valencia, E. Spain, July {H. Martin). Mallorca, Balearic Islands, May (H. S.). Italy. Hungary, April, May. "Volga, June, July, August {H. Moschler). ' Egypt (G. K S.). Damietta, Egypt, April (Ftlipponi).' Faioum, Egypt, May 31 (J. II. Gtirneii). Mogador, Marocco, May. Gambia. Katenbella, Benguela, Xov. Omaubonde, Damaraland (C. J. Andersfion). Cape Colony {E. L. Laijard). Transvaal, Dec. {T. E. Buck- ley). Potchefstroom, Transvaal, Nov. 24 {T. Ayres). Loopsprit, Transvaal, Dec. (T.A.). Potchefstroom, Transvaal, Nov., July (T. A.). Nyasaland, Dec. Zambesi. Lamu, E. Africa, 2° 25' S. {F. J. J.). II. Saimders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Purchased. Hungarian Nat. Mus. [R]. H. Saunders Coll. Shelley Coll. Shelley Coll. SheUey Coll. C. A. Payton, Esq. [P.]. Gov. Kendall [C.]. Monteiro Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders CoU. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. II. Saunders Coll. J. H. Gurney, Esq. [P.]. H. H. Johnston, Esq., C.B. [P.]. Dr. Bradshaw [C.]. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [P.]. 10 y' . Ad. sk. li . Juv. sk. «'. Juv. sk. k'. '. 5 imm, sk. q, r'. Ad. sk. s', t', u'. Ad. sk. r', w'. Ad. sk. j:'. Ad. sk. 1/', z'. Ad. sk. a". 2 ad. sk. 6". .Juv. sk. c". Ad. sk. Ad. sk. Juv. sk. cJ imm. sk. cf ad. sk. d" a"- h". 2 ad. sk. i". 2 juv. sk. k", I". Juv. sk. m" , n". S 2 ad. sk. o". Imm. sk. p", q". 6 2 ad. sk. r", s". S ad. sk. <". Ad. sk. u". Juv. sk. v", w" . Ad. et juv. sk. .r". Juv. sk. y"-P. Imm. sk. c^. Juv. sk. rf'. 2 imm. sk. 2 imm. sk. «"*> ^'- cJ 2 imm. sk. P, m^. Juv. sk. >i\ 2 ad- sk. Fao, Persian Gulf, Aug., Sept. Cabul, Oct. 29, 1834 (Griffith'). Quetta, May 22 {Sir O. St. John). Meliur, Upper Sind, Jan. 18 (A. O. H.). Eastern Narra, Sind [S. Doig). Cutch, Nov. 6. Sambhur Lake, Rajpootana, April {R. 31. Adam). Cashmere {Dr. Belleio). Cashmere. Woolar Lake, Cashmere (Dr. F. Stoliczka ; Forsyth Exp.). Woolar Lake, Cashmere (Col. E. Delme lladcliffe). Dul Lake, Cashmere, June. Gilgit, April 22. Gilgit, Sept. 11. [Little?] "Tibet." Kumaon. Naini Tal. Gurgaon, Feb. (A. O. H.). Myupuri, Futtehgurh, Aug. 31 {A. Aiiderson). Mynpuri, Futtehgurh, July (A. Andejson). Mynpuri, Futtehgurh, 35 days old, Oct. (A. Anderson). Mynpuri, Futtehgurh, Sept. 20 {A. Anderson). Mynpuri, Futtehgm-h, Aug. 31 (A. Anderson). Cawnpore. W. D. Cumming Esq. [P.]. India Museum. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume CoU. India IMuseum. Capt. Piuwill [P.]. India Museum [P.]. H. Saunders Coll. Hume Coll. Col. Biddulph [P.]. Col. Biddulph [P.J. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. II. Saimders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Etawah, Aug. 22. India Museum [P.]. (Type of Sterna similis, G. & H.) Hume Coll. Allahabad, June 8 (J. Cock- Hume CoU. burn). Oudh, Jan. Hume CoU. Chunar, Nov. ( JV. E. Brooks). Hume Coll. Dinapore (S. P.). S. PinwUl CoU. Dinapore (r. ^.5. Tweeddale Coll. Meyer). 0*. Ad. sk. Manila, Luzon (31. Heriot). Tweeddale Coll. p'*. 2 ad. sk. Manila, Luzon. H.M.S. 'Challenger' Exped. q\ Imm. sk. Cochin China. St. Rene [P.]. r^. Ad. sk. Kiu-kiang, China, Aug. 4 (-F. H. Saunders Coll. Styan). s\ 2 juv. sk. Foochow, China, Oct. 24 (F. H. Saunders Coll. Sty an), t^, M*. (? 2 ad. Formosa, Aug., Sept. (R. Swin- Seebohm Coll. sk. hoe), v^. Ad. sk. Australia. Sir D. Cooper [P.]. w*. Imm. sk. AustraUa. Gould Coll. .I-*, ?/^ Ad.sk. Somerset, Cape York {Cock- Sal vin-Godmau Coll. erell). s*, «'. Ad. sk. Somerset, Cape York (Coch- Tweeddale Coll. erell). b'. Ad. sk. Queensland. Gould Coll. e=.Ad.; t^s.lmm. Queensland {Gould). H. Saunders Coll. sk. e' . Ad. sk. Lake Elphinstone (Gould). H. Saunders Coll. f'\ Ad. sk. Bourke, River Darling, New Gould Coll. South Wales (Dr. Peechey). ff". Ad. sk. New South AVales. Australian Mus. [P.]. A'. Juv. St. Barbados. Sir R. Schomburgk [P.]. i". Skeleton, 2- (Warwick Coll.). Purchased. A;% Z=. Skeletons, Manila. H.M.S. ' Challenger ' juv. Exped. J)^^ Sternum, c? • Algeria. 1. HYDHOCnELIDON. 17 3. Hydrochelidon nigra. The Black Tern. The Lesser Sea Swallow, Albin, Nat. Hist. B. ii. pp. 82-8-3, ad. «fe imm., pis. 89 & 90 (1740). Ralliis lariformis, Linn. Syst. Nat. 10th ed. i. p. 153 (1758). L'Hirondelle de mer uoire ou I'Epouvantail, Brissoii, Oni. vi. p. 211, pi. XX. fifT. (1760). ^ L'llirondelle de mer a teste noire, ou le Gachet, id. torn. cit. p. 214. Sterna nigra, Linn. Sijst. Nat. 10th ed. i. p. 1-37 (1758) ; id. Fauna Sitec. p. 56, no. 159 (1761 ; reedy islands near Upsala) ; Briinn. Orn. Bor. p. 46 (1764) ; Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 227 (1766) ; P. L. S. MiiUei; S. N., Anhany, p. 3-53, pi. xiii. fig. 3 (1773) ; Gm. S. N. i. p. 608 (1788) ; Lath. hid. Orn. ii. p. 810 (1790) ; Bechst. Nature/. Deutschl. ii. p. 830 (1791) ; Retzius, Faun. Suec. p. 164 (1800); Meyer .S,- Wolf, Taschenb. ii. p. 461 (1810) j Temm. Man. (TOrn. p. 484 (1815); Meisnei- ^- Schinz, Voy. Schveiz, p. 262 (1815); Koch, Syst. buier. Zool. p. 367 (1816); Leacfi, Si/st. Cat. B. Brit. Mus. p. 41 (1816) ; Nilss. Orn. Suec. p. 160 (1817) ; Temm. Man. dOrn. ed. 2, p. 749 (1820) ; Brehm, Beitr. Vogelk. iii. p. 708 (1822) ; id. Lehrb. p. 695 (1824) ; Licht. Verz. Doubl. p. S2 (1823 : S. France) ; Werner, Atlas, Palmipedes, pi. 13 (1828) ; Vieill. Fauna Franq. p. 400 (1828) ; Fleminy, Brit. An. p. 143 (1828) ; Lesson, Traite, p. 622 (1831) ; Savi, Orn. Tosc. iii. p. 79 (1831) ; Menetr. Cat. Pais. Cauc. p. 55 (1832) ; Selby, Brit. B. ii. p. 477, pi. xci. (18.33) ; Jenyns, Man. Brit. Verteb. p. 268 (1835) ; Ei/ton, Cat. Brit. B. p. 55 (1836) ; Goidd, B. Eur. V. pi. 422 (1837) ; Dickson .y Ross, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 135 (Erzeroum) ; Naum. Toy. Deutschl. x. p. 189, pi. 256 (1840) ; Schinz, Euro}). F. p. 375 (1840) : Crespon, Orn. Gard, p. 478 (1840); Keys. &,■ Bias. Wirb. Eur. pp. xcviii & 248 (1840)^ Nordm. in Demid. Voy. Russ. Merid. iii. p. 279 (1840) ; Selys- Longch. F. Belg. p. 151 (1842) ; Macyill. Man. Brit. Orn. ii. p. 233 (1842); Bouteille, Orn. Dauphine, ii. p. 2-37 (1843); Mdhle, Orn. Griechenl. p. 147 (1844) ; Crespon, Faun. Merid. ii. p. 120 (1844) ; Schley. Rev. Crit. p. cxxx (1844) ; Hewits. Eggs Brit. B. ii. p. 4-3.5, pi. 122 (1846); Reichenb. Natat. tab. xx. figs. 807-810 (1850) ; Tho77ips. B. Irel. iii. p. 304 (1851) ; Ejarb. Damn. Fugle, p. -3-32, tab. 40 b., Suppl. tab. 21 (1852) ; '&M. Voy. Nederl. p. 015, pi. 362 (1854) ; Heugl. Syst. Uebers. p. 71 (1856 : Red Sea in winter) ; Meyer, Br. B. vii. p. 99, pi. 295 (1857) ; Erhard, F. Cycladen, pp. 45 & 62 (1858) ; Linderm. Vog. Griechenl. p. 181 (1860) ; Poivys, Lhis, 1862, p. 356 (Corfu) ; Sundev. Sv. Fogl. pi. 48. figs. 6, 7 (1863?) ; Boryyr. Vogelf. Norddeutschl. p. 145 (1869) ; Heugl. in Petenn. Mitth. p. 408 (1869) ; Pahnen, Fiidands Foglar, p. 579 (1873) ; Durnford, Ibis, 1874, p. 400 (Frisian Is., breeding) ; Seebohtn, Ibis, 1882, p. 231 (Volga delta & Kirghiz steppes) ; id. Brit. B. iii. p. 254 (1885) ; Stevenson Sr Southtc. B. Norfolk, iii. p. 312 (1890) ; Giitke, Voqehv. Helgoland, p. 588 (1891) ; Jiickel Sf Bias. Vbg. Bayerns, p. 37'9 (1891). Sterna nsevia, Liyin. Syst. Nat. i. p. 228 (1766) (jr.) ; Bechst. Naturg. Deutschl. ii. p. 831 (1791) ; Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat. i. p. 337 (1811 : Volga & Caspian). The Black Tern, Pennant, Br. Zool. p. 145, pi. L* 1 (1766) ; id. ibid, ed. 2, V. 430 (1788) ; Lath. Gen. Syti. iii. pt. 2, p. 366 (178) ; id. Gen. ^Syn. Suppl. i. p. 267 (1787) ; Yarrell, Brit. B. iu. p. 413 (1843). Larus merulinus, Scop. Ann. I. Hist. Nat. p. 81 (1769). VOL. XXV. c 18 PLarus columbinus, Scop. Ann. I. Hist. Nat. p. 83 (1769). La Guifette, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. 339 (1781) ; Daubent. PI. Enl. ix. pi. 333 (1781). La Guifette noire ou Epouvantail, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. 341 (1781). L'Epouvantail, Daubent. PI. Enl. ix. pi. 924 (1781). The Black Tern, var. A, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 367 (1785). Sterna nubilosa, Sparrm, Mus, Cark. fasc. iii. no. 63, juv. (1786 : Finland). Sterna boysii, y, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii.p. 806 (1790). Sterna fissipes. Lath, (nee Linn.) Ind. Orn. ii. p. 810 (1790); Bechst. Naturg. Deutschl. ii. p. 838 (1791) ; lUiger. Prodr. p. 272 (1811); Yarrell, Brit. B. ed. 2, iii. p. 523 (1845) ; Degl. Ois. Bur. ii. p. 349 (1849) ; Brandt in Lehman7i's R. n. Buchara, p. 3.30 (1852: N.E. Caspian); Schlegel, Mus. P.-B., Sternfe, p. 29 (1863); Wright, Ibis. 1864, p. 153 (Malta) ; R. Gray, B. W. Scotl. p. 472 (1871) ; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 614 ((^amaroons) ; Harting, Handb. Br. B. p. 76 (1872) ; Blanf. East. Pers. ii. p. 294 (1876) ; Alteon, Ornis, 1886, p. 425 (Dobrudscha) ; Madardsz, Ausst. XJngar. Vogelf. p. 121 (1891). Hydrochelidon nigra, Boie, Isis, 1822, p. 563 ; Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. pp. 109 & 196 (1829) ; Brehm, Vbg. Deutschl. p. 793 (1831) ; Boie, Isis, 1844, pp. 179 & 184; Riipp.Sijst. Uebers. p. 139 (1845: Arabian side of Eed Sea) ; Strickl. P. Z. S. 1850, p. 221 (Kor- dofan) ; Reichenb. Syst. Nat. Vog. tab. iv. (1850) ; id. Av. Syst. Nat, Longip. p. v (1852) ; Macgill. Br. B. v. p. 658 (1852) ; Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 295 ; id. Vogelf. p. 350 (1855) ; Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 256 (1857) ; Tristr. Ibis, 1860, p. 82 (Western Sahara only) ; Holtz, J.f. O. 1868, p. 126 (I. of^Gottland, breeds); Gould, B. Gt. Br. V. pi. 75 (1873) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 642 (revision) ; Sharpe 8f Bouvier, Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1876, p. 314 (Banana, Congo) ; Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 327, pi. 592 (1876) ; Saunders, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1877, p. 201 (S. Spain) ; Giglioli, Iconogr. Avif. Ital. fasc. vii. pi. 392 (1880) ; Bocage, Orn. Angola, p. 513 (1881 : Loango) ; Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 622 (1882) ; Hume, Rough Notes, vol. iii. (1883) ; Tristr. Faun. Sf Flor. Palest, p. 136 (1884 : Syrian Coast) ; Saunders, 4th ed. Yarr. Br. B. iii. p. 516 (1884) ; Biichner, Beitr. Russ. Reiches, (2) ii. p. 128 (188.5-6 : St. Petersburg) ; Radde, Orn. Cauc. p. 487 (1884) ; Homeyer, Ornis, 1885, p. 81 ; Lutke, Ornis, 1885, p. 46 (Denmark, breeds) ; Torre ^ Tschusi, Ornis, 1885, p. 565 (Hungary, breeds) ; Albarda, Ornis, 1885, p. 631 (Holland, breeds); Winge, Ornis, 1886, p. 592 (Denmark) ; Olphe-Gall. Faun. Orn. Exir. Occid. fasc. xi. p. 49 (1886) ; Giglioli, Avif. Ital. p. 420 (1886) ; Salmd. Ucc. Ital. p. 280 (1887) ; Booth, Rough Notes, iii. (1887) ; Feilden, Zool. 1887, p. 73 (Faeroes) ; Hartert, MT. Orn. Ver. Wien, 1887 (East Prussia) ; Tail, Ibis, 1887, p. 394 (Portugal) ; Pleske, Mem. Acad. St. Peter sb. (7) xxxvi. 3, p. 57 (1888 : Western Tur- kestan) ; Taczan. Ornis, 1888,p. 606 (Poland) ; Guillemard, Ibis, 1889, p. 219, and Lilford, torn. cit. p. 348 (Cyprus) ; Reichenoto, Syst. Verz. Vog. Deutschl. p. 60 (1889) ; Sousa, J. Sc. Lisboa, (2) no. 2 (1889), p. 1 (Angola, first time so far south); Riesenth. Wasservog. Mittel-europ. p. 146 (1889) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. p. 8 (1889) ; Saunders, Man. Br. B. p. 617 (1889) ; Giglioli, i. Resoc. Avif. Ital. p. 636 (1889) ; id. ii. Resoc. p. 653 (1890) ; id. iii. Resoc. p. 512 (1891) ; Keller, Orn. Carinth. p. .308 (1890) ; Heine Sf Reichen. Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 356 (1890) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1891, p. 187 (Lake L6man) ; Payton, Ibis, 1891, p. 465 (Mogador) ; 1. HYDBOCHELIDON. '19 jRendall, Ihis, 1892, p. 230 (Gambia) ; Biittihofer, C. R. ii. Cong Oni. Intern, ii. p. 175 (1892 : Liberia) ; Fatio ^ Studer, Cat. distrib. Ois. Suisse, pp. 04-65 (1892) ; Lilford, Col. Fig. Brit. B. pt. xxviii. (1894) ; Collett, Norges Fugle/., Nyt Mag. f. Naturv. Bd. XXXV. p. 318 (1804). Viralva nigra, Steph. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 167 (1826). Ilydrochelidon obscura, Brehm, Vdg. Deutschl. p. 795 (1831). Hydrocbelidon nigricans, Brehm, Vog. Deutschl. p. 795 (1831). Plydrochelidon nigrum, Bjy.Comp. List B. Eur. ^- N. Am.^. 61 (1838). Ilydrochelidon fissipes, Bp. Cat. Ucc. Eur. p. 77 (1842) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 060 (1846) ; Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 98 (1854) ; Bp. C. B. xlii. p. 773 (1856);' J«m6. et B.-Lapomm. Rich. Orn. Fr. p. 399 (1859) ; Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 3G5 (Lake Djendeli) ; Grag, Cat. Brit. B. p. 243 (1863) ; Salvad. Ucc. Sard. p. 123 (1864) ; Antinori, Cat. Descr. Ucc. p. 115 (1864 : Lower Egypt) ; Filippi, Viagg. Pers. p. 352 (1865 : Enzeli) ; Blasius, J. f. 0. 1866, p. 82 ; DegL Sr Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 465 (1867) ; Loche, Expl. Sc. Alger., Ois. ii. p. 205 (1867) ; Doderl. Avif. Mod. e Sicil. p. 243 <1869) ; Drake, Ibis, 1869, p. 154 (Marocco) ; Droste, Vogelw. Borkum, p. 335 (1869) ; Fritsch, Vog. Eur. p. 462, tab. 54. fig. 6 (1870) ; Sharpe, Ibis, 1870, p. 488 (Fantee) ; Finsch, Tr. Z. S. Vi\. p. 305 (1870 : Zoulla) ; Salvad. Faun. Ital, Ucc. p. 284 (1871) ; Saund. Ibis, 1871, p. 399 (Spain) ; Shelley, B. Egypt, p. 300 (1872) ; A. B. Brooke, Ibis, 1873, p. 346 (Sardinia) ; 'Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. Bd. ii. pt. 2, p. 1445 (1873) ; Antin. ^ Salvad. Viagg. Bogos, p. 154 (1873 : Anseba, 4000 ft.) ; Irby, Orn. Str. Gtbr. p. 212 (1875); Menzbier, Bull. Mosc. Iviii. p. 136 (1883: Volga to Oka, breeds) ; Frivaldsky, Av. Hung. p. 180 (1891). Hydrocbelidon pallida, Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 295 ; id. Vogelf. p. 350 (1855). Hydrocbelidon obscura, Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 295; id. Vogelf. p. 350 (1855). Sterna minuta, Feilden, Zool, 1886, p. 487 (error ; corrected, id. op. cit. 1887, p. 73 : Faeroes). Adult male in nuptial plumage. Head and neck black ; mantle, tail and wings slate-grey, inclining to white on the edge of the carpal joint ; shafts of primaries dull white, and the webs on each side dark slate-grey, except when new and frosted ; breast and abdomen dark lead-colour; vent and under tail-coverts white; under wing-coverts and axillaries pale grey : bill black ; feet reddish brown, smaller and with less indented webs than in the two preceding species. Total length 9-6 inches, culmen 1*25, wing 8-5, tail 4, tarsus 0-65, middle toe with claw 0-85. Female. Similar .to the male, with slightly paler tints. Adult in ivinter. After the moult, which commences in the latter part of July, the forehead is white, the crown and nape are mottled with dull black, the mantle and tail are paler, the under- parts white, and the axiUaries the palest grey ; feet brown. Young. Similar to the above, but the crown and nape browner ; the mantle considerably, and tho tail slightly, mottled with brown ; a pink tinge sometimes on the underparts ; feet clay-brown. Nestling. Fawn-colour, broadly marked with black on the upper parts ; beneath pale clove-brown, darker on the throat. c2 ao Hah. Europe, breeding south of about 60° N. lat. ; once in tha Faeroes ; Africa in winter, to Loango on the west and Ab3fssinia on the east ; not traceable in Asia beyond Western Turkestan. a. of Guatemala. Sandy shores of sea-coasts or inland lakes. The eggs, deposited on the bare sand, dried mud, or sea-drift, are inter- mediate in character between those of the Terns and the Gulls. a. Imm. sk. Sussex {Montagu). Col. Montagu [P.]. . , , ^ r,^ ■ y , rx (Type of Stenitt anglica.) b. Ad. St. Chnstchurch, Hants, May 14, Baron A. von Hiio-el 1872. [P.j. " c. Ad. sk. Europe {Lichtenstein). Rioeour Coll. rf.Ad.sk. South Spain. Lord Lilford rP.l e. $ ad. sk. Andalucia, AprU 29 {H. S.). H. Saunders CoU /• ^d. St. Athens. C. L.W. Merlin, Esq. [P.]. g. Juv. sk. Crimea (figured in Gould's H. Saunders Coll. 'Birds of Eui'ope'). h. Juv. sk. Crimea, Sept. (Th. Schmidt). Gould Coll i. 6 ad. sk. Volga, May {H. T. Moschler). Hume Coll. k. 6 ad. sk. S. Russia, April. H. Saunders Coll. I. Ad. sk. Zana, Algeria (0. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll, m. Ad. sk. Tunis. L. Eraser [C.]. 30 n. Ad. St. o,p. $ ad. sk. q. Ad. sk. r, s. 5 ■^ix ad. sk. f. Inim. sk. u. Ad. sk. f, tc. (5 $ ad. sk. .r. Ad. sk. s, a'. $ ad. sk. b'. Ad. sk. e'. 2 ad. ; <^'. 2 imm. sk. e'. (5 ad. sk. f'.(S ad. sk. g'. Ad. sk. A', c? ad. ; i. ? juv. sk. k', I', d imm. sk. m', n'. Imm. sk. o'. Imm. sk. ;»', y'. Ad. et juv. r', /. Ad. et $ imm. sk. i'. Imm. sk. u'. Imm. sk. ?/, w',x'. Ad. sk. ?/'. 2 ad. sk. z'. S ad. sk. a". 2 ad. sk. b". Imm. sk. c". 2 imm. sk. d". Imm. sk. e"' 2 imm. sk. /". (^ imm. sk. ff". 2 imm. ; h", i" cT 2 ad. ; k". 2 imm. ; I". 2 ad. sk. Egypt. FaTOom, Feb. {G. E. S.). Dakietta, March 29 (G. E. S.). Fao, Persian Gulf, Aug. 27. " India." Jellalabad, Nov. (Griffiths). Karachi, Sind, Feb. (E. A. Butler ^ A. O. Hume). Belachery, Cutch, Oct. 24. Sambhur, Dec.-Feb. (E. M. Adani). Sambhur, March 6 [R. M. Adam). Sambhur, May 10 {R. M. Adam). Sambhur (A. O. Hume). Gurgaon, Jan. Woolar Lake, Cashmere, breeding (Col. Delme- Raddife). Gilgit, 6000 ft., Aug. Futtehgiu-h, March {A. An- derson). Etawah, Oct.-Nov. Oudh, Dec. ( W.E. Brooks). N.W. India {S. P.). Dinapur, Feb. Deccan {Col. Sj/kes). Darjeeling (Pearson). Bombay Harbour, Feb. 1 (A. b. H.). Hambantota, S.E. Ceylon, Aug. (^. V.L.). Hambantota, S.E. Ceylon, Aug. ( W. r. L.). Eomidi, S.E. Ceylon, March {W. V.L.). Aripo, N.W. Ceylon, Aug. {E. W. H. Holdsworth). Andaman Is., Nov. {Capt. Wimberley). Lower Pegu. Elephant Point, near Rangoon, Dec. (J. Armstrong). Sittang Eiver, Feb. ( W. Davi- son). Thatone, Nov.-Jan. [W. D.). Sir John Bowring [P.]. Shelley Coll. Shelley CoU. W. i). Gumming) Esq. [P.]. Dr. T. C. Jerdon [P.]. India Museum. Hume Coll. Col. Hayes-Lloyd [P.]. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Col. Biddulph [P.]. Seebohm CoU. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. PinwiU Coll. Hume Coll. India Museum. India Museum. Himie Coll. Col. W. V. Legge [P.]. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Hume Coll. E. W. Gates Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. '3. GELOCHELIDON. 31 ot' . c? ad. sk. n", 5 ad. sk. o". 5 ad. sk. p". 2 imm. sk. q". 5 imm. sk. r" c? imm. sk. ,s". Imm. sk. t". Imm. sk. «<". Imm. sk. v". Imm. sk. w". Ad. sk. .t". Ad. sk. v". Ad. st. ~". Ad. St. a^. Ad. sk. b\ Ad. sk. c^. Pull. sk. (P. Pull. sk. e\ 2 juv. ; /^ Juv. ; ff^. d ad. sk. h^, P. Ad. ; A^ 2 juv. sk. /3-r'. cJ ad. ; s'- z;'. 2 ad. sk. ?<;'. d'ad. ; :i'%.v^. $ad. ; z\dK (J imm. sk. 6*,c*. Vix.ad.sk. d\ 2 juv. sk. e^,/*. Juv. sk. f/^. Ad. sk. "i^^ Ad. sk. i\ k\ Ad. sk. I*, m*. Ad. sk. n\ Ad. St. Khyketo, Feb. ( W. Davison), Sal ween River, Feb. ( W. D.). Eastern Grove, Burma, Jan. {J. Armstrong). Wippitan, Dec. {J. Darling). Amherst, Feb. ( W. Davi- son). Mergui Is., Tenasserim, Nov. {W.D.). Kaora, Pakchan, Nov. Baram, Borneo, Sept. (A. H. E.). Labuan, Borneo, Sept. (A. H. E.). Java. Australia. N. Australia, Feb. 1856. Port Albany, N. Australia. Moreton Bay, near Brisbane. New South Wales. Hog I., Virginia {Hitz i^ Stini2]son). Bone I., Virginia, July (Hen- ska w Coll.). Cobb's I., Virginia, July {Hen- shaw Coll.). Cobb's I., Virginia, July (Hen- shaic Coll.). Cobb's I., Virginia, Aug. & Sept. {Henshaw Coll.). Corpus Christi, Texas, May, (E. B. Armstrong). Corpus Christi, Nov. (F. B. A.). Chiapam, S.W. Guatemala (Pacific coast), Jan. (O. S.). Barbados, Oct. {S. W. F.). Grenada, West Indies, Sept. 2 {D. W. Smith). Demerara. Bahia, Brazil, winter. Sta. Catharina, S. Brazil (Bogers). Sta. Catharina, S. Brazil (Bogers). Bahia Blanca, S. Argentina, Jan. 1837. Hume Coll. llume CoU. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. A. H. Everett Coll. A. H. Everett Coll. Gould CoU. H. Saunders Coll. J. R. Elsey, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Australian Mus. [P.]. H. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godmau Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Col. H. W. Feilden [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould CoU. J. W. Baker, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Saunders CoU. C. Darwin, Esq. [P.]. 32 LAEID^. ■ 4. HYDROPROGNE. ^ Type. Thalasseus, pt., Bote, Isis, 18-22, p. 563. Hydroprogue, Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. p. 91 (1829) H. caspia *. Sylochelidon, Brehm, Vog. Deutschl. p. 770 (1831) H. caspia. Helopus, Wagl. Isis, 1832, p. 1224 H. caspia. Range. Almost cosmopolitan ; the exceptions being Tropical and South America and the Islands of the Pacific. 1. Hydroprogne caspia. The Caspian Tern. Sterna caspia, Pall. Nov. Co7nm. Petrop. xiv. i. p. 582, tab. xxii. fig. 2 (1770) ; id. Zoogr. Rosso-As. p. 332 (1811) ; (?m. 8. N. i. p. 603, and var. /3, p. 604 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 803, and var. b, p. 804 (1790) ; Bechst. Naturg. Deutschl. ii. p. 825 (1791) ; Retz. Faun. Suec. p. 164 (1800); Te^mn. Man. d'Orn. p. 476 (1815) ; Nilss. Orn. Suec. p. 155 (1817) ; Temm. Mati. d'Orn. ed. 2, p. 733 (1820) ; Brehm, Beitr. Vogelk. iii. p. 630 (1822) ; id. Lehrb. Eur. Vog. p. 680 (1824) ; Steph. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 146 (1825) ; T]'erner, Atlas, Palmipedes, pi. 2 (1828) ; Audouin, Hist. Nat. Egypte., pi. 9. fig. 1 ; id. in Evpl. Sonnini, 2nd ed. p. 416 (1828) ; Lesson, Traite, p. 622 (1831) ; Savi, Orn. Tosc. iii. p. 96 (1831) ; Menetr. Cat. Pais. Cauc. p. 55 (1832) ; Selhy, Brit. B. ii. p. 463 (1833) ; Jenyns, Man. Brit. Vertehr. p. 264 (1835) ; Eyt.on, Cat. Brit. B. p. 54 (1836) ; Gould, B. Eur. V. pi. 414 (1837) ; Crespon, Orn. Gard, p. 471 (1840) ; Naum. Vog. Deutschl. x. p. 18, pi. 248 (1840) ; Te7mn. Man. d'Orn. 4"= pte. p. 454 (1840) ; Schinz, Eur. Faun. i. p. 370 (1840); Keys. ^ Bias. Wirb. Eur. pp. xcvii & 115 (1840) ; Nordm. in Demid. Voy. Russ. Merid. iii. p. 277 (1840); Macgill. Man. Brit. B. pt. ii. p. 2.30 (1842) ; Sebjs-Longch. Faun. Belg. p. 149 (1842) ; Schl. Rev. Crit. p. exxviii (1844) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. p. 175 (1844) ; Yarr. Brit. B. ed. 2, iii. p. 493 (1845) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 658 (1846) ; Heivits. Egqs Brit. B. ii. p. 421, pi. 97 (1846) ; Reichenb. Natat. tab. xviii. %s. 258-260 (1848); Degl. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 337 (1849) ; Brandt in Lehtnann's Reise n. Buchara, p. 330 (1852: Caspian); Kjcsrb. Danink. Fucjle, p. 326, tab. 40 a. (1852), Su2}pl. tab. 20. figs. 1, 2 (1854) ; Schl. Voq. Nedei-l. p. 612, pi. 360 (1854) ; Hetigl. Syst. Uebers. p. 70 (1856 : Egypt and Nubia) ; Meyer, Brit. B. vii. p. 71, pi. 289 (1857) ; Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 253 (1857 : Gambia) ; Baird, Cass. Sf Laivr. B. N. Amer. p. 859 (1858) ; Baird, Cat. N. Amer. B. no. 682 (1858) ; Erhard, Faun. Cykladen, p. 45 & p. 62 (1858) ; Heugl. Ibis, 1859, p. 350 (Red Sea) ; Cass. Pr. Philad. Ac. 1859, p. 175 (Camma Kiver, W. Africa) ; Linderm. Vog. Griechenl. p. 81 (1860) ; Heugl, in Peterm. Mitth. 1861, p. 29 (Red Sea, resident) ; Sioinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 68 (Amoy), op. cit. 1861, p. 345 (Pekin), oj). cit. 1863, p. 430 (Formosa) ; Sundev. Sv. Fogl. pi. 48, fig. 1 (1863 ?) ; * It is true that Kaup also included Stcriia aranca in this genus, being probably unacquainted with the species to which that name aijphed ; but he insisted upon the strong red bill as the main generic distinction. 4. HTDKOPKOGNE, 33 Hartl. Fmm. Madag. p. 85 (1861 : Madagascar) ; Schl. Bier. Nederl. Vugels, p. 241 (1861) ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 238 (1863) ; Radde, Beis. Sihir., Vo;/. p. 388 (1863) ; Salvad. Ucc. Sard. p. 120 (1865) ; Taylor, Ibis, 18(j7, p. 72 (Damietta) ; Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 269 (1867) ; Degl. S,- Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 448 (1867) ; Schl. §• Poll. Faune Maday., Ois. p. 147 (1868) ; JIoKz, J. f. O. 1868, p. 125 (Gottland, breeds) ; Vhap^nan, Trav. S. Afr. ii. p. 424 (1868 : Walvisch Bay) ; Boryqr. Vor/elf. Norddeutschl. p. 149 (1869) ; Doderl. Avif. Sicil. p. 240 (1869) ; Fitisch ^- Hart I. Vog. Oxt-Afr. p. 826 (1870); Stoinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 366 (Hainan); Finsch, J. f. O. 1870, p. 364, op. cit. 1872, p. 253, op. cit. 1874, p. 205 (New Zealand) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 398 (S. Spain) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 120 (1871) ; Hutton, Cat. N. Zeal. B. p. 42 (1871); Gurney in Anderss. B. Bam. Ld.^. 359 (1872); Hartiny, Ilandb. Br. B. p. 167 (1872) ; Corns, Key N. Amer. B. p. 319 (1872) ; Shelley, B. Egypt, p. 296 (1872) ; Heuyl. Orn. N.O.- Afr. Ed. ii. pt. 2, p. 1434 (1873) : Bidler, B. N. Zeal. p. 279 (1873) ; Palmen, Finlands Fogl. p. 564 (1873) ; Hume, Str. F. i. p. 280 (1873: Sind) ; Serertz. Turkest. Jevotn. p. 296 (18^3), and Bresser's trails.. Ibis, 1876, p. 415 (breeds up to 3000 ft.) ; Bidf/icay, Ajvi. Lye. N. Y. x. p. 391 (1874 : Illinois) ; Buriif. Ibis, 1874, p. 401 (Sylt) ; Oates, Str. F. iii. p. 347 (1875) ; Irby, Orn. Str. Gibr. p. 208 (1875) ; Sharpe, Voy. Ereh. ^- Terr., Birds, A-p^. p. 32 (1875) ; Saund. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 656 (revision) ; Prjevalsky, Tian Shan to Lob-Nor, E. B. Morgan's traml. p. 122 (1876 : Lob-Nor) ; Hartl. Vog. Madag. p. 382 (1877) ; Bresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 289, pi. 684 (1877) ; Sennett, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. iv. p. 65 (1878: Galveston) ; Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. K S. W. ii. p. 201 (1878) ; Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 115 (1879 : List Ind. B.) ; Legye, B. Ceylon, p. 1008 (1880) ; Parker, Sir. F. ix. p. 487 (1880 : Manaar, Ceylon, breeds); Ridqiu. Btdl. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 52 (1881) ; Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 624 (1882) ; Nelson, Cruise ' Cortvin,' p. 109 (1882 : not N. of St. Michael's, Alaska) ; Coiies, Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 123 (1882) ; Milne-Edwards ^ Grandid. H. N. Madag., Ois. p. 650 (1882) ; Seebohm, Ibis, 1882, p. 230 (Seal Is., N. Caspian, breeds) ; Oates, B. Brit. Burm. ii. p. 427 (1883) ; B. O. U. List Brit. B. p. 182 (1883) ; Shelley, Ibis, 1883, p. 562 (Bonny) ; Seebohm, Ibis, 1884, p. 270 (Kiukiang) ; Sharpe, ed. Bayard's B. S. Afr. p. 703 (1884) ; Tristr. Faun. <^- Flor. Palest, p. 135 (1884) ; Saunders, 4th ed. Yarr. Br. B. iii. p. 536 (1884) ; Baird, Brew. ^- Ridgxv. Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 280 (1884) ; Sharpe, Rep. Voy. 'Alert; p. 28 (1884) ; Seeb. Brit. B. iii. p. 268 (1885) ; Homeyer, Ornis, 1885, p. 81 ; Lutke, t. c. p. 146 ; Torre S,- Tsch. t. c. p. 563 (Dalmatia) ; Turner, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. viii. p. 252 (1885: Moose Factory, Hudson Bay) ; Buchjier, Beitr. Russ. Reiches, (2) ii. p. 128 (1885 : St. Petersburg) ; Alteon, Ornis, 1886, p. 424 (Dobrudsha, breeds) ; Hartert, MT. orn. Ver. Wien, 1887, p. 180, and Ibis, 1892, p. 520 (East Prussia) ; Gurney, Zool. 1887, p. 457 (England) ; Pleske, Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. (7) xxxvi. p. 57 (1888 : Turkestan) ; Taczan. Ornis, 1888, p. 505 (Warsaw) ; Riesenth. Wasservog. Mitteleurop. p. 141 (1889) ; Lilford, Ibis, 1889, p. 347 (Cyprus) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 8 (1889); Saund. Man. Br. B. p. 625 (1889) ; Zaroud. Bull. Soc. Mosc. 1889, p. 841 ; Reichenow, Syst. Verz. Vlig. Beutschl. p. 62 (1889) ; Oates, 2nd ed. Humes Nests S)- Eggs Ind. B. iii. p. 295 (1890 : Ceylon); Sharpe, Ibis, 1891, p. 115 (Fao) : Giitke, Vogelwarte Helgol. p. 580 (1891); Styan, Ibis, 1891, p. 509 (Kiukiang) : Frivaldsky, Ar. Hum/ar. p. 179 (1891); Madardsz, Ausst. Ung. Vogelf. p. 121 (ltt91) ; Rendall, Ibis, 1892, p. 230 (Gambia, resident) ;. VOL, XXV. D M Walker, Ibis, 1892, p. 258 (Adele Id., N.W. Australia) ; Hartl. Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen, xii. Heft 2 (1892) p. 334 (Hainan) ; Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xi. p. V (1893 : Suakin) ; Lilford, Col. Fif/s. Brit. B. pt. xxviii. (1894) ; Eeichenow, Vog.Deutsch. O.-A/r.-p. 20 (1894). Sterna tschegi-ava, Le^jechin, Nov. Comm. Petrop. xiv. i. p. 500, tab. xiii. fig. 2 (1770) ; Bidgiv. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 39 (1887) ; Nelson, Hep. Alaska, p. 68 (1887: Yukon); Beckham, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mtis. X. p. 644 (1888 : Texas) ; Rhoads, Pr. Acad. Philad. 1892, p. 101 (Texas) ; White, Auk, 1893, p. 222 (Lake Michigan). Larus atricilla, S. G. Gm. Nov. Comm. Petrop. xv. p. 478, pi. xxii. fig. 2 (1771 : Tscberkask). Caspian Tern, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 350, and var. A, p. 351 (1785) ; Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 385 (1843). Sterna caspica, Sparrm. Mus. Carls, ii. fasc. 3, no. 62 (1788) : Potcys, Ibis, 1860, p. 356 (Corfu & Epirus) ; Kirk, Ibis, 1864, p. 337 (Moutli of Zambesi, breeding) ; Keller, Orn. Carinthice, p. 306 (1890). Sterna megarbynchos, Wolfu. Meyer, Vog. Deutschl. ii. p. 33, and fig. (1805) ; Meyer u. Wolf, Tasch. deutsch. Vog. ii. p. 457, and fig. (1810). Thalasseus caspius, Boie, Isis, 1822, p. 563 ; Coues, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1862, p. 537 ; id. Pr. Essex Inst. v. p. 308 (1868) ; Laivr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. viii. p. 299 (1866) ; Elliot, Neiv 8) Unfg. B. N. Am. ii. pi. 56 (1869) ; Olphe-Gall. Contr. Faun. Orn. Etir. Occid. liv. x. p. 5 (1886) ; Salvad. Ucc. Ital. p. 274 (1887). Sterna scbiUingi, Brehm, Beitr. Vogelk. iii. p. 641, tab. iv. (1822) ; id. Lehrb. Eur. Vog. p. 681 (1824). Hydroprogne caspia, Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. p. 91 & p. 196 (1829 : type of genus) ; Fritsch, Viiq. Eur. p. 454, Taf. 54. fig. 11 (1870) ; GouU, B. G. Brit. V. pi. 68 (1873). Sylocbelidon caspia, Brehm, Vog. Deutschl. p. 770 (1831) ; Bp. Comp. List B. Eur. ^ N. Amer. p. 62 (1838) ; id. Cat. Ucc. Eur. p. 72 (1842) ; Gray, List Gen. p. 79 (1840), and p. 100 (1841) ; Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 186 ; Riijjp. Syst. Uebers. p. 139 (1845) ; J. E. Gray, List Osteal. Spec. B. M. p. 122 (1847) ; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 290 (1849) ; Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. V. p. 37 (1850 : New Jersey) ; Macgill. Brit. B. v. p. 626 (1852) ; Lickt. Nomencl. Av. p. 98(1854) ; Brehm, Vogelf. p. 345 (1855) ; id. Nanm. 1855, p. 295 ; Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 772 (1856) ; Jaicb. et B.-Lapomm. Rich. Orn. Fr. p. 401 (1869) ; Sivinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 328 (China); A. E. Brehm, Reis. Hahesch, p. 229 (1863) ; Adams, Ibis, 1864, p. 36 (Egypt) ; Je7-d. B. Ind. iii. p. 835 (1804) ; Antin. Cat. descr. Ucc. p. 115 (1864 : Lower Egypt) ; Philippi, Viagg. Pers. p. 352 (1865) ; Gould, Handb. B. Austr. ii. p. 392 (1865); Bias. J. f. 0. 1866, p. 82 (revision) ; Loche, Expl. Sc. Ah/er., Ois. ii. p. 196 (1867) ; Salvad. Faun. Ital., Ucc. p. 278 (1871); Stvinh. P. Z. S. 187], p. 421 (China) ; Holdsw. oj). cit. 1872, p. 480 (Ceylon) ; Taczan. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1876, p. 261 (E. Siberia) ; David ^- Oustal. Ois. Chine, p. 522 (1877) ; Masters, Pr. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 1877, p. 62 (Ton-es Str.) ; Ramsay, t. c. p. 386 (Carpentaria Gulf) ; Radde, Or7i. Cauc. p. 484 (1884) ; Tacz. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1885, p. 477 (Ussuria) ; Nikokky, Trud. St. Petersb. xvii. p. 402 (1886) ; Giqlioli, Avif. Ital. p. 411 (1886) ; id. 1st Resoc. Av. Ital. p. 627 (1889) ; North, Nests f Eggs Austr. B. p. 352, pi. xx. fig. 3 (1889) ; Radde ^- Walter, Ornis, 1889, p. 126 (Transcaspia) ; De la louche. Ibis, 1892, p. 602 (S. China). Sylochebdon baltbica, Brehm, Vog. Deutschl. p. 769 (1831) ; id, Vogelf. p. 345 (1855) ; id. Naum. 1866, p. 295. 4. HYDROPEOGNE. 36 Sylochelidon schillingi, Brehm, Viig. Deutachl. p, 770 (1831) ; id. Vonelf. p. 346 (1855) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 295. Helopus caspius, Wagl. Isis, 1832, p. 1224. Thalassites melanotis, Sw. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 253 (1837) *. Thalassites, n. sp. ?, no. 405, Jerdon, Madr. Journ. xii. p. 225 (1840). Sylochelidon melauotis, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 186 ; Bt). C. Ii. xlii. "p. 772(1856). Sylochelidon macrorhjniclia, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 186. Sylochelidon strenuus, Gould, P. Z. S. 1846, p. 21 (Bass Straits and Tasmania, breeds) ; id. B. Austr. vii. pi. 22 (1848) ; Reichetih. Vof/. Neuholl. ii. p. 9 & p. 346 (18o0). Sterna cayana, Richards. Journ. Boat-Voy. i. p. 87 & p. 155 (1851 : Great Slave Lake, breeds). Sylochelidon strenua, Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 772 (1856). Sterna melanotis, Hartl. Orn. West- Afr. p. 254 (1857) ; W. A. Forbes, Ibis, 1883, p. 500 (Bonny, large colony). Sylochelidon caspica, Reichenb. Si/st. Nat. tab. iv. (1850), and Loncjipennes, p. 5 (1852). Sterna major, Ellman, Zool. s. s. p. 7472 (1861 : New Zealand). Thalasseus iinperator, Coues, Fr. Fhilad. Acad. 1862, p. 538 (Labrador). Sterna caspia, var. imperator, Ridgxo. Ann. Lye. N, Y, x. p. 391 (1874). Sterna (Thalasseus) caspia, Coues, B. N.- West, p. 667 (1874) ; id. Key N. Anier. B. 2nd ed. p. 757 (1884). Thalas.seus caspicus, Rochebr. Faun. Seneg., Ois. p. 336 (1884). Adult male in breeding-plumage. Forehead, upper part of lores, crown, and nape glossy greenish black; mantle pale french-grey ; primaries the same -when new and frosted, but afterwards darker grey, turning to slate-colour on the margins of the inner webs; shafts white ; the usual paler " wedges" in the middle of the inner webs hardly perceptible ; tail greyish white to white ; entire under- parts pure white : bill vermilion-red, sometimes horn-coloured at tip ; tarsi and toes black. Total length averages 20 inches, culmen 3-3, wing 16-5, tail G, depth of fork 1-25, tarsus 1-65, middle toe with claw 1-7. There is considerable individual variation in dimensions, quite irrespective of locality. Female. Similar, but shghtly smaller, with a weaker and less brilliantly coloured bill. Adult in winter. Crown, nape, and lores streaked with white and black, the latter colour thickest about the eyes and ear-coverts ; bill orange-red, horn-coloured at the tip ; otherwise as in summer. Immature. Like the above, but orbital patch blacker; wing- coverts, secondaries, and tail-feathers with a good deal of brownish grey ; primaries ash-grey to dull brown towards the tips. Young. Similar, but feathers of the mantle and tail mottled and barred with brownish black. Nestling, one dag old. Above pale buff, inconspicuously mottled with dull brown, underparts dull white. Older nestlings show a greyer tint above. Hah. Europe from about 60° N. lat. southwards : Asia to China (not in Japan) ; Malayasia, Australia, New Zealand ; Africa ; * Type in Cambridge Museum examined. d2 36 North America, from a little beyond the Arctic Circle to Florida on the Atlantic, and to California on the Pacific. Eggs deposited on sandy shores of seas and lakes. a. Imm. st. h. Pull. sk. ; c. Pull. St. d. 1mm. sk. e. S ad. sk. f. Ad. sk. g. (5 ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. i. Ad. sk. li. $ ad. sk. /. S ad. ; m. $ imm. sk. 11, 0. S ad. sk. p. Ad. sk. q. cJ ad. sk. v-y. r. c? ad. ; s. c? imm. sk. t. 2 ad. sk. M. c? ad. cJ 5 vix ad. z. S, a'. 2 imm. sk. b'. 2 ad. sk. c', Juv. sk. d', 2 ad. sk. e. 2 imm. sk. f . Vix ad. sk. ff'. Ad. sk. h' . 2 imm. sk. i'. (S imm. sk. A;'. 2 "^'i^ ad. sk. ^'. Vix ad. sk. m'. Juv. sk. n. Imm. sk. o'. Ad. sir. ;?'. 2 ad. sk. q'. Ad. sk. r'. 2 ad. sk. s'. Ad. st. f '. 2 ad. sk. " British Channel.'' Sylt, Frisian Is. (one day old). Gambia, W. Africa. Bonny Eiver, W. Africa. Alexandria, Egypt, May {G. E. S.). Damietta, Egypt, May {G. E. S.). Suakin, Bed Sea. Fao, Persian Gulf. Sumianee Bav, Mekran Coast, Feb. {A. O. H.). Karachi, February. Karachi, March and Jidy {E. A. Butler). Karachi, Feb. ( W. B. Mnloch). Manchar Lake, Sind, Feb. ( W. T. BlanforcT). Manchar Lake, Jan.-Feb. {W. T. B.). Manchar Lake {A. O. H.). Mehur, N. Sind, Jan. (A.O. H.). Larkhana, Sind, Jan.(-i4. 0. H. ). Deesa, Gujerat. Futtebgm'h,April(^.-4?i(?«'sow). Khandeish, May. Khandeish. Mangalore, Kanara Coast. Trincomalee, Ceylon, Nov. {Col. W. V. Legge). Sittang River, June. Ypana, Aug. (? Severtzoff). Kiukiang, Yang-tse, Nov. 18, 188.3. Shanghai, China. Amoy, China, Feb. (R. Sivin- hoe). Amoy, March (B. S.). Formosa, March (B. S.). Australia. Channel Rock, ToiTes Straits, June. Claremont I., N. Australia. Oyster Rock, N.W. Austraha. Purchased ? Gould Coll. Gov. Rendall [P.]. W. A. Forbes Coll. SheUey Coll. Shelley CoU. Capt. R. H. Penton u . D. Gumming, Esq. [P.]. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume CoU. Seebohm CoU. Hume CoU. Tweeddale CoU. Plume Coll. H. Saunders Coll. E. W. Gates [C.]. Tweeddale CoU. F. W. Styan, Esq. [P.]. Gould CoU. H. Saunders CoU. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Sir E. Home [P.]. Voy. H.M.S. 'Alert.' Voy.H.M.S.' Rattle- snake.' Dr. Bassett Smith [P.]. 5. SEENA. 37 «', Ad. sk. v'. Ad. sk. w'. Pull. St. x'. Ad. st. y'. S ad. sk. 2'. S lumage. Forehead, upper half of lores, crown, and nape deep sooty black ; the nuchal feathers not prolonged into a crest; mantle pearl-grey ; tips of secondaries white ; primaries pale grey when new and frosted, blackish when worn, shafts white, webs on both sides grey, the " wedge " greyish white, inner margins dark grey ; rump white ; tail-feathers grey, except the streamers, which have white outer webs ; undcrparts pure white ; biU rather stout, orange-yellow, blackish for nearly its terminal half, the extreme tips yellowish ; tarsi and toes orange-red. Total length 14 to 15 inches, culmcn 1-7, wing 10-5, tail 7 to 8, depth of fork about 4-25, tarsus 1, middle toe with claw I'l. Female. Similar, perhaps a trifle smaller, with less prolonged streamers. Adult in winter. Similar, except that the head and neck are greyish white, with black streaks, which become confluent before and behind the eye ; tail-streamers less prolonged ; bill blackish ; feet yellowish hrown. Immature. Like the above, but with a varying amount of dark brown on the inner secondaries and rectrices. Young even browner, and tawny on the nape. Downy nestling. Warm dark buff, thickly marked with black ; underparts lighter, but decidedly darker than in most nestlings of allied Terns. Eah. Greater part of ]!^orth America, from the Fur Countries to Southern Texas (breeding) : Florida, Mexico, and Guatemala in winter ; once obtained at sea between 200-300 miles from Pernam- buco (Salv.-Godm. CoU.). Breeds in grassy marshes. a. 2 pull. sk. Cobb's Isl., 'V'irginia, July ( W. II. Saunders CoU. Brewster). b. PuU. sk. Eepaza Marsh, Va., July {R. H. Saunders CoU. Rid (J way). c. S ad. sk. Cobb'.s Isl., Va. {R. Ridgicay). H. Saunders CoU. d. c? ad. ; e. Cobb's Isl. Va., Aug. {H. W. Salvin-Godman Coll. Pull. ; /, y. Ilenshaw). 6,h. $ juv. sk. i, k. Ad. sk. Caper's Isl., S. Carolina, April, Salvin-Godman CoU. May {J. H. Batty). I, m. Ad. sk. Grass Lake, Lake Co., Illinois, Salvin-Godman CoU. June (E. Jr. A^e/son). n. (5 ad. sk. Cedar Keys, Florida, Feb. {S. Salvin-Godman CoU. W. Henshaic). 48 o,j). S ad. ; q- s. $ ad. ; t, u, V, Imm. sk w, X. (S 2 ad. sk. y, z. cJ ad. ; «', b'. $ad.; c'- c'. c? imm. sk. /, {/'. 3 2 ad. sk. h'. Ad. sk. i'. Ad. ; k'. Juv. sk. ^'. 2 j^^^- ^• m'. (S ad. sk. n', o'. cJ ad. sk. p'. S ad. sk. q'. S ad. sk. r'. (S ad. ; s', t;, u'. c? 2 imm. sk. v'. S'. vittata, and nails longer. Adult in lulnter. Forehead and crown mottled with white, and underparts nearly white, but the eclipse only lasts a short time. Immature. Similar to above, but with more grey on the tail- feathers, and the outer webs of the primaries are darker grey. Young birds show a conspicuous brownish bar along the upper wing-coverts *, and the mantle is spangled and barred with blackish- brown and white (warm buff in fledglings) : bill blackish, feet reddish yellow. Nestling, Upper parts olive-brown, thickly mottled with umber ; throat nearly black, remaining underparts dull white : " feet orange " {J. Young). Hah. South America — on the East side from Bahia downwards, breeding from Rio de Janeiro to the Straits of Magellan, the Falk- land Islands, the South Georgia and South Shetland Islands, and the land to the south of Cape Horn ; on the West side, up to Chimbote, Peru. Breeds in large colonies. rt.Jiiv.sk. 'B&\i\a.,'ErAZ\\ {Dr. Luschiiath). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Imm. sk. Bahia, Brazil {Dr. Wueherer). H. Saunders CoU. c-f. 2 ad.; q, Rio de Janeiro, July-Aug. H. Saunders Coll. 'h, i. S 2 juv. {H. M. Harrison, R.N.). sk. * The afRnities of Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 398 (S. Spain) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 118, no. 11021 (1871) ; Harting, Handb. Brit. B. p. 75 (1872) ; Sharpe ^ Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 263, pi. 580 (1872) ; Shelley, B. Egypt, p. 299 (1872) ; Gumey in Anderss. B. Dam.-Ld. p. 361 (1872) ; Collett, Forh. Selsk. Christ, p. 291 (1873) ; Brooke, Ibis, 1873, p. 346 (Sardinia) ; Hume S^ Henders. Lahore to Yark. p. 303 (1873: Yarkand): Heuf/l. Orn. N.O.-Afr. Bd. ii. pt. 2, p. 1418 (1873); Dnrnf. Ibis, 1874, p. 400 (N.Frisian Is.); Irby, Orn. Sirs. Gibr. p." 210 (1875) ; Scully, Str. F. 1876, p. 203 (Yar- kand, breeds) ; Dresser, Ibis, 1876, p. 415 (Turkestan, up to 4000 ft.); Blanf. East. Pers. ii. p. 293 (1876) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 649 (revision) ; David ^ Oustal. Ois. Chine, p. 525 (1877); Collett, Nyt Mag. Naiurv. 1877, p. 214 (Norway) ; Finsch, Reis. West-Sibir. ^.278 (1879); Legge, B. Ceylon, f. 1015 (1880); Htime, Str. F. viii. p. 116 (1880 : list) ; Ridgw. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 53 (1881) ; Davison, Str. F. x. p. 418 (1882 : Mysore) ; Salvin, Cat. StricM. Coll. p. 623 (1882) ; B. O. U. List Brit. B. p. 180 (1883) ; Menzbier, Bull. Mosc. Iviii. p. 136 (1883); Sharpe, ed. Bayard's B. S. Afr. p. 701 (1884) ; Saunders, Uh ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 549 (1884) ; Tristr. Faun. ^ Fl. Palest, p. 135 (1884) ; Bilchner, 6. STERNA. 57 Beitr. Russ. Eeiche,%(2) ii. p. 127 (1885 : St. Peters?TDurg) ; Homeyer, 0rajs,1885, p. 81 ; Lidke, t. c. p. 146 (Denmark) ; Torre Sf Tsch. t. c. p. 563 (Austria, Hungary); Albarda, t. c. p. 630 (Holland) ; O. Winye, op.cit. 188G, p. 593 (Denmark: breeds) ; Schneider, op. cit. 1887, p. 552 (Ui)per Rhine, breeds) ; JMiUehead, Ibis, 1885, p. 4G (Corsica) ; Reid, Ibis, 1885, p. 254 (N.W. Marocco) ; GiglioU, Avif. Ital. p. 415 (1886) ; Ridgw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 43 (1887) ; Tail, Ibis, 1887, p. 393 (Portugal) ; Booth, Rovc,h Notes, iii. (1887) ; H.-Brown ^- Buck!. Faun. Sutherl. p. 227 (1887) ; Taczan. Ornis, 1888, p. 505 (Poland, br.) ; Reid, Ibis, 1888, p. 79 (Tenerife, breeds) ; H.-Brown ^- Buckl. Faun. Outer Hebr. p. 141 (1888) : Pleske, Mem. Acad. St. Pitersb. (7) xxxvi. no. 3, p. 57 (1888 : Turkestan) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 9 (1889) ; Riesenth. Wasser-Vog. Mitteleurop. p. 142 (1889) ; Lilford, Ibis, 1889, p. 347 (Cyprus) ; Reichenoiv, Sxjst. Verz. Viiq. Deutschl. p. 61 (1889) ; Saunders, 3Ian. Brit. B. p. 631 (1889) ; ^Keller, Orn. Carinth. p. 307 (1890) ; Buckl. Sf H.-Br. Faun. Orkney Is. p. 228 (1891) ; Fri- valdsky, Av. Hung. p. 179 (1891) ; Madardsz, Aust. Hung. Vogelf. p. 120 (1891) ; GiglioU, i. Resoc. Ar. Ital. p. 630 (1889) ; id. ii. Resoc. p. 661 (1890) ; id. iii. Resoc. p. 517 (1891) ; Cory, B. Bahamas, p. 211 (1890) ; Heine S^- Reichenoic, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 354 (1890) ; Sawiders, Ibis, 1891, p. 187 (Lake Leman) ; Dresser, t. c. p. 370 (Erzeroum) : Sti/an, t. c. p. 509 (Lower Yangtse) ; Cory, Cat. B. W. Indies, p. 278^1892: Bahamas); De la Touche, Ibis, 1892, p. 502 (Swatow, breeding) : H.-Broion S^- Buckl. F. Argyll ^■c. p. 185 (1892) ; Bilttikofer, C. R. ii. Congr. Orn. Intern. ii. p. 175 (1892: Liberia) : Tristram, Ibis, 1893, p. 217 (17 &XKvi>v of Eretria). Sterna nitzschii, Kaup, Isis, 1824, p. 153 ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 659 (1846). Sterna pomarina, Brehm, Voy. Deutschl. p. 781 (1831). Sierna marina, Eyton, Cat. Brit. B. p. 55 (1836). Sterna senegalensis, Siv. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 250 (1837) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 659 (1846); Hartl. Orii. W.-Afr. p. 255 (1857); Cass. Pr. Pkilad. Acad. 1859, p. 176 (Gamma River, W. Africa); Schley. Mus. P.-Bas, Stemse, pp. 16, 17 (1863) ; Bocage, Jom. Lisb. p. 149 (1867). Sterna wilsoni, Bp. Comp. List B. Eur. ^- N. Amer. p. 61 (1838) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 659 (1846) ; Baird, Cass., ^- Lawr. B. N. Ainer. p. 861 (1858) ; Coues, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1861, p. 247 (Labrador) ; Dresser, Ibis, 1866, p. 44 (Texas) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 118, no. 11024 (1871) ; Sno2U, B. Kansas, p. 12^(1873). Hydrocecropis senegalensis (Stc), Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 179. Hydrocecropis hirundo, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 179. Hydrocecropis wilsoni, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 179. ? Sterna nilotica, Riipp. St/st. Uebers. p. 139 (1845 : Nile) ; Heuyl. St/st. Uebers, ip. 71 (1856: N. Eirv-pt). Sterna blasii, Brehm, Naum. 18o5,"p. 295; id. Vogelf. p. 348 (1855). Sterna P, Coues, Ibis, 1864, p. 389, no. 9 (San Jose de Guate- mala) . Sterna macrodactyla. Bias. J.f. 0. 1866, pp. 75,79 (Cape Good Hope). Sterna maeroptera. Bias. J. f. O. 1866, pp. 76, 79 (Cape Good Hope) ; Finsch, Tr. Z. S. vii. p. 303 (1870 : Zoulla) : Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 118, no. 11023 (1871) ; Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. Bd. ii. pt. 2, p. 1418 (1873): Reichenoic, J.f. O. 1877, p. 10 (Loango) ; Bocage, Orn. Angola, p. 510 (1881). Sterna dousalli, iMyard, B. S. Afr. p. 369 (1867) ; Chapman, Trav. S. Afr. ii. p. 424 (1868). 58 LAKID^. Sterna tibetana, Saund. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 649 ; Hume, Str. Feath. v. p. 485 (1877: Tibet, N. of Sikkim) ; id. Str. Feath. viii. p. 158 (1879: Tonka, Malay Pen.). Sterna major, Olphe-Galliard, Contr. Faun. Orn. Fur. Occid. pt. x. p. 28 (1886). Sterna liiruudo macroptera, Hartert, Kat. Voffelsamml. Senckenb. p. 239 (1891). Adult male in hreeding-plumage. Forehead, upper lores, crown, and nape black : mantle rather dark pearl-grey ; secondaries narrowly margined with white ; outer primary with a black outer web, and a broad streak (0"4 in.) of very dark grey next the white shaft on the inner web, the rest of the inner web white, except towards the tip, where it is dark ash-grey ; inner primaries paler grey, with white '• wedges " and dark grey margins to the inner webs ; rump whitish ; tail-feathers white, with grey outer webs, those of the streamers darkest ; chin and cheeks white ; breast and beUy pale vinaceous grey ; under wing- and under tail-coverts white : bill coral-red, the extreme tip horn-colour ; irides dark brown ; tarsi and toes coral-red. Total length 14'25 inches, culmen 1*7, wing 10-5, tail 6'5, depth of fork 3-25, tarsus 0*85, middle toe with claw 0-95, Female. Similar to the male. Adidt in ivhiter plumage. Like the above, but the forehead and crown streaked and mottled with white ; colours of bill and feet much duller from September onwards, underparts paler. Immature. Like the above, but the forehead white ; a dark grey band along the upper wing-coverts ; underparts distinctly white. Young (in August). Mantle barred and mottled with ash-brown ; outer webs of tail-feathers dark grey ; band on the wing-coverts more extended than in the immature bird ; otherwise similar. In fledglings the upper parts are much marked with warm buff. Up to about the end of September the colours of the bill and feet become brighter, but afterwards they rapidly go back and become more or less horn-coloured. Nestling. Forehead and throat brown ; upper parts stone-buff, spotted and streaked with black ; underparts white ; feet yellow. At one time I thought that birds from Tibet might be specifi- cally distinguished, but the inspection of a large series has proved unfavourable to this view. Hah. Coasts, rivers, and inland lakes of Europe and temperate Asia (breeding); India, Ceylon, and South Africa in winter; tem- perate North America to Texas (breeding), but scarcely known on the Pacific side ; southward to Bahia, Brazil, in winter. a. Ad. st. Great Britain. W. Yarrell, Esq. [P.]. h. Juv. St. Great Britain. Dr. Smith [P.]. c. S ; d- Juv. ; Dungeness. Capt. Verner [P.]. e. Pull. sk. f-q. Ad. ; r-v. Dungeness. Capt. Verner [P.]. Pull. St. 0. STERNA. 59 w-y. Juv. St. ; z-h'. S $ juv. »■'. $ ad. sk. k'. PuU. sk. I'. Ad. sk. m'. Ad. sk. «'. Ad. St. o'. (f ad. sk. ; p' . Juv. st. y'. Ad. sk. r'. (5 ad. sk. s'. Ad. st. ^'. $ ad.; u,v'. 2 juv. sk. w'. ham. sk. x'. S voam., sk. y'. 2 ad. sk. z', a" . Juv. st. 6". (S ad. sk. c". 2 ad. sk. d". Ad. ; e",f" Pull. sk. •". Imm. sk. s'' . cJ vix ad. sk. t". c? vix ad. St.; u". 2 vix ad. sk. v". Juv. sk. w". Vix ad. sk. .v", y" . Ad. sk. «". 2 ad. sk. c^. S imm. sk. ^»'. 2 ad. sk. Orkneys. Orkneys, June. Orkneys, July 20. Orkneys, June (J. Ihmii). Orkneys, June (/. Dunn). Orkneys, Aug. {J. Dunn). Mousa, Shetland. Hebrides. Tenby, Oct. (H. Saunders). Tenby, Oct. {H. Saunders). Ballinamuck, Ireland. Copeland Is., North Ireland, June 29 (M. Richardson). Copeland Is., North Ireland, Aug. (M. Richardson). Reikjavik, Iceland, July 1893 (G. Stephen). Heligoland, May (H. Glitke). Pomerania. Muonioniska, Lapland, July. Delta of the Petchora, June. Gobelungder, Ob, July 20. Yenesei Valley, 69°-71i°, July. Amoor-land (Dr. Middendorff). Coast of Cameroons, October. Table Bay, S. Africa, Aug. {E. L. Layard). At sea, iat. 37° S., long. 57° 18' E., Oct. 23 (Earl of Craioford and Balcarres, Voy. Yacht ' Venus '). At sea, 66° S., 167° W., ("Wilkes' Land") about 12th March. H.M.S. ' Constance,' oiF Arica, Peru (exhausted), Oct. 4 (Comm. MacFarlane). Bahia, Brazil ( Wucherer). Massachusetts (Henshaxo Coll.). Muskegatt Id., Mass., July (Henshaw Coll.). Muskegatt Id., Mass., July ( TF. Breiuster ; " S. portlandica "). Ipswich, Mass. ( C.J.Maynard). Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. Gould CoU. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Lt. G. H. Bruce, B.N., and E. M. Nelson, Esq. [P.]. Theodore Walker, Esq. [P.]. Hume Coll. H. Saunders Coll. C. Coningham, Esq. [P.]. H. Saunders CoU. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Seebohm Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Seebohm Coll. Dr. 0. Finsch CoU. Seebohm CoU. Seebohm Coll. H. H. Johnston, Esq. [P.]. H. Saxmders Coll. H. Saunders CoU. Antarctic Exped. [P.]. H. Saunders CoU. H. Saunders CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sahin-Godman Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. 6. STEEITA, 67 t^. S ad. sk. ; Heuffl. in Peterm. Mitth. 1861, p. 29, no. 307 (descr.) ; id. Faun. Roth. Meer. p. 32 (1861) ; A. E. Brehm, Reh. Habesch, p. 229 (1863 : Red Sea) ; ScJileff. Mus. P.-Bas, SterniB, p. 20 (1863) ; Bias. J. f. 0. 1866, pp. 75, 79, 86, 87 (critical) ; Finsch S,- Hartl. Vog. Ost-Afr. iv. p. 834, tab. x. tig. 2 (1870) ; Wahlen, Ibis, 1876, p. 384 (Ilurnee, Bombay) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 648 (revision Sterninse) ; Hume, Str. F. 1876, p. 4G7 (Laccadives) ; Butler, op. cit. 1877, p. 298 (Mekran coast) ; id. torn. cit. p. 323 (Karachi) ; Hume, op. cit. viii. 1879, p. 116 (List) : Vidal, op. cit. ix. 1880, p. 94 (Malabar coast) (in coll.) ; Ttceedd. Mem. p. 436 (1881) ; Salviii, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 623 (1882) ; Yerbury, Ibis, 1886, p. 23 (Aden) ; Harfert, Katal. Vogelsamml. Senckenh.'^. 2.39 (1891) ; Barnes, Ibis, 1893, p. 176 (Aden) ; Sharpe, Bull. B. 0. C. xi. p. v (1893: Suakin). Hydrocecropis albigena, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 179. Hydrocheiidon albigena, Bjj. C. R. xlii. p. 773 (1856) ; Heiigl. Om. 'N.O.-Afr. Bd. ii. pt. 2, p. 1451 (1871) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 122, no. 11077 (1871). Sterna senegalensis, Hmql. Ibis, 1859, p. 351 (Red Sea) (wee Stcains.) ; id. Peterm. Mitth. 1860, pp. 339, 349 ; Emig-Warth. Ibis, 1860, p. 125 (e/. p. 432) (Red Sea). Adult in hreecUnrj-plumage. Similar to the foregoing, but the mantle of a much darker grey, the secondaries merely edged with white and chiefly smoke-grey, the shafts of the inner primaries brownish white ; the rump and tail-feathers grey like the mantle, with darker outer webs to the streamers ; underparts viuaceous grey, much darker than in S.JIuviatilis \ under tail-coverts and wing-coverts paler grey : bill slender, much elongated in front of the angle, orange-red at the base, the anterior portion horn-coloured : " irides deep brown "' (Hume) ; tarsi and feet orange-yellow, delicate, slender, with long claws. Total length 14 inches, culmen I'B, wing 9-8, tail 6-5, depth of fork 3'35, tarsus 0"75, middle toe and claw O'Oo. The sexes are alike in plumage, with, perhaps, shorter streamers in the female. Adult in winter. Forehead mottled with white, and the under- 70 parts slightly variegated with the same. This evidently lasts for only a short time in mature birds. Immature and young. The former like the above, with rather more white and with a dark band on the upper wing-coverts ; bill livid, feet yellowish brown. In the young the dark band is more pronounced, the forehead and crown are greyish, and the entire underparts are white ; the bill nearly black. Hah. Lower Red Sea, Mekran Coast, Arabian Sea, Laccadives (breeding) ; Malabar Coast. a. Ad. sk. b, S imni-; c,d. 2 imm. sk. e. Ad. ; f. Imm. sk. g. cJ ad. ; h, i. 2 ad. ; k-m. 5 imm. sk. n. 5 ad. sk. Suakin, Red Sea. Karachi, April {Col. E. A. Butler). Hurnee, near Bombay. Capt. R. H. PentoQ [P.]. Hume Coll. Tweeddde Coll. South Konkan, Malabar Coast, Hume Coll. April 25 {G. Vidal). Viziadroog, Malabar Coast, Hume Coll. May 5. 0, p, S imm. sk. Laccadive Is., Feb. 13 {J. Arm- Hume Coll. strong). 11. Sterna dougalli. The Roseate Tern. ? Larus polo-condor, Sparrm. litis. Carh. ii. fasc. iii. no. 83 (1788 : Polo-Condor Island *) ; of. Smidev. Kritisk Sparrm. p. 13 (1857). ? Polo-Condor Gull, Lath. Gen. Syn. Supj^l. ii. p. 332 (1801). ? Larus pulo-condor, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. Ixviii (1801) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 6.54 (1846). Sterna dougalli, Mont. Oi-n. Diet. Suppl. fig. [no pagination] 1813; Leach, Syst. Cat. M. ^-c. Brit. Mus. p. 41 (1816); Cuv. Regne An., Ois. p. 344, Atlas, pi. 93 (1817) ; Vieill. N. Diet. Hist. Nat. xxxii. p. 174 (1819) ; Te7nm. 3Ian. d'Orn. ed. 2, p. 738 (1820) ; Boie, Isis, 1822, p. 563 ; Meyer, Taschenb. iii. p. 187 (1822) ; Brehm, Beitr. Vogelk. iii. p. 673 (1822) ; Vieill. Enc. Meth. i, p. 349 (1823) ; Brehn, Lehrb. p. 686 (1824) ; Stejyh., in Shaics Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 153 (1826) ; Werner, Atlas, Palmijiedcs, pi. 5 (1828); Vieill. Faune Fran(;., Ois. p. 399, pi. 161. fig. 1 (1828) ; Fleming, Br. An. p. 143 (1828) ; Brehm, Vog. Deutschl. p. 779 (1831); Lesson, Traite, p. 621 (1831 : Bengal); Savi, Om. Tosc. iii. p. 93 (1831) ; Selby, Brit. B. ii. p. 470, pi. 89. figs. 1 &2 (1833) ; Vieill. Gal. Ois. ii. p. 22.5, pi. 290 (1834) ; Kutfall, Man. Orn. ii. p. 278 (1834) ; Jeiiyns, Man. Brit. Vertehr. p. 265 (1835) ; Audub. Orn. Bioqr. iii. p. 296, pi. 240 (1835) ; Gould, B. Eur. v. pi. 418 (1837) ; Bp. Camp. List B. Eiu: ^- N. Ainer. p. 61 (1838) ; Audub. Synop. p. 320 (1839) ; Sehinz, Europ. Faun. p. .372 (1840) ; El/ton, Cat. Brit. B. p. 55 (1836) ; Crespon, Orn. Gard, p. 473 (1840) ; Natim. Vog. Deutschl. x. p. 78, pi. 251 (1840) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. 2nd ed. 4me pte. p. 457 (1840) ; Seli/s-Lotigch. Faun. Belg. p. 1.50 (1842) ; Audub. B. Amer. 8vo ed. vii. p. 112, pi. 437 (1844) ; Giraud, B. Long Isl. p. 351 (1844) ; Cabot, Pr. Bost. * A very young bird, little more than a fledgling ; tbe white edges to the primaries indicate that it belongs to this species or to S. melanauchen. 6. STERNA. 71 Soc. ii. p. 248 (1844) ; Crespon, F. Merid. ii. p. 117 (1844) ; Yarr. Brit. B. 2nd ed. iii. p. 501 (1845) ; Ilewita. Eggs Br. B. ii. p. 425, pi. 119 (1846) ; Beicheiib. Natat. tab. xxii. fij,'8. 824- 825 (1848) ; Kjrerb. Danni. Fugle, p. 328, tab. 40a {lS5-2),Suppl. tab. 20. tig. 2 (1854) ; Licht. Nomencl. Ai\^. 98 (1854) ; Putnam, Pr. Essex Inst. i. p. 221 (1856 : Massachusetts) ; Meyer, Brit. B. vii. p. 87, pi. 292 (1857) ; Jones, Nat. Bermuda, p. 91 (1859) ; Godman, Ibis, 1866, p. 103 (Azores) ; Degl. ^ Gerbe, Or/i. Eur. ii. p. 459 (1807) ; Turnbull, B. E. Penn. p. 38 (1869) ; Droste, Vogeho. Borkum, p. 32(3 (1869) [verv doubtfully] ; Sundev. K. Vet.-Akad. Stock. Fork. 1869, p. 589 (St. Bartholomew I.) ; God- man, Azores, p. 38 (1870) ; *W. ^- Salv. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 571 (revision, Neotropical) ; B. Gray, B. West Scotl. p. 466 (1871); Hai-ting, Kandb. Br. B. p. 76 (1872); Sd. S( Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotrop. p. 147 (1873); Coues, B. N.- West, p. 688 (1874): Rosenb. Reistocht. Geelvinkb. p. 118 (1875) ; Legge, Str. F. iii. p. 376 (1875) ; id. op. cit. iv. p. 246 (1876) ; Hume, t. c. p. 294 (Andaman Is.) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 652 (revision) ; Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 273, pi. 581 (1876) ; Later. Bull. U.S. Nat. J/(«. iv. p. 51 (1876: Tehuantepec) ; Sharpe, Rep. Trans. Venus {Rodriguez), Ph. Tr. vol. 168. p. 464 (1878) ; Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 201 (1878) ; Hume ^- Davison, Str. F. vi. p. 492 (1878 : Tenasserim) ; id. op. cit. viii. p. 116 (1879 : List) ; Parker, op. cit. ix. p. 489 (1880 : Ceylon, breeding) ; Legge, B. Ceylon, p. 1033 (1880) ; Ridgw. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 53 (1881) ; Giglioli, Ibis, 1881, p. 218 (ISIassaciuccoli) ; Milne-Edwards >§- Grand. N. H. Madag., Ois. p. 657 (1882) ; Salvad. Orn. Papuasia ^■c. iii. p. 407 (1882) ; Coues, Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 123 (1882) ; Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 624 (1882) ; B. O. U. List Brit. B. p. 181 (1883) ; Oates, B. Biirmah, ii. p. 425 (1883) ; Sharpe, ed. Lnt/ard's B. S. Afr. p. 702 (1884) ; Baird, Brewer, S/- Ridgw. Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 303 (1884) ; Saiind. 4th ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 544 (1884) ; Coues, Key N Amer. B. 2nd ed.p. 766 (1884) ; Shari)e, Rep. Voy. ' Alert; p. 281 (1884 : Torres Str.) ; Seehohm, Brit. B. iii. p. 277 (1885) ; Wells, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. ix. p. 6.32 (1886: Grenada); Giglioli, Avif. Ital. p. 414 (1886) ; Wells, Pr. U.S. Nat. 3/?«. ix. p. 632 (1886: Grenada, breeds); Booth, Rom/h Notes, iii. (1887) ; A. 0. U. Check-list N. Ainer. B. p. 94 (1886); Salvad. Ucc. Ital. p. 277 (1887); Ridgw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 44 (1887) ; Seebohm, Ibis, 1887, p. 181 (Loo- choo Is.) ; Oates, ed. Hume's Nests ^ Eggs Ind. B. iii. p. 301 (1887) ; E. Newton, Tr. Norf. Soc. iv. p. 553 (1888 : Masca- reue U.) ; Cory, B. West Ind. p. 279 (1889) ; Albarda, Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. (2) ii. p. 10 (Friesland, Nov.) ; Reichenow, Syst. Verz. Tog. Deutschl. p. 61 (1889) ; Riesenthal, Wasservog. Mitteleur. p. 144 (1889) ; Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 629 (1889); Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 9 (1889); 3Iore, List Irish B. ed. 1890, p. 27 ; Stevenson .V Southwell, B. Norfolk, iii. p. 300 (1890) ; Stejneger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 489 (1891 : Hitachi, Japan) ; Ogilvie- Grant, Ibis, 1890, p. 442 (Mar^eira) ; Giitke, Vogelw. Helgol. p. 554 (1891) ; Campbell, Pr. R. Soc. Victoria, iii. pi. 1. ligs. 2 & 8 (1891) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1891, p. 187 (Lake L^nian) ; Cory, Cat. W. Ind. B. p. 82 (1892) ; Hartert, Ibis, 1893, p. 310 (Aruba I.) ; Us.«her, Pr. R. Irish Acad. (3) iii. p. 409 (1894) ; Lilford, Col. Fig. Brit. B. pt. xxviii. (1894). Thalassjea dougalli, Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. pp. 97 & 196 (1829) [t}'pe and sole representative of genus]. 72 Sterna paradisea. Keys. ^ Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. 247 (1840) {nee Briinn.) ; Bp. Cat. Ucc. Eur. p. 76 (1842) ; Mi'Me, Orn. Griechenl. p. 146 (1844) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 178 (1844) ; Schl. Rev. Crit. p. cxxx (1844) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 659 (1846) ; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 292 (1849) ; Degl. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 346 (1849) ; Thomps. B. Irel. iii. p. 271 (1851) ; Baird, Cass., ^ Lawr. B. N. Amer. p. 863 (1858) ; Baird, Cat. N. Amer. B. no. 692 (1859) ; Jauh. et Lapomm. Rich. Orn. Fr. p. 405 (1859) ; Linderm. Voy. Griechenl. p. 179 (1860) ; Coues, Pr. Phil. Acad. 1862, p. 551 ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 239 (1863) ; Coues, Ibis, 1864, p. 389 ; Salvin, op. cit. 1866, p. 199 (Brit. Honduras) ; Leot. Ois. Trinid. p. 539 (1866) ; Laivr. Ajin. Lye. N. Y. viii. p. 299 (1866) ; Coues, Pr. Essex Inst. 1868, p, 60 (Massachusetts, breeding-) ; id. Pr. Bost. Soc. xii. p. 126 (1868) ; Borggr. Vogelf. Norddeutschl. p. 144 (1869), fide Keys. u. Bias. ; Fritsch, Vog. Eur. p. 457, Taf. 57. fig. 1 (1870) ; Allen, Amer. Nat. iii. p. 643 (1870); Gray,Hand-l. B. iii. p. 119, no. 11038 (1871); Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 321 (1872) ; Gould, B. Gt. Brit. v. pi. 71 (1873); Walden, Ibis, 1874, p. 149, and Hume, St r. Feath. iii. p. 501 (1875 : Andaman Is.) ; Gundl. Orn. Cuba, p. 310 (1876) ; Cory, B. Bahamas, p. 212 (1880) ; id. ed. 1890, p. 212 ; Olphe- Gail. Cotitr. Faun. Eur. Occid. livr. x. p. 19 (1886). Sterna macdougalli, Maeqill. Man. Br. Orn. pt. ii. p. 233 (1842) ; id. Br. B. V. p. 648 (1852). The Roseate Tern, Yarr. Brit.B. iii. p. 393 (1843). Hydrocecropis dougalli, Boie,Isis, 1844, p. 179. Sterna gracilis, Gould, P. Z. S. 1845, p. 76 ; id. op. cit. 1847, p. 222 (Houtman's Abrolhos) ; id. B. Austr. vii. pi. 27 (1848) ; Reiehenb. Vog. Neuholl. p. 346 (1850) ; Gray, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 166 (New Caledonia) ; id. Cat. Mamm. ^ B. New Guin. p. 63 (1859) ; id. Cat. B. Trop. Is. Pacif. Oc. p. 58 (1859) ; Gould, Hatidb. B. Austr. ii. p. 399 (1865) ; Fi^isch ^- Hartl. Faun. Cmtralpolyn. p. 215 (1867); Gray,Hand-l.B. iii. p. 119, no. 11039(1871); Holdsw. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 481 (Ceylon) ; Hume, Str. Feath. ii. p. 317 (1874 : Andaman Is.) ; Legge, Str. F. iii. p. 376, no. 986 bis (1875 : Ceylon) ; Layard, Ibis, 1878, p. 265 (New Caledonia) ; id. op. cit. i880, p. 233 (Lovalty Is., east of N. C.) ; id. op. cit. 1882, p. 540 (N. C.) ; Ramsay, Pr. Lin7i. Soc. N. S. W. iv. p. 84 (1880) ; id. op. cit. vii. p. 41 (1883: Solomon Is.); Tristra?n, Ibis, 1882, p. 144 (Solomon Is.) ; id. Cat. Coll. B. p. 9 (1889). ? Eissa polo-condor, Reiehenb. Natat., Novit. xi. tab. cclxxiv. fig. 2278 (1850). Sterna bicuspis, Licht. Nomeucl. Av. p. 98 (1854: Bahia, Brazil)*. Sterna tenuirostris, Licht. No7nencl. Av.-p. 98 (1854: East Indies)*. Sterna douglasi, Schley. Mus. P.-Bas, Stemte, p. 24 (1863) ; Blasius, J. f. O. 1866, p. 80; Schl. 8f Poll. Faun. Madag. p. 147 (1868); Salvad. Faun. Ital., TJee. p. 281 (1871) ; Hartl. Viig. Madag. p. 385 (1877). Sterna melanorhyncha, E. Newton, Ibis, 1863, p. 460 (Tamatave, Madagascar) ; Masters, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1876, p. 62 ; E. P. Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 347 (Queensland). Sternula korustes, Hume, Str. F. 1874, p. 318 (Andaman Is.). ? Sterna nigrifrons. Masters, Pr. Linn. Soe. N. S. W. p. 62 (1876 : Warrior Reef). Sterna dougalli gi-acilis, Cory, Cat. West-Ind. B. pp. 82, 135 (1892). * The type of each in the Berlin Museum examined. 6. STERNA. 73 Adult in hreeding-plumcifje. Forehead, upper lores, crown, and nape black, neck white, mantle pale pearl-grey ; the primaries a little darker, the inner margins of their webs with conspicuous white borders, which extend to the extreme tips, and even slightly ascend the outer webs, the outer webs and the lines parallel to the inside of the white shafts black to grey, according to the amount of frosting ; rump and tail-feathers very pale grey to white, the outer webs of the long streamers quite white ; underparts white, with a beautiful pink tinge, which is very evanescent : bill orange at tlie base, the anterior part from the angle black ; tarsi and toes orange-red. By tho end of May (in the northern hemisphere) the amount of black on the bill has largely increased. Total length 15*5 inches, culmen 1-9, wing 9-25, tail 7"5 to 8, depth of fork about 5, tarsus 0-85, middle toe and claw 1. The tail-streamers are probably a trifle longer in the male ; otherwise the sexes are alike in plumage. Adult in winter. Similar to the above, but with the forehead spotted with white, the underparts nearly white, with little pink tint; bill nearly black. Immature. Like the above, with a brownish tinge in the black of the head and nape, a dark grey band along the upper wing- coverts ; dark grey centres to the inner secondaries ; moi'e grey in the primaries, with less pronounced white inner margins ; some grey in the outer webs of the tail-feathers, except those of the streamers, which are always white. Young. Like the above, with the addition of ash-brown mottlings and striations on the upper parts. When the bird is just fledged, the markings are arrow-headed in shape, and the upper parts are tinged with a warm buff. North-American birds are on average a trifle larger than Eastern examples. This is essentially a Sea-Tern, usually depositing its eggs on low islands, though sometimes on sand)' coasts. On migration, it occasionally visits large inland sheets of water, such as Lake Leman. It remains in the northern part of its range for a very short time, being the last of the Terns to arrive and the first to leave. Hah. Coasts of Atlantic and (sparingly) North Sea, from .57° N. lat. in summer to the ileditorranean, Azores, and Madeira ; North- west, South-east, and East Africa ; Mascarene Islands ; Ceylon ; Sea and Bay of Bengal, Andaman Islands (breeding) ; Tenassorim, Malayasia ; China seas up to Loo-choo Islands ; Moluccas, Australia (except the south), and New Caledonia (breeding). In North America, the east side from Massachusetts southwards to Venezuela, and the West Indian Islands (breeding). a. Ad. sk. Firth of Ch'de (type of species). Col. Montagu [P.]. b. d ad. sk. ; Fame Is.," Northumberland, R. W. Chase, Esq. [P.]. c, d. Ad. St. Aug. e. Ad. St. Scilly Islands. Jas. Griffin, Esq. [P.]. 74 /. Ad. St. ; g. Ad. sk. h. 2 ad. sk. z. c? ad. St. ; A;. 2 ad. sk. /. Imm. sk. m-o. Ad. sk. p. Ad. sk. $-s. Ad. sk. <, M. cJ ad. sk. ». 2 ad. sk. w. 2 ad. sk. T. c? ad. ; y, z. ? ad. sk. a'-i'. c? ad. ; c'. 2 ad. sk.* d'-e'. c? ad. sk. f',(/'. 2 ad.sk. 7t'-A;'. cJ ad. ; l'- p'. 2 ad. sk. q'-s'. (S ad. sk. t'. d imm. sk. m'. 2 ad.sk. v'. Juv. sk. w'. 2 ad. sk. x',2/'. Imm. sk. z'. S juv. sk. a". Ad. St. fi". (S ad. St. d", Ad. sk. Juv. sk. e". cJ ad. ; /". 2 ad. sk. g". S ad. ; h". 2 ad. sk. i". Ad. sk. k". 2 ad. sk. V ,in" . 2juv.sk, Scilly Islands. Madeira, May. Cape of Good Hope. Cape of Good Hope. Port Elizabeth, Ailgoa Bay. I. of Rodriguez {Itev. H, H. Slater). Amblangoda, Ceylon, May (H. Neville). Trincomalee, Jime ( Col. W. V. Legge). Andaman Islands, Aug. ( Capt. J. R. Wimberley). South Andaman, May {R. D. Wimberley'). South Andaman, Mav-June (R.D.JF.) Port Blair, South Andaman, July (R. D. W.). Port Blair, S. Andaman, May {R. D. W.). Port Blair, S. Andaman, Aug. {R. D. W.). South Andaman Island, May, June, Sept. {F. A. de Roep- storf). Laynah Creek, Tenasserim, May 20 ( W. Davison). Laynah Creek, Tenasserim, May 20 ( W. Davison). Mysol (A. R. Wallace). Torres Straits (J. Gould). Campbell Id., Torres Straits, March. Cape York, Torres Straits (Cocke rell). Channel Rock, Torres Straits. South Island, West Australia. Bird Island. New Caledonia (Macgillivrag). New Caledonia (-B. L. Laijard). Noumea, New Caledonia, Sept. {E. L. L.). Noumea and Ansevata, Dec. & Oct. {E. L. L.). Massachusetts {Maynard). Nantucket, Massachusetts, July ( W. BreiDster). Chatham, Massachusetts, Sept. {F. H. Brackett). D.W. Mitchell, Esq. [P.]. W.R.Ogilvie-Grant, Esq. [P.]. Sir A. Smith [P.]. Dr. Crozier [P.]. H. Saunders CoU. Transit of Venus Exped. Tweeddale Coll. H. Saimders Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. H. Saunders ColL Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. H. Saimders Coll. Tweeddale Coll. H. Saunders ColL Gould Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Voy.H.M.S.' Alert.' Gould Coll. Capt. Owen Stanley, R.N. [P.]. H. Saunders Coll. Seebohm Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. One of these is the type of StcmuUi korustes, Hume. 6. STERNA. 75 n", o", cJ ad. sk. Muskegatt I., Mass., July. y , y". Ad. sk. r". $ ad. sk. s". Ad. sk. t",u". S ad.sk. v". (S ad. sk. xo". 5 vix ad. sk. .v" ,y" . Ad. ; a". Imm. sk. a'. Skeleton. 6^. Skeleton. c^,d^. Skeletons. Muskeg-att I., Mass., June. New Haven, Conn., June (C H. Merriam). Florida, June (C. H. Mer- riam). Grassy Cay, Turneff, Brit. Honduras, May (0. Salvin). Antig-ua, W. Indies, June (C. B.Cory). Guadeloupe, W. Indies, Sept. [C.S. Winch). St. Vincent, W. Indies, Aug. (D. W. Smith). No locality. Zoological Society's Coll. Rodriguez Island {Rev. H. H. Slater). 12. Sterna cantiaca. Capt.Clarke Kennedy [P.]. 11. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godmau CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman ColL Salvin-Godman Coll. Warwick [Purch.]. Presented. Transit of Venus E.xped. ? African Tern, Lath. Gen. Si/n. iii. pt. 2, p. 35-4 (178o: juv.). Sandwich Tern, Lath. Gen. St/7i. iii. pt. 2, p. 356 (1785) ; id. Gen. Si/n. Suppl. I. p. 606 (1787) ; Beivick, Brit. B. ii. p. 188 (1821) ; tarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 389 (1843). Sterna sandvicensis. Lath. Si/n. Suppl. i. p. 296 (1757)*; Southwell, in Stevenson's B. Norfolk, "iii. p. 299 (1890). ? Sterna a&'ieana, Gm. S. N. i. p. 605 (1788 : ex Lath., juv.) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. pp. 804, 805 (1790). Sterna cantiaca, Gm. S. N. i. p. 606 (1788) [ex Laih?.^; Tevim. Man. d'Orn. p. 479 (1815), 2nd ed. p. 735 (1820) ; Koch, St/st. haier. Zool. p. 365 (1816); Brehm, Beitr.^Vogelk. iii. p. 664 (1822); Li Palmipedes, pi. 3 (1828) ; Savi, Oni. Tosc. p. 87 (1831) ; Lesson, Traite, p. 621 (1831) ; Audub. Orn. Biogr. iii. p. 531 (1835) ; Jenyns, Man. Brit. Vertehr. p. 265 (1835) ; Eyton, Cat. Brit. B. p. 54 (1836); Gould, B. Eur. v. pi. 415 (1837); Audub. Synop. p. 317 (1839) ; id. B. Amer. 8vo, vii. p. 87, pi. 431 (1844) ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. i. p. 371 (1840); Naum. Voy. Deutschl. x. p. 50, pi. 250 (1840) ; Crespon, Orn. Gard, p. 472 (1840) ; Keys. «<. Bias. Wirb. Eur. pp. xcvii & 247 (1840); Xordm. in Demid. Voy. Buss. Merid. iii. p. 277 (1840); Evers^n. Add. Pall. Zooyr. Bosso-Asiat. fasc. iii. p. 19 (1842) ; Macqill. Man. Brit. Orn. pt. ii. p. 230 (1842) ; Selys-Loiujch. Faun. Bely. p. 149 (1842) ; Miihle, Orn. Griechenl. p. 146 (1844); Schl. Rev. Crit. p. cxxxix (1844); Crespon, Faun. Merid. ii. p. 116 (1844) ; Gray. Gen. B. iii. p. 659 (1846) ; Jleicits. Eqys Brit. B. ii. p. 423, pi. 118(1846) ; Reichmb. Natat. tab. xix. ligs. 262-264 (1848) ; Deyl. Ois. Eur. ii. p. 339 (1849); Thomps. B. L-el. iii. p. 268 (1851) ; Macyill. Brit. B. v. p. 630 (1852); Brandt, in Lehmanns Reis. n. Buchara, p. 330 (1852 : Caspian); Kj. 211 (1880); Bocage, Orn. Angola, -p. 512 (1881) ; Coues, Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 123 (1882) ; Seeb. Ibis, 1882, p. 230 (Seal Is., N. Caspian, breeds) ; Collett, Fbhr. Selsk. Chr. 1883, no. 15, p. 2 (xVorway) ; B.O.U. List Brit. B. p. 183 (1883) ; Sharpe, ed. Lai/ard's B. S. Afr. p. 702 (1884) ; Saund. Ath ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 540 ( 1884) ; Coues ,Key N. Ainer. B. 2nd ed. p. 761 (1884) ; Seeb. Brit. B. iii. p. 272 (1885); White- head, Ibis, 1885, p. 47 (Corsica) ; Homeyer, Ornis, 1885, p. 81 ; Lutke, t. c. p. 145 (Denmark, breeding); D. Torre ^ Tschusi, t. c. p. 563 (Adriatic") ; Albarda, t. c. p. 630 (Holland, breedingr) ; Biittikof. Notes Leyd. Miis. 1885, p. 249; id. 02). cit. 1886, p. 267"; id. 1888, p. 106 (Liberia); 0. Winge, op. cit. 1886, p. 592 (Denmark) ; Alleon, Ornis, 1886, p. 424 (Dobrudsba, breeding); Booth,' Rough Notes, iii. fig. (1887); Tait, Ibis, 18S7 , p. 394 (Portugal) ; Riesenth. Wasservog. Mitteleurop. p. 142 (1882); Reichenow, Syst. Verz. Tog. JDeutsch. p. 61 (1889); Saimders, Man. Brit. B. p. 627 (1889) ; Salvin, Ibis, 1889, p. 379 (Cozumel) ; Ti-istr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 9 (1889) ; Cory, B. Bahamas, p. 211 (1890); Tsch. u. D. Torre, Ornis, 1890, p. 271 (Elbe, Bohemia) ; More, Irish B. p. 27 (1890) ; Gdtke, Vogelw. Relgol. p. 583 (1891) ; Pat/ton, Ibis, 1891, p. 465 (Mogador) ; Buckley ^• H.-Broxon, F. Orkney Is. p. 228 (1891) ; H.-Broxon S; Buckley, F. Argyll, ^-c. p. 188 (1892); M.- Waldo, Ibis, 1893, p. 2()6 (Fuerte Ventura, Canaries); A. Briggs, Ann. Scot. N. H. 1894, p. 87 (N. Ronaldshay, Orkneys, breeding) ; Collett, Norges Fugle- fauna, Nyt Mag.f. Natiirv. Bd. xxxv. p. 318 (1894) ; Ussher, Pr. G. STERNA. 77 R. Irish Acad. (3) iii. p. 409 (181)4); Lilford, Col. Fir/s. Urit. B. pt. xxix. (18!)4). Sterna boysii, Lath. Ind. Oin. ii. p. 80G (1790) ; Leach, Sijst. Cat. Mamni. ^r. lirit. Mus. p. 41 (1810) ; Vieill. N. Diet. rl'Hist. Nat. xxxii. p. 167 (1819) ; Lmispr. boviis] Vieili. Enc. MetJi. p. 347 (18l>3); id. Faun. Fmn(;., Ois. p. :>,-26, pi. IGO. fig. 1 (1828); Flemiw/, Brit. An. p. 142 (1828) ; &•%, Brit. B. ii. p. 4G4, pi. 88. fig. 1 (183:5) ; Kuttall, Man. Oni. ii. p. 276 (18:34) ; Yarr. Brit. B. ed. 2, iii. p. 487 (184.)) ; Chapman, Trav. S. Afr. ii. p. 424 (1868 : Walvisch Bay); Ii. Gray, B. Wc.' (1855) ; Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 98 (1854) ; Bp. C. R.' xlii. p. 772 (1856) ; Bias. J. f. O. 1866, p. 81 ; Loche, E.ipl. Sc. Alger., Ois. ii. p. 199 (1867) ; Fritsch, Vog. Eur. p. 455, Taf. 55. fig. 2 (1870) ; Luwr. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. iv. p. 51 (1876 : Tehuantepec) ; Giglioli, Ibis, 1881, p. 217; id. Avif. Ital. p. 413 (1886) ; id. \st Resoc. Av. Ital. p. 628 (1889). Actoclielidon cantiaca, Kaup, Nat'url. Syst. p. 31 & p. 196 (1829 : type of genus) ; Gould, B. Gt. Brit. v. pi. 69 (1873) ; Radde, Om. Cauc. p. 485 (1884: breeds); Olphe-Galliard, Contr. Faun. Orn. Eur. Occid. lirr. x. p. 11 (1886) ; Heine 8f Reichetiow, Nomencl. Mus. Rein. p. 355 (1890). Thalasseus canescens, Brehm, Viig. Deutsch. p. 776 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 295. Thalasseus candicans, Brehm, Vog. Deutsch. p. 777 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 295. Sterna acuflavida, Cabot, Pr. Bost. Sac. ii. p. 257 (1847) ; Baird, Cass., ^- Lawr. Birds N. Amer. p. 860 (1858) ; Baird, Cat. N. Amer. B. no. 685 (1859) ; id. Me.ric. Bound. Surv. p. 27 (1859) ; Bryant, Pr. Bost. Soc. vii. p. 134 (1859 : Bahamas) ; Laicr. Ann. Lye. N.Y. ix. p. 210 (1869) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 119, no. 11048 (1871). Thala-^seus cantianus, Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 295 ; Salvia, Ibis, 1859, p. 364 (El Baheira, E. Atlas). Thalasseus pauli de wurtemlaerg, Brehm, Vogelf. 1855, p. 346 ((ireece). Thalivsseus acuflavidus, Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 772 (1856) ; Coues, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1862, p. 540 (revision); Salvin, Ibis, 1864, p. ;}81 ; Coues, torn. cit. p. 389; Salvin, op. cit. 1866, p. 198 (Hon- duras): Gutidl. Orn. Cuba, p. 309 (1876). Sterna (Thalasseus) cantiaca, Coues, B. N.- West, p. 673 (1874). Sterna cantiaca acuflavida, Ridgic. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mits. no. 21, p. 53, no. 683 (1881) ; id. Cat. Aquatic B. p. :3:3, no. 683 (1883). Sterna sandvicensis acuflavida, Baird, Brewer, ^- Rid! ^"'"!'' Hcind-I. B. iii. p. 120, no. llOol (18/1) ; Felzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 324 (1871 : Sapituba). Sterna nalencuhita, i/fA<. Verz. Boubl. p. 81 (1823)*; Reichenb. Natat. tab xxii. fig. 823 (1848) ; Hartl. Orn. W.-Afi: p. 254 (185/ : Ashantee) ; ScJdeg. Mus. P.-Bas, Stemie, p. 7 (1863) ; Socage, Jorn. Lisb. 1867, p. 149 (Loauda) ; Gray, Hand-l. B 111. p. 120, no. 11054 (1871) ; Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 324 (1871). Sterna ervthrorhyucbo.s, Neinuied, Bcitr. iv p 857 (1833) \cf. ^"o^-'r^t^^i ^^'/> P- '^^^J' ^^■^'""^'' ^- <^«^- ^«««- I'eruan., Aves. p. 30o (1846) ; &>rty, Gen. B. iii. p. 659 (1846) ; Burm. Th. Bras. 111. p. 451 (1856). Sterna cristata, Siv. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 247, pi. xxx (1837 t • nee Stephens, 1825) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 176 (1844) ■ 'lo^f ■ • '"• P- ^'^^ ^^®^^) ' ^^■^■'^^ii. Natat. tab. xxii. fi-. 822 (1848). " Tbalasseus cayanus, Bp. Comp.List,^. 61 (1838) -Gosse, B. Jamaica^ p. 431 (1847). / ^ Tbalasseus cristatus, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 182. Sylocbelidon erytbrorh-sTichus [Wied), Boie, Isis, 1844 p 186 Sylochelidon galericulata {Licht.), Boie, Isis, 1844, p.' 186- Roche- brune, Faun. Seney., Ois. p. 337 (1884 : Almadies). Syloclielidon cayennensis (Gm.), Boie, Isis, 1844, p 186 • j?« C R xlii. p. 772 (1856). ,/-... PLaetLisa galeiiculata, Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 660 (1846)- Licht Nomend. Ap. p. 98 (1854: Brazil); Bjj. C. R. xlii. p. 772 (1856) ' Sterna vegia Gambel, Pr. Philad. Acad. iv. p. 228 (1848) ; Baird,Cass fLawr.B. N. ^m. p. 859 (1858) ; E. C. Taylor, Ibis, 1864 p. 96 (Margarita I., W. Indies); Dresser, Ibis, 1866, p. 44 (Te.xas) • Leaf. Ois. Trinid. p. 643 (1866); Lawr. Ann. Lye. N Y ix' ?.-c--\^^(^^^'^^= Yucatan); Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 120, no. lio55 (18/ 1) : Coues,Key N. Amer. B. p. 319 (1872) ; Henshatv, Ann /^•^-. iir • ^\ ^■. ^^ (^^"^= ^*^^)= ^'■'^^«'- «i^-«'^- X. p. 391 Costa Rica, p. 36 (1882) ; Dalyleish, Auk, 1884, p. 97 (Tano'der) lbMlas.-:eiis regius, Gambel, Journ. Philad. Acad. (2) i p '^og (1849) - E .y A. Neivton, Ibis, 1859, p. 371 (I. of St. Croix) ; Coues, Proc Phdad Acad. 1862, p. 339 : id. Ibis, 1864, p. 388 (Cbiapam and lint. Honduras); Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. viii p 10.3 (1864- Sombrero); Salvin, Ibis, 1866, p. 199 (Guatemala); Allen Bull Ilarr. Coll. n. p. 366 (1871 : Florida) ; Gundl. On,. Cuba, p. 309 (18/ b) ; Bcldmy, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 549 (1883: Lower Cali- fornia). Phi^tusa regia, Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 772 (1856). Sterna bergii, ifar«. Om. W.-Afr. -p. 254 (1857: Gambia); Shelley * Type in Berlin Museum examined. + Type in Cambridge Museum examined. VOL. XXV. g S2 LARID^. ^ Buckler/, Ibis, 1872, p. 293 (Accra & Cape Coast Castle) ; L-bi/, Orn. Str. Gibr. p. 209 (1875). Sterna elegans, Leot. Ois. Trinid. p. 542 (1866). Thalasseiis galericulatus, Blasius, J.f. O. 1866, p. 82. Sterna (Thalasseus) regia, Coves, B. N.- West, p. 669 (1874) ; id. Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 759 (1884). Thalasseus maximus, Lmvr. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. iv. p. 51 (1876 : Tehuantepec). Phaethusa maxima, Heine Sf Reichenow, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 355 (1890). Adult in hrecding-plvmafie. Foreliead, upper lores, crown, and nape black, the feathers of the last acuminate and prolonged ; neck white ; mantle pearl-grey, with a conspicuous line of white along the carpal joint ; L^hafts of quills white ; outer webs of primaries grey, the outermost darkest ; inner webs grey next the shafts and towards the tips, as well as for some distance up the inner webs, which have otherwise a white wedge on the upper parts : the ex- ti eme inner edges narrowly margined with white ; secondaries edged with white, but not very conspicuously ; rump pale pearl- grey; tail-feathers pearl-white, the streamers moderately long; underparts white : bill orange-red, tarsi and toes black. Total length 21 inches, culmen 2-7, wing 14-5, tail 8, depth of fork 3'75, tarsus 1*35, middle toe with claw 1'4. The male appears to have longer streamers and a stronger bill than the female, but otherwise there are no external differences. Adult in autumn and ivinter. Similar, but the forehead and the crown mottled with white ; in fact the forehead has become nearly white by June — as in S. cantiaca ; bill paler in colour. Immature. Similar, but the crown nearly white and the nape black and white ; a good deal of grey or brownish grey, according to age, on the t^ing-doverts and inner secondaries, as well as towards the tips of the tail-feathers. In the latter some grey remains for several seasons, but I do not think that thoroughly mature birds reassume any grey in winter. Young. Similar, but with brownish-black streaks on the lores and forehead ; mantle darker and considerably checquered with ash-grey; rump with grey striations ; primaries iron-grey, except the wedges ; tail-feathers dark grey towards the extremities ; bill, tarsi, and toes dull yellow. Hah. America, from the New England States southward, breeding from Virginia to the West Indies ; also down to Santa Catharina, South Brazil, and perhaps even to the Parana ; on the West side from Peru to California, and in Nevada. West African coast in winter, from the Straits of Gibraltar to Angola. a. Imm. st. Cape Roni, West Africa, Sir E. Sabine, K.A. Feb. 1822. [P.]. h. Yix ad. sk. Gambia {S. a-istata, Sw.). Gov. Rendall Coll. c. Imm. sk. Accra, West Africa ( G. ^. H. Saunders Coll. Shelleii). d. Ad. sk. Accra {G. E. S.). Shelley CoU. £. cJ ad. sk. Cape Coast Castle, Feb. Shelley CoU. (G.KS.). G. STERNA, 83 y. 2 imni. sk. y, It. S ad. ; i. vix ad. sk. k. 2 ad. sk. 1, 7)1. Ad. ; n. I mm. sk. o. c? ad. sk. yj. Ad. ; 17. Imm. sk. r-~, «'-t'. c? ad., imm. et juv. ; k'-y'. 2 ad., iram.etjuv.sk. z'-h". S ad. et vix ad. ; «'"- I". 2 vix ad. et imm. sk. m". 2 imm. sk. w". 2 ad. sk. o". Ad. ; ^". Imm. ; q"-u". Juv. sk. v". Vix ad. sk. 2t'". Vix ad. sk. x". Vix ad. sk. ?/". Ad. st. s". 2 imm. sk. rt^, P. Imm. sk. c^-c^. Ad. sk. /'. cJ ad. sk. [^-i\ d 2 ad. efrVix ad. sk. k\ P. c? ad. sk. >h\ «'. Ad. et vix ad. sk. 0', ^j^. 1mm. sk. q^, r^. (S ad. et vix ad. sk. s^ f'. cS 2 vix ad. sk. m'. 2 vix ad. sk. t*. J imm. sk. vx'-ij^. (Sad.jimm.. et juv. sk. Cape Coast Castle, Feb. (G.E. S.). Cobb's Id., Virginia, Aug. {H. jr. Hmshaw). Cobb's Id., Virginia (R. Iiid(/20di/). Caper's Id., South Carolina (J. II. Batty). Beaufort Co., South Caro- lina, June ( C. H. Merriain) Bull's Point, South Carolina, April {U.S. Nat. Mm.). Tarpon Springs, Florida, Jan., April, Sept. {W. E. I). Scott). Corpus Christi Pass, Texas, May and Dec. {F. B. Annstrong). Rio Ranclio nuevo. State of Vera Cruz, Jau. {Ferrari- Perez). Rio Lagartos, Northern Yu- catan, June {G. F. Gau- mer). Cozumel Id., Yucatan, Feb. (G. F. G.). Belize, British Honduras, May (O. S.). Glover's Reef, British Hon- duras, May (O. S.). Honduras. Jamaica or Bai'bados. Anegada, Virgin Is., W. In- dies, Dec. (C. 5. Cory). Grenada, W. Indies, Sept. 10 (Z). W. Smith). Surinam {Dr. Kirke). Brazil, April. Rio de Janeiro, July [J. Young). Sta. Catharina, S. Brazil, Aug. (H. M. Harrison, B.N.) Sta. Catharina {H. Rogers). Sta. Catharina {H. Rogers). Sta. Barbara, California, Nov. ^ (H. W. Henshaw). Ventura, California, Nov. {H. W.H.). Mazatlan, W. Mexico, Aug. {A. Forrer). Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico, June ( W. Lloyd). Chiapam, Guatemala, Jan. (0. Salvin), II. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. II. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll Salvin-Godman Coll, Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Dvson, Esq. [P.]. P. H.'Gosse, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Capt. Milner [P.]. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll, Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. e2 84 LAEID Ji. sP, a\ S ? inuii- Payta, Peru, Jau. {Adml. A. H. Saunders Coll. sk. S- Markham). ¥. Sternum. Jamaica. Gosse Coll. 14. Sterna elegans. Sterna elegans, Gambol, Pr. Philad. Acad. iv. p. 129 (1848 r Mazatlan) : Baird, Cass.. i|- Lmvr. Birds A". Amer. p. 860 (1858), ed. 1860, Atlas , pi. 94 ;' Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 120, no. 11056 (1871) ; Saimders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 653 (revision) ; Ridgiv. Bidl. U.fS. Nat. Mns. no. 21, p. 53 (1881) ; Coues, Gheck-l. N. Amer. B. p. 123 (1882) ; Saimders, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 521 (Peru & CliiU) ; Coues, Ket/ N. A7ner. B. 2Dd ed. p. 760 (1884) ; Baird, Breio., ^ Ridyio. Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 287 (1884) ; Taczan. Orn. Perou,m. p. 442 (1886) ; Pidyto. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 40 (1887) ; Berl. 8r Stolzvi. P. Z. S. 1892, p. 400 (Peru). Thalasseus elegans. Gambel, Journ. Philad. Acad. ser. 2, i. p. 228 (1849) ; Bp. C. P. xlii. p. 772 (18.56) ; Coues, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1862, p. 540 ; id. Ibis, 1864, p. 389 (San Salvador) ; Salvin, Ibis, 1866, p. 198 (Fonseca Bay). ? Sterna gavi, Bj). C. R. xlii. p. 772, no. 114 (1856) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. "119, no. 11049 (1871 : Chili). Sterna comata, Phil. S,- Landh. Wieym. Arch. 186.3, pt. 1, p. 126 (Chili). Sterna galericulata, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 568-9, fig. 2 (nee Licht.) : lid. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 147 (1873) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 319 (1872) ; Lawr. Mem. Bost. Sac. N. H. ii. p. 317 (1874: Mazatlan). Sterna (Thalasseus) galericulata, Coues, B. K.- West, p. 671 (1874) : id. Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 760 (1884). Phaethusa elegans, Heine c^ Reichenoio, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 355 (1890 : partim, as regards Chili). Adult in ireeding-phimage. Smaller than S. maxima, with au~ absolutely longer and much slenderer biU ; the black of the upper lores runs completely into the posterior portion of the nostril, the mantle is a shade darker than inVthe last species and the tail is rather more conspicuously white ; otherwise the plumages are similar : hill bright orange-red, tarsi and toes black, .soles yellow. Total length 16-5 inches, culmen 2-8, wing 12-25, tail 6-5, depth of fork 3, tarsus 1-2, middle toe with claw 1-3. Adxdt in winter. Similar, but with a white forehead. Immatiire and Young. As in the preceding species : in the bird of the year the hill is blackish and much shorter than in the adult. Hab. Pacific coast of America from Southern California to Valdivia, Chile ; once on the Atlantic side, at Corpirs Christi, Texas. The specimen in the Salvin-Godman Coll. from the last locality is decidedly this species and not the next. a. (J imm. sk. Corpus Christi, Texas, July Salvin-Godman Coll. (F. B. Armstrony). h. Imm. sk. La Union, San Salvador, Dec. Salvin-Godman Coll. (0. S.). c. S ad. sk. Sau Mateo, Tehuantepec, Salvin-Godman Coll. March [F. Sumichrast). ■d. S ad. sk. -e. Imm. sk. f. Vix ad. .sk. 9- Vix ad. sk. h. i. Imm. sk. Imm. St. k. Vix ad.: /. Imm. ; m. J UT sk. n. Imm. sk. 6. STERNA. 85 Chon-illos, near Callao, Peru Salvin-Godman Coll. ( W. Nation). Callao Bay, Sept. {Aclml A. H. II. Saunders Coll. Markham). Iquique {Roicland). H. Saunders Coll. Coquimbo Bay, Chile, Nov. H. Saunders Coll. (Adml. Markhayn). Central Chile (J. liri/dyes). Purchased. Central Chile (/. Cunimf/). Purchased. Vina del Mar, ueai' Valpa- Berkeley James Coll. raiso. Valdivia, South Chile, Jan. Hume Coll. (E. C. Reed). 15. Sterna eurygnatha. ? Sterna cayenuensis, Leot. Ois. Trinid. p. 535 (18G6). Sterna cayennensis (partim), Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 120, no. 11051 (1871 : Venezuela). Sterna galericulata, Peheln, Orn. Bras. pp. 324, 461 (1871) ; Bd. ^ Sail'. P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 568-9 (partim). Sterua eurygnatha, Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 654 (Santa Catharina, Brazil)." Phaetlmsa elegans, Heine S,- Reichenow, Noniend. Mus. Hein. p. 355 (1890: partim, Brazil). ? Phaethusa cavennensis, iid. t. c. p. 355 (Brazil). ? Sterna elegans, Cory, Auk, 1893, p. 220 (Tobago). Adult in breeding-dress. Identical with the preceding in plu- mage, but the bill is lemon-yellow and the angle of the genys is immediately below or very little in front of the anterior portion of the nostril ; the hind parts of the tarsi, the soles, and the claws are dull yellow. Total length 17*5 inches, culmen 2-7, wing 12-1, tail G'o, depth of fork 2-8, tarsus 1*1, middle toe and claw 1-2. Adult iu winter, Immature, and Younrj. As in the preceding species, except that the bases of both mandibles are decidedlj' olivaceous, and in the young the toes and webs are ochre-yellow. Nestlinrj (Eio Janeiro, June 6, ./. Younr/). Greyish white, thinly streaked with dark grey on the crown, behind the eye, and on the upper parts generally ; underparts white ; bill olivaceous ; tarsi and toes brown, claws lighter. liah. East side of America, from Venezuela along the coast of Brazil (breeding) and as far as Port Desire, Patagonia, 47° 30' S. lat. Southern examples show a deterioration in size. (t. Imm. .sk. Venezuela. Purchased. b, c. Inun. sk. Bahia, Brazil, March \^Dr. Salvin-Godman Coll. Lttschnath). d. lmm.sk. Bahia, Brazil (7);-. Z?/.sTA?mC,^"). H. Saunders Coll. f,/. cT ad. et 2 Camamii, Brazil, Sept. (/T. J/. H. Saunders Coll. iram. sk. Harrison, R.X.). ff,h. (S ad. etjuv. Rio de Janeiro, July, Aug. H. Saunders Coll. sk. (if. M. H). 86 LAEID^. «'. 2 ad. ;A-. Pull. ; Rio de Janeiro, June 6 & 20 H. Saunder.s Coll, l-o.. 441 (1870: Zoulla); Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 398 6. STERNA. 87 (S. Spain) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 119, no. 11045 (1871) ; Blcmf. East. Persia, ii. p. 294 (1876) ; Hartl. Vog. Madag. p. 383 (1877). Sterna bengralensis, Lesso)i, Traite, p. 621 (1831) ; Puch. Rev. Zool. 1850, p. 542 ; Jerd. B. Ind. iii. p. 843 (1864) ; Hume, Str. F. i. p. 284 (1873); id. up. cit. ii. p. 318 (Nicobars) ; id. Nests ^ Hfff/s Ind. B. p. 65o (1875); id. Str. F. iv. p. 474 (1876: Lacca- dives). "Sterna arabica, Fhrcndcrr/," Tevim. Man. d' Orn. ed. 2, 4me pte. p. 456 (1840). Sterna, no. 402, Jerdon, Madras Journ. xii. p. 224 (1840); cf. Blijth, Ibis, 1865, p. 39. Thalasseus torresii, Gould, P. Z. S. 1842, p. 140 ; id. B. Austr. vii. pi. 25 (1848) ; Reichenb. Vog. Neuholl. p. 346 (1850) ; G. R. Gray, P.Z. 8. 1858, p. 188 (Am Is.). Thalasseus affinis, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 182 ; Brehm, Namn. 1855, p. 295; Bj). C. R. xlii. p. 772 (1856); Bias. J.f. O. 1866, p. 82; Loc/ie, Fvpl. Sc. Alger., Ois. ii. p. 200 (1867) ; Fritsch, Vog. Eur. p. 456, Taf. 56. figs. 1 & 4 (1870). Thalasseus benegalensis, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 182 ; Blyth, J. A. S. Benq. XV. p. 373 (1840: Nicobars); id. Cat. B. Mm. As. Soc. p. 291 (1849); Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 772 (1856); Jerd. B. Ind. iii. p. 843 (1864) ; Gould, Handb. B. Austr. ii. p. 397 (1865) ; Ball, Str. F. 1873, p. 90 (Nicobars) ; Masters, Pr. Linn. Sac. N. S. W. i. p. 62 (1877) ; Ramsay, t. c. p. 386 (G. of Carpentaria). Sylochelidon affinis, Riipp. Syst. Uebers. p. 139 (1845 : lied Sea). Thalasseus maxuriensis, Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 98 (1854 : Ai'abia & E. Indies)*; Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 772 (1856). Pelecanopus torresi, Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 772 (1856). Sterna torresii, Gray, Cat. B. Trop. Is. Pacif. Oc. p. 52 (1859) ; Rosenb. Reistocht. Geelvinkh. p. 118 (1875). Sterna maxuriensis. Gray, Iland-l. B. iii. p. 119, no. 11046 (1871). Thalasseus medius, Hol'dsw. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 482 (Ceylon) ; Blyth Sf Wald. B. Burm. p. 173 (1875) ; Giglioli, Avif. Ital. p. 413 (18S6: Sicily). Pelecanopus medius, Walden, Tr. Z. S. viii. p. 104 (1874 : Celebes) ; Meyer, Ibis, 1879, p. 146 (Limbe Str., Celebes, breeds). Actoclielidon media, Salrad.Ucc. Ital.-p. 275 (1887); Heine ^-Reidi'- now, Nomencl. Mus. Ilein. p. 355 (1890 : N.E. Africa). Adult in hreeding-plumage. Similar to the preceding species, bui; mantle decidedly darker grey, with the tail of the same tint (a little lighter on the streamers), the white inner margins to the primaries less pronounced ; the bill waxy-yellow, shorter, and straighter ; tarsi and toes black, soles pale yellow. Total length 17 inches, culmen 24, wing 12, tail 6-75, depth of fork 3, tarsus 1, middle toe with claw I'l. Adults in luinter, Immature, and Vouar/. These go through pre- cisely the same changes and phases as those already described. I Breeds in large colonies on islands. JIah. Mediterranean, from Straits of Gibraltar (sparingly) east- wards to Egypt ; lied Sea ; East Africa to Madagascar and islands of Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Lower Bay of Bengal, Malacca, Sumatra, Java, and Celebes ; Australia, chiedy the north. I «. Imm. sk. b. 5 ad. sk. c. Ad. St. d. e. S imni. ; /. 2 imm. sk. //, h. Vix ad. sk. i. ^ ad. sk. k. Vix ad. sk. l. $ ad. ; m. 6 inuu. sk. w. Ad. sk. o. 1mm. sk. p. (5 imm. sk. y, r. Imm sk. «. Ad. sk. t, u. S 2 ad. sk. i;. Ad. ; IV. Imm. sk. -r. Ad. sk. y, z, a'. (S ad. ; b'-d' . d imm. e'. 2 ad. ; /', (/'. 2 imin. sk. A'. 2 imm.; i',k'. cJ imm.; /'. (5 ad.sk. »j'. Imm.; w'. J imm. sk. «'. (5' imm. sk. j)'-r'. (S vix ad. et imm. ; s'- w'. 2 vi^ ad. et imm. sk. -■v',y'- djuv.; 2'. 2 juv. sk. «". Imm. sk. //'. 2 imm. sk. c". 6 "^ix ad. sk. ■d". Vix ad. sk. e". 2 ^'i^ ad. sk. /". S imm.;/', A". 2 imm.sk. i". 1mm. sk. yb". Imm. sk. I". Imm. ; m". 2 vix ad. sk. n". Imm. sk. Straits of Gibraltar, March {G. Olcese). Port Said, May. Red Sea {Dr. Riippell). Zoulla, Red Sea, June ( W. Jesse). Zoulla, June ( W. Jesse). Annesley Bay, Red Sea, June ( W. t. Blanford). Suakin, Red Sea. South Afi'ican seas. Durban (Gord//e). N. Madagascar, May. N.E. Madagascar. Grand Comoro la. {Sir J. Kirk). Persian Gulf {Hamilton Kinf/). Mekran Coast, May {Col. E. A. Butler). " India." Soomeanee Bay, Feb. 1872 (A. 0. H.). Karachi, Feb. 1872 {A. O. H.). H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Purchased. H. Saunders Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Abyssinian Exped. Capt. R. H. Penton [P.]. Sir A. Smith [P.]. Shelley Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Pollen Coll. Shelley CoU. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Karachi, March, April, & May Hume Coll. {E. A. Butler). Karachi, Jan. & Feb. ( W. T. H. Saunders Coll. Blanford ^- E. A. Butler). Nursapatam. Hurne Coll. Laccadives, Feb. {A. O. S.). Hume CoU. Quillon, Travancore, Nov. Bourdillon Coll. Ceylon. Tweeddale Coll. Colombo, Ceylon, Dec. ( W. V. H. Saunders Coll. Legge). Trincomalee, Ceylon ( W. V. H. Saunders Coll. Legge). Nicobar Islands. Camorta, Nicobars, Feb. 7 ( W. Damso?i). Salangore, Malay Peninsula, Dec. & Jan. {W.I).). Java {Horsjield). Lampong, Sumatra. Aru Islands. [West Australia.] East India Museum [P.]. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. India Museum [P.]. (Type of Sterna 7nedia.) 'Tweeddale Coll. A. R. Wallace Coll. Sir G. Grey [P.]. (5. STEENA, 89' 1 7. sterna bergii. Caspian Tern, var. /3, Lath. Gen. Si/n. iii.pt. 2, p. 351 (1785). Sterna caspia, y, Gm. S. N. i. p. 604 (1788). Caspian Tern, iV«V/;>, Voi/. Bot. B. p. 77, with fig-., & p. 160 (1789). ^ ^ 1 » n, V Sterna caspia, /3 & y, Z«M. /«(/. 0/-«. ii. p. 804 (1790). Sterna caspia, var. b, Vieill. Encyc. Metk. i. p. 96 (18:33). Sterna bergii *, Licht. Verz. Doubl. p. 80 (1823 : Cape of Good Hope)t: Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 058 (1846); Reichenb. Natat. tab. XIX. fig. 265 (1848) ; Schl. Mvs. P.-Bas, Sterns, p. 11 (1863) ; Pelz. Bets. Xorara, Viig. p. 154 (1805 : Australia) ; Finsch ^ Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. p. 216 (1867); Lmjard, B. S. Afr. p. 370 (1807) ; Deyl. i. STERNA. 91 p. 134 (China) ; Gray, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 366 (Moluccas) ; Harfl. Faun. Maclag. p. 86 (1801) ; Hewjl. in Peterm. Mitth. 1861, p. 29; id. op. cit. lf<69, p. 417 ; E. Newton, Ibis, 1863, p. 4U0 (Taiuatave, Madagascfir) ; Kirk, Ibi.s, 1804, p. 337 (mouth of Zambesi, breeding in January) ; Chapman, Trao. •', s*. Ad. sk. «'. Ad. sk. M*. c? ad. sk. V*. Juv. sk. «■'. Pull. St. .1-'. Imm. sk. y». Juv.; =',«'• c? 2 imm. sk. b'^-d'. (5 $ imm. sk. sk. _ /<'. c? imm. sk. i'. (5 imm. sk. A;'. 5 imm. sk. /'. 2 imm. sk. »t'. 2 ju^'- sk. «'. c? vix ad. sk. o\ $ ad. sk. Cape York, N. Australia ( Cockcrell), Ilaine Islet, N.E. Australia. Lizard I., N.E. Australia, May 12, 1844 (breedinfr). Clermont I., N.E. Australia, Sept. Port Bowen, Queensland. Port Denison, Queensland, April {Dr. Coppiiii/fr). Port Molle, Queensland, May {Dr. Coppinr/er). Moreton I., Queensland. Brisbane Water, Queensland, August. New South Wales. Sydney Heads. Tasmania. River Derwent, Tasmania. South Bruni I., extreme S. Tasmania, April [Col. W. V. Legye). South Australia. Melbourne. Port Lincoln, S. Australia. 100 miles off King George Sound, S.W. Australia ( W. E. P. Saer, M.N.). Eottnest I., Western Aus- tralia, Dec. 3, 1839. Ansevata, New Caledonia, May (H. L. Layard). Ovalau, Fiji, June and Nov. (E. L. L.). Ovalau, Fiji, Nov. and Jan. [E. L. L.). Levuka, Fiji, Mav, Julv, Aug. {E. L. L.). ' Levuka, Fiji, April (E. L. Levuka, Fiji. Mbau, Fiji Is. {J. Bre)ichley). Ngau, Fiji Is., Oct. [F. M. Itayner). Suva, Fiji Is., Oct. [Dr. Cop- pinger) . Suva, Fiji Is., Feb. {E. L. Layard). Bowditch I., Union Group, June 20, 1889 {J. J. Lister). 95 Salvin-Godman Coll. J. B. Jukes, Esq. [P.". Earl of Derby [P.]. Voy. II.M.S. ' Rattle- snake.' J. B. Jukes, Esq. [P.]. Voy. H.M.S.' Alert.' Voy. H.M.S. 'Alert.' Voy. II.M.S. ' Rattle- Voy.H.M.S.' Rattle- snake.' Australian Mus. [P.] Australian Mus. [P.]. R. Gunn, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. II. Saunders CoU. Sir G. Grev [P.]. Gould Coll. Ilume Coll. II. Saunders CoU. Gould Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebobm Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. H. Sauuders Coll. H.M.S. 'Challenger' Exp. Voy. H.M.S. 'Cu- ra9ao.' Voy.H.M.S.' Herald.' Voy. H.M.S. 'Alert.' Tweeddale ColL Seebohm Coll. 96 />'. c? ad. ; q". 2 Tonoratabii, Friendly Is., vix ad. sk. Nov. (Dr. Cojjjnnger). r^. Imm. sk. Society Islands. s', i'. 2 vix ad. et Eaiatea, Society Islands, imm. sk. Nov. (•/. Young). ««% v\ (S 5 ad. sk. Hualieine, Society Islands, Xov._ (J. Y.). vf . Ad. sk. Huaheiue. a*. Skeleton. y^, s\ Skulls. Australia. Australia {Macgillivray). Voy. H.M.S. 'Alert.' Hume Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. J. H. Gurney, Esq, lP-I: Warwick [Pur- ckased]. Voy. H.M.S. 'Rattle- snake.' 18. Sterna bernsteini. Sterna bernsteini, Schleg. Mns. P.-Bas, Sternte, p. 9 (186.3 : Halma- hera)*; Fimcli, Neu-Guin. p. 18-4 (180.5) ; Grai/, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 120, no. 11060 (1871) ; Saunders, P. Z. 8. 1876, p. 657 (revision Steminse) : Hartl. Vog. Madag. p. 380 (1877) : Sharpe, Phil. Tr. clxviii. p. 4(53, Rep. Trans. Venus (1879 : Rodriguez) ; Salvad. Ann. Mns. Civ. Gen. xviii. p. 407 (1882) : id. Orn. Papuasia S/'c. iii. p. 435 (1882) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1886, p. 336 (Diego Garcia) ; JE. Newton, Tr. Norw. Soc. iv. p. 553 (1888 : Mascarene Is.). Thalasseus bernsteini. Bias. J.f. O. 1866, pp. 81 & 86. Sterna maxima, Milne- Edwards S; Grandidier, H. N. Madaqasc, Ois. p. 656 (1882). Adult in ivinter plumage. Forehead and lores white ; crowu, nape, and long acuminate crest-feathers black mixed with white ; mantLj very pale grey, even lighter than in S. maxima : primaries similar in pattern to those of that species, but paler on the outer webs and with a larger extent of white on the inner webs ; rump and tail- feathers palest grey ; underparts white : bill olivaceous at the base, yellower towards the tip ; tarsi and toes black, with a reddish tinge. Total length 17 inches, culmen 2-6, wing 12'9, tail 5-8, depth of fork 2-2.5, tarsus 1*2, middle toe with claw 1-3. Immature. Similar, slightly darker on the upper parts, especially the centres of the inner secondaries and the webs of the primaries. The adult in hreeding-plumage is not yet known with certaint}-, but from the abrupt termination of the black on the forehead in all the specimens I have examined, there can be little doubt that Schlegel was right in assuming that this species belongs to the group with the white frontal band. Hah. Island of Halmahera (Gilolo) ; Diego Garcia, Chagos group ; the Seychelles ; the Island of Rodriguez, and probably the rest of the Mascarene Islands. a, b. Ad. sk. c. 5 imm. sk. d. (S sternum. Goilon, Island of Rodriguez {Rev. H. H. Slater). Seychelles. I. of Rodriguez. Transit of Venus Expe- dition. SheUey Coll. Transit of Venus Exped. Type in Leyden Museum examined. 6. STERNA. 07 19. Sterna frontalis. ? Striated Tern, Lath. Gen. Si/n. iii. p. 358, pi. 98 (1785 : New Zea- land ; juv.). ? Sterna striata, G>n. Si/st. Nut. i. p. 009 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 807 (1790) ; Bonn. Enc. Meih. pt. i. p. 95 (1790). Sterna striata, Gray, in Dieffenl). Trav. N. Zeal. ii. App. p. 200 (184.")). ? Sterna velox, Gould {nee Cretschm.), P. Z. S. 184:^, p. 140 (Bass Straits ; imm.). Sterna frontalis, Gray, Zool. Voy. JEreb. 4" Terror, p. 19, pi. 20* (1844) ; id. Gen. Ii. iii. p. 659 (1846) ; id. Hand-l. B. iii. p. 118, no. 11034 (1871) ; Finseh, J.f. O. 1870, p. 364; id. op. cit. 1872, p. 253 ; id. op. cit. 1874, p. 205 (X. Zealand) ; Sutton, Cat. N. Zeal. B. p. 42 (1871) : id. Ibis, 1872, p. 248 (Chatham Is.) ; Butler, B. N. Zeal. p. 281 (1873) ; Sharpe, Voy. Ereb. ^- Terr., Birds, App. p. 32 (1875); Saun lers, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 659 (revision); id. Journ. Linn. iSoc. xiv. p. 402 (1878: distribution); Pamsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 1878, p. 201 ; Peischek, Tr. N. Z. Inst. 1886, p. 103 (Little Barrier I.) : Pamsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. X. S. IF. 1887, p. 1100; id. Tab. List Austr. B. p. 23 (1888) : Puller, B. Xeic Zeal. 2nd ed. ii. p. 68, pi. XXX. ti?. 2 (1888) ; North, Nests ^ E(/(/s Austral. B. p. 403 (1889 : Action I., Entrecasteaux Channel, S.E. Tasmania, breeding) ; Tristr. Cat. Cull. B. p. 9 (1889) ; Heine ^- Peichewnv, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 354 (1890) ; Hartert, Kat. Vogelsamml. Senckenb. p. 239 (1891); JViylesw. Abh. zool. Mus. Dr'esd. 1890-91, no. 6, p. 75 (1892) ; H. 0. Forbes, Ibis, 1893, p. 530 (Chatham Is.). ? Gvgis striata, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 185. Sterna albifrons, Peale, U.S. Expl. Exp., Birds, p. 279 (1848). Sterna melanorhyncha, Gould, B. Austr. vii. pi. 26 (1848 : Tas- mania) ; Peichenb. Vog. Neuholl. p. 346 (1850) ; Gould, Handb. B. Austr. ii. p. 398 (1865 : partim) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 118, no. 11033 (1871). Sterna atripes, Ellman, Zool. 1861, p. 7473. Sterna longipennis (partim), Finsch ^- Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. p. 220 (1867). Sterna longipennis, i^(wsc7i {nee Nordm.), J. f. O. 1867, p. 339; id. (correction) op. cit. 1870, p. 365.t Adult in hreedinci-plumarjc. Lores and lower forehead to the base of the bill white ; upper forehead, crown, and nape black, the feathers filamentous and not acuminate ; upper surface very pale grey, the shafts of the flight- and tail-feathers white ; outer web of first primary black nearly to the tip, inner web pale grej' next the shaft and white on the inner margin, the succeeding primaries grey on their outer webs, otherwise like the first, all of them edged with white to the tips of the inner webs as in >S'. dougalU ; underparts pure white, sometimes suffused with a pink tinge, which is evanescent : bill black ; tarsi and toes reddish brown. Total length 16 to 17 inches, according to the development of the tail-streamers ; culmen 2*2, wing 11-25, tail 7, depth of fork 4, tarsus 0*85, middle t " PlIAETUSA ASTROLABiE," Bp. MS, There is a young .S. frontalis nained as above in the Paris Museum, said to come from Tongatabu (Quoy & Gaimard's Voy.). Another bird bearing the same name and from the same locality is S. hergii. VOL. XXV. H S8 LARIDiE. toe inclusive of claw 1-1. The streamers may attain somewhat greater length in the male, but otherwise the sexes are alike in plumage. Adult in winter. Similar, but mottled with white on the forehead and crown. Immature. Head mottled with white and brownish black; a broad band of dark bi'own on the upper wing-coverts, the under secondaries with patches of the same colour ; primaries ash-grey on both sides of the shafts ; tail-feathers dark grey on the outer webs and the terminal portions of the inner webs. Towuj. Entire head darker, feathers of the upper parts barred and tipped with brownish black on a buffish-white to grey ground : bill dark horn-colour ; otherwise similar to the adult. Fledgling (Otago, Feb. ; coll. Hon. W. Rothschild). Forehead and crown chiefly dull white, with dark streaks which become confluent on the nape ; markings on the upper parts paler and narrower. Nestling. " Covered with buffy-white down, tinged with fulvous on the head and neck, and mottled with grey on the back" (Buller). Hah. New Zealand ; also {fide E. P. Ramsay) in Bass Straits and " all along the coast-line of Australia." a, b. Ad. St. New Zealand {Pamplin). Purchased. c. Ad. sk. New Zealand. H. Saunders Coll. d, e. $ ad. sk. New Zealand, Jan. Tweeddale Coll. /, ff. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Sir E. Home [P.]. A. Ad. St. ; «'. Juv. New Zealand. Capt. Stokes, K.N. sk. [P.]. k. cJ ad. sk. Dusky Bay, New Zealand. Capl. Stokes, E.N. [P.]. /. 5 ad. st. Port Cooper, New Zealand. F. Strange [C.]. m, n. Ad. ; o. Imm. ; Otago, New Zealand. II. Saunders Coll. p. Juv. sk. g. S ad. sk. Otago. Hume Coll. r. fjad.sk. Dunedin, New Zealand, April. Hume Coll. s. 2 ^d. sk. Dunedin, New Zealand, Oct. Hume Coll. t. Ad. ; II. Juv. Wellington, New Zealand. H. Saunders CoU. sk. V. Sk. Auckland Islands. Gould Coll. w, Juv. sk. New South Wales. Australian Mus. [P.]. 20. Sterna aleutica. Sterna aleutica, Baird, Trans. Chicago Acad. 1869, p. 321, pi. 31. fig. 1 (Alaska) ; Dall Sf Bann. torn. cit. p. .307 (Kodiak, Alaska) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 118, no. 11037 (1871) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 187(3, p. 664 (revision Sterninae) ; id. Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. pp. 403 & 405 (1878: distribution); Coues, Key, p. 322 (1872); id. B. N.- West, p. 696 (1874) ; Bidgio. Bidl. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 53 (1881) ; Coues, Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 124 (1882) ; Nelson, Cruise * Corxoin^ p. 109 (1883) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 768 (1884); Baird, Brewer, 4'- Ridgw. Water-B. N. Amer. 6. STERNA. 99 ii. p. .307 (1884) ; Turner, Rep. Alaska, p. 127 (1886) ; A. O. U. Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 94 (1886); Ridgio. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 45 (1887) ; Ndmn, Rep. Alaska, p. 60 (1887) ; Seebohm, B. Japan. Emp. p. 299 (1890 : Inuboye) ; Allen, Auk, 1893, p. 123. _ _ Sterna camtschatica, "Pallas,''^ Finsch, Ahh. nat. Ver. Brem. 'in. p. 85 (1882: nee Pallas). Adult in hreedincj-plumaiie. Centre of forehead and backwards to the eye white ; below, a black loral streak from the maxilla to the eye; crown and nape black; mantle slate-grey, the secondaries edged with white ; primaries darker grey, the outer web of the first blackish, shafts white, a dark line next the shaft on each inside web and running up the inner margin, white wedges to the four outer primaries ; rump and tail pure white, streamers long and pointed ; under tail- and under wing-coverts white ; abdomen and breast pale slate-grey ; chin and lower cheeks white : bill and feet black. Total length 13-5 inches, culmen 1-6, wing 10-75, tail 6'5 to 7, depth of fork 3"5-4, tarsus 0-75, middle toe with claw 1. The sexes appear to be alike in plumage. Adult in winter. Similar to the above, with rather more white on the forehead. Immature, unknown to me. In a s])ecimen obtained on August 23rd, 1879, a few sandy-white margins to the tips of some of the feathers of the mantle can be detected, and the general plumage is dull ; otherwise the bird is like an adult, with well-developed, though abraded, streamers ; the lower mandible slightly reddish at the base. Young (Sept. 1). Forehead and crown brown, with blackish streaks, which become confluent on the nape ; feathers of the mantle chiefly black, deeply edged mth rufous buff, flight-feathers dark grey ; rump and tail grey, the outer webs of the exterior pair of rectrices white, all the feathers tipped with buff ; underparts dull white, with some clove-brown on the upper breast and sides of the neck : bill and feet ochre-yeUow. Nestling (No. 97160, St. Michael's, Alaska, July 29th, 1880; E. W. Nelson). " Above rather light sooty brown, confusedly marbled or mottled with dusky, the head with the light brown pre- dominating, and the dusky markings more distinct. Forehead, chin, entire throat, and sides of the neck uniform sooty slate ; jugulum and breast pure white ; sides, flanks, abdomen, and anal region sooty grey. liill pale yellowish brown (flesh-colour in life), with black tip; legs and feet pale yellowish brown (flesh-colour in life?)" (Waler-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 307). Mr. Nelson goes on to describe No. 97162, which is now in the B.M. coll., and shows the points in which it diff'ers from the above. The specimen in question has been labelled " *S'. macrura " and subsequently " S. aJeutica ?"; and it is exactly like downy nestlings of the Arctic Tern from Europe and from St. iLichaers, Alaska. There is also in the British Museum a nestling obtained by Mr. C. Drexler on St. Paul's I., July 2oth, which agrees better with Mr. Nelson's description, while it is unlike the nestling of an Arctic Tern, or indeed any other h2 100 LAEIDJE. Iforthern species. If not S. aleutica, I can only suggest that it may- be the young of S. loivjipennis, not yet known in this stage. • Hah. Coast and islands of Alaska ; also Asiatic side of Bering Sea, and South-east Japan. a. 5 ad. sk. St. Michael's, Alaska, Aug. H. Saunders Coll. [L. M. Turner), b-d, c? 2 ad. sk. St. Michael's, Alaska, June- Salvin-Godman Coll. July (i. M.T.). e-n. (S , o-q. 5 St. Michael's, Alaska, June- Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. July {E. W. Nelson). r. Pull. sk. [?] ; s- St. Michael's, Alaska, July Salvin-Godman Coll. u. 2 ad.; v-z. 29-Sept. 1 {E. W. N.). Juv. sk. a'. Ad. sk. Inaboye, off Yedo, Japan. Seehohm Coll. 21. Sterna lunata. Sterna lunata, Peak, U.S. E.vpl. Kvp., Birds, p. 277 (1848 : Vincennes I., Paumotu Group) ; Hartl. Wierpn. Arch. 1852, p. 125 ; id. J. f. O. 1854, p. 170 ; Cassin, U.S. Krpl. Kvp., Birds, p. 382 (1858) ; Gray, Cat. B. Trop. Is. p. 59 (1859) ; Schlegel, Mas. P.-B., Sternas, p. 27 (1863 : Halmahera) ; Finsch k Hartl. Faun. Centralpulyn. p. 231, pi. xiii. fig. 3 (1867 : McKean's Is.) ; Hartl. P. Z. S. 1867. p. 831 (Pelew Is.) ; Hartl. Hf Finsch, op. cit. 1868, pp. 4, 9, & 118 : Scl. op. cit. 1869, p. 124 (Solomon Is.) ; Hartl. (^- P'insch, op. cit. 1872, pp. 90 & 113 (Pelew and Mackenzie Is.) ; Finsch, Journ. Mus. Godefr. Hft. viii. p. 41 (1875 : Pelew Is.) ; Rosenb. Reistocht. Geelvinkb. p. 9 (1875) ; Layard, Ibis, 1876, p. 393_ (Fiji Is.) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 665 (revision) ; id. Journ. Linn. Sac. xiv. p. 404 (1878 : distribution) ; Tristr. Ibis, 1882. p. 144 (Solomon Is.) ; Stej7i. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. sii. p. 379 (1889 : Kaui I.) ; Lister, P. Z. S. 1891, pp. 296 & 300 (Phcenix Group). Haliplana lunata, Coues, Ibis, 1864, p. 392 ; Bins. J. f. 0. 1866. p. 80 : Cones, B. N.- W. pp. 698 & 703 (1874 : critical) ; Rothsch. Avif. Laysan ^-c. i. p. 37, pi. (1893). Hydrochelidou lunata. Gray, Hand-IB. iii. p. 122, no. 11081 (1871). Onychoprion luuatus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xviii. p. 409 (1882) ; id. Orn. Papuasia ^c. iii. p. 451 (1882) ; Vorderm. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Lid. li. p. 247 (1891 : S. Sumatra) | ?] ; Wiglesw. Abh. k. Mus. Dresd. 1890-91, no. vi. p. 76 (1892). Adult in h'eeding-pjlumage. Centre of forehead and the super- ciliary line thence to behind the eye white ; loral stripe, crown, and nape black ; hind neck grey ; mantle and tail-coverts dark slate- grey, the secondaries not tipped with white but only greyish white on their inner webs ; primaries chiefly smoke-grey, with white " wedges " to the centres of the inner webs, shafts brown ; tail- feathers chiefly smoke-grey, except at their bases which are whitish, the outer pair quite white on the exterior webs and only grej^ for about 2 inches from the tips of the inner webs ; underparts white : bill black ; tarsi and toes reddish black, the inner webs considerably excised, the toes slender, the claws rather long and curved. Total length 15 inches, culmen 1"9, wing 10-5, tail 6'75, depth of fork 2'7, tarsus O'S, middle toe with claw 1*25. 6. STERNA. 101 Aduh in winter jihmiaye. Similar to the above, with more white on the forehead. Immature. Head mottled with black and white ; mantle and tail with rather a brownish tiuge to the grey ; the usual dark line along tho upper wiug-coverts ; otherwise like the above. Yoiiiuj. Forehead, head, and sides of neck mottled and streaked with black on a stone-whito ground ; feathers of the mantle brownish grey, broadly tipped with dull white ; uuderparts white : bill, tarsi, and toes horn-brown. Ilah. Paumotu Is. (Low Archipelago), Society Is., Fiji Group, Phoenix Is., Hawaiian Group, Laysau and Kruseustern Is., Caroline and Pelew Is., Moluccas, Solomon Is., and probably the intermediate islands of the Pacific. a. Juv. sk. Solomon Islands. P. L. Sclater, Esq. [P.]. b. Imm. sk. Tahiti {A. Garrett). H. Saunders Coll. c. ^ ad. sk. Phreuix Islands, .Tune. J. J. Lister, Esq. [P.l. d. Ad. sk. Hawaii [Knudsen). Prof. R. Collett [P.]. e. f. Ad. sk. Krusenstern Is , spring ( 0. Seebohm Coll. Snoiu). 22. Sterna ansestheta. L'llirondelle de mer de Tlsle de Panay, Son7i. Voy. Nouv. Guin. p. 12.5, pi. 84 (1776). L'Hirondelle de mer des Philippines, Buffon, Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. .344 (1783). Panayan Tern, Latk. Gen. Stpt. iii. pt. 2, p. 363 (178.J : e.r Sonn.). Sterna aiisestheta *, Scop. i)el. Faun, et Flor. Ins. i. p. 92, no. 72 (1786 : e.v 8on7i.) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 323 (1872) ; legge, Str. F. 187o, p. 377 ; Hume, op. cit. 1876, p. 474 (Laccadives) ; Butler, op. cit. 1877, p. 301 (Mekran Coast) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 664 (revision) ; id. op. cit. 1877, p. 43 ; id. Zool. 1877, p. 213 (Mouth of Tliames ?); id. Journ.Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 404 (1878 : distribution) ; Itamsdy, Fr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 1878, p. 201 ; id. op. cit. 1879, p. 302 (New Guinea) ; id. op. cit. 1880, p. 102 (New Guinea) ; Oustal. Bull. Soc. Philomath. 1878, p. 196 (Seychelles") ; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 272 (Ellice Is.) ; Hume, Str. F. 1879, pp. 71 & 116 ; id. op. cit. ix. p. 96 (1880 : Malabar Coast) ; Leqge, B. Ceiilon, 1). 1040 (18S0) ; Cory, B. Bahamas, p. 21.">, pi. (1880) ; I{id(/w. null. U.S. Xat. Mus. no. 21, p. o3 (1881) ; Milne-Edwards lV Grand. H. N. Madaq., Ois. p. 658 (1882) ; Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 626 (1882); Gates, B. Burm. ii. p. 431 (188.3); Sharpe, Bep. Vol/. 'Alert; p. 28 (1884: Torres Str.); Baird, Brewer, Sr Bidf/zv. 'Watcr-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 316 (1884) ; Wells, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mws. ix. p. 632 (1886 : I. of Grenada) : Eidyw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 46 (1887) : F. Newt. Tr. Norf. ^- Norw. iv. p. 553 (1888: Mascarene Is.); E. P. Ramsay, Tab. List, p. 23 (1888) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 8 (1889) ; Cory, B. West Ind. p. 278 (1889) ; Everett, B. Borneo, p. 211 (1889) ; North, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. B. p. 356 (1889) ; Gates, 2nd ed. Hume's Nests ^ Eggs Ind. B. iii. * Originally " Sterna anaethetus" many of the older writers maintaining that Sterna was masculine ; subsequently anosfhce/iis, aiKestheta, &c. I have put chein all together as synonyms identical in meaning. 102 p. 300 (1890) ; Seehohm, B. Jajian. Emp. p. 301 (1890) ; J. B. Young, Ibis, 1891, p. 147 (Red Sea ; breeds) ; Hartert, Kat. Vogehamm. Senckenb. p. 238 (1891) ; Walker, Ibis, 1892, p. 256 (N.W. Australia: breeds) ; Cory, Cat. W. Ind. B. p. 83 (1892) ; Barnes, Ibis,_ 1893, p. 178 (Aden) ; Hartert, t. c. p. 310 (Aruba I., breeds) ; Eeichenow, Vog. Deutsch.-O.-Afr. p. 21 (1894 : Formosa Bay, near Witu). Sterna panayensis, Gm. S. N. i. p. 607 (1788) ; Baffles, Tr. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 329 (1821) ; ScJiIeg. Mm. P.-B., Sterns, p. 26 (1863) ; Bosenb. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. xxv. p. 256 (1863) ; id. J.f. 0. 1864, p. 138; 'ScJd. ^- Pollen, Faun. Madag., Ois. p. 148 (1868) ; Blanf. Geol. 4' Zool. Abyss, p. 441 (1870: Eed Sea); Cab. Sf Beichenoiv, J. f. O. 1876, p. 328. Sterna panaya, Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 808 (1790) ; Stepk. in Shaw's Gen, Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 157 (1826) ; Gray, P. Z. 8. 1858, p. 198 ; id. Cat. B. Neiu Guin. p. 63 (1859) ; Hevgl. in Peterm. Mitth. 1861, p. 31 (Red Sea) ; Hartl. Si Finsch, Faun. Ceyitralpohjn. p. 228, t. iv. figs. 1-3, eggs (18G7) ; Dole, Pr. Post. Soc. N. H. p. 306 (1869 : Sandwich Is.) ; Finsch, Tr. Z. S. vii. p. 305 (1870 : Massowa) ; Finsch ^ Hartl. Vog. Ost-Afr. p. 883 (1870) ; Layard, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 497 (Levuia) ; id. op. cit. 1879, p. 365 ; Fischer ^■ Beicheno2v, J.f. O. 1878, p. 247 (Zanzibar). Sterna antarctica. Lesson, Traite, p. 621, ex Cuvier, MS. (1831 : He de France and Calcutta) {nee Waqler, 1832) ; Pucheran, Bev. Zool. 1850, p. 541 (critical) ; Hartl J.f. O. 1855, p. 419 ( = " S. panayensis "). Sterna melanoptera, Swainson, B. W. Afr. ii. p. 249 (1837) * ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 659 (1846) ; Allen 4- thomps. Exp. Niger, i. p. 167 (1848) ; Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 255 (1857) ; Dohrn, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 331 (Ilha do Principe). Haliplana panayensis, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 190 ; Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 97 (1854 : Bengal) ; Bp. C. B. xiii. p. 772 (1856) ; Hartl. Faun. Madag. p. 86 (1861 : He de France) ; Salviti, Ibis, 1866, p. 199 ; Blasius, J. f 0. 1866, p. 80 ; E. Neivtoyi, Ibis, 1867, p. 359 (Seychelles) ; Hartl. Vog. Madag. p. 388 (1877). Hydrocecropis melanoptera [Sicains.), Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 179. Hydrocecropis panayensis, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 179. ? Haliplana keri, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 190. Sterna fuligula, Licht. in Forst. Descr. An. p. 276, note (1844). Melanosterna anasthetus, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xv. p. 373 (1846 : type of genus). Sterna fuliginosa (partim). Gray, Gen. B. iii, p. 659 (1846). Onychoprion panaya, Goidd, B. Austr. vii. pi. 33 (1848) ; Beichenb, VUg. Neuholl. p. 348 (1850); Macgill. Narr. Voy. ^Rattlesnake,' ii. p. 359 (1852) ; Krefft, Ibis, 1862, p. 192. Onychoprion ansesthetus, Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 293 (1849) ; Layard, Ann. Sf Mag. Nat. Hist. xiv. p. 271 (1854 : Ceylon) ; Jerdo7i, B. Ind. iii. p. 844 (1864) : Walden, Tr. Z. S. viii. p. 104 (1872) ; Ball, Sir. F. 1873, p. 90 (Andaman Is.) ; Hwne, t. c. p. 320; Salvad. Ucc. Born. p. 374 (1874); Walden, Ibis, 1874, p. 149 (Andaman Is.) ; id. Tr. Z. S. ix. pp. 244 & 262 (1877) ; Wardlaic-Ramsay, Tweedd. Mem. p. 660 (1881 : Philippines) ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xviii. p. 408 (1882) ; id. Orn. Papuasia ^■c. iii. p. 449 (1882) ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 52 (Timor Laut) ; Type in Cambridge Museum examined. 6. STERNA. 103 Vorderm. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. xliv. p. 207 (1884 : Java) ; jff. 0. Forbes, op. cit. 1884, p. 434 (Timor Laut) ; W. Blasim, Braimschw. Anz. 1888, p. 96; id. Ornis, 1888, p. 634 (Gt. San- ghir I.) ; Vorderm. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. xlix. p. 419 (1889 : Sumatra) ; Salvad. ^- Gigl. Mem. Aec. Tor. xxxix. p. 104 (1889 : Somali Coast) ; Salvad. Ayr/iimte Orn. Papuasia ^-c. pt. iii. p. 212 (1891) ; Wiglesio. Abh. k. Mus. Dresdeyi, 1890-91, no. vi. p. 76 (1892: Polynesia). Sterna infuscata, Heitgl. Ibis, 18o9, p. 3ol {nee Licht.) ; id. in Peterm. Mitth. 1861, p. 32 (Red Sea), Ilaliplana panaya, Salvin, Ibis, 1864, p. 381 ; Coues, t. c. p. 391 (Brit. Honduras). Ilaliplana discolor, Coues, Ibis, 1864, p. 392 (Brit. Honduras) ; Lmvr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. viii. p. 104 (1864 : Sombrero I.) ; Elliot, New S,- Unpj. B. N. Amer. ii. pi. 57 (1869). Sterna nubilosa, Sundev. {nee Sparrm.) K. Vet.-Akad, Stockh. Fork. 1869, p. 589 (St. Bartholomew, W. Ind.). Sterna panayana, Swink. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 603 (Hakodadi, Japan )t, Hydrochelidon anosthffitus, Grai/, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 122, no. 11080 \1871). Ilaliplana ansestheta, Simnn. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 422 ; David ^- Oustal. Ois. Chine, p. 528 (1877); Heine Sf Peichenozo, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 356 (1890). Onychoprion panayensis, Scl. 8f Salv. P, Z. S. 1871 , p. 572 ; iid. Nomencl. Ai\ Neotrop. p. 147 (1873) ; Zeledon, Cat. Aves Costa Pica, p. 36 (1882). Ilydroclielidon infuscata, Hengl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. p. 1512 & p. ccvi (nee p. 1457, which is S.fulir/inosa) (1873). Hydrochelidon anctsthetus, Heuf/l. Orn. N. O.-Afr. p. 1453 (1873) : Rochebr. Faun. Seneq., Ois. p.338 (1884). Sterna (Ilaliplana) anrestheta, Coues, B. N.-West, p. 701 (1874). Sterna ansesthetica, Coues, Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 124 (1882) ; id. Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 769 (1884), Adult in hreeding-plumage. Head as in the preceding species ; loral stripe black ; upper forehead, crown, and nape black ; shoulders slate-grey, passing into dark gre3-ish brown on the mantle : no visible white on the secondaries ; primaries umber- brown, shafts black, the " wedges " on the inner webs very narrow and not sharply defined ; rump and principal tail-feathers greyish brown like the mantle, but the streamers white on the outer and the upper portions of the inner webs, and the next pair of rectrices whitish at their bases ; abdomen and breast grejdsh white ; under wing-covcrts and throat pure white : bill, tarsi, and toes black, the inner webs of the latter considerably excised. Total length 14-15 inches, culmen 1-8, wing about 10-3, tail 7-5, depth of fork 4, tarsus 0-8, middle toe with claw 1-2. The sexes are alike in plumage. Adidt in winter pluinaf/e. Similar to the above, but the lores and crown mottled with white for a short time. Immature. Generally similar, but with more white on the head whitish tips to the feathers of the back, which, when fresh, are somewhat grey : a dark line along the upper wing-coverts, and less white on the outCx rectrices. Full plumage is not attained until the bird is at least two years old. 104 Young. Head streaked aud mottled with brownish black ; feathers of the upper parts dark brown with rufous tips, which subsequently become paler, approaching white, and finally wear awaj" ; underparts greyish white ; bill and toes brownish. Adults from the West Indies show a trifle more white in the outer tail-feathers than is the case with some Oriental examples, but birds from the Red Sea are absolutely identical with the former. Hab. Intertropical and juxta-tropical seas : — Gulf of Mexico and West Indies J West Africa, Lower Eed Sea, East Africa, Mada- gascar and Mascarene Islands, and Indian Ocean generally ; Moluccas, China Seas up to Japan, Pelew Is. &c., New Guinea, Iforthern Australia, the Fiji, Tonga, EUice, and Phoenix Groups. In the Low Archipelago and in the Sandwich Islands Group the representative appears to be S. lunata. «. Imm. sk. h. Imm. sk. c, d. Ad. et juv. St. e. Vi.x ad. sk. f,g. 6^ ad. sk. h-k. S $ ad. sk. I, m. S ad. sk. 71, o. Ad. sk. j>. Ad sk. q. Imm. sk. r, s. cJ 5 ad. sk. t. Vix ad. sk. u-iv. cj ad. et imm. sk. .r. Vix ad. sk. y. cS juv.; z-7i'. cJ 2 iiim- sk. o'. 2 juv. sk. p'. Juv. sk. ol. Ld. Hone's I. p. 17 (1889); Wifjlestc. Abh. zuul. Mus. Urcsd. 1^90-91, p. 75, no. 372 (1892). Sterna gouldi, Meichenb. Natat. tab. xxii. fig. 829 (1848) ; id. op.cit. Novit. ix. t. cclxxii. figs. 2267-8 (18o0). Sterna (Onychoprion) serrata, Grai/, Cat. B. Trop. I. Pacific, p. 59 (1859). Anous tuliginosus, Fnixch, Neii-G'iiuica,-p. 184 (1865). Sterna luctuosa, Phil. ^- Landb. Wi('(jm. Arc/i. p. 126 (1866 : Valdivia, Chili). " IIali])lana fuliginosa, var. crissalis, Baird," Lairr. Pr. Post. Soc. Nat. Hist. XIV. pp. 285, 301 (1871 : Tres Marias, SocoiTo, W. Mexico) ; Lawr. Mem. Bust. Soc. N. H. ii. p. 318 (1874). Hydroclielidon somalensis, Heuql. Orn. K.O.-Afr. pp. 1512 & ccvii (1873) ; Jlde Finsch, in J. Mils. Godeffr. xii. (1876) p. 39. Hydroclielidon infuscata, Hew/l. Orn. N.O.-Afr. p. 1457 (wee pp. 1512 & ccvi, whicli^S. anaestheta ; Jide Finsch ut supra). Sterna (Ilaliplana) fuliginosa, CWes, /?. N.-West, p. 698 (1874); Streets, Bull. U.S. Xat. Mus. vii. p. 27 (1877 : Fanning Group) . Adult in hreedinfi-plunuKje. Similar to the preceding species ; but larger, the white frontal band and the superciliary stripe broader, the latter oblique and not reaching beyond the eye, from which it is separated by a narrow continuation of the black loral stripe; upper surface sooty black, the " wedges" on the inner webs of the primaries a trifle paler than the rest; streamers dull white on the outer webs and smoke-grey on the terminal half of the inner webs, remaining tail-feathers sooty black ; under tail-coverts, abdomen, and flanks greyish white ; breast and throat white : bill and feet black with a slightly reddish tinge, the web between the middle and the inner toe nearly full, aud iiv less excised than in S. ancstheta and S. hniata. Total length about 17 inches, culmen 2-1, wing 11-75, tail about I'b, and depth of the fork 4, tarsus 0-9, middle toe with the claw I'l. Adidt in ivinter. Like the above, with white flecks on the lores and crown. Immature. Erowiiish black above, darker on the upper wing- coverts ; outer tail-feathers nearly as sooty black as the rest of the rectrices, except towards the tips : tarsi and toes reddish brown. JS'extring and Young. The chick when about three days old is streaked with greyish brown and dull white on the upper surface — darkest on the forehead — and chiefly stone-white below. When half-fledged, the feathers of the mantle are blackish, with broad white tips, which gradually wear down. "When the bird is fully fledged these white tips are much narrower, the feathers of the upper parts are sooty brown, and the imderparts are also of a somewhat paler brown, becoming lighter towards the vent. (In S. ancstheta and S. Junata the underparts arc whitish.) Bill and feet rcddisli brown. Mall. Trojiical and juxta-tropical seas, wherever suitable islands 110 and reefs exist ; occasionally wandering to Maine in North America, and to Europe, even as far as England. Almost unknown on the South American side of the Pacific ; otherwise very generally dis- tributed. This and the two preceding species form a very natural group, diifering from the other Sea-Terns in several points ; for instance, only one egg is incubated at a time. But with every desire to separate them generically, I am unable to find any structural differences which would warrant such a proceeding. a. Ad. st. h,e. Ad. st. d-n. Ad. sk. 0. S ad. sk. p. (S ad. sk. q. Ad. sk. r. (S ad. sk. s. Juv. sk. t. Ad. sk. u, V. Pull. ; tv, .V. Juv. ; y. Ad. sk. z. 2 ad. sk. a. Ad. sk. b'. Vix ad. sk. c'. Juv. sk. d'. Ad. sk. e',f'. Ad. sk. ff'. Ad. sk. h'. 2 "d. sk. i'-s'. 6 2 ad. ; t'. Juv. ; u', v. Pull. sk. w'. Vix ad. sk. x. 6 juv. sk. y', Juv. sk. z . Sfr. F. y\. p. 492 (1878 : Tonfrhoo) ; Steere, List Mamm. Sf B. Exped. Bhilipp. p. 27 (1890 : Mindauao). ? Sterna siimatrana, Baffles, Tr. Linn. Soc. xiii.p. 329 (1821). Viralva sinensis, Steph. in Shaw'' s Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 173 (1826). Sterna pusilla, Te7nm. Man. d'Orn. 2nd ed. pt. 4, p. 465 (1840). Sternula pusilla {Tetnm.), Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 183. Sternula sinensis, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 183 ; Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 18G3, p. 329 ; id. Ibis, 1863, p. 429 ; Holdsjc. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 481 (Ceylon) ; David ^ Oustal. Ois. Chine, p. 527 (1877) ; Legge, Sir. F. i'ii. p. 377 (1875) ; id. op. cit. iv. p. 246 (1876) ; E. P. Rams. Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 201 (1878) ; A. MilUer, J. f. O. 1882, p. 438 (Salanga I.) ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xviii. p. 408 ; id. Orn. Papuasia SfC. iii. p. 445 (1882) ; Tacz. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1885, p. 477 (Ussuria) ; id. P. Z. S. 1887, p. 611 ; id. op. cit. 1888, p. 469 (Corea); E. P.Ramsay, Tab. List B. Aiistr. p. 23 (1888) ; Salvad. Aggiiinfe Orn. Papuasia ^-c. p. 212 (1889) ; Seehohm, B. Japan. Emp.T^. 298 (1890) ; De la Louche, Ibis, 1892, p. 503 (Swatow, breedingr). Sternula niinuta (wee L.), Sici7ihoe, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 430 ; id. op. cit. P- . breeding) ; A. B. Meyer, Ibis, 1879, p. 145 (Limbe Strs.) ; T orderin. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. xliv. p. 207 (1884 : Java) ; id. op. cit. xlix. p. 420 (1889 : Sumatra). Stenula placens, Gould, Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. p. 192 (1871); id. Bds. N. Guinea, v. pi. 72 (1876) ; Hume, Str. F. iii. p. 282 (1875: Torres Straits) ; E. P. Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 437 (Queensland to Illawarra) ; Masters, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 1877, p. 63 ; Ramsay, toin. cit. p. 386 (Gulf of Caqjentaria). Sterna inconspicua, Masters, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 1877, p. 63 (Cape York) ; Ramsay, op. cit. 1878, p. 201 ; id. Tab. List B. Austr. p. 23 (1888). Advit male in hrceding-plumage. Lores black from the base of the bill to the eye ; forehead as far as little beyond the top of the eye white; crown and nape black : mandible pearl-grey ; secondaries bordered with greyish white ; shafts of the primaries pure white in the outer, and pale grey in the upper ones ; outer web of the outer primary and a broad line next the shaft on its inner web dark grey ; on the succeeding primaries paler grey ; upper portions and edges of inner webs white ; rump pearl-grey ; tail white ; underparts white : bill gamboge-yellow, tipped with black ; tarsi and feet orange- veUow. Total length 11 inches when the streamers are fully "developed, culmen 1-4, wing 7*4, tail 5-7, depth of the fork 3-4, tarsus 0-65, middle toe with claw 0-8. AdvJt female. Slightly smaller than the male and with less- developed" tail-streamers. Adult in autumn. Similar, with more white on the forehead, and 6. STEKNA. 115 shorter tail-streamers; the primaries darker on their terminal portions, owing to the disappearance of the frosting, until the new quills appear. Iminature. Like the above, but dull white on the crown and the front of the lores ; primaries still darker, the outer shaft always white, the other shafts dusky ; upper wing-coverts dark grey ; tail- feathers greyish, and the streamers not much prolonged : bUl dark brown, tarsi and toes ochreous. Youwj. Forehead huffish white, crown with black streaks which become confluent on the nape ; upper parts mottled and barred with bufhsh brown on a dull grey ground ; bill horn-colour ; feet ochre- yellow. AVhen the bird is barely fledged the buff-colour predominates on the upper surface. Hah. Ceylon, Bay of Bengal, Burma, Malacca, and Malayasia to New Guinea ; Australia down to New South Wales ; the Philippine Islands, and the China Seas up to Japan. a-c. cJ 2 ad. ; d. Juv. ; e. 2 vix ad. ; /. Imm. sk. g. S juv. sk. h. (S ad. sk. i. (5 ad. sk. k. cT ad. sk. I. (S imm. sk. m. 5 innii- sk. )t, 0. S vix ad. sk. p. Imm. sk. q. 2 imm. sk. r. 2 vi-^ ^*i- sl^' s. 2 vix ad. sk. t, u. Imm. sk. v-T. Ad. et imm. sk. p. Imm. slv. z. Imm. sk. a'. Imm. sk. b'-d'. Imm. sk. e'. Ad. sk. /"'. Imm. sk. ff', h' . Imm. sk. «', h' . Imm. ; /', ?«'. Juv. sk. M, 0. Imm. sk. p . Ad. sk. Ilambantotta, S.E. Cevlon, June 30 and July ( W. V. Legc/e). Kodiar Bav, Cevlon, Oct. S.E. Ceylon, June {W. V. L.). S.E. Ceylon, Jidy ( W. V. L.). Burmah {E. W. 0.\ Lower Pegu, April (£". W. 0.). Tongboo, April {E. G. Wardlaiv lianisay). Salangore Coast, March ( W. Davison). Ja^a {Hors field). Matu River, Borneo, Aug. Santubong Bay, Borneo, Aug. Baram, Borneo, Sept. Celebes. N. Australia. Port Darwin. Ton-es Straits. Cape York, Nov. 12, 1849 {J. Macgillicrmi). Cape York (Cuckerell). North Australia. Queensland. Amoy. China, Aug. {R. Sivinhoe). Amov, Aug., Sept., Oct. (R. S.). S.W. Formosa, Aug. 1861 (R.S.). Loo-clioo Islands, June 1, 188G. H. Saunders Coll. PL Saunders Coll. Hume Coll. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. Gates Coll. Hume Coll. Tweeddale CoU. Hume Coll. E. India Mus. [P.]. A. H. Everett Coll. A. H. Everett Coll. A. H. Everett Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Toy. H.M.S.' Rattle- snake.' Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohni Coll. Seebohm Coll. i2 116 LARIDiE. (/'. Vix ad. sk. Kiukiang, Yangtse, ISray (F. H. Saunders Coll. Sty an) . ?•'. Vix ad. ; Hankow, autumn (E. S.). Seebohm Coll. s'. Juv. sk. t'. Ad. .sk. Shanghai. J. Webb, Esq, [P.]. u, c? juv. sk. Pootung, June. Shanghai Mus. [P.]. v'. 2ad.sk. Seoul, Oorea, May (C'.TF. C). C. W. Campbell, Esq. [P.]. w'. Ad. sk. Yokohama, Japan (H. Capt. Blakiston [P.]. Piyef). x', y'. Juv. sk. Yokohama, Japan {H. P.). Seebohm Coll. z'. Ad. sk. Y'okohama, Japan {H. M. H. Saunders Coll. Harrison, R.N.). 27. Sterna minuta. La petite Ilirondelle de Mer, Bn's. Orn. vi. p. 206, pi. xix. fig. 2 (1760) ; Bufon, Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. 337 (1783); Dauhent. PL Enl. pi. 996 (1786). The Lesser Tern, Pennant, Br. Zool. p. 244, pi. L 2 (1766) ; id. ibid. 2nd ed. p. 429 (1788) ; Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 364 (1785) ; Bewick, Brit. B. ii. p. 168 (1821) ; Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 410 (1843V Sterna minuta, Linn. S. N. I p. 228 (1766) ; P. L. S. Miill. S. N. p. 3.53 (1773) ; Gm. S. N. i. p. 608 (1788) ; Lath.Ind. Orn. p. 809 (1790) : Bechst. Naturg. Deutschl. ii. p. 8-37 (1791) ; Meyer u. Wolf, Taschenb. ii. p. 463 (1810) ; Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat. p. 336 (1811: Caspian); Temm. Man. d'Orn. p. 487 (1815); Meisner ^ Scliinz, Vdg. ScJnveiz, p. 265 (1815) ; Koch, Syst. baier. Zool. p. 368 (1816) ; Leach, Syst. Cat. Mamm. ^c. Brit. Mus. p. 41 (1816) ; Nilss. Orn. Suec. p. 162 (1817) ; Te7nm. Man. d'Orn. ed. ii. p. 752 (1820) ; Brehm, Beitr. Vogelk. iii. p. 724 (1822) ; Licht. Verz. Doubt, p. 82 (1823) ; Brehm, Lehrb. p. 692 (1824) ; Steph. in Shaio's Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 163 (1825) ; Werner, Atlas, Palmipedes, pi. 14 (1828) ; Vieill. Faunefrang., Ois. p. 401 (1828) ; Fleming, Brit. An. p. 144 (1828) ; Lesson, Traite, p. 621 (1831) ; Savi, Orn. Tosc. iii. p. 94 (1831) ; Selby, Brit. B. ii. p. 475, pi. 89. figs. 3 & 4 (18.33) ; Jenyns, Man. Brit. Vertebr. p. 267 (1835) ; Eyton, Cat. Br. B. p. 56 (1836) ; Gould, B. Eur. v. pi. 420 (1837) ; Bj). Comp.ListB. Eur. ,c. (S 2 ad. sk. d. 1mm. sk. e. Ad. st. f. Imni. sk. ff. cJ iium. sk. h. Ad. sk. i. cJ ad. sk. /. 6 k. 2 imm ad. sk. m, n. Ad. sk. 0. (S imm. sk. Vix ad. sk. Rupuruni River, Brit. Guiana, Nov., Dec. (H. Whiteh)). Surinam, Dutch Guiana {iJr. W. Kirke). Amazons. Amazons ( Wtdlncc ^- Bates). Amazons (A. Ii. Wallace). Tocantins liiver,Lnwer Ama- zons, Sept. (A. Ii. ir.). Santa Cruz, Upper Amazons, May {E. BartMt). Rio de Janeiro, July {J. YoumJ). Sao Paulo, Brazil {Nattercr). Salvin-Godman Coll Colonia, Rio de la I'lala, II. Saunders Coll. Nov. {U. M. Harrison, B.N.). Baradero, River Parana, H. Dnruford, Esa April. [C.]. ^ Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Purchased. Salvin-(Todman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. H. Saunders Coll. II. Saunders Coll. 126 tARID^. 31 . Sterna lorata. Sterna exilis * {nee Tsch.), Scl. P. Z. S. 18G7, p. 336 & p. 344 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 572 (revision) ; iid. op. cit. 1873, p. 147 ; iid. Nomencl. Ao. Neotr. p. 147 (1873) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 663 (revision) ; id. op. cit. 1882, p. 552 (Peru) ; Tacz. Orn. Perou, iii. p. 445 (1886) ; MacFarl. Ibis, 1887, p. 204 (Callao Bay) ; Ber- lepsch ^ Stolzm. P. Z. S. 1892, p. 400. Sterna lorata, Phil, et Landb. Wiegm. Arch. 1863, pt. i. p. 124. Sterna loricata, Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 121, no. 11068 (1871: ex Ph. Si- Landb.). Adult in hreeding -plumage. Forehead, and as far as the middle ■if the eyebrow, white ; upper loral streak black, rather narrow, l)elow which a parallel whitish streak along the cheeks ; crown and aape black ; mantle slate-grey ; primaries with white shafts, the outer web of the outermost primary black, a smoke-grey line next the shaft on the inner web, and similar lines of a greyer colour on the succeeding primaries, inner portion of inner webs white ; rump and tail-feathers slate-grey, the streamers paler ; vent, flanks, abdomen, and breast smoke-grey, passing into white on the throat and chin ; under wing-coverts white : bill ver}' slender and pro- longed in front of the angle of the genys, greenish yellow at the base, blackish anteriorly ; tarsi and toes brownish, small, delicate, and the web between the middle and inner toe considerably indented. Total length y-6 inches, culmen 1-45, wing 7"3, tail 4-1, depth of fork 2-2, tarsus 0"55, middle toe with claw 0-75. Adidt in winter. Like the above, with a little mottling of white about the lores and forehead. Immature and young unknown to me. Hah. Coast of Peru and of Northern Chile. Breeding-habits unknown. a, b. S ad. sk. Callao Bay, Peru, Aug. {Commr. II. Saunders Coll. MacFarlane, R.N.). c, d. Ad. sk. Paracas Bay, Peru, Oct. {Adml. II. Saunders Coll. A. H. Markham). e. Ad. sk. Coast near Lima ( W. l^ation). Salvin-Godman Coll. /. Ad. St. Chile. Salvin-CTodman CoU. 32. Sterna melananchen. Sterna melanauchen, Temm. PL Col. v. livr. 72, pi. 427 (1827) ; Lesson, Man. cCOrn. ii. p. 382 (1828 : Moluccas) ; id. Traite, p. 622 (1831) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 179 (1844 : Java) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 659 (1846) ; Bhjth, J. A. S. B. xv. p. 373 (1846: Nicobar Is.); Gordd, B. Austral, vii. pi. 28 (1848); Reichenh. Natat. tab. xx. fig. 282 (1848) ; id. torn, cit., Novit. vii. tab. 270. figs. 2255-6 (1850) ; id. Voff. Neuholl. Bd. ii. p. 9 & p. 346 (1850) ; /. Macgilliv. Narr. Voij. Rattlesn. ii. p. 358 (1852) ; Licht. iSfomenel. Av. p. 98 (1854 : Sumatra) ; Schl, Handl. Dierh. tab. viii. fig. 102 (1857) ; Gray, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 198 ; id. op. cit. * As mentioned {supra p. 21). the Sterna exilis of Tsehudi in the Neuchatel Museum proved on examination to be a young Hi/drochelklon surinamensis. G. STERNA. 127 1859, p. 166 (New Caledonia) ; id. Cat. Mamm. ^ B. Neio Guin. p. 53(18.yj); id. P.Z.8. 1861, p. 4:58 (Mysol) ; Schl. Mm. R- Bas, Sterua3, p. 28 (1863) ; lioneiih. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. -im (1863); id. J.f. O. 1864, p. 138; Pelz. Reis. Novara, FoV/. p. 154 (1865: Nicobars) ; Fimok, Neu-Guin. p. 184 (1865: Bat- chiau, Timor) ; Gould, llandb. B. Auxtr. ii. p. 400 (1865) ; Flnsch if Uartl. Faun. CmitralpoUjn. p. 224 (1867); Swinh. Rns, 1%Q7 , p. 230 (Amoy) ; id. op. cit. 1870, p. 367 (Hainan); Marie, Act. . iSov. Linn. Bordeaux, xxvii. p. 328, no. 90 (1870 : New Caledonia; cf. /6w, 1877, p. 363) ; Gray, Uand-l. B. iii. p. 121, no. 11063 (1871) ; Finsch, R. Z. S. 1872, p. 113 (Pelew Is.) ; Ro^enb. Reist. Geeld?ikh. p. 9 (1875); Lai/ard, R.Z.S. 1875, p. 440; Finsch, Journ. Mas. Godeffr. 1875, lift. viii. ]>. 41 (Pelew Is.) ; Masters, Rr. Linn. Sac. N. S. W. 1876, p. 62 ; Ramsay, t. c. p. 78 ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 661 (revision Sternlnse) ; Layard, Ibis, 1876, p. loo(FijiIs.) ; id.t.c.^^. 497 (Naviofatorls.); Sharpe, Journ. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 505 (1877) ; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 770; David ^ Oustal. Ois. Chi7ie, p. O'lC) (1877) ; L'lyard, Ibis, 1878, p. 280 (Coral islands to the N.E. of Madagascar) ; Ramsni/, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 1878, p. 201 ; id. op. cit. 1879, p. .302 ; id. op. cit. 1880, p. 102 ; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 354 (Labuan) ; Rosenb. Malay. Archip. pp. 220, 279, 604 (1878-79) ; Layard, Ibis, 1879, p. 365 (Noumea) ; Leyye, B. Ceylon, p. 1020, note (1880 : not vet in Ceylon) ; Finseh, Ibis, 1880, pp. 220, 332 (Marshall Is.) ; \d. torn. cit. p. 431 (Gilbert Is.) ; id. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 577 (Caroline Is.); id. Ibis, 1881, pp. 113, 115 (E. Carolines); id. torn. cit. p. 540 (New Eritaiu group) ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xviii. p. 408 (1882) ; id. Orn. Papuasia fc. iii. p. 444 (1882) ; Layard, Ibis, 1882, p. 540 (New Caledonia, breeding) ; Gates, B. Brit. i)'M/-»t. ii. p. 429 (1883) ; Finsch, Voy. S'Msee,y^. 21 (1884: New Britain) ; Meyer, Zeitsch.f. yes. Orn. i. pp. 197, 216 (Timor-laut) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1886, p. 337 (Diego Garcia) ; Seebohm, Ibis, 1887, p. 181 (Loo-choo Is); Ramsay, Tab. List Austr. B. p. 2-3 (1888) ; North, Nests >^- Fyys Austr. B. p. 356 (1889) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 9 (1889) ; Everett, B. Borneo, p. 211 (1889); Salvad. Ayyiunte Orn. Papuas. p. 212 (1889) ; Mliitehead, Ibis, 1890, p. 61 (Palawan); Seebohm, B. Japan. Emj>. p. 297 (1890); Oates, '2nd ed. Hume's Nests ^- Fyys Ind. B. iii. p. 302 (1890) ; Lister, P. Z. S. 1891, pp. 298, 300 (Phoenix group) ; Wiylesw. Abh. zool. Mus. Dresd. 1890-91, no. vi. p. 74 ( 1892 : Polynesia) ; De la Touche, Ibis, 1892, p. 503 (Swatow, breeding). Gygis melananchea [sic], Boic, Isis, 1844, p. 185. Sterna marginata, Blyth, J. A. S. Beny. xv. p. 373 (1840) ; id. Ibis, 1865, p. 40 (young). Onvehopriou nielanauchen, Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 293 (1849) ; Hartl. J.f. 0. 1855, p. 319 (Nicobar Is.) ; Jerd. B. Ind. iii. p. 844 (1864) ; Blyth, Ibis, 1865, p. 39 ; Blair, op. cit. 1866, p. 221 ; JJ'alden, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 556 (Andaman Is.) ; Bjavan, Ibis, 1867, p. 3.'14 (Andaman Is.) ; Swinhoe, Ibis, 1867, p. 230 : id. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 422 (Amov); Wuldcn, Tr. Z. S. viii. p. 104 (1872 : Celebes); Bull, Sir. F. 1873, p. 90 (Andaman & Nicobar Is.) ; Walden, Ibis, 1874, p. 149 (Andaman Is.) ; IIu7}ie, Str. F. ii. p. 73 & p. 483 (1874) ; id. op. cit. iv. p. 224 (1876) ; Blyth ^- Wald. B. Burm. p. 163 (1875). Sternula melanancheu, Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 773 (1856) ; Bias. J. f. O. 1866, p. 74 ; Hume, .Str. F. 1874, p. 319 (Andaman and Nicobar Is.) ; Hume, Nests if Fyys Ind. Ii. p. 656 (1875) ; Heine if Reich. Nomencl. Mus. Ilein. p. 356 (1890). 128 LAEIDiE, Gyg:s sp. ?, Hartl. Ibis, 1864, p. '262 ; id. Mus.' Godeffroy, Cat. i. p. 5 (1864). Gyns decorata, Hartl. Ibis, 1864, p. 232 ; id. Mus. Godeffroy, Cat.i. ■p.' 5 (1864). Sterna hirundo ?, Sicinhoe, Ihis, 1866, p. 135 (Amoy) ; id. 021. cit. 1807, p. 320 ( = S. raelanauchen). Onvcbopi'ion suinatranus, Salvad. Ucc. Born. p. 374 (1874) ; Vorderm. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. xliv. p. 207 (1884 : Java) ; id. op. cit. xlix. p. 420 (1889 : Sumatra) ; id. op. cit. li. p. 415 (1892 : Java). Anous cineieus, Layard, Ibis, 1876, p. 156 (Coral islands, N.E. of Madagascar). Sterua siuuatrana, Hume ^ Davison, Str. F. vi. p. 493 (1878) ; Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 116 (1879, List) ; id. op. cit. p. 162 (Tonka, Malaj' P.) ; Kelham, Ibis, 1882, p. 202 (Malacca Straits) , Adult in hreedhig-plumage. Forehead and crown pure white ; in front of the eye a black triangular patch, the apex of which does not reach the base of the bill ; behind the eye on each side and enclosing the nape a band of black, bi'oad and prolonged in the centre ; neck white ; mantle and rump delicate pearl-grey ; shafts of all the primaries white ; the outer primary with the outer web blackish, and the streak next the shaft on the inner web pale gi'ey ; the succeeding primaries palest grey next the shafts on the outer and the inner webs, the inner margins of all being pure white • tail long and forked, the middle tail-feathers pale pearl- grey, the rest white ; underparts glossy white, with a beautiful roseate tint, as in S. dour/alli : bill black ; tarsi and toes dark brown to black. Total length 13-5 inches, culmcn 1-6, wing 8-5, tail 6, depth of fork 3, tarsus 0-7, foot with middle toe 0-9. The male appears to have somewhat longer streamers than the female ; otherwise the sexes are alike externally. Adtdt in winter plumage. Differs only in having less black in front of the eye and on the nape. Immature. Similar to the above, but there is abrownish tinge to the black on the nape ; the wing-coverts are ash-grey, and a dark line runs along the carpal joint ; the webs of the four outer primaries on both sides of the white shafts are dark ash-grey (the outermost black), and the outer webs of the tail-streamers are also ash-coloured. Yoiinq. Forehead and crown bufRsh white, with black streaks which become confluent on the nape ; feathers of the mantle and tail grey, barred with ash-brown and tipped with buff; primaries with a good deal of grey, which throws into strong relief their broad white inner margins : bill ochre-yellow, horn-coloured near the tip ; toes yellowish brown. Nestling. Above pale buff, spotted and streaked with black and nmber-brown ; beneath dull drab. Hah. Islands to the N.E. of Madagascar, Amiraute Group, Seychelles, Chagos (Diego Garcia) Group, Nicobar and Andaman Is., Tenasserim, Malayasia, and the whole Archipelago to New Guinea, North Australia, Loyalty Islands, Fiji Group, and Polynesia generally as far as the Friendly and Navigator Groups ; Phoenix, 6. STEKN\. Caroline, Pelovv, and I'hilippine Islands, the Loo-choo Islands, lis range appears to be measure upon the existence of coral islands of probably still more extensive. 129 a. S ad. sk. b. c5 ad. sk. c-y. 6 2 ad. sk. h-n. S 2 ad. sk. o-r. (J 2 ad. sk. s-x: S 2 ad. sk. y-d'. J 5 ad. sk. e'. f^ ad. sk. /'. 2 imm. sk. g'. 2 ad. sk. h'. (J ad. sk. i',k'. d2 ad.sk. I'. Ad. sk. m', n'. Imm. sk. o'. Pull.; p'. juv. sk. g'. Ad. sk. >•'. Ad. sk. s', t' . Ad. sk. n' . Ad. .sk. v' . 2 ad. sk. ?y', x' . Ad. sk. »/'. Ad. sk. ~ , a". Ad. sk, b". 2 ad. sk. c". 2 ad. sk. ; d" . (^ ad. St. e",/". Ad. sk. f/". 2 ad. sk. //". 2 ad. sk. t". c? ad. sk. A-". d ad. sk. /". (S ad. sk. m". Ad. sk. TOL. XXV. African I., Amirante Group, March (Dr. Coppinr/er). Andaman Is., June (li. C. Beacan). South Andaman Is., April and May [R. G. W. Rammi/). Aberdeen, S. Andaman I., April and June ( W. Davison if F. A. de lioepstorf). Corbine's Cove, S. Andaman Is., May ( W. Davison). South Andaman I., May ( W. D.). Port Blair, S. Andaman I., May and July (R. J. TViml/er/ci/). Port Blair, S Andaman I., June (R. J. W.). Laynah Creek, Tenasserim, May ( W. Davison). Kyouk Phyoon, April (/. Arm- strong). Ton-ka,' Malay Pen., May. Mahacca, Aug. {S. Pimoill). Malacca, Aug. {A. O. Main- !/«!/). Penang (Dr. Cantor). Achin, N. Sumatra. Sum.atra {A. R. Wallace). Labunn, N. Borneo. Celebes. Celebes. Mvsol I., Jan. N.'New Guinea (A. R. IV.). D'Entrecasteaux Is. North Australia (Cockerell). Claremont Is., Aug. {J. Mac- gillivray). Cairncrosi I., Oct. {J. Macgil- livray). Cape Upstart, Australia, April. Ansevata, New Caledonia, Oct. (E. L. Layard). Nairai, Fiji Is. (Rayncr). Ovalau reef, Fiji Is., Oct. (E. L. Laijard). Tongatabu, Nov. {Dr. Cop- piwjer). Canton I.,Ph(jDnix Group, July. Pelew Is. China Sea up to the dependent in a great a certain size, and is Voy.H.M.S.' Alert.' Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume CoU. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. India Museum [P.]. India Museum [P.j. H. Saunders Coll. Gov. Ussher [P.]. J. Gould, Esq. II. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Wallace Coll. Tweeddale CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Voy. H.M.S. 'Kattle- snake.' Voy.H.M.S. 'Rattle- snake.' J. B. Jukes, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. , Voy.H.M.S. 'Herald.' Tweeddale Coll. Vov. H.M.S. 'Alert' [P.]. J. J. Lister, Esq. [P.]. J. Cohen [C.]. E 130 LABIDJi;. n" . Imm. sk. Pelew Is H. Saunders Coll. o". Ad. sk. Loo-choo Islands, Aug. 1886. Seebohm CoU. p"-t". Ad. sk. Amoy, China, June and July Swinhoe Coll. {li. S.). u". Ad. sk. Amoy, June. H. Saunders Coll. v", w". Skeletons. North Australia {Macgillivray). Voy. H.M.S. ' Rattle- snake ' [P.]. 33. Sterna trudeauii. Sterna trudeauii, Audub. Om. Biogr. v. p. 125 (1839) ; id. Synop. p. 319 (1839); id. B. N. Am. 8vo, vii. p. 105, pi. 435 (1844); Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 659 (1846) ; Gay, Hist. Chile, Zool. i. p. 484 (1847) ; Baird, Cass., Sj- Laivr. B. N. Amer. p. 861 (1858) ; Baird, Cut. N. Amer. B. no. 687 (1859) ; Sc/ileg. Mus. P.-Bas, Sternse, p. 29 (1863 : Brazil) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 118, no. 11027 (1871); 8cl. Sf Salv. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 570 (revision) ; Landbeck, Ann. Univ. Chil. 1872, p. 515 ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 322 (1872) ; id. Check-L no. 571 (1873) ; Scl. ^ Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotrop. p. 147 (1873); Coves, B. N.-West, p. 675 (1874) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 660 (revision) ; Durnf. Ibis, 1877, p. 200 (La Plata) ; Ridyw. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 53 (1881) ; Coues, Check-l. 2nd ed. p. 124, no. 802 (1882); id. Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 7()7 (1884) ; Baird, Brew., Sf Ridgw. Water-B. N. Ama: ii. p. 290(1884); Taczan. Orn. Perou, iii. p. 443 (1886: Arica) ; Ridgw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 4] (1887) ; Scl. ^ Hudson, Argent. Orn. ii. p. 195 (1888) ; Holland, Ibis, 1890, p. 428 ; id. op. cit. 1892, p. 212 (Buenos Ayres, breeding) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 373 (eggs, Arirentina). Gelochelidon trudeaui, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 187. Phaetusa sellovii, Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 98 (1854 : Maldonado)*. Thalasseus trudeaui, Bj). C. R. xlii. p. /72 (1856). Sterna frobeenii, Phil. <§• Landb. Wiegm. Arch. 1863, p. 125 (Arica Bay) ; iid. Cat. Av. Chil. p. 49 (Jide Scl. et Salv.) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 118, no. 11032 (1871) ; Landb. An. Univ. Chil. 1872, p. 615. Phaetusa trudeauii, Bias. J.f. O. 1866, p. 73 (revision). ? Phaethusa chloropoda, Heine fy Reichenow, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 355 (1890: Chile). Adult in breecling-pluntage. Forehead, crown, and nape pure white ; in front of the eye a black patch, and behind the eye to beyond the auricle a black streak about 1 inch long ; neck and mantle pearl-grey ; wings rather paler, the secondaries broadly edged with white, the iipper primaries less so, the lower primaries dark grey on or near the margins of the inner webs, the " wedges " nearly white, the portions of the webs next the shafts pale grey, all the shafts white ; rump nearly white ; tail-feathers pale pearl-grey, the streamers lightest and silvery white on their outer webs ; abdo- men and breast grey, like the mantle; chin white; under wing- coverts dead white : bill, yellow at its basal half, banded with black at the genys, and tipped with pale lemon-yellow ; tarsi and toes dull orange, the hind tpe long, free and somewhat high up. Total * Type in Berhn Museum examined. fj. STEKNA. 131 leiij^th 14 inches, culnicn 1-8, wing 10'25, tail 5'75, depth of fork 2'S, tarsus U'U5, middle too with claw I'l. Adult in winter. Like the above, oxcei)t that the black of the orbits aud auriculars is paler and little more than iron-grey. The primaries are then new, beautifully frosted, and have a very silvery ^.appearance. Immature. Very similar, but the centres of the long inner second- aries are ash-grey. At an earlier stage, the eye-streak is more developed and blacker ; the webs of the outer primaries are brownish black on both sides of the shafts owing to the wear of the frosting ; the und^rparts are white ; and the bill is dull ochre-brown at the base, though yellow at the tip. Young. The patch before and the streak behind the eye decidedly larger, and there is an indication of a greyish crescent on the nape ; the crown greyish white, slightly mottled with brown, as 'are the feathers of the mantle ; tail-feathers dark ash-grey with white margins : bill yellowish brown at the base, the rest blackish, with no yellow at the tip ; tarsi and toes yellow. In its immature and young plumage this Tern resembles S.forsteri, but the latter always shows more distinct coloration on the crown and nape, while its hind toe is decidedly shorter, and its bill has no yellow at the tip. Hah. East coast of South America from llio de Janeiro to Argentina ; also on the West side, in Chile, up to Arica (which was formerly in Peru). Accidental in the United States (Long Island and New Jersey [?]). a. 5 imm. sk. Rio de Janeiro, Aug. (H. M. H. Saunders Coll. Harrison, R.N.). b,c. cJ 5 ad. sk. Santa Catharina, S. Brazil, H. Saimders Coll. Aug. 188.3 {H. M. Harrison, R.N.). d,e. Vix ad.;-/, Santa Catharina, S. Brazil {H. H. Saunders Coll. y. Imm. sk. Rogers). h, i. Yix ad. sk. Santa Catharina, S. Brazil {H. Salvin-Godman Coll. Rogers), k. 2 juv. sk. Maldouado, Uruguay, Jan. (H. H. Saunders Coll. M. Harrison, R.N.). I. Ad. sk. Punta Lara, Argentina, Oct. H. Durnford Coll. (H. D.). m. $ ad. sk. Buenos Ayres Prov., Sept. {H. H. Durnford Coll. n. Ad. sk. . Buenos Ayi-es Prov. Alan Peel, Esq. [C.]. 0. (5" ad. sk. Buenos Ayres Prov., Nov. (^m;-- Salvin-Godman Coll. meister). p, q. S ad. sk. Ajn, B. A. Prov. {E. Gibson). H. Saunders Coll. r. Ad. St. Chile {Bridges). Purchased. «. Ad. St. Chile (Cuming). Purchasied. 132 LARID^. 7. NiENIA. ^ Type. Nsenia, Bote, Isis, 1844, p. 189 N. inca. Sternolophota, Lesson, teste Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 123 (1871) N. inca. Larosterna, Bhjth, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 293 (1849) N. inca. Inca, Jard. Contrib. Orn. p. 33 (1850) N. inca. Mange. Coasts of Peru and Chile. 1. Nsenia inca. Sterna stolida, Lesson, Voy. ' Coqidlle,' i. p. 244 (1826 : Concepcion Bay, ChUe). Sterna inca, Lesson, Voy. ' Coquille,' p. 731, no. 145, Atlas, pi. 47 (1826: Peru); id. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 383 (1828); id. Traite, p. 622 (1831) ; id. H. N. Manmi. et Ois. ix. p. 518, pi. 47. fig. 1 (1837) ; TscfiudiSr Cab. Faun. Feruan., Aves, pp. 53, 305 (1846) ; Reichenb. Isatat. tab. xx. tig. 811 (1848). Nffinia inca, Boie, Lsis, 1844, p. 189 (type of genus) ; Reichenb. Av. Syst. Nat, Longijj. p. v (1852) ; Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 773 (1856) ; Scl. Sj- Sail'. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 567 (revision Neotrop. Laridse) ; itd. Nomencl. Av. Neotrop. p. 147 (1873) ; Saunde7-s, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 667 (revision) ; id. Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 404 (1878 : distribution) ; Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 626 (1882) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 520 (Callao) ; Taczan. Orn. Perou, iii. p. 446 (1886) ; MacFarl. Ibis, 1887, p. 204 (Callao) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 9 (1889) ; Hartert, Ratal. Voyekamml. Senckenb. p. 238 (1891); Berlei)sch^ Stolzm. P. Z. S. 1892, p. 400. Noddi inca, Gay, Hist. Chile, Zool. i. p. 486 (1847). Anous inca. Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 181 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 661 (1846) ; Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 97 (1854: Chile); Pelz. Reis. Novara, Vog. p. 156 (1865: Chile); Bias. J. f. 0. 1866, p. 83 ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 123, no. 11091 (1871 : Cliile) ; Ciinningk. Sir. Magell. p. 404 (1871: Coquimbo) ; Pelz. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1873, p. 159 (Callao Bay). Larosterna inca, Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 293 (1849 : type of genus). Inca mystacalis, Jard. Contrib. Orn. p. 33 (1850: tvpe of genus) ; Cassin, U.S. E.vpl. Exp. p. 391 (1858 : Callao). Adult male in hreeding-plumage. Forehead and crown dark bluish slate-colour ; from the base of the maxilla, below the eye, a white moustache, prolonged to the auricles and thence detached in curling feathers, some of them 2 inches long; mantle a mere shade lighter than the crown ; most of the secondaries broadly tipped with white ; primaries brownish black, paler towards the margins of the inner webs, the four upper ones greyer and edged with white ; central tail-feathers like the mantle, the lateral ones brownish like the primaries ; underparts like the upper, but paler on the under wing- coverts and on the throat : bill strong, the maxilla deciirved, bright blood-red ; tarsi, toes, and webs crimson, the latter well developed. Total length 16 inches, culmen 1*9, wing 11-2, tail 5-8, depth of fork 1-4, tarsus 0-9, middle toe with claw 1'2. 8o far as is known, there is no difference in the plumage of the sexes. I am not aware of any seasonal change. 8. PROCF.LSTEKNA. 133 Immature. Similar tu the prcoeding, but with a much browner tinge throughout, the moustaches less developed and mixed with ash- browu : bill and feet paler in colour. Young. Lower forehead and lores ash-brown, crown and nape rather lighter, orbital region darker ; below the eye a faint grey line indicating the moustache, the detached feathers of which are grey with white lower edges and only about 1^3 inch long ; rest of plumage brownish grey, paler on the throat and chin : bill reddish brown, brighter towards the tip ; tarsi and toes livid. Hah. Coasts of Peru and Chile. Xidification unknown and probably peculiar, as the shores frequented are high, rocky and caverned. Capt. Lord Byion, R.N. fP.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Capt. W. S. Brett (v.\ Chincba Islands, Peru, ^Lar.- H. Saunders Coll. Apr. (H. S.). h. S ad. ; i. J Callao Bay, Peru, Aug. (Acbnl. H. Saunders Coll. imni. sk. Markham). A-. Ad. sk. Guavaquil. Capt. Kellett& Lieut. Wood, R.N. [P.]. a. Ad. st, ; b. Ad. Chile coast. sk. e. cT ad. .sk. Chile. (I, e. Ad. sk. Valpai'aiso, Chile. f,9. Ad. sk. 8. PROCELSTERNA. Type. Procelsterna, Lafresn. Mag. de Zool. (2), Ois. pi. 29, cum descrip. (1842) , P. Cferulea. Range. Pacific, from San Ambrosio to Australia, and northwards to the Fanning group. Key to the Species. a. Smaller, darker grey above, underparts pale grey . . carulea, p. 133. b. Larger, paler grey above, white below cinerea, p. 135. 1. Procelsterna caerulea. Sterna cffirulea, F. D. Bennett, Narr. Jllialinff-Vtii/. i. p. 385, aud ii. p. 248 (1840: Christmas L, Fanning group). " Sterne cendre," Nihoux, Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 291 . Sterna teretirostris, Lafresnaye, Rev. Zool. 1841, p. 242. Procelsterna tereticollis, Lafresnaye, Ma;i. de Zool. (2), Ois. pi. 29, cum descrip. (1842: type oi FroceUtvnia). Stolida cinerea, Nebou.v, Voy. ' V^nus,' Atlas, pi. 9 (1846 : Pacific, N. of Equator). Anous parvulus, Gould, P. Z. S. 1845, p. 104 (Christmas Island, Bennett) ; Hartl. Wiegm. Arch. 1852, i. p. 127 ; id. J.f. O. 1854, p. 170; Cassin, U.S. E.vpl. E.xp., Birds, p. 393 (1858: Honden Island, Low Archipelago) ; Gray, Cat B. Trop Is. Pacijic, p. (iO (1859). Anous tereticoUis, Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 661 (1846). Meffaloptevu.s plnmbeus, Peale, U.S. Erpl. Erp. p. 285 (1848: llonden Island). 134 LAEID^. Anoiis tephrodes, Reichenh. Natat., Novit. x. tab. cclxxii. fig. 2271 (1850). Anous cinereus, Provost et Des Murs, Voy. Venus, v. p. 276 (1855) ; Finsch ^- Hartl. Faun. Central pohjn. p. 239, tab. iv. figs. 4 & 5 (eggs), tab. xiii. fig. 4, bird (1867 : Phcenix group). Procelstema cinerea, -B;j. C. R. xlii. p. 773 (1856). Anous ciuerea, Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 120, no. ]1089 (1871). Anous cferuleus, Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 671 (Christmas I., &c.) ; id. op. cit. 1878, p. 211 (correction sjoion.) ; 8harpe, i. c. p. 272 (Ellice Is.); id. Phil. Tr. clxviii. p. 469 (1879) ; Salvin, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 128 (Samoa) ; Saund. J. Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 404 (1879 : distribution) ; Tristr. Ibis, 1881, p. 252 (Marquesas) ; id. op. cit. 1883, p. 48 (Fanning group); MacFarlane, Ibis, 1887, p. 213 (Christmas I.) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 10 (1889) ; Lister, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 296, p. 300 (Phcenix group) ; Wiylesw. Ahh. zool. 3fus. Dresd. 1890-91, no. vi. p. 77 (1892) ; Stone, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1894, pp. 115-118. Adult in hreedtng-plumage. Round the ej'e a narrow black ring ; forehead and throat pale grey ; crown and nape darker grey ; remaining upper parts smoke-grey, the shafts of primaries black ; secondaries conspicuously bordered with white ; underparts grey, like the crown : bill blackish ; tarsi and toes livid brown, webs lemon-yellow, hind toe very small. Total length 9-7 inches, culmen 1*2, wing 7"4, tail 4, depth of fork 1"5, tarsus 0*9, middle toe with claw 1*2. Sexes apparently alike in plumage. Adtdt in winter or after moidt. Similar to the above ; perhaps a little paler in tint, but statistics are wanting. All I can say is — that an adult female obtained at Uaiatea, Society Islands, in November is paler than other specimens. Jmmature. Similar, with a slightly dark line along the carpal joint. Young. Similar, but with a brownish tinge on the crown and faint indications of bars on the feathers of the mantle, which are rather darker than in the adult ; underparts ash-grey ; under wing-coverts smoke-grey ; tarsi dull brown. Bab. Central Polynesia : — Paumotu or Low Archipelago, the Marquesas, the Society to the Ellice Islands, the Phceuix group, and the Fannings (Christmas I.), a little north of the Equator. a, b. Ad. sk. Ellice Islands. Eev. J. Whitmee [C.]. c. 2 ad. sk. Phcenix Islands, July. J. J. Lister, Esq. [P]. d. Ad. sk. Tutuila, Samoan Islands. Rev. T. Powell [P.]. e. Ad. sk. Society Islands. Hume Coll. /. 2 ad. sk. Eaiatea, Society Islands, Nov. H. Saunders Coll. 18th (/. Young). g. Juv. sk. Marquesas Islands, March 11. Saunders Coll. {Canon Tristram). h. Imm. sk. Christmas I., Fanning group H. Saunders Coll. Oct. (Commr. J. R. H. Mac- Farlane). 8. PEOCELSTERNA. 135 2. Procelsterna cinerea. Pelecanopus pelecanoides, Gray {nee Kiiig), List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 180 (1844 : Australia, Sir T. Mitchell). Anous cinereiis, Gould, P. Z. S. 1845, p. 104 (N.E. Australia) ; id. B. Australia, vii. pi. 37 (1848: Norfolk I. and N.E. coast Australia) ; Bennett, Gath. Nat. Austr. p. 241 (1800: Nepean Is., breeds) ; Krefl, Ibis, 1862, p. 192 (Brampton Shoals, 37° S., 173° ^N.^ ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 212 ; id. Juurn. Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 404 (1878) ; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 272 : id. Phil. Tra?is. clxviii. p. 469 (1879) ; id. P. Z. S. 1881, p. 16 (San Ambrosio I., S. Pacific) ; Ramsay, Pr. Li/m. Soc. N.S. W. 1878, p. 139 (Union group) ; id. op. cit. 1883, p. 89 ; Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 627 (1882); Croxofoot, Ibis, 1885, p. 265 (Norfolk I., breeds) ; Ramsay, Pr. Liiin. Soc. N. S. W. 1888, p. 678 (Lord Howe I.) ; id. Tab. List Austr. B. p. 23, no. 708, & p. 38(1888); Buller, 2nd ed. B. N. Zeal. ii. p. 78 (1888) ; North, Nests Sj- Eggs Austr. B. p. 376, pi. xxi. fig. 6 (1889: Lord Howe & Philip Is.); Etheridqe, Zool. Ld. Howe L p. 17 (1889) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 10 (1889 : St. Ambrose I.) ; Wif/lesto. Abhandl. zool. Mus. Dresden, 1890-91, no. vi. p. 78 (1892) ; Stone, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1894, pp. 115-118. Procelsterna albivitta, Bj). C.R. xlii. p. 773 (1856) ; Gould, Handb. B. Austr. ii. p. 420 (186-5). Sterna cinerea, Schlegel, Mus. P.-B., Sternje, p. 38 (1863 : Australia). Anous albivitta. Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 123, no. 11090 (1871). Anous albivittatus, Finsch, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 776 (Eua, Friendlj^ group). Anous CcBruleus (piirtini), Saunders^ P. Z. S. 1876, p. 671. Anous Cieruleu-i, liamsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 1878, p. 202, no. 695; Tristram, Ibis, \SQ\, -p. 177 (ISan Ambrosio I.). Adult in breeding-plumage. Like, but decidedly larger than, the preceding species ; much paler on the upper surface ; well-defined greyish-white " wedges " to the inner webs of the three outer primaries, the shafts brown ; belly and breast greyish white ; under wing-coverts pure white : bill black ; " iris blackish blue " (Krefft) : tarsi and toes reddish black, webs lemon^yellow. Total length 11 inches, eulmcn 1-25, wing 8'5, tail 4*5, depth of fork 2, tarsus 1, middle toe with claw 1*3. Adult in ivbiter. Probably similar. Immature. Like the above, but with a brownish tinge on the mantle and tail ; duller white wedges to the primaries ; less \\'hite on the edges of the secondaries : bill, tarsi, and toes brownish black. Hah. Australian and New Zealand Seas, Lord Howe, Norfolk I and neighbouring islands, and Kermadec group ; also the islet of San Ambrosio, which is nearest to the coast of Chile, but lies outside the cold Antarctic current. : b. Ad. St. Australia. Sir Thomas Mitchell [P.]. jC.Ad.sk. Australia (T. C. Eyton Coll., ex Mus. Zool. Soc). H. Saunders Coll. I d. S ii^l- ''k. Lord Howe Island, September Seebohni Coll. 1887 (Si/dney Mus.). Ad. sk. Norfolk Island (P. Metcalfe). H. SaUnder.^ Coll. /• Ad. sk. 9- cJ imm h. Ad. sk. ]36 LAKIDJE. Norfolk Island. E. Saunders [C.J. sk. Raoul or Sunday I., Kermadec Voy.H.M.S.' Herald.' Is., July 1854 (J. Mac- gillivray) Eua, Friendly Is. {Hiibner, H. Saunders Coll. Mus. Godeffroy). i, k. S ? ad. .sk. San Ambrosio Id., July {Dr. Yoy. H.M.S. ' Alert.' Copping^-) . i). ANGUS. „ Type. Anous, Steph. in Shaivs Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 139 (1826 : ex Leach MSS.) A. stolidus. Megalopterus, Boie, Zsis, 1821), p. 980 ; cf. id. op. cit. 1844, pp. 187-188 A. .stolidus. Stolida, Lesson, Tmite d'Oni. p. 620 (1831) A. stolidus. Gavia, Swains. Classif. B. ii. p. 373 (1837) A. stolidus. Aganaphron, Gloyer, Hand- u. Hilfsb. p. 463 (1842). " The Noddies." Bange. Tropical and juxta-tropical seas. Key to the Species. a. Larger ; bill stouter, crown and forehead lavender-gi-ey stolidus, p. 136. b. Smaller ; bill more slender, head and entire upper parts sooty black galapayensis.^ p. 143. 1. Anous stolidus. The Noddy, Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, i. p. 88, cum fig. 88 (1731). • La Mouette brune, Brtss. Orn. vi. p. 199, pi. xviii. fig. 2 (1760). Sterna stolida, Limi. Amcen. Acad. iv. p. 240 (1759) : id. Syst. Nat. i. p. 227 (1766); Forster, /wrf. Zoo/, p. 42 (1781) ; Gni. Syst. Nat. i. p. 604 (1788): Bonn. Enc. Meth. i. p. 91 (1790); Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 805 (1790) ; Licht. Cat. Eemm nat. rar. p. 27 (1793) ; Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxii. p. 178 (1819) ; Carmichael, Tr. Linn. Soc. xii. p. 497 (1819 : Tristan da Cuuha, breeding) ; Werner, Atlas, Balmipedes, pi. 9 (1828) ; Bp. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ii. p. 356 (1828) ; Audub. B. Amer. pi. 275 (circa 1826) ; Lesson, Traite, p. 620 (1831) ; Neuwied, Beitr. Naturg. Bras. iv. p. 874 (1833) ; Eittl. Kupfert. iii. p. 27, tab. 36. fig. 2 (1833) ; Meyen, Beitr. p. 239 (1834;) ; Nutt. Man. Orn. ii. p. 285 (1834) ; Tkomps. P. Z. S. 1835, p. 84 (off Ireland); Jenyns, Man. Brit. Verteb. p. 270 (1835) ; And'ub. Orn. Biogr. iii. p. 516 (1835), v. p. 642 (1839) ; Gould, B. Eur. v. pi. 421 (1837) ; Audub. Synop. p. 322 (1839); D'Orbign. in Sagras Hist. Nat. Cuba, p. 213 (1839); F. D. Bennett, Whaling Vog. i. p. 161 (Society Is.) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. 2me (Sd. 4m<' pte, p. 461 (1840) ; Schinz,' Europ. Faun. p. 377 (1840) : Audub. B. N. Amer. 8vo ed. vii. p. 123, pi. 440 (1844) ; Schl. Bev. Crit. p. exxxi (1844) ; Yarrell, Brit. B. p. 531 (1845) ; Begl. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 335 (1849) ; Thomps. B. Irel. iii. p. 308 (1851); Burm. Th. ^ra«. iii. p. 453 (1856: Fernando Noronha) ; Hewits. Eggs Brit. B. ii. p. 486, pi. 1.34. fig. 3 (1856) ; Meyer, 9. ANGUS. 137 Brif. B. vii. p. 11:'., pi. 208 (18o7) ; Kittlitz, Drnkwiinliy. lieise, ii. p. 64 (1858: Kushai Id.); SM. Mus. P.-Bas, Sterme, p. 36 (186.'i) ; Itosenh. Nat. TijdHchr. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. 256 (1863); id. J.f. O. 1864, p. 138 ; 'Schl. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 426 ; Schl. ^- Poll. Faun. Madng., Ois. p. 149 (1868); Hariiiiff, Haiidb. Brit. B. p. 170 (1872) ; Rosenh. Malaii. Archip. p. 407 (1878-79 : Ternate) ; Seebohm, Hist. Brit. B. iii. "^p. 294, pi. 49 (1885) ; id. B. Japan. Emp. p. 300 (1890). Le Petit Fouquet des Philippines, Sonn. Voy. Nouv. Guin. p. 125, pi. 85 (1776). Le Xoddi, Buf. Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. ]>. 461, pi. 37 (1781). Noddi, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 354 (1785). Hii-ondelle-de-mer bruiie de la Louisiane, Daubent. PI. Enl. pi. 997 (1786). Sterna pileata, Scop. Del. Faun, et Flor. Insubr. ii. p. 92, no. 73 (1786 : e.v Svim.). Sterna philippina. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 805 (1790). Sterna senex. Leach, in Tuckey's E.vped. Congo, App. p. 408 (1818 : obtained by Cranch). Anoiis niger, Steph., in S/iaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 140, pi. 17 (1825 : type of genus, e.r Leach, 3LSS.). Megalopterus tennirostris, Boie, Isis, 1826, p. 980 {jiec Temin. ; cf. Boie, Isis, 1844, pp. 187-188) ; Biipp. Syst. Uebers. p. 140 (184o : Red Sea). Sterna unicolor, Nordni. in Ertnan's Verz. v. Thier. u. PJi. p. 17 (1835: South Seas : in Berlin Mus.). Gavia leucoceps, S^vains. Classif. B. ii. p. 373(1837 : ex Daubento7i) . Megalopterus stolidus, Bp. Comp. List B. Eur. 8)- N. Amer. p. 61 (1838); Keys. u. Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. xcviii and p. 248 (1840); Macgill. Man. Brit. Orn. pt. ii. p. 236 (1842) ; id. Brit. B. v. p. 672 (1852). Anous stolidus. Gray, Lii. 273 (Ellice Is.); Penrose, Ibis, 1879, p. 280 (Ascension Id., breeding) ; Moseley, Nat. on the 'Challenger; p. 68 (1879 : St. Paul's Rocks) ; Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 72 (1879 : Malacca) ; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 15 (New Britain) ; id. op. cit. 1880, p. 577 (Caroline Is.) ; id. Ibis, 1880, p. 332 (Marshall Is.) ; id. t. c. p. 431 (Gilbert Is.) ; id. J.f. O. 1880, p. 307 (Kushai Id.); Let/ge, B. Ceylon, p. 1043 (1880) ; Corn, B. Bahamas, p. 216 (1880) ; id. ed. 1890, p. 21(5 (breeds) ; Ridg^v. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 53 (1881) ; IV. Ramsay, Tweedd. Mem. p. 660 (1881) ; Finsch, Ibis, 1881, p. 105 & p. 109 (Kushai Id., breeding); id. t. c. pp. 113 & 115 (Ponape, breeding) ; id. t. c. p. 540 (New Britain) ; Maynard, B. East. N. Amer. p. 481 (1881 : Florida) ; Tristr. Ibis, 1881, p. 252 (Mar- quesas) ; Milne-Edwards Sf Grandidie>; H. N. Madag., Ois. p. 663, pis. 289 & 290 (1882: osteology); Zelcdon, Cut. Aves Costa Rica, p. 36 (1882); Salvad. Orn. Papuasia SiC iii. p. 453 (1882) ; Coues, Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 124 (1882) ; Grisdale, Ibis, 1882, p. 493 (Montserrat, W.I.) ; Salrin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 626 (1882) ; Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 1883, p. 89 (Lord Howe's Id.); Oates,B. Brit. Burm.\\.^.4:M{\m^); Baird, Brewer,^ Ridgw. Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 325 (1884) ; Cory, B. S. Dominffo, p. 182 (1884); Finsch, Vog. Siidsee, p. 51 (1884); Sharpe, Rep. Voy. 'Alert," p. 27 (1884: Torres Strs.); Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 771 (1884) ; Vorderm. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. xliv. p. 207 (1884: Java); Saunders, 4th ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 567 (1884) ; J. Murray, Narr. 'Challenger; p. 204 (1886 : St. Paul's Rocks) ; Crowfoot, Ibis, 1885, p. 264 (Norfolk Id. group); A. 0. U. Check-list, p. 96 (1886); Wells, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. ix. p. 632 (1886 : Grenada, W.I., breeds) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1886, p. 337 (Diego Garcia) ; Fimch, Ornis, 1887, p. 372, pi. ii. (eggs, same loc.) ; MacFarlane, Ibis, 1887, p. 210 (Sala y Gomez Id., 26° S., breeding), p. 211 (Easter Id. and Ducie Id.), p. 212 (Pitcaim Id.), p. 213 ^Fanning Group); Ridtjw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 48 (1887) ; Ramsay, Tab. List Ausfr. B. p. 2'-', and y. ANGUS. 139 p. 38 (1888) ; W. Bladus, Ornis, 1888, p. 680 (Gt. Sangliir Id.); E. Newton, Tr. Nono. Soc. iv. p. 553 (1888: Mascareue Is.); Everett, B. Borneo, p. 211 (1889) ; Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 639 (1889) ; Corij, B, West Indies, p. l'9I (1889) ; North, Nests Sf Eqys Austr. B. p. 358 & p. 375, pi. xxi. fig. 2 (1889); Ether idqe, Zool. Ld. Hoxve Id. p. 17 (1889) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 'lO (1889) ; Vorderm. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. xlix. p. 420 (1889: Sumatra) ; liidyio. Tr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xii. p. 116, no. 43 (1890 : Chatham I., Galapa. W. Smith). i. Juv. sk. Grenada, Lesser Antilles, Salvin-Godman Coll. Sept. 22 (D. W. Smith), k. 1mm. sk. Redouda L, Lesser Antilles Salvin-Godman Coll. (Spence). l-q. c? 2 ad. ; r. Glover's Reef, Brit. Hon- Salvin-Godman Coll. Pull. sk. duras, May 12th, 1862 (O. Salvin). s. $ pull. sk. Cay Dolores Channel, Brit. Salvin-Godman Coll. Honduras, May 17th (O. S.). t. Ad. .sk. St. Paul's Rocks, INIid- .\ntarctic Expedition. . Atlantic. 0. AXOUS. 141 u. (5 ad. sk V. (S ad. sk. to: Juv. sk. .r. Ad.; I/. TuU. sk. s. c? imm. sk. a'. Imm. sk. b'. Imm. .sk. c'. Imm. sk. d', e'. Imm. sk. f',g'. Juv. sk. A'. Juv. sk. i', k'. Imm. sk. I'. Ad.sk. m'. (S ad. sk. w'. Ad. sk. 0. (S ad. st. y, q'. d 2 ad. .sk. r, s. (S ad. sk. t'. Imm. sk. «'. 2 ad.sk. v'. 2 ad. sk. 7c'. Imm. sk. .r'. J vix ad. sk. t/'-z'. c? 2 ad. ; a"-l". Imm., vix ad. et juv. sk. m". 2 ad. sk. n". Juv. sk. o". cJ imm. sk. p". Juv. .sk. g", r" . 2 iuim. et vix ad. sk. s". (S imm. sk. t", It". (S ad. sk. }•". Imm. sk. Fernando Noronha I., N. II. Saunders Coll. Brazil, Sept. (II. M. Harrison, li.N.). At sea, oft' N. Brazil, Oct. {II. M. II.). Baliia, Brazil ( Wucherer). Ascension I. {Prof. D. GUI). At sea, lat. 4° N., long. 26° W. " Africa."' Cameroons. Gold Coast. Inaccessible Island, Tristan da Cunha, Oct. Cape Seas. Off Madagascar, 11° S., 50° E. (E. JDoicker). Reunion. Mauritius [Bewsher). Mauritius, June {Sir E. Nf-wt'jyi}. Indian Ocean, Dec. {Sir E. Newton). Rodriguez Id. {Rev. H. H. Slater). Seychelles. Seychelles {Dr. Coppinger') . " Red Sea." (Tvpeof^. South of Red Sea, May {Br. A. B. Meyer). Perim Id., Red Sea. Gulf of Aden, April {E. Lort Phillips). Mekran Coast, Mav ( Col. E. A. Butler). Laccadives, Feb. {A.O. H.). Bay of Bengal, May ( W. Davison). Between Ceylon and Nice- bars, lat. 8° N., long. 9° E. (A. nuperciliosus, Sharpe). Off Katchall, Nicobars, Apr. {F. A. de Boepstorf). I'enang {Dr. Cantor). Formosa, June {R. Swinhoe). Off N. W. Borneo, 3° 30' N., 110° 41' B. (G.Stephen). Cocos or Keeling Is , Feb. {H. O. Forbes). Morotai I., Moluccas {A. B. W.). H. Saunders Coll. II. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. S. Greenstreet, Esq. [P.]. Lieut. Friend [P.]. Sir R. Burton [P.]. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. H.M.S. 'Challenger' Exped. Capt. T^ K. Harry [P.]. Hume CoU. J. C. van Dam,Esq.[P.]. Shelley Coll. H. Saimders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Transit of Venus Exp. Shellev CuU. Vov. H.M.S. 'Alert.' J. Middleton, Esq. [P.]. plumbeigularis, Sharpe.) Tweeddale Coll. Earl of Cawdor [P.]. Shelley Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. Hume Coll. E. India Mus. [P.]. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Wallace Coll. 142 iv". Ad. sk. .r". Ad. sk. y". Vix ad. sk. z", Imm. sk. rt^. Ad. sk. b^. c? ad. sk. c^-k^. Ad. et vix ad. ; l^-p^. Juv. sk. (f. 2 ad. sk. r'. (^ ad. sk. s3. (5 ad. sk. t\ Ad. sk. ««'. 2 ad. sk. t;'. Imm. sk. to^. Ad. sk. .r^, y^. Ad. sk. s^ Ad. sk. «'. Vix ad. sk. b^. Juv. sk. c'. Juv. sk. d*. cJ ad. sk. e'. Ad. sk. /. Ad. sk. (/. (S ad. sk. /i^. Ad. sk. j^-/-*. Vix ad. sk. m*. Juv. sk. n*. Ad. sk. o\ Ad. sk. p*. Vix ad. sk. 9*. Pull, in alco- hol, r*. Skeleton. s^. Skeleton. I'elew Islands (3Ius. Godef- />■"!/)■ I'elew Islands. At sea, 1° N. lat., 137° 11' E. long. Off New Guinea, June 27, 1875 (Col. Hiisfer). N.W. coast of Australia. Torres Straits {Dr. Coj)- pinger) . Cape York, N.E. Australia {CocTierell). Raine Islet, N.E. Australia. Raine Islet, N.E. Australia. Lord Howe Island, Sept. 1887 (Sydney Mus.). At sea, between New Zealand and Australia. Admiralty Islands. New Ireland {Rev. G. Broirn). " Polynesia " {H. Saunders Coll.). Ellice Islands. Samoa. Samoa. Samoa {Krause, Mus.Godvf- froy). Society Islands, June. Raiatea, Nov. {J. Yoimg). Raiatea {Mus. Godeffruy). Iluaheine. Near Tahiti, Oct. 1875. Tahiti {Mus. Godefroi/). Ducie Id., 24° 40' S., 124° 48' W. ( Commr. MacFar- lane). Sala y Gomez Id., 26° 28' S., 105° 28' W. {Commr. MacFarlane). "West Coast of North America." Krusenstern Island, spring 1883 {Sno^o). Yedo Gulf, Japan {Har- rison) . St. Paul's Rocks, Mid At- lantic, Aug. 28, 1873. Rodriguez I. {Rev. II. U. Slater). H. Saunders Coll. J. Cohen [C.]. H.M.S. ' Challenger ' Exped. Seebohm Coll. Capt. Beckett [C.]. Vovage of H.M.S. 'Alert.' Salvin-Godman CoU. J. B. Jukes, Esq. [P.]. H.M.S. 'Challenger' Exped. Seebohm CoU. E. Newman, Esq. [P.]. H.M.S. ' Challenger ' Exped. Tweeddale CoU. Hume Coll. Rev. S. J. Whitmee [C.]. Rev. J. B. Stair [P.]. Rev.S. J.Wbitmee [C.]. H. Saunders CoU. Hume CoU. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders CoU. J.H.Gurnev,Esq.[P.]. H.M.S. 'Challenger' Exped. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders CoU. H. Saunders Coll. Sir W. Burnett and AdmiralFitzroy[P.]. Seebohm CoU. Seebohm Coll. H.M.S. 'Challenger' Exped. Transit of Venus Exped. Salviu-Gcidman CoU. 10. MICKAN0U8. 143 2. Anous galapagensis. (?) Mejralopterus stolidus *, Gould, in Dai-loin's Voy. 'Beayle,^ Birds, p. 146 (1841 : Galapagos Is.). (?) Anous stolidus* Sundev. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 125 (Galapagos); Salvin, Tr. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 504 (1877: Galapagos). Anous galapagensis, Sharpe, Phil. Tr. clxviii. p. 469 (1879 : Chatham Id., Galapagos) ; Salvin, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 430 (Charles' Id., Gala- pagos); Pidffw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xii. p. 116, no. 44 (1890: Hood & Chatham Is., Galajjagos) ; Stone, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1894, pp. 115-117 (critical). Adult ? Sooty brown above and below ; the flight-feathers and tail blacker than the wing-coverts ; bill, tarsi, and toes black, with a livid tinge. Total length 14 inches, culmen 1"8, wing 10*6, tail 6, tarsus O-Do, middle too with claw I'o. Immature (type). Similar, but slightly browner; the bill weaker, and shorter in front of the genys. Hob. Some islands of the Galapagos Archipelago. It was interesting, though not very remarkable, to find that the Galajjagos Islands harboured a sooty form of Noddy as well as a sooty Gull ; but the discovery of the true Anous stolidus (apud Ridgway) on Chatham Island (see supra, p. 139) is a little disquieting for those who wish to believe in the validity of A. galapagensis. I feel tolerably certain that the second of the examples below is not fully adult. a. Imm. sk. Dalrymple Rock, Chatham Island, Admiral Kellett & Galapagos. Lieut. Wood [P.]. (Type of the species.) h. ? Ad. sk. Charles Island, Galapagos, Feb. Sahdn-Godman Coll. (Adml. A. M. Markham). 10. MICRANOUS. Type. Micranous, Saunders, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, no. xxiii. p. xix (Jan. 1895) M. tenuii-ostris {Temm.). Range. Tropical and Sub-tropical seas. Key to the Species. a. Lores greyish white ; cheeks grey tenuirostris, p. 144. h. Lores deep black ; cheeks deep plumbeous. a'. Darker; nape and shoulders nearly blue- black leucocapillus, p. 145. b'. Lighter ; nape, shoulders, and tail dull lavender-grey hawaiiensis, p. 148. * It is expedient to place a ? against these references because Mr. Ridgway (Pr. U.ts. Nat. Mus. xii. p. 116) states that true A. stolidus was obtained on Dalrjmple Rock, Chatham Island. 144 LARIDvE. 1. Micranous tenuirostris. Sterna tenuirostris, Temm. PL Col. 202 (1823 : " Seuefral '') ; Lesson, Traite, p. 620 (1831 : e.v Temm.) : ScU. Miis. P.-B^, Sterure, p. 37 (]8()3 : Australia) : Schl. i^- Poll. Faun. Madag., Ois. p. 1-50 (1868 : Reunion & Mauritius). Megalopterus tenuirostris, Gray, List Gen. p. 79 (1840 : e.v Temm. ; nee Boie, 1826). Ilydrocecropis tenuirostris. Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 179 ; nee Megalopterus tenuirostris, Boie, 1826. Anous melanops, Gould, P. Z. S. xiii. p. 103 (1845: Houtman's Abrolbos) ; id. B. Ai/stralia, vii. pi. 35 (1848); Reichenb. T'or/. Neuholl. ii. pp. 14, 349 (1850); Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 773 (1856); Gould, Scmdb. B. Austr. ii. p. .417 (1S05) ; Gray, Hand-list B. iii. p. 123, no. 11087 (1871); Masters, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 1877, p. 64 (Bramble Cay). Anous tenuirostris, Reichenb. Natat. tab. xx. fig. 288 (1848) ; Snrtl. Faun. Madagasc. p. 86 (1861) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 670, pi. Ixi. fig. 1 (revision) ; Hartl. Voq. Madag. p. 392 (1877) ; Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 1877, p. 201 ; Omtal. Bidl Soc. Philomath. 1878, p. 198 (Seychelles) ; Sharpe, Rep. Trans. Venus, Phil. Tr. clxviii. pp. 466, 469 (1879 : Rodriguez) ; Milne-Fdwards 8f Grandidier, H. N. Madag., Ois. p. 665, pis. 290 a, 290 6 (1882: osteology) ; E. Neioton, Tr. Noriv. Soc. iv. p. 553 (1888 : Mascarene Is.) ; Ramsay, Tab. List Austr. B. p. 23, no. 705 (1888) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Amtr. B. p. 359 (1889) ; Sibree, Ibis, 1892, p. 273 (Madagascar) ; Wiglesw. Abh. zool. Mtis. Dresd. 1890-91, no. 6, p. 211 (1892: Polynesia) ; Stone, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1894, pp. 115- 117 (critical). Anous senex, Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 773 (1856 : nee Leach). Micranous tenuirostris, Saunders, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, no. xxiii. p. xix (Jan. 1895 ; type of genus). Adult 7nale in hreeding-plumage. Forehead and crown greyish white, lores lavender-grey ; in front of the eye and above it a black half circlet, followed by a minute white eyelid streak and then a small black spot ; below the eye white ; cheeks grey ; nape pale grey, darkening on the sides of the neck ; throat and chin nearly black ; mantle and tail greyish or brownish groy (according to the light in which the specimen is held), with an umber tint on the wing-coverts and secondaries, and blackish on the primaries ; uuder- parts deep sooty brown, -with a dark plumbeous tinge on the throat: bill black; tarsi, toes, and their webs brown. Total length 12 inches, culmen 1-8, wing 8-3, tail 4-7, tarsus 0-9, middle toe with claw 1-35. The sexes appear to be alike in plumage. Immature. Similar, but the colours duller and less contrasted ; a dark line along the upper wing-coverts, and little plumbeous grey anywhere. Hah. The Se3'chelles, Madagascar, the Mascarene Islands, andaeross the Indian Ocean to Houtman's Abrolhos, Western Australia ; also {Jide Mr. Eamsay) both sides of Torres Straits and the east side of Australia down to New South Wales. Temminck's type is said to have been obtained in Senegal, but no other specimen is known to me from anywhere nearer that locality than the Mascarene Islands. lU. MICKAN0U8. 145 a, 6. cJ 5 ad. sk. He Plate and He Cousine, Sey- chelles, Oct. & Nov. c. 0 ad. ; d. (S He Cousine, Seychelles. imm. .sk. e,f. Ad. sk. Mauritius {Bewsher). g. Imm. sk. Mauritius. h. Imm. sk. Mauritius. i. Imm. sk. Rodriguez I. k. Ad. sk. Rodriguez I. /. Ad. sk. Houtman's Abrolhos, West Australia, Jan. 2Uth, 184;j {Gilbert), m. Ad. St. Houtman's Abrolhos {Gilbert). n. Skeleton. Rodriguez I. {Rer. H. H. Slater). II. Saunders Coll. Shelley Coll. Shelley Coll. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. Tweeddale Coll. Rev. H. H. Slater [C.]. Sir John Kirk [P.]. H. Saunders Coll. J. Gould [C.].^ Transit of Venus E.xped. 2. Micranous leucocapillus. Sterna tenuirostris, Kiftlitz (nee Teinm.), Kupfert. Vog. p. 28, pi. 26. tig. 1 (183.3: St. Pieleua) ; id. Jieise, n. p. 64 (1858 : Kushai I.); Bennett, Gath. Naturalist, p. 241 (1860 : Norfolk Is., &c.). ? Anous minutu.-i, Boie, Isis, 184J, p. 188 (" New Holland ''). Anous leucocapillus, Gould, P. Z. S. 184-j, p. 10-'3 (Raine Islet, N.Australia); id. B. Austr. vii. pi. t;6 (1848): Macyill. Nan: Vog. Eattksn. ii. p. 359 (1852) ; Bp. C. B. xlii! p. 773 (1856) ; Cassin, U.S. E.ipl. E.vp. p. 393 (1858) ; Grag, P. Z. 8. 1858, p. 198 ; id. Cat. B. N. Guin. p. 63 (1859) ; id. Cat. B. Trap. Is. Pacific, p. 60 (1859) ; Hartl. Ibii, 1864, p. 232 (Fiji) ; Finscli, N.-Guin. p. 184 (1865) ; Gould, Hundb. B. Austr. ii. p. 419 (1865) ; Blasius, J.f. O. 1866, pp. 82, 86 (revision) ; Fimck i^- Hartl. Faun. Centralpolgn. p. 237 (1867); Grag, Hand-list B. lii. p. 123, no. 11088 (1871); Hume, Str. F. 1874, p. 322 (Indian Ocean) ; Lagard, P. Z. S. 1876, pp. 497, 504; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 670, pi. Ixi. tig. 3 (revision) ; Masters, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. IV. 1877, p. 64 (Nepean I.) ; Ramsag, op. cit. 1878, p. 202 ; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 781 (Ponap6) ; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 273 (EUice Is.) ; id. Ibis, 1878, p. 415 (Sarawak) ; id. Phil. Tr. clxviii. p. 468 (1879); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xviii. p. 410 (1882); id. Orn. Papuasia etc. iii. p. 457 (1882) ; Oates, B. Brit. Burm. ii. p. 435 (188.3); Finsch, Vog. Siidsee, p. 52(1884: Marshall Is. &: New Guinea) ; W. 0. Grant, P. Z S. 1887, p. 333 (Solomon Is.); Ramsag, Tab. List Austr. B. p. 211 (18a8); Ridleg, Zool. 1888, p. 43 (Fernando Noronha) ; Everett, B. Borneo, p. 211 (1889) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 10 (1889) ; Sharpe, Ibis, 1890, p. 149 (N. Rorneo) ; Wiglesio. Abh. zool. Mus. Dresd. 1890-91, no. vi. p. 77 (1892: Polynesia); Stone, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1874, pp. 115- 117 (critical). Anous melanogenys, Grag, Gen. B. iii. p. 661, pi. 182 (1846); Reichenb. Natat. tab. cccxxxi. tig. 2624 (1850j ; Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; Krefft, Ibis, 1862, p. 131 ; Gray, Hand-list B. iii. p. 123, no. 110,^5 (1871) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 187(i, p. 670, pi. Ixi. tig. 2 (revision Sternins) ; Cab. ^- Reichenow, J.f. O. 1876, p. 327 (Tonga Is.); Scl. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 557 (Admiralty Is.) ; Finsch, f. c. p. 781 (Pelew Is.) ; Saunders, t. c. p. 798 (St. Paul's Rocks, Tristan da Cuniia, &c.); id. Journ. Linn. Soc. .xiv. p. 404 (1878: distribution); Ramsag, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 1878, p. 202; VOL. XXV. L 140 LAEIIt^. Penrose, Ibis, 1879, p. 280 (Ascension 1., breeding) ; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 354 (Labuan); id. Phil. Trans, clxviii. pp. 467, 468 (1879) ; Moseley,lSat. on the ' Challeinier ^ p. 68 (1879: St. Paul'-s Kocks) ; Saunders, Pep. H.M.S. ' Challenger; Birds, ii. p. 137 (1880) ; Finsch, J.f. O. 1880, p. 308 (Kushai) ; id. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 577 (Caroline Is.) ; id. Pns, 1880, pp. 220, 332 (Marshall Is.) ; id. op. cit. 1881, p. 109 (Kushai Id.) ; id. t. c. pp. 113, 115 (Ponape Id.) ; id. t. c. p. 431 (not in Gilbert Is.) ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xviii. p. 409 (1882): id. Orn. Papnasia, iii. p. 456 (1882) ; Tristram, Ibis. 1883, p. 48 (Planning I.; breeding) ; Finsch, Tog. /S'Mc?«ee, p. 52 (1)?84 : Mar.shall & Caroline Is. ; breeds); J.Murray, Narr. ' Challenger,' i. p. 204 (St. Paul's Piocks) aad p. 738 (1886) ; Crotcfoot, Ibis, 1885 (Norfolk I. ; breeding) ; MacFarlane, Ibis, 1887, p. 214 (Yostok I. ; breeding) ; Pamsay, Tab. List Aiisfr. P. p. 23 & p. 38 (1888) ; Everett, P. Borneo, p. 211 (1889) ; North, Nests Sf- Eggs Austr. B. p. 376. pi. xxi. fig. 5 (1889 : Lord Howe & Philip Is.); Wiglesw. Ahh. tool. Mm. Dresd. 1890-91, no. vi. p. 77 (1889 : Polynesia) ; Pidley ^- Sharpe, Joiirn. Linn. Soc. xx. p. 480 (1890: Fernando Isoronha) ; Hartert, Kat. Vogelsamml. Sencl-enb. p. 238 (1891 : Caroline Is.). Anous tenuirostris, Blyth, J. A. S. Peng. xvi. p. 373 (1847) ; id. Cat. B. Mus. As. Soc. 1849, p. 293 ; Hartl. J. f. 0. 1854, p. 170 & p. 307 ; Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 256 (1857 : Gambia) ; Jerd. B. India, iii. p. 846 (1864 : Bay of Bengal) ; Salvin, Ibis, 1864, p. 383 (Brit. Honduras) ; Coues, t. c. p. 393 ; B/yth, Ibis. I8(i5, p. 40 (Bay of Bengal) ; Salvin, op. cit. 1866, p. 200; Bluth, op. cit. 1867, p. 178; Beavan, t. c. p. 334 : id. op. cit. 18<:8, p. 405 ; Scl. ^- Salv. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 566 (revision) : Ball, Str. F. i. p. 90 (1873 : Andamans) ; Coues, B. N.- West, p. 710, note (1874) : Fijisch ^- Hartl. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 113 (Pelpw Is.) ; Finsch, Journ. Mus. Godeffr. 1875, Hft. viii. p. 42 (Pelew Is.) ; Scl. 8f Salv. No7ne7icl. Av. Neotrojj. p. 147 (1873). Wegalopterus tenuirostris, Peale [nee Temm., nee Boie), U.S. E.vpl. Erped., Birds, p. 284 (1848 : Paumotu Is.) ; Hartl. Wiegm. Arch. 1852, p. 127. Anous leucocephalus, Peichetib. Vog. Neulioll. ii. p. 13 (1850); id. Natat. tab. cclxxiii. figs. 2272-73 (1850) ; Raynsay, Pr. Linn. Sue. N. S. W. 1877, p. 77 (Fiji Is.). Sterna leucocapilla, Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas, Sternie, p. 37 (1863: Indian seas). Anous senex, Hume {nee Leach), Str. F. 1874, p. 321 (Andaman Is.). Anous atrofuscus, Stone, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1894, p. 117 (New Guinea and Monte Video !). Adult mnje in hreedinci-plmnage. Similar to the preceding species, but the forehead and crown whiter and the rest of the body very much darker ; the lores jet-black ; the cheeks deep lead-colour to sooty black ; upper and under parts nearly black : bill black ; tarsi and toes dark brown. Total length 13 inches, culmen 2 to 2-1, wing 8*9 to 9-1, tail 4'8 to 5, tarsus 0-9, middle toe with claw 1*4. The sexes seem to be alike in plumage, examples marked 2 being quite as black as those marked S • Birds which are not quite mature have a somewhat sooty tinge in their plumage, with less plnmbeous-grej' about the neck. In a state intermediate between this and the next stage they were described as A. lencocapilh's by Gould, whose name is the first available. 10. MICRAN0U8. 147 Inunatttre. Forehead and crown white; lores white; neck and nape sooty bhick, which throws the white crown into strong relief, owing to the absence of any intermediate lead-colour ; mantle, tail, and uiiderparts umber-brown, the primaries blackish : tarsi and toes brown ; bill comparativel}- short in front of the genys. Young. Forehead and anterior crown white ; lores black; upper parts generally umber-brown, with cinnamon borders to the wing- coverts and secondaries ; primaries blackish ; underparts mouse- brown ; bill only about 0-5 in front of the genys. lu an older bird the white is less pure, but extends further back on the crown, and the plumage has a slightly barred appearance. Nestlimj. Forehead and crown dull white, rest of the body sooty black. Hah. Caribbean Sea, inter-tropical Atlantic, and down to Inaces- sible Island, near Tristan da Cunha (breeding) ; both sides of South Africa, Indian Ocean up to Bay of Bengal ; Malayasia, Papuasia, Pelew and Caroline Islands, Northern Australia, and most of the islands of the South Pacific as far as the Society group (breeding). Glover's Reef, British Hon- duras, May 12th, 1862 _ (O. -S'. ). St. Paul's Rocks, Equatorial Atlantic. a-d.S2 ad.; e,f. Pull. sk. Salvin-Godman Coll. Ad. sk. ; h. Ad. & i. Pull sk. (in alcohol). S imm. sk. H.M.S. 'Challenger' Exped. Fernando Noronha, N. Brazil, Sept. [H. M. Harrison, i?.A.). ^ Fernando Noronha {H. A', i?.). ~n. c? ad. et juv. sk. -q. Yix ad. et Ascension 1. {Trof. D. Gill) imm. sk. . Ad. sk. , Juv. sk. t Vix ad sk. M. Imm. sk. V. Vix ad. sk. w. Yix ad. sk. X. Ad. sk. y. Juv. sk. s. 5 ad. sk. a',b'. Imm. et juv. sk. c'. 1mm. sk. d\ Ad. sk. e. Juv. sk. Saint Helena {H. Whitely). Inacessible I., Tristan da Cunha, Oct. Sierra Leone (Mitford). Gold Coast (if. Whitely). Near Minicoy I., X. Indian Ocean. Between Ceylon and Nicobar Is., 91° E., 8° N. Malacca (A. C. Main(/ai/). Lawas River, Sarawak, Borneo. Admiralty Is. Pelew Is. (Mus. Gvdeffroy). Pelew Is. Pelew Is. [J. Colien). Off Bristow I., south coast of New Guinea, April 24, li<4~) (J. Mncf/iliivrnii). H. Saunders Coll. H. N. Ridlev, Esq. [R]. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H.M.S. ' Challenger ' Exped. H. Saunders Coll. R. B. Sharoe, Esq. [P.]. Hume Coll. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [R]. Tweeddale Coll. Gov. Ussher [C.]. H.M.S. ' Challenger ' Exped. H. Saunders Coll. J. Cohen [C.]. Tweeddale CoU. Voy. H.M.S. 'Rattle- snake.' l2 148 LARID.T;. /'. Juv. St. Off BarDard Is., Queensland Voy. H.M.S. 'Eattle- {J. M.). snake.' (/'. Ad.sk. Moreton Bay, Queensland Yov. H.M.S. 'Rattle- (J. M.). ' snake.' (? Type of A. melanogenys, Gray.) h! . Ad. sk. Port Maekay, Queensland H. Saunders Coll. (3Ins. Godeffrm/). I. Ad. sk. Phillip I. {liev. P. Metcalfe). H. Saunders Coll. k'. 2 ad. sk. Bua, Fiji Is., Dec. {K L. Tweeddale Coll. Layard). I'-p'. S ? ad. sk. Ovalau, Fiji, Jan., Feb., & Tweeddale & Oct. Seebohm Colls. 9'. 2 ad. sk. Levuka, Fiji, Feb. (£'.i.Z.). Tweeddale Coll. ?•'. 2 ad. sk. Naudronga, Fiji, Oct. {E. Tweeddale Coll. L. L.). .s'. $ imni. sk. Tuntratabu, Nov. {Dr. Coj)- Voy. H.M.S. ' Alert.' pinger). t' . Juv. sk. Ellice Is. Eev. S. J. Whitmee [C.]. ii'-w'. S $ ad. sk. Raiatea, Society Is., Nov. II. Saunders Coll. (J. Younr/). x',y'. Ad.sk. Vostok I., Oct. (CowjMr.ikfac- H. Saunders Coll. Farlane). z' . Ad.sk. Atsea, between the Admiralty H.M.S. ' Challenger ' and Caroline Is., 5° N., Exped. March 20, 1875. a". Skeleton. British Honduras (0. - l'J«i' b" . Larger : rectricea chiefly brown, with merely white borders to the outer webs inter cedeiis, p. lo5. b' . Secondaries with only narrow (0*1 in.) edgings of dull white; rectrices dark brown, with whitish margins only O'l wide at most ; under wing-coverts dusky, melanura, p. 156. b. Bill entirely orange-yellow in the adult. c' . Without a white collar : smaller Jiavirostris, p. 158. d'. With a broad white collar : larger albicollis, p. 159. 1. Rhynchops nigra. The Cut Water, Catesby, Nat. Hid. Carol, i. p. 'JO, pi. 90 (17;31). Le Bec-en-Ciseaux, Brisson, Orn. vi. p. '2'2'i, pi. xxi. fig. 2 (1760) ; Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. 454 (1781 : partim. ; but fig. xxxvi. represents R. vielanura). Le Bec-en-ciseaux fauve, Brisson, Orn. vi. p. 'I'll (17G0: juv., e.r Barrl're, Orn. Sp. p. 20, 1745). Rhynchops nigra, Linn. 8i/st. Nat. i. p. 228 (1766 : North America) ; G»i. Syst. Nat. i. p. 611 (1788: N. America) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 802 (1790) ; Botin. Euc. Meth. i. p. 100 (1791) ; Shaw ^- Nudd. Nat. Miscell. ix. pi. 325 (1798); lUiyer, Prod. p. 271 (1811); Wilson, Amer. Orn. vii. p. 85, pi. 60. fig. 4 (1813) ; Cur. Regne An., Ois. p. 344, Atlas, pi. 93 (1817); Licht. T'erz. Doubl. p. 80 (1823: pt.) ; Stejihens, Shaiv's Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 136 (1826) ; Jard. ed. Wilsons Am. Oni. ii. p. 376 (1832) ; Nut,tall,Man. Orn. ii. p. 264 (1834) ; Bp. Comp. List B. Eur. ^- N. Am. p. dO (1838) ; Audub. Orn. Biogr. iv. p. 203 (1838) ; id. Synop. p. 314 (1839) ; id. B. N. Atner. 8vo ed. vii. p. 67, pi. 428 (1846); Giraud, B. Long Isl. p. 346 (1844) ; Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 191 ; Grai/, Gen. B. iii. p. 656 (1846) : Reichenb. Natat. tab. xviii. figs. 400-401 (1848) ; id. Syst. Nat. pi. iv. (1850); id. Av. Syst. Nut., Lonyip. p. v (1852); Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 97(1854: North America); Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 773 (1856) ; Baird, Cass., ^- Lawr. B. N. Atner. p. 866 (1858) ; Baird, Me.rican Bound. Surv. p. 28 (1859) ; A. ^• E. Newton, Ibis, 1859, p. 371 (Id. of St. Croix, W.L) ; Sclater, P.Z. S. 1864, p. 179 (Mexico Citv) ; Leot. Ois. Trinidad, p. 534 (1866) ; Dresser, Ibis, 1866, p. 45 (Texas) ; Salv. Ibis, 1865, p. 193 ; id. op. cit. 1866, p. 200 (Acapam, Pacific) ; Graij, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 124 (1871 : partim) ; Scl. Sf Salv. P. Z. S. ish, p. 566 (partim, as regards Cuba) ; Allen, Bull. Ilarv. Coll. ii-. p. 368 (1871 ; Florida); Coues. Pr. Philad. Acad. 1872, p. 46; id. Key N. Am. B. p. 324 (1872) ; id. B. N.-West, p,. 715 (1874); Lawr. Mem. Bo.st. Soc. N. H. ii. p. 318 (1874: San Bias, Pacific); Gundl. Orn. Cuba, p. 312 (1876); Lawr. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mu.s. iv. p. 52 (1876: Tehuantepec, Pacific) ; Sennett, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. iv. p. 66 (1878: S. Texas) ; Beane, Bull. Nutt. Orn. C. 1879, p. 242 (New England) : Maynard, B. East. Amer. p. 4S2 (1881) ; Ridgw. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 51 (1881) ; Chamberlain, B. New Brunsw. p. 67 (1882); Salrin, Cat. Strick. Coll. p. 627 (1882); Cones, Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 124 (1882) ; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 462 (Yucatan) ; Ridgw. Cat. Fish. E.vhib. p. 29 (1883) ; Stearns d,- Coues, NewEng. Bird-life, p. 376 (1883) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 772 (1884) ; Baird, Brewer, ^- Ridyw. Water-B. 154 LARID.E. N. Amer. ii. p. 192 (1884) ; A. 0. U. Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 97 (1886) ; Ridgw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 49 (1887) ; Cooke, Bird Migr. Mississippi Vail. p. 58 (1888) ; Cory,B. West Indies, ^.21^ (1889 : ("uba & St. Croix) ; Salvin, Ibis, 1889, p. 379 (Cozumel) ; Scott, Auk, 1890, p. 306 (Dry Tortu1 (1871) ; Graj/, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 124 (1871 : partim) ; Allen, Bull. Hare. Coll. iii. p. 359 (1872 : Lake Titicaca) ; ^Scl. S,- Salt: P. Z. S. 1873, p. 310 (Upper Amazons) ; iid. Nomencl. Av. Neotrop. p. 147 (1873: partim) ; Pelz. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1873, p. 159 (Callao) ; Taczan. Sf Berlepsch, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 120 (Babahoyo, Ecuador). Rhynchops cinerascens, SjH.i; Ar. Bras. ii. p. 80, pi. cii. (1825) ; Reichenb. Natat. tab. xviii. fig. 255 (1848). Rhynchops brevipo.stris, Spiv, Av. Bras. ii. p. 80, pi. ciii. (1825) ; Reichenb. Natat. tab. xviii. fig. 256 (1848). Rhynchops melanura. Swains. Classif. B. ii. p. 373 (1837); id. An. in Menaff. p. 361 (1837) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 6-56 (1846) ; Cab. in Schotnb. Reis. Guiana, iii. p. 761 (1848) ; Reichenb. Natat. Novit. Ixviii. tab. cccxxxi. fig. 2623(1850); Licht. Noinencl. Av. p. 97 (1854 : Guiana) ; Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 773 (1856) ; Scl. Sr Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 201 (Lower Ucayali) ; iid. op. cit. 1867, p. 593 (Mexiana, Lower Amazons); Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 461 (1871) : Taczan. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 562 (Cborillos, Peru) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 522 (Chile) ; Taczan. Orn. Perou, iii. p. 437 (1886) ; Berlepsch ^■ Stolzm. P. Z. S. 1892, p. 400 (Peru). Rhynchops fulva (wee L.), Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 191 (Guiana). Adult male in breeding-plumage. Similar to the preceding species, but with very little white at the edges of the secondaries and no 12. EHTXCHOP.-(. 157 sign of white on the parapteral feathera ; tail-feathers dark umber- brown on the upper surface, with very narrow whitish edges, the undersides brown ; under wing-coverts smoke-brown. TotaL lengtli lU'o to 2U-5 inches, culmen 4, genys 4'!), wing 10-5-17, tail 5'5-G, tarsus 1-4, middle toe and cLiw l-'A. Adult female. Similar, but smaller, in the same proportions as in the former species. Itnmature. Like the above, but with an irregular collar mottled with dull white, a mottled dark brown crowu and najie; some brownish streaks on the cheeks and forehead. ' Young. Forehead and cheeks dirty white, profusely streaked with brown ; crown, nape, and upper surface dull umber-brown ; the feathers of the mantle, wings, and tail bordered and tipped with buff and greyish white. Hah. The large rivers of the northern part of South America, from their estuaries upwards, for thousauds of miles — viz., the Magdalena and others, which empty into the Caribbean Sea, the Orinoco and tributaries, the (juiaua rivers, the Amazons and tribu- taries, up to the Huallaga and the foot of the Andes. Obtained on Lake Titicaca in the High Andes. C'o;i8t of Chile from the Magellan Straits upwards; Peruvian coast ; Guayaquil River up to Babahovo. Once at Cozumel. off Yucatan. The specimen in the Salvin-Godman Coll. from Cozumel has distinctly smoke-coloured under wing-coverts, and shows no trace of white on the parapteral feathers ; the rectrices are chiefly dark, but the white on their edges is rather wider than in typical R. mela- nuro, and so is the whitish band on the wing. The fact that the North American R. nigra visits Cozumel is not without significance. a. Imm. sk. Cozumel I., Yucatan, Feb. Salvin-(Todman Coll. {G. F. Gaumer). b. Imm. sk. Venezuela. D. Dyson, Esq. [P.]. c. Ad. st. British Guiana. Sir R. Schomburo-k [C.]. d. Ad.sk. British Guiana (//. li hifeli/). H. Saunders Coll. e. 2 i^^'- ^^- River Rupuruni, Feb. {H. Jr.). Salvin-Godman Coll. /. (S ad. sk. Oururnei, Dec. (//. IF.). Salvin-Godmau Coll. ff. Imm. sk. Surinam {Dr. Ktrke). PI. Sauuders Coll. h. $ ad.sk. Mexiana, Lower Amazons, Dec. Salvin-Godman Cull. (A. R. Wallace). i. J ad.sk. Lower Ucayali, Peruvian Ama- E. Bartlett [C.]. zons. k. 2 ad. sk. Upper Ucayali, Peruvian Ama- H. Saunders Coll. zons, May (E. Bartlett). I. (5juv.sk. Yurimaguas, Huallaga R., Peru- II. Saunders Coll. vian Amazons, Xov. (E. £.). m. Innn. sli. Straits of Magellan. The Admiralty [P.]. 72. Imm.sk. Chilo {H. M.S. ' Blonde'). Capt. Lord Byron, R.N. rp.]. o, /). Imm.sk. Chile. C. Crawlev, Esq. [P.] q. Ad. sk. Cliile {E. C. Reed). H. Saunders Coll. 158 LAEID.?!. r. Imm. sk. Chile {E. C. H.). Salvin-Godman Coll. s, t. Imm. sk. Viiia del Mar, near Valparaiso. il. Berkeley James, Esq. [P.]-. n. 2 vix ad. sk. Coquimbo Bay, Xov. {Admiral H. Saunders Coll. A. H. Markhcan). V. Imm. sk. Callao Bay, Peru (R. Jvmp). H. Saunders Coll. 4. Ehyncliops flavirostris. Khvncliops flavirostris*, Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Xaf. iii. p. 383 (1816) ; id. op. cit. xxix. p. 283 (1819 : Senegal) ; id. Enc. Meth. i. p. 351 (1820 : Seneg-al) ; Stephens, Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 138 (1826); Lesson, Traite, p. 624 (1831); VieiU. Gal. Ois. ii. p. 237, pi. 291 (1834 : Senegal) ; Eiipp. Syst. Uebers.^. 139 (1845 : Nubia and Senaar) ; A. E. Brehm, J. f. O. 1854, p. 85; id. op. cit. 1855, p. 378; Heuf/l. Sijst. Vehers. p. 70 (1856: White Nile); Bp. C. E. xlii. p. 773 (1856) ; Hciyl. Em. 1859, p. 349 (Dahulak Is., Eed Sea) ; id. in Peterm. Mitth. 1861, p. 29 (Red Sea) ; A. E. Brehm, Eeis. Habesch, iii. p. 143 (1863); Scld. Mus. P.-Bas, Steruifi, p. 40 (1863) ; Kirk, Uis, 1864. p. 337 (Upper Zambesi and Sbir<5) ; Finsch ^- Hartl. Viig. Ostafr. p. 837 (1870) ; Gray, Hund-l. B. iii. p. 124, no. 11094 (1871); Gurney in Anderss. B. Dam. Ld. p. 365 (1872: Lake Ngami) ; Shelley, B. Eyypt, p. 302, pi. xiv. (1872); Hem/l. Orn. iV.O.-Afr. Bd. ii. pt. 2, p. 1463 (1873) ; Ussker, Ibis, 1874, p. 75 (Gold Coast) ; Eeirhenow, J.f. O. l'<74, p. 373 (Gold Coast) ; id. op. cit. 1877, p. 11 ( Loango) ; Buchholz, Eeis. West-Afr. p. 152 (1880: Camaroons); Sharpe, ed. Layard's B. S. Afr. p. 706 (1884) ; Bocaqe, Orn. Angola, p. 515 (1881); Koluh 4- ran Pelz. Beitr. Orn. 'Siidafr. p. 333 (1882); Biitfik. Xotes Leyden Mus. 1885, p. 251 (Liberia) ; Bohm, J.f. O. 1885, p. 66 (Tanganyika) ; Fischer, t. c. p. 114 (Tana River) ; Hartei't, op. cit. 1880, p. 612 (Niger and Benue) ; Matschie, op. cit. 1887, p. 137 ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 10 (1889: Egvpt); SMley, Ibis, 1893, p. 29 (R. Shire, Nyassaland); S/iarpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, no. xi. p. V (1893 : Suakin) ; Eeichenow, 7 oV/. Deidsch-O.-Afr. p. 21 (1894: Tanganyika). Rhynchops niger. Leach in Tuckey's E.vped. Congo, App. p. 408 (1818). Rhynchops albirostris, Licht. Verz. Donbl. p. 80 (1823: Nubia); Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 191 (Red Sea) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 656 (1846) ; Licht. Noinencl. Av. p. 97 (1854 : Egypt). Rhynchops orientalis, Cretzschm. in Eiipp. Atlas, p. 37, tab. 24 (1826) ; Eraser, P. Z. S. 1843, p. 52 (Nun River) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 174 (1844: Niger); Eeichenb. Natat. tab. xviii. fig. 402 (1848) ; Allen S( Thomps. Evp. Niger, i. p. 167 (1848) ; Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr.T^. 257 (1857: Senegambia) ; Cassin, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1859, p. 176 (Camma R., W. Africa) ; Antin. Cat. descr. Ucc. p. IKi (1864 : Egypt). Adult male in hreeding-phovage. Forehead, cheeks, throat, breast, and abdomen white ; crown, nape, and mantle deep umber-brown ; the outer portions of the primaries rather darker and the shafts blackish ; most of the secondaries edged with white for about 0*3 ' Originally Hhyncops faviros/ris, and ascribed to Australia. 12. RQTNCHOl'S. 159 inch, chiefly on the outer webs ; tail-feathers brown in the centres and on the inner webs, chiefly whitish on the outer webs ; under ■wing-coverts smoke-brown : bill vermilion to deep orange-yellow on the upper mandible, the under mandible paler yellow, especially towards the extremity : " irides hrown" (Shelley) ; tarsi and toes vermilion, di-yiug orange-yellow. Tolal length 17 inches, culmen 3, genys 4, wing about 14, tail 5-25, tarsus I'l, middle toe with claw l-l. Adult female. Similar, but smaller; culmen 2-5, genys '&!, wing 13, tail 5, tarsus 1. Adult in winter. Similar, but with an ill-defined band of dull white streaked with brown on the nape ; the upper primaries, when new, are edged with brownish white, which soon wears off. Immature. Like the above, but the forehead a trifle streaked with grey ; the bill ochraceous yellow at the base and blackish on the anterior half. Young. Similar, but duller brown above, and with greyish tips to the feathers of the mantle and rectrices. Hah, Coast and rivers of West Africa from Senegal to Damara- land ; across to the East side and along it ; throughout the Lake Regions and the Kile sj'stem down to Damietta ; also the Red Sea. a-c. d ad. sk Egvpt (G. E. S.). Shellev Coll. d. 2 ad. sk. Egypt (G. E. A'.). H. Saunders Coll. e. 2 ad. sk. Damietta, Egypt (FiUpponi). Shelley Coll. f,g. O ad.sk. Tani, Soudan," April 1885. Capt.VV. Veroer [P.]. h. Ad. sk. 5th Cataract, Nile. F. Galton, Esq. [P.]. i. Ad. ; k. Juv. Suakin, lied Sea. Capt. li. H. Penton sk. _ ^ [P.]. I, m. (j' 5 ad.; Upper Shire, Nvasalaud, Fub. H. H. Johnston, C.B. n. Imni. sk. {A. Whijte). ' [P.]. (>. Ad. sk. Lower Sliir6 Vallev [Sir J. Livingstone Exped. Kirk), jy, q. Ad. sk. Niger liiver. Mrs. Heywood [P.]. 5. Rhynchops albicoUis. ? Rhynchops niadra-patanus, J. li. Forster, Indische Zool. p. 42 (1781 : nomen nudum). Rhvnrhops albicoUis, 5, p. 184 (Bliinia, India; nesting described). Adult male in hreeding-plumarie. Forehead, cheeks, and under- parts white ; crown and nape dark brown ; from the nape, extending to the shoulders, a well-defined M'hite band about 1-5 inches wide ; mantle dark brown ; parapteral feathers edged with white on both webs : most of the secondaries broadly (0"7o in.) edged with white; the four upper primaries whitish towards their extremities, the rest dark brown ; tail-feathers white, except the central pair, which are clove-brown on the inner webs ; under wing-coverts pale smoke- colour : bill orange-yeUow, brighter on the culmen ; irides dark brown ; tarsus and toes orange-red. Total length 16-o inches, culmen 3-2o, genys 3-6, wing 15-5, tail 5, tarsus 1-1, middle toe and claw I'l. Adult female. Alike in plumage, but smaller: culmen 2-65 in., genys 3-1, wing 14, &c. Immature. Similar, but the upper parts of a paler brown, the feathers of the crown and mantle tipped with grey ; the mandibles dull yellow to horn-colour. Younq. Forehead streaked with brown ; feathers of the upper surface brown, tipped and mottled with huffish white or grey ; rectrices brown at the tips and with pale brown shafts. Hah. The large rivers of India, from the Punjab and Nepal south- ward, but not in Ceylon ; Lower Burma, but not in Yunnan or Malacca. a. Ad. sk. h, c. Ad. sk. d. S ad. sk. eg. Ad. sk. /i.'Ad. sk. i. Juv. sk. k-n. S 2 ad. sk. 0, p. KA. sk. (j~t. 6 fid. sk. u. S ad. sk. r. Ad. sk. w. Ad. sk. T. Ad. sk. ,/, s, a', b'. 6 2 ad. sk. c'. d ad. sk. d'. 6 ad. sk. /,/'. 6 ad. sk. Williams Coll. Gould Coll. Hume Coll. I'inwill Coll. B. H. Hodgson, Esq. [P.]. B. H. Hodgson, Esq. [P.]. Futtebgurh,jMav (^-l.^rt^/^TSow). Seebohm Coll. India. Moultau (Capt. Tweedie). Jhelum River, Nov. N.W. India {Capt. S. P.) Nepal. Behar. Futteligurh {A. Atiderson). Etawali, Aug., Dec-Jan. Allahabad, March. Dacca. Madras. Burma (Cn/)^ H. Feilden, li.A.). Tonghoo, ^March-May (ii*. G. Wardlaxo-Ramsay). Boulav, Thayetmvo, Mfa-ch (E.'W. Oafes). ' Boidav, Thavetmvo, March {E.'W. O.)." Sal ween River, Feb. ( If. Davi- non). H. Saunders Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. R. Cole, Esq. IV.]. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. Gates Coll. Hume Coll. 13. XEMA. 161 Subfamily III. LARINiE. Key to the Genera. a. Tail considerably forked ; wings long ; hind toe very small, free 13. Xema, p. 161. b. Tail cimeate, the central pair of rectrices fully 0'8 in. longer than the next pair and r9 in. [p. 167. longer than the outermost 14. Rhodostethia, c. Tail square, or very nearly so. a' . Hind toe moderately or well developed, free ; lower third of tibia bare. a". Bill always more than twice and usually about three times as long as it is deep ; nostrils linear or linear- ovate 15. L.uiiJS, p. 169. h" . Bill very short, the length barely twice its depth, stout, compressed ante- riorly ; nostrils very small, ovate .... 16. Gabiants, p. 297. b'. Hind toe joined to the inner toe by a rugose membrane ; foot coarse, strong, the webs considerably indented ; bill very short, [p. 299. obtuse 17. Leucoph^tjs, c'. Hind toe joined to the inner by a strong serrated membrane ; all the nails large and curved, webs and toes rugose ; tibia feathered nearly to the joint 18. PAGOPHiLA,p.301, d'. Hind toe obsolete or rudimentary ; tarsus much shorter than the middle toe with the claw ; tail with a slight tendency to furcation 19. Rissa, p. 305. 13. XEMA. ^_ Type. Xema, Leach in J. Ross's Voy. Baff. Bay, App. ii. p. Ivii, cum tab. (1819) X. sabinii. Creagrus, Bp. Naumamiia, 1854, p. 213 X. furcata, Chema, Beichenow, J. f. 0. 1889, p. 188 X. sahini. Range. Arctic regions, and down to 14° S. lat, on the American side of the Pacific. Key to the Species. a. Smaller, wing 10'7a in.; bill rather short; entire head deep slate-grey, terminating in a dark black coUar sabinii, p. 162. b. Larger, wing 16 in. ; a white band at the base of the bUl; head sooty black, with no terminal collar furcata, p. 165. 162 LAKID^. 1. Xema sabinii, Larus sabinii*, /. Sabine, Trans. Linn. Soc. xii. p. 520, pi. 29 (1818 : islands near Disco, breeding); E. Sabine, torn. cit. p. 551 (1819); Leach, TVjowisow's Awn. o/PA?7os. xiii. p.61 (1819 : Disco); E.Sa- bine, Suppl. App. Parry's \st Voy. p. ccv (1821 : Prince Regent's Inlet) ; Parry's Narr. 2nd Voy. pp. 254 & 301 (1825 :_ Melville Peninsula); Richardson, i.e., App. p. 360; id.loc.cit. (Spitsbergen, teste E. Sabine) ; Macyill. Mem. Wern. Soc.y. p. 249 (1826) ; J. C. Moss, App. Parry's Ath Voy. p. 195 (1828 : Waigatz Str., Spits- bergen) ; Werner, Atlas, PalfnipMes, pi. 30 (1828) ; J. Wilson, HI. Ornith. pi. iii. (1831) ; Sivains. ^ Richards. Faun. Bor.-Amer., Birds, p. 428 (1831) ; Nuttall, Man. Orn. ii. p. 296 (1831) ; J. C. Ross, App. John Ross's 2nd Voy. p. 37 (1835) ; Jenyns, Man. Brit. Verteb. p. 270 (1835) ; Audub. Orn. Bioyr. iii. p. 561 (1835) ; id. Synop. p. 323 (1839) ; id. B. N. Amer. 8vo ed. vii. p. 127, pi. 441 (1839) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. 6i. 2, 4°'= pte, p. 488 (1840) ; Keys. 8r Bias. Wirb. Eur. pp. xcv & 240 (1840) ; Selys-Longch. Faun. Bel(j. p. 152 (1842) ; Giraud, B. Long Isl. p. 362 (1844) ; Schl. Rev. Crit. p. cxxviii (1844) ; Yarr. Brit. B. 2nd ed. iii. p. 537 (1845) ; Degl. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 331 (1849) ; Thomps. B. Irel. iii. p. 309 (1851) ; Middend. Reis. Sibir., Zool. p. 244, taf. xxiv. fig. 5, pull., taf. XXV. fig. 1, Q§§ (1853) ; Meyer, Brit. B. vii. p. 115, pi. 299 (1857) ; Naum. Voy. Deutschl., Anhany, xiii. p. 272, taf. 272. figs. 3, 4 (I860) ; Schl. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 44 (1863) ; Hartiny, B. Middle- se.v, p. 251 (1866); Deyl. Sf Gcrbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 443 (1867); Borgyr. Voy elf. Norddeutschl. p. 141 (1869) ; Kartiny, Kandb, Brit. B. p. 171 (1872) ; E. Adams, Ibis, 1878, p. 440 (Alaska) ; Feilden {ex R. Anderson), Zool. 1879, p. 8 (Cambridge Bay, Victoria Ld., breeding) ; Marmottan ^- Vian, Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1879, p. 249 (Croter, adult) ; Rodd, B. Cormv. p. 166 (1880) ; Bunge, Mel. Biol. xii. livr. 1, p. 53 (1884 : Lena delta) ; Seebohm, Brit. B. iii. p. 298 (1885) ; Stevenson ^- Southw. B. Norfolk, iii. p. 319 (1890) : Gdtke, Vogelw. Helgol. p. 579 (1891). Larus collaris, E. Sabine, Tr. Linn. Soc. xii. p. 551 (1819 : MS. name for a bird in the Vienna Mus., which is Rhodostethia rosea). Xema sabinii, Leach, in J. Ross's Voy. Baff. Bay, App. ii. p. Ivii, cum tab. (1819 : 4to ed., not the 8vo) ; Brehm, Lehrb. p. 699 (1824) ; Steph. in Shaio's Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 177, pi. 20 (1826) ; Kaup. Natiirl. Syst. pp. 66-67, p. 196 (1829) ; Eyton, Rarer Brit. B. p. 54 (1836) ; Gould, B. Eur. v. pi. 429 (1837) ; Bp. Comp. List B. Eur. ^- N. Amer. p. 62 (1838) ; id. Cat. Ucc. Eur. p. 77 (1842) ; Gray, List Gen. p. 78 (1840) ; id. op. cit. ed. 1841, p. 99 ; id. List B. Brit. M., Anseres, p. 171 (1844) ; id. Gen. B. iii. p. 655, pi. 180. fig. 3 (1846) ; Reichenb. Syst. Nat. tab. v. (1850) ; id. Av. Syst. Nat., Lonyip. pp. iv, V (1852) ; Richardson, Journ. Boat Voy. i. p. 262 (1851 : 130° W 70° N., breeding) ; Bolsm. Naum. 1853, p. 451 (Westphalia) ; Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 294; Bruch, J.f O. 1855, p. 292; Bp. C. R. xiii. p. 771 (1856) ; Baird, Cass., ^ Lawr. B. ofN. Amer. p. 857 (1858) ; Rei7ih. Ibis, 1861, p. 19 (Greenland) ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 236 (1863) ; Dall ^ Bann. Tr. Chic. Acad. i. p. 306 (1869 : Alaska) ; Fritsch, Voy. Eur. p. 465, tab. 55. fig. 4 (1870) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 117, no. 11013 (1871) ; Newton, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 57, pi. iv. fig. 5 {'i^^) ; Allen, Bull. Harv. Coll. iii. p. 183 (1872 : Gt. Salt Lake) ; Coues, Key N. A^ner. B. p. 317 (1872) ; * The specific name is also given as soMni and sabinei ; I have placed all under one head. 13. XEMA. 163 Sundev. Meth. Nat. Av. disp. Tent. p. 136 (1872) ; Feild. Zool. s. s. p. 3287 (1872 : Faeroes) ; Gould, B. Gt. Brit. v. p. 67 (1873) ; Dresser, B. Europe, viii. p. 337, pi. 593 (1874) ; Cones, B. N.- West, p. 060 (1874) ; Hensh. Ann. Lye. N. Y. xi. p. 13 (1874: Utah); Newton, Arct. Man. p. 105 (1875); Bessels, Bull. Soc. Geogr. Paris, 1875, p. 296 (Polaris Ba}-) ; id. Amerik. Nord-Pol. Exped. p. 312 (1879); Beid, Zool. 1877, p. 490 (Bermudas) ; ^cl. 4'- Salv. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 141 (Tumbes, Peru) ; Saunders, torn. cit. p. 209 (revision Larinae) ; id. Journ. Linn. Soc. XIV. p. 400 (1878: distribution); Kumlien, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. XV. p. 101 (1879 : Davis Str.) ; Ridgiu. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 52 (1881) ; Clarke, Handb. Yorks. Verteb. p. 81 (1881); Maijnard, B. East. N. Amer. p. 487 (1881); Coues, Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 122 (1882) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 524 (Callao Bay); Stearns 8f Coues, New Engl. Bird-life, p. 353 (1883) ; Nelson, Cruise ' Corwin' p. 109 (1883) ; B. O U List Brit. B. p. 193 (1883) ; Bidwell, Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb. p. 131 (1884), and Saunders, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 150 (adult in breed- ing plumage, I. of Mull) ; id. ith ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p 573 (1884) ; Doivling, Zool. 1884, p. 490 (Dublin Bav) ; Coues, Key N Amer. B. 2nded.p. 753 (1884) ; Baird,Brew.,^- Bidc/to. Water-B. N. Amer. ii, p. 269 (1884) ; Murdoch, Exped. Point Barrow, p. 125 (1885) ; Homeijer, Ornis, 1885, p. 81 ; A. O. U. Check-l. N. A^ner. B. p. 91 (1886) ; Goss, B. Kansas, p. 2 (1886) ; Turner, Contrib. N. H. Alaska, p. 126 (1886) ; Fischer ^- Pelz. Mittheil. orn. Ver. Wien, no. 18 (1886 : Jan Mayen I. ; transl., W. E. Clarke, Zool. 1890, p. 51) ; Taczan. Orn. Perou, iii. p. 456 (1886) ; Ridqw. Man N. Amer. B. p. 38 (1887) ; Nelso7i, Rep. N. H. Alaska, p. 56 (1887 : breeds) ; Palmen, Orn. ' Vega ' Exped. p. 351 (1887 : Taimyr Pen ) • MacFarl. Ibis, 1887, p. 207 (CaUaoBay) ; H-Brozvn <^ Buck. Fau7i Sutherl.^ Caithn. p. 229 (1887) ; Feilden, Tr.Norw. Soc. iv. p. 35] (1887: York Factory, ■ Hudson B.) ; Cooke, Mig. B. Mississippi Vail. p. 57 (1888); Greely, Rep. U.S. Exped. L. Frankl. Bay, ii. p. 22 (1888 : Grinnell Ld.) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 8 (1889) ; Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 641 (1889); Riesenih. Wasservoq Mitteleurop. p. 138 (1889) ; Miller, Auk, 1890, p. 227 (Cape Cod) ; M. Chamberl. ed. Hagerup's B. Greenl. p. 47 (1891) ; Borrer B Sussex, p. 261 (1891); R. MacFarl. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. 'xiv" p. 419 (1891 : Franklin Bay, breeding) ; Shufeldt, Auk, 1891, p. 366 (Oregon, fossil) ; id. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. P'hilad. xi. p. 424 (1892) • Berl. S^- Stolzm.. P. Z. S. 1892, p. 400 (Peru) : HUrb. Sf Mathew B. Devon, p. 387 (1892) ; H-Brown S^- Buckl. Fauna Argyll 8cc p. 188 (1892) ; Allen, Auk, 1893, p. 123 (disti-ibution) ; Blaauw Ibis, 1893, p. 150 (Holland) ; Taczan. Mem. Ac. St. Petersb xxxix. p. 1046 (1893 : E. Siberia) ; Collett, Norges Fuqlef., Nyt Mag.f. Naturv. Bd. xxxv. p. 314 (1894). Xema collaris (Schreibers), Leach, in 6vo ed. J. Ross, Voy. Baff. Bay, ii. p. 165 (1819: not Larus collaris, Schreibers MS. in Vienna Mus., vphich is Rhodostethia rosea); Olphe-Gall. Contrib. Fazoie Orn. Eur. Occid. fasc. x. p. 108 (1886). Gavia .'^abini, Macgill. Man. Br. Orn. ii. p. 241 (1842) ; id. Br B T. p. 607 (1852). Sabine's GuU, Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 421 (1843). Larus minutus, Bolsmann, Naum. 1852, Bd. ii. Hft. iii. p. 35 (West- phalia). Chema sabinii, Reichenotc, J.f. O. 1889, p. 188; id. Syst. Verz. Vog. Deidschl. p. 62 (1889) ; Heine ^- Reichenoio, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 360 (1890); Hartert, Katal. Vogelsamml. Senck. p. 243 (1891). ii2 164 LAEID^. Adult in hreeding-iiilumage. Head and upper neck dark slate- colour, terminated by a narrow deep black collar ; mantle slate- grey, much lighter than the head ; the inner secondaries merely tipped with white, the rest of the secondaries and the five upper primaries almost wholly white; the remaining primaries black on both sides of the shafts, with conspicuous white tips and broad white margins along the greater part of the inner webs ; edge of wing to the carpal joint black ; tail, and the underparts up to the coUar, white : bill black to the angle, chrome-yellow anteriorly ; inside of the mouth vermilion ; iris dark brown ; a narrow vermilion ring round the eye, beneath which is a minute white speck ; tarsi and toes brown to blackish. Total length 13 inches, culmen 1-.35, wing 10'75, tail 4"75, depth of fork 1, tarsus 1'4, middle toe with claw 1"35. The sexes appear to be alike in size and plumage. In examples a year younger the white tips to the outer primaries are less conspicuous, and there is a considerable amount of black on the sixth primary from the outside. In specimens from Alaska the tarsi and toes are darker than in birds from Greenland. Adidt hi ivintcr (Callao, Peru ; Dec). Similar, but head white, with grey streaks which coalesce on the nape and hind neck, pro- ducing a greyish-black appearance ; quills worn and faded in colour, and their tips abruptly broken off', as if cut ai'tificially : bill duller in colour ; tarsi brown. By the beginning of April the new primaries, with broad white tips, are fuUy developed, and the head is plentifully sprinkled with slate-grey. Immature (nearly two years old). Head chiefly slate-grey, mottled with white, especially on the throat, collar ill-defined; rectrices slightly tipped with ash : bill with very little yellow anteriorly. Young. Forehead dull white ; head grey, mottled with buff' ; feathers of the upper parts ash-grey, with edges which are buffish at first, and become greyish with increasing age ; rectrices broadly tipped with black ; underparts chiefly white ; on the sides of the neck an ash-brown band, which is seldom complete and exceedingly variable in extent : biU horn-brown ; tarsi and toes flesh-colour to brownish. Hab. Entire Circumpolar regions in summer. In winter as far as the Bermudas and South Texas on the Atlantic side ; in the Pacific down to 12° S., on the coast of Peru, in great numbers ; thus considerably overlapping the Galapagos Islands, the head- quarters of the next species, X.furcata. a. Juv. St. Mount's Bay, Cornwall, Vingoe Coll. autumn. b-d. Ad. st. "Arctic Seas." Purchased, e. Ad. sk. Sabine's Is., above Disco, General Sir Edward lat. 75° 29' N., long. 60° 9' Sabine [P.]. W., July 25th, 1818. (Type.) /. Ad. ; ^r. Juv.sk. Disco Bay, Greenland (K H. Saunders Coll. Why7n})er). h. Juv. sk. Mouth of the river Clyde, H. Saunders Coll. Baffin Land, 70° 20' N., 68° W., Aug. 20th {J. B. Walker,' Erik'). 13, XEMA. 165 i. 2 vix ad. sk. Cumberland Gulf, Baffin Ld., June loth, 1884 (J. Hen- derson), h. 2 ad. sk. Arctic Coast, east of Fort Anderson, July (breeding) {R. R. MacFarlane). l,m. Ad.sk. Cambrid. Boss's 27id Toy., Nat. Hist. p. sxxvi (1835: Felix Harbour, Boothia); Audub. Orii. Biogr. v. p. 324 (1839) ; id. Synopsis, p. 323 (1839) ; Sw. ^- Bich. F. Bor.-Ain., ii. Birds, p. 427 (1831); J. a Boss, App. Parry's 4th Voy. p. 195 (1828: Spitsbergen & Waigatz Str.) ; Schl. Bev. Crit. p. cxxviii (1844) ; Begl. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 332 (1849) ; Yarr. Brit. B. 2nd Suppl. p. 5» (1856) ; id. op. cit. 3rd ed. iii. p. 558 (1856) ; Naum. Vcig. Deustchl., Anhang, xiii. p. 270, taf. 388. figs. 1-2 (1860) ; Fischer, Natur. Tids. (3) iii. (1864: Faeroes; cf. Ibis, 1865, p. 103); Harting, Sandb. Brit. B. p. 173 (1872) ; Gould, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 1 ; Bunge, Mel. Biol. xii. livr. 1, p. 57 (1884: Lena delta) ; Seebohm, Hist. Brit. B. iii. p. 305 (1885) ; id. P. Z. S. 1886, p. 82 (Discii, Green- land) ; id. Tr. Nonv. Soc. iv. p. 303 (1886 : Lena delta) ; Gdtke, Vogelwarte Helgol. p. 580 (1891). Larus richardsoni, Lesson, H. N. Mam. et Ois. ix. p. 516 (1837). Rossia rosea, Bp. Comp. List, p. 62 (1838 : type of genus) ; id. Cat. Ucc. Eur. p. 79 (1842) ; Gray, List Gen. p. 78 (1840) ; id. ed. 1841, p. 99. Rhodostethia rossi, Macgill. Man. Brit. Orn. pt. ii. p. 253 (1842) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 653, pi. 180. fig. 4 (1846) ; Macgill. Brit. B. T. p. 618 (1852) ; Beichenb. Syst. Nat. tab. v. (1850) ; id. Av. Syst. Nat., Longip. pp. iv, v (1852) ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 229 (1862) ; id. Hand-l. B. iii. p. Ill (1871); Gould, B. Gt. Brit. v. pi. 63 (1873) ; Bp. C. B. xiii. p. 771 (1856) ; Degl. ^ Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 403 (1867) ; Feild. Zool. a. s. p. 3287 (1872 : Fisroes) ; Newton, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 349 (Greenland). Rhodostethia rosea, Bruch, J. f. O. 1853, p. 106 (Kamschatka) ; Brehm, Naumannia, 1855, p. 295 ; id. Vogelf. p. 344 (1855) ; Baird, Cass., Sf Lawr. B. N. Amer. p. 856 (1858) ; Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 230 (1857); Beinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 18 (Greenland); Fritsch, Vbg. Eur. p. 471, tab. 57. fig. 9 (1870) ; Sundev. Av. Meth. Tent. p. 136 (1872) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 316 (.1872) ; id. B. N.- West, p. 659 (1874) _; Newto?i, Arctic Man. p. 105 (1875) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1875, p. 484 ( juv., Kamschatka) ; Payer, Austriaii Exped. ii. p. 91 (1876 : Eng. trans. ; Barents Sea) ; Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 343, pi. 594 (1877) ; Feilden, Ibis, 1878, p. 200; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 208 (revision); id. Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 400 (1878: distribution); Feilden, Tr. Norw. Soc. iii. p. 209 (1881: Barents Sea) ; Bidgw. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 52 (18S1) ; W. E. * Characters not given ; moreover the name Rossia had been applied by Owen in 18oo to a genus of Mollusca. 168 LAEID^, Clarke, Handh. Yorks. Vertebr. p. 81 (1881) ; Coues, Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 122 (1882) ; Nelson, Cruise ' Cortcin; p. 108 (1883 : Alaska) ; B. O. U. List Brit. B. p. 192 (1883) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1883, p. 348 (' Vega ' specimen) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 753 (1884) ; Saunders, 4th ed. Yarrelfs Brit. B. iii. p. 572 (1884) ; Baird, Brewer, ^ Ridgway, Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 266 (1884) ; Murdoch, Exped. Pt. Barroio, p. 123, pis. i.-ii. (1885) ; A. O. U. Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 91 (1886) ; Ridgio. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 37 (1887) ; Nelson, Rep. Nat. Hist. Coll. Alaska, p. 55, pi. iii. (1887) ; Palmen, Vega-Exped. p. 352 (1887 : Pitlekaj) ; Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 643 (1889) ; R. Gray, Zool. 1889, p. 45 (Green- land Sea, 78° N., 0'' 25' E.) ; M. Chamberl. ed. Hageriip's B. Greenl. p. 47 (1891) ; Alkn, Auk, 1893, p. 123 (distribution) ; Lilford, Col. Figs. Brit. B. pts. xxiii. & xvii. (1893). Boss's Gull. Long, Voy. ' JeannetteJ p. 151 (1883 : off Herald I., Bering Sea). Rhodestethia rosea, Taczan. Mhn. Ac. St. Petersh. xxxix. p. 1048 (1893 : E. Siberia). Adult in summer jilumage (Disco). Neck surrounded by a narrow black collar, otherwise the head and entire underparts white (suf- fused with pink in life) ; mantle and quills pearl-grey ; the outer web of the first primary black, nearly to the tip, the other primaries grey like the mantle, paler on the inner margins ; secondaries tipped with rosy white ; rump and tail rosy white, the latter wedge-shaped ; under wing-coverts grey : bill black ; ring round the eye vermilion ; tarsi, toes and their webs bright red. Total length 13'5 inches, culmen 1-1, wing 10'25, tail 5-25, central pair of feathers 0-8 in. longer than the next, and 1'9 longer than the outermost; tarsus 1-25, middle toe with claw 1'2. Adult in tvinier. Similar, but without the black collar, and less suffused with rose-colour. Immature. Head and underparts white ; a few dark streaks round the eye ; collar fairly defined, especially on the nape ; shoulders pale grey, mantle pearl-grey ; inner secondaries and upper wing-coverts smoke-brown, tipped with white, remaining secondaries pearl-grey, passing into white at their edges ; the three outer primaries blackish on the webs on both sides of the shafts down to the tips and a little way up the inner webs, the rest of the webs white ; in the 4th primary the centre is greyish white, with a dark subterminal bar ; on the inner quills the white increases successively until the 9th is wholly white ; tail pure white. Young (September 2l8t). Similar, but crown distinctly pearl-grey, with sometimes a dark feather or two indicative of a hood, and also an approach to a greyish collar; more black about the orbits, and a strongly marked patch on the auriculars ; more blackish brown on the wing-coverts and inner secondaries, which are tipped with greyish to huffish white ; rump barred with dark brown ; tail- feathers chiefly white, with blackish-brown terminations to all except the outer pair or two. This dark band decreases rapidly with advancing age in the feather, and by the following spring it is almost confined to the two central pairs of rectrices. Tarsi and toes brown, Hab. Arctic regions : — N.W. Greenland (Disco) ; MelviUe Penin- 15. LAEUS. 169 Bula ; Boothia ; Point Barrow, N. Alaska, coming from the direction of Herald I. ; St. Michael's, Alaska (once) ; icy sea from Bering Strait to the mouth of the Lena ; Barents Sea, between Franz-Josef Land and Spitsbergen, including the latter; Faeroe Is. (once); Yorkshire (once) ; Heligoland (once). Propagation as j^et unknown. a. Ad. St. Greenland, summer. H. Seebohm, Esq. [P.]. b. c? juv. sk. Point Barrow, Alaska, Sept. H, Saunders Coll. 1882 {U.S.Nat. Mus.). c. (S; d, e. $ Point Barrow, Alaska, Sept. Salvin-Godman Coll. juv. sk. 1882 {U.S. Nat. Mus.). 15. LARUS. Type. Larus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 224 (1766). Xema, Boie, Ms, 1822, p. 563 ; id. op. cit. 1844, p. 192 (partim). Gavia, Macgill. Man. Brit. Orn. pt. 2, p. 239 (1842). Gavia, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 191 (partim). Gavia, Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. p. 99 (1829) L. ridibundus. Leucus, Kauj), Natiirl. Syst. p. 84 (1829) L. marinus &c. Leucus, Bp. Cons]). Av. ii. p. 215 (1857) L. argentatus &c. Hydrocoloeus, Kaiq), Natiirl. Syst. p. 113 (1829) . L. minutus &c. Ichthyaetus, Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. p. 102 (1829) . . L. ichthyaetus. Laroides, Brehjti, Isis, 1830, p. 993 ; id. Voy. DeutscM. p. 738 (1831) ; Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 217 (1857). L. argentatus &c. Chroicocepbalus, Eyton, Brit. B. p. 53 (1837) . .~] Kroicocephalus, Jameson, Jonrn. Asiat. Soc. viii. p. 243 (1839) Chroicepbalus, Reichenb. Av. Syst. Nat., Lonqip. p.v(18.52) ,T • 11 .• Chroocepbalus, Scl. ^ Salvin, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 576 ^^^^ cucuilati. footnote Chroicocephalus, II. T. Wharton, Zool. 1878, p. 105 Cbroeocephalus, Heine Sf Reichenoto, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 358 (1890) J Plautus, Reichenb. Av. Syst. Nat., Longip. p. v (1852) L. glaucus. Glaucus, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 101 L. glaucus. Dominicanus, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 100 : id. op. cit. 1855, p. 280 ' L. marinus &c. Gavina, Bp. Nauynannia, 1854, p. 212 L. canus &c. Gavina, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 222 (1857) L. audouini. Blasipus, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 108 L. modestus. Leucophfeus, Bp. {nee Bruch, 1853) Naum. 1854, p. 211 ; id. Comp. Av. ii. p. 231 (1857) L. heermanni &c. Blasipus, Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 211 ; id. Comp. Av. ii. p. 211 (18.57) L. modestus &c. Blacipus, Heine 8,- Reichenoto, Notnencl. Mus. Hein. p. 357 (1890) L. crassirostris. Adelams, Bruch, J. f. O. 1853, p. 106, ex Bp. MS. 1 t , , ,, , Adelolarus, Heine ^- Reichenow, Nomencl. Mus.i^'Y'-^'"''^^^^'^'^ ITmw. p. 3.58 (1890) \ ^^• Gelastes, Bp. Naum. 18.54, p. 212 L. gelastes. AtriciUa, Bp. Natim. 1854, p. 212 L. atriciUa. Melaofavia, I v r> >. -,„-- ^-, ^ Gavia, ( subg.^^. A«««. 18o4, pp. 212- Cirrhocephala, I -^^ Lai-i cucuUati. 170 lAEID^. Type. Cirrocephalus, Bruch, J. f. 0. 18o5, p. 288 L. cirrhocephalua. Bruchigavia, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 228 (1857). . . . L. novas-Lollandise. Clupeilarus, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 220 (1857) .... L. fuscus &c. Lambruschinia, Salvad. Cat. Ucc. Sard. p. 128 (1864) L. gelastes. Einalia, Hdne ^ Reichenoio, Nomencl. Mus. Sein. p. 358 (1890) L. argentatus. Melanolarus, Heine ^ Reich. Nomencl. Mus. Sein. p. 359 (1890) L. franklini. Epitelolarus, Heine <§• Reich. Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 359 (1890) L. heermaimi. Range. Cosmopolitan, with the exception of Polynesia and the Central Pacific. Key to the Species. A. Adult. Head with a well-defined hood of a darker colour than the neck. Youmj. Without a marked hood ; taU white or grey, with a dark terminal or subter- minal band ; upper tail-coverts almost unspotted ; abdomen white or grey. a. Mantle clear grey. a'. Hood black. a". Size very small, wing less than 9 inches. a'". Quills grey, broadl)^ tipped with white ; under-wing dark lead- grey 7)iinutt(s ad., p. 173. b'". QuilLs black on both sides of shafts; under-wing white mi7i>itics ^av., p. 176. b". Size larger or much larger. c'". Wing more than 18 inches ichthya'etus, p. 176. d'" . Wing less than 15 inches, a'. Mantle pearl-grey. a^. Wing about 14 inches; bill deep lake-red serranus, p. 188. b'. Wing less than 12 inches. a*. Bill coral-red, with a dark subterniinal zone. [p. 180, a''. Quills almost pure white, melanorephalus ad., b"". Quills chequered with [p. 182. black melanocephalus imm., b\ BUI black. c'. First quill white ; bill stout sawidersi, p. 183. d'. First quill white, with black outer web and tip ; bill rather slender ; tarsus not longer than the middle toe and claw. Philadelphia, p. 185. b^. Mantle dark slate-grey. c\ Outer quills greyabove,broadly tipped with white and with wide subterminal black bars ; underparts very rosy franklini, p. 191. d\ Outer quills black atricilla, p. 194. 15. LAEUS. 171 b'. Hood grey like the mantle ; imder- wing smoke-grey cirrhocephalus, p. 198. e'.. Hood dark brown. c". First quill largely mixed with white. e'". First quill black on the basal half ; chiefly or entirely white on the terminal half. c*. Second and third quills white on both webs to the tip ; first quill quite white terminally glaucodes, p. 203. c?'. Second and third quills with subterminal black bars; a slight bar on the first quill . . 7naculipennis, p. 200. /'". First quill white, tipped and bordered on both webs with black ridibundus, p. 207. d". First quill black, with a white sub- terminal mirror brunneicephalus, p. 215. b. Mantle dark brown to sooty ; outer quills black. d'. Nuchal collar white. e". Hood and fore-neck jet-black; bill slender kucop/ithabnus, p. 219. /". Hood and fore-neck dark brown; bill stouter hemprichi, p. 221. e'. Nuchal region deep lead-colour, like the mantle ; underparts smoke-grey . . fuliginosus, p. 222. B. Adult. Head without a hood ; tail with a subterminal black band. Young. Head witli an irregular striated hood ; tail as above. c. Tail mostly dark grey, band least defined ; underparts smoke-grey ; bill slender modest its, p. 223. d. Tail mostly black or black and white. /'. Tail black to the base ; underparts vinaceous grey ; mantle dark smoke- grey heermanni, p. 225. g'. Base of tail white ; underparts white. y. Mantle brownish black belcheri, p. 226. h". Mantle slate-grey crassirostris, p. 227. C. Adult. Head without a hood, tail white. Young. Head without any indication of a hood ; tail with little or no subterminal dark band ; upper tail-coverts unspotted. Wing less than 13 inches. e. Bill black ; quills white on both sides of shafts. Young without terminal band on rectrices bulleri, p. 233. f. Bill red. ^ h'. Inner web of first qiull almost entirely ■white gelastes, p. 230. i'. Inner web of first quill mostly black. i". Larger, wing 12 inches ; third quill with a white mirror in the fully adult. novadoga, June ( W. M.). H. Saunders CoU. V. S ad. sk. Lake Onega, June {Schliiter). Hume Coll. 10. J juv. sk. Totloh, river Ob, Aug. 18th. Dr. 0. Finsch [0.]. X. Sternum. M. Lefebvre [C.]. 2. Larus ichthyaetus. Gavia ridibunda phsenicopos, S. G. Gm. Reise Russl. i. p. 152, pis. xxx. & xxxi. (1770). Larus ichthyaetus. Pall. Reis. Muss. Reichs, ii. p. 713 (1773 : Caspian) ; P. L. S. Miiller, Syst. Nat., Anhang, p. 108 (1776) ; Gm. S. N. i. p. .599 (1788) ; Lath. hid. Orn. ii. p. 811 (1790) ; Bonn. Enc, Meth. i. p. 85 (1790) ; Pall. Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat. ii. p. 322, tab. Ixxvii. 15. LARUS. 177 (1811) ; Mei/PT, Ziislitze Taschenb. in. p. 194 (1822); Cretzsichin. in Riipp. Jieise N. Afr., Atlas, p. 27, pi. 17 (1826; Red Sea) ; Werner, Atlas, Palmipedes, pi. 20 (1828) ; Menetr. Cat. Rais. C'auc. p. 5(5 (18;32) ; Kei/s. u. Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. xcv & p. 241 (1840) ; Sehinz, Europ. Faun. p. 378 (1840) ; Nordm. in Demid. Voy. Russ. Merid. iii. p. 280 (1840) ; *Temm. Man. d'Orn. 2" ^d. 4«pte. p. 472 (1840) ; *Muhle, Orn. Griechenl. p. 139(1844) ; *8chl. Rev. Crit. p. cxxviii (1844); Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 654 (1846) : Blyth, Cat. B. Mas. As. Soc. 1849, p. 288 ; Beyl. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 320 (1849); Brandt, Leiimnnns Reis. n. Bachara, p. 331 (1852: (^aspiau, breeding on Kamenoi Is.) ; Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 99 (1854) ; Heuyl. Syst. Uebers. p. 09 (1850: Red Sea and White Nile) ; Ross, Ann. f May. N. H. (3) iv. p. 467 (1859 : Exmoutli) ; *Linderm. Voq. Griechenl. p. 173 (1860) ; Heuyl. in Peterm. Mitth. 1861, p. 29 (Red Sea) ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 233 (1863) ; Schl. Mm. P.-Bas, Lavi, p. 34 (1863) ; Bree, B. Eur. iv. p. 106 (1866) ; De(il. if- Gerbe, Orn. Ear. ii. p. 433 (1866) ; Tristr. Ibis, 1868, p. 330 (Palestine) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 114, no. 10980 (1871) ; Shelley, B. Eqxjpt, p. 307, pi. xiii. (1872) ; Hartiny, Handb. Brit. B. p. 175 (i872) ; Heuyl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. Bd. ii. pt. ii. p. 1401 (1873) ; Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 369, pi. 598 (1873) ; Hume, Str. F. i. p. 276 (1873 : Sind, Oman &c.) ; Marchand, Rev. Zuol. (3) ii. pi. xiii. pull. (1874) ; Gates, Str. F. iii. p. 375 (1875 : Ceylon) ; Blyth ^- Wald. B. Burm. p. 162 (1875): Bree, B. Eur. 2nd ed. V. p. 83 (1876) ; Dresser, Ibis, 1876, p. 415 (Caspian to Tian- Shan up to 1000 ft.) ; Blanf. East Pers. ii. p. 292 (1876) ; Prjev. in Roivley's Orn. Misc. iii. p. i09 (1878 : only as far as E. Kokonor, not in China proper nor in Amurland or E. Siberia) ; Taylor, Ibis, 1878, p. 373 (Port Said and Damietta) ; Fitisck, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien,iS79,f.27-i: (West Siberia); V.Ball, Str. i-'. vii.p. 233(1879: Singhbhum) ; Hume, op. cit. viii. p. 115 (1879 : List) ; Leqqe, B. Ceylon, p. 1046 (1880) : Vidal, op. cit. ix. p. 94 (1880: Malabar) ; Butler, t. c. p. 439 (Deccan); Seebohm [e.v Henke), Ibis, 1882, p. 230 (Caspian, breeding); Biddulph, Ibis, 1882, p. 289 (Gilgit) ; Gates, B. Brit. Burm. ii. p. 414 (1883); Tristr. Faun. ^^ Flor. Palest, p. 137 (1884) ; Saunders, 'it h ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 609 (1884); Yerbury, Ibis, 1886, p. 23 (1886 : Aden); Bianchi, Mel. Biol. Acad. St. Petersb. xii. livr. 5, p. 682 (1886 : Samarcand) ; Vian, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1887, p. 389 (nestling) ; Pteske, Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. (7) xxxvi. p. 57 (1888: Turkestan); Hume, Str. F. xi. p. 348 (1888: Manipur) ; Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 653 (1889) ; Tristram, Cat. Coll. B. p. 7 (1889 : Sea of Galilee) ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 464 (alive, from Persian Gulf) ; Sharpe, 2nd Yark. Miss. p. 134 (1891) ; Barnes, Ibis, 1893, p. 175 (Aden) ; Lilford, Col. Fiy. Brit. B. pt. xxiv. (1893). Great Gull, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 370 (1785). Larus iclityceus [sic], Brehm, Lehrb. p. 720 (1824). Ichtliyaetus, Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. p. 102 & p. 196 (1829 : type of genus Ichthy(U'tus). Larus leucomelas, Lesson (nee VieilL), Traite, p. 617 (1831 : Bengal) ; cf. Piicheran, Reo. Zool. ii. 1850, p. 634. Xema ichthyaetum, Bp. Comp. List B. Eur. Sf N. Amcr. p. 02 (1838) ; id. Cat. Ucc. Eur. p. 78 (1842) ; Frit.sch, Voy. Eur. p. 470, tab. 54. fig. 9 (1870). * It has not been considered advisiblo to pluoe L. ichfyaetus, L. i'^htyaitos, and L. iclUhya'rlos under separate heads. VOL. XXV. N 178 LARID.E. Larus kroicocepIiaUis, Jameson, J. A. S. B. vili. p. 242 (1830). Xema ichthyfetiis, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 171 (1844 : Caspian) ; Riipp. Syst. Uebers. p. 139 (1845 : Lower Egj'pt). Chroicoceplialus ichthyaetus, Bruch, J. f. O. 18-53, p. 104 ; id. op. cit. 18-55, p. 288; Swinhoe, P. Z. 8. 1863, p. 327; Holdsw. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 480 (Ceylon); Badde, Orn. Cauc. p. 479 (1884) ; Nikolslcy, Trudui St. Petersb. xvii. p. 402 (1886) ; Zaroudnoi, Bull. Soc. Mosc. 1889, p. 841 (Transcasijia) ; Radde cy Walter, Ornis, 1889, p. 125 (Transcaspia). Iclitliyaetus pallasi, Bj). C R. xlii. p. 771 (1856) ; Antin. Cat. descr. C/cc. p. 115 (1864: Cairo); Heine Sf Reichenow, Nomencl. Mas. Hein. p. 358 (1890). Larii8 ichthyaetus minor, Schley. 3Ius. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 34 (1863). Kroikocephalus ichthvEetiis, Jerd. B. Ind. iii. p. 831 (1864). Gavia ichthyaetus, Blasius, J.f. O. 1865, p. 370 (revision) ; Severtz. Turkest. Jemtn. p. 70 (1873 : Tian-Shan up to 1000 ft.). Larus innominatus, Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 394 (1879) ; Oates, B. Brit. Burm. ii. p. 416 (1883). Larus affiuis, BidduIjA, Ibis, 1881, p. 101 (Giljrit : cf. id. op. cit. 1882, p. 289). Adult male in hreeding-plumage. Entire head and nape jet-lDlack, sharply contrasted against the ^vhite of the neck and of the whole of the underparts ; above and below the eye two small crescentic white patches ; mantle pale slate or blue-grey ; secondaries broadly edged with white ; the first primary chiefly white, though black along most of the narrow outer web and also next the shaft on the inner web about 2 inches above the tip ; second quill with more black transversely on both sides of the shaft, and an ill-defined sub- apical bar ; the third, fourth, and fifth quills sub-apically barred with black and broadly tipped with white ; the sixth quill im- perfectly barred ; the remaining upper quills white at the tips and on the outer webs, and grey on the inner webs ; rump, tail, and under surface white to the throat : bill orange, with a black band at the angle ; tarsi and toes greenish yellow, the webs orange. Total length about 20 inches, culmen 3"25, wing 19, tail 7'5, tarsus 3-3, middle toe with claw 2-6. Less mature birds have more black on the primaries, the first quill being imperfectly barred sub-apically ; the second black on the lower part, with a white mirror, and so on. Adult female. Similar, but smaller ; average wing measurement 18 inches. Adult in autumn and early winter. Similar, except as regards the head which is white, more or less streaked with brownish black. The black hood is often assumed by the middle of February, and the moult of the primaries is then completed. Immature. Similar, but the five outer primaries arc brownish black on their lower portions, with white patches on either side of the shaft in the outermost quill only ; wing-coverts and inner secondaries mottled with brown ; tail-feathers white, broadly barred subterminally with brownish black, and edged with white. In an earlier stage there is no white at all on the outer primary, and the grey of the mantle is much mottled with brown. 15, LAllUS, 179 Young. Chiefly mottled brown on the head, sides of the nock, and mantle ; primaries umbor-hrown ; the secondaries brown, broadly tipped with white and conspicuously bordered tuitJi ivhite along their outer wehs ; tail-feathers white on the upper half, and well-defiaed, unmottled, blackish brown on the terminal portion, with a faint whitish edge ; underparts white : bill horn-colour, blackish at the angle. Nestling. Uniform greyish white above, and white below, with a slightly buff tint on the throat : bill black to the angle, the terminal portion yellow ; tarsi and toes brown. Obs. This is the only species of Hooded Gull which has unspotted young. llah. Black Sea (rare), the Levant, Palestine, Egypt to Nubia, the Red Sea; from the Caspian Sea, across Tnrkestan and Tibet to the Koko-nor, in 100° E. long. ; in winter, the Persian Gulf, the coast of Baluchistan, and India generally as far as Ceylon and Burma. Not in China proper nor in Japan. Fortuitously in England (onco). Eggs laid on sandy coasts : clay-white in colour, with bold dark blotches in strong contrast. a. Ad. st. Caspian Sea. Purchased. h. (S ad. sk. Caspian Sea, summer (.If oscA- H. Saunders Coll. ler). c. Pull. sk. Lower Volga, June (ilfosc/jZer). d. 5 imm. sk. Lower Volga ( W. SchUlter). «) /• 6 ad. et Lower Volga, May-Juue pull. sk. (Miischler). g. 2 juv. sk. River Kishon, Palestine, winter. h-k. c? 2 ad. et Fayoom, Egypt, Feb.-March imm. sk. (G. K S.). I. Imm. sk. El Kab, Egypt {G. E. S.). m. Imm. sk. Zoulla, Red Sea, June 1868 Tweeddale Coll. {W. Jesse). Muscat, Feb. Mekran Coast (Capt. Bishop). G wader, Mekran Coast, Feb. {A. O. H.). Muucliar Lake, Sind, Jan. 29- 30. Punjab, Jan. 31 (.1. 0. H.). et et n. 2 ad. sk. o-q. S 2 ad. sk. r-io. (S 2 ad. ; .r-: Juv. sk. a'-g'- c? 2 ad imm. sk. h', i'. 2 ad juv. sk. k' . Juv. sk. I'. Juv. sk. »*', n' . Ad. et iuv. sk. o'. 2 ad.; ;/. S imm. sk. q'. 2 vix ad. sk. »"'» «'. 2 ]^^'- sk. t'. 2 juv. sk. «'. Ad. sk. V', w'. (S 2 ad. sk. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. E. Hargitt Coll. Canon Tristram [C.]. Shelley Coll. Shellev Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume CoU. Hume Coll. Kashmir. Panja, April 1872. Kashgar {Dr. Bellew). Mehnede ghat, March (A. Anderson). Futtehgurh, Nov. {A. A.). Futtehgurh, Apr. & Oct. (.4. A.). Khereo district, Feb. Nujjufgliur .Theel, Dec. ."U. Allahabad, Feb. & March (./. O. //.). Hume Coll. F. Stoliczka [C.]. India Museum [P.j. Seebohm Coll, Seebolim Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. n2 180 LARIII.E. .?■'. S ad. sk. Maji'iia River, Cacliar, March Hume Coll. (/. Inr/lis). y'. 2 iuv. sk. Saugor Island, Bengal, March. Hume Coll. z'. S juv. sk. Dacca. Hume Coll. «"• Ad. sk. Comillah, Tipperah, March. Hume Coll. b"-d".(J 5 'I'd. et Manipur, Feb., Mar., Dec. Hume Coll. juv. sk. e"'. $ vix ad. sk. Gopalpore, Ganjam Coast, Hume Coll. (Type March ( W. Davison), of L. innominatus, Hume.) f". .Juv. sk. Madras. T. C. Jerdon, Esq. [P.]. '/", /'"• 5 juv. sk. INFadras Road-!, March. Hume Coll. V". .Iuv. sk. Pegu, Rurma [E. W. Oatcs). Oates Coll. /.:". Imm. sk. Wippitan, Burma, Dec. (J. Hume Coll. Darling) . 3. Larus melanocephalus. Larus melanocephalus, Nattever, Isis, 1818, p. 816 ; id. in Temm. Man. d'Orn. 2me ed. ii. p. 777 (1820) ; Meyer, Taschenb. iii. p. 201 (1822) ; Steph. in Skmv's Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. i. p. 197 (1826) ; Werner, Atlas, Fahnijx'des, pi. 27 (1828) ; Savi, Orn.. Tosc. iii. p. 65 (1831) ; Michahelles, Isis, 1835, p. 868; Temtn. Man. d'Orn. 2me ,5d. 4me ptp. p. 480 (1840) ; Naum. Tory. Deutschl. x. p. 254, pi. 259 (1840) ; Schinz, Em: Fami. p. 382'(1840) ; Keys. u. Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. xcv & p. 241 (1840) ; Nordm. in Demid. Voy.Rvss. Merid. iii. p. 281 (1840) ; Schl. Rev. Crit. p. cxxvii. & p. 115 (1844) ; Miihle, Orn. Griechenl. p. 138 (1844) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. , p. 654 (1846) ; Reichenb. Natat. tab. xxv. figs. 840-842 (1848) ; peyl. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 324 (1849) ; Baldamus, Naum. 1851, Heft iv. p. 45 (Hungary, one pair, nesting) ; id. op. cit. 1852, Bd. ii. lift. 2, p. 81 ; id. op. cit. 1853, p. 443 ; Heuyl. Syst. Uebers. p. 69 (1856: Alexandria) ; Powys, Ibis, 1860, p. 356 (Corfu); Linderm. Voq. Griechenl. p. 173 (I860); Naum. Voy. Deutschl., Anhang, p. 277 (1860) ; ^chl. Mns. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 43 (1863) ; Wriyht, Ibis, 1864, p. 151 (Malta) ; Bree, B. Eur. iv. p. 102, cum fig. (1866): Degl. Sf Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 437 (1867); Saunders, Ibis, 1869, pp. 396-397 (Sicily, ad.) ; Doderl. Avif. Sicil. p. 237 (1869); Ehues ^ Buckley, Ibis, 1870, p. 337 (Black Sea and Levant) ; Grai/, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 115, no. 10993 (1871) ; Shelley, B. Egypt, p. J308 (1872) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1872, p. 79 (Barking Creek, Essex) ; Ilarting, Handb. Brit. B. p. 175 (1872) ; A. B. Brooke, Ibis, 1873, p. 346 (Sardinia, &c.) ; Heuql. Orn. Nord-O. Afr. Bd. ii. pt. 2, p. 1407 (1874 : coast of Egvpt) ; Lilford, Ibis, 1875, ]). 3 (Toulon) ; Irby, Orn. Strs. Gibr. p. 213 (1875)"; Bree, B. Eur. 2nd ed. v. p. 78 (1876): Saunders, Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1877, p. 204 (S. Spain) ; Taylor, Ibis, 1878, p. 374 (Alexandria) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 109 (revision) ; Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 365, pi. 597. fig. 2 (1878) ; Marmott. if Vian, Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1879, p. 249 (Crotoy, Somme) ; Ninni, Atti Soc. Ital. xxvi. p. 107 (1883) ; Tristr' Faun, l^- Flor. Palest, p. 136 (1884) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1884, p. 390 (S.W. France); id. Uh ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 604, footnote (1884) ; Alleon, Ornis, 1886, p. 423 (Dobrudscha, breeding) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 2 ( Yarmouth, ad., winter) ; Tait, Ibis, 1887, p. 395 (Portugal) ; Guillemard, op. cit. 1888, p. Ill ; Lilford, op. cit. 1889, p. 348 (Cvprus) ; Tristram, Cat. Coll. B. p. 8 (1889) ; Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 651, cum fig. ir>. i.Mus. \bi (ISS!)) ; llcichvu. 'Si/st. r<'/-^. Vdf/. Beutschl. p. U.'J (l8Si)) ; Jdckel ^■ lilitmis, Viiij. Bay cms, p. 356 (l8Ltl: Bodensee) ; JIartert, Kat. Voi/ehamml. Senckenb. p. 241 (18ltl) ; Saunders, Bull. Brit. Orn. Clid), no. xix. p. xlvii (1894: jiiv. ; Iliiugar}') ; Irhij, Orn. Sirs. Gibr. 2nd ed. p. 21)7 (18'.)5). Larus atricilla, Natl. Isis, 1818, ]). 817 ; Tcnun. Man. d'Orn. ed. 2, p. 779 (1820: young); Jem/m, Man. Brit. Vertebr. p. 274 (1835: young; e.v femm.): Miihlc, Orn. Griuchenl. p. 141 (1844: vouug) ; Linderm. Voc/. Griechenl. p. 175 (1860: young) ; Saunders, 'Ibis, 1869, p. 396 (Sicily: young). Xoma nielanocephalu.s, Boie, ^Isis, 1822, p. 563. Larus plumbiceps (partim), Meyer, Tasvlienh. iii. p. 202 (1822). Adriatic Gull and Italian ijwW, Lathnm, Gen. Hist. x. p. 144 (1824). IlydrocoltBus plumbiceps, Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. p. 113 and p. 196 (1829). Xema melanocephalon, Brelim, T'iiy. DeutscJil. p. 757 (1831). Xenia canicep.^^, Brehm, Voy. Deutschl. p. 758 (1831 : Adriatic, imm.). Xema nielanocepliala, Gould, B. Eur. v. pi. 427 (1837) ; Graij, List B. Brit. Mas., Anseres, p. 172 (1844: Athens). Xema melanocephalum, Bp. C'omp. List, p. 62 (1838) ; id. Icon. Faun. Hal., Ucc. i. tav. 45. tig. b (1840) ; id. Cat Ucc. Eur. p. 78 (1842) ; Jaul. el B.-LajMmm. lUrh. Orn. Fr. p. 395 (1859) ; Fritsch, Voy. Eur. p. 469, pi. 57. figs. 2. 3 ( 1S70| ; Torre | Tse/iusi, Ornis, 1885, p. 56! (Adriatic) ; Riesenthal, Jl'asseroor/. Mitteleurup. p. 138 (1889) ; Keller, Orn. Carinthice, p. 303 (1890). Xema plumiceps [sic], Bp. Comp. List, p. 62 (1838). Larus michaliellii, 3Iilkle, Orn. Griechenl. pp. 138-9 (1844). Larus leucophthalmus, Milhle, Orn. Griechenl. p. 145 (1844). Cbroicocephalus melanoeeplialus, Bruch, J. f. 0. 1853, p. 104 ; id. op. cit. 1855, p. 289; Licht. Nomend. Ao. p'. 98 (1854); Salmd. Ucc. Sard. p. 124 (1864); Taylor, Ibis, 1867, p. 72 (Alexandria); Wyatt, Ibis, 1870, p. 18 (Tor, Red Sea, identified with a binocular); Samiders, Ibis, 1871, p. 399 (S. Spain); Giglioli, op. cit. 18S1, p. 218 (Italy) ; id. Amf. Ital. p. 423 (1886) ; id. op. cit. i. Resoc. p. 639 (1889') ; id. op. cit. ii. Resoc. p. 647 (1890) ; id. op. cit. iii. Resoc. p. 509 (1891). Melagavia melanocephalus, Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 213. Chroicocephalus caniceps, Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 294 (Adriatic). Gavia melanocephala, Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 771 (1856) ; Blnsius, J. f. O. 1865, p. 371 (revision) ; Loche, E.ipl. Sci. Alyer., Ois. ii. p. 191 (1867). Gavia affinis, Nardo, Jtti 1st. Ven. (ser. 3) iv. p. 1056 (1859). Chroonephalus melanocephalus, Salvad. Faun. Ital., Ucc. p. 288 (1872); Martorelli, Ucc. Sardeyna, p. 52 (1884). IlydrocoliBus melanocephalus, Salvad. Ucc. Ital. p. 283 (1887) ; Brusina, Orn. Croafica, p. 92 (1889). Melagavia melanocephala, Olphe-G'all. Confr. Orn. Em: occid. fasc. x. p. 94 (1886). Melanolarus melanocephalus, Heine S,- Reichenow, Nonte7icl. 3Ius. Ilein. p. 359 (1890). Adult in hreedinci-phimage. Head jet-black, with a small white crescentic patch above the eye and another below ; neck, tail, and under surface white ; mantle pcarl-giey ; primaries pure white on their terminal portions and tinged with delicate pearl-grey above, chiefly along the outer webs; the narrow outer web uf the first 182 quiU black on the upper two-thirds ; shafts pure white : bill rich coral-red, with more or loss of a blackish band in front of the angle ; tarsi and toes red. Total length 15-5 inches, culmcu 1*8, wing 11-6 to 12, tail 5, tarsus 1-9, middle toe with claw 1-65. The sexes are alike in plumage ; the males may be a trifle larger than the females, and have more robust bills. Adidt in winter. Like the above, except that the head is white, streaked with ash and dull black, especially about the eye and the car-coverts ; the colours of the bill, ifec. duller. w 1 2 Larus melanoceplMlug, juv. luiniattire. Similar, the hood being perfectly black in the spring and summer preceding the mature plumage above dcscrilied, and the only difference being in the pattern of the quills. All of these are white to palest grey on the greater part of their inner webs, and entirely so in the two outer pairs, but both of the latter quills have some black on the outer webs, while on the 3rd and 4th the black crosses both webs subterminally. In the previous year (as I believe) the head is also black ; the portion of the inner webs next the shafts is also black in the three outer quills, the black spreading out into a transverse bar, except on the 1st, where the white breaks through; the 4th and 5th are also barred, and all have broad white tips. This dark colour appears to fade gradually out of the feather — earliest on the inner webs — (as it docs in other species), to judge from a specimen obtained at 15. ICARUS. 183 Algiers, Fob. 21 {Shdloj Coll.). Eill duller in colour, with more bhick at the angle ; tarsi and toes reddish brown. YouiKj (February). Head streaked with greyish brown ; Ming- coverts mottled with bi'own, mantle chietiy grey ; secondaries with dark brown centres, broadly tipped and bordered with -white (as in L. ichfJn/netus) ; primaries dark brown on both webs next the shafts down to the tips and up the edges of the inner webs, the rest of the inner webs white, except the outermost tjuill, in which the white is isolated {as sJioivn in the mf, p. 182) ; tail white, with a subterminal brown band : bill yellow at the base, the rest brownish black. In the previous autumn the upper plumage is very dark and the pri- maries are chietiy sooty brown, so that the bird might excusably be mistaken for the young of L. atricilla. JS'cslling. Dull grey, tinged with buff, mottled and streaked with dark brown on the upper surface ; grey below : bill comparatively short and stout. I/ab. Black Sea, the entire Mediterranean, the coasts of Spain, Portugal, and South-western France ; at times at the mouth of the Somme, and in England. Occasionally inland, and said to have bred in Hungary. Nests in marshes or among sand-banks. Barking Creek, Thames, Jan. Purchased. ( Whiteley). Trocadero, Cadiz Bay {F. For- rester). Malaga, Jan. 30 (i^ de las Rios). Gulf of Genoa {G. Doria). Palermo, Sicily, Mar. (Doder- lein). Malta, Feb. (C. A. Wright). a. Juv. St. b. Inim. sk. c. (S ad. sk. d. Ad.sk. e. Juv. sk. II. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Seebohm Coll. H. Seebohm CoU. /. 2 ad. ; sk. h, i. Ad. ad. St. k. Ad. St. Juv. /. Yix ad. sk. m. Vix ad. sk. w. (S vix ad. sk. 0. Pull. sk. p-t. •'. (S ad. sk. .s'. Ad. St. /'. Skeleton. u' . Skeleton. North America. Godbout, Canada, summer [N. A. Cmneau). Boston, Massachusetts, autumn. Ipswich, Mass., Aug. 24 (^C.J. Mfiynard). Lyons Falls, New York State, May {A. J. Dayan). Lake Michigan, summer. Chicago, April (E. W. Nelso7i). Wa.shiugton, D.C., April (7/. W. Henshaic). Washington, B.C., April {R. Ridgivay). Fort Macon, N. Carolina, May {Elliot Coves). Corpus Christi, Texas, Dec, Jan. {F. B. Armstrong). Ventura, California, Nov. {Henshaw). San Mateo, California, April (Hepburn). 49th Parallel (J". K. Lord). Fraser River (J. K. L.). Vancouver Is. (/. K. L.). St. Michael's, Alaska, Sept. {E. W. Nelson). Lgashik River, Alaska, Sept. \ U.S. Nat. Mus.). North-West America. North America. Monterey, California. 6. Larus serranus. Lord Ampthill [P.]. Salvin-Gudmau Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. II. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. II. Saunders Coll. . Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. II. Saunders Coll. N. Amer. Boundary Comm. [P.]. N. Amer. Boundary Comm. [P.]. N. Amer. Boundary Comm. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. I'urchased. J. II. Gurney, Esq. [P.]. Larus serranus, Tsch. Wiec/rn. Arch. 1844, pt. i. p. 314; id. Faun. Peruan., Aves, pp. 53, 307 (1845-46); Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 654 (1846) ; id. Hand-l. B. iii. p. 115, no. 10992 (1871) ; Set. S^ Salv. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 577 (Neotropical : revision) ; Allen, Bull. Harvard Coll. iii. p. 359 (1872 : Lake Titicaca, breeds in Feb.) ; Scl. ^ Salv. Nometicl. Av. Neotr. p. 148 (1873) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 196 (revision Larinse) ; id. Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 399 (1878: distribution) ; Scl. ^Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 641 (Bolivia) ; Sannders, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 525 (Callao Bay) ; Taczan. Orn. Perou, iii. p. 452 (1886) ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1886, p. 404 (Tarapaca) ; MacFarl. Ibis, 1887, pp. 204, 207 (Callao Bay) ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1891, p. l.'}7 (Tarapaca); Hartert, Kat. Voyelsamml. Senckenb. p. 241 (1891 : Valdivia, Chile) ; Berlepsch Sf Stolzmann, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 400 (Callao). Xema cirrhocephalum {nee Grw/), Peale, Zool. U.S. ExjjI. E.ip., i/iVr7.s, p. 289 (1S48). IT). LAUrs. 18!) Chroicoceplialiis personatus, Jlruch, J.f. 0. 185.3, p. 104; id. op. cit. 1855, p. 289; Licht. Aometicl. Av. p. 1)8 (1854: Peru). Gavia serrana, />/;. liev. Zool. 1855, p. 10. Gavia pursoaata, Bp. C. li. xlii. p. 771 (185G) ; Bias. J.f. O. 18U5, p. 372. Lanis glaucotes (ncc Mei/en), Cass. U.S. E.rpl. Exp., Orn. p. 381 (1858: Chile). Lania personatus, ScJtleg. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 35 (1863). Laius boDapartii, Scl. >^ Salv. P. Z. i>. 1868, p. 178 (Tambo, Peru). AduU male in hreedinrj-plumage. Head and nape black, slightly sooty on the forehead and jet-bhiek at the junction with the white neck and throat ; a small white semicircle behind the eye ; mantle ])ale pearl-grey ; wing-coverts, inner secondaries, and the two upper primaries darker grey ; edge of wing white ; outer quills chiefly black on the upper part, with white shafts; the 1st with a black tip, a large while subterminal mirror, and the black touching the shaft on both webs ; the 2ud with a similar tip and mirror, but the black slightly separated from the shaft on the outer web ; the 3rd with a smaller mirror but more white on the outer web (see cut) ; the 4th and 5lli with white along the shaft on both webs ; the Gth, 7th, and Sth with a gradual diminution of black, till that colour becomes a mere fringe on a grey ground in the Sth ; the extreme tips of all except the two outermost greyish white in mature birds, but black up to the "Tith or Otli in the mnjority ; tail and under 190 surface white; under wing-covcrts grey; underside of the quills sooty black, except the mirrors and shafts which are white, in strong contrast : bill lake-red ; tarsi and toes rather darker red. Total length 19 inches, culmen 1-9, wing 14-25, tail 6, tarsus 2-1, middle toe with claw 1"9. The female appears to be slightly smaller than the male. Adult in winter. Like the above, except that the head is white, with greyish streaks and mottlings which are darkest about the orbits and auriculars. Immature. Like the above, with a larger proportion of black in the primaries, and duller colours in the bill, tarsi, and toes. Yoimrf (Aug. 2nd). Similar, but the occiput more streaked and the upper neck mottled with dull brown ; brown markings along the wing-coverts and on the long inner secondaries, the other secondaries chiefly ash-brown except on the inner margins ; pri- maries with more black, but the same plan of pattern ; tail white, with an imperfect subterminal blackish bar (probably complete in younger birds) : bill, tarsi, and toes brown. Hah. The Andean lakes (breeding), and the coasts of Ecuador, Peru, and Chile. Not on the Eastern or Argentine side of the Andes. a. Ad. sk. b. Ad. St. c. 2 ^d. sk. d. cj ad. sk. e,f. d 2 fitl. sk. ff, h. 2 ad. sk. i, k. Ad. sk. I, m, n. cJ 5 ^■ et inira. st. o. Ad. sk. ]}. Ad. sk. q. S ad. sk. r. Imm. sk. s. Imm. sk. t. c? (182:^). Lanis traiiklini, Sivnins. ^- liickards. Faun. Bor.-Amcr., Birds, p. 424, pi. Ixxi. (l.S;il) ; Auduh. Orn. //wy/-. v. p. 323 (1839) ; id. Synops. p. 325 (1839); id. B. Amer. 8vo ed. vii. p. 145 (1844) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 654 (184G) ; Gay, Faun. Chil, Zool. i. p. 482 (1847); Schley. Mas. P.-Bas, Lavi, p. 36 (1803); Scl. 4- Salr. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 577 (revision ; Neotvopical) ; Gray, lland-l. B. iii. p. 115, no. 10990 (1871) ; Newton, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 57, pi. iv. fif^. 4 (egg: Manitoba) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. i). 310 (1872) ; *S'f/. ^- Scilo. Nomend. Av. Neofr. p. 148 (1873) ; Saunders, P. 2T. S. 1878, p. 195 (revision Larinoe) ; Coues, Bull. U. S. Geol. Sure. iv. p. 655 (1878 : Dakota) ; Roberts ^~ Benner, Bull. Nutt. Orn. C. v. p. 20 (188): WmnamiA) ;' Ridii IV. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 52 (Lssl ) ; Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 621 (1882) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1S82, p. 524 (Peru & Chile) ; Ridyw. Cat. Fisheries Erhih. p. 32 (188:{); Baird, Brewer, ^ Ridr/w. Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 'I'iS (1884) ; A/• d vix ad. Aransas Bay, S.Texas, June (i^. Salvin-Godman Coll. a. Armstrong^. g-m. S 2 !id. ; Corpus Christi, Texas, April Salvin-Godman Coll. n, o. cJ juv. sk. .SO and Sept. 30, Oct. 7 (F. B. A.) p. Ad. sk. Progreso, Yucatan, autumn Salvin-Godman Coll. (F. Nicholson). VOL. XXV. 0 194 q. cJ ad. sk. r. Ad. sk. 8. S juv. sk. t. Ad. sk. w-70. ad., vix ad., et juv. sk. x-c'. (S 2 ad. ; d'. (S imm.sk. e' . 5 juv. sk. /. S juv. sk. g'. Imm. sk. h'-k'. Ad. et imm. sk. I'-n'. Juv. et imm. sk. o'-q'. c? 2 imm. et juv. sk. r'. Ad. sk. «'. Ad. St. t'. 2 juv. sk. Mexico. Mexico, winter. Zacatecas, Mexico, August ( W. B. Richardson). Near City of Mexico. West coast of Mexico. Champerico, Guatemala, May 30, 1873 (O. Salvin). Chiapam, Guatemala, Jan. 1863 (O. S.). Payta, Peru, Jan. 7 {Adml. Markham). Oallao Bay, Peru, Jan. (72. Jump). Callao Bay, April 11 {Commr. J.R. li. Mac Far lane). Iquique, winter ( Corpus Christi Pass, Texas, Salvin-Godman Coll. c'. (^ vi.x ad. May (F. B. Armstrong), sk. (I'-U- 6 $ ad. Corpus Christi, Texas, May and Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. Nov. (F. B. A.). h'. Juv. sk. Progreso, Yucatan {F. Nichol- Salvin-Godman Coll. son), i'-r'. Ad. et imm. Cozumel Id., Yucatan, Feb. sk. (G. F. Gaumer). s'. Ad. sk. Vera Paz {Hague), t'. Ad. sk. Pehze, May 1862 (O. Snlvin). «', v'. (S 2 ad. Lighthouse reef, British Hon- sk. duras, May 10, 1862 {O. S.). 7v'. cS imm. sk. St. Kitts, W. I. (ex Zoological Soc). .v'. c? ad. sk. Antigua, W. I., June (C. S. Winch), y' . S ad. sk. Guadeloupe, W. I., Aug. (C S. s', a". Ad. St. St. ^ incent, W. I., April and Salvin-Godman Coll. May (D. W. Smith), b" . 2 ad. sk. Grenadines, W. I., June (D. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. 6'.). c' V^ '• d" $ ad. ; Grenada, W. I., June, Sept. Salvin-Godman Coll. e". Juv. sk. (D. W. S.). f". Imm. st. British Guiana. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. g". Juv. sk. h". Ad. sk. i'-n". 5 ad., imm., et juv. sk. o". cf ad. sk. Ad. sk. Ad. St. Skeleton. British Guiana (H. Whiteley). Surinam (Dr. W. Kirke). Chiapam, Pacitic coast, Jan. 1863 (O. S.). Mauzanilla, Colima, Mexico, June ( JV. Lloyd). North Mexico, Pacific coast (G. N. Mathew, It.N.). "Sau Francisco, California." Monterey, California. Sir R. Schomburgk [P.]. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Salvm-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. H. Saunders CoU. G. Barclay, Esq. [P.]. J. H. Gurney, Esq. [P.]. 198 y. Larus cirrhocephalus. La Gabiota cenicieiita, Azara, Apunt. iii. p. 350 (1802 : Argentina). LaruB cirrhoceplialiis, Vieillot, Nouv. D,cf. d'Hist. Nat. xxi. p. -502 (1818: Brazil) ; id. Enc. Meth. p. 345 (1824) ; id. Gal. Ois. ii. p. 223, pi. 289 (1834); Hartl. hid. Azara, p. 26 (1847); Gay, Hist. Chile, Zool.i. p. 482 (1847 : copied from Vieill.) ; Blyt.h, Cat. B. Mus. A. S. B. p. 289 (1849 : Peru) ; Schlei/el, Mvs. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 37 (1863 : partim) ; Scl. ^ Salv. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 578 ; iid. Nome7icl. Av. Neotrop. p. 148 (1873) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 292 (critical) ; Durnford, Ibis, 1877, p. 201 (Prov. of Buenos Ayre.«) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 204 (revision Larinje) ; Gibson, Ibis, 1880, p. 163 ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 525 (Payta, I'eru) ; Taczan. Orn. Perou, iii. p. 455 (1886) ; J. P. H. MacFarl. Ibis, 1887, p. 208 (Pavta) ; Scl. ^ Hudson, Argent. Orn. ii. p. 201 (1889) ; Holland, Ibis, 1890, p. 428 ; id. op. eit. 1892, p. 213 (Prov. Buenos Avres) ; Ousfalet, Miss. Sc. Cap Horn, vi. p. 308 (1891) ; BerlepschSf Stolzm. P. Z. S. 1892, p. 400 (Peru) ; Ajilin, Ibis, 1894, p. 211 (Monte Video) ; Holland, Ibis, 1895, p. 216 (Prov. B. Ayres, nesting in company vsdth L. macuUpennis) . Larus poliocephalus, Temm. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 780 footnote (1820: Brazil)'; Lesson, Traite, p. 618 (1831 : Brazil) : Neuwied, Beitr. Naturg. Bras. iv. p. 854 (1833) ; cf. Salv. Ibis, 1874, p. 320. Larus poiocephalus (sic), Swains. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 245, pi. 29 (1837 * : Senegambia) ; Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 368 (1867: partim) ; Gray, Hand-l.B. in. p. 115, no. 10996 (1871); Bocage,J.f. O. 1876, p. 293 (Cunene, Benguela) ; Reiehenoiv, Vog. Deutsch-Ost- Afr. p. 20 (1894 : Victoria Nyanza). Xema poiocephala (partim), Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 173 (1844: Gambia). Xema pboeocepliala, Sfrickl. Sf Scl. in Jard. Cantrib. Orn. 1852, p. 160 (Damarfi-land). Chroicocephalus cirrhocephalus, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 106 (South America) ; Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 98 (1854 : S. Africa and Monte Video). Cirrhocephalus plurabiceps, Bruch, J.f. O. 1855, p. 288 (S. America). Cirrhocephalus major, Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 771 (1856). Cirrhocephalus minor, Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 771 (1856). Larus maculipennis (wee Licht.), Burm. Th. Brasil. iii. p. 448 (1856: Brazil coast); id. La Plata-Reise, ii. p. 518, no. 256 (1861 : Parana) ; Pelz. Orn. Bra.s. p. 323 & p. 461 (1871). Larus phaeocephalus, Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 252 (1857) ; id. J.f. O. 1861, p. 273; Chajiman, Trav. S. Afr. ii. p. 425 (1868: Lake Ngami) ; Finsch ^ Hartl. Vog. Ost-Afr. p. 825 (1870) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 292 (critical); id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 204 (revision Larinfe) ; Bocage, Orn. Angola, p. 607 (1881 : Humbe) ; Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 621 (1882 : Damara-ld.) ; Sharpe, ed. Bayard's B. S. Afr. p. 699 (1884) ; Hartert, Kat. Vogelsatmnl. Senckenb. p. 241 (1891); Rendall, Ibis, 1892, p. 230 (Gambia); Shelley, Ibis, 1894, p. 27 & p. 476 (Lake Shirwa, Nyasa-land). Larus poeoceplialus, Gurney, Ibis, 1860, p. 221 (Durban Bay). Gavia ciiThocephala, Blasius, J.f. O. 1865, p. 376 (critical). Larus polionotus, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 461 (1871: ex Natt.MS.; " Coast and rivers up to Matto Grosso "). Cirrhocephalus poiocephalus, Gurney, in Anderss. B. Daniara L. p. 358 (1872). * Adult, believed to be tlie type, in Cambridge Museum examined. 15. LARU8. 199 Larus cirrhocephalus, Milne- Edwards &f Grandidier, H. N. Madag., Ois. p. 043 (1882 : inland Lakes to centre of Madaofascar). Larus poliocephalus, Ilolub ^ Pelz. Beitr. Orn. Sudafr. p. 332 (1882). ? Larus hartlaubi, Rochehrune, Faun. Seneg., Ois. p. 334 (1884 : Gambia). Adult male in hreedinri-plumage. Head, napo, and throat lavender- grey, palest on the forehead and gradually darkening until the tint becomes plumbeous at the junction with the pure white neck ; eyelids white ; mantle pearl-grey, wing-coverts and secondaries darker ; the two outer primaries black, with white subtermiual mirrors : 3rd quill black, with a smaller white mirror and some white high up on the outer web ; 4th and 5th with a considerable increase of white down the outer webs, the shafts, and the adjacent portions of the inner webs ; 6th quill grey — passing into white on the outer web to within 1 in. of the black subterminal bar, the extreme tip white ; 7fh lead-grey, with a black subterminal bar and edge to the inner web, and a whitish tip ; remaining inner quills plumbeous, with indications of a darker subterminal bar ; tail and under surface white ; under wing and axillarios lead-grey : bill, tarsi, and toes crimson or lake-red ; iris yellowish white (in recent examples). Total length 16 inches, culmen 1'8, wing 12'5, tail 5-25, tarsus 2-1, middle toe with claw 1-9 to 2. In less mature birds (the majority) there is no mirror on the 3rd and less white on any of the quills. The dimensions of iha female arc a trifle less. Adidt in ivinter. Like the above, except that the head is white for a short time. Young. Head white, with dark auricular patches ; mantle grey, faintly mottled with brownish ; feathers of the upper wing- coverts and the long inner secondaries with clove-brown centres ; the remaining secondaries chiefly ash-brown ; the primaries much as in the adult, except that there are no white mirrors on the two outermost ; tail white, with a narrow umber-brown subterminal band ; under surface white : bill yellowish, blackish at the tip ; tarsi and toes deep brown. Immature. Similar, but with less brown on the upper surface, and a commencement of the white mirror on the shaft of the outer- most primai'y. By September (which corresponds to our March) the full grey head has been assumed, and there is a red tingo on the bill and feet. Hah. Brazil, from a little north of Rio de Janeiro, southwards to the La Plata and the Province of Buenos Ayres, but hardly below Bahia Blanca ; up the Parana valley to Matto Grosso, probably crossing by that way to the coast of Pei-u, where the bird is found occasionally. In Africa, from Sencgambia down to Walvisch Bay on the West side ; inland on Lakes Ngami, Victoria Nyanza, Tanganyika, and Shirwa ; on the East coast, at Durban. At one time I thought that the American and the African forms might be distinguished, but the examination of a larger series of specimens has altered that o])inion. The distance between West Africa and Brazil is inconsiderable, and there are reasons (which need not bo given here) for believing that the species crossed 200 from tho former in comparatively recent times. It is rather the distribution of the species in South America and its route across the Andes which requires explanation. (i-c. c? 2 ^d. et Buenos Ayres, April (Bui juv. sk. meister). H. Saunders Coll. d. S ad.* Buenos Ayres, Nov. (Bur- H. Saunders Coll. meister) . e-l. cj' Jad., imm., Ajo, Buenos Ayres, Aug., H. Samiders Coll. et j uv. sk. Sept., ife Nov. (Ei'nest Gibson) . m,n. c? $ ad. sk. Belgrano, Buenos Ayres, April. H. Durnford [C.]. Belgrano, Buenos Ayres, Salviu-Godmau Coll. ]\[arcb (H. D.). Callao Bay, Peru, Dec. (R. H. Saunders Coll. Jtmijj). Payta, Peru, Jan. (Adml. H. Saunders Coll. A. H. Markhmn). Payta, Peru, July (Commr. H. Saunders Coll. MacFarlmie). West Africa. Zoological Society [P.J. Gambia. Mr. Kendall [C.]. Gambia (Sir A. Molony). Shelley CoD. Gold Coast. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. Walvisch Bay (C. J. Anders- H. Saunders CoU. son). Durban Bay, Dec. (Gordge). z, a',b'. S $ fid. et Durban Bay, (Gordffe). inim. sk. /', d'. Ad. sk. Zambesi (Bradshcnv). c'. Ad. sk. Lake Ngami (Chapman), e'-i'. Ad. sk. Lake Sbirwa, Nyassaland, 1st June, 1893. k'. Ad. sk. Ujiji) Lake Tanganyika. 0. S ad. sk. p- Ad. sk. fb r. S ? fid. sk. s. Ad. sk. t. Ad. St. u. V. w. Ad. St. Ad. sk. Ad. sk. X. S ad. sk. y- S ad. sk. H. Saunders C(j11. Shelley Coll. Tweeddale Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H.H.Johnston, Esq., C.B. [P.]. H. Saunders Coll. 10. Larus maciilipennis. Gabiota cenicienta (partini), Azara, Apunt. iii. pp. 350, 352, lin. 1 (1802: Paraguay). Gabiota blanca, Azara, Apinii. iii. p. 363 (1802: Paraguay). Lnrus maculipennis, Licht. Verz. Boubl. p. 83 (1823 : Monte Video f) ; &cl. Sf Salv. Ncmencl. Av. Ncotrop. p. 148 (1873) ; Buniford, Ibis, 1878, p. 43 (Chuput Valley, Patagonia); id. t. c. p. 202 (prov. B. Ayres); id. op. cit. 1878, p. 405 (Central Patagonia, breeds); Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 201 (i-evision Lavinse) ; id. Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 399 (1878: distribution); Gibson, Ibis, 1880, p. 163 ; White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 028 (Buenos Ayres) ; Withington, Ibis, 1888, p. 472 (Buenos Ayres) ; Scl. ^ Huds. Argent. Orn. ii. p. 198 (1889); Saunders, P.'Z. S. 1891, p. 373 (eggs) ; Oustalet, Miss. Sc. Cop Horn, vi. (1891) p. .308 ; Holland, Ibis, 1892, p. 213 ; Aplin, Ibis, 1894, p. 211 (Monte Video). Xeuia (Chroicocephalus) cirrhocepbalum, Darwin (nee Peale), Zool. * Head and wing only ; the wing pattern is the most mature knonu. t Type in Berlin Museum examined. 15. LARUS, 201 Beagle, ii. Birds, p. 142 (1811 : piirtini ; as regards La Plata and Patajroiiia). Xema cirrhocephala, Gray (nee VieilL), List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 17o (1844: ])artira ; as regards E. Patagonia). Larus cirrhocephalas (?i^'r fieill.), Hartl. Ind. Azara, p. 2G (1847 : partim); Schl. Mus. P.-Iias, Lari, p. 36 (18G3: partim) ; Sol. ^• Salv. P.Z.8. 18(38, p. 14(1 (partim); Hudson, I>. Z. S. 1870; p. 802; id. op. cit. 1871, p. 4 (Buenos Ayres) ; Scl. Sf Salv. t. c. p. 578 (revision Neotvop.) ; Sharpe, F. Z. S. 1881, p. l(i (Talca- huano, Chile). Cliroicoceplialus maculipennis, Bruch, J. f. 0. 185.3, p. lOo; Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 98 (18.54: S. Brazil). Larus serranus (nee Tsc/iiidi), Burm. lieise La Plata-St. ii. p. 519 (I8(il : Entre Piios, Mendoza). Gavia maculipennis, Blasius, J.f. O. 1865, p. 374. Larus glancodes, Saunders, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 294 (partim : as regards Argentina). Adult male in hreeding- plumage. Head cofFcc-brown, darkening on the nape and throat; ej'clids and a patch behind the eye white; 1 2 3 Larus maculipennis, ad. nock, tail, and under surface white, with a roseate tinge ou the breast and abdomen: mantle and wing-coverts french-grey ; second- aries ])aler towards their tijis, but without any conspicuous white edge ; outcrnjost jirimary white for the lower 'i inches, and black above on both sides of the white shaft ; 2nd (juill with a white ouler web and a black subterniinal bar on both webs (or only on 202 the inner web in very old birds), and with the black of the upper part of the inner web clear of the shaft; 3rd quill similar, but with more subterminal black (see cut on p. 201) ; 4th quill similar, but with grey next the shaft on the inner web and its margin black ; 5th quill grey on both webs, and a subterminal bar which is some- times incomplete ; remaining quills grey ; under wing-coverts grey, in strong contrast with the black of the (juills : " bill crimson " (Gibson); tarsi and toes dull red; "iris dark brown, pupil black" (Gibson). In less mature examples there is more or less of a bar (or only a spot) on the outermost quill, a short streak of black on the outer web of the 2nd quill, and more black on the inner webs generally. Total length 15 inches, culmeu 1"7, wing 12, tail 5, tarsus 2, middle toe with claw 1*65 to 1-7. The female appears to be a trifle smaller. Adult in winter. Devoid of hood, but only for a short time, and without the rosy tint on the underparts : otherwise like the above. 1 2 3 Larus maculipeimis, juv. Young. Head white, with some greyish brown on the occiput and auriculars ; mantle and wing-coverts grey, mottled with brown; secondaries with ash-brown centres ; the five outer quills chiefly sooty brown terminally and on their inner webs, with indications of incipient mirrors on the two outer quills ; the inner quills with some white basally, and, although with a larger proportion of black, yet generally similar to the pattern in the adult ; tail with a sooty terminal band. In rather older birds there are elongated mirrors on the three outer quills (see cut). Bill dull red, blackish 15. LAlU'S. 203 towards the tip (dryiiig yellowish honi-colour) ; tinsi and toes dull red. Immature. Like the above, but with uniuottled grey mantle and wing-coverts, and an increasing proportion of white in the pri- maries. The NcstUiuj and the Fledijllng arc probably like those of L. glau- codes, the next species. Inasmuch as the young of this species has frequently been confused with that of L. cirrhocepJialus, it may be pointed out that an unfailing distinction is to be found in the colour of the under wing-coverts. These are pale grey in L. maculipennis and lead- colour in L. cirrhoc^plialus, which is also a larger bird. Hah. East side of South America, from Barra Grande, Alagoa, in about 9° S. lat., to at least as far south as Chuput, in East Pata- gonia ; thence westward across the Andes (which are low there) to Arauco and Talcahuano on the Pacific coast. «. cS ad. sk. Barra Grande, Alagoa, N. Brazil, II. Saunders Coll. Sept. (//. M. Harrison, R.N.). h-f. Ad.; (j,h. Rio de Janeiro, May 30, July 21 H. Saunders Coll. Juv. sk. (J. YouiKj). i. cJ ad. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul Salvin-Godman Coll. {Juyner) k, I. 6 ^ ad. sk. Monte Video, July 30( J". 1ot/«^). H. Saunders Coll. m-o. 2 ad. sk. Buenos Ayres, July and April H. Saunders Coll. (L'ur7iu'ister). p~». (5 ad., vix Partido del Ajo, Buenos Ayres, H. Saunders CoU. ad., imm., et May, July, and August (£. juv. sk. Gibson). tv, u\ cJ ad. sk. Lomas de Zaniora, Buenos Avres, P. L. Sclater Coll. May 30 {F. Withington).' y,z. (5 ad.; a'-c'. Buenos Ayres, Aug. 2 imm. et juv. Salvin-Godman Coll. d'-f. 6 ad. sk. Buenos Ayres, April and Aug. f/. .luv. sk. Espartillar, Buenos Ayres, Sept. h'. Ad. St. Bahia Blanca. i'. Ad. sk. Chuput, Patagonia, Sept. k'. Ad. sk. ; I'. East Patagonia [very old]. Ad. St. m'. 5 imm. sk. Arauco, S. Chile, Aug. n'. c? ad. ; •/«-. p. 15S(1790/; 'Lali 1:^.1,^:^. t } ^r..' ' ^''"^'^i- Natimj. DeutscJil. ii. p. 819 (1791) • Wolf Taschenb. u. P- ^82 (1810) ; Ale.er u. BecLt. u. LeisCNaS. jieutschl ^. 6 (1812); Meisner ^- Schir^, Vog. Schweiz, p. 272 ?; f^S^^''^ ' t A f'*-^^''"-- Zool. p. 377 (1816) ; Leach, Syst. p. 17b (1817); Temm. Man. dOrn. 2" ed p 780 ri8-?0-l • Brehm, Beit,: Vogelk. iii. p. 825 (1822) ; id.Lehrh. p. 723 (1824) '■ titeph. in Slums Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. i. p 201 pi 9-> h^^->a\\ ^<::>^^\^tj^f,Jfjnipedes, pl.J38 (1828); VieilL FauneFran^], p. 152 (1842); Mme:o;n:G^^ni:;'im'i!Ex^.Tia "& Crit. p. exxvi (1844) ; Crespon, Faune V>S. ii V 12^ 84^^ p. 602, pis (1854) ; Baill>/, Orn. Savoie, iv. p. Sib' (1854);' Meier, Brit. 2'.Vii 208 p. 126, pi. 302 (1857); Kittl. Denkw. ii. p. 200 (1858: Kam- Bchatka) ; Sc.hrenck, Reis. A^nurl. i. p. 510 (1859) ; hinder m. Viig. Griechenl. p. 174 (1860); Irbtj, Ihis, 1861, p. 246 (Oude & Kuniaon) ; Su7idev. Sv. Fogl. pi. 49. fig. 3 (186-3) ; Schl. Mus. P.- Bas,Lan, p. 37 (1863) ; Sadde, Eeis. Sibir., Viig.^. 387 (1863); Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 234 (1863) ; Wright, Ibis, 1864, p. 152 (Malta) ; V. Martens, J.f. O. 1866, p. 30 (Manila) ; Hurting, B. Middlesex, p. 254 (1866) ; Degl. :^ Gerbe, Orn. Bur. ii. p. 435 (1867) ; Borgc/r. Vogelf. Norddeutsrhl. p. 142 (1869) ; Doderl. Avif. Sicil. p. 237 (1869) ; R. Gray, B. West Scotl. p. 476 (1871) ; G. R. Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 114, no. 10981 (1871) ; Gurney, jr., Ibis, 1871, p. 300 (Algiers); Hartinq, Handb. Brit. B. p. 77 (1872) ; Shelley, B. Egypt, p. 309 (1872) ; Hume, Str. F. i. p. 278 (1873) ; Adam, op. cit. p. 403 (1873 : Sambhur Lake) ; Heur/l. Orn. N.O.-Afr. Bd. ii. pt. 2, p. 1404 (1873) ; Palmen, Finlands Fogl. p. 612 (1873) ; Brooke, Ibis, 1873, p. 347 (Sardinia, resident) ; Irby, Orn. Strs. Gibr. p. 213 (1875) ; Dresser, Ibis, 1870, p. 415 (Turkestan up to 4000 ft.) ; Blanf. East. Pers. ii. p. 292 (1876) ; Marchand, Rev. Zool. (3) v. p. 354, pi. 84, puUus (1877) ; Rowley, Orn. Misc. ii. p. 407 (1877 : Scoulton Mere) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 798 (Manila, &c.) ; Collett, Nyt Mag. Naturv. p. 208 (1877 : Norway) ; Neweklowsky, Mitth. orn. Ver. Wien, 1877, p. 5 (habits) ; Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 357, pi. 596, & pi. 597. iig. 1 (1878) ; Prjev. in Rowley's Orn. Misc. iii. p. 110 (1878 : Ussuria) ; E. C. Taylor, Ibis, 1878, p. 373 (Nile Valley, April); Saimders, P. Z. S 1878, p. 200 (revision Larinae) ; Finsch, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, p. 274 (1879) ; Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 115 (1879: List) ; Vidal, op. cit. ix. p. 94 (1880: Malabar coast) ; Butler, t. c. p. 493 (Deccan) ; Rodd, B. CormcaU, p. 169 (1880); H. C. St. John, Wild Coasts Nipon, p. 392 (1880) ; Wardlaw Ramsay, Tweedd. Mem. p. 660 (1881 : Luzon) ; Saunders, Rep. ' Challenger,'' ii. Birds, p. 138 (1881 : Manila & Yokohama); Scully, Ibis, 1881, p. 594 (Gilgit, on migration) ; Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 621 (1882); C. S^vinhoe, Ibis, 1882, p. 126 (Ivaudahar) ; Seebohn, t. c. p. 230 (Caspian & Kirghiz steppes, breeds) ; id. t. c. p. 385 (Archanoel, summer, rare) ; Gates, B. Brit. Burm. ii. p. 418 (1883) : Seebohm, Ibis, 1884, p. 272 (Kiu Kiang) ; Saunders, t. c. p. 390 (S.W. France) ; Tristram, Faun. ^ Flor. Palest, p. 136 (1884) ; Rochebr. Faun. S6neg., Ois. p. 334 (1884 : Cape Blanco) ; Salvad. Ami. Mus. Civ. Genov. (2) i. p. 251 (1884 : Scioa) ; Saunders, 4th ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 594 (1884) ; Whitehead, Ibis, 1885, p. 47 (Corsica) ; Seebohm, Brit. B. iii. p. 310 (1885) ; Biichner, Beitr. Russ. Reiclies, (2) ii. p. 129 (1885 : St. Petersburg) ; Stejn. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 29, p. 76 (1885 : Kamschatka) ; ' Dubois, Bull. Mus. Belg. hi. p. 22 (1886 : Belgium) ; Alleon, Ornis, 1886, p. 423 (Dobrudsha) ; Sharpe, Ibis, 1886, p. 168 (Muscat) ; H-Broivn ^ Buckley, Faun. Sutherl. SiX. p. 830 (1887) ; Booth, Rough Notes, iii. (1887); Tait, Ibis, lS87,f. 304 (Portugal); Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1887, p. 123 (Bering I.) ; Vian, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1887, p. 390 (nestling) ; Gigl. ^- Salvad. P. Z. S. 1887, p. 692 (Corea) ; Scullt/, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vi. p. 88 (1887 : N.Afghanistan); Hume, Str. F. xi. p. 349 (1888: Manipur) ; H-Br. ^ Buckl. Faun. Outer Hebr. p. 144 (1888) ; Pleske, Mini. Acad. St. Petersb. (7) xxxvi. p. 57 (1888: Turkestan) ; Reichenou:, Syst. Verz. Vog. Deutschl. p. 63 (1889) ; Saundei-s, Man. Brit. B. p. 649 (1889) ; Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soc. (2) v. pt. 3, p. 92 (1889 : Afghanistan) ; 0. St. John, Ibis, 1889, p. 180 (S. Afghanistan) ; 15. LARUS. 209 Salvad. Sr Gigl. Mem. Accad. Tor. xxxix. p. 119 (1889 : Vladi- vostok) ; Lilford, Ibis, 1889, p. 348 (Cyprus; ; Stevens. ^- Suidkw. n. Norfolk, iii. p. 322 (1890) ; Seebohm, B. Japan. Emp. p. 295 (1890); VucJdey i^ H-Brown, Faun. Orkneij Is. p. 230 (18;)1_) ; Styan, Ibis, 1891, p. 508 (Lower Yaugtse) ; Saunders, t. c. p. 187 (Lake L6inan) ; Gdtke, Vogelw. Helgol. p. 577 (1891) ; Jdckel Sf Bias. Viij. Bat/ems, p. 357 (1891) ; Sharpe, '2nd York. Miss., Birds, p. 131 (1891) ; Mitchell, B. Lanes, ed. 2, p. 252 (I8i)2); Hartl. Ahh. nat. Ver. Brem. xii. Hft. ii. p. 334(1892: Tientsin) ; P. Rendall, Ibis, 1892, p. 230 (Gambia) [F] ; De La Touche, t. c. p. 502 (Foochow & Swatow) ; Macphers. Faun. Lakeland, p. 421 (1892) ; Mathew, B. Devon, p. 382 (1892) ; Lilford, Col. Fiq. Brit. B. pt. xxi. (1892) ; H-Br. Sf Buckl. Funn. Argyll Sfc. p. 1 89 (1892) ; Hartert, Ibis, 1892, p. 520 ( East Prussia) ; Barries, Ibis, 1893, p. 176 (Aden, winter) ; Lilford, B. Northants, p. 399(1893); Ussher, Fr. R. Irish Acad. (3) iii. p. 410 (1894); Oustal. N. Arch. Mm. Paris, (3) vi. p. 94 (1894: Korla) : The ed. p. 426 (1788). La Petite Mouette cendree, Buf. Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. 430 (1783 : winter). La. Moiiette rieime, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. 433 (1783: ad.); Daiibent. PI. Enl. pi. 970 (1786). Black-headed Gull, Lath. Qen.Si/n. iii. pt. 2, p. 380 (1785) ; id. Gen. Syn. Suppl. i. p. 268 (1787) ; Beivick, Brit. B. ii. p. 203 (1821) ; Tarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 433 (1843). Red-legged Gull, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 386 (1785). Brown-headed Gull, Lath. Gen. Syn, iii. pt. 2, p. 383 (1785). Laughing Gull, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt, 2, p. 383 (1785: partim). Le Petit Goiland, Daubent. PI. Enl. pi. 969 (1786). Larus erythropus, Gm. S. N. i. p. 597 (1788). Larus ciuerarius, Schiif. Mas. Orn. p. 63 (1789) ; Pall. Zoogr. Rosso- Asiat. ii. p. 326 (1811). Larus atricilla {nee Liim.), Retzius, Faun. Suec. p. 160 (1790) ; Pall. Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat. ii. p. 324 (1811). Brown GuU, Lath. Gen. Syn. Suppl. ii. p. 331 (1801 : winter pi.). Larus canescens, Bechst. Orn. Taschenb. ii. p. 370 (1803). Larus nasvius, Pall. Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat. ii. p. 327 (1811). Larus capistratus, Temm. Man. d' Orn. ed. 2, ii. p. 785 (1820); Meyer, Taschenb. iii. p. 204 (1822) ; Brehm, Beitr. Voqelk. iii. p. 839 (1822) ; id. Lehrb. p. 725 (1824) ; Steph. in Shaws Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 204 (1826) ; Fleming, Brit. Anim. p. 142 (1828) ; Savi, Orn. Tosc. iii. p. 72 (1831) ; Jenyns, Man. Brit. Verfcbr. p. 272 (1835) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. 2^ i^d. 4" pte. p. 485 (1840) ; Selys-Longch. Faune Beige, -^.Ib^ {IHA'-I); Tarr. Brit. B. ed. 2, iii. p. 547 (1845) ; Schl. Vog. Nederl. p. 604, pi. 354 (1854) ; Meyer, Brit. B. vii. p. 123, pi. 301 (1857) ; Heugl. Syst. Uehers. p. 69 (1850; Lower Egypt) ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 235 (1863) ; id. Hand-l. B. iii. p. Il4, no. 10982 (1871). Xeiua ridibundus, Boie, Isis, 1822, p. 563 ; Gotdd, B. Eur. v. pi. 425 (18.37). Xema capistratus, Boie, Isis, 1822, p. 563 ; id. op. cit. 1844, p. 192. Gavia ridibunda, Kaup, Natiirl. Si/st. p. 98 & p. 196 (1829) ; Macgill. Man. Brit. B. pt. ii. p. 240 (1842) ; id. Brit. B. v. p. 593 (1852) ; Reichenb. Av. Syst. Nat., Longip. p. v (1852) ; Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 771 VOt,. XXV. 210 (1856) ; Bettoni, Ucc. Nidif. Lomb. ii. pi. 98 (1868) ; Serertz. Turkest. Jerofn. p. 70 (1873) ; Olphe-Gall. Orn. Eur. Occident. fasc. X. p. y F Xema capistratum, Brehm, Isis, 1830, p. 994; id. Vog. Deutschl. p. 762 (1831) ; ^;>. Coinp. List B. Eur. ^ N. A7ner. p. 62 (1838) ; id. Icon. Faun. Ital., Ucc. i. tav. 46. fig. 1 (1840 : cf. Salvad. Ibis, 1888, p. 323) ; id. Cat. Ucc. Eur. p. 78 (1842) ; Fritsch, Vog. Eur. p. 467, tab. 54. fig. 8 (1870). . Chroicoceplialus ridibundus, Eyton,Cat. Brit. B. p. 53 (1836) ; Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 105 ; Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 98 (1854); Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 294 : Sivinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 428 (Formosa) ; Salvad. Ucc. Sard. p. 125 (1864); Filippi, Viagg. Pers. 1865, p. 352; Taiilor, Ibis, 1867, p. 72 (Nile) ; Wyatt, op. cit. 1870, p. 18 fTor, Red Sea) ; Swinh. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 421 ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 399 (S. Spain) ; Alston Sr H-Br. Ibis, 1872, p. 52 (Archangel) ; Feilden, Zool. s. s. p. 3287 (1872 : Osteroe, Fferoes, breeds) ; Gould, B. Gt. Brit. V. pi. 64 (1873) ; Swinhoe, Ibis, 1874, p. 165 (Hakodadi) ; David et Oustal. Ois. Chine, p. 520 (1878); Gigl. Ibis, 1881, p. 218 (Italy) ; Menzbier, Bull. Soc. Mosc. Iviii. no! 1, p. 136 (1883) ; Radde, Orn. Cauc. p. 482 (1884) ; Gif/lioli, Avif. Ital. p. 424 (1886) ; Taczan. Ornis, 1888, p. 507 (Poland, the onlv Gull that breed.s) ; Radde ^ Walter, Ornis, 1889, p. 125 (Transcaspia) ; Giglioli, 1" Resoc. Av. Ital. p. 641 (1889); id. 2" Resoc. p. 648 (1890: breeds, Sardinia); id. 3° Resoc. p. 509 (1891); Taczan. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. xxxix. p. 1040 (1893 : E. Siberia). Chroicocephalus capistratns, Eyton, Hist. Rarer Brit. B. p. 53 (1836) ; Gray, List Gen. p. 79 (1840) ; id. ed. 1841, p. 99 ; Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 105 ; Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 294 ; Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 327 (China) ; Tacz. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1876, p. 264 (E. Siberia) ; id. op. cit. 1882, p. .397 (Kamtschatka). Masked Gull, Tarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 4.30 (1843). Larus ridibundus minor, Schl. Rev. Crit. p. cxvii & p. 113 (1844). Xema ridibunda. Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 172 (1844) ; Hodgs. in Gray's Zool. Miscell. p. 86 (1844) ; Gray, List Osteol. Spec. Brit. Mus. p. 121 (1847 : Nipal) ; Jerd. B. Ind. iii. p. 832 (1864) ; Hume 8( Menders. Lahore to York. p. 301 (1873 : Kashmir). Xema capistrata, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 172 (1844). Xema pallida, Hodgs. in Gray's Zool. Miscell. p. 86, no. 857, imm. (1844). ]'). LARDS. 211 Larus bruuneicephalus, Gray, Cat. Hodgson Coll. p. 148, nos. o6G & 857 (1846 : Nepal) ; id. op. cit. ed. 2, p. 77 (18(j.3, partiui) * ; Cas- sin, U.S. E.ipl. E.vped. ii. p. 232 (1858 : Yedo, Japan) ; Severtz. Ibis, 188;i, p. 77 (Pamir Lakes, breeding ; teste IHeske, Mem. Acad. St. Peteisb. xxxvi. p. 57). Gavia ridibundus, Bp. Naimi. 1854, p. 213. Gavia capistratus, Bp. Namn. 1854, p. 213. Cbriiicdctjilialus pileaius, Brekm, Naum. 1855, p. 294. Cbroicoct'pbalus minor, Brehin, Naum. 1855, p. 294. Cbloirocei)balu.i \sic\ pileatus, Brehm, Voyelf. p. 343 (1855). Cboicocepbalus \_sic] minoi", Brehm, Voyelf. p. 1343 (1855). Chroioocepbalus brunneicepbalus, Sioinh. {nee Jerdon) P. Z. S. 1863, p. 327 (Obina). Gavia rudibunda [sic], Locke, Evpl. Sci. Alger., Ois. ii. p. 192 (1867). Larus (Cbroicocephalus) ridibundus, Droste, Vogelw. Borkum, p. 338 (1869). Cbroocepbalus ridibundus, Salvad. Fmm. Ital, Ucc. p. 287 (1871) ; Martorelli, Ucc. Sard. p. 52 (1884). Larus ridibundus, /3. capistratus, Severtz. J.f. O. 1875, p. 185. " Larus cahiricus " and " Larus cahirinus,' Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 201, e.v MS. Hempr. Sf Ehr., Berlin Mus. (Syria & Arabia) Hvdrocolreus ridibundus, Salvad. Ucc. Ital. p. 283 (1887) ; Brusina, 'Orti. Croatica, p. 92 (1889). Cbroeocephalus ridibundus, Heine ^- Reichenow, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 358 (1890). Cbrceocepbalus capistratus, Heine Sf Reicheiiow, Nomencl. Mvs. Hein. p. 359 (1890: Hartz). Adult male in breeding-plumage. Very similar, superficially, to the preceding: species : hood coffee-brown — but shorter, grey mantle, white tail, and white under surface tinged with (evanescent) roseate : but the pattern of the outer primaries is very different, being chiefly white, with black tips, and black margins to the inner webs. Shafts of the three outer quills white ; the outermost quill white, with a narrow black line along the greater part of the outer web (touching the shaft in all except very old birds), a black tip, and a blackish edge to the inner margin ; 2nd quill similar, but with merely a short hair-line of black on the outer web ; 3rd quill with a trifle more black running upwards from the black tip along the outer web ; 4th quill similar, but with a grey centre to the inner web ; 5th quill white on both webs, and with a minute white tip : 6th similar, but the tip grey and broader, so that the black becomes a subterminal bar ; 7th similar, but with less and fainter black ; upper primaries grey ; secondaries paler grey, without conspicuous margins : bill, tarsi, and toes lake-red ; iris hazel. Total length 15'5 to IG inches, culmen 1*8, wing 11"75 to 12, tail 5, tarsus 1-7, middle toe aud claw 1*55. The female is undoubtedly smaller as a rule, though there are exceptions. Adult in winter. Similar, but without a hood ; merely a little greyish on the occiput, aud blackish on the auriculars. In vigorous * The two spepiuieus above enumerated belong to this speeies, but au example of true L. Lrunnciccphalus was subsequently received I'roiu Nepal. p2 212 LAKII)^. birds the indications of a hood re-appear in autumn, soon after the completion of the moult, which is in August ; but cold weather, com- bined with a scarcity of nutritive food, arrests the development, and it is not lisual to see birds with fully complete hoods till February, though there are many exceptions. A female (by dissection) ob- tained in the shore-nets at Wells, Norfolk, on Nov. 10th, has the under- parts, and even the shafts and webs of the primaries, suffused with a beautiful salmon-pink, but this also must be considered unusual. Nestling. Buffish to brown, darkest on the upper parts, spotted and streaked with umber and black on the back, head, and throat. Young. Forehead white, rest of the head chiefly greyish brown ; upper surface warmer brown, with grey lower wing-coverts ; secondaries with blackish centres and white borders ; the three outer primaries black on the outer webs and at the tips and margins of the inner webs, but the centres white, except the outermost, in which there is for a time a dark line inside the shaft (see cut) ; in the succeeding primaries the dark colour increases ascendingly on the inner webs, while from the 5th the outer webs are pale grey 1 2 3 Larus ridihundtis, jut. to brownish, with a little white at the tips ; tail-feathers white, with a band of blackish brown ; under surface duU white : bill dull yellow, passing into black at the angle ; tarsi and toes dull reddish yellow. The brown colour is soon lost on the back, which has become grey by December. Immature. Like the adult, with a few brown markings left on 15. LAKUS. 213 the upper wing-coverts, and more black on the outer webs of the primaries. More or loss of a brown hood is assumed when the bird is barely a year old, and the band on the tail is lost by the following autumn, when the new primaries appear, with — as has been said — a larger proportion of black than in the adult. In fact the duration of the immature phase is very short. The bird does not breed until the following (or second) spring. Occasionally the black from the margins of the inner webs of the three outer quills runs in and reaches the shafts, much en- croaching upon the usual white centres, though not to the same extent on both wings of the same bird. This is noticeable in two examples obtained at Dinapur in December. Hah. The Faeroes, Southern Norway and Sweden, Russia from Archangel southwards, and the rest of Europe to the Mediterranean ; eastward, across the temperate portions of Asia to Kamtschatka (breeding). In winter, Gambia {fide Kendall), Nubia, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, India, the Philippines, China and Japan. a, b. Ad. st. c. Juv. sk. d. J ad. sk. e. Ad. St. f-^h. Ad. st._ i, k. Ad. et juv. sk. /, m. (S 2 ad. sk. 71. (S ad. sk. o. Ad. sk. p. Juv. St. fj. Ad. sk. r. 2 ad. sk. s, f. d 2 pull- sk. II. Ad. sk. v,v\ Pull, et juv. sk. .r. Juv. St. li/,~- d 2 ad. sk. ', f>'. Ad. et juv. sk. t'~e'. Ad. et imm. St. Ad. hiem. sk. ', h'. Ad. et juv. St. Hills of Hoy, Orkneys (sum- mer). Stromness, Orkneys, Jan. (J. Dunn). Loch Maree, March 18 (/. H. Dixon). Beaufort, Beauly, June. Beaufort, Beauly (group). Aboyne. Loch Lomond, June (A. An- derson ) . Stirlingshire, March (/. A. Harvie-BroiVTi) . " Scotland." Fern Islands, Northumberland. Lincolnshire, March 1 {E. Bid- well). Wells, Norfolk, Nov. 10. Hoveton, Norfolk, June (E.B.). Walberswick, Feb. ( W. Tyler). Walney Island, Lancashire, May 31, June 8 {A. von Hilgel). Wales. St. Bride's, S. Wales. Carmarthen, S. Wales. Cornwall. Devonshire. Torquay. Purchased. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Lord Lovat [P.]. Lord Lovat [P.]. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Col. Montagu [P.]. C. Coningham, Esq. [P.]. H. Saunders Coll. Col. H. W. Feilden [P.]. Col. H. W. Feilden [P.]. Seebohm Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Rev. A. Morgan [P.]. Hon. W. Edwaides 'ol. M( Col. Montagu [P.]. Vingoe Coll. Col. Montagu [P.]. C. Coningham, Esq. [P.]. 214 i', k'. S 2 ad. sk. I'-p'. Ad. et juv. sk. q\ Ad. St. r', s'. Pull. St. t'. 2 ad. sk. u . Juv. sk. v'.(S juv. sk. ?y'. 2 ad. sk. x',y'- J juv. sk. s'. Ad. sk. a". Juv. sk. b". 2 ad. sk. c". Ad. sk. rf". c? ad. ; e" . Juv. sk. f'-h'[. •'. cJ ad. sk. s^. (5 juv. sk. t^. cJ ad. sk. m'. Juv. sk. Dungeness. Romney Marsh, Sept. & Feb. Southend. England (J. Baker). Channel Islands, spring. Havre, August ( V. Pluche). Havre, Feb. ( V. P.). Havre, Feb. ( F. P.). Heligoland, Dec-Jan. (L. Gatke). Cholmogory, Dwina,N. Russia, July (J. A. Harvie-Broivn). Csalokos, Hungary, Aug. Seville, Feb. (A. Ruiz). Tangier, winter (Olcese). Malaga, Dec. (Bios). Valencia, March (B. Martin). Ajaccio, Corsica [fiffd. P. Z. S. "1878, p. 201] {C.B. Wharton). Eubcea, Greece, Feb. (H. J. Elives). Bosphorus, April (Bobson). Cyprus, Dec. Sea of Galilee. Egypt, Feb., March. Gould Coll. II. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P]. Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. H. Saunders Coll. E. Hargitt, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Hungarian Nat. Mus. [P.]. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Hume Coll. SheUey Coll. Canon Tristram [C.]. Zifte, Lower Egypt, April (S. S. Allen). Upper Euphrates, July {A. Huet du Pavilion). Muscat. Muscat, Feb. Gwader, Mekran Coast, Feb. Cape Monze, Sind, Feb. ( W. T. Blanford). Karachi, Feb.- April (E. A. Butler). Madho-Mehur, Upper Sind, Jan. Kandahar, March. Kandahar, March & Dec. Argandab River, Feb. Gulran, Afghanistan, March 1885 {Dr. Aitchison). Kashgar, winter plumage. Lob-nor, Eastern Tm-kestan, April (Prjevalsky). Wollar Lake, Kashmir, Oct. Jhelum, Kashmir, Nov. Sirsa district, Nov. Shelley Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Col. Mills [P.]. Hume CoU. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume CoU. Col. Swinhoe [P.]. Col. Swinhoe [P.]. Afghan Delimitation Commission. India Museum [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Col. Biddulph [P.]. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. 15. LARUS. 215 v^, w^. $ ad. ; x'. 5 juv. sk. y^ z\ d ail- ; «'• b\ d ? juv. sk. c'. 5 juv. sk. <;', e*. c^ $ ad. ; /'. $ juv. sk. (/^ 2 ad. sk. ^'. 2 ad. sk. I*, m\ n*. Ad. sk. o'-q*. S $ ad. et juv. sk. »•'. Ad. sk. s*. Ad. sk. tK Juv. sk. M'-.r'. c? 2ad.sk. t/'. c? ad. sk. s'. Ad. sk. a% b\ d 2 ad. sk. c\ Ad. sk. d^. d juv. sk. e^. Ad. hiem. st. /'. Imm. sk. g^-k\ Ad. etjuv. sk. l\ d ad. sk. nv'-p^. d 2 ad. et juv. sk. 5', J-'. Ad. et juv. sk. s\ t\ Ad. .sk. u% y'. cJ ad. et juv. sk. w^-y'. d 2 ad. et juv. sk. z'. 2 juv. sk. flS. d ad. sk. 6% c^ Ad. sk. rf^ 2 juv. sk. e". Skeleton. /*'. Skeleton. ff. Sternum. )('\ Sternum. Sambhui-, Rajpootana, March Hume Coll. (H. M. Adam). Sambhur, llajpootana, Nov., Hume Coll. Dec. {A. 0. H.). Sambhur Lake, Nov., Dec. Hume Coll. Sambhur Lake, Nov.-March Hume Coll. {A. 0. H.). Ajmere, Rajpootana, Dec. Hume Coll. Gurgaon, Feb. Hume Coll. Sultanpur, Gurgaon, Nov. { W. Hume Coll. N. Chill). Delhi, summer and winter {A. Hume Coll. O. H.). Allahabad, Feb., March, and Hume Coll. Dec. Nepal, spring. Dipur Bheel, Assam, Nov. [A. W. Chennell). Mymensing. Soane River, Dinapui-, Dec. Bombay, Jan. 29. Deccan' (CoZ. Sykes). Travancore, Feb. Assam,'^L.alienus" (McClelland). Manila, Jan. China. Amoy (iJ. Swinhoe). Kiukiang and Poyang Lake, Yang-tse, Nov.-Jan. Nagasaki, S. Japan, Jan. Yokohama, S. Japan, May. Yokohama. Yokohama (H. Fryer). Y'edo Gulf, Jan. (Admiral St. John). Hakodadi, April (Caj)t. Bla- klston). Hakodadi, May {H. Whiteley). Kamtscliatka, June. Knmtscbatka ( Vosnessemky). Scharkalskaja, Ob River, Sept. England. England. England. Europe. 13. Larus brunneiceplialus. B. H. Hodgson, Esc[. [P.]. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Hume CoU. Hume Coll. India Museum [P.]. F. Bourdillon, Esq. [C.]. India Museum [P.] 'Challenger' Exped. J. R. Reeves, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. F. W. Styan, Esq. [P.]. F. Ringer, Esq. [P.]. ' Challenger ' Exped. Capt. Blakiston [P.]. Seebohm Coll. H. Saunders CoU. Seebohm CoU. Tweeddale Coll. Capt. P,lakiston [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Dr. O. Finsch [C.]. Purchased. Zoological Soc. [P.]. T. Ingall, Esq. [P.]. Purchased. Larus brunneiceplialus, Jerd. Madras Journ. xii. p. 25(1840) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 65-4 (1846) ; Blyth, Cat. B. Muk. As. Soc. p. 289 (184i>); Lai/ard, Atui. ^- Mar/. Nat. Hist. xiv. p. l'70 (1854: Ceylon) ; Grai/, Cat. Manun. .Vc. prcs. Hodyson, I'nd ed. p. 77 (1863) ; Schl. 'Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 35 (1863) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. 216 LAEIDJE. iii. p. 114, no. 10983 (1871) ; Ada7n, Str. F. 1873, p. 402 (Sam- bluir Lake) ; Gates, op. cit. 1875, p. 347; Butler, up. cit. 1876, p. 31 (N. Guzerat) ; Armstrotig., t. c. p. 350 (Iirawaddy) ; Hwne iSr Daviso?!, op. cit. 1878, pt. i. p. 491 (Tenasserim) ; Cripps, op. cit. 1878, pt. ii. p. 313 (E. Bengal) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 197 (revi- sion) ; id. Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 399 (1878: distribution) ; P7jev. in Howley's Orn. Misc. iii. p. 109 (1878: Dalai Nor; breeds on lakes in Hoang-ho Valley, but not in China proper) ; Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 115 (1879: List) ; Vidal, Str. F. ix. p. 94 (1880: Malabar coast) ; Legge, B. Ceylon, p. 1049 (1880) ; Butler, Str. F. ix. p. 439 (1881 : Deccan) ; Sahin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 621 (1881); Oafes, B. Brit. Burm. ii. p. 417 (1883) ; Hume, Str. 1 . xi. p. 439 (1888 : Manipur) ; Sharpe, 2nd Turk. Miss., Birds, p. 134 (1891 : 15,000 ft. elevn.) ; Barnes, Ibis, 1893, p. 175 (Aden, in winter) ; Onstal. N. Archiv. Mus. Paris, (3) vi. p. 94 (1894: Tibetan plateau). Xema brunneicephala, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 172 (1844); Je)-d B. Ind. iii. p. 832 (1864); Holdsioorth, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 480 (Ceylon); Lloyd, Ibis, 1873, p. 420 (Kattiawar, winter) ; Hume 4" Henders. Lahore to Yark. p. 300, pi. xxxii. (1873: Pangong Lake) ; Blyth ^ Wald. B. Burm. p. 162 (1875); Scully, Str. F. iv. p. 203 (1876: Kashgar); W. Ramsay, Ibis, 1877, p. 472 (Sittang River up to Tonghoo). Chroicoce]>halus brunneicephalus, Bruch, J. f. O. 1853, p. 105; Swinh. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 421 ; David et Oust. Ois. Chine, p. 521 (1877: Mongolia). Chroicocephalus brunniceps. Cab. J. f. O. 1853, p. 105 (note); Bruch, /./. 0.1855, p. 291. Larus lacrymosus, Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 99 (1854 : Bengal*). (laviiia lacrymosus {Licht.), Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 212. Gayia brunnicephala, Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 213 ; id. C. E. xlii. p. 771 (1856). Chroicocephalus tibetanus, Gould, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 54 (Tibet: Major Hay). Larus tibetanus, Gray, Hund-l. B. iii. p. 114, no. 10984 (1871). Xema brunneicephalum, David, N. Archiv. Mus. Paris, Bull. vii. no. 460 (1871). Larus (Chroicocephalus) brunicepbalus, Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xli. p. 256 (1872: Kutch, winter). Adult male in hreeding-plumaeje. Larger than the preceding species, but very similar in general appearance ; the brown hood is, however, paler on the forehead, and consequently throws into stronger contrast the blackness at the junction with the white neck, while the pattern of the primaries is quite different, black being the prevailing colour ; the two outer quills black, with elongated white subterminal mirrors and a small amount of white at the base {see cut, p. -17); the 3rd quill with more white at the base, but otherwise black, though occasionally — in very old birds — with a smaU white subterminal spot ; 4th and 5th quills with the basal white increasing and extending to both webs ; 6th quill white on the outer and grey on the inner webs, subterminaUy banded with black, and ti^jped with white ; 7th quill with a whitish tip, grey webs, a black spot or incomplete subterminal bar, and a black inner margin ; Sth quiU grey, with narrow dark inner margin ; 9th and 10th quills grey : * Type in Berlin Museum cxauiincd. 15. LAUUS. 21< iris white ; bill red, brownish at the tip ; tarsi and toes red. Total length 17 inches, culnien 1-i), wing 13, tail 5-7, tarsus 1*9, middle toe with claw 1"7. Adult female. Like the male, but smaller. Aihdt hi ivinter plumarje. Like the above, but without the hood ; the occiput and auriculars mottled with dusky grey. Youiuj. Similar to the young of L. ridilmndus, except as regards the primaries, which are chiefly sooty brown, with white on the basal portion, increasing successively from the 4th inwards : bill, tarsi, and toes dull reddish or ochraccous : " iris hazel " {Le'. d' ad. sk. x', y'. Ad. et 2 juv. sk. «', fit". Ad. sk. b"-d". .). Hume Coll. to". (S juv. sk. Khykehto, Tenasserim, Feb. Hume Coll. (W. D.). .v". c? ad. sk. Amherst, Tenasserim, March. Hume Coll. y", s". 2 juv. sk. Bopvin, Tenasserim, Dec. Hume Coll. (W.D.). a^, P. (S 2 juv. Bopvin, Tenasserim, Dec. H. Saunders Coll. sk. {W.D.). 14. Larus leucophthalmus. Larus leucophthalmus, Temm. PL Col. livr. 62, pi. 366 (182o, e.x Licht.) ; ffenier, Atlas, Pahnipedes, 'pl. 29 {18'28); Lesson, Traite, p. 618 (1831 : Red Sea) ; Temni. Man. (VOrn. pt. iv. p. 486 (1840) ; Schl. Rev. Crit. p. cxxvi (1844) ; DesMurs in Lefehvre'sVoi/. Abyss. vi. p. 174 (1845) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 654 (1846) ; Begl. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 322 (1849); Heugl. Syst. Uebers. p. 69 (1856: Red Sea) ; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 349 (Red Sea) ; id. in Petenn. Mitth. 1861, pp. 29, 312 (Lower Red Sea and Somali) ; Kimig- Warth. Ibis, 1860, p. 129 (Perim, breeding) ; Linderm. Voq. Griechenl. p. 177 (1860) [?] ; A. E. Brehm, Reis. Habesch, p. 228 (1863) ; Schleg. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 32 (1863) ; Bree, B. Eur. iv. p. 95, tig. (1866) ; Deyl. et Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 430 (1867) ; Finsch Sf Hartl. Vog. Ostafr. p. 821 (1870) ; Finsch, Tr. Zool. Sac. vii. p. 302 (1870) : Blanford, Geol. ^- Zool. Abyss, p. 441 (1870: Annes- lev Bav) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 113, no. 10978 (1871) ; Shelley, B'. Egypt, p. 308 (1872): Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. Bd. ii. pt. 2, p. 1396 (1873) ; Bree, B. Eur. 2nd ed. v. p. 67(1876); Vian, Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1877, p. 32 (Nice) [?] ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 193 (revision) ; Klunzinqer, Zschr. Ges. Erdk. Berlin, xiii. Hft. 2, p. 90 (1878: Koseir, Red Sea); Sartl. P. Z. S. 1881, p. 959 (Hami, S. Arabia) ; Hartert, Kat. Vogelsamml. Senckenb. p. 241 (1891 : Red Sea). Xema leucophthalmum, Bp. Ucc. Eur. p. 78' (1842) ; Riipp. Syst. Uebers. p. 139 (1845). Xema leucophthalma. Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 171 (1844 : Abyssinia). Adelarus leucophthalmus, Bruch, J. f. O. 1853, p. 106 ; id. op. cit. 1855, p. 278; Bj). C. R. xlii. p. 771 (1856) ; Bias. J.f. O. 1865, p. 378 (revision) ; Salmi. Faun. Ital., Ucc. p. 286 (1872) ; Antin. 8f Salvad. Viaqq. Bor/os, p. 155 (1873: Massowa) ; Salv. if Gigl. Mem. Accad. for. .x.xxix. p. 104 (1889: Maldive Isl.) [?]. Chroicocepbalus leucophthalmus, Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 98 (1854) ; Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 295. Larus masauanus, Heugl. in Peterm. Mitth. 1861, p. 31 (Lower Red Sea and Somali coast ; admittedly a bad species ; cf. Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. Bd. ii. pt. 2, p. 1397)." Adelolarus leucophthalmus, Heine ^ Reichenoiv, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 358 (1890). 220 LA.EID.E. Adult in breeding-plumage. Head, nape, and throat down to the upper breast deep black ; eyelids and hind neck white ; mantle deep slate-colour ; wing-coverts and long secondaries rather darker ; principal secondaries with blackish centres, and broad white edges which form a conspicuous alar band ; primaries chiefly sooty black, the oth and upwards tipped with white, which increases slightly on the innermost ; tail-feathers white, with a greyish tinge at the base of the central pairs ; abdomen and lower breast white ; flanks and sides of the breast slate-grey ; under wing dark slate-colour : iris white : bill long and slender, reddish orange to the angle, then blackish ; tarsi and toes yellowish. Total length 15-6 inches, culmen 2, wing 12-3, tail 4-75, tarsus 1-75, middle toe with claw 1-6. The sexes appear to be alike in size. Adult in ivinter. I am not acquainted with any characteristic phase. During the moult the head is probably mottled, through the con- trast of the old worn feathers and the new ones ; but the hood never seems to be lost. Young. Head and neck ash-brown, flecked with dull white ; chin and throat white, the latter streaked with brown ; upper surface and a band across the breast dark ash-brown ; wing-coverts mottled with clove-brown ; secondaries dark brown, edged with white ; primaries umber-brown, the inner ones with paler tips ; tail-coverts white ; rectrices umber-brown, the two outer pairs mottled with greyish ; abdomen white, flanks greyish ; under wing dark brown : bill horn-colour, black terminally ; tarsi and toes ochraceous. Immature. Greyer above, with a gradual increase of white in the tail-feathers until the umber-brown therein becomes a subterminal band, and, after clinging to the shaft till reduced to mere spots, finally disappears ; a black hood is gradually assumed, and is often perfected before the tail-feathers have lost their spots. Hah. Red Sea, from Koseir southward, and the coasts of the Gulf of Aden. Lower Egypt, the Greek Archipelago and Sicily, according to writers who were either misinformed as to the locality of capture, or (in the majority of instances) confused this species with L. ine- lanocephalus, which has also conspicuous white eyelids. I have examined an example said to have been obtained at Nice, but its history was not satisfactory. According to Salvador! and Gigiioli, a specimen was procured at the Maldive Islands : an enormous extension of range, if the identification is correct. a. Ad. St. Abyssinian coast (Riippell). Frankfort Mus. b. Ad. sk. Annesley Bay, Abyssinia, June W. T. Blanford [C.]. 18G8. c-e. cS 2 ^^-y Zoulla, Annesley Bay, Abys- Tweeddale Coll. imm., et juv. sinia, June ( W. Jesse). sk. f-k. Ad., inim., Zoulla, Annesley Bay, Abys- H. Saunders Coll. et juv. sk. sinia, June ( W. Jesse). 15. LARus. 221 15. Larus hemprichi. Xema crassirostris, Boie (nee VieilL), Isis, 1844, p. 192 [ex Licht. MS.). Adelaius hemprichii, liruch, J.f. O. 18o3, p. 106 (e.r Bp. MS.) ; id. op. cit. 1855, p. 278 (Red Sea); Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 212; id. a R. xlii. p. 771 (1856) ; Blasius, J.f. O. 1865, p. 378; Antin. ^■ Salvad. Viagg. Bogos, p. 156 (1873). Larus crassirostris, Licht. {nee VieilL) Nomencl. Av. p. 99(1854: Arabian coast). Larus hempriclii, Heugl. Ibis, 1859, p. 350 (Red Sea) ; Konig- Warth. Ibis, I860, p. 120 (Amarat Is., Red Sea, breeding) ; Heuql. in Peterm. Mitth. 1861, p. 29 & p. 312 (Lower Red Sea) ; Schleg. Mus. P.-B., Lari, p. 32 (1863) ; A. E. Brehm, Reis. Habesch, p. 228 (1863) ; Finsch, Tr. Zool. Soc. vii. p. 302, pi. xxvii. (1870) ; Blanford, Geol. Sr Zool. Abyss, p. 441 (1870: Lower Red Sea); Finsch Sf Hartl. Vog. Ostafr. p. 823 (1870) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 114, no. 10979 (1871 : Gulf of Aden); Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. Rd. ii. pt. 2, p. 1399, tab. 36. fig. 2 (1873) ; Blanford, East. Persia, ii. p. 292 (1876 : Aden to Karachi^ ; Hume, S'fr. Feath. i. p. 279 (1873 : Sind) ; id. op. cit. iv. p. 414 (1876 : Bombay) ; Vian, Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1877, p. 32 (Nice [?]) ; Butler, Str. Feath. v. p. 296 (1877 : Astolah I., breeding) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 193 (revision) ; Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 115 (1879 : List) ; Butler, iStr. F. ix. p. 439 (1881 : as far east as Bombay) ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (2) i. p. 276 (1884 : Slioa) ; Yerbury ^- Sharpe, Ibis, 1886, p. 22 (Aden) ; Shar2}e, t. c. p. 168 (Muscat) ; Shelley, Ibis, 1888, p. 306 (Manda I., East Africa, abundant) ; Gates, ind ed. Humes K 4" E. Ind. B. iii. p. 293 (1890 : Astolah I.) ; Hartert, Kat. Vogelsaynml. Senckenb. p. 241 (1891 : Red Sea) ; Barries, Ibis, 1893, p. 176 (Aden) ; Finn, t. c. p. 233 (Aden) ; Reichenotu, Vog. Deutsch-Ost-Afr. p. 19 (1894: Tanga). Adelolarus crassirostris (nee VieilL), Heine 4* Reichenow, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 358 (1890). Adult in breeding-pluTnage. Similar in pattern to the preceding, but larger, and brown, instead of black and slate-colour. Head and throat coffee-brown, darkening on the nape and contrasting strongly with the white lower neck ; eyelids white ; mantle and wing-coverts cofFee-brown ; the long secondaries with pale tips ; the principal secondaries with blackish centres and broad white edges, which form a conspicuous alar band ; primaries chiefly blackish, the 4th and succeeding ones with white tips, which increase ascendingly ; tail white ; abdomen and lower breast white ; flanks and upper breast greyish brown ; under wing umber-brown : bill rather stout, greenish yellow to the angle, which is zoned with black, the anterior portion reddish ; iris hazel ; tarsi and toes olive-green. Total length 17"5 inches, culmen 2'25, wing 13'25, tail 5*5, tarsus 2, middle toe with claw 1"8. The sexes appear to be alike in size as well as plumage. Immature and Young. Allowing for the browner tint generally, the phases of plumage are precisely like those of L. leucophthahnns, e.\cept that there is no grey tint in the tail-feathers, and these are more broadly tipped with white : bill, tarsi, and toes darker than in the adult. Hah. Lower Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, coast of East Africa down to 222 Tanga. Arabian and Mekrau coast, and India as far as Bombay. Like L. leucophtliahnus, said to have been obtained at Nice, and by the same dealer. a. Juv. sk. b, c. Ad. et juv. sk. d. Vix ad. sk. e,f. Imm. sk. g. Vix ad. sk. h. Vix ad. st. i-m. 2 juv. et imm. sk. 71. Imm. sk. 0, p. Ad. sk. q. (S ad. ; r. Juv. sk. s-z. (S 2 imm. ; a'-e'. S 2 juv. sk. f. (S imm. sk. et vix ad. sk. o'. c? vix ad. sk. p', q'. 2 ad. sk. >•'. 2 imm. sk. s'. cJ fid. sk. t'. Imm. sk. u'-w'. (S imra.sk. .r'. S juv. sk. y',z', a". 2 "^ix ad. sk. b". Sternum. Jedda (Zohrab). Massowah, August (TV. T. Blan- ford). Zoulla, June (W. T. Blanford). Zoulla, June ( W. Jesse). Zoulla, June ( W. Jesse). Aden (E. L. Layard). Aden, October (E. L. Layard). Aden, August [W. T. Blanford). Aden [Capt. H. Feilden, li.A.). Manda Island (November). Muscat, S. Arabia, Feb. Gvs^ader, Mekran Coast, Jan. Gwader, Mekran Coast, Feb. Pusni, Mekran Coast, Feb. Near Astolab, Mekran Coast, May 27 (Col. E. A. Butler). Soonmeani Bav, Aleki'an Coast, Feb. (A. O. H.). Cape Monze, Siud, Feb. 27 ( W. T. Blanford). Karachi, Sind, Jan. ( W. T. Blanford) . Karachi, Sind, Feb. (A. O. IL). Karachi, Sind, March ( W. T. Blanford). Karachi, Sind, April (C'ul. E. A. Butler). Massowa ( W. T. Blanford). 16. Larus fuliginosus. Shelley Coll. Abyssinian Exped. Abyssinian Exped. Tweeddale Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Purchased. H. Saunders Coll. Abyssinian Exped. H. Saunders Coll. F. J. Jackson, Esq. [P.]. Hume Coll. W. T. Blanford [C.]. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Abyssinian Exped. Larus fuliginosus, Gould, in Dartcm's Voy. 'Beagle,^ Birds, p. 141 (1841 : James I., Galapagos) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 170 (1844: partim, as regards the Galapagos); id. Gen. B. iii. p. 654 (1846) ; Sundev. P. Z. 8. 1871, p. 125 (Voy. ' Eugenie ') ; Scl. Sf Salv. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 573 (Neotrop. Larinse) ; iid. Nomencl. Av. Neotrop. p. 148 (1873); Salm'n, Tr. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 505, pi. Ixxxvii. (1876) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 184 (revision Lariufe) ; id. Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 396 (1878 : distri- bution) ; Ridyw. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xii. p. 116 (1891). Leucophreus fuliginosus, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1855, p. 20 ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 232 (1857) ; id. C. R. xlii. p. 771 (1856)._ Adelarus neptunus, Bp. Co72sp. Av. ii. p. 2o2 (1857). Blasipus belcheri (part.), Blasius {nee Vigors), J. f. 0. 1865, p. 378 (revision). Larus heermanni (part.). Gray (nee Cass.), Hand-I. B. iii. p. 116, no. 11012 (1871 : as regards the Galapagos Is.). 15. LARus. 223 Adult male in hrcediruf-j^hunar/e. Head all round black, ejelids white ; upper surface cbietly dark lead-grey ; secondaries paler and almost white at their tips, forming by contrast a fairly conspicuous alar band ; primaries chiefly black, tipped with grey from the 4th upwards, and passing into lead-grey from the 6th inwards ; tail- coverts rather pale grey ; rectrices much darker grey, except the two outer pairs ; under tail-coverts nearly white ; abdomen pale lead-grey, flanks darker ; upper breast and under wing-coverts darkest : bill stout, and short in front of the angle, lake-red ; tarsi and toes livid black. Total length 17-2 inches, culmen 2, wing 14, tail G'o, tarsus 2*2, middle toe with claw 2. Adult female. Similar, but decidedly smaller. Length 15 inches, culmen 1-8, wing 12-8, tarsus 2'1. Immature. Similar, but more uniformly sooty in general appear- ance : the hood less defined, the alar band dull grey and incon- spicuous : the rectrices with remains of a black subterminal band : tarsi and toes reddish brown. Young. Head dark sooty brown ; mantle and wing-coverts rather paler brown at the edges of the feathers ; quills and tail-feathers dark umber-brown ; tail-coverts paler, and the flanks inclining to grey ; under surface brown, darkest on the upper breast : bill, tarsi, and toes reddish black. It will be seen that L. fuUginosus differs materially from the next section of Gulls — the species peculiar to the Pacific — inas- much as it has a well-defined black hood and a perfectly plain unhanded tail. In the following group the tail exhibits more or less black in the adult, while the head is white or pale grey. Hah. Galapagos Archipelago. a. Vix ad. st. James Is., Galapagos [? an typus]. Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. b. ^ IX ad. sk. James Is., Galapagos. Charles Darwin, Esq. [P.]. c. c? ad. sk. Abiuiidon Is., Galapagos [Dr. A. Salvin-Godman Coll. Habel). d. 2 ju^- sk. Indefatigable Is., Galapagos, Aug. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Dr. A. Habel). e. 9 ad. sk. Indefatigable I.s., Galapagos, Aug. H. Saunders Coll. (Dr. A. Habel). 17. Larus modestus. Larus modestus, Tschudi, Wiegm. Arcli. 1843, pt. i. p. 389 ; id. Faun. Peruan.,Aves, p. 5o & p. 306, pi. 35 (184.54t6) ; Gray, Ge)i. B. iii. p. 6o4 (1846) ; Gay, Hist. Chile, Zool. i. p. 483 (1847) ; Reichenb. Natat. Novit. xii. tab. 275. fig. 2284 (1852) ; Pelz. Reis. Novara, Vo(/. p. 151 (1865: Chile); Scl. S,- Salv. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 573; ltd. Nomencl. Av. Neotroj). p. 148 (1873) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 116, no. 11010 (1871: Chile); Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 183 (revision Larinfe) ; id. Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 306 (1878: distribution); Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 620 (1882: Chile); Taczau. Orn. Perou, iii. p. 449 (1886) ; Berlepsch ^- Stolzm. P. Z. S. 1892, p. 400. 224 lAEID^. Larus fuliginosus (part.), Gray, List D. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 170 (1844 : as regards Chile). Larus bridges!, Fraser, P. Z. S. 1845, p. 16 ; id. Zool. Typ. pi. 69 (1849 : Chile) ; Reichenh. Natat. Novit. xviii. tab. 281. fig. 2317 (1852) ; Cassin, U.S. Astronoin. E.rped. ii. p. 205 (1855 : Chile). Blasipus bridgesi, Bruch, J. f. O. 185.3, p. 108 ; id. op. cit. 1855, p. 280 ; B2). Rev. Zool. 1855, p. 21 ; id. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 212 (1857) ; Blasius, J. f. O. 1865, p. 378 (revision). Chroieocephalus modestus, Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 98 (1854). Larus polios, Natt. MS. fide Bp. Rev. Zool. 1855, p. 21 ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 212 (1857). Epitelolarus modestus, Heine 8^ Reichenoiv, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 359 (1890). Adult in breeding-plumage. Forehead and chin white, gradually shading into pale grey on the crown and throat, and darker grey on the neck and underparts ; mantle, wing-coverts, and long inner second- aries lead-colour ; principal secondaries with black centres and wide white edges to their outer webs, forming a conspicuous alar band ; quills chiefly sooty black, the four upper ones tipped with greyish white ; tail-feathers plumbeous, with a subterminal black band, which varies in completeness and definition with the age of the feathers — being broad and crossing both webs when the feather is new, while sometimes reduced to a spot on each web when the feather is old ; the tips of the rectrices grey, whiter on the outer- most ; under wing-coverts dark brownish grey : " iris black " {Rowland) ; bill, tar.si, and toes black with a reddish tinge. Total length 18 inches, culmen 2 to 2-1, wing 13, tail 5"5 ; tarsus 1-9, rather slender ; middle toe with claw 1*75, delicate, claw curved. The male is probably a trifle larger, with a more robust bill than the female, but the specimens in which the sex has been ascertained by dissection are few in number. Cassin (U.S. Astronom. Ex])ed.) thought that it was the male which had the wide black band on the tail, while this was imperfect in the female, but his view requires confirmation. Immature. Similar, but with a duller tinge ; the head dirty white to brownish on the nape and throat, where the colour deepens and forms a faint collar : bill, tarsi, and toes dark reddish brown. Young. Much browner on the upper and under surfaces ; the primaries and secondaries dark umber-brown, with narrow tawny edges to the latter ; tail-coverts dull grey ; rectrices dark brown with paler tips. Hah. Coasts of Peru and Chile : inland as far as Santiago. a, b. Juv. et Chile (Bridges). Purchased, vix ad. St. c. Vix ad. sk. Valparaiso {Bridf/es). Purchased. (Type of L. bridyesi, Fraser.) d. Vix ad. sk. Near Valparaiso. H. Berkeley James, Esq. [P.]. e. V ad.;/. Iquique, Prov. Tarapaca (.S. i^. H. Saunders Coll. Juv. sk. Rowland). {/. 1mm. sk. Callao Bay, Peru [R. .Tump). H. Saunders Coll. 15. LAET7H. 225 18. Larus heermanni. Larus heermanni, Cass. Pr. Fhilad. Acad. vi. p. 187 (1852) ; id. B. Calif, p. 28, pi. V. (1850) ; Salvin, Ibis, 18G5, p. 100 ; id. op. cit. 1866, p. 198 (Chiapam); Gray, Uand-l. B. iii. p. 116, no. 11012 (1871 : as regards California); Scl. ^'- Salv. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 574; iid. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 148 (1873) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 182 (revision Larinae) ; id. Jonrn. Linn. Soc, Zovl. xiv. p. 396 (1878 : distribution) ; Dcane, Bull. NzM. Orn. Club, iv. p. 30 (1879 : albinistic var.) ; liidt/w. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 52 (1881) ; Coties, Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 121 (1882) ; id. Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 747 (1884; ; Baird, Brewer, ^ Ridyw. Water- B. N. Amer. ii. p. 252 (1884) ; A. O. V. Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 90 (1886) ; Eoermann, Auk, 1886, p. 88 (Ventura Co., Cala.) ; Ridyw. Manual N. Amer. B. p. 34 (1887) ; Blake, Auk, 1887, p. 329 (Sta. Cruz I., Cala.). Adelarus heermanni, Bruch, J. f. O. 1853, p. 107 ; id. op. cit. 1855, p. 279 ; Bp. C. R. xxxviii. p. 662 (1854 : California). Leucophseus heermanni, Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 211; id. Rev. et May. Zool. 1855, p. 21. Blasipus heermanni, Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 211 (1857) ; Baird, Cass., Sr Lawr. B. N. Amer. p. 848 (1858) ; Baird, Cat. N. A7ner. B. no. 666 (1859) ; Coues, Ibis, 1864, p. 388 (Chiapam) ; Lawr. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. H. ii. p. 317 (1874 : Maz- atlan) ; Ridyiv. Rep. Survey 40tk Par. p. 636 (1877). Larus belcheri (ncc Viyors), Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 237 (Van- couver 1.) ; Schl. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 9 (1863) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 314 (1872: California). Blasipus belcheri (part.), Blasius {nee Viyors), J. f. 0. 1865, p. 378. Larus (Blasipus) heermanni, Coues, B. N.- West, p. 641 (1874) ; Streets, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. vii. p. 26 (1877 : California). Epitelolarus heermanni, Heine Sf Reiche?ioio, Nomencl. Mus. Hein, p. 359 (1890). Adult in hreeding -plumage. Stouter, with a stronger bill, but superficially not unlike the preceding species. Head and upper part of the neck white ; lower neck grey, passing into a slate-colour which deepens on the mantle and still more on the wings ; the long inner secondaries edged with Avhite or pale grey, the principal secondaries with blackish centres and greyish-white edges (less pure than in L. modestus); the primaries nearly black, the five inner ones tipped with greyish white ; tail-coverts grey ; rectriccs black with broad white tips ; under surface viuaceous grey, darkening on the upper breast; under wing lead-colour: bill bright red, often tipped with black ; tarsi and toes black, much coarser than in L. viodeshis. Total length about 17 inches, culmeu 2, wing 13-75, tail 5-25, tarsus 2, middle toe with claw 2. The female appears to be a trifle smaller, with a weaker bill than the male. Adult in winter. Similar, but the head and upper neck streaked with greyish brown, giving the appearance of an incomplete hood, the chin alone being pure white ; bill paler red, with more black terminally. Immature (about 16 months old). Darker, and the wing.'^ browner, the secondaries with very liltle i)ale colour at the tips and the tail- VOL. XXV. a 226 feathers almost uniform blackish brown ; under surface brownish, with the grey beginning to show through. Young. Similar, but more decidedly brown in tint ; the feathers of the wing-coverts and secondaries tipped with huffish. ffab. Pacific coasts of North America, from Vancouver Island to Lower California and Mazatlan (breeding) ; in winter as far south as Chiapam, Guatemala. Not found far from salt water. Breeds on rocky islands. a. Vix ad. st. b, c. Ad. ; d. Imm. sk. e. Juv. sk. /. 5 imm. sk. ff. 2 vix ad. sk. k. 2 ad. sk. i. Juv. sk. k. 5 vix ad. sk. I. c? ad. sk. m. (S ad. sk. w, 0. J 5 ad. sk. p. cJ ad. sk. g, r. $ vix ad. .sk. a. c? juv. sk. t. /• Auckland Islands, S. of New The Admiralty [P.]. Imm. sk. Zealand {Antarctic E.ip.). ff. (S ad. St. South Island, N. Z. Capt. Stokes [P.]. h i. Ad. etiram. ; Dunedin, South I., N. Z., March Hume Coll. ' k,l.d 2 ad. sk. & June. m. Ad. sk. Otago, South Island, N. Z. H. Saunders Coll. n. Imm. sk. Christchurch, S. I., N. Z. {Sir J. H. Saunders Coll. von Haast). 15. LAI 239 Lama fcopuliiivs. juv. 240 o. Ad. sk. North Island, autumu {Dr. O. H. Saunders Coll. Finsch) [figd. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 188]. 2)-u. S 2 ad. et Wellington, North Island. H. Saunders Coll. juv. sk. V, w. Imm. sk. Auckland Harbour, North Is- II. Samiders Coll. laud, March (jE". L. Layard). 25. Larus hartlaubi. Gavia hartlaubi, Bnich, J. f. O. 1853, p. 102 ; id. op. cit. 1855, p. 286 (Cape of Good Hope) *. Gelastes hartlaubii, Bp. Naum. 18-54, p. 216 ; id. C. R. xlii. p. 771 ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 227 (1857) ; Hartl. Faun. Madag. p. 85 (1861) f- ? Larus pseocephalus, Griirney, Ibis, 1860, p. 221 (Natal I3ay). Larus poiocephalus, Layard {nee Swains.), B. S. Afr. p. 368 (1867). Larus cirrhocephalus, Hartl. Orn. Madag. p. 378 (1877). Larus ridibundus, Schl. ^ Pull. Faune Madag., Ois. p. 146 (1868) [seen only]. Larus hartlaubi, Saund. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 293 ; id. op. cit. 1878, p. 188 (revision Larinae) ; id. Journ. Linn. Snc, Zool. xiv. p. 398 (1878 : distribution) ; Sharpe, ed. Layard's B. S. Afr. p. 698 (1884). Adult. Smaller than L. scopulinus, but otherwise very similar, but the mirrors on the outer primaries are smaller ; the 3rd quill has far less white on its basal portion (see cut), while on the 4th Larus hartlauhi. * Type in Mainz Museum examined. + Specimen in Paris Museum examined. 15. LA.KUS. 241 the black of tlic inner web extends nearer fco the shaft ; the under wing-Coverts uniform smoke-grey: bill, tarsi, and toes crimson; iris whit(!, eyelid red. Total length 14 inches, culraen I'G, wing 10'75, tail 4-7o, tarsus 1*7, middle toe with claw 1'5. Birds which are probably younger have duller bills i^nd feet, with less white in the primaries. Immifure. Like L. scopulhius, but the quills of a browner black, with rather less white at the same age. Hah. South coast of Africa from the Cape of Good Hope to Natal ; also Madagascar, a. Imm. st. Cape Colony. Sir A. Smith [P.]. b. Ad. st. Cape of Good Hope. J. Gould, Esq. c. Ad. sk. Capo of Good H(jpe. .1. Gould, Esq. d. Ad. sk. Cape of Good Hope {E. L. II. Saunders Coll. Lnyard) . r, f. Ad. sk. Table Bay, Aug. {E. L. Lay- H. Saunders Coll. ard). g. Ad. sk. Natal {Col. H. IV. Feilden). H. Sauuders Coll. 26. Larus marinus. The Great Black and White Gull, Albin, Nat. HUt. B. iii. p. 89, pi. 94 (1740) ; Pennant, Brit. Zool. (fol.) p. 140, pi. 1. (1766) ; id. 2nd ed. p. 416 (1788). Le Goiland noir, Briss. Orn. vi. p. 158 (1760). Larus maiinus, Linn. St/st. Nat. i. p. 225 (1766) ; P. L. S. M'dll. S. N. p. 346 (;1773) ; Mohr, Island Naturh. p. 42 (1786) ; Fabr. Faun. Granl. p. 102 (1780) ; Gm. S. N. i. p. .598 (1788) ; Retzim, F. Snec. p. 150 (1790) ; Bonn. Enc. Meth. i. p. 84 (1790) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 813 (1790) ; Bechst. Natnry. Deutschl. ii. p. 815 (1791) ; Wolf ^ Meyer, Natury. Voy. Deutschl. Heft xx. p. 58, cum tab. (1805) ; Meyer ^ Wolf, Taschenb. Toy. Deid^chl. ii. p. 465 (1810): Pallas, Zooyr. Rosso- Asiat. ii. p. 321 (1811: Baltic); Meyer, Voy. Liu- u. Esthl. p. 230 (1815) ; Meisner S; Schinz, Vog. Schweiz, p. 266 (1815) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. p. 490 (1815) ; Koch, Syst. Baler. Zool. p. 370 (1816) ; Nibs. Orn. Suec. p. 164 (1817) ; Cuvier, Reyne An., Ois. p. 340, Atlas, pi. 92 (1817) ; E. Sabine, Tr. Linn. Soc. xii. p. 543 (1818: Baffin B., once) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. 2nd ed. p. 760 (1820) ; Boie, Isis, 1822, p. 562; Brehtn, Voyelk. iii. p. 756 (1822) ; Licht. Verz. Douhl. p. 82 (1823 : Ice- land) ; Brehm, Lehrb. p. 735 (1824); Macyill. Mem. Wern. Soc. V. p. 255 (1824) ; Aicdiib. B. Amer. pi. 241 (c. 1826) ; Vieill. Faun. Franc;., Ois. p. 392 (1828) ; Bp. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ii. p. 362 (1828) ; Werner, Atlas, Palmipedes, pi. 17 (1828) ; Fleming, Brit. An. p. 140 (1828) ; Brehtn, VHy. Deutschl. p. 731 (1831) ; Selby, Brit. B. ii. p. 507, pi. xcvii. (1833) ; Nuttall, Man. Orn. ii. p. 308 (1834) ; Jenyns, Man. Brit. Vertebr. p. 278 (1835) ; Andub. Orn. Bioqr. iii. p. 305 (1835), and v. p. 636 (1839); Ei/fon, Cat. . Brit. B. p. 53 (1836); Gould, B. Eur. v. pi. 4.30 (1837); Bp. Comp. List B.Eur. ^- N. Amer. p. 63 (1838); Audub. Synop. p. 329 (1839) ; Naum. Vriy. Beutschl. x. p. 438, taf. 268, 269 (1840); Schitiz, Enrop. Faun. p. 379 (1840) ; Temyn. Man. d'Orn. 6d. 2, 4""= pte. p. 471 (1840) ; Crespon, Orn. Gard, p. 481 (1840) ; Keys, u- Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. xcvii & p. 245 (1840) ; Macyill. Man. Brit. Orn. pt. ii. p. 244 (1842) : Selys-Lonych. Faun. Bely. p. 154 VOL. XXV. R 242 (1842) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 168 (1844) ; ScM. Rev. Crit. p. cxxiv (1844) ; Miihle, Orn. Griechenl. p. 145 (1844); Crespon, Faun. Merid. ii. p. 123 (1844) ; Giraud, B. Long Isl. p. 361 (1844; ; Audub. B. Amer. 8vo ed. vii. p. 172, pi. 450 (1844); Rupp. 8yst. Uebers. p. 139 (1845: Damietta) ; Yarr. Brit. B. 2ud ed. iii. p. 591 (1845) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 654 (1846) ; Heivits. Eggs Brit. B. ii. p. 447, pi. cxxviii. fig. 1 (1846) ; Def/l. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 301 (1849) ; Reichenb. Syst. Nat. tab. v, (1850) ; id. Av. Syst. Nat., Longip. pp. iv, v (1852) ; Thomps. B. Irel. iii. p. 377 (1851) ; Kjcerb. Damn. Fugle, p. 324, tab. xlii. (1852) ; id. op. cit., Sujrpl. tab. xxiii. (1854) ; Macgill. Brit. B. v. p. 526 (1852) ; Schl. Vog. Nederl. p. 596, pis. 343 & 344 (1854) ; Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 211 ; Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 99 (1854) ; Brekm, Naum. 1855, p. 294 ; id. Vogelf. p. 338 (1855) ; Heugl. Syst. Uebej-s. p. 69 (1856 : Lower Egypt) ; Meyer, Brit. B. vii. P- (185 Lapo ... p. 177 (1860) ; Reinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 16 (Greenland) ; Schl. Dier. Nederl. Vogels, p. 235 (1861); Schleg. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 10 (1863) ; Newton in Baring-Gould's Iceland, p. 418 (1863) ; Gray, Cut. Brit. B. p. 231 (1863) ; Salvad. Ucc. Sard. p. 130 (1864) ; Bias. J. f. O. 1865, p. 379 (critical) ; Degl. et Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 413 (1867) ; Borygr. Vogelf. Norddeutschl. p. 143 (1869) ; Doderl. Avif. Sicil. p. 232 (1869) ; Droste, Voyelw. Borkum, p. 353 (lb69) ; Fritsch, Vog. Eur. p. 427, tab. 55. fig. 8 (1870) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 400 (S.W. Spain) ; R. Gray, B. West Scotl. p. 488 (1871) ; G.R.Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 112 (1871) ; Salvad. Faun. Ital, Ucc. p. 295 (1872) ; Godman, Ibis, 1872, p. 223 (near Canaries) ; Hurting, Handh. Brit. B. p. 77 (1872) ; Sundev. Sv. Fogl. pi. 50. fig. 5 (1872) ; Sharpe ^- Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 427, pi. 604 (1872) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 312 (1872) ; Collett, Fork. Selsk. Christ, pp. 873, 297 (N. Norway) ; Palmen, Finlands p. 364 (1873: S. Greenland) ; Coties, B. N.-West, p. 024 (1874); Ridqw. Ann. Lye. N. Y. x. p. 391 (1874 : Illinois) ; Newton, Arctic Man. p. 107 (1875 : Greenland, 63°-68^ N.) ; Irby, Orn. Sirs. Gibr. p. 215 (1875) ; Seebohm ^ H-Brown, Ibis, 1876, p. 452 (Lower Petcbora) ; Merriam, B. Conn. pp. 132, 142, & 146 (1877); Collett, N. Mag. Naturv. p. 209 (1877: N. Norway); Reid, Zool. 1877, p. 489 (Bermuda) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 179 (revision Larinag) ; Kuml. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 15 p" 99 (1879 : Greenland up to 70° N.) ; Rodd, B. Cormv. p. 173 (1880) ; Ridgiv. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 52 (1881) ; Maynard, B. East. N. Amer. p. 483 (1881 : to Florida in winter) ; Clarke, Handb. Yorks. Vertebr. p. 83 (1881) ; Giglioli, Ibis, 1881, p. 221 (Italy, rare) ; Coues, Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 120 (1882) ; Seebohm (Henke), Ibis, 1882, p. 386 (Kanin Peninsula, breeds); Brewster, Pr. Bost. Soc. N. H. xxii. p. 395 (1883: St. Lawr. Gulf) ; Ridgw. Cat. B. Fish. Exhib. p. 30, no. 663 (1883 : Labrador); Irby, Ibis, ^88?,, p. 189 (Santauder, imm.) ; Rochebr. Faun. Seneg., Ois. p. 333 (1884 : Cape Blanco &c.) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1884 p. 39 (S.W. France) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 742 (1884) ; Stearns, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. vi. p. 122 (1884 : Labrador, breeds) ; Baird, Brew., Sf Ridgiv. Water-B. N. Amer. lo. LARUS. 243 ii. p. 225 (1884); Saunders, ith ed. Yan: Brit. B. iii. p. G;U (1884); Radde, Or?i. Cauc. p. 479 (1884: not on Caspian); Sefibolun, Brit. B. iii. p.3L>:5 (188-5) ; Biichner, Beitr.Russ. lieiches, (2) ii. p. l;jl (1885 : St. Petersburg) ; Uomeyer, Oniis, 1885, p. 80; Liitken, t. c. p. 145 ; D. Torre | Ti§• Southu: B. Norfolk, iii. p. 341 (1890) ; Keller, Orn. CarintJiice, p. 301 (WM) ; Giitk<;, Voi/elw. Helyid. p. 567 (1891); Buckl.&f H-Br. Faun. Orkney Is. p. 233 (1891) ; Jiickel u. Bias. VUg. Bayerns, p. 362 (1891); Fatio S, Sfuder, Cat. Ois. Suisse, pp. 60, 61 (1892) ; Macpherson, Vertebr. Faun. Lnkelatzd, p. 432 (1892; ; H-Br. Sf Buckl. Faun. Argyll ^-c. p. 192 (1892); B' Urban Sf Mathew, B. Devon, p. 380 (1892) ; Hartert, Ibis, 1892, p. 521 (E. Prussia) ; Meade-Waldo, Ibis, 1893, p. 200 (Canaries, rare) ; Allen, Auk, 1893, p. 123 (distribution) ; If'hite, t. c. p. 222 (Mac- kinac I., Mich.) ; Lilford, Col. Fiys. Br. B. pt. xxv. (1893) ; A. Dubois, Vertebr. Bely., Ois. ii. p. 583, pi. 291 (1894) : Pearson ^■ Bidic. Ibis, 1894, p. 236 (N. Norway) ; Mathew, B. Penibrokesh. p. 105 (1894) ; Collett, Nyt May. f. Katurv. Bd. xxx\. p. 309 (1894: Norway); Ussher, Fr. R. Irish Ac. (3) iii. p. 410 (1891) ; Clarke, Ibis, 1895, p. 210 (Rhone delta, ad.) ; Pears, t. c pp. 245 & 248 (Iceland). Larus nsevius, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 225 (1766) ; Bonn. Enc. Meth. i. p. 83 (1790). Larus maculatus, Bodd. Tab. PI. Enl. p. 16 (1783). Le Goeland a Manteau noir, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. 405, pi. xxxi. (1783~). Le Go(Sland varie ou Le Grisard, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. 413, pi. xxxiii. (1783). Black-backed Gull, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 371 (1785) ; Bewick, Brit. B. ii. p. 194 (1821). Wagel Gull, Lath. Gen. Si/n. iii. pt. 2, p. 375 (1785). Le Grisard, Daubent. PL Enl. pi. 266 (1786). Le Noir Manteau, Daubent. PI. Enl. pi. 990 (1786). Larus gio-anteus, Benicke, Amu Wetterau Gesel. iii. p. 140 (1812 : jr.) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. p. 490, note (1815). Larus maximus. Leach, Si/st. Cat. Brit. Mus. p. 40 (1816: nee O'Reilly, 1818) ; Brehm, Beitr. Voyelk. iii. p. 741 (1822) : id. Lehrb. p. 733 (1824); id. Isis, 1830. p. 993; id. Voi/. Deutschl. p. 728 (1831); id. Naum. 1855, p. 294 ; id. Voyelf. p. 337 (1855). Leucus niarinus, Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. p. 86 & p. 196 (1829). Larus miilleri (sic), Brehm, Isis, 1830, p. 993; id. Fog. Deutschl. p. 729 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 294; id. Voyelf. p. 337 (1855). Larus fabricii, Brehm, Isis, 18S0, p. 993; id. I'd;/. Deutschl. ^. 7'3l (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 294; id. Voyelf. \>. oo7 (1855). 244 LAEID^ Great Black-backed Gull, Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 471 (1843). Dominicaniis mariiius, Bruch, J.f. O. ISoS, p. 100 ; id. op. cit. 1855, p. 280 ; Bp. C. JR. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consi). Av. ii. p. 213 (1857) ; Locke, Expl. Sci. Alger., Ois. ii. p. 177 (1867) ; Olphe- Gall. Fditn. Orn. Eur. Occident, fasc. x. p. 34 (1886) ; Heine ^ Reicheninv, Nommd. Mm. Hein. p. 357 (1890). Larus nigripallus, C. F. Dubois, PL Col. Ois. Belg. iii. p. 240 (1860). Adult male, in hreeding-plumage. Head, neck, tail, and entire nnderpaits white ; mantle and upper surface of wiugs black, of varying shades, but usually with a tinge of slate-colour ; the sca- pulars and all the secondaries with white tips, which form a strongly contrasted alar bar ; all the primaries broadly tipped with white ; the outermost white for nearly 3 inches, its upper part blackish ; the second similar, with a black spot or a narrow subterminal bar, accoiding to age, on the inner web ; third quill with an indication of white on the shaft, or even a spot in some Greenland examples, blackish above, next the shaft, with a fairly visible greyish wedge ending in white on the inner web ; fourth and fifth quills with more defined grey wedges on the inner webs, and a black subapical bar ; remaining quills slate-grey, except the tips : bill yellow, the angle of the genys orange-red ; eyelid vermilion ; tarsi and toes livid flesh-colour. Total length 28-30 inches, culmen 3, wing 19-20, tail 8, tarsus 3, middle toe with claw 3. The above are the average measurements, but some males exceed these, and have very large heavy bills. The female is smaller and has a less robust beak. Adult in tvinter. Like the above, with a few greyish striations on the crown and nape, and, as a rule, less vivid colours on the bill. Younj. Streaked, mottled, and barred with brown on a lighter surface above and below, the markings on the mantle and tail- feathers darkest, with no well-defined baud on the latter, though the markings are bold ; quills very dark brown with paler or whitish tips : bill dark horn-colour. Immature. Restricting the term " young " to a bird of two years, at a later stage black feathers appear on the mantle and the white edges to the secondaries are distinct, but the primaries are still without mirrors. Afterwards the primaries have white tips and the fourth, fifth, and sixth exhibit what may almost be called sub- terminal bars, while the outermost quill shows a subapical mirror of dull white, and the second quill has an iU-defined brownish- white spot ; the tail being still slightly mottled. I do not think that the adult plumage is attained before the bird is in its fifth year, and even then the amount of white on the two or three outer primaries continues to increase with age until the state first described is reached. Nestling. Stone-colour above, with sparse and bold black spots on the head and duller brownish mottlings on the back ; under- parts huffish white ; bill very stout and short, blackish basally, yellowish anteriorly. JIah. Northern Europe, from the Lower Petchora westward to Iceland, and down to about 50° N. (hreeding) ; in winter to the 15. LARUS. 2iD Canaries, and along the Mediterranean (rarch) to the Egyptian co.ist; also on inland waters. GreenLiiicl, and also the east coast and the great lakes of North America to Labrador (breeding) ; in winter to I'lorida, and, accidentally, in Bermuda. «, f>. 6 2 ad, St. c. Jiiv. st. (I. Pull. sk. e. Ad. sk. ;/. Juv. st. (/. $ imiu. sk. A. Pull. St. ; 2. Juv. St. A'. Iinm. sk, /. J juv. sk. m. Ad. ; a. Juv. sk. 0, p. $ ad. sk. & juv. sk. ij. Juv. sk. '■; s. S 2 'id. sk. t-». (S 2 ad. sk. tv-z. Imm. sk. a', b'. S ? ad. sk. c . S ad. sk. d'. Ad. sk. e'. Pull. sk. /', (J . Ad. et juv. sk. h' . Imm. sk. t'. J ad. sk. k' . Juv. sk. /'. Ad. sk. m'. Ad. sk. n'. Ad. sk. 0. Ad. sk. p'. Juv. sk. q'. Skeleton. r'. Skeleton, mounted. s'. Skeleton. t'-io'. Sterna. a',y'. Skulls. Great Britain (Leadenball market). Great Britain. Great Britain. Wales. Merionethshire, Jan. Itith. Scillv Islands and Corn- wall. Cornwall ( Virif/oe Coll.). Fowey, Aug. {A. G.). Torquay. Paghara, Feb. & Sept. 27. Ramsgate, January. Cromarty. Sutherlandshire, June. Orkneys, March, April, Jul}', Dec. Orkneys, June, July (/. Dunn). Orkneys, January {J. D.). Bressay, Shetland, Nov. 4th, 1818 (Toy. 'Alexander''). Helligrar, June 12th. " Europe." Havre, May (F. Pluche). Heligoland, May (L. Giitke) [mark 3rd primaiy]. Hiddensee, Oct. 29th. Greenland {Moeschler). Greenland {R. Midler) [very remarkable qmlls]. Greenland. Greenland (Hhik). Godhavn, Sept. {E. Whymper). England ( Warwick Coll.). S. Wales. Oresund. England. Ensrland. 2: Purchased. Purchased. Gould Coll. Col. Montagu [P.]. Col. Morris [P.]. D. W. Mitchell, Esq. [P.]. Purchased. Dr. A. Gliuther [P.]. C. Coningham, Esq. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. W. Thompson, Esq. W. Ogilvie-Grant, Esq. [C.]. W. Ogilvie-Grant, Esq. [C.]. J. G. Millais, Esq. H. Saunders Coll. E. Hargitt, Esq. [P.]. The Admu-alty [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Hume Coll. H. Seebohm Coll. H. Seebohm Coll. 11. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. — Moller [C.]. Hume Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Purchased. Rev. A. Morgan TP.]. Dr. GiintherXP.J Purchased. Purchased. Larus dominicanus. Black-backed Gull (part.). Lafli. (leu. Sijn. iii. pt. 2, p. 372 (1785: as regards the Cape of (inod Hope). Larus marinus, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 814 (1790: as regards C. of G. Hope) ; Fornter, Uescr. Anim. p. 313 (1844: South Georgian Is.). 246 GaHota niaj'or, Azarn, Apunt. iii. p. 338 (1802). Larus dominicanus, Licht. Verz. Doubl. p. 82 (1823: Brazil coast) ; Nemoind, Bcitr. JVaturr/. Bras. iv. p. 850 (1833 : S. Brazil up to Bio) ; Banvm ^ Goiild, Zool. ' Bem/le,' Birds, p. 142 (1841: Arfrentina) ; Fraser, P. Z. S. 1843, p. 119 (S. Chile) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 6o4, pi. clxxx. (1846) ; ul. Voy. Ereb. S,- Terr., Birds, p. 18 (1846: New Zealand); Hartl. Ind. Azara, p. 26 (1847); Gay, Hist. Chile, Zool. i. p. 480 (1847); Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 99 (1854 : Brazil) ; Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 211 (Brazil) ; Cassin, U.S. Astron. Exped. ii. p. 204 (1855 : West coast S. Amer.) ; id. U.S. Expl. Exped. p. 377 (1858) ; Gould, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 97 (Falkland Is.) ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 390 ; Abbott, Ibis, 1861, p. 165 (Falk- land Is.); Schley. Mus. P.-Bm, Lari, p. 12 (1863); J. H. Bias. J. f. O. 1865, p. 378 (critical) ; Layard, Ibis, 1867, p. 459 (Crozet Is.); id. B. S. Afr. p. 367 (1867); Scl. lif Salv. Ibis, 1868, p. 189 (Magellan Strs.) ; Newton, Ri<, 1870, p. 503 (egfr) ; Scl. 8r Salv. P.Z. S. 1871, p. 576 (revis. Neotrop.) ; Gray, Iland-l. B. iii. p. 112, no. 10953 (1871) ; Hutton, Cat. Neto Zeal. B. p. 40 (1871) ; id Ibis, 1872, p. 248 (Chatham Is.) ; Fitisch, J.f. 0. 1872, p. 241 ; id. op. cit. 1874, p. 203 (N. Zealand) ; Bullei; B. New Zeal. p. 270, pi. 28. fig. 1 (1873) ; Sd. ^- Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 148 (1873); Shurpe, Vm/. Ereb. Sf Terr., Birds, App. p. 32 (1875) ; Kidder Sr Cones, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 2, p. 13 (1875 : Kerguelen I.) ; Burn/. Ibis, 1877, p. 45 (Chuput) ; id. t. c. p. 201 (La Plata); id. op. cit. 1878, p. 68; id. t. c. p. 405 (Tombo, Patagonia) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 799 (Kerguelen I. and Magellan Strs.) ; id. op.cit. 1878, p. 180 (revision) ; Sharpe, Phil. Tr. clxviii. p. 107 (1878 : Rep. Tr. Venus, Kerguelen) ; Saunders, t. c. p. 163 (eggs) ; id. Rep. Voy. ' Challenqcr^ Birds, ii. p. 139 (1880) ; Gibson, Ibis, 1880, p. 163 (Argentina) ; Sharjye, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 17 (Magellan Strs., ' Alert ') ; Saunders, P.Z.S. 1882, p. 400 (Chile & Peru); Finsch, Viiy. Sildsee,-p. 45 (1884: Wanganui) ; Sharpe, ed. Layard'' s B. S. Afr. p. 697 (1884) ; Payenstecher, Ber, Nat. Mus. Hamburrj, 1884, p. 24 (1885 : S. Georgian Is.) ; Heischek, Tr. N. Z. Inst. 1886, p. 183 (Lit. Biirrier Is.); Taczan. Orn. Peron, iii. p. 447 (1886); Macfarl. Ibis, 1887, p. 202 (Chile) & p. 205 (Pern); Withinqton, Ibis, 1888, p. 472 (prov. Buenos Ayres) ; Bnlkr, 2nd ed'. B. Neiu Zeal. ii. p. 47 (1888) ; Scl. Sf Ilridson, Arq. Orn. ii. p. 197 (1889) ; Neumayer, Devtsch. E.iped. Bd. ii. p. 262 (1890: S. Georgian Is.); Oustalet, Miss. Sc. Cap Horn, vl p. 173 (1891); Holland, Ibis, 1892, p. 213 (prov. B. Ayres) ; Berl. S,- Stolzm. P. Z. S. 1892, p. 400 (Peru) ; Forbes, Ibis, 1893, p. 529 (Chatham Is.); Scl. Ibis, 1894, p. 495 & p. 497 (Antarctic America) ; Fleck, J.f. O. 1894, p. 379 ( Walvi.sch B.). Larus fuscus (nee Linn.), Kiny, Zool. Jouni. iv. p. 103(1828-29); id. Voy. 'Advent: Sf ' Beayle; i. p. 541 (1839: Magellan Str.) ; Webster, Voy. ' Chanticleer; p. 160 (1834 : South Shetland Is.) ; Gray in Dieffenb. Trav. N. Zetd. ii. App. p. 200 (1843) ; Cassin, Perry's U.S. Eiped. ii. p. 247 (1856: Cape G. Hope); Chapm. Trav. W. Afr. ii. p. 425 (1868: Walvisch Bay). Larus flavipes (part.), Temm. Man. dJOrn. 2^ ed. 4'' pte. p.' 472 (1840: Cape G. Hope). Larus littoreus, Forst. Dcslt. Anim. p. 40 (1844: Cape of Good Hope). Larus antipodus, Gray, List B. Brit. Mas., Anseres, p. 169 (1844 : New Zealand). Dominicanus pelagicus, Bruch, J.f. 0. 1853, p. 100 ("India and 15. LAKus. 247 Oceania"); id. op. cit. I800, p. 280; Bp. C li. xlii. p. 770 (1856); id. C'onsp. Av. ii. p. 214 (1857). Domiuicanus vetula, Bruch, J. f. O. 185.'3, p. 100; id. op. cit. 1855, p. 281 (Cape Good Hope) ; Bp. C. E. xlii. p. 770 (185G) ; id. Omsp. Av. ii. p. 214 (1857). Dominicaniis vociferus, Bruch, J. f. 0. 1853, p. 100; id. oj). cit. 18.^, p. 281 (8. America) ; Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856). Dominicaniis antipodus, Bri/c/i, J.f. 0. 185.3, p. 100 (New Zealand). Larus vetula, Bp. Nnum. 1854, p. 211 (S. America) ; Gray, Hmid-l. B. 'in. p. 112, no. 10954 (1871 : S. Africa) ; Gurney, Andersson's B. Dumam-l. p. 357 (1872); Pelz. Verh. z.-h. Ges. Wieti, 1873, p. KiO (Cape G. Hope) ; Shelley, Ibis, 1875, p. 80 (Cape to Natal). Larus verreauxii, Bp. Naiim. 1854, p. 211 ; id. Ren.et Mag. Zool. vii. p. 16 (18.W); Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 112 (1871: Chile). Larus antipodum, Bp. Nanm. 1854, p. 211 (New Zealand) ; Hutton, Ihis, 1870, p. 366 ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 112 (1871). Larus pelagicus, Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 211. Dominicanus fritzei, Bruch, J.f. 0. 1855, p. 280 (" Straits of Sunda," [near Java?] *) ; Bp. C. B. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 214 (18.57). Domiuicanus verrauxii, Bruch, J. f. O. 1855, p. 281 (Chile). Clupeilarus veiTauxi, Bp. C. B. xlii. p. 770 (1856: Chile). Clupeilarus antipodum, Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856). Larus vociferus. Burin. Tk. Bras. iii. p. 448 (1856) ; id. Rcise La Plata, ii. p. 518 (186D. Dominicanus azaras (Less.), Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 214 (1857). Lestris antarcticus, EUman, Zool 1861, p. 7472 (New Zealand). Lestris fuscus, EUman, Zool. 1861, p. 7472 (New Zealand). Larus pacificus (nee Lath.), Layard, Ibis, 186.3, p. 245 (New Zealand). Larus azaree, Pelz. Or?!. Bras. p. 323 & p. 461 (1871) ; id. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1873, p. 160 (Callao). Larus fritzei, Salvad. Ucc. Born. p. 371 (1874: Strs. Sunda?). Domiuicanus litoreus, Heine ^- Reichen. Nomencl. Miis. Hein. p. 357 (1890). Adult male. Smaller, but generally resembles the preceding species, except as regards the colour of the feet, a usually deeper and browner tinge in the black of the mantle, and the pattern of the primaries. The outermost tjuill is white for 2 inches apically (with a mere hair-line of black on the shaft) in verj^ mature birds, while the second quill exhibits an irregular white subapical mirror; but in average adults the white on the 1st quill is turned into a large subapical mirror by the intrusion of a narrow black bar. In adults a year younger there is no mirror on the 2nd quill, which is black with a white tip, like the 3rd quill ; at the 4th the usual paler " wedge '' on the inner web begins to show, and this wedge goes on increasing in extent and in whiteness at its apex, until at the 7th quill it has amalgamated with the white tip ; tlienccforward the quills are white terminally and only slate-colour on the basal portions. Bill j-ellow, turning to red at the angle of the genys ; iris white ; tarsi and toes greyish olive with yellower Tj))o in A\'icshaclpn Museum examined. 248 LARID^. ■webs. Total length 23 inches, culmen 2'25, iving 16-5, tail 7, tarsus 2*4, middle toe with claw 2'o. The female is smaller and has a less robust bill ; there is, how- ever, miich individual variation irrespective of sex. For example, there is as much difference between birds obtained on the Island of Kerguelen alone, as there is between examples from all the rest of the area frequented by the species. Itmncture. Browner on the mantle and wings ; the primaries with hardly any white at their tips up to the 6th ; tail mottled subter- minally with dark brown ; head and neck streaked with greyish brown ; bill paler in colour. Young. Mottled dark brown above and streaked with paler brown below (much darker than in L. marinus and more resembling this stage of L. fiisais, the next species) ; tail-coverts barred with brown ; rectrices nearly uniform dark brown, with very little mottling during the first year ; bill dark horn-colour ; tarsi and toes brown. At a later stage some black begins to show on the mantle and the tail-coverts are white ; the bill pale yellow, with a blackish band across the angle. The successive changes of plumage are much as in the preceding species and probably take about the same number of years. Nestling. Very like that of L. nuirinns, but with a somewhat darker tint of greyish and less buff ; tarsi and toes lead-colour. Hah. South America, from lat. 10° S. to the Antarctic regions; the Falklands and South Georgian Islands; South Africa; the Crozet Islands and Kerguelen*; New Zealand and islands to the southward. a. luim. sk. Callao Bay, Peru, Aug. Fl. Saunders Coll. (Adml. A. H. Markhayn). b. Juv. sk. San Lorenzo, Callao Bay, H. Saunders Coll. Aug. ( Covimr. MacFar- lane, R.N.). c. Ad. sk._ Islay, Peru {S. F. Eoidand). H. Saunders Coll. d. e. 2 irum. et Coquiuibo, Chile, Nov. H. Saunders CoU. juv. sk. (Adml. A. H. Markhmn). f. S ad. sk. Laraquete, C'liile, Auff. H. B. James, Esq. [P.]. n.h. (^ ad.; ?. Juv. \aIparaiso Bav, Chile, Aug. H. B. James, Esq. sk. ' [P.]. k. Ad. ; /. Juv. st. Valparaiso Bay, Chile, Aug. Sir W. Burnett & Capt. Fitzroy, E.N. [P.]. OT.Ad.sk. Valparaiso, Chile. Capt.W.S.Bvett[P.]. 71. Ad. sk. Valparaiso, Chile (Gervase H. Saunders Coll. iMatheic, S.K). o, p. Ad. sk. Valparaiso, Chile (F. C. H. Saunders Coll. Fead). q. 5 sk. Valparaiso, Chile, Aug. {Dr. Voy. H.M.S. 'Alert.' Coppinger). * I do not find this species recorded from Tristan da Cuuha, Prince Edward I., or Marion I. lo. LAKUS. 249 r. 5 imm. ; s. Juv. Corral, Chile. II. B. James, Esq. sk. [P.]. t. cJjuv.sk. Cockle Cove, JMafrellan Voy. II.M.S. ' Alert.' Straits, Feb. {Dr. Cop- jiiiiyer) . ti. 2 ad. sk. Peckett Harbour, iMagellan Voy. II.M.S. ' Alert.' Straits, Jan. [Dr. Cop- piny cr). V, w. c? Jid. et Tom Eay, Magellan Straits, Voy. H.M.S. ' Alert.' juv. sk. March, April (iJr. Cup- pinijcr). ^. $juv. sk. Port Churruca, Majrellan Voy. II.M.S. 'Alert.' Straits, April {Dr. Cop- pinyer). y. (S ad. sk. Port Churruca, Magellan H.M.S. ' Challenger ' Straits. Exped. 2. Ad. St. Magellan Straits. Sir W. Burnett & Capt. Fitzroy, E.N. [P.]. a. Ad. St. South Shetland, G4° 18' S. Capt. Fairweather lat., 5r,° 50' W. long., 1893 [P.]. (•". Imm. et juv. sk. s"-<'". 5 ad. ; c? imm. et juv. sk. iv" . cj' vixad. .sk. x". 2 ad. sk. y". Ad. sk. 2". Ad. st. a^. Skeleton. b^. Sternum. Cape Egmout, Nev? Zealand. New Zealand. New Zealand. New Zealand. New Zealand, 44. 1. 18. 50 {^Antarctic Ejped.). Waima Rariri, New Zealand, Sept. Wellington, New Zealand [Colonial Mus.). Dunedin, New Zealand, May. Dunedin, New Zealand, June. Otago, New Zealand, Aug. Preservation Inlet, S.W. New Zealand, Jan. 1889 {J. J. Lister). Auckland Island, New Zealand ( Antarctic Expecl.) Kerguelen Island. Tom Bay, Magellan Straits, Apiil 1879 {Dr. Copimujer). New Zealand Co. [P.]. Capt. Stokes [P.]. Sir E. Home [P.]. Sir Geo. Gray [P-]- The Admiralty [P.]. Tweeddale Coll. II. Saunders Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Ilume Coll. Seebohm Coll. The Admiralty [P.]. H.M.S.' Challenger' Exped. Vov.H.M.S.' Alert.' 28. Larus fuscus. Le Goiland gris (partim), Briss. Orn. vi. p. 162 (1760). Larus fuscus, Liyin. Syst. Nat. i. p. 225 (1766) : Scop. Ann. i. Hist. Nat. p. 80 (1769) ; P. L. S. Midi. S. N. ii. p. 347 (1773) ; Gm. S. N i. p. 699 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 815 (1790) ; Retzius, F. Suec. p. 157 (1790) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. p. 496 (1815) ; Koch, Syst. Baiei: Zool. p. 373 (1816) ; Nilss. Orn. Suec. p. 169 (1817) ; temm. Man. d'Orn. €A. 2, p. 767 (1820); Boie, Lsis, 1822, p. 563; Brehm, Lehrb. p. 717 (1824) ; Macgill. Mem. Wern. Soc. V. p. 260 (1824) ; Steph. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 194 (1826) ; Fleminq, Brit. An. p. 140 (1828) ; Werner, Atlas, Palmi- pedes, pi. 18 (1828) ; Sctvi, Orn. Tosc. iii. p. 57 (1831) ; Selby, Brit. B. ii. p. 509, pi. xcv. (1833) ; Jenyns, Man. Brit. Vertebr. p. 277 (1835) ; Eijton, Brit. B. p. 53 (1836) ; Goidd, B. Eur. v. pi. 431 (1837) ; Bp. Comp. List B. Eur. S, N. A7ner. p. 63 (1838) ; Schinz, Eur. Faun. p. 380 (1840) ; Crespon, Orn. Gard, p. 484 (1840) ; Keys. u.Blas. Wirb.Eur. p. xcvii & p. 245 (1840) ; Namn. Voy. Deutschl. x. p. 419, taf. 267 (1840) ; Nordm. in Demid. Voy. Buss. Merid. iii. p. 280 (1840); Selys- Lonych. Faun. Belg. p. 154 (1842) ; Schl. Rev. Crit. p. cxxiv (1844); Crespoti, Faun. Merid. ii. p. 123 (1844) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 168 (1844); Miihle, Orn. Griechenl. p. 144 (1844); Yarr. Brit. B. 2nd ed. iii. p. 583 (1845) ; Rllpp. Syst. Uehers. p. 138 (1845 : Egypt) ; Heivits. Eygs Brit. B. ii. p. 443, pi. cxxvi. (1846) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 654 (1846); Beql. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 304 (1849); Thomps. B. Lrel. iii. p. 371 (18'51) ; Macgill. Brit. B. v. p. 538 (1852); Kjcerb. Banm. Fugle, p. 342, tab. xlii. (1852), and Stippl. tab. xxiii. (1854) : Schl. Voy. Nederl. p. 597, pis. 345. 346 (1854); Licht. Nomencl. Ac. p. 90 (1854: chiefly): Bp. Nuum. 1854, 1.5. LARrs. 251 p. i'l] ; IIcwjl. Syst. Uebers. p. 69 (1856: Ejrvpt to Blue and White Nile) ; Meyer, Brit. B. vii. p. 162, pi. yil (18o7) ; llewiL Ihis, \mi), p. 349 (lied Sea to Aden Gulf) ; Jaub. et B.-Lapom'm. liich. Orn. Fr. p. 301 (1859); Pomjs, Ibis, 1800, p. 356 (Ionian Is., winter) ; Liuderm. Vliy. Grieche-nl. p. 170 (1860) ; Sold. Dier. Nederl. J'oyelg, y. 235 (1861); Ileuf/L in Peterm. Mitth. 1861, pp. 29, 312 (Ked Sea) ; tSundev. Sv. Fuql. pi. 50. ^s. 4 (1863!^) • Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 231 (1863): 'Schl. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 15 (1803) ; Salvad. Ucc. Sard. p. 1.30 (1864) ; Wriyht, Ihis, 1864, p. 151 (Malta) ; Tristr. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 4-54 (Palestine); J. H. Bias. J.f. O. 1865, p. 379 (critical) ; IJeyl. et Gerbe, Orn. Eur. 11. p. 415 (1867) ; Holtz, J. f. O. 1868, p. 124 (Gottland I., breeds); Bori/yr. Voyelf. Is'orddeutschl. p. 143 (1869); Doderl. A inf. Sicil. p. 232 (1869) ; Droste, Voyelw. Borkum, p. 352 (1869) ; Finsch S)- Hartl. For/. Ost-Afr. p. 820 (1870) ; Fritsch, Voy. Eur. p. 4/0, tab. o6. fig. 7, & tab. 58. fig. 8 (1870) ; Blanford, Geol. Sf ZooL Abyss, p. 440 (]870) ; R. Gray, B. West Scotl. p. 485 (1871); G. li. Gray, Iland-I. B. iii. p. 112, no. 10959 a871) ; Mews, CEfv. Ak. Fiirh. p. 787 (1871 : I'inlaud to St. Petersburo- : not eastward); Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 400 (S. Spain); Salvad. Faun. Ital, Ucc. p. 294 (1872); Godman, Ibis, 1872, p. 223 (Canaries and Madeira) ; Hartiny, Ilandb. Brit. B. p. 77 (1872) ; Shelley, B. Eyypt, p. 304 (1872 : Nubia) ; Palmen, Finkmds Foolar, p. 604 (1873); Slmrpe ^- Dress. B. Eur. viii. p. 421, pi. 603 (1873) ; Collett, Forh. SeJsk. Christian. 1873, p. 290 (N. Norway) • Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. Bd. ii. pt. 2, p. 1382 (1873) ; Ardin. &■ Salvad. J layy. Boyos, p. 155 (1873) ; Alston ^ H-Broivn, Ibis, 1873, p. 62 (l)wina, imm.) ; Brooke, Ibis, 1873, p. 348 (Sardinia) • Gould, B. Gt. Brit. v. pi. 56 (1873) ; Irb,/, Orn. Sfrs. Gibr. p. 215 (1875) ; Saunders, Bull. Soc. ZooL Fr. 1877, p. 203 (S. Spain) ; Colktt, N. May. Naturv. 1877, p. 209 (N. Norway) ■ Beichenow, J.f. 0. 1877, p. 10 (Bonny) ; Taylor, Ibi.<, 1878, p. 373 (Port Said); Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 173 (reyision Larince) ; id. Joum. Linn. Soc. xiy. p. 397 (1878: distribution) ; Khmzinyer Z. Ges.Erdk. Berlin, Bd. xiii. Hft. ii. p. 89 (1878 : Koseir, Red Sea) • Lilford, Ilm, 1880, p. 481 (Arbolan I., breeding) ; Bodd, B. Comw p. 173 (1880) ; Giylioli, Ibis, 1881, p. 220 (Italy, rare) ; Seebohm (Henk^'), Ibis, 1882, p. 230 (N. Caspian, butyery rare) ; Irby, Ibis, 1883, p. 189 (Santander: May, June, and 'especially Nov ) • B. 0. U. List Brit. B. p. 189 (1883) ; Trisfr. Faun, c^- Flor Palest, p. 138 (1884) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1884, p. 391 (S.W. France) • td. 4th ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 624 (1884) ; Seebohm, Brit. B. iii! p. 319 (1885) ; Buchner, Btitr. Buss. Belches, (2) ii. p. 131 (1885 - St. Petersburg); Komeyer, Ornis, 1885, p. 80; Liitkcn, t. c. p. 145; I). Torre c^- Tschusi, t. c. p. 561 (Austria-Hungary);' Albarda, t. c. p. 629 (Holland) ; Giylioli, Amf. Ital. p. 431 (1886) ; Alteon, Ornis, 1886, p. 422 (Dobrudscha, oil migration) ; Booth, Bouyh Notes, iii. (1887) ; Salvad. Ucc. Ital. p. 288 (1887) ; Tait Ibis, 1887, p. 396 (Portugal, winter); H-Br. S,- Buckl. Faun. Sutherl. Si-c, p. 232 (1887); Hartert, MT. orn. T'er. TJ'ien, 1887, p. 180 (E. Prussia) ; Taczan. Ornis, 1888, p. 507 (Poland) ; H-Br & Buckl. Faun. Out. Hebr. p. 147 (1888); Beid, Ibis,' 1888, p. 79 (Tenenfe) ; Beichenow, Syst. Verz. Vik/. Deutschl. p. 03 (1889) • Lilford, Ibis, 1889, p. 349 (Cyprus, adults) ; Biese7ith. Wasserroa. Mifteleurop. p. 134 (1889) ; Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 659 (1889) ; Stcvenso7i ^- Soufhv. B. Norfolk, iii. p. .337 (18W) : Gigl 1" Resoc. Av. Ital. p. 645 (li<89) : id. 2" Rcsm: p. H.54 (1890) ; id 252 LARID-I. S" Resoc. p. 513 (1891) ; Keller, Orn. Carinthue, p. 301 (1890) ; Borrcr, B. Sussex, p. 268 (1891) ; Biickl. ^ H-Br. Fcmn. Orkney Is. p. 232 (1891); Taylor, Ibis, 1891, p. 473 (coast of Egypt); Gdtke, Vogelw. Helgol. p. 568 (1891) ; Jiickel ^ Bias. Vog. Bay ems, p. 361 (1891) ; Macphers. Faun. Lakeland, p. 429 (1892) ; R-Br. (§■ Buckl. Faun. Argyll S^'c. p. 191 (1892) ; Hartert, Ibis, 1892, p. 521 (E. Prussia, winter) ; Fatio Sf Stiider, Cat. Ois. Suisse, p. 60 (1892); D' Urban ^ Mathew, B. Devon, p. 378 (1892) ; Meade- Waldo, Ibis, 1893, p. 206 (Canaries, winter) ; Lilford, Col. Fiys. Brit. B. pt. xxiii. (1893) ; A. Dubois, Vertebr. Belg., Ois. p. 587, pi. 292 (1894); Mathew, B. Pembroke, p. 104 (1894); Collett, Nyt May. Naturv. Bd. xxxv. p. 308 (1894: Norway); Beichenoiv, Vby. Deutsch-O.-Afr. p. 19(1894: Victoria Nvanza, winter) ; Uss/ier, Pr. R. Irish Acad. (3) iii. p. 410 (1894) ;" Irby, Orn. Strs. Gibr. 2nd ed. p. 301 (1895). Silveiy Gull, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 375 (1785). Larus iiavipes, IVolf ^- Meyer, Nafurr/. Vog. Deutschl. ii. p. 32, cum tab. (1805) ; Meyer, Taschenb. Vog. Deutschl. ii. p. 469, pi. front. (1810) ; Meisn. '^ Schinz, Voq. Schioeiz, p. 276 (1815) ; Meyer, Vog. Liv- u. Esthl. p. 231 a815) ; Vieill. Enc. Meth. i. p. 346 (1823) ; id. Faune Frang., Ois. p. 394 (1828 ?) ; Lesson, Traite, p. 617 (1831) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. 2' ed. 4= pte. p. 471 (1840); Macgill. Man. Brit. Orn. ii. p. 245 (1842) ; Bouteille, Orn. Dauphine, ii. p. 243 (1843) ; Bailly, Orn. Savoie, iv. p. 310 (1854). Larus cinereus (partim), Leach, Syst. Cat. Mamm. 8fc. Brit. Mus. p. 40 (1816). Larus argentatus, Bewick, Brit. B., Suppl. p. 39 (1821). Leucus fuscus, Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. pp. 86, 196 (1829). Laroides melanotus, Brehm, Isis, 1830, p. 993 ; id. Vog. Deutschl. p. 747 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 294. Laroides harengorum, Brehm, Isis, 1830, p. 993 ; id. Vog. Deidschl. p. 748 (1831). Laroides fuscus, Brehm, Isis, 1830, p. 993 ; id. Vog. Deutschl. p. 749 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 294. Lesser Black-backed Gull, Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 463 (1843). Dominicanus fuscesceiis (partim), Bruch, J.f. 0. 1853, p. 100*. Dominican us fuscus, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 100 ; id. op. cit. 1855, p. 281 (including his L. fiiscescens of J.f. 0. 1853, p. 100). Laroides harengorium [sic], Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 294. Laroides fuscescens, Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 294. Laroides a. nigrodorsalis, Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 294. Laroides /3. assimilis, Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 294. Clupeilarus fuscus, Bj). C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 220 (1857); Loche, Expl. Sci. Alger., Ois. ii. p. 181 (1867); Olphe-Gall. Orn. Eur. Occid. fasc. x. p. 69 (1886). Larus graellsii, A. Brehm, Allg. Deutsch. Naturh. p. 483 (1857 : Malaga). " Larus medius," Eempr. ^ Ehr. {nee Brehm) 1824, MS. Jide Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 173 (Gumfudde : type in Berlin Mus.). Adult male in breeding-plumage. Head, neck, tail, and under surface white ; mantle and wing-surface varying from dark lead- colour to black, the scapulars and secondaries broadly tipped with Specimens in Mainz Museum examined. 15. L\Kus. 253 white. Mature birds have a subapical white mirror on the Isfc primarj- and a smaller one on the 2iid, but in the majority of examples there is no spot on the latter ; the larger quills are chioll)' black — especially on the outer webs, with white tips which are minute on tlie outermost and increase in size ascendingly ; the bases of the quills are, however, lead-colour, especially on the inner webs, so that at the LJrd a " wedge " becomes visible, while from the 4th upwards the lead-colour has spread to the outer web, and the black portion becomes by contrast a subterminal bar, decreasing in size ascendingly and disappearing at the 0th or 7th quill, whence the feathers are lead-colour, with white tips. In dark-winged birds there is no marked contrast of colour in the wedge until the 5th quill is reached, when the subterminal bar becomes visible. Bill yellow, the angle of the genys red ; iris pale straw-yellow ; tarsi and toes bright lemon-yellow. Total length nearly 22 inches, culmen 2-5, wing lG-16-5, tail 6'5, tarsus 2-G, middle toe with claw 2-25. The female is smaller, with less robust bill. Adult in ivinter. Head and neck streaked with dusky brown. Obs. The principal characteristics of L. fuscus are tlie compara- tively long tarsus and the small delicate foot. The colours of the mantle and wings are so variable in shade that the palest examples might be mistaken for the iiext species, L. a£iais, but for the larger size and coarser foot of the latter. The blackest examples of L. fuscus are found indifferently in the Fojroes, Norway, Egypt, and on the lied Sea ; the lightest are perhaps some from Scotland • and between the extremes there is every gradation. Young. Head, neck, and under surface whity brown, with darker streaks ; feathers of the mantle and wings clove- to umber-brown with huffish edges ; quills sooty brown to black ; rectriccs chiefly dark brown tipped with white, and rather boldly mottled on a greyish ground at their bases. With increasing age of the bird the dark subterminal brown breaks up into bars and patches, but so long as these exist they are sharply defined. By the end of the first year the mantle is chiefly dark brown, the buff edges havin" ■worn off. Bill dark horn-colour ; tarsi and toes yellowish brown. Immature. Head and neck flecked with brownish ; mantle slate- colour, with a brown tinge ; t[uills dark brown, with an indication of a spot on the 1st ; tail-feathers white, slightly mottled with greyish brown ; under surface white : bill yellowish basally ; legs distinctly yellow. Four years elapse between the young and the adult plumage. Nestliwj. Greyish buff", streaked and spotted with black on the upper parts and throat. Hah. Northern Europe from the Dwina westward to the Fjeroes (but not in Iceland), and southward to the Mediterranean (breeding) ; in winter to the Canaries, Senegal, Fantee, Bonny, Egypt, Nubia, the lied Sea (said to be resident on the last), and Fao, Persian Gulf. Very rare in the North Caspian, and practically not found cast of the line of the Dwina, where L. ajjiais begins. 254 a. (S ad. St. b. luim. St. c. .Tiiv. sk. d. Ad. St. e. f. Juv. & vix ad. sk. ff-l. 5 ad., vix ad. & juv. sk. m. Juv. st. n. (5 ad. sk. o, 2). Ad. & iram. St. q, r. S ? ad. sk. s. Ad. St. t. S ad. sk. M-.r. Ad. & pull. St. y. cJ ad. sk. 2, a', c? 2 ad. ; 6', c'. Pull. St. d'-f. c?2ad.; ? imm. sk. g', h'. 2 ad. & vix ad. sk. t". Imm. sk. k'-o'. (S 2 imm. & juv. sk. p'. S ad. sk. q'. k 2 imm. sk. Yenesei vaUev, lat. 71° 31' ] N., July {H. Seebohm). J J. A. Harvie-Brown, Esq. [P.]. H. Sauuders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Dr. 0. Finseh [C.]. Dr. 0. Finsch [C.]. Seebohm & H. Saunders Colls. I. Juv. sk. m-p. cJ imm. 2 juv. sk. q, r. S 2 S'd- sk. & t. S Kandahar. Gwader, Mekran coast, Dec. & Feb. Cape Monze, Sind, Feb. ( W. T. Blanford). Karachi (Dr. H. Gould). 2 ad.; iuv. sk. 'l'. S 2 ad., imm., Karachi, Feb. {A. O. H.). & iuv. sk. Karachi, March 22 (CW. J?. ^. Butler). Karachi, March (E. A. B. ^ W. B. Muloch). Kattiawar. 2 ad. sk. n'-q'. Ad., imm., & juv. sk. r . Ad. sk. s'. 2 itniQ- sk. t', u'. 6 2 j"v- sk. Punjab, Feb. Sirsa, Punjab, Dec. & Feb. {A. O. H.). Bombay Harbour, Jan., Feb. v'-y'. 6 ad. & imm., J 2jiiv.sk. z', a". cJ2"i'^^' Quilon, Travancore, Feb sk. b". S juv. sk. c". (J imm. sk. d", e". (S ad. sk. Socoti'a Island. Aden, Nov. 11. Aden, Feb. 25, 1895, Hume Coll. Hume & W. T. Blanford Colls. Hume Coll. India Museum [P.]. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Col. Haves Lloyd [P.]. • Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. F. Bourdillon, Esq. [C.]. Prof. Isaac Balfour [C.]. H. Saunders CoU. Col. Yerbury [P.]. 15. LAEUS. 25't 30. Larus occidentalis. [?] Larus argeutatus, Nordm. m Annan's Ileis. um die Erde, Atlas, Verzeichn. Th. u. Pji. p. 18 (18;}o : California). Larus occidentalis, And. Orn. Biogr. v. p. 320 (1839) ; id. Synop. p. 328 (1839) ; id. B. N. A7ner. 8vo ed. vii. p. 101 (1844) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 654 (1846) ; Baird, Cass., ^- Laior. B. N. Amer. p. 845 (1858); Cassin, U.S. E.rpl. Evjjed. p. 247 (1858: Cali- fornia); Ileinn. Pacijic R. Rep. x. pt. vi. p. 73(1859); Cooper ^- SucJdci/, Nat. Hist. Wash. Terr. p. 271 (1860) ; Coues, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1862, p. 296 ; id. Ibis, 1866, p. 271 (San Pedro) : Schley. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 15 (1863) ; Elliot, New Sf Unjiq. B. N. Amer. ii. pi. Hi. (1869); Ridyw. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mm. no. 21, p. 52 (1881 ) ; Coues, -Ind ed. Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 121 (1882) : Beldiny, Pr. US. Nat. Mm. v. p. 549 (18S3 : L. Cala.j ; Coues, Kei/ N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 744 (1884) ; Baird, Breicer, ^- Ridyw! Watcr-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 230 (1884) ; Henshaw, Auk, 1885, p. 232 (Cala.) ; A. O. U. Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 88 (1886) ; Blake, Auk, 1887, p. .329 (Sta. Cruz I., Cala., breeds) ; Ridgw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 28 (1887) : N. S. Goss, Auk, 1888, p. 240 (San Pedro Martir I., 28' N.) ; W. A. Jeffries, op. cit. 1889, p. 222 (Sta. Barbara, Cala.) ; R. H. Laiurence, op. cit. 1892, p. 41 ( Wasbinglon TeiT. ) ; Loomis, Pr. Cala. Acad. v. p. 213 (1895). Glaucus occidentalis, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 101. Laroides occidentali.'^, Bruch, J. f. O. 1855, p. 282 : Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 219 (1857). Larus arsreutatus, var. occidentalis, Coues, Key N. Arner. B. p. 312 (1872)'; id. Check-l. no. 547 6 (1873); id. B. N.-West, p. 633 (1874) ; Streets, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. vii. p. 25 (1877 : Lower Cala.). Larus fuscus ?, Saunders, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 158 (Lower California : a very small femiJe). Adult male in hreeding-plumage. Head, neck, tail, and under surface pure white ; mantle darker and of a bluer slate-colour than in L. ajjinis ; secondaries similarly tipped with white ; aU the primaries tipped with white, but the outer ones least; the three outer ([uills chiefly black, with a white sub-apical mirror on the 1st, and a white spot (or two) on the 2nd, but not a true mirror ; on the 4th quill the grey "wedge" from the basal portion runs down the inner web; on the 5th both webs are chiefly grey, turning whitish at the apex of the wedge, followed by a black subtorminal bar ; in the 6th the black bar is narrower ; the upper primaries are grey with white tips. Bill chrome-yellow with red angle, very stout ; eyelid vermilion ; tar.si and toes yellow (in life). Total length 21-22 inches, culmen 2-8, wing 16"5, tail 7, tarsus 2- 7, middle toe with claw 2-7. The female is smaller and her bill is far less robust. Adult in winter. Similar. Dr. Elliott Coues (' Ibis,' 18GG, p. 271) says that the head of the mature bird is not streaked in this species, and, so far as our material goes, he appears to be right ; but the authors of the ' Wator-Birds of Xorth America ' state that in winter the head is streaked. In the immature or even in the nearly adult bird it is so, undoubtedly. Young. Upper surface dark brown, with a greyish tinge on the VOL. XXV. S 258 LiRIDjE. head ; mantle somewhat mottled, quills sooty brown, tail-coverts barred with umber on a white ground ; rectrices dark brown with ry narrow white tips, but otherwise uniform, without any mottling or marbling : under surface greyish brown to brownish grey ; under wing-coverts dark brown : bill blackish, flesh-coloured at the base ; tarsi and toes flesh-colour (drying pale browu). Immature. Head and neck mottled with pale brown, the under- parts nearly dull white ; the middle of the mantle and the scapulars nearly pure slate-colour, but the wings still mottled with brown ; the taU- coverts nearly white, but the rectrices uniform brown : bill yellow, with a black band across the angle. At a later stage there is an increase of slate on the mantle ; the tail-feathers are chiefly white, with spots or a broken bar of black, subterminally ; head and underparts white. Nestling. Bufiish grey, the head boldly spotted with black, and the back rather thickly streaked with blackish. Hah. Pacific coast of North America, from Washington Terri- tory to the southern portion of Lower California. & juv. Pacific Beach, Cala., April H. Saunders Coll. and Aug. (Heijlurn). Farallones, San Francisco H. Saunders Coll. Bay, June 23 {Hepburn). San Francisco Bay {F. Gru- H. Saunders Coll. ber). San Francisco Bay (Culis). H. Saunders CoU. Santa Cruz Island, Cala., Salvin-Godman Coll. June {H. W. Henshmc). Santa Cruz Island, Cala., II. Saunders Coll. June {H. TV. H). i. Ad. sk. GiT Sta. Cruz Island, 3.3° N., H. Saunders Coll. 119° W., March {Admiral A. H. Markliam). k. Vix ad. sk. San Miguel Island, Cala., Salvin-Godman CoU. Aug. {H. W. Henshmv). I, in. (S ad. sk. Ventura, Cala., Nov. {H. Salvin-Godman Coll. TV. H). n. 5 ad. sk. Magdalena Bay, Lower Cala., II. Saimders Coll. Nov. {G. Mathnu, R.N.). o, p. 5 ad. & juv. San Diego, Dec. {H. TV. Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. He)ishaiv). 31. Larus schistisagus. Larus argentatus (part.), Middend. Seise Sib., Zool. p. 243 (1851 : Okhotsk Sea) ; Kittl. Denkw. Reis. ii. p. 255 (1858). Larus cachinnans {nee Pall.), Kittl. Denkio. Reis. i. p. 336 (1858) ; Stejneg. Naturen, 1884, p. 6. Larus fuscescens, Meioes, (Efv. Ak. Fork. 1871, p. 787. Larus marinus (nee Linn.), Swinh. Ibis, 1874, p. 165 (Hakodadi, Japan); Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 180 (part.: same loc); Seebohm, Ibis, 1879, p. 24; Bean, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1882, p. 168 ; Ridgtv. Bull. Ntdt. Orn. Club, 1882, p. 60 (both sides Bering Str.) ; Blakist. 8c Pryer, Tr. As. Soc. Jap. x. pt. i. p. 104 a c. b. 2 ad. sk. Pull. sk. & d Ad. sk. e. f, h. 2 imm. g. Ad. ad. sk. 5 ad. sk & 15. LAEU8. 259 (1882); Nelson, Cruise ' Cortvin; p. 107 (1883: Plover Bay); Blakiston, Atnend. List D. Jai)an, p. 20 (1884) ; Seebohm, B. Japan. Emp. p. 291 (1890). Larus pelafjicus [nee IJruch), Taczan. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1876, p. 263 ; id. J.f. 0. 1876, p. 202 (Abrek Bay) ; id. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1882, p. 397 (Kanitschatka). Larus affinis, Seebohm, Ibis, 1879, p. 24 (?) ; Blakiston ^ Fryer, Tr. As. Soc. Japan, x. pt. i. p. 104 (1882), Larus borealis [nee Bruch), Seebohm, Ibis, 1884, p. 32 (Kuril Is., sp. "no. 2787;" nee Seeb. Ibis, 1882, p. 236, whicli = Z. affinis); Blakiston, Ame7id. List B. Japan, pp. 20, 34 (1884). Larus achistisagus, St.ejneg. Auk, 1884, p. 231 (Bering 1., Kamt- schatka) ; Baird, Brew., Sr Ridqw. Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 229 (1884 : Alaska) ; Stejneg. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 20, p. 67 (1885 : Commander Is., &c.) ; A. 0. U. Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 88 (1886) ; Stejneg. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. x. p. 119, pi. viii.fig. 1 (1887 : Commander Is.) ; Eidyio. Man. N Amer.B. p. 29 (1887) ; Nelson, Rep. N. H. Alaska, p. 53 (1887; Diomede Is.) ; Nikolski, Sakhalin Faun. p. 270 (1889) ; Taezan. Mem. Ac. Petersb. (7) xxxix. p. 1024(1893: East Siberia) ; ^//m, ^wA;, 1893, p. 123 (distribution). Larus marinus scliistisagus, Seebohm, B. Japan. Emp. p. 291 (1890). Adult male in hreeding-plumage. Head, neck, tail, and underparts ■white ; mantle and upper wing-surface dark slate-colour of varying shades, but darker, as a rule, than in L. affinis ; scapulars and secondaries similarly tipped with white ; all the primaries white at their extremities ; shafts of the principal quills dark brown ; the three outer quills dark greyish brown — hardly to be termed black — on their outer webs, paler on the contiguous subterminal portions of their inner webs ; the first white for more than 2 inches apically, or crossed above the tip by a narrow dark bar which fades with the age of the feather ; the 2nd quill with a white subterminal spot on the outer web, and a corresponding patch of white — but not a complete mirror — on the inner web, confluent with the usual grey ' wedge ' which descends from the base of the inner web ; 3rd quill transversely barred with blackish brown, with a white termination to the grey wedge of the inner web ; 4th similar, but the white more defined and the upper portion of the outer web lead- colour : 5th and Gth similar, but lead-colour on both webs with merely a dark subterminal bar ; the upper quills grey, tipped with white. In less mature birds there is no spot on the 2nd quiU. Bill rich yellow, with the usual red spot at the genys ; tarsi and toes " dark reddish violet-grey " (Stejneger). Total length 24 to 25 inches, culmcn about 2-8, wing 17'5 to 18, tail 7*5 to 8, tarsus 2"75, middle toe with claw 2-75. The female, as usual, is smaller, and has a less robust bUl. Adult in winter. Similar, but streaked about the head and neck. Immature. Similar, but remains of dark brown mottlings on the wing-coverts and inner secondaries ; rectrices with an irregular mottled subterminal brownish band ; quills dull brownish, without any mirrors, but otherwise the general disposition of pattern is jnuch as in the adult. Yoxuuj. Clove-brown, with darker streaks on the head and neck, s2 260 dark centres and bufRsh- white margins to the feathers of the mantle; rectrices nearly uniform brown, with only a little marbling at the bases and on the outermost ; primaries brown, paler on their inner webs ; edge of the wing and coverts almost unmottled greyish brown ; under surface brown, the tail-coverts striated : bill dark horn-colour, paler at the base : tarsi and toes reddish brown. Obs. Examples from Northern Japan and the Amurland coast are decidedly darker than birds from the Kuril Islands. The specimen from Hakodadi, which I formerly identified with L. marimis. is quite as dark on the mantle as average examples of that species, and at the time I was not aware that L. mcninus had a mirror on the 2nd primary while still immature. Now that a series is avail- able for examination, I consider that L. schistisagus has no close affinity with L. marinus, but rather inclines to the Herring-Gull section. Hah. Bering Sea, Okhotsk Sea, and North Pacific down to Northern Japan in winter. Headquarters appear to be about the Kuril Islands. a. Ad. sk. ; b-e. S 2 ad. sk. y. $ imm. sk. ff. Ad. sk. h. S ad. sk. i. 2 ji^'^' ^^^ Kurd Islands {S. J. Snoiv). Capt. Blakiston [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Kuril Islands, June 1 {H. J. Snow) . Mouth of the Amur, May 21 Seebohm Coll. {Dr. L. Schrenck). Hakodadi, N. Japan (Capf. Seebohm CoU. Blakistoti). N. Japan (Ad7nl. H. St. John). Tweeddale CoU 32. Larus argentatus. Le Goiland cendre, Brisson, Orn. vi. p. 160, pi. xiv. (1760) ; Daubent, PI. Enl. pi. 253 (1786). Le Goiland vari6 ou le Grisard, Brisson, Orn. vi. p. 167, pi. xv, (1760). Larus argentatus, Briinn. Orn. Bor. p. 44, no. 149 (1764: Christian- soe) ; Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 600 (1788 : e.v Briinn.) ; Bonn. Encyc. Meth. i. p. 83 (1790) ; Leach, Syst. Cat. Mamm. ^-c. Brit. Mus. p. 40 (1810) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. 2°= ed. p. 764 (1820) ; E. Sabine, Parry^s Ist Voy., App. p. cciv (1821 : North Georgian Is., black wing-marlrings) ; Boie, Isis, 1822, p. 562 ; Meyer, Zmiit. Taschenb. iii. p. 195 (1822) ; Brehm, Beitr. Vogelk. iii. p. 770 (1822) ; id. Lehrb. p. 710 (1824) ; J. Sabine, Frankli7i's Journ., App. p. 695 (1823 : Hudson Bay, black wing-patches) ; Richards. Parry's 2nd Voy., Suppl. p. 358 (1825 : Winter Id., N. of Melville Pen., typical) ; Steph. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 191 (1826) ; J. C. Moss, Parry's 3rd Voy., Suppl. p. 104 (1826 : typical) ; Werner, Atlas, Palmipedes, pi. 16 (1828) ; Bp. Ann. Lye. N. ¥. ii. p. 360 (1828); Vieill. Faune Franq., Ois. p. 393 (1828?); Fleminy, Brit. Anim. p. 140 (1828) ; Kaup) Natiirl. Syst. p. 58 (1829): Selby, Brit. B. ii. p. 504, pis. xcvi. & xcvi.* (1833); Nuttall, Man. Orn. ii. p. 304 (1834) ; Jenyns, Man. Brit. Verteb. p. 276 (1835) ; Auduh. Orn. Bioyr. iii. p. 588 (1835) ; Eyton, Cat. Brit. B. p. 53 (1833) : Gmild, B. Eur. v. pi. 434 (1837) ; Bp. I 15. I.AEU8. 261 Comp. List B. Eur. 8f N. Amer. p. G3 (1838) ; Audub. Synop. p. 328 (1839); Temm. Man. cPOrn. 2"" 6d. 4°" pte. p. 470 (1840) ; A'(m7n. Viig. Deutschl. x. p. 379, tab. 266 (1840) ; Schinz, Eur. Faun. p. 379 (1840) ; Keys. ^ Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. xcvi & p. 244 (1840) ; Mac(jill. Man. Brit. Orn. pt. ii. p. 240 (1842) ; Selys- Lonych. Faun. Beh/e, p. 154 (1842); Audub. B. N. Amer. 8vo ed. vii. p. 1G3, pi. 448 (1844) ; Sehl. Rev. Crit. p. cxxiv (1844) ; Oiraud, B. Lony Isl. p. 357 (1844) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Aaseres, p. 169 (1844) ; Yarr. Brit. B. 2nd ed. iii. p. 588 (1845) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 054, pi. 180. fifj. 5 (1840) ; Hewits. Egqs Brit. B. ii. p. 445, pi. cxxvii. (1846) ; Beql. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 306 (1849) ; Tkomjjs. B. Irel. ill p. 356(1851); Macyill. Brit. B. v. p. 544 (1852) ; Kjarb. Danm. Fuyle, p. 339, tab. xlii. & Suppl. tab. xxiii. iifjs. 1, 2 (1852); Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 99 (1854: partim); Schl. Vog. Ncderl. p. 598, pis. 347, 348 (1854) ; Meyer, Brit. B. vii. p. 153, pi. 309 (1857) ; Gundl. J. f. O. 1857, p. 236 (Cuba) ; Baird, Cass., c^ Laivr. B. N. Amer. p. 844 (1858); Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 407 (remarkable return to. Zool. Gdns.) ; Later. An9i. Lye. N. Y. vii. p. 275 (1860: Cuba) ; Reinhardt, J6w, 1861, p. 17 (Greenland, very rare) ; Schl. Bier. Nederl. Vogels, p. 236 (1861) ; Blaki»t. Ibis, 1861, p. 10 (Hudson Bav) ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 232 (1863) ; Schl. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p.'lG (1863) ; Sundev. SiK Foyl. pi. 50. tigs. 1-3 (1863?); Deyl. S,- Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 417(1867); Holtz, J.f. O. 1868, p. 124 (Gottland, breeds); Boryyr. Voyelf. Norddeutschl. p. 143 (1869) ; Ball ^- Bami. Tr. Chic. Acad. i. p. 305 (1869: Alaska); Fritsch, Voy. Eur. p. 474 tab. 54. fig. 12 (1870) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 400 (Strs. Gibraltar, winter only) ; R. Gray, B. West Scot/, p. 487 (1871) ; Allen, Bidl. Harv. Coll. ii. p. 366 (1871 : Florida) ; G. R. Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 113, no. 10968 (1871) ; Scl.^- Salv. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 570 (Cuba) ; IIarti?if/, Handb. Brit. B. p. 77 (1872) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 312 (1872) ; Gould, B. Gt. Brit. v. pi. 59 (1873) ; Palmen, Finlands Fogl. p. 591 (1873) ; Bresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 399, pi. 602. tig. 2 (1873) ; Collett, Fork. Selsk. Chr. 1873, p. 292 (N. Norvray) ; Scl. Sr Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 148 (1873) ; Alston Sf H-Br. Ibis, 1873, p. 52 (Archangel) ; Burnf. Ibis, 1874, p. 402 (North Frisian Is., breeding) ; Coues, B. N.- West, p. 625 (1874) ; Ridytu. Ann. Lye. N. Y. x. p. 391 (1874 : Illinois) ; Neioton, Arct. Man. p. 106 (1875) ; Irby, Orn. Strs. Gibr. p. 214 (1875) ; Collett, Nyt Mag. Naturv. 1877, p. 209 (Norway) ; Sennett, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. iv. p. 64 (1878 : Gal- veston, Texas) ; Saunders, P.Z.S. 1878, p. 167 (revision Larinse); id. Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 395 (1878 : distribution) ; Kumlien, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 15, p. 99 (1879: Cumberld. Sd., up to 67° N., breeding) ; R. Anderson, apud Feilden, Zool. 1879, p. 7 (Pr. Albert Ld.) ; Rodd, B. Cornwall, p. 172 (1880) ; Ridyw. Bull. U.S. Nut. Mus. no. 21, p. 52 (1881) ; Irby, Ibis, 1883, p. 189 (Santander in Nov., abundant) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 743 (1884) ; B. 0. U. List Brit. B. p. 188 (1884) ; Tristr. Faun. §■ Flor. Palest, p. 137 (1884 : Tyre, iu winter) ; Saunders, Afh ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 618 (1884) ; Baird, Brewer, ^- Ridyic. Water- B. N. Amer. ii. p. 255 (1884) ; Biichner, Beitr. Russ. Re'iches, (2) ii. p. 131 (1885: St. Petersb.) ; Seebohm, Brit. B. iii. p. 326 (1885); Homet/er, Oniis, 1885, p. 80; Liitken, t. c. p. 145 (Denmark) ; B. Torre ^- Tsch. t. c. p. 5()0 (Aust.-lluug.) ; Albarda, t. c. p. 629 (Holland) ; Schneider, op. cit. 1887, p. 551 (Upp. Alsace); Booth, Rouyh Notes, iii. (1887) ; Ridyw. Mari. N. Amer. B. p. 30 (1887) ; 262 H-Brown ^ Buckl. Faun. Sutherl. ^-c. p. 232 (1887) ; iid. Faun, Outer Hehr. p. 146 (1888) ; Taczan. Ornis, 1888, p. 507 (PolaDd); Cori/, B. West Indies, p. 276 (1889 : Cuba and Bahamas, winter); id. B. Bahamas, p. 239 (1890) ; Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 657 (1889) ; Radde ^ Walter, Ornis, 1889, p. 125 (Krasnovodsk, in winter: typical); Riesenth. Wasservog. Mitteleur. p. 133 (1889) ; Reichenow, Syst. Verz. Voff. Deutschl. p. 63 (1889) ; Stevenson 8f Southiv. B. Norfolk, iii. p. 339 (1890) ; Keller, Orn. Carinthice, p. 301 (1890); Buckl. 8f H-Br. Faun. Ork7iey Is. p. 232 (1891); Jacket 8)- Bias. Vog. Bayerns, p. 361 (1891) ; Giitke, Vogeho. Helyol. p. 570 (189i) ; Borrer, B. Sttssex, p. 267 (1891) ; Macpheis. Faun. Lakeland, p. 428 (1892) ; Hartert, Ibis, 1892, p. 521 (East Prussia) ; H-Br. ^ Buckl. Faun. Argyll 8fc. p. 191 (1892) ; Z»' Urban 8f Math. B. Devon, p. 375 (1892) ; Lilford, Col. Figs. Brit. B. pt. xxiii. (1893) ; A. Dubois, Vertebr. Belg., Ois. ii. p. 590, pi. 293 (1894) ; Mathew, B. Pembrokesh. p. 104(1894); Collett, Nyt Mag. f. Naturv. Bd. xxxv. p. 307 (1894 : Norway) ; Ussher, Pr. R. Irish Ac. (3) iii. p. 410 (1894) ; Pearson 8,- Bidiv. Ibis, 1894, p. 236 (N.E. Norway) ; Irby, 2nd ed. Orn. Strs. Gibr. p. 300 (1895). Larus varius, Briinn. Orti. Bar. p. 45, no. 160 (1764 : Iceland and Cliristiansoe). The Herring Gull (ad.) and The Bro-mi and White GuU (juv.), Pen- nant, Brit. Zool. p. 141 (1706). Goeland a Manteau gris, Buf. Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. 406, pi. xxxii. (1783). Larus fuscus (nee Linn.), Penn. Brit. Zool. 2nd ed. ii. p. 131 (1788) ; Bonn. Encyc. Meth. i. p. 82 (1790) ; Bechst. Naturg. Deutschl. ii. p. 818 (1791) ; Mont. Orn. Diet. i. (1802). Herring GuU, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 371 (1785) ; Bewick, Brit. B. ii. p. 196, and &

(1831); id. Naum. 1855, p. 294; Bj). C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 218 (1857 : N. America). Laroides arg-entaceus, Brehm, Isis, 1830, p. 993 ; id. Vog. Deutsehl. p. 742 (1831) ; id. Namn. 1855, p. 294; id. Vogelf. p. 349 (1855) ; Bp. C. JR. xlii. p. 770 (185G) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 218 (1857 : N. France); Olphe-GaU. Orn. Eur. Occid. fasc. x. p. 60 (1886). Laroides americanus, Brehm, Isis, 1830, p. 993 ; id. Vog. Deutsehl. p. 743 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 294. Glaucus argentatus, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 101. Glaucus argentatoides, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 101 (N. America). Larus marinus, Lembei/e, Av. Cuba, p. 122 (1850: of. Gundl. J.f. 0. 1871, p. 291) ; Gundl. J. f. O. 1857, p. 236 (cf. Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. vii. p. 275). Larus smithsonianus, Coues, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1862, p. 296 (N. Ame- rica) ; Gundl. Orn. Cuba, p. 308 (1876). Larus (Laroides) argentatus, Drosfe, Vogelw. Borkum, p. 340 (1869). Larus argentatus smithsonianus, Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 312 (1872) ; id. Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. iv. p. 655 (1878 : Montana) ^ Ridgiv. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 52 (1881); Coues, Check- list N. Amer. B. p. 120 (1882) ; id. Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 743 (1884); Stearns, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. Vi. p. 122 (1884; Labrador) ; A. 0. U. Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 89 (1886); Everm. Auk, 1886, p. 88 (Ventura, Cala., abundant) ; Seton, t. c. p. 147 (W. Manitoba, breeds) ; Ridgiu. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 31 (1887) ; Cooke, Miqr. B. Mississippi Vail. p. 55 (1888) ; Thompson, Pr. U.S. Nat. 'Mus. xiii. p. 468 (1890 : Manitoba, breeds) ; Shufeldt, Auk, 1891, p. 366 (fossil, Oregon) ; R. MacFarl. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 418 (1891 : breeds along Arctic Amer.) ; Rhoads, Auk, 1893, p. 71 (Wasb.' Terr. & Brit. Columbia) ; Allen, t. c. p. 125 (distribution); White, t. c. p. 222 (Lake Michigan, breeds). Einalia argentata, Heine S)- Reichenow, Nome7icl. Mus. Hein. p. 358 (1890). Adult male in breeding -plum age. Head, neck, tail, and under- parts white ; the ring round the eye white or very pale yellow ; mantle and wing-surface French-grej', with broad white tips to the scapulars and secondaries, making a conspicuous alar bar ; all the primaries tipped white ; outermost quill blackish from the base downwards (save a narrow grey wedge on the inner web), with a white tip 2-5 in length in mature birds, and a narrow black bar which divides the white into tip and " mirror " in the majority ; 2nd (juiU blackish for about 0--i on both sides of the shaft, with a black subterminal bar, a white mirror, and, on the inner web, a broad grey wedge which sometimes breaks through and joins the mirror ; 3rd quiU greyish basally, blackish on the lower part of outer web and on the subterminal bar, grey on the inner web, passing into white at the apex of the wedge : 4th similar, but grey on both webs above the bar ; 5th quiU simihir, but bar narrower ; 6th grey, without a bar in mature birds and with a narrow bar in others ; the remaining quills grey, with white tips. In less mature birds there is no mirror on the 2nd quill. Bill yellow, red at the angle of the genys ; iris straw-colour ; tarsi and toes 264 LAKID^. flesh-colour (drying ochre-yellow). Total length about 24 inches, culmen 3, wing 17'5, tail 7'5, tarsus 2*5, middle toe with claw 2-6. The female is smaller than the male, but, irrespective of sex, there is great individual variation. Adult in ivinter. Like the above, but with brownish-grey streaks on the head and neck. Young and Immature. In the first autumn the upper parts are streaked and mottled with brown and greyish buff; quiUs dark umber, with paler inner webs and whitish tips to most ; rectrices similar, but more or less mottled with whitish at the bases of the two or three outer pairs ; feathers of the upper tail-coverts brown, with buffish-white tips ; underparts nearly uniform brown at first, but afterwards brownish grey, mottled : bill blackish, paler at the base of the lower mandible. The second autumn the head is nearly white, streaked with greyish brown ; the upper parts are barred with brown on a greyish ground, though no pure grey feathers have yet made their appearance on the mantle ; quills paler ; tail more mottled with white at the bases of all the feathers. In the third autumn the feathers of the mantle are chiefly grey, with some brownish streaks down the shafts ; a faint sub-apical spot begins to show on the outermost primary ; the tail-coverts are partly white, and the dark portion of the rectrices is much broken up : underparts nearly white. In the fourth autumn the sub- apical patch on the first primary is larger, and the quills from the oth upwards are banded with black and tipped with white ; tail- feathers white, slightly vermiculated with brown : bill greenish yellow basally, reddish black at the angle. At the moult of the fifth autumn all brown markings are lost, the primaries have white tips, black bars and grey wedges, though the proportion of dark colouring in the quills is greater than it is in older birds. Nestling. Greyish buff, variably streaked and spotted with blackish on the upper parts and throat. Considerable variation exists in the tint of the upper parts in this species ; birds from France being dark, while Northern examples are as a rule paler. This is especially the case as regards the primaries, in some of which the dark portion of the pattern is hardly more than deep lead-colour, as in an example obtained by Mr. E. W. Nelson at Chicago on March 27, in which, moreover, the mirror on the 2nd quill unites with the grey wedge of the inner web. The frequent absence of this mirror on the 2nd primary in American birds has been made one of the principal distinctions for Larus argentatus smithsoniamis, but many American birds have this white spot. The explanation which has been given of this is that " European birds frequently cross the Atlantic " ; in which case they have reached Chicago, and even Prince Albert Land, beyond 110° W. long, and 70^" N. lat., for a specimen from that locality is the counterpart of the Chicago example ! American birds of the first year are, however, darker as a rule than European examples, though there is much variation in this respect, even in young obtained in the same locality and on the very same day. 15. LAnns. 265 Hah. Northern Europe from the White Sea westward, the Atlantic llegion to Iceland and down to the north of France (breeding) ; Greenland, Eaffiii Bay, Melville Peninsula, Prince Regent Inlet, North Georgian or Parrj' Islands, and Prince Albert Land (breeding). Southwards, along the coasts and on the inland waters of North America down to nearly 40° S. on the Atlantic (breeding). In winter as far as the Bermudas, Cuba, and Mexico ; also, on the Pacific side, from the mouth of the Yukon to Southern California. On the European side, to the ^lediterranean basin, Black Sea and Caspian, in winter. a, b. Juv. st. c-e. $ ad. et S vix ad. sk. f-h. Pull. sk. i. Ad. St. k-q. S ? ad. etjuv. sk. r. Ad. St. s. Juv. sk. t-i\ $ ad. et juv. w, :i: Ad. sk. y. Juv. sk. s. Juv. sk. a'. S juv- sk. b'. Ad. sk. c'. Imm. St. d'-h'. Ad. et pull. St. i'. Ad. sk. k'-m'. (S 2 ad. et pull. sk. m'-s'. Ad., imm., et pull. St. f. Imm. sk. m'. Pull. St. v'-x'. cJ 2 ad. et pull. St. y'. Juv. sk. s'. Ad. sk. a". (S ad. sk. b". Juv. sk. c",d". Pull. St. et sk. c",/". 6 2 ad. sk. Gt. Britain. St. Bride's Bay, S. Wales, April & Dec. Lundy Isl., Bristol Channel, June {H. S.). Cornwall. Fowey, Aug. 26, Sept. 2. Torquay. Ghristchurch, Hants, Nov. Pagham, Sussex, Aug., Sept. Eastbourne, April, May. Romney Marsh, March. Bury St. Edmonds, Suffolk, Pec. Yarmouth, Sept. Flamborough Head. Sutberlandshire. Hebrides. Orkneys, summer (Hubbard). Orkneys, June (Dunn). Hill of Hoy, Orkneys {Di(7in). Shetlands {Col. H. W. Feilden). Shetlands. Mousa, Shetlands, June. Great Britain. Great Britain. Havre, Jan. ( V. Pluche). Havre, France, Nov. (F. Pluche). Denmark. Christiansund, Norway, June (Zf. Seebohm). Purchased. Hon. W. Edwardea [P.]. H. Saunders Coll. Mr. Vingoe [C.]. Dr. A. Gunther [P.]. C Coningham, Esq. Hume Coll. R. B. Sharpe, G. E. Shelley, & H. Saunders Colls. SheUey Coll. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. M. E. Loft, Esq. [P.]. II. Saunders Coll. Lord Londesborough [P-]-. C. Coningham, Esq. [P.]. T.Walker, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll, H. Saunders Coll. Purchased. H. Saunders Coll. Purchased. Lt. C. H. Bruce, R.N. [PJ. J. Sabine, Esq. [P.]. Col. Montagu [C.]. H. Saunders Coll. Seebohm Coll. J. Gould, Esq. [C.]. Seebohm & H. Saunders Colls. 266 g", h" . 9 ad. et juv. sk. i". Juv. sk. k". Ad. sk. I". Ad. sk. m", n". Juv. sk. o". S ad. sk. p". Imm. St. 9". Vix ad. sk. r". S ad. sk. s". Ad. sk. i". (S juv, sk. w". Ad. sk. v", c? juv. sk. w". Ad. sk. .r'', y. 2 ad. sk. a", a^-c^. c? 2 ad. ; d^. cJ juv. sk. e^. Juv. sk. /^ Juv. sk. g^, h^. Ad. et juv. sk. i'-o^ cJ. $ ad., cj $ imm., et cJ juv. sk. p^. Juv. sk. q\ Ad. St.; r^ Ad. sk. s'. Skeleton. <^. Sternum. m'. Sternum, y^ Skull. Bodo, N. Norway, June {H. Seebohm). Greenland. Repulse Bay, S. of Melville Peninsula. North-land Expedition. Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, North Labrador, Sept. 18, 1882 (Z. M. Turner). Labrador (H. F. Moschler). Godbout, Prov. Quebec {N. A. Comeau). St. Lawrence River, Canada. Grand Manan Isl., Bay of Fundy,Jiuie {J.H. Batty). Halifax, Nova Scotia. Boston Harbour, Mass., Nov. Long Island, New York. Sing-Sing, Hudson River, New York,Dec. {A.Fisher). Washington, 13. C., winter. Chicago, Illinoi?, March [E. W. Nelson). Corpus Christi, Texas, Jan. Mar., JiUy, Nov. {F. B. Ai'mstrong). Brazos, Mouth of Rio Grande del Norte. Bermudas, Nov. West Coast of Mexico. Seebohm & H. Saimders Colls. Hume Coll. Dr. J. Rae [P.]. Sir G. Back, R.N. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Shelley Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Capt.S.G.Reid[P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvua-Godman Coll. Capt. S.G.Reid, R.A. H. Saunders Coll. Ventura, California, Nov. Salvin-Godman Coll, {Henshaw). Park " {Henshmv " Loring coll.). Prince Albert Land (Dr. R. Aiiderson, H.M.S. ' Enter- prise '). England. Eno-land. Salvin-Godman ColL Capt. Collinson, R.N, [P.]. Purchased. John Ray, Esq. [P.]. 33, Larus cachinnans. Larus cachinnans, Pallas, Zooyr. Rosso-Asiat. ii. p. 318 (1811 : Cas- pian, and Volga to Lake Baikal) ; Keys. ^ Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. xcvi and p. 245 (1840) ; Bp. Cat. Ucc. Eur. p. 79 (1842) ; Schl Rev. Crit. p. cxxiv (1844) ; Miihle, Orn. Griechenl. p. 143 (1844) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 654 (1840) ; Brandt, Lehmami's Reis. n. Buckara, p. 331 (1852 : Caspian) ; Heugl. Syst. Uebers. p. 69 (1856: Egypt and Red Sea) ; Linderm. Fog. Griechenl. p. 176 (I860) ; Iletigl. in Peterm. Mitth. 1861, p. 29 (Red Sea) ; Shelley, B. Egypt, p. 306 (1872); Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. Bd. ii. pt. 2, 15. LARtrs. 267 p. 1392 (187.3); Dresser's transl. Severtz. Turkest.Jevotn., Ibis, 1876, p. 415 ; Tacz. Hull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 187G, p. 263 (Daiiria and L. Baikal) ; Hinm-, ,Str. F. viii. p. 115 (1879) ; Girjlioli, Ibis, 1881, p. 219 (Italy); tSevertzoff, Ihis,\m:i, p. 77 (Tashil-kul, Pamira: end of August) ; ISeebohm {Ilenke), Ibis, 1882, p. 230 (N. Caspian) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1884, p. 391 (S.W. France) ; Wliitehead, Ibis, 1885, p. 47 (Corsica) ; S/iarpe, Ibis, 1886, p. 168 (Muscat) : Giglioli, Avif. Ital. p. 432 (1886) ; Salvadori, Ucc. ItaL p. 286 (1887) ; Seeb. Ibis, 1887, p. 351 (Madeira and Canaries) ; Fleske, Mem. Acad. St. Fetersb. (7) xxxvi. p. 57 (1888 : Turkestan) ; Eeid, Ibis, 1888, p. 79 (Tenerife) ; Meade- Waldo, Ibis, 1869, p. 5 (Canaries) ; Giglioli, 1° Resoc. Av. Ital. p. 646 (1869), 2° Resoc. p. 654 (1890), 3" Resoc. p. 513 (1890) ; Meade-Waldo, Ibis, 1893, p. 206 (Canaries). Larus argentatus (nee Gin.), Savi, Orn. Tosc. iii. p. 55 (1831); Bruch, Isis, 1832, p. 1107 (Dalmatia) ; Dickson ^- Ross, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 135 (Erzeroum) ; Cres2>on, Orn. Gard, p. 483 (1840) ; JS'ordm. inDemid. Voy. Russ. Merid. iii. p. 279 (1840) ; Miilde, Orn. Griechenl. p. 142 (1844) ; Riipp. Syst. Uebers. p. 138 (1845 : Egypt) ; Licht. Komencl. Av. p. 99 (1854 : as regards Senegal) ; Heuyl. Syst. Uebers. p. 69 (1856: Egypt and Eed Sea) ; Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 251 (1857: Senegal) ; Jaub. Sf B.-Lapomm. Rich. Orn. M. France, p. 390 (1859) ; Linderm. Voy. Griechenl. p. 175 (1860) ; Radde, Reis. Sibir., Voy. p. 383 (1863: partim) ; Schl. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 17 (1863: partim) ; Wright, Ibis, 1864, p. 151 (Malta) ; Aiitin. Cat. descr. Ucc. p. 114 (1864 : Damietta) ; Tristr. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 454 (Palestine) ; 1V%jj, Viayy. Persia, p. 352 (1865) ; Bias. J.f. O. 1865, p. 380 (part.) ; Godman, Ibis, 1866, p. 103 (Azores) ; Bocaye, Jorn. Soc. Lisb. 1868, pp. 149 and 3-30 (Angola) ; Doderl. Avif. Sicil. p. 234 (1869) ; Godman, Azores, p. 39 (1870) ; Shelley, B. Eyypt, p. 305 (1872); Godman, Ibis, 1872, p. 222 (Canaries and Madeira) ; Hiane, Yarkand Exped., Zool. p. 299 (1873: Kashmir) ; id. Sir. Feath. 1673, p. 270 (Scind) ; id. op. cit. 1874, p. 50 (Saugor I., lloogli) ; Blanf. East. Persia, ii. p. 290 (1876) ; Fmsch, Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxix. p. 272 (1879 : Saisau-Nor) ; Radde, Orn. Cauc. p. 475 (1684) ; Alteon, Ornis, 1886, p. 422 (Dobrudscha, breeding, " legs yellow ") ; Tait, Ibis, 1887, p. 395 (Portugal, breeding). "Larus argentatoides, Bp." (nee Brehm), apud Temm. Man. d'Orn. 2'" ed. 4"' pte. p. 470 (1840 : Italy). Larus leueopbaus, Licht. Numencl. Av. p. 99 (1854 : Arabia ; descr. nulla *) ; Sulvad. Cat. Ucc. Sard. p. 129 (1864) ; Finsch, Tr. Zool. Soc. vii. p. 302 (1870: Red Sea); Finsch S,- Hartl. Voy. Ost- Afr. p. 818 (1870) ; Salmd. Faun. Ital. Ucc. p. 293 (1872) ; Shelley, B. Eyypt, p. 304 (1872) ; Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 411, pi. 602. fig. 1 (1873) ; Severtz. Turkest. Jevotn. p. 70 (1873) ; Brooke, Ibis, 1873, p. 347 (Sardinia); Scl. Ibis, 1874, p. 100 (Mogador : same bii-d as bis L. fuscescens, P. Z. S. 1867) ; Wriyht, Ibis, 1674, p. 228 (Malta); Irby, Orn. Strs. Gibr. p. 215 (1675); Taylor, Ibis, 1878, p. 373 (Egyptian coast) ; Irby, Ibis, 1683, p. 189 (Santander in summer, but rare in -ndnter) ; Tristr. Faun. ^- Flor. Palest, p. 137 (1884) ; Lilford, Ibis, 1889, p. 349 (Cyprus) ; Radde Si- Walter, Ornis, 1869, p. 125 (Krasnovodsk) ; Oqilvie Grant, Ibis, 1690, p. 444 (Madeira) ; Shar^je, Ibis, 1691, p. 115 (Fao Persian Gull). Type in Berlin Mus. examiued. 268 lARID^. Glaucus michahellesii, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 101 (Dalmatia). Glaucus leucopliseus, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 101 (Red Sea). Laroides leucoph^us, Bp. Naumannia, 1854, p. 212 ; id. Consp. Av, ii. p. 219 (1857); id. C. R. xlii. p. 219 (1857: Mediterranean); Olphe-Gall. Orn. Bur. Occid. fasc. x. p. 63, note (1886). Lams epai'gynis, Licht. Nomencl. Av. Mus. Berol. p. 99 (1854) [type examined]. Laroides michahellesii, Bruch, J.f. 0. 1855, p. 282; Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 294; Bp. C. B. xlii. p. 770 (1856); id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 219 (1857: MediteiTanean). Laroides cachinnans, Bruch, J.f. 0. 1855, p. 282; Olphe-Gall. Om. Eur. Occid. fasc. x. p. 61 (1886). Dominicanus fuscescens, Bruch, J. f. 0. 1853, p. 100 (part.) (S.E. Europe). Larus miehahellesi, Erhard, Faun. Cykladen, pp. 45 and 62 (1858) ; Torre Sf Tschusi, Ornis, 1885, p. 560 (Adriatic). Larus fuscescens, Scl. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 315 (Mogador) ; id. Rev. List Vert. Zool. Gdns. p. 316 (1872) ; Taylor, Ibis, 1867, p. 72 (Alex- andria). Laroides argentatus, Loche, JE.ipl. So. Alger., Ois. ii. p. 179 (1867). [?] Larus heuglini, Bree, 2nd ed. B. Eur. v. p. .58 (1876). Larus marinus, Finsch, Ibis, 1877, p. 53 (West Siberia ; of. Verh, z.-b. Wien, xxix. p. 272). Adult in hreeding-plumage. Very similar to the preceding, from which, in fact, it differs only in the following particulars : — The ring round the eye is bright orange-red, the gape is the same colour, the yellow and red of the bill are much brighter, the tarsi and toes are brilliant yellow ; the mantle is, as a rule, decidedly darker, while the black and grey on the primaries show a deeper tone, and the middle toe with the nail is usually rather shorter than the tarsus. Total length about 23 inches, culmen 2-95, wing 18, tail 7"5, tarsus 2*75, middle toe with claw 2- 65. The female is smaller than the male, as a rule. Adult in luinter. As in summer : the usual greyish striations being absent, or so faint as to be practically invisible. Immature, Young, and Nestling. As in L. argentatus. The tarsi and toes are at first flesh-coloured, but they soon begin to show a yellowish tint in the live bird, though this is, of course, lost in pre- served specimens. Hab. Southern Europe, from the Gulf of Gascony downwards ; Madeira (probably the Azores), the Canaries, and the opposite coast of Africa ; the entire basin of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Aral, the Caspian and eastward to Lake Baikal (breeding). In winter to India, from the Bay of Bengal to Bombay ; the Mekran coast ; Persia ; the Eed Sea ; and down the west side of Africa, appa- rently to Angola. a, b. Ad. sk. Teneiife, Canaries, March H. Saunders Coll. (G.E.Shelley.), c, d. c? ad. ; e,f. $ Great Salvage Is., April 28, W. R. Ogilvie ad. ; ^j. Consp. Av. ii. p. 224 (1857). Larus zonorhynchus, b. bruchi, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 224 (1857). Adult male in hreeding-plumage. Head, neck, tail, and entire under- parts white ; mantle pearl-grej' (much as in pale examples of L. argen- tatus) ; scapulars faintly tipped with white, and secondaries more broadly so; outermost primary mostlj- black externally, but whitish on the basal portion of the inner web, and with an elongated white subterminal mirror on both webs (though the shaft is black), then a black bar, and the extreme tip white ; 2nd quill with rather more of a white tip, a smaller and rounder mirror barely touching the outer web, and a grey wedge occupying the greater part of the inner web ; 3rd quill without a mirror, more white at the tip and grey on the greater part of both webs ; 4th and oth chiefly grey passing into white, barred with black, and tipped with white ; 6th without a bar in mature birds, or with a very small imperfect one ; upper quills grey with white extremities : bill greenish yellow, with a subterminal black zone and a yellow tip ; gape and orbital ring orange-red to vermilion (in life) ; iris pale yellow ; tarsi and toes greenish yellow. Total length 18-5 inches, culmen 2, wing 14'5 to 15, tail 6-25, tarsus 2*2, middle toe with claw 1-8. Adult female similar, but rather smaller. Adult in ivinter plumage. Like the above, but streaked with brownish grey on the crown and upper neck. Young. Upper parts streaked and mottled with rather pale brown, the feathers of the mantle broadly tipped with huffish white ; second- aries grey basally, with dark centres and whitish borders ; the two outer primaries dark brown; the 3rd, 4th, and 5th similar but tipped with white, and showing grey basally on the inner webs, increasing ascendingly ; in the rest of the quills the grey gradually increases till the dark portion is reduced to an imperfect bar ; tail-coverts white, with brown arrow-headed markings : rectrices white, with a subterminal dark brown bar and whitish tips ; underparts dull white, thickly streaked and mottled with ash-brown on the throat and sides, with smaller and fainter spots on the breast and abdomen : bill yellowish brown basally, blackish terminally ; tarsi and toes brownish. 1-5, LARUS. 275 A year later grey feathers appear on the mantle, the band on the rectrices breaks up, the primaries from the 4th upwards show grey wedges, aud the underparts are white ; but the head continues to be thickly streaked, while the neck and shoulders display bold ashy spots : bill yellow, basaUy. Lnmaiure. Head slightly streaked; mantle grey, with a few brown feathers remaining about the bend of the wing; outer primary witli an indication of a white spot; rectrices white, with bold bkickish subterminal spots, the remains of the band. The next year there is a distinct spot on each outermost primary and the tail is nearly pure white, but the under wing-coverts are still mottled with brown. The dark colour on the primaries decreases with age, as in other species, until the mature stage is reached. Hah. Mainland of North America; not breeding southward of Nova Scotia on the east side or Utah on the west. In winter on both coasts, down to Mexico ; occasionally in Cuba and once in Bermuda. Chiefly an inland species during the breeding-season, frequenting lakes and marshes. rt. Imm. St. Northern Expedition. Sir J. Richardson [P.]. (Type of L. zonorhynchus.) b. Ad. sk. AttipeUa Bay, Labrador, June H. Saunders Coll. (A. LechevaUier). c. 2 juv. sk. Godbout, Mouth of St, Law- rence, Oct. {N. A. Comeau). d. (5 ad. sk. Milford, Connecticut, April (Henshaio Coll.). e. Ad. sk. Coney Island, New York (Marshall), f. S imm. sk. Detroit, Michigan (Mai/nard). (/. Ad. sk. Ohio (Marshall), h. Juv.sk. Indian River, E. Florida, April {Maynard). i. Juv. sk. Cedar Cays, W. Florida, Jan. [Maynard). k q. S 2 ad. ; Corpus Christi, Texas, Nov., r. Juv.sk. ZAn.-Feh.(F.B.Arnistron(i). s. 5 ad. sk. Santa Ana, near Guadalajara, West Mexico, N ov. ( W. Lloyd), t, u. S 2 ^^- sk. Presidio, West Mexico, Jan.- Feb. (A. Forrer). "> w- 6 ? ad. sk. Guavmas, N.W. Mexico, Dec. (Gervase Mathetc, H.N.). x-z. (S ? vix ad. ; San Diego, Lower Cahfornia, a'. Juv. sk. April (i. Beldiny). b', c'. c? ad. et 2 San Diego, Lower California, juv. sk. Dec. (Henskaw Coll.). d'. 2 juv. sk. Ventura, Cala., Nov. [Henshaxv Coll.). e'. Juv. sk. San Francisco Bay (-F. Gruher). f. Juv.sk. WashoeLake,Nevada, Aug. 31 {H. W. Henskaw). g'. Juv. sk. 49th Parallel, Aug. 1874. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saimders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sidvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. II. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. North American Boundary Comm. t2 276 LAKID^. 37. Larus californicus. Larus californicus, Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. vi. p. 79 (1854) ; Baird, Cass., ^- Lawr. B. N. Am. p. 846 (1858) ; Coues, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1862, p. 300; Elliot, New ^ Vnficj. B. N. Amer. ii. pi. 52 (1869) ; Coues, B. N. -West, ^.QM (1874); Hensh. Ann. Lye. N. Y. xi. p. 13 (1874 : Utah) ; Lawr. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. iv. p. 51 (1876: Teliuantepec) ; Ridgu: Rep. Surv. iOth Par. p. 637 (1877) ; Lten- shaiv. Rep. Surv. 1879 W. of lOOth Merid. p. 331 (1880) ; Ridgiv. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 52 (1881); Coues, Chech^l. N. Amer. B. p. 121 (1882); Ridgw. Cat. B. Fish. E.rhib. p. 31 (1883); Belding, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 549 (1883: Lower Gala.) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 745 (1884) ; Baird, Breioer, 8f Ridgw. Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 242 (1884) ; A.O.U. Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 90 (1886) ; Ferrari-Perez, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. ix. p. 179 (1886 : South of Vera Cruz [?]) ; Ridgw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 31 (1887) ; Cooke, Rep. B. Migr. Missi.ssippi Vail. p. 56 (1888 : Kansas, furthest east) ; R. Mactarl. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 418 (1891 : Lower Anderson R., breeds) ; Loomis, Pr. Calif. Acad, v, p. 214 (1895). Laroides californicus, Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 220 (1857). Larus delawarensis, var. californicus, Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 313 (1872). Adult male in breeding-jyhimage. Similar, but larger than L. de- Irnvarensis ; mantle much darker and of a slate-grey ; scapulars and secondaries more broadly tipped with white ; the outer primaries with a larger proportion of black ; the 1st quill chiefly black, with fully 2 inches of the terminal portion (including the shaft) white; the 2nd with a small grey wedge basally, a white mirror but a black shaft, a black subterminal bar and a white tip ; the 3rd, 4th, and 5th black, with white tips and increasing grey on the basal portions, the apices of the wedges not passing into white ; 6th with a narrow subterminal bar of black ; the remaining qiiills grey with white tips : bill " bright yellow, with an irregularly shaped spot of intense carmine near tip of lower mandible and a spot or bar of black usually anterior to this on both mandibles, though sometimes obsolete " (Henshaw) : orbital ring vermilion ; iris hazel ; tarsi and toes greenish. Total length 20 inches, culmen 2-25, wing 15 to 15-5, tail 6-5, tarsus 2-2, middle toe with claw 2-1. The female is somewhat smaller than the male. In birds which are less mature than the example described there is a narrow black subterminal bar on the first primary, and in the previous year there is no mirror on the 2nd primary. Adult in ivinter. Like the above, but the head and upper neck streaked with grej'ish brown. Young. Much darker brown throughout than the preceding species ; no signs of grey on the secondaries nor on the basal por- tions of the inner primaries, the paler inner webs being merely dull brown ; tail-coverts broadly and closely barred ; rectrices almost entirely umber-brown, with some mottlings of greyish white on the outer feathers ; the extreme tips dull white : bill brownish basally, black terminally ; tarsi and toes brown. 15. LAKU8. 277 Lmnulure. A bird in its .second August exhibits a fair proportion of grey in the mantle ; the new feathers of the scapidars, second- aries, and wing-coverts mottled with grey and brown in an unusu- ally minute manner ; upper (juills beginning to show a little grey at their bases ; tail-feathers more uniform umber-brown than before, though the coverts are wliiter ; underparts whitish brown without any distinct spots : bill yellower at the base. The succeeding stages are unknown to me. lYe/itlini/. Stone-grey, with scarcely a tinge of buff ; head boldly marked with black ; upper surface mottled with ash-brown. JIab. Western North America, breeding chiefly on the lakes and rivers from the Lower Anderson to Utah ; in winter along the Pacific coast to about 18° N. in Mexico ; once as far east as Kansas. a. Juv. sk. North-west America. Capt. Kellett and Lt.Wood,K.N.[P.]. b. Vixad.sk. Vancouver Island {J. K. N. Aiiier. l^oundary Lord). Commission. c. S ad. sk. Esquimau Island, Oct. {G. II. Saimders Coll. Mathews, E.N.). d. Ad. sk. Yellowstone Lake, Aug. {F. II. Saunders Coll. J. lime), e-ff. 2 ^^-t c? Washoe Lake, Nevada, Aug. Salvin-Godman Coll. imm.,etjuv. sk. {H. W. Henshaio). h, S juv. sk. Tahoe Lake, California, Sept. Salvin-Godman Coll. 30 {A. Forrer). i. (S pull. sk. Eagle Lake, California, July Salvin-Godman Coll. 4 (H. W. Henshaw). k. Juv. sk. San Francisco, California Salvin-Godman Coll. (-F. Gruber). I. 2 ad. sk. San Mateo, Gala., Oct. (/. H. Saunders CoU. Hepburn), m, n. cS 2 ^^- sk. Ventura, Cala., Nov. {Hen- Salvin-Godman Coll. shmo). o. (5 ad. sk. San Diego, Cala., April [L. Salvin-Godman Coll. Betdiiiff). 38. Larus canus. The White Gull, Albin, Nat. Hist. B. ii. p. 77, pi. 94 (1740). Grande Mouette cendree, Briss. Orn. vi. p. 182, pi. xvi. tig. 2 (1760) ; Bujf. Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. 425 (1783) ; Daubent. PL Eid.Y>l 097 (178H). I-arus canus, Briinn. Orn. Bor. p. 43 (1764 : Iceland) ; Lin7i. Syst. Nat. i. p. 224 (1766) ; &o;;. Ann. i. p. 79 (1769) ; P. L. S. Miill. S. N. ii. p. 345 (1773); G7n. S. N. i. p. 596 (1788); Betziia, Faun. Siiec. p. 158 (1790) ; Lath. hid. Orn. p. 815 (1790); Bec/ist. N(dur(/. Deutscht. ii. p. 808 (1791) ; Meyer if Wolf, Taschenb. ii. p. 47o(1810) ; Pallas, Zoogr. Eosso-Asiaf. p. 330 (1811) ; Leisler, Nachtr. Deutschl. p. 14 (1812) ; Meyer, Viiy. Liv- u. Esthl. p. 232 (1815): Temm. Man. d'Orn. p. 498 (1815): Melmer S,- Schins, Yog. Schtveiz,-p. 269 (1815) ; Koch, Syst. baier. Zool.^. 374 (1816) ; Leach, Syst. Cat. Mamm. S)C. Brit. Mus. p. 40 (1816) ; Niks. Orn. Suec. ii. p. 172 (1817) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. 2°" 6d. p. 771 (1820) ; Bote, Isis, 1822, p. 563 ; Meyer, Taxchenb. iii. Zusiitze, p. 200 (1822) ; Brehm, Lehrb. p. 707 (1824) ; Steph. in Shajv's Gim. Zool. xiii. pt. 1 , p. 198 (1826) ; Vieill. Faun. Franc, Ois. p. 389 ( 1828 ?) ; 278 Werner, Atlas, Palmipedes, pi. 24 (1828) ; Fleming, Brit. An. p. 140 (1828) ; Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. p. 58 (1829) ; Brehm, Ms, 1830, p. 994 ; Smi, Orn. Tosc. iii. p. 59 (1831) ; Menetr. Cat. Mais. Cauc. p. 55 (1832) ; Selbi/, Brit. B. ii. p. 490, pi. xciii. (1833) ; Jenxjns, Man. Brit. Vertebr. p. 275 (1835) : Eyton, Cat. Brit. B. p. 52 (1836) ; Gould, B. Bur. v. pi. 437' (1837) ; Bp. Comp. List B. Eur. <^ N. Amer. p. 63 (1838) ; Naum. Vog. Beutschl. p. 301, pi. 261 (1840) ; Crespon, Orn. Gard, p. 485 (1840) ; Keys. u. Bias. Wirh. Eur. p. xcvi & p. 244 (1840) ; Nordm. in Demid. Voy. Buss. Merid. iii. p. 280 (1840) ; Selys-Lom/ch. Faun. Belq. p. 153 (1842) ; Macgill. Man. Brit. Orn. pt. ii. p. 248 (1842) ; Bouteille, Orn. Dauph. ii. p. 244 (1843) ; Miihle, Orn. Griechenl. p, 141 (1844) ; Crespon, Faun. Merid. ii. p. 124 (1844); Schl. Rev. Crit. p. cxxv (1844) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 171 (1844) ; Yan-. Brit. B. 2ud ed. iii. p. 570 (1845) ; Hexcits. Eqgs Brit. B. ii. p. 441, pi. cxxv. (1846) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 654 (1846) ; Degl. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 313 (1849) ; Tlmnps. B. Lrel. iii. p. 348 (1851); Kjcerb. Damn. Fugle, p. 339, tab. xlii. (1852); Macqill. Brit. B. v. p. 575 (1852); Schl. Vog. Nederl. p. 599, pi. 349 (1854) ; Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 69 (1854) ; Heugl. Syst. Uebers. p. 69 (1856 : coast Egypt) ; Bp. C. R. xUi. p. 771 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 223 (1857) ; Meyer, Brit. B. Vii. p. 135, pi. 304 (1857); Schrenck, Beis. Amurl. p. 509 (1859) ; Li?idenn. Fog. Giiechenl. p. 175 (1K60) ; Sicinh. Ibis, 1860, p. 68 (Amoy) ; Potvys, t. c. p. 355 (Corfu, winter) ; Schl. Die)'. Nederl. VogeJs, p. 236 (1861) ; Swinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 345 (N. Chiaa) ; Sundev. Sv. Fogl. pi. 49. fig. 6 (1863); Newton in S. B. -Gould's Iceland, p. 418 (1863: oue imm.); Schl. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 22 (1863) ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 233 (1863) ; Eadde, Beis. Sibir., Vog. p. 387 (1863) ; Scdmd. Ucc. Sard. p. 128 (1864) ; Wright, Ibis, 1864, p. 151 (Malta) ; Der/l. et Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 424 (1867) ; Loche, E.xpl. Sc. Alger., Ois. ii. p. 184 (1867) ; Holtz, J.f. O. 1868, p. 124 (I. of Gottland, breeds) ; Borggr. Voqelf. Norddeutschl. p. 143 (1 869) ; Boderl. Avif. Sicil. p. 235 (1869) ; Fritsch, Vog. Eur. p. 476, tab. 55. fig. 7 & tab. o6. tig. 5 (1870); Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 400 (S. Spain) ; Sioinh. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 420 (China) ; Salvad. Faun. Ital., Ucc. p. 292 (1872) ; G. R. Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. Ill, no. 10945 (1871); R. Gray, B. West Scotl. p. 483 (1871); Shelley, B. Egiipt, p. 305 (1872 : Damietta) ; Hurting, Handb. Brit. B. p. 77 (1872) ; Gould, B. Gt. Brit. v. pi. 60 (1873) ; Palmen, Finl. Fogl. p. 506 (1873); Alstmi ^- H-Br. Ibis, 1873. p. 52 (Archangel) ; Brooke, t. c. p. 347 (Sardinia) ; Sharpe ^ Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 381, pi. 600 (1873); Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. Bd. ii. pt. 2, p. 1377 (1873 : Nile up to Khartoum) ; Severfz. Turkest. Jevotn. p. 70 (1873), and Dresser's transl. Ibis, 1876, p. 415 (Aral to Balkash) ; Dur7iford, Ris, 1874, p. 402 (JN. Frisian Is.) ; Irby, Orn. Strs. Gibr. p. 214 (1875) ; Blanf. Fktst. Persia, ii. p. 291 (1876 : Bushire) ; Seeb. S,- H-Br. Ibis, 1876, p. 451 (Lower Petchora, breeds) ; Collett, Nyt Mag. Naturv. 1877, p. 208 (N. Norway) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 799 (Japan) ; I)amd Sf Oust. Ois. Chine, p. 517 (1878) ; Samulers, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 177 (revision Larinffi) ; id. Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 396 (distribution) ; Miiller, J.f. 0. 1879, p. 392 (Cyprus) ; Seebohm, Ibis, 1879, p. 161 (Yenesei, breeds); Finsch, Verh. z.-b. WYtw, p. 273 (1879) ; Rodd,B. Corn- wall, p. 169 (1880) ; Brandt, J.f. O. 1880, p. 253 (Finnish Is., breeds) ; Saunders, Rep. Voy. ' Challenger^ Zool. ii. Birds, p. 138 (1881 : Japan) ; Ridgw. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 62 (1881 : Labrador) ; Seebohm {Henke), Ibis, 1882, p. 230 (Kirghiz Steppes); 15. LARUS. 27i) id. t. c. p. 386 (Archangel) ; Saluin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 020 (1882) ; Cones, Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 121 (1882 : Labrador) ; B. O. U. List Brit. B. p. 189 (1883) ; Baird, Brewer, ^ Ridgiu. Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 250 (1884: Labrador) ; Tristr. Faun. ^ Flor. Palest, p. 137 (1884) ; Itadde, Om. Cauc. p. 478 (1884) ; Cones, Key N. Amer. B. 2ud ed. p. 740 (1884: Labrador); iSauuders, 4th ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 613 (1884); Bunge, Mel. Biol. xii. livr. l,p. 51 (1884) ; Seebohm, Brit. B. iii. p. 310 (1885) ; Biichner, Beitr. liuss. B^iches, (2) ii. p. 130 (ltt85 : St. Peters- burg) ; SStejn. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 29, p. 76 (1885: Bering I.) ; Homeyer, Ornis, 1885, p. 80 ; Liitken, t. c. p. 145 (Denmark) ; Torre i.y Tsch. t. c. p. 501 (Austr.-lluug.) ; Albarda, t. c. p. 029 (Holland) ; A. O. II. Chcck-l. N. Amer. B. p. 90 (1886) ; Taylur, Ibis, 1880, p. 379 (Suez Canal) ; Giylioli, Amf. Ital. p. 428 (1880) ; Olphe-Gall. Orn. Eur. Occid. fasc. x. p. 76 (1686); Alleon, Ornis, 1886, p. 422 (Black Sea); Winge, t. c.p. 591 (Denmark); Schneider, op. cit. 1887, p. 551 (Up. Alsace) ; Salvud. Ucc. Ital. p. 286 (1887) ; Stejn. I'r. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1887, p. 123 (Bering 1.) ; liidqiv. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 33 (1887) ; Booth, Rough Notes, iii. (1887) ; H-Brown 8,- Buckl. Faun. Sutherl. p. 231 (1887) ; iid. Faun. Outer Ilebr. p. 146 (1888) ; Taczan. Ornis, 1888, p. 507 (Poland) ; Pleske, Mem. Acad. St. Betersb. (7) xxxvi. p. 57 (1888: Turkestan); Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 055 (1889); liadde 4'" Walter, Ornis, 1889, p. 125 (lii'asnovodsk, winter) ; Winge, Ornis, 1890, p. 379 (Lolland, Denmark, breeds) ; Seebuhm, B. Japan. Emp. p. 293 (1890) ; Steve?ison ^- Southw. B. Norfolk; iii. p. 335 (1890); Saunders, Ibis, 1891, p. 188 (Lake L6man) ; Sti/an, t. c. p. 608 (Lower Yangtse) ; Gatke, Vogeho. Hetgol. p. 574 (1891); Buckley ^- H-Br. Faun. Orkney Is. p. 231 (1891) ; iid. Faun. Argyll ^-c. p. 190 (1892) ; Campbell, Ibis, 1892, p. 240 (Corea) ; De La Touche, t. c. p. 501 (Foochow and Swatow, winter) ; Hartert, t. c. p. 520 (East Prussia, winter); D' Urban S,- Matheic, B. Devon, p. 379 (1892) ; Macphers. Faun. Lakeland, p. 427 (1892); Meade-Waldo, Ibis, 1893, p. 206 (Canaries, rare) ; Tacz. Mem. Acad. PHersb. xxxix. p. 1033 (1893) ; Matkeiv, B. Pemhrokesh. p. 105 (1894) ; Collett, Nyt Mag. Naturv. Bd. xxxv. p. 300 (1894) ; Irby, Orn. Strs. Gibr. 2ud ed. p. 298 (1895) ; Pearson, Ibis, 1895, p. 248 (Iceland, not breeding). Larus maculatus, Briinn. {nee Bodd.) Orn. Bor. p. 44, no. 140 (1704: Copenhagen). The Winter Mew, Penriant, Br. Zool. p. 142, pi. L. 2 (1766) ; ibid. ed. 2, p. 423 (1788). Larus cinereus, Scop. Ann. i. Hist. Nat. p. 80 (1769). Larus hybernus, Tunst. Orti. Brit. p. 3 (1771); Gin. Syst. Nat. i. p. 596 (1788) ; Bp. C. B. xlii. p. 771 (1856); Bp. Consp. Ae. ii. p. 223 (1857) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. Ill, no. 10947 (1871). The Commou Gull, Lath. Gen. Syri. iii. pt. 2, p. 378 (1785) : Bewick, Brit. B. ii. p. 200 (1821) ; Van: Brit. B. iii. p. 452 (1843). Larus procellosus, Bechst. Orn. Taschenb. p. 373 (1803). Larus cyanorhynchus, Meyer, Taschenb. Vby. Deutschl. ii. p. 480 (1810) ; id. op. cit. ed. 1822, p. 200 ; Koch, Syst. baier. Zool. p. 375 (1816). Larus niveus {nee Bodd.), Pallas, Zoogr. Bosso-Asiat. ii. p. 320, tab. Ixxiv. (1811); Bp. Bev. et Mag. Zool. 1857, p. 5o (Peruu ; id. Co7isp. Av. ii. p. 224 (1857); Swinh. Ibis, 1862, p. 42S (Formosa) ; id. P. Z. S. 1803, p. 325 ; Whitele,/, Ibi.% 1807, p. 210 (llukodaili); Dei/l. ^- Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 420 (1807) ; Swinh. Ibis, 1870, p. 336 (Hainan); id. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 420; id. Ibis, 280 lakidj:. 1874, p. 165 (Ilakodadi) ; id. op. cit. 1875, p. 138 (Chefoo) ; Severtz. J. f. O. 1875, p. 185, no. 382 (Aral to Tianslian) ; Tacz. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1877, p. 263 (E. Siberia) ; Prjev. in Rowlei/'s Orn. Misc. iii. p. 108 (1878) ; David 8f Oust. Ois. Chine, p. 518 (1878) ; Tacz. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1883, p. 341 (Kamtschatka) ; Alleon, Ornis, 1886, p. 422 (Black Sea). Laroides procellosus, Brehm, Isis, 1830, p. 994 ; id. Vog. Deutschl. p. 750 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 294. Laroides canus, Brehm, Isis, 1830, p. 994 ; id. Toy. Deutschl. p. 752 (1831) ; id. Ncmm. 1855, p. 294. Laroides canescens, Brehm, Isis, 1830, p. 994 ; id. Vog. Deutschl. p. 753 (1831) : id. Naum. 1855, p. 294. Larus canus, var. major, Middend. Beis. Sibir., Zool, p. 243, pi. xxiv. fig. 4 (1853). Glauciis canus, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 102. Glauciis lacrymosus, Bruch {nee Licht.), J.f. O. 1853, p. 102. Larus heinei, Homeger, Naum. 185-3, p. 129. Gavina kamtchatchensis, Bp. Namn. 1854, p. 212. Gavina canus, Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 212 ; Bruch, J.f. O. 1855, p. 284. Gavina kaintschatscheusis, Bp. Bev. et Mag. Zool. (2) vii. p. 16 (1855). Laroides lacrimosus, Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 294. Gavina heinei, Bruch, J.f. O. 1855, p. 283. ? Rissa nivea, Bp. Cat. Parzudaki, p. 11 (1855). Larus canus a. farroensis, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 223 (1857). Larus canus b. islandicus, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 223 (1857). Larus camtschatkensis, Bp. C. B. xlii. p. 771 (1856) ; cf. Bev. et Mag. Zool. 1857, p. 58. Xema canum, Jaub. et B.-La2)om7n. Bich. Orn. Midi Fr. p. 393 (1859). Larus delawarensis. Cones, Fr. Philad. Acad. 1861, p. 246 (Labrador) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 177 (as regards Hakodadi, juv.). Larus canus major, Schleg. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 26 (1863). Larus suckleyi, Schleg. {nee Lawr.) Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p.' 27 (1803 : Japan). Larus audouini, Tristram, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 455 ; id. Ibis, 1868, p. 330 (Palestine) ; A. B. Brooke, Ibis, 1873, p. 34 (Savona: cf. Giglioli, op. cit. 1881, p. 218). Larus (Gavina) canus, Droste, Vogelw. Borhum, p. 344 (1869). Gavia cana, Menzbier, Bidl. Mosc. Iviii. no. 1, p. 136 (1883 : Oka). Larus kamtschatchensis, Stejn. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 29, p. 73 (1885) ; id. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1887, p. 123 (Bering I.). Larus canus niveus. Tacz. Mem. Acad. Petersb.xsjax. p. 1034 (1893: E. Siberia). Adult male in breeding-plumage. Head, neck, tail, and entire underparts white ; mantle bluish grej' (decidedly darker than in typical L. argentatus in birds from North-western Europe, and slate- grey^ — as in L. calif or uicvs^in birds from Archangel eastward, with a perfect gradation of tint) ; secondaries broadly tipped with "white ; outermost primary black, paler at the base, with a white subterminal mirror about 2 in. long : 2nd black, with a grey basal wedge and smaller white mirror ; 3rd black, Avith grey basally on both webs, and exceptionally a small subterminal white spot ; 4th, 5th, and 6th quills chiefly grey, with black bars — which decrease ascendingly — and broad white tips : 7th quill grey with a white tip, and with a small dark spot on the outer web in all but very mature birds ; the remaining quills Avhite terminally and grey basally. Eastern 15. LAKUS. 281 liircls have the outer primaries darker throughout and the grey is loss strongly contrasted than in AVestern examples, but the pattern never varies. Bill greenish yellow at the base, rich yeUow terminally ; iris golden brown, orbital ring vermilion ; tarsi and toes greenish yellow. Total length 17 to 18-5 inches, culmen 1-85 to 2, wing 14 to 15, tail 5-75 to 6-25, tarsus 2-1 to 2-2, middle toe with the claw 1*75 to 2. These measurements represent the difl'erence between an average Scottish bird and the largest examples in the collection, which are those from Japan and Corea. Adah female. Like the male, but smaller. Adult in winter plumarje. Similar, but streaked and mottled with ash-brown on the head and upper neck ; tarsi and toes olivaceous. Young. Head and upper neck streaked with ash-brown, the cheeks and throat, however, are nearly white ; lower neck rather darker brown; feathers of the mantle with brown centres and whitish edges ; primaries chiefly sooty brown, with paler inner webs and whitish tips to the upper quills : tail-coverts white, sparsely mottled with brown ; rectrices whitish basally, with a well-defined subterminal brown band 2 inches deep ; flanks, under wing, and upper breast mottled with brown, but the centre of the abdomen and breast nearly white : bill yellowish at the base, black anteriorly ; tarsi and toes brownish. By September of the very first year some pure grey feathers have begun to show on the mautle, and these continue to take the place of the brown feathers until the next general moult. Immature (Feb., when about 20 months old). Head and neck streaked, and some brownish mottling on the upper wing-coverts, but the mantle bluish grey as in the adult, and the scapulars with pure white tips ; secondaries chiefly white, but with some dark l)rown spots ; outer primary with a long white mirror ; well-defined greyish wedges on the inner webs of the 4th, 5th, and 6th quills ; 7th and Sth slightly barred subterminally, and greyish above ; the rest whitish ; tail white, with some irregular blackish spots, the remains of the band : bill and tarsi olivaceous. At the next moult a v.'hite mirror appears on the 2nd primarj-, the pattern of the ijuills becomes well-defined, and, save for a few markings at the point of the wing and on the under coverts, the bird may be called adult. It breeds the next spring, when nearly three years old. Nestlimj. Buflish grey, rather boldly spotted and streaked with black on the upper surface, and with a black spot at the base of the bill, apparently characteristic of this species. Hah. Northern Europe and Asia down to about 53° X. (breeding) ; in winter to the -Mediterranean basin, Nile valley, and Persian Gulf ; on the Pacific side, from Kamtschatka to Japan and China ; rare in Iceland ; has once occurred in Labrador (a young bird). a. Ad. sk. England, winter [white spot II. Saunders Coll. on 3rd quill]. b, c. Ad. et jiiv. Devonshire, winter. Col. Montagu [P.]. sk. d. Ad. St. Tornuav. C. Coningbaui, Esq. [P.]. 282 e. Ad. st. /. Ad. St. g-n. S ? .juv. ; o. Vix ad. sk. p. $ juv. sk. fj-s. Imm. St. t. S ad. sk. n-iD. c? 5 ad. et 2 juv. sk. X. Juv. sk. y. Juv. sk. ;:, a' , h' . Pull, et ad. st. c' ,d' . S 2 ad. ;e'. Pull.;/, 5-'. Vix ad. et juv. sk. h', i'. c? 2 ad. ; k'-ni'. Pull. St. n', o'. cj 2 ad. ; p', q'. Pull. St. r . 2 vix ad. sk. a'-x' . Ad. et juv. St. «/, s'. J ad. ; «". Pull. sk. h" . Juv. sk. c". 2 juv. sk. f?", e". 2 ad. et juv. sk. /'.'. S juv. sk. //". Juv. sk. h" . 2 juv. sk. i". (S ad. sk. k" . S ad. sk. Z". c? inun. sk. wi". 2 ad. sk. n' . (S ad. sk. o". (S juv. sk. ])". 2 ad. sk. (/', )■". Ad. sk. ,>•■". 2 iuiui. sk. t". Ad. sk. u'', v". cS juv. sk. Hayling Island. Lancing, Sussex. Ilomney Marsh, Kent, Sept. Romney Marsh, Kent, May. Thames. Cookham, Berks, Dee. Harwich, Jan. 28. [The S ad. has white spot on 3rd quill.] Walberswick, Suffolk, Feb. ( W. Tyler). Redcar, Yorks., Jan, (Biggins). Hebrides. Orkneys, May, June, Sept. & Dec. (J. H. Dunn). Hills of Hoy, Orkneys, summer. Mousa, Shetlands, June. Vadso, Norway, June {H. S.). Archangel {Henke). Lower Dwina, June {Alston ^ Harvie-Iirown). Ferto, Okka. Damietta, Lower Egypt, Jan. River Kishon, Palestine, winter. River Tigris, winter {Jones). Fao, Persian Gulf, Feb. Male Atlim, River Ob, July. Yenesei River, 66° 30' N., June {H. Seebohm). Yenesei River, 66° 30' N., June [H. S.). Petropaulovski, Kamtschatka, May. Hakodadi, Japan (Blakisfon). Hakodadi, Japan, Dec. {H. Whiteley). Hakodadi, Japan, Dec. (//. Whiteley). Hakodadi, Japan. Y^okohama (H. Pryer). Y'okohama, Feb. {G. Stephen). Yedo Bav, Japau {Admiral H. St. John). Yedo Bay, Jan. [Adml. II. St. John). J. B. Tyndale, Esq. [P.]. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. R. B. Shai-pe, Esq. [P.]. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. A. Cooper, Esq., R. A. [P.]. R. B. Shai-pe, Esq. [P-].. H. A\ hitehead, Esq. [R]. H. Saunders Coll. H. Saunders Coll. T. Walker, Esq. [P.]. H. Saunders Coll. J. Baker [Purchased]. E. M. Nelson, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [R]. H. Saunders Coll. Hungarian Mus. [P.]. J. H. Gurne}^ Esq. [R]. Canon Tristram [P.]. India Museum [P.]. S. ]3utcher, Esq. [P.]. Dr. 0. Finsch [C.]. H. Saunders Coll. Seebohm Coll. Capt. Blakiston [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Tweeddale Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Capt. Blakiston [P.]. Seebohm Coll. H. Saunders Coll. Tweeddale Coll. H. Saunders Coll. sk. 1'). I.AKUS. Yedo Bay, Japan, May. x". (S jiiv. sk. Nagasaki, Japan, Feb. I/", s". cJ ad. sk. Corea. 283 II.M.S. ' ChaUenger ' E.xped. F. ILiugur, Esq. [P.]. G. W.Oampbbll, Esq. [P.]. II. kSauuders Coll. «■', i^. 2 ad. ut Shangliai, Jan. {G. Stephen) hum. sk. c\ Ad. sk. Fokien. J. Gould Coll. i: Faun. Graml. ]\ 100 (1780, ex Brii>in.): Moh)\ Island. Natiirh. ]). 42 (1786) ; Gm. S. N. i. p. 600 (1788) ; Lath. Ind.Orn. ii. p. 814 (1790) ; Bonn. Em: Meth. i. p. 841 (1790) ; Betzius, Faun. Suec. p. 156 (1800); VOL. XXV. U 290 Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat. ii. p. 320 (1811: Sea of Okhotsk); Meijer, Ann. Wetterau Ges. iii. pp. 162-168 (1812) ; E. Sabine, Tr. Linn. Sue. xii. p. 543 (1819 : Greenland) ; Leach, in Russs Vol/. Baffin B. 4to ed. p. liv (1819) ; id. op. cit. 8vo ed. ii. p. 161 (1819); Scoreshy,Ai-ct. To^. i. p. 535 (1820) ; Temtn. Man. d'Orn. 2™« ^d. p. 757 (1820) ; -B. Sabine, Siqjp. Parry's l-vi Voy. p. cciii (1821 : Barrow Str. and Polar Sea generally) ; Mei/er, Zusdtze Taschenh. iii. p. 191 (1822) ; Boie, Lsis, 1822, p. 562 ; Brehm, Beitr. Vuyelk. iii. p. 800 (1822); Manby, Voy. Greenl. p. 48 (1822) ; Licht. Verz. Doubl. p. 82 (1823) ; Brehm, Lehrb. p. 729 (1824) ; Steph. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 189 (1826) ; J. Richardson, App. Parry's 2nd Voy. p. 358 (1825 : Lyon Inlet, S. of Melville Peninsula) ; J. C. Ross, App. Parry's 3rd Voy. p. 103 (1820: Pt. Bowen and N. Somerset Ld. on opp. side of Pr. Pie- o-ent's Inlet) ; id. A2}p. Parry's it h Voy. p. 194 (1828: Low I., Spitsbergen, but not N. of 81°) ; Brehm, Ornis, Heft ii. p. 136 (1826) ; Bp. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ii. p. 361 (1828) ; Werner, Atlas, Palmipedes, p. 15 (1828 ) ; Vieill. Faun. Fran<^., Ois. p. 395 (1828) ; Fleming, Brit. Anim. p. 139 (1828) ; Brehm, lsis, 1830, p. 993 ; id. Viig. Ueutschl. p. 733 (1831): Stv. Sf Rick. Faun. Bor.-Amer., Birds, p. 416 (1831) ; Selby, Brit. B. ii. p. 498, pi. xcix. (1838) ; Nuttall, Man. Orn. ii. p. 306 (1834) ; Jenyns, Man. Brit. Vertebr. p. 279 (1835) ; Fyton, Cat. Brit. B. p. 53 (1836) ; Gould, B. Eur. V. pi. 432 (1837) ; Bp. Comp. List B. Em: <^- N. Amer. p. 63 (1838) ; Audub. Orn. Biogr. v. p. 59, pi. 396 (1839) ; id. Synop. p. 329 (1839) ; Namn. Viig. Deutschl. x. p. 350, pi. 264 (1840) ; Schinz, Europ. Faun. p. 378 (1840) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. 2me ed. 4me pte. p. 467 (1840) ; Keys. ^ Bias. IVirb. Eur. p. xcvi & p. 243 (1840) ; Gray, List Gen. B. p. 78 (1840) ; id. op. cit. ed. 1841, p. 99 ; Selys-Longch. Faun. Belg. p. 153 (1842) ; Macgill. Man. Brit. Orn. ii. p. 247 (1842) ; Giraud, B. Long Isl. p. 363 (1844) ; Schl. Rev. Crit. p. cxxv (1844) ; Audub. B. N. Atner. 8vo ed. vii. p. 170, pi. 449 (1844) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 168 (1844) ; Yarr. Brit. B. 2nd ed. iii. p. 595 (1845) ; Mewitson, Eggs Brit. B. ii. p. 450, pi. cxxviii. fig. 2 (1846) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 654 (1846) ; Degl. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 309 (1849) ; Thoinps. B. Irel. iii. p. 388 (1851) ; Braivlt, Lehmann's R. n. Buchara, p. 331 (1852 : mouth of Ural river) ; Macgill. Br. B. v. p. 557 (1852) ; Dublin Soc. i. p. 57 (Prince Patrick Isl., M'Clintock) ; Meyer, Brit. B. vii. p. 147, pi. 307 (1857); A. Armstrom/, N.W. Pass. '■ In- vestiq.' p. 347 (1857 : Pr. Albert Land) ; Baird, Cass., ^- Laicr. B. N. Amer. p. 842 (1858) ; Evans Sf Sturge, Ibis, 1859, p. 167 (W. Spitsbergen): Schl. Dier. Nederl. Vogels, p. 234 (1861); Reinhardt, Ibis, 1861, p. 16 (Greenland) ; A. Newton, in Baring Gould's Iceland, p. 418 (1863) ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 230 (1863)"; Radde,Reise Sibir., Voy. ii.p.382 (1863) ; Schl. Mus. P.-^.,Lari, p. 4 (1863) ; Malmgr. 'CEfv. Ak. Fbrh. 1863, p. 105 ; id. op. cit. 1864, p. 389 (Spitsbergen); A. Newt. Ibis, 1865, p. 509 (Spits- ber"-en); Degl. ^- Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 409 (1867); Borygr. Vogelf. Norddeutschl. p. 142 (1869) ; Dall ^ Bann. Tr. Chic. Acad. i. p. 304, no. 177 (1809: St. Michael's, Ala.ska) ; Fritsch, Viig. Eur. p. 473, tab. 56. fig. 8 (1870) ; Gillett, Ibis, 1870, p. 306 (Novaya Zemlya) ; R. Gray, B. West Scotl. p. 4i::0 (1871) ; G. R. Gray, Sand-l. B. iii. p. 112, no. 10960 (1871) ; Harting, P. Z. S. 15. LARus. 291 1871, p. 122 (Melville I., M'Clinfock); id. Handb. Brit. U. p. 77 (1872) ; Hewjl. Ibis, 1872, p. 6-'5 (Novaya Zemlva) ; Feilden, Zool. s.s. p. 3289 ( 1872 : Ftcroes) ; Sah-ad. Faun. Ital.', Ucc. p. 295 (1872); Coueit, Key N. Amcr. B. p. 311 (1872); id. in Elliott's Hep. Prybiloff Group, no. o43 (1873) ; Collett, Fork. Selsk. Christ. 1873, p. 294 (N. Norway); Palmen, Finiands Fogl. p. 585 (1873); Goidd, B. Gt. Brit. v. pi. 57 (1873); li. Gray, Br. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasi/. 1873, p. 199 ; H-Bronm, t. c. p. 210 (Forth) ; Coues, B. N.-W'cst, p. 620 (1874); Suruhv. (Efo. Ak. Fiirh. 1874, p. 21 (Mos.sel IJay); Swinh. Ibis, 1874, p. IC.5 (X. Japan); Bessc-ls, Bull. Soc. Geogr. Paris, 1875, p. 290 (Polaris Bay) ; Irby, Orn. iStrs. Gibr. p. 215 (1875 : Tansrier) ; A. Netcton, Arctic Man. p. 100 (1875) ; Seebohm 4- H-Brown, Ibis, 1870, p. 453 (Lower Petchora) ; Taizan. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1870, p. 263 (E. Siberia) ; Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 433, pi. 605 (1877); Fdlden, Ibis, 1877, p. 409 (up to 82= N.) ; Collett, Nyt May. Naturv. 1877, p. 210 (X. Norway) ; E. Adams, Ibis, 1878, p. 440 (Norton Sd.) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 165 ; Marmott. l^- Vian, Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1879, p. 249 (Crotoy) ; Seebohm, Ibis, 1879, p. 101 (Yene.sei) : Bessels, Amerik. Kordpol-Exped. p. 312(1879: Polaris Bay); Kumlien, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mas. no. 15, p. 95 (1879: Cumberland Sd.) ; Feilden, Zool. 1879, p. 7 (Pr. Albert Ld.) ; Ragsdale, Bull. Nidt. Orn. CI. 1881, p. 187 (Bed Itivei-, Texas: imm.) ; Maynurd, B. East. N. Amer. p. 482 (1881 : Mass., rare) ; Ridyw. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 51 (1881) ; Feilden, in 3Iarkhain''s Polar lieconn. p. 334 (1881 : Novaya Zemlva) ; Coues, Ckeck^list N.Amcr. B. p. 120 (1882) ; W. H. Neale, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 053 (Franz- Josef Ld.) ; Elliott, Seal Is. Alaska, p. 132 (1882) ; Seebohm (Henke), Ibis, 1882, p. 230 (N. Caspian, imm.) ; id. (id.) t. c. p. 385 (Kauin Peninsula, breeding) ; Bean, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1882, p. 108 (Cape Lisburn) ; Nelson, Cruise ' Corwin,' p. 100 (1883); Tacz. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1883, p. 341 (Kamtsc-hatka) ; B. O. U. Lid Brit. B. p. 187 (1883) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1884, p. 391 (S.W. France) ; id ifh ed. Fan: Brit. B. iii. p. 036 (1884) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 741 (1884) ; Baird, Brewer, ^- Bidgiv. Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 211 (1884); Stearns, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. vi. p. 122 (1884 : Labrador) ; Bunge, Mel. Biol. xii. livr. 1, p. 48 & p. 53 (1884: Lena delta) ; Seebohm, Brit. B. iii. p. 330 (1885): Bvchner, Beitr. Buss. Beiehes, {2) ii. p. 132 (1885: St. Petersburg) ; Murdoch, Exped. Pt. Barnno,-p. 122 (1885) ; Fischer Sr Pelz. MT. orn. Ver. Wien, 1880, p. 210 (Jau Maven L); Homeyer, Omis, 1885, p. 80 (Germany) ; A. O. U. Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 87 (1886) ; Griindal, Omis, 1886, p. 370 (IceLind) ; Giylioli, Avif. Ital. p. 433 (1880) ; Salvad. Ucc. Ital. p. 287 (1887) ; Booth, Rough Notes, iii. (1887) ; Schiieider, Omis, 1887, p. 551 (llpp. Alsace : juv., winter) ; Riflyw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 26 (1887) ; Townsend, Auk, 1887, p. 12 (N. Alaska) ; Feilden, Tr. Noriv. Soc. iv. p. 351 (1887 : Hudson Str.) ; Palmen, J'ega- E.v2H'd. T'etensk. p. 365 (1887) ; H-Brown i.^- Buckl. Faun. Sut/ierl. p. 234 (1887): iid. Outer Hebr. p. 149 (1888); Taczan. Orfii.s, 1888, p. 507 (Poland); Scehohm (Bum,e), Ibis, 1888, p. 350 (Gt. Liakoff L); Cooke, Bird Miyr. Mississippi VaJl. p. 55 (1888: Kansius) ; Greeli/, Rep. Exped. Lad}/ Franklin Bai/, ii. p. 22 (1888); Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 663 '(1889): Giylioli, Avif. Ital. i. Rt-soc. p. 647 (1889) ; M. Chamberlain, Auk, 1889, p. 214 (S. Green- land) ; Seeb. B. Japan. Emp. p. 290 (1890) ; Ii. MacFirl. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus.xiv. p. 417 (1891 : Arctic Amer.) ; Gatke, Vogelw. f 2 292 Helgol. p. 506 (1891) ; Hagerup, B. Greenl. p. 46 (1891) ; W. E. Clarke, Zool. 1890, p. 49 (Jan Mayen I.) ; Hartert, Ibis, 1892, p. 521 (E. Prussia, juv.) ; Lilford, Col. Figs. Brit. B. pt. xxiii. & pt. xxvii. (1893) ; Collett, Nyt Mag. Naturv. Bd. xxxv. p. 309 (1894: Norway); Dubois, Vertehr. Belg., Ois. ii. p. 577, pi. 289 (1894) ; Irby, Orn. Sirs. Gibr. 2nd ed. p. 301 (1895). Larus hyperboreus, Gunnerus, in Leem's Beskr. Finm. Lapp. p. 283 (1707). Le Gotland a Manteau gris brun ou le Bourgmestre, Buffon, Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. 418 (178.3). Le Go6land a Manteau gris et Wane, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. 421 (1783). Glaucous Gull, Lath. Gen. Sgn. iii. pt. 2, p. 374 (1785) ; Tarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 475 (1843). Larus maximus, O'ReiUy {nee Leach, 1816), Greenland, p. 141, pi. xiii. (1818). ? Larus leuceretes, Schleep, N. Ann. Wetterau Gesel. iv. p. 314 (1819). Larus consul, Boie, Wiedemann's Zool. Mag. 1819, p. 126 (Spits- bergen) ; iSrehm, Isis, 1830, p. 994 ; id. Vog. Devtschl. p. 735 (18.31). ? Larus medius, Brehm, Beitr. Vogelk. iii. p. 810 (1822) ; id. Lehrb. Eur. Vog. p. 731 (1824) ; id. Vog. Derdschl. p. 736 (1831). Larus islandicus, Edmonst. Mem. Wern. Soc. iv. p. 185 (1822 : not o£ Edmonst. op. cit. p. 506, which is L. leucopterus). Larus leucopterus [nee Faber), Vieill. Enc. Meth. i. p. 346 (1823) ; Dall^- Bonn. Tr. Chic. Acad. 1869, p. 304 (St. Michael's, Alaska) ; SauJiders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 166 (as regards Japan) ; id. ith ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 648 (as regards N. Pacific & Bering Sea); Nelson, Eep. B. Alaska, p. 52 (1887) ; ? Toionsend, Auk, 1887, p. 12 (N. Alaska) ; Cooke, Bird Migr. Mississippi Vail. p. 55 (1888) ; Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 664 (1889 : as regards N. Pacific & Bering Sea) ; Seeb. B. Japan. Emp. p. 292 (1890) ; ? Fatio ^ Studer, Cat. Ois. Suisse, p. 62 (1892 : Lake of Neuchatel). Larus glacialis, Brehm, Lehrb. Eur. Vog. p. 705 (1824) ; Macgill. Mem. We)-n. Soc. v. pt. i. p. 270 (1824 : Shetland) ; Brehm, Isis, 1830, p. 993 ; id. Vog. Deutschl. p. 732 (1831) : id. Naum. 1855, p. 294 ; id. Vogelf. p. 338 (1855). Leucus glaucus, Kaup, Natilrl. Syst. p. 86 (1829) ; B}). C. H. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 215 (1857) ; Olphe-Gall. Orn. Eur. Occid. fasc. x. p. 41 (1886) ; Heine ^ Reichenow, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 358 (1890). The Iceland Gull, Betvick, Brit. B. ii. Suppl. p. 28 (1831 : Edmons- ton's Jirst Shetland bird). Larus hutchinsii, Richards. F. Bor.-Am. ii. p. 419, note (1831); Cassin, Proa. Philad. Acad. 1862, p. 290 ; Coues, t. c. p. 294 ; Latvr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. viii. p. 299 (1865 : Long I.) : Elliot, Neio Sf Unfig. B. N. Anier. i. Introd. (wing figured and erroneously ascribed to L. glaucescens), ii. pi. 53 (1869) ; Doll ^ Bann. Tr. Chic. Acad. 1869, p. 304, no. 178 (Fort Yukon). Plautus glaucus, Reichb. Av. Syst. Nat., Longip. p. v (1852). Glaucus consul, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 101. Laroides glaucus, Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 211 ; Bruch, J.f. 0. 1855, p. 281. Laroides glacialis, Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 212 ; Bruch, J. f. 0. 1855, p. 282. Larus barrovianus, Ridgiv. Auk, 1886, p. 330 (Bering Sea) ; Turner, 15. LARUS. 2f)3 Conti: N. H. Alaska, p. 125 (1886); Riclyw. Man. N. Aynei: B. p. 26 (1887) ; Kelson, Rep. B. Alaska, p. 51 (1887) ; F. M. Chapman, Auk, If^QS, p. 393; Taczan. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. (7) xxxix. p. 1019 (1893 : E. Siberia). Larus glaucescens, Taczan. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. (7) xxxix. p. 1019(1893: E. Siberia). Adult male in breeding-plumage. Head, neck, tail, and under- parts white ; mantle pale pearl-gre}', the scapulars and secondaries distinctly white at the tips ; primaries pale pearl-grey basally and on the outermost webs, white terminally : bill yellow, orange-red at the angle ; iris straw-yellow, orbital ring orange ; tarsi and toes bright flesh-pink (in life). Total length about 29 inches, culmen 2-6, wing 18 to 18-5, tail 7"25 to 7"5, tarsus 2-7, middle toe with claw 2* 7. The female is smaller, often considerably so ; but there is also much individual difference in size, irrespective of sex. Adult in winter. Similar, but mottled and streaked with pale brown on the head and neck ; while in birds which have bred for the first time in the previous summer there is often a considerable amount of pale brown mottling on the mantle also, until February or even March. Young. Both upper and under surfaces streaked and mottled with ash-brown on a paler ground-colour ; the feathers of the mantle margined with buffish white, which produces a creamy appearance ; outer quills clay-brown on their outer webs and paler on the inner webs ; upper and under tail-coverts rather boldly marked with brown ; rectrices, on the contrary, rather finely mottled : bill ochre-yellow to the angle, thence blackish to the tip ; tarsi and toes brownish. After the moult of the next year, both upper and under surfaces are much lighter, and pale grey feathers begin to show on the mantle, the outer primaries being all but white. Immature. The mottlings of the upper surface gradually dis- appear, and for a short time the bird appears to be creamy white (in which phase of plumage it has received the name of L. hutcJiinsi). At the subsequent moult the pearl-grey mantle is assumed, but the new tail-feathers show some faint brownish mottlings until the next year. Nestling (Ifith July, 1875). Stone-grey, with a slight tinge of yellowish buff below ; the head spotted with black, and the back mottled with ash-brown. Hah. Entire Circumpolar regions in summer ; southwards in winter to the basin of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the northern part of the Caspian, Japan and California in the Pacific, Bermuda, Florida, and Texas on the Atlantic side. a. Juv. St. Cornwall, winter (Vinffoe). Purchased. b. Juv. St. Torquav, winter. C. Coningham, Esq. [P.]. c. $ ad. sk. Spiu-n Head, Nov. Dr. H. B. Hewetson [P.-j. d. Juv. St. Orknev (BuUock). Purchased. 294 e. Juv. sli. /. cJ ad. St. g,h. $ juv.sk. i,k. Juv.etimm. sk. I. S ad. sk. VI. Ad. sk. n. Ad. St. ; o. Ad. sk. I), q. Ad. et vix ad. sk. r. Ad. sk. s, t. Ad. sk. u. Ad. sk. V. Ad. sk. w. Pull. sk. u'. Pull. sk. y. (S imm. ; z. 5 ad. sk. a . S ad. sk. 6'. Ad. St. c'. Juv. St. d'. Juv. sk. e'-^'. Imm. et juv. sk. h'. 2 ad. sk. i'. cJ ad. sk. k'-g'. d $, ad., imm., et juv. sk. >•', s'. J imm. et ad. sk. t', u'. 2 ad. et (S juv. sk. v'. 5 vix ad. sk. w'. (S imm. sk. x' . (S imm. sk. y'. Skeleton. z'. Skeleton. Orkney, Jan. (J. W. Llmjd). Shetland. F«roe Islands, Dec. {Midler). Vadso, Varauger Fiord, June-July. Golaievskai Is., Lower Petchora River, July 13. Spitsbergen. Northern Sea. Lat. 78° 40' N., long. 0° 22' E. Iceland ( W. Procter). Greenland. Whalefish Is., Disco Bay {Dr. Robert son). Upernavik {Dr. Robertson). Svarte-vosel Bay, N. Green- land, July 1875 [R. C. Hart). Gary Island, Baffin Bay, July 27, 1875 {Col. H. W. Feilden). Labrador {Moeschler). Godbout, Canada, April {N. A. Comeau). North-west America {Capt. ColUnson, R.N.). Kotzebue Sound, IS'.W. Ame- rica. Stewart Isl., Alaska, Sept. {E. W. Nelson). St. IMichael's, Alaska, Aug. (E. W. N.). Picuuktalik River, Alaska, July {E. W. N.). North mouth of Yukon, Alaska, May {E. W. N.). Amur Bay, Nov.-Mar. {G. Dorries). Hakodadi, Yezo, Japan. Hakodadi,Yezo, Japan, Feb.- Mar. (Capt. Blakkton). Nambu Harbour, Japan {H.M.S. •' Sylvia '). Yedo Bay, S. Japan, March {G.Stephen). Port Hamilton, Corea Chan- nel, Dec. {G. Stephen). Europe. Spitsbergen, Aug. 1, 1894. Seebohm Coll. I'urchased. II. Saunders Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. The Admiralty [P.]. The Admiralty [P.]. Capt. D. Gray [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Hume Coll. The Admiralty [P.]. The Admiralty [P.]. H.M.S. ' Discovery ' Exped. H.M.S. 'Alert' Exped. H. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Voy. H.M.S. 'Enter- prise.' Capt. KeUett & Lt. Wood, R.N. [P.]. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. H. Seebohm Coll. Capt. Blakiston [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Tweeddale CoU. H. Saunders Coll. II. Saunders CoU. Purchased. Col. II. W. Feilden [P.]. 15. L.VKUS. . 20.') 44. Larus leucopterus. Larus argentatus, E. Sabine (7iec Gm.), Tr. Linn. Soc. xii. p. o4(J (1819). Larus leucopterus, Faber, Prodr. Isl. Om. p. 91 (1822) ; Brehm, Beitr. Vo,jdh. iii. p. 817 (1822); id. Lehrb. p. 715 (1824); id. Oniis, Heft ii. p. 1-37 (lf<26: Elbe); Bj). Ann. Lye. K Y. ii. p. 3(51 (1828) ; Kaup, Natiirl. Si/st. p. 28 (1829) ; ,S«'. ^- Richards. Faun. Bor.-Amer. ii. p. 418 (1831) ; Lesson, TraiU, p. 617 (1831) ; Nutt. Man. Orn. ii. p. 30o (1834); Audub. Om. Bioyr. iii. p. 553, pi. 282 (1835) ; Eytun, Cat. Brit. B. p. 53 (18.36) ; Bp. Comp. Lkt B. Eur. ^ N. Amer. p. 63 (1838) ; Audub. Synop. p. 327 (1839) ; Schniz, Europ. Faun. p. 378 (1840) ; Temm. Man. dIOrn. 4"^ pte. p. 467 (1840) ; Werner, Atlas, Palmiphde.^, pi. 19 (1840) ; Keys. u. Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. xcvi & p. 243 (1840) ; Kaum. Vog. Deutschl. X. p. 367, tab. 265 (1840) ; Mocyill. Man. Brit. Om. pt. ii. p. 247 (1842); Selys-Lotigch. Faun. Bely. p. 154 (1842); Schl. Rev. Crit. p. cxxv (1844) ; Audub. B. N. Amer. 8vo ed. vii. p. 159, pi. 447 (1844) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 654 (1846) ; Deyl. Orn. Eta: ii. p. 310 (1849) ; Macyill. Brit. B. v. p. 560 (1852) ; Kjcerb. Damn. Fui/le, p. 340, tab. xli. (1852) ; id. op. cit. Suppl. tab. xxii. figs. 1,2 (1854); Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 99 (1854); Schl. Vog. Nederl. p. 595, pi. 342 (1854^); Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 294; Heioits. Eggs Brit. B. ii. p. 498, pi. cxxxix. figs. 1-2 (1850) ; Baird, Cass., ^- Lnior. B. N. Amer. p. 843 (1858) : Schl. Bier. Nederl. Voyels, p. 234 (1801); Reinhardt, Lbis, 1861, p. 17 (Green- land) ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 230 (1803) ; A. Neivton, in Barini/- GuukTs Iceland, p. 418 (1863) ; Degl. et Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 4il (1837) ; Fritsch, Vog. Eur. p. 473, tab. 56. tig. 6 (1870) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 112, no. 10902 (1871) ; Hnrting, Handb. Brit. B. p. 77 (1872); Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 311 (1872); Palm^n, F'inlands Fogl. p. 589 (1873 : Finland ?) ; Finsch, Abh. Ver. Bremen, V. p. 364 (1873 : S. Greenland) ; Collett, Fork. Selsk. Christ. 1873, p. 293 (X. Norway) ; H-Brown, Pr. N. H. Soc. Glasq. 1873, p. 210 (Forth); Coues, B. N.-West, p. 622 (1874); A. Newton, Arct. Man. p. 106 (1875 : Greenland) ; Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 4-39, pi. 606 (1876) ; Kuml. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 15, p. 97 (1877 : Cumberland Sd. & Greenland) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 166 (revision Larinos) ; Ridgw. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 51 (1881); Mayfiard, B. East. N. Amer. p. 483 (1881 : Boston, very rare) ; Coue^, Check-list N'. Amer. B. p. 120 (1882) ; Brewster, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, viii. p. 125 (1883: Maine); Saunders, 4th ed. Tan: Brit. B. iii. p. 642 (1884) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2ud ed. p. 741 (1884) ; Baird, Brewer, ^- Ridgiv. Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 210 (l.->84); Fischer S; Peh. MT. orn. Ver. Wien, 1880, p. 210 (Jan Mayen I., breeds) ; Seebohm, BrU. B. iii. p. 333 (1885) ; Ilomeyer, Ornis, p. 80 (1885) ; Liitken, t. c. p. 145 (Den- mark) ; Grondal, op. cit. 1886, p. 370 (Iceland) ; A. 0. U. Check- list N. Amer. B. p. 87 (1886): Ridgw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 26 (1887); Palmcii, Vega-Exptd.' Vete'nsk. p. 369 note (1887: not in Siberia or Bering S.); Fcilden, Tr. Norw. Soc. iv. p. 351 (1887 : Digges I., breediui,"-) ; H-Brvwn ^- Buckl. Faun. Sutherl. p. 2-34 (1887) ; lid. F. Outer Hebrid. p. 149 (1888) ; Greelg, Rep. Erped. Lady Franklin Bay, ii. p. 22 C 1888 : Smith Sd.) ; Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 06.5 ( 1889) ; Chamberl. Auk, 1889, p. 215 (S. Greenland) ; Stevenson S,- Southw. B. Norfolk, iii. p. 3.36 (18'.)0) : Jr. E. Clarke, Zool. 1890, p. 50 (Jau Mayen I., breeds) ; Buckl. ^'- H-Brown, Faun. Orkney Is. p. 234 (1891); Giitke, Vogelw. Helgol. p. 567 296 LAfilDiE. (1891) ; Hagerup, B. Greenl. p. 46 (1891) ; R. MacFarl. Pr. U.S. Nat. 3Ius. xiv. p. 418 (1891 : not in Arctic Amer.) ; M. Ogilvie, Zool. 1892, p. 114 (Aldeburg-h) ; Rartert, Ibis, 1892, p. 521 (E. Prussia, one juv.) ; Lilford, Col. Firjs. Brit. B. pt. xxvi. (1893) ; Gurnei/, Zool. 1894, p.' 85 (Norfolk); Collett, Nyt Mag. Naiurv. Bd. XXXV. p. 311 (1894) ; Dubois, Verteb. Behj., Ois. ii. p. 580, pi. 290 (1894). Lavus glaucoides, Meyer, Zusntze Taschenb. iii. p. 197 (1822) ; Boie, Isis, 1822, p. 5G2 ; Tcmm. PI. Col. livr. 77, introd. Larus (1828). Larus moltke, Teihnain/, Dan. og Tsl. Fugl. p. 159 (1823). Larus arcticus, Macgill. Mem. Wern. Soc. v. pt. i. p. 268 (1824 : Greenland; a large specimen). Larus islandicus, Ddmonst. Mem. Wern. Soc. iv. p. 506 (1823 : nee Edmonst. op. cit. p. 185) ; Fleming, Brit. An. p. 139 (1828) ; Selby, Brit. B. ii. p. 501, pi. xcviii. (1833) ; Jenyns, Man. Brit. Vertebr. p. 279 (1835) ; Gould, B. Eur. v. pi. 433 (1837) ; Meyer, Brit. B. vii. p. 150, pi. 308 (1857) ; Feilden, Zool. s.s. p. 3289 (1872 : Faroes) ; Gould, B. Gt. Brit. v. pi. 58 (1873). Larus minor, Brehm, Isis, IS-iO, p. 993 ; id. Vog. Deutschl. p. 736 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 294; id. Vogelf. p. 338 (1855). Laroides glaucoides, Brehm, Isis, 1830, p. 993 ; id. Vog. Deutschl. p. 744 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 294. Laroides leucopterus, Brehm, Isis, 18-30, p. 993 ; id. Vog. Deutschl. p. 745 (1831); Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 211; Brehm, op. cit. 1855, p. 294; Bruch, J. f. O. 1855, p. 281. Laroides subleucopterus, Brehm, Isis, 1830, p. 993 ; id. Vog. Deutschl. p. 746 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 294. Iceland Gull, Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 456 (1843). Larus icelandicus, Ynrr. Brit. B. 2nd ed. iii. p. 575 (1845) ; ITiomps. B. Irel. iii. p. 385 (1851) ; R. Gray, B. West Scotl. p. 484 (1871). Glaucus leucopterus, Bruch, J. f. O. 1853, p. 101. Glaiicus glacialis, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 101. Larus chalcopterus, Licht. Nomencl.Av. p. 99 (1854 : descr. nulla *). Laroides glacialis, Bruch, J.f. O. 1855, p. 282. Leucus minor, Bj). C. Ii. xlii. p. 770 (1856). Leucus leucopterus, Bjj. G. R. xlii. p. 770 (1850) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 217 (1857) ; Olphe-Gall. Orn. Eur. Occid. fasc. x. p. 47 (1886) ; Heine ^ Reichenoic, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 358 (1890). Leucus leucopterus, a. minor, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 217 (1857). Leucus arcticus, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 216 (1857). Larus (Leucos) leucopterus, Droste, Vogelw. Borkum, p. 357 (1869). Adult male in hreedinci-plimiage. Like the preceding species, but smaller, with proportionately longer wings. Total length 22 inches, culmen 2*4, wing 16 to 16-5 (extreme), tail 7, tarsus 2-35, middle toe with the claw 2-3. The female is smaller. Adult in winter. Immature, and Young. As in the preceding species, except as regards the white phase, of which I have no certain knowledge, though it probablj' exists. Mr. Kumlien says that the young are darker tha n those of L. glaucus, but, so far as our limited series goes, this does not seem to be the case, and I am inclined to suspect a confusion with the young of L. Ixanlieni. * The type in the Berlin Museum was examined in 1877 and then identified as L. leucopterus ; but see my reniai-ks under L. nchoni (p. 287). 10. GABIANUS. 21)7 On the wing L. leucopterus has a much more buoyant flight than L. (jlaacus, and tho length of wing in proportion to its com- I)aiatively small bulk is very noticeable; but prepared and over- stuffed skins sometimes offer difficulties. Still, in spite of its longer wing in proportion to its bulk, the largest male L. leucopterus does not attain to the length of wing found in the smallest female L. glaucus. Hah. Jan Mayen Island, Greenland, and perhaps the American side of Baffin Eay in summer ; in winter to Iceland and the Faroes (regularly), Scandinavia, the Baltic (rarely), the British Islands, aud the north-west of Europe down to the Gulf of Gascony in severe seasons ; in North America down to Boston (rarely). (I. Imm. St. English coast (Rich). Purchased. b. Juv. st. Mount's Bay, Cornwall Purchased. ( Vinyoc). c. Juv. St. Towyn, Wales. F. Day, Esq. [P.]. d. Ad.; e, f. \'ix Iceland, winter ( ir. Proeto-). H. Saunders & Sal- ad. ; ff, h. Juv. sk. viu-Godmau Colls. i, k. Ad. et vix ad. st. Greenland. HolboU CoU. /. Juv. sk. Newfoundland, Dec. 1892 W. Brewster, Esq. (Codrot/). [P.]. m. Sternum. England. J. Kay, Esq. [P.]. 16. GABIANUS. Type. Gabianus, £riich, J.f. 0. 18rj3, p. 100, e.r Bp. MSS. G. paciticus. liange. Australia, including Tasmania. 1. Gabianus pacificus. Black-backed Gull (part.), Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 372 (1785 : New Holland, ex Parkinson). Larusmariuus(part.),i«^/;. J«ff. Orn. ii. p. 814 (1790: New Holland). Pacific Gull, Lath. Ge7i. Si/n. Suppl. ii. p. 332 (1801). Larus pacificus, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. Ixviii (1801); T'ieill. Enc. Meth. i. p. 345 (1823 : Tasmania) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mx(s., Anseres, p. 170 (Tasmania) ; id. Gen. B. iii. p. G54 (1846) ; Gould, B. Austral, vii. pi. 19 (1848) ; Reichenb. T'dy. Neuholl. ii. p. 1,5 & p. 345 (1850) ; Licht. Nomencl. Ai\ p. 99 (1854 : New HoUand) ; Schl. Mtis. F.-B., Lari, p. 7 (1863) ; Gould, Handb. B. Amtral. ii. p. 385 (1865) : Gray, Ha7id-l. B. iii. p. Ill, no. 10951 (1871) ; J?. P. Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 347 (N.E. Queensland) ; id. P>: Li?in. Soc. N. S. W. 1878, p. 201 ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 181 (revision Larinaa) ; id. Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 397 (1878: distri- bution) ; Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 620 (1882); Finsch, Voy. Siidsee, p. 45 (1884 : Tasmania) ; Lvyye, Pr. R. Soc. Tasman. p. 24.3 (1887) ; Ramsay, Tab. List Austr. B. p. -I'l, no. 683 (1888) ; Bulhr, B. New Zeal. 2nd ed. ii. p. 49, note (1888 : has never been obtained in N.Z.) ; North, Nests .V Lr/ys Austr. B. p. 351 (1889) ; Co.v ^• Ham. Pr. Linn. Soc. A'. 6'. jf". 1890, p. 4-2 (Mudgee); Hartert, Kat. Voqelsamml. Senckenb. p. 242 (1891 : Australia). Larus frontalis, Vieill. N. Did. d'Hist. Nat. xxi. p. 505 (1818: Tasmania); id. Enr. Meth. i. p. 345 (1823: Tatmania) ; Lessu7i, Traitc, p. 617 (1831 : " Lewin's Land "'). 298 LARID^. Lariis leucomelas, Vieill. N. Diet. cVHkt. Nat. xxi. p. 509 (1818 : adult, Tasmania) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 760, note (1820) ; Vieill. Ehc. Meth. i. p. 346 (1823 : Tasmania). Lams batlij'riuchus (sic), Macyill. Meyn. Went. Soc. v. p. 253 (1824). Larus georgii, King, Surv. Intertrop. Austr. ii. p. 423 (1826 : King George's Souud, S.W. Australia). Gabianus pacificus, Bruch, J. f. O. 1853, p. 100 ; id. op. cit. 1855, p. 280; Bj). Naum. 1854, p. 211; id. Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1855, p. 13 ; id. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Vo7isp. Av. ii. p. 212 (1857) ; Heine ^ Reichenmv, Noinencl. Mus. Hein. p. 357 (18iJ0). Gabianus bathyrhynchus, Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 211 ; Bruch, J. f. O. 1865, p. 280"; Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 212 (1857). Gabianus georgi, Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 213 (1857). Adult male in breeding-plumage. Head, neck, and under surface white ; mantle and surface of wings deep black ; scapulars slightly tipped with greyish white ; secondaries with broader white tips and dark lead-coloured iipper parts ; primaries black, rather paler on the inner webs, and with white tips from the fifth upwards ; tail-coverts white ; rectrices white basally and at their tips broadly banded with black on all except the outermost pair, which are white in very mature birds, and black on the inner webs in average ex- amples : bill orange, red in front of the angle ; tarsi and toes greenish yellow : " iris white " (Legge). Total length 25 inches, culmen 2-8, depth at the angle 1-3 to 1-4, wing 17"5 to 18, tail 8, tarsus 2-9, middle toe with claw 2-7. Adult female. Smaller; bill not so deep and weaker. Young. Head and hind neck nearly uniform dark brown ; feathers of the mantle and tail-coverts rather paler brown, with huffish edges ; primaries sooty brown, with pale tips to the inner quills, rectrices dark brown, with whitish extreme tips ; under surface brown, paler on the abdomen ; under wing-coverts dark brown : bill nearly black, ochraceous near the base of the under mandible ; tarsi and toes yellowish brown. At a subsequent stage the forehead and throat are streaked with greyish white and brown, while the general tone of the plumage is lighter. The next year, dull white is the prevailing colour on the underparts ; some black shows on the mantle ; the throat and head are very boldly streaked with brown; some white begins to show at the base of the tail, and the coverts are nearly white : bill greenish basally. Immature. Torehead and under surface chiefly white ; head and neck boldly mottled with brown ; mantle nearly black; tail-coverts pure white; rectrices nearly white and only mottled with greyish at their bases, otherwise as in the adult ; under wing-coverts mottled brown and greyish : bill almost as in the adult, but inclined to black at the commissures. Nestling. Greyish white, spotted with blackish on the head and mottled with dull brown ou the upper surface. This is a very remarkable species, with a superficial resem- blance to L. marinus and L. dominicanus, but showing strong affinities in its wing-pattern and in the black bar on the tail to 17. LEUCOPHJiUS. ii99 the group of Pacilic Gulls, L. modestus (least), L. belcheri, and L. crassirostris. llah. Australia aud Tasmania. Tliree specimens in the Museum bear labels marked " N. Z.," but there is no evidence that the species has ever occurred in Zew Zeahiud : rather the contrary. u. Juv. St. Western Australia. Govemit. of Western AustraUa [P.]. b, c. Ad. ot imm. Port Lincoln, S. Australia. Old Coll. sk. il. Juv. sk. Adelaide {Bridr/es). II. Saundurs Coll. e. 5 juv. sk. Victoria, May (Col. W. V. II. Saunders Coll. Leijcje). f> U- 6 vix ad. et Port Jackson, N. S. Wales, Gould Coll. juv. sk. /(. Ad. sk. ; t. Juv. Tasmania. I\. Gunn, Esq. [P.]. St. k. Ad. sk. Tasmania. H. Saunders Coll. /. Juv.sk. Tasmania. Antarctic E.xpd. [P.]. m. Imm. sk. Ilobart Town, N. S. Wales. Gould Coll. 'rt,o. Ad. etjuv.sk. Lewis, N. S. Wales. Gould Coll. ■p. 5 imm.sk. N.E. Tasmania, Dec. (Co/. fF. II. Saunders CoU. V. Leyye). q. Pull. St. Actajou Isl., Tasmania. Gould Coll. r. Ad. ; 6-, <. Juv. [" New Zealand."] Antarctic Expd. [P.]. sk. 17. LEUCOPH^US. rv Leucophaeus, Bruch*, J.f. O. 185o, p. 1U8 L. scoresbii. Proceliarus, liji. Naum. 1854, p. lill L. scoresbii. Epitelarus, Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 211 L. scoresbii. Itanye. That of the single species. 1. Leucophaeus scoresbii. Larus scoresbii, Traill, Mem. Wern. Sue. iv. p. 514 (1823 : New South Shetland Islands) ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1800, p. 391 ; Abbott, Ibis, 1S()1, p. 165 (Falkland Islands) ; Schl. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 33 (1863) ; Peh. lieis. Novara, Vby. p. 151 (1865 : Chiloe I., Chile) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 116, no. 11009; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 184 (revision Larinffi) ; id. Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 397 (1878 : distribution) ; Milne-Edwards, Faun. Reg. anstrales, chap. iv. p. 31 (1882) ; Oustalet, Mission Sc. Caji Horn,\\.'^. 179, pi. 3 (1891) ; Scl. Ibis, 1894, pp. 495, 497 (Amer. Antarctica). Larus h;cmatorhynchus, Vigors, Zool. Journ. iv. p. 103 (1828-29) ; Jard. ^- Selby, III. Orn. ii. pi. 106 (1S:W) ; Kiny, Voy. 'Adv.' ^• ' Bcaylc,' i. p. 541 (1839 : ISlagellan Strs.) ; Goidd, Zool. ' Beagle,' Bird's, p. 142 (1841 : Port St. Julian, Patagonia) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Auseres, p. 170 (1844) ; id. Gen. B. iii. p. 654 (1846) ; * Often cited as Lciicopheus, Bp., and it would appear tbit Bonaparte, in his correspoudcnce with Bruch, had proposed that naino ; but Bruch was the first, so far as I cau discover, to describe the genus, whicli he restricted to this species; whereas Bonaparte (Naum. 1854, p. 211) also placed Larus iMrmanni in his genus Leucophaits. 300 LAEIDiE. Gay, Hist. Chile, Zool. i. p. 654 (1847) ; Reichenb. Natatores, tab. XXV. fig. 847 (1848). Leucophaeus hsematorhynchus, Bruch, J. f. 0. 185.3, p. 108 ; id. op, cit. ]855, p. 287"; Bp. Naum. 1854, p. I'll ; id. C. R. xlii. p. 771 (1856). Chroicocephalus hfematorhynchus, Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 98 (1854: Chile). Procellarus neglectus, site Epitelarus neglectus, Bp. Naum. 1854, pp. 211, 213; id. Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1855, p. 13; id. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 211 ( 1857 : type of genera). Leucophaeus scoresbii, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 231 (1857) ; Bias, J.f. O. 1865, p. 378; Scl. 8)- Salv. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 579; iid. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 148 (1873). Adult male in breeding -plumage. Head, neck, and under surface lavender-grey, a little warmer on the upper parts, especially on the neck, where the grey deepens ; mantle black, scapulars and secondaries very broadly tipped with white ; primaries chiefly black, the 2nd with a minute white tip, the 3rd with more white termi- nally, and so on, until at the 5th a white spot appears on the inner web, and by contrast forms the black into a subterminal bar ; succeeding quills with broad white tips, which increase in size upwards ; tail-coverts pale grey ; rectrices pure white ; under wing smoke-grey : bill " arterial red " or bright cherr3'-colour ; iris pale yellow, orbital ring white; tarsi and toes vermilion. Total length 18 inches, culmen 1"7, depth at angle 0-6, wing 13-25, tail 6, tarsus 2, middle toe with claw 2 ; hallux joined to the inner toe by a distinct web. 'Yhe female appears to be slightly smaller, but examples with the sex determined are few. Young. Head smoke-grey ; neck all round brownish ; feathers of the mantle dark brown, with paler tips ; secondaries almost as broadly tipped with white as in the adult ; quills black, without white tips up to the 5th ; tail-coverts nearly white ; rectrices white, with a broad black subterminal band ; under surface nearly white up to the brea.st, which is brownish like the neck : bill ochre-yellow at the base, blackish anteriorly ; tarsi and toes livid brown. In the next stage the head is sooty, giving the appearance of a very distinct hood by contrast with the neck, which is grey ; mantle blackish in the centre ; the bar on the rectrices smaller and the two outer pairs of feathers almost white ; under surface pale grey. Immature. With a strongly marked hood ; otherwise like the adult, except that there is less white on the primaries and the 6th has a narrow subterminal black bar. Nestling. Stone-grey, very closely spotted above and mottled below with blackish : altogether a very dark bird. This is a very localized and terrestrial Gull, subsisting largely on the eggs and young of other birds during the season, molluscs, &o. In its plumage it forms a remarkable link between the Pacific group and the typical Gulls. 18. PAGOPUILA. 301 Hah. East Patagonia, the Falkland Islands, the New South Shet- lands, and the Antarctic, land beyond Cape Horn, the Straits of Magellan, and the Pacific Coast up to the Island of Chiloe. o. Ad. St. Berkeley Sound, East Falkland The Admiralty [P.]. {Antarctic Expedition). b, c. d ad. et Falkland Islands, Aug. 1842 The Admiralty [P.]. juv. sk. (Antarctic Expedition), d-g. Ad., imm., Falkland Islands {Dr. Ken- H. Saunders Coll. et juv. sk. h, i. Pull. sk. sfon). Falkland Islands, Jan. (Came- H. Saunders Coll. ron). k. Pull. sk. Falkland Islands, April {Ca- H. Saunders Coll. meron). I. Ad. sk. Falkland Islands (Dr. M. II. Saunders Coll. Eodgers). m. Imm. sk. Falkland Islands ( Capt. Ah- H. Saunders Coll. botf). . Ad. sk. Falkland Islands (Falkland Salvin-Godman Coll. Islands Co.). n,p. Ad.etimm. Falkland Islands (Zecowfe). Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. q. Ad. sk. 64° S., 55° 45' W. (S. 'Balaena '). Capt. A. Fairweather [P.]. r. d imm. ;s- East coast of Patagonia, 45° S., H. Saimders Coll. M. c? 2 ad. sk. Aug. {J. Young), V. Ad. sk. Straits of Magellan (Capts. The Admiralty [P.]. King Sf Fitzroy, R.N.). (PType of i. hamatorhynchus.) 18. PAGOPHILA. Type. Gavia, Boie, Isis, 1822, p. o6-3 (partim : uudescribed). Gavia, Boie, Isis, 1826, p. 980 P. eburnea. Pagophila, Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. p. 69 & p. 190 P. eburnea. Gavia, Boie, Isis, 1844, p. 191 (partim). Cetosparactes, Macgill. Man. Brit. Orn. p. 251 (1842) . . P. eburnea. Catosparactes, Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 655 note (1846) . . P. eburnea. Gavia, Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 39 (1882) P. eburnea. Eanr/e. That of the sole representative species. 1. Pagophila eburnea. ? Larus albus, Gunnerus, in Leem's Beskr. Finm. Lapp. p. 285 [not p. 265 as cited by Stejneger] (1767 ; nee Scop. 1709, nee P. L. S. Mail. 1776).* * Gunnerus says that he was told of, but never saw, " a pure white Gull intermediate in size between L. canits and L. fusciis," sxhich he thought "might be the same as the Senator Martensii, described as having a black bill and black feet." Donndorff, who usually cites the notes of Gunnerus to Leem, omits all reference to the above, probably considering the identification — if such it may be called — as too vague. It seems undesirable to reject the time-honoured specific name eburnea on such slight ground. 302 Larus eburneus, P/iipps, Voy. N. Pole, App. p. 187 (1774) ; Gm. S. N. i. p. 590 (1788) ; Lath'. Ind. Or?!, ii. p. 816 (1790) ; Bonn. Enc. Meth. i. p. 87 (1790) ; Tennn. Man. d'Orn. p. 498 (1815) ; Nilss. Orn. Suec. p. 171 (1817) ; -E. Sabine, Tr. Linn. Sac. xii. p. 348 (1819: Baffin Bay); Leach, Thorns. Ann. of Philos. xiii. p. 61 (1819: Baffin Bay); id. in J. Moss' Voy. Boff. B. App. ii. p. liv (1819) ; id. op. cit. 8vo ed. ii. p. IGO (1819) ; Boie, Wiedemann's Zool. Mofl. 1819, p. 129; Scoresby, Arct. Voy. i. p. 535 (1820: Spitsbergen) ; lemm. Man. d' Orn. ed. '1, p. 769 (1820) ; E. Sahine, Parry's 1st Voy. Suppl. p. cciv (1821 : Davis Str.) ; Manby, Voy. Greenl. p. 60 (1822) ; Meyer, ZusiUze Taschenb. iii. p. 200 (1822) ; Edmonst. Mem. Wern. Soc. iv. p. 501 (1823) : Brehm, Lehrb. p. 703 (1824) ; Stejjh. in Shawns Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 195 (1826) ; J. C. Boss, Parry's 3rd Voy. App. p. 104 (1826: Davis Str. & Baffi Bay) ; id. Parry's 4th Voy. App. p. 194 (1828: Spits- bergen & nortliward) ; Vieill. Faune Franq., Ois. p. 389 (? 1828) ; Werner, Atlas, Palmipedes, pis. 21 & 22 (1828); Bp. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ii. p. 360 (1828 : Synops.) ; Sivains. S,- Rich. Faun. Bor.- Amir., Birds, p. 419 (1831); Selby, Brit. B. ii. p. 497, pi. xciv (1833) ; Ai/duh. Orn. Bior/r. iii. p. 571, pi. 287 (1835) ; Jem/ns, Man. Vertehr. p. 276 (1835) ; Eyton, Cat. Brit. B. p. 63 (1836) ; Nuttall, Man. Orn. ii. p. 301 (1834) ; Gould, B. Eur. v. pi. 437 (1837); Audnb. Synops. p. 326 (1839) ; Keys. ^- Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. xcvi & p. 242 (1840) ; Naum. Viig. Dev'tschl. x. p. 341, pi. 263 (1840); Temm. Man. d'Orn. ed. 2, pt. 4, p. 474 (1840) ; Selys- Longch. Faun. Belq. p. 152 (1842) ; Audub. B. Amer. vii. p. 150, pi. 445 (1844) ; Sc'hl. Bev. Crit. p. cxxvi (1844) ; Yarr. Brit. B. ed. 2, iii. p. 567 (1845) ; Dec/l. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 315 (1849) ; Kj(erb. Damn. Fugle, p. 337, tab. xli. (1852), and Supijl. tab. xxii. (1854) ; Meyer, Brit. B. vii. p. 143, pi. 306 (1857) ; Aaum. Vriq. Btufschl., Anha72g, p. 277 (1860) ; Miiller, Vid. Medd. 1862, p. 72 (1863: Fteroes); Schl. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 6(1863); Malmr/r. (Ffv. Ah. Fiirh. 1863, p. 102 ; id. op. cit. 1864, p. 385 (Spitsbergen) ; Hancock, Ibis, 1807, p. 253 (Islay I., ad.) ; R. Gray, B. West Scotl. p. 481 (1871) ; Hartim,, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 122 (E. side of Lan- caster Sd.) ; id. Hand'b. Brit. B. p. 174 (1872) ; Coves, Key N. Amer. B. p. 314 (1872) ; Hevgl. Ibis, 1872, p. 65 (Nova Zemlya) ; PahiSn, Finlands Foglar, p. 610 (1873); Finsch, Abh. Ver. Bremen, v. p. 365 (1873: S. Greenl.); Sundev. CEfv. Ak. Fiirh. 1874, p. 21 (Spitsbergen) ; ? . 230 (1857) ; CaHe, Jr. R. Dull. Soc. i. p. 57, pis. 1 & 2 (1856 : Prince Patrick I., egg) ; Baird, Cass., Sf Lawr. B. N. Amer. p. 856 (1858) ; Evans ^- Sturge, This, 1859, p. 171 (West. Spitsbergeu) ; Reinhardt, op. cif. 1801, p. 18 (Greenland) ; A. Newtmi, Ibis, 1865, p. 507 (Spitsbergen) ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 237 (1863) ; E. P. Wright, Ibis, 1866, p. 216 (Prince Patrick I.) ; Deyl. <^- Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 405 (1807) ; Locke, Eivpl. So. A/r/er.,Ois. ii. p. 188 (1867 : Algeria [?]) ; Fritsch, Vog. Eur. p. 464, tab. 55. fig.'*. 3 & 5 (1870) ; Gillef.t, Bns, 1870, p. 306 (Novaya Zemlya) ; Gray, Iland-l. B. iii. p. 117, no. 11015 (1871); CoUett, Fork. Selsk. Christ. 1873, p. 297 (N. Nor%vay) ; Pelz. Ibis, 1873, p. 62 (e.r Leverian Mus.) ; Gould, B. Gt. B. x. pi. 62 (1873) ; A. Nezvton, Arctic Man. p. 105 (1875) ; Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 349, pi. 595 (1877); Collett, N. Mar/. Naturv. 1877, p. 210 (N. Norway) ; Feilden, Ibis, 1877, p. 409 (Smith Sound) ; id. Zool. 1878, p." 417; id. op. cit. 1879, p. 8 (Pr. Albert Land) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 162 (revision Larinae) ; Kum- lien, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 15, p. 99 (1879: Cumberland Sound) ; Breicster, Bull. Nutt. Orn. C. p. 187 (1881 : New Bruns- wick) ; Ridg?v. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 51 (1881) ; Feildeti in Markham^s Polar Reconn. p 334 (1881 : Novaya Zemlya) ; id. Tr. Norm. Soc. iii. pp. 209-211 (1881 : Franz-Josef Ld.) ; M. Chamberlain, Bull. N. H. Soc. N. Brunsio. 1882, p. 61 ; W. H. Neale, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 653 (Franz-Josef Land) ; Coues, Check-l. N. Amer. B. p. 122 (1882) ; B. O. U. Lid Brit. B. p. 186 (188:!) ; Nelson, Cruise ' Corwin,'' p. 104 (1883) ; Tacz. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1883, p. 341 (ad., Kamtschatka) ; Ridgiv. Cat. Fish. Exhib. 1883, p. 20 (Cumberland Sd.) ; Saunders, -ith ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 056 (1884) ; Baird, Brewer, iy Ridgw. Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 198 (1884) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 749 (1884) ; A. Chap- man, Tr. N. H. Soc. Northiimb. viii. pt. 1, p. 155 (1884: Spits- bergen, breeding) ; Cocks, Zool. 1884, p. 13 (Spitsbergen) ; Ilomei/er, Ornis, 1885, p. 80 (Germany) ; Murdoch, Rep. Pt. Barrotv, p. 122 (1885: rare); Grondal,' Ornis, 1886, p. 37 (Ice- land, once) ; Feilden, Tr. Nortv. Soc. iv. p. 351 (1887 : Digges I., Hudson Bay) ; Palmen, I'ega-Exped. Vetensk. Bd. v. p. 356 (1887 : all along Siberian Coast); Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 669 (1889); Riesenth. Wasservog. Mitteleurop. p. 137 (1889) ; Buckley S^■ II-Br. Faun. Orknei/ Is', p. 229 (1891); iid. Faun. Argyll S,- Lin. Ilebr. p. 189 (li;^92) ; Fatio S,- Studer, Cat. Ois. Suisse, p. 62 (1892 : Lake L6inan) ; Lilford, Col. Figs. Brit. B. pt. xxvi. (1893). Gavia nivea, Brehm, Vog. Deutschl. p. 766 (1831). Cetosparactes eburneus, Macqill. Man. Br. Orn. pt. ii.p. 252(1842) ; id. Brit. B. y. p. 508 (1852). Larus brachy tarsus, Ilolb. Fn. Griinl. p. 52 (1846). Pagophila brachytarsa, Bruch, J.f. O. 1853, p. 100; Bp. Naum. 1.^54, p. 212; Lata: B. N. Amer. p. 856 (1858: cf. Reinht. IbL^, lS()l,p. 18). 304 LkVilVM. Pagophila nivea, Bj). (nee L. niveus, Pall.) C. E. xlii. p. 771 (1850) ; £p. Consp. Av. ii. p. 230 (1857). Lams (Pagophila) eburnea, Coues, B. N.- West, p. 648 (1874). Gavia alba, Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Miis. v. p. 39 (1882) ; A. 0. U. Check-l. N. Arner. B. p. 86 (1886); Bidffw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 24 (1887) ; Nelson, Rep. Birds Alaska, p. 49 (1887) ; Greely, Rep. Exped. Lady Frankl. Bay, ii. p. 22 (1888) ; Chamberl. Auk, 1889, p. 213 (S. Greenld.) ; Reichenmv, Syst. Verz. Vog. Deutschl. p. 62 (1889) ; Heine S,- Reichenoiv, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 360 (1890); HayerujJ, B. Greenld. p. 46 (1891); Stone, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1892, p. 148 (Melville Bay); Taczan. Mem. Acad. St. Petersh. xxxix. p. 1055 (1893 : E. Siberia, down to Petropaulovski). Adult male in hreeding-plumage. Entire body ivory-white : bill gamboge-yeUow terminally, merging into greenish grey on the basal two-thirds of both mandibles ; iris dark hair-brown ; orbital ring bi'ick-red (Feilden) ; tarsi and toes black. Total length 18 inches, culmen V7, wing 13 to 13"5, tail 6, tarsus 1-5 to 1-6, middle toe with claw 1'6, the nail being long and well developed. Female. Similar, but rather smaller, and — so far as can be judged from a small number of " sexed " specimens — with a tendency to shortness of tarsus. Young. Dark grey on the cheeks and chin, with spots of the same colour on the upper surface, especially on the wings ; primaries tipped with blackish, and rectrices with a dull black subterminal band ; the rest of the plumage white : bill horn-colour, paler ter- minally. The spots diminish with increasing age. Nestling. White. The Fledging is said to be of a dull or smoke- grey colour. Hah. Circumpolar regions, without any break of continuity ; but along those portions of the coast of Arctic America, where open water is non-existent, the bird is, naturally, scarce ; rare also in the North Pacific. In winter southwards, as far as the north of France and Lake Leraan (once), and New Brunswick, in America. a. Jiiv. sk. Yorkshire. b. Ad. St. Penzance, Feb. 15,1847 (Fjw(/oe). Purchased. c. $ ad. sk. Sandoe, Fferoes, Feb. 12 (S. H. Saunders Coll. C. Muller). d. Juv.sk. Archangel (if ««A;e). R. B. Sharpe [P.]. e. Ad. sk. ;/,^. Arctic Regions. Purchased. Juv. St. h. Ad. sk. Arctic Seas. The Admiralty [P.]. i. Ad. sk. Arctic Seas. k. (S ad. sk. Storfjord, Spitsbergen, Aug. Gould Coll. 1864 {A. Newton). I. Ad. sk. Spitsbergen (J. Lamont). H. Saunders Coll. m. Ad. sk. Lat. 79^= '45' N., long. 4° E. Capt. U. Gray [P.]. n. Ad. sk. Greenland. Sir E. Parry [P.]. o, p. Juv. sk. Greenland. Tweeddale Coll. q, r. (S juv. sk. Greenland. Hume Coll. s. Juv. sk. Greenland (E. Whymper). H. Saunders Coll. t. Imm. sk. Whaletish or Kron Prinz Is., The Admiralty [P.]. Davis Strait [Parry's 3rd Voyage). 19. RissA. 305 u. d"ad. ak. Davis Strait, 73= N. lat. (P«ny« The Admiralty [P.]. lii'd Voy(t3 (partim). liissa, IStephens, ex Lench AIS. in Shaw's Gefi. Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 180 ( 1S2(!) R. tridaetyla. Cheimonea, Kaup, Natiirl. Syst. p. 84 (1829) It. tridactyla. liange. Arctic and Sub-Arctic regions : in winter down to about 30° N.'lat. Key to the Species. a. Tarsi and toes dark brown to blackish ; under wiug-covcrts white ; young with a strongly- marked black band from the carpal joint to the long inner secondaries, and a black band on tlie tail tridactyla, p. 305. b. Tarsi and toes vermilion ; under wing-coverts grey ; young with no black band on the wing nor on the tail ; bill shorter; mantle darker .. byevirostris,'^.Z\2. 1. Rissa tridactyla. The Coddy Moddy, Alhin, Nat. Hist. B. ii. p. 80 (1740: imra.). La Mouette cendr^e tachet(5e, Brisson, Orn. vi. p. 185, pi. xvii. fig. 2 (1760) ; Dauhent. PL Enl. pi. .387 (1786). I>a Mouette d'hiver, Bri^s. Orn. vi. p. 189 (1760). Larus ris.sa, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 224 (1766) ; Fhi})j)s, Voy. N. Pale, App. p. 187 (1774) ; P. L. S. MiUl. S. N, Anhany, p. 344 (1776) ; Bcchst. Natury. Deutschl. ii. p. 804 (1791) ; Pallas, Zooyr. liosso- Asiat. ii. p. 321 (1811 : Kamschatka) ; Leach, Syst. Cat. Brit. Mns. p. 40 (1816) ; id. in J. Boss's Foi/. Baff. Bay, 8vo ed. ii. App. p. 159 (1819); Scoresbi/, Arct. Voy. i.'p. 534 (1820); Fleminy, Brit. Anim. p. 141 (1828); Selby, Brit. B. ii. p. 493, pi. xciv. (1833) ; Gould, B. Eur. v. pi. 435 (1837): Meijer, Brit. B. vii. p. 139, nl. 305 (1857) ; Huxley, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 430, tig. 2 (skull). ^ Larus tridactvlus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 224 (1776) ; P. L. S. Miiller, S. N, Anhciny, p. 344 (1776) ; 0. Fair. Faun. Grwnl. p. 98 (1780) ; lletzius, F. 'Suec. p. 1-54 (1780) ; Mohr, Island. Naturh. p. 41 (1786); Cw. p.), Coues, in El/ioU'.s Jiep. Pryhilnff Group, Orn. uo. 552 (187;}); id. li. N.-West, p. 64G (1874); Elliott, Seal Is. of Alaska, p. 1;52 (1882). Ris.-a tridactj'la kotzobiii, llidi/w. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 51 (1881); Beau, Fr. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1882, p. 167 (Bering Sea): C'oues, Check-l. N. Amer. li. p. 122 (1882); Ilidf/iv. Cat. Aquat. B. Fish. Exhih. p. 29 (188'}) ; Nelson, Cruise ' Convin,' p. 105 (1883: Beriiifj Sea); Coues, Km/ N. Atnor. B. 2nd ed. p. 748 (1884); Goss^ Auk,\SQ^, p. 222 (Washington Terr.) ; Southw. lmww). H. Saunders Coll. sk. h. c? ad. St. Hoy, Orkneys {J. Baker). Purchased. i, k. Ad. st. • Hebrides, summer. Theodore Walker, Esq. [P.]. 1,711. Ad. St. Bass Rock, Firth of Forth, J. II. Gurney, Esq. summer. [P.]. ly. KISSA. 311 n. (S ad. tk. OS. Ad. ; t. Juv. sk. _ u. (5 juv. sk. V. (S juv. sk. w. (5 juv. sk. X. Ad. sk. y. Juv. sk. s. Pull. sk. «', b'. Ad. et juv. St. c'. Ad. sk. d'. Ad. St. e'. Ad. ; /'. Juv. sk. ff'. c? ad. sk. h'. ^ imm. sk. «'. . Faun. p. 387 (1840); Keys. u. Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. sciv & p. 239 (1840) ; Schl. Rev. Crit. p. cxxxiv (1844); Yarr. Brit. B. ed. 2, iii. p. 602 (1845); Hewits. Eyys Brit. B. ii. p. 451, pi. cxxix (1846) ; IVolley, Jard. Contr. Orn. p. 113 (1850: Faroes); Thomps. B. Irel. iii. p. 390 (1851) ; Macyill. Brit. B. v. p. 479 (1852) ; Kjarb. Damn. Fuyle, p. 344, tab. xliii. (1852) ; Heicits. Eyys Brit. B. 3rd ed. ii. p. 505, pi. cxiii. (1856) ; Brehm, Voyelf. p. 335 (1855) ; Meyer, Brit. B. vii. p. 166, pi. 312 (1857) ; Schl. Yog. Nederl. p. 587, pi. 334 (1858); id. Bier. Nederl. Yoyels, p. 231, pi. 33. figs. 9 & 9« (1861) ; Boryyr. Yoyelf. Norddeutsch. p. 141 (1809) ; Droste, Yoyelw. Borkum, p. 358 (1869); R. Gray, B. West Scotl. p. 493 (1871) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 400 (Strs. Gibr.) ; Hartimj, Handb. Brit. B. p. 78 (1872) ; Collett, Fork. Selsk. Chist. 1873, p. 298 (N. Norway) ; Goeldin, J.f. O. 1879, p. 383 (SchafEhausen [r']) ; Rodd, B. Cormo. p. 173 (1880) ; Homeyer, Ornis, 1885, p. 80 (Germany) ; Liitke, t. c. p. 145; Torre ^- Tschnsi, t. c. p. 500 (Trieste); Griindnl, Ornis, 1886, p. 370 (Iceland) ; Olphe-Gall. Om. Eur. Occid. fasc. x. p. 26 (1886) ; Reisenfh. Wasservdy. Mitteleurop. p. 129 (1889) ; Barrington, Zool. 1890, p. 297 (Foula) ; Giitke, Yoyelw. Jlelyol. p. 588 (1891) ; id. B. Heliyol. (transl.) p. 565 (1895). Lestris skua, Boie, Wiedemann's Zool. Mag. 1819, p. 133; Brehm, * In the original catarractes, but where the same generic terra is used it has I been considered expedient to unite under one head the .fpccifc names which I are vai-iously and inconsistently written catharactes, cataractes, catharractes. 31G STERCOKAKIID.E. Jsts, 1830, p. 092; id. VUj. DeuUchl. p. 717(1831); id. Voyelf. p. 336 (1855). Stercorarius catarrhactes, Vieillot, N. Diet. H. Nat. xxxii. p. 154 (1819); id. Faune Fraw;., Ois. p. 385 (1828?); Selys-Lo^vjch. Fawn. Belg. p. 155 (1842) ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 168 (1844) ; id. Gen. B. iii. p. 653 (1846); Der/l. Orn. Fur. ii. p. 289 (1849); Lazvr. Ann. Lye. N.Y. vi. p. 7 (1*853: Monterey, Gala. [?]) ; Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii p. 206 (1857) ; Baird, Cass., ^- Luwr. B. N. Amer. p. 838 (1858) ; Jteinh. Ihis, 1861, p. 16 (S. Greenland, twice) ; B. Ross, Nat. Hist. Rev. 1862, p. 289 (Gt. Slave Lake [?]) ; Newton in Baring-Gould's leeland, p. 418 (1863) ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 227 (1863) ; Midler, Vidensk. Meddell. 1862, p. 63 (1863 : Fajroes) ; Dei/l. iif Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 392 (1867); Elliot, Neto ^ UnJlr/.B. N. Amer. ii. pi. 55 (1869) ; Fritsch, Vo. Naum. 1854, p. 210 ; Coues, Check-list N. Amer. B. no. 539(1873); id. op. cit. ed. 1882, p. 119; Collins, Auk, 1884, p. 238 (New Engl, coast) ; Hartert, Ratal. VogeU samml. Senckenb. p. 243 (1891). Cataracta minor, Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 293. Megalestris catarrhactes, Bj). Cat. Parzudaki, p. 11 (1856) ; Gigl, 1" Resoc. Av. Ital. p. 648 (1889 : Rovigo, juv.). Lestris fusca, C. F. Dubois, PL Col. Ois. Belg. iii. p. 238, cum tab. (1860). Buphagus skua, Coues, Pr. Philad.Acad. 1863, p. 125 ; id. B. N.- West, ]). (;04 ( 1874) ; Kiimlien, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. xv. p. 94 (1879). Sterconuius i'liscus, A. Dubois, Consj). Av. Eur. p. 33 (1871); id. Bull. Mus. Belg. iv. p. 22 (1885). 1. MEGALESTRIP. 317 Stercorarius (Bupliapfus) skua, Cones, Kvy N. Amer. B. p. 309 (1872). Me. 39 (1871) ; Finsch, J.f. 0. 1872, p. 241 (N. Zealand) ; Hutton, Ibis, 1872, p. 248 (Chatham Is.) ; Buller, Man. New Zeal. B. p. 75 (1882). Lestris antarctica t, Lesson, TraitS. p. 616 (1831) ; Gray in Dieffenh. Trav. N. Zeal. ii. App. p. 200' (1843) ; id. Voy. Ereb. S^ Terr., Birds, p. 18 (1846) ; -SW. P. Z. S. 1800, p. 390; Abbott, Ibis, 1801, p. 165 (Falkland Is.) ; Scl. 4- Salv. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 579 (part.) ; lid. Nomencl. Av. Neotrop. p. 148 (1873 ; Falkland Is.) ; Cab. i^- Reichen. J. f. O. 1876, p. 328 ; Olphe-Gall. Orn. Eur. Occid. fasc. x. p. 27 note (1886). Stercorarius antarcticus, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus., Anseres, p. 167 (1844) ; id. Gen. B. iii. p. 653 (1846) ; Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 207 (1857); Hartl. Faun. Maday. p. 85 (1861: Bernier's examp.) ; Pelz. Reis. Novarn, Voy. p. 150 (1865 : St. Paul's I.) ; Giylioli, Faun. Vertebr. Oceano, p. 61 (1870) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. Ill, no. 10943 (1871) ; Buller, B. New Zeal. p. 267 (1873) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 321 (revision) ; id. op. cit. 1877, p. 799 (Kers-uelen, T. da Cunha, Falkland Is.) ; Hartl. Oni. Maday. p. 380 (1877) ; Velian, Arch. Zool. exp. et yen. vi. p. 52 (1877 : St. P.aul's I.) ; id. t. c. p. 96 (Amsterdam) ; Saimders, Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 393 (1878 : distribution) ; Ramsay, Pr. Limi. Soc. N. S. W. 1878, . p. 201 ; Sharpe, Phil. Tr. clxviii. {Rep. Trans. Venus), p. 109, _! -^ pi. vii. figs. 1, 2 (1878 : Kerguelen) ; Saunders, t. c. p. 163 ; Leyye, B. ■^ Ceylon, pp. 1050-1051 note (1880: Colombo, doubtfully) ; A. Milne- * The specific names cafarractcs, catarrhactes, &c. are united. t Tlie specific names antarcticus and antarctica are united. 320 STEKCOEAEIID.E. Edw. Faun. Rdg. australes, cli. iv. p. 21 (1882) ; Saunders, Voy. ' Chnllenyer,' ii. {Birds) p. 139 (1882) ; McCormick, Voy. Discov. Antarct. i. p. 142, cum tab. (1884: Campbell I.); Sharpe, ed. LayarWs B. S. Afr. p. 696 (1884) ; Ler/ye, Pr. B. Soc. Tasman. 1886, p. 243 (1887) ; Ramsay, Tab. List Ausfr. B. p. 22, no. 687 (1888) ; Bul/er, B. N. Zeal. 2nd ed. ii. p. 63 (1888) ; Oustalet, Miss. So. Cap Horn, vi. (1891) p. 169; H. 0. Forbes, Ibis, 1893, p. 530 (Chatbam Is.) ; Sclater, Ibis, 1894, p. 495 & p. 497 (American Antarctica). Cataracta antarctica, Bp. Naiim. 1854, p. 210 ; id. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856). Catavrbactes antarcticus, Bruch, J. f. 0. 1853, p. 108. Stercorarius antarcticus, a. madagascarensis, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 207 (1857). Mewalestris antarctica, Gould, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 98 (Falkland Is.) ; Payenstecher, Ber. Naturhist. Mus. zu Hamhury, 1884, p. 24 (1885) ; Neumai/er, Dentsch. Ecped. Bd. ii. p. 259 (1890 : South Georfjfian Is.) ; Ridyw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xii. p. 139 (St. Peter & St. Paul Is.). Lestris fuscus, Ellman, Zooloyist, 1861, p. 7472. Buphagus antarcticus, Cones, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1863, p. 127 ; id. B. N.-West, p. 604 (1874); Kidder i^- Coues, Contr. Nat. Hist. Ker- yuelen-Ld. p. 9 (1875). Stercorarius catarrbactes (h), Schley. Mus. P.-Bas, Lari, p. 47 (1865) ; Gould, Handb. B. Austr. ii. p."389 (1865) ; Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 366 (1867) ; Sperliny, Ibis, 1868, p. 295 (Comoro Is.) ; ScM. 8f Poll. Faun. Maday., O'is. p. 145 (1868) ; Sharpe, Zool. ' Erebus' i^ ' Terror; i. App. p. 32 (1875). Bupbagus skua antarcticus, Coues in Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 2, p. 9 (1875: Kerguelen I.). Stercorarius catarrbactes, var. antarcticus, Milne-Edw. i^ Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Maday., Ois. p. 643 (1882). ? Stercorarius parasiticus, Finsch, Ibis, 1888, p. 309 (Snares I., New Zealand, " on the rocks, feeding on young Penguins"). Adult. Larger, as a rule, than either of the two preceding species, and of a dark browu on the upper parts, especially on the crown, and a slightly paler brown on the under surface ; very few, if any, rufous markings on the feathers of the mantle, though these are often weather-worn and greyish at their tips ; under wing-coverts dark sooty brown, with no signs of rufous : bill black, stout ; tarsi black, often mottled with yellow ; toes black. Total length of examples from the Southern Ocean 23 to 24 inches ; culmen 2-5, and depth 1 ; wing 15-5 to 16-5 and even 17 ; tail G-5 to 7, tarsus 3 to 3"25, middle toe with claw 3'35 to 3*5. Specimens from the Falkland Islands are smaller and have more pronouncedly yellowish acuminate feathers on the neck ; average length 21 inches, culmen 2*2, wing 15, tail 6-5, tarsus 2-7, middle toe with claw 2-9. Immature. Similar, but the crown less pronouncedly dark, and no yellow tinge on the acuminate feathers of the neck. Youwj. Similar, with a very slight tinge of rufous on the under surface as well as at the extremities of the feathers of the mantle and wing-coverts. Nestling. Buffish white, slightly darker on the upper surface. Hah. Southern Ocean: from American Antarctica, the Falkland Islands, and South Georgian Islands, by Trista da Cunha, Prince 1. MBGALKSTEIS. 321 Edward, Marion, Crozet, Kerguelon, and Heard Islands to New- Zealand and its islets, Australian waters, and up to Norfolk Island ; also St. I'aul and Amsterdam islands and as far north as Madagascar and the Comoro Islands ; perhaps Ceylon. n, h. Ad. St. & sk. c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. 8k. /, g. Vix ad. et pull. sk. h. Imm. sk. i. 2 imui. sk. h. Ad. sk. /. Vix ad. sk. m-o. S.A. et vix ad. sk. p. Ad. sk. q. Imm. St. r. Ad. sk. «. 5 ad. sk. t. Ad. sk. u. Vix ad. sk. v-y. c? 2 ^^•'■< ^• Juv. ; rt', V . Pull. sk. c'. Skeleton. Campbell Island (below New Zealand). Campbell Island. Campbell Island, Dec. IG, 1840. New Zealand. Chatham Islands. Norfolk Island. Lat. 36° 8' S., long. 88° 55' E. Between New Zealand and Cape of Good Hope, April 2, 1892. Royal Sound, Kerguelen Island. Cliristmas Harbour, Kergue- len Island, May and June 1840 {Br. R. M'Cormick). Christmas Harbour, Jau. 1874. South African seas. Inacessible Island, oft' Tristan da Cuuha, Oct. 16, 187o. Falkland Islands. Falkland Islands, April 15 (Falkland Is. Co.). Falkland Islands (Leconte). Falkland Islands (Cameron). Christmas Harbour, Kergue- len Island. Lieut. A. Smith, R.N. [P.]. Antarctic Exped. Dr. R. McCormick, R.N. [P.]. Sir Geo. Grey [P.]. H. 0. Forbes, Esq. [C.]. F. M. Rayner, Esq. [P.]. Sir Geo. Grey [PJ. R. B. Marston, Esq. [P.]. Rev. A. E. Eaton [C.]. _ Antarctic Exped. & McCormick Be- quest [P.]. H.M.S. ' Challenger ' Exped. Sir Andrew Smith [P.]. H.M.S. ' Challenger ' Exped. II.M.S. 'Challenger' Exped. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Saunders Coll. H.M.S. ' Challenger E.xped. 4. Megalestris maccormicki. (Plate I.) " Lestris, apparently a new species," R. McCormick, Voi/. Di-^cov. Antarctic, i. p. 154 (1884 : Possession I., Victoria Land, 71° 56' S., 171° 15' E. : Voy. ' Erebus ' & ' Terror.') Stercorariiis antarcticus, Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 322 (edge of Antarctic pack-ice, ut supra) ; id. Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 393 (1878: distribution). Stercorarius maccormicki, Saunders, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, vol. iii. p. xii (Dec. 30th, 1893 : Possession I., Victoria Land). Adult. Much paler than M. antarctica : crown clove-brown : acuminate feathers of the nape and neck all round strongly marked with golden straw-colour, and the upper breast streaked with the VOL. XXV. \' 322 STERCORARIID^. same, though in a less degree ; the remaining under surface gradually darkening to coffee-brown on the abdomen ; mantle, wings, and tail chiefly umber-brown, as in M. antarctica : bill blackish, short and stout ; tarsi and toes black. Total length 21 inches, culmen 2-3, wing 15"5, tail 6*5, tarsus 2*6, middle toe with claw 2-7. The sexes appear to be alike externally. Eab. Victoria Land and the high Antarctic regions visited by the ' Erebus ' and ' Terror,' 71°-76° S. lat. and 171°-178° E. long. a. Ad. sk. Possession Island, Victoria Dr. R. McCormick Land, Jan. 12, 1841 [P.]. {Dr. R. McCormick, E.N., (Type of species.) H.M.S. ' Erebus'). b. Ad. sk. Pack Ice, Antarctic Sea, 76° Dr. R. McCormick S., 178° E., Feb. 18, 1841 [P.]. (Dr. R. McCormick). c-e. (S 2 ad. sk. Pack Ice, Antarctic Sea {Dr. Antarctic Expedition R. McCormick). [P.]. 2. STERCORARIUS. „ Type. Stercorarius (Le Stercoraire), Brisson, Orn. vi. pp. 149-150 (1760) PS. crepidatus. Leatris, linger, Prodromiis, p. 272 (1811) S. parasiticus &c. Labbus, Rafinesgue, Analyse, p. 72 (1815) S. crepidatus. Prsedatrix, Vieillot, Analyse, p. 65 (1816) S. crepidatus. Oceanus, Kaup, Syst. baier. Zool. p. 381 (1816) . . S. crepidatus. Coprotheres, Reichenb. Av. Syst. Nat. tab. v. (1850), a7id Nat. Syst. Vog., Longip. p. v (1852). S. pomatorhinus. Banr/e. From Arctic and Sub-Arctic regions (breeding) to South Africa and New Zealand in winter. Key to the Species. a. Larger, wing over 14 inches ; central rectrlces broad, rounded at the ends, projecting 4 inches in the adult, and twisted vertically . . pomatorhinus, p. 322. b. Smaller, wing under 14 inches ; central rectrices pointed and tapering. a'. Larger ; bill comparatively long ; shafts of primaries chiefly white ; central rectrices not projecting more than 3 inches crejndatus, p. 327. b'. Smaller ; biU comparatively short ; only the two outer primaries with white shafts; central rectrices projecting up to 9 inches . parasiticus, p. 334. 1. Stercorarius pomatorhinus. Le Stercoraire rayi5, Brisson, Orn. vi. p. 152, pi. xiii. fig. 2 (1760 : jr.). Larus keeask (partim), Latham, Ind. Orn. p. 818 (1790). Larus crepidatus (partim), Bonn. Enc. Meth. i. p. 86 (1793). Larus parasiticus {nee Linn.), Wolf ^ Meyer, Naturg. Vog. Deutschl. ii. Heft 21, p. 70, cum fig. (1805) •, Met/er ^ Wolf, Tasch. d. Vog. ii. p. 490, descrip. p. 492" (1810). 2. sTRKooKARrus. ;123 ( 'atarracta parasita, var. camtscliaticji, Pitllas, '/Mnqr. Hokko-As. p. .'il2 (1811). Lestris poniarina ■*, Temm. Man. iVOrn. p. 514 (1815); id. op. cit ed. 1820, p. 793; Boie, Isis, 1822, p. 5(52; Faher, Prodi: iddml. Orn. p. 104 (1S22) ; Mvi/er, Taschenh. Zusiifze, iii. p. 210 (1822); BrehiH, Lehrl). p. 74 1 & p'. 991 (1824) ; Richardson, Parrys 2nd Voy. Siipp. ]). ;i61 (1825 : Melville Peninsula) : J. C. Eo^s, 'Parrif's 3rd Vol/. App. p. 305 (182(5: Whale I., soutli of Disco) ; id. Parry's Ath Vot/. App. p. 19« (1828: 82° N. beyond Spitzbergen) ; Bp. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ii. p. 3G4 (1828) ; Kaup, Natiirl. Sifst. p. 03, p. 64, p. 105 (1829) ; Swains. ^ Richards. Faun. Bor.-Amer., Birds, p. 429 (1831) ; Lesson, Traite, p. (316 (1831); Savi, Orn. To.u: iii. p. 48 (1831) ; Nidtall, Man. Orn. ii. p. 314 (1834) ; Audub. Orn. Biocp: iii. p. 396 (1835); Jeni/ns, Man. Brit. Vertchr. p. 281 (1835) ; Gould, B. Eur. v. pi. 440 (1837) ; Bp. Comp. List B. Fur <^- N. A>ner. p. 03 (183S) ; Audut). Si/nop. p. 332 (1839); Tcnm. Man. d'Orn. 2'"' ed. 4°"' pte. p. 495 (1840); Schinz, Furop. Faun. p. 388 (1840) ; Naum. Vorj. Deutschl. x. p. 487, taf. 271 (1840) ; Kei/s. ?<. Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. xciv & p. 240 (1840); Crespon, Orn. (7rtrrf, p. 494 (1840); Bp. Cat. Ucr. Eur. p. 80 (1842); Audub. B. N. Amer. viii. p. 186, pi. 451 (1844) ; Giraud, B. Long Isl. p. 360 0844) ; Crespon, Faun. Merid. ii. p. 129 (1844) ; Schj. Rev. Crit. p. cxxxiv (1844) ; Yarr. Brit. B. 2nd ed. iii. p. 606 (1845) ; Thomps. B. Irel. iii. p. 392 (1851); Macgill. Brit. B. v. p. 847 (1852): Kj^rb. Damn. Fuql. p. 345, taf. xliii. (1852) ; Middend. Reis. Sibir., Zool. p. 240, xxiv. fig. 1 (egg) (1853) ; LicJit. Noyneml. Av. p. 99 (1854) ; Schkfi. Vog. Nederl. p. 588, pis. 335 & 336 (1854); Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 294; id. Fo//eZ/ffw«7, p. 336(1855) ; Bp. Consp. Av. ii. pp. 207, 208 (1857) ; Mei/'er', Brit. B. vii. p. 171, pi. 313 (1857); Jaub. et B.-Lapomm.' Rich. Orn. Midi Fr. p. 385 (1859); Schl. Bier. Nederl. Vogels, p. 232, pi. 33. figs. 5-7 (iSdl); Miiller, Vidensk. Meddel. 1862, p. 64 (1863: Faroes); Sundev. Sv. Foyl. pi. 51. fig. 1 (1863); Jerdon, B. India, ii. pt. 2, p. 828 (1864: Moulmeiu) ; Boryyr. Voqelf. Norddeutschl. p. 141 (1869) ; Fritsch, Vog. Eur. p. 478, taf. 58. figs. 5 & 6 (1870) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871,' p. 401 (S. Spain) ; R. Gray, B. West Scotl. p. 494 (1871) ; Salvad. Farm. Ital, Ucc. p. 296 (1872) ; Palmfn, Finhnds Foyl. p. 622 (1873) ; Collett, Fork. Sehk. Christ. 1873, p. 298 (N. Norway) ; Eaton, Zool. s. s. p. 3812 (1874 : Spitsbergen, obtained) ; Warren, Zool. s. s. p. 4699 (1875 : Killala Bay) ; Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ver. Wien, 1879, p. 276 (Podarata Tundra, West Siberia) ; Cocks, Zool. 1884, p. 232 (Spitsbergen) ; Homeyer, Ornis, 1885, p. 80 (Germany); Liltken, t. c. p. 145 ; Griindal, op. cit. 1886, p. 370 (Iceland); Tschusi S,- D. Torre, op. cit. 1887, p. 351 (Styria) ; Schneider, t. c. p. 551 (Upper Alsace : young on misrr.) ; Hdrtert, MT. orn. Ver. Wien, 1887, p. 180 "(East Prussia); Riesenth. Wasservog. Mitteleurop. p. 130 (1889) ; Keller, Orn. CarinthicT, p. 299 (1890) ; Jacket * Bias. T'iiy. Bayerns, p. 354 (18911 ; Giifke, Voyetir. Helqol. p. 589 (1891) ; Lit ford. Col. Figs. Brit.B. pt. xxl (lfid2) :' Giitke, B. Ileligol. p. 566 (1895); Loomis, B. Cala. Acad. \. p. 213 (1895 : Monterey). Lestris parasitica (part.), Nilss. Orn. Succ. p. 181 & p. 184 (1817) ; Vigors, Voy. ' Blossoin,' Birds, p. 39 (1839 : Bering Str. : " knobbed tail"). * Often written pomarinus, but Lestris being a feminine subetantire, the adjeotival name is placed in agreement in tbis ease, to avoid subdivision. Y -J 324 STERCOEAEIlDiE. Stercorarius pomarinus, Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxii. p. 158 (1819); id. Fame Frang., Ois. p. 387, pi. 159. fig-. 1 (1828?); Matizani, Flem. Zool. iii. p. 55 (1826) ; Selys-Longch. Faun. Belg. p. 155 (1842) ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 653 (1846) ; Degl. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 291 (1849) ; Baird, Cass., Sr Lawr. B. N. Amer. p. 838 (1858) ; Coues, Proa. Philad. Acad. 1863, p. 129 ; Eeinhardt, Ibis, 1861, p. 16 (Greenland) ; B. Ross, Nat. Hist. Rev. 1862, p. 289 (Gt. Slave Lake, very rare) ; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 227 (1863) ; Wright, Ibis. 1864, p. 151 (Malta); Degl. et Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 394 (1867) ; Doderl. Avif. Moden. e Sicil. p. 231 (1869) ; Gray, Hand'l. B. iii. p. 110, no. 10941 (1871); Gurney, Andersson^s B. Damara Ld. p. 357 (1872) ; Irby, Orn. Sirs. Gibr. p. 216 (1875) ; Baird, Brewer, ^ Ridgiv. Waier-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 332 (1884) ; Seebohm, Brit. B. iii. p. 349 (1885) ; A. Dubois, Bull. Mils. Belg. iv. p. 22 (1886) ; Fischer ^ Pelz. MT. orn. Ver. Wien, x. p. 210 (1886 : Jan Mayen I.) ; Ttirner, Contrib. N. H. Alaska, p. 122 & p. 185 (1886) ; A. O. U. Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 85 (1886) ; Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1887, p. 125 ; Ridgw. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 22 (1887) ; Nelsu^i, Rep. Nat. H. Alaska, p. 46 (1887 : Yuljon mouth, abundant) ; Baird, Auk, 1887, p. 71 ; Taczan. Ornis, 1888, p. 508 (Poland, once) ; Seebohm (Bunye), liw, 1888, p. 349 (Gt. Lia- kofl'Is.) ; Dutcher, Auk, 1889, p. 125 ; Clark, op. cit. 1890, p. 320 ; Seebohm, B. Jajxm. Emp. p. 289 (1890) ; Palmer, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiii. p. 263 (1890: Str. Belle Isle); Clarke, Zool. 1890, p. 48 (Jan Mayen I.); R. MacFarl. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 417 (1891 : Arctic Amer.) ; Hagerup, B. Gi-eenl. p. 45 (1891) ; Berlepsch ^ Stolz. P. Z. S. 1892, p. 400 (Peru) ; Stone, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1892, p. 146 (Bisco) ; Finn, Ibis, 1898, p. 233 (Stra. Gibraltar); Hartivig, J.f. O. 1893, p. 3 & p. 12 (Madeira) ; Taczan. Mem. Acad. Petersh. (7) xxxix. p. 1061 (1893: E. Siberia); Ridgw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 663 (1893 : Kadiak, Alaska). Cataractes pomarinus, Steph. in Shawns Zool. xiii. pt. 1, p. 216 (1826); Selby, Brit. B. ii. p. 517, pi. ci. (1832); Macgill. Man. Brit. Orn. pt. ii. p. 257 (1842). Lestris spaeriuros, Brehm, Ins, 1830, p. 993. Lestris sphferiuros, Brehm, Vbg. DeutscM. p. 718 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 294 ; id. Vogelf. p. 336 (1855). Lestris striatus, Eyton, Cat. Brit. B. p. 51 (1836). Pomerine Skua, Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 485 (1843). Coprotheres pomariuu.s, Reich. Av. Syst. Nat. tab. v. (caudee) (1850) ; id. Nat. Syst. Vor/., Longip. p. v (1852) (tvpe of genus) ; Bp. Naum. 1854, p. 210 ; id. C. R. xiii. p. 770 (1856) ; J. H. Blasius, J.f. O. 1865, p. 384. Catarracta pomarina, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xxviii. p. 416 (1859 : Moul- mein, imm.). Lestris pomarinus, A. Nexvton, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 401, pi. xxxix. fig. 3 (egg). Lestris pomarhinus, Preyer, Reise n. Island, p. 418 (1862). Lestris pomatorhinus, Sclater, Ibis, 1862, p. 297 ; Harting, Handb. Brit. B. p. 78 (1872) ; Heiujl. Ibis, 1872, p. 65 (Novaya Zemlya) & Waigatz) ; Sundev. (Efv. Akad. Stockh. 1874, p. 22 ; Blyth Sr Walden, B. Burm. p. 163 (1875 : Moulmein) ; . Giglioli, Ibis, 1881, p. 220 (Italy) ; Palmen, Vega-Exped. Vetensk. Bd. v. p. 384 (1887: Teh uckchi Peninsula). Stercorarius pomatorhinus, A. Newton, in Burinq-Gould's Iceland, p. 418 (1863) ; id. Ibis, 1865, p. 509 (Spitsbergen, doubtfully) ; 2, 8TERC0RAKIUS. 325 Gillett, Ibis, 1870, p. 307 (Novaya Zemlya) ; Coues, Key N. Arner. B. p. 309 (1872) ; Gotdd, B. Gt. Brit. v. pi. 79 (1873); Coues in Elliott's I'ryUhff Group, no. 540 (1873); id. B. N.-W. p. 607 (1874) ; Eaton, Zool. s. s. p. 3812 (1874: Spitzbergen) ; A. Netcton, Arctic Mail. p. 107 (1875) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 324 (revi- .siou) ; Seeb. ^^ H-Broim, Bns, 187(>, p. 455 (outside Golaievskai banks); Colletf, N. May. Natiirv. 1877, p. 207 ; Saunders, Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1877, p. 205 (S. Spain); id. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 800 (luosima, Japan, ' Challenp-er ') ; Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 463, pi. GIO (1877); Saunders, Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 392 (1878: distribution); Kumlien, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. xv. p. 94 (1879: Disco) ; Dalyleish, Pr. Nat. H. Soc. Glasg. 1881, p. 275 ; Saunders, Voy. ' Challeriyer; Birds, p. 140 (1881 : Japan) ; Ridgw. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 53 (1881) ; Feilden in Markham's Polar Pecon. p. 334 (1881 : Novava Zemlya, breeding) ; Coues, Check-list N. Amer. B. p. 119 (1882) ; Elliott, Seal Is. of Alaska, p. 132 (1882) ; Bean, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1882, p. 168 (Pt. Belcher, Alaska) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 527 (Callao Bay) ; Seebohm (Henke), Ibis, 1882, p. 386 (Kanin Penins., breeds) ; B. O. U. List Brit. B. p. 194 (1883) ; Ridqw. Cat. Fish. Exhib. p. 35 (1883) ; Nelson, Cruise ' Concin,' p. 110 (1883) ; Stearns, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. vi. p. 121 (1883 : Labrador) ; Oates, B. Brit. Burin, ii. p. 413 (1883 : Moulmein) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 735 (1884); Stejn. Auk, 1884, p. 174 (nomencl.); Seeb. Ibis, 1884, p. 32 (Tokio Bay, Japan) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1884, p. 391 (S.W. France) ; Saunders, \th ed. Fan: Brit. B. iii. p. 668 (1884) ; Sharpe, ed. Layard's B. S. Afr. p. 695 (1884) ; Biichner, Beitr. Russ. Reiches, (2) ii. p. 132 (1885: St. Petersburg); Murdoch, Rep. Evped. Pt. Barrow, p. 126 (1885) ; Giglioli, Avif. Ital. p. 435 (1886) ; Taczan. Orn. Perou, iii. p. 458 ' (1886) ; Feilden, Tr. Nonvieh Soc. iv. p. 351 (1887 : Hudson Str.) ; Saload. Ucc. Ital. p. 290 (1887) ; H-Br. Sr Buckl. Faun. Sutherl. S)-c. p. 235 (1887) ; J. R. H. MacFarl. Ibis, 1887, p. 206 (Callao Bay) ; Tait, t. c. p. 396 (Portuj^al) ; Booth, Rouyh Notes, iii. (1887); H-Br. 4- Buckl. Faun. Outer Hebr. p. 151 (1888) ; Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 673 & p. 736 (1889) ; Giglioli, 1" Resoc. Av. Ital. p. 650 (1889) ; id. 2° Resoc. p. 661 (1890) ; Reichenotv, Syst. Verz. Vog. Beutschl. p. 64 (1889) ; Stevenson Sf Southw. B. Norfolk, iii. p. 348 (1890) ; Buckl. S( H-Br. Faun. Orkneys, p. 237 (1891) ; iid. F. Argyll ^ Inn. Hebr. p. 194 (1892) ; Hartert, Ibis, 1892, p. 521 "(East Prussia) ; Collett, N. Mag. f. Naturv. Bd. xxxv. p. 297 (1894) ; Irhy, Orn. Strs. Gibr. 2nd ed. p. 302 (1895). Stercorarius pomarhinus, 31almgren, CEfv. Fork. Ak. Stockh. 1804, p. 411 (1864 : Spitsbergen). Stercorarius catarractes, Wright, Ibis, 1864, p. 150 (Malta). Stercorarius striatus {ex Briss.), Olphe-Gall. Orn. Eur. Occid. fase. x. p. 7 (1886). Coprotberes pomatorliinus, Heine ^ Reichenotv, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. p. 360 (1890). Adult in breeding-plumage. Forehead, cheeks, and crown sooty black ; acuminate feathers of the entire neck white, edged with warm straw-yellow ; feathers of the lower neck blackish, often tipped with grey, while those of the upper breast are chiefly white, barred with black, which forms more or less of a dark collar ; mantle, upper tail-coverts, and rectrices dark umber-brown ; primaries similar, but whitish at their concealed bases, shafts chiefly 326 STERCOKARIID^. whitish ; abdomen umber ; breast dull white ; flaoks and under wing-coverts umber : bill horn-brown ; tarsi and toes reddish black. Total length 21 inches, culmen 1-7, wing 14-25, tail about 5-25 (without the central rectrices, which sometimes project 4 inches), tarsus 2-1, middle toe with claw 2. The sexes appear to be alike externally. In less mature birds the dark pectoral band is more extensive, while the underparts, especially the flanks, are somewhat striated ; the yellow on the neck is less pronounced. Adult in ivinter. Similar, but for some years after the attainment of adult — though not mature — plumage there is a tendency, after the autumnal moult, to show striated feathers on the flanks, upper and under tail-coverts. Immature. Like the above, but with less yellow on the neck ; the underparts more barred, but the upper and under tail-coverts barred with black and white, and the under wing similarly mottled ; central rectrices seldom projecting more than 2 in., and not twisted terminally. Melanotic individuals — considered to be adults from the fact that they show more or less yellow on the neck^ — sometimes occur, but I do not think that any of these are really mature birds. One of these originally dark individuals was kept alive by the late Mr. Booth for some years, during which time its underparts became gradually white. Birds of all ages occasionally exhibit spots of white on the carpal joints. Yoimr/. Head and neck varying from clove-brown to sooty brown ; feathers of the mantle dark brown, tipped with rufous in varying degrees ; tail-coverts barred with black and rufous buff ; under surface varying, from numerous bold striations of brown and rufous to an ashy brown with faint striations, and again to an almost uniform dull brown : bill brown with a greenish tinge ; tarsus often blue or grey in patches : bases of the toes yellowish. Nestlhuf. Pale sooty brown, with a tinge of rufous. JJab. Arctic regions north of 70°: chiefly on tundras during the breeding-season ; in winter southward, as far as Cape York in Australia, Walvisch Bay in S. Africa, and Callao Bay in Peru. Mr. L. Kumlien's statement that this species nests "in large numbers on an inaccessible cliff " on Disco Island may be correct, but it is opposed to the experience of every other observer. a. Juv. st. Hm'st Castle, Hants. R. B. Sharpe, Esq, [P.]. b. 2 juv. sk. Near Beccles, Suffolk, Oct. H. Saunders Coll. (W. M. Croufoot). c. $ juv. sk. yarraouth, Norfolk, Nov. {J. H. Saunders Coll. E. Harting). d. Ad.; e,f. Flamborough, Yorks (/. H. Hume Coll. Juv. sk. Gjimey). g. $ inmi. sk. Scarborough, Oct. H. Saunders Coll. h. Juv. sk. North Britain. Old Coll. 2. 8TERC0RAEIUS. 327 i. 5 vix ad. .sk. A. 5vixad. ; l,m. S juv.sk. (oue black). n, o. Ad. ; p, q. Juv. sk. r-t. (S § ad. sk. ««, V. (S '^ ad. ; w. 5 juv. sk. X. (S juv. sk. y. 2 ad. sk. z. Pull. sk. a'-d'. Juv. sk. e'. Imm. sk. /'. Imm. sk. g'-k'. S 2 imm. Firth of Forth, Oct. {Major i?. G. Wardlaw Ramsay). Broadfoot, I. of Skye, Oct. Orknej-.s, winter. Faeroe Islands, May & Aug, {H. C. Milller). Fseroe Islands, May & Oct. 31 [H. C. M.). Heligoland, Nov. {H. Glitke). Archangel, June ( W. SchlUter). PodarataTundi-a,N.\V. Siberia, Aug. 5. Fantee, W. Africa, winter {Gov. H. T. Ussher). Damaraland, S. Africa (C. An- dersson). Somerset, Cape York, North Australia (J. T. Cockerell). Callao Bay, Peru, Nov., Dec. (Adml. A. a. Markhain i^- Commr. J. R. H. MacFar- lane). Tweeddale Coll. J.E.R.01dfield,Esq. [P.]. Purchased. H. Saunders Coll. E. Hargitt Coll. Seebohm CoU. Hume CoU. Dr. 0. Finsch [C.]. G. E. SheUey & H. Saunders Colls. H. Saunders Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Saunders CoU. v. Ad. sk. Inosima Japan, May. H.M.S. ' ChaUenger ' Exped. Seebohm & Blakiston m'-o'. Imm.sk. Tokio Bay, Japan, March {Snozo). Colls. P . Ad. sk. Kuril Islands {Snoiu). Seebohm CoU. i' -s'. d $ ad. sk. St. Michael's, Alaska, June (E. W. Nelson). Salvin-Godman CoU. t', u' . Ad. sk. North-west America {Capt. Collinson, R.N.). H.M.S. ' Endeavour.' v' Vix ad. sk. North Land Expedition. Capt. Sir- Geo. Back, R.N. [P.]. %u . Vix ad. sk. Jakobshavn, Greenland, Aug. 6, 1867 {E. Whymper). H. Saunders CoU. x -z', a"-e". Sterna. France. Purchased. 2. Stercorarius crepidatus. The Brown GuU, Albin, Nat. Rist. B. ii. p. 78 (1740). The Arctick Bird (Hen), Edwards, Nat. Hist. B. iii. p. & pi. 149 (1751 : Hudson's Bay ; juv.). Catharacta cepphus, Briinn. Orn. Bor. p. 36 (1764). Catharacta coprotheres, Briinn. Orn. Bor. p. 38 (1764 : the dark form). Black-toed GuU, Penn. Brit. Zool. ii. p. 419, pi. 11 (176S : jr.) ; Lath. Gen. Syti. iii. pt. 2, p. 387 (1785) ; id. Gen. Syn. Siippl. i. p. 266 (1787). Arctic GuU, Penn. Brit Zool. ii. p. 420 (1768 : adult) ; Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 389, pi. xcix. (1785). Larus crepidatus, Banks, in Cook's Vot/., Haickestcorth" s ed. ii. p. 15 (1773 : Atlantic, 8° 25' N., 22° 4' W.) ; Gm. S. N. i. p. 602 (1788) ; Bonn. Ency. Meth. i. p. 86 (1790) ; Lath. Lid. Orn. p. 819 (1790) ; 328 STEECORAEIIDiE. Wolf u. Meyer, Naturg. Vik/. Deutschl. Heft 20, p. 57, cum 2 figs. (1805) ; B. Meyei; Ann. Wetterau Ges. ii. p. 054 (1810 : Hanau) ; Meyer u. Wolf, Taschenb. deutsnhl. Vog. ii. p. 493 & fig. p. 465 (1810); Meis7ier ^- Schinz, Vog. Schweiz, p. 280 (1815); Scoresby, Arct. Reg. i. p. 534 (1820) ; Edmonston, Mem. Warn. Soc. iv. p. 274 (1823). Le Labbe ou Stercoraire, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. viii. p. 441, pi. xxxiv. (1783). Le Stercoraire, Baubent. PI. Enl. pi. 991 (1786). Larus parasiticus {nee Linn.), Bodd. Tabl. PI. Enl. p. 58, no. 991 (1783) ; Mohr, Island. Naturh. p. 43 (1786). Stercorarius parasiticus (nee Linn.), Schaeffer, Mns. Orn. p. 62, pi. 37 (1789) ; Kanp, Natilrl. Syst. p. 46, p. 47, & p. 195 (1829) ; Selys-Longch. Fn. Belg. p. 155 (1842) ; Gray, List B. Br. Mus., Anseres, p. 167 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 653 (1846) ; Baird, Cass., ^ Lmcr. B. N. Amer. p. 839 (1858) ; Evans k Sturge, Ibis, 1859, p. 172 (W. Spitsbergen) ; Reinhardt, op. cit. 1861, p. 16 (Greenland) ; Newton in Baring-Gould's Iceland, p. 419 (1863) ; Blakiston, Ibis, 1863, p. 152; Gray, Cat. Brit. B. p. 228 (1863) ; B. Ross, Nat. Hist. Rev. 1862, p. 289 ; Malmgren, CEfv. Fork. Ak. StockJt. 1864, p. 390 ; id. J.f. O. 1865, p. 205 (Spitsbergen) ; Coues, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1863, p. 132 ; Newton, Ibis, 1865, p. 510 (Spitsbergen) ; Gould, B. Gt. Brit. v. pi. 80 (1865) ; Degl. ^ Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p, 397 (1867) ; Ball ^ Bann. Tr. Chic. Acad. i. p. 303 (1869 : Alaska) ; Gillett, Ibis, 1870, p. 307 (Novaya Zemlya); Hutton, Cat. N. Zeal. B. p. 40 (1871); Gurney, in Andersson's B. Bamara Ld. p. 357 (1872) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 110, no. 10937 (1871) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. p. 309 (1872) ; id. Elliott's Rej). Prt/biloff Group, no. 541 (1874); Feilden, Zool. s. 8. p. 3292 (1872 : Faroes) ; Hume, Str. F. i. p. 268 (1873 : Sindh) ; Buller, B. New Zeal. p. 208 (1873) ; Eaton, Zool. .s. s. p. 3813 (1874 : Spitsbergen) ; Coues, B. N.- West, p. 611 (1874) ; Sharpe, Voy. ^Erebus' S; ^Terror,' i. App. p. 32 (1875: N. Zealand) ; Neivixm,- Arct. Man. p. 107 (1875) ; Irby, Orn. Strs. Gibr. p. 216 (1875) ; Blanford, East. Pers. ii. p. 289 (1870 : Mekran coast and Persian Gulf) ; Bessek, Amerik. Nordpol-Exj). p. 312 (1879) ; Kumlien, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 15, p. 95 (1879 : Cumberland Sound) ; Villada, An. Mus. Nac. Mexico, 1879, p. 279 ; Elliott, Seal Is. of Alaska, p. ] 32 (1882) ; Coues, Check-list N. Am. B. p. 120 (1882) ; Menzbier, Bull. Mosc. kiii. p. 11 & p. 38 (1883) ; Stearns, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. vi. p. 122 (1884 : Labrador) ; Coues, Key N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 736 (1884) ; A. Chapma^i, Tr. Northumb. viii. pt. 1, p. 156 (1884: Spitsbergen); Baird, Breiver, ^- Ridgu\ Water-B. N. Amer. ii. p. 335 (1884) ; Turner, Auk, 1885, p. 158 (Alaska) ; Henshaw, t.c. p. 232 (Sta. Barbara, Gala.) ; Evermann, op. cit. 1886, p. 88 (Ventura Co., Cala.) ; Fischer Sf Pel-. MT. orn. Ver. Wie7i, x. p. 120 (1886 : Jan Mayen I.) ; A. O. U. Check-list N. Amer. B p. 85 (1886) ; Turner, Contrib. N. H. Alaska, p. 123 & p. 185 (1886) ; Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1887, p. 124 (Commander Is.) ; Nelson, Rep. N. H. Alaska, p. 47 (1887) ; Booth, Rough Notes, iii. (1887) ; Ridgic. Man. N. Amer. B. p. 22 (1887) ; Baird, Auk, 1887, p. 71 ; Taczan. Ornis, 1888, p. 509 (Poland); Reichenoiv, Syst. Verz. Vog. Beidschl. p. 64 (1889) ; Cory, B. West Indies, p. 298 (1889) ; Greely, Rep. E.rped. Lady Frankl. Bay, ii. p. 21 (1888) ; Butcher, Auk, 1889, p. 125 ; Scott, t. c: p. 160 (Florida) ; Chamberl. t. c. p. 213 (S. Greenland) ; Clarke, Zool. 1890, p. 48 (Jan Mayen T.) ; Keller, Orn. Carinthia; p. 300 (1890) ; Clarke, Auk, 1890, p. 320 si& 2. STERCOKAKIUS. 329 (Hudson Bay) ; Ilcajcrup, B. Greenl. p. 45 (1891) ; R. MacFarl. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 417 (1891 : Barren Grounds) ; Hartert, Kat. Vogvlsam. Senck. p. 243 (1891); Buttikoftr, C. li. ii. Comjr. Orn. Intern, ii. p. 17o (1892 : Liberia) ; Cory, Cat. B. West Ind. p. 82 (1892 : Barbadoes) ; Hartert, Ibis, 1892, p. 521 (E. Pussia) ; liichjw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 663 (1893; Kadiak, Alaska); Taczan. M6m. Acad. Petersh. (7) xxxix. p. 1056 (1893: E. Siberia); Loamis, Pr. Cala. Acad. v. p. 213 (1895: Monterey). Lestris crepidata, Illujer, Prodr. p. 273 (1811) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. p. 515 (1815) ; Dec/land, Mem. Soc. Lille, 1838, pte. iii. p. 117 (1839) ; Schinz, Euro2). Faun. p. 390 (1840) ; Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 99 (1854) ; Palmen, Ve(ja-E.vi)ed. Vetensk.'Q&. v. p. 380(1887) ; Giglioli, 3° Besoc. Av. Ital. p. 68 (1891 : Catania, black race). Oceanus parasiticus, JSTocA, Syst. baier. Zool. p. 381 (1816: type of }i;enus) . Proedatrix, Vieillot, Analyse, p. 65 (1816) : type " Le Labbe de Buffon,'' which is . 145 (Denmark) ; Grondal, op. cit. 1886, p. 370 (Iceland) ; Schneider, op. cit. 1887, p. 551 (Upp. Alsace) ; Hartert, MT. orn. Ver. Wie7i, 1887, p. 180 (E. Prussia) ; Riesenthal, JJ^asseirog. Mitteleicroj). p. 131 (1889) ; Gdtke, Togehc. Helgol. p. 590 (1891) ; Fatio S,- Studer, Cat. Ois. Suisse, p. 60 (1892). Stercorarius crepidatus, VieilL Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxii. p. 155 (1819) ; id. Faune Frant;., Ois. p. 380 (1828 ?) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 326 (revision) ; Dresser, B. Eur. viii. p. 471, pi. 611, and pi. 612. fig. 2 (1876) ; Seeb. ^- II-Br. IJjis, 1876, p. 453 (Petchora) ; Collett, Nyt Mag. Naturr. 1877, p. 207 (N. Norway) ; Saunders, 330 STERCORARIID^. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1877, p. 205 (S. Spain) ; id. Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 392 (1878: distribution); id. Zool. 1880, p. 4 (Shetland) ; Feilden, in Markhavis Polar Heconn. p. 335 (1881 : Novaya Zemlya, breeding) ; Bocage, Orn. Angola, p. 508 (1881 : Mossamedes) ; Ridgic. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 21, p. 53 (1881) ; Milne-Edw. Sf Grandid. H. N. Madag., Ois. p. 644 ^1882) ; Seebohm {Uenke), Ibis, 1882, p. 386 (Dwina and Kanin Penins., breeds) ; Bean, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1882, p. 169 (Alaska) ; Nelson, Cruise ' Corwin,' p. 110 (1883) ; Cocks, Zool. 1883, p. 485 ("Spitsbergen) ; Sharpe, ed. Bayard's B. S. Afr. p. 695 (1884) ; Seebolmi, Ibis, 1884, p. 32 (Kuril Is.) ; Saunders, t. c. p. 391 (S.W. France) ; id. Uh ed. Yarr. Brit. B. iii. p. 674 (1884) ; Murdoch, Rep. N. H. Pt. Barrow, p. 126 (1885) ; Bilchner, Beitr. Bliss. ReicJies, (2) ii. p. 132 (1885 : St. Petersburg) ; Olphe-Gall. Orn. Eur. Occid. fasc. x. p. 13 (1886) ; Dubois, Bull. Mus. Belg.'w. p. 24 (1886); Giglioli, Avif. Ital. p. 437 (1886) ; Tait, Ibis, 1887, p. 397 (Portugal) ; Salvad. Ucc. Ital.^.2Ql (1887) ; H-Br.^Buckl. Faun. Sutlmrl. p. 236 (1887) ; Leqge, Pr. R. Soc. Tasmania, 1886, p. 243 (1887) ; H-Br. Sf Buckl. Faun. Outer Hebr. p. 151 (1888) ; Feilden, Zool. 1888, p. 350 (Barbadoes) ; id. Ibis, 1889, p. 503 ; Ramsay, Tab. List Austr. B. p. 22 (1888); Saunders, Man. Brit. B. p. 675 (1889) ; Butler, B. N. Zealand, 2nd ed. ii. p. 66 (1888) ; Giglioli, 1" Resoc. Avif. Ital. p. 651 (1889) ; id. 2" Resoc. p. 661 (1890) ; Buckl. S,- H-Br. Faun. Orkneijs, p. 238 (1891) ; iid. Faun. Argyll ^-c. p. 175 (1892) ; Collett, Nyt Mag. Naturv. Bd. xxxv. p. 298 (1894) ; Pears. ^ Bidiv. Ibis, 1894, p. 236 (N. Norway) ; Irby, Orn. Str. Gibr. 2nd ed. p. 303 (1895). Lestris pomarina (nee Temm.), E. Sabine, Ajyp. Parry's \st Voy. p. ccvi (1821 : Pr. Regent Inlet). Lestris boji, Brehm, Lehrh. p. 991 (1824) ; id. Vog. Deutschl. p. 719 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 294 ; id. Vogelf. p. 336 (1855). Lestris schleepi, Brehm, Lehrb. p. 993 (1824) ; id. Vog. Deutschl. p. 720 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 294 ; id. Vogelf. p. 336 (1855). Lestris benickii, Brehm, Lehrb. p. 996 (1824) ; id. Vog. Deutschl. p. 723 (1831). _ Cataractes parasiticus, Flem. Brit. An. p. 138 (1828) ; Selby, III. Brit.. Zool. ii. p. 520 (1832). Lestris macropteros, Brehm, Vog. Deutschl. f. 721 (1831) ; id. Naum. 1855, p. 294 ; id. Vogelf. p. 336 (1855). Lestris richardsoni, Swains. Faun. Bor.-Amer., Birds, p. 433, pi. 73 (1831 : Barren Grounds) ; Nuttnll, Man. Orn. ii. p. 319 (1834) ; Audub. Orn. Biogr. iii. p. 503 (1835) ; Jenyns, Man. Brit. Vertebr. p. 282 (1835) ; Eyton, Cat. Brit. B. p. 51 (1836) : Gould, B. Eur. V. pi. 441 (1837) ; Bj). Comp. List B. Eur. ^- N. Amer. p. 63 (1838) ; Audub. Synops. p. 332 (1839) ; Schitiz, Europ. Faun. p. 392 (1840) ; Temm. Man. d'Orn. ed. 2, pt. 4, p. 493 & p. 499 (1840) ; Werner, Atlas, Palmipedes, pi. 33 (1840) ; Crespon, Orn. Gard, p. 495 (1840) ; Bouteille, Orn. Dauphine, ii. p. 254 (1843) ; Audub. B. N. Atner. 8vo ed. vii. p. 190, pi. 452 (1844) ; Giraud, B. Long Isl. p. 367 (1844) ; Crespon, Faun. Merid. ii. p. 130 (1844) ; Yarr. Brit. B. 2nd ed. iii. p. 611 (1845) ; Hewits. Eggs Brit. B. ii. p. 453. pi. 130 (1846) ; Thomps. B. Irel. iii. p. 394 (1851) ; Macgill. Brit. B. v. p. 492 (1852) ; Meyer, III. Brit. B. vii. p. 177, pi. 315 (1857); Chapman, TraD. S. Afr. ii. p. 425 (1868 : Walvisch Bay) ; R. Gray, B. West Scotl. p. 496 (1871). Lestris cepphus, Nuttall, Man. Orn. ii. p. 318 (1834). Lestris parasitica, Xeys. u. Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. 240 (1840) ; B}). Cat. 2. STEKCORARIUS. 331 Ucc. Eur. p. 80 (184L') ; HM. Rev. Crit. p. cxxxiv (1844); Middend. Sib. Reise, p. 241 (185.3); Schl. Vog. Nfderl. p. 589, pi. 337 (1854) ; id. Diet: Nedcrl. Vogek, p. 233 (18G1) ; Heuglin, Ibis, 1872, p. 05 (Novaya Zemlya) ; Jiickel ^- Bias. Voy. Bayerns, p. 355 (1891). Cataractes richardsonii, Macyill. Man. Br. Om. pt. ii. p. 492 (1842). Kicliardson's Skua, Yctrr. Brit. B. iii. p. 489 (1843). Stereorarius ceppbus, Deyl. Orn. Eur. ii. p. 295 (1849) ; Feilden, apud Anderson, Zvol. 187'.), p. 8 (Prince Albert Land) ; Biittikof. Notes Leyden Mi/s. x. p. 106 (1888 : Liberia). Le.stris spiuicauda, Hardy, Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1854, p. G57 ; Bp. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 210 (1857) ; Verr. Voy. Vinson Maday. Annexe B, p. 4 (18G4). Lestris benickeuii, Brehm, Nnum. 1855, p. 294; id. Vogelf. p. 336 (1855). Lestris parasiticus, var. a. coprotberes, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 209 (1857). Lestris cephus. Hart/. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 253 (1857 : Gaboon, in Paris Mus.) ; Borgyr. Vogelf. Norddeutschl. p. 141 (1869). Lestris thuliaca, Breyer, Beise n. Island, p. 418 (1862). Stercorarius spinicauda, Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 366 (1867) ; Coues, Pr. Pkilad. Acad, 18(!3, p. 121 & p. 135 (critical). Stercorarius tephras, Mahngren, J.f. O. 1865, p. 390 (Spitsbergen). Stercorarius asiaticus, Hume, Sir. F. i. p. 269 (1873 : Mekran Coast) ; Butler ^^ Hume, op. cit. \. p. 294 (1877) ; Hume, op. cit. viii. p. 115 (1879; list). Stercorarius richardsoni, Coues, Pr. Philad. Acad. 1863, p. 121 & p. 135 (critical) ; Seehohm, Brit. B. iii. p. 353 (1885) ; id. {Bunge) Ibis, 1888, p. 349 (Gt. Liakoff Is.). Lestris longicauda, Finsch, J. f. O. 1872, p. 241 ; id. op. cit. 1874, p. 203 (N. Zealand). Adult in breeding-plumage. — Pale-hreasfed form. Feathers at the base of the bill dull white ; forehead and lores ash-brown, crown and occiput darker brown ; hind neck duU white, shading into ash- browu on the shoulders and thicklj^ streaked with golden straw- colour ; mantle, wings, tail-coverts, and rectrices darker brown, the secondaries blackish, the shafts of the principal primaries white ; under tail-coverts, abdomen, and under wing ash-brown ; breast and chin duU white ; throat and sides of the neck whitish, streaked with straw-yellow : bill brownish horn-colour, darker in front of the cere; tarsi and toes black. — Darl- form. Similar, but washed with sooty throughout, the underparts being nearly as dark as the mantle, which is of a deeper tone than in the pale-breasted form ; the acuminate feathers of the neck yellow, but not so strongly con- trasted: bill rather blacker. Total length 20 inches: culmen 1'5 ; wing 13; tail 5 without the central pair, which arc often 3 in. longer, making a total of 8 ; tarsus l-7'5, middle toe with claw 1-7. The sexes are alike externally. The dark-breasted form is rare to the northwards of lat. 70°, beyond which the white-breasted is the representative form ; but southward both races are found. The colour has no relation to sex, and dark and light birds are constantly to be found paired. The offspring of this union is, when aduK, intermediate in character, having a duskv 332 STEECOEAR[ID.E. whitish throat, more or less of an ash-brown band across the breast, and a considerable amount of brown on the flanks. Individuals irregularlj- spotted with white are not very rare. Adult in u'inter. As in the preceding species (see p. 326). Young. The offspring of two white-breasted birds is pale cinnamon-brown on the head and underparts, with dark streaks and bars ; the feathers of the upper parts umber-brown with rufous edges. The offspring of two dark birds is much darker, with greyer tips to the feathers ; while the offspring of one white breasted and one sooty bird is intermediate, as might be expected. Tarsi and bases of the toes yellowish, the front portion of the toes black. Immature. Streaked and mottled with various shades of brown on the upper surface, mantle chiefly umber ; upper tail-coverts barred with dark brown, white, and rufous ; under surface more or less barred with brown on a paler ground. Nestling. Sooty brown above, paler below ; but the downy young of dark parents are deepest in hue. Hah. Circumpolar and subarctic regions, breeding as far south as about 55° 45' in the Scottish Islands ; in winter along the coasts of Europe, Africa down to the Cape of Good Hope, the Persian Gulf and vicinity, Australia, New Zealand, the North Pacific, and the Atlantic as far south as Eio de Janeiro. n. $ juv. sk. b. Juv. st. €. Juv. st. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. /. 2 vix ad. sk. (/, h. Ad. & vix ad. St. i-m. Ad. St.; n, o. Pull. St. J), q. Pull. sk. & st. r-u. Ad. sk. V. (5 ad. sk. ic-z. S 2 '/;. C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) : i??j. Consj). Av. ii. p. 209 (1857) ; Jaub. et B.-Lapotnm. Rich. Orn. Fr. p. 388 (1859) ; Schl. Dier. Nederl. Vogels, p. 2-33, pi. 33. fig. 8 (1861); Miillei; Vidensk. Meddel. 1862," p. 65 (18(53: Fferoes) ; Sundev. Sv. Fogl. pi. 51. fig. 4 (1863) ; Fritsch, Vog. Eur. p. 479, tav. 58. fig. 3 (1870) ; ^Collett, Forh. Selsk. Christ. 1873, p. 301 (N. Norway) ; Sundev. CEfv. Ak. Fork. 1874, p. 21 (Spitsbergen) ; Jcickel u. Bias. Vog. Bayerns, p. 354 (1891). Cataractes longecaudatus [sic], Macgill. Man. Brit. Orn. pt. ii. p. 258 (1842). Buffon's Skua, Yarrell, Brit. B. iii. p. 494 (1843). Lestris longicaudata, Reichenb. Syst. Nat. tab. v. (1850) ; id. Nat. Syst. Voq., Lonqip. p. v. (1852) ; Thomps. Nat. Hist. Irel. iii. p. 399 (1851) ; ^Heugl. Ibis, 1872, p. 65 (Novaya Zemlya) ; Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Wieii, p. 879, pi. 277 (N.W. Siberia) ; Booth, Rough Notes, iii. (1857). Lestris hardyi, Bj). C. R. xlii. p. 770 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 210 (1857 : " between Philippines and Sandwich Is."')*. * Tvpe iu Berlin Museuiii examined. 2. STERCORAKITJS. 337 Stercorarius longicaudatus, Selys-Longch. Faun. Beige, p. lo6 (1842) ; Beyl. Ovn. Eur. ii. p. 298 (1849) ; I>!ewton, Arctic Manual, p. 107 (1875) ; Ffilden, Ibis, 1877, p. 409 (Smith Sound) ; Bessels, Amerik. AordjMl-Krjjed. p. 312 (1879, ' Polaris ') ; Olphe-Gull. Orn. Eur. Occid. lasc. X. p. 20 (1880) ; Greely, Rep. Exped. Lady Frankl. Bay, ii. p. 21 (1888). Lestris tracliyrlivuchoa, Brehm, Naum, 1855, p. 294 ; id. Vogelf. p. 337 (1855). " Stercorarius liardyi, Coues, Pr. PJiilad. Acad. 18G3, p. 13G (critical). Lestris longicauda, Droste, Vogelw. Burkum, p. 3G2 (1869) ; Hurting, Handb. Brit. B. p. 78 (1872) ; C. Babbinqton, Cat. B. Suffolk, p. 224 (1880) ; Falmcn, Yega-Exped. Vetensk. Bd. v. p. 382 (1887). Lestris parasita, Borggr. Vogelf. Norddeutschl. p. 141 (1869). Adult male hi hreeding-plumage. Forehead, lores, crown, and nape brownish black ; lower cheeks and neck bnffish yellow, deeper than in the last species ; mantle ash-brown, with a greyish tinge ; primaries darker and blackish towards the extremities ; shafts of the two outer pairs of quills white, but those of all the rest dis- tinctly brown ; upper tail-coverts and upper portion of the central rectrices like the mantle, but the terminal portions of these, and all the other rectrices, nearly black ; abdomen, flanks, and under wing ash-brown ; breast white, passing into yellowish at the neck : bill horn-colour ; tarsi bluish in life, drying olivaceous ; toes black. Total length 23 inches ; culmen 1*2.5 ; wing 11"9 ; tail-feathers 5"5, and the central pair sometimes S'O more, giving a maximum length of 14 ; tarsus 1"6 ; middle toe with claw 1'45, the claws shorter and less hooked than in the preceding species. The female appears to have shorter central rectrices, but is otherwise similar externally. Adidt in xvinter. See remarks on p. 326. Immature. Underparts and upper tail-coverts barred with varying degrees of ash-brown ; very little yellow on the sides of the neck ; otherwise similar to adults. Young. Ash-brown above, the head darkest ; the feathers of the mantle and tail-coverts merely tipped with buff, but without any rufous tint ; underparts dull greyish white, barred with ash-brown. Nestling. Greyish brown above and below, much paler and greyer than in !S. crejndatus. The distinctly grey tint is very characteristic of this species in all stages. Ilab. High circumpolar regions, seldom breeding south of the Arctic Circle, unless on lofty fells ; in autumn and winter migrating southwards as far as the Straits of Gibraltar, as well as to about 40° N. on the Atlantic side of America, and a little further on the Pacific side; once "between the Sandwich and Philippine Islands" {fide Bonaparte). a. Imm. sk. Mevagissey, Cornwall {F. IT. Saunders CoU. b. c? ad. sk. Bfracombe, Devon, Oct. 29. W. B. Tesretmeier, Esq. [P.]. VOL. XXV. Z 338 STEECOEARIIDJE. c. Juv. st. d. Juv. St. e. Juv. sk. /. Ad. sk. g, h. Ad. sk. et juv. St. i-l. S 2 ad. ; m. J vix ad.;w.cJimm. sk. o,p. cJ $ ad. sk. q. Ad. sk. ?•, s. (S ad. sk. «. Ad. sk. u, V. Ad. et pull. sk. to. c? ad. sk. .r-2, a', c? 2 ad. sk. V . S ad. sk. c'. Ad. sk. (?'. S ad. sk. <;',/'. Vix ad. sk. g'. S ad. sk. h'-m. S ? ad. sk. m'. Ad. sk. o', y. Ad. sk. q'. Juv. sk. r'-u'. (S $ ad. etvix ad. St. v' . Ad. sk. ?«'-s'. (S $ ad. sk. «". Ad. sk. b". 5 ad. sk. Biiglitou, Sussex. Clacton-on-Sea, autumn. Orwell, Suffolk, Oct. Ripple, Worcestershire, Oct. Orkneys. Purchased. T. Walker, Esq. [P.], H. Saunders Coll. W. B. Teg-etmeier, Esq. [P.]. Purchased. Eseroe Islands, May, June E. Hargitt & H. (Miiller). Saunders Colls. Lapland fells, from nest, June (R. Duff). Norwegian fells, June 1859 {A. ^ E. Neidon). Kistrand, Porsanger Fiord, N. Norway, June 20 (H. Seebohni). Spitsbergen. Slnibert Bay, Novaya Zem- lya, Aug. 4 [Adiidral A. H. Markham). Stanavialachta, Petchora River, June {Seebohm Sf H-Bvon'n). Alexievka,Petchora R., July {S. ^ H-B.\ Dvonick, Lower Petchora, 3u\j22{S.J. cit. p. 60) briefly defines the Tubinares as : — "Holorhinal schizngnathous birds with a large, broad, depressed, pointed vomer, and truncated mandible ; with the anterior toes fully webbed, and the hallux either very small and reduced to one phalanx, or absent ; with a tufted oil-gland and large supra-orbital glands furrowing the skull ; with the external nostrils produced into tubes, usually more or less united together dorsally; with an enormous glandular proveutriculus and small gizzard of luuisual shape and position, and with the com- mencing duodenum ascending ; with a completely double great pectoral muscle, and a well-developed 2>ecto7'alis tertius ; with i\\& femoro-cmidal and semi-tendinosus muscles always present, and the ambiens and accessory feinoro-caudal only exceptionally absent." * Keport of the Scientific Kesulta ot the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Challenger,- Zoology, Vol. iv. Part xi. (1882). TT7BINARE8. 341 In Dr. Fiirbringer's classification (' Untersuch. zurMorph. und Syst. ■der Ycigel,' ii. p. 15S8 [18S8J) the Procellariiformos (= Tubinares) follow the Oiconiiformes (Phocnicopteri, Pelargo-herodii, Accipitres, Steganopodes), and the Impennes, followed by the Charadriiformes (Laridie, etc.), come next in succession. Mr. Seebohm ('Classification of Birds,' p. 34 [1890]) defines the Tubinares as follows : — " External nostrils produced into tubes. Nasals holorbiual. Dorsal Yertebrre beterocoelous. Hallux absent or reduced to one phalanx, the other toes directed forwards. Young fed by the parents for some time in the nest. Spinal feather-tract well defined on the neck. Oil-ffland tufted." He places the Order between his Galliformes and Impennes, not far from the Gulls, but some way from the Steganopodes and Herodiones. The Procellariiformes (=Tubinares) in Dr. Sharpe's arrangement (' Review of Recent Attempts to Classify Birds,' p. 71 [1891]) are placed between the Sphenisciformes and Alciformes near the Lari- formes, but far from the Pelargiformes and Pelecaniformes. The characters he gives are those of Mr. Seebohm. Dr. Gadow (P. Z. S. 1892, pp. 239, 240), in his comprehensive paper on the Classification of Birds, places his Procellariiformes ( = Tubinares) between his Sphenisciformes and Ardeiformes, the latter a group including Steganopodes, Herodii, and Pelargi. He thus agrees with Forbes as to the position of the Petrels as regards their neighbours on one side. He defines the Procellariiformes as — "Cosmopolitan. Marine. Xidicolous. Zoophagous. Nestlings do^Tiv; downs com])lex. Oil-gland tufted. Aquiuto-cubital. Neck with lateral apteria. Schizognathous. Rhamphotheca compound. Large supraorbital glands. Nares impervious, tubular. Hallux small or rudimentary. Front toes webbed. Hypotarsus complex, or with several g^rooves. Coraco-humeral groove shallow. Ectepicondylar process large. Tracheo- bronchial muscles attached to 7th or 5th bronchial rings. Tongue mostly rudimentai'v." The Charadriiformes, including the Gavia?, he places far from the Petrels, and next the Columbiformes on the one side and the Oruiformes on the other. Fossil remains of Tubinares have been discovered in several parts of the world, but mostly in superficial deposits. Diomedea anr/Iica, LTiowever, is known from the Red Crag (Upper Pliocene) of Norfolk. [See Lydekker, Cat. Fossil Birds in Brit. Mus. p. 189. The external structure of the bill is very characteristic of the jOrder, so much so that a Petrel can at once be recognized by this feature. Dr. Coues describes the bill (Key to N. Am. Birds, revised ^edition, p. 773) as epignathous, its covering discontinuous, consisting of several horny pieces separated by deep grooves. In size the members of the Order range from that of a large Swallow (Ilintndo) to an Albatros, whicli has the widest stretch of wing of any existing bird. 342 TTJBINAEES. The majority of the species lay their single egg in holes burrowed in the ground, often on the lofty summits of oceanic islands. Others make a nest in the open. The egg of each species is wholly white, or with the addition of an indistinct zone of small reddish freckles near the end. The young are helpless till fully grown, and are covered with thick down, amongst which the featliers gradually appear. The sexes are alike in the colour of their plumage. In some species considerable variation of colour exists in different individuals without apparent reference to age or sex. In a few species, such, as the true Uiomedea exulans and D. alhatrus, the young are very differently coloured from the adult. Synopsis of the Families. a. Nostrils united externally above the culmen ; margin of the sternum even ; no pterygoid processes ; manubrium of furcula long ; coracoids long, comparatively narrow across the base and slightly divergent ; 2nd pri- [p. 343. mary the longest 1. Procellariidae, h. Nostrils united externally, or nearly so, above the culmen ; margin of the sternum uneven ; distinct pterygoid processes ; manubrium of furcula very short ;' coracoids short, wide at the base and divergent ; 1st primary the [p. 368.. longest, or not shorter than the 2nd .... 2. Puffinidae, e. Nostrils distinct, opening upwards on either side of the middle of the base of the culmen ; margin of the sternum even, the sternum itself considerably longer than wide ; distinct pterygoid processes ; manu- brium of furcula very short ; coracoids long, narrow at the base and nearly parallel ; 2nd [p. 437. primary slightly the longest 3. Pelecanoididse,. d. Nosti'ils lateral, separated by the wide cul- men, each in a separate horny sheath opening forwards ; margin of the sternum uneven, the sternum itself short com- pared with its width ; no pterygoid pro- cesses ; manubrium of furcula very short ; coracoids short, very wide at the base and widely divergent ; 1st primary the [p. 440, longest 4. Diomedeidae, PKOCELLARIIDE. 34a Family I. PROCELLARIIDiE. Key to the Subfamilies, Leg-bones shorter than the wing-bones; tarsus never twice as long as the femur ; basal phalanx of the middle toe sliorter than the next two joints ; keel of the sternum entirely ossified; tarsi covered in front witli hexagonal scutes ; claws sharp and compressed ; outer toe shorter than the middle toe ; secondaries at least 13. . Leg-bones longer than the wing-bones ; tarsus at least twice as long as the feuuir ; basal phalanx of the middle toe as long as or longer than the next two joints ; keel of the sternum with a large fenestra ; tarsi usually covered in front with a single shield, or with transverse short scutes; claws usually very fiat ; outer and middle [p. 343. 1. PRO CELL AJRIINM, toes subequal; secondaries 10 2. OCEANITINjE, [p. 358. Subfamily I. PROCELLARIINiE Key to the Genera. a. Tarsus longer than the middle toe and claw ; tail not distinctly forked. Tail rounded or nearly even 1 h'. Tail cuneate 2. b. Tarsus not distinctly longer than the middle toe and claw : tail distinctlv forked .... 3. Procellaria, p. 343. Halocyptena, p. 340. OCEANODBOMA, p. 347. 1. PROCELLARIA. Type. Procellaria, Linn. Sijst. Nat. i. p. 212 (17G6) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1804, p. 79 P. pelagica. Hydrobates, Boie, Isis, 1822, p. o62 P. pelagica. Thalassidroma, Viyors, Zool. Juuvn. ii. p. 405 (1825) . . P. pelagica. Range. Atlantic Ocean (chiefly north of the Equator), and Pacific Ocean in the neighbourhood of the Galapagos Islands. Key to the Species. a. Tips of the longer u])per tail-coverts snoty-blaclc b. Upper tail-coverts wholly white pelagica, p. 343 tethys, p. 346. 1. Procellaria pelagica. Peterel, Dampier, Voy. iii. p. 97 ; Alhin, N. H. Birds, iii. p. 87, pi. 92. Storm-tinck or Pittrel, Catesb. Nat. Hist. Carol, ii. p. 14, pi. 14 (1743) ; Penn. Brit. Zool. ii. p. 434, pi. 91 (1708). Little Peteril, Edic. Nat. JIi.'/;/r. J'offe/f.\^. 240(1869); Saund. Ibis, 1869, p. 171 ; id. op. cit. 1871, p. 401; Boderl. Avif. Sicil. p. 229 (1869) ; F. Boie, J. f. Orn. 1869, p. 98 ; Tacz. j. f. Orn. 1870, p. 55 ; Finsch Sf Hartl. J'm/. Ostafr. p. 814 (1870) ; Jti. Grai/, Birds W. Scotland, p. 507 (1871) ; Broulw, Ibis, 1873, p. 348 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. viii. p. 491 (1874) ; Irhy, Birds Gibraltar, p, 217 (1875) ; id. op. cit. ed. 2, p. 309 (1895) ; Danf. e^ H.-Broion, Ibis, 1875, p. 433 ; Roicley, Orn. 3Iisc. i. p. 133 (1876), ii. p. 110 (1877) ; Maynard, Birds E. N.Am. p. 491 (1879); Copjnnyer, Cruise of the 'Alert,' pp. 13, 17 (1882) ; Chapman, Ibis, 1884, p. 98; Dixon, Ibis, 1885, p. 95 ; Arevalo, Ares de Esp. p. 407 (1887) ; A. Koeniy, J. f. Orn. 1890, p. 464 ; Lilford, Birds Northatnptonshire, p. 418 (1893). Hydrobates faeroensis, C. L. Brchm, Voy. Dcutschl. p. 803 (1831). Tlialas.sidroma iiielitensis, Schemhri, Orn. del Gruppo di Malta, p. 118, pi. (1843); Stri'-M. Ann. S^- May. N. H. xiv. p. 348 (1844) ; Gray, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 648 (1844) ; Reich. Av. Syst. Nat., Natatores, pi. 16. fig. 778. Prooellaria liij)l.i)\. 7. fig. 2 (1854). Tlialassidroma minor, L. Brehni, Naamannia, 1855, p. 296. Thalassidroma teniiirostris et albifasciata, L. Brehm, Navmannia, 1855, J). 290. Procellaria raelitensis, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 81,90; Wright, Ibis, 18()9, p. 251. The Storm Petrel, Yarrell, Brit. Birds, iii. p. 524 (1843). Adult male. Sooty -black, rather paler and browner on the fore- head and nnder surface ; marji'ia of the greater -wing-covei'ts greyish white ; rump and upper tail-coverts (except their tips) white ; concealed portion of the under tail-coverts white ; rectrices sootj'- black, white at the base, the shafts black ; middle under wing- coverts white : bill, tarsi, and toes black. Total length about 6-5 inches, wing 4"7, tail 2-2, bill from gape 0-02, tarsus 0'9, middle toe 0'S2, outer toe 0-SS, inner toe 0-65. Female. Similar to the male. Yomif/. Entirely covered with uniform sooty down, paler and greyer than the plumage of the adult. Hab. North Atlantic Ocean southwards to "West Africa ; ilediter- ranean Sea. a,b. Ad.sk. Orkney Islands (J. 7>«««). Salvin-Godraan Coll. f. Ad. sk. Stroraness {J. Dunn). H. Seebohm, Esq. [P.], d, e. Ad. St. Shetland. Purchased. 346 PROCELLARIID.T,. /, g. Pull. St. A, i. Pull. sk. j. Pull. sk. Great Britain. Scotland {J. Dunn) Orkney Islands. k, I. S ad. sk. Lincolnshire coast, Nov. 10. m. Ad. St. n. Ad. St. 0. 5 ad. sk. r- Ad. sk. q. S ad- sk. ?•. Ad. sk. s. Pull. sk. t. Ad. sk. u. Pull. sk. D-r. Skeletons. y-h' , Sterna. Eno-lish Channel. Torquay, Devonshire. North Atlantic, lat. 46° 20' N., long. 9° 58' W., June 15, 1852 {F. M. Rayner). Malta. Tunis. Fantee, W. Africa (Ussher). 'Europe.] South Africa.] 2. Procellaria tethys. Purchased. H.Seebohm,Esq.[P.J, Baron H. von Hiigel [P.]. H. Seebohm, Esq. [P.]. J. Gould, Esq. [P.]. C. Coningham, Esq. [P.]. Voy.ILM.S.' Herald.' H.E.Strickland, Esq. [P.]. L. Eraser [C.]. Shelley Coll. Purchased. Sir Andrew Smith [P.]. Gould Coll. Procellaria teihja, Bp. in J.f. Oni. 1853, p. 47; id. Compt. Rend. xx.wiii. p. G62 (1854); ill. op. cit. xlii. p. 769 (1856); id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 197 (1856) ; Cotees, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 80, 90; Salv, Trans. Zool. Soo. ix. p. 507, pi. 88. fig. 2 (1876) ; Ridyiv. Man. N, Am. Birds, p. 70 (1887) ; Towns. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiii. p. 142 (1890). Procellaria pelagica, Neboiix apud Bp. Adult. Similar to P. ijelagica but a little larger ; the upper tail- coverts wholly white, the greater wing-coverts paler sooty but not margined with greyish white, the under wing-coverts wholly sooty, and the tail slightly forked. Total length about (i inches, wing 5-4;. tail, outer rectrices 2-3, middle rectrices 2-15 ; bill 0-65 ; tarsi and toes deficient. Hah. Galapagos Islands and West coast of Central America. a. Ad. sk. ' Purchased. 2. HALOCYPTENA. Type. Halocyptena, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, p. 78 H. microsoma. Range. West coast of America from the Gulf of California ta the Bay of Panama. 1. Halocyptena microsoma. Halocyptena microsoma, Cohcs. Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 79,90; id. op. cit. 1866, p. 191 ; id. Key N. Am. Birds, p. 328 (1872), ed. 2, p. 780 (1884) ; id. Check-list N. Am. Birds, p. 126 (1882) ; Plliot, Birds of N. Am. ii. pi. 61. lig. 2 (1867) ; Forbes, Voy. Chall, Zool. iv. pt. xi. p. 55 (1882) ; Ridyw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. V. p. 534 (1883); id. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 69 (1887); Baird, Brew. S,- Ridyw. Water- Birds N. Am. ii. p. 402 (1884) ; A. O. U. 3. OCEANODROMA. 347 ChecJc-l. N. Atn. Birds, p. 104 {\SSV>) ■ Towus. Fr. U.>S. Nat. Mus. xiii. p. 141 (1890). Adult female. Dcark sooty-black, slightly glossy on the upper surface, forehead and under surface browner : greater wing-coverts ])aler ; under wing-coverts uniform sooty : bill, legs, and toes black. Total length about 5-5 inches, wing 4-G5 ; tail, central rectrices 2-1, lateral 1-6 ; bill 0-56, tarsus 0-87, middle toe 0*77, outer toe 0-73, inner toe 0"6. Hah. \Yest coast of America from Lower California to Panama. fl. 5 ad. sk. Mazatlan, W. Mexico (A. Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. OCEANODROMA. „ Type. Oceanodroma, Reich. Ac. Syd. Nat. p. iv (1852) ; Coues, Proc. Ac. Pliil. 1864, p. 74 0. furcata. Cymochorea, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, p. 75 O. leucorrhoa. Range. Seas chiefly of the Northern Hemisphere, but southwards to the coast of Peru and the island of St. Helena. Key to the Species. a. Plumage generally sooty-black. a'. Upper tail-coverts more or less white*. a". Base of the lateral rectrices black : longest upper tail-coverts white, narrowly tipped with sooty leucorrhoa, p. 343. b". Base of the lateral rectrices white ; longest upper tail-coverts broadly sooty at the tip . crxjptoleucura, V , Upper tail-coverts the same colour as the back, [p. 350, not white, c". Under wing-coverts uniform with the rest of the under surface: «'". Largest : wing I'o inches, tail 4'45 .... fuliyinosn, p. 352. b'" . Smaller: wing 7 inches or less, tail less than 4. a*. Bill stouter, less elongated ; plumage nearly uniformly dark. without plum- beous tint melanin, p. 353. 6*. Bill slender, more elongated ; mantle and head more or less tinged -v\ith plumbeous. a'. Tarsus shorter (1 inch) ; head and mantle distinctly plumbeous inarhhami, p. 354, P. Tarsus longer (IT inch); head and mantle darker tristrami, p. 354. c'". Smallest: wing about 6 inches monorhis, p. 356. d" . Under wing-coverts much paler than the rest of the under surface homochroa, p. 355, b. Under surface white ; breast with suDtv collar . . hanilii/i, p. 356. c. Plumage generally pale ashy furcata, p. 357. * 0. macrodacfyla and 0. socorroensis apparently belong to this division ; but as I have no specimens of either for comparison. I am unable to assign them to- their exact position in the key. 348 PROCELLAEin)^. 1. Oceanodroma leucorrhoa. Procellaria pelagica, Pallas (nee Linn.), Zoogr. Hoss.-As. ii. p. 316 (1811), fide Stejn. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 29, p. 97 (1885). Procellaria leucorrhoa, Vieill. N. Diet. cV Hist. Nat. xxv. p. 422 (1817) ; Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 3 (1863) ; Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 104 (1871) ; C'ordeau.r, Ibis, 1875, p. 188; Eeinh. Vidensk. Medd. Kjob. 1881, p. 187; BlaMst. Sj- Pnjer, Trans. As. Soc. Jap. X. p. 105 (1882); B.O. U. List Brit. Birds, p. 196 (1883); Blakist. Amend. List Birds Japan, pp. 21, 35 (1884) ; Seeh. Ibis, 1884, p. 33: Reid, Ibis, 1885, p. 254; Tait, Ibis, 1887, p. 397: Stevens. Birds Norf. iii. p. 369 (1890) ; Turle, Ibis, 1891, p. 11 ; BwM. Si- Harvie-B'roivn, Vert. Faun. Orktt. p. 242 (189D : Meade- Waldo, Ibis, 1893, p. 206; Irhj/, Birds Gibr. ed. 2, p. 310 (1895). Procellaria leachi, Tetn7n. Man. ctOrn. ii. p. 812 (1820) ; Euhl, Beitr. p. 137 (1820) ; Werner, Atlas, Palmip. pi. 27 ; Bp. Jonrn. Ac. Phil. iii. p. 229, pi. 9 (1824) ; Steph. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 219, pi. 25 (1826) ; Roidei/, Ibis, 1860, p. 200 ; Ehves, Ibis, 1869, p. 28 ; Fritsch, Vol/. Fur. pi. 61. %. 5 (1870) : v. Droste, J. f. Orn. 1870, p. 381 ; Seeb'.Hist. Brit. Birds, iii. p. 443, pi. 56 (1885) ; id. Birds Jap. Fmp. p. 270 (1890). Procellaria bulloc.ki, Flem. Brit. Anim. p. 1.36 (1828) ; Eowleij, Orn. Misc. ii. p. 101, pis. 48, 49 (1876) ; Borrer, Birds Sussex, p. 284 (1891). Thalassidroma leachii, Aud. Orn. Biofjr. iii. p. 434, pi. 260 (1835) ; id. Birds N. Am. vii. p. 219, pi. 459 ; Gould, Birds Fur. v. pi. 447 (1837) ; id. Birds Great Brit. v. pi. 8o (1873) ; Bp. Comp. List, p. 64 (1838) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 195 (1856) ; id. Compt. Bend. xlii. p. 769 (1856) ; Eei/s. ^ Bias. Wirb. Fur. pp. xciii, 238 (1840) ; Nauni. Voq. Deutschl. x. pi. 275. fig. 2 (1840) ; Seh/s, Fau7i. Belqe, p. 157 (1842); Schl. Rev. Crit. Ois. Fur. p. cxxxiii (1844) ; id. Vofj. Nederl. i. pi. 583 (1854) : id. Dier. Nederl. TV/, pi. 33. fig. 3 (1861) ; Gray, List Anseres Brit. Mus. p. 160 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 648 (1844) ; id. Cat. Brit. Birds, p. 225 (1863) ; Kjrprb. Orn. Dan. t;A..54. ^ff.9{l8rA): Reich. Ar.Si/st.Naf., Natatores,-pll6. {iS^>. char. Similar to 0. leucorrhoa (Vieill.), but with much longer and more deeply forked tail, larger feet, shorter bill, and very broad dusky tips to the upper tail-coverts. " Achdt male (No. 2566, coll. AValtcr E. Bryant, Guadalupe I., March 1886 : W. E. B.). Head, neck, and back dark sooty greyish, paler on anterior portion of head, the forehead tinged with brown, darker and inclining to smoky plumbeous on hind head, hind neck, and back; rump similar to back but darker; middle portion of lesser wing-covert area and uppermost lesser, middle, and greater wing-coverts dull sooty blackish : greater and middle wing-coverts, tertials, and anterior portion of lesser wing-covert area pale greyish brown or drab ; remiges (except tertials), primary-coverts, and alula dull black; upper tail-coverts white, broadly tipped with dull blackish, these blackish tips very sharply and regularly defined and nearly 0-60 of an inch in extent on longest feathers ; tail dull slate- blackish. Lower parts (except chin aud throat) uniform deep greyish brown, the axillars similar but more greyish ; under wing- covcrts light greyish brown. Bill and feet entirely black. Length (skin) 8-40 inches, wing 6-40, tail 3-90 (forked for 1-00), culmen 0'6U, bill from anterior end of nasal tubes 0-38, tarsus 0-93, middle toe with claw 0-93, outer 0-98. " Hah. Guadalupe Island, Lower California. " This fine species is very distinct from 0. leucorrhoa, from which it is at once distinguished by its longer and much more deeply forked tail, with narrower and more tapering lateral feathers; much larger feet, shorter bill, and certain very decided diiferenccs of coloration. Of the last, the most obvious character consists in the very broad and sharply defined blackish tips to the upper tail- coverts, reducing the white to a narrow curved or crescent-shaped band, about 0-40 of an inch wide. The black is also appreciably more strongly tinged with slaty, and the underparts are somewhat darker. " The blackish tips of the upper tail-coverts recall 0. cryptoleuciira, Ridgw., of the Sandwich Islands ; but the latter is small, has the tail very much shorter and so little forked as to be almost trun- cated, and the coloration of the wings much more uniform, while the feet are even smaller than in 0. leucorrhoa." The above description and note were sent me by Mr. Ridgway, who compiled them from one of the types. There is no specimen in the British Museum Collection. 352 PEOCELLAE1ID.33. 4. Oceanodroma socorroensis. Oceanodi'oma socorroensis, C. H. Toionsend, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiii. p. 134 (1890). " Sp. cliar. Similar to 0. homochroa, Coues, but shorter lateral upper tail-coverts chiefly greyish white (producing a distinct spot on each side of the rump), longer upper tail-coverts smoky grey, and under wing-coverts same colour as undei'parts of the body, instead of being broadly margined with greyish white. '•'•Adult male (type, no. 11741)7, U.S. Nat. Mus.; Socorro Island, off west coast of Mexico, March 8, 1889 ; C. H. Toivnsend). Above- plain dark sooty-brown (almost 'clove' brown), becoming much paler (light greyish brown or drab) on anterior portion of head, including entire lores and forehead ; middle wing-coverts (old feathers) also light greyish brown or drab ; greater coverts (new feathers) smoke-grey ; edges of innermost secondaries (not tertials) passing through smoke-grey into greyish white terminally (new feathers) or through drab into brownish white (old feathers) ; tertials, outermost secondaries, primaries, primary-coverts, &c. sooty-black; lateral upper tail-coverts (except longer feathers) greyish white (pure white basally), with concealed portion of inner webs brownish grey ; longer upper tail-coverts uniform smoke-grey ; tail sooty slate-black, the feathers whitish at extreme base ; under- parts, including under wing- coverts, plain deep sooty-grey, paler (light greyish brown or drab) on chin and throat, darker on under tail-coverts ; bill, legs, and feet entirely black. Total length (skin) 6-80 inches, wing 5-55, tail 2-85, forked for 0-40, exposed culmeu' 0-58, nasal tube 0-27, tarsus 0-82, middle toe with claw O'So. " Hab. Socorro I., coast of Mexico. " This species is about the same size and proportions as 0. Jiomo- cJiroa, and resembles it very closely in general coloration, but may readily be distinguished by the very different coloration of the upper tail-coverts and under wing-coverts. The shorter median upper tail-coverts are apparently wanting, and it is possible that specimens^ having these feathers present would show a continuous greyish- white band across the basal portion of the upper tail-covert region : in other words, what are in the type two lateral patches may in perfect plumaged specimens have these two patches united." Mr. Eidgway has kindly furnished me with the above description and note, there being no specimen of the species in the Museum Collection. 5. Oceanodroma fuliginosa. Sooty Petrel, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 409 (1785). Procellarla fuliginosa, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 562 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Om. ii. p. 825 (1790) ; Vieill. N. Diet. cTHist. Nat. xxv. p. 418 (1817) ; id. Enc. Meth. p. 76 (1823). Daption ? fuliginosum, Steph, in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 248 (1826). Thalassidroma fuliginosa, Gray, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 648 (1844) ; id. Cat. Birds Trop. Is. Pac. p. 59 (1859). Oceanodroma fuliginosa, Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. 3Ius. xvi. p. 620' (1893). 3. OCEANODROMA. 358 " Adult CNo. 1555, Science College Museum, Tokyo; Torishima, Japan, 1891 ; Y. Tanalca). Crown, occiput, hind neck, back, scapulars, and u])per rump uniform dark sooty-slate, darker and more sooty on posterior scapulars, the longest feathers of which are distinctly paler at ends, with a narrow terminal margin of brownish white ; lesser and uppermost median and greater wing-coverts sooty-black ; rest of win g-co verts and tertials light greyish brown (between ' broccoli ' and ' hair-brown ') ; alula, primary-coverts, and remiges uniform sooty-black; lower rump light greyish brown; upper tail-coverts and tail sooty-black, like remiges, &c. Anterior portion of head, all round, silky deep sooty-grey or greyish brown, deepening gradually into the darker colour of occiput, &c. ; under- parts uniform sooty-greyish brown (much like colour of greater wing-coverts), the under wing-coverts rather lighter and more tinged with brown : bill and feet black. Total length (skin) about 10-00 inches, wing 7*50, tail •1'45, forked for 1"60, culmen 0-70, depth of bill just before nasal tubes 0"2o, tarsus I'lO, middle toe with claw 1"10. " Hah. Japanese Seas. " In coloration this species much resembles 0. homocliroa, but is darker. Its very large size is, however, its most obvious distinctive character." The above description has been supplied to mo by ^Ir. Eidgway. I believe Mr. Stejneger is right in referring the bird described above to the hitherto unrecognized Procdlaria fulu/inosa, Gm. The application of the specific name fulujinosa to this species involves the rejection of it for every other species of Petrel except Phoebeiria fulvjinosa. 6. Oceanodroma melania. Procellaria melania, Bp. Compt. Rend, xxxviii. p. 662 (1854). Thalassidroma melania, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 196 (1856) ; id. Compt. Bend. xlii. p. 769 (1856). Cymocborea melania, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, p. 76 ; id. Key N. Am. Birds, ed. 1, p. 329(1872), ed. 2, p. 781 (1884); id. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, -p. 127 (1882); id. Auk, 1884, p. 81; Blliot, B. N. Am. ii. pi. 61. fig. 1 (1867) ; Nelson, Cruise ' Corwin,' p. 113 (1883) ; Ridgiv. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 534 (1883) ; id. Auk, vi. p. Ill (1886); Baird, Brew. S,- Ridyic. Water-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 411 (1884); Cooper, Auk, 1886, p. 125; A. O. U. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 105 (1886). Oceanodroma melania, Ridyiv. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 70 (1887). Thalassidroma scapulata(?), Brandt, fide Bp. Oceanodroma townsendi, Ridfftv. Pr.' U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 687. Adult. Sooty-black, uniform above, rather paler on the under surface ; greater and median wing-coverts pale greyish sooty-brown ; tail forked ; rectrices uniform sooty-black : bill and legs black. Total length about 9 inches, wing 7 ; tail, central rectrices 2-3, lateral rectrices 3'5 ; bill 0-82 (exposed culmen 0-6), tarsus 1*21, middle toe and claw 1-2. {Type in Mus. Paris.) VOL. XXV. 2 A 354 PROCELLARIID^. The difficulty surrounding this species has heeu removed by the kind transmission, by the authorities of the Paris Museum, of the type to I,ondou for comparison with the allied forms. Having also before me two of the specimens recently described by Mr. Ridgway as 0. fownsendi, I am able to make a thorough exami- nation of the two birds, and find them to belong undoubtedly to the same species, the very slight differences in measurement being quite within the range of dimensions given by Mr. Eidgway of 0. townsendi. It thus appears that Dr. Coues's original determination of Bonaparte's Procellarla melania was quite correct, notwithstanding Pucheran's erroneous measurements, that 0. townsendi is a synonym of 0. melania, and that 0. marlchanii is a distinct species, as is also the bird from Japan in Canon Tristram's collection attributed to 0. melania by Mr. Seebohm. Hah. Coast of Lower California and Gulf of California. 7. Oceanodroma markhami. Cymochorea markhami, Sah. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 430 ; Tacz. Orn. Per. iii. p. 462 (1886). Oceanodroma markhami, Ridyw. Man. N. Ajn. Birds, p. 71 (1887). See Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 621 (1893). Adult female. Sooty-brown, nearly uniform, entii-e head tinged with plumbeous ; greater and median wing-coverts paler sooty ; tail deeply forked ; the rectrices uniform sooty-black : bill and legs black. Total length about 9 inches, wing 7 ; tail, central rectrices 2"4o, lateral rectrices 3-75 ; bill U-9, tarsus 0"95, middle toe 0'95, outer toe 0-92, inner toe 0-8. Hab. West coast of Peru. «. 2 ad. sk. Coast of Peru, lat. 10° 40' S., Salvin-Godman Coll. ) long. 7n° W. (Capt. A. H. [ Markham). f b. $ ad. sk. Coast of Peru, lat. 23° S., long. Salvin-Godman Coll.) 73° W. {A. H. M.). (Types of the species.) 8. Oceanodroma tristrami. Procellaria melania, Seeh. {nee Bp.) Birds Jap. Emp. p. 270 (1890). Oceanodroma mai-khami, Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 621 (1893). Oceanodroma tristrami, Stejn. MS. "Adult male (No. 9781, coll. H. B. Tristram ; Sendai Bay, Japan, July 1874). Anterior portion of head, all round, sooty-greyish brown (decidedly darker than in 0. Jwniochroa), changing gradually to sooty-blackish slate on hinder crown, occiput, and liind neck, and to deep greyish sooty-brown on fore neck and chest ; rest of uuderparts light grejish sooty-brown, each feather indistinctly tipped with darker (colour of chest), producing a very faint trans- versally mottled appearance, the under tail-coverts, however, uni- form, though the colour gradually becomes darker towards ends of the longer feathers ; under wing-coverts uniform light greyish sooty- 3. OCEASODKOMA. 355 brown, those along edge of the wing much darker, with pale margins ; back, scapulars, and upper rump sooty slate-colour, each feather with one or two very indistinct darker bars, and tipped with a more decided slaty hue ; lesser wing-coverts and tertials darker greyish sooty-brown, the longer of the latter narrowly margined with paler ; middle and greater wing-coverts and innermost secondaries light greyish brown, the margins of the secondaries and approximate coverts sooty-blackish ; lower rump light greyish brown (like large wing-coverts) ; upper tail-coverts and tail dark greyish brown (much paler than remiges), each feather showing a subterminal broad transverse spot of a darker shade of the same colour : bill and feet black. Total length (skin) about 9 inches, wiug 6-20, tail 3-78, forked for 1-60, culmen U'TO, de])th of bill through middle 0-20, tarsus I'lO, middle toe with claw 1-12. " Hah. Japan. " Apart from an indistinctly mottled appearance, particularly of the underparts, which I am inclined to consider an abnormal feature, this species comes very near to 0. vionorhis (Swinh.) in coloration. The latter, however, lacks the lighter rump-patch, and also has the light-coloured wing-area more restricted, occupying, as it does, much less of the innermost secondaries and not the whole (as in this species) of the greater coverts. There is still greater difference between the two in form ; the present bird having the tail far more deeply forked, and the primaries remarkably short and pointed, their shape being, in fact, quite unlike that in any other species of the genus that I have been able to examine." Mr. Eidgway sent me the above description of Canon Tristram's type, together with the name suggested for the bird by Mr. Stejneger, which I adopt. The latter writer at one time considered that the specimen was referable to my 0. marl-hami, but this proves, on comparing the two birds, not to be the case. They are, however, very closely allied ; the tarsus of 0. marlhami is slightly shorter, and the colour of the I head and mantle more plumbeous. The wing-feathers of the type [of 0. fristrami are not quite fully grown, so that I cannot compare [the wings of the two birds for their respective lengths. The idimensions otherwise seem to be nearly the same. 9. Oceanodroma homochroa. Thalassidroma melania, Lawr. Birds N. Am. p. 830 (1800) ; id. Atlas, pi. 99. fig. 2 (fde Coues). Cvmochorea homochroa, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 77, 90 ; id. 'Key N. Am. Birds, ed. 1, p. 329 (1872), ed. 2. p. 781 (1884) ; id. Check-list N. Am. Birds, p. 127 (1882) ; Elliot, Birds N. Am. i. Introd. (1869) ; Baird, Brae, i^- Ridgtc. Water-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 411 (1884); Bidc/u: Auk, iii. p. 267 (1886); A. O. U. Check-l N. Am. Birds, p. lOo (1886). Oceanodroma homochroa, Ridyic. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. viii. p. 3t56 (1885) ; id. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 71 (1887). Adult. Uniform sooty-black with a tinge of plumbeous ; edges 2a2 35G PROCELLA.KIIDJ:. of the greater coverts pale sooty ; greater under wing-coverts variegated with dirty white ; bill and feet black. Total length about 7'50 inches, wing 5-3; tail, central rectrices 2-2, lateral rcctrices 3-1 ; bill 0-75, tarsus 0-9, middle toe 0-85, outer toe 0-83, inner toe 0*7. Hab. Coast of California. a. Ad.sk. San Miguel I., California {Captain Salviu-Godman Coll. S. Forney: Henshaiv Coll.). 10. Oceanodroma monorhis. (Plate II.) Thalassidroma monorhis, Sxdnh. Ibis. 1867, p. 386, 1869, p. 348 ; id. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 422 ; David 4- Oust. Ois. Chine, p. 515 (1877) ; Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. x. p. 414 (1887). Oceauodroma monorliis, Sfejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 622 (1893). ProceUaria sp. inc., Pickett, Ibis, 1894, p. 225. Procellaria monorhis, H. H. Slater, Ibis, 1894, p. 226. Adult female. Similar to 0. homochroa, hut a little larger ; greater and raedian wing-coverts pale ashy, the edges of the former nearly white : head plumbeous, the face paler ; under wing-coverts uniform sooty. Total length about 7'6 inches, wiug 6 ; tail, central rectrices 2-2, lateral 2-9 ; bill O'S, tarsus 0"9, middle toe 0-9, outer toe a trifle shorter, inner toe 0'7. Obs. There is a specimen of this species in the Tokyo Museum. Hab. Coast of China and Japan. a. 5 ad. sk. Amoy, China, Nov. 1866 (i?. Seebohm Coll. (Type Stcinhoe). of the species.) 11. Oceanodroma hornbyi. (Plate III.) Procellaria hornbyi, Gray, P. Z. S. 1853, p. 62 ; id. Hand-l. B. iii. p. 105 (1871). Oceauodroma hornb^-i, Bp. Cunsp. Av. ii. p. 195 (1856); id. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 769 (1856); Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 75, 90; id. Key N. Am. Birds, p. 329 (1872), ed. 2, p. 782 (1884) ; id. Check^list N. Am. Birds, p. 127 (1882); Baird, Brew. 8,- Ridgw. Water-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 416 (1884); Ridyw. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 70 (1887). Thalassidroma hornbyi, Laivr. Birds N. Am. p. 829 (1860). Adult. Upper surface dusky brown, paler and greyer on the upper portion of the back : hind neck greyish white, forming with the white throat a cervical collar ; occiput, nape, and region round the eyes black ; forehead, lores, and under surface white ; a dark cinerous pectoral band ; wings black ; greater and median coverts greyish sooty ; under wmg-coverts pale greyish sooty ; tail dusky brown : bill and legs black. Total length about 8-8 inches, wing 6-7 : tail, central rectrices 2-7, lateral rectrices 3-9 ; bill 0-9, tarsus 095, middle toe 095, outer toe 0-92, inner toe 0-79. Hab. North-eastern Pacific Ocean. a. Ad. sk. N.AV. America. Miss Hornby [P.]. (Type of the species.) '^. OCriANODROMA. 357 1 2. Oceanodroma furcata. Fork-tailed Petrel, Penyi. Arct. Zool. ii. p. 2')'j, no. 403 ; Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 410; id. Gen. Hist. x. p. 188 (1824). Procellaria furcata, Gm. Si/st. Nat. i. p. 561 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 825 (1790) ; VieilL N. Diet. d'Hist. N. xxv. p. 423 (1817) ; id. Enc. Mith. p. 70(1823); Kuhl, Beitr. p. 136 (1820); 8chl. Mu^. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 3 (1803); Grai/, Hand-l. iii. p 105 (1871); Blahi>^eres Brit. Mus. p. 161 (1844); id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 648, pi. 178 (1844); Peale, U.S. E.rpl. Erp. viii. pp. 292, 337, pi. 78 (1848) ; Reich. Syst. Av., Si/ppl. Longip. pi. x\. fi^. 785 (1852); Lawr. Birds N. Am. p. 829 (i860); Ball, Notes Avif. Aleut. 7s. p. 9 (1874). Oceanodroma furcata, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 194 (1856) ; id. Compt. Bend. xlii. p. 769 (1856) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 74, 89; id. Key N. Am. Birds, p. 329 (1872), ed. 2, p. 782 (1884) ; id. Check-list N. Am. Birds, p. 127 (1882) ; Swinh. Lhis, 1867, p. 387; Nelson, Cruise ' Cor win,' -p. 113 (1883); Baird, Brew. Sf Eidgw. Water-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 413 (1884); Turjier, Auk, ii. p. 158 (1885) ; id. Contr. Nat. Hist. Alaska, p. 129 (1886) ; Ridyw. Man. N. A7n. Birds, p. 70 (1887) ; Blak. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. ix. p. 655 (1887) ; Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. x. p. 125 (1887) ; id. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 29, p. 98 (1885) ; Palmer, Pr. Cal. Ac. So. (2) ii. p. 88 (1889) ; Tacz. Mem. Ac. Imp. St. Petersb. xxxix. p. 1068 (1893). Procellaria orientali.*. Pall. Zooqr. Eoss.-As. ii. p. 315 (1811) (t/. Cout's, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, p. 74 ; Swi7ih. Ibis, 1867, p. 387 ; SteJn. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 29, p. 98). Adult male. Cinereous, scapulars and wings outwardly greyish black ; Aving-coverts edged with grepsh white ; area below the eye black ; under surface pale grey, throat and under tail-coverts nearly- white ; under wing-coverts and axillaries greyish black, edged with white ; tail grey, darker towards the tip, the outer web of the outer rectrix on either side white nearly to the tip : bill and feet black. Total length about 8 inches, wing 6*2 ; tail, central rectrices 2-G5, lateral rectrices 3-4; bill 0-85, tarsus 1-02, middle toe 1-06, outer toe 0'98, inner toe 0-82. Hah. Xorth Pacific Ocean as far south as Oregon. a. Ad. sk. N.W. America. Capt. Belcher [P.]. b, c. Ad. sk. Sitka. G. Barclay [P.J. d. 9 ad. sk. Sitka, May (F. Bischof). Salvin-Go'dman Coll. e. Ad. St. Sitka. Gould Coll. /. $ ad. sk. A\a.sks,^ox. (E.W.Nelson). Salvin-Godman Coll. g, h. (S ad. sk. St. Michael's, Alaska, Oct. Salvin-Godman Coll. {E. W. Nelson). I. Ad. sk. Vancouver's I. Dr. Lyall [P.]. j. Ad. St. Aleutian Is. Purchased. k.S ', /-n. 5 ad. Kurile Is., June (^. J'. iS/jow). Seebohm Coll. sk. 0. cT ad. sk. Kurile Is.. May {Blakisto?i). Seebohm Coll. 358 PROCELLARIID^. Subfamily 11. OCEANITIN^E. Key to (he Genera. a. Basal phalanx of the middle toe normal or only slightly flattened, less than the remaining joints and claw. a'. Claws sharp, spatulate, not much flattened. a". Scutellae of the front of the tarsus obsolete 4. Oceanites, p. 358. b". Scutellse of the front of the tarsus dis- tinct 5. Gaeroma, p. 361. b'. Claws flattened and wide. c". 1st primary much shorter than the [p. 362. third 6. Pelagodeoma, d". 1st primary longer than the 3rd 7. Pelea, p. 364. b. Basal phalanx of the middle toe much flattened, equal to or longer than the re- maining joints and claw 8. Cymodeoma, p. 364. 4. OCEANITES. Oceanites, Keyserling ^- Blasius, Wtrb. Eur. ii. pp. xciii, 131, 238 (1840) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, p. 82 ; Forbes, Voy. Chall., Zool. iv. pt. xi. p. 56 (1882) .... O. oceanicus. Range. Whole Southern Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, into the ISTorth Temperate Zone. Key to the Species. a. Larger : abdomen sooty oceanmis, p. 358. b. Smaller : middle of abdomen white gracilis, p. 361. 1. Oceanites oceanicus. Procellaria pelagica, Wils. Am. Orn. vii. p. 90, pi. 60. fig. 6 (1813) {nee Linn.). Procellaria oceanica, Kuhl, Beitr. p. 136 (1820), ex Banks's Icon. no. 12; Bp. Journ. Ac. Phil. iii. p. 233 (1823) ; Steph. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 223 (1826) ; Bp. Zool. Journ. iii. p. 89 (1827) ; Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 6 (1863); Pollen S,- Van Dam, Faun. Mad., Ois. p. 145 (1868) ; Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 104 (1871); Sharpe, Ibis, 1872, p. 74 ; id. in Layard\s Birds 8. Afr. ed. 2, p. 765 (1884) ; Gurney, in Anderss. Birds Damara Land, p. 351 (1872) ; Scl. ^ Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 148 (1873) ; Ussher, Ibis, 1874, p. 75. Procellaria wilsoni, Bp. Journ. Ac. Phil. iii. p. 231, pi. 9 (1828) ; id. Zool. Journ. i. p. 425 (1824) ; id. Comp. List, p. 64(1838) ; Steph. in Shazu's Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 224 (1826) ; Nutt. Man. Water-Birds N. Am. p. 322 (1834) ; Aud. Orn. Biogr. iii. p. 486, v. p. 646 ; id. Birds N. Am. pi. 270 ; id. 8to ed. viii. p. 106, pi. 460 ; Temm. Ma7i. iv. p. 512 (1840) ; Schl. Rev. Crit. Ois. Eur. p. cxxxiii (1844); Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 296; id. Voqelf. p. 354; Burm. Syst. TJeb. Th. Bras. iii. p. 446 (1856) ; Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 251 ( 1866) ; Jaub. (§• Barth.-Lapomm. Rich. Orn. Fr. p. 384 (1858) ; Lawr. Birds N. Am. p. 831 (1860) ; Fritsch, Vog. Eur. pi. 61. fig. 3 (1870) ; Butl. Str. F. v. p. 291 (1877) ; Rowley, Orn. Misc. ii. p. 110 (1877) ; Layard, Ibis, 1878, p. 264 : Mayn. Birds E. N. Am. p. 491 (1879) ; Samuels, N. 8^ E. Birds, p. 553 (1883). 4. OCEANITES. 359 Wilson's Stormy Petrel, Nutt. Man., Water-Birds, p. 322 (1834). Oceanites wilsoni, Keijs. ^- Bias. Wirh. Eur. pp. xciii, 238 (1840) ; Bp. Consp. AiK ii. p. 199 (18.56) ; id. Compf. Rend. xlii. p. 769 (1856) ; Borqyr. Vorjelf. p. 140 (1860); Salvad. Faun. Ital, TIcc. p. 301 (1871); Gu7{dL Orn. Cuhu, p. 223 (1876); Layard, Ibis, 1882, pp. 639, 544; Seeh. Hist. Brit. Birds, iii. p. 449 (1885). Thalassidroma oceanica, Sc/iinz, Europ. Faun. i. p. 397 (1840) ; Gotdd, Vol/. ' Beaqle,' ii. Birds, p. 141 (1841) ; Graif, List Anseres Brit. Mus. p. 161 (1844) ; id. Gen. B. iii. p. 648 (1844^ ; id. Cat. Brit. Birds, p. 225 (1863) ; Pe(de, U.IS. Expl. E.rp. viii. p. 337 (1848); Reich. Sijst. Av., Suppl. Loni/ip. pi. .xi. fig. 783 (1852); Layard, Birds S. Afr. p. 359 (1867) ; 'iJeffl. ^- Gerbe, Ois. Eur. ii. p. 386 (1867); Hutton, Ibis, 1867, p. 190; Pelz. Reise ' Novara,' ZooL i. Vdq. p. 144 (1869) ; Let/f/e, Stray F. iii. p. 375 ; Hartl. Vog. Mad'ag. p. 372 (1877) ; Milne-Edw. Ann. Sc. ^af., Zool. 1882, p. 18 ; M.-Edw. ^- Grand. Hist. Madaq., Ois. p. 676, pis. 299, 300 (1885) ; Arevalo, Aves de Esp. p. 409 (1887) ; Reichenotc, J.f. Orn. 1890, p. 107. Wilson's Petrel, Yarr. Brit. Birds, iii. p. 516 (1843). Thalassidronia wilaoni, Atid. Birds Am. 8vo ed. vii. p. 22.3, pi. 460 (1844) ; Schl. Rev. Crit. Ois. Eur. p. cxxxiii (1844) ; Gould, Birds Aitstr. vii. pi. 65 (1846) ; Reich. Natat. pi. cclxvii. figs. 2237-8 (1850) ; Grill, Zool. Antechn. pp. 12, 57 (1858) ; Jones, Nat. Bermuda, pp. 55, 92 (1859); Laivr. Birds N. Am. p. 831 (1860) ; Layard, Ibis, 1863, p. 249 ; B. Walker, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 379 ; God7n. Ibis, 1866, p. 104 ; id. Nat. Hist. Azores, pp. 40, 42 (1870). Oceanites oceanieus, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 199 (1856) ; id. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 769 (1856) ; Salvad. Atti Sac. Pal. Sc. Nat. vi. p. 132 (1864); Coues, Pr. Ac. Philad. 1864, pp. 82, 90; id. Key N. Am. Birds, p. 329 (1872) ; id. op. cit. ed. 2, p. 784 (1884) ; id. Check-list N. Am. Birds, p. 127 (1882) ; Goidd, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 478 (1865) ; Gigl. Faun. Vert. Oceano, p. 37 (1870) ; id. Viagg. ^Magenta,' see index (1875); Brooke, Ibi.<<. 1873, p. 348 ; Allen, Bull. Mus. Camp. Zool. Cambr. ii. p. 365 (1874) ; Coues S; Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 2, p. 30 (1875) ; Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 3, p. 16 (1876); Salv. in Rowley's Orn. Misc. i. p. 238 (1876); id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 735; id. Voy. ChalL, Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 141 (1881) ; id. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 628 (1882) : Hume %Dav. Str. F. vi. p. 490 (1878) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. viii. p. 505, pi. 614 (1878); Butl. Str. F. vii. p. 178 (1878); Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 115 (1879) ; Sharpe, Phil. Trans, clxviii. p. 132 (1879) ; id. P. Z. S. 1881, p. 11 ; id. ed. Lai/ard's Birds S. Afr. p. 763 (1884) ; Legge, Birds Ceyl. p. 1056 (1880); Saund. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 164; id. ed. Yarr. Brit. Birds, iv. p. 48 (1884) ; id. Man. Brit Birds, p. 729 (1889); Cory, Bird^ Bah. Is. p. 218 (1880); id. Auk, vi. p. 80 ; id. Birds W'. Ind. p. 281 ; B. O. U. List Brit. Birds, p. 197 (1882); Stearns, Neic-Engl. Bird- Life, ii. p. 383 (1883); Oates, Handb. Birds Burm. ii. p. 437 (1883); Baird, Brew. Sf Ridgw. Water-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 416 (1884); Breicst. Pr. Bost. Soc. N. H. xxii. p. 364 ; Turner, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. viii. p. 253 (1885) ; Welh, Pr. U.S. Nat. 3Ius. ix. p. 632 (1886); Tacz. Orn. Pir. iii. p. 463 (1886); A. O. U. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 105 (1886); Ridgw. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 71 (1887); Tait, Ibis, 1887, p. 397 ; Bidler, Birds N. Z^al. ed. 2, ii. p. 2.50 (1888) ; id. Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. xxv. p. 81 (1893) ; Con/, Auk, v. p. 80 (1888) ; Butcher, Auk, vi. pp. 128, 132, 197 (1889) ; Palmer, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiii. p. 258 (1890) ; Macph. Ibis, 1891, p. 603 ; Borrer, Birds Sttssex, p. 287 (1891) ; Cmy. Cat. West Ind. Rirds, p. 84 (1892) ; 360 PROCELLARIID^. Meade-Waldo, Ris, 1893, p. 206; Scl. Ibis, 1894, p. 498; Irhy, Birds Gibr. ed. 2, p. 310 (1895). Adult male. Sooty-black, forehead and under surface rather paler ; greater wing-coverts greyish ; upper tail-coverts white ; under wing- coverts sooty ; tail black, shafts of the lateral rectrices towards the base and the portion of the inner web adjoining white : bill black ; legs black, inner portion of the webs between the toes yellow. Total length about 6-8 inches, wing 6-1 ; tail, lateral rectrices 2-7, central rectrices 2-45 ; bill 0"7, tarsus 1*37, middle toe 1*1, outer toe 1"08, inner toe 1. Female. Similar to the male. Mab. Atlantic Ocean as far north as the British Islands and the coast of Labrador, and thence southwards to the Ice-barrier in the Antarctic Ocean, Kerguelen Land, &c. ; Indian Ocean from the Mekran Coast southwards ; Australian Seas and New Zealand. a. Ad. St. b, c. c? 2 ^d. sk. d, e. Ad. sk. /. $ ad. sk. g. Ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. i,j. Ad. sk. k. Ad. sk. /. J ad. sk. m. Ad. sk. n. 2 ad. sk. o. Ad. sk. p. Ad. sk. q. Ad. sk. r. Ad. St. s. Ad. St. t. $ ad. sk. u. S fid. sk. v-.v. cJ ad. ; y. 2 ad. sk. z, a' . (S ad. sk. b' . J ad. sk. c. Ad, sk. d' . Ad. sk. e . Ad. sk. [Yarmouth.] At sea, .30 miles W. of Faval, Azores, May 21 (F.' D. Godman). Bav of Biscay. N. Atlantic, lat. 36° 45' N., Ion?. 12° 15' W., June 24, 1852 {F. M. Rayner). Atlantic Coast of N. America {ex G. N. LauTence). N. America (J. J. Audubon). Fantee, W. Africa ( Ussher). Bahia, Brazil ( Wucherer). S. Atlantic, lat. 9° 47' S., long. 33° 5' W., Nov. 1878. South Atlantic. S. Atlantic, lat. 36° S., long. 6° 47' E. S. Atlantic, lat. 35° 29' S., long. 9° 46' E., Sept. 22. Lat. 32° 36' S., long. 52° 58' E., Oct. 19. Damara-land. Cape of Good Hope. Atlantic Ocean. Mekran Ooast, May 28, 1877 {Capt. Butler). Royal Soimd, Kerguelen Laud {Rev. A. E. Eaton). Ice Barrier, Antarctic Ocean, Feb. 14, 1874. Pack ice, off Louis PhiUppe Land, Jan. 27, 1843. [Pack ice, Antarctic Ocean], Jan. 12, 1843 [J. McCor- micJc) . TAntarctic Ocean.] Port Essington, N.W. Aus- tralia. Coast of Queensland. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. Voy.H.M.S.' Herald.' Salvin-Godman Coll. Smithsonian Inst. Shelley Coll. Salvin-Godman ("oil. Dr. Coppiuger. Hume Coll. Gould Coll. Earl of Crawford and Balcarres [P.]. Earl of Crawford and Balcarres [P.]. Tweeddale CoU. Sir A. Smith [P.]. Rev. W. Hennah. Hume Coll. Transit of Venus Exp. ' Challenger ' Exped. Dr. McCormick [P.]. Antarctic Exped. Antarctic Exped. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. O. QARRODIA. 361 /'. Ad. sk. [S. Australia.] Sir G. Grey [P.]. g'. Ad. at. [S. Australia.] Sir G. Grey [P.]. h'. 5 ad. sk. New Caledonia, Juue 21 Seebolim Coll. {E. L. Layard). i' . Skeleton. /'. ? Sternum. 2. Oceanites gracilis. Thalassidroma gracilis, Elliot, Ibis, 18.59, p. o91. Oceanites gracilis, Coues, Pi: Ac. Phil. 1864, p. 85 ; Rldgiu. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 71 (1887). ? Procellaria oceanica, Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 6 (1863) ; Scl. P. Z. i, Cat. Birds N. Zeal. p. 47 (1871) ; id. Ibis, 1872, p. 249; Buller, Birds N. Zeal p. 322 (1873) ; Finsch, J.f. Orn. 1870, p. 370; id. op. cit. 1874, p. 213; Cab. Sr Reich. J.f. Orn. 1876, p. 329. Procellaria nereis, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 196 (1856) ; id. Compt. Bend. xlii. p. 769 (1856); Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 81, 90; Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 476 (1865) ; Hutfon, Ibis, 1870, p. 396; Gigl. Faun. Vert. Oceana, p. 36 (1870) ; id. Viagg. ' Magenta,' pp. 736, 800 (1875) ; Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 104 (lS7"l) ; Scl. 4 Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 148 (1873): Coues c\ Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 2, p. 31 (1875); Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus, no. 3, p. 16 (1876) ; Sharpe, Phil. Trans, clxviii. p. 129 (1879). Oceanitis nereis, Cab. J.f. Orn. 1875, p. 449. Garrodia nereis, Forbes, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 735; id. Voy. Chall., Zool. iv. pt. xi. p. 56, &c. (1882) ; Bullei; Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 247 (1888); id. Trans. N. Z. Inst. xxiv. p. 86 (1892); H. O. Forbes, /*!>, 1893, p. 542. 362 PROCELLARIID^. Adult female. Greyish black, darkest on the head and becoming gradually greyer towards the rump, the upper tail-coverts being ashy with darker shafts ; wings black ; median coverts ashy, these feathers as well as those of the back and the upper tail-coverts edged narrowly with white ; under surface from the breast to the under tail-coverts and the inner under wing-coverts pure white ; the flanks and the sides of the latter streaked with grey ; tail grey, broadly tipped with black : bill and legs black. Total length about 6-7 inches, wing 5*2, tail 2-7, bill 0"65, tarsus 1'25, middle toe 1'2, outer toe 1, inner toe 0'92. Male. Similar to the female. Hab. Southern Ocean from Kerguelen Land to ]S'ew Zealand and the Falkland Islands. a. ^. ad. sk. Royal Sound, Kerguelen Land Transit of Venus (Hev. A. E. Eaton). Expedition. b. Ad. sk. Kerguelen Land ( U.S. Transit Seebohm Coll. of Venus Exped.). c. $ ad. sk. Southern Ocean, lat. 43° S., Geological Mus. [P.]. long. 140° E. d. Ad. sk. Off E. coast of N. S. Wales, Capt. Stanley [P.] July (J. Macgillivray). e. Ad. sk. [Australian Seas.] Purchased. /. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Sir G. Grey [P.]. ff, h. S 2 ad.sk. S.E. Island, Chatham Is., May. H. 0. Forbes, Esq. [0.]. t. Ad.sk. Falklnndls. {Falkland Is. Co.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. PELAGODROMA. type. Pelagodroma, Reichenbach, Av. Si/st. Nat. p. iv (1852) ; Corns, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, p. 87 ; Forbes, Voy. ChalL, Zool. iv. pt. xi. p. 56, &c. (1882) ." P. marina. Hah. Southern Ocean, northwards in the Atlantic Ocean to the Canary Islands. 1. Pelagodroma marina. Frigate Petrel, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 410 ; id. Gen. Hist. x. p. 189 (1824). Procellaria marina. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 826 (1790) ; Kuhl, Beiir. p. 137 (1820) ; Vieill. A. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxv. p. 419 (1817) ; id. Gal. Ois. ii. p. 230, pi. 292 (1825) ; Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 5 (1863). Pachyptila marina, Steph. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 253 (1826). Oceanites marinus, Kei/s. d^ Bias. Wirb. Eur. p. xciii (1840) ; Reid, Ibis, 1888, p. 80. Thalassidroma marina, Gray, List Anseres Brit. Mus. p. 161 (1844) ; id. Gen. B. iii. p. 648 (1844); id. Voy. Ereb. 8c Terr., Birds, p. 17 (1846); id. Ibis, 1872, p. 244; Gould, Birds Austr. vii. pi. 61 (1845); Reich. Si/st. Av., Suppl. Lonr/ij). pi. xi. fig. 774 (1852) ; Pelz. Reis. Novara, Zool. i. Voy. p. 144 (1869) ; Finsch, J.f. Orn. 1870, p. 370 : Button, Cat. Birds N. Zeal. p. 48(1871); id. Ibis, 1872, p. 249. Pelagodroma marina, Reich. Av. Syst. Nat. p. iv (1852) ; Cottes, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 192 ; Salt: in Roicley^s Orn. Misc. i. p. 228 (1876) ; id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 736 ; id. Voy. ChalL, Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 142 (1881); Ridgu'. Auk, ii. p. 386; id. Man. N. Am. Birds, 6. PEI.iGOUROilA. 363 p. 72 (1887); A. O. U. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 106 (1886); Buller, Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 248 (1888); id. Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. XXV. p. 81(1893); Checsenum, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst, xxiii. p. 226 (1891) ; H. A. Macph. Ibis, 1891, p. 602; Meade-Waldo, Ibis, 1893, p. 207; H. O. Forbes, Ibis, 1893, p. 542 ; Aplin, Ibis, 1894, p. 212. Thalassidroma hvpoleuca, Moquiti-Tandon in Webb ^- Berth. Orn, Can. p. 45 (1850 ?) ; Bolle, J.f. Orn. 1857, p. 346. Pelagodroma frefiata, Rp. Comp. Av. ii. p. 198 (1856) ; id. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 769 (1856) ; Cmes, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 88, 91 ; Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 482 (1865) ; Gigl. Faun. Vert. Oceano, p. 38 (1870) ; id. Viagy. ' Magenta,' p. 736 (1875). Procellaria fregata, Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 5 (1863) (nee Lin?i.); Graij, Hund-l. iii. p. 104(1871). Thalassidroma fi-egata, Buller, Birds 'N. Zeal. p. 321 (1873) ; id. Ibis, 1874, p. 121 ; Hutton, Ibis, 1874, p. 42 ; Finsch, J. f. Orn. 1874, p. 212; Sandager, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. xxii. p. 293 (1889). Procellaria sequorea, Solander (cf. Salv. in Rorvlet/'s Orn. Misc. i. p. 238). Adult. Upper surface slaty-brown, back paler and greyer, the feathers narrowly edged with white ; rump and upper tail-coverts clear crimson, edged with white and with a narrow subterminal darker line to each feather ; larger and median wing-coverts brown, the latter tipped with dirty white ; forehead, an elongated super- ciliary stripe, the entire under surface, and under wing-covcrts white ; sides and tips of the under tail-coverts grey with white fasci?e ; tail brownish black, basal half much paler : bill black ; tarsi and toes black, the webs yellow with a dark edge. Total length about 8 inches, wing 5-8 ; tail, central rectrices 2-75, lateral rectrices 3* 15 ; bill 0"9, tarsus 1'6, middle and outer toes 1-35, inner toe 14, Bab. Seas of the Southern Hemisphere, north to the Canary Islands, and accidental in Great Britain and the coast of Massa- chusetts. a-c. c? ; d~l. 2 ais. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 6 (1863) (partim) ; Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 104 (1871). Procellaria tropica, Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 104 (1871). Oceanitis tropica, Sharpe, Phil. Trans. clxTiii. p. 130 (1879) ; id. Bayard's Birds S. Afr. p. 764 (1884). Procellaria iuelanoga.ster ?, Penrose, Ibis, 1879, p. 282. Cymodroma melauogaster, Ridgn: Man. N. Am. Birds, -p. 72 (1887). Adult male. Sooty-black, head rather darker, greater wing-coverts much paler, margin of the wing indistinctly edged with pale sooty ; base of the feathers of the throat and of the under tail-coverts, flanks, upper tail-coverts, and under wing-coverts white, breast and middle of the abdomen sooty ; tail black, base of the lateral rectrices white : bill and legs black. Total length about 8 inches, wing 7, tail 3'2, bill 0-9, tarsus 1"6, middle and outer toes 1-03, inner toe 0*95. Fenude. Similar to the male. The amount of white on the throat varies, being almost pure in some specimens and quite concealed in others. Hah. Southern Ocean northwards to the Bay of Bengal and in the Atlantic to the Tropic of Cancer. a. Ad. sk. North Atlantic, lat. 6° 33' N., long. Gould Coll. 18'' 6' W. (A tvpe of Th. tropica, Gould.) h. 2 ad.sk. North Atlantic, lat. 0° 12' N., long. Toy. II.M.S. 'Ptattle- 30" W. [J. Macgillivray). snake.' c. Ad. .sk. Bay of Bengal. Tweeddale Coll. d-f. Ad.sk. Indian Ocean, lat. .'36° 57' S., long. Earl of Crawford and 40= 41' E., Oct. 15. Balcarres [P.]. g. Ad. .«k. Indian Ocean, lat. 32° 36' S., long. Earl of Crawford and 52° 58' E., Oct. 19. Balcarres [I'.]. /(. Ad. sk. S. Indian Ocean, lat. 43° S., long. Voy. H.M.S. 'Rattle- 140° ?:. (J. Macgillivray). snake.' '•./• cJ ? inl. lioyal Sound, Kerguelen Land Tran.iit of Venus sk. {Rei\ A. F. Eaton). Exped. 366 PROCELLAHIID^. k. Ad.sk. Betsy Cove, Kerguelen Land. ' Challenger 'Exped. /. Ad. sk. Port Essington, N.W. Australia. Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad. sk. Coast of Queensland. Salvin-Godman Coll. n-p. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Salvin-Godman Coll. q. Ad. sk. New Zealand {Otago Museum). Hume Coll. r. Ad. sk. S. Africa (C. J. Atidersson). H. Saunders, Esq. 2. Cymodroma grallaria. [P.]. Procellaria grallaria, Vieill. N. Diet. d^Hist. N. xxv. p. 418 (1817) ; id. Enc. Metli. p. 344 (182-3) ; Licht. Ferz. Doiihl. p. 83 (1823) ; Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. o (1863) ; Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 104 (1871) ; Scl. Si Sah: Nomencl. Av. Keotr. p. 148 (1873). Oceanites grallaria, Keys. ^- Bias. Wirh. Eur. p. xciii (1840) : Sharpe, P. Z. nell.:. I. PUFFIN m^,V.^^^. h. Sides of the palate ^vith more or less ^^^^^jjj^^- p. 422. distinctly developed lamelte ^- ^ "-'^^ ^ Subfamily I. PUFFININ.E. Key to the Genera. a Tarsi distinctly compressed, anterior edge sharp a' Nasal tube low; both nostrils v|siWe from above, directed forwards and slightly np ^ ^^^^^^^^^^_2>m. wards ; rectrices 12 '■' \'-' V ' ' h' Nasal tubes higher; nostrils united into a single opening directed forwards. ''"a'^'Bin stouter; nasal tube comparatively ^^ -pj^^^^,^^^,^ 390. r'. iS'Veake;; nasal -tube comparatively ^ ^^^^^^^Jl^^^' long • ■ • 4 Peiocella, p. o93. h". Rectrices 14 • • • • ; • ' , h Tarsi not compressed, more rounded on the anterior edge ; rectrices 12. c' Tail moderate, rounded. c' Bill long, stout, more or ess yellow; ■ I nguis large ; nasal tube almost united Xi sin^e opening dii-ected forwards ; ^^^^^^^J^' '''■ claw of hallux smaU •. ■ • d" Bill shorter, stout, black ; unguis large; nasal opening directed slightly upwards, ^^^^^^J^' claw of hallux small • • • v ' " V ' i '; 'v, ' e". Bill slendei-^ black; T,^^,, uY,,,o'e ^^ ' 7. Pagodboma, unguis slender ; claw ot hallux laige . d' Tail long, cuneate ; nasal tubes fleshy at the LP '• end,openingsseparateanddirectedforwards ^ j^^^^^.^^^, p. ^.Q. and upwards 1. PUFFINUS. Type. Pnffinus, 5r/.son, Orn. vi p. 131 (1760); Cone^^, NeWs: W/f 5-Vr. p. 144 (1820) ; Cones, Pr.Ac. Phil 1864, p. 123. . ^,^„ Thyellas, Gloger, in Froriep's Notizen, xvi. p. -/« (1827) ; Salv. Ibis, 1888, p. 353. PAj7. 1864, P; 1^2-^ • • • V ■ 7. „ iQ nR421. P. anglorum. Cymotomu8,M«c^i«./^f';^;Sf^-f;P-\;!,^«'^-'- ^ ^ Ardenna, iiefc/i. ^r. Syst. Is at. p. iv (18o2). 1. PUFFINfS. 369 I Thyellodroma, Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xi. p. 93 '^'•^^^' (1888) PI Zalias, F. Heine, Nom'enci Mus'. ' Hdn. 'p.' "362 'P^'"''"'"'- (1890) (ivceThiellus). ^ Shearwater, Neivton, Enc. Brit. ed. 9, xxi. wofir'" ^'"'''"^' distributed throughout the seas of the whole ,p ., , ^^y to the Species. (I. 1 ail long, cuneate. a'. Under surface white ; feathers of the head sides of neck, and upper plumage generally sooty, edged conspicuously with white .. leucomelas p 370 h. Under surface white; feathers of the head ^' and upper plumage not edged with white a . Back, greater wing-coverts, and primaries entirely sooty „ . „„, h" Tin^i J -^ ; ; cuneatus, p. 371 6 . Back and greater wing-coverts grey > P- •J'i- outer half of inner webs of primaries' white h 11 ■ C. Entire plumage sooty-brown ,TiF' , „^ b. Tail shorter, rounded. ^ Mororhynchus, p. 372. d'. Under surfece white. *^ ' It^'^i^^'; "^^"o 1--0 inches and upwards. a . Back and upper tail-coverts conspicu- ously edged with light dusky; head above darker than the back of the neck. a\ Sides of the neck distinctly defined ; flanks spotted; middle of the ab- domen dusky gravis r, S7-' 6\ Sides of the neck mottled; flanks and ' '' ,,„ middle of the abdomen white kuhli,r, 375 0 . Upper surface nearly uniform, includino- the upper tail-coverts; sides of the head mottled ^,.^„t^ o-,. .^".^Smaller: wing 9 inches'and under'. '^'^'0P^^,V-^'^. c '. Primanes wholly dark beneath, e*. Larger. «^ Blacker above; axillaries white, subterminally black; flanks and under tail-coverts mostly white. . anglorum, p. 377 6'. Lighter above; axillaries, lower ^ flanks, and under tail-coverts c". Under tail-coverts deep sooty-black. ,v^>^- a". Paler; flanks and axillaries dusky" opisthomclas, p. 380. A". Darker ; flanks and axillaries > f '^^■ ^i \T A- ^ ''^f .;, • •.•■■• auricularis, p. 380. dK INIedium size: axillaries blackish or dusky. d^. Uuder tail-coverts pure white • .» Tf''!i^^'''^-i'°°*y •' .'-''«"■«. P- 381. e". Under tail-coverts sooty on tlie sides ; axillaries blackish towards ^ \^f ^"^ •.,■, • •. per,icm, p. 381. bmaller : axillanes white obscurm,Y> 382 370 PUFFIXID.E. d'". Primaries beneath white on tbe iuner edge of the iiiuer web * assMiUis, p. 384. e'. Plumage generally sooty. e". Larger : wing 12'5 inches and upwards. e'". Under wing-coverts sooty ; bill, except at the tip, flesh-colour . , carneipes, p. 385. f". Under wing-coverts ashy white with dark shafts ; bill dark ffriseus, p. 386. /". Smaller : wing 10'4 inches and under. ff'". Under surface greyer ; tarsi and toes longer tenmrostris, p. 388. /('". Under surface darker brown ; tarsi and toes .-ihorter nativitatis, p. 389. 1. Pufflnus leucomelas, Puffiuus leucomelas, Temm. PI. Col. 687 (1836) ; Temm. 8,- Schl. Faun. Jap. p. 131, pi. 85 (1842) ; Gray, List Anseres Brit. Mm. p. 160 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 647 (1844); id. Hand-l. iii. p. 102 ( 1871) ; Eeich. Av. St/st. Nat., Stiiypl. Lomjip. pi. ix. tig. 767 (1850) ; Jacq. L^ Puch. Voy. Pole Sud, iii. p. 138 (1853) ; Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 203 (1856) ; >Sivinh. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 330 ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 130, 144; Giyl. Faun. Vert. Oceana, p. 33 (1870) ; id. Viaffff. 'Mac/enta; pp. 331, 332 (1875) ; JDavid ^ Oust. Ois. Chine, p. 515 (1877) ; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 16 ; Meyer, Ibis, 1879, p. 144 ; Skarpe, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 800 ; Blakist. f Pryer, Trans. As. Soc. Jap. \. p. 100 (1882) ; Salvad. Orn. Pap. iii. p. 461 (1882) ; id. op. cit. Siippl. p. 213 (1891) ; Blakist. Amended List Birds Jap. pp. 10, 35 (1884) ; id. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. ix. p. 655 (1886) ; Pleske, Bull. Ac. Petersb. xxix. p. 539 (1884) ; Seehohm, Ibis, 1884, p. 176; id. Birds Jap. Emp. p. 264 (1890); Eidyu: Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 62 (1887). Thielhis leucomelas, Bp. Compf. Bend. xlii. p. 769 (1856). I'rocellaria leucomelas, Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 24 (1863). Adult male. Upper surface brown, the feathers of the body and wings with paler dusky edges ; anterior portion ^l the crown, fore- head, sides of the head, and neck white, each feather with a dark disc, M'hich is narrow on the forehead and sides of the head and neck, giving a streaked appearance ; entire under surface white ; under wing-coverts white, the interior ones with dark shafts, those near the edge of the wing with dark discs : axillaries pure white ; tail brown, the inner webs of the lateral rectrices near the base white ; primaries black throughout : bill horn-colour ; feet flesh- colour, the outer toe a little darker. Total length about 19 inches, wing 13 ; tail, outer rectrices 4, central rectrices 5-6. Female. Similar to the male. Hah. Seas of Japan and Corea and thence southwards to the Philippine Islands, N. Borneo, the Moluccas, and the N. coast of Australia. a. cJ ad.sk. Port Hamilton, Corea, May (G. H. Saunders, Esq. Stephen;. [P.]. b. Ad. sk. Japan (II. J. Snoiii). Seebohm Coll. c,d. S 't e. $ ad. Hakodate, Japan (Jf.J^ &ici(y). Salvin-Godman, sk. Tweeddale, and Seebohm Colls. * Piiffinus elegans comes here. 1. rUFFINUS. 371 /. Ad. .sk. Catag-iiau, I'hilippine Islands. li. Cuming [0.]. . Procellaria i)uffinus, Temm. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 80o (1820) ; Kukl., Beitr. p. 148 (1820). Procellaria kuhli, Boie, Isis, 1835, p. 257. Puffinus cinereus, Gould, Birds Ear. pi. 445 ; Bp. Comp. List, p. 64 (1838); Temm. Man. d'Orn. iv. p. 50G(1840); Werner, Atlas, Suppl. Palmip. pi. 36 ; Cre.ywn, Orn. Gard, p. 498 (1840) ; Gray, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 647 (1844) ; Schl. Rev. Crit. Ois. Eur. p. cxxxii (1844); Macgill. Hist. Brit. Birds, v. p. 438 (1852); Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 2!)G; id. Voc/elf. p. 35G ; Bulk, J. f. Orn. 1857, p. 344; Jaub. ^- Barth.-Lapwnm. Rich. Orn. Fr. p. 381(1858); Jones, Nat. Bermuda, p. 54 (1859); Poicys, Ibis, 1860, p. 357; Drouet, Faun. Aqor. p. 127 (1861); Wriyht, Ibis, 1863, p. 436, 1864, p. 153 ; Bree, B. Eur. iv. p. 109, pi. (1863) ; Kruper, J.f. Om. 1863, p. 336; Loc/ie, Erpl. Sci. Alyer., Ois. ii. p. 174(1867); Beffl. ^• Gerbe, Ois. Eur. ii. p. 375 (1867); Doderl. Av.if. Sicil. p. 228 (1869) ; Elwes ^- Btfckl. Ibis, 1870, p. 336; Saund. Ibis, 1871, p. 401 ; Brooke, Ibis, 1873, p. 348; Arevulo, Aves de Esp. p. 405 (1887). Nectris cmeK&, Keys. ^- Bias. Wirb.Eur. pp. xciv, 239 (1840) (partim) ; Miihle, Orn. Griechml. p. 135 (1844) ; Linderm. Voyel Griechenl. p. 170 (1860); Boryyr. Voyelf. p. 140 (1869). Procellaria flavirostris, Gould, Ann. ^- Mag. N. H. xiii. p. 365 (1844); Gray, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 648 (1844). Puffinus kuhli, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 202 (1856) ; id. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 769 (1856) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 128, 143 ; id. Key N. Am. Birds, p. 331 (1872), ed. 2, p. 784 (1884) ; id. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 128 (1882) ; Salvad. Atti Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat. vi. p. 132 (1864); id. Faun. Ital., Ucc. p. 298(1871); Pekehi, Voy. Novara, Zool. i. Vw/. p. 142 (18G9) ; Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 102 (1871) ; Shelley, Bird^ F/ypt, p. 311 (1872) ; Sol. ^- Salv. Xomend. Av. Neotr. p. 149 (1873); Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. ii. p. 1367 (1873) ; Irby, Birds Gibr.^. 217 (1875) ; id. op. cit. ed. 2, p. 308 (1895); Dresser, Birds Eur. viii. p. 513, pi. 615 (1877); E. C. Taylor, Ibis, 1878, p. 374 ; Sharpe, Phil. Trans, clxviii. p. 122 (1879) ; Baird, Breio. S^- Ridyw. Water-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 377 (1884) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1884, p. 392 ; Turner, Pr. U.S. Xat. Mus. viii. p. 253 (1885) ; Whitehead, Ibis, 1885, p. 47 ; Tait, Ilm, 1887, p. 398 ; Rid(/7V. Man. N. A^n. Birds, p. 59 (1887) ; Reid, Ihis, 1888, p. 80 ; Lilford, Ibis, 1889, p. 349 ; Grant, Ibis, 1890, p. 444 ; Koeni(/, J.f. Orn. 1890, p. 461 ; Meade- Waldo, Ibis, 1893, p. 2()7 ; Scl. Ibis, 1894, p. 107. Adaniastor flavirostris, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 188 (1855). Nectris macrorhyncha, Heugl. Syst. Ueb. p. 68 (1856). CEstrelata flavirostris, Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856). Procellaria cinerea, Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 24 (1863). Puffinus major, troc^j/ia/i,/?^'*', 186G,pp.l03,107; id. Xat. Hist. Azores, pp. 39, 42 (1870) : Loche, Expl. Sci. Alyer., Ois. ii. p. 173 (1867). Puffinus borealis, Cory, Bull. Xutt. Orn. Club, vi. p. 84 (1881); Job, Bull. Xutt. Orn. Club, viii. p. 244 ; Stearns, Xeic Enyl. Bird- Life, ii. p. 384 (1883) ; Coues, Key X. Am. Birds, ed. 2, p. 784 (1884) ; Baird, Brew. ^- Ridyw. Water-Birds X. Am. ii. p. 379 (1884); Baird, Auk, iv. p. 72 (1887); A. O. U. Check-l. N. Ain. Birds, p. 100 (18St)) ; Ridyic. Man. X. Am. Birds, p. 59 (1887) ; Swinburne, Pr. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb. ix. p. 193 (1886); Chadhurne, 376 ruFFiNiD^. Aiik, V. p. 203 (1888) ; Butcher, Auk, v. pp. 170, 173 (1888), vi. p. 128 ; Maynard, Quart. Joum. Bost. Zool. Soc. iii. p. 63 ; Hives, Auk, V. p. 103 (1889). Cinereous Puffin, Nutt. Man., Water-Birds, p. 334 (1834). Adult male. Greyish brown, darker and more uniform on the crown ; the feathers of the back edged with paler grey, the longer upper tail-coverts whitish or mottled : wings and tail dark brownish black ; under surface white, the cheeks and sides of the neck pale grey, mottled %vith white ; under tail-coverts white, mottled at the edge ; under wing-coverts white, the edge of the wing dark greyish brown ; axillaries nearly pure white : bill yellow, the tip yellowish horn-colour ; tarsi and toes yellow, darker outwardh'. Total length about 20 inches, wing 14 ; taU, central rectrices 5-35, lateral rectrices 3-9 ; bill 2-7, tarsus 2-3, middle toe 2-9, outer toe 2-85, inner toe 2-4. Female like the male. Hah. Mediterranean Sea ; Atlantic Ocean from Madeira and Canaries to the coast of Massachusetts ; Kerguelen Island. a. Ad.sk. Sea of Marmora (iio&.ww). Tweeddale Coll. b. Pull. sk. Cyclades {Dr. Eriiper). Seebohm Coll. c. Pull. sk. Cyclades {Dr. Kriiper). Baron A. von Hiigel. d. e. Ad. st. Italy. Purchased. f. Ad. sk, Corsica. J. Whitehead, Esq. [P.]. g. -55, p. 296: id. Vogelf. p. 356; Harcourt, Ann. v.*!" Maq. N. H. 1855, xv. p. 435; Lawr. Birds N. Am. p. 834 (18C0); 'Reinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 16; 378 PtJFFlXID^. Nfnvton in Bamig-GouhVs Iceland, p. 419 (1803) ; Cones, Pr. Ac, Phil. 18(34, pp. 134, 144 ; id. Key N. Am. Birds, p. 331 (1872), ed. 2, p. 786 (1884) ; id. Check-list N. Am. Birds, p. 128 (1882) ; More, Ibis, 1865, p. 458 ; Godm. Ibis, 1866, pp. 104, 107 ; id. Nat. Hist. Azores, pp. 39, 42 (1870) ; Turnbnll, Birds of E. Lothian, p. 35 (1867); Degl. Sf Gerbe, Orti. Eur. ii. p. 378 (1867); Ehces, Ibis, 1869, p. 35 ; Taylor, Ibis, 1869, p. 391 ; v. Drosfe, J. f. Orn. 1869, p. 382; R. Grail, Birds W. Scotland, p. 503 (1871) ; Irby, Birds Gihr. p. 217 (1875), ed. 2, p. 309(1895); ?"rf. /6;>, 1883, p. 190 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. viii. p. 517, pi. 615 (1876) ; Ridqiv. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. iii. p. 230 (1881) : B. O. U. List Brit. Birds, p. 197 (1883) ; Stearns, Neiv Engl. Bird-Life, ii. p. 384 (1883) ; Baird, Brew. ^ Ridgw. Water-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 384 (1884) ; Saujiders, ed. Yarr. Brit. Birds, iv. p. 21 (1884) ; id. Man. Brit. Birds, p. 719 (1889) ; Seeb. Hist. Brit. Birds, iii. p. 420, pi. 56 (1885) ; id. Ibis, 1890, p. 408 ; Di.von, Ibis, 1885, pp. 94, 361 ; Reid, Ibis, 1885, p. 254, 1888, p. 80; Booth, Rough Notes Brit. Birds, in. p. — (1886) ; Arevalo, Aves de Esj). p. 406 (1887) ; Tait, Ibis, 1887, p. 397; Stevens. Birds Norf. iii. p. 365 (1890) ; Kocnig, J. f. Orn. 1890, p. 462; Borrer, Birds Sussex, p. 283 (1891); Buckl. ^- H.- Broion, Vert. Faun. Orkn. p. 242 (1891) ; Meade- Waldo, Ibis, 1893, p. 206 ; Lilfurd, Birds Northamptonshire, p. 412 (1893). Puffinus avcticus. Faber, Prodr. Isl. Orn. p. 166 (1822) ; Brehm, Vog. ■ Deutschl. p. 806 (1831) : Naum. Vog. Deutschl. x. p. 618, pi. 277. fifrs. 1, 2 (1840); Schl.Rev. Crit. Ois. Eur. p. cx.xxi (1844) ; id. Vog. Nederl. i. p. 584, pi. 332 ; id. Dier. Nederl. Vo//. pi. 33. fig. 4 (1861); Kjcerb. Orn. Dan. pi. 51a. fig. 3 (1851 )"; Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 769 (1856) ; Salvad. Atti Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat. vi. p. 133 (1864) ; Collett, Norges Fugle, p. 76 (1868). Thalassidroma anglorum, Su: Classif. Birds, ii. p. 374 (1837). Nectris puifinus. Keys. ^ Blasins, Wirb. Eur. p. xciv (1840). t'ymotomus angloruin, Jlncgill. Man. Brit. Orn. ii. p. 13 (1842). Manx Shearwater, Tan: Brit. Birds, iii. p. 508 (1843). Puffinus puffinus, A. O. U. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 100 (1886) ; Ridgio. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 60 (1887). Adult male. Upper surface slaty-black, nearly uniform ; under surface wliite, the sides of the neck and of the throat below the eye mottled grey and white, a few dark grey marks on the flanks ; the enter under tail-coverts outwardly dark ; under wing- coverts white ; axillaries white, dark towards the end, the tips white ; quills black : bill dark horn-colour ; tarsus and toes fleshy, outwardly dark. Total length about 15 inches, wing 9 ; tail, central rectrices 3, lateral rectriccs 2*6 ; bill 1"S, tarsus 1'75, middle atd outer toes 1'8, inner toe 1-45. Female. Similar to the male. Young. Covered with greyish-brown down, becoming nearl}- white on the under surface. Hah. Xorth Atlantic Ocean south to the coast of Brazil. a. (S ad. sk. Frisian Is. [H. Durnford). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Pull. sk. Frisian Is. {H. D.). Salvin-Gcdman Coll. c. (S ad. sk. Faeroe Is., June 8 {H. W. .1. A. Harvie- Brown, Feildeyi). Esq. [P.]. d-f. Pull. sk. Faeroe Is., June [H. C. Muller). E. Hargitt, Esq. [P.]. g-i. Pull. St. Hoy, Orkney Is. Purchased. 1. PUFFINrS. 379 /. Ad. sk. ; k. Pull. sk. I. 2 ad. ,sk. m. Pull. St. n. Ad. sk. o. Ad. St. ;i>. Ad. St. q. c? ad. sk. r. (S ad. sk. s. 2 ad. sk. t, u. Ad. sk. V. Ad. sk. 20-1/. Ad. sk. s. J ad. sk. n'. (5,6'.$ ad.sk. f'. 2 ad. sk. d'-i'. Sterna. Orkney Is. (Dunn). St. Kilda, June 12 (C. Dixon). Eigg I., W. Scotland. Hastings (R. Swhthoe). Torquay, Devonshire. Scilly Islands. Pembrokeshire. St. Bride's, S. Wales. Rathlin I., Ireland, May 24 [H. Saunders). Waterford, Ireland. British Seas. British Seas. Christchurch, Hants. Flores, Azores (F. D. G.). Barra Grande, Sept. 22, 1883. " Europe." Gould Coll. Seebohni Coll. Rev. H. A. Macpher- son [P.]. Seebohm Coll. C. Coningham, Esq. [P.]. D. W. Mitchell, Esq. Col. Lambton [P.]. Hon. W. Edwardes [P.]. Seebohm Coll. E. Ussher, Esq. [P.J. Montagu Coll. Seebohm & Hume CoUs. E. Hart, Esq. [P.1. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Saunders, E?q. [P.]. Purchased. y. PufBnus yeLkouamis. Procellaria velkouan, Acerl/i, Bibl. Ital. cxl. p. 204 (1827) ; Bull Sc. Nat. xvi. p. 4(d3 (1829) ; Schl Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 29 (1863). Puffinus yelkouan, 5/j. Consp. Av. ii. p. 205 (1856); Salrad. Atti Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat. vi. p. 133 (1864) ; Cuues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, . pp. 137, 144 ; Dcyl. ^- Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 379 (1867) ; Doder- lein, Acif. Mod. e Sic. p. 228 (1869) ; Elwes ^- Buckley, Ibis, 1870, p. 336 ; Salvad. Faun. Ital, Ucc. p. 299 (1871) : Scl. Sf Taylor, Ibis, 1876, p. 61: Taylor, Ibis, 1878, p. 374; Whitehead, Ibis, 1885, p. 48. Puffinus baroli, Bonelli. fide Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 769 (1856) ;s-(V< CAM**^ ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 204 (1856) ; Gray, Hatid-l. iii. p. 103 (1871). Puffinus anglorum, Costa, Faun. liey^ Nap., Ucc. p. 72 (1857) ; Kriiper, J. f. Orn. 1863, p. — ; Wright, Ibis, 1863, p. 438, 1864, p. 153, 1874, p. 240 ; Tristr. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 454 ; id. Faun. 4- Fl. Palest, p. 138 (1884) ; Tacz. J. f. Orn. 1870, p. 55 ; Saund. Ibis, 1871, p. 401; Shel/o/, Birds Fr/i/pt, -p. 311 (1872); Brooke, Ibis, 1873, p. 348; Heuyl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. ii. p. 1370 (1873); Gigl. Ibis, 1881, p. 217; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Cull. p. 631 (1882) ; Seeb. Ibis, 1883, p. 36 ; Madde, Orn. Cauc. p. 488 (1884). Puffinus sp. inc., Lilford, Ibis, 1887, p. 263, 1889, p. 349. Adult male. Very similar to P. anglomm, the upper surface paler and browner ; the flanks and under tail-covcrts usually dusky brown ; the axillaries brown towards their ends ; the tarsi and toes longer. Total length about 15 inches, wing 9 ; tail, central rectriccs 2-75, lateral rectrices 2*6 ; bill 1"9, tarsus 1*8, middle and outer toes 1'95, inner toe 1-55. Hah. Mediterranean Sea. straying northwards to the coasts of Devonshire and Cornwall. a. c? ad. sk. b, c. c? ; d, e. ad. sk. 5 f, ff. Ad. sk. h. sk. id. J- cJ ad. sk. k. (5 ad. sk. I. Ad. sk. m , n. Ad. st, 0- -t. Ad. sk. u. , Ad, sk. V. Ad. sk. w . Ad. sk. .V. . Ad. ? sk. 380 PUFFINID^. Bosphorus, Mar. 9 {Robson). Tweeddale Coll. Bosphorus, Mar. 18. Sharpe Coll. Bospliorus ( W. Pearce). Salvin-Godman Coll. Vourla Bay, Nov. 16 (C. G. Salvin-Godman Coll. Danfurd). Smyrna Bay,Nov. 18 (C.G.I).). Seebohm Coll. Foot of Mount Carmel. Canon Tristram [C.]. Damietta, Egypt [Filijjponi). Shelley Coll. Egypt. Purchased. Croatia. Prof. Brusina [P.]. Corsica. J. Whitehead, Esq. [P.]. Algiers, Feb. 24. Shelley Coll. Oran, Mar. 6. Shelley Coll. Torbav, Devonshire, Aug. 1875 Salvin-Godman Coll. (J. K Ilcirtinc/}. y. Ad. ? sk. Plymouth Sound, Devonshire, Salvin-Godman Coll. 1875 {J. Gould), z, a . Ad. sk. [Mediterranean.] Purchased. 10. Puffinus opisthomelas. Puffinus opisthomelas, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 139, 144 ; id. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 128 (1882) ; id. Key N. Am. Birds, p. 331 (18721, ed. 2, p. 786 (1884) ; Elliot, Birds N. Am. i. Introd. (1868). Puffinus gavia, Ridgic. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. iii. pp. 12, 230 (1880) ; id. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 60 (1887) ; Baird, Brew. ^- Ridgiv. Water-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 389 (1884) ; A. 0. U. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 101 (1886) ; W. E. Bryant, Pr. Cal. Ac. Sc. (2) ii. p. 87 (1890) ; Loomis, Pr. Cal. Ac. Sc. ser. 2, v. p. 216 (1895). Upper surface, wings, and tail sooty-black (as in P. obscurus) ; sides of the head dark far below the eye, and with no definite line of demarcation between the dark colour and the white of the under surface, the former becoming gradually greyer and more mingled with white ; no white on either eyelid, and no light superciliary line ; under wing-coverts white, bend of the wing mottled with the colour of the back ; axillaries blackish towards their ends ; flanks sooty-black ; under tail-coverts black : nasal tubes and culmen blackish ; sides of the bill yellowish or reddish brown, the unguis light bluish white ; inner surface and part of the outer of the tarsus, middle and inner toes, and webs light yellowish flesh-colour, rest of the tarsus and toes brownish black. Total length of wing 9 inches, tail 3-75 ; bill, culmen 1-4, from gape 2 ; tarsus 1-8, middle toe and claw 2-1. Hab. Coast of California, Cape San Lucas. There are no specimens of this species in the Collection. The above description is compiled from that of Dr. Coues. 11. Puffinus auricularis. Puffinus auricularis, Towns. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiii. p. 133 (1890). Similar to P. opistliomelas in general appearance. Bill and feet 1. PTJFFINUS. 381 smaller, upper surface darker, nearly black ; black of the sides of the head extendiug below the eye to a line with the mouth, the edge not sharply defined but blended by small dark spots ; flanks and axillaries pure white; under tail-coverts black. Total length about 12-5 inches, wing 9-2, tail 3' 15, bill from gape 1-5, tarsus 1"S, middle and outer toes with claw 1"9, inner toe 1"6. Huh. Clarion Island, coast of Mexico. One of the typical specimens of this distinct species has been kindly lent me by the authorities of the United States National Museum. Though allied to P. o^nsthomdas, it seems to be separable by several characters. 12. PiiflBnus gavia. Procellaria gavia, Furst. Descr. An. p. 148 (1844) ; Grai/, Voij. Ereb. Sf Terror, i. p. 18 (1846) ; id. Cat. B. Trop. M. Pa'c. p. 56 (1859); id. Ibis, 1862, p. 246; Finsch, J. f. Orn. 1870, p. 373; Huttun, Ibis, 1872, p. 83, 1874, p. 42. ^Estrelata gavia, Cones, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 154, 171; Giffl. ^■ Salvad. Ibis, 1869, p. 56; Lrtyard, Ibis, 1878, p. 264. Puffinus gavia, Hiifton, Ibis, 1867, p. 189 ; id. Cat. Birds N. Z. p. 45 (1871) ; BuUer, Birds N. Zeal. p. 318 (1873) ; id. Ibis, 1874, p. 120 ; id. Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 236 (1888) ; id. Trans. N. Z. Inst. xxiii. p. 42 (1891); id. op. cit. xxiv. p. 86(1892); id. op. cit. XXV. p. 80 (1893) ; id. op. cit. xxvii. p. 124 (1895) ; Fiyisch, J. f. Orn. 1874, p. 208 ; Reischek, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst, xviii. p. 93 (1886); Sandoffer, Travis. N. Z. hist. xxii. p. 289 (1889) ; Salv. Ibis, 1888, p. 356 ; id. P. Z. S. 1891, p. 627 ; Wiglesicorth, Abh. k. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 1892, no. 6, p. 81. Pufhuus opisthouielas, Finsch, J.f. Orn. 1870, p. 371. Adult. Upper surface slaty-black, nearly uniform ; under surface, including the whole of the under tail-coverts, pure white ; .sides of the head and neck mottled with grey, the region below the eye and the lores being dark ; under wing-coverts w^hite to the edge of the wing, axillaries dusky, whiter at the base and the tips white, quills dark throughout : bill dark horn-colour ; tarsi inwardly yellow, outwardly dark, outer toe dark, the rest yellow. Total length about 12 inches, wing 8 ; tail, central rectrices 2-4, lateral rectrices 2-3; bill 19, tarsus 1'7, middle toe 1*8, outer toe a trifle shorter, inner toe 1"5. Hah. New Zealand and Australian Seas. a. Ad. sk. Adelaide. Australia. Adelaide Museum. b. Ad. sk. Victoria Park, Svdnev, N.S.W. Prof. Andersou Stuart, M.D. (F. J. Bourne). ' [P.]. c. Ad. sk. Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Sir Walter BuUer [P.]. 13. Puffinus persicus. (Plate lY.) Piiffinus persicus, Hume, Stray F. i. p. 5 (1873), v. p. 292 (1877), viii. p. 115 (1879) : Blanf. Ibis, 1873, p. 215 ; Barnes, Ibis, 1893, p. 175. Adult female. Closelv allied to P. ohscurus, but rather browner 382 PTJFFINID^. on the upper surface, the bill longer and stouter, and the axillaries sooty for iiearlj' the whole of their length, the tips being white. Total length about 12 inches, wing 7'8 ; tail, central rectrices 2-9, lateral rectrices 2-45 ; tarsus 1-5, middle toe 1'7, outer toe 1-65, inner toe 1'4. Hab. Persian Gulf. a. 5 ad. sk. Open sea between Gwadar and Hume Coll. (Type Muscat, Feb. 21, 1872 {A. of the species,)' O. //.). h. 5 ad. sk. Mekran Coast, May 17, 1877 Hume Coll. {Ccqn. Butler). 14. Pufflnus obscurus. Cahow, Smith, Hist. Vinj. (1G21») ; rurchas, Pilgr. (1738). Husky Petrel, Lath. Gen. Si/n. iii. pt. 2, p. 416 (1785j ; id. Gen. Hist. Birds, x. p. 197 (1824) ; Nutt. Man. Water-Birds N. A7n. p. 337 (1834). Procellaria obscura, Gnt. Syst. Nat. i. p. 559 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 825 (1790) ; Bechst. in Lath. Uebers. iii. p. 364, iv. p. 500 ; Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xvii. p. 423 (1817) ; id. Enc. Meth. p. 81 (1823) ; id. Gal Ois. ii. p. 230, pi. 301 (1825) ; 2>mm. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 808 (1820); Werner, Atlas, Palmip. pi. — ; Kuhl, Beitr. p. 147 (1820) ; Goitld, Birds Eur. pi. 444; Jacq. (§• Puch. Voy. Pole Sitd, iii. p. 125 (1853); Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 30 (18G3) ; Bryant, Pr. Bost. Soc. N. H. xi. p. 98 (18G7) ; Pollen Sf Van Bam, Faun. Madug., Ois. p. 144 (1868). Pufflnus obscurus, Sfeph. in Shaws Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 230 (1826) ; Atid. Orn. Bioyr. iii. p. 620 (1835); id. Birds N. Am. pi. 299; id. 8vo ed. vii. p. 99, pi. 458 (1844) ; Gould, Birds Eur. v. pi. 443 (1837); Bp. Comp. List, p. 04 (1838); id. Compt. Bend. xlii. p. 769 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 204 (1856) ; Fritsch, Voy. Eur. pi. 61. finf. 1 ; Gray, List Anseres Brit. Mus. p. 160 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 647 (1844) ; id. Cat. Birds Trop. Isl. Pac. p. 55 (1859) ; id. Cut. Brit. Birds, p. 223 (1863) ; id. Hand-l. iii. p. 103 (1871) ; Yarr. Hist. Brit. Birds, Supipl. p. 67 (1845); Schl. Rev. Crit. Ois. Eur. p. cxxxiii (1844) ; id. Voy. Nederl. i. p. 535, pi. 333 ; Brehni, Naum. 1855, p. 296; id. Voyelf. p. 356 (1856) ; Harcourt,Ann. 8f Mag. N. H. 1858, xv. p. 4.36; Jaub. ^ Barth.-Lapomm. Rich. Orn. Fr. p. 382 (1858) ; Stev. Zool. 1858, p. 6C96 ; id. Trans. Norf. ^ Norw. Nat. Hist. Soc. iii. p. 467; id. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 321 ; Jonei, Nat. Bermuda, pp. 55, 93 (1859) ; Brtjant, Pr. Bost. Soc. N. H. vii. p. 132 (1860 ) ; Lawr. Birds N. Am. p. 835 (1860) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 1.37, 144; id. Key N. Am. Birds, p. 331(1872), ed. 2, p. 786 (1884) ; id. Check-list N. Am. Birds, p. 128 (1882) ; Verr. in Vinsori's Voy. Madaq., Annexe B, p. 4 (1865) ; Godman, Ibis, 1866, pp. 104, 107; id. Nat. Hist. Azores, pp. 39, 42 (1870) ; Loche, Expl. Sci. Alyer., Ois. ii. p. 175 (1867) ; Beyl. Hf Gerbe, Ois. Eur. ii. p. 380 (1867); Baird, Ibis, 1867, p. 285; Fi7isch i^- Hartl. Faim. Centralpol. p. 245 (1867); iid. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 110; E. Neivton, Ibis, 1867, p. 359: Hutton, Lbis, 1869, p. 352; Pelz. This, 1873, p. 47; Blanf. Ibis, 1873, p. 2i5; id. E. Persia, ii. p. 295 (1876) ; Finsch, J. Mus. Godeffr. xii. p. 40 (1876) ; id. P. Z. S. 1877, l)p. 782, 786, 1880, p. 577; id. J. f. Orn. 1880, pp. 295, 309; id Ibis, 1880, p. 430, 1881, pp. 109, 113 {Hartl. Vd ^ JJ J J Puifinus dichrous, Finsch ^- Hartl. Faun. Centralpol. p. 244 (1867) ; iid. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 108; Finsch, J. Mus. Godeffr. viii. p. 44 (1875) ; Lister, F. Z. S. 1891, p. 300. PutKiius ophistbomelas, vav. minor, Hartl. P. Z. S. 1807, p. 832. PidKims opisthoinelas, Finsch S,- Hartl. P. Z. S. 1868, pp. 9, 118; iid. Cat. Mus. Godep: iv. p. 7 (1869). PulHnus aurluboui, Ftnsch, P. Z. S. 1872, p. Ill ; Ridyu: Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. iii. p. 12 (1880); id. Man. N. Am. Birds,y. 00 (1887) ; fjunul. J.f. Orn. 1881, p. 400; Baird, Breto. !^- Ridyw. Water- Birds N. Am. ii. p. 380 (1884) ; A. O. U. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 101 (1886) ; Cory, List Birds West Ind. p. 34 (1885) ; id. Auk, V. p. 181 (1887), vi. p. 81 (1888) ; id. Cat. West Ind. Birds, p. 83 (lb92); Butcher, Auk, vi. p. 173 (1888); Feilden, Ibis, 1889, pp. ()U, 503; Lawr. Auk, 1889, p. 19. PiifKiiii.s tenebrosus, Katt., Pelz. Ibis, 1873, p. 47 ; Finsch, J. Mus. Godeffr. xii. p. 40 (1876) ; Bidf/iv. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 60 (1887) ; ToiV72s. Pr. U.S. Nat. 3Ius.xi\i. p. 142 (1890). Adult. Upper surface slaty-black, nearly uniform ; under surface Avhite, reaching nearly to the orbit of the eye, where the feathers as well as those of the sides of the neck are mottled ; under tail-covcrts blackish brown, tipped with white, the shorter central feathers white ; under wing-coverts white, the margin of the wing dusky, quills black throughout ; axillaries white (or sometimes slightly mottled near the eud) : bill dark hazel, paler on the mandible ; outside of the tarsus and outer toe black, the rest yellow. Total length about 12 inches, wing 7'8 ; tail, central rectrices 3-2, lateral rectrices 2"7 ; bill 1'5, tarsus 1-5, middle toe 1'65, outer toe 1-6, inner too 1'3. (Manua Is., Samoan Group.) Sexes alike. Specimens vary as to the amount of the dark colouring on the under tail-coverts, the darkest specimens in this respect before me are those from the I'elew Islands. In none arc they entirely white. I see no grounds for separating the birds from the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, though various attempts have been made to discriminate thom. The type of P. ohscurus came from the mid- Pacific Ocean. J/ah. Tropical and Subtropical Seas of the whole world. A rare 384 rpFFixiD^E. straggler to the coasts of Great Britain, and not common on those of JNew Zealand. a. Ad. sk. [Said to have been shot in Sahdn-Godnian Coll. Devonshire (J. Gould).'] b. S ad. sk. Bourbon I. c. 2 ad. sk. Cousine I., Seychelles. Shelley Coll. d. Juv.sk. Aneiteum, N. Hebrides, Jau. 18. J. MacgiUivray [C.]. e. Ad. sk. Telew Is. (Cohen). Salvin-Godman Coll. /; (/. Ad. sk. Pelew Is. — Cohen, Esq. [P.]. h. Ad. sk. Manua, Samoa Is. (T. Powell). Salvin-Godman Coll. i-m. Ad. et pull. Tau I., Samoa Group (Mr.s. T. Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. -S. Cusack- Smith). n. Ad. sk. [New Zealand.] Salvin-Godman Coll. 0. Ad. sk. Charles Is., Galapagos Is., Feb. Salvin-Godman Coll. 1880 [A. H. Markham). p. Ad. sk. Montserrat, W. Indies {Sturge). Salvin-Godman Coll. q, r. Ad. sk. Capt.Kellett & Lieut. Wood [P.]. s. Skeleton. 15. Puffinus assimilis. Puffinus assimilis, Gould, P. Z. S. 18-37, p. 156; id. Birds Austr. vii. pi. 59 (1848); Gray, List Ansereti Brit. Mm. p. 159 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 647 (1844) ; id. Ibis, 1862, p. 244 ; id. Hmid-l. iii. p. 103 (1871) ; Bp. Compt. Bejid. xlii. p. 769 (1856) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 192 ; Hutton, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. i. p. 161 (1868) ; id. Ibis, 1872, p. 248 ; id. P. Z. S. 1893, p. 750 ; Hartl. <§• Fi7isch, P. Z. S. 1872, p. Ill ; Pelz. Ibis, 1873, p. 49; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. -p. 631 (1882); Crowfoot, Ibis, 1885, p. 269; Reischek, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst, xviii. p. 95 (1886) ; Ridytv. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 61 (1887) ; Salv. Ibis, 1888, p. 357 ; Bidler, Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, Lister, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 300 ; Wiylesivorth, Abh. k. Zuol. Mus. Dresden, 1892, no. 6, p. 80. Puffinus nugax, Solatider MS., Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 205 (1856) ; Cones, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 141, 144 ; Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 458 (1865) ; Finsch ^- Hartl. Faun. Centralp. pp. 242, 280, pi. 3. fig. 5 (1867); Layard, Ibis, 1876, p. 393 (?) ; id. P. Z. S. 1876, pp. 498, 506; Moseley, Notes Nat. Chall. p. 522 (1879). Puffinus bailloni, Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 769 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 205 (1856) ; Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 103 (1871). Procellaria nugax, Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 31 (1863). Puffinus obsciu-us, Finsch, J.f. Orn. 1870, p. 370; Grant, Ibis, 1890, p. 444. Piiffinus ?, Hartl. ^- Fi7}sch, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 112 ; Fimch, J. Mus. Gudeffr. viii. p. 45 (1875). Adult female. Upper surface slaty-black, rather bluer than in P. ohscur'as ; under surface, including the under tail-coverts, pure white, extending over the lower part of the lores and close to the orbit of the eye, the dividing line on the sides of the neck being more definite than in P. ohscurus ; under wing-coverts up to the ed^e of the wing and the outer portion of the inner web of the primaries white except towards the tip : bill black ; tarsi and toes blackish, the webs yellow. Total length about 10-5 inches, wing 7"4; 1. PUFFINUS. 385 tail, central rectrices 2'65, lateral reetrices 2*6 ; bill 1'4, tarsus 1-5, middle toe I'o, outer too 1*62, iuuer toe 1'3. Sexes alike. Hah. Australian and 'Sew Zealand Seas, and northwards in the Atlantic Ocean to Deserta Grande near Madeira. a. Ad. St. Madeira. R.T.Ever3,Esq.[P.]. b, c. Ad. sk. Madeira. Gould Coll. d, e. S2 ad. s k. Deserta Grande, May 4, 1890. W. 1{. Ogilvie-Grant, Esq. [P.]. /■-/. Juv. et p ull. Poito Santo, May 7, 1890. W. E. Ogilvie-Grant, Esq. [P.]. sk. wj-^i. ]'ull. sk. Lime I., Porto Santo, April 11 Hon. C. Baring and 1895. W. R. Ogilvie- Grant, Esq. [P.]. q-w. (5 $ pull. sk. Great Salvage I., April 24-27, Hon. C. Baring and 1895. W. R. Ogilvie- Grant, Esq. [P.]. X, y. Ad. sk. Australia. Sir Thomas Mitchell [P.]. z. Ad. sk. Australia, Gould Coll. a'. Ad. sk. W. Australia. A. J. Campbell, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. 6'. Ad. sk. Norfolk I. ( W. M. Croiufoot). c'. (S ad. ; d' . ? Raoul or Sunday I., Ker- J. Macgillivray [C.]. ad. sk. madee Group, July 1854. e-h'. Skeleton & Great Salvage I. W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, bones. Esq. [P.]. 16. Puffinus elegans. Puffinus elegans, Gigl. Sf Salvad. Ibis, 1869, p. 67 ; rid. Atti Soc. Ital. So. Nat. xi. p. 457 ; Gif/l. Faun. Vert. Oceano, p. 32 (1870) ; id. Viagy. ^ Mayerita,'' pp. 98, 10i5 (1875) ; Salv. in Hotvley's Orn. Misc. i. p. 256, pi. 34 (1876) ; Midgiu. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 61 (1887). " P. supra ex toto ciuereo-plumbeis, plumis totis angustissime limbatis ; tectricibus alarum mediis, majoribus ac remigibus secun- dariis albo limbatis, fascias tres trans alam formantibus ; subtus, tectricibus alte inferioribus remigibusque intus candidis ; capitis ac colli lateribus albo-cinereo mixtis ; Cauda brevi ex toto cinereo- plumbea ; tarsis postice nigris, supra caerulescentibus, palamis albidis, unguibus nigris ; rostro tenui, caerulescente, culmine et apice nigris; iride brunnea. Long, tota circa 1L5, alae 7'3, caudae 2-7, rostri a fronte 1'07, a rictu 1'4, tarsi Iw, dig. med. cum ungue 1*95.'' {GigUoli 4" Saluadori ut supra.) Hab. South Atlantic Ocean. No further information has transpired respecting this species. It is possible that it may be referable to P. assimilis, the type being a young bird. 17. Puffinus carneipes. Puffinus carneipes, Gould, P. Z. S. 1844, p. 57 ; id. Birds Austr. vii. pi. 57 (1848) ; Gray, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 647 (1844) ; Seeb. Ibis, 1884, p. 176; id. Birds Jap. Einp. p. 265 (1890); Blakiston, Amended List Jap. Birds, pp. 21, 36 (1884) ; id. Pr. U.S. Nat. VOL. XXV. 2 c 386 PUFFINID^. Mns. xiii. p. 635 (1886) : Hidgiv. Mem. N. Am. Birds, p. 62 (1887) ; Sah. Ibis, 1888, p. 35o ; Buller, Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 234 (1888) ;, id. Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. xxv. p. 60 (1893) ; Wigles- icorth, Ahh. k. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 1892, no. 6, p. 80. Nectris carneipes, Bj>. Consp. Av. ii. p. 201 (1856j ; Cones, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 126, 143; Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 465 (1865). Prioliuus carneipes, Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 769 (1856). PufEnus (Nectris) carneipes, Rams. Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 139 (1877). ? Kuril Petrel, Lath. Gen. Sijn. iii. pt. 2, p. 399 (1785) ; id. Gen. Hist. Bird.i, X. p. 173 (1824). Procellaria requinoctialis, var. /3, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 821 (1790). Adult. Dark sooty-brown, nearly uniform, slightly paler beneath and greyer on the throat ; under wing-coverts and axillaries uni- form sooty-brown: bill flesh-colour, the tip horn; tarsi and toes flesh-colour. Total length about 19"5 inches, wing 12-5 ; tail, central rectrices 4"3, lateral rectrices 3-65 ; tarsus 2*25, middle toe 2-7, outer toe a trifle shorter, inner toe 2"2. Uab. Australian and New Zealand Seas, and northwards to the Japauese Seas. a,b. J ad. ; c,d. Hakodate, Japan, May 19 Salvin-Godman and 2 ad. sk. {F. Ringer). Seebohm Colls. e. Ad. sk. Norfolk I. E. Saunders [P.]. 18. Puffinus griseus. Grey Petrel, Lath. Gen. Si/n. iii. pt. 2, p. 399 (1785) ; id. Gen. Hist. X. p. 174(1824). Nectris fuligiuosa, Solander, MS. ; Parkinson, Icon, itied. no. 23 [nee Procellaria fuligioosa, Knhl, Beitr. p. 142=ffistrelata macro- ptera : cf. 8alv. in Rowley's Orn. Misc. i. p. 238 (1876)J ; Kei/s. ^ Bias. Wirb. Eur. pp. xciv, 239 (1840) ; Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 201 (1856) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 123, 143 ; Elliot, Birds N. Am. pi. 62. fig. 1 (1868) ; Borggr. Vogelf. Norddeutschl. p. 140 (1869). Procellaria grisea, Gm. Syst. JSrit. i. p. 564 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 821 (1790) ; Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxv. p. 419 (1817) ; id. Enc. Meth. p. 75 (1823) ; Kuhl, Beitr. p. 144 (1820). Procellaria fuliginosa, G. Forster, Icon. ined. no. 94. Daptiou griseuui, Steph. in Shaw''s Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 246 (1826). Puffinus faliginosus, A. Strickland, P. Z. S. 1832, p. 129; Schl. Rev. Crit. Ois. Eur. p. cxxxii(1844) ; Lawr. Birds N. Am. p. 834 (1860) ; Degl. 4- Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 381 (1867) ; Baird, Ibis, 1867, p. 285 ; Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 102 (1871) ; Coues, Key N. Am. Birds, p. 332 (1872), ed. 2, p. 787 (1884) ; id. Check-list N. Am. Birds, p. 128 (1882) ; Blakisfon l^- P7-yer, Trails. As. Soc. Jap. x. p. 106 (1882); Stearns, New Eni^l. Bird-Life, ii. p. 385 (1883); id. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. vi. p. 122 (1883) ; Brewster, Pr. Bost. Soc. N. R. xxii. p. 405 (1883). Puffinus cinereus, Gould, B. Eur. v. pi. 444. fig. 2 (1837). Puffinus tristis, J. R. Forster, Descr. An. p. 23 (1844) ; Gray, Ibis, 1862, p. 244 ; id. Hand-l. iii. p. 103 (1871) ; Finsch, J. f. Orn. 1870, p. 371 ; id. Ibis, 1888, p. 309 ; Ilutton, Cat. Birds N. Zeal. p. 45 (1871 > ; id. Ibis, 1872, pp. 83, 248; Buller, Birds N. Zeal. p. 317 (1873) ; Hamilton, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst, xviii. p. 128 (1886) ; Sandager, Trans. N. Z. Inst. xxii. p. 290 (1890). 1. PUFFINUS. 387 Puffinus major, Gray, Voy. ' Ereb. ^- Terr.' i. Birds, p. 17 (1846). Nectris fuliginosus et chilensis, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 202 (1856). Puffinus carneipes {nee Gould), Schl. Mus. P.-B., Procell. vi. p. 20 (18(i:3) ; Scl. P.Z.S. 1867, p. 336. Nectris auiaurosoma, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 124, 143 ; id. Key N. Am. Birds, ed. 2, p. 787 (1884) ; Elliot, N. Am. Birds, pi. 62. fig. 2 (1868) ; Set. ^ Salv. Ibis, 1870, p. 500; iid. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 149 (1873); Hutton, Ibis, 1872, p. 83; Tacz. Orn. Per. iii. p. 463 (1886). Puffinus amaurosoma, Gic/l. Faun. Vert. Oceano, p. 34 (1870) ; id. Viagy. ' Mayentn,' pp. 844, 861 (1875) ; Coues, Key N. Am. Birds, p. .332 (1872) ; id. Check-list N. Am. Birds, p. 129 (1882). Puffinus griseus, Finsch, J.f. Orn. 1874, p. 209 ; Salv. in Rowley'' s Orn. Misc. i. p. 236 (1876) ; id. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 431 ; id. Ibis, 1888, p. 355 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. viii. p. 623, pi. 616 (1877) ; Ridyw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. iii. pp. 12, 230, v. p. 534 ; id. Man. N. A7n. Birds, p. 61 (1887) ; Bryant, Pr. Cal. Ac. Sc. (2) ii. p. 87; Bocaye, Orn. Angola, p. 510 (1881 ) ; B. O. U. List Brit. Birds, p. 108 (1883) ; Southvell, Ibis, 1883, p. 228 ; Sauiid. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 150 ; id. ed. Yarr. Brit. Birds, iv. p. 17 (1884); id. Man. Brit. Birds, p. 717 (1889); Baird, Brew., ^ Ridyw. Water-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 391 (1884) ; Sharpe, ed. Layards Birds S. Afr. p. 770 (1884); Blakiston, Amefid. List Jap. Birds, pp. 21. .35 (1886); id. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. ix. p. 655 (1887); Seeb. Ibis, 1884, p. 33; id. Hist. Brit. Birds, iii. p. 427 (1885) ; id. Birds Jap. Emp. p. 266 (1890) ; Swinborne, Pr. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb. ix. p. 197 (1886) : A. O. U. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 101 (1886) ; Tait, Ibis, 1887, p. 398 ; Bidler, Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 232 (1888) ; id. Trans. N. Zeal. hist. xxiv. p. 66 (1892) ; id. op. cit. xxvii. p. 124 (1895); Stevens. Birds Norf. iii. p. -364 (1890); Borrer, Birds .Susse.v, p. 282 (1891); H. O. Forbes, Ibis, 189.3, p. 542 ; Aplin, Ibis, 1894, p. 212 ; Loomis,Pr. Cal. Ac. Sc. ser. 2, v. p.217 (1895). Puffinus stricklandi, Ridyw. in Baird, Breto. ^ Ridyiv. Water-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 390 (1884) ; Cooper, Auk, iii. pp. 125, 402 ; Ridyw. Auk, iii. p. 267 (1886) ; id. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 61 (1887) ; Titrner, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. viii. p. 253 (1885) ; A. O. U. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 101 (1886) ; IF. Palmer, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiii. p. 257 (1890). Adult male. Sooty-brown, darker on the head, lower back, wings and tail, the feathers of the back very indistinctly edged with a paler shade ; greater wing-coverts a little greyer ; under surface greyer, the throat and breast paler ; quills dark sooty-black ; under wing-coverts greyish white, each feather with a dark shaft : bill horn-colour; tarsi and toes dark hazel. Total length about 18 inches, wing 12 ; tail, central rectrices 3*5, lateral rectrices 2*7; bill 2-1, tarsus 2*4, middle and outer toes 2-Q, inner toe 2'1. Female like the male. Hah. Generally distributed throughout the seas of both hemi- spheres from the Eaeroe Islands in the Xorth Atlantic and the Kurile Islands in the jN^orth Pacific to the Straits of Magellan and the Auckland Islands in the south. a. ? ad. sk. Faeroes, Aug. 1873 {H. C. MiWer). E. Hargitt, Esq. [P.]. b. Ad. sk. Plymouth Sound, Devonshire Salvin-Godman Coll. coast (J. Gould). 2c2 388 PUFFJNIDJ.. c. Ad. sk. <], e. Ad. slv. ./; y. ? ad. sk. h. Ad. St. i. Ad. sk. _/. S ad. sk. k. $ ad. sk. I. Ad. sk. m. Ad. sk. 71. Ad. sk. 0. Ad. St. ;j. Ad. sk. q. Ad. sk. r, s. , no. G, p. 80 ; Tacz. Mhn. Ac. Imp. St. Pet'irsb. xxxix. p. 1066 (1893j ; Hutton, P. Z. S. 1893, p. 749. Nectris tenuirostris, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 202 (1856) ; Sivinh. Ibis, 1863, p. 330; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 126, 143 ; Ball, Trans. Chic. Ac. Sc. i. ]). 303 (1869) ; Baird, Trans. Chic. Ac. Sc. i. p. 322, pi. 34. fig. 2 (1869). Nectris brevicauda, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 201 (1856) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 127, 143; Gould, Ilandb. B. Austr. ii. p. 459 (1865). Puffinus curilicus, Bp. Conipt. Rend. xlii. p. 769 (1856). Priofinus brevicaudus, Bp. Compt. Rend. .xlii. p. 769 (1856). Procellaria curilica, Kittl. Denkwiird. i. p. 296 (1858). Puffinus obscurus et P. brevicaudis, R. Elwes, Ibis, 1859, p. 397. Puffinus brevicaudatus, Finsch, J.f. Orn. 1870, p. 371. Priocella tenuirostris, Kelson, Cruise ' Corivin,' p. 152 (1883). Aihdt female. Sooty-brown, the feathers of the back very indi- stinctly edged with a lighter shade ; under surface paler and greyer, lighter on the throat and breast, darker on the flanks and under tail-coverts ; under wiiig-coverts paler grey : bill fleshy horn-colour ; tarsi and toes yellowish, outwardly darker, Total length about 13 inches, wing 10'4; tail, central rectrices 9'2, lateral rcctrices 2'8; bill I'S, tarsus 2-05, naiddle and outer toes 2-3, inner toe 1-9. Hah. Australian and Xew Zealand Seas, northwards to the seas of Japan and Alaska, and eastwards to Samoa. a. Ad. St. Japan Seas. Purchased. b. 9 ad.sk. Nagasaki, Japan, May 1876 Saunders Coll. (Capt.St. John). c. (S ad. sk. Peel I., Brmin Is., Mav 15, Seebohm Coll. 1890 (P. A. Hoist).' d. Ad. sk. Port Stephens, Australia. Australian Mu.seum. e. Ad. St. Port Stephens. Australian Museum. f-h. Ad. sk. Australian Seas (Cockerell). Salvin-Godman Coll. i. Ad. sk. S. Australia (/. Gould). Salvin-Godman Coll. J. Ad. sk. Tcismania. Sir E. Home fP.]. A. Ad. sk. New Zealand . R. B.Sharpe,Esq.rp.]. /. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Salvin-Godman Coll. m 2 '"^d. sk. [Australian Seas.] Eev. J. Whitmee [P.]. n. Ad. St. Purchased ? o. Skeleton. Japan. Purchased. p. Skull. q. Odd bones. H.M.S. ' Challenger.' 20. PafBnus nativitatis. Puffinus (Nectris) nativitatis. Streets, Bull. U.S. Xat. Mus. no. 7, p. 29 (1877). Puffinus nativitatis, Ridqtv. Man. N. Am. Bird^, p. 62 (1887) ; Lister, P. Z. S. 1891, pp. 295, 300; Wiglesicorth, Abh. k. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 1892, no. 6, p. 81. Adult male. Similar to P. tenuirostris but smaller, richer brown. -^. 390 PUFFINIDiE. especially on the under surface, the throat alone being slightly greyish : bill and feet black. Total length about 14 inches, wing 9'8 ; tail, central rectrices 3'6, lateral rectrices 2-75 ; bill 1'6, tarsus 1'62, middle and outer toes l-S, inner toe 1'55. Nah. Central North Pacific Ocean, from Christmas I. to Krusen- stern I. and the Phoenix Group. a, b. Ad. sk. Kruseustern I., Spring of 1883 Salvin-Godman & (H. J. Snow). Seebolim Colls. c. c? ad. sk. Phcenix I., Phoenix Group, J. J. Lister, Esq. June 29, 1889. [P.]. 2. PRIOFINUS. ^ Priofinus, Hombr. Sf Jacq. Conipt. Haid. xviii. p. 355 (1844); Jacq. ^ Puck. Voy. Pole Sucl, Zool. iii. p. 145, t. 32. figs. 9-14 (1853) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 192 P. cinereus. Adamastor, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 187 (1855) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, p. 119 P. cinereus. Range. Southern Oceans. 1. Priofinus cinereus. Le Puffin -eendr^^-^'zss. 0)-n. vi. p. 134, pi. xii. fig. 1 (1760). Le Petrel cendr^, Puf. Hist. Nat. Ois. ix. p. 302, pi. 20 (1763). Le Puffin, D'Aub. PI. Enl. 962. Cinereous Fulmar, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 405 (1785). Cinereous Petrel, Lath. Gen. Syn., Suppl. ii. p. 336 (1802) ; id. Gen. Hist. X. p. 183 (1824). Procellaria einerea, Gtn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 563 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 824 (1790); Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxv. p. 418 (1817) ; id. Enc. Meth. p. 78 (1813) ; Kuhl, Beitr. p. 148 (1820) ; Pollen 8( Vu7i Dam, Faun. Madaq., Ois. p. 145 (1868); Huttnn, Cat. Birds N. Zeal. p. 45 (1871) ; Puller, Birds N. Zeal. p. .305 (1873) ; Hartl. Vdff. Madag. p. 374 (1877) ; Milne-Edw. c^- Grand. Hist. Madag., Ois. p. 671 (1885). Procellaria gelida, Vinll. N. Diet. d^Hist. Nat. xxv. p. 419 (1817) ; id. Enc. Meth. p. 79 (1823). Procellaria melanura, Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. 79 (1823). Puffiuus cinereus, Stejih. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 227 (1826) ; Smith, III. Zool. S. Afr., Aves, pi. 56 (1840) ; Gould, Voy. ' Beagle,' ii. Birds, p. 137 (1841) ; Gray, List Anseres Brit. Mus. p. 159 (1844) ; id. Cat. Brit. Birds, p. 223 (1863) : Peale, U.S. Expl. • Exp. viii. p. 338 (1848); Reich. Av. Syst. Nat., Natatores, pi. 14. figs. 768, 769 (1850) ; Lawr. Birds N. Am. p. 835 (I860) ; Layard, Ibis, 1863, p. 247 ; id. Birds S. Afr. p. 358 (1867) ; A. O. U. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 102 (1880) ; Ridg^v. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 58 (1887). _ Procellaria haesitata, Forst. Descr. An. p. 208 (1844) {?tec Kuhl) ; Gould, Birds Austr. vii. pi. 47 (1848) ; Hutton, Ibis, 1865, p. 285, 1867, p. 187 ; Cab. S,- Reich. J.f. Orn. 1876, p. 329. Priofinus cinereus, Jacq. ^ Piich. Voy. Pole Sitd, Zool. iii. p. 145 (1853) ; Pp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 769 (] 856) ; Elliot, Birds N. Am. ii. pi. 60. fig. 2 (1868) ; Gigl. Faun. Vert. Oceano, p. 34 (1870) ; 2. I'luoriNUs. 391 id. T'uifff/. ^ Magenta^ (see index) (187;j) ; Baird, Brew., Sf Hidg^v. Wafer-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 375 (1884). Adamastor typus, Bj). Consp. Av. ii. p. 187 (1855). Puffiiius kubli, Cass. Pr. Ac. Phil. 1802, p. 327 {nee Boie). PiMcellaria adamastor, Schleg. Mus. P.-B. vi., Procell. p. 23 (18()3). Adamastor cinereus. Cones, Pr. Ac. P/iil. 1804, pp. 119, 142; Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 446 (1865) ; Hutfoti, Ibis, 1870, p. 396 ; Salij. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 737 ; id. Voi/. 'C/iall.,' Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 142 (1881) ; Saund. P. Z. 6'. 1880, p. 164; Layard, Ibis, 1882, pp. 539, 544 : Buller, Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, p. 241 (1888) ; id. Trans. N. Z. Inst. xxiv. p. 69 (1892). Adamastor gelidus, Omes, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 121, 142. (Estrelata hsesitata, Hutton, Ibis, 1869, p. 352. Fiilruarus gelidus, Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 106 (1871). Prioftnus melamirus, Coues, Key N. Am. Birds, p. 330 (1872), ed. 2, p. 783 (1884) ; id. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 127 (1882) ; Ridgw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. ii. p. 209 (1880), iii. pp. 12, 230 (1880). Puffinus gelidus, Ridgio. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 58 (1887). Adult male. Upper surface cinereous, rather darker on the crown, wings, tail, and rump ; the feathers of the back with dark shafts ; under surface white : the sides of the head and neck pale grey, blend- iug into the white of the under pltimage and the darker grey of the upper : a few feathers on the flanks and the under tail-coverts grey ; under wing-coverts and quills grey : bill yellow, the nares and culmen black ; tarsi and toes fleshy brown, the outer toe darker. Total length about 19 inches, wing 13 ; tail, central rectrices 4-4, lateral rectrices 3-5 ; bill 2'4, tarsus 2'3, middle and outer toes 2* 75, inner toe 2-35. Female like the male. Hab. Southern Oceans. a. Ad. sk. / b-d. Ad. sk. e. 2 ad. sk. /. 6 fid. ; g. 2 ad. sk. S" ^ h. Ad. sk. i. Ad. sk. •^ /. Ad. sk. ^ k. Ad. sk. /. Ad. sk. m. c? ad. ; n. $ ad. sk. 0. Ad. sk. p. Ad. sk. South Atlantic Ocean, lat. 38° S., long. 12° W. (Dr. A. B. 31 eye r). S. Atlantic Ocean, lat. 35° 20' S., long. 9° 43' E. S. Indian Ocean, lat. 37° S., long. 53i° E., April 23, 1847 (J. Macgillirray). S. Indian 'Ocean, lat. 35^° S., long. 85° E., June 2, 1847 (/. Macgillivray). Kerguelen Land, July 1893. Open sea off New Caledonia (E. L. Layard). New Zealand (ex Dr. O. lunsch). S. Pacific Ocean, lar. 40= S., long. 137° W., June 6, 1850 (J. Macgillivray). S. Pacific Ocean. S. Pacific Ocean, Nov. 5, 1875. Valparaiso, Chili. Antarctic Ciicle. Salviu-Godman Coll. Earl of Crawford and Balcarres [P.]. Voy.H.M.S. 'Rattle- snake.' Yoy. II.M.S. ' Rattle- snake.' Capt. Moseley [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Voy.H.M.S. 'Rattle- snake.' J. F.Green, Esq. [P.]. Voy. H.M.S. 'Chal- lenger.' Capt. W. S. Brett [P-]- . Sir G. Grey [P.]. 392 PUFFINIDiE. q. Ad. sk. Antarctic Circle. Old Collection. r. Ad. sk. South Seas. Salvin-Godman Coll. s. Ad. sk. South Seas (I£. King). Salvin-Godman Coll. t. Ad. sk. South Seas. Old Collection. u. Skeleton. Off Cape Horn, May 1870. Salvin-Godman Coll, 3. THALASSffiCA. Type. Thalassoeca, Reich. Syst. Av. p. iv (1852); Coves, Pr. Ac. Phil. 186G, p. 29 T. antarctica. Aeipetes, Forbes, Voy. ' Chall.,^ Zool. iv. pt. xi. p. 59 (1882) T. antarctica. Range. Antarctic Ocean. 1. Thalassoeca antarctica. Antarctic Peteril, Cook, Voy. i. p. 257 ; Forster, Voy. i. p. 108 ; Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 400 (1785) ; id. Gen. Hist. x. p. 177 (1824). Le P(5trel Antarctique ou Damier brun, Bii^. Hist. Nat. Ois. x. p. 151 (1786). Procellaria antarctica, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 665 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 822 (1790) ; Kuhl, Beitr. p. 145 (1820) ; Vieill. N. Diet. (VHist. Nat. xxv. p. 417 (1820) ; id. Enc. Meth. p. 75 (182.3) ; Gray, List Anseres Brit. Mus. p. 163 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 648 (1844); Peale, U.S. E.vpl. Exp. viii. p. 338 (1848); Reich. Av. Syst. Nat., Natatores, pi. 22. fig. 790 (1850) ; Jacq. ^ Puch. Voy. Pole Sud, Zool. iii. p. 139 (1853); Schlet^. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 15 (1863) ; Pelz. Reise Nov., Zool. l, Voy. p. 147 (1869). Daption antarcticum, Stejjh. in Shaiv's Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 242 (1826). Thalassoeca antarctica, Reich. St^st. Av. p. iv (1852) ; Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 192 (1855) ; id. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 31, 192 ; Scl. ^ Snlv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 149 (1873) ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 736 ; id. Voy. ' Chall.; Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 142 (1881) ; Lucas, Auk, iv. p. 4 (1887) ; Buller, Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 229 (1888) ; Scl. Ibis, 1894, p. 498. Fulmarus antarcticus, Gray, Hand-l. ^. iii. p. 105 (1871); Ridgw. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 58 (1887). Priocella antarctica, Sharpe, Voy. ' Ereb. Sf Terror^ i. Birds, App., p. 37, pi. 33 (1875) ; Hector, Trans. N. Zeal. hist. ix. p. 464. Aeipetes antarctica, Forbes, Voy. '■Chall.^ Zool. iv. pt. xi. p. 59 (1882). Adult female. Upper surface brown, the inner secondaries and larger wing-coverts white ; upper tail-coverts white, the central feathers brown at the tips ; quills outwardly brown, the shafts and inner webs white nearly to the tip ; under surface white, the throat and sides of the neck pale brown, the bases of the feathers white ; under wing-coverts and asillaries white, the edge of the wing brown ; tail white, the tip brown : bill blackish horn-colour ; tarsi and toes yellowish, the outer toe darker. Total length about 17 inches, wing 12, tail 4'2, bill 2, tarsus 1-7, middle and outer toes 2-3, inner toe 1"9. Sexes alike. Hah. Antarctic Seas. 4. PRIOCEIXA. 393 1/ a. Ad. sk. • h. cJ ad. ; r, rf. ad. sk. • e,/. Ad. .sk. • g. Ad. sk. ^ h. Ad. sk. ^ i-A. Ad. St. ^, jw. Ad. sk, n. Skeleton. o, p. Sterna. Cape Horn. Ice Barrier, June 14, 1874. Jan. & Feb. Salvin-Godman Coll. s/>--A''^i Voy. H.M.S. 'dial- ' <^ longer.' Antarctic Seas, Jan. & Feb. Dr. K. McCormick 1842. [P.]. Antiirctic Seas, lat. 77° 49' S., Antarctic Exped. long. 181° 10' E. Antarctic Seas. Antarctic Exped. Antarctic Seas. Antarctic Exped. Antarctic Seas. Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. PRIOCELLA. Tjpe. Priocella, Hombr. Sf Jacq. Compt. Rfnd. xviii. p. 357 (1844) ; Jacq. ^ Puch. Voy. Pole Sud, Zool. iii. p. 148, t. 32. figs. 4.S-.56 (18o3) P. glacialoides. Tlialassoeca, C'(U? s. Ad. sk. South Africa. sL^^AfricSrMu".'^ t. Ad. sk. Kerguelen Land, May 1l>, 1840. Dr. McCormick [ P 1. "■ A .?■ '■ Kerguelen Land. Antarctic Exped. Ad. St. Kerguelen Land. Lieut. A. Smith fP.]. w-y d" ad. : z, Southern Ocean. Antarctic Exped a . 2 ad. sk. , ^ d\ Ad.sk. Southern Ocean. i'..^..v.' The Admiralty fP.]. S' Qi . ." feouthem Ocean. Salvin-Godman Coll rf. Skeleton. Off Cape Horn. Salvin-Godman CoU 5. MAJAQUEUS. Majaqueus, Jleic/i. Sj/st. Av. p. iv (1852); Voues, ^^^"^ Pr. Ac. Phil. 18^,-^.117. Cymatobulus, F. Heine, Numencl. Mus. Hein P-363(18U0) ; M. ^quinoctialis. Hah. Southern Oceans. Key to tlie Sjyecies. a Larger : chin more or less white cequinoctialis, p. 395. b. Smaller : plumage, including the chin, sooty-black, parkinsoni, p. 397. 1. Majaqueus jequinoctialis. Great Black Pftenl i^^,. Nat. Hist. ii. pi. 89 (1747) ; Lath. Gen. SllST. X. p. LiO {^loZ-ij. Procellaria fuligiuosa, Solander MS. ; Parkinson, Icon. ined. no 19 cf. l^alvin in Rowley's Orn. Misc. i. p. 232 (1876) ' Le Puffin du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Briss. Orn. vi. p 137 (1760) IroceUana a;qumoctialis, Li7m. S,/.st. Nat. i. p. 213 (1766) • Gm Syst Nat. i. p. .5(;4 (1788); LatL Ind. Orn. ii. p. 821- (1790) • Pallas, Zooyr Rossa-As. ii. p. 314 (1811) ; Vieill. N. Diet . d' Hist ^Urns^ot /^®^i' '^•:^'^-^^^'^^-P-80(1823); Kuhl,Beitr. P: ^^^^}^-^) \ ^?**- ^^'"'- '^ Orn. 11. p. 348 (1828) ; Jacc,. ^- Pack. Joy. Pole 6ud, m. p. UO (18o3) ; Burm. Syst. Ueb Th Bras ^nr ^w? ^^^f ?-' ^I'lh ^f- '^''^''^'"- PP- 1-' '59 (1858) ;' Gray, Ibis, 1862 p. 24o; ScM. Mas. P.-B.,y\. Procell. p. 19 1863)- Bayard, Ibis, 1862, p. 97, 1863, p. 249, 1867, p. 459- t^ B S Afr 1865 p. 2fe, 186. p. 18, 1870, p. 396 ; Pollen ^- Van Dam, Faun. \l%^ ' foThr--^- ^''''- ^^'^' P- 3"3 ; Cab. ^- ReicIumon-lJ.f.Orn. 18/6, p. 329; Hartl. Voy. Maday. p. 374 (1877j ; Mible-Edio. &■ Grand. Hut. Maday., Ois. p. 671 (1885) P^rel-Puffin brun. Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. x. p. 163 (1786). Black Petrel, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 398 (1785). Pumnua ,'pniiinnptijilia .^f^nh ,■„ eA„,..'„ /-. r,_, ..:• p. 3bJ; xd. Birds Austr. vii. pi. 46 (1848) ; Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. 396 PUFFINIDJE. Procell. p. 20 (1863) ; Van Keinpen, Bull. Zool. Soc. Fr. xiv. p. lOG (1889). Procellaria nigra, Forst. Descr. An. p. 26 (1844). Majaquevis sequinoctialis, Bp. Conipt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (18o6) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 200 (1856) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 118, 142 ; Gigl. Faun. Vert. Oceano. p. 3.5 (1870) ; Scl. 8j- Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 149 (1873) ; Coues ^ Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 2 (1875) ; Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 3, p. 13 (1876) ; Salv. in Rowley's Orn. 3Iisc. i. p. 232 (1876) ; id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 737 ; id. op. cit. 1883, p. 431 ; id. Voy. ' Chall.,' Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 143 (1881) ; id. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 629 (1882) ; id. Ibis, 1894, p. 498; Moseley, Notes Nat. ' ChalV pp. 137, 208, 254 (1879) ; Sharpe, Phil. Trans. cLtvili. p. 119 (1879); id. P. Z. S. 1881, p. 12 ; id. ed. LayarcFs Birds S. Afr. p. 766 (1884) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1880, p. 164; Lucas, Auk, iv. p. 3 (1887) ; Buller, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. xxv. pp. 62, 80 (1893) ; id. op. cit. xxvii. p. 122 (1895) ; Button, Tr. N. Z. Imt. xxvii. p. 177 (1895). , Majaqueus conspicillatus, Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 200 (1856); Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, pp. 118, 142 ; Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 445 (1865) ; Giffl. Faun. Vert. Oceano, p. 36 (1870) ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 629 (1882). Puffinus conspicillatus, Pelz. Reise Novara, Zool. i. Vciy. p. 143 (1869). Fulmanis sequinoctialis et conspicillatus, Gray, Iland-l. B. iii. p. 108 (1871). Adult male. Sooty-black, the feathers of the back and the wing- coverts with slightly paler edges ; chin white ; shafts of the pri- maries white : bill yellowish horn-colour, with the spaces between the various portions of the sheath of both mandible and maxilla black; feet black. Total length about 20 inches, wing 15; tail, central rectrices 5'3, lateral rectrices 4"5 ; bill 2-6, tarsus 2-6, middle and outer toes 3-25, inner toe 2*8. The amount of white on the chin varies very much in dif- ferent individuals. Some have an irregular white stripe running from near the base of the mandible under the eye almost to the nape, and a transverse band across the forehead in front of the eye. Upon such specimens Gould founded his J7. conspicillatus, a form recognized by Dr. Coues as distinct, but apparently connected with the typical form by every degree of variation. Hab. South Seas, north to about lat. 30° S. Lr-Ub- ^' a. c? ad. sk. Simon's Bay, Cape of Good Voy. H.M.S. ' Rattle- <- -'' Hope, Mar. 16, 1847 (/. Mac- snake.' ffillivray). '■ '' I b. Ad. sk. Cape of Good Hope {E. L. Shelley Coll. Bayard) . Ur.l^-y y c. Ad. sk. Cape of Good Hope {S. Afr. Shelley Coll. Mus.). V d, e. Ad. sk. Cape Seas. Salvin-Godman Coll. I /. Ad. sk. Cape Seas. Mrs. Dundas [P.]. q. Ad. St. Cape Seas. Old Collection. ,-• A. Ad. sk. Cape Seas, lat. 34° 39' S., Earl of Crawford and long. 8° 51' E., Sept. 19. Balcarres [P.]. !j- /L.£- ;^- 1, /. Ad. sk. Southern Ocean, lat. 29° 45' & Earl of Crawford and M-. /<^' ■ 32° S., Oct. 20, 24. Balcarres [P.]. 6. CKSTRELATA. 397 '- k. 5 ad. file. I'loyal Sound, Kergiielen Land Transit of Venus LX-114-.,^ (A. i:. Eaton). Exped. /, tn. d" ad. sk. Kerguelen Land. Voy. II. M.S. ' Chal- If, 1 1^.1 - /^.5" lender.' ^ n. 2 ad. .^k. (ireonland Harbour, Kerguelen Voy. H.M.S. ' Chal- /T. /Ai.i Land. leiiger.' ^ <). Ad. sk. Tasmania. Sir E. Home [P.]. ^ p. Ad.sk. Australian Seas. Salvin-Godman Coll. l^ l^.*t' ,- q. Ad.sk. [Australian Seas.] Gould Coll. /•. S ad. St. Australia. Sir G. Grey [P.]. ^■ s. Ad.sk. [Australian Seas.] W. Golding, Esq. Uf. iu,q *^ A 2 ad. .sk. New Zealand. ( fl^^*-"**,-^;) Prof, t! J. Parker [P.]. ^ u. 2 ad.sk. Coquinibo, CLili, June 1882 Salvin-Godman Coll. ly-ZS-U. {Captain A. H. Markham). / t, r. c? ad. sk. Valparaiso, Chili, Aug. 1879 Voy. H.M.S. ' Alert.' l^.l^-i> (Dr. Coppinger). _ \^ »t\ rT ad. sk. Valparaiso, Aug. 12, 1879 (i>/-. Sahin-Godman Coll. i^'^-^ ^ Coppinger, H.M.S. ' Alert.') ''-/■ z'- : :. i^ .V. Ad.sk. Southern Ocean. Indian Museum. i-j./it'lt y. Skeleton. Voy. H.M.S. ' Chal- lenger.' 2. Majaqueus parkinsoni. (Plate V,) Procellaria parkinsoni, Grat/, Ibis, 1862, p. 24-5 ; Buller, Birds N. Zeal. p. 302 (187:i) ; id.' Ibis, 1874, p. 121 ; Button, Cat. Birds N. Zeal. p. 40 (1871) : id. Ibis, 1874, p. 42 : Finse/i, J.f. Orn. 1870, p. 373 ; id. op. cit. 1874, p. 207 ; Reischek, Tr. A. Zeal. Inst, xviii. p_. 87 (1886) ; Sandager, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxii. p. 291 (1889). Majaqueus parkinsoni, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1806, p. 192 ; Hutton, Ibis, 1869, p. 351 ; Buller, Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 242 (1888) ; id. op. cit. xxvii. p. 122 (1895). Puffiuus parkinsoni, Pelz. Peise Novara, Zool. i. Vbg. p. 144 (1869). Fulmarus parkinsoni. Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 108 (1871). "S'ery similar to M. ceqidnoctlalis, but smaller ; the bill not nearly so stout, and the entire plumage including the chin sooty -black. Total length about 18 inches, wing 13-2 ; tail, central rectrices 4-3, lateral rectrices 3-6 ; tarsus 2-2, middle and outer toes 2-65, inner toe 2-1. Ilab. Xew Zealand Seas. a. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Miss R. Stone. (Type of the species.) b. Juv. sk. W. Point, S. Island, New Zealand. Miss Smartt [P.]. Type. 6. (ESTRELATA. ^]strelata, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 188 (1855) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 137 CE. hesitata. Cookilaria, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 190 (1855) ffi. leucoptera. Pterodroma, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 191 (1855) .... CE. macroptera. (Estrelata, Newton, Ibis, 1870, p. 277 ; Forbes, Voy. 'Chall.,' Zool. iv. pt. xi. p. 39, &c. (1882). lianr/e. Temperate and tropical portions of the Oceans of tho Southern hemisphere. In the Atlaiitir, northwards casually to the British Islands : in the Paeitic to Japan, &e. 398 rUFFINIDiE. Key to the Impedes. a. Exposed portion of the outer primary beneath more or less dark. a . Bill wide at the gape. a" . Entire plumage sooty-brown. a'". Larger : bill stout, but not excessively macroptera, p. 399. h'" . Smaller: bill very stout aterrima, p. 401. b". Under surface more or less white. c'". Whole head except region round the eye white lessojii, p. 401. d'" . Crown more or less dark. a*. Upper tail-coverts white. (fi. Jiack of the neck and under surface white iKPsitata, p. 402. b^. Back of the neck and whole plumage sooty-brown jamaicensis, p. 403. b^. Upper tail-coverts dark. c\ Under wiiig-coverts dark. «''. Throat and neck in front dark like the back ; forehead dark. a' . Dark portion of the plumage rich sooty-brown. a^. Larger : wing 11 in rostrata, p. 404. b*. Smaller: wing 105 in. .. parvirostris,-^. AQ^. b'' . Dark portion of the plumage greyish incerta, p. 405. 6". Throat and neck iu front, and forehead more or less white * . mollis, p. 406. d^. Under wing-coverts inwardly more or leas white, margin dark. c". Larger phaopygia, p. 407. ct. Smaller. (? . Head and neck above blacker, c". Bill more slender ; larger under wing-coverts white . bremjjes, p. 408. d^. Bill stouter ; larger under wing-coverts mostly dark . hypcleuca, p. 409. d?. Head and neck above pale slaty niyrijjennis, p. 409. b'. Bill much compressed breviiostris, p. 409. b. Exposed portion of the outer primary beneath more or less white towards the base of the inner web. c'. Large : bill stout ; entire plumage greyish- sooty ; concealed bases of the feathers of the under surface white solandri, p. 410. d\ Bill less stout ; under plumage more or less white (except (2?. trinitatis and some forms of CE. negleda). c" . Larger: inner under wing-coverts white (wing about 11"5 in.). e". Margin of the wing beneath also white externa, t^. AW. f". Margin of the wing beneath dark .... cervicalis, p. 411. * (E. mayentts, Salvad. & Gigl., probably comes near here. . cit. 1874, p. 207 ; Buller, B^irds N. Zeal. p. 308 (1873) ; Iteischek, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst, xviii. p. 81 (1886); Sandager, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. xxii. p. 292 (1890). Fulmarus atlanticus et macropterus, Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 107 (1871). ^strelata atlantica, Ridgto. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 66 (1887). Miijaqueus gouldi, Biiller, Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 245 (1888). Adult male. Dark sooty-brown, nearly uniform, under surface a little paler, forehead and throat greyer: bill and feet black. Total length about 16-5 inches, wing 12 ; tail, central rectrices 4-.5, lateral rectrices 4 ; bill 1*7, tarsus 1'65, middle and outer toes 2-2, inner toe 1-9. (Specimen a.) Sexes alike. The bird from Tasmania is rather large (wing 13'0), and the face greyer. It was called Pterodronia macroptera (Smith) by Gould, and afterwards described by Hutton as CEstrelata gouldi, but the diflerential characters are not stable. Hah. Southern Oceans. / a. S ad. sk. S. Atlantic, lat. 31° 45' S., Salvin-Godman Coll. long. 5° 43' W., July 30, 1838 {J. Gould). b. $ ad. sk. S. Atlantic, lat. 35= 19' S., Salvin-Godman Coll. long. 10° 32' E., Aug. 6 (J. Gould). (Types of P- atlantica, Gould.) ' c. Ad. sk. S. Atlantic [J. Gould). Salvin-Godman Coll. C d. Ad. sk. S. Atlantic, lat. 36° 50' S., J. Macgillivray [C.]. long. 27^ 50' W., Feb. I'e. (S ad. sk. S. Atlantic, lat. 34° 43' S., J. Macgillivray [C.]. - ' long. 4° W., Feb. ' [ yt^ f. Ad. sk. S. Atlantic. '"/ ,. ^ V/. Ad. sk. S.Africa. SheUey Coll. ^^^ 'h. 2 ad. St. S. Atlantic, lat. 30° S., long. Sir George Grey [P.]. 6° 47' E. i. Ad. sk. S. Indian Ocean, lat. 40|° S., J. Macgillivray [C.]. long. 123° E., June. u- i. (S ad. sk. Off Van Diemen's Land, Salvin-Godman Coll. Aug. 30, 1839 {J. Gould). 6. (KSTRELATA. 401 ■^ k. Ad. sk. [Southern Ocean] {Sir J. Salvin-Godman Coll. 1 Brooke). ^l. Ad. sk. fSouthern Ocean.] Sir E. Home. ""^m. Ad. sk. [Southern Ocean.] Indian Museum. •^ n. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Purchased. 0, ;?. Skeletons. S. Atlantic Ocean. J. Macgillivray [C.]. 2. OEstrelata aterrima. Pterodroma aterrima, Bp. Compt. lie»d. xl. p. 191, xlii. p. 7G8 (185(i) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 191 (18.j5) ; Verr. in Vinson's Voy. Madag., Annexe B, p. 4 (1865). Procellaria aten-ima, Schlcf/. Mm. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 9 (1863) ; Poll. ^- Va7i Dam, Faun. Ma'daq., Ois. p. 144 (1868) ; Hartl. Vog. Madag. p. 375 (1877); Milne-Edio. ^- Grand. Hist. Madag., Ois. p. 671 (1885). ^strelata aterrima, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 158, 171 ; Gigl. i^- Sahad. Ibis, 1869, p. 66 ; Gigl. Distr. Fatma Vert. Oeeano, p. 38- (1870) ; Midgiv. Man. 2V. Am.' Birds, p. 67 (1887). Allied to (E. macroptera, but smaller, the bill much shorter but relatively very stout, the general colour slightly greyer ; legs dark reddish-flesh-colour, the outer toe aud the tips of the rest and the webs between them black. Total length about 14 inches, wing 9"7 ; tail, central rectriccs 4, lateral rectrices 3'1 ; bill 1"5, tarsus I'o, middle and outer toes 1-8, inner toe 1'55. Hah, "Western Indian Ocean : Mascarene Islands. There is no specimen of this species in the Museum. The only one I have seen has been kindly lent me by Professor Newton. It is labelled " d". St. Denys, Mauritius, 17 April 1890." 3. (Estrelata lessoni Procellaria vagabunda, Solander, MS. Procellaria lessoni, Garnot, Ann. Sc. Nat. vii. p. 54, pi. 4 (1826) ; Gould, Birds Atisfr. ,\u. t. 49 (1848); Gray, List Anseres Brit. Mm. p. 163 (1844) ; id. Gen. B. iii. p. 648 (1844) ; Reich. Syst. Av., Natatores, pi. 24. fig. 2605; Hvfton, Ibis, 1867, p. 188; Finsch, J. f. Orn. 1870, p. 373 ; id. op. cit. 1874, p. 207 ; Buller, Birds New Zeal p. 303, pi. — (1873) ; Cab. i§- Reich. J.f. Orn. 1876, p. 329. Puffinus sericeus, Lesson, Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 402 (1828) ; Gray, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 647 (1844) {of. Salv. Ibis, 1875, p. 374). Procellaria leucocephala, Farster, Descr. Aniin. p. 206 (1844) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 142 ; Pelz. Reise Novara, Zool. i. Vog. p. 145 (1869). Puflinus lessoni, Reich. Syst. Av., Natatores, pi. 20. fig. 339. Khautistes lessoni, Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856). OEstrelata (?) sericeus, Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856). ./Estrelata leucocephala, i>/). Consp. Av. ii. p. 189 (1855); Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 451 (1865). Adamastor sericeus, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 188 (1855) ; Cones, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1860, pp. 122, 142. CEstrelata lessoni, Cass. Pr. Ac. Phil. 1862, p. 327; Ilutton, Ibis, 1870, p. 396; Salv. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 737 ; id. Voy. ' Ch^ill.,' Zool. VOL. XXV. 2 D 402 PUFFINID^. ii. pt. viii. p. 144 (1881) ; Moseley, Notes Nat. Chall. p. 208 (1879) ; Sharpe, Phil. Trans, clxviii. p. 126 (1879) ; BuUer, B. Neio Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 219 (1888) ; id. Tr. N. Zeal. List. xxv. p. 78 (1893). yEstrelata lessoni, Cuues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 142, 170 ; Gi(/l. Sr Salvad. Ibis, 1869, p. 66 ; Gigl. Distr. Fauna J'ert. Oceano, p. 40 (1870) ; id. Viagg. 'Magenta,' pp. 106,842,843, 887 (1875) ; Coues <§• Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 2, p. 27 (1875) ; Kidder, Bidl. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 3, p. 14 (1876) ; Pidgiv. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 63 (1887). Fulmarus lessoni, Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 107 (1871). Adult male. Upper surface grey, darker on the rump, and becoming gradually whiter towards the crown, which is nearly pure white ; feathers of the back edged with paler grey ; nape and sides of the neck transversely mottled pale grey and white ; wings and wing-coverts nearly black ; upper tail-coverts and central rectrices pale grey, lateral rectrices nearly white ; forehead and entire under surface pure white, region below and in front of the eye black ; under wing-coverts dark grey, each feather edged with white, quills grej', white at the concealed portion of the base : bill black ; tarsi yellow, distal portion of the toes and webs and the outer toe wholly dark, the rest yellow. Total length about 18 inches, wing 12"2 ; tail, central rectrices 5, lateral rectrices 3*7 ; bUl 1-9, tarsus 1-8, middle toe 2-4, outer toe 2*35, inner toe 2-1, Hab. Southern Indian Ocean, Australian and Xew Zealand Seas. a. Ad.sk. [Antarctic Seas.] Antarctic Exped. /• ii- b, c. Ad. sk. Royal Sound, Kerguelen Land Transit of Venus Exped. u. /f,a {A. E. Eaton). ' d. d; e,f. 2 Betsy Cove, Kerguelen Land. Voy.H.M.S.'ChaUenger.' ^" '^^ /i' ad. sk. 0 '" ": g, h. c? ad. sk. S. Indian Ocean, lat. 40J°S., Capt. Stanley [C.].ti/2.^ ^t;-- long. 125i° E. i. Ad. St. Cape Seas, lat. 36° 39' S., Sir George Grey [P.]. v'/I.O lonp-. 10° 3' E. y. c? ad. sk. S. Pacific Ocean, lat. 44° S., J. MacgilHvray [C.]. i.r./x.§, long. 110i° W. k. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Sir G. Grey [P.]. l^->2.) I. Ad. .sk. [Antarctic Seas.] Salvin-Godman Coll. .^Cij i«a«^ Hi, 71. Skulls. 4. (Estrelata haesitata. Procellaria haesitata, Kuhl, Beitr. p. 142 (1820) ; Temm. PI. Col. 416 (1826) ; Gray, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 648 (1844) ; id. Cat. Brit. Birds, p. 226 (1863) ; Yarrell, Brit. Birds, Suppl. p. 63 (1845) ; Gould, Birds. Austr. vii. pi. 47 (1845) ; Netvton, Zool. 1852, p. 3691 ; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 372 ; Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 13 (1863) ; Degl. (§• Gerbe, Ois. Eur. ii. p. 374 (1867) ; Cab. ^- Peichenotv, J.f. Orn. 1870, p. 329 ; Muynard, Birds E. N. Am. p. 489 (1879). Procellaria diabolica, Lafr. Eev. Zool. 1844, p. 168 ; Lawr. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. i. p. 451 (1879). Procellaria meridionalis, Lau-r. Ann. Lye. N. Y. iv. p. 475 (1848), v. p. 220, pi. 15 (1852) ; id. Birds N. Am. p. 827 (1860). Procellaria rubritarsi, Gould, Zool. 1852, p. 3692. Puflinus haesitata, Reich. Syst. Av., Natatores, pi. 20. fig. 336. I a[ 6. OESXUELATA. 403 ^strelata LfGsitata, lip. Covijyt. Bend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 1»9, 170; id. Key N. yim. Birds, p. 328 (1872) ; Elliot, Birds N. Am. ii. pi. 60. f. 1 (18G8) ; Giyl. ^- Salvad. Ibis, 1869, p. 66 ; ]. 10. Estrelata (Pterodroma) caribba?a, Gigl. ^- Salvad. Ibis, 1869, p. 66. Fulmarus caribbieus. Gray, Hand-l. Jj. iii. p. 107 (1871). ^Estrelata cnribb?er, Scl. ^- Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neo/r. p. 149 (1873). CEstrt'lata jamaicensis, A. l^ E. Newton, ILmdb. Jamaica, 1881, p. 117 ; Morris, Nature, 1881, xxv. p. 151. /Estrelata jamaicensis, liidgw. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 67; Con/, Auk, v. p. 81 (1888) ; 'id. Cat. Wed Ind. Birds, p. 84 (1892) Adult male.- Sootj'-brown, nearly uniform, a little darker on the back, paler on the under surface, greyer on tlie forehead and ihroat; upper tail-coverts dirty-white; tail sooty-black, the lateral rectrices dirty-white at the base, the shafts of the same colour : bill and feet 404 PUFFINID^. black. Total length about 14 inches, wing 11 ; tail, central rectrices 4-5, lateral rectrices 3-5 ; bill 1-5, tarsus 1-4, middle and outer toes 1-9, inner toe 1-55. Sexes alike. Some specimens are much grej^er than others, both on the back, lesser wing-coverts, face, and under surface, including the under tail-coverts. Both forms are found in Jamaica, apparently living together. Hah. Jamaica. a. Ad. sk. Jamaica (/. Hill). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. St. Jamaica. J. Taylor, Esq. [P.]. c. (S ad. sk. Cinchona Plantations, Jamaica, Salvin-Godman Coll. Nov. 17, 1879 {E. Newtoti). 6. (Estrelata rostrata. Procellaria rostrata, Peak, U.S. E.vpl. Exp. viii. pp. 296, 338, pi. 82 (1848) ; Cass. U.S. E.vpl. E.vp. p. 412, pi. 41 (1858) ; Moseley, Notes Nat. 'ChalL' p. 521 (1879). Rhantistes rostrata, JBj). Compt. Rend. xHi. p. 768 (1856). j4].strelata rostrata, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 189 (1855) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 144, 170 ; Gigl. ^ Salvad. Ibis, 1869, p. 66 ; Layard, Ibis, 1877, p. 363, 1882, p. 544 ; E. L. ^- L. C. Layard, Ibis, 1878, p. 264 _; Pidgiv. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 64 (1887). Procellaria (Estrelata) rostrata, Gray, Cat. Birds Trop. Is. Pac. p. 56 (1859). " Entire upper parts pure deep blackish brown, including the under surface of the wings and tail-feathers ; everywhere of a nearly uniform tint, but a little darkest on the outer webs and tips of the primaries, and somewhat lighter on the inner webs, espe- cially towards their bases. This colour of the upper parts extends round the sides of the head, neck, and breast ; but becomes on the chin, throat, and breast a little paler ; and includes the sides under the wings, and crissum. Rest of the underparts, including the under tail-coverts, pure white ; the latter, however, have a few isolated browui-sh streaks ; the line of demarcation between the dark and light colours on the breast is not very trenchant. The bill is black. The tarsi are pale yellow ; probably flesh-coloured in life. A small space on the lower part of their external aspect, and the whole toes and webs (except a small yellow spot on the inner web near its base) are black Length about 14 inches, 'extent 39-5' (Peale) ; wing 11; tail 4-75. Bill along chord of culmen 1*37 ; height or width at base 0'66 ; nasal tubes 0"25 ; from feathers on side of lower mandible to its tip, 1"2. Tarsus 1"75 ; middle toe and claw 2-25, outer toe and claw 2-12, inner toe and claw 1"8, hallux 0-25. From apex of longest secondary to tip of longest primary in the closed wing, 3'25." (Cones in Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 145.) Hab. Central Pacific Ocean : Tahiti. The above description is that of Dr. Coues, who took it from Peale's types in the United States National Museum. There are 6. (ESTRELATA. 405 no adult specimens in the British Museum, but some are to bo found in that of the Jardin des Plaiites iu Paris. Mr. Layard's specimens are in down, and their determination is quite uncertain. rt, 6. I'uU. sk. Wodin Pass, New Caledonia, March 11, Seebohm Coll. 1877 (-E. L. Layanl). 7. (Estrelata parvirostris. Procellaria parvnrostris, Peak, U.S. Expl. Exp. viii. pp. 298, 338, pi. 83 (1848) ; Cass. U.S. E.cpl. E.vp. p. 411 (1858) ; Hiitton, Ibis, 1867, p. 188. Rhantistes parvirostris, Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856). Procellaria (/Estrelata) parvirostris, Gr«j/, Cat. Birds Trop. Is. Pac. p. 56 (1859). Estrelata parvirostris, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 146, 170; Gigl. 4" Salvad. Ibis, 1869, p. 66 ; Ridgio. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 64 (1887). CEsti-elata parvirostris, Lister, P. Z. S. 1891, pp. 295, 300. Adult male. Sooty-black, throat and anterior portion of the neck rather paler, the bases of the feathers white ; Hanks and under wing-coverts and quills sooty-black ; under tail-coverts white, the lateral feathers mottled with sooty-black : bill black ; tarsi and proximal half of the toes and webs yellow, distal portion of the two latter black. Total length about 15 inches, wing 10*5 ; tail, central rectrices 4-25, lateral rectrices 3'45 ; bill 1"5, tarsus 1'3, middle toe 1'7, outer toe a little shorter, inner toe 1*45. Hah. Central Pacific Ocean. a. S ad. sk. Canton I., Plicenix Group, July J. J. Lister, Esq. 1889 (J. J. L.). [P.]. b. $ ad. sk. Canton I., Phcenix Group, July 2 SeeDohm Coll. (/. J. Lister). 8. (Estrelata incerta. -Estrelata inexpectata, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 189 (1855) {nee Forst.). (Estrelata inexpectata, Bp. Compt. Rend. xhi. p. 768 (1856). Procellaria incerta, Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 9 (1863). Estrelata incerta, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 147, 170 ; Gigl. ^ Salvad. Ibis, 1869, p. 66 ; Giql. Distr. Fauna Vert. Oceana, p. 41 (1870) ; id. Viagg. ' Magenta,'' pp. 94, 106, 975 (1875) ; Ridgio. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 64 (1887;. CEstrelata incerta, Buller, B. New Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 220 (1888), Adult male. Upper surface brown, darker on the rump, paler on the back of the neck, the feathers of the back and the wing-coverts edged with a paler shade ; sides of the neck and breast pale greyish brown, the middle of the throat nearly white ; flanks, under tail-coverts, under wing-coverts, axillarics, and quills dark brown : bill black, tarsus and proximal half of the toes and webs yellow, remainder of the latter blackish. Total length about 17'5 inches, wing 12'5 ; tail, central rectrices 5'5, lateral rectrices 4*2 ; bill 2, tarsus 1-7, middle and outer toes 2-4, inner toe 2. Hab. South Atlantic Ocean, near the Cape of Good Hope. 406 PUFFINID^. a. d ad. sk. Cape Seas, lat. 36° S., long. 10° E., W. J. Brown, Esq. Aug. 25, 1888. [P.]. b. Ad. sk. Cape Seas, lat. 39° S., long. 9" E., Salvin-Godman Coll. Sept. 8 (Dr. A. B. Meyer). c. Ad. sk. South Atlantic Ocean. T. Parkin, Esq. [P.]. 9. (Estrelata mollis. Procellaria mollis, Gould, Ann. S,- Mag. N. H. 1844, xiii. p. 363 ; id. Birds Anstr. vii. pi. 50 (1848) ; Reich. Syst. Av., Natatores, pi. 25. figs. 2606-7 ; Earcourt, Ann. ^ Mag. N. H. 1855, xx. p. 438 (Madeira) ; Layard, Ibis, 1862, p. 98 ; id. op. cit. 1872, p. 337 ; Schl. Mils. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 11 (186.3); Newton, Ibis, 1863, p. 186; id. op. cit. 1868, p. 340; Hutton, Ibis, 1865, p.287(?) ; id. op. cit. 1867, pp. 188, 191 ; Pelz. Raise Novara, Zool. i. Vbg. p. 146 (1869). jEstrelata mollis, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 190 (1855) ; Coties, Pr. Ae. Phil. 1860, pp. 150, 170 ; Goidd, Handb. Birds Ausfr. ii. p. 453 (1865); Giyl. S,- Sakad. Ibis, 1869, p. 66; Gigl. Fauna Vert. Oceana, p. 42 (1870) ; Ridgw. M^in. N. Ayn. Birds, p. 63 (1887). Rhantistes mollis, Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856). Fulmarus mollis, Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 107 (1871). CEstrelata mollis, Salv. Ibis, 1877, p. 480 ; id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 738 ; id. Toy. 'Chall.,' Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 144 (1881) ; Sharpe, Phil. Tram. clxviii. p. 128 (1879) ; id. ed. Layard's Birds S. Afr. p. 766 (1884) ; Layard, Ibis, 1882, pp. 539, 544 ( ?) ; Dalgleish, Ibis, 1890, p. 386. ffistrelata philippi {nee Gray), Saund. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 164. ? Procellaria melanopus, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 562 (1788) ; Vieill. Enc. Meth.-p.79 (1823); Gray, ListAnseres Brit.Miis. p. 164 (1844). Adult male. Upper surface slate-grey, the feathers of the fore- head margined with white, those of the back with a slightly paler shade of grey ; wings blackish brown, the greater coverts greyish and edged with whitish, a black patch in front of and beneath the eye ; lores, throat, and under surface pure white, sides of the neck freckled with grey, sides of the breast grey ; under wing-coverts dark grey, the edge of the -wing and the quills blackish ; tail grey, lateral rectrices freckled with white, under tail-coverts white : bill black ; tarsi and proximal half of the toes and webs flesh-colour, the remainder black. Total length about 14 inches, wing 10-3 ; tail, central rectrices 4*4, lateral rectrices 3*2 ; biU 1-4, tarsus 1-4, middle and outer toes 1-7, inner toe 1*6 Female like the male. Hah. South Seas, northward in the Atlantic Ocean to ATadeira. In some specimens the grey of the sides of the breast meets in the middle ; in others the under surface is suffused with grey. a 2ad.sk. South Atlantic Ocean, lat. 29° 45' S., Salvin-Godman CoU."^ is. //)■ long. 15° 3' W., July 27, 1838 {J. Gould). y 6 cJ ad sk. South Atlantic Ocean, lat. 29° 46' S., Gould Coll. I '^'^■'^ long. 15° 3' W., July 27, 1838. J (Types of the species.) c Ad. sk. S. Atlantic Ocean, lat. 35° 50' S., J. Macgillivray [C.l. u- , long. 27° 50' W., Feb. 13, 1847. 6. (ESTEELATA. 407 d. $ ad.sk. S. Atlantic Ocean, lat. 34° 43' S., J. Macgillivray [0.1. u- loi long. 4° 0' W., Feb. l'4, 1847. e,/ Ad.sk. Nightingale Is., S. Atlantic, Oct. 1^, Voy. H.M.S. ' Ghal- €, W^J ^-^ 1873. lenger.' ■^. i-J-. ^. JT i^. Ad.sk. S. Indian Ocean, lat. 37° 59' S., Earl of Crawford and) ,, „ -, long. 29° 18' E. Ealcarres [P.]. j " ' ^ ' / A. Ad. St. Kerguelen Laud ? Antarctic Exped. '^ ur - i o,^ *. Ad. sk. N.W.Australia. Capt. Beckett [C.]. - w. /«>-a. j-l Ad. St. S. Australia:' Sir G. Grey [P.]. ~ -k< u^cf.y- ;.ir./^ »». Ad. sk. South Seas (e.r GomW). Salvin-Godman Coll. ,-.,^^ «,o. Ad.sk. [South Seas.] Salvin-Godman Coilo \ >l -ij- /o. I 10. (Estrelata inagentae. ^Estrelata magenta, Giyl. ^ Salvad. Ibis, 1869, pp. 61, 66 ; Gigl. Distr. Fauna Vert. Oceano, p. 41 (1870) ; id. Viagg. >■ Maqenta,' pp. 843, 884 (1875) ; Bidgio. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 64 (1887). ffistrelata magentas, Salv. in Rowley's Orn. Misc. i. p. 251, pi. 30. " J^. supra intense fusco-nigra, plumis sub quadatn luce paUide marginatis, alls, Cauda, lateribus, subalaribus ac torque jugulari fusco-nigris ; regione ante oculari intensiore ; fronto albido-sericea fere argenteo colore perfusa, lateraliter magis conspicue ; gula, pec- tore abdomine albis ; subcaudalibus lateraliter cinereo tinclis, scapis parte apicali fuscis ; rostro nigro, pedibus carneis, digitis palmisque nigris oxcepta parte basali interna tarso concolori ; iride bruunea. ~ t't (. ^'o. /^ «. Long. tot. 0"-400, alaj O-^-SlO, caud. 0"-140, rostr. a fronte 0'"-048, '»-<"'<- /^^-: -teC^.^ tars. O-^-OSS, dig. med. cum ung. 0'°-056." {Giylioli ^ Salvadori,^^-''''r" 'f ff Ibis, 1869, p. 61.) /S^-. r^x^vit^ iTa^. South Pacific Ocean, lat. 39° 38' S., long. 125° 58' W. of '• ^ ■>»-''■ ''^^ Greenwich. '.^.-Z - There are no specimens of this species in the British Museum. 11. (Estrelata phaeopygia. ? Procellaria alba, B/o.rha?n in Byron's Voy. p. 252 : Gray, Cat. Birds Trap. Is. Pac. p. oQ (1859) (partim). (Estrelata phajopygia, Salv. Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 507, pi. 88. fig. 1 (1876) ; Wilson, Aves Haioaiienses, part v. (1894). Procellaria rostrata ?, Moseley, Notes Nat. ' Chall.'' p. 499 (1879) {nee Peale). yEstrelata sandwichensis, Ridgw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mas. ix. p. 95 (1886) ; Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mtis. x. p. 77 (1887). ^45strelata phffiopvgia, Ridqto. Man. Birds N. Am. p. 65 (1887) ; id. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xi. p. 104 (1888). Adult. Upper surface brownish black, the concealed bases of the feathers white with black shafts, the feathers of the back indi- stinctly edged with grey ; forehead, lores, and whole under surface white, region round the eye black, a few indistinct hastate spots on the flanks ; under wing-coverts white, the edge of the wing and the quills black ; tail black, the lateral rectrices towards the base and the shafts white : bill black ; tarsi and proximal haK of the inner and middle toes, and the webs between them yellow, the outer toe 408 PUFFINID^. and the distal portion of the rest black. Total lenj^h about 1 7 inches, wing 12 ; tail, central rectrices 5-5, lateral rectrices 3-5 ; bill 1-65, tarsus 1*6, middle and outer toes 1-9, inner toe 1'6. Hah. Eastern North Pacific Ocean from the Galapagos to the Hawaiian Archipelago. a, b. Ad. sk. Chatham I., Galapagos Capt. Kellett and Lieut Arch. Wood[C.]. (Types of the species.) c. Ad. sk. Kaui, Hawaiian Arch. Prof. Collett [P.]. {Knudsen) . 12. (Estrelata brevipes. ProceUaria brevipes, Peale, U.S. Expl. Exp. viii. pp. 294, 337, pi. 80 (1848), apiid Stejneger. ProceUaria torquata, Macgillivray, Zool. xviii. p. 7133. ProceUaria cooki, Cass. U.S. Expl. Exp. p. 414 (1858) (nee Gray). ProceUaria desolata, Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. ProceU. p. l3 (1863). Estrelata cooki, Coues, Pi: Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 152. yEstrelata desolata, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 155; Giyl. ^ Salmd. Ibis, 1869, p. 66. Fulmarus aneiteimensis. Gray, Hand-l. Birds, iii. p. 107 (1871). (Estrelata leucoptera, Salv. Ibis, 1876, p. 393 ; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 16 ; Salvad. Orn. Pap. iii. p. 466 (1882). ? ProceUaria caerulea, Layard, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 498. Estrelata leucoptera, Pidgio. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 65 (1887) (nee Gould). Q]]strelata torquata, Salv. Ibis, 1888, p. 3-59 ; id. op. cit. 1891, p. 411, pi. 9 ; Harting, Zool. 1890, p. 454. ^Estrelata brevipes, Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. pp. 617-9 (1893). Adult male. Upper surface slaty-black, the middle of the back, larger wing-coverts, and the upper tail-coverts grey ; forehead, cheeks, throat, and under surface white ; sides of the breast slaty- grey ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, margin of the wing and quills black ; tail greyish black, the lateral rectrices pale grey : bill black ; tarsi and proximal half of the toes (except the outer one) yellowish, the rest black. Total length about 11-5 inches, wing 8-7 ; tail, central rectrices 3"9, lateral rectrices 2*7 ; biU 1-3, tarsus 1"1, middle and outer toes 1-3, inner toe 1-1. As in CE. riiollis, some specimens have a complete grey band across the breast (whence Macgillivray's name), whilst in others a grey tint suffuses the whole of the under surface except the throat. Ilab. Western Pacific Ocean, New Hebrides, and Fiji Islands, to the Southern-Ice barrier, lat. 68° S. (Peale), and straying to the English coast. a. d'ad. ; b. Jad. sk. Aneiteum, New Hebrides Salvin-Godman CoU. (J. Macgillivray). c. cJ ad. ; d. § ad. sk. Aneiteum, New Hebrides, J. MacgiUivray [C.]. Feb. & Mar. 1859. (Types of P. torquata.) e, f. $ ad. sk. Viti Levu, Fiji Is., May GodefiVoy Mus. 1878 ( T. Kleinschmidt). g. Ad. St. Near Aberystwith, Wales. W.Willis-Bund, Esq. I 6. (KSTUELVTA. 409 13. (Estrelata hypoleuca. CEstrelata hypoleuca, Salv. Ibis, 1888, p. 359 ; Seeb. P. Z. S. 1889, p. 586,^890, p. 105 ; id. B. Japan. Emp. p. 269 (1890). -(Estrelata hypoleuca, Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 017 (1893). Adult. Similar to ffi". torquata, but rather larger, the bill being distinctly stouter. The feathers of the back are more distinctly edged with grey, and there is less white on the under wing-coverts ; the under surface is wholly white. Total length about 13 inches, wing 9 ; tail, central rectrices 4-6.5, lateral rectrices 3-2 ; bill 1-3, tarsus 1-1, middle toe 1-3.5, outer toe a little shorter, inner toe 1-15. Hab, North Pacific Ocean. a. Ad. sk. Krusenstern Is., N. Pacific Seebohm Coll. (Tj-pe (//. J. Snow). of the species.) b. Ad. ; c. Pull. Nakaudoshima, Benin Is., Seebohm Coll. sk. May 14, June 10, 1890 (P. A. Hoist). 14. (Estrelata nigripennis. (Estrelata cooki, Chee&eman, Trans. N. Z. Inst, xxiii. p. 224 (1891) {7iec Gray, fide Hutton). (Estrelata uigiipennis, Rothsch. Bull. Orn. Club, i. p. Ivii (1893) ; id. Ibis, 1893, p. 571 ; Hutton, P. Z. S. 1893, p. 750 ; Btdler, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst, xxvii. p. 123 (1895). Adult. Upper surface slaty-grey, with a dark patch on the rump, the feathers of the head and sides of the neck narrowly edged with white, the feathers of the anterior portion of the crown with black discs and white edges, the forehead and lores being nearly pure white, a superciliary spot white, area round the eye dark blackish grey ; whole under surface pure white, the sides of the breast slaty- grey ; scapulars and wings black, the larger coverts grey, with very narrow white margin ; under surface of the wings white, with a wide dark border, the outer primaries black, showing a little white on the exposed portion close to the coverts ; tail greyish black, outer rectrices white on their inner webs nearly to the tip, outer web mottled with grey. Total length about 12-5 inches, wing 8-7, tail 4-1, tarsus 1-2, middle and outer toes 1-3, inner toe 1"1. I/ab. Kermadec Is., South Pacific Ocean. There are several specimens of this species in the Hon. Walter Rotlischild's collection. a, b. Ad. sk. Kermadec Is. Hon. W. Rothschild [P.]. (Typical specimens.) 15. (Estrelata brevirostris. Procellaria lugens, Banlis, Icon. nos. 21, 22 {aimd Kuhl) ; cf. Salv. in Bowlei/'s Orn. Misc. i. p. 235 (1876). Procellaria grisea, Kuhl, Beitr. Zuol. p. 144, f. 9 (1820) (ncc Gm.) ; Sc/il. 3Ius. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 12 (1803). Procellaria brevirostris, Less. Traitd d'Orn. p. 611 (1828) ; Gray, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 648 (1844) ; id. List Anseres Brit. Mus. p. 163 (1844). 410 PUFFINID^. Rhantistes unicolor, Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856). Pterodroma niacroptera, Bp. t'onsp. Av. ii. p. 191 (1865) (wee Smith) ; id. Comjyt. Rend. xli. p. 191, xlii. p. 768. ^strelata grisea, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 148, 170 ; Gigl. ^ Salvad. Ibis, 1869, p. 66. Fulmavus griseus. Gray, Hnnd-l. iii. p. 107 (1871). ^strelata kidderi, Coues, Forest Sf Stream, Aug. 19, 1875 ; id. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mm. no. 2, p. 28 (Nov. 1875) ; Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 3, p. 15 (1876). Procellaria mollis, Cab. ^ Reich. J.f. Orn. 1876, p. 329. (Estrelata bre-virostris, Salv. in Roxoleifs Orn. Misc. i. p. 235 ; id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 738 ; id. Voi/.'Chall.;'Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 145 (1881) ; Sharps, Phil. Trans, clxvii'i. p. 124 (1879). iEstrelata brevirostris, Ridgiu. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 66 (1887). Adult. Slaty-grey, nearly uniform, smaller wing-coverts brownish with grey edges, quills and tail darker grey ; under surface a little paler ; under wing-coverts grey, with dark shafts : bill black ; tarsi and toes dusky. Total length about 14'5 inches, wing 10 ; tail, central rectrices 4*1, lateral rcctrices 3'15 ; bill 1'4, tarsus 1*42, middle and outer toes 1*8, inner toe 1"46. Younr/. Covered with brown down, which is replaced by the grey feathers of the adult. JIab. South Atlantic and South Indian Oceans. a-c. Ad. sk. Christmas Harbour, Ker- Antarctic Exped. guelen Land. d, e. Ad. sk. Kerguelen Land. Lt.-A. Smith [P.]. /• 6\ {/■ ? ad. sk. Christmas Harbour, Ker- Dr. R. McCormick guelen Land, July 15, [P.]. 1840. h. 2 ad. sk. Christmas Harbour, July 15, Salvin-Godman Coll. 1840 [R. McCormick). (Type of P. uni- color, Gould, MS.) /. 5 ad.sk. Royal Sound, Kerguelen Transit of Venus Exp. Land (A. E. Eaton), j. Pull. sk. Kerguelen Land. Voy. H.M.S. ' Chal- lenger.' k. Ad.sk. Tristan d'Acunha. Capt. Carmichael[P.]. 16. (Estrelata solandri. Procellaria melanopus, Natt. nee Gm. (fide Gould). Procellaria solandri, Gould, P. Z. S. 1844, p. 57 ; id. Ann. S^ Mag. N. H. 1844, xiii. p. 353 ; Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 648 (1844). Cookilaria solandri, B^). Compt. Rend. xl. p. 190 ; id. Cojisp. Av. ii. p. 190 (1855). Pterodroma solandri, Gould, Sandb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 450 (1865). .Estrelata solandri, Copies, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 148, 170 ; Gigl. ^ Salvad. Ibis, 1869, p. 66. Fulmarus solandri. Gray, Hand-l. B. iii. p. 107 (1871). Adult male. Dark grey, head dark brown, back and wing-coverts edged with dark brown ; face and whole under surface greyish brown, the half-concealed bases of the feathers pure white ; under wing-coverts dark greyish brown, the quills black, the bafles of the (). (ESTRRLATA. 411 inner webs white : bill, tarsi, and toes black. Total length about 18 inches, wing 12; tail, central rectrices 5, lateral rcctrices 3"S ; bill rS, tarsus I'T, middle and outer toes 2-2, inner toe 1"85. Hah. Coast of Australia. a. (S ad. sk. Bass's Straits, Mar. 13 (1839). Gould Coll. (Type of the species.) 17. (Estrelata externa. OEstrelata externa, Sali\ Ibis, 1875, p. 373. .Estrelata externa, Ridyic. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 68 (1887). Adult. Upper surface greyish black, the bases of all the feathers white, those of the back edged with pale grey ; the back of the neck white, each feather edged with very pale grey ; wings outwardly black, the larger coverts edged with greyish white ; forehead and entire under surface pure white, cheeks mottled with dark grey ; under wing-coverts almost to the edge of the wing and axil- laries white, quills black, the bases of the inner webs white ; tail greyish black, the inner webs of the lateral rectrices and the shafts adjoining towards the base white : bill black ; tarsi and proximal half of the toes yellow, remainder black. Total length about 16 inches, wing 11"5 ; tail, central rectrices 5, lateral rectrices 3"9 ; bill 1-8, tarsus 1-45, middle and outer toes 1-8, inner toe 1-55. YowKj. Covered with brown down, whiter on the under surface. This is succeeded by the fully adult plumage. Hah. Coast of Chili, breeding on Masafuera I. a. Ad. sk. Masafuera I. {Leybold). Salvin-Godman Coll. \ b. I'ull. sk. Masafuera I. {Leybold,). Salvin-Godman Coll. ( (Types of the species.) 18. (Estrelata cervicalis. (Plate VI.) (Estrelata cervicalis, Salv. 76is, 1891, p. 192; Hutton, P. Z. S. 1893, p. 751 ; Buller, Tr. N. Ze(d. Inst, xxvii. p. 124 (1895). (Estrelata, sp., Cheeseman, Trans. N. Z. Inst, xxiii. p. 224 (1891) (Jide Htdto7i). Adult. Similar to (E. externa, but much darker on the upper surface, the feathers of the back hardly showing grey edges ; the under wing-coverts are less white, those of the edges of the wing being mingled black and white, the primaries have less white at the base of the inner web, the white portion being almost covered by the longest white coverts. Total length about 19 inches, wing 11-5 ; tail, central rectrices 5-2, lateral rectrices 4; bill 1'7, tarsus 1-5, middle and outer toes 1"95, inner too 1-65. Hah. Kermadec Islands, South Pacific Ocean. a. Ad. sk. Kermadec Islinds. Capt. Carpenter [!'.]. (Type of the species.) 412 PUFFINID^. 19. (Estrelata neglecta. ? White-breasted Petrel, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 400 ; id. Gen. Hist. B. X. p. 186 (1824). Norfolk Island Petrel, Lath. Gen. Syn. Suppl. ii. p. 334 (1802). ? Procellaria alba, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. o65 (1788) ; Lath. hid. Orn. ii. p. 822 (1790); Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxv. p. 419 (1817) ; Gray, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 648 (1844). ? ProceUaria grisea, Vieill. Enu. Meth. p. 75 (1823) (Norfolk 1.) ; Gray, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 674 (1844). ? Procellaria variegata, Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. 78 (1823). Daption album, Steph. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 246 (1826). Rhantistes raoulensis, Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 705 (descr. nulla). Procellaria (Estrelata) alba, Gray, Cat. Birds Trop. Is. Pacif. p. 56 (1859). Procellaria philippi, Gi-ay, Ibis, 1862, p. 246. Procellaria neglecta, Schl. Mus. F.-B., vi. Procell. p. 10 (1863) ; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 18. Estrelata neglecta, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 147, 170 ; Gigl. ^ Salvad. Ibis, 1869, p. 66 ; Gigl. Distr. Fauna Vert. Oceano, p. 42 (1870) ; Pidgic. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 67 (1887). Procellaria mollis, Finsch, J.f. Orn. 1870, p. 373, 1874, p. 207. Fulmarus albus. Gray, Iland-l. B. iii. p. 106 (1871). CEstrelata neglecta, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. 6-'en. xviii. p. 411 (1882) ; id. Orn. Pap. iii. p. 465 (1882) ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 431 ; Bullei; Birds Netv Zeal, ed, 2, ii. p. 224 (1888) ; id. Tr. N. Zeal. Inst, xxiii. p. 41 (1890) ; id. op. cit. x.xvii. p. 132 (1895) ; id. P. Z. S. 1894, p. 653; Cheei^eman, Tr. N. Z. Inst, xxiii. p. 225 (1891); Hutton, P. Z. S. 1893, p. 752. CEstrelata mollis, Bidkr, Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 222 (1888) ; id. Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. xxiv. p. 85 (1892) ; Ckeesetnan, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst, xxiii. p. 224 (1891). CEstrelata pbilippi, Hutton, P. Z. S. 1893, p. 755. CEstrelata leucopbrys, Hutton, P. Z. S. 1893, p. 752, pi. 63 ; Buller, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst, xxvii. p. 123 (1895). CEstrelata neglecta, var., Hutton, P. Z. S. 1893, p. 754. Procellaria raoulensis, Gould, MS. Adult male. Upper surface brown, the bases of the feathers white, top of the head darker, feathers of the back indistinctly edged with paler brown, lores and cheeks mottled with brown ; under surface white, sides of the neck and breast washed with pale brown ; under tail-coverts brown, their bases white ; under wing- coverts and axillaries brown, primaries blackish brown, the bases of the inner webs and the shafts adjoining white : bill black ; tarsi and basal portion of the toes yellow, their tips black. Total length about 15*5 inches, wing 11"3 ; tail, central rectrices 4*1, lateral rectrices 3'7 ; bill 1-55, tarsus 1-5, middle and outer toes 1-9, inner toe 1-65. Female. Similar to the male. Great variation exists as to the colour of the under surface, some birds being nearly uniform greyish brown. Specimen i has rather greyer plumage than any of the rest of the series. Hub. South Pacific Ocean. a. Ad. sk. Raoul I., Kermadec Group iSalvin-Godman Coll. ^M'^ (J. Macgillivray). (Type of P. raoulensis, Gould, MS.) 6. (ESTRELATA. 413 ^ 2 ad. sT Ad. sk. ''C, sk. >/e. Pull. sk. /■ - pinger). e. (S ad. sk. St. Ambrose I., 21st July {Dr. Salvin-Godman Coll. Coppinger). 28. (Estrelata cooki. Procellaria cooki, Crrag, in Dieffenb. N. Zeal. ii. p. 99 (1843) ; id. Gen. Bird^, iii. p. 648 (1844); id. List Anseres Brit. Mus. p. 164 (1844) ; id. Vog. ' Dreb. ^- Terr.' i. Birds,^ p. 17, pi. 35 (1846) ; id. Ibis, 1862, p. 246; Reich. Syst. Av., Natatores, pi. 22. fig. 793 (1651); Reischek, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. xiv. p. 274; Finsch, J.f. Orn. 1870, p. 373, 1874, p. 207; Mutton, Cat. Birds X. Zeal. p. 45 (1871); Bailor, Birds N. Zeal. p. 307 (1873); Sandager, Tr. K. Z. Inst. xxii. p. 291 (1889). Cookilaria velox, Bp. Cojisp. Av. ii. p. 190 (1855). Ehantistes cooki, Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856). VOL. XXV. 2 E 41 8 PUFFINID^, Rhantistes velox, Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856). ^strelata cooki, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 456 (1865) ; Giffl. ^ Salvad. Ibis, 1869, p. 66. ? Procellaria Telox, Pelz. Beise Novara, Zool. i. Viig. p. 146 (1869). Fulmarus cooki, Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 106 (1871). CEstrelata cooki, Bu'ller, Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 217 (1888) ; id. Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. xxv. p. 78 (1893). Adult. Similar to (E. leucoptera and CE. dejilii>piana, much greyer than the former, and with a more slender, usually longer bill than either. Hah. New Zealand Seas. a. Ad. sk. New Zealand (ex J. Gould). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, c. Ad. sk. New Zealand. H. 0. Forbes, Esq. [C.]. d. Ad. sk. New Zealand. N. Zealand Co. (Type of the species.) 29. (Estrelata longirostris. ^strelata leucoptera, Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 490 (1891) {nee Gould). Estrelata longirostris, Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mm. xvi. p. 618 (1893). '■'■Adidt (type. No. 1583, Science College Museum, Tokyo, Japan ; Prov. Mutsu, Japan). In coloration exactly like ffi". hrevipes (Peale), except that the greater wing-coverts are lighter slate-grey, distinctly, though narrowly, margined with white ; the feathers of back with paler (white) and more distinct terminal margins, the dusky border to underside of wing narrower and interrupted along outer margin, and inner webs of primaries with a conspicuous lengthened wedge of pure white. Proportions, however, very dif- ferent from those of (E. hrevipes, the bill being much longer and slenderer, and tail less graduated. Length (skin) about 9-75 inches, wing (primaries moulting), tail 3"80, its graduation 0*75, culmen 0*95, depth of biU through middle 0"25, tarsus 1'25, middle toe with claw 1-40. " Another specimen from the same locality (No. 1.584, Science College Museum, Tokyo) is quite identical in coloration, its measurements (except length of wing, the primaries being partly moulted) being as follows : — Total length (skin) about 9'30, tail 4*00, its graduation 0-90, culmen 0-98, depth of biU through middle 0-25, tarsus 1"10, middle toe with claw 1"30." {Ridgway, in Hit.) Hah. North Pacific Ocean, Japanese coast. 30. (Estrelata axillaris. (Plate VII.) CEstrelata axillaris, Scdv. Ms, 1893, p. 264; H. O. Forbes, Ibis, 1893, p. 542 ; Buller, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst, xxvii. p. 123 (1895). Adult male. Similar to (E. cooH, but purer grey and without the dark patch on the rump ; median and greater wing-coverts greyer, with whiter edges ; primary under wing-coverts white, the edge of the wiog, especially over the ulna, more broadly black; secondary 7. PAGODROMA. 419 under wing-coverts and axillaries black ; bill shorter and stouter. Total length about 12 inches, wing 8-3 ; tail, central rcctrices 3'8, lateral rectrices 3*2 ; bill 1-3, tarsus 1-2, middle and outer toes 1-5, inner toe 1"3. Hah. Chatham Islands. a. (S . Walker, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 378; Hutton, Ibis, 1865, p. 284, 1867, p. 186; Layard, Ibis, 1862, p. \)7, 1867, p. 458, 1869, p. 460 ; id. Birds S. Afr. p. 360 (1867) ; Pollen Sf Van Dam, Faun. Maday., Ois. ii. p. 145 (1868) ; Pelz. Beise A'ovara, Zool. i. Vog. p. 144(1869); Sperliny, Ibis, 1868, p. 293; 1872, p. 75; Finsch, J. f. Orn. 1870, p. 373, 1874, p. 206 ; M.-Fdw. i,- Grand. Hist. Maday., Ois. p. 670 (1885) ; Macfarlane, Ibis, 1887, p. 208. Fulmarus giganteus, Steph. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 1^37 (1826) ; Grai/, Haiid-l. iii. p. 105 (1871) ; Coues, Key N. Am. Birds, p. 327 (1872) ; Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 773. Procellaria ossifraga, Forst. Descr. Anim. p. 343 (1844). Ossit'raga gigantea, Jacq. 8)- Pach. Voy. Pule Sud, Zool. iii. p. 139 (185.3); Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 186 (1855); id. Compt. Bend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; Brehm, Vugelf. p. 354 (1855) ; Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 443 (1865); Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 32; id. Check-l. N. A771. Birds, p. 125 (1882) ; id. Key N. Am. Binls, ed. 2, p. 777 (1884) ; Elliot, N. Am. Birds, ii. pi. 59 (1869) ; Bias. ^ Bald., Naum. Vog. Deutschl. xiii. pt. 2, p. 282 ; Hutton, Ibis, 1869, p. 352, 1872, p. 248 ; id. Cat. Birds X. Zeal. p. 44 (1871) ; Gigl. Fai/n. Vert. Oceano, p. 48 (1870) ; id. Viagy. 'Magenta' (see index) (1875) ; Gurney, in Anderss. Birds Damara-L. p. 353 (1872) ; Scl. Sc Salv. Nomencl. Ac. Neotr. p. 149 (1873) ; Buller, Birds N. Zeal. p. 297 (1873); id. ed. 2, ii. p. 225 (1888) ; id. Trans. N. Zeal. Inst.xxiv. p. 85 (1892); Coues ^- Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mm. no. 2, p. 23 (1875) ; Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mm. no. 3, p. 13 (1876) ; Sa'v. in Rowlei/'s Orn. Miscell. i. p. 2-38 (1876) ; id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 737, 1863, p. 431 ; id. Voy. ' ChalV, Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 143 (1881) ; id. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 629 (1882) ; Cab. Sf Beichenow, J. f. Orn. 1876, p. 329 ; Ilartl. Vog. Maday. p. 373 (1877) ; Moseley, Notes Nat. 'ChalL' pp. 107, 1.34, 137, 180, 183, 205, 254 (1879) ; Sharpe, Phil. Trans, clxviii. p. 142 (1879) ; id. P. Z. S. 1881, p. 11 ; id. ed. Bayard's Birds S. Afr. p. 765 (1881); Saunders, P. Z. S. 1880, p. 165; Kirk, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. xvii. p. 60 (1884); Bocaye, Orn. Angola, p. 517 (1884); Ridgw. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 57 (1887) ; id. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mm. iii. p. 230 (1881); Baird, Brew., ^- Ridyw. Water-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 363 (1884) ; Lucas, Auk, iv. p. 3 (1887) ; H. O. Forbes, Ibis, 1893, p. 542. Procellaria, sp. ?, Abbott, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 390. Adult male. Uniform dark chocolate-brown, the edges of the feathers everywhere a little paler than the discs : bill yellow ; legs black. Total length about 34 inches, wing 20-5 ; tail, central rec- trices 7, lateral rectrices 5-8 ; biU 4*2, tarsus 3-G, middle and outer toes 5'3, inner toe 4"4. Young birds are much browner and often white about the head, but this plumage is changed for the uniform dark chocolate-brown of the adult. Nearly white individuals are not uncommon. Hah. Southern Seas, north to about lat. 30° S. 424 PXJJFINLD^. a. Juv. sk. b. S ad- sk. c. S ad. sk. i. Ban. pi. 53. fi?. 4 (1851) ; Reich. St/st. Av., Natatores,'-pl 20. figs. 333-335 ; Thomps. Nat. Hist. Irel. iii. p. 406 (1851); Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 296; Schrenck, Reis. Amur-l. p. 517 (? = pacificus) ; Evans ^' Sturye, Lbis, 1859, p. 168; Lawr. Birds N. Am. p. 825 (1860); D. Walker, Ibis, 1860, p. 166; Reinh. Ibis, 1861, p. 16 ; Newton, in Baring Gould's Iceland, p. 419 (1863) ; id. Ibis, 1865, p. 511 : More, Ibis', 1865, p. 457 ; Turnbull, Birds of E. Lothian, p. 35 (1867) ; Deyl. ^- Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 371 (1867) ; Collett, Nory. Fuyle, p. 75; Boryqr. Vogelf. p. 140 (1869) ; F. Boie, J. f. Orn. 1869, p. 98 ; Gillett, 77«s, 1870, p. 307 : Hurting, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 123; Gray, Birds W. Scntl. p. 499 (1871) ; Heugl. Ibis, 1872, p. 65 ; Fallon, Monogr. Ois. Bely. p. 206 (1875) : Feilden, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 31 ; id. Ibis, 1877, p. 410 ; Mayn. Birds East. N. Am. p. 489 (1879) ; Neale, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 653 ; Dixon, Ibis, 1885, p. 92 ; Booth, Rough Notes Brit. Birds, iii. p. 115 (1885). _ Fulmarus glacialis, Steph. in Shaic^s Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 234, pi. 27 (1826) ; Macgilliv. Hist. Brit. Birds, v. p. 429 (1852) ; Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 187 (1855) ; id. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 7G8 (1856) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1806, p. 27 ; id. Keg N. Am. Birds, p. 327 (1872), ed. 2, p. 777 (1884) ; id. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 127 (1882); Ehoes, Ibis, 1869, pp. 33, 36; G. C. Taylor, Ibi.o, 1869. p. 388; Droste, J. f. O. 1869, p. 382 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. viii. p. 535, pi 617 (18"78) ; Moseleg, Notes Nat. 'Chall.' p. 206 (1879) ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 630 (1882) ; B. O. U. List Brit. Birds, p. 199 (1883) ; Stearns, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. vi. p. 122 (1883) : id. Neto Engl. Bird-Life, ii. p. 380 (1883) ; Collins, Auk, i. p. 238 (1884) 426 PUFFIN ID^. Baird, Brew., ^- Ridgw. Water-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 3G6 (1884) ; Saund. m YarreU's Brit. Birds, ed. 4, iv. p. 1 (1884) ; id. Man. Brit. Birds, p. 711 (1889) ; Seeb. Hist. Brit. Birds, iii. p. 430, pi. 56 (1885) ; Turner, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. viii.p. 253 (1885) ; Fischer ^ Pelz. Vofj. n. Sduff. Jan Mayen, p. 120 (1886) : A. O. U. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 99 (1886) ; Ridgw. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 57 (1887) ; Chamberlain, Auk, \i. p. 215 (1889) ; Patterson, Ibis, 1889, p. 580 ; Stevens. Birds Norf. iii. p. 359 (1890) ; Borrer, Birds Sussex; p. 281 (1891) ; Buckl. S,- Hurvie-Broimi, Vert. Faun. Orkn. p. 243 (1891) ; Lilford, Birds Northamptonshire, p. 414 (1893). Procellaiia hiemalis, C. L. Brehm, Viig. Deutschl. p. 800 (1831). Procellaria minor, Kjcerb. J. f. Orn. 1854, p. lix ; id. Orn. Dan., Suppl. (2) pi. 7. tig. 2 (1854). Procellaria borealis, Brehm, Naum. 1855, p. 296. Fulmarus glacialis, ^. minor, Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 187 (185.5). Fulmarus minor, Bj). Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856). AchiJt. Liijht pliase. Upper surface bluish grey ; the quills darker but the shafts white ; whole head, neck, and under surface pure white, the tianks faintly washed with grey ; under wing- coverts and axillaries white, the edge of the wing dark grey : bill dark, the tip of the maxilla and the lower edge of the mandible yellow ; feet yellowish Hesh-colour, the outer toe darker. Total length about 18-5 inches, wing 13"2 ; tail, central rectrices 5, lateral rectrices 4-5 ; bill 2-1, tarsus 2, middle toe 2-6, outer toe 2"7, inner toe 2-2. Dark phase. Uniform dusky grey, a little paler on the under surface. Sexes alike. Hah. North Atlantic Ocean. a. Ad. sk. b. $ ad. sk. i- '<- c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. St. - e. Ad. sk. /. Ad. St. g. Ad. sk. ^ /(. Ad. sk. ^^i/l/ «-^- Ad. St. "-^ wi. 2 ad. sk. n. Juv. sk. ^ 0. Juv. sk. l^ p. Pull. St. q. Ad. sk. r. Ad. sk. «. Ad. sk. t-v. Ad. sk. w. Ad. St. X. Skeleton. y-e'. Sterna. Batiiu's Bay, lat. 75° 15' N., long. 62° 30' W. {Br. Robert- son). Lichtenfels, S. Greenland, Oct. 23, 1871 {Dr. O. Finsch). Greenland. Greenland. Labrador {Moschle/-). North Sea. N. Atlantic Ocean, lat. 75° 25' N., long. 10° W. N. Atlantic Ocean, lat. 75° 25' N., long. 10° W. (White var.) St. Kilda. St. Kilda, June 6, 1884 (C. Di.von). St. Kilda (C. Di.von). St. Kilda. Orkneys. North Sea. Spitzbergen. Heligoland {S. Gdtlce). North Sea.] Yarmouth.] Voy. H.M.SS. 'En- terprise ' and ' In- vestigator.' Sharps Coll. The Admiralty rp.l. The Admiralty tP.]. Salvin-Godman Coll, Old Collection. Capt. D. Gray [P.]. Capt. D. Gray [P.]. Theodore Walker, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Kev. H. A. Macpher- son [P.]. Bullock's Coll. The Admiralty [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Purchased. Purchased. 10. FULMAEUS. 427 2. Fulmarus glupischa. Procellaria glacialis, Pull. Zoo;/r. Ross.-As. ii. p. 312 (1811) (nee Linn.) ; Peale, U.S. E.vpl. Exp. viii. p. ;J38 (1848) ; Siuinh. P. Z. &'. 1863, p. 330. Procellaria pacifica, Auduh. Orn. Biogv. v. p. 331 (1839) {nee Gm.) ; id. Birds N. Am. 8vo ed. vii. p. 208 (1644) ; Grajj, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 648(1844); Lawr. Birds N. Am. p. H'l^ (1860); 8chl. Mus, P.-B., Vi. Procell. p. 22 (1863). Fulmarus paciiicus, Bp. Compt. Mend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. -IS ; id. Key N. Am. Birds, ed. 2, p. 778 (1884) ; Elliot, iV. A}n. Birds, i. Introd. (Is69) ; Blakist. Sf Pryer, Trans. As. Soc. Jap. X. p. 106 (1862) ; Blakist. Amend. List Birds Jap. p. 21 (1884) ; Dyb. ^- Tacz. Bull. ,. Ad. sk. J c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. j^ e. c? ad. sk. ..- f-h. Ad. sk. i. Ad. sk. J. Ad. sk. '^ k. Ad. sk. *-^ /. c? ad. sk. ?«. 2 ad. sk. ■^ rt. Ad. sk. o. Ad. sk. <— ^p. 2 ad. sk. l^ y. Ad. st. /r ;•, s. Ad. sk. t t, u. Ad. sk. L V, tv. Ad. sk. ^ a;. Ad. sk. ^, y. Ad. sk. •^ 3-6'. Ad. sk. ^ e'. Ad. sk. •^ '^ d', e'. Ad. sk. w /'. Ad. sk. w' .9-2'. Ad. sk. (^ /. Ad. sk. c^ ^'. Ad. sk. c^ /'. Ad. sk. v m' . Ad. sk. ^' «'. d" ; 0'. $ ad. sk. ^', q' . Skeletons. r' . Sternum. South Atlantic Ocean off Cape Conientes, Oct. 28, 1875. South Atlantic Ocean, lat. 40° 43' S., long. 58° 04' W. [Straits of Maprellan.] Straits of Magellan. South Pacific Ocean, off Tres Montes, May 10, 1879 {Dr. Coppinger). Valparaiso. Valparaiso. Juan Fernandez I. {E. C. Reed). Masafuera I. [Let/hold). Off St. Ambrose"!., July 20, 1879 (Dr. Coppinger). Off St. Ambrose I., July 20, 1879 {Dr. Coppinger). W. coast of S. America, lat. 25°S., long.85°W.(Cai>i!. A. H. Markham). W. coast of S. America, lat. 20°S., long.71°W.(Cfyyi!. A. H. Markham). Coast of Peru off Pa via, lat. 5°5'S., long. 81° W., July 1883 {Lt. J.R. Macfarlam). Cape of Good Hope. Cape Seas. Cape Seas. Cape Seas. Cape Seas {E. L. Layard). Cape Seas, lat. 34° 37' S., long. 22° 29' E. Southern Indian Ocean, lat. 2.3° 30' S., Aug. 27. Between Ceylon and the mainland of India {Theo- bald). Off Kerguelen Land. Antarctic Seas, April 1874. W. Australia. Australian Seas {Cockerell). At sea, between Australia and New Zealand. New Zealand. New Zealand (J'. W.Hutton). Foveaux Straits, New Zea- land, May 25, 1875 (J: W. Sutton). H. Durnford, Esq. [C.]. H. Durnford, Esq. [C.]. Capt. King [P.]. Mrs. E. M. Eastwood [P.]. Voy. H.M.S. Alert. Capt. Brett [P.]. H. Berkeley James,Esq. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman CoU. Voy. H.M.S.' Alert.' Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. _ 'r Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. Sir Andrew Smith [P.]. E. M. Langworthy, Esq . [P.]. Capt. Harry [P.]. Shelley Coll. 0. Blewitt, Esq. [P.]. Earl of Crawford and Balcarres [P.]. Hume Coll. Antai'ctic Exped. Voy. H.M.S. ' Chal- lenger.' Sir G. Grey [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. E. Newman, Esq. [P.]. Colonial Mus. Salvin-Godman Coll. Hume Coll. 12. HALOB^NA. 431 12. HALOB.ffiNA. ^^ Halobsena, Is. Geoff r. St.-Hilaire, '[SPjC,,Jide Up. Consp. Av. ii. p. 193 (1850) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 162 H. cserulea. Zapriura, C'oues, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 2, p. 34 (1875) H. cferulea. Ratvje. Southern Ocean. 1. Halobaena caerulea. Blue Petrel, Forster, Voy. i. p. 91 ; Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 415 (1785); id. Gen. Hist. Birds, x. p. 196 (1824). Another Blue Peteril, Cook's Voy. i. p. 32. Procellaria cferulea, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 560 ("1788) ; Lath.Ind. Orn. ii. p. 827 (1790) ; Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxv. p. 421 (1817) ; id. Enc. Meth. p. 81 (1823) ; id. Gal. Ois. ii. p. 232 (1825) ; Kuhl, Beitr. p. 145 ( 1820) ; Grat/, Lid AnseresBrit. Mus. p. 105 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 648 (1844); id. Ibis, 1802, p. 247; Gonld, Birds Austr. \n. pi. 52 (1847) ; Peak, U.S. Expl.E.vp.ym. p. 338 (1848) ; Layard, Birds S. Afr. p. 361 (1867) ; id. Ibis, 1876, p. 393, 1878, p. 264; Hutton, Cat. Birds N. Zeal. p. 47 (1871); Bzdler, Birds N. Zeal. p. 306 (1873) ; Finsch,J. f. Orn. 1870, p. 373, 1874, p. 208 ; Finsch v.^- Hartl. Orn. Centralpol. p. 246 (1867). Pachvptila c.-erulea, Illig. Prodr. p. 275 (1811) ; Steph. in Shavfs Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 252 (1826). Procellaria forsteri. Smith, 111. Zool. S. Afr. pi. 54 (1840). Procellaria similis, Forst. Descr. An. p. 59 (1844). Halobfeua cseralea, Bp. Compt. Bend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 193 (1856) ; Cones, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 163, 171 ; Goidd, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 457 (1865) : Coues 8c Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 2, p. 34 (1875) ; Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 3, p. 17 (1876) ; Moseley, Notes Nat. ' Chall' p. 181 (1879) ; Sharpe, Phil. Trans, clxviii. p. 141 (1879) ; id. Bayard's Birds S. Afr. p. 768 (1884) ; Buller, Birds N. Zeal.ed. 2, ii. p. 214 (1888) ; id. Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. xxv. p. 78 (1893). Halobsena typica, Bj). Compt. Reiid. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 194 (1856). Procellaria velox, Solander ? cf. Salv. in Rowley^ s Orn. Misc. i. p. 238. Adult. Upper surface pale ashy-blue, darker on the crown, nape, lesser wing-coverts, outer webs of outer primaries, and the scapulars, the latter tipped with white ; feathers of the middle of the forehead and anterior part of the crown widely tipped with white ; rest of the forehead and whole under surface pure white, sides of the breast ashy-blue, under wing-coverts, primaries beneath, and axil- laries white ; outer rectrix white, the two next ashy, the base of the inner web white, the three next ashy with white tips, widest on the middle feather, a slightly darker sub terminal ashy band : bill black, the edge of the mandible blue ; tarsi and toes blue, the webs flesh-colour. Total length about 11 inches, wing 8-5, tail 3*6, bill 1*4, tarsus 1-3, middle toe 1-6, outer toe a little shorter, inner toe 1-3. Hah. Southern Seas, between lat. 40° and 60° S. 432 PUFFINID^. a. Ad. sk. Cape of Good Hope. Sir Andrew Smitli [P.]. (Type of P. forsteii, Smith.) b. Ad. sk. Eoyal Sound, Kerguelen Land Transit of Venus [Bev. A. E. Eaton). Exped. c. Ad. sk. Pacific Ocean near Cape Horn, lat. Salvin-Godman Coll. : 50° S., long. 90° W., May 20, 1840 (/. Gould). 13. PRION. Type. Prion, Lacepede, Mem. Vltist. iii. p. .513 (1801) ; Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 192 (1856) ; Cones, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 167 ; Forbes, Voy. ^Chall.', Zool. iv.pt. xi. p. 42 &c. (1882) P. vittatus. PacLyptila, Illki. Prodr. p. 274 (1811 ) P. vittatus. Vv'mm-^h.ws, Bajinesque, Anal. Tp. 72 {lS\b),Jide Bp. Pseudoprion, Coties, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 164 .... P. desolatus. Range. Southern Ocean. Key to the Species. a. Bill very wide, edges of tlie maxilla distinctly convex ; lamellas distinctly visible when the bill is shut vittatus, p. 432. b. Bill naiTower, but the edges of the maxilla distinctly convex; lamellje only visible near the rictus of the closed bill bariksi, p. 434. c. Bill still narrower, edges of the maxilla almost straight ; lamellae invisible desolatus, p. 434, d. Bill much smaller, more compressed, the unguis large, sides of the maxilla straight, and the head, &c., paler blue-grey ariel, p. 436. 1. Prion vittatus. Vittated Petrel, Forst. Voy. i. p. 153; id. Observ. p. 199. Blue Peteril, Cook, Voy. i. p. 29. Petrel bleu. Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. x. p. 155. Broad-billed Petrel, Lath. Geti. %w. iii. pt. 2, p. 414 (1785). Procellaria vittata, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 560 (1788) ; Kuhl, Beitr. p. 149 (1820) ; Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 16 (1863) ; Pollen 8f Van Dam, Faun. Maday., Ois. p. 144 (1868). Procellaria forsteri, Lath. Lid. Orn. ii. p. 827 (1790) ; Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxv. p. 421 (1817). Priou vittatus, Lacep. ]\Jem. List. 1801, p. 514 ; Gould, Voy. 'Beaqh,^ ii. Birds, p. 141 (1841) ; id. Birds Austr. vii. pi. 55 (1844) ;' id. Handb. Birds Austr. p. 474 (1865) ; Gray, List Anseres Brit, Mus. p. 165 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 649 (1844) ; id. Voy. ' Ereb. ^ Terr.', Zool. i. p. 18 (1846) ; id. Lbis, 1862, p. 247 ; id. Lland-list, iii. p. 108 (1871) ; Beich. Av. Syst. Nat., Natatores, pi. 15. figs. 771-2 (1850) ; Bp. Compt. Berid. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 192 (1855) ; Layard, Ibis, 1862, p. 97, 1863, p. 249 ; Lfutton, Lbis, 1865, p. 288, 1867, p. 189, 1872, p. 249; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 160, 172 ; Peh. Reise Novara, Zool. i. Vog. p. 147 (1869) ; Hutton, Cat. Birds N. Zeal. p. 48 (1871) ; Scl. ^ Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 149 (1873) ; Buller, Birds N. Zeal. ?e 13. PKioN. 43a 3. 312 (1873) ; id. op. cit. ed. 2, ii. p. 212 (1888) ; Finsch, J.f. Orn. l870, p. 373, 1874, p. 211 ; Gitjl. Faun. Vert. Oceano, p. 44 (1870) ; id. Viagg. ^Magenta,' p. 963 (1875) ; Hartl. Vog. Madag. p. 376 (1877) ; Sharpe, Phil. Trans, clxviii. p. 135 (1879) ; id. Layard's Birds S. Afr. p. 769 (1884) ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 631 (1882) ; M.-Edw. %• Grandid. Hist. Madag., Ois. p. 671, pis. 293, 294 (1885) ; Hamilton, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst, xviii. p. 128 (1886) ; H. O. Forbes, Ibis, 1893, p. 542 ; Sol. Ibis, 1894, p. 498. Pachyptila vittata, Illig. Prodr. p. 275 (1811) ; Temm. PI. Col. 528 ; Schinz, Naturg. Vog. p. 402, pi. 136 (1832) ; Burm. Syst. Ueb. Th. Bras, iii.p. 444 (1856) ; Cab. ^- Reichenow, J.f. Orn. 1876, p. 328. Procellaria latirostris, Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. 81 (1823). Paclivptila forsteri, Steph. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 251 (1826) ; Jard. Sf Sell. III. Orn. pi. 47 (1828) : Swains. Class. Birds, ii. p. 374 (1837). Prion forsteri, Reich. Av. Syst. Nat., Natatores, pi. 15. fig. 777 (1850) (?) ; Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856j. Prion magnii-ostris, Gould, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 125. Prion australis. Potts, Tratis. N. Zeal. Inst. v. p. 205 ; id. Ibv^, 1878, p. 85. Adult male. Upper surface ashy-blue, darker on the head and below the eye; small wing-coverts, ends of the long scapulars (except their white tips), a band across the back, outer primaries and tips of the central rectrices black ; lateral rectrices grey with dark shafts ; a distinct superciliary stripe and whole under surface white, flanks washed with pale ashy-blue, under wing-coverts and axiUaries white ; under tail-coverts mottled with ashy-blue : bill blue-black, the unguis yeUow ; tarsi and toes light blue. Total length about 12 inches, wing 7"6 ; tail, central rectrices 3-8, lateral rectrices 3-5 ; bill 1-5, width of bill 0-72-0-8, tarsus 1*3, middle and outer toes 1*45, inner toe 1'25. Hah. Southern Seas between lat. 40° and 60° S. Obs. This species has the widest bill of all the Prions, and the lamellae of the maxilla show plainly when the bill is closed. 4 cJ ad. sk. Marion I., Southern Ocean. Voy. H.M.S. ' Chal- lenger.' ib. 5 ad. sk. Ar sea near Crozette Is. {Lord Voy. H.M.S. ' Chal- Campbell) . lenger.' "'"e. cJad.sk. St. Paiil's I., Indian Ocean, Jan. Voy. H.M.S. 'Rattle- 1853 {J. Macgillivray). snake.' d. cJad.sk. Eastern entrance to Bass's Strait, Voy. H.M.S. 'Rattle- Julv 1 1 , 1 847 (J! Macgillivray). snake. ' e. Ad. St. New Zealand. Sir G. Grey [P.]. '/. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Colonial Mus. g. S ad. sk. Stewart's 1., New Zealand, Mar. Hume Coll. 1874 {F. W. Hutton). h. Ad. sk. New Zealand. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. i. Ad. sk. New Zealand, Sept. 2, 1846. Salvin-Godman Coll. j,^. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Salvin-Godman CoU. /. Ad. sk. [New Zealand.] Gould Coll. (Type of P. magnirostris, Gould.) m. Skull. VOL. XXV. 2 P 434 PUfFINID^. 2. Prion banksi. Prion banksi, Gould, Ann. 8( Mag. N. H. xiii. p. 366 (1844); id. Sandb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 474 (1865) ; Gray, List Anseres Brit. Mils. p. 165 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 649 (1844) ; id. Ibis, 1862, p. 247; id. Hand-l. iii. p. 108 (1871) ; Reich. Av. Syst. Nat., Suppl. Longip. pi. x. fig. 776 (1850) ; Bp. Compt. Bend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; id. Cmisp. Av. ii. p. 193 (1856) ; Layard, Birds S. Afr. p. 362 (1867) ; id. Ibis, 1867, p. 460 ; Gigl. Faun. Vert. Oceano, p. 44 (1870) ; id. Viagg. 'Magenta' (see index) (1875) ; Finsch ^ Hartl. Vog. Ost-Afr. p. 815 (1870) ; Finsch, J.f. Orn. 1870, p. 373, 1874, p. 211; Hutto7i, Cat. Birds N. Zeal. p. 48 (1871); Hartl. Vog. Madag. p. 376 (1877) ; Buller, Birds N. Zeal. p. 311 (1873) ; id. op. cit. ed. 2, ii. p. 211 (1888) ; Salt: P. Z. S. 1878, p. 739; id. Voy. 'ChaW, Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 146 (1881) ; Sandager, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. xxii. p. 293 (1890). Pachyptila banksi. Smith, III. Zool. S. Afr., Birds, pi. 55 (1840). Prion rossii, Gray, List Anseres Brit. Mus. p. 165 (1844) ; Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 193 (1856). Procellaria banksi, Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 17 (1863) ; Pollen Si Van Dam, Faun. Madag., Ois. ii. p. 145 (1868). Pseudoprion banksi, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 166, 172. Prion ?, IfMwe, Stray F. ii. p. 317 (1874); v. p. 304 (1877); viii. p. 115 (1879). Very similar in colour to P. viltatus, but the bill not so wide {0-5 in.) ; the lamellae of the maxilla just visible near the rictus when the bill is closed. Hah. Southern Seas, usually between lat. 35° and 60^ S., but as far north as the Equator in the Malay Archipelago. a. .\d. sk. South Atlantic Ocean, lat. 35° Earl of Crawford and 20' S., long. 9° 43' W. Balcarres [P.]. ■ b. S ad. sk. South Atlantic Ocean, lat. 35° Voj'. H.M.S. 'Eattle- S., long. Oi° E., Nov. 18, snake.' • 1852 (/. Macgillivray). ^ c. Ad. sk. South Atlantic Ocean, lat. 35° Sir G. Grey [P.]. r S., long. 6° 15' E. ' d. Ad. sk. Cape of Good Hope. Sir A. Smith [P.]. (Type of P. banksi.) '•-' €. S ad. sk. Cape Seas. Antarctic Exped. . .-- ■ f. Ad. sk. Coast of Queensland. Salvin-Godman Coll. g, h. Ad. st. & sk. Coast of Australia. Sir G. Grey [P.]. i. Ad. sk. New Hebrides. Salvin-Godman Coll. V j, k. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Sir G. Grey [P.]. I. Ad. sk. Auckland Is., Dec. 3, 1840. Dr.R.M'Cormick[P.]. ni. Ad. sk. , Auckland Is. Antarctic Exped. n. Ad. St. ; o. Ad. Antarctic Seas. Antarctic Exped. sk. , (Types of P. rossii, Grav.) >'p. Ad. sk. [South Seas.] Gould Coll. yq. Ad. sk. [South Seas.] Old Coll. r. Skeleton. Menado, Celebes, 3. Prion desolatus. Brown-banded Petrel, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. 2, p. 409 (1785). Procellaria desolata. Gin. Syst. Nat. i. p. 562 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. 13. PRION. 435 ii. p. 825 (1790) ; Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxv. p. 419 (1817) ; Kuhl, Beitr. p. 143 (1820) ; Gray, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 648 (1844) ; Swinh.P. Z. S. 1863, p. 330 (?). Procellaria turtur, Banks, Icon. ined. no. 15 ; Kuhl, Beitr. p. 143 (1820) ; Smith, III. Zool. S. Afr., Birds, pi. 54 (1840) ; Gray, List Anseres Brit. Miis. p. 105 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 648 (1844) ; Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. ProceU. p. 17 (1863) ; Layard, Birds S. Afr. p. 361 (1867). Procellaria fasciata, Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. 79 (1823) ; ? Gray, Cat. Birds Trop. Is. Pac. p. 56 (1859). Daptiou desolatum, Stejoh. in Shmd's Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 244 (1826). Prion turtur, Gould, Ann. ^- Mag. N. H. xiii. p. 366 (1844) ; id. Birds Austr. vii. pi. 54 (1844) ; id. Handb. Birds Ausfr. ii. p. 472 (1865) ; Reich. Av. Syst. Nat., Natatores, pi. 15. figs. 773-75 (1850) ; Bp. Compt. Rend. xiii. p. 768 (1856) ; id. Consp. Av. ii. p. 193 (1856) ; Peh. Reise Novara, Zool. i. Voq. p. 147 (1869) ; Hutton, Ibis, 1870, p. 396, 1872, p. 249 ; id. Cat. Birds N Zeal. p. 48 (1871) ; Gif/l. Faun. Vert.Oceano, p. 45 (1870) ; id. Viagq. '■Magenta'' (see index) (1875) ; Finsch, J. f. Orn. 1870, p. 373, 1874, p. 212 ; Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 108 (1871); SharjJe, Voy. ' Freb. ^- Terror,' Birds, App. p. 34, pi. 29 (1875) ; Salv. in Roxvley's Orn. Misc. i. p. 230 (1876) ; id. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 631 (1882) ; Hartl. Voy. Madag. p. 377 (1877) ; Buller, Birds N Zeal. p. 309 (1873) ; id. op. cit. ed. 2, ii. p. 209 (1888) ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xviii. p. 411 (1882) ; id. Orn. Pap. iii. p. 467 (1882) : Hamilton, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst, xviii. p. 128 (1886); Lucas, Auk, iv. p. 1 (1887) ; H. O. Forbes, Ibis, 1893, p. 542 ; Scl. Ibis, 1894, p. 498. P^strelata desolata, iJ/j. Compt. Rend. xiii. p. 768 (1850); Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 155. Pseudoprion turtur, Coues, Pr.Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 166, 172; Gurney, in Anderss. Birds Damara-L. p. 352 (1872). Pseudoprion desolatus, Coues S,- Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 2, p. 32 (1875) ; Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 3, p. 16 (1876). Pachyptila turtur, Cab. ^- Reichenow, J. f. Orn. 1876, p. 328. Prion desolatus, Salv. P. Z. S. 1878, p. '738; id. Voy. 'Chall.', Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 145 (1881); Sharpe, Phd. Trans, clxviii. p. 137 (1879) ; id. Layard' s Birds S. Afr. p. 769 (1884) ; Moseley, Notes Nat. 'ChalV p. 207 (1879) ; Saunders, P. Z. S. 1880, p. 165. Similar to P. vittatus and P. banlsi, but with a still smaller bill than the latter ; the sides of the maxilla are nearly straight, not convex, and the lamellse are not visible near the rictus when the bill is closed. Hab. Southern Seas, usually between lat. 35° and 60° S., but even as far south as the Ice Barrier, lat 66"" 30' S. a. cJ ad. sli. South Atlantic Ocean, lat. 35° Earl of Crawford and 20' S., long-. 9° 43' E., Sept. 10, Balcarres [P.]. b. S ad.; c. $ ad. South Atlantic Ocean, lat. 35° Gould Coll. sk. 19' S., long. 10°32'E. {J.G.). d. Ad. sk. Coast of Madagascar. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Southern Indian Ocean, lat. 36° Earl of Crawford and 57' S., long. 40= 41' E., Sept. 14. Balcarres [P.]. ' j-h. <5 ad. ; i,j. Betsy Cove, Kerguelen Land. Voy. H.M.S. ' ChaJ- 2 ad. sk. lenger.' '^. cJ? vix ad. sk. Roval Sound, Kerguelen Land Transit of Venus Exp. (Rev. A. E. Faton). 2f2 436 PUFFFNID^. /. 2 ad. sk. Ice Barrier, Feb. 14, 1874. Voy. H.M.S. ' Chal- lenger.' m. Ad. sk. Coast of Australia, lat. 40|° S., Voy. H.M.S. 'Eattle- 123i° E., June 19, 1847 (J. snake.' MacgilHvray). n. Skeleton. o-q. Skulls. 4. Prion arid. Prion ariel, Goidd, Ann. ^ Mag. N. H. xiii. p. 366 (1844) (descr, nulla) ; id. Handb. Birds Aicstr. ii. p. 473 (186.5) ; £p. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; Gigl. Fcmn. Vert. Oceano, p. 45 (1870) ; id. Viagg. ^ Magenta,^ p. 843; Finsch, J.f. O. 1870; p. 374 ; Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 108 (1871) ; Buller, Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 213 (1888). Prion brevirostris, Gould, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 88, pi. 93 ; Bp. Compt. Bend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; id. Cotisp. Av. ii. p. 194 (1856). Procellaria ariel, Gray, Ibis, 1862, p. 247 ; Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 18 (1863). Pseudoprion ariel, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 166, 172. Pseudoprion brevirostris, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 167, 172. Pachyptila ariel, Cab. ^ Reichenoiu, J.f. Orn. 1876, p. 328. Adult. Similar in colour to the other species of Prion but with a paler crown, hardly differing from the tint of the back; the spot below the eye also paler and less conspicuous ; the terminal dark band' of the tail wider : the bUl much narrower and more com- pressed, though the unguis is as large as those of the other species ; the sides of the mandible are nearly straight, and the lameUiB feebly developed and quite invisible when the bill is closed. Hab. Madeira (perhaps accidental), and the Southern Seas gene- raUy, between lat. 35° and 60= S. tx a. Ad. sk. Madeira. Gould CoU. (Type of P. brevirostris, Goxdd.) / b. Ad. s^ Cape of Good Hope. Sir Andrew Smith I c. Ad. sk. Christmas Harbour, Kergue- Antarctic Exped. len Land, July 1840. . _ f/. (J ad. St. Southern Indian Ocean, lat. - V/i^ . Vv,y^f/>(4c/ 40f ° S., long. 123i° E. - - - r- Ad. sk. Bass's Strait, April 16, 1839. J. Gould. (One of the types of P. ariel.) •^ /. Ad. sk. Australia. Purchased. ^^ y, h. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Salvin-Godman Coll. .' (^, i. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Colonial Museum. j. Ad. sk. Pott's Island, New Zealand, Colonial Museum. Dec. 1871. / k. Ad. sk. Dunedin, New Zealand {F. W. Hume Coll. Huttori). I. Ad. St. Cook's Strait, New Zealand. Dr. Lyall [P.]. m. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Sii- Samuel Scott [P.]. n. Ad. sk. Chatham Is., Dec. 1872. Salvin-Godman Coll. 0. Ad. sk. W. coast of S. America. Salvin-Godman Coll. y. Type. PELECANOIDIDJE. 437 Family III. PELECANOIDID^. 1. PELECANOIDES. Pelecanoides, LacepMe, Mem. Vlnst. iii. p. 513 (1801) • Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1886, p. 188; Forbes, Foy. Chad Zool. IV. pt. xi. p. 42 &c. (1882) ; Shufeldt, Pr. U.S Nat. Mus. X. p. 380 (1887) P urinatrix Haladroma, 7%. Prodr. p. 273 (1811) ; B/j. Consn. Av ii p^_200 (1856) . . . . . . / ^. . . ;. ; P. urinatrix. 1 umnuria, Less. foy. ' Coqutlle,' i. p. 729, pi 46 (1826) • id. Traite d^Orn. p. 614 a831) .....'.' P. urinatrix. Range. Southern Oceans. Key to the Sjjecies. a. Smaller (wing about 47 in.). a'. Throat, flanks, and under wing-coverts nearly ,, JP"''%^J^t«', ........ urinatrLv, p. 437. 0 . i iiroat, flanks, and under -wing-coverts more or less banded with grey e.rsul, p. 438. i. Larger (wing about 57 in.) ffarnoti, p. 439. 1. Pelecanoides urinatrix. Diving Petrel, Forster, Voy. i. p. 189 ; Lath. Gen. Sun. iii. pt. 2 p. 413 (1785) ; id. Gen. Hist. Birds, x. p. 194 (1824) Procellaria urinatrix, Gm. Si/st. Nat. i. p. 560 (1788) ; Lath. Lnd. Orn 11. p. 827 (1790) ; Vieill. N. Diet. d^Hist. Nat. xxv. p. 420 (1817) • Id. Enc. Meth. p. 76 (1823) ; id. Gal. Ois. ii. p. 231 (1825) KuM, Bettr. p. 145 (1820). v / > > Pelecanoides urinatrix, Lacip. Mem. VInst. iii. p. 517 (1801) • Gray List Anseres Brit. Mus. p. 158 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii.' p. 646 Ip-,"^^' ol^'^^; '/'■'^- '^' ^''■'•' ^- ^"■^*' P- 17 (1846) ; id. Ibis, o.vP;.^-,^'^' ''^- ^^>'^-'- "i- P- 103 (1871); Jerd. Birds lnd. iii. ?o^F <^^?-'^)'" ^''"^*' ^'■- ^'^- ^'''"■^- 1866, p. 190; Button, Ibis, 1869, p. 3o2, 1874, p. 41: Buller, Birds N. Zeal. p. 313 (1873) • i- "i'- «^- ed. 2, ii. p. 207 a888) ; id. Ibis, 1874, p. lid-, HmnJ, ^^■ayF.vm. p. 115 (1879) ; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 12 ; Oates, I'Ao Vi^o'f* ^">'"'"> "• P- 440 (1883) ; Coppinger, Cruise 'Alert,' p. 106 (1883) ; H. O. Porhes, Ibis, 1893, p. 541. Haladroma urinatrix, /%. Prodr. p. 274 (1811); Steph. in Shaw's Gen Zool. xiii. p. 257 (1826); Reich. Av. Si/st. Nat., Natatores, pi. 14. figs. /62-3 (1850) ; Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 769 (1856) ; /Vo?of^- ^'"- "• P- -°^ (l'^'^*^) ; '^''^'^- ^^««- P-B; vi. Procell. p. 37 (1863); Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 483 (1865); Sutton, Cat Birds N. Zeal. p. 44 (1871) ; id. Ibis, 1872, p. 248 ; Finsch, Lc 'c- ^^^^' P- ^^^' ''^- °P- "■'• 1874, p. 210; «W. Ibis, 1888, p. ti09 ; Sandarjer, Trans. N. 7.. Inst. xxii. p. 289 (1889). Procellarine b6rard, Quoy ^- Gaimard, Voy. Uranie, Zool. p. 135 (1824) Haladroma berardi, Teynm. Pi. Col. 517 (1831) ; Schinz, Nature/' Vog ^.AQl, pi. 136 (1832); Reich. Av. S„st. Nat., Natatores, p. U. fig. /64 (1850) ; Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 769 (1856) ; id Consp. Av. ii. p. 206 (1856) ; Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 38 (1863); Hutton, Ibis, 1872, p. 248; Scl. S,- Salv. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 149 (1873) ; Finsch, J.f. Orn. 1874, p. 210. 438 PELECANOIDID^. Pelecanoides berardi, Gould, Voy. ^Bemjle', ii. Birds, p. 138 (1841) ; id. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 98; Graij, List Anseres Brit. Mus. p. 158 (1844); id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 646 (1844) ; id. Kand-l. iii. p. 102 (1871) ; Sd. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 390 ; Abbott, Ibis, 1861, p. 164 ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 190 ; Buller, Birds N. Zeal. p. 314 (1873) ; id. op. cit. ed. 2, ii. p. 208 (1888) ; H. O. Forbes, Ibis, 1893, p. 542. ProceLlaria tridactyla, Forst. Descr. Anim. p. 149 (1844) ; Ellman, Zool. 1861, p. 7473. Puffinuria luinatrix, Gould, Birds Austr. vii. pi. 60(1844) ; Layard, Ibis, 1867, p. 460. Adult. Upper surface shining black, the inner scapulars grey on the inner webs and edged with white ; under surface white, sides of the neck greyish ; flanks nearly pure white ; under wing-coverts white ; axillaries dusky grey : bill black, tarsi black (skin). Total length about 8 inches, wing 4-7, tail 1-4, bill 0-9, tarsus 1, middle and outer toes 1*2, inner toe 1. Hub. Australian and Xew Zealand Seas ; also those of Cape Horn and the Falkland Islands. a. Ad. sk. Falkland Is. {Falkland I. Co.). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. d; c. 2 ad.sk. Falkland Is. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Falkland Is. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Falkland Is. Sharpe Coll. /, ff. Ad. sk. Straits of Magellan. Antarctic Exped. h. 2 ad. sk. Cockle Cove, Straits of Magel- Voy. H.M.S. 'Alert.' Ian, Oct. 16, 1879 (Br. Cop- jjinyer). i. 2 ad. sk. "\^''oods liay, Straits of Magel- Salvin-Godman Coll. Ian, AprU 19, 1869 {Dr. Cun- ninffhatn). j. $ ad. sk. AntonioIs.,Straits of Magellan, Voy. H.M.S. 'Alert.' Feb. 17, 1879 {Dr. Copiyinyer). k. Jad. ; I. 2 ad. Cove Harbour, Messier Channel, Voy. H.M.S. ' Chal- sk. Straits of Magellan. lenger.' m. Juv. sk. Stewart's I., New Zealand {F. Hume Coll. W. Sutton), n. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Sir G. Grey [P.]. o. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Salvin-Godman CoU. 2^. Ad. sk. Auckland Is. Antarctic Exped. q. Pull. St. Aucklaud Is. Antarctic Exped. r. Juv. sk. ? Gould Coll. (Type of Haladroma tenuirosiris, Eyton.) 2. Pelecanoides exsul. Pelecanoides lU'inatrix, Coties >.y Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mtcs. no. 2, p. 36 (1875) ; Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 3, p. 17 (1876) ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 739 ; id. Toy. 'Chall.,'' Zool. iii. pt. viii. p. 146 (1888); Moseley, Notes Nat. 'C/xdl.' pp. 129,171, 208 (1879); Sharpe, Phil. Trans, clxviii. p. 114 (1879). Halodroma urinatrix, Cab. Sf Reich. J.f. Orn. 1876, p. 328. Adult. Similar to P. urinatricc, but the feathers of the sides and middle of the throat with a distinct subterminal grey bar ; flanks mottled with grey, each feather with a grey shaft; under wing- coverts also grey, with white edges and dark shafts. Sexes alike. 1. PELECANOIDES. 439 Hal). Southern Indian Ocean, from the Crozette Islands to Ker- guelen Land. a. Ad. sk. Crozette Is. b. Ad. sk. Crozette Is. {E. L. Layard). c. Ad. sk. At sea off Kerguelen Land, May 1840. d. c? ; e. $ ad. sk. Kerguelen Land. f. Ad. sk. Kerguelen Land. ff. Ad. sk. Christmas Harbour, Kergue- len Land. Cliristmas Harb., June 8, 1840. Christmas Harbour. Shelley Coll. H. Saunders, Esq. [P,]. Antarctic Exped. Antarctic Exped. Antarctic Exped. Antarctic Exped. h. Ad. sk. i,j. (S ad. ; k, I. ad. sk. m. Pull. sk. n, 0. (5 ad. sk. p. (S ad. ; q. 2 ad. sk. r. Ad. sk. 5. Ad. St. t, u. Skeletons. V. Sternum. 10. Skull. Christmas Harbour. Betsy Cove, Kerguelen Land, Jan. 1874. Observatory Bay, Kerguelen Land (A. E. JEaton). New Zealand. Auckland Is. Dr.R.McCormick [P.]. Voy. H.M.S. 'Chal- lenger.' Voy. H.M.S. 'Chal- lenger.' Voy. H.M.S. 'Chal- lenger.' Transit of Venus Exp. Colonial Museum. Lt. A. Smith [P.]. 3. Pelecanoides garnoti. Puffinuria garnoti, Less. Voy. Coquille, i. pt. 2, p. 730, pi. 46 (1826) ; id. Man. Oni. ii. p. 394 ('l828) ; id. Traite d'Orn. p. 730 (1831) ; Peale, U.S. Kipl. E.rjy. viii. p. .338 (1848). Pelecanoides garnoti, Gould, Voy. ^Beayle,' ii. Birds, p. 139 (1841) ; Gray, Lkt Anseres Brit. Mt(s. p. 1.58 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 646 (1844) ; id. Hand-l. iii. p. 102 (1871) ; Tsch. Arch. f. Naturg. 1844, i. p. 315 ; Coue.^, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 190 ; Sharpe, Phil. Trans, clxviii. p. 15 (1879) ; iialv. Cat. StricM. Coll. p. 631 (1882) ; id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 739 ; id. op. cit. 1883, p. 432 ; id. Voy. 'ChalV, Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 146 (1881). Halodroma garnuti, Tsch. Faun. Per., Orn. p. 54 (1845) ; Reich. Av. Syst. Nat., Nafatores, pi. 14. fig. 761 (1850) ; Schl. Mus. P.-B., yi. Procell. p. 37 (1863) ; Scl. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 336 ; Scl. ^- Salt: Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 149 (1873) ; Tacz. Orn. Per. iii. p. 465 (1886). Adult. Similar to the preceding species but considerably larger ; entire under surface pure white ; flanks and axillaries dusky grey ; inner surface of the tarsi, middle and inner toes yellowish hazel : outer side of the tarsus and outer toes darker. Total length about 9-5 inches, -wing 5-7, tail 1-65, bill 1-2, tarsus 1-35, middle toe 1*4, outer toe a little shorter, inner toe 1*1. Sexes alike. Hah. West coast of South America, from Callao to Valparaiso. a. Ad. sk. b, c. Ad. St. d. S ad. : e. $ ad. sk. /. c?"ad. sk. g. Ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. i. Ad. sk. Valparaiso. Coast of Chili. Coquimbo Bar, Chili, Nov. 1881 (Capt. A. H. Markham). Callao, Peru, Sept. 14, 1871. Callao, Peru. [W. coast of S. America.] [W. coast of S. America.] Capt. Brett [P.]. T. Bridges [C.]. Salvin-Godman CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. 440 DIOMEDEID^. Family IV. DIOMEDEID^. Keij to the Qenera. ■a. Sides of the mandible without longitudinal sulcus ; tail short, rounded. a'. Base of the culminicorn wide, joining the {)roximal end of the dorsal edge of the atericorn 1. Diomedea, p. 440. b'. Base of the culminicorn narrower, divided hy membrane from the latericorn 2. Thalassogeron, h. Sides of the mandible with a deep longitudinal [p. 449. sulcus ; tail long, cuneate 3. Phcebetria, p. 453. 1. DIOMEDEA. ^ Type. Diomedea, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 214 (1766) ; Bjj. Consp. Av. ii. p. 184 (1855) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 175 ; Forbes, Voy. 'Chali:, Zool. iv. pt.xi. p. 42 &c. (1882) D. exulans. Phoebastria, Reich. Syst. Av. p. v (1852) D. albatrus. Thalassarche, Reich. Syst. Av. p. v (1852) D. melanophrys. Range. Southern Ocean and North Pacific Ocean, Key to the Species. a. Larger : bill very strong ; interscapidar region and middle of the back white. a! . Head white. a'. Upper back with narrow transverse dark lines ; wing-coverts dark slaty-black, the smaller coverts becoming nearly white towards the edge of the wing ; exposed portion of the primaries beneath black. Young brown, the face white exulans, p. 441. b" . Upper back without transverse dark lines ; longer scapulars very irregularly marked with dark grey ; wing-coverts dark grey, irregularly mottled towards the edge with white ; exposed portion of prima- ries beneath black. Young white, from the downy nestling regia, p. 443. c". Upper back without transverse dark bands, the scapulars alone faintly banded ; wing- coverts nearly white, the middle coverts only variegated with black ; exposed portion of the primaries beneath with a large white patch on the inner web .... chionoptera, p. 443. b'. Head buff albatrus, p. 444. h. Smaller ; bill more slender. c'. Interscapular region and middle of the back sooty-black or brown. d". Abdomen dark, closely freckled with white iri'orata, p. 445. e" . Abdomen sooty-brown nigripes, p. 445. /". Abdomen white immutabilis, p. 446. 1. DIOMEDEA. 441 d'. Iiitersciipular region and middle of the back slaty-black. y". Bill yellowish horn-colour melanophrys, p. 447. h". Bill, culmen, and lower edge of the man- dible yellowish horn-coloiir ; sides of the bill slaty bulleri, p. 448. 1. Diomedea exulans. The Man of War Bird, Albin, Birds, iii. p. 76, pi. 81 (1740) ; Edw. Nat. Hist. Birds, ii. p. 88, pi. 88 (1747). Brown or Chocolate Albatros, Cook, Itin. pp. 116, 1.50; Forst. Itin. i. p. 258. L'Albatros, Brtss. Orn. \i. p. 126 (17G0) ; Bvf. Hist. Nat. Ois. x. p. 173(1786). L'Albatros du Cap de Bonne Esperance, UAiih. PI. Enl. 237. Wandering- Albatros, Pew??. Arctic Zool. ii. p. .506 (1785) ; Lath. Gen. Sijn. iii. pt. i. p. 304 (1785) ; id. Gen. Hist. Birds, x. p. 48 (1824). Chocolate Albatros, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt. i. p. 308 (1785) ; id. Gen. Hist. Birds, x. p. 52 (1824). Diomedea exulans, Linn. Si/st. Nat. i. p. 214 (1766) ; Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 566 ; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 789 ; Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. i. p. 287 (1816) ; id. Gal. Ois. ii. p. 234, pi. 293 (1825) ; Stejjk. in Shaiv's Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 2.59, pi. 30 (1826) ; Schinz, Nature/. Vog. p. 394, pi. 135 (1832) ; F. D. Bennett, P. Z. S. 1833, p. 78; G. Bennett, P. Z. S. 1834, p. 151 ; Nutt. Man. Water-Birds, p. 340 (1834) ; Viffors, Voy. 'Blossom,' Zool. p. .39 (1839) ; Gray, List Anseres Brit. Mus. p. 166 (1844) ; id. Gen. Birds, iii. p. 650 (1844) ; id. Voy. 'Ereb. ^- Terr: i. Birds, p. 18 (1846) ; id. Birds Trap. Is. Pac. p. 57 (1859) ; id. Ibis, 1862, p. 247 ; id. Hand-l. iii. p. 109 (1871) ; Gotdd, Birds Austr. vii. pi. .38 (1844) ; id. Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 427 (1865) ; Sundev. Srensk. Foyl. pi. Ixxxi. fig. 2 ; Peale, U.S. Eipl. Erp. viii. p. .337 (1848) ; Peich. Si/st. Av., Natafores, pi. 27. fig. 2616, pi. 29. figs. 801, 802 (18.50) ; Kjairb. Orn. Dan. Siqjpl. pi. 71. fig. 3 (1851) ; Brehm, Natmi. 1855, p! 295 ; id. Voge/f. p. 355 ; Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 251 (1856) ; Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 184 (1855) ; id. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; Grill, Zool. Anteckn. pp. 12, 57 (18-58) : Blasius S,- Bald. Naum. Vd(/. Deutschl. xiii. pt. 2, p. 278 (1860) ; Laxor. Birds N. Am. p. 821 (1860); Bree, Birds Eur. iv. p. 115, pi.— (186.3); Layard, Ibis, 1862, p. 97, 1863, p. 248, 1867, p. 460 ; id. Birds S. Afr. p. 363 (1867) ; Schl. Mus. P.-B., vl Procell.p. 31 (1863) ; Hufton, Ibis, 1865, p. 278, 1867, p. 185, 1872, p. 248 ; id. Cat. Birds N. Zeal. p. 43 (1871) : Saunders, Ibis, 1866, p. 124 ; id. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 165 ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 175, 187 ; id. Auk, ii. p. .387 (1885) ; Dcgl. i,- Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 366 (18()7) ; Scl. ^ Salv. Ibis, 1869, p. 284; iid. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 148 (1873); Pelz. Eeise Novara, Zool. i. Toy. p. 147 (1869) ; Gifjl. Faun. Vert. Oceana, p. 49 (1870).; id. Viagg. 'Magenta ' (see index) (1875) ; Sperlijig, Ibis, 1872, p. 75 ; Gurney, in Anderss. Birds Damara-L. p. 355 (1872) ; Pelz. Ibis, 1873, pp. 61 , 123 ; Buller, Birds N. Zeal. p. 289 (1873) ; id. op. cit. ed. 2, ii. p. 189 (1888) (partim) ; id. Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. xxiv. p. 69 (1892) ; id. op. cit. xxv. p. 76 (1893) ; id. op. cit. xxvii. p. 121 (1895) ; Finsch, J.f. Orn. 1870, p. 375, 1874, p. 206 ; Sah. in Roioley's Orn. Misc. i. p. 237 (1876) ; id. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 6.32 (1882); Moseley, Notes Nat. Chall. pp. 1-34, 171, 180, 183, 254 (1879) ; Sharjte, Phil. Trans, clxviii. p. 45 (1879) (partim) ; id. in Layard s Birds S. Afr. p. 770 (1884); Ridrpc. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. iii. p. 238 (1881) ; id. Man. N. Amer. Birds, p. 51 (1887); Baird, Brew., ^- Ridgic. Water-Birds N. A^n. ii. p. 347 (1884) ; 442 BIOMEDEID^. Hamilton, Tr. N. Zeal. hist, xyiii. p. 128 (1886) ; Lucas, Auk, iv. p. 1 (1887) ; Chapm. Auk, iv. p. 394 (1887) ; Tacz. Orn. Per. iii. p. 461 (1886) ; Reischek, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. xxi. p. 126 (1889) ; Sa7iforcl, Zvol. 1889, p. 288 ; Cheeseman, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst, xxiii. p. 224 (1891) ; H. O. Forbes, Ibis, 1893, p. 641 ; G. E. Verrill, Trans. Connect. Ac. ix. p. 437 (1895). Diomedea spadacea, Gin. tiyst. Nat. i. p. 568 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 790 (1790) ; Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. ii. p. 287 (1816) ; Steph. in S/iatvs Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 261 (1826) ; Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 351 (1828) ; Grat/, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 650 (1844). Diomedea exliulans, Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 350 (1828). Diomedea epomophera, Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 351 (1828) ; £p, Consp. ii. p. 185 (]855). Diomedea albatros, Furst. Descr, Anim. p. 27 (1844) {nee Pall.). Diomedea adusta, Tsch. J. /. Orn. 1856, p. 157 ; Bj}. Consp. Av. ii. p. 185 (1855). Adult male. White, back from the base of the neck banded with narrow transverse undulating dark lines (usually four lines on the terminal fifth of each feather) ; scapulars more strongly banded, the bands becoming broken up, and their general direction more parallel with the margin of the feather, the tips of the longest feathers slaty- black ; wings slaty-black, the lesser wing-coverts more or less white on the inner webs, the white increasing towards the edge of the wing ; middle and greater coverts narrowly edged with white, the former towards the proximal end of the ulna becoming nearly white with a few transverse dark lines ; primaries black, the con- cealed portion of the shafts yellowish white ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, the concealed portion of the primaries also white, the exposed portion black with light-coloured shafts ; tail white, a few irregular dark marks on both webs near the tip : bill yellowish horn-colour, the base of the culmen and the mandible orange f legs and feet flesh-colour. Total length about 42 inches, wing (from carpal joint to the tip of the longest primary) 25'5, tail 8-3, bill from gape 7, from base of culmeu 6*7, tarsus 4-8, middle and outer toes 6*5, inner toe 5-8. (/. c? , New Zealand, Button; April 1875.) Young. Above dark brown, paler on the neck, with a dark patch on the crown and nape ; wings uniform darker brown ; forehead, sides of the head, and upper portion of the throat white ; under surface whitish, paler on the abdomen ; the flanks speckled ; the under tail-coverts brown ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white. {(J. New Zealand.) Hah. Southern Ocean, Cape Seas, South Atlantic and South Pacific Oceans to New Zealand. a. Imm. sk. South Indian Ocean, lat. 39° Earl of Crawford and 40 'S., long. 32° 19' E., Oct. 12. Balcarres [P.]. i. Ad. st. Southern Ocean. F. C. Sturgeon, Esq. [P.]. c. Imm. sk. S. Australia. Sir G. Grey [P.]. d. Imm. sk. N.W. Australia. Capt. Beckett [C.]. e. Imm. sk. N. S. Wales. Australian Mua. J. cf ad. sk. New Zealand, April {F. W. Hume Coll. Huttoti). g. Imm. sk. New Zealand. New Zealand Co. h. Vix ad. sk. South Atlantic Ocean, lat. 34° Earl of Crawford and S., long. 4° 29' E., Sept. 16. Balcarres [P.]. 1. DTOMEDEA. 44» Cape Seas. Cape Seas. Cape Seas. At sea, South Pacific Ocean, Nov. 11, 1875. Valparaiso. [Soutli Seas.] E. M. Laugworthy, Esq. [P.]. Capt.R.T.HarryCP.]. Old Collection. Voy. H.M.S. ' Chal- lenger.' Capt. Brett [P.]. Old Collection. i. Imm. sk. j. Ad. st. k. Imm. st. I. d juv. sk, m. Ad. sk. n. Ad.; o. Imm.s p. Skeleton. g-s. Skeletons. t-v. Skulls. 2. Diomedea regia. Diomedea exulans, duller, Birch N. Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 189 (partim) ; id. Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. xxii. p. 340 (1890) ; Reischek, Tr. N. Zed. Inst. xxi. p. 126 (1889). Diomedea regia, Btdler, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst, xxiii. p. 230 (1891) ; id. op. cit. xxiv. p. C8 (1892) ; id. op. cit. xxv. p. 76 (1893) ; id. op, cit. xxvii. p. 120 (1895). Adult. Similar to D. e.vidans, but with the upper back destitute of fine transverse dark lines, the scapulars alone being mottled irregu- larly with dark grey ; lesser wing-coverts mottled with grey ; tail pure white, without subterminal marks ; primaries dark beneath, without white on the inner webs on the exposed portion. Total length about 48 inches, wing25'o, tail 8-2, bill from gape 6-8, from culmeu 6*6, tarsus 4"8, middle and outer toes 6'1, inner toe 5"5. Young described as white, from the downy nestling. Bab. New Zealand Seas. a, b. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. Enderby I., Auckland Is., Nov. 30, 1840. New Zealand, April 24, 1894. Dr. II. McCormick [P.]. — SutcUffe, Esq. [P.]. 3. Diomedea chionoptera. Diomedea exulans, Reich. Si/st. Av., Natatores, pi. 26. fig. 344?; Coxies 4" Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 2, p. 19 (1875) ; Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. J/i«. no. 3, p. 11 (1876) ; Cab. S,- Reich. J.f. Orn. 1876, p. 328 ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 740 ; id. Voy. 'Chall.\ Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 147 (1881). Achdt male. Similar to D. e.vidans, but like D. regia destitute of fine transverse lines on the upper surface, the scapulars even being almost pure white ; lesser wing-coverts along the edge of the wing and the proximal middle coverts nearly pure white, the upper surface of the wing being much whiter than in either of the allied forms ; primaries beneath with the white of the base extending ou the inner web far beyond the margin of the concealed portion. Total length about 48 inches, wing from carpal joint 25-5, tail 8"3, bill from gape 7'3, from base of culmen 6"6, tarsus 5, middle and outer toes 6*7, inner too 6. (Kerguclen Land, Jan. 1874.) Hah. Southern Indian Ocean. a. Yix ad. sk. South Atlantic Ocean, lat. 34° S., long. 4° 29' E. b. Ad. sk. Marion L, Dec. 1873. c. cJ ad. sk. Kerguelen Land. d. (S ad. sk. Iverguelen Land, Jan. 1874. Earl of Crawford and Balcarres [P.]. Voy. II.M.S. ♦ Chal- lenger.' Antarctic Exped. Voy. H.M.S. ' Chal- lenMr.' 444 DIOMEDEIDiE. 4. Diomedea albatrus. Tohaiki, Steller, Hist. Camtsch. p. 1.54 (1774). Albatros de la Chine, D'Aub. PI. Enl. 96.3. Diomedea albatrus, Pall. Spic. Zool. v. p. 28(1780) ; id. Zoogr. Soss.- As. ii. p. 308 (1811); Swmk. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 422; Bavid. ^ Oust. Ois. Chine, p. 516 (1877) ; Baird, Brew., Sr Ridgiu. Wat£r- Birds N. Am. ii. p. 3-51 (1884) ; Turner, Auk, ii. p. 158 (1885) ; id. Confr. Nat. Hist. Alaska, p. 128 (1886) ; A. O. U. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 97 (1886) ; 8tejn. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mm. no. 29, pp. 89, 316 (1885) ; id. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. x. p. 125 (1887) ; Bverm. Auk, iii. p. 89 (1886) ; Blakiston, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. ix. p. 655 (1887) ; Eidffw. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 51 (1887) ; id. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 663 (1893) ; Toions. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiii. p. 142 (1890) ; Sceb. Ibis, 1890, p. 205 ; id. Birds Jap. Emp. p. 261 (1890) ; 7acs. Mem. Ac. Imp. St. Petersb. xxxix. p. 1068 (1893) ; Loomis, Pr. Cal. Ac. Sc. ser. 2, xxir. p. 216 (1895). Diomedea chinensis, Temm. Man. dCOrn. i. p. ex, ex D^Auh. PI. Enl. 963 (1820). Diomedea spadacea, var. /3, Lath. Gen. Hist. B. x. p. 52 (1824). Diomedea brachyura, Te7nm. PI. Col. livr. 79 (1829), et Pi. Col 554 (livr. 94, 1835) ; Peak, U.S. E.iyl. Exp. viii. pp. 290, 337 (1848) ; Gould, Birds Austr. vii. pi. 39 (1848) ; id. Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 433 (1865) ; Cassin, Birds Calif. 2, middle toe and claw 4'44-449, outer toe and claw 4.'}2-4'3o." (G. B:. Verrill, I. s. c.) Gough I., breeding. In the paper the bird is described in greater detail. VOL. XXV. 2 G 450 DIOMEDEID^. under surface, under wing-coverts, and axillaries white ; a greyish- black mark in front of the ej^e and extending over it, its edges not sharply defined, but passing into pale grey, which spreads over the face ; back, wings, and tail greyish brown, the interscapulary region ashy : bill (skin) pale horn-colour ; legs and feet yellow. According to Gould, the bill is " light vinous-grey or bluish horn-colour, except on the culmen, where it is more yellow, particularly at the base ; the mandible is surrounded at the base with a narrow belt of blacii, which also extends on each side of the culmen to the nostrils ; base of the mandible surrounded by a belt of rich orange, which extends to the corners of the mouth ; feet bluish white ; irides brown." Total length about 35 inches, wing 22, tail 9, biU from gape 6, tarsus 3"7, middle toe 5*7, inner toe 4'9. Hah. Coast of Tasmania. The single specimen in the Collection is of larger dimensions than either of those described by Gould and Ridgway. a. (S ad. sk. Coast of Tasmania. Gould Coll. (One of the types of the species.) 2. Thalassogeron salvini. Diomedea cauta, Bnller, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. vi. p. 217 (1878) (nee Gould) ; id. op. cit. xxiv. p. 67 (1892) ; id. op. cit. xxv. p. 76 (1893) ; id. Birds N. Zeal. ed. 2, ii. p. 203 (1888) ; Cheeseman, Tr. N. Zeal. hist. xxi. p. 125 (1889). Thalassogeron salvini, i?o^^«cA. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, i. p. Iviii (June 1893) ; id. Ibis, 1893, p. 572. Diomedea salvini, Bidler, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst, xxvii. p. 122 (1895). Adult. Similar to T. cautus, but the head, except the forehead and crown, greyer, the upper edge of the loral patch more clearly defined, and contrasting strongly with the white forehead and crown ; the bill much more slender, less elevated at the base, and of a leaden colour ; tarsi and toes shorter. Total length about 38 inches, wing from carpal joint 22, tail 8'6, bill from gape 5-9, from base of culmen 5-5, tarsus 3'6, middle toe 5-3, outer toe a trifle shorter, inner toe 4-5. (Mus. W. Rothschild.) Hah. New Zealand Seas. a. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Hon. W. Rothschild [P.]. (A typical specimen.) 3. Thalassogeron layardi. Allied to T. cautus and T, salvini. From the former it differs in its more slender bill, shorter tarsus, and smaller feet ; from the latter in its slightly smaller and narrower bill, shorter tarsus and toes, and also its much whiter head and neck. Total length about 39 inches, wing 22, tail 8-5, bill from gape 6, from base of culmen 5-4, tarsus 3'5, middle toe 5'04, outer toe a trifle shorter, inner toe 4"4, Hah. Cape Seas. a. Ad. sk. Cape Seas (E. L. Layard). Shelley Coll. (Type of species.) '2. THALASSOGEUON. 451 4. Thalassogeron culminatus. Diomedea cliLirorlivuehos (tiec Gni.), Andtib. Orn. Biogr. v. p. 326 (Ls;5U) ; id. lilnh' Am. 8vo ed. vii. p. 196 (1844) ; Lawr. Birds A. A)H. p. 8-2-2 (18()0). Diomedea culminata, Gould, Ann. ^- Mag. N. H. xiii. p. 361 (1844) ; id. Birds Austr. vii. pi. 41 (1848) ; id. Ilandh. Birds Ausir. ii. p. 436 (1865) ; Gray, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 6.W, pi. 179 (1844) ; id. Hand-l. iii. p. 109" (1871); Peale, U.^. E.vpl. Exp. viii. p. 3:i7 (1848); Reich. A v. Si/st., Katatores, pi. 28. fig. 796 (18.50); Bp. Consp. Av. ii. p. 185 (1855); id. Vompt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; ^c/(/. Miis. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 35 (1863) ; Coues, Br. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 18.}, 188 ; Laijnrd, Birds S. Afr. p. 364 (1867) ; Button, Cat. Birds N. Zeal. p. 44 (1871) ; Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1872, p. 270 ; Cab. ^- Reich. J. f. Orn. 1876, p. 328 ; Moselei/, Nutes Nat. ' CkalV -p^^. 129, 183 (1879) ; Sharjx, Phil. 1 runs, clxviii. p. 147 (1879) ; id. ed. Lagard's Birds S. Afr. p. 773 (1884) ; Salv. Voy. ' ChalW Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 149 (1881) : Ridc/w. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mas. iii. p. 230 (]8-(l) ; A. 0. U. Check-l. N. Am. Birds, p. 98 (1886) ; Lucas, Auk, iv. p. 3 (1887) ; Buller, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. xxiv. p. 68(1892). Tlialassai'clie culminata, Gii/l. Faun. Vert. Oceana, p. 59 (1870) ; id. Viang. ' Marh. Orn. Dan. pi. 7. f. 4 (1851) ; Brehvi, Nauin. 1855, p. 295 ; Bj). Consp. Av. ii. p. 185 (1855) ; id. Compt. Bend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; Lai/ard, Ibis, 1862, pp. 97, 254, 18G9, p. 377 ; id. Birds S. Afr. p. 364 (1867) : Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 35 (1863) ; D. Walker, P. Z. S. 1863, pp. 378, 379 ; Bree, Birds Bur. iv. p. 123 (1863) ; Verr. in Vinson's Voy. Madag., Annexe B, p. 4 (1865) ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 184, 188 ; Degl. ^- Gerbe, Orn. Eur.n. p. 368 (1867) ; Pollen ^ Van Dam, Faun. Madag. ii. p. 145 (1868) ; Pelz. Beise Novara, Zool. i. Viig. p. 149 ( 1 869) ; FAliot, Birds N. Am. ii. pi. 58 (1867) ; Hnsch, J. f. Orn. 1870, p. 375 ; Button, Cat. Birds N. Zeal. p. 44 (1871) ; Buller, Birds N. Zeal. p. 294 (1873) ; id. op. cit. ed. 2, ii. p. 202 (1888); Cab. ^- Reichenoiv, J. f. Orn. 1876, p. 328; Salvin in Roivley's Orn. Misc. i. p. 238 (187G) ; JIartl. Vog. Madag. p. 378 (1877); Saund. P. Z.S. 1880, p. 165; Milne-Edw. ^ Grand. Hi.ot. Madag., Ois. p. 608 (1881); Skarpe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Afr. p. 772 (1884) ; Finsck, Ibis,' IS88, p. 309. Diomedea chrysostoma, Forst. Descr. A^iim. p. 24 (1844). Diomedea olivaceorhyncha, Gould, Ann. S)- Mag. N. H. xiii. p. 361 (184^) ; Gray, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 650 (1844). Diomedea olivaceirostris, Bp. Consp). Av. ii. p. 185 (1855); Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, pp. 186, 188. Diomedea profuga, Solander, MS. ; Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 109 (1871) ; Salv. in Rowley's Orn. Misc. i. p. 238 (1876). Thalassarche clilororliyncluis, Gigl. Faun. Vert. Oceana, p. 59 (1870) ; id. Viagg. ' Magenta^ pp. 106. 725 (1875). Thalassogeron chlororLynclius, Ridgw. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 53 (1887). Adult. Upper surface dark sooty-brown, the wings and scapulars a little darker, the middle of the back tinged with grey ; rump and whole under surface white ; the head and neck white slightly tinged with grey ; an indistinct dark grey mark in front of the eye ; tail dark grey, the shafts white, outer rectrix white next the shaft : bill black, culmen yellow, passing into blood-orauge at the tip, base of the mandible yellow, the tip also slightly yellow ; legs flesh- colour. Total length about 33 inches, wing 18-8, tail 77, bill 5-2, tarsus 3-1, middle toe 4-2, outer toe 4, inner toe 3-55. Hah. Southern Oceans. a. Ad. sk. Australia. Sir G. Grey [P.]. b. Ad. sk. Australia. Salvin-Godman Coll. c. d. Ad. sk. Soiithern Indian Ocean, lat. Earl of Crawford and 34° 25' S., Sept. 14, and Balcarres [P.]. lat. 29° 45' S., long. 57° 39' E., Oct. 24. e. (J ad. St. South Atlantic Ocean, lat. Voy. H.M.S. ' Rattle- 23° 47' S., long. 5° 10' W. snake.' {J. Macgillivray). f-h. Skulls. 3. PH(EBErRiA. 453 3. PHffiBETRIA. t, Phcebetria, Reich. Si/st. Av., Lomjxp. p. v (185:2) ; Cones, Fr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 186; Forbes, Toy. ClialL, Zool. iv. pt. xi. p. -42 &c. (^1882) ; Ridgw. Man. N. Am. Birds, p. 53 (1887) P. fuligiuosa. Diomedea (partim), Bjj. Consp. Av. ii. p. 184 (1855). Range. Southern Oceans. 1. Phcebetria fuliginosa. Albatro.s with a AVhite Eyebrow, Cook, Voy. i. p. 88. Sooty or Brown Albatros, Forster, Voy. i. p. 91 ; Lath. Gen. Syn. iii. pt^ 1, p. 309 (1785) ; id. Gen. Hist. Birds, x. p. 54 (1824), Great Black Petrel, Lath. Gen. Syn. ISuppl. ii. p. 333 (1802). Uiomedea fuliginosa, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 568 (1788) ; Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. iXat. i. p. 288 (1816) ; Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 351 (1828) ; Steph. in Shaivs Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 263 (1826) ; Temm. PI. Col. 469 (1829); Schinz, Naturg. Vog. p. 395, pi. 135 (1832); Vigors, Voy. ' Blossom,' Zool. p. 39 (1839) ; Grai/, Gen. Birds, iii. p. 650 (1844) ; id. List Anseres Brit. Mus. p. 166 (1844) ; id. Cat. B. Trop. Lsl. Pac. p. 57 (1859) ; id. Ibis, 1862, p. 247; id. FLand-l. iii. p. 109 (1871); Peale, U.S. Fupl. F.ip. viii. p. 337 (1848); Gould, Birds Austr. vii. pi. 44 (1848) ; id. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 98 ; Reich. Ar. Syst., Natatores, pi. 27 (1850); Bj). Consp. Av. ii. p. 186 (1855); id. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) ; Laicr. Birds N. Am. p. 823 (1800) ; Layard, Ibis, 1862, p. 95, 1863, p. 245, 1867, p. 458 : id. Birds S. Afr. p. 365 (1867) ; Schl. Mus. P.-B., vi. Procell. p. 35 (1863) ; D. Walker, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 378 ; Button, Ibis, I860, p. 284, 1867, p. 186; id. Cat. Birds N. Zeal. p. 44 (1871); Pelz. Reise Kovara, Zool i. Vog. p. 149 (1869) ; Finsch, J. f. Orn. 1870, p. 357; Coues, Keg N. Am. Birds, p. 326 (1872) ; Buller, Birds N. Zeal. p. 296 (1873) ; id. op. cit. ed. 2, ii. p. 205 (1888) ; id. Trans. K Zeal. Inst. xxiii. p. 40 (1891); id. op. cit. xxiv. pp. 68, 84 (1892) ; id. op. cit. XXV. p. 62 (1893) ; id. op. cit. xxvii. p. 121 (1895) ; Salv. in Rowley's Orn. Misc. i. p. 238 (1876) ; id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 740; id. Voy. * Chall.,' Zool. ii. pt. viii. p. 148 (1881); Cab. ^- Reichenow, J.f. Orn. 1876, p. 328; Kempen, Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. xiv. p. 104; Moseley, Notes Nat. 'Chall.' pp. 180, 183, 254 (1879) ; Sharpe, Phil. Trans, clxviii. p. 148 (1879) ; id. ed. Layard's Birds S. Afr. p. 773 (1884) ; Saund. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 165 ; id. Ibis, 1886, p. 124 ; Lucas, Auk, iv. p. •"! (1887); Cheeseman, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst, xxiii. p. 224 (1891) : Scl. Ibis, 1894, p. 498. Uiomedea spadacea, Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 391 (1828) ; cf. Sharpe, Phil. Trans. Diomedea fusca, Audub. Orn. Biogr. iv. p. 116 (1838) ; id. Birds N. Am. vii. p. 200, pi. 454 (1844) ; Bji. Comp. List, p. 63 (1838). Diomedea palpebrata, Forst. Descr. Anim. p. 55 (1844). Plicebetria fulifrinosa, i?e!c^. Syst . Av., Longip.-^.v (1852) ; Bp. Compt. Rend. xlii. p. 768 (1856) {Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 441 (1865) ; Cones, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866. pp. 186, 188 ; id. Key N. Am. Birds, p. 326 (1872) ; id. op. cit. ed. 2, p. 776 (1884) : id. Check-l. N. Ayn. Birds, p. 125 (1882) ; Gigl. Faun. Vert. Oceano, p. 60 (1870); id. J'iagq. 'Mac/enta' (see index) (1875) ; Coues 4' Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 2, p. 21 (1875); Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 8, p. 12 (1876); Ridgiv. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. iii. pp. 12, 454 DIOMEDEIDJC. 230 (1830) ; id. Man. N. Am. Birch, p. og (1887) ; Forbes, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 548 ; id. Vmf 'Chall.,' Zool. iv. pt. xi. p. 42 (1882) ; Scdv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 632 ( 1882) : Baird, Brew., Sf Ridgiv. Wuter- Birds N. Am. ii. p. 359 (1884) ; A. O. U. Check-l. N. .4wi. Birds, p. 98 (1886); Lucas, Atik, iv. ^. 3 {1887) ; Bidler, Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. XXV. p. 76 (1893). Diomedea fuliginosa, var cornicoides, Hutton, Ibis, 1867, pp. 186, 192. Diomedea antarctica, Solander MS., cf. Salv. in Sowley's Orn. Misc. i. p. 237 (1876). Adult. Plumage generally soot}', a little paler on the interscapular area and on the under surface, a white ring (broken in front) round the eye : bill black, the groove on the mandible in life orange ; feet dark hazel. Total length about 36 inches, wing 19*5 ; tail, central rectrices IQ-o, lateral rectrices 7 ; bill 4"5, tarsus 3, middle toe 4*5, outer toe a trifle shorter, inner toe 3"8. Hah. Southern Oceans. Individuals with a much greyer abdomen and back are not uncommon mingled with the ordinaiy form. Capt. Hutton has named them Diomedea fuUginosa var. cornicoides. If these birds can be traced to a definite breeding-place where they alone are found, it would be well to assign them specific rank. a. Ad. sk. S. Indian Ocean, lat. 37° 39' S., long. 29° 18' E., Oct. 10. b. c? ad. sk. S. Indian Ocean, lat. 38° S., long. 30° E., April 15, 1847 {J. Mncyillivray). c. Ad. sk. South Seas. d. Ad. St. South Seas. e. Ad. sk. South Seas. /. Ad. sk. Christmas Harbour, Kergue- len Land, May 25, 1840. g. 2 ad. sk. Royal Sound, Kerguelen Land. h. Ad. sk. Kerguelen Land. i. (S ad. sk. Ice Barrier, Feb. 10, 1874. j. Ad. St. Coast of Australia. A-. Ad. St. Coast of A ustralia. /. Ad. sk. Coast of S. Australia. m, n. Ad. sk. Coast of S. Australia, o. Ad. sk. New Zealand. p. Ad. sk. Antipodes I. {Sir P. A. Buck- ley), q. Ad. sk. South Pacific Ocean. r-v. 5 skulls. Earl of Crawford and Balcarres [P.]. Voy. H.M.S. 'Rattle- snake.' Antarctic Exped. Purchased. J. C. Sturgeon, Esq. [P.]. Dr. R. McCormick [P.]. Capt. Inglis. Chal- • Chal- Voy. H.M.S. lenger.' Voy. H.M.S. lencfer.' Old Coll. Sir G. Grey [P.]. Purchased. Sir G. Grey [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Countess of Galloway [P.]. Hume CoU. 455 APPENDIX TO TUBINARES. Coutaining references to doubtful species which have not yet been identified. Procellaria brasiliana, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 564. — Probably not a Petrel. Procellaria melanopus, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 5G2. — Supposed by some writers to belong to (Estrelata mollis (Gould), but this identification is very questionable. Procellaria gelida, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 564. — Perhaps the same as Priojinus cinereus (Gm.). Tlialassidroma fasciolata, Tsch. J. f. Orn. 1856, p. 180. Thalassidroma dubia, Tsch. J. f. Orn. 1856, p. 190. Puffinus bicolor, Tsch. J. f. Orn. 1856, p. 187. Procellaria nigra, Tsch. J. f. Orn. 1856, p. 190. Procellaria luguhris, Tsch. J. f. Orn. 1856, p. 185. Procellaria maculata, Tsch. J. f. Orn. 1856, p. 185. Diomedea gibbosa, Gould, Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1844, xiii. p. 361. Diomedea leptorhijncha, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 178. ADDENDA. j^^^ . Page 6. Hydrochelidon leucoptera g". Ad. sk. Wady Haifa. r"-t". 5 iuv.sk. Lake Sherwa, Nvasa-land, Feb. 1894 (A. llhijte). Sur^.-Major Penton r.p.]- , H. H. Johnston, Esq., C.E. [P.]. u"-y". 6 2 ad. Amur Bay, May. H. Seebohm, Esq. [P.]. et vix ad. sk. a". 2 juv. sk. Amur Bay, Aug. 24. H. Seebohm, Esq. [P.]. fl% 6'. $ ad. sk. Persian Gulf, May. W. D. Gumming, Esq. [C.]. Add:— Page 10. Hydrochelidon hybrida. »»'. $ imra. sk. Calcutta, Dec. Hume Coll. 0*. Imni. sk. Calcutta. Col. H. H. Godwin- Austen Coll. jy". Juv. sk. Sylhet. Col. H. H. Godwin- Austen Coll. q''. Sternum $ . Calcutta, Dec. Hume Coll. Add:— Page 25. Gelochelidon anglica. 0*. Imm. sk. Aden. Col. Yerbury [P.]. Add:— Page 37. Seena aurantia. /*. 2 ad. sk. Sadia, Dec. SO. Col. H. H. Godwin- Austen Coll. /, Ad. sk. Sylhet. Col. H. H. Godwin- Austen Coll. h\ Ad. sk. Garo. Col. H. H. Godwin - Austen Coll. i\ Ad. sk. Miri. Col. H. H. Godwin- Austen Coll. Td^. S imm- sk. Manipur. Col. H. H. Godwin- Austen Coll. Add:— Page 43. Sterna melanogaster. r"-t". Ad. sk. Brahmaputra, Dec, Jan. Col. H. H. Godwin- Austen Coll. ^^^ . Page 51. Sterna vittata. Hah. (p. 52). Bounty la., to S.E. of New Zealand {W. Rothschild, Bull, Br. Orn. Club, no. xxvii. p. xxxvii, May 31st, 1895). ADDKNDA. 457 A(]j . Page 54. Sterna fluviatilis. Sterna fluviatilis tibetana, Bcrezoicski ^- Bianchi, A v. Exped. Pota- nin. prov. Gan-su, p. 1 (l8'Jlj. to'-z', «". S 2 Great Piton I., 20th-23rd Messrs. Baring & Grant ad. sk. April, 1895. [C.]. 6'°, c'". d' 2ad. Great Salvage I., 29th Messrs. Baring & Grant sk. April, 189.1. [C.]. d'%e">. Ad.sk. Fao, Persian Gulf, April, W. D. Gumming, Esq. May. [C.]. j^(j(j . Page 67. Sterna longipennis. Sterna fluviatilis longipennis, Berezowski ^- Bianchi, Av. B.iped. Potanin. prov. Gan-su, p. 1 (1891). y, z-a. d $ ad. Amur Bay, April 19, 1894. H. Seebohm, Esq. [P.]. sk. ^(]^ . Page 97. Sterna frontalis. ar, y. Ad. et imm. sk. New Zealand. Sir Samuel Scott [P.]. ^(j^. Page 101. Sterna anasstheta. /*. (5 imm. sk. St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles, Salvin-Godman Coll. June 27 {W. D. Smith). ^j(j . Page 106. Sterna fuliginosa. c*, stheta (Sterna), 43, 101. 103,457. anssthetica (Sterna), 103. aniesthetus (Hydrocheli- don), 103. ana?sthetus (Melano- sterna"), 102. aniesthetus (Onycho- prion), 102. andersonii (Gavia), 235. andersonii (Gelastes), 235. andersonii (Larus), 238. aneiteumensis (Ful- mnrus), 408. anglica (Diomedea), 341. anglica (Geloohelidon), 25, 27, 28, 456. anglica (Laropis), 27. anglica (Sterna), 25, 28. anglica (Viralva), 27. anglicus (Thalasseus), 27. anglorum (Cymotomus), 378. anglorum (Nectris), 376. anglorum (Procellaria), 377. anglorum (Puffinus), 368, 369, 377, 379. anglorum (Thalassi- droma), 378. 460 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. anjinho (Fiilmarus), 421. anjiiiho (Procellaria), 420. anostbstus (Ilydrocheli- don), 103. Anou8, 5, 13(i. autarctica (Aeipetes),392. aiitaretica (Oataracta), 320. antarctica (Diomedea), 454. antarctica (Hydrocheli- don), 49. antarctica (Lestris), 318, 319. antarctica (Megalestris), 314, 319, 320. antarctica (Priocella), 392. antarctica (Procellaria), 392. antarctica (Sterna), 48, 53, 102. antarctica (Sterntila), 49. antarctica (ThalasscEca), 392. antarcticum (Daption), 392, antarcticus (Buphagus), 320. antarcticus (Fulmarus), 392, 393. antarcticus (Lestris), 247. antarcticus, var. chilensis (Lestris), 318. antarcticus(Stercorarius), 318, 319, 321. antillarum (Sterna), 43, 122, 125. antillaruui (Sternula), 122. antipodum (Clupeilarus), 247. antipodum (Larus), 247. antipodus (Dominicanus), 247. antipodus (Larus), 246. arabica (Sterna), 87. arabicus (Laru.s), 231. aranea (Gelochelidon), 27. aranea (Ilydroprogne), aranea (Sterna), 27, 32, aranea (Viralva), 28. Arctic Gull, 327. Arctic Tern, 62, 64. arctica (Sterna), 63. arcticus (Larus), 296. arcticua (Leucus), 296. arclicus (Puffiuus), 378. Ardenna, 368, argentacea (Sterna), 64. argentaceus (Laroides), 263. argentaceus (Larus), 262. argentata (Einalia), 263. argentata (Sterna), 64. argentatoides (Glaucus), 263. argentatoides (Laroides), 263. argentatoides (Larus), 262, 267, 273, argentatus (Qlaucus), 263. argentatus (Laroides), 262, 263, 268. argentatus (Larus), 169, 170, 172, 252, 257, 258, 260, 263, 267, 2(?9, 270. 271, 295, 458. argentatus, var. cachin- nans (Larus), 270. argentatus, var. occiden- talis (Larus), 257. argentatus, var. vega (Larus), 270. argentatus smithsoni- anus (Larus), 263, 264. argentea (Sterna), 122, 124. argentea (Sternula), 125. argenteus (Laroides), 263. argenteus (Larus), 262. ariel (Pachyptila), 4.36. ariel (Prion), 432, 436. ariel (Procellaria), 436. ariel (Pseudoprion), 436. arminjoniana (jEstre- lata), 413, asiaticus (Stercorarius), 331,333. assimilis (Laroides), 252. assimilis (PufFinus), 370, 383. astrolabx (Pbaetusa), 97. aterrima (QSstrelata), 398, 401, aterrima (Procellaria), 401. aterrima (Pterodroma), 401. atlantica (QJstrelata), 400. atlantica (Procellaria), 399. atlantica (Pterodroma), 400. atlanticus (Fulmarus), 400. Atricilla, 169, atricilla (Chrcecoce- phalus), 19(5, atricilla (Chroicoce- phalus), 192, 195. atricilla (Gavia), 195. atricilla (Larus), 34, 169, 170, 181, 183, 191, 194, 209, 271. atricilla (Xema), 195. atricilloides (Larus), 174. atripes (Sterna), 97. atrofasciata (Sterna), 64. atrofuscus (A nous), 146. audouinii (Gavia), 272. audouini (Gavina), 272. audouini (Glaucus), 272. audouini (Laroides), 272. audouini (Larus), 169, 172, 271, 280, auduboni (PufHnus), 383. aurantia(Hydroceeropis), 38. aurantia (Potamocheli- don), 37, 38. aurantia (Seena), 37, 38, 456. aurantia (Sterna), 37, aurantia (Sylochelidon), 37. auricularis (PulSnus), 369, 380. australis (Planetis), 50. australis (Prion), 433. australis (Sterna), .50, australis (Sternula), 122. axillaris (CEstrelata), 399, 418. azarie (Dominicanus), 247. azarae (Larus), 247. bailloni (Puffinus), 384. bailloni (Sternula), 122. balsenarum (Sterna), 43, 111, 120, 121, balsenarum (Sternula), 111. balthica (Gelocbelidon), 27. balthica (Sylochelidon), S4, banksi (Pachyptila), 434. banksi (Prion), 432, 434, 435. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 461 banksi (Procellaria), 434. baiiksi (Pseudopriou), 434. baroli (Puffimis), 379. barrovianus (Lainis), 292. bathyrhynclius (Gabi- anus), 298. bathyrhynclius (Lams), 298. Bec-en-ciseaux, 153. belfheri (Adelanis), 22(i. beleheri (Blasipus), 222, 22."i beleheri (Larus), 171, 226, 225, 228. bengaleiisis (Thalasseus), 87. bengalensis (Sterna), 87. beuickenii (Lestris), 331. benickii (Lestris), 330. berard, Procellarine, 437. berardi (Haladroma), 437. berardi (Pelecanoides), 438. bergeri (Sterna), 92. bergii (Pelecanopus), 91. bergii (Sterna), 40, 42, 81, 89, 97. bergii (Sylochelidon), 91. bergii (Thalasseus), 92. bernsteini (Sterna), 42, 9(1 bernsteini (Thalasseus), 96. bicolor (Larus), 54. bicolor (PufEnus), 455. bicuspis (Sterna), 72. Blacipus. 169. Black backed Gull, 245. Black- headed Gull, 209. 243. Black Skimmer, 154, 1.56. Black Tern, 17. 18. Black-toed Gull, 327. blasii (Sterna), 67. Blasipus, 169. boji (Lestris), 330. bonapartii (Chroico- cephalus), 186. bonapartii (Gavia), 185. bonapartii (Larus), 185, 189. bonapartii (Xema), 185. borealis (Glaucus), 270. borealia (Laroides), 270. borealis ( Larus), 225, 2i)9, 270. borealis (Procellaria), 426. borealis (PulTmus), 375. borealis (Rhynchops), 1.54. borealis (Rissa), 3(J8. Bourgmestre, 292. boysii (Sterna), 18, 75, 77. brae hyp us (Hydroce- cropis), 64. brachypus (Sterna), 64. brachyrhyncha (Ris.sa), 312. brachyrhvnchus (Larus), 173,283,308,312,313. brachyrhynchus (Le.stris), 337. brachytarsa (Pagophila), 303. brachytarsa (Sterna), 64. brachytarsus (Larus), 303. brachyura (Diomedea), 444, 445. brasiliana (Procellaria), 455. brehmi (Larus), 231. brevicauda (Nectris), 389. brevieaudatus (Puffinus), 389. brevicaudus (Priofinus), 389. brevicaudus (PufEnus), 388. brevipes (OEstrelata), 398, 408. brevipes (Procellaria), 408. brevirostris (Larus). 312. brevirostris (OEstrelata), 398, 409, 410. brevirostris (Prion), 436. brevirostris (Procellaria), 409. brevirostris (Pseudo- prion), 436. brevirostris (Rissa), 305, 312, 313. brevirostris (Rhynchops), 1.56. brevirostris (Sterna), 23, 37. breviunguis (Sterna), 49. bridgesi (Blasipus), 224. bridgesi (Larus), 224. Brown Gull, 209, 327. Brown-headed Gull, 207. 209. Brown Tern, 106. bruchi (Larus), 274. Bruchigavia, 170. brunneiceplialus (Chroi- cooephalus), 211, 216. brunueicephalus (Larus), 171, 215, 126, 211, 217,4.58. brvuineicephalus (Xema), 216. bruunicephala (Gavia), 21(i. brunniceps (Ohroico- cephalus), 216. brunnichii (Rissa), 307. buftbnii (Lestris), 335. bufToni (Stercorarius), 335. Buffon's Skua, 336. bulleri (Diomedea), 441, 448. bulleri (Larus), 171, 233, 234. bulleri (Puffinus), 369. 371. buUocki (Procellaria), 348. bulweri (Bulweria), 420. bulweri (Fuhuarus), 421. bulweri (Qistrelata), 421. bulweri (Procellaria), 420. bulweri (Thalassidroma), 420. Bulweria, 368, 420. Buphagus, 314. burgeri (Sterna), 92. cachinnans (Clupeilarus), 255. cachinnans (Domini- canus), 255. cachinnans (Laroides), 255, 268. cachinnans (Larus), 172, 255, 258, 266, 270, 271. c;erulea (Halobaena), 431. Cffirulea (Pachyptila), 431. cserulea (Procellaria), 408, 431. caerulea (Procolsterna), 133. cajrulea (Sterna), 133. cieruleus (Anous), 134, 135. caesia (Sterna), 21. cahiriciis (Larus), 211. cahirinus (Larus), 211. Cahow, 382. 462 ALPHVEKTICAL TKDEX. californicus (Laroides), 276. californicus (Larus), 173, 276. camtchatika (Hydroce- cropis), 68. camtschatica (Sterna), 67, 99. camtschatkensis (Larus), 280. candicans (Thalas.seus), 77. Candida (Gygis), 149. Candida (Procellaria), 419. Candida (Sterna), 149. Candidas (Larus), 302. canescens (Laroides), 280. caneseens (Larus), 209. canescens (Sterna), 77. canescens (Tbalasseus), 77. caniceps (Chroicocepha- lus), 181. caniceps (Xema), 181. cantiaca (Actochelidon), 77. cantiaca (Sterna), 11, 40, 42,75,77,82. cantiaca acuflavida (Sterna), 77. caiitiacus (Thalasseus), 77. cantianus (Tbalasseus), 77. canum (Xema), 280. canus (Gavia), 280. canus (Glaucus), 280. canus (Laroides), 280. canus (Larus), 169, 173, 273, 277, 280, 283. canus major (Larus), 280. canus, var. brachy- rbyncbus (Larus), 283. canus, var. major (Larus), 280. canus niveus (Larus), 280. Cape Hen, 429. capensis (Calopetes), 429. capensis (Daption), 428, 429. capensis (Fulmarus), 429. capensis (Procellaria), 428 capistrata (Gavia), 210, 211. capistrata (Xema). 210. capistratus (Cbroecoce- pbalus), 211. cajjistratus (Cbroicoce- phalus), 210. capistratus (Larus), 185, 209, 211. capistratus (Xema), 209, 210. caribbjea (ffistrelata), 403. caribbaea (Pterodroma), 403. caribbaus (Fulmarus), 403. carneipes (Nectris), 386. carneipes (Priofinus), 386. carneipes (Pufflnus), 370, 372, 386, 387. caspia (Hydroprogne), 32, 34. caspia (Sterna), 35, 89. caspia, var. imperator (Sterna), 35. caspia (Sylocbelidon), 34. caspia (Tbalasseus"), 35. Caspian Tern, 32, .34, 89. caspica (Sterna), 34. caspica (Sylocbelidon), 35. caspicus (Thalas.seus), 35. caspius (Helopus), .35. caspius (Tbalasseus), 34. cassinii (Sterna), 53. Cataractes, 314. Catarracta, 314. catarractes (Catarracta), 316, 318. catarractes(Stercorarius), 325. catarrbactes (Larus), 315, 319. catarrbactes (Lestris), 31.5, 319. catarrbactes (Megales- tris), 314, 315, 316, 458. catarrbactes (Sterco- rarius), 316, 320. jatarrbactes, var. antarc- ticus (Stercorarius), 320. catesban (Atricilla), 196. catesbyi (Atricilla), 196. Catbaracta, 314. Catosparactes, 301. caul a (Diomedea), 449, 450. cautus (Tbalassogeron), 449. eayana (Sterna), 35, 80. cayanus (Tbalasseus), 81. Cayenne Tern, 80. ca^ennensis (Pbaetbusa), 85. cayennensis (Sterna), 81, 85. cayennensis (Sylocbeli- don), 81. cenieienta, Gabiota, 198, 200. cepbus (Catarracta), 329. cepbus (Lestris), 331, 336. ceppbus(Catharacta),327. cepphus (Lestris), 330. ceppbus (Stercorarius), 331, 335. cervicalis (CEstrelata), 398, 411. Cetosparactes, 301. cbalcopterus (Laroides), 287. cbalcopterus (Larus), 285, 287, 296. cbalcopterus (Leucus), 287. Cbeimonea, 305. Chema, 161. cbilensis (Megalestris), 314,318. cbilensis (Nectris), 387. cbilensis (Stercorarius), 318. cbinensis (Diomedea), 444, 445. Cbinese Tern, 113. chionoptera (Diomedea), 440, 443. cbloripoda (Sterna), 23, 24. cbloripoda (Tbalasseus), 24. cbloropoda (Pbaetbusa), 130. cblororbyncba (Procel- laria), 372. cblororbjncbus (Dio- medea), 451. chlororbyncbus (Puffi- nus), 368, 369, 372. chlororbyncbus (Tbalas- sarcbe), 452. chlororbyncbus (Tba- lassogeron), 449, 4.52. chlororhvnchiis (Tbiel- liis), 372. Chroeocephalus, 169. Cbroicephalus, 169. Cbroicocepbalus, 169. Cbroocepbalus, 169. ALPHABETICAL IXBEX. 463 chrysostoma (Diomedea), 451. cinerarius (Larus), 207, 209, 230, 3()fi. cinerascens (Ehynchops), 15(1. cinerea (Nectris), 373, 375. cinerea (Procellaria), 375, 390. cinerea (Procelsterna), 13.3, 134, 135. cinerea (Rissa), 307. cinerea (Sterna), 6, 49, 135. cinerea (Stolida), 133. cinereocaudatus (Larus), 192. Cinereous Fulmar, 390. Cinereous Tern, 6. cinereus (Adamastor), 391. cinereus (Anous), 128, 134, 135. cinereus (Larus), 252, 262, 279. cinereus (Priofinus), 390, 455. cinereus (PufRnus), 373, 375, 38fi, 390. Cirrhocepbala, 169. cirrhocephala (Gavia), 198. cirrhocephalum (Chroi- cocepbalus), 200. cirrhocephalum (Xema), 188, 200, 201, 204. cirrbocephalus (Ohroico- cephalus), 198. cirrbocephalus (Larus), 170,171,189,199,201, 203, 204, 240. Cirrocephalus, 170. citrirostris (Larus), 312. Clupeilarus, 170. cocci neirostris (Sterna), 64. Coddy Moddy, 305. coUaris (Larus), 162. collaris (Xema), 163. columbina (Bulweria), 420. columbina (Sterna), 77. columbinus (Gelastes), 231. columbinus (Larus), 18, 55, 230. columbinus (Procellaria), 420. comata (Sterna), S4. Common Gull, 279, 306. Common Skua, 316. Common Tern, 46. conspicillata (Procella- ria), 395. conspicillatus(Fulmarus), 396. conspicillatus (Maja- queus), 396. conspicillatus (PuiKnus), 396. consul (Glaucus), 292. consul (Larus), 292. CDoki (Ollstrelata), 399, 408,417. cooki (Fulmarus), 418. cooki (Procellaria), 408, 416,417. cooki (Rhantistes), 417. Cookilaria, 397. Coprotheres, 322. coprotheres (Catbaracta), 327. corallinus (Brucbigavia), 236. corallinus (Gelastes), 235. cornicoides (Diomedea), 454. corouata (Hydroce- cropis), 51. coronata (Sterna), 51. crassirostris (Adelolarus), 221. crassirostris (Blasipus), 228. crassirostris (Larus), 169, 171, 221, 227, 4.58. cras,sirostrib (Xema), 221. Creagrus, 161. creatopus (Pulilmis), 369, 375. crepidata (Lestris), 329, 335. crepidatus (Larus), 322, 327. crepidatus(Oceanu8"),334. crepidatus (Stercorarius), 322, 327, 329, 468. Crimson-billed Gull, 235. eristata (Sterna), 81, 90. cristatus (Pelecanopus), 92. cristatus (Thalasseus), 81, 91. cryptoleucura (Cymo- chorea), 350. cryptoleucura (Oceano- droma), 347, 350. oucviUata (Gavia), 192. eueullatus (Cliroico- cepbalus), 191. eueullatus (Larus), 191. culminata (Diomedea), 448, 451. culminata (Thalas- sarche), 451. culminatus (Thalasso- geron), 449, 451. cuueatus (Puffinus), 369, 370. curilicus (Puffinus), 389. Cut Water, 163. cyanorhyncbus (Larus), 279. Cymatobulus, 39.5. Oymochorea, 347. Oymodroma, 3.58, 364. Cymotouius, 368. Damier, 428. danica (Sternula), 118. danubialis (Sternula), 118. Daption, 422, 428. decorata (Gygis), 128. defilippiana (Qilstrelata), 399, 417. delalaudii (Hydrocheli- don), 13. delamotta (Hydroce- cropis), 12. delamotta (Sterna), 11. delamotte (Sterna), 11. (lelamotti (Sternula), 12. delawarensis (Larus), 172 273. delawarensis, var. cali- fornicus (Larus), 276. derogata (Diomedea), 444. desolata (.Estrelata), 408, 435. desolata (Procellaria), 408, 434. desolatum (Daption), 435. desolatus (Prion), 431, 434. 435. desolatus (Pseudoprion), 435. Diablotin, 403. diabolica (jEstrelata), 403. diabolica (Procellaria), 402. dicbrous (Puffinus). 382. Diomedea, 440, 449, 452. Diomedeida', 342. discolor (Haliplana), 10.3. Dominicunus, 169. 464 ALPHADETTCAL INDEX. dominicanus (Lams), 172, 245, 246. d'orbignyi (Larus), 175. dougalli gracilis (Sterna), 72. dougalli (Hydroce- cropis), 72. dougalli (Sterna), 40, 42, 57, 70. douglasi (Sterna), 72. dubia (Thalassidroma), 455. Duck, Elue-Moimtain, 403. Dusky Tern, 106. eburnea (Gavia), 302. eburnea (Pagophila), 301, 303, 304. eburneus (Cetosparactes), 303. eburneus (Larns), 302, 304. Egg-Bird, 106. Egyptian Tern, 25. Einalia, 170. elegans (Phaethusa) 84, 85. elegans (Puffinus), 370, 385. elegans (Sterna), 42, 82, 84, 85. elegans (Tlialasseus), 84. epargyrus (Larus), 268. Epitelarus, 299. Epitelolarus, 170. epomopbera (Diomedea), 442. Epouvantail, 17, 18. erytbropus (Larus), 209. erytbrorbynchos(Sterna), 81. erythrorbyncbus (Sylo- cbelidon), 81. eur.vgnatba (Sterna), 42, 85. exhulans (Diomedea), 442. exilis (Sterna), 21, 126. e.xiniius (Thalassogeron), 449. exsul (Pelecanoides), 438. externa (ffistrelata), 398, 411. exulaus (Diomedea), 440, 441,443,446. fabricii (Larus), 243. faeroensis (Hydrobates), 245. farroensis (Larus), 280. fasciata (Procellaria), 435. fasciolata (Tbalassi- droma), 455. fisheri ((Estrelata), 399, 41.5, 416. fissipes (Hydrochelidon), 7, 19, 21. fissipes (Sterna), 6, 18, 21. fissipes (Sternula), 118. flavipes (Larus), 246, 2.52. flavirostris (Adamastor), 375. flavirostris (CEstrelata), 375. flavirostris (Procellaria), 375. flavirostris (Rbyncbops), 153, 158. fluviatilis (Hydrocbeli- don), 12. fluviatilis (Sterna), 42,53, 54, 56, 64, 65, 68, 69, 457. forsteri (Pachyptila), 433. forsteri (Prion), 433. forsteri (Procellaria), 431,432. forsteri (Sterna), 41, 46. Fouquet des Philippines, 137. franklini (Chroieoce- phalus), 191, 192. franklini (Gavia), 192. franklini (Larus), 170. 191,192. franklini (Melanolarus), 192. franklini (Xema), 191. frater (Auous), 139. fregata (Pelagodroma), 363. fregata (Procellaria), 363, 366. fregata (Thalassidroma), 363. fregatta (Pachyptila), 366. fregatta (Procellaria), 364. Fregetta, 364. fregetta (Thalassidroma), 366. frenata (Sterna), 21, 122. frenata (Sternula), 122. fritzei (Dominicanus), 247. fritzei (Lanif), 247. frobeenii (Larus), 227. frobeenii (Sterna), 130. frontalis (Larus), 297. frontalis (Sterna) 42, 68, 97_, 4.57. fuliginosa (Diomedea), 453. fuliginosa (Haliplana), 108, 109. fuliginosa, var. crissalis, (Haliplana), 109. fuliginosa (Hydroche- lidon), 108. fuliginosa (Nectris), 386, 387. fuliginosa (Oceanodro- ma), 347, 352. fuliginosa (Qistrelata), 400. fuliginosa (Phoebetria), .353, 452, 453. fuliginosa (Procellaria), 3o2, 395, 399. fuliginosa (Pterodroma), 399. fuliginosa (Sterna), 40, 43, 52, 102, 10(5, 1U9, 457. fuliginosa (Thalassi- droma), 352. fuliginosum (Daption), 352. fuliginosus (Anous), 109. fuliginosus (Larus), 171, 222, 223, 224, 226. fulitrinosus (Leueo- phjcus), 222. fuliginosus (Onycho- prion), 108. fuliginosus (Puflinus), 386. fuligula (Sterna), 102.^, Fulmar, 465. if- y. ^ Fulmarinse, 368. Fulmarus, 422, 424. fulva (Rhynchops), 154, 156. furcata (Oceanodroma), 347, 357. furcata (Pachyptila), .357. furcata (Procellaria), 357. furcata (Thalassidroma), 357. furcata (Xema), 161, 164, 165. furcatus (Larus), 165. fusca (Catarraota), .315. fusca (Diomedea), 453. fusca (Lestris), 316. fuscata (Sterna), 106. fuscatus (Anous), 108. fuscesceas (Dominica- nus), 252, 268. fuscescens (Oliipeilarus), 255. fuscescens (Laroides), 252. fuscescens (Larus), 258, 268. fuBcus (Olupeilarus), 252. fuscus (Uoiuinicaims), 252. fuscus (Laroides), 252. fuscus (Larus), 170, 172, 228, 246, 260, 254, 257, 262, 270. fuscus (Lestris), 247, 320. fuscus (Leuous), 252. fuscus (Stereorarius), 316. Gabianus, 161, 297. Gabiota blanca, 200. Gachet, 17. galapagensis (Anous), 136, 143. galericulata (Pbaetusa), 81. galericulata (Sterna), 81, 84, 85, 92. galericulata (Svlocheli- don), 81. galericulata (Tbalasseus), 84. galericulatus (Tbalas- seus), 82. gama (Nectris), 372. garnoti (Halodroma), 439. garnoti (Pelecanoides), 439. garnoti (Priocella), 393. garnoti (Procellaria), 393. garnoti (Puffinuria), 439. Garrodia, 358, 361. GaTia, 136, 169, 301, 305. gavia (^strelata), 381. gavia (Larus), 307. gavia (Puffinus), 369, 380, 381. Gavina, 169. gayi (Sterna), 84. Gelastes, 169. gelast^s (Cbroicocepba- lus), 230. gelastes (Gavia), 230. gelastes (Gelastes), 231. gelastes (Lambruschinia), 23i. gelastes (Larus), 169, 171, 230, 232. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. gelastes (Xema), 230. gelida (Procellaria), 390, 455. gelidus (Adaraastor), 391 . gelidus (Fulmarus), 391. gelidus (Puffinus), 391. Gelocbelidon, 4, 25. genei (Gelastes), 231. genei (Larus), 230. genei (Xema), 230. georgi (Gabianus). 298. georgii (Larus), 298. gibbosa (Diomedea), 455. gigantea(Ossifraga), 422, 423. gigantea (Procellaria), 422. giganteus (Fulmarus), 423. giganteus (Larus), 243. gilliana (Diomedea), 447. gliicialis (Fulmarus ), 424, 425, 426, 428. glacialis (Glaucus), 296. glacialis (Laroides), 292, 296. glacialis (Larus), 292. glacialis (Procellaria), 426, 427. glacialis, var. (3 (Procel- laria), 393. glacialis (Sterna), 68. glacialoides (Fulmarus), 394. glacialoides (Priocella), 393, 394. glacialoides (Procellaria), 393. glaucesoens (Glaucus), 285. glaucescens (Laroides), 285. glaucescens (Larus), 173, 284, 286, 287, 288, 293. glaucescens (Leucus), 285. glaucodes (Chroeocepba- lus), 204. glaucodes (Larus), 171, 201, 203, 204, 205. glaucodes (Xema), 204. glaucoides (Laroides), 296. glaucoides (Larus), 296. glaucopterus (Glaucus), 285. glaucopterus (Laroides), 285. glaucopterus (Larus), 284, 285. 465 glaucotes (Ohroicocepha- lus). 204. glaucotes (Gavia), 204. glaucotes (Larus), 189. glaucotis (Gavia), 204. Glaucous Gull, 292. Glaucus, 169. glaucus (Laroides), 292. glaucus (Larus), 169, 173, 262, 289, 296, 297, 458. gliiucus (Leucus), 292. glaucus (Plautus), 292. glupischa (Fulmarus), 471. Goeland a Manteau gris, 262. ^ Gotland a Manteau gris- blanc, 292. Gotland a Manteau gris- brun, 292. Gotland a Manteau noir, 243. Goeland brun, 315. Go<;iand vari6, 243. Goiland blanc du Spitz- berge, 302. Goiland brun, 315. Goiland cendr^, 260. Goiland gris, 250. Goiland noir, 241. Goiland, Petit, 209. Goiland varie, 260. gouldi (vEstrelata), 400. gouldi (Brucbigavia), 235. goiddii (Gavia), 235. gouldi (Gelastes), 235. gouldii (Larus), 236. gouldi (Miijaqueus), 400. gouldi (Procellaria), 400. gouldi (Sterna), 109, 118. gracilis (Oceanites), 361. gracilis (Procellaria), 361. gracilis (Sterna), 72. gracilis (Tbalassidroma), 361. graellsii (Larus), 252. grallaria (Cymodroma), 366. grallaria (Fregetta), 366. grallaria (Oceanites), 366. grallaria (Procellaria), 364. grallaria (Tbalassidro- ma), .366. gravis (Procellaria), 373, 381. gravis (Puffinus), 368. 369, 373. 2h 466 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Great Gull. 177. gregaria (Rissa), 308. Grisard, 243, 260. griaea (j3<]strelata), 410. grisea (Hydrochelidon), 7. grisea (ProceUaria), 386, 409,412. grisea (Sterna), 6. griseum (Uaption), 386. griseus (Fulniariis), 410. griseus (Puffinus), 370, 387. Guifette, 18. gularis (Qiatrelata), 399, 414,416. gularis (ProceUaria), 414. Gull, Adriatic, 181, Gull, Arctic, 327. Gull-billed Tern, 28. Gull, Black-backed, 245. Gull, Black-headed, 209, 243. Gull, Black-toed, 327. Gull, Brown, 209. 327. Gull, Brown-headed, 207, 209. Gull, Brown and Ferru- ginous, 215. Gull, Common, 279, 306. Gull, Orim»on-billed, 235. Gull, Glaucous, 292. Gull, Great, 177. Gull, Great Black-backed, 244. Gull, Great Black and White, 241. Gull, Herring, 262. Gull, Iceland, 292, 296. Gull, Italian, 181. Gull, Ivory, 302. Gull, Kittiwake, 307. Gull, Laughing, 194,209. Gull, Lesser Black- backed, 252. Gull, Little, 174. Gull, Masked, 210. Gull, Pacific, 297. Gull, Pewit, 209. Gull, Red-legged, 209. Gull, Sabine's, 163. Gull, Silvery, 252. Gull, Tarrock, 307. Gull, Wagel, 243. Gull, AVliite, 277. Gull, Winter, 307. guttata (Sterna), 108. guttatus (Planetis), 108. Gygis, 5, 149. hsematorhynchuB (Ohroi- cocephalus), 300. h8ematorhyuchus(Larus), 299. hseraatorhynchus (Leuco- phffius), 300). hssitata (QSstrelata), 391,397,398,402,403. hsesitata (ProceUaria), 390, 402. haesitatus (Fuhnarus), 403. Haladroma, 437. Haliplana, 41. Halobaina, 422, 431. Halocyptena, 343, 346. hardyi (Lestris), 336. hardyi (Stercorarius), 337. harengorum (Laroides), 252. hartlaubi (Gavia), 240. hartlaubi (Gelastes), 240. hartlaubi (Larus), 172, 199, 240. Hati cabeza negra, 23. Hati ceja blanca, 124. Hati cogote obscuro, 23. Hati pico corto, 23. havelli (Gelochelidon), 47. havelli (Sterna), 47. huwaiiensis (Anous), 148. hawaiiensis (Micranous), 143, 148. heermanni (Adelarus), 225. heermanni (Blasipus), 225. heermanni(Epitelolarus), 225. heermanni (Larus), 169, 170,171,222,225,299. heermanni(Leucopha3us), 225. heinei (Gavia), 280. heinei (Larus), 280. Helopus, 32. hemprichii (Adelarus), 221. hemprichi (Larus), 171, 221. heraldica (ffistrelata), 399, 414. Herring Gull, 262. heuglini (Larus), 268. hiemalis (ProceUaria), 426. Hirondelle de Mer, 20, 55. hirundinacea (Hydroce- cropis), 52. hirundinacea (Sterna), 41, 51, .02, 53. hirundo (Hydrocecropis), 57. hirundo (Larus), 42. hirundo microptera (Sterna), 58. hirundo (Sterna), 40, 46, 52, 55, 62, 128. homoc-hroa (Gymocho- rea), 3.55. homochroa (Oceanodro- nia), 347, 355. Hooded Tern, 117. horubyi (Oceanodroma), 347, 356. hornbyi (ProceUaria), 35(i. hornbyi (Thalassidroma), 356. hutohinsii (Larus), 292, 293. hybernus (Larus), 279. hybrida(Hydrochelidon), 5, 10, 11, 49, 456. hybridus (Hydrocheli- don), 8. Hydrobates, 343. Hydrocecropis, 40. Hydrochelidon, 4, 5. Hydrocoloeus, 169. Hydroprogne, 4, 32. hyperboreus (Larus), 292. hypoleuea (Qistrelata), 398, 409. hypoleuea (Thalassidro- ma), 363. Iceland Gull, 292, 296. icelandicus (Larus), 296. ichthyaetum (Xema), 177. Ichthyaetus, 169. ichthyaetus (Chroicoce- phalus), 178. ichthyaetus (Gravia), 178. ichthyfetus (Kroikoce- phalua), 178. ichthyaetus (Larus), 170, 176, 270. ichthyaetus minor (Larus), 178. ichthyaetus (Xema) 178. ichtyceus (Larus), 177. immutabilis (Diomedea), 440, 446. imperator (Thalasaeus), 35. ALPHAIiKnCAI. INDEX. 467 Inca, 132. inca (Anoiis), 132. inca (Larosterna), 132. inca (Nainia), 132. inca (Noddi), 132. inca (Sterna), 132. incerta (QCstrelata), 398, 405. incerta (Procellaria), 405. inconspicua (Sterna), 114. indiea (Hydrochelidon), 13. indiea (Pelodes), 13. indiea (Viralva), 11. inexpectata (CEstrelata), 405. inexpectata (Procellaria), 414. infuscata (Haliplana), 108. infuscata (Hydrocheli- don), 103, 109. infuscata (Sterna), 103, 107. infuscata (Thalassipora), 108. innominatus (Larus), 178. innotata (Sterna), 13. intercedens (Rhynchops), 153, 155, 156. irrorata ( Diomedea), 440, 445. islaiidicus (Larus), 280, 292, 290. Italian Gull, 181. Ivory Gull, 302. jamaicensis (CEstrelata), 398, 403. jamaicensis (Procellaria), 403. jamesonii (Bruchigavia), 236. jatnesoui, var. gouldi (Bruchigavia), 236. jameaoni (Ohroicocepha- lus), 235. jamesonii (Gavia), 235. jaraesoni (Gelastes), 235. jamesoni (Larus), 235, 238. jamesonii (Xema), 235. javanica(IIydrocheUdon), 8, 13, 44. javanica (Pelodes), 13, 44. javanica (Sterna), 11, 16, 44. javanica (Sternula), 12. jerdoni (Sternula), 44. kamtchatchensis (Qavi- na), 280. kamtschatchensis( Larus), 280. keeask (Larus), 322. keri (Haliplana), 102. kidderi (^Estrelata), 410. kitlitzii (Ohroicocepha- lus), 191. kitlitzii (Gavia), 192. Kittiwake Gull, 307. kittlitzi (Gavia), 183. kittlitzii (Chroicocepha- lus), 183. kittlitzii (Gygis), 150. kittlitzii (Xema), 1S4. knudseni (PutBnus), 371. korustes (Sternula), 72, 74. kotzebui (Rissa), 308, 310, 313. Kroieocephalus, 109. kroicocophalus (Larus), 178. kuhli (Procellaria), 375. kuhli (PutHnus), 369, 375,391. kumlieni (Larus), 173, 287, 288, 289, 290. Kutgeghef, 300. Labbe, 328. Labbe a tongue queue, 334. Labbus, 322. lacrimosus (Laroides), 280. lacrymosus (Gavina), 216. lacrymosus (Glaucus), 280. lacrymosus (Larus), 216. Lagopis, 25. lambruschini (Gelastes), 230. lambruschini (Larus), 231. Larabruschinia, 170. lambruschinii (Xema), 230. lariformis (Hydrocheli- don), 21. lariformis surinamensis (Hydrochelidon), 21. lariformis (Rallus), 17. Laroides, 169. Larosterna, 132. Laru.s, 161, 169. latirostris (Procellaria), 433. Laughing Gull, 194. 209. lawrencii (Fregetta), 306. layardi (Thalassogeron), 450. leaclii (Procellaria), 348. leachi (Thalassidroma), 348. leptorhyncha(Diomedea), 455. Lesser Sea Swallow, 17. Lesser Tern, 116. lessoni (Fulmarus), 402. lessoiii (CEstrelata), 398, 401, 402. lessoni (Lestris), 336. lessoni (Procellaria), 401. lessoni (Puflinus), 401. lessoni (Rhantistes), 401. lessoni (Stercorarius), 336. Lestris, 314, 322. leuceretes (Larus), 292. leucocapillus (Anous), 145, 140. leucocapillus (Micr- anous), 143, 145, 148. leucocephala (vEstrelata), 401. leucocephala (Procella- ria), 401. leucocephala (Sterna), 146. leucocephalus (Anoua), 140. leucocephalus (Gelastes), 231. leucocephalus (Larus), 230. leucoceps (Anous), 139. leucoct'ps (Gavia), 137. leucogaster (Thalassi- droma), 306. leucogaster (Oceanites), 30(i. leucogenys (Hydrocecro- pis), 12. leucogenvs (Hydrocheli- don), 13. leucomelas (Larus), 177, 298. leucomelas (Procellaria), 370 leucomelas (Puffiuus), 369, 370. leucomelas (Thiellus), 370. loucopareia (Hydrocheli- don), 11. leiicopareia (Pelodes), 11. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. leucopareia (Sterna), 10. leucopareia (Viralva), 11. leucopareius (Hydroche- lidon), 13. LeucophjEua, 161, 169, 299. leucophffius (Qlaucus), 268. leucophaus (Laroides), 268. leucophjeus (Larus), 255, 267. leucophrys (CEstrelata), 412. leucopbthalma (Xema), 219. leucophthalmum (Xema), 219. leucophthalmus (Ade- larus),219. leucophthalmus (Adelo- larus), 219. leucophthalmuB(Chroico- cephaluB), 219. leucophthalmus (Larus), 169, 171, 181, 219. leucoptera (Cookilaria), 416. leucoptera (Hydrocheli- don), 5, 6, 456. leucoptera (Qistrelata), 408, 416. leucoptera (Procellaria), 414, 416. leucoptera (Sterna), 6, 11. leucoptera (Viralva), 7. leucopterum (Hydroche- lidon), 7. leucopterus (Glaucus), 296. leucopterus (Larus), 173, 295, 289, 292, 296, 297. leucopterus (Leucus), 296. leucorrhoa (Oceanodro- ma), 347, 348. leucorrhoa (Procellaria), 848. leucorrhoa (Thalassi- droma), 348. leucourus (Hydrocheli- don), 7. Leucus, 169. I'herminieri (Anous), 108. lineata (Oceanites), 364. lineata, (Pelea), 364. lineata (Thalassidroma), 364. litoreus (Dominicanus), 247. Little Gull, 174. littoreus (Larus), 246, 254. longecaudatus (Catar- actes), 336. longicauda (Lestris), 331, 337. longicauda(Stercorarius), 334. longicaudata (Lestris), 336. longicaudatus (Stercora- rius), 337. longipennis (Hydroce- cropis), 68. longipennis (Sterna), 42, 64, 67, 68, 97. 100, 457. longirostris (jEstrelata), 418. longirostris (Bruchiga- via), 236. longirostris (Larus), 236. longirostris (CEstrelata), 399. longirostris (Sterna), 91. lorata (Sterna), 43, 126. loricata (Sterna), 126. lugens (Procellaria), 409. lugubris (Procellaria), 345, 455. lunata (Haliplana), 100. lunata (Hydrochelidon), 100. lunata (Sterna), 43, 100. lunatus (Onychoprion), 100. maccormicki (Megales- tris), 314, 321. maccormicki (Stercora- rius), 321. macdougalli (Sterna), 72. maegillivrayi(j3istrelata), 621. macgillivrayi (Bulweria), 420, 421. macgillivrayi(Fulmaru8), 421. macgillivrayi (Procella- ria), 421. macgillivrayi (Thalassi- droma), 421. macrodactyla (Oceano- droma), 347, 351. macrodactyla (Sterna), 57. macroptera (Atrieilla), 196. macroptera (CEstrelata), 398, 399, 400. macroptera (Procellaria), 399. macroptera (Pterodro- ma), 400, 410. macroptera (Sterna), 57. macropteros (Lestris), 330. macropterus (Fulraarus), 400. macrorhyncha (Nectris), 375. macrorhyncha (Syloche- lidon), 35. macrotarsa (Gelocheli- don), 28. macrotarsa (Sterna), 27. macroura (Hydrocecro- pis), 64. macroura (Sterna), 13, 64. macrura (Sterna), 42, 50, 51, 62, 68, 99. maculata (Procellaria), 455. maculata (Sterna), 124. maculatuB (Larus), 243, 279. maculipennis (Chroico- cephalus), 201. maculipennis (Gavia), 201. maculipennis (Larus), 171, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 206. madagascariensis (Sterco- rarius), 320. madraspatanus CRhyn- chops), 159. niagentiB (CEstrelata), 398, 407. magnirostris (Phaethusa) , 23. magnirostris (Prion), 433. magnirostris (Sterna), 23. magnirostris (Sylocheli- don), 24. magnirostris (Thalas- sites), 24. Majaqueus, 368, 395. major (Cirrhocephalus), 198. major (Laroides), 262. major (Procellaria), 373. major (Puffinus), 373, 375, 387. major (Sterna), 35, 58. manchado, Hati, 124. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 469 marginata (Hydrocheli- don), 13. marginata (Sterna), 127. marina (Pachyptila), 362. marina (Pelagodroma), 362. marina (Procellaria), 362. marina (Sterna), 57. marina iThalassidroma), 362. marinus (Dominicanus), 244. marinus (Larus), 169, 172, 241, 245, 255, 258, 260, 262,263,268,297,458. marinus schistisagus (Larus), 259. marinus (Leucus), 243. marinus (Oceanites), 362. markhami (Oymochorea), 354. markhami (Oceanodro- ma), 347, 354. masauanus (Larus), 219. Masked Gull, 210. maxima (Pbaethusa), 82. maxima (Sterna), 42, 80, 84, 96. maximus (Larus), 243, 292. maximus (Thalasseus), 82. maxuriensis (Sterna), 87. maxuriensis (Thalasseus), 87. mayor, Gabiota, 246. media (Actochelidon), 87. media (Sterna), 42, 86, 112. medius (Larus), 252, 292. medius (Pelecanopus), 87. medius (Thalasseus), 87. Megalestris, 314. Megalopterus, 136. megalopterus (AtriciUa), 19(5. megarhjTichos (Sterna), 34. Melagavia, 169. melanauchen (Gygis), 127. melanauchen (Onjcho- prion), 177. melanauchen (Sterna), 43, 70, 126. melanauchen (Sternula), 127. melania (Cymochorea), 353. melania (Oceanodroma), 347, 353. melania (Procellaria), 353, 354. melauia (Thalassidroma), 353, 355. melanocephala (Gavia), 181. melanocephala (Mela- gavia), 181. melanocephala (Xema), 181. melanocephalon (Xema), 181. melauocephalus (Chroico- cephalus), 181. melunocephalus (Ohroo- cephalus), 181. melauocephalus (Hydro- cokeus), 181. melanOL'ephalus (Larus), 170, 180, 182. melanocephalus (Mela- gavia), 181. melanocephalus (Melano- larus), 181. melanocephalus (Xema), 181. melanogaster (Cymodro- ma), 364, 365. melanogaster (Fregetta), 365. melanogaster (Procel- laria), 366. melanogaster (Sterna), 41, 43, 456. melanogaster (Sternula), 44. melanogaster (Thalassi- droma), 365. melanogastra (Hydro- chelidon), 44. melanogastra (Procel- laria), 365. melanogastra (Sterna), 13. melanogastra (Sternula), 44. melanogenys (Anous), 139, 145, 148. Melanolarus, 170. melanophrys (Diomedea), 441, 446, 447. melanops (Anous), 144. melauoptera (Hydroce- cropis). 102. melanoptera (Sterna), 51, 102. melanopus (Procellaria), 406, 410, 455. melanorhyncha (Sterna), 51, 68, 72, 97. melanorhyncha (Ster- nula), 122. melanorhynchus (Bruchi- gavia), 233. melanorhynchus (Larus), 185, 233. Melanosterna, 40. uielanotis (Sterna), 35. melanotis (Sylochelidon), 35. melanotis (Thalassites), 35. melanotus (Laroides), 252. melanura (Procellaria), 390. melanura (Khynchops), 153, 155, 156. melanura (Sterna), 108. melanurus (Adelarus), 228. melanurus (Larus), 226, 228. melanurus (Priofinus), 391. melitensis (Procellaria), 345. melitensis (Thalassidro- ma), 345. meridionalis (Fulmarus), 403. meridionabs (Gelocheli- don), 27. meridionalis (Hydro- chelidon), 13. meridionalis (Procel- laria), 402. meridionalis (Sterna), 27, 50, 53. meridionalis (Sternula), 118. merulinus (Larus), 17. metopoleucos (Sterna), 117. Mew, Winter, 279. michahellesii (Glaucus), 268. michahellesii (Laroides), 268. michahellesi (Larus), 188. miehahellii (Larus), 268. Micranous, 5, 143. micropterus (Atricilla), 196. microrhyncha (Gygis), 149, 152. raicrorhynchos (Lestris), 336. 470 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. microsoma (Halocyp- tena), 346. minor (Atricilla), 196. minor (Cataracta), 316. minor (Oliroicocephalus), 211. minor (Cirrliocephalug), 198. minor (Fulmarus), 426. minor (Laroides), 3U7. minor (Larus), 296. minor (Leucus), 296. minor (Procellaria), 345, 419, 426. minor (Rissa), 308. minor (Thalassidroma), 345. minuta (Gavia), 175. minuta (Hydrochelidon), 118. minuta (Sterna), 19, 40, 43, 52, 112, 116, 120, 122, 457. minuta (Sternula), 44, 114, 118, 12U. minuta americana (Ster- na), 123. minutus (Anous), 145. minutus (Chroicocepha- lus), 17.5. minutus (Chroocephalus), 175. minutus (Hydrocoloeus), 175. minutus (Larus), 163, 170, 173, 185. minutus(Xema), 174, 175. modestus (Cbroicocepha- lus), 224. modestus (Epitelolarus), 224. modestus (Larus), 169, 171, 223. mcestissima (Cjmodro- ma), 367. mcestissima (Fregetta), 367. mollis (Fulmarus), 406. mollis (CEstrelata), 398, 406,412,413,455. mollis (Procellaria), 406, 410,412,414. mollis (Rbantistes), 406. moltke (Larus), 296. monorbis (Oceauodro- ma), 347, 356. monorbis (Procellaria), 356. monorbis (Tbalassidro- ma), 356. Mouette blancbe, 302. Mouette brune, 136. Mouette cendree, 207. Mouette cendree, Grande, 277. Mouette cendree tachetee, 305. Mouette d'biver, 305. Mouette grise. Petite, 207. Mouette rieuse, 194, 209. Mouette tacbetee, 306. Mouton, 422. miilleri (Larus), 243. mystacalis (Inca), 132. NiBnia, 4, 132. navia (Pagodroma), 419. noevia (Sterna), 6, 17. HKvius (Larus), 209, 243, 306. napoleonis (Gygis), 1.50. natalensis (Sterna), 120. nativitatis (PufRnus), 370, 389. Nectris, 368. neglecta (CEstrelata), 399, 412. neglecta (Procellaria), 412. neglectus (Epitelarus), 300. neglectus (Procellarus), 300. nelsoni (Larus), 173, 284, 287, 288, 296. neptunus (Adelarus), 222. nereis (Garrodia), 361. nereis (Oceanites), 361. nereis (Procellaria), 361. nereis (Sterna), 43, 112. nereis (Sternula), 112. nereis (Tbalassidroma), 361. niger (Anoiis), 137. niger (Hydrocbelidon), 8. niger (Kbynebops), 154, 158. nigra ( Hydrocbelidon), 5, 8, 13, 17, 18, 21. nigra (Procellaria), 396, 455. nigra (Rbincops), 154. nigra (Rhvnchops), 152, 153, 155, 156, 160. nigra (Sterna), 8, 17, 20. nigra surinainensis (Hy- drocbelidon), 21. nigra (Viralva), 19. nigricans (Hydrocbeli- don), 19. nigrifrons (Sterna), 72. nigripallus (Larus). 244. nigripennis (CEstrelata), 398, 409. nigripennis (Pelecano- pus), 91. nigripes (Diomedea), 440, 445. nigrodorsalis (Laroides"), 252. nigrotis (Larus), 175. nigrum (Hydrocbelidon), 19,21. nilotica (Gelocbelidon), 28. nilotica (Hydrocbelidon), 13, 28. nilotica (Sterna), 25, 28, 57. nitzscbii (Sterna), 57. nivea (Gavia), 303. nivea (Pagodroma), 419. nivea (Pagopbila), 304. nivea (Procellaria), 419. nivea (Rissa), 280, 312. nivea (Sterna), 150. niveum (Daption), 419. niveus (Fulmarus), 419. niveus (Larus), 279, 302, 308. Noddy, 136, 137. Noddy Tern, 139. Noir Manteau, 243. noviB-georgica (Pago- droma), 419. novse-bollandise (Gelas- tes), 236. novae-bollandise (Larus), 170, 171, 235, 236, 238. novse-bollandise (Sterna), 90. noTte-bollaudise (Xema), 236. nubilosa (Sterna), 18, 103. nugax (Puffinus), 384. nuttalli (Hydrocecropis), 28. nuttalli (Sterna), 27. oahuensis (Sterna), 108. obscura (Hydrocbelidon), 19. obscura (Nectris), 382. obscura (Procellaria), 382. obscurus (Puffinus), 369, 382, 384. occidentalis (Glaucus), 257. occidentalis (Laroides), 257, 274. AT,PnABETICAL INDEX. 471 occidentalis (Larus), 172, 255, 267, 270. ocean i (Sterna), 64. oceanica (Proeellaria), 358, 361, 364, 366. ooeanica(Thalassidroma), 359. oceanicus (Oceanites), 358, 359. Oceanites, 35S. Ooeanitinae, 343, 358. Oceanodroma, 343, 347. Oceanus, 322. CEstrelata, 368, 397. Oiseau da Tempete, 344. olivaeeorbjnchus (Dio- medea), 452. olivaceorostris (Diome- dea), 452. Onychoprion, 40. opisthomelas (PufEnus), 369, 380, 383. orientalis (Proeellaria), 357. orientalis (Rhvncbops), 158. orientalis (Sternula), 118. Ossifraga, 422. ossifraga (Proeellaria), 423. Pachrptila, 432. Pacific Gidl, 297. pacifica (Proeellaria), 427. paoifioa (Sterna), 150. pacificus (Fidmarus), 427. pacificus (Gabianus), 297, 298. pacificus (Larus), 247, 297. pacificus (Puffinus), 399. paeocepbalus (Larus), 240. Pagodroma, 368, 419. Pagopbila, 161, 301. pallasi (Ichtbyaiitus), 178. pallida (Hydrocbelidon), 19. pallida (Xema), 210. palpebrata (Diomedea), 453. palustris (Gelocbelidon), 28. panaja (Haliplana), 103. panaya (Onycboprion), 102. panaya (Sterna), 102. Paaayan Tern, 101. panayana (Sterna), 103. panayensis (Haliplana), 102. panayensis (Hydroce- cropis), 102. panayensis (Onycho- prion), 103. panayensis (Sterna), 102. paradisea (Sterna), 72. paradis;ea (Sterna), 62. parasita, var. camtschat- ica (Catarracta), 32.3. parasita (Catarractes), 334. parasita (Lestris), .337. parasitica (Catharacta), 334. parasitica (Lestris), 323, 329, 330, 334. parasiticus (Cataractes), 330. parasiticus (Larus), 322, 328, 334. parasiticus, var. copro- tberes (Lestris"), 331. parasiticus (Oceanus), 329. parasiticus (Stercorarius), 320, 322, 328, 334, 336. parkinsoni (Fulmarus), 397. parkinsoni (Majaqueus), 395, 397. parkinsoni (Proeellaria), 397. parkinsoni (PufSnus), 397. parva (Sterna), 112. parvirostris (Q<)strelata), 398, 405. parvirostris (Proeellaria), 405. parvirostris (Rhantistes), 405, parvulus (Anous), 133. pauli de wurteuiberg (Tbalasseus), 77. payraudei (Larus), 272. pelagica (Proeellaria), 343, 344, 346, 348, 358. pelagica (Thalassidroma), 344. pelagicus (Dotninicanus), 246. pelagicus (Hydrobates), 344. pelagicus (Larus), 247, 259. pelagina (Proeellaria), 344. Pelagodrouia, 358, S62. Pelea, 358, 364. Pelecanoides, 437. pelecanoides (Pelecano- pus), 91, 135. pelecanoides (Sterna), 91, 93. peleeanoides(Tbalasseus ), 91. Pelecanoididse, 342, 437. Pelecanopus, 40. Pelodes, 5. per.. ridibunda (Xema), 210. ridibundum (Xema), 210. ridibundus (Chroeocepha- lus), 211. ridibundus fChroicoce- phalus), 210, 211. ridibundua (Chroocepha- lus), 211. ridibundus (Hydroco- leeus), 211. ridibundus (Larus), 169, 171, 195, 204, 207, 211,212,240,457. ridibundus minor(Larus), 210. ridibundus (Xema), 209. riga (Larus), 307. risoria (Sterna), 27. Rissa. 161, 305. rissa (Laroides), 307. rissa (Larus), 305. rodgersi (Fulmarus), 424, 427, 428. rosea (Rhodostethia), 163, 167. rosea (Rossia), 167. roseata (Sterna), 37. Roseate Tern, 70, 72. roseiventris (Gavia), 204. roseiventrls (Larus), 204. roseus (Larus), 167. Rossia, 167. rossii (Larus), 167. rossii (Prion), 436. rossi (Rhodostethia), 167. rostrata (CEstrelata), 398, 404. rostrata (Procellaria), 404. rostrata (Rhantistes), 404. rousseaui (Anous), 139. rubritarsi (Procellaria), 402. rubriveutris (Gelastes), 230. rufescens (Larus), 255. Rygehopsalia, 152. VOL. XXV. Sabine's Gull, 163. sabini (Gavia), 163. sabinii (Chema), 163. sabinii (Larus), 162. sabinii (Xema), 161, 162. salvini (Tbalassogeron), 450. sancti-pauli (Sterna), 51. sandaUata (Procellaria), 413. sandaliata (Rhantistes), 413. sandvicensis (Actocheli- dou) 78. sandvicensis (Sterna), 75. sandvicensis acuflavida (Sterna), 77. Sandwich Tern, 75. sandwiehensis (.tEstre- lata), 407. saundersi (Chroicocepha- lus), 184. saundersi (Larus), 170, 183, 184. saundersi (Sterna), 43, 112, 120,121,457. scalaris (CEstrelata), 399, 416. scapulata (Thalassidro- ma), 348, 353. schillingi (Sterna), .34. schilling! (Sylochelidon), 35. schimperi (Chroicoce- phalus), 191. schimperi (Larus), 183. schistisagus (Larus), 172, 258, 259, 270. schleepi (Lestris), 330. scopulinus (Larus), 171, 238,239. scopulinus (Lestris), 238. scopulinus major (Larus), 236. scopulinus, var. major (Larus), 235. scoresbii (Larus), 299. scoresbii (Leucophaeus), 299, 300. Sea SvFallow, Greater, 54. Sea Swallow, Lesser, 17. Seena, 4, 37. seeua (Sterna), 37. seena (Sylochelidon), 38. segethi (Oceanitis), 366. segethi (Thalassidroma), 366. sellovii (Pliaetu.sa), 130. semi-alba (.Sterna), 149. senegalensis (Hydroce- cropis), 57. senegalensis (Sterna), 57, 64, 69. senex (Anous), 139, 144, 146. senex (Sterna), 137. septentrionalis (Rissa), 283. sericea (CEstrelata), 401. sericeus (Adamastor), 401. sericeus (PufBnus), 401. serrana (Gavia), 189. serranus (Ohroicocepha- lus), 191. serranus (Larus), 170, 188, 189, 201. serrata (Haliplana), 108. serrata (Sterna), 108, 109. serratus (Onychoprion), 108, 109. Shearwater, 369,376,403. Shearwater, Greater, 376. Shearwater, Mans, 376, 378. Shearwater, var. A, 373. Silvery Gull, 252. similis (Hydrocecropis), 12. similis (Hydrochelidon), 13. similis (Procellaria), 431. similis (Sterna), 11, 15. Simple Tern, 23, 106. simples (Sterna), 23. simplex (Viralva), 23. sinensis (Sterna), 4.3, 113. sinensis (Sternula), 114. sinensis (Viralva), 114. Skimmer, Black, 154, 156. skua antarcticus (Bupha- gus), 320. Skua, ButFon's, 336. skua (Buphagus), 316. 317. skua (Cataracta), 315. skua (Cataractes), 316. skua (Cutharacta), 315. Skua, Common, 316. Skua Gull, 315. skua ( Lestris), 315. skua (Megalestris), 317. Skua, Pomerine, 324. Skua. Richardson's, 331. skua (Stercorarius), 316, 317. smithi (Procellaria), 394. smithsonianus (Larus), 263. 474 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. socorroensis (Oceanoclro- ma), 347, 352. solanclri(Cookilaria),410. solandri (Fulmarus), 410. solandri (CEstrelata), 398, 410. solandri (Procellaria), 410. solandri (Pterodroma), 410. somalensis (Hydrocheli- don), 109. Sooty Tern, 106. Southern Tern, 60. spadaeea(Diomedea),442, 453. spadacea,var.(Dioinedea), 444. spadicea (Anoiis), 108. spadicea (Sterna), 107. spaeriuros (Lestris), 324. speculifera (Sterna), 23. speculifera (Sylocheli- don), 24. sphseriuros (Lestris), 324. sphenura (Procellaria), 372. sphenurus (Majaqueus), 372. sphenurus (Thiellus), 372. spinicauda (Lestris), 331 . spinicauda(Stercorarius). 331. Stereoraire, 328. Stercoraire a longue queue, 334. Stercorarius, 314, 322. Sterna, 4, 40. sterna (Larus), 54. Sternolophota, 132. Sternula, 40. Stolida, 136. stolida (Sterna), 132, 13fi. stolidiis (Anous), 136, 137, 143. stolidus (Megalopterus), 137, 143. Storm-fink, 343. strenua (Sylochelidon), 35. strenuus (Sylochelidon), 35. striata (Gygis), 97. .striata (Sterna), 97. Striated Tern, 97. striatus (Lestris), 324. striatus (Stercorarius). 325. stricklandi (Puffin us),.387. stubberica (Sterna), 77. subleucoptera (Hydro- chelidon), 8. subleucopterus (Laroi- des), 2915. subroseus (Larus), 231. subulirostris (Chroicoce- phalus), 186. .suckleyi (Larus), 280,283. sumatrana (Sterna), 114, 120, 128. sumatranus (Onycho- prion), 128. superciliaris (Sterna), 43, 123, 124. superciliaris antillarum (Sterna), 123. superciliaris (Sternula), 122, 125. superciliosus( Anous), 139, 141. Surinam Tern, 20. surinameiisis (HTdroche- lidon), 5, 20, 21. surinamensis (Pelodes), 21. surinamensis (Sterna). 20, 126. Sylochelidon, 32. Tarrock, 306, 307. tenebrosus (Puffinus),382. tenuirostris (Anous), 139, 144, 146, 148. tenuirostris (Fulmarus), 394. tenuirostris . (Gelastes'), 231. tenuirostris (Hydroeecro- pis), 144. tenuirostris (Larus), 230. tenuirostris (Megalopte- rus), 137, 144, 146. tenuirostris (Micranous), 143, 144, 148, 457. tenuirostris (Nectris), 389. tenuirostris (Priocella). 389, 394. tenuirostris (Procellaria), 388, 393. tenuirostris (Puffinus), 370, 388. tenuirostris (Sterna), 72, 144, 145. tenuirostris (Thalassi- droma), 345. tenuirostris (Thalassoeca), 393. tephras (Stercorarius), 331. tephrodes (Anous), 134. tereticollis (Anous), 133. tereticollis(Procelsterna), 133. teretirostris (Sterna), 133. Tern, African, 75. Tern, Arctic, 62, 64. Tern, Black, 17, 18. Tern, Brown, 106. Tern, Caspian, 32, 34, 89. Tern, Cayenne, 80. Tern, Chinese, 113. Tern, Cinereous, 6. Tern, Common, 46, 54, 55. Tern, Dusky, 106. Tern, Egyptian, 25. Tern, Greater, 54. Tern, Gull-billed, 28. Tern, Hooded, 117. Tern, Lesser, 116. Tern, New Holland, 90. Tern, Noddy, 139. Tern, Pan ay an, 101. Tern, Eoseate, 70, 72. Tern, Sandwich, 75. Tern, Simple, 23, 106. Tern, Sooty, 106. Tern, Southern, 50. Tern, Striated, 97. Tern, Surinam, 20. Tern, Whiskered, 12. Tern, White, 149. Tern, Wreathed, 51. tethys (Procellaria), 343. 346. ThalassfBa, 40. Thalassarche, 440, 449. Thalasssus, 32, 40. Thalassidroma, 343. Thalassipora, 40. Thalassites, 23. Thalassceca, 368. 392, 393. Thalassogeron, 449. Thiellus, 368. thuliaca (Lestris), 331. Thyellas, 378. Thyellodroma, 369. t ibetana (Sterna), 58, 457. tibetanus (Chroieocepha- lus), 216. tibetanus (Larus), 216. Tohaiki, 444. torquata (aistrelata),408. torquata (Procellaria'), 367, 408. torquatus ("Larus), 307. torresi (Pelecanopus), 87. torresii (Sterna), 87. torresii (Thalasseus), 87. townsendi (Oceanodro- ma), 353. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 475 tridactyla (Cheimonea^, 307." tridactyla pollicaris (Eis- sa), 309, 310. tridactyla (Procellaria). 438. tridactyla (Rissa), 305, 307,"308, 313, 458. tridactyla kotzebui (Ris- sa), 309. tridactyluiu (Xema), 308. tridactylus (Gavia), 307. tridactylus (Laroides), 307." tridactylus (Larus), 305, 308." tridactylus, yar. kotzebui (Larus), 309. trinitatis (CEstrelata), 399, 413. tristis (PufTmus), 386. tristrami (Oceanodroma), 347, 354. tropica (Cymodroma), 367. tropica (Oceanites), 365. tropica (Procellaria), 365, 367. tropica (Thalassidroma), 365. trudeaiti (Gelochelidon), 130. trudeauii (Phoetusa), 130. trudeaui (Sterna), 43, 130. trudeaui (Thalasseus), 130. tschegraya (Sterna), 34. Tubinares, 340. turtur (Pachyptila), 435. turtur (Prion), 435. turtur (Procellaria), 435. turtur (Pseudoprion). 435. typica (Halobii'na), 431. typus (Adamastor), 391. ungax (Procellaria). 384. unicolor (Anous), 139. unicolor(Rbamistes),410. uuii'olor (Sterna), 137. urinatrix (Halodroma), 437, 438. urinatrix (Pelecanoides), 437, 438. urinatrix (Procellaria), 437. urinatrix (PulEnuriaJ, 438. yagabunda (Procellaria), 401. yariegata (Procellaria), 412. varius (Larus), 262. yeg« (Larus), 172, 269, 270. yelox (Cookilaria), 417. velox (Gelochelidon), 28. velox (Pelecanopus), 91. yelox (Procellaria), 418, 431. yelox (Rhantistes), 418. velox (Sterna), 90, 97. velox (Sylochelidon), 91. velox (Tbalasseus), 91. verreauxi (Clupeilarus), 247. verreauxi (Dominicanus"), 247. verreauxii (Larus), 247. vetula (Dominicanus), 247. vetula (Larus), 247. Viralya, 5. virgata (Sterna), 41, 50, 51,53. yittata (Hydrocecropis), 51. vittata (Pachyptila), 433. yittata (Procellaria), 432. yittata (Sterna), 41, 50, 51, 4.56. yittatus (Prion), 432, 435. vocif'erus (Dominicanus), 247. vociferus (Larus), 247. vulgaris (Oataractes), 316. Wagel Gull, 243. warnecki (Larus), 312. Whiskered Tern, 12. White Gull, 277. White Tern, 149. wilsoni (Hydrocecropis), .57. ^ wilsoni (Oceanites), 359. wilsoni (Procellaria), 358. wilsoni (Sterna), 53, 57. wilsoni (Thalassidroma). 359, 361. Winter Gull, 307. Winter Mew, 279. Wreathed Tern, 51. Xema, 161, 169. yelkouan (Procellaria i, 379. yelkouan (PuiBnus), 379. yelkuanus (Puffinus), 369, 379. Zalias, 369. Zaprium, 431. zealanicus (PufBnus),371. zonorhynchus (Larus), 273, 274. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED T.ION COURT, FLEET STREET. LIST OF PLATES. Megalestris inaccormicki, p. 321 PI. I. Oceanodroma monorhis, p, 356 PI. II. Oceanodroma hornbyi, p. 35G PI. III. Puffiuus persicus, p. 381 PI. IV. Majaqueus parkinsoni, p. 3t)7 PL V. (Estrelata cervicalis, p. 411 PI. VI. CEstrelata axillaris, p. 418 PI. VII. Diomedea irrorata, p. 445 PI. VIII. f^ ^f f ^i^^'^^. ^''r- > r -I d Si. ^.A. p '■ ^ 3 2l =CJ w --^i''"^^ i ( -,. 5«? JAW 1898 LIST OF THE CURRENT NATUML HISTORY PUBLICATIONS OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. The following publications can be purchased through the Agency of Messrs. Longmans & Co., 39, Paternoster Row ,- Mr. Quaritch, 15, Piccadilli/ ; Messrs. Keg an PAirL, Trench, Truhnhr & Co., Paternoster House, Cliarhu/ Ctoss Bead; and Mes.trs. DuLAU & Co., 37, Soho Square ; or at the Natural History Mu.sEUBi, Cromwell Road, London, S. IF. Catalogue of the Specimens and Drawings of Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes of Nopal and Tibet. Presented by B. H.' Hodgson, Esq., to th(! British Museum. 2nd edition By John Edward Gray. Pp. xii., 90. [With an account of the Collection by Mr. Hodgson.] 1.SG3, 12mo. 2s. 3d. 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Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Friugilliformes : Part I., containing the families Dicieidse, Hirundinidie, Ampelidffi, Mniotiltidai, and Motacillidae. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xiii., 682. Woodcuts and 12 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. II. 2s. Vol. XI. Catalogue of the Passeriformei;, or Perciiing Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Fringilliformes : Part II., containing the families Cucrebidse, Tanagridfe, and IcteridsB. By Pliilip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. xvii., 431. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] Woodcuts and 18 coloured Plates. 1886, 8vo. 1/. Vol. XII. Catalogue of the Ptisseiriforme.s, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Fringilli- formes : Part III., containing the family Fringillidae. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xv., 871. Woodcuts and 16 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1888, 8vo. 1/. 8«. 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By Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. xvii., 371, Woodcuts and 20 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo. 1/. A 2 4 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum — continued. Vol. XVI. Catalogue of the Picarias in the Collection of the British Museum. Upupce and Trochili, by Osbert Salvin. Coraciee, of the families Cypselidas, Capiiraulgidse, Podar- gidsB, and Steatornithidse, by Ernst Hartert. Pp. xvi., 703. Woodcuts and 14 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1892, 8vo. 1/, 16*. Vol. XVII. Catalogue of the Picaria; in the Collection of the British Museum. CoracicB (contin.) and Haley ones, with the families Leptosomatidfe, Coraciidae, Meropidae, Alcedinidae, Momotidse, Totidse, and Coliida), by E.. Bowdler Sharpe. Bucerotes and Trogones, by W. R. Ogilvie Grant. Pp. xi., 522. Woodcuts and 17 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1892, 8vo. 1/. 10s. Vol. XVIII. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Scansores, containing the family Picida;. By Edward Hargitt. Pp. xv., 597. Woodcuts and 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo. 1/. 6*. Vol. XIX. Catalogue of thfe Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Scansores and Coccyges: contain- ing the families Bhamphastidfe, Galbulidffi, and Bucconidse, by P. L. Sclater; and the families Indicatoridae, Capitonidte, Cluculidse, and Musophagidie, by G. E. Shelley. Pp. xii., 484 : 13 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1891, 8vo. 1/. 5s. Vol. XX. Cataloj^ue of the Psittaci, or Parrots, in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvadori. Pp. xvii., 658 : -woodcuts and 18 coloured' Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1891, 8vo. 1/. 10*. Vol. XXI. Catalogue of the Columbse, or Pigeons, in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvadori. Pp. xvii., 676 : 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1893, 8vo. 1/. 10s. Vol. XXII. Catalogue of the Game Birds (Pterocletes, Gallince, Opisthocomi, Hemipodii) in the Collection of the British Museum. By W. R. Ogilvie Grant. Pp. xvi., 585 : 8 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1893, 8vo. 1/. 6s. Vol. XXIII. Catalogue of the Fulicaria (Rallidse and Heliornithidae) and Alectorides (Arjimidse, Eurypygidae, Mesitidge, Rhinochetidfe, Gruida>, Psophiidae, and Otididae) in the Collection of the British Museum. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xiii, 353 : 9 coloured Plates. [With Syste- matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1894. 8vo. 20s. List of the Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray : — Part III., Section I. Ramphastidae. Pp. 16. [With Index.] 1855, 12mo. 6d. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 5 List of Specimens of Birds in ihn British Mtiseum — continued. Part III., Section II. Psittacidae. Pp.110. [With Index.] 1859, 12mo. 2s. Part III., Sections III. and IV. CapitonidES and PicidjB. Pp. 137. [With Index.] 1868, 12mo. Is. 6d. PartlV. Columbse. Pp.73. [With Index.] 1856, 12mo. Is. 9d. Part V. Gallina). Pp. iv., 120. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1867, 12rao. 1*. 6d. Catalogue of the Birds of the Tropical Islands of the Pacific Ocean in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 72. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1859, 8vo. \s. 6d. REPTILES. Catalogue of the Tortoises, Crocodiles, and Amphisbajniaus in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. viii., 80. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1844, 12mo. 1*. Catalogue of Shield Reptiles in the Collection of the British Museum. Bv John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c. : — Appendix.' Pp. 28. 1872, 4to. 2s. 6d. Part II. Eniydosaurians, Rhynchocephalia, and Amphis- bsenians. Pp. vi., 41. 25 Woodcuts. 1872, 4to. 3*. 6c?. Hand-List of the Specimens of Shield Reptiles in the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 124. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1873, 8vo. 4*. Catalogue of the Cheloniaus, Rhynchocephalinns, and Crocodiles in the British Museum (Natural History). New Edition. By George Albert Boulenger. Pp. x., 311. 73 Woodcuts and 6 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1889, 8vo. 15*. Catalogue of the Specimens of Lizards in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. xxviii., 289. [With Geogra[)hic, Sy.stematic, and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1845, 12mo. 3*. 6c?. Catalogue of the Lizards in the Briti.sh ^Museum (Natural His- tory), Second Edition. By George Albert Boulenger : — Vol.1. Geckonidte, Eublepnarid^, Uroplatidce, Pygopodidse, AgamidiP. Pp. xii., 436. 32 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1 S&5, 8vo. 20.?. Vol. II. Iguanid;e, Xenosaurida;, ZonuridsE, Anguidae, Anniellidas, Helodermatidae, Varanidae, Xantusiida;, Teiidae, Amphisbiienida?. Pp. xiii., 497. 24 Platr-s. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 20.v. 6 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum — continued. Vol, III. Lacertidse, GerrhosauridaR, • Scincidse, Anelytro- pidse, Dibamidffi, Chamseleontidaj. Pp. xii., 575. 40 Plates. [With a Systematic Index and an Alphabetical Index to the three volumes.] 1887, 8vo. \l. Qs. Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural History), By George Albert Boulenger, F.R.S. : — Vol. I., containing the families Typhlopida;, Glauconiidas, Boidae, Ilysiidaj, Uropeltidc^, Xenopeltidae, and Colubrida; aglyiihai, part. Pp. xiii., 448: 26 Woodcuts and 28 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1893, 8vo. ]/. 1*. Vol. II., containing the conclusion of the Colubridae uglyphjE. Pp. xi., 382: 25 Woodcuts and 20 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1894, 8vo. 17«. M. Catalogue of Colubrine Snakes in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Albert Giiuther. Pp. xvi., 281. [With Geogi-aphic, Systematic, and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1858, 12mo. 4*. BATRACHIANS. Catalogue of the Batrachia Salienlia in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Albert Giinther. Pp. xvi., 160. 12 Plates. [With Systematic, Geographic, and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1858, 8vo. 6.s. Catalogue of the Batrachia Gradientia, s. Caudata, and Batrachia Apoda in the Collection of the British Museum. Second Edition. By George Albert Boulenger. Pp. viii., 127. 9 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.} 1882, 8vo. 95. FISHES. Catalogue of the Fishes in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Albert Guntl.er, F.R.S., &c. :— Vol. VII. Physostomi (Heterophygii, Cyprinidas, Gono- rhynchidse, Hyodontidffi, Osteoglo-ssidae, Clupeidse, Chiro- centridaj, Alepocephalidre, Notopterida^, Halosauridae). Pp. XX., 512. Woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1868, 8vo. 8*. Vol. VIII. Physostomi (Gymnotidae, Symbranchidse, Murse- nidae, Pegasidae), Lophobranchii, Plectognathi, Dipnoi, Ganoidei, Chondropterygii, Cyclostomata, Leptocardii. Pp. XXV., 549. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1870, 8vo. 8.9. 6rf, BHITISU MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 7 Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum. Second edition. Vol. J. Catalogue of the Perciform Fishes in the British Museum. Vol. I. containing the Centrarchidae, Percidje, and SerranidjE (part). By George Albert Boulenger, F.R.S. Pp. xix., 394. Woodcuts and 15 plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1895, 8vo. 15*. List of the Specimens of Fish in the ColU^ition of the British Museum. Part J. Chondropterygii. By .1. E. Gray. Pp. x., 160. 2 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes 1 1851, 12mo. 3*. ■-■ Catiilogue of Fish collected and de.scribed by Laurence Theodore Grouow, now in the British Museum. Pp. vii., 11)6. [With a Systematic Index.] 1854, 12mo. 3*. 6rf. ' Cataloguff of Lophobranchiate Fish in the Collection of the British Museum. By J. J. Kaup, Ph.D., &c. Pp. iv., 80. 4 Plates [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1856, 12mo. 2s. MOLLUSC A. Guide to the Systematic Distribution of Mollusca in the British Museum. Part I. By John Edward Gray, Ph D F R S &c. Pp. xii., 230. 121 Woodcuts. 1857, 8vo. 5s. ' ' " '' List of the Shells of the Canaries in the Collection of the British Museum, collected by MM. Webb and Bertlielot. Described and figured by Prof. Alcide D'Orbigny in the " Histoire Natureile des lies Canaries." Pp. 32. 1854, 12mo, Is. List of the Shells of Cuba in the Collection of the British Museum collected by M. Kamon de la Sagra. Described by Prof Alcide d'Orbigny in the " Histoire de Pile de Cuba." Pp. 48. 1854 12mo, Is. ' List of the Shells of South America in the Collection of the British Museum. Collected and described by M. Alcide D'Orbigny in the " Voyage dans rAmeriqne Mendionale." Pp. 89. "1854 l2iuo. 2.9. ' ' Catalogue of the Collection of Mazatlan Shells in the British Museum, collected by Frederick Reigen. Described by Philip P. Carpenter. Pp. xvi., 552. 1857, 12mo. 8s. List of Mollusca and Shells in the Collection of the British Museum, collected and described by MM. Eydoux and Souleyet in the '• Voyage autour du Monde, execute pendant les annees " 1836 et 1837, sur la Corvette 'La Bouite,'" and in the « Histoire naturelle dos Molluscpies Pteropodes," Par MM P. C. A. L. Ranget Sonleyet. Pp. iv., 27. l,So5. 12mo Hd.' Catalogue of the Phaneropneuniona, or Terrestrial Operculaled :Mollusca, in the Collection of the British Museum Bv Dr I Pfeiffer. Pp. 324. [With an Alphabetical Index.]' 1852* 12mo. OS. -' ■. 8 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Nomenclature of Molluscous Animals and Shells in the Collection of the British Museum. Part T. Cyclophorids. Pp. 69. [With an Index.] 1850, l2mo. [s. 6d. Catalogue of Pnlnionata, or Air Breathing Mollusca, in the Col- lection of the British Museum. Part I. By Dr. Louis Pfeiffer. Pp. iv., 192. Woodcuts. 1855, 12rao. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of the Auriculidje, Proserpiuidaj, and Truucatellidte in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Louis Pfeiffer. Pp. iv., 150. Woodcuts. 1857, 12mo. 1*. 9f/. List of the Mollusca in the Collection of the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c. Part I. Volutid*. Pp. 23. 1855, 12mo. 6d. PartlL Olivida;. Pp.41. 1865, 12mo. Is. Catalogue of the Conchifera, or Bivalve Shells, in the Collection of the British Museum. By M. Deshayes : — Part I. Veneridas, Cyprinidae, Glauconomidse, and Petri- colada}. Pp. iv., 216. 1853, )2mo. S*. Part II. Petrictiladas (concluded) ; Corbiculadse. Pp. 217-292. [With an Aljihabetical Index to the two parts.] 1854, 12mo. 6d. BRACHIOPODA. Catalogue of Brachiopoda Ancylopoda or Lamp Shells in the Collection of the Biitish Museum. [Issued as " Catalogue of the Mollusca, Part TV."] Pp. iv., 128. 25 Woodcuts. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1853, 12mo. 3*. POLYZOA. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa in the Collection of the British Museum. Part III. Cyclostomata. By George Busk, F.RS. Pp. viii., .39. 38 Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 1875, 8vo. 5s. CRUSTACEA. Catalogue of Crustacea in the Collection of tlie British Museum. Part^'l. Leucosiada;. By Thomas Bell, V.P.R.S., Pres. L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 24. 1855, 8vo. 6d. Catalogue of the Specimens of Amphipodous Crustacea in the Collection of the British Museum. By C. Spence Bate, F.R.S., .^';c. Pd, iv., 399. 58 Plates. [With aii Alphabetical Index.] 1862, Svo. ]/. 5*. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). y ARAGHNTDA. Descriptive Catalogue of the Spiders of Burma, based upon the Co'loction made by Eugene W. Oat(!S and preserv-ed in the British Museum. By T. Tliorell. Pp. xxxvi., 4()6. [With Systematic List .iiul Alphiibctical Index.] 1895, 8vo. 10«. 6(/. MYRIOPODA. Catalogue of the Myriapoda iu' the Collection of the British Musum. By George Newport, F.R.S., P.E.S., &c. Part I Chilopoda. Pp. W., 96. [Witli an Alphabetical Index 1 18.56, 12mo. 1*. 95 1851, 12mo. 6rf. J .— • Part VI. Passalidffi. By Frederick Smith. Pp iv 93 1 Plate [With Index.] 1852, 12mo. 8d. '' " ' Part VII. Longicornia, I. Bv Adam Wliile. Pp iv 174 4 Plates. 1853, 12mo. 2s. 6d. 1 » • Part VIII. Longicornia, II. By Adam White. Pp 237 6 Plates. 1855, 12mo. 35. 6d. Part IX. Cassidida;. By Charles H. Boheman, Professor of Natural History, Stockholm. Pp. 225. [With Index 1 1856, 12mo. i}s. "-' Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Coleoptera in the Collection of tiie British Museum Part I. Lycida?. By Charles Owen Waterhouse. Pp. x., 83. 18 coloured Plates. [With Syste- matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1879, 8vo. 16«. Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of Madeira in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Vernon Wollaston, M. A., F.L S Pp. xvi., 234 : 1 Plate. [With a Topographical Catalogue and an Alphabetical Index.] 1857, 8vo. 3*. Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of the Canaries in the Collec- tion of the British Museum. By T. Vernon Wollaston, M.A. F.L.S. Pp. xiii., 648. [With 'topographical and Alphabetical Indexes,] 1864, 8vo. 10*. 6d. Catalogue of HaUicida- in the Collection of the British Museum By the Rev. Hamlet Clark, M.A., F.L.S. Physapodes and CEdipudcs. Part I. Pp. xii., 301. Frontispiece and 9 Plates 1860, 8vo. 7*. 10 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Cutalo^uo of Hispida; in the Collection of the British Mu&fum. By Joseph S. Baly, M.E.S., &c. Part I. Pp. x., 172. 9 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1858, 8vo. 6*. Hymenopterous Insects. List of the Specimens of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker. F.L.S.: — Part II. Chalcidites. Additional Species, Appendix. Pp.iv., 99-237. 1848, l2mo. 2s. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Frederick Smith. 12mo. : — Part I. Andrenida? and Apida>. Pp. 197. 6 Plates. 1853, 2s. 6d. Part II. Apida3. Pp. 199-465. 6 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1854, 6s. Part III. Mutillidaj and Pompilidii^. Pp. 206. 6 Plates. 1855, 6s. Part IV. S[)hegida3, Larridee, and Crabronidaj. Pp. 207- 497. 6 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1856, 6.9. Part V. Vespidii>. Pp. 147. 6 Plates. [With an Alpha- betical Index.] 1857, 6s. Part VI. Formicida-,. Pp. 216. 14 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1858, 6s. Part VII. D(>rylida3 and Thynnida>,. Pp. 76. 3 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1859, 2s. Descriptions of New Species of Hymeuo]itera in the Collection of the British Museum. By Frederick Smith. Pp. xxi., 240. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1879, 8vo. 10s. List of Ilyinenoptera, with descriptions and figures of the Typical Specimens in the British Museum. Vol. I., Tenthredinid^ and Siricida3. By W. F. Kirby, Pp. xxviii., 450. 16 Coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1882, 8vo. 1/. 18s. Dipterous Insects. List of the Specimens of Dipterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S. 12mo. : — Part IV. Pp. 689-1172. [With an Index to the four parts, and an Index of Donors.] 1849. 6s, Part VII. Supplement III. Asilidaj. Pp. ii.. 507-775. 1855. 3.V. Gd. Lepidopterous Insects. Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Hcteroccra in the Collection of the British Museum : — Part III. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. xviii., 82. 41-60 Coloured Phiies. [With a Systenjatic Index.] 1879,4to. 2/. 10s. BRITISH MUSEUAl (xVATUKAL HISTUKV). 11 Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera — continued. Part V. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. xii., 74. 78-100 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 1881, 4to. 2/. 10*. Part VI. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. xv., 89. 101-120 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 1886, 4to. 21. As. Part VII. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. iv., 124. 121-1.38 Coloured Plates, [With a Systematic List.] 1889, 4to. 21. Part VIII. The Lepidoptera Heterocera of the Nilgiri District. By George Francis Hampson. Pp. iv., 144. 139-156 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic List.] 1891, 4to. 21. Part IX. The Macrolepidoptera Heterocera of Ceylon. By George Francis Hampson. Pp. v., 182. 157-176. Coloured Plates. [With a General Systematic List of Species collected in, or recorded from, Cevlon.j 1893, 4to. 21. 2s. Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera of the family Satyridse in the C'oUection of the British Museum. By Arthur Gardiner Butler, F.L.S., &c. Pp. vi., 211. .5 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1868, 8vo. 5«. Qd. Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera described by Fabricius in the Collection of the British Museum. By Arthur Gardiner Butler, F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 303. 3 Plates. " 1869, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Specimen of a Catalogue of Lycenid.np in the British Museum. By W. C. Hewitson. Pp. 15. 8 Coloured Plates. 1862, 4to. II. Is. List of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the Briti.sh Museum. Part I. Papilionidfe. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S. Pp. 106. [With an Alphabetical IndexJ 1856, 12mo. 2s. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker. 12mo. : — Part VI. Lepidoptera Heterocera. Pp. 1258-1507. 1855, 3*. 6c?. Part X. Noctuidc-e. Pp. 253-191. 1856, 3*. 6d. Part XII. Pp. 765-982. 1857, 3s. 6d. Part XIIL Pp. 983-1236. 1857, 3*. 6d. Part XIV. Pp. 1237-1519. 1858, 4s. 6d. Part XV. Pp. 1520-1888. [With an Alpha- betical Index to Parts IX.-XV.] 1858, 4*. 6c?. Part XVI. Deltoides. Pp. 253. 1858, 3*. Gd. Part XIX. Pyralides. Pp. 799-1036. [With an Alpha- betical Index to Parts XVI.-XIX.] 1859, 3.v. 6d. Part XXI. Geometrites. I 'p. 277-498. 1860, 3s. Part XXII. Pp. 499-755. 1861, 3s. 6d. PartXXTII. Pp. 756-1020. 1861, 3.v. 6d. 12 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE List of Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects — continued. Part XXIV. Pp. 1021-1280. 1862, 35. Qd. Part XXV. Pp. 1281-1477. 1862,3*. Part XXVI. Pp. 1478-1796. [With an Alphabetical Index to Parts XX.-XXVI.] 1862, 4*. 6c?. Part XX VII. Crambites and Tortricites. Pp. 1-286. 1863, 4.?. Part XXVIII. Tortricites and Tineites. Pp. 287-561. 1863. 4*. Part XXIX. Tineites. Pp. 562-835. 1864, 4*. Part XXX. Pp. 836-1096. [With an Alpha- betical Index to Psirts XXVII.-XXX.] 1864, As. Part XXXI. Supplement. Pp. 1-321. 1864, 5s. Part XXXII. Part 2. Pp. 322-706. 1865, 5s. Part XXXIII. Part 3. Pp. 707-1120. 1865, 6*. Part XXXIV. Part 4. Pp. 1121-1533. 1865, 5*. 6rf. Part XXXV. Part 5. Pp. 1534-2040. [With an Alphabetical Index to Parts XXXI.-XXXV.] 1866, 7*. Neuropterous Insects. Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the Collec- tion of the British Museum. By Francis Walker. 12mo. : — Part I. Phrygauides— Perlides. Pp. iv., 192. 1852, 2s. 6d. Part II. Sialidae— Nemopterides. Pp. ii., 193-476. 1853, 3*. 6d. Part III. Termitidae— Ephemeridse. Pp. ii., 477-585. 1853, Is. 6d. Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the Col- lection of the British Museum. By Dr. H. Hagen. Part I. Termitina. Pp. 34. 1858, 12mo. 6d. Orthopterous Insects. Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Phasmidae. By John Obadiah Westwoofl, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 195. 48 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1859, 4to. 3/. Catalogue of the Specimens of Blattaria; in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 239. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1868, 8vo. 5*. Qd. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria [Part I.] and Supplement to the Blattarise in the Collection of the British Museum. Gryllidae. Blattariai. Locustida;. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 224. [With an Alphabeticallndex.] 1869, 8vo, 5.V. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 13 Catalogue of the Specimens of Derraiiptera Saltiitoria ia the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., Ac- Part II. Locustidai (continued). Pp. 225-423. [With aa Alphabetical Index.] 1869, 8vo. 4s. 6d. Part III. Locustidse (continued). — Acrididffi. Pp. 42.5-604. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1870, 8vo. 4*. Part IV. Acridida? (continued). Pp. 60o-8()9. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1870, 8vo. 6s. Part V. Tettigidse. — Supplement to the Catalogue of Blat- taria;. — Supplement to the Catalogue of Dermaptera Saltaton'a (with remarks on the Geoirraphical Distribution of Dermaptera). Pp. 811-8.50; 4.3 f 1 16. [With Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1870, 8vo. 6*. Hemipterous Insects, List of the Specimens of Hemipterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By W. S. Dall;is, F.L.S. Part II. Pp. 369-590. Plates 12-15. 1852, 12mo. 4s. Catalogue of the Specimens of Heteropterous Hemiptera in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S. , &C. 8vo. :— Part I. Scutata. Pp. 240. 1867. 5*. Part II. Scutata (continued). Pp. 241-417. 1867. 4*. Part III. Pp. 418-599. [With an Alphabetical Index to Parts I., IL, III., and a Summary of Geographical Distribution of the Species mentioned.] 1868. 4.v. Of/. Part IV. Pp.211. [Alphabetical Index.] 1871. 6s. Part V. Pp. 202. 1872. bs. Part VI. Pp. 210. 1873. os. Part VII. Pp. 213. 1873. 6*. Part VIII. Pp. 220. ■ 1873. 6*. 6(7. Tlomopterous Insects. List of the Specimens of Homopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Mu.seum. B}' Francis Walker. Su[)plement. Pp. ii., 369. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1858, J2mo. 4*. 6^/. VERMES. Catalogue of the Species of Eniozoa, or Intestinal Worms, con- tained in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Baird, Pp. IV., 132. 2 Plates. [With an Index of the Animals in which the Entozoa mentioned in the Catalogue are found ; and an Index of Genera and Species.] 1853, 12mo. 2s. ANTHOZOA. Catalogue of Serf-pens or PennatnlariidiP in the Collection of the British Museum. By J. E. Gray, F.Ii.S., &c. Pp. iv., 40. 2 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. 1*. 6