In September 1971 when the Sub-Department of Ornithology was established at Tring, the Bird Section Library was transferred there. Ornithological books marked 'Z1 in this printed catalogue may, therefore, be at Tring now, instead of, or as well as, in the Zoological Department Library. The card catalogues in the Catalogue Room have been altered to show present locations. CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). PREFACE. the second volume of the Catalogue of the Collection of Books, Maps, &c., in the Natural History branch of the Museum, brings the series of entries under authors' names down to the end of the letter "K," thus completing the first half of the entire work. Thanks for assistance in its production are due to the coadjutors already mentioned in the preface and introduction to the first volume. E. BAY LANKESTER, Director. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), April 23rd, 1904. • ; CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS, MANUSCEIPTS, MAPS AND DKAWINGS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATUBAL HISTORY). VOL. II. E— K. LONDON: FEINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. SOLD BY LONGMANS & CO., 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, E.G.; K. QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. ; DULAU & CO., 37 SOHO SQUARE, W. ; KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., 43 GERHARD STREET, SOHO, W. ; AND AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD, S.W. 1904. [All rights reserved.} PRINTED BY HiZELI,, WATttOK AND V1NEY, J.D., LOKDON AND ATLKSBURY. CATALOGUE OP THE BOOKS, MAPS, &c., IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). -» after a date or the number of a volume indicates that the set is in progress. t in the same position implies that no more has been published. [ ] enclose words, dates, &c., that have been supplied. . . . denotes the omission of a word or words from the body of the title. E., H. Some account of Jura Red Deer [by H. E., i.e. H. Evans]. (Parasitic diseases of Farm Animals). pp. 88 (8) : 1 map. 8°. Derby [1891]. The second paper is reprinted from " The Field," 1890. E - *, J. P., z. K - * Versuch iiber die Natur- geschichte des Maulwurfes . . . Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt, und mit . . . Zusatzen vermehret von J. P. E - * z. K - * \i.e. J. P. Eichhof]. See LA FAILLE (C. DE). 8°. 1778. E., R. A. L'Entomologie, ou 1'histoire naturelle des Insectes . . . Par R. A. E. [i.e. P. M. R. Aucher-Eloy]. pp. 437 : 9 pis. 12°. Paris, 1826. BALING NATURAL SCIENCE AND MICRO- SCOPICAL SOCIETY. [1877 Founded as Baling Microscopical and Natural History Club. 1883 Baling Microscopical and Natural History Society. 1894 Baling Natural Science and Mici-oscopical Society.] Annual Conversazione, &c. No. 3-5. 8°. Eating, 1880-82. Annual Report . . . 1882 (-88). 8°. Ealing [1882-1889]. Report and Proceedings . . . 1889 (1890-»). 8°. Ealing [1890-*]. — Ealing Natural Science & Microscopical Society. Session 1883-84. Inaugural Address, by Rev. Prof. *O • Henslow. pp. 22. 8°. London, 1883. L_ EARL (GEORGE WINDSOR) The Eastern Seas, or Voyages ... in the Indian Archipelago in 1832-34, com- o. & prising a tour of the island of Java, visits to Borneo, the Malay Peninsula, Siam, &c. pp.xii,461. 8°. London, 1837. I — EARLE (AUGUSTUS) A narrative of a nine months' residence in New Zealand, in 1827 ; together with a journal of a residence in Tristan d'Acunha, &c. pp. x, 371 : 7 pis. 8°. London, 1832. _ EARLE (CHARLES) & others. Fossil Vertebrates G*" in the American Museum of Natural History, &c. Vol. l-» See OSBORN CH. F.) & others. 8°. 1898-> tw,w .u^ru* V EARLE4ft-63 & Underwood (L. M.) A preliminary 3 List of Alabama Fungi. See UNDEKWOOD (L. M.) & EARLE (F. S.) 8°. 1897. EARLE (JOHN) /English Plant Names from the tenth to the fifteenth CerHury. pp.cxii,lXi. 11". Oxford, 1880. EARTHQUAKES. [The general theory and phe- ££, nomena of Earthquakes and Volcanoes, &c. To which is added a particular history of the Lisbon Earthquake. By an ingenious Gentleman who was an eye-witness of that tremendous calamity.] pp. 62. 8°. [London, 1756.] Wanting the title-page. EAST INDIA COMPANY. Plants of the Coast 23 of Coromandel ; selected from drawings and descrip- tions presented to the . . . Company, by W. Roxburgh. Published, by their order, under the direction of Sir J. Banks. [Edited, with a preface, by P. Russell.] 3 Vol. Must. col. fol. London, 1795-1819. East India Company. An account of Indian Serpents . . . presented to the . . . Company, &c. See RUSSELL (P.) fol. 1796. A continuation of an account of Indian Serpents, &c. See RUSSELL (P.) fol. 1801. East India Company. Descriptions and figures of . . . Fishes . . . presented to the . . . Company and published by their order, &c. See RUSSELL (P.) fol. 1803. East India Company. No. i of Annulosa Javanica, C or ... the Insects collected in Java by T. Horsfield . . . and deposited by him in the Museum of the . . . Com- -pany. See MACLEAY (W. S.) 4°. 1825. East India Company. A [lithographed] numerical List of dried specimens of Plants in the . . . Company's Museum, &c. See WALLICH (N.) fol. 1828. East India Company. Ft. I (-11) of a ... Catalogue •£_ of the Lepidopterous Insects ... in the Museum of the ... Company, &c. See HORSFIELD (T.) 4°. 1828-29. East India Company. A Catalogue of the Mam- malia in the Museum of the ... Company. [By T. Horsfield.] pp. w, 212. 8°. London, 1851. East India Company. A Catalogue of the Birds ~J~ in the Museum of the ... Company, 2 Vol. See HORS- FIELD (T.) & MOORE (F.) 8°, 1854-58. 501 502 ET •z- East India Company. A Catalogue of the Lopido- ptmms Inserts in the Museum of the . . . Company. 8 Vol. See HoRSFiELD (T.) & MOORE (F.) 8°. 1867-50. East India Company. [Manuscript Catalogue of the Mollusca contained in the Museum of the Company. By G. B. Sowerby (1st of the name).] foil. 60. fol.[ ] East India Company. — Botanic Garden. See CALCUTTA. — Royal Botanic Gardens. EAST INDIAN PLANTS. [44 Nature-printed plates of East Indian Plants.] fol. [ ] East Kent Natural History Society. Transactions, rfmslated''& edited^by^C. R. e o z EASTWICK (EDWARD BACKHOUSE) [1814-1883] Journal of a Dinlomate's three years' residence in Persia. 2 Vol. [1 fig.] 8". Lowlvn, 1864. Eastwick (E. B.) Gold in India : whence the gold in India, and is it exhausted ? pp. 35. 8°. Isondon, 1880. Reprinted from the "Gentleman's Magazine," N.S., Vol. xziv. EASTWOOD (ALICE) See ZOE editor. Vol. Ill & IV. A. Eastwood, _ 8°. 1892-94. X EATON (ALFRED EDWIN) [Catalogue of British Ephemeridffi.] See MCLACHLAN (R.) Catalogue of British Neuroptera, nland. Meddelelser om Gr0nland, &c. Hft. IX, no. 4. 8°. 1889. EBERMAIER (JOHANN ERDWIN CHRISTOPH) [1769- 1825] Ueber die nothwendige Verbindung der systema- tischen Pflanzenkunde mit der Pharmacie, und iiber die Bekanntmachung der giftartigwiirkenden Pflanzen, &c. pp. 117. 8°. Hannover, 1796. , Ebermaier (J. E.G.) Von den Standortern der Pflanzen im Allgemeinen und denen der Arzneygewachse be- sonders, &c. pp. 232 : 1 pi. 8°. Miinster, 1802. EBERMAIER (KARL HEINRICH) [180271870] Dis- sertatio inauguralis sistens Plantarum Papilionacearum monographiam medicam, &c. pp.108. 8°.Berolini,l824. Ebermaier (K. H.) & Wees von Esenbeck (T. F. L.) ' Handbuch der medicinisch-pharmaceutischen Botanik, &c. 3 Thl. See NEES VON ESENBECK (T. F. L.) & EBERMAIEE (K. H.) 8°. 1830-32. 9 EBERMAYEB.(ERNSTWlLHELMFERDINAND)[1829-] Naturgesetzliche Grundlagen des Wald- und Acker- baues . . . Erster Theil. Physiologische Chemie der Pflanzen i. Die Bestandtheile der Pflanzen. pp. xxviii, 861. 8°. Berlin, 1882. EBERSBACH (CHRISTIAN AUGUST) Definitiones Plantarum . . . respondente . . . C. A. Ebersbach, &c. See HEBENSTREIT ( J. E.) 4°. 1731 . EBERT (FRIEDRICH ADOLF) [1791-1834] A general Bibliographical Dictionary, from the German of F. A. Ebert. 4 Vol. 8°. Oxford, 1837. EBERT (ROBERT) reichs. pp. 48. Zur Systematisierung des Thier- 8°. Dresden, 1868. Progr. Vitzthumschen Gymnasiums. EBERT (THEODOR) [1857-1899] Die Echiniden des Nord- und Mitteldeutschen Oligocans. pp. viii,_ 111 : text Must. Atlas, 10 pis. See PRUSSIA. — Koeniylich- Preussische geologische Landes-Anstalt, &c. Abhand- lungen, artago du bassin de la Seine et du bassin de la Loire, pp. US : 1 map, text Must. 8°. Nevers, 1862. Ebray (C. H. T.) Sur la presence de l'6tage Bathonien et de 1'etage Bajpcien a Crussol (Ardeche), et etude des al- lures du terrain Houiller de Decize, sous les terrains de recouvrement. pp. 87 : text Must. 8°. Nevers, 1863. Ebray (C. H. T.) Vegetaux fossiles des terrains de transition du Beaujolais. pp. 20 : 11 pis., 1 map. 8°. Paris & Lyon, 1868. Ann. Soc. Sci. Indust. Lyon. 1888. Ebray (C. H. T.) Remarques sur les mots et les phrases qui suivent ma Note sur la Protogine des Alpes. pp. 7. 8°. Lyon, 1870. Ebray (C. H. T.) A Dezautiere (J. B.) Description Grologique du bassin Houiller de Decize, d. ECHEANDIA (PEDRO GREOORIO) [1746-1817] Flora Ccsaraugustana y Curso practice de Botanica, obra postuma . . . precedida de un discurso . . . por D. M. P. y Bartolini. pp. 52. 8°. Madrid, 1861. ECHTERLING (JoHANN B. H.) Verzeichniss der ini Kiirstcntlmm Lippe wildwachsenden . . . phanero- gamischen Pflanzen. pp. 60. 8°. Detmold, 1846. For addenda by O. Weerth (?), Set BERTHOLD (J. G. L. U.) Zu den Schnireierlichkeiten, .(c. I860. ECK (HEINRICH ADOLF VON) [1837-1 Ueber die Formationen des Bunten Sandsteins und des Muschel- kalks in Oberschlesien und ihre Versteinerungen. pp. viii, US, 1 tab. : 2 pis. 8°. Berlin, 1865. Eck (H. A. VON) Riidersdorf und Umgegend. Eine geognostische Monographic, &c. (Geognostische Karte . . . Maassstab 1 : 12,500 [i.e. 1 m. = 5 in. about]. pp. vii, 183 : 1 pi., 1 map (/eol. col. See PRUSSIA. — Aoenujlich-Prnwsische geologische Landes-Anstalt, &c. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. i, lift. 1. 8°. 1872. Eck (H. A. VON) Geognostische Uebersichtskarte des Schwarzwaldes . . . Masstab 1 : 200,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 3 m. about]. 2 sh. See BLACK FOREST. [Maps.] 1886, 87. Eck (H. A. VON) Geognostiche Beschreibung der Gegend von IJaden-Baden, Hothenfels,Gernsbach und Herrenalb. pp.xlvi,6S6 : 1 mnj> geol. col., text illust. See PRUSSIA. — Koenifiliche Preussische {feoloyische Landeg-Angtalt, ECORCHARD (JEAN MARIE) Specimen d'une Flore, projet d'embellissement du Jardin des Plantes de Nantes, pp. 82. 8°. Nantes, 1841. Ecorchard (J. M.) Histoire du Jardin des Plantes de Nantes, &c. pp. 66 : 1 map. 8°. Nantes, 1855. _ ECUADOR. [Maps.] Carta geografica del Ecuador i por . . . T. Wolf, &c. Escala 1 : 445,000 [1 in. = 7 m. L> about]. 6 sh. Leipzig, 1892. This map is accompanied by a work entitled : — " Geografia y Geologfa del Ecuador . . . por T. Wolf" (q.v.} EDELSTEINE. Anleitung zur Kenntniss der FMel- steine, &c. See ANLEITUNO. 8°. 1816. EDEN (CHARLES HENRY) Journey across the western , interior of Australia . . . With an introduction and additions by C. H. Eden, &c. See WARBURTON (P. E.) 8°. 1875. EDGEWORTH (MICHAEL PAKENHAM) [1812-1881] Catalogue of Plants found in the Banda district, 1847-49. pp. 60. 8°. [Calcutta, 1852.] Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal. Vol. xxi. Edgeworth (M. P.) [Pollen. 8°. London, 1877.] Wanting. — Second edition, &c. pp. 98 : 24 pis. 8°. London, 1879. Edgeworth (M. P.) & Hooker (Sir J. U.) K.C.S.I. [Frankeniaceie, Caryophylleae, Zygophyllese & Gerani- acese of India.] See HOOKER (Sir J. D.) K.C.S.I. The Flora of British India, &c. Vol. i. 8°. 1874. EDGREN (PETRUS ADOLPHUS) Horti Upsaliensis Planta; cultae ab initio soeculi. Quarum partem quartam . . . p.p. P. A. Edgren, dkc. See THUNBERO (C. P.) 4°. [1826.] Edgren (P. A.) Piper Nigrum dissertatio medica quiun . . . prseside C. P. Thunberg . . . offert auctor P. A. Edgren. pp. 12. 4°. Upsalive [1827]. EDHOLM (ERicus) Reformandaj Pharmacopoea; .7" Svecicse specimen septimum quod . . . p.p. E. Edholm, T* ^ ast and present. — W. J. Stonhill. „ xvin. The production of Wood-Pulp— G. F. Green. ,, xix. Preparation of Wood-Pulp by the Soda process.— T. A. Reid. ,, xx. Report on Wood-Pulp processes. — C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan. ,, xxi. Lacquer (Urushi). Description, cultivation and treatment of the Tree, the chemistry of its juice and its industrial applications.— Hikorokui-o Yoshida. EDINBURGH.— Museum of Science and Art. See EDINBURGH MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND ART. EDINBURGH. — Royal Botanic Garden. [Founded WTO.] Hortus Medicus Edinburgensis, dkc. See SUTHER- LAND (J.) 8°. 1683. Edinburgh.— Royal Botanic Garden. Index Plan- ^ tarum ... in Horto Medico Edinburgensi, &c. See ALSTON (C.) 8°. 1740. Edinburgh. —Royal Botanic Garden. Catalqgus Plan- tarum Officinarum quoe in Horto Edinensi seorsim servantur. pp. 8. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1778 ?] Edinburgh.— Royal Botanic Garden. List of medi- cinal and poisonous Plants cultivated in the . . . Garden . . . May 1859. [Compiled by J. H. Balfour.] pp. 23. 8°. Edinburgh, 1859. Edinburgh. — Royal Botanic Garden. Guide to the Royal Botanic Garden . . . by J. H. Balfour, <£v. pp. 32 : 1 plan, text illust. 8°. Edinburgh [1873]. Edinburgh. — Royal Botanic Garden. Report for the O Year 1875 (-1877). 2 No. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1876-78.] EDINBURGH.— Botanical Society. See. BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. 64 L 9 L S b\ G- L M EDINBURGH. Flinian Society. .SVr Pl.IXlAX SOCIETY. EDINBURGH. Royal Physical Society. Sfr ROYAL PHYSICAL SOCIKTY OF EDINBURGH. EDINBURGH. Royal Society. tire ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. EDINBURGH. Royal Scottish Geographical Society. s ROYAL SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. EDINBURGH. Society of Improvers in the Knowledge of Agriculture in Scotland. See SOCIKTY UK IMPROVERS IN THE KNOWLEDOE OF AGRICULTURE IN SCOTLAND. EDINBURGH.— University. [Founded 15S2.] The . . . Calendar, EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. [Founded 1884.] Transactions, dx. Vol. i-» 8°. Edinburgh, 1868-> EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF NATURAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE, The. I'mlcr the direction of W. Ainsworth . . . and H. H. Cheek, &c. Vol. i-m.t (Dec. 1830— June 1831). 8°. Edinburgh, &c., 1830-31. Vol. in is described in the prospectus as •• New Series," and is conducted by II. II. Cheek alone. EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY, AND OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES, The. Conducted by W. Maegillivray, . 8°. Edinburgh, 1871. Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. Guide / to Gallery containing Geological Survey and other collections illustrative of Scottish Geology and Mine ralogy. pp. 16 : 1 plan. 8°. Edinburgh, 1892. — [Another edition entitled :] Guide to the collec- / tions illustrative of Scottish Geology and Mineralogy. L" Pt. i. Collection of the Geological Survey . . . Third edition, pp. 31 : 1 plan. 8°. Edinburgh, 1897. Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. List of (_ Books, &c., relating to Botany and Forestry ... in the Library of the Museum, pp. iv, 199. 8°. Edinburgh, 1897. Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. General (__ Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Museum. Second edition, pp. 434. 8°. Glasgow [ pis. col. » r See ACADEMIA CVKSAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, &c. * Nova Acta, Ac. Tom. xxxrv, no. 3. 4°. 1868. EDLINGER (AUGUST VON) Erklarung der Tier- Namen aus alien Sprachgebieten. /i/i. \vi,\ 117. 8°. Landshut, 1886. EDMOND ( ) de Stfrigny. Promenade sentimen- tal e et scientifique au Jardm d'Hiver d'un jiapillon "^ voyageur ayant pour interprete M. Edmond (de S6rigny) . . . prec6d6e d'un Abr6g6 de Botanique [extracted almost literally from the " Herbier des Demoiselles " of E. Amloint], tf-c. pp. 1,U : text illust. 8°. [Pari*,] 1848. 507 ® EDMONDS (CHARLES) The Ladies' Companion to ' 'he Flower-Garden . . . Eighth edition . . . corrected ... by C. Edmonds. See LOUDON (J.) Mrs. 8°. 1865. EDMONDS (HENRY) Elementary Botany, theoretical ' anc^ Practical> <&c- PP- %07 : text illust. 8°. London, 1882. EDMONDS (RICHARD) [1801-1886] The Land's End district: its antiquities, natural history, &c. pp. [iv,] 270 : 6 pis., 1 map, text Must. 8°. London, 1862. EDMONDSTON (THOMAS) [isas-me] A Flora of Shetland ; comprehending a list of the Flowering and Cryptogamic Plants of the Shetland Islands, with remarks on their topography, geology and climate, &c. pp. xxvii, 67. 8°. Aberdeen, 1845. Edmonds-ton (T.) The young Shetlander . . . being Life and Letters of T. Edmondston . . . Edited by his mother, pp. xv, 329. 8'. Edinburgh, 1868. mondston (T.) Flora Shetlandica November 1837. MS. commenced 8°. 5- L. EDWALL (GUSTAVO) Flora Paulista. n. Familias Solanacese e ScrophulariaceaB. pp. ix, 221. See SAO •T»l B PAULO. — Commissdo geographica e geologica. Boletim, &c. No. 13. 8". 1897. Pt. i & in of this Flora are by A. Lofgren. 3 EDWALL (LAURENTIUS) De Rosis Svecanis ten- tamen undecimum, &c. See AFZELIUS (A.) 4°. 1813. "7. EDWARDS (ALPHONSE MILNE) [1835-1900] Histoire des Crustacfe Podpphthalmaires fossiles . . . Mono- graphies des Portuniens et des Thalassiniens. pp. 322, v, iv, 1 tab. : 16 pis. 4°. Pans, 1861. Reprinted on large paper from " Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool.," Ser. IV, toirj. xiv. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Podophthalmaires fossiles. Histoire des Crustaces Tom. i.t pp. 390 : 48 pis. 4°. Paris, 1861-65. Reprinted on large paper from the . . pp. 1-102, v : pis. i-x. Annales, SeV. IV, torn. xiv. [Wanting the Table.] Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool.," as follows : — 1860. ,, 163-218 : pis. l-x. Annales, Ser. IV, torn. XVHI. 1862. [With 4 extra plates, vllbis, MII bis, xi & xn.] ,, 219-270 : pis. xill-xx. Annales, Ser. IV, torn. xx. 1863. „ 271-324 : pis. XXI-XXVH. „ Ser. V, torn. I. 1804. [Partly reset.] ,, 825-385 : pis. xxvin-xxxvi. Annales, Se"r. V, torn. in. 1865. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Faune Carcinologique de, 1' Tie de la Reunion. See MAILLARD (L.) Notes sur 1'Ile de la Reunion, &c. Pt. II. Annexe F. 8°. 1862. Deuxieme edition. 8°. 1863. CL. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) These . . De la famille des Solanacees. pp. 137 : 2 pis. 8°. Paris, 1864. Kcole Sup^rieure de Pharmacie de Paris. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) De 1'existence de 1'Homme pendant la periode Quaternaire dans la Grotte de Lourdes (Hautes-Pyren^es). See LYELL (Sir C.) Hart. L'Anciennet6 de 1'Homme. Appendice, &c. 8°. 1864. Edwards (ALPHONSK M.) Recherclies anatomiques, zoologiques et paleontologiques sur la famille des Chevrotains. pp. 132 : 11 pis. (2 col.) 4°. Paris, 1864. Reprinted on large paper from "Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool.," Ser. V, torn. II. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Remarques sur des ossements du Dronte (Didus ineptus) nouvellement recueillis a 1'Ile Maurice, pp. 28: 5 pis. 4". Paris, 1866. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. Ser. V, torn. v. Also reprinted in the author's " Recherches sur la Faune Omithologique cteinte des lies Mascareignes et de Madagascar," tic. [ij.v. infra.] \ Tom. , l 1OU)' x"' I Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Recherches sur la Faune Ornithologique eteinte des lies Mascareignes et de Madagascar, pp. 147 (28) : 38 pis. col. 4°. Paris, 1866-73 [-74]. Under the above collective title are included the following papers, extracted from the "Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool.," Ser. V :— Pt. I. 1. Observations sur les Caracteres Ostcologiques des } Annal principaux groupes de Psittacides, &c. [By /'T'om VJ ig^g 2. M&noire surun Psittacien fossile de 1'Ile Rodrigues.S [By A. M. Edwards.] 3. M&uoire sur une espece 6teinte du Genre Fulica, VTom.vlll.1867. qui habitait autrefois 1'lle Maurice. [By A. M.I Edwards.) J 4. Observations sur les affinites zoologiques de\~ 1' Aphanapteryx, &c. [By A. M. Edwards.] / 5. Nouvelles observations sur les caracteres zoo- \ logiques et les affinite's naturelles de I'jEpyornis ( de Madagascar. Par A. M. Edwards it A. Gran- I didier. , ; [Also issued in the • Bibl. Ecole Hautes Etudes," Tom. i.) 6. Rechercbes sur la Faune ancienne des Isles Masca- \ Tom. xix, 1873 reignes. Par A. M. Edwards. / (1874). [Also issued in the " Bibl. Ecole Hautes Etudes," Tom. ix, 1873 (1874).] Pt. II. 1. Remarques sur des ossements du Dronte (Didua "} ineplus) nonvellement recueillis a 1'Ile Maurice. } Tom. v, 1866. Par A. M. Edwards. ) Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Recherches anatomiques et paleontologiques pour servir a 1'histoire des Oiseaux fossiles de la France. Text & Atlas. 4 Vol. 4°. Paris, 1867-71. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) , Observations sur 1'Hippo- potame de Liberia et des Etudes sur la Faune de la Chine et du Tibet oriental. See EDWARDS (H. M.) Recherches pour servir a 1'histoire naturelle des Mam- miferes, &c. 4°. 1868-74. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES, publiees sous la direction de . . . M. A. Milne Edwards . . . pour la partie pale'ontologique. Tom. i-xxil. 8°. 1869-91. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Note . . . sur une nouvelle espece de Crustace aquatique [Sphcerortia priscum] decouvert a Suzanne. See PARIS.— SOCIETE GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires, &c. Ser. II, torn, vm, no. 3. Appendice. 4°. 1868. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Note sur la disposition du Placenta chez le Chevrotain Meminna. 1 p. See AN- NALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. V, torn, xm, no. 6. 8°. 1870. [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Jfinistere de I' In- struction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. n, no 4 bis. 8°. 1870. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Note sur quelques Mammi- feres du Thibet oriental. 1 p. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. V, torn, xm, no. 10. 8°. 1870. [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de I 'In- struction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. n, no. 3 bis. 8". 1870. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Observations sur la Faune Ornithologique du Bourbonnais pendant la p6riode Tertiaire moyenne. pp. 6. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES, &c. Tom. n, no. 2. 8°. 1870. [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Jfinistere de V In- struction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. in, no. 3. 8°. 1870. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Observations_ sur les Animaux qui habitaient la Siberie a 1'epoque du remplissage des cavernes de 1'Inga et du Tscharysch. pp. 4. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES, &c. Tom. n, no. 6, 8°, 1870. G- 508 2. l_ ^c Edwards (.\I.I-IH>NSE M.) Note sur le mmvt'uu genre appartenant a la division des crustaces Brachyures Cntomotopos. [/ />.] S,Y ANNALES DES Si IKNCKS NATURELLES, <£r. Zoologie. S«:r. V, torn, xin, no. a. 8°. ISTO. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Observations sur quelques points de 1'embryologie des Lemuriens et sur les affinites zoologiques de ces animaux. pp. 7. See AN- NALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. V, tom. xv, no. 6. 8°. 1871 (1872). [Another issue.] See_ FRANCE.— Ministere de Vln- C Li- *(ruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes ' Etudes, dx. Tom. rv, no. 5. 8°. 1871. Edward* (ALPHONSE M.) Note sur la vari6te melani- enne du Surmulot (Mim decumanus). [1 p.] See AN- NALBS DBS SCIENCES NATURELLES, &C. Zoologie. Ser. V, tom. xv, no. 7. 8°. 1871. [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de I' In- struction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Ac. Tom. rv, no. 6. 8°. 1871. "Z- f Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Observations sur la con- formation du Placenta chez le Fourmilier Tamandua (T. tetradactyla). pp. 4 : 1 pi. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. V, tom. xv, no. 16. 8°. 1872. [Another issue.] See FRANCE.— Ministere de V In- struction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Ac. Tom. v, no. 4. 8°. 1872. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Note sur les Crabes d'eau douce de Madagascar, pp. 3. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. V, torn, xv, no. 21. 8°. 1872. [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de V In- struction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Ac. Tom. v, no. 8. 8°. 1872. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Resume des recherches sur les Oiseaux fossiles. pp. 7. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES,^. Zoologie. Ser. V, tom. xvi, no. 2. 8°. 1872. Reprinted with additions from "Coinpt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Pane," Tom. I.XXIY, 1874. — [Another issue.] See FRANCE.— Ministere de I'ln- sfruction Publu/ue. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Ac. Tom. vi, no. 2. 8°. 1872. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Note sur une nouvelle espece de Tatou a cuirasse incomplete (Scleronleura lii-iineti). 1 p. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATU- RELLES, Ac. Zoologie. Ser. V, tom. xvi, no. 3. 8°. 1872. — [Another issue.] See FRANCE.— Ministere de I'ln- f Ci i a C L ^ruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Ac. Tom. vi, no. 3. 8°. 1872. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Recherches sur 1'Anatomie ilcs I.imules. pp. 67: 12 pis. (col.) See ANNALES DES SCIKXI KS NATUBELLES, Ac. Zoologie. Ser. V, torn, xvn, no. 4. 8°. 1872 (1873). Edward* (ALPHONSE M.) Note sur quelques Crustaces fo-silt-8 appurtenant aux genres Ranina et Galenopsis, pi>. 11:1 pi. AW ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOOIQUES. Ac. Tom. ni, no. 3. 8". 1872. - [Another issue.] See FRANCE.— Ministere de I'ln- ^. structiim PuMuiuf. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes C.- I Etudes, T Also reprinted in Atho author's " Unchurches stir la Faune Ornitholo- ¥ic|ui tUnttta I leu Mascareigaes et de Mudi>|^tacar," ,1-c. (7.1'. supra.] -7 \ u ft i 'or a translation, See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, 1). /(Jo i| OJ Apj)endix c. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Etudes sur les Xiphosmv.s et les Crustaces de la Region Mexicaine. See FRANCE. ^- — Ministere de I' Instruction Publique. Mission Scien- tifique au Mexique . . . Recherches Zoologiques, &c. Pt. 5. 4°. [1873-] 1881. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Note sur le Nephr»i>x Stetvartii, W. Mason, pp. 2. See ANNALES I>KS ^** SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. S6r. V, tom. \ i \ , no. 7. 8°. 1874. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Observations sur 1'ap- ]>areil vocal de VIndris brevicaudatus. pp. 3:1 pi. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoo- logie. Ser. VI, tom. I, no. 8. 8°. 1874. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES . . . Zoologie et Paleontologie . . . pub- liees sous la direction de . . . A. Milne Edwards. Ser. VI-» 8". 1874-» Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Observations sur les Oiseaux fossiles des Faluns de Saucats et de la Mollasse de L6ognan. pp. 12 : 2 pis. col. See FRANCE. — Ministere 5-1 de V Instruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hniltoa TJ'.tllrlea A-r. Tnivi VI nr> 3 B« 1 B7 A _ Q . 8". 1874. G G- Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. xi, no. 3. [Another issue.] See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES, &c. Tom. VI, no. 1. 8°. 1875. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Observations sur les Oiseaux dont les ossements ont ete trouves dans les cavernes du sud-ouest de la France. 8°. Toulouse, 1875. Materiaiuc Hist. prim. & nat. Homrne. ScV. 1 1, torn, vi, 1875,pp. 1,73-503. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Nouveaux Documents s.ur 1'epoque de la disparition de la Faune ancienne de I'lle Rodrigue. pp. 20. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATU- RELLES, dec. Zoologie. Ser. VI, tom. n, no. 4. 8°. 1875. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Note sur deux nouvelles especes de Crustaces provenant de la Nouvelle-Zelande (Trichoplatus ffuttoni et Acanthophryi Filholi). pp. 5 : 1 pi. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, t/mj. Gleanings of Natural History, exhibiting figures of Quadrupeds, Birds, Insects, Plants, &c. (Glanures d Histoire Naturelle . . . Traduit de 1'Anglois [Pt. I & ii] par J. Du Plessis [Pt. in, by E. Barker].) pp. xxxv, vti, 347 : pis. ccxi-ccdxii col. 4°. London, 1758-64. English and French in parallel columns. Copy presented to the Trustees of the British Museum by the Author, with his autograph, and a copy of his " ex libris " printed at the end of Pt. i (p. 108). A natural history of uncommon Birds, and of some other rare and undescribed Animals . . . Likewise some thoughts on the Passage of Birds ... In seven parts. 7 Vol. [in 3] illitst. col. 4°. London, (1743-51). Another issue of the preceding two series under a covering title. The corresponding French title is only for four parts. Wanting the engraved Frontispiece, the portrait of the Author and the French title-page to Pt. i v. Copies of the Plates, with translations by G. L. llnth of the descriptions and prefaces, appeared in J. M. Seligniann's "Sanunlnng yerschiedener anslmndischer nnd seltener Vogel," Ar. [7.1-.] A Catalogue of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Insects, Plants, &c., contained in Edwards's Natural His- tory . . . with their Latin names, &c. See Lra- HJEUS (C.) 4°. 1776. Edwards (GEORGE) F.S.S. Essays upon Natural His- tory and other miscellaneous subjects ... To which is added, a catalogue ... of the Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Insects, Plants, dec., contained in Mr. Edwards' Natural History, pp. viii, 231 : 1 port. 8°. London, 1770. Most of the Essays are reprinted from the " Natural History." Edwards (GEORGE) F.R.S. The natural history of Carolina, !• lorida, and the Bahama Islands ... By ... M. Catesby . . . Revised by Mr. Edwards, &c. [Third edition.] See CATESBY (M.) fol. 1771. Edwards (GEORGE) F.RJS. Some memoirs of the Life and Works of G. Edwards. [With a reprint of the papers he communicated to the Royal Society and their illustrations.] pp. 38 : 4 pis. 4°. London, 1776. Wanting the Portrait. This work was intended to serve as a »ni»>le- IMOI to the " Natural History." EDWARDS (GEORGE) of Market- Lavington, Wilt*. A discourse on the Emigration of British Birds . . . To which are added reflections on ... the annual migration of Birds, pp. xv, 64. 8°. London, 1 M i . The work was first issued in 1781 , and again in 17(15, as " l)y a Naturalist." The 1814 edition is ap|>arently a re-isine with a new title-page. EDWARDS (HENRI MILNE) [1800-1885] Diction- naire classique d'Histoire Naturelle, par Messieurs Audouin . . . H. Milne Edwards, Jiytes7 See CUVIER (GJLt^&F. D.) Baron. Le Efegne Animal . . . [ThmtKEdition . . . par . . . T Audouin, BlanchawMfT Vol. vm-x. 4°. [1836-49.] Edwards (HENRI M.) Recherches anatominues, phy- siologiques et zoologiques sur les Polypes. 1 asc. i.t 8". Paris, 1838. Under the above collective title are included the following papers, extracted from the "Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool.," 8er. II. :— Recherches ... sur les Polypes. (Introductory.) pp. i.\ 1. Memoire sur un nouveau genre de la famille des I Alcyoniens (genre Alcyonide). pp. 11. -I pis. 2. ObservationssurlesAlcyonsproprementdits. pp.lO:\ S pis. } 3. Recherches anatomiques, physiologiques et zoolo- ) giques sur les Eschares. pp. 53: 5 pis. f 4. Observations sur les Polypiers fonsiles du genre f Eschares. pp. Zk : •' pis. 5. Notesur un nouveau genre de Polypiers fossiles, de la ) famille des Eschariens, noinim'- Melicerite. pp. 35 > Tom. Mil, 1837. .1 M. ) 0. Memoire sur les Polypes du genre des Tubulipores. \ .,„_ ,, ,„,, pp. 18: Spls. [ lom^1"' 188'- 7. Memoire sur les Crisies, les Horni'res. Ac. pp. 4S .•!-„., ... ...E 11 pi,. f lom- '*• 188S- 8. Observations sur la nature et le mode de croissance int.. v i cao des Polypiers. pp. SH-SK. /Tom- x' 1838' Edwards (HENRI M.) Naturelle . . . par 16 Vol. See ORBIO Wanting. - [AnotheXeditio; - [Ai Edwards (HENRI M.) [Zoologie. 8°. Paris, 1841.] Wanting. Forms one of the volumes of the "Count elementaire d'llistoire Naturelle," by H. Milne Edwards and others. - Douzieme Edition, pp. 628 : text Must. 8". Paris, 1867. Edwards (HENRI M.) A Manual of Zoology . . . Trans- lated by R. Knox. pp. xxiii, BOS : text Must. 8°. London, 1856. Edwards (HENRI M.) [Crustacea of India.] 6WFi;\M i. Voyage dans 1'Inde, 1848' Edwards (HENRI M.) Observations sur le developpe- ment des Ann61ides, faites sur les cotes de la Sicile. pp. 24. 4». [Paris,] 1844. Comut. Ifend. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. XIX. Edwards (HENRI M.) Recherches anatomiques et zoolpgiques faites pendant un voyage sur les cotes de la Sicile et sur divers points du littoral de la France ; par MM. H. M. Edwards . . . A. de Quatrefages . . . et E. Blanchard, &c. 3 Pt. 4°. Paris [1845-49]. A series of memoirs, reprinted on large paper, from the " Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool.,"Ser. m. Pt. i. Recherches zoologiques . . . Par M. Milne Edwards. pp. 191 : S8 pis. (col.) 1. Rapport, d~c. (Note annext-e au Rapport . . . par M. de Quatrefages.) 2. Observations sur le developpement des Ann&ides. 8. Observations sur la Circulation : — «. Du mode de distribution des fluides nouc- riciers dans 1'e'conomie animale. &. Observations et experiences sur la circula- tion chez les Mollusques. (Nouvelles observations sur la constitxition de 1'ap- pareil circulatoire chez les Mollusques; par MM. Milne Edwards et Valenciennes.) c. De 1'appareil circulatoire du Poulpe. d. ,, ,, ,, ,, Calmar. €. „ ,, ,, de 1'Aplysie. /. „ ,, ,, des Thetbys. g. „ ,, ,, du ColimaQon. A. Systeme circulatoire du Triton. i. De 1'appareil circulatoire de la Pinne Marine. 4. Memoire sur la degradation des organes de la Circulation chez les Patelles et les Haliotides. 5. Note sur la classification naturelle des Mollusques Gasteropodes. Ft, u. Etudes s\ir les types inferieurs de 1'embranchement^ des Anneles ; par M. A. de Quatrefages. 1. Me'moire 'sur 1'organisation des Pycnogonides. pp. 15: 2 pis. 2. Note sur le Phlebenterisme. pp. 17-28. 3. MemoiresurquelquesPlanarieesmarines. pp.$9- 8U: 6 pis. (col.) 4. Memoire sur le systeme nerveux et sur I'histoire du Branchiostome, ou Amphioxtis (Bro.nchio- stoma lubricum, Costa : Amphioxus lanceolatus, Yarrell (1)). pp. 52: Upls. 5. Memoiresurlafamilledes Nemertiens(Nemertea). pp. 85-$2Q: 16. pis. (col.) G. Memoire sur 1'Echiure de Gsertner (it/minis \,r JQ..-. Qcertnerii, Nob.) pp. $21-258; 2 pis. / 7. R6wm«$ des observations faites en 1844 sur les\ T „ -\QAQ Phlebenteres. pp. 1-33. f Recherclies sur 1'organisation des Vers ; par M. E. ( .," ' Blancbard. pp. 353: 26 pis. (col.) C ^-Li^g. Edwards (HENRI M.) Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Catalogue de la Collection Entomologique. Classe des Insectes. Ordre des Coleopteres. Tom. i. See PARIS. — MUSEUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE. 8°. 1850. Edwards (HENRI M.) Histoire naturelle des Coral- liaires, ou Polypes proprement dits. 3 Tom. rl» «nr les piogrt's des Lettiea et des Sciences en France. Tom. iv, 1845. \ Tom. vi, 1840. Edwards (HENRI M.) Recherches pour servir a I'his- toire naturelle des Mammiferes . . . par M. H. M. Edwards. Des observations sur 1'Hippopotame de Liberia et des eludes sur la Faune de la (Jhine et du Tibet oriental par M. A. M. Edwards, pp. 894. Atlas, 105 pis. (col.) 4°. Paris, 1868-74. Edwards (HENRI M.) Recherches zoologiques publiees sous la direction de M. H. M. Edwards. See_ FRANCE.— Ministere de I 'Instruction Pullique. Mission Scienti- fique au Mexique et dans 1'Amerique centrale, &c. 4°. 1870-> Edwards (HENRI M.) Compte Rendu des nouvelles recherches de M. Walcott relatives a la structure des Trilobites, suivi de quelques considerations sur 1'inter-' pretation des faits ainsi constates, pp. 32: 3 pis. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. VI, torn, xn, no. 3. 8°. 1881. Edwards (HENRI M.) Necrologie. [Orations delivered at the funeral of H. M. Edwards.] See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. VI, torn, xix. 8°. 1885. Edwards (HENRI M.) & Audouin (J. V.) Resume d'Entomologie, ou d'histoire naturelle des Animaux Articules, &c. 2 Tom. Must. See AUDOUIN (J. V.) & EDWARDS (H. M.) 8°. (1828-) 1829. Edwards (HENEi M.) & Audouin (J. V.) Recherches pour servir a I'histoire naturelle du littoral de la France, &c. 2 Vol. See AUDOUIN (J. V.) & EDWARDS (H. M.) 8°. 1832-34. Edwards (HENRI M.) & Andonin (J. V.) Description des Crustac6s nouveaux ou pen connus, . . . conserves dans la Collection du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. See AUDOUIN (J. V.) & EDWARDS (H. M.) 4°. 1841. Edwards (HENRI M.) & Comte (J. A.) Cahiers d'Histoire Naturelle . . . Nouvelle edition, &c. No. 3. Geologie. pp. 160: 8 pis. col. 12°. Paris, 1853. The first edition appeared in 1836. Edwards (HENRLjtfcfcfe Duges (A.) Les AracJarides. See CuviERjO&C'L C. F. D.) Baron. Le Regne Animal Edition . . . par . .^MM. Audouin, •c. Vol. VII. 4°. [1836-49.] Edwards (HENRI M.) & Hainie (J.) Recherches sur la structure et la classification des Polypiers recents et fossiles. 5 Pt. Must. 8°. Pans, 1848-49. Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris. Ser. Ill, torn, ix-xi. Edwards (HENRI M.) & Hainie (J.) A monograph of the British fossil Corals. See PALEONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 4°. 1850-54. Edwards (HENRI M.) & Haime (J.) Monograph^ des Polypiers fossiles des terrains Palaeozoiques, precedee d'un tableau general de la classification des Polypes. pj>. 502: 20 pis. 4°. Paris, 1851. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris. Tom. v. Edwards (HENRI M.) & Eartet(E. A. I. H.) Remarques sur quelques resultats des fouilles faites recemment par M. de Lastic dans la caverne de Bruniquel. See LYELL (Sir C.) Bart. L'Anciennet6 de 1'Homme. Appendice, &c. 8°. 1864. Edwards (HENRI M.) & Lucas (P. H.) [Crustacea of South America.] See FRANCE. Voyage dans 1'Amerique meridionale, &c. Tom. vi, pt. 1. 4°. 1843-47. Edwards (HENRI M.) & others. Les Mammiffergs,— Les Insectes. .S^Ge-FTER (G.,L. C. F. Regne AuwfitTT . . [Third] Edit ' mn, Blanchard, &c. Vol. I'&vi. 'I'll'7'- Le par . . . MM. 4°. [1836-49.] 7) 512 Edwards (llKMti M.) A- d'HiMniiv Natuirllc . . Jussieu ar F. .s. Ueudant. I;.H.|,.I:U- par F. S. Ueudant. BoUnliiue par A. de Juaaieu. For the «everal editions of these sections, see nndtr the respective authors. EDWABDS (HENRY) [1830-1891] Papilio : . . . Edited by H. Edwards. Vol. i-iu. See NEW YORK ENTOMO- LOGICAL CLUB. 8°. 1881-83. Edwards (11 KNRY) Rhopalocera. See KINOSLEY (J. S.) The Standard Natural History, p. 5S+ Syn Jorth 4°. Philtulelphia, Edwards ( WILLIAM H.) List of species of Leuidoptera £_ collected in 1871-74 in California, Nevada, Utah, ^ Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. See UNITED Z- STATES. — Geographical and Geological Explorations it, nl Purveys West of the One Hundredth Mi-riillnn. Report, &c. Vol. v. 4°. 1875. Edwards (WILLIAM H.) Diurnal Lepidoptera. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, Arctic America, &c. 8°. 1879. *- [Another issue.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. L. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxm, o T. '/'Z.t art. 5. 8°. 1879 (1882). -> 0. 23 Edwards ( WILLIAM H.) Report on the Diurnal Lepido- ? ptera collected in Alaska by E. W. Nelson. See UNITED STATES. Report upon the natural history Collections made in A>ska between . . . 1877 and 1881, [1799-1880; andVlfs trijxrtariesx^lso of, plynXand Xkmkton^Wyld, &f^j 8°. Lmvlon^\^t. EDWABDS'S BOTANICAL REGISTER. The Botanical Register : consisting of coloured figures of Exotic Plants, cultivated in British Gardens ; with their history and mode of treatment. The designs by S. Edwards (and others). Vol. i-xm. 8°. London, 1815-27. -j\ A treatise on the Amaryllidm by W. Herbert, dated 1821, was : as an appendix to Vol. vl. [Continued as /] or ornamental Flower Garden and Shrubbery : consisting of coloured figures of Plants . . . the designs by S. Edwards and others. Vol. xiv [=New Series, Vol. I.] 8°. London, 1828. [Continued as :] Edwards's Botanical Register, or Ornamental Flower- Garden & Shrubbery . . . continued by J. Lindley. Vol. XV-XXHI (New Series, Vol. n-x.) 8°. London, 1829-37. There is a General Index to Vol. l-v of this series at the end of Vol. xvm, and an Index to the first 23 Vol. at the end of Vol. xxm. [Continued as ;] and Monthly Chronicle of Botanical and Horti- cultural News, continued by J. Lindley. Vol. xxiv- xxxin. 8°. London, 18:38-47. The title-page of eich of tlie liwt three volumes bears the statement :— " New Series, complete in ten volumes." EEDEN (A. C. VAN) it Co. Album van Eeden. Flora of Haarlem. Coloured plates of Dutch Bulbs and Bulbous Plants. 120 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. fol. Haarlem, 1872-81. EEDEN (FREDERIK WILLIAM VAN) Flora Batava door J. Kops . . . voortgezet door F. W. van Eeden, &c. Deel XHI-> See KOPS (J.) 4°. 1868-» Eeden (F. W. VAN) Le Musee Colonial de Harlem. pp. 8. 8°. Paris, 1893. From the " Rev. Sci. Nat. Appli.|. " r i Eeden (F. W. VAN) [For official publications as Direc- tor of the Colonial Museum at Haarlem] See HAARLEM. — NEDERLAND8CHE MAATSCHAPPIJ TER BEVORDERINO VAN NIJVERHEID. — Kolonioal Museum. Eenens (ALEXIS MICHEL) [1805-1883] Memoire sur L la fertilisation des Landes de la Campine et des Dunes, r T o / £ .SV- P.crssKLS.— ACADBMIE KOYALE DES - o. HUETTEN- KUNDE. EFFEMERIDI SCIENTIFICHE E LETTE BAIBE PER LA SICILIA. Ann. 1-9. Tom. i xxxi.t 8°. Palermo, 1832-40. Tom. ix-xill (1884-35) also included the " Lavori deyi. Istituto d' Incoraggiamento." s^~. \QQ\ \ \ EGAN (FREDERICK WILLIAM) [1836-^ [For official publications in connection with memoirs illustrating the map] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geo- logical Survey. — Ireland. EGASSE (£.) & Dujai-din-Beaunictz (G. O.) Les Plantes Medicinales, &c. See DUJARDIN-BEAUMETZ (G. O.) & EOASSE (E.) £ f i I 8°. 1889. • «f EGEDE (HANs)^1686-1758l A description of Green- land . . . With an historical introduction . . . Second edition. (Translated from the Danish.) pp. ciii, 225: text Must. 8°. London, 1818. The original work first appeared in 1720, and the earliest English trans- lation in 1745. EGENOLPHUS (CHRISTIANUS) [1502-1555] Her- barum imagines vivas. Der Kreuter lebliche Contra- faytung. 2 Ft. [in 1 Vol.] 4°. Francoforti (1535-36). EGENTER (JOSEPH) Beitrage zur Flora von Ober- schwaben. Eine Inaugural-Abhandlung, &c. pp. 14. 8°. Tubingen, 1862. EGER, Bohemia. buhls bei Eger. Mineral-Produkte des Kammer- 8°. [ 1844.] EGEBIA, II. M.S. China Sea. Report on the results of dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank, in ... H.M.S. " Egeria "... April, 1893. By P. W. Bassett- Smith. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Admiralty. 4°. 1894. EGEBTON (Sir PHILIP DE MALPAS GREY) Bart. [1806-1881] Catalogue of fossil Fish in the collections of Lord Cole and Sir P. G. Egerton, &c. pp. IS. 8°. Chester [1836]. This catalogue was privately issued : it was afterwards reprinted in the " Lond. & Edinb. Phil. Mag.," Vol. vm. [q.v.] Egerton (Sir P. DE M. G.) Bart. A systematic and stratigraphical Catalogue of the fossil Fish in the Cabinets of Lord Cole and Sir P. G. Egerton, &c. pp. W. 4°. London, 1837. Egerton (Sir P. DE M. G.) Bart. Fossil Fish in the collections of the Earl of Enniskillen and Sir P. G. Egerton. [By Sir P. G. Egerton.] See COLE (W. W.) Earl of Enniskillen. 4°. [1841.] Egerton (Sir P. DE M. G.) Bart. [For papers on the fossil Fish] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. — England and Wales. Memoirs . . . Figures and descriptions, &c. Decades vi, vm-x, xm. 8°. 1852-72. Egerton (Sir P. DE M. G.) Bart. On some remains of Ganoid Fishes from the Deccan. pp. 8 : 3 pis. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Memoirs . . . Palseon- tologia Indica, dkc. Indian Pretertiary Vertebrata. Vol. i, pt. 2. 4°. 1878. Egerton (Sir P. DE M. G.) Bart. & Newton (E. T.) Notes on the Fishes of the Chalk. By F. Dixon . . . Revised ... by Sir P. G. Egerton and E. T. Newton. See DIXON (F.) The Geology of Sussex . . . New [Second] edition, dec. 4°. 1878. EGESTOBFF (J. G.) Fiihrer durch J. G. Egestorff's Aquarium zu Hannover, dkc. See HESS (C. F. W.) 8°. 1867. EGGER (JOSEPH GEORO) Die Foraminiferen der Miocan-Schichten bei Ortenburg in Nieder Bayern. pp. 60 : 11 pis. 8°. Stuttgart, 1857. NeuesJahrb. Min. 1857. EGGEBSi 1 1 KM: 1 1< FRANZ ALEXANDER) Baron [1844-] The Floraof St. Croix and the Virgin Islands, pp. 133. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. No. 13. 8°. 1879. — [Another issue.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxm. art. 3. 8°. 1879 (1882). EGGEBTZ (H. P.) See AFHANDLINGAR i FYSIK, KEMI OCH MINERALOGI. Utgifne af . . . H. P. Eggertz. Del. iv-vi. 8°. 1815-18. EGLESTON (THOMAS) [1832-1900] Catalogue of Minerals, dec. pp. xiii, 42. See SMITHSONIAN INSTI- TUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. vn, art. 9. 8°. 1863. [Another edition.] pp. 34. 8°. [New York,} 1866. Eglestou (T.) Diagrams to illustrate . . . Lectures on Crystallography, dec. pp. x : 38 pis. 8°. New York, 1866. Egleston (T.) Tables for the Determination of Minerals . . . Second edition, pp. x, 24. 8°. New York, 1868. Eglestou (T.) Comparison of Notations used to represent the faces of Crystals, pp. 17. 8°. New York, 1871. Egleston (T.) Analysis of Rocks, pp. 7. 8°. Philadelphia, 1876. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Engin. Vol. MI. Eglestou (T.) The cause of rustiness, and some of the losses in working Gold. pp. 4- 8°. [Boston, Pa.,] 1881. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Engin. Vol. IX. Eglestou (T.) The Formation of Gold Nuggets and Placer Deposits, pp. 14. 8°. [Easton, Pa.,] 1881. Trans. Amor. Inst. Mining Engin. Vol. IX. Egleston (T.) Catalogue of Minerals and synonyms (alphabetically arranged for the use of Museums). 198. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. ;ulletin, ii(. a-f and pis. l-x in 1828 ; the remainder of dec. i and the whole of dec. ll in 1838.] Aves. By C. G. Ehrenberg. Dee. i. 10 pit. col. , with descriptive letterpress. 1828. [Published :— Text, sig. a & b with the plates in 1828 ; the rest of the part in 1833.] Insecta. By F. Klug. Dec. l-v. 50 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. 1829-45. [Published :— Dec. i, 1829 ; dec. n, 1830 ; dec. in, 1832 ; dec. iv. 1834 ; dec. v, 1845.] Invertebrata other than Insecta. By C. G. Ehrenberg. Dec. I. 10 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. 1828. [Published :— Plates in 1828, text in 1831.] Icones adhuc ineditae, &c. pp. 17 : SS pis. (col.) fol. Berolini, 1899. The explanatory text is by the following authors : — Mammalia and Aves. By P. Matachie. Keptilia. By G. Tornier. Pisces. By F. Hilgendorf. MolluBca. By E. von Martens. Actiniaria and Zoantharia. By O. Carlgren. Madreporaria. By W. Weltner. Publico usui obtulit C. Schumann. Botanica. pp. 65 : 24 pis. col. fol. Berolini, 1900. The plates are numbered l-xvl, xvni-xx, xxv, and Botanica II, l-lv. Ehrenberg (C. G.) Uber das Pollen der Asclepiadeen. Ein Beitrag zur Auflosung der Anomalieen in der Pflanzen-Befruchtung, &c. pp. 21 : 2 pis. col. 4°. Berlin, 1831. Abhandl. k. Akad. Wissen. Berlin. 1829 (1832). Ehrenberg (C. G.) Die Corallenthiere des Rothen Meeres pbysiologisch untersucht und systematise!) verzeichnet. pp. 156, 1 tab. 4°. Berlin, 1834. From "Abhandl. k. Akad. Wissen. Berlin," 1832 (1834), with the addition of a title-page. The title of the original reads :— " Beitriige zur physiologischen Kenntniss der Corallenthiere im allgemeinen, und besonders des Rothen Meeres," &c. Ehrenberg (C. G.) Uber die Natur und Bildung der Coralleninseln und Corallenbanke im Rothen Meere. pp. 58. 4°. Berlin, 1834. Abhandl. k. Akad. Wissen. Berlin. 1832 (1834). Ehrenberg (C. G.) Das Leuchten des Meeres. Neue Beobachtungen nebst Uebersicht der Hauptmomente der geschichtlichen Entwicklung dieses merkwiirdigen Phiinomens. pp. 167,3 tabs. : 2 pis. col. 4°. Berlin, 1835. Abhandl. k. Akad. Wissen. Berlin. 1834 (1836). Ehrenberg (C. G.) Naturreich des Menschen, oder das Reich der willensfreien beseelten Naturkorper in xxix Classen iibersichtlich geordnet nach dem Princip eines und desselben bis zur Monade liberal! gleichen Bildungs-typus. Berlin, 1835. Ehrenberg (C. G.) Die fossilen Infusorien und die lebendige Dammerde. pp. S7, 1 tab. : 2 pis. col. 4°. Berlin, 1837. Large paper copy, with the addition of a title-page, of the paper in the " Abhandl. k. Akad. Wissen. Berlin," 183H (1838), entitled :— " Ueber das Massenverbaltniss der jetzt lebenden Kiesel-lnfusorien und uber eines neues Infusorien-Gonglomerat als Polirschiefer von Jastraba in Ungarn." Ehrenberg (C. G.) Die Infusionsthierchen als voll- kommene Organismen. Ein Blick in das tiefere organische Leben der Natur, &c. pp. xviii, [iv,] 547. Atlas, 64 pis. col. fol. Leipzig, 1838. The atlas has an engraved title. Ehrenberg (C. G.) Die Bildung der Europaischen, Libyschen und Arabischen Kreidefelsen und des Kreidemergels aus mikroskopischen Organismen, dar- gestellt und physiologisch erlautert. pp. 91, S tabs. : 4 pis. 4°. Berlin, 1839. Large paper copy, with the addition of a title-page, of the paper in the " Abhandl. k. Akad. Wissen. Berlin," 1838 (1840), entitled :— " Ueber die Bildung der Kreidefelsen," . niss des Gebietes von Oesterreich ob der Enns und S ' Salzburg in geognostisch-inineralogisch-montanistischer . Beziehung. pp. vi, 92. See LINZ. — MUSEUM FRANCISCO- (j- CAROLINUM. Bericht, &c. No. 11. 8°. 1850. Ehrlich (F. C.) Geognostische Wanderungen im Gebiete der nordostlichen Alpen . . . Ein specieller (^ Beitrag zur Kenntniss Oberosterreich's. pp. vi, 144 : 5 pis., text illust. 8°. Linz, 1852. Ehrlich (F. C.) Beitrage zur Palaeontologie und {__ Geognosie von Oberosterreich und Salzburg, pp. 27 : 2 pis., text illust. See LINZ.— MUSEUM FRANCISCO- S •/ 75T1 CAROLINUM. Bericht, dec. No. 15. 8°. 1855. EHRLICH (HENRICUS CHRISTIANUS) Dissertatio -j, medica inauguralis qua Scrophularia . . . exponetur D ab H. C. Ehrlich, &c. See SLEVOGT (J. H.) 4°. [1720.] EHRMANN (JOHANN CHRISTIAN) [1710-1797] M. Mappi . . . Historia Plantarum Alsaticarum posthuma opera et studio J. C. Ehrmann. See MAPPUS (M.) 4°. 1742. EICHELBERG (JOHANN FRIEDRICH ANDREAS) [1808-1871] [Methodischer Leitfaden zum grund- lichen Unterricnt in der Naturgeschichte, &c. Thl. in. Mineralogie. 8°. Zurich, 1840.] Wanting. - Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. viii, 176. 8°. Zurich, 1845. Eichelberg (J. F. A.) [Naturhistorischer Wandatlas . . . Mineralogie, &c. 24 pis. fol. Zurich, 1846.] Wanting. O \/\ — [Another edition.] fol. Zurich, 1874. EICHHOF (JOHANN PETER) Versuch uber die Natur- geschichte des Maulwurfes . . . Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt, und mit wichtigen Zusatzen vermehret von J. P. E— --* z. K - * [i.e. J. P. Eichhof]. See LA FAILLE (C. DE). 8°. 1778. EICHHOFF (WlLHELM JOSEF) [1822T-1893] Ratio, descriptio, emendatio eorum Tomicinorum qui sunt in Dr . . . Chapuisii et autoris ipsius collectionibus et quos praiterea recognovit scriptor. pp. iv, SSI: 5 pis. See LIEOE. — SOCI^T^ ROYALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, Eichler (A. W.) [For official publications as Director] See BERLIN.— KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS UNI- VERSITAET.— Botanischer Garten. Index Seininum, dm CaapUehen Meerea. j>;>. zxii, US: 3 alt. (1 cot.), 1 vtap. -. 1884. „ „ 9. Rei«e in dm Kaukaaua. pp. i, 891,: S pU, tat illtut. 1887. ,, 11. Wanting. Eichwald (C. E. VON) Catelogus Musaei Zootomiei ImperatoritB Academite Medico^Chirurgicte Vilnensis. Edidit et de vita H. L. Bojani prafatus est . . . E. Eichwald. 2 Pt. 4°. Vilnae, 1835. There ii a separate title to the life of Bojaniu :— " Meiuoria, ,(r." Eichwald (C. E. VON) Ueber das silurische Schichten- system in Esthland. pp. 210. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1840. Z«it»b. Nat. t Heilk. k. Med.-chirur. Akad. St. 1'cten.buijt. Hft. 1 & 2. Eichwald (C. E. VON) Die Urwelt Russlands, durch Abbildungen erlautert. 3 Hft. Must. 4°. St. Petersburg (Moscau), 1840-45 (-46). Under the above covering title are included the following ex- tracts:— Hft. I. pp. 106 : k pit. 1840. 1. KurzeAnMigereinergeognoatiscbenUnterauchiingEathlanda. 2. Beacbreibung einigt-r Knochen ties Zijthiut priscut. S. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Kohlenfoniiution dee Donez. ITranalated from the Russian original)* in the "Schrift. k. St. 1'eiersb. Mineral. Geaell.," with additional matter.] Hft. II. pp. [i-i,] ISt,: I, pit. 1842. 1. Neuer Beitrag znr Qeognoeie Eathlanda und Finnlands. •2. Ueber die Obolen und den ailuriachen Sandatein von Esth- land and Schweden. S. Ueber die Seifenwerke dea Ural. [Large paper advance copy from " Beitr. z. Kennt. Ruaa. Reiches," Bd. rill, 1848.) Hft. HI. pp. 1SS : t pit. 1845. Binige vergleichende Bemerkungen zur Geognoaie Scandinaviena und der weatlichen Provinzen Rnsalands. Moacau, 1846. [Ixtrge paper copy from " Bull. Soc. imp. Nata. Moaoon." Tom. XIX, 1846.; Eichwald (C. E. VON) Fauna Caspip- Caucasia non- nullis observationibus novis illustravit E. Eichwald. pp. iv, 2SS : 40 pis. (col.) fol. Petropoli, 1841. Eichwald (C. E. VON) Leth«a Rossica, ou Paleon- tologie de la Russie. 3 Vol. [in 4], plt. 1868. „ III. Derniere p^riode, i ,• *. XXX, 1857, „ 1, 1858. Eichwald (C. E. VON) N. von Nordenskiold und A. von Nordmann nach inrem Leben und Wirken geschil- dert von E. von Eichwald. Mit . . . einem . . . Anhange Dr. Lindemann's. Beschreibung des Doctor- Jubilaeums E. v. Eichwald's. pp. 190: 1 pi. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1870. Eichwald (C. E. VON) Analecten aus der Palaeon- tologie und Zoologie Rusalands, burgensis Pharmaceutica, arc. pp. [ii,] 168. 8°. Hamburg, 1822. EIMER (GUSTAV HEINRICH THEODOR) [1843-1898] Zoologische Studien auf Capri. 4°. Leipzig, 1873-74. I. Ueber BeroS ovatus. II. Lacerta muralia ccerulea. Ein Beitrag zur Darwin'achen Lehre. Eimer (G. H. T.) Die Medusen, physiologisch und morphologisch auf ihr Nervensystem untersucht. pp. viii, 277 : 13 pis. 4°. Tubingen, 1878. Eimer (G. H. T.) Die Artbildung und Verwandtschaft bei den Schmetterlingen. Eine systematische Dar- stellung der Abanderungen, Abarten und Arten der segelfalter-ahnlichen Formen der Gattung Papilio, &c. 2 Thl. Atlas, 8 pis. col. 8°. & fol. Jena, 1889, 95. Eimer Gru Die Eirfstehurfg derxArtej* au_£ en erwpn)enerXEigenscnaft?n n Waptl^ens. /Zweifcer Tbeil. 'etterjifige. p/. xviJilS . ( 8°. EMpzig/lWl. [1732-1785] fslenzkir ici, * See WARSAW. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, &c. Trudui, &c. Tom. i, no. 11. 8°. 1890 (1891). EISSLEB (M.) The Metallurgy of Gold . . . Second \\ edition, &c. pp. xiv, 340 : text illust. 8°. London, 1889. The first edition appeared in 1888. (JOHAN GUSTAF) Grunddragen af Aristotelis Vextlara . . . utgifven af J. G. Ek, &c. See FRIES (E. M.) 8°. 1842. EE (.JOHANNES) Dissertatio de Antholyza, quam . . . p.p. J. Ek, &c. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1803.] EEABT (TOBIAS PHILIPP) [1799-1877] Frankens und Thiiringens Flora in naturgetreuen Abbildungen. pp. 5: 2 pis. 4°. Bamberg & Aschaffenburg, 1828. Ekart (T. P.) Synopsis Jungermanniarum in Germania vicinisque terris hucusque cognitarum, &c. pp. xvi, 72 : 13 pis. 4°. Coburgi, &c., 1832. EKATERINBURG. Societe Ouralienne d' Ama- teurs des Sciences Naturelles. See below, URAL'SKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBITELEI ESTESTVOZNANIYA. B 6 5'Jlt 1- U o< f EKATERINBURG. Ural skoe Obshchestvo Lyubitelei Estestvozuaniya (Socie'te' Ouraliennr ifAiiuitrurs des Scirtues A'a turf lift). Xnpiski (Bulletin), Ac. Tom. i-» 8°. & 4°. Ekattrinburgh, 1873-* Ekaterinburg. — Ural' skoe Obshchestvo Lyu- bitelei Estestvozuaniya. Ghodovol otchet [Annual Report], Ac. No. 21, 22 & 24. 8s. Ekaterinburgh, 1892-95. Th« previous reports appear in the " Zapiaki." EKBOHRN (OssiAN) Ornitologiska lakttagelser ar 1 SS7 vid Sandhamn och i dess omnejd. pp. 78. See STOCKHOLM. — KONOLIOA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihaiig till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xv, afd. iv, no. 8. 8°. 1889 (1890). EKEBERG (ANDREAS GUSTAVUS) Museum natu- ralium Academic Upsaliensis. Cujus partem tertiam . . . proponit A. O. Ekeberg. See THUNBERO (C. P.) 4°. [1787.] EKEBERG (CARL OUSTAF) [1716-1784] Kurzer Rericht von der Chinesischen Landwirthschaft. See OSBECK (P.) Herrn P. Osbeck . . . Reise nach Ostindien und China, Ac. 8°. 1765. Ekeberg (C. G.) A short account of the Chinese Husbandry, Ac. See OSBECK (P.) A Voyage to China, Ac. Vol. u. 8°. 1771. EKELUND (DANIEL) collectionein sextam . . See AFZELIUS (A.) Remedia Guineensia, quorum p.p. D. Ekelund, 1881-» 8°. Elbeuf, 1882-> Ann. ill in in two wparntely-pafied parts. ELBOGEN. [Mn /a.] Ubersichts-Karte der Braun- kolileii-Bfrgreviere von Elbogen-Karlsbad . . . 1889 . . . 1 : 11. 520 der Natur [i.e. 1 in. = f>£ in. about], Ac. C *)\. Srr RollKMIA. [.(/'//«] 1891 G- 0 u -jo 0 I C f ( t 77Cb o 5 £ (r G- 521 L fO-ltA. ' (Sir THOMAS) G.C.M.G. [1818-] Journal of the Elder scientific Exploring Expedition, 1891-2, &c. See SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 8°. 1893. ELDITT (H. L.) Die Metamorphose des Garyoborus (Jiruchus) gonagra, Fbr. pp. 12 : 1 pi. 4°. Konigtsberg, 1860. ELDRIDGE (GEORGE HOMANS) A geological recon- noissance in northwest Wyoming, pp. 72 : 2 pls.,1 map geol. col. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin, Ac. No. 119. 8°. 1894. Eldridge (G. H.) & others. Geology of the Denver Basin in Colorado, pp. xxi, 556 : 23 pis. (col), S maps (geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Monographs, &c. Vol. xxvn. 4°. 1896. ELEPHANT. The Elephant, principally viewed in relation to Man. [By C. Knight.] A new edition, dec. pp. 292 : text illust. ' 12°. London, 1844. The first edition appeared in 1830. ELERA (CASTO DE) See CASTO DE ELERA. ELEY (HENRY) Geology in the Garden ; or, the Fossils in the Flint Pebbles, pp. viii, 212: 14 pis., 2 maps. 8". London, 1859. ELFERT (THEODOR) Ueber die Auflosungsweise der sekundaren Zellinembranen der Samen bei ihrer Keimung. pp. viii, 26: 2 pis. See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA. Abhandlungen, dec. Hft. 30. 4°. 1894. ELFSTRAND (MARTEN) [1859-] Botaniska utflygter i sydvestra Jemtland och angransande del af sodra Throndhjems amt sommaren 1889 jemte beskrifning p& f atskilliga derunder patraffade ffieracia och Carices. ^pp. 91 : 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xvi, afd. m, no. 1. 8°. 1890 (1891). Elfstrand (M.) Hieracia alpina aus den Hochgebirgs- gegenden des mittleren Skandinaviens. pp. 71, 3 tabs. 8°. Upsala, 1893. Elfstrand (M.) Archieracien aus Norwegisch-Finn- marken, von Th. M. Fries in ... 1857 und 1864 gesammelt. pp. 31. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA / SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xx, afd. in, no. 1. 8°. 1894. Elfstrand (M.) Studier ofver alkaloidernas lokalisa- tion foretradesvis inom familien Loganiaceax Aka- demisk af handling, &c. pp. 126 : 2 pis. 8°. Upsala, 1 895. Elfstrand (M.) Brasilianische und Paraguayische Drogen, Nutz- und Heilpflanzen. 8°. Berlin [1897]. Bericht. Dent. Pharni. Gesell. Jahrg. vn, pp. 290-317. Elfstrand (M.) Ueber giftige Eiweisse welche Blut- korperchen verkleben, dec. pp. 192. 8°. Upsala, 1897. ELFVING (FREDRIK EMIL WOLMAR) Anteckningar om Finska Desmidieer. pp. 17 : 1 pi. See HELSINGFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, &C. Vol. II, no. 2. 8°. 1881. Elfviug (F. E. W.) Anteckningar om Kulturviixterna i Finland, pp. 116 : 2 maps col. See HELSINGFORS.— SOCIETAS PEO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, &C. Vol. XIV, no. 2. 8°. 1897 [-98]. ELGENSTIERNA (NICOLAUS WILHELMUS) Genera Plantarnm Guineensium revisa et aucta, quarum partem ]>rimam . . . proponunt A. Afzelius . . . N. W. Elgen- stierna, \t'bb4 Journal of the excursions, &c. 1884. 8°. Elgin, 1884. ELGIN BOTANIC GARDEN. See NEW YOEK, City of. ELGSTROM (GusTAVUs) Museum naturalium Aca- <•"" ~f demise Upsaliensis. Cujus part, xxvin. . . . submittit li^O- . . . G. Elgstrom, dec. See THUNBEEG (C. P.) #.[1811.]* ELGSTROM (PETRUS) Museum naturalium Aca- \^ demise Upsaliensis. Cujus Appendic. xi. . . . committit -*• P. Elgstrom, &c. See THDNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1806.] ]^ . O - ELIASSON (A. G.) Om sekundara, anatomiska . forandringar inom Fanerogamernas Florala Region. ±.- 1nr- 2 Ft. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN-£ 5 SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. ^-> XIX, afd. in, no. 3 ; xx, afd. in, no. 3. 8°. 1893-94. I Eliasson (A. G.) Taphrina acerina, n. sp. pp. 7 : 1 pi. I— Om Sekundara Anatomiska Forandringar inom Fanero- gamernas Florala Region, in. pp. 18 : 1 pi. ^ See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xx, afd. in, no. 4 & 5. 8°. 1895. Eliasson (A. G.) Fungi Upsalienses. pp. 20: 1 pi. t—- See STOCKHOLM. — KONOLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxn, "tL afd. m, no. 12. 8°. 1897. ELICH (ERNST) Atacatzo bis Iliniza. See REISS (J. W.) / [Dictionnai: rago^:"'. . 'ft ORBIGJST' (A. C. '. 1839-45.] 849. 8°. 1861. JSlie de Beaumont (J. B. A. L. L.) Observations £_ sur le phenomene diluvien dans le nord de 1'Europe. _. . See FRANCE. — Commission Scientifique du Nord. /'• Voyages ... en Scandinavie, &c. Geologie, Minera- logie, Me"tallurgie et Chimie, par M. J. Durocher. 8°. [1843.] Elie de Beaumont (J. B. A. L. L.) Memoire relatif L- aux lignes d'ancien niveau de la mer dans le Finmark. T r Report, dec. See FRANCE. —Commission Scientifique du I Nord Voyages ... en Scandinavie, &c. G^ographie physique, &c. Tom. i. 8°. [1845 ?] Elie de Beaumont (J. B. A. L. L.) Legons de /•> Geologie pratique, dec. 2 Tom. illust. 8°. Paris & Strasbourg, 1845, 69. de Beaumont (J. B. A. L. L.) Note sur les systemes de Montagnes les plus anciens de 1'Europe. pp.127. 8°- [Paris, 1847.] Bull. Soc. Geol. France. Ser. II, torn. iv. 66 622 O G Elie de Beaumont (.1. B. A. !.. I..) Note sur U>s i:numations volcaniques et me'talliferes. pp. 85. 8°. [Aim, 1847.] Ball. Sac. Ufcil. France. 8*r. II, loni. lv. Elie do Beaumont (J. B. A. I .. L.) Notice sur lea Travaux scii-ntifiques do ... C. L. Bonaparte, pp. 32. 8°. (Paris,) [1857 '1 Elie de Beaumont (J. B. A. L. L.) Carte G6ologique du departement de la Uaute-Marne . . . Ecnelle 1 : 80,000 [t.e. 1 in. = 1 J in. about]. See HAUTE-MARNE, Departntent of the. [Maps.] 4 sh. gtol. col. 1857-60. Elie de Beaumont (J. B. A. L. L.) Rapport sur les progres de la Stratigraphie. pp. Hi, 572 : 2 maps (1 geol. col.) 8°. Paris, 1869. Forming a volume of the " Reoneil de Rapports sur 1'Ktat des l.fttxs et les profrtea des Sciences en France." Elie de Beaumont (J. B. A. L. L.) & Dufrenoy (O. P. A. P.) Me'moires pour servir a une Description G&>logique de la France, -S MAJ ELIZONDO (.JOSE) Agncultura general [with addi- tions by J. Elizondo], &c. 4 Tom. [in 2]. See HERRERA (G. A. DB). 4°. 1818-19. ELK AN (LuDWio) [1815-1851] Tentamen mono- graphiae generis Papaver. Specimen inaugurate botanicum . . . auctor L. Elkan. . . . Opponentibus G. Ebel et J. Moeller. pp. 36: 1 pi. 4 . Regimontii Bonissorum, 1 839. 850. ELLACOMBE (HENRY NICHOLSON) [1822-] The Plant-lore and Garden-craft of Shakespeare . . . Second ff> edition. pj>. [viii,] 438. 8°. London, 1884. The drat edition appeared in 1878. ELLENBERGER (WILHELM) Handbuch der ver- gleichenden Histologie und Physiologic der Haussauge- thiere, v.) Mi-re om Noreke Mjjriopoder. pp.12. ' i" I ^'ors^e Paeudoscorpioner. pp. 21. See CHRISTIANIA.— VIDEN8KAB8-8ELSKABET. Forhand- linger, . ft 8°. Dumfries, 1896. • ^ Contain! :— The Aculeate Ilynienoptera of Micl-Solwuv. By H. Service. The Geology of Ihiuifriewhiro. lly B. N. Peach . . . and T. (i.r. .}.] Home. Elliot (G. F. S.) A Naturalist in Mid- Africa : being \*- an account of a journey to the Mountains of the Moon -i h 'n and Tanganyika, p/i. xvi, 413 : 14 ids., S mips. 8°. London, 1896. <* 523 L T V u£ u 7^! C TZ2.S A J "•r~> L 4 O • T ELLIOT (JONATHAN) Historical sketches of the . . . district of Columbia; with ... a description of the River Potomac, its fish and wild fowl, &c. pp. 554- 16°. Washington, 1830. ELLIOT (Sir WALTER) K.C.S.I. [1803-1887] A Cata- logue o.f the species of Mammalia found in the southern Mahratta country ; with their synonymes in the native languages in use there, pp. 43 : 4 P^s- (col.) 8°. Madras, 1840. Madras Journ. Lit. ifc Sci. Elliot (Sir W.) K.C.S.I. Description of Bos gaurus. See KELAART (E. F.) Prodromus Faunas Zeylanicas, &c. Vol. I, appendix B. 4°. 1852. Elliot (Sir W.) K.C.S.I. Flora Andhrica : a vernacular and botanical list of Plants commonly met with in the Telugu districts of the northern Circars . . . Pt. i.t pp. 194. 8°. Madras, 1859. ELLIOTT (CHARLES BOILEAU) Travels in ... Austria, Russia, and Turkey. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1838. ELLIOTT (HENRY WOOD) [1846-1 The Fauna of the Prybilov Islands, abridged from the " Report ... by H. W. Elliott," &c. See HARTING (J. E.) 8°. 1875. Elliott (H. W.) A monograph of the Pribylov Group, or the Seal Islands of Alaska. See UNITED STATES. The history and present condition of the Fishery Industries, &c. Sect, ix, monog. A. 8°. 1881. Elliott (H. W.) Natural history of useful Aquatic Animals. — The habits of the Fur-Seal. See UNITED STATES. — Commission of Fish and Fisheries. The Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States. Sect. I. 8°. 1884. Elliott (H. W.) An Arctic Province : Alaska and the Seal Islands, pp. xv, 473 : 49 pis., 3 maps, text Must. 8°. London, 1886. ELLIOTT (STEPHEN) [1771-1830] A sketch of the Botany of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 Vol. 8°. Charleston, 1821. ELLIOTT SOCIETY OF NATURAL HIS- TORY. See ELLIOTT SOCIETY OF SCIENCE AND ART. ELLIOTT SOCIETY OF SCIENCE AND ART. [1853 Fonnded as Elliott Society of Natural History. 1859 Elliott Society oj Science and Art.} Proceedings, &c. 1853-90. Vol. I, n.t 8°. Charleston, [1854-] 1859-91. Vol. II was not finished ; it terminates at page 244. Elliott Society of Science and Art. Journal, &c. Vol. i, art. 2. 4°. Charleston, 1859. Elliott Society of Science and Art. Rules for the Accentuation of Names in Natural History, with examples Zoological and Botanical. By L. R. Gibbes, &c. pp. 13. 4°. Charleston, 1860. ELLIS (GEORGE EDWARD) [1814-] Memoir of J. Bigelow. pp. 105: 1 pi. 8°. Cambridge, 1880. ELLIS (HENRY) [1721-1806] A Voyage to Hudson's Bay ... in ... 1746 and 1747 . . . with ... a short Natural History of the Country, &c. pp. xxviii, 336 : 9 pis., 1 map. 8°. London, 1748. ELLIS (Sir HENRY) [1777-1869] [For official publica- tions as Principal Librarian] See BRITISH MUSEUM. ELLIS (Right Hon. Sir HENRY) K.C.B. [1777-1855] Journal of the Proceedings of the late Embassy to China . . . Interspersed with observations upon the face of the country, &c. pp. vii, 526 : 8 pis., 3 maps. 4". London, 1817. ELLIS (Jos BICKNALL) LSee JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY, THE. Edited by . . . J. K Ellis, dec. Vol. i-iv. 8°. 1885-88. Ellis (JOB B.) & Everhart (B. M.) The North American Pyrenomycetes. A contribution to Mycologic Botany. pp. in, 793 : 41 pis. 4°. Newfield, New Jersey, 1892. ELLIS (JOHN) [1710?-1776] An essay towards a natural history of the Corallines, and other marine productions of the like kind, commonly found on the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland. To which is added the description of a large marine Polype taken near the north pole ... in ... 1753. pp. xvii, [a;,] 103 : 39 pis. 4°. London, 1755. Ellis (JOHN) Essai sur 1'histoire naturelle des Coral- lines, &c. pp. xvi, 1S5 : 40 pis. 4°. La Haye, 1756. Ellis (JOHN) Herrn J. Ellis . . . Versuch einer Natur- Geschichte der Corall-Arten . . . Aus dem Englischen und Franzosischen iibersezt, und mit Anmerkungen, auch einem Anhange fiinf hieher gehoriger Abhand- lungen der Herren Schlosser, Baster und Ellis begleitet von D. J. G. Kriiniz. pp. 22, 168 : 47 pis. 4°. Niirnberg, 1767. Ellis (JOHN) [A copper-plate engraving by G. D. Ehret of Halesia, with botanical description of the Plant by J. Ellis.] [1760 f] A reversed copy of the drawing on this plate appears in " Phil. Trans.," Vol. LI, pi. XXII. Ellis (JOHN) -Directions for bringing over Seeds and Plants from the East Indies and other distant countries ... To which is added the figure and botanical descrip- tion of a new sensitive plant, called Dioncea muscipula, &c. pp. 41 : 1 pi. 4°. London, 1770. Ellis (JOHN) J. Ellis . . . de Dioncea muscipula . . . Beschreibung der Dionasa muscipula . . . aus dem Englischen iibersetzt und herausgegeben von D. J. C. D. Schreber, &c. pp. xviii : 1 pi. 4°. Erlangen, 1771. Latin and German in parallel columns. [Another edition entitled :] Beschreibung der Dioncea muscipula . . . Zwote Auflage, mit der Beschreibung einer neuentdeckten Pflanze welche ohne Grund fiir die Dioncea ausgegeben werden wpllen, ver- mehrt von D. J. C. D. Schreber, &c. pp. xviii : 3 pis. 4°. Erlangen, 1780. Ellis (JOHN) An historical account of Coffee. With . . . botanical description of the tree, &c. pp. iv, 71 : 1 pi. col. 4°. London, 1774. Ellis (JOHN) A description of the Mangostan and the Bread-fruit, &c. pp. 4? •' 4 pis- 4°. London, 1775. Ellis (JOHN) Description du Mangostan et du Fruit a Pain . . . ouvrage traduit de PAnglois, &c. pp. 63 : 4 pis. 4°. Rouen, 1779. Ellis (.JOHN) & Solander (D. C.) The natural history of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes, collected from various parts of the globe by ... J. Ellis . . . Systematically arranged and described by ... D. So- lander, &c. pp. xii, 208 : 63 pis. 4°. London, 1786. The plates were re-issued by J. V. F. Lamouroux in his " Exposition methodique des genres de 1'ordre des Polypiers," etc., 1821. [q.v.] ELLIS (WILLIAM) [1794-1872] [Narrative of a tour through Hawaii, &c. 8°. London, 1826.] With observations on the natural history of the Sandwich Islands . . . Second edition, pp. 480 : 9 pis., 2 maps, text Must, 8°. London, 1827. B B 3 3 3 O £• 524 Ellis (WILLIAM) [Polynesian rfstinrhes, during a i.'siiU'iice «{ ni'.nlv six years in the Society and Sand- wich Islands. 2 Vol. 8°. London, 1829.] -r L £ Z- 9 I - Second edition, Ac. iVolillust. 8°. London, 1831. - [Another issue.] 8°. London, 1832. Ellis ( WILLIAM) History of Madagascar . . . com- piled chiefly from original documents. 2 Vol. Must. (co/.) 8°. London & Pans [1838]. Ellis (\VILLIAM) Three visits to Madagascar during . . 1853-1854-1856 • • • with notices of the natural history, Ac. pp. xvii, 476 : 15 pis., 1 map, text Must. 8*. London, 1858. ELLIS (WILLIAM W.) [115 original water-colour sketches of Mammals, Biras, Fish, Fiirstenthumes Beyrouth . . . bearbeitet . . . von T. C. Ellrodt. Set KOELLE (J. L. C.) 8°. 1798. Ellrodt (T. C.) Schwamm-Pomona, oder gemeinnii tzige Beschreibung der bekannten essbaren und giftigen Schwamme Deutschlands, RRAINK. ELSCHNZO (A.) Ubersichtliche Darstellung der Warnievt-rhaltnisse im Thierreiche. 8°. Trieste, 1861. e, 1861. B ELSDEN (J AMES VINCENT) it Lowe (\V. II.) (Lecture) Notes on Physical Geography and Geology. 4 Pt. illust. 8°. Rugby, 1883-84. Printed on one side of the paper only. It. l-ill are continuously paged. ELSHOLTIUS (JOANNES SIUISMUNDUS) «SV« ELSHOLZ. ELSHOLZ (JoiiANN SIEOESMUND) [1623-1688] J. S. Elsholtii Flora Marchica, sive Catalogus Plantarum quas partim in hortis Electoralibus Marchia1. Bran- denburgicse primariis,. Berolinensi, Aurangiburgico, it Potstamensi excoluntur : partim sua sponte passim proveniunt. pp. 22S. 8°. Berolim, 1663. Elsholz (J. S.) [J. S. Elssholz vom Garten-Baw : oder Unterricht von der Gartnerey auff das Clima der Chur-Marck Brandenburg, wie auch der benachbarten Teutschen Lander gerichtet, &c. 4°. Colin an der Spree, 1666.] Wanting. Der ander Druck, &c. pp. [xvi,] 378 [31] : 8 pis. 4°. Colin an der Spree, 1672. Der dritte Druck, &c. pp. [a;,] 395 [31] : 11 pis. 8°. Berlin, dfcc., 1684. [Another edition entitled :] J. S. Elsholtzens . . . Neu angelegter Garten-Bau ... in diesem vierten Druck ziemlich vennehret. (J. S. Elsholtii . . . Diae- teticon, &c.) pp. [iv,] 520 [14, 4]: 19 pis. 4°. Leipzig, 1715. ELSNEB (CARL FRIEDRICH MORITZ) [1809-1894] Flora von Hirschberg und dem angrenzenden Riesen- gebirge. pp. viii, 210. 8°. Breslau, 1837. Eisner (C. F. M.) Synopsis Florae Cervimontanaj . . . Dissertatio, &c. pp. 47. 8°. Vratislavice, 1839. Eisner (C. F. M.) Chamaelaucieae. Commentatio botanica . . . adversarioruin partes sustinebunt M. Eisner . . S. Pappenheim, &c. See SCHAUER (J. C.) 4°. 1841. ELSNEB (FRITZ) Unsere Nahrungs- und Genuss- mittel aus dem Pflanzenreiche sowie deren Surrogate und Verfalschungsmittel, &c. 140 figs., with descrip- tive letterpress. obi. 4°. Halle a. S., (1884-) An alternative title reads :— " Mikroskopischer Atlas," . Herolini, 1839. Emmrich (H. F.) Zur Naturgeschichte der Trilobiten. pp. 28 : I pl. 4°. Meiningen, 1844. Profcraiiini Reabchule M -ft Emmrich (H. F.) Ueber die Vegetationsverhaltnisse V> von Meiningen. pp. SO. 4°. [Meiningen, 1851.] Progromin Realitchule Meiningen. E. M. MUSEUM OF GEOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY. See PRINCETON.— COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY. EMORY (WILLIAM HELMSLEY) [1811-] Notes of a . . . reconnoissance from Fort Leaven worth, in Mis- ~JS Encyclopaedias. See APPLETONS' ANNUAL CYCLO- \_ P^KDIA. The American Annual Cyclopaedia. [Continued >» ,- as :] Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia, B- A117' Architecture. By J. Narrien. Sculpture. By R. Westmacott. Painting. By J. T. James and J. Lindsay. Heraldry. By H. Thompson. Numismatics. By B. R. Green. Poetry. By J. Hughes. Music. By J. Gwilt. Engraving. By J. Lindsay. 4. Agriculture. By Bishop Hussell. Horticulture. By G. Don. Commerce. By J.Lowe. Political Economy. By N. W. Senior. Carpentry. By P. Nicholson. Fortification. By Maj. C. C. Mitchell and Capt. Proctor. Naval Architecture. By G. Harvey. M?n8et£ll!«yaPhy' J By J. H. Brooke. Geology. By J. Phillips and C. G. B. Daubeny. [Encyclopaedias. Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, 7 3~77- i Zoot.ooY :— Text. Tom. i. Histoire naturelle des Aniraaux. Avertissement. Introduction il'Histoire Naturelle. Les trois regnes de la Nature. Hegne Animal. Histoire naturelle de THomiiie. , Les Animaux Quadrupedes et lea C^taces. [Edited, from Buffon's " Histoire naturelle des Animaux," by Daubenton.] Ornithologie par M. Mauduyt [de la Varenne]. ,, ii. Histoire Naturelle. Oisea\ix. [Ornithologie continued.] Les Animaux Quadrupedes ovipares, et les Serpens. Par M. Daubenton. ,, in. Histoire Naturelle . . . contenant les Poissons. [By Daubenton.] ,, iv. Histoire Naturelle. Insectes, Discours preliminaire [in five sections, by Mauduyt de la Varenne]. Introduction [and " A-Bom."]. Par M. [G. A.] Olivier. , v tol Histoire Naturelle. Insectes [" Bom.-Pap."]. Par M. „ vni. f Olivier. 1790-181] [-12]. [Pp. 1-45 of Vol. vni were by B. E. Manuel, while some of the articles in the same volume were written T by P. A. Latreille, whose initials are then appended.] L. „ ix. Histoire Naturelle. Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle c des Crustaces, des Aracbnides et des Insectes . . . Par M. Latreille . . . et M. Godart. 1819 [-24]. [The whole volume is devoted to the article "Pa- pillon." Pp. 1-328, 706, 707 and all extra- European Hesperides to p. 793 were by Latreille ; the remaining portion was by J. B. Godart.] ,, x.' ["Pap.-Z."] Par MM. Latreille, Le Peletier de Saint- Fargeau, [J. G. Audinet-] Serville et Gue"rin [-Meneville], 1825 [-28]. Hiatoire naturelle des Vers. Tom. i. Par M. [J. G.] Bruguifere. [1789-] 1792. [The article " Conns" was by Hwass.] ., H-III. Par Bruguiere et De Lamarck, continuee par M. G. P. Deshayes. 1830-32. [Bruguiere and Lamarck had nothing whatever to do with these volumes, which were entirely the work of G. P. Deshayes.] Histoire nnturelle des Zoophytes, ou Animaux Rayonnees . . . par MM. [J. V. F.] Lamouroux . . . Bory de Saint Vincent . . . et [J. A.] Eud[es-] Deslongchamps. 1824 [-27]. ZOOLOGY : — Plates (with Explanations and Appendices). Mammalogie, ou Description des eapeces des Manimiferes . . . Par A. G. Desmarest. 2 Pt. 1S6 pis. [in 1 Vol.] 1820-22. [The relation ot* these two parts to the whole work is not indicated on the title-page, but appears in the " Avertisse- ment."] \^ \ •>.., . , JL t " *TJA X 528 L R Encyclopaedia*. Encyclopedic M&hodique,ntd.)| Tableau uicyclopMique et nu'-thodiqnr des Trois Regnes de la Nature, d-t. ~ (Vuilofd*. Par M . I'Abbr Bonnatorn. pp. xli, tS: IS pit. 1789. OpUot^a. „ ,, „ pp. xlit, 78 : t6 pU. 1790. _._ b» Er|i«U>logi*. ,, ,, ,, PP. xxviii, 70: liS pit. 1789. 1 *~ "DmitlioloKle. Par M. 1'Abbe Bonnaterre et oontinuee par 1.. Vieillot. 3 Pt. pp. xcrii, USO: 1 1.7 pit. [in I Vol.] 1790-1823. [Pp. 1-320 of Pt. I were by BonnaUm, and issued In 1790 and 1791 ; the remainder, by Vieillot, appeared in 18-.'0-23.] _^- IcbthyoloKie. Par M.I1 Abbe Bonnaterre. pp. M.tlS: lOtplt. 1788. P9r Crostioat, Arachnides et Insectes. Par M. Latreille. pp. Ul, •S* S8:SSUpU. 1797-1818. [Pis. 1-1*68 were engraved under the supervision of Bonnaterre, and may have been issued in 1797 ; the ex. [ !. MI to them was furnished by Querin in 1818. The author of the last 3** pages of explanation, which refer to Pis. 2rt>-397, was probably Latreille, and this portion is of later dtto.) Vers Coquillos. Molluaqnea et Polypiere. I By J. G. Bmgniere and Baron Bory de Saint Vincent.] pp. rii, ISO: U& pit. 3 Tom. 1791-1827. L Vers Infusnires, pp. 1-83 (which are a translation of K. O. M&ller's " Veniiiuni Teirestrium et Fluviatilinm . . . hutoria," with four new species added), and probably also m>. $5-13.1, were by Brugnlere. Vers Inteitins, pp. Si and 1M-1SO, were by Bory de Saint-Vinoent.] ANATOMY. Systems anatomique. Tom. I. Dictionnaire raisonne des ternies d'Anatomie et de Physiologic. Par H. Cloquet. 1828. C „ li. Qnadrupedes. Par M. F. Vloq-Daxyr. 1792. „ in. Mammiferes etOiseanx. Commence par ... F. Vioq- •*• Daayr et continue! par H. Cloquet. 1819. „ IV. Reptiles, PoisBOUs, Mollusqnes, Crustaces, Annelides, Arachnides, Insectes, Radiaires. Par H. Cloquet. 1880. Recneil des Planches, etc. 96 pit. 1825. An in [1794-95?] 1811. An i v [1796-96 ?] 1798. Dictionnaire de toutes les espece* de Chaaaes. ft pit. Dictionnaire de too tee lesespeces de PAches. Ill, pit. BOTAKV. Bolanique. Par M . . . De Lamarck (continuee par J. L. M. Point). Tom. l-vin. Supplement Tom. l-v. 18 Vol. 1789-1817. Tableau encyclopediqne . . . des trois regnes de la Nature. Illus- trations des Genres . . . Par M. De Lamarck (continuee par J. I. M. Point). 3 Tom. [1785?] 1793, 1828. Kecneil de Planches, »die der Naturvvissen- schaften, herausgegeben von . . . U. Jager ... A. K i • 1 1 ugott, Abth. I. Thl. 1. Handbuch der Botanik, herauagegeben von . . . A. Schenk.i-c. 4 Bd. [in 5.) 1881-90. „ „ [Thl. •>. " llandbnch der Mnthornatik.") Wanting. ,, ,, Thl. 8. Handwortorbuch der Zoologie, Anthropologie und Ethnologic, hemuttgegeben von . . . G. Jager (fort- K.'fiihrt. von A. Hichenow, J. Frenzel, P. Matscnie), ti-e. ~j Bd. i-» 1880-* £— „ ll. Ihl. 1. llandworterbuch dor Minoralogie, Geologie und Pala3ontologie, herailsgegeben von ... A. Kenngott, etc. 8 Bd. 1882-87. (j r] „ ,, Thl. 2. Handworterbuch der Phannakognoeie des PHan- zenreichs, herauBgegeben von . . . (i. C. Wittetein. ,',:. '.<'.!'.. 1882. D Encyclopaedias. The E of Universal Jtiforma :lish Cyclopaedia, a Dictionary Vol. i ,, V- i. VII Eaoli vol l>aged fc V,: Encyclopaedias. Grand Dictionnaire universe] du xix" siecle, &c. See LAROUSSE (P.) 4°. 8 Encyclopaedias. La grande Encyclopedic . . .^des j__ Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts par une Societe1 de * fo. Savants et de Gens de Lettres . . . secretaire-gene~rale y~ F. C. Dreyfus. Tom. i-» Must. 4°. Paris [1885-»]. S1" Encyclopaedias. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates and I'niversal Information . . . Sixteenth edition, Botanicis. 8". Trajrcti
    pp. 95. 4°. Vindobonce, 1847. Pt. I was not published. 4°. [Vienna, 1850.] 3 Pars in. pp. 104. Without title-page. Both Pritzel and Kayser cite this part as Snppt. v. The former confuses the number of pages in this with those in the preceding part. According to " Leopoldina," 1880, pp. 150-51, E. Fenzl is responsible for the orders Cyperacere, Chenopodese, Amarantaceee, Polygonese, Mesembryanthemeie, Portulacacepe, Caryophylacese and Phytolaccacese in the main work, and Umbelliferte in the last Supplement. Endlicher (S. L.) Grundziige einer neuen Theorie der Pflanzenzeugung, &c. pp. 22. 8°. Wien, 1838. Eudlicher (S. L.) Iconographia Generum Plantarum. pp. xvi, 125 pis. 4°. Vindobonce, 1838. Eudlicher (S. L.) Stirpium Australasicarum herbarii Hiigeliani decades tres. pp. 23. 4°. Vindobonce, 1838. Eudlicher (S. L.) Enchiridion Botanicum exhibens classes et ordines Plantarum, accedit nomenclator generum ex officinalium vel usualium indicatio. pp. xiv, 763. 8°. Lipsice & Vienna}, 1841. Eudlicher (S. L.) C. Linnaai Epistolae . . . Praefatus *Q est notasque adjecit S. Endlicher. See LINNAEUS (C.) 8°. 1841. Eudlicher (S. L.) Die Medicinal-Pflanzen der Oester- reichischen Pharmakopb'e. Ein Handbuch, &c. pp. xii, /pj )• 608. 8°. Wien, 1842. Endlicher (S. L.) Catalogus Horti Academic! Vindo- bonensis. 2 Tom. [in L] 12°. Vindobonce, 1842-43. Eudlicher (S. L.) T. F. L. Nees ab Esenbeck ... "Q Genera Plantarum Florae Germanicse . . . post auctoris mortem absolverunt A. Putterlick et S. Endlicher. See NEES VON ESENBECK (T. F. L.) 8°. 1843-45. Eudlicher (S. L.) Plantse Preissianae [in part by ^ S. Endlicher], &c. See LEHMANN (J. G. C.) 8°. 1844-47. Endlicher (S. L.) Endlicher's Paradisus Vindo- ^ bonensis, &c. See HARTINGEE (A.) fol. 1844-60. Eudlicher (S. L.) Synopsis Coniferarum. pp. iv, 36S. 13 8°. Sangalli, 1847. Eudlicher (S. L.) Synopsis Coniferarum fossilium. £ pp. 52. 8°. Sangalli, 1847. Endlicher (S. L.) & Fenzl (E.) Novarum Stirpium decades, &c. [By S. L. Endlicher and E. Fenzl.] 10 Pt. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHES NATURHISTORISCHES HOFMUSEUM. 4°. 1839. Eudlicher (S. L.) & Poeppig (E. F.) Nova genera ac species Plantarum, quas in Regno Chilensi Peruviano et in Terra Amazonica annis 1827-32 legit E. Poeppig et cum S. Endlicher descripsit, &c. See POEPPIG (E. F.) & ENDLICHER (S.) fol. 1835-45. Eudlicher (S. L.) & Schott (H. W.) Meletemata ^g Botanica. See SCHOTT (H.) & ENDLICHER (S. L.) fol. 1832. 67 530 L »•?! fc Endlicher (S. L.) tt Unger (F. X.) Grundziige der Botanik. pp. xl, 4&4 • J map, text illust. 8". Wien, 1843. Endlicher (S. L.) tfc others. Enumeratio Plantaruni quas in NOVIB Hollandiiv ora austro-occidentali ad ENDRESS (PHILIPP ANTON CHRISTOPH) [1806-1831] Correspondances scientifiques in&lites, &c. See ROUME- OUERE (C.) Nouveaux documents, BO' no. 3. 4°. 1873. Engelhardt (H.) Tertiiirpflanzen aus dem Leit- fa meritzer Mittelgebirge [Bohemia], . 44 : 5 pis. See ACADEMIA C^SAREA LEOPOLDINO- [^ CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. xxxix, no. 7. c |^o/ Engelhardt (H.) Ueber die fossilen Pflanzen des - Siisswassersandsteins von Grasseth [Bohemia], &c. (J~ pp. 52 : 12 pis. See ACADEMIA CA:SAREA LEOPOLDINO- \^ CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. XLIII, no. 4. 4°. 1881 Engelhardt (H.) Die Tertiarflora des Jesuitengrabens , bei Kundratitz in Nordbohmen, &c. pp. 112 : 21 pis. L See ACADEMIA C^SAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, &c. \ Nova Acta, &c. Tom. XLVIII, no. 3. 4". 1885 (1886)0 ' ft: ^v\ Engelhardt (H.) Ueber die Flora der iiber den Braunkohlen befihdlichen Tertiarschichten von Dux L~ [Bohemia], 4J1X . 8°. Leipzig, 1886-^ Engelmann (W.) Bibliotheca Geographica. Ver- zeichniss der seit der Mitte des vorigen Jahrhunderts /__ bis zu Ende des Jahres 1856 in Deutschland erschienenen Werke iiber Geographic und Reisen, &c. pp. iv, 1225. 8°. Leipzig, (1857-) 1858. Engelmann (W.) & Cams (J. V.) Bibliotheca {_ Zoologica, &c. See ENGELMANN (W.) Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis, &c. 8°. 1861. ENGELSPACH-LARIVIERE (AUGUSTE) [1799- 1831] Description geognostique du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg, suivie de considerations economiques sur ses Richesses minerales, &c. pp. 163 : 1 pi. col. See BRUSSELS.— ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &c. Memoires couronne's, &c. Tom. VH. 4°. 1828. ENGESSER (CARL) Flora des siidostlichen Schwarzwaldes mit Einschluss der Baar, des Wutach- gebietes und der anstossenden Grenze des Hohgaues, &c. pp. xxxv, 270. 8°. Donaueschingen, 1852. ENGESTROM (CARL) & Hessl«.LX[Geo]ogical Map of England and Wrffe. BjcXA. C. Ramsajt^ Scale 10 mf = 1 in.^X^ ^ s.s^jKSndon, Vptf Von ting. c- L. England ft Wales. [Maps.] Geological Map of England and Wales . . . under the direction of Sir A. Geikie . . . Scale 1 : 633,600, or 10 miles to an inch. col. [Edinburgh, 1897.] England ft Wales. [Maps.] [Ordnance Survey, on the scale of 1 in. = 1 m.] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Ordnance Survey. England ft Wales. [Maps.] [For Geological Maps of England and Wales] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. I \Maps^ . i LjJL ENOLEFIELD (Sir HENRY CHARo;sp Bart. [1752- 1K22] A description of the principal picturesque Beauties, Antiquities, and Geological Phenomena, of the Isle of Wight . . . With additional observations on the Strata of the Island, and their continuation in the adjacent parts of Dorsetshire, by T. Webster, pp. vi US, xxvii : 48 pis. (1 col.), S maps (1 col.) 4". London, 1816. ENGLER (ADOLF) See ENOLER (HEINRICH GUSTAV A.) ENGLZR (HEINRICH GUSTAV ADOLF) [1844-1 Index criticus specier. atque synonymorum generis Saxi- fraga, L. 8°. [Wien, 1869.] V«rb«i>cU. *»l.-bot. G«nll. Wien. Bd. xix, pp. 518-586. Engler (H. G. A.) Araceaj.— Guttifera et Quiinacea;.— Olacineie, Icacineaj, /ygophyllew, Rutaceie, Simaru- bacea\ Burseracea>, Ochnacea?, Anacardiacene, Sabiaceee, Rhizophoraceie.— Escalloniaj, Cunoniaceaj. See MAR- TIUS (C. F. P. VON) Flora Brasiliensis, &c. Vol. in, pt. 2 ; xu, 1, 2 ; \\v, 2. fol. 1871-88. Engler (H. G. A.) Monographic der Gattung Saxi- fraya, L., mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der geographischen Verhiiltnisse. pp. iv, 292 : 1 -map. 8°. Bredau, 1872. Engler (H. G. A.) Ueber Begrenzung und systema- tische Stellung der natiirlichen Familie der Ochnaceier pp. £8 : 2 pis. See ACADEMIA CAISAREA LEOPOLDINO- CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, und 1889. See MEYER (H.) Ostafrikamsche Gletscher- a, fahrten, &c. Anhang, no. 6. 8°. 1890. f^ Engler (II. (i. A.) Der Kiinigl. RotaniHehe Garten und _. das liotanische Museum. Ktatsjnhr 1889-90, 1894-95-* \~i See BERLIN.— KOENIOLICHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNI- VERSITAET. — Jiotanischer Garten. 8°. 1890, 95-» 533 ^* Engler (H. G. A.) Syllabus der Vorlesungen iiber specielle und medicinisch-pharmaceutische Botanik. Eine Uebersicht iiber das gesammte Pflanzensystem mit Beriicksichtigung der Medicinal- und Nutzpflanzen . . . Grosse Ausgabe. pp. xxiii, 184. 8". Berlin, 1892. [Another edition entitled :] Syllabus der Pflanzen- famihen. Eine Uebersicht iiber das gesammte Pflanzen- system . . . Zweite . . . Ausgabo. pp. xii, 214- 8°. Berlin, 1898. Engler (H. G. A.) Uber die Hochgebirgsflora des tropischen Afrika. pp. 461. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICH- PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER wissENSCHAFTEN. Physi- kalische Abhandlungen, &c. 1891. 4°. 1892. Engler (H. G. A.) Die systematische Anordnung der Monokotyledoneen Angiospermen. pp. 55. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Physikalische Abhandlungen, &c. 1892. 4°. 1892 [i.e. 1893]. Engler (H. G. A.) Kulturpflanzen und Hausthiere in ihrem Uebergang aus Asien . . . Sechste Auflage . . . mit botanischen Beitragen von A. Engler. See HEHN (V.) 8°. 1894. Engler (H. G. A.) Ueber die Gliederung der Vegeta- tion von Usambara und der angrenzenden Gebiete. pp. 86. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE AKA- DEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Physikalische Abhand- lungen, &c. 1894, no. 1. 4°. 1894. Anzenwelt Ost-Afrikas und ausgegaben . . . von See D/UTSCH-OsT-AFBftKA, / 8°.A895, utsni-C er (H. G. A.) ftie P. Nachbargebiete/ Ha ngler./ 3 TUl lllustJ Bd. y. i / . Gr/ndziige djer Pflans/nve d/i Nachb*gebieter/ / / :. Lne Nutzprfanzen Oal-Afrikas. / :. Terzeichnfss der bi/ jetzt aus Dst-Afrika bjskannt ge / dziige djlr Pflanz/nverbreitmg in DeutsA-Ost-Afy Pftanzen. Engler (H. G. A.) Verzeichniss der auf der Graf v. Giitzen'schen Expedition bei der Besteigung des Kirunga gesammelten Pflanzen. See GOETZEN (G. A. VON) Count. Durch Afrika von Ost nach West, &c. Anhang. 8°. 1895. Engler (H. G. A.) Ueber die geographische Ver- breitung der Zygophyllaceen im Verhaltniss zu ihrer systematischen Gliederung. pp. 36 : 1 pi. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Physikalische Abhandlungen, &c. 1896. 4°. 1896 [1897]. Engler (H. G. A.) Ueber die geographische Ver- breitung der Rutaceen im Verhaltniss zu ihrer systema- tischen Gliederung. pp. 27 : 3 pis. col. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Physikalische Abhandlungen, &c. 1896. 4°. 1896 [1897]. Engler lung j>fl geben vor G lach/mmber col Engler (H. G. A.) Monographieen Afrikanischer 3 Pflanzen-Familien und -Gattungen. Herausgegeben von A. Engler. [No.] i-» Must. 4°. Leipzig, 1898-> ^ Engler (H. G. A.) Moracese (excl. Ficus) [of Africa]. 13 pp. iv, 50 : 18 pis. See supra, Monographieen Afri- kanischer Pflanzen-Familien, &c. No. I. 4°. 1898. _ Engler (H. G. A.) Das Pflanzenreich. Regni Vege- tabilis conspectus . . . Herausgegeben von A. Engler. Hft. i-» 8°. Leipzig, 1900-> Engler (H. G. A.) [For official publications as Director] See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNI- VERSITAET. — Botanischer Garten. Engler (H. G. A.) [For official papers in connection with the Commission] See GERMANY. — Commission zur Wissensc/M/tlichen Untersuchuny der Deutschen Meere in Kiel. Engler (H. G. A.) & Diels (L.) Combretaceae. 2 Pt. Must. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Monographieen Afrikanischer Pflanzen-Familien, &c. No. in. & iv. 4". 1899, 1900. Engler (H. G. A.) & Prantl (K. A. E.) Die natiir- lichen Pflanzenfamilien, nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten, insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen, &c. ThJ. i-» Must. 8°. Leipzig, 1887-> The following authors have also contributed to the work : — Ascherson (P. F. A.) Magnus (P. W.) Beck von Mannagetta (G.) Migula(W.) Brandis (Sir D.)K.C.I.E. Miiller (C. A. F. W.) Briquet (J.) Miiller (E. G. O.) Buchenau (F.) Niedenzu (F.) Caspary (J. X. R.) Pax (F. A.) Chodat (R.) Peter (G. A.) Diels (L.) Peteraen (O. G.) Dietel (P.) Pfitzev(E. H. H.) Drude (O.) Potonie(H.) Eichler (A. W.) Pritzel(E.) Falkenberg (P.) Hadlkofer (L.) Fischer (E.) Raimann (K.) Focke (W. O.) Reiche (C.) Fritsch (K.) Ruhland (W.) Fiinfstuck (M.) Sadebeck (R.) Gilg (E.) Schiffner (V. F.) Gurke (M.) Schimper (A. F. W.) Hackel (E.) Schmitz (C. J. F.) Harms (H.) Schonland (S.) HauptfleiBch (P.) Schroter(J.) Hellwig (F.) Schutt(F.) Hieronymus (G. H. E. W.) Schumann (K. M.) Hoeck (F.) Senn (G.) Hoffmann (O.) Kamenskit (F. M.) Solereder (H.) Solms-Laufcich (H.M.C.L.F.) Keller (R.) Count. Kirchner (E. O. O.) Stapf (O.) Kjellmann (F. R.) Knoblauch (E.) Szyszyiowicz (I. von). Taubert (P.) Krasser (F.) Warburg (O.) Kronfeld (M. Weberbauer (A.) Kiindig (J.) Wettetein (R. von). Kuznetzov (N. Ya). Wille (N.) Lindau (G.) Wittmack (M. C. L.) Loesener (T.) Wunschmann (E.) ENGLISH (GEORGE L.) & Co. Catalogue of Minerals for sale . . . Fifteenth edition, pp. 100: 2 pis., text ill-list. 8°. [Philadelphia & New York,] 1890. ENGLISH (JAMES LAKE) [1820-1888] A Manual for the preservation of the larger Fungi (Hymenomycetes) in their natural condition . . . also a new process for the preservation of Wild Flowers, &c. pp. viii, 41- 8°. Eppiny, 1882. ENGLISH CYCLOPAEDIA, THE, &c. 12 Vol. See ENCYCLOPEDIAS. 4°. [1856-62.] ENGLISH FLOWER GARDEN, THE: a monthly magazine of hardy and half hardy Plants. By W. Thompson. Vol. life lit [in 1]. 4". London, 1852-53. ENGMAN (PEHR) Anteckningar ofver de i Sverige vaxande atliga Svampar, hvilka . . . forsvaras af P. Engman, &c. Pt. 7. See FRIES (E. M.) 4°. 1836. ENGRAMELLE (MARIE DOMINIQUE JOSEPH) [1727- 1781] Insectes d'Europe . . . decrits par le R. P. Engramelle. See ERNST (J. J.) Papillons d'Europe, &c 8 Tom. fol. 1779-92. ENGSTFELD (E.) Ueber die Flora des Siegerlandes. pp. 22. 4°- Siegen, 1856. xix. Jahresb. hob. Burger- u. Real-Schule Siegen. (Fortsetzung.) pp. 47. 8°. Siegen, 1857. A 3 M B U B E 534 ENGSTROM (t'u;oi.U8 P.) Dissertatio sistens Novas 1 ns< vtoruui Species. Pars iv. . . . 1784. Reap. C. P. Engstroern. See THUNBERO (C. P.) Uissertationes Academic* Upsaliic, &c. Vol. HI, no. 14. 8°. 1801. ENGSTROM (1'CTRUs) Fwldamenta Valetudinis . . proposito a P. Engstriim .X1756, &c^-Set LINNAUS (C. S B Z ,us(C.) •lnir;r, ctv. N "1. IV. 8°. 175J ENIAUTOS. 'EitauTOf Tf/jaoTtot : Mirabilis Annus, or the year of prodigies and wonders, being a ... collection of several signs that have been seen in the Heavens, in the Earth and in the Waters . . . within the space of one year last past, &c. pp. 89. 4°. [London,] 1661. Mirabilis Annus secundus : or, the second part of the second years prodigies, &c. pp. 53. 4°. [London,] 1662. Wanting pp. 53 to end. ENNICHMANN (ZACHARiAs) Historia Plantarum generalis, in synopsin redacta . . . quam . . . sub- mittit . . . Z. Eunichmann. See SCHENK (J. T.) 4°. 1656. ENNIS (JACOB) The Meteors, and their long-enduring Trails, ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. (1601 Fonndeda* A «rel ion Society. 1806 Bntoiuoloyiral Society. 1806 BntOMoloffical Society of London. Ceased to exint tome time after 1812.) Transactions, Ac. Vol. i.t pp. xii, 340 : 9 pig. col. 8°. London (1807-) 1812. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. [Foonded 1833.] The Transactions (Memoirs— Journal of Proceedings), &c. Vol. i-v. 8°. London, 1836-49. The "Journal of Proceeding!" to Vol. IT was originally Issued as a ••paraU work [7. r. infra] : it wai reprinted in 1864, and is now appended to the volume. - New Series. Vol. i-v. 8°. London, 1850-61. — Third Series. Vol. i-v. 8°. London, 1862-67. 1868-* 8°. London, 1868-» Entomological Society of London. Journal of Proceedings . . . 1840 (-1846). pp. 158. 8°. London, 1841 [-46]. [Another edition.] jy. 132. 8°. [London, 1864.] A re-paged reprint, appended to Vol. ivof the " Trannactions " h.r. supra]. Entomological Society of London. Address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the . . . Society . . . 1848. See SPENCE (W.) 8". 1848. Entomological Society of London. Catalogue of British Neuroptera. Compiled by R. McLachlan . . . The Ephemerida; by ... A. E. Eaton. See MCLACHLAN (R.) 4°. 1870 Entomological Society of London. A catalogue of British Hymenoptera ; Chrysididie, Ich- neumonidae, Braconids, and Evaniidae, &c. See MAR- SHALL (T. A.) 8". 1872. Entomological Society of London. A catalogue of British Hymenoptera ; Oxyura, &c. See MARSHALL (T. A.) 8". 1873. Entomological Society of London. A catalogue of British Hemiptera ; Heteroptera and Homoptera (Cicadaria and Phytophthires), • 8°. Washinf/ton,(1886)\8QO-> ENTOMOLOGISCHE BLAETTER AITS DER SCHWEIZ. Herausgegeben von K. Dietrich. Hft. i & n.t 4°. [Zurich,] 1871-72. ENTOMOLOGISCHE HEFTE, enthaltend Beitriige zur wuitern Kunntniss und Aufklarung der Insecten- geschichte. Eine Vorarbeit zu einer kiinftigen Faune des Departements vom Donnersberge und den angren- zenden Gegenden der Departemente von der Saar, und von Rhein und Mosel. Ausgearbeitet von einigen Freunden der Naturgeschichte [i.e. J. J. Hoffmann, J. D. W. Koch, P. W. J. Miiller, J. M. Linz.] Hft. i A i i.-i- illust. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1803. lift. I. Monograjihie der . . . cinheiniiscb beobachtct*n .SluUkiifcr. (Hitler.) pp. ll:i. „ ii. Flobkafer. (Hallica.) pp. !.:"[', }. ENTOMOLOGISCHE MISCELLEN. Hcrausge geben von dem Verein, &c. 1 No. See BRESLAU. — VEREIN FUER SCHLESISCHE INSEKTENKUNDE. 8°. 1874. ENTOMOLOGISCHE MONATSBLATTER. Herausgegeben von . . . G. Kraatz. Jahrg. i & II. See BERLIN.— ENTOMOLOOI8CHER VEREIN. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Jahrg. xx, hft. 3 ; xxiv, hft. 3. 8°. 1876-80. £ £ t 535 £ (f L. 7 - ENTOMOLOGISCHE NACHRICHTEN. Herausgegeben von . . . F. Katter ([and afterwards] F. Karsch). Jahrg. i-> 8". Quedlinburg, (Putins, Merlin,) 1875-=» ENTOMOLOGISCHE ZEITUNG, herausgegeben von dom . . . Vereine, &c. Jahrg. i— > See STETTIN. — ENTOMOLOGISCHER VEREIN. 8°. 1840-> ENTOMOLOGISCHER VEREIN " IRIS." See DRESDEN. — GESELLSCHAFT "IRIS." ENTOMOLOGISCHER VEREIN ZU STET- TIN. See STETTIN. ENTOMOLOGISCHES ARCHIV. Herausgegeben von ... T. Thon. Bd. i-n, hft. 2.t 4°. Jena, 1827-30. Printed in double column. Tab. vi-vlll of Bd. I do not appear to have been published, although their figures are described. ENTOMOLOGISK TIDSKRIFT, &c. Arg. r-> See STOCKHOLM. — ENTOMOLOGISKA FORENINGEN. 8°. 1880-» ENTOMOLOGISKA FORENINGEN I STOCK- HOLM. See STOCKHOLM. ENTOMOLOGISKE MEDDELELSER, udgivne af Fiirening, &c. Bd. i-> See COPEN- HAGEN.— ENTOMOLOGISK FORENING. 8°. 1887-» ENTOMOLOGIST, THE : Conducted by E. Newman. Vol. I, ll-ix. 8°. London, 1840, 64-76. Between 1840 and 1804 it was merged in " The Zoologist." [Co'iitinued as :] The Entomologist : an illustrated Journal of British (general) Entomology. Edited by J. T. Carrington ([and afterwards] K. South). Vol. x-> 8°. London, 1877-> ENTOMOLOGISTS GENEVOIS, L'. Journal mensuel d'Entomologie pure et appliquee publie sous la direction de M. H. Tournier. Ann. i.f pp. 232 : 1 pi. 8°. Peney- Geneve, 1889 (-90). ENTOMOLOGIST'S ANNUAL, The . . . com- prising notices of the new British Insects . . . Edited by H. T. Stainton. 1855-74. 20 Vol. [in 6.] 8°. London, 1855-74. Wanting the years 1801-64. ENTOMOLOGIST'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, The : Conducted by T. Blackburn, H. G. Knaggs . . . R. McLachlan . . . E. C. Rye, H. T. Stainton, ([and afterwards] J. W. Douglas, C. G. Barrett, E. Saunders, W. W. Fowler, G. C. Champion and Lord Walsingham). Vol. i-» illust. 8°. London, 1864-> Vol. xxvl -» (1890-»)are also styled "New Series, Vol. l"-» ENTOMOLOGIST'S RECORD & JOURNAL OP VARIATION, The. Edited by J. W. Tutt. Vol. l-> 8°. London, 1890-» ENTOMOLOGIST'S WEEKLY INTELLI- GENCER, The. [Edited by H.T. Stainton.] Vol. i-x. 8°. London, 1856-61. ENTRECASTEAUX (JOSEPH ANTOINE BRUNI D') [1739-1793] Voyage de Dentrecasteaux [on "La Recherche "], envoye a la recherche de La Perouse . . . 'Redige par M. de Rossel. 2 Tom. illust. Atlas, 89 maps. 4°. & fol. Paris, 1807-8. Wanting PI. xxvll in Vol. I. For accounts of the natural history observations made on this voyage, See DeacHAMtM (L. A.), and LAUILLAKDI^BE (J. J. DE). \~l~L\ < ENTZ (GEZA) Rhizidium ewjlente, Alex. Braun. Adal6k a Chytridiumfelek ismeretehez. [E. euglence, A. Braun. Facts contributing to the knowledge of the Chytridea.] pp. 20 : 2 pis. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekez6sek a Termeszettudo- manyok Korebcil, &c. Kot. in, szam 13. 8°. 1873. Entz (G.) Tanulmanyok a V6glenyek Korebol, &c. — £ _ Studien iiber Protisten, &c. ThI. I. Entwickelung der ,, Kenntniss der Protisten. pp. xv, 464- 4°. Budapest, 1888. Printed in double column. (G.) A Vorticellinak rugalmas 6s osszehuzodo Entz (G.) elemei. [The elastic and contractile elements of Vorti- cellae.] See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKA- DEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok K6r6bol, &c: Kot. xxi, szam 3. 8°. 1891. Entz (G.) Einleitung und allgemeine Betrachtungen iiber die Fauna des Balatonsees. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR FOLDRAJZI T^RSULAT. Resultate der wissen- schaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees, &c. Bd. II. 4°. 1897. L, S. 1721 ENTZEL (CHRISTOPH) ,. ENYS (JoHN L\{[ Cataogue Zealand . . . witna . . . preface by J. D. Enys. pp. 8°. Ghristclmrch, 18 CELJUS. _, -j L/ % 37 -i^l ll. J of me Butterflies of New 23 : 1880. 5 pis. col. This work consists of : — 1. On the Butterflies of New Zealand. By A. G. Butler. • [Trans. New Zealand Instit. Vol. x.] 2. On an additional species by R. W. Fereday. [Entom. Monthly Mag. Vol. xvi.) 3. Notes by the Editor [and a series of coloured illustrations of all the species quoted], EFHEMERIDES ENTOMOLOGICJE. J. W. Dalman . . . Ephemerides Entomologicae. No. i.t pp. [iv,] 36. 8°. Holmice, 1824. EFINAL.— Societe Mycologique de France. See PARIS. EFIFHANIUS, Saint, Bishop of Cyprus. Sancti Epiphanii . . . de xn. gemmis, quse erant in veste Aaronis, liber Grsecus, & e regione Latinus, lola Hiero- tarantino interprete, &c. [pp. x,] foil. 28. See GESNER (C.) De omni rerum fossilium genere, &c. 8°. 1566. «^ EFFELSHEIM (EDOUARD) Die Coleopteren des / Talysch-Gebietes, &c. See RADDE (G. F. R.) Die 4^ yj. Fauna und Flora des siidwestlichen Caspi-Gebietes, &c. ' £ f* 8°. 1886. e ESSEX LS ' 2-L EFFING FOREST & COUNTY OF NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. See ESSEX FIELD CLUB. EFFING FOREST FREE LOCAL MUSEUM./, 5-22. 508 ESSEX FIELD CLUB. EFSOM COLLEGE SOCIETY. Report, &c. No. i-» NATURAL HISTORY 8°. Epsom [1890 ?-»]. ERASMI (GoTTHAHoys OTTO) Bellicographia [sic] . . . eruditorum examini subjicere constituit G. O. Erasmi, &c. See EYSEL (J. P.) 4°. [1714.] ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS) [1467-1536] 'ApiororfAovr Airavra. Aristotelis . . . opera . . . omnia . . . Per D. Eras[mum]. Roterodamum, &c. 2 Vol. See ARIS- TOTLE, fol. 1550. ERBA (LuiGi DELL') Considerazioni sulla genesi del Piperno. pp. 22. See NAPLES. — RE ALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Ser. II, vol. v, no. 3. 4°. 1893. l_ -3 536 h z B B Z Erba (L. DELL") L' Andesite pirosseno-micacea di Posilli|H>. ;>/>. 15. See NAPLES.— ACCADEMIA PONTA- NIANA. Atti, ls. (col.) 4°. Miinchen, 1843. Erdl (M. P.) Die Entwickelung des Menschen und des Huhnchens im Eie zur gegenseitigen Erliiuterung nach eigenen Beobachtungen zusammengestellt, ls. I". /,p. 211-316) are from the l 1 from the "Apuntes Ernst (A.) List of Plants observed in Los Roques. Sertulum Naiguatense : Notes on a small collection of Alpine Plants from the summit of Naiguatd, in the mountains of Cardcas. Orchidese Venezuelanas : or, an alphabetical list of all the genera and species of Orchids ... of the United States of Venezuela, For a tnuuUtloo of the introductory portion revised by the author, £K LAN8i>ELL(H.) Kunian Central Asia, utatio physica observationum botanicarum specimen continent, quam . . . defendit J. F. Eschenbach . . . cum J. G. Linckio. pp. 40. 4°. Lipsice [1784]. -[Another edition.] See USTERI (P.) Delectus opusculorum botanicorum, Carol. Tom. xix, suppt. 2. "Z- Eschricht (D. F.) Elogede L. L. Jacobson,benhavn, 1861. K. Dansk Vidensk. Selsk. Skrifter. Rsek. V, bd. v. Eschricht (D. F.) & Reinhardt (J. T.) On the Greenland Right-whale (Balcena mysticetus, Linn.) . . . Translated from the Danish, dec. See RAY SOCIETY. Recent Memoirs on the Cetacea, &c. i. 4°. 1866. ESCHSCHOLTZ (JOHANN FEIEDEICH VON) [1793- ^-- 1831] Ideen zur Aneinanderreihung der riickgrathigen Thiere, auf vergleichende Anatomie gegriindet, &c. pp. 51. 8°. Dorpat, 1819. . Eschscholtz (J. F. VON) Ueber die Felsbeschaffenheit L— der Kiiste Neu-Californiens, der Insel Unalaschka und der Kiisten der Beeringsstrasse. Nach den . . . gesam- / 'O melten Mineralien des Herrn Dr. Eschscholz, von M. von Engelhardt. — Verzeichniss der von Herrn Dr. Eschscholz gesammelten . . . Mineralien. — Beschreibung einer neuen Affengattung Presbytis mitrata. — Natur- historische und physiologische Bemerkungen iiber die Seeblasen, Velellen und Porpiten. — Beschreibung neuer auslandischer Schmetterlinge. See KOTZEBUE (O. VON). Entdeckungs-Reise in die Siid-See, &c. Bd. in. [Ap- pendix.] 4°. 1821. Eschscholtz (J. F. VON) Entomographien,<£c. Lief, i.t pp. 128, Hi : 2 pis. col. 8°. Berlin, 1822. "7 Eschscholtz (J. F. VON) System der Acalephen. Eine ausfiihrliche Beschreibung aller Medusenartigen Strahl- thiere. pp. iv, 190 : 16 pis. 4°. Berlin, 1829. .-j— Eschscholtz ( J. F. VON) Zoologischer Atlas, enthaltend Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer Thierarten, *7_ wiihrend des Flottcapitains von Kotzebue zweiter Reise urn die Welt ... in ... 1823-26 beobachtet von . . . F. Eschscholtz. ( — Fiinftes Heft herausgegeben von D. M. H. Rathke). 5 Hft. [in 1 Vol.] Must. col. fol. Berlin,. 1829-33. Eschscholtz (J. F. VON) Neue Reise urn die Welt in ... 1823-26. (Uebersicht der zoologischen Aus- beute, von F. Eschscholtz.) Bd. n. pp. 34. See KOTZE- BUE (O. VON). 8°. 1830. ESCHWEGE (WILHELM CAEL VON) See ESCHWEGE (W. LUDWIG VON) ESCHWEGE (WILHELM LUDWIG VON) [1777-1855] Des Herrn W. C. v. Eschwege . . . Nachrichten aus Portugal und dessen Colonien, mineralogischen und bergmannischen Inhalts. Ein Seitenstiick zum Journale von Brasilien . . . Herausgegeben . . . von J. C. L. Zincken. pp. aci, 274: 1 pi. 8°. Braunschweig, 1820. Eschweee (W. L. VON) Brasilien die Neue Welt, in topographischer . . . naturhistorischer . . . Hinsicht, wahrend eines . . . Aufenthaltes von 1810 bis 1821, &c. 2 Thl. [in 1 Vol.] Must. 8°. Braunschweig, 1830. Eschwege (W. L. VON) Beitrage zur Gebirgskunde Brasiliens. pp. xvi, 488 : 3 pis., 1 map. 8°. Berlin, 1832. Eschwege (W. L. VON) Pluto Brasiliensis. Eine Reihe von Abhandlungen iiber Brasiliens Gold-, Diamanten- und anderen mineralischen Reichthum, &c. pp. xviii, 622 : 5 pis., 5 maps. 8°. Berlin, 1833. ESCHWEILER (FRANciscus GEEHARD) [1796-1831] . De fructificatione generis Rhizomorphse commentatio. . . . Accedit novum genus Hyphomycetum [Melidium\. pp. 35 : 1 pi. 4°. Elberfeldice, 1822. Eschweiler (F. G.) Systema Lichenum, genera exhibens rite distincta, pluribus novis adaucta. pp. 26, 1 tab. : 1 pi. 4°. Norimberyae, 1824. Eschweiler (F. G.) Lichenes. See MARTIUS (C. F. P. VON) Flora Brasiliensis, , 1790 ; lift, f, pp. 81-96, 1791 ; Hft. 7-0, pp. 91-1U,, 1792 ; flit 10TV 1U-HO, 17«»; Hft. 11-12, pp. 161-19$, 1798; Hft. 18, pp. 19S-WO, ITOT ; Hft. 14-1«, 1798T-1801J [Second edition.] Herausgegeben mit Zusatzen und fortgesetzt von T. von Charpentier. pp. 254, 14 •' 66 pis. col. 4°. Leipzig, (1830). A re-issue of the preceding, with a new title-page, 14 additional pages (the text terminating abruptly), and 3 new plates. Esper (E. J. C.) Die Pflanzenthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Farben erleuchtet nebst Beschrei- bungen. [Completed (Pt. 16 & 17) by F. L. Hammer.] 3 Thl. Must. col. 4°. Niirnberg, (1788-) 1791-1829 [-30]. Wanting Pt. 17. The date* of publication of the several part* were as follows :— Thl. I, pt. 1 & 2, pp. 1-96, 1788 ; pt. 8 & 4, pp. 97-19!, 1789 ; pt. 5 fc 6, pp. /9S-MO, 1790 ; Thl. it, pt. 7 A 8, pp. 1-96, 1791 : pt. 9 & 10, pp. 'J7-180, 1792 ; pt. 11, pp. 1S1-1SO, 1793 ; pt. 12, pp. ttl-SOk, 1799 ; Thl. in, pt. 18, pp. 1-lt, 1806 ; pt. 14 & 15, pp. f&-M, ? ; pt. 16, pp. lU-ISt, 1829 ; pt. 17, pp. t8S-end, 18SO. Fortsetzungen der Pflanzenthiere, -).] Q A i Journal, &c. Vol. i.t pp. iv, 135. 8°. Salem, (1836-) 1852. ESSEX FIELD CLUB. [1880 Founded as the Epping Forest and County of Btux Katmalittj Field Club. 1881 With the short title of The EtKX field Club. 1885 Suex Field Club.] Transactions (Journal of Proceedings), &c. Vol. i-iv. '- 8". Buckhurst Hill, 1881-92. C; 2.1 f In Vol. iv the "Journal of Proceedings" has a separate title-page and ^ index. [Continued as :] The Essex Naturalist : being the Journal [" Trans- £_ actions " and " Proceedings "] of the . . . Club. Edited by W. Cole, &c. Vol. i-> 8°. Buckhurst Hill, 1887-» 5 •!•' Essex Field Club. An Epping Forest free local Museum. A proposal. L- [With copies of circulars, etc., issued in connection - /* with its establishment.] [pp. 8] Text Must. 4°. [Buckhurst Hill, 1895.] Essex Field Club. Museum Leaflets. No. 1. A short account of the Epping Forest Museum. [4 pp.] Text Must : 1 map. 8°. [Buckhurst Hill, 1895.] ' Essex Field Club. Museum Handbooks. No. 2. Notes upon the Romano- I— British settlement at Chigwell, Essex, with a description - of the articles exhibited in the loan collection in the b •„ Epping Forest Museum. By I. C. Gould, pp. 16: text Must. 8°. Chingford, 1895. L -ll L ^l L L .1/4 L vjj JJL B 543 B 1869-» 8°. Salem, 1870-> 3 Essex Field Club. Museum Handbooks. No. 3. The Essex Museum ... By W. Cole. pp. 15:1 port. 8°. Stratford, 1900. Essex Field Club. Museum Handbooks. No. 4. A brief sketch of the Crag Formation of East Anglia ... By W. H. Dalton. pp. 8. 8°. [Stratford,] 1900. ESSEX INSTITUTE. [Founded 1848 by the union of the Sssex Historical Society with the Essex County Natural History Society (g.v.).] Proceedings (and Communications), &c. Vol. i-vi.t 8°. Salem, 1856-71. Essex Institute. See AMERICAN NATURALIST, THE. Vol. i. [Published by the Institute.] 8°. 1868. Essex Institute. Bulletin, &c. Vol. : ESSEX NATURALIST, The, &c. Vol. i-> See ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 8°. 1887-?- ESSLING, Prince d'. See MASSENA (A.) ESSNEB (BENNO RUDOLF GUSTAF) [1858-] Ueber den diagnostischen Werth der Anzahl und Hb'he der Markstrahlen bei den Coniferen. Inaugural-Disserta- tion, &c. pp. 19. 4°. Halle, 1882. ESTACIO DA VEIGA (SEBASTIAO PHILIPPES MARTINS) See VEIGA. ESTIENNE (CHARLES) [1504-1564] [De Re Hortensi libellus, Vulgaria Herbarum, Florum, ac Fruticum qui in hortis conseri solent nomina Latinis vocibus efferre docens ex probatis authoribus, &c. 8°. Parisiis, 1535.] Wanting. [Another edition.] Cui nuper additus est alius libellus de cultu & satione hortorum, ex antiquorum sententia. pp. 141. 8°. Lutetice, 1545. Title-page damaged. Estienne (C.) [De Latinis ex Grsecis nominibus Arborum, Fruticum, Herbarum, Piscium, & Avium liber : ex Aristotele . . . & J. Iluellio : cum Gallica eoru nominum appellatione. (By C. Estienne.) See NAMES. 8°. 1536.] Quarta seditio. 8°. 1554. & Estienne (C.) [Arbustum. Fonticulus. Spinetum. 8°. Parisiis, 1538.] Wanting. [Another edition.] pp. 42 [6]. 8°. Parisiis, 1542. Estienue (C.) Sylva. Fruetetum. Collis. foil. 5G [& pp. 16]. 8°. Parisiis, 1538. Estienne (C.) [Seminarium, et Plantarium fructifera- rum prsesertim arborum quse post hortos conseri solent. 8°. Lutetiae, 1540.] Wanting. [Another edition.] Denuo auctum & locuple- tatum. Huic accessit alter libellus de conseredis arbori- bus in seminario : deque iis in plantarium transferendis atque inserendis. pp. 180 [20]. 8°. Parisiis, 1658. Estienne (C.) Pratum, Lacus, Arundinetum. foil. 36. 8°. Parisiis, 1543. Estieuue (C.) Prsedium Rusticum, in quo cujusvis soli vel culti vel inculti platarum vocabula ac descrip- tiones, eariimque cpnserSdarum atque excolendarum instrumenta suo ordine describuntur. pp. 648. 8*. Lutetix, 1554. Estienne (C.) L' Agriculture et Maison rustique . . . Plus un bref recueil des Chasses du Cerf, du Lievre, du Regnard, du Blereau, du Counin, . 94. 8°. Edinburgh, 1882. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soo. Edinburgh. VoL vu. Etheridge (R.) The Younger. Remarks on a univalve (J. shell [Tremanotus Maideni] from the Hawkesbury Sandstone. See NEW SOUTH WALES. — Department of Mines. Annual report, &c., 1886. Appendix N. 4°. 1887. Etheridge (R.) The Younger. The Invertebrate /* Fauna of the Hawkesbury-Wianamatta series . . . of New South Wales, pp. 21 : £ pis., text Must. See NEW SOUTH WALES. — Department of Mines. Memoirs of the Geological Survey, &c. Palaeontology. No. 1. 4°. 1888. Etheridge (R.) The Younger. The General Zoology— L Geology and Physical Structure of Lord Howe Island, p « n (, £ See SYDNEY. — AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Memoirs, &c. * No. 2. 8°. 1889. 2, Etheridge (R.) The Younger. Report on the limestone caves at Cave Flat, junction of the Murrumbidgee and fr Goodrdigbee Rivers, &c. See SYDNEY. — AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Annual report, &c. fol. 1889. Etheridge (R.) The Younger. Contributions to a ., catalogue of works, reports, and papers on the anthropo- Cr logy, ethnology, and geological history of the Australian and Tasmanian Aborigines. 3 Pt. See NEW SOUTH WALES. — Department of Mines. Memoirs of the Geo- logical Survey, Etheridge (R.) The Younger & Nicholson (H. A.) A monograph of the Silurian fossils of the Girvan district in Ayrshire, &c. See NICHOLSON (H. A.) & ETHERIDGE (R.) The Younger. 8°. (1878-) 1880. /> Etheridge (R.) The Younger & Olliff (A. S.) The «~ Mesozoic and Tertiary Insects of New South Wales. pp. xi, 12 : 2 ph. See NEW SOUTH WALES. — Depart- ment of Mines. Memoirs of the Geological Survey, &c. Palaeontology. No. 7. 4°. 1890. ETHERIDGE GOLDFIELD. [Maps.] [For Maps of this Goldfield] See QUEENSLAND. — Geological Survey. [Maps.] [1899 '<]. ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. [1S43 Founded. 1871 United with the Anthropological Society of London to form the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (Q.v.)] Journal, &c. Vol. i-iv.t 8°. Edinburgh, 1848-56. Ethnological Society of London. Transactions, &c. New Series, Vol. i-vn. 8°. London, 1861-69. [Continued as :] The Journal, &c. Vol. I & H.t 8°. London, 1869-71. Ethnological Society of London. On the study of Ethnology . . . Read at a meeting preliminary to the formation of the Ethnological Society . . . 1843. See DIEFFENBACH (E.) 8°. 1843. ETIENNE (Vi,CTOR) Botanique. Resume d'un memoire sur les Elements Corticaux. pp. 32 : 1 pi. 8°. Paris, 1865. ETLINGER (ANDREAS ERNESTUS) De Salvia. Dissertatio inauguralis, &c. pp. 63. 4°. Erlangce, 1777. Also issued with a second title-luge :— " Commentatio . . . de Salvia," &c. ETNA. [Maps] E. Chaix. Carta volcanologica e topografica dell' Etna. Scale 1 : 100,000 [i.e. 1 in. = li m. about]. Ginevra, 1892. ETOILE, L', French Vessel. Voyage autour du monde ... en 1766-1769. See BOUGAINVILLE (L. A. DE). 4°. 1771. ETTINGSHAUSEN (ANDREAS VON) Baron [1796- 1878] Anfangsgriinde der Physik . . . Vierte Auflage. pp. xviii, 532 : text Must. 8°. Wien, 1860. The first edition appeared in 1844. ETTINGSHAUSEN (CONSTANTIN VON) Baron [1826-1897] Die Tertiar-Floren der Oesterreichischen Monarchie. No. 1. Fossile Flora yon Wien. pp.36: 5 pis. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Kaiserlich-Koenigliche Geologische Reichsanstalt. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. n, abth. in, no. 1. 4°. 1851. Ettingshansen (C. VON) Baron. Ueber Palceobromelia, ein neues fossiles Pflanzen- geschlecht. pp. 10: 2 pis. Beitrag zur Flora der W ealdenperiode. pp. S2 : 5 pis. Begriindung einiger neuen oder nicht genau bekannten Arten der Lias- und der Oolithflora. pp. 10: 3 pis. Die Steinkohlenflora von Stradonitz in Bohmen. pp. 18: 6 pis. Fossile Pflanzen reste aus dem trachytischen Sandstein von Heiligenkreuz bei Kremnitz. pp. 14 : 2 pis. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Kaiserlich-Koenigliche Geo- logische Jteichsanstalt. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. I, abth. in, no. 1-5. 4°. 1852. Ettingshansen (C. VON) Baron. Die tertiiire Flora von Haring in Tirol, pp. 118 : 31 pis. See AUSTRIA- HUNGARY. — Kaiserlich-Koenigliche Geologische Reichs- anstalt. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. II, abth. in, no. 2. 4°. 1853. Ettingshausen (C. VON) Baron. Die Steinkohlen- flora von Radnitz in Bohmen. pp. 74-' 29 pis. •See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Kaiserlich-Koenigliche Geolo- gische Reichsanstalt. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. II, abth. HI, no. 3. 4°. 1854. Ettingshansen (C. VON) Baron. Bericht iiber das Werk " Physioty pia Plantarum Austriacarum." pp. 87 : IS pis., text Must. 8°. Wien, 1856. Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xx. Ettingshansen (C. VON) Baron. Die Blattskelete der Apetalen. Eine Vorarbeit zur Interpretation der fossilen Pflanzenreste. pp. 92 : 51 pis. 4°. Wien, 1858. Denksch. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. xv. Ettingshansen (C. VON) Baron. Die Blatt-Skelete der Dikotyledonen, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die Untersuchung und Bestimmung der fossilen Pflanzen- reste. pp. xlvi, 308 : 95 pis., text Must. 4°. Wien, 1861. Ettingshansen (C. VON) Baron. Physiographic der Medicinal-Pflanzen, nebst einem Clavis zur Bestimmung der Pflanzen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Nervation der Blatter, pp. xiv, 432 : text Must. 8°. Wien, 1862. Ettingshansen (C. VON) Baron. Ueber die Ent- deckung des Neuhollandischen Charakters der Eocen- flora Europa's, und iiber die Anwendung des Natur- selbstdruckes zur Forderung der Botanik und Palaon- tologie, als Entgegnung auf die Schrift des . . . F. Unger : " Neuholland in Europa." pp. 93 : text Must. 8°. Wien, 1862. Ettiugshanseu (C. VON) Baron. Photographisches Album der Flora Oesterreichs, &c. pp. xxinii, 319 : 173 pis., text Must. 8°. Wien, 1864. Ettingshansen (C. VON) Baron. Die Farnkrauter der Jetztwelt zur Untersuehung und Bestimmung der in den Formationen der Erdrinde eingeschlossenen Ueber- reste von vorweltlichen Arten dieser Ordnung nach dem Flachen-Skelet bearbeitet. pp. xvi, 298 : 180 ids. 4°. Wien, 1865. Ettingshansen (C. VON) Baron. Ueber die Blatt- skelette der Loranthaceen. pp. 36 : 15 pis. 8°. Wien, 1871. Denksch. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. xxxn, 1872. Ettingshansen (C. VON) Baron. von Sagor in Krain. 3 Thl. Must. Die fossile Flora 4°. Wien, 1872-85. Dentoch. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. XXXII, xxxvil tl L. Ettingshansen (C. VON) Baron. Die genetische Gliederung der Flora Australiens. pp. 74. 4". Wien, 1875. Dtmkscb. k. Akad. Wissenscb. Wien. Bd. xxxiv. 69 C- G- G- 3 G- Gr 546 3 G- G G- B Gr G Gr G- B £ L o Ettingshausen (C. VON) Baron. Contributions to the Tertiary Flora of Australia, pp. 189 : 15 pis. See New SOUTH WALES. — Department of Mines. Memoirs of the Geological Survey, s Motschulsky. Ann. i-xi.t 8°. Hdfingfors & Dresde, (1852) 1853-62. ETZEL (ANTON VON) Griinland geographisch und statistisch beschrieben. Aus Danischen Quellschriften. pp. xiv, 665. 8°. Stuttgart, 1860. Originally published In 1885. EUDEL (EMILK EUGENE ALPHONSE) [1831-1892] Catalogue des collections d'Ethnographie, de PteYopodes . . . de Coquilles marines, terrestres & fluviatiles et de livres de feu M. E. Eudel . . . Preface (Notice bio- graphique sur E. Eudel) de M. E. Bureau, &c. pp. viii, 38. 8°. Pans, 1893. EUDES-DESLONGCHAMPS (EUGENE) [1830- 1889] Me'moire sur les genres Leptoena [sic] et Thecidea des terrains Jurassiques du Calvados, pp. 38 : S pis. 4°. Caen, 1853. Hem. Soc. Linn. Normandio. Vol. ix. Eudes-Deslongchamps (E.) Notice sur des em- preintes, ou traces d'Animaux existant a la surface d'une roche de gres . . . pres Argentan, i>odea du Callovien de la Voulte et antres localltes dn departement de 1'Ardeche. Note sur le Callovien des environs d' Argentan, et de divers pointe du Calvados. Eudes-Deslongchamps (E.) Me'moire sur les Brachio- podes du Kelloway-Rock . . . dans le nord-ouest de la France, &c. pp. 54 : G pis. See CAEN.— socifcrls LINNEENNE DE NORMANDIE. MemoireS, &c. Vol. XI, no. 4. 4°. 1860. [Advance copy.] 4°. Paris & Caen, 1859. Eudes-Deslongchamps (E.) Etudes critiques sur des Brachiopodes nouveaux, ou peu connus. Fasc. 1-6. pp. 252 : 26 pis. 8°. Caen, &c., 1862-84 [-87]. Incomplete : the text stops abruptly at p. 252. Extracted from the " Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie," as under ;— Fase. 1) pp. 1-1,8. 1862. Bul, Tom.vll. „ 19-SO. 1863 / „ 60-76. „ „ „ vm 77-150. 1884 Sir. Ill, torn. vm. 1868. 1864. 1884. 1887. Eudes-Deslongchamps (E.) [Jurassic Brachippoda.] See ORBIGNY (A. D. D') Paleontologie Franchise, sur plusienrs especes nouvclles de GasUropodes provenant de la couche a Amnionila Sauzei. 11. Prodrome des Teleoaanriens dn Calvados. 12. Nouvelle note sur les Apli/chu*. The dates of publication are :— No. 1-5, Sept. 1868 (alto issued in " Bull. 800. Linn. Nonnandie," Tom. viii, 1864) ; No. 6, July 18ti4 (also In op. cit. Tom. ix, 1865) ; No. 7-10, May 186fi (also in op. tit. Stt. II, torn, i, 1868); No. 11, pp. 96-161, Sept. 1867 ( pp. 10S-1S7 were afterwards expanded, and form a paper in " Bull. Soc. Oeol. France," Tom. xxvn, 1870 ; pp. 1S9-161, by J. A. Eudes-Deslongchamps, appeared under the title " Note sur trois espeoss de Teleoaauriens, itc., in " Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie," Ser. II, torn. I, 1868) ; pp. ICS-m, liar. 1867 (pp. 1C.1-IS6 also appeared op. cit. Ser. II, torn, it, 1868) ; pp. 196-tW, June 1869; pp. ti7-tS8, July 1869; pp. S59-S06, Oct. 1809 ; pp. 307- SSi, Dee. 1869 (pp. K7-3BI, also appeared in op. cit. Ser. II, torn, in, 1869) ; No. 12, Dec. 1869. 547 Eudes-Deslongchamps (E.) Documents sur la Gfe- logie de la Nouvelle-Caledonie, suivis du Catalogue des Roches recueillies dans cette He par MM. Jouan et E. Deplanches [i.e. De'planche], et de la description des Fossiles Triasiques de 1'ile Hugon, dependence de cette colonie. pp. 49 : 1 pi., 1 map. 8°. Caen & Paris, 1864. Bull. Soc. Linn, Normandie. Vol. vm. Eucles-Desloiigchamps (E.) Etudes sur les Etages Jurassiques inferieurs de la Normandie, &c. pp. 296 : 3 pis., text Must. See CAEN.— SOCIETE LINNEENNE DE NOEMANDIE. Memoires, &c. Vol. xiv, no. 1. 4°. 1865. [Advance copy.] 4°. Paris & Caen, 1864. Eudes-Deslongchamps (E.) Recherches sur 1'or- ganisation du Manteau chez les Brachioppdes articule's et principalement sur les spicules calcaires contenus dans son interieur, &c. pp. 8% : 3 pis. (col.) See CAEN. — SOCIETY LINNEENNE DE NORMANDIE. Me'moires, &C. Vol. xiv, no. 2. 4°. 1865. [Advance copy.] 4°. Paris & Caen, 1864. Endes-Deslongchamps (E.) Les Epoques de la Nature. Conference, dkc. pp. 34- 8". Caen, 1865. Eudes-Deslongchamps (E.) cours, &c. pp. 23. Le Naturaliste. Dis- 8°. Caen, 1866. Eudes-Deslougchanips (E.) Le Jura Normand. Etudes paleontologiques des divers niveaux Jurassiques de la Normandie, &c. Livr. I & n.t 17 pis. 4°. Paris & Caen, 1877-78. Endes-Deslongcliamps (E.) Annuaire du Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Caen, publie par M. E. Eudes- Deslongchamps. Vol. i.t pp. xviii, 598 : 6 pis. 8°. Caen & Paris, 1880. Contains : — 1. Catalogue descriptif des Oiseaux da Musee de Caen appartenant a la famille des Paradiseidse. [Bull. Soo. Linn. Normandie. Ser. Ill, torn, in, 1879.] 2. Note sur le Strigops habroptilus . . . et sur 2 exemplaires de Didunculus gtrigirostri*. [Op. at. Ser. Ill, torn, in, 1879.] 3. Catalogue descriptive des Oiseaux du Musie de Caen appartenant a la famille des Trochilide's ou Oiseaux-Moucbes. [Op. cit. Sei. Ill, torn, ill & iv, 1879-80. With the addition of platee.] 4. Note sur la Collection ethnographique du Musie de Caen et sur deux Haches en pierre polie provenant de la Colombie. The [Op. cit. Ser. Ill, tpm. v, 1881. With the addition of a plate.] Catalogue of Trocbilidae was also issued separately in 1881. Eudes-Deslongchamps (E.) Catalogue descriptif des Trochilides, ou Oiseaux-mouches aujourd'hui connus. Revue d'apres les exemplaires du Musde de Caen. Fasc. l.f pp. 489 : pis. ii-vi. 8°. Caen & Paris [1881]. Reprinted from the " Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie," Ser. Ill, torn, in A. iv, 1879-80, with the addition of plates. The present part was included in the " Annuaire" [q.v. supra] issued in 1880. A further instalment of text appeared in the " Bull. Soc. Linn. Nor- mandie," Ser. Ill, torn, v, 1881, which, with Pis. i, vn & vm, was to have been issued in Ft. 2. Eudes-Deslongchamps (E.) Note sur une nouvelle classification de la famille des Terebratulidag. pp. 4- 4°. Caen [1884]. Endes-Deslongchamps (E.) & (J. A.) Memoire sur la couche a Leptcena du Lias, *6l., ittpst. tit EVANS (CALEB) [1831-1886] On some sections of Chalk between Croydon and Oxtead, with observations on the classification of the chalk, Ac. pp. 40 : 1 pi. 8°. [London, 1870.] Evans (C.) [Three volumes of MSS. and drawings. I. Fossils of the London Tertiary series (Lower Eocene). n. Fossils of the Cretaceous System, in. Fossils of the Wealden & Cretaceous System.] EVANS (ESSEX) (Darling Downs). See QUEENSLAND. 8°- " The Garden of Queensland " -,'-, / Compiled and edited by E. Essex, i ' obi. 8°. 1899. EVANS (H.) Some account of Jura Red Deer. [By H., E., i.e. H. Evans.] (Parasitic diseases of Farm Animals.) See E., H. 8°. [1891.] EVANS (JOHN) of Lydney [1768 1-] A Tour through ^orth Wales in ... 1798, and at other times, 9 z part of North principally undertaken with Researches, &c. pp. 416. EVANS (Sir JOHN) K.C.B. [1823-] Flint Implements in the Drift ; being an account of their discovery on ' view to Botanical 8°. London, 1800. the Continent and in England. Must. pp. 28 : 2 pis., text 4°. London, 1860. Archeeologia. Vol. xxxvm Four adiiitinnal plates are inserted in this copy. Flint implements in the Drift ; being an account of LJ further discoveries on the Continent and in England. pp. 28 : 4 pis. 4°. London, 1862. Arcbaeologia. Vol. xxxix. Evans (Sir JOHN) K.C.B. On some discoveries of Stone Implements in Lough Neagh, Ireland, pp. IS : 1 pi. col. 4°. London, 1868. Archaeologia. Vol. xti. Evans (Sir JOHN) K.C.B. The Ancient Stone Imple- ments, Weapons, and Ornaments, of Great Britain. pj). xvi, 640 : 2 pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1872. Second edition, &c. pp. xviii, 747 : Must. 8°. " , text 1897. Evans (Sir JOHN) K.C.B. Remarks on the Worked Flints found in Brixham Cave. See PRESTWICH (Sir J.) Report on the exploration of Brixham Cave, &c. c i*,M.srr«7- EVANS (JOHN WILLIAM)/ The Geology of the no east of Caithness . . . anfra discussion as to the age of the Old Red Sandstone in the north of Scotland. pp. 48, 1 tab. : 1 map. 8". London, 1891. EVANS (MAURICE S.) with some illustrati Lecture, &c. pp. 26. Title from wrapper. The Fertilisation of_ Flowers, {^ 8°. Durban, Natal, 1894. 549 3 B Evans (MAURICE S.) & Wood (J. M.) Natal Plants, &c. Vol. i-» See WOOD (J. M.) & EVANS (M. S.) fol. 1898-» EVAN'S (WILLIAM FREDERICK) British Libellulinse ; or, Dragon Flies, &c. pp. 28 : 21 pis. col. 8°. London, 1845. Printed for private circulation. EVANSTON, Illinois. — Northwestern Univer- sity. [Founded 1851.] Report of the Department of Natural History in the College of Liberal Arts. 1891. 8°.Evanstcm,[Ill.,] 1891. EVELYN (JOHN) [1620-1706] [The French Gardiner . . . First written by R. D. C. D. W. B. D. N. [i.e. N. de Bonnefons], and now transplanted into English by Philocepos [i.e. J. Evelyn]. 8°. 1658.] Wanting. Third edition, &c. See FRENCH GARDENER. 8". 1675. Evelyn (J.) [Silva : or, a discourse of Forest Trees, and the propagation of Timber, &c. fol. London, 1664.] B [Another edition.] With notes by A. Hunter, &c. pp. [liv,] 649, [9,] 1 tab. : 41 pis., 1 port. 4°. York, 1776. A Life of the author from the " Biographia Britannica " is prefixed. Fourth edition. To which is added, The Terra : a philosophical discourse of Earth . . . with the Editor's last corrections, and a short memoir of him. 2 Vol. illust. 4°. York, 1812. This is the fourth edition edited by Hunter, and about the ninth of the work itself. Evelyn (J.) Dendrologia ; or, a treatise of Forest Trees, with Evelyn's Silva revised . . . and abridged, &c. See MITCHELL (J.) of Stanstead. 8°. 1827. Evelyn ( J.) [Kalendarium Hortense : or the Gard'ner's Almanac, &c. fol. London, 1664.] .Wanting. iKsued both with the "Silva" and separately. The tenth edition, &c. pp. [vi,] ix, [xv,] 170 (14) : engr. title. 8°. London, 1706. Evelyn (J.) [Acetaria. A discourse of Sallets. 8°. London, 1699.] -Want-in^. Part of an unpublished " Elysium Britanniuum." The second edition, &c. pp. [xxxviii,] 192, [49,] 1 tab. 8°. London, 1706. EVEBAEBT8 (GILLIES) See EVERARDUS (JE.) EVEBABD (ROBERT) A relation of ... sufferings . . . upon the coast of Assada near Madagascar . . . 1686. See CHURCHILL (A.) & (J.) A collection of Voyages, &c. Vol. vi. fol. 1732. EVEBABDTJS (^Ecioius) De Herba Panacea, quam alii Tabacum, alii Petum, aut Nicotianam vocant, . . . commentariolus (J. Neandri . . . Tabacologia, hoc est, Tabaci, seu Nicotianse descriptio, &c. — Epistolae et judicia . . . de Tabaco. — Misocapnus, sive de abusu Tabacci lusus regius. — Hymnus Tabaci, autore R. Thorio), &c. pp. 805. 12°. Ultrajecti, 1644. The first edition appeared in 1587. EVEBABTUS (yEoioius) See EVERARDUS. EVEBEST (ROBERT) A journey through Norway, Lapland, and part of Sweden ; with some remarks on the Geology of the country, OF MYCOLOGY, THE. Edited by . . . B. M. Everhart, &c. Vol. l-rv. 8°. 1885-88. Everhart (B. M.) & Ellis (J. B.) The North American g Pyrenomycetes, &c. See ELLIS (J. B.) & EVERHART (B. M.) 4°. 1892. EVEBMANN (BARTON WARREN) & JORDAN (D. S.) ^ The Fishes of North and Middle America : a descriptive ^ catalogue, &c. 4 Pt. illust. See UNITED STATES-* NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. No. 47. 8°. 1896-1900. EVERS (P.) The Student's Compendium of Com- parative Anatomy, pp. viii, 168. 8°. Driblin, 1839. EVERSMAN (EDUARD ALEKSANDROVICH) See EVERSMANN (E. F.) EVERSMANN (EDUARD FRIEDRICH) [1794-1860] Reise von Orenburg nach Buchara . . . nebst einem naturhistorischen Anhange und einer Vorrede von H. 7~ Lichtenstein, &c. pp. viii, 150 (35) : 2 pis., 1 plan. 4°. Berlin, 1823. Eversmann (E. F.) [Additions to the Flora of Marien- "O bad.] See FRIEDRICH AUGUST II., King of Saxony. Pfianzen und Gebirgsarten von Marienbad, &c. 8°. 1837. Eversmann (E. F.) Mittheilungen iiber einige neue und einige weniger gekannte Saugethiere Russlands. pp. 59 : 9 pis. 8°. Moscou, 1840. Bull. Soc. imp. Nats. Moscou. 1840. Eversmann (E. F.) Fauna Lepidopterologica Volgo- £ Uralensis, &c. pp. xiv, 633. 8". Casani, 1844. Eversmann (E. F.) Additamenta quaedam levia ad Fischeri de Waldheim celeberrimi Orthoptera Rossica. See Moscow. — SOCIETE IMPERIALS DBS NATURALISTES. Jubilasum semisascularem Doct. . . . G. Fischer de Waldheim, &c. fol. 1847. Eversmann (E. F.) Addenda ad ... Pallasii Zoo- graphiam Rosso- Asiaticam. Aves. pp. 32. 8°. Kasani, 1835. Wanting Pt. n & in. Reprint . . . Edited by H. E. Dresser. 3 Fasc. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. London, 1876. Eversmann (E. F.) & Fischer von Waldheim (G.) Lepidoptera Rossica. See FISCHER VON WALDHEIM (G.) Entomographia Imperii Rossici, &c. Tom. v. 4°. 1851. EVERTS (EDUARD J. G.) Tijdschrift voor Entomo- logie . . . Uitgegeven . . . onder redactie van . . . E. J. G. Everts. Deel xxii-» See HAGUE, THE. — NEDER- LANDSCHE ENTOMOLOGISCHE VEREENIGING. 8°. 1879-> Everts (E. J. G.) Nieuwe naamlijst van Nederlandsche , schildvleugelige Insecten, (Inseeta Coleoptera). pp. Hi, 237. 4°. Haarlem, 1887. Natunrk. Verhandel. Holland. Maatscb. Wettensch. Verz. Ill, deel iv. Everts (E. J. G.) Coleoptera Neerlandica, De Schild- vleugelige Insecten van Nederland en het aangrenzend Gebied. 2 Deel. illust. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1898. /?". •z. fcr 550 H 2. L T M M EVESHAM FIELD NATURALISTS' CLUB. See MIDLAND UNION OK NATURAL HISTORY SOC'IETIES EWALD (Jiruus WILHELM) [1801-1891] De crystallis duorum axium opticorum. Dissertatio, . $7. 1 pi. 4°. Berolini, 1837. Ewald (Junus WILHELM) Geologische Karte der Provinz Sachsen von Magdeburg bis zum Harz . , Maassstab von 1 : 100,000 [i.e. 1 in. = lj m. about]. See SAXONY. [Maps.] sh. 1864. EWALD (WILHELM ERNEST) Dissertatio theplogico- nhilologica de . . . Pulte colocynthidum, farina per Elisam condita, ejusque mysterio, . . .preside . . . T. Hasa>o . . . subjicit auctor . . . W. E. Ewald, &c. pp. 50. 4°. Bremoi, 1726. E WART (JAMES COSSAR) (1851-] & Matthews (J. D.) Directions for the examination of Amoeba, Paranwecium. Vorticella, Hydra, Lumbricus, Hirudo, Asterias and Echinus. See EDINBURGH.— UNIVERSITY. 4°. 1884. EWART (Sir JOSEPH) f 1831 [-] The poisonous Snakes of India, . viii, 96 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1878. The first edition appeared in 1873. Exner (S.) l. List of birds known to inhabit Southern Australia, by J. Gould. EYSEL (JoHANN PHILIPP) [1651-1717] Bellicographia [sic] . . . Prasidente . . . J. P. Eyselio . . . eruditorum examini subjicere constituit G. O. Erasmi,.p. G. W. Fagerlund, &c. Pt. xi. See AGAEDH (C. A.) 8°. 1823. FAGOT (PAUL) Glanages Malacologiques. No. i-in. pp. 32. 8°. Toitlouse, 1883. "2, No. i. Lea Paludinida; de M. le Dr. Kobelt. ,, (I. Quelques mots sur lea Classifications. ,, in. Observations sur la repartition des Molluwiuew terrestres et fluviatiles dans lesysteme dit Systeme Europeen. FAGRJEUS (JONAS THEODORUS) [1729-1797] Speci- men inaugurate, sistens medicamenta Graveolentia, -r> quod . . . submittit J. F. Fagreus, &c. See LINNAEUS (C.) " 4°. 1758. [Another edition entitled :] Medicamenta Graveo- Q lentia, &c. See LINN^US (C.) C. Linnaei . . . Arnceni- tates Academicaa, &c. Vol. v. 8°. 1760. — Editio secunda. 8°. 1788. L FAHLCRANTZ (A. E.) Om Dannemora Jernmalms- falt, &c. pp. 15 : 5 pis. col. See STOCKHOLM.— KONG- LIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till L S . . . Handlingar. Bd. iv, no. 2. 8°. 1876. FAHRJEUS (OLOF IMMANUEL) [1796-1884] Genera et species Curculionidum . . . Species novse . . . de- scriptionibus a . . . O. J. Fahrwus . . . illustrates. See SCHOENHERR (C. J.) Synonymia Insectorum, &c. [Continuation.] Tom. v-vin. 8°. 1839-45. Fahraeus (O. I.) Coleoptera Caffrariae a J. A. Wahlberg collecta. Heteromera ( — Curculionides — Longicornia). 8°. ffolmice, 1870 (-72). Excerpto from the "6fvereigt K. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Forhandl.," 1870-72, forming a continuation to Boheman's " Insecta Caffraria" [q.v.] FAHRER (JOHANN) & Gemminger (M.) Fauna Boica. Naturgeschichte der Thiere Bayerns, fe FAHRER (J.) Ill 8°. 1851. 70 O- H S L.It: • U-.o. ! 564 T Z B e FAHRNER (JOHANN CONRAD) De Globulorum Sanguinis in Mampialium Embryonibus atque Adultis origine. Dissertatio inauguralis, ort ... on the Botany, Ethnography, etc., of the Island of Great Lew Chew. — Report ... of an exploration of Peel Island. See UNITED STATES. — Narrative of the Expedition . . . to the China Seas, 9. FAIRMAIRE (LEON MARC HERMINIE) [1820-] Manuel Entomologique. Genera des Coleopteres d'Eurojm . . . Continue par M. L. Fairmaire, . 206 : 9 pis. 8". Paris [1885]. Mtuee Seolmire Deyrolle. Tom. XI. An additional pla'.e illustrating " Phylloxera" i> bound in at the end. Fairmaire (L. M. H.) [Tenebrionidae, Cistelidte, Nilionidee and Lagriidte from Central Sumatra.] See AMSTERDAM. — AARDRUKBKUNDIG OENOOTSCHAP. M i'lden-Snmatra, . xxxv, 665. 8°. Paris, 1854. FAIVRE (ERNEST) [1827-1879] CEuvres scientifiques de Goethe analysers et appreci^es par E. Faivre. L See GOETHE (J. W. VON). 8°. 1862. Faivre (E.) La Variabilite des Especes et ses limites. pp. xv, 188. 8°. Paris, 1868. .. &• FALCK (JOHANNES quam . . . proponet NJ5U8 (C.) PETRUS) Planta Astriimeira, . J. P. Falck, &c. See LIN- 4°. [1762.] 1^.0. 10 - [Another edition.] See LINN^JUS (C.) afterwards LFNN£ (C. VON) C. Linnaei . . . Amoenitates Academicse, - &c. Vol. vi. 8". 1763. Editio secunda. 8". 1789. FAI.CONAR (MAGNUS) Museum Falconarianum. A Catalogue of the . . . Museum of Anatomical Prepara- tions, and other subjects of Natural History ... of ... _ M. Falconar, &c. pp. ii, S9. S". London, 1778. Z Interleaved copy, with the prices which the various lota realised at the nale. FALCONER (Huua) [1808-1865] Description of some fossil remains of Dinotheriutn, Giraffe, and other G? Mammalia, from the Gulf of Cambay. pp. 19 : 1 pi. 4°. [London, 1845.] Quart. Journ. Geol. >Soo. Lond. Vol. i. I*arge paper copy. Falconer (H.) Report on thu Teak Forests of the v Tenasserim Provinces, &c. See BENGAL. Selections from the Records, 2. Falconer (H.) Report on the Teak Plantations of .., Bengal. See BENGAL. Selections from the Records, &c. o No. xxv (1). 4". 1857. Falconer (H.) Descriptive Catalogue of the fossil remains of Vertebrata from the Sewalik Hills, the Nerbudda, Perim Island, &c., in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. By H. Falconer, assisted by H. Walker, pp. mi. 8«. Calcutta, 185!). Falconer (H.) On the American fossil Elephant of the regions bordering the Gulf of Mexico (£. Columbi, Falc.) ; with general observations on the living and extinct species, pp. 74: 2 pis. 8°. [London,] 1863. Nat. Hist. Review. Falconer (H.) Palaeontological memoirs and notes of ... H. Falconer . . . with a biographical sketch of i the author. Compiled and edited by C. Murchison, &c. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1868. Falconer (H.) Description of the remains of three extinct species of Elephants, collected ... in the ossiferous cavern of Zebbug . . . M«' from the notes of ... H. Falconer. Malta, . . . partly See BUSK (G.) 0 1869. Falconer (H.) Mr. W. Theobald and Dr. Falconer. [A criticism of errors in Indian Zoology.] See BLYTH (E.) 8°. 1870. Falconer (H.) [101 Plates of drawings and notes of fossil Mammalia and 1 of Chelonia.] fol. 555 5 L Falconer (H.) & Cautley (Sir P. T.) Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis, being the fossil zoology of the Sewalik Hills, in the north of India. Pt. i.t Proboscidea. pp. 64. 8°. London, 1846. Illustrations. Pt. i-ix.t 107 pis. fol. London, [1845-] 1846-49. For contents of the parts with their ostensible dates, See CARUH i ENUEI.MANN, " Bibliotheca Zoologica," itc., Bd. ll, p. 1479. It appears, however, from a circular by the publisher, preserved with the copy in the Geological Society's Library, that the actual dates of issue were ; — Pt. I, 1845 ; n-vl, 1847 ; VII & vnl, 1848 ; and IX, 1849. Revised copies of Pis. xiva & xivft, with proofs of 18 unpublished plates and the original sketches, drawings and notes for this work, published and unpublished, are preserved in the Geological Department. Explanations of the " Illustrations" and of these sketches, &c., are given in Falconer's " Palaaontological Memoirs" [f.r. supra], Vol. i, pp. 421-556. FALCONER (RANDLE WILBRAHAM) [1816-1881] Contributions towards a Catalogue of Plants indigenous to the neighbourhood of Tenby. See F., R. W. 8°. 1848. FALCOlfEH, (WILLIAM) [1744-18241, Miscellaneous Tracts and^-Ctollections relating^te^Natura] History, .-jTselecte^Hfom the principal Wpters of Antiquity on tj*a"t ^ subject, pp. v, 203 : 1 take ^/ if 4P. Cambridge & London, 1793. Falconer (WILLIAM) An account of the use, applica- tion, and success of the Bath Waters, in Rheumatic cases, pp. mi, 72. 8°. Bath, 1795. FALK (JOHAN PEHR) [1727-1774] Herrn J. P. Falk . . . Beytrage zur topographischen Kenntniss des Russischen Reichs. 3. Bd. Must. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1785-86. Bd. I. Die Geschichte seiner Reise von . . . 1768-78 und Beytrage zur physikaliscben und politischen Erdbeschreibung, dc. ,, n. Beytrage zm Mineral- und Prlanzengeschichte. „ ill. Beytrage zur Thierkenntniss und Volkerbeschreibung. The pagination of Bd. in follows on that of Bd. n. FALKENBER,G(P\i i.) Rhodomelaceas. D (H. G. A.) & Prantl (K. A. E.) Die naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien, &c. 8°. 1887-5- . FALKENSTEIN (JuLius) Die Loango-Expedition ... 1873-76, &c. Abth.ii. See GUESSFELDT (P.) 8°. 1879. FALKMAN (H. JOH.) Flora Hallandica . . . pro- D ponunt E. Fries et H. J. Falkman, Sect. ni. See FRIES > (E. M.) 8°. 1817. FALKONBEBG (B. E.) See SOLYMOS (B.) pseud. FALLEN (CARL FREDRIC) [1764-1830] Observationes , Entomologies, &c. 3 Pt. pp. 42. 4°. Lundce, 1802-7. Prases: C. F. Fallen. Respondentes : Pt. I, A. Ronbeck (1802); Pt. ii, D. Danielsson (1807) ; Pt. in, P. N. Block (1807). Fallen (C. F.) Monographia Cantharidum et Mala- chiorum Svecias, quam . . . subjiciunt auctor C. F. Fallen . . . et respondens J. E. Arrhenius, &c. pp. 16. 4°. Lundce, 1807. Cujus continuationem . . . subjiciunt auctor C. F. Fallen, . . . et respondens C. M. Arrhenius, &c. pp. 17-26. 4°. Lundce, 1807. / Fallen (C. F.) [Monographia Cimicum Svecias. 8°. Hafnice, 1807.] Wanting. • [Another issue.] pp. 123. 8°. Hafnice, 1818. L Editio nova. jyp. 123. 8°. Hafnice, 1823. A re-issue of the preceding, with new title-page and the addition of a dedication. Fallen (C. F.) Hydrocorides et Naucorides Sveciae. Quarum descriptionem . . . praaside C. F. Fallen . . . subjicit J. G. Liljegren, &c. pp. 8. 4°. Lundce, 1814. Fallen (C. F.) Diptera Svecise . . . Dipterorum an- tennis parum articulatis instructorum sectionem . . . continens. 2 Vol. 4°. Lundce, 1814-27. Under the above collective title are gathered the following dissertations, at the delivery of which Fallen acted as Prases : — Vol. I. Sectio prior. Dispositio Dipterorum synoptica, Jr. Resp. L. Stahl. pp. 12 1817. Tabanii et Xylophagei Sveeiee, A <• Resp. Q. Wahlberg. pp. Ik. 1817. Anthracides, A-c. Resp. E. H. Berglund, pp. 1-8; H. Lund- berg, pp. i>-16. 1814. Platypezinre Bombylarii, &c. Reap. L. F. Flodin. pp. 12. 1815. Astlici, . 1820. Opomyzides. &c. Resp. T. M. Ratzky. pp. [ii,] IS. 1820. Heteiomyzides, Ac. Resp. P. Bjorkmann. pp. [ii,] 10. 1820. Qeomyzides, d-c. Rcxp. J. H. lloliuqnist. pp. [ii,] 8. 1823. Oscimdes, ttc. Re»p. J. Collander. pp. [ii,] 10 1820. Agromyzides, .i-f. Resp. J. P. Lageiuan, -pp. [ii,] 10. 1828. PhytomyzidesedOchtidilE.rf-c. Resp. C. W. Pettersson. pp. [iv,]10. 1828. Hydromyzides, &c. Resp. J. J. Bjorkman. pp. [ii,] 12. 1823. Monographia Dolichopoduru, £c. Resp. N. H. Loven, pp. 1-8; C. E. Lindberg, pp. 9-16 ; E. G. Wieselquist, pp. 17-24. 1828. Supplementum Dipterorum, <£r. Resp. N. G. Herslow, pp. 1-8; A. G. Dahlbom, pp. 9-16. 1S26. [Another issue.] Wanting the original title-pages of the several dissertations. Fallen (C. F.) Specimen academicum genera Arauei- dum Svecise exhibens . . . prseside C. F. Fallen, &c. See SUNDEWALL (C. J.) 4°. 1823. Fallen (C. F.) Monographia Tanyporum Svecise, . . . prseside C. F. Fallen, &c. See FRIES (B. F.) 8°. 1823. Fallen (C. F.) Hemiptera Svecise. Cimicides eorum- que familise affines. pp. viii, 186. 8". Londini Gothorum, 1829. Originally issued as a series of dissertations, No. 1 in 1828, the rest in 1829, the following being the Respondents :— Elfvendahl, pp. 1-16 ; Loenblad, pp. 17-31 ; Almquist, pp. SS-IA ; Oehrwall, pp. 49-64 ; Kullberg, pp. 65-80 ; Nordahl, pp. 81-96 ; Stahl, pp. 97-112 ; Krook, pp. US-US ; Petersson, pp. 129-1U, ; Lindntroero, pp. 115-160 ; Carl- borg, pp. 161-176 ; Kemner, pp. 177-186. Fallen (C. F.) Monographia Pompilorum Svecise . . . preside C. F. Fallen, &c. See DAHLBOM(A. G.) 8°. 1829. Fallen (C. F.) Monographia Tenthredinidum Svecise. pp. Ifi. 4". Londini Gothorum, 1829. Prases : C. F. Fallen. Respmdentes : Pt. i, S. L. Loven ; n, A. J. Raab ; in, II. O. Schonbeck. FALLON (FELICIEN FREDERIC MARIE) Baron. Mono- graphic des Oiseaux de la Belgique, &c. pp. xiv, 21ft. 8°. Namur & Paris, 1875. FALLOT (EMMANUEL) Etude Geologique sur les etages moyens et sup6rieurs du terrain Cretace dans le sud-est de la France, pp. 262 : 8 pis., text Must. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOOIQUES, &c. Tom. xvin, no. 1. 8°. 1885. [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de I'ln- str-uction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. xxx, no. 1. 8°. 1885. FALMOUTH. Miners' Association of Cornwall and Devon. See MINKRS' ASSOCIATION OF CORNWALL AND DEVON. e . z 656 FALMOUTH. Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society. See ROYAL CORNWALL POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY. FALQUI (GIUSEPPE) Contributio alia Flora del Bacino del Liri. pp. 51. See NAPLES.— REALE ACCA- DEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, rfv. Atti, Ac. Ser. II, vol. IX, "o 4. g, no. 11. 4°. 1899. FALSAN (ALBERT) [1833-] La. P6riode Glaciaire eiudiee principalement en France et en Suisse. pp. 364 •' GI 3 pis., tejct Must. 8°. Paris, 1889. Bibllotheqne Scientiflque Internationale. Falsan (A.) & Chantre (E.) Monographic Ge*ologique £, des anciens Glaciers et du Terrain Erratique de la partie IA moyenne du bassin du Rhone. 2 Tom. i// Atlas, 6 maps. 8°. & fol. Lyon, 1875-80. Ann 8oc.ARric.Jt Hist. Nat. Lyon. Ser. IV, torn, vn ,v x ; Ser.V, torn. I. Falsan (A.) it Dumortier (V. E.) Note sur les terrains subordonne's aux gisements de Poissons et de Ve'getaux Gj fossiles duBas-Bugey. (Description de quelques fossiles du Kimme'ridgien du Bugey par E. Dumortier.) pp. 87, ltab.:4 pis. 8°. Lyon A Part*, 1873. Ann. Sue. Agrlc. & Hut. Nat. Lyon. Ser. IV, torn, v, 1872. ^> [Another edition.] See THIOLLIERE (V.) Descrip- tion des Poissons fossiles, Ac. fol. 1873. Falsan (A.) & Locard (A.) Monographic Ge"ologique du Mont-d'Or Lyonnais, et de ses d^pendances. pp. 499, 4 tabs. : 4 pls^ 2 maps. 8". Paris, 1866. Ann. Soc. Agric. i- Hint. Nat. Lyon. Ser. Ill, torn. \ i M. FALTJGI (ViRGiLio) [-1707] Prosopopoeias Botanic*, sive Nomenclator botanicus, &c. pp. 130. 12°. Florentue, 1697. Pars secunda : De Plantis Umbelliferis, Ac. pp. 120. 12°. Florentice, 1699. Tournefortiana methodo dispositse, &c. pp. [t>t,] 341 [22]. 12°. Florentiai, 1705. Wanting the Portrait. FAMINTZUIN (ANDREI SERGHYEEVlCH) [1835-] Beitrag zur Keimblattlehre im Pflanzenreiche. pp. S3 : S pis. See ST. PETERSBURG.— ACADEMIE IMPERIALE t.C.lij. DES SCIENCES. Me'moires, Ac. SeV. VII, torn, xxn, no. 10. 4°. 1876. Famintzuin (A. S.) Embryologische Studien. pp. 19 : 3 pi*. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADKMIK IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Me'moires, Ac. S6r. VII, torn, xxvi, ''& no. 10. 4°. 1879. Famintzuin (A. S.) Studien iiber Krystalle und 7, Krystallite. pp. 26: 3 pis. See ST. PETERSBURG.— ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Me'moires, Ac. Se>. VII, torn, xxxil, no. 10. 4°. 1884. Famintxuin (A. S.) Beitrag zur Symbiose von Algen und Thieren. 2 Pt. Must col. See ST. PETERSBURG.— ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, Ac. S«?r. VII, torn, xxxvi, no. 16 ; xxxvin, no. 4. 4°. 1889-91. Famintzuin (A. S.) Ubersicht der Leistungen auf ., dcm Gebiete der Botanik in Russland wahrend des Jahres 1890 (-1892) . . . aus dem Russischen iibersetzt. 3 Vol. See ST. PETERSBURG.— ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DK8 SCIENCES. 8°. 1 892 (-94). Famintzuin (A. S.) Obzor Botanlcheskol Dyeyatel'- nosti v Rossii za 1893 ghod. Sostavlennuil . . . 0 A. Famintzuinuim. Ac. [Review of Botanical re- Mearches in Russia during 1893. Ac.] Ann. iv. See ST. PETERSBURG. -AJ-AI^MIK IMPKRIALE DES SCIENCES. 8°. 1895. Famintauin (A. S.) it Baranetskii (I. V.) Zuf Q Entwickelungsgeschichte der Gonidien und Zoosporen- bildung der Flechten. pp. 7 : 1 pi. col. See ST. PETERS- ^~ BURG.— ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. MemoireB, ^>J *0l • Ac. Se"r. VII, torn. XI, no. 9. 4". 1867. Famiutzuiu (A. S.) & Voronin (M. S.) Ueber zwei i neue Formen von Schleimpilzen : Ceratium hydnoides, Alb. et Schw., und Ceratium porioides, Alb. et Schw. 6 . ' 5 o 7 . pp. 16: 3 pis. See ST. PETERSBURG.— ACADEMIE IM- C.HO P^RIALE DES SCIENCES. M^moires, Ac. Ser. VII, torn, xx, no. 3. 4°. 1873. FANO (GiULip) Saggio sperimentale sul meccanismo , dei movimenti voluntari nella Testuggine palustre i~ (Emys Europaea). See FLORENCE. — REALE ISTITUTO DI 5, // i j STUDI supERiORi, Ac. Pubblicazioni del ... Istituto . . . Sezione di Scienze fisische e natural!. [No. 12.] 8°. 1884. FAHT (£LIS MICHAEL) Betula, quam dissertatione g i£- botanica . . . p.p. E. M. Fant, Ac. See THUNBERG (C. P.) ; 4».[1807.] ' FAR AD AT (MICHAEL) [1791-1867] Experimental Researches in Chemistry and Physics, Ac. pp. mii, 496 : > 3 pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1859. Reprinted from the "Phil. Trana.," 1821-57, the "Journ. R. Irish ln-tir.. ' the " Phil. Mag.," and other publications. FARAONE (FERDINANDO) Poliedrografia soeri- mentale. L' Unitk di Misura clelle forme Poliedriche ^ } o Cristalline. pp. S3 [2] : 4 pis. 8°. Napoli, 1894. FARBENTAUBEN. Die Farbentauben fiir Lieb- -7 haber und Kenner. pp. v, 66. 8°. Dresden, 1818. " FARGEAU (AMED^E Louis MICHEL LE PELETIER DE SAINT-) Count. See LE PELETIER DE SAINT-FAROEAU. FAROES (DE) Bericht von denen 1688 in Siam vor- ^ff gefallenen Reichsveranderung. See ARKSTEE ( ) . Contributions to the natural history of Arctic America, Ac. 8°. 1879. ' [Another issue.1 See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. ^ Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxm, art, 5. 8«. 1879 (1882). ( 557 2 Farlow (W. G.) Paper on some impurities of Drinking- Water (caused by Vegetable growths). 8°. Boston (U.S.A.), 1880. Ann. Rept.MassachusettsState Board Health. No. l,Suppt.,))p. 1S1-U2 : Spit. g Farlow (W. G.) The Gymnosporangia or Cedar- Apples of the United States, pp. 38: 2 pis. See BOSTON * SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Anniversary Memoirs, ', " ' &c. 4°. 1880. g Farlow (W. G.) Marine Algse of New England and adjacent coast, pp. 210: 15 pis. 8°. Washington, 1881. Farlow (W. G.) See ANNALS OF BOTANY : edited by '•A-.-'Q . . . W. G. Farlow. Vol. i-> 8°. 1887-» Farlow ( W. G.) The conception of species as affected by recent investigations on Fungi, pp. 23. 8°. Boston, [Mass.,} 1898. Proo. Amer. Assoc. Vol. XLVII. Farlow (W. G.) Some Edible and Poisonous Fungi. 8°. Washington, 1898. Yearbook of U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1897, pp. US-MO : pl». xxi-xxx. Forming Bull. Xo. 15 of U.S. Dpt. Agriculture, Div, Veg. physiol. and path. Farlow (W. G.) & Seymour (A. B.) A provisional host-index of the Fungi of the United States. 3 Pt. 4°. Cambridge, 1888-91. Farlow (W. G.) & Trelease (W.) A list of Works on N. American Fungi, &c. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass.— HARVARD UNIVERSITY.— Library. Bibliographical Con- tributions, &c. No. 25. 8°. 1887. FARMER (JOHN SHETLAND) [1865-] See SCIENCE PROGRESS . . . Edited by J. B. Farmer, &c. Vol. i-vn. 8°. 1894-98. FARNELL (FRANK) Report upon Trawling Opera- tions off the coast of New South Wales, &c. See NEW SOUTH WALES. Sea Fisheries. Report, &c. fol. 1898. FARNHAM (THOMAS JEFFERSON) Travels in the great western Prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Moun- tains, and in the Oregon Territory, pp. 197. 8°. Poughkeepsi,e, &c., 1843. FARQUHAR (JANE) See GOLDEN afterwards FARQUHAR. FARQUH ARSON (JAMES) [1781-1843] Observations on the Agricultural Properties of Native Plants [i.e. Grasses, of northern Scotland]. See MURRAY (A.) Botanist. The Northern Flora, &c. Pt. I, Appendix 2. 8°. 1836. FARRE (ARTHUR) [1811-1887] Observations on the Trichina spiralis. pp. 7 : text illust. 8°. London (1 835). Reprinted from the " London Medical Gazette," 1885. FARSKY (FRANZ) [1846-] Resultate zweijahriger Vegetations- Versuche in kunstlichen Nahrstoff-Lo- sungen und im natiirlichen Boden, &c. pp. SI : 1 pi. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, &c. Folg. VI, bd. x. 4°. 1879. FASCHITJS (AUOUSTINUS HENRICUS) [1639-1690] . . . Praeside D. A. H. Faschio, . . . dissertationem de Myrrha, &c. See BECKERUS (S. A.) 4°. [1676.] FASSOKL. [Maps] Geognostische Karte von . . . Fassokl, &c. [Scale 1 in. = 27| m. about.] See SOUDAN. [Maps.] FATIG-ATZ (ENRIQUE SERRANO Y) See SERRANO Y FATIGATI. 1846. FATIO (VICTOR) Les Campagnols du bassin du Leman. See GENEVA.— ASSOCIATION ZOOLOGIQUE on ^ L^MAN. 8°. 1867. Fatio (V.) Faune des Vertdbres de la Suisse. Vol. i-» 8". Geneve & Bale, 1869-* Vol. I. Histoire naturelle des Mammiferes. 18t>9. ~£- „ „ „ Oiseau*. Pt. 1. 1899. III. ,, ,, Reptiles et des Batraciens. 1872. "-'- "' ' 1882. 1890. talogue_des Oiseaux de \ Genevr;~l889-* FAUCHE ( ) [Graminaceae of the Morea.] See FRANCE. Expedition scientifique de Mor^e, &c. " Tom. Ill, pt. 2. 4°. & fol. 1832-35. i_ FATTCON (Louis) Sur la Maladie de la Vigne, &c. pp. 91. See PARIS. — ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. Me"- L moires presentes, &c. Tom. xxn, no. 13. 4°. 1876. $ • FAUCONNET (CHARLES) [1811-1876] Herborisa- p tions a Saleve. pj>. 195, liv. 8*. Geneve (& Bdle), 1867. Fauconuet (C.) Promenades botaniques aux Voirons et supplement aux herborisations k Saleve. pp. 62. 8°. Geneve & Bale, 1868. FAUCONNET (MARY LOUISE) des Col6opteres de Saone-&-Loire. Catalogue raisonne pp. 280. 8°. Creusot, 1887. FAUJAS DE SAINT-FOND (BARTHELEMY) [1741- 1819] Recherches sur les Volcans eteints du Vivarais et du Velay ; avec un Discours sur les Volcans brulans, des Memoires analytiques sur les Schorls, la Zeolite, le Basalte, la Pouzzolane, les Laves & les diffe'rentes Substances qui s'y trouvent engagees, &c. pp. xviii, 460 : 20 pis., text illttst. fol. Grenoble & Paris, 1778. M (£ M Faujas de Saint-Fond (B.) Histoire naturelle de la province de Dauphine. Tom. I. illust. 8°. Grenoble & Paris, 1781. Wanting Tom. II-IY. Faujas de Saint-Fond (B.) Mine'ralogie des Volcans, ou Description de toutes les substances produites, ou rejete'es par les feux souterrains. pp. xviii, 511 : 8 pis. 8°. Paris, 1784. Faujas de Saint-Fond (B.) [Essai sur 1'histoire naturelle des roches de Trapp, &c. 8°. Paris, 1788.] Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] Histoire naturelle des roches de Trapp . . . Seconde edition, &c. pp. 92 : 1 pi. 8°. Paris, 1813. Faujas de Saint-Fond (B.) Voyage en Angleterre, en Ecosse et aux lies Hebrides ; ayant pour oojet les sciences, . . . 1'histoire naturelle et les mosurs ; avec la description min6ralogique du pays de Newcastle, &c. 2 Tom. illust. 8°. Paris, 1797. Faujas de Saint-Fond (B.) Histoire naturelle de la montagne de Saint-Pierre de Maestricht. 2 Vol. 4°. Paris, An vn [1799]. Faujas de Saint-Fond (B.) Essai de Geologic, ou me'moires pour servir k 1'histoire naturelle du Globe. Qj 3 Tom. illust. 8°. Paris, 1803. Tom. i. [Palaeontology.] 1803. „ II. Mineraui. 1809 ,, in. Volcans. 1809. — [Another edition.] Tom. I. illust. 8°. Paris, 1805. . Differs from the corresponding volume of the previous edition solely in the title-page. Faujas de Saint-Fond (B.) Notice sur des Plantes fossiles, renferme'es dans un Schiste marneux des environs de Chaumerac et de Roche-Suave, de'parte- ment de 1'Ardeche. pp. 18 : 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1816. L 4. 6 . f= 558 6 FAULKNER (FRANK) Studies on Fermentation . . . A translation ... of " Etudes sur la Biere," with notes ... by F. Faulkner, pteres de France, .NNE DE NORMANDIE. M6moires, . II, tom. is (1375), the remainder in . x 0*7*), where abo an fnnr additional pagm not yet reprinted. Afidden-Sumatra, <{-c. Fauvel (A.) A. Fauvel. Annuaire Entomologique iwur 1873 (-81). See ANNUAIRE KNTOMOLOCIIQUE. 12°. 1873 (-81). Fauvel (A.) Revue d'Entomologie . . . Re*dacteur : c A. Fauvel. Tom. i-» See CAEN.— SOCIETY FRAN? AISE D'ENTOMOLOOIE. 8". 1882-* Fauvel (A.) [Staphylinidje from Central Sumatra.] i- See AMSTERDAM. — AARDRIJKSKUNDIO OENOOTSCHAP^T Tf FAVANKTE DE MONTCEB.VELLE (GuiL. JAC. DE) Dessins colories de Coquilles. 3 Tom. 1125 pis. 7 col. 8f>. [Paris, c.lTiOl] Original water-colour drawings. FAVANNE DE MONTCERVELLE (JAC. DE) & (GuiL. JAC. DE) La Conchyliologie . . . Troisieme Z- Edition . . . par MM. Favanne de Montcervelle, pere & fils. 3 Tom. See DEZALLIER D'AROENVILLE (A. J.) 4°. 1780. Thomas William Deel iv, ged. I, afd. 6. 4°. 1887 [1886]. FAY ART (EMILE) pseud. rers and fol. Nottingham, [1879-] 1880 [-81]. Hammond] Flowers and Plants . . . sketched from B Nature. 60 pis. FAVART D'HERBIGNY(CHRisTOPHE-ELiSABETH) [1725-1793] Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, qui i concerne les Testacees, ou les Coquillages de Mer, de Terre & d'Eau-douce, Denkschriften, &t. Tom. xxxi. 4°. 1890. Favre (EMILE) Faune des Macro-Lepidopteres du Valais et des regions limitrophes . . . Avec la colla- boration d'A. Wullschlegel, &c. pp. xvi, Sift. 8°. Schaffhowte, 1899. FAVRE (KRNKST) [1845-] Description des Mollusques fossiles de la Craie des environs de Lemberg en Galicie. C-> pp. mi, 187 : If! pis. 4°. Geneve, Ac., 1869. Favre (ERNEST) See REVUE GEOLOOIQUE SUISSE. (\ No. l-xxv.t 1869-94. 8°. 1870-95. Favre (ERNEST) Description dos Fossiles du terrain Jurassique de la Montague des Voirons (Savoie). c- See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAEONTOLOOISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. Abhandlungen, &c. (Vol. n.) 4°. 1875. Favre (ERNEST) Description des Fossiles du terrain Ox- fordien des Alpes Fribourgeoises. See SCHWEIZEHISCHE ft PALAEONTOUICISCHK OKSKLLSI 11 VHT. Abhandlungen, &c. (Vol. HI.) 4». 1876. Favre (ERNEST) RecherchesGeologiquesdans la partie <^ centrale de la Chaine du Caucase, d*c. pp. 4, viii, 117 : i^ j'pl., 1 map ged. col., text illust. See ALLOEMEINE^, it SCHWEIZERISCHE OESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denk- schriften, &c. Tom. xxvn. 8°. 1876. . -ra o ) 559 Favre (ERNEST) Etude Stratigraphique de la partie sud-ouest do la Crimee . . . suivie de fa description de quelques Echinides de cette region par M. P. de Loriol. 4°. Geneve, &c., 1877. Favre (EKNEST) La zone a Ammonites acanthicus dans les Alpes de la Suisse et de la Savoie. See SCHWKIZER- ISCHE PALAEONTOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHA-FT. Abhand- lungen, &c. (Vol. IV.) 4°. 1877. Favre (ERNEST) Description des Fossiles de couches Tithoniques des Alpes Fribourgeoises. See SCHWEIZER- ISCHE PALAEONTOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhand- lungen, &c. (Vol. vi.) 4°. 1879. 1 1 li- I'm ' T Favre (ERNEST) & Schardt (H.) (Description Ge'ologique des Prealpes du Canton de Vaud et du Chablais jusqu'k la Dranse et de la chaine des Dents du Midi . . . par E. Favre & H. Schardt), &c. pp. xx, 686, 3 tabs. Atlas, pp. 15 : 18 pis. (7 col.), 1 map col. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Ge'ologique Sitisse. Beitrage, &c. Lief. XXII. 4°. 1887. FAVRE (JEAN ALPHONSE) [1815-1890] Observations 'sur les Diceras. pp. SO : 5 pis. 4". Geneve, 1843. M<5m. Soc. phys. & hist. nat. Geneve. Tom. x. Favre (J. A.) Considerations Geologiques sur le Mont Saleve et sur les terrains des environs de Geneve. pp. 113 : 2 pis. col. 4°. Geneve, 1843. M rin. Soc. phys. & hist. nat. Geneve. Tom. x. Favre (J. A.) Illustrations Conchyliologiques. Diceras . . . Lamarck. See CHENU (J. C.) 4°. 1843-53. Favre (J. A.) See BIBLIOTHEQUE UNIVERSELLE de Geneve. Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles, par M ..... Favre, 8". 1863. fl-lS 7 FAXON (CHARLES EDWARD) The Sylva of North ^n America . . . Illustrated . . . by C. E. Faxon, &c. O 12 Vol. See SARGENT (C. S.) fol. 1891-98. FAXON (WALTER) /^Selections from Embryological Monographs . . . Crustacea, pp. [34] : 14 pis. See CAM- BRIDGE, Mass.— HARVARD UNIVERSITY.— Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, &c. Vol. ix, no. 1. 4°. 1882. Faxon (W.) A revision of the Astacidte. Pt. I. The genera Gambarw and Astacus. pp. vi, 186: 10 pis. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, &c. Vol. x, no. 4. 4°. 1885. Faxon (W.) [The Stalk-eyed Crustacea dredged by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer " Albatross " during 1891.] pp. 292: 56 pis. (col.), 1 map col. See CAM- BRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, &c. Vol.xvm. 4". 1895. FATE (LEON) [-1855] Catalogue des Plantes Vascu- laires de la Charente-Inferieure. (Supplement.) pp. viii (94). 8°. Sivrai, 1850 (-51). FATOL (HENRI) & others. Etudes sur le terrain Houiller de Commentry, dec. 3 Vol. &, Atlases. 8°. & fol. St.-jEtienne, 1887-93. Issued in the " Bull. Soc. Industrie Mincralu " as follows :— Livre I. Lithologie et Stratigrapbie. Bulletin. Pt. 1-8. Par H. Fayol. ,,p. 1-5M : 11, pin. (col.),\ Ser. II, / ' >,>"/'.•: rfeol. co/., text illicit. Ktude micrographique sur les Roches de la region de Commentry. Par L. de Launay. Examen lithologique des echantillons recueillis aux environs de Commentry. Par S. Meunier. . FlorefossileparB. Renault [&] H. /tiller. Pt. 1. [Mosses and Ferns] Par R. Zeiller. pp. 1-366: IS pis. Appendix. Par R. Zeiller. „ 2. [Other coal plants By B. Re- pp. nault.) 367-7.46 ,, 3. Determination, d'apres la l" pis. torn, xv, 1887. Flore, du niveaxi des couches Houilleres de Commentr Ser. Ill, torn. II, 1888. - Ser. Ill, I- torn, n, ' 1888. ) Ser. Ill, [- torn, iv, xliii-lxxv ..; 1890. Houilleres de Commentry. J Faunes Ichtbyologique et Entornologique par C. Brongniart et E. Sauvage. Pt. 1. [a] Faune Ichthyolonique. Par C. BrongA niart. pp. 1-S8 : text illust. [6] Poissons du terrain Houiller de Com- j mentry. Par H. B. Sauvage. pp. 39- I HO : pis. i-xri, text illust. ) „ 2. [a] Faune Entomologique. Par C. Brong-1 niart. pp. 18S-615: pis. xvii-liii, text illust. [The second title reads : — " Recherches ]K)ur servir a 1'histoire des Insectes fosstles des temps primaires," <{•-•., under which it was re-issued in 1894 as the author's thesis. See BBONO- SIART (C. J. E.)] ,, „ \b] Sur les debris d' Arthropleura. Par M. Boule. pp. 619-633 : pis. liv & Iv, text illvM. Sir. Ill, torn, n, 1888. Ser. Ill, > torn, vll, 1898. 560 FAYBEB (Sir JOSEPH) Jiart. [1824-] The Tlianat- ophidia of India, being a description of the venomous Snakes of the Indian Peninsula, with an account of the influence of their Poison on Life . . . Second edition, «tt. pp. xi, 178 : HI pis. col. fol. London, 1874. Printed in double column. The flrst edition appeared in 1S7J. Fayrer (Sir J.) Bart. The Royal Tiger of Bengal : his life and death. pt>. [w,] 99 : 1 pi., 1 map, text Must. 8". London, 187:>. FAZAKEBLEY (JOHN N.) Journey from Cairo to Mount Sinai, ttc. Set WALPOLE (R.) Travels in various countries in the East, B S Featherstonhanffh (G. \V.) Geological Report of an examination, made in 1834, of the elevated country between the Missouri and Red Rivers. See UNITED STATES. 8°. 1835. Featherstonhaugh (G. W.) Report of a geological reconnoissance, made in 1835 ... by the way of Green Bay and the Wisconsin Territory to the Coteau de Prairie, &c. See UNITED STATES. 8°. 1836. FEBURIEK (C. ROMAIN) Essai sur les phenomenes de la Vegetation, expliques par les mouvemena des seves ascendante et descendante, ,,„. ^18711 .' Tom. xi, no. 1, 1874. Krabbe, tt-c. pp. S3: textillutt. b. [Marked in error " cbast. 5."] Knighluie i Cbervl i Sosal'shchiki. Obrabotal Dr. Linstov ( [Nematodes and Trematodes. By O. von | Linstow], <£r. pp. U) : text Must. 3. Rakoobraznuiya obrabotal V. N. Ul'yanin. ) [Crustacea by B.N. Ul'yanin. ) pp. iv,61: IS f pit. col. 4. Pauki obrabotal [Aranete by] A. Krone- ) Tom. xlx, bergh. pp. iv, 58: 5 pit col. f e i T TT,,.. v f „" , ,:,„, ' f n0' fjftf- 3>> /.. Pchelui obrabotal [Mellifera by) F. Moravitz. I 2 Pt. pp. ii, SOS : S pl» col. no. 8, 1875. !Tom. xi, no. 5, & xxi, no. 1, 1874, 76. Tom. xix, no. 2, if xxi, no. 8, 1875, 76. ,, c. Skolii obrabotal Gh. de-Sossyur (Scolida: by\ Tom. xxvi, U. de Saimsure), . U: t pit. col. I no. 8, 1880. „ •'. Mnravl obrabotal Qh. Malr (Foriuicidw by Q.\ L. Mayr] m Chast. (i. Rnibni obrabotal [Fishes by] K. F. Kessler. I Tom. xi, ^- ^. pp. ic, S3: Spit. f no. 3, 1874. T. rreeinuikayushchiyaByai Amfibii. (Herpeto- ) ™, logia Turanica.) Obrabotal A. M. NikolVkil. V lol?iol pp.81,:9pls.,textitliut. ) Tom. in. [i.e. Tom. n, chast. 8?] Aiithropometricheskiya zamyetki otnoHitel'no \ Turkestanskikh Inorodtzev, obrabotal (An- ( Tom. xxxiv, throtwmetrical observations in reforencetothe f no. 5, 1888. Turkestan Tribes by] A. Boghdanov. pp. 91. ) Tom. HI. Botanicheskiya Izslyedovaniya. (Bobuiischer Ibeil.) Cbast. 1. Turkestauskaya Flora obrabotannuya E. Re- L ghelem [Flora of Turkestan (Primnlacew to ( Tom. xxi, Liliacew) by B. Hegel], . 46. 4°. Strasbourg, 1833. Fe'e (A. L. A.) Commentaires sur la Botanique et la TC Matiere Medicale de Pline, &c. 3 Vol. 8°. Paris, 1833. Fe'e (A. L. A.) [Botanical Oration delivered before the] -g Seance publique de la Faculte de Medecine de Stras- bourg, 26 Dec. 1833, &c. pp. 55. 4°. Strasbourg, 1834. Fee (A. L. A.) Memoire sur le groupe des Phylle'riees, O et notamment sur le genre Erineum. pp. 73: 11 pis. (col.) 8". Paris, 1834. Fee (A. L. A. ) Catalogue methodique des Plantes du ti Jardin Botanique de la Faculte de Medecine de Stras- bourg. See STRASBURG.— FACULTE DE MEDECINE. 4°. 1836. Fe'e (A. L. A.) Discours . . . Histoire du Jardin «T2 Botanique de Strasbourg, pp. 37. 8°. Strasbourg, 1836. Extracted from " La Revue d' Alsace." F6e (A. L. A.) Discours . . . Les Jussieu et la methode "Q naturelle. pp. 28. 8°. Strasbourg, 1837. Extracted from " La Revue d'Alsace." Fee (A. L. A.) Memoires Lichenographiques, &c. "fy pp. 80 : 6 pis. col. 8°. [Breslau, 1841.] Nova Acta Acad. Cies. Leop.-Carol. Vol. xvnl, suppt. 1. Fe'e (A. L. A.) Memoire sur 1'Ergot du Seigle et sur L. quelques Agames qui vivent parasites sur les 6pis de _ Q. jl (3 -3 cette cereale . . . Premier memoire. pp. 46: 3 pis. -5' col. See NANCY. — SOCIETE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Tom. ill. 4°. 1843. - [Another edition.] pp. 48 : ~ pis. col. 4°. Strasbourg, 1843. Difiere from the preceding edition solely in baring two extra pages containing descriptions of two species of Sphacelrdium. 71 562 <7. I -L \J V"' ' *& t> I- F4e (A. L. A.) Me'moires sur la famille des Fougeres. 11 Pt fol. & 4°. Strasbourg & Paris, 1844 (-66). i. Xiamen des bases adoptees dans la Classification den Fougeres et en particnlier de la nervation, pp. Ik: 3 pit. 1844. II. Hiatotre des Acrosticbeea. pp. 1U : 64 pi*. 1844-45. III. Ilistoite des VitUriees et des Plenrogramruees [ \- 1 iv. Httolre des Antrophyees. pp. 6k: Spit. 1851-52. v. Genera Filicum. Exposition des genres de la fumille dee Polypodiacees (Classe des Fongeres). pp. 387 : 30 pit. 1850-52. [pp. 1-30 A St an from " Mem. Soc. Sri. Nancy," Tom. iv, pt. 1, IBM.] vl-vill. loonograpbie des espeoes uouvellss decritett ou ennmerees dans le Genera Filicum, et revision des publications anterieune relatives a la famille des Fouseres. pp. 138 : 27 ptt. 1854, 57. |Mem. Soc. Soi. Nanoy. Tom. iv, pt. 2, 1S53 ; \ , pt. 1, 1858.) IX. Catalogue methodique des Fougeres et den Lycopodlacees dn Mexique. pp. [in.] 38. 18.',7. [x.] Description de Fougeres exotiques, rares, ou nouvelles. pp. SO: 17 pit. [1865.] [Mem. 800. Sci. Nanoy. Tom. 1, 1806. XI. Histoire des Fongeres et des Lyoopodiaeees des Antilles. pp. xvi, 164 : U pU. (1866.) Pt. i-iv are in folios, the remainder in quarto, whilst Pt. ix is litho- graphed MS. Fe« (A. L. A.). Mimosa pudica, L. Memoire physiologique et organo- graphique sur la Sensitive et les Plantes dites Som- meillantes, and English Languages. Adapted to the English , student ... by C. A. Feiling . . . New [London] . Edition. 2 Pt. See FLUEGEL (J. G.) 8°. [18.r)7.J ' — FEIST (Auo.) Ueber die Schutzeinrichtungen der L— Laubknospen dicotyler I^aubbaume wahrend ihrerc 1 23 Entwickelung. pp.44: 2 pis. See ACADEMIA C^SAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, . 74 : 2 pis. col., text illust. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, &c. Folg. VI, bd. VIH. 4°. 1876. Feistmantel (C.) Der Hangendflotzzug im Schlan- Rakonitzer Steinkohlenbecken. pp. 112: 7 pis., text illust. See PRAGUE.— BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDES- URCHFORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, &C. Bd. IV, i. 6. 8°. 1881. Feistmantel (C.) Die Mittelbo'hmische Steinkohlen- ablagerung. pp. 100 : text illust. See PRAGUE. — BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCHFORSCHUNG VON BOEH- MEN. Archiv, &c. Bd. v, no. 3. 8°. 1883. Feistmantel (C.) Uiber Araucaroxylon in der Stein- kohlenablagerung von Mittel-Bohmen. pp. 2^ : 2 pis. See PRAGUE. — KOENIOLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, dec. Folg. VI, r bd. xn. 4°. 1883 (-5). Feistmantel (C.) & Krejci (J.) Orographisch-geo- tektonische Uebersicht des silurischen Gebietes im mittleren Bohmen. pp. 124 •' 1 map, text illust. See PRAGUE. — BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCH- FORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, }>. 111. 8°. Berolini, 1780. G- B 1- \z 564 2- (r G- fr o u o Cr tt U FELETTI (lUiMONiM)) ,v Grassi (G. B.) Contri- lui/ione allo studio dei Parassiti Malarici. pp. 80 : 1 pi. iW. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE XATURALI. Atti, .84- 8°. Wien, 1897. FELLOECKER (SIGMUND) [1816-1887] Anfangs- griindr dc-r Mineralogie, 2. Xweite Auflage. pp. m'., 94 : text Must. 8°. Wien, 1855. Dritte Auflage. pp. iv, 96 : text illust. 8". Wien, 1858. - Vierte Autliigc. i>p. no : text Must. 8°. Wien, 1862. — Sechste Auflage. pp.99: text Must. 8°. Wien, 1871. Felloecker (S.) Geognosie, Feltou (S.) Gleanings on Gardens, chiefly respecting , those of the ancient style in England, pp. viii, 70. ^ 8*. London, 1829. FEMENIAS (JuAN JOAQUIN RODRIGUEZ v) See RODRIGUEZ Y FEMENIAS. FENN (ELEANOR) Lady [1743-1813] A short history £ of Insects, &c. [By Ijacfy Fenn.] See LEVER (Sir A.) ' 12°. [1797.] FENNELL (CHARLES AUGUSTUS MAUDE) The Stan- \± ford Dictionary of Anglicised Words and Phrases. Edited ... by C. A. M. Fennell. pp. xv, 826. 4°. Cambridge, 1892. FENNELL (JAMES HAMILTON) The four-horned 7 Agama [By J. H. F., i.e. J. H. Fennell]. See ¥., J. H. 8". [1839.] Fennell (JAMES H.) Drawing-room Botany . . . with *?> illustrations by Mrs. E. E. Perkins, &c. pp. 32 : _ col. 8°. London, Fennell (JAMES H.) A natural history of British and Foreign Quadrupeds, &c. pp. xv, 556 : text illust. /_ 8°. London, 1841. FENNELL (JOHN GREVILLE) [1807-1885] The book of the Roach, pp. viii, 118. 8". London, 1884. FENNEMA (R.) . 20: 3 pis. 4°. Wien, 1855. Denksch. k. Akad. Wisxensch. Wien. Bd. vm. Fenzl (E.) Diagnoses Plantarum orientaliuruet obser- vationes jDojawHriSauctore E. Fenzl in Rjie^cmhateheff AsifiJiftTleure, 111° Partie. pp. 7%*^ $>. Pans, 1860. Fenzl (E.) Salsolaceae. See MARTIUS (C. F. P. VON) Flora Brasiliensis, &c. Vol. v, pt. 1. fol. 1864. Feuzl (E.) H. W. Schott. [Obituary Notice.] pp. 17. 8°. Wien, 1865. Fenzl (E.) Sporenpflanzen . . . Redigirt von . . . E. Fenzl. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Reise der . . . Novara . . . in 1857-59, dec. Botanischer Theil. Bd. i. 4°. 1870. Fenzl (E.) [Notes and descriptions of species of Zonicarpa.] See PEYRITSCH (J.) Aroideae Maximi- lians;, &c. fol. 1879. Fenzl (E.) & Endlicher (S. L.) Novarum Stirpium Decades, &c. [By S. L. Endlicher and E. Fenzl.] 10 Pt. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHES NATURHIS- TORISCHES HOFMUSEUM. 4°. 1839. Fenzl (E.) & Graf (R.) F. X. F. von Wulfen's Flora Norica Phanerogama . . . herausgegeben von E. Fenzl & P. R. Graf. See WULFEN (F. X. VON). 8°. 1858. ngen B B FENZL (JOSEPHUS GUSTAVUS) Conspectus Animalium medicinalium. pp. 135. 8°. Patavii, 1834. FEOETISTOV (ALEXANDE EVGHENIIEVICH) Eine i vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Wirkung des Schlan- . ~^ fsngiftes auf den thierischen Organismus. pp. 22. *- ee ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES ~z_ SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Ser. VII, torn, xxxvi, no. 4. 4°. 1888. FEB.BEB, (JOHANN JACOB) [1743-1790] Disquisitio S de Prolepsi Plantarum, quam . . . submittit J. J. Ferber, / . &c. feLiNN*us(C.) 4°. 1763. •-• 4- - [Another edition.] See LINN^US (C.) Amcenitates Academicae, &c. Vol. vi. -- Editio secunda. C. Linnsei 8°. 1763. 8°. 1789. . 566 Ferber (J. J.) Herrn J. J. Ferbers Briefe aus Walsch- .. land uber natiirliche Merkwiirdigkeiten dieses Landes, an den Herausgeber derselben, I. Kdlen von Born. pp. [v»'»V,] 4D7 : title-page Must. 8°. Prog, 1773. Ferber (J. J.) Travels through Italy, in ... 1771 and 1772. Described in a series of letters ... on the natural history, particularly the Mountains and Volcanos of »" that country . . . Translated from the German ; with explanatory Notes, and a Preface on . . . Mineralogy. By R. E. Raspe. pp. xxxiii, .177. 8°. Londm, 1776. .. Ferber (J. J.) J. J. Ferbers Beitrage zu der Mineral - M Geschiehte von Biihmen. pp. [rxii,] 162 : 2 pis. 8°. Berlin, 1774. Ferber (J. J.) J. J. Ferbers . . . Versuch einer C, Oryktographie von Derbyshire in England, pp. xvi, 104 : 4 pi*. 8°. Afietau, 1776. Ferber (J. J.) I Derbyshire, &c. lection of . An essay on the Oryctography of See PINKERTON (.1.) A general col- Voyages, &e. Vol. 11. 4°. 1808. Ferber (J. J.) Einige Anmerkungen zur physisehen Q L. Erdbeschreibung von Kin-land, D Ferguson (J.) & (A. M.) All about Tobacco, &c. , See FERGUSON (A. M.) A (J.) c_^ . j, 8°. 1889. FERGUSON (RICHARD SAUL) A Vertebrate Fauna 2 of lakeland . . . wilh a preface by R. S. Ferguson. See MACPHERSON (H. A.) 8°. 1892. FERGUSON (WILLIAM) [1820-1887] The Palmyra JL Palm, Borassus Jlabelliformis, &c. pp. ii, 52, 39: 6 pis. A n *i>ecimen. 8°. Colombo, 1850. FERGUSON (WiLUAM) The Ytmnger. Lisl of the .^ Birds of Ceylon . . . with the Sinhalese and Tamil 2. names . . . compiled by W. Ferguson, Junr. With notes by S. Bligh. pp. 13. 8°. Colombo, 1887. FERMIN (PHILIPPE) [1730 1-] Histoire naturelle de la Hollande e^quinoxiale : ou description des Animaux, Plantes, Fruits, et autres curiosite's naturelles qui se trouvent dans la colonie de Surinam ; avec leurs IKHIIS . The four (tarts, which are oontinuoiuly paged, have each a separate index. Fermiii (P.) Description . . . de la Colonie de Surinam, contenant ce qu'il y a de plus curieux . . . touchant . . . les Arbres fruitiers, les Plantes m<5ddcinales, & toutes les diverses especes d' Animaux qu'on y trouve, &c. 2 Vol. [in 1] Must. 8°. Amsterdam, 1769. FERMOND (CHARLES) [1810-] M^moire sur la con- servation et la reproduction des Sangsues officinales et medicinales. pp. 20. 8°. Paris, 1851. Illpertoire de Pharmucie. Fermond (C.) Etudes sur la Symetrie conside'ree dans les trois Regnes de la Nature, pp. 54 •' text Must. 8°. Paris, 1855. Fermond (C.) Monographic du Tabac, comprenant 1'historique, les proprie'te's . . . du Tabac, &c. pp. 352 : port. 8°. Pans, 1857. Fermond (C.) Fails our servir a 1'hisloire g^n^rale '' s po z le de la fecondation chez les Ve'ge'taux. 8°. Paris, 1859. Fermond (C.) Essai de Phytomorphie, ou etudes des causes qui ddterminent les principales formes ve'getales. 2 Tom. 8". Paris, &c., 1864-68. Fermond (C.) Etudes compares des Feuilles dans les trois grands embranchements vegdlaux, &c. pp. 156 : 13 pis. 8°. Paris, &c., 1864. Emai de Phytomorphie. Tom. n [7.11, supra]. Fermond (C.) Phytogenie, ou theorie mecanique de la Vegetation, pp. xv, 692 : 5 pis. 8°. Paris, &c., 1867. FERN BULLETIN, The. A quarterly devoted to Ferns. Edited by W. N. Clute. Vol. v-=» 8°. Binghamton, 1897-» FERNALD (CHARLES HENRY) [1838-] The Butter- flips of Maine, &c. pp. 104 • text Must. 8°. Augusta, 1884. Fernald (C. H.) Heterocera. See KINGSLEY (J. S.) The Standard Natural History, &c. Vol. n. 4". 1885. Fernald (C. H.) The Sphingidse of New England, &c. pp. 85 : 6 pis. 8°. Augusta, 188 ^ ft • ^ O n n -, f- c. tm Fern«Id (C. H.) Theflfambidae of Norlh^America. ' FERNANDES DE QUEIROS (PEDRO) See QUEIROS. FERNANDEZ (ANTONIO BLANCO Y) See BLANCO Y FERNANDEZ. FERNANDEZ (CKSAREO) Anuario de la Comisi6n . . . Redacto . . . por . . . C. Fernandez. Ano I & n. 2- See SPAIN.— Comisuin Permanente de Pesca. 8°. 1868-69. FERNANDEZ (FRANCISCO) See HERNANDEZ. FERNANDEZ (VICENTE) PrActica del beneficio de f_ Minerales de Plata auriferos usado en el Dislrito de Guanajuato Llamado de Patio, conteniendo algunas ^ • 2-2-S"j, teorlas con las que se procura explicar cientificamente los fendmenos quimicos en que esti fundado. pp. 48 : 1 pi. See MEXICO, City of.— SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. La Naturaleza dec. Tom. rv. [Appendix.] 4«. 1879. 567 D. FERNANDEZ DE CASTRO T SUERO (MANUEL) [1825-1895] Aetobatis Poeyii. Nueva especie f6sil procedente de la Isla de Cuba. pp. 20 : 3 pis. See MADRID.— SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, &c. Tom. n. 8". 1873. Fernandez de Castro y Suero (M.) Notas para un _ estudio bibliografico sobre los origenes y estado actual ^-> del Mapa Geol6gico de Espana. pp. 152. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, dkc. Tom. I. 8°. 1874. Fernandez de Castro y Suero (M.) Noticia del estado en que se hallan los Trabajos del Mapa Geo- 2, logico de Espana en 1° de Julio de 1874. pp. 89. See SPAIN. — Comifidn del Mapa Geoldgtco. Boletin, &c. Tom. m. 8°. 1876. Fernandez de Castro y Suero (M.) Pruebas Paleon- to!6gicas de que la Isla de Cuba ha estado unida al continents Americano y breve idea de su Constitucion -I Geol6gica. pp. 16 : 1 map col. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, (fee. Tom. vin. 8°. 1881. The map is entitled : — " Croquis geologioo de la Isla de Cuba, por M. F. de Castro, ampliado por P. Salterain y Legarra . . . Escala de 1 : 2,000,000 " [i.e. 1 in.=81j m. about]. Fernandez de Castro y Suero (M.) Mapa Geol6gica rde Espana . . . Escala de 1 : 1,500,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 26| m. about]. See SPAIN. — Comisidn de Ingenieros de Minas. col. [1894.] Fernandez de Castro y Suero (M.) & others. Comisi6n para el estudio de los terremotos de Anda- , lucia. pp. 107: 2 pis. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgico. Boletin, &c. Tom. xn. 8°. 1885. FERNANDEZ NAVARETTE (DOMINGO) An | account of the Empire of -China. See CHURCHILL (A.) & (J.) A collection of Voyages, &c. Vol. I. fol. 1704. Fernandez Navarette (D.) Reisen . . . durch China / . . . 1658. See AHKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) All- i Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. v. 4". 1749. 9. D, FERNANDEZ-VILLAR (CELESTINO) Flora de D Filipinas . . . Gran edicion . . . bajo la direction £> cientifica y literaria de . . . C. Fernandez- Villar. Tom. ill & iv. See BLANCO (M.) fol. 1879-80. Fernandez-Villar (C.) Catalogo de muchas de la Plantas que habitan en la pequena Isla del volcan de £» Taal, sita en el centre de la Laguna de Bomb6n, Isla de Luz6n, &c. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa Geo- logico. Boletin, &c. Tom. xn. J. CENTENO. El volcan de Taal. 8°. 1885. FERNANDO DE NORONHA, Island of. The | _ Natural History of the Island . . . based on the col- lections made by the . . . expedition in 1887, &c. pp. [195,] 12 : 5 pis., 10 photos., 1 map, text Must. 8": London, (1888,) 1890. Notes on the Botany ... By II. N. Ridley. Musci. By A. Oepp. . Diatomacew. By J. Rattray. Geology, based on Petrologieal Notes by T. Davies. [Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) xxvli (1890), pp. 1-95.] Notes on the Zoology . . . By H. N. I'.idley. Aves. By It. B. Sharpe. Mollusca. By E. A. Smith. Polyzoa. By R. Kirkpatrick. . Insecta, excepting Coleoptera. By W. F. Kirby. Coleoptera. By C. O. Waterhouse. Thysanura and Collembola. By H. N. Ridley. Echinodennata. Determined by Prof. J. Bell. Oligochseta. By W. B. Benham. Porifera. By H. J. Carter. Madrepowia. By Prof. P. M. Duncan. [Journ. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) xx (1890), pp. 473-570.] The Island of Fernando de Noronha in 1887. By . . . T. S. Lea. [Proc. Roy. Geog. Soc. New Ser., Vol. x (1888), pp. 424-435.] FERNSEE (HEINRICH WAWRA VON) See WAWRA VON FERNSEE. FERRALL (JAMES STEPHEN) & Repp (T. G.) A Dictionary of the Danish and English languages ... /_ Danish-English by Ferrall and Repp. pp. vi, 552. 8°. London & Edinburgh, 1863. — [Another edition entitled :] Ferrall og Repp's Dansk-Norsk-Engelske Ordbog. Fjerde . . . Udgave ved A. Larsen. pp. [iv,] 552. 8". KjQbenhavn, 1873. FERRAND (PAUL) L'Or a Minas Geraes (Bresil) . . . Etude publiee par les soins de la Commission de 1'Ex- «^ position pr^paratoire de 1'Etat de Minas Geraes, a Ouro Preto, &c. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. Ouro Preto, 1894. FERRARA (FRANCESCO) [1767-1850] Storia generate ».* dell' Etna, &c. pp. xliv, 359 : 5 pis. 8°. Catania, 1793. Ferrara (F.) I Campi Flegrei della Sicilia e della isole che le sono intorno, o descrizione fisica e minera- logica di queste isole. pp. xix, 434 : 1 pi., 6 maps. $. Messina, 1810. text Must. M * Ferrara (F.) Storia Naturale della Sicilia, che com- prende la Mineralogia, &c. pp. Ixiv, 159. 4°. Catania, 1813. Ferrara (F.) Descrizione dell' Etna con la storia delle i eruzioni e il catalogo dei prodotti, &c. pp. xvi, 256 : 5pls. 8°. Palermo, 1818. FERRARI (GASPARE STANISLAO) Ricerche fisico- astronomiche intorno all' ITranolito caduto nell' agro M Romano il 31 di Agosto 1872. [On the Olivine Meteor- ites.] pp. 46 : 1 pi. 4°. Roma, 1873. FERRARI (GIOVANNI BATTISTA) [1584-1655] J. B. « Ferrarii . . . de Florum Cultura libri rv. pp. [x,] 522 [15] : O 45 pis. in text, engr. title. 8". Romce, 1633. [Another edition entitled :] J. B. Ferrarii . . . Flora, seu de Florum Cultura lib. iv. Editio nova, a Accurante B. Rottendorffio, &c. pp. [xliv,] 522 [12] : 45 pis. in text, 1 port., engr. title. 8°. Amstelodami, 1646. The portrait is printed on the back of the engraved title-page. Editio nova. Accurante B. Rottendorffio, &c. D pp. [xliv,] 522 [12] : 45 pis. in text, 1 port., engr. title. 8°. Amstelodami, 1664. This edition appears to be a reprint of that of 164li. The portrait is printed on a separate leaf. Ferrari (GIOVANNI B.) Flora, ouero Cultura di Fiori . . . distinta in quattro libri e trasportata dalla lingua Q Latina nell' Itahana da L. Aureli Perugino. [With a preface by C. Aureli us.] pp. [xii,] 520 [23]: 45 pis. in text, engr. title. 4°. Roma, 1638. Some of the plates in this edition, redrawn and reversed, appear in Merian's edition of De Bry's " Florilegium " [g.v.] Ferrari (GIOVANNI B.) Hesperides, sive de Malorum j} Aureorum cultura et usu libri quatuor. pp. [a;,] 480 [14] : ' 100 pis., engr. title. 4°. Roman, 1646. FERRARI (JoHANN ANGELO) Count [1822?-1876] Die forst- und baumzuchtschadlichen Borkenkafer ^ (Tomicides, Lac.) aus der Familie der Holzverderber • (ficolytides, Lac.), mit besonderer Berucksichtigung vor- ziiglich der Europaischen Formen, und der Sammlung des K. K. Zoologischen Kabinetes in Wien. pp. [iv,] 95 : 8°. Wit Vien, 1867. FERRARI (PiETRO MODESTO) [1823-1893] See AR- CHIVIO PER LA ZOOLOGIA L' ANATOMIA E LA FlSIOLOOIA, publicato per cura di . . . P. M. Ferrari, . FERREIRA (JosE CARLOS) Menioria sobre o Estado «• da Bahia feita . . . pelo . . . F. V. Vianirn, auxiliado pelo . . . J. C. Ferreira. See BAHIA. 8°. 1893. - [English edition.] FERREIRA LAPA (Jo.vo IONACIO) 8°. 1893. »•• c i-F Memoria sobre j_ o estudo industrial e chimico dos Trigos Portuguezes. pp. 161 : text illust. See LISBON.— ACADEMIA REAL DAS SCIENCIAS. Memorias, &c. Nova Serie, Tom. in, Pt. 2. 4°. 1865. FEBBEB8 (NORMAN MACLEOD) [1829-] See CAM- H BRiDtiE AND DUBUN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL. Edited by . . . N. M. Ferrers. Vol. vin & ix. 8°. 1853-54. L FERRET (A.) it Galiiiier ( ) Voyage en Abys- sinie [1839-43], 'A. DE) jBaron-^ableaux systpmatiquesydtfs Animajjjc mollusques -X\ terres , vivants ojiKfossiles. r>r>.jdvii, 27, ILf. I Paris [1^21-22], -h-f PrintodTn double coluinn. leaned in parta^fith the " HUMre naturelle . j^des Mollusquijrwrrmtres," it-c.,_oXln; elder Fcrnsaac [g.v.] Ferussac (A. E. J. P. J. F. D'A. DE) Baron. Diction- i naire classique d'Histoire Naturelle, par Messieurs *" o Audouin, . . . d'A. de Ferussac, &c. Vol. i-xi. See BORY ~T" DE SAINT- VINCENT (J. B. G. M.) Baron. 8". 1822-27. Ferussac (A. E. J. P. J. F. o'A. DE) Baron. [Land i Shells.] See FRANCE. Voyage autour du Monde ... 6x6cute sur . . . L'Uranie et La Physicienne, pendant ' . . . 1817-20, &c. Zoologie. 4°. 1824 [-26]. Z p Ferussac (A. E. J. P. J. F. 1>'A. DE) Baron. Bulletin gdn^ral et universe! des annonces et des nouvelles scientifiques . . . public sous la direction de M. le Bon. de Ferussac. 4 Tom. [Continued ai\ Bulletin universe! des Sciences . . . public sous la direction de M. le Bon. de Ferussac. Section II. Bulletin des Sciences naturelles, &c. Tom. i-xxvn. See BULLETIN UNIVERSEL DES SCIENCES, &c. 8°. 1823-31 [-32] P6russac (A. E. J. P. J. F. o'A. DE) Baron. Tableau methodique de la classe des Cephalopodes, . . . pre- cede1 d'une introduction, par M. de Ferussac. See OH- BIONY (A. D. D'). 8°. 1826. Ferussac (A. E. J. P. J. F. o'A. DE) Baron. Observa- vations . . . sur la synonymic des Coquilles Bivalves de PAmcrique septentrionale, et essai d'une table de concordance ;'i ce sujet. pp. 36. 8°. [Paris,] (1835.) Mag. iiool. Ann. v, cl. 5, 1836. Ferussac (A. E. J. P. J. F. D'A. DE) Baron. Catalogue de la Collection de Coquilles formee par . . . d'Aude- bard de FeYussac. pp. S3. 8°. Paris, 1837. Printed in double column. Ferussac (A. |i. J. P. J. F. D'A. DE) Baron & Deshayes (G. P.) Histoire naturelle . . . des Mollusques terrestres et Huviatilea, &c. 4 Tom. See FERUSSAC (J. B. L. D'A. DE) Baron. fol. 1819-51. Ferussac (A. E. J. P. J. F. o'A. DE) Baron it Orbigny (A. D. D') Histoire naturelle gent-rale et particuli5re des Cephalopodes Acetabulifferes vivants et fossiles . . . Ouvrage commence par MM. de Ferussac et A. d'Or- bigny et continue par A. d'Orbigny. pji. Ivi, 361. Atlas, pp. .%' : 144 /aper copy. This was intended to fonn jsirt of a projucted work, " Hixtoire naturelli; des HollnoqueB," edited by the younger Feruaaoc, of which the only other portion* published were, the '' Histoire naturellu . . . den Molhuqnea terrentros et flnviatilen," <(:<:., and the " Hiatoire naturelle dm Aplysietu . . . par S. lUiUK." A portion of the " I'tcropodoB" was written by S. Rang, but afterwards completed by Houleyet and iaraed as a separate work. [Q.V.] Q. « LA Z_ 2. 2. O FERUSSAC (JEAN BAPTISTE Louis D'AUDEBAED DE) Baron [1745-1815] Essai d'une Methode Conchy- liologique appliquee aux Mollusques fluviatiles et terrestres . . . Nouvelle Edition augmentee d'une synonymie . . . d'une table de concordance systdmatique . . . et termine'e par un Catalogue d'especes observees en divers lieux de la France, par J. Daudebard fils. pp. xvi, 14S. 8°. Paris, 1807. Originally issued as a paper in the "Mthn. Soc. He'd. Emul. Paris," Tom. iv, 1802, Ferussac (J. B. L. D'A. DE) Baron. Histoire naturelle gdndrale et particuliere des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles . . . (Euvre posthutne de M le Baron J. B. L. d'Audebard de F6russac . . . continue, mis en ordre, et publie par M. le Baron d'Audebard de Ferussac (et G. P. Deshayes). 2 Tom. & Atlas, 2 Tom. fol. Paris, 1819 (-51). Issued in livraisons, of which Baron Ferussac, the son, edited No. 1-28 (1819-82), containing 162 plates and pp. 1-128 of Tom. n, pt. 1, while Deshayes published No. 29-42 (1838-51), completing the work. The original title-page, quoted above, is dated 1819, and prefixed to Tom. n, which is in two separately-paged parts. The title-pages issued with the completed work bear the names of the younger Ferussac and Deshayes as joint authors. The work was intended to form part of the projected " Histoire naturelle des Mollusqnes " edited by the younger FJrnssac, of which the only other portions published were the " Histoire naturelle . . . des Cephalopodes Ac^tabnliferes . . . par MM. de Fernssac et A. d'Or- bigny," and the " Histoire naturelle des Aplysiens . , . par S. Rang." A portion of the " Pte>opodes" was written by Rang, but afterwards completed by Sonleyet and issued separately. FESTENBERG-PACKISCH (HERMANN VON) Der metallische Bergbau Niederschlesiens unter Beniitzung amtlicher Quellen in geognostischer, historischer und technischer Beziehung dargestellt. pp. 117 : 1 pi. col. 8°. Wien, 1881. FETTIG (F. J.) 2""> Edition. Catalogue des Lepidopteres d' Alsace Deuxieme Partie (Microlepidopteres) revue et coordonn^e par M. l'Abb6 Fettig. See PEYE- RIMHOFF (H. DE). 8°. 1882. FEUCHTW ANGER (LEWIS) [1805-1876] A popular treatise on Gems, in reference to their scientific value . . . with a description of the Elements of Mineralogy, &c. pp. 464 : 18 pis. (11 col.), text illust. 8°. New York, 1859. FEUILLE DES JEUNES NATURALISTIC. (Le Comite charg6 de la redaction : — E. Dollfus, E. Engel, M. Hofer, A. Koechlin, G. Weiss [and afterwards] A. Dollfus). Ann. i-> 8°. (Rennes, Paris,) 1870-> No. 1-74 are said to have been published at Dornach. - Table des Matieres contenues dans les six premieres annees, &c. 8°. (Rennes, Paris,) [1876]. - Table des Matieres. Ann. i-x. 8°. Paris, 1881. FEUILLEAUBOIS (P. V. A.) [-1899] [For analyses to No. 8-15, reprinted from the " .Revue de Botanique."] See LUCAND (J. L.) Figures peintes de Champignons de la France, &c. 4°. 1889. FEUILLEE (Louis) [1660-1732] Journal des Obser- vations physiques, mathematiques et botaniques, faites ... sur les cotes orientales de 1'Amerique Meridionale, & dans les Indes Occidentales, depuis 1'annee 1707 jusques en 1712. 3 Vol. illust. 4°. Paris, 1714-25. VoyagetoMagellanica. Terra Australis cognita, &c. Vol. in. 8°. 1768. Feuillee (L.) Beschreibung zur Arzeney dienlicher Pflanzen, welche in den Reichen des mittagigen America, in Peru und Chili vorziiglich im Gebrauche sind, in dem Lande selbst . . . nebst verschiedenen andern aus eben desselben Tageregister physicher Beobachtungen gesam- melten und zur naturlichen Historie gehorigen Anmer- kungen. 2 Thl. [in 1 Vol.] 4". Nurnberg, 1766. FEWKES (JESSE WALTER) On the development of the pluteus of Arbacia, pp. 10 : 1 pi. See PEABODY ~2. ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. Memoirs, dkc. Vol. i, no. 6. 4°. 1881. Fewkes (J. W.) Selections from Embryological Mono- ._, graphs . . . Acalephs. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — <— HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, 8°. 1890-> FICALHO (DE) Count. Camoens]. pp. 99. Flora dos Lusiadas [of L. de 8°. Lisboa, 1880. Ficalho (DE) Count. Memorias sobre a infiuencia dos descobrimentos dos Portuguezes no conhecimento das Plantas. I. Memoria sobre a Malagueta. pp. 48. See LISBON. — ACADEMIA REAL DAS SCIENCIAS. Me- morias, &c. Nova Serie, Tom. VI, pt. 1. 4°. 1881. L- [Advance copy.] 4°. Lisloa, 1878. Ficalho (DE) Count. [Flora of west and central Africa.] See CAPELLO (H. C. DE B.) & IVENS (R.) From Ben- guella to the Territory of Yacca, &c. Vol. II. Appendix. 8°. 1882. u Ficalho (DE) Count. gueza. pp. 279. Plantas uteis da Africa Portu- ^ 8°. Lisboa, 1884. S o . C Ficalho (DE) Count. Nota sobre as collecQoes botanicas [from Africa]. See CAPELLO (H. C. DE B.) & IVENS (R.) De Angola a contra-costa, &c. Vol. II. Appendix. 8°. 1886. Ficalho (DE) Count & Hiern (W. P.) Memoria sobre algumas Plantas da Africa Central colligidas pelo Major Serpa Pinto, &c. pp. 33. See LISBON. — ACADEMIA REAL DAS SCIENCIAS. Memorias, &c. Nova Serie, Tom. VI, pt. 2. 4°. 1887. - [Advance copy.] 4°. Lisboa, 1883. Translated by order of the Lisbon Academy from the " Trans. Linn. Soc.," Ser. II, Botany, Vol. n, 1881. FICHEUR (E.) [1854-] Itineraires de la Grande Kabylie. See PARIS. — CLUB ALPIN FRANyAis. 16°. 1886. Fichenr (E.) Description g^ologique de la Kabylie du Djurjura : etude speciale des terrains Tertiaires. (Deuxieme partie^ Notes palfentologiques. Sur les Nummulites de 1'Eocene d'Algerie.) pp. 474 •' ® maps, text Must. 8°. Alger, 1890. This edition constituted the author's thesis for his degree. ( Vide Intro- duction to the following edition.) - [Another edition.] See ALGERIA.— Carte GJolo- gique de VAlgerie. Materiaux pour le Carte, &c. 2C Serie. Stratigraphie, &c. No. 1. 4°. 1891. In this edition the palseontological notes are omitted. 72 L U a B G 0 C 570 M FICHTEL (.Imi.vxN KIIKKNRKICII VON) [l732-179.r>] Nachricht von den Versteinerungen des Grossfiirsten- thuins Siebenbiirgen, mil cincm Anhange und beyge- fiigtcr Tal>c)lo iiber die siiinmtlichcn jilineralien und Fossilien dieses Landes, j> . vi , 444 : 2 pis. 4°. JPtVn.lSCl. Synopsis der Europaischen Orthopteren, I ! iirksicht auf die in Bohmen vorkom- pp. 78, iv. 8°. Prog, 1854. Fieber (F. X.) Katalog dor Europaischen Cicadinen, nach Originalien mit Beniitzung der neuesten Literatur. pp. iv, 19. 8°. Wien, 1872. Printed in double oolnnm. Fieber (F. X.) ck Berchtold (F. VON) Count. Die Potamogeta Bohmens, &c. See BERCHTOLD (F. VON) Count & FIEBER (F. X.) 8°. 1838. For the original issue, See BKRCHTOLD (F. VON) Count & ottters. O Oekonomisch-techntHche Flora Bohmens, tt-c. Bd. n, abth. 1. FIEBIGEK (CHRISTIANUS VOLDEMAR SALOMO [1769-] Dissertatio . . . de Cespite ustili, vulgoTurfa,Sectio n Physica, . . . defendet C. V. S. Fiebiger, &c. See TITIUB (S. C.) 4°. 1794. FIEDLER (BRUNO) [1859-] Vergleich orometrischer Methoden im Anschluss an ihre Anwendung auf den Thiiringerwald. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 37, 5 pis. 8°. Halle a. S., 1890. FIEDLER (CARL FRIEDRICH BERNHARD) [1807-1869] Synopsis der Laubmoose Mecklenburg's, pp. x, 138. 8°. Schwerin, 1844. Fiedler (CARL F. B.) Synopsis Hypnearum Mega- politanarum. Dissertatio inauguralis medica, &c. pp. S2. 8°. Rostochii, 1844. FIEDLER (H. V.) See NORDISK TIDSSKRIFT FOE FISKERI. Udgivetaf ... H.V.Fiedler, 8°. South Melbourne, 1884-» FIELD (ARTHUR M.) China Sea. Report on the results of dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank, H.M.S. " Egeria," commander A. M. Field 1893, . 60. See FRANCE. — Ministere de I'Instruction Publique. Bibliothfcque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Ac. Tom. xxx, no. 2. 8°. 1885. Filhol (H.) Reeherches zoologiques, botaniques et gdologiques faites & I'lle Campbell et en Nouvelle- (__ Zelande. See PARIS. — AC ADEMIE DES SCIENCES. Recueil des M&noires . . . relatifs u 1'observation du passage de V6nus sur le Soleil. Tom. m, pt. 2. 4°. 1885. Filhol (II.) La Vie au fond des Mers. Les explora- 2tions sous-marines et les voyages du Travailleur et du Talisman, Ac. pp. viii, 301 : 27 pis. (col.), text Must. 8°. Paris [1885]. Bibliotheqne de la Nature pnbliee K>U« la direction de M. G. Tiaundier. Filhol (H.) Etude sur les Vertebras fossiles d'Issel I(Ande). pp. 188: SI pis. See PARIS.— SOCIET£ OEO- LOOIQUE DE FRANCE. M6moires, Ac. Sdr. Ill, torn, v, no. 1. 4°. 1888. Sou Filhol (H.) Des liens qui rattachent la Zoologie ;'i la Paldontologjle. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE Zoo- ~Z_ LOGIE. First Session: Paris, 1889. Rapports pr6- sent($s, Ac. 8°. 1889. Filhol (H.) Etudes sur les Mammiferes fossiles de L- Sansan. pp. 319 : 46 pis., text illust. See FRANCE. — , Ministere de V Instruction Publique. Bibliothfeque de -^ 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. xxxvu. f, 1890. c • 3' [Another issuej See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES, &c. Tom. xxi, no. 1. 8°. 1891. *• Filhol (H.) Histoire naturelle des Mammiferes [of _ Madagascar]. See GRANDIDIER (A.) Histoire physique C. . . . de Madagascar, &c. Tom. x, Atlas n, pt. 2-4. 4°. 1893-6. Filhol (H.) & (E.) Description des ossements de Felis spelcea d6couverts dans la caverne de Lherm (Ariege). 2. pp. ISO : 17 pis. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATU- RELLES,] FINK (THEOBALDUS FRIDEEICUS) De Amphibiorum systemate uropoetico.. Dissertatio inauguralis quam . . . praeside J. F. Meckel . . . defendet . . . T. F. Fink. pp. [iv,] 36. 8°. Halts, 1817. FINKENER (RUDOLPH HEINRICH) [1834-] Hand- it^ buch der analytischen Chemie . . . Sechste Auflage . . . vollendet von R. Finkener. See ROSE (H.) 8°. 1867-71. FINKH (JOANNES FRIDERICUS) Dissertatio inaugu- p ralis medica de Secali cornuto. Quam . . . prseside G. Schiibler . . . submittit auctor J. F. Finkh, &c. pp. 43. 8°. Tubingce, 1830. See infra, FINLJ Finlands 1. — COMMISSION GEOLOGIQU| ^ologiska Under sokning. FINLAND.^FINLANDS GEOLOGMXA UNDERSOKNING. Beskrifning till Kartbladet . / . af K. A. Moberg. No. l-> \ / 8°. Helsingfors, 1879-> Finland. — FINLANBS GJ] FINLAND. r-'SUOMENMAANOEOLOGILLINENTUTKIMUS. See supra, Einlands Qedogiska^ndersokninq. ,- s, ' / •HU.-x^M v»v V"fvvTn IB* <» -J FINLAND, Societe de Geographic de Finland. See. HELSINGFORS. FINLAND. [Maps.] See SCANDINAVIA. [Maps.] FINLANDS GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOK- See FINLAND. L FINLAYSON (GEORGE) [1790-1823] The Mission to Siam and Hue ... in ... 1821-2, from the journal of . . . G. Finlayson . . . with a memoir of the author by Sir T. S. Raffles, pp. xxxi, 427 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1826. FINNES NAGON GRANS mellan vaxt- och djurrikena 1 [Is there any boundary between the Plant and Animal Kingdoms ?] [By S. O. Lindberg.] 8°. [Helsingfors, 1883.] Album utgifvet af Nylandingar. Deel x (1891), pp. 43-52. FINOT (P. ADRIEN PROSPER) Les Orthopteres de la France. Catalogue accompagne de tableaux dicho- tomiques, &c. pp. 199 : 1 pi., text illmt. 8°. Paris, 1883. Finot (P. A. P.) Faune de la France. Insectes -. Orthopteres Thysanoures et Orthopteres proprement dits. pp. 322 : 13 pis., text illmt. 8°. Fontainbleau & Paris (1889). FINSCH (FRIEDRICH HERMANN OTTO) [1839-] Neu- T Guinea und seine Bewohner. pp. vi, 185 : 1 map col. •? ' 8°. Bremen, 1865. Finsch (F. H. O.) Die Papageien, monographisch f bearbeitet, &c. 2 Bd. [in 3] illust. col. y 8°. Leiden, 1867-68. Finsch (F. H. O.) [Birds of the Arctic Regions.] , 1\ See BEEMEN. — GEOGRAPHISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Die ^ ° zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in ... 1869 und 1870, *• 6 &c. Bd. n. 8°. 1874. Finsch (F. H. O.) Zur Ornithologie der Siidsee-Inseln. ^ I. Die Vogel der Palau-Gruppe. pp. 51 : 5 pis. col. 4°. [Hamburg,] 1875. Journ. Museum Godeffroy. Bd. vm. Finsch (F. H. O.) Weichfresser. See BREHM (A. E.) Gefangene Vogel . . . Unter Mithilfe von O. Finsch, &c. Thl. i, Bd. n. 8°. 1876. Fiusch (F. H. O.) Reise nach West-Sibirien im Jahre 1876 . . . Unternommen mit . . . A. E. Brehm und K. 2. Graf v. Waldburg-Zeil-Trauchburg. pp. xxiii, 663 : 85 pis., 3 maps, text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1879. Finsch (F. H. O.) On the Birds collected in Tonga- L £ ' tabu, the Fiji Islands, Api (New Hebrides), and Tahiti, i-' See GREAT BRITAIN AND ICELAND.— Challenger Ex- pedition. Report, &c. Zoology (Pt. vm, no. 3). Vol. n. 4°. 1881. Finsch (F. H. O.) Anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in der Siidsee und dem Malayischen Archipel in . . . 1879-82. Beschreibender Catalog der auf dieser \ Reise gesammelten Gesichtsmasken von Volkertypen, &c. pp. xi, 78 : 6 pis. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ETHNO- LOGIE. Bd. xv. Suppt. 8°. 1884. Finsch (F. H. O.) & Hartlaub (C. J. G.) Beitrag zur"1"" Fauna Centralpolynesiens. Ornithologie der Viti-, 2~ Samoa-, und Tonga-Inseln. pp. xxxix, 290 : 14 pis. col. 8°. Halle, 1867. Finsch (F. H. O.) & Hartlaub (C. J. G.) Die Vogel L- Ost-Afrikas. See DECKEN (C. C. VON DER) Baron. ._.. Baron C. C. von der Deeken's Reisen in Ost-Afrika in I 1859-61. Bd. iv. 8°. 1870. FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. See HELSINGFORS. FIORI (ADRIANO) [1865-] & Faoletti (G.) Icono- D graphia Floras Italicoe : ossia Flora Italiana illustrata 5 contenente le figure di tutti le specie di Piante Vascolari ... in Italia. Fase. l-> illust. 8°. Padova, 1895-> Fieri (A.) & Faoletti (G.) Flora Analitica d'ltalia : ossia descrizione delle Piante Vascolari indigene insel- £, vatichite e largamente coltivate in Italia disposte per quadri analitici. Vol. i-» illust. 8°. Padova, 1896-> FIORINI-MAZZANTI (ELIZABETTA) Countess [1790-1879] Specimen Bryologise Romanas. pp. [x,] 56. fo 8°. Ramae, 1841. FIREBRAND, H.M.S. Deep sea soundings in the Bay of Biscay and Mediterranean Sea made in H.M.S. Firebrand . . . 1859. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE- LAND.— Admiralty. 8°. 1860. FIRENZE. See FLORENCE. FIRKET (ADOLPHE) Excursions geologiques dans /• PEifel ... en 1879. pp. 76 : text illust. 8°. Liege, 1880. Ann. Soc. geol. Belgique. Tom. vi, 1S79, 574 B & & B 8 B B 2 FIRMAS (Louis AUOUSTK u'UoMRREs) JJaron. > HoMBRES-FlRMAS. FIRMINGER (THOMAS AUGUSTUS CHARLES) [1812- 1884] A Manual of Gardening for Bengal and Upper India . . . Third edition. ;>;>. art, 623. 8°. Calcutta, 1874. The drat edition appeared In 1S64, tuid the Mcond in 1869. FISCALI (FERDINAND) Deutschlands Forstcultur- Pflanzen. . . . Nebst einer Einleitung von L. Grabner . . . Zweite Auflage. pp. [iv,] 207. Atlas, 18 pis. cd. 8«. & fol. Wien & Olmiiz, 1858. The flrtt edition appeared in ISM. FISCH (CARL) Aufzahlung und Kritik der verschie- denen Ansichten tiber das pflanzliche Individuum. Eine . . . Preisschrift. pp. [iv,] 107. 8°. Rostock, 1880. Fisch (C.) & Xrause (E. H. L.) und Umgegend. pp. 208. Flora von Rostock 8°. Rostock, 1879. *>. Fisch (C.) & Reess (M. F. F.) Untersuchungen iiber Bau und Lebensgeschichte der Hirschtriiffel, Elapho- mvces. pn. S4 \2\: 1 pi. See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA. Htt. 7. 4». 1887. FISCH (ERNST) Beitriige zur Bliitenbiologie. pp. vi, 61 : 6 pis. See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA. Hft. 48. 4°. 1899. FISCHER (ALFRED) [1858-] Zur Kenntniss der Einbryosackentwicklung einiger Angiospermen. In- augural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 44 : 4 pis. 8°. Jena, 1880. Fischer (A.) Untersuchungen uber das Siebrohren- System der Cucurbitaceen, ' W01, livr. 1 ; xxxvi, livr. 2. 4". 1890-1900. Fischer (EDUAKD) Tuberaceae. pp. 131 : text Must. ^ See RABENHORST (G. L.) Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Krypto- \ gamen-Flora, &c. Bd. I, abth. 5. 8°. 1896-97. FISCHER (ENOELBERT LORENZ) Uber das Princip der Organisation und die Pflanzenseele. pp. xv, 144- 8°. Ma FISCHER (ERNST) [-1878] Vererzungsmittel. pp. 26. fainz, 1883. Die Versteinerungs- und 4°. Berlin, 1891. Wissensch. Beil. znm Frogr. Fiinften St.'Ult. Hoheren Burgerschulo m Berlin. FISCHER (F. B.) See FISCHER (F. E. L. VON). FISCHER (FERDINAND) of Hanover. Leitfaden der Chemie und Mineralogie . . . Zweite . . . Auflage. r\ pp. viii, 236 : text Must. 8°. Hannover, 1880. The first edition appeared in 1878. FISCHER (FERDINAND) Surgeon in the Austrian L. Navy. Echinodermen von Jan May en, dec. See VIENNA. _. . — KAISERLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Die / Internationale Polarforschung 1882-83. Bd. m, thl. 6, D. e\' 4°. 1886. V. Dr. Fincher also collected many other Invertebrata on this expedition, that are described by different contributors to the same work. Fischer (FERDINAND) Suraeon in the Austrian Navy & Pelzeln (A. VON) Vogel und Saugethiere von Jan £ Mayen, dec. See VIENNA.— KAISERLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Die Internationale Polarforschung 1882-83, dec. Bd. m, thl. 6, L. 4°. 1886. FISCHER (FRIEDRICH ERNST LUDWIO VON) [1782- j> 1854] Specimen de Vegetabilium imprimis Filicum • propagatione. [Thesis.] pp. vi, 40 : 1 pi. 8°. Halce, 1804. Fischer (FRIEDRICH E. L. VON) Catalogue du Jardin des Plantes, de . . . A. de Razoumoffsky . . . k Gorenki £ pres de Moscou. See RAZUMOVSKI! (A.) Count. 4°. 1808. [Another edition.] 4°. 1812. $-77 . A 7 575 Fischer (FRIEDRICH E. L. VON) Beitrag zur bota- nischen Systematik, die Existenz der Monocotyledoneen und der Polycotyledoneen betreffend. pp. 32. 4s. Zurich, 1812. Wanting the three platee. Fischer (FRIEDRICH E. L. V&N) Synopsis Astragalorum Tragacantharum, auctore F. B. [or rather F. E. L. von] Fischer, pp. 173 : 12 pis. 8°. Mosquce, 1853. Bull. Soc. imp. Nats. Moscow. 1853. Fischer (FRIEDRICH E. L. VON) [For official publica- tions as Director] See ST. PETERSBURG.— IMPERATORSKII SANKTPETERBURGHSKII BOTANICHESKII SAD. Fischer (FRIEDRICH E. L. VON) . ii, ,W. 4°. Stralsund, 1861. FISCHER (JOHANN LEONHARD) [1760-1833] Vermium Intestinalium brevis expositipnis continuatio secunda . . . post mortem auctoris edita et animadversionibus atone tabulis n . . . aucta a J. L. Fischer, Ac. See\\v.\\- NER (P. C. F.) 8°. 1786. E B • Continuatio tertia, <(•<•. 8". 1788. Fischer (JoHANN L.) Observations de Oestro Ovino atque Bovino factas. Disputatio quam defendet I. L. Fischer . . . respondente B. G. Schreger. pp. 69 : 4 1^- 4°. Lipswe [1787]. The date in tlie title has been altered in manuscript to 1788. Fischer (JoHANN L.) Tsenise hydatigenas in plexu choroidep nuper inventae historia inseruntur quasdam observationes circa Vermes Intestinales. Dissertatio quam . . . preeside D. J. G. Haasio . . . defendet auctor, . xxx, 298 :ltnap. Sf.Bern, 1878. Fischer (Luowio) Verzeichniss der Phanerogamen und Oefiisskryptogamen des Berner-Oborlandes und der Umgebungen von Thun, 8°. (Paris, 1879.) * Journ. de Conchyliologie. 1879. Fischer (P. H.) Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Paleontologie Conchyliologique . . . suivi d'un appen- ^ dice sur les Brachiopodes par D. P. CEhlert. pj>. xxiv, — 1369 : 24 pis., text illust. 8°. Paris, (1880-) 1887. /- Issued in 11 parts, of which the dates of publication are given on the veno of the half-title. The section on Aplacophora was written by A. F. Manon. Fischer (P. H.) Determination des regions du Globe dont la Faune est insuffisamment connue. See OoDORH ' INTERNATIONAL DE ZOOLOGIE. First Session: Pans - 1889. Rapports pr&entes, &c. 8 . 1889. ' 577 Fischer (P. H.) Catalogue et distribution geographique des Mollusques terrestres, fluviatiles & marins d'une partie de 1'Indo-Cliine (Siam, Laos, Cambodge, Cochin- chine, Annam, Tonkin), pp. 192. 8°. Autun, 1891. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun. Tom. iv. Fischer (P. H.) & Crosse (J. C. H.) Etudes sur les Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles du Mexique et 2. du Guatemala. See FRANCE. Mission scientifique au Mexique . . . Recherches Zoologiques, &c. Pt. 7. Tom. I & II. 4°. 1870-94. Fischer (P. H.) & Crosse (J. C. H.) Histoire naturelle des Mollusques. Atlas, Pt. 1. 27 pis. col. 2- See GRANDIDIER (A.) Histoire . . . de Madagascar. Vol. xxv. 4°. 1889. Fischer (P. H.) Provinz Schleswig-Holstein . . . Unter Mitwirkung ' von R. von Fischer-Benzon, &c. See PRAHL (P.) 8°. 1888. Fischer-Benzon (R. J. D. VON) Die Moore der Provinz Schleswig-Holstein. Eine vergleichende Un- L- tersuchung. pp. 80. See HAMBURG.— NATURWISSEN- SCHAFTLICHER VEREIN. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. xi, lift, in, no. 1. 4°. 1891. Fischer-Benzou (R. J. D. VON) Altdeutsche Garten- flora. Untersuchungen iiber die Nutzpflanzen des Q Deutschen Mittelalters, ihre Wanderung und ihre Vorgeschichte im klassischen Altertum. pp. x, 25Jf. 8". Kiel & Leipzig, 1894. Fischer-Beuzon (R. J. D. VON) & Steinvorth (J.) Ueber die Flora der Umgegend von Hadersleben. D Tabellen, &c. pp. 36. 4°. Hadersleben, 1873. FISCHER-OOSTER (CARL VON) [1807-1875] Die fossilen Fucoiden der Schweizer-Alpen, nebst Lrcirte- f. rungen iiber deren geologisches Alter, pp. [viii,~\ 72 [2] : 18 pis. 4°. Bern, 1858. Fischer-Ooster (C. VON)_ Le Corallien de Wimmis . . . avec une introduction geologique par C, de Fischer- C Ooster. See QOSTER (W. A.) Petrifactions remarquables des Alpes Suisses, . 47 : 3 pit. 8°. Moscou, 1818. Fischer von Waldheim (G.) G. Fischer, Waldheim- fiisis . . . Adversaria Zoologica, FITCH (RALPH)" Voyage ... to' Orrnus .'. . Goa " . . . Bengala . . . Pegu, &c. See PINKERTON (J.) A , general collection of ... Voyages, &c. Vol. ix. 4°. 1811. L FITCH (WALTER HOOD) [1817-1892] [For works illustrated by W. H. Fitch] See BENTHAM (G.) See ELWES (H. J.) See FLORAL MAGAZINE. See HOOKER (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. See HOOKER (Sir W. J.) See HOWARD (J. E.) See OLIVER (D.) See SAUNDERS (W. W.) See SEEMANN (B. C.) See STEWART (J. L.) & BRANDIS (D.) See SYME afterwards BOSWELL (J. T. I.) Fitch (W. H.) & Hooker (Sir W. J.) Victoria regia ; or illustrations of the Royal Water-Lily ... By W. Fitch ; b with descriptions by Sir W. J. Hooker, pp. 20 : 4 pis- col. fol. London, 1851. Fitch (W. H.) & Smith (W. G.) Illustrations of the British Flora . . . forming an illustrated companion to ( Mr. Bentham's Handbook and other British Floras. J pp. 328. 8°. London, 1880. FITTICA (FRIEDRICH BERNHARD) [1850-] Jahres- bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie . . . Heraus- i^ gegeben von F. Fittica. 1875-1892. See JAHRESBERICHT ' UEBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER REINEN, PHARMACEU- TISCHEN UNO TECHNISCHEN CHEMIE, &C. 8°. 1877-1899. FITTIG (RUDOLPH) [1835-] See ZEITSCHRIFT FUER , CHEMIE, . . . herausgegeben von . . . R. Fittig. r Jahrg. vin-xiv. 8°. 1865-71. Fittig (R.) See LIEBIG'S ANNALEN DER CHEMIE, &c. . Herausgegeben von . . . R. Fittig. Bd. CCLXXXVII-» 8°. 1895-> FITTON (ELIZABETH) Miss & (SARAH MARY) Miss r--., Conversations on Botany . . . Fourth edition, &c. [by E. & S. M. Fitton]. See BOTANY. 12°. 1823. The first edition appeared in 1817. FITTON (WILLIAM HENRY) [1780-1861] Notes on the Mineralogy of part of the vicinity of Dublin. Taken principally from papers of the late Rev. W. Stephens. See STEPHENS (W.) 8°. 1812, 5SO -ri c Fitton (\V. H.) Articles [i.e. Reviews] published in the Edinburgh Review, 1817-1849. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1817-49.] A series of exeerpta for which a title-page and contents have been •peciaUy printed. Contains, inter alia :— 3. Smith's Geological Map of England. 5. Bucklaml'i Heli<|>iiiv Oiluvianie. li. Ljrell'i Elements of Geoloiry.— liuttonian Theory of the Earth. 7. The Silurian System, by R. I. Mnrchison. 8. Statistics of Coal, by R. C. Taylor. L^ Fitton (W. H.) An account of some Geological Speci- mens, collected . . . [on] the coasts of Australia and ... on the shores of the Gulf of Carpentaria, _ Fitzinger (L. J. F. J.) Die Arten der natiirlichen Familie der Faulthiere (Bradypodes), nach ausseren und osteologischen Merkmalen. pp.75. 8°. [Vienna, 1871.] Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. LXIII. Fitziuger (L. J. F. J.) Die natiirliche Familie der Giirtelthiere (Dasypodes). 2 Abth. 8°. [Vienna, 1871.] Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. LXIV. Fitzinger (L. J. F. J.) Die natiirliche Familie der Schuppenthiere (Manes), pp. 75. 8°. [ Vienna, 1872.] Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. LXV. Fitziuger (L. J. F. J.) Versuch einer natiirlichen Classification der Fische. pp. 84. 8°. [ Vienna, 1873.] Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. LXVII. Fitzinger (L. J. F. J.) Die Gattungen der Euro- paischen Cyprinen, nach ihren ausseren Merkmalen. pp. 26. 8°. [Vienna, 1874.] Sitznngsb. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. LXVIII. Fitziuger (L. J. F. J.) Die Gattungen der Familie der Hirsche (Cervi) nach ihrer natiirlichen Verwandt- schaft. pp. 31. 8°. [Vienna, 1874.] Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. LXVIII. Fitziuger (L. J. F. J.) Der Hund und seine Racen Naturgeschichte des zahmen Hundes, seiner Formen, Racen und Kreuzungen, &c. pp. xii, 281 : 6 pis. 8°. Tubingen, 1876. FITZROY (ROBERT) [1805-1865] Narrative of the L Surveying Voyages of His Majesty's Ships Adventure and Beagle, between . . . 1826 and 1836, &c. 3 Vol. See KING (P. P.) & others. 8". 1839. Vol. Hi contains Darwin's " Journal and Remarks," for separate issue of which and subsequent editions, See DARWIN (C. R.) -f Fitzroy (R.) The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy . . . during 2. ... 1832-36, &c. .5 Pt. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 4°. 1839-43. r. 6 0. F FITZ-WILLIAM (WILLIAM WENTWORTH) [1839- 1877] & Cheadle (W. B.) Viscount Milton. The North- West Passage by Land. Being the narrative of an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific . . . through British Territory . . . Fourth edition, pp. xiv, 400 : 22 pis., 2 maps. 8°. London [1866]. The first edition appeared in 1865. FIXEIT (CAROLUS) De linguae Ranina? textura dis- quisitiones microscopicae. Dissertatio inauguralis, &c. ~£_ pp. 40 : 1 pi. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1857. FIZICHESKOE OBSHCHESTVO FBI IM- PERATORSKOM S.-PETERBURGHSKOM TTNIVERSiTET. See ST. PETERSBURG. — RUSSKOE FIZIKO-KH!M!CHESKOE OBSHCHESTVO, &C. FJELSTRTJP (A.) [Danish Echinoderma.] See SCHI0DTE (J. C.) Zoologia Danica, &c. Hft. 7. •» 4°. 1890. *• FLACH (KARL) Die Kafer der unterpleistocanen Ablagerungen bei HSsbach unweit Aschaffenburg. . S '^ pp. 13 : 2 pis. See WURZBURG. — PHYSIKALISCH- I ^ MEDICINISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Verhandlungen, &c. Neue Folge, Bd. xvin, no. 11. 8°. 1884. Flach (K.) Die Molluskenfauna Aschaffenburgs, nebst Beitragen zur Fauna des Spessarts. pp. 24. See WURZ- I BURG. — PHYSIKALISCH-MEDICINISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Verhandlungen, &c. Neue Folge, Bd. xix, no. 7. 8°. 1886. Flach (K.) Palaeontologische Beitrage. I. Zur Fauna von Tuchofic in Nord-Bohmen. n. Zur obermiocanen : Fauna von Undorf bei Regensburg. pp. 11 : 1 pi. L_ See WURZBURG.— PHYSIKALISCH-MEDICINISCHE GESELL- ^ SCHAFT. Verhandlungen, &c. Neue Folge, Bd. xxiv, -*' no. 3. 8°. 1890. FLACrUS (MATTHIAS) [1520-1575] 'Apt rroreAour t'mavra. ff_ Aristotelis . . . opera . . . omnia . . . Per D. Eras[muml / Roterodamum. [With notes and emendations by M. *- Flacius, &c.] 2 Vol. See ARISTOTLE. fol. 1550. A FLACOURT (ETIENNE DE) [1607-1660] Histoire de la grande Isle Madagascar . . . Avec une relation de . ce qui s'est passe es annees 1655, 1656, & 1657, non <- encor veue par la premiere impression, pp. [xxi,] Ifll : 10 pis., 6 maps. 4°. Paris, 1661. The first edition appeared in 1658. FLADTJNG (J. A. F.) Versuch iiber die Kennzeichen der Edelsteine und deren vortheilhaftesten Schnitt . . . ^^ Nebst einem Verzeichnisse . . . der ausgewahlten Edel- stein-Sammlung des Herrn J. F. van der Null. pp. iv, [6,] 138 : 1 pi. 8°. Pesth, 1819. Fladuug (J. A. F.) Edelstein-Kunde in Briefen an zwey Deutsche Fiirstinnen. pp. viii, 125 : Ipl. A^J 8°. Wien, 1828. FLAGEY (CAMILLE) [1834-1898] Flore des Lichens de Franche-Comt6 et de quelques localites environ- nantes. Pt. I & II. pp. 378. 8°. Besanfon, 1883, 85. Mem. Soc. Emul. Doubs. Ser. V, torn, vil & IX. The dates given on the wrappers are respectively 1884 & 86. FLAHAULT (CHARLES HENRI MARIE) See REVUE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES . . . publiee sous la direc- tion de MM. Flahault, E. Planchon, &c. Ser. Ill, L torn. I-m. 8°. [1881-84.] Flahault (C. H. M.) University de Montpellier.— L'Institut de Botanique. Notice . . . par C. Flahault. a Q F See MONTPELLIER.— UNIVERSITE. 8°. 1890. 582 Flahault (C. II. M.) Catalogue rnisonne' de la Flore ili-s 1'vivniM's-Orirntiiles . . .Introduction par C. Fla- J hault. See GAUTIKR (G.) 8°. [1898.] FLAMAND (G.) & Curie (J.) Etude succincte sur les Roches eruptives de 1'Aljjerie. See ALGERIA.— ^ Carte Gtolfxjiqur de VAlgene. Description strati- graphique de 1'Alg^rie, \ A $ L nuikh. [Investigations on the natural Resins of different Coniferae.] pp. 60. See KAZAN.— OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, FLEISCHMANN (ANDREAS) [-1867] Uebersicht der Flora Krain's, &c. pp. 144- 8°- Laibach, 1844. FLEISCHMANN (FRIEDRICH LUDWIG) Dissertatio inauguralis sistens Dalmatian nova Serpentum genera, FLESCH (F.) & Onodi (A. D.) Leitfaden zu Vivi- *- sectionen am Hunde, &c. See ONODI (A. D.) & FLESCH (F.) 8°. 1884. FLESCH (MAXIMILIAN HEINEICH JOHANNES) [1852-] ZVersuch zur Ermittelung der Homologie der Fissura parieto-occipitalis bei den Carnivoren. See GEGEN- BAUE (C.) efc others. Festschrift. A. von Kolliker. 4°. 1887. FLETCHER (FEANCIS) The World encompassed / by Sir F. Drake . . . collated with an unpublished *- manuscript of F. Fletcher, &c. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 16. 8°. 1854. FLETCHER (GILES) [1549 J-1611] Of the Russe l_ Common Wealth, &c. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 20. 8°. 1856. - 16. .1 I G FLETCHER (HUGH) [For official reports in connec- tion with the Survey] See CANADA. — Geological Survey. FLETCHER (J. J.) The Macleay Memorial Volume. Edited [with a life of Sir W. J. Macleay] by J. J. Fletcher. See LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 4". 1893. FLETCHER (JAMES) Lists of Lepidoptera collected by Mr. J. B. Tyrrell in 1884 and 1885, and Mr. D. B. Dowling in 1886. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Annual Report. Vol. n, E. Appendix n. 8°. 1887. Fletcher (JAMES) List of Diurnal Lepidoptera (col- lected in the Yukon District). See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Annual Report. New Series, Vol. in, B. Appendix iv. 8°. 1888. Fletcher (JAMES) List of Diurnal Lepidoptera and Coleoptera collected by Mr. J. S. Cotter at Moose Factory in 1888, and by Mr. J. Macoun on the south coast and islands of James Bay in 1887. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Annual Report. New Series, Vol. in, J. Appendix II. 8". 1888. Fletcher (JAMES) Not finished. Flora Ottawaensis. pp. 1-101. 8°. [Ottawa, Canada, 1888-93.] Issued in sheets with numbers of the " Ottawa Naturalist," Vol. n-vll. FLETCHER (JAMES COOLEY) [1823-] & Xidder L(D. P.) Brazil & the Brazilians, &c. See KIDDEE (D. P.) & FLETCHEE (J. C.) 8°. 1857. FLETCHER (LAZAEUS) [1854-] The dilatation of Crystals on change of temperature. 2 Papers. 8°. London, 1880, 83. Phil. Mag. Ser. V, vol. ix, pp. 81-96 ; vol. xvc, pp. 37S-SOO, SU-3SO, 4J«-«9 : pi. Hi. Fletcher (L.) A Chapter in the History of Meteorites. [Edited, with a preface and an obituary notice of the author, by L. Fletcher.] See FLIGHT (W.) 8°. 1887. Fletcher (L.) On the Mexican Meteorites, with especial regard to the supposed occurrence of wide- spread meteoritic showers, pp. 88 : 2 pis. 8°. London, 1890. Mineral. Mag. Vol. ix, no. 42. Fletcher (L.) The Optical Indicatrix and the Trans- mission of Light in Crystals, pp. xii, 112 : text illust. 8°. London, 1892. dineral. Mag.," Vol. ix, H '. [London, 1893.] Eeprinted with additional matter from the ' 1891. Fletcher (L.) Obituary. T. Davies. 8( Mineral. Mag. Vol. x. Fletcher (L.) [For official publications as Keeper of the Department of Mineralogy] See BEITISH MUSEUM (NATUEAL HISTOEY). FLETCHER (PBICE) Agriculture in Queensland, pp. IS. The Sugar Industry of Queensland, pp. 18. A popular sketch of the natural history of Queensland. pp.32. See LONDON. — Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. Queensland : its resources and institutions. Essays . . . Edited [with a preface] by P. Fletcher. 8". 1886. FLETCHER (WILLIAM ISAAC) An Index to Periodical Literature . . . Third edition . . . with the assistance ... of W. I. Fletcher, &c. (—Supplement, &c. 3 Vol.) See POOLE (W. F.) 8°. 1882 (1888 [-98]). FLEURIEU (CHAELES PIEEEE CLAEET DE) Count [1738-1810] Voyage autour du monde pendant . . . 1790-92, par E. Marchand . . . auquel on a joint des recherches sur les Terres Australes de Drake, et un examen critique du Voyage de Roggeween. 4 Tom. illust. 4°. Paris, An vi-vm [1798-1800]. The natural history portion is contained in Vol. II & in. FLEURIEU DE LA TOTTRRETTE (MAEC ANTOINE Louis CLAEET DE) See LA TOUEEETTE. FLEURY (P. DE) Note sur les Meteores d'origine cosmique a propos de 1'Aerolithe tombe pres de Lance (Loir-et-Cher) le 23 Juillet 1872 . . . Deuxieme edition, pp. 16. 8°. Blois, 1872. FLEUTIAUX (EDMOND) Catalogue systematique des Cicindelidifi decrits depuis Linne. pp. 186. 8°. Liege, 1892. FLICHE (PAUL) Note sur les Flores Tertiaires des environs de Mulhouse. 8°. Mulhouse, 1886. Bull. Soc. Indust. Mulhouse. Tom. LVI, pp. 318-363. Fllche (P.) Etudes sur la Flore fossile de 1'Argonne (Albien-Cenomanien). pp. 196 : 17 pis., text illust. 8°. Nancy, 1896. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nancy. S^r. II, torn. xiv. FLIGHT (WALTEE) [1841-1885] A Chapter in the History of Meteorites. [Edited, with a preface and an obituary notice of the author, by L. Fletcher and H. Woodward.] pp. xii, 22^ : 7 pis. (2 col.), text illust. 8°. London, 1887. Eeprinted with additions from the " Geological Magazine." FLINDERS (MATTHEW) [1774-1814] A voyage to Terra Australia ... in ... 1801-1803 in H.M.S. the Investigator, &c. 2 Vol. illust. Atlas, 10 pis., 18 maps. 4°. & fol London, 1814. Appendix No. in. "General remarks ... on the Botany of Terra Australia. By R. Brown." [This appendix was also issued separately.] Original water-colour drawings by F. L. Bauer, the artist to the expedi- tion, of the Animals and Plants collected, are preserved in the Xoological and Botanical Departments. M L. Cn 6, :-,S I _. Flinders (M.) Biographical Memoir of Captn. M. \J Flinders. 8». [London,] (1814.) Naval Chronicle. Vol. xxxii. FLINK (GusT.) MineralogischeNotizen. 3Pt. illust. • U See STOCKHOLM. — KONOUGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- H AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xn, afd. II, no. 2 ; Bd. xill, afd. n, no. 7 ; Bd. xvi, afd. n, no. 4. 8'. 1886-91. Flink (G.) Ueber die Krystallform und Zwillings- L bildung des Skolecit von Island, pp. 29: 1 pi. . i. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till ... Handlingar. Bd. xin, afd. U, no. 8. 8°. 1888. D FLINT (CHARLES LEWIS) Grasses and Forage Plants. A practical treatise, &c. pp. S98 : text illwst. 8°. Boston, 1874 Originally limed in 1857 under the title :— " A practical treatise on Graam," * ^t** r 8°- Upsalice, 1853. [ p FLODERUS (By G. O .*) Bidrag till kannedomen om SalixHoran i sydvestra Jamtlands fjalltrakter. pp. 52. j__ See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till ... Handlingar. Bd. xvn, afd. m, no. 1. 8°. 1891 (1892). i FLODERUS (OscAR MATTS) Ueber amitotische Kerntheilung am Keimblaschen des Igeleies. pp. 12: • 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- ~ SKAPS - AKADEMIEN. Bihang till ... Handlingar. Bd. xxi, afd. rv, no. 2. 8°. 1895 (1896). Floderus (O. M.) Ueber die Bildung der Follikel- hiillen bei den Ascidien. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. 8°. Upsala, 1896. Zeitach. Wiaeennch. Zool. Bd. xi.i,;q>. 16S-t€0: 1 pi. FLODIN (LAURENTIU'S FREDERICKS) Platypezinte Bombylarii Svecise. Quorum descriptionem . . . sub- iicit L F. . Flodin. See FALLEN (C. F.) Diptera Svecise, &c. Vol. I. 4°. 1815. FLODSTEDT (OLAVUS WILHELMUS) Museum natura- lium Academise Upsaliensis. Cuius Append, xxvi . . . " proponit O. W. Flodstedt, &c. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1819.] FLOERICKE (CURT EHRENREICH) [1869-] Versuch •* einer Avifauna yon Preussich-Schlesien. i Teil. In- £— augural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 157. 8°. Marburg, 1892. Floericke (C. E.) Naturgeschichte der Deutschen ~2_ Sumpf- und Strandviigel. pp. xii, 406 : 15 pis. 8°. Mcujdeburg, 1897. FLOERKE (HEINRICH GUSTAV) [1764-1835] See KEPERTORIUM DES NEUESTEN . . . AUS DER GE- • 8AMMTEN NATURKUNDE . . . Herausgegeben von H. G. Florke, bd. m & iv. 8°. 1860-61. . / A* — [Another issue.] 2 Thl. 8°. Dorpat, 1860-61. "2_ FLORA, oder Allgemeine Botanische Zeitung. See RATISBON. — KOENIGLICH-BAYERISCHE BOTANISCHE o GESELLSCHAFT IN REGENSBURG. FLORA DOMESTICA . . . with directions for the rz treatment of Plants in pots, l- col- s'. London, 1831. FLORA FARMACEUTICA . . . seguendo la farma- copea Austriaca . . . coll' aggiunta della spiegazione T) d' alcuni termini usati dal . . . Sprengel nel suo systema E Vegetabilium, &c. 2 Pt. 8°. Pavia, 1826. FLORA MEDICA : containing coloured delineations of the various Medicinal Plants admitted into the . . . Pharmacopoeias ; with their natural history, botanical t) descriptions . . . &c. ; together with a concise Introduc- i tion to Botany ; a . . . Glossary of Botanical Terms ; and a List of Poisonous Plants, &c. Edited by a member of the Royal College of Physicians [i.e. G. Spratt], &c. 2 Vol. illust. col. 8°. London, 1829-30. ^FLORA Britain. 2 Pt. text illust. 4°. London [1825-51]. - This work wa> originally issued in small portiona with Mannd'a " Botanic Garden." 585 FLORE DES SERRES ET DES JARDINS DE L'EUROPE, . . . Ouvrage enrichi de notices . . . et r^digee par M. C. Lemaire . . . M. Scheidweiler . . . et M. L. van Houtte. Tom. l-X. 8°. Gand, 1845-55. {Continued as ;] Journal general d'Horticulture . . . sous la direc- tion de J. Decaisne . . . et de L. van Houtte. (2' Serie, * Tom. l-v.) Tom. XI-XV. 8°. Gand, 1856-65. Tom. xi-xin ara of the second edition. Tom. xiv ia " Grande edition." 6 [Continued as :] Annales gene1 rales d'Horticulture . . . L. van Houtte, editeur. Tom. xvi-xxm. 8°. Gand, 1865-83. FLORENCE.— Giardino di JHoboli. B [Attached to the Pitti Palace. It was laid out in 1550.] Catalogo delle Piante esistenti nell' Imperiale e Eeale Giardino di Boboli. pp. 47. 8°. Firenze, 1841. FLORENCE.— Giardino di Semplici. See infra, EEALE ISTITUTO DI STUDI SUPERIORI, &c. FLORENCE. — Hortus Ccesarus Florentines. See infra, EEALE ISTITUTO DI STUDI SUPERIORI, &c. FLORENCE.- Hoi-tus Regius Florentine. See infra, REALE ISTITUTO DI STUDI SUPEEIOEI, &c. FLORENCE.— Musee Royal de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle. See infra, REALE MUSEO DI FISICA E STORIA NATUEALE. FLORENCE. — Museo Imperiale di Fisica e Storia Naturale. See infra, REALE MUSEO DI FISICA E STORIA NATUEALE. FLORENCE.— Orto Botanico Florentine. [This Garden, popularly called the "Giardino di Semplici," now attached to the Reale latituto di Studi Superior!, was founded c. 1570, and trans- ferred in 1718 to the Societa Botanica Fioreutina. In 1783 it passed to the care of the Accademia di Georgofili, with which the Societa amalga- mated. Some time prior to 1847 it passed to the Hospital of Sta. Maria Nuova, and finally to the R. Istituto, nominally in 1859, really in 1881.] See infra, REALE ISTITUTO DI STUDI SUPERIORI, &c. FLORENCE. Accademia del Cimeiito. / [Founded 1657,] Saggi di naturali Esperienze fatte nell' Accademia . . . 'iO . A . I e descritte dal Segretario [L. Magalotti], &c. pp. [xii,] \ cclxix [10] : 76 pis. fol. Firenze, 1667. ' The initial letters are all wood-engravings, the tail-pieces copper-plate. Terza edizione Fiorentina preceduta da notizie i_ storiche dell' Accademia stessa [by V. Antinori] e ., sequitata da alcune aggiunte [edited by G. Gazzeri]. ' • 2- pp. iss, 183, xc : 32 pis. 4°. Firenze, 1841. A presentation copy to Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte. Issued as Vol. in of the " Atti Scienziati Italiani" [g.i>.] Florence.— Accademia del Cimeiito. Essais d'Experiences Physiques . . . Revue par M. Lavirotte. See COLLECTION ACADEMIQUE, &c. Partie Etrangere. Tom. i. ^~ 4°. 1755. FLORENCE. Reale Istituto di Studi Superior! pratici e di perfezionamento. [Eetmded 1349.] - PubblicazioniZtel . . . Istituto . .x^Sezione di Sciejize fisiche e nafarali. No. l-> ^r 8°. Firenze, 1877-> A series opfeparately-paged Memojjw; s relating to NaturalHistory are in the Library. j'AROiONl-TozzETTi(A.) Zoologia del Viaggio intorno al globo della . . ;>tagenta durantegli aunt 1865-68.— Cros- tacei brachiurf'e anomouri. pp. xxix, %57 : 13 pis. 1877. Onl, No [2.] CAVANN4^(G7) Studi e ricerche »oi Picnogonidi. Parte primj^f Anatomia e biologui.— Descrizione di alcuni Batraci Anuri polimeliani lolimelia. pp. 38: 3 pis. considerazioni intorno alia 1877. pulinielia. :i>i>. ;13 : 3 pis. [5.] CAVANNA (G.) Angora sulla polimella nei Batraci Anuri. — Sopra alcuni viseeri del Gallo cedTone(Tetraouroyanus, Linn.) pp. 2QS2 pis. 1879. [8.] PARLATORE(F.) Tavole per una " Anatomia delle Piaute Aquaticl^' during the voyage] See MEYEN (F. J. F. VON) Reise urn die Erde . . . 1830-32, Ac. [Thl. iv.] 4°. 1843. FLOURENS (MARIE JEAN PIERRE) [1794-1867] Analyse de la Philosophic anatomique, Ac. pp. 28. 8°. Paris, 1819. Flourens (M. J. P.) Dictionnaire classique d'Histoire Naturelle, par Messieurs Audouin . . . Flourens, Ac. Vol. i-x. See BOKY DE SAINT-VINCENT (J. B. G. M.) Baron. 8". 1822-26. L- Flourens (M. J. P.) See DICTIONARIES. Dictionnaire •T des Sciences naturelles, Ac. Tom. XXXI-LX. 8°. 1824-30. Flourens (M. J. P.) Dictionnaire universe! d'Histoire I Naturelle . . . par MM. Arago . . . Flourens, Ac. 16 Vol. See ORBIGNY (A. C. V. D. D'). 8°. [1839-] 1 849. — [Another issue.] 8°. 1861. Flourens (M. J. P.) Analyse raisonne'e des Travaux de O. Cuvier, pre'cede'e de son Eloge historique. pp. 887. 12°. Pans, 1841. [Another edition entitled :] Cuvier. Histoire de Mi Travaux . . . Seconde edition, Ac. pp. [vi,] 32^. 12°. Paris, 1845. Floureus (M. J. P.) [De 1'Instinct et de 1'Intelligence des Animaux, Ac. 12°. Paris, 1841.] Z- Wanting. Quatrieme edition, Ac. pp. 331. 12°. Paris, 1861. ~2_ Flourens (M. J. P.) Eloge historique de P. de Can- dolle. pp. 48. 4°. Paris, 1842. ~2. Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. xix, 1846. Floureus (M. J. P.) Memoires d'Anatomie et de Physiologic comparees, contenant des recherches sur 1° les lois de la syme'trie dans le Regne Animal ; 2° le luecanisme de la rumination ; 3° le mecanisme de la respiration des Poissons ; 4° et les rapports des ex- tremites ant6rieures et posterieures dans 1'Homme, les Q uadrupedes et les Oiseaux, Ac. pp. viii, 101: 8 pis. (col.) 4°. Paris A Londres, 1844. Floureus (M. J. P.) Buffon. Histoire de ses Travaux ~7 et de ses Idees. pp. [vi,] 3G7. 12°. Paris, 1844. Floureus (M. J. P.) Theorie experimentalo de la -7 formation des Os. pp. viii, 1G4 : 7 pis. 8". Paris, 1847. *— Flourens (M. J. P.) Eloge historique d'E. Geoffroy i Saint-Hilaire. pj). Ixxi. 4°. [Paris, 1853.] I— M.'iu. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. \ MM. Floureus (M. J. P.) CEuvres completes de Buffon . . . Revues sur 1'edition in 4° . . . et annotee par M. 7 Flourens. 12 Tom. See BUFFON (G. L. L.) Count. 4°. [1853-57.] Flourens (M. J. P.) Des Manuscrits de Buffon, Ac. __ pp. xcv, 298 : 9 reproductions of original MSS. 12°. Paris, 1860. Floureus (M. J. P.) Eloge historique du B°" L. de Buch. pp. xlviii. 4°. Paris, 18C2. M.-ni. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. xxvi. Flourens (M. J. P.) De 1'unite de composition et du debat entre Cuvier et Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. mi. r/'i, 167. 12°. Pans, 1865. Floureus (M. J. P.) Memoir of Blumenbach. See AN- THROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Publications, Ac. The Anthropological Treatises of J. F. Blumenbach, Ac. 8°. 1865. FLOWER (THOMAS BRUGES) [1817-1899] Flora Thanetensis : or, a catalogue of the Plants indigenous to the Isle of Thanet. pp. vi, 83. 8°. Ramsgate, 1847. FLOWER (Sir WILLIAM HENRY) K.C.B. [1831-1899] [Diagrams of the Nerves of the Human Body, exhibiting their origin, divisions and connections, Ac. fol. LondMi, 1861.] Wanting. Third edition, pp. 10 : 6 pis. 4°. London, 1881. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. Notes on the Skeletons of Whales in the principal Museums of Holland and Belgium, with descriptions of two species apparently new to Science, pp.38 : text Must. 8°. [London, 1864.] Proc. Zool. 8oc. 1864. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. Recent memoirs on the Cetacea by ... Eschricht, Reinhardt and Lilljeborg. Edited [with a preface and notes] by W. H. Flower. See RAY SOCIETY. 4°. 1866. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. An Introduction to the Osteology of the Mammalia, Ac. pp. xi, 344 •' text it lust. 8°. London, 1870. Second edition, Ac. pp. xi, , L^ C Z- z E> 2 Z z ' tejct 8». London, 1876. G Z- Third edition, revised with the assistance of H. Gadow. pp. xi, 382: text Must. 8°. London, 1885. 587 ^l Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. Introductory Lecture to the course of Comparative Anatomy, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, &c. pp. 43: text illust. 8°. London, 1870. Flower (Sir W. H ) K.C.B. The extinct Animals of ^2 North America, pp. 23 : text Must. 8°. [London, 1876.] Proc. Roy. Inst. Gt. Brit. Vol. vin, 1879. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. The Native Races of the Pacific Ocean, pp. 51. 8°. [London, 1878.] Proc. Roy. Inst. Gt. Brit. Vol. vin, 1879. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. The Aborigines of Tas- mania : an extinct race. A lecture delivered . . . 1878. See SCIENCE LECTURES, &c. Series X, no. 3. 8". [1878.] I, [Another edition.] 8°. 1883. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. On the osteology and T? affinities of the Natives of the Andaman Islands. pp. 28, 1 tab. : 4 pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1879. Journ. Anthrop. Inst. Vol. ix. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. Catalogue of the specimens ft illustrating the Osteology and Dentition of Vertebrated Animals, recent and extinct, contained in the Museum 1 of the ... College . . . Pt. I. Man (— Pt. n. Mam- malia). See ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENG- LAND. 8°. 1879-84. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. Fashion in Deformity. A -^ discourse, &c. pp. 22 : text illust. 8°. [London, 1880.] Proc. Hoy. Inst. Gt. Britain. Vol. IX, 1882. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. Fashion in Deformity as illustrated in the customs of barbarous & civilised races, &c. pp. xi, 85: text Must. 8". London, 1881. Nature Series. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. On Whales, past and Z. present, and their probable origin, pp. 17. Proc. Roy. Inst. Gt. Brit. Vol. x, 1884. 8°. [London, 1883.] Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. Recent advances in Natural Z- Science in their relation to the Christian Faith, pp. 8. 8°. London [1883]. Rept. Church Congr. 1883. Q Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. List of the specimens of Cetacea in the . . . British Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1885. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. Preparation of Skeletons of Animals. See ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Hints to Travellers . . . Sixth edition, &c. Sect. vin. 8°. 1889. J_ Seventh edition. 8°. 1893. I— Eighth edition, &c. 8°. 1901. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. Address [on Museums and L their management], pp. 22. 8°. London, 1889. Report British Assoc. 1889(1890). Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. The Horse : a study in ^ natural history, pp. xvi, 196 : 1 pi., text Must. 8°. London, 1891. . Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. Reminiscences of Professor A L Huxley. [8°. Boston & New York, 1895.] North American Review. Sept. 1895, pp. 370-288. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. Essays on Museums and I other subjects connected with Natural History, pp. xv, ~ 394 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. London & New York, 1898. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. [For official reports as Conservator to the Museum] See ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. [For official publications as Director] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Flower (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. & Lydekker (R.) An - introduction to the study of Mammals living and (^ extinct, pp. xvi, 763 : text illust. 8°. London, 1891. _ FLOWERS. Popular Flowers : their cultivation, propagation, and general treatment in all seasons. With lists of choice and favourite varieties [First Series, J edited by R. Tyas], &c. pp. x, 143 [28] : 12 pis. col., ' text illust. 8°. London, 1843. [Another edition.] 8°. London, 1844. j^ Differs from the preceding only in having a new title-page and a fresh set of plates. Second series, pp. 122 [18] : 11 }>ls. col. 8°. London & Edinburgh, 1844. D Flowers. Ocean Flowers and their teachings, &c. r> pp. iv, 146 : 38 foil, of mounted sp. 4°. Bath, &c., 1846. O The introduction to Pt. in. Zoophytes, is signed M. M. H. FLOYD (EDWARD) See LHUYD. FLUECKIGER (FRIEDRICH AUGUST) [1828-1894] ,>, Lehrbuch der Pharmacognosie des Pflanzenreiches, &c. J5 pp. xxviii, 748. 8°. Berlin, 1867. Zweite Auflage. pp. x, xvi, 1049. 3 Lief, [in 2 & Vol.] 8°. Berlin, (1881-) 1883. IS Flueckiger (F. A.) An Easter Holiday in Liguria : with an account of the Garden of the Palazzo Orengo & at Mortola. pp. 45. 8°. [ ] 1877. Translated from " Buchner's Repertoriura fiir Pharmacie," Vol. xxv. (Miinchen, 1876.) Flueckiger (F. A.) Die Chinarinden. In pharma- kognostischer Hinsicht dargestellt. pp. 79 : 8 pis. & 8°. Berlin, 1883. Flueckiger (F. A.) La Mortola. A short description of the garden of T. Hanbury . . . Translated from the g German by Miss H. P. Sharpe. pp. 20 : 3 pis. 8°. Edinburgh, 1885. Privately printed. Flueckiger (F. A.) & Hanbury (D.) Pharma- cographia. A History of the Principal Drugs of ^ vegetable origin, met with in Great Britain and British India, pp. xv, 704. 8°- London, 1874. Second edition, pp. xx, 803. 8°. London, 1879. > Flueckiger (F. A.) & Hanbury (D.) Histoire des Drogues d'origine vegetale . . . traduction de 1'ouvrage p., Anglais " Pharmacographia " augmentee . . . par ,T. L. j£ de Lanessan . . . avec une preface par H. Baillon, &c. 2 Tom. illust. 8°. Paris, 1878. Flueckiger (F. A.) & Tschirch (W. O. A.) Grund- lagen der Pharmacognosie. Einleitung in das Studium der Rohstoffe des Pflanzenreiches . . . Zweite . . . Auflage, &c. pp. viii, 257 : text Must. 8°. Berlin, 1885. The first edition, by Fluckiger alone, appeared in 1873, under the title of : — "Grandlagen der pharnmcentischen WaarenkTinde." PLUEGEL (FELIX ALFRED) [1820-] Praktisches Worterbuch der Englischen und Deutschen Sprache, &c. kj —A practical Dictionary of the English and German Languages . . . Third edition. ENG.-GERM. & GERM.- ENG. 2 Vol. 8°. Leipzig, 1870. • Eleventh edition. 2 Vol. Twelfth edition. 2 Vol. 8°. Leipzig, 1874. 8°. Leipzig, 1877. Fluegel (F. A.) A universal English-German and German-English Dictionary . . . Fourth . . . edition . . . Second . . . reprint. Pt. i. ENG.-GERM. 2 Vol. Pt. U. GERM.-ENG. 1 Vol. 8°. Brunswick, &c., 1894 588 6 FLUEGEL (JOHANN GOTTFRIED) [1788-1855] A complete Dictionary of the English and German and German and English languages . . . Third edition.— Vollstandiges Englisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Eng- lisrhes Worterbuch (Theil n. Deutsch und Englisch . . . bearbeitet von ... N. N. W. Meissner), &c. 2 Thl. 8°. Leipsic, 1847. Printed in donbl« column. r> [London edition entitled :] Fliigel's . . . Dictionary of the German and English Languages, in two parts . . . adapted ... by C. A. Feiling ... A. Heimann . . . and J. Oxenford . . . New edition, etc. 8°. London [1857]. FLUEGEL (OTTO) [1842-] Das Seelenleben der Tierc. pp. 135. 8°. Langentalza, 1884. FLUEGGE (CARL) [1847-] Die Mikroorganismen. Mil besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Aetiologie der Infectionskrankheiten . . . Zweite . . . Auflage der " Fermente und Microparasiten." pp. xviii, 692 : text Must. 8°. Leipzig, 1886. The " Ferment* nnd Microparaait«n," which formed part of the " Hand- bnch der specielten Pathologic," edited by H. von Ziemwen, appeared in 1883. t? FLUEGGE (JOHANN) [1775-1816] Graminum Mono- graphiae. Pt. i.t pp. 224. 8°. Hamburgi, 1810. i FLY, H.M.S. Narrative of the ... Voyage of H.M.S. Fly... during ... 1842-46, \ 6 r 'S. FOCKE (HERMANN) DieQuarzporphyredescentralen .*' Thiiringerwaldes. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 59. r\ 8°. Jena, 1881. FOCKE (\V 1 1. HELM OLBERS) Synopsis Kuborum Ger- mania\ Die Deutschen Brombeerarten ausfiihrlich ^ beschrieben und erlautert. pp. v, 4S4- 8°. Bremen, 1877. Focke (W. O.) Die Pflanzen-Mischlinge, ein Beitrag 'g, zur Biologie der Gewachse. pp.iv,569. K". Berlin, 1881. Focke^tW. J0C) [FoXaescriptions of many families ofPlants^S^e ENGJJER (H. G.ASf& PKAijzti (K. A. Die natiirlichen PHanzenfainilien, of the Arctic Regions.] See BREMEN.— GEOGRAPHISCHE OESELLSCHAFT. Die zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt \- in . . . 1869 und 1870, &c. Bd. n. 8°. 1874. Focke (W. O.) & others. Flora Bremensis, &c. [By p W. O. Focke and others.] See BREMEN. 8°. 1855. *-> FOCKENS (LUDWIG EMIL) Ueber die Luftwurzeln £ der Gewachse. Inaugural Dissertation, &c. pp. [iv ,] 84 : 0 4 pis. 8°. Gottingen, 1857. ' FOCKEU (H.) Recherches anatomiques sur les Galles. fttude de quelques Dipteroce'cidies et Acaroce"cidies. fa )>p. 162 : 12 pis. 8°. Paris, 1896. FOERDER (RUDOLF VON BENNIGSEN) See BENNIGSEN-FOERDER (R. VON) FOERSTE (Auo. F.) Notes on Illaeni. See MINNE- ^ SOTA, State of. — Geological and Natural History Survey. ** Annual Reports, &c. No. 15. ' 8°. 1887. Foerste (A. F.) Geology of the Narragansett Basin. Pt. in. The Carboniferous Strata of the southwestern (Z. portion of the Basin, with an account of the Cambrian Deposits. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Monographs, &c. Vol. xxxin. 4°. 1899. FOERSTER (ARNOLD) [1810-1884] Beitrage zur ^ Monographic der Pteromalinen, Nees. Hft. I. pp. 47: fe 1 pi. 4°. Aachen, 1841. Printed in double column. Foerster (A.) Hymenopterologische Studien. 2 Hft. C [in 1 Vol.] 4°. Aachen, 1850-56. c i. Formicaries. li. Chalcidiie und Proctotrnpii. Foerster (A.) Monographic der Gattung Pezomachus „- (Grv.) pp.244- 8°. Berlin, 1851. Foerster (A.) Synoptische Uebersicht der Familien und Gattungen in den beiden Gruppen der Cbalcidise, t^ Spin., und Proctotrupii, Latr. pp. 28. 4°. Aachen, 1856. Jabreeb. Hohere Burgerschule Aachen. 1855-56. Foerster (A.) Ein Tag in den Hoch-Alpen. pp. xliv. -? 4". Aachen, 1861. *- Programm Realscbule Aachen. 1860-41. Foerster (A.) Ueber den systematischen Werth des _- Fliigelgeaders bei den Hymenopteren. pp. 32: 1 pi. C- 4°. Aachen, 1877. Foerster (A.) Flora Excursoria des Regierungsbezirkes Aachen, sowie der angrenzenden Gebiete der Belgischen K und Holliindischen Provinz Limburg Phanerogamen und Gefasskryptogamen. Nebst Uebersicht der geog- nostischen, der oro- und hydrographischen Verhaltnisse dieses Florengebietes. pp. xxx, 468- 8°- Aachen, 1878. Uber die Polymorphic der Gattung 1 Foerster (A.) Rubm. pp. 28. 8°. Aachen, 1880. FOERSTER (BRix) Deutsch-Ostafrika. Geographic und Geschichte der Colonie. pp. xii, 204 •' 1 ? Cacteerikunde in ihrem ganzen Umfange, &c. pp. xii, 548. 8°. Leipzig, 1846. £, [Another edition entitled :] C. F. Forster's Hand- buch der Cacteenkunde von T. Riimpler . . . Zweite . . . Auflage. Bd. i.t pp. xv, 1029 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, (1885-) 1886. p FOERSTER (J. B.) Die Laubmoosflora von Oester- reich-Ungarn. Handschriftlicher Nachlass J. Juratzka's . . . Zusammengestellt von J. Breidler und J. B. Forster, &c. See JURATZKA (J.) 8°. 1882. FOETTERLE (FRANZ) [1823-1876] Die geologische Q. Uebersichtskarte des mittleren Theiles von Siid- America . . . Mit einem Vorwort von W. Haidinger. pp. 22 : 1 map geol. col. 8°. Wien, 1854. Foetterle (F.) Geologische Karte des Konigreiches Bohmen, &c. Massstab 1 : 750,000 [i.e. 1 in. = llf m. about]. See BOHEMIA. [Maps} 2 sh. 1857, 58. Foetterle (F.) Geologische Karte des Erzherzogthumes Osterreich ob der Enns, &c. Massstab 1 : 750,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 11 J m. about]. See AUSTRIA, Archduchy of. [Maps.} I860. Foetterle (F.) Geologische Karte des Erzherzogthumes Osterreich unter der Enns, &c. Massstab 1 : 750,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 11 j m. about]. See AUSTRIA, Archduchy of. [Maps} I860. Foetterle (F.) Geologische Karte der Markgrafschaft Miihren und des Herzogthums Schlesien, &c. [Scale 1 in. = 4j m. about.] See BRUNN. — WERNER VEREIN ZUR GEOLOGISCHEN DURCHFORSCHUNG VON MAEHREN UND SCHLESIEN. 1866. Foetterle (F.) Uebersichts-Karte des Vorkommens der Production und Circulation des mineralischen Brenn- stoffes in der Oesterreichischen Monarchic im . . . 1868, &c. [Scale 1 in. = 21 m. about] See AUSTRIA- HUNGARY. — Kaiserlich-Koenigliche Geologische Reichs- anstalt. 1868 [1869?]. FOGELIUS (MARTINUS) [1632-1675] Adnotationes generales ( — speciales) quae prsefatioms loco sunt ad J. Jungii Doxoscopias physicas minores (de Plantis). See JUNG (J.) I. Jungii . . . Isagoge Phytoscopica, &c. 4°. [1678 1] FOGGO (GEORGE) [1793-1869] Adventures of Sir J. Brooke . . . Rajah of Sarawak . . . showing the means employed ... in subjecting . . . the most ancient Manomedan dynasty in the East, &c. pp. 46. 8°. London, 1853. FOGH (CARL JOHAN) [1824-] Geognostiske Skizzer fra M0en. pp. ii, 50 : text illust. 8°. Kj^benhavn [1857]. Indbydelsesskrift Metropolitanskolen. FOGLIA (PETRUS) [c. 1517-1591] See MATTHJSUS A S. JOSEPH. FOHMANN (VINCENT) [1794-1837] Das Saugader- system der Wirbelthiere . . . Erstes Heft. Das Saugader- system der Fische.t pp. vii, 46 : 18 pis. fol. Heidelberg & Leipzig, 1827. FOL (HERMANN) [1845-1892] Ein Beitrag zur Ana- tomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte einiger Rippen- quallen. Inaugural Dissertation, pp. [iv,] 12: 4 pis. 4°. Berlin, 1869. •2. -2 Fol (H.) Sur le Sticholonche zanclea et un nouvel ordre de Rhizopodes. pp. 35 : 1 pi. See GENEVA. — g. , ^ INSTITUT NATIONAL GENEVOIS. Memoires, &c. Tom. xv. 4°. 1883. Fol (H.) Lehrbuch der vergleichenden mikroskopischen —^ Anatomie mit Einschluss der vergleichenden Histologie *— und Histogenie. pp. 452 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, [1884-] 1896. Fol (H.) Zoologie generate. Lemons donn6es a 1'Uni- versite de Geneve pendant le sernestre d'hiver 1882-83 par . . . H. Fol . . . recueillies et 6crites avec 1'aide ^~ des notes du professeur par un auditeur du Cours. I. Livraison. pp. 72: 2 pis. fol. Geneve, 1884. Lithographed MS. Fol (H.) See RECUEIL ZOOLOGIQUE SUISSE . . . publie --> sous la direction du . . . H. Fol, &c. Tom. i-iv. 8°. 1884-88. Fol (H.) Les Microbes. Resume de deux Conferences donnees k 1'AuIa de l'Universit6 de Geneve en ... 1885, R &c. pp. [iv,]54: 5 pis. 4°. Geneve, 1885. FOLIN (ALEXANDRA GUILLAUME LEOPOLD DE) Mar- quess [1818-] Les Meleagrinicoles. Especes nouvelles. •? pp. 74: 6 pis. 8°. Havre, 1867. Folin (A. G. L. DE) Marquess. Faune lacustre de 1'ancien lac d'Ossegor. pp. 16 : 2 pis. 8°. (Dax, 1879.) Folin (A. G. L. DE) Marquess. Mollusques des lies Andaman. (Premiere Serie.) pp.19. 8°. Bordeaux, 1879. Foliu (A. G. L. DE) Marquess. Report on the Csecidse /" collected by H.M.S. Challenger during . . . 1873-76. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Challenger Ex- pedition. Report, &c. Zoology. (Pt. XLII, Appendix B.) Z.- ' Vol. xv. 4°. 1886. Folin (A. G. L. DE) Marquess ct Fe"rier (L.) Les Fonds de la Mer. Etude Internationale sur les particu- larites nouvelles des regions sous marines, &c. Tom. I. ~Z— pp. 316: 22 pis. 8°. Paris, 1867-71. Wanting Plates xxiii-xxxii, and Vol. n & in. The work was originally issued at Bordeaux and ascribed to "MM. Bercbon, de Folin ifc Perier." FOLKARD (HENRY COLEMAN) [1827-] The Wild- Fowler, a treatise on fowling, ancient and modern, _ descriptive also of decoys and flight ponds . . . Third ^-~ edition, pp. xviii, 386 : 12 pis., text illust., engr. title. 8°. London, 1875. The first edition appeared in 1859. FOLKARD (HENRY TENNYSON) Index catalogue of /_ books and papers relating to Mining, Metallurgy and Manufactures, &c. See WIGAN. — Wigan Free Public Library. 8°. 1880. FOLKARD (RICHARD) Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics. Embracing the myths, traditions, superstitions, R and folk-lore of the Plant kingdom, pp. xxiv, 610 : 6 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1884. FOLKERSM A ( W.) Genees- en Natuurkundige Ver- handeling van de Hedera arborea of Klimop. pp. 63 D 8°. Leeuwarden, 1802. FOLKESTONE NATURAL HISTORT SO- CIETY. [Founded 1868.] The Quarterly Journal, &c. No. 1-4. t 8°. Folkestone, 1868-69. \_ 5. Q 6 Folkestone Natural History Society. Annual Report, &c. No. in & iv. 8°. Folkestone, 1871 (-72). / Folkestone Natural History Society. Proceedings, &c. Ser. I-> 8°. Folkestone [1884]. ^ <• „-? Folkestone Natural History Society. A list of Macro-Lepidoptera occurring in the neighbour- hood of Folkestone. See KNAGGS (H. G.) 8°. 1870. £ 590 . 8 FOLLMANN (Oiro) lTeber die unterdevonischen Schichten bei Coblenz. pp. 38 : text illvst. 4°. Coblenz, 1891. Progr. K. Gymnasiums »u Coblenz. Follmaun (O.) Die Eifel. pp. 88: text illmt. See STUTTGART.— CENTRALKOMMISSION FUER WISSEN- SOHAFTLICHE LANDE8KUNDE VON DEUTSCHLAND. Forschungen, 8". [Paris, 1803.] & Mem. Soc. Mod. Eimil. Paris. Tom. v, 1808, pp. 615-»8. FONTANEY (JEAN DE) [1685-1720] Reise von Pe L- king nach Kyang chew, in der Provinz Shan si, und ~jo . von dar nacn Nan king . . . 1688. — Reise . . . von Q Siam nach China (1686). See ARKSTEE ( ) & MEH- * KUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. v f\ & x. 4°. 1749, 52. FONTANIEU (PIERRE ELISABETH) [e.l 730-1784] . L'art de faire les Cristaux colons imitans les pierres precieuses. pp. iv, 39, 1 tab. : 1 pi. 8°. Paris, 1778. FONTANNES (CHARLES FRANCISQUE) [1839-1886] Etudes stratigraphiques et paleontologiques pour servir Q. a 1'histoire de la periode Tertiaire dans le bassin du Rh6ne ( . . . complete par ... C. Deperet). 10 Pt. 8°. Lyon, Geneve & Paris, 1875-92. I. Le vallon de la Fuly et les sables a Buccins des environs d'Heyrien, Isere. pp. 69 : 1! pi*. Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon. 8ES SCIENCES -€floLOo IQUES, • 8°. London, 1886-» .'.nun. Linn. Hoc. Botany. Vol. xxm, xxvi, from the Bay of Menado, • Celebes. By S. O. Ridley ... and J. J. Quelch. \fij vi. Prodronms Flora Timorensis. Polypetala!, by J. Britten. Gamopetalte, by W. Fawcett. Apetalw, by W. Fawcett. Moaocotyledones, by H. N. Ridley. Filicea, by W. Carrntbers. Second edition. 8°. London, 1885. g, Differs from the preceding solely in the title-page. Forbes (H. O.) A hand-book to the Primates. 2 Vol. _ illust. 8°. London, 1894. /_ Allen's Naturalist's Library. Forbes (H. O.) The Vertebrate Fauna of the Liver- pool district. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, &c. Hand- book to Liverpool, H. G. Bohn, &c. See GORDON (G.) A.L.S. The" Pinetum, / FORD (A.) See NATURALISTS' JOURNAL, THE . . . Edited by A. Ford, &c. Vol. n-rv. 8°. 1894-95. FORD (CHARLES) Index of Chinese Plants in Journal of Botany Vol. i-xvm [by C. Ford]. See JOURNAL OF BOTANY. 8°. 1883. Ford (C.) [For official reports as Superintendent] See HONGKONG. — Botanical and Afforestation Depart- ment. FORD (L^ETITIA) See JERMYN afterwards FORD. FORDE (HELENA) Mrs. The Mammals of Australia, illustrated by ... Mrs. H. Forde, &c. See KREFFT ~Z, (J. L. G.) fol. 1871. Forde (H.) Mrs. Australian Lepidoptera, with their r transformations . . . edited and revised by ... H. Forde. fc- Vol. n. See SCOTT (A. W.) fol. 1890-98. FORDTCE (GEORGE) [1736-1802] Elements of Agri- culture and Vegetation . . . Fourth edition, pp. 112. 8°. London, 1789. The first edition appeared in 1765. FOREL (ALEXIS) & others. Memoire sur quelques ^ Insectes qui nuisent a la Vigne dans le Canton de Vaud. pp. 44 : 1 pi. col. See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERI- S- ' 7 < SCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denkschriften, &c. Tom. v. 4°. 1841. FOREL (AUGUSTE HENRI) [1848-] Les Fourmis de L_ la Suisse, &c. pp. 462, v : 2 pis. See ALLGEMEINE <- SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denk- schriften, &c. Tom. xxvi. 4°. 1874. Forel (AUGUSTE H.) Histoire naturelle des Hyme"no- pteres. Pt. II. Les Formicides. See GRANDIDIER (A.) ~2L. Histoire physique . . . de Madagascar. Vol. xx. 4°. 1891. Forel (AuousTE H.) Die Nester der Ameisen. pp. 36[l] : [__ 2 pis. (1 col.) See ZURICH. — NATURFORSCHENDE GE- <. __, __ SELLSCHAFT. Neujahrsblatt, . ./-///, 0y .•>'.s'.s'.- .:/.•;., / ,,,'i/i. 4°. London, 1779. De Vegetatione n 4°. Lwulae, 1820. l FORSANDER (JOANNES) [1795-1866] Aplmrismi Botanici . . . p.p. J. Forsander, Ac. It. i. See AUARDH Q (C. A.) 8». 1817. Forsander (J.) & Meurliug (I1.) Scania; dissertatio, Ac. pp. Id. FORSBERG (CARL PEHR) [1793-1832] Dissertatio « botanica de Cinchona, en jus partcm pnorem . . . p.p. I C. P. Forsberg, Ac. See. THUNBERO (C. P.) 4°. [1811.] Forsberg (C. P.) Dissertationem Pharmacologicam de _ Chinchona. P. n. . . . Prseside C. P. Thunberg . . . D submittit . . . auctor C. P. Forsberg, Ac. pp. 12. 4°. Upsalice [1816]. Forsberg (C. P.) & Arenander (J. P.) De Cam- -P panulis Svecanis dissertatio, &c. pp. [iv,l 9. 4°. Upsalia:, 1829. FORSCHUNGEN ZUR DEUTSCHEN LANDES- UND VOLKSKUNDE. See STUTTGART. — CENTRALKOMMISSION FUER WISSEN- SCHAFTLICHE LANDESKUNDE VON DEUTSCHLAND. FORSELLES (JACOB HENDRIK AF) [1785-1855] See AFHANDLINGAR i FYSIK, KEMI OCH MINERALOGI. ^ Utgifne af . . . J. af Forselles. Del. rv-vi. 8°. 1815-18. FORSGARD (SvENo) Hygrophori Suecias, quorum & descriptiones . . . p.p. S. Forsgard . . . Pars prior. 5 See FRIES (E. M.) 8°. 1851. Also issued as part of Fries' " Honographia Hymenomycetum Suecias," FORSKAEL (J. G.) See FORSSKAHL. FORSKAL (PEHR) [1736-1763] Descriptiones Ani- malium Avium, Amphibiorum, Piscium, Insectorum, "T Vermium ; quse in itinere Orientali observavit P. For- -* skal . . . post mortem auctoris edidit C. Niebuhr. *• Adjuncta est materia medica Kahirina atque tabula/./,* Maris Rubri geographies, pp. 104 •' 1 "map. 4°. Hauniee, 1775. Forskal (P.) Flora ^Egyptiaco-Arabica, sive descrip- ^ tiones Plantarum, quas per JEgjrptum inferiorem et £ Arabian! Felicem detexit, illustravit P. Forskal. Post ^. mortem edidit C. Niebuhr. Accedit tabula Arabiae Felicis Geographico-Botanicn. pp. 32, cxxvi, 219: I map. 4°. Ifauniee, 1775. 1. Florala Littoris Galliw ad Estac, i>rope Massiliam. Accedit Florala Inanlaa Malt&e. 2. Flora Constantinopolitana Littoris ad Dardanelles et Insulanim Tenedos, Imroe, Hhodi. 8. Flora /Egj-ptiaca : sive CUdogu riantniiim systematicua ^Egypti inferioris: Alexandriw, Rosettm, Knhirw, Sues. 4. Flora Arabico- Yemen, sive Catalogus Plantarum Arabiw Felicis systematicns. 5. Deacriptiones Pluntaram Flora) ^gyptiaco-Arabioe (Cent. l-vlll.) Forskal (P.) Icones rerum naturalium quas in o itinere Orientali depingi curavit P. Forskal . . . edidit - C. Niebuhr. pj). 15 : 43 i>h- 4°. ffmumt, 1776. 7 [Another edition.] pp. 12 : 43 pis. col. fol. Haunive, 1776. This is the Atlas to both the "Descriptiones Animallum" and the 1 " Flora ^gyptiaco-Arabica " of the same author. Forskal (P.) Symbolic Botanicce. sive Plantarum . . . quas in itinere inpriniis Orientali collegit P. Forskftl . exactiores descriptiones, Ac. See VAHL (M. H.) -p fol. 1790-94. 5 FORSSAHL (J. G.) See FORSSKAHL. 595 kr FOBSSANDEB (MAGNUS ERICH**) Dissertatio gradualis sistens momenta nonnulla de Genere in Mistoria Naturali . . . Sub prsesidio . . . A. J. Retzii u . . . Submittit auctor M. E. Forssander, &c. pp. 16. (<4_~) 4°. Londini Gothorum [1799]. . FOBSSELL (KARL BROR JACOB) [1856-1898] Studier ofver Cephalodierna, &c. pp. 112: 2 pis. col. L See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. vin, no. 3. 8°. 1883. Forssell (K. B. J.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Anatomie und Systematik der Glceolichenen. pp. 118. See UPSALA.— KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Nova Acta, &c. Ser. Ill, vol. xm, no. 6. 4°. 1885 (1887). Forssell (K. B. J.) Om Skogslemmelns (Myodes achisticolor, Lilljeb.) upptradande i Sverige 1895. "2. See HULTH (J. M.) & others. Zoologiska Studier. Festskrift W. Lilljeborg, &c. 4°. 1896. FOBSSELL (NILS EDVARD) [1821-1883] Tabell ofver Skandinayiens grassliigten jemte diagnoser ofver Q arterna. En hjelpreda att pa egen hand till slagten och arter bestamma Sverges och Norges Gramineer. pp. 7. fol. Skara, 1867. FORSSELLES (JACOB HENRIK AF) [1785-1855] Saxorum characteres ex preesenti Mineralogies statu I— breviter exponendi periculum. .[pp. 29."] See UPSALA. — KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Nova Acta, &C. Ser. Ill, vol. I, no. 8. 4°. 1855. £ FOBSSKAHL (JONAS GUSTAV) Hospita Insectorum Flora, quam . . . subjicit J. G. Forsskahl, &c. See LIN- NAEUS (C.) 4°. [1752.] — [Another edition.] See LINNAEUS (C.) C. Linnsei . . . Amoenitates Academicse, &c. Vol. in. 8°. 1756. G t- B [Another issue.] [Editio secunda.] 8°. 1764. 8°. 1787. — [Another edition.] See LINNAEUS (C.) C. Linnsei Fundanientorum Botanicorum . . . Curante J. E. Gilibert. Tom. n. 8". 1786. Forssk&hl (J. G.) The Flora of Insects by J. G. ^ Forssahl [sic], &c. See LINNAEUS (C.) Select disserta- tions from the Amoenitates Academics, &c. Vol. i, no. vin. 8°. 1781. FOBSSTBOM (JOHANNES ERICUS) Museum natura- lium Academise Upsaliensis. Cujus Appendic. vi. . . . proponit J. E. Forsstrom, &c. See THDNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1798.] FOBSTBOTANISCHES INSTITUT ZU MUNCHEN. See MUNICH. 3 FOBSTEN (ELTIO ALEGONDUS) Dissertatio . . . inauguralis de Cedrela febrifuga. pp. 34 : 1 pi. 4°. [Lugduni Hatavorum,] 1836. FOBSTEB (EDWARD) [1765-1849] [Catalogus Avium in Insulis Britannicis habitantium. 8°. Londini, 1817.] Wanting. — [Another edition.] See FORSTER (T. I. M.) Ob- servations of the natural history of the Swallow tribe, &c. 8°. 1817. — [Another edition.] See FORSTER (T. I. M.) Ob- servations of the natural history of Swallows . . . Sixth edition, &c. 8°. 1817. FOBSTEB (FORTUNATUS) Fauna Ratisbonensis, oder Uebersicht der in der Gegend um Regensburg einheimischen Thiere. Von K. L. Koch . . . und (in. Animalia Mollusca. Bearbeitet von) F. Forster. See FUERNROHR (A. E.) Naturhistorische Topographic von Regensburg, &c. Bd. in. 8°. 1840. of Naiwal History II-IV. FOBSTEB (GEORGE) See FORSTER (J. G. A.) FOBSTEB (GUILIELMUS EMANUEL) Aristolochiam dissertatione inaugurali . . . Eruditorum examini G. E. Forster . . . sistit, &c. pp. 20. 4°. [Altdorf, 1719.] FOBSTEB (.JACOB) A catalogue of the . . . Museum -T'of Mr. J. Forster. 8°. London, 1808. FOBSTEB ( JOHANN GEORG ADAM) [1754-1794] A Voyage round the world in H ... M.S. Resolution, commanded by Capt. J. Cook, during . . . 1772-5. I — 2 Vol. Must. 4°. London, 1777. Forster (JOHANN G. A.) The Journal of a Voyage round the world ... by Capt. Cook, in H.M.S. the Resolution ... in which are contained all the . . . L remarks made by Mr. Forster, &c. See MOORE (J. H.) A ... collection of Voyages and Travels, &c. Vol. n. fol. [1780 ?] Forster (JOHANN G. A.) G. Forster . . . vom Brod- r-> baum. pp. 46 : 2 pis. 4°. [Cassel,] 1784. Also issued under the title :—" Geschichte und Beschreibung der Brod ba urns." Forster (JOHANN G. A.) Florulse Insularum Aus- tralium Prodromus. pp. 8, 103. 8°. Gottingce, 1786. ' Forster (JOHANN G. A.) G. Forster . . . De Plantis esculentis insularum Oceani Australis commentatio -p botanica, dec. pp. 80. 8°. Berolini, 1786. ForsterCJOHANN G. A.) A Journey from Bengal to England, through the northern part of India, Kash- I mire, Afghanistan, and Persia, and into Russia, by the L Caspian Sea, &c. 2 Vol. 4°. London, 1798. Forster (JOHANN G. A.) Extracts from . . . travels, concerning the northern parts of Persia. See PINKER- J TQJK^J.) A general collection of ... Voyages, &c. 'Vol. ix. 4°. 1811. Forster (JOHANN G. A.) [Original pencil and water- colour sketches of Plants made during Capt. Cook's r Second Voyage, 1772-75.] 2 Vol. fol. Unpublished outline engravings of some of these sketches are placed with them. Forster (JOHANN G. A.) & (J. R.) Characteres generum Plantarum, quas in itinere ad Insulas Maris R Australis, collegerunt . . . J. R. Forster et G. Forster. See FORSTER (J. R.) & (J. G. A.) 4°. 1776. Forster (JOHANN G. A.) & (J. R.) J. R. Forster's . . . und G. Forster's Beschreibungen der Gattungen von o Pflanzen auf einer Reise nach den Inseln der Siid-See *"', . . . aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt, &c. See FORSTER (J. R.) & (J. G. A.) 8°. 1779. FOBSTEB (JOHANN REINHOLD) [1729-1798] A Cata- p logue of British Insects, pp. 16. 8°. Warrington, 1770. Printed in double column. Forster (JOHANN R.) A Catalogue of the Animals of North America ... To which are added short direc- tions for collecting, preserving, and transporting, all (- kinds of natural history curiosities, &c. pp. 43 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1771. [Reprint, edited, with a preface, by P. L. Sclater.] -* See WILLUGHBY SOCIETY, THE. Forster's Catalogue of the Animals of North America, or Faunula Ameri- cana, &c. 8°. 1882. Forster (JOHANN R.) Flora America? Septentrionalis, &c. pp. viii, 51. 8°. London, 1771, 10 .&^ ?: 596 M- i B Forster (JOHANN R.) Novae species Insectorum cen- £ turia I. pp. viii, 100. 4°. Londini, 1771. Forster (JOHANN R.) A Voyage to China and the East Indies . . . Translated from the German by J. R. Forster. To which are added a Faunula and Flora Jr. Sinensis. 2 Vol. See OSBECK (P.) 8°. 1771. Forster (JOHANN R.) A Voyage round the world . . . / By L. de Bougainville . . . Translated from the French fr- by J. R. Forster. See BOUGAINVILLE (L. A. DE). 4°. 1772. Forster (JoHANN R.) Observations made during a Voyage round the world (in H.M.S. Resolution) on Physical Geography, Natural History, &c. pp. iii, iv, 649. 4°. London, 1778. Forster (JOHANN R.) Letters on Iceland, Ac. [Trans- it lated from the German, with a preface, by J. R. Forster.] Set TROIL (U. VON). 8°. 1780. Forster (JOHANN R.) Indische Zoologie . . . Nebst einer kurzen vorlaufigen Abhandlung iiber den Umfang von Indien und die Beschaffenheit des Klima, des Bodens und des Meeres daselbst ( — Von den Paradies- vogeln und dem Phonix) und einem Anhange (Specimen Faunulse Indicae, auctore T. Pennant), darin ein kurzes Verzeichniss der Thiere in Indien mitgetheilt wird. Zoologia Indica, dec. pp. [viii,} iv, 4% •' 15 pis. fol. Halle, 1781. German and Latin in parallel columns. This work was based upon the first edition of Pennant's " Indian Zoology" [7-f.] The twelve plates therein published, with three unpub- lished ones, were given to Forster when he left England. To Pennant's text he gave a German translation, prefixed the description of India, and added the section on the Bird of Paradise and the Phoenix. These new portions were translated into English for the second edition of Pennant's work. Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. [viii,'] iv, [ii,] 42 (38) : 2- 15 pis. col. fol. Halle, 1795. This is a re-issue of the foregoing, with the addition of a revised edition of Latham and Davis' s " Faunula Indica," which appeared in the second edition of Pennant's " Indian Zoology " [g.v.] Forster (JOHANN R.) History of the Voyages and L Discoveries made in the North. Translated from the German, Ac. pp. xvi, 489. 4°. London, 1786. Forster (JOHANN R.) Enchiridion Historic Naturali /_ inserviens, quo termini et delineationes ad Avium, Piscium, Insectorum et Plantarum adumbrationes intelligendas et concinnandas, secundum methodum systematis Linnasani continentur. pp. [xvi,] %%4- 8°. Halce, 1788. The " editio altera " of 1794 is a reset of this one, and differs in some of the catch -words. Enchiridion Botanicas inserviens . . . Editio altera, Ac. pp. [tt,] 62. 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1792. A reprint of the botanical portion of the preceding. „_ Forster (JOHANN R.) An essay on India, its boundaries, climate, soil and sea. See PENNANT (T.) Indian >2 Zoology, second edition. 4". 1790 [1791]. Translated from the author's " Indische Zoologie " \q.v. supra]. -y Forster (JOHANN R.) B. Bergius iiber die Leckereyen. Aus dem Schwedischen mit Anmerkungen von J. R. Forster, Ac. 2 Thl. [in 1 Vol.] See BERGIUS (B.) 8°. 1792. Forster (JOHANN R.) Faunula Indica, id est Catalogus Animalium Indiae orientalis . . . secundis curis editus, correctus et auctus a J. R. Forster, Ac. See LATHAM (J.) & DAVIEB (H.) fol. 1795. Abo uraed with Forster's "Indische Zoologie . . . Zweite Auflage" (f .». supra). Forster (JoHANN R.) Descriptiones Animalium qua; in itinere ad Maris Australis Terras per annos 1772-74 ' suRcepto collegit, observavit et delineavit J. R. Forster, /- Ac. See BERLIN.— KOENIOLJCH-FBEUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DEB WIS8EN8CHAFTKN. 8°. 1844. Forster (JOHANN R.) Forster's Animals of Hudson's Ray. See WILLUOHBY SOCIETY, THE. 8°. 1882. "2 Reprinted from the " Phil. Trans.," Vol. LXII. Forster (JOHANN R.) Pflanzen auf einer Reise nach den Inseln der Sud-See $ gesarnmelt . . . aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt . . . " durch J. S. Kerner. pp. [xx,] 160 : 18 pis. 8°. Stuttgardt, 1779. FORSTER (JOHN) [1812-1876] A catalogue of the printed books bequeathed by J. Forster [with a Bio- "\n ^ graphical Sketch by the Rev. W. Elwin], Ac. See VIC- TORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM. 8°. 1888. FORSTER (THOMAS FURLEY) [1761-1825] Flora Tonbrigensis ; or, a catalogue of Plants growing wild 15 in the neighbourhood of Tonbridge Wells, from Sir D J. E. Smith s Flora Britannica. pp. mi, 216 : 3 pis. col. 8°. London, 1816. [Another edition.] With additions by T. [I. M.] R Forster. pp. 56, 216 : 2 pis. col. ^.•Tonbridge Wells A London, 1842. Forster (THOMAS F.) The Pocket Encyclopaedia of T> Natural Phenomena . . . compiled principally from - the manuscripts ... of ... T. F. Forster. By , - T. [I. M.] Forster. pp. xlviii, 440. 8°. London, 1827. w FORSTER (THOMAS IGNATIUS MARIA) [1789-1860] [Observations on the brumal retreat of the Swallow ... By Philochelidon [i.e. T. I. M. Forster]. See PHILO- CHELIDON. 8°. 1808.] Wanting. • Second edition, &c. 8°. 1808. ~ [Sixth edition, first issue, entitled :] Observa- tions of the natural history of the Swallowtribe ; with -> . . . facts relative to their migration, and to their brumal torpidity : ... to which is added, a General Catalogue of British Birds (Catalogus Avium in Insulis Britannicis habitantium. Cura . . . E. Forsteri, junioris), Ac. pp. xiv, 97 : 5 pis. 8°. London, 1817. The " Catalogue of British Birds " was also issued separately. [Another edition entitled :] Observations of the "^" natural history of Swallows ... To which is added a General Catalogue of British Birds . . . Sixth edition, Ac. pp. xiv, 97 : 5 pis. 8°. London, 1817. Differs from the preceding issue in title and setting, and in having additional notes. Forster (THOMAS I. M.) A synoptical Catalogue of British Birds ; intended to identify the species men- tioned by different names in several catalogues already extant, Ac. pp. iv, 64. 8°. London, 1817. Forster (THOMAS I. M.) The Pocket Encyclopaedia of Natural Phenomena ; . . . compiled principally from * the manuscripts ... of the late T. F. Forster, Ac. See FORSTER (T. F.) 8°. 1827. Forster (THOMAS I. M.) TRecueil des Ouvrages . . . d'un Physicien, Ac. 8°. Francfort sur le Mein, 1835.] Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] Recueil de ma Vie, T mes Ouvrages et mes Pensees . . . Troisieme edition. l pp. xxxvi, 122. 8°. Bruxelles, 1837. Forster (THOMAS I. M.) Flora Tonbrigensis . . . [Second edition] with additions by T. [I. M.] Forster. T2 See FOBSTER (T. F.) 8°. 1842. I 597 Forster (THOMAS I. M.) Memoire sur les Etoiles filantes Mainsi que sur les Meteores en general, par rapport k leurs causes determinantes. pp. 75. 8°. Bruges, 1846. FORSTER (WESTOAETH) [1772-1835] A treatise on a section of the Strata from Newcastle-upon-Tyne to /" Cross-Fell, with remarks on Mineral Veins . . . Third (^ edition, revised ... by the Rev. W. Nail . . . with a memoir of the author's life. pp. Ivi, 208 : 8 pis., text illust. 8". Newcastle-upon-Tyne & London, 1883. The first edition appeared in 1800. FORSTER-HEDDLE (M.) See HEDDLE (M. F.) FORSTLICH-NATURWISSENSCHAFT- -7 IiICHE ZEITSCHRIFT. Zugleich Organ fiir die Laboratorien der Forstbotanik, Forstzoologie, forst- 0-v ' lichen Chemie, Bodenkunde und Meteorologie in Miinchen . . . Herausgegeben von . . . C. Freiherr von Tubeuf, &c. Jahrg. i-vii.t 8°. Miinchen, 1892-98. FORSTLICH-FHAENOLOGISCHENSTATIO- NEN DEUTSCHLANDS. See BEELIN.— VEEEIN DEUTSL'HEE FOESTLICHEE VERSUCHSANSTALTEN. FORSYTH (CHARLES) On the Mines, Minerals, and tf Geology of West Lothian. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1846.] Trans. Highland & Agric. Soc. 1848, pp. 2A1-73 : 1 pi., 1 map geol. cot. FORSYTH (JAMES) [1838-1871] The Highlands of Central India : notes on their Forests and Wild Tribes, natural history, and sports, pp. xii, 472 : 7 pis. col., text illust. 8°. London, 1871. Forsyth (J.) ck Burton (J. E.) Four reports on the t> Forests in the eastern portion of the Central Provinces, U (fee. See INDIA.— Public Works Department. Selections from the Records, &c. No. XLVII. 4°. 1864. FORSYTH (Sir THOMAS DOUGLAS) K.C.S.I. [1827- 1886] Lahore to Yarkand. Incidents of the route and natural history of the countries traversed by the expe- dition of 1870 under T. D. Forsyth. See HENDERSON (G.) & HUME (A. O.) 8°. 1873. Forsyth (Sir T. D.) K.C.S.I. Ost-Turkestan und das Pamir-Plateau nach den Forschungen der Britischen Gesandtschaft unter Sir T. D. Forsyth 1873 und 1874, &c. pp. 76 : 1 map. See PETEEMANNS MITTHEIL- UNGEN, &c. Erganzungsband xi, no. 52. 4°. 1877. , Forsyth (Sir T. D.) K.C.S.I. From Kulja ... to L Lob-nor. By N. Prejevalsky . . . With introduction by Sir T. D. Forsyth. See PEZHEVAL'SKII (N. M.) 8°. 1879. FORSYTH (WILLIAM) [1737-1804] Observations on the diseases, defects and injuries in all kinds of Fruit and Forest Trees, &c. pp. 71. 8°. London, 1791. Forsyth (WILLIAM) A treatise on the culture and management of Fruit Trees ; ... to which is added, a new . . . edition of " Observations on the diseases, defects and injuries in all kinds of Fruit and Forest Trees," &c. pp. viii, 371 : 13 pis. 4°. London, 1802. FORSYTH (WILLIAM) The Younger [1772 M835] A Botanical Nomenclator, containing a systematical arrangement of all ... Plants, as described in the new edition of Linnaeus's Systema Naturae, by Dr. Gmelin ... To which are added, alphabetical indexes of the Latin and English Names of the Plants, together with the . . . countries of which they are natives, &c. pp. vii, [355]. 8°. London, 1794. FORT PITT MUSEUM, CHATHAM. See GEEAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Army Medical Department. •7. B FORTESCUE (GEOKGE KNOTTESFORD) [1847-] A . Subject Index of the modern Works added to the [ Library of the British Museum . . . 1880-85. Com piled by G. K. Fortescue. See BRITISH MUSEUM. 4°. 1886. 1885-90. 8°. 1891. 1891-95. 8°. 1897. FORTESCUE (THOMAS) Baron Clermont. A Guide to the Quadrupeds and Reptiles of Europe, &c. pp. viii, 277. 12". London, 1859. J ZTTR NATUR- zur Naturkunde. / FORTGESEZTE BEITRAGE KUNDZ. Monatliche Beitrage Herausgegeben von J. D. Denso. Jenner-Brachmonat, 1752. Stiik l-vi. 8°. Berlin, 1752. [Continued as :] Fortgesezte Beitrage zur Naturkunde. Herausge- feben von J. D. Denso. Heumonat — Christmonat 1765. tiik VII-XII. 8°. Berlin, 1765. The pagination {pp. 1108) and register are continuous throughout the 12 Stiik, which have each a separate title-page. FORTIA DE FILES (ALPHONSE TOUSSAINT JOSEPH ANDRE MARIE MARSEILLE) Count [1758-1826] Travels j _ in Sweden. See PINKERTON (J.) A general collection of ... Voyages, &c. Vol. vi. 4°. 1809. FORTIN (FRANCOIS) [-1661] Les ruses innocentes, dans lesquelles se voit comment on prend les Oyseaux -^ . . . & de plusieurs sortes de Bestes . . . avec . . . *~ secrets de la Pesche ... par F. F. R. D. G. [i.e. Frere Francois Fortin Religieux de Grammont.] See G., F. F. R. D. 4°. 1660. FORTIS (ALBERTO) [1741-1803] Due lettere su i Pesci fossili del Monte Bolca. pp. 47. 8°. [Milan, 1793.] Q Opuscoli Scelti. Tom. xvl. I. Letters del Sig. Abate Fortis . . . sopra i Pesci Ischeletri de' Monti di Bolca. ll. Seconda lettera del Sig. Abate Testa su i Pesci fossili del Monte Bolca in risposta alia precedente. Fortis (A.) Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire naturelle et principalement a 1'oryctographie de 1'Italie et de Gt pays adjacens. 2 Tom. [in 1.] 8°. Paris, 1802. FORTIS (GIOVANNI BATTISTA) See FORTIS (A.) FORTMOREIi (GEORGES LEUDUGER) See LEUDUGEE-FORTMOREL. FORTSCHRITTE No. i-vu. DER BOTANIK, DIE. 8°. Koln & Leipzig, 1879-87. A. ' . . Reprinted from the " Revue der Fortschritte der Naturwissenschaf ten of H. J. Klein. FORTSCHRITTE DES EISENHUETTEN- GEWERBES. See FORTSCHRITTE DES METALLUR- GISCHEN HUETTENGEWEEBES. FORTSCHRITTE DES METALI.URGI- SCHEN HUETTENGEWERBES. Die Fort- schritte des Eisenhiittengewerbes in der neuern Zeit . . . Dargestellt von . . . C. F. A. Hartmann. Bd. i. 8°. Leipzig, 1858. [Continued as :] Die Fortschritte des metallurgischen Hiittengewerbes » i in der neuern Zeit, &c. Bd. n-vi. 8°. Leipzig, 1859-63. FORTUNE (ROBERT) [1813-1880] Three years' Wan- . derings in the northern provinces of China, including i- a visit to the tea, silk, and cotton countries : with an -j j account of the . . . new Plants, etc. pp. xiv, 406: 5 pis., 1 map, text illust. 8°. London, 1847. Imperfect : wanting pp. 163-174, with one illustration. A second edition appeared in 1848, while the third edition forms VoL I of the " Two visits to the Tea Countries of China," etc. [j.». infra.] 598 'ft Fortune (R.) Report upon the Tea Plantations of Deyra, Kumaon, and Gurhwal, &c. pp. 15. 8». [London,] 1851. Fortune (R.) Two visits to the Tea Countries of I China and the British Tea Plantations in the Himalaya ' ... Third edition. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1853. A reprint of the " Throe y«r»' Wandering*," *c., and the " Journey to the Te» Conntriw of China," <£•<•., omitting the acientiflc portion!. Fortune (R.) A residence among the Chinese : inland, on the coast, «fc at sea ... during a third visit to China, from 1853 to 1856. Including notices of many natural productions, dx. pp. xv, 440 : 5 pis. 8°. London, 1857. Fortune (R.) Yedo and Peking. A narrative of a journey to the capitals of Japan and China. With notices of the natural productions, dec. pp. xv, 395: 0 pis., 1 map. 8°. London, 1863. FOBWOOD (W. H.) Report of an Exploration of parts of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana, in ... 1882, made by ... P. H. Sheridan . . . with ... a geo- L logical and botanical report by . . . W. H. Forwood. See UNITED STATES. 8°. 1882. FOSLIE (M.) pp. 14: 2_pls. Om nogle nye Arctiske Havalger. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SEL- SKABET. Forhandlinger, Digitota? h0rende Laminarier. pp. 32. See CHRIS- TIANIA.— VIDEN8KABS-8EL8KABET. Forhandlinger, dec. Aar 1883, no. 2. 8°. 1884. Foslie (M.) Ueber die Laminarien Norwegens. pp. 112: 10 pis. See CHKISTIANIA.— viDENSKABS-SELSKABET. \r- Forhandlinger, dec. Aar 1884, no. 14. 8°. 1885. Foslie (M.) Contribution to knowledge of the Marine 3 Algze of Norway. Pt. I & n.t Must. 8°. Tromso, 1890-91. TroniBo Museums. Aarehefter, xill & xiv. Foslie (M.) The Norwegian forms of Ceramium. pp. 21 : 3 pis. 8°. Trondhjem, 1893. K. Noreke Videnak. Selsk. Skrifter. 1893. Foslie (M.) New, or critical Norwegian Algae, pp. 31 : 3 pi,. 8°. Trondhjem, 1894. K. Norske Videnak. Selsk. Skrifter. 1804. Foslie (M.) The Norwegian forms of Lithothamnion. pp. 180 : 23 pis. 8°. Trondhjem, 1895. K. Noreke Vidensk. Sel»k. Skrifter. 1894. Foslie (M.) The reproductive organs in Turnerella septemtrionalis. — Ectocarpus (Streblonema) turnerellce, a new Alga. pp. 8. See DRONTHEIM. — KONOELIOT NOR8KE VIDENSKABERS-SELSKAB. Det . . . Skrifter, dec. 1896, no. 2 & 3. 8°. 1896 (1897). p r-> Foslie (M.) On some Lithothamnia. pp. 20 THEIM.— KONOELIGT NORSKE VIDEN8KABEES-SELSKAB. Det ... Skrifter, Geology and Topography of a portion of the Lake <. Superior land district, in the State of Michigan. ] See UNITED STATES. 8°. 1850, 51. FOSTER (L. S.) The published writings of G. N. L_ Lawrence, 1844-1891 (—Biographical sketch of G. N. -, Lawrence), np. xi, 124_: 1 port. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, dec. No. 40. 8°. 1892. FOSTER (Sir MICHAEL) K.C.B. [1836-1 Functions of Muscle and Nerve. See KLEIN (E. E.) & others. ^ Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory. Physio- logy. Pt.2. 8-.1873. Foster (Sir M.) K.C.B. Studies from the Physiological _, Laboratory in the University . . . Edited by [M. Foster] * the Trinity Praelector in Physiology, &c. 3Pt. See CAM- BRIDGE.— UNIVERSITY. 8°. 1873-77. Foster (Sir M.) K.C.B. See JOURNAL OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, THE, conducted by ... M. Foster, &c. Vol. x & ^i. 8 • 1876-77. Foster (Sir M.) K.C.B. [A Text Book of Physiology. 8°. London, 1877.] Wanting. Fourth edition, dec. pp. xv, 784 •' text illust. 8°. London, 1884. 7« p ,2U . 599 Foster (Sir M.) K.C.B. See JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY, THE, Edited ... by M. Foster, &c. Vol. i-ix. 8°. 1878-88. Poster (Sir M.) K.C.B. ill-list. Bulbous Irises, pp. 86 : text 8°. London [1893]. Balfour (F. M.) The . . Second edition . . . . and W. Heape, &c. 8°. London, 1883. Foster (Sir M.) K.C.B. & —j Elements of Embryology . ^- edited by A. Sedgwick . pp. xiv, 480 : text illust. The first edition appeared in 18T4. -7 FOSTER (WILLIAM)/\ The Embassy of Sir T. Roe to ' J the Court of the Great Mogul, 1615-1619 . . . Edited L~ . . . by W. Foster. 2 Vol. Must. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. Ser. II, no. 1 & 2. 8°. 1899. FOSTER-BARHAM (HUGH GARRATT) Field Geo- A logy in south Westmorland, dec. pp. 20 : 1 pi. 8°. Kendal [1897]. FOTHERGILL (JOHN) [1712-1780] Some account Bof . . . P. Collinson, dec. [By J. Fothergill.] See COL- LINSON (P.) 4°. 1770. Fothergill (J.) Some account of the Cortex Wintera- nus, or Magellanicus, by J. Fothergill . . . with a 0 botanical description by Dr. Solander . . . and some experiments by M. Morris. 8°. London, 1779. Medical observations and inquiries. By a Society of Physicians in London. Vol. v. Second edition. -pp.kl-GO: 1 pi. Fothergill (J.) An account of the tree producing the Terra Japonica, [by J. Kerr] communicated by Dr. Fothergill. 8°. London, 1779. Medical observations and inquiries. By a Society of Physicians in London. Vol. v. Second edition, pp. 11&-159 : 1 pi. FOTHERGILL (W. E.) Botanical Types. Descrip- tions of the structure and life history of ten types, with summaries of the important groups and classes, pp. G8 : 6 pis. 8°. Edinburgh,, 1889. FOUCAUD (JULIEN) Flore de 1'ouest de la France ~ . . . 4e Edition augmentee des Plantes de la Gironde, O des Landes et du littoral des Basses-Pyrenees, par M. J. Foucaud. See LLOYD (J.) 8°. 1886. g Foucaud (J.) ? « <-(• • 3 pis. See PARIS. — ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. M6moires presentes, &c. Tom. xxvi, no. 4. 4°. 1877. Fouque (F. A.) Remarques sur les Roches eruptives de la Corse, pp. 2. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLO- £_ GIQUES, &c. Tom. ix, no. 3. 8°. 1877. Fouque (F. A.) Santorin et ses eruptions, pp. xxi, 440, mi : 61 pis. (19 col.) 4°. Paris, 1879. <~ Fouque (F. A.) Les tremblements de Terre. pp. 828: ^-, text illust. 8°. Paris, 1888. Gs? Biblioth. Sri, -nt it'. Contemporaine. Fouqxie (F. A.) Mission d'Andalousie. Etudes rela- / tives au tremblement de Terre du 25 Dec. 1884 et a la ' constitution geologique du sol ebran!6 par les secousses. Directeur . . . M. F. Fouque, dec. pp. 772: 38 pis. (col.), 4 maps (col.), text illust. See PARIS. — ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. M6moires presented, dkc. Tom. xxx, no. 2. 4°. 1889. Introduction. [By F. A. Fouque.] Expose et discussion des Ph^nomenes, cfce. Experiences sur la Vitesse de propagation des secousses dans les sols divers, par MM. F. Fouque1 et M. Levy. Memoire sur la constitution geologique du sud de 1'Andalousie, de la , Sierra Tejeda a la Sierra Nevada, par MM. L. Barrois et A. Offret. Etude geologique de la Serrania de Ronda, par MM. M. LeVy et , Bergeron. Etudes sur les terrains Secondaires et Tertiaires dans les provinces de Grenade et de Malaga, par M. Bertrand et M. Kilian. Le gisement Tithonique de Fuente de los Frailes pres de Cabra (province , de Cordoue), par W. Kilian. Etudes paleontologiques sur les terrains Secondaires et Tertiaires de 1'Andalousie, par M. Kilian. A Spanish translation was issued in the " Bol. Com. Mapa Geol. Espafia," Tom. xvi-xix. [q.v.] Fouque (F. AJ & Gorceix (H.) Recherches ;mr les sourcesjie-'gaz inflammables des Apennins et des Lagtwfae la Tosoane, dec. pp. 10%. See ANNALES DES --BCIENCES^G^OLOGIQUE.S, ar . . . de Fourcroy. Tom. I-LXXIII. See ANNALES DE CHIMIE ET DE PHYSIQUE. 8*. 1789-1810. Ponrcroy (A. F. DE) Count. See DICTIONARIES. Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles, dec. Tom. i-vi. 8°. 1804-17. FOTJRCT (EuoENE LEFEBURE DE) [1812-] Vade- mprnm des horborisations Parisiennes . . . Quatrieme Edition comprenant les Mousses et les Champignons. 12°. Paris, 1881. Tbe firet edition appeared in 1850. Ponrcy (E. L. DE) A; Lorieux (T.) Carte Geologique du Morbihan, etc. Echelle 1 : 86,400 [i.e. I in. = lj m. about]. See MORBIHAN, Department of. [Maps.] 4 sh. geol. col. 1850. [Explanatory Text.] See LORIEUX (T.) & FOURCY (E. L. DE). 8°. 1848. FOUREAU (F.) Essai de Catalogue des noms Arabes et Berberes de quelques Plantes, Arbustes et Arbres Algeriens et Sahariens, ou introduits et cultives en Alge>ie. pp. [i], 48. 4°. Paris, 1896. FOURMENT (L.) Note sur un Ne'matode nouveau parasite du Merlan. pp. 8: 1 pi. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATUKELLES, . Jtf : text Must. [_ See MARSEILLES. — FACULTIS DES SCIENCES. Annales, ^ etc. Tom. iv, fasc. 4. 4°. 1895. * Fonrnier (E.) Le Permian, le Trias et le Jurassique de / la feuille de Cahors. pp. 16 : text Must. See FRANCE. 6 — Service de la Carte Geologique detailUe. Bulletin, dec. Tom. viii, no. 51. 8°. 1896. Fournier (E.) Description g6ologique du Caucase central. [Thesis.] pp. 294 •' 3 pis., 21 maps col., text (, Must. 4". Marseille, 1896. — [Another issue.] See MARSEILLES. — FACULT& DES i SCIENCES. Annales, dec. Tom. VII. 4°. 1896. ^- Fournier (E.) Le Dome de la Gre'signe. pp. 9 : text Must. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Geologique detailUe. Bulletin, dec. Tom. x, no. 66. 8°. 1898. FOURNIER (PIERRE NICOLAS EUGENE) [1834-1884] These . . . Des Tenifuges employe's en Abyssinie, dec. pp. 68: 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1861. Fonrnier (P. N. E.) De la fecondation dans les Phanerogames . . . These, dec. pp. 154 •' % P}S- 8°. Paris, 1863. Fonrnier (P. N. E.) Theses . . . Recherches anato- miques et taxonomiques sur la famille des Cruciferes et sur le genre Sisymbrium en particulier. pp. 154: 2 pis. 4°. Paris, 1865. Fournier (P. N. E.) Mexicanas Plantas, dec. 2 Pt. See FRANCE. Mission scientifique au Mexique, &c. — [Recherches Botaniques, dec] 4°. 1872-86. Fonrnier (P. N. E.) Dictionnaire de Botanique par M. Baillon avec la collaboration de . . . E. Fournier, dec. 3 Tom. See BAILLON (H. E.) 4°. 1876-91. Fonrnier (P. N. E.) Asclepiadaceae. See MARTIUS (C. F. P. VON) Flora Brasiliensis, dec. Vol. vi, pars 4. fol. 1885. FOURREAU (JULES) [-1870] Catalogue des Plantes qui croissent le long du cours du Rhone, pp. 216. 8°. Paris, 1869. Fonrrean (J.) & Jordan (A.) Breviarium Plantarum novarum, dec. See JORDAN (A.) & FOURREAU (J.) 8°. 1866-68. Fonrrean (J.) ale de couvrir la tete des en fans. pp. [iv,] 69 : 12 pis. 8". Paris, 1834. Duplicatea of the platen, printed on a single sheet, are bound in at the end. Foville (A.) Traite complet de 1'anatomie, de la physiologic et de la pathologic du Systeme Nerveux Cere"bro-Spinal, p. xvi, 676. Atlas, S3 pis. 8". & 4°. Paris, 1844. b & g E 601 FOWLER (GEORGE HERBERT) The anatomy of the j Madreporaria. 2 Pt. 8°. London, 1885 &— Quart. Jonrn. Micro. Sci. N.S., Vol. xxv. Fowler (G. H.) The Morphology of Rhabdopleura ~2_ Normani, Allm. See TASCHENBERG (E. O. W.) & others. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage R. Leuckarts, - The Coleoptera of the British IslamJs, Fowler (WILLIAM WEEKES) & Matthews (A.) Cata- logue of British Coleoptera. See MATTHEWS (A.) » fv TO> Moutreto) fVptfTKOfj-fifftiv $uro)i/ Karao'Kfvao''Os, dec, pp. 9-58. 8°. [Athens, 1840.] Part of rei/iicos KaroAoyos Top Movtreiat Tijs ec 'A07jfais 'Eroupia? TIJS *VCTIKTJ« 'laropis [sic], [By A. Lindermayer and C. Fraas.] Fraas (C. N.) Synopsis Plantarum Florae Classicse, oder : Uebersichtliche Darstellung der in den klas- sischen Schriften der Griechen und Romer vorkom- menden Pflanzen, &c. pp. xxxix, 320. 8°. Miinchen, 1845. Fraas (C. N.) Klima und Pflanzenwelt in der Zeit, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte beider. pp. xx, 137. 8°. Landshut, 1847. Fraas (C. N.) Die kiinstliche Fischerzeugung nach den Erfahrungen der kiinstlichen Fischzuchtanstalt des General-Comite des Landwirthschaftlichen Vereins von Bayern an der K. Central-Thierarzneischule zu Miinchen . . . Zweite Auflage. pp. 82 : 2 pis. 8°. Miinchen, 1854. The first edition appeared in the same year. FRAAS (EBERHARD) [1862-] Die Ichthyosaurier der Siiddeutschen Trias- und Jura-Ablagerungen. pp. 81 : ' 14 pis. 4°. Tubingen, 1891. Fraas (E.) Die Triaszeit in Schwaben, &c. pp. 40: 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Ravensburg [1900]. FRAAS (OSCAR FRIEDRICH VON) [1824-1897] Aus dem Orient. 2 Thl. illust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1867, 78. Thl. I. Geologische Beobachtungen am Nil.auf derSinai-Ilalbinsel und in Syrien. pp. viii, 2S2: LpU. (col.), text illust. 1SC7. [A reprint of " Geologiaches aus dem Orient" from the *' Jahreshft. Ver. vaterland. Naturk. Wurttemberg," Jahr. xxin. 1 ,, II. Geologische Beobachtungen am Libanon. pp. vi, 136: 7 pis., text Must. 1878. [A reprint of " Geologisches aus dem Libanon" from op. rit. Jahrg. xxxiv.] Fraas (O. F. VON) Das Todte Meer, dkc. pp. $4. 8°. Stuttgart, 1867. 76 To. o. L >, 6 /3 o. 602 lo«rique. U> pU. col. [For the dates of iseoe of the natural history portion of this work, Ha ANNALB AM> MAGAZINE or NATURAL HISTORY, Ser. VII, vol. vin.J France. [ Voyages, &c. — Abmsinie,] Voyage en Abyssinie, dans les provinces du Tigrd, du L- Samen et de 1'Amhara . . . par MM. Ferret et Galinier. -r4" [1839-43.] 3 Tom. & Atlas, SO pis. col., 9 maps. 8°. & fol. Paris, 1847-48 [-50]. "7 if C Vol. in contains :— - j £ Description geologiqne dn Tigre et du Samen. Catalogue des Uoches, Mineranx et Fossiles . . . )«r M. Riviere. >. Enumeration des Plantes . . . par M. Kafieneau-Delile. [The Cryptogams were determined by C. Montagne.] Kuunn'-ration den Mammifere* . . . jwir M. I-1. K. (iiu'-rin-Mt'-novillo. Enumeration des Oiseaux . . . par MM. Guerin-Meneville et Do la Fresnaie. Entomologie, par L. Reiche. [This volume seems to have been published in parts, at different dates, probably as follows :— Geology, pp. 1-glt, 1847 ; Plant*', Mammalia and Aves as far as p. 224, 1848 ; rest of Aves with Insecta, 1850 (cf. ANN. & MAU. NAT. HIST., Ser. VII, vol. viii).] France. [ Voyages, &c. — Alge'rie.] Exploration scientifique de 1'Algerie pendant . . . 1840- 42, ellulin»), by M. E. de Sclys-Longchanip. Microlepidoptera, by A. Guenee. Diptera, by P. J. M. Maoqnart.] Atlas. ISt pit. col. 1849. 8. Histoire naturelle des Heptilee et des Poissons, par A. Guichenot. pp. if, 1U, : IS pit. 1850. I. Ilivtoire naturelle des Oiseanx, par le Commandant Locbe. 2 Tom. * Atlas, 13 pit. col. [m 1 Vol.) 1867. 5. Histoire natnrelle des Mamroiferes, par le Commandant . Loche. pp. MS, A Atlas, 7 pit. col. [In 1 Vol.] 1867. [The description of the Mammals and Birds was evidently entrusted in the first instance to M. le Commandant Jean Levaillant (cited in Loche's text as " Levaillant j'" "), under whose directions the plates, some of which bora new specific names, were drawn. Some of these plates were Issued as early as 1849, being cited in Bonniiarte's " Conspectus Avlum," but no portion of text by I*evaillant ever appeared, the first allusion to the new species being in V. Loche's " Catalogue des Mammifcres et des Oiaeaux observes en Algol ie," 1858 (7.0.).] SCIENCES MEDICALES. 2 Vol. 1847. . I'IIVHUJOE OEN£RALE. 2 Vol. 1845-46. / [For the dates of issue of the natural history portion of this work, > Set ANNALS AND MAGAZINE or NATURAL HISTORY, 8«r. VII, vol. vin.J \ L 1849. 1: 603 L oHl L France. [ Voyaffes, &c. — Amtfrique mA-idionale.] Voyage dans I'Amerique meridionale (le Brezil . . . I'Uruguay, la Re'publique Argentine, la Patagonie . . . Chili . . . Bolivia . . . Perou), execute1 pen- dant . . . 1826-33 par A. d'Orbigny, &c. 7 Tom. & Atlas, 2 Tom., with maps in case. 4°. Paris, 1835-47. Tom. " * vii, 1847. B T 0. : F liistorique, par A. d'Orbigny. 1835-44. „ 2. Geographic, par A. d'Orbigny. pp. xi, 270: 9 maps. 1846. ,, 3. Geologie, par A. d'Orbigny. pp. 289 : 10 maps & sectionscol. (Extrait des Rapports, Tom. i.Histoire dn Voyage, par L. F. Martial, pp. ix, 496: 9 pis., S maps. 1888. „ li. Meteorologie, par J. Lephay. pp. 40, 2M», SOS**: 13 pis. 1885. ,, HI. Maunetisnie terrestre, par F. O. Le Cannellier. pp. Mi, SS6: 10 pis. Recherches sur la constitution chimique de 1'Atmo- sphere, d'apres les experiences de M. le Dr. Hyades, par MM. A. Muntz et E. Anbin. pp. 90: 1 pi. „ iv, Geologie, par le Dr. Hyades. pp. 249 .• 28 pis. , 4 maps. Appendice. Description des Roches recueillies a la Terre de Feu. Par M. D. Lovisato. ,, v. Botanique. pp. UOO : 33 pis., 3 maps. Cryptogamie. Algues, par M. P. Hariot. [1846-49?] 1S44. 40-41. I 42-46. S work, J 1840-41 184! 1886. 188T. 1889. Diatomaeees, par P. Petit. Lichens, par J . Miiller d' Argovie. Champignons, par P. Hariot. Muscinees. I. Hepatiques, par E. Bescherelle et C. Massalongo. li. Mousses, par E. Bescherelle. Phanerogamic, par A. Franchet. ,, vl. Zoologie. Pt. 1. Mammiferes, par A. Milne-Edwards, pp. 32 : 8 pis. (6 col.) 1891. Oiseaux, par E. Oustalet. pp. 31,1 : 6 pis. col. 1891. Poissons, par L. Vaillant. pp. 35 : 4 pis. (2 col.) 1888. Anatomie comparee, par le Dr. H. P. Gervais. pp.62: Spls. 1891. ,, 2. Insectes. I. Coleopteres, par L. Fairmaire. pp. 63 : Spls. col. II. Hemipteres, par [V.] Signoret. pp. 7. Hi. Nevropteres, par J. Mabille. pp. 9:lpl.col. IV. Lepidopteres, par P. Mabille. pp. 35 : Spls. col. v. Dipteres, par J. M. F. Bigot, pp. 45 : 4 pis. col. 1887. Arachnides, par E. Simon, pp. 4S : S pis. col. 1887. Crustaces, par A. Milne-Edwards. Avec la collabora- tion de . . . F. Mocqnard. pp. 76 : 9 pis. (2 col.) 1891. Crustaces Isopodes, par A. Dollfuss. Mollusques, par A. T. de Rochebrune et J. Mabille. pp. 143: 9 pis. 1889. Polyplacophores, par ... A. T. de Roohebrune. ,, 8. Priapulides, par J. de Guerne. pp. 20 : 2 pis. 1888. Bryozoaires, par le Dr. J. Jullien. pp.92 : 15 pis. 1888. Echinodermes, par E. Perrier. pp. 198: IS pit. 1891. Protozoaires, par A. Certes. pp.53: Bpls., text Must. 1889. Note sur nn Acarien [Byadesia uncinifer, n.sp.] de la Terre de Feu, par P. Megnin. ., vii. Anthropologie, Ethnographic, par P. Hyades . . . [and] J. Deniker. pp. vii, 422: Sipls., 1 map, col. 1891. Franco. [Voyages, eiidant . . . 1822-25 ... Par M. L. I. Duperry, Tom. 4°. * fol. Paris, 1826-30. • UlXTOIRK III- VoVAOIC./\ At [Wauling tho lcxt.1 . •Jkyf- f-f .-f-i-Vfj] UU, 80 ft*. 182l). L r T* _ ZOOLOOII, par MM. Lesson et Garnot. 2 Tom. & Atlas, 167 pit. col. 1MM-SO [-31]. [Vol. l, chap vi & vll, were by P. Garnot, and Vol. II, pt. 2, dl«. I, •' Crustacea, Arachnides et Insectea." by F.' E. Guerin- Meneville ; the rat was the work of R. P. Lesson.] BoTANlgrtit, par MM. DTrvillo . . . Bory de St. Vincent et A. Brongniart. Cryptogaiuie, par M. Bory de St. Vincent, pp. SOI. Atlas, [1827-] 1828-26 [-29]. Phanerogamic, par M. A. Brongniart. pp. tOO. Atlas, 66 pit. 1829 [-34]. HYIIHOURAFHCE (et Physique), par M. L. I. Duperry. 2 Tom. & Atla., S3 pit. 1829. [Wanting Pt 8 & 4.] [The work was not completed : the " Histoire du Voyage," the "Botaniqne Phanerogamie " and the " Uydrographie " remain un- finished. Plates 23, 65, 57, 58, 83, «6, 6B, 67, 72, 73, 74, 76 to the •• Botaniqne Phanerogamic " were not issued. For the dates of publication of the natural history portion of this work, S« ANNALS &MAOAZINE OF NATURAL HISTORY, Ser. VII, vol. vn,p. 391.] France. [ Voyages, ., T 7 France. [ Voyaaes, &c. — La Pttrouse.] Voyage de La Perouse autour du monde . . . redige par M. L. A. Milet- [de] Mureau. 4 Tom. & Atlas, 36 pis. S3 maps. 4°. & fol. Paris, 1797'. Tom. iv contains, inter alia: — KM i, in d'un Voyage au pic de Teneriffe, par MM. de I amanon et Mongea, le 24 aout 1786 ... avec une description de nouvelles variet^a de Schorls volcaniqnes. Memoire . . . sur lee Habitant* des lies de Pftque et de Mowee ; par M. Hollin. Memoire physiologique et pathologique sur les Ann'-ricains, par M. Roll In. Memoire sur quelques Insectea. ]tnr La Martiniere. DiHsertation sur les Habitans de I1 lie de Tchoka, et sur les Tartares orientaux : luir M. Hollin. Memoire sur lus Terebratules, ou Foulettes, et description d'une es)>ece. trouvee dans les mera de la Tartaire orientale ; par M. de IJIIIIUIIOIL Meuioire sur les Cornea d'Ammon, et deHcription d'uno eapcce [Ctiri- naria] trouvee entre les tropiques dans la Mer du Sud ; (wu M. de Lamanon. Memoire aur le commerce des peaux de Loutre de Mer, oaitas, pneside J. Decaisne . . . enumerandas cnravit E. Foumier. PL I. Cryptogamia adjnvantibua . . . W. Nylander et E. Beeoherelle edit*, pp. 166: 6 pit. 1872. „ n. Gramineae. pp. xix, 160. 1886. GftoLOOlE. Voyage geologique dans lee republiques de Guatemala et de Salvador, par MM. A. Dollfns et E. do Mont-Serrat. pp. ix, SS9: 16 pit. (t col.), t map* (1 ftol. col.) 1868. . Description des anoiennes possessions Mexicainea du Nord, liar M. Gnillemin-Tarayre. pp. t!6 : 11 pit. , S tiutpi. 1871. [Title from wrap]ier. Not completed : text terminates abruptly.] 605 [France. [Voyages, ar A. Millie Edwards, pp. 368: 61 pis. {col.) 1878-1881. „ vi. Etudes sur les Myriapodes et les Insectes, par H. de Sauasure. [Sect. 1.] Etudes aur lea Insectes Orthopteres, parM. H. de Saussure. pp. 531: 8 pis. 1870-79. Sect. 2. Etudes aur les Myriapodes, par MM. H. de Sauasure et A. Humbert, pp. 311 : 6 pis. (col.) 1872. „ vil. Etudes aur les Molluaques terrestres et fluviatiles du Mexique et du Guatemala, par MM. P. Fiacher et >. 11. Crdsse. 2 Tom. ttlust col.. 1870-94. France. [ Voyages, &c. — More'e.] Expedition scientifique de More'e. Section des sciences physiques (sous la direction de M. Bory de Saint- Vincent). 3 Tom. [In 5.] & Atlas [in 2 Vol.] 4°. & hi Paris, 1832-36. Tom. i. Relation. Par M. Bory de Saint-Vincent, pp. iv, hit : text illust. 1836. ,, n, pt. 1. Geographic. Par M. . . . Bory de Saint- Vincent. pp. 95: 1 map in text. 1834. „ ,, „ 2. Geologieet Mineralogie. Par MM. E. Puillon de Boblaye . . . etT. Virlet. pp. S75: text Must. 1833 [-34]. / „ HI, „ 1. Zoologie. „ ,, ,, .. Sect. 1. Des Aniniaux Vertebres, ttc. pp.SOd: text Must. 1833 [-35]. M ;i i • 1 1 , . 1 1 ,'• r, , et Oiseaux, par M. I. Qeoffroy Saint- Hilaire. Reptilea et Poisaona. Par MM. Bibron . . . et Bory de Saint- Vincent. Mollusques, par M. Deahayes. Notice aur les Polypiers . . . par M. Bory de Saint- Vincent. ,, , ..... Sect. 2. Des Animaux Articules. pp. 1,00: 1 text illust. • 1832 [-33]. Introduction . . . par M. A. Brulle\ Crustacea. Par M. F. E. Guerin [-MtSneville]. Arachnidea— Myriapodes— Insectes— Annelides, par M. A. Brulle. ,, ,, „ 2. Botanique. Par MM. FanchiS . . . pour les Graminees ; A. Brongniart pour les Orcbidees ; Chaubard et Bory de Saint-Vincent pour le reste de la Phanerogamic ; ce dernier collaborateur s'est reserve la Cryptogamie. (Notice sur une Conif ere fossile, »fcc. [By A. Brongniart.]) pp. 367 : text Must. 1832 [-33]. Planches. 1835. Ser. l. Relation. 3% pis., 6 maps. [188ti?] „ II. Geologie. 11 pis. ml. [1883-34.] - i,, in. Zoologie. 56 pis. col. [1832-35.] -» „ iv. Botanique. S3 pis. (S col.) [1832-36.] [For the dates of iasue of the natural hiatory portions of this work, See ANNALS AND MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HISTOKY, Her. VII, vol. vni.] France. [ Voyages, &c.—P6le Sud.] Voyage au Pole Sud et dans I'Oceauie sur les corvettes 1'Astrolabe et la Zelee, execute" . . . pendant . . . 1837- 1840, sous le commandement de M. J. Dumont d'Urville . . . public . . . sous la direction supe'rieure de M. [C. H.I Jacquinot, &c. 23 Tom. [in 22.] & Atlas, 7 Tom. [in 6.J 8°. & fol. Paris, [1841-] 1842-54. HISTOIRE DU VOYAGE, par M. Dumont d'Urville. Texte. 10 Tom. - Atlaa pittoreaque. 2 Tom. 200 pis., 8 maps. ANTHROPOLOQIE, ]iar M. . . . Dumoutier (Texte Blanchard). pp. 26k. - Atlaa. 50 pis, /* ZOOLOGIE, par MM. Hombron et [H.] Jacquinot. lorn. i. De 1'Homme dans sea rapporta avec la Creation, par M. Hombron. pp. ftOli. „ H. Considerations generales aur 1'Anthropologie suivies d' observations sur lea Races Humaines de 1'Amerique meridionale et de 1'Oceanie, par M. H. Jacquinot. pp. 384. 1846. ,, in. Mammiferes et Oiseaux, par M. H. Jacquinot et M. . . . Pucheran. pp. 166. Reptilea et Poisaona, par M. H. Jacquinot et M. A. Guichenot. pp. 56. Crustaces, par M. H. Jacquinot et M. H. Lucas, pp. 107. 1853. „ iv. Description des Insectea, par E. Blanchard. pp. 422. 1863. k „ v. Description des Mollusquea, Coquillea et Zoophytes, par L. Rousseau, pp. mii, 13%. • 1854. [ 1 841-] 1843-46 [-47]. 1846. . . par M. E. 1854. 1842-47. 1846. r 1853. 1852., [France. [ Voyages, tic—Pole Sud.] (Contd.)] [Voyage au Pole Sud, &c. (Contd.)] ZOOI.OOIE. Atlas : Mammiferes, 29 pis. col. ; Oiseaux, 37 pis. col. ; Reptiles, IS pis. col. ; Poiesons, 5 pis. col. ; Insectes, 25 pis. col. ; Crustacea, 9 pis. col. ; Mollusques, SO pis. col. ; Zoophytes, 3 pis. col. 1842-58. BOTANIQUE. Tom. I. Plantes Collulaires, par C. Montagne. pp. xiv, Stt9. [In some copies of this volume the title-page is dated "1842-1845." This was an error of the publishers, as citations in the volume show, and that title-page was evidently withdrawn later.] ,, II. Description des Plantes Vasculaires, par J. Decaisne. pp. 06. Atlas. 06 pis. [20} col. GfcoLooiE, Mineralogie et Geographic Physique . . . par M. J. Grange. 2 Tom. 1848 & 54. Atlas. 9 pis., It maps col. 1847. PHYSIQUE, par MM. Vincendon-Dumoulin et Conpvent-Desbois. Tom. I. pp xxi, 387. 1842. HYDRCHJRAPHIE, par M. Vincendon-Dumoulin. 2 Tom. 1843 & 51. Atlas. 67 maps. 1847. France. [Voyages, &c. — Scandinavie.] See infra, Commission Scientifique du Nord. France. [ Voyages, dec. — Terres Australes.] Voyage de decouvertes aux Terres Australes . . . sur . . . le Geographe, le Naturaliste, et . . . le Casuarina . pendant . . . 1800-1804 . . . redige par P6ron et con- L. — tinu6 par M. L. de Freycinet. (Atlas par MM. Lesueur et Petit.) Historique. 2 Tom. & Atlas, 38 pis., 15 maps. 4°. & fol. Paris, 1807-16. Contains, inter alia: — Vol. i. M i'ii ii 'i i r sur le nouveau genre Pyrosoma. ,, n. Histoire de 1'Ele'phant marin, on Phoque a trompe : PSches des Anglois aux Terres Australes. De quelques Ph^nomenes de la Zoologie des regions Australes, applicables a 1'histoire physique du globe et a celle de 1'Espece Humaine. Notice sur I1 Habitation des Animaux marins; par MM. P*5ron et Lesueur. Notice sur la Vegetation de la Nouvelle-Hollande et de la terra de Die"nien ; par M. Leschenault. Fragment d'un meinoire de MM. Pe'ron et Lesueur, sur 1'Art de Conserver les Animaux dans les collections zoologiques. Eloge historiqne de F. Pe'ron, par M. J. P. F. Deleuze. Seconde Edition . . . par M. L. de Freycinet. -T— 4 Tom. & Atlas, 59 pis., 9 maps. 8°. & fol. Paris, 1824. In this edition the memoirs noted above are in Vol. in & iv. France. [Voyages, &c. — The'tis & Esperance.] Album pittoresque de . . . la Thetis et de . . . I'Espe'- . ranee. Collection de dessins relatifs a leur Voyage autour du monde en 1824, 1825 et 1826, &c. See LA *7o TOUANNE (B. DE) Viscount. fol. 1828. France. [ Voyages, &c. — Thetis & Esperancel\ Journal de la navigation autour du globe de . . . la 1 Thetis etde . . . PEsp6rance pendant . . . 1824-26 . . . Par M. le Baron de Bougainville, &c. 2 Tom. & Atlas, 57 pis. 4°. & fol. Paris, 1837. This work is cited in the " Bibliographic de la France " for Feb. 24, 1838. Vol. ii contains : — Itine'raire de Valparaiso et de Santiago de Chile a Buenos-Aires, par les Andes et les Pampas . . . par M. le Comte E. de La Touanne. Notes explicatives pour les planches de 1' Atlas, par M. de La Totianne. Histoire naturelle par M. R. P. Lesson. Observations astronomiques et me^orologiques. -* A copy in MS. of the text to Lesson's "Histoire Naturelle" (Vol. u, / pp. 299-35T) is preserved in the Zoological Department. France. [Voyages, &c. — Travailleur & Talisman.] Rapport sur les travaux de la Commission chargee . . . d'6tudier la Faune sous-marine dans les grandes pro- ' fondeurs de la M^diterranee et de 1'Ocean Atlantique, £— par M. A. Milne Edwards, pp. 63 : 2 maps, text illust. 8°. Paris, 1882. Archiv. Missions Sci. & Litt. Se>. Ill, torn. ix. France. [ Voyages, &c — Travailleur & Talisman.] Expeditions scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talis- man pendant les annees 1880-83. Ouvrage publie' . . . sous la direction de A. Milne-Edwards, &c. [Vol. i— >] 4°. Paris, 1888-» Poissons, par L. Vaillant. pp. &06 : 28 pis. 1888. Brachiopodes, par P. Fischer et D. P. (Ehlert. pp. 139: 8 pis. 1891, Ijchinodernies, par E. Perrier. pp. tell : S6 pis. 18W. Mollusques Testaces, par A. Locard. 2 Vol. illust. 1897 & 98. Crustaces Decapodes. Pt. i. Brachyurea et Anomoures, par A. Milne-Edwards [4] E. L.-Bouvier. pp. S96: S^ pit. 1900. L "70- -f-f f= \ 606 B L TZ France. [Voyage*, Ac. — Tunit.] Exploration scientifique do la Tuniaie. 19 Tom. it Atlas, 3 Tom. 8°. & fol. Parit, 1885-99. The work U tnbdirided u follows :— BOTANIO.UE. ltapi>ort sur une mission bot&niqne extentA) en 1884 dans la ragtoo Saharienne, an noni des Brands Chotts et dans It's ilea de U cote orientale de la Tuniaie, par Doumet-Adauson. t'r- "', , ISt. 1888. Enumeration dew Champignons observes . . . par N. Pouillard. ff. ir. 19. Catalogue raisonne des Plantes TawnUlm . . . par E. Bonnet et O. Barntte . . . Preface par Doumet-Adanson. pp. ilix, 619. 1896. Catalogue raiaonne de> Plantw Cellulalree . . . par N. Patonil- lard . . . avec la collaboration de Bescherelle (Mousses), Barratte (Characees), Sanvageau (Alguea), Hue (Lichens). pp. Jtrir, US. 1 Hunt rations de la Partie Botanique. Champignons . . . par N. Patouillard. Phanerogames . . . par E. Bonnet et Q. Barratte. «0 pit., mtk dttcriptm text. 1892-98. [Each section has ite own title-page in addition.] 1892. 1897. Mission Geologique ... en 1887 (1890-91). Journal de Voyage, par G. Le Mesle. 2 Pt. 1888 (-99). PALEONTOLOOIE. Description des Echinides foseiles, recneillis en 1885 et 18S6 dans la region sud dee hauU-plateanx de la Tunisie par M. P. Thomas . . . Par V. Ganthier. pp. ii. lie. 1889. DescriptiondesMollusquesfoesilesdes terrains Tertiaireainferienrs de la Tuniaie, recueillis en 1885 et 1880 par M. P. Thomas . . . Par A. Locard. pp. ii, 66. 1889. Description dea Invertlbres foeailes des terrains Cretaccs de la region snd dee hanta-plateaux de la Tunisie, recueillis en 1885 et 1886 par M. P. Thomas ... Par A. Peron. pp xii—U>6. 1889-1893. (Originally issued under the following titles :— Description des Mollusques foseiles . . . Premiere partie. Deuxieme partie. Description dea Brachiopodes, Bryozoaires et autres Inverte- bres fossiles, .!<•.] Description de quelques fosailes nonveaux, ou critiques des terrains Tertiaires et Secondaires de la Tnnisie, recueillis en 1885 et 1880 par M. P. Thomas, pp. 46. 1893. Description des Echinides fossiles des terrains Juraasiques de la Tunisie, recueillis par M.Le Mesle ...Par V. Gauthier. pp. St. 1896. IllustrationadelapartiePaleontologiqneetGeologiqne. 2 Fasc. 1890-93. [These are the plates to the foregoing, with letterpress descrip- tions.] ZOOLOOIE. Catalogue critique des Mammiferes ape'lagiques sauvages de la Tunisie, par F. Lataste. pp. xv, US. 1887. Prodrome de la Malaoologie terrestre et fluviatile de la Tunisie, par A. Letonrneux . . . et J. R. Bourgnignat. pp. 166. 1887. Etude snr les Crustacea terrestres et fluviatiles . . . par E. Simon. pp. tl. 1885. Etude snr lea Arachnidee . . . par E. Simon, pp. it, 66. 1885. Liste des Coleopteres . . . dressee par M. E. Lefevre . . . avec le conoours de MM. L. Fairmaire, De Maracnl et Dr. Senac. pp. 16. 1885. Revision critique des Fonrmia de la TnnUio, par C. Emery. pp.ii.ll. 1891. Enumeration des Dipteres . . . et description des eapeces nou- velles, par J. M. F. Bigot, pp. 11. 1888. Enumeration des Hemipteres . . . snivie de la description dee especes nonvelles, par A. Puton. pp. ii, SI,. 188C. France. [ Voyages, &c — Uranie & Physicienne.] Voyage autour du monde . . . execute sur . . . iHJranie et la Physicienne,_pendant . . . 1817-20 . . . Par M. L. de Freycinet. 7 Tom. [in 10.] ointa de compuraiaon a etablir entre les Plan tow d' Egypte et cellesde France ; par . . . M. Coquebert. , Syateme des Oisoaux de 1'Egypte et de la Syrie ; par J. C. Savigny. [1809.] Description dea Reptiles qui se tronvent en Egypte ; ]>ar . . . [E.] Geotfroy Saint-Hilaire [and I. Geoffroy Saint- Hilaire). [1827.] Explication sommaire des planches de Reptiles (supple- ment) . . . offrant un expos«5 des caracteres naturela des genres, avec la distinction des especee, par V. Andouin. [1827.] Description des Crocodiles d' Egypte, iwrM. [E.] Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. [1827.] Suite de 1'histoiru naturelle des Poiasona du Nil ; jvir M. I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. [1827.] Histoire natnrelle des Poisaons de la Mer Rouge et de la Mediterranee, par M. I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. [1827.] „ 2. Tableau syatematique des Ascidies, tant simples qne oomposeea, mentionnees dans les trois memoires sui vans (Observations sur les Alcyons gelatinenx a six tenta- culea simples — Observations aur loa Alcyous a. deux osculea apparena, uur lea Botrylles et aur les Pyroeomes —Observations aur lea Ascidies proprement dites, suivies de considerations geneVales sur la claase des Ascidies), par M. Savigny. pp. 68. [pott 1810.] ,, 3. Syatenie des diveraes claaaea d'Animanx sons Vertebres. (Systeme dee Annelidea principalement des celles dee cotes de I'Egypto et de la Syrie ... par J. C. Savigny.) pp. US. [1822., ,, 4. Explication sommaire des planches (Mollnsques— Annelidea — Crustacea — Arochnides — Insectes — Echinodermes — Zoophytes — Ascidies — Polyjies — Hyropbytes— Oixanx) dont les dessina ont ete fournia INI'I M. J. C. Savigny, pour 1'histoire natnrelle de I'onvrage (offrant un expose des caractcres natureU des genres aveo la distinction dee especee, par V. Audouin). pp. 339. [1826-1 Extrait de 1'histoire naturelle et mytholngique de 1'Ibls, par M. J. C. Savigny. Tom. II. pp. 761. 1812. Memoires snr lei Plantes qui croia«ent apontonement en Egypte ; par A. Raffeneau Delile [1818.] Histoire des Plantes cultivees en Egypte, par A. Raffe- nean-Delile. [1813.] Description de la Vallta de TEgarcment et consequences geologiques qui n'vu I tent de la reconnoiasance qu'on en a faite : par M. P. S. Girard. [Journal des Mines. Tom. xxxiv, 1818.] 607 [France.— COMMISSION D'EGYPTE. (Contd.)] [Description de 1'Egypte, &c. (Contd.)] ( [HISTOIRE NATDRELLE. Tom. II. (Contd.)] Disoonrs sur la representation des Roches de 1'Egypte et de 1' Arable par la gravure . . . par M. Ae. Roziere. [1813.] H ft Florae Jigyptiacas illustratio, auctore A. R. Delile. [1813.] Description mineralogique de la Vallee de QoQeyr, par M. de Roziere. [Reprinted, with additions, from "Journ. des Mines," Tom. xl, 1802.] Description des Mammiferes qui se trouvent en Egypte ; par ... [E.] Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire. [1818.] Flored'Egypte. Explication des planches, par M. Delile. [1818.] Observations meteorologiques . . . par M. J. Contelle. ( — par M. Nouet.) , Observations sur la vallee d'Egypte et sur I'exbaussement seonlaire du sol qui la recouvre ; par M. P. S. Oirard. [1817.] [Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. n, 1819.1 Appcndice. Analyse du Limon du Nil, par M. Regnault. , De la constitution physique de 1'Egypte . . . par M. de Koziere. [1818.] Explication des planches de Mineralogie. par M. de Roziere. , [1818.] Description des Mammiferes qui se trouvent en Egypte ; par MM. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire et Andouin. [1829.] Description somnjaire des Mammiferes Carnassiers qui se trouvent en Egypte . . . par V. Audouin. [1829.] 2^( . [For dates of publication of the zoological portions of this work, See paper ^ by C. Davies Sherborn in " Proc. Zool. Soc.," 1897, p. 285.] France. — COMMISSION D'EGYPTE. Histoire naturelle des Poissons du Nil ; par . . . Geoffrey "2- Saint-Hilaire. pp. 52. 4°. (Paris, 1810.) From the " Description de 1'Egypte," Hist. Nat., Tom. I. France. — COMMISSION D'ECSYPTE. Systeme des Oiseaux de 1'Egypte et de la Syrie, . . . par -f J. C. Savigny (Observations sur le Systeme des Oiseaux, dec.) pp. 54 (16). 4°. Paris, 1810-11. The first part of this work forms pp. 63-111, of the "Description de 1'Egypte," Hist. Nat., Vol. I. France. — COMMISSION D'EGYPTE. •7 Description des Mammiferes qui se trouvent en Egypte ; par . . . Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire. pp. Jfi. 4°. (Paris, 1813.) A proof impression, of which, according to manuscript note of the author, only two copies existed. In the " Description de 1'Egypte" this forms pp. 99-1U of the " Hist. Nat.," Tom. n. France.— COMMISSION D'EGYPTE. ~7 Audouin's Explication sommairedes planches d'Oiseaux de 1'Egypte et de la Syrie, publiees par J. C. Savigny. See WILLUGHBY SOCIETY. 8°. 1883. FRANCE.— COMMISSION SCIENTIFIQUE D'ISLANDE ET DE GEOENLAND. T Voyage en Islande et au Greenland, execute pendant . . . 1835-36 sur ... la Recherche, commandee par M. Trehouart . . . Publie . . . sous la direction de M. P. Gaimard. 7 Tom. & Atlas, 4 Tom. 8°. & fol. Paris, 1838-52. HISTOIRE DU VOYAGE. Tom. i, par M. P. Gaimard. 1838 [&, 47]. [According to the " Bibliographic do la France," pp. 225 to the end of this volume only appeared in 1847 ; neverthe- less, the colophon is dated "Aout 1838."] Tom. n, par M. Robert. 1850. Atlas Historiqne. 2 Tom. IK) pis. col. 1838 [i.e. 1850]. JOURNAL DU VOYAGE, par M. E. Mequet. pp. 189 : Spls., 1 map. 1852. HISTOIRE DE L'ISLANDE, par M. X. Marmier. pp. 387 : text illuat. 1840 [i.e. 1839 & 47]. ZOOLOOIE ET MEDECINE, par M. E. Robert, pp. iv, 211: S pit., 1 map. 1851. [Contains, inter alia : — Liste des Oiseaux qui se rencontrent en Islando . . . par M. R. Angles. Listo des Productions Animales de 1'Islande extrait de Gliemann. Notice statistique de 1'Islande, par M. de la Roquette.] — Atlas. 60 pis. 1851. MIN^RALOQIE ET GEOLOGIE, parM. E. Robert. pp.l&S: text illust. 1840 [-41]. [The second part, issued in 1841, has the sheets marked " Geologie et Botanique." It contains, inter alia : — " Observations sur la Vegetation en Islande," and " Liste des Plantes quo Ton suppose exister en Islande, dressee par M. Vahl."] — Atlas. SSpls. 1839. PHYSIQUE, par M. V. Lottin. pp. Hi, SIS. 1838 [-41]. LITTERATURE ISLANDAISE, par M. X. Marmier. pp. tSt. 1843 [-?] [Only pp. 1-176 appeared in 1843.] [For the dates of issue of the natural history portion of this work, See ANNALS AND MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HISTORY, Ser. VII, vol. vm.J FRANCE.— COMMISSION SCIENTIFIQUE DU NORD. Voyages ... en Scandinavie, en Laponie, au Spitzberg et aux Fe"roe, pendant . . . 1838-1840, sur ... la Kecherche, commandee par M. Fabvre . . . Publics . . . sous la direction de M. P. Gaimard, &c. 16 Tom. & Atlas, 5 Tom. 8°. & fol. Paris [1842-55]. The first livraison of this work, probably plates only, appeared in 1842. See "Bull. Soc. Geogr. France," 3e>. II, torn, xvm, p. 446. RELATION DU VOYAGE, par M. X. Marmier. 2 Tom. 1844, 47. - Atlas. 2 Tom. 310 pis. GEOORAPHIE PHYSIQUE, GEOGRAPHIE BOTANIQUE, BOTANIQUE ET PHYBIOLOGIE. 2 Tom. [1844, 47.] Tom. i. [Ft. 1, M^moire relatif auxlignesd'ancienniveaudelamerdans 1844.] le Finmark. Rapport par . . . Elie de Beaumont. [Reprinted from the " Compt. Rend. Acad. Kci. Paris," Tom. xv, 1842.] Sur lea lignes d'ancien niveau de la mer dans le Finmark. Par M. A, Bravais. Observations sur les Glaciers du Spitzberg, compares 4 ceux de la Suisse et de la Norvege, par C. Martins. Observations sur la direction qu'affectent les stries des rooher en Norvege. Par P. A. Biljestrom. [Translated from the Swedish original in the " K. Vet.-Akad.," Handl. 1843 (1844).] Note sur lePhenomene erratique du nord del'Europe, et sur les mouvements r£cents du sol Scandinave, par M. A. Daubree. [An abstract of this appeared in the "Compt. Rend, Acad. Sci. Paris," Tom. xvi, 1843.] [Pt. 2. MtSmoire sur la limite des neiges perp^tuelles, sur lea 1846.] Glaciers du Spitzberg compares a ceux des Alpes, sur les ph&aomenes diluviens, et les theories on on lessup- pose produits par des Glaciers ; par M. J. Durocher. Sur les tremblements de terre de la Peninsnle Scan- dinave, par M. A. Perrey. Tom. n. [Pt. 1. Recherches sur la croissance du Pin sylvestre, du Che'ne 1846.] et du Frgne dans le nord de 1'Europe, par A. Bravais et C. Martins. [Reprinted, with additions, from the "M6m. Cour. Acad. Sci. Belg.," 4°. Vol. xv, 1841.] Voyage en Laponie, de la Mer Glaciale au Golfe de Bothnie. Par A. Bravais et C. Martins. [Reprinted from the " Bibl. Univ.," Tom. LVIII, 1845.] Voyage botanique le longdes c6tes occidentales de la Nor- v4ge, de Drontheim au Cap Nord. Par C. Martins. [Issued separately in 1846.] [Pt. 2. Me"moire sur les temperatures de la Mer Glaciale i la 1850?] surface, ade grandes profondeurs, et dans le voisinage des Glaciers du Spitzberg. Par C. Martins. [Issued separately in 1848. Also printed in " Ann. Chem.," Vol. xxiv & XXV, 1848, 49.] Essai sur la Ve"g£tation de 1'Archipel des F^roe, com- paree a celle des Shetland et de 1'Islande me'ridionale, par C. Martins. [The *( Conclusions et Resume^' also appeared in the " Ann. Soc. Sci. Bot.," Ser. Ill, torn, xi, 1849.] GEOLOGIE, MINERALOGIE ET METALLURGIE, par E. Robert. 2 Pt. Atlas, SO pis. , [1844,55.] [Pt. 1. Instructions geologiques, redigees par M. Elie de Beau- 1844.] mont. Rapport sur les collections et observations geologiques ... par M. E. Robert. [Pt. 2. Rapport sur un travail de M. E. Robert, intitule" : 1855.] Recueil de recherches geologiques sur les dernieres traces que la mer a laissees a la surface des conti- nents dans I'h^misphere du Nord, notamment en Europe . . . Cordier, rapporteur. Recherches sur le sejour des Celtes dans les environs de Paris, d'c. Communication de M. Serres. [Reprinted from the " Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris," Tom. xxi, 1845.] Rapport sur les decouvertes Ethnographiques, etc., du Dr. Robert, fait . . . par M. A. Retzius. Cranes et restes des plus anciens habitants de la France. [Translated from the "Ofvers. K. Vet.-Akad. For- handL," Vol. ivf 1847.] Nouvelles observations sur les sejour des Celtes se rattachant au monument Celtique de Meudon. [By E. Robert.] Rectifications concernant les Coquilles fossiles du Spitzberg. Notice sur quelques fossiles du Spitzberg, par M. L. de Koninck. [Reprinted from ' ' Bull. Acad. Sci. Belg. ," Tom. xin, 1846.] Nouvelle notice, &c. [By L. de Koninck.] [Reprinted from "Bull. Acad. Sci. Belg.," Tom. xvi, 1850.J GEOLOGIE, MINERALOGIE, METALLURGIE ET CHIMIE, par M. J. Durocher. pp. 1&2. Atlas, 11 pis. [Pt. 1. Observations sur le ph^nomene diluvien dans le nord 1843.] de 1'Europe . . . Elie de Beaumont, rapporteur. Recherches sur le phenomene diluvien dans le nord de 1'Europe ; par M. Darocher. [Pt. 2. Observations geologiques sur la Scandinavie et le Spits- 1855.] berg. L -)l Ot&- 608 L T T 2 L L I v [Prance.— COMMISSION SCIENTIFIQUE DU NORD. (Contd.)] [Voyages ... en Scandinavie, K rilvsinL'E. SI pit. [For the dates of issue of the natural history portion of this work, &e ANNALS AND MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HISTORY, Scr. VII, vol.viu.j FRANCIS. — MINISTERE DE L'AGRICULTURE. Rapport general sur les questions relatives Ji la domestication et a la naturalisation des Animaux utiles . . . par M. I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. jm. 51. 4°. Pans, 1849. Also issued by the author in 12°, for which and subsequent editions Ste GEOFTROY SAINT-HILAIRE (I.) Domestication, aper is separately paged. France. — MINISTERE DE L'INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE. Rapport . . . par la Commission institute . . . pour inspection du materiel du Muse'um d'Histoire Natu- relfe. pp. 32. 4°. Pan's, 1865. France. — MINISTERE DE L'INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE. -j Rapport sur les progrfes de 1'Anthropologie, par M. A. ^- de Quatrefages, h: kpls., text Mutt. 1898. Note geologique par 8. Meunier. Plantes . . . par A. Frnnehet. , I Jste des Oisenux envoyes de Kbotan. [By E. Onstalet.] FRANCE. — MINISTfeRE DE LA MARINE ET DES COLONIES. Flore Forestiere de la Cochinchine, dkc. Fasc. i-» See PIERRE (L.) fol. [1880->] _, D Prance.— MINISTERS DE LA MARINE ET DES COLONIES. Statistique des Peches maritimes, Annee 1883. pp. 230. ~7 8°. Pans, 1884. * France.— MINISTERS DE LA MARINE ET DES COLONIES. Les Plantes utiles des Colonies Franchises, ouvrage R publi6 sous la direction de J. L. de Lanessan. pp. iv, ' 990. 8°. Paris, 1886. Annexe aux Notices Coloniales publiees & 1'occasion de 1'Exposition Universelle d'Anvers en 1885. FRANCE. — SERVICE DE LA CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE- TAILLEE. Explication de la Carte ... par MM. Dufrenoy et Elie de Beaumont [E. Bayle and R, Zeiller], &c. 6» Tom. i-iv & Atlas. 4°. & fol. Pan's, 1841-79. Tom. i & n. Par MM. Dufrenoy et Elie de Beaumont. 1841, 48. „ in, pt. 1. Par A. Dufrenoy. pp. mil, 131 : text Ulust. 1878. ,, IV, „ 1. Fossiles principanx des Terrains, par E. Bayle. [Text not published.] Atlas, pit. i^clmii, with explanations. 1878. „ „ ,, 2. Vegetaux fossiles du terrain Houiller, par R. Zeiller. pp. 181 : pli. clix-tlxxvi. 1878-79. France.— SERVICE DE LA CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DETAILLEE. Series paleontologiques. [Photographs of Mollusca r from the Eocene of the Pans basin.] 4 pis., with letter- '•• press description. 4°. Paris, 1872. France.— SERVICE DE LA CARTE GEOLOOIQUE DETAILLEE. Explications, &c. Cahier 1. pp. 80 : 6 maps. 8°. Paris, 1873. G Printed on one side only, the blank pages being counted in the numera- tion. It contains the explanation of Sh. 48 of the map, and was re-issued as a single sheet, in which form the other Feuilles are published with their resjwctive majis, under the title : — Notice Explicative, &c. Feuilles l-> {Paris, 1874-»] France.— SERVICE DE LA CARTE G^OLOGIQUE DETAILLEE. ^ Generalites, &c. 3 No. 8°. Part's, 1874. I There is also an edition in sheet form to accompany the main. A. [Introduction by Elie de Beaumont. Not published.] B. Avertissement. Historiqnc et definition dn travail, Paris, 1873-» Each sheet of the map is accompanied by one of letterpress entitled " Notice explicative." FRANCE.-SERVICE DES TOPOGRAPHIES SOUTERRAINES. [Maps.] Bassin Houiller du Pas-de-Calais, par A. Soubeiran. Echelle de 1 : 40,000 [i.e. 1 m. = Ij in. about.] 3 sh. [Para,] 1897. FRANCE. Societe Botauique de France. See PARIS. FRANCE. Societe Eiitomologique de France. See PARIS. FRANCE. Societe Francaise de Mineralogie. See PARIS. FRANCE. -Soci6t6 G6ologique de France. See PARIS. FRANCE. Societe Malacologiciue de France. Set PARIS. FRANCE. Societe Mycologicixie de France. See PARIS. FRANCE. Societe Zoologiqne de France. See PARIS. FRANCE. [Maps] Atlas national de France con- tenant la topographic de tous les departemens qui composent la Republique Frangaise, &c. [Scale 1 in. = 4$ m. about.] Paris, An. n [1793]. Wanting Sheets 1-26, 28-34. 86, 88-41, 43-45, 47-52. 54-66, 82, 84 90-92 96, 97, 90-110. France. [Maps] Carte routiere du Royaume de France et des pays limitrophea . . . Dessinee par Herisson. [Scale 1 in. = 20 m. about.] Paris, 1815. France [Maps] Carte miniere de la France par A. Caillaux . . . echelle 1 : 1,250,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 20 m. about]. Paris [1875]. France. [Maps] See also supra, Service de la Carte Geologique detailUe. See also supra, Service des Topographies Souterraines. See also under the names of the several Departments of France. FRANCE, lie de. See MAURITIUS. FRANCE (RAOUL HEINRICH) A Craspedomonadinak Szervezete, &c. — Der Organismus der Craspedo- monaden, &c. pp. viii, 248 : text illust. 8°. Budapest, 1897. Frauc6 (R. H.) [Protozoa of Lake Balaton.] See BUDA- PEST.— Magyar Foldrajzi Tdrsulat. Resultate der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees, 8°. " L 8^ fc B - : - L H s>.m L Francis (WILLIAM) See SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS, selected from the Transactions of Foreign Academies of Science ^ . . . Natural Philosophy. Edited by ... W. Francis. 8°. 1853. Francis (WILLIAM) See ANNALS AND MAGAZINE OF^ NATURAL HISTORY . . . Conducted by ... W. Francis. Ser. Ill, vol. ni-Ser. VI, vol. xx. 8°. 1859-97. f FRANCIS (WILLIAM) The Younger. See ANNALS & AND MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HISTORY . . . Conducted - by ... W. Francis, Jun. Ser. VII, vol. i-» 8°. 1898-» ; FRANCISCI (ERASMUS) [1627-1694] E. Francisci Ost- und West-Indischer wie auch Sinesischer Lust- und Stats-Garten . . . Der erste Theil begreifft in sich die edelsten Blumen, Krauter, Baume ... in Ost- Indien, Sina und America : Der ander Theil das Tem- perament der Lufft und Landschafften daselbst . . . die beriihmten natiir- und kunstliche fierce, . . . im- gleichen die innerlichen Schatze der Erden ^und Gewasser ; als Mineralien, Bergwercke, Metallen, Edel- gesteine, Perlen und Perl-Fischereyen . . . Der dritte Theil das Stats-Wesen, Policey-Ordnung . . . und Republicken daselbst, ls. fol. Niimberg, 1668. L 3 ; L -• i I Francisci (E.) Der wunder-reiche Uberzug unserer Nider-Welt, oder erd-umgebende Lufft-Krevs . . . nebst einer . . . lustigen Spatzier- und Tiscn-Unter- redung . . . und einen . . . kurtzem Anhange von dem Welt-Ort und Ijiuffe, oder Stillstande der ... Erd-Kugel, ~2L Frank (ALBERT B.) Grundziige der Pflanzenphysiologie. pp. 1SS : text Must. 8°. Hannover, 1882. Frank (ALBERT B.) Synopsis der Pflanzenkunde . . . Dritte . . . Auflage . . . yon . . . A. B. Frank. 3 Bd. Str LEUNIS (J.) Synopsis der drei Naturreiche, ofcc. Thl. II. Botanik. 8°. 1883-86. Frank (ALBERT B.) Untersuchungen iiber die Ernah- rung der Pflanze mit Stickstoff und iiber den Kreislauf desselben in der Landwirthschaf t. pp. 137 : 4 pis. 8". Berlin, 1888. Frank (ALBERT B.) Lehrbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Kulturpflanzen, Ac. pp. at, 243 : text Must. 8°. Berlin, 1890. Frank (ALBERT B.) Lehrbuch der Botanik nach dem gegenwartigen Stand der Wissenschaft. 2 Bd. illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1892-93. Frank (ALBERT B.) See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA . . . Herausgegeben von . . . A. B. Frank, &c. Hft. XXVIII-L. 4°. 1894-1900. Frank (ALBERT B.) 8". Frankfurt a. M., 1869-» Frankfort on the Main.— Deutsche Malakozoo- logische Gesellschaft. Jahrbiicher, dec. Jahrg. i-xiv, illust. (col.) 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1874-87. Herausgeg Gesellschaft xxvra. FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN.— None Zoo- logische Gesellschaft. [1856 Fonnded as Zootopitflit Oeulltchafl. 1872 Kevt Zootogitcht OatllKhaft.] Der Zoologische Garten. Organ der . . . Gesellscl . . . Herausgegeben von . . . D. F. We Jahrg. i-iv. 8°. Frankfurt a. M^lSGO-QS. [Continued as :] / _L Zeitschrift fiir Beobachtung, Pfta^e und Zucht der Thiere. Herausgegeben von y'. . C. Bruch.-r> J Jahrg. v. 8°. Fjtfnkfurt a. M., 1864. * [Continued < Gemeinsames Organ fiir^feutscbland und angren- zende Gebiete. Herausgeciroen von . . . C. Bruch . . . Fortgesetzt von Dr. Stjebel ([and afterwards] F. C. Noll). Jahrg. vi-xrv/ 8". Frankfurt a. M., 1865-73. Continued as :] von der " Neuen- Zoologischen Redigiert von F. C. Noll. Jahrg. xv- 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1874-87. [Continued as :] der Zoologischen Garten Deutschlands. jen von der . . . Gesellschaft . . . Redigiert " F. C. Noll ([and afterwards] O. Boettger). irg. xxix-» 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1888-» Frankfort on the Main. Neue Zoologische Gesellschaft. Fiihrer durch den Zoologischen Garten in Frankfurt am Main. Herausgegeben von . . . D. F. Weinland . . . fortgesetzt von . . . M. Schmidt, &c. pp. [iv,]108: 1 plan, text illust. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1865. FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN. — Sencken- bergische Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. [Founded 1817.] Museum Senckenbergianum. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. i-in & Suppt. Bd. i. 4°. Frankfurt-am- Main, 1834-45. Frankfort on the Main. — Senckenbergische Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. I Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. i-» 4°. Frankfurt a. M., 1854-» s. Frankfort on the Main. — Senckenbergische Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. Bericht, &c. 1869-» 8". Frankfurt-a-M., 1870->- _' Frankfort on the Main. — Senckenbergische Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. Festreden gehalten im naturgeschichtlichen Museum ' zu Frankfurt am Main, und als ein Beitrag zur Feier c, der 25jahrigen Stiftung der . . . Gesellschaft . . . Herausgegeben von . . . J. M. Mappes. pp. viii, 186. 8°. Frankfurt-am- Main, 1842. Frankfort on the Main. — Senckenbergische Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. Atlas zu der Reiso im niirdlichen Afrika von E. Riippell. ,_ Erste Abtheilung Zoologie. 5 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] illust. col. \ fol Frankfurt am Mam, 1826-28. - 1. Saogethiere. Bearbeitet von P. J. Cretuchmar. pp. 78: SO pit. col. ls-"- 2. Vogel. Bearbeitet von P. J. Cretlschmar. pp. 66 : i6 pit. col. 1826. 3. Ileptilien. Bearbeitet von C. H. G. von lleyden. pp. 24: 6 pit. col. 1827.. 4. FUohe de» Rothen Meeres. Bearbeitet von E. Ruppell. pp. lUt : S6 pit. col. . 1828. ) 5. Neue wirbellose Thiere del Rothen Meeres. Bearbeitet von E. Ruppell i F. 8. Lenolurt. pp. 60: 11 pit. col. Frankfort on the Main.— Senckenbergische Natnrforscheude Gesellschaft. Verzeichniss der in dem Museum der . . . Gesellschaft nufgestellten Sammlungen. [By E. Riippell.] 3 Abth. 4*. Frankfurt am Main, 1842-52. Abth. l. Saugethiera nnd deren Skelette. pp. St. 1842. [MuB. Senckenb. Bd. HI, hft. 8.J „ u. [Not published.] ,, Hi. Amphibien. pp. t4> 1845. (Mils. Senckenb. Bd. ill, hft. 8.] ,, IV. Fitch* nnd deren SkeletU. pp. 40. 1852. [_ T z. 613 Frankfort on the Main. — Senckenbergische Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. Lepidopteren von Madagascar. Neue und wenig CL bekannte Arten zumeist aus der Sammlung der . . . Gesellschaft . . . unter Beriicksichtigung der gesammten Lepidopteren-Fauna Madagascars, &c. See SAAL- MUELLEE (M.) 4°. 1884-91. Frankfort on the Main.— Senckenbergische Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. Katalog der Vogelsammlung im Museum der . . . Ge- sellschaft . . . Von E. Hartert. pp. xxii, 259. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1891. Frankfort on the Main.— Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. ^Z. Katalog der Batrachier-Samml ung im Museum der . . . Gesellschaft . . . von . . . O. Boettger. pp. x, 73. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1892. Frankfort on the Main. Senckenbergische Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. 2- Katalog der Reptilien-Sammlung im Museum der . . . Gesellschaft ... von ... O. Boettger. Thl. i-» 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1893-» Thl. I. Rhynchocephalen, Schildkroten, Krokodile, Eidechsen, Chauialeons. pp. x, HO. \*'.K. „ n. Schlangen. pp. ix, ISO. 1898 [1899]. FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN.— Zoologische Gesellschaft. See supra, NEUE ZOOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. FRANKFORT ON THE ODER.— Hortus Bo- tanicus Viadrinus. See infra, UNIVERSITAS FEANCOFUETANA. FRANKFORT ON THE ODER.— Academia Viadrina. See infra, UNIVEESITAS FEANCOFOETANA. FRANKFORT ON THE ODER.— Naturwissen- schaftlicher Verein des Regierungsbezirks Frankfurt. [Founded isss.] Monatliche Mittheilungen (aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Naturwissenschaften) . . . Herausgegeben von . . . E. Huth. Jahrg. i-vi. 8°. Frankfurt a. Oder, Berlin, 1883-89. Only the first three and part of the fourth Jahrg. were published at Frankfurt. [Continued as ;] Helios. (Abhandlungen und) monatliche Mittheilungen L ... Herausgegeben von . . . E. Huth. Jahrg. vn-xin. 8°. Berlin, 1889-96. There is a " Gesammt-Inbalts-Verzeichniss der ersten zehn Bande . . . 1884-1893" at the end of Bd. x. Abhandlungen und Mittheilungen . . . Herausge- geben von . . . E. Huth ([and afterwards] H. Roedel). Bd. xiv-xvi. 8°. Berlin, 1897-99. FRANKFORT ON THE ODER.— TJniversitas Francofurtana. [Founded 1506. Removed to Breslau 1811.] C. A. a Bergen . . . Catalogus Stirpium . . . quas Hortus Medicus Academic Viadrina: complectitur, &c. See BEEGEN (C. A. VON). 8°. 1744. FRANKFORT ON THE ODER. [Map.] Geologische Karte der Gegend zwischen Magdeburg und Frankfurt a. O. . viii, 183. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1827. FRANQUE (C)TTO VON) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Miiskelknospen. pp. SO : 1 pi. col. See WURZBURO. — PHY8IKALI8CH-MEDICINISCHE GESELL8CHAFT. Verhand- lungen, ia>v fiopuav .ii,-t\ui 6. Aristoteles' vier Biicher iiber die Theile der Thiere. Griechisch und Deutsch und mit sacher- kliirenden Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Dr. A. von Frantzius. See ARISTOTLE. 8°. 1853. Frantzins (A. VON) Los Mamiferos de Costa Rica . . . traducci6n del Aleman por el Dr. D. R. Cortes. See BARRANTES (F. M.) Geografia de Costa Rica. 8°. 1892. FRANTZIUS (WOLFOANGUS) See FRANZIUS. FRANZ (JOHANN GEORO FRIEDRICH) [1737-1789] [2 Dissertatio inauguralis medica de Asparago ex scriptis 1 medicorum veterum, &c. pp. [viii^\ %2. 4°. Lipsice, 1778. Franz (J. G. F.) C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis His- toriae . . . recensuit . . . J. G. F. Franzius. 10 Vol. See PLINIUS C^ECILIUS SECUNDUS (CAius). 8°. 1778 (-91). Franz (J. G. F.) See COMMENTARII DE REBUS IN SciENTIA NATURALI ET MfiDICINA GESTIS. Vol. XXIX- xxx. [Edited by J. G. F. Franz.] 8°. 1787-88. - FRANZEN (SEM JOHANNES) Clavis in familias Plantarum indigenas, quam . . . p.p. S. J. Franz6n, &c. See FRIES (E. M.) 8°. 1836. FRANZENATI (AoqsTON) Kristalytani 6s optikai vizsgalatok az Aranyi Hegyi Amphibolon. [Crystal- lographic and optical researches on the Amphibole of Arany Hegy.] pp. 15 : 1 pi. See BUDAPEST.— MAGYAR TUDOM.ANYO8 AKADEMIA. Ertekeze"sek a Termeszet- tudomanyok Korebol, &c. Kot. xn, szsim 2. 8°. 1882. Franzenau (A.) Adatok Letkes Faunajahoz. [Data towards the Fauna of Letkes.] pp. 36 : Ipl. See BUDA- L PE8T. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Mathe- matikai es Term6szettudomanyi Kiizlenienyek, ). 7j FBASEB (PATRICK NEILL) [1831-] British Ferns and their varieties, pp. 7. 8°. Edinburgh, 1864. & [Another edition.] pp. 18. 8°. Edinburgh, 1868. FBASEB (ROBERT) A review of the Domestic —> Fisheries of Great Britain and Ireland. (Appendix.) pp. mii, vi, 161, (126,) v : 1 map. fol. Edinburgh, 1818. FBASEB (SiMON) 15th Baron Lovat. Shooting . . . with contributions by Lord Lovat . . . Moor and Marsh, &c. See DE GRAY (T.) Baron Walsingham & PAYNE-GALLWEY (Sir R.) 8°. 1886. FBAUENFELD (GEOEG VON) [1807-1873] Die 'Q Algen der Dalmatischen Kiiste mit Hinzufiigung der von Kiitzing im Adriatischen Meere iiberhaupt aufge- fiihrten Arten. pp. xviii, 78 : 24 pis. col. 4°. Wien, 1855. "]~ Frauenfeld (G. VON) Mollusken. See AUSTRIA-HUN- G_ARY. — Reise^der . ._. Fregatte Novara . . . 1857-59. Zoologischer Theil. Bd. u, abth. 3. 4°. 1867. Fvaueiifeld (G. VON) Neu aufgefundene Abbildung des Dronte und eines zweiten kurzflugeligen Vogels, 2. •wahrscheinlich des Poule Rouge au Bee de Becasse der Maskarenen in der Privatbibliothek S. M. des verstor- benen Kaisers Franz, &c. pp. [vi,] 17 : 4 pis. (col.) fol. Wien, 1868. Printed in double column. Franenfeld (G. VON) Die ausgestorbenen und ausster- ~2- benden Thiere der jiingsten Erdperiode. Ein Vortrag, &c. 8°. Wien, 1870. FBAZEB (PERSIPOR) [1844-] Mines and Minerals Qof Colorado. See UNITED STATES. — Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Annual Report, &c. No. 3. 8°. 1873. Frazer (P.) Memoire sur la Geologie de la partie /" sud-est de la Pennsylvanie. pp. 178 : 2 pis., 2 maps (1 col.) See LILLE. — SOCIETE GEOLOGIQUE DU NORD. Memoires, &c. Tom. I, pt. 2. 4°. 1882. £. Frazer (P.) See AMERICAN GEOLOGIST, THE . . . Editors . . . S. Calvin ... P. Frazer, &c. Vol. i-» 8°. 1888-> A i Frazer (P.) Joseph Leidy. [Biographical Notice.] - pp. 5 : port. 8°. [Minneapolis,] 1892. American Geologist. Vol. ix. Frazer (P.) T. S. Hunt. [Biographical notice.] pp. 13 : L 1 port. 8°. [Minneapolis,] 1893. American Geologist. Vol. XI. Frazer (P.) Notes on the northern Black Hills of <5 South Dakota, pp. 28. 8°: [New York, 1898.] Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Engineers. Vol. xxvli. L r L o . G o. f~_ Frazer (P.) The Life and Letters of E. D. Cope. 8°. Minneapolis, 1900. American Geologist. Vol. xxvl, pp. 67-128. Frazer (P.) [For official reports in connection with the Survey] See PENNSYLVANIA, State of. — Second Geo- logical Survey. FREAM (WILLIAM) Canadian Agriculture, &c. 2 Pt. 8°. London, 1885. J.juni. Hoy. Agric. Soc. Vol. XXI. Fream (W.) Agricultural Canada : A Record of Pro- gress, pp. 64: 1 map. 8°. [London,] 1888. FRECH (FRITZ) [1861-] Die Korallenfauna des Ober- devons in Deutschland. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 36. 8°. £erlin[l88o]. Freeh (F.) Die Cyathophylliden und Zaphrentiden des Deutschen Mitteldevon, eingeleitet durch den Versuch einer Gleiderung desselben. pp. 119 : 8 pis., fer text illust. See PALEONTOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Bd. in, hft. 3. 4°. 1886. Freeh (F.) Geologie der Umgegend von Haiger bei Dillenburg (Nassau). Nebst einem palseontologischen ^ Anhang. pp. 36 : 2 pis., 1 map col., text illust. M See PRUSSIA. — Komglich-Preussische Geologische Landes-Amtalt, &c. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. vin, hft. 3. 8°. 1888. Freeh (F.) Die Devonischen Aviculiden Deutschlands. Ein Beitrag zur Systematik und Stammes-Geschichte s der Zweischaler, &c. pp. viii, 261, 2 tabs. : 18 pis. See PRUSSIA. — Koeniglich-Preussische Geologische Landes-Anstalt, &c. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. ix, hft. 3. 8°. & fol. 1891. Freeh (F.) Die Karnischen Alpen. Ein Beitrag zur veigleichenden Gebirgs-Tektonik . . . Mit einem petro- / S lU- ? graphischen Anhang von . . . L. Milch, pp. xiv, 514, *- 1 tab. : 86 pis., 2 maps, text illust. See HALLE. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. XVHI. 8°. 1892, 94. Also issued separately, with the addition of a map. Geologische Karte der Karnischen Alpen sowie der ,. angrenzenden Gailthaler und Venezainer Berge auf- (3 ' genommen in ... 1886-90 von . . . F. Freeh, &c. Massstab 1 : 75,000 [i.e. 1 in. = H m. about]. 3 sh. See CARNIC ALPS. [Maps.] 1894. Freeh (F.) Die Tribulaungruppe am Brenner in ihrer Bedeutung fur den Gebirgsbau. See PHILIPPSON (A.) (^ & others. Festschrift F. Freiherrn von Richthofen, &c. 8°. 1893. Freeh (F.) [Pateozoic Corals of eastern Asia.] See SZECHENYI (B.) Count. Grof Szechenyi B. Kele- i tazsiai utjanak tudomanyos Eredme'nye. Kot. in. 4°. 1897. Freeh (F.) Letha?a geognostica . . . i Thl. Lethasa paleeozoica. Fortgesetzt von F. Freeh. Bd. i-> (I. See ROEMER (C. F. VON). 8°. 1897-> FREDERICK II., Emperor of Germany [1194-1250] Reliqua librorum Friderici II. ... De arte venandi cum avibus, cum Manfredi regis additionibus. Ex membranis vetustis nunc primum edita. Albertus Magnus de Falconibus, Asturibus, & Accipitribus. pp. xvi, 414- 8°. Augustce Vindelicorum, 1596. FREDERICK (CESAR) See FEDERICI (CESARE) FBEDEBICQ (LEON) [1851-] Nouvelles recherches i sur 1'autotomie chez le Crabe. pp. 32 [1] : text illust. ' See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &c. Memoires couronnes . . . Collection in 8°. Tom. XLVI, no. 1. 8°. 1892. 616 FREDHOLM (KARL AUGUST) Om Meteoratenfa|let vid Hessle den 1 Januari 1869. Akademisk Afhandling Ac. ftp. 43: 1 map. 8". Upsala, 1869 Fredholm (K. A.) Ofversigt af Norrbottens Geologi inoni Pajala, Muonionalusta och Tarandii aocknar. pp. .19 : 2 maps col. See SWEDEN.— .SwTt.f/fti Geologiska Undrrsiikning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, FREMERY (NicoLAUS CORNELIUS DE) [1770-1844] Z- Specimen zoologicum, sistens observationes, prsesertim osteologicas de Casuario Novae Hollandise . . . prauside . . . N. C. de Fremery, &c. See FEEMEEY (P. J. I. DE). 8°. 1819. FREMERY (PIETEE JAN ISAAC DE) (1797-1855] Specimen zoologicum, sistens observationes, prsesertim 21 osteologicas de Casuario Novae Hollandiai, quod . . . preside . . . N. C. de Fremery . . . proponit auctor, P. J. I. de Fremery, dec. pp. [vi,] 86 : 1 pi. 8". Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1819. FREMINEATJ (HENRI) [1828-] Anatomie du Systemc vasculaire des Cryptogames Vasculaires de France. [Thesis.] pp. 80 : 7 pis. • 4°. Paris, 1868. Fr£minean (H.) Liliacees et de ceux de leurs produits employes en pharmacie. These, dec. pp. 56. 4°. Paris, 1869. FREMINVILLE (CHEISTOPHE PAULIN DE LA Poix DE) [1787-1848] Voyage dans le Finistere, par Cambry. , Nouvelle Edition, accompagnee denotes . . . physiques I— et de la Flore et de la Faune du departement, par M. . . . Fr6minville. See CAMBEY (J.) 8*. 1836. FREMONT (JOHN CHARLES) [1813-1890] Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains in , . . . 1842, and to Oregon and North California in ... L. 1843-44. See UNITED STATES. 8°. 1845. Fremont (J. C.) Plantae Fremontianae ; or descriptions of plants collected by Col. J. C. Fremont in California, by J. Torrey. 'pp. 24: 10 pis. See SMITHSONIAN IN- STITUTION. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. vi, art. 2. 4°. 1854. Fremont (J. C.) & Torrey (J.) Descriptions of some new genera and species of Plants, collected in ... Oregon and North California, in ... 1843-44. See UNITED STATES. Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, &c. Appendix c. 8°. 184D. FREMONT (L. C. A.) Note sur VOrobanche de Dioscoride contenant sa description . . . des conjectures sur VOrobanche de Theophraste, &c. pp. $2. 8°. Cherbourg, 1807. FREMY (EDMOND) [1814-1894] pp. 31 : 22 pis. Synthese du Rubis. 4°. Paris, 1891. 0 C 0 u L 0 U M L z FRENCH (CHARLES) A Handbook of the destructive Insects of Victoria, with notes on the methods to be adopted to check and extirpate them, &c. 3 Pt. See VICTORIA, Australia. — Department of Agriculture. 8°. 1891-1900. French. (C.) Economic Entomology : some advantages to be derived from its study. See VICTORIA, Austra- lia.—Department of Agriculture. Monthly lectures delivered at School of Horticulture . . . 1892-1893. No. 5. 8°. (1893.) FRENCH (G. H.) The Butterflies of the Eastern United States, pp. 402 : text illust. 8°. Philadelphia, 1886. FRENCH GARDENER. The French Gardiner: instructing how to cultivate all sorts of Fruit-trees, and Herbes for the Garden . . . Written originally in French [by N. de Bonnefons], and now translated into English by J. Evelyn . . . Third edition . . . where- unto is annexed, the English Vineyard vindicated by J. Rose, . . . with a tract of the making and ordering of wines in France, pp. [viii,] 294, 4$ [">]• 8°. London, 1675. The first English edition, translated by " Pliilocepos" [i.e. 3. Evelyn], appeared in 1658, while the French original was first issued in Iti51. The third English edition was published in 1672, and the present is a re-issue of that one. FRENCH GUIANA. See GUIANA, French. FRENKEL (F.) See BIBLIOTHECA HISTORICO-NATU- , EALIS ET PHYSICO-CHEMICA . . . herausgegeben von . . . F. Frenkel. Jahrg. xxix, lift. 2— xxxi. 8°. 1879-81. FRENZEL (AUGUST) Mineralogisches Lexicon fiir IA das Konigreich Sachsen. pp. vi, 380. 8°. Leipzig, 1874. * D V £ B o B Frenzel (A.) Kaukasische Mineralien. See SCHNEIDER (O.) Naturwissenschaftliche Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kaukasuslander, dec. 8°. 1878. FRENZEL (CARL) [1859-] Ueber die Abhangigkeit der mineralogischen Zusammensetzung und Structur der Massengesteine vom geologischen Alter . . . In- augural-Dissertation, dec. pp. 66. 8°. Halle, 1882. 78 L Z 5 H 618 M H •M FRENZEL (JOHANN SAMUEL TRAUGOTT) [1740-1807] Dissertatio inMguralis medica de Torpedine veterum genere Jtaia. Quam . . . disputabit J. S. T. Frenzel. See LANGGUTH (G. A.) 4°. 1777. FRENZEL (JOHANNES) [1858?-1897] Mikrographie I3ol A dor MitK-lilanmlruse (Leber) der Mollusken. See ACA- DEMIA C^ESAREALEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA.rfrc. NovaActa, Ac. Tom. XLVIII, no. 2 ; LX, no. 3. 4°. 1886, 93 (94). Frenzel (JOHANNES) Untersuchungen iibcr die mikro- ^, skopische Fauna Argentiniens. Erster Toil : die Proto- | zoen, -ou i n Seuckenb. lid. 1 1 £ ill. Freseuius (J. B. G. W.) [Grundriss der Botanik, &c. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1840.] Wanting. Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. iv. 90. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1843. Freseuius (J. B. G. W.) Zur Controverse iiber die Ver col. FRESENIUS (GEORG) Sff V* H FRESENIUS (HEiNRicH)/pS?r JAErTBUHKlFf FUER ANALYTISCHE CHEMIE . . . Herausgegeben von H. Fresenius, ESAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, OCC. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. xxxix, no. 1. 4°. 1876 (1877). FREYSSMUTH (JOSEPH VON) [1786-1819] Chemische Untersuchung eines fasrigen Mesolithes. L pp. 19. See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GE- , SELLSCHAFT DER wissENSCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, 8°. Fribourg, 1880-*. \_ , ^ FRIBOURG. — TTuiversitaet. [Founded ISSQ.] [For papers issued by the Botanical Institute] See WESTERMAIER (M.) FRIBURGUM BRISIGAVORUM. See FREIBURG-IN-BREISGAU. FRIC (ANTONIN JAN) [1832-] Catalog der Sauge- ^ thiere und Vogel des Bohmischeu Museums zu Prag, >a &c. See PRAGUE. — GESELLSCHAFT DES MUSEUMS DES -% KOENIGREICHS BOEHMEN. 8°. 1854. Fric (A. J.) Kritisches Verzeichniss der Fische Boh- mens. pp. 8. 8°. Prag, 1859. Lotos. Jabrg. viii. Fric (A. J.) Ueber die Callianassen der Bohmischen Kreideformation. pp. 13: % pis. See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, &c. Sechste Folge, Bd. I. 4°. 1867. Fric (A. J.) Ueber Eozoon bohemicum, Fr., aus den kornigen Kalk- steinen von Raspenau bei Friedland in Bohmen. Petrefakten aus dem kornigen Kalke von Pankrac bei Gabel. Notiz iiber eine Heuschrecke aus der Braunkohle von Freudenhain. See PRAGUE. — BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCH- FORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, &c. Bd. I, sect. II, pt. 3. 8°. 1869. 6. I 620 1°l H 7SI. 3 T 2 Q u •z Fric (A. J.) Studien im Gebiete der Bohmischen Kreide- L formation. 7 Pt See PRAGUE.— BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDKSDURCHFORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, At. Bd. I, sect. II, pt 2 ; iv, no. 1 ; v, no. 2 ; vn, no. 2 ; IX, no. 1 ; x, no. 4 ; xi, no. 2. 8°. 1869-1901. L Fri6 (A. J.) Zur Anatomic der Elephanten-Schild- krote ( Testwlo elephantina). pp. 18 : 3 pis. See PRAGUE. — KOENIOLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, Ac. Sechste Folge, Bd. iv. 4°. 1870. Fric (A. J.) Naturgeschichte der Vogel Europa's. pp.[iv,]xv,506[ll] : 61 pis. col. 4°. & M.Prag, 1870-71. Frit (A. J.) Cephalopoden der Bohmischen Kreide- formation. Unter Mitwirkung des U. Rchlonbach. pp. 51 : 16 pis. 4°. Prag, 1872. Fric (A. J.) Arbeiten der zoologischen Section der Landesdurchforschung von Bohmen. 1. Die Wirbelthiere Bohmens, Ac. 2. Die Fluss-Fischerei in Bohmen, Ac. 3. Die Krustenthiere Bohmens. See PRAGUE.— BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCH- FORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, Ac. Bd. n, thl. 2. 8°. 1873. f Frit (A. J.) Geologische Bilder aus der Urzeit Bohmens. V3 [pp. vi :] 6 pis. obi. fol. Prag, 1874. ~ Fric (A. J.) Mala Geologie, Ac. [A Geology primer, C? . 53: 10 pis. col., text 4°. Prag, 1887. B U etc. Fric (A. J.) & Krejci (J.) Geologische Karte von Bohmen . . . Section vi. Umgebung von Kuttenberg bis Bohm. Triibau. Entworfen von . . . J. Krejci. ( Mit Erlauterung von ... A. Fric. pp. 10: 1 map, col. See PRAGUE.— BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDES- DDRCHFORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, Ac. Bd. VII, no. 6. 8°. 1891. Fric (A. J.) & Laube (G. C.) Geologische Karte von Bohmen . . . Section n & in. See PRAGUE.— BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCHFORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, Ac. Bd. IX, thl. 6 ; x, thl. 1. 8°. 1895. Fri6 (A. J.) & Vavra (V.) Untersuchungen iiber die Fauna der Gewasser Bohmens. in & iv. See PRAGUE. BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCHFOHSCHUNO VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, Ac. Bd. IX, thl. 2 ; x, thl. 3. 8°. 1893 (1894), 97. FRICHE-JOSET ( V^-Synopsis de laptfre du O Jura sefttentrional tet^du Sundgau . . .xmvies d'un vocaWuaire . . . par F. J. Montandon, . VII, torn. xvm. !°. 1885-99. Friedel (C.) Cours de Mineialogie . . . Mineralogie generale. pp. Hi, 416 : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1893. FRIEDEL (EKNST) Fiihrer durch die Fischerei- ZAbtheilung cles Markischen Provinzial-Museums der Stadtgemeinde Berlin, &c. See BERLIN. — Internationale Fischerei-Amstellung, 1880. 8°. 1880. Friedel (E.) Geschichte der Fischerei. See BERLIN. / — Internationale Fischer ei-Ausstellung, 1880. Amtliche Berichte v. 8°. 1881. FRIEDEL (FRIDERICUS) Dissertatio . . . inauguralis g de Caryophyllis aromaticis, quam . . . submittit F. Friedel, &c. See HOFFMANN (F.) M.D. 4°. [1701.] FRIEDERICH (ADOLPH) Crania Germanica Harta- Zgowensia. Beschreibung und Abbildung altdeutscher Schadel aus einem Todtenhiigel bei Minsleben in der Grafscliaft Wernigerode. pp. 16 : 22 pis. 4°. Wernigerode, 1865. FRIEDLAENDER (CARL) [1847-1887] Microsco- Zpische Technik zum Gebrauch bei medicmischen und pathologisch-anatomischen Untersuchungen. pp. iriii, 132. 8°. Kassel & Berlin (1882). FRIEDLAENDER(RApHAEL)£Sohn. See NATURE NOVITATES . . . Herausgegeben von B. Friedlander • Physiologen und Zoopalaeontologen, ls., 1 map rjeol. col. 8°. Prog, 1837. Alisch. I. No. 1. Flora von Marienbad, von . . . dem Prinzen Friedrich. ,, 2. Ernanzungen. (Vom Dr. Eversmann . . . vom HerausKeber W. Skalnik und Schramm.) „ 3. Pyronema Marianum, Carus. eine neuenUleckte Pilzart. TBv C. «. Carus.] ,, 4. Flora der Herrsdraft Tepl, von J. Conrad. Absch. II. No. 5-7. Gang- und Gebirgs-Arten von Marienbad, gesanm elt und beschrieben von . . . J. W. von Gothe. ,, 9-14. Darstellung einiger geognostischer Verhaltnisse Marien bads, vom Hrn ... [A.] von Gutbier. ,, 17-21. Zusiitze aus den " Geognostischen Beitragen von F. E. Gumprecht." Absch. in. [Appendix, by C. J. Heidler.] FRIEDRICHS-UNIVERSITAET. See HALLE. FRIEDRICHSHAINS. See BERLIN. FRIEDRICHSTHAL (EMANUEL VON) [1809-1842] Reise in den siidlichen Theilen von Neu-Griechenland. /Q Beitrage zur Charakteristik dieses Landes . . . Mit einem botanischen Anhange. pp. viii, 311. 12°. Leipzig, 1838. FRIELE (HERMANN) [1838-] Mollusca. See NOR- \_ WAY. Den Norske Nordhavs-Expedition, 1876-78. Vol. vni, xvi. 4°. 1882-86. FRIEND (HiLDERic) A Glossary of Devonshire Plant Names, pp. vi, 63. 8°. London, 1882. S English Dialect Soc. orig. Glossaries. C. 29. Reprinted from " Trans. Devon. Assoc.," Vol. xiv. Friend (H.) Flowers and Flower Lore . . . Second ji edition, &c. pp. xvi,, 704 •' text illust. 8°. London, 1884. The first edition appeared in the same year. Friend (H.) The Ministry of Flowers, being some ._ thoughts respecting Life, suggested by the Book of ^ Nature, pp. xi, 236 : 8 pis. 8°. London, 1885. Friend (H.) The Wesley Naturalist . . . Editors : |_ Rev. W. H. Dallinger . . . Rev. H. Friend. Vol. i-in. See WESLEY SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 8°. 1887-89. S. 1 FRIES (ANDREAS) Die weidenartigen Gewachse in der Gegend von Wertheim mit einigen Worten iiber ihre Benutzung, &c. pp. 48. 4°. Wertheim a. M., 1864. FRIES (BENGT FREDRIK) [1799-1839] Monographia .. Tanyporum Svecise, quam . . . preside C. F. Fallen . . . subjicit auctor B. F. Fries, &c. pp. 17 : 1 pi. 8°. Lundce, 1823. Fries (B. F.) Observationes Entomplogicse, quas p.p. _ B. F. Fries, . . . respondente P. O. Liljevalch . . . Pt. 1. fc- pp. 20 : 1 pi. 8°. Lundce, 1824. Fries (B. F.) Arsberattelse om nyare Zoologiska Arbeten och Upptackter, till . . . Academien afgifven -^ den 31 Mars 1832 (1833-36). 5 Vol. See STOCKHOLM. £ — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. 8°. 1832-37 622 B B Fries (B. F.) A- other*. Skandinaviens Fiskar malade efter lefvande exemplar och ritade pft steu af W. von Wright, med text at B. F. Fries, C. TJ. Ekstrom och C. J. Sundewall. (Pisces Scandinavia) . . . Versio Latina. — Bihang innefattande beskrifningar bfver de i Skandinavien bruklige Fiskeredskap). pp. iv, 222 (140, 44): 63 pis. (col.) 4°. Stockholm, 1836-48 [-57]. A second edition was issued In 1892-85. Fries (B. F.) & others. A history of Scandinavian Fishes, by B. Fries, C. U. Ekstrom, and C. Sundevall . . . Second edition, revised and completed by ... F. A. Smitt. [Translated by D. L. Morgan.] 2 Pt. pp. [vi,] 1S40 : 54 pis. col., text Must. 4°. Stockholm . Vexternas t'rsprung. [Read before the " K. Vet.-Soc., Ulhcil in a program of the Upsala University for 1848.] Bd. III. No. 1. Tal vid de Skandinaviska Nalnrforskames besok i Upsala . . . ,, 2. ttfversiftt af Vaxtkannedomens framsteg i Sverige. I For-Lin- E«an»ka tiden. [1864.] ,, 8. II. C. v. I.innr, fader och son. ,, 4. Den Linneaneka BnUnikens forhallunde till den nuvarandc. ( Botnn. Notiser. 1857.] ,, 5. Ofrenigt af den Skandinaviska jordens vaxtlighet. fNord. Univ. Tidskrift. Bd. i, 1856.] ,. 8. T~6rsla|ttillfasUtalUndeafSvenskavaxtenia>s)agtnanir. [1864.] „ 7. De i Sverige vaxandc Pilarterna och deras vigt i Landthiuhall- nintren. (Tid>kr. I^ndtn .- * Komnnmal-ekon. Bd. xlx, Is.v.i. | ,. 8. AllinmnOfrersiiitaf Sv;un|iarna»f»niiljer, .(•<•.— Bihang: Varmare laodera Svamparter i Bnropeiska viixthns. (Ofverr. K. Vet.-Akad. Forhandl. Xrg. xvni, 1861.]! ,, 9. 8rani|»rnas ralendarium under inedlersta Sveriges horlsont. (Ofvera. K. Vet.-/kad. Fiirhandl. Arft.xiv, 1857.] „ 10. Mimie«t^knin(t ofver E. G. Getjer. [1847.] Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Dispositio Algarum Sveciae, quam . . . subjiciunt C A. Agardh, . . . & E. M. Fries ... P. in, 1817. 1817. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Flora Hallandica, sistens enumerationem Vegetabilium in Hallandia sponte nascentium, &c. Pars i. Sectiones i-x. pp. 159. 8°. Lund, 1817-19. 1817. 1817. „ H. J. Falkman. 1817. „ E. G. Arfvidson. 1817. „ C. A. Stridsberg. 1818. „ A. W. Brunius. 1818. „ 8. Rodhe. 1819. „ P. Boklin. 1819. ,, J. Petersson. 1819. . P. Aurelins. 1819. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Om Brand och Rost p4 r> Waxter, jemte fullstandig underrattelse om deras ' kannetecken, orsaker, skada samt niedel till dess forekommande. pp. 54. 8°. Lund, 1821. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Systema Mycologicum, sistens Fungorum ordines, genera et species hue usque cognitas, £> dfcc. 3 Vol. 8°. Lundce commentarium in Systema Mycologicum. 2 Vol. [in 1.] D 8°. Gryphiswaldiae, 1828. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Synopsis Agaricorum Europae- .. orum, quam . . . praeside E. Fries . . . p.p. J. U. Jj Runstedt ... P. I. pp. 16. 8°. Lundce, 1830. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Lichenographia Europaea *^ reformatn. Praemittuntur Lichenologiae fundamenta, fe &c. pp.cxx,486. 8°. Lundce, 1831. 623 Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Primitiae Geographies Liche- 5 num, quas . . . preside E. Fries . . .proponit T. C. Fornander, &c. pp.xviii. 8°. Londini Gothorum, 1831. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Stirpes in Regione Cim- _ britshamnensi sponte crescentes, quarum enumera- J5 tionem, . . . preside E. M. Fries . . . proponit auctor, &c. See ARESCHOUG (J. E.) 8°. 1831. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Boleti, Fungorum generis, D illustratio, quam . . . praeside E. Fries . . . p.p. C. T. H6k, &c. pp. 14. 8°. Upsalice, 1835. _ Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Corpus Florarum provincialium O Sueciae. I. Floram Scanicam. pp. xxiv, 394, 1 tab. 8". Upsalice, 1835 [-37]. Originally issued in twenty -seven dissertations, as follows : — Pp. i-xiv as " Prolegomena." „ xv-xxivaa " Clavis in Familias Plantarum indigenas. Resp. S. J. Franzen. . , 1-192 as " Topographia Stirpium Scanensium." Pt. i-xn. [A copy of the title-page to Pt. i (Resp. J. G. Lager- Btedt) has been preserved and bound in front of the collective title-page.] „ 193-254 Pt. XIII-XVI. ,, 255-298 as " Lichenes Scanise." Pt. x% n-xix. ,, £99-314 as " In Fucaceunmi familias observationes. [Pt. xx.] ,, 315-830 as '' continuatfe, adjectis Ulvaceis Scanise." Pt. XXI. ,, 831-346 as "Clavis analytica in Vegetabilia achlorophyta homonemearum." Pt. xxn. „ 347-394 Pt. XXIH-XXV. 1886. 1836. 1835. 1836. 1836. 1836. 1886. 1836. 1837. — [Another copy.] Wanting pp. xv-xxiv with the table ; but having a leaf of " Aphorismi " added at the end. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Anteckningar ofver de i Sverige vaxande atliga Svampar, &c. 8 Pt. pp. 68. 4°. Upsala, 1836. Pram: E. M. Fries. Respondentes: Pt. I, R...Borgardt ; n, W. Lied- berg ; in, J. Lundell ; iv, J. A. Stiegler ; v, J. Ostberg ; vi, A. A. Ham- marstrom ; vn, P. Engman ; vin, H. O. Juel. Fries (EnAS MAGNUS) Botaniskt-antiqvariske Ex- cursioner, af hvilka den forsta cifver Grekernes Nympheaceer (om Sadesslagens stamband). 4 Pt. pp. 36. 4°. Upsala, 1836. Prases: E. M. Fries. Respondentes: Pt. I, C. O. Lowenadler ; n, C. O. Akerwall ; in, G. L. Carlsson ; iv, E. A. Carlsten. Reprinted in the " Botaniska Utflygter," Bd. i [q.v. supra]. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Clavis in Familias Plantarum indigenas, quam . . . prasside E. Fries . . . p.p. S. J. Franzen, &c. pp. 10 : 1 pi. 8°. Upsalice, 1836. Afterwards incorporated as pp. xv-xxiv of the preface to Fries' " Corpus Florarum provincialium Suecife" [q.v. supra]. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) De Histories Naturalis Studio Controversial, fragmenta, quae . . . praeside E. Fries . . . p.p. C. F. Sjostrom. pp. 16. 8°. Upsaliae, 1836. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Genera Hymenomycetum, quorum novam expositionem . . . praeside E. Fries . . . p.p. L. P. Laurell, &c. pp. 17. 8". Upsalice, 1836. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Om Pilplanteringar och dessas vigt for Landthushallninger. Ekonomisk afhandling, &c. 2 Pt. pp. 16. 4°. Upsala, 1836. Prases: E. M. Fries. n, E. Ahlin. Respondentes : Pt. lt N. G. Wennerstrom ; Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Spicilegium Plantarum neg- lectarum. Decadem primam, Agaricos hyperhodios [sic] sistentem . . . praeside . . . E. Fries . . . F. T. Noreus, &c. pp. [iv,] 8. 8°. Upsalice, 1836. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Synopsis generis Lentinorum, quam . . . praeside E. Fries . . . p.p. J. Sieurin, &c. pp. 15. 8°. Upsaliae, 1836. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Epierisis Systematis Mycologici, seu Synopsis Hymenomycetum. pp. xii, 610. 8°. Upsalice, 1836-38. — [Another edition entitled :] Hymenomycetes Europaei, sive Epicriseos systematis Mycologici. Editio altera. 8°. Upsalice, 1874. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) A. Afzelii . . . Fungi Guine- enses, quos ad schedulas et specimina inventoris, descriptos . . . praeside Mag. E. Fries . . . p.^>. C. M. Nyman . . . Pars I. 4°. Upsalice, 1837. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Plantae Cotyledoneaa Parosciae Roslagiae Bro, quarum enumeratione . . . Praeside Mag. E. Fries . . . p.p. auctor, &c. See SCHAGERSTROM (J. A.) 8°. 1839. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Aro Naturvetenskaperna nagot bildnings-meclel ? En litterar stridsfraga, &c. 3 Pt. pp. 40. 8°. Upsala, 1842. Pram : E. M. Fries. Respondentes : Pt. I, E. Grundberg ; n, H. Grund- berg ; in, C. Grundberg. Reprinted in the " Botaniska Utflygter," Bd. i [q.v. supra], Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Grunddragen af Aristotelis Vextlara. Academisk afhandling, dec. 3 Sect. pp. 48. 8°. Upsala, 1842. Pram : E. M. Fries. Reipondentet : Pt. I, J. Q. Ek ; n, S. V. Moberg ; in, M. C. Jungniarker. Reprinted in the " Botaniska Utflygter," Bd. i [q.v. supra]. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Ofver Vexternes namn. Academisk afhandling, &c. 4 Pt. pp. 64. 8°. Upsala, 1842. Prases: E. M. Fries. Respondentes: Pt. i, C. J. Bohman ; n, J. G. Sjostrand ; in, J. C. Carlberg ; iv, N. Hammaren. Reprinted in the "Botaniska Utflygter," Bd. I [q.v. supra]. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Varen. En Botanisk betrak- telse, &c. Pt. i & II. 8°. Upsala, 1842. Prases: E. M. Fries. Rtspomtentes : Pt. I, K. F. Molin ; n, L. M. Groth. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Plantae vasculares circa Quickjock Lapponife Lulensis, quarum enumerationem . . . praeside Mag. E. Fries . . . p.p. auctor, &c. [2 Pt.] See ANDERSSON (N. J.) 8°. 1844-45. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Plantae Preissianae [in part by E. Fries], &c. See LEHMANN (J. G. C.) 8°. 1844-47. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) E. Fries sunima Vegetabilium Scandinaviae . . . Accedunt expositio systematis Plan- tarum morphologici, comparatio Vegetationis adia- centium regionurn, definitiones specierum in Kochii synopsi Florae Germanicae et Nemearum monographiis baud obviarum L. aliter expositarum. 2 Sect. pp. viii, 572. 4°. Holmice & Lipsiae, 1846-49. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Flora Gevaliensis . . . quam . . . Praeside E. Fries . . . p.p. C. Hartman, &c. See HARTMAN (C.) 8°. 1847-48. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Plantarum Vascularium in regione Mceleri orientali-boreali sponte crescentium synopsis, quam . . . praeside E. Fries . . . p.p. auctor, &c. See LINDEBERG (C. J.) 8°. 1848. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Symbolae ad Historian! Hiera- ciorum. pp. xxxiv, 220. 4°. Upsaliae, 1848. Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsala. Vol. xm & xiv (1847, 50). Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Systematisk forteckning pa Phanerogama Vaxterna i Calmar stads narmaste om- fifning. Akademisk afhandling . . . under inseende af lag. E. Fries . . . i. See MOQUIST (C. J.) 8°. 1848. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) J. A. Wahlbergii Fungi Nata- lenses, adjectis quibusdam Capensibus. pp. 34. 8°. Holmice, 1848. K. Vet.-Akoil. Hand!. 1S48 (1849). Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Forteckning pa Phanerogamer och Ormbunkar i O.^terakers socken af Sodermanland. Academisk afhandling . . . under inseende af Mag. E. Fries, &<:. See HELLBOM (P. J.) 8°. 1851. B B B 0 8 S 8 B B- ii-24 8 B B Fries (EuAS MAGNUS) Hygrophori Sueciae, &c. pp.SG- 8°. Upsalice, 1851. Pi-am: E. M. Fries. Rapoxdnttt: Pt. i, 8. Forsgard ; n, F. C. Ryding. rp. 25 & 26 probably were printed at a later date. Also issued as patt of Fries' "Monogmphia Hyraenoraycetntu Sueciw," <(r. [?.»•.] Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Monographia Cortinariorum Sueciae, <£"c. pp.114. 8°- Upsalice, 1851. Praia: B. M. Fries. Kttpomlrnta: Pt. I, O. H. Humble; n, J. F. ; in, 8. B. Fonten ; iv, C. O. V. Berg ; v, G. V. Zetterstedt ; vi, O. Rosiuan ; vn, C. J. Kjellman. Also Issued as part of Fries' " Monographia Hymenomyoetum Sneciw," Fries (EuAS MAGNUS) Novae Symbolae Mycologicae. in peregrinis terris a Botanicis Danicis collectse. [pp. 120.] Novarum Sy mbolarum Mycologicarum Mantissa, [pp. 7.] See UPSALA. — KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS - SOCIETETEN. Nova Acta, dx. Ser. Ill, vol. I, no. 2 & 5. 4°. 1851 (1855). Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Symbol® ad Floram Daliae, dissertatio quam . . . praeside Mag. E. Fries . . . p.p. auctor, . 16. 1854. Monouraphia Lepiotanuu Suociffi, quam . . . proponit M. Nennes. pp. 17. 1854. Monographia Armillariarum Suecise, quam . . . proponit P. A. Wikander. pp. 18. 1864. Monographia Tricholomatum Sueciee, quam . . . proponit P. O. Eneroth ... P. I. pp. 16. 1854. proponit E. J. Tagtetruni ... P. n. pp. 17-Sl. 185». proponit C. G. Roos ... P. ill. pp. SS-fO. 1864. Monographia Clitocybarum Sneciae, quam . . . proponit G. L. Bodman ... P. I. pp. 18. 1854. proponit A. Peterson ... P. n. pp. 17-SS. 1854. proponit C. Hook ... P. in. pp. SS-M. 1854. Monographia Collybiarum Suecise, qnam . . . proponit J. V. Bjornstrom ... P. I. pp. 16. proponit E. G. Dahlstrom ... P. n. pp. 17-Sf. 1854. Monographia Oiuphaliavnm Sneciw, quam . . . proponit A. Wahl- back. pp. IS. 185J. Monographia Mycenamm Suecise, quam . . . proponit C. J. Johanson ... P. I. pp. 16. pp. %09-ldlt,. [1857?] Vol. n, Sistens Cortinarios et quie sequuntur Agaricinorum genera, tir. Promonenda. pp. Hi. 1868. Monographia Cortinariorum Sneciee, cujus partem primam . . . p.p. O. H. Humble, pp. 18. 861. — • partem secundam . . . p.p. J. F. Hagstrom. pp. 17-Si. partem tertiam . . . p.p. S. B. Pont«n. pp. SS-W. partem quartam . . . p.p. C. O. V. Berg. pp. 1,9-61,. 1851. partem qnintam . . . p.p. G. V. Zetterstedt. pp. 65-80. 1851. partem sextam . . . p.p. O. Bosnian, pp. 81-96. — — partem septimam . . . p.p. C. J. Kjellman. pp. 97-111,. 1851 pp. 11S-110. Hygrophori Suecife, quorum descriptions . . . p.p. 8. Fors- gard . . . Pars prior, pp. 16. p.p. F. C. Ryding . . . Pars posterior, pp. 17-tl,. 1851. pp. SS-t6 [printed at a later date]. pp. U9-SSS. 188S- Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Of versigt af den Skandinaviska Q jordens vaxtlighet. pp. 34- 8°. [Upsala, 1856.] Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Anmarkningar ofver de i Sverige vaxande Pilarterna och deras ekonomiska nytta. pp. 53. 8°. Upsala, 1859. Tidskr. Laudtm.- & Kommunal-ekonomien. 1859. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Reliquiae Afzelianae, sistentes icones Fungorum, quos in Guinea collegit et in aere incisas excudi curavit A. Afzelius. Interpretatur E. Fries. See AFZELIUS (A.) 4« (1860.) Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Sveriges atliga och giftiga Svampar tecknade efter naturen. pp. 53, 2: 93 pis. col, fol. Stockholm, 1861. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Epicrisis Generis Hieraciorum, &c pp. 158 (2). See UPSALA.— KONGLIGA UNIVERSI- TETET. Arsskrift. 1862. 8°. 1862. Fries (£LIAS MAGNUS) Icones selectae Hymenomycetum ' nondum delineatorum, &c. 2 Vol. col. Must. fol. Holmice, 1867-84. ^ Printed in double column. A biography of the author by R. and T. M. Fries, with a portrait, forms the preface to Vol. n. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Commentarius in eel. L. Queletii dissertationem : " Sur la classification et la nomen- ] clature des Hymenies," &c. pp. 10. 8°. Upsalice, 1876. « a K J> Cj 625 B B B B G B L L. t.A I . Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Kritisk ordbok ofver Svenska Vaxtnamnen, af E. Fries, &c. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. 8°. 1880. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Studier i E. Fries' Svampher- barium. i. " Sphasriaceas imperfecte cognitae, af K. Starback. pp. 114: 4 pis. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang £ till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xix, afd. in, no. 2. 8". 1894. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) & Kleeii (J.) Specimen syste- matis Mycologici, quod . . . subjiciunt E. Fries . . . et J. Kleen, &c. pp. 8. 8°. Lundce, 1819. Fries (EnAS MAGNUS) & Saudberg (A.) Lichenum Dianome nova, quam . . . subjiciunt E. M. Fries . . . et A. Sandberg, &c. pp. 10. 4°. Lundce, 1817. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Norvegia, Fennia, Lapponia Rossica hactenus collecto- O rum. 2 Pt. 8°. Upsalice, 1871-74. Fries (THEODOE MAGNUS) Polyblastiaa Scandinavicae, p &c. pp. 27 (28). See UPSALA.— KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS- SOCIETETEN. Nova Acta . . . Volumen extra ordinem editum, &c. No. 8. 4". 1877. Fries (THEODOE MAGNUS) Bidrag till en lefnadsteck- ning ofver C. von Linne'. Inbjudningsskrift, &c. Pt. i-» 8°. Upsala, 1893-> Fries (THEODOE MAGNUS) Archieracien aus Nor- wegisch-Finnmarken, von Th. M. Fries in ... 1857- 1864gesammelt. Von M.Elfstrand. pp.31. See STOCK- L HOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. e .- -j Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xx, afd. in, no. 1. 8°. 1894. Fries (THEODOE MAGNUS) Naturalhistorien i Sverige intill medlet af 1600-talet. Inbjudningsskrift, &c. U PP. 78. 8°. Upsala, 1894. Fries (THEODOE MAGNUS) C. Linnasi Hortus Up- landicus med inledning och forklaringar. Inbjudnings- ^. skrift, &c. See LlNN^US (C.) 8°. (1899.) 4- Fries (THEODOE MAGNUS) Larobok i Systematisk Botanik. pp. v, 430 : text illust. 8°. Stockholm, 1891-97.g FRIESE (CHEISTIANUS FEIDEEICUS) Disputatio inauguralis . . . proponens Trifolium fibrinum . . . exponit C. F. Friese, &c. See EYSEL (J. P.) 4°. 1716. FRIESE (F. M. VON) Bilder von den Kupferkies- Lagerstatten bei Kitzbiihel und den Schwefel-Lager- statten bei Swpszowice . . . Redigirt von . . . F. M. Ritter yon Friese, 8°. Berlin, 1895-» FRIESE (JOHANN NEPOMUCK) Grundriss der u Minerognosie. pp. xvi, 270. 8°. Innsbruck, 1830. Friese (J. N.) Grundriss der Phytognosie. pp. xii, 267. 8°. Insbruck, 1836. FRIESE (L. H. DE) See DE FEIESE (L. H.) 79 626 M- o. r B 708 FRIGELIUS (PETRUS MAGNUS) Flora Runsteni- ciisis cujus partem quintam . . . proponit P. M. Frigelius, p. iv :"\ IS photos. fol. Berlin & London, 1870. FRITSCH (KARL) [1812-18791 Uber die periodischen n Erscheinungen ini Pflanzenreiche. pp. 89 : 1 chart. 4°. Prog, 1845. Abbandl. k. Bohm. Gesell. Wissensch. Folge V, bd. IV. Fritsch (KARL) Prag. pp. 110. Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Kalender der Flora des Horizontes von O 8°. [Wien,] 1852. Bd. vin, Anhang. FRITSCH (KARL) The Younger [1864-] [For de _ scriptions of many families of Plants] See ENGLER (H. J G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die natiirlichen Pflanzen- familien, &c. 8°. 1887-» Fritsch (KARL) The Younger. Botanisches Museum und botanischer Garten [Vienna]. See VIENNA. Die n Botanischen Anstalten Wiens im Jahre 1894. No. I. fi K. k. Universitat. Pt. 1. 8°. 1894. Fritsch (KARL) The Younger. Ueber einige wahrend der ersten Regnell'schen Expedition gesammelte Gamo- _ j petalen. pp. 28: 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA s 5/fl SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxiv, afd. m, no. 5. 8°. 1898 (1899). Fritsch (!VARL) The Younger. Schedae ad Floram exsic- _ catani Austro-Hungaricam, &c. Pt.vm-» See VIENNA. (5 — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. 8°. 1899-» Fritsch (KARL) The Younger. Schulflora fiir die Oester- « reichischen Sudeten- und Alpenlander (mit Ausschluss o des Kiistenlandes). pp. xxxviii, 387. 8°. Wien, 1900. Schulausgabe der " Excuraionsflora fiir Oeeterreich." | FRITSCH (KARL WILHELM GEORG VON) [1838-] ' Reisebilder von den Canarischen Inseln, &c. pp. 44 : c, |^^ 1 map. See PETERMANNS MITTHEILUNGEN, &c. Er- ganzungsband v, no. 22. 4°. 1867. Fritsch (KARL W. G. VON) Beschreibung der auf ( Aegina und Methana gesammelten Gesteine. See REISS (J. W.) £ l~ PP- 41 •' ® P^s., text illust. See HALLE.— NATURFOR- SCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. xix, hft. 1 & 2. 8°. 1893. Fritsch (KARL W. G. VON) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der i Saurier des Halle'schen unteren Muschelkalkes. pp. 32 : ', K 8 pis., text illust. See HALLE.— NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. xx. 8°. 1894. Fritsch (KARL W. G. VON) & Beyschlag (F. H. A.) Das jiingere Steinkohlengebirge und das Rothliegende Q in der Provinz Sachsen und den angrenzenden Gebieten. pp. xxii, 263 : % pis. (1 col.), 2 maps geol. col. See PRUS- SIA.— Koeniglich-Preussische Geologisch?. Landesanstalt, &c. Abhandlungen, &c. Neue Folge, Hft. 10. 8°. 1900. Pritsch (KARL W. G. VON) & Reiss (J. W.) Geo- logische Beschreibung der Insel Tenerife.— Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss vulkanischer Gebirge. pp. xviii, 494. 8°. Winterthur, 1868. Forming the text to "Tenerife geologisch topographisch dargestellt " by K. v. Fritsch & others. Fritsch (KARL W. G. VON) & others. Santorin. Die Kaimeni-Inseln dargestellt nach Beobachtungen von (3 K. v. Fritsch, W. Reiss, & A. Stiibel. pp. 7 : 4 pis. (1 col.) fol. Heidelberg, 1867. Fritsch (KARL W. G. VON) . VII, torn, xv, no. 5. 4°. 1870. FRIVALDSZKY (!MRE) [1799-1870] Monpgraphia - Serpentum Hungarise. pp. viii, 62. 8°. Pestini, 1823. Frivalclszky (I.) D. Frivaldszky I ____ Ujabb kozlesei az altala eszkozlott Balkanyi term6szettudomAnyi utazdsr61. pp. 31 : 8 pis., col. [Later communications on Frivaldsky's natural history journey to the Balkans.] 4°. Buddn, 1838. Mag. Tudis Tarsasig' Evkonyvei'. Kot. in. Frivaldszky (I.) Jellemzo Adatok Magyarorszag j Faunajahoz. [Contributions to the Hungarian Fauna.] pp. 374 : 13 pis. col. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDO- MANYOS AKADlJMiA. Evkonyvei, &c. Kot. xi, darab. 4. 4°. 1865. FRIVALDSZKY (jANOs) [1822;1895] A Magyar- orszagi Egyenesropiiek maganrajza. (Monographia Orthopterorum Hungarise.) pp.201 : 7 pis. , See BUD A- PEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOs AKAD^MIA. Ertekezesek a Terme'szettudomanyok Kore'bol, &c. Kot. I, szam 12. 8°. 1867. Frivaldszky ( J.) Magyarorszag tehelyropiiinek futoncz- felei (Carabidae). [On the Carabidae of Hungary.] pp. 66. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOM^NYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Terme'szettudomanyok Korebol, tike. *>• I ~)~). I Kot. v, szam 2. 8°. 1874. Frivalclszky (. I.) [Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera and Neuroptera of eastern Asia.] See SZECHENYI (B.) I Count. Gr6f Szechenyi B. Keletazsiai utjanak tudo- manyos Eredmenye. Kot. n. 4°. 1897. FROBENIUS (H.) H. Frobenius . . . C. Plinii Secundi Historia Mundi, denuo . . . emendata, &c. ^ See PLINIUS SECUNDUS (C.) fol. 1530. FROBISHER (Sir MARTIN) [1535 ?-1594] [Voyages to the North-west, 1576-78.] See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. '—' Bd. xvn. 4°. 1759. Frobisher (Sir M.) The first voyage of M. Frpbisher to the North-west for the search of the straight or passage to China . . . By C. Hall (The second voyage I ... By D. Settle— The third voyage [By T. Ellis ?]). ' See PINKERTON (J.) A general collection of ... Voyages, &c. Vol. xn. 4°. 1812. Frobisher (Sir M.) [Voyages towards the North : 1576-81]. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 5, , O A. V P 38, 88 & 89. 8°. 1849, 67, 94. FROEBEL (JULIUS) [1806-1893] Grundziige eines Systemes der Krystallologie, &c. pp. 89. v. 8°. Zurich & Winterthur, 1843. ' FROEHLICH (CARL) [Coleoptera of Aschaffenburg.] j See ASCHAFFENBURG. — NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER I VEREIN. Beitrage zur Fauna von Aschaffenburg, &c. ^ No. 3. 8°. 1897. FROELICH (C.) Alpen-PflanzenderSchweiz. [pp.31:] r-> 62 pis. 10 Lief. 4°. Teufen, 1853-55. FROELICH (GOTTFRIED FRANZ VON) Enumeratio Tortricum, L., regno Wiirtembergico indigenarum, &c. P pp. 101. 8°. Tubingce, 1828. Froelich (G. F. VON) Sammlung Europaischer Schmetterlinge . . . vn . . . Tortrices, Linn. . . . Mit P-' Beschreibungen von . . . Dr. v. Frolich. See HUEB- NER(J.) 4° 1830. f,2S . o o- FROELICH (ISIDORE) [1853-] See MATHEMATISCHE UND NATURWIS8EN8CHAFTLICHE BERICHTE AU8 UN- OARN ... Redigirt von I. Frolich. Bd. I-XIH. 8°. 1883-97. FROELICH (JOSEPH ALOYS) [1766-1841] J. A. Froelich . . . de Gentiana Hbellus sistens specierum cogniterum descriptiones cum observationibus. pp. 141 •' 1 pi. col. 8°. Erlangee, 1796. Froelich (J. A.) Crepis.—Hieracium. See CANDOLLE b (AuousTiN P. DE) Prodromus Systematis naturalis Regni Vegetebilis, dec. Pt. vn. 8°. 1838. FROGER (FRANCOIS) [1676-1715] Relation d'un . voyage fait en 1696-97 aux cfites d'Afrique, de'troit de Magellan, Bresil, Cayenne et Isles Antilles . . . par M. De Gennes, dec. pp. [xii,] 2£7 : 1 pi., 11 maps, engr. title. 12°. Amsterdam, 1699. [Another edition entitled :] Relation d'un Voyage de la Mer du Sud, d6troit de Magellan . . . et les Isles I Antilles . . . et sur les divers Animaux qui s'y trouvent, L de me'me que des Fruits & des Plantes qui y croissent. l>l>. [viii,] 2$7 : 16 pis., 12 maps. 12°. Amsterdam, 1715. With the exception of the preliminary matter and p. 1 of the text, the setting up is practically identical in both editions. Froger (F.) Frogers Reise oder Nachricht von des Herrn von Genes Reise nach der Magellanischen Strasse. (1695-96.) See ARKSTEE ( ) p.624: 192 pis. See ORBIONY (A. D. D') Pale"onto- ^. logie !• rangaise, 1'rtanzenzelTen, &c. pp. 106 : 2 pis. cd. 8°. Jena, 1880. FRONIUS (FRIEDRICH) [1829-] Flora von Schass- _ burg. Ein Beitrag zur Flora von Siebenburgen, dec. £ pp. 95. 4°. Kronstadt, 1858. * FRORIEF (Luowio FRIEDRICH VON) [1779-1847] Vorlesungen iiber vergleichende Anatomie . . . Erster Theil . . . Uebersetzt und mit Anmerkungen und / Zusatzen vermehrt von L. H. [or rather L. F. von] Froriep, dec. See CUVIER (G. L. C. F. D.) Baron. 8°. 1809. -,, 629 Froriep (L. F. VON) See NOTIZEN AUS DEN GEBIETE L DER NATUR- UND HEILKUNDE, gesammelt . . . von L. F. v. Froriep, &c. Bd. I-L. Neue Notizen, Bd. I-XL. 4°. (1821) 1822-46. FRORIEF (LuDwia H.) See FRORIEP (L. FRIEDRICH VON) FRORIEF (ROBERT) [1804-1861] See NOTIZEN AUS ^?; DEM GEBIETE DER NATUR- UND HEILKUNDE, &c. jj Bd. I-XL — Reihe m, bd. xi. [Continued as :] Tags- berichte iiber die Fortschritte der Natur- und Heilkunde Z FRYER (CHARLES E.) The Salmon Fisheries. See LON- DON.— Great International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 8". 1883. FUCHS (CARL WILHELM C.) [1837-1886] Die vul- , canischen Erscheinungen der Erde. pp. viii, 582: 2 pis., text illust. 8°. Leipzig & Heidelberg, 1865. ^ Fnchs (CARL W. C.) Anleitung zum Bestimmen der . Mineralien, &c. pp. 144. 8°. Heidelberg, 1868. Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. viii, 144- 8°. Giessen, 1875. Vierte Auflage . . . von R. Brauns. pp. xii, 8°. Giessen, 1898. H H Fnchs (CARL W. C.) Die kiinstlich dargestellten , Mineralien, . xii, 343 : 1 map col., text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1875. Internationale Wissensohaftliche Bibliothek. Bd. XVH. FUCHS (CHRISTIAN JOSEPH) Die Trichinen. Nach -^ Versuchen . . . von . . . C. J. Fuchs . . . Zweite Auftage. See PAGENSTECHER (H. A.) 4°. 1866. FUCHS (EDMOND) [1837-1889] & Launay (L. DE) i. Traite des Gites Mineraux et Me'talliferes ; recherche, etude et conditions d'exploitation des Mineraux utiles, description des principales mines, &c. 2 Tom. 8°. Paris, 1893. FUCHS (GEORG FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN) [1760-1813] , Systematische Beschreibung aller Gesundbrunnen und M Bader . . . Zweite . . . Ausgabe. Bd. I. [By G. F. C. Fuchs, and others.] See GERMANY. 8°. 1801. The first edition appeared in 1798. FUCHS (GOTTLIEB ENGELBERT) Dissertatio inaugu- ralis medica de Pinastro, sive Pino sylvestri, quam ... ^ prseside . . . A. E. Biichnero . . . defendet auctor G. E. Fuchs. pp. 39 [S]. 4°. Halce, 1754. FUCHS (JOHANN NEPOMUK VON) [1774-1856] Natur- . geschichte des Mineralreichs nacn den Vorlesungen. I pp. iv, 352, v : 4 pis. 8°. Kempten, 1842. FUCHS (LEONHARD) [1501-1566] nu\truv imunu ... Galeni Opera omnia . . . Emendata atqj restituta [by L L. Fuchs], &c. See GALENUS (C.) fol. 1538. Fnchs (L.) De Historia Stirpium commentarii insignes . . . adjectisearundem.vivisplusquamquigentisimagini- bus . . . Accessit . . . vocum difficilium et obscurarum passim in hoc opere occurrentium explicatio ; una cum quadruplici indice, &c. pp. [xxviii,] 896 : text illust. fol. Basilece, 1542. [Another edition.] pp. [xl,] 657 [16]. 8°. Lugduni, 1547. [Another edition.] pp. [xlviii,] 979 [12]. 8°. Lugduni, 1555. Fnchs (L.) Commentaires tres excellens de 1'Hystoire ^ des Plantes . . . traduictz [by E. de Maignan] en langue Franchise, &c. pp. $44. fol. Paris, 1549. Fuchs (L.) Neu Kreiiterbuch in welchem . . . die gantz histori . . . des meysten theyls der Kreiiter so in Teiitschen unnd andern landen wachsen . . . abgebildet und contrafayt ist, .|:.. The name of each plant u given above the figure In Latin and Gorman. [Another edition.] [pp. xiii :] 516 full-page illus- trations. 8°. Basileat, 1549. [Another edition entitled :] Plantarum Effigies, e L. Fuschio, ac quinque diversis linguis redditae. [pp. xii .•] 516 full-page illustrations. 8°. Lugduni, 1552. The name of each plant is given above the figure in Greek, Latin, French, Italian and German. Fuchs (L.) De Leonardo Fuchsio. Dissertatio in- auguralis, Ac. See LOHENZ (C. J. G.) 8°. 1846. FUCHS (MAX) Die geographische Verbreitung des Kaffeebaumes, d~c. pp. 72. 8°. Leipzig, 1886. FUCHS (REMACLEUS) [1510-1587] Plantarum omnium quarum hodie apud pharmacopeias usus est magis frequens nomenclature juxta Grecorum, Latinoru, Gallo., Italoru, Hispa. & Germa. sententiam . . . col- lectas. [pp. Hi, 50.] 8°. Parisiis, 1541. FUCHS (THEODOR) [1842-] Allgemeines iiber ^ das Wiener Becken. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Me'moires, 3] Die Venetianer Alpen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Hochgebirge. tA PP- 60 : 12 pit. (col.), 1 map geol. col. obi. fol. Solothurn & Wien, 1844. FUCINI (ALBERTO) Studio geologico sul circondario di Rossano in Calabria, pp. 87, 1 tab. : 1 pi., 1 map geol. col. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI sciENZE NATURALI. Atti, &c. Ser. IV, vol. ix, mem. 17. 4°. 1896. FUCKEL (KARL WILHELM GOTTLIEB LEOPOLD) [1821-1876] Nassaus Flora. Ein Taschenbuch zuin Gebrauche bei botanischen Excursionen in die vater- landische Pflanzenwelt . . . Phanerogamen, &c. pp. Ixiv, 384 : 11 pit., 1 map. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1856. Fuckel (K. W. G. L.) Enumeratio Fungorum Nasso- _ viw, collectorum a L. Fuckel. Series I. pp. 126 : 1 pi. tS 8°. Wiesbaden, 1861. .lahrb. Ver. Nattirk. Nassau. Hft. xv. Fuckel (K. W. G. L.) Symbola? Mycologicse. Beitrage o zur Kenntniss der Rheinischen Pilze. pp. 459 : 6 pis. D col. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1869. Erster (— Dritter) Nachtrag. 3 No. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1871-75. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. Jahrg. xxm-xxx. Fuckel (K.W.G.L.) [Endophytic Fungi of the Arctic $, Regions.] See BREMEN. — GEOGRAPHISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. Die zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in ... L. ' 1869 und 1870, &c. Bd. II. 8°. 1874. FUEL. The history and description of fossil Fuel, &c. £ See GREAT BRITAIN. a° ia'n B 8°. 1841. FUF.LBF.BTH (JOHANN GEORG AUGUST) [1868-] tTeber Verwitterungsboden des Muschelkalks in Ober- G schlesien. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 67, 2 tabs. 8°. Giessen, 1894. FUENFSTUECK (MORITZ) [1856-] Beitrage zur C Kntwickelungsgeschichte der Lichenen. Inaugural- Dissertation, &c. pp. 20: 8 pis. 8". Berlin, 1884. Al»o published in the "Jahrb. K. Bot. Gar. Berlin," Bd. in. Fuenfstueck (M.) Lichenes : Allgemeiner Teil. p. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PHANTL (K. A. E.) Die • natiirlichen Pflanzenfainilien, &c. 8°. 1887-» Fnenfstneck (Jkl.) See _BEITRAEGE^ ZUR WISSBN- p SCHAFTLICHEN BOTANIK. Fiinfstiick. Bd. i-» Herausgegeben von . . . M. 8°. 1895-» Fuenfstueck (M.) Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die r-> Fettabscheidungen der KaMechten. See GIESENHAGEN (K F. G.) & others. Botanische Untersuchungen, 4. 8°. Cibinii, 1866. FUTTEBEB, (KARL) Die oberen Kreidebildungen der Umgebung des Lago di Santa Croce in den Vene- tianer Alpen. pp. 1S4, 1 tab. : 11 pit. (1 col.), 1 geol. map col. See PALSONTOLOOISCHE ABH ANDLUNOEN, &c. Neue Folge, Bd. u, hft 1. 4°. 1892. Futterer (K.) Die allgemeinen geologischen Ergebnisse der neueren Forschungen in Zentral-Asien und China. L. pp. 60: 1 pi., 1 map, text < II mi. See PETERMANNS MITTHEILUNGEN, &c. Erganzungsband xxv, no. 119. 4°. 1896. Futterer (K.) ITeber einige Versteinerungen aus der Kreideformation der Karnischen Voralpen. pp. SO: 7 Q pis. See PAL.EONTOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNOEN, stratigraphical range and synonymy, pp. 201. 8°. [Philadelphia,] 1861. Proc. Acad. Nat. Soi. Philadelphia. 1801. B M.) [Triassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary ,-. Oabb (W. Fossils of California.] See CALIFORNIA, State of. Geological Survey. Palaeontology. Vol. I & II. 8°. 1864, 69. GABOTE. See CABOT. GABBIEL (BENNo) [1828-] De Cucullani elegantis —> viyipari evolutione. Fragmentum operis majoris. Dissertatio inauguralis anatomico-physiologica, ., text illuet. GADECEAU (EMILE) Flore de 1'Ouest de la France . . . 5e Edition. Publiee [with an Appendix] par . . . M. E. Gadeceau. See LLOYD (J.) 8°. 1897. GADELIUS (ERIK) [-1827] Museum naturalium _ Academies Upsaliensis. Cujus Appendic. v . . . sub- jicit E. Gadelius, &c. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1797.] GADESDEN (JOANNES DE) See GADDESDEN (J. DE). GADOLIN (AXEL WILHELM) [1828-18921 M^moire tf. sur la deduction d'un seul principe de tous les Systemes 1 Cristallographiques avec leurs subdivisions, pp. vii, 71 : 5 pis. 4°. [Helsingfors, 1871.] Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. Tom. IX, 1867 (1871). Gadolin (A. W.) Abhandlung iiber die Herleitung aller krystallographischer Systeme mit ihren TJnterabtheilun- l* gen aus einem einzigen Prinzipe . . . Deutsch heraus- gegeben [with notes] von P. Groth. pp. viii, 92 : 3 pis., text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1896. Oswald's Klassiker exact. Wissensch. Nr. 75. Gadolin (A. W.) Minnestal ofver A. W. Gadolin . . . t_ af E. R. Neovius. pp. 24. See HELSINGFORS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Acta, dec. Tom. xix, no. 18. 4°. 1893. GADOLIN (JOHAN) [1760-1852] Systema Fossilium analysibus chemicis examinatorum secundum partium constitutivarum rationes ordinatorum. pp. 240. 4°. Berolini, 1825. GADOW (HANS) [1855-] Catalogue of the Passeri- . formes . . . in the ... British Museum. (Cichlo- /^ morphae : Pt. v . . . Paridae and Laniidae . . . and 2> Certhiomorphae ( — Cinnyrimorphas). See BRITISH MU- SEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) Zoology. [Aves.] Catalogue of the Birds, dec. Vol. vin & ix. 8°. 1883-84. ~ Gadow (H.) An Introduction to the Osteology of the v? Mammalia . . . Third edition, revised with the assistance of H. Gadow. See FLOWER (Sir W. H.) K.C.B. 8°. 1885. M Gadow (H.) Remarks on the structure of certain Hawaiian Birds, with reference to their systematic -7 position. See WILSON (S. B.) Aves Hawaiienses. Pt.2. *- 4°. 1891. Gadow (H.) A Dictionary of Birds, by A. Newton, -7 assisted by H. Gadow, &c. See NEWTON (A.) 8°. 1893-96. *• Gadow (H.) In Northern Spain, pp. xvi, 421 : 12 pis., ~]t~ J 1 map, text illust. 8°. London, 1897. L Gadow (H.) Orthogenetic variation in the shells of Chelonia. See WILLEY (A.) Zoological Results, dec. -7 No. 15. 4°. 1899. Gadow (H.) Amphibia and Reptiles, pp. xiii, 668: 1 map (col.), text Must. See HARMER (S. F.) The ~ Cambridge Natural History, dec. Vol. viii. 8°. 1901. Gadow (H.)&Selenka(E.) Vogel. See BRONN (H. G.) Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, dec. •£— Bd. vi, abth. 4. 8°. 1869-91. GAEA NOBVEGICA, von mehren Verfassern, &c. /- 3 Hft. See KEILHAU (B. M.) de others. 4°. 1838-50. C^ GAEDE (HEINRICH MORITZ) [1796-1834] Beytrage zur Anatomie der Insekten, . . . mit einem Vorworte vom Prof. C. H. Pfaff. pp. 34 : 2 pis. 4°. Altona, 1815. Gaede (H. M.) Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physio- -^ logie der Medusen, nebst einem Versuch einer Ein- ^ leitung iiber das, was den altern Naturforschern in Hinsicht dieser Thiere bekannt war. pp. x, 28 : 2 pis. 8°. Berlin, 1816. Gaede (H. M.) Dissertatio inauguralis sistens observa- ^ tiones quasdam de Insectorum Vermiumque structura, t. dec. pp. 20. 4°. KUice, 1817. Gaede (H. M.) Index Plantarum Horti Botanici Leo- diensis. [Compiled by H. M. Gaede.] See LIEGE. — ' UNIVERSITE. 4°. 1828. GAENGE (CHRISTIAN) [1832-] Lehrbuch der ange- wandten Optik in der Chemie. Spectralanalyse, Mikro- skopie, Polarisation, dec. pp. xi, 463 : 24 pis. 8°. Braunschweig, 1886. GAEBTNEB (CARL FRIEDRICH VON) [1772-1850] C. F. Gaertner . . . Carpologia, dec. ( — Supplementum, dec.) See GAERTNER (J.) J. Gaertner . . . de Fructibus et Seminibus Plantarum, &c. Vol. in. Centuria i (& n). 4°. 1805 (& 1807). Gaertner (CARL F. VON) Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber die Befruchtungsorgane der vollkommeneren Gewachse und iiber die natiirliche und kiinstliche Befruchtung durch den eigenen Pollen, pp. x, 644. 8°. Stuttgart, 1844. Gaertner (CARL F. VON) Versuche und Beobach- tungen iiber die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreich. Mit Hinweisung auf die ahnlichen Erscheinungen im Thierreiche, . . . mit einem Anhang, dec. pp. xvi, 790. 8°. Stuttgart, 1849. GAEBTNEB (CARL Lupwio) [1785-1829] & others. Einleitung und Vorbereitung zur Mineralogie, dec. See LEONHARD (C. C. VON) & others. fol. 1817. GAEBTNEB (JOSEPH) [1732-1791] J. Gaertner . . . de Fructibus et Seminibus Plantarum, dec. 3 Vol. 4°. Stutgardice, dec., 1788-1807. Vol. i. Seminum Centurise qninque priores cum tabulis teneis LXXIX. Stutgardice, 1788. ,, II. Continens Seminum Centurias quinque posteriores cum tabulis seneis 01. Tubinga, 1791. ,, ill. G. F. Gaertner . . . Carpologia . . . Centauria I ... cum tabulis seneis x. ( Centanria n cum tabulis aeneis xxni.) Liptientis, 1805 (i 1807). 80 M B B M B 634 GAEBTNEB (R. FRITZ) See FRITZ-GAERTNER. • L GAETAJfO (JOAN) [Voyage f!rf ARKSTEE ( ) 8 •o t> M- 0 U proppsuit H. Oahn ,.., C. Linnaei . . . Amoenitates Academicse, &c. Vol. vn. dU j \ L E • Editio secunda. 8°. 1769. 8°. 1789. 9 U. [Another edition.] See LINNJSUS (C.) C. Linnaei Fundamentorum Botanicorum . . . Curante J. E. Gilibert. Tom. L 8°. 1786. GAHN (JOHAN GOTTLIEB) [1745-1818] See AFHAND- LINGAR I FY8IK, KEMI OCH MlNERALOGI. Utgifne af . . . J. G._Gahn. Del. ry-vi. 8°. 1815-18. GAHN (NicoLAUs) DSsertatio medico -botanica, exhibens Plantas Officinales. quam . . . subjicit N. Gahn, Ac. See LINN^US (C.) 4°. [1753.] B ' [Another edition entitled :] Plant* Officinales, _ Fundamentorum Botanicorum . . . Curante J. E. (5 Gilibert. Tom. H. 8°. 1786. B GAHNE (JOHANNES) Ortalides Sveciae. Quarum descriptionem [pp. 1-12} . . . subjicit J. Gahne. r' See FALLEN (C. F.) Diptera Svecise, &c. Vol. n. 4°. 1820. GAILLABD (A.) Contribution a 1'etude des Cham- o pignons inferieurs, famille des Pdrisporiace'es. — Le D genre Meliola, &c. pp. 16S : 24 pis. 8°. Paris, 1892. GAILLABD (CLAUDE) Notes sur quelques espfcces i de Cyprinodons de PAsie Mineure et de la Syrie. 1 pp. 15 : text Must. See LYONS. — MUSEUM D'HISTOIRE c NATURELLE. Archives, o Gaillard (C.) Mammiferes Miocenes nouveaux, ou peu connus de la Grive-Saint-Alban (Isere). pp. 78 : L- 5 pis., text Must. See LYONS. — MUSEUM D'HISTOIRE * NATURELLE. Archives, , 635 GALE (LEONARD D.) [1800-1883] A chemical analysis . of the water of the Great Salt Lake, and other mineral U- waters and saline substances, collected during the journey [to Utah]. See STANSBURY (H.) An expedi- tion to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, &c. Appendix F. 8°. 1852 Gale (L. D.) [For official reports in connection with the Geological Survey] See NEW YORK, State of. Communication from the Governor, &c. ^ G* GALE (WALTER A.) Western Australian Year-Book ' L. for 1889. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. 8°. 1890. &) GALENUS (CLAUDIUS) [131-200 ?] r^vov Wai/™. Galeni . . . opera omnia, ad fidem complurium et I perquam vetustorum exemplariorum . . . emendata - atq3 restituta [by H. Gemusaeus, L. Fuchsius and J. Camerarius], &c. (De ossibus ad tyrones. F. Bala- mio Siculo interp.) 5 Pt. [in 4 Vol.] fol. Basilece, 1538. Galenas (C.) Incipit liber Galieni ad Papiam de TX Virtute Centauree. [Translated from the Greek by Nicolaus Rheginus.] See YUHANNA IBN SARAPION. Begin. Liber Serapionis agregatus I mediclis simplicib3, &c. fol. 1473. Galenas (C.) Galeni de Philosopho historia, &c. • See ARISTOTLE. [Works] [Works. Edited by A. Manu- l— tius.] Begin. Els opyavov 'ApiaroTfXous 'Avanifiov, tSsc. Vol. ii. fol. 1497. Galenas (C.) [De Latinis et Graecis nominibus Arborum, Fruticum, Herbarum, Piscium, & Avium liber, ex ... Galeno . . . & J. Ruellio, &c. See NAMES. 8°. 1536.1 Wanting. - Quarta aeditio. 8°. 1554. r Galenas (C.) H. Mercurialis Repugnantia, qua pro Galeno strenue pugnatur, &c. See GUILANDINUS (M.) M. Guilandini Papyrus, &c. 4°. 1572. Galenus (C.) Aristotelis opera omnia . . . Authore G. Du Val . . . qui . . . adjecit anthologiam ana- tomicam ex scitis Hippocratis & Galeni, &c. See ARIS- TOTLE. fol. 1629. GALEOTTI (HENRI GUILLAUME) [1814-1858] M6- moire sur la Constitution Ggnostique de la province de Brabant, &c. pp. 192 : 4 pis- (col.), 2 maps geol. col. See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, Oesterreich und im ostlichen Deutschland beobachteten o • E -f • C hellen Meteors, pp. SI. Jahres. Schles. Gesell. vaterl. Cultur. No. LI. 8°. Breslau, 1874. Galle (J.G.) Ueber die Berechnung der Batmen heller i + an vielen Orten beobachteter Meteore, mit einer An- wendung auf das Meteor vom 17. Juni v. J. 4°. [Kiel, 1874.] Astron. Nach. Bd. LXXXIII, pp. 336-350: 1 pi. 63fi . G ALLEN (OLAVUS) Museum naturaliuni Academia? L Upsaliensis. Cujus part fin quintam . . . subjicit O. Gallon. See THUNBERO (C. P.) 4°. [1787.] B GALLESIO (GlOROio) Count [1772-1839]. Teoria della Riproduzione Vegetale. pp. viii, 1S6. 8°. Pisa, 1816. B 8 B M H o c, D L B Gallesio (G.) Count. Pomona Italiana. ossia trattato degli Alberi fruttiferi. 2 Tom. t'Wws*. col. fol. Pisa, 1817-39. Trait^ du Citrus. is. pp. xxvni, 8°. Paris, 1829. Gallesio (O.) Count. S63, « (o6«. Gallesio (G.) Count. Oli Agrumi del Giardini Botanico- Agrarii di Firenze, distribuiti metodicamente in un quadro sinottico, coi principii della nuova teoria della nproduzione vegetale, &c. pp. 12, 1 tab. fol. Firenze, 1839. GAilETLY (ALEXANDER) Coal. See BEVAN (G. P.) British manufacturing Industries. 8°. 1876. - Second edition. 8°. 1878. GALLIABD (LEON ( H.rn i ) See OLPHE-GALLIARD (V. A. L.) GALLITZIN, Prince. See GHOLITZUIN. GALLIZIOLI (FiLiPPo) Botanico-Agrarj. 4 Vol. [1775-1844] Element! 4°. Firenze, 1809-12. VoL iv i» entitled :— " Dizionario Botanioo che comprende i nomi delle Piante nelje princii>nli lingne d' Europa oltre quclli di Linneo," Jr. GALLO (GIAMBATTISTA) On the Nevrological dis- coveries in the Human Body, &c. pp. SI. 8°. Palermo, 1863. G ALLOTS (L.) Les Andes de Patagonie. pp. 28: 19 pis., 1 map (col.) 8°. Paris [1901]. Ann. de Geogr. Tom. x. GALLOWAY (B. T.) Experiments in the treatment of Pear Leaf-blight and the Apple Powdery Mildew. pp. 11. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture. — Vegetable Pathology Division. Circular No. 8. 8°. 1889. Galloway (B. T.) See JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY, THE . . . prepared . . . by B. T. Galloway, &c. Vol. v-» 8". 1889-> Galloway (B. T.) Some destructive Potato Diseases . . . and how to prevent them. pp. 8: text Ulust. See UNITED STATES.— Depar tment of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin, No. 15. 8°. 1894. - [Another edition entitled :] Potato diseases and their treatment, pp. 12: text Ulust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bul- letin, No. 91. 8°. 1899. Galloway (B. T.) [For official reports as Chief] See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Vegetable Pathology Division. Galloway (WILLIAM BROWN) The Chalk and Flint Formation : its origin in harmony with a very ancient and a scientific modern theory of the world, &c. pp. [iv,] 44 : 5 photo pis. 8°. London, 1886. GALLWEY (Sir RALPH WILLIAM PAYNE) See PAYNE-GALLWEY. GALPIN (FRANCIS WILLIAM) An account of the Flowering Plants, Ferns and allies of Harleston. With • sketch of the Geology, climate, and natural charac- teristics of the neighbourhood ... to which are added observations on the Birds of the district by C. Candler. pp. 157 : 1 pi. 8°. London Club. See HERRIDOE (W.) & GALPIN (W.) 8°. [1894.] GALPINE (JOHN) [1769?-1806] A synoptical com- - pend of British Botany, , &c. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 30. 8°. 1862. Galvfto (A.) [For extracts from the Work of A. Gal vfu .] See ARKSTEE ( )&MERKUS( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. i. 4°. 1747. GALVAO DA SILVA (MANGEL) Observances sobre a historia natural de Goa, feitas . . . 1784 . . . e agora [edited and] publicadas [with a preface] por J. H. da Cunha Rivara. pp. iv, 39. 8°. Nova-Goo,, 1862. GALVIN (PATRICK) The Handbook of New Zealand M ines [Compiled by P. Galvin], pp. 55. 8°. Parisiis, &c., 1881. L Gandoger (M.) Tabulae Rhodologicae Europseo-orien- tales locupletissimas. pp. 317. 8°. Parisiis, &c., 1881. Gandoger (M.) Flora Europae terrarumque adjacen- tium, sive Enumeratio Plantarum per Europam atque ; totam Regionem Mediterranean! cum Insulis Atlanticis sponte crescentium, novo fundamento instauranda. 27 Tom. [in 13.] 8°. Paris, &c., 1883-91. Lithographed manuscript. Gandoger (M.) Rubns nouveaux, avec un essai sur la classification du genre, pp. 145. 8°. Paris, &c., 1884. Me"m. Soc. Euiul. Doubs. SeV. V, torn. vlll. Gandoger (M.) Monographia Rosarum Europae et Orientis. 4 Tom. [in 2.] 8°. Parisiis, 1892-93. B Lithographed manuscript. GANDT (CHARLES L.) Essai botanique et medical sur les Plantes Ombelliferes. Dissertation, &c. pp. 30. 4°. Strasbourg, 1812. GANGLBAUER (LuowiG) See WIENER ENTOMO- . LOGISCHE ZEITUNG. Herausgegeben und redigirt von "L. Ganglbauer, dec. Jahrg. l-lll. 8°. 1882-84. Gauglbaner (L.) Die Coleopterendes Talysch-Gebietes, &c. See RADDE (G. F. R.) Die Fauna und Flora des siidwestlichen Caspi-Gebietes, &c. 8°. 1886. Ganglbaner (L.) Die Coleopteren, gesammelt von der . Oesterreichischen Expedition nach den Somal- und Gallalandern von Harar. See PAULITSCHKE (P. V.) Harar, &c. Wissenschaftlicher Theil. rv. 8°. 1888. R W-C o P der Teleki - Expedition. Zum Rudolph-See und 8°. 1892. Ganglbauer (L.) Kafer See HOEHNEL (L. VON) Stephanie-See, like. Ganglbauer ..(I--) Die Kafer von Mitteleuropa. Die Kafer der Osterreichisch - Ungarischen Monarchic, Deutschlands, der Schweiz, sowie des Franzosischen und Italienischen Alpengebietes. 2 Bd. pp. Hi, 557 : text Must. 8°. Wien, 1892, 95. -7U- v M 638 Ganglbauer (L.) [Coleoptera from German East Africa.1 See BAUMANN (O.) Durch Massailand zur Nilquelle, General Index to the first twenty half-yearly volumes . . . 1871-81, &c. 4°. London [1882J. GARDEN AND FOREST: a journal of Horti- culture, Landscape Art and Forestry. Conducted by C.S.Sargent. Vol. i-x.t 4°. New York, 1888-97. QU oassin [i.e. 1 m. = (F. C.) ( du Gard. E GARDEN COMPANION and Florists' Guide : by A. Henfrey . . . T. Moore . . . W. P. Ayres . . . and other practical cultivators. January to October 1852. pp. vi, 154 •' 21 pis. col. 4°. London, 1852. GARDEN GULLY. [Maps.] Garden Gully line of reef. Scale 60 ft. to an inch. (Transverse & Longi- /— tudinal Sections.) See VICTORIA, Australia. — Depart- ment of Mines, sh. 1879. GARDENER AND PRACTICAL FLORIST, The. Vol. i-in.t [in 2.] 8°. London, 1843-44. GARDENER'S CHRONICLE, The (and Agri- cultural Gazette) . . . The Horticultural part edited by Prof. Lindley [and afterwards, M. T. Masters and T. Moore]. 1841-73. 4°. London, 1841-73. a weekly illustrated Journal of Horticulture and allied subjects. [Edited by M. T. Masters and T. Moore.] New Series, Vol. i-xxvi. 4o Lond(m^ i874-86. 5 B The Floricultural . Conducted by J. 1°. London, 1833-51. [Edited by M. T. Masters.] Third Series, Vol. i-» O 4°. London, 1887-> GARDENER'S MAGAZINE, The, and register of rural and domestic improvement, conducted by J. C. Loudon. Vol. i-xix.t 8". London, 1826-43. In three series of 10, 6 and 3 Vol. respectively. GARDENER'S MAGAZINE. Cabinet and Florists' Magazine . . Harrison. 1833-51. Vol. i-xix. Wanting Vol. xx-xxvii. Vol. I is of the second edition. [Continued as :] The Gardener's Weekly Magazine and Floricultural Cabinet, conducted by Messrs. [J. J. and E.] Harrison ([and afterwards] Shirley Hibberd). Vol. i-vn. 8°. London, &c., 1860-65. [Continued as :] The Gardener's Magazine . . . conducted by Shirley Hibberd. Vol. vin-xxx. 4°. London, 1865-87. GARDENERS' MAGAZINE OF BOTANY, HORTICULTURE, FLORICULTURE, AND NATURAL SCIENCE, The. Conducted by T. Moore and W. P. AYRES. Vol. i-m.t 4°. London, 1850-51. GARDENING. Miscellanies, on ancient and modern Gardening ; and on the scenery of nature. [By S. Felton.] pp. 126. 8°. London, 17S5. GARDINER (ALLEN FRANCIS) [1794-1851] Nar- rative of a journey to the Zoolu country ... in 1835. pp. iv, 412 : 25 pis., 2 maps. 8°. London, 1836. GARDINER (HAMPDEN S.) Report ... on the Fossils collected at Cape Cracroft. See GREELY (A. W.) Three years of Arctic Service, &c. Vol. II. Appendix XV. 8°. 1886. GARDINER (JOHN STANLEY) P.^-5- [1*7 1- On the Solitary Corals, collected by ... A. Willey. On the postembryonic development of Cydoseris. See WILLEY (A.) Zoological Results, &c. No. 11 illust. 4°. Cambridge, &c., 1901-» Vol. i. 1901. 1. Introduction :— Narrative and route of the Expedition. By J. S. Gardiner. 2. The Maldive and Laccadive groups, with notes on other coral formations in the Indian Ocean. By J. S. Gardiner. 8. Hymenoptera. By P. Cameron. 4. Land Crustaceans. By L. A. Borradaile. 5. Nemerteans. By R. C. Punnett. B B E B b I L 0 C, 640 GARDINER (WILLIAM) Botanist [1809 1 - 1852] Botanical rambles in Braemar in 1844, with an appen- dix on Forfarshire Botany, pp. 51. 8°. Dundee, 1845. .. Gardiner (W.) Botanist. Twenty lessons on British Mosses, 3] The Music of Nature ; or, an attempt to prove L- that what is passionate and pleasing in singing, speaking, and performing upon musical instruments, is derived from the sounds of the Animated World, &c. pp. mi, 530. 8°. London & Leicester, 1832. GARDNER (GEORGE) [1812-1849] Travels in the i interior of Brazil, principally through the northern provinces, and the Gold and Diamond Districts, during . . . 1836-1841. pp. xvi, 562 : 1 pi., 1 map. 8°. London, 1846. [_ Gardner (G.) See CALCUTTA JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY, THE . . . Conducted by ... G. Gardner, &c. Vol. vi j^ Contributions to the natural history of the Bermudas, - See MILAN. — SOCIETA " ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Memorie, See PAVIA.— REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. Archivio del Laboratorio Crittogamieo Garovaglio, dec. Vol. iv. 8°. 1882. GABBABD (GEORGE) [1760-1826] A description of the different varieties of Oxen, common in the British -y Isles, dkc. 28 pis. col., ivith descriptive letterpress [in 2 ' Vol.] obi. fol. London, 1800. Twelve additional plates, issued at a later date, are bound in. The dates on the series range from 1799 to 1805. GARREAtJ (LAZARE) [1812-] Eespiration des Plantes. pp. 36. Memoire sur la 8°. Paris, 1851. Garreau (L.) These de Botanique : recherches exp6- rimentales sur divers points de physiologie vegetale. . 1°. Sur I'efficacite^ relative des causes qui president k la c> circulation de la seve ascendante ; 2°. Sur la matiere animale des Plantes et la circulation intra-cellulaire, dec. pp. Sit '• 1 pl- 4°- Lille, 1855. GABBETT (J.)The illustrated Dictionary of Garden- ing . . . Edited by G. Nicholson . . . assisted by J. Garrett in the parts relating to Fruit, Vegetables, dkc. 12 4 Vol. See NICHOLSON (G.) 4°. 1885-89. GABBIGA (JOSEPH) Descripcion del esqueleto de un Ouadrupedo tnuy corpulento y raro, que se conserva (^ en el Real Gabinete de Historia Natural de Madrid. pp. xvii, 20: 5 pis. fol. Madrid, 1796. Garriga (J.) Description of the Skeleton of a very large and rare Quadruped [Megatherium] contained in the Royal Cabinet of Natural History of Madrid . . . Madrid, 1796. foil. 129. 4°. [1838 ?] Manuscript transcription of the original text, accompanied by a trans- lation, on opposite pages, both by W. Clift. GABBIGOTT (JOSEPH Louis FELIX) [1835-] Dilu- vium de la vallee de la Somme. See LYELL (Sir C.) (-3 Bart. L'anciennete de 1'Homme. Appendice, dec. 8°. 1864. Garrigou (J. L. F.) & Pilhol (H.) L'age de Pierre dans les cavernes de la vallee de Tarascon (Ariege). — L'Homme fossile dans les Hautes Pyrenees . . ._ Con- * temporaneite de 1'Homme et de I'Ursw spelaeus e'tablie par les ossements casses des cavernes. See LYELL (Sir C.) Bart. L'anciennete de 1'Homme. Appendice, &c. 8°. 1864. Garrigou (J. L. F.) & others. Note sur deux frag- ments de mftchoires Huinaines trouvees dans la caverne G^ de Bruniquel (Tarn -et- Garonne). See LYELL (Sir C.) Bart. L'anciennet6 de 1'Homme. Appendice, dkc. 8°. 1864. GABBIGTJES (S. S.) Report on the Salt manu- facture of Michigan. See MICHIGAN, State of.— Geological Survey. Lower Peninsula, 1873-76, dec. Vol. in, pt. 1. Appendix B. 8°. 1876. 81 642 GARRISON (O. E.) The Upper Mississippi region [including iiuinv notes on the Botany of the district]. ' Z r I .SVc MINNESOTA, Stuff of. — Oeological and Natural fliffufi/ Xurvry. Annual reports, latM relate to Plant*, the remaining 80 to Animals. GARSON (JOHN GEORCJE) Catalogue of the specimens (j illustrating the osteology and dentition of Vertebrated Animals . . . Pt. II. Class Mammalia other than Man. By W. H. Flower . . . assisted by J. G. Garson. See ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. 8°. 1884. Garson (J. G.) Notes on Human Remains discovered Q^ ... at Woodyates, Wiltshire. See Fox afterwards Fox-PiTT-RiVERS (A. H. L.) Excavations in Bokerly, dec. 4°. 1892. G Z. Garson (J. G.) On the Geological History of Man. ///'. 188 [type-written]. S» inej Lecture on Geology for 1895. 4°. [London,'] 189!). GARSTANG (WALTER) Protochorda (— Hemi- chorda). See LYDEKKER (R.) & others. The Concise Knowledge Natural History. 8°. 1897. GARSTIN (Sir WILLIAM EDMUND) K.G.M.G. [1849-] Reports as to Irrigation Projects on the Upper N ile, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Foreign Office. \ (espatch, &c. 4°. 1901. GARTENFLORA : Allgemeine Monatsschrift fur Deutsche, Russische und Schweizerische Garten- und Blumenkunde, herausgegeben von E. Regel ([and after- wards] B. Stein). Jahrg. i-xxxiv. 8°. Erlangen, Stuttgart, 1852-85. Zeitschrift fiir Garten- und Blumenkunde . . . Herausgegeben von B. Stein ([and afterwards] L. Wittmack). Jahrg. xxxv-» 8°. Berlin, 188(i-» Vollstandiges Register zu den 10 ersten Jahr- giingen, t- — Vojlstandiges Register zu den dritten 10 .nHujjiifgen . . . 1872-1881. 8°. Stuttgart, 1882. GARTENZEITTTNG. < lurtenzeitung, oder Reper- torium neuer, nmunniitciger und wusenswiirdiger •o Dinge in alien Zweigen der Gartenkunst . .*. Heraus- O gegeben von K. Sprengel. Bd. i-iv.t [in 1 Vol.] 4°. Halle, 1804-6 GARTEN - ZEITUNG. Monatsschrift (Wochen- srhrift) fiir Gartner und Gartenfreunde. Herausge- j geben von . . . L. Wittmack (und W. Perring) . . . I Organ des Vereins zur Beforderung des Gartenbaues in den Kgl. Preuss. Staaten und der Gesellschaft der Gartenfreunde. Jahrg. i-rv.t 8°. Berlin, 1882-85. GARTHE (CASPAR) [1796-1876] ZoologischeTabellen, oder systematische Uebersicht der Thierwelt, &c. 12 £. tabs. ' fol. Kiiln, 1837. GARWOOD (EDMUND JOHNSTONE) [Geology of parts of Northumberland, being his contributions to theGj " History of Northumberland . . . Edited by E. Bateson " cut from a copy of that work ; Vol. I, pp. 3-9, 13-17, 857-362, 417-418 ; Vol. \l,pp. 217-224, S28-SS6, 496-498 : 2 pis. (col.) 4°. Newcastle-upon-Tym '& London, 1893-95.] Garwood (E. J.) The first crossing of Spitsbergen . . .~|| With contributions by . . . E. J. Garwood. See CON- ( WAY (Sir W. M.) 8°. 1897. C GA8C (FERDINAND E. A.) Dictionary of the French and English Languages . . . New edition, pp. 1182. \t 8°. London, 1877. GASCA (LA). See LA GASCA Y SEGURA. GASCHKE WITSCH ( ) Diagnoses de Lejnidop- teres nouveaux trpuves par MM. Tatarinoff et Gasch- 1 kewitsch aux environs de Pekin. See BREMER (O.) ;_- col. See SPAIN. — Comisidn del Mapa Geoldgieo. Boletin, &c. Tom. n. . 8°. 1875. Gascne (F.) Nota acerca del grupo numulitico do San Vicente de la Barquera en la provincia de Santander. / pp.26: 1 map. col. See SPAIN.— C'otiiitidn del Mn/xt Geoliigico. Boletfn, &c. Tom. IV. 8°. 1877. Gascne cion ,lgunas inodifica- ('I irovijifia de Mffpa Gt'o 8°. 1874. GASKELL (FRANCIS) Report of the Royal Com- mission appointed to inquire into the Water Supply of|j the Metropolis. [F. Gaskell, Secretary.] 2 Vol. & Atlas. * >'«. (!I:I:.\T BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Home Offle*.- [Water Supply Commission.] 4°. 1893. GASON (SAMUEL) The manners and customs of the Dieyerie Tribe of Australian aborigines. Embracing _ ... an account of the character of the race . . . a t catalogue of Animals, Plants, Weapons . . . accomi ....... <1 by the native names, &c. See TAPLIN (O.) The Native ' South Australia, &c. 8". 1879. 643 GASPABINI (VINCENZO) Avifauna Marchigiana. Descrizioni e ricerche con cenni diagnostici su tutte Ic altre specie dell' Avifauna Italica. Manuale di Ornito- logia sistematica, &c. pp. Ixxxix, 296. 8°. Fano, 1894. GASPABIS (AURELIO DE) Contribute allo studio degli Acarodomazii. pp. 13 : 1 pi. *— Contribute alia biologia delle Felci. pp. 12 : 2 pis. (•SSee NAPLES.— EEALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Ser. II, vol. ix, no. 5 & 9. 4°. 1899. Gasparis (A. DE) / Contribute alia studio della vita dei Cloroplastidii. - pp. 15: 2 ph. col. Osservazioni sulle Piante del Carbonifero. pp. 10: 1 pi. See NAPLES.— EEALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Ser. II, vol. x, no. 6 & 13. 4°. 1901. GASPARBINI (GuGLiELMo) [1804-1866] Osserva- zioni intorno ad alcune Piante coltivate nel Real Orto Botanico di Boccadifalco, presso Palermo, &c. pp. 24. 8°. [Napoli, 1832.] Annali Civili. Fasc. 4. G-asparrini (G.) Descrizione di un nuovo genere [Farnesia] di Piante della famiglia delle Leguminose. PP- x. 8°. {Naples, 1836.] Gasparrini (G.) Ricerche sulla natura della pietra Fungaja e sul Fungo vi soprannasce. pp. 48 : 5 pis. 4" Nn*nrJi 1« Gasparrini (G.) pp. 9: 1 pi. 4°. Napoh, 1841. Ricerche sulla struttura degli Stomi. 4°. Napoli, 1842. , Gasparrini (G.) Nova Genera quae super nonnullis Fici speciebus. pp. 11. 4°. Neapoli, 1844. j Gasparrini (G.) Ricerche sulla natura del Caprifico e del Fico ; e sulla Caprificazione. pp. 96 : 8 pis. 4°. Napoli, 1845. Hendic. R. Accad. Sci. Naples. No. 23. Gasparrini (G.) Ricerche sulla natura dei succiatori e la escrezione delle radici ed osservazioni morfologiche sopra taluni organi della Lemna minor, pp. [vi;] 152 : 11 pis. 4°. Napoh, 1856. Gasparrini (G.) Ricerche sulla embryogenia della (_ Canape, pp. 44 : 3 pis. See NAPLES.— REALE ACCA- gDEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &C. Atti, &C. Vol. I, no. 1. 4°. 1863. - [Advance issue.] 4°. Napoli, 1862. Gasparrini (G.) Osservazioni sopra alcune Malattie / degli organi vegetativi degli Agrumi. pp. 25. See NAPLES. —REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &C. Atti, &C. Vol. I, no. 3. 4». 1863. [Advance issue.] 4°. Napoli, 1862. Gasparrini (G.) Osservazioni sopra talune modifica- j zioni organiche in alcune cellule vegetali. pp.163: 9 pis. See NAPLES. — EEALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Vol. i, no. 9. 4°. 1863. Gasparrini (G.) Osservazioni sulla origine del Calice monosepalo e della Corolla monopetala in alcune Piante. pp. 22 : 2 pis. *" Osservazioni sul cammino di un Micelio fungoso nel fusto vivente dell' Acacia dealbata. pp. 9 : 1 pi. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Vol. ii, no. 7 & 13. 4°. 1865. GASPEBINI (GUSTAVO) [1863-] Sulla cosi detta Crenotftrix Kuhniana o polyspora in rapporto alia sorveglianza igienica delle acque potabili. pp. \122 .- 2 pis. (col.) 8°. Pisa, 1898. Atti Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat. Pisa. VoL xvi. Q- > GASPEBIKTI (RiccARDo) Secondo contribute alia conoscenza geologica del Diluviale Dalmato. p/>. 22: 3Pls- 8°. u Splitu, 1887. GodiSnje izojesce C. K. Velike Realke u Splitu. GASSEB (EMIL) Der Primitivstreifen bei Vogel- embryonen (Huhn und Gans). pp. 98 : 10 pis. See MARBURG.— GESELLSCHAFT ZUR BEFOERDERUNG DER GESAMMTEN NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN. Schriften, Bd. xi, Supplement, Hft. 1. 4°. 1878. GASSIES (JEAN BAPTISTE) [1816-1883] Essai sur le Bulime tronque [Stenogyra decollatal &c. pp. 22 : Vplf- 8°. Bordeaux, 1847. Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux. Tom. xv. GASTALDI (BARTOLOMMEO) [1818-1879] Ricerche sul periodo Glaciale di C. Martins tradotto da B. Gastaldi, &c. See MAETINS (C. F.) 8°. 185L Gastaldi (B.) Cenni sui Vertebrate Fossili del Pie- monte. pp. 19-84: 10 pis. 4°. [Torino, 1861.] Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino. Ser. II, torn. xix. Gastaldi (B.) Frammenti di Geologia del Piemonte. — Sugli elementi che compongono i Conglomerati Mioceni del Piemonte. pp. 50: text Must. 4°. Torino, 1861. Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino. Ser. II, torn. xx. Gastaldi (B.) Nuovi Cenni sugli oggetti di alta Anti- chita trovati nelle Torbiere e nelle Marniere dell' Italia. pp. 95 : 6 pis., text Must. 4°. Torino, 1862. Gastaldi (B.) Lake habitations and pre-historic remains in the Turbaries and Marl-Beds of ... Italy . . . Translated . . . by C. H. Chambers, &c. See AN- THROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Publications, <£c. 8°. 1865. Gastaldi (B.) Sulla riescavazione dei bacini lacustri per opera degli antichi ghiacciai, &c. pp. 28 : 2 pis. See MILAN. — SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Memorie, &c. Tom. i, no. 3. 4». 1865. Gastaldi (B.) Intorno ad alcuni fossili del Piemonte e della Toscana, &c. pp. 46 : 6 pis. 4°. Torino, 1866. Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino. Ser. II, torn. xxiv. Gastaldi (B.) Studii geologici sulle Alpi occidentali ... con appendice mineralogica di G. Striiver. pp. 48 : 6 pis. 4°. Firenze, 1871. Mem. R. Comit. Geol. Ital. Vol. i, 1871. Gastaldi (B.) Cenni necrologici su E. Lartet. pp. 7. 8°. Torino, 1872. Atti R. Accad. Sci. Torino. Vol. vll. GASTEINEB BAD. [Maps.] Das Gasteiner Bad. [Geological map.] Massstab 1 : 288,000 [i.e. 1 in. =4| m. about]. See AUSTRIA, Archduchy of... [Maps.] Geo- logische Karte der Erzherzogthumes Osterreich ob der Enns, &c. 1860. GASTIDEN (JOANNES DE) See GADDESDEN. GATEBATT ( ) Description des Plantes qui croissent aux environs de Montauban, ou qu'on cultive dans les jardins, &c. pp. 216. 8°. Montauban, 1789. GATHEBAL (GEORGE) [Copper in the Newcastle District.] See RICHARDSON (W.) Visit of the British Association to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1889. Official Local Guide Industrial Section. 8°. 1889. GATHOBNE-HABDY (Hon. ALFRED ERSKINE) [1845-] Out of the depths. [An account of dredging in the Sound of Jura.] 8°. [London, 1890.] The National Review. Vol. xlv, pp. 8SS-S50. GATONBE (.JOHN) A voyage into the North West / Passage . . . 1612. See CHURCHILL (A.) A- o . L s./. 644 8GATTENHOF ((JKOKU MATTHIAS) [1722-1788] Stirpes Bgri et horti Heidelbergensis, &c. pp.[viii,]358. 8°. Hfidetbergte, 1782. GATTERER (( 'HKISTOPH WILHELM JACOB) [1759- 1838] C. W. ,1. Gi\tti>n>ri lirrvinrium zoologiw. Pi Mammalia, pp. jrvi, Offl. GATTINA (Mi. IIAKI. ANOELO) 'ars i. 8°. Gottingae, 1780. See GUATTINI. _ .^ GATTINGER (An; I*T) The Tennessee Flora ; with "_ Ko"i T >p.rial reference to the Flora of Nashville, &c. pp. 109. 8°. Nasliville, 1890. GATTY (MARGARET) Mrs. [1809-1873] British Sea- \Vccds. Drawn from Prof. Harvey s "Phycologia Britannica," with descriptions, <£*c. 2 Vol. illust. col. 4°. London, 1872 P<3 :.«* P B L T ?;« i^ B k B E B B V GAUBERT (PAUL MARIE LEON) [1805-1866] Neuf Cranes humains recueillis en Crimee, &c. See DEMIDOV (A. N.) Prince of San Donate. Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale, See ECKER (A.) 8°. 1896-5. Gaupp (E.) Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Eidech- senscnadels. pp. 15. See FREIBURQ-IN-BREISGAU. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte, &C. Bd. X. 4°. 1898. , GAUTARD (VICTOR VON) [-1870] & STIERUN (G.) Fauna Coleopterorum Helvetica. Die Kafer-Fauna der Schweiz, &c. (Zusatze und Nachtrage— Zweiter Nachtrag . . . von . . . G. Stierlin.) pp. 372 (98). See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denkschriften, &c. Tom. xxm, no. 4 ; xxiv, no. 1 ; xxvin, no. 3. 4°. 1869-83. GAUTHIER (HUGUES) Introduction k la connois- £, sance des Plantes, ou catalogue des Plantes usuelles de la France ... on y a ajoute' une notice abre'gee des Drogues etrangeres, &c. pp. xxiv, 168. 12°. Avignon & Paris, 1760. GAUTHIER (VICTOR) Description des Echinides fossiles recueillis en 1885 et 1886 dans la region sud des hauts-plateaux de la Tunisie par M. P. Thomas. (^ (Illustrations, &c.) See FRANCE. Exploration scienti- fique de la Tunisie. Paleontologie. 8°. & fol. 1889. Gauthier (V.) Notes sur les Echinides cretaces re- cueillis en Tunisie par M. Aubert, dec. pp. 52 : 4 pl>- A 8°. Paris, 1892. Gauthier (V.) Description des Echinides fossiles des terrains Jurassiques de la Tunisie recueillis par M. Le ^ Mesle. See FRANCE. Exploration scientifique de la Tunisie. 8°. 1896. GautMer (V.) & Cotteau (G. H.) Echinides fossiles. See MORGAN (J., DE) Mission Scientifique en Perse, /~ &c. Tom. in. Etudes Geologiques. Pt. n, no. 1. 4°. 1895. Gauthier (V.) & others. Echinides fossiles de 1'Alge'rie . . . par G. Cotteau, A. Peron et V. Gauthier. 2 Pt. illust. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES, &c. Tom. IV, no. 6 ; & VI, no. 4. 8°. 1873, 75. — [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de I _ instruction PuUique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole desc a.--, a, Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. vm, no. 4 ; & xm, no. 4. 8°. 1873,75. C. 8.4 C. Gauthier (V.) & others. Echinides fossiles de 1'Al- gerie, &c. 3 Tom. illust. See COTTEAU (G. H.) & Q others. 8". 1876-91. GAUTIER (A.) Introduction philosophique k 1'etude de la Geologic, pp.292. 8". Paris, 1853. (^ GAUTIER (ALEXANDRE) Manuel des Plantes medi- ciuales, &c. pp. xvi, 1124. 12°. Pan's, 1822. GAUTIER (GASTON) Catalogue raisonne de la Flore des Pyrenees-Orientales . . . Introduction par C. Flahault. pp. 550. 8°. Perpignan [1898]. Publication Soc. Agric., Soient. t Litt. Pyrenees-Orientales. GAUTIER (JEAN ALFRED) [1793-1881] See BIBLIO- THEQUE UNIVEHSELLE de Geneve. Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles, par M. . . . Gautier, (^ - - &c. Tom. vn-xxi. 8°. 1848-52. , I r GAUTIER (L. A.) Le Jardin Fruitier . . . par L. Noisette, et redige d'apres ses notes par L. A. Gautier, &c. 3 Vol. [in 1] Must. col. See NOISETTE (L. C.) 4°. 1821. GAUTIER (LuciEN MARIE) Les Champignons con- sideres dans leurs rapports avec la Medecine ... 1'Agriculture et 1'Industrie, et description des principales especes . . . de la France, pp. xvi, 508 : 16 pis. col., text Must. 8°. Paris, 1884. GAUTIER DAGOTT (JACQUES) [1717-1785] Col- lection des Plantes usuelles, curieuses, et etrangeres ... tirees du Jardin du Roi, & de celui de MM. les Apothi- caires de Paris, &c. 40 pis. col., with descriptive letter- press. fol. Paris, 1767. GAUTIERI (GIUSEPPE) [1769-1833] Untersuchung iiber die Entstehung, Bildung und den Bau des Chal- ^J cedons und der init ihm verwandten Steinarten, insbesondere aber des Chalcedons von Tresztya in Siebenbiirgen. pp. xvii, 360. 8°. Jena, 1800. GAVARD (HYACINTHE) [1753-1802] Traite complet . d'Osteologie, redige d'apres les lecons de Desault . . . \2 Troisieme edition, &c. 2 Vol. 8°. Pan's, 1805. The first edition appeared in 1791. GAVOY (Louis) Faunule Coleopterologique du Mont- Alaric (Aude). pp. 1ft. 8°. Carcassonne, 1893. Mem. Soc. Art. & Sci. Carcassonne. 646 OAT (CLAUDE) [1800-1873] Historia fisica y politica l~ de Chile, 1854. fera and Infnraria]. By H. Hnpe. GAT (FRANCOIS) Recherches sur le developpement et •p la classification de quelques Algues vertes . . . These, &c. pp. 116: 15 pis. col. 8°. Paris, 1891. GAT (HENRI) Observations sur les Instincts de —y 1'Homme et 1'Intelligence des Animaux. Souvenirs de Voyages, ftp. 270. 8°. Paris, 1878. GAT (JACQUES) [1786-1864] Monographic des cinq genres de Plantcs oue comprend la tri talees dans la famille des Biittneriacees. pp. 38 : 8 pis. 4°. Pans, 1821. E 6 e> & B l!j E. Blanchard an M. 1847-54. 1847. 1848-49. 1849. 1851. genres de Plantcs oue comprend la tribu des Lasiope- ll Mem, Mu». Hut. Nat. Paris. Tom. vn. Gay (J.) Histoirede VArenaria tetraquetra, L. pp. 31. 8°. Paris, 1824. Ann. Sci. Xat. Tom. ill. Gay (J.) Erysimprum quorumdam novorum diagnoses simulque Erysimi muralis descriptionem, &c. pp. 16. 8°. Parisiis, 1842. Note . . . au sujet d'une brochure de M. Gay, intitulee : Erysimorum quorumdam novorum diag- noses; f 1398-1 478]-Theophrastijde'X5ausis Plantarum libwrvi. T. GUtza interpreteX'iSee THEO- PHEASTUS. -s ^/ 8°. 1529. Gaza (T.) Theophrasti . . . De Historia Plantarum . . . T. Gaza interprete, dec. See THEOPHRASTUS. 8". 1552. GAZELLE, German Corvette. [For descriptions by T. Studer of Crustacea and Echinoderma collected during the voyage of the "Gazelle" round the world in 1874-76] See BERLIN.— KOENIOLICH-PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER wissENscH AFTEN. Physikalische Ab- handlungen, &c. 1882, Anhang, abth. 1 & 2 ; 1883, Anhang, abth. 1 ; 1884, abth. 2. 4°. 1883-85. Gazelle, German Corvette. DieForschungsreiseS.M.S. "Gazelle" . . . 1874 bis 1876, dec. 4-¥o). See GEE- -,< MANY. 5 TWx 4°. 1«80. £. GAZETTEERS. [General] Longmans' Gazetteer of the World. See CHISHOLM . (G. G.) 8°. 1895. L Gazetteers. [General] Ritter's geographisch-statisches Lexikon . . . Vierte . . . Auflage, dec. See RITTER (C.) Geographer. 4°. 1855. - Sechste . . . Auflage, dec. 2 Vol. 4°. 1874. - Siebente . . . Auflage, dec. 2 Vol. 4°. 1883. - Achte . . . Auflage, dec. 2 Vol. 4°. 1898. Gazetteers. [General.] Lippincott's . . . Gazetteer of the World -o L L- . M M-2 -»..? Revised s~ * [Second] edition, dec. See LIPPINCOTT ( J. B.) 8°. 1866-67. c - New edition, dec. 8°. 1885. \^ - [Another edition.] 8°. 1886. L- ^ Gazetteers. [General.] The Gazetteer of the World.rfcc. (Appendix : Commer- cial Geography . . . By K. B. Murray.) 3 Vol. 8°. London, 1885-87. Gazetteers. [General] Index Geographicus, dec. See JOHNSTON (A. K.) 8°. 1864. L- - [Another issue.] Gazetteers. [General.] Dictionary of Geography . . . forming a of the World. See JOHNSTON (A. K.) - New edition, &c. Gazetteers. [General] The Imperial Gazetteer, dec. 2 Vol. l\\. G.) 8°. [ ] gazetteer f 8°. 1853. ^ 8°. 1877. B See BLACKIE 4°. 1878. Gazetteers. [General. — Classical & German.] Orbis Latinus, dec. See GRAESSE (J. G. T.) 8°. 1861. Deutsch-Lateinisches Handbuchlein der Eigennamen aus der . . . Geographic, dkc. See SAALFELD (G. A. K. A.) 8°. 1885. Gazetteers. [Austria, Archduchy of.] Orts-Repertorium des Erzherzogthumes Oesterreich unter der Enns. See AUSTRIA, Archduchy of. 8°. 1871. M f.' 647 fe.S L c.s u [_ tf.^.c . 8 , .a. Gazetteers. [Austria- Hungary} I Artaria's Orts-Lexikon der Oesterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie (incl. Occupationsgebiet, 1885), dec. 8°. 1893. Gazetteers. [Bavaria.] I General-Register zuin . . . Orts- und Post-Lexikon fur - das Konigreich Bayern. See HARTMANN (E.) 8°. 1866. I Gazetteers. [Bohemia.] Seznam mist v Kralovstvi Ceskem, dec. See BOHEMIA. 8°. 1895. ^ Gazetteers. [British Isles] ^ The National Gazetteer ... of the British Islands, dec. L 3 Vol. illust. See BRITISH ISLANDS. 4°. [1883.] Gazetteers. [British Isles] Gazetteer of the British Isles, dec. /See BARTHOLOMEW (J.) 8". 1887. Gazetteers. [France & its Colonies] L- Dictionnaire gepgraphique et administratif de la France et de ses Colonies. Vol. i-» See JOANNE (P.) 4°. 1890-» Gazetteers. [Germany.] r") Vollstandigstes geographisch-topographisch-statistisches Orts-Lexikon von Deutschland, &c. See RUDOLPH (H.) 4°. 1870. Gazetteers. [Hungary] l~ A Magyar Korona Orszagainak Helysegnevtara, dec. • C • S See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. 4°. 1895. Gazetteers. [India} /_ The Imperial Gazetteer of India . . . Second edition. 14 Vol. See HUNTER (Sir W. W.) K.C.S.I. 8°. 1855-87. Gazetteers. [Portuguese Colonies] l_^ Diccionario geographico das provincias e possessoes Portuguezas no ultramar, dec. See MONTEIRO (J. M. DE S.) 8°. 1850. Gazetteers. [Scotland.] t) The Gazetteer of Scotland. See WILSON (J. M.) 8". 1882. Gazetteers. [Scotland] Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland, dec. See GROOME (F. H.) 8°. 1884-85. Gazetteers. [Sikhim.] The Gazetteer of Sikhim, dec. See BENGAL. 8°. 1894. Gazetteers. [Spain de its Colonies.] Gran Diccionario geografico, estadistico, e historico de Espana, dec. 4 Tom. See CASTILLO (R. DEL). 4°. 1889-92. Gazetteers. [Tasmania] Bailliere's Tasmanian Gazetteer, dec. See WHITWORTH (E. P.) 8°. 1877. Gazetteers. [United States] The National Gazetteer : a geographical dictionary of the United States, dec. See COLANGE (A. L. DE). 8°. 1884. Gazetteers. [United States.] A Dictionary of Geographic Positions in the United States. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, dec. No. 123. 8°. 1895. Gazetteers. [United States.] [For Dictionaries of Altitudes and Geographical Dic- tionaries of some of the individual States published in the same serial] See GANNETT (H.) Gazetteers. [Victoria, Australia] L Bailliere's Victorian Gazetteer, dec. See WHITWORTH (R. P.) 8°. 1879. GAZOLA (GIOVAMBATTISTA) Count. Ittiolitologia Veronese del Musep Bozzianp ora annessp a quellp Gt Conte G. Gazola e di altri gabinetti di fossili Veronesi. 3 Pt. See VOLTA (G. S.) fol. 1796-1809. GAZZADI (DoMENico) & Baschieri (A.) Zoologia morale esposta in cento venti discorsi in versi o in J prosa da D. Gazzadi ... e in altrettante figure d'Ani- mali, incise in rame, colle notizie scientifiche del ... A. Baschieri. 2 Pt. pp. 478 : 95 pis. col. fol. Firenze, 1843-46. Printed in double column. GEBAUER (JOHANN JACOB) Systematisches Ver- zeichniss der Seesterne, Seeigel, Conchylien und Pflan- ~~Z- zenthiere, nach Linne Systema Naturae, dec. pp. xii, 150. 4°. Halle, 1802. GEBAUER (KARL EMIL) Kunde des Samlandes, oder Geschichte und topographisch-statistisches Bild /_ der Ostpreussischen Landschaft Samland. pp. xii, 356: 2 pis., 1 map. 8°. Kiinigsberg, 1844. GEBHARD (JOHANN NEPOMUK) [1774-1828] Ver- zeichniss der von dem Jahre 1804 bis 1819 auf meinen botanischen Reisen durch und in der Steyermark selbst o beobachteten gesammelten ... Pflanzen, dec. pp. xx, 807. 12°. Gratz, 1821. GEBLER (FRIEDRICH AUGUST VON) [1782-1850]_ F. v. Gebler's Bemerkungen iiber die Insekten Sibiriens, vorziiglich des Altai, pp. 228. See LEDEBOUR (C. F. «- VON) C. F. von Ledebour's . . . Reise durch das Altai-Gebirge, dec. Thl. n. 8°. 1830. GEDDE (.JOHN) The English Apiary : or, the com- pleat Bee-master, dec. pp. ix, [xv} 108 : 1 pi. 12°. London, 1721-22. The introduction is dated 1675, at which date the work appears to have first been issued. GEDDES (PATRICK) [18M-] The rise and aims of _ modern Botany, dec. pj). 23. 8°. Dundee, 1888. GEDNER (CHRISTOPHORUS) Quasstio historico natu- ralis Cui Bono ? Quam . . . oft'ert C. Gedner, dec. C See LINN^US (C.) 4°. [1752.] ^.4.0. [Another edition.] See LINNAEUS (C.) C. Linnaei . . . Amcenitates Academic®, dec. Vol. ill. 8°. 1756. L 8°. 1764. R !~i [Another issue.] Editio secunda. 8°. 1787. [Another edition.] See LINN^US (C.) C. Linnaei Fundamentorum Botanicorum . . . Curante J. E. o Gilibert. Tom. I. 8°. 1786. Gedner (C.) Of the use of Curiosity, &c. See LIN- N^EUS (C.) Miscellaneous tracts relating to Natural • History [translated from the Amcenitates Academicae] . . . Second edition, &c. 8°. 1762. Fourth edition. 8°. 1791. L o.'. GEDNER (ELLAS) Ficus genus. Dissertatione bota- nica, . . . publico examini subjicit E. Gedner, &c. Q See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1786.] — [Another edition.] See THUNBERG (C. P.) Dis- aertationee Academicas Upsalia3, dec. Vol. n, no. 9. 8°. 1800. [Another edition.] See USTERI (P.) Delectus i> opusculorum Botanicorum, dec. Vol. I, no. 7. 8°. 1790. GEEL (P. C. VAN) Sertum Botanicum. Collection choisie des Plantes les plus remarquables par leur - elegance, leur 6clat ou leur utilite ; par une Societe de Botanistes et dirig^e par M. P. C. van Geel. 4 Tom. illust. col. fol. Bruxelles (1828-) 1829-32 [-36]. GEELMUYDEN (!VAR CHRISTIAN SOMMERSCHILD) Engelsk-Norsk Ordbog. Omarbeidet og for0get udgave af . . . J. Geelmuydens Ordbog ved J. Brynildsen. pp. viii, 1128. 8°. Kristiania, 1886. 648 GEER (CARL DK) [1720-1778] Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire des Insectes. 7 Tom. [in 8] illust. 4s. Stockholm, 1752-78. Tom. n U in 2 Pt. Tom. vn w*a issued after the author's death. Geer (C. DE) Des Herrn Baron K. Degeer . . . Abhand- Elungen zur Geschichte der Insekten, aus dein Franzfi- sischen iibersetzt und mit Annierkungen herausgegeben von J. A. E. Giitze. 7 Thl. & Atlas. 8°. Niirnberg, 1778-83. Geer (C. DE) [For papers on Myriopoda translated into German] See BONNET (C.) Herrn K. Bonnets . . . Abhandlungen aus der Insectologie, dec. 8°. 1774. Geer (C. DE) C. . . . de Geer . . . Genera et species Insectorum e . . . auctoris scriptis extraxit, digessit, Latine quoad partem reddidit, et Terminologiam In- sectorum Liuneanam addidit A. I. Retzius, &c. pp. 220. 8°. Lipsice, 1783. Geer (C. DE) Memoir of De Geer. See DUNCAN (J.) Introduction to Entomology. 8". [1 845-6. J Geer (C. DE) Recensio critica Aranearum Suecicarum quas descripserunt Clerckius, Linnaeus, de Geerus. Scripsit T. Thorell. See UPSALA. — KONGLIGA VETEN- SKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Nova Acta, 8°. 1876-> Gegenbaur (C.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. pp. xvi, 984 •' text Must. 8°. Leipzig, 1883. Gegenbaur (C.) Zur Kenntniss der Mammarorgane der Monotremen. pp. 37 : 1 pi., text illust. 4°. Leipzig, 1886. Gegenbaur (C.) TJeber die Occipitalregion und die ihr benachbarten Wirbel der Fische. See GEGENBAUR (C.) & others. Fest-Schrift. A. von Kolliker, &c. 4". 1887. Gegenbaur (C.) Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburts- tage von C. Gegenbaur, &c. See HAECKEL (E. H.) & others. 4°. 1896. Gegenbaur (C.) Vergleichende Anatoinie der Wirbel- thiere, mit Beriicksichtigung der Wirbellosen. 2 Bd. illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1898, 1901. Gegenbaur (C.) 1 port. Erlebtes und Erstrebtes. pp. 114 : 8". Leipzig, 1901. Gegenbaur (C.) Oeikie (XiV A.) On the phenomena of the Glacial Drift of Scotland. .SVr GEoi.oinr \\. SOCIETY OF ( II.AS- «iow. Transactions, . ./•, S97 : 13 port. 8°. London, 1895. Oeikie (Sir A.) Geological Map of the British I sirs. originally compiled by Sir A. Geikie, dr. Si-r BRITISH ISLANDS. [Maps.] ls.«Xi. Oeikie (Sir A.) Geological Map of England and Wales . . Scale 1 : 633,600, or 10 miles loan inch. See Kv; LAND /V A.) * Wilson (G.) Memoir of E. Forbes, L .22:lpl. See ACADEMIA • C.KSAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, dtc. Nova Acta, dec. £• 1301., Tom. XLI, pt. II, no. 7. 4". 1880. Geinitz (F. E.) Die Skandinavischen Plagioklas- gcstuinc und Phonolith aus dcin Ifecklenborgischen L_. Diluvium, pp. t;r. S,-i- ACMIK.MIA C.ESAREA LEO- ^^ POLDINO-CAROLINA, • no. 2. 4". 1882(1884). Geiuitz (F. E.) Uebcrsicht liber die Geologic Mecklen- £ burgs, . fiO: 1 map col. 4". Gustroitr, 1884. 1 he date of publication baa been altered in manuscript to 1885. Geinitz i I'. I'.) Der Boden Mccklenhurgs. SeeSiuir- L CART.- -CENTRALKOMMISSION FUER \\ ISSKNsi HAR'LICIIE t LANDESKINDK VON DKI'TSCIl LAND. ForSChuilgCII, d"C. Bd. I, hft. 1. 8°. 1885. Geiuitz (F. E.) Die Mecklenburgischen Hohenriickon [^ imliestreifen) und ihre Beziclmngen zur Eiszeit. See STUTTGART. — CENTRALKOMMISSION FUER WISSEN- &U SCIIAn'LICIIE LANDESKUNDE VON DEI'TSI II LAND. Korschungen, d-c. Bd. i, lift. :>. 8°. 1886. 651 /- Geinitz (F. E.) ix. Beitrng zur Geologic; Mecklen- burgs. Neue Aufschliisse der Flcitzformationen Mecklenburgs. pp. [iv,] ~4 : fi pis. 8°. Giistroiv, 1887. Archiv Ver. Freund. Natnrg. Mecklenburg. J3d. xi.l. Geinitz (F. E.) Mittheilungen aus der Grossherzoglic-1 Mecklenburg, geologischen Landesanstalt. No. i, d'c See MECKLENBUBO. — Grossherzoglich-Mecklenburgischt Geologische Landesanstalt. 4°. 1892-^ Geinitz (F. E.) Die Endmoranen Mecklenburgs. pp. 36 [a] .- 8 pis., 2 inaps col. See MECKLENBUKG. — Grossherzoglic/i-Afecklenbun/ixc/te Geologische Landes- anstalt. Mittheilungen, &c. No. iv. 4". 1894. Geinitz (F. E.) Geologisch-agronomische Karte von Langensee R. A. Crivitz. pp. 8 : 1 map col. Das Kalklager von Nossentin. pp. 5 : 1 pi. See MECKLENBUBG. — Grossherzoglich-Mecklenburgische Geologische Landesanstalt. Mittheilungen, &c. No. v & VI. 4°. 1896. Geinitz (F. E.) Geologischer Fiihrer durch Mecklen- burg, pp. viii, 183: 15 pis., 1 map. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Geinitz (F. E.) /* Mergellager in Sandgebieten. pp. S : 1 pi. Brunnenbohrungen. pp. 8 : text Must. Die Wasserversorgung der Stadte Waren und Lud- wigslust. Brunnenprofile. [pp. 4:] 1 pi. Die Wasserversorgung der Stadt Wismar. pp. 20: 8 pis., 1 map. See TAvCKltETSWJRG.—Grossherzoglich-Mecklenburgische Geologische Landesanstalt. Mittheilungen, &c. No. x & XI. 4°. 1900. GEINITZ (HANNS BBUNO) [1814-1900] Beitrag zur (_^ Kenntniss des Thiiringer Muschelkalkgebirges. pp. 38 : 3 pis. 8°. Jena, 1837. Geinitz (H. B.) Charakteristik der Schichten und Petrefacten des Sachsisch-Bohmischen Kreidegebirges. 3 Hft. pp. 116, xxv : 25 pis. (1 col.) 4". Dresden & Leipzig, 1839-42. Hft. 1. Der Tunnel bei Oberau, in geognostischer Hinsicbt,' und die dieser Bildnng venvandten Abbigerungen zwiachen Oberau, Meisen und dem Plauen'achenGrunde Itei Dresden. 1830. ,, 2. A. Das Land zwischen dem Plauen'achen Grnnde bei Dresden und Dohna. B. Fische, Crustaceen, Mollusken. 1840. ,, 3. Die Sachsisch-Hohmische Schweiz, die Oberlausitz nnd das Innere von Bohmen. 184C. — Sowie der Versteinerungen von Kieslingswalda . . . Neue Ausgabe. 4 Hft. pp. xxii, 116, xxii, iv, 19 : 31 pis. (1 col.) 4". Leipzig, 1850. Except for the preliminary xxii pp., containing the preface and the explanations of plates, here gathered together, the text appears to be a re-issue of that of the first edition, accompanied by a re-issue, in the guise of a fourth part, of the author's " Die Versteinerungen von Kieslingswalda," .) Kiiuknsische Versteinerungen. X.. SCHNEIDER (<).) Natunvissrnsrlmftliche Beitriige KtMintnis.1 der Kaukasuslander, KN. — KOKMCJI.U IIKS MINERA- G G 01. A S3 L M UHMSCll- t!KOI.ix;isclIES UND PRAEHISTORISCHES MU- SEUM. 8°. 1879. Geinitz (H. B.) Nachtrage zur Dyas. i. von ... H. B. Geinitz . . . mit Beitragen der Herren . . . Dr. Drude . . . Dr. Vetter . . . und Dr. Weiss, pp. iv, [ii,] 43 [it] : 7 pis., text Must. See DRESDEN. — KOENIOLICHES MINE- RALOGI8CH-GKOLOGISCHKS UND PRAEHISTORISCHES MU- SEUM. Mittheilungen. Hft. ill. 4°. 1880. For number n, &( GKINITZ (II. B.) fc DIUCHMOKI.I.EK (.). V.) Geinitz (H. B.) i. Ueber einige Lycopodiaceen aus der Steinkohlenformation. 11. Die Graptolithen des K. Mineralogischen Museums in Dresden, pp. 85 : S pis. See DRESDEN.— KOENIOLICHES MINER ALOOISCH- GEOLOGISCHES UND PHAEHISTORISCHES MUSEUM. Mit- theilungen. Hft. IX. 4". 1890. Geinitz (H. B.) [For official publications as Director] See DRESDEN. — KOENIOLICHES MINERALOGISCH-OEOLO- GISCHES UND PRAEHISTORISCHES MUSEUM. Geinitz (H. B.) >t Deichmneller (J. V.) Nachtrage zur Dyas. n. pp. 46: 9 pis. See DRESDEN.— KOENIG- LICHES MINERALOGISCH-GEOLOGISCHES UND PRAEHIS- TORISCHES MUSEUM. Mittheilungen. Hft. v. 4°. 1882. For number i, See GEINITZ (H. B.) Geinitz (H. B.) & Gntbier (C. A. VON) Die Versteinerungen von Obersachsen und der Lausitz. See GEINITZ (H. B.) . (1 col.) 1848. Geinitz (H. B.) '+tiK-]ir Skizzedei KoniirreicheiiSikchaen. Ton C. Naumann. *. !)•• nonllii-h nnd iMtllch Tom Konipreiche Sacbaen pslegene L»nd iwuchen ilrr WuMe und Uer Uin-ilz IIIK! veiviiiiKteii Hober V.M II. H. lieinitl. <•. <>e»KnoMiMhe Hkizze Ton Tbiiringen, TOO B. Cotta. 4. > «|etatioruTerhaltniiw« innerhaUder Grenzen der Flora TOD S»ch«en Ton R. G. L. Reichenbach. Geinits (H. B.) * other*. Die Steinkohlen Deutsch- Innil's und anderer Lander Europa'a . . . von . . . H. B. ( J.'init/ . . . H. Fleck & . . . E. Hartig. Bd. i, Geologie, & Atlas. 4°. Munchen, 1865. (^ Tbe mitwidiary title |wge read« :— " Geologie der .Steinkoblen Deutecb- land's . . . berau«Kfgeben Ton . . . H. B. Geinitz." Contains, inttr alia : — Cap. iv. 1. DasVorkonimeu von Steinkohleninder Preussischen Provinz Sachsen bei den Statlten Wettin und Lobejiin im Soalkrciw . . . von Wajfner. 4. Die Kohlcnfurniation von Stockheim und Neulmus, Ton C. Uuckert. ,, v. Saarbecken und Rheinpfalz, von Von lltinne. ,, vl. Die Stelnkohlen-Rcviere in der Gugend von Aachen, TOD Von Dechen. ,, VIM. Die Kchleaiscben Steinkohlenbecken nnd deren Forteetiun); nach HnlmirM mill .M.itiri'ii, vi>n Sobutze. ,, IX. 4. Die Steinkohlenber|;bavic in der Unigelmnjt Ton Itadnitz, vnnC. I'Yistnuuitel. 5. Dan PiliwiierSteinkohlenbocken naoh Unterlagen der Herren . . . Mickseh . . . und . . . Pelikun. „ ,, Anhang. Den Reicbthnni 1111 Brannkolilen in dem nordlichen Bohineii, vim R. l.udwi^. „ xili. n. Juratwische Kohlen in liritiirjiiien. Deugleichen in Scbonen undauf Bornbolin, llrunnkohlen in Jutland auf den Faniern, auf Island uud in Gronland, von Forchbainmer. GEISELER (EDUARD FERDINAND) [1781-1827] - Crotonis monographiam, speciminis loco inauguralis o . . . exhibet E. F. Geiseler. pp.x,8S. 8". Halce L1807]. wJUric L -(^i-^J GEISENHEYNEB (L.) F16ra von Kreuznach. Tabellen zum Bestimnien der ... Gefasspflanzen. < pp. v, 306. 8°. Kreuznach, 1881. GEISSLEB (GusTAV) [1871-] Ueber neue Saurier- funde aus dem Muschelkalk von Bayreuth . . . In- Cj augural-Dissertation, &c. 8". Berlin, 1895. Zeitschr. Dentsch. Geol. Ges. Bd. XLVII, j>p. 331-56: Spit. GELENIUS (SinisMUNDUs) [1477-1554] C. Plinii Secundi Naturali Historiaj . . . cum commentariis et L adnotationibus . . . Gelenii, &c. 10 Vol. See PLINIUS SECUNDUS (C.) 8°. 1778 (-91). GELISSEN (CH.) Monografia del Diamante, pp. 120 : f^\ 1 pi. 8°. Napoli, 1882. ' GELLEBSTEDT (JoHAN DANIEL) [1802-1863] Flora paroeciaj Brankyrka, cujus partem tertiam . . . p.p. J. D. fo Gellerstedt, &c. See SILLEN (N. J.) 8°. [1827.] Gellerstedt (J. D.) Nerikes flora, !).r>.— Reisen . . . urn die Welt. (1695-97.) See ARKSTEK ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historie der I Reisen, E OcnOEEL (H.) Sagrides, Criocerides, Clytrides, Megalopides, Cryptnet'plialides et Lamprosomides ; DUVIVIER (A.) Crysomelides, Halticidea et Galemcides; - Staphylinides ; KERREMANS (C.) Bupres- tides ; LAMEEUE (A.) Cerambycides. , GEMUSJEUS (HIERONYMUS) [1505-1543] ^_ imavra . . . Galeni opera omnia . . . emendata atqj restituta [by H. Gemusaus], &c. See GALENUS (C.) fol. 1538. GENBERG (PAUL) Monographia Chrysidum Svecise . . . respondens P. Genberg. See DAHLBOM (A. G.) 8°. 1829. GENE (CARLO GIUSEPPE) [1800-1847] De quibusdam Insectis Sardinia novis, aut minus cognitis. 2 Fasc. 4". Taurini [1836-39]. Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino. Tom. xxxix, and Ser. II, torn. i. Gene (C. G.) Synopsis Keptilium Sardinia; indi- genorum. pp. 31 : 5 pis. col. 4". [Torino, 1839.] Mem. H. Accad. Sci. Torino. Ser. II, torn. I. Gene (C. G.) Brevi cenni su un Acaridio del genere de' Sarcopti, che vive sulla Strix flammea. See BAUDI DI SELVE (F.) & TRUQUI (E.) Studi Entomologici, &c. Tom. I. 8°. 1848. GENE (JOSEPHO) See GENE (CARLO GIUSEPPE) GENERALI (GIOVANNI) [1834-] Avanzi Animali delle terremare del Modenese. See BONI (C.) Sulle terremare Modenesi, &c. 8°. 1870. GENES (N. DE) See GENNES. GENEVA. — Conservatoire, Botanique. Annuaire du Conservatoire &du Jardin-botaniques, &c. 8". Grneve(& Bdle), 1897-» 3 GENEVA. — Jardin Botanique. Rapport ( — Second Rapport sur la fondation du Jardin de Botanique de Geneve) fait a 1'Assemblee des sous- cripteurs, &c. See CANDOLLE (AuousTiN P. DE). 8°. 1819, 21, Geneva. — Jardin Botanique. Notices sur les Plantes rares cultivees dans le Jardin, &c. See CANDOLLE (AUGUSTIN P. DE) & (A. L. P. P. DE). 4°. 1823-47. Geneva. Jardin Botanique. Plantes rares du Jardin de Geneve. See CANDOLLE ( AUGUSTIN P. DE). fol. 1829. Geneva. — Jardin Botanique. Anmjaire"du Conservatoire & du Jardin botaniques, &c. -AflnTl— 5» See supra, Conservatoire Botanique. ' 8°. 1897-> GENEVA. Association Zoologique du Leman. [Founded 1865.] Les Campagnols du bassin du Leman par V. Fatio. pp. 78. 8". Bdle, &c., 1867. Geneva. Association Zoologique du Leman. Essai monographique sur les Nysson du bassin du Leman (Insectes Hymenopteres) par F. Chevrier. pp. 3d. 8°. Bdle, &c., 1867. Geneva.— Association Zoologique du Leman. Etude sui' les Coquilles de la iamille des Nayades qui habitent le bassin du Leman par A. Brot. pp. 55 : 9 pis. 8°. Geneve & Paris, 1867. Geneva.— Association Zoologique du Leman. Description des Dascillides du bassin du Leman par H. Tournier. pp. 92: 4 pis. 8°. Bdle, &c., 1868. Geneva. — Association Zoologique du Leman. Histoire naturelle des Poissons du bassin du Leman par G. Lunel. pp. xii, 209 : 20 pis. (col.), text illust. fol. Geneve, &c., 1874. GENEVA. Institut National Geuevois. [Founded 18S2.] Bulletin, 8"; Geneve, 1853-> Geneva. Institut National Genevois. Memoires, &c. Tom. I-XVH, 1853-89. 4°. Geneve, 1854-89. 5 In Tom. II-XVH each Memoir is separately paged. GENEVA. - Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve. Locustides nouveaux, ou peu connus, du Musee . . . par i A. Pictet. pp. 84 -' 3 pis. See infra, SOCIETE DE PHYSIQUE ET D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE. Memoires, &C. Tom. xxx, no. 6. 4°. 1888. 7T f>54 Geneva. Musee d'Histoirc Naturelle de Geneve. iSVr HF.VI K Si ISSF. I>F. /ooi.ociK ft Ainialfs du Musi;t>, ,tv. Tom. I-> 8". 18i)3-» GENEVA.- Schweizerische Botanische Gesell- schaft. S» KASI.E. GENEVA. Schweizerische Falaeoutologische Gesellschaft. See SrHWEi/.KRiscHK PALAEONTOLOCISCHK 1878— » 8". Geneve, 1879-» GENEVA. Societe de Geographic de Geneve. [Founded 1868.] Le Globe : journal geographique. Organe (Bulletin, Memoires) de la Societe, dec. Tom. xxxix-> 8°. Geneve, 1900-* GENEVA. Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle. [Founded ivoo.] .Memoires, 4". Geneve, &c., 1821-» In Tom. x.\\ ill -» each paper is separately paged. - Table . . . Tom. i-xx. 4°. Geneve, 8°. Geneve, &c., 1896-> GENEVE. See GENEVA. GENEVIER (L. GASTON) Essai monographique sur ••* les Rubux du bassin de la Loire, pp. 346. 8". Angers, 1869. Mem. Hoc. Acid. Maine-et-Ijoire. Tom. xxiv. Premier Supplement . . . 8uividelacleanalyti<|ur. pp. '.Mi. 8°. Paris [1872]. Mem. Soe. Acail. Maine-et-Loirc. Tom. \.\vlll. t> Monographic des Rtibus . . . Deuxieme edition. 8". Paris & Nantet, 1880. GENGE (JOHANNES MEI.CHIOK) Dissertatio de Thee, iiiiain . . . preside . . . B. Albino . . . exhibebit . . . J. M. Genge, &c. pp. 31 : 1 pi. 4". Franfofurti ad Oderam [1684]. GENNES (N. WE) [-1704] Frogere Reise oder (_ Nachricht von ilfs Herrn von Genes Keise nach der (1695-96.) .SVr AKKSTEE ( ) .V.\|KKKUS( ) Allgemcine Historie der Reisen, &c. Bd. XII. 4". 1754. Gennes (N. DE) Voyage to _\fagellanica. [By F. cognita, 8". 1768. Froger.] See CALLANDER (J.) Terra Australia cognita, Ac. Vol. in. GENOA. IK'srri/ione di Genova e del Genovesato. :5 Vol. UluSt. 8". (,','iln,;,, ISKi. Vol. i, Pt. i. Edited by the Marques* L. Paruto, who also contributed tlie articles on the Topography and Geolt)gy. „ „ ,, ll. Edited by the Marqneu M. Spinola. Flora, by li. de Xotaris. Xoopliytes, by G. de Notaris. Invcrtebrata, by II. Verany. Piscw, Keptilia and Datrachia, by A. Sasso. Aves, by the Marquess C. Durazzo. Mammalia, by A. Sasso. ., II, ,, Itr. History, Agriculture, •< r. ,,ni, ,, iv. Archwoiopy, 8°. Genova, 1870-» GENOA. Regia Universita degli Stndi. [Founded 1812.] Atti, (fee. Tom. i-> / l~j / °*i ^ 4°. Genova, 18C9-» \- Genoa.— Regia Universita degli Studi. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia e Anatomia comparata della R. Universitk di Genova diretto dai professor! C. Parona [and] G. Cattaneo. 1892->- 4°. Genova, 1894-> A series of separately-paged reprints from the Atti Soc. Liguslica. GENOA.— Societd, Crittogamologia Italiana. See MILAN. GENOA. Societa Ligustica di Scienze Natural! e Geografiche. [Founded isss.] Atti, &c. Vol. i-» 8°. Genova, 1890-» For indexes to Vol. i-x, See infra, La SocietA Lignstica . . . nel primo decennio, etc. Genoa.— Societa Ligustica di Scienze Natural! e Geografiche. La Societa Ligustica ... nel primo decennio . . . (1889-99). pp. 38. 8°. Genova, 1900. Contains indexes to the first ten volumes of the Atti of the Society. GENOOTSCHAF TEB, BEVORDERING DER NATUUR-, GENEES- EN HEILKUNDE. See AMSTERDAM. GENOOTSCHAF TER BEVORDERINGE VAN NUTTIGE KUNSTEN EN WETEN- SCHAFFEN TE VLISSINGEN. See MIDDLEBURO. GENOOTSCHAF TOT NUT EN VERGE- NOEGEN. See ARNHEM.— NATUURKUNDIG OENOOTSCHAP, &c. GENOUVIIiLE (E. R.) [-1820] Histoire naturelle des Ijepidojrteres . . . de France, &c. Livr. 1. See GODART (J. B.) 8". [1820.] The text to this part was replaced by fresh matter written by Uotlart. GENOVA. See GENOA. GENTH(C. F. F.) [1810-1837] Flora des Herzogthum Nassau und der obern, so wie untern, Rheingegenden von Speier bis Coin, &c. Theil. i. Cryptogamie. Abth. l.t pp. xii, 439. 12°. Mainz, 1836. The sub-title reads :— " Cryptogiimentiora des Heriogthnm Nassau," Ac. GENTH (FREDERICK AUOUSTUS Louis CHARLES WILLIAM) [1820-1893] [Preliminary report on the Minerals found in the State of North Carolina.] See NORTH CAROLINA, State of.— Geological Survey. Report, . See PENNSYLVANIA, State of.— Second Geological Sur- vey. Reports of Progress. B. 8". 1875, 76. Genth (F. A. L. C. W.) The Mineralogy of Pennsyl- vania . . . To be used as a supplement in connection with . . . Genth's "Preliminary Report on the Mine- ralogy of Pennsylvania," See EYERMAN (J.) 8°. 1889. Genth (F. A. L. C. W.) The Minerals of North Caro- lina, pp. 119. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, tt-c. No. 74. 8°. 1891. Genth (F. A. L. C. W.) & (F. A.) Analyses of Minerals and Rocks from Bucks,, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties, Pa. See PENNSYLVANIA, State of.— Second Geological Survey. Reports of Progress. c°. 8". 1881. Genth (F. A. L. C. W.) & Kerr (W. C.) The Minerals and Mineral localities of North Carolina, &c. pp. 138. 8°. Raleigh, U.S.A., 1885. Reprinted from " The Geology of North Carolina," Vol. II. GENTIL (AMBROISE) [1842-] Erpetologie de la Sarthe. pp. 32. 8". Le Mans, 1884. Bull. Soc. Agric. Sci. Sarthe. Sir. II. torn. xxl. Gentil (A.) Petite Flore Mancelle, contenant Fanalyse et la description sommaire des Plantes Phanerogames de la Sarthe. pp. 220. 8°. Le Mans, 1884. Gentil (A.) Histoire des Roses indigenes de la Sarthe. 8°. Le Mans, 1897. Bull. Soc. Agric. Sci. Sarthe. Ser. 1 1, torn, xxxvi, pp. 15-119. GENTIL (FRANCOIS) Le Jardinier Solitaire, the Solitary or Carthusian Gard'ner . . . Written in French by F. Gentil . . . Also the Compleat Florist ... By ... L. Liger . . . Newly done into English [by G. London and H. Wise], pp. xii, \yi,~\ 488 [8] : 21 pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1706. The French original appeared in 1704. - [Another edition entitled :] The Retir'd Gardener . . . Translated from the second edition printed at Paris . . . The manner of planting and cultivating most kinds of Flowers . . . Translated from the French of . . . L. Liger . . . With several alterations and addi- tions ... by G. London and H. Wise. The second edition, revised ... by J. Carpenter. pj>. [xiv,] 432 [8] : 31 ph., text Must. 8°. London, 1717. Wanting PI. xvn. Gentil (F.) Le Jardinier Solitaire [translated into German], &c. See BLUMEN-GAERTNER. 4". 1716. GENTIL (L.) Observations sur les Apocynacees a latex recueillies par . . . L. Gentil dans PEtat ,Inde- ' pendant du Congo en 1900, age. GENTILLI (AMADEO) Quelques considerations sur 1'origine des Bassins Lacustres a propos des sondages du Lac de Come, &c. pp. 11 : 8 pis. See MILAN. — SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATURAL!. Memorie, &C. Toil). H, no. 2. 4". 1866. GENTON (»K) Memoire sur les Fossiles du Bas Dauphine, fs Orjjimes Uespiiatoires sous le rapport de la deter- mination et do 1'identite de leurs pifcces osseuses, />. 14. S". [Purin, 1819.] Extracted from the "Journal oompltmientaire du Dictionnaire de« Science* medicate," l.ivr. II, June is.'.'. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (E.) Memoires sur 1'or- ganisation des Insert.'*. 3 Pt. 8°. [Paris, 1820.] El. Sur uu squclette chez les Insectes, dont toute* les pieces . . . cor- respondent iV chacun ties os du squelette dans Irs cbuutei* auperieureM. u. Sur quelques regies fondamentales en philosophic naturelle. pp. lit. III. Snr unecolonne vertebrate et ses cotes dans les Inscctes Apiroj>odes. pp. .«. Extracted from the "Journal complementaire du Dictionnaire dew Sciences medicales" for March and April 1820. They alao appeared in the "Ann. (Jen. Wei. Phys.," Vol. in A: iv. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (E.) Dictionnaire classique i_ d'Histoire Naturelle} par Messieurs Audouin . . . [E.] Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, oHition organique" [Bibl. France, 1828, p.8»7]. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (E.) Lettre sur quelques points du memoire ayant pour titre : De la conformite organique dans 1'Echelle Animale. pp. 8. 8°. Paris, 1831. Gazette Medicale Paris. Tom. 11. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (E.) Observations sur la concordance des parties de 1'Hyoide dans les quatre classes des Aniinaux Vertebres, &c. pp. 36 : 1 pi. col. 4°. Paris, 1832. Noo». Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris. Tom. i. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (E.) Sur des Glandes Ab- dominales che/, 1'Hornithorynque [sic], : 9 pis. I". Parts, 1835. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (E.) Eloge historique d'E. , Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. See FLOUUKNS (M. P. J.) 4". [1853.] <£. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (E.) De I'unitt de com- IKisition i't du debat entre Cuvier et Geoffroy Saint- -, Hilaire. ,SV- Fi.oritKNs (M. P. J.) IS1. 1865. *— Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (E.) Cuvier et Oeoffroy <*(,&. Saint-Hilaire: biographies scientifiiiues. See BLAIN- 0' VILLE (H. M. D. DE). 8°. 1890. c Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire ( E.) .v Audoiii (J. V.) Des- cription des Majnmifferes qui se trouvent en Egypte.'^ See FRANCE. — ('oin/n/msiun d'Egypte. Description de^ *^ PEgypte, &c. Histoire naturelle. Tom. n. 4°. 1812 \i.e. 1829]. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (E.) & Cuvier (G. F.) His- toire naturelle des Mammiferes, avec des figures ~Z, originates, &c. 4 Vol. Must. col. fol. Paris, [1819-] 1824-42. laaued in 72 livniisons to form either 7 or 4 volumes. The text to each plate N (tejKirately liaged, and the sheets, which are dated, were issued irregularly, and not in the sequence of the completed volumes. GEOFFROY SAINT-HILAIRE (ISIDORE) [1805- 1861] -TA- 6 Description des Reptiles qui se trouvent en Egypte. Suite de 1'histoire naturelle des Poissons du Nil. Histoire naturelle des Poissons de la Mer rouge et de r \ la Mediterranee. See FRANCE. — Commission (CEgypte. Description de 1'Egypte, &c. Histoire naturelle. Tom. I, pt. 1. 4°. 1809 [i.e. 1827]. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (I.) Dictionnaire classique ,, d'Histoire Naturelle, par Messieurs Audouin . . . I. /- Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, &c. Vol. vn-xvu. See BORY '" DE SAINT-VINCENT (J. B. G. M.) Barm. 8°. 1825-31. 3 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (I.) Memoire sur quelques especes nouvelles, ou pen connues, du genre Musaraigne. • pp. 28 : 1 pi. col. 4°. Paris, 1827. ' Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris. Tom. xv. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (I.) llemarques sur les caracteres generaux des Singes Americains, e,t des- , cription d'un genre nouveau sous le nom d'Eroide. ^ (Description de deux especes nouvelles de Singes a queue prenante.) pp. 53 : 1 pi. 4°. [Paris, 1828.] Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris. Tom. xvll. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (I.) Principes de Philosophie Zoologique, discutes en Mars 1830, au sein de I'Aca- 2 demie Royale des Sciences, pp. 226. 8°. Paris, 1830. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (I.) [Descriptions of Mam- -p malia collected during Belanger's voyage to the East Indies, ic.] See FRANCE. [Voyages, &c.— Indes Orien- tales.'] Voyage aux Indes-orientales. &c. Zoology. 8°. .52]. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (I.) Cours d'Ornithologie . . . M. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, professeur. See BLANC (A.) Legons de Zoologie generale, &c. 12°. 1848. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (I.) Rapport general sur les questions relatives Ji la domestication et k la naturalisa- tion des Animaux utiles, &c. See FRANCE. — Ministere de I' Agriculture. 4°. 1849. Also issued in 12°. Vide infra, " Domestication," <(•<•. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (I.) [Domestication et natu- ralisation des Animaux utiles. 12°. Paris, 1849.] Wanting. Also issued in 4" as "Rapport general sur les questions relatives ;i la domestication . . . des Animaux utiles." See FKANCP. — Minislfre tie I' Agriculture. — [Another edition entitled :] Acclimatation et domestication des Animaux utiles . . . Quatrieme edition. j)p. xvi, 534. 8". Paris, 1861. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (I.) Catalogue de la collec- ^ tion des Mammiferes, de la collection des Oiseaux et des collections annexes. Premiere partie. — Mammiferes. Catalogue des Primates. See PARIS.— MUSEUM D'HIS- TOIRE NATURELLE. Catalogue methodique, &c. 8°. 1851. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (I.) Histoire naturelle gene- rale des Regnes Organiques, principalement etudiee ehez 1'Homme et les Animaux. 3 Tom. 8°. Paris, 1854-62. L Z 2. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (I.) [Primates of South America,] See CASTELNAU (F. L. DE LAPORTE DE) Count. Expedition, &c. Pt. vn. Zoologie. Tom. i. 4". 1855. Geoffray Saint-Hilaire (I.) Notice analytique sur les Travaux zoologiques, anatomiques et physiologiques de M. I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. pp. 20. 4°. Paris [1833]. GEOGNOSTISCH - MONTANISCHER VER- EIN FUER STEIERMARK. See GRATZ. GEOGNOSTISCH - MONTANISCHER VER- EIN FUER TIROL UND VORARLBERG. See INNSBRUCK. GEOGNOSTISCH - FALAEONTOLOGISCHE BEITRAEGE. Herausgegeben . . . von . . . E. W. Benecke. Bd. i & n.t 8°. Miinchen, 1866-76. Each lleft has a distinct pagination in addition to that for the volume. GEOGNOSTISCHE JAHRESHEFTE, &c. Jahrg. I— > See BAVARIA. — Jfoenir/lich-Jiayerisches Oberbergamt. 4°. 1888->- GfOGRAFHE, LE, French Corvette. Voyage de decouvertes aux Terres Australes . . . sur . . . le Geo- graphe . . . pendant 18CO-1804, &c. 2 Tom. & Atlas. See FRANCE. 4°. & fol. 1807-16. • Seconde edition, &c. CLUB OF 8°. & fol. 1824. PHILADEL GEOGRAPHICAL FHIA. See GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, The. GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. See ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRA- LASIA. See ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALASIA. GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF PHILA- DELPHIA. [1891 Founded as Geographical Club of Philadelphia. 1897 Geographical Society of Philadelphia.] Bulletin, d-c. Vol. i, No. 2-» 8°. Philadelphia, 1894-> i GEOGRAFHISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR THUERINGEN ZU JENA. See JENA. GEOGRAFHISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN BREMEN. See BREMEN. GEOGRAFHISCHE GESELLSCHAFT LUEBECK. See LUBECK. IN GEOGRAFHISCHES JAHRBUCH . . . Heraus gegeben von E. Behm ([and afterwards] H. Wagner), &c. Bd. i-xi. 8°. Gotha, 1866-87. GEOGRAFHISCHES SEMINAR DER UNI- VERSITAET STRASSBURG. See STRASBURG. — KAISER- WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET. GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY REPERTORY, The, and Journal of Prehistoric Archieology and Ethnology. Edited by S. J. Maekie. 1865-67.t 8°. London, 1867. GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. See CANADA.— Geo- logical Survey. GEOLOGICAL AND POLYTECHNIC SO- CIETY OF THE WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. Ste YORKSHIRE GEOLOGICAL AND POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY. 83 G L • f- i. 0-3 i -8 b r r- 69 C.5S G' c, G G G G 6, G G G GEOLOGICAL INQUIRIES. [A series of gues- tions compiled liy members of the Geological Society/] 12". London I ]. GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE, The : or Monthly •limriml of Geology: with \\liirh is incorporated "Tho Geologist." Edited by T. It. Jones ([and afterwards] 11. Woodward), d-c. 18(!4-» 8°. London, d-c., 1864-» Also divided into " Decade*." GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM, Bath. Srr ROYAL I.ITKKAHV AM> SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION, BATH. GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM, Calcutta. life INDIA. — Geological Survey. GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM, Cambridge. See CAM- BRIDGE.— UNIVERSITY. — WoochtanKan Museum. GEOLOGICAL RECORD, The, An account of works on Geology, Mineralogy, and Paleontology published during the year. 1874 (-84). Edited by W. \Vhitaker ([and afterwards] W. H. Dalton, W. Topley, C. D. Sherborn). 8 Vol. 8°. London, 1875-89. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. [Fmmded 188$.] Bulletin, . . . W. J. McGee, Editor. Vol. i-» 4°. Washington, dr., 1890-» GEOLOGICAL SOCIETT OF AUSTRALASIA. [Founded 1885.] Transactions, Vol. I con*uta of two i aitw, each containing a separately-iuged lajier. It. 1 is of the second edition (1868) ; it via first issued in 1860. Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions, &c. Pahvontological Series, Part i.t The Silurian Brachio- poda of the Pentland Hills ... By T. Davidson. pp. 24 : S )Js., text Must. 4°. Glasgow [1868]. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETT OF LONDON. [Founded 1807.] Transactions, .i::>: I, pis. col. 8°. Philadelphia, 1834. Vol. i.f ;>/>. **, 427 : 26 pis. (col.), text Must. 8". Philadelphia, 1835. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA. Tra/fsactions, d-c. Vol. I, no. 1 ; Vol. iir£ 8°. Johannesburg, 1896-» GEOLOGICAL SOCIETT OF WASHINGTON. [Founded 1893.] Presidential Address . . . with . . . Abstracts of Minutes, &c. 1893-4-* 8°. Washington, 1895-» GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF BRITISH GUIANA. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. — West Indies. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF CANADA. See CANADA. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF ENGLAND AND WALES. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF GREAT BRITAIN. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF INDIA. Ste INDIA. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF INDIANA. See INDIANA, State of. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF IRELAND. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.- (hdoffieal Survey. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF JAMAICA. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. — West Indies. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF JAPAN. See JAPAN. — Teikotu Chi*hitsu-cli<~>-$ajo. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF NEW ZEALAND. See NEW ZEALAND. — Colonial Museum and Geological Survey Department. . GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF SCOTLAND. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF TEXAS. See TEXAS, State of. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF THE STATE OF NEW TORK. See NEW YORK, State of. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. Si-r GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF THE WEST INDIES. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey.— West Indies. GEOLOGICAL SURVET OF TRINIDAD. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. — West Indiet. q G G, 659 G M G M. e. GEOLOGISCHES REICHS - MUSEUM IN LEIDEN. See LEYDEN. GEOLOGISKA FORENING I STOCKHOLM. See STOCKHOLM. GEOLOGIST, The, being a record of investigations in Geology, Mineralogy, &c., for the year 1842. Edited by C. Moxon. 1842 & 1843. 2 Vol. 8°. London, &c., 1842-43. GEOLOGIST, The; a popular monthly Magazine of Geology. Edited by S. J. Mackie. Vol. i-vn.t 8°. London, &c., 1858-64. Incori»orated with the "Geological Magazine" [^.v.] GEOLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION. [Founded ISM.] Proceedings, d-c. Vol. l-> 8°. London, 1865— > Geologists' Association. [Circulars convening the Meetings.] 8°. [London, 1885->] Geologists' Association. On some peculiar Mark- ings on the broken surfaces of Flints. See WETHEEELL (N.T.) 8°. 1859. Geologists' Association. On the Red Chalk of England. See WILTSHIRE (T.) 8°. 1859. Geologists' Association. Visit of the Geologists' Association to Dover, pp. 8. 8°. (London,) 1863. Reprinted from the " Colliery Guardian," Aug. 15, 1863. Geologists' Association. The geological relations of the Alpine Flora of Great Britain. See CROMBIE (J. M.) 8". [1869.] Geologists' Association. Man and the Mammoth, &c. See WOODWARD (H.) 8°, 1869. Geologists' Association. On the chief groups of the Cephalopoda. See WILTSHIRE (T.) 8". [1869.] Geologists' Association. On the Lower Greensand of Godahuing. See MEYER (C. J. A.) 8°. [1869.] Geologists' Association. On the Paleozoic bivalved Entomostraca. See JONES (T. R.) 8°. [1869.] Geologists' Association. Reports of the Excursions to Oxford, Guildford, Caterham Junction and C'roydon, Hunstanton, Tottenham, Crayford. pp. 19. 8°. [London,] 1869. Geologists' Association. On some sections of Chalk between Croydon and Oxtead, with observations on the classification of the Chalk, &c. See EVANS (C.) 8°. [1870.] Geologists' Association. Map and sections of Strata south of Oxford, prepared for the meeting of the excursion of the . . . Association . . . 1880, &c. See PARKER (J.) 8°. [1884.] Geologists' Association. The Geology of Palestine. Sec HUDLESTON formerly SIMPSON (W. H.) 8". 1885. Geologists' Association. The Geology of Belgium and the French Ardennes, &c. pp. viii, 59: 1 map, text illust. 8°. London & Brussels, 1885. Notes on the Palieozoic Kocks of Belgium. By J. Gouelet . . . Trans- lated by Mary Forster. Remarks on the stratified and igneous (locks of the Valley of the Meuse in the French Ardennes. By T. U. Bonney. Sketch of the geology of Belgium. By A. Rutot and E. van den Broeck . . . Translated by Mary Forster. Some points of comparison between Belgian and English Geology. By W. Topley. Geologists' Association. Excursion to Northumber- land . . . 1886. pp. 30 : text illust. 8°. [London,] 1886. Sketch of the geology of Northumberland. By G. A. Lebour. Petrographical notes on some of the Igneous rocks of Northumberland. By J. J. H. Teall. Excursion to Cornwall , . . 8°. [London,] 1887. Geologists' Association. 1887. pp. 44 : text illust. i. Programme of the excursion. 11. On the neology of Cornwall ... By J. H. Collins. in. The Basic Igneous rocks of Cornwall. By J. J. II. Teall. IV. Note on the Pliocene beJs of St. Erth. By R. G. Bell. Geologists' Association. A record of Excursions made between 1860 and 1890. Edited by T. V. Holmes and C. D. Sherborn. pp. vii, 571 : 4 maps, text illust. 8°. London, 1891. Geologists' Association. The Eocene 8". Atlanta, 1894-> Georgia, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The Paleozoic Group. The Geology of ten Counties of northwestern Georgia, by J. W. Spencer, pp. 406: 10 /-/,«., 1 ma/i ffeol. col., text Must. 8". Atlanta, 1893. GEORGII (GEORGIUS KBERHARDUS) Opium, quod dissertatione medica . . . sistit G. E. Georgii, <£•<•. See LiNN^KUS (C.) 4°. [177").] — [Another edition.! See LINN/EUS (C.) C. Linmei - ... AmoanitetM Academics, /». in. GEORGIUS, Alexondntuu 4°. Tvlinyix [1752]. See MERULA (G.) GEORGIUS ((IOTTK. CHRIST. SIGISMUND.) Disser- tationem inaugurelem uiedicam de Sambuco . . . prajside D. G. R. Boehmero . . . defendet auctor G. C. S. Georgius, &c. pp. 36. 4°. Wittelergte [1771]. GEPP (ANTONY) [1»62-] Musci. ,SV« FERNANDO DE NORONHA, Island of. The Natural History of the Island, . 1895. GERA. Gesellschaft von Freuudeii der Natnr- wissenschafteu. (Founded IS»T.] Jahresbericht, ". Gem, 1861. [Continued as .•] Jahresbericht der Gesellschaft . . . nebst Nachrichten iiber das naturwissenschaftliche Kranzchen ( — ttber den . . . Verein) in Schliez. No. 5-». 8°. Gera, 1862-> Wanting No. 6. For the convenience of forming the aerioti into volunieH atitle-pnge w.-w i^med every few years, reading :— " Verhandlungeu," <{•(:. 1- , / ^ GERAETS (KM.) it Bamps(C.) de la )irovince de Limbourg, />. sii, .', .'.'. 8°. Col mar, 1871. GERARD (FREDERIC) Histoire naturelle ... des Professeurs du Jardin des Plantes . . . Avec des Annotations de M! F. Gerard. See GOSSE (I. S. DE). 8°. 1847. . L Gerard (F.)& others. Le Regne Vegetal, HN) Botanist. A Catalogue of Plants culti- vated in the Garden of J. Gerard, in the years 1596-99S o Edited, with notes, references to Gerard's Herbal!, the 1 addition of modern names and a Life of the author, by B. D. Jackson, pp. xvi, [v,] 64. 4°. London, 1876. IViviitely prin'.ed. GERARD (JOHN) S.J. [1840-] A Preliminary Flora of the Stonyhurst district [by Rev. J. Gerard]. - See STONYHURST. 8". 1886. [Another edition entitled :] Flora of the Stony- . hurst district. (Second edition.) See. STONYHU.RST. 8°. 1891. Gerard (JOHN) S.J. Science and Scientists : some paper* on Natural History, pp. vii, 130. 8°. London, 1889. GERARD (Louis) [1733-1819] L. Gerardi . . . Flora Gnllo-provincialis. pp. xxxviii, 586: 19 pis., 1 inu/>. 8". Parisiis, 1761. C Gerard (L.) Precis de 1'histoire de la Rotanique ... par L. G [i.e. L. Gerard], rf-c. See UKVKII.(< ).) L* Bothers. Le Regne Vegetal, zu^rtfernigen ZelltfTDei Spit 'Voskau, 1898. GERBE (Z.) Embryogetiie comparee . . . publie . . . par les soins de . . . Z. Gerbe, &c. Tom. i. See COSTE (J. J. M. C. V.) 8°. & 4». 1837. [Anothw>is§ue.] Gerbe (Z.) f. Gerbero, en. pp. 169: 1 pt. cnl., text illntt. fXfUe Dnikich. A1I(J. Schneli. tit-Mil. Bd. xxlll, 1869.] S. Die Bergwerke de» Kantom Wallin rirl»t BMHT kurzon BMchreibuni: Miner geulotritchen Yerhnltiifwr iu Iluckiicbt nut Era- nnd Koblcii- ,•;>. 79: trjtt illutl. . \ GERLACH (JosKi-H VON) [1820-1896] [Handbuch der allgeuieinen und speciellen Gewebelenre des mensch- lichen Korpers, <£v. 8°. Mainz, 1849.] Wanting. 7_ Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. 555 : text Mint. 8°. Maim, 1854. The wrapper i» dated 1853. Gerlach (J. VON) Mikroskopische Studien aus dein Gebiete der menschlichen Morphologie, I>. (8 col.) Anbang i. Verzeichnim dor . . . Uolothurien von K. Lani- Thl. iv. liiitanik. 1. Vorwort— Uelwreicht iiber die boUniache Ergehnisae dor Exj>editkm, bearbeitet von A. Engler. pp. xei. l\ Algen, bearbeitet von E. Askenaay. pp. 58: U pit. (. onjugafce and Characeao by C. F. I). Nordatedt.) 3. A. I'ilz*, bearbeitet von Baron F. V. Tbiimen. H. Flechten, bearbeitet von J. Miiller [Argov.) pp.16. A. txibermooae (He|iatica)), niit Zngrundelegung der von A. C. M. Gottsche uusgefuhrten Vorarbeiten, bearbeitet von F. Schiffnor. pp. W: Syl». .r>. lAiibinouw, bearbeitet von K. [i.e. C. A. F. W.] Mullor. 0. Fame (Filicinse) und baplapi>artige Ge»-iich»e(I,ycopodini«), bearbeitet von M. Kuhn. pp. »: 3 pit. ~. ISiphonogaiuen (rhaneroji.inien), bearbeitet von A. Engler. pp. VI : 15 ,il.'. Thl. \. Meteorologie. pp.[ie,]l 1°: ^ Q Deuxieme edition. 8". 1861, 82. . . . . , . The doscriptiiiTin by T. Studer [cj.i'.)of the Ophiurida, Crustacea, I Anterida and Enryallda a|i|)eared in the "Abhandl. K. Prei»i. Akad. « i • .'ii i li. Berlin," 1882-84. An account "f the Foraiainifeni, by J. (1. Kpj.-r, wan publi»)ied in the "Abhandl. K. Bayer. Akad. Whwensch. Munchen," IM. \vm, lift. •.'. (18M.) GERMANY. [Scrap-book entitled :] Beschreibungen iiber dir nucli fehlende illuminirte Viigel Deutschlands. 2 Vol. See ORNITHOLOGY. fol. [ ] GERMANY. woi,o<;isriiK ANSTALT AUF HELOOLAND. \Vissenschaftliche Meeresiintersuchungen herausgege- ben von der ... Anstalt, n'- suc/iuny der Deutschen Jfeere, in Kiel. 4°. 189 1-> GERMANY.— COMMISSION ZUR WISSENStJllAFTLICHEN IINTERSII"IIUN<; DER DKUTSCHKN MEERE, IN KIEL. See infra, Kammission, 4°. Kiel & Leipzig, 1894-> Germany.— KOMMISSION ZUR WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN UNTERSUCHUNG DEE DEUTSCHEN MEERE, IN KIEL. GemeinfasslicheMittheilungen ausdenUntersuchungen der Kommission, &c. pp. 56: 1 map, text illust. 8°. Kiel, 1880. Germany.— KOMMISSION ZUR WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN > UNTERSUCHUNG DER DEUTSCHEN MEEEE, IN KIEL. > Atlas Deutscher Meeresalgen . . . herausgegeben . . . von der Kommission, &c. See REINKE (J.) fol. 1889-92. GERMANY. — Academia Caesar ea Leopoldiuo- /_ Carolina Germauica Naturae Cnriosorum. See ACADEMIA, n 0 *Y- P GEBNDT (LEONHARD) Plantae Floras Germanics, inprimis sudeticse, secundum fines verticales et horizon- tales in classes et ordines digest®. Dissertatio in auguralis botanica, •.] Mapa geologico en bosquejo de la provf de Gerona por L. M. Vidal. Escala 1 : 400,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 6J m. aoout]. See SPAIN.— Comisi6n del Jfapa Geologico. Boletln, &c. Tom. xm. 8*. 1886. /I GERRARD (EDWARD) [1810-] Catalogue of the Bones of Mammalia in the . . . British Museum. - n-See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1862. £• ' GERRARD (Jomr) [For official reports as Inspector of Mines] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Home Office. GERRITSZ (HESSEL) Eirie . . . Beschreibung der neuwen Schiffart gegen Nordt Osten . . . von H. Hudson [_ newlich erfunden, &c. [Translated from H. Gerritsz's "Descriptio ac delineatio geographica. propres aux Edentes vivants et fossiles, precede de *-t remarques sur quelques points de la structure ana- -y tomique de ces Animaux et sur leur classification. pp. 56 : 5 pis. 4°. [Paris, 1869.] Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris. Tom. v, Mem. Reptiles vivants et fossiles. pp.82: —, 8°. Paris, 1869. *~ Bibliotheque des Sciences Naturelles. Zoologie. This forms a second edition of the article in the " Dictionnaire universel d'Histoire Naturelle," Tom. XI, 1S48, for reprint of which, See supra. Gervais (F. L. P.) Discours prononc6 sur la tombe de . . . A. Dumeril suivi de la liste de ses travaux ~7 scientifiques. pp. 11. 4°. [Paris, 1871.] Nouv. Arch. Mns. Hist. Nat. Paris. Tom. vll, Bull. Gervais (F. L. P.) See JOURNAL DE ZOOLOGIE . . . par -j P. Gervais. Tom.i-vi. Ann. 1872-77. 8°. [1872-] 1877. *- Gervais (F. L. P.) Description des Poissons fossiles provenant des gisements Coralliens du Jura dans le (C Bugey, &c. Livr. 2, revue et annotee par P. Gervais, &c. See THIOLLIERE (V.) fol. 1873. Gervais (F. L. P.) Memoire sur plusieurs especes de Mammiferes fossiles propres a PAmerique meridionale. Q pp. 44 : 9 pis. See PARIS. — SOCIETE GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires, &c. Ser. II, torn, ix, no. 5. 4". 1873. Gervais (F. L. P.) Remarques ost6ologiques sur la Loutre de Mer (Enhydris marina). — Remarques osteo- /^ logiques a propos du Mazame d' Amerique (Mazama ^ Americana). See PiNAKT (A. L.) Voyages a la cote nord-ouest de PAmerique, &c. 4°. 1875. Gervais (F. L. P.) Les Poissons . . . avec une intro- duction par P. Gervais. 3 Tom. See GERVAIS (H. F. P.) I & BOULART (R.) 8°. 1877. Gervais (F. L. P.) Ostfegraphie des Monotrfemes vivants et fossiles, &c. pp. 41-56 : pis. vi-4x. 4°. & fol. Paris, 1877-78. 84 Gervais (F. L. P.) 19 pis. 666 Oervaia (F. L. 1'.) Planches murales d'Histoire Natu- relle . . . Zoologie. 34 sh. col. Paris [1880]. Texte explicatif, S. 35. Konigsberg, I860. 36. Speyer, 1861. 37. Karlsbad, 1S62. 38. Stettin, 1863. 39. Giessen, 1S(>4. ,, 40. Hannover, 1865. ,, 41. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1867. Tagebl. 42. Dresden, 1868. „ 48. Innsbruck, 1869. ,. 44. Rostock, 1871. ,, I >. l/eipzlg, 1872. 46. Wiesbaden, 1873. 47. Breelau, 1874. 48. Graz, 1875. 49. Hamburg, 1876. 50. Mimchen, 1877. 51. Cassel, 1878. 52. Baden-Baden, 1879. 53. Danzig, 1880. :',4. ifctlzbnrg, 1881. 55. Eisenach, 1SS2. 56. Freiburg, 1888. 57. Magdeburg, 1881. 58. Stiassbiirg, 1885. 59. Berlin, 1886. 60. Wiesbaden, 1887. 61. Kiiln, 1888. («. Heidelberg, 1889. 68. Bremen, IK'.K). 64. HalIc-a.-S., 1891. 65. Niirnberg, 1898. U V- (fa- Account of meetings api>«ire(l in Oken'n " Amt. Ber. Account in Oken's " Isis." Amt. Ber. (Weimar) >t Tagebl. (Jena). [ ", ',\ wanting] Tagebl. (Jena) [impf ] Account in Oken's " Isis." Amt. Ber. „ „ [& Tagebl., wanting], " t Tagebl. [impf.] & Tagebl. wanting.] & Tagebl., both wanting.] & Tagebl. [impf.] Tagebl. & Festgabe. Amt. Ber. & Tagebl. * Fest-Grnss. Amt. l!or. •'i'i. Amt. Ber. Tagebl. & Featschrift. Verh. * Tagebl. 66. Wien, 1894. 67. Llibeck, 1895. 68. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1896. 89. Braunschweig, 1897. 70. Diisteldorf 71. Miknich, 1899. 72. Aachen, 1900. 667 Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher nnd L. Aerzte. Beschreibung von Stuttgart . . . Eine , a A 3 Festgabe ... bei ihrer zwolften Versammlung, d'c. See PLIENINGER (W. H. T.) 4°. 1834. Gesellschaft Dentscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Ein Vortrag iiber den Aetna und seine Aus- briiche, gehalten in der ersten allgemeinen Sitzung der xxxii. Versammlung der Deutschen Naturforscher zu Wien am 16. September 1856. See SARTORIUS VON WALTERHAUSEN (W.) Baron. 8°. 1857. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher nnd Aerzte. Zur Erinnerung an die 55. Versammlung . . . 1882. pp. 315. 8°. Weimar, 1882. r i. L Contains: — " Gaea. Flora und Fauna der Umgegend Eisenachs, vom . . . Dr. Senft." Gesellschaft Deutscher Natnrforscher nnd Aerzte. Festschrift der 56. Versammlung . . . ge- I widmet von der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu " Freiburg i. B. pp. 176 : 4 pis., text illust. See FREI- ^li S BURG IN BREISGAU. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELL- SCHAFT. Berichte uber die Verhandlungen, &c. Bd. vni. Suppt. 8°. 1883. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher nud j__ Aerzte. Die naturwissenschaften und medicinischen Staatsanstalten Berlins. Festschrift fiir die 59. Ver- sammlung, &c. See GUTTSTADT (A.) 8°. 1886. Gesellschaft Dentscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Liibeck. Festschrift den Theilnehmern der L 67. Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Arzte, &c. See LUBECK. — AERZTLICHER VEREIN. 8°. 1895. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Die Mutationen und Mutationsperioden bei der Entstehung der Arten. Vortrag, gehalten in der B allgemeinen Sitzung der Naturwissenschaftlichen Hauptgruppe der Versammlung Deutscher Natur- forscher und Aerzte in Hamburg am 26. September 1901. See VRIES (H. DE). 8°. 1901. GESELLSCHAFT FUER BEFOERDERUNG DER NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN ZU FREIBURG-IM-BREISGAU. See FREIBURG IN BREISGAU. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. GESELLSCHAFT FUER BOTANIK UND ZOOLOGIE IN DRESDEN. See DRESDEN. GESELLSCHAFT FUER ERDEUNDE ZU BERLIN. See BERLIN. GESELLSCHAFT FUER MINERALOGIE ZU DRESDEN. See DRESDEN. GESELLSCHAFT FUER MORFHOLOGIE UND FHTSIOLOGIE IN MUENCHEN. See MUNICH. GESELLSCHAFT " IRIS." See DRESDEN. GESELLSCHAFT ISIS IN DRESDEN. See DRESDEN. — NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE GESELL- SCHAFT ISIS, GESELLSCHAFT MUSEUM. See BREMEN. GESELLSCHAFT NATURFORSCHENDER FREUNDE ZU BERLIN. See BERLIN. GESELLSCHAFT VON FREUNDEN DER NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN IN GERA. See GERA. GESELLSCHAFT ZUR BEFOERDERUNG DER GESAMMTEN NATURWISSEN- SCHAFTEN ZU MARBURG. See MARBURG. GESLIN (JULES) L'expedition de la Jeannette au Pole Nord [under the command of G. W. De Long] . . . . Ouvrage compose des documents recus par le L "New- York Herald" de 1878-1882, traduits, classed, juxtaposes par J. Geslin. 2 Vol. See JEANNETTE, U.S. Vessel. 8°. 1883. — p . o GESNER (ABRAHAM) [1797-1864] Remarks on the Geology and Mineralogy of Nova Scotia, pp. xl, 272 : 2 pis., 1 map. 8°. Halifax, N.S., 1836. Gesner (A.) New Brunswick ; with ... an account of the Indians . . . Geology, Natural History, &c. pp. xv, S88 : 5 pis. 8°. London, 1847. Gesner (A.) The Industrial Resources of Nova Scotia. Comprehending the Physical Geography . . . Geology . . . Natural History, and resources of the province. pp. iv, Hi, 341, 15, 4 •' 2 pis., 1 map. 8°. Halifax, N.S., 1849. GESNER (CONRAD) [1516-1565] [Botanical Works] C. Gesneri . . . Opera Botanica . . . Omnia ex Biblio- theca D. C. J. Trew . . . nunc primum in lucem edidit et prsefatus est D. C. C. Schmiectel, &c. (Vita C. Gesneri. — V. Cordi . . . Stirpium descriptions liber quintus . . . Editio i nova . . . adnotationibus ex Gesneri codice, G6S B - Gesner (C.) [Botanical Wot-ks.] De Stirpium aliquot nouiinibus vetustis ac novis . . . Enistoiie H. I'na M. Guilandini . . . altera C. Gesneri, Ac. See GUILAN- DINUS (M.) 8°. 1657. Oesner (C.) [Botanical Works.] De Hortis Germimiic liber, Ac. See CORDUS (V.) In hoc volumine conti- nentur V. Cordi . . . Annotationes in P. Dioscoridis de Medica Materia libros v. fol. 1561. Gesner (C.) [Botanical Works.] C. Gesneri . . . de Aconito primo Dioscoridis, asseveratio. Et ejusdem de Oxymelitis elleborati utriusque descriptione & usu libel I us. Omnia . . . per C. Wolphium ... in lucem data. foil. 38. Must. 4". [Tiguri,] 1577. This is the appendix to the author's " Epistolarum Medicinalinm libri ill." Gesner (C.) [Botanical Works.] C. Gesneri . . . Epistolse . . . a C. Bauhino . . . editse, Ac. See BAUHIN (J.) De Plantisa divis sanctis' venomen habentibus,atriam, Ac. - [Another edition.] Sre LlNN^us (C.) Fundamenta Botanica, Ac. - [Another edition.] See LINNAEUS (C.) C. Linnsei Fundamentorum Botanicorum pars prima .1. E. Gilibert. Tom. n. 8°. 17 1:1. C. Linnasi 8°. 1747. . . . Curante c 8". 1786. 1 669 Gesner ( JOH ANN) Dissertatio physica de Petrificatorum differentiis et varia origine, quam . . . praeside J. Gesnero . . . defendent D. a Moos, C. Ammianus . . . J. L. S. Wolfius, &c. pp. 50. 4°. Tiguri, 1752. Gesuer (JOHANN) Die Kennzeichen der Insekten, . . . Mit einer Vorrede des H. J. Gessners. See SULZER (J. H.) 4°. 1761. Gesner (JOHANN) S. Schinz . . . Primae lines Botanicse ex Tabulis Phytographicis . . . J. Gesneri ductae, &c. See SCHINZ (S.) fol. 1775. Gesner (.JOHANN) J. G. Weinmanni Thesaurus Rei Her- bariae . . . emendatus [by J. Gesner], &c. See WEIN- MANN (J. W.) 8». 1787. Gesner (JOHANN) J. Gessneri Tabulae Phytographicae, Banalysin generum Plantarum exhibentes, cum com- mentatione edidit C. S. Schinz. 2 Vol. [in 1] Must. fol. Turici, 1795 [-1804]. Gesner (JOHANN) Epistolae ineditae . . . J. Gesneri . . . $ edidit H. C. van Hall. See LINNJSUS (C.) Epistolae /_, ineditae C. Linnsei, &c. 8°. 1830. Gesner ( JOH ANN) J. Gessner. [By Prof. J. R. Wolf.] / pp. 27 : 1 port. See ZURICH. — NATURFORSCHENDE P" •• GESELLSCHAFT. An die Zurcherische Jugend, dkc. Stuck XLVHI. 4°. 1846. B [Another issue.] 4°. Zurich, 1846. B Identical with the preceding, save for the omission of the first paragraph and the addition of a title-page. GESNER (JOHANN ALBRECHT) [1694-1760] Disser- tatio inauguralis medica de Zingibere, &c. pp. 32. 4°. Altdorfii [1723]. GESNER (JOHANN MATTHIAS) [1691-1761] [Scriptores Rei Rusticae veteres Latini . . . et Lexicon Rei Rustica? curante J. M. Gesner. 2 Tom. 4°. Lipsice, 1735.] Wanting. For portions of the 1781 edition of this series, in which the covering title was made subordinate, See CATO (M. P.) and also COLUMELLA (L. J. M.) [Another edition.] 4 Vol. 8°. Biponti, 1787. BVol. I. [Preface by Gesner and lives of the several authors, &c.} M. P. Cato de Re Rnstica. M. T. Varronis de Re Rustica libri in. ,, n. L. J. M. Coluniellse de Re Rustica libri xil, et de Arboribus. .. ill. Palladii Rutilii Tauri .Knii liani de Re Rusticu libri xrv. Vegetii Renati Artis Veterinarise . . . liber iv. A. i^opmse Frisi de Instrumento Fundi liber. „ IV. Lexicon Ruaticum. Gesner (JOHANN MATTHIAS) Novus linguae et eru- /-' ditionis Romanse Thesaurus, post R. Stephani et (^ aliorum, «OEVE. GEVERS (ABRAHAM) [" Mjjsetim Geversianunvsjve index Rerujw'NaturaiiiinX'T . comparavit A»^evers publicexttistrahendauh*''^ A manuscript.jBflpy of the patt-'en titled " SckfMiasma SysternatirTestaceorum."] See MKUSCHMKRC.) 8°. [1787.] £ GEVERS DEYNOOT (P. M. E.) Flora Rheno- Trajectina, Ac.— Flora van Utrecht, '"• ItELORADE. — Institut Geologiqve, GHERARDI (SILVESTRO) [1802-1879] See Nuovi ANNALI DELLE SCIENZE NATURALI pubblicati dai . . . [ft] Gherardi, •" decrites par G. Schweinfurth et G. Volkens. pp. vi, 223 : 25 pis., 2 port., I map. 8°. Geneve et Bale, 1898. GHILIANI (VITTORE) [-1878] Elenco delle specie •p di Coleotteri trovate in Piemonte . . . Opera . . . " publicata per cura del Dottor L. Camerano. pp. 189. 8°. Torino, 1887. Ann. R. Acoad. Agric. Torino. Vol. xxix, 18815. GHLAZUNOV (D. K.) See RUSSKOE ENTOMOLOGHI- ZCHESKOE OBOZRYENIE, &c. Revue Russe d'Entomologie, redige'e par D. Glasounow, &e. Tom. i-> 8°. 1901-» GHOBI (KHRISTOFOH YAKOVLEVICH) Die Brauntanga Q (Phfeosporese und Fucaceas) des Finnischen Meerbusens. pj). 21 : 2 pis. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IM- PERIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Ser. VII, C. Ill torn, xxi, no. 9. 4°. 1874. "• Ghobi(KH. YA.) O vliyanii Valdaiskoi Vozvui shennostl na gheoghraficheskoe rasprostranenie Rastenii v svyazi s ocherkom Florui Zapadnol chasti Novghorodskoi § ghubernii. [On the influence of the Valdai Hills on the geographical distribution of Plants, with an account of the Flora of the western part of the Novghorod province.] pp. 168 : 3 maps. 8°. S.-Peterlntrgh, 1876. 6Ghobi (Kn. YA.) Die Rothtang'e (Floridece) des Finni- scheu Meerbusens. pp.16 : 1 pi. See ST. PETERSBURG. —ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DBS SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Ser. VII, torn, xxiv, no. 7. 4°. 1877. * Ghobi (KH. YA.) Die Algenftora des Weissen Meeres ~ • und demselben zunachstliegenden Theile des nordlichen t- Eismeeres. pp. 92. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE fl c \iC JMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Me'moires, &c. Se>. VII, 0 torn, xxvi, no. 1. 4". 1878. j_ Giiobi (KH. YA.) Ueber den Tubercidaria persicina, 2 Ditm., genannten Pilz. pp. 25: 1 pi. col. See ST. ./: PETERSBURG.— ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. ^-Memoires, &c. Ser. VII, torn, xxxn, no. 14. 4°. 1885. Ghobi (KH. YA.) Scripta Botanica Horti Universitatis Imperialis Petropolitanas, &c. Vol. i-> See ST. PETERSBURG. — IMPERATORSKII SANKTPETERBURGHSKII UNlVERSlTET. 8°. 1886. GHOLITZTTIN (DMlTEii ALEKSYEEVICH) Prince M. [1738-1803] Briefe iiber einige mineralogische Gegen- stande, dec. [By Prince Gholitzuin.] See CAMPER (P.) 8°. 1791. Gholitzniu (D. A.) Prince. Traite, on description abre'gee et methodique des Mineraux, &c. pp. iv, 244. 4°. Maastricht, 1792. (D. A.) Prince. [Recueil de Noms par ordre alphabeiique apropries en Mineralogie aux Terres et Pierres, aux Metaux et Demi Metaux et aux Bitumes ; avec un precis de leurs histoire-naturelle et leurs synonymies en Allemand, Latin et Anglois, suivi d'un Tableau Lithologique trace d'apres les analyses chimiques. fol. Brunsvik, 1801.] • Wanting. — Nouvelle Edition, ' &c. pp. viii, 316. fol. Brumvik, 1802. GHOIiOVKIKrSKII(NlKOLAiALEKSYEEVlcH)[1834-] Eezul'tatui gheologhichesklkh izuiskanil i razvyedok V- na LIskopaemuii Ughol v okrestnostyakh Balaklavui. c [Results of geological investigations and explorations w of the fossil Carbon of the environs of Balaclava.] pp. 41 •' 2 ph. col., 1 geol. map col. See ODESSA. — NOVOROSSllSKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI. Zapiskl, &c. Tom. vm [pt. 2]. 8°. 1883. Gholovkiiiskii (N. A.) (fe Lagorio (A. K. L.) Itineraire geologique d'Alouchta a Sebastopol. pp. 28 : 1 pi. col., r 1 map geol. col., text illust. See CoNGRfcs GEOLOGIQUE ~ INTERNATIONAL. Seventh Session. Guide des Excur- sions du VII. Congres, &c. • 8". 1897. GHOL'TZAPPEL (E.) See HOLZAPFEL. GHORDYAGHIN (ANDREI YAKOBLEVICH) Ocherk Rastitel'nosti okrestnostei ghoroda Krasnouflmska I— Permsk. ghub. — Flora der Umgebungen von Kras- noufimsk im Gouv. Perm. pp. 57. See KAZAN.— OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, &C. Trudui, &C. Tom. xvni [no. 6]. 8°. 1888. Ghordyaghin (A. YA.). Estestvenno-istoricheskoe opisanie Kazanskoi ghubernii. Chast Botanicheskaya. i, &c. — Naturwissenschaftliche Beschreibung des Gouvernement Kasan. Botanischer Theil. i. Botanisch- geographische Untersuchungen in den Kreisen Kasan und Laischev. pp. 92. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, &c. Trudui, &c. Tom. xxn [no. 2]. 8°. 1889. Ghordyaghin ( A. YA.) K biologhii Helianthus annuus, i L. — Zur Biologie des //. annuus, L. pp. 21. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, &C. Trudui, &C. S Tom. xxin [no. 3]. 8°. 1891. Ghordyaghiu (A. YA.) Estestvenno-istoricheskoe opisanie Kazanskoi ghubernii. Pochvui Kazanskoi ghubernii.— Naturwissenschaftliche Beschreibung des Gouvernement Kazan. Die Boden des Gouvernement Kazan, ii. pp.141. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTEST- VOISPUITATELEI, &<:. Trudui, &c. Tom. xxv [no. 1]. 8°. 1892. For Pt. i, by R. Iliz|]olozhenekil, Set Tom. xxiv, no. 6 (1892). / Ghordyaghin (A. YA.) Zamyetka o pochvoobrazova- tel'noi dyeyatel'nostl Murav'ev. [Observations on the soil-forming activity of Ants.] pp. 12. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, &C. Protokolui zasyedanil, &c. 1891-92. Prilozheniya [Appendix], No. 128. 8°. 1892. Ghordyaghin (A. YA.) Rastitel'nost izvestkovuikh Skal na R. Turye v Permskoi ghub. — Ueber die Vege- tation der Kalkfelsen am Fl. Tura im Gouv. Perm. pp. 84. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOIS- PUITATELEI, &c. Trudui, &c. Tom. xxvm, vuip. 2. 8°. 1895. Ghordyaghin (A. YA.) & Buzskii (M. D.) Nyekp- toruiya dannuiya o faunye Murav'ev vostochnoi Rossil. — Etudes sur les Fourmis de la Russie orientale. pp. 33. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, &c. Trudui, &c. Tom. xxvn, vuip. 2. 8°. 1894. GHORNTTZKII (KoNSTANTiN STEPANOV!CH) Con- spectus Plantarum, sponte nascentium et vulgo cultarum, quas anno 1870 C. Gornitzky circa oppidum Walki, provincial Charcoviensis, collegit. pp. 28. See KHARKOV. — OBSHCHESTVO ISPUITATELEI PRIBODUI, &c. Trudui, &c. Tom. v, no. 4. 4°. 1872. GHORONOVICH (NIKOLAI VASIL'EVICH [18497] Der Trigemino-Facialis-Komplex von Lota vulgaris. See HAECKEL (E. H. P. A.) 672 GHOROZHANKIN (I VAN N!KOLAEV!CH) Ghenezls v tip\f I'arMH'llovuliiuikh Vodoroslel. — Opuit srav- L~ nitel nol morfologhii Cem. Volvocinew (Rabenh.) [Development in the Palmellaceje. — Essay on the Com- parative Morphology of the Fam. Volvocineie (Rabenh.)] pp. 39 [.S'] : .' fits, (col.) See MOSCOW. — IMPERATORSKOE OBSHl'HESTVO I.YITRlTELEl E8TE8TVOZNANIYA ANTROPO- LOOHil I BTNOOHRAFiI, Ac. Izvyestiya, Ac. Tom. xvi, vuip. 2. 4°. 1875. ft Ghorozhankin (I. N.) Ueber den Befruchtungs- Pnicos.s bei J'iiiiix /uniulio. pj>.4- 8°. Strassburg, 1883. Ghorozhankiii (I. N.) Herbarium vivum, sive collectio Plantarum sirrarum Csesarea; Universitatis Mosqut-nsis. Pars tertia, Ac. pp. ii, 310. See Moscow.— SOCIETE IMPERIALK DES NATURALISTE8. Bulletin, Ac. Tom. LXI & LXn. 8°. 1885-86. GHORYANINOV (PAVL THEODOROV!CH) [1796- 1866] Nachal'nuiya osnovaniya Botaniki. [First principles of Botany-] /'/'• •**"> S38 •' 12 pis.- 8°. Sanktpeterbtirgh, 1827. Ghoryaninov (P. TH.) Tetractys natura?, seu systema * quadrimenibre omnium naturalium, quod Primis Lineis O Systematis Nature, a se editis adjunxit P. Horaninow. pp. 6S. 8°. Petropoli, 1843. Ghoryaninov (P. TH.) Characteres essentiales familia- p, rum ac tribuum Regni Vegetabilis et Amphorganiei ad leges tetractydis naturae conscripti, accedit enume- ratio generum iiiagis notorum et organographise supple- mentum. pp. viii, 301. 8°. Petropoli, 1847. Ghoryaninov (P. TH.) Prodromus monographic Scita- (J minearum. Additis nonnullis de Phytographia, de Monocotyleis et Orchideis. jtp. 45 : 4 pl>- fol. Petropoli, 1862. GHRAKHE (FERDINAND) O Khinnuick korkack. ft [On Cinchona nark.] pp. vi, 155 : 3 pis., 1 niap. 8°. Kazan, 1857. GHREBNITZKII (N. A.) Materialui dlya Faunui . Novorossilskagho kraya. [Contribution to the Fauna of the province of New Russia.] 3 Pt. See ODESSA.— NOVOROS8H8KOE OB8HCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEI. Xapiski, tOc. Tom. I [pt. 2] ; II [pt. 2]. 8°. 1872-73. Ghrebnitzkil (N. A.) Predvarltel'noe soobshchenie srodstvye Faunui Chernagho Morya. [Preliminary communication relating to the Fauna of the Black Sea.] See ODESSA.— NOVOROSSIISKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVolspuiTATELEt Zapiski, Ac. Tom. ii [pt. 2]. 85. 1873. GHBJMM (OSCAR A.) See GRIMM (O. VON) GHTJBOV (A.) Rezul'tatui gheologhicheskol ekskursii v Pavloghradskil uyezd Ekaterinoslavskol ghubernii. [Results of a geological excursion in the Pavlograd district of the Ekaterinoslav government.] pp. 4- 8ff KHARKOV.— OBSHCHESTVO ISPUITATELE! PRIRODUI, Ac. Trudui, Ac. Tom. I, no. 11. 4°. 1870. GHYS (M. B.) Essai sur le Chrysantheme comprenant son histoire . . . et la description des 400 . . . varietes, Ac. pp. 31 : 2 pis. 8°. Anzin (Nvrd), 1885. , GIAMB ATTISTA VICO, II : giornale scientifico, - Ac. VoL i-rv. 8°. Napoli, 1867. GIANNOFULO8 (EMMANUL M.) Ueber die Genesis lies PlakitgeHteines (bei Plaka in Laurium), nebst einer kurzen geologischen Schildenmg des I^auriongebirges. Isopyknomenflmus. Inaugural-Dissertajtion, Ac. pp. 21. O . . / GIARD (ALKRED)[1846-] Recherches sur les Ascidies Composees, ou Synascidies. pp. [viii,] S04 •' 10 pis. col. ~£ 8°. Coulommiers, 1872. Arch. Zool. «xpir. & g^n. Vol. 1. Giard (A.) Bulletin scientifique du departement du ^ Nord . . . Public sous la direction de M. A. Giard, See BULLETIN SCIENTIFIQUE DE LA FRANCE b ET DE LA BELGIQUE. 8°. 1878-> Giard (A.) VIsaria denta (Link) Fries, Champignon ]>arasite du Hanneton vulgaire (Melolontha vulgarit L.). fa pp. 112 : 4 pis. col. 8". Paris, i'c., 1893. Ball. Scirat. France & Belgiqne. Tom. xxiv. Giard (A.) & Bonnier (J.) Contributions a IMtude des Bopyriens. See LILLE.— INSTITUT ZOOLOGIQUE. 7. Travaux, &c. Tom. v. 4°. 1887. GIARDINO DI 8EMFLICI DI FIRENZE. See FLORENCE.— REALE ISTITUTO DI STUDI SUPERIORI, GIBBES (HENEAOE) The Etiology of Cholera. Transactions of a Committee convened ... for the purpose of taking into consideration a Report by . . . 0- ~7* • E. Klein and H. Gibbes, entitled "An Inquiry into the ^. Etiology of Asiatic Cholera." See GREAT BRITAIN AND __ IRELAND.— India Office. 4°. [1885.] GIBBES (LEWIS R.) [1810-1894] Catalogue of the Fauna of South Carolina. See SOUTH CAROLINA, State (^ of.—Geolor/icrd Survey. Report on the Geology, Ac. Appendix. 4°. 1848. Gibbes (L. R.) On the Carcinological collections of the cabinets of Natural History in the United States, £ Ac. pp. 37. 8°. Charlestouni, S.C., 1850. Proc. Amt-r. Anoc. Vol. ill. Gibbes (L. R.) Rules for the Accentuation of Names ^ in Natural History, with examples, zoological and botanical. See ELLIOTT SOCIETY OF SCIENCE AND ART. 5. 232.? 4°. 1860. GIBBES (ROBERT WILSON) [180971866] Monograph £, of the fossil Squalidse of the United States. 2 Pt. 7 Must. 4°. Philadelphia, 1848, 49. Jonrn. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Ser. II, vol. i. Gibbes (R. W.) A Memoir on Mosasaurus and three ^ allied new genera, Holcodus, Conosaurm and Am- phorosteus. pp. 13 : 3 pis. See SMITHSONIAN INSTI- Z TUTION. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. «- ,, Vol. ii, art. 5. 4°. 1851. ' GIBBON (LARDNER) & Hemdon (W. L.) Explora- i : Valley of the Amazon, Ac. 2 Vol. & Atlases. • tion of the Valley of See UNITED STATES. 8°. 1853-54. o GIBBONS (WILLIAM) [Voyage towards the North i 1614.] See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, Ac. No. 5. | 8°. 1849. Gibbons (W.) The voyages of Capt. L. Foxe . . . and . Capt. T. James ... in 1831-32 : with narratives of ' the earlier North-west voyages of ... Gibbons . . . and others. Edited ... by M. Christy. 2 Vol. See HAK- LUYT SOCIETY. Works, Ac. No. 88 & 89. 8°. 1894. GIBBS (GEORGE) [1815-1873] Tribes of western Washington and northwestern Oregon. See UNITED STATES.— Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. Contributions to North American Ethnology. Vol. I. 8°. 1877. Gibbs (( !.) & Buckley (G.) Report upon . . . Mam. See UNITED' STATES.— facific Ratffoad S' \wrtn, jfffT Vol. L/Suppt. pt~3T ed a« part^sT" The Natural History of Wimlirn I-KY <&.)* CO )* COOP*R (J. O.) 4^C| 673 6 GIBBS (.JOHN) A first Catechism of Botany . . . new . . . edition, pp. GO. 8°. Ckelmsford & Lomlon, 1878. GIBBS (MoRRis) Annotated list of the Birds of C Michigan. See UNITED STATES.— Geological and Geo- * graphical Survey of the Territories. Bulletin, d'c. Vol.V, no. 3. 8°. 1879(80). GIBZLLI (GIUSEPPE) [1831-1898] Sugli Organi riproduttori del genere Verrucaria, d'c. p/>.14: 1 pi. '.6 L See MILAN. — SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Memorie, :>. " Abth. 1, Palwozwilugiu ' U u tecnm! edition of tho n oik that a)>|warwl In is m. Giebel (C. G. A.) Beitriige zur Paliiontologie. /\ 102: Spit. 8". Jierliii., 1853. .t.ilin-l'. Naturw. Vrn-iii. Halle. Jabrg. v. Giebel (C. G. A.) [Die Saugethiere in Zoologischer, anatomischer und pakvontologischer Beziehung uin- fasseiul dargestellt. 8". Leipzig, (1853-) is:.:..] WantiDK. The litle nil th« cover r«»«i» :— " A Iliieiacine XooloKir," Ac. Iwued in 11 Lief., of which 1-4 (j>)>. /-*«) a|i[«ired in 1858; 5-8 (/'/'. ,i.«-r•, 129: 50 pis. 4". Leipzig, 1855. Giebel (C. G. A.) Die Versteinerungen in Muschel- kulk von Lieskau bei Halle, pp. 71 [^] : 7 pis. Sir HALLE. NATURWISSKNSt-IIAKTI.ICHER VEREIN FUER SACHSEN UND THUERINGEN. Abhandluiigen, ls. 4U. Ilnllr, I H6-1. Abhandl. Nalorf. liesell. Halle. lid. \ in. Giebel (C. (i. A.) Petrefacta Gennaniaj . . . Reper- toriuin zu Goldfuss Petrefakten Deutschlands, <(V. See GOLDKUSS (G. A.) 4«. 1866. Giebel (C. G. A.) Die niitzlichen Viigel unserer Aecker, Wiesen, Garten und Walder, ro/>Aom, von G. Lindau. Ueber BeWegungsorgane an Blattstielen, von M. Mobius. Ueber Spaltoffnungen und ihre Nebenapparate, von M. Westermaier. Die Bofruchtung von Sphtwoplea annutina, Ag., von H. Klebihn. Ueber ex|>erimentelle Hervorrufung eines neuen Organes bei 6'ono- rfphalus oratus. Tree., von. G. Haberlandt. Ueber maschenformige Durchbrechucgen der unteren Gewebeschicht, oder des gesammten Thallus" bei verscbiedenen Laub- und Strauch- flechten, von Georg Bilter. Ueber die Regenerationsfiihigkeit der Adventivknospen von C'y*toptei-ix bulbifera (L.) Bernhardi und der Ci/*toptcria-Ai-ten iiberhaupt, von E. Heinricher. Ueber den hygroskopischen Mechanismus von Staubbeuteln und Pflan- zenhaaren, von C. Steinbrinck. Beitrage zur Enzymologie, von J. Gross. Die epiphytischen Kakteen, von K. Schumann. Boitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Onagraceen-Bliithe, mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung des unterstandigen Fmchtknotens, von .- A. Weisse. /Ueber die Bestiiubung einiger T.oranthaceen und Proteaceen. Ein Beitragzur Ornithophilie, von G. Volkens. I Die Wachsthumsgeschichte der Chlorophyllbiinder von Spirogyra, von R. Kolkwitz. I Zur Kenntniss des Schleimpilzes Coinfttricha obtuxrtta. Prenss, von / E. Jahn. / Zur Entwickelnngsgeschichte des Stammes von Arixlolochia sipho, / L'Herrt., von H. C. Schellenberg. S Ueber die Wanderung der anorganischen Niihrstoffe bei den Lamina- A riaceen, von N. Wille. 1 Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Fettabscheidungen der Kalkflerhten, von M. FUnfstiick. I Ueber Polymorphic bei einigen Phseosporeen, von P. Kuckuck. I Ueber Scheitehvachsthum, Blattstellung nnd Astanlagen des Lanb- / moosstiimmchens, von C. Correns. / Pilzbauende Termiten. von C. Holtermann. I Die Blattscheiden von Watsonla Meriana, Miller, als wa*serabsorbiremie Organe, von II. Marloth. Plasmolytische Studien zur Kenntniss des Wachsthums der Zell- membran, von M. O. Reinhardt. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der llnrebildnng bei den Pflanzen, von V A. Tschirch. GIESSEN. — Grossherzoglich - Hessische Ver- suchsanstalt. Jahresbericht der forstlich-phanologischen Stationen Deutschlands. Herausgegeben . . . vou der . . . Ver- suchsanstalt. Jahrg. l-» See BERLIN. — VEREIN DEUTSCHER FORSTLICHER VERSUCHSANSTALTEN. 8". 1886-> f*- GIESSEN.— J)Tjerhessjsfih*- Gesellschs Natup^oflcTHgUlriintfe. [Found 5t, &c^ffo. l-> f^ffiessen, 1847 (1849->) GIESSEN. — Societas Academica Scientiarum . Frincipalis Hassiacoe. O Acta philosophico-medica, &c. pp. viii, 192 : 2 pis. 4°. Giessce Cattorum, &c., 1771. - GIESWALD (HERMANN ROBERT) [1824-1862] Ueber den Hemmungsprozess in der Antherenbildung. pp. 35 : L> 1 pi. See DANTZIO.— NATURFORSCHENDE GESELL- L.».(SCHAFT. Neueste Schriften, &c. Bd. vi, hft. 1. 4°. 1858. GIFFORD (ISABELLA) [1823-1891] fThe Marine j> Botanist ; an introduction to the study of the British Sea -Weeds, &c. 8°. London, 1848f - Third edition . . . with illustrations ... by W. Dickes. pp. xl, 357 : 12 pis. (col.) 8°. Brighton, 1853. P Gifford (I.) Marine Algw found on the Somerset Coast, pp. 7. 8°. Minehead, 1849. Lithographed. GIGLIOLI (ENRICO HILLYER) [1845-] La Fos- forescenza del Mare. Note pelagiehe, ed osservazioni fatte durante un viaggio di circumnavigazione 1865-68. pp. 26. 8°. Firenze, 1870. Boll. Soc. Geog. Ital. Fasc. iv. Giglioli (E. H.) Ricerche intorno alia distribuzione geografica generale o corologia degli Animali Verte- brati. pp. 200 : 1 map. 8°. Roma, 1873. Giglioli (E. H.) Zoplogia della Magenta. — I Cetacei osservati durante il viaggio intorno al globo della . . . Magenta 1865-68. Colla descrizione di alcune specie nuove o poco note e di un nuovo genere della famiglia Balenopteridse. pp. 105: 3 pis. col. 4°. Napoli, 1874. Giglioli (E. H.) Viaggio intorno al globo della . . . Magenta negli anni 1865-68 sotto il comando del Capit. ... V. F. Arminjon. Relazione descrittiva e scientifica ... del ... E. H. Giglioli . . . Con una Introduzione Etnologica di P. Mantegazza. pp. xxxviii, 1031 : 10 pis., 9 maps, text Must. 4°. Milano, 1875. Giglioli (E. H.) Iconografia dell' Avifauna Italica, pvvero tavole illustranti le specie di Uccelli che trovansi in Italia con brevi descrizioni e note . . . Tavole di A. Manzella. Fasc. 1-53. fol. Prato & Firenze, 1879-W. Giglioli (E. H.) Elenco dei Mammiferi, degli Uccelli e dei Rettili ittiofagi, od interessanti per la Pesca, appartenenti alia Fauna Italiana, e catalogo degli Anfibi e dei Pesci Italiani. Collezione centrale degli Animali Vertebrati Italiani. 8°. [Florence, 1880.] Catalogo degli esi>ositori e delle cose esposte. Sezione Italiana. Es- jiosizione internazionale di Pesca in Herlino nel 1880. pp. GS-117. Giglioli (E. H.) Elenco delle specie di Uccelli che trovansi in Italia stazionarie o di passaggio, colle indi- cazioni delle epoche della nidificazione e della migra- pp. 133. See^ ITALY. — Ministerio di Af/ricoltura, &c. Annali, &c. No. 36. Giglioli (E. H.) Rapport preliminaire sur les recherches relatives k la faune sous-marine de la Mediterranee faites en ... 1881, &c. pp. 28. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &<:. Zoologie. Ser. VI, torn, xin, no. 9. 8°. 1882. Giglioli (E. H.) Avifauna Italica. Elenco delle specie di Uccelli stazionarie o di passaggio in Italia colla loro sinonimia volgare e con notizie piu specialmente intorno alle migrazioni ed alia nidificazione, &c. pp. mi, 633. 8°. Firenze, 1886. Giglioli (E. H.) Primp resoconto dei risultati della Inchiesta Ornithologica in Italia. 8°. Firenze, 1889-91. Ft. i. Avifauna Italica. Elencho sistematico delle specie di Uccelli stazionarie o di passaggio in Italia, tf'C. pp. vii, 70a.- Imap. 18SO. [A distinct work from that published under the same title in 1886.] ,, ii. Avifaune locali. Resultati della Inchiesta Ornitologica nelle singole provincie. pp. riii, 693. 1800. ,,in. Notizie d' indole generale migrazioni, nidincazione, ali- mentazione, Ac. pp. vii, 618. 1891. Giglioli (E. H.) & Issel (A.) Pelagos. Saggi sulla vita e sui prodotti del mare. pp. 436 : text illust. 8°. Genova, 1884. GIL (AMALIO) See GIL Y MAESTRE. GILBERT (CHARLES HENRY) & Jordan (D. S.) Synopsis of the Fishes of North America, mi. Iv, 1018. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. No. 16. 8°. 1882 (1883). — [Another issue.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxiv. 8°. 1882 (1883). GILBERT (GROVE KARL) [1843-] [For geological reports in connection with the Survey] See UNITED STATES. — Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. Report, &c. Vol. in.' 4°. 1875. -Jo 8°. 1881. / . L . 67(5 Gilbert (G. K.) Report on the Geology of the Henry ^^ Mountains. See UNITED STATES. — Geographical ana Gfoloffical Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. 4°. 1877. Gilbert (G. K.) Introductory Sketch of the Ouater- £ nary Lakes of the Great Basin, by G. K. Gilbert. ^ See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin, Gilg (E.) Die NutzholjM (—Die Harze und Kopale lieternden Pflanzen^Jstefrikas undihj»-Verwerthung. Q SAlso descrjpt«Jns of many famiHtSsof East Afsiean L. 'lantsj^fl?? DEUTSCH-OS>AFRIKA, &c. Ji*h*vTthl. B, « (it thl. c). 8°. 1895. W Gilg (E.) [Melastomaceae of Africa.] pp.52: 10 pis. See ENOLER (H. G. A.) Monographieen Afrikanischer «. PHanzen-Familien, ff. 1785. , J W Also i«i «parately. -»— "[Another edit^nY| See UsTERXtP.) Delectus opusculorum botamcorum, &c. Vorrfi, no. 21. 8°. 1793. Gilibert (J. E.) [Demonstrations elementaires de Botauique ; contenant les principes gene>aux de cette _ science . . . Troisieme Edition (Edited by J. E. Gili- bert), &c. 3 Tom. 8°. 1787.] Wanting. Quatrieme edition. See BOTANY. 8°. & 4°. 1796. g Gilibert (J. E.) J. E. Gilibert . . . Exercitia Phyto- logica, quibus omnes Plantae Europaeae ... ex typo naturae describuntur, novisque observationibus aut £J figuris raris illustrantur, &c. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. Lugduni Gallorum, 1792. The half-title reads :— " Snpplenientum Systematis Plantanim Europre." The platra include previously unpublished illustrations by R. de Belle val, with others taken from the works of Loeselius and Vaillant. Gilibert (J. E.) Histoire des Plantes d'Europe, ou a Elemens de Botanique pratique, pp. 28: 2 pis. 8°. Jiruxelles, 1874. Hull. Acad. Roy. Belgique. Se>. II, tom. xxxvll. £> Gilkinet (C. A.) Memoire sur le Polymorphisme des Champignons, &c. pp. viii, 121 : 8 pis. See BRUSSELS. *— — ACADBMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &C. Memoires couronnes DES SCIENCES, collection in 8°. Tom. xxvi. 8°. 1876. (_ GILL (THEODORE NICHOLAS) [1837-] Catalogue of 2. the Fishes of the Eastern Coast of North America, , A'7 * from Greenland to Georgia, pp.63. 8°. [Philadelphia^ 1861. j_ —[Second edition.] pp. 50. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xiv, art. 2. 8°. 1873. Also issued in "Kept. U.S. Commission Fish & Fisheries," Ft. i. ' AS. s< ^ Gill (THEODORE N.) Arrangement of the Families of •^ Mollusks. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smith- sonian Miscellaneous Collections. [Vol. x,] no. 227. 8°. 1871. Gill (THEODORE N.) I, Arrangement of the Families of Mammals. With _ analytical tables, &c. pp. vi, 98. Arrangement of the Families of Fishes, or Classes Pisces, Marsipobranchii, and Leptocardii, &c. pp. xlvi, 49. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections. Vol. XI, art. 1 & 2. 8". 1872. Gill (THEODORE N.) Synopsis of Insectivorous Mam- mals. See UNITED STATES. — Geological and Geogra- phical Survey of the Territories. Bulletin, &c. Vol. I (Second Series, no. 2.) 8°. 1875. Gill (THEODORE N.) [Fish of Kerguelen Island.] See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. ~2. No. 3. Contributions to the natural history of Ker- guelen Island, &c. Pt. n. 8°. 1876. [Another issue.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. L- Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xm, art. 3. 8°. 1876 (1878). Gill (THEODORE N.) Bibliography of the Fishes of the Pacific Coast of the United States to the end of 1879. 2, pp. 73. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. No. 11. 8°. 1882. — [Another issue.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxm, art. 1. 8°. 1882. Gill (THEODORE N.) Pisces (Symbranchia, Apodes, Lyomeri — Synentognathi — Heterosomata — Hemi- 4 branchii — Lophobranchii — Plectognathi — Pediculati). — Bruta, or Edentata. — Insectivora. — Chiroptera. See KINGSLEY (J. S.) The Standard Natural History, &c. Vol. Ill & V. 4°. 1885. L GILL (THOMAS) Bibliography of South Australia. See LONDON.— Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. 8°. 1886. GILL (WILLIAM JOHN) [1843-1882] The River of Golden Sand : the narrative of . a journey through China and eastern Tibet to Burmah . . . with an intro- ductory essay by ... H. Yule. 2 Vol. ill-ust. 8°. London, 1880. Appendix B contains a list of six interesting plants. - Condensed by E. C. Baber . . . Edited, with a memoir and introductory essay, by ... H. Yule. ^ pp. 141, 332 : 3 pis., 2 maps, text illust. 8°. London, 1883. GILL (WILLIAM WYATT) The South Pacific and New Guinea, past and present, &c. See NEW SOUTH WALES. I 8°. 1892. GILLE1T (F. J.) Notes on some manners and customs of the Aborigines of the McDonnell Ranges belonging to the Arunta Tribe. See HORN (W. A.) Report on L the work of the Horn Scientific Expedition to Central Australia. Pt. iv. 8°. 1896. B GILLET (CLAUDE CASIMIR) [1806-1896] Les Hymeno- mycetes, ou description de tous les Champignons (Fungi) qui croissent en France, avec 1'indication de leurs proprietes utiles, ou veneneuses. pp. vii, 828. 8°. Alencon, Paris, 1874. (Agaricinees.) [Pt. l.t] 8°. [Alencon, Paris, 1893.] $ [Atlas.] Les Champignons (Fungi, Hymenomy- n cetes) qui croissent en France, &c. 711 pis. (col.) 8°. Alencon, Paris, 1878-93. (Champignons de France.) Les Discomycetes, &c. Livr. ,1 l-9.t pp. 230: 102 pis. (col.) 8°. Alencon, 1879-86. Suites, &c. Livr. 1 & 9. 36 pis. (col.) 8°. Alencon, 1890. C Les Gasteromycetes . . . (Suites), &c. Livr. l-3.t n 40 pis. (col.) 8°. Alencon, 1891. o Gillet (C. C.) Champignons de France. Tableaux analytiques des Hymenomycetes de France, pp. 199. 8°. Alencon, 1884. Gillet (C. C.) &,Magne (J. H Jftion. pp. xxiv, 783 : text illust 8". Mris, 1879. GILLET DE LAUMONT (FRANCOIS PIERRE NICOLAS) See LAUMONT. GILLIEBON (VICTOR) [1826-1890] Apercu geo- logique sur les Alpes de Fribourg en general et £ description speciale du Monsalvens. pp. vii, 273 : 9 pis. (1 col.), 1 map col. See SWITZERLAND.— Carte Geo- lof/ique Suisse. Beitrage, &c. Lief. XII. 4°. 1873. Gillieroii (V.) Description geologique des Territoires de Vaud, Fribourg et Berne, &c. pp. viii, 532. Atlas, .- pp. x, 1 tab.: 13 pis. (11 col.) See SWITZERLAND. — Gf Carte Geologique Suisse. Beitrage, &c. Lief. xvni. 4°. 1885. Gillieroii (V.) & Loriol (P. DE) Monographic paleon- tologique et stratigraphique de 1'etage Urgonien £ inferieur du Landeron (cant, de Neuchltel). pp. 122 : 8 pis. See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELL- <• SCHAFT, &c. Neue Denkschriften, &c. Tom. xxm. 4°. 1869. GILLIS8 (JAMES MELVIN) [1811-1865] The U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the southern hemi- ' —\ £ sphere, during . . . 1849-52. Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, f Superintendent, &c. See UNITED STATES. 4°. 1855. f 678 ^ _ ' _ H £. L GILLMEISTEB, (C. J. F.) [-1846 1] Trichopterygia : Beschrt-ibung nnd Abbildung der haarfliigeligen Kiifer. pp. rviii, 98 : 9 ]>ls. (col.) 8°. Oiln&arg, 1845. [Another issue.] See STURM (J.) Deutschlands Fauna, Ac. Abth. v. Insecten. Bd. xvii. 8°. 1845. GILLOT (F. XAVIEK) & Lucand (J. L.) Catalogue raisonn^ des Champignons sup6rieurs (Hymenomycetes) des environs d'Autun et du departement de Saone-et- lx>ire. (Figures peintes des Champignons de la France . . . par M. . . . Lucnnd.) /'.' . <: /s. (Por) A. G. Maestre (Consideraciones ^7 acerca de la Note del ... D. A. Gil y Maestre. [By D. L. de Quintaua].) pp. 15 : 1 map. See SPAIN.— Comision del Mapa Geotogico. Boletin, Ac. Tom. n. 8°. 1875. Oil y Maestre (A.) Reseiia geo!6gica de las Provincias GVascongadas. pp. 43 : 1 map col. See SPAIN. — Comision del Mapa Geologico. Boletln, Ac. Tom. in. 8°. 1876. Oil y Maestre (A.) Descripcion fisica, geologica y (- minera de la provincia de Salamanca, pp. xv, 299 : ^* 1 trf., 1 map col. See SPAIN. — Comision del Mapa Geologieo. Memorias, Ac. 8°. 1880. OIMENEZ DE LA ESFADA (MARCOS) See JIMENEZ DE LA ESPADA. GINANNI (FRANCESCO) Count [1716-1765] Istoria L civile, e naturale delle Pinete Ravennati . . . Opera postuma, Ac. pp. [viii,] 478 : 18 pis. 4°. Roma, 1774. GINANNI (GIUSEPPE) Count [1692-1753] Delle nova e dei nidi degli Uccelli. Libro primo . . . Aggiunte __ in fine alcune osservazioni, con una dissertazione sopra ^ varie spezie di Cavallette. pp. [viii,] 130, 55 : SO pis. 4°. Venezia, 1737. Ginanui (G.) Count. Opon- )iostume, Ac. 2 Tom. , [in \~\illust. fol. Venezin, 17.V> 7. L- Tom. i. Cento quattordici Piante ohc Yegetano nel Mare Adriatico . ISea-wcedn, Spongea, Ilydroooralline>, CoraU, lir.J pp. [.n'i',J (f T fix, W: Sti i'/<. „ ll. Tontacei inarittimi paludoai o terreatri dell1 Adriatico e del Territorio di Uavenna (Memorie del Conte Q. Ginanni, tt-r.) )>;>. [ri!i,]7S: .It pi*. lin|terfect : \v;nn m- i\\o of the plates illustrating the Molluaca, viz. : — " Paliuhwi," PI. it, and " Terreotri,'1 PI. III. GINGINS DE LASSARAZ (FKKDKKK: CHARLES JEAN) Baron [1790-1863] Memoire sur la Famille des "R Violncees, Av. pp. 28 : 2 pis. 4". Geneve, Paris, 1823. v Mi'in. Soc. phya. ,v hist. nat. Geneve. Tom. ll. Giiigins de Lassaraz (F. C. J.) Baron. Violarieaj. See CANDOLLE (AuousTiN P. DE) Prodromus Sys- tematisimturalisKegni Vegetabilis, Ac. It. I. 8°. 1824. GIOENI (GIUSEPPE) [1747-1822] Descrizione di una nuova famiglia, e di un nuovo genere di Testacei trovati nel littorale di Catania . . . Con qunlche "2, osservazione sopra una spezie di Ostriche, ]>er servire alia Conchiologia generale. pp. xxxiv : 1 pi. 8°. Jfapoli, 1783. Gioeni (tt.) Saggio di Litologia Vesuviana. pp. xcii, t^ 208. 8". Napoli, 1790. GIORDANO (FELICE) Rapporto della Commissione istituita jior 1' esame geologico delle grandi gallerie /~\ progettate attraverso le Alpi Elvetiche. (F. Giordano, « Relatore.) pp. 1C: 3 pis. col. 4°. Torino [1865 ?] Giordano (F.) Asconsione del Monte Cervino . . . 1868.X2, 8°. [Turin,] 1869.^ Bull. Club Alpino llaliano. Tom. ill, pp. 3!>6-3iO: S ph. Reprinted from " Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Milan," Vol. n, GIORGI (CosiMO DE) [1842-] Carta Geologica della provincia di Lecce . . . Scala di 1 : 400,000 [i.e. 1 in. = (C_ 6j m. about]. See LECCE. [Maps.] s.sli. [1876 ?] Giorgi (C. DE) Abbozzo di Carta Geologica della HasiTicata. . . Scala 1 a 400,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 6i m. aboutl 4| See BASILICATA. [Maps.] [1879 1] GIORNA (Mien. ESPRIT) Calendario Entomologico, ossia osservazioni sulla stagioni proprie agl' Insetti nel' e clima Piemontese e particolarmente ne' contorni di Torino, pp. 146. 8°. Torino, 1791. GIORNALE ARCADICO DI SCIENZE, LET- TERE. ED ARTI, &c. 1819-68. Tom. l-ccxn. 8°. Romti, 1819-71. C, /| In the numeration of the volumes, *'LIII" is omitted. Tom. CXI.YI- rcxn are also styled " Nnova Serie, Tom. I-LXVII." 8°. Firenze, 1844-51. Succeeded later by the " Nuovo Giornale. Botanico Italiano " [q.v.] GIORNALE DI FISICA, CHIMICA E STORI A NATURALE, ossia raccolta di Memorie sulle Scienze, Arti, e Manifatture ad esse relative, di L. Brugnatelli, o 11 Ac. Vol. I & II. 4°. Pavia, 1808-9. ia, GIORNALE DI MALACOLOGIA, coinpilato per cura di P. Strobel. Anno I tv- n.t 8°. /'a-via, iar>3-54. GIORNALE DI MINERALOGIA, CRISTAL- LOGRAFIA E PETROGRAFIA. Diretto del F. Sansoni. Vol. I-V.t 8°. Milano, 1890-94. GIORNALE LIGUSTICO DI SCIENZE, LET- TERE, ED ARTI. Ann. l-Hl.t 8". Geiwvn, 1827-29. GIOVANNI ( ) Ricerche chimico-mineralogicbe su alcuni Mineral! poco noti di Val Lanterna (Val- tellina), Ac. pp. 21. 8°. Sondrio, 1888. , I— 679 IOVAlJJ»- Syo«rf!Fi(jo : re TT. De Giovan c. Ann. i-> 8°. 1879-> GIOVIO (PAOLO) -SisAop o/ Nocera [1483-1552] P. -? Jovii . . . descriptiones, quotquot extant, regionum *~ atqj locorum. QuibuH . . . de Piscibus Romanis libellum vere aureum adjunximus. pj>. [xvi,'] 239. 8°. Basileai, 1561. Tlie work on Fish first appeared in 1524. Giovio (P.) Bishop of Nocera. Libro di Mons. P. Giovio Zde' Pesci Romani. Tradotto in volgare da C. Zancaruolo. pp. 197. 8". Venetia, 1C60. GIRALDES ,( JOACHIM ALBIN CARDOZO CAZADO) [1808-1875J Etudes anatomiques, ou recherches sur "Z. I'organisation de 1'lEil, considere chez 1'Hoinme et dans quelques Animaux. pp. 83 : 7 pis. 4°. Paris & London, 1836. GIRARD (ALBERT ALEXANDRE) [Insects of central I and west Africa.] See CAPELLO (H. C. DE B.) & IVENS ' — (R.) From Benguella to the Territory of Yacca, />. !>. See MADRID.— SOCIEDAD ES- PAJfOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, <£"C. Tom. XXI. 8°. 1892. GIRARD (CARL ADOLPH HEINRICH) [1814-1878] Die Norddeutscho Kbene, insbesondere /wischen Elbe und (Zy Weichsel, geologisch dargestellt . . . Nebst einer geo- logischen Karte der Gegend zwischeu Magdeburg und Frankfurt a. d. O., &c. pp. x, S65 : 2 pis., 1 map geol. col. 8°. Berlin, 1855. Girard (CARL A. H.) Geologische Wanderungen . . . si i. Wallis, Vivarais, Velay.t pp. 237 : 2 maps. 8°. Halle, 1855. Girard (CARL A. H.) Briefe iiber A. von Humboldt's Kosmos . . . Vierter Theil, 2e Abth. Bearbeitet von H. Girard. See COTTA (B. VON) & others. 8°. 1860. Girard (CARL A. H.) pp. xii, 656 : text Must. Handbuch der Mineralogie. 8". Leipzig, 1862. GIRARD (CHARLES FREDERIC) [1822-1895] Biblio- graphia Americana historico-naturalis, or a bibliography of American Natural History for the year 1851. pp.iv, 6'6'. 8°. Washinf/ton, 1852. Girard (CHARLES F.) Revision du genre Cottus des I Auteurs, STATES. Report of the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, «fcc. Vol. H, pt. 1. 4°. 1859. Girard (CHARLES F.) Bibliographies of American Naturalists, v. The published writings of ... C. Girard. By G. B. Goode. pp. vi, 141 : 1 part. See UNITED ' STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. No. 41. 8°. 1891. ' Girard (CHARLES F.) cfe Baird (S. F.) [Reptiles of Utah.] See STANSBURY (H.) An expedition to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, &c. Appendix c. 8°. 1852. Girard (CHARLES F.) k Baird (S. F.) Catalogue of North American Reptiles in the Museum of the Smith- L. sonian Institution. Part I. Serpents, pp. xvi, 172. -y See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections. Vol. II, art. 5. 8U. 1853. S Girard (CHARLES F.) & Baird (S. F.) [Fishes of Sitgreaves' Expedition.] See UNITED STATES. Report / of an expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers, &c. 8". 1853. *i_ Girard (CHAKLES F.) ife Baird (S. F.) [Reptiles and , Fishes of the Red River of Louisiana.] See UNITED * STATES. Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, 2- "* itc. Appendix F. 8". 1853. GIRARD (HENRI) Recherches sur 1'appareil respira- toire central, pp. lift : text illust. See GENEVA. — SOCIETE DE PHYSIQUE ET D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE. Memoires, &c. Volume supplementaire. No. 4. 4°. 1891. GIRARD (JULES) [1839-] Recherches sur les tremble- ments de Terre. pp. 198 : text illust. 12°. Paris, 1890. GIRARD (MAURICE) [1822-1886] Les Metamorphoses des Insectes, dec. pp. 380 : 12 pis., text Must. 8°. Paris, 1866. Bibliotheque des Merveilles. Girard (M.) Les Insectts. Traite elementaire d'En- tomologie, &c. 3 Tom. illust. col. 8". Paris, 1873-85. Girard (M.) [Le Phylloxera de la Vigne ; son organisa- tion, ses mceurs, choix des ])rocedes de destruction, . 83 : 3 iiMps. See PARIS. — /_ ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. Memoires presentes, &c. Tom. xxv, no. 4. 4°. 1877. Girard (M.) [Les Abeilles, organes et' fonctions, education et produits, miel et cire. 12°. Paris, 1878.] Wanting. illust. Deuxieme edition, pp. viii, / pi. col., text S". Paris, 1887. t 680 GIRARD (PIERRE SIMON) [1765-1836] Description de la Yulliv de rEgarement et consequences geologiques qui resultent de la reconnoissance qu'on en a faite fl813]. — Observations sur la vallee d'Egypte et sur rexhaussement seculaire du sol qui la recouvre. [1818.] See FRANCE.— C(»>niiis»ion d'Eyi/ple. Description de 1'Egypte, &c. Histoire naturello. Tom. n. 4°. 1812 [i.e. 1813, 18]. Reprinted : the one front " Journ. des Mines," Tom. xxxiv, the other from " Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris," Tom. II. GIRARDIN (JEAN PIERRE Louis) [1803-1884] Con- sideiations generates sur les Volcans, et examen critique des diverges theories qui ont ete successivement pro- posees pour expliquer les Phenomenes Volcaniques, &c. pp. £48. 8°. Rouen, 1831. Girardin (J. P. L.) & Juillet (J.) Nouveau Manuel de Botanique, ou principes elementaires de Physique Vegetale, l. 4°. New York, 1844. GIRAUD (JOSEPH CONSTANT VICTOR) [1858-] Notice — , prodrpmique sur les Mollusques terrestres et nuviatiles ^T recueillis par M. V. Giraud dans la region meridionale du Lac Tanganika. See BOUROUIGNAT (J. R.) 8°. 1885. GIRAUD-TEULON (MARC ANTOINE Louis FELIX) 2 [1816-1887] Principes de Mecanique Animale, ou etude de la Locomotion chez 1'Homme et les Animaux Vertebres. pp. 483 : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1858. GIRDWOYN \l i' H \; i AnatomiaPszczoty. [Anatomy L of the Bee.] pp. 32: is pis. See PARIS.— TOW ARZYST wo MAUK soistYCH. Pamietnik, &c. Tom. vi, art. 5. 4°. 1876. Girdwoyn (M.) Anatomie et physiologic de 1'Abeille, dtc. pp. vili, 39 : 13 pis. 4". Paris, 1876. Girdwoyn (M.) Patologia Ryb czyli krotki rys o chorobach i jwtworach rybich, &c. [Fish Pathology ; 0 4 \ L a brief account of the diseases and monstrosities in Fish Ova.] pp. 21 : 11 pis. See PARIS.— TOWARZYSTWO NAUK uciutYCH. Pamietnik, hylle des Animaux. La matiere colorante de I'Hyare verte. See CLERMONT- 2 FERRAND.— FACULTE DES SCIENCES. Travaux du labo- ratoire de Zoologie du Dr. P. Girod. Tom. i. 8". 1888. Girod (P.) Les Viperes. Traitement de leurs mor- sures. pp. 16. 8". Paris, 1889. Extracted from the " Revue d'Auvergne." Girod (P.) Atlas de poche des Papillons de France, Suisse et Belgique les plus repandus, avec description -j de leur chenilles et chrysalides, &c. pp. vii, 179 : 7% pis. "• col., text illust. 8". Paris, 1898. Forming Vol. \ in of the " Bibliotheque de Poche du Naturaliate." GIROD-CHANTRANS (JUSTIN) [17f;0-1841] Re- cherches chimiques et microscopiques sur les Con- / ferves, Bisses, Tremelles, ment du Doubs, &c. 2 Tom. [in 1.] 8°. Paris, 1810. GIRONDE, Department of the. — Jardin de Botanique de la Gironde. See BORDEAUX. GIRTANNER (A.) Der Alpensteinbock (Capra I Ibex, L.), mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der letzten Steinwildkolonie in den grauen Alpen. pp. 69. 8°. Trier, 1878. GIRTON (DANIEL) [pseud. ?] [The complete Pigeon Fancyer ; or a new Treatise on Domestic Pigeons, &c. 12". London, 1799.] ^— Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] A Treatise on Domestic Pigeons, &c. See PIGEONS. 12°. [c. 1800.] -, A re-issue of the preceding, with a new title-page on which the author's *•• name does not appear, and omitting pp. 1-12. Another edition, entitled " The new and complete Pigeon Fancyer," etc., with author's name, appeared about 1802. [Another edition entitled :] The new and complete Pigeon-fancier ... A new edition, revised ... by , Mr. W. Thompson, pp. 63 : 1 pi. 12". London [c. 180.')]. GIRTT (GEORUE H.) & others. Geology of the Yellowstone National Park. Pt. n. Descriptive Geo- logy, Petrography, and Paleontology, pp. xvii, 898, ^ 1 tab. : 117jtls., 4 maps geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Monographs, &c. Vol. xxxii. 4°. 1899. GISBERT (ELADIO POMATA Y) See POMATA Y GISBERT. GISEKE (PAUL DIETRICH) [1745-96] Dissertatio inauguralis . . . sistens Systemata Plantarum recen- ^ tiora instar speciminis cpmmentarii ad J. H. Furstenau r_ desiderata materiai medica;. pp. [vi,] 54. 4". Gottinyw, 1767. 681 Giseke (P. D.) Index Linnaeanus in L. Plukenetii Opera Botanica . . . Index Linnaeanus in J. J. Dillcnii Historiam Muscorum, &c. pp.x,46. tf.Ha/tribwrgi,Vn9 Giseke (P. D.) C. a Linn6 . . . Termini Botanici . . . recudi curavit ... P. D. Giseke, &c. See LINN^IUS (C.) 8°. 1781. - Editioni huic alteri accesserunt fragmenta ordinum naturalium Linnasi, &c. 8°. 1787. Giseke (P. D.) C. a. Linne . . . Praslectiones in ordines D naturales Plantarum . . . edidit P. D. Giseke, &c. See LlNNJEUS (C.) 8°. 1792. Giseke (P. D.) & others. [Icones Plantarum . . . adjectis nominibus Linnfeanis (ediderunt P. D. Giseke, P J. D. Schulze, Abendroth et N. J. Buek . . . Opera et sumptibus J. von Doehren).] Fasc. I [-iv]. 100 pis. col., with letterpress advertisement signed by J. Dcihren. io\'. [Hamburgi, 1777.] Without title. Wantina Pis. 80, 81, 88-04, 0 V<^ ^j 682 GLASGOW.— Botanic Garden. A Catalogue of Plants K contained in the . . . Garden ... in the year 1825 [Compiled by W. J. Hooker], Cr Q. &c. Mammalia. By T. King. Birds. By H. C. Young. 8°. Glasgow, 1876. Cwlenterata and Protozoa. By D. Robertson. Phanerogamia. By R. M'Kay. Cryptogamia. Filices. By R. M'Kay. M M -i-i. By J. Stii t. ni. HiTii'i'"'' By J. Stirton and H. H. Patorson. I.ichenes. By J. Stirton. Fungi. By H. H. Paterson. A ]_:. . By J. A. Mahoney. Reptilia and Amphibia. By J. M. Campbell. Insects, Hymenoptera. By P. Cameron. Trichoptera. By F. C. Binnie. Lepidoptera. By J. J. King. Crustacea. By D. Robertson. Mollusca. Land and Fresh Water. ByF.G. Binnie. Marine. By D. Robertson. Issued, with "Notes on the Fauna and Flora of the west of .Scotland," by E. R. Alston [?.v.] and others, as a British Association Guide- Book for the Glasgow meeting, 1876. GLASL (CARL) Excursionsbuch, oder Anleitung alle Korper der drei Naturreiche zu sammeln, zu zubereiten, in Sammlungen aufzustellen und zu erhalten, nebst einer systematischen Uebersicht der drei Naturreiche, &c. pp. vii, 142: text Must. 8°. Wien, 1863. GLASNEVIN.— Royal Botanic Gardens. [Founded about 1790 by the Members of the Royal Dublin Society. 1864 Managed by the Society for the Government. 1877 Transferred to the Science and Art Department.] The Visitor's Companion to the Botanic Garden, Glas- nevin, comprehending a general outline of the principles df Botanical Science, &c. pp. xiv, 183 : 5 pis., text. Must. 8°. Dublin, &c., 1838. Glasnevin.— Jioi/al Botanic Gardens. [Handbook for the . . . Gardens ... By D. Moore. 8°. Dublin, 1850 ?] Wanting. Fourth edition, &c. pp. 88 : 1 map. 8°. Dublin, 18(55. [Another edition entitled :] Guide to the . . . Gardens ... by ... D. Moore . . . revised and en- larged by . . . W. R. M'Nab. pp. 59 : 1 pi., 1 plan, text Must. 8°. London, 1885. GLASS (NoRMAN) [-1893] The Ix>cal Geology of Blackpool f>p. 16. 8*. Black/tool, 1893. From Letters in the " Black|iool Times." Glass (N.) The Rocks on the Blackpool Coast Gems on the Shore, pp. 16. 8°. [Blackpool, 1893]. Reprinted from the " Blackpool Times." Glass (N.) The Rev. Norman Glass. A Sketch of his life . . . with letter on Local Scientists, /w. 1~'. Blackpool [1893]. Reprinted from the " Blackpool Times" and the " Blackpool Gazette And News." GLASTONBURY ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The British ]jake- Village near Glastonbury. Letters and papers relating thereto ... By R. Munro . . . W. B. Dawkins . . . A. J. Evans ... A. Bulleid, &c. pp. 26 : 6 pis. 8°. Taunton, 1895. I. The discovery of an Ancient Lake-Village in Somersetshire. By 11. Munro. II. The place of the Lake-dwellings at Gkwtonbury in British Archsw- logy. By W. B. Dawkins. in. Greek and Italian influences in Pre- Roman Britain. By A. J.Evans. IV. A paper on the British Lake-Village near Glastonbury. By A. Ruileid. GLATZEL (EMANUEL) [1849-] Das Minerajfaid), .Nfa-nberg, 1787. GLENDINNING (ROBERT) The Pinetum ... By G. Gordon . . . assisted by R. Glendinning. See GORDON (G.) A.L.S. 8°. 1858. GLENNY (GEORGE) The Florists' Guide . . . con- _ ducted by W. P. Ayres and T. Moore, assisted ... in O judging Florists' Flowers by G. Glenny, <£*c. See AYRES (W. P.) & MOORE (T.) 4°. 1850. Glenny (G.) [The standard of perfection for the pro- perties of Flowers and Plants. 8°. London, 1847.] Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] The properties of Flowers and Plants . . . Third edition, &c. pp. 96. 8°. London, 1863. GLIDDON (GEORGE R.) [-1857] & Nott (J. C.) Indigenous racejs of the Earth, &c. See NOTT (J. C.) & GLIDDON (G. R.) 8°. 1868. GLIEMANN (THEODOR) Liste des Productions Ani- males de 1'Islande, extrait de Gliemann. See FRANCE. — Commission Scientifique d'Islande, &c. Voyage en Islande, &c. — Zoologie, &c. 8°. 1851. GLITSCH (L.) Ueber den Bau der Nase der Antilope Saiga Pall. pp. 21 : 3 pis. See. ACADEMIA d«SAREA LEOPOLDINO-OAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. xxxvi, no. 1. 4°. 1871 (1873). GLOCKER (ERNST FRIEDRICH) [1793-1858] Versuch iiber die Wirkungen des Lichtes auf die Gewachse. pp. viii, [viii,} 207. 8°. Breslau, 1820. Glocker (E. F.) De Gemmis Plinii, imprimis de Topazio, &c. pp. 74. 8°. Vratislavios, 1824. Glocker (E. F.) Uebersicht der Crystallisationssysteme in tabellarischer Form, zum Gebrauche beym ersten Unterrichte in der Mineralogie, &c. pp. 48 : 2 pis. 4°. Breslau, 1829. Glocker (E. F.) Handbuch der Mineralogie. pp. xvi, " : 4 pis. 8°. Niirnberg, 1829-31. Glocker (E. F.) See MINERALOGISCHE JAHRESHEPTE . . . Zugleich als fortlaufende Supplemente zu des Verfassers Handbuch der Mineralogie, &c. Hft. i-vn.t 8°. 1833-41. Glocker (E. F.) Systematischer Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Mineralogie im Jahre 1835. Mit Berucksichtigung der Geologie und Petrefactenkunde. pp. xii, 410. 8°. Nurnberg, 1837. Glocker (E. F.) Grundriss der Mineralogie, mit Einschluss der Geognosie und Petrefactenkunde, &c. pp. xxxiv, 993 : 8 pis. 8°. Niirnberg, 1839. Glocker (E. F.) Uber den Jurakalk von Kurowitz in Miihren, und iibsr den darin vorkommenden Aptychus imbricatits. pp. 63 : 4 P^s- (® c°l-) 4°. [Breslau & Bonn, 1841.] Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. -Carol. Vol. xix. Glocker (E. F.) Generum et specierum Mineralium secundum ordines naturales digestorum Synopsis, &c. pp. v, 318. 8°. Halve Saxonum, 1847. GLOECKELSTHURN (LEOPOLD TAUSCH VON) See TAUSCH VON GLOECKELSTHURN. GLOESENER (MICHEL) [1794-1876] M. Gloasener . . . Connnentatio ad quaestionem . . . qua quseritur et diversarum opinionum de fabrica usuque vasorum Plantarum enumeratio chronologiea . . . expositio, &c. pp.63. See LIEGE. — UNIVERSITE. Annales, &c. 1819-20. 4°. 182-2. GLOGER (CONSTANTIN W. LAMBERT) Dissertatio inauguralis, sistens disquisitionum de Avibus ab Aris- totele conimemoratis. Specimen I, &c. pp. vi, 63. 8°. Vratislavice, 1830. [Another edition entitled :] Disquisitionum de Avibus ab Aristotele commemoratis. Specimen I. pp. vi, 56. 8". Vratislaviae, 1830. This differs from the preceding only in the setting of the title-page and dedication ; the " vita " is albo wanting. Gloger (C. W. L.) Das Abandern der Vogel durch EinHus des Klima's. Nach zoologischen, zunachst von den Europiiischen Landvogeln entnommenen Beobach- tungen dargestellt, mit den entsprechenden Erfahrungen bei den Europaischen Saugthieren vergleichen, &c. pp. xxix, 159. 8". Breslau, 1833. Gloger (C. W. L.) Schlesiens Wirbelthier-Fauna . . . mit Riicksicht auf den allgemeinen Charakter des Landes, &c. pp. xiv, 78. 8°. Breslau, 1833. T L H H N B T 684 Gloger (C. \V. L.) Vollstandiges Handbuch der Naturgeschichte der Yo^el Kuropa's. mil besc.ntlerer Z Rucksicht auf Deutschland, (J. G.) 4°. 1768-69. Gmelin (S. G.) S. G. Gmelins . . . Reise durch Russ- land zur Untersuchung der drey Natur-Reiche. 4 Thl. ^_ ^ 4°. St. Petersburg, (1770-) 1774-84. Thl. iv was edited, with a life of the author, by P. S. Pallas. GOADBY (HENRY) A text-book of Vegetable and , Animal Physiology, &c. pp. xxxix, 313 : text Must. 8°. New York, 1858. GOABANT DE TB.OMELIN (GASTON LE) See TROMELIN. GO BERT (EMILE) Catalogue des Dipteres de France. ._ pp. 87. 8°. Caen, 1887. Issued with Tom. vi of the " Revue d'Entomologie." GOBET (NICOLAS) [1737-C.1781] Les anciens Mine- ralogistes du royaume de France ; avec des notes. 2 Pt. /*-/ 8°. Paris, 1779. GOBI (CHRISTOPHER) See GHOBI (Kn. YA.) GOBIEN (CHARLES LE) See LE GOBIEN. GOBIN (ALPHONSE) [1828-] Les Pigeons de voliere, de colombier, messagers, militaires, &c. pp. Hi, 258 : ~_ text Must. 12°. Paris, 1878. GOBIN (HENRY) [1838-] Guide pratique d'Entomo- logie agricole et petit traite de la destruction des Insectes nuisibles. pp. 279 : text Must. 12°. Paris (1865). Bibliotheque des Professions industrielles et agricoles. Se"r. H, no. 49. GOCHNAT (FR. KARL) Tentamen medico-botanicum de Plantis Cichoraceis . . . publice defendet F, C. Gochnat. pp. 24 : 3 pis. 4°. Argentorati, 1808. GODART (JEAN BAPTISTE) [1775-1825] Entomo- logie, ou histoire naturelle des Crustaces, des Arachnides et des Insectes . . . [" Papillon "] par M. Latreille . . . et M. Godart. See ENCYCLOPEDIE METHODIQUE, &c. Histoire naturelle, &c. Tom. ix, pt. 2. 4'. 1819 [i.e. 1824]. <£. 686 Godart (J. R) Jlistoire naturelle de^ Le'pidopteres, ou Papillons da'France. Dicrits par Jff. Godart (con- tinuee par MXP. A. J. Duponchel), &f. 11 Vol. [in 13] Must. coL/^ 8°. PaAs, [1820-] 1821-38. This wojltwai originally undertaken by E. R. Genonville, and the flint part iris issued in April 1820; but on his death it was taken 9)1 by Godart, who recast and re-issued the tytt for that part in Sen*. 1820 IBibl. France, 1820, pp. 2?6 fc 477|, introducing thereby the extra sheet (i bit). At Godart's death in Igfy Dnponchel continued /he work, beginning with Tom. VI. Many of the sheets have been reprinted at later dates, /lie contents, and dates of original publication so far osascertainahle, art as follows :— Tom. l. Dinrnes. Pt. 1. Environs de 1'nris. pp. ffi, t9S W").- 40pl». (IjAcol.) [limed : the whrfe of the text in 1820.] II. - 1't. 2. Mparteniente nieridtonaux pit. col. 1821. t8 1-176 in 18.2 ; pp. 177-t ruithodiqne des opte de /SI,. , . ftS-19t in 1821.] U> pit. ml. RS"£i« Tab! France/. . Dinrnes pp.64. [Another edition.) in. Crep&Mnlalres. pp. 19t: IS : pp. 1-H in 1820 ; iv. yoctnrnes. Tom. Issued : pp. 1-1U in 1822 -jjip. IW^NH in 1828 ; pp. S85- in 1824.] v. Tom. it. pp. [Issued : pp. 1-160 iOO in 1820.] vi. Tom. ill. P7J/47S [Issued : pp. 1 Tom. 1822. 1822. tit. 11-71 col. 124 ; pp. 161-176 in 1825 ; pp. ( iw. >inl8 Ml. 1. 7J-100 col. 1826 ; pp. »4J-47« in 1827/ .»/).«««.• pi«. 101-lSSc •' [Issued : pp. l/19i in 1827 ; pp. 19S-MS in 182s.) pp. 607: pit. liS-170 col./ [Issued : pV 1-44* in 1829 ; pp. 449-507 >fi 1830.) "v, pt. 1. pp. 697: pit. r' [ls.ued/>p. 1-tSS in 1830 ; pp. tS pt. 2. pp. 400: pl». ill- :pp.l-t-Uln\8K;iip.!-- 1834.] \I. pp. 6M: pi*. *«7-»«6> ' livr. 1-4 (pp. 1-lf 1835; livr. 12-15 in 1838.) ' vn. pp. SSt: pit. fGT-186 col. [Issued : livr. 1-7 in 1838 ; livr. 8-10 in 1837.] VIII. pp. 7tO: pUttin-Slb col. [The last livrainon of this volume was issued Nov. 1840.] 1826. 1827. 1829. 1830. 5 foil SS3; pp. 537- 1881. 1834 ; livr. 5-11 in 1834. 1836. 1838. fc. - Supplement, -4fifi in 1835.] II. Creptucillitirea. pp. 197 : IS pit. col. / 1835. WantWg Pis. X, XI It XII. : livr. 1-3 (pp. 1-80 f) in 1835 ; livj^-e in 183(1.] in. NiMtnniea. pp. 6S1 : SO pit. col. / 1886. IV. -/- pp.651: pU. 61-90 col. / 1842. alogue nn'tliiii liipic des L^pidopteres d'Europe ./ . pour servir de complement . . . k 1'Histoire naturelle des L6pidopterejrae France. See DUPON- CHBL (P. A. J.) / 8°. 1844. Iconographie et liistoire naturelle des Chenilles pour servir de complement a PHistoire naturelle des L^pidopteres . . . de France, a lupplernent to No. VI of the " Zool. r," Jahrg. IT. Godeffroy (J. C.) & Son. See JOURNAL DES MUSEUM GODEFFROY. Geogranhische, ethnographische und naturwissenscliaftliclie Mittheilungen, &c. Hft. i-ix & xi-xv.t 4°. 1873-M. Qodeffroy (J. C.) . '2W See NEUCHATEL.— socirlTE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. g 2. Memoires, &c. Tom. n. 4°. 1839. - [Advance copy.] Large paper edition. fol. Neuchatel, 1838. Godet (C. H.) Neuchatel. Wanting. [Les Plantes Vendneuses du canton de 8°. Neuchdtel, 1846. Nouvelle Edition, &c. See NEUCHATEL. — SOCIET£ NEUCHATELOISE D'UTILITE PUBUQUE. 8°. 1864. Godet (C. H.) Enumeration des Vegetaux Vasculaires du Jura Suisse et Francois, plus spdcialementdu canton de Neuchatel. pp. vi, 233. 8°. Neuchdtel, 1851. Godet (C. H.) Flore de Jura, ou description des Vegetaux Vasculaires qui croissent spontan6ment dans le Jura Suisse et Franc.ais, plus specialement dans le Jura Neuchatelois, pp.xvi,87%. 8°. Neuchdtel, . 26 : text illutt. 8°. Nancy, 1901. OODMAN (FREDERICK DUCANE) [1834-] Natural history of the Azores, or Western Islands. pj>. v, 358 : 2 maps. 8°. London, 1870. Coleoptera. By O. R. Crotch. [Reprinted, with alterations, from " Proo. Zool. 800.," 1867.) lerrentrial Molluscs. Hy . . . H. B. Tristram. Botany. By H. C. Watson. Musci and HepHticw. By W. Mitten. Godman (F. D.) Lichtenstein's Catalogus Rerum Naturalium rarissimarum. Edited by F. D. Godman. See WILLUOHBY SOCIETY (THE). 8°. 1882. B B B L 75.; B L s 687 Godman (F. D.) A list of the Lepidoptera collected i ... during . . . [the] Expedition to Kilinia-njaro. *• See JOHNSTON (Sir H. H.) K.C.B. The Kilima-njaro Expedition, &c. 8°. 1886 [i.e. 1885]. Godman (F. D.) Terrestrial and Fhiviatile Mollusca. By E. Yon Martens. pp. xxviii, 706: U>pl'. col. 1890-1901. Arachnida Acaridea. By O. Stoll. pp. xxi, S5 : tl pis. (col.) 1886-93. Araclmida Araneidea. By O. 1>. Cambridge. Ft. 1 -» Must, (col.) 1689 -> Chilopoda. By R. I. Pocock. Pt. 1 -> illust. (col.) 1895 -> Coleoptera. Vol. i, pt. 1. (Adephaga.) By H. W. Bates, pp. x, SIS: IS pit. col. 1881-84. ,, „ ,, 2. (Adephaga continued.) By D. Sharp, pp. xvi, 821,: 19 pit. ml. 1882-87. „ II,,, 1. (Pselaphidse, 'Must. 18S9-* ,, ,, ,, 6. (Rbynchophora continued.) Brenthidre. By D. Sharp. Scolytidse. By W. F. H. Blandford. 1895-» „ v. (Longicornia.) By H. W. Bates. (Bruchidea.) By D. Sharp, pp. xii, SSV : 26 pis. col. 1879-1886. ,, vl,,, 1. (Phytophaga. In part) By M. Jacoby. (Supple- ment.) pp. xx, 6S6(iv, 374): t^ pis. col. 1880-1892. ,, ,, ,, 2. (Phytophaga continued.) Hispidre. By J. 8. Baly, with an appendix by G. C. Champion. Cassididee. By G. C. Champion, pp. x, £49 .- IS pit. col. 1885-94. „ vn. (Erotylidse, i£c.) By H. S. Gorham. pp. xii, 276: IS pit. col. 1887-93. Hymenoptera. By P. Cameron. 3 Vol. Must, (col.) 1883-1900. Lepidoptera. Rhopalocera. By F. D. Godman and O. Salvin. 3 Vol. illust. col. 1879-1901. Heterocera. By H. Drnce. 3 Vol. illmt. col. 1881-1900. Rhynchota. beteroptera. Vol. I. By W. L. Distant, pp. xx, 462 : 39 pit. 1880-93. „ ,, il. ByG. C. Champion, pp. xvi, US: 22 pli. (col.) 1897-1901. Homoptera. Vol. i. By W. L. Distant. Pt. 1 -> illusl. (col.) 1881 -» „ „ II. By W. W. Fowler. Pt. l-» illust. (col.) 1894 -» Diptera. Vol. l. By Baron C. R. Osten-Sacken. pp.mii,S78: Spls.col. 1886-lfOl. „ „ li. ByF.M. vanderWulph. Pt.l-» iUiut.(a>I.)lS88-» „ „ in. By S. W. Williston. Pt. l-» illust. (col.) 1891 -» Neuroptera. By A. E. Eaton. Pt. l-» illust. (col.) 1892-* Orthoptera. Vol. I. pp. x, k58: 22pls. (col.) 1898-99. Forficulidje. By Count A. de Bounnans. Blattidae and Mantidse. By H. de Saussure and L. Zebntcr. Gryllidse. By H. de Saussure. Locustidie. By H. de Saussure and A. Pictet. Vol. II, pt. l-» Ulust. 1900-* Acridiidas. By L. Bruner. (Subfam. Tettiginse. By A. P. Morse.) Godman (F. D.) & Salvin (O.) [Lepidoptera ) Rhopalocera from the Congo.] See JAMESON (J. S.) " Story of the Rear Column, j>. SOH-1^6. Godron (D. A.) Considerations sur les Migrations des Vegetaux, et specialement de ceux qui, etrangers au sol de la France, y ont ete introduits accidentellement. 8°. [Nancy, 1854 ?] Mem. Acad. Stanislas. Nancy. 1853, pp. S19-S67. Godron (D. A.) l)e differentcs formes, pp.28. Morn. Acad. Stanislas. Nancy. 1856. tritico'ides et de ses 8°. Nancy, 1856. a a GODMAN History. 2 Godman (J. D.) Rambles of a Naturalist ... To ^_ which are added reminiscences of a voyage to India. By R. Coates. pp. 151. 12°. Philadelphia, 1833. I GODRON (DOMINIQUE ALEXANDRA) [1807-1880] Essai sur les Renoncules a Fruits rides transversale- ^ ment, &c. 8°. [Nancy, 1840 ?] Mem. Soc. Soi. Nancy. 1889, pp. 8-1,1: 2 pli. Godron (D. A.) Quelques observations sur la famille des Alsinees. pp. 21. 8°. Nancy, 1842. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nancy. 1841. Godrou (D. A.) Monographic des Rubus qui croissent naturellement aux environs de Nancy, pp. 45. 8°. Nancy, 1843. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nancy. 1842. Godrou (D. A.) [Flore de Lorraine, &c. 3 Tom. 12°. Nancy, 1843-44.] Wanting. - Deuxieme edition. 2 Vol. [in 1.] 8°. Paris, 1861. Godron (D. A.) Catalogue des Plantes Cellulaires du Departement de la Meurthe. pp. 40. 8°. Nancy, 1845. Stotistique Dep. Meurthe. Printed in double column. Godrou (D. A.) Observations critiques sur ITn- florescence considered comme base d'un arrangement methodique des especes du genre Silent. 8°. [Nancy, 1847 ?] Mem. Soc. Sci. Nancy. 1846, pp. 1S5-175. Godron (D. A.) Florula Juvenalis, seu enumeratio et descriptio Plantartim, e seminibus exoticis inter lanas allatis enatarum in campestribus Portus Juvenalis prope Monspelium, &c. pp. 48. 8". Monspelii, 1853. Mem. Acad. Sci. Montpellier, Sect, de Med. g Godron (D. A.) [De 1'Espece et des Races dans les etres organises et specialement de 1'unite de 1'Espece Humaine. 2 Tom. 8°. Paris, 1859.] Wanting. Deuxieme edition. 2 Tom. [in 1.] 8°. Paris, 1872. Godron (D. A.) Essai sur la Geographic Botanique r, de la Lorraine, pp. 211. 8°. Nancy, 1862. . Mem. Acad. Stanislas. Nancy. 1861. Godron (D. A.) Recherches experimentales sur r 1'Hybridite dans le Regne Vegetal, pp. 76. 8°. Nancy, 1863. Mem. Acad. Stanislas. Nancy. 1862. Godron (D. A.) Zoologie de la Lorraine, pu catalogue —7 des Animaux sauvages observes jusqu'ici dans cette ancienne province, pp. vi, 283. 8°. Nancy, 1863. Mem. Acad. Stanislas. Nancy. 1862. Godron (D. A.) Memoire sur les Fumariees a fleurs • irregulieres et sur la cause de leur irregularite. pp. 16 : 1 pi. 8°. Nancy, 1864 Mem. Acad. Stanislas. Nancy. 1864. °- (S- f,ss 77 M VJ Q. I BGodron (D. A.) • Observations sur les races du Datura Stramonium, pp. 12. 8°. Nancy, 1864. New. Acad. Stanislas. Nancy. 1864. K Godron (D. A.) Memoire sur rinflorcscence et les D • fleurs des Cruciferes. pp. 42 : 1 pi. 8°. Nancy, 1865. Mem. Aoad. Stanislas. Nancy. 1864. n Qodron (D. A.) Observations sur les bourgeons et {5 sur I'inflorescence des Papilionacees. pj). 25. 8°. Nancy, 1866. Mem. Aoad. Stanislas. Nancy. 1866. Godron (D. A.) De la signification morphologique des diff6rents axes de vegetation de la Vigne. pp. SS : 1 pi. 8°. Nancy, 1867. Mem. Acad. Stanislas. Nancy. 1866. Godron (D. A.) Notice sur les Explorations Botaniques I'aitrs en Lorraine de 1857 a 1875 et de leurs resultats. pp. 1S5. 8°. Nancy, 1875. Mem. Acad. Stanislas. Nancy. 1874. Godron (D. A.) Goebel (K.) Organography of Plants, especially of the f\ Archegoniatae and Spermaphyta . . . Authorized Eng- D lish edition by I. B. Balf our. Pt.i->. 8°. Oxford, 1900-» GCEBELIUS (SVERINUS) [1530-1612] De Succino libri duo, &c. fall. 30 [pp. 8]. See GESNER (C.) omni Rerum Fossilium genere, &c. 8°. 15 GOEBL ( WILHELM) & FRIESE (F. M. VON) Geologisch- bergmannische Karte mit Profilen von Joachimsthal ^t nebst Bildern von den Erzgangen in Joachimsthal und von den Kupferkies-Lagerstatten bei Kitzbiihel . . . Redigirt von ... F. M. ... von Friese und . . . W. Gobi, &c. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Kaiserlich- Koenigliches Ackerbau-Ministerium. 4°. 1891. GOECKELITJS (CHRISTOPHORUS LUDOVICUS) [1662- 1736] Dissertatio inauguralis medica de Serpentaria D Virgmiana, quam . . . submittit C. L. Goeckelius, atinitate donata, commentariis, & notis . . . illustrata, & ... appendice locupletata, £ de Insectorum origine, utilitate & usu a P. Veezaerdt. pp. [xxxii,] 250 : 4 pt>- co^> 1 port., engr. title. 8». Medioburgi (1667). The dedication is dated 1667. — Pars tertia . . . aucta observationibus et appen- . dice D. J. de Mey. pp. [xvi,] 159 : 21 pit. col., engr. title. 8°. Medioburgi [ ]. 689 Goedart (J.) J. Godartius of Insects. Done into T.) ml English, and methodized, with the addition of notes [by M. L., i.e. M. Lister]. The figures etched ... by Mr. F. PI. pp. [vi,] 140: 14 pis. col. 4°. York, 1682. Goedart (J.) J. Goedartius de Insectis, in methodum redactus ; cum nptularum additione. Opera M. Lister C. • • • Item appendicis ad Historiam Animalium Angliae ejusdem M. Lister, altera editio hie quoque exhibetur. Una cum Scarabseorum Anglicanormn quibusdam tabulis mutis. pp. [viii,] 356, 45 : 21 pis. 8°. Londini, 1685. Goedart (J.) Metamorphoses naturelles, ou histoire - des Insectes observee . . . suivant leur natur & leurs *Z proprietez, &c. 3 Tom. [in 1] Must. 8°. Amsterdam, 1700. GOELDI (EMIL AUGUST) Studien iiber die Blutlaus p (Schizoneura laniijera Hausm. ; Myzoxylus inali}, &c. pp. 28: 3 pis. col. 4°. Scha/hausen, 1885. Goeldi (E. A.) Relatprio sobre a molestia do Cafeeiro na provincia do Rio de Janeiro, pp. 121: 4 pis., '_ 1 map. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1887. Archiv. Museu Sac. Rio. Vol. vm. Goeldi (E. A.) As Aves do Brasil. 2 Pt. pp. 664, 82. 8°. Rio de Janeiro & S. Paulo, 1894, 1900. Monographias Brasileiras. II. (~- An "Album de Aves Amazoniens," illustrating the above work, hus since been issued by the Museu Paraense. Goeldi (E. A.) Ensaio sobre p . . . A. R. Ferreira J_ mormente em relafao as suas viagens na Amazonia e sua importancia como naturalista. pp. vii, 108. 8°. Para, 1895. Goeldi (E. A.) [For official publications as Director] See BELEM (PARA), Brazil. — MUSEU PARAENSE DE HISTORIA NATURAL E ETHNOGRAPHIA. GOELICKE (ANDREAS OTTOMAR) [1671-1744] Dis- ^ putatio medica inauguralis de Balsamo Cacao quam . . . sub praesidio A. O. Goelicke . . . defendendam in se suscipit C. F. Semprecht, &c. pp. 18. 4°. Francofurti cis Viadrum [1736]. GOELLER (CHRISTOPHUS LUDOVICUS) Disputatio . . . de Cinnamomo ; quam . . . subjicit C. L. Goller, &c. See VALLAN (J.) 4°. [1709.] GOEPPERT (ERNST) Die Morphologie der Amphi- 7 bienrippen. See HAECKEL (E. H. P. A.) & others. Fest- schrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage von C. Gegenbaur . . . 1896. Bd. I. 8°. 1896. GOEPPERT (HEINRICH ROBERT) [1800-1884] Non- Tf nulla de Plantarum nutritione. Dissertatio inauguralis physiologico-botanica, &c. pp. 35. 8°. Berolini, 1825. Goeppert (H. R.) De acidi hydrocyanici vi in Plantas K commentatio. Scripsit . . . H. R. Goeppert . . . re- spondente J. Goldschmidt, &c. pp. [viii,] 58. 8°. Vratislavice, 1827. Goeppert (H. R.) Ueber die \Varme-Entwickelung in ^ den Pflanzen, deren Gefrieren und die Schutzmittel gegen dasselbe. pp. xiv, [«',] 272. 8°. Breslau, 1830. Goeppert (H. R.) Uber Wiirme-Entwickelung in der lebenden Pflanze, &c. pp. 26. 8°. Wien, 1832. Goeppert (H. R.) Ueber die giftigen Pflanzen Schlesiens. Als Einladungs-Programm, &c. pp. 32. 8°. Breslau [1832]. Goeppert (H. R.) Die in Schlesien wiklwachsenden ottizinellen Pflanzen. Als Einladungs-Programm, &c. Pi>- 48. 8°. Breslau, 1835. 5 Goeppert (H. R.) Die fossilen Farrnkrauter. pp.xxxii, 486, 2 tabs. : 44 pis. 4". Breslau, 1836. Nova Acta Acad. CECS. Lcop.-Carol. Bd. xvn, Suppt. Goeppert (H. R.) De Floribus in statu fossili. Com- mentatio botanica, quam . . . publice defendet H. R. Goppert, eit. ,, II. l)lu AiiginMitciiiifii ile.-* BeriiNteiiift, vun 11. Conwentz. GOEBLITZ. See GORLITZ. GOEKZiK ) Chemische und ]>raktische Untersuchung »« der wichtigsten Kalko Herzogthums Nassau, dec. ' p}>. 48 : 8 pis. 4°. Wiesbaden, 1854. GOES (AXEL THEODOR VON) [1835-1897] On the Reticularian Rhizopoda of the Caribbean Sea. pp. 151 : i IS pis. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- r" SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xix, £• no. 4. 4°. 1882. S570. Goes (A. T. VON) Om den sfl, kallade "vcrkliga" j_ dimorfismen hos Rhizopoda Reticulata. pp. 14 : 1 pi. -, See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xv, * afd. IV, no. 2. 8°. 1889 (1890). Goes (A. T. VON) A synopsis of the Arctic and Scandi- navian recent marine Foraminifera hitherto discovered. ~ pp. 127 : 25 pis. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA , VETENSKAPS - AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Fol.jd,^ f - Bd. xxv, no. 9. 4°. 1894. Goes (A. T. VON) [Memoir.] 8°. [ 1897.] £Q£,/| Hiilsoviinnen. [1897,] ^p. S80-91. GOES (BENTO DE) [1562-1607] Reisen . . . von.- Lahore . . . nach China . . . 1602. See ARKSTEE ( )L fo-o. & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historie der Reisen, gfc. 2 B^"[in l.V ^-'^ sS^fP. StuttwprG & Tiibitf/rn, 1817X23. •BBehalf-titlc . 444 •' text illust. 8°. Paris, 1862. 0 Goethe (J. W. VON) Die Idee der Pflanzen-Metamor- D phose bei . . . Gothe. See KIRCHHOFF (A.) 4°. 1867. D Goethe (J. W. VON) On Goethe as Botanist and 0 Osteologist. See WILLIAMSON (W. C.) 8°. 1887. GOETTE (ALEXANDER) [1840-1 Beitrage zur Ent- 2. wickelungsgeschichte des Darmkanals im Hiihnchen, &c. pp. vi, 82 : 5 pis. 8°. Tubingen, 1867. Goette (A.) Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Unke Z(£ombinator igneus) als Grundlage einer yergleichenden Morphologic der Wirbelthiere. pp. viii, 964. Atlas, S2 pis. 8°. Leipzig, 1875. Goette (A.) Ueber Entwickelung und Regeneration "2. des Gliedmassenskelets der Molche. pp. If! : 5 pis. 4°. Leipzig, 1879. Goette (A.) Abhandlungen zur Entwickelungs- -7 geschichte der Thiere. 5 Hft. 8°. & 4°. Hamburg (d& Leipzig), 1882-> Hft. 1. Untersuchungen zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Wiir- mer. Beschreibender Teil. pp. [ri,] 101,: B pis. (col.) 1882. „ 2. --- • Vergleichender Teil. pp. [ri,] tli : text illutt. 18S4. ., 3. Untersuchungen zur Entwickelungsgeschicbte von Spon- gillajluviatilis. pp. 61,: 5 pis. 1886. ,, 4. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Aurdia aurita, und Cotylo- rhiza tuterculata. pp.[vt]79:!)plit.(col.') 1887. „ 5. Entwickelungsgescbichte des Fluesneunauges (Pteromyzon fvxiatUu.) 'Thl. I. 1890. -^ Goette (A.) Claus und die Entwicklung der Scypho- £- medusen. pp. 64 •' text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1891. GOETTINGEN. See GoTTINGEN. GOZTTINGEB. STTJDIEN. (Redigirt von . . . 1 A. B. Krische.) 1845, 1847. 3 Vol. [in 2.] 8°. Gottingen, 1845, 47. The volume for 1S45 is in two separately-paged parts. No volume was issued in 1846. GOETTINGISCHE ANZEIGEB. von gelehrten [_ Sachen, &c. See GOTTINGEN. — KOENIGLICHE GESELL- SCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. 8°. 1753-1801. GOETTINGISCHE GELEHRTE ANZEIGZN, &c. See GOTTINGEN. — KOENIGLIUHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. , GOETTINGISCHE ZEITUNG von gelehrten t- Sachen. 1739-52. 14 Bd. [in 28.] 8°. Gottingen [1740-53]. Each year is in 2 Vol., which are continuously paged. The further / & publication of this work was carried on by the " Konigliche Geselischaft der Wissenschaf ten zu Gottingen" [g.r.], under the title of "Gottingische Anzeiger." GOETTINGISCHES JOURNAL DER NATUR- / WISSENSCHAFTEN. Herausgegeben von J. F. - Gmelin. Bd. i.f 8°. Gottingen, 1798. GOETZ (GE9RG FRIEDRICH) [1750-1813] Natur- geschichte einiger Vogel. pp. {viii,} 119 : 6 pis. col. 8°. Ifanau <£ Dessau, 1782. f • V & GOETZE (JOHANN AUGUST EPHRAIM) See GOEZE. GOETZE (JOHANN CHRISTOPH) [1688-1733] De Glycyrrhiza, />.!,!. .SVf MADRID. — 8OCIEDAD UK 11 ISTORIA NATURAL. Analcs, I;II>. SDCIKUAD Ksi-ANor.v B L- Valencia, pp. DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Aliales, fa. Tom. XII. 8°. 1883. Gogorza y Gonzalez (J.) [Ediinodcnns ami Fish of (__ the Western Sahara.] ,SVc MUXKID.— 8OOHOAD ESPANOLA DE HISTOHIA NATURAL. Anales, etc. To 111. XV. 8". 1886. Apuntes de nn viaje por el Sahara occidental por Don F. Quiroga. Gogorza y Gonzalez (J.) Crisididos de los alrededores I de Madrid, pp. 72. See MADRID.— SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA •" DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anal 68, 8: !>'•• Irxii-tcei. 183?. [See Nenes Jahrb. 1884, p. 4M.) 5. pp. UH-1U) : pis. xci'ii-exxi. If 36. (See Nenes Jahrb. 1837, p. 221.] „ 6. pp. 11,1-111,: pit. ejfxii-cxh'i. 1837. [See Nenes Jahrb. 1838, p. 106.] „ 7. pp.H5-S12 .-plt.cxl ril-dxr. 1840. [See Neues Jahrb. 1844, n. 874.] ,,lll, „ 8. pp. i-iv, 1-128: fll. ctsvt-cc. 1844. [See Neues Jahrb. 1844, p. 874.] Zweite Auflage. 3 Thl. Must. 4°. & fol. Leipzig, 1862-63. (or Repertorium zu Goldfuss' Petrefakten Deutschlands. Ein Verzeichniss aller Synonymen und literarischen ^. Nachweise zu den von Goldfuss abgebildeten Arten, von C. Giebel. pp. iv, 122. 4°. Leipzig, 1866. Goldfuss (G. A.) Beitriige zur vorweltlichen Fauna^- des Steinkohlengebirges. pp. 26 : 5 pis. 4°. Bonn, 1847. Goldfass (G. A.) & Bischof (C. G. C.) Physikalisch- M statistische Beschreibung des Fichtelgebirges. 2 Thl. • Ulust. 8°. Niirnbei-g, 1817. GOLDIE (JOHN) [1793-1886] Diary of a Journey A through Upi>er Canada and some of the New England C States. 1819. p]>. 56: 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. Toronto, 1897. GOLDMANN (loNATz) [1810-1848] [Lists nnd de- n scriptions of Filices.] See MEYEN (F. J. F.) Reise uni L die Erde . . . 1830-32, .Jierlm,1887. Goldschmidt ( V.) Krystallographische Winkeltabellen. I pp. 432 : text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1897. GOLDSMID (Sir FREDERIC JOHN) K.C.S.I. [1818-] \y & others. Eastern Persia, an account of the Journeys l~ of the Persian Boundary Commission, 1870-72, &c. T 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1876. Vol. i. The Geography, with narratives, by Majors St. John, Lovett, and E. Smith, and an introduction by ... Sir F. J. Goldsmid. „ II. The Zoology and Geology, by W. T. Blanford. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER) [1728-1774] A history of the Earth and Animated Nature . . . with corrections ~7 and additions by W. Turton ... a new edition, &c. 6 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1816. The first edition appeared in 1774. .^ GOLDSMITH (SOPHIE) Beitrage zur Entwickelungs- g geschichte der Fibrovasalmassen im Stengel und in der Hauptwurzel der Dicotyledonen. Inaugural-Disserta- tion, pp. viii, 48: 6 pis. 4°. Zurich, 1876. GOLITSUIN, or Golitzuin, Prince. See GHOLITZUIN. GOLLAN (WILLIAM) [For official reports as Director of the Botanical Gardens at Saharanpur and Mussoorie, ] See INDIA. — NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. GOLLIEZ (HENRI) & Lugeon (M.) Note sur quelques Cheloniens nouveaux de la Mollasse Langhienne do Lausanne. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAEONTOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, &c. (Vol. xvi.) 4°. 1889. Golliez (H.) it Reiievier (E.) Voyage ge'ologique dans tout le Jura Suisse de la Perte-du-Rhone au Hohent- wiel, &c. — Voyage ge'ologique au travers des Alpes Cen- trales^et Occidentals de la Suisse de Zurich a Lugano, &c. See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL.— Sixth Session, Zurich, 1894. Livret-guide geologique dans le Jura et les Alpes de la Suisse, &c. No. vi & xi. 8°. 1894. GOLOVKINSKY (N.) GOLYNOS OAK. See GHOLOVKINSKII (N. A.) Description of the Golynos Oak. London [1810 ?]. a Golynos Oak. The Golynos Oak. London, 1815. Copper-plate engraving, with description of the tree. GOMBATJ (IsiDRo) Kesefia fisico-geo!6gica de la J3- provincia de Tarragona, pp. 70 : 1 map. See SPAIN Comisidn del Maa GeoUico. Boletfn . . Boletfn, &c. Tom. iv. 8°. 1877. 6 GOMES (B. B.) Culture das Plantas que dao a Quina. [Signed : B.B.G.] See G., B. B. 8" 1865. GOMES (BERNARDINO ANTONIO) On Wdwitschia, a g new genus of Gnetaceas, by J. D. Hooker. ([Preceded by] Uma viagem scientifica em Angola.) pp. 29. 8°. Lisboa, 1863. The main jxjrtion of this work is a paraph rased translation of Hooker's paper in "Trans. Linn. Soc.," Vol. xxlv. Gomes (BERNARDINO A.) Relatorio so'bre o Herbaria da Madeira e das Illias Canarias offerecido a Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa pelo seu socio effective o Barao do Castello de Pavia. pp. 8. 8°. Lisboa, 1863. Gazeta Medica de Lisbca. 1863. Gomes (BERNARDINO A.) Elogio historico do P. J. de o Loureiro, &c. pp. 39. 4". Lisboa, 1865. 8 Mom. Accad. R. Sci. Lisboa. Nova Serie, Tom. iv, pt. 1 (1872). Gomes (BERNARDINO A.) Flora fossil do terreno Carbonifero das visinhangas do Porto, Serrado Bussaco, e Mpinho d'Ordem proximo a Alcacer do Sal. (Flore fossile du terrain Carbonifero des environs du Porto, (£. Serra do Bussaco, et Moinho d'Ordem pres d'Alcacer do Sal.) [PORT. & FR. in parallel columns.] pp. xiv, 44 : 6 pis. See PORTUGAL.— Direccao dos Trabalhos Geoloyicos. Vegetaes Fosseis. 4°. 1865. Gomes (BERNARDINO A.) As exploracoes phyto-geo- graphicas da Africa tropical, e em especial as da Guine _. inferior . . . executadas pelo Dr. F. Welwitsch nos O annos 1853 a 1861. 8°. Lisboa, 1873. Journ. Sci. Math. Phys. & Nat. Lisboa. No. xiv. GOMEZ DE LA MAZA (MANUEL) Catalogo de las i Periantiadas Cubanas espontaneas y cultivadas. pp. 134. •"• See MADRID.— SOCIEDAD ESPANOL A DE HISTORIA NATU- ^ i, RAL. Anales, &c. Tom. xix & xxui. 8°. 1890-95. GOMMI FLAMINI (GIUSEPPE SCARABELLI) See SCARABELLI GOMMI FLAMINI. GOMONT (MAURICE) Monographie des Oscillariees (Nostocacees Homocyste'es), dec. pp. 302 : 16 pis. )^ 8°. Paris, 1893. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Ser. VII, torn, xv ifc xvi. GONCALVES-GUIMARAES (ANTONIO JOSE) See GUIMARAES. GONNABjP (FERDrajMifb) [Mineralogia du departe- ment djxPuy-de-j^nie. 8°. Paj&rd; Lyon, Ijjitt.] ing. Second^ edition, pp. .^.., 8°. Paris & Lyon, 1876. GONNEBMANN (WILHELM) [1806-1884] & Baben- horst (G. L.) Mycologia Europoea. Abbildungen siimmtlicher Pilze Europa's. Gezeichnet und litho- graphirt von . . . W. Gonnermann ; mit Text versehen von . . . L. Rabenhorst. Hft. i-x.f illust. col. fol. Neustadt bei Coburg & Dresden, 1869-70 [-72]. lift, v . 14. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA *- DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, •>•:!. c. Catalogue of the Aquatic and FUh-eating Birds exhibited by the U.S. National Irtusenm. By It. Ridpway. [pp. Ut.] 1S>8. D. Catalogue of the Economic Mollnsca ... By Lieut. F. Winslow. (pp. 86.] !*«!• E. The Whale Fishery and ite appliances. By J. T. Brovrn. [pp. lie.] 1883. r. Catalogue of tho Collection of Fishes. By T. H. Bean. [pp. liU.] 1*-^. H. Catalogue of the Aquatic Mammals. By F. W. True. [pp. 11.} 1884. Goode (G. B.) Natural History of the useful Aquatic Animals. (The Whales and Porpoises. — ^Fishes.) __ See UNITED STATES. — Commission ofFishand Fisheries. L. The Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States. Sect. I. 8°. 1884. Goode (G. B.) The Fisheries and Fishery Industries -j of the United States. See UNITED STATES.— Com- £- mission of Fish and Fisheries. 8°, 1884-87. Goode (G. B.) American Fishes. A popular treatise upon the game and food Fishes of North America, with - r-l'irial reference to habits and methods of capture. fc pp. xv, 496 : 1 pi. col., text Must. 8°. New York, 1888. Goode ((}. B.) Bibliographies of American Naturalists. \, v. The published writings of ... C. Girard. pp. vi, 141 : 1 itort. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 9 Ti TJ..ll_i:_ J.. XT^ At «0 1«Q1 ' Bulletin, (f-c. No. 41. 8°. 1891. 695 Goode (G. B.) An Account of the Smithsonian Insti- ^ /_ tution : its origin, history, object and achievements. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 8°. 1895. Goode (G. B.) The Smithsonian Institution, 1846-1896 . . . Edited by G. B. Goode. See SMITHSONIAN INSTI- i " TUTION. 8°. 1897. Goode (G. B.) Memoir of G. B. Goode,« LANOLEY ^ L (S.P.) 8°. 1897. Goode (G. B.) & Bean (T. H.) Oceanic Ichthyology, a . treatise on the deep-sea and pelagic Fishes of the / L- World, ,&c. pp. xxxv, S6, 553 : 1 pi., text illust. Atlas, pp. xxiii, 26 : 133 pis. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. xxx & XXXL 4". 1895. L [Another issue.] See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Special Bulletin. No. 2. 4°. 1895. Goode (G. B.) & Jones (J. M.) Contributions to the [_ natural history of the Bermudas. Edited by J. M. -7 Jones and G. B. Goode. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL * MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. No. 25. 8°. 1884. Goode (G. B.) & Kilbonrne (S. A.) Game Fishes of 7 the United States. See KILBOURNE (S. A.) & GOODE £_ (G. B.) fol. 1879. GOODENOUGH (SAMUEL) Bishop of Carlisle [1743- B1827] [Original drawings for the plates to Good- enough's "Observations on the British species of 'Observations on the British Carex." Trans. Linn. Soc. Vol. n & in.] fol. Gppdeiiotigli (S.) Bishop of Carlisle & Woodward £ (T. J.) Observations on the British Fuci, with par- ticular descriptions of each species. 4°. [London, 1797.] Trana. Linn. Soc. Vol. in, pp. 8/,-SJS : k pis. GOODFELLOW (STEPHEN JENNINGS) See LONDON L. PHYSIOLOGICAL JOURNAL, THE, . . . Edited by S. J. Goodfellow, &c. 5 No. 8°. 1843-44. GOODHART (JAMES FREDERIC) Descriptive Cata- 2 logue of the Pathological Specimens contained in the Museum of the . . . College . . . Second edition, by Sir J. Paget . . . with the assistance of J. F. Goodhart . . . Vol. i. General Pathology. See ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. „ 8°. 1882. 7^-GOODRICH (EowiN STEPHEN) Holothurioidea. J 1 See LANKESTER (E. R.) A Treatise on Zoology. Pt. HI. 8°. 1900. GOODSIR (HARRY D. S.) [-1848] & (JOHN) Ana- ' tomical and Pathological Observations. See GOODSIR " (J.) & (H. D. S.) 8°. 1845. GOODSIR (JOHN) [1814-1867] See ANNALS OF -7 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Conducted by J. Good- - sir. Vol. i, no. 1-3. t 8°. 1850-53. 7 Goodsir (J.) & (HARRY D. S.) Anatomical and Patho- •" logical observations, pp. iv, 127 : 9 pis. 8°. Edinburgh, 1845. . GOODSIR (ROBERT ANSTRUTHER) [1824 ?-1895] An L Arctic Voyage to Baffin's Bay and Lancaster Sound, &c. pp. viii, 152 : 1 pi., 1 map. 8°. London, 1850. GOODWIN (THOMAS) An account of the Neutral • .. Saline Waters recently discovered at Hampstead ; with chemical experiments on their component parts, dec. pp. viii, 118 : 1 pi., 1 map. 8°. London, 1804. GOODYEAR (CHARLES) [1800-1860] Gum Elastic \ty and its varieties, with a detailed account of its applica- tions and uses, and of the discovery of vulcanisation. 2 Vol. [in 1] illust. 8°. New Haven, 1855. •2-30 GOODYEAR (WATSON ANDREWS) [1838-] Review of field-notes of 1871, and discussion of general topics connected with the [auriferous] gravel question. -~~ See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — ^- Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, &c. Vol. VI, no. 1. Appendix B. 4°. 1879-80. GOOSSENS (A.) & Cogniaux (C. A.) Dictionnaire Iconographique des Orchid6es. Tom. i-» See COG- r> NIAUX (C. A.) & GOOSSENS (A.) obi. 12°. [1897-»] JS GORBY (S. S.) [1847-] [For official publications as State Geologist] See INDIANA, State of. — Department of Geology and Natural Resources. GORCEIX (HENEI) [184-—] & Fonqu6 (F. A.) Recherches sur les sources de gaz inflammables des Apennins et des Lagoni de la Toscane, &c. pp. 102. See ANN ALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES, dec. Tom. i, no. 1. 8°. 1870. [Another issue.] See FRANCE.— Ministere de V In- struction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes / . v, 154: .->'.->• /•/*., 1,.,-t illmt. 8°. London [1891]. t> GORE (A. F.) St. Vincent. See LONDON.— Colonial ~ atut Inilinn K.rhiliitiint, issti. Handbook and Cata- & logue. The West Indies and British Honduras. 8°. 1886. GORE (JOHN) A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean . . . . performed under the direction of Captains Cook . . . and L Gore ... in ... 1776-80, &c. See COOK (J.) & KINO (J.) 4°. 1784. Gore (JOHN) A voyage to the Pacific Ocean ... in . . . 1776-80. See KERR (R.) A general . . . collection of Voyages and Travels, 7] Me- Bmoirs of J. Martyn . . . and of T. Martyn . . . Professors of Botany in the University of Cambridge, pp. viii, .'.v.. 8°. London, 1830. GORHAM (HENRY STEPHEN) Endomycici recitati. •^ A catalogue of the Coleopterous group Endomycici, with . . . notes, pp. 64 •' 1 pi- s''. London & Edinburgh, 1873. With manuscript additions, and references to the author's collection acquired by the British Museum in 1891. Gorham (H. S.) [Malacpderrnata, Erotylidie, Endo- mychidae and Coccinellidae of Central America.] £ See GODMAN (F. D.) & SALVIN (O.) Biologia Centrali- Americana. Zoology. Coleoptera, Vol. in, pt. 2 ; '«• \\ urn IICM- (.1.) Exploration of Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo. Appendix No. 8. 4°. 1893. GORILLA. With Mr. Gorilla's compliments. 8°. [London,] 1861. Z Temple-Bar. Vol. in, no. 12, pp. tfi-Ull. A serio-comic critique of Du Chaillu's discoveries. GORING (C. R.) [1792-1840] A- Pritchard (A.) Microscopic illustrations of a few . . . Living Objects ; -^ with their natural history, 526. 8°. Lodi, 1851. [Continued as :] Sull' origine dei Vulcani : studio sperimentale. pp. xxiv, /^_ 694. 8°. Lodi, 1871. GORKOM (KAREL WESSEL VAN) Die Chinacultur ^ auf Java . . . Aus dem Hollandischen iibertragen von \$ C. Hasskarl. pp. [iv,] 61. 8°. Leipzig, 1869. Gorkom (K. W. VAN) A handbook of Cinchona culture — . . . translated by B. D. Jackson, pp. \x,] 29S. 8°. Amsterdam & London, 1883. Gorkom (K. W. VAN) [For handbooks officially com- piled for the Museum] See HAARLEM. — NEDERLANDSI n K MAATSCHAPPIJ TER BEVORDERING VAN NIJVERHEID. — Koloniaal Museum. GORLITZ. Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. [Founded 1823.] Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. i-» 8°. Gih-litz, 1827-» 5, / u£ Wanting Bd. vn, hft. 2. Bd. 1-vll are each in two separately-paged parta. GORNITZKY (CONSTANTINUS) See GHORN!TZKII (K. S.) GOROSCHANKIN or Goroshaiikin. See GHOROZHANKIN. GORSKI (CONSTANTIN) Ueber das Becken der Saurier. _ Eine vergleichend-anatomische Abhandlung. pp. 4$ •' ^~ ® its. 4°. Dorpat, 18.r>2. GORSKI (STANisi-Aw BATYS) [1802-] Analecta ad Entomographiam provinciarum occidentali-meridiona- "£ Hum Irnpeni Rossici, f this title ia bound in front of Goer's Supplement. B Plantarum Belgii confcederati indigenarum Spici- legium, quo D. Gorteri . . . Flora vn. Provinciartun locupletatur. See GEUNS (S. J. VAN). 8°. 1788. Plantarum Belgii confoederati indigenarum Spici- legium alterum, quo Gorteri Flora vn. Provinciarum amplificatur & illustratur. See GEER (J. L. G. DE). 8°. 1814. Q t / 7o/ n L 697 GORY (HIPPOLYTE Louis) [-1852] & Castelnau (F. L. DE L. DE) Count. Histoire naturelle et iconographie £ des Insectes Coleopteres, &c. 4 Tom. & Atlas 4 lorn. See CASTELNAU (F. L. DE L. DE) Count & GORY (H.) 8°. 1837-41. Gory (H. L.) A Fercheron (A. R.) Monographie des Cetoines et genres voisins, formant, dans les families £. naturelles de Latreille, la division des Scarabees Melito- philes. pp. 406 : 77 ph. (col.) 8°. Paris, 1833 [-36]. GOSCH (CHRISTIAN CARL AUGUST) [1832-] Udsigt L~ over Danmarks Zoologiske Literaturmed en indledende "2^ fremstilling af de Videnskabelige Grundsaitninger for Naturvidenskabens isser Zoologiens Studium. 3 Afd. 8°. Kjbenhavn, 1870-78. The title to the first part reads : — " Populaer Fremstilling af de Viden- skabelige Grundssetninger," d-c. Gosch (C. C. A.) Danish Arctic Expeditions, 1605 to ) 1620 . . . Edited, with notes . . . by C. C. A. Gosch. *~ 2 Vol. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 96 & 97. 8°. 1897. GOSS (HERBERT) The Geological Antiquity of Insects. _ Twelve Papers on Fossil Entomology . . . Second Oa edition, &c. pp. iv, 5%. 8°. London, 1900. " Reprinted, with some alterations and additions, from Vol. xv & xvl of the Entom. Month. Mag." The first edition appeared in 1880. GOSSE (Isio. S. DE) [pseud, i.e. BERTRAND ISIDORE , DE SALLES] Histoire naturelle . . . des Professeurs L du Jardin des Plantes, des Aide-Naturalistes . . . etc. Avec des annotations de M. F. G6rard. pp. 296. 8°. Paris, 1847. GOSSE (Louis ANDRE) [1791-] Monographie de \Erythroxylon Coca, &c. pp. 143. See BRUSSELS. — L ACADEMIE ROYALE DBS SCIENCES, &c. Memoires couronnes . . . Collection in 8°. Tom. xii. 8°. 1862. GOSSE (PHILIP) Notes on the natural history of the L Aconcagua Valleys. See FITZGERALD (E. A.) The Highest Andes, &c. Appendix c. 8°. 1897. GOSSE (PHILIP HENRY) [1810-1888] The Canadian —-, Naturalist. A series of conversations on the natural *- history of Lower Canada, &c. pp. xii, 372 : text illust. 12°. London, 1840. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) An introduction to Zoology. Z 2 Vol. illust. 12°. London (1844). -j- Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) The Birds of Jamaica. By 2_ P- H. Gosse ; assisted by R. Hill. pp. x, 447- 12°. London, 1847. ~y Illustrations of the Birds of Jamaica. 52 pis. col. 4°. Londo-n, 1849. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) Natural History. Mammalia. 2L pp. vi, 302 : text illust. 8°. London, 1848. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) Natural History. Birds. Z PP- vii, 327. 8°. London, 1849. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) The Ocean, pp. xii, 360: ~Z. text illust. 8°. London, 1849. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) Natural History. Reptiles. Z. pp. iv, 296 : text illust. 8°. London, 1850. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) Natural History. Fishes. ~Z_ pp. viii, 327 : text illust. 8°. London, 1851. , Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) A Naturalist's sojourn in - Jamaica. By P. H. Gosse . . . assisted by R. Hill. pp. xxiv, 508 : 8 pis. 8°. London, 1851. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) A Naturalist's rambles on the Devonshire coast, pp. xvi, 451 : S8 pis. col. 8°. Londo'n, 1853. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) [The Aquarium : an unveiling of the wonders of the deep sea. 8°. London, 1854.] Wanting. Second edition, &c. pp. xv, 304 •' 13 plg- (col.) 8°. London, 1856. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) Natural History. Mollusca. pp. viii, 328 : text illust. 8°. London, 1854. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) A Manual of Marine Zoology for the British Isles. 2 Pt. illust. 8°. London, 1855-56. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) [Tabular view of the orders and families of Fishes (compiled by P. H. Gosse). 4 pis. See LOWRY (J. W.) 4°. 1856.] Wanting. [Another issue.] ] "2. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) Tenby : a sea-side holiday. _ pp. xviii, 400 : 24 pis. (col.) 8°. London, 1856. Z. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) Wanderings through the con- _ servatoriesatKew. SeeKEW. — Royal Botanic Gardens. D 8°. [1856.] Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) Life in its lower, intermediate, and higher forms, &c. pp. viii, 363 : 6 pis., text illust. Z. 8°. London, 1857. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) Omphalos : an attempt to £,. untie the geological knot. pp. xiii, 376 : text illust. 8°. London, 1857. .* Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) [Evenings at the Microscope ; or researches among the minuter organs and forms of Animal Life. 12°. London, 1859.] Wanting. A new edition, &c. pp. xii, • text illust. 8°. London, 1877. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) Letters from Alabama (U.S.), chiefly relating to Natural History, pp. xii, 306 : text illust. 8°. London, 1859. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) Actinologia Britannica : a history of the British Sea-Anemones and Corals, &c. pp. xl, 362 : 11 pis. col. 8°. London, 1860. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) A Year at the Shore, pp. xii, 330 : 36 pis. col. 8°. London, 1865. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) The great Atlas Moth of Asia (Attacus atlas, Linn.), &c. pp. 24 : 1 pi. col. 4°. London, 1879. Gosse (PHILIP HENRY) The Rotifera ; or Wheel Ani- malcules. By C. T. Hudson . . . assisted by P. H. Gosse. 2 Vol. & Supplement. See HUDSON (C. T.) 8°. 1886-89. GOSSE (W. C.) [-1881] Map of route travelled and discoveries made by the South Australian Government Central and Western Exploring Expedition under command of W. C. Gosse, &c. [Scale 1 in. = 16 in.] See AUSTRALIA. [Maps.'] 1873. Gosse (W. C.) W. C. Gosse's . . . report and diary >-. of ... Central and Western Exploring Expedition, f^y 1873. See SOUTH AUSTRALIA. fol. 1874. GOSSELET (JULES AUGUSTE ALEXANDRE) [1832-] /-< Constitution geologique du Cambresis. 3 Pt. illust. 8°. Cambrai, 1865. Mem. Soc. Emul. Cambrai. Tom. xxi in, xxx-xxxu. Part 3 is in sir separately-paged sections. Gosselet (J. A. A.) Observations geologiques faites en ^ Italie. pp. 59 : 7 pis. 8°. Lille, 1869. Mem. Soc. imp. Sci. Agric. Lille. 1868, Ser. Ill, vol. \ i. 88 l_ El W 698 G- U Gosselet (.1. A. A.) llemarques sur la )>eiietration des i-iuix pluviales dans le sol. pp. 8. 8°. Lille [1869 ?] Arch. Cornice agrioole Arrond. Lille. Gosselet (.1. A. A.) Bulletin scientifique, historique et litt»;rnire du' de'partement du Nord . . . Public sous la direction de M. Gosselet, . 8°. 1874. Gosselet (J. A. A.) Etudes sur le gisement de la Houillc dans le nord de la France, pp. 24 : % pis., text illust. 8°. Lille, 1874. Ball. Hoc. Imlu-t. Nord. France. No. 8. 6 Gosselet (J. A. A.) pp. 17. Discours [on Darwinism], &c. 8°. Lille, 1881. Gosselet (J. A. A.) Notes on the Palasozoic rocks of Belgium, &c. See GEOLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION. The geology of Belgium, &c. 8°. 1885. Gosselet (J. A. A.) L'Ardenne. pp. 881 : 34 pis., 5 i,i:i/ix (1 col.), text illust. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Geologique (Utaillee. Mdmoires, &c. 4°. 1888. Gosselet (J. A. A.) Relations entre les sables de I'Eocene infe'rieur dans le nord de la France et dans le hassin de Paris, pp. 16: text illust. See FRANCE.— Service de la Carte Geologique detailUe. Bulletin, &c. No. 8. 8°. 1890. Gosselet (J. A. terrain Houiller. A.) Expose" de mes Etudes sur le Lettre, &c. pp. 16. 8°. [Lille.] 6- Gosselet (J. A. A.) Znr Cetchichtv and Ueographie de> Beeberfts. Vorgescbiclitliches and Qesuhicbtlichefl VOID Set-lwrjto von M. Herbiir, Der Seeberg vora Htandlmnkt der vergltiichendeu Erdkunde von 11. ^ Habenicht. C Zur (Jeologiu and Mincralogie dm Heeberoa. Beitriige znr Kennlnin der Rhiit- und Liu-Abl«gerungen de> Qroaoen Si-i'l.ciL» bci (I. m i.i von H. F. Sohafer. D«r Rhataandstein . . . von H Atutbor . . . (Bine petrogra]>hiich- minemlogiscbc Skizze.) Der inittloiv und obere Mattchelkalk . . . von O. Langenban. Daa Vorkonmien und die . tecbniaehe Verwendung der nutzbaren Schichten . , . von O. Kullner. Die Quellen and Waaaer . . . von . . . Dr. v. Schwartz. Die Pflanzenwelt des Seebergi. Die Flora . . . ron G. Zahn. Die Schwanmie . . . (Baaidiomycetes und Ascomycetes) von M. Kern. Die Tierwelt des Seebergs. Jagilbare Tiere vnn II. Kallenberg. Stiugetiere and Vogel von C. Bieber. Kriecbtiere und I.urche von G. Zabn. Die Mollusken . . . von L. Schmidt. Die K.ihTtami i . . . von W. Hubentbal. Kafer im Winterschutze . . . von G. Janner. Groeg'Scbinetterlinge von Mitgliederu des Eutomologiachen Vereiua in Gotba. Klein-Scbruetterlinge von M. Lenthe. GOTHEBORG. See GOTHENBURG. GOTHEBORGS KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS OCH VITTERHETS SAMHALLET. See GOTH?:NBURO. GOTHEN (OLAVUS) De origins Myrrhae controversa. Specimen tertium . . . p.p. O. Gothen, &c. See AFZE- R LIUS (A.) 4". 1818. GOTHENBURG. ;Qftttte3gW Kougliga Veten- skaps- och Vitterliets-Sanihallet. [1773 Founded as VMtrhrts-Sotieletm. 1775 Vitterhett Samhalle. 1778 (lethborgtl-a Wetemkapi och WMtrheti SamliUtlet. 1805? (J/ithtliorgs (afterwards OOtdorgi) Kongliga ftUntkapt- och nttrr- hett-SiimhaUet.] Handlingar. Ny Tidsfoljd, Hft. i-xxxn. 8°. Giitheborg, 1850-97. In lift, \\i-\xxi each paper m sejmrately Imaged. Hft. XM contain* a history of the Society. - Fjarde fiiljden. (Biliang.) Hft. i-» 8°. Goteborff, 1898-» GOTHENBURG.- tf^e^t^B Museum. [Founded 1838.) ii. Catalog iiber Dubletten ausgearbeitet von . . . A. H. Malm. pp. 69. 8°. Gothenbunj, 1880. Ciiillii nliui 11 rtj^flapaJ1|MHjH Museum. Catalogue of Mr. O. Dickson's collections from the Gothenburg Museum. See LONDON. — Great Inter- national Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 8°. 1883. GOTHENBURG. — Sallskapet Smafoglamas Vanner. [Founded i8«».] Sallskapet . . . dess verksamhet och forhandlingar ar 1869-72. pp. 182 : 1 pi. 8°. Giiteborij, 1873. GOTHENBURGS MUSEUM. See GOTHENBURG. GOTSCH (A. DE) Baron. Enumeration des Carabiques et Hydrocanthares recueillis pendant un voyage au Caucase et dans les provinces Transcaucasiennes par . . . le Baron A. de Gotsch, &c. See CHAUDOIR (M. DE) Baron. 8°. 1846. GOTTFRIED (.JOHANN LUDWIG) [pseud, i.e. JOHANN PHILIPP ABELIN] Newe Welt und Americanische His- torien, Gottingen.— Georg-Augusts-Universitaet. [Brevis enumeratio Stirpium Horti Gottingensis. 8°. Gottingce, 1743.] Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] Enumeratio Planta- rum Horti Regi et agri Gottingensis aucta et emendata. pp. Ixxx, 424. 8°. Gottingce, 1753. Gottingen. Georg-Augusts-Universitaet. Hortus Gottingensis, &c. See HOFFMANN (G. F.) fol. 1793. Gottingen.— Georg-Augusts-Universitaet. Hortus Gottingensis, sen Plantae novae . . . Horti . . . descriptse, &c. See SCHRADER (H. A.) fol. 1809. Gottingen.— Georg-Augusts-Universitaet. Verzeicnniss der Treib- und Glashaus-Pflanzen wie auch der harten Staudengewachse und Straucher die aus dem Botanisehen Garten zu Gottingen gegen baare Bezahlung abzustehen sind. [Compiled by H. A. Schrader.] pp. 8. 4°. [Gottingen, 1810 1] Gottingen. Georg-Augnsts-Universitaet. Der Botanische Garten zu Gottingen im Jahre 1837. Skizze von F. G. Bartling. pp. 8 : 1 plan. 4s. Gottingen, 1837. Gottingen. Georg-Augnsts-Universitaet. Untersuchungen aus dem Botanisehen Laboratorium . . . herausgegeben von . . . J. Reinke. Hft. I-IIL Must. 8°. Berlin, 1879-83. lift. I. Die Zersetzung der Kartoffel durch Pilze von J. Reinke und G. Berthold. pp. 100 : 0 pit. 1879. ,, li. Studien liber das Frotoplasma . . . Von J. Reinke und H. Rodewald. pp. 202. 1881. „ in. Studien iiber das Protoplasma. Zweite Folge. Von J. Reinke und L. Kratzsctimar. pp. 76 : 1 pi. 1883. GOTTINGEN. Koeuigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. [Founded 1751. Also known as Konj^fliflte Societal der Wissen&chaflen, and as Societal Regia Scientiarum.] Commentarii, &c. Tom.jMV. 1751-54. 4°. Gottingce, 1752-55. [C/fntinued as :] / Novi Commentarii^c. Tom. i-vni. 1769-77. 4°. Gottinf/ce each pa/fcr is separately paged. Commen [Continn Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. i-? Neue Folge, Bd. : Each paper is separately pa^ed. 4°. Berlin, 1897-» ' ^ Vfe A - Allgemeines Register verfertiget von F. Ekkard. J. c 1 14,1. T Gottingen. — K. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. , Deutscne Schriften von der Konigl. Societat der Wissen- I— <>• I W''V6 £ schaften, &c. Bd. i.t 8". Gottingen & Gotha, 1771. Gottingen.— E. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Gottingische Anzeiger von gelehrten Sachen unter der Aufsicht der Konigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. {_ (Zugabe, &c. 1770-82. 13 Bd.) 1753-1801. 61 Bd. [in 128.] 8°. Gottingen, 1753-1801. S This publication was begun in 1739 aa a magazine under the title of " Gottingische Zeitung" [q.v.] von 1753 bis 1782 I. 3Thl. 8°. Gottingen, 1784-85. [Continued as :] Gottingische gelehrte Anzeigen, 8°. Gottingen, ~ Issued and indexed with the " Gottingische gelehrte Anzeiger " [q.v. supra], In 1884 the size was altered from " post 8° " to " imp. S°." Gottingen. — E. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Festschrift zur Feier des hundertfiinfzigjahrigen Bestehens der ... Gesellschaft, &c. 4°. Berlin, 1901. Contains, inter alia : — E. Eblers : Die Polychseten des Magellanischen und Chilenischen Strandes. Ein faunistischer Versuch, &c. pp. v, tSS : S5 pit. (col.) GOTTINGEN. — Eoenigliche Societaet der Wissenschaften. See supra, KOENIGLICHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. GOTTINGEN. — Societas Regia Scieiitiaruiii Gottingensis. See supra, KOENIGLICHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. GOTTINGEN.-Universitaet. See supra, GEORG-AUGUSTS-UNFVERSITAET. GOTTSCHALE (C. G.) See JAHRBUCH FUER DAS BERG- UND HUETTENWESEN IM KOENIGREICH SACHSEN . . . Herausgegeben von C. G. Gottsehalk. 1873-86. 4°. 1873-86. GOTTSCHE (A. C. M.) See GOTTSCHE (CARL MORITZ) GOTTSCHE (CARL) Die Sedimentar-Geschiebe der Provinz Schleswig-Holstein. pp. 66: 2 maps. 8°. Yokohama, 1883. Gottsche (CARL) Uber jurassische Versteinerungen aus der Argentinischen Cordillere. pp. 50: 8 pis. See PALAEONTOGRAPHICA, benliMvn, 1863. K. DnlMk. VM.-n-k. s.-l»k. Skiift. ltd. VI, 1867. P Gottsche (CARL M.) it PLANCHON (J. E.) tensis. Vol. 11. Hepaticse. See TRIANA (J.) 1'rodronms Floras Novo-Orana- 8°. 1863-67. Gottsche (CARL M.) Musei Hepatici (Adans., Hedw.), BsiveLichenastri(Dill.,AVallr.)Australiani. See MUELLER (Sir F. J. H. VON) K.C.M.G., Baron. Fragmenta Phyto- graphiie Australia;.— Supplementum ad VoL xi, pt. iv. 8°. 1880. Gottsche (CARL M.) Neuere Untersuchungen iiber ^_ die Jungeriuaunia! Geocalycese. See HAMBURG. — NATURWISSENSUHAFTLICHER VEREIN. Abhandlllllgen, ttc. Bd. vii, abth. 1, no. 4. 4°. 1880. B Gottsche (CARL M.) Lebermoose (Hepatica;) mit I Zugrundelegung der von . . . A. C. M. Gottsche aus- - gefiihrten Vorarbeiten bearbeitet von V. Schiffner. See GERMANY. Die Forschungsreise S.M.S. " Gazelle " . . . 1874 bis 1876, &c. Thl. iv. Botanik. 4°. 1889. Gottsche (CARL M.) Die Lebermoose Siid-Georgiens. £_ See GERMANY." — Internationale Polarforschung, 1882- 1883. Die Deutschen Expeditionen, &c. Bd. n, no. 16. 8°. 1890. Gottsche (CARL M.) & Lindenberg (J. B. W.) Species Hepaticarum, &c. 3 Vol. [in l.J See LINDEN- BERG (J. B. W.) artement de la Sarthe. pp. xx, 101 : 2 pis. 12°. Le Mans rim. nat. Homme. 1877. GR. (M.) Schets van Hasskarl's Leven en Werken. t> [By M. Gr., i.e. Greshoff.] 8°. Amsterdam, 1894. C De Indisohe Oids. Deel I, pp. t90-t99 : 1 port. GRAAF (HENRI WILLIAM DE) Over den bouw der Geslachtsorganen bij de Phalangiden. — Sur la con- [^ struction des organes genitaux des Phalangiens. pp. 100, 43, 93, 39 : 35 pis. col. 4°. Leide , 1882. Graaf (H. W. DF;) Bijdrage tot de kermis van den bouw en de ontwikkeling der Epiphyse bij Amphibien £_ en Reptilien. Proefschnft, ls. 4°. Leiden, 1886. GRAAF (N. H. DE) [For descriptions of Lepidoptera r of the Netherlands] See SEPP (C.) Beschouwing der I Wonderen Gods, Herbaceous, or Perennial Plants ... To which is added a List of hardy Ferns, &c. pp. iv, 139 [8\ 4°. London (1789). Fourth edition, pp. iv, 147. 4°. London (1804). 13 GRAEFF (FRANZ) [1855-] Geologische und petro- graphische Studien in der Montblanc-Gruppe . . . Erster ; c [ y / Theil. Die geologischen Verhaltnisse des Mont Catogne "• und der Siidostflanke des Montblancmassivs. pp. 40 : 1 mapgeol. col., text illust. See FKEIBURG-IN-BREISGAU. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Bericllte, &C. Bd. ix, hft. 2. 8°. 1894. GRAEFFE (EDUARD) Beobachtungen iiber Radiaten . und Wiirmer in Nizza, &c. pp. 59 : 10 pi. See ALL- I— ' GEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &C. NeUe C / Denkschriften, &c. Tom. XVH. 4°. 1860. Graeffe (E.) Das Siisswasser-Aquarium. Kurze An- leitung zur besten Construction, &c. pp.79: text illust. ~7 8°. Hamburg, 1861. * Graeffe (E.) Reisen im Innern der Insel Viti-Levu. L- pp. 48 : 1 pi., 1 map. See ZURICH.— NATURFORSCHENDE £ GESELLSCHAFT. Neujahrsblatt,fi. SO. 8". Matriti, 1854. Graells y de la Agiiera (M. DE LA P.) Memorias . . . Ano de 1855. Parte Zoologica, por M. de la Paz Graells. See SPAIN. — Comision del Mapa Qeddyico. 4°. 1858. Graells y de la Agiiera (M. DE LA P.) Exploration cientifica de las costas del departamento maritime del Ferrol verificada . . . por . . . D. M. de la Paz Graells en ... 1869. See SPAIN. — Comision Permanente de Petca. 8°. 1870. Graells y de la Agiiera (M. DE LA P.) Fauna Mastodologica Iberica, &c. pp. vi, 806 : 25 pis. (2 col.), -7 3 maps col. See MADRID. — REALACADEMIADECIENCIAS, ateinisjehen Bencniiuiigendet^Eekanntesten Stadte, etc. . "2, Theilend«i^Erde, nebst einem Deutsclj^fcaTeinischen RegjsWrderselben, Flora, oder systematisches Verzeichniss der in Preussen wildwachsenden Pflanzen, . viti, 82: 11 pis. 4°. Leipzig, 1877. ~7 Graff (L. VON) Monographic der Turbellarien. i & n. fol. Leipzig, 1882, 99. l. Rhabdoco-lida. ;.;.. sii, Ut : tO vU. cot. II. Tricladida TrrrimU. pp. riil, 6H : SSjiti. (ml.), ttxt Uli'lt. 1882. 18W. Graff (I,. VON) Report on the Myzostomida collected during the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, V 8 7bJ ». 77, 27, 8 '7 pis. r ^*r 8°. Wien, 1858-59. Sitzungsber. K. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. xxvn, xxxil & xxxui. GRAINGER (RICHAED DUGAED) [1801-1865] Obser- -p vations on the cultivation of organic science, being the Hunterian oration . . . 1848, &c. pp. 60. 8°. London, 1848. GRAM (BILLE) Om Proteinkornene hos oliegivende . Fr0. (Lesgrainsd'aleuronedanslesgrainesoleagineuses.) I— pp. 86 : 4 pis. See COPENHAGEN. — KONGELIGT DANSK VIDENSKABEENES SELSKAB. Det . . . Skrffter, &C. R«k. VI, bd. ix, no. 7. 4°. 1901. GRA1XONT (ANTOINE AUGUSTE ALEXANDBE ALFBED .> AEMAND DE) Duke of Lesparre [1854-] Etude sur les & Spores de la Truffe. (Germination et fecondation.) pp. vi, 38 : text Must. 8°. Paris, 1899. GRAN (H. H.) ^ Algevegetationen i T0nsbergfjorden. pp. 88 : 1 pi. En Norsk form af Ectocarpus tomentosoides, Farlow. pp. 15 : 1 pi. See CHEISTIANIA.— VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhand- linger, &c. Aar 1893, no. 7 & 17. 8°. 1893 (1894). Gran (H. H.) Kristianiafjordens Algeflora . . . i. Rhodo- (_ phyce» og Phasophyceae. pp. 56: 2 pis. See CHRIS- -., . TIANIA.— VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Skrifter, &C. 1896, no. 2. 8°. 1897. Gran (H. H.) Studien iiber Meeresbakterien. i. Re- ft duction von Nitraten und Nitriten. pp. 32 [l]. l~ See BEEGEN.— BEEOENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums ^, Aarbog, &c. 1901, no. 10. 8°. 1901. GRAND (JOACHIM LE) See LEGBAND. GRANDE (Jos^ MARIA) Memoria sobre a molestia L das vinhas. pp. 62 : 7 pis. See LISBON. — ACADEMIA j_) REAL DAS SCIENCIAS. Memorias, &c. Nova Serie, Tom. I, pt. 2. 4°. 1855. GRANDE ENCYCLOPEDIE, La. See DREYFUS (F. C.) GRANDEAU (Louis) [1834-] See ANNALES DE LA SCIENCE AGBONOMIQUE FEANgAiSE ET ETEANGEBE . . . publiees . . . par P. L. Grandeau. Ann. i-vm. 8°. 1884-92. GRAND'EURT (E.) See GKAND'EUBY (F. C.) GRAND'EURT (FBANCOIS CYEILLE) [1839-] Me- moire sur la Flore Carbonifere du departement de la Loire et du centre de la France, &c. pp. 624 : 38 pis., 1 map geol. col., text Must. See PARIS. — ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. Memoires presentes, &c. Tom. xxiv, 1. 4°. 1876. Grand'Eury (F. C.) Formation des Couches de Houille et du terrain Houiller. (Geogenie.) pp. viii, &- 196: 10 pis., text Must. See PARIS. — SOCIETE GEOLO- GIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires, &c. Ser. Ill, torn, iv, no. 3. 4°. 1887. Grand'Eury (F. C.) Geologic et paleontologie du g. bassin Houiller du Gard. pp. 854 : text Must. Atlas, S3 pis., 1 map col. 4°. & fol. St. Etienne, 1890. The map ia dated 1889. 1 Etude du Sigil- Kff PABK — Grand'Eury (F. C.) it Renault (B.) laria spinulosa. pp. 23 : 6 pis. col. See TAKIS. — ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. M6moires presentes, &c. } Tom. xxii, no. 9. 8°. 1876. ' GRANDIDIER (ALFBED) [1836-] Madagascar. Une excursion dans la region australe ehez les Antandrouis. ~y pp. 23. 8°. Saint- Denis (Reunion), 1868. Ball. Soc. Sci. lie Reunion. Ann. 1867. Grandidier (A.) Notice historique sur 1'lle de Ceylan. _^ pp. 27. 8°. Saint-Denis (Reunion), 1868. . Bull. Soc. Sci. lie Reunion. Ann. 1868. Grandidier (A.) Notice sur 1'Ile de Zanzibar, pp. 3G. 8°. Saint- Denis (Reunion), 1868. ^ Bull. Soc. Sci. lie Reunion. Ann. 1868. Grandidier (A.) Osservazioni sul femore e sulla tibia di ^Epyornis recentemente scoperti dal A. Grandidier. See BIANCONI (G. G.) Studi sul tarso metatarso . . . dell' Epyornis maximus. [Pt. 3.] 4°. 1870. Grandidier (A.) Madagascar, pp. 30 : 1 map. 8°. Paris, 1871. Z~ Bull. Soc. Geogr. Paris. Sir. VI, torn. I. Grandidier (A.) Description de quelques Reptiles nouveaux clecou verts k Madagascar en 1870. [pp. 6.] -^ See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoology. Ser. V, torn, xv, no. 20. 8°. 1872. [Another issue.] See FEANCE. — Ministere de I' Instruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des / Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. v, no. 7. 8°. 1872. Grandidier (A.) Description d'un nouveau Batracien de Madagascar, le Kaloula Guineti. [1 p.] See AN- NALES DES SCIENCES NATUEELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. VI, torn, n, no. 6. 8°. 1875. Grandidier (A.) Histoirjz tique de Madagascar Vol. et ppli- •ndidier. 187o-^» the corre- yet .teen / f •andidter. / 1879-92. rapdidier -VI, pt. 1, ' 1875-97. 'arda and A. /Srandidier. I-IV, SOS pls./col.) 1M6-S5. . pp. 613,-Olpls. 18.S7, i'l. rbille. 2 Tom., pp. v, 36f,: 188^80 (-87). opteres. / . Par H. deisauasure. pp.xxi,C90: 27 pis. (col.): text Ulna!. f 1890 (-M). , II. Lea Forrnicides, par X. A. Forel. pp/v, 280: 7 pis/ 1891. Coliopteresypar M. Kunclwfd'Herculais. Ton). lit5^pls. col. / 1887-90. OrthopUres, par M. If. de Sausaure. pp/ xvi, SU, it: lOpls/tol. 1895. Moydsquea, par MX- H. Crosse et P. Fischer. S7pls. col. 188C. H. Baillon (et E. Drake del Castillo). f 1886-99. ix. Moussea, par F. Renauld et J. Cardot ([and afterwards] E. Drake del Castillo). 106 pis. 1898-99. Grandidier (A.) & Edwards (A. M.) Observations anatomiques sur quelques Mammiferes de Madagascar. See EDWAEDS (A. M.) & GEANDIDIEE (A.) 4°. 1867. Grandidier (A.) & Edwards (A. M.) Nouvelles observations sur les caracteres zoologiques et les affinites naturelles de VJEpuvrtlM de Madagascar. pp. 29 : 14pls. See FEANCE.— -Ministere de I'lnstruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. i. pp. 81-110. 8°. 1869. Reprinted in the "Recherchea sur la Fanne Ornithologique eteinte des £ llej Mascareignes et de Madagascar," by A. Milne Edwards [g.r.] 89 par/a. Milne E xv._.j i [in typp. 779 ; Ton »VI, Poi xvin, 1 Lipido xix. / 63 p( 706 S o.& Gr audidier ( A . ) A- Edwards (A.M.) Description d'un ^ luMivcau Mamniifere insrctivore de Madagascar [Geo- GRANEL (MAURICE) L'Ergot, la Rouille et la Carie -> des L't-reales. These, &c. pp. in, 82 : 1 pi. 8°. Paris, 1883. GRANGE (JULES) Geologic, Mineralogie et Geo- / graphie physique du Voyage (au Pole Sud). 2 Tom. & " Atlas. See FRANCE. [ Voyages, &c. — P6le Sud] Voyage au Pole Sud, &c. 8°. & fol. 1847-54. GRANIT (A. W.) & Poppins (B.) Ornitologiska iakttagelser gjorda i Enare, Utsjoki och Syd-Varanger sommaren 1887. See HELSINGFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, (fee. Vol. XV, no. 3. Tillag. 8°. 1898 (-99). GRANT (BARTLE) The Orchids of Burma (including £ the Andaman Islands) described. Compiled from the works of various authorities, pp. [iv,] 424, 8. 8°. Kangoon, 1895. GRANT (CHARLES) Viscount de Vaux. The history of Mauritius . . . and the neighbouring islands . . . composed principally from the papers ... of Baron Grant ... by his son C. Grant, Viscount de Vaux. /'/'• J-:ri, 571 : S maps. 4°. Lomlon, 1801. GRANT (JAMES AUGUSTUS) [1827-1892] List of Plants collected . . . between Zanzibar and Cairo. — L Notes on other Plants, partly from native information. See SPEKE (J. H.) Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile. Appendix G. 8°. 1863. i Grant (J. A.) A walk across Africa, or domestic scenes from my N ile Journal, pp. xviii, 452 : 1 pi., 2 maps. 8". Edinburgh & London, 1864. GRANT (JOHN WEMYSS) [For reports as Surgeon- Naturalist] See INDIA. — Marine Survey. GRANT (Louis CHARLES) Baron de Catelet. The / history of Mauritius . . . composed principally from the papers ... of Baron Grant, ttc. See GRANT (C.) Viscount de Vaux. 4°. 1801. ^/ GRANT^KoBERTEBMONp) [1793-1874 the H^ady of the^rtuinal Kingdom ' Isettue, Grant (R. E.) Outline of a course of Lectures on the structure and classification of Animals, <£c. pp. 26. 4°. London, 1833. Grant (U. E.) Outlines of Comparative Anatomy, —^ presenting a sketch of the present state of knowledge, ^ and of the progress of discovery, in that science, &c. pp. K5d: tfjct Must. 8". London, 1841. , Grant (R. E.) Tabular view of the primary divisions CT~ of the Animal Kingdom, intended to serve as an outline 2 of an elementary course of recent Zoology, itc. pp. vi, 91. 8". London, 1861. GRANT (ULYSSES SHERMAN) Conchological notes. See MINNESOTA, State of.— Geological and Natural JIutory Survey. Annual reports, &c. No. 14. 8°. 1886. Grant (U. S.) Notes on the Molluscan fauna of Minne- sota. See MINNESOTA, State of.— Geological and Natural History Survey. Annual reports, />. .',4 : 4 pis. 8°. Grenoble, 1852. Bull. Soc. »t»tiatique Isere. Grenoble. Sir. II, torn. U, 1854. GRAS (JOSEPH SCIPION) [1806-187-] Description geologique du departement de Vaucluse, suivie d'une Q. notice sur ses Mines et ses Carrieres, &c. pp. xiv, 4S8 : :.' /-/.s. (col.) 8°. Paris & Avignon, 1862. 707 Gras (J. S.) Sur le Diluvium de Saint-Acheul et le Q. terrain de Moulin-Quignon. See LYELL (Sir C.) Bart. L'Anciennete1 de 1'Homme. Appendice, dec. 8°. 1864. GRASENICK (EiiAS ROBERTUS) [1828-] Adnota- tiones ad Ursini generis osteologiam. Dissertatio Z- inauguralis anatomica. pp. 25. &.HalisSaxonum,1$b'2,. GRASLIN (AD. DE) [1802-1882] it others. Collection iconographique et historique des Chenilles, &c. See Bois- DUVAL (J. B. A. D. DE) & others. 8°. 1832. GRASS (CARL GOTTHARD) [1 767-1 814] Sizilische Reise, I oder Ausziige aus dem Tagebuch eines Landschaft- malers,lr> I5rachio|iodes. — Deuxieme Monographic. — Etudes (^ aimtomiques sur la Lingulo anatine (L. anatina, Lam.) PI'. 102 : 4 pis., text Must. 8°. [Aim, I860.] .lourn. Coin-lull. >l. Tom. vin. Oratiolet (L. P.) Recherches sur 1'Anatomie de I'HipiKipotame . . . publides par le soins du Doct. E. Ahx, !«. 4°. Paris, 1867. 6GRATTANN (W. 11.) British Marine Algse . . . their collection and preservation, pp. 237 : text Must. 8". London [1873, 74]. GRATZ. Botauisches Institut. See infra, KAISERLH-H-KOENIOLICHE KARL-FRANZENS- I'NIVERSITAET. GRATZ. Geoguostisch-Moiitauischer Verein fner Steiermark. [Founded i85i. Dissolved m*.] Bericht, 4. GRATZ. Naturwisseuschaftlicher Verein fuer I Steiermark. [Founded isez.) Mittheilungen, &c. Hft. 1-5, < Each Heft u raparatelj L, Jahrg. 1872-» Bd. n, hft. 1-3. 8°. Graz, 1863-71. [Continued as :] 8°. Graz, 1873-» Gratz . Naturwissensch. Verein fuer Steiermark. Das Chemische Institut der K. K. Universitat Graz • ... Herausgegeben von dem . . . Vereine, . 80 : 1 pt. col. 8". Graz, 1889. GBATZ. - Zoologisclies Institut. >'c supra, KAISKRLICH-KOENIOLICHK KARL-FRANZENS UNIVERSITAET. GRAUBUNDENS. Naturforscheude Gesell- schaft. See CHUB. GRATJEL (JOHANNES ANDREAS BENEDICTUS) Dis- scrtatio inauguralis medica de Viola martia purpurea n . . . submissa a J. A. B. Grauel, dfcc. See WEDELIUS D (G. W.) 4°. [1716.] GRATTL (JOSEPH) [1836-1 Die tertiiiren Ablagerungen des Soilings. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 50:1 pi., (y- text Must. 8°. Stuttgart, 1885. NtMim Jahrb. Mineral. 1885, 1x1. I. GRAU MUELLER (JoHANN CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH) "Q [-1824] Systematisches Verzeichniss wilder Pflanzen, u die in der Nahe und umliegenden Gegend von Jena X-j wachsen, . Ixvi, 106. 8°. Brunsuigue, 1802. Graveuliorst (J. L. C.) Monographia Coleopterorum _ • Micropterorum. pp. xvi, 2S6 [IS] : 1 pi. 8°. Gottingat, 1806. Gravenhorst (J. L. C.) Vergleichende Uebersicht des Linneischen und einiger neuern zoologischen Systeme -^ . . . Nebst dem eingeschalteten Verzeichnisse der zoo- •• logischen Sammlung des Verfassers und den Beschrei- bungen neuer Thierarten, die in derselben vorhanden sind. pp. xvi, 476. 8°. Gottingen, 1807. Graveuliorst (J. L. C.) Handbuch der Anorgano- f^f gnosie. pji. viii, 184. 8*. Leipzig, 1815. Gravenhorst (J. L. C.) Monographia Ichneumonum pedestrium. Prsemisso jji-ocemio de transitu et mutati- oilitate specierum et varietatum. pp. viii, 110. 8°. Lipsice, 1815. Gravenhorst (J. L. C.) Ichneumonologia Eurojuea. ._ 3 Pt. 8°. Vratidaviie, 1829. t- 709 Gravenhorst (J. L. C.) Deliciae Musei Zoologici Vratislaviensis. Reptilia Musei Zoologici Vratislavien- Z- *js recensita et descripta . . . Fasciculus primus con- tinens Chelonios et Batrachia. pp. xiv, 106 : 17 pis. fol. Lijisice, 1829. Gravenhorst (J. L. C.) Tergestina, oder Beobachtungen und Untersuclmngen iiber einige bei Triest im Meere 7 lebende Ai}ten der Gattungen Octopus, Doris, Pinna, Ascidia, Serpula, Echinus, Asterias, Ophiura, Holo- thuria, Actinia, Cari/ophyllia, Actinotus. 2yP- ^xi 166. 8°. Breslau, 1831. Gravenhorst (J. L. C.) Das Zoologische Museum -_ der Universitat Breslau. [Catalogue, with preface by £- J. L. C. Gravenhorst.] See BRESLAU.— KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. — Zoologische Sammlungen. 8°. 1832. T~ Gravenhorst (J. L. C.) Vergleichende Zoologie. pp. xx, •3. 686, 12 tabs. 8°. Breslau, 1843. Gravenhorst (J. L. C.) Remarques critiques sur . diverses especes d'Ichneumons de la collection de . . . L J. L. C. Gravenhorst, dkc. 2>P- 99. See BRUSSELS.— ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &c. Memoires couronnes . . . Collection in 8°. Tom. vm. 8°. 1859. GRAVES (GEORGE) [fl. 1777-1834] British Ornitho- _, logy : being the history, with a coloured representation, /- of every known species of British Birds. 3 Vol. illust. col. 8°. London, 1811-21. ~2_ Second edition. 3 Vol. illust. col. 8°. London, 1821. Graves (G.) Ovarium Britannicum ; being a correct •^ delineation of the Eggs of such Birds as are natives of, or domesticated in, Great Britain, pp. vi : 15 pis. col. 8°. London, 1816. Graves (G.) Flora Londinensis ... A new edition, K enlarged by G. Graves, dkc. 5 Vol. illust. col. See CURTIS (W.) Botanist. fol. 1817-28. Graves (G.) The Naturalist's pocket book, or Tourist's L companion, being a brief introduction to the different branches of Natural History, dkc. pp. viii, 335 : 8 pis. (col.) 8°. London, 1818. Graves (G.) A Monograph of the British Grasses. Pt. l-5.f pp. v [71] : 48 pis. col. 8°. London, 1822. Graves (G.) Hortus Medicus, or figures and descrip- tions of the more important Plants used in medicine, or possessed of poisonous qualities . . . The chemical and medical departments by J. D. Morries, dkc. pp. [vii,] 274 •' 44 id*- col., text illust. 4°. Edinburgh, 1834. GRAVES (Louis) [1791-1857] Essai sur la Topo- graphie Geognostique du departement de 1'Oise. pp. xv, 804. 8°. Beauvais, 1847. Graves (L.) Catalogue des Plantes observees dans 1'etendue du departement de 1'Oise. pp. xv, 302. 8°. Beauvais, 1857. Annuaire dept. Oise. GRAVESEND. -Gravesend Natural Histori/ Exhibi- I turn and Museum. General description of the . . . Museum, dkc. See WEST (S. J.) 8°. 1888. GRAVET (FREDERIC) ls. 8°. New York & Chicago, 1878. The genera Callitriche, Euphorbia, Pinus, Juncus and hoetes by G. Engelmann ; Potamoffeton by J. W. Robbins ; the Lemnacea by C. F. Austin ; and the Ferns by D. C. Eaton. — Sixth edition . . . extended westward to the 100th Meridian, by S. Watson and J. M. Coulter, &c. 8°. New York & Chicago, 1890. The genus Salix was re-written for this edition by M. S. Bebb, the genus Carex by L. H. Bailey, the Ferns and their allied orders by D. C. Eaton, and the Hepaticse by L. M. Underwood. Catalogue of the Phsenogamous and Acrogenous Plants contained in Gray's Manual of the Botany i of the northern United States, dkc. pp. SS. 8°. New York, 1859. -/&• o. **• IT B B B 710 Gray (AsA) Genera Floras America- boreali-orientalis illustrate. The Genera of the Plants of the United States, illustrated by ... I. Sprague . . . superintended, and with descriptions, &c., by A. Gray. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. Boston (& New Yoi-k), 1848-49. Gray (A s A) Plante Wrightianaj Texano-Neo-Mexicana>. 2 Pt. HI See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smith- sonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. in, art. 5 : U v, art. 6. 4°. 1852, 53. Gray (AsA) [Phanerogamia collected on the islands and shores of the Pacific Ocean.] See UNITED STATES. B United States Exploring Expedition . . . 1838-42. Under the command of C. Wilkes. Vol. xrv. fol. 1854-57. Gray (ASA) List of the dried Plants brought from Chile, &c. See UNITED STATES. The U.S. Naval "Y" Astronomical Expedition, &c. Botany. rj B S.C B a B V* Vol. n, Appendix o. 4°. 1855. Gray (AsA STAT: Supj Report of Plants, 5-59. uckley & Cooper's Gray (AsA) [Botanical Specimens collected in Japan.] See UNITED STATES. Narrative of the Expedition . . . to the China Seas, dec. Vol. II. 4°. 1856. Gray (AsA) How Plants grow, a simple introduction to structural Botany. With a popular Flora, or an arrangement and description of common Plants, dec. pp. 831 : text illust. 8°. New York [1858]. Forming Part I of the " Botany for Young People." Gray (ASA) Natural Selection not inconsistent with Natural Theology. A free examination of Darwin's treatise on the Origin of Species, and of its American reviewers, pp. 55. 8°. London & Boston, 1861. Atlantic Monthly. July, Ang. £ Oct. 1860. Gray (AsA) [Catalogue of Plants (Ranunculaceae to Acanthacea?) collected upon the Colorado Exploring Expedition.] See UNITED STATES. Report upon the Colorado River of the West, dec. Pt. IV. Botany. 4". 1861. Gray (AsA.) Field, Forest and Garden Botany, a simple introduction to the Common Plants of the United States east of the Mississippi, both wild and cultivated. pp. 886. 8°. New York & Chicago, 1868. Gray (AsA) [Gray's Lessons in Botany and Vegetable Physiology . . to which is added a ... glossary, &c. 8°. New York, 1857.] Wanting. [Another edition.] pp. xii, 286: text illust. 8°. New York & Chicago, 1868. Revised edition. pp. S26 : text Must. The Elements of Botany, &c. 8*. New York & Chicago, 1887. Gray (ASA) [Polemoniaceae, Eriogoneac, Polygonaceae.] See UNITED STATES. — Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. Report, £c. Vol. v. 4°. 1871. Gray (ASA) [Composites of Central Colorado.] See UNITED STATES.— Geographical and Geological Explorationt and Surveys West of the One Hundredth .I/,,//,./,-. Cat:i]c,-tirot"l'l;uitscolk'i-U-(liii . . . 1H71 Tl{, . 596. essays and ws pertain- York, 1884. Gray (ASA) [Plants from Alaska.] See UNITED STATES. Report of the International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska, ofcc. Pt. iv, no. 8. 4°. 1885. Gray (AsA) The Botanical Works of the late G. Engel- .. mann . . . edited by ... A. Gray, arts of the World, pp. 77. See UNITED STATES.— Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Bulletin, &c. Vol. vi, no. 1. 8°. 1881 (1882). 711 .B L- Gray (ASA) & Torrey (J.) A Flora of North America, &c. 2 Vol. See TORREY (J.) & GRAY (A.) 8°. 1838-40 [-43]. Gray (ASA) & Torrey (J.) Eeport on the Botany of the . . . route on the forty-first parallel . . . and route near the thirty-eighth and thirty-ninth parallels, &c — Report on the Botany . . . route near the thirty-second parallel, &c. See UNITED STATES.— Pacific Railroad Survey. Eeports, &c. Vol. II. 4°. 1855. Gray (ASA) & Watson (SERENO) [Leguminosse of Central Colorado.) See UNITED STATES. — Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. Catalogue of Plants col- lected in ... 1871-73, &c. 8°. 1874. i GRAY (C. W.) & Whitehe f" rt> T F '""^at Britain. L) Reportoi-Ahe to eMuj*e^tnto the Hessjjj^«HyT5ncom crops in %e GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 8°. 1887. GRAY (DAVID) Sketches in Natural History with — -j reference to the Fur Trade. [Paragraphs on Seal * Fisheries by D. Gray.] See INCE (T. H.) 8°. [ ] GRAY (EDWARD WHITAKER) [1748-1806] [Manu- script] Catalogue of Shells. 2 Pt. 8°. 1791. This is interesting, as showing the large prices fetched by some shells at that date. _ j) GRAY (GEORGE ROBERT) [1808-1872] Insecta, with . . . notices of new-genera and species, by^Qr^Gray. See CuviER-^erX. C. F. D.) Baron. TJie-ffnimal King- dom _-<~r. e(. '«•<*. -5 , *~ Gray (G. R.) Eggs of British Birds. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) List of the . . . British Animals in the ... Museum. Pt. 9. 12°. 1852. Gray (G. R.) Catalogue of Lepidopterous Insects U in the . . . British Museum. Pt. i. Papilionidse. — , See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 4°. 1852. * One copy contains litho. portrait, dated 1840, of the author. Gray (G. R.) Catalogue of the genera and sub-genera £__ of Birds ... in the . . . Museum. See BRITISH Mu- z SEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 12°. 1855. Zr Gray (G. R.) List of the specimens of Lepidopterous (_ Insects in the British Museum . . . Pt. i. Papihonidse. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 12°. 1856. Gray (G. R.) Tabular view of the orders and families of Birds. Arranged according to G. R. Gray's Genera of Birds. 4 pis. See LOWRY (J. W.) 4°. [1857.] [Another issue.] 4°. [ ] Gray (G. R.) Notices of Insects that are known to form the bases of Fungoid Parasites. [By G. R. G., i.e. G. R. Gray.] See G, G. R. 4°. 1858. /W- List of Entomophytes, or Insects with Fungoid Para- sites, contained in the British Museum, foil. 193. obi. 8°. Autograph : prepared for a second edition of his " Notices of Insects that are known to form the bases of Fungoid Parasites." Gray (G. R.) Catalogue of the Birds of the Tropical -r- Islands of the Pacific Ocean in the . . . Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1859. E.'Z> % •Z.-T* Gray (G. R.) A List of the Birds of New Zealand and - i 1 , ..!!.. .,.,.* Tr, li-i*^ ft. -i annn I f\ OQ r T «,« J^,*» T 1 L.'l '. J *— the adjacent Islands, pp. 40. Ibis. 1862. 8°. [London,] 1862. Gray (G. R.) Catalogue of British Birds in the ... Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). <— 8°. 1863. Gray (G. R.) Hand-list of genera and species of Birds, I— distinguishing those contained in the . . . Museum. 3 Vol. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1869-71. Gray (G. R.) A fasciculus of the Birds of China. T pp. 8 : 13 pis. col. 4°. [London, 1871.] Gray (G. R.) From the prefaces to the " List of the Genera of Birds," and to the " Genera of Birds," with ~Z— some additional remarks, pp. 10. 8°. [London, 1871 ?] Privately printed. o 712 T z. B M T Z U T, Gray ((!. R.) [Birds of the South Sea Islands.] .S'rv BRENCHLEY (J. L.) Jottings during the cruise of II. M.S. Curacoa ... in 1865, &c. 8°. 1873. Gray (G. R.) [Birds collected during the Voyage.] AW RICHARDSON (Sir J.) it URAY (J. E.) The zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror . . . during . . . 1839-43, - Gray (JOHN E.) Vertebrata. See ADAMS (ARTHUR) The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Samarang . . . during . . . 1843-46. fol. 1849. Gray (JOHN E.) Catalogue of the Mollusca in the . . . Museum. 2 Pt. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 12°. 1849, 50. Gray (JOHN E.) Catalogue of the . . . Amphibia in the . . . Museum. Pt. n. Batrachia Gradientia, &c. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 12°. 1850. Gray (JOHN E.) Catalogue of the Bivalve Mollusca in the . . . Museum. Pt. I. Placentadse and Anomiadas. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 12°. 1850. Gray (JoHN E.) [Mammalia and Fish of the Arctic regions.] See RAE (J.) Narrative of an expedition to the shores of the Arctic Sea in 1846 and 1847. 8°. 1850! L. l.o R Gray (JOHN E.) Of shells apparently similar, but belonging, on a comparison of their animals, to very different genera. — On the formation and structure of Shells. See JOHNSTON (G.) An introduction to Con- chology, &c. 8°. 1850. Reprints of papers in the "Philosophical Transactions" for 1833 and 1835. Gray (JOHN E.) Systematic arrangement of the Figures [of Molluscous Animals, and preface by J. E. Gray]. — List of the genera of recent Mollusca, &c. See GRAY (M. E.) Mrs. Figures of Molluscous Animals, &c. Vol. iv & v. 8°. 1850, 57. The " List of Genera " is reprinted from the "Proc. Zool. Soc.," 1847. Gray (JOHN E.) Catalogue of the . . . Mammalia in the . . . Museum. 3 Pt. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 12°. 1850-52. [Another edition of Pt. I & n entitled :] Catalogue of Seals and Whales in the . . . Museum . . . Second edition. 8". 1866. rt 2 8°. 1871. L BH 2, Supplement, &c. Gray (JOHN E.) [British] Mollusca Acephala and Brachiopoda. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HIS- TORY) List of the . . . British Animals in the . . . Museum. Pt. 7. 12°. 1851. Gray (JOHN E.) List of the . . . Fish in the . . . Museum. Pt. 1. Chondropterygii. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATU- RAL HISTORY). 12°. 1851. Gray (JOHN E.) Molluscorum Britanniae synopsis, &c. [Edited from the author's proofs and MSS. by J. E. j Gray.] See LEACH (W. E.) 12°. 1852. Gray (JOHN E.) Catalogue of the Mollusca in the ... *• Museum. Pt. iv. Brachiopoda Ancylopoda, or Lamp x* Shells. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 12°. 1853. Z. Gray (JOHN E.) Notice of two Viverridfe from Ceylon _ lately living in the [Zoological] Gardens. See KELAART ^ (E. F.) Prodromus Faunas Zeylanic*, &c. Vol. n, pt. 1. 4°. 1853. Gray (JOHN E.) Catalogue of Fish collected and ^ described by L. T. Gronow, now in the . . . Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 12°. 1854. 2i Gray (JOHN E.) List of the Shells of Cuba in the ... L. Museum, collected by M. Ramon de la Sagra, &c. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 12°. 1854. Z. Gray (JoHN E.) List of the Shells of the Canaries in the ... Museum. Collected by MM. Webb and Berthelot, &c. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL His- -J TORY). 12°. 1854. Gray (JoHN E.) List of the Shells of South America the . . . Museum. Collected and described by See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL 12°. 1854. L Z M. A. d'Orbigny, &c. HISTORY). Gray (JoHN E.) Catalogue of the recent Echinida ... fa. in the . . . Museum. Pt. I. Echinida Irregularia. ^ See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 12°. 1855. »• Gray (JOHN E.) List of Mollusca and Shells in the (^ . . . Museum, collected and described by MM. Eydoux and Souleyet, &c. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL * HISTORY). 12°. 1855. Gray (JoHN E.) List of the Mollusca in the . . . British j[ Museum. 2 Pt. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL , HISTORY). 12°. 1855, 65. Z Gray (JOHN E.) Catalogue of the Shield Reptiles in / the ... Museum. 2 Pt. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 4°. 1855, 72. £ Gray (JoHN E.) Salaries of Scientific Men. pp. 4. _ . 8°. London, 1856. Z» A response to enquiries made by the Parliamentary Committee of the British Association. Gray (JOHN E.) Guide to the systematic distribution *" of Mollusca in the ... Museum. Pt. 1. See BRITISH „ MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1857. 90 Z s 714 u ^ B T Gray (JOHN E.) See ANNALS AND MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HISTORY . . . Conducted by . . . J. E. Gray, Ac. Ser. Ill, vol. I— Ser. IV, vol. xv. 8°. 1858-75. Gray (JOHN E.) On the Cetacea which have been observed in the Seas surrounding the British Islands. pp. 54. 8°. [London, 1864.] Proc. Zool. Soo. London. 1864. Gray (JOHN E.) [Mammalia and Reptilia from Cam- bodia.] See MOUHOT (H.) Travels in ... Indo-China, Ac. Vol. II, Appendix. 8°. 1864. Grajr (JOHN E.) A revision of the genera and species of Viverrine Animals (Viverridae), founded on the col- lection in the British Museum, pp. 79 : text Must. 8°. [London,} 1864. Proo. Zool. Soc. London. 1864. Gray (JOHN E.) Handbook of British Water- Weeds, or Algse . . . The Diatomacese by W. Carruthers. pp. iv, 1H3. 12°. London, 1864. Gray (JOHN R) Synopsis of the species of Starfish in the British Museum, pp. iv, 17 : 16 pis. 4°. London, 1866. Printed in double column. "Z- Gray (JOHN E.) The Lizards of Australia and New Zealand in the . . . British Museum, Ac. pp. 7 : 20 pis. 4°. London, 1867. Printed in double column. Wanting Pis. v & vi. The plates are the same as those in the " Zoology of the voyage of H.M.8. Erebus and Terror," by RICHARDSON & GRAY [j.f.J ***• Gray (JOHN E.) Notes on Zoological Museums, pp. 16. 8°. [London, 1868.] Privately printed. Consists of an extract from the author's address at the opening of the Natural History Section of the British Association at Bath, 1864, and " suggestions and recommendations " concerning the new Natural History Museum, made Feb. 1868. "i- Gray (JOHN E.) Synopsis of the species of Whales and Dolphins in the ... British Museum, Ac. pp. 10: 37 pis. 4°. London, 1868. Printed in double column. The plates are the same as those in the " Zoology of the voyage of H.M.8. Erebusand Terror," by RICHARDSON & GRAY [7.1-.] Eb I7« t- Chray (JOHN E.) Catalogue of Carnivorous, Pachyder- matous and Edentate Mammalia in the . . . Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1869. Gray (JOHN E.) Descriptions of a new species of fresh- water Turtle and Chamaeleon. See PETHERICK (J.) & (B. H.) Mrs. Travels in Central Africa, Ac. Vol. n, Appendix B. 8°. 1869. _ Gray (JOHN E.) Catalogue of Lithophytes, or Stony fo Corals in the . . . Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM • f NATURAL HTSTOKVV 8°. 1870. (NATURAL HISTORY). ' 7 Gray (JOHN E.) Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats in the ... Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1870. Not completed. Pp. 1-126 were printed off in 1867, when, owing to the anthor'B ill-health, the work was suspended : these paces were subse- quently issued with an appendix (pp. 127-187), to bring them up to date, but the work was in type np to p. 208, and a set of the proofs, . with the author's corrections, is preserved in the Zoological Department. Q- Gray (JOHN E.) Catalogue of Sea-Pens, or Pennatula- t_ riidae, in the ... Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM 2" (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1870. Gray (JoHNE> Tortoises, Terrapins and Turtles drawn 2. f roinU£er*^XWith introductiona»d^explanatory text by^E. Gray.] See SowERjW{J. DE C.) & LEAR (E.) Gray (JOHN E.) Catalogue of Ruminant Mammalia (Pecora, Linnaeus) in the . . . Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1872. BM- Gray (JOHN E.) skinned and Ruminant Mammals in the . . See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Hand-list of the Edentate, Thick- , Museum. U 8°. 1873. 2-- Gray (JOHN E.) Hand-list of the ... Shield Reptiles L See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL £, 8°. 1873. 2. ray the in the . . . Museum. HISTORY). Gray (JOHN E.) Hand-list of Seals, Morses, Sea-LionSj _ , ana Sea-Bears in the British Museum. See BRITISH *T MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1874. 7* !«• Gray (JOHN E.) Ornithological Miscellany. Raptorial Birds. [By J. E. Gray.] pp. 8. 4°. Z Unpublished. Corrected proof. Gray (JOHN E.) [For official publications as Keeper of the Zoological Department] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Gray (JOHN E.) [Manuscript lists and notes relating to tne Reptilia and Amphibia obtained by C. R. Darwin ~ during the voyage of tne Beagle.] See DARWIN (C. R.) fol. [1832-45.] [For other manuscript notes by J. E. Gray] £«« LESSON (R. P.) Manuel de Mammalogie, Ac. 12". 1827. "Z- ~ See HEIDELBERG. — GROSSHERZOGLICHE KARLS-UNIVERSITAET. Verzeichniss, &c. RUPRECHT- . 8°. C. 1850. Gray (JOHN E.) Dr. J. E. Gray. [Obituaries.] pp. 15. B> 8°. London [1875]. -7 Reprinted from the " Atheneeum" and other papers. Gray (JOHN E.) List of the Books, Memoirs and B Miscellaneous Papers by . . . J. E. Gray. With a few •£.- historical notes. [By J. Saunders.] pp. 58. 8°. London, 1872 [-75]. t~ Gray (JOHN E.) & (G. R.) Catalogue of the Mam- , in: ilia and Birds of New Guinea, in the . . .• Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1859. " . Gray (JOHN E.) & Richardson (Sir JOHN) The Zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror -i . . . during . . . 1839-43, &c. 2 Vol. See RICHARD- ^~ SON (Sir J.) & GRAY (J. E.) 4". 1844-75. Gray (JOHN E.) . London & ShejjjM, 1835.] JvOVanting. Second edition, pp. xvi, 485. / 8°. Lonjicm & Sheffield, 1841. A re-issue of the first edition. ' GREAT BRITAIN. The Dictionary of Trees and Shrubs ; or an alphabetical list of the most desirable kinds sufficiently hardy to flourish in the climate of Great Britain, &c. (Companion to the Dictionaries.) [pp. 96.] 8°. London [184-]. GREAT BRITAIN. Catalogue of the Vasculares, or Phsenogamous Plants of Great Britain . . . With an Index for the arrangement of specimens, &c. [By H. Coxhead.] 8°. London [1842]. '(//76 B Comparatif fb'rteckning pa r-Britanniens Foelar. — Com- GREAT BRITAIN. _,_ Skandinaviens och Stor-Britanniens Foglar. — Com- parative list of the Birds of Scandinavia and Great Britain. See WHEELWRIGHT (H. W.) fol. 1859. r GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. [For Maps, Gazetteers, &c] See BRITISH ISLANDS. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. [Voyages, &c.] [Arctic: 1854.] Dr. M'Cormick's expedition up the ]__ ^ Wellington Channel in ... 1852 ... in search of Sir J. Franklin, pp.39 : 1 map, text illust. 4°. London, 1854. Great Britain and Ireland. [ Voyages, &c.] [Arctic: 1875-6.] Arctic Expedition, 1875-6. Journals and proceedings of the Arctic Expedition, 1875-6 [in ; H.M.S. "Alert" and "Discovery"], under . . . Capt. ' G. S. Nares, &c. pp. vii, 484 : 16 pis. 4°. London, 1877. Great Britain and Ireland. [ Voyages, &c] [Beagle.] The Zoology of the voyage of' H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N., during . . . -.-- 1832-36 . . . Edited and superintended by C. Darwin. 5 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] 4°. London, [1838-] 1839-43. Ft. I. Fossil Mammalia, by R. Owen. (With a geological intro- duction by C. Darwin.) pp. iv, 111: 32 pis. [1838-] 1840. „ H. Mammalia, by G. R. Waterhouse, with (a geographical introduction and) a notice of their habits and ranges by C.Darwin, pp. i>, 97: SS pis. col. [1838-] 1839. „ in. Birds, described by J. Gould . . . with a notice of their habits and ranges by C. Darwin . . . and with an ana- tomical appendix by T. C. Eyton. pp. 166 : SO pli. col. [1888-] 1841. „ iv. Fist, by L. Jenyns. pp. xil, 172: 29 pis. [1840-] 1842. „ v. Reptiles, by T. Bell. pp. iii, 61. [1842-] 1843. For dates of publication of the various parts, See C. D. SHERBORN in "Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.," Ser. VI, vol. xx (1897), p. 488. Great Britain and Ireland. [ Voyages, &c] [British North America] Papers relative to the Ex- ploration by Capt. Palliser of that portion of British North America which lies between the northern branch of the River Saskatchewan and the Frontier of the United States ; and between the Red River and Rocky Mountains, pp. 64: 3 pis. col., 9 maps (col.) 4°. London, 1859. Further Papers relative to the Exploration by the Expedition under Capt. Palliser, &c. pp. 75 : 3 maps. 4°. London, 1860. The Journals, detailed Reports, and Observations relative to the Exploration, by Capt. Palliser . . . During I 1857-60. pp. 335, 3 : 2 pis. col., 3 maps col., text ' •HP L Jio.( illust. 4°. London, 1863. L Great Britain and Ireland. [ Voyages, &c.] [British North America.] Reports . . . on the Assinni- boine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition ... By H. Y. Hind. pp. S19 : 7 maps & plans (col.), text illust. 4°. London, 1860. Contains, inter alia : — "Remarks on the Cretaceous fossils collected . . . with descriptions of some new species." By F. B. Meek. "On some of the Silurian and Devonian fossils collected," &c. By E. Billings. Great Britain and Ireland. [ Voyages, &c.] [Challenger Expedition.] Report on' Ocean Soundings and Temperatures, •, ,i v. | (^ rC'An//«tgr«r Expedition.] RejK>rt on the Scientific Results of the "Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during . . . 1873-76 . . . prepared under the superintendence of Sir "Z. C. W. Thomson (and ... of J. Murray), end. B. Cwcidn*. By Leopold, Marquis de Folin. „ xfiii. Polyplacophora. By A. C. Haddon. pp. SO: Spa. (col.) Vol. xvi. IN*!. Ft xlir. Cephalopoda. ByW. E. Hoyle. pp. lit, IkS : SS pit., I map, text illtat. „ ill. Stomatopoda. By W. K. Brooks, pp. 116 : 16 pit. „ xlvi. Reef Corals. By J. J. Quelch. pp. 103 : II pit. „ xlvii. Human Skeletons. By Sir W. Turner. Pt. ll. The Bones of the Skeleton, pp. 136 : S pit., text illuit. 717 . pp. IS: tpls. „ Ixii. Cep [Great Britain & Ireland. [ Voyages, &c.~\ (Contd.)] [Challenger Expedition. Report on the (Scientific Results of the Voyage, &c. (Contd.)] 'ZOOLOGY. (Contd.)) Vol. XVII. 1880. Pt. xlmii. Isopoda. By F. E. Beddard. Ft. II. pp. 178 • K pit., 1 map, text iUust. „ xlix. Braehynra. By E. J. Miers. pp. I, 362 : 29 pis. „ I. Poljzoa. By G. Busk. Pt u. The Cyclostoiuata, Ctonostomata, and Pedicellinea. pp. via, hi : 10 pis., text illust. VoL XVIII. 1887. Pt. xl. Kadiolaria. By B. Uaeckel. pp. riii, clxxxviii, 1803 : UO pl». (fol.), 1 map. (3 Vol.) Vol. xix. . 1887. Pt (if. Nemertea. By A. A. W. Hubrecht. pp. ISO: 16pla. (col.), text illusl. „ Iv. Cumacea. By O. O. Sara. pp. 78: 11 ph. „ Ivi. Pbyllocarida. By G. O. Sara. pp. 38 : S pis., text illust. ,, Iviii. Pteropoda. By P. Pelaeneer, Pt. I. pp. 76: 3 pis., text illust. Vol. xx. 1887. Pt. lix. Monaxonida. By S. O. Ridley and A. Uencly. pp. Ijcviii, 275 : 61 pis. (col.), 1 map, text Must. Ixl. Myzostomida. By L. von Gmfl'. (Supplement.) ls. (col.) ephalodiscus dodecalopbus, a new type of Polyzoa. By W. C. M'Intosh. pp. 1,7 : 7 pis. (col.), text Must. Vol. xxi. 1887. Pt. liii. Hexactinellida. By F. E. Schulze. pp. 513: Wt,pl». (col.), 1 map col., text illust. (2 Vol.) Vol. xxn. 1887. Pt. hit. Deep-Sea Fishes. By A. Giinther. pp. Ixti, 336: 73 pis. Append. A. Structure of the Peculiar Organs on the Head of Ipnopa. By H. N. Moseley. B. Structure of the Phosphorescent Organs of Fishes. By B. von Lendenfeld. Vol. xxill. 1888. Pt. lxi>. Pteropoda. By P. Pelseneer. Pt. II. pp. 132 : 2 pis. , text Must. „ Ixri. Pteropoda. By P. Pelseneer. Pt. Hi. pp. 97 : Spll., text ,ll,ixi. „ Ixx. Hydroida. By G. J. Allman. Pt. II. pp. Ixix, 90 : 39 pis., 1 map. „ Ixxi. Entozoa. By O. von Linstow. pp. 18: 2 pis., text illust. „ Ixxii. Heteropoda. By E. A. Smith, pp. 51 : text illust. Vol. xxiv. 1888. Pt. Hi. Crustacea Macrura. By C. S. Bate. pp. xc, 942: 157 pit., text Must. (2 Vol.) Appendix A. Description of Sylon challenges, n.sp., a Parasitic Cirriped. By P. P. C. Hoek. Vol. xxv. 1888. Pt. Ixiii. Tetractinellida. By W. J. Sollas. pp. clxvi, 458: lApls. col., 1 map, text illust. Vol. xxvi. 1888. Pt. Ix. Crinoidea. By P. H. Carpenter. Pt. II. pp. ix,S99 : 70 pit., textUhnt. „ Ixviii. Seals. By Sir W. Turner, pp. 240 ; lOpls., text illust. Appendix. Myology of the Pinnipedia. By W. C. S. Miller. ,,lxxiii. Actiniaria. By R. Hertwig. (Supplement.) pp.56: lipll. 1888. 18S8. Vol. xxvii. Pt. Ixix. Anomura. By J. R. Henderson, pp. xi, 22J .- 21 pis. „ Ixxiv. Anatomy of the Deep-Sea Mollusca. By P. Pelseneer. pp. 42: It pis. „ Ixxv. Phoronii Suskii, n.sp. By W. C. M'Intosh. pp. 27: Spls. •,,lxxm. Tunicata. Pt. in. By W. A. Herdman. pp. 166: 11 pis., text illust. Vol. xxvni. Pt \8iphonophorw. By E. Uaeckel. pp. U, 380: 60 Ixxmi.fpls. (col.) Vol. xxix. 1888. Pt. Ixrii. Amphipoda. By T. R. R. Stebbing. pp. xxiv. (xiii.) 17S7 : IK pit. , 1 map, text Must. (S Vol.) Vol. xxx. 1889. Pt li. Asteroidea. By W. P. Sladen. pp. xliii, 893 : 118 pit., 1 map. (2 Vol.) Vol. xxxi. 1889. Pt. Ixiv. Alcyonaria. By Prof. E. P. Wright and Prof. T. Studer. pp. Ixxii, SU : 49 pis., text Mutt. „ Ixxviii. Pelagic Fishes. By A. Giinther. pp. 47 : 6 pit. „ Ixxix. Polyzoa, Snppl. Report. By A. W. Waters, pp. U : Spit. VoL xxxn. Pt. Ixxx. Antipathari.1. By G. Brook, pp. iii, 22f : IS pis., text illust. „ Ixxxi. Alcyonaria, Suppl. Report. By Prof. T. Studjar. pp. SI : 6 pit. (g col.) ,,lxxxii. Deep-Sea Keratosa. By Prof. E. Haeckel. pp. 92: 8 pit. (col.) 1889. Pt. Ixxxiii. Genus Spirula. By the Rt. Hon. T. H. Huxley and Prof. P. Pelseneer. pp. 32 : 6 pit. , text illust. 1895. [Pt. Ixxxiii was issued with the second volume of the "Summary."] Great Britain and Ireland. [ Voyages, &c] [Clutllenger Expedition] Deep-Sea Fauna of New Zealand. Extracted from the Reports of the . . . Ex- pedition. See HAMILTON (A.) 8°. 1896. Great Britain and Ireland. [ Voyages, &c] [Challenger Expedition] [For references to other works relating to this expedition] See CHALLENGER, H.M.S. Great Britain and Ireland. [ Voyages, &c] Despatch . . . forwarding a Report by Mr. . . . . . A. Hosie ... of a Journey through the Provinces of Kueichow and Yunnan, &c. pp. 37, 4°. London, 1883. Extracted from the Blue-Book Report : China, No. 1. Great Britain and Ireland. [ Voyages, < [China.] Report by Mr. Hosie of a Journey through central Ssu-Ch'uan in ... 1884. 4°. London, 1885. Blue-Book Report : China, No. 2 (1885). M Great Britain and Ireland. [ Voyages, &c.] [Euphrates and Tigris] The expedition for the Survey of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris, carried on ... in / . . . 1835-37, &c. 2 Vol. See CHESNEY (F. R.) 8°. 1850. Great Britain and Ireland. [ Voyages, &c] [Herald] The Zoology of the Voyage' of H.M.iS. Herald £, . . . 1845-51, &c. See FORBES (E.) 4°. 1852-54. -p Great Britain and Ireland. [ Voyages, &c] [Herald] Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald during . . . 1845-51, &c. See SEEMAN (B. C.) 8°. 1853. -73-C V GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.-ADMiRALTY. A Manual of Scientific Enquiry : prepared for the use of Her Majesty's Navy and . . . Travellers in general. Edited by Sir J. F. W. Herschel, &c. pp. xi, 488: 2 maps, text illust. 8°. London, 1849. Geology, by C. Darwin. Mineralogy, by Sir H. T. De La Beche. Zoology, by R. Owen. Botany, by Sir W. Hooker. Ethnology [including Anthropology], by J. C. Prichard. Third edition, superintended by the Rev. R. Main, &c. pp. xviii, 4%9 : 2 maps, text illust. 8°. London, 1859. The section Mineralogy was revised for this edition by W. H. Miller ; that on Ethnology by T. Wright and M. D'Avezac. Fourth edition, superintended by the Rev. R. Main, occ. PP' xvi, o&& ' f£ fnaps. text iLl/ust. o . l^oncton, lo/l. In this edition the section Geology was revised by J. Phillips ; that on Botany by J. D. Hooker ; and that on Ethnology by E. B. Tylor. Fifth edition. Edited by Sir R. S. Ball. pp. xii, 450 : 1 2)1-, 6 maps, text illust. 8°. London, 1886. In this edition the section Geology was revised by A. Geikie ; that on Mineralogy by W. J. Sollas. The remaining sections were rewritten : — Anthropology, by E. B. Tylor. Zoology, by H. N. Moseley. Botany, by J. D. Hooker. Great Britain and Ireland. — ADMIRALTY. Deep-sea Soundings in the North Atlantic Ocean between Ireland and Newfoundland, made in H.M.S. Cyclops, Lieut. Commander J. Dayman . . . 1857. pp. 73 : 1 chart. 8°. London, 1858. Appendix A. Prof. Huxley's Report on the examination of specimens of bottom. Great Britain and Ireland.— ADMIRALTY. Deep-sea Soundings in the North Atlantic Ocean between Newfoundland, the Azores, and England, made in H.M.S. Gorgon, Commander J. Dayman . . . 1858. pp. 30 : 1 chart. 8°. London, 1859. Great Britain and Ireland.— ADMIRALTY. Deep-sea Soundings in the Bay of Biscay and Medi- terranean Sea, made in H.M.S. Firebrand, Commander J. Dayman ... in ... 1859. pp. 47. 8°. London, 1860. L L o, S. o. <5 1. i^^yv^-,, . . . 718 1u^w»w Great Britain and Ireland.— ADMIRALTY. Remarks illustrative of the sounding voyage of H.M.S. Bulldog, in 1860; Capt. Sir F. L. McChntock, com- manding, pp. 12 : 1 pi., 1 map. 4°. London, 1861. Great Britain and Ireland.— ADMIRALTY. ft u-*rvm l^L Deep-sea Soundings west of Ireland. By Mr. R. Hoskyn . . . H.M.S. Porcupine. In ... 1862. (Preliminary notice of the organic and inorganic objects obtained from the soundings of H.M.S. Porcupine ... By ... W. King, o G A ~ C* This work is divided into Fart I, " Instructions for the use of the Scientific Ex]wdition to the Arctic Regions, 1875," and Part II, " Manual of the natural history ... of Greenland," itv., which hitter contains, besides reprints from various journals : — vi. Notes on Birds which ' A. Newton. VII. A revised catalogue of the Fishes of Greenland. IX. Frodromus Fauna) Molluscornni Groenlandice . augmented by O. A. L. Mdrch. xn. A revised catalogue of the Tunicata of Greenland. > xiii. A revised catalogue of the Polyzoa of Greenland. xv. The Crustacea of Greenland, xvll. A revised catalogue of the Annelida and other non- entozoic Worms of Greenland. xviu. A revised catalogue of tbe Entozoa of Greenland. xix. A revised catalogue of the Echinodermata of Green- land, xx. A revised catalogue of the Anthozoa and Calycezoa of Greenland. xxi. A revued catalogue of the Acalephw and Hydrozoa of Greenland, xxii. A revised catalogue of the Spongozoa of Greenland. Great Britain and Ireland.— ADMIRALTY. H.M.S. "Valorous." Deep-sea soundings and tem- peratures. North Atlantic Ocean. 1875. 4°. London, 1875. Great Britain and Ireland.— ADMIRALTY. A Catalogue of the Books in the Admiralty Library. By R. Thorburn. pp. 369. 4°. London, 1875. Great Britain and Ireland. — ADMIRALTY. \ I Admiralty catalogue of Charts, Plans, and Sailing Directions, pp. 236. 8". London [1888]. Great Britain and Ireland. — ADMIRALTY. List of Oceanic DeptKs and Serial Tempejftture Obser- L vations recej^etTat the Admiralty -^f- from H.M. " "_», Indian Marinejsrnrvey and British SubwSfine Telegraph CompaniaB: 1888-» 4°. London, 1889-> f G Great Britain and Ireland.— ADMIRALTY. / China Sea. Reports of the results of an examination, by the officers of H.M.S. " Rambler," of the slopes and zoological condition of Tizard and Macclesfield Banks, 1888. By . . . W. U. Moore ... and P. W. Bassett- Smith. pp. 19 : 4 sections, text Mutt. 4". [London,'] 1889. Great Britain and Ireland.— ADMIRALTY. China Sea. Report on the results of dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank, by H.M.S. " Penguin," com- mander W. U. Moore. April 1892. By P. W. Bassett- Smith. pp. 16: 1 chart. 4«. London, 1893. Great Britain and Ireland.— ADMIRALTY. China Sea. Report on the results of dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank, in H.M.S. " Rambler "... April, 1888, and H.M.S. "Penguin" . . . April, 1892, and H.M.S. "Egeria" . . . April, 1893. By P. W. Bassett-Smith. pp. 42 : 2 pis., 1 map, text illitst. 4". London, 1894. Great Britain and Ireland.— ADMIRALTY. The Australia Directory. 3 Vol. 8°. London, 1895-98. Vol. I. South and east coasts . . . including Bass Strait, and Tasmania . . . Ninth edition. 1897. „ II. East coast . . . Fifth edition. 1808. ,, ill. North, north-west, and west coasts . . . Third edition. 1895. L ^ La%wJ[ iference shouldxtte"~made to the*Bp6cial catalogue. Ity Catalogue ofCliarts, 8°. London, 1854-> ^ j- Vs- £. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.-FisHERY REPORTS. [General.] Report as to the use of Dynamite for "Z killing Fish. pp. 4. 4°. [London,] 1 877. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [General] Report from the Select Committee on Fishing Vessels (Regulations as to Lights) ; together -7 with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendix. pp.xiv,181. 4°. [London,] 1880. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [British Islands] First (Third) Report from the Com- mittee appointed to enquire into the state of the British Fisheries, and into the most effectual means for their "2. improvement and extension, (llth May 1785 — 14th July 1785.) 2 No. 4°. London, 1785. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [British Islands.] First Report from the Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the British ~? Fisheries, and into the most effectual means for their encouragement and extension. (22nd Feby. 1786.) pp. 10. 4°. [London,] 1786. Wanting the three later Reports. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [British Islands] Report respecting the British "7 pp. [m,] 237. 4?. [London,] 1798. Fisheries. 720 Z Z "Z. Great Britain and Ireland. -FISHERY REPORTS. [British Islands.] Reports from Committees on the State of the Pilchard Fisheries. Severally reported in 1785 and 1786. (Reports from Committees on the state of the British Fisheries. Severally reported in 1785 and 1786. — Reports from Committees on the state of the British Herring Fisheries. Severally reported in 1798-1800.) pp. 390. 4°. [London, .] A reprint of the Parliamentary Report* of those dates, forming Vol. x of a series. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [British Islands.] A Review of the Domestic Fisheries of Great Britain and Ireland. See FRASER (R.) 4°. 1818. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [British Islands] Report by the Commissioners for the British Fisheries of their Proceedings, year ended 5th April 1842 (—31st December 1868) :— being Fishing 1841 (-68). 21 No. 4°. [Edinburgh,] 1843-68. Wanting the Report* for 1845-48 and 1858. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [British Islands.] Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Sea Fisheries of the United Kingdom. 2 Vol. [in 1] Must. 4°. London, 1866. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [British Islaiuls.] Trawl Net and Beam Trawl Fishing. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire and report upon the complaints that have been made by line and drift net Fishermen of injuries sustained by them in their calling, owing to the use of the Trawl Net and Beam Trawl in the territorial waters of the United Kingdom ; with minutes of evidence and appen- dix, pp. xliv, 517. 4°. London, 1885. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Eni/land] Report from Select Committee on South Devon Fisheries, pp. 7. 4°. [London,] 1817. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [England.] Report from the Select Committee on British Channel Fisheries ; with minutes of evidence and appendix, pp. 168. 4". London, 1833. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [England.] Rejx>rt on the Fisheries of Norfolk, especially Crabs, Lobsters, Herrings, and the Broads, by F. Buckland. pp. 84: 4j>ls. 8°. [London,] 1875. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [England.] Report by F. Buckland and S. Walpole . . . on the Sea Fisheries of England and Wales, pp. xl, 28S : 1 map. 8°. London, 1879. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Herring and Pilchard Fisheri/.] Report from the Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Pilchard Fisheries, and consider of the most effectual means of securing and improving the same. pp. 15. 4°. [London,] 1785. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [I/erring anil Pilchard Fishery.] Report respecting the British Herring Fisheries 1798 (-1800). 3 No. 4°. [London], 1798-1800. Wanting the Report* for April 1798 and Ma; 1800. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Herring and Pilchard Fishery] Report by the Com- missioners for the Herring Fishery : Year 1809 (-1840). 13 No. 4°. [London,] 1811-42. Wanting the Report* for 1810-18, 1815, 1817, 1822, 1880-39. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Herring ami Pilchard Fisheri/.] Translation from Dutch Pamphlets on Herring Fisheries. 1857. pp. 26. 8°. London, 1858. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Herring and Pilchard Fishery] Report of the Royal Commission on the operation of the acts relating to ~7 trawling for Herring on the Coasts of Scotland. (Ap- *~~ pendices.) pp. 37. 4°. Edinburgh, 1863. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Herring and Pilchard Fishery] Evidence of the Royal Commission on the operation of the acts relating —f to trawling for Herring on the Coasts of Scotland. pp. 34. 4°. Edinburgh, 1863. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Herring and Pilchard Fishery.] Report by the Commissioners for the Herring 1 ishery : Scotland : of -7 their proceedings in the year ended 31st December 1869 <£- (—31st December 1881). Being the Fishing of 1869 (-1881). 13 No. 4°. Edinburgh, 1870-82. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Herring and Pilchard Fig/iery.] Report from the Select Committee on Herring Brand (Scotland) ; together with ~ the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence and appendix, pp. xxiv, 314. 4°. [London,] 1881. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Ireland] First ( — Second) Report of the Commis- sioners of inquiry into the state of the Irish Fisheries ; ~j with the minutes of evidence, and appendix. 2 No. 4°. Dublin, 1836. Great Britain and Ireland. IIMHI;-, REPORTS. [Ireland.] Minutes of the Proceedings of the Select _ Committee on the Fisheries Ireland Bill. (Mr. Butt.) i- pp. S3. 4°. [London,] 1842. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Ireland.] The First (—Third) Annual Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries, Ireland. 3 No. 4°. [London,] 1843-45. For subsequent report*, See Report* from the Board of Public Works, Ireland. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Ireland.] Sixteenth (—Twenty-first) Report from the Board of Public Works, Ireland, [including reports on the Fisheries] with appendices. 5 No. 4°. London, 1848-53. Wanting the Nineteenth Report. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Ireland] Report from the Select Committee on Fisheries (Ireland) ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. pp. xxxvi, 526, 175 (viii, 65). 4°. London, 1849. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Ireland] Report of the (Deep-sea and Coast) Fishery Commissioners, Ireland, for 1853 (-68). 16 No. 4°. Dublin, 1854-69. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Ireland] Report of the Special Commissioners for Irish Fisheries [for 18C3-] 1864 (-67). 5 No. 4°. Dublin, 1864-68. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Ireland.] Report of the Select Committee on the Sea Coast Fisheries (Ireland) Bill ; together with the pro- ^ ceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix, pp. xxvi, S27 (iv, 62). 4°. [London,] 1867. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Ireland] Report of the Inspectors of Irish Fisheries (on the Deep-Sea, Coast, and Inland Fisheries) for 1868 (-85) 18 No. 4°. Dublin, &c., 1869-86. 721 Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Ireland.] .Report on the Coast and Deep-Sea Fisheries —j of Ireland. By the Royal Commissioners on Irish *• Oyster Fisheries [J. A. Blake, F. Francis, G. W. Hart, T.F.Brady], pp. 42. . 8°. Dublin, 1870. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Ireland.] Digest of the principal sections in the Acts £_ of Parliament relating to the Irish Fisheries, with appendices. Compiled by T. F. Brady, pp. 116. 8°. Dublin, 1876. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Ireland.] Report of the Inspectors of Irish Fisheries on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland for 1884 (-1885). 2 No. 4°. Dublin, &c., 1885-86. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Newfoundland.] Report from Select Committee on /_ Newfoundland [Fishery] Trade : with minutes of evidence taken . . . and an appendix, pp. 49. 4°. [London,] 1817. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Oyster, &c., fisheries.] Orders for fishery grants. -7 Session 1867. Report by the Board of Trade of their proceedings under the Oyster and Mussel Fisheries Act, 1866. pp. 7. 4°. [London,] 1867. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Oyster, &c., fisheries.] Copy " of Mr. Pennell's Report . . . upon the Orders applied for ... with reference to the river Blackwater, by 'The Blackwater Oyster Fishery Company (Limited),' 'The Maldon Oyster Fishery Company,' and ' The Fish and Oyster Breeding Company.' " pp. 11 : 1 map. 4°. [London] 1867. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Oi/ster, &c., Fisheries] Copy "of Mr. Pennell's Report . . . upon the state and progress of the Roach River Oyster Fishery, pp. 2. 4°. [London,] 1867. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Oi/ster, &c., fisheries] Report on the Oyster and Z Mussel Fisheries of France, and the applicability of the French system to British waters . . . By H. C. Pennell. pp. 35. 4P. London, 1868. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. ^Oyster, &c., Fisheries] Orders for [Oyster, &c.] Fishery Grants. 1869. Report by the Board of Trade of their proceedings under Part in of " The Sea Fisheries Act, 1868." pp. 8. fol. [London,] 1869. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Oyster, &c., Fisheries.] Report of the Commission appointed to inquire into the methods of Oyster Culture in the United Kingdom and France, with a view to the introduction of improved methods of cultivation of Oysters into Ireland, pp. 192 : 4 pis., 6 maps & plans, text Must. 8°. Dublin, 1870. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Oyster, &c., fisheries.] Report from the Select Com- mittee on Oyster Fisheries ; together with the proceed- ings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index, pp. xx, 334 • 1 map, 1 pi- 4°. [London,] 1876. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Ot/ster, &c., Fisheries] Reports on the Crab and Lobster Fisheries of England and Wales, by F. Buck- land and S. Walpole ... of Scotland, by F. Buckland . . . S. Walpole . . . and A. Young . . . and of Ireland, by J. A. Blake . . . J. Hayes, and T. F. Brady. (Appen- dices.— Joint Appendices i-m.) pp. xxi, xvi, Hi, 80, 74, 21, 4 : 8 pis., 1 map. 8°. London, 1877. Joint Appendii No. n consists of :- " Natural History of Crabs and Lobsters. By F. Buckland." ~~? --., <-— Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Ot/ster, &c., Fisheries] Copy of translation of a Report made to the Minister of Marine in France, by M. G. Bouehon-Brandely . . . relative to Oyster Culture on the shores of the Channel and of the Ocean, &c. pp. 31. 4°. [London,] 1877. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Oi/ster, &c., fisheries] Copy of Report of the In- spectors appointed by the Board of Trade to hold an Inquiry respecting an application made . . . for an order restricting the taking of Crabs and Lobsters on a portion of the Coast of Norfolk, pjy. 5. 4°. [London] 1880. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Ot/ster, &c., Fisheries] Digest of the Acts of Parlia- ment and the By-laws at present in force in Ireland for the regulation of the Oyster Fisheries. To which is added, a list of the licences granted for Oyster Beds, and an abstract of the law enabling certain persons to form or plant Bait Beds. Compiled by T. F. Brady. pp. 43. 8°. Dublin, 1881. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Ot/ster, &c., fisheries] Copy of Report by Mr. S. Wal- pole of an Inquiry held by him at Herne Bay ... to inquire into the manner in which the Herne Bay, Hampton, and Reculver Oyster Fishery Company are cultivating the Oyster Grounds within the limits of that portion of the Fishery . . . which remained vested in them in July 1881. pp. 12. 4°. London, 1882. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Oi/ster, &c., Fisheries] Copy of translation of a Report made to the Minister of Marine in France ... by M. Brocchi, relative to Oyster Culture on the shores of the Channel and of the Ocean, &c. pp. 12. 4°. London, 1882. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Oyster, &c., Fisheries] Copy of translation of a Report made to the Minister of Marine and Colonies in France by M. Bouehon-Brandely, . . . relative to the Genera- tion and Artificial Fecundation of Oysters, &c. pp. 13. 4°. [London] 1883. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries] Report from the Select Committee on the Salmon Fisheries of the United Kingdom. £. pp. 145: 2 pis. 4°. [London] 1824. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries] Report from the Select Committee on the Salmon Fisheries of the United Kingdom. 1825. ^ pp. 25 : 4 pis. 4°. [London] 1825. ' - Second Report, pp. 177 : 10 pis. 4°. [London] 1825. £ Manuscript notes by J. Couch are bound in at the end. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon fisheries] Minutes of evidence taken before the Committee on the Bill for the more effectual pre- ._ servation and increase of the breed of Salmon, and for £- regulating the Salmon Fisheries, pp. 26. 4°. [London] 1827. Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries] Map of Scotland showing the proposed boundary of Salmon-Fishery districts. 4°. [London, 1835.] From the " Report of the Select Committee on the Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Bill . . . 1835." Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries] Report from the Select Committee on Salmon Fisheries, Scotland; together with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index, pp. x, 385 : 11 pis., 3 plans. 4°. [London,] 1836. 91 722 1 1 1 "I Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. \Salwwn Fisheries.] Report from the Select Committee of the House of Jx>rds appointed to consider of the Bill intituled "An act for tne better regulation of the close time in Salmon Fisheries in Scotland ; " and to report thereon to the House, pp.28. 4°. [London,] 1842. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [•So/won Fisheries] Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords, appointed to inquire whether, having regard to the rights of property of the Crown and individuals in Salmon Fishings on the sea coasts and in rivers and estuaries in Scotland . . . any and what legislation should take place for the regulation of such fishings . . . with the proceedings of the Com- mittee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. pp. xix, 497: 2 pis. 4°. [London,} 1860. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries] Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into Salmon Fisheries (England and Wales) ; together with the minutes of evidence. pp. xliv, B4S. 4°. London, 1861. Wanting the map. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries.] First ( — Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the Inspectors of Salmon Fisheries (England and Wales). 25 No. 4°. & 8°. London, 1862-86. The Twelfth to the Twenty-fifth Report* are in 8°, Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries.] Copies of ... Reports made . . . by the Inspector of Fisheries and the Engineer of the Board of Works in Ireland, in 1860 or 1861, on the subject of the Fish Passes on the River Shannon, &c. pp. 27. 4°. [London,] 1869. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries.] Report from the Select Committee on Salmon Fisheries ; together with the proceedings of the committee,'minutes of evidence, appendix and index. pp. xxviii, 374 : 1 pi. col. 4°. [London,} 1870. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries.] Report of the Special Commis- sioners appointed to enquire into the effect of recent legislation on the Salmon Fisheries in Scotland. By F. Buckland . . . and A. Young (Appendices), &c. pp. xlv, 1S9 : 2 pis., 3 maps. 4°. Edinburgh, 1871. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries.] Copy of the correspondence and reports of the Inspectors on the Wye River bye-laws [concerning Salmon Fishery]. (Mr. G. Clive.) pp. 101. 4°. [London,] 1875. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries.] Report by the Inspectors of Salmon Fisheries, on the provisions of the 15th section of the Salmon Fishery Act, 1873, relating to Elver fishing on the Severn, pp. 4. 4°. [London, 1876.] Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries.] Report on the Fisheries of the English Lake Distnct. By F. Buckland and S. Walpole. (Appendix.) pp. x (15). 8°. [London,] 1878. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries.] Report from the Select Committee on Freshwater Fish Protection Bill ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, and minutes of evidence. pp. x, 127. 4°. [London,] 1878. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. \Salmon Fi-sheries] Report by the Inspectors of Fisheries on the provisions of a Bill for the amend- ment of the 39th section of the Salmon Fishery Act. 1873. pp. 4. 4°. [London, 1879. J Great Britain and Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries] Report on the disease which has recently prevailed among the Salmon in the Tweed, Eden, and other rivers in England and Scotland. By ' F. Buckland . . . S. Walpole ... and A. Young. ' (Appendices.) pp. xxiv (125) : 2 pis. 8°. London, 1880. Great Britain and Ireland.— FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries.] Report on the Laws affecting the Salmon Fisheries of the Solway Firth. By S. Walpole ' . . . and A. Young, 1882-> 8°. Edinburgh, &c., 1883-> GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— FOREIGN OFFICE. Reports on subjects of general and commercial interest. Miscellaneous Series, fa No. 8°. London, 1892-99. No. 266. Zanzibar. Report on the Spice anil other cultivation of Zanzibar and Pemba Islands. [By W. W. A. Fitz- gerald.] pp. 71. „ 285. Spain. Report on the Marble Qnarries of Macael in the Sierra de los Filabres. [By Mr. Pocket.] pp. U. „ 298. Russia. Ifeport on the cultivation of the Vine at Ber- diansk. [By U. H. Lone.] pp. S. £94. Russia. Report on the Salt Industry in Astrakhan. [By C. A. P. Talbot.] pp. S. 's'-':l- „ 297. Italy. Report on the Sulphur Industry of Sicily. [By J. II. Towsey.] pp. 11. „ 800. Turkey. Report on Irrigation and Orange Growing at Jaffa. [By (1. Franghia.] pp. 10. Greece. Report on the Mineral Resources of the Island of Milo, A-e. [By W. H. Cottrell.] pp. IS: 1 map. Africa (Central). Report on the Botanical aspects of British Central Africa. (By A. Whyte.) pp. 19. 487. Report on the Coal Mining Industry of Liege during 18*6. [By R. 8. Menzies.] pp. - 1892. i- 1898. . M I8H, 18M 803. Greece. 873. 1897. 469. Turkey^ "Report on the Sponge Fisheries of Tripoli, North Africa. (By [T. 8.) Jago.) pp. «. 1898. 487. Germany. Report on Brown Coal Mining in the llhine- land. [By C. A. Niessen.] pp. 10. LS M -- Great Britain and Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Annual Series. No. 1772, 2550, 2624-» 8°. London, 1896, 1901-*- O-fl 0 G 723 Great Britain 'and Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. l^_ Papers relative to the suppression of Slave-raiding in Nyassaland. pp. 38. 4°. London, 1892. Blue-Book Report : Africa, No. 5. JQ Contains a report by A. Whyte on the Flora and Fauna of the district of Milanji. Great Britain and Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. (^ Telegraphic correspondence respecting Seal Fishing in " Behring's Sea during the season of 1892. pp. 11. 4°. London, 1892. Blue-Book Report : United States, No. 1. Great Britain and Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. i Copy of a despatch . . . inclosing a Treaty between ' Her Majesty and the United States of America for arbitration concerning the Seal Fisheries in Behring's Sea. pp. 5. 4°. London, 1892. Blue-Book Report : United States, No. 2. Great Britain and Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. i Further correspondence respecting the Behring Sea Seal Fisheries, pp. x, 191 : 1 ma}). 4°. London, 1892. Blue-Book Keiwrt : United States, No. 3. Great Britain and Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. Behring Sea Arbitration. [British Case, Counter-Case. |_ Argument, Report of the Commission and of the Com- missioners. With Indexes.] 7 Vol. 4°. [London, 1892-93.] Blue-Book Reports. Great Britain and Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. L Behring Sea Arbitration. 8 No. [in 2 VolJ 4°. & 8°. London, 1893. Blue- Book Reports : United States, No. 1 (-8). Several of these reports contain articles on the Natural History of the Fur-seal. Great Britain and Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. i Reports relating to Uganda by Sir G. Portal, pp. 55 : ' 1 map. 4°. London, 1894. Blue-Book Report : Africa, No. 2. 'Great Britain and Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. /_ Map of the southern portion of East Africa, &c. London, 1894. Blue-Book Report : Africa, No. 3. The title on the map reads :— " Map of part of East Africa, including the British Protectorate and adjoining territories. Compiled . . . under 2 )? the direction of . . . J. K. Trotter . . . Scale 1 : 1,584,000, or 1 in. to 25 m." Great Britain and Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. g Report by Commissioner Johnston of the first three years' administration of the eastern portion of British L- Central Africa, &c. pp. 43 : 5 maps col. 4°. London, 1894. Blue-Book Report : Africa, No. 6. Great Britain and Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. . Report by Commissioner Sir H. Johnston, K.C.B., on L the trade and general condition of the British Central Africa Protectorate. April 1, 1895 to March 31, 1896. pp. S8 : 1 map. 4°. London, 1896. Blue-Book Report : Africa, No. 5. Contains notes on Big Game and on Coffee-planting. Great Britain and Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. i Report by Sir A. Hardinge on the condition and pro- gress of the East Africa Protectorate from its establish- ment to the 20th July, 1897. pp. 68 : 1 map col. 4°. London, 1897. Blue-Book Report : Africa, No. 7. Great Britain and Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. i Correspondence with the United States' Government - respecting the Seal Fisheries in Behring Sea. pp. viii, 180. 4°. London, 1897. Blue-Book Report : United States, No. 4. L L Great Britain and Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. Report by Professor D'Arcy Thompson on his Mission , to Behring Sea in 1896. pp. 39 : 1 pi. 4°. London, 1897. Blue-Book Report : United States, No. 3. Great Britain and Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. Despatch from Prof. D'A. Thompson, forwarding a Report on his Mission to Behring Sea in 1897. pp. 15. L~ 4°. London, 1898. Blue-Book Report : United States, No. 1. Great Britain and Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. Joint Statement of Conclusions signed by the British, Canadian, and United States' Delegates respecting the Fur-Seal Herd frequenting the Pribyloff Islands in Behring Sea. pp. 5. 4°. London, 1898. Blue-Book Report : United States, No. 2. Great Britain and Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. Convention between the United Kingdom and France for the delimitation of their respective possessions to the west of the Niger, and of their respective possessions and spheres of influence to the east of that river, &c. pp. 20 : 2 maps col. 8°. London [1899]. Blue-Book Report : Treaty Series, No. 15. Great Britain and Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. Convention for the Preservation of Wild Animals, i Birds, and Fish in Africa, &c. pj>. 13. 4°. London, 1900. : . Bine-Book Report : Africa, No. 5. Great Britain and Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. Report ... on the Protectorate of Uganda, &c. pp. 25 : 1 map col. 8°. London (1901). _ Blue-Book Report : Africa, No. 7. Great Britain and Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. Despatch . . . inclosing a Report as to Irrigation Projects on the Upper Nile, &c. By Sir W. Garstin. ! pp. 58 : 6 pis., 6 maps. 4°. London, 1901. Blue-Book Report : Egypt, No. 2. Great Britain and Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. Agreement . . . relative to the boundary of the British and German spheres of interest between Lakes Nyasa / and Tanganyika. Signed . . . 1S01. pp. 6 : 1 map. 8°. London, 1902. Blue-Book Report : Treaty Series, No. 8. 1902. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [For publications of Institutions affiliated to the Survey] See MUSEUM OF PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. See ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE. See MINING RECORD OFFICE. All the publications of this Institution being entitled " Memoirs," that word is omitted from the following titles, save when it forms the sole designation. Great Britain and Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Annual Report of the Director General, &c. 1856, 1892-95 toJ L, for 1897 (1898-^- 8°. London,~l898 (1899-*) *-*-p> ^ Great Britain and Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. ^ Memoirs, &c. Vol. l-rv, pt. l.t 8°. London, 1846-72. Second edition. Vol. in. 8°. London, 1881. (C Great Britain and Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom . . . and Ireland for 1853 and 1854 (1855-1881). By R. Hunt. fa 8°. London, 1855 (-1882). For continuation, See infra, Home Office. Wanting the number for 1862. 724 Great Britain and Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The Iron Ores of Great Britain. pp. 296 : S pis., text 8°. London, 1856-62. Gr G- ^ Great Britain and Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Figures and descriptions illustrative of British Organic remains. Decades i-xm.t 8°. London, 1849-72. The l«tten>r«s« accompanying each plate is sejwrately paged. Decade I. Echinodernmta : Asteriadwand Echinidie. By E. Forbes. 1849. II. Trilobites : Fhacopt, Itlanut, Anapltut, Ooygvt, Calymeae, OltHHt. By J. W. Suiter ; Ampyx. By E. Forbes. 1849. III. Echinodermata: AsteriadseandEchinidle. By E. Forbes. 1860. IV. Echinodermata : Ecbinoidea. By E. Forbes. 1852. v. Echinodennata : Asteriadie, Ecbinoidea. By E. Forbes, 8. P. Woodward and J. W. SalUr. 1856. VI. Fisli : i'latmoiliu, Palironitnu, Lepulotut, Pholidopliorut, Ojikiaptit, Ptgcholrpit, Leptolepit, Lophioitomui. By Sir P. de M. G. Kgerton. 1852. VH. Trilobitee: Pkaeopt, Cheirunu, Sphirrtxochiu, Encrintmu, Cypluupit, Andannt, Triuueleia, Rcmopleiiridet, Cyplto- HMCIU, jf.fflina. By J. W. Baiter. 1858. Mil. Fish : A»tn-afnxthu»t Photidophorut, Hittionotut, A*i>ido- i-ttynclii's, Ptycholepit, Oxygnathut, Pycnotlut. By Sir P. di-'.M. G. Egerton. 1855. ix. Fish : Cotmalcpit, Tliritttmntvt, I'aclii/cormut, Siidactit, Centrolfpit, Nothotomu*, 1'Uuropholis, Meffoltinit, Macro- poma. By Sir P. de M. G. Egerton. 1858. x. Fish. Preliminary essay upon the systematic arrangement of the Fishes of the Devonian epoch ; and description of Olyptolirmut and Phaneropleuron. By T. II. Huxley ; of Trittichoptervt, Acanthodet, Climating, Dijitticii'ithux, neiracaxthwi. By Sir P. de M. G. Egerton. 1861. XI. Trilobites: Aynoitm. Stygina, Aiapliui, Xglina, Stauro- crjthalux, Angelina, Olont*, Phacopt, Paradoxidtt, By J. W. Salter ;' Saltma. By C. W. Thomson. 1864. XII. Illustrations of the structure of the Crossopterygian Ganoids : Glyptopomui, Calacanthlit, Holophagut, Macro- poma. By T. H. Huxley. 1866. XIII. Fish : Thrittopater. By A. Giinther ; Htterolepiuotta, Itocolvm, Otteoracha, Platyaafum, Palaotpinax, Semionotul and Drtpaiuiilim-iu. By Sir P. de M. G. Egerton ; lloto- ,•/•>'!><"• By T. H. Huxley. 1872. Great Britain and Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Figures and descriptions illustrative of British Organic remains. Monographs. Vol. i-iv.t 8°. er Grcensand of England. By A. J. Jukes-Browne . . . with contributions by W. Hill. pp. xii; 499 : .1 pit., 3 mapt geol. col., text illutt. 1900. Great Britain and Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Stratigraphical Memoirs] The Jurassic Rocks of s~ Britain, &c. Vol. i-» Must. 8°. London, 1892-> (y Vol. I & ll. Yorkshire. By C. Fox-Strangways. Ixc'. ,, III. The Lias of England and Wales (Yorkshire excepted). By II. B. Woodward, pp. xii, 399 : 1 man col., text illutt. 1898. „ iv. The Lower Oolitic Rocks of England (Yorkshire excepted). By H. B. Woodward. i>p. xiv, 018: text illutt. 1894. ,, v. The Middle and Upper Oolitic Rocks of England (York- shire excepted). By 11. B. Woodward, pp. xii; 499 .• 1 map peol. col., text illutt. 1895. Great Britain and Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Stratigraphical Memoirs.] The Silurian Rocks of Britain. Vol. i-» 8°. Glasgow, For a detailed list of these, reference should be made to the special catalogue, for which See supra, List of Memoirs, d'C. [Index Map, geologically coloured. Scale 1 : 253,440, or 1 in. = 4 m.] No. 6-» London, 1889-» Great Britain and Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — England and Wales. [Maps] ^ [Map of England and Wales geologically coloured, in (y sheets and quarter-sheets, showing the Drift.] Scale 1 in. = 1 m. No. l-» London, 1871-» For a detailed list of these, reference should be made to the special catalogue, for which See supra. List of Memoirs, dr. Great Britain and Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— £L-' England and Wales. [Alaps] Horizontal Sections. Scale 6 in. = 1 m. No. l-» London, 1844-> For a detailed list of these, reference should be made to the special catalogue, for which S" supra, List of Memoirs, Ac. Great Britain and Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— England and Wales. [Maps] " ale 40 ft. = 1 in. No. !->• London, 18.r>3-» For a detailed list of these, reference should be made to the special catalogue, for which Stt supra, List of Memoirs, .(•'•. G Vertical Sections. Scal Great Britain and Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SUBVEY. — England and Wales. [Maps.] London and its environs. Scale I in. = 1 m. geol. col. London, 1873. Great Britain and Ireland. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — England and Wales. [Maps.] London and its environs [showing the Drift]. Scale 1 in. = 1 m. geol. col. London, 1873. Great Britain and Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — In /and. Report on the Geology of the county of Londonderry, and of parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh . . . By J. L. Portlock. pp. xxxi, 784 •' $4 li*~ (5 col.), 1 map col., text Must. 8°. Dublin, 1843. Great Britain and Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Ireland. Memoirs [explanatory of the Maps], e made to the special catalogue, for which Stc supra, List of the Memoirs, &c. Great Britain and Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Ireland. Guide to the collections of Rocks and Fossils belonging to the Geological Survey of Ireland, arranged in ... the Museum of Science and Art, Dublin. By A. McHenry ... and W. W. Watts, pp. 155 : 1 pi. col. 8°. Dublin, 1895. Great Britain and Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Ireland. [Maps.] [Map of Ireland geologically coloured. Scale 1 in. = 1 in.] Sheet 1— > Dublin, 18">5-» For a detailed list of these, reference should be made to the social catalogue, for which See supra, List of Memoirs, ilr. Great Britain and Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— Ireland. [Maps] Horizontal Sections. Scale 6 in. = 1 m. No. !-»• Dublin, [1858,] 1860-» For a detailed list of these, reference should be made to the special catalogue, for which See supra, List of Memoirs, Edinburgh, &c., 1871-5» For a detailed list of these, reference should be made to the special catalogue, for which See supra, List of Memoirs, &c. Great Britain and Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — (y. Scotland. [Maps] Horizontal Sections. Scale 6 in. = 1 m. Sheet 1— >• Edinburgh, &c., 1862-> For a detailed list of these, reference should be made to the special catalogue, for which See supra, List of Memoirs, &c. Great Britain and Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— £f Scotland. [Maps] Vertical Sections. Scale 40 ft. = 1 in. Sheet 1— > Edinburgh, &c., 1863-> Wanting Sheet 2. For a detailed list of these, reference should be made to the special catalogue, for which See supra, List of Memoirs, d-c. Great Britain and Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — f- West Indies. Memoirs, &c. 3 Pt.t 8°. London, 1860-75. Pt. 1. Report on the Geology of Trinidad ... By G. P. Wall and J. G. Sawkins. pp. x, 211 : 5 pis. (It col.), 1 map col., text illusl. 1860. Appendix contains : — J. On the occurrence of Animal Fossils, with a list of Genera. By R. Etheridge. K. On some of the Vegetable Fossils occurring in Trini- dad. By H. Cruger. L. Outline of the Flora of Trinidad. By H. Cruger. ,, 2. Reports on the Geology of Jamaica . . . By J. G. Sawkins, with contributions from G. P. Wall, L. Barrett, A. Lennox and C. B. Brown. And an appendix by R. Etheridge. (Geological report on the Island of Anguilla. By J. G. [Sawkins. Outline of the Flora of Jamaica. By N.Wilson.) pp. vi, SS9 : 10 pis. (5 ml.), 1 map col. , text illust. 1869. ,, 3. Reports on the physical, descriptive, and economic Geology of British Guiana. By C. B. Brown and J. G. Dawkins. pp. iv, KI7 : Ipl. col. , text illust. 1875. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— HOME OFFICE. [Coal Commission] Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the several matters relating to Coal in the United Kingdom. 3 Vol. [in 2] & Atlas. 4°. London, 1871. Great Britain and Ireland.— HOME OFFICE. [Commission on Civil Establishments] First (Fourth) Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the Civil Establishments of the different offices of State at home and abroad, &c. 2 Pt. 4°. London, 1887, 1890. [Reprint] Second Report, &c. 4°. London, 1902. Great Britain and Ireland.— HOME OFFICE. t [Commission on Scientific Instruction] First, Supple- mentary, and Second (Third— Eighth) Reports of the Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science, with minutes of evidence and appendices. 9 Vol. 4°. London, 1872-75. Great Britain and Ireland.— HOME OFFICE. A I [Identification of Criminals] Report of a Committee 11 U- appointed . . . to inquire into the oest means available for identifying Habitual Criminals, &c. pp. 81 : text illust. 4°. London, 1894. G L L Great Britain and Ireland.— HOME OFFICE. [Mining Reports] Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom . . . and Ireland . . . Prepared by H.M. In- . spectors of Mines. 1882-96. 4°. London, 1884-97. M For previous annual returns, See supra, Geological Survey. Memoirs of the . . . Survey and of the Museum of Practical Geology. — Mining Records. For bllbsequentretunw, See infra, General Reportand Statistics. 1897 -> Great Britain and Ireland. — HOME OFFICE. [Mining Reports] Report of ... H.M. Inspector of l^y Mines, &c. 1893-95. 4°. London, 1894-96. Great Britain and Ireland. — HOME OFFICE. [Mining Reports] Annual general Eeport upon the Mineral Industry ... of Great Britain and Ireland ... By ... one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Mines. No. 1-3. 1894-96. 4°. London, 1895-97. For subsequent Reports, See infra, General Report and Statistics. 1 897 -> M Great Britain and Ireland.— HOME OFFICE. [Mining Reports] List of the Plans of Abandoned . Mines deposited in the Home Office . . . Corrected to M the 31st December 1895 (-1896). 4°. London, 1896 (-97). Great Britain and Ireland. — HOME OFFICE. [Mining Reports] Summaries of Statistics relating to the Mines and Quarries in the United Kingdom ...__, obtained by H.M. Inspectors of Mines, &c. 1896. I/I pp. 30 : % maps. 4°. London, 1897. For subsequent "Summaries," See infra, General Reportand Statistics. 1897 -» Great Britain and Ireland.— HOME OFFICE. [Mining Reports] General Report and Statistics. . 1897-» 4°. London, 1898-» M There are four parts to each annual volume. For previous Reports, See supra, Mineral Statistics, &c. 1882-96 ; Annual general Report upon the Mining Industry, with the . . . minutes of evidence, and appendix. pp. xiv, 121. 4°. [London,] 1880. Great Britain and Ireland.— HOUSE OF COMMONS. l_ Report from the Select Committee on Education, Science, and Art (Administration), &c. pp. x, 136. 4°. Lomlon, 1884. Great Britain and Ireland. — HOUSE OF COMMONS. First (-Second [1897].— First-Second [1898]) Report (_ from the Select Committee on Museums of the Science and Art Department (with . . . minutes of evidence), Ac. 4 No. 4°. London, 1897-98. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.-INDIA OFFICE. £> Report on the Teak Forests of Pegu, with a memoran- dum on the Teak in the Tharawaddy Forests. By Dr. Brandis. 1856. pp. 54. 4°. London, 1860. Great Britain and Ireland.— INDIA OFFICE. The Etiology of Cholera. Transactions of a Committee U convened in 1885 ... for the purpose of taking into consideration a Report by ... E. Klein and H. Gibbes, entitled "An Inquiry into the Etiology of Asiatic Cholera." pp. 30 : text Must. 4°. [London, 1885.] Great Britain and Ireland.— INDIA OFFICE. i Indian Plague Commission, 1898-99. Minutes of ** Evidence taken by (Report of) the . . . Commission, U of them, Setm\m, Catalogue of the Maps and Plain, d-c. 1886. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT. See above, Department of Science and Art. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. -TREASURY. Report ... as the result cf an inquiry ... by C. Barry, H. T. De la Beche, W. Smith, and C. H. Melitse lectee, &c. pp. 24. 8°. Holmice, 1849. Grech Delicata (G. C.) Flora Melitensis, sistens aStirpes Phanerogamasin Melitalnsulisquead.jacentibus hucusque detectas, &c. pp. xvi, 49. 4°. Melitce, 1853. GREDILLA T GAUNA (APOLINAR FEDERICO) ^ Pumitadel Krakatoa. pp.8. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLADE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales,(£c. Tom. xvi. 8°. 1887. GREDLER (ViNZENZ MARIA) Die Kafcr von Passeier. •>(. I Hft. l. pp.20. See INNSBRUCK. — FERDINANDEUM. Zeitschrift, &c. Folg. Ill, hft. 4. 8°. 1854. Gredler (V. M.) Die Kafer von Tirol nach ihrer £_ horizontalen und vertikalen Verbreitung verzeichnet. 2 Pt. pp. iv, 491. 8°. Bozen, 1863-66. Gredler (V. M.) Die Urgletscher-Moriinen aus dem Eggenthale (im Gebiete von Bozen). pp. 29. xvilr. Progr. k. k. Gymnasiums zu Bozen. 8°. Bozen, 1868. „ Gredler (V. M.) Zur Conchylien-Fauna von China, vin. Stiick. pp. 19. 8°. Bozen, 1885. GREECE. [Maps] Geologisehe Karte des Pelopcmncs . . . von ... A. Philippson. Massstab 1 : 300,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 4| in. about]. 4 sh. col. Topographische und Hypsometrische Karte dcs Pelo- ponnes . . . von ... A. Philippson. Massstab 1 : 300,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 4j m. about]. 4 sh. col. See PHILIPPSON (A.) Der Peloponnes, &c. 1891-92. GREEFF (RICHARD) [1829-1892] Madeira und die Canarischen Insel n in naturwissenschaf tlicher, besonders zoologischer Beziehung. pp. 33. 4°. Marburgi, 1872. Inaugural discourse. Greeff (R.) Untersuchungen iiber die Alciopiden. p/i. 132 : 6 pis. See ACADEMIA C^ESAREA LEOPOLDINO- ' CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. xxxix, no. 2. 4°. 1876 (1877). Greeff (R.) Die Echiuren (Gephyrea armata). pp.172: 9 pis. (col.) See ACADEMIA O^SAREA LEOPOLDINO- CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. XLI, pars n, no. 1. 4°. 1879 (1880). GREELY (ADOLPHUS WASHINGTON) [1844-1 Three years of Arctic Service : an account of the Lady \ Franklin Bay Expedition of 1881-84, and the attainment ' of the farthest north. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1886. Vol. II. Appendix contains :— Ethnology. "1 Natural History Notes. ' Ornithology. By Lieut. A. W. Greely. Botany. Mosses and Lichens. By the Rev. E. Lechnert and Lieut. A. W. Greely. Report on the Medusie . . . By J. W. Fewkes. On Salmon caught in Lake Alexandra . . . By T. H. Bean. Report of Serg. D. L. Brainard on a petrified Forest dincovered . . . near Cape Baird. XV. Report of Serg. II. S. Gardiner on the fossils collected at Cape Cracroft. 1\ o GREEN (ALEXANDER Coal and the'Strata in lecture^-tteTivered dkc^Ser. II, n Wanting. text illust. 8°. London, 1882. Green (A. H.) On the Geology of Coal. See THORPE (T. E.) Coal, its history and uses, &c. 8°. 1878. ' Green (A. H.) [For official publications in connection with memoirs illustrating the map] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England and Wales. Green (A. H.) & others. The Geology of the Car- boniferous Limestone, Yoredale Rocks, and Millstone Grit of north Derbyshire, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN AND £j IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England and Wales. [Topographical Memoirs] 8°. 1869. Second edition, &c. 8°. 1887. Green (A. H.) & others. The Geology of the York- shire Coalfield, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. , — Geological Survey. — England and Wales. [Topo- graphical Memoirs] 8°. 1878. GREEN (CHARLES) The history . . . and Geology of Bacton, in Norfolk, pp. ix, 102 : 4 pis. 8°. Noi-wich, 1842. Green (C.) A few remarks on the Geology of Bacton. /^ pp. 39 : 3 pis. 8°. Noruich, 1842. A reprint of Chap, in (pp. 50-86) of the preceding work. GREEN (DANIEL S.) Report ... on the Agriculture . of Madeira, the Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius (—of the Island of Great Lew Chew. — of Japan. — of China), T &c. See UNITED STATES. Narrative of the Expedition -y ... to the China Seas, &c. Vol. II. 4°. 1856. GREEN (EDWARD ERNEST) Observations on the Green Scale Bug in connection with the cultivation p of Coffee, pp. 4: 1 pi. col. fol. (Pundalu-oya, 1886.) Green (E. E.) The Coccidse of Ceylon. Pt. l-» 8°. London, 1896-> The letterpress to Pt. 1 (pp. x, 103) was originally printed on larger- sized paper. A copy of this cancelled text, and the original drawings for Pis. iii xxx. are preserved in the Zoological Department. GREEN (G. F.) The production of Wood Pulp. See EDINBURGH. — International forestry Exhibition, n 1884- Forestry and Forest Products, &c. Essay xvm. jj fe°, 1885. 92 75 730 GREEN (GEORGE CLARK) Collections and recollec- tions of Natural History and Sport in the life of a / country Vicar, pp. xi, S!2 1 : text Must. 8°. London, 1886. GREEN (OKORO ontributio iana e E E E M B 6 lS98- » GREEN (H. A.) [For official publications in con- nection with the Survey] See ILLINOIS, State of. — Geological Survey, GREEN (H. J.) The Herring Fisheries, &c. >'• LONDON.— Great International Fisheries Exhibi- tion, 188S. 8°. 1884. GREEN (JACOB) [1790-1841] A Monograph of the Trilobites of North America, ttc. pp. 98 : 1 pi. 12°. Philadelphia, 1832. GREEN (JOSEPH F.) .Ocean Birds . . . With a preface by A. G. Guillemard and a treatise on skinning Birds by F. H. H. Guillemard, etc. pp. viii, 98, v : 6 pis. col. fol. London, 1887. GREEN (JOSEPH HENRY) [1791-1863] J. Hunter. The address to the Committee for the erection of a statue of Hunter. By the President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England [J. H. Green], &c. pp. 27. ' 8°. London, 1859. GREEN (JOSEPH REYNOLDS) A Manual of Botany, Greene (E. L.) Illustrations of West American Oaks. From drawings by ... A. Kellogg. The text by E. L. Greene, &c. Pt. I V<' WEST KiSSr NATua. 46. 8°. London, 1859. GREENWOOD (F.) & Miall (L. C.) Anatomy of the Indian Elephant. See MIALL (L. C.) & GREEN- WOOD (F.) 8». 1878. GREENWOOD (THOMAS) [1851-] Free Public Libraries, their organisation, uses, and management. pp. xvi, 463 : text Must. 8°. London, 1886. [Another edition.] pp. xx, 320 : text Must. 8". Lwuln, 1887. 731 Greenwood (T.) Museums and Art Galleries, pp. xvi, /_ 419, xii: 1 pi., text Must. 8°. London, 1888. GREG (ROBERT PHILLIPS) An Essay on Meteorites. Observations on Meteorolites or Aerolites, considered K^ geographically, statistically, and cosmically, accom- panied by a complete catalogue of meteoric falls. pp. 40. 8°. Manchester, 1855. Originally issued in the "Phil. Mag.," 1854. Greg (R. P.) & Lettsom (W. G.) Manual of the »,»,* Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. xvi, 483: text illust. 8°. London, 1858. GREGER (EDUARD) See ZIVA. Casopis Pfirodnicky. /- Redaktorov6 : . . . E. Greger, &c. Roe. ix. 8°. 1861. GREGORIO (ANTONIO DE) Marquess. Fauna di S. £. Giovanni Ilarione (Parisiano) Monografia . . . Parte I" : Cefalopodi e Gasteropodi. Fasc. l.t pp. xxviii, 106 : 8 pis., 1 map geol. col. 4°. Palermo, 1880. Gregorio (A. DE) Marmtess. Sulla Fauna delle Argille £, Scagliose di Sicilia (Oligocene — Eocene) e sull Miocene di Nicosia. Memoria paleontologica. pp. 56 : 3 pis. 8°. Palermo, 1881. Gregorio (A. DE) Marquess. Fossili dei dintorni di _ Pachino (Cretacei dell' orizzonte a Hippurites cornu- copia;, Defr., e Terziari dell' orizzonte a Carcharadon megalodon, Ag.). pp. 22 : 6 pis. 8°. Palermo, 1882. ~ Gregorio (A. DE) Marquess. Moderne Nomenclature des Coquilles des Gasteropodes et des Pelecypodes. pp. 20 : 1 pi. 4°. Palerme, 1883. [Another edition.] Palerme, 1883. Gregorio (A. DE) Marquess. Fossili del Giura-Lias (Alpiniano de Greg.) di Segan e di Valpore (cima d' Asta e Monte Grappa). Memoria paleontologica. pp. 32: 2 pis. 4°. Torino, 1885. Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino. Ser. II, torn, xxxvu. Gregorio (A. DE) Marquess. See ANNALES DE GEOLOGIE ET DE PALEONTOLOGIE, publie'es . . . sous la direction do Marquis A. de Gregorio [who is author of the greater portion]. Livr. 4°. 1886-> Gregorio (A. DE) Marquess. Esame di taluni Molluschi ne 4°. Palermo, 1889. viventi e terziari del bacino Mediterraneo. pp.26: 2 pis. °. Paler a Siciliano. Anno vni. - Naturalista Siciliano. Anno vni. sr-~« K) & Willi GREGORT (HERBERT K) & Williams (H. S.) Con- tributions to the Geology of Maine, pp. 212 : IS pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 165. 8°. 1900. GREGORT (JAMES F.) Report of an exploration of parts of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana, in ... 1882, L. made by ... P. H. Sheridan . . . with the itinerary of Col. J. F. Gregory, &c. See UNITED STATES. 8°. 1882. GREGORT (JAMES R.) [1832-1900] Catalogue of \^\ the collection of Meteorites of J. R. Gregory, of London. pp. iv, 22. 8°. London, 1889. GREGORT (JOHN WALTER) [1864-] The Maltese fossil Echinoidea and their evidence on the correlation of the Maltese Rocks. 4°. Edinburgh & London, 1891. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh. Vol. xxxvl, pp. 585-639: 2 pit. Gregory (JOHN W.) Tables for the determination of the Rock-forming Minerals. Compiled by F. Loewin- son-Lessing. Translated from the Russian by J. W. Gregory, &c. See LCEWINSON-LESSING (F.) 8°. 1893. Gregory (JoiiN W.) The Echinoidea of Cutch. pp. 11 : 2 pis. The Corals, pp. 195, 9 : 26 pis., text illust. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Palseontologia Indica, &c. Series IX. Jurassic Fauna of Cutch. Vol. n, pt. 1 & 2. 4°. 1893, 1900. Gregory (JOHN W.) The Great Rift Valley, being i the narrative of a journey to Mount Kenya and Lake Baringo, with some account of the geology, natural -^ history, anthropology, and future prospects of British East Africa, pp. xxi, 422 : 21 f>ls., 2 maps, text Must. 8°. London, 1896. Appendix contains : — B. Catalogue of Plants collected. 1. Polypetalse, by E. G. Baker. 2. Monopetalee, by J. Britten. 3. Apetalse, by J. Britten and A. B. Rendle. 4. Monocotyledons, by A. B. Rendle. 5. Mosses, Hepatics, and Lichens, by A. Gepp. 6. Fungi, by A. L. Smith and J. B. Carnithers. 7. Cyperacese, by C. B. Clarke, c. List of Mammalia, by O. Thomas. Gregory (JOHN W.) Catalogue of the fossil Bryozoa /^, in the . . . British Museum . . . The Jurassic Bryozoa. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Geology. /_ C [Bryozoa.} 8°. 1896. Gregory (JOHN W.) Note on ... D. Smith's Geo- logical Collection [made on a journey to Lake Rudolph.] / See SMITH (A. D.) Through unknown African Countries, ^ &c. Append. E. 8°. 1897. M Gregory (JOHN W.) The first crossing of Spitsbergen . .With contributions by J. W. Gregory, &c. See CON- I vif(f!ifW TVM RO -torw U WAY (Sir W. M.) 8°. 1897. Gregory (JOHN W.) Stelleroidea. — Echinoidea. See LANKESTER (E. R.) A Treatise on Zoology. Pt. HI. g. 8°. 1900. GREGORT (WILLIAM) [1803-1858] On new forms of Marine Diatomacese found in the Firth of Clyde and g in Loch Fyne. pp. iv, 72 : 6 pis. 4°. Edinburgh, 1857. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh. Vol. xxi. GREGORT (Right Hon. Sir WILLIAM HENRY) [1817- 1892] Speech of W. H. Gregory ... on his resolution "~p relating to the opening of Museums, &c., on Sundays. pp. 8. 8°. [London,] 1869. Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. Vol. cxcvl. GREHANT (L9uis FRANCOIS NESTOR) [1838-] Reeherches physiologiques sur la respiration des . Poissons. pp. 12. See FRANCE. — Ministere de VIn- L. struction publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. I. 8°. 1869. Greliaiit (L. F. N.) Me'moire sur la mesure du plus grand volume d'Oxygene et d'Oxyde de Carbone qui peut etre absorbe par le sang. pp. 14 : 1 pi. S(e ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoo- logie. Se"r. V, torn, xix, no. 10. 8°. 1874. [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de VIn- , struction publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes [^ Etudes, &c. Tom. IX, no. 4. 8°. 1874. Greliaiit (L. F. N.) Memoire sur 1'endosmose des Gaz a-travers les Poumons detaches, pp. 7. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. VI, "2. torn, vn, no. 9. 8°. 1878. GREIFF-AHlf-BARTH. [pseud.'] Tobaco-logia, das .. ist kurzer niitzlicher und griindlicher Bericht von dem (5 Taback, &c. pp. 116 : 2 pis. 12°. [1650 ?] GREIFSWALD.— Koenigliche Uiiiversitaet. [Founded 1456.] Dissertatio academica, sistens Hortum Gryphicum, &c. ft See WEIGEL (C. E.) 4°. 1782. HI. o C 732 Greifswald. Koeuigliche TTniversitaet. Doubletten-Verzeichniss des Botanischen Gartens der Universitat Greifswald. [Compiled by J. G. Langguth.] pp. 8. 8°. Greifswald, 1831. GREIFSWALD. Naturwisseuschaf tliclier Verein von Neu-Vorpommeru uud Buegeii. I— [Founded 18««.] Mittheilungen, dkc. Jahrg. i-» 8°. Berlin, l869-> GBEIG (\V.) The Flower Grower's Guide: com- prising . . . instructions relative to the cultivation of Florists' and other Flowers ... to which are prefixed the rudiments of botany . . . fourth edition, ^ 8°. Aarau, l&fl.] Wanting. f. . . Auflage. jtf>. xxiv, 486. 8".A6rau, 1881. funfte . . . Aufl^e. pp. xxiv, 500. Sf\ Aarau, 1885. • Achte . . . _^ftfflage. pp. xxiv, $81- 8°. Aarau, 1 896. Gremli (A.) The Flora of Switzerland . . . Translated from the Fifth Edition by L. W. Paitson. [With additions by the author.] pp. xxiv, 454. 8°. London, 1889. Gremli (A.) Flore analytique de la Suisse . . . traduite en Francois sur la cinquieme Edition Allemande par J. J. Vetter. pp. v, 588. 8°. Bale, &c., 1886. Gremli (A.) Neuo Beitrage zur Flora der Schweiz. Hft. i-v.t 8°. Aarau, 1880-90. Gremli (A.) & Bnrnat (E.) . Les Roses des Alpes Maritimes, dec. See BUHNAT (E.) & GHEMLI (A.) 8°. 1879. Gremli (A.) ar ... A. Grenier, et inatcnaux pour servir :i la Fauno des Coleoptfcres Fran^ais, jiar MA[. K. Allard, C. Aube, C. Brisout de Barneville, A. Chevrolat, }j. Fairinairc, A. Fauvel, ... A. Grenier, Dr. Kraatz, J. Linder, I>. Reiche et F61icien de Saulcy. pp. iv, 79, 135. 8". Paris, 1863. GRENIEB (JEAN CHARLES MARIK) [1808-1875] Contributions a la Flore do France. 8°. Pans (1837-69). A aeries of ten jiaiiers, reprinted from various eerials, and iraucd muter the above title with an index. Grenier (J. C. M.) Monographia de Cerastio. pp. ii, 05: 0 pis. 4°. Vesontione, 1841. Grenier (J. C. M.) Catalogue des Plantes Phan6ro- gaines du departement du Doubs. pp. 72. 8". (Jiesancon, 1843.) Grenier (J. C. M.) These de Geographic botanique du dcpartement du Doubs, &c. pp. 29 : 1 map. 8°. Strasbourg, 1844. Grenier (J. C. M.) Histoire naturello du Jura . . . Tom. ii. Botanique par M. E. Michalet . . . revue et achev^e par M. Grenier, &c. See OGKRIEN ( ). 8°. 1864. Grenier (J. C. M.) Flore de la Chatne Jurassique. pp. 1001. See BESAN^ON.— SOCIETE D'^MULATION DU DOUBS. Menioires, &c. Ser. Ill, torn. x. 8". 1864-69. - [Another issue.] 8. 5 6 6 8°. Paris, 1865 [-69]. Grenier (J. C. M.) & Godron (D. A.) Flore de France, ou description des Plantes qui croissent naturellement en France et en Corse. 3 Tom. 8°. Paris, 1848-56. GRENOBLE. — Jardin Botanique: Catalogue des Plantes cultivees au Jardin Botanique, dkc. See VERLOT (J. B.) 4°. 1857. GRENOBLE. Societe Danphinoise (ponr 1'e- chauge des Plautes). Bulletin i-vin.t 8°. Grenoble, 1874-81. Liste systematique des Plantes publiees pendant les . . . annees 1874-77. pp. 81. 8°. Grenoble, 1877. GRENOBLE. — Societe de Statistique des Sciences naturelles et des Arts iudustriels dn Departement de 1'Isere. [Founded isss.j Bulletin, &c. Tom. l-> 8°. Grenoble, 1838 (1840)-> Also divided into series :— Tom. T-XI (1851-67)— Ser. II, torn, l-vu ; Tom. xu-xxvi (1 867-90) = Scr. Ill, torn, i-xv ; Tom. xxvn-> (1892-») — Ser. IV, torn. l-» Grenoble. Societe de Statistique, &c. Catalogue Raisonne des Plan tosVasculairesduDnnj ill Inr. See VERLOT (J. B.) 8°. 1872. GBENOBLE.— JTniversit^. rjiiHMJded isss.j Travaux di*^raT)oratoireil»*^feologie . . • -^~- (-190J>^*Tom. v. -ppr*fl8 : 14 pis., 2 'maflfcol., text 8°. Vfenoble, 1900-01. Thin work consists of reprints from other publications. GRENVILLE (Sir RICHARD) [1541 ?-1591] The voyage made by Sir 11. Greenvile ... to Virginia, in ... 1585. See PiNKERTON (J.) A general collection of . . . Voyages, dec. Vol. xn. 4°. 1812. GBEFPIN ( KDOUARD) Description des Fossiles de la Grande Oolithe desenvirons de Bflle. See SOIIWKIZKK- ISCHE PALAEONTOLOGISCIIE GESELLSCHAFT. Abband- lungen, dec. (Vol. xv.) 4°. 1888. 6 L. 733 Greppin (E.) Etudes sur les Mollusques des couches Coralligenes des, environs d'Oberbuchsiten. See ScHWEiZERiacHE PALAEONTOLOGISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. Abhandlungen, -See. (Vol. xx.) 4°. 1893 (1894). Greppin (E.) Description des Fossiles du Bajocien superieur des environs de BAle. 3 Ft. Must. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAEONTOLOGISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. Abhandlungen, &c. (Vol. xxv, xxvi & xxvu.) 4°. 1898-1900. GREPPIN (JEAN BAPTISTE) [1819-1881] Notes geologiques sur les terrain eg Modernes, Quaternaires et Tertiaires du Jura Bernois et en particulier du Val de Delemont, &c. (Complement, See HAARLEM. — NEDERLANDSCHE MAAT- SCHAPPIJ TER BEVORDERING VAN NIJVERHEID. — Koloniaal Museum. Extra Bulletin, 1894, &c. 4°. 1894-> GRESSLY (AMANZ) [1814-1865] Observations geo- logiques sur le Jura Soleurois. pp. 340 : 13 pis. col. L~ See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denkschriften, &c. Tom. n, iv&v. 4°. 1838-41. Gressly (A.) Nord-Fahrt, entlang der Norwegischen . Kuste . . . unternommen . . . 1861 von . . . G. Berna I— in Begleitung von ... A. Gressly, &c. See VOGT (C.) 8°. 1863. Gressly (A.) & Desor (P. J. E.) Etudes geologiques I sur le Jura Neuchatelois, &c. pp. 159 : 2 pis. col., 1 ~ map geol. col. See NEUCHATEL. — SOCIETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. Memoires, &c. Tom. iv. 4°. 1859. GREVE (BERNARD ANTON) Bruchstiicke zur ver- *. gleichenden Anatomje und Physiologic, &c. pp. 46. 8°. Oldenburg, 1818. GREVE (CARL HEINRICH) Die geographische Ver- \ breitung der jetzt lebenden Raubthiere. pp. 280 : ~ 21 maps col. See ACADEMIA CJSSAREA LEOPOLDINO- CAHOLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. LXIII, no. 1. 4°. 1894 (1895). Grev6 (C. H.) Die geographische Verbreitung der Pinnipedia. pp. 46 : 4 maps. See ACADEMIA C^ESAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. LXVI, no. 4. 4°. 1896. Grev6 (C. H.) Die geographische Verbreitung der i jetzt lebenden Perissodactyla, Lamnunguia und Artiodactyla non Ruminantia. pp. 89: 5 maps col. See ACADEMIA C^SAHEA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. LXX, no. 5. 4°. 1898. 6GRE VELINK (ARNOLD HERMANN BISSCHOP) Planten van Nederlandsch-Indie bruikbaar voor Handel, Nij- verheid en Geneeskunde. 8°. Amsterdam, 1883. GREVILLE (ROBERT KAYE) [1794-1866] Directions for preserving Specimens of Plants, particularly those of the class Cryptogamia, &c. pp. 10. 32°. Edinburgh, 1822. Pnvately printed. £> Greville (R. K.) Scottish Cryptogamic Flora, or coloured figures and descriptions of Cryptogamic Plants, belonging chiefly to the order Fungi, and in- tended to serve as a continuation of English Botany, 360 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. 6 Vol. 8°. Edinburgh, 1823-28. Greville (II. K.) Flora Edinensis . . . With a concise introduction to the Natural Orders of the class Cryptogamia, &c. pp. Ixxxi, 478 : 4 jtls. 8". Edinburgh, 1824. Q Greville (R. K.) 218 : 19 pis. col. Alga? Britannicse, &c. pp. Ixxxviii, 8°. Edinburgh, 1830. Greville (U.K.) [Manuscript Catalogue of Diatoms.] 8°. Greville (R. K.) & Hooker (Sir W. J.) Icones Filicum . . . Figures and descriptions of Ferns, &c. 2 Vol. See HOOKER (Sir W. J.) & GREVILLE (R. K.) fol. 1831. GREVILLEA. Grevillea, a ... record of Crypto- gamic Botany and its literature. Edited by M. C. Cooke ([and afterwards] G. Massee). Vol. i-xxn.f 8°. London, &c., 1872-94. Vol. i & ii were issued in monthly parts : the remainder of the series quarterly. GREVILLITJS (A. Y.) Anatomiska studier ofver de florala axlarna hos diklina Fanerogamer. pp. 100 : 6j)ls, See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xvi, 0 ti ., o afd. in, no. 2. 8°. 1890 (1891). ' Grevillius (A. Y.) Om fruktbladsforokning hos sEsculus hipjwcastanum, L. pp. 7 : 1 pi. See STOCK- £ HOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xvm, afd. m, no. 4. 8°. 1892 (1893). Grevillius (A. Y.) Om vegetationens utveckling pa de nybildade Hjelmar-oarne. pp. 110: 1 map. fa See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xvm, * afd. in, no. 6. 8°. 1893. Grevillius (A. Y.) Studier ofver vaxtsamhallenas utveckling mod fast hiinsyn till deras geologiska /- underlag pa holmar i Indals- och Angermanelfven. ' pp. 18. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Under- sokning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar.'efcc. No. 144. 4°. 1895. GREW (NEHEMIAH) [1641-1712] The Anatomy of Vegetables begun. With a general account of Vege- /j tation founded thereon, pp. [xxx,~\ 198 [18] : 3 pis. 8". London, 1672. Grew (N.) The Comparative Anatomy of Trunks, together with an account of their vegetation grounded n thereupon, &c. pp. [xxiv,] 81 [21] : 19 pis. 8". London, 1675. Grew (N.) Museum Regalis Societatis : or a descrip- tion of the natural and artificial rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham Colledge . . . Whcreunto is subjoyned the comparative anatomy of stomachs and guts. 2 Pt. illust. fol. London, 1681. Grew (N.) The Anatomy of Plants. With an Idea of a philosophical history of Plants, &c. pp. [xii,] %4, [x,] S04 [xix] : 83 pis. fol. London, 1682. Comprises the following, to each of which there is a separate title-page : — An Idea of a philosophical history of Plants . . . Second edition. The Anatomy of Plants begun . . . Second edition. The Anatomy of Roots . . . Second edition. . The Anatomy of Trunks . . . Second edition. 1 he Anatomy of Leaves, Flowers, Fruits and Seeds. Several Lectures read before the .Royal Society. 734 Gr«w(N.). [Anatomic des Plantes . . . ]>ar N. Grew . . . et 1'Ame des Plantes par Mr. Dedu, &c. 12°. Leide, 1685.] Wanting. £ - [Another edition.] Anatomic et Ame des Plantes . . . Avec un Recueil d'Experiences & Observations curieuses, par les Srs. N. Grow, \\. Boyle, & N. Dedu . . . Nouvelle 6dition, &c. [Translated by L. Le Vasseur.] pp. [vi, rxii,] 310 : 1 it. 12°. Leide, 1691. Wanting the " Recneil." Grew (N.) Anotomia ed anima delle Piante . . . con una Raccolta di Sperienze . . . de' signori N. Grew, R. Boyle, & N. Dedu. Tradotta della lingua Francese, &c. pp. 320:1 ft. 12°. Venezia, 1763. ORE WING3C {CONST ANTIN CASPAR ANDREAS) [1819- 1887] Die geognostischen und orographischen Ver- hiiltnisse des nordlichen Persiens. pp. [iv,] 148 : 1 map geol. col., text Must. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1853. Verhandl. Runs. kais. Mineral. Gesell. St. Petersburg. Jahrg. 1852-53. « L M Grewingk (C. C. A.) Karte zu F. Buhse's Reise in IVrsien. Mit einigen Abanderungen aus C. Grewingk's . . . Skizze (1852), dec. See PERSIA. [Maps.] 1859. Grewingk (C. C. A.) Das mineralogische Cabinet der Kaiserlichen Universitat Dorpat. See DORPAT. — KAISERLICHE UNIVERSITAT. 8°. 1863. Grewingk (C. C. A.) Geognostische Karte der Ost- seeprovmzen Liv-, Est- und Kurland . . . Zweite (y Ausgabe . . . Maassstab . . . 1 : 600,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 9j m. about]. See BALTIC PROVINCES. [1878.] The author counts as the first edition of this map the one on the scale of 1 : 200,000, which appeared in 1861 in " Arch. Naturk. Liv-, Est- it Kurland." Dorpat. Ser. I, bd. 11. ErlSuterungen.ifrc. pp. 123:1 pi. 8°. Dorpat, 1879. Arch. Naturk. Liv-, Est- 4 Kurland. Dorpat. Ser. I, bd. vm. Grewingk (C. C. A.) Geologic und Archseologie des C. Mergellagers von Kunda in Estland. pp. 72 : 2 pis., 1 map. 8°. Dorpat, 1882. Grewingk (C. C. A.) & Schmidt (C. E. H.) Ueber die Meteoritenfalle von Pillistfer, Buschhof und Igast in Liv- und Kurland. pp. 137: 3 pis. 8°. Dorpat, 1864. GREY (CHARLES) A narrative of Italian travels in _ Persia in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Trans- lated and edited by C. Grey, &c. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, dec. No. 49. 8°. 1873. GREY (EDWARD) The travels of P. della Valle in i India . . . Edited, with a life of the Author, an intro- • duction and notes, by E. Grey. 2 Vol. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 84 & 85. 8°. 1892. GREY (Sir GEORGE) K.C.B. [1812-1898] Journals of two expeditions of discovery in north-west and western Australia, during . . . 1837-39, dec. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1841. Vol. ll. Appendix contains:— C. Contributions towards the geographical distribution of the Mam- malia of Australia, with notes on some recently discovered species, by J. E. Gray. p. A lut of Birds of the western coast, by J. Gould. E. A catalogue of the species of Reptiles and Amphibia . . . with a description of some new species . . . by- J. E. Gray. r. Notes on some Insect* from King George's bound ... by A. White. GREY (THOMAS DE) Baron Walsinr/ham. See DE GREY. GREY (WILLIAM) Catalogus Insectarum quaj extant in collectione . . . W. Grey. pp. vi, 138. 8°. Petropdi, 1866. Lithographed. Grey (W.) "»ff « Griffith (ROBEET E.) Catalogue of Plants collected in Syria and Palestine, &c. See UNITKD STATES. Official »- Report of the U.S. Expedition to explore the Dead Sea, &c. Art. iv, E. 4°. 1852. GRIFFITH (W. J.) Catalogue raisonne des Lepi- /j dopteres observes dans le department du Morbihan. See VANNES. — SOCIETE poLiiMTfiiQUE DU I Listoire naturelle du Morbihan. 8". 18C7. GRIFFITH (WILLIAM) [1810-1845] On the Family e of Rhizophoreae, &c. pp. 12 : 1 pl. 8°. [Calcutta, 1836.] Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Calcutta. Vol. viii. 736 K 6 »• - 'J Griffith (WILLIAM) Report on the Hon'ble Coni]>any's Botanic Gardens, Calcutta. See CALCUTTA.— Ji<>;/?(3 Grimm (J.) A- Waldeyer (II. \V. (i.) Atlas der nienschlichen und tierischen Haare, sowie der ahn- lichen Fasergebilde . . . Herausgogeben von J. Grimm . . . erklarendem Text von . . . W. Waldeyer. coll. 196, pp. iv : 12 pl». obi. 4°. Lahr, 1884. Printed in double column. GRIMM (OSCAR VON) Die Ungeschlechtliche Fort- ]illimy.ung ciner Chironoinus-Art und deren Entwicklung aus dem unbef ruchteten Ei. pp. 24 : 3 pi. See ST. I'KTKRSHl'KC.— ACMu'l.MIK I Ml'ftui A LK DEH SCIKNCE8. M6moires, &c. Ser. VII, torn, xv, no. 8. 4°. 1870. Grimm (O. VON) Beitriigo zur Lehre von der Fort- ])Hanzung und Entwickelung der Artljropoden. pp. 20 : 1 pi. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. M6moires, &c. Ser. VII, torn, xvn, no. 12. 4°. 1871. Grimm (O. VON) Trudui Aralo-KaspifskoI Ekspeditzii izdavaemuie pod rednktziel O. A. Ghrimma [Trans- actions of the Aralo-Caspian Expedition. Edited by O. von Grimm.] Vuip. i & n. See ST. PETERSBURG.— SANKT rETKRBURGIlSKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTEHTVoi-i- PUITATELEI. 8°. 1875-77. Grimm (O. VON) KaspiKskoe More i egho Fauna [The Caspian Sea and its Fauna]. 2 Pt. See ST. PETERS- i— BURG. — SANKT PETERBURGMSKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTEST- fj VOISPUITATELEI. Trudui Aralo-KaspilskoI Ekspeditzii. Vuip. n. 8°. 1876, 77. Grimm (O. VON) Fishing and Hunting on Russian ^ Waters. See LONDON.— Great International Fisheries £. Exhibition, 1883. 8°. 1883. GRIMMANN (Jon. NICOLAUS) Dissertatio inaugu- ralis meclica do Coffee potus usu noxio, quain ... Q pncside . . . D. M. Alberti . . . subjiciet respondent J. N. Grinimann, &c. pp. 88. 4°. Halve. Magdeburgicce, 1730. GRIMME (F. W.) Flora von Paderborn. pp. xxiii, ts 272. 8°. Patlerborn, 1868. GRIMMER (KARL HEINRICH BENJAMIN) Steier- mark's Coleopteren mit einhundertsechs neu beschrie- benen Species. }>p. GO. 8°. Grdtz, 1841. GRIMSHAW (PERCY H.) [Diptera of the Sandwich Islands.] See SHARP (D.) Fauna Hawaiiensis, &c. ~t Vol. m, pt, 1. 4°. 1901. GRIMSLEY (G. P.) & Bailey (E. H. S.) Special Report on -Gypsum and Gypsum Cement Plasters. pp. 183 : 31 pis., text Must. See LAWRENCE. — UNIVER- (» SITY OF KANSAS. — Geological Survey. The University Geological Survey of Kansas, Erstes Stiick. Physikaliseh-chemische Untersuchungen iiber die Athmungen der Gewachse und deren Einfluss auf die gemeine Luft. pp. xiv, 225. 8°. Leipzig, 1819. GRISEBACH (AUGUST HEINRICH RUDOLF) [1814- 1879] Gesammelte Abhandlungen und kleinere r> Schriften zur Pflanzengeographie . . . mit . . . bio- graphischen Nachrichten und Bibliographic seiner Werke. pp. vi, 6S8 : 1 port., text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1880. Grisebacli (A. H. R.) Observationes quaedam de ._ Gentianearum familiae characteribus. Dissertajtio in- auguralis, &c. pp. 37 [3]. 8°. Berolini, 1836. Grisebacli (A. H. R.) Genera et species Gentianearum adjectis observationibus quibusdam phytogepgraphicis. pp. viii, 364- 8°. Stuttgartiai et Tulingce, 1839. Grisebach (A. H. R.) Smilacese et Dioscorese. — Malpighiaceas. See MARTIUS (C. F. P. VON) Flora B Brasiliensis, &c. Vol. ill, pt. 1 ; XII, pt. 1. fol. 1842, 58. Grisebach (A. H. R.) [Lists and descriptions of the Gentianese collected during the voyage.] See MEYEN (F. J. F.) Reise urn die Erde . . . 1830-32, ~ maps, text Must. See ARKANSAS, State of. — Geological Survey. £• Annual Report, &c. 1990, vol. HI. 8°. 1892. GROB (AUOUST) Beitrage zur Anatomie der Epider- O mis der Gramineenbliitter. pn. 122 : 10 is. text Must. \ ' See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA, &c. pn. 122 : 10 pis., text Must. \ Hft. xxxvi. 4°. 1896. GROBBEN (CARL) [1854-] Beitrage zur Kenntniss der miinnlichen Geschlechtsorgane der Dekapoden, nebst vergleichenden Bemerkungen iiber die der iibrigen -7 Thoracostraken. pp. 94 : 6 pis. See VIENNA. — KAISER- "• LICH-KOENIGHCHE UNIVERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, &c. Tom. I, lift. 1. 8°. 1878. Grobben (C.) Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Moina rectirostris. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Anatomie der Phyllopoden. pp. GG : 7 pis. See VIENNA. 2 — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, &c. Tom. H, lift. 2. 8U. 1879. Grobben (C.) Die Antennendriise der Crustaceen. pp. 18: 1 pi. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE -? UNIVERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen In- stitut, &c. Tom. in, hft. 1. 8°. 1880. Grobben (C.) Die Entwickelungsgeschichte von Getochilus septentrionalis, Goodsir. pp. 40 : 4 pis., text -. Must. See VIENNA.— KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICIIEUNIVER- £• SITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, &c. Tom. in, hft. 3. 8°. 1881. Grobben (C.) Doliolum und sein Generationswechsel, nebst Bemerkungen iiber den Generationswechsel der Acalephen, Cestoden und Trematoden. pp. 98 : 5 pis., text Must. See VIENNA.— KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Insti- tut, &c. Tom. IV, hft. 2. 8°. 1882. Grobbeu (C.) Morphologische Studien iiber den Harn- und Geschlechtsapparat sowie die Leibeshohle der Cephalopoden. pp. 74 : 3 pis. See VIENNA.— KAISKR- LICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, &c. Tom. v, hft. 2. 8°. 1883. Grobben (C.) Zur Kenntniss der Morphologic und der Verwandtschaftsverhaltnisse der Cephalopoden. /i/i. ;!2: text Must. See VIENNA.— KAISERLICH-KOENIG- LICHE UNIVERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, &c. Tom. VII, hft. 1. 8°. 1886. Grobben (C.) /ur Morphologic des Fusses der Heteropoden. pp. 1 .'. Die Pericardialdriise der Lamellibranchiaten. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Anatomie dieser Mollusken- classe. pp. 90 : 6 pis. See VIENNA.— KAiSKRLicH-KOENiGLicHE UNIVERSIT \ i i Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, &c. Tom. vn, hft. 2 & 3. 8°. 1887. 739 Grobbeii (C.) Zur Morphologic des Pteropodenkorpers. pp. 3. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNI- VEESITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, &c. Tom. vni, hft. 1. 8°. 1888. Grobbeii (C.) Die Pericardialdriise der Gastropoden. pp. S3 : 1 pi. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Insti- tut, &c. Tom. ix, hft. 1. 8°. 1890. Grobbeii (C.) Ueber den Bulbus arteriosus und die Aortenklappen der Lamellibranchiaten. pp. 16 : 1 pi. -y See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH- KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. *" Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, dec. Tom. ix, hft. 2. 8°. 1891. Grob'ben (C.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Baues von Cuspidaria (Necera) cuspidata, Olivi, nebst Betrach- *j tungeniiber das System der Lamellibranchiaten. pp. 46: £~ 4 pis. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNI- VERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, &c. Tom. x, hft. 2. 8". 1892. Grobben (C.) Arbeiten aus den Zoologischen Instituten der (Jniversitiit Wien . . . fortgefiihrt von . . . K. Grobben, &c. Tom. xi, hft. 2— > See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH- KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. 8°. 1899-» GRODDZCK (ALBRECHT VON) [1837-1887] [Abriss der Geognosie des Harzes. Mit besonderer Bertick- sichtigung des nordwestlichen Theils. 8°. Glamthal, 1871.] Wanting. (^ Zweite Auflage. pp. xii, 175. 8°. Glamthal, 1883. Groddeck (A. VON) Die Lehre von den Lagerstatten fwf der Erze. Ein Zweig der Geologie. pp. xii, 351 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1879. Groddeck (A. VON) Die Bergwerke . . . und Hiitten ., . . . im Ober- und Unter-Harz . . . Nebst einem Anhang fur geognost. Excursionen, verfasst von . . . v. Grod- deck. See HOPPE (O.) 8°. 1883. GROEN (JAN VAN DER) Den Nederlandtsen Hovenier, zijnde het I. Deel van het vermakelijck Landt-leven, &c. pp. [xxx,] 96 : text Must. 4°. Amsterdam, 1670. For Deel. II & in of the series, See NVLAND (P.) GROENEWEGEN (JACOB CORNELIUS) [1811 ?-1884] benhavn, 1874. Gronland (C. C. H.) Islands Flora, indeholdende en Beskrivelse af Blomsterplanterne og de h0jere blomster- ]> 10se Planter, samt en Fortegnelse over de lavere Planter. pp. 159. 8°. Kjbenhavn, 1881. GROITOVITJS (ABRAHAM) [1695-1775] At'Xiai/ou inpi £s (1 geol. col.) 8°. s-Gravenhage, 1887. GROPPLER (ROBERT) Vergleichende Anatomic des Holzcs der Magnoliaceen. pp. 49 : bplx. See BIBLIO- THECA BOTANICA. Abliandlungen, &c. Hft. xxxi. 4°. 1894. GROSE-SMITH (HENLEY) List of Sumatra Butter- flies. See BOCK (C.) The Head-Hunters of Borneo, illust. col. fol. London, 1887-» GROSHANS (GEORGIUS PHILIPPUS FREDERICUS) Specimen anatoinico-physiologicum de systematu Uroiioietico, quod est Radiatorum, Articulatorum et Molluscorum Acephalorum, &c. pp. [vi,] 105. 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1837. Groshans (G. P. F.) G. P. F. Groshans Prodromus Fauna; Homeri et Hesiodi. 2 Fasc. [= Vol.] 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1839-43. Tijilschrift Nat. Gosch. 6. Physio). Groshans (G. P. F.) Quredam Naturalia antiqua. (The Zoology of Homer and Hesiod [translated by W. B. Macdonald].) pp. 14. 8°. Rammerscales, 1846. Extracted from the " Classical Musexim." GROSIER (JEAN BAPTISTE GABRIEL ALEXANDRE) [1743-1823] De la Chine, ou description ge'nerale de cet Empire rddigde d'apres les Memoires de la Mission de Pe-kin. Ouvrage aui contient ... les trois regnes de son histoire naturelle, rassemble's et donnes pour la premiere fois avec quelque e"tendue . . . Troisieme Edition. 7 Vol. 2 maps. 8°. Paris, 1818-20. The first edition appeared in 1787. The Natural History is contained in Vol. ll-lv. GROSS (JOANNES GEOROUS) Eichsfeldi inferioris descriptio geognostica. Dissertatio inaugutulis, tisi-li.' \'ci linltcii des Seimrnioiitits und der regularen arsonigen Siiure. Inaugural-Dissertation, Superieure. — La Craie des Corbieres. pp. 1 6 : text illust. \=r See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Geologique detaillee. Bulletin, &c. Tom. in, no. 25. 8°. 1891. Grossonvre (A. DE) Recherches sur la Craie Superieure. £ See^ FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Geologique detaillee. [Me'moires.] 4°. 1893-» Grossonvre (A. DE) Tertiaire de la Sologne— Ox- fordien et Rauracien de 1'est et du sud-est du bassin fe de Paris, pp. 10: text illust. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Geologique detaillee. Bulletin, dec. Tom. ix, no. 58. 8°. 1897. GROTE (ARTHUR) [1814-1886] [Memoir of E. Blyth.] -y See BLYTH (E.) Catalogue of Mammals and Birds of Burma, dec. 8°. 1875. Grote (ARTHUR) Descriptions of new Indian Lepi- dopterous Insects . . . with an introductory notice by A. Grote, dec. See HEWITSON (W. C.) 4°. 1879. GROTE (AUGUSTUS RADCLIFFE) [Check List of the Noctuidaa of America north of Mexico. 1. Bombycidae -Noctuidse. 8°. Buffalo, 1875.] Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] North American Lepidoptera. Revised check list of the North Ameri- can Noctuidse. Pt. l.t pp. [viii,] 52. 8°. Bremen, 1890. Printed in double column. Grote (AUGUSTUS R.) [For official reports on the -^ Insects collected by the Survey] See UNITED STATES. — (•y Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Bulletin, dec. Vol. ni-vi. 8°. 1877-82. Grote (AUGUSTUS R.) [Nocturnal Lepidoptera from . L the Arctic Regions.] See UNITED STATES NATIONAL _ MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. No. 15. Contributions to £• the Natural History of Arctic America, dec. 8°. 1879. — - [Another issue.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. • a [_ Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxin, art. 5. 8°. 1879 (1882). Grote (AUGUSTUS R.) See NORTH AMERICAN ENTOMO- C. LOGIST, THE. Edited by A. R. Grote. Vol. i.t 8°. 1879-80. Grote (AUGUSTUS R.) An illustrated essay on the Noctuidaeofjiostb-Atnerica ; with " a colonyjrf-Butter- 7 4 pis. col. ^^^--tfT'London, 1882. Grote (AUGUSTUS R.) New check list of North Ameri- _ can Moths, pp. 73 : 1 photo, port. 8°. [New York,] 1882. t- Printed in double column. Grote (AUGUSTUS R.) North American Lepidoptera. ^_ The Hawk Moths of North America, pp. 63. 8°. Bremen, 1886. Grote (AUGUSTUS R.) Systema Lepidopterorum Hil- , desiae, dec. 2 Pt. illust. See HILDESHEIM. — ROEMER- MUSEUM. Mittheilungen, dkc. No. 1 & 11. 8°. 1895, 1900. Grote (AUGUSTUS R.) Die Apateliden. pp. 18 : 2 pis., | text illust. See HILDESHEIM. — ROEMER - MUSEUM. Mittheilungen, ,-..!:,;,,- GROUM-GRSHIMAILO (GREGOR) Le Pamir et sa Faune Lepidopterologique. pp. xvii,575 : 22 pis. col., 1 map. See MEMOIRES SUR LES LEPIDOPTERES, &c. Tom. rv. 8°. 1890. GROUT (ABEL JOEL) Mosses with a hand-lens, &c. O pp. ix, 73 [l] : 8 pis., text Must. 8°. New York [1900]. GROVE (WILLIAM BYWATER) A synopsis of the Bacteria and Yeast Fungi and allied species (Schizo- uiycetes and Saccharomycetes). pp. [vi,] 112 : text Must. 8°. London, 1884. Grove (W. B.) [Fungi of the Birmingham district.] L See BRITISH ASSOCIATION. Handbook of Birmingham. 8°. 1886. Grove (W. B.) [Fungi of Warwickshire.] See BAGNALL (J. E.) The Flora of Warwickshire, &c. 8°. 1891. GROVES (CHARLES EDWARD) [1841-] Elements of Chemistry . . . Part H. Inorganic Chemistry. Sixth edition. Revised by E. Groves. See MILLER (W. A.) 8°. 1878. Part in. Chemistry of Carbon Compounds or Organic Chemistry. Section 1 ... Fifth edition . . . by H. E. Armstrong and C. E. Groves. See MILLER (W. A.) 8°. 1880. GRSHIMAILO (GREGOR GROUH) Set GROUM-GRSHIMAILO. GRUBE (ADOLPH EDUARD) [1812-1880] A. E. Grube . . . de Pleione carunculatii. Dissertatio zootomica. pp. 25 : I pi. 4°. Jiegiomontii Prussorum, 1837. Grube (A. E.) Zur Anatomie und Physiologic der Kiemenwiirmer., 77: 2 pis. tf.Koniysberg, 1838. Grube (A. E.) Actinicn, Ecliinodennen und Wiinner des Adriatischen- und Mittelmeers nach eigenen Samm- lungen beschrieben. pp. 92 : 1 pi. col. 4°. Konigsberg, 1840. Grube (A. E.) Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung der Anneliden, &c. Hft. l.f pp. vi, 56 : 3 ]>t*. 4°. Kiiniijsbenj, 1844. Grube (A. E.) Ueber Vernichtung und Erhaltung in der Thierwelt, . 18 : 2 pis. Kleinere Mittheilungen iiber Protozoen-Studien. pp. 14 •' Ipl. See FEEIBURG-IN-BREISOAU. — NATUEFOESCHENDE GE- SELLSCHAFT. Berichte, &c. Bd. I, hft. 2 ; II, hft. 1-3. 8°. 1886. Gruber (F. A.) Weitere Beobachtungcn an vielkernigen Infusorien. pp. 14 •' 2 pis. Ueber einige Rhizopoden aus den Genueser Hafen. pp. 12 : 1 pi. See FREIBURG-IN-BREISGAU.— NATURFOESCHENDE GE- SELLSCHAFT. Berichte, dec. Bd. in, hft. 1 ; iv, hft. 1. 8°. 1888. Gruber (F. A.) Ueber den Werth der Specialisirung fur die Erfor- L schung und Aufl'assung der Natur. pp. 13. See FREI- BURG - IN - BREISGAU. — NATUEFOESCHENDE GESELL- SCHAFT. Berichte, &c. Bd. iv, hft. 4. 8°. 1889. Gruber (F. A.) Ein Wurzelfiisser des Siisswassers in 1 Bau und Lebenserscheinungendargestellt. SeeZACHA.- - EIAS (O.) Die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Siisswassers, Bd. I, I *~ &c. , no. 4. 8°. 1891. Gruber (F. A.) Eine Mittheilung iiber Kernvermeh- rung und Schwarmerbildung bei Siisswasser-Rhizo- ,li-& L P°den. pp. 5: 1 pi. See FREIBURG-IN-BREISGAU. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte,ls. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1852. Gruber (W. L.) Anatomie der Eingeweide des Leo- parden (Felis leopardus) mit vergleichenden Bemer- kungen iiber andere Felis- Arten. pp. 50 : 4 pis. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1855. Mem. pr&. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Piterab. Tom. Till. Gruber (W. L.) Monographic des Canalis Supra- condyloideus Humeri und der Processus Supracondy- -j loidei Humeri et Femoris der Saugethiere und des *~~ Menschen. j>}>. 78 : 8 pis. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1850. Mini. pr x .„ Gruber (W. L.) Ueber den Sinus Communis und die Valvulaa der Venee Cardiacae, und iiber die Duplicitiit der Vena Cava Superior bei dem Menschen und den Saugethieren. pp. 82: 2 pis. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Ser. VII, torn, vn, no. 2. 4°. 1864. Gruber (W. L.) Ueber den Musculus Epitrochleo- anconeus des Menschen und der Siiugethiere. pjp. 26: 3 pis. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Ser. VII, torn, x, no. 5. 4°. 1866. Gruber (W. L.) Ueber den Stirnfontanellknochen (os i fonticuli frontalis) bei dem Menschen und bei den _ j ji , Saugethieren. pp. 28 : 2 pis. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ~Z- ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Ser. VII, torn, xix, no. 9. Memoires, &c. 4°. 1873. Gruber (W. L.) Ueber die Verbindung der Schlafenbeinschuppe mit dem Stirnbeine und iiber die Analogic ihrer beiden Arten bei dem Menschen und bei den Sa'ugethieren. pp. 29 : 2 pis. Ueber die Infraorbitalkanale bei dem Menschen und bei den Saugethieren. pp.27: 2 pis. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Ser. VII, torn, xxi, no. 5 -73: Ipl. Guembel (C. W. VON) Baron. Geologic von Bayern. _ 2 Bd. 8°. Kassel, (1884-) 1888-94. Or Guembel (C. W. VON) Baron. Die mineralogisch- geologische Beschaifenheit der auf der Forschungs- reise S.M.S. "Gazelle" gesammelten Meeresgrund- j_ Ablagerungen. See GERMANY. Die Forschungsreise S.M.S. "Gazelle" . . . 1874 bis 1876, &c. Thl. II. Physik und Chemie. 4°. 1888. Gnembel (C. W. VON) Baron. Geologisches aus dem Engadin. pp. 71 : text Ulust. 8°. [Chur, 1888.] Jahresb. naturf. Gesell. Granbiindens. Jahrg. xxxl. GUEMBEL (WILHELM THEODOE VON) [1812-1858] Die ftinf Wiirfelschnitte. Ein Versuch, die verschie- f denen Krystallgestalten in einen innigen Zusammenhang zu bringen, >n, <4(>-. GUENEAU DE MONTBEILLARD U'nii.ii:i:i:r) L. [1720-1785] See COLLECTION ACADEMIQUE, (A.) [Lepidoptera of Madagascar.] See VIN- *• SON (A.) Voyage a Madagascar, &c. Annexe F. 8°. 1865. Guenee (A.) ?dition.] *- Report, &c. Zoology. (Pt. VI.) Vol. I. 4". 1880. Guenther (ALBERT^C^Je- G.) An Introduction to the jt -s(u(to'. 5F 8°- AdiiiburiffZisao. - (ALBERT C. L. G.) Handbuch der Ich- thyologie . . . iibersetzt von . . . G. von Hayek . . . -^ von dem Autor genehmigte Deutsche Ausgabe. pp. xi, i 8°. Wien, 1886. Guenther (ALBERT C. L. G.) [Fish from the Arctic . Regions.] See MARKHAM (A. H.) A Polar Recon- L- . naissance, &c. Appendix I. 8". 1881. 747 Guenther (ALBERT C. L. G.) [Herpetology of Mata- . bele Land.] See GATES (F.) Matabele Land, &c. Appendix ni. 8°. 1881. L- - Second edition. 8°. 1889. I L. , Gnenther (ALBERT C. L. G.) Report on the Fishes. £, See TIZARD (T. H.) & MURRAY (Sir J.) K.C.B. Ex- ^ ploration of the Faroe Channel during . . . 1880 in f' H.M. hired S. " Knight Errant," &c. 8°. 1882. Gnenther (ALBERT C. L. G.) [Reptilia, Batrachia , and Pisces from Melanesia, and Reptilia from the '— western Indian Ocean.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATU- RAL HISTORY) Report on the Zoological Collections made . . . during the voyage of H.M.S. 'Alert,' 1881-82. 8°. 1884. Gnenther (ALBERT C. L. G.) [Reptilia and Batrachia from Central America.] Pt. i-> See GODMAN (F. D.) ^. & SALVIN (O.) Biologia Centrali-Americana, &c. Zoo- logy. 4°. 1885-» Gnenther (ALBERT C. L. G.) Report on the Deep-sea L- Fishes collected by H.M.S. Challenger during . . . •£_ 1873-76. pp.lxv,335: 73 pis. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. [Voyages, &c. — Challenger Expedition.] Report, pteres. 8*. Paris, 1843-49. Title from wrapper. The text to each genus is separately paged. _ I— -^ C. Guerin-Meneville (F. E.) Ne'cessite' d'introduire -^ 1'etude de la Zoologie dans I'enseignement agricole. £~ pp. 8. 8«. [Paris] 1847. .Idiun. Agric. Pratique. 1847. Guerin-Meneville (F. E.) Note sur le dommage cause en 1846 aux recoltes d'Olives par le ver, ou larve, -7 du Dacus olece. pp. 4. 8°. (Paris,) 1847. ' Eltrait du Cultivateur, de la Uevue Zoologique et dn Monitenr Universe!. Gueriu-Meiieville (F. E.) Muscardine. Mission con- fiee . . a M. Guerin-Meneville. pp. iv, 66 : 8 pis. (col.) ^ 8°. [Paris, 1847.] •£ Ann. Soc. Sericicole. Paris. 1847. Gueriii-Meueville (F. E.) Enumeration des Mam- • . miferes recueillis en Abyssinie. See FRANCE. [Voyages, l Ac. — Abyssinie] Voyage en Abyssinie . . . par MM. "J Ferret et Oalinier. Vol. m. 8°. 1847 [i.e. 1848]. Gueriii-Meiieville See FRANCE. Abvssinie . par Ber ille (F. E.) [Insects of Abyssinia.] , [Voyages, &c— Abyssinie] Voyage en J- T. Lefebvre, &c. Tom. VI. -r- ' 8°. [1849.] ' Giieriu-MeneviUe (F. E.) See REVUE ET MAOASIN DE ZOOLOOIE pure et apphquee ; recueil mensuel . . . • ar F. E. Guerin-Meneville, (F. E.) & Perrottet (G. S.) Me- moire sur un Insecte [Elachista cojfeella, n.sp.] et un •»; Champignon qui ravagent les Cafiers aux Antilles. I (Rapport, Ac.) pp.40. 8°. Paris, 1842. 749 •L Gnerin-Meneville (F. E.) & Robert (L. E.) Re- cherches sur la Muscardine, faites k la Magnanerie de Sainte-Tulle. (Entomologie appliquee a 1'Agriculture. De la destruction des Insectes nuisibles au Ble et aux Olives, d'apres les recherches de M. Gue>in-Meneville, &c.) pp. S9. 8°. [Marseille, 1847.] Ann. ProvenQ. Agrio. GUEREE (MAX) [For descriptions of many families of Plants] See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, &c. 8". 1887-> Gnerke (M.) IJie-Faserpflanzen Ostafrikas und ihre Verwerthuwg: [Also descriptiojis-«fTnany farmjiesrof East^A-fncan Plants.] «Se«--toEUTSCH-OsT;AKtfKA, &c. f, till. B, no. lO^rfhl. c). 8°. 1895. _ Gnerke (M.) Plantae Europaise . . . Emendavit ediditque Q M. Giirke. Tom. n. See RICHTER (K.) 8°. 1897. GUERNE (JULES DE) Baron. Bulletin scientifique , du departement du Nord . . . Publie sous la direction L- de . . . J. de Guerne. Tom. x-xm. See BULLETIN SCIENTIFIQUE DE LA FRANCE ET DE LA BELGIQUE. 8°. 1878-81. Gnerne (J. DE) Baron. Campagnes scientifiques du 2 yacht Monegasque V Hirondelle. Troisieme annee. i 1887. Excursions zoologiques dans les lies de Fayal • et de San Miguel (Azores), pp. 110 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Paris, 1888. Gnerne (J. DE) Baron. [Priapulids from Tierra del ; Fuego.] See FRANCE. [Voyages, &c. — Cap Horn] ' Mission scientifique du Cap Horn. 1882-1883., pt. 3. 4°. 1888. Gnerne (J. DE) Baron. Resultats des campagnes "7 scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par . . . Albert I. Prince de Monaco publics . . . avec le concours de i— M. le Baron J. de Guerne. Fasc. i-» See ALBERT HONORS CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. 4°. 1889-> Guerne (J. DE) Baron & Blanchard (R.) Faune -7 Frangaise. Publiee par les soins de MM. R. Blanchard et J. de Guerne. Les Nemertiens. See JOUBIN (L.) 8°. 1894. . GUERNSEY. [Map.] Island of Guernsey, 1888. [Scale 1 m. = 2j in. about.] Guernsey, 1888. GUERNSEY SOCIETY OF NATURAL / SCIENCE & LOCAL RESEARCH. [Founded 1882 .] Report and Transactions, (fee. 1882-> 8°.Guernsey,1889-5>- GUEROALDUS (GUILLERMUS) See GUEROULT. GUEROULT (GUILLAUME) [-c. 1569] Macer de viri- p bus Herbarum. [Ends .-] Habetis . . . Macri Floridi D de virib3 herbard opusculum . . . una cum inter- pretatiuculis [by G. Gueroult], &c. See MACER (M.) pseud. 8°. [1523 ?] GUESSFELDT (RICHARD PAUL WILHELM) [1840-] E Reise von Dr. Giissfeldt und Dr. Schweinfurth durch die Arabische Wiiste vom Nil zum Rpthen Meer. See SCHWEINFURTH (G. A.) Geographische Nach- richten. No. 1. 4°. 1876. Guessfeldt (R. P. W.) Die Loango-Expedition aus- f_ gesandt von der Deutschen Gesellschaf t zur Erforschung Aequatorial-Africas 1873-76, &c. 3 Abth. illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1879-82. Abth. I, von P. Giiufeldt ; n, von J. Falkenstein ; in, von E. Pechuel-Loesche. i Guessfeldt (R. P. W.) Reise in den Andes von Chile f~ und Argentinien. pp. xv, 480 : SO pis., 3 maps. 8°. Berlin, 188S. E kft G- GUETTARD (JEAN ETIENNE) [1715-1786] Obser- 2? vations sur les Plantes. 2'Fom.illust. 12°. Paris, 1747. Guettard (J. E.) Memoires sur differentes parties / des Sciences et Arts. 5 Tom. illust. 4°. Paris, 1768-83. **" Vol. IV, mem. 14 wants Pis. xl-xm. GUETTLER (CARL) Lorenz Oken und sein Ver- haltniss zur modernen Entwickelungslehre. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Naturphilosophie. pp. iv, 150. 8°. Leipzig, 1884. GUGUBAUER (JOSEPH) Dissertatio inauguralis . . . de Scilla marina, &c. pp. 36. 8°. Vindobonoe, 1833. GUIANA, British. Reports on the . . . Geology of British Guiana. By C. B. Brown and J. G. Sawkins. pp. iv, 297 : 1 pi. col., text illust. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — West Indies. Memoirs, &c. Pt. 3. 8°. 1875. Guiana, British, Report on the agricultural work in the BotajiieaftJardens, for . . . \9^^pp. 65. Isc>'/Tt Tetown, Demerara, 1891_ Guiana, British. Joint report by ... J. B. Harrison and H. I. Perkins on the Geology of the north- western district, pp. 16. fol. Georgetown, Demerara, 1897. Report on the Geology . . . Pt. n : Petrology, by J. B. Harrison . . . with notes on the microscopic /*•* structure of the rocks, by J. J. H. Teall. pj\ 18. fol. Georgetown, Demerara, 1898. Guiana, British. Report on the Geology of the Esse- quibo, Potaro, Konawaruk and Demerara Rivers. [By f^_ J. B. Harrison and H. I. Perkins.] pp. 81 : 1 map. fol. Georgetown, Demerara, 1900. Wanting the map. Guiana, British. [Map] Map of British Guiana, i compiled ... by Sir R. H. Schomburgk, revised . . . by C. Chambers . . . and J. G. Sawkins, &c. [Scale 'iTT / r 1 in. = 7 m. about.] 4 sh. [London,] 1875. ' GUIANA, French. [Map] Guyane Franchise. Carte Geographo-Geologique dressee d'apres les reconnais- (__ sances . . . faites de 1867 a 1878 par le Bureau du - Cadastre de Cayenne dirige par . . . L. Eutrope. 1 Echelle au 1 : 400,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 6j m. about]. Pans [1880 ?]. GUIART (J.) Les Mollusques Tectibranches. pp. 56 : 4 pis., text illust. See PARIS. — SOCIETE ZOOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Causeries Scientifiques, &c. No. 4. 8°. 1900. ' GUIBERT (VICTOR) & Henrck (H. VAN) Flore medicale Beige. See HEURCK (H. VAN) & GUIBERT (V.) p 8°. 1864. & GUIBOURT (NICOLAS JEAN BAPTISTE GASTON) [1790-1867] [Histoire naturelle des Drouges simples, &c. 8°. Paris, 1822.] Wanting. Septieme edition . . . precedee de 1'eloge de Guibourt, par H. Buignet, &c. 4 Vol. illust. 8°. Paris, 1876. Guibourt (N. J. B. G.) Memoire sur les sues astringents connus sous les noms de Cachou, Gambir et Kino. pp. 74. 8C. Paris [1847]. Journ. Ftiann. Tom. xi-xli. B GUICHARD (ALBERT) Botanique publiees par . See BILLOTIA, ou notes de ^ . . A. Guichard, , ^/|* GTTILLEBOT DE NERVILLE (JEAN Lupovic) [1815-1884] Nouveaux Elemens de Mineralogie ... (L/| Troisieme Edition . . . mise au niveau des connais- sances actuelles par M. Guillebot. See BRARD (C. P.) 8°. 1838. Guillebot de Nerville (J. L.) Qarte Geologique du department de la Cote d'Or . . . Echelle . . . 1 : 80,000 £ [i.e. 1 in. = 1 J m. about]. See COTE D'OR, Department of the. [Maps.] 8 sh. geol. col. 1852. GUILLEMAIN (CoNSTANTiN) [1873-] Beitrage zur ». Kenntnis der natiirlichen Sulfosalze. Inaugural- ' Dissertation, &c. pp. 1ft : 2 tabs. 8°. Wiistegiersdorf, 1898. GUILLEMARD (FRANCIS HENRY HILL) [1852-] J The Cruise of the Marchesa to Kamschatka & New Guinea, with notices of Formosa, Liukiu, and various I islands of the Malay Archipelago. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1886. Guillemard (F. H. H.) Hints on Skinning. See GREEN ] (J. F.) Ocean Birds, dec. Appendix. fol. 1887. 751 B 6 Guilleuiard (F. H. H.) Stgjiferd's CompcndiujB of GeographjywTtTTravel (n>Wfssue). AustralaMflTvol. II. Malayrtaand the EaCiftc ArchipelagpBsr Edited and ly extended^ . . by F. HtxHT Guillomard, aufgefiihrten Gewachse. Herausgegeben von F. Guim- pel, &c. 3 Bd. See SCHLECHTENDAL (D. F. L. VON). 4°. 1830-37. Guimpel (F.) Pflanzen-Abbildungen und Beschreibun- gen zur Erkenntniss officineller Gewachse. Heraus- g gegeben von F. Guimpel, &c. See KLOTZSCH (J. F.) 4°. Berlin, 1838. Guimpel (F.) & others. Abbildung der Deutschen Holzarten ... herausgegeben von F. Guimpel . ._ . •& entworfen und beschrieben von C. L. Willdenow, in L) letztrer Riicksicht fortgesetzt von F. G. Hayne. 2 Bd. Must. col. 4°. Berlin, 1815-20. Guimpel (F.) & others. Abbildung der fremden, in Deutschland ausdauernden Holzarten . . . heraus- D gegeben von F. Guimpel mit Angabe der Cultur von F. Otto . . . beschrieben von F. G. Hayne, &c. Bd. i.t pp. iv, [iv,] 170 : 144 plg- c°l- 4°. Berlin, [1819-] 1825 [-30]. GUISAN (FR. LUDWIG) De Gymnoto electrico. Commentatio, quam . . . preeside F. A. G. Emmert . . . submittit auctor F. L. Guisan, &c. pp. 34 : 1 pi. 4°. Tubingce, 1819. GUISCARDI (GUGLIELMO) [1821-1885] Fossile Fauna des Vesuvs. See ROTH ( J. L. A.) Der Vesuv, &c. <=a- 8°. 1857. Guiscardi (G.) Contribuzioni alia Geologia dei Campi Flegrei. . pp. 6: 1 pi. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCA- /_ 5 MO DEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, &C. Atti, &C. Vol. I, HO. 7. f . 4°. 1863. Guiscardi (G.) Studii sulla famiglia delle Rudiste. pp. 8 : 2 pis. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE I— c?Co SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Vol. II, no. 5. 4°. 1865. Guiscardi (G.) Sopra un Teschio fossile di Foca. pp. 8 : 2 pis. col. See NAPLES.— REALE ACCADEMIA . DELLE SCIENZE, dec. Atti, &c. Vol. v, no. 6. 4°. 1873. L £** [Advance copy.] 4°. Napoli, 1871. Guiscardi (G.) Annotazioni paleontologische. pp.5: . 1 pi. col. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE «- SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Vol. v, no. 16. 4°. 1873. 3. [Advance copy.] 4°. Napoli, 1872. Guiscardi (G.) Die una Grotta con ossami nella pro- vincia di Bari. pp. 8: 4 pi. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, £c. Atti, &C. Vol. VI, HO. 8. 4°. 1875. [Advance copy.] 4°. Napoli, 1873. ff 752 GUITERMAN (FRANKLIN) On the Gold deposits Lin the Cjuartzite formation of Battle Mountain. /•/'. x. See COLORADO SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Proceedings, etc. Vol. HI, pt. 3, Suppt 8°. [1891 ?] GUITTON (EUGENE) Nouvelle Classification Zoo- logique bas£e sur les appareils et les fonctions de la reproduction, pp. 147, 3 tabs. H.-v . & Mag. Zool. Ann. 1854. 8°. Paris, 1854. SSI io to GULDBERG (CATO MAXIMILIEN) [1836-1902] Metal- lerni's kritiske Teni])eraturer. pp. 9. See CHRISTIANIA. —VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, °' No. 11 & 16. 8°. 1874, 76. Gumaelius (O.) Om malmlagrens Aldersfoljd och deras anviindande sasom ledlager. pp. SO: 1 map >~ col. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Undersiikning. (3 Ser. C. Afhandlingar, 4 : S pis. 2. («*) 8°. Berlin, 1849. Mag. f. gewmmte Thierheilk. Bd. xiu & xiv. Gurlt (E. F.) Ueber Thierische Missgeburten, dfcc. "Z. PP- iv, 97: SO pis. 4°. Berlin, 1877. Gnrlt (E. F.) & Hertwig (C. H.) Vorgleichende ZUntersuchungen iiber die Haut des Menschen und der Haus-Saugethiere, und iiber die Kratz- oder Raude- milben . . . Zweite . . . Auflage, ls. i-v & xiv, col. !•«•{• w< Neapoli, 1829. Gussone (G.) Florae Sicujie synopsis, exhibens Plantas Vasculares in Sicilia insulisque aajacentibus hue usque J detectas, • ' 1899, no. 1. 8°, 1899. GUSTAVZ. Frere &, Heribaucl-Josepli, Frere. Flore d'Auvergne contenant la description . . . de toutes o les Plants vasculaires qui croissent spontandment dans ' les departements du Puy-du-D6me et du Cantal . . . et un Vocabulaire des termes techniques employes, &c. pp. Iviii, 576. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, 1883. GUSTAVO (LEONARDI) & Berlese (A.) Chermotheca £ Italica, &c. See BERLESE (A.) & GUSTAVO (L.) fol. 1895. GUTBERLET (JoHANN KASPAR) Specimen in- PJ augurale botanicum, sistens organa Plantarum functioni D sexuali inservientia . . . praeside J. C. Gutberlet, &c. See HELLER (F. X.) 8°. 1800. GUTBERLET (WiLHELM CARL JULIUS) [1813-1864] ,. Einschliisse in vulkanoidischen Gesteinen. Abhand- lung. pp. SI. 8°. Fulda, 1853. GUTBIER (CHRISTIAN AUGUST VON) [1798-1866] Geognostische Beschreibung des Zwickauer Schwarz- (^ kohlengebirges und seiner Umgebungen. pp. xvi, 160, 3 tabs. : 7 pis. (1 col.), 1 map col. 8°. Zwickau, 1834. Some manuscript sections are incorporated in this copy. Gutbier (C. A. VON) Abdriieke und Versteinerungen des Zwickauer Schwarzkohlengebirges und seiner Urn- &r gebungen. pp. 80 : 11 pis. 8°. & fol. Zwickau, 1835-36. Gutbier (C. A. VON) Darstellung einiger geognostischer Verhiiltnisse Marienbads. See FRIEDRICH AUGUST II., I King of Saxony. Pflanzen und Gebirgsarten von J Marienbad, &c. 8°. 1837. Gutbier (C. A. VON) Ueber einen fossilen Farren- stamm Caulopteris Freieslebeni aus dem Zwickauer Qr Schwarzkohlengebirge. pp.!6:4pls. 8°. Zivickau, 1842. Gutbier (C. A. VON) Die Versteinerungen des Rothlie- genden in Sachsen. pp. SO : 12 pis. (1 col.) SeeQxaaa (H. B.) & GUTBIER (C. A. VON) Die Versteinerungen des Zechsteingebirges ... in Sachsen. Hft. n. 4°. 1849. Gutbier (C. A. VON) Geognostische Skizzen aus der Sitchsischen Schweiz und ihrer Umgebung. pj>. viii, &- 108 : 1 map col., text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1858. Gutbier (C. A. VON) & Geinitz (H. B.) Die Ver- steinerungen des Zecnsteingebirges und ''iothliegenden, Q, oder des permischen Systemes in Sachsen.' See GEINITZ • (H. B.) & GUTBIER (C. A. VON). 4°. 1848, 49. Outbier (C. A. VON) gegend um Hoxter und Holzminden. Nebst Aufzah- lung der daselbst wild-wachsenden phanerpgamischen Pflanzen. pp. vi, 76. 8°. Holzminden, 1837. GUTHNICK ( ) Dr. K. J. Shuttlewprth, Esq. Nekrplog. See SHUTTLEWORTH (E. J.) Notitise Mala- cologies, &c. 8°. 1878. GUTHRIE (WILLIAM) [1708-1770] [Atlas to Guthrie's system of Geography.] fol. [London, 1785.] -7 Wanting the title-page. Gutlirie (W.) L- PP- x> [*'*>] A System of Modern Geography, &c. 1 pi., 26 maps. 4°. London, 1811. Wanting the map of France. GUTTSTADT (ALBERT) [1840-] Die naturwissen- Lschaftlichen und medicinischen Staatsanstalten Berlins. Festschrift fur die 59. Versammlung Deutscher Natur- forscher und Aerzte . . . Bearbeitet von ... A. Gutt- stadt. (Anhang.) pp. vii, 570 (xxv). 8°. Berlin, 1886. ». GUTZEIT (TEODOR FON) Ueber das gleiche Ferhalt- nis, in dem eins mit dem andern stet, und Ergebnisse daraus, cfcc. pp. ii, 8S : 6 pis. 4°. [ ] 1882. GUTZWILLER-GONZENBACH (A.) Molasse und jiingere Ablagerungen enthalten auf Blatt ix des . . . Atlas, &c. pp. 149 : 2 pis. col. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Geologique Suisse. Beitrage, er is separately paged. Haarlem. Hdllandsche Maatschappij, &c. Archives Neerlandaises des Sciences exactes et natu- relles, &c. Tom. i-> 8°. La Haye, &c., 1866-»g Table g6neralo . . . des Matieres contenues dans les dix premiers volumes . . . suivie d'une i table generale des Auteurs. 8°. [La Haye, &c., 1875.] Haarlem.— Hollandsche Maatschappij, &c. Spciefce Hollandaise des Sciences a Harlem. Notice historique. Liste des Protecteurs, Presidents . . . et 14 Membres . . . et Liste des Publications de la Societe" (~ L depuis . . . 1752. Liste des Publications . . . dans la Bi bliotheque de la Societe", &c. pp. xxiii, 76 : 1 pi. 8°. Harlem, 1876. HAARLEM.— Eoninklijke (Koiiinglijke) Maat- schappy der Wetenschappen. See supra, HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETEN- SCHAPPEN. HAARLEM. Maatschappy der Wetenschappeu. .SVe supra, HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETEN- SCHAPPEN. HAARLEM.— Musee Teyler. [Founded mso Archives, &c. Vol. i-v. 4°. Haarlem, &c., (1866-) 1868-80.S. W S(5r. II, vol. i-» 4°. Haarlem, (1881-) 1883-» ^ In both Series some of the volumes contain separately-paged catalogue* of the various collections. Haarlem.— Mns6e Teyler. Catalogue systematique de la Collection Paleontologique, / par T. C. Winkler. pp. iv, 697. 8°. Harlem, 1863-67. Supplement, i-rv. See supra, Archives, Archives, ^^iMterdam, \l ReprinUd frorf^'De Indiiche Mercuur." 757 e 0 Haarlem.— Nederlandsche Maatschappij, &c. Koloniaal Museum. Extra Bulletin . . . Nuttige Indische Planten. Door . . . M. Greshoff. Met inleiding van . . . J. G. Boerlage. Afl. l-» Must. 4°. Amsterdam, 1894-> Haarlem.— Nederlandsche Maatschappij, &c. — Koloniaal Museum. Afdeeling : Voortbrengselen van de groote cultuur in Nederlandsch Oostindie. No. 1, 4, 6-8. 8°. Haarlem [1880 ?-92]. No. [1.] Koffle. Door . . . K. W. van Oorkom . . . Twesde Drak. pp. 80, [S,] 1 tab. [1892.] „ 4. Kina. Door K. W. van Gorkom. pp. 111. [1880?] ,, 6. Specerijen. Door K. W. van Gorkom. pp. 48. [1880?] „ [7.] Tabak. Door . . . K. W. van Gorkom . . . Tweede Drnk. pp. {mi,} 70, S tabs. [1892.] „ 8. Rijst. Door K. W. van Gorkom. pp. 69 [3]. [1880?] Haarlem. — Nederlandsche Maatschappij, &c. — Jfoloniaal Museum. Afdeeling : Verschillende Voortbrengselen uit het Plantenrijk in Nederlandsch Oostindie. No. 1-3. 8°. Haarlem [1885 ?] No. 1. Vetten, Was, Aetberische Olien, Harsen, Gom. Door . . . D. de Loos. pp. [Hi,] 66. [1885?] ,, 2. Vruchten, Drogerijen, Geneesmiddelen, Verfstoffen en Voedingsrniddelen. Door F. Hekmeyer. pp. [Hi,] M7. [1885?] „ 3. Caoutchouc en Guttapercba. Door ... D. de Loos. pp. 67. [1885?] Haarlem.— Nederlandsche Maatschappij, &c. Koloniaal Museum. Houtsoorten van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie. Tevens beschrijving der meest bekende Boomen van den Nederlandsch-Indischen Archipel en hunne waarde voor de huishouding. (Especes de Bois des Indes- Orientales Neerlandaises, &c.) Door F. W. van Eeden. pp. ix, [ii,] 210 [#]. 8°. Haarlem [1886]. Haarlem.— Nederlandsche Maatschappij, &c. Koloniaal Museum. Plantaardige Vezelstoffen, tevens overzicht van de meest bekende gewassen in de Nederlandsche Kolonien en andere gewesten, waarvan vezelstoffen kunnen verkregen worden. (Fibres Vegetales, - 4°. Helsincjfors, 1846. HAARTMAN (CAEOLUS DANIEL VAN) Dissertatio botanica de Borbonia . . . p.p. C. D. van Haartman, &c. See THUNBEEG (C. P.) 4°. 1811. HAARTMAN (JOHANNES) Plantas Hybridae, quas . . sistit . . . J. J. Haartman, &c. See LINN^US (C.) 4°. [1751.] [Another edition.] See LINNAEUS (C.) C. Linnaei . . . Amcenitates Academicse, &c. Vol. in. 8°. 1756. • [Another issue.] • Editio secunda. 8°. 1764. 8°. 1787. M [Another edition.] See LINNAEUS (C.) C. Linnaei Fundamentorum Botanicorum . . . Curante J. E. Gili- bert. Tom. I. 8°. 1786. Haartman (J.) Herr . . . C. Linnaei indelning i Ort- Riket, efter Systema Naturae pa Swenska ofwersatt af J. J. Haartman. See LINNJEUS (C.) 8°. 1753. HAAS (HIPPOLYT JULIUS) [1855-] Monographic der Rhynchonellen der Juraformation von Elsass-Loth- ringen . . . Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. viii, 84: 7 pis. 8°. & 4°. Strassburg, 1881. Abhandl. Geol. Spezialkarte EIsass-Lothringen. Bd. II, hft. 2. Haas (H. J.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der liasischen Brachiopodenfauna von Siidtyrol und Venetien. pp.82: 4 pis. 4°. Kiel, 1884. Haas (H. J.) Etude monographique et critique des Brachiopodes Rhetiens et Jurassiques des Alpes Vau- doises et des contrees environnantes. See SCHWEIZEE- ISCHE PALAEONTOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhand- lungen, &c. (Vol. XI, xiv, xvm, xx.) 4°. 1884-» Haas (H. J.) Warum fliesst die Eider in die Nordsee 1 Ein Beitrag zur Geographic und Geologie des Schleswig- Holsteinischen Landes. pp. 13 : 1 map. 8°. Kiel, 1886. Haas (H. J.) Katechismus der Versteinerungskunde, ttc. pp. viii, 240 : text Must. 8°. Leipzig, 1887. 758 Haas (11. J.) Die Leitfossilien. Synopsis der geolo- gisch wichtigsten Formen des vorweltlichen Tier- und I'tlnnzenreichs. pp. viii, 328 : text Must. 8°. Leipzig, 1887. Haas (II. J.) Die geologische Bodenbeschaffenheit Schleswig-Holsteins mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der erratischen Bildungen, &c. pp. vi, 152 : text Must. 8s. Kiel & Leipzig, Haas (H. J.) Kritische Beitriige zur Kenntniss der ^. jurassischen Brachiopodenfauna des Schweizerischen w Juragebirges und seiner angrenzenden Landestheile. •NVr ScinvKi/EKiscHK PALAEONTOLOOISCHK GESELL- SCHAFT. Abhandlungen, pp. viii, 135 : 2 pis. 8'. Jena, 1887. Haberlandt (G. J. F.) Das reizleitende Gewebe- A system der Sinnpflanze, eine anatomisch-physiologische O Untersuchung. pp. [iv,] 87 : 3 jris. 8°. Leipzig, 1890. Haberlandt (G. J. F.) Ueber den Bau und die Be- deutung der Chlorophyllzellen von Convoluta Roscoff- ensis. See GRAFF (L. VON) Die Organisation der Turbellaria acaela, &c. 4°. 1891. Haberlandt (G. J. F.) Eine botanische Tropenreise, fl Indo-Malayische Vegetationsbilder und Reiseskizzen. Q pp. viii, 300 : text Must. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. Haberlandt (O. J. F.) Ueber experimentelle Her- ^ vorrufung eines neuen Organes bei Conocephalus ovatut, Q Tree. See GIESENHAGEN (K. F.G.) Mothers. Botanische Untersuchungen, &c. 8°. 1899. Haberlandt (G. J. F.) Sinnesorgane im Pflnnzen- reich zur Perception mechanischer Reize. pp. viii, 163 ^ [1]: 6 pis. (col.), text Must. 8°. Leipzig, 1901. 759 HABERLE (GAEL CONSTANTIN) [1764-1832] Beo- bachtungen iiber die Gestalt der Grund- und; Keim- [__ krystalle des schorlartigen Berils und dessen iibrige oryctognostische und geognostische Verhaltnisse. H • '7 pp. 23. See EEFURT. — KOENIGLICHE AKADEMIE GEMEIN- NUETZIGEE WISSENSCHAFTEN. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. in. 8°. 1804. Haberle (C. C.) Berichtigende Anmerkungen und Zusatze zu des Herrn Prof. A. J. G. C. Batsch Em- Pi leitung zum Studium der allgemeinen Naturgeschichte. Erste Abtheilung, Mineralreich, &c. See BATSCH (A. J. G. C.) Einleitung zum Studium der allgemeinen Naturgeschichte, &c. 8°. 1805. Also entitled : — " Beitrage zu einer allgemeinen Einleitung in das Studium der Mineralogie als berichtigende Anmerkungen und Zusatze," HACKEL (EDUAED) Monographia Festucaruni Euro- psearum. pp. ix, 216: 4 pis. 8°. Kassel, Berlin, 1882. Hackel (E.) Andropogonese & Tristiginese. See MAE- TIUS (C. F. P. VON) pt. 3. Graminese rv. lora Brasiliensis, &c. Vol. n, fol. 1883. Hackel (E.) Gramineae. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PEANTL (K. A. E.) Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, &c. 8°. 1887-» Hackel (E.) The True Grasses, by E. Hackel. Trans- lated [with introductory notes, &c.] from Die natiir- lichen Pflanzenfamilien by F. Lamson-Scribner and E. A. Southworth. pp. iv, 228 : 1 pi., text Must. 8°. New York, 1890. Hackel (E.) Andropogonese. See CANDOLLE (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE) /<9 / culture. Bulletin No. 7. Agricultural Series. 8°. 1899. HADOW (GEORGE) The Chesnut Tree in the Park of Finhaven in the county of Forfar, &c. Copperplate Q engraving. 1745. HAECKEL (ERNST HEINRICH PHILIPP AUGUST) [1834-] De telis quibusdam Astaci fluviatilis. Disser- tatio inauguralis.histologica. pp. 48 : 2 pis. 8°. Berolini, 1857. Haeckel (E. H. P. A.) De Rhizopodum finibus et ordinibus. Dissertatio, &c. pp. 16. 4°. Berolini, 1861. 35 pis. Haeckel (E. H. P. A.) Generelle Morphologie der Organismen. Allgemeine Grundziige der organischen Formen-Wissenschaft, mechanisch begriindet durch die von C. Darwin reformirte Descendenz-Theorie. 2 Bdo Must. 8°. Berlin, 1866. i If 760 / ' Haeckel (R H. P. A.) Naturliche Schopfuiigs- geschichte. Geitoeinverstandliche wissenschaftlicbe Vortrage iiber did Entwicklungslehre . . . iiber die Anwendung derselbe« auf den Ursprung des Menschen und andere damit zusauimenhiingende Grundfragen der Naturwissenschaft. pp^'xvi, 568 : 9 pis. 8°. Berlin, 1868. Siebente . . . Auflage, . 1894. „ II. SystematischePhylogenie der Wirbellosen Thiere (Inverte. bnita.) pp. niii, 710. 1898. „ III. Systematiaohe Phylogenie der Wirbelthiere. (Vertebrata.) pp. xx, CdO. 1896. Haeckel (E. H. P. A.) Die Amphorideen und Cystoi- deen. Beitrage zur Morphologic und Phylogenie der •• Echinodennen. See HAECKEL (E. H. P. A.) & others. * Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage von C. Gegenbaur . . . 1896. Bd. i. 8". 1896. Haeckel (E. H. P. A.) Zur Beurtheilung des Organismus der Siphonophoren und deren phylogenetischer Ab- leitung. Eine Kritik von E. Haeckel's sog. Medusom- -n Theone. Von C. Glaus. See VIENNA. — KAISER- £, LICH-KOENIGLICHE UNiVERsrTAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, &c. Tom. viii, hft 2. 8". 1889. 761 z B 6 Haeckel (E. H. P. A.) & others. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage von C. Gegenbaur am 21. August 1896. 3 Bd. Must. 4°. Leipzig, 1896-97. Bd. I. Die Amphorideen und Cystoideen, Beitrage zur Morphologie und Pbylogenie der Ecbinodermen, von B. Haeckel. pp. 180 : 5 pis. Die ventrale Rumpfrmmkulatur einiger Reptilien. Eine ver- gleichend-anatomiache Untersuchung, von F. Maurer. pp. 76: I, pis. Die Brustflosse der Crossopterygier. Bin Beitrag zur Anwendung der Arcbipterypium-Theorie auf die Gliedmaa&sen der Land- wirbelthiere, von H. KlaaUch. pp. 1SS : I, pis. (col.) Die Morphologic der Aniphibienrippen, von E. Goppert. pp. ItS : % pis. ,, n. Ueber Neotenie, von J. E. V. Boas. pp. SO. Ueber die KnUvickelung des unbefruchteten Seeigeleies . . . von B. Hertwig. pp. 66: 3 pis. col. Expm-imentelle Erzeugung thierischer Missbildungen, von O. Hertwig. pp. 15: 1 pi. Merocyten und UmwachRungsrand bei Toleostiern, von H. K. Corning, pp. SO : S pis. col. Ueber die Bntstehung des Endokardepithels bei den Reptilien, von M. v. Davidoff. Die Keim blase von Tarsius . . . von A. A. W. Hubrecht. pa. 32: 1 pi. col. Ueber den feineren Ban der Glandula submaxillaris des Men- schen . . . von B. Solger. pp. 70 : 3 pis. col. Das Skelett der Steinkorallen. Eiue morphologische Studie, von G. v. Kocb. pp. S3: 1 pi. Bemerkungen iiber den Schiidelban von Dermochelya coriacefi, von J. F. Van Benimelen. pp. 10: 1 pi. Ueber die Wirbeleaule der Myrmecophaga jubata, Linne, von E. Rosenberg, pp. 6H : S pis. Die Osteologie von Hymcodon, Leidy, von W. B. Scott, pp. 34 : Upls. Ueber die Nasenhohle und das Jacobson'sclie Organ der Land- und Sumpfschildkroten. Eine vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchung, von p. Seydel. pp. 102 : text Must. :. in. Der Trigemino-Facialis-Komplex von Lota vulgaris, von N. Goronowitsch. pp. U : % pis. (col.) Der Urspmng der Vagusgruppe bei den Teleostiern , von B. IJaller. pp. 57: It pis. (col.), text illust. Vorstudien liber das Hirngewicht der Saugethiere, von M. Weber. pp. »1. Untersuchungen iiber das Zahnsystem lebender und fossiler Halbaffen, von W. Leche. pp. 42 : 1 pl.t text illust. Das Bxkretionssystem der Myxinoiden in seiner Bedeutung fiir die morphologische Auffassung des Urogenitalsysten-s der Wirbelthiere, von R. Semon. pp. 26: 3 pis. (col.) Ueber das peripberische Gebiet des Nervus facialis bei Wirbel- thieren, von G. Huge, pp. 1S6 : text illust. (col.) Ueber die spino-occipitalen Nerven der Selacbier und Holo- cephalen und ihre vergleichende Morphologie, von M. Fiir- bringer. pp. UO: S pis. (col.), text Must. HAECKER (GOTTFRIED RENATUS) [1789-1864] Liibeckische Flora, pp. xx, 376. 8°. Liibeck, 1844. - Zweiter . . Abdruck. pp. xx, 376. 8» Liibeck, 1856. HAECKER (VALENTIN )ADie Richtungskorperbildung / bei Cyclops und Ganthocamptus. pp. 3. See FEEIBUEG- *— IN - BEEISGAU. — NATUEFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. tyl 6 (6 Bericht, &c. Bd. vi, hft. 1. 8°. 1891. Haecker (V.) C f- Ueber spezifische Variation bei Arthropoden, in beson- / deren iiber die Schutzanpassungen der Krabben. pp. 11 : % text illust. Die heterotypische Kerntheilung im Cyklus der genera- tive Zellen. pp. 34: 3 pis. See FREIBUEG-IN-BEEISGAU. — NATUEFOESCHENDE GE- SELLSCHAFT. Bericht, &c. Bd. vi, hft. 3 Epistola de Cicuta. pp. 63. 8°. Viennce, 1765. P HAENKE (THADDAEUS) [1761-1817] Observations Botanies) in Bohemia, Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Tyroli, i* Hungaria factae. See JACQUIN (N. J. VON) Baron. N. J. Jacquin Collectanea Austriaca, cfcc. Vol. n, no. 1. 4°. 1788. Haenke (T.) Die botanische Beobachtungen auf der Reise nach dem BShmischen Riesengebirge. See JIEA- (5 SEK (J.) Beobachtungen auf Reisen nach dem Riesen- gebirge, &c. 4°. 1791. Haenke (T.) Reliquiae Haenkeanas, seu descriptiones et icones Plantarum, quas in America ... in insulis ft Philippinis et Marianis collegit T. Haenke, &c. See PRAGUE. — GESELLSCHAFT DES MUSEUMS DES KOENIGKEICHS BOEHMEN. fol. [1825-] 1830 [-35]. HAENLE (CHEISTIAN FEIEDRICH) Die Ursache der inneren Erdwarme, die Entstehung des Erdplaneten, der Fuerkugeln, Sternschnuppen und Meteorsteine. pp. 78. 8°. Lahr, 1851. HAENLEIN (F. H.) See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA . . . Herausgegeben von . . . F. H. Haenlein, &c. Hft. i-xxvin. 4°. 1886-94. HAEB.ING ( ) Zusammenstellung der Kenn- zeichen der in Deutschland wachsenden verschiedenen Eichengattungen und ihrer hauptsachlichsten Fehler. Unter Beniitzung des Danischen Werkes, Praktisk Skibbygerie af D. H. Funch, dkc. pp. 164: 56 pis. col. fol. Berlin, 1853. 96 la C 0 rV 762 M ol C IS HAERLIN i A i. in: 1 1 in- FRIKIIRICH) I t U-r tlcn I'mii der vegetabihschen Zellmembran. Eine Inaugural- Dissertation . . . vorlegt A. F. llai>rlin, . 47 : S pis. 8°. Brugg, 1881. Wanting the two platoe. Haeusler (R.) Monographic der Foraminiferen- Fauna der Schweizerischen Transversarius-zom.'. See SCHWKI/.EKISTHB PALAEONTOLOGISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. Abhandlungen, 4 ( B7J. The arotmnU of the 2nd — 8th meeting of the Society (pp. 1-37) are reprinted from the " Algemeene Konst- en Letterbode," 1840-52. Hague, The.— Nederland. Eiitomol. Vereeniging. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie uitgegeven door de . . . Vereeniging onder redactie van . . . J. van der Hoeven . . . M. C. Verloren en . . . S. C. Snellen van Vollen- hoven ([and afterwards] J. A. Herklots, A. W. M. van Hasselt, F. M. van der Wulp, W. Albarda, E. J. G. Everts, P. C. T. Snellen and A. F. A. Leesberg). Deel l-» 8°. 's Gravenhaf/e, (1857-) 1858-» Deel l-vin, iz-xvi ti XMI-XXIV are also etvled resiwctively Ser. I, II & III. Repertorium der acht eerste .Tahrgangen, d"c. 8°. 's Gravenkagf, 1869. 2de Serie, 1866-73, &c. Sf.'s Gravenhage, 1875. Deel xvn-xxiv, <£c. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1882. Hague, The.— Nederland. Eiitomol. Vereeniging. I .a Societe Entomologique Neerlandaise par F. M. van der Wulp. See PLEYTE (W.) loratton of the Fortieth Parallel. Vol. in. Report, &c. 4°. 1870. Hague (A.) Geology of the Eureka District, Nevada. pp. xvii,419 : 8 pls.,text illust. At]as,[pp.iii:]lpl.col., 10 maps geol. col. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Monographs, ls., 4 maps geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Monographs, 3. 8°. Leipzig, 1879. Hahn (F. G.) Insel-Studien. Versuch einer auf oro- graphische und geologische Verhaltnisse gegriindeten Eintheilung der Inseln. pp. iv, 208 : 1 map col. 8". Leipzig, 1883. Hahn (F. G.) Die Stadte der Norddeutschen Tiefebene und ihrer Beziehung zur Bodengestaltung. See STUTT- GART.— CENTRALKOMMISSION FUER WISSENSCHAFTLICHE LANDE8KUNDE VON DEUTSCHLAND. Forschungen, . xi, 87 : 23 pis. col. 8". Gera, 1883. Hahn(G.) Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, l Halm (O.) Die Meteorite (Chondrite) und ihre Organismen. pp. 56: 32 pis. 4°. Tubingen, 1880. HAHN (THEOPHILUS) Original map of Great Namaqua- / land and Damaraland . . . Scale 1 : 742,016. See GREAT ; ^ NAMAQUALAND. [Maps.] 1879. HAHNIUS (IMMANUEL ERNESTUS) De filly, hoc est de Papyro frutice, von der Papier-Staude ad Q Esai* xix., 7 ... respondente J. E. Hahnio, &c. See UNGERUS (J. G.) 4°. [1731.] f \ sc*- 3 HAHR (AUGUST) General Karta ofver Sverige, U- Norge och Danmark, &c. See SCANDINAVIA. [Maps.] 3 sh. 1887. HAID (JOHANN ELIAS) [1739-1809] Plant* Select*, A quarum imagines ... in *s incidit et vivis coloribus representavit J. J. Haid [and J. E. Haid], &c. See TREW (C. J.) fol. 1750-73. HAID (JOHANN JACOB) [1704-1767] Phytanthoza £> Iconographia . . . *ri incis* & ... excus* . . . per . . . J. J. Haidium, &c. 8 Vol. [in 6.] See WEINMANN (J. W.) fol. 1737-45. Haid ( JOHANN JACOB) Plant* Select*, quarum imagines fi . . . in *s incidit et vivis coloribus representavit J. J. Haid, &c. See TREW (C. J.) fol. 1750-73. HAIDINGER (WILHELM KARL VON) [1795-1871] * Treatise on Mineralogy, or the natural history of the l^\ Mineral Kingdom. By F. Mobs . . . Translated . . . with considerable additions by W. Haidinger. See MOHS (F.) 8°. 1825. . Haidinger (W. K. VON) Anfangsgriinde der Minera- A^ logie, &c. pp. viii, 312 : 15 pis. 8°. Leipzig, 1829. Haidinger (W. K. VON) Ueber den Johannit, eine i neue Spezies des Mineralreiches. pp. 11 : 1 pi. 5 U- See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DERWISSENSCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, sertationes Academic* Upsali*, &c. Vol. n, no. 19. r$ 8°. 1800. HAIJ (ISAACUS) Dissertatio entomologica, sistens Insecta Suecica, quorum partem quintam . . . subjicit ~7 I. Haij, &c. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1794.] [Another edition.] See THUNBERG (C. P.) Dis- sertationes Academic* Upsalias, &c. Vol. in, no. 6. 8°. London, 1847-» No. 1. The Observations of Sir H. Hawkins.Knt., in his Voyage into the South Sea in ... 1593. Reprinted from the edition of 1622. Edited by C. R. I). Betbnne, d-c. pp. xm, tke. 1847. ,, 2. Select Letters of Christopher Columbus, with other original documents relating to his four Voyages to the New World. Translated and edited by R. H. Major, d-c. pp. xc, HO. 1847. [For second edition, See No. 4:1. | „ 3. The Discovery of the . . . Empire of Guiana ... in ... 1595, by Sir W. Ralegh, Knt. . . . Edited, with ... a Biographical Memoir, by Sir R. II. Schomburgk, <1V. §p. lit?, j-f, tW : 1 map. 1848. ir K. Drake his Voyage, 1595, by T. Maynarde, together with the Spanish account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico. Edited . . . by W. D. Cooley, d-c. pp. riii, 65. 1849. ,, 5. Narratives of Voyages towards the North-west in search of a passage to Cathay and India. 1496-1631. With selections from the early records of the . . . Bait India By T. Rundall. pp. xx, K9 : 1 pi., Hall, J. 1612. Gibbons, Capt. 1614. Ilylot, R. and Baffin, W. 1615-16. Hawk ridge, Capt. 1619. Fox, L. 1(131. James, T. 1631. Company . t map$ Cabota, 8. 1499. Frobisher, Sir M. 1576-81. Davis, J. 1585-87. Waymouth, G. 1602. Knight, J. 1608. Hudson, H. IfilO. Button, Sir T. 1615. The Historic of Travaile into Virginia Britannia ... by W. Strachey . . . Edited . . . by R. H. Major, d-c. pp. xxxfi, SOS: e pit., 1 map, lext illuit. Divers Voyages touching the discovery of America and the Islands adjacent. Collected ... by R. Hakluyt . . . Edited . . . by J. W. Jones, d-c. pp. cxi, 171, C: 1 pi., t inapt. A verie late and great probabilitie of a passage by the North-West ['art of America in fifty-eight degrees of northerly latitude. Fabian, R. A note of S. GabutM [i.e. Cabot's] voyage of discouerie, d-c. Thome, R. A declaration of the Indies and landes discouered and subdued unto the . . . King of 1'or- tngale, d-c. Thome, R. The booke made by ... Master R. Thome, in ... 1527 . . . being an information of the parts of the world disconered by ... the King of Portin- gale : and also of the way to the Molnccaes by the North. Verarzinua, J. The relation ... of the lande by him disconered. d-c. /••mi, N. The disconerie of the Isles of Frisland, Iseland, Engroneland, Estotiland, Drogeo, and Icaria, made by II. Nicolas Zeno . . . and M. An- tonio his brother. [Compiled from letters by N. 55eno the younger. ] ( For another edition, Sre No. 60. ] HiUult, J. The true and last dlseonerie of Florida .. . In... 1M2... Translated... by. . . T. Hacklt, 1849. 1849. 1850. Hakluyt Society. (Contd.)] [Works issued by the Hakluyt Society. (Contd.)] No. 8. Memorials of the Empire of Japon : in the xvl & xvn Centuries. Edited ... by T. Rundall. pp. juuriii, 180: Spit. 1850. A description of the Empire in the xvl. Century. Adams, W. Letters [relating to Japan], d-c. Notes. Apiiendix. — Summary of a narrative by ... R. da \ ivero y Velasco . . . of hit* residence in the Empire [of Japan]. A.D. 160S-lc!10. ., 9. The discovery and conquest of Terra Florida, by Don F. de Soto . . . Translated ... by H. llakluyt . . . Edited, with notes and introduction, by W. B. Rye, d-c. pp. Ixeii, SOO, f : 1 map. 1851. in & 12. being a translation of the . . . Reruro ii ii, by the Baron S. von Translated ami edited . . . by R. H. 1851-52. 1 Note* ujion Russia, be VMusooviticarum (/on ) Herberstein . . . Tn Major, d-c. 2 Vol 11. The geography of Hudson's Bay: being the remarks of Capt. W. Coate, in many voyages to that locality, between . . . 1727 and 1751. With an Appendix con- taining extracts from the Log of Capt. Middleton on his Voyage for the discovery of the North-west Passage, in H.M.8. "Furnace," in 1741-2. Edited by J. Barrow, *c. pp. x, Ik7. 1852. 13. A true description of three voyages [of W. Barents*] by the North-east towards Cathay and China, undertaken by the Dutch in ... 1694-90 . . . By O. de Veer. Edited by C. T. Beke, itc. pp. exlii, H91 : 11 pls.,k MO;M. 1853. [For second edition, See No. 54.] 14 ) The history of the great and mighty kingdom of China .v >and the situation thereof. Compiled by the Padre J. 15. j Gonzalez de Mendoza. And now reprinted from the early translation of R. Parke. Edited by Sir <:. T. Staunton, Bart. With an introduction by U. II. Major. 2 Vol. 1853-54. 16. The World encompassed by Sir F. Drake, being his next Voyage to that to Nombre de Dios. [By Sir F. Drake, Bart.] Collated, with an unpublished manuscript of F. Fletcher . . . With Appendices . . . and introduction by W. 8. W. Vaux, m prising the Treatise " Of the Russe Commonwealth" by . . . G. Fletcher; and the Travels of Sir J. Honey, Km., now for the first time printed entire from his own manuscript. Edited by E. A. Bond, , tW: ttxt illutl. 1857. 23. India in the Fifteenth Century. Being a Collection of narratives of Voyages to India . . . from Latin, Persian, Russian, and Italian sources, now first translated into English. Kiln. . I . . . by R. H. Major, *c. /.,.. xc, V, . S3, .11, 10. 1857. 23. Narrative of a Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico In ... 1609-1002 ... By 8. Champlain. Translated . . . with a biographical notice ... by A. Wilmere. Edited by N. Shaw. pp. ri, xcix, hS: It pit. col. 1859. 767 7j> H [Hakluyt Society. (Contd.)] [Works issued by the Hakluyt Society. (Contd.)] No. 24. Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639. Translated and edited ... by C. R. Markliam, anish, with notes and a preface ... by the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley. pp. xxiv, &19; 2 pis. 1868 The Fifth Letter of H. Cortes to the Emperor Charles V., containing an account of his expedition to Honduras. Translated from the Spanish by Don P. de Gayangos,the Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega. Translated and edited, J with notes and an introduction, by C. R. Markbam. 2 Vol. 1860-71. The three Voyages of Vasco da Gama, and his Vice- royalty. From the Lendas da India of G. Correa . . . Translated ... by the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley, pp. Ixxx, ltSO,xxxv: 3 pis. 1869. Select Letters of Christopher Columbus . . . Translated and edited by R. H. Major . . . Second edition, Ac* pp. iv, cxlii, 25& : 1 pi. col. [For 1st ed. See No. 2. j 1S70. History of the Imams and Seyyids of 'Oman, by Salil- Ibn-Eazik, from A.D. 661-1856. Translated . . . and edited, with notes, appendices, and an introduction, continuing the History down to 1870, by G. P. Badger, Ac. pp. cxxviii, Ii35; 1 map. 1871. [See ante, No. 41.] The Canarian, or, Book of the conquest and conversion of the Canarians in ... 1402, by J. de Bethencourt . . . Composed by P. Bontier and J. I.e Verrier. Translated and edited, with notes and an introduction, by R. H. Major, <£-c. pp. Iv, 829; 1 pl.t 1 map. 1872. Reports on the Discovery of Peru. I. Report of F. de Xeres . . . 11. Report of M. de Astete on the expedition to Pachacamac. in. Letter of H. Pizarro to the Royal Audience of Santo Domingo, iv. Report of P. Sancho on the partition of the ransom of Atahuallpa. Translated and edited, with notes and an introduction, by C. R. Markhani, Ac. pp. xxii, IJtf: 1 map. 1872. Narratives of the Kites and Laws of the Yncas. Trans- lated from the original Spanish Manuscripts, and edited, with notes and an introduction, by C. R. Mark ham, dr. pp. xx, 220. 1873. Travels to Tana and Persia, by J. Barbaro and A. Con- tarini . Translated from the Italian by W. 1 homas . . . and by S, [or rather E.] A. Roy . . . and edited, with an introduction, by Lord Stanley of Alderley. pp. xi, 173 [«]. 1873. A narrative of Italian travels in Persia, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Translated and edited by C. Grey. pp. xvii, 229 [2]. 1873, Zeno, C. Travels in Persia. Angiolello, G. M. A short narrative of the life and acts of the King Ussun Cassano. The travels of a Merchant in Persia. Narrative of ... V. D'AlJesandri. The Voyages of the Venetian Brothers N. and A. Zeno, to the Northern Seas, in thexivth Century, comprising the latest knownaccounts of the lost colony of Greenland ; and of the Northmen in America before Columbus. [Compiled from the letters of N. Zeno, by N. Zeno the Younger.] Translated and edited, with notes and an introduction, by R. H. Major, pp, cii, 6lt : 1 pi., 3 maps. 1873. Zeno, N. &. A. The discovery of the Islands of Fria- landa, Ac, [Another edition, See No. 7.] Appendix : — Bardsen, I. Description of Greenland in the four- teenth century. The Captivity of H. Stade ... in A.D. 1547-1555 among the wild tribes of eastern Brazil (with a preface by J. Dryandri called Zycbman). Translated [from the German] by A. Tootal . . . and annotated by R. F. Burton, pp. xcvi, 169. 1874. 39. 40. 41 & 45, 42. 43. 47. 49. 51. 768 [Haklnyt Society. (Contd.)] [\Vorks issued by the Hakluyt Society. (Contil.)] No. M. Tho ant Voyage round the World by Magellan. Trans- lated from the account* of Pigafetta and other contem- l»i.ii> writers . . . With notes and an introduction by Lord Stanley of Alderley. pp. Ix, !S7, xx : Spl*., 1 uuip, ttxt illtul. 1874. ,. 53, \ The Commentaries of the great A. Dulboquerque, witli 84, 6S } note* and introduction, by W. deO. Birch, cfr. 4 Vol. A ' '.'. ' 1875-84. ,, W. The three Voyage* of W. Barents t» I he Arctic Regions ... by G. de Veer . . . (Second edition, with an intro- dnction, by Lient. K. Iteyncn, Ac. pp. clxxir, tKI : 16 fit., S ruapt. [For flint edition, Sir No. 13.) 187(5. Appendix :— I. A letter from .1. Balak to O. Mercator. ll. An account of II. Hudson's visit to Novava /.•uilya. in. Writings of W. Barents, preserved by Purchas. „ 55. [&< ante, No. 53.] „ 56. The Voyages of Sir J.Lancaster, Kt., to the East Indies, with abitracta of Journals of Voyages to the Eaat Indies during the seventeenth century . . . and the Voyage of Caiit. J. Knight (1606), to seek the North-west Passage. Edited by C. R. Markham, p. xxii, Sit,. 1877. ,, 67. The Hawkins* Voyages [i.e. the voyages of W., Sir J., and Sir R. Hawkins] during the teigus of Henry VIII., Queen Elizabeth and James I. Edited, with an intro- diu-tion, by C. R. Mnrkham, d-c. pp. Hi, iSS: 1 pl. 1878. .. 55. The Bondage and Travels of J. Schiitbcrper ... in Euroiw, Asia, and Africa, 13!I6-1427. Translated from the Heidelberg Ms. edited in 185U by . . . K. F. Neu- mann, by . . . J. B. Telfer ... With notes by ... P. Braun . . . and a preface, introduction, and notes by the translator and editor, pp. xxxii, t63 : 1 map. 1879. ., 59. The voyages and works of J. I >.i vi> . . . Edited, with an introduction and notes, by A. H. Mnrkbam. (Notes on the " New Map" by C. H. Coote. The map of the world, A.D. 1600, called by Shakspere, " The New Map, with the augmentation of the Indies." To illustrate the voyages of J. Davis.) pp. xci; S9S : 1 pi., 1 map, text Mutt. (pp.iej.-Mi,!>.) 1880. Wright, E. The [third] voiage of the right honorable George, Krle of Cumberland, to the Azores, <{•<•. Candish, T. The last voyage of ... T. Candish. „ 60, 1 The natural and moral History of the Indies, by Father 61. f J. de Acosta. Reprinted from the English translated edition of E. Grimston, 1604 ; and edited, with notes and an introduction, by C. H. Markham. Vol. l, Tho Natural History. Vol. n, The Moral History. 2 Vol. [with Map of Peru, to illustrate No. 38, 41, 45, 60 & 61.] 1880. „ 62. (Set ante, No. 53.) „ 63. The Voyages of W. Baffin, 1612-1622. Edited, with notes and an introduction, by C. R. Markham, etc. ,,,,. '"•, 1W: 1 pl.. It mapt. 1881. .. 64. Narrative of the Portuguese Embassy to Abyssinia . . . 1520-1527. By Father F. Alvarez. Translated from the Portuguese, and edited, with notes and an introduction, by Lord Stanley of Alderley. pp. xxcii, 1,16 : 1 map. 1881. .. 65. The UUtorye of the Bermudaes, or Summer Islands [attributed to J. Smith, Governor of Virginia]. Edited ... by ... Sir J. H. I.efroy, J-c. pp. xii, SM : l> pit. 1882. „ 66, ( Diary of R. Cooks, Cape-Merchant in the English Factory 67. ) in Japan, 1615-1622, with Correspondence. Edited by E. M. Thompson, .!•,-. 2 Vol. 1883. „ 68. [See ante, No. 33. J „ 69. (See ante, No. 53.] .. 70, | Ihe Voyage of J. Hnygben van Linschoten to the East 71. ) Indie*, r rom the old English translation of 1508. The First Book, containing bis description of the East . . . Edited ... by ... A. C. Bnrnell . . . [and] P. A. Tiele. 2 Vol. 1885. ,, 72, ) Early voyages and travels to Russia and Persia by 78. I A. Jenkinson and other Englishmen. Edited by E. D. Morgan and C. H. Coote. 2 Vol. 1886. „ 74, ) The diary of W. Hedges . . . during his agency in 75 [• Bengal ; as well as on his voyage out and return over- A 7s. J land (1(181-1687) . . . With introductory notes, etc., by R. Barlow . . . illustrated by ... extracts ... by Col. H. Yule. 3 Vol. 1887-89. ,, 7'', ) The Voyage of F. Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, 77 -the Maldives, the Moluccas and Brazil. Translated . . . * 80. ) from the third French edition of 1019, and edited, with notes, by A. Gray . . . assisted by H. C. P. Bell. 2 Vol. (in 8.) 1887-fO. „ 78. (See ante, No. 74.) „ 79. Tractatus de Globis et eornm tun. A Treatise . . . published in lr,!i2 by H. Hues. Edited, with annotated indices and an introduction, by C. R. Markham. pp.lviii, tt»:lpl. 1889. Hailing directions for the circumnavigation of England and for a Voyage to the Strait* of Gibraltar. (From a 15th Century MS.) Edited, with an account of the Ms., by J. Gairdner, and a Glossary by E. D.Morgan. pp.S7: 1 map. 1881). „ 80. (Set ante, No. 76.] „ 81. The conquest of the River Plate (1535-55). i. Voyage of U. Schmidt to the rivers La Plata and Paraguai. From the original German edition, 1567. n. The com- mentaries of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca. From the original Spanish edition. (By P. Hernandez.) 1555. Translated . . . with notes, and an introduction, by L. L. Domingnez. pp. xlri, tSI: 1 map. 1891. | Hakluyt Society. (Contd.)] [Works issued l>y the Hakluyt Society. (Contd.)] No. 82, ) The voyage of F. Leguat of Hresse to Rodriguez, .-::. ) nms. .I.U.L, atul the Cajte of Good Hope. Tran- scribed from the first English edition. Baited and annotated by Capt. P. Oliver. 2 Vol. pp, txviil, xviii, US: 16 pli., 7 map*, text illutt. 1891. Vol. n. Appendix:— A. The discovery of the Mascarene Islands. [Abstract of M. J. Codine's " Memoire geographique stir la mer des Indes."] ,, Addendum (M. de Flacourt's Pillar. List of Birds in Bourbon . . . after Maillard). u. Relation de Ml. Rodrigue. C. Notes from a memoir on the ancient Fauna of the Maacarene Islands. By M. A. Milnr- K. I wards. D. On extinct Birds of the Mascarene Islands. K. The gigantic Mascarene Tortoises. Supplementary Note. The Dugong, Halicore I 'n gong, Legnats " Manati." [By K. D. Morgan.] „ 84, ) The travels of P. delta Valle in India. From the old 85. i English translation of 1664, by G. Haven . . . Edited, with a Life of the Author, an introduction and notes, by E. Grey. 2 Vol. il/nti. 1892. , 86. The Journal of Christopher Columbus (during his first voyage, 1402-03), and documents relating to the voyages of J, Cabot and G. Corte Real. Translated, with notes and an introduction, by C. R. Markuarn, <£e. pp. lit, 159: Ipl., inapt. 18»3. „ 87. Early voyages and travels in the Levant, i. The diary of Master T. Dallam, l.Mi'i-ldOO. u. Extract* from the diaries of Dr. J . Covel, 1670-79. With some account of the Levant Company of Turkey Merchant*. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by J. T. Bent. pp. ,'/••, 305: Iport. 1893. „ 88, \ The voyages of Capt. Luke Foxe . . . and Capt. Thomas 89. j James ... in search of a North-west Passage, in 1631-32 ; with narratives of the earlier North-west voyages of Frobisher, Davis, Weymouth, Hall, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge, and others. Edited, with notes and an introduction, by M. Christy. 2 Vol. pp. xvi, ccxxxi, 681 : 1 pl., S maps, S portt.. text illiut. 1894. ,, £0. The letters of Amerigo Vespucci and other documents illustrative of his career. Translated, with notes and an introduction, by C. R. Markham. pp. [wi,] xtir, 131. 1894. , . 91 . Narratives of the voyages of Pedro Sarmiento de Gam boa to the Straits of Magellan. Translated and edited, with notes and an introduction, by C. R. Markham. pp. xxx, 401. 1895. , , 92, ) The history and description of Africa and of the notable 93, -thums therein contained, written by Al-Haasan Ibn* 94. ) Mohammed Al-Wezaz Al-Fasi, . . . known as Leo Africanus. Done into English in ... 1600, by J. Pory, and now edited, with an introduction and notes, by ... li. Drown. 8 Vol. illtat. 1896. ,, 95 1 The chronicle of the discovery and conquest of Guinea. & > Written by G. E. de Azurara ; now first done into 100. ) English by C. R. Beazley . . . and E. Prestage, <{•<•. 2 Vol. 1896-99. „ W, ) Danish Arctic Kxiwditions, 1605 to 1620 . . . Book I.— 97. I The Danish expeditions to Greenland in 1605, 1606, and 1607 ; to which is added Capt. J. Hall's Voyage ... in 1612. (Appendix B.— On "Bane Island." By M. Christy.) Book u.— The expedition of Capt. J. Munk to Hudson's Bay ... in 1619-20. Edited with notes . . . by C. C. A. Gosch. 2 Vol. Uliut. 1897. ,, "8. Koo-ua \iyvirnovfjiovaxov Xpurriai't'cij Toiroypa^ia. Tho Christian Topography of Cosnias, an Egyptian monk. Translated from the Greek, and edited with notes and introduction by J. W. HcCrindle. pp. xii, xxvii,3!J8: I, pit., text Ulutt. 1897. ,, 99. A journal of the first voyage of V. Da Gama, 1497-1499. Translated and edited, with notes, an introduction and appendices, by E. G. Kavenstein. pp. xxxvi, SBO : S pit., 6 portt., e mapt, text illutt. IMi*. „ 100. [See ante, No. 95.] Series 1 1. No. 1, I'lhu Embassy of Sir T. Roe to the Court of the Great 2. | Mogul, 1615-1619 . . . Edited ... by W. Foster. 2 Vol. illutt.'. „ 3. The Voyage of R. Dudley ... to the West Indies, 1594- 1596. narrated by Capt. Wyatt, by himself, and by A. Kendall . . . Edited by G. F. Warner, pp. toil, lOt,: 1 pl., Iport., 1 map. 1899. „ 4. The Journey of William of Rubruck to the eastern part* of the World, 1253-55, as narrated by himself, with two accounts of the earlier journey of John of Pian de Carpine. Translated from the 1 atm. and edited, with an introductory notice, by W. W. Rookhill. pp. M, SOU: i man, 1900. „ 5. The Voyage of Capt. John Saris to Japan, 1013. Edited ...bySirE. M.Satow. pp. lxxxvii(i], til: I, pl*., 1 map. 1900. ,, 6. The Strange Adventures of A. Battell of Leigh, in Angola and the adjoining regions. Reprinted from " Purchaa his Pilgrimes." Edited, with notes and a concise history of Kongo and Angola, by E. G. Raven- stein. (Appendix i. Anthony Knivet in Kongo and Angola, "V«-/ HalfccsyXE. voN)Cojispsetus Floras Grigcaa^Jefcf- i^ . ^T" o . y^vyAsV'''', 1 tJUU" G- 1900-» Halacsy (E. VON) & Braun (H.) Nachtrage zur Flora von Nieder-Oesterreich, &c. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH- KOENIGLICHE ZOOLOGISCH-BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. 8°. 1882. HALAVATS (GYULA) Oslenytani adatok Delmag- yarorszag Neogen korii iiledekei Faunajanak ismere- tehez. 3 Pt. illust. — Paliiontologische Daten zur Kenntniss der Fauna der Siidungarischen Neogen- Ablagerungen. 3 Pt. illust. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Magyar Kirdlyi Foldtani Inte'zet. Evkonyve (Mit- theilungen aus dem Jahrbuche), &c. Kot. vi, fiiz. 5 ; VIII, fiiz. 4 ; x, fuz. 2. 8°. 1882-92. Halavats (G.) A Szentesi Artezi Kut. pp. 30 : 4 ph.— Der artesische Brunnen von Szentes. pp. 32 : 4 pis. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Magyar Kirdlyi Foldtani Inte'zet. Evkonyve (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche), &c. Kot. viii, fiiz. 6. 8°. 1888. Halavats (G.) A H6d-Mezo-Vasa}rhelyi ket Artezi Kiit. pp. SO : 2 pis., text illust. — Die zwei artesischen Brunnen von H6d-Mezo-Vasarhely. pp. 21 : 2 pis., text illust. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.— Magyar Kirdlyi Fold- tani Inte'zet. Evkonyve (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahr- buche), : S pis. Limniea : pp. 1-16, pis. i-iv. pp. 17-32, pis. v-x. pp. SS-5S, pis. xi-xv. Planorbin : pp. 32 : It pis. Ancylus : pp. lit. Index to Physadie. pp. 2. [Turbidaj.] Annicola : pp. 2tt : 1 pi. Paludina : pp. 1-16 : pis. i-v. pp. 17-33 : pis. -vi-x. Ampullaria : pp. 11: % pU. ) Vaiaata : pp. 11 : 1 pi. f Diagnoses of new species were published on the wrappers of the parts, and these have been preserved. For a complete collation of this work, See BINNEY'S " Bibliog. N. Amer. Conch.," p. 65, in " Smithsonian Miscell. Coll.," Vol. v. A lithographic view of the author's residence forms the frontispiece to this copy. [Another edition.] Pt. i-ix.t [2 Vol.] illust. col. 8°. Philadelphia, 1842, 45 [i.e. 1871]. -7 A re-issue in 1871 of the foregoing by the Conchological Section of the ~ Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, with the addition of a ninth part, edited by G. W. Tryon, and containing a portrait of the author, the title-page and index for the "Turbidfie," with Paludina pp. 33-36, pi. xi, and " contents " or collation of the whole. (Cf. " Amer. Jonrn. Conch.," Vol. VII, p. 202.) (In continuation of . . . S. S. Haldeman's work, Academise Upsaliensis. Cujus Appendic. xvn . . . L * committit A. O. Hall, &c. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1809.] HALL (BASIL) [1788-1844] Account of a voyage of discovery to the west coast of Corea, and the Great L- Loo-Choo Island ; with an appendix . . . containing . . . scientific notices, gamas continens. Pars 1. Equiaetaceee, Filices . . . Musci et Hepaticse, ela- borate) studio F. A. G. Miquel et M. Da&sen, edidit . . . H. C. van Hall. 1832. ,i 2. Continens Lichenes, quos elaboravit H. C. van Hall, et Algas, quas elaboravit F. A. G. Miqnel. 1840. Hall (HERMANN C. VAN) See BIJDRAGEN TOT DE L NATUURKUNDIGE WETENSCHAPPEN, verzameld door H. C. van Hall, &c. Deel i-vn. 8°. 1826-32. » Hall (HERMANN C. VAN) Flora Batava . . . door J. Kops . . . en H. C. van Hall, dkc. Deel v-vm. See KOPS (J.) 4°. 1828-44. Hall (HERMANN C. VAN) Epistolae ineditse C. Linnaei 5 ... edidit H. C. van Hall. See LINN.EUS (C.) 8°. 1830. Hall (HERMANN C. VAN) Elementa Botanices, in usum _ lectionum academicarum. pp. xii, 244 \IB~\. ..' [.'}: ..' /orts, lications] See AtBANYx^-NEW YORK>TATE MU8E HI8TOR See I^A, State of^GeologicaljtHlrvey. YoRK.-otafe of.— Geological Storvey. Hall (JAMES) Geologist Halle.— Friedrichs-Universitaet. Geschichte der Zoologie und der Zoologischen Samm- (__ lungen an der Universitat Halle 1694-1894, von . . . O. Taschenberg. pp. 176: 9 pis., text Must. See infra, NATURFOESCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. xx. 8°. 1894. f> 6 6 8 HALLE. — Hallische Naturforschende Gesell- schaft. See infra, NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. HALLE.— Naturforschende Gesellschaft. [1779 Founded as Hallische Jfaturforacheiuie Gesellschaft. 1807 Naturforschende Geielltchaft.} Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. i.t 8°. Dessau & Leipzig, 1783. / . L~ > Halle. — Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Neue Schriften, dec. Bd. I, hft. 2 & 3 ; n, hft. 1 ; in, hft. 1. 8°. Halle, 1809-1817. The series terminated with Bd. in, hft. 2. Each Heft is separately paged, and most of them contained only a single paper. A list of their contents is given in Englemann's " Bibliotheca Historico-naturalis," p. 56 [?.».] Halle. — Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Abhandlungen (Vierteljahrsbericht. [Continued as:] Bericht fiber die Sitzungen), &c. Bd. i-xvu. 4°. Halle, 1854-92. In 1880-> the " Bericht " was issued separately in 8°. Bd. XVIII-** *" 8°. Halle & Stuttgart, 1892-s* Each paper bears a distinct pagination in addition to that of the volume. A' r* . 1*7 '^' i- t4 to. Halle. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Bericht liber die Sitzungen, dec. 1880-» 8°. Halle, 1880-> / Prior to 1880 this was issued and indexed with the Abhandlungen [q.v.] Halle.— Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Festschrift zur Feier des hundertjahrigen Bestehens der . . . Gesellschaft, &c. pp. xlvii, 342 : 12 pis. 4°. Halle, 1879. Halle. — Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Abhandlung iiber die Verdauungswerkzeuge der In- secten . . . Herausgegeben von der . . . Gesellschaft, dec. See RAMDOHR (K. A.) 4°. 1811. Halle.— Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Brevi Societatis histories, accedit descriptio Spiropterse strumosse. See NITZSCH (C. L.) 4°. 1829. HALLE.— Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fuer Sachsen und Thueringen. [1848 Founded as Natnnrisgenscha/llicker Verein ill Halle. 1852 ffaturwissenschafUicker Verein fiir Sachsen und Thiiringen.} Auszug aus den Sitzungs-Protokollen, dec. Jahr. I. 8°. Halle, 1849. [Continued as :] Jahresbericht, &c. Jahrg. n-v. 8°. Berlin, 1849-52. [Continued as :] Zeitschrift fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. (Correspondenzblatt des . . . Vereines, dec.) Heraus- gegeben von dem . . . Vereine, dec. Bd. i-n. 8°. Halle, 1853. Redigirt von C. Giebel und W. Heintz ([and afterwards] M. Siewert), &c. Bd. m-xxxiv. 8°. Berlin, 1854-69. Originalabhandlungen und Monatliches Reper- torium der Literatur . . . und Zoologie. Redigirt von . . . C. G. Giebel und . . . M. Siewert, dec. Bd. xxxv- XLVIII. (Neue Folge, Bd. i-xiv.) 8°. Berlin, 1870-76. Originalabhandlungen und Berichte. Redigirt von . . . C. G. Giebel, dec. Bd. XLIX-LIV. (Dritte Folge, Bd. I-VI.) 8°. Berlin, 1877-81. Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaften. Originalabhand- lungen und Berichte. Herausgegeben vom . . . Verein, d&c. Bd. LV-LXII. (Vierte Folge, Bd. i-vin.) 8°. Berlin, Halle, 1882-89. Im Auftrage (Organ) des . . . Vereins . . . heraus- gegeben von . . . O. Luedecke ([and afterwards] G. Brandes). Bd. LXIII-» (Fiinfte Folge, Bd. i-») 8°. Halle-Saale & Leipzig, 1890-» L L-S U U 774 6 Halle. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, &c. - Abhandlungen, <{•«•. Bd. i & n. 4°. Berlin, 1860-61. Kach paper has iu own twginttion in addition to that of the volume. Halle. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, &c. Taschenbuch der Flora Thiiringens, r JOURNAL FUER CHEMIE UND PHYSIK. Bd. LXI- LXIX. 8°. 1831-33. HALLE.— Universitas Fridericiana. See supra, FRIEDRICHS-UNIVERSITAET. HALLE. Wisseiischaftlicher Vereiu zur Ver- breitung von Naturkenntniss uiicl hoeherer 1 Wahrheit. [Founded isai.] Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik . . . AIs eine Zeit- schrift des . . . Vereins, aus mit Anmerkungen und Zusjitzen [by A. v. Haller the younger]. See VENTENAT (E. P.) 8°. 1802. Haller (A. VON) The Younger. Tentamen synopseos . Potentillarum, cum adnotatiunculis in Wahlenbergii K Fjoram Helveticum, Lapponicam, Carpathicam, ac in Nestleri Monographiam. . See BERNE. — MUSEUM DER NATUEGESCHICHTE HELVETIENS. Musee Helvetique . . . (Partie Botanique), &c. Tom. I, no. 6. 4°. 1823. HALLER (BELA) Der Organisation der Chitonen der Adria. 2 Pt. Must. See VIENNA. — KAISEELICH- £. KOENIGLICHE UNiVEESiTAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoo- logischen Institut, &c. Tom. iv, hft. 3 ; v, hft. 1. 8°. 1882-83. Haller (B.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Nerven im _ Peritoneum von Doris tuberculata, Lam. pp. 18 : 1 pi. '__ See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, &c. Tom. v, hft. 3. 8°. 1884. Haller (B.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Textur des ZCentral-Nervensystems hoherer Wiirmer. pp. 138 : 5 pis. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNI- VERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, &c. Tom. viii, hft. 2. 8°. 1889. Haller (B.) Die Anatomie von Siphonaria gigas, Less., eines opisthobranchen Gasteropoden. pp. SO : 3 pis. (See VIENNA.— KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVER- SITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute, &c. Tom. x, hft. 1. 8°. 1892. Haller (B.) Studien iiber Docoglosse und Rhipido- glosse Prosobranchier, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die •y phyletischen Beziehungen der Mollusken untereinander. pp. iv, 173 : 12 pis., text Must. 4°. Leipzig, 1894. , Haller (B.) Der Ursprung der Vagusgruppe bei den Teleostiern. See HAECKEL (E. H. P. A.) & others. ~7 Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage von C. Gegenbaur . . . 1896. Bd. HI. 8°. 1897. HALLER (G.) [-1886] Die Milben als Parasiten der Wirbellosen, in's besondere Arthropoden. pp. 89 : text ~~? illust. 8°. Halle a. S., 1880. HALLEZ (PAUL) [1848-] Contributions a 1'histoire naturelle des Turbellaries. [Thesis.] pp. viii, 213: ~? 11 pis. 4". Lille, 1879. Also published as " Trav. Institut Zool. Lille," Vol. u. Hallez (P.) Embryogenie des Dendroccoles d'eau douce. • pp. 107 : 5 ph., text illust. See LILLE. — SOCIETE DES """ SCIENCES, &c. Memoires, &c. Ser. IV, torn. xix. < j> 8°. 1887 (1894). Hallez (P.) See REVUE BIOLOGIQUE DU NORD DE LA i FRANCE publiee sous la direction de . . . P. Hallez, &c. ' — ' Ann. l-vil. 8°. 1888-95. 5 A Hallez (P.) Catalogue des Rhabdocoalides, Triclades et Polyclades du nord de la France . . . 2e edition, &c. L- pp. 239: 2 ph. (col.), text illust. See LILLE. — sociETis ^ DES SCIENCES, &c. Memoires, &c. Ser. IV, torn. xix. ^ 8°. 1894. HALLIDAY (Sir ANDREW) [1781-1839] The West - Indies : the natural and physical history of the Wind- ^ ward and Leeward Colonies, &c. pp. viii, 408 : 1 map. 8°. London, 1837. // Appendix II. f'atalogue of Plants, indigenous, naturalized, and culti- vated, in the British West India Colonies, by . . . J. D. Haycock. HALLIER, (ERNST) [1831-] De Cycadeis quibus- dam fossilibus in regione Apoldensi repertis. Disser- £. tatio philosophica, &c. pj). 24. 8°. Jence, 1858. Hallier (E.) De Geometricis Plantarum rationibus. tf Dissertatio botanica, &c. pp. 28. 8°. Jence, 1860. O Hallier (E.) [Die Vegetation auf Heligoland, &c. 8". Hamburg, 1861.] Wanting. Zweite, mit einer vollstandigen Flora vermehrte o Ausgabe. pp. 56: 4 pis. 8°. Hamburg, 1863. Hallier (E.) Nordseestudien. pp. 336: 8 pis., text ^ illust. 8°. Hamburg, 1863. C Hallier (E.) Der Grossherzoglich Sachsische Bota- * nische Garten zu Jena, &c. pj>. 59. 8°. Leipzig, 1864. 5 Hallier (E.) Ueber die Alpen und ihre Vegetation. a Vortrag ... in der Rose zu Jena. 4°. [Leipzig, 1864.] (3 Zeitschrift f. deutsche Landwirthe. Bd. xv, pp. 78-91. Hallier (E.) Die pflanzlichen Parasiten des merisch- lichen Ko'rpers . . . Als Anleitung in das Studium der g niederen Organismen. pp. 116: 4ph- col. 8°. Leipzig, 1866. Hallier (E.) Das Cholera- Contagium. Botanische .- Untersuchungen, &c. pp. ix, 40 : 1 pi. col. 8°. Leipzig, 1867. Hallier (E.) Parasitologische Untersuchungen beziig- lich auf die pflanzlichen Organismen bei Masern, fJ Hungertyphus, Darmtyphus, Blattern, Kuhpocken, Schafpocken, Cholera Nostras, &c. pp. vi, 80 : 2 ph. col. 8°. Leipzig, 1868. Hallier (E.) Phytopathologie. Die Krankheiten der Culturgewiichse, &c. pp. x, 373 : 5 pis. col. A 8°. Leipzig, 1868. Hallier (E.) See ZEITSCHRIFT FUEE PAEASITENKUNDE. . Herausgegeben von . . . E. Hallier, &c. Bd. i-iv. 8°. 1869-75. c. 776 b 6 C, Hallier (E.) [Excursionsbuch, onthaltend praktische Anleitung zum Bestimmon der im Deutschen Reich heimischen Phanerogamen. 8°. Jena, 1874.] Wanting. Zweite . . . Ausgabe. pp. xvi, 288 : text illunt. 8°. Jena, 1876. Hallier (E.) Reform der Pilzforschung. Offenes Sendschrieben an . . . De Bary, &c. pp. 14. 8°. Jena, 1875. Hallier (E.) Die Parasiten der Infectionskrankheiten bei Menschen, Thieren und Pflanzen. Buch I. Die Plastiden der niederen Pflanzen, fachung der herrschenden Ansichten bearbeitet. pp. [W,] ISO: 4 pit. 4°. Hannover, 1837. HALLOWELL (EDWARD) [Reptiles from the western ^ United States.] See UNITED STATES. Report of an expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers, <{v. 8°. 1853. Hallowell (E.) Report upon . . . Reptiles, — /»'' Wight] See VENABLES (E.) The Isle of Wight, &c. 8°. 1860. y HAMBURG.— Botanischer Garten. [Founded isso.) Bericht iiber den Botanischen Garten hieselbst. ft See LEHMANN (J. G. C.) 12°. 1823. B Hamburg. Botanischer Garten. Semina in Horto Botanico Hamburgensi 1823 collecta, 8°. Hamburg, 1896-» Each section is separately raged. Lief. I. Vorwort. Von G. Neumayer. ftp, iv. 1. Roisebericht. Von W. Michaelsen. pp. a : text illmt. 1896. 2. Naiden, Tubificiden und Terricolen. Von F. E. Beddard. pp. 62 .• 1 pi. 3. Enchytraeiden. Von H. Ude. pp. 1& : 1 pi. 4. Gepbyreen. Von W. Fischer, pp. 7. 5. Cestoden. Von E. Lonnberg. pp. 9: 1 pi. 6. Trernatoden. Von M. Braun. pp. 7. 7. Nemathelmintben. Von Von Linatow. pp.21: 1 pi. Lief. li. Von E. Eblers. pp. US : 9 pis. Von C. Attema. pp. 8 : text, illwt. Von C. Scbaeffer. pp. IS: 3 fie. Von G. Breddin. pp. 36: 1 pi. \. Polychseten. 2. Myriopoden. 3. Apterysoten. 4. Hemipteren. Lief. HI. 1. Holothurien. Von H. Ludwig. pp. 98 : 3 pis. 2. SusBwasser-Oatracoden. Von W. Vavra. pp.26: text illust. 3. Acariden. Von P. Kramer, pp. 1,0: 1 pi. 4. Saugethiere. Von P. Matschie. pp. 39: 1 pi. cat. Lief. iv. 1. Zoantharien. Von O. Carlgren. pp. U : 1 pi. 2. Alcyonarien. Von W. May. pp. J2; text Musi. 3. Ophiuroiden. Von H. Ludwig. pp. 28. 4. Crinoiden. Von H. Ludwig. pp. 7. 5. Nemertinen. Von O. Burger, pp. IS. 6. Cirripedien. Von W. Weltner. pp. IS. 7. Lepidopteren. Von O. Staudinger. pp. 117. 1896. 1896. 1896. 1896. 1896. 1896. 1897. 1897. 1897. 1897. 1898. 1898. 1898. 1898. 1898. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1898. 1898. Hamburg. — Naturhistorisches Museum. Die von Dr. Stuhlmann . . . gesammelten Ostafrikani- schen Alcyonaceen des Hamburger Museums. Von W. May. See STUHLMANN (F.) Zoologische Ergeb- nisse einer in ... Ost-Afrika unternommenen Reise. Bd. II. 8°. 1898(1901). Hamburg. —Naturhistorisches Museum. [For further publications issued by or relating to this Institution] See JAHRBUCH DER HAMBURGISCHEN WlSSENSCHAFTLICHEN ANSTALTEN. HAMBURG. — Naturwisseuschaftliche Gesell- schaft. [1845 Founded. 1864 United with the Natnt'wiMenncha/ttii:ttfr Vcrcin (q.v.).] Mittheilungen aus den Verhandlungen, &c. Jahr. 1845. 8°. Hamburg, 1846. HAMBURG.- Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. [Founded 1837. Also styled atone time : — NtitUi-wixaeniickaJ'tticlier herein von Hiitiibury-Allmw..'] Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissen- schaften, &c. Bd. i-> 4". Hamburg, 1846-» In Bd. vn, abth. 2-> each paper is separately paged. Hamburg.— Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Verhanduingen, &c. Neue Folge, Bd. i-vi. 8°. Hamburg, 1877-82. The first series was called " JahreslJericllt." Dritte Folge, Bd. i-> 8". Hamburg, 1894-> HAMBURG.— Verein fuer Naturwissenschaft- liche Uuterhaltung. [Founded is7i.j Verhandlungen (Sitzungsberichte. — Abhandlungen), &c. 1871-> Bd. i-> 8°. Hamburg, 1875-» HAMBURG. Zoologische Gesellschaft. [Founded I860.] Bericht des Verwaltungsrathes der . . . Gesellschaft ... an seine Actionaire. No. i-xxiv. 8°. (Hamburg, 1862-86.) Hamburg. Zoologische Gesellschaft. [Das Aquarium des Zoologischcn Gartens zu Hamburg, fiir die Besucher desselben beschrieben von . . . K. Mobius. 8°. Hamburg, 1864.] Wanting. Dritte Auflage. pp. 55. Vierte Auflage. pp. 55. 8°. Hamburg, 1865. 8°. Hamburg, 1866. Hamburg.— Zoologische Gesellschaft. Bilder und Skizzen aus dem Zoologischen Garten zu Hamburg. See BREHM (C. L.) >fc ZIMMERMANN (T. F.) 8°. 1865. HAMBURGER (EMANUEL)[1817-] Symbols quaedam ad doctrinam de Plantarum metamorphosi. Dissertatio inauguralis, &c. pp. [iv,] 49 [3] : % pis. 4°. Vratislavice., 1842. HAMBURGER GARTEN- UNO BLUMEN- ZEITUNG. Neue allgemeine Deutsche Garten- und Blumenzeitung. Eine Zeitschrift . . . Herausgegeben und redigirt von R. Mettler ([and afterwards] E. Otto). Bd. I-VIH. 8°. Hamburg, 1845-51. [Continued as :] Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung. Eine Zeit- schrift . . . Herausgegeben und redigirt von E. Otto ([and afterwards] E. Goezo). Jahrg. VIII-XLIV. 8". Hamburg, 1852-88. HAMBURGISCHES MAGAZIN. See NEUES HAMBURGISCHES MAGAZIN. HAMEL (EGBERT DE) [Mammals and Reptiles of the Birmingham District.] See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, &c. Handbook of Birmingham, the. 8°. 1886. HAMEL (HENDRIK) Reisen einiger Hollander nach Korea, nebst einer Nachricht von dem Lande, und von ihrem Schiffbruche an der Insel Quelpaert. (1653-68.) See ARKSTEE ( ) rt., engr. title. 8°. Edinburgh, . iv,l 7!> : 5 pis. 8°. London, 1 772. Hamilton (Right Hon. Sir WILLIAM) Canijii Plilr^r.ri. Observations on the Volcanos of the two Sicilies, dec. (Observation sur les volcans des deux Siciles, dec.) pp. 91 [54] : 59 pis. col., 1 map col. fol. Naples, 1776. English and French in parallel columns. Supplement . . . being an account of the great eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the month of Aug. 1779, dec. pp. 29 [5] : 5 pis. col. fol. Naples, 1779. English and French in jHirnllol columns. HAMILTON (WILLIAM JOHN) [1805-1867] Re- searches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia; with some account of their . . . Geology. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1842. 1 L M 779 HAMILTON ASSOCIATION-. Pt. i- 8°. [Hamilton,'] 1884-93. I JLA1UJ.JJ-X'U1M A»SUl^iAJ. JLVJ.M . [Foun *— Journal and Proceedings, cfrc. Pt. i-ix. 6 Wanting Pt. in and pp. 1-8 of Pt. v. j HAMLET (WILLIAM M.) & Plowright (C. B.) On \) the occurrence of Oxalic Acid in Fungi, pp. 4- 8°. [London^ 1877. Reprinted from the "Chemiciil News," Aug. 31, 1S77. LA HAMLIN (AUGUSTUS CHOATE) [1828-] The Tourma- line. Its relation as a gem, &c. pp. 107 : 4 ph. col. 12". Boston [U.S.], 1873. i Hamlin (A. C.) Leisure hours among the Gems. M pp. 439 : 1 pi. col. 8°. Boston [U.S.], &c., 1891. Hamlin (A. C.) The History of Mount Mica of Maine, jLi U.S.A., and its ... Tourmalines, pp. 72 : 54 pis. (12 col.), % ports. 8". hangar, Maine, 1895. HAMLIN (CHARLES EDWARD) [1825-1886] Results of an examination of Syrian Molluscan Fossils, chiefly "J from the Range of Mt. Lebanon, pp. 68 : 6 ph. *~ See CAMBRIDGE, Mass.— HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Mu- seum, of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, &c. Vol. x, no. 3. 4°. 1884. - HAMM (P.ERNHARD HERMANN) [1858-1 DieBryozoen (^ des Mastrichter Ober-Senon. i. Theil. Die Cyclostomen Bryozoen. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 47. 8°. Berlin [1881]. HAMM (WiLHELM VON) [1820-1880] Anleitung zur ~7 eintraglichstcn Taubenzucht in Thiirrnen und Schlagen Zweite . . . Auflage. 8". Leipzig, 1859. Leichtfassliche Belehrungen iiber die gesammteu Zweige der land- u. hauswirthschaftlichen Viehzucht. Hft. 3. pp. 69-100 : 1 pi. HAMMA, Algiers. — Jardin benhavn, 1775. For- Hammer (C.) Floras Norvegicse Prodromus. lober af Norske Flora, &c. pp. vi, 164. 8°. Kiiibenhavn, 1794. HAMMER (FREDERIC Louis) [-1837] J. Hermann . . . Observationes Zoological . . . Opus posthumum edidit F. L. Hammer . . . Pars Prior, &c. See HER- MANN (J.) 4°. 1 804. Hammer (F. L.) Die Pflanzenthiere in Abbildungen . . . nebst Beschreibungen. [Completed by F. L. Hammer.] Pt. 16 & 17. See ESPER (E. J. C.) 4°. 1829 [-30]. HAMMER-PURGSTALL (JOSEPH VON) [1774- 1856] Baron. Falknerklee, bestehend in drey unge- druckten Werken iiber die Falknerey. Nahmlich i. . . . das Falkenbuch . . . n. 'lfpaKoa-ovnv, das ist : die Habichtslehre . . . lit. Kaiser Maximilians Hand- schrift iiber die Falknerey . . . Aus dem Tiirkischen und Griechisehen verdeutscht, und in Text und Ueber- setzung herausgegeben von Hammer-Purgstall. pp. [viii,] xxxii, US [101]: engr. title. 8°. Pesth, 1840. The original Turkish text of the first Book is appended. Hammer-Purgstall (J. VON) Baron. Das Kamel. pp. 84. 4°. Wien, 1854. Denkschrift. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. vi. HAMMERSCHMIDT (CARL EDUARD) [1800-1874] See ABDULLAH-BEY. HAMMOND (ARTHUR RASHDALL) & Miall (L. C.) The structure and life-history of the Harlequin Fly (Chironomus). See MIALL (L. C.) . 376' : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1870. Hamy (E. T. J.) (,Juelques observations sur 1'Anthro- pologie des Comalis. See REVOIL (G.) Faune et Flore des Pays Comalis. 8°. 1882. Hamy(E.T. J.) AnthropologieduMexique. See FRANCE. [ Voyuqef.&c. — Mexico.] Mission Scientifiqueau Mexique . . . fiecherches Zoologiques, * tenaire de la fondation du Museum, dfcc. 4°. 1893. Hamy (E. T. J.) Le Museum d'Histoire Naturelle il , y a un siecle : description de cot etablissement, d*apt%B des peintures in£ditesdc J. B. Hilair(1794), 10 pl». ob. fol. Paint [1893]. Hamy ( K. T. J.) ,t Qnatrefages de Brean ( J. L. A. DE) Crania Ethica. Les Cranes des Races Hmnainesd6crits -» ct figures, &c. See QUATREFAOES DE BREAU (J. L. A. £- DE) & HAMY (E. T. J.) 4°. 1882. Hamy (E. T. J.) & Sauvage (H. E.) Etude sur les terrains Quaternaires du Boulonnais, &c. See SAUVAOE £- (H. E.) & HAMY (E. T. J.) 8». I860. HANAMANN ( JOSEF) Ubcr die chemische Zusarn- I mensetzung verschiedener Ackererden und Gesteine Bdhmene und iiber ihren agronomischen Werth. pp. 113, [3,] 1 tab. : 3 pit. See PRAGUE.— BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCHFORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, &c. Bd. vii, no. 3. 8". 1890. Hanamann (J.) Die chemische Beschaffenheit der fliessenden Gewasser Bohmens. i. Theil. Hydrochemie des Egerttusses. pp. IOS. See PRAGUE. — BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCHFORSCHUNG VON BOEH- MEN. Archiv, &c. Bd. ix, thl. 4. 8°. 1894. HANAU. Wetterauische Gesellschaft fuer die gesammte Naturkunde. [Founded isos.j Annalen, &c. Bd. i-rv.t 4°. Frankfurt-am- Main, Hanau, 1809-19. Bd. iv is also entitled " Neue Annalen," Bd. l. Hanau. Wetterauische Gesellschaft, &c. Naturhistorische Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der \^, Wetterau. Eine Festgabe der Wetterauer Gesellschaft . . . bei ihrer SOjahrigen Jubelfeier . . . 1858. pp. xii, ;::>..'. 8°. Hanau, 1858. HANBURT (DANIEL) [1825-1875] On the Insect- White-Wax of China, pp. 9 : text Must. 8". [London,] 1853. Pharmaceutical Jonrn. Vol. xu. Hanbury (D.) Botany [comprising instructions for the collection and preservation of specimens, with notes and enquiries regarding Botanical and Pharmacological desiderata]. By Sir W. Hooker . . . assisted by D. Hanbury. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Ad- oi« niirnlti/. A Manual of Scientific Enquiry . . . Third edition, fol. London, 1889-> Hanbury (F. J.) & Marshall (E. S.) Flora of Kent A ... with notes on the Topography, Geology, and Meteorology ... of the county, pp. Ixxxiv, 444: 2 maps (1 geol. col.) ^, 8°. London, 1899. Q HANBUH/YXTnoMAs) La Mortola. A short descrip- O ^tion of the garden of T. Hanbury, &c. See FLUECKIGER •I5»1?(F. A.) 8°. 1885. Hanbury (T.) Alphabetical Catalogue of Plants growing in the open air in the garden of T. Hanbury . . . near Ventimiglia, Italy. See DINTER(K.) 4°. 1897. H ANBURY (WILLIAM) [1725-1778] A complete body of Planting and Gardening, &c. 2 Vol. fol. London, 1770-71. HANCE (HENRY FLETCHER) [1827-1886] Adversaria 2 in Stirpes imprimis Asia; orientalis criticas minusve J notas, interjectis novarum plurimarum diagnosibus. 8°. Paris, 1866. HANCOCK (ALBANY) [1806-1873] On the organiza- ^- tion of the Brachiopoda. 4°. [London^ 1858. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 1858, pp. 791-869: IS pit. > Hancock (A.) & Alder (J.) A monograph of the — British Nudibranchiate Mollusca, &c. See RAY SOCIETY. 4°. 1845-55. HANCOCK (JOHN) M.D. Observations on the climate, i soil, and productions of British Guiana . . . Second •— edition, pp. 92. 8°. London, 1840. The first edition appeared in 1835. HANCOCK (3oKti)ofNewcastle-u2wn-Tyne, [1808-1890] - A fasciculus of eight drawings on stone of groups of i. Birds, &c. ... being representations of specimens stuffed and contributed by the author to the Great Industrial Exhibition of 1851. fol. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1853. HANCOCK (JOSEPH LANE) The Tettigidas of North America, pp. vi, 188 : 11 pis., text.illust. 8". Chicago, 1902. HANCOCK MUSEUM, NEWCASTLE. See NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF NORTHUMBERLAND, DURHAM AND NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. , HANDLIRSCH (ANTON) [1865-] [Rhynchota from L German East Africa.] See BAUMANN (O.) Durch Massailand zur Nilquelle, &c. Anhang iv, 5. 8°. 1894. H ANDM ANN (Ruo.) Kurze Beschreibung (Charak- C. teristik) der hiiufigsten und wichtigsten Tertiarcon- chylien des Wiener Beckens. pp. 164 •' 8 pis. 8°. Munster, 1888. HANDSCHUCH (KARL FRIEDRICH GOTTFRIED ALBERT) De Plantis Fumariaceis systematis naturalis earumque viribus et usu, adjectis descriptionibus specierum, quse in Germania crescunt. Dissertatio inauguralis, &c. pp. 44. 8°. Erlangas, 1832. HANDTWIG (GUSTAV CHRISTIAN) De Orchide dissertatio . . . sub moderamine . . . G. C. Handt- wigii, &c. See CARPOW P. T.) 4°. [1747.] HANHAM (FREDERICK) Natural illustrations of the British Grasses, pp. xix, 130 : G2pp. of dried sp. fol. Bath, &c., 1846. Hanham (F.) A manual for the Park ; or a botanical arrangement and description of the Trees and Shrubs _ in the Royal Victoria Park, Bath, &c. pp. liii, 33G : J< 1 Plan. 8°. Lonrlon, 1857. HANZEL (JOHN) Die Flotzlagerung in der Stoppen- berger und Horst-Hertener Mulde des Westfalisehen Steinkohlengebirges. pp. 69 : 4 pis. col., 4 maps col. 4°. Essen, 1881. HANIN (L.) Voyage dans 1'empire de Flore . . . par L. M. P. T * * * [i.e. L. Hanin], &c. 2 Vol. [in 1.] See T * * *, L. M. J'. 4°. 1800. Hanin (L.) Cours de Botanique et de Physiologic Vegetale, auqucl on a joint une description des pririci- paux genres dont les especes sont cultiv^es en France, A*. ou qui y sont indigenes, &c. pp. xxviii, 759 : 1 tab. col. *^ 8°. Paris, 1811. -£« Interleaved copy with manuscript notes. HANITSCH (RICHARD) [For official reports as curatorand librarian] 6VeSiNGAPORE. — RAFFLES LIBRARY AND MUSEUM. HANKEL (WiLHELM GOTTLIEB) [1814-1899] De , Thermoelectricitate Crystallorum. Commentatio, &c. N-"f pp. 32 : 1 pi. 8°. Halce, 1839. Quajstionis de Thermoelectricitate Crystallorum pars f^^i altera, &c. pp. 48. 8°. Halve, 1840. Hankel (W. G.) Elektrische Untersuchungen. (. . . In i Verbindung mit H. Lindenberg.) Abhandlung i-xxi. See LEIPSIC. — KOENIGLICH SAECHSISCHE GESELLSCHAFT ^ / < DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. v-xxiv. 4°. 1861-99. [Advance issue.] 8°. Leipzig, 1856-99. Hankel (W. G.) k others. Handworterbuch der Chemie und Physik, &c. See AUGUST (E. F.) & others. 8°. 1845-50. HANKS (HENRY G.) [For official reports] See CALI- FORNIA, State of. — State Mining Bureau. HANLEY (SYLVANUS CHARLES THORP) [1819-1899] The young Conchologist's Book of Species. Univalves, &c. pp. viii, 14d •' 1 pi- col., text Must. 8°. London, 1840. — [Another edition entitled :] The Conchologist's Book of Species . . . Univalves . . . Second edition. pp. xii, 154 •' 1 pi-, text illust. hand col. 12°. London, 1842. Hanley (S., C. T.) ExotwT Conchologv^^r-gecond edjlien^ScTited bvjir^fanley. See SssifTfTsoN (W.) "2. 4°. 1841. ^~*** Hanley (S. C. T.)JjwiWB&ated and descriptive Cata- logue of receat-Bfvalve Shells . . . wHJi-flCO figuresjjy Wood awTSowerby [i.e. G. R£etferby, 2ndirf^the [i forming an appendjsxtothe " Indejt-Testaceo- ogicus." pp. xviii, Sjj&^tf: pis. ix-xxij^^ 8". Lomlon, 1842-56. The }ilates are numbered in sequence to those of the "Supplement" to Wood's " Index." Hanley (S. C. T.) A monograph of the genus Tellina ( — Nuculidas. — Solarium). See SOWERBY (G. B.) 2nd of the name. Thesaurus Conchyliorum, &c. Vol. i & in. 4°. 1846-63. Hanley (S. C. T.) & Forbes (E.) A history of British Mollusca and their shells. 4 Vol. See FORBES (E.) & HANLEY (S. C. T.) 4°. [1848-] 1853. -7 782 e "7 \ Hanley (S. C. T.) The Conchological Miscellany . . . illustrative of Pamlora, Aiii/>ltiili'*uni, Ostrea, Jfmo, tin1 Melauiadu.', Ampullarui and Cyclostouui. 40 pis. col. London & Edinburgh, 1854-58. Hanley (S. C. T.) Ipsa Linntei Conchylia. The Shells of Linn:vus, determined from his manuscripts and collec- tion . . . also, an exact reprint of the Venues Tcstacea of the 'Systema Naturae [Kditio duodecinm : 1766] and 'Mantissa.' pp.556: 5 pis. col. 4°. London, 1855. An index has been supplied in nmnimcript. Hanley (S. C. T.) Index Testaceologicus ... A new •• • edition ... by S. Hanley. See WOOD (W.) 4". 1856. Hanley (S. C. T.) ' Museum Ulrica;.' IV... . l.inii. S,,,-. 186!). On the Linnean Manuscript of the pp. BO. 8°. Loiulon, 18r>9. , • Hanley (S. C. T.) & Theobald (W.) Conchologia liuliea : illustrations of the Land and Freshwater Shells of British India, pp. xviii, 65 : 160 pis. col. 4". Loiulon, 1876. Printed in double column. For Supplement, Stt GouwiN-At'STEN (H. H.) Lund and Freshwater Mollusc* of India. 4°. 1832 -» HANMER (\V. H.) The Cowthorpe Oak, Yorkshire, drawn by W. H. Hanmer. London, 1806. Hanmer (W. H.) Salcey Forest Oak, Northampton- shire, drawn by W. H. Hanmer. London, 1806. Hanmer (W. H.) [Lithographed plate of the] Green- dale Oak, Welbeck Park, Notts. [ ] 1818. HANN (JULIUS FERDINAND) [1839-] & others. Allgeineine Erdkunde. Astrononiische und physische Geographie, Geologic und Biologic, bearbeitet von . . . ' J. Hann, . . . F. von Hochstetter und ... A. Vokorny. See KIRCHHOFF (K. R. A.) Unser Wissen von der Erde, j>. 148. 4". Kiloni, 1677. HANNEN (REGINALD) Notes on the town and neighbourhood of Fordingbridge, Hants. p)>. 55. 8°. fordiiigondfft, 1883. HANNON (JOSEPH DESIRE) [1822-1870?] Flore Beige, pp. 567 : C pig., text illust. 8". BnuttUet [1847]. HANNOVER (ADOLPH) [1814-1894] De Cartila- ginibus, musculis, nervis auris extern* atque de nexu nervi vagi et nervi facialis dissertatio anatomico-physio- logica, benhavn, 1867. Det K. Danske Vidensk. 8el»k. Hkrifter. Rwk. V, 1.1. vn. Hannover (A.) La Retine de I'Homme et des Vert£- bres : memoire histologique, &c. pp.199: G pis. 4". Copen/uu/ue, 1876. Hannover (A.) Le Cartilage primordial et son ossi- fication dans le Crane Humain avant la naissance. "^ p/i. [vi,] 97: 2 pis. 4". Copen/uujue, 1881. Hannover (A.) Quelques remavques sur le Cysticercus cellulosce dans le Cerveau de I'Homme, &c. pp. 88-90. \ 8°. [ 1886.] HANOVER, City of.—IIerrenlMUAer Garten. Sertum Hannoveranum, sen Plant* rariores quse in /\ Hortis Regiis Hannover* vicinis coluntur, • 257. 8°. London & Berlin, 1895. The Supplement is printed on one side of the paper only. fi — Second Supplement . . . May 1, 1897. pp. iv, 258-334. 8°. Berkeley, Gal, 1897. Printed on one side of the paper only. Hansen (GEORGE) [Original Drawings of monstrous Flowers of cultivated Orchids . . . grown chiefly in the houses of F. Sander at St. Albans, with autograph introduction and descriptions.] fol. L 1 HANSEN (HANS JACOB) [1855-] Zoologia Danica . . . Udgifne med offentlig Underst0ttelse af H. J. Hansen. Hft. 3-> See Scni0DTE (J. C.) 4". 1882-» Hansen also wrote a portion of the monograph on the Fishes and the whole of that on the Spiders. Hansen (H. J.) Kara-Havets Pycnogonider.— Over- sigt over de paa Dijmphna-Togtet indsamlede Krebsdyr. See LUTKEN (C. F.) Dijmphna-Togtets, &c. 8". 1887. Hansen (H. J.) Cirolanidai et familise nonnulla3 pro- pinquaj Musei Hauniensis. Et Bidrag til Kundskaben om nogle Familier af isopode Krebsdyr (Cirolanidas. Contribution a la connaissance de quelques families de Crustaces Isopodes). pp. 190 : 10 pis. See COPEN- HAGEN.— KONGELIGT DANSK VIDENSK ABERNES SELSKAB. Det ... Skrifter, &c. Rsek. VI, bd. v, no. 3. 4°. 1890. Hausen (H. J.) Isopoden, Cumaceen und Stomato- poden der Plankton-Expedition. See HENSEN (V. A. C.) Ergebnisso der . . . Plankton- Expedition der Humboldt- Stiftung, ls. 4°. Copenhagen, 1897. Hauseu (H. J.) Die Cladoceren und Cirripedien der Plankton-Expedition. See HENSEN (V. A. C.) Ergeb- nisse der . . . Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt- Stiftung, &c. Bd. n, G. d. 4°. 1899. HANSEN (K.) See MEDDELELSER FRA "FLORA OG FAUNA "... Udgivne ved . . . K. Hansen. Almind. del. Bd. I, ark l.f Beskrivende del. Bd. l.t 8". 1890-91. HANSEN (S0REN) Lagoa Santa Racen. En anthro- pologisk Unders0gelse af jordfundne Menneskelevninger fra Brasilianske Huler. Med et Tiling om det jord- fundne Menneske fra Pontimelo Rio de Arrecifes, La Plata, pp. 37 : B pis. See COPENHAGEN. — KJ0BEN- HAVNS UNIVERSITET. — Zoologiske Museum. E Museo Lundii, &c. Bd. I, no. 5. 4°. 1888. HANSGIRG (ANTONIN) Prodromus der Algenflora von Bohmen. 2 Thl. Must. See PRAGUE. — BEIDE COMITES FUR DIE LANDESDURCHFORSCHUNG VON BOHMEN. Archiv, &c. Bd. v, no. 6 ; vi, no. 6 ; vm, no. 4. 8°. 1886-93. Hansgirg (A.) PhysiologischeundalgologischeStudien. pji. m, 187 : 4 pis. col. 4°. Prag, 1887. Hansgirg (A.) Physiologische und phycophytologische Untersuchungen, &c. pp. 285: 3 pis. 4°. Prag, 1893. Hansgirg (A.) BeitragezurKenntnissder Bliithenombrophobie. pp. 67 : 2 pis. Neue Untersuchungen iiber den Gamo- und Karpo- tropismus sowie iiber die Reiz- und Schlafbewegungen <- der Bliithen und Laubblatter. pp. Ill : 1 pi. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1896, no. 33 & 34. 4°. 1897. Hansgirg (A.) Beitriige zur Biologie und Morphologic i des Pollens, pp. 76. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH- L BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DEE WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1897, no. 23. 8°. 1898. Hansgirg (A.) Zur Biologie der Laubblatter. pp. 142. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT / DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1900, no. 20. 8°. 1901, Hansgirg (A.) Ueber die phyllobiologischen Typen einiger Phanerogamen-Familien. pp. 38. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DEE WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1901, no. 24. 8°. 1902. 7/o. i- s L .8 L 784 HANSMANN ((IKORGIVS ALFREDUS) Conspectus generalis Ovoruni Aviinn Kuropam liabitantium. Dis- sortatio inauguralis, />. ~>. >>'«• CIIRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS- Aar 1885, no. 13. 8°. 1886. SELSKABKT. I- urluindlinger, etc. Hansson ^C. A.) Bidrag till kiinnedom om Smaalenenes Lamts Ortliopter-fauna. pp. 4. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDEN8KAB8-SEL8KABET. I1 orhandlinger, . 117-ill. Hanstein (J. L. E. R. VON) Ueber die Entwickelung des Botanischen Unterrichtes an den IJniversitaten. jftt Festrede . . . Nebst Nekrolog und Schriftenverzeich- niss verfasst von J. B. Meyer, pp. 42. 8°. Bonn, 1880. Hanstein (J. L. E. R. VON) Beitrage zur allgemeinen ^ Morphologie der Pflanzen. pp. ix, 244. See BOTANISCHE / ABHANDLUNGEN, , 82: 16 pis.— Die Fauna der Clavvlina Szabdi Schichten ... I. Theil Foraminiferen. pp. 93: 16 pis. See AusTijtiA-HuN- GARY.— Magyar kirdlyi Foldtani Int&set. Evkonyve (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche), col. fol. [Berlin, 1787-94.] Without title-page. A manuscript index ia bound up with the plates. HARADA (ToYOKiTSi) Die Japanischen Inseln. Eine topographisch-geologische Uebersicht. See JAPAN. — TEIKOKU CHISHITSU-CHO-SAJO. 4°. 1890. HARCOURT (EDWARD VERNON) A Sketch of , Madeira, , 439 [1]. 8°. Caen, 1848. HARDTTINO (Pisino^- See ARDUINO. HARDWICKE (THOMAS)T*1835] Illustrations of - Ornithology. By Sir W. Jardine . . . and P. J. Selby . . . With the co-operation of ... Major-deal. T. Hard- wicke, &c. 3 Vol. See JARDINE (Sir W.) Hart. & SELBY (P. J.) 4°. [1825-39.] 99 I ^ fd* Hardwicke (T.) 1 llustrations of Indian Zoology, chiefly "1 selected from the collection of Major-Genl. Hardwicke. 2 Vol. See GRAY (J. E.) fol. 1830-34. P Hardwicke (T.) Analecta Entomologica; or descrip- tions of new species of Insects ... Pt. 1 ... New C species of Lepidopterous Insects in the collection of Major-General Hardwicke. See GRAY (G. R.) 8°. 1833. - Hardwicke (T.) [22 Water-colour drawings of Plants K made in the North-western Provinces of India, with v manuscript descriptions by Major-Genl. T. Hardwicke.] fol. [179R] Hardwick* (T.) Sketches of Plante.g»wwlng about PlejJt*rtDurg Bay,<«ir<*tne coast^rf"'Hinca [with auto- ,ph desBBifttons], dkc. ***** 4°. Cape Town, 1812. HARDWICKE'S SCIENCE-GOSSIP. See SCIENCE-GOSSIP. HARDY (Hon. ALFRED ERSKINE GATHORNE) See GATHORNE-HARDY. HARDY (AUGUSTS) [181 9-] Catalogue des Vegetaux cultives a la pepiniere centrale du Gouvernement h, Alger. Sff HAMMA, Alr/iers. — Jardin d'Acclimatatwn. fol. 1850. Hardy (AUGUSTE) See REVUE HORTICOLK . . . Redig^e par ... Hardy, dkc. Ann. 1858. 8°. 1858. Hardy (AUGUSTE) Catalogue des Vegetaux et Grainea disponibles et mis en vente au Jardin d'Acelimatation au Hamma (pres Alger) pendant . . . 1861 et . . . 1862 (1865-66). [Compiled by A. Hardy.] 2 No. Sff HAMMA, Algiers.— Jardin d'Acelimatation. 8°. 1861 (65). HARDY (CAMPBELL) [1831-] Forest Life in Acadie. Sketches of sport and natural 'history in the lower provinces of the Canadian Dominion, pp. ix, 371 : 11 /Js. 1 (col.) . 8°. London, 1869. 786 _ HARDY (J. RAY) The Macro-Lepidoptera of Sher- t— wood Forest, pp. 5. See MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs and Proceedings, dkc. Vol. XLV, no. 12. 8°. 1901. HARDY (.TAMES) [18147-1898] Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Scotland by A. Murray . . . aided by . . . J. Hardy, dkc. See MURRAY (A.) 8°. 1853. Hardy (.TAMES) Plant Lore: a biography of Border Wild Flowers. The Ribwort Plantain. pj>. 11. 8°. Alnwid; 1864. Alnwick Mercury. 1864. f* k • i •£ HARE (ARTHUR W.) & Woodhead^G. S.) Patho- logical Mycology . . . Section i. Methods. See WOOD- HEAD ((«. S.) . fit. 8°. Troyes, 1879. Harlot (P.) [Algie and Fungi from Tierra del Fuego.] See FRANCE. [Voyageg, dkc. — Cap Horn.] Mission scientifiquedu Cap Horn. 1882-1883. Tom. v. 4°. 1889. Harlot (P.) Notes sur le genre TrentetioUin Martius. l>p. ,r>G: text illitst. 8". [Pans, 1889, 90.] Journal de Botanique. Tom. in A iv. Harlot (P.) Atlas des Algues marines les plus re]>an- dues des cotes de France, dkc. pp. 51 : 48 pig. 8°. 1'nrif, 1892. Harlot (P.) Note sur les Collections Cryptogamiques rapportecs jiar TJI Manche. See JAN-MAYEN. Voyage de " La Manche " k I'tle de Jan-Mayen . . . 1892. No. 15. 8°. 1894. HARIOT (THOMAS) .SV^HARRiOT. _ HARKER (ALFRED) Tne Bala volcanic series of Caernarvonshire and associated rocks, dkc. pp. 130: 6 maps. 8°. Cambridge, 1889. Harker (A.) Petrology for Students : an intro- duction to the study of rocks under the microscope. pp. viii, 306 : text illust. 8°. Cambridge, 1895. Second edition, pp. viii, 334 •' text illust. A,. 8°. Cambridge, 1897. ' Cambridge Natural Science Manuals. HARLAN (RICHARD) [1796-1843] Fauna Americana : being a description of the Mammiferous Animals inha- £. biting North America, dkc. pp. 318. 4°. Philadelphia, 1825. Harlaii (R.) Medical and physical researches : or ori- ginal memoirs in Medicine, Surgery, Physiology, Geology, "2, Zoology, and Comparative Anatomy, pp. xxxix, G53 : 38 pis. 8°. Philadelphia, 1835. HARLAND (WILLIAM) Catalogue of the natural history Collection . . . formed by ... W. Harland . . . 2 Bequeathed to the . . . Society 1001 e- «*-.--« P H 1861. See ! BOROUGH PHILOSOPHICAL AND ARCH.SOLOOICAL SO- CIETY. Report, dkc. No. xxix. 8°. 1861. . See HAARLEM. (JOHN) Royle sM HARLEM HARLEY (JOHN) Royle sMamial of Materia Medica and Therapeutics . . . Sixth edition, by J. Harley, &c. See ROYLE (J. F.) 8». 1876. HARLIN (yEsTANus EMAN.) . . . p.p. JE. E. Harlin . . . Pt. n. De Plantis Venenatis, See THUNBERG (C. P.) 189«. t, HARMER (FREDERIC W.) List of Molliisca froiri t Norfolk Coast. See MILLER (S. H.) & SKERTCHLKY Q. (S. B. J.) T^e Fenland, dkc. g ^ p ^ 8°. 1878. HARMER (SIDNEY FREDERIC} Tne Cambridge _, Natural History. Edited by S. F. Harmer . . . anil A. E. Shipley, dkc. Vol. H-* X. . 8°. London, 1895-* Vol. II. pp. rii, 660: ttxt illuil. Flatwonns and Mesozoa. By F. W. Gamble. Nemertines. By Miss L. Sheldon. Thread-worms and Kagitta. By A. E. Shipley. Itotifers. By M. Hartog. Polychwt Worms. By W. B. Benham. Earthworms and Leeches. By F. E. Beddard. Gephyrea and PhoronU. By A. E. Shipley. Polyzoa. By S. F. Harmer. .. ill. pp. xi, 636: U mnpt, ttxt ilttixt. Mollusc.. By Rev. A. II. Cooke. Recent Brachiopoda. By A. E. Shipley. Paleontology of the Brachiopoda. By F. R. C. Heed. „ v. pp. xi, SSlt: 1 map, Itxt illiat. Peripatu.. By A. Sedgwick. Myriapods. By G. F. Sinclair. Iniect.. Pt. 1. By D. Sharp. „ vi. Insect*. Pt. 2. By D. Sharp, pp. xii, 6*8 : ttxt illtat. 189(1. „ Mil. Amphibia and Reptiles, pp. xiii, 60S: 1 map (ml.), ttxt ilhul. By H. Gadow. ix. Birds. By A. H. Evans, pp. xvi, CM : le xt illvit. „ x. Mammalia. By F. E. Beddard. pf. xU, 80S: ttxt Uhut. 1902. 787 Harmer (S. F.) Polyzoa. See supra, The Cambridge 2 Natural History, dec. Vol. II. 8°. 1896. HARMS (HERMANN) [For descriptions of many a. families of Plants] See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL " (K. A. E.) Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, dec. 8°. 1887-*. Harms (H.)I>*rOel- und Fettpflanzen Ostafrjias und ihre^Jferwerthung. East AfricatT'l'Iants.] TIKA, &c. BjKthl. B, no. 15^*Ttnl. c). 8°. 1895. . HarmsiH.) & Dalla-Toj»e~ (K. W. DE) Genera ^. ShjUwtTogamarum acLjiyStema Englerianum.cjiBeetlfta. ^ ^. Jfeixc. I— > 4°. CipsuB, 1900— > -u*~*/v^Jl- ZHARO (A.) U Notice anatomique sur le Squale bleu. pp. 21. 8°. Metz, 1839. Mem. Acad. Roy. Metz. Ann. xx. Haro (A.) * Fpurnel (D. H. L.) Tableau des Cham- Q pignons observes dans les environs de Metz. See FOUR- NEL (D. H. L.) & HARO (A.) 8°. [1838.] HAROLD (EDGAR VON) Baron [-1886] See COLEO- - A J'TEROLOGISCHE HEFTE . . . Herausgegeben . . . von E. v. Harold. Hft. i-xvi.f 8». 1867-79. . Harold (E. VON) Baron. [Coprini from Central *- Sumatra.] See AMSTERDAM. — AARDRIJKSKUNDIG GE- TO. NOOTSCHAP. Midden-Sumatra, &c. Deel iv, ged. I, afd. 6. 4°. 1887 [1886]. Harold (E. VON) Baron HARRISON (WILLIAM JEROME) [1845-] Outlines of the Geology of the counties of England.— No. in. Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire, Bed- fordshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire. pp. 38. 8°. [Leicester, 1877.] Cuttings from Kelly's Tost Office Directories, 1S77, mounted 8°. Harrison (W. J.) The Midland Naturalist . . . Edited by . . . W. J. Harrison. Vol. i-ix. See MIDLAND UNION OF NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETIES. 8". 1878-86. Harrison (W. J.) Geology of the Counties of England, and . . . Wales. pp. [xiv,] xxviii, 346 : 1 pi., text Must. 8". London, 1882. Harrison (W. J.) [The Triassic Rocks of the Birming- ham District.] See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, &c. Hand- book of Birmingham. 8°. 1886. Harrison (W. J.) [A Text-book of Geology, &c. 8°. London, 1889.] Wanting. Fourth edition, pp. vii, 343 : text Must. 8°. London, 1897. HARROW SCHOOL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. [Founded 1865.] Report, &c. No. 1-3. 8°. Harrow, 1866-69. a 6- 6 ft HARRWITZ (JULIUS) [1819-] De Cladosporio Herbarum. Dissertatio inauguralis botanica, 8°. 1894-» Hartert (E.) Podargidse, Caprimulgidae und Macro- pterygidae. See DEUTSCHE ZOOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Das Tierreich, &c. Lief. 1. 8°. 1897. Hartert (E.) A chapter on the Birds collected . . . in the Papuan Islands. See WEBSTER (H. C.) Through New Guinea, <&c. Appendix i. 8°. 1898. Hartert (E.) Trochilidse. pp. ix, 254: text Must. See LEIPSIC. — DEUTSCHE ZOOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Das Tierreich, &c. Lief. 9. 8°. 1900. HARTFORD, Connecticut.— Natural History, So- ciety. See NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF HARTFSRD. HARTIG (CARL ERNST) [1836-1900] & others. Die Steinkohlen Deutschland's und anderer Lander Euro- pa's, &c. See GEINITZ (H. B.) & others. 4°. 1865. HARTIG (ROBERT) [1839-1901] Wichtige Krank- heiten der Waldbaume. Beitrage zur Mycologie und Phytopathologie, &c. pp. viii, 127 : 6 pis. 4°. Berlin, 1874. Hartig (R.) Die Zersetzungserscheinungen des Holzes der Nadelholzbaume und der Eiche in forstlicher, botanischer und chemischer Richtung. pp. vi, 151 : 21 pis. col. 4°. Berlin, 1878. Hartig (R.) [Die anatomischen Unterscheidungs- merkmale der wichtigeren in Deutschland wachsenden Holzer. 8°. Miinchen, 1879.] Wanting. 3. Auflage, &c. pp. 40 : text Must. 8". Miinchen, 1890. Hartig (R.) Timbers and how to know them . . . Translated from the third German edition [with a preface and " Explanation of Terms "] by W. Somer- ville, &c. jtp. 83 : text Must. 8°. Edinburgh, 1890. Hartig (R.) Untersuchungen aus dem Forst- botanischen Institut zu Miinchen. Herausgegeben von . . . R. Hartig. Vol. i-m. See MUNICH.— FORST- BOTANISCHES INSTITUT. 8°. 1880-83. Hartig (R.) Lehrbuch der Baumkrankheiten. pp. viii, 108 : 11 pis. col., text Ulust. 8°. Berlin, 1882. Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. ix, 291 : 1 pi. col., text Ulust. 8°. Berlin, 1889. [Another edition entitled :] Lehrbuch der Pflanzen- krankheiten . . . Dritte . . . Auflage, &c. pp. ix, 324 : 1 pi. col., text Must. 8". Berlin, 1900. D —p <__ —? 0 £ /•> B t 6 6 700 fc 6 fc 6 Hartig (K.) Text-book of the Diseases of Trees . . . Translated by W. Somerville . . . Revised and edited, with a preface, by H. M. Ward, . vii, 147: text Must. 8°. Berlin, 1885. HartigtR.) Die Xejstiirungen des Bauhojjes durch Piki»-rr . I. Dnrjt«hfn ITu nrhTrnrnm (ifrrtlfnn fin tit tj iftnn*, Fr.) fptvi, 82: 2 j)ls. ^ *" 8°. Berlin*, 1885. Hartig (R.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie und Physiologic der Prlanzen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Forstgewachse. j>j>. viii, 308. 8°. Berlin, 1891. Hartig (R.) i Weber (R.) Das Holz der Rothbuche in anatomisch-physiologischer, chemischer und forst- licher Richtung. pp. vi, 238 : text, Must. 8°. Berlin, 1888. HARTIG (THEODOE) [1805-1880] Abhandlung iiber die Verwandlung der polycotyledonischen Pflanzenzelle in Pilz und Schwamm-Gebilde und der daraus hervor- gehenden sogenannten Faulniss des Holzes, &c. pp. vii, 46: 2 pin. 8°. Berlin, 1833. Hartig (T.) [Die Aderflugler Deutschlands mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung ihres Larvenzustandes, &c. 8°. Berlin, 1837.] Wanting. Thin also bore the alternative title, adopted for the re-issue, as follows : — Die Familien der Blattwespen und Holzwespen, nebst einer allgemeinen Einleitung zur Naturgeschichte der Hymenopteren . . . Neue Ausgabe, dkc. pp. xiv, 416: 8 pit. 8°. Berlin, 1860. A re-urae of the preceding, with a new title-page. Hartig (T.) Neue Theorie der Befruchtung der Pflan- zen. Gegriindet auf vergleichende Untersuchung der wesentlichsten Verschiedenheiten im Baue der weib- lichen Geschlechtstheile. pp. [viii,]44 •' 1 pi- 4°. Braunschweig, 1842. Hartig (T.) Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Pflanzen . . . Mit besonderer Beziehung auf die vom Prof. Dr. M. J. Schleiden in dessen : Grundziige der wissenschaftlichen Botanik, Bel. II., 1843, gegen meine neueren physiologischen Arbeiten erhobenen Einwen- dungen. (Nachtrag die Befruchtung der Glockenblumen betreffend). pp. 28 [4] : 1 pi. col. 4°. Berlin, 1843. Hartig (T.) Das Leben der Pflanzenzelle, deren Entste- hung, vermehrung, Ausbildung und Auflosung. pp. 52 : 2 pig. 4°. Berlin, 1844. Hartig (T.) Die neueren Einwiirfe gegen meine Lehre von der Befruchtung als Antwort auf . . . T. Hartig's Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pflanzen. See SfHLEIDKN (M. J.) 8°. 1844. Hartig (T.) Vollstandige Naturgeschichte der forst- lichen Culturpflanzen Deutschlands. pp. x, [iv,] xvii, 580, [18,] 8 [7] : 120 pis. col. 4°. Berlin, 1851. Hartig (T.) Entwickelungsgeschichte des Pflanzen- keims, dessen Stoffbildung und Stoflfwandlung wahrend der Vorgange des Reifens und des Keimens. pp. xii, 164 : 4 pin. col. 4°. Leipzig, 1858. Hartig (T.) Anatomie und Physiologic der Holz- pHanzen, . xvi, 412 : 6 pit., text Must. 8°. Berlin, 1878. HARTING (.I.VMKS EDMUND) [1841-] The Birds of .Middlesex. A contribution to the natural history of ' the county, pp. xvi, 384 •' 1 pi- 8°. London, 1866. Harting (J. E.) Hints on Shore Shooting ; with a chapter on Skinning and Preserving Birds, pp. [vt,] "7 88: 1 pi. 8°. London, 1871. ' Harting (J. E.) The Ornithology of Shakespeare critically examined, explained, and illustrated, pp.xxii, fc SSI : 1 port., text Must. 4°. London, 1871. Hartiug (J. E.) A Catalogue of the Collection of Birds' Lggs formed by J. E. Harting . . . with . . . a ^ small series of rare nests and mounted Birds, dec. ^ pp. 34. 8°. London, 1872. Harting (J. E.) A Handbook of British Birds . . . with an index to the records of the rarer visitants. ••» pji. xxiv, 198. 8°. London, 1872. ^- New . . . edition, &c. pp. xxxi, 520 : 35 jds. col. 8°. London, 1901. Harting (J. E.) The Fauna of the Prybilov Islands, abridged from the "Report ... by H. W. Elliott; -- with an appendix on the Ornithology by ... E. Coues ^_ (Washington, 1873)." pp. 38: 1 pi. 8°. London, 1875. Reprinted from " The Field." Harting (J. E.) Rambles in search of Shells, land and freshwater, pp. viii, 110: 10 pis. col. ~y 8°. London, 1875. ^> Harting (J. E.) Our Summer Migrants. An account of the migratory Birds which pass the summer in the. — f British Islands, dec. pp. x, 336 : text Must. f~ 8°. London, 1875. Harting (J. E.) The natural history and antiquities I of Selborne . . . The Standard edition . . . thoroughly revised, with additional notes. By J. E. Harting . . . Second edition. See WHITE (G.) 8°. 1876. Harting (J. E.) See ZOOLOGIST, THE . . . Third Series . . . Edited by J. E. Harting. Vol. i-xx. 8°. 1877-96. Harting (J. E.) Ostriches. See MOSENTHAL (J. DE) & HARTINC, (J. E.) Ostriches and Ostrich Farming ' . . . New (Second) edition, &c. Pt. 1. 8°. 1879. ' Harting (J. E.) The Birds of Cornwall and the Scilly Islands . . . Edited, with an introduction, appendix, 2L and brief memoir of the author, by J. E. Harting. See RODD (E. H.) 8°. 1880. Harting (J. E.) British Animals extinct within his- ^. toric times, with some account of British wild White Cattle, &c. pp. vii, 258 : text Must. 8°. London, 1880. %, Harting (J. E.) Essays on Sport and Natural History. _ ;•/'• -*:, 485 : i>ort., text illust. 8°. London, 1883. Z. Harting (J. E.) Sketches of Bird Life from twenty years' observation of their haunts and habits, &c. ' tvn ~ ffl • *-~'* »'/7».«j oO 1,1. l QOQ ' 292: text Must. 8°. London, 1883. Harting (J. E.) Hints on the management of Hawks, &c. j>p. 48 : text Must. 8°. London, 1884. Harting (J. E.) A perfecte booke for keepinge of Sparhawkes, or Goshawkes. Written about 1575 Now first printed from the original MS. on vellum, with introduction and glossary, pp. xxxii, 51 : 1 pi. 4°. London, 1886. Harting (J. E.) Introductory remarks.— A systematic list of the Mammalia exhibited in the collection of American trophies. See LONDON. — American Exhibi- tion, 1887. American Hunting Trophies, &c. 4". 1887. 731 f B . Hartiug (J. E.) The Birds of Hampstead. See LOBLEY L- (J- L.) Hampstead Hill, dec. 8°. 1889. Harting (J. E.) Report of the Departmental Com- mittee appointed ... to inquire into a plague of Field 2. Voles in Scotland, &c. [J. E. Harting, Secretary.] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Board of Agri- culture. 4°. 1893. Harting (J. E.) contenant des Cristaux, &c. pp.15 : 1 pi. col. See AM- , \7 STERDAM. — KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAP- -•9 PEN. Verhandelingen, &c. Deel vi. 4°. 1858. Harting (P.) Die vorweltlichen Sehiipfungen ver- .^ glichen mit der gegenwartigen . . . aus dem Holliin- dischen ubersetzt von J. C. A. Martin. Mit einem Vorworte von M. J. Schleiden. pp. xiv, 357: 5 pis. (4 col.), text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1859. Hartiug (P.) Description de quelques fragments de L- deux Cephalopodes gigantesques, ace. pi>. 16: 3 pi. *!/• C 0 See AMSTERDAM. — KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETEN- 7 SCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen, &c. Deel ix. 4°. 1861. Harting (P.) Le K6phalographe. Nouvel instrument destine a determiner la figure et les dimensions du Crane, ou de la Tete humaine, &c. pp. 15. 4°. Utrecht, 1861. Harting (P.) Leerboek van de grondbeginselen der Dierkunde in haren geheelen omvang . . . Tweede deel. 7. Gewervelde Dieren. Erste afdeeling. Natuurhistorisch overzigt. Tweede stuk. Vogels, &c. pp. 317-480: text Must. 8°. Tiel, 1863. • >o/ Harting (P.) L'Appareil episternal des Oiseaux. pp. HO : I pi. See UTKECHT. — PROVINCIAAL UTRECHTSCH <• GENOOTSCHAP VAN Deel i, stuk 3. KUN8TEN EN WETENSCHAPPEN. 4°. 1864. , , Harting (P.) Bijdrage tot de Kennis der mikro- skopiscne Fauna en Flora van de Bandazee, naar aanleiding van een onderzoek van eenige door Diep- zeeloodingen van 990 tot 4000 vademen uit die Zee opgebragtegronden,^ 8°. 1888. 7 Hartlaub (CARL J. G.) & Pinsch (F. H. O.) Beitrag zur Fauna Centralpolynesiens. Ornithologie der Viti-, Samoa-, und Tonga-Inseln, dec. See FINSOH (F. H. O.) & HARTLAUB (C. J. G.) 8°. 1867. Hartlaub (CARL J. G.) cfe Pinsch (F. H. O.) Die / Viigel von Ost-Afrikas. See DKCKKN (C. C. VON DER) ^ A /lunm. Baron C. C. von der Decken's Reisen in 'T Ost-Afrika in 1859-61. Bd. iv. 8°. 1870. HARTLAUB (CLEMENS) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der | Comatulidenfauna des Indischen Archipels. /mut onum Botampirfuin clarissinii>*n Crantz, quasj/i^T- public* disojjimioni submitlji^T. X. Hart- man, dec. pp.60: 4 pis. 8°. Vindobonce, 1766. HARTMANN (FRIEDRICH) Systematische Ueber- sicht der Versteinerungen Wiirtembergs, mit vorzug- licher Riicksicht der in den Umgebungen von Boll sich findenden. pp. 56. 8°. Tubingen, 1830. HARTMANN (GEORG LEONHARD) [1764-1828] Hel- vetische Ichthyologie.oderausfuhrliche Naturgeschichte der in der Schweiz sich vorfindenden Fische. pp. xii, SM). 8°. Zurich, 1827. HARTMJ^NN (GusTAv) Ujfietrhirise vulgans bratioXTJissertatio inauguprl^ botanica quam ./rproe- sidxG. Schiibler . . . suhimttit . . . auctor Gjmtmann. pp.29. ' 8°. Tvmngce, 1832. HARTMANN (Huoo) Untersuchungen mit dem Lothrohr. Uebersicht der pyrognostischen Eigen- schaften der unorganischen Substanzen. Tafeln iiber das Vcrhalton der Minernlkorper vor dem Lothrohre. Nebst Angaben zur qualitativen Untersuchung tech- nisch wichtiger Mineralien, Erze und Hiittenprodukte mittelst des Lothrohres. pp. viii, S9, 28 tabs. 4°. Leipzig, 1862. HARTMANN (J. D. WILHELM) [1793-1862] System der Erd- und Siisswasser-Gasteropoden Europa's. In besonderer Hinsicht auf diejenigen Gattungen, welche in Deutschland und der Schweitz angetroffen werden. See STURM (J.) Deutschlands Fauna. Abth. vi, hft. 5-8. , ... 8°. 1821-29. Hartnucfin (J. D. W.) Ijjrf^und Siisswasser^G^stefo- lyxleri. pp. xx, 222rJ^ab. •' 84 pis. col. ^^"^ 4°. St. GcMflf^dec., 1840 [-42]. HARTMANN (JOANNES BAPTISTA) Dissertatio inauguralis medica de Hirudine medicinali, dec. pp. 59. 8°. Vienna Austria;, 1777. HARTMANN (PETER IMMANUEL) [1727-1791] Plantarum prope Francofurtum ad Viadrum sponte nascentium, dec. Fasc. i.t pp. 16. 4°. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1767. Hartmann (PETER I.) [Exerritationem litterariam de J. Langii . . . praeside P. I. Hartmann . . . defendet E. G. Mentzel. 4°. Trajecti ad Viadrum, 1774.] Wanting. [Another edition.] See USTERI (P.) • Delectus opusculorum botanicorum, dec. Vol. II, no. 15. 8°. 1793. Hartmann (PETER I.) Antinephriticam Uvae ursinas virtutem merito suspectam, praeside P. I. Hartmanno . . . aestimabit auctor J. H. Schneider. See SCHNEIDER (J. H.) 4°. [1778.] Hartmann (PETER I.) Dissertationem medicam bota- nicam de Gratiola, prseside P. I. Hartmanno, dec. See HOFFMANN (J. F.) 4°. [1784.] HARTMANN (PHILIPPUS JACOBUS) [1648-1707] Disquisitio de Phoca . . . quam . . . praeside P. J. Hartmann . . . submittit M. F. Thormann. pp. 30. 4°. Regiomonti [1683]. Hartmann (PHILIPPUS J.) Succincta Succini Prussici historia et demonstratio. pp. 48. 4°. Berolini, 1699. HARTMANN (ROBERT) See HARTMANN (C. E. W. R.) HARTMANNSRUTHI (J. D. WILHELM HART- MANN VON) See HARTMANN. HARTOG (JOANNES) Catalogus . . . Plantarum Africanarum. See BURMANNUS (J.) Thesaurus Zey- lanicus, dec. 19>IV 4°. 1737. HARTOG (MARCUS MANUEL) [1851-1 The Natural History of Plants . . . Translated by M. M. Hartog, dec. 8 Vol. Must. See BAILLON (H. E.) 8°. 1871-88. Hartog (M. M.) Some Problems of Reproduction: a comparative study of Gametogeny and Protoplasmic Senescence and Rejuvenescence, pp. 79. 8°. London, 1891. Quart. Journ. Micro. Soi. N.S., Vol. xxxul. Hartog (M. M.) Rotifers. See HARMER (S. F.) The Cambridge Natural History, dec. Vol. II. 8°. 1896. HARTOGH HEIJ8 VAN ZOUTEVEEN (HER MANN) Handboek der Mineralogie, dec. 2 Deel. Must. 8°. Tiel, 1882. HARTSEN (J. F. A.) Flora Batava, . . . door J. Kops . . en J. F. A. Hartsen, dec. Deel xn & xin. See KOPS (J.) 4". 1865-68. HARTT (CHARLES FREDERICK) [1840-1878] Thayer Expedition. Scientific results of a journey in Brazil. By L. Agassiz and his travelling companions. Geology and physical geography of Brazil. By C. F. Hartt pp. xxili, 6W : 10 pis., 1 map, text Must. 8°. Boston, 1870. Hartt (C. F.) Preliminary Report of the Morgan Expeditions, 1870-71.— Report of a reconnaissance of the Ixwer Tapajos. pp. 37: 1 pi. See ITHACA.— Bulletin, dec. (Science.) Vol. I, z. 6 6 6 Z G- L 6 Z M t> CORNELL UNIVERSITY. no. 1. 8°. 1874. 795 HARTUNG (C. A. F. A. HENRICUS) De Cinchonas p speciebus, atque medicamentis Chinam supplentibus : dissertatio, &c. pp. 39. 4°. Argentorati, 1812. HARTUNG (GEORG) [1822 ?-1891] Die geologischen O" Verhaltnisse der Inseln Lanzarote und Fuertaventura, ^. &c. pp. 163: 11 pis. (col.), 1 map. See ALLQEMEINE HScHWEiZERiscHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denk- schriften, &c. Tom. xv. 4°. 1857. M Hartung (G.) Die Azoren in ihrer ausseren Er- scheinung und nach ihrer geognostischen Natur . . . Mit Beschreibung der fossilen Reste von H. G. Bronn. pp. viii, 350. Atlas, 19 pis. (col.), 1 map. 8°. & 4°. Leipsig, 1860. Hartung (G.) Betrachtungen fiber Erhebungskrater, .. altere und neuere Eruptivmassen, nebst einer Schilde- rung der geologischen Verhaltnisse der Insel Gran Canaria. pp. vi, 108 : 7 pis. (1 col.) 8°. Leipzig, 1862. Hartung (G.) Geologische Beschreibung der Inseln Q Madeira und Porto Santo . . . Mit dem system atischen Verzeichnisse der fossilen Reste dieser Inseln und der Azoren von K. Mayer, pp. x, 298 : 16 pis., 1 map. 8°. Leipzig, 1864. Hartung (G.) Ueber die Pflanzen-Versteinerungen von Arido in Norwegen. Schilderung des Fundortes und der Lagerungsverhaltnisse. See HEER (O.) Flora fossilis Arctica, &c. Bd. iv. 4». 1877. ^ Hartnng (G.) & others. Tenerife geologisch topo- graphisch dargestellt, &c. See FRITSCH (K. W. G. VON) & others. fol. 1867. HARTWEG ( ) [-1831] Hortus Carlsruhanus, oder : Verzeichniss sammtlicher Gewachse, welche in dem . . . Botanischen Garten zu Carlsruhe cultivirt werden . . . Herausgegeben von . . . Hartweg. See CARLSRUHE.— Botanischer Garten. 4°. 1825. HARTWIG (GEORG LUDWIG) [-1880] Das Leben des Meeres . . . Vierte . . . Auflage, &c. pp. xvi, 450 : 20 pis. col., text illust. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1859. Hartwig (G. L.) The Tropical World: a popular scientific account of the natural history of the Animal u and Vegetable Kingdoms in the equatorial regions. pp. xx, 566 : 8 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1863. Hartwig (G. L.) The Subterranean World . . . Third £. edition, pp. xix, 522 : 8 pis., 3 maps, text illust. 8°. London, 1875. HARTWIG (J.) i Heinemann (F. C.) Die Clematis. Eintheilung, Pflege und Verwendung der Clematis, mit einem beschreibenden Verzeichnisse der bis ietztgeziich- teten Varietaten und Hibriden nach "The Clematis as a Garden Flower " von T. Moore und G. Jackmann. pp. 102 : text illust. 8°. Erfurt, 1880. HARTZ (N.) & Ostrup (E.) Danske Diatomejord- Aflejrmger og deres Diatomeer . . . Re'sume en Francais. pp. 81 : 2 pis. See DENMARK.— Danmarks Geologiske Undersifgelse. [Publications.] 2 Raekke, no. 9. 8°. 1899. HARTZ. [Maps] Karte vom nordwestlichen Harz- Gebirge . . . Von C. Prediger. Maassstab 1 : 50,000 [i.e. 1 in. = IJ m. about]. Clausthal [1800]. Hartz. [Maps.] Geologische Karte der Provinz Sachsen, von Magdeburg bis zum Harz . . . Maassstab von 1 : 100,000 [i.e. 1 in. = if m. about]. 4 sb. See SAXONY [Maps] 1864- HARUP (A. C. JENSEN) See JENSEN-HARUP, HARVJEUS. See HARVEY. H 8 HARVARD COLLEGE. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Mass. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — See CAMBRIDGE, HARVEIUS. See HARVEY. HARVET (ALEXANDER) [1811-1889] Trees: their nature, and natural longevity and size. [By A. Harvey.] See TREES. 4°. 1847. Harvey (A.) Trees and their Nature ; or the bud and its attributes, <&c. pp. xxiii, 236 : 3 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1856. HARVET (J. R.) Memoranda towards a Fauna of the County of Cork, Div. : Vertebrata. See CUVIERIAN SOCIETY OF CORK. Contributions towards a Fauna and Flora of the County, &c. 8°. 1845. HARVET (ROBERT) See SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS, by Medical Officers of the Army of India. Edited by ... R. Harvey. Pt. xi-» 4°. 1898-» HARVET (Sir ROBERT GRENVILLE) [1856-] East Africa and its Big Game . . . With a postscript by Sir R. G. Harvey, &c. See WILLOUGHBY (Sir J. C.) 8°. 1889. HARVET (WILLIAM) [1578-1657] G. Harveii . . . Exercitationes anatomic®, de motu Cordis & Sanguinis circulation^. . . . Quibus accesserunt J. Walaei, de motu Cbyli & Sanguinis, epistolas duae. Itemque disser- tatio de Corde . . . J. de Back. pp. xl, 464 [23] : 2 pis., engr. title. 12°. Londini, 1660. The engraved title reads: " G. Harvjei . . . Exercitatio anatomica de Cordis et Sanguinis motu," and is dated 1661. Harvey (WILLIAM) Exercitationes de generatione Animalium. Quibus accedunt quasdam de partu : de membranis ac humoribus uteri : & de conceptione. pp. [xxxii,] 582, [8] : engr. title. 12°. Hagae Comitis, 1680. HARVET (WILLIAM HENRY) [181 1-1866] The Genera of South African Plants, &c. 8°. Cape Town, 1838. - Second edition, edited by J. D. Hooker, &c. pp. 12, Hi, 483. 8°. Cape Toion & London, 1868. Harvey (WILLIAM H.) A Manual of the British Marine Algae : containing generic and specific descriptions of all the known British species of Sea-Weeds, and of Confervas, both marine and fresh-water, pp. Ivii, 229. 8°. London, 1841. - [Second edition.] pp. Hi, 252 : 27 pis. col. 8°. London, 1849. Harvey (WILLIAM H.) Phycologia Britannica : or a history of British Sea- Weeds, &c. 4 Vol. illust. col. 4°. London, 1846-51. Synopsis of British Seaweeds, compiled from Prof. Harvey's Phycologia Britannica. pp. viii, 219. 8°. London, 1857. British Sea- Weeds. Drawn from Prof. Harvey's " Phycologia Britannica," &c. 2 Vol. ji)>eared in the same year. o s « -Z- Z- 8 B B a B 796 A Harvey (WILLIAM H.) Specimens of the Flora of South 17 Africa. [Descriptions by Prof. Harvey.] See LADY. fol. 1849. Harvey (WILLIAM H.) [Algae.] See SEEMANN (B. C.) The Botany of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald . . . 1845-51, Ac. 4°. 1852-57. Harvey (WILLIAM H.) Nereis Boreali-Americnna : or ^ contributions to a History of the Marine Algae of North America . . . Pt. I. Melanospermeae. 3 Pt. illust. col. L. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Contri- „ , buttons to Knowledge. Vol. ill, art. 4 ; v, art. 5 ; x, }, art. 2. 4°. 1852-58. I Harvey (WILLIAM H.) [Algae of Japan.] See UNITED *» STATES. Narrative of tne Expedition ... to the China Seas, <£c. Vol. ii. 4°. 1856. - Harvey (WILLIAM H.) See NATURAL HISTORY REVIEW , ... Conducted by ... W. H. Harvey, 8°. London, (1896-) 1901-* VoL v, pt, 1. pp. til,. 1901. Acanthaceu. By C. B. Clarke. Myoporinen * Selaginete. By R. A. Rolfe. Verhmacen. By II. H. W. Pearson. ,, vi. Hmnodoracen to LiliaceK. By J. O. Baker, pp. x. f»i,l tea. i8WM>7. „ vil. m. rill, 791. 1817-1900. PonUderiaeew, Xyrldne, Flagellarien, Typhacemj, Aroidev, Lemnacee A- EriocanleK. By H. E. Brown. Comn.elinacese & Cyperacee. By C. B. Clarke. B E 6 aowe & Cy|*nire»-. By J. O. Maker. By C. H. Wright. Palmie. Naladaceas. By A. Bennett. ReMiacen. By M. T. Marten. (Imillllmi By O. Stapf. Addenda et Cmrigenda. HARVIE-BRpWir (JOHN ALEXANDER) [1 844-] The Capercaillie in Scotland, . 40: 2 pis. 8». Moskau, 1868. Also published in " Bull. 800. imp. Nats. Moscou," Tom. XLI. Harz (C. O.) Einige neue Hyphomyceten Berlin's und Q Wien's, nebst Beitragen zur Systematik derselben. Q1 pp. 90 : 5 pis. 8°. Moskau, 1872. Bull. Soc. imp. Nats. Moecou. Tom. XLIV. Han (C. O.) Grundziige der alcoholischen Gahrungs- ., lehre. pp. 59. 8°. Munchen, 1877. {> Vortrag gehalten zur Schlnsafeier lies Stadien-Jahree 1870-77 der K. Central Thierarzueischulo zu Munchen. Han (C. O.) Landwirthsehaftliche Samenkunde. ' Handbnch, dec. 2 Bd. text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1885. ' Harz (C. O.) Beitrage zur Flora des mittleren Halys- thales. See OBERHUMMER (R.) & ZIMMERER (H.) Durch Syrien und Kleinasien, &c. Abth. H. 8°. 1899. HARZER (CARL AUGUST FRIEDRTOH) [1784-1846] Naturgetreue Abbildungen der vorzuglichsten essbaren, giftigen und verdiichtigen Pilze, mit besonderer RUck- sicht auf die verschiedenen Altersstufen von der ersten Entwickelung bis zum ausgebildeten Wachsthume . . . Bevorwortet von . . . L. Reichenbach, &c. SO pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. 4°. Dresden, 1842-45. 797 10 4«v b M HASJEUS (THEODORUS) [1682-1731] Dissertatio . . . ^ de . . . Pulte Colocyrithidum, farina per Elisam con- K dita, ejusque mysterio, quam . . . prseside . . . T. Hasseo . . . subjicit auctor, &c. See EWALD (W. E.) 4°. [1726.] HASAN IBN MUHAMMAD, Al- Wazzdn, Al-Fasi, afterwards GIOVANNI LEONE, Africanus. The history C and description of Africa . . . written by ... Leo <\ + Africanus . . . Edited, with an introduction and notes, by ... R. Brown. 3 Vol. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 92-94. 8°. 1896. HASELBERGER (MICHAEL) Beitrage zur Rosen- I flora von Oberostfrreich, Salzburg und Bohmen. Nach "^* J. B. v. Keller's Kritischen Untersuchungen von J. B. Wiesbaur und M. Haselberger. pp. 40. See LINZ.— MUSEUM FRANCISCO-CAKOLINUM. Bericht, g Hasskarl (J. K.) Observationes Botanicae, quas de Filicibus Horti Bogoriensis nee non ad Montem Gedeh . aliisque locis sua sponte crescentibus annis 1855 et 1856, | fecit J. K. Hasskarl. (— Continuatio.) pp. 64 (50). e~ See BATAVIA. — KONINKLIJKE NATUUEKUNDIGE VE- REENIOING IN NEDERLANDSCH INDIE. Acta, dfC. Vol. I, no. 7 (HI, no. 8). 4°. 1856 (58). The first portion was also issued separately, with the addition of a — > £> title-page, and entitled " Pagillus primus." Hasskarl (J. K.) Java, seine Gestalt, Pflanzendecke und innere Bauart . . . Nach der zweiten . . ,(HoI- landischen Originals in's Deutsche iibertragen von J. K. i -1-7 XJ, Hasskarl, dec. See JUNGHUHN (F. W.) 8°. 1857. ^ w Hasskarl (J. K.) Neuer Schliissel zu Rumph's Her- j\ barium Amboinense. 4°. Halle, 1866. Abbandl. Naturf. Gesell. Halle. Bd. IX, hft. 2, pp. 1M-389, m. Hasskarl (J. K.) Horti Malabarici Rheedeani Clavis £ locupletissima. pp. 134- See ACADEMIA C^SAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, dec. Nova Acta, dkc. Tom. xxxiv, no. 1. 4°. 1867 (1868). S Hasskarl (J. K.) Commelinaceffi Indicae, imprimis .. Archipelagi Indici, adjectis nonnullis hisce terris D alienis. pp. 182. 8°. Vindobonce, 1870. Hasskarl (J. K.) Schets van Hasskarl's Leven en ,3 Werken. See GR. (M.) 8°. 1894. I 799 O.ti H Ui ;T HASSLER (EMILIO) Palmae Hasslerianse novse, ou p relaijao das Palmeiras encontradas no Paraguay pelo P Dr. E. Hassler de 1898-1899 determinada e desenhadas por J. Barbosa Rodrigues. See Rio DE JANEIRO.— Jardin Botanico. 4°. 1900. HAST (BARTHOLOMAEUS RUDOLPHUS) Amphibia L- Gyllenborgiana . . . descripta a B. R. Hast, &c. See LINNJSUS (C.) C. Linnsei . . . Amcenitates Aca- demics;, &c. Vol. I. 8°. 1749. B • - [Another edition.] 8°. 1749. j^ - - Editio tertia. 8°. 1787. . HAST (CAROLUS FREDERICUS) In genus Echitis obser- o vationes . . . proponit C. F. Hast, &c. See THUNBERO ]^ (C. P.) 4°. [1819.] HAST (HERMANNUS RUDOLPHUS) Dissertatio medica 1 inauguralis de Caryophyllis aromaticis, . . . offert H. R. Hast, tationes Academic® Upsalise, &c. Vol. n, no. 13. 8°. 1800. Hast (H. R.) Oxalis, quam dissertatione botanica A ... publica . . . exhibent presses C. P. Thunberg . . . et respondens H. R. Hast, &c. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1781.] A [Another edition.] See THUNBERG (C. P.) Disser- tationes Academic* Upsaliae,<£c. Vol. n, no. 3. 8°. 1800. HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS NATU- • RAL HISTORY SOCIETY. [Founded isss.] L The . . . Annual Report and Annual Additions to the List of Local Fauna, Flora, &c. No. 7— > 8°. Hastings [l901-»]. HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS FHILO- A*. SOFHICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. j [1831 Founded as Hastings Literary and Scientific Society. 1859 Hastings and St. Leonards Philosophical and Literary Society.] The Natural History of Hastings & St. Leonards and t~ the vicinity, pp. 68. 8°. Hastings, 1878. The succeeding supplements were published by private enterprise. L- First supplement, pp. 53 : 1 map. 8'. Hastings, 1883. The lists of the Fauna compiled by E. A. Butler; those of the Flora by B. N. Bloomfield. t- Second supplement. [Edited, with a preface, by 2- E. N. Bloomfield.] pp.24. 8°.St.Leonards-on-Sea,l888. i Third supplementary list. [Edited, with a preface, by E. N. Bloomfield.] pp. 32. 8°. St. Leonards-on-Sea, 1898. HASTINGS MUSEUM ASSOCIATION. State- ment-selling forthJjhfi-€/On"stitution and general Aims the . . . Association, pp. 8 : -teXfulust. 4". [Hastings ?,] 1891. HASTINGS (Sir CHARLES) [1794-1866] Illustrations of the Natural History of Worcestershire, with informa- tion on the . . . Zoology, and Geology of the County, including also a short account of its Mineral Waters, &c. pp. iv, 184 •' 1 map col. 8°. London, Worcester, 1834. Appendix contains : — B. Fish of the Avon. [Abstract of a paper by Mrs. Perrott.] c. Catalogue of some of the rarer Lepidopterous Insects found in Worcestershire. [By E. Lees.] D. Catalogue of the moat remarkable and interesting Plants, indigenous to Worcestershire, with their habitats. E. Mineral productions of Worcestershire. This work also forms the first part of the publications of the " Worcester- shire Natural History Society" [q.v.] Hastings (Sir C.) An Address delivered at ... on 0 0 \_ the opening of the Worcestershire Museum . . . 1836. See WORCESTERSHIRE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. [Publications, &c.} 8°. 1837. HASWELL (WILLIAM AITCHESON) Catalogue of the Australian Stalk- and Sessile-eyed Crustacea, &c. See SYDNEY.— AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. 8°. 1882. H OLo Haswell (W. A.) Guide to the contents of the Austra- / lian Museum. [By W. A. Haswell.] pp. 56 : 1 plan. " See SYDNEY.— AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. 8°. 1883. 2 Haswell (W. A.) & Parker (T. J.) A text-book of Zoology. 2 Vol. illust. See PARKER (T. J.) C— 8°. 1897. (W. A.) HATCH (FREDERICK HENRY) [1864-] Ueber die Gesteineder Vulcan-Gruppe von Arequipa. Inaugural- _ Dissertation, &c. 8°. Wien, 1886. G~ Tschermak's Min. und petrog. Mittheil. Bd. vil, pp. S08-S60 : 1 pi. Hatch (F. H.) Petrographical Tables : an aid to the microscopical determination of Rock-forming Minerals /M . . . Translated and edited ... by ... F. H. Hatch. See ROSENBUSCH (C. H. F.) 4°. [1890 f] Hatch (F. H.) An Introduction to the Study of Petro- logy : the Igneous Rocks, pp. vi, 128 : text illust. A/7 8°. London, 1891. [Second edition entitled :] Text-book of Petrology, containing a description of the Rock-forming Minerals t * and a synopsis of the chief types of Igneous Rocks. r^ pp. vi, 222 : text illust. 8°. London, 1892. text illust. Hatch (F. H.) Map of the Transvaal, showing the physical features . . . Scale 1 : 1,570,000 (i.e. 1 in. = 24| /~ m. about), &c. See TRANSVAAL. [Maps.] col. 1897. Hatch (F. H.) A geological map of the southern Transvaal. [Scale 1 in. = 3| m.] See TRANSVAAL. (2- [Maps.] col. 1897. Hatch (F. H.) [For official publications in connection with the Survey] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. Hatch (F. H.) & Chalmers (J. A.) The Gold Mines of the Rand : being a description of the mining industry A/| of Witwatersrand, South African Republic, pp. xvii, 306 : 20 pis. (col.), 2 maps. 8°. London, 1895. HATCH (P. L.) A list of the Birds of Minnesota. See. MINNESOTA, State of .— Geological and Natural History Survey. Annual reports, dec. No. 9. 8°. 1881. HATCHETT (CHARLES) [c. 1765-1847] On the Spikenard of the Ancients, pp. 21 : 1 pi. 4°. London [1836]. HATLE (EDUARD) [1851-] Die Minerale des Herzog- thums Steiermark. pp. xiv, 212. 8°. Graz, 1885. Hatle (E.) Der Steirische Mineralog. Anleitung zur Bestimmung der bisher in Steiermark aufgefundenen Minerale mittelst der einfachsten Versuche. pp. iv, 56. 8°. Graz, 1887. HATSCHEK (BERTHOLD) [1854-1 Studien iiber Entwicklungsgeschichte der Anneliden. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologic der Bilaterien. pp. 128 : 8 pis., text illust. See VIENNA.— KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVER- SITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, &c. Tom. i, hft. 3. 8°. 1878. Hatschek (B.) Ueber Entwicklungsgeschichte von Teredo, pp. 44: 3 pis. col. Ueber Entwicklungsgeschichte von Echiurus und die systematische Stellung der Echiuridse (Gephyrei Chsetif eri). pp. 34 •' 3 pis. Protpdilus Leuckartii. Eine neue Gattung der Archian - neliden. pp. 14 : 2 pis. col. See VIENNA.— KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut, &c. Tom. in, hft. 1. 8°. 1880. .-— A-i 800 Hatschek (B.) Studien uber Entwicklung des Amphi- orus. pp. 88: 9 pis. (col.) See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH- KOENIGLICHE UNIVER8ITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoo- logischen Institut, - See VIENNA. — KAISER- LICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAF.T. 8°. 1899-» HATTON (JOSEPH) The great Diamonds of the World. Their history and romance . . . [Second edition.] Edited and annotated by J. Hatton, &c. See STREETER (E. W.) 89. 1882. HATTORI ( ^ ) - Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wissenach. Wien. Bd. xxir. Hauer (F. VON) See BEITRAEGE ZUR PALAEONTO- GRAPHIE VON OESTERREICH. Herausgegeben von (^ F. . . . von Hauer. Bd. I, hft. 1 & 2.t 4". 1858-69. Hauer (F. VON) [Jurassic Cephalopoda of New -_, Zealand.] See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Reise der . . . (j~~ Fregatte Novara . . . 1857-59, &c. Geologischer Theil. Bd. I, abth. 2, II. Fossile Mollusken . . . Bearbeitet von K. A. Zittel. 4°. 1865. Hauer (F. VON) Geologische Uebersicht-Karte der Oesterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie . . . Zweite <~g- . . . Auflage. Massstab 1 : 576,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 9 m. * about]. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.— Kaiserlich-Koenig- liche Geologische Reichsanstalt. [Maps.] 1867-74. With accompanying text extracted from the " Jabrb. k. k. Geol. Reicha- anst.," Bd. XVII-XXIH. Hauer (F. VON) Die Geologie und ihre Anwendung .-, auf die Kenntniss der Bodenbeschaft'enheit der Oesterr.- Cz*~ Ungar. Monarchie. pp. viii, 681 : text Must. 8°. Wien, 1875. Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. viii, 764 •' text illust. 8°. Wien, 1878. Hauer (F. VON) Geologische Karte von Oesterreich- Ungarn . . . Dritte . . . Auflage. Massstab 1 : 2,016,000 {2. [i.e. 1 in. = 31$ m. about]. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. [Maps.] 1878. Vierte . . . Auflage. 1884. Haner (F. VON) Geologische Uebersicht von Oester- I reich-Ungarn. See RUDOLF FRANZ KARL JOSEF, __ Crown Prince of Austria. Die Oesterreichisch-Un- garische Monarchic in Wort und Bild, &c. Bd. n. 8°. 1887. Hauer (F. VON) & Nenmayr (M.) Fiihrer zu den • Excursionen der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft Q- nach der Allgemeinen Versammlung in Wien 1877. Herausgegeben von . . . F. von Hauer und . . . M. Neumayr. pp. [2,] 195 : 2 pis., 2 maps, text illust. 8". Wien, 1877. I. Geologischer Fiihrer fiir die Umgebung von Briinn. Von A. Makowsky. II. Die Kaiser Franz Josefs Hochquellen- Wasserleitnng. Geologische Schilderung von F. Karrer. III. Geologische Ueberslcbt der jiingeren Tertiarbildungen des Wiener Beokens und des Ungariecb-Steierischen Ttenandes. Von I . Fuchs. IV. Die Excursion nach dem Paatingthale und der Neuen Welt . . . Von H. Zugmayer und D. Stur. v. Die Simmering- Fahrt. — Mit Zugnindelegung der von G. Tschermak mitgetbeilten geologischen Aufzeicbnungen. Von F. Toula. Hauer (F. VON) y dustria in Toscana. pp. 250. 8°. Firenze, 1847. f1 HAUFTFLEISCH (PAUL) [Rhodophycese and Fossil Algse.] See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) 0 Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, &c. 8°. 1887— > Hauptfleisch (P.) Gedachtnisrede auf . . . J. von Sachs, pp. 41 : 1 port. See WURZBURG. — PHYSIKA- I LISCH-MEDICINISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Verhandlungen, &c. Neue Folge, Bd. xxxi, no. 10. 8°. 1897. HAUSER (GusTAv) [1856-] Ueber Faulnissbacterien und deren Beziehungen zur Septicamie. Ein Beitrag f zur Morphologie der Spaltpilze. pp. 94: 15 pis. 8". Leipzig, 1885. HAUSERUS (JOHANNES JACOBUS) Theses botanico- anatomicae, quas . . . subjicit J. J. Hauserus ... re- -f^ spondente . . . J. R. Miegio, &c. pp.10. fol. & 8°. 1879-» Haushofer (K. VON) Mikroskopische Reactionen. Eine Anleitung zur Erkennung verschiedener Elemente : . und Verbindungen unter dem Mikroskop, &c. pp. vii, 162 : text illust. 8°. Braunschweig, 1885. Haushofer (K. VON) Leitfaden fur die Mineral- bestimmung. pp. x, 235 : text illust. 8°. Braunschweig, 1892. HAUSKNECHT. See HAUSSKNECHT. HAUSMANN (FRANZ VON) Baron. Dissertatio inauguralis medico-botanica exponens species generum plantarum Gagese et Lloydiae, &c. pp. 58. 8°. Vindobonoe, 1841. Hausmann (F. VON) Baron. Flora von Tirol. Ein Verzeichniss der in Tirol und Vorarlberg wild wach- senden und haufiger gebauten Gefasspflanzen . . . Mit einem Anhange . . . und Nachtriige zur Flora, pp. xiv, 1614. 8°- Innsbruck, 1851-54. Hausmann (F. VON) Baron. Zur Flora Tirols. I. Heft. Q, Dr. Facchini's Flora von Siidtirol. Mit einem Vor- worte und Anmerkungen von F. B. v. Hausmann. See FACCHINI (F.) 8°. 1855. [Another issue.] See INNSBRUCK. — FERDINAN- / BEUM. Zeitschrift, &c. Folg. Ill , hft. 5. 8°. 1855 (1856). 101 802 M h H o H L M H HAUSMANN (JOHANN FRIEDRICH LUDWIO) [1782- . iv, 74. raimschweig, 1803. 1869] Krystallogische Beitrage. pp. iv, 74. 4°. Sr M M M M H 2 Hausmann (J. F. L.) Versuch eines Entwurfs zu einer Einleitung in die Oryktognosie. pp. xiv, 188. 8°. Gottingen, 180f>. Hausmanu (J. F. L.) Entwurf eines Systems der unorganisirten Naturkorper. pp. 141. 8°. Cassel, 1809. Hausmann (J. F. L.) Reise durch Skandinavien in . . . 1806 und 1807. 5 Vol. illwt. 8°. Gottingen, 1811-18. Hausmanu (J. F. L.) Handbuch der Mineralogie. 3 Bd. 8°. Gottingen, 1813. Zweite . . . Ausgabe. 2 Thl. [in 3 Vol.] 8°. Gottingen, 1828-47. Thl. I (1828) has a second title, which reads :— " Versuch einer Einleitung in die Mineralogie." Thl. it (1847) is in 2 Bd., nnd bears as second title :—" System und Genchichte der Mineralkorper." Hausmann (J. F. L.) Specimen de relatione inter corporum naturalium anorganicorum indoles chemicas atque externas. pp. 47. 4". [Gottingen,] 1813. Comment. Soc. K. Sri. Gottingensig. Vol. II. Hausmann (J. F. L.) Beitrage zur metallurgischen Krystallkunde. pp. 54. 4°. Gottingen, 1850. Abhandl. k. Gesell. Wissensch. Gottingen. Bd. iv. Hausmann (J. F. L.) [Memoir of F. C. L. Koch.] See KOCH (F. C. L.) Die Mineral-Regionen der obern Halbinsel Michigan's, v « O . JlUVlVrtU; lOU'*^ For separate works on the Fauna of Cuba, etc., by R. Arango y Mnlini J. Grundlach and others, that were issued in sheets with the numbei of this serial, See under the several authors. HAVANA.— Real Sociedad Economica de la Habana. Informe sobre el estado actual del Jardin y de la Catedra de Botanica aplicada a la agricultura ; leido ^ por . . . D. Ramon de la Sagra en las juntas generales de la . . . Sociedad Patriotica ... a fines de 1825, ttc. 4°. [Habana, 182f).] HAVANA.— Real Sociedad Patriotica de la Habana. See supra, REAL. SOCIEDAD ECONOMICA DE LA HABANA. <•*•'*- i*-** 11*^4 ~ . HAVAS (JOHAN) Floristiske unders0gelser i S^ndre Bergenhus Amt. 1896. pp.13. See BERGEN.— BERGENS I MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbog, &c. 1897, no. 3. c 8°. 1898. ' Havas (J.) Nye findesteder for nogle sjeldnere Lichener. pp. 17. See BERGEN.— BERGENS MUSEUM. ^ J- Bergens Museums Aarbog, &c. 1899, no. 5. 8°. 1900. Havas (J.) Om vcgetationen paa Hardangervidden pp. 19. See BERGEN.— BEROENS MUSEUM. Museums Aarbog. 1902, no. 5. Bergens 8". 1902 803 HAVELL (ROBERT) A selection of Hexandrian Plants Q ... engraved by R. Havell, dec. See BURY (E.) Mrs. fol. 1831-34. HAVEZ MONTLAVILLE ( ) Physiologic de toutes les races de Chevaux du monde, organisation /, des Haras etrangers, et la question chevaline en France. pp. 225. 8°. Paris, 1850. HAVILAND (ALFRED) On the influence of Clays ^ and Limestones on Medical Geography, illustrated by ^y- the geographical distribution of Cancer among females, in England and Wales, pp. 10. Author's proofs. HAVILAND (G. D.) [For official report as Curator and Librarian] See SINGAPORE.— Raffles Library and Museum. HAVRE. — Aquarium. Guide illustre. Souvenir de PAquarium du Havre, par C. Beaugrand, &c. pp. 103 : 20 pis. 8°. Havre, 1884. HAVRE. — Exposition Geologique et Paldontologique, 1877. /C, Resumes, etudes et memoires sur la Geologic Nor- mande. See infra, SOCIETE OEOLOGIQUE DE NOR- MANDIE. Bulletin, &c. Tom. vi. 8°. 1880. Q, Havre. — Exposition Geologique et Paldontologique, 1877. Esquisse des terrains Tertiaires de la Normandie. Par G. Dollfus. pp. 68 : 1 map. 8°. Havre, 1880. From the " Bull. Soc. Geol. Normandie," Tom. vi. The title on the wrapper reads : — ' ' Essai sur 1'etendue des terrains Tertiaires dans le bassin Anglo-Parisien et esquisse des terrains Tertiaires de la Mormandie." HAVRE. — Exposition Internationale de Peche, 1868. Rapport, &c. See SOUBEIRAN (J. L.) 8". 1871. HAVRE. Societe Geologique de Normandie. [Founded 1872.) Bulletin, &c. Tom. i-> 8°. Havre, 1873-» Tom. l-v are without proper title-pages, whilst l-in are also without indexes. Tom. M is devoted to the " Exposition geologique et paleon- tologique du Havre en 1S77." Havre. Societe Geologique de Normandie. Bibliographie Geologique de la Normandie. pp. 39. 8°. Havre, 1876. HAWAIIAN ALMANAC AND ANNUAL, &c. See THRUM (T. G.) 8°. 1891. HA WES (GEORGE WESSON) [1849-1882] The Geology of New Hampshire. A report, dec. Pt. iv. Mineralogy and Lithology. pp. 262: 12 pis. (col.), text illust. See NEW HAMPSHIRE, State of. — Geological Survey. 8°. 1878. Hawes (G. W.) Notes on the microscopic characters of the Alabama crystalline, or metamorphic Rocks. See ALABAMA, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 5, pt. n, B 1. 8°. 1896. Madras Exhibition of 1855. compiled ... by Lieut. H. P. Hawkes. See MADRAS, Town. — Exhibition of 1855. fol. 1855. Hawkes (H. P.) A classified catalogue of the Raw Produce exhibited at the Madras Exhibition of 1857, to which is added . . . remarks on the best methods ' of exhibiting raw produce, dec. See MADRAS, Town. — Exhibition of 1857. 4°. 1857. HAWKES BAT PHILOSOPHICAL INSTI- TUTE. [Founded 1874.) - 1 . [For Proceedings, dec.] See NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE. Transactions, &c. ' , HAWKES (HENRY P.) - Catalogue raisonne . HA WKESWORTH (JOHN) [1715 ?-1773] An account of the Voyages undertaken ... for making dis- coveries in the southern hemisphere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron (1764-66), Captain Wallis (1766-68), Captain Carteret (1766-69), and Cap- tain Cook (1768-71), in the Dolphin, the Swallow, and the Endeavour : drawn up from the journals . . . kept by the several Commanders, and from the papers of J. Banks, Esq. ; by J. Hawkesworth. [Second edition.] 3 Vol. Must. 4°. London, 1773. The account of Capt. Cook's Voyage occupies Vol. II Si ill, which in the first edition were continuously paged. !-i HAWKINS ( See WALPOLE (R.) East, dec. I. ) On the Tar Springs of Zante. Travels in various countries of the 4°. 1820. / HAWKINS (BENJAMIN WATERHOUSE) [1807-] An elementary Atlas of Comparative Osteology, in twelve <^- plates . . . drawn . . . by B. W. Hawkins. See HUX- LEY (Right Hon. T. H.) ' fol. 1864. Hawkins (B. W.) The Age of Dragons. See SCIENCE , LECTURES, &c. Ser. XI, no. 2. 8°. [1885 ?] L~ HAWKINS (ELLEN) Miss [fl. 1854-68] Catalogue of Plants which grow in the neighbourhood of Buxton, with a Botanical commentary. See ROBERTSON (W. H.) ^ A Handbook to the Peak of Derbyshire, &c. Appendix. 8°. 1854. HAWKINS (Sir JOHN) [1532-1595] Descriptio . . . itineris F. Draken et J. Hauken . . . qui ... ad ex- pugnandum civitatem Panama . . . profecti sunt, anno 1595. See BRY (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [America. Pt. vm. — Latin.] Americse pars vm, &c. . fol. 1599. Hawkins (Sir J.) The Hawkins' Voyages [i.e. the Voyages of W., Sir J., and Sir R. Hawkins] during the reigns of Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth, and James I, &c. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, dec. No. 57. 8°. 1878. HAWKINS (Sir RICHARD) [1562 ?-1622] Voyage to Magellanica. See CALLANDER (J.) Terra Australis cognita, dec. Vol. n. 8°. 1768. Hawkins (Sir R.) The Observations of Sir R. Haw- kins, Knt, in his voyage into the South Sea in ... 1593, &c. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 1. 8°. 1847. 1; s L. s f B 6 L. , I— ~7o o -?=> , . . , . . , . xin & xvli. Presentation copy to Sir R. Owen, with er from the author, and with " A brief Synopsis of Mr. nt collection of Sanrians, 1842," in MS. Hawkins (Sir R.) The Hawkins' Voyages [i.e. the / _, 0 o Voyages of W., Sir J., and Sir R. Hawkins] during the reigns of Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth, and James I, &c. fi -. Descriptionea xxlv novarum specierum Plantarnra, fir. Technica Botanica. Haworth (A. H.) Lepidoptera Britannica, sistens digestionem novam Lepidopterorum qua; in Magna Britannia reperiuntur . . . Adjunguntur dissertationes variae ad historian! naturalem spectantes. pp. xxxvi., 609. 8°. Londini, 1803 [-1828]. Published :— Pt. 1, pp. i-xxxvi A 1-1S6. in 1803 ; Pt. 2, pp. 137-378, in 1808 ; Pt. 8, pp. sn-flt, in 1811 ; and Pt. 4, pp. 113-609. (which was already printed in 1812), in 1828. Haworth (A. H.) Synopsis Plantarum Succulentarum, cum descriptionibus, &c. pp. viii, 334- 8°. Londini, 1812. [Another edition.] Usui Hortorum Germaniae accommodata. pp. viit, S76. 8". Norimbergae, 1819. Supplementum Plantarum Succulentarum- . . Adjungi- tur Narcissorum revisio. pp. 158. 8°. Londini, 1819. Revisiones Plantarum Succulentarum. See infra, Saxifragearum enumeratio, £>:>* Haydcn (F. V.) Geological report of the exploration of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers . . . 1859-60. / pp. ix, 174: 1 map col. See UNITED STATES. 8°. 1869. '- Hayden (F. V.) Stanford's Compendium of Geography / and Travel . . . North America, edited ... by Prof. F. V. Hayden, dfrc. See STANFORD (E.) 8°. 1883. Hayden (F. V.) [For official publications as Geolo- gist] See UNITED STATES.— Geological and Geographical faf Survey of the Territories. 805 Hayden (F. V.) & Meek (F. B.) Palaeontology of the <§- Upper Missouri . . . Invertebrates. Pt. I. pp. 196: B JB/OI, tiwt illmt. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. / — Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. xiv, art. 5. 4°. 1865. HATDN (JOSEPH) [-1856] Haydn's Dictionary of Q. Dates . . . Sixteenth edition ... By B. Vincent, pp. vi, [vi,] 872. 8". London, 1878. L Nineteenth edition ... By B. Vincent, pp. vi, [vi,] 1052. 8°. London, 1889. / Twenty-second edition ... By B. Vincent, pp. [viii,] • 1290. 8°. London, &c., 1898. -7 HAYEK (GusTAV VON) Handbuch der Zoologie. 4 Bd. illust. 8°. Wien, 1877-93. Hayek (G. VON) Mittheilungen des . . . Vereines . . . ~Z, Redacteure . . . G. von Hayek, &c. Jahrg. vi-ix. See VIENNA.— ORNITHOLOGISCHER VEREIN. 4°. 1882-85. — ? Hayek (G. VON) See ORNIS. Internationale Zeitschrift £- fur die gesammte Ornithologie . . . Herausgegeben von . . . G. v. Hayek. Jahrg. i-vn, hft I. 8°. 1885-91. HATES (AUGUSTUS ALLEN) [1806-1882] Report on (2,- Albert coal. See JACKSON (C. T.) Report on the Albert Coal Mine, dec. 8°. 1851. HATES (CHARLES WILLARD) Report on the Geology Gof north-eastern Alabama, and adjacent portions of Georgia and Tennessee, pp. 85 : 1 pi., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See ALABAMA, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 4. 8°. 1892. Hayes (C. W.) The southern Appalachians. See NA- Qi TIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The Physiography of the United States, &c. 8°. 1896. Hayes (C. W.) & Campbell (M. R.) Geomorphology (^- of the southern Appalachians. 8°. Washington, 1894. Sat. Geogr. Mag. Vol. vi, pp 63-126. HATES (JOSEPH) & others. Reports on the Crab —^ and Lobster Fisheries ... of Ireland. See GREAT *" BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— .finery Reports. — Oyster, &c., Fisheries. ' 8°. 1877. o HATES (SAMUEL) A practical treatise on Planting D . . . by S. H. [i.e. S. Hayes]. See H., S. 8°. 1794. HATES (WILLIAM) A natural history of British — ^ Birds, with their portraits, accurately drawn ... by Mr. Hayes, pp. 24: 40 pis. col. fol. London, 1775. „ — Hayes (W.) Portraits of rare and curious Birds, with their descriptions, from the menagery of Osterley Park, "2_ &c. 101 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. 4°. London, 1794. Hayes (W.) & (A.) [26 coloured etchings and 5 water- "7 colour drawings of the Birds in the collection at Oster- - ley Park.] fol. 1779-86. HAYNE (FRIEDRICH GOTTLOB) [1763-1832] Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in der Arzneykunde ft. gebrauchlichen Gewachse, wie auch solcher, welche mit ihnen verwechselt werden konnen. (Fortgesetzt von J. F. Brandt, J. T. C. Ratzeburg [and F. Klotzsch]). 648 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress, 1 port. 14 Bd. [in 6 Vol.] 4°. Berlin, 1805-37 [-46]. Hayne (F. G.) Termini Botanic! iconibus illustrati, oder Botanische Kunstsprache durch Abbildungen 6erlautert, mit einer Vorrede von Willdenow. Bd. i. pp. 182 : 69 pis. col., engraved titles col. 4°. Berlin, 1799-1807. Wanting Bd. n, which' was completed in 1817. Hayne (F. G.) Dendrologische Flora der Umgegend und der Garten Berlins, pp. xl, 245 : 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, 1822. Hayne (F. G.) «fe Dreves (J. F. P.) Choix de Plantes d'Europe, &c. 5 Tom. See DREVES (J. F. P.) & fa HAYNE (F. G.) 4°. 1802. Hayne (F. G.) & others. Abbildung der Deutscheh Holzarten ... in letztrer Riicksicht fortgesetzt von f F. G. Hayne. 2 Bd. illust. col. See GUIMPEL (F.) f of colours by G. Hayter], &c. See RUSSELL (J.) 6th Duke of Bedford. fol 1825. HATTER (HENRY HEYLYN) [1821-1895] Handbook to the Colony of Victoria, &c. pp. 63 : 1 map (col.) L 7 8°. Melbourne [1884]. HATWARD (W. R.) The Botanist's Pocket Book, containing . . . the chief characteristics of British O Plants. Fourth edition, pp. 209. 8°. London, 1883. ' The first edition appeared in 1872. HAZARD (J.) [For official publications in connection with the Specialkarte] See S,A.KOHY.— Konigliche Geo- logische Landesuntersuchung. HAZLITT (WILLIAM CAREW) [1834-] Gleanings in Old Garden literature, pp. vii, 263. 8°. London, 1887. ' HAZSLINSZKY (FRIGYEs) [1818-1896] Egy felszinti Hypogaus. [An epigeal Hypogaean.] pp. 5: 1 pi. / — See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Term6szettudomanyok Korebol, dec. - Kot. vi, szam 8. 8°. 1875. Hazslinszky (F.) A Szolo obolye. [The sphajria of the Vine.] pp. 9: 1 pi. See BUDAPEST.— MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszet- ' tudomanyok Korebo), &c. Kb't. vii, szam 7. 8°. 1876. Hazslinszky (F.) Uj adatok Magyarhon Kryptogam viranyahoz az 1878. evbol. [New contributions to the . , Cryptogamic Flora of Hungary in 1878.] pp. 15. <- See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok Korebol, 7- HEALD (FRED DE FOREST) Analytic Keys to the genera and species of North American Mosses . . . Revised and extended by F. De F. Heald. See BARNES (C. R.) 8°. 1896. HEAPE (WALTER) The Elements of Embryology . . . Second edition . . . edited by ... W. Heape, &c. See FOSTER (M.) & BALFOUR (F. M.) 8°. 1883. HEAKNE (SAMUEL) [174.5-1792] A Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean ... for the discovery of Copper Mines, a North West Passage, Ac., in ... 1769-72. pp. xliv, 458 : 4 pis., 5 maps. 4°. London, 1795. An extract from this »»rk appears in H. T. MAKTIK'S " Castorologia," «(*., Appendix B, 1892 [«.».) HEATH (DUNBAR ISIDORE) [1816-1888] Journal of Anthropology . . . Edited by ... D. I. Heath, &c. . Vol. i, no. 1-3. See ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 8°. 1870-71. HEATH (FRANCIS GEORGE) [1843-] The Fern World. pp. xi, 459 : 17 pis. (col.), text Must. 8°. London, 1877. Heath (F. G.) Gilpin's Forest Scenery. Edited, with notes and an introduction, by F. G. Heath. See GIL- MN (W.) 8". 1879. Heath (F. G.) The Fern Portfolio ... All the species of British Ferns, &c. 15 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. fol. London, 1885. HEATH (ROBERT) [-1779] A natural and historical account of the Islands of Scilly . . . and ... a general account of Cornwall, pp. xiit, 45V : I pi., 1 map, text Mutt. 8°. London, 1750. - [Another edition.] See PINKERTON (J.) A general collection of ... Voyages, &c. Vol. II. 4". 1808. HEATH (THOMAS) An abstract description and history of the Bone Caves of Creswell Crags. pp. 17 : 1 pi. 8°. Derby [1879]. HEATHCOTE (EVELYN DAWSONNE) [1844-] Flowers of the Engndine, &c. pp. [H,] 22 [8] : 224. P**- ™l. 4°. Winchester, 1891. Privately printed. HEATHCOTE afterwards Sinclair (FREDERICK (IRANVILLE) Elementary Text-book of Zoology . . . Translated and edited by A. Sedgwick, . . . with the assistance of F. G. Heathcote. 2 Vol. See CLAUS (C. F. W.) 8°- 1884-85. Heathcote afterwards Sinclair (F. G.) Myriapods. See HARMER (S. F.) The Cambridge Natural History, &c. Vol. v. 8°. 1895. HEATHEBINGTON (ALEXANDER) [-1878] The Gold Yield of Nova Scotia . . . Eighth year, &c. pp. 4, 1 tab. 8°. London, 1873. Heatherington (A.) The Mining Industries of Nova- Scotia, comprising a review of the Gold Yield from the first working of the Gold mines in 1860, to the close of the year 1873. (A plea for the Gold Industry of Nova Scotia.) pp. 15 (4). 8°. London, 1874. [Another edition.] pp. 23 (4). 8°. London, 1874. HEATHFIELD (E.) [The Butterflies and Moths of Harrow.] See MELVILL (J. C.) The Flora of Harrow, &c. 8°. 1864. New . . . edition, ailles dc M. E. Hebert . . . 1890, dec. pp. 69: 2 pis. 8°. Paris [1890]. L fr 0- c Hebert (E.) & Eudes-Deslongchamps (E.) Me- moire sur les Fossiles de Montreuil-Bellay (Maine-et- Loire). pp. 88 : 9 pis. 8°. Paris & Caen, 1860. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie. Vol. v. Hebert (E.) & others. Materiaux pour servir a la /T description du terrain Cretace supe>ieur en France par M. Hebert. — Description du bassin d'Uchaux par MM. Hebert et Toucas. (Appendice paleontologique par MM. Hebert et Munier-Cnalmas.) pp. 132 : 4 pis., text illust. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES, &c. Tom. vi, no. 2. 8°. 1875. — [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de •** I' Instruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des f Cf)QC Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. xn, no. 4. 8°. 1875. * HEBERT (PAUL) Theorie chimique de la formation N/t des Silex et des Meulieres. pp. 16. 8°. Paris, 1864. HECART (GABRIEL ANTOINE JOSEPH) [1755-1838] «« Essai sur les qualites et propriety des Arbres, Ar- brisseaux, Arbustes, et Plantes ligneuses, qui croissent naturellement dans le departement du Nord, ou que Ton peut y naturaliser. pp. 132, 8. 4°. Valenciennes, An. in [1795]. Hecart (G. A. J.) Florula Hannoniensis. pp. 66. 13 SeeH... Tius (G. A. J.) 8°. Valenciennes, 1836. ° M^m. Soc. Agric. Valenciennes. Tom. u. HECHENBERGER (WOLFGANG) Salzburgische *r\ Giftpflanzen. Mit gemeinniitzlichen Anmerkungen und !J getrockneten natiirlichen Pflanzen, dec. 24 specimens mounted, with descriptive letterpress. 8". Salzburg, 1810. HECHT (BENNO) [I860-] Anleitung zur Krystall- |~\ berechnung, &c. pp. 76 : 1 pi., 5 diags. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. HECK (CARL ROBERT) Der Weisstannenkrebs. pp. xi, Tl 163, 12 tabs. : 10 pis., text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1894. HECK (LuowiG FRANZ FRIEDRICH GEOEG) [I860-] "J. Die Hauptgruppen des Thiersystems bei Aristoteles und seinen Nachfolgern, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der zoologischen Systematik. Inauguraldissertation . . . 1884. pp. iv, 70. 8°. Leipzig, 1885. HECKEL (EDOUARD) [1843-] See REVUE DES L SCIENCES NATURELLES publiee sous la direction de . . . f E. Heckel, dec. Tom. I. 8°. 1872 [-73]. S. Heckel (E.) Etude monographique de la famille des Globulariees au point de vue botanique, chimique & therapeutique, par . . . E. Heckel . . . Avec la colla- boration de M. le Prof. Schlagdenhauft'en, pour la partie chimique, et de . . . J. Moursou . . . pour la partie therapeutique, &c. pp. A-EEEE [ = Ixxx], 36, Ixvii : 6 pis. 8°. Paris, 1890 (1894). From the " Bull. Soc. Sci. Flamarion," 1888-00. The wrapper is dated 1894. - [Another issue.] See MARSEILLES. — FACULTE DES SCIENCES. Annales, ~ See MARSEILLES. 8°. 1893-> Heckel (E.) Les Kolas Africains. Monographic t botanique, chimique, therapeutique, physiologique et _ pharmaceutique. pp. 406 : 3 pis. (1 col.), text illust. 5 See MARSEILLES. — INSTITUT COLONIAL. Annales, dec. Vol. I, mem. 1. 8°. 1893. * ,~ 808 Heckel (E.) Sur le beurre et le pain de O'Dika du l^- Gabon-Congo et sur les vegetaux qui le produisent. Comparaison avec le beurre de Cay-Cay de Cochin- chine et les vegetaux qui le donnent. pp. SS : 1 pi., text Must. See MARSEILLES. — FACULT^ DES SCIENCES. Aunales, ii, thl. 3 4 Natui-m'st. Anhang. / 8°. & fol. 184X49. [Anther issue entitled^] Abbildungeryrfnd Be- echreibdngen der Fischa/oyriens, nebst drier neuen Classification und CharaiCTeristi k sammtlich/r Gattungen de^Cyprinen. SeeVKTHZL (E.) - asien, 1894-1897. pp. vii, 399 : 6 maps col., text Must. See PETERMANNS MITTHEILUNGEN, &c. Erganzungs- band xxvin, no. 131. 4°. 1900. Contains : — Algen aus dem nordlichen Tibet . . . Von N. Wille. Die botaniscben Ergebnisse. Bearbeitet von W. B. Hemsley und H. H. W. Pearson. Ueber jungv«lkanische Eruptivgesteine aus Tibet. Von B. Hassen- stein. HEDLEY (CHARLES) [Mollusca of Bellenden-Ker.] 2 See QUEENSLAND. — Department of Agriculture. Report ^ of the Government Scientific Expedition to Bellenden- Ker Range, &c. 8°. 1889. Hedley (C.) Uses of Shells among the Papuans. LSee THOMSON (J. P.) British New Guinea. Appen- rliv v «o iaao dix V. 8°. 1892. i * Hedley (C.) Report on Mollusca collected in British £_ New Guinea during 1893-94. See QUEENSLAND. An- nual Report on British New Guinea, &c. 1893-94, Appendix FF. 8". 1894. B L. 2. Hedley (C.) The Atoll of Funafuti, Ellice Group : its i Zoology, Botany, Ethnology, and general structure, &c. See SYDNEY.— AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Memoirs, &c. -7 No. 3. 8°. 1896. "" Hedley (C.) Mollusca [of Central Australia] . . . with an appendix on Anatomical Characters by C. Hedley. See HORN (W. A.) Report on the work of the Horn Scientific Expedition, &c. Pt. n. 4°. 1896. HEDLEY (JOHN L.) [For official reports as Inspector of Mines] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Home Office. HEDLUND (ANDREAS THOMAS) De Rosis Svecanis tentamen octavum, &c. See AFZELIUS (A.) 4°. [1809.] HEDLUND (JoHAN TEODOR) [1861-] Einige Muri- ceiden der Gattungen Achanthogorgia [sic], Paramuricea und Echinomuricea im Zoologischen Museum der Universitet Upsala. pp. 18: 3 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihailg till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xvi, afd. iv, no. 6. 8°. 1890 (1891). Hedlund (J. T.) Kritische Bemerkungen iiber einige Arten der Flechtengattungen Lecanora (Ach.), Lecidea (Ach.) und Micarea (Fr.). pp. 104: 1 pi. See STOCK- HOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xvm, afd. in, no. 3. 8°. 1892 (1893). Hedluud (J. T.) Monographic der Gattung Sorbus. pp. 147: text Must. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xxxv, no. 1. 4°. 1901. HEDREN (ADAMUS) De nutritione Plantarum, cujus partem tertiam . . . p.p. A. Hedren, &c. See THUN- BERG (C. P.) 4°. [1819.] HEDREN (Ens) [180^1845] Examen Classis Poly- gamias cujus partem priorem . . . p.p. E. Hedren, &c. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1825.] Hedren (E.) & Plodberg (J. E.) De Camphora ejus- que usu therapeutico dissertatio, quam . . . p.p. auctor J. E. Flodberg . . . Pars i. (—Auctor E. Hedren . . . Pars ii.) See FODBERG (J. E.) & HEDREN (E.) 4°. [1834.] HEDREN ( JOHAN JAKOB) Bishop of Linkoping\\"l7~>- 1861] Dissertatio academica de Scientia Botanica utili atque jucunda, quam . . . publico examini submittit J. J. Hedren, &c. See THUNBEHG (C. P.) 4°. [1793.] [Another edition.] See THUNBERG (C. P.) Disser- tationes Academicae Upsalise, &c. Vol. i [no. 9]. 8°. 1799. HEDREN (MAGNUS) Museum naturalium Academic Upsaliensis. Cujus part. xv. . . . submittit M. Hedren, / &c. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1794.] HEDREN (NOACHUS) Museum naturalium Academiaj Upsaliensis. Cujus append, xx. . . . submittit N. / 4°. [1812.] *• L- 8 B B 6 e Hedren, &c. xx. See THUN'B'ERG (C. P.) i/. o HEBSTROM (HERMAN) Om Hasselns Forntida och Nutida utbredning i Sverige. pp. 32 : 1 pi., text illmt. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Under sokning. ^^ Ser. C. Afhandlingar, &c. No. 134. 8°. 1893. Hedstrom (H.) Studier cifver Bergarter fran Moran vid Visby. pp. 28 : text Must. See SWEDEN. — Swriget , Geologiska undersokning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, &c. ^ No. 139. 8°. 1894. Forbandl. Geol. Foren. Stockholm. B. xvi, h. 4. HEDWZG (JOHANN) [1730-1799] J. Hedwig's . . . Sammlung seiner zerstreuten Abhandlungen und Beo • bachtungen iiber botanisch-iikonomische Gegenstande. 2 Bd. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. Leipzig, 1793-97. 102 810 6 6 fe 6 6 t Hedwig (J.) On the organs of txTfipiration of Plants. Translated from the German ("Sainmlung von Ab- handlungen," . 1-sr : 10 pU. , 1 800. Liof. 2, pj). 1-U : 10 Jill. , 1S61 . Lief. 8, jip.UI-Cl,: 10 pit.. 1862. Lief. 4, pp. e6-8i(S). • 10 )<<»., 18HS. According to the legend under the photo, portrait, which forum the frontispiece, the work was completed in 1364. HEEMSKEBE (JACOB VAN) [-1607] [Voyage to the • o -97.1 See AKKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS t- ' North East, lf>96-9. ( ) Allgeraeine Historie der Reisen, . iv, 108 : 5~ 2 pis. col. 4°. Winterthur, 1860. Reprinted from " Flora Tertiaria Ilelvetiffi," Bd. in [$.y. supra). Heer (O.) Recherches sur le Climat et la Vegetation 2 du Pays Tertiaire . . . Traduction de C. T. Gaudin. pp. [vi,] 220, xxii : 1 pi. col., 1 map (col.) fol. Geneve & Paris [1861]. This work also contains : — Stratigraphie de la Molasse Suisse. — Environs de Lucerne, Waeggis, Rossberg. — Bassin de la Linth. — St. Gall. — Environs de Steckborn et d'Oeningen. [By A. Escher de la Linth.] La Faunes des Marnes a Cyrenes de la Baviere superieure. — Faunule des marnes bleues endurcies de Hairing, dans le Tyrol. [By C. Mayer.] Examen analytique des Flores Tertiaires de Provence, par M. G. de Saporta, piecede d'une notice geologique et paleontologique sur les terrains Tertiaires lacustres de cette region, par M. P. Matheron. Gray's Thurrock sur la c6te de Norwich [or rather Essex]. — Lignites de Bovey Tracey, pres de Torquay, par C. T. Gaudin. Heer (O.) Ueber die fossilen Calosomen. pp. x : 1 pi. 4°. [Zurich, I860.] Prugramm Folytechnicums. Zurich. Heer (O.) Beitrage zur nahern Kenntniss der Sach- sisch-Thuringischen Braunkohlenflora . . . Nebst einem Anhange iiber einige Siebenbiirgische Tertiarpflanzen von C. J. Andrae. pp. iv, 32: 10 pis. See HALLE. — , NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN FUER SACHSEN UND THUERINGEN. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. II, no. 3. 4°. 1861. Heer (O.) Beitrage zur Insektenfauna CEningens . . . Coleoptera, &c. pp. 90: 7 pis. See HAARLEM. — l_ HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen, &c. Verzam. II, deel XVI. 4°. 1862. Heer (O.) Uebersicht der Geologic des Kantons Zurich. [Attributed doubtfully in a manuscript note to Prof. l~ Mousson, and in the Society's " Generalregister " to O. Heer(?).] pp. 34: 1 map col. See ZURICH.— NATUR- AL FORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. An die Ziircherische Jugend, &c. Stiick LXIV. 4°, 1862. /- -_, l_^ 6 Heer (O.) On the fossil Flora of Bovey Tracey See PENGELLY (W.) & HEER (O.) On the Lignite (~r formation of Bovey Tracey, &c. 4". 1863. Heer (O.) Ueber einige fossile Pflanzen von Van- [___ couver und Britisch-Columbien, &e. pp. 10 : 2 pis. col. ^ See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denkschriften, &c. Tom. xxi. 4°. 1865. Heer (O.) Die Urwelt der Schweiz. pp. xxix, 622: 18 pis., 1 map col., text illwt. 8°. Zurich, 1865. (^ Heer (O.) The Primaeval World of Switzerland . . . Edited by J. Heywood. [Translated by W. S. Dallas.] 2 Vol. illust. col. 8". London, 1876. Heer (O.) Le Monde primitif de la Suisse . . . Traduit de 1'Allemand [with additions by the author] par /^~' I. Demole. pp. xvi, 801 : 11 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illmt. 8°. Geneve & Bale, 1872. Heer (O.) Die Pflanzen der Pfahlbauten. pp. 57: fo • 1 pi., text Must. See ZURICH. — NATDRFORSCHENDE L GESELLSCHAFT. An die Ziircherisclie Jugend, &c. / c /-\ ^ Stiick LXVIII. 4°. 1866. An abstract of this paper was published in Keller's " Lake Dwellings of Switzerland" [q.v.] Heer (O.) Fossile Hymenopteren aus Oeningen und Radoboj, &c. pp. 42 : 3 pis. See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEI- ZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denkschriften, &c. Tom. xxii. 4°. 1867. Heer (O.) Ueber die Polarlander. pp. 24. 8°. Ziirich, 1867. Heer (O.) Flora Fossilis Arctica. — Die fossile Flora der Polarlander, &c. Bd. i-vn.t 4°. Zurich, 1868-83. Wanting the title-pages to some of the volumes. Bd. i. pp. vii, 192: 50 pis. (ml.), 1 map col., text illuit. 1868. 1. Allgemeiner Tlieil. 2. Specieller Tbeil. I. Fossile Flora von Nordgronland.— Fossile Insek- ten von Nordgronland. Arctisch-amerikauischer Archipel. Miocene Pflanzen von Mackenzie . . . Gesammelt von Dr. Richardson. Miocene Floia von Island. Miocene Flora von Spitzbergen. Tabellarische Ueberaioht der miocenen Flora der Polarlander. vn. Fossile Hoizer der arctischen Zone bearbeitet von C. Cramer. II. 1. Fossile Flora der Biiren Insel. (DieBergkalkformation auf der Biiren Insel rind Spitzbergen von A. E. Norden- skii'ild. pp. SI: IS p/s. (col.) 1871. [K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handlingar. Bd. ix, no. 5.] 2. Die Miocene Flora und Fauna Spitzbergens, li. (ml.), text illust. . . ., . [K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handlingar. Bd. vui, no. 4.] 1869. 1875. . Vorwort. pp. vi. 1. Beitrage z«r Steinkohlen-Flora der Arctischen Zone. pp. 11: Spit, (col.) 1874. [K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handlingar. Bd. xn, no. 3.] 2. Die Kreide-Flora der Arctischen Zone, . (col.) [1877.] Z 5 812 [Heer (O.) (Contd.)] S^. [Flora Fossilis Arctica, . 2,r> : G pis. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Magyar Kirdlyi Foldtani Intfzet. Evkony ve (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche), . 1S8 : 38 pis. (col.) See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIOA£? SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADF.MIEN. Handlingar. Ny/ Foljd, Bd. xn, no. 6. 4°. 1874 [1875 J. Also issued as Bd. in, hft. 2of Heer's " Flora Fossilis Arctica" [<;. r. supra]. Heer (O.) Nachtrage zur Miocenen Flora Gronlands, -, &c. pp. 39 : 5 pis. (col.), text illust. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny i_ Fiiljd, Bd. XIII, no. 2. 4°. 1874 [1875J. Also issued as Bd. ill, bft. 8 of Urn's "Flora Fossilis Arctica" f^.i'. supra]. Heer (O.) Beitrage zur Jura-Flora Ostsibiriens und des Amurlandes. pp. 123: 31 pis. (col.) See ST. t-^ PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. ^ / • 4°. 1876. Heer (O.) Pecs Videken eltifordulo Permi N6v6nyekr('il . . . Kiizli inagyar nyelven Staub M6ric. pp. 16 : 4 pis. - (col.). — Ueber Pennische Pflanzen von Fiinfkirchen in <$; Ungarn. pp. 18 : 4 ids. col. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.— Magijar Airdlyi Fiiltltani Inthet. Evkonyve (Mit- theilungen aus dem Jahrbuche), 8 : 15 pis. (col.) See ST. PETERS- L- BURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. M6moireS, c / &c. Ser. VII, tom. xxv, no. 6. 4°. 1878. ' Alao issued as Bd. v, hft. 2 of Heer's " Flora Fossilia Arctica " fa.r. snpra). Heer (O.) Miocene Fl s*>4 ha Primitise Florae Fossilis Sachalinensis. — Jlora der Insel Sachalin. pp. 61 : 15 pis. col. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES /_ SCIENCES. M6moires, &c. Ser. VII, torn, xxv, no. 7. 4°. 1878. Alao issued u Bd. v, bft. 3 of Heer's " Flora Fossilis Arctica " [7.11. supra). Heer (O.) Uber fossile Pflanzen von Novaja Semlja. s- pp.6: 1 pi. (col.) See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA ^ VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, l~ Bd. xv, no. 3. 4°. 1878 [1879].^ Also issued at Bd. v.hft. 5 of Heer's " Flora Foasilis Arctica" (g. v. supra). -1 Heer (O.) Beitrage zur miocenen Flora von Sachalin, dec. pp. 11 : 4 pis. (col.) See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA f. • HVF.NSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Fiiljd, Bd. xv, no. 4. 4°. 1878 [1879]. L Also issued as Bd. v, lift. 4 of Heer's " Flora Foasilis Arctic* " [q.t. supra]. 813 Heer (O.) Ueber die Aufgabcn der Phyto-Palaontologie Gr PP- 26. S<>. [Zurich, 1879.] Vierteljahr. Naturf. Gesell. Zurich. Bd. xxiv. ,- Heer (O.) Nachtriige zur Jura-Flora Sibiriens gegriin- ^y det auf die von . . . E. Maak in Ust-Balei gesammelten £, Pflanzen. pp. 34 : 9 ph. (col.) £ee ST. PETEKSBUEG — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. 2- Oft. VII, torn, xxvn, no. 10. 4». i860. Also issued as Bd. vi, abth. 1, hft. 1 of Heer's « Flora Fossilis Arctica" [Q.v, supra], Heer (O.) Nachtrage zur fossilen Flora Gronlands, (jr &c. pp. 17: 6 pis. (col.) See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA lr SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar Ny A Foljd, Bd. xvin, no. 2. 8°. 1880 [1881]. Also issued as Bd. vi, abth. 1, hft. 2 of Heer'» "Flora Fossilis Arctica" 3 [«.v. supra]. Heer (O.) Contributions ii la Flore Fossile du Portu- fe ^ JW-.MV' 51 •' %9 l^s. See PORTUGAL.— Commissao dos Servifos Geologicos de Portugal. Vegetaes Fosseis. 4°. 1881. l__ Heer (O.) Beitrage zur fossilen Flora von Sumatra, &c. ~ pp. 32: 6 pis. col. See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZER- ISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, d-c. Neuc Denkschriften, &c. Tom. xxvm. 40. Heer (O.) TTeber die nivale Flora der Sehweiz. pp. 114. ^ See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. Neue Denkschriften, &c. Tom. xxix. 4°. 1884. Heer (O.) Scientific achievements of Prof. Heer, &c. t- See HEYWOOD (J.) 8°. 1884. Heer (O.) O. Heer. Bibliographic et Tables icono- i graphiques . . . precede [s/r] d'une notice biographique. &c. See MALLOIZEL (G.) 8°. (1887.) Heer (O.) & Capellini (G.) Les Phyllites Cretacees i du Nebraska, &c. pp. 22 : 4 ph., text Must. See ALL- U GEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &C. Neue Denkschriften, ' &c. Tom. xxn. 4°. 1867. Heer (O.) & Esclier von der Lintli (A.) Zwei geo- logische Vortrage gehalten im Marz 1852, &c. pp. 28 : 1 pi., 1 map, text Must. 4°. Zurich [1852]. 1. Ueber die Lias-Insel im Aargau. 2. Ueber die Gegend von Zurich in der letaten Periode der Vorwelt. Heer (O.) & Pengelly ( W.) On the Lignite formation of Bovey Tracey, Devonshire. HEER (O.) See PENGELLY (W.) & 4". 1863. 6. * D l_ HEERKENS (GERHARDUS NICOLAUS) [1728-1801] G. N. Heerkens . . . Aves Frisicse. [In elegiacs, with notes.] pp. xxiv, 298 : engr. title. 8°. Rotterrodami, 1788. HEERMANN (ADOLPHUS L.) Catalogue of the Oological collection in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, pp. 85. 8°. [Philadelphia,] 1853. Heermaim (A. L.) [Two Reports upon Birds.] L, See UNITED STATES.— Pacific Railroad Survey. Ee- •j* ports, &c. Vol. x. Eeport of explorations . . . near the 32d. parallel, &c. Zoological Report, No. 1.— Report of explorations in California, &c. Ft. iv, no. 2. 4°. 1855-59. HEEBMANN (DAVID) Dissertation em inauguralem . . . de Rore Solis . . . subjicit, . . . D. Heermann, &c. See EYSEL (J. P.) 4°. [1715.] HEGARDT (CORNELIUS) Disputationem botanico- medicam inauguralem, qua Ficus, eiusque historia naturalis ife medica exhibetur, . . . publice ventilandam sistit C. Hegardt, &c. See LINNJEUS (C.) 4°. [1744.] - [Another edition.] See LINNAEUS (C.) C. Linnsei . . . Amoenitates Academicse, &c. Vol. I. 8°. 1749. -- [Another edition.] 8°. 1749. -- Editio tertia, 8°. 1787. HEGELMAIER (CHRISTOF FRIEDRICH) [1833-] p Monographic der Gattung Callitriche. pp. iv, 64 : 4 pis. n 4°. Stuttgart, 1864. J? _. K Hegelmaier (C. F.) Die Lemnaceen. Eine mono- graphische TTntersuchung. pp. iv, 169 : 16 ph. 4°. Leipzig, 1868. Hegelmaier (C. F.) Lemnaceae.— Callitrichineae. See MARTIUS (C. F. P. VON) Flora Brasiliensis, &c. Vol. in, pt. 2 ; xni, pt. 2. fol. 1875-78. Hegelmaier (C. F.) Untersuchungen iiber die Morpho- logic des Dikotyledonen-Endosperms. pp. 104: 5 pig. See ACADEMIA C.ESAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, &C. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. XLIX, no. 1. 4°. 1885 (1887). HEGENDORN (EHRENFRIED) E. Hegendornii . . . Cynosbatologia ad normam Academic Naturaa-Curio- sorum adornata. pp. [xxx,] 191 [14] : 7 pis., engr. title. 8°. Jenae, 1681. HEGER (JOHANN LUDWIG) Landwirthschafftlicher Teich- und Weyher-Lust, oder griindliche Information zur edlen Fischerey, &c. pp. [xx,] 135, engr. title. 8°. Frankfurth & Leipzig, 1727. HEGETSCHWEILER (JOANNES JACOBUS) Disser- tatio inauguralis zootomica de Insectorum genitalibus, &c. pp. 28 [4] : 1 pi. 4°. Turici, 1820. HEGETSCHWEILER ( JOHANN) [1789-1839] Dis- sertatio inauguralis botanica sistens descriptionem Scitaminum, L., nonnullorum nee non Glycines Hetero- carpse, quam . . . preside C. F. de Kielmeyer . . . submittit auctor J. Hegetschweiler. pp. 12 [2] : 7 pis. 4°. Turici, 1813. Hegetschweiler (JOHANN) Flora Helvetica . . . editionem . . . alteram edidit et auxit J. Hegetschweiler 2 Vol. See SUTER (J. R.) 12". 1822. Hegetschweiler (JOHANN) Reisen in den Gebirgsstock zwischen Glarus und Graubiinden in ... 1819-22 . . Nebst einem botanischen Anhang, &c. pp. 192 : 10 pis., 8°. Zurich, 1825. /""*' I-, D O Hegetschweiler (JOHANN) Die Giftpflanzen der Sehweiz beschrieben von J. Hegetschweiler, gezeichnet o von I. D. Labram, &c. pp. xxvi, 84 : 38 pis. col. 4°. Zurich [1827-29]. Hegetschweiler (.JOHANN) Bey trage zu einer kritischen Aufziihlung der Schweizerpflanzen und einer Ableitung der Helvetischen Pflanzenformen von den Einfliissen K der Aussenwelt. pp. 382, 1 tab. 8°. Zurich, 1831. Hegetschweiler (JOHANN) Die Flora der Sehweiz. [Continued and edited, with a preface, containing a biography of the author, and tables, by O. Heer.] pp. xxviii, 1135 [3\ : 8 pis. 8°. Zurich, 1840. The tables at the end, entitled " Analytische Tabellen zur Bestimmung der phanerogamischen Pflanzengattungen der Sehweiz," were also issued separately. See HEER (O.) Hegetschweiler (JOHANN) it Labram (J. D.) Samm- lung von Schweizerpflanzen . . . nach der Natur . . . gezeichnet von J. D. Labram. Text von J. Heget- schweiler. [6 Vol.] illust. col. See LABRAM (J. D.) & HEGETSCHWEILER (J.) 8°. [1825-34.] HEHL (JOHANN CARL LUDWIG) [1774-1853] Die geognostischen Verhaltnisse Wiirttembergs. pp. 316: 1 map col. 8°. Stuttgart, 1850. HEHL (RUDOLPH ALEXANDER) [1839-] Von den vegetabilischen Schiitzen Brasiliens und seiner Boden- / cultur. pp. GO : 1 pi., 1 map (col.) See ACADEMIA I— C^ESAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. .. Tom. XLIX, no. 3. 4°. 1886 (1887). 814 HEHN (MARTINUS) De tectura et formationo barbie ^_ Bahvnw. Dissertatio inauguralis anatomico-physio- logica, d-c. pp. 54: 2 pis. 4°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1849. HEHN (VICTOR) [1813-1890] [Kulturpflnnzen mid Hausthiero in ihrem Uebergang aus Asien nach Griechenland und Italien sowie in das iibrige Enropa. 8°. Berlin, 1870.] Wanting. $ Dritte . . . Auflnge. pp. xii, 566. 8°. Berlin, 1877. 6-7 Vierte ... Auflage. pp.iv,5SS. 8°. Berlin, 1883. • Sechste Auflage, neu herausgegcben [with a pre- face] von O. Schrader. Mit botanischen Beitragen von A. Engler. pp. rxvi, (135. 8". Berlin, 1894. £ Hehn (V.) The Wanderings of Plants and Animals from their first home . . . Edited [with a preface] by I- J. S. .Stallybrass. pj>. 52S. 8°. London, 1885. HEIBERG (PEDER ANDREAS CHRISTIAN) [1837- B1875J Conspectus criticus Diatomacearum Dnnicarum. Kritisk Oversigt over de Danske Diatomeer. />/>. !.;:>: 6 pis. 4°. Kjtbenhavn, < • .'] Interleaved copy, with manuscript notea and addition! by J. B. Gray. Heidelberg. Grossherzogliche Rupreclit-Karls- TJniversitaet. Zoologie, vergleichende Anatomic und die zoologische Sammlungander Universitiit . . . seit 1800. Zusanunen- gestellt . . . von O. Biitschli. pp. 30 : text Must. 8°. Heidelberg, 1886. Heidelberg.— Grossherzogliche Ruprecht-Karls- i Universitaet. L- Festschrift zur Feierdes fiinfhundertjahrigen Bestehens der Ruperto-Carola, HEILAND (MICHAELE) Historia Infantis monstrosi. See BLASIUS (G.) G. Blasii . . . Observations medicK 2— ran ores, lii.,text il 8°. Leipzig, New York, 1 0 HEINE (PETER .BERNHARD WILHELM) [I827r1885] Reise um die Erde nach Japan an Bord der Expeditions- Escadre unter Commodore M. C. Perry in ... 1853-55, unternomiiiuii im Auftrage der Regierung dor Vereinig- i/lust. 1856. HEINEMANN (FRANZ CARL) [1819-1875] & Hart- f> wig (J.) Die Clematis, j). 64 : text illitst.] 4°. Jence [1681]. HEINZ (JOANNES CHRISTIANUS) Dissertatio inaugu- £> ralis medica de Asaro, quam jprieside D. J. H. Schulze . . . tuebitur auctor J. C. Heinz, &c. pp. ;.'.'. 4°. Halve Manifflmrgicat [1739]. HEINZITT8 (JOANNES GEOROIUS) [1719-1801] Disser- tatio inauguralis medica de Muscorum notis et salu- britate . . . pr»side . . . G. G. Richtero . . . proposita ab .tin-ton- J. G. Heinzio, &c. pp. [viii,] 51. 4°. Gottinyce [1747]. HEIS (EDUAED) [1806-1877] Die periodischen Stern- schnupjjen und die Resultate der Erscheinungen, abgeleitet aus den wiihrend der letzten 10 Jahre zu Aachen angestellten Beobachtungen. pp. 40: 1 i/l. 4°. Coin, 1849. Heis (E.) Die grosse Feuerkugel, welche am Abende des 4. Ma'rz 1863 in Holland, Deutschland, Belgien und M England gesehen wordcn ist. pp. 56 : 1 pi. 8°. IMle, 1863. WoehMUwli. Ahtron. Mi-toor. tteag. .T.-iln-R. 18*8. Heis (E.) Grosse Feuerkugel in der Nacht des 10.-11. Ma'rz in \Vestfalen und Hannover, pp. 12 : I maj>. 8°. Halle, 1866. HEI8TEB (Ki,iAs FRIEDRICH) [1715-1740] Disser- tatio botanica de Foliorum utilitate in constituents Plantarum generibus iisdemque facile cognoscendis, r\ quam .. . submittit E. F. Heisterus, « HEISTER (L.j " 4°. [1732.J Heister (E. F.) Oratio de Hortorinn Academicoruin Q utilitato, &c. pp. S3. 4°. Ifelmsladii [1739]. C HEISTER (LORENZ) [1683-1758] Dissertatio botanica de Foliorum utilitate in constituendis Plantarum r, generibus iisdemque facile cognoscendis, quaui praeside p L. Heistero . . . submittit E. F. Heisterus, &c. pp. 56. 4°. Heister (L.) Dissertatio medica inauguralis de Pipere, quam . . . praeside L. Heistero . . . defendet G. C. prieside L. Heistero . . . submittit I. E. Sandhagen, ' arc. (Appendix de More Piperodendri.) pp. 60 \2\ : 1 pi. 4". Helmcestadii [1741]. Heister (L.) Dissertatio inauguralis . . . sistens /J meditationes et animadversiones in novum Systema "^ botanicum Sexuale Linnoei,quam . . . prseside L. Heistero . . . subjiciet autor, gelse. No. 9. 8°. 1893. Helland (A. T.) Tagskifere, heller og vekstene. •See NORWAY.— Norqes Geologiske Undersij>gelse. No. 10. ^ 8°. 1893. Helland (A. T.) Jordbunden i Jarlsberg og Larviks amt. See NORWAY.— Norges Geologiske Unders^gelse. (3 No. 16. 8°. 1894. Helland (A. T.) Jordbunden i Romsdals amt. 2 Vol. See NORWAY.— Norges Geologiske Undersgelse. No. Cs»- 18 & 19. 8°. 1895. Helland (A. T.) See ARCHIV FOR MATHEMATIK OG NATURVIDENSKAB. Udgivet af A. Helland, &c. Bd. xvn, hft. 2-5- 8°. 1895-» Helland (A. T.) Lofoten og Vesteraalen. See NOR- WAY.— Norges Geologiske Undersijigelse. No. 23. 8°. 1897. HELLBOM (PEHR JOHAN) [1827-] Forteckning pa Phanerogamer och Ormbunkar i osterakers socken af t? Sb'dermanland. Academisk afhandling . . . under inseende af Mag. E. Fries, &c. pp. 29. 8°. Upsala, 1851. Hellbom (P. J.) Om Nerikes Lafvegetation, &c. pp. 91. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. ix, no. 11. 4°. 1871. Hellbom (P. J.) Nerikes Lafflora. pp. xxviii, 149. 8". Orebro, 1871. 103 818 ?0 . Hellbom(P.J.) NorrlandsLafvar. pp. 131. SeeSiocK- HOLM.— KONGUGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. .(3(J$^ Handlingar. Ny Fiiljd, Bd. xx, no. 8. 4°. 1884. Hellbom (P. J.) Lafvegetationen pa oarne vid Sveriges vcstkust. pp.~8. See STOCKHOLM. — KONG LIG A SVENSKA U VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. XII, afd. HI, no. 4. 8°. 1887. Hellbom (P. J.) Bornholms LafBora. pp. 119. See STOCKHOLM.— KONOLKIA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADKMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xvi, afd. m, no. 1. 8°. 1890(1891). Hellbom (P. J.) Lichenaaa Neo-Zeelandica, seu b Liehenes Novae a S. Berggren annis 1874-75 collecti, additis ceteris speciebus . . . breviter com- memoratis. pp. 150. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIOA SVENSKA-VETENSKAPS AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Han.llin.tfir. Mil. xxi, afd. Ill, no. 13. 8°. 1896. 6HELLZNIUS (CARL NICLAS) Hypericum, quod dissertatione . . . exhibet C. N. Hellenius, &c. See LIN- J_ NJ2US (C.) 4°. [1776.] ^ [Another edition.] See LINNAEUS (C.) C. Linnsei . . . Amcenitates Academicae, southern Texas during . . . 1894. 8°. [Lancaster, Pa.,] 1895. Contributions Herbarium Franklin and Marshall College. No. 1. Heller (A. ARTHUR) [Catalogue of North American Plants north of Mexico, exclusive of the lower Crypto- gams. 8°. Lancaster, Pa., 1898.] Wanting. 6 & [Another edition.] See USTERI (P.) opusculorum botanicorum, l., 2 maps, text Must. 8°. Leipzig, 1863. " Heller (KARL B.) Mexico. Andeutungen iiber Boden, \ JT* . . . Thier-, Pflanzen- und Mineralreich . . . des Landes. PJ). vi, 52. 8°. Wien, 1864. Heller (KARL B.) Darwin und der Darwinismus. tf pp. 39. 8°. Wien, 1869. • HELLER (KARL MARIA) Der UrbiiflFel von Celebes : Anoa depressicor~nis (H. Smith). pp. 40: 3 pis. -j See DRESDEN. — KOENIGLICHES ZOOLOOISCHES UND ^ ANTHROPOLOGISCH-ETHNOGRAPHISCHES MUSEUM. Ab- handlungen, dfcc. 1890-91, no. 2. 4°. 1892. Heller (KARL M.) Zygopiden-Studien (— Zygopiden- _ Studien II) mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der fL Gattung Afecojnts(— Copturus). Zft.illuxt. See DRES- DEN.— KOENIGLICHES ZOOLOGISCHE8 UND ANTHROPO- LOGISCH-ETHNOORAPHISCHES MUSEUM. Abhandlungen, &c. 1892-3, no. 2 ; 1894-5, no. 11. 4°. 1894 (-95). Heller (KARL M.) Erster (— Zweiter) Beitrag zur Pa- puanisc[h]en Kaferfauna. 2 Pt. Must. See DRESDEN. - — KOENIOLICHES ZOOLOGI8CHE8 UND ANTHROPOLOOISCH- ETHNOORAPHISCHES MUSEUM. Abhandlungen, &c. 1894-5, no. 16 ; Bd. vi, no. 11. 4°. 1895 (-97). Heller (KARL M.) Neue Kafer von Celebes, dfcc. 2 Thl. Zwei neue Beutelthiere aus Deutsch Neu Guinea^nebst - einer Aufzahlung der bekannten Papuanischen Sauge- ' thiere. pp. 7 : text Must. See DRESDEN. — KOENIOLICHBS ZOOLOGISCHES UND B ANTHROPOLOOI8CH-ETHNOORAPHI8CHES MUSEUM. Ab- handlungen, & xxx, no. 5. 4°. 1869, 82. Helmersen (G. VON) Plastovaya Ghorno-promuish- lennaya Karta . . . zapadnoi chasti Donetzkagho KamennoughoFnagho Kryazha, &c. [Stratigranhical Mining Map ... of the western portions of the £. Donetz Coalfield. Scale 1 in. = 3,300 yds.] 12 sh. col. See RUSSIA. [Maps.] 1873. •1 C 820 Helmersen (G. VON) Geolpgische und physico-geo- &graphische Beobachtungen im Olonezer Bergrevier. pp. 411 : 6 pis. (1 col.), 1 map col., text Must. 8*. supra, FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. HELSINGFOBS. — Societ6 de Geographic de Finlande. . Expose des travaux geographiques executes en Jls. <$_ iv. Report on the Botany of Juan Fernandez, the south-eastern Moluccas, and the Admiralty Islands. pp.233: 65 pis. See SURVEYS, dec. — GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. ^ yYoyages, &c. — Challenger Expedition.] Report, &c. otany. (Pt. i-ni.) Vol. I. 4°. 1885. L- Hemsley (W. B.) [Plants from the Karakoram- Himalayas.] See CONWAY (Sir W. M.) Climbing and exploration in the Karakoram-Himalayas . . . Scientific c Reports, dec. 8°. 1894. iD ___ Hemsley (W. B.) & Sinensis, &c. Pt. i-» (W. B.) Porbes (F. B.) Index Floras See FORBES (F. B.) & HEMSLEY 72 8°. 1886-5» Hemsley (W. B.) & Pearson (H. H. W.) [Botanical results of S. Hedin's journey in central Asia.] See PETER- MANNS MITTHEILUNGEN, &c. Erganzbd. xxvm, no. 131. S i 4°. 1900. b (2. t? ' o HENCKEL (JOHANN FRIEDRICH) See HENKEL. HENCKEL VON DONNERSMARCK (LEO VICTOR FELIX) [1785-1861] Nomenclator Botamcus, sistens Plantas pmnes in C. a Linne Speciebus Planta- rum ab C. L. Willdenow enumeratas. pp. 437. 8°. ffalce Magdeb., 1803. - Editio altera. pp. vi, 828. 8°. Halas ad Salam, 1821. Henckel von Dounersmarck (L. V. F.) Adum- brationes Plantarum nonnullarum Horti Halensis Academici selectarum. pp. [yiii,] 1 pi. 4°. ffalce, 1806. Henckel von Dounersmarck (L. V. F.) Enumeratio Plantarum circa Regiomontum Borussorum sponte crescentium [by L. V. F. Graf Henckel von Donners- marck]. See KONIGSBERG. 8°. 1817. HENCKS (C. F. L.) Fortegnelse over . . . C. F. L. Hencks efterladte Conchyliesamling, dec. See M0RCH ~7 (O. A. L.) 8°. 1854. HENDEL (FRIEDRICH) Revision der palaarktischen , Sciomyziden (Dipteren-Subfamilie). pp. 93 : 1 pi. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE ZOOLOGISCH- 5 BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlugen, dec. Bd. n, • hft. 1. 8°. 1902. HENDEL (JOHANN CHRISTIAN) [-1823] Index Generum ad C. a Limie Species Plantarum a C. L. Willdenow editarum in Tom. i, n, in et rv. Pt. I. Curante J. C. Hendel. See LINN^US (C.) 8°. 1806. Hendel (J. C.) Anleitung zur Kenntniss der Edel- • steine und Perlen [by J. C. Hendel], dec. See ANLEITUNG. A- 8°. 1816. HENDERSON (ANDREW) & (E. G.) The Illustrated Bouquet, &c. 3 Vol. See HENDERSON (E. G.) & (A.) £ fol. 1857-64. 822 a HENDERSON (EDWARD GEORGE) & (A.) The Illus- V trated Bouquet, consisting of figures, with descriptions, of new Flowers. 3 Vol. illust. col. fol. London, 1857-64. fitter- '4VAJ HENDERSON (GEORGE) & Home (A. O.) Lahore If to Yarkand. Incidents of the route and natural history of the countries traversed by the expedition of 1870, -7 under T. D. Forsyth, edi- tion of 1870. (The descriptions of the Flowering Plants by Sir J. D. Hooker and G. Bentham ; those of the Cryptogams by G. Dickie.) HENDERSON (JAMES ALEXANDER LEO) Petrogra- kj< phieal and geological investigations of certain Transvaal Norites, Gabbros, and Pyroxenites and other South African Rocks, pp. 56 : 5 pis. col. 8°. London, 1898. , HENDERSON (JOHN) Captain. Excursions and . . U- adventures in New South Wales ; with ... an account of the climate, productions, and natural history of the Onlnnv /(•!• 9. Vnl ill net «° Isvntlrvn 1B.M colony, &c. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1851. 0 H HENDERSON (JOHN) Horticulturist. The Chinese Potato : or, the Dioscorea Batatas and Holcus saccha- ratus. . . . With directions for cultivation, pp. 39: 2 pis. 8°. London, 1855. HENDERSON (JOHN) Surgeon. Observations on (^ the Colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's ].and. (A letter on Nomenclature, Henneguy (L. F.) pp. 114 : text illust. Les Lichens utiles. These, &c. r> 8°. Paris, 1883. Henneguy (L. F.) Set ARCHIVES D'ANATOMIE MICRO- / SCOPIQUE . . . L. F. Henneguy, Secretaire de la Redaction. L Tom. i-» 8°. 1897-> ' HENNEPIN (Louis) [c.1640 - c.1705] Nouvelle decouverte d'un tres grand pays situe dans 1'Amerique, , entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale, avec . . . 1'histoire naturelle, dec. pp. [Ixvi,] 506 : 2 pis., 2 maps, engraved title. 12°. Utrecht, 1697. HENNEQUIN (EMILE) [1838-1902] Carte Geo- logique de 1'Europe a I'echelle du 8,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = ^— \ 126J m.], dec. See EUROPE. [Maps.] 1875. Notice explicative, pp. 28. 8°. Bruxelles, 1875. g, Hennequin (&.) Expose sommaire de la Geologic de la Belgique . . . pour servir de notice explicative au <£ nouveau tirage de la Carte Geologique de la Belgique ... par A. Dumont. pp. x, 76. 8°. Bruxelles, 1876. For the map to which this refers, Set BELGIUM. [Maps.] HENNEZEL (E. DE) Note sur la composition du -. terrain Cretace du departement de la Sarthe, A 8°. 1901-» HENRI, Prince o/ Orleans [1867-] Plantes nouvelles n du Thibet et de la Chine occidentale recueillies pendant p 'le voyage de M. Bonvalot et du Prince d'Orleans en 1890. See BUREAU (E.) & FRANCHET (A.) 8°. 1891. Henri, Prince o/ Orleans. From Tonkin to India by L^ the sources of the Irawadi, January '95— January '96. -75 * t, &c. p)>. xii, 467 : 18 pis., 1 map, Translated by H. Bent, text Ulust. 8°. London, 1898. Appendix contains : — B. 1. On the collection of Mammals ... Pou&trgueg. [Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris. 1866.] 2. Note on the Birds . . . By M. E. Oustalet. [Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris. 1896.1 3. Lepidoptera . . . ClaMifled by M. [C.] Oberthiir. 4. List of Plants collected . . . Arranged by M. A. Francbet. HZNRICH (FERDINAND) Lehrbuch der Krystall- berechnung, &c. pj). xv, 300 : text Ulust. 8". Stuttgart, 1886. HENRICI (JULIUS) Beitrag zur Bacterienflora des Kiises. Inaugural-Dissertation, pis. 4°. Seta/neon, 1870. , HENRY (JOSEPH) [1797-1878] Scientific Writings of L~ J. Henry. 2 Vol. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxx. 8°. 1886. HENSCHEL (AUGUST WILHELM EDUARD THEODOR) a [1790-1856] Von der Sexualitat der Pftanzen . . . nebst einem historischen Anhange von F. F. Schelver. pp. 644. 8°. Breslau, 1820. 5 Henschel (A. W. E. T.) Commentatio de Aristotele 2 Botanico Philosopho. pp. 58. 4°. Vratidavice, 1824. Henschel (A. W. E. T.) Vita G. E. Rumphii, Plinii A Indici, accedunt specimen materiiB Rumphianae medicse 5 clavisque herbarii et thesauri Amboinensis . . . defendet A. G. E. T. Henschel . . . assumpto socio S. Pappfn- heim [i.e. Pappenheim]. pp. xiv, 215. 8°. Vratislavia;, 1833. Henschel (A. W. E. T.) Zur Geschichte der Bota- Q nischen Garten und der Botanik uberhaupt in Schlesien 5 im xv. und xvi. Jahrhundert (Catalogus Horti Schol- ziani 1587), &c. pp. 42. 8°. Berlin, 1837. Otto ifc Dietrich's " Allgemeinen Gartenzeitung," Vol. v. o HENSCHEN (SOLOMON EBERHARD) [1847-] Etudes sur le genre Peperomia, comprenant les especes de L Caldas, Bresil, &c. pp. 64: 7 pis. See UPSALA. — KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Nova Acta, &C. /| Ser. Ill, vol. vm, no. 8. 4°. 1873. r HENSEL (REINHOLD FRIEDRICH) [1826-1881] Ueber ^ Hipparion inediterraneum. pp. 27-121 : 4 pis. 4°. Berlin, 1860. Abhandl. k. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin. 1859 (1860). , Hensel (R. F.) Zur Kenntniss der Zahnformel fur die • Gattung Sus. pp. 40 : 1 pi. See ACADEMIA C^SAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. ft xxxvn, no. 5. 4°. 1875. Hensel (R. F.) Craniologische Stuclien. pp. 71, 19 L. tabs. : 8 pis. See ACADEMIA CJCSAREA LEOPOLDINO- 7! CAROLINA, <£-c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. XLII, no. 4. 4°. 1881. HENSEN (VICTOR ANDREAS CHRISTIAN) [1835-] _ Physiologie des Gehors. — Physiologie der Zeugung. See HERMANN (L.) Handbuch der Physiologie. Bd. in, thl. 2 ; vi, thl. 2. 8°. 1881, 82. Henseu (V. A. C.) Ergebnisse der in dem Atlantischen Ocean vonMitte Juli bisAnfang November 1889 ausge- 2 fuhrten Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung. Auf Grund von gemeinschaftlichen Untersuchungen einer Reihe von Fach-Forschern herausgegeben von V. Hensen. Bd. i-» 4°. Kiel & Leipzig, 1892-> Bd. l, A. Reisebeschreibung der Plankton-Expedition von O. Krummel . . . nebst Einleitung von Dr. Hensen und Vorbericbten von Drr' Dahl, Apstein, Leh- man^ Borgert, Schiitt und Brandt, pp. S70: 3 pis., 5 maps, text illust. 1892. „ B. Methodik der Untersuchungen. Von V. Hensen. pp. [Hi,] 100: llpls., 1 map, text i/lust. 1895. ,, c. Geophysikalische Beobachtungen. Von O. Kriim- luel. pp. 118 : 2 maps col. 1893. lid. li, E. a. A. Die Tbaliacea. A. Systematiache Bearbeitung. Von M. P. A. Traustedt. pp. 16: 1 pi. 1893. „ ,, ,, B. • B. Vertheilung der Salpen. Von C. Apstein. pp. 68: Ipl., S maps, text illust. 1S94. ,, ,, ,, c. c. Vertheilung der Doliolen. Von A. Bor- gert. pp.68:2pls.,lmap,ldiag. 1894. ., ,, li. Die Pyrosomen. Von O. Seeliger. pp. 05: 6 pis., 1 map, text illust. 1895. ,, . . p. Die Appendicularien. Von H.Lohmann. pp.lftS: 24 pis. 18116. „ F. <(. Die Gastropoden. Von H. Simroth. pp. iOk : i'2 pis., text illust. 1895. ,, „ c. Die Acephalen. Von H. Simroth. pp. 51, : S pis. col., 1 map. 1896. [Hensen (V. A. C.) (Contd.)] [Ergebnisse der in dem Atlantischen Oceanic. (Contd.)] Bd. it, F. /. Die Brachioi»den. Von H. Simroth. pp.l7:lpl. 1897. ,, ii. v. a.. Die JlalobatM-Ausbeuto. Vun F. Dahl. -/rp, 9. 18!«. ft. IJie Hnlacarinon. Yon H. Lohnmmi. pp. 11-95: 13 pi*., trst illmt. 18V3. ,, „ l>. Decapoden und Schizoixxlen. Von A. Ortniann. pp. ISO: 7 pit., X, text i/lust. 1893. ,, ., f. [Hopoden, Cuiuaceen und Stomatopoden. Yon 11. J. Hansen. pp.lOS:8pl». 1895. ,, ,, tl. Die Cladocercn und Cirripedien. Von H. J.Han- sen, pp. 5fi : $ pis., 1 map col. 1899. i> t, ''. I>ie Amphipoden. i. Theil. Hyperiidea I. Von J. Vosseler. pp. mil, 1S9 : 11 pis., S nuipt(col.) 1901. [This also forms No. 17 of the "Mitthl. k. Natural. Kabinet. Stuttgart.] ,, H. 6. Die Ak-iopiden und Tomopteriden. Von C. Ap- »tein. pp.fil: 7 pis., 7 maps. 1900. ., ,, c. Die pelagiechen Phyilodociden nnd Typbloscole- ciden. Von J. Reibisch. pp. 63 : S pis. , S maps. 1895. ,, „ d. Die pelagischen Polycbssten- und Aclisetenlarven der Plankton-Expedition. Von V. Hacker, 'pp.50: 4 pis., 1 map, text illust. 1898. Die Polycladen. Von . . . M. Plehn. pp. 12: 1 pi. ml. 1S9G. Die Turbellaria Accela. Von L. Bohmig. pp.liS: Spls. 1895. ,, J. Die Echinodermenlarven der Plankton-Expedi- tion, nebst einer systematischen Revision der bisher bekannten Echinodermenlarven. Von T. Mortensen. pp. 110: 9 pis., 1 map, text illust. 1898. „ K. a. Die Ctenophoren. Von C. Chun. pp. SH: Spls. 1898. „ „ b. Die Siphonophoren. Von C. Chun. pp. 136: 5 pis., 3 maps, text illust. 1897. M >, c. Die Craspedoten Medusen. VonO. Maas. pp.107: 6 pis. col., text illust. 1893. ,, ,, d. Die Akalephen. Von E. Vanhoffen. pp. SO : 4 pis. , 1 map. 1892. >t „ ?. 1'ie Anthozoen. Von E. van Beneden. pp. S23 : IGplt., 1 map, text illust. 1897. Bd. iv, li. a. A. Die Peridineen. Thl. i. Von . . . F. Schutt. § p. 170: $7 pis. (col.) 1895. ie Bakterien des Meeres. Yon B. Fischer. pp. 82: 1 map. 1894. Hensen (V. A. C.) [For official publications in con- nection with the Commission] See GERMANY. — Kom- mission zur Wissenschaftlictien Unterwchung der "Z- Deutschen Meere in Kiel. HENSHALL (JAMES A.) Book of the Black Bass, comprising its complete scientific and life history, &c. ~? pp. 463: 1 port., text illmt. 8°. Cincinnati, 1889. More about the Black Bass, being a supplement to the Book of the Black Bass. pp. 204 •' 1 port., text illust. b 8°. Cincinnati, 1889. HENSHALL (JOHN) A practical treatise on the cultivation of Orchidaceous Plants. With remarks on their geographical distribution, and a select catalogue of the best kinds in cultivation. pj>. viii, 1%4 : 1 pi. col. 8°. London, 1845. HENSHAW (HENRY W.) An annotated List of th Birds of Utah. — Report upon and List of Birds col- —> lected . . . West of the One Hundredth Meridian. ^ See UNITED STATES.— Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. Report upon the Ornithological Specimens collected in ... 1871-73. 8°. 1874. Henshaw (H. W.) Report upon the Ornithological collections made in portions of Nevada, Utah, Cali- (£- fornia, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, during ... 1871-74. See UNITED STATES. — Geographical and -y Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One *~ Hundredth Meridian. Report, <£c. Vol. v. 4°. 1875. Henshaw (H. W.) Report upon the Natural History collections made in Alaska between . . . 1877 and 1881 by E. W. Nelson. Edited by H. W. Henshaw. ~2- See UNITED STATES. 4°. 1887. Henshaw (H. W.) & Yarrow (H. C.) Report upon and List of Birds collected [in Utah and Nevada] . . . in 1872, &c. See UNITED STATES. — Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. Report upon the Ornithological Specimens collected in ... 1871-73. 8°. 1874. 104 826 6 6 6 I HENSHAW (SAMUEL) List of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico, pp. 161. 8°. Philinhlph!,,, 1885. Henshaw (S.) The Entomological writings of ... A. S. Packard, pp. 49. See UNITED STATES.— De- partment of Am-iculture. — Division of Entomology. Bulletin, -] [Rhizophorew of India.] Stt. HOOKER (Sir 5. D.) K.C.S.I. The Flora of British India, &c. Vol. n. 8". 1878. Henslow (G.) Floral Dissections, illustrative of typical genera of the British Natural Orders, dec. pp. iv, 20 : N pin. obl. fol. London, 1879. Henslow (G.) The Student's Catalogue of British Plants, dec. pp. 44. 8°. London, 1879. Henslow (G.) [Botany for Children. An illustrated elementary text- book, dec. 8°. London, 1880.] Wanting. Third edition, &c. pp. xv, 103: 30 pis. 8°. London, 1881. Henslow (G.) Inaugural Address, dec. See BALING MICROSCOPICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY CLUB. 8°. 1883. Heuslow (G.) The Origin of Floral Structures thtough _i*«ect and other ag£aei€s. pp. xix, 349 : teptKlust. s". f.,,,t,l,,,t, isss. Internal. ScienTTSeries. Vol. LXIV. Henslow (G.) Our Country's Flowers and how to , know them . . . with an introduction by ... G. Hen- slow, dec. See GORDON (W. . I.) 8°. [1891.] Henslow (G.) The Origin of Plant Structures by self-adaptation to the environment, pp. xiii, 256. 8°. London, 1895. Henslow^(G.) How to study--Wi166] Beschreibung der Lander der (Sibirien) Samo- t— jeden und Tingoesen, &c. [From the works of S. von Herberstein.] See BEY (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [India Orientals. Pt. x. — German.] Zehender Theil der Orientalischen Indien, MUSEUM- VEjMfiN. Publipdtionarf; &c. No. 1. -/ 8°. 1887. S^ ^^ * ^ HERBIER BOISSIER. ,SVcJiKU HOT \ Mt IIK-MI KAD. 829 Herder (F. G. T. M. VON) & Hegel (E. A. VON) ft Enumeratio Plantarum in regionibus Cis- et Transi- liensibus, &c. See REGEL (E. A. VON) & HERDER (F. G. T. M. VON). 8°. 1864-69. . Herder (F. G. T. M. VON) & Regel (E. A. VON) Enu- t- meration of plants collected by P. Semenoff, north and south of the Hi, in 1857. See LANSDELL (H.) Russian Central Asia, See LIVERPOOL MARINE BIOLOGY COMMITTEE. 8°. 1886-» The first report was also issued as an appendix to the "Proc. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Liverpool." No. XL : the subsequent ones are composed of reprints from the " Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc." [rj.v.] Herdman (W. A.) Handbook to Liverpool and the L- neighbourhood . . . Edited by W. A. Herdman. ([With articles by him on] The Marine Fauna of the district, ). ( 6 and the work of the Liverpool Marine Biological Com- mittee—Sketch of the Marine Biology [of the Isle of Man].) See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, &c. 8". 1896. Herdman (W. A.) Descriptive catalogue of the Tuni- —) cata in the Australian Museum, &c. See SYDNEY. — AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. 8". 1899. Herdman (W. A.) Liverpool Marine Biology Com- mittee . . . Memoirs on typical British marine Plants ^_ and Animals. Edited by W. A. Herdman. No. i-v. illust. See LIVERPOOL MARINE BIOLOGY COMMITTEE. 8°. 1899-1901. Also published in the "Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc.." Vol. xiv it xv (1900-01). Herdman (W. A.) Ascidia. pp. v,52 : 5 pis. See LIVER- I* L~ POOL MARINE BIOLOGY COMMITTEE. L. M. B. C. Memoirs, &c. No. 1. 8°. 1899. Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Vol. xiv, 1900. Herdman (W. A.) & Leslie (G.) The Invertebrate I— Fauna of the Firth of Forth. See LESLIE (G.) artem octavam . . . p.p. J. N. Herlitz, dtc. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. 1826. HERMAN (Orro) Magyarorszag Pok-Faunaja, &c — Ungarns Spinnen-Fauna, &c. 3 Bd. 4°. Budapest, 1876-79. Herman (O.) Aquila . . . Periodical of Ornithology . . . Redact. Herman O. Jahrg. i-> See MAGYAR ORNITHOLOOIAI KO'ZPONT. 4°. 1894-» Herman (O.) A MadArvonulas elemei Magyarorszag- "^ ban 1891-ig.- Die Elemente des Vogelzuges in Ungarn bis 1891. pp. 216, 4 tal>». : 5 mapg. 4°. Jiudapent, 1895. Inued bj the Internatioaal Ornithological ConpMb Herman (O.) A Aladarak HasznArol es karar61, &c. [On useful and noxious Birds, />. .'/^. Jl/, 4°. Motlcau & Leipzig, 1860. \v\ The lir«t edition ai>|>eared in tho " Nonv. Mem. Son. imp. NaU. Moscou," Tom. xvl, 1856. Hermann (H. R.) Untersuchungen iiber Tantal und /., Niobium, so \vie iiber Ilmenium, ein neues Metall. I J pp. 78. 8°. Moskau, 1865. Bnll. Soc. iiu|i. Nate. Mosoon. Tom. xxxvin. Hermann (H. R.) Fortgesetzte ITntersuchungen iiber i die Verbindungen von Ilmenium und Niobium, &c. ,.,(« * f\o cA\ ~\f I io>^c» I pp. 108. Bull. Hoc. imp. Nats. MMCUU. Tom. XLV. 8°. Motkwa, 1872. Hermann (H. R.) Allgemeine Beschreibung der Mineralien-Sammlung von R. Hermann, &c. See VISCH- M NIAKOFF (N.) 8°. 1900. HERMANN (J.) Ueber die bei Neudamni aufgefun- denen Arten des Genus Characium. See RABENHORST rs (G. L.) Beitriige zur naheren Kenntniss und Ver- Q breitung der Algen. Hft. I. 4". 1863. HERMANN (JEAN) [1738-1800] Dissertatio inaugu- n ralis botanico-medica de Rosa. pp. 36. 4°. Argentorati [1762]. l Hermann (JEAN) Dissertatio inauguralis medica de j\ botanices_systematic» in niedicina utilitate [by J. Her- r> mann ?], &c. See HELG (F. J.) 4°. [1770.] Hermann (JEAN) Affinitatum Animalium Tabulam __ brevi commentario illustratam pricside J. Hermanno / . . . proponit G. C. Wttrtz, &c. p/>. 16. 4°. Argentorati [1777]. [Another edition entitled :] Tabula aftinitatuni Animalium olim academico specimine edita. Nunc -_ uberiore commentario illustratii,ort. 4". Argentorati & Parisiis, 1804. HEBM ANN (.1 OH ANN FRIEDRICH) [1768-1793] Etwas _, iiber die Korallen. See H * * , J. P., S. V.H.J.H. 8°. [1788.] Hermann (JoHANN F.) Memoire apt^rologique . . . public [with a preface] par F. L. Hammer, pp. [vi,] 144: f) pis. col. fol. xti-'i*i»iunr, 1804. HERMANN (JOHANN GOTTFRIED . I AKUH) [1772-1848] 'Avtampos nipi Koravutv. Anonynii carmen Urtccum de Herbis e codice Vlndoboneoai auxit cum G. Hermimni suisque emendation ibus edidit .1. Sillig. See MAOKK (/K.) Macer Floridus de Viribus Herbarum, &c. 8°. 1832. HERMANN (I.EONHAHD DAVID) [1670-1736] Mas- lographia, oder Beschreibung des Schlesischen Massel im Oelss-Bernstadtischen Fiirstenthum mit seinen Schauwiirdigkeiten . . . Theils in, und als auch umb Mussel in Regno Animali, Vegetabili, und .Minerali befindlicher Naturalien, verstemter Musclieln, oder Muscbel-Steinen.auch anderen figurirten SSteiti-Wcsi n.-. geschliffenen, und polirten Steinen, wunderlialireii Brunnen, Erd- Baum- und Feld-Gewiichsen, uch, S". Jfrrwinitstddt, 1881-> HERMANNSTADT. — Siebenbuergischer Ve- rein fuer Naturwissenschaften. [Founded 1848.] Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen, &c. Jahrg. i-» 8°. Hermannstadt, 1850-> Hermannstadt.— Siebenbuergischer Verein fuer Naturwissenschaften. Flora Transsilvanise Excursoria, &c. See Fuss (M.) 8°. 1866. Hermannstadt.— Siebenbuergischer Verein fuer Natnrwissenschaften. Der Siebenbiirgische Verein fiir Naturwissenschaften . . . nach seiner Entstehung, seiner Entwicklung und seinem Bestande. pp. 68 : text Must. 8°. Hermannstadt, 1896. HERMANNSTADT.— Societas Naturae Cnrio- sornm Transsilvanica Cibinii. See supra, SIEBENBUEEGISCHEE VEEEIN FUEE NATUE- WISSENSCHAFTEN. HERMANNSTADT.— Verein fuer Siebenbuer- gische Iiandeskunde. [Founded \*.\i.\ Archiv, &c. Bd. i-iv. 8°. Hermannstadt, 1843-51. 1> HERMANNUS (JOANNES FRIDEEICUS) Calen- darium, sou Index Plantarum in Marchia media circa T> Berolinum sponte totum per annum nascentium, &c. pp. xix, 156. 8°. Berolini, 1810. HERMANNUS (PAULUs) [1646-1695] Horti Aca- demici Lugduno-Batavi Catalogus, exhibens Plantarum _ omnium nomina, quibus ab anno 1681 ad annum 1686 Hortus fuit instructus, ut & plurimarum in eodem cultarum & a nemine hucusque editarum descriptiones & icones. pp. [xviii,] 699 : text Must. 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1687. Hermannus (P.) P. Herman; Paradisi Batavi Pro- dromus, sive Plantarum exoticarum in Batavorum Hortis observatarum Index. See A., S. W. Schola Botanica, &c. 12°. 1689. Hermannus (P.) Florae Lugduno-Batavae Flores, sive enumeratio stirpium Horti Lugduno-Batavi . . . anno 1689 in lectionibus . . . expositarum a P. Hermanno mine vero . . . primum in lucem editarum opera L. Zumbach. (Appendix, exhibens summorum Planta- rum generum in Flora Lugduno-Batava recensitorum elenchum, ' Hermanuus (P.) G. Bidloo oratio, in funere . . . *• P. Hermanni . . •. editio altera. See BIDLOO (G.) 4°. 1695. f HERMBSTAEDT (SioiSMUND FRIEDEICH) [1760- 1833] Anleitung zur Zergliederung der Vegetabilien p~, nach physisch-chemischen Grundsiitzen. pp. viii, 107. 8°. Berlin, 1807. HERMITE(H.)-H. Hermite. Gtologie. Principes. Explication de 1'epoque quaternaire sans hypotheses. C1 pp. 145. 8°. Neuchfitel, 1891. 832 G L HERMITE , (HENRI) [1848t-1880] Etudes Geolo- pioues sur les ties Bal6ares. Premiere partie— Majorque etMinorque. [Thesis.] pp. 362: 3 pis. 8°. Pan's, 1879. Hermite (HENRI) Estudios geologicos de las Islas Baleares— Mallorca y Menorca. [Translated from the French Thesis published in 1879.J (Apendiee :— El Trias de Menorca y Mallorca. Isota de H. Nolan. [Translated from the French original in " Bull. Soc. geol. France," Ser. Ill, torn. xv!j) pp. 244 : S pis., 1 map geol. col., tert illust. See SPAIN.— CVwMViV/' tr. Hernandez (F.) F. Hernandi . . . Opera cum edita turn inedita, tanica genera Tournefortii stilo reformato & botanico sistens, cujus partem primam . . . publicoe censure subjiciunt P. Hernquist et A. Christophersson. pp. 24. 4°. Londini Gothorum [1771]. Christopberflson apjiears, from the dedication, to have been the actual author. HERODOTUS [B.C. 484-406] History of Herodotus. A new English version, editea . . . by O. R&wlinson . . . Fourth edition. 4 Vol. illust. 8". London, 1880. HEROLD (DAVID GOTTLOB) Dissertatio inauguralis medica de Fabis Coffee, earumque sub infuso usu et abu8u, quam . . . preside . . . D. H. Ludolff . . . subjiciet D, G. Herold . . . auctor et respondens, . ', ',. 8". Jena, 1875. HEROLD (MoRiz JOHANN DAVID) [1790-1862] EntwickluDgsgeschichte der Schmetterlinge, anato- niiscli und pliysiologiseh bearbeitet., 118, xxiv. Atlas, S3 pis. col. 4°. Ccusel .t. fol. Marburr/i, 1824. Latin and (jernmn on opposite )>ages. Herold (M. J. D.) M. Heroldii . . . Disquisitiones de Animalium vertebris carentium in ovo fornmtione. De generatione Insectorum in Ovo. — Untersucliungen iiber die Bildungsgeschichte der wirbellosen Thiere im Eie. Von der Erzeugung der Insecten im Eie. 2 Lief. 24 pis. (col.), with descriptive letterpress. fol. Frankfurt am Main, 1838. Latin and German in parallel columns. Wjintinj; the title-page. There is a half-title, which reads :— " Descriptio et explicatio tabulamm ifnearuiii . . . Beuchreibung und Erkliirung der Knpfertufeln." - in. Lief . . . Aus dem Nachlasse des Verfassers . . . herausgegeben von ... A. Gerstaecker. 8 pis. (col.), with descriptive letterless. fol. Berlin, 1876. German only, printed in double column. HEROLT (JOHANNA HELENA) Derde . . . deel der Rupsen begin, Voedzel en wonderbaare verandering . . . Door M. S. Merian, Saalr. Als mede een Appendix behelsende eenige Snrinnamsohe Insecten geobserveert door . . . J. H. Herolt, &c. See MERIAN afterwards GRAFF (M. S.) 4°. [1717.] HERON DE VXLLEFO88E (ANTOINE MARIE) Baron [1774-1852] Journal des Mines . . . par H. de / Villefosse. Tom. xxix-xxxvm. See ANNALES DES MINES. 8". 1811-15. HEROUARD (EoGARD) [1858-] Holothuries pro- venant des campagnes de la Princesse-Alice (1892-1897). ' See ALBERT HONORE CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. ' Resultats des Campagnes scientifiques, &c. Fasc. xxi. 4°. 1902. Herouard (E.) & Delage (M. Y.) TraitcS de Zoologie concrete, HERFELL (GusTAV) Das Priipariren und Einlegen der Hutpilze fiir das Herbarium, pji. 60 : 2 pis. col. 8°. Bonn, 1880. Verhandl. nat. Ver. Prenss. Kheinl. A- Westf. Jahrg. xxxvii. HERFIN (JEAN CHARLES) [1798-1872] Memoire sur divers Insectes nuisibles a 1'Agriculture et plus parti- culierement au Froment, au Seigle, ii 1'Orge et an Trefle. pji. 31. 8°. [Paris, 184i.] Mem. Hoc. roy. et centr. Agric. Ann. 1843. Handbuch der Mineralogie, oder An- , Mineralien anf cine Icichte iind sichere Weise durch eigne lTntersuchung zu bestimmen, ttc. pp. viii, 428 : 4 pis. 8°. Wetdar, 1839. HERR (A.) leitung, die Auflage. pi), x, 418 : 8 pis. 8°. Fr Xwite . v_ " \ankfurt am Main, 1845. HERR (AuousT) Kurze Anleitung zur Botanik und vorziiglich zur Kenntniss der wildwachsenden phanero- gamischeir PHanzen Deutschlands. -Mit besonderer Bezeichnung der Arznei- Gift- und Forstgewachse, &c. pp. xvi, 304. 8°. Giessen, 1827. 833 6 HERR (MICHAEL) Der Feldbaw, . . . durch I). M. Herren verdolmetscht, &c. See GEOPONICA. 8°. 1551. HERRARA (ANTONIO DM) See HERRERA TORDESILLAS. HERRE (LEOPOLD RICHARD) [1834-] De Avium Passerinarum larynge bronchiali. Dissertatio inaugu- ralis anatomica. pp. %G. 8°. Gryphiae [1859]. HERRENHAUSER GARTEN. See HANOVER, City of. HERRERA (ALBERTO) Datos geologico-mineros de la provincia de Jaen. pp. 7. See SPAIN. — Comisi6n del Mapa GeoUgico. Boletln, Ac. Tom. IV. 8". 1877. HERRERA (ALFONSO L.) [1838-1901] Fauna Cavernicola . . . Aniinales recogidos en el caverna de Cacahuamilpa. See PUGA (G. B. Y) Resefia de una excursi6n a la Caverna de Cacahuamilpa, &c. Apendice. 8°. 1892. HERRERA (GABRIEL ALONZO DE) Libro de Agri- cultura . . . obra nuevamente corregida, eon una tabla, &c. [pp. viii,] foil. S4 4°. Pamplona, 1605. [Another edition entitled :] Agricultura general . . . 0 corregida segun el testo original de la primera edicion publicada en 1513 ... y adicionada por la Real Sociedad Eeonomica Matritense. 4 Tom. [in 2.] 4°. Madrid, 1818-19. The additions are by A. S. de Arias, C. Boutelou, S. de Rojas Clemente, J. Elizondo, M. Lagasca, F. de P. Marti, F. Martinez-Robles and A. Pascual. HERRERA TORDESILLAS (ANTONIO DE) [1559- <*• 1625] Beschreibung dero Insulen und dess festen Landes Jenseit dess hohen oder grossen Meers, so man nennet West-Indien. See BRY (T. DE), (J. T, DE) & (J. I. DE) [America. Pt. xn. — German.'] Zwolffter Theil der newen Welt, &c. fol. 1623. Herrera Tordesillas (A. DE) General observations, and an account of the first discovery of America, by Christopher Columbus. From the History of the West- Indies ... By A. de Herrera. See CHURCHILL (A.) & (J.) A collection of Voyages, HERSCHEL (Sir JOHN FREDERICK WILLIAM) [1792- i 1871] [Description of a Meteorite from South Africa.] ! See ALEXANDER (Sir J. E.) An expedition . . . into "7^" the interior of South Africa, &c. Vol. H, Append. No. 1. 8°. 1838. A Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) A Manual of Scientific f | Enquiry . . . Edited by Sir J. F. W. Herschel, &c. o I See GREAT BRITAIN ANIURELAND. — Admiralty. 8°. 1849. gr HERSLOW (NICOLAUS GEORGIUS) Supplenientum Dipterorum Svecia?, quod [pp. 1-8] . . . submittit N. G. Herslow. See FALLEN (C. F.) Diptera Sveciae, I fjA principal contents of tho first For a classified Subject-Index to the principal twelve volumes of the Trans., 1875-1901, See Vol. x, ]it. 0. Hertfordshire Natural History Society and i Field Club. The Flora of Hertfordshire, &c. (J See PRYOR (A. E.) 8". 1887. HERTIUS (JOANNES CASIMIRUS) Dissertatio inaugu- . raliH botanico-medica de Pimpintlla saxifraga, quam prwside . . . 1. C. Hertio, . . . submittit L. H. L. Hilchen. pp. 32. 4°. Qitssai [1726]. HERTODT A TODENFELD (JOANNES FERDI- NANDUS) [1645-1714] Crocologia, sen curiosa Croci regis vegetabilium enucleatio, &c. pp. [xviii,] 283 [."/] 2 pis. 8°- Jentr, 1671. HERTWIG (CARL HEINRICH) [1798-18811 Steno- graphischer Bericht der Verhandlung iiber die Trichinen- Frage in der Versammlung des Berliner Schliicliter- gewerks . . . unter Betheilung der Herren Prof. Dr. Virchow, Prof. Dr. Hertwig, &c. See VIRCHOW (R. L. C.) 8°. 1866. Hertwig (CARL H.) & Qnrlt (E. F.) Vergleichende Untersuchungen uber die Haut des Menschen und der Haus-Saugethiere, &c. See GURLT (E. F.) & HERTWIO (C. H.) 8". 1844. HERTWIO (CARL WlLHELM THEODOR RlCHARD) [1850-] Zur Histologie der Radiolarien, I'nter- suchungen uber den Bau und die Entwicklung der Sphierozoiden und Thalassicolliden, &c. pp. vt, 91 : 5 pis. cd. 4°. Leipzig, 1876. Hertwig (C. W. T. R.) Der Organismus der Radio- larien. See JENA.— MF.1)ICINI8CH-NATURWIS8EN80HAFT- LICHK OESELLSCHAFT. Denkschriften, &c. Bd. H. 4°. 1879 (1880). -^ 835 Hertwig (C. W. T. R.) Report on the Actiniaria £. dredgedby H.M.S. Challenger, &c. pp. 136 (56) : 18 pis. - (Supplement.) See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. *" [Voyages, &c. — Challenger Expedition] Report, &c. Zoology. (Pt. xv) Vol. vi ; (Pt. LXXIII) Vol. xxvi. 4°. 1882 (-88). Hertwig (C. W. T. R.) Die Actinien der Challenger- •— > expedition, pp. viii, 119: 1£ pis. 4°. Jena, 1882. This is the German edition of the Challenger Report. Hertwig (C. W. T. R.) pp. vii, tv, 588 : text illust. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. 8°. Jena, (1891-) 1892. O Dritte . . . Auflage. pp. xii, 599 : text illust. 8°. Jena, 1895. Hertwig (C. W. T. R.) Ueber die Entwickelung des -7 unbefruchteten Seeigeleies. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Kerntheilung und der geschlechtlichen Differen- zirung. See HAECKEL (E. H. P. A.) & others. Fest- schrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage von C. Gegenbaur . . . 1896. Bd. II. 8°. 1896. Hertwig (C. W. T. R.) iO 8". 1889. Hertwig (W. A. O.) Experimentelle Erzeugung thierischer Missbildungen. See HAECKEL (E. H. P. A.) & others. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage von C. Gegenbaur . . . 1896. Bd. n. 8". 1896. Hertwig (W. A. O.) Handbuch der vergleichenden und experimentellen Entwickelungslehre der Wirbel- •j tiere . . . Herausgegeben von . . . O. Hertwig. Lief, i— > illust. 8°. Jena, 1901-> Einleitung und allgeraeine Litteraturiibersicht. Von O. Hertwig, Die Gescblechtszellen. Von W. Waldeyer. — Hertwig (W. A. O.) & (C. W. T. R.) Das Nerven- ^ system und die Sinnesorgane der Medusen. pp. x, 186 : 10 pis. 4°. Leipzig, 1878. i Hertwig (W. A. O.) & (C. W. T. R.) Der Organismus der Medusen und seine Stellung zur Keimblattertheorie. 7. See JENA. — MEDICINISCH-NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE GESELLSCHAFT. Denkschriften, dec. Bd. IL 4°. 1878 (1880). Hertwig (W. A. O.) cfe (C. W. T. R.) Untersuchungen zur Morphologie und Physiologic der Zelle. 6 Hft. illust. 8°. Jena, 1884-90. Undf from Hft. ir the above collective title are included the following extracts the " Zeitachr. Naturw. Jena" : — 1. Die Kerntheilung bei Actinospharium R. Hertwig. pp. Hi : 2 pit. 2. WelchenEinnussubtdieSchwerkraftaufdieTheilung derZellen? Von O. Hertwig. pp. SO : 1 pi. col. 3. Das Problem der Bef ruchtunp und leotropiedes Eies, eine Theorie der Vererbung. Von O. Hertwig. pp. I*S. i. Experimentelle Untersuchungen Uber die Beding- ! / . ce uer eng- ungen der Bastardbefruchtung. Von O. Uertwig und R. Hertwig. pp. £5. 5. Uber den Befruchtunffs- und Theihlngsvorgang dee thierischen Eies unter dem Einnuss auaserer Agentien. Von O. Hertwig und R. Hertwig. pp. 1S6 : 7 pis. col. 6. Experimentelle Studien am tierischen Ei vor, wah- rend und nach Befruchtung. Thl.i. Von O. Hertwig. pp. 46: Splx. 1884. Bd. XVIII, 1884. Bd. xix, 1885. Bd. xx, 1887. Bd. xxiv, 1890. HERTZ (BRAM) A Catalogue of the Collection of Pearls and Precious Stones formed by H. P. Hope, &c. pp. vi, 112: 42 pis. fol. London, 1839. HERVE (ERNEST) Catalogue des Coleopteres du Finistere et plus specialement de 1'arrondissement de Morlaix. (Supplement.) pp. 132. See MORLAIX. — SOCIETE D'ETUDES SCIENTIFIQUES DU FINISTERE. Bulletin, &c. Ann. vn, fasc. 2 ; vm ; x, fasc. 1 ; & xn, fasc. 1. [Supplements.] 8°. 1885-92. HERVET (ALPHEUS B.) Sea Mosses. A collector's Guide and an Introduction to the study of Marine Algae, pp. xv, 281 : 20 pis. col. 8°. Boston, 1881. Hervey (A. B.) The Microscope in Botany . . . translated and edited by ... A. B. Hervey, &c. See BEHRENS (W. J.) 8°. 1885. Hervey (A. B.) it Ran (E. A.) Catalogue of North American Musci. See RAU (E. A.) & HERVEY (A. B.) 8°. 1880. HERVET DE SAINT-DENTS (MARIE JEAN LEON D') Marquess [1823-1892] Recherches sur I'Agriculture et FHorticulture des Chinois, et sur les Vegetaux, les Animaux et les precedes agricoles que Ton pourrait introduire avec avantage dans 1'Europe occidentale et le nord de 1'Afrique, &c. pp. 262. 8°. Paris, 1850. HERVTER (JOSEPH) Recherches sur la Flore de la Loire. Fasc. l.t pp. viii, 60 : 2 pis. 8°. St. Etienne & Paris, 1885. HERVIEUX DE CHANTELOTTF (J. C.) [1683- 1747] Traite du Rossignol, &c. [By J. C. Hervieux.] See ROSSIGNOL. 12°. 1697. Hervieux de Clianteloup (J. C.) Traite du Serein de Canarie, et autres petits Oiseaux de voliere, &c. [By J. C. Hervieux.] See CANARY BIRD. 8°. 1707. Hervieux de Clianteloup (J. C.) Nouveaux traite des serins de Canarie, &c. pp. [xx,] 326. 8°. Paris, 1709. Hervieux de Chaiiteloup (J. C.) Neuer Tractat von denen Canarien-Vogeln . . . Teutsche iibersetzt, und bey dieser vierdten Auflage mit den andern Theile vermehrt. 2.Thl. illust. 8". Leipzig, 1730. 'I'hl. ii has a separate title-jtage, which rettdti : — " Kurtze doch niitzlicho Beschreibung derer furnehmsten und aumuthigstcn Vogel . . . Ala ein anderer Theil zu des Herin Hervieux 'Iractat von deneu Canarien- Vogeln." Hervieux de Chanteloup ( J. C.) Anmerkungen uber des Herrn Hervieux Tracktatchen von denen Canarien- Vogeln. pp. 221. 8°. Niirnberg, 1754. Original MS. by an unknown writer. HERWERDEN (J. D. VAN) Bijdrage tot de Kennis van het Tengersch-Gebergte en deszelfs Bewouers. pp. 98. See BATAVIA. — BATAVIAASCH GENOOTSCHAP VAN KUNSTEN EN WETENSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen, &c. Deel xx. 8°. 1845. M L 6 6 836 HEKWIG (FRIEDRICH) Einiges iiber die optischo ff\ Oricntierung der Mineralien der Pyroxen-Amphibol- gruppe. pp. 17. 4°. [Saarbrilcken, 1884.] Program. K. Gym. Saarbriicken. Xr. 416, 1884. HERWIG (GEORGE) Vermischte Bemerkungen niineralogischen, metallurgischen und okonomischen Inhalts. pp. [8,] 167: 2 pis. 8°. Leipzig, 1791. HERZ (JOSEPH) Synopsis der pharmaceutischen Botanik, als Repetitormm und Nachschlagebuch, mit uharmakognostischer Beriicksichtiguiig aller vegeta- bilischen Drogen der Editio altera der Pharmacopeia Gennanica, dtc. pp. S17, 3 tabs. 8". SUvangm, 1883. HERZ (RICHARD) Das Hochgebirge der Bepublik Ecuador. I. Petrographische Untersuchungen. — Pulu- lagua bis Guagua-Pichincha. See REISS (J. W.) & STUEBEL (M. A.) Reisen in Siid-Amerika. 4°. 1892. 6 HERZEGOVINA. GOVJNA. [Maps.] [Maps.] See BOSNIA-HERZE- HERZEN (ALESSANDRO) [1839-] Nord-Fahrt, ent- . lang der Norwegischen Kiiste . . . unternommen . . . 1861 von . . . G. Berna in Begleitung von ... A. Herzen, C?" Hesse - Darmstadt. — T.ROSSHERZOGLICH - HESSISCHE OEOLOGISCHE LANDESANSTALT. Erlauterungen zur /C. Geologischen Karte des Grossherzogtums Hessen im s Massstabe von 1 : 25,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 2£ in. about]. Lief. l-> 8°. Darmstadt, 1886-*- 1^13 Hesse - Darmstadt. — GROSSHERZOGLICH - HESSISCHE . GEOLOGISCHE LANDESANSTALT. Notizblatt . . . der . . . Landesanstalt, ofcc. See DARMSTADT.— VEREIN FUER r ERDKUNDE. Notizblatt, Darmstadt, 1886-> HESSE (C. EUGENE) Crustac6s rares, ou nouveaux, des c6tes de France . . . (dix-huitieme— trente- cinquieme article.) 18 Pt. [in 17.] See ANNALES DES Z. SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. V, torn, xm, no. 4 ; xv, no. 2 ; XVH, no. 1, 7 Tom. XXXIV (i XXXV). 4». 1864 (-65). HESSE (ERICH KARL) [1874-] Die Mikrostructur der fossilen Echinoideenstacheln und deren systema- tische Bedeutung. Inaugural-Dissertation, <&c. 8". Stuttgart, 1900. Xeuei Jahrb. Mineral. Ueil.-Bd. sill, pp. ISO-tSl: 3 )>(»., tut illult. 837 HESSE (JOANNES CAROLUS) [1814-] De ungularum, barba; BalaMKB, dentium Ornithorhynchi corneorutn penitiori structura. Dissertatio inauguralis medica, &c. pp. 28 [4] : 3 pis. 8°. Berolini, 1839. HESSE (PAUL) See HKSSUS. HESSE (RUDOLPH) Pyildum, De-Baryanum, em endo- phytischer Schmarotzer in den Geweben der Keim- linger der Leindotter, der Ruben, des Spergels und einiger anderer landwirthschaftlichen Kulturpnanzen. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. P2>. ['"*>] ?6' •' % P^- 8°. Halle a. &., 1874. Hesse (R.) Die Hypogaeen Deutsehlands. Natur- und Entwickelungsgeschichte, sowie Anatoniie und Morphologic der in Deutschland vorkommenden Triif- feln, &c. 2 Vol. Must. 4". Halle a. S., 1890-94. HESSEIi(JoHANN FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN) [1796-1872] Krystallometrie, oder Krystallonomie und Krystallo- graphie, auf eigenthiimliche Weise und mit Zu- grundlegung neuer allgemeiner Lehren der reinen Gestaltenkunde . . . Neost einem Anharige iiber Krys- tallogenie von L. Gmelin. pp. xviii, 346 : 11 pis. 8U. Leipzig, 1831. Reprinted from Gehler's " Pbysikalisches Worterbucb." [Another edition.] Herausgegeben von E. Hess. 2 Bd. Must. 8». Leipzig, 1897. Forming part of Ostwald's " Klassiker der exakten Wissenachaften." Gmelin's '• Anhang" is omitted. Hessel (J. F. C.) Ueber gewisse merkwiirdige statische und niechanische Eigenschaften der Raumgebilde, welche einen Schwerpunct haben, insbesondere der homogenen Korper, und iiber die Bedeutung derselben fiir verschiedene auf Krystalle beziigliche Lehren der Physik. pp. 40 : 2 pis. 4°. Marburg, 1862. HESSELBARTH (GuiDO BRUNO) [1852-] Beitriige zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Holzes. Dissertation, &c. pp. 72 : 1 pi. Inaugural- s''. Leipzig, 1879. HESSELGREN (NicoLAUs L.) Pan Svecicus . . . submittit N. L. Hesselgren, &c. See LINNJSUS (C.) 4". 1749. — [Another edition.] See LINNA;US (C.) C. Lirman . . . Amcenitates Academicae, &c. Vol. n. Editio secunda. 8°. 1762. • Editio tertia. !°. 1787. [Another edition.] See LINNAIUS (C.) C. Linnaji Fundamentorum Botanicorum . . . Curante J. E. Gili- bert. Tom. U. 8°. 1786. HESSELIUS (ANDREAS) Dissertatio botanico-medica de Aloe, quam . . . subjicit A. Hasselius, &c. See THUN- BERG (C. P.) 4°. [1785.] [Another edition.] See THUNBERG(C. P.) Disser- tationes Academicce Upsalise, &c. Vol. II, no. 7. 8°. 1800. HESSELMAN (CAROLUS AUGUSTUS) Exercitationes Hymenopterologicse ad illustrandam Faunain Svecicam, quas proponunt G. Dahlbom . . . et . . . C. A. Hessel- man . . . Pt. in. See DAHLBOM (A. G.) 4°. 1831. HESSELMAN (HENRIK} Om Mykorrhizabildningar hos Arktiska vaxter . . . Mit eineni Deutschen Resume. pp. 46 : 3 pis., text Must. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxvi, at'd. HI, no. 2. 8°. 1900 (1901). — [Another issue.] See STOCKHOLM.— STOCKHOLMS HOGSKOLA. Meddelanden fran Stockholms Hogskolas Botaniska Institut, Bd. HI. 8°. 1900. Hessehnan (H.) & Aiiderssou (C. F. G.) Bidrag till £> Kannedomen om Spetsbergens och Beeren Eilands Karlvaxtflora grundade pa iakttagelser under 1898 ars /__ Svenska Polarexpedition. pp. 88 : 4 P^8-i text Must. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- < AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxvi, afd. in, no. 1. 8°. 1900 (1901). [Another issue.] See STOCKHOLM.— STOCKHOLMS HOGSKOLA. Meddelanden fran Stockholms Hogskolas g Botaniska Institut. Bd. in. 8". 1900. HESSENBERG (FRIEDRICH) [1810-1874] Minera- . logisehe Notizen. 4°. Frankfurt a. M., 1856-75. I Twelve papers from " Abhiindl. Seiickenb. Naturf. Gesell. Frankfurt," 13d. ii-x. HESSLEir (NIELS) Dissertatio botanica . pp. [ww,] 52. [1728-1811] it Engestrom (C.) . . de usu Botanices morali, &c. 4°. Londini Gothorum [1755]. & HESSLER (CARL) De Timmia, Muscorum frondo- sorum genere. Commentatio, &c. pp. 22 : 1 pi. 4°. Gottingce, 1822. HESSLER (FRANZ) [1798-1890] Susrutas. Ayur- vedas. Id est medicinas systema ... ex Sanskrita in Latinum sermonem vertit, introductionem, annota- tiones . . . adjecit F. Hessler. See SUSRUTA. 8°. 1844-50. HESSLING (THEODOR VON) [1816-1899] Die Perl- muscheln und ihre Perlen, natunvissenscnaftliche und geschiclitlich. mit Beriicksichtigung der Perlengewasser Bayerns beschrieben. pp. viii, 376, 2 tabs. : 8 pis. (col.), 1 map. 8". Leipzig, 1859. HESSUS (PAULUS) Defensio XX. Problematum M. Guilandini adversus qua1 P. A. Mattheolus ex .^ centum scripsit . . . Adjecta est P. A. Matthaeoli ad- & versus XX. problemata M. Guilandini disputatio. pp. [xvi,] 151. 8°. Patami, 1562. HETHERINGTON (M'iss E.) The Annual Index of Periodicals and Photographs. [Continued as :] Index to the Periodical Literature of the World. [By Miss E. ^ Hetherington.] 1890-> See INDEX. 8°. 1891-» HETIER (FR.) & Magnin (A.) Observations sur la -^ Flore du Jura, &c. See MAGNIN (A.) &, HETIER (F.) O 8°. 1894-97. HETLET (CHARLES) Mrs. The Native Flowers of New Zealand, <£'c. 3 Pt. pp. 8 : 36 pis. col., with p. descriptive letterpress. fol. London, 1888. HETTING (M. G.) Beretning om hyad der til Fersk- vandsfiskeriernes fremme er udf0rt i tidsrummet fra Iste Oktober 1871 til Iste Oktober 1872. p}>. 40. 8°. Christiania, 1873. HETTNER (ALFRED) [1859-] Der Gebirgsbau der Sachsischen Schweiz. Habilitationsschrift, &c. pp. 46. 8°. Stuttgart, 1887. Reprinted in the succeeding paper :— Hettner (A.) Gebirgsbau und Oberflachengestaltung der Sachsischen Schweiz. pp. Ill : 1 pi. col., 1 map col., text Must. See STUTTGART.— CENTHALKOMMISSION FUER WISSENSCHAFTLICHE LANDESKUNDE VON DEUTSCHLAND. Forschungen, &c. Bd. u, hft. 4. 8°. 1887. The first portion is a reprint of the authors " HabilitatioDSfichrift " [ESAREA- LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, Ac. Nova Acta, Ac. Tom.5.i?> xxxi, no. 7. 4°. 1864. Heuglin (M. T. VON) Die Tinne'sche Expedition im I, westlichen Nil-Quellgebiet 1863 und 1864, Ac. pp. 46 : C l map. See PETERMANNS MITTHEILUNGEN, Ac. Er- ganzbd. in, no. 15. 4°. 1865. Heuglin (M. T. VON) Reise nach Abessinien, den (^ Gala-La'ndern, Ost-Sudan und Chartum in ... 1861-,, und 1862 . . . Mit Vorwort von . . . A. E. Brehm. <•> pp. xii, 459 : 10 pis., 1 map col. 8°. Jena, 186S. Heuglin (M. T. VON) Reise in das Gebiet des Weissen Nil und seiner westlichen Zuflusse in ... 1862-64 ... Mit einem Vorworte von ... A. Petermann. pp. x, S8% : "2. 8 pis., text Must. 8°. Leipzig A Heidelberg, 1869. Heuglin (M. T. VON) Ornitholpgie Nordost-Afrika's, der Nilquellen- und Kiisten-Gebietedes Rothen Meeres und des nordlichen Somal-Landes. (Nachtriige und Berichtigungen . . . Mit Beitragen von . . . O. tinsch.) pp. xii, [ii,] cviii, [xii,] 1512, cccxxv : 51 pis. col., 1 nxi/i col. 2 Bd. [in 4.] 8". Cassel, 1869-73 [-75]. The appendix is dated 1871. Heuglin (M. T. VON) Reisen nach dem Nordpolar- meer in ... 1870 und 1871. 3 Thl. Must. 8°. Braunschweig, 1872-74. Thl. I. Reise in Norwegen und spitzberuen. „ H. Reise nach N'ovaja Kemlja und Waigatach. ,, in. Beitrage car Fauna, Flora und Geologic von Spitzbergen und Nuvaja 8emlja. Heuglin (M. T. VON) Reise in Nordost-Afrika. derungen aus dem Gebiete der Beni Amer und Habab, nebst zoologischen Skizzen und einem Fiihrer fiir •'»!£<]; reisende. 2 Bd. [in 1] Must. 8°. Braunschweig, 1877. HEULAND (HENRY) [1777-1856] Description d'une collection de Mine'raux formee par M. H. Heuland, Ac. 3 Tom. it Atlas. See LEVY (A.) 8°. & fol. 1837. HEUBCK (HENRI VAN) [Le Microscope : sa con- struction, son maniement et son application aux eludes d'anatomie ve'ge'tale. • 8°. Paris, 1865.] Wanting. - Deuxieme edition d'anatomie v6g6tale, Ac. . . . contenant un resume pp. $23 : S pis., text Must. 8°. Anvert A Bruxelles, 1869. Henrck(H. VAX) Notice sur les Collections Botaniques de M. H. van Heurck. See MARTINIS (A.) 8°. 1870. 839 ! R . p Jfr & B B Heurck (H. VAN) Observationes Botanicse et descrip- tiones Plantarum novarum herbarii van Heurckiani. Recueil d'Observations Botaniques et de descriptions de Plantes nouvelles. pp. 249. 8°. Anvers & Berlin, 1870-71. "jfleurck (H. VAN) Notions succinctes sur 1'origine et 1'emploi des Drogues simples de toutes les regions du Globe . . . Catalogue systematique de la Collection de Matiere M6dicale . . . faisant partie du Musee Botanique de 1'auteur. pp. xvi, 259. 8°. Bruxelles, 1876. He \ltyt ~\ 0> LVl>J * . VAN) tsfdes Diatom6esjle_B«lgiqire. 8". Atu'i-rx, 1N80- 8;.. Heurck (H. VAN) Notes sommaires sur les Diatomees de Belgique. See AIORET (C.) & FRANCOIS (V.) Flore 616mentaire des Cryptogames. 8°. 1889. Heurck (H. VAN) La nouvelle combinaison optique de MM. Zeiss et la structure de la valve des Diatomees. pp. 8 : 2 pis. 8°. Anvers, 1890. Heurck (H taining 'genus the Diatomaceoe Very of countries fitain, Belgium, &c. . . . ', 558 : 36 pis., text 8°. London, 1896. Heurck (H. VAN) & Bencker (J. I. DE) Antwerpsche analytische Flora, inhoudende de beschryving van alle Planten, welke in de provineie Antwerpen, in de vrye natuer, groeijen of er algemeen gekweekt worden. pp. xxxm, 192. 4°. Antwerpen, 1861. Heurck (H. VAN) &. Guibert (V.) Flore medicale Beige, pp. xii, 455. 8°. Tournai & Bruxelles, 1864. Heurck (H. VAN) & Wesmael (A.) Prodrome de la Flore du Brabant, ou catalogue raisonn6 des Plantes qui croissent spontan^ment dans cette province, et de celles qui y sont g6neralement cultiv6es. pp. 96. 8°. Louvain, 1861. HEURN (J. VAN) Algemeene Aardrijkskundige Biblio- graphie van Nederland. Deel ii. £eeLEYDEN. — NEDER- LANDSCH AARDRIJKSKUNDIG GENOOTSCHAP. 8°. 1888. HEUSINGER (CARL FKIEDRKJH VON) [1792-1883] ~7 De metamorphosi rostri Pici et de generatione mucoris " in organismo animali vivente. Programma, &c. pp. 12. 4°. Jence, 1812. Heusinger (C. F. VON) Berichte von der Kb'niglichen ••7 Zootomischen Anstalt zu Wiirzburg . . . Erster Bericht. . . . 1824-25. See WURZBURG.— KOENIGLICHE JULIUS- MAXIMILIANS UNIVERSITAET. — Zoologisch-Zootomisches Institut. 4°. 1826. Heusinger (C. F. VON) Vier Abbildungen des Schadels ~~7 der Simia Satyrus, von verschiedenem Alter, zur Auf klarung der Fabel von Oraii Utan. pp. iv, 44 •' 4 pis. 4°. Marburg, 1838. HEUSSER (JACOB CHRISTIAN) [1826-] Das Erd- • beben im Visper-Thal im Jahr. 1855. pp. 31 : 1 pi. See ZURICH. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. An die Ziircherische Jugend, &c. Stuck LVIII. 4°. 1856. Heusser (J. C.) & Claraz (G.) Beitrage zur geognps- . tischen und physikalischen Kenntniss der Provinz - Buenos Aires, <^, HEYDEN (CARL HEINRICH GEORGES VON) [1793- 1866] [Reptilia of northern Africa.] See FRANKFORT Y ON THE MAIN.— SENCKENBERGISCHE NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Atlas zu der Reise im nordlichen Z Afrika von E. Ruppell. Abth. I. Zoologie. fol. 1827. 840 rVt HEYDEN (LUCAS FRIEDRICH JULIUS DOMINICUS vox) [183S-] Entomologische Reise nach dem sudlichen Spanien der Sierra Guadarrama und Sierra Morena, Portugal und den Cantabrischen Gebirgen . . . Mit Beschreibungen der neuen Arten . . . und einem Anhango : v. Heyden : Revision der Europaischen Hynirnopl ia- Arten, A Hard: Revision des Currulionidrs Byrsopsidcs, Ac. See BERLIN.— • ENTOMOLOGISCHER VEREIN. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. Jahrg. XIV. Beiheft. 8°. 1870. Heyden (I* F. J. D. VON) Catalog der Coleopteren von Sibirien mit Einschluss derjenigen der Turanischen Lander, Turkestans und der Chinesischen Grenzge- biete. Mit specieller Angabe der einzelnen Fundorte in Sibirien und genauer Citirung der darauf beziigliehen einzelnen Arbeiten nach eigenem Vergleich, &c. See BERLIN. — DEUTSCHE ENTOMOLOGISCHE OESELL- SCHAFT. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Jahrg. xxiv. Besonderes Heft. 8°. 1880-81. Heyden (L^Pr*3T D. VON) Lepidopteren von Mada- TJ 1 — j^^-fvon M. Saalmiiller'. . . ossen durch L. vcj»*Heyden. *^ 4°. 1891. Heyden (L. F. J. D. VON) [Coleoptera of Algeria.] \_ See KOENIO (A. F.) Reisen und Forschungen in Algerien. Appendix 2. 8°. [1896.] Heyden (L. F. J. D. VON) it others. Catalogus Coleopterorum Europse et Caucasi. Auctoribus . . . L. v. Heyden, E. Reitter et J. Weise. Editio tertia. See STEIN (J. P. E. F.) 8«. 1883. - [Fourth edition.] 8°. 1891. HEYDENREICH (EDUARD) Bibliographisches Re- pertorium iiber die Geschichte der Stadt Freiberg und ihres Berg- und Hiittenwesens, 1843. 6 HEYDRICH (F.) Neue Kalkalgen von Deutsch- Neu-Guinea (Kaiser Wilhelms-Land). pp. 11 : 1 pi., text illust. See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA, &c. Hft. 41. 4°. 1897. Heydrich, (F.) Ueber die weiblichen Conceptakeln von Spvrolithon. pp. 35 : 3 pis. See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA, : 1 pi. See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA, &c. Hft. 57. 4°. 1902. HEYER (CARL) [1797-1856] Phanerogamen-Flora der grossherzoglichen Provinz Ober-Hessen und ins- besondere der Umgebung von Giessen . . . Nach dem Tode des Verfassers bearbeitet und herausgegeben von J. Rossmann. pp. viii, J&2. 8". Giesxrn, 1863. HEYER, (FRIEDRICH LUDWIO) [I860-] Beitrage zur K i 'iint niss der Fame des Carbon und des Rothliegenden im Saar-Rhein-Gebiete. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 43: 1 pi. 8°. Cassel, 1884. Botan. Centralblatt. Bd. XIX. HEYER (FRITZ) See HEYER (FRIEDRICH L.) HEYER (Jusx CHRISTIAN HEINRICH) [1746-1821] Chernische Verauche mit Bernstein, &c. pp. 24- See ERFURT.— KONIOLICHE AKADKMIE OEMEINNUETZI- OEB WISSENSCHAFTEN. Acta, liil(isophieaX'jl6sterior de AviJLms literi- / gerjrfis, \V.) Second phjlo- sophipaT disputation about th« letter-carrying^Jirds [njaiuiscript translation]. .Jfee MAIER (M. >: W.) it >fEYM(J.M.) fol. HEYMANS (JEAN FRANCOIS) it Stricht (O. VAN L- DER) Sur le Systeme nerveux de I'Amphioxwt, &c. pp. 74 : 13 pis. (col.) See BRUSSELS.— ACADEMIE ROYALE^ 70 DES SCIENCES, &c. Me'moires couronnes, &c. Tom. LVI 8°. 1897-98. HEYMONS (RICHARD) Die Segmentirung des In- secten-Korpers. pp. 39 : 1 pi. See BERLIN.— KOENIQ- LICH-PREUS8ISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN.'S /30 Physikalisehe Abhandlungen, &c. 1895, Anhang. 4°. 1895. Heymons (R.) Die Embryonalentwickelung von Dermapteren und Orthopteren unter besonderer Be- ^ riicksichtigung der Keimblatterbildung monographisch bearbeitet. />]>. viii, 136 : 12 pis., text illust. 4°. Jena, 1895. Heymons (R.) Grundziige der Entwickelung und des j Korperbaues von Odonaten und Ephemeriden. pp. 66: ^ ii pis. See BERLIN. -KOENIGLICH-PREU88ISCHE AKA-^ DEMIE DER wissENSCHAFTEN. Physikalisehe Abhand- lungen, &c. 1896. 4". 1896 [1897]. Heymons (R.) Beitriige zur Morphologic und Ent- ^_ wicklungsgeschichte der Rhynchoten. pp. 107 : S pis., text illust. See ACADEMIA CAISAREA LEOPOLDINO-C CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, ClavisGenerumzur Flora von Sachsen, &c. SeeHoLL(F.) & HEYNHOLD (G.) 8°. 1843. HEYSE (GUSTAV FERDINAND) [1809-] Ueber den /~ Muschelkalk und seine Versteinerungen in der Gegend von Aschersleben. pp. 17. fol. Aschersleben [1843]. Einladungsschrift offentl. Prufung der hiiheren Biirgerschule zu Aschers- leben. j HEYSE (JOHANN CHRISTIAN AUGUST) [1764-1829] U* Insecten und Wiirmer. See CROME (G. E. W.) Hand- buch der Naturgeschichte, &c. Thl. in, bd. II. 8°. 1817. HEYTESBUB.Y, Victoria. [Maps.] Map of part s* of the counties of Polwarth and Heytesbury, Cape Otway district . . . Scale \ in. to 1 m. See VICTORIA, Australia.— Geological Survey. 1865. (~ HEYWOOD (A. W.) Cape Woods and Forests. See LONDON. — Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. I— Official Handbook . . . Cape of Good Hope, &c. 8". 1886. HEYWOOD (JAMES) World of Switzerland 2 Vol. &>eHEER(O.) [1810-1897] The Prinueval . . Edited by J. Heywood. 8°. 1876. / Heywood (J.) Scientific achievements of Prof. Heer . . . Edited by J. Heywood. pp. 16. 8°. London, 1884. HIBBEB.D (JAMES SHIRLEY) [1825-1890] The 6 Gardener's Weekly Magazine and Horticultural Cabi- net. Vol. IV-VH. [Continued as .•] The Gardener's Magazine . . . conducted by Shirley Hibberd. Vol. vin-xxx. See GARDENER'S MAGAZINE. 8°. ifc 4°. 1862-87. Hibberd (J. S.) Field Flowers, a handy-book . . . & suggesting what to look for and where to go in the out-door study of British Plants, pp. iv, 156 : 8 pis. col., text illust. 8°. London [1870]. Hibberd (J. S.) & Hnlme (F. E.) Familiar Garden Flowers, ei-d, 1885. Hibscli (J. E.) Ueber einige minder bekannte Erup- /,, tivgesteine des Bohmischen Mittelgebirges. Inaugural- dissertation, ttc. pp. 41. 8°. Wien, 1887. HICK (THOMAS) [1840-1896] On Rachiopteris cylin- drica, Will. pp. 14 : 1 pi. See MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs and Proceed- £- ings, &c. Vol. XLI, no. 1. 8°. 1896. ,$ . f [Another issue.] See MANCHESTER.— OWENS COLLEGE. — Manchester Museum. Notes from the ... / — Museum. No. 2. 8°. 1896. $ ^ HICKMANN (A. L.) Geologisch-montanistische Karte des Konigreiches BSbmen, &c. Massstab 1 : 600,000 (^ [1 in. = 9| m. about]. See BOHEMIA. [Maps] col. [186-.] HICKS (GILBERT H.) [For official reports on Botany] See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Botany Division. HICKS (JOHN BRAXTON) [1823-1897] The Honey- Bee ; its natural history habits, anatomy and micro- scopical beauties ... By J. Samuelson, assisted by J. B. Hicks, &c. See SAMUELSON (J.) 8°. 1860. Hicks (J. B.) ~ 8°. 1888-90. HICKSON (SYDNEY JOHN) [1859-] The structure and relations of Tubipora. pp. 25 : 2 pis. 8°. London, 1883. Quart. Journ. Micro. Sci. N.S., Vol. xxni. Hickson (S. J.) A Naturalist in north Celebes : a narrative of travels in Minahassa ; the Sangir and / "77 ^ Talaut Islands, with notices of the Fauna, Flora and I— Ethnology of the districts visited, pp. xv, 392: 7 pis. // (1 col.), 2 maps, text illust. 8°. London, 1889. Appendix : — B. Classification of the Animals. c. Classification of the Plants. Bibliography. Hickson (S. J.) Theories of Coral Reefs and Atolls. An address delivered before . . . the British Associa- tion . . . 1888. pp. 16. 8". Cambridge, 1890. G>- Hicksou (S. J.) The Fauna of the Deep-Sea, pp. xi, -^ 169 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. London, 1894. ' Modern Science. Edited by Sir J. Lnbbock. Hickson (S. J.) On the ampullae in some specimens / of Millepora in the Manchester Museum, pp. 4- c See MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL - SOCIETY. Memoirs and Proceedings, &c. Vol. XLI, no. 5. 8°. 1897. [Another issue.] See MANCHESTER. — OWENS <__ COLLEGE. — Manchester Museum. Notes from the . . . <_ Museum. No. 3. 8°. 1897. - Hickson (S. J.) Report on the specimens of the genus Millepora collected by Dr. Willey. See WILLEY (A.) ' Zoological Results, &c. No. 7. 4°. 1899. Hickson (S. J.) Alcyonium. pp. viii, 22 : 3 pis. See LIVERPOOL MARINE' BIOLOGY COMMITTEE. L.M.B.C. Memoirs, &c. No. 5. 8°. 1901. Also published in the "Proe. Liverp. Biol. Soo.," Vol. xv Iq.v.] Hickson (S. J.) The Manchester Museum . . . Hand- books. Descriptiye_Cat«togTie of Models . . .^eedTcTedition. Rejtiaed'and S. J. Hk&son. See MAjtefffisTER.— OWEN>-COLLEGE. L. S. water Museum. Publication No. 40. E^S-- 8°. 1902. 106 842 _ Hickson (S. J.) & Hiles (I. L.) Miss. The Stolonifcra Z- and Alcyonacea collected ... in New Britain. See WIL- LEY(A.) Zoological Results, ,] ir>3: 8 pig. col. 4°. Madrid, 1869 [i.e. 1872]. Although lUt.-d l.stifl on the title-|u>ge and 1870 on the wrappfr, no liortiou would seem to have been ismitxl before 1872 : ritlr note on the but page. Parte tercera : Univalvos marinos. pp. 144. 4°. Madrid, 1879. Hidalgo (J. G.) Hojas Malacologicas. Coleccion de ~2- memorias, datos y noticias sobre los Moluscos Ter- restres de Espaiia y Portugal. 2 Pt. pp. 191. 4°. Madrid, 1870 [-75]. Wanting sheets 0 to 10 (= pp. 1,1-80). Hidalgo (J. G.) Z- y las Baleares. Moluscos marinos de Espaiia, Portugal Entr. l-20.t illust. col. 4°. Madrid, 1870-90. Hidalgo (J. G.) Catalogo iconogrAfico y descriptive de los Moluscos terrestres de Espaiia, Portugal y las Baleares. Entr. i-n, cuad. 1. illust. col. 4°. Madrid, (1875-) 1884. Hidalgo (J. G.) [Mollusca of the western Sahara and the Canary Islands?] See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPASOLA DE HISTORI A NATURAL. Ana]es,«t"c. Tom. xv. Apuntes de un viaje por el Sahara Occidental por Don F. Quiroga. 8°. 1886. d HIDALGO TABLADA (JosE DE) El Agronomo. U Manual del Cultivo de la Dalia. pp. 29. 8°. Madrid, 1852. Hidalgo Tablada (J. DE) Tratado del cultivo del eOlivo en Espaiia y modo de mejorarlo . . . Segunda edicion, dx. pp. 323. 8°. Madrid, 1870. ~ HIDEGH (KALMAN) Magyar Fak6erczek chemiai n>0 c» L elemze'se, &c. — Chemische Analyse Ungarischer Fahl- erze, dx. pp. 8. 4°. Budapest, 1879. HIEMER (EBERHARDT FRIEDRICH) [1682-1727] £f Caput Medusae utpote novum diluvii universalis monumentum. Detectum in agro Wiirtembergico, &c. pp. 40. 4°. Stuttyardia; [1724]. HIERN (WILLIAM PHILIP) [1839-1 Lythracese, . Umbelliferae, Dipsaceae, Goodenovieae, Ebenaceae, Ara- f) liaceae, Rubiaceae I>. KM : 4 pis. 4°. Halle, 1873. Ablmmll. Niiturf. Qcsell. Unite. Bd. Xll. Hieronymna (G. H. E. W.) Ueber Rajflesia Scluulen- Q berffiema (GSppert); ein Beitrag zur Kenntnisx der P Cytinaceen. pi>. 10: 2 pis. 4°. Jirr*l 8°. 1893-*. ' Hieronymns (G. H. E. W.) [Schizophyta, Conjugatas, Q Clilorophyceiu, Charales and Ptendophyta of East , Africa.] See DEUTSCH-OsT-AFRiKA, &c. Bd. v, thl. c. »- 8°. 1895. HIERONYMUS (J.) Plantae Diaphoricae Florae Argentinae, o revista sistematica de las Plantas medi- cinales, ahmcnticias o de alguna otra utilidad y de las venenosas, que son indigenas de la Repiiblica Argentina 6 que originarias de otros paises se cultivan 6 se crian espontAneamente en ella. pp. 404- 8°. Buenos Aires, 1882. HIGGINS (BRYAN) [1737?-1820] Synopsis of the medicinal contents of the most noted Mineral Waters, A/| analysed by Dr. Higgins, at the instance of J. Ellison. pp. 34. 8°. [London,] 1788. HIGGINS (HENRY HUGH) [1814-1893] Synopsis and j_ List of British Hymenomycetes, See LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF LIVER- " POOL. Proceedings, &c. No. xxvm. 8°. 1874. Higgins (H. H.) Notes by a field-naturalist in the i_ Western Tropics. From a journal kept on board the 7 ..." Argo." pp. [vi,] SOS : 18 pis., 1 map. 8°. Liverpool, 1877. Higgins (H. H.) Mollusca of the Argo expedition. _- See LIVERPOOL. — FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — Museum and L. Report No. 1. 8°. [1877.] " Higgina (H. H.) Museums of Natural History . . . /_ Also a phylogenetic scheme of the pedigree of Animals „ and Vegetables, by Prof. Herdman. pp. 44 •' 4 /^*- o (2 col.), text illust. 8°. Liverpool, 1884. Proo. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Liverpool. Vol. xxxvm. HIGGINSON (THOMAS WENT WORTH) [1823-] Memoir of T. W. Harris. See BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Occasional Papers, h.,'' Jahrg. XXIII. Hildebrand (F. H. G.) Die Geschlechter-Vertheilung bei den Pflanzen und das Gesetz der vermeidenen und unvortheilhaften stetigen Selbstbefruchtung. pp. iv, 92 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1867. Hildebrand (F. H. G.) Ueber die Geschlechtsverhjilt- nisse bei den Compositen. pp. 104 •' 6 P^s- See ACA- DEMIA C^ESAEEA LEOPOLDINO-CAEOLINA, &C. Nova ^ Acta, &c. Tom. xxxv, no. 4. 4°. 1869 (1870). Hildebrand (F. H. G.) Die Verbreitungsmittel der Pflanzen. pp. iv, 162 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1873. _ Hildebrand (F. H. G.) Die Farben der Bliithen in ihrer jetzigen Variation und friiheren Entwicklung. pp. [iv,] 83. 8°. Leipzig, 1879. Hildebrand (F. H. G.) Die Lebensverhaltnisse der Oxalisarten. pp. iv, 140 : S pis. 8°. Jena, 1884. Hildebrand (F. H. G.) Ueber Ahnlichkeiten im Pflanzenreich. Eine morphologisch-biologische Be- trachtung. pp. iv, 66. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. HILDEBRANDT (JOHANN MAEIA) [1847-1881] Ausflug zum Ambergebirge in Nord-Madagaskar. 8°. [Berlin^ 1880. Zeitschr. Gesell. Erdkunde. Berlin. Bd. xv, pp. 303-87. Hildebrandt (J. M.) Sertum Plantarum Mada- gascariensium a cl. J. M. Hildebrandt lectarum. Dicotyledones Polypetalse. See HOFFMANN (O.) 8°. [1881.] HILDEBRANDT (MAX) Untersuchungen iiber die Eiszeiten der Erde, ihre Dauer und ihre Ursachen. pp. xvi, 128 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1901. HILDEGARDE, Saint [1098-1180] De Libris Physicis S. Hildegardis commentatio lustorico-medica. fa See REUSS (F. A.) 8°. 1835. HILDESHEIM.— Roemer Museum. [Founded isai.i ; . Mittheilungen aus dem Roemer-Museum, &c. No. Ij3*( 5 /u. 5a ' 8". Hildesheim, 1895-^ /?07. Hildesheim. — Roemer Museum. Fiihrer durch das Roemer-Museum . . . Eiersammlung. / pp. la. 8°. Hildesheim, 1894. L Hildesheim. — Roemer Museum. Fiihrer durch das Roemer-Museum . . . Saugetiere. pp. 36. 8°. Hildesheim, 1894. Hildesheim.— Roemer Museum. Kurzer Fiihrer durch die Sammlungen des Roemer- Museum, &c. pp. 16. 8°. Hildesheim, 1895. Hildesheim.— Roemer Museum. Fiihrer durch das Roemer-Museum . . . Gesteinssamm- lung. 8°. Hildesheim, 1896. Hildesheim. — Roemer Museum. Fiihrer durch das Roemer-Museum . . . Allgemeine Geologie. pp. 37. 8°. Hildesheim, 1897. Hildesheim. — Roemer Museum. Begleitworte zur Geweih- und Gehorn-Sammlung im . . . Museum . . . zugleich ein kurzer Ueberblick und , eine Geschichte des Stammes der Hirsche und der u Horntrager . . . Von . . . A. Andreae. pp. 40: 5 pis., text illust. 8°. Hildesheim, 1902. Hildesheim.— Roemer Museum. [For reports relating to this Museum] See infra, VEEEIN . ^ FUEE KUNDE DEE NATUE, &c. Bericht, &c. 1892-5-» CSX* 8". 1896-> HILDESHEIM.— Verein fuer Kunde der Natur und der Ennst im Fuerstenthum Hildesheim und in der Stadt Goslar. (MUSEUMS VEEEIN.) , l~- ' [Founded 1844.] Bericht, &c. 1892-5-» 8°. Hildesheim, 1896-> HILDT ^JOHANN ADOLPH) Beschreibung in- und ausliindischer Holzarten zur technologischen Kenntniss und Waarenkunde, Charakteristik und Synonimik aller Kunst- Farbe- und Apothekerholzer. 2 Thl. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. Weimar, 1798-99. HILES (IsA LOCKYEE) Miss. The Gorgonacea collected by Dr. Willey. See WILLEY (A.) Zoological Results, &c. No. 14. 4°. 1899. 844 Biles (I. L.) J//M & Hickson (S. J.) Stolonifera and Alcyonacea collected ... in New Britain. See WIL- LEY (A.) Zoological Results, r{tsser- See DEUTSCHiPof^AFRIKA. 8°. 1897. 2 0 W- Hilgendorf (F. M.) [Explanations of Plates of Fishes from the East.] See EHRENBERO (C. G.) Symbols Physical, &c. fol. 1899. HILGER (ALBERT) [1839-] Die Pflanzenstoffe . . . Zweite . . . Auflage. 2 Bd. See HUSEMANN (A. H.) & (T. G.) 8°. 1882-84. HILHOUSE (WILLIAM) Indian Notices : or, sketches of the habits, characters . . . soil, and climate, of the several nations . . . Also the Ichthyology of the fresh waters of the interior [of British Guiana], pp. 132, 1 tab. 8°. [Georgetown f] 1825. A small colonial edition, printed for private circulation. The projected European edition, with illustrations, was apparently not published. HILL (EDWARD SMITH) [1819?-1880] Lord Howe (_^ Island. Official visit . . . with a description of the island, pp. 60 : 1 map. 8°. Sydney, 1869. The wrapper is dated 1870. Contains, inttr alia, a ".Sketch of the Vegetation" by C. Moore, and lists of Birds and Coleoptora by J. L. G. Krefl't. HILL (FRANKLIN C.) [For official publications in connection with the Survey] See OHIO, State of. — Geological Survey. HILL (J. B.) [For official publications in connection with the Survey] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geoloffical Survey. — Scotland. . HILL (JAMES PETER) The Enteropneusta of Funafuti. Pt. i. See SYDNEY. — AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Memoirs, dec. No. 3. The Atoll of Funafuti, &c. 8°. 1897. HILL (JoiiNJ^calling himself Sir JOHN HILL [1716- 1775] OfoApaorou . . . mpi ran \i6er, Second edition. 8°. 1774. Hill (JOHN) A A general Natural History ... of the I Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals, of the different jwrts of the World ; with their virtues and uses, &c. If- ' 3 Vol. Ulust. fol. London, 1748-52. Vol. i. The History of Fossils. 1748. „ II. A History of Plant*. 1751. ,, in. An History of Animals. 1752.— 2. ill'- third volume has no covering title. HiU (JOHN) The Useful Family Herbal, &c. [By J. /> Hill.] See HERBAL. 8°. 1754. V [Another edition entitled :] The Family Herbal, or an account of all those English Plants which are Q remarkable for their virtues, and of the Drugs which y are produced by vegetables of other countries ; with their descriptions and their uses, . iv, [iv,] 714 •' 60 ids. fol. London, 1757. Hill (JOHN) [The Sleep of Plants, and cause of motion •— in the Sensitive Plant explained ... in a letter toLp.O. Lj Linnseus, the nistory of the lolithos, or violet-stone of the t> Germans, pp. viii, 38 : 2 pis. 4°. London, 1758. Hill (JOHN) The Book of Nature ... By J. Swammer- L* dam . . . Revised arid improved by notes from c. Reaumur and others, by J. Hill. See SWAMMERDAM (J.) C fol. 1758. Hill (JOHN) A method of producing double Flowers from single, by a regular course of culture, pp. 40 : ~R 8 pis. 4°. London, 1758. " Hill (.JOHN) Outlines of a System of Vegetable genera- n> tion. pp. 46: 6 pis. 8°. London, 1758. ' Hill (JOHN) Entwurf eines Lehrgebiiudes von Erzeu- gung der Prlanzen . . . iibersetzt, und von G. L. Huth K iibersehen. pp. 47 : 6 pis. 8°. Nurnberg, 1761. Hill (.JOHN) Exotic Botany illustrated in 35 figures of . . . Plants : explaining the sexual system, &c. 35 pis., fa vrith descriptive letterpress. fol. London, 1759. Hill (.JOHN) The origin and production of proliferous Flowers, Britannise indigenas secundum methodum floralem novam digestas, &c. pp. 126 : 195 pis. 2 Vol. [in 1.] 8°. Londini, 1769 [-70]. The pagination is continuous throughout. This copy wants the title-page to Vol. n, which begins with p. 137 and pi. 93. Hill (JOHN) The construction of Timber, from its early growth ; explained by the microscope, and proved ^ from experiments, in a great variety of kinds : in five books, dec. pp. 170 [10] : 43 pis. 8°. London, 1770. Second edition, &c. pp. 62 : l^ph. fol. London, 1774. Hill (JOHN) Virtues of British Herbs, with the history, description and figures of the several kinds, &c. No. I. pp. 54 [1] : 11 pis. 8°. London, 1770. 8 fc B 8 B - Fourth edition, &c. pp. 55 [1] : 9 pis. 8°. London, 1771. No. II. pp. [2,] 59-106 [4] : i>ls. x-xx. 8°. London [1771]. Numb. ill. pp. 50 \2\ : pis. xxi-xxxi. 8°. London, 1772. Hill (.JOHN) Cautions against the use of violent medi- cines in Fevers, and instances of the virtue of Petasite Root, dec. pp. S2. 8°. London, 1771. Hill (JOHN) Fossils arranged according to their obvious characters ; with their historv and description, M &c. pp. 430 [16], 1 tab. 8°. London, 1771 [-72]. Pp. 57-120 were also re-issued separately in July 1772 (as stated in a note on p. 57) under the title :—" Spatogenesia," pis. fol. London, (1797-) 1808 (-9). Hills (R.) Etchings of Sheep from Nature. 44 pis. fol. London, (1798-) 1809. HiUs (R.) Fallow Deer. Drawn from Nature and etch'd by R. Hills. 53 pis. fol. London, (1800-) 1813. Hills (R.) Etchings of Swine. 1C pis. fol. London, (1801-) 1815. Hills (R.) Etchings of Horses. S3 pis. fol. London, (1801-) 1816 (-17). Hills (R.) Etchings of Red Deer. 55 pis. fol. London, (1802-) 1812 (-16). Hills (R.) Cattle in groups . . . drawn from Nature. 54 pis. fol. London, (1803-) 1808. Hills (R.) Etchings of Dogs. 25 pli. fol. (London, 1804-) 1816 (-17). Hills (R.) Etchings of Goats. 4 pis. fol. London, (1814-) 1817. HILFEBT (JOSEPH LEONHARD) A Dictionary of the German and English Languages . . . With a pre- face by E. Kiircher. 2 Vol. (ENG.-GERM. & OERM.-ENG.) 4°. London, 1846. HILSCHER (SlMON PAUL) [1682-1748] S. P. Hil- scheri . . . prolusio de Gramine Dactylo latiore folio ejusque semine Gernianis Schivaden vel Manna dicto, &c. pp. 8. 4°. Jence [1747]. HIMALAYA. A Summer Ramble in the Himalayas, with sporting adventures in the Vale of Cashmere. Edited by " Mountaineer" [i.e. Mr. Wilson of Mussoorie. With an introduction by J. Hume.] pp. iv, 358 : 1 pi., title illust. 8°. London, 1860. HIMLY (KARL) [1772-1837] Ueber das Zusammen- kugeln des Igels. Eine anatomische Untersuchung. pp. viii, 36: 3 pis. 4°. Braunschweig, 1801. HINGES (THOMAS) [1818-1899] A History of the British Hydroid Zoophytes, pp. [x,] Ixviii, 338 : 1 pi., text illust. Atlas, 67 pis. 8°. London, 1868. Hiucks (T.) A History of the British Marine Polyzoa. pp. [xii,\ cxli, 601 : text illust. Atlas, 83 pis. (col.) 8°. London, 1880. Hiucks (T.) Report on the Polyzoa of the Queen Charlotte Islands. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. 8°. 1884. Hincks (T.) On the Polyzoa and Hydroida of the Mergui Archipelago, £ee PALJEON- TOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 4°. 1896-» HIND (WILLIAM MARSDEN) [1815-1894] The Flora 12 of Harrow . . . new . . . edition . . . edited by W. M. 1 1 ind, &c. ,S' Hinde (G. J.) Description of Fossil Radiolaria from /^ the Rocks of central Borneo, &c. ( — Note on the Microscopic structure of some Limestones, &c. See MOLENGRAAFF (G. A. F.) Borneo-Ex peditie, &c. Appendix. 8°. 1900. Hinde (G. J.) & Holmes (W. M.) On the Sponge- remains in the Lower Tertiary strata near Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand. 8°. London, 1892. Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. Vol. xxiv, pp. 177-363: 0 pis. Hinde (G. J.) & Jones (T. R.) A supplementary Mono- graph of the Cretaceous Entomostraca of England and Ireland. See PALJSONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 4°. 1890. Hinde (G. J.) & Nicholson (H. A.) Notes on the Fossils of the Clinton, Niagara and Guelph Forma- tions of Ontario, with descriptions of new species. See NICHOLSON (H. A.) & HINDE (G. J.) 8°. [1874.] HINDMARSH (ROBERT) Precious Stones ; being n an account of the Stones mentioned in the Sacred Scriptures, pp. vi, 85 : 2 pis. (1 col.) 8°. London, 1851. HINDORF (RICHARD) Ueber den Einfluss des Chlor- z magnesiums und des Chlorcalciums auf die Keimung ^ und erste Entwickelung einiger der wichtigsten Kultur- pflanzen. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 30. 4°. Halle, 1886. HINDS (RICHARD BRINSLEY) The Regions of > Vegetation ; being an analysis of the distribution of Vegetable forms over the surface of the globe in con- nexion with climate and physical agents. See BELCHER (j&V E.) Narrative of a Voyage round the world, &c. Vol. ii. 8°. 1843. Hinds (R. B.) The Botany of the Voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur, under the command of Capt. Sir E. Belcher . . . during the years 1836-42 . . . Edited and super- intended by R. B. Hinds . . . The Botanical descriptions by G. Bentham. pp. 195: 60 pis. 4°. London, 1844. - E 7 Monograph of the genus Terebra ; See SOWERBY (G. B.) 2nd of the name. 4°. 1844. Hinds (R. B.) Brugeuire [sic], Thesaurus Conchyliorum, &c. Vol. I. Hinds (R. B.) The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur, under the command of Capt. Sir E. Belcher . . . during . . . 1836-42 . . . Edited and superintended by R. B. Hinds. 2 Vol. illust, 4°. London, 1844 [-46]. Mammalia, by J. E. Gray. [1846.] Birds, by J. Gould. [1844.] Ichthyology, by .1. Richardson, [pp. 1-70, 1844 ; pp. 71 to end, 1845.] Molhucn, by R. H. Hinds. [1844.] A preliminary title-page was issued in : 1848. The 8°. New pp. York, 1875. M HINRICHS (GUSTAVUS DETLEF) [1836-] Principles of pure Crystallography, &c. pp. 44- 8°. Davenport, Iowa, U.S., 1871. Hinrichs (G. D.) The great Iowa Meteor, jop. 11. Popular Science Monthly. 1875. HINTERBERGER (JOSEF) Die Vogel von Oester- reich ob der Enns als Beitrag zur Fauna dieses Kron- landes. pp. 113. See LINZ. — MUSEUM FRANCISCOCARO- LINUM. Bericht, &c. No. 14. 8°. 1854. HINTERHUBER (JuLIus) [1810-1880] & (R.) Pro- dromus einer Flora des Kronlandes Salzburg una dessen r? angranzenden Landertheilen, &c. See HINTERHUBER J (R.) & (J.) 8°. 1851. HINTERHUBER (RUDOLF) [1802-1892] Die Flora \_ des Schafberges bei St. Wolfgang, pp. S. See LINZ. — Bei ' MUSEUM FRANCISCO-CAROLINUM. richt, &C. No. 36. 8°. 1878. Hinterhnber (R.) 8°. 1898-» HINTZ (RICHARD) Ueber den mechanischen Bau des Blattrandes mit Beriichsichtigung einiger Anpassungs- (_ <± erscheinungen zur Verminderung der localen Verdun- stung, pp. 124: 3 pis. See ACADEMIA C^ESAEEA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. LIV, no. 2. 4°. 1889 (1890). HINTZE (CARL ADOLF FERDINAND) [1851 -] Ueber die Bedeutung krystallographischer Forschung fiir die Chemie. pp. 19. 8°. Bonn, 1884. |l/| Hintze (C. A. F.) Handbuch der Mineralogie. Lief. i-» 8°. Leipzig,'lS8Q-> HINXMAN (LIONEL W.) [For official reports in /,i connection with the Survey] See GREAT BRITAIN AND ' IRELAND. — Geological Survey.— Scotland. 848 M L HIORNS (AivrnrR H.) Metallography : an introduc- tion to the study of the structure of Metals, chiefly by the aid of the microscope. pp. ariv, 15fi : SX vis. °. Lo 8°. arv, ndon & New York, 1902. HIORTDAHL (TuoRSTKiN HALLAOKR) [1839-] See NYT MAOAZIN FOR NATI'RVIDENSKABERNE . . . Udgivet ved . . . T. Hiortdahl. Bd. xx, hft. 3-» 8°. 1874-» Hiortdahl (T. H.) Nogle Salte af Piperidinbaserne, krystallographisk- chemisk understigte. pp. 7 : 1 pi. Om Blybromid og Kviks01vbromid. pj). 10 : 1 pi. Om selensurt og svovlsurt Chinin. pp. 5 : text Must. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhand- linger, 6. [Another issue.] 8°. 1764. - Editio secunda. 8°. 1787. [Another edition.] See LiNN.*0s (C.) C. Linnsri Fundamentorum Botanicorum . . . Curante J. E. Gili- bert. Tom. n. 8°. 1786. HIORTZBERG (LAURENTIUS) Dissertatio . . . de methodo investigandi vires medicamentorum chemica . . . submittit L. Hiortzberg, &c. See LINNAEUS (C.) 4°. [1754.] HIFFEL (CARL VON) Natnr und Gemiith. Beitrage u zur Aesthetik der Pflanzenwelt pp. vii, 191. 8°. Berlin, 1867. HIPPOCRATES [B.C. 460-375] Aristotelis opera omnia . . . Authore G. Du Val . . . qui . . . adjecit anthologiam anatomicam ex scitis Hippocratis, : 1 pi. ~ 0* See HELSINOFORS.— SOCIKTAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA ^>'* FENNICA. Acta, A-c. Vol. xi, no. 6 & 10. 8°. 1895. HIRONDELLE, L', Ym-lit. Campagnes scientifiques ^ du yacht Mon6gasque 1'Hirondelle. Troisieme anne'e, *" 1887, Ac. See GUERNE (J. DE) Baron. 8°. 1888. " Hirondelle, L', Yacht. Resultats des Campagnes 2. ^ scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht [1'Hirondelle], 't par le Prince Albert L, dkc. Fasc. i-» See ALBERT I— A HONORS CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. 4°. 1889-» Hirondelle, L', Yacht. Les Campagnes scientifiques U- g de . . . le Prince Albert ler de Monaco [undertaken on -j g the Hirondelle and other yachts]. See RICHARD (J.) 8°. 1900. Hirondelle, L', Yacht. Apuntes acerca de los aparatos i de pesca empleados a bordo de la Hirondelle por ». A. S. ' el Principe de M6naco, por D. J. Bolivar. (Lista de ^ 1 0 las publicaciones hechas con los materiales y las observaciones procedentes de las campaflas del yacht 1'Hirondelle.) pp. 40: H'jils., text Must. (Sec MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPASOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, * HISTORIC SOCIETY OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE. [Founded 1848.] Proceedings and Papers. Session i-vi. 1848-54. 8°. Liverpool, 1849-54. [Continued as :] Transactions, &c. Vol. VH-XII. 1854-60. 8°. Liverpool, 1855-60. New Series. Vol. i-xin. 1860-73. 8°. Liverpool, 1861-73. [Vol. xni is reckoned as Third Series, Vol. l.] Third Series. Vol. H-VII. 1873-79. 8°. Liverpool, 1874-79. Sessions 1879-83. Vol. xxxn-xxxv. -r* 8". LiverpooL 1880-86. HITCHCOCK (JL&jThe Woody Plant^of^Mari? hattan in their winter condition, pp. 30. 8°. Manhattan, Kansas, 1893. < Hitchcock (A. S.) Flora of Kansas, &c. See MAN- HATTAN.— Kansas State Agricultural College. 8°. 1899. HITCHCOCK (CHAELES HENRY) [1836-] Elementary Geology ... A new [thirty-first] edition, &c. See HITCH- COCK (E.) 8°. 1862. Hitchcock (C. H.) Supplement to the Ichnology of New England . . . Edited by C. H. Hitchcock. (Appen- dix B. — Descriptive catalogue of the specimens in the Hitchcock Ichnological Cabinet of Amherst College.) See MASSACHUSETTS, State of. 4°. 1865. Hitchcock (C. H.) [For official publications in con- nection with the respective Surveys] See NEW HAMPSHIRE, State of. — Geological Survey. See VERMONT, State of.— Geological Survey. Hitchcock (C. H.) & Blake (W. P.) Geological Map of the United States, &c. [Scale 1 in. = 90 m.] See UNITED STATES. [Maps.] 1872. HITCHCOCK (EDWARD) [1793-1864] A catalogue of Plants growing without cultivation in the vicinity of Amherst College, pp. 64. 8°. Amherst, 1829. Hitchcock (EDWAED) Catalogues of the Animals and Plants of Massachusetts, &c. See MASSACHUSETTS, State of. 4°. 1835. Hitchcock (EDWARD) Report on the Geology, Mine- ralogy, Botany, and Zoology of Massachusetts, &c. See MASSACHUSETTS, State of.— Geological Survey. 8°. 1835. Hitchcock (EDWARD) [Elementary Geology. 8". New York, &c., 1840.] Wanting. Second edition. With an introductory notice, by J. P. Smith, pp. 346, 1 tab. : 2 pis. col., text illust. 8°. New York, &c., 1841. By E. Hitchcock ... and C. H. Hitchcock ... A new [thirty-first] edition, &c. pp. 430 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. New York, &c., 1862. Hitchcock (EDWARD) An attempt to discriminate and describe the Animals that made the Fossil Footmarks of the United States, and especially of New England. 4°. [Cambridge & Boston,] 1848. Mem. Amer. Aral. Arts & Sci. N.S., Vol. in, pp. 129-S56, 1 tab. : 3l,pls. Hitchcock (EDWARD) Notes upon the specimens of Rocks and Minerals collected [from the Red River of Louisiana]. See UNITED STATES. Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, &c. Appendix D. 8°. 1853. Hitchcock (EDWAED) Outline of the Geology of the Globe and of the United States in particular, &c. pp. 136 : 6 pis., 2 maps col. 8°. London & Boston, 1853. 107 u L. U I— B a • v> 155: 6 )>ls., 6 I>MJ>S col., text Must. Srr SMITH - a SONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Contributions to ^- Knowledge. Vol. ix, art. 3. 4°. 1857. Hitchcock (EDWARD) Ichnology of New England. A rejKirt on the Sandstone of the Connecticut Valley, d'c. Cy (Supplement to the Ichnology, ' Li O Tyfu exanthematick6m. PRAGUE.— CESKA AKADEMIE J" CISARE FRANTI8KA JOSEFA, &C. Rozpravy . . .^ Tf-ida II. Roc. n, els. 28. 8°. 1893. Hlava (J.) DalSf pHspevek ku sezn.-lni aetiologie i Tyfu skvrnit6ho. (Contribution a 1'aetiologie du Typhus exanthematique.) pp. 15 : 1 pi. See PRAGUE. /5/, —CESKA AKADEMIE cfSARE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, &C. "- Rozpravy . . . Tffda II. Roc. viii, els. 44. 8°. 1899. HLUBEK (FRANZ X AVER WILHELM VON) [1802-1880] n 1 )ie Erniihrung der Pflanzen und die Statik des Land- baues . . . Preisschrift. pp. xxxii, 476, 10 tabs. 8°. Prog, 1841. Hlubek (F. X. W. VON) Versuch einer neuen Charak- . teristik und Classification der Rebensorten, mit Q besonderer Riicksicht auf die im Herzgothume Steier- mark vorkommenden, &c. pp. 73, 1 tab. 8°. Grdtz, 1841 . K. k. Landwirthachafte-Geaellschaft in Steiermaik. HOARE (Sir RICHARD COLT) [1758-1838] A List of Geraniums in the conservatories of Sir R. C. Hoare . . . \ at Stourhead, C". Wilts, 1821 [with manuscript additions " and corrections], pp. 37. 4°. Bath, 1821. . ' HOBART. — Botanical Gardens. Tasmanian Museum and Botanical Gardens. [Reprint of correspondence relating to the Government Grant, chiefly extracted ifj from local newspapers.] See infra, TASMANIAN MUSEUM. 8°. 1895. H HOBART. — Tasmanian International Exhibition, 1X94. The Mineral Resources of Tasmania ... In f.. connection with the . . . Exhibition. See MONT- ' GOMERY (A.) 8°. 1894. HOBART. -Royal Society of Tasmania. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF TASMANIA. HOBART.— Tasmanian Museum. [c. 1848 Founded in connection with the Royal Society of Tmmunia. 1885 Placed under Government control.] [Notice of] The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. fol. Hobart, 1895.^. pi "Tasmanian Mail," Aug. 17, 1895, pp. 10-11: \U\ut. Hobart.— Tasmanian Museum. Tasmanian Museum and Botanical Gardens. [Reprint L, of correspondence relating to the Government Grant, ^ . chiefly extracted from local newspapers.] 8°. (Hobart,) 1895. HOBBS (CHARLES E.) C. E. Hobbs' Botanical Hand- book of common local, English, botanical and pharma- /) copceial names ... of ... crude vegetable Drugs . . . ' their properties . . . uses, &c. pp. iv, 271. 8°. Boston, 1876. HOBKIRK (CHARLES CODRINGTON PRESSICK) [1837- -77. l 1902] [Huddersfield : its history and natural history. &c. 8°. Huddersfield, 1859.] H Wanting. Second edition, pp. xi, 256 : 5 pis., text Must. 8* Uuddersjield & London, 1868. ' Hobkirk (C. C. P.) See NATURALIST, THE, Journal of the West-Riding Consolidated Naturalists' Society, ttc. Vol. I-HI [Edited (Botany) by C. P. Hobkirk].- New Series. Edited by C. P. Hobkirk, containing descriptions of all the genera and species, (with localities of the rarer ones) found in Great Britain and Ireland, &c. pp. mi, 196. 4°. London, 1873. •ff - Second edition, &c. pp. viii, [iv,] 240. 8°. London, 1884. Hobkirk (C. C. P.) & Boswell (H.) The London Cata- logue of British Mosses. Compiled for the Botanical Record Club by C. P. Hobkirk and H. Boswell, 1877, . ii, 56, iv : 24 ph. col. 8°. & 4°. Esslingen, 1844. Hochstetter (CHRISTIAN F.) Flora Azorica, quam n ex collectionibus schedisque Hochstetteri patris et filii elaboravit . . . M. Seubert, &c. See SEUBERT (M.) 4°. 1844. Hochstetter (CHRISTIAN F.) & Steudel (E. G.) 6Kimmeratio Plantarum Germanic^ Helvetiasque indi- genarum, &c. See STEUDEL (E. G.) & HOCHSTETTER (C. F.) 8°. 1826. HOCHSTETTER (FERDINAND CHRISTIAN VON) Baron [1829-1884] Lecture on the Geology of the province of Nelson, pp. 13. fol. Auckland, 1859. New Zealand Government Gazette. 1859. Hochstetter (F. C. VON) Baron. Lecture on the Geology of the province of Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 14- fol. Auckland, 1859. New Zealand Government Gazette. 1859. Hochstetter (F. C. VON) Baron. [Neu-Seeland, &c. 8°. Stuttgart, 1863.] Wanting. New Zealand ; its physical geography, geology and . natural history, with special reference to the results of government expeditions in the provinces of Auck- "7 "7 < land and Nelson . . . Translated from the German ... A, by E. Sauter . . . with additions up to 1866 by the Author, pp. xvi, 515 : 17 pis., 2 maps, text illust. 4°. Stuttgart, 1867. Hochstetter (F. C. VON) Baron. Geologic ( — Palaon- tologie) von Neu-Seeland. — Geologische Beobach- tungen wahrend der Reise der . . . Novara . . . 1857-59. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Reise der . . . Fregatte Novara . . . 1857-59, &c. Geologischer Theil. Bd. I & n, abth. 1. 4°. 1864-66. Hochstetter (F. C. VON) Baron. Die Erde nach ihrer , Zusammensetzung, ihrem Bau und ihrer Bildung, pp. viii, 195 : 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. Pray, 1875. Hochstetter (F. C. VON) Baron. Das K. K. Hof- /__ Mineraliencabinet in Wien, die Geschichte seiner Sammlungen und die Plane fur die Neuaufstellung derselben in dem K. K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseum. Von . . . F. v. Hochstetter. 4°. Wien, 1884. Jahrb. k. k. Geol. Reichsaustalt. Jahrg. xxxiv, pp. 263-298 : 1 plan. Hochstetter (F. C. VON) Baron & Petermaim (A. H.) Geological and Topographical Atlas of New Zealand . . . Six maps of the provinces of Auckland and Nelson. C5 Col. 4°. Auckland, 1864. Hochstetter (F. C. VON) Baron & Petermaim (A. H.) The Geology of New Zealand : in explanation of the _ Geographical . . . Atlas of New Zealand . . . From (5- the scientific publications of the Novara Expedition. Translated by C. F. Fischer. Also, Lectures by F. Hochstetter, &c. pp. 113. 8°. Auckland, 1864. Hochstetter (F. C. VON) Baron & others. Allgemeine Erdkunde. Astronomische und physische Geographic, Geologie und Biologic bearbeitet von . . . J. Hann, . . . F. von Hochstetter, und ... A. Pokorny. See KIRCH- HOFF (K. R. A.) TJnser Wissen von der Erde, &c. Bd. I. 8°. 1886. HOCHSTETTER (WILHELM) [1825-1881] Weg- weiser durch den Botanischen Garten der Kiin. Univer- Q sitiit Tubingen, pp. 111:1 plan col. 8°. Tubingen, 1860. Hochstetter (W.) Populiire Botanik . . . Vierte Auflage neu bearbeitet von W. Hochstetter, &c. 3 Bd. 7> See HOCHSTETTER (C. F.) 8°. 1875-77. Hochstetter (W.) & Henkel (J. B.) Synopsis der p Nadelholzer, &c. See HENKEL (J. B.) . IS. 12°. Plymouth, 1859. HODGE (JAMES T.) [For official publications in con- nection with the Survey] See OHIO, State of.— Geo- logical Survey. I HODGSON (BRYAN HOUGHTON) [1800-1894] Cata- logue of the specimens and drawings of Mammalia and Birds of Nepal and Thibet, presented by B. H. Hodgson ... to the ... Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 4°. 1846. i. Second edition. 12°. 1863. o H M fc B • Hodgson (B. H.) On various genera of the Ruminants. pp. 87: 1 pi. 8°. (Calcutta,) 1847. f^ Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal. Vol. XVI. Hodgson (B. H.) [For the large series of water-colour •) drawings of Vertebrata of Nepaul collected and pre- - sented by B. H. Hodgson] See NEPAUL. HODGSON (CHRISTOPHER PEMBERTON) [1821-1865] A residence at Nagasaki and Hakodate in 1859-1860. With an account of Japan generally, &c. pp. xxxii, 350 : 1 pi. col., text Must. 8°. London, 1861. Contains a "Catalogue of Japan plants, systematically arranged, com- municated by Sir W. Hooker. HODGSON (WILLIAM) [1824-1901] Flora of Cum- berland, containing a full list of the Flowering Plants and Ferns . . . With an introductory chapter on the Soils of Cumberland, by J. G. Goodchild. pp. xxxvi, • 398 : 2 maps. 8°. Carlisle, 1898. HODGSON (\VILLIAM B.) Memoir on the Mega- therium, and other extinct gigantic quadrupeds of the coast of Georgia, with observations on its geologic features, pp. 47 : 3 pis. 8°. New York, 1846. Contains :— 1. Memorandum, by ... J. Habersham ... of the most important Fossil Bones and Shells . . . which were discovered in ... 1842, on the Island of Hkiddaway, ,(-c. 2. Observations on the geology of a part of the sea-coast ... of Georgia ; with a description of the Fossil remains . . . found in the Brunswick Canal and at Skiddaway Island, by J. II. Couper. HODSON (GEORGE) Letter upon Granites . . . Ex- tracted from " The Builder "... 1870. See REDGRAVE (G.R.) A short account of Mount Sorrel, &c. 8°. [1870.] HODSON (RICHARD EDMOND) The formation and management of Plantations on different Sites, Alti- tudes, and Exposures. See EDINBURGH. — International Forestry/ Exhibition, 1884- Forestry and Forest Pro- ducts, &c. Essay iv. 8°. 1885. HOECK (FERNANDO) Beitrage zur Morphologic, Gruppirung und geographischen Verbreitung der Vale- rianaceen . . . Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 63: 1 pi. 8°. Leipzig, 1882. Hoeck (F.) Die nutzbaren Pflanzen und Tiere Amerikas und der alten Welt verglichen in Beziehung auf ihren Kultureinfluss. pp. 57. 8°. Leijniij, 1884. families of (K. Hoeck (F.) LF«r descriptions of ma Plants] IS* 57 PP- [iv,] 44 : 3 maps, text illust. See PETERMANNS MITTHEILUNGEN, dec. Erganzungsband, &c. No. 99. 4°. 1890. Hoehnel (L. VON) Zum Rudolph-See und Stephanie- i- See. Die Forschungsreise des Grafen S. Teleki in .,75 Ost-Aequatorial-Afrika, 1887-88. pp. xviii, 877 : 1 pi., S maps, text ill-list. 8°. Wien, 1892. Contains : — Aufzahlnng der wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisae der Expedition. Reptilien nnd Amphibien, von F. Steindachner. Kafer, von L. Ganglbauer. Schmetterlinge, von A. F. Rogenhofer, Himenopteren, von F. Brauer. Orthopteren, von Brunner v. Wattenwyl. Araneen, von E. Simon. Myriopoden, von F. Karsch. Phanerogamen, von G. Sehweinfurth. Moose, von C. Muller. Lebernioose, von Herrn Stephani. Flechten, von J. Miiller. HOEE (PluLus PERONIUS CATO) Report on the L Py cnogonida dredged by H.M.S. Challenger, dec. pj).167: "Z- 21 pis. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. [Voyages, dec. — Challenger Expedition] Report, dec. Zoology. (Pt. X.) Vol. m. 4°. 1881. Hoek (P. P. C.) The Pycnogonids dredged during the ~7 cruises of the " Willem Barents," &c. — Die Crustaceen gesaminelt wahrend der Fahrten des " Willem Barents " in ... 1878-79. See NIEDERLAENDISCHES ARCHIV FUER ZOOLOGIE. Supplement Band. 8°. 188], 82. /* Hoek (P. P. C.) Report on the Pycnogonida. See TIZARD G*- (T. H.) & MURRAY (Sir J.) K.C.B. Exploration of the j Faroe Channel during . . . 1880, dec. 8°. 1882. Hoek (P. P. C.) Report on the Cirripedia collected L- by H.M.S. Challenger, dec. 2 Vol. illust. (col.) See GREAT ~ BRITAIN AND IRELAND. [Voyages, dec. — Challenger *" Expedition.] Report, (fee. Zoology. (Pt.xxv.) Vol. vin; (Pt. XXVIII.) Vol. x. 4°. 1883-84. Hoek (P. P. C.) Oyster Culture, dkc. See LONDON.— 2 Great International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 8°. 1884. -j, Hoek (P. P. C.) Schaaldieren van de Oosterschelde.— *- Crustacea de 1'Escaut de 1'Est. pp. 31. 8°. [Leyden,] 1884. Tijdschr. Ned« Dierk. Vereen. Rotterdam. Supplementdeel i, an. n. Dutch and French on opposite pages. . Hoek (P. P. C.) On Dichelasjns pellucida, Darwin, from the scales of an Hydrophid obtained at Mergui. See ANDERSON (J.) F.B.S. [On the Zoological Collec- tions made in the Mergui Archipelago, &c] Vol. I. 8°. 1887. . Hoek (P. P. C.) Algemeene aardrijkskundige Biblio- - graphie van Nederland. Deel n. See LEYDEN. — NEDERLANDSCH AARDRIJKSKUNDIG GENOOTSCHAP. 8°. 1888. Hoek (P. P. C.) Description of Sylon challengeri, n. sp., i- a Parasitic Cirriped. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE- LAND. [Voyages, 1 : text Must. 8". Pom, 188G. Hoernes (R.) Grundzuge der Geognosie und Geologic von G. Leonhard. Vierte . . . Auflage . . . besorgt durch R. Hoernes. See LEONHARD (G. VON). 8°. 1885-89. Hoernes (R.) Das Erdbeben von Laibach und seine Ursachen, &c. pp. 61. 8°. Graz, 1895. Hoernes (R.) Zum vn. internationalen Geologencon- gress in Petersburg. Bemerkungen zu einem von . . . E. Tietze . . . gehaltenen Vortrage. pp. S3. 8°. Graz, 1898. On» Hoernes (R.) L VP- Erdbeben und Stosslinien Steiermarks. VIENNA. — KAISERLICHE-AKADEMIE DEE WIS8EN8CHAFTEN. Mittheilungen der Erdbeben- Com- mission, . [vi,] 81. J. van der Hoeven, Disputatio de Causarum finalium doutrina ejusque in Zoologia usu. -7 8". Utrecht, 1822-24. *" VerhandelinK over du Eimloorzaken . . . uitgi'gevt'n door het Pro- vinciaul Utrechtsche tienooUcha)). 1824. Hoeveu (J. VAN DEH) 2 Deel. Wiuiting. [Handbook der Dierkunde, &c. 8°. Rotterdam, 1828, 33.] Handbook of Zoology . . . Translated from the second Dutch edition [with additions] by ... W. Clark. 2 Vol. ~? Must. 8°. Cambridge, 1856-58. Hoeven (J. VAN DER) Handbuch der Zoologie . . . Nach der zweiten Hollandischen Ausgabe. 2 Bd. Must. —} 8°. Leipzig, 1850-56. Nachtriige und Berichtigungen zu dem ersten Bande . . . Eine systematise!! geordnete Uebersicht ^ der hauptsachlichsten neueren Leistungen iiber die £* Zoologie der wirbellosen Thiere von . . . R. Leuckart. pp. vi, 148. 8°. Leipzig, 1856. Hoeven (J. VAN DER) Icones ad illustrandas coloris mutationes in Chamseleonte. pp. [iv,] 14 •' 5 pis. col. 4°. Lugduni Jiatavorum, 1831. Hoeven (J. VAN DER) See TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR NATUITR- , LUKE GESCHIEDENIS EN PHYSIOLOUIE. Uitgegeven t door J. van der Hoeven, &c. Deel i-xn.f 8°. 1834-46. 1 £ Hoeven (J. VAN DER) Recherches sur 1'histoire natu- - relle et 1'anatomie des Limules. pp. viii, 48 : 7 pis. fe fol. Leyde, 1838. Z Hoeven (J. VAN DER) Fragmens zoologiques sur les . Batraciens, &c. pp. 12 : 2 pis. See NANCY.— SOCIETE^ U- DES SCIENCES. Memoires, . [iv,] 52. 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1843. Hoeven (J. VAN DER) Bijdragen tot de kennis van de Lemuridae of Prosimii. pp. 48 : 3 pis. 8°. [Leyden, 1844.] Tijdachr. Natnurl. Ges«hied. & Physiol. Leiden. Deel xi. Hoeven (J. VAN DER) De vera Anatomes Comparatae indole, . 29 : u" r> pis. See AMSTERDAM. — KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN ^ WETENSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen,(tc. Deel in. 4°. 1856. Hoeven (J. VAN DER) Over het geslacht Icticyon van Lund (Cynalkux, Gray), 8°. #o/[1896-»]. HOFACKER (JOHANN DANIEL) [1788-1828] Ueber die Eigenschaften welche sich bei Menschen und *^_ Thieren von den Eltern auf die Nachkommen vererben, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Pferdezucht . . . mit Beitragen von . . . F. Notter. pp. x, 158. 8°. Tubingen, 1828. E HOFBERG (HERMANN) [1823-] Sodermanlands Phanerogamer och Filices. pp. 37. 12°. Stockholm, 1852. , HOFER (BRUNO) [1861-] Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Speicheldriisen und des dazu gehorenden Nervenapparats von Blatta. pp. 51 : 3 pis. See ACA- DEMIA CjiSAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, 8°. 1887-> Hoflf (J. H. VAN'T) Lectures on Theoretical and Physical Chemistry . . . Translated by ... R. A. Lehf eldt. / ., 3 Pt. 8°. London [1899-1900]. Pt. 1. Chemical Dynamics, pp. 254 : text illust. ,, 2. Chemical Statics, pp. 166 : text Muat. pp. Pro [1899.] . [1900.] 3. Relations between Properties and Composition, pp. 2W. (1900.J HOFF (KAEL ERNST ADOLF VON) [1771-1837] See MAGAZIN FUEE DIE GESAMMTE MINEEALOGIE, GEOGNOSIE UND MINEEALOGISCHE ERDBESCHREIBUNG . . . herausgegeben von K. E. A. von Hoff. Bd. I. 8°. 1801. Hoflf (K. E. A. VON) Geschichte der durch Ueber- L~ TO lieferung nachgewiesenen natiirlichen Veranderungen der Erdoberflache. 2 Thl. 8°. Gotha, 1822-24. HOFFBERG (GAEL FREDRIK) [1729-1790] Cervus D tarandus . . . propositus a C. F. Hoffberg . . . 1754, &c. See LINN^US (C.) C. Linnsei . . . Amcenitates Aca- L- demicee, 0- 1813] Bergmannisches Journal. Jahrg. v&vi. [Con- M tinufd sammelt wahrend der Fahrten des " Willem Barents " L— in ... 1878-79. See NIEDERLAENDISCHES AKCHIV FUER ZOOLOGIE. Supplement Band. 8°. 1882. Hoffmann (CHRISTIAN K.) Ueber die Entwickelungs- Z. geschichte der Chorda dorsalis. See BRUNN (A. VON) Beitrage zur Anatomie und Embryologie, als Festgabe J. Henle, Ac. 4°. 1882. Hoffmann (CHRISTIAN K.) Die Bildungdes Mesoderms, (, die Anlage der Chorda dorsalis, und die Entwickelung )4~ des CanaTis neurentericus bei Vogelembryonen. pp. 107: J 5 pit. See AMSTERDAM. — KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen, &c. Deel xxm. 4°. 1883. Hoffmann (CHRISTIAN K.) Over de ontwikkelings- geschiedenis van het gehoororgan en de morphologische beteckenis van het gehoorbeentje bij de Reptilien. y pp. 30 : 3 pis. See AMSTERDAM.— KONINKLIJKE AKA- DEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen, &c. Deel xxvm. 4°. 1890. Hoffmann (CHRISTIAN K.) Bijdrage tot de kennis der ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van het aderlijke bloed- vatenstelsel bij de Reptilien. pp. 19: 2 pis. See AMSTER- DAM.— KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen, />. 26: 4 pis. See AMSTERDAM.— KONINKLIJKE AKA- DEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen . . . Tweedie Sectie. Deel in, no. 4. 8°. 1893. Hoffmann (CHRISTIAN K.) «fe Weyenbergh (H.) Die Osteologie und Myologie von Sciurus vulgaris, L., ver- ^. glichen mit der Anatomie der Lemuriden und des Chiromys, und iiber die Stellung des letzteren im C A.JJ natiirlichen Systeme, &c. pp. 136: bplt. See HAARLEM. — HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN. 7b Natuurkundige Verhandelingen, &c. Verzam. Ill, deel I. 4°. 1870. HOFFMANN (FERDINAND) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Flora von Central-Ost-Afrika. Inaugural-Disser- fa tation, /\ durch Italien und Sicilien, in ... 1830 bis 1832, von F. Hoffmann. I. Abtheilung. (n. Abtheilung. TJeber- sicht der geognostischen Verhiiltnisse von Sicilien. Nach den Beobachtungen von F. Hoffmann. Zusammen- gestellt von H. von Dechen.) pp. 726: lpl-> 1 niap geol. col. See ARCHIV FUER MINERALOGIE,GEOGNOSIE, BERGBAU UND HUETTENKUNDE, &c. Bd. xm. 8". 1839. A* The map illustrating: the second part of this memoir is identical with ' I the following, save that the whole of the title after the word " Sicilien " has been erased. Hoffmann (FRIEDHICH) Ph.D. Geognostische Karte von Sicilien aus den hinterlassenen Materialien v. . . . F. Hoffmann . . . Maasstab 1 : 500,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 8 m. nearly]. See SICILY. [Maps.] col. 1839. Gr 6 e> fl B 6 Untersuchungen iiber Spalt- pilze im menschlichen Blute. Ein Beitrag zur allge- HOFFMANN (G. VON) pilze im menschlichen B meinen Pathologic, &c. pp. 82 : 2 pis. 8°. Berlin, 1884. HOFFMANN (GEORG FRANZ) [1761-1826] Enurne- ratio Lichenum iconibus et descriptionibus illustrata. pp. 102 : 22 pis. 4°. Erlangce, 1784. Hoffmann (GEORG F.) Dissertatio medica sistens observationes botanicas, quas . . . defendet G. F. Hoff- mann . . . respondente G. M. Richter, &c. pp. 19. 4°. Erlanga> [1787]. Hoffmann (GEORG F.) Commentatio de vario Lichenum usu. See LYONS. — ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, &c. Me- moires . . . sur 1'utilite des Lichens, &c. 8°. 1787. Hoffmann (GEORG F.) D. G. F. Hoffmann Vege- tabilia Cryptogama. 2 Pt. illust. 4°. [Erlangen^ 1787-90. Hoffmann (GEORG F.) Historia Salicum iconibus illustrata. 2 Vol. [ml]illust. col. fol. Lipsice, 1787-91. Hoffmann (GEORG F.) Nomenclator Fungorum. Pars i. Agarici . . . Verzeichniss der Schwamine . . . Blatterschwiimme, &c. (Continuatio prima, indice locu- pletata.) pp. 256 (85) : 6 pis. 8". Berlin, 1789-90. Hoffmann (GEORG F.) Descriptio et adumbratio Plantarum e classe Cryptogamica Linnjfii quae Lichenes dicuntur. 3 Vol. illust. col. fol. Lipsice, 1790-1801. Hoffmann (GEORG F.) Deutschlands Flora, oder bota- nisches Taschenbuch fiir ... 1791. pp. [32,] 360: 8°. Erlangen [l 12 pis. ingen [1791]. Erster [Another edition] fur . . . 1800(1804) . Theil . . . Neue . . . Autiage. 2 ThI. Must. 8°. Erlangen [1800, 04], Zweyter Theil : fiir . pp. [CO,] 200 [48] : 14 pis. col. 1795. Cryptogamie. 8°. Erlangen [1795]. Abermahlige Revision der Gattung Usnea in des Herrn. Professor's Hoffmann Flora Deutschlands zweiten Theile, &c. See SCHRADER (H. A.) 8°. 1799. Hoffmann (GEORG F.) Hortus Gottingensis, quern proponit simulque orationem inchoandte professioni sacram incidit G. F. Hoffmann, pp. [iv,] 14 •' 1 plan col. fol. Gottingce, 1793. Hoffmann (GEORG F.) Compendium Flora Britan- nica; ... in usum Florae Germanica; editum a G. F. Hoffmann. See SMITH (Sir J. E.) 8°. 1801. Hoffmann (GEORG_JL)— See PHYTOGH>«t!8CHE BjJlT- TER. Verfa^sfr-v'on einer Geselhjolitfit Gelehrtwr und , herausgsge^en von . . . Gr.Bf'fLoSma.iin.^f^Cx, 124 •' Zcol. Jahrg. i.t ^ 8°. 1805. Hoffmann (GEORG F.) Vegetabilia in Hercynise sub- terraneis collecta iconibus descriptionibus et observa- tionibus illustrata. pp. [viii,] 34 •' 18 pis. col. fol. Norimbergce, 1811. Hoffmann (GEORG F.) Syllabus Plantarum Umbelli- ferarum denuodisponendarum,exhibens enumerationem omnium specierum hucusque in pharmacopoliis recep- tarum, &c. pp.20: 5 pis. 8°. Mosquce, 1814. Hoffmann (GEORG F.) G. F. Hoffmann . . . Genera Plantarum Umbelliferarum eorumque characteres natu- r rales, &c. Vol. I. pp. xxix, 18% : 3 pis. 12°. Mosquce, 1814. Wlllllilife liliu 0 pluUii. Vol. ii. (Tordylium— Cuminum— Coriandrum.) pp. 76.t 8°. [Mosquce, 1815 ?] Without title : wrapper reads : — " Umbelliferte. Vol. 11." Editio nova, &c. Vol. I, pt. B 5 1 & 2.t pp. xxxiv, 8°. Mosquce, 1816. Includes the "Vol. n " above recorded. Pp. i-xxxiv and 1-158 are a re-issue of those in the first edition. '1 he work is preceded by a prospectusin French, and a reply to a criticism on the first edition. Hoffmann (GEORG F.) De fatis et progressibus Rei Herbarise imprimis in Imperio Rutheno. Oratio, &c. pp. 32. 4°. Mosquae, 1823. HOFFMANN (GEORGE CHRISTIAN) Catalogue of Section One of the Museum of the Geological Survey, (Jl embracing the systematic collection of Minerals, &e. « See CANADA..— Geological Survey. 8°. 1893. Hoffmann (GEORGE C.) [For official reports on chemical work done in connection with the Survey] See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Reports, &c. HOFFMANN (HEINRICH CARL HERMANN) [1819- 1891] Schilderung der Deutschen Pflanzenfamilien vom C botanisch-descriptiven und physiologisch-chemischen L Standpunkte. pp. xx, 280: 12 pis. 8°. Giessen, 1846. Interleaved, with manuscript notes by W. Ehrhard. Hoffmann (H. C. H.) Nomenclator zu F. L. Walther's Flora von Giessen, 1802. pp. 36. 8°. [Giessen,] 1849. $ Bericht. Oberhess. Gesells. Natur- d. Heilkunde. Giessen. Bd. n. Untersuchungen iiber den 8°. Gfcssew, 1851. Hoffmann (H. C. H.) Pflanzenschlaf. pp. 29. Hoffmann (H. C. H.) Pflanzenverbreitung und Pflan- zenwanderung ; eine botanisch-geographische Unter- js suchung. pp. 144 [4]. a° n"*—*** i»w« Hoffmann (H. C. H.) pp. [iv,] 251 : text illust. 8°. DM Lehrbuch der Botanik, &c. 8°. Darmstadt, 1857. O Hoffmann (H. C. H.) Witterung und Wachsthum, oder Grundziige der Pflanzenklimatologie. pp. [iv,] 583, O 1 tab. 8°. Leipzig, 1857. Hoffmann (H. C. H.) synonymis. pp. 100. Index Mycologicus . . . cum 4°. [Berlin, I860.] Beilage z. Hot. Zeit. 1860. Interleaved, with manuscript notes by C. E. Broome. - [Another edition entitled :] Index Fungorum, sistens icones et specimina sicca nuperis temporibus edita ; adjectis synonymis . . . Indicis Mycolpgici editio aucta. pp. vi, 153. 8°. Lipsia, 1863. Hoffmann (H. C. H.) Icones analytic® Fungorum. Abbildungen und Beschreibungen von Pilzen, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Anatomie und Entwickelungs- geschichte. pp.[iv,]10o: 24 pis. (col.) fol. Giessen, 1861. 108 ;'. 858 A Hoffmann (H. C. H.) Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung des Wcrthes von Species und Varietat. Ein Beitrag zur Kritik der Darwin schen Hypothese. pji. 171 : 1 pi. 8°. G Lessen, 1869. Hoffmann (H. C. H.) Mykologische Berichte. Ueber- ui sicht der neuesten Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete der Pilz- ' kunde. 3 No. 8°. Giessen, 1870-72. Hoffmann (H. C. H.) Zur Speciesfrage, ttc. pp. 71 : 5 pit. See HAARLEM.— UOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPI.I . DER WETENSCHAPPEN. Natuurkundige Verhande- lingen, ttc. Verzam. Ill, deel II, no. 5. 4°. 1875. Hoffmann (H. C. H.) Phiinologische Untersuch- ungen, sertationem medicam botanicam de Gratiola, praeside [> P. I. Hartmanno . . . defendet auctor J. F. Hoffmann, . r 8°. 1869. Hoffmann (R.) & others. Handworterbuch der , Chemie und Physik. Von . . . R. Hoffmann, ttc. |V\ See AUGUST (E. F.) Gefasspflanzen. pp. 180. 8°. Freising, 1876. Hofmann (J.) Flora des Isar-Gebietes von Wolfrats- hausen bis Deggendorf enthaltend eine Aufzahlung und Beschreibung der in diesem Gebiete vorkommenden wildwachsenden und allgemein kultivierten Gefass- pflanzen, &c. pp. Ixiv, 377. 8°. Landshut, 1883. HOFMANN (KARL) [1839-1891] A Buda-Kovacsi hegyseg foldtani viszonyai. pp. 199-273. — Die geo- logischen Verhaltnisse des Ofven-Kovacsier Gebirges. pp. 89. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.— Magyar Kirdlyi Foldtani Int&et. Evkonyve (Mittheilungen aus dem A. Jahrbuche), &c. Kot. 1. 8°. 1871 (1872). Hofmann (K.) Adalek a Buda-Kovacsii hegyseg masodkori es regibb harmadkori kepzodesei puhany- faunajanak ismeretehez. pp. 23 : 6 pis. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fauna des Hauptdolomites und der alteren Tertiar-Gebilde des Ofen-Kovacsier Gebirges. pp. 26: 6 pis. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Magyar Kirdlyi Foldtani Int&et. Evkonyve (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche), dec. Kot. n, fiiz. 3. 8°. 1873. Hofmann (K.) A deli Bakony Bazalt-kozetei. pp. 341- 525 : 3 pis., 1 map geol. col. — Die Basaltgesteine des Siidlichen Bakony. pp. 241 [4] : 3 pis., 1 map geol. col. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.— Magyar Kirdlyi Foldtani Intezet. Evkonyve (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche), &c. Kot. in, fiiz. 3 (4). 8°. 1875-78 (1879). Wanting the first 2 pp. of the Hungarian edition. HOFMANN (OTTMAR) Die Raupen der Gross- Schmetterlinge Europas. [Completed by O, Hofmann.] ^ See HOFMANN (E.) of Stuttgart. 4°. 1893. . sc.o e e HOFMANNUS (CASPARUS) [1572-1648] Dei l.ibri di Teofrasto Eresio intorno alle Piante commcntati da G. Hofman notizie di G. Montesanto. See MONTE- SANTO (G.) fol. 1822. HOFMEISTER (WILHELM FRIEDRICH BENEDICT) [1824-1877] Die Entstehung des Embryo der Phanero- gamen, Ser. C. Afhandlingar, dec. No. 70 & 140. 4°. 1885, 94. For Pt. 11, Stt VOOT (J. U. L.) 1887 ; for Pt. in, See JONSSON (J.) 1889, & HKNXINII (B.) 18S9. Hogbom (A. G.) Om forkastningsbreccior vid den Jemtliindska silurformationens ostra griins. pp. 10: / 1 pi., text Must. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska C Undersokning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, dec. No. 87. 8°. 1887. Hogbom (A. G.) Om Kvartsit-sparagmitomradetmellan No. 104. 8°. 1889. Hogbom (A. G.) Kvartsit-sparagmitomradet i Sveriges sydligafjelltrakter. pp. 20 : text Must. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning. Ser. C. Afhand- lingar, &c. No. 116. 8°. 1891. Hogbom (A. G.) Studier ofver de glaciala aflagringarna i Upland, pp. $4: 1 pi. See SWEDEN.— Sveriget Geologiska Dndersokning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, &c. No. 124. 8°. 1892. Hogbom (A. G.) A. G. Hogbom. Om Marken efter Isaiiinda Sjoar i Jemtlands Fjelltrakter . . . Om inter- glaciala Aflagringar i Jemtland. pp. 22, 17: 2 pis. ^~ See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Under sokmng. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, &c. No. 128. 8°. 1893. Hogbom (A. G.) Om postarkaiska eruptiver inom det Svensk-Finska urberget. — Om de S. K. Urgraniterna i Upland. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Under- * siikning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, &c. No. 132. pp.9-~4: 1 pi., text Must. 8°. 1893. Hogbom (A. G.) Ueber das Nephelinsyenitgebiet auf der Insel Alnii. pp. 102: 2 pis. col., text Must. ,. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, dec. No. 148. 8°. 1895. Hogbom (A. G.) Om hogsta marina gransen i Norra Sverige. pp. 25: 1 pi. See SWEDEN. —'Sveriges Geo- _, logiska Undersokning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, &c,^~ No. 165. 8°. 1896. Hogbom (A. G.) Nagra anmarkningar om de Isdiinida Sjiiarne i Jemtland. pp. 18. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges £L* Geologiska Undersiiknvng. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, dec. *• No. 169. 8°. 1897. HOGG See HORN (W. A.) Scientific Expedition, £c. (H. R.) [Araneidse of Central Australia.] I N (W. A.) Report on the work of the Horn t- Pt. n. 4°. 1896. HOGG (JABEZ) [1817-18991 [The Microscope: its history, construction, and application. 8°. London, 1854.] I Eleventh edition. Must. pp. xxt 764: 8 pis. col., text 8°. London, 1886. 861 Hogg (JABEZ) Phases in the developmental history of infusorial, animal life. pp. SO. 8°. London, 1866. Intellectual Observer. Vol. x. HOGG (JOHN) [1800-1869] On the natural history of I the vicinity of Stockton-on-Tees. . . . From the His- •" tory of Stockton by the Rev. J. Brewster. pp. 94 : 1 map geol. col. 4°. Stockton, 1827. Hogg (JOHN) On the classification of the Amphibia. pp. 21. 8°. [London,} 1839. Mag. Nat. Hist. N.S., Vol. III. Hogg (JOHN) A Catalogue of Birds observed in south- eastern Durham, and in north-western Cleveland, &c. pp. 50. 8°. London, 1845. Zoologist. Vol. in. HOGG (ROBERT) [1818-1897] The Florjst [1852-61. Continued as :] The Florist and Pomologist . . . con- ducted by R. Hogg [1862-70]. See FLORIST AND POMOLOGIST, THE. 8°. 1852-70. Hogg (R.) The Dahlia : its history and cultivation, 6 with descriptions of all the best show Flowers, &c. pp. viii, 40: 9 pis. col. 8". London, 1853. Hogg (R.) The Cottage Gardener (and Country » Gentleman's Companion). Vol. xiv-xxv. [Continued Q as :] The Journal of Horticulture . . . Conducted by R. Hogg. Vol. XXVI-LXIII, and Ser. Ill, vol. i-xiv. See JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE. 4°. 1855-87. - .. Hogg (R.) The Vegetable Kingdom and its products ; serving as an introduction to the natural system of Botany, &c. pp. vi, 882. 8°. London, 1858. Hogg (R.) [The Fruit Manual : a guide to the Fruits and Fruit Trees of Great Britain. 8°. London, I860.] Wanting. Fifth edition, pp. xxxix, 759. 8°. London, 1884. Hogg (R.) A selection of the Eatable Funguses of Great Britain. Edited by R. Hogg, &c. See PLUES (M.) ,4°. [1866.] Hogg (R.) The Herefordshire Pomona . . . Technical Editor : R. Hogg, &c. See WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. fol. 1876-85. Hogg (R.) & Johnson (G. W.) The Wild Flowers of Great Britain. Botanically and popularly described, with copious notices of their history and uses, &c. 11 Vol. 4°. London, 1863-80. The systematic indexes are bound together at the end of Vol. xl. . HOGG (THOMAS) A Manual of Mineralogy ; in which is shown how much Cornwall contributes to the illus- tration of the science, pp. xviii, 245 : 1 pi. 8°. Truro, 1826. _ HOGLUND (OTTO M.) & Cleve (P. T.) Om Yttrium- och Erbium- Foreningar, rum in Horto Upsaliensi 1753, quas . . . offert J. C. Hojer, Vlj Se f. 1835. HOKKAIDO.— Hokkaidocho [Hokkaido Survey}. Rigakushi Jimbo Kokora shi cho, Hokkaido Ganseki -^ So ron, &c. — General geological sketch of Hokkaido, &c. G~ See JIMBO (K.) 8°. 1892. HOLANDBE (JEAN JOSEPH JACQUES) [1773-] Flore de la Moselle, ou Manuel d'Herborisation, precede d'un O apergu geologique sur le departement, et d'Elemens abreges de Botanique. 2 Tom. [in 1.] 12°. Metz, 1829. - — [Another edition entitled :] Nouvelle Flore de la Moselle . . . 2e. edition, &c: 2 Tom. [in 1.] 12°. Metz & Paris, 1842. HOLBOLL (CARL PETER) [1795-1856] Ornitho- ,— . logischer Beitrag zur Fauna Gronlands . . . Uebersetzt und mit einem Anhang versehen von J. H. Paulsen. pp. x, 102 : 1 pi. col. 8°. Leipzig, 1846. HOLBROOK (JOHN EDWARDS) [1796-1871] North American Herpetology ; or a description of the Reptiles -y inhabiting the United States. 5 Vol. Must. col. 4°. Philadelphia, &c., 1842. oIbrookj^L-E.) Ichthyobgy* of South Carolina, &c. ' f N^fiTpp. vii, SOSffJ^fu. coL~~- 4°. Charleston, S.C., 1860. ' 862 HOLDEFLEISS (F.) Schiidigungder Fischbestande ilnrch inficirte Gewasser. See BSBJJX.—Iltientatitmate ' Fischerei-A ustellwig, 1880. Amtliche Berichte. No. v. 8°. 1881. HOLDEN (EDWARD SINGLETON) [1846-] List of fa recorded Earthquakes in California, Lower California, Oregon, and Washington Territory, pp. 78. 8°. Sacramento, 1887. Holden (E. S.) A catalogue of Earthquakes on the I Pacific Coast, 1769-1897. pp. 253 : 2 pis., S maps, text illitst. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. No. 1087, vol. xxxvn. 8°. 1898. Z HOLDER (CHARLES FREDERICK) [1851-1 Marvels of Animal life. pp. x, 240 : 31 pis. 8°. London, 1885. Holder (C. F.) The Ivory King. A popular history of the Elephant and its allies, pp. xiv, 330 : 22 pis. 46. L&ndon (1886). Holder (C. F.) & (J. B.) [1824-1888] Elements of ^ Zoology, pp. x, 385 : text illmt. 12°. New York, 1884. Appleton's Science Text- Books. HOLDSWORTH (EDMUND WILLIAM HUNT) Hand- —y book to the Fish-house in the Gardens of the . . . Society, ;ir J. Bosquet. ,, ,, ,, 2. De Barnsteen in de provincie Groningen, door G. A. Venema, met een Naschrift van F. A. W. Miquel. ,, ,, ,, S. Het Eiland Urk, voUjens ... P. Harting, en het Xeder- landsch Diluvium, door W. C. H. Staring. ,, ,, ,, 4. I.ijst der Verateeniugen uit de tertiaire gronden van Gelderland en Overijssel, door de Conmiiwtie. ,. ,, ,, 5. Notice s\ir qiielques nouveaux Brachiopodes du Systeme Maestrichten, par J. Bosquet. For advance copies of Pt. 1 & 2 of Vol. ill, which does not appear to have VCM completed, Stf Mosyi KT (J.) Each paper has a distinct pagination in addition to that of the volume. HOLLAND. COMMISSIE VOOR HET GEOLOGISCH ONDER- (^ ZOEK. [For the " Mededeelingen omtrent de Geologie van Nederland, verzameld door de Commissie," pi*. (19 col.), 6 ma ;>. 1888-44 (-45). Zoologie. [Mammalia, pg . 57, f tola., and pp. its : .. Reptilia. pp. 7S: 10 pi,, col. '» Pisces. )>p. il: 6 />!>. col. <^ Orang-ontan. By G. Sandifort. Insect*. By W. de llaan. pp. tUi : ti pit. col.] Botanic.— Kruidkunde door P. W. Korthals. pp. 159: 89 pit. col. UH K. 863 HOLLAND (JOHN) [1794-1SJ2] The histor; /Zf- descrmtkm of Fossil Ead^d&c. [By *TGREAT BRI' d .] 8°. 1841. HOLLAND (RICHARD) A monograph of the Fora- "2- minifera of the Crag. Part n. ... By ... T. R. Jones . . . assisted by ... R. Holland, &c. . 8°. Griefstvald, 1863. Holland (THEODOR) Die Wirbelthiere Pommerns, systematisch geordnet, nebst Tabellen zur Bestimmung derselben nach der analytischen Methode. pp. 119. HOLLAND (THOMAS H.) Report on the geological <^1 structure and stability of the hill slopes around Naini Tal. See INDIA.— Geological Survey. 8°. 1897. Holland (THOMAS H.) A notice of the specimens of L Rocks collected on the Pamirs. See INDIA. Report on the natural history results of the Pamir Boundary Commission, dec. 4°.' 1898. Holland (THOMAS H.) Corundum. See INDIA. — t ... Geological Survey. A Manual of the Geology of fa- India . . . Second edition, dec. [Pt. n.] Economic .-Geology. Yol. I, pt. 1. 8". 1898. _i eu»(> , _ ; HOLLAND (WILLIAM J.) The collection and pre- Z- servation of Insects. See HORNADAY (W. T.) Taxi- dermy and Zoological Collecting. 8°. 1891. . Holland (W. J.) List of the Lepidoptera Heterocera " [collected on a journey to Lake Rudolf]. See SMITH (A. D.) Through unknown African Countries, dec. Appendix D. 8°. 1897. Holland (W. J.) The Butterfly Book : a popular guide ^ to ... the Butterflies of North America, pp. xx, 382: 48 pis. col., text Must. 8°. New York, 1898. Holland (W. J.) The Carnegie Museum, pp. 20 : £ 1 pi., text Must. 8°. [New York,\ 1901. The Popular Science Monthly. Vol. LIX. HOLLANDE (DIEUDONNE) [1845-] Geologic de la (y- Corse, pp. 114: 3 pis., 2 maps (1 geol. col.) See AN- NALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES, &C. Tom. IX, HO. 2. 8°. 1877. . [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministere de — V Instruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. xvn, no. 2. 8°. 1877. Hollande (D.) Contact du Jura meridional et de la Zone Subalpine aux environs de Chambery (Savoie). 1 pp. 27 : text Must. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Gdologique detaillee. Bulletin, dec. Tom. IV, no. 29. 8°. 1892. Hollande (D.) Etude stratigraphique des terrains Tertiaires Oligoceries de la Vall6e des Deserts (pros Chambery) et leur extension dans la Zone Subalpine et le Jura meridional, pp. 18 : text Must. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Gfologique detaillee. Bulletin, dec. Tom. vi, no. 41. 8°. 1895. HOLLANDSCHE INSTITUUT VAN WETEN- SCHAFFEN, LETTEBKUNDE EN SCHOONE KUNSTEN. See AMSTERDAM. — KONINKLIJK-NEDER- LANDSCH INSTITUUT, dec. HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DEB WETENSCHAFFEN. See HAARLEM. HOLLANDSE MAATSCHAFFTE DEB WETENSCHAFFEN. See HAARLEM. — HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN. HOLLABD (HENRI Louis GABRIEL MARC) [1801- 1866] See ANNALES FRANCAISES ET ETRANGERES D'ANATOMIE ET DE PHYSIOLOGIE . . . par . . . Hollard, &c. Tom. II & in. 8°. 1838-39. Hollard (H. L. G. M.) Nouveaux elements de Zoo- logie, ou etude du Regne Animal, dispose en serie, en marchant des especes inferieures aux superieures. pp. xlviii, 604 •' %% $*• 8°. Paris, 1838-39. HOLLBEBG (ESAIAS) Orter . . . framstalde See KALM (P.) Norra Americanska Farge- . . af E. Hollberg, &c. 4°. [1763.] HOLLE (G. VON) Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Borrera ciliaris. Inaugural Dissertation, pp. 43: 2 pis. 4°. Gotttngen, 1849. Holle (G. VON) Ueber die Zellenblaschen der Leber- moose. pp. 26 : 1 pi. 8°. Heidelberg, 1857. Holle (G. VON) Vergleichende microscopische Unter- suehungen der Seggen- und Getreidearten beziiglich des Proteingehaltes ihrer Samen. pp. 11. 8°. [Speyer & Heidelberg, 1859 1] Neuea Jabrbuch fur Pharmacie. Holle (G. VON) Farnflora der Gegend von Hannover. pp. 31. 8°. Hannover, 1862. Holle (G. VON) Flora von Hannover. Ein Taschen- buch zum Bestimmen der um Hannover wildwach- senden und allgemeiner cultivirten Gefasspflanzen. 3 Hft.t pp. 197. 8°. Hannover, 1862-67. HOLLICK (ARTHUR) The Flora of the Amboy Clays, by J. S. Newberry . . . edited by A. Hollick. pp.260: 58 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Monographs, dec. Vol. xxvi. 4°. 1895. Hollick (A.) The later extinct Floras of North America. By J. S. Newberry . . . edited by A. Hol- lick. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Mono- graphs, &C. Vol. XXXV. 4°. 1898. HOLLINGS (J. F.) Leicestershire Mosses . . . col- lected ... by J. F. Hollings. See LEICESTER. — Town Museum. 8°. (1873.) HOLLINGS (JAMES SPENCER) Montserrat. See LONDON. — Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. Handbook and Catalogue. The West Indies and British . Honduras. 8°. 1886. I— HOLLINGSWOBTH (R.) List of Plants, wild or cultivated, hitherto observed in the garden and imme- diate vicinity of Government House, Guindy Park. pp. 25. 8°. [Madras,] 1886. Privately printed. 6 6 6 6 6 G- G- 864 Holliiigsworth (R.) List of Plants, wild or culti- vated, nitherto observed in the Park of Government House, Madras. 8°. [Madras,] 1880. Privately printed. HOLLOW AT (BENJAMIN) [1G91 ?-1759] The Natural History of the Earth . . . Written origmaly in Latin : and now first made English [with an introduction] by B. Holloway ... By J. Woodward, ilV. .s>r \\noii WARD (J.) 8°. 1726. HOLLRUNG (M.) Handbuch der chemischen Mittel gegen Pdanzenkrankheiten, UNOEN UND LEISTUNGEN AUF DEM GEBIETE DES PFLANZENSCHUTZES. Herausgegeben von . . . M. Holl- rung. Bd. I-» 8°. 1899-» Hollrung (M.) Handlingar. Bd. vi, no. 9. 8°. 1882. Holm (E. J. G.) De Svenska arterna af Trilobitslagtet Illcenus (Dalman), &c. pp. 148: 6 pis. See STOCK- HOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till ... Handlingar. Bd. vn, no. 3. 8°. 1882. [Another edition.] Akademisk afhandling, &c. pp. xiv, 148 : 6 pis. 8°. Stockholm, 1883. Differs from the preceding solely in having a new title-page and a bibliography prefixed. Holm (E. J. G.) Ueber die innere Organisation einiger silurischer Cephalopoden. pp. 27 : 5 pis., text Must. •SVePALSONTOLOGISCHE AflHANDLUNGEN. Bd. VIH.hft. 1. 4°. 1885. Holm (E. J. G.) Om Vettern och Visingsoformationen. M L pp. 49: text Must. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIOA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEK. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xi, no. 7. 8°. 1885. / Holm (E. J. G.) Revision der Ostbaltischen silurischen Trilobiten . . . Abth. in. Illaeniden. pp. 173 : 12 pis. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, Vol. VII, 8°. 1900. HOLMES (THOMAS VINCENT) [1840-] Report of the , Committee for the exploration of the Subsidences on ' Blackheath. (Observations by T. V. Holmes.) pp. 30 : <- 1 pi. See LEWISHAM AND BLACKHEATH ASSOCIATION. 8°. 1881. Holmes (T. V.) A record of Excursions made between 1860 and 1890. Edited by T. V. Holmes and C. D. Q Sherborn. See GEOLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION. 8°. 1891. Holmes (T. V.) The Geology of the Country around Carlisle. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geo- logical Survey, — England and Wales. [Topographical w- Memoirs.] 8°. 1899. Holmes (T. V.) & others. The Geology of the Yorkshire Coalfield, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN AND ^ IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England and Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] 8°. 1878. HOLMES (W. MURTON) British Minerals, pp.8. 4°. [London, 1902.] K>I The Chemists' and Druggists' Diary. 1902. Holmes (W. M.) & Hinde (G. J.) On the Sponge- remains in the Lower Tertiary strata near Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand. See HINDE (G. J.) & HOLMES 'or (W. M.) 8°. 1892. HOLMES (WILLIAM HENRY) [1846-] An ancient Quarry in Indian Territory. See SMITHSONIAN INSTI- , TUTION. — BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. 8°. 1894. * Holmes (WILLIAM H.) [For Geological reports in con- nection with the Survey] See UNITED STATES.— Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. HOLMESDALE NATURAL HISTORY CLUB. [Founded 1357.] *S - & Proceedings, &c. 186»-tfV-» 8°. London, JReigate[l867->]. *y ' Wanting SB£M*d all parts between 1307 and 1371. 109 866 Holmesdale Natural lit ^ iry Club. und its Vicinity. 8°. Lo\ ByJ.L (1861). pp. 15. .». and E. Sounders. Holmesdale Natural History Club. Flora of Surrey . . . compiled for the . . . Club, HOLMQUTST (JOHANNES HENRICUS) Geomyzides Sveciie, quarum descriptionem . . . subjicit J. H. text Must. See LUND. — KAROLINSKA UNIVERSITETET. Acta, HAGEN (K. F. G.) & others. Botanische Untersuch- ungen, &c. 8°. 1899. , HOLUB (EMIL) [1847-1902] Seven years in South '*' Africa : travels, researches, and hunting adventures, between the diamond-fields and the Zambesi (1872-79) . . . Translated by Ellen E. Frewer. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1881. Holnb (E.) & Felzeln (A. VON) Beitriige zur Ornitho- ?_ logie Siidafrikas. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der von Dr. Holub auf seinen Siidafrikanischen Reisen gesammelten . . . Arten. pn. 384 •' text illust., 1 map f°1' Aj*tJ\&J[***fJJj 8°- ^ien' 1882' OLWAY (E. W. D.) & others. Plants collected between Lake Superior and the International Boundary, July, 1886. See MINNESOTA, State of. — Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 3. 8°. 1887. HOLZAPFEL (EDUARD) [1853-] Die Zechstein- /• formation am Ostrande des Rheinisch-Westphalischen n _1_ ; _ f 1_ ? _. T i -i-i. • , • o . _< Schiefergebirges. 1 tab. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 45, 8°. Gorlitz, 1879. Holzapfel (E.) Die Cephalopoden-fuhrenden Kalke des unteren Carbon von Erdbach-Breitscheid bei Her- born. pp. 73 : 8 pis. See PAL^EONTOLOGISCHE AB- HANDLUNGEN. Neue Folge, Bd. I, hft. 1. 4°. Jena, 1889. Holzapfel (E.) Die Foraminiferen der Aachener Kreide. Von I. Beissel. Nach dem Tode des Ver- fassers herausgegeben, und mit einer Einleitung versehen von E. Holzapfel. pp. 78: 16 pis. See PEUSSIA. — Koeniglich-Preussischegeologische Landes-Anstalt, &c. Abhandlungen, &c. Neue Folge, Hft. 3. 8°. & fol. 1891. Holzapfel (E.) Petrefacten von Spitzbergen und Baren- Eiland. Gesammelt von L. Cremer. i. Thierische Petrefacten. See CREMER (L.) Spitzbergen, &c. Ein Ausflug nach 8°. 1892. ^ Holzapfel (E.) Das Rheinthal von Bingerbriick bis Lahnstein. pp. [Hi,] 124: 16 pis., 1 map geol. col., text Must. See PRUSSIA. — Koeniglich-Preusstsche Gfologische Landes-Anstalt, &c. Abhandlungen, &c. Neue Folge, Hft. 15. 8°. 1893. Holzapfel (E.) Das Obere Mitteldevon (Schichten mit Stringocephalus Burtini und Masneceras fere- bratum)im Rheinischen Gebirge. pp. [ii,] 459 : 19 pis. See PRUSSIA. — Koeniglich-Preussche Geologische Landes- Anstalt, &c. Abhandlungen, &c. Neue Folge, Hft. 16. 4°. & fol. 1895. Holzapfel (E.) Gholovonoghiya Domanikovagho ghorlzonta yuzhnagho Tlmana. — Die Cephalopoden des Domanik im siidlichen Timan. pp. 56 : 10 vis., text illust. RUSS. & GERM. See RUSSIA. — Comite Geologique. Memoires, &c. Vol. xii, no. 3. 4°. 1899. HOLZHAUSEN (WiLHELM VON ZWACKH) See ZWACKH-HOLZHAUSEN. HOLZINGER (JOHN M.) Fossil Elephant in Winona County. See MINNESOTA, State of. — Geological and Natural History Survey. Annual Reports, &c. No. 13. 8°. 1885. Holzinger (J. M.) Notes on the Mollusca of Winona County. See MINNESOTA, State of. — Geological and /^ Natural History Survey. Annual Reports, &c. No. 16. 8°. 1888. HOMAN (C. H.) Selbu. Fjeldbygningen inden rek- ^ tangelkartet Selbu s omraade, &c. See NORWAY. — (jT~ Norges Geologiske Undersgelse. [No. 2.] 8°. 1890. HOMANNJ^U- G. J-) Ftora1^r-Tommerni-jjder Bescju^itning der in Vpj>-ilncr Hinterpoj»wrt!fn . . . fftkommenden GeisftcCse, &c. 3 Ed, — tfTCoslin, 1828. HOMBRES-FIRMAS (Louis AUGUSTS D') Baron [1790-1857] Lettres inedites de Linne . . . recueillies [and arranged with an introduction] par M. le Baron d'Hombres-Firmas, &c. See LINN.EUS (C.) 8°. 1860. HOMBRON (JACQUES BERNARD) [1800-] Voyage au Pole Sud et dans 1'Oceanie . . . execute . . . pen- dant . . . 1837-40, &c. Zoologie [edited] par MM. Hombron et Jacquinot. 5 Tom. & Atlas. See FRANCE. [Voyages, Ac—Pole Sud.] 8°. & fol. 1842-54. Vol. i, " De 1'Homme dans ses rapports avec la Creation," was the work of Hombron alone. See MILNE afterwards MILNE- i if HOME (DAVID MILNE) HOME. HOME (Sir EVERARD) Bart. [1756-1832] Lectures on Comparative Anatomy ; in which are explained the preparations in the Hunterian Collection. (To which is subjoined, Synopsis systematis Regni Animalis, mine primum ex ovi modification! bus propositi), &c. 4 Vol. illust. 4°. London, 1814-23. Vol. IV contains the plates with their descriptions only. Supplement, &c. Vol. v & vi. illust. 4°. London, 1828. 2L Vol. vi contains the plates with their descriptions only. The original water-colonr drawings by W. Clift, Franz A. Bauer, Mrs. Marsh and others for the illustrations to this work are preserved in the General Library. L 2 Home (Sir ~E.)Bart. The distinguishing characters between thoj0va of the Sepia, and thosex»f*fne Vermes Testacpar^fhat live in water, explained. See TUCKEY (J^JtT) Narrative of an Expgdrtion to explore theXver •Kaire, &c. Appendix niv^^ 4*: 1818. HOMEM DE MELLO (FRANCISCO IGNACIO MAR- CONDES) See MAECONDES HOMEM DE MELLO. HOMER. G. P. F. Groshans Prodromus Faunae Homeri, &c. 2 Fasc. See GROSHANS (G. P. F.) 8°. 1839-43. Homer. Quasdam Naturalia Antiqua. (The Zoology of Homer [translated by W. B. Macdonald], 6. HOMERSHAM (SAMUEL COLLETT) London (Wat- ford) Spring- Water Company. Report . . . Second edition, pp. 58 : 1 pi., 2 maps (1 col.) 8°. London, 1850. HOMEYER (A. H.) D. C. L. Willdenow's ... und A. H. y Homeyer's . . . Preisschrif ten iiber die von der Akademie . . . aufgegebenen Pomologischen Preisfragen. pp. 157. See ERFURT. — KOENIGLICHE AKADEMIE GEMEINNUET- ZIGER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. ii. 8°. 1801. HOMEYER (ALEXANDER VON) [1834-] [Lepido- pteren of the Arctic Regions.] See BREMEN.— GEO- ^ GRAPHISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Die zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in ... 1869 und 1870, dec. Bd. H. 8°. 1874. HOMEYER (EuoEN FERDINAND VON) [1809-1889] Systcnintische Uebersicht der Vogel Pommerns, mit /• Rii cksicht auf den allgemeinen Charakter des Landes . . . nebst Beitragen zur beschreibenden Naturgeschichte. pp. xiv, 91. 8°. Anclam, 1837. Homeyer (E. F. VON) Deutschlands Saugethiere und Vogel, ihr Nutzen und Schaden. pp. vii, 81. 8°. Leipzig (1877). Homeyer (E. F. VON) Die Wanderungen der Vogel fr mit Riicksicht auf die Zu'ge der Saugethiere, Fische und Insecten. pp. x, 415. 8°. Leipzig, 1881. Homeyer (E. F. VON) Antwort an Herrn E. F. von Homeyer bezuglich der "Zugstrassen der Vogel." See PALMEN (J. A.) 8°. 1882. HOMING FANCIER'S ANNUAL, The. Edited £- by J. L. Burgess. 1882. 4°. Londondc Cirencester(lSSZ). HOMME, L'. Journal illustre des Sciences Anthropo- logiques. Directeur : G. de Mortillet. Ann. i-iv.t 8°. Paris, 1884-87. HOMMEL (FRITZ) {1854-] Die Namen der Sauge- _ thiere bei den Siidsemiten, als Prolegomena einer I* Geschichte der Thiere bei den semitischen Volkern. Einleitung. — Erster Theil, die Saugethiernamen bei den Arabern, MAGAZINE . . . with suitable descriptions ... by Sir J. D. Hooker. Vol. xci-» 8°. 1845-?- Hooker (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. On the Vegetation of the ^ Carboniferous period, as compared with that at the fa present day. — On some peculiarities in the structure of Stigmaria. — Remarks on the structure and affinities of some Lepidostrobi. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE- LAND.— Geological Survey. — England and Wales. Me- moirs, &c. Vol. II, pt. 2. 8°. 1848. Hooker (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. The Rhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya ; being an account, botanical and 4 geographical, of the Rhododendrons recently discovered in the mountains of Eastern Himalaya from drawings and descriptions made on the spot . . . by J. D. Hooker . . . Edited by Sir W. J. Hooker, pp. 33 : 30 pis. col. fol. London, 1849. Hooker (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. Spicilegia Gorgonea, or j. a Catalogue of all the Plants as yet discovered in the R Cape de Verd Islands. From the collections of J. D. Hooker . . . and other travellers. By P. Barker Webb. See HOOKER (Sir W. J.) Niger Flora, &c. 8°. 1849. Hooker (Sir 3. D.) G.C.S.I. Himalayan Journals ; or Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains, dkc. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1854. Hooker (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. Illustrations of Himalayan Plants, chiefly selected from drawings made for . . . J? J. F. Cathcart . . . The descriptions and analyses by J. D. Hooker . . . The plates executed by W. H. Fitch. S4 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress, engr. title col. fol. London, 1855. Hooker (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. Enumeration of the Mountain Flowering Plants and Ferns ... of the M Camaroons Mountains, of Clarence Peak, Fernando Po, and of the Peak of San Thome. See BURTON (Sir R. F.) Abeokuta, &c. Vol. n, Appendix in. 8°. 1863. Hooker (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. See GOMES (B. A.) On Welwitschia, &c. 8°. 1863. b fc This is a paraphrased translation of the paper in " Trane. Linn. Soc.," Vol. xxiv. Hooker (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. Enumeratio Plantarum Zeylaniae : . . . by G. H. K. Thwaites, assisted ... by J. D. Hooker. See THWAITES (G. H. K.) 8°. 1864. Hooker (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. Handbook of the New Zealand Flora : a systematic description of the native Plants of New Zealand and the Chatham, Kermadec's, ^Jjord Auckland's, Campbell's and Macquarrie's Islands. 2 Pt. [in 1.] pp. 15, Ixviii, 798. 8°. London, 1864-67. De Algis Novae Zelandise marinis. In supplementum C Florae Hookerianae, scripsit J. G. Agardh. pp. 32. See LUND.— KAROLINSKA UNIVERSITETET. Acta, &c. Tom. XIV, no. 4. 4°. 1877-8. Hooker (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. Catalogue of the Plants distributed at the Royal Gardens, Kew . . . from the Herbaria of Griffith, Falconer, and Heifer, pp. 46. 8°. London, 1865. Printed for private distribution. Hooker (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. Rosaceaa. Sse MARTIUS (C. F. P. VON) Flora Brasiliensis, &c. Vol. xiv, pt. 2. fol. 1867. Hooker (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. Illustrations of the genus Carex, 6 6 Hooker (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. A century of Indian Orchids selected from drawings in the Herbarium o the Botanic Garden, Calcutta. See CALCUTTA. — Rw. Botanic Gardens. Annals, .i-«', or imagination. Wanting the wrappers which bore the title above cited. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) British Jungermanniae : being a history and description with coloured figures, /L of each species of the genus and microscopical analyses 'J of the parts, [pp. xxvii ;] 88 pit. col., with descriptive letterpress. fol. London, 1816. looker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Flora Londinensis . . . a ^ new edition enlarged by ... W. J. Hooker. 5 Vol. 'j illust. col. See CURTIS (W.) Botanist. fol. 1817-28. looker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Musci Exotici ; containing figures and descriptions of new or little known foreign /i ftfosses and other Cryptogamic subjects. 2 Vol. illust. ' col. 4°. London, 1818-20. Printed on one ude of the paper only : without pagination. 871 f-f^. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM JT) Flora Scotica ; or a description ji of Scottish Plants, &c. 2 Ft. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. London, 1821. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Botanical Illustrations : a being a series of figures designed to illustrate the terms employed in a course of lectures on Botany, with descrip- tions. 21 pis., with descriptive letterpress. obi. 4°. Edinburgh, &c., 1822. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) List of Plants from the east r . coast of Greenland, with some remarks, by Dr. Hooker. ' See SCORESBY (W.) Journal of a Voyage to the northern Whale-fishery, &c. Appendix No. n. 8°. 1823. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Exotic Flora, containing A figures and descriptions of new, rare, or otherwise interesting Exotic Plants, &c. 3 Vol. Ulust. col. 8°. Edinburgh, 1823-27. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) [Catalogue of Arctic Plants.] 6^ See PARRY (Sir W. E.) Journal of a Second Voyage ••j*' for the discovery of a North- West Passage, &c. Botani- cal Appendix. 4°. 1825. . Hooker (&'r WILLIAM J.) [Plants from the Arctic Regions.] ** See LYON (G. F.) A ... narrative of an ... attempt to reach Repulse Bay, &c. Botanical Appendix. 8°. 1825. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) A catalogue of Plants con- tained in the Royal Botanic Garden of Glasgow in the year 1825, &c. See GLASGOW. — Botanic Garden. 4°. 1825. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Description and sketches on [^Botanical subjects. See GRAY (W.) & DOCHARD ( ) Staff-Surgeon. Travels in western Africa, &c. 8°. 1825. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) [Plants from the Arctic ~- Regions.] See PARRY (Sir W. E.) Journal of a Third Voyage for the discovery of a North- West Passage, &c. Botanical Appendix. 4°. 1826. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) See CURTIS'S BOTANICAL r> MAGAZINE . . . the descriptions by W. J. Hooker. Vol. LIV-XC. 8°. 1827-64. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) [List of Plants collected in i the Arctic Regions.] See PARRY (Sir W. E.) Narrative " of an attempt to reach the North Pole, dkc. Appendix. Botanical 4°. 1828. r Jl For another edition of this list, See HAKI.UYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 18. Voyage to Spitzbergen, &c. Appendix. 1855. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Flora Boreali Americana, or the Botany of the Northern parts of British America : compiled principally from the Plants collected by Dr. Richardson and Mr. Drummond on the late northern expeditions, under command of Capt. Sir J. Franklin, to which are added those of Mr. Douglas, from North- West of America, and of other Naturalists. 2 Vol. 4°. London, [1829-] 1840. The section on the Carices was the work of Dr. F. Boott. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM^) The BritisL^lora ; com- prising the Phsenogajtffras or Flowemj^rlants, and the Ferns, pp. x, Jgp: ./r 8°. Zo«cfo?v(1830. Second-^cHtion, &c. pp./d,lftQ. 8°. Lonjitm, 1831. Tlrtrd edition, &c.jffp. xi, 499. S^/dZondon, 1835. HTourth editioj»f2&c. Vol. i. -njKxiv, 448. 8°. London, 1838. Vol. n, " Cryptajfiimla," by W. J. Hook^and Rev. M. J. Berkelesfwas issued as Vol>vof Sir J. E. Smith'a/^English Flora," secondyraition, 1833-86 [j ih edition, &c.y^o\. i. pp. xxxviiif%68 : 12 pis. col.' jT 8^/fondon, 1842. Vol. ii was the same arfin the preceding edition, Sixth ejHuon ... by Sir/W. J. Hooker and G. A. W. AChott. pp. xli, 604 **2pls. 8°. London, 1850. Seventh edition ... By Sir W. J. Hooker . . . and G. A. W. Arnott. pp. xli, [i,] 618 : IS pis. 8°. London, 1855. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Botanical Miscellany, &c. Vol. l-lll. [Continued as /] The Journal of Botany, &c. Vol. i-iv. [Continued as:] The London Journal of & Botany, &c. Vol. i-vn. [Continued as i] Hooker's Journal of Botany, and Kew Garden Miscellany. y Sir W. J. Hooker. Vol. i-ix. See HOOKER'S Edited by JOURNAL OF BOTANY. 8°. 18 3K&7. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) English Botany . . . Sup- plement . . . The descriptions, synonyms, and places of .£ growth by W. J. Hooker, &c. Vol. i-m. See SOWERBY '^ (J.) 8°. 1831-43. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Medical Botany . . . Third edition . . . the botanical descriptions arranged and fa corrected by W. J. Hooker, dec. 5 Vol. See WOOD- VILLE (W.) fol. 1832. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) An Introduction to the Study of Botany . . . Seventh edition . . . by W. J. Jflk Hooker, dec. See SMITH (Sir J. E.) 8°. 1833. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Comprisine^thc^Tffosses Cryptogamia . . . Part i. and JUgfe. See SMITH Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) List of the Ferns in the botanical collection made by Mr. Nightingale in the Pacific Isles. See NIGHTINGALE (Sir T.) Oceanic Sketches. 8°. 1835. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Companion to the Botanical Magazine . . . By W. J. Hooker, dec. Vol. i & ii.t See CUHTIS'S BOTANICAL MAGAZINE, THE. 8°. 1835-36. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) A Compendium of the English Flora . . . Second edition, with additions . . . By W. J. Hooker. See SMITH (Sir J. E.) 8°. 1836. [Another issue.] 8°. 1844. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) List of Plants collected by Mr. R. King during . . . the [Arctic Land] Expedition. See BACK (Sir G.) Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition ... in 1833-35. Appendix No. n. 8°. 1836. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Icones Plantarum ; or figures, with brief descriptive characters and remarks, n of new or rare Plants, selected from the author's £ herbarium. Vol. i-x. See HOOKER'S ICONES PLANTA- HUM. 8°. (1836-) 1837-54. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Annals of Natural History £" . . . Conducted by ... Sir W. J. Hooker, dec. Vol. i-iv. f~ See ANNALS AND MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HISTORY. 8°. 1838-40. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Copy of a Letter ... on the occasion of the death of the . . . Duke of Bedford : particularly in reference to the services rendered by his Grace to Botany and Horticulture, pp. 25 : 1 pi. 4°. Glasgow, 1840. Privately printed. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Genera Filicum ; or illus- trations of the Ferns, and other allied genera ; from n the original coloured drawings of ... F. Bauer ... (5 with additions and descriptive letterpress, by Sir W. J. Hooker, pp. vi : 120 pis. col., with descriptive letter- 8°. London, 1842. —, t The original water-colour drawings by F. Bauer are preserved in the Botanical Department* Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) List of the Plants collected during the Arctic Journey of Messrs. Simpson and Dease. See SIMPSON (T.) Narrative of the discoveries on the north coast of America, &c. 8°. 1843. 872 M 5 • Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) Species Filicum ; being descriptions of the known Ferns, particularly of such M exist in the Author's Herbarium, fe Arnott (G. British FLara . . . Sixtlmlition, &c. SeeJeKoKf.K (Sir J. WS^C.S.1. ^ ^ 8°. 1850. • Seventh edition, &c. 8°. 1855. Hooker (Sir WILLIAM J.) (Fourth Series, Vol. i -> ). HOOKER'S JOURNAL OF BOTANY. Botanical Miscellany ; containing figures and descrip- tions of ... Plants . . . With occasional botanical notices and information. [Edited] By W. J. Hooker. Vol. i-m. 8°. London, 1830-33. [Continued as :] The Journal of Botany, being a second series of the ' Botanical Miscellany . . . [Edited] By (Sir) W. J. Hooker. Vol. l-iv. 8°. London, 1834-42. [Continued as :] The London Journal of Botany ; containing figures and descriptions of ... Plants . . . With botanical notices . . . and occasional portraits and memoirs of eminent Botanists; [edited] by Sir W. J. Hooker. Vol. i-vn. 8°. London, 1842-48. [Continued as :] Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany. Edited by Sir W. J. Hooker. Vol. i-ix. 8°. London, 1849-57. This serial was succeeded in point of time by Seemann's "Journal of Botany " [y.v.j HOOF (ADRIAAN VAN DER) Hortus Spaarn-Ber- gensis. Enumeratio Stirpium, quas in Villa Spaarn- Berg prope Harlemum alit A. van der Hoop, &c. See VRIESE (W. H. DE). 8°. 1839. Catalogus alter, &c. See MERKUS DOORNIK (J. J. F. H. T.) 8°. 1849. HOOP (JULES D') Table alphabe'tique . . . du genre Lis (Lilium). [By J. d'Hoop.] See H., J. D'. 4°. 1884. HOOPER (C. L.) Report of the cruise of the U.S. . . . steamer Thomas Corwin in the Arctic Ocean, 1881. See UNITED STATES. 4°. 1885. HOOFER (ROBERT) [1773-1835] Observations on the structure and economy of Plants : to which is added the analogy between the Animal and Vegetable King- dom, pp. vi, [x,] 129. 8°. Oxford, 1797. HOOPER (WILLIAM HULME) [1827-1854] Ten months among the Tents of the Tuski, with incidents of an ' arctic boat expedition in search of Sir John Franklin as far as the Mackenzie River and Cape Bathurst. •pp. xv, 417 : 6 pis., 1 map, text Must. 8°. London, 1853. HOOFES (JosiAH) [1832-] [Conifere of Central Colorado.] See UNITED STA.IVS.— Geographical and 1 Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. Catalogue of Plants collected in ... 1871-73, &c. 8°. 1874. HOOREBEKE (CHARLES JOSEPH VAN) Memoire sur les Orobanches . . . pour servir d'instruction a la culture du Trefle dans les communes ou 1'Orobanche nuit h, sa culture, &c. pp. [iv,] 22. 8°. Gand, 1818. HOORN (PiETER VAN) Gedenkwaerdig Bedryf der Nedorlandsche Oost-Indische Maetschappye, op de Kuste . . . van Taising of Sina . . . behelzcnde . . . Het derde Gezandschap aen Konchy, Tartarsche Keizer van Sina en Oost-Tartarye : onder beleit van ... P. van Hoorn, &c. See DAPPER (O.) 4°. 1670. Hoorn (P. VAN) Die Gesandtschaft des Herrn van L- Hoorn an Kang hi, Kaiser in China und der ostlichen Tartarey. [From Montanus.] See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. v. 4°. 1749. HOOSIER NATURALIST, The. See KANSAS CITY SCIENTIST,. THE. HOFE (FREDERICK WiLLiAMTTl'797-1862] A Cata- logue of Hemiptera in the collection of ... F. W. £ Hope, &c. pp. 46. 4°. London, 1837. Descriptions of the new species (of Coreidae) by ^ J. O. Westwood . . . Pt. II. pp. 26. 4°. London, 1842. Hope (F. W.) The Coleopterist's Manual, &c. 3 Pt. «~ Must. col. 8°. London, 1837-40. Pt. I. Lamellicorn Insects of Linneus and Fabricius. ,, n. Predaceous land and water Beetles of Linneus and Fabricius. ,, III. Families, genera, and species of Beetles, recorded by Linneus and Fabricius. Also, descriptions of newly discovered and unpublished Insects. Hope (F. W.) On the Entomology of the Himalayas L and of India. See ROYLE (J. F.) Illustrations of the Botany ... of the Himalayan Mountains, &c. Vol. I. 4°. 1839. Hope (F. W.) A Catalogue of the Lucanoid Coleoptera in the collection of ... F. W. Hope, &c. pp. 31. 8°. London, 1845. Hope (F. W.) A revision of the Australian Buprestidoe described by ... F. W. Hope. See SAUNDERS (E.) 8°. 1868. Hope (F. W.) Thesaurus Entomologicus Oxoniensis ; or illustrations of ... Insects . . . presented to the University of Oxford by ... F. W. Hope. See WEST- WOOD (J. O.) 4°. 1874. HOFE (GEORGE) Westralia : south-western districts. pp. 72 : text Must. fol. [Geraldton,] 1898. Supplement to the " Geraldton Express." HOFE (HENRY PHILIP) A Catalogue of the collection of Pearls and Precious Stones formed by H. P. Hope, &c. See HERTZ (B.) fol. 1839. HOPE (JOHN) [1725-1786] Termini Botanices [by J. Hope], &c. See EDINBURGH.— UNIVERSITY. 8°. 1778. Hope (J.) Genera Plantarum, ex editione decima tertia, Systematis Naturas . . . C. a Linne [Edited by J. Hope ?], &c. See LINNEUS (C.) 8°. 1780. HOFE (W. H. ST. JOHN) Excavations on the site of the Roman city at Silchester, Hants, in 1901 . . . With a Note on the Plant-Remains of Roman Silchester. By C. Reid, fie. pp. 20 : 3 pis. (col.), text illust. 4°. [London,] 1902. Archseologia. Vol. LVIII. HOPF (KARL) [1832-1873] See WISSENSCHAFTLICHE MONATS-BLAETTER. Herausgegeben von K. Hopf, &c. Jahrg. I. 8°. (1873) 1874. HOFFFELD ( ) Le Tabac. La Plante & ses varietes, &c. pp. 36 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Paris [1889]. HOFFFER (CARL HEINRICH) [1810-] Neue, oder weniger bekannte Schmetterlinge der Insecten-Samm- lung des Konigl. Zoologischen Musei der Universitat zu Berlin, &c. Hft. 2. See KLUG (J. C. F.) fol. 1856. 110 •70 a A * L M 5 L S- 5 e 874 . * Hopffer (C. H.) Lepidoptera. See PETEKS (W. C. H.) Naturwissensehaftliche Reise nach Mossniiibujue*. . . in 1842 bis 1848 ausgef iihrt, &c. Zoologie, No. v. 4°. 1862. HOPITAL (ALPHONSE DE L') See L'H6piTAL. HOPKINS (ANDREW I).) Preliminary Report on the Insect Enemies of Forests in the Northwest, ls., text illust. 8°. London, 1855. The half-title reads :— " An illustrated Introduction to the connexion of Geology and Magnetism ; or the Principles of Terrestrial Physics." HOPKINS (GRANT SHERMAN) The lymphatics and enteric epithelium of Amia calva. See JORDAN (D. S.) & others. The Wilder Quarter-century Book, &c. 8°. 1893. HOPKINS (THOMAS C.) [1861-] Marbles and other Limestones, pp. xxi, 443 : 25 pis., 9 maps. See ARKAN- SAS, State of. — Geological Survey. Annual Report, . 198 : 11 pis., engr. title, text illust. 8°. London, 1817. HOFFE (DAVID HEINRICH) [1760-1846] Ectypa Plantarum Ratisbonensium, oder Abdriickte derjenigen Pflanzen welche um Regensburg wild wachsen, &c. 8 Vol. [in 2.] fol. Regensburg, 1787-93. Hoppe (1). H.) See BOTANISCHES TASCHENBUCH fur die Anfanger dieser Wissenschaft . . . auf das Jahr 1790 (-1804) herausgegeben von D. H. Hoppe. 13 Vol. [Continued ax:] Neues Botanisches Tascnenbuch . . . auf das Jahr 180"). 1 Vol. [Continued ax :] Hotanisches Taschenbuch . . . aus das Jahr 1849 . . . 1). 11. iloppe's . . Selbstbiographie . . . (Register zu Hoppe's Botanischen- Taschenbtichern). 8°. 1790-1849. Hoppe (D. H.) D. H. Hoppe . . . Enumeratio In- sectorum Ejytratorum circa hrlangam indigenarum . . . observationibus iconibusque illustrata. pp. 70 : 1 i>l. 8°. Erlangai, 1795. Hoppe (D.H.) Cryptogamie. See STURM (J.) Deutsch- 4 lancfs Flora, &c. Abth. H, hft. 3, 4, 6-8. 12°. 1799-1805. V . Hoppe (D.H.) [CyperaceasetJuncacea;.] See STURM (J.) Deutschlands Flora, &c. Abth. I, hft. 9, 10, 13, 28, 36- & 40, 44, 52, 71, 77, 78, 85 & 86. 12°. 1801-42. Hoppe (D. H.) Die Wicken Deutschlandes, &c. ,, See STURM (J.) Deutschlands Flora, EOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, ! i, Editio secundii. c< C. l.iniiii'i . . . 8°. 1760. 8°. 1788. — [Another edition.] See LINNAEUS (C.) C. Linnnei Fundamontorum Botanicorum . . . Curante J. E. Cili- bert. Tom. 11. 8°. 1786. HORNBORG (.JOHANNES) Planta Cimicifuga, quam . . . proponet J. Hornborg, &c. See LINNJRUS (C.) 4°. [1774.] — [Another edition.] See LINNJCUS (C.) C. Linnaei . . . Amcenitates Academicaa, ... per G. Horstium, &c. See HORST (J.) 8°. 1630. HORST (JACOB) [1537-1600] Opusculum de Vite f? vinifera ejusque partibus, &c. [pp. v,]foll. 60. 8°. Helmstadii, 1587. [Another edition.] See infra, Herbarium Horstia- D num, &c. 8°. 1^30. • & Horst (J.) Herbarium Horstianum, seu de selectis Plantis et Radicibus libri duo, olim medicinse candidatis in Academia Julia anno 1587 . . . J. Horstio . . . pro- ^ positi, in compendium redacti, pluribusqj simplicibus (5 enumeratis . . . aucti . . . per G. Horstium . . . accessit prasdicti . . . J. Horstii opusculum de Vite vinifera. (Appendix cultori Plantarum exoticarum necessaria.) jyp. [viii,] 414. 8°. Marpurgi, 1630. HORST (RUTGER) Die Anneliden ( — Die Gephyrea) gesammelt wahrend der Fahrten des " Willem Barents " in ... 1878-79. See NIEDERLAENDISCHES ARCHIV FUER ZOOLOGIE. Supplement Band. 8°. 1881-82. Horst (R.) [Vermes of Central Sumatra.] See AMSTER- , ~)~) A DAM. — AARDRIJKSKUNDIG GENOOTSCHAP. Midden- Sumatra, &c. Deel iv, ged. I, afd. 12. 4°. 1892 [i.e. 1886]. Horst (R.) Earthworms from the Malay Archipelago. See WEBER (M.) Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise ^ in Niederlandisch Ost-Indien, &c. Bd. in. 8°. 1893. ' Horst (R.) Les Mollusques de la Faune Neerlandaise. —Les Vers de la Faune Neerlandaise. — Liste des -^ Echinodermes. See PLEYTE (W.) & others. Guide -£- Zoologique, &c. 8°. 1895. Horst (R.) & Schepmaii (M. M.) Catalogue syste- matique des Mollusques. Pt. 1. See LEYDEN. — RIJKSMUSEUM VAN NATUURLIJKE HISTORIE. Revue ' Methodique. Tom. xin. 8°. 1894. HORSTMANN (AUGUST FRIEDRICH) [1842-] & others. Lehrbuch der physikalischen . . . Chemie. j See GRAHAM (T.) & OTTO (F. J.) Graham-Otto's M Ausfiihrliches Lehrbuch der Chemie. Bd. I, abth. 2. Theoretische Chemie . . . Von A. Horstmann. 8°. 1885. HORSTMAR (WILHELM FRIEDRICH CARL AUGUST zu SALM) Prince. See SALM-HORSTMAR. HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE. See ANNALS OF HORTICULTURE. HORTICULTURAL REGISTER, and general Magazine (of all useful and interesting discoveries connected with Natural History and Rural Subjects). D By J. Paxtou and J. Harrison ([and afterwards] J. Main). Vol. l-v.f 8°. Sheffield & London, 1832-36. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. See ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. HORTO (GARCIA AB) See ORTA (G. DE) HORTON (JAMES AFRICANUS BEALE) Geological Constitution of Ahanta, Gold Coast, pp. 6. 8°. Freetown, 1862. HORTON (WILLIAM) [For reports in connection with the Geological Survey] See NEW YORK, State of.— Geological Survey. HORTUS ACADEMICUS FISANUS. See PISA. — UNIVERSITY. 878 HORTUS ANGLICUS. llprtus Anglicus ; or the modern English (.iardrn : containing a familiar dcscrip tion of all the Plants which are cultivated in ... Great Britain, <£c. [By Stephen Clarke.] 2 Vol. 8°. Lotulon, 1822. HORTUS BENGALENSIS. See CALCUTTA. — Royal Botanic Gardens. HORTUS BOTANICUS ACADEMIJE LUG- DUNO-BATAV^. See LEYDEN.— RIJKB UNIVERSITEIT. HORTUS BOTANICUS AMSTEL.2EDAMEN SIS. See AMSTERDAM. HORTUS BOTANICUS IMPERIALIS PE- TROFOIiITANUS. See ST. PETERSBURG.— IMPERA- TORSKII SANKTPETERBURGHSKII BOTANICHESKII SAD. HORTUS BOTANICUS LEODENSIS. See LIEGE. — UNIVERSITE. HORTUS BOTANICUS MATRITENSIS. See MADRID. — Jardin Botdnico. HORTUS BOTANICUS OXONIENSIS. See OXFORD. — UNIVERSITY.— Botanic Garden. HORTUS BOTANICUS TICINENSIS. See PA VIA. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGU STUDI. HORTUS BOTANICUS VIADRINUS. See FRANKFORT ON THE ODER. — UNIVERSITAS FRANCO- FUHTANA. HORTUS BOTANICUS VINDOBONENSIS. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAKT. HORTUS BREITERIANUS. [For publications in connection with this Garden] See BHEITER (G. A.) HORTUS CJESAREUS FLORENTINES. See FLORENCE. — REALE ISTITUTO DI STUDI SUPERIORI, &c. HORTUS DYCKENSIS. [For publications in con- nection with this Garden] See SALM-KEIFFERSCHEID- DYCK (J.) HORTUS E LGINENSIS. See NEW YORK, City of. HORTUS E YSTETTENSIS. See EICHSTADT. HORTUS GRTFHICUS. See GREIFSWALD.— KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. HORTUS IMPERIALIS BOTANICUS PE- TROFOLITANUS. See ST. PETERSBURG. — IM- PERATORSKlI 8ANKTPETERBURGHSKII BOTANICHESKII SAD. HORTUS MEDICUS AMSTEL^DAMENSIS. See .AMSTERDAM.— HORTUS BOTANICUS AMSTELJSDA- MENSIS. MEDICUS JENENSIS. V See J«MA.-fftAlCHSI8CHE GESAMT-UNIVER8ITAET. HORTUS FATAVINU8. See PADUA.— REGIA UNIVERSIT! DEGLI STUDI. HORTUS PETROPOLIT ANUS. See ST. PETERS BURG.— iMPERATORSKli SANKTPETERBURGHSKl! BOTA- NlCHESKlI SAD. HORTUS FISANU8. See PISA.— UNIVERSITA. HORTUS PUBLICUS BONONL2E. See BOLOGNA.— REGIA UNIVERSITY DKGLI STUDL HORTUS REGIUS BOTANICUS BONONIEN- SIS. >Yc BoLOdNA.— REGIA UNIVERSITY DEGLI STUDI. HORTUS REGIUS BOTANICUS GOTTIN- GENSI8. See GOTTINOEN. — GEORG-AUGUSTS-UNIVERSITAET. HORTUS REGIUS BOTANICUS HAFNIEN- SIS. See COPENHAGEN. — Botanisk Have. HORTUS REGIUS BOTANICUS MATRIT- ENSIS. See MADRID.— Jardin Botdnico. HORTUS REGIUS FLORENTINUS. See FLORENCE. — REALE ISTITUTO DI STUDI SUPERIORI,<£C. HORTUS REGIUS MONSFELIENSIS. See MONTPELLIER.— Jardin des I'lantes. HORTUS REGIUS FANORMITANUS. See PALERMO.— Real Orto Botanico. HORTUS RHENO-TRAJECTINUS. See UTRECHT. — RIJKS-UNIVERSITKIT. HORTUS SANITATIS. Ortus Sanitatis. DeHerbis 7 Plantis. De Animalibus 7 Reptilibus. De Avibus 7 volatilibus. De Piscibus 7 natatilibus. Lie I^api- dibus 7 in terre venis nascentibus. De ITrinis 7 eaj speciebus. [Tabula medicinalis cum directorio generali per oinnes tractatus.] fol. Venetiis [ ]. In Latin : compiled chiefly from the German " Hnrtus Kiimtiitis" of J. von Cube. Without pagination. Catchwords only on the verao of ejich folio. Register : 8ig. a-z, Aa-Ii, A-V, aa-cc. 850 folios printed in double column, 53 or 57 lines to the full column, with many woodcuts. The initial capitals have not been filled in. The titK'-page is imi>erfectt only the central portion remaining. 'I In- colophon to the "Tractatus de Lapidibus" reads :—" Impresmun Venetiis per Uernardinum Benalium." [Another edition.] fol. [ Without pagination or catchwords. Register, Sig. a-z( 'Aa-H, A-Z, 7. aa-oo. 360 folios, printed in lu cnlmnna, 55 lines to a full column. The initial capitals have not been filled in. The woodcuts are reversed, as compared with those in the edition printed at Venice. There is no indication aa to place «r date of imprint. [Another edition.] fol. [ This copy differs from the preceding only in detail* of setting and in some of the woodcuts. The initial capitals have been filled in. HORTUS UNIVERSITATIS IMPERIALIS PETROPOLITAN-E. See ST. PETERSBURG.— IM- PERATORSKll SANKTPETERBURGHSKII UNIVERSlTET. HORUSITZKT (HENRIK) Muzslya es Bela kozseg hatarainak agronom-geologiai viszonyai. pp. 35 : 2 maps geol. col., text illust.— Die agro-geologischen Verhaltnisse des Gemarkungen der Gememden Muzsla und Bela. pp. 38 : 2 maps geol. col., text illust. See AuSTRiA-HuN- GARY.— Magyar Kirdlyi Foldtani Int&et. Evkonyve (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche), &c. Kot. xn, fiiz. 2. 8°. 1898 (1900). Horusitzky (H.) Budapest szekesftiyaros ni. kerii- lett;nek (O-Buda} agronom-geologiai viszonyai, kivalii tekintettel a szOlokulturara. m. 28 : 1 map geol. col., text illust. — Die agro-geologiscnen Verhaltnisse des IIL Bezirkes (6-Buda) der Haupt- und Kesidenzstadt Budapest, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die Weincultur. pp. 31 : 1 map geol. col., text illust. See AUSTRIA-HUN- GARY.— Magyar Kirdlyi Foldtani Inte"zet. Evkonyve (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche), &c. Kot. xii, fiiz. 5. 8°. 1898 (1901). HORVATH (ALEXIS) See KHORVAT (A. N.) HORVATH (OEZA) Monographia Lyg,Tidarum Hun- garian Magyarorszag Bodobacsfeldinek Maganra.jza, &c. pp. vi, 109: 1 pi. col. 4°. Budapest, 1875. Latin and Hungarian in inrallel colnraM. 879 '•• Horvath (G.) Beitrag zur Hemipteren-Fauna Trans- kaukasiens. See SCHNEIDER (O.) Naturwissenschat't- liche Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kaukasusliinder, &c. 8°. 1878. Horvath (G.) Az Erewwcoris-i&jok magilnrajza. [A monograph of the species of Eremocoris.} pp. 29 : 2 pis. " A Rovarok dimorphismusarol. [On dimorphism in > ^ I /- 'Insects.] pp. 49. S,ee BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekez6sek a Termeszettudomanyok Korebiil, &c. Kot. xin, szam 2 & 4. 8°. 1883. Horvath (G.) See ROVARTANI LAPOK (Feuilles p: Entomologiques. Bulletin '. . . redige par . . . G. Hor- vath), &c. Kot. I & ii. 8°. 1884-85. Horvath (G.) Die Hemipteren des Talysch-Gebietes, ' £_ &c. See RADDE (G. F. R.) Die Fauna und Flora des siidwestlichen Caspi-Gebietes, &c. 8°. 1886. Horvath (G.) [Hemiptera of eastern Asia.] e- l_ ENYf (B.) Count. Gr6f Szechenyi B. Keletazsiai utjanak tudomanyos Eredmenye. Kot. II. 4°. 1897. , Horvath(G.) [Hemiptera from northern Asia,] L - (J.) Count. Zichy J. Gr6f. Harmadik Azsiai Utazasa, ^2- &c. Bd. n. 4°. 1901. HOSACK (DAVID) [1769-1835] Syllabus of the course 15 of lectures, on Botany, delivered in Columbia College. pp. 22. 8°. New York, 1795. Hosack (D.) [Hortus Elginensis : or a Catalogue of Plants, indigenous and exotic, cultivated in the Elgin Botanic Garden. 8°. New York, 1806.] Wanting. Second edition, &c. pp. x, 65 : 1 pi. 8°. New York, 1811. Hosack (D.) A statement of facts relative to the establishment and progress of the Elgin Botanic Garden, &c. pp. 56. 8°. New York, 1811. HOSE (CHARLES) A descriptive account of the Mam- Zmals of Borneo [with a preface by M. R. O. Thomas, who determined the species], pp. 78 : 3 pis. (col.), 1 map. 8°. London, 1893. HOSE ( JOHANN ALBERT) [-1800] Herbarium vivum Muscorum frondosorum cum descriptionibus analyticis ad normam Hedwigii. 2 Pt. 8°. Lipsice, 1799-1800. , HOSEA (L. M.) See CINCINNATI QUARTERLY JOURNAL *••" OF SCIENCE, THE. Editor . . . L. M. Hosea. Vol. n. 8°. 1875. HOSER (JOSEPH) Dissertatio inauguralis de modo Plantas juxta Systema Linneanum determinancli, id est earum nomina in eodem inveniendi. 8°. Pragce, 1828. HOSER (JOSEPH CARL EDUARD) [1770-1848J Ueber einige Gegenden des Rakonitzer Kreises von J. K. E. Hoser. See SCHMIDT (F. W.) Sammlung physikalisch- okonomischer Aufsatze, -tWpu ton Univers ur les mines.. . See PA&WI 'ffZpo- — 8°. 1889. • HOSKYN (RICHARD) Deep-sea Soundings west of Ireland. By ... R. Hoskyn . . . 1862. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Admiralty. 8°. [1862 1] HOST (NicoLAUS THOMAS) [1761-1834] Cimex Teucrii. — Entomologica. — Amphibiologia. See JACQUIN (N. J. ^ VON) Baron. N. J. Jacquin Collectanea Austriaca, &c. 5 Vol. n, no. 7 ; in, no. 4 ; iv, no. 5. 4°. 1788-1790. Host (N. T.) N. T. Host . . . Synopsis Plantarum in Austria provinciisque adjacentibus sponte crescentium. j^ pp. xvi, 666. 8°. Vindobonce, 1797. Host (N. T.) N. T. Host . . . Icones et descriptiones Graminum Austriacorum. 4 Vol. illust. col. ^ fol. Vindobonce, 1801-9. Host (N. T.) N. T. Host . . . Flora Austriaca. 2 Vol. D 8°. Viennce, 1827, 31. t Host HOTTON (PETRUS) [1648-1709] P. Hotton . . . Sermo academicus, quo Rei Herbaria? historia & fata a< 1 1 1 N 1 1 mi t it i ir. &c. pp. iv, 65. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum [1695]. [Another edition.] See USTERI (P.) Delectus r?- opusculorum Botanicorum, &c. Vol. I, no. 9. 8°. 1790. Hotton (P.) Thesaurus Phytologicus, das ist neuer- ofFneter und reichlich-versehener Krauter-Schass, &c. ,-' 2 Thl. pp. \xiv} 958 : enyr. title. 4°. Niirnberg, 1738. HOTZ (JOANNES) De Balneis infantum dissertatio, adnexa Buprestis descriptione . . . quam . . . prseside £ . . . G. F. Sigwart . . . ventilabit auctor J. Hotz. PP- 48 M •• 1 Pi- 4°. Tubinijoe [1758]. HOTJARD(C.)&Darbotrjc(J.) Catalogue systematique , des Zoocecidies de 1'Europe et du bassin M6diterran6en . . . Avec line preface par A. Giard. pp. xi, 544 : text <• illust. See BULLETIN SCIENTIFIQUE DE LA FRANCE ET DE LA BELGIQUE. Ser. VI, torn, xxxiv bis. Volume supplernentaire. 8°. 1901. SSI) 8 M C 5 L M HOUBA (J.) Les ChCnes de I'Amerique sententrionale on Belgique leur origine, leur quahtes, leur avenir. pp. nit, S2i>, rii: 58 pit. 8°. Hasselt, 1887. HOUCK (FRIDERICUS) Rectore Academies Salanw . . . Dissertationem inauguralem botanico-medicam de Hyperico (aliis Fuga dwmonum) preside G. W. Wedelio . . . submittit auctor et res]>ondens F. Hovck, d-c. pp. 56. 4°. Jenat [1716]. HOUCKGEEST (ANDRfi EVERARD VAN BRAAM) See BRAAM-HOUCKGEEST. M HOUDAILLE (F.) Mineralogie Agricole. pp. 289 : text illitst. 12°. Paru, 1900. HOUGH (ROMEYN BECK) The American Woods, exhibited by actual specimens and with copious ex- planatory text, d-c. 8 It. 8°. Lowville, N. Y., 1888-99. Tho specimens consist of 200 sets of sections. HOUGHTON.— Michigan Mining School. Catalogue of the . . . School. With statements con- cerning the Institution and its courses of instruction . . . 1890-1891. pp. 100, 2 tabs. : 1 map. 8°. Houghton, Mich., 1891. 1891-92. pp. iv, 175, 0 tabs. 8°. Houghton, Mich., 1893. 1894-96. pp. v, 283, tables : 1 map, text Must. 8°. Houghton, Mich., 1896. Houghton. Michigan Mining School. Reports of the Director [M. E. Wadsworth] ... for 1890-92. 8°. Lansing, Mich., 1893. HOUGHTON (DOUGLAS) [1809-1845] Localities of / Plants collected in the North-western [U.S.] Expeditions of 1831 and 1832. See SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca I^ke, d-c. 4°. 1834. Houghton (D.) £. A List of species and localities of Plants collected in the North-western [U.S.] Expeditions ... of 1831 and 1832. A Report on the existence of deposits of Copper in the geological basin of Lake Superior. See SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) Summary narrative of an Exploratory Expedition to the sources of tho Missis- sippi River, &c. Appendix vi, no. 1 ; vn, no. 1. 8°. 1855. Houghton (D.) Remarks on rocks between Chocolate r- River and Granite Point, embracing Marquette Harbour, d-c. See MICHIGAN, State of. — Geological Survey. Upper Peninsula, 1869-1873, . vi, 4-7, iv. 8°. London, 1853. Reprinted from the "Pharmaceutical Joumal,"'June 1852. Howard (J. E.) Illustrations of the Nueva Quinologia of Pavon, with coloured plates by W. Fitch, and observations on the Barks described, pp. [vi,] xvi : 30 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. fol. London, [1859-] 1862. Howard (J. E.) The Quinology of the East Indian Plantations, pp. x, 116: 15 pis. col.. 2 photos. £5 fol. London, 1869-76.- HOWARD (LELAND O.) Hymenoptera Aculeata : Chrysididae to Apidse. See KINGSLEY (J. S.) The- Standard Natural History, &c. Vol. 11. 4°. Howard (L. O.) Descriptions of North American Chal- cididffi, &c. pp. 47. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 5. & 8°. 1885. Howard (L. O.) The Chinch Bug [Blissus leuco- ,=. pterus, Say] : a general summary of its history, &c. pp. 48 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department If.- of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 17. » ""y 8°. 1888. —> Howard (L. O.) The correlation of structure and [^ A • host-relation among the Encyrtince. See JORDAN (D. S.) & others. The Wilder Quarter-century Book, &c. 8°. 1893. Howard (L. O.) Revision of the Aphelininas of North _ America, &c. pp. 44 •' ^xt illust. See UNITED STATES. C — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. [Bulletin.] Technical Series, No. 1. 8°. 1895. Howard (L. O.) The Grass and Grain Joint- Worm Flies and their allies : a consideration of some North _ American phytophagic Eury tominae. pp. 24 : text illust. C. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. [Bulletin.] Technical Series, No. 2. 8°. 1896. Howard (L. O.) Insects affecting the Cotton Plant. S pp. 31 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 47. 8°. 1897. v Howard (L. O.) The Gipsey Moth in America, &c. pp. 39 : text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Department _ of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin. & New Series, No. 11. 8°. 1897. Howard (L. O.) consideration of A study in Insect Parasitism : a the Parasites of the white-marked Tussock Moth, &c. pp. 57: text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. [Bulletin.] Technical Series, No. 5. 8°. 1897. Howard (L. O.) The San Jose Scale in 1896-1897. pp. 31 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin. New Series, No. 12. 8°. 1898. Howard (L. O.) Notes on the Mosquitoes of the United States : giving some account of their structure and biology, with remarks on remedies, pp. 70 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture.— Entomology Division. Bulletin. New Series, No. 25. 8°. 1900. Ill 882 Howard (L. O.) The principal Insects affecting the Tobacco Plant. pp. 33: text illust. See UNITED t STATES.— Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bul- letin No. 120. 8°. 1900. Reprinted, with illfiht revision by the author, from the " Yearbook of the I>«|vt. of Agrio. for 1898." Howard (I* O.) Mosquitoes : how they live ; how they carry disease ; how they are classified ; how they may be destroyed, pp. xv, $41 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. New York, 1901. Howard (L. O.) The Insect Book. A popular account of the . . . North American Insects, exclusive of the Butterflies, Moths and Beetles &c. pp. xxvii, 429 : 8°. New York, 1902. Butterflies, Moths and Beetles, &c. 48 pis. (col.), text illust. Howard (L. O.) [For official reports as Entomologist] See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Howard (L. O.) & Marlatt (C. L.) The San Jose _ - Scale . . . with a full account of its life history, &c. pp. SO : 1 pi. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division,. BuDetin. New Series, No. 3. 8°. 1896. Howard (L. O.) .fe Marlatt (C. L.) The principal Household Insects of the United States, &c. pp. 130 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of 'Agri- culture.—Entomologi/ Division. Bulletin. New Series, No. 4. 8°. 1896. HOWARD (W.) Beautiful Leaved Plants ; ... by E. J. Lowe . . . assisted by W. Howard, &c. See LOWE (E. J.) 8°. 1868. HOWARTH (ELIJAH) Catalogue of the Bateman 6 Collection of Antiquities in the Sheffield Public Museum. See SHEFFIELD.— Sheffield Public Museum. 8°. 1899. (^ Howarth (E.) The Museums Journal . . . Edited by E. Howarth, &c. Vol. i-> See MUSEUMS ASSOCIA- TION. 8°. 1901-» "7 HOWE (.TAMES LEWIS) Bibliography of the Metals J of the Platinum Group. Platinum, Palladium, Iridium, (_ Rhodium, Osmium, Ruthenium. 1748-1896. pp. 318. r -7 u.-» L. ft See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Mis- cellaneous Collections. No. 1084. Vol. xxxvm. 8°. 1897. . P HOWE (MARSHALL AVERY) The Anthocerotaceaa of 7- 9 North America, distribution over the county. p)>. 7, 112. 8°. St. Andrews & London [ ]. Consists of dried specimens laid down on sheets, with printed notes. HOWIETOUN riSHERT. A history of Howie- ~y toun, A List of the Noctuidoe of Wisconsin. — Catalogue of yr the Cold-blooded Vertebrates of Wisconsin. See WIS- CONSIN, State of. — Geological Survey. Geology of Wisconsin, dec. Vol. I. 8°. 1883. wrflE- 190Vncff7 8°- 1902- HOYER (CARL A. H.) Flora der Grafschaft Schaum- burg und der Umgegend, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf Arzneikunde, den Haushalt, die Landwirthschaft und die Gewerbe bearbeitet. pp. 513, xxxiv. 8°. Minteln, 1838. HOYLE (WILLIAM EVANS) [1855-1 Report on the Cephalopoda collected by H.M.S. Challenger . . . 1873-76. 7 pp. vi, 245 : 33 pis., 1 map, text Must. See GREAT BRITAIN £~ AND IRELAND. [ Voyages, dec.— Challenger Expedition] Report, dec. Zoology. (Pt. XLIV.) Vol. xvi. 4°. 1886. Hoyle (W. E.) The Parasites of Man, and the diseases which proceed from them . . . Translated from the — ? German [with additional remarks] . . . by W. E. Hoyle, •"— - &c. See LEUCKART (C. G. F. R.) 8°. 1886. Hoyle (W. E.) Note on D'Orbigny's figure of Onychoteuthis dussumieri. I tvn Q **~ On a new species of Sepia and other shells collected by C -\ / . . . R. Koettlitz in Somaliland. pp. 6: 1 pi. On the generic names Octopus, Eledone, and Histiopsis. pp.7. See MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs and Proceedings, &c. Vol. XLV, no. 4, 6 >fe 9. 8°. 1901. Hoyle (W. E.) British Cephalopoda : their nomen- <• — clature and identification. See MANCHESTER. — OWENS COLLEGE. — Manchester Museum. Notes, &c. No. 9. 5 8°. 1902. Journ. Conchol. Vol. p. 197-206. Hoyle (W. E.) The Luminous Organs of Pterygio- , teuthis margaritifera, a Mediterranean Cephalopod. pp. 14: text illust. See MANCHESTER LITERARY AND $". ->{,, ^ PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs and Proceedings, &c. Vol. XLVI, no. 16. 8°. 1902. Hoyle (W. E.) The Use of Museums in Teaching. £_ pp. 8. See MANCHESTER. — OWENS COLLEGE.— Man- c -*. / •* Chester Museum. Notes, &c. No. 13. 8°. 1903. ~ Museums Journ. Vol. IT. Hoyle (W. E.) Notes on the type specimen of Loligo / eblanoe, Ball. pp. 10:1 pi. Zoologie de l'lJniversit6 de Utrecht. See PLEYTE (W.) £— & others. Guide Zoologique, d&c. 8°. 1895. Hubrecht (A. A. W.) Die Keimblase von Tarsius '• ein Hilfsmittel zur scharferen Definition gewisser Siiuge- . thierordnungen. See HAECKEL (E. H. P. A.) & others. £-. Festschrift zum siebenzigstenGeburtstagevonC. Gegen- baur . . . 1896. Bd. n. 8°. 1896. Hnbrecht (A. A. W.) Furchung und Keimblattbildung / bei Tarsius Spectrum, pp. 113 : IS pis. See AMSTER- DAM.—KONINKLUKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. £ £>» Verhandelingen . . . Tweede Sectie. Deel vm, no. 6. 8°. 1902. 885 , HUC (EVARISTE REGIS) [1813-1860] The Chinese i~ Empire, &c. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1855. HUDD (A. E.) The Insects of the Bristol District. - See ROGERS (B. M. H.) Handbook to Bristol, dec. 8°. 1898. HUDDESFORD (WILLIAM) [1732-1772] M. Lister _, . . . historian, sive synopsis methodicae Conchyliorum et ^-tabularum anatomicarum editio altera. Recensuit et in- dicibus auxit G. Huddesford. See LISTER (M.) fol. 1770. HUDLER (LuDWio) Ueber Capacitat und Gewicht der Schiidel in der anatomischen Anstalt zu Miinchen. pp. 51. 8°. Miinchen, 1877. HUDLESTOTSTformerly Simpson (WILFRED HUDLE- ,- STON) [1828-] Contributions to the Palseontology of the yf Yorkshire Oolites.— No. 2. GasteropodaoftheOxfordian and Lower Oolites. 12 No. 8". [London, 1882-85.] Qeol. Mag. 1882-86. (^- Hudleston formerly Simpson (W. H.) The Geology t . of Malton and Neighbourhood, dec. See MALTON FIELD NATURALISTS' AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Report, &c. No. 2. 8°. [1885.] ^ Hudleston formerly Simpson (W. H.) The Geology &- of Palestine, pp. 76 : 1 map col., text illust. 8°. London, 1885. Proc. Geol. Assoo. Vol. vm & ix. Hudleston formerly Simpson (W. H.) A Monograph of the Inferior Oolite Gasteropoda. Being Part I of the British Jurassic Gasteropoda, pp. 514: 44 pis. See PAL^ONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 4°. 1887-96. Hudleston formerly Simpson (W. H.) & Wilson (E.) A Catalogue of British Jurassic Gasteropoda, &c. pp. xxxiii, 147. 8°. London, 1892. HUDSON (CHAELES THOMAS) [1828-] The Rotifera ; ~y or Wheel Animalcules. By C. T. Hudson . . . assisted by P. H. Gosse. 2 Vol. illust. col. 8°. London, 1886. Z_ Supplement, dec. pp. vi, 64 : 4 pis. 8°. London, 1889. HUDSON (GEORGE VERNON) An elementary Manual £. of New Zealand Entomology, dec. pp. [vii,] 128 : 21 pis. col. ' 8°. London, 1892. C Hudson (G. V.) New Zealand Moths and Butterflies (Macro- Lepidoptera). pp. xix, 144 : 13 pis. col. 4°. London, 1898. HUDSON (HENRY) [-1611] Beschreibungder neuwen Schiffart gegen Nordt Osten, uber die Amerische Inseln in Chinam und Japponiam, von . . . H. Hudson newlich erfunden. See BUY (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE) [India Orientalis. Pt. x. — German.} Zehender Theil der Orientalischen Indien, &c. fol. 1613. C, Hudson(H.) Erste(— Vierte)Reise. (1607-10.) i, STEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. xvn. 4°. 1759, C Hudson (H.) [Voyage towards the North : 1610.] See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 5. 8°. 1849. Hudson (H.) H. Hudson the Navigator. / documents in which his career is recorded introduction, by G. M. Asher, dec. SOCIETY. Works, dec. No. 27. The original . . . with an See HAKLUYT 8°. 1860. Hudson (H.) The voyages of Capt. L. Foxe ... and I Capt. T. James ... in 1831-32; with narratives of the earlier North-west voyages of ... Hudson . . . and others. Edited . . . by M. Christy. 2 Vol. See HAK- LUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 88 & 89. 8°. 1894. HUDSON (.JOHN) of Evil. A treatise on the Medicinal Leach, containing remarks on the history, diseases and management of them, dec. pp.l06:4pls. 8°. JSfwW, 1841. HUDSON (JOHN) of Kendal. A complete guide to the Lakes . . . with Mr. Wordsworth's description of the scenery of the country, &c., and three letters on the Geology of the Lake District, by the Rev. Prof. Sedg- wick. Second edition. Edited by ... J. Hudson. pp. x, vii, 259 : 7 pis., text illust. 8°. Kendal, London, 1843. The " Botanical Notices " are by T. Gough. , HUDSON (WILLIAM) [1730-1793] G. Hudsoni . . . Flora Anglica, exhibens Plantas per regnum Anglise sponte crescentes, dec. pp. xv, 506. 8°. London, 1762. Second edition, &c. pp. xxxviii, 690. 8°. London, 1778. fcj Third edition, dec. pp. xxxii, 688. 8°. London, 1798. p HUDSON (WILLIAM HENRY) & Sclater (P. L.) Argen- tine Ornithology, &c. 2 Vol. Must. col. See SCLATER -7 (P. L.) & HUDSON (W. H.) 8°. 1888-89. Hudson (WILLIAM H.) The Naturalist in La Plata. pp. vii, 388 : 4 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1892. /_ P! Hudson (WILLIAM H.) Idle days in Patagonia, pp. vi, [ii,] 256: 4 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1893. £__ HUDSON RIVER. [Maps] A topographical Map of Hudsons River, with the channels . . . etc., and the country adjacent . . . By C. J. Sauthier . . . / Engraved by W. Faden [Scale 1 in. = 4 m.] London, 1776. \* • HUE (A. M.) A. M. Hue . . . Lichenes exotici a ... W. Nylander descripti vel recogniti et in Herbario 0 Musei Parisiensis pro maxima parte asservati in ordine systematico dispositi sunt. pp. 378. 4°. Parisiis, [1890-] 1892. Nouv. Arch. Mus. hist. nat. Paris. Ser. Ill, torn. n-iv. Hue (A. M.) [Lichens of Tunis.] See FRANCE. [ Voyages, dec. — Tunis.] Exploration scientifique de la Tunisie. jL Botanique. Catalogue raisonne des Plantes cellulaires, &c. 8°. 1897. Hue (A. M.) Lichenes Extra-Europaei a pluribus collectoribus ad Museum Parisiense missi, dec. 4 Pt. /? illust. 4°. Parisiis, [1898-] 1901. NOUT. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris. Ser. Ill, torn, x (1898) ; Ser. IV, torn. i-ni. HUEBENER. (J. W. P.) [-1847] Muscologia Ger- manica, oder Beschreibung der Deutschen Laubmoose, dec. pp. xviii, 722. 8°. Leipzig, 1833. Huebener (J. W. P.) Hepaticologia Germanica, oder Beschreibung der Deutschen Lebermoose, dec. pp. [xii], ry Ixiv, 314. 8°. Mannheim, 1834. Huebener (J. W. P.) Theoretische Anfangsgriinde der wissenschaftlichen Pflanzenkunde . . . Erstes Band- O chen : Handbuch der Terminologie und Organpgraphie des Pflanzenreichs. pp. xii, 388. 12°. Mainz, 1835. Huebener (J. W. P.) Flora der Umgegend von Ham- burg, stadtischen Gebietes, Holstein-Lauenburgischen und Liineburgischen Antheils, enthaltend die Gewachse welche in diesem Bezirke wild wachsen, oder zu okono- mischem und technischem Bedarf gebaut werden. pp. xliv, 523. 8°. Hamburg & Leipzig, 1846. HUEBER (JOANNES SAMUEL) Dissertatio inauguralis medica de Ipecacuanha Americana, quam prseside D. I. H. Schulze . . . publice defendet auctor, nd.-Bl. zool.- min. Verein. Regensbnrg," Jahrg. xxill, pp. 175-176 and 204-205, and by C. D. Sherborn and J. H. Durrant in "Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist.," Ser. VII, vol. it (1898), pp. 491-49&. Systematisch-alphabetisches Verzeichniss aller bisher bey den Furbildungen zur Sammlung Europaischer Schmetterlinge angegebenen Gattungsbenennungen ; mit Vormerkung auch Augsburgischer Gattungen. pp. vi, 81. 8°. Augsburg (1822). Abbildungen zur Berichtigung und Erganzung der Schmetterlingskunde . . . als Supplement zu . . . Hiib- ner'sEuropaischenSchmetterlingen,. 189S. HUEGEL (CARL ALEXANDER ANSELM VON) Baron ,-•>< [1796-1870] [On the Botanical Physiognomy of the Neil- gherries.] Sre I'.AIKIK (R.) Observations on the Neilgherries, 8°. [Hull, 1901-»] HULL GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, . xv, 270: 6 pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1892. Contemporary Science Serlee. Hull (EDWARD) [For official publications in connection with Memoirs illustrating the Map] See GREAT HRITAIN AND IRE- LAND. — Geological purvey. — England and Wales. [For official publications as Director] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey.— Ireland. Hull (EDWARD) & others. The Geology of the Burnley Coalfield, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN AND( IRELAND.— Geological Survey.— England and Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] 8°. 1875. HULL (EDWARD GORDON) Domestic remedies of the Arabs of the desert : with ethnological notes, See HULL (E.) Memoir on the Geology ... of Arabia Petraea, &c. 4°. 1886. HULL (JOHN) [1761-1843] The British Flora, or a Linnean arrangement of British Plants, with their ... fit English names, places of growth, &c. pp. vii, 449. '*•' 2 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. Manchester & London, 1799. - Second edition, See FRIES (E. M.) 8°. [1851.] - Also issued as part of Fries' " Monographia Hyroenomycetuni Suecise," ] : 1 pi. 8°. Lutetiae Parisiwum, 1817. Pflanzengeographie, nach A. von Humboldt's Werke uber die geographische Vertheilung for Gewachse, &c. See BEILSCHMIED (C. T.) 8°. 1831. Humboldt (F. H. A. VON) Baron. Account of the Cinchona Forests of South America. See LAMBERT (A. B.) An illustration of the genus Cinchona, &c. 4°. 1821. Humboldt (F. H. A. VON) Baron. [Essai geognostique sur le gisement des Roches dans les deux hemispheres. 8°. Paris, 1823.] Wanting. 2e Edition, &c. pp. viii, 364. 8°. Paris & Strasbourg, J826. Hnmboldt (F. H. A. VON) Baron. A geogrostical Essay on the superposition of Rocks, in botji Hemi- spheres . . . Translated from the originaj French. pp. viii, 482. 8°. Lotion, 1823. Hnmboldt (F. H. A. VON) Baron. Purifications recueillies en Amerique par A. de Humboldt, dec. See BUCH (C. L. VON). fol. 1839. Hnmboldt (F. H. A. VON) Baron. Dictionnaire universel d'Histoire naturelle . . . par MM. Arago . . . Humboldt, &c. 16 Vol. Must. col. See ORBIGNY (A. C. V. D. D'). 8°. [1839-] 1849. - [Another issue.] 8°. 1861. — Nouvelle edition, &c. nVolillust.col. 8°. [1867?] Hnmboldt (F. H. A. VON) Baron. R. H. Schomburgk's Reisen in Guiana und am Orinoko wahrend . . . 1835- 1839 . . . Mit einem Vorwort von A, von Humboldt, &c. See SCHOMBURGK (Sir R. H.) 8°. 1841. Humboldt (F. H. A. VON) Baron. [Asie centrale, &c. 3 Tom. 8°. Paris, 1843.] Wanting. Central-Asien. Untersuchungen uber die Gebirgs- ketten und die vergleichende Klimatologie . . . Aus dem Franziisischen ubersetzt i,nd durch Zusatze ver- mehrt herausgegeben von . . W. Mahlmann. 2 Bd. 1 map. 8°. Berlin, 1844. Humboldt (F. H. A. VON) aron. Kosmos. Entwurf einer physischen Weltbesc' eibung. 5 Bd. 8°. Stuttgart & Tubingen, 1845-62. Vol. v was edited by E. Buschntann. Humboldt (F. H. A. VON) Baron. Cosmos . . . Trans- lated from the German, by E. C. Otte (B. H. Paul & W. S. Dallas). 5 Vol. 8°. London, 1848-58. Hnmboldt (F. H. A. VON) Baron. Brief e uber A. von L Humboldt's Kosmos, . Insectes . . . decrltspar M. Latreille. „ 10. Sur larespirationdesCrocodiles.par Humboldt. „ II. Des Abeillesproprementditee... Par P. A. Latreille. „ 12. Hur nil Ver intestin (PoroceplMlui crotali] tronvi dani las |H>nnion» dn Serpent a sonnetus, de Cninana. Par A. de Hnmboldt. „ 13. Snr les Singes qni habitent les rives de 1'Orenoque, du OMftiquiare et du Hio Negro. Par A. de Hnmlxtldt. „ 14. Sur les Singes du royaume de la Nouvelle-Grenade et des rives de 1'Ainazone. Par A. de Hnmboldt. ,, 16. Snr quelqUM especes d'Animaux caniassier yittri-a. Par A. de Humboldt. „ 16. Tableau synoptiqne des Singes de 1'Aiu.Ti'iU'-1- A. de Humboldt. .... ; e. Par J 891 T [Humboldt (F. H. A. VON) Baron & Bonpland (A. J. A.) [(Contd.] [Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales, — ..i-.— j — ,, 2. Monographic des Melastomacees . . . mis en ordre par / A. Bonpland, «£T. 2Pt.(Melastom£e. — Rhev.iw)Ulust.col. fol. [1806-] 1816-23. [The descriptions of the Melastomne were by Bonpland and L. C. M. Richard : those of the Rhexire by Bon- pland, Richard, A. F. C. P. de Saint-Hilaire, and C. S. Kunth. The last five parts of the Melastomse and the greater part of the Rhexiaj were edited by Kunth.] 3. Nova genera et species Plantarum ... ex scbedis . . . Bonplandi in ordinem digessit C. S. Kuntb. Accedunt . . . A. de Humboldt notationes ad geographiam Plantarum spectantes. 7 Vol. illutt. fol. 1815-25. 4. Mimoses et autres Plantes L^gumineuses du Nouveau Continent . . . decrites et publiees par C. S. Kunth. pp. 223; SOpll. fol. 1819 [-24]. 5. Synopsis Plantarum, quas in itinere ad plagani sequi- noctialem Orbis Novi, collegerunt A. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland, auctore C. S. Knntb. 4 Vol. 8°. 1822-25 [-26]. ,, 6. Revision des Graminees publiees dans les Nova genera et species Plantarum de Humboldt et Bonpland ; pr6- cedee d'un travail general sur la famille des Graminees ; par C. S. Kunth . . . Planches colorizes d'apres les dessins de Madame E. Delile. Text, pp. 666. Atlas, "•V 220 pit. fol. 1829 [-84], [A title-page belonging to the succeeding edition has been supplied to the Atlas of this copy, the plates of C which are uncoloured.] - [Another edition entitled :] Distribution m^tho- dique de la famille des Graminees, (;•. pp. 34.- l_ 2 maps col., text Must. See STOCKHOLM. — KONOLIGA 8VENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. n, no. 11. 8°. 1874. [Another edition.] (Avec un resum6 en Francais.) Cy pp. 34, vi: 2 maps col., text Must. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Undersiikning. Ser. C. Afhand- lingar, [Another edition.] (Avec un rdsum6 en Francais.) \3~ pp. 68, 9 : 1 map col., text Must. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Undersiikning. Ser. C. Afhand- lingar, Contributions towards a Fauna and Flora of the County, *• <&c. 8°. 1845. HUMPHRY (Sir GEORGE MURRAY) [1820-1896] Observations on the limbs of Vertebrate Animals : the plan of their construction ; their homology ; and the comparison of the fore and hind limbs, pp. 44 : 3 pis. ' 4°. Cambridge f-£ctmbwgh [1729- 1809] Silva . . . with notes by A. Hunter, &c. See EVELYN (J.)wt*^ .&••#•£ 4°- 17>76- Fourth edition, with the editor's last corrections, and a short memoir of him. 4". 1812. HUNTER (ALEXANDER) M.D., of the Madras Army. A classified Catalogue of the Raw Produce exhibited at the Madras Exhibition of 1857 . . . the Minerals by _ A. Hunter. See MADRAS, Town of. — Exhibition of 1857. ~ 4°. 1857. HUNTER (JOHN) Admiral [1738-1821] An historical journal of the transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island . . . compiled from the . . . journals of Governors Phillip and King and of Lieut. Ball, &c. pp. [xviii,] 583 : 11 pis., 5 maps. 4°. London, 1793. HUNTER (JOHN) M.D. [-1809] [Disputatio inaugu- ralis qucedam de Hominum varietatibus, et harum causis exponens, &c. 8°. Edinburgi, 1775.] Wanting. [Translated from the Latin by T. Bendyshe.] See ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Pub- f\ lications, &c. The Anthropological Treatises of J. F. Blumenbach, &c. 8°. 1865. HUNTER (JOHN) F.R.S. [1728-1793] The Works of J. Hunter . . . with notes. Edited by J. F. Palmer. 4 Vol. & Atlas. 8°. & 4°. London, 1835-37. Contains, inter alia : — Vol. I. The Life of J. Hunter. By D. Ottley. ,, ir. Treatise on the natural history and diseases of the Human Teeth . . . With notes by T. Bell. ,, iv. Observations on certain parts of the Animal O3conomy . . . With notes by R. Owen. Hunter (JOHN) Essays and Observations on Natural History, Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology, and Geology. By J. Hunter . . . being his posthumous papers on those subjects, arranged and revised, with notes : to which are added, the introductory Lectures on the Hunterian Collection of Fossil Remains, delivered in ... 1855 ... by R. Owen. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1861 . Hunter (JOHN) F.R.S. [Observations on certain parts of the Animal CEconomy. 4°. London, 1786.] Wanting. A reprint under a collective title of papers in the " Phil. Trans." Second edition, pp. ii, 273 : 18 pis. 4°. London, 1792. [Another edition.] With Notes by R. Owen. pp. mii, xl, 506. 8°. London, 1837. A separate issue of Vol. iv of " The Works of J. Hunter" [q.v. supra]. ./ 2. 2- 894 Hunter (JOHN) F.R.S. The natural history of the Human Teeth : explaining their structure, use, forma- tion, growth, and diseases. [Pt. 1.] pi>. viii,128: 16 pis. 4". London, 1771. A second part was published In 1778, and the two issued together as " Seroml edition." [Another edition.] With notes by T. Bell. See supra, The Works of J. Hunter, Ac. Vol. n. 4°. 1 835. In this edition both {tarts are given. Hunter (JOHN) F.R.S. Beytrage zur Naturgeschichte der Wallfischarten. Erster Theil, enthaltend J. Hunters ZAnmerkungen iiber den Bau und die Oekonomie der Wallfische. Aus dein Englischen ubersetzt, mit An- merkungen und Zusatzen von J. G. Schneider, pp. [wf ,] 258. 8°. Leipzig, 1795. The translation of Hunter's paper, which appeared in the " Phil. Trans." for 1787, occupies the first IDS pages of this work. Hunter (JOHN) F.R.S. [Notes on Mammals from New ,__ South Wales.] See WHITE (J.) Surgeon-General. Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales', &c. 4°. 1790. Hunter (JOHN) F.R.S. Directions for preserving Animals, and parts of Animals, for examination. [By J. Hunter.] See ANIMALS. 8°. [180-.] This is apparently an earlier edition than that published in 1809, with a preface by O. Belfour, and is printed on one side of the paper only. [Another edition.] SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. See ROYAL COLLEGE OF 4°. 1835. Hunter (.JOHN) F.R.S. 3. Hunter's observations on Animal Development, edited, and his illustrations of that process in the Bird described, by R. Owen. pp. 64: 12 pis. fol. London, 1841. Reprinted on large paper from the " Descriptive and Illustrated Cata- logue of the Physiological Series of Comparative Anatomy contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons," Vol. v, 1840. Hunter (JOHN) F.R.S. Observations and Reflections on Geology . . . intended to serve as an introduction to the catalogue of his collection of extraneous fossils. See ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. 4°. 1859. £ Hunter (JOHN) F.R.S. Memoranda on Vegetation. See ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. 4°. i860. Hunter (JOHN) F.R.S. An essay towards a definition Zof Animal Vitality ; ... in which several of the opinions of ... J. Hunter are examined and controverted, &c. See THELWALL (J.) fol. 1793. Hunter (JOHN) F.R.S. An enquiry into the proba- bility and rationality of Mr. Hunter's Theory of Life,p. iv, 20 : 1 pi. 4°. Jence, 1827. Huschke (E.) De Bursas Fabricii origine. Pro- gramma, &c. pp. 16 : 1 pi. 4°. Jenae, 1838. HUSEK (G.) Ueber Starkekorner in den Wurzel- hauben von Allium Cepa. pp. 10. See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1902, no. 41. 8°. 1903. HUSEMANN (AUGUST HEINRICH) [1833-1877] & (T. G.) [Die Pflanzenstoffe in chemischer, physio- logischer, pharmacologischer und toxikologischer Hin- sicht, &c. 8°. Berlin, 1870-71.] Wanting. Bearbeitet von ... A. Husemann ... A. Hilger . . . und . . . T. Husemann . . . Zweito . . . Auflage. 2 Bd. 8°. Berlin, 1882-84. "' 1 z 6 B B B 8 B 3 i L. HUSEMANN (THEODOR GOTTFRIED) [1833-1901] Die Pilze in iikonomischer, chemischer und toxiko- logischer Hinsicht . . . Aus dem Franzcisischen iiber- tragon und mit Anmerkungen versehen von . . . T. Husemann, &c. See BOUDIER (E.) 8°. 1867. Husemann (T. G.) & (A. H.) [Die Pflanzenstoffe, &c. See HUSEMANN (A. H.) & (T. G.) 8°. 1870-71.] Wanting. Zweite . . . Auflage. 2 Bd. 8°. 1882-84. HUSNOT (TRANQUILLE) [1840-1 Catalogue des Cryptogames recueillis aux Antilles Franchises en 1868, et essai sur leur distribution ge'ographique dans ces iles. pp. 60 : 1 pi. 8°. Caen, 1870. p. Husnot (T.) See REVUE BRYOLOGIQUE, tdc. [Edited by T. Husnot] Ann. i-> 8°. 1874-» F> Husnot (T.) Hepaticologia Gallica. Flore analytique et descriptive des Hepatiques de France et de Belgique, &c. pp. 102 : 13 pis. 8°. Cahan & Paris, 1875-1881. Husuot (T.) Muscologia Gallica. Descriptions et figures des Mousses de France et (de quelques especes) des contrees voisines. 2 Pt. pp. x, 458 : 125 pis. 8°. Caftan & Paris, 1884-94. Hnsnot (T.) Graminees. Descriptions, figures et usages des Gramjnees spontanees et cultivees de France, Belgique, lies Britanniques, Suisse. pp. vi, 92 : S3 pis. 4°. Cahan, 1896-99. Husnot (T.) Le Dessin d'Histoire Naturelle, tike, pp. 79 : 6 pis., text illust. 8°. Cahan, 1900. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie. Caen. Ser. V, vol. in. Husnot (T.) & Coutance (A. G. A.) Enumeration des Glumacees recoltees aux Antilles Franchises, pp. 35. 8°. Caen, 1871. HUSS (MAGNUS VON) [1807-1890] Om mojligheten att, enligt vegetabiliernes naturliga analogier, a priori bestamma deras egenskaper och verkningar pa men- skliga organismen . . . af forfattaren M. Huss . . . Del i. See WAHLENBERG (G.) 4°. 1834. HUSSAK (EuoEN) [1856-] Die basaltischen Laven der Eifel . . . Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 37. 8°. Wien, 1878. Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. LXXVII, abth. I. Hussak (E.) Anleitung zum Bestimmen der gestein- bildenden Mineralien. pp. iv, 196 : Jfpls., text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1885. Hussak (E.) The Determination of Rock-forming Minerals . . . Translation from the first German edition by E. G. Smith, pp. -viii, 233 : 5 pis., text illust. 8°. New York, 1886. Hussak (E.) Notas petrographicas sobre os Augito- Porphyritos do Paranapanema. See SAO PAULO. — - Commissaogeographicaegeologica. Boletim,cfce. No. 2. Annexe. 8°. 1889. ' Hussak (E.) Contributes mineralogicas e petro- graphicas . . . Notas sobre Zeolitas do Augito-Por- phyrito de S. Paulo e Santa Catharina. pp. 40 : text illust. See SAO PAULO. — Commissao geographica e t geologica. Boletim, &c. Vol. I, no. 7. pp. 244-281. 8°. 1890. Hussak (E.) & Woitschach (G.) Repetitorium der Mineralogie und Petrographie fiir Studirende der }• > Naturwissenschaften, &c. pp. iv, 218. 8°. Breslau, 1890. HUSSENOT ( ) Chardons Nanceiens, ou prodrome d'un Catalogue des Plantes de la Lorraine. Fasc. i.t pp. 213. 8°. Nancy, 1835. /W 896 B 6 (, " ! HUSSET (JOHN) Report on the Botany of Barren and Edmonson counties, <{•<•. fire KENTUCKY, State of. — Geological Survey. Reports of Progress. New Series, Vol. I. 8°. 1876. Hussey (J.) [For official publications in connection with the Survey]5cr OHIO, State of. —Geological Survey. HUSSET (Mrs. THOMAS JOHN) Illustrations of I'.iitish Mycology, containing figures and descriptions of the Funguses of interest and novelty indigenous to Britain, pp. viii, 90 pis. col., with descriptive letter- press, fol. Loiulon, 1847. Second Series. 50 pis. col., with descriptive letter- in; H, fol. London, 1855. HUSSON ( ) Essai de Sinonymie Botanique Arabe. See HUSAIN IBN 'ABD A_LLAH (ABU 'An) Zusanunen- gesetzte Heilmittel der Araber, dfcc. 8°. 1845. HUTCHINS ( ) Miss [-c. 1816] [Manuscript Cata- logue of Irish Plants, with their localities.] pp. 34. 4°. HUTCHINS (1). E.) South African Woods and Forests. See CAPE COLONY. Illustrated Official Hand- book of the Cape, : 1 pi., text Must. 8°. Frankfurt a. Oder, 1886. Huuiul. Natnrw. Vortnigt. Bd. l. Hath(E.) DieKlett-PflanzenmitbesondererBerucksich- t? tigung inrer Verbreitung durch Thiere. pp. 36: text ' Must. See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA. Hft. IX. 4°. 1887. Hath (E.) Myrmekophile und Myrinekophobe Pflanzen. pi). 27: 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, 1887. " S.iiiiinl. Naturw. Vtirtrii^e. Bd. !. Hath (E.) Der Tabaxir in seiner Bedeutung fiir die Botanik, Mineralogie, und Physik. p]>. 16. 8°. Berlin, 1887. " Samml. Natnrw. Vortrage. Bd. i. Hutli (E.) Ueber die Einwirkung der Organismen auf j,. die Bildung der Mineralien. pp. 84. 8°. Berlin, 1888. ' Sanmil. Naturw. Vortriige. Bd. n. Hath (E.) See SOCIETATUM LITTER.* . . . Heraus- gegeben von ... E. Huth. Jahrb. 1887-1890. 4 Vol. J 8°. 1888-91. * HUTH (FREDERICK HENRY) [1844-] Works on -7 Horses and Equitation. A bibliographical record of L. Hippology. pp. x, 439. 4°. London, 1887. HUTH (GEORG LEONHARDT) [1705-1761] Sammlung verschiedener auslandischer und seltener Vogel, &c. [With a preface and translations by G. L. Huth of the original English descriptions by G. Edwards and M. Catesby.] 9 Tom. See SELIGMANN (J. M.) fol. 1749-76. Hath (G. L.) Entwurf eines Lehrgebaudes von Er- zeugung der Pttanzen . . . aus dem Englischen iiber- setzt und von G. L. Huth iibersehen. See HILL (J.) 8°. 1761. HUTTON (CHARLES) [1737-1823] The Philosophical . Transactions of the Royal Society of London . . . abridged ... by C. Hutton, . 60 : text illust. 8°. London, 1867. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1867. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) An Introduction to the Classification of Animals, pp. [viii,'] lift : text illust. 8°. London, 1869. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) [Coral and Coral Reefs. A lecture, delivered . . . 1870. See SCIENCE LECTURES, &c. Ser. II, no. 1. 8°. 1870.] Wanting. — [Another edition.] 8°. 1884. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) Prof. Huxley on the Geo- graphical Distribution of Animals. [Liverpool, 1871.] Z Newspaper report of a lecture delivered to the Liverpool Trades Opera- tive Classes for instruction in Science and Art. Cut from the Supplement to " The Daily Post," March 27, 1871. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) A Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals, pp. 4S1 : text illust. 8°. London, 1871. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) [On Yeast. A lecture . . . delivered . . . 1871. See SCIENCE LECTURES, &c. Ser. Ill, no. 1. 8°. 1871.] Wanting. - [Another edition.] 8°. 1885. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) [On] Holophagus. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. Figures and descriptions illustrative of British Organic Remains. Decade xin. 8°. 1872. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) A Manual of the Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals, pp. viii, 698 : text illust. 8°. London, 1877. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) The Crocodilian remains found in the Elgin Sandstones, with remarks on the Ichnites of Cummingstone. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. Figures and descriptions illustrative of British Organic Remains. Monograph m. ,/ Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) [The Circulation of the Blood. A lecture delivered . . . 1878. See SCIENCE LECTURES, &c. Ser. X, no. 1. 8°. 1878.] ; Wanting. [Another edition.] 8°. 1883. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) [The Crayfish. An intro- duction to the study of Zoology. 8°. London, 1879.] Wanting. Third edition, pp. xiv. 371 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. London, 1881. The International Scientific Series. Vol. xxvui. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) Science Primers. z tory. pp. 94. Introduc- 16°. London, 1880. 1.4 Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) Inaugural Meeting of the Fishery Congress. Address by Prof. Huxley, &c. See LONDON.— Great International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 8°. 1883. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) Fish Diseases. See LONDON. — Great International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 8°. 1883. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) Owen's position in the history of Anatomical Science. See OWEN (R.) The Life of R. Owen, &c. Vol. n. 8°. 1894/ Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) Reminiscences of Professor Huxley. See FLOWER (Sir W. H.) 8°. [1895.] ^ Huxley. [A Memoir.] See HOWES (G. B.) 8°. 1895.- - See MARSH (O. C.) 8". 1895. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) Life and Letters of T. H. Huxley, by his son, &c. 2 Vol. illust. See HUXLEY (L.) 8°. 1900. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) & Etheridge (R.) A Cata- logue of the Collection of Fossils in the Museum of Practical Geology, &c. See MUSEUM OF PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) & Forbes (E.) [Cephalo- poda from Melville Bay, Davis StraitsJ See SUTHER- LAND (P. C.) Journal of a voyage in Baffin's Bay, &c. Vol. n, Appendix. Huxley (T. H.) & Martin (H. N.) [A course of practical instruction in elementary Biology. 8°. London, 1875.] New [third] edition. pp.xi,279. 8°. London, 1883. Revised edition extended and edited by G. B. Howes ... and D. H. Scott . . . with a preface by Prof. Huxley, pp. xvi, 512. 8°. London & New York, 1888. Huxley (Rt. Hon. T. H.) & Felseneer (P.) Report on the specimen of the genus Spirula collected by HM.S. Challenger. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE- LAND.—[ Voyages^c.— Challenger Expedition] Report, &c. Zoology.' (Pt. LXXXIII.) / - ( I 899 HTJYGENS (CHRISTIAN) [1629-1695] Traite de la Lumiere, oil sont expliquees les causes de ce qui luy M arrive dans la reflexion et dans la refraction et particu- Herement clans 1'etrange refraction du Cristal d'Islande. Avec un discours de la cause de la pesanteur . . . Edidit, cum praefatione Latina, W. Burckhardt. pp. iv, 134 : 1 !>!>• 8°. Lipsias [1885]. i HUZARD (JEAN BAPTISTE) [1745-1838] [For articles on Domestic Animals and Veterinary] See Dic- "? TIONARIES. Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire naturelle, &c. 24 Vol. 8°. 1803-04. Nouvelle edition. 36 Vol. 8°. 1816-19. HUZARD (JEAN BAPTISTE) The Younger [1793-] —j Notice sur les Chevaux Anglais et sur les Courses en *• Angleterre, &c. pp. 49. 8°. Paris, 1817. Mem. Soc. roy. et cent. Agric. Tom. xx. HWASS ( ) [The genus Conus.] See ENCYCLOPEDIE METHODIQUE, £c. Histoire naturelle desVers. Torn. I. 4°. [1789-] 1792. HYADES (PAUL DANIEL JULES) [Geology of Tierra del Fuego.] See FRANCE. [ Voyages, &c. — Cap Horn.] Mission scientifique clu Cap Horn. 1882-83. Tom. iv. 4°. 1887. Hyades (P. D. J.) & Deiiiker (J.) [Anthropology and Ethnography of Tierra del Fuego.] See FRANCE. [Voyages, &c. — Gap Horn.] Mission scientifique du Cap Horn. 1882-83. Tom. vn. 4°. 1891. HYATT (ALPHEUS) [1838-1902] Observations on Polyzoa, sub-order Phylactolsemata. pp. iv, 103, 1 tab. : 8 pis., text illust. 8s. Salem, 1866-68. Proc. Essex Instit. Vol. iv & v. Hyatt (A.) See, AMERICAN NATURALIST, THE . . . Edited by ... A. Hyatt, &c. Vol. i-v. 8°. 1868-71. Hyatt (A.) About Pebbles, pp. 25. See BOSTON C SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Guides for Science- Teaching. No. i. 16°. 1878. Hyatt (A.) Commercial and other Sponges, pp. 43 : 7 pis. See BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Guides for Science-Teaching. No. in. 16°. 1879. s- Hyatt (A.) The genesis of the Tertiary species of Planorbis at Steinheim. pp. 114: 10 pis., text illust. See BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Anni- versary Memoirs, &c. 4°. 1880. Hyatt (A.) Poriferata. See KINGSLEY (J. S.) The Standard Natural History, &c. Vol. i. 4°. 1885. Hyatt (A.) Genesis of the Arietidae. pp. xi, SS8, 6 tabs. : 14 pis. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass.— HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Museum of Comparative Zoology. Me- moirs, &c. Vol. xvi, no. 3. 4°. 1889. — [Another issue.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. xxvi, f no 2. 4°. 1889 (1890). HYATT (THADDEUS) The Dragon-Fly, or reactive passive locomotion ... By a disciple of Bacon. [The preface signed T. H., i.e. T.Hyatt.] SeeH., T. 4°. 1882. HYDE (THOMAS) [1636-1703] Mandragorias, seu his- . toria Shahiludii . . . De ludis orientalium Libri primi Eirs prima, quae est Latina . . . De ludis orientalium ibri primi pars 2lla, quae est Hebraica . . . congessit T. Hyde . . . Praemittuntur de Shahiludio prolegomena, dec. (Historia Nerdiludii hoc est dicere Trunculorum ; cum quibusdam aliis Arabum . . . Chinensium & aliarum gentium ludis, &c.) 3 Vol. [in 1] illust. 8°. Oxonii, 1694. The half-title reads: " De Ludis Orientalibxis lihri duo," &c. There is a description, with a figure, of the Giraffe in Lib. i, pt. 1, pp. 106-7. HYDRA, H.M.S. Sounding voyage of H.M.S. "Hydra," . . . 1868. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Admiralty. 8°. 1869. HYRTL (CARL JOSEPH) [1811-1894] Antiquitates anatomicae rariores, quibus origo, incrementa et status anatomes, apud antiquissimae memoriae gentes, historica fide illustrantur, &c. pp. 109 : 3 pis. 8°. Vindobonce, 1835. Hyrtl (C. J.) Lepidosiren paradoxa. Monographie. pp. 64 : 5 pis. 4». Prog, 1845. Abhandl. k. Bohm. Gosell. Wissensch. Folge V, bd. ill. Hyrtl (C. J.) Vergleichend-anatomische Untersuch- ungen iiber das innere Gehororgan des Menschen und der Saugethiere. pp. viii, 139 : 9 pis. fol. Prog, 1845. Hyrtl (C. J.) Cryptobranchus Japonicus. Schediasma anatomicum, quod . . . dicat . . . J. Hyrtl, &c. pp. xii, 1S2: 14 pis. col. 4°. Vindobonae, 1865. Hyrtl (C. J.) Das Arabische und Hebraische in der Anatomie. pp. xlvii, 311. 8°. Wien, 1879. Hyrtl (C. J.) Die alten Deutschen Kunstworte der Anatomie, &c. pp. xxi, S30. 8°. Wien, 1884. HYVERT (GEORGES) Produnci6n, reparticion de las Kiquezas Minerales de Espaiia, &c. See SPAIN. [Maps.] col. 1900. lAKSHiC (VLADIMIR) Stan'e zeml'oradn'e u Srbiii. — fitat agricole de la Serbie. 8°. u Beoghradu, 1875. Ghlasnlk srpsk. uchcji. drustva. Bd. XLI, pp. 1-103. IBBETSON (LEVETT LANDEN BOSCAWEN) [-1869] Notes on the Geology and Chemical Composition of the various Strata in the Isle of Wight, &c. pp. 44 •' 1 relief map geol. col. 8°. London, 1849. IBBOTSON (HENRY) [1816 ?-1886] A Catalogue of the Phaenogamous Plants of Great Britain, &c. pp. 206. 4°. London, 1848. Ibbotsoii (H.) The Ferns of York, including also Nidderdale, and the districts around Thirsk, Scarbro', and Whitby, . . . edited by B. B. Le Tall . . . and A. R. Waller, pp. 32 \2]. 8°. York, 1884. IBIS, The. A Magazine of General Ornithology. Edited by P. L. Sclater. Vol. i-vi. illust. col. 8°. London, &c., 1859-64. Edited by A. Newton. New Series, Vol. i-vi. illust. col. 8°. London, 1865-70. Edited by O. Salvin. Ser. Ill, vol. i-vi. illust. col. .°. London, 1871-76. Edited by O. Salvin and P. L. Sclater. Ser. IV, vol. i-vi. illust. col. 8°. London, 1877-82. Edited by P. L. Sclater . Ser. V, vol. i-vi. illust. col. Edited by P. L. Sclater. Ser. VI, vol. i-vi. illust. col. Edited by P. L. Sclater . Ser. VII, vol. i-vi. illust. col. 8°. London, 1895-1900. — Edited by P. L. Sclater ... and A. H. Evans. Ser. VIII, vol. i-> illust. col. 8°. London, 1901-» Index of Genera and Species referred to, and an Index to the plates in the " Ibis," Series I-III, 1859-76. Edited by O. Salvin. 8°. London, 1879. (Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Series) 1877-94. Edited by O. Salvin. 8°. London., 1897. General Subject-Index . . . (First to Sixth Series), 1859-94. Edited by E. W. Gates. 8°. London, 1900. L . and H. Saunders. 8°. London, 1883-88. 8°. London, 1889-94. and H. Saunders. 2. -2- 900 z B M M M M IBIZA i l'.i \> LAZARO K) See LAZARO E IBIZA. IBN-AL-AWAM. See YAHYA IBN MUHAMMAD IBN AHMAD IBN AL'AWAMM (ABU ZAKARIYA) Al Abishi/i. IBN AL-BAITAR. S« 'ABD ALLAH IBN AHMAD (DHIYA AL-DlN ABU MUHAMMAD) Al-Mdlakl. IBN B ATUTAH. See, MUHAMMAD IBN 'ABD ALLAH. IBN BEITHAR. See 'ABD ALLAH IBN AHMAD (DHIYA AL-DIN ABC MUHAMMAD) Al-Malaki. IBN MASAWAIH (Yt'HANNA) See YUHANNA IBN MASAWAIH. IBN SINA. See HUSAIN IBN 'ABD ALLAH (Asu 'ALi). IBSEN (IBSEN PEDERSEN) [1801-] Anatomiske Under- s0gelser over Orets Labyrinth. . . . Afsluttet af For- fatteren i 1846 nu udgivet . . . ved . . . P. L. Panum. pp. [viii,] 56, xiv : 3 ph. 4°. Kjjbenhavn, 1881. ICELAND. [Maps.] Geological Map of Iceland. By T. Thoroddsen . . . Scale 1 : 600,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 9jm. about]. 2 sh. col. Copenhagen, 1901. ICONE8 BOGORIENSES. [Edited by J. G. Boer- lage.] Fasc. l-» 8°. Leide, 1897-» ICONES FOSSILIUM SECTILES. [By C. Koenig.] Centuria prium.t pp. 4: 19 pis. fol. [London, 1825.] The descriptive letterpress refers only to Pis. i-vni (figs. 1-100). ICONE8 FLANTARTTM. See HOOKER'S ICONES PLANTARUM. IDDINGS (JOSEPH PAXSON) [1857-] [Microscopical Ehysiography of the Rock-making Minerals . . . Trans- ited ... by J. P. Iddings. See ROSENBUSCH (C. H. F.) 8°. 1888. Fourth edition, tike. 8°. 1898. Iddings (J. P.) On a group of Volcanic Rocks from the Tewan mountains, New Mexico, and on the occur- rence of primary Quartz in certain Basalts, pp. 34. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin, illustrated Flora of Japan. New edition.] [Edited, with corrections, &c., by Tanaka .Yoshio and Ono i~M( Motoyoshi.] 20 Vol. illust. [8°. Ogaki, Nino, 1874.] L, In Japanese characters, witli a French translation of the Preface. The Latin names of the plants were checked by L. Savatier. Somoku dzusetsu moku roku So-bu, &c. — Index to /( the second edition of linuma Yokusai's Somoku- Dusets ... By Tanaka Yoshio & Ono Motoyoshi. pp. 195, [26J.25, S6. [8°. Tokio, 1874.] IJIMA (IsAol Studies on the Hexactinellida. Con- {_ tribution n. (The genera Gorbitella and Heterotella.) pp.34: 1 pi. See TOKIO. — TEIKOKUDAIGAKU. Journal <£./< of the College of Science, &c. Vol. xvii, art. 9. 4°. 1902. Contribution I (Euplectellidse) appeared in Vol. xv of the Journal. Ijima (I.) & Sasaki (C.) Okadaira Shell Mound L, at Hitachi, &c. See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIOAKU. Me- .. moirs of the Science Department. [European edition.] - Vol. i, pt. 1, Appendix. 4°. 1883. IKED A (T.) Studies in the physiological functions of Antipodals and related phenomena of fertilization in Liliacese. I. Trycirtis hirta. 8°. Tokyo, 1902. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the College of Agriculture, Tokyo Imp. Univ., Vol. v, pp. 41-71: pit. iii-m (col.) IKENITJS (CoNRADUs) [1689-1753] & Lampe (H.) Dissertatio . . . de Lilio Saronitico emblemate sponsae . . . quam . . . Prajses C. Jkenius, & respondens H. Lampe . . . submittent, &c. 4°. Bremae [1728]. ILFRACOMBE. A Guide to Ilfracombe, Lyntpn, Clovelly, and the neighbouring towns ; comprehending a ... history ... of ... that part of the North 01 Devon : to which is added a Geological and Botanical account of the neighbourhood ... A new edition, &c. pp. vi, 154 : 3 pis., 2 maps. 12°. Ilfracombe [1840 T\. Ilfracom'be. Notes on the Geology of Ilfracombe and . its neighbourhood. By a late Resident [R. H. Valpyl «* pp. 37. 12°. Ilfracombe [1867 ?J. Second edition, pp. 36. l&.Ilfracombe[post\880]. (y Third edition, pp. v, '34- • 12°- Ilfracombe [ ]. •- Fourth edition.,38. lZ".Ilfracombe[antel897]. ~ 901 ILLIG (KAEL GOTTWALT) Duftorgane der mann- lichen Schmetterlinge. pp. 34 : 5 pis. col. See Zoo- LOGICA. Hft. XXXVHI. 4°. 1902. ILLIGER (JOHANN CARL WILHELM) [1775-1813] ^ Verzeichniss der Kiifer Preussens . . . ausgearbeitet von J. K. W. Illiger, . 68: 1 pi., text illuit. 8°. London, 1893. IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY OF JAPAN. >" TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. IMPERIALS REALE ISTITUTO VENSTO DI SCIENZE, LETTERS ED ARTI. See VENICE.— REALE ISTITUTO VENETO, &c. IMPERIALS REALE MUSEO DI MILANO. See MILAN. — MUSEO civico. IMPERIALS REGIA ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE LETTERS SD ARTI IN FADOVA. See PADUA. — REGIA ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, dec. IMPERIALS RSGIO ISTITUTO DEL REGNO LOMBARDO-VENETO. See MILAN. — REALE ISTITUTO LOMBARDO, &c. IMPERIALS RSGIO ISTITUTO LOMBARDO DI SCIENZE LSTTSRE ED ARTI. See MILAN. — REALE ISTITUTO LOMBARDO, dec. IMPERIALS RSGIO ISTITUTO VENETO DI SCIENZE. LETTERS ED ARTI. See VENICE.— REALE ISTITUTO VENETO, eena occasionally also th^Linnaean names.] 3 Volr^o^. 504- fol. arfka MSS., No. 18-15. fide DjySfider's "Cat. Bibl. Banks," Vol. v, ''p. 71. India. [116 Water-colour Drawings, with manuscript descriptions of Indian Plants.] fol. INDIA. [Pamir Boundary Commission.] Report on the natural history results of the Pamir Boundary Commission by A. W. Alcock, with a list of the Plants by J. F. Duthie, and a notice of the Rock-Specimens by T. H. Holland, pp. 45 : 5 pis. 4°. Calcutta, 1898. INDIA. [Second Yarkand Mission.] Scientific results of the second Yarkand Mission ; based upon the col- lections and notes of ... F. Stoliczka. 14 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] Must. fol. Calcutta, 1878-91. Introductory note, &c. [By A. O. Hume.] pp. mi : 1 map col. 1891. 1. Memoir of the life and work of F. Stoliczka ... by V. Ball. ,,,,. .•;«. 1886. 2. Geology, by W. T. Blanford. pp. 49 : text illutt. 1878. 8. Syringosphieridse, by P. M. Duncan, pp. 17 : 3 fill. 1879. 4. Mammalia, by W. T. Blanford. (Chiroptera, by O. E. Dobson.) pp. iv, 94: 29 pis. (col.) 1879. Aves, by R. B. Sharpe. pp. xmi, US: 31, pit. col. 1891. Reptilia and Amphibia, by W. T. Blanford. pp. K: Spit. 1878. Ichthyology, by F. Day. pp. 36 : 6 pis. 1878. Araneidea, by ... O. P. Cambridge, pp. 115: 2 pit. 1885. 9. Hymenoptera, by F. Smith, pp. S3 : 1 pi. col. 1*,H. 10. Neuroptera, by R. McLachlan. pp. 6 : text illutt. 1878. 11. Rhynchota, by W. L. Distant, pp. IS: 1 pi. col, 1^-7:'. 12. Lepidoptera, by F. Moore, pp. 18 : 1 pi. col. 1879. 13. Coleoptera. pp. 79 : 3 pl». 1890. a, Qeodephaga and Longicoraia, by II. W. Bates, ii. Phytophaga, by J. S. Baly. c. Haliplida;, Dytiscidaa, Gyrinidse, Hydroptilidse, Staphy- linidse, and Scarabseidse (except Cetoniini), by 1). Sharp. d. Cetoniidse, by O. Janson. e. Heteromera, by F. Bates. 1890. 14. Mollusca, by G. Nevill. 1878. INDIA. [ Western Yunnan Expedition.] Anatomical and zoological researches : comprising an account of the zoological results of the two expeditions to western Yunnan in 1868 and 1875 ; and a monograph of the two cetacean genera, Platanista and Orcella. By J. Ander- son, pp. xxv, 980, 29, [1,] xi : 81 pis. col. 2 Vol. [in 4.1 4°. London, 1878 [i.e. 1879.] This copy has been subdivided and bound in 4 volumes, the plates being inserted at the end of each section. Vertebrata (except Cheiroptera, by G. E. Dobson). By J. Anderson. Mollusca. By G. Nevill. Insecta. By F. Moore. Crustacea. By J. Wood-Mason. INDIA. — BOTANICAL SURVEY. Records of the . . . Survey . . . Published under the direction of ... G. King, &c. Vol. I, no. l-> 8°. Calcutta, 1893-> India.— BOTANICAL SURVEY. Report of the Director ... for the year 1894-5-> fol. [Calcutta, 1895->] INDIA.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, REVENUE, AND COMMERCE. See infra, Department of Revenue and Agriculture. INDIA.— DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND AGRICULTURE. Selections from the Records ... By the Reporter on economic products [G. Watt]. Vol. i-n, pt. 4. 8°. Simla, 1888-90. India. — DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND AGRICULTURE. The Agricultural Ledger. No. l-> 8°. Calcutta, 1892-> 2. Also divided into the following series : — Agricultural series. Animal product series. Crop disease and pest series. Entomological series. Forest series. Implement and machinery series. Industrial series. Each number is separately paged. Medical and chemical series. Mineral and metallic series. Miscellaneous series. Special Forest series. Vegetable product series. Veterinary series. India. — DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND AGRICULTURE. Report on the Production of Tobacco in India by J. E. O'Connor, pp. ii, 92, xxiii. fol. Calcutta, 1873. India. — DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND AGRICULTURE. [Report of the Conservator of Forests, Central Pro- vinces, for 1876-77. By . . . J. C. Doveton.] pp. 51, 8> 3. fol. Simla, 1877. India. — DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND AGRICULTURE. Annual Report ... on the Management and Con- servancy of the Mysore Forests for ... 1876-77, by . . . G. J. van Someren. fol. Simla, 1877. 1104 M 6 6 India.— DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND AGRICULTURE. Annual Report ... on the Management and Con- servancy of the Coorg Forests for ... 1876-77 by Q. J. van Someren. fol. Simla, 1877. India.— DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND AGRICULTURE. Statement showing quantities and values of ... Minerals (and Gems) produced in each British Province and Native Suite of India, &c. 1888-91. 3 No. fol. [Simla, 1889-91.] [Continued as :] Return ( — Review) of Mineral production in India, •^ 8°. Calcutta, dot, 1858-» Wanting V 4°. Calcutta, &c., 1861-» New Series, Vol. i-» 4°. Calcutta, &c., 1899-» Each part contains a separately-paged paper. Index to the genera and species described . . . up to ... 1891. 4°. Calcutta, 1892. India.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Records, pp. iv, 60. 8°. Calcutta, 1866. " India. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Museum. Catalogue of the Meteorites in the Museum of the . . . <• Survey, fol. Allahabad, 1882-> INDIA.— North-Western Provinces and Oudh. — i DEPARTMENT OF LAND RECORDS AND AGRICULTURE. Bulletin, &c. No. l-> 8°. Allahabad, 1895-» India.— North-Western Provinces and Oudh.— DEPARTMENT OF LAND RECORDS AND AGRICULTURE. Field and Garden Crops of the North-western Pro- vinces and Oudh . . . By J. F. Duthie . . . and J. B. Fuller. 3 Pt. illust. 4°. Roorkee, 1882-93. Pt. in is by J. F. Duthie only. INDIA. —North-Western Provinces and Oudh.— FOREST DEPARTMENT. Annual Progress Report of Forest Administration for . . . 1876-77. By George Greig. pp. ft?, 6, 4. 4°. [Naini Tal, 1877.] , INDIA. [Maps.] The Indian Atlas. [Scale 1 in. = 4 m.] - Sh. i-» [London,] Calcutta, 1827-> ,J India. [Maps.] A Catalflgue-of Maps of Jtli& British IL Poss£S6iO"ns in India-afiaother par!s-ef-Asia7 pp. 59 : rmap. 8°. London, 1870. India. [Maps.] Map of India, shewing the British territories . . . and including British Burmah . . . By J. Walker. [Scale 1 in. = 64| miles.] 4 sh. col. London, 1885. India. [Maps.] Railway map of India. Scale 1 in. = . ,- 32 m. or 1 : 2,027,520 [showing sites of Coal and Iron ' deposits]. 6 sh. Calcutta, 1885. INDIA MUSEUM. Index to the Native and Scientific Names of Indian and other Eastern Economic r> Plants and Products. Prepared . . . by J. F. Watson. pp. viii, 637. 8°. London, 1868. India Museum. Report ... on the Gums, Resins, Oleo- resins, and Resinous Products in the India Museum, OI produced in India. Prepared under the direction •$ of [J. F. Watson] the reporter on the Products of India. pp. iv, 152 : 4 pis. 4°. London, 1874. India Museum. [72 Lithographed plates of Economic ^ Plants, chiefly Indian, marked "(India Museum, Lon- D don)."] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — India Office. INDIA REVIEW, The, and Journal of foreign Science and the Arts. Edited by F. Corbyn, &c. Vol. II "^ o INDIAN MUSEUM. 8°. Madras [1858]. ' See CALCUTTA. G- INDIANA, State of. Flora of Indiana. [By J. M. Coulter and M. S. Coulter.] (Supplement i.) pp. Hi, o 38 (S). 8°. [Crawfordsville, 1881-> 8°. Indianapolis, 1882-> For Reports No. 1-10, See infra, Geological Survey. INDIANA, State of.— DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS AND GEOLOGY. Annual Report ... By J. Collett. No. 2. 1880. 8°. Indianapolis, 1880. The Geological Section was in 1881 constituted aseparate Bureau, viz. : — " Department of Geology and Natural Resources " [q.v. supra]. INDIANA, State o/.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Annual Report ... 'By E. T. Cox. No. 1-10. 1869-78 [in 8 Vol.] 8°. Indianapolis, 1869-79. In 1879 the Survey was then merged in the " Department of Statistics and Geology," but in 1881 it was again separated as the " Department of Geology and Natural Resources" [qq.v. supra]. Indiana, State of— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of the State . . . 1837 (1838) . . . By D. D. Owen, &c. 2 Pt. 8°. Indianapolis, 1839.] Wanting. [Second edition.] 2 Pt. 8°. Indianapolis, 1859. INDIANA A [Founded G- 1885- , Ind., 1892_ 114 906 > INGALL (KLKRK: DRKYV) [1858-] [For official reports as Mining Engineer in charge of the Division of Mineral Statistics ami M ines.] See CANADA.— Geological Survey. INGEN-HOUSZ (JAN) [1730-1799] Experiments upon Vegetables discovering their great power of purifying the common air in the sun-shine, and of injuring it in the shade and at night. To which is joined a new method of examining the accurate degree of salubrity of the atmosphere, pp. xlviii, 302 [17]: 1 pi. 8°. London, 1779. Ingen-Housz (J.) J. Ingenhousz iiber Erniihrung der Pflanzen und Fruchtbarkeit des Bodens. Aus dem D Englischen iibersetzt und mit Amnerkungen versehen von G. Fischer . . . nebst einer Einleitung iiber einige Gegenstande der Pflanzenphysiologie von F. A. von Humboldt. 8°. Leipzig, 1798. INGERSOLL (ERNEST) [1852-] Report on the Natural History of the . . . Survey . . . 1874. (Special /V report on the Mollusea.) See UNITED STATES. — Geo- logical and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Bulletin, nr rnnrc INGUNZ A (H< m AN DE) Algunas indicaciones sobre la extrafia naturaleza de los Coprolitos de Terrer, en la Provincia de Zaragoza, pp. 9:1 pi. See SPAIN. — Coniision del Mapa Geologico. Boletln, . INNSBRUCK. Geogiiostisch-Montaiiistischer Verein fuei- Tirol nnd Vorarlberg. Abriss der montanistischen Kenntnisse, mit dm r I tin stellung der beniitzungsfahigen Mineralprodukte Tirols /^, und Vorarlbergs. pp. 95. 8°. Innsbruck, 1839. v Innsbruck. Ve- rein fwer Tirol und Vorarlberg. Geognostische Karte Tirols, 8°. Innsbruck, 1870— > INNSTAEDTEN (CAEL SOUKLAR' VON) Die Ziller- , thaler Alpen, mit besonderer lliicksicht auf Orographie, Z- Gletscherkunde und Geologic, &c. pj>. 61 : 3 maps. See PETERMANNS MITTHEILUNGEN, &c. Ergiinzbd. vn, no. 32. 4°. 1872. ... INOSTRANTZEV (ALEKSANDR ALEKSANDEOVICH) '1*2-' [1843-]^ Zamyetka ob Izslyedovanii Neprozrachnnikh Mineralov Vkhodyashchikh v Sostav ghornuikh porod. L- [Observations on researches into the opaque minerals ( 1 CJLr**' fol. Kingston, Jamaica, 1881 Wanting the Reports for 1881 and 1884. S, \ i5' Institute of Jamaica. Journal, &c. Vol. i-> 8°. Kingston, 1891-» Institute of Jamaica. Special publications, ,(•<•. No. i.t The Rainfall of Jamaica ... By M. Hall. fol. Kingston, 1891. Institute of Jamaica. Notes from the Museum [signed T. D. A. C., i.e. T. D. A. Cockerell, the Curator]. No. l-37.t fol. [Jamaica], 1891-93. Cyclostyled MS. Wanting No. 2, 13, 21, 28, 29, 34, 86. Institute of Jamaica. Bulletin, &c. No. I.t A / Erovisional list of the Fishes of Jamaica. Compiled y T. D. A. Cockerell. pp. 16. 4°. Kingston, 1892. ' Institute of Jamaica. Annals, <(•<•. Vol. i, no. 1. List of the Decapod Crustacea of Jamaica. By M. J. / Rathbun. pp. 46. 4°. Kingston, Jamaica, 1897. Institute of Jamaica. General Guide to the Museum . . . By T. D. A. Cockerell. pp. 2G : 1 plan. \_ 8°. Kingston, Jamaica, 1893. S. 3^ 908 o I L M )), a anoo d others. L&bm- ww/>.^x; n, Jamaica, 189;"). H Institute of Jamaica. Bibliotheca Jamaicensis. Some account of the princiital works on Jamaica in the Library of the Institute. By F. Cundall. /. 8°. Kingston, Jam. Reprinted from the " Handbook of Jamaica for 1895." Institute of Jamaica. The Mineral Springs of Jamaica, by the Hon. J. C. Phillippo. pp. 37. 8°. Kingston, Jamaica, 1891. Institute of Jamaica. Jamaica})) 1895, a handbook of inforffiation for intending seJJJcrs and others. pitea by F. Cundall.] pp^jim^ 77 : 1 •ma- -^ 8°. Kingston, Jamaica, Institute of Jamaica. Bibliographia Jamaicensis : a list of Jamaica books and pamphleta, magazine articles, newspapers, and maps, most of which are in the Library of the Institute ... By F. Cundall. mi. S3. 8°. Kingston, Jamaica [1902]. INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGI- NEERS. See SCIENCE ABSTRACTS . . . Issued under the direction of the Institution, 8". 1898-» INSTITUTO, O, jornal scientifico e litterario. L Vol. I-X.t 4°. Coimbra, 18.J3-62. INSTITUTO FISICO - GEOGRAFICO DE COSTA RICA. See SAN JOSE. INSTITUTUM ANATOMICUM REGII VRATISLAVIENSIS. See BRESLAU. — KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. — A na- tomisches Institut. INTELLECTUAL OBSERVER, The: review of natural history, microscopic research, and recreative science, Palaeontology. r» I 8°. Lfmdon, 1902. 8°. Lowlvn, 1902. 8°. London, 1903. 8«. London, 1903. 8°. London, 1903. U Zoology. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PRE- HISTORIC ARCHEOLOGY. See CONORES INTERNATIONAL D'ANTHROI-OLOGIE ET D'ARCHEOIXXHE PREHISTOKIQUES. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ZOO- LOOT, tier CONGKES INTERNATIONAL DE ZOOLOVi LONDON. INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL CON- GRESS. Sixth Session : London, /.s1!/,:. Report, <{Y. (List of Members— Catalogue of the Exhibition.) pp. xxxvi, 806 (84, 190) : 1 pi. col., 3 -nu „ ,' text Must. 8". London, 1896. International Geographical Congress. Seventh Session : lierlin, 7, s' .''.''. Verhandlungen des Siebenten Internationale!! Geo-<5'« graphen-Kongresses. 2 Thl. Mtutt. 8°. ]ierlin, U- STROTJO ?A ^ «» I8fi7 (A.) 8°. 1857. '62 INVESTIGATOR, Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship. Illustrations of the Zoology of H.M. . . . Z— Steamer Investigator, &c. Pt. i-» See INDIA.— Marine Survey. 4°. 1892-» Fordeacriptionaof the Animals figured, See CALCUTTA. — Indian Museum. INVILLIERS (E. V. r>') See D'INVILLIEKS. INWARDS (RICHARD) Sketches of South American _ Fossils. 8°. 1866. Forty-two original wftter-colour figures of specimens given to the Museum, with manuscript map showing tbe localities whence they were obtained. INWOOD (HENRY WILLIAM) [1794-1843] Of the resources of design in the architecture of Greece, Egypt and other countries, obtained by the studies of the architects of those countries from nature, pp. 12 : 4 pis. 4°. London, 1834. 6INZENGA (GIUSEPPE) [-1888] Funghi Sicilian! studii. Centuria I & n. Must. 4°. Palermo, 1865-69. i Inzenga (G.) Origine singolare di una nuova varietii «• di Arancio, Citrus aurantium ]xmormitanum,&c. pp.3: 1 pi. col. See PALERMO. — REALE ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Nuova Serie, Vol. v. 4°. 1875. IOLAS, Hierotarantinus. Sancti . . . Epiphanii . . . De xil gemmis, quse erant in veste Aaronis, liber Gnecus, Kv,> / Iowa, City of. —State University. L Explorations in the Far North, &c. See RUSSELL (F.) 8". 1898. IOWA, State of.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. _ Report . . . embracing the results of investigations GT made . . . 1855-57. By J. Hall . . . J. D. Whitney. Vol. I, pt. 1 & 2.t [in 2 Vol.] 4°. [Albany,] 1858. & Supplement, pp. [ii,] 92 [2] : 3 }>ls., text Must. 4°. [Albany,] 1859. Iowa, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. (^ Preliminary notice of new genera and species of Fossils, by C. A. White . . . and O. H. St. John. [pp. 2.] 8°. (Iowa City, 1867.) Iowa, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report . . . containing the results of examinations and observations made . . . 1866-69. By C. A. White. 2 Vol. 8°. Des Moines, 1870. Iowa, State of.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Iowa Geological Survey, &c. [Reports and Annual Reports.] Vol. l-> 8". Des Moines, 1893-> IOWA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. [Founded 1875. From 1884 to 1887 the Society remained dormant.] Proceedings, /«., 2 maps. 8°. London, 1823. IRBY (JOHN ROBIN MC!)ANIEL) [1854J-1880] On the Crystallography of C'alcite. pp. viii, 72 : 1 pi. 8°. Bonn, 1878. Also issued as an Inaugural Dissertation. Irby (J. R. McD.) On the works and character of James Smithson. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxi, art. 2. 8°. 1879. IRBY (LKONARD HOWARD LLOYD) [1836-] The Orni- thology of the Straits of Gibraltar, pp. 236 : 2 maps. 8°. London, 1875. Second edition . . . with an appendix containing a listof the Lepidoptera of the neighbourhood, pp. [viii,] 326 : 14 pis. (col.), 2 majis, text Must. 8°. London, 1895. L S. L L Irby (L. H. L.) British Birds : key list. 8". pp. 58. London, 1888. IRELAN (WILLIAM) [For official reports as State Mineralogist] See CALIFORNIA, State of. — State Mining Bureau. IRELAND. The Scientific Tourist through Ireland ._. . By an Irish Gentleman, &c. pp. 34 [194]: 7 pis., \ Lt L- 12°. London, 1818. IRISH FISHERIES. ot the Fisheries^on Ireland, foj^thtfyear 1821-23. 2 maps. IRELAND. — COMMISSIONERS OF An account of^-the present the diffi Lsae-t^ Reprinted from the Blue-book reports. Ireland. — £OMMISSIONERS OJ>*HE IRISH Reporjixrtftlie Sea and Inland Fisheries^.ef'lreland, foj>*t?00. pp. xviii, 23?r SPfDvblin, 1901. IRELAND. [Maps.] [Ordnance Survey, on the scale of 1 in. = 1 mj See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE- LAND.— Ordnance Survey. IRGENS (MARKUS FREDERIK) [1839-1876] & Hiort- dah.1 (T. H.) Geologiske unders0gelser i Bergens omegn, &c. See HIORTDAHL (T. H.) & IRGENS (M. F.) 4°. 1862. Irgens (M. F.) ublin,itc.,l833. IRISH NATURALIST, The: A monthly journal of general Irish Najjrfal History, and^tne official organ of the Royal ZooWgical Society of^ffeland ; the DuMin Micro.seopicjtJ^Club ; the Bafefst Natural Histdfy . xxii, 286 : 10 pit. 8°. Berlin, 1850. A Irmisch (J. F. T.) Beitriige zur Biologie und Morpho- logie der Orchideen. pp. viii, 82 : 6 pis. 4". Leipzig, 1853. 6 Irmisch ( J. F. T.) Beitrage zur vergleichenden Morpho- logic der Pflanzen, &c. « Pt. [in 1 Vol.] illust. 4". Halle, 1854-79. PC 1-5 appeared in the " Abhandl. Naturf. (iesell. Halle," Bd. H, in, vii * xni (1856-74), and Pt. 0 in the " Festschrift " of the same Society in 1879. Irmisch (J. F. T.) Morphologische Beobachtungen an \j einigen Gewiichsen aus den naturlichen Familien der Melanthaceen, Irideen, und Aroideen. pp. 21 : 2 pis. See HALLE.— NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN FUER ftl SACHSEN UND THUERINOEN. Abhandlungen, -Chemical andjjbfSical Studies iirtm) Metamorphi»tnof Rocks, &c.^pp. xi, 137. 8°. London, 1889. Irving (A.) Recent contributions to the Stratigraphy /^. of the later Eocenes of the London Basin, pp. 16. 8°. Wellington, 1891. Irving (A.) The Bagshot Beds of Bagshot Heath. & (A rejoinder.) pp. 15. 8°. [ Wellington, 1892.] Privately printed. IRVING (ROLAND DUER) [1847-1888] The Copper- bearing rocks of Lake Superior, pp. xvi, 464 •' 20 pis. (^ (col.), 9 maps (col.), text ill-mi. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Monographs, &c. Vol. v. 4°. 1883. Irving (II. D.) The Greenstone Schist Areas of the j* Menominee and Marquette Regions of Michigan, . . . by C. H. Williams, with an introduction by R. D. ' Irving. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 62. 8°. 1890. Irving (R. D.) [For geological reports in connection with the Survey] See WISCONSIN. State of. — Geological Survey. Geology of Wisconsin, ace. Irving (R. D.) & Chamberlin (T. C.) Observations on the junction between the Eastern Sandstone and Q- the Keweenaw Series on Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior. pp. 124 : 15 pis., 2 maps, text illmt. See UNITED STATES. —Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 23. 8°. 1885. Irving (R. D.) & Van Hise (C. R.) Crystalline rocks of the Wisconsin Valley. See WISCONSIN, State of.— Cr Geological Survey. Geology of Wisconsin, &c. Vol. IV. 8°. 1882. Irving (R. D.) & Van Hise (C. R.) On secondary ., enlargements of mineral fragments in certain rocks. °f pp. 56 : 6 pis. (col.), text Must. See UNITED STATES. — /y. Geological Survey. Bulletin,, F. V. Otto. 4°. Lipsice, 1833. Tom. in of Li nd em aim's " Corpus Gramniaticorum Latinorum Vete- rum," it'c. ISINK (ADAM MENSON) Disputatio philologica de ^ Fabis, quam . . . sub pnesidio . . . A. M. Isink . . . defendet . . . auctor, &c. £eeBERGHUis(H.) 4U. [1712.] / ISIS, oder Encyclopadische Zeitung, von Oken. Jahrg. 1817-48. 41 Vol. [in 37.] 4°. Jena, 1817-48. Wanting No. 195 (Vol. I, coll. 1553-60), which was suppressed. A fac- / (o //Q /I «innle of it was published in A. Ecker'B " Lorenz Oken." The alternative title was dropped after 1819, and the issue for each year reckoned as one volume instead of two. i . ~i. - Inhalt . . . Von 1817 bis 1826, Band I bis XIX. . ., Allgemeines Register . . . 1827-36, Bd. xx-xxix. 1837-46, Bd. xxx-xxxix. ISLE OF MAN NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. [Founded IST?.] Vannin Lioar ;: .' /] Vol. i, no. 1. Edited by P. M. 0. Kermode. 8". Ramsey, I. of M., 1889. [Continued ns :] Yn Lioar Manninagh . . . Edited by P. M. C. Kermode. L Vol. I, no. 2-» 8". Ramsey, I. of M., 1889-> ISLE OF WIGHT PHILOSOPHICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. [F.mnded isr.o.] A Catalogue of Flowering Plants and Ferns, growing wild in the Isle of Wight : to serve as an index to the herbarium of Ur. Bromfield, in the Museum of the Isle of Wight Philosophical Society, and shewing the rarer species. [By A. G. More.] pp.11. &.Syde[1888] ISLE (JEAN BAPTISTE Louis DE ROME DE L') See ROME DE L'!SLE. i ISNARD (J.) Observations sur les Insectes qui se nourissent des diverses substances de 1'Olivier. pp. 28 1 pi. 8°. [Grasse, 1772/ ISSATJRAT (Cvi'RiEN) [1825-J & others. Diction- naire des Sciences Anthropologiques . . . Public sous v . la direction de . . . Issaurat, &c. See BEJITILLON (A.) & others. 8". [1884-89.] ISSEL (ARTURO) [1842-] Dei Mollu.schi raccolti nella L ,S,//3"76 provincia di Pisa, &c. pp. 36. See MILAN. — SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. MemOfie, &C. Tom. II, -y no. 1. 4°. 1866. ' Cssel (A.) Malacologia del Mar Rosso. Ricerche zoo- £j_ logiche e paleontologiche. pp. xi, 387 : 5 pis., 1 map. 8°. Pisa, 1869. C. IMblioteca Malacologies. Cssel (A.) Viaggio dei . . . A. Issel nel Mar Rosso . . . 1870-71. Studio monografico sopra i Muricidi, &c. £~ See TAPPARONE-CANEFRI (C. M.) 8°. 1875. [ssel (A.) Istruzioni scientifiche pei Viaggiatori raccolte da A. Issel . . . Scconda edizione. pp. xii, 556 : 5 pis., text Must. 8°. Roma, 1881. The different sections of this work were first published (Meteorology and Zoology) in the " Mem. Soc. Geogr. Ital.," Vol. i, and (the rest) in the " Revista Marittima"; the present, which is the first edition in a collected form, is reprinted from the " Aunali de Statistica," and contains, inter alia : — Ksplorazione delle profondita marine. Per A. Manzoni. Geologia e Paleontologia. Per A. Issel. Antropologia ed Etnologia. Per E. Giglioli e A. Zannetti. Zoologia di A. Issel e R. Gestro. Botanica di A. Piccone. Mineralogia. Per A. Issel. Meteorologia endogena. Per M. S. de Rosfii. Issel (A.) Istruzioni pratiche : 1' Ostricoltura e la -? Mitilicoltura. pp. 260 : text Must., 3 maps. 8°. Genova, 1882. Issel (A.) Le oscillazioni lente del suolo o Bradisismi (V saggio di geologia storica. pp. 422: 1 map (col.), text Must. See GENOA.— REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. L *> Atti, (fee. Vol. v. 8°. 1883. Issel (A.) Bibliografia scientifica della Liguria. i. Geo- logia, Paleontologia, Mineralogia, &c. pp. 113. GT 8°. Genova, 1887. Issel (A.) Carta Geologica delle Riviere, Liguri e delle Alpi Marittime . . . Scala 1 : 200,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 3 m. /L. about], DEGLI STUDI. Atti, &c. Vol. xv. 8". 1900. Issel (A.) it Gestro (It.) Xoologia. [Instructions to / 'Si Travellers.] See ISSEL (A.) Istruzioni scientifiche pei Viaggiatori, Atlas. 1892. « Note esplicative della Carta, &c. pp. 39. 8°. Genova, 1891. 912 ISTITUTO BOTANICO DELL' UNIVERSITA DI FAVIA. Set PAVIA. — REGIA UNIVKRSIT.\ DEO LI STIIDI. ISTITUTO BOTANICO DELLA B. UNIVER- SITA DI PISA. See PlSA. — RKGIA I'NIVERSITA DKCLI STUDI. ISTITUTO FORESTALE BROSA. See VALLOMBROSA. DI VALLOM- ISTITUTO GEOLOGICO DE MEXICO. See MEXICO. ISTITUTO NAZIONALE ITALIANO. See BOLOGNA. ff ISTVANFFI formfirfjr"! Die Kryptogai«cTT'"Flora, deg N ebeijgswSsser. JWFMat. Bd. II, tffl. n. t (GYULA) rtatonseesjjjid--sCiner r. — Mjctytfar Fiildrajzi 4°. 1898. Istvanffi (G.) A Clusius-Codex Mykologiai meltatasa A adatokkal Clusius eletrajzAhoz. fol. liudajtest (1898-) 1900. An alternative title rends : — " Etndes et commentaires sur le Code de l'K«cluiw, .fr. The title on the wrappers of Fane. 1-3 reads:— "C. Clusii Atrebatis loones Fungorum in Pannoniis observatornm Codex," <(r. ISTVANFFI (JULIUS VON) See ISTVANFFI (GYULA) , ITALY. Viaggio per diverse parti d' Italia, Svizzera, 5 Francia, Inghilterra e Germania [by M. Tenore]. 4 Tom. 8". Najtoli, 1828. / Italy. Viaggio intorno al Globo della . . . Magenta, &c. See GlGLIOLI (E. H.) 4°. 1875. Italy. Viaggio di circumnavigazione della R. Corvetta " Caracciolo "... 1881-84. 4 Vol. See AMEZAGA (C. DE). 8°. 1885-86. ITALY.— MINISTER/O DI AGRICOLTURA, INDUSTRIA E COMMERCIO. Annali di Agricoltura, femorie deserittive della Carta Geologica d'ltalia. Vol. I-» 8°. & fol. Roma, 1880-» Each volume contains a »eparale Memoir. Italy.— REALE COMITATO OEOLOOICO. BiVmogralia geologica e paleontologica della provincia di Roma comi)ilata da G. B. Contanni. pp. 116. 8°. Roma, 1886. Boll. R. Coniit. Ge..l. ADD. xvi. Italy.— REALE COMITATO OEOLOOICO. BibTiografia Geologica Italiana, on« col. 1884-S6. 2. campagna Romana e regioni limitrofe. 6 sh. ••<>!., 1 sb. section* col. 1888. 3. Calabria. 20 sh. col., 8 sh. itclionl col. 1887-91. Italy.— REALE COMITATO GEOLOGICO. [Maps] Carta Geologica d' Italia . . . Scala 1 : 1,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 15| m. about]. 2 sh. col. Roma, 1889. Italy.— REALE COMITATO GEOLOGICO. [Maps] Carta Geologica della campagna Romana con sezioni. Scala di 1 : 250,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 4 m. about]. col. Roma, 1880. Italy.— REALE COMITATO OEOLOGICO. [Maps] Carta Geologica della Sicilia nella scala di 1 : 500,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 8 m. about], &c. col. Roma, 1883. Italy.— REALE COMITATO GEOLOGICO. [Maps] Carto Geologica del Isola d' Elba. Scala 1 : 25,000 [1 m. = 2£ in. about]. 2 sh. col. Roma, 1884. Italy.— REALE COMITATO OEOLOOICO. [^/(M«.l Carta Geologica delle Alpi Apuane . . . Scala di 1 a 50,000 [i.e. 1 in. = Ij in. about]. 7 sh. col. Roma, 1897. ITALY.— REALE UFFICIO OEOLOGICO. See supra, Reale Comitato Geolotjico. ITALY. Scienziati Italiani. Atti della . . . Riunione, &c. I-VIII .//< L 913 ITALY. — Societa Crittogamologica Italiaua. See MILAN. ITALY. Societa Eiitomologica Italiaua. See FLORENCE. ITALY. Societa Geografica Italiana. See ROME. ITALY. Societa Geologica Italiana. See ROME. ,na clelle Scienze. morie di mathematieo-ecli fisica, &c. Tom. i-xxv. 4". Verona, Modena, 1782-1855. Tom. i-vn only were published at Verona : many of the volumes are in two or more separately-paired sections. An index to the memoir* in this first series was issued with Vol. v of Ser. III. 3- I Ser. II, Tom. i Tom. i & n were published at Florence. 4°. Modena, 1862-66. 4°. Najwli, 1879-» ITALY.— Societa Italiana di Scienze Natural!. See MILAN. ITALY. Societa Malacologica Italiana. See PISA. i ITALY. [Maps.] Carta generate dell' Italia . . . Y *-• delineate . . . ed incisa dal P. D. G. M. Cassini. [Scale 1 in. = 9^ m.] 4 sh. ftoma, 1793. Italy. [Maps] Carta Geologica dei Monti di Livorno, di Castellina Marittima e di una parte del Volterrano del . . . G. Capellini . . . Scala di 1 a 100,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 1 J m. about]. See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTER- NATIONAL. Second Session. Bologna, 1881. [Maps.] 1881. i Italy. [Maps.] Italia alia scala da 1 : 864,000 [i.e. ** 1 in. = 13$ m. about] disegnata da C. Cerri [with a sheet of views and plans of the principal towns]. 9 sh. Milano, 1887. Italy. [Maps.] Carta corografica del' regno d' Italia e delle regioni adiacenti . . . alia scala di 1 : 500,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 8 m. about], &c. 22 sh. [in 11.] See JERVIS (W. P.) 1889 [-94]. An annotated copy serving as atlas to Jervis' "I Tesori sotterranei dell' Italia." Italy. [Map».] [For geological maps of Italy] See supra, Reale Conutato Geologico. , ITERSON (W. J. D. VAN) Algemeene Aardrijks- . kundige Bibliographie van Nederland. Deel n & in. See LEYDEN. — NEDERLANDSCH AARDRIJKSKUNDIG GE- NOOTSCHAP. 8°. 1888-89. ! L L. ITHACA.— Cornell University. Bulletin, &c. (Science.) Vol. i-> [Founded ises.j 8°. Itliaca, N.Y., 1874-> - Ithaca.— Cornell University. Bulletins of American Paleontology. Vol. i-> 8°. Ithaca, 1895-> Each number contains a separate paper, which bears an individual pagination in addition to that of the volume. I, Ithaca.— Cornell University. The . . . Register. 1885-86-» 8°. Ithaca, N.Y., [1885 ?-»] Wanting the volumes for 1886-87, 1888-89 and 1S89-90. Ithaca. — Cornell University. L The Ten- Year Book of Cornell University, in. 1868-98. pp. vi, 838. 8°. Itliaca, N. Y., 1898. Ithaca.— Cornell University. Annual Report of the President . . . 1898-99. 8". [Itfiaca, N.Y., 1899.] L~ '*• Ithaca..— Cornell University. The Library Bulletin of Cornell University. Vol. i-ni. 8°. Ithaca, 1882r96. - Ithaca.— Cornell University. Exercises at the opening of the Library Building, con- taining a description of the building, &c. pp. 36 : text L- illust. 4°. Ithaca, N.Y., 1891. Ithaca.— Cornell University. — Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Annual Report of the Cornell University Experiment Station. 1879-80—1884-5. 3 No.f 8°. Ithaca, N.Y., 1880-85. [Continued as :] College of Agriculture . . . Annual Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station. No. 3. 1890. 8°. Ithaca, N.Y., 1891. No. 1 appeared in 1389. Ithaca.— Cornell University. — Agricultural Ex- periment Station. Bulletin No. 28, 34, 50, 52, 56, 63, 74, 75, 98-100, 104, fi 107-109,114,115,139-173,175-184. 8°. Ithaca, 1891-1900. ITO (KEISUKE) Koishikawa Shokubutsu yen sonioku dzusetsu. — Figures and descriptions of Plants in (3 Koishikawa Botanical Garden, &c. 2 Vol. See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. fol. 1883. Ito (K.) Hakubutsu Yeslii, &c. — A memorial work chiefly on Botany and Zoology : in commemoration of the ninetieth anniversary of Keisuke Ito. 2 Vol. See ITO (T.) 8°. 1893. ITO (TOKUTARO) Hakubutsu Yeslii, &c. — A memorial work chiefly on Botany and Zoology : in commemoration of the ninetieth anniversary of Keisuke Ito. 2 Vol. 8°. Nagoya, Japan, 1893. In Japanese. Vol. I consiste of a series of memoirs by different authors. Ito (T.) & Matsumura (J.) Tentamen Florae Lutchu- ensis . . . Sectio i. Plantce Dicotyledoneae Polypetalse. pp. v, 274. 4°. Tokyo, 1899. Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. Japan. Vol. xii. ITZIGSOHN (ERNST FRIEDRICH HERMANN) [1814- 1879] De Hirudine. Dissertatio inauguralis medica, &c. pp. 27. 8°. Berolini, 1836. Itzigsohn (E. F. H.) Verzeichniss der in der Mark Brandenburg gesammelten Laubmoose, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Spermatozoon der phanero- gamischen Gewiichse. pp. w, 20. 8°. Berlin, 1847. Itzigsohu (E. F. H.) De fabrica Sporse Mougeotiae genuflexae. pp. xv : 2 pis. 8°. Neudamm, 1856. lURISHIC (ZnlvoiiN I.) orientale, L.) pp. 11. O Susamu (Sesamum 8°. [Belgrade, 1895.] Inrishic (Z. I.) Ka poznavan'u Flore u okollni Soluna. [A contribution to the knowledge of the Flora of the environs of Salonik.] pp. G. 8°. [Belgrade, 1897.] Nastavnik. 1897. IVANITZKII (NIKOLAI ALEKSANDROVICH) Spisok Rastenii Vologhodskoi ghubernil, &c. [List of the Plants of the Vologod government, .1 R .3 Z- a L- L- 914 IVANOV (PETR VASIL'KVICH) [1837-] & Chernal (A.) (_ Perechen vidov klopov (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Ijvtr.) vstryechayushchikhsya v gh. Kupyanskye i v ogho okrestnostyakh. [List of the species of Bu;,'s (Hfiui- ptera-Heteroptera, Latr.) met with in the Kupynnski govt. and its neighbourhood.] pp. 8. See KHARKOV. — OBSHCHESTVO ISPUITATELEl PRlRODUI, <£c. Trudui, ttc. Tom. iv, no. 3. 4°. 1871. if I C, IVANOVSKli(ALEKSYEl ARSENIEVICH) Mongholni- Torghoutui. (Antropologhicheskil ocherk Torghoutov Tarbaghatalskol oblasti, Kitalskol imperil.) [Torgot Mongols. An Anthropological study of the Torgots of the Tarbagatai province, Kitai imperium.] pp. 338 : 1 pi., 11 tabs., text Mtut. See Moscow. — IMPERATOR- SKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBlTELEI ESTESTVOZNANIYA ANTROPOLOGHlI 1 ETNOOHRAFlI, relations of the Rocks . . . with ... the fossil Fishes and Plants found in the Mine, . [viii,] 146, liii : 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. London, 1777. The appendix has a separate title, which rends :— " Fotwilia Shepeiana," <(-c. JACOB (GEORO) Der Bernstein bei den Arabern des ^ Mittelalters. pp. 12. 8°. Berlin, 1886. ' JACOB (J.) An account of the rare Fish, Regalecux glesne, caught off Cullcrcoats . . . 1849. [By J. .Jacob.] See REGALECUS. 8°. 1849. ' JACOB (NICHOLAS HENRI)[! 781-1871] Storia naturale delle Scimie, disegnate dal Sigr. N. H. Jacob . . . ed __ incise dal Sigr. L. Rados. In cui vien rappresentata £~- la iigura di ciascuna specie, accompagnata d'un testo Italiano, colla traduzione del medesimo nelle lingue Francese e Tedesca, 0-1701] O. Jacobaei de - Ranis et Lacertis observationes. pp. [OT'V,] 144- 8°. Ilafniat, 1686. Jacobaeus (O.) Museum regium, seu catalogus rerum tarn naturalium, quam artificialium, quae in Basilica ,- Bibliothecae . . . Monarches . . . Havmae, asservantur r k 1 c JACOBSSON (MATTHIAS) Animadversiones circa ""2. Crocodylum ejusque historiam, quas . . . subjicit M. Jacobsson, &c. See RETZIUS (A. J.) 4°. 1797. JACOBUS, Mantinvs. Aristotelis . . . omnia . . . opera | ... a Jacobo Mantino . . . conversi . . . scholiis exornati, &c. 11 Vol. See ARISTOTLE. [Works.] fol. 1550-52. JACOBY (LEOPOLD) [-1896] Der Fischfang in der Lagune von Comacchio, nebst einer Darstellung der Aalfrage. pp. vi, 93: 1 pi. 8". Berlin, 1880. •y JACOBY (MARTIN) [Phytophaga of Central America.] ' See GODMAN (F. D.) & SALVIN (O.) Biologia Centrali- *" Americana, &c. Zoology. Coleoptera, Vol. vi, pt. 1. 4°. 1880-92. Jacoby (M.) Chrysomelidae [from Central Sumatra]. ( Met uitzondering van de Hispinse en Cassidinas. See AMSTERDAM. — AARDRIJKSKUNDIG GENOOTSCHAP. Midden-Sumatra, &c. Deel rv, ged. i, afd. 6. 4°. [1886-87.] , Jacoby (M.) [Coleoptera from Ecuador.] See WHYM- /__ PER (E.) Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator. Supplementary Appendix, &c. 8". 1891. Jacoby (M.) [Descriptions of new species of Eupoda [_ from the Transvaal.] See DISTANT (W. L.) A Natu- ralist in the Transvaal. Appendix. 8°. 1892. JACQUELIN DU VAL (PIERRE NICOLAS CAMILLE) -7— [1828-1862] [Coleoptera of Cuba.] See SAGRA (R. DE LA) Historia fisica, politica y natural de la Isla de Cuba. Tom. vii. fol. 1856 (-57). i See SAGR^A (R. DE LA) Histoire physique . . . et " naturelle de 1'Ile de Cuba. Animaux articules, fe Heriiicq (F.) Flore des Jardins de 1'Europe. Manuel general des Plantes, Arbres et Arbustes, &c. ( — Tome quatrieme par Duchartre ... avec la collaboration de Carriere et Naudin.) 4 Tom. 12°. Paris, [1845-] 1857. JACQUET (ERNEST) [1842-1888] See ECHANGE, L', , journal . . . Publie sous la direction de . . . [E.] Jacquet, l__ ervivuni aedifornie monatroaum. 4. Fungi quidant Kubalpini. 5. Rev. F. X. Wulfen Plantie rarior rea Carinthiaca>. Agaricum ofticinale. Disaertatio inauguralis . F. Babel . . . eniendata & aucta. submissa a 7. Auua aerea Pragenais, exoerpta ex dutaertAtione inaugural* . . . aubmissa a J. M. Hornatuin, Ac. Vol. 11. 1. Juglans nigra. Diasertatio inauguralis . . . aubmiasaaJ. F. Flap- part . . . aucta Juglantte cinerea. 2. Rev. F. X. Wulfen Plantfe rariorea Carinthiacett'. 8, -- Minera Plumbi spatuea Carinthiaca. 4. Cranibe Tataria. Disaertatio inauguralia . . . sulmiisNi ab A. Scb.-, ik de Kzant-Miklos . . . aucta. 5. N. J. Jacquin Obeervatiunea Botanicse. « J. a Well. . . Additamenta quwdarn ad Entomologiam. 7. N. J. Jaoquin exploratio cbemica Plumbi spatoai flavi Carinthiaci. [Continued as :] N. J. Jacquin Collectanea Austriaca ad botanicam, chemiam, et historiam naturalem spectantia, er inateria viridi Thenuarum Carolinarnm et Toeplizvnsium regni Bohemia*. 5. Rev. F. X. Wulfen Plants rariorea Carintbiacw. 0. N. J. Jacquin Animadveraionea qua-dam in H. J. N. Crantz faaciculufl Stirpiutu Auatriacarum. Vol. ll. 1. T. Haonke Obaervationea Botanioe in Uuhcniia, Austria, Ktj-iia, Carinthia, Tymli, Uun^aria facias. 2. N. J. Jacquin Pbalarna vitiaana. 8. - Plantannu rariorum deacriptimiett ail f|*etiinina »icca factw. 4. Rev. F. X. Wulfen Plant!*' rariunim Carinthiacie. 5. J. A. Kcherer . . . Animadveniones qnceilaui circa Eudionietriiini. 6. N. J. Jacquin Kideroiyluni. 7. N. llmt . . . Cimex Tencrii. 8. N. J. Jaoquin Obttervationea Botanicte. Vol. ill. 1. Rev. F. X. Wulfen Plantta rariorea Carinthiacce. 2. N. J. Jacqnin Observationea Botanicn. 8. - Plant* rariorum deacriptionea ad apecimina sicca factffi. 4. N. Ho*t . . . Entomologica. 5. N. J. Jacquin Omvolvuli et Ijiomose. Vol. IV. 1. F. TihankT . . . De Metnllia e Terns obtinendis. 2. J. A.Scherer . . . Scrutinium hvpotheaen« principii inflammabilia. 4 6 Vol 1 8 N. J. Jaoquin Observations Uotauicie. Rev. F. X. Wulfen PUnUn rariorea Carinthiacew. N. Host . . . Ampbibiologia. v. Hupplementuni. N. J. Jacquin Observationea Botaniuw. Jacquiu (N. J. VON) Baron. N. J. Jacquin Enumeratio systematica Plantarum, quas in Insulis Caribseis vicinaque Americes continente detexit novas, aut jam cognitas emendavit. pp. ii, 1,1. 8°. Lugduni Batawrum, 1760. Jacquin (N. J. VON) Baron. N. J. Jacquin Enumeratio Stirpium plerarumque, quse sponte crescunt in agro Vindobonensi, montibusque confinibus. Accedunt obgervationum centuria et appendix de paucis exoticis. pp. 315: 9 pit. 8°. Vindobona!, 1762. vi faff- TT il/vfx IF Jacqnin (N. J. VON) Baron. N. J. Jacquin selectaniin Stirpium Americaparum historia in qua . . . sistuntur I'lniitii! ilho.quas^m insulis Martinica, Jamaica, Domingo, aliisque, et in viflnacontinentis parte pbservavit rariores ; adjectis vii, [v,] ous in solo natali dclineatis. 183 pis. fol. Vin I-'1"1. 1 1703. / edition] adjectis iconics ad autoris arc]^ypa pictis. pp. ISO [4] : 26. ~~Vindobona>, 1780?] he plates and title-page are hand-painto/f Less than twenty copies were issued. / Copies on a smaller scale of the pUtea to Una work apjieareil in " Dreyhundert auaerleaene Ameriluinische Oowachse," .(v., and ita continuation, "Anawahl schimer yflnd aeltener Gewiichse," etc., for which Ste AMERICA. [Another editionVSum approbatione aucto/fs' ad exemplar majoris opens, Vindobona; editi, pp. xiv, 363. / 8°. Manjtrnii, 1788. Jacqnin (N. J. VON) Baron. N. J. Jacquin Observa- tionum botanicarum iconibus ab auctore delineatis illustratarum. 4Pt. [in 1 Vol.] fol. Vindobona;, 1764-71. The plates to tliia copy have lieen incorporated in the collection of drawings in the Botanical Department. Jacqnin (N. J. VON) Baron. Index Regni Vegetabilis qui continet Plantas omnes quae habentur in Linnajani Systematis editione novissima duodecima. [By N. J. Jacquin.] See LINN^US (C.) 4°. 1770. Jacquin (N. J. VON) Baron. bonensis, seu I'lantarum Botanico Vindobonensi . . et succincte descriptiones. Zweyte . . . Auflage. b 6 Hortus Botanicus Vindo- rariorum quae in Horto coluntur, icones oolorata 3 Vol. [in 2] illust. col. fol. Vindobonce., 1770-76. Jacquin (N. J. VON) Baron. " Flone Austriac;e, sive Plantarum Selectarum in Austrise Archiducatu sponte crescentium, icones, &c. 5 Vol. illust. col. fol. Vienna: Austria;, 1773-78. Jacqnin (N. J. VON) Baron. Icones Plantarum Bario- rum. 3 Vol. illust. col. fol. Vindobona;, 1781-93. Jacqnin (N . J. VON) Bartm. Plantarum rariorum Horti Caesarei Schoenbrunnensis descriptiones et icones. 500 pis. col., urith descriptive letterpress. 4 Vol. [in 2.] fol. Vienna;, 1797-1804. Jacquin (N. J. VON) Baron. N. J. . . . von Jacquin's . . . Anleitung zur Pflanzenkenntniss nach Linne's Methode, dec. pp.171 : 11 jils. 8°. Wien, 1798. ! b g 6 B I'!', [c/,] 105 : 11 ills. 8°. Wien, 1800. Dritte . . . Auflage von J. F. . . . Jacquin. pp. [iv,] 8°. Wien, 1840. Jacquin (N. J. VON) Baron. Stapeliarum in Mortis Vindobonensibus cultarum descriptiones figuris coloratis illustrate. t!4 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. fol. Vindobona, 1806. Jacqnin (N. J. VON) Baron. Oxalis. Mpnographia, ^ iconibus illustrata. pp. //.'', / tab. 4°. Vienna;, 1794. The platea to thia copy have been incor|iorated in the collection of drawings in the Botanical Dciuirtment. Jacquin (N. J. VON) Baron. Fragmenta Botanica, n figuris coloratis illustrata, ab anno 1800 ad annum 1809 i> . . . edita. pp. [vi,] 86 [^J : 1SX pis. col. fol. Vienna; Austria;, 1809. Jacqnin (N. J. VON) Genitalia Asclepiadearum contro- )#> versa, pp. HO: 1 pi. col. 8°. Vienna, 1811. '-' Facquin (N. J. VON) Baron. [Autograph notes and letters of N. J. Jacquin, with sketches and water-colour Q drawings ; and a manuscript index by Dryander to the species described or figured by Jacquin.] 919 , *— -y JACQUINOT (CHARLES HECTOR) [1796-1879] Voyage au Pole Sud et dans 1'Oceanie sur les corvettes 1'Astrolnbe et la Xelee, execute . . . pendant . . . 1837- 1840, . . . public . . . sous la direction superieure de M. Jacquinot, ales sur 1'Anthropologie, suivies d'obser- vations sur les Races Huniaines de 1'Oceanie, par M. H. Jacquinot. ,, in. Mammiferes et Oiseaux, par M. H. Jacquinot et M. . . . Pucheran. Reptiles efc Poiasons, par M. H. Jaequinot et M. A. Guichenot. Crustacea, pur M. H. Jacquinot et M. H. Lucas. JACQUOT (ANDRE EUGENE) [1817-] Description r- Geologique et Mineralogique du departement de la Moselle. . . . Avec la cooperation de MM. O. Terquem I et [A.] Barre. pp. vii, 490 : 4 pis. (1 col.), 1 map, text illust- 8°. Paris, 1868. l_i S C. j? — ' <% -j_-7 [ JADERHOLM (AXEL ELOF) Ueber aussereuro- ]i;iische Hydroiden des Zoologischen Museums der L'niversitat Upsala. pp. 20: 2 pis. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA-VETENSKAPS AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxi, afd. iv, no. 6. 8°. 1896. Jaderholm (A. E.) Anatomiska studier ofver Syd- K amerikanska Peperomier. Akademisk afhandling. pp. 99: 2 pis. 8°. Upsala, 1898. tA JADIXT (F.) Precis d'Hydrologie et de Mineralogie. pp. iv, 492 : 8 maps, text illust. 8°. Lyon, 1899. Bibliutheque de 1'Ktudiant en Pbarmacie. , JAECKEL (ANDREAS JOHANNES) Monographic der t- Europaischen Sylvien. [Edited, with a. preface, notes, 6JS 6 fac-i by A. J. Jackel.] See RATISBON.— NATURWISSEN- SCHAFTLICHER VEREIN. Abhandlungen, &c. Hft. vn. 8°. 1856. . L- 2 ~ , i 6 6 — [Another issue.] See MUEHLE (H. VON) Count. 8°. & 4°. 1856. Jaeckel (A. J.) Die Bayerischen Chiroptern. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Lebenweise und der geo- graphischen Verbreitung der Deutschen Fledermause. pp. 109. See RATISBON. — NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VERKIN. Abhandlungen, &c. Hft. vill. 8°. 1860. Jaeckel (A. J.) Die Fische Bayerns. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Deutschen Siisswasserfische. pp. 104. See RATISBON. — NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN. Abhandlungen, &c. Hft. ix. 8°. 1864. Jaeckel (A. J.) Systematische Uebersicht der Vogel Bayerns . . . Herausgegeben [with a preface] von . . . R. Blasius. pp. xxiv, 392 : 1 port. 8°. Miinchen & Leipzig, 1891. JAEGER (ADOLPH) Beobachtungen iiber die Anatomic des Nilcrocodils. Eine Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. SO. 8°. Tubingen, 1837. JAEGER (AUGUST) Ein Blick in die Moosflora der Kantone St. Gallen und Appenzell. pp. 84. 8". St. Gallen, 1868. Verhandl. St. Galliscb. Naturw. Gesell. 1866-67. Jaeger (AUGUST) Enurneratio generum et specierum Fissidentacearum, adiectis nonnullis adnotationibus de earuin litteratura et distributione geographica. pp. 36. 8°. Sangalh, 1869. Jaeger (AUGUST) & Sauerbeck (F.) Genera et species n Muscorum systematice disposita, &c. 2 Vol. 8°. San Gallis, 1870-79. Verhandl. St. Gallisch. Naturw. Gesell. 1870-78. JAEGER (BENEDICT) Catalogus Insectorum quae _- itinere Petropoli in Chersonesum Tauricum et Iberiam anno 1825 collegit B. Jager. See HUMMEL (A. D.) ' Essais Entomologiques. No. vi. 4°. 1827. Jaeger (B.) The life of North American Insects ; illus- trated by ... engravings and narratives by ... B. Jaeger, /^- assisted by H. C. Preston, &c. (Life of Sir Hans Sloane.) ' pp. iv, 304 •' 6 pis. col. Wanting Plate vi. 8°. Providence, 1854. JAEGER (CARL) Geognostische Beschreibung der ^ Umgegend von Halberstadt von C. Jager. See SCHATZ (2 (W.) Flora Halberstadensis excursoria, &c. 8°. 1839. JAEGER (CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH) [1739-1808] Dis- sertatio inauguralis medica de Cambogise Guttse succo, Q siveGummiGuttas officinal!. . . prseside. .. C. F. Jajger_, &c. See GAUPP (C. E.) 4°. [1777.] 6 JAEGEE, (FRIEDRICH WILHELM) Erlauterung einiger rj Hauptgesetze der Natur, welche die Verbreitung der \J Gewachse iiber die Erdoberflache bedingen. pp. 40. 4°. Hamburg, 1847. ReaUchule des Johanneums. JAEGER (GEORG FRIEDRICH VON) [1785-1866] Ueber die Missbildungen der Gewachse. Ein Beytrag zur £, Geschichte und Theorie der Missentwicklungen organ- ischer Korper. pp. xii, 320 [4] : 2 pis. 8°. Stuttgart, 1814. Jaeger (GEORG F. VON) Observationes qusedam de etfectibus variarum aeris specierum in Plantas. [Ora- tion.] pp. 12. 4°. Stuttgartiae, 1823. Jaeger (GEORG F. VON) Ueber die Pftanzenversteiner- ungen welche in dem Bausandstein von Stuttgart (~, vorkommen. pp. 40 : 8 pis. 4°. Stuttgart, 1827. Jaeger (GEORG F. VON) Uber die fossile Reptilien, welche in Wiirtemberg aufgefunden worden sind. pp. 48 : <^~ 6 pis. 4°. Stuttgart, 1828. ~2- Jaeger (GEORG F. VON) Observationes de quibusdam Pini sylvestris monstris, &c. [Public Oration.] pp. 8 : 1 pi. 4°. Stuttgardice, 1828. Jaeger (GEORG F. VON) Beitrage zur vergleichenden Naturgeschichte der Thiere und des Menschen. In zwei Reden, &c. pp. 71. 8°. Stuttgart, 1830. Festschrift. Jaeger (GEORG F. VON) Ueber die fossilen Saugethiere welche in Wiirtemberg (in verschiedenen Formationen) Q_ aufgefunden worden sind, &c. pp. 212 : 20 pis. fol. Stuttgart, 1835, 39. Als Nachtrag zu dem 1839 unter gleichem Titel er- schienen Werke. pp. 170:5 pis. 4°.Breslau<&2ionn,1850. (_=>- Nova Acta Acad. Csea. Loop. -Carol. Nat. Cxir. Vol. XXH. Jaeger (GEORG F. VON) Beobachtungen und Unter- suchungen iiber die regelmassigen Formen der Gebirgs- A-* arten, £ c. pp. viii, 67 : 7 pis. 4°. Stuttgart, 1846. Taeger (GEORG F. VON) Ueber fossile Saugethiere aus 'dem Diluvium und alteren Alluvium des Donauthals und den Bohnerzablagerungen der Schwabischen Alb. pp. 48 : 2 pis. 4°. Stuttgart, 1853. A reprint on large paper from the " Wiirttemb. naturw. Jahreahefte," Jahrg. ix, where it appears nnder the title "Ueber einige fossile Knochen und Zuhne des Douauthals," <£c. 8 920 Q- Jaeger (GEORG F. VON) Ueber eine neue Species von Ichthyosaurien (Ichthyosaurus longirostris, Owen . -Carol. Nat. Cur. Vol. xxv. 0 Jaeger (UEOKO F. VON) Ueber die Wirkungen des r> Arseniks auf Pflanzen im Zusaininenhangc mit Phy- siologic, Landwirthschaft und Medicinal]K>lizei. pp. viii, 115. 8°. Stuttgart, 1864. JAEGER (GUILIELMUS FRIDERICUS) De Holothuriis. Dissertatioinauguralis, 4°. Berlin, 1899-» ^ JAENNEB (G.) Kiifer im Winterschutze des See- bergs. See GOTHA.— NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VE- / REIN. Naturwissenschaftliches und Geschichtliches vom Seeberg, &c. 8°. 1901. JAZNNICKE (FRIEDRICH) Studien iiber die Gattung / Platanus, L. 1892-1897. pp. 116: 10 pis., text Must. *- See ACADEMIA C^KSAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, • ' Aarbog, &c. 1898, no. 2. 8". 1899. Jagerskiold (A. L. K. E.) Weitere Beitrage zur /__ Kenntnis der Nematoden. pp. 80 : 6 pis., text Must. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xxxv, no. 2. *- < 4». 1901. ' JAGNATTX (RAOUL) [1845-] Traite de Mineralogie j, appliqu6e aux Arts. pp. iv, 883 : text Must. 8°. Paris, 1885. Jagiiaux (R.) Analyse chimique des substances com- merciales minerales et organiques. pp. xi, 946: text A^ Must. 8°. Paris, 1888. JAGO (THOMAS SAMPSON) Report on the Sponge Fisheries of Tripoli, North Africa. See GREAT BRITAIN [_ AND IRELAND.— Foreign Office. Miscellaneous Series, f Ac. No. 469. 8°. 1898. * JAGOR (A. FEDOR) [1816-1900] Singapore, Malacca, / Java. Reiseskizzen, JAHBESBEBICHT UEBEB DIE FORT SCHBITTE DEB CHEMIE UND VEB- WANDTEB THEILE ANDEBEB WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. See JAHRESBERICHT UEBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER REINEN, PHARMACEUTISCHEN UND TECHNISCHEN CHEMIE, &C. JAHBESBEBICHT UEBEB DIE FORT- SCHRITTE DEB PHYSIK. See JAHRESBERICHT UEBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER REINEN, PHARMA- CEUTISCHEN UND TECHNISCHEN CHEMIE, &C. JAHBESBEBICHT UEBEB DIE FOBT- SCHBITTE DEB PHYSISCHEN WISSEN- SCHAFTEN ([Continued as:] DER CHEMIE UND MINERALOGIE). Von J. Berzelius. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-ACADEMIEN. JAHBESBEBICHT UEBEB DIE FORT- SCHRITTE DEB BEINEN, PHARMACEU- TISCHEN UND TECHNISCHEN CHEMIE, PHYSIK, MINEBALOGIE UND GEOLOGIE (PHYSIK UND KRYSTALLKUNDE) . . . Herausgegeben von J. Liebig und H. Kopp ([and afterwardslH. Will ; A. Strecker ; A.Naumann ; A. Laubenheimer ; F.Fittica ; G. Bodlander ; K. von Buchka ; W. Kerp and G. Minunni). 1847-97. 8°. Giessen, Braunschweig, 1849-1903. The volume for 1857 was divided into two portions, respectively styled " Jahresbericht Uber die Fortschritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften. Von H. Kopp & H. Will, "and "Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der Physik von F. Zamminer." No more of the latter section was published, but the title of the former continued to be used as a second title to the work. The addition of " Pbysik und Krystallkunde " to the title was only made in the volumes for 1887-92. Register . . . 1847-56. Kegister, 1857-66. Register, 1867-76. Register, 1877-86. 8°. Giessen, 1858. 8°. Giessen, 1868. 8°. Giessen, 1880. 8°. Braunschweig, 1898. c> JAHBESBEBICHT UEBEB DIE FORT- SCHRITTE IN DEB LEHBE VON DEN GAEHBUNGS-OBGANISMEN. Von... A. Koch. Jahrg. i-> 8°. Braunschweig, 1891-> 116 922 8 6 B B B JAHRESBERICHT UEBEB DIE FORT SCHRITTE IN DEB LEHRE VON DEN PATHOGENEN MIKROORGANISMEN urn fassend Bacterien, Pilze und Protozoen. (Heraus- gegeben) Von ... P. Baumgarten [and afterwards Vol. ix, pt. 2, F. Roloff ; Vol. x-», F. Tangll. Jahrg. IH» if. r&SS-iqoJLi 8°. Braunschweig, 1886-5* 'V* Namen- und Sach-register . . . Jahrg. i-x 1885 bis 1894. Bearbeitet von B. Honsell . . . und E. Ziemke. 8°. Braunschweig, 1896. JAHRESBERICHT UEBEB DIE NEUE- RUNGEN UND LEISTUNGEN AUP DEM GEBIETE DES PFL ANZENSCHUTZES [after- wards PFLANZENKRANKHEITEN]. Herausgegeben von . . . M. Hollrung. Bd. i-» 1898-» 8°. Berlin, 1899-» JAHRESBERICHT UEBEB DIE BESUL- TATE DEB ARBEITEN IM FELDE DEB PHYSIOLOGISCHEN BOTANIK von dem Jahre 1837 (-41) von F. G. F. Meyen ([and afterwards] H. F. Link). 5 Bd. 8°. Berlin, 1838-43. JAHBESBEBICHTE UEBEB DIE FORT SCHRITTE DEB ANATOMIE UND PHY SIOLOGIE . . . Herausgegeben von . . . F. Hofmann und . . . G. Schwalbe ([and afterwards] L. Hermann). Bd.i-xv,abth. 1. Literatur 1872-86. $>. Leipzig, 1873-87. Bd. I A II are divided into two sections, "Anatomie" and "Physio- logie," but have the pagination continuous. Tbe remaining volumes are in three sections : " Anatomie," " Entwicklnngsgeschichte " and " Phy- siologie." In Bd. vi these are each separately paged, but in the other volumes the pagination is continuous throughout the first two sections. General-Register fur die ... i.-x. Band. pp. 164. 8°. [Ldpzig, 1886.] JAKOBT (A. I.) See YAKOBI!. JAKOWLEW (A.) See YAKOVLEV (A. I.) JAMAICA.— Botanical Garden. See infra, Department of Public Gardens and Planta- tion!. JAMAICA.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Annual Report of the Board of Agriculture and Department of Public Gardens and Plantations, 1901- 1902-* pp. SI. 4°. Kingston, Jamaica, 1903-» Jamaica.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Bulletin, fol. Kingston, Jamaica, 1894-» Jamaica.— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC GARDENS AND PLANTATIONS. Catalogue of Plants, exotic and indigenous in the Botanical Garden, Jamaica, 1792. [Compiled by T. Dancer.] pp. [vi,] 16. fol. St. Jago de la Vega [1792]. Jamaica.— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC GARDENS AND PLANTATIONS. Hortus Eastensis : or a catalogue of Exotic Plants cultivated in the Botanic Garden, in the Mountains of Licuanea, in the Island of Jamaica, 1 in. = 3 m. about.] London, 1763. J Jamaica. [Maps.] [Map of Jamaica in three sections, as follows : — ] Map of the County of Middlesex in the Island of Jamaica ... by ... T. Craskell [and] J. Simpson. [Scale 1 in. = \\ m.] col. London, 1763. Map of the County of Surry in the Island of Jamaica ... by ... T. Craskell [and] J. Simpson. [Scale | 1 in. = l£ m.] col. London, 1763. Map of the County of Cornwall in the Island of Jamaica ... by ... T. Craskell [and] J. Simpson [Scale 1 in. = l| m.] col. London, 1763. Jamaica. [Maps] Map of Jamaica, prepared... under the direction of Major-Genl. J. R. Mann ... by T. Harrison . . . Scale 1:171,000 [i.e. 1 in.=2A m. about]. 2 sh. col. London, 1883. Jamaica. [Maps] Rough sketch of country round Kingston, Jamaica . . . Approx. scale 1 : 36,206, or 175 in. = 1 m. London, 1891. Intelligence Division, War Office, No. 836. JAMAICA INSTITUTE. See INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA. JAMAICA SOCIETY OF ABTS. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS AND AGRICULTURE OF JAMAICA. JAMES (EDWIN) [1797-1861] Account of an expedi- tion from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains ... in . . . 1819 and '20 ... under the command of Major S. H. Long. From the notes of Major Long, Mr. T. Say, and other gentlemen . . . Compiled by E. James. 2 Vol. & Atlas, pp. 4 •' 8 pis., S maps. 8°. & 4°. Philadelphia, 1822-23. [Another edition.] 3 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1823. These two issues differ in the plates and the arrangement of the Natural History observations by T. Say ; those in the American edition an placed ai foot-notes, whilst in the English one they are collected at the end of each volume. JAMES (FRANK LINSLY) [-1890] The Unknown Horn of Africa. An exploratipjr'from Berbera to the Leopard River . . . With additions by J. G. Thrupp, dfcc. pp. xiv, 344 : 23 pis., 1 mafftext illust. 8°. London, 1888. The Appendix contains -.^ Lepidoptera from ffcunali-Land. By A. G. Butler. Some MammalsbGm Somali-Land. By P. L. Sclater. Notes on the*«v,«-t 4.,, „{ T_J.-« j.. New Series, No. 2. 4°. 1902. Departments of ... India, &c. ) Allgemeine 4°. 1759. JAMES (THOMAS) Captain [1593 ?-1635 ?] Voyage . . . L in ... 1631 and 1632, &c. See CHURCHILL (A.) & (J.) A collection of Voyages, &c. Vol. n. fol.'l704. I- See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. XVH. . I- See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 5, 88 & 89. 8°. 1849, 94. JAMES (THOMAS) Lieut.-Col., R.A. The history of l__ the Herculean Straits, now called the Straits of y Gibraltar : including those ports of Spain and Barbary that lie contiguous thereto. 2 Vol. illust. 4°. London, 1771. JAMES (THOMAS POTTS) [1803-1882] [Mosses and R Hepaticae of Chester County, Pennsylvania.] (See DAR- LINGTON (W.) Flora Cestrica. Third edition, &c. 8°. 1853. ;? G James (THOMAS P.) [Musci of the western United States.] See UNITED STATES.— Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. Report, &c. Vol.v. 4°. 1871. James (THOMAS P.) [Musci of Central Colorado.] See UNITED STATES. — Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. Catalogue of Plants collected in ; . . 1871-73, &c. 8°. 1874. James (THOMAS P.) [Musci of Kerguelen Island.] See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. No. 3. Contributions to the natural history of Ker- guelen Island, &c. Ft. n. 8°. 1876. - [Another issue.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xm, art. 3. 8°. 1876 (1878). James (THOMAS P.) [Musci of Utah, &c] See UNITED STATES. — Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. Report, &c. Vol. VI. 4°. 1878. James (THOMAS P.) & Lesqiiereux (C. L.) Manual of the Mosses of North America. See LESQUEREUX (C. L.) & JAMES (T. P.) 8°. 1884. JAMES (URIAH PIERSON) [1811-1889] Palaeontology. Catalogue of the Lower Silurian Fossils, Cincinnati group, found at Cincinnati and vicinity, &c. (Addi- tions to Catalogue, &c.) pp.17. 8°. Cincinnati, 1871 (-73). New edition, &c. (Supplement, &c.) pp. 12. 8°. Cincinnati, 1875 (-79). James (U. P.) See PALEONTOLOGIST, THE. [Edited by U. P. James.] No. 1-6. 8°. 1878-82. James (U. P.) [Life.] pp. 7 : 1 pi. 8°. [Minneapolis,] 1889. Reprinted from the American Geologist. JAMESON (HAMPDEN GURNEY) [1852-] Key to the genera and species of British Mosses. [By H. G. Jameson.] See BRITISH ISLANDS. obi. 12". [1890.] Cyclostyled MS. [Another edition.] pp. S2 : 1 port. 8°. London, 1891. Journ. Bot. 1891. Jameson (H. G.) Illustrated guide to British Mosses ; with keys to the genera and species, pp. 75 [4] : 59 pis. 8". Eastbourne [1893]. Jameson (H. ^U---¥Ke^tudent's handbfloknrf British illustrations, ,andJ&«ySfotne gene*aTand ,/ spectesj by H. G. Jamesoji^-iSeeDixoN (H.^f^8°. 1896. JAMESON (.JAMES SLIGO) [1856-1888] Story of the Rear Column of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition. ^ By the late J. S. Jameson . . . Edited by Mrs. J. S. Jameson, pp. xxxii, 455 : 17 pis., 1 map, text illust. 8°. London, 1890. The Natural History Appendix contains : — The Ornithological Work . . . By R. B. Sharpe. List of Coleoptera collected ... on the Aruwimi. By H. W. Bates. [The CumUionidtf. By H. W. Simpson.] Lepidoptera Rhopalocera. By F. D. Godman and O. Salvin. Lepidoptera Heterocera. By H. Druce. JAMESON (LAURENCE) See EDINBURGH NEW PHILO- SOPHICAL JOURNAL . . . conducted by L. Jameson, &c. Vol. LVII. 8°. 1854. JAMESON (ROBERT) [1774-1854] An Outline of the Mineralogy of the Shetland Islands, and of. the Island . of Arran . . . With an Appendix, containing observa- r~^ tions on Peat, Kelp, and Coal. pp. xiv, 202 : 8 pis. 8°. Edinburgh, 1798. Jameson (R.) System of Mineralogy, &c. 3 Vol. illust. A^ 8°. Edinburgh, 1804-8. ' Second edition. 3 Vol. illust. 8°. Edinburgh, 1816. f^t Third edition, &c. 3 Vol. illust. 8°. Edinburgh, 1820. ^ Jameson (R.) A Treatise on the external characters of A^j Minerals, pp. \iv,] 84, 3, 32 : 5 pis. 8°. Edinburgh & London, 1805. /{* Third edition, pp. xv, 314 : 8 pis. 8°. Edinburgh, 1817. Jameson (R.) A mineralogical description of Scotland. Vol. i, pt. l.t County of Dumfries, pp. xxi, 185: Idinbun ' «. 4 pis., 1 map. 8°. Ed rgh, 1805. Jameson (R.) Mineralogical Travels through the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland Islands, and Mainland of Scotland, with dissertations upon Peat and Kelp, &c. J(_^ 2 Vol. illust. 4°. Edinburgh & London, 1813. Jameson (R.) Essay on the Theory of the Earth . . . With Mineralogical Notes and an account of Cuvier's geological discoveries, by Prof. Jameson. See CUVIEE (G. L. C. F. D.) Baron. 8°. 1813. 8°. 1822. (? 8°. 1827.L Fourth edition, &c. Fifth edition, &c. [American edition.] 8°. 1818. '.12-1 if-M-S" H Jameson (R.) The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, L eas and regions : witn illustrations of. their y, &c. See LESLiE^ffir J.) & others, jr. 1830.] Third edition, &-f / 8°. 1832. Jameson's contribntion/ftas the chapter on " Arjtft Geology." Jameson (R.) JAMFERT (CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH) [1727-1758] Q | S|M riiiu'ii PhysiologiiE Plantarum I., quo dubia contra Vasorum in Plantis probabilitatem proponuntur, ], with the figure " n " excised, having been bound in place thereof. JAN (GEORG) [1791-1866] Catalogus Plantarum Phuenogamarum, ad usum Botanophiiorum exsicca- tarum, &c. pp. 79. 4". Parma, 1818. Jan (G.) Elenchus Plantarum quse in Horto Ducali Botanico Parmensi anno 1826 coluntur, et quai ex- siccate pro rnuta offeruntur commutatione. pp. 37. fol. (Parmce, 1831.) The wrapper reads " Amabilis Sciential Botanices cultoribus." Jan (G.) Cenni sul Museo Civico di Milano, ed Indice _ sistematico dei Rettili ed Anfibi esposti nel medesimo. £. See MILAN. — MUSEO civico DI STORIA NATURALE. 14°. 1857. Jan (G.) Prodrome d'une Iconographie descriptive dea Ophidiens, et description sommaire de nouvelles especes £. de serpents venimeux. pp. 32 : 8 pis. (col.) 8°. Paris, 1859. Revue et Mag. de Zool. 1858-50. Jan (G.) Iconographie generale des Ophidiens par . . . G. Jan (en collaboration avec Mr. F. Sordelli). Text, "2^ pp. 100 [in 2 Vol.], & Atlas, 3 Vol. 8°. & 4°. Milan & Paris, 1860-81. The text was published in 2 livraisons in 1864 and 1865. The plates were issued in 50 livraisons, each containing 6 independently-numbered plates, and intended U) form three volumes, accompanied by their titles and indexes : these last, however, have in this copy been bound apart. Elenco sistematico degli Ofidi descritti e disegnati per 1'Iconografia generale. pp. US. 8°. Milano, 1863. £— Jan (G.) & Cristofori (J. DE) Catalogus . . . rerum naturalium in Museo exstantium J. de Cristophori et G. Jan, &c. Sect, i, pt. 1, & Sect. n,pt. l._ PORI (J. DE) & JAN (G.) See CRISTO- fol. & 8°. 1832. JANDA (J.) Pf ispgvky k soustave Gordiidu. [Contributions to the L- classification of the Gordii.] pp. 19 : 2 pis. Pf ispevek k poznani Cesky'ch Gordiidu. pp. M : 1 pi. ' [Contributions to the knowledge of the Bohemian Gordii.] See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, --r^etc. NouyeJl»-^cTition, &c. VUftfi. illust. col. £e»€JRBiGNY (A. CJ^CTo'). 8°. [1867 ?] Jannettaz (P. M. E.) [Les Roches. Description de leurs elements ; m6thode de determination, &c. 8°. Paris, 1874.] Wanting. Deuxieme Edition, &c. pp. xii, 486 : 19 pis. (col.), 2 maps geol. col., text illust. ' 8°. Paris, 1884. 3" edition, &c. pp. Hi, 704 •' %0 pis. (col.), 2 maps geol. col., text illust. 8°. Paris, 1900. Jannettaz (P. M. E.) Catalogue des echantillons [from N.W. America] et observations geognostiques. See PINART (A. L.) Voyages k la cote nord-ouest de 1'Amerique, &c. 4°. 1875. Jannettaz (P. M. E.) & others. Diamant et pierres precieuses. Cristallographie, descriptions . . . Par Ed. Jannettaz, E. Fontenay, Em. Vanderheym, A. Cou- tance. pp. vii, 580 : 1 pi. col., text illust. 8°. Paris, 1881. 1 JANOSIK (JAN) Atrofie Folikulu a zvlaStnl chovanf se bunky vajefine. / (R6sum6. L'Atrophie des Follicules et une conduite 6trange de 1'ovule.) pp. 15 : 1 pi. O Bunce Vajecne u Ssavcu. (Resume. Ueber die Struktur der Siiugethiereizelle.) pp. 36 : 1 pi. See PRAGUE.— CESKA AKADEMIE CESAHE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, &c. Rozpravy . . . Tfida II. RoC. H, cis. 8 & 13. 8". 1893. Jauosik (J.) Poznamky ku vyvoji JeStirek. [Re- marks on the development of the Lizard.] (Lacerta L^ agilis.) pp. 36 : 5 pis. col. See PRAGUE.— CESKA AKA- 8°. 1898. tu Ei. vtuat^mi ^vaxfx -^ DEMIE cfsARE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, &C. Rozpravy . . . 5 . / ~) da . THda II. Ro6. vii, cis 1. «° i«a«- JANSEN (ALBERT) [1833-] J. J. Rousseau als £> Botaniker. pp. vi, 308. 8°. Berlin, 1885. • JANSON (OLIVER ERICHSON) On a new- species of Coleoptera of the family CetoniidBe, from E. Timor. ' See FORBES (H. O.) A Naturalist's Wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago, &c. Appendix rv. 8°. 1885. Janson (OLIVER E.) Notes and descriptions of a few injurious farm and fruit Insects of South Africa . . . -^ With descriptions and identifications of the Insects by ^— O. E. Janson. See ORMEROD (E. A.) Miss. 8°. 1889. Janson (OLIVER E.) [Cetoniidas of Yarkand.] See INDIA. Scientific results of the second Yarkand mission, &c. Pt. ix. Coleoptera. pp. 54. fol. 1890. JANSON (OTTO) Versuch einer Uebersicht iiber die , Rotatorien-Familie der Philodinacen. pp. 81 : 5 pis. See BREMEN. — NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN. 5 Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. xii. Beilage. 8°. 1893. JANSON (THEODORUS) ab Almeloveen. See ALMELOVEEN (T. J. VAN). JANSON VAN ALMELOVEEN (THEODOR) See ALMELOVEEN. JANSSEN (BARENT) Relatio historica . . . illius ^_ navigations, quam v naves . . . anno 1598 . . . fretum ^ Magellanicum . . . susceperunt. See BRY (T. DE), (J. T. DE) & (J. I. DE). [America. Pt. IX.— Latin.] -f Americas nona . . . pars, &c. fol. 1602. JANVILLE (P. DE) Atlas de Poche des Plantes utiles des pays chauds les plus importantes pour le commerce. /? pp. vi, 173 : 99 pis. (63 col.), text illust. 8°. Paris, 1902. Bibliotheque de Foche du Naturaliste. xii. JAPAN. — KAISERLICH - JAPANISCHE GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. See infra, Teikoku Ghishitsu-cho-sajo. JAPAN.— TEIKOKU CHISHITSU-CHO-SAJO. [Imperial Geological Survey.] Reports of Progress for 1878 and 1879, by B. S. Lyman. ^ pp. x, 266. 8°. Tookei, 1879. W- Japan.— TEIKOKU CHISHITSU-CHO-SAJO. [Explanatory Text to the sheets of the Geological Map on the scale of 1 : 200,000.] 8°. Tokyo [1884 ?-»]. ff, Japan. — TEIKOKU CHISHITSU-CHO-SAJO. [Explanatory Text to the Agronomic Maps of the ^-^ provinces.] 8°. Tokyo [1892->]. Japan.— TEIKOKU CHISHITSU-CHO-SAJO. Die Japanischen Inseln, eine topographisch-geologische Uebersicht von . . . T. Harada. Lief, i.t pp. 126: 1 tab. : 5 maps. 4°. Berlin, 1890. Japan. — TEIKOKU CHISHITSU-CHO-SAJO. Imperial Geological Survey of Japan, with a Catalogue of articles exhibited by the . . . Survey at the World's Columbian Exposition, pp. 49 : 4 maps, 1 pi. 8°. Tokyo, 1893. 926 G M Japan.— TEIKOKU CHISHITSU-CHO-SAJO. Im]>erial Geological Survey of Japan, with a Catalogue of articles and analytical results of the specimens of M soils exhibited at the Seventh International Geological Congress, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. SS, 47, 28 : S maps. 8°. Tokyo, 1897. Japan.— TEIKOKU CHISHITSU-CHO-SAJO. Outlines of the Geology of Japan : descriptive text to accompany the Geological Map of the Empire on the scale 1 : 1,000,000. pp. vt, S51 [S], 1 tab. : text Must. 8°. Tokyo, 1902. Japan.— TEIKOKU CHISHITSU-CHO-SAJO. [Maps.] Geological and topographical maps of the Oil Lands of Japan. By B. S. Lyman, Japan.— TEIKPKU CHISHITSU-£HC-SAJO. [Maps/^ Geologicai&urvey of Japan^Ceconnaissance M*p\ Geo- logy .jxScale 1 : WtofXpff.e. 1 in.=6j m. abafit]. Div. iv 'Tokyo, 1894-95. 'anting Hi v. i-ni. Japan. — TEIKOKU CHISHITSU-CHO-SAJO. [Maps.] [Agronomic Maps of the several provinces. Scale 1 : 100,000, i.e. 1 in. = 1| m. about.] col. Tokyo, 1892-» Japan.— TEIKOKU CHISHITSU-CHO-SAJO. [Maps.] Geological Map of the Japanese Empire on the scale of 1 : 1,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 15| m.] col. Tokyo, 1902. JAPAN.— TEIKOKU KOZAN KYOKU [Imperial Mining Bureau]. Les Mines du Japon, &c. pp. xvi, 530 : 53 pis., 1 map. See PARIS.— Exposition Universelle, 1900. 8°. (1900.) Japan. — TEIKOKU KOZAN KYOKU. [Maps.] Kozan ryaku Dzu. Mining map of Japan [showing only the principal mines]. Scale [for Kiushiu, Sikoku and Nippon] 1 : 1,160,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 18j m. about]. (Hokkaido [=Yezo]. Scale 1 : 1,728,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 27m.]0 [With insets of the Boning and Loochiw Islands.] 6 sh. [Tokio, 1888.] JAPAN. — Agricultural Society. See TOKIO.— DAI NIPPON NO KAI. JAPAN.— Asiatic Society. See ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. JAPAN.— Seismologies! Society. See YOKOHAMA. JAPAN. [Maps.] Dai Nippon bun koku jo chi zen Mzu. [Map of Japan (and the Kurile Is.) Scale 1 in. = 4f m. about.] Sh. 2-8. Tokio, 1877. Japan. [Maps.] Stanford's Library map of Japan, , principally compiled from Japanese documents by E. L Knipping . . . Scale 17'6 = 1 inch, or 1 : 1,115,800 of Nature. 6 sh. London [1879]. Japan. [Maps.] Atlas von Japan. Sieben Blatter im L Massstabe von 1 : 1,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 15| m.J, und eine •2^ Uebersichtskarte im Massstabe von 1 : 7,500,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 118 m. about], entworfen und gezeichnet von B. Hassen stein. 8 maps col. fol. Gptha, 1885-87. Japan. \[Maps.] See also supra, Teikoku Chistiitsu-chO-sajo. See also supra, Teikoku Kdum Kyoku. JAFP (ALEXANDER HAY) [1839-] Our Common ^ Cuckoo and other Cuckoos and Parasitical Birds, Zwierzentacb." JAROSZ (FRANCISCUS EDUARDUS FELIX) [1799-] Plantae novae Capenses, dissertatio inauguralis, &c. 8°. Berolini, 1821. JABVI (T. H.) & Odenwall (E.) Verzeichnis einiger fiir Finland neuer oder daselbst wenig beobachteter Araneen. pp. IS. See HELSINOFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, &C. Vol. XX, no. 4. 8°. 1901. JASCHE (CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH) [1780?-] Kleine mineralogische Schriften vermischten Inhalts, heraus- gegeben von C. F. Jasche. Bd. i.t pp. xii, 28S. 8°. Sondershausen, 1817. Jasche (C. F.) Mineralogische Studien. pp. vi, SOS : 3 pis. (1 col.) 8°. Quedlinburg & Leipzig, 1838. Jasche (C. F.) Die Gebirgsformationen in der Graf- schaft Wernigerode am Harz, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Steinkohlen-Formation in der Grafschaft Hohen- stein. pp. vii, 118 : 5 pis. (1 col.) 4°. Wemirjerode, 1 858. JASCHKE (ROBERT) [1830-] De Rebus in Arboribus inclusis. Dissertatio inauguralis, &c. pp. [iv,] 44- 8°. VratislavKB, 1859. JASSOY(E.T.) De Echinorhyncho polymorpho Brem- seri, adnexis quibusdam de structura et pnysiologia Entozoorum in genere. Dissertatio inauguralis. pp. [vi,] 28 : 1 pi. 4°. Herbipoh, 1820. JASSY.Societa.tea de Medici si Naturalijsti. See infra, SOCIETE DBS M^DECINS ET DBS NATURALSTIES. JASS^f.- Soci6t6des Medecins et des Natura- listes. [Founded^??] L< Bulletin, ££ Vol. vi, no. 4r* 8°. Jassy, 1892-» JATTA (ANTONIO) [1852-] Monographia Lichenum Italia; meridionalis. pp.261 : 9 pis. col. 4°. Trano, 1889. Jatta (A.) Sylloge Lichenum Italicorum. pp. xxxix, 623. 4°. Trani, 1900. JATTA (GIUSEPPE) Sulle forme che assume il nucleo vitellino delle Asterie e di alcuni Ragni. pp. 7 : 1 pi. col. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEHIA DELLE SCIENZE, &c. Atti, &c. Vol. IX, App. no. 2. 4°. 1882. Jatta (G.) I Cefalopodi viventi nel Golfo di Napoli. (Sistematica.) pp. xi, 268: 31 pis (col.), text Must. See NAPLES. — Zoologitche Station. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, See AUCHER-ELOY (P. M. R.) 8°. 1843. JAUFFBET (Louis FRANfoia) [1770-c. 1850] Zoo- logie universelle et portative . . . avec un nouveau ~~? supplement . . . redige par L. F. Jauffret. See RAY *• (P. A. F.) 4°. 1804. JAUME SAINT-HILAIBE (JEAN HENRI) [1772- 1845] Traite" des Arbres et Arbustes que Ton cultive g en pleine terre en Europe, et particulierement en France, \, par Du Hamel. (Seconde) Edition . . . Re"dig6 par . . . Jaume Saint-Hilaire, &c. 7 Tom. illust. col. tsee Du- HAMEL DU MONCEAU (H. L.) fol. [1800-19.] Jaume Saint-Hilaire (J. H.) See DICTIONARIES. /^ Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles, &c. Tom. i-vi. 8°. 1804-17. ' Jaume Saint-Hilaire (J. H.) Exposition des families naturelles et de la germination des Plantes ; . . . con- tenant la description de . . . genres, et . . . especes, &c. 2 Vol. 4°. Paris, 1805. Jaume Saint-Hilaire (J. H.) Plantes de la France decrites et peintes d apres nature. 10 Vol. 4°. Paris, [1805-] 1808-22. Jaume Saint-Hilaire (J. H.) Trait6 des Arbrisseaux et des Arbustes cultives en France et en pleine terre . . . Ouvrage pre'ce'de d'une instruction sur la culture des Arbres et des Arbrisseaux, par M. Thouin, &c. 2 Tom. illust. col. 4°. Paris, 1825. This work is made up of selected portions from the "Plantes de la France " [q.v. supra], Jaume Saint-Hilaire (J. H.) Me"moire sur les Indigo- feres du Bengale et de la Chine, ou histoire et descrip- tion de quelques V6g6taux peu connus et dorit les feuilles donnent un tres-bel Indigo. m>. 5-12 : B pit. col. fol. [Paris, 1826.] l«raed, according to the " Bibliographie de la France," 1826, p. 66, ill January of that year, and limited to an edition of 100 copies. . 8 929 Jaunie Saint-Hilaire (J. H.) Memoire sur la Culture T) du Poivrier noir, precede de quclques observations & critiques sur 1'administration du royaume, et orne de figures en noir et en couleur. pp. 8 : 2 pis. col. fol. [Paris, 1827.] Issued, according to the " Bibliographic de la France,' 1827, p. 02, in January of that year. Janme Saint-Hilaire (J. H.) La Flore et la Pomone n Franchises, pu histoire et figure en couleur, des Fleurs D et des Fruits de France, cm naturalises sur le sol Fran§ais. 544 P^s- c°l-> with descriptive letterpress. 6 Tom. 48. Paris, 1828-33. JAVA. — VEKSUCHSSTATION FUEE ZUCKEKROHE WEST- JAVA. See KAGOK. IN / Java. [Maps.] Map of the Island of Java. [Scale 1 in. = 30 m.] See HOKSFIELD (T.) 1852. Java. [Maps.] Java en Madoera op een scbaal. Van L~ 1 : 950,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 15 m.] . . . bewerkt, onder toezich van ... I. Dornseiffen. Amsterdam, 1866. . Java. [Maps] See STEMFOORT (J. W.) & Siethoff L- (J. J. TEN) Atlas der Nederlandsche Bezittingen in Oost-Indie. 1883-85. 7 t, . ; 4* Java. [Maps] Geologische Kaart van Java en Ma- doera . . . Schaal 1 : 200,000 [i.e. I in. = 3f m. about]. 26 sh. See VERBEEK (R. D. M.) & Femiema (R.) Description geologique de Java, &c. Atlas, fol. 1896. Java. [Maps] Geologische overzichtskaart van Java en Madoera . . . Schaal 1 : 500,000 [i.e. I in. = 7A m. about]. 2 sh. See VERBEEK (R. D. M.) and FEN- NEMA (R.) Description geologique de Java et Madoura. Atlas. fol. 1896. JAY (JOHN CLARKSON) [1808-1891] Catalogue of recent Shells in the Cabinet of J. C. Jay, &c. pp. 55. 8°. New York, 1835. With descriptions of new or rare species . . . Second edition, pp. 83 : 4 pis. 8°. New York, 1836. Third edition, pp. 125 : 10 pis. 4°. New York, 1839. Fourth edition, pp. 459. 4°. New York, 1850. Supplement, pp. 465-479. 4°. New York, 1852. Jay (J. C.) Report on the Shells collected by the Japan Expedition . . . with a list of Japan Shells. See UNITED STATES. Narrative of the Expedition . . . to the China Seas, &c. Vol. n. 4°. 1856. JEAFFRESON (Jos. RUSSELL) Notes on the Orni- thological results of Mr. Jackson's journey. See JACK- SON (F. G.) The Great Frozen Land, &c. Appendix A. 8°. 1895. JEANJEAN ( ) & others. Recherches sur les ossemens humatiles des cavernes de Lunel-Viel. See SERRES (P. M. T. DE) & others. 4°. 1839. JEANNEL (JULIEN FRANCOIS) [1814-] Florula Sebastopolitana, seu Enumeratio Plantarum ... a ... J. Jeannel collectarum, &c. See LESPINASSE (G.) 8°. 1881. JEANNETTE, U.S. Vessel. L'expedition de la Jeannette au Pole nord [under the command of G. W. De Long] . . . Ouvrage compose1 des documents regus par le " New- York Herald " de 1878 k 1882, traduits, classes, juxtaposes par J. Geslin. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. Paris [1883]. . as to the^floselleCoal-^ield )&JEFFCOCK( house ( ^^--ffEStem in France^o^- See WO See WOOD- 8°. 1865. JEFFERYS (THOMAS) [-1771] The Bay of Hon- duras. [Scale 1 in. = 23)| m. nearly.] See HONDURAS, Kay of. [Maps.] _ 1775. JEFFREY (EDWARD c!) The Gametophyte of Kotrychium virc/inianum. pp. 32 : 4pls. See TORONTO. — University. Studies. Biological Series, &c. No. 1. 8°. 1898. Trans. Canadian Institute. Vol. v. Jeffrey (E. C.) The Morphology of the central cylinder in the Angiosperms. pp. 40 : 5 pis. 8°. [Toronto, 1899.] Trans. Canadian Institute. Vol. vi. JEFFREY (JOHN) Names of the Plants of which specimens, or seeds [were] received from Mr. Jeffrey, &c. See MURRAY (A.) Botanical Expedition to Oregon. 4°. [1853.] JEFFREYS (JOHN GWYN) [1809-1885] The Marine Testacea of the Piedmontese coast, pp. 34 : 1 pi. 8°. [London, 1856.] Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. II, vol. XVH. Jeffreys (J. G.) Gleanings ( — More Gleanings— Further Gleanings) in British Conchology. 3 Pt. Must. 8°. London, 1858 (-59). Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. Ill, vol. i-m. Jeffreys (J. G.) British Conchology, or an account of the Mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas. [The Nudibranchiata by J. Alder.] 5 Vol. Must, (col.) 12°. London, 1862-69. Jeffreys (J. G.) The Depths of the Sea. An account of the general results of the dredging cruises of H.M.SS. ' Porcupine ' and ' Lightning ' during . . . 1868-70 under the scientific direction of . . . J. G. Jeffreys, &c. See THOMSON (Sir C. W.) 8°. 1873. Jeffreys (J. G.) On the Mollusca procured during the ' Lightning ' and ' Porcupine ' Expeditions. Pt. 1-9. 8°. London, 1878-85. Proo. Zool. Soc. London. 1878-85. L- G- Z- 2- Jeffreys (J. G.) pp. SO. Deep-sea Exploration. A lecture. 8°. London, 1881. Jeffreys (J G ) [Report on the Mollusca of the Faroe Channel]. See TIZARD (T. H.) & MURRAY (Sir J.) K.C.B. Exploration of the Faroe Channel during . . . 1880 in H.M. hired S. " Knight Errant," &c. 8°. 1882. Jeffreys (J. Carpenter carried H.JNLxSurveying-Ship (W."B.) & JEFFREYS Preliminary re l$ee CARPENTER on Diamonds pp. xiv, 118, 3i 8°. London, 1800. JEFFRIES Pearls . .^^fhird edition , &c. pp. v, 9$sSO. 8°. London, 1871. JEHAN (Louis FRAN?OIS) [1803-] Botanique et Phvsiologie vesetale. pp. LSQ : 1 pi., text illmt., engr. title. 8«. Tours, 1847. JEHN (CARL JOSEF) [1845-] Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Babingtonits und Euxenits. Inaugural-Disserta- tion, &c. pp. 29. &°- Jfna, 1871. 117 M 930 z z JEITTELZS (Litnwio HEINRICII) (1830-1883] 1'ro- dronuis Faunae Vertebratorum Hungarian superioris. Beitriige zur naheren Kenntniss der Wirbelthiere Ungarns. pp. 70: 4 pis. (1 col.) 8°. Witn, 1862. Vwbandl. k. k. «ool.-bot. Dwell. Witn. Bd. xii. Jeitteles (L. H.) Die Fische der March bei Olmutz. Abth. l.t pp. SS. 8°. Olmutz, 1863. Jahreab. dea Olmutxer k. k. (lyinn. Jeitteles (L. H.) Ueber einige seltene und wcnig liekannte baugetniere des siidostlichen Dentschlands. pp. S6. 8°. St. Polten, 1867. Prognunm n. a. LandeaoberreaUchule 8t. Polten. No. 4. Jeitteles (L. H.) Die Stammvater unserer Hunde- Rassen. pp. 68 : text Must. 8°. Wien, 1877. JEKEL (HENRI) [1816-1891] C. J. Schoenherr genera et species Curculionidum. Catalogus ab H. Jekel . . . recensus et ordinatus. pp. 279. 12°. Parisiis, 1849. Interleaved copy with manuscript notes. Jekel (H.) [pp. 19.] rfen. Fabricia Eijtomologica, &c. 8°. Paris, 1853. Jekel vations (H.; ser- 'abricia Entomolpgica. Recueil uvelles sur les Insjittes, aged. - Inhaltmibersicht der Bde. i-xn . . . 1882-93. pp. Si. 8°. Jena, 1894. JENA. Grossherzogliche Saechsische Gesamt- Uuiversitaet. [Founded ISM.] Catalogus Plantarum Horti Medici Jenensis, s, forest and fruit Trees . . . now growing in the Botanical Garden and N urseries of T. Jenkins, &c. pp. 270 : xxxii. 8°. London, 1819. JENKINSON (ANTHONY) [-1611] Die Ilcise . . . aus Russia nd nach Boghar ober Bokhara . . . l.v>7. See AHKSTEE ( ) ls. col., with descriptive letterpress. 4°. London, 1875. JENNET (WALTER P.) & Newton (H.) Report on the geology and resources of the Black Hills of Dakota. See UNITED STATES. — Geographical and Geological Sur- vey of the Rocky Mountain Region. 4°. & fol. 1879, 80. JENNT (Fn.) & others. Geologische Excursionskarte der Umgebungen von Bern . . . Massstab 1 : 25,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 24 in.]. See BERNE. [Maps.] 1891. JENSEN (CHRISTIAN C. O.) Mosser fra Novaia- ' Zemlia, samlede paa Dijmphna-Expeditionen 1882-83, &c. See LtiTKEN (C. F.) Dijmphna-Togtets, &c. 8°. 1887. 5 Jensen (C. C. O.) [Bryophyta of the Faroes.] See WARM- ING (J. E. B.) & others. Botany of the Faroes, &c. Pt. I. 8°. 1901. § Jensen (C. C. O.) & Arnell (H. W.) Ein Bryologischer Ausflug nach Tasjo. pp. 64 : 1 pi-, 1 map. See STOCK- HOLM. — KONOLIOA SVENSKA-VETENSKAPS AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxi, afd. in, no. 10. 8°. 1896. c - f Turbellaria ad^lkora Norvegiae occi- djf«rf^es vestkyst, &c.jpp?lnii, 4°. Btfgen, 1878. JENSEN (FRITZ) Vegetation of Lifu, Loyalty Islands. 43 pencil drawings, with manuscript explanations. o fol. 1876. JENSEN (GREGORIUS) Dissertatk) physica de genera- tione Insectorum . . . respondente . . . G. Jensen, &c. /— See STAMPE (H.) 4°. 1732. JENSEN (OLAF S.) [-1887] Indberetning om en i . . . 1870 foretagen reise i Kristiania og Kristianssands sift forat unders0ge Land- og Ferskvands-Molluskerne _^ tilligemed Iglerne. See BROGGER (W. C.) Bidrag til £_ Kristianiafjordens Molluskfauna. 8". 1872. Jensen (O. S.) Katalog over Dyrsamlingen i Bergens -j Museum. See BERGEN. — BERGENS MUSEUM. 8°. 1875. *—- JensenJO^Sr; S^fs pis. col. Jensen (O. S.) Unders0gelser over Sasdlegemerne hos Pattedyr, Fugle og Amphibier. pp. 59 : 3 pis. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhand- linger, &c. Aar 1887, no. 11. 8". 1887. JENSEN (THOMAS) [1824-1877] Bryologia Danica, eller de Danske Bladmosser. pp. iv, 214 •' 9 P^s- 8°. Kjbenhavn, 1856. Jensen. (T.) Conspectus Hepaticarum Danias, eller beskrivelse af de Danske Halvmosser. 8°. [Copenhagen, 1866.] Bot. Tidsskrift. Bd. i, pp. 55-166. JENSEN-HARUF (A. C.) See MEDDELELSER FRA " FLORA OG FAUNA "... udgivne ved . . . A. C. Jensen- Harup, dec. Almind. del. Bd. I, ark l.t Beskrivende ' del. Bd. l.f 8°. 1890-91. Jensen-Hamp (A. C.) Danmarks L0bebiller (Cicin- delides & Carabides). pp. 148. See MEDDELELSER FRA " FLORA oa FAUNA," &c. Beskrivende del. Bd. i. 8°. (1890-) 1891. JENSSEN-TUSCH (HARALD CHRISTIAN LUDVIG VON) [1815-] Nordiske Planteuavne. (Tillaeg), &c. pp. xviii, [vi,] 368. 8°. Kjbenhavn, 1867-70. Navnefortegnelse. &c. pp. [ivt] JENTINK (F. A.) On Cunicuhis"Jorquatus, Pallas. See NlEDERLAENDISCHES ARCHIV FUER ZOOLOGIE. Supplement-Band. 8°. 1881. Jentink (F. A.) Muse'um d'Histoire Naturelle des Pays-Bas. . . . Catalogue, &c. Tom. ix, xi, XH, xiv. See LEYDEN. — RIJKSMUSEUM VAN NATUURLIJKE HIS- TORIE. 8°. 1887-94. Jentiuk (F. A.) Rodentkf; Insectivora, Chiroptera. — On a new species of Rat [Mus armandvillei] from the Island of Flores. See WEBER (M.) Zoologische Ergeb- nisse einer Reise in Niederlandisch Ost-Indien, &c. Bd. I & in. 8°. 1890-93. Jentink (F. A.) Le Musee d'Histoire Naturelle des Pays-Bas. — LaFaunedes Pays-Bas[Maminalsand Birds], See PLEYTE(W.) Mothers. Guide Zoologique, &c. 8°. 1895. JENTSCH (GOTTLIEB CHRISTIANUS) Disputatio in- auguralis medica de Bono Henrico, oder Guten Heinrich . . publico eruditorum examini subjicit G. C. Jentsch, /> 3 932 G JENTZEN (CARL HERMAN) Pharniaco-Kritik eller Priifning af Liikeinedlena Akthet och Renhet med utes- lutande liiinseende till Svenska Pharmakopeen. Aiulra Delen . . . af C. H. Jeutzen . . . framstiild, . iv. 025. 8s. Herkelry, Col., 1901. B JEBDON (ARCHIBALD) [1819-1874] [Botanical corre- spondence addressed to A. Bloxam.J See BLOXAM (A.) JEBDON (THOMAS CLAVERHILL) [1811-1872] Illus- -t— trations of Indiaii Ornithology, containing fifty figures of new, unfigured, and interesting species of Birds, chiefly ""2, from the south of India. 50 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. fol. Madras, 1847. Jerdon (T. C.) The Birds of India . . . with ... a brief -p notice of such families as are not found in India, &c. 2 Vol. 8°. Calcutta, 1862-64. Z- Vol. II is in two continuously .paged parts, of which Pt. 2 is also styled Vol. in. [Another edition.] Reprinted under the supervision _.- of . . . H. H. Godwin-Austen, &c. 2 Vol. 8°. Calcutta, 1877. A page-for-page reprint of the preceding edition. Jerdon (T. C.) The Mammals of India, &c. pp. xxi, ~j 319, xv. 8°. JSorkee, 1867. £~ Notes on Jerdon's Mammals of India. See McMAS- "7 TER (A. C.) 4°. 1870. ' JEREMEJEW (PAULUS WLADIMIROWITSCH) See EREMYEEV (P. V.) JEBLIN (PETRUS) Macellum olitorium, quod ... submittit ... P. Jerlin, &c. See LINNAEUS (C.) 4°. 1760. ft [Another edition.] See LINN^US (C.) C. Linnsei $ . . . Amcenitates Academic®, der Schweizerischen Alpenflora. Eine Uebersicht iibcr c den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Frage. pp. vi, 253. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. JEBVI8 (GUGLIELMO) See JERVIS (W. P.) JERVIS (WILLIAM PAOET) Guida alle Acque Mine- rali d'ltalia : cenni storici e geologici . . . Province M centrali. pp. xiii, 139, 13 tabs. : 1 pi. 8°. Torino, 1868. Jervis (W. P.) The Mineral Resources of central Italy : including geological, historical, and commercial M notices of the Mines and Marble Quarries, &c. pp. 1S%, 11 tabs. 8°. London, 1868. Jervis (W. P.) Cenni geologici sulle montagne poste f in prossimita al giacimento di Antracite di Demonte, l- &c. pp. 16. 8°. Torino, 1873. M Jervis (W. P.) I Tesori sotterranei dell' Italia, &c. [\A 4 Vol. Must. 8°. Torino, &c., 1873-89. Carta corografica del regno d' Italia e delle regioni adiacenti . . . alia scala di 1 : 500,000 [i.e. 1 in. =8 m. i* about]. Esemplare annotate da servire da atlante dell' opera : " I Tesori sotterranei dell' Italia," &c. 22 .sh. [in 11.] [Torino, 1897.] The sheets used for this work flrst apiwared between 1889 and 1894. The title on the outside label reads :— " Carta annotftta dell' Itnlia," <<-c. 933 *z 1- L JERZYKIEWICZ (B.) Botanik fiir die unteren und mittleren Klassen hiJherer Lehranstalten. pp. vi, 206 : text illust. 8°. Posen, 1874. JESSE (EDWARD) [1780-1868] Gleanings in Natural History, with local recollections ... to which are added maxims and hints for an Angler, pp. xi, 313. 8°. London, 1§32. Second Series. To which are added some extracts from the unpublished MSS. of ... Mr. White of Selborne. pp. xi, 321. 8°. London, 1834. Third and last series. To which are added notices of some of the Royal Parks and Residences, pp. xi, 310 : 1 pi. 12°. London, 1835. -T B 6 8 I L. 6 B L Twelfth edition. pp. viii, 375 : text illust. 8°. London, 1877. Jesse (E.) [Scenes and Tales of ountry Life, &c. 12°. Zomrfora.,1844.] — -yfAnother editione/ratled :] Scenes aniwcupations o^Country Life ; wj*ff recollections of Natural History New . . . ed/fion. pp. x, 327 : ^pls., text illust. 8°. London, 1853. Jesse (E.) The natural history of Selborne . . . Edited, with ... a biographical sketch of the author, and a complete index, by E. Jesse, &c. See WHITE (G.) 8°. 1851. JESSE (GEORGE RICHARD) [1820-] Researches into the history of the British Dog . . . with original anecdotes, and illustrations of the nature and attributes of the Dog, &c. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1866. JESSE (WILLIAM) On a collection of Birds from north-eastern Abyssinia and the Bogos Country . . . With notes by ... W. Jesse. See FINSCH (O.) 4°. 1870. JESSEN (CARL FRIEDRICH WILHELM) [1821-1889] Prasiolie generis Algarum monographia. Dissertatio inauguralis. pp. SO : 2 pis. col. 4°. Kilice, 1848. Jessen (C. F. W.) Ueber die Lebensdauer der Gewachse und dieUrsachen verheerenderPflanzenkrankheiten, See SAO PAULO. — <^ ^a t „ Museu Paulista. ... 8°. 1895-> JICKELI (CARL FRIEDRICH) Fauna der Land- und Siisswasser-Mollusken Nord-Ost-Afrika's. pp. 352: 11 pis. See ACADEMIA C.ESAREA LEOPOLDINO-CARO- LINA, dec. Nova Aeta, &c. Tom. xxxvu, no. 1. 4°. 1874 (1875). Jickeli (C. F.) Aegyptische und Abyssinische Arach- niden gesammelt von Herrn C. Jickeli, &c. See KOCH (L.) Zoologist. 4°. 1875. JIMBO (KOTORA) Rigakushi Jimbo Kotora shi cho. Hokkaido Chishitsu Hokoku no uchi. Hokkaido ^Z. Ganseki So ron. — General geological sketch of Hok- kaido, with special reference to the Petrography, dec. pp. 79 : 5 maps (1 geol. col.) 8°. Satporo, Hokkaido, 1892. Jimbo (K.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fauna der Kreideformation von Hokkaido, pp. Jfl : 9 pis., text (3- illust. See PALJJONTOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN, &c. Neue Folge, Bd. n, hft. 3. 4°. 1894. JIMENEZ DE LA ESPADA (MARCOS) [1831-1898] -^ Algunos dates nuevos 6 curiosos acerca de la Fauna £— del alto Amazonas(Mamiferos). pp.27. 8°. Madrid, 1870. Boletin Revista Univ. Madrid. Jimenez de la Espada (M.) El Volcan de Ansango. pp. 28 : 1 pi. Nuevos Batracios Americanos, pp. 4- Sobrel&ieprodncciondelUhinodennaDarwinii. pp.13. L — Un autografo del Abate Spallanzani. pp. 19. <-> See MADRID.— SOCIED AD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATU- RAL. Anales, &c. Tom. I. 8°. 1872. Jimenez de la Espada (M.) Vertebrados del viaje al Pacifico verificado de 1862 a 1865 por una coraision de naturalistas . . . Batracios. pp. 208 : 7 pis. 4°. Madrid, 1875. 934 / Jimenes de la Espada (M.) Urotropis platfittis. Pt>. 5: 1 pi. Sff MADRID.— SOCIEDAD KSPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Aliales, fn Solomon, Hiyh pi-iest of Boonda. Set AYUB IBN SULAIMAN IBN I m: MI I'M. JOBABD-MUTEAT7 (J.) Madame. Etudes sur les Microzoaires, ou Infiisoires proprement dits . . . Planches et notes descriptive*) des especes par Mn'° J. Jobard-Muteau. .5ffFROMENTEL(L. E. G.DE). 4°. 1874. & JOBEBT (ANTOINE CLAUDE GABRIEL) /Vi DE GEOLOGIE, par . . . A. C. G. Jobert. See JOURNAL Tom. i-m.t 8°. 1830-31. Jobert (ANTOINE C. O.) The Philosophy of Geology. (La Philosophic de la Geologic.) ENG. . VI, torn, v, no. 8. 8°. 1877. Jobert (C.) Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques pour servir a 1'histoire de la respiration chez les poissons. vp. 7. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, nU<-. JOBLOT (Louis) Micrographia Illustrata ... To \vliich is added a translation of Mr. Joblott's observa- / Q tions on the Animalcula, that are found in many ty*, different sorts of infusions,/>. x, 344 : 13 pis. JOEBDENS (.JOHANN HEINHICH) [1764-1813] Ento- mologie und Helininthologie des menschlichen Korpers. ~~> oder Beschrcibung und Abbildung der Bewohner und <^— Feinde desselben unter den Insekten und Wiirmern. 2 Bd. [in 1] Must. col. 4°. Hof, 1801-2. JOFFBIN(L.) Monographic du genre Rosier, traduite J de 1'Anglais . . . avec des Notes de . . . L. Joffrin, &c. O See LINDLEY (J.) 8°. 1824. JOHAN-OLSEN (Oi, AV) [Spiselig Sop, dens indsam- ling, opbevaring og tilberedning, med en sopkogebog, er<)'t7tesarterudviklings- / Cf-^ historisk studerede. pp. 25. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhandlingcr, &c. Aar 1886, no. 2. 8°. 1886 (1887). Johan-Olsen (O.) Om Sop pa klipfisk den sakaldte , j. mid. pp. 20: 4 pis. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS- SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, Johansou (CABL J.) Om Griisens kviifvefria reserv- O naringsiimnen, sarskildt de inulinartade kolhydraten. . L. PP- 45 : 4 pin- See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA g VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xxni, no. 2. 40. 1889 (1891). Johanson (GAEL J.) lakttagelser rorande nagra Torf- >~ mossar i sodra Smaland och Halland, &c. See SWEDEN. —Sveriges Geoloc/iska Undersiikning. Ser. C. Afhand- lingar, &c. No. 108. 8°. 1890. JOHANSON (CABOLUS JAHANNES) Monographia (5 Mycenariiin Suecise . . . proponit C. J. Johanson . . . P. i. See FEIES (E. M.) 8°. 1854. Also issued as part of Fries' " Monographia Hymenomycetum Suecise," ite. [q.v.] $ JOHANSSON (BoAS) Centurialnsectorum . . . pro- posuit B. Johansson . . . 1763, &c. See G. LINWW.ITS ir, \ C. Linnaei . : . Amo_>nitates Academicse, &c. Editio secunda. Vol. vi. 8°. 1763. 8°. 1789. JOHANSSON (CARL JOHAN) See JOHANSON. JOHANSSON (JOHAN) cujus partem primam . See THUNBEEG (C. P.) De Nutritione Plantarum, . . p.p. J. Johansson, &c. 4°. [1819.] i JOHANSSON (K.) Studier ofver Enstatit och dess •'"' oinvandlingsprodukter. pp. 26 : 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM.— M KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xvn, afd. n, no. 4. 8°. 1891 (1892). j Johansson (K.) Hufvuddragen af Gotlands Vaxttopo- grafi och Viixtgeografi grundade pa en kritisk behandhng £_ af dess Kiirlviixtflora. pp. 270 : 1 map. See STOCK- HOLM.—KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xxix, no. 1. 4°. 1897. a Johansson (K.) Y Studier ofver Gotlands hapaxantiska Vaxter, med L hiinsyn till deras groningstid och of vervintring. pp. 103. Nya Archieracier fran Dalarne, Viistmanland och Bals- land. pp. 68 : 7 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxv, afd. in, no. 2 ees llv?*r ^** ^ of Britain. 12°. JOHNSON ( Potato, foil. 12. 3? ^ ' pp. xvi, 275 : IpL, 1 map, text 16°. London [1874?]. Johns (C. A.) [Flowers of the Field. 16°. London, 1853.] Wanting. Twenty-first edition, pp. lite, 664 : text illust. 8°. London, 1885. Twenty-ninth edition. Entirely rewritten and revised by G. S. Boulger, &c. pp. Hi, 926 : text illust. 8°. London, &c., 1899. Johns (C. A.) British Birds in their haunts, pp.xxxii, 626: text illust. 8°. London & New York, 1882. JOHNS (WILLIAM) [1771-1845] Practical Botany : an improved arrangement of the generic characters of British Plants ; with a familiar introduction to the Linnean System, pp. xi, 156. 8°. London, 1826. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. See BALTIMOEE. Surgeon of Lancaster. On the [Lancaster,] 1845. Report of a paper read before the Lancaster Literary, Scientific and Natural History Society. Proof slips from a local paper. JOHNSON (CHARLES) [1791-1880] English Botany . . . By Sir J. E. Smith . . . The figures by J. Sowerby . . . Second (or small) edition . . . with the descriptions shortened, and occasional remarks, added. [Edited (Vol. m-xii) by C. Johnson.] See SOWEEBY (J.) 8°. 1836-1846. Johnson (CHARLES) The Ferns of Great Britain : illustrated by J. E. Sowerby. The descriptions, syno- nyms, &c., by C. Johnson, pp. 87 : 49 pis. col. 4°. London, 1855. Johnson (CHAELES) The Fern Allies ; a supplement to the Ferns of Great Britain. Illustrated by J- E. Sowerby . . . the descriptions, synonyms, &c., by C. John- son, pp. 52 : 31 pis. (col.) 4°. London, 1856. Johnson (CHAELES) British Poisonous Plants, pp. iv, 59 : 28 pis. 8°. London, 1856. The plates are copies by J. E. Sowerby of originals in the " English Botany." Johnson (CHARLES) The Grasses of Great Britain : illustrated by J. E. Sowerby, . . . described ... by Charles Johnson, &c. pp. xxxii, 193 : 144 plg- c°l- 8°. London [1857-61]. JOHNSON (CHARLES PIERPOINT) Wild Flowers. Illustrated by J. described, with an introduction and a key to the natural orders, by C. P. Johnson, pp. xlix, 168 : 83 pis. 8°. London, [1858-] I860. Johnson (CHARLES P.) The Useful Plants of Great Britain . . . Illustrated by J. E. Sowerby. pp. 324: 25 pis. 8°. London, 1861 [-62]. JOHNSON (CHARLES WILLISON) [1863-] See NAUTI- LUS, THE, &c. [Edited by C. W. Johnson.] Vol. iv-» 8°. 1890-» r) [-1893] British J. E. Sowerby . B B 8 8 936 Johnson (CHARLES W.) * Filsbry (H. A.) A classified Catalogue ... of the I^vnd Shells of America north of Mexico. See PILSBRY (H. A.) — » illust. 8°. London, 1871. O^ Advance copy, privately printed, of the author's paj>er in the " Proc. Geol. Assoo.," Vol. n, 1872. Johnson (M. H.) The nature and formation of Flint /£. and allied bodies, &c. pp. 16 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1874. JOHNSON (SAMUEL) [1709-1784] A Dictionary of —J~ the English Language, &c. pp. xii, 43, 1369. 8°. London, 1799. Printed in treble column. JOHNSON (SAMUEL WILLIAM) [1830-] How Crops g feed. A treatise on the atmosphere and the soil as related to the nutrition of Agricultural Plants, pjy. 375 : text illust. 8°. New York [ ]. This work was first issued in 1870. JOHNSON (THEO) Illustrations of British Hawk Moths, and their lame, (including the Sesidae). pp. 46 : 36 pis. col. 4°. [London,] 1874-76. The plates are band-drawn and coloured. Johnson (Tim>)-~niustrations of the larvae and pupse of Britishxfiepidoptera, &c.^pfd>S: 53 ^_ _ 1 S < S . te plates are hand-djawfiand coloured. Johnson (THEO) Illustrations of Exotic Conchology. 37 original water-colour drawings, with manuscript descriptions. 4°. [London^ 1881. Johnson (THEO) Familiar British Insects, selected from _ the principal orders, &c. 42 pis. col., with descriptive £l. letterpress. 8°. [London,] 1887. Tin- plates are hand-drawn and coloured. JOHNSON (THOMAS) F.L.S. [1863-] The Herbarium ,, and Botanical collections in the . . . Museum. [Re- Q port prepared by T. Johnson.] See SCIENCE AND ART MUSEUM, DUBLIN. 8°. 1891. JOHNSON (THOMAS) M.D. [-1644] Opuscula omnia ^ I'.otunica T. Jolinsoni . . . Nuperrime edita a T. S. fp Ralph. 4°. Lmidini, 1847. The original pagination of the several tract* is preserved. Johnson (THOMAS) M.D. The Herball, or general! Q historie of Plantes . . . enlarged ... by T. Johnson, ^ &c. See GERARD (J.) Botanist. fol. 1633. Johnson (THOMAS) M.D, Mercurius Botanicus ; sive Plantarum gratia suscepti itineris, anno 1634 descriptio. /> Cum earum nominibus Latinis, & Anglicis, &c. Huic 1 accessit de Thermis Bathonicis tractatus. pp. [vi,] 78, [iv,] 19 : 1 pi., text Must. 8°. Londini, 1634. The appended tract baa a serrate title-page, which reads: — " Thermse BathomcK), sive earum dncriptio, vires, utendi tempus, modus," . xvi, 313 : 1 pi., text Must. 8°. New York, 1902. JOHNSSON (ADOLPH) Synoptisk framstallning af •"2- Sveriges Oniscider. Akademisk afhandling, &c. pp.41. 8°. Upsala, 1858. JOHNSSON (J.) Jordarternas praktiska anviindbar- f-*, het. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Undersok- \y ning. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, &c. No. 131. Praktiskt geologiska undersokningar inom Hallands Lan. f. [Appendix.] 4°. 1893. JOHNSTON (ALEXANDER KEITH) [1804-1871] [The A Physical Atlas . . . illustrating the Geographical Dis- flffw • tribution of Natural Phenomena, &c. fol. Edinburgh, 1848.] 6 G- M 7. 6- 6 Contains, inter olid, the following articles by other authors : — Some general principles in Geology ; and their applications. By J. P. Nichol. On Glaciers and Glacial Phenomena. By J. D. Forbes. Palaeontology of the British Isles. By E. Forbes. The Geographical Distribution of Plants, according to A. von Hum- boldt and Prof. Schouw. Mammif erous Animals : Orders Rodentia and Ruminantia. By G. R. Waterhouse. [Notes illustrative of the] Ethnographic Map of Europe . . . By G. Kombst. [Notes illustrative of] An Ethnographic Map of Great Britain and Ireland. By G. Kombat. Re-issued, with minor modifications, in 1850. [Another edition entitled :] The Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena . . . New . . . edition, pp. 187: 35 pis. & maps col., text illust. fol. Edinburgh & London, 1856. Contains, inter alia, the following articles by other authors, in addition to those noted above in the first edition : — Notes illustrative of the Geological Map of Europe. By Sir R. I. Murchison and J. Nicol. The Physical Features of America. By II. D. Rogers and A. K. Johnston. Notes illustrative of the Geological Map of the United States and British North America. By H. D. Rogers. The Arctic Basin ... By H. D. Rogers. On the Geographical Distribution of Plants yielding Food. By A. Henfrey. On the Distribution of Indigenous Plants. By A. Henfrey. The Distribution of Marine Life. By E. Forbes. Johnston (A. K.) [Dictionary of Geography . . . form- ing a ... Gazetteer of the World. 8°. London, 1850.] Wanting. [Another issue.] pp. viii, 1432. 8°. London, 1853. [Another edition entitled :] A general Dictionary of Geography . . . New edition, &c. pp. vi, 1513. 8°. London, 1877. Johnston (A. K.) The National Atlas of ... Geography . . . Accompanied by Maps and Illustrations of the Physical Geography of the Globe, by H. Berghaus ; and f an Ethnographic Map of Europe, by G. Kombst. pp. [16,] 11 : 46 maps col. fol. Edinburgh & London, 1850. Johnston (A. K.) Geological ticimeus from Unyoro. By G. T. Prior. C> List of the Plants. By C. H. Wright. List of the Mammals. By O. Thomas. A tentative list of the liinls. By C. Chubb. List of the cold-blooded Vertebrates. By G. A. Bonlcnger. I an.l Molluscs. By E. A. Smith. Arachnida. [By] R. Pocook. A List of the Lepidoptera. By Dr. [A. G.] Butler. Coleoptera. By C. O. Waterhouse [except Coccinellidje, by G. J. Arrow, and Longicornia and Phytophaga, by C. J. Gahan}. Diptera. By E. E. Aust«n. Polyzoa, Hydrozoa and Protozoa. [By] R. Kirkpatrick. JOHNSTON (JAMES FINLAY WEIR) [1796-1&55] The Chemistry of Vegetable and Animal Physiology . . . with introduction and notes by J. F. W. Johnston, Johustoiie (A.) Geological Map of the British Isles . . . Revised and extended by A. Johnstone, &c. See BRITISH ISLANDS. 1896. z ,A L- Johnstone (A.) Mineralogical Geology, &c. pp. Hi, 194 : 14 pi»- 8°. Edinburgh & London, 1897. JOHNSTONE (f.) Car'dmm'P'-'jij). ftfirTTpls., 1 map col. See LIVERPOOL MARINE BIOLOGY COMMITTEE. L.M.B.C. Memoirs, &c. No. 2. 8°. 1899. Also published in the same Society's "Trans.," Vol. xiv. JOHNSTONE (JOHN) See JONSTONUS. JOHNSTONE (WILLIAM GROSART) [-c. I860] &CroaU Q (A.) The nature-printed British Sea Weeds : a history, accompanied by figures and dissections, of the Alga? of the British Isles . . . Nature printed by H. Bradbury. 4 Vol. illust. col. 4°. London, 1859-60. JOHNSTRUP (JOHANNES FREDERIK) [1818-1894] Gieseckes mineralogiske rejse i Gr0nland, &c. See GIE- SECKE (Sir C. L.) 8°. 1878. . Johnstrup (J. F.) [Short memoir by C. F. Wandel.] See DENMARK. — Commissionen for Ledelsen of de, geo- ]1- logisfce og geographiske Undersfigelser i Grnland. Meddelelser om Gr0nland, &c. Hf't. xvi. 8°. 1896. JOHOW (FEDERICO) Estudios sobre la Flora de las jl Islas de Juan Fernandez . . . Con una Introduction sobre las condiciones jeograficas i jeolo.jicas del Archi- pielago, escrita por . . . R. Pohlmann. pp. xi, 287 : 18 pis., 2 maps, text illust. 4°. Santiago de Chile, 1896. JOHRENIUS (MAETINUS DANIEL) [-1718] M. D. Johren . . . Vade mecum Botanicum, seu hodegus botanicus . . . liber . . . quo . . . qui studio herbas quoesitum eunt . . . Plantarum cogmtionem acquirere possunt, etc. pp. [xvi,] 248. 8°. Colbergce [1710]. JOKISCH (KARL GOTTLOB ERHARD) [-1809] Hand- buch der Fischerey. (Erster Theil.) pp. 294:1 pi. 8°. Ronneburg & Leipzig, 1802. U JOLICCEUB, (HENRI) , Handlingar. Bd. II, no. 14. 8°. 1874. / JOLLET(.T. T.) See HALIFAX NATUEALIST, THE . . . Conducted by ... J. T. Jolley. Vol. vi-> 8°. 1901-> / JOLLT (WILLIAM) Geology of Loch Maree and neigh- bourhood. See DIXON (J. H.) Gairloch, &c. 8°. 1886. £- JOLT (JOHN) [1857-] The Geological Age of the Earth, as indicated by the Sodium-content of the sea. pp. 8. 8°. [Dublin? 1900.] u JOLT (NICOLAS) [1812-1885] Etudes sur les Plantes P Indigoferes en general, et particulierement sur le Poly- gonum tinctorium, dec. pp. 62 [2] : 1 pi. col. 8°. Montpellier, 1839. Bull. Soc. Agrie. Herault. Joly (N.) Observations g6n6rales sur les Plantes qui 0 peuvent fournir des couleurs bleues k la teinture, suivies de recherches . . . sur le Polygonum tinctorium et specialement sur le Chrozophora tinctoria (Croton tinctorium, Linn.) pp. 99 : 4 P^s- (col.) 4°. Montpellier, 1839. Joly (N.) Notice sur 1'histoire, les moeurs et 1'orga- nisation de la Girafe (Camelopardalis Giraffa, Linne"). pp. 30: 2 pis. (col.) 8°. Toulouse, 1844. Joly (N.) Coup d'oail sur les origines de la Pisciculture fluviatile, et sur l'6tat actuel de cette industrie en France, pp. 29. 8°. (Toulouse, 1866.) Joum. Agric. pratique Midi France. Juin, I860. Joly (N.) Note sur un nouveau cas d'hypermetamor- phose constate chez le Palingenia virgo a retat de larve. pp. 5. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. V, torn, xv, no. 10. 8°. 1871 (1872). Joly (N.) & (EMILE) Etudes sur le pr^tendu Crustace au sujet duquel Latreille a cre"e le genre Prosopistoma et qui n'est autre chose qu'un veritable Insecte hexa- pode. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. V, torn, xvi, no. 7. 8°. 1872. Joly (N.) OppiAN. 4°. 1722. JONES (JOHN) F.G.S. [1835-1877] On Rhynchonella «"• acuta and its affinities, pp. 8 : 1 pi., text illust. See COTTESWOLD NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. Pro- ceedings, .:: 1 .'/>/.•<. *" See UNITED STATES.— NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, on several species of rare or accidental occurrence. By C. H. Merriam. „ «. Reptiles. By M. Garman. „ 7. Annelida . . . collected by G. B. Goode. By H. E. Webster. JONES (JOHN PIKE) [1790-1857] A Botanical Tour 6 through various parts of the counties of Devon and Cornwall, pp. viti, 74. 8°. Exeter, 1820. Jones (JOHN P.) & Kingston (J. F.) Flora Devoni- ft. ennis: or a descriptive catalogue of Plants growing wild in the county of Devon, 9 pis., text illust. 4°. London, &c., 1781. Dedication and pp. i-v wanting. JONES ( WILLIAM A.) Report upon the reconnaissance of northwestern Wyoming, including Yellowstone National Park, made . . . 1873. See UNITED STATES. 8°. 1875. JONKMAN (H. F.) [Filices of Central Sumatra.] See AMSTERDAM. — AARDRIJKSKUNDIG GENOOTSCHAP. Midden-Sumatra, &c. Deel iv, ged. n, afd. 13. 4°. 1884. JONNES (ALEXANDRE MOREAU DE) See MOREAU DE JONNES. G L Bidrag till Jcannedomen om / '. i_ JONSSON (BENGT) bladets anatomiska byggnad hos Proteaceerna, &c, pp. 49: 8 pis. See LUND. — KAROLINSKA UNIVER- SITETET. Acta, dkc. Tom. xv, no. 3. 4°. 1879. Jonsson (B.) Om embryosackens utveckling hos Angiospermerna, ;>. 57 [.}] .- 1 pi. See LUND. — KAROLINSKA UNI- VKRSITETET. Acta, &c. Tom. xxxiv, no. 1. 4°. 1898. JONSSON (.IONS) [1848-1894] Praktiskt geologiska undersokningar iuoni Jemtlands Ian. IIL Agronomiskt f.*. geologiska . . . studier, &c. pp. 9. See SWEDEN. — Swuiga Geologiska Under siJkning. Ser. C. Afhand- lingar, &c. No. 102. 4°. 1889. For Pt. i, Ste HiioBOM (A. G.) 1886 ; for Pt. n, See VOOT (J. H. L.) 1887. Jonsson (J.) [For official publications in connection with the " Kartblad " and " Agronomiskt geologisk Kartft1'] See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Undersok- ning. Ser. A.a. . 49-S6] . . . subjicit P. J6nsson. Pt. V. See FALLEN (C. F.) Diptera Sveciaa, -bT. M iiqnaticJ8." ; of the original - [Another omnium Ani um n.] J. Jo , a*c. [6 illust. Printed in double column : each^art sejiamtely ] Wanting the " De PiscibnH etOnift" and the " De I The plate* and engraved l\jKt are identical with tl) Frankfort edition of 16 ^ JonstoniJPBeatrum univei Pt^ifi] 4 Tom. 'ol. Rothwnyfi, 1768. Printed in J^uble colnmn : each i^f *e\n\Tnte>\y iiaged. The platar are identical with thuK of the original edXii.ii. The part* " De Qnadrnpedibtu " and " I)e4vibii»" baveengrav/a titlec in addition. Jonstonns (J.) J. Jonstoni Notitia Regni Mineralis, KCU subterraneorum catalogue, cum praecipiiis differen- tiis. pp. 101 [16]. 12°. Lipsive, 1661. Jonstonns (J.) J. Jonstoni . . . Notitia Regni Vege- tabilis, seu Plantarum a viteribus observatarum, cum synonymis Grascis & LatinN, obscurioribusfj; differentiis in suas classes redacta Heries. pp. [xliv,] 331. 12*. Lipsiae, 1661. 6 Jonstonns (J.) Dendrographias, sive Historiae natu- ralis de ArWibus et Fruticibus . . . libri decem. pp. [xvi,] 477 [28] : 137 pin., emji: till,'. fol. Francofurti ad Mcenum, 1662. [Another edition entitled :] J. Jonstoni Historic Naturalis do Arboribus et Plantis libri x, &c. 2 Tom. [in 1] illust. fol. [Jleilhronn,] 1768. JORDAN (Ai.K.xis) [1814-1897] Observations sur plusieurs Plantes nouvelles, rares, ou critiques de la France. 7 Pt. 8°. Paris & Leipzig, 1846-49. Jordan (A.) Pugillus Plantarum novarum praesertim fl Gallicaruin. pp. 147. 8°. Paris, 1852. D Jordan (A.) De Porigine des diverses vari6t6s, ou especes d'Arbres fruitiers et autres v6g6taux g6n6rale- K ment cultiv6s pour les besoins de I'Homme. pp. 97. 8°. Paris, 1853. Mem. Acad. Sri. Lyon. Ser. II, tout. n. Jordan (A.) Nouveau m<$moire sur la question relative aux sEgilops triticoidfs et speltcefonnis. pp. 82. ff. Paris, 1857. Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon. Tom. iv, Jordan (A.) Diagnoses d'especes nouvelles, ou me- . connues, pour servir de mat6riaux k une Flore reform6e Ik de la France et des contr6es voisines. Tom. i, pt. l.t pp. 355. 8°. Paris, 1864. Pp. 1-160 »ro reprinted from " Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon," Ser. II, torn. VII, 1861. Jordan (A.) it Fonrreau (J.) Breviarium Plantarum novarum, sive specierum in horto plerumque cultura VX recognitarum descriptio contracta ulterius amplianda. pp. 62, 137. 2 Fasc. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. Parisiis, 1866, 68. Jordan (A.) & Fourrean (J.) Icones ad Floram yL Europse novo fundamento instaurandam spectantes. • 3 Tom. 501 pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. fol. Parisiis, 1866-1903. Plates cclxjrxi — d were by Jordan alone. Plate cdlx does not exist, but there are additional plates numbered cccxxxv, 6u and cccxxxvii, bit. — i JORDAN (CAMILLE)[1838-] Memoire sur les groupes *•* de mouvements. Ann. Matemat. Milano. I". .Mil, UK, [i,s(i!»|. Ser. II, torn. II, pp. 167-S1S * Stt-Stf. JORDAN (DAVID STARR) [1851-] "Manual of the Vertebrates of the northern United States, including -^ the district east of the Mississippi River, and north of £- North Carolina and Tennessee, exclusive of marine species, pp. 342. 12°. Chicago, 1876. - Second edition, &c. pp. 407. 12°. Chicago, 1878. "2, Jordan (D. S.) 'Contributions to North American ( __ Ichthyology. 3 Pt. Must. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. No. 9, 10 & 12. 8°. 1877-78. * n, A, vim written in collaboration with A. W. Urayton. £ Ol4^ Pt. i i *" 5 3<4 * / <- - [Another issue.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xm, art. 9, 10 ; & xxm, art. 2. 8°. 1877 (1878)-1878 (1882). Jordan (D. S.) Report on the Fishes of Ohio. See OHIO, State of— Geological Survey. Report, &c. Vol. iv, pt. 1, sect. 4. 8°. 1882. Jordan (D. S.) Nematognathi, Scyphophori, Teleo- cephali, Gymnonoti & Xenomi.] See KINOSLEY (J. S.) Z. The Standard Natural History, &c. Vol. in. 4°. 1885. Jordan (D. S.) Temperature and Vertebra;, a study in \ Evolution. Being a discussion of the relations of the numbers of vertebra; among Fishes, to the temperature 7-0 of the water and to the character of the .struggle for existence. See JORDAN (D. S.) & others. The Wilder Quarter-century Book, &c. 8°. 1893. 943 : '. dv MVt l^ Jordan (D. S.) The Fur Seals and Fur-Seal Islands 7 of the North Pacific Ocean. By D. S. Jordan, &c. 4 Vol. illust. See UNITED STATES. — Fur Seal Enquiry. 8°. 1898-99. i Jordan (D. S.)& Clark (G. A.) The history, condition, Jk and needs of the herd of Fur Seals resorting to the L, Pribilof Islands.— Observations on the Fur Seals of the ... Islands, 1872-1897, &c. See UNITED STATES. — Fur Seal Enquiry. The Fur Seals and Fur Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean, dec. Pt. i & H. 8°. 1898. Jordan (D. S.) & Evermann (B. W.) The Fishes of j^ north and middle America : a descriptive catalogue, &c. 4 Pt. illust. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, &c. No. 47. 8°. 1896-1900. £. Jordan (D. S.) Grecs. pp. 54- 8°. Paris, 1901. O JORGENSEN (ALFRED PETER CAELSEUND) [1848-] ^ Die Mikroorganismen der Garungsindustrie. pp. vi, 138 : text illust. .. ^.Berlin, 1886. ' - JORGENSEN (EuGEN)\ Om Floraen i Nord-Reisen — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. no. 8. IL. tilst0dende dele af Lyngen. pp. 104. See CHEISTIANIA. '. Forhandlinger,. 48 : 3 pis. See BEROEN. — BEROENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbog, &c. 1899, no. 2. 8°. 1899. Jorgensen (E.) Protophyten und Protozoen im Plank- ^X) (, ton aus der Norwegischen Westkiiste. pp. 112, Ixxxiii : 5 pis. See BEROEN. — BEROENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbog, £e. 1899, no. 6. 8°. 1900. Jorgensen (E.) Protistenplankton aus dem Nord- Q meere in den Jahren 1897-1900.' pp. 37: 3 pis. See BEROEN.— BEROENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums i* Aarbog, , &c. Vol. v. 8°. 1760. Editio secunda. 8°. 1788. .Li L' [Another edition.] See IJNN*US (C.) C. Linnsei Fundamentorum Botanicorum . . . Curante J. E. Gili- bert. Tom. II. 8°. 1786. Jorlin (E.) [Partes fructificationis, seu Principia Bo- tanices illustrate, &c. 4°. Londini Gothorum (1774).] Wanting. A diwjertation at which Jorlin acted as prases, the respondent being E. Rniiiberg. [Another edition entitled :] Principia Botanices illustrata, seu partes fructificationis . . . Editio altera, . xii, 558 Anzahl tropischer, der Culturjwerther und in Euro- /I i. pp. xii, 558 v 8°. Prog, 1851. pjiischen Garten eingefiihrter Orchideen. [17]: 2 pis. JOUAN (HENRI) Documents sur la G6ologie de la Nouvelle-Caledonie, suivis du Catalogue des Roches /• recueillies dans cette tie par MM. Jouan et E. De- ' planches [i.e. Deplanche] . . . par M. E. Deslongchamps. See EUDES-DESLONGCHAMPS (E.) 8°. 1864. JOITANNET (F.) Essai sur les Spherulites qui existent dans les collections de F. Jouannet, &c. See DES MOULINS (C.) 8°. 1827. JOUBIN (Louis) Recherches sur la morphologie comparee des glandes salivaires. pp. 66: 3 pis. col. ~£ See ARCHIVES DE ZOOLOGIE EXPERIMENTALE ET ' GEN^RALE, &c. Ser. II, torn. V bis, mem. 3. 8°. 1887. Joubiii (L.) Faune Franchise. Publiee par les soins de MM. R. Blanchard et J. de Guerne. Les N6mer- ^ tiens par . . . L. Joubin. pp. 235 : 4 $$• col..text Must. ^~ 8°. Paris, 1894. Joubin (L.) Contribution k l'6tude des C6phalopodes i de 1'Atlantique Nord. See ALBERT HONORS CHARLES, _ Prince of Monaco. R6sultats des Campagnes scienti- £• fiques, &c. Fasc. IX. 4°. 1895. Joubin (L.) [Cephalopoda of the Bay of Biscay.] £__ See LYONS. — UNIVERSITE. Annales de 1'Universite, &c. [Tom. xxvi.] R6sultats scientifiques de la campagne agnes i- scientifiques, &c. Fasc. xvn. 4°. 1900. Joubin (L.) Nemertiens. ^FRANCE. [ Voi/ayes, JOURNAL DE BOTANIQUE NEERLAli- DAISE, redige par F. A. W. Miquel. Tom. i.t pp.S84: 3 pis. 8". Amsterdam, Utrecht, &c., 1861. JOURNAL DE CONCHYLIOLOGIE, comprcnnnt 1'etude des Animaux, des Ooquilles vivantes et de.s Coquilles fossiles, publie sous la direction de M. Petit de la Saussaye ([and afterwards, P. H.] Fischer, [A. C.] Bernardi, [J. C. H.] CrosseJH.] Fischer, [P.] Dautzen- berg and G. [F.] Dollfus). Tom. i-» 8°. Paris, 1850-» Publication was suspended during 1854 and 1855. Tom. v-vin are also styled "2" Serie, torn, i-lv " ; Tom. IX-XLVI form "3° Serie, torn, i-xxxvm"; while Tom. xi.vil-* equal "4" Serie, torn. I-*" Index general et systematique des matieres contenues dans les vingt premiers volumes du Journal . . . (1850-72). 8°. Paris, 1878. dans les volumes xxi a XL du Journal . . . (1873-1892). 8°. Pans, 1897. JOURNAL DE GEOLOGIE, par MM. A. Bone, [A. C. G.] Jobert et [C. A.] Rozet. Tom. i-ni.t 8°. Paris, 1830-31. JOURNAL DE L'ANATOHIE ET DE LA FHYSIOLOGIE NORMALES ET PATHO- LOGIQUES DE L'HOMME ET DES ANI- MAUX. Publie par M. C. Robin ([and afterwards] G. Pouchet, M. Duval), &c. Ann. i-xxvi. 8°. Paris, &c., 1864-90. JOURNAL DE MICROGRAPHIE . . . publie sous la direction du Dr. J. Pelletan, &c. Tom. i-xvi.t 4°. Paris, 1877-92. JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE, &c. Introduction aux Observations sur la Physique, sur 1'Histoire naturelle et sur les Arts . . . par M. l'Abb6 Rozier, &c. [Second edition.] Tom. i & n. 4°. Paris, 1777. Originally issued in 18 Vol. in 12°. 1771-72. The sheets of the 4° edition bear the original dates of imprint. [Continued as :] Observations et Memoires sur la Physique, sur 1'His- toire naturelle et sur les Arts . . . Par M. 1'Abbe Rozier ([and afterwards] J. A. Mongez, J. C. De La Metherie), &c. Tom. I-XLIII. 4°. Paris, 1773-93. There is a supplement to Tom. xni, 1778, whilst Tom. xxi is a supple- mentary volume for the year 1782. [Continued as :] Journal de Physique, de Chimie et d'Histoire naturelle . . . Par J. C. (De) La Metherie ([and afterwards] H. M. D. de Blain ville), &c. Tom. i-iv ( = XLIV-XLVII), XLvm-xcvi. 4°. Paris, 1794-1823. Tom. xov wants the last part. Table des articles contenus dans les volumes . . . depuis le commencement de 1773, & dans les ... volumes . . . imprimes . . . sous le titre d'lntro- duction aux Observations, &c. Issued as part of Vol. x, 1777. Table gen6rale des articles contenus dans les vingt volumes . . . depuis 1778, &c. Issued as part of Vol. xxix. Table generale des articles contenus dans les . . . volumes . . . depuis 1787 jusqu'en 1802, &c. 4°. [Paris, 1802.] JOURNAL DE ZOOLOGIE comprenant les dif- ferentes branches de cette science . . . par M. P. Gervais. Tom. i-vi.t 8°. Paris, 1872-77. JOURNAL DER FISCHEREI. Eine fortlau- fende Sammlung in zwanglosen Heften des Neuesten und alles dessen was die Fischerei, ... in sich fasst. Herausgegeben . . . von Baron von Ehrenkreutz. Hft. I-lV.t 8°. Ulm, 1855-59, Q a L i- L L JOURNAL MINES. DES IIINES. See ANNALES DES 119 946 JOUBNAL DES MUSEUM GODEFFBOY. Qeographisehe, ethnographisehe und naturwissenschaft- liche Mittheilungen . . . Herausgegeben unter Alit- wirkung von . . . R. Bergh, L. Friederichsen . . . E. Oraffe ... A. Giinther . . . A. v. Krempelhuber, J. Kubary . . . C. Luerssen . . . A. M. Edwards, G. Semper, J. W. Spcngel und O. N. Witt. Hft. i-ix, xi-xv.t [in 5 Vol.] 4°. Hamburg, 1873-81. Hft. x wan not published. JOUBNAL DES SAVANS. L- Extrait du Journal des Savans depuis 1665 jusqu'a 1686. See- COLLECTION ACADEMIQUE, Jabrg. i A u have each an extra Heft entitled : — " ErinnernngMchrift znm Gedachtnisae an die vn. (-VIM.) Jahres- Trnammlung der DenUchen Ornithologen-Gesellfichaft," dr. From Jahrg. n-vi it was " Zngleich Organ der Dentncben Omitbo- In 1860 " Nnnmannia" [y.r.] was united with it. Jabrg. xvi -» were Iwned " In Vcrbindnng ([afterwards] Im Anftrage) der DenUchen ([1S75-18U6J der Allgemeinen Deutachen) Omitho- InglMben Gnelbchaft. ' General-Index . . . Inhaltsverzeichniss der crsten 1ft Jahrgatige, 1853-1867, enthaltend, '" < >KNiTiioi,o. Singapore, 1875. JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY, The: Descrip- tive and geographical. Vol. I ife n.t 8". London, 1862-66. JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, The ; a semi-quarterly magazine of Geology and related Sciences . . . Editors T. C. Chamberlin, R. D. Salisbury, &c. Vol. i-» 8°. Chicago, 1893-> JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE. The Cottage Gardener (and Country Gentleman's Companion) . . . Conducted by G. W. Johnson (and R. Hogg). Vol. i-xxv. 4°. London, 1849-61.' [Continued as :] The Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener and Country Gentleman . . . Conducted by G. W. Johnson and R. Hogg. Vol. XXVI-LXIII. 4°. London, 1861-80. Also styled " New Series, Vol. l-xxxvm." [Continued as :] The Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener, and Home Farmer . . . Conducted by R. Hogg. Ser. Ill, vol. i-xiv. 4°. Lyndon, 1881-87. JOURNAL OF LITERATURE AND SCIENCE, The. See MADRAS LITERARY SOCIETY. JOURNAL OF MALACOLOGY, The. The Conchologist : a quarterly magazine for Concho- logists. Edited by W. E. Collinge. Vol. i & n. 4°. & 8°. London, &c., 1891-93. [Continued as .•] ~-f The Journal of Malacology . . . Edited by W. E. Collinge ([and Vol. iv-vi] W. M. Webb). Vol. m-> 8°. London, Berlin, 1894-» JOURNAL OF MARINE ZOOLOGY. The Jour nal of Marine Zoology and Microscopy : a . . . biological quarterly. Edited by J. Hornell, &c. Vol. i & n.t 8°. Jersey *l6voted to the ?ungi, especially in thaffrelation to Plant Diseases. Prepared, undertbe^rection of the Secretary of Agri- culture, by B^rGalloway. Vol. \-\ 1 ^f ' "2. TT / L [Continjffd^as :] Journal of Mycology. [Edited by] W. A. Kellerman. Vol. vi!l-> 8°. Columbus, 1902-> JOURNAL OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, CHEMISTRY, AND THE ARTS, A, ... By W. Nicholson. Vol. i-v. 4°. London, 1797-1802. [Second Series.] Vol.i-xxxvi. 8". London, 1802-13. This journal was then incorporated with the " Philosophical Magazine " by Tillooh, for which, See LONDON, EDINBURGH AND DUBLIN PHILO- SOPHICAL MAOAZINE. JOU FHYSIOJ fiy. The i i s ondon, 1878-88. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, The. The Quarterly Journal of Science, Edited by J. Samuel- _' son and W. Crookes, &c. Vol. i-v. 8°. London, 1864-68. ' ~, Conducted by W. Fairbairn, W. Crookes. R. Hunt, H. Woodward, and J. Samuelson, Editor. Vol. vi ife vn. - 8°. London, 1869-70. [Continued as :] The Quarterly Journal of Science, and Annals of Mining, Metallurgy, Engineering, Industrial Arts, Manufactures, and Technology, Edited by W. Crookes, " &c. (Vol. vin-xv.) New Series, Vol. i-vin. 8°. London, 1871-78. [Continued as :] The Journal of Science and Annals of Biology, Astro- nomy, Geology, Industrial Arts, Manufactures, and / Technology (monthly . . . ) Edited by W. Crookes. " (Vol. xvi-xxn.) Ser. Ill, vol. i-vn.t 8°. London, 1879-85. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, &c. ,- See ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN. JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO AND EASTERN ASIA, The. (Edited by J. R. Logan.) Vol. i-ix. 8°. Singapore, 1847-55. New Series, Vol. i-iv.t 8°. Swigapore, 1856-62. Vol. ill & iv consist of one part each. JOURNAL OF TRAVEL AND NATURAL HISTORY, The. Edited by A, Murray, &c. Vol. i.t pp. iv, 388 : text Must. 8". London [1868-69]. JOURNAL OFJCROPICAL MEB291NE, The : A monthliJ 8°. Loruttn, 1901-» JOUSSEAUME (FELIX PIERRE) These ... Des Vegetaux parasites de 1'Honime. pp. 70 : 3 pis. 4°. Paris, 1862. JOUSSET DE BELLESME (GEORGES Louis MARIE FELICIEN) [1839-] Essai sur le Venin du Scorpion. pp. 36 : Ipl. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. Zoologie. Ser. V, torn, xix, no. 11. 8°. 1874. [Another issue.] See FRANCE. — Ministers de I' Instruction Publique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, &c. Tom. ix, no. 6. 8". 1874. Jousset de Bellesme (G. L. M. F.) Recherches experimentales sur les fonctions du balaricier chez les Insectes Dipteres. pp. 96 : text Must. 8". Paris, 1878. Jousset de Bellesme (G. L. M. F.) Observations sur les fonctions de 1'Appendice caudal des Limules. pp. 5. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES . . . Zoologie, &c. Ser. VI, torn, xi, no. 7. 8°. 1881. JOUVE (JOSEPH DUVAL) See DUVAL-JOUVE (J.) JOUVENCEL (HIPPOLYTE FELICIEN PAUL DE) [1817-] [La Vie. 8°. Bruxelles, 1859.] Wanting. Deuxieme edition, &c. pp. 440 : text Must. 8°. Paris, 1862. [^ Jouveucel (H. F. P. DE) Les Deluges, &c. Pt. i. ~ Geologic, pp. 438 : text illust. 8". Paris, 1862. JOUYOVITCH (J.) See ZHUIOVI^ (lovAN M.) JOVANY (JosE BALARI Y) See BALARI Y JOVANY. JOVIUS (PAULUS) See GIOVIO. JOY (CHARLES ARAD) [1823-1891] Miscellaneous Chemical Researches. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. t* pp. 49. 8°. GiMiwjen, 1853. ' I L S L. L 2- { B 2. L 5 £ Z. 948 ?o.o.A M JOYCE (FREDERICK) Practical Chemical Mineralogy, . Erfurt, 1865. ' Deutscben Gartenzeitung. No. 88. JUEL (HANS OSCAR) of Vermland. Anteckningar ofver de i Sverige Vaxande iitliga Svainj)ar, hvilka . . . fors- ft vards af H. O. Juel, (fee. Pt. 8. See FRIES (E. M.) 4". 1836. JUEL (HANS OSCAR) Professor of Botam/, Upstila / [1863-] Meddelanden fran Stockholms 'Hiigskola. No. 18. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Hautgewebe der Wurzeln. pp. 18 : 2 pi. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . C Handlingar. Bd. ix, no. 9. 8". 1884. ' Jnel (HANS OSCAR) Professor of Botany, Upsala. Beitrage zur Anatomie der Marcgraviaceen. pp. 28 : tf 3 pis. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- . SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. £_ ^ Bd. xn, afd. m, no. 5. 8°. 1887. Jnel (HANS OSCAR) Professor of Botany, Upsala. Beitrage zur Anatomie der Treniatodengattung Apo- L~ hi CUM (Dujard.). pp. 46:1 pi. See STOCKHOLM. — ~j KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang *• till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xv, afd. IV, no. 6. 8°. 1889 (1890). Juel (HANS OSCAR) Professor of Botany, Upsala. De Floribus Veronicarurn. Studier ofver Veronica- Blom- l2 man. pp. 20 : 2 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA • SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-ACADEMIEN. ActaHorti Bergiani. Bd. I, no. 5. 4". 1891. Juel (HANS OSCAR) Professor of Botany, Upsala. 0 Hemigaster ein neuer Typus unter den Basidiomyceten. & pp. 22: 2 jils. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA £-. VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. ^ Bd. XXI, afd. in, no. 4. 8°. 1895 (1896).^ Juel (HANS OSCAR) Professor of Botany, Upsala. Die Ustilagineen und Uredmeen der ersten Regnell'shen / t\ Expedition, pp. SO : 4pl». See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA u— (AX SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxm, afd. m, no. 10. 8°. 1897. Juel (HANS OSCAR) Professor of Botany, Upsala. Muci- porus und die Fainilie der Tulasnellaceen. pp. 27 : / J(j[ l pi. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxm, afd. HI, no. 12. 8°. 1897. Jnel (HANS OSCAR) Professor of Botany, Upsala. Stil- bum null/are, Tode, ein bisher verkannter Basidiomycet. / /i/i. l'i : 1 pi., text Must. See STOCKHOLM.— KONOLIGA L SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxrv, afd. m, no. 9. 8". 1898 (1899). Jnel (HANS OSCAR) Professor of Botany, Pyrr/wforus, eine neue marine Pilzgattung. pp. 16: I 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETKN- - MKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till ... Handlingar. /I -I, Bd. xxvi, afd. Ill, no. 14. " - 8". 1901. 949 to L b 6 Juel (HANS OSCAR) Professor of Botany, Upsala. Ver- gleichende Untersuchungen iiber typische und partheno- genetische Fortpflanzung bei der Gattung Antennaria. pp. 59 : 6 pis., text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIOA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xxxin, no. 5. 4°. 1900. Juel (HANS OSCAR) Professor of Botany, Upsala. Taphridium, Lagerh. & Juel, eine neue Gattung der Protomycetaceen. pp. 29: 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxvn, afd. in, no. 16. 8". 1902. Juel (HANS OSCAR) Professor of Botany, Upsala, & Wittrock(V. B.) Catalogus Plantarum . . . mHorto Botanico Bergiano annis 1890 et 1891 sub dio cultarum, adjectis adnotationibus botanicis nonnullis. pp. x, 95 : 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Acta Horti Bergiani. Bd. I, no. 3. 4°. 1891. JUENGST (L. V.) Flora von Bielefeld, zugleich die Standorte der seltneren Pflanzen im iibrigen Westfalen en thai tend. pp. xxw, 858. 8°. Bielefeld & Herford, 1 837. [Another edition entitled :] Flora Westfalens . . . Zweite . . . Auflage der Flora von Bielefeld, &c. pp. xvii, 438. 8°. Bielefeld, 1852. JUERGENS (GEORG HEINRICH BERNHARD) [1771- 1846] Algae aquaticee quas et in littora maris Dynastiam Jeveranam et Frisiam orientalem alluentis rejectas, et in harum terrarum aquis habitantes collegit et exsic- cavit G. H. B. Jurgens. — Wasser Algen,-, South Staffordshire Coalfield, &c. pp. 20. 8°. Birmingham, 1865. Jukes (J. B.) Additional notes on the grouping of the Rocks of north Devon and west Somerset, &c. pp. xxii, / 15: 2 pis. col. 8°. Dublin, 1867. * The previous paper was issued in the " Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.," I860. Jukes (J. B.) Her Majesty's Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, and its connection with the Museum of Irish Industry in Dublin, and that of Practical Geo- v* logy in London, An Address, &c. pp. 34. 8°. Dublin, 1867. Jukes (J. B.) Letters and Extracts from the Addresses ' and occasional Writings of J. B. Jukes. . . . Edited " ... by his sister, pp. xx, 596 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1871. & Jukes (J. B.) [For official publications in connection with memoirs illustrating the map] See GREAT BRITAIN (J-, AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — Ireland. JUKES-BROWNE (ALFRED JOSEPH) [1851-] [Palae- ontology. See PENNING (W. H.) Field Geology, dec. 8". (1876.)] Wanting. [Another edition.] See PENNING (W. H.) A Text Book of Field Geology, &c. 8". 1894. Gr Jukes-Browne (A. J.) The Post-Tertiary deposits of Cambridgeshire, &c. pp. 85 : text illust. 8°. Cambridge & London, 1878. Jukes-Browne (A. J.) The Student's Handbook of Historical Geology, pp. xi, 597 : 1 map col., text illust. (J- 8°. London, 1886. Bohn's Scientific Library. — [Another edition entitled :] The Student's Hand- book of Stratigraphical Geology, pp. xii, 589 : text, \-f Must. 8°. London, 1902. -11. f 11 • ° 950 ^> it*Q U (A. J.) The fuidy in geographji Miut. n'i Scientific Library. r Iding of the British evolution. pji^/f,343 : 8°. Lpifon, 1888. Jokes-Browne (A. J.) The Gault and Upper Green- sand of England, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. [Stratigraphical Memoirs.] The Cretaceous Rocks of Britain. Vol. I. 8*. 1900. Jukes-Browne (A. J.) The Vwer and middle Clialk of EnoUitd, &c. See GREAJJ^BRITAIN AND IREJ^ND — Gepldytcal Sun>ey. [Stpdiigraphical Memtarf.] The etaceous Rocks of Britain. Vol. n. S 8°. 1903. Jukes-Browne (A. J.) [For official publications in con- nection with memoirs illustrating the Map] See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England and Wales. Jokes-Browne (A. J.) & Harrison (J. B.) The Geo- logy of Barbados, a. Gutta dans les Colonies Franchises, pp. viii, 186: (J text illust. 8*. Paris, 1898. Jumelle (H.) Le Cacaoyer ; sa culture et son exploita- yj tion, &c. pp. vi, 211 : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1900. b JUMFEBTZ (CARL) [1829-] De fcecundatione Plan- A tarum. Dissertatio botanica, &c. pp. [iv,]27 : 1 pi. 8°. Bonnae, 1855. JUNDZILIi (.TOSEF) Opisanie lloslin \v Litwie, na Woryniu, Podolu i Ukrainie dziko rosnacych iakp i vl oswoionych, &c. [Description of the Plants growing v wild as well as cultivated in Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolsk and Ukraine, eared in isoi. JUNO (CONRAD CHRISTOPH) [-1816] Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der bisher bekannten Schmetterlinge aus ^__ alien Welttheilen mit ihren Synonymen. 2 Bd. [in 1.] 8°. Marktbreit, 1791-92. JUNG (J. J.) Iconographie du genre Camellia, ou descriptions et figures des Camellia . . . peints d'apres i Nature . . par J. J. Jung, &c. See BERLESE (L.) foL 1841-43. JUNO (JOACHIM) [1587-1657] I. lungii . . . Isagoge Phytoscopica in collegiis privatis ab ipso tradi audi- « toribus solita ad exemplaria . . . expressa, recensente p I. Vagetio. (D. I. lungii de Plantis Doxoscopiae physicae minores. — Adnotationes speciales ... AuctoreM. Fogelio. —I. de Aromatariis . . . Epistola . . . de generatione Plantarum ex seminibus.) 4°. [Hamburgi ? 1678 ?] JUNO (W.) Flora des Herzogthums Nassau, oder ^ Verzeichniss der in dem Herzogthum Nassau wildwach- ^ senden Gewachse, . x, 142. 8°. Gleiwitz, 1889. v JUNGE (.JOACHIM) See JUNG. JUNGEBMANN (Luoovicus) [1572-1653] Hortus Q Eystettensis . . . Ojiera B. Besleri [assisted by L. Jun- germann]. See BESLER (B.) ' . fol. 1613. [Another edition.] ^rt^*^ \ e M-J"^- *• ^T )v M *5*lt " '^.1 7 J JUNGEBSEN (HEKTOR F. E.) KaniTiavet.s A*lcyo- i nider. See LUTKEN (C. F.) Dijmpha-Togtets, u L L L T 6 JURINE (Tx>uis) [1751-1819] Nouvelle methode de closser les Hym6nopteres et les Dipteres . . . Hymeno- pteres, Tom. i.t p}>. 319, 4 : 14 jilt. col. 4°. Geneve, 1807. Jurine (I*) Histoire des Monocles, qui se trouvent aux environs de Geneve, pp. xvi, 258 : 88 pit. col. 4°. Geneve & Paris, 1820. JUSLEMTIUS (ABRAHAM D.) Centauriai. Plantarum, .mam . . . sistit A. D. Juslenius, i . . . Amcenitates Academicae, . 3S. 8°. Paris [1845]. Diet. Univ. Hist. Nat. VoL vi. Jnssieu (ADRIEN DE) Taxonomie. Coup d'ceil sur 1'histoire et les principes des classifications botaniques. pp. 69. 8°. Paris, 1848. Diet. Univ. Hist. Nat. VoL xn. Jnssien (ADRIEN DE) Notice historique sur Adrien de Jussieu. See DECAISNE (J.) 8°. 1854. Jussien (ADRIEN DE) Catalogue de la Bibliothfeque scientifique de A. de Jussieu. pp. 4^4- 8°. Paris, 1857. . Jnssien (ADEIEN DE) Die naturlichen Pflanzen- Familien . . . Mit einer vergleichenden Uebersicht der Systeme von Jussieu, De Candolle, 6 r? e - 953 I Jnssien (B. DE) C. Linnaei . . . Systenia naturae . . . Editio quarta, &c. [Edited by B. Jussieu.] See LIN- (C.) 8°. 1744. ,j Jnssieu (B. DE) Discours . . . Les Jussieu et la D Methode naturelle. See FEE (A. L. A.) 8°. 1837. JUSSIEU (JOSEPH DE) [1704-1779] Discours ... Les p Jussieu et la Me'thode naturelle. See FEE (A. L. A.) 8°. 1837. JUST (JOHANN LEOPOLD) [1841-1891] Keimung und A erste Entwickelung von Secale cereale unter dem Ein- fluss des Lichts. Inaugural Dissertation, pp. 53. 8°. Breslau, 1870. - Just ( J. L.) Botanischer Jahresbericht . . . herausge- K geben von . . . L. Just. Jahrg. i-x. See JUST'S BOTANISCHER JAHRESBERICHT. 8°. 1874-85. Just (J. L.) See BOTANISCHE ZEITUNG. Herausge- '-> geben von . . . L. Just. Jahrg. XXXIX-XLIV. 8°. 1881-86. JUST'S BOTANISCHER JAHRESBERICHT. Botanischer Jahresbericht. Systematise!! geordnetes Repertorium der Botanischen Literatur aller Lander . . . herausgegeben von . . . L. Just. Jahrgang i-x, 1873-1882. 8°. Berlin, 1874-85. [Continued as :] 6 Just's Botanischer Jahresbericht . . . herausgegeben von . . . E. Koehne und . . . T. Geyler ([and after- wards] K. Schumann). Jahrg. xi-> 8°. Berlin, 1885-» JUSTANDER (.JOHANNES GUSTAVUS) Specimen 6Calendarii Florae et Faunae Aboensis, quam . . . sistit. J. G. Justander, i-J JUSTICE (JAMES) The Scots Gardiners Director, containing instructions to those gardiners, who make a Kitchen Garden and the culture of Flowers their business . . . with the culture of the most considerable Vernal, Summer, and Autumnal Flowers, which are planted or sown in the open ground in this country, &c. pp. x [6,] 429. 8°. Edinburgh, 1754. e KAALAAS (B.) Bidrag til Kundskaben om mosernes - udbredelse i Norge. pp. 6. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDEN- SKABS-SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, &c. Aar 1886, no. 4. 8°. 1886 (1887). Kaalaas (B.) Beitrage zur Lebermoosflora Norwegens. _ pp. 28 : text Must. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS- | , A SELSKABET. Skrifter, &c. 1898, no. 9. 8°. 1898 (1899). *. KABATH (HERMANN) Flora der Umgegend von Glei- £> witz, mit Beriicksichtigung der geognostisehen, Boden- und Hohen- Verhaltnisse.,210. 8°.Gleiwitz,\846. KABINET DER NATUURLYKE HISTO- L RIEN, WETENSCHAFFEN, KONSTEN EN HANDWERKEN, &c. [Edited by W. van Ranouw.] C .^. V7TT 8°. Amsterdam, SST. KABSCH (WILHELM) [-1864] Das Pflanzenleben der Erde. Eine Pflanzengeograpliie . . . nach dem Tode T? des Verfassers mit einem Vorworte versehen von H. A. Berlepsch, &c. pp. xvi, 642 : 1 pi., text Must. 8°. Hannover, 1870. KACHLER (.JOHANN) [1782-1863] Encyclopadisches D Ptianzen-Worterbuch aller einheimischen und fremden - Vegetabilien, &c. 2 Bd. [in 1 Vol.] pp. mii, 836. 8°. Wien, 1829. Kacliler (J.) Grundriss der Pflanzenkunde, in Gestalt eines Worterbuches der botanischen Sprache. pp. xii, p. SOS, 1 tab. 8°. Wien, 1830. Kacliler (J.) Alphabetisch-tabellarisch-scientifisches ^, Samen-Verzeichniss. pp. iv, SOS. 8°. Wien, 1839. KADA (T.) . 115 [4]. See PRAGUE.— BEIDE COMITBB FUER DIE LANDESDURCHFORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, &c. Bd. vm, thl. 2. 8°. 1892. Kafka (J.) Recente und fossile Nagethiere Bohmens. pp. US [2] : text Must. See PRAGUE.— BEIDE COMITBS FUER DIE LANDESDURCHFORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, d-c. Bd. vm, thl. 5. 8°. 1893. Kafka (J.) & Prifc (A. J.) Die Crustaceen der Bohmischen Kreideformation. See FRIC (A. J.) & KAFKA (J.) 4°. 1887. KAGOK.— Versuchsstation fuer Zuckerrohr in West- \ Java. Berichte der Versuchsstation . . . Heraus- gegeben von . . . W. Kruger. Hft. I & n. Must. <. /A 8°. Dresden, 1890, 96. ' KAHLEB (MARTIN) Crystallorum generatio . . . pro- L- posita a M. Kwhler . . . 1747, 8". 1787. /__ KAHLETSS (JACOBUS GODOFRIED BENJAMIN) [1778-] Dissertatio inauguralis medica de Vegetabilium et ^ Animalium difl'erentiis, quam . . . subjicit J. O. B. Kahleyss, &c. pp. SO. 8°. Halce, 1802. KAHX9T (MAURITZ) Fauna Guineensis, quam . . . p.p. M. Kahn, &c. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1823.] £ KAIBABA (TOKUSHIN) Yamnto Honz6. [Materia Medica of Japan.] 19 Vol. [in 10] Must. 8°. Kyoto, 1708.(_ 75 o KAINS (MAURICE G.) American Ginseng ... By G. V. Nash. Revised and extended by M. G. Kains. pp. 32. See UNITED STATES. - Department of Agri- f^ culture.— Botany Division. Bulletin No. 16, revised edition. 8°. 1898. - [Another edition.] 8°. [1903.] A reprint of the 1898 edition, with the addition of a note on the back of the title-page. KAISER (JOHANNES E.) Die Acanthocephalen und -, ihre Entwickelung. 2 Tbl. See ZOOLOGICA. Biblio- ^~ theca Zoologica, 8°. Leipzig, 1898-> The title to Jahrg. iv, 1T01, readt* : — "Taschenbuch," &c. KALISCHEB (SALOMON) [1845-] Die Wunder der Urwelt . . . Von W. F. A. Zimmermann. Neunund- S~ zwanzigste Auflage . . . verbessert von S. Kalischer. See ZIMMERMANN (W. F. A..) pseud. 8°. 1883. KALKOWSKT (Louis ERNST) [1851-] Die Gneiss- formation des Eulengebirges, &c. [Dissertation.] ^ pp. 75: 3 pis. 8°. Leipzitf, 1878. ' Kalkowsky (L. E.) Elemente der Lithologie. pp. viii, 316. 8°. Heidelberg, 1886. KALL (ABRAHAM) [1743-1821] Islenzkir Annalar, sive Annales Islandici, &c. [Begun by A. Kail.] / ~~) I , , See COPENHAGEN. — KOMMISSIONEN FOE DET ARNA- ' MAGN^fiANSKE LEGAT. 4°. 1847. KALLENBEBG (BERTHOLD) [Animals of the Chase at Seeberg.] See GOTHA. — NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN. Naturwissenschaftliches und Geschichtliches vom Seeberg, &c. 8°. 1901. KALLSTENIUS (JOHANNES JACOBUS) Remedia Guineensia, quorum collectionem secundam . . . p.p. J. J. Kallstenius, &c. See AFZELIUS (A.) 4°. [1813.] KALM (MATTHIAS) & Widening (C. F.) Sciagraphia studii botanici, &c. pp. 20. 4°. Above, 1821. $ KALM (PEHR) [1715-1779] P. Kalms . . . Wastg6tha och Bahuslandska Resa. Forrattad Ar 1742. Med an- markningar uti historia naturali, physique, medicine, fk &c. pp. vi, 304, 14 : text illust. 8°. Stockholm, 1746. Kalm (P.) A letter from Mr. Kalm . . . containing a particular account of the Great Fall of Niagara. " " -• ~ •• " travels L o G- See BARTRAM (J.) from Pensilvania to Observations on Canada, &c. 8°. 1751. 956 V 6 t Kalm (P.) En resa til Norra America, graKsk Beskrivelse af Island, &c. See COPENHAGEN - KOMMI8SIONEN FOR DET ARNA-MAGNJSAN8KE LEO AT 8«. 1877 KALUZA (AUGUST) [1776-1836] Kurze Beschreibung der Hchlesischen Saiigethiere. pp. 39. 8°. [Sreslau, 1815. Ealuza (A.) Systematische Beschreibung der Schle- sischen Ainphibien und Fische. pp. 76, mii. 8°. [Bredau,] 1815. t— KAMEL (GEORO JOSEPH) See CAMELLUS (Q. J.) KAMENSKli (FRANTZ MICHAILOVICH) Anatomija porownawcza pierwiosnkowatych (Primulaceaj), S^r. VII, torn, xxxil, no. 1. 4°. 1884. Karpinsku (A. P.) Gheologhicheskaya Karta vostoch- nagno sklona Urala, dec. — Geologische Karte des /"^ Ostabhanges des Urals (mit Ausnahme des Central- • gebirges) . . . Massstab 1 : 420,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 6j m. about]. See URAL MOUNTAINS. [Maps.] Ssh.cof. 1884. Karpluskii (A. P.) Uber die Ammoneen der Artinsk- L- Stufe, und einige mit denselben verwandte carbonische 2. Formen. pp. 104 •' 5 pis., text Must. See ST. PETERS- BURG.—ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. M6moires, • &c. Sen VII, torn, xxxvn, no. 2. 4". 1889. Karpiuskii (A. P.) Carte geologique de la Russie d'Europe (echelle 1 : 520,000 [or rather 1 : 2,520,000, ^ i.e. 1 in. = 40 m. about]) . . . Note explicative. See RUSSIA. *• — Comite Geologique. 8°. 1893. Karpiuskii (A. P.) Versant oriental de 1'Oural d'Our- jom a Ekatherinebourg. pp. 44: S pis., text iilust. /~* See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. Seventh ( Session. Guide des Excursions du vii. Congres, schaftlic)ieu Club in KARSCH (ANTON) [1822-1892] Bemerkungen iiber die Begattung der Limnaen. See STEENSTRUP (J. J. S.) Untersuchungen iiber das Vorkommen des Hermaph- roditismus in der Natur, dec. 4°. 1846. Karsch (A.) Phanerogamen-Flora der Provinz-West- falen . . . Mit bestandiger Riicksicht auf Cryptogamie und Entomologie und einem Anhange der am meisten verbreiteten Zier- und Culturpflanzen. pp. Ixii, 842. 8°, Miinster, 1853. Karsch (A.) [Flora der Provinz Westfalen. Ein Taschenbuch zu ootanischen Excursionen. 8°. Miinster, 1856.] Wanting. Dritte . . . Auflage. pp. Ix, 328. ft 12°. Miinster [1875]. Karsch (A.) [Die Insektenwelt. Ein Tascbenbuch zu entomologischen Exkursionen, &c. 8°. Miinster, 1863.] Wanting. ,— — & Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. cxliv, 702 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1883. Karsch (A.) Vademecum botanicum. Handbuch zum s* Bestimmen der in Deutschland wildwachsenden, sowie (j . . . kultivierten Pflanzen. pp. Iv, 1094, 1 •' text illust. 8°. Leipzig, [1886-] 1894. KARSCH (FERDINAND ANTON FRANZ) [1853-] Gliederthiere der Expedition nach Kufra. See ROHLFS / (F. G.) Kufra, dec. 8°. 1881. Karsch (F. A. F.) See ENTOMOLOGISCHE NACHRICHTEN — . . . Herausgegeben von . . . F. Karsch. Jahrg. x-> 8°. 1884-» Karsch (F. A. F.) Die Erdlaus Tychea phaseoli, eine neue Gefahr fiir den Kartoffelbau. Nebst einer kurzen Uebersicht der Kartoft'elfeinde aus der Classe der In- secten. pp. 20 : text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1886. Entom. Nachricht. Jahrg. xi. Karsch (F. A. F.) Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift . . . Herausgegeben . . . unter Redaction von . . . j— F. Karsch. Bd. XXXIII-XL, hft. 1. See BERLIN. — ENTOMOLOGISCHER VEREIN. 8°. 1889-95. Karsch (F. A. F.) [Myriopoda of the Teleki Expedi- ^ tion.l See HOEHNEL (L. VON) Zum Rudolph-See und Stephanie-See, &c. 8°. 1892. Karsch (F. A. F.) Ueber die auf der Irangi-Expe- dition gesainmelten Othoptera und Lepidoptera. / See WERTHER (C. W.) Die mittleren Hochlander des nordlichen Deutsch-Ost-Afrika, dec. 8°. 1898. KARSTEN (CARL JOHANN BERNHARD) [1782-1853] Archiv fiir Bt-rjibau und Hiittenwesen, &c. Bd. l-xx. ( [Continued as :] Archiv fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Hiittenkunde. Herausgegeben von . . . f^f C. J. B. Karsten, &c. Bd. i-xxvi. See ARCHIV FUER MINERALOGIE, GEOGNOSIE, BERGBAU UND HUETTEN- KUNDE. 8°. 1818-55. KARSTEN (CARL WILHELM GUSTAV HERMANN) [1817-1 Gesammelte Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiologic der Pflanzen. 2 Bd. Must. col. 4°. Berlin, 1865, 90. Karsten (CARL W. G. H.) De cella vitali. pp. 72: /$ 2 pis. 8°. Berolim [1843]. — Karsten (CARL W. G. H.) Die Vegetationsorgane der Palinen. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Anatomie und fl Physiologie. pp. 163 : 9 pis. 4°. Berlin, 1847. C Karsten (CARL W. G. H.) Auswahl neuer und schon /•> bliihender Gewachse Venezuela's, &c. pp. 40 : 12 pis. & col. 4°. Berlin, 1848. Karsten (CARL W. G. H.) Die medicinischen China- /J rinden Neu-Granada's. pp. 70 : 2 pis. 8". Berlin, 1858. Karsten (CARL W. G. H.) Floras Columbise terrarum- que adjacentium specimina selecta in peregrinatione O duodecim annorum observata, &c. 2 Tom. illust. col. fol. Berolini, 1858-69. 960 6 Karsten (CARL \\. Q. H.) Das Geschlechtsleben der Pflanzen und die Parthenogenesis. j>p. [iv,] 52 : 2 pis. 4s. Berlin, 1860. Karsten (CARL W. G. H.) Plantarum Familite secundum ordines naturales dispositae. Berolini, 1861. 8 Karsten (CARL W. Q. H.) ungen. pp. [iv,] 78 : S pit. Histologiscbe Untersuch- 4°. Berlin, 1862. Karsten (CARL W. Q. H.) Entwickelungserscheinungen der organischen Zelle. pp. S3 : 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, 1863. PoggendorfTs Annaltn. Bd. cxvm. Karsten (CARL W. G. H.) Botanische Untersuchungen aus dem Physiologischen Laboratorium, &c. Bd. i.t See BERLIN. — LANDWIRTHSCHAFTLICHE LEHRANSTALT. 8°. (1865-) 1867. Karsten (CARL W. G. H.) The Chinchona species of New Granada, containing the botanical descriptions of the species examined by Drs. Mutis and Karsten ; •with some account of those botanists, &c. See MARK- HAM (Sir C. R.) 8°. 1867. Karsten (CARL W. G. H.) Chemismus der Pflanzen- zelle. Eine morphologisch-chemische Untersuchung der Hefe, mit Beriicksichtigung der Natur, des Ursprunges und der Verbreitung der Contagien. pp. [iv.lOO. 8ff. Wien, 1869. Karsten (CARL W. G. H.) Zur Geschichte der Botanik. pp. vii, 37. 4°. Berlin, 1870. Allgeni. Wiener Hed. Zeitnng. 1870. Karsten (CARL W. G. H.) Deutsche Flora. Pharma- ceutisch-medicinische Botanik, &c. pp. [vi,] iv, 1284 •' 8.x A) text Must. Berlin, 1880-83. [Another edition entitled :] Flora von Deutsch- land, Oesterreich und der Scbweiz. Mit Einschluss der fremdlandischen medicinisch- und technisch-wichti- gen Pflanzen, Drougen und deren chemisch-physio- logischen Eigenschaften . . . Zweite . . . Auflage, gangsgebirges _in dem Gerollen der Herzogthiimer \y Karsten (GUSTAV) gangsgebirges in Schleswig und Holstein. pp. 85 : 25 pis. 4°. Kiel, 1869. Karsten (GUSTAV) [For official papers in connection with the Commission! See GERMANY. — Rom/mission, zur WissenschafUichen Untersuchung der Deutschen Meere, in Kiel. KARSTEN (HERMANN) Assistant at the "A'. Forst- akademie zu Tharand." Die Einwirkung des Lichts auf das Wachsthum der Pflanzen, beobachtet bei Keimung der Schminkbohnen. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 25, 2 tabs. 8°. Jena, 1870. KARSTEN (HERMANN) Botanist. See KARSTEN (CARL WILHELM GUSTAV H.) KARSTEN (HERMANN) Mineralogist [1809-1877] De CrystallographiaB mathematieae problematibus non- nullis dissertatio inauguralis, &c. pp. SO. 4". Berlin, 1829. Karsten (HERMANN) Mineralogist. der Anden. Vortrag, &c. pp. 26. Ueber die Vulkane 4°. Berlin, 1857. Karsten (HERMANN) Mineralogist. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie. pp. viii, 169 : text Must. 8°. Leipzig, 1861. Allgerneine Encyklopadie der Physik. Bd. II. Karsten (HERMANN) Mineralogist. Ge'ologie^de 1'an- cienne Colombie Bolivarienne, Ve'ne'zuela, Nouvelle- / Grenade et Ecuador, pp. 62 : 8 pis., 1 map col. 4°. Berlin, 1886. The original paper, " liber die geognostiscben Verhaltnissc des west- lichen Columbien, der heutip«n Republiken Neu-Granada und Equador," was published in the "Amtlicher Bericht Versaiuml. Deutsch. Naturf. Ante 1856." No. XXXII. KARSTEN (PETER ADOLF) [1834-] Mycologia f. Fennica. 4 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. Helsingfors, 1871-79. Karsten (P. A.) Hymenomycetes Fennici. pp. 40- I See HELSINOFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FIX>RA *" FENNICA. Acta, &c. Vol. II, no. 1. 8°. 1881. 5' Karsten (P. A.) Revisio monograpbica atque synopsis . Ascomycetum in Fenniahucusquedetectorum. pp. 174- L See HELSINGFORS.— SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, ^-, Katzer (F.) Pf-ispevky ku poznanf Permu Ceskobrodskeho a Cerno- kosteleckeho. [Contribution to a knowledge of the Permian of Ceskobrod and Cernokostelec.] pp. 30 : 5 pis., 1 map. Rudnf obor Kutnohorsky. [The ore-bearing district of Kuttenberg.] pp. 45 : 4 T^*-i 1 niap. See PRAGUE. — CESKA AKADEMIE CISAVRE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, &c. Rozpravy . . . Tfida II. Roc. iv, cis.23 it 31. 8°. 1895. Katzer (F.) Beitrage zur Palaeontologie des alteren Palaeozoicums in Mittelbiihmen. pp. 17: 2 pis. Vorbericht iiber eine Monographic der fossilen Flora von Rossitz in Mahren. pp. 26. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1895, no. 14 & 24. 8°. 1896. Katzer (F.) Phytopalaeontologischen Notizen. pp. 7 : 1 pi. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des alteren Palaeozoicums im Amazonasgebiete. pp. 26 : 3 pis. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1896, ' no. 13 & 29. 8°. 1897. Katzer (F.) Das Wasser des unteren Amazonas. pp. 38. Das Amazonas-Devon und seine Beziehungen zu den anderen Devongebieten der Erde. pp. 50 : 1 map. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE OESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1897, no. 17 & 46. 8°. 1898. Katzer (F.) Ueber die Grenze zwischen Cambrium und Silnr in Mittelbohmen. pp. 18 : text illu&t. See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1900, no. 18. 8°. 1901. Katzer (F.) Zur Verbruitung der Trias in Bosnien. pp. 15. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GE- SELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1901, no. 21. 8°. 1902. KAUFFMANN" (NicoLAUs) Beitrag zur Kenntniss von Pistia Texensis, Klotsch. pp. 12 : 1 pi. See ST. ( PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, .viii,60S. Atlas, ^7). 12: SO pis. (6 col.) ^SWITZER- LAND.— Carte Geologiqite Suisse. Beitrage zur geologi- schen Karte der Schweiz, esonders ihrer Fruchttheile, zugleich init Rucksicht auf systematische Anordnung betrachtet, und mit einer Darstellung der Entwickelung der Pteris serrulata aus dem Samen begleitet. Hft. i.t pp. 117 (xxiv) : 1 pi. 4°. Leipzig, 1827. KAULLA (HERMANN) Monographia Hyracis. Dis- sertatio inauguralis zoologico-zootomica, quam . . . prseside G. Rapp . . . submittit H. Kaulla. pp. 22. 4°. Tvbingae, 1830. KAUNHOWEN (FRiEDRicn) [I860-] Die Gastro- ixxlen der Maestrichter Kreide. Inaugural-Dissertation, ttc. pp. 38. 8°. Berlin, 1887. Kauuhoweu (F.) Die Gastrojjoden der Maestrichter Kreide. pp. 1S2 : IS pis. See PALJCONTOLOOISCHE ABMANDLUNOEN. Bd. vm. 4°. 1897. KAUP (JOHANN JACOB) [1803-1873] Allgemeine Zoologie in iliren Gattungsreprasentanten nach den neuesten ITntersuchungen dargestellt und mit den uothigt-n Zugaben begleitet. 30 pis. (col.), with descrip- tive letterpreia. Hft. l-5.t 4". Darmstadt [1827-28]. Kaup (J. J.) Skizzirte Entwickelungs-Geschichte und naturlichcs System der Europaischen Thierwelt . . . Erster Theil welcher die Vogelsaugethiere und Vogel, nebst Andeutung der Entstehung der letzteren aus Ampbibion enthalt. pp. xii.SOS. 8". Darmstadt & Leipzig, 1829. Kaup (J. J.) Description d'Ossements fossiles de Mammiferes inconnus jusqu'a present, nui se trouvent au Museum grand-ducal de Darmstadt, &c. 5 l'i. pp. [vi,] 16, 1W. Atlas, 32 pis. 4°. Darmstadt, 1832-39. Wanting the telt to Pt. 5 (i.e., pp. gl-119). A ptiutogmjib of the author ban been prefixed to this copy. T G- Kanp (J. J.) Das Thierreich in seinen Hauptformen ,. «• systematise!! beschrieben von . . . J. J. Kaup,l. Kanp (J. J.) Die Familie der Eisvogel (Alce/liiln). />/>. 21. 8°. [Darmstadt, 1848.] Verhandl. naturh. Verein. Hesaen. Hft. 11. Kaup (J. J.) Monograph of the Falconidw, systema- tically arranged, pp. 34- 8°. [Lowlon, 1849.] -^ A translation by the anthor of the flrst or introductory iiortion of his I>apor in Okens Isis of 1847, as improved in 1848, extracted from Jardine's "Contributions to Ornithology," 1849. The remainder appeared in the following number of that work •/•''•! Kaup (J. J.) Erste zoologische Vorlesung. 1'eber ^. Classification der Vogel. pp. 4, x, 40. 8°. Darmstadt, 1849. £• Kaup (J. J.) Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss der urweltlichen Saugethiere. 5 Hft. 4°. Darmstadt & Leipzig, 1854-61. C In the nrst part the text descriptive of each animal i» separately paged : the pagination of the succeeding parts is continuous for each one. Kanp (J. J.) Catalogue of Apodal Fish in the ... L- f British Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL 2 HISTORY). Zoology. [Pisces.] 8°. 1856. The original drawings for the illustrations to this work are preserved in the Zoological Detriment Library. Kanp (J. J.) Catalogue of Lophobrancliiate Fish in 6" the . . . British Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM L. (NATURAL HISTORY). Zoology. [Pisces.] 12°. 1856. 2_ Kanp (J. J.) Neue aalahnliche Fische des Hamburger {_ Museums, d-c. (Nachtrag.) pp. 29, 4 : 5 pis. SeeH\M- BURG.— NATURWI8SEN8CHAFTLICHER VEREIN. Abhand- ^ lungen, &c. Bd. rv, abth. 2, no. 1. 4°. 1859. Kanp (J. J.) Einige Cerambyciden der grossherzog- lichen Saminlung zu Darmstadt. Beschrieben von ~? J. J. Kaup. Abgebildet von F. Kerz. pp. S : 3 pis. (col.y~- 4°. Darmstadt & Leipzig, 1866. Kanp (J. J.) Ueber Tanysiptera und eine neue Art T. Rosenbergii. [ pp. 4.] 8°. Darmstadt & Leipzig, 1 866. Kaup (J. J.) Prodromus zu einer Monographic- il«-r Passaliden . . . (Nachtrag zu den Passaliden der iist- fcs. lichen Halbkugel). pp. 31. 8°. [Munich, 1868.] Coleopterol. Hefte. Hft. IV. Kaup (J. J.) Monographic der Passaliden. pp.125: i; pis. See BERLIN.— ENTOMOLOGISCHER VEREIN. I'.i-v liner Entomologische Zeitschrift. Jahrg. xv, hft. 4. 8°. 1871. Kaup (J. J.) Grundriss zu einem System der Natur . . . nach des Verfassers Tode herausgegeben von . . . K. D. A. Kiider. pp. iv, 128. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1877. Kanp (J. J.) KAVRAISKII (THEODOR THEODOROVICH) [1866-] [__ Lososevuiya (Salmonidie) Kavkaza I Zakavkaz'ya. — _ Die Lachse der Kaukasusliinder und ihrer angren- & zenden Meer£. 2 Pt. Must. See TIFLIS. — KAVKAZSKII MUZEI, <£c. ^u-t*/^ A- -Ctc. "JZ^i*1. 8°. 1896, 97. ) SpiskI i / opisanie Kollektzii Ruib Muzeya. [Ijist and description Museum of Moscow. — ESTESTVOZ- Izvyestiya, 4°. 1889, 93. Eavraiskii (TH. TH.) &Zoghraf(N. Yu. opisanie Kollektzii Ruib Muzeya. [List and of the collection of Fish in the Zoological the University of Moscow.] 2 Pt. See, IMPERATORSKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBITELEI NANIYA ANTROPOLOGH1I I ETNOGHRAFII, &C. &c. Tom. LVI, vuip. 1 (fe 3. Part 2 is by Kavralskit alone. / '~c* KAWANABE (Dono) Ye-hon Taka Kagami, &c. [An illustrated mirror of Hawks. Drawings by Kawa- nabe Doho. Vol. n, pt. 1.] [8°. ToUo, .] KAWRAISKY (F. F.) See KAVRAISKII (TH. TH.) EAT (JAMES E. DE) See DE KAY (J. E.) KAYSER (CHRissrfAN GOTTLOB) Indexx locupletissi- mus librorum / . . Vollstiindiges J?ucher- Lexicon enthaltend ajlc von 1750 ... in ]>0m.schland und/in den angreBKmden Landern gedptickten Biichei bearbeitejr. . . von C. G. Kaya^T &c. 20 Thl. JT 4°. La [Continued as :] . Kayser's vollstandiges Buche*-texip«|fi . . . Bear- 'itet von R. Haupt-xBd. XXiJ-^Z^^Leipzig, 1883-> EAYSER (FRIEDRICH HEINRICH EMANUEL) [WW6-] Ueber die Contact-Metamorphose der kornigen Diabase . im Harze. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 31. 8°. Berlin, 1870. Eayser (F. H. E.) Ueber primordiale und unter- silurische Fossilien aus der Argentinischen Republik. pp. 83 : 5 pis. See PALAEONTOGRAPHICA, &c. .Supple- ment. Bd. in, lief. 2. Beitrage zur Geologie und Palaontologie der Argentinischen Republik . . . Her- ausgegeben von ... A. Stelzner. Pt. n. 4°. 1876. Eayser (F. H. E.) Die Fauna der iiltesten Devon- Ablagerungen des Harzes. pp. xxiii, 295. Atlas, CCT 86 pis. See PRUSSIA.— A'o«M 8°. 1901 (1902). KAYSER (GusTAV EDUARD) [1803-] Beschreibung der Mineraliensammlung des Herrn . . . Bergemann. 2 Abth. pi), vii, 501 : 3 pis. 8°. Berlin, 1834. EAYSER (HEINRICH GUSTAV JOHANNES) [1853-] Ueber die Bogenspectren der Elemente der Platin- gruppe. pp. 44. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE ^ AKADEMIE, &c. Physikalische Abhandlungen, ~) Eayser (H. G. J.) & Range (Cj* Leber die Spectren / der Elemente. 7 Pt. Must. See BERLIN.— KOENIGLICH- t. PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE, &c. Physikalische Abhand- lungen, &c. 1888, Anhang ; 1889 ; 1890 ; 1891 ; 1892, An- hang ; 1893, Anhang. 4°. 1889-93. EAYSER (J. C.) Deutschlands Schmetterlinge, mit Berucksichtigung sammtlicher Europaischer Arten. ^ pp. viii, 608: IBS pis. col. 8°. Leipzig [1852-59]. KAZAN. — Imperatorskii Kazanskii Universitet. i Katalogh obraztzov rud i drughikh poleznuikh iskopae- ^ muikh. Kollektziya Gheologhicheskagho Muzeya Impe- ratorskagho Kazanskagho Universiteta. — Verzeichniss der Erze und anderer nutzlichen Mineralien. Samm- lung des geologischen Instituts der Kaiserlichen Uni- versitat zu Kasan. pp. 67 [RUSS.] See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEI, Wanting the no. for 1870-71. Each number of the " Priloiheniya " Is Kazau. Obshchestvo Estestvoispuitatelei, &c. Trudui \Tran»actioni\, 4°. &8°. Kazan, 1871-> Tom. i iv k v, no. 3, were published in 4*. Kach pa)>er U -i'i^ / Kazan. Obshchestvo Estestvoispuitatelei, &c. Ukazatel Izdanil . . . 1869-1882.— Verzeichniss der . . . herausgegeben Schriften 1869-1882. pp. 30. 8°. Kazan, 1882. Titles of papers in Unman and German. - 1869-1888. i. Trudui. pp. 9.— in. Prilozheniya U- k Protokolam zasyedanil. pp. 11. See supra, Proto- kolui zasyedanil, . 131, 82. 8". Kazan, 1894. Chronological and subject indexes to the Trudui, in Russian and German, are appended. KAZANSKII (PETR ALEKSANDROVICH) Materialui k izucheniyu Faunui Devonskikh otlozhenii Urala. — Materalien zur Kenntniss der Devon-Fauna des Urals. pp. 50 : 1 pi. [RUSS. with OERM. abstr.] See KAZAN. —OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, d&C. Trudui,. 32 : 2 pis. (1 col.) See KAZAN.— OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, --jr1Iescriptive hisWfyof i phpnuBwTTa' of the lifotJIthe Globe, FENNICA. Acta, % maps, text illust. 8°. Philadelphia, 1892. KEENE (J. W.) &, Whitman (A. G.) Notes on Mineralogy, &c. pp. iv, ISC. See WHITMAN (A. G.) & KEENE (J. W.) 8°. 1872. / KEENE (WILLIAM) [1798-1872] [Coal-fields of New South Wales. ] See LONDON. — International Exhibition, j '• 1862. Catalogue of the natural and industrial products of New South Wales, &c. 8". 1862. Keene(VV.) New South Wales Coal fields. See PARIS. A — Exposition Universelle, 1867. Catalogue of the '3 natural . . . products of New South Wales, &c. (3- (Appendix.) 8°. 1867. KEEPING (WALTER) [1854-1888] Local Geology [of (jL Aberystwyth]. i. 8°. Osivestry, 1879. The University College of Wales Magazine. Vol. i,PP- 155-161. Keeping (W.) A popular Hand-Book to the Natural 'j. History Collection in the York Museum, &c. pp. 63 : 1 map, 1 plan. 8°. York, 1881. Keeping ( W.) The fossils and palseontological affinities of the Neocomian deposits of Upware and Brickhill, (Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire,) &c. pp. xi, 167 : 8 pis. 8°. Cambridge, 1883. KEFERSTEIN (ADOLPH) [1793-1884] Entomo- logische Notizen aus dem Tagebuche des zu Madagascar verstorbenen Herrn Tollin. pp. 17 : 3 pis. col. 8°. Erfurt [1870]. Jahrb. k. Akad. gemeinniitz. Wissensch. Erfurt. N.F., Bd. vi. Keferstein (A.) Betrachtungen iiber die Entwicke- lungeschichte der Schmetterlinge und deren Variation. pp. 116. 8°. Erfurt, 1880. KEFERSTEIN (CHRISTIAN) [1784-1866] Beitrage -f zur Geschichte und Kenntniss des Basaltes und ihm verwandten Massen, &c. pp. viii, 252. 8°. Halle, 1819. Neue Schrift. naturf. Gesell. Halle. Bd. n, hft. 546. Geognostische Bemerkungen iiber die basaltischen !_j Gebilde des westlichen Deutschlands ; als Fortsetzung der Beytrage zur Geschichte und Kenntniss des Basaltes, &c. pp. viii, 207. 8°. Halle, 1820. Keferstein (C.) Tabellen iiber die vergleichende Geognosie. pp. iv, 60. 4°. Halle, 1825. Keferstein (C.) See ZEITUNG FUER GEOGNOSIE, GEOLOGIE UND INNERE NATURGESCHICHTE DER ERDE, herausgegeben von C. Keferstein. 8°. 1826-31. Keferstein (C.) Die Naturgeschichte des Erdkorpers in ihren ersten Grundziigen. 2 Vol. 8°. Leipzig, 1834. , Keferstein (C.) Mineralogia polyglotta. pp. xii, 248. 8°. Halle, 1849. G Keferstein (C.) & Meinecke (J. L. G.) Mineralo- ,, gischesTaschenbuchfurDeutschland,<£"c. See MEINECKE I** (J. L. G.) & KEFERSTEIN (C.) 8°. 1820. KEFERSTEIN (WILHELM MORITZ) [1833-1870] Kopftragende Weichthiere (Malacozoa cephalophora) — , von H. G. Bronn, fortgesetzt von W. Keferstein. ^_ See BKONN (H. G.) Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, &c. Bd. in, abth. 2. 8°. 1862-66. Keferstein (W. M.) & Ehlers (E.) Zoologische Beitrage gesainmelt im Winter 1859-60 in Neapel und Messina, pp. viii, 112: 15 pis. 4°. Leipzig, 1861. KEHRER ( ) Beitrag zur Flora der Heilbronner Stadtmarkung. 2 No. 4°. HeUbronn, 1856, 66. O EinladungHch. k. Gymn. Heilbronn. KEHRER (GUSTAV) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Carpus und Tarsus der Amphibien, Reptilien und '- Siiuger. pp. 14 : 1 pi. See FREIBURG IN BREISGAU.— c NATURFORSCHENDEGESELLSCHAFT. BeHchte, &C. Bd. I, hft. 4. 8°. 1886. KEIDEL (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lager- ungsverhiiltnisse in den Freiburger Alpen. pp. 17 : , text illust. See FREIBURG IN BREISGAU. — NATURFOR- SCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte, &c. Bd. xiii. KEIJZER (SIMON) F. Valentijn's oud en nieuw Oost-Indien . . . uitgegeven door . . . S. Keijzer. 3 Deel. See VALENTIJN(F.) 8°. 1856-58. KEIL (CHRISTOPHOEUS HENRICUS) Rectore . . preside F. Hoffmanno . . . de usu interne Camphorae ^ securissimo et prasstantissimo . . . disputabit M. C. H. Keil. See HOFFMANN (F.) M.D. 4°. [1714.] KEILHACK (FRIEDRICH LUDWIG HEINRICH KONRAD) [1858-] Zusammenstellung der geologischen Schriften _ und Karten iiber den Ost-Elbischen Theil des Konig- ( reiches Preussen, mit Ausschluss der Provinzen Schlesien und Schleswig-Holstein, &c. pp. xii, 135. See PRUSSIA. — Koeniglich-Preussische Geologische Landesanstalt, &c. Abhandlungen, &c. NeueFolge, Hft. XIV. 8°. 1893. Keilhack (F. L. H. K.) Lehrbuch der praktischen Geologie. Arbeits- und Untersuchungsmethoden auf dem Gebiete der Geologie, Mineralogie und Palaeonto- logie. pp. xvi, 638 : 2 pis., text illust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1896. Keilhack (F-Jj. H. K.) See KA PAL^efrrT? *tfn. . . K. EE FDER GEOLOCJEN, /<£ Herajisgegeben . Keilhack (F. L. H. K.) Thai- und Seebildung im Gebiet des Baltischen Hohenriickens. pj>. 13 : 1 map C%L_ col. 8°. [Berlin, 1899.] Prepared for the Seventh International Geographical Congress. Keilhack (F. L. H. K.) Einfiihrung in das Verstandniss der geologisch-agronomischen Specialkarten des Nord- deutschen Flachlandes. Eine Erlauterung ihrer Grund- (^_ lagen und ihres Inhalts, &c. pp. 79 : 15 maps (col.), text illust. (col.) See PRUSSIA. — Koeniglich-Preussische Geologische Landesanstalt, &c. 8°. 1901. Keilhack (F. L. H. K.) See GEOLOOISCHES CENTRAL- BLATT . . . herausgegeben von . . . K. Keilhack. Cs— Bd. i-> 8°. 1901-» Keilhack (F. L. H. K.) & Zimmermann (E. H.) Ver- zeichniss von auf Deutschlandbeziiglichen geologischen Schriften und Karten-Verzeichnissen . . . Erganzt . . . durch . . . R. Michael, &c. pp. ix, 108. See PRUSSIA. — Koeniglich-Preussische. Geoloqische Landesanstalt, &c. Abhandlungen,p. 576 : 4 pj>. col., S mops col. 3 Hft. 4°. Christiana, 1838-50. Hft. i. 1. ChrintUniiu Uebergangs.Territorinm. Von B. M. Keilhan. 2. Ueber Serpentingebihle im Urgebirge auf Mixluiu. Von K. f. liobert. 3. Uebersicht tier bUher in Norwegen gefundeneu Forluen der Trilobiten-Familie. Vun C. Boock. 1888. Hft H. 4. Ubhenmesaungen in Norwegen, geaammelt von A. Vibe. 5. Ueber den Ban der Felaenmasse Norwegens. Von B. M. Keilhau. 6. Ueber dm Norit uiul die :iuf der Insel Hitteroe in dieser OebirgBart vorkonmiendeu niineralienreiohen Granitgange. Von T. Scheerer. 1844. lift. ill. 7. Ueber den Ban der Felaenniaaae Norwegens. (Scliluss.) Von B. M. Keilhau. S. Zweito Siiinnilnnir von Hohenmeeaungen in Norwegen, ge. sammelt von A- Vibe. 9. Uebersicht der Orographie Norwegens. Von P. A. Mnncli. 1850. KEILL (JOHN) [1671-1721] An examination of Dr. Buriiet's Theory of the Earth. Together with some remarks on Mr. Whiston's New Theory of the Earth. pp. 224 : text Must. 8°. O.rford, 1698. Keill (J.) A vindication of the New Theory of the Earth from the exceptions of Mr. Keill, Keller (R.) ITeber Erscheinungen des normalen Haarverlustes an Vegetationsorganen der Gefass- pflanzen. pp. 56: 3 pis. See ACADEMIA C^SSAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. LV, no. 5. 4°. 1890 (1891). Keller - 8°. 1885-88, 1902-» 7/ 968 Iffi KELLICOTT (!)AVID SIMONS) [1842-1898] Infusoria. See KINCSLEY (J. S.) The Standard Natural History, Ac. Vol. I. I". 1885. Kellicott(I). S.) The Odonata of Ohio. A descriptive Catalogue, Ac. [With a Biographical Sketch of the Author by J. S. Hinc.] pp. [vm,] 114 [~] • 8 P?*-, J /*"''• Set OHIO STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. Special Papers. No. 2. 8°. 1899. KELLNER (A.) [-1883] Verzeichniss der Kiifer CThiiriiu/fiis, mit Angabe der niitzlichen und der fiir Forst-, Land- und Gartenwirthschaft schiidlichen Arten. pp. 186. 8°. [Got/ui, 1874.] — [Another issue.] See BERLIN.— ENTOMOLOGisniK.i! VEREIN. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. Jahrg. XIX, hft. 6. 8°. 1875. [Another issue.] See ERFURT. — KOENIGLICHE AKADEMIE OEMEINNUTZIGER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Jahr- biicher, Ac. Neue Folge, Hft. vm. 8°. 1877. The work wax alao reprinted in the " Zeitechr. f. geeannut. Natur- wiMenscb.," Bd. u. 187(i [•/. r. | KELLNER (DAVID) Synopsis Musan metallici . . . Edit« a D. Kellnero. See ALDROVANDI (IT.) 12°. 1701. KELLOGG (ALBERT) [1813-1887] Forest Trees of A California. See CALIFORNIA, State of.— State Mining Bureau. Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, &c. 1880-82. Appendix No. 1. pp. 116. 8°. 1882. Kellogg (A.) Illustrations of west American Oaks. From drawings by ... A. Kellogg, &c. See GREENE (E. L.) r- -» 4°. 1889-90. KELLOGG (VERNON LYMAN) 'Kew Mallophaga, in. Comprising : Mallophaga from Birds of Panama, Baja [^ California and Alaska, by V. L. Kellogg . . . Mallo- phaga from Birds of California, by V. L. Kellogg and B. L. Chapman. [Af7d] The Anatomy of the Mallo- phaga, by II. E. Snodgrass. pp. 329 : 17 pis., text illust. See CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Occasional Papers, &c. Vol. vi. 8". 1899. Pt. I * ll appeared in " Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci.," Ser. II, vol. vi. / Kellogg (V. L.) k Chapman (B. L.) Mallophaga, from Birds of California. See CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Occasional Papers, &c. Vol. vi. New Mallophaga, m, Ac. 8°. 1899. Kellogg (V. L.) k, Comstock (J. H.) The Elements of Insect Anatomy, Ac. See COMSTOCK (J. H.) k KELLOGG (V. L.) 8°. 1899. Kellogg (V. L.) k Jordan (D. S.) Animal Life: a first book of Zoology. See JORDAN (D. S.) & KELLOGG (V. L.) 8°. 1901. KELLY (JOHN) Researches on the Palaeozoic Rocks £y of Ireland, Ac. 12°. [Dublin, 1856.] Catting from Maunder*' " News Letter." Kelly (J.) Researches among the Palaeozoic Rocks (^ of Ireland, with a view to determine the limits of the Old Red Sandstone, and its relation to the inferior rocks, pp. 34 : 1 pi. 8°. Dublin, 1856. Jonrn. Geol. Hoc. Dublin. Vol. vll. Kelly G telly (J.) On the Carboniferous rocks of Ireland and chiefly on the Yellow Sandstone, and its relations with the Coal Measures and other groups, pp. 56 : text illutt. 8°. Dublin, iar>9. "Atlanti.." Jan. 1859. KELVIN, Baron. See THOMSON (Sir W.) Baron Kelvin. KEMMLER (CARL ALBERT) [1813-1888] k Martens ((J. M. VON) Flora von Wurttemberg und Hohcnzollern fs . . . Zweite . . . Auflage, Ac. See SCHUEBLER (G.) fe GLA- CIAUSTS' ASSOCIATION. 8°. 1893-> KeuaaS' (P. F.) Extracts from the MSS. of Mr. P. F. (^- Kendall. .x,48plf. 4°. London, 1815. • KENT (ADOLPHUS HENRY) [1827-]' A Manual of Orchidaceous Plants cultivated under glass in Great ft. Britain. [By A. H. Kent.] 2 Vol. See VEITCH (J.) & ' SONS. 8". 1887-94. Kent (A. H.) Veitch's Manual of the Coniferse ... r\ A new . . . edition by A. H. Kent. See VEITCH (J.) D & SONS. 8°. 1900. KENT (ELIZABETH) Mists. Flora Domestica, &c. o See FLORA DOMESTICA. - A new edition, &c. 8". 1823. 8°. 1831. Kent (E.) Miss. Sylvan Sketches [by Miss Kent], &c. o See SKETCHES. 8°. 1825. r) L tsit-s'— M « Pearl-shell, Beche de Mer, other fishing industries, and the marine fauna of the Australian Great Barrier Region, pp. xvii, 387 : 64 pis. (col.), 1 map, text illust. 4°. London (1893). Kent (W. S.) The Naturalist in Australia, pp. xv, j_ ~} -j 302 : 59 pis. (col.), 1 port. 4°. London, 1897. Kent (W. S.) [For official reports as Commissioner] See QUEENSLAND. — Fisheries Department. SFor official reports as Superintendent] ee TASMANIA — Fisheries Department. 122 970 ENTMAN (JOHANNES) .1. Kentmani . . . Nomen- clature Rerum Fossilium, qu§ in Misnia pnecipue, .v in aliis quoque regionibus inveniuntur.— Calculorum qui in corpore . . . Hominum innascuntur, genera . . . descripta, /'. .'. See ODESSA. — NOVOKOSSIISKOK OBSHCHESTVO ESTEST- VOlSPUITATELEI. Zapiski, <£'C. Toil). XIII. [It. 2.] 8°. 1888. Keppen (N. A.) Nablyudeniya nad razranozheniem ^ Ditaemld. — (Observations on the reproduction of tlic Dieyemida.) pp. 88: f> pis. col. See ODESSA.— NOVO- «, l< ROSSIISKOE OBSHCHESTVO KSTKSTVoisl'UITATKI.Ki. Za- i, &c. Tom. xvn. [Pt. 1.] No. 2. 8°. 1892. KER (CHARLES HENRY BELLENDEN) [1785? -1871] Icones Plantarum sponte, China nascentium, &c. [The f\ plates are signed H. B. K., i.e. H. B. Ker.] See CHINA. fol. 1821. KER (JOHN BELLENDEN) [1765? -1842] Irideurum A genera, cum ordinis charactero naturali, specierum enu- W meratione synonymisque. pp. 158. 8°. Jiruxellis, 1827. KERBERT (COENRAAD) & Molkenboer (J. H.) 0 Flora Leidensis, &c. See MOLKENBOER (J. H.) & KERBERT (C.) r - 8°. 1840. KERBERT (COENRAAD) The Youni/er. Zoiilogische bijdragen tot de kennis der Karazee (Nederlandsche -7 Pool-Expeditie, 1882-83). in. Report on the Fishes. /- See AMSTERDAM. — KONINKLI.JK ZOOLOGISCH OENOOT- SCHAP, &c. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde. Aflev xiv. 4°. 1887. Herbert (COENRAAD) The Younger. Het Aquarium en zijne bewoners, . xx, 412 : 11 pis., 1 map, text Ulust. 8°. London, 188-1. The Appendix contains list* of the Flora and Fauna. KERST (S. GOTTFRIED) Die Plata-Staaten und die Wichtigkeit der Provinz Otuquis und des Rio Bermejo seit der Annahme des Princips der Freien Schifffahrt auf den Zufliissen des Rio de la Plata, pp. FtwJ I. in : 8°. Berlir 1 map. •Im, 1854 KERSTEN (HERMANNUS) [1800-] Capitis Trichechi ro.imari descriptio osteologica. Dissertatio inauguralis medica, . 24: S pit. 8°. Berolim, 1821. KERSTEN (OTTO) [1839 -1900] Baron C. C. von der (^ Decken's Reisen in Ost Afrika in 1869-61. Bearbeitet . Kessler (H. F.) Die Lebensgeschichte von Ceutho- rhynchus sulcicollis, Gy llenhal, und Nematus ventricosus, t — Kl'ug, bus prseside A. Vatero . . . disseret auctor et respondens J. A. Kettner, &c. pp.21. 4°. Vitemberr/m [1735]. KETJLEMANS(.IoHNGEEEAED)[1842-] OnzeVogels — in huis en tuin, beschreven en afgebeeld. 3 Deel. Must. 2— col. 4°. Leyden, 1869-76. Keulemaus (J. G.) A natural history of Cage Birds. ~> Vol. i, pt. 1-3. pp. 82 : 18 pis. col. 4°. London, 1871. ^~ KEUX (JOHN LE) See LE KEUX. KEW. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Report on the progress and condition of the . . . Gardens, &c. 1846-82.t 4°. & 8". London, 1847-84. & Wanting the Reports for the years 1844-45, 1847-55, 1857, 59, 60 66, 68, and 78. The title of those for 1856 and 58 reads :— " Sir W. J. Hooker's Report," &c. Index to ... Reports, 1862-82. See infra, Bulletin fl of Miscellaneous Information. 1890, append, in. 8°. 1890. Kew. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Report on the progress and condition of the . . . Gardens 6 . . . from 1853-59. pp. 16. 4°. London, 1859. 2. Kew. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. No. i— > 8°. London, 1887-» K Kew. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Additional Series. i-> 8°. London, 1898-> U? Each volume contains a separate work. Kew. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Catalogue of the hardy Herbaceous Plants in the Royal Gardens . . . prepared by J. C. Niven, &c. pp. 62. 8°. London, 1853. Kew. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Catalogue of the Ferns in the Royal Gardens . . . Prepared by Mr. J. Smith, &c. pp. 8. 8°. [London, 1856.] Q Kew. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Catalogue of the Ferns and their Allies cultivated in ._ the . . . Gardens . . . Prepared by J. G. Baker, pp. 31. 8°. London, 1868. Kew. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Hand-list of Trees and Shrubs, (excluding Coniferse), grown in Arboretum. 2 Pt. 8". London, 1894, 96. Printed (except Prefaces and Indexes) on one side of the paper only. (Second edition.) pp. vii, 804. 8°. London, 1902. Kew. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Hand-list of Ferns and Fern Allies cultivated in the ^ . . . Gardens, pp. 183. 8°. London, 1895. W Printed (except Preface) on one side of the paper only. Kew. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Hand-list of Herbaceous Plants cultivated in the Royal A Gardens, pp. 495. 8°. London, 1895. Q Printed (except Preface) on one side of the paper only. — Second edition, pp. ix, 1335. 8°. London, 1902. A Printed (except Prefaces) on one side of the paper only. Kew. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Hand-list of Conifene grown in the Royal Gardens. £ pp. 114. 8°. London, 1896. ' Printed (except Preface and Index) on one side of the paper only. Kew. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Hand-list of Orchids cultivated in the . . . Gardens. f> pp. 225. 8". London, 1896. Printed (except Preface) on one side of the paper only. Kew. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Hand-list of tender Monocotyledons, excluding Orchi- deas, cultivated in the . . . Gardens . . . 1897. pp. 347. 8°. London, 1897. O Printed (except Preface and Index) on one side of the paper only. /) 974 6 & 6 Kew. AV'.'Af/ Satanic Gardens. Hand-list of tender Dicotyledons cultivated in the . . . (Jardens . . . 1899. pj>. 691. 8°. London, 1900. Printed (oiwpt Prefncv) on one nide of the ]eared the same year. Fifteenth edition, pp. 60: 1 plan, ti.rt illust. 8". London, 1857. — [Another edition entitled :] Guide to the . . . Gardens and Pleasure Grounds, Kew. By D. Oliver, . . . Twenty-second edition, pp. 56 : 1 plan. 8°. London, 1864. Twenty-sixth edition, pp. 112 : 1 plan, text illust. 8". London, 1872. Kew.— Royal Botanic Gardens. [Official Guide to the Kew Museums. A handbook to the Museums of Economic Botany ... by 1). Oliver. 8°. London, 1861.] Wanting. Second edition, pp. 82:1 plan. 8". London, 1863. - Fifth edition, with additions and corrections by J. R. Jackson, . 109. 8°. London, 1895. Kew. Ifoi/nl Botanic Gardens. [Official Guide to the Museums of Economic Botany. No. 3. Timbers. 8°. London, 1886.] Wanting. Second edition, &c. pp. 98. 8°. London, 1893. .— Royal Botanic Gardens. Key-plan and Index to the ... Garden and Arboretum, Kew. (Prepared by T. A. Dash.) 1891. bKew. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Botanical instructions,' particularly intended for New Zealand, [pp. 3.} 4°. [London, 1861 ?] 'Kew.—Roi/al Botanic Gardens. 'c. pp. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Series III. Catalogue of the Library, KEW (HARRY WALLIS) The dispersal of Shells.^ An _ inquiry into the means of dispersal possessed by Fresh- " water and I^and Mollusca. . . . With a preface by A. R. Wallace, pp. xiv, 2<>1. 8°. London, 1893. Intesnntiounl Scientific Serin. Vul^ i.xx v. .QftT KEY/i(AxF.i.) A Retains (M. G.) Studien in der Anatomic des Nervensystems und des Bindegewebes. ~2_ lift, i— II, abth. 1. Must, (col.) fol. Stockholm, 1875-76. KETE8 (CHARLES ROLLIN) [1864-] Paleontology of Missouri. 2 Vol. See MISSOURI, State of.— Geological L^- Survey. [Subject Reports] Vol. IV & v. 8°. 1894. v 975 Keyes (C. 11.) A Bibliography of North American Paleontology. 1888-1892. pp. 251. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 121. 8°. 1895. Keyes (C. R.) [For official reports as State Geologist] See MISSOURI, State of. —Geological Survey. KEYMIS (LAWRENCE) See KEMYS. KEYS (ISAIAH WATERLOO NICHOLSON) [1818-1890] Flora of Devon and Cornwall. 5 Pt. pp. 330. 8°. Plymouth, 1866-67. Pt. ill is separately paged. Ann. Kept, cfc Trans. Plymouth Inst. Vol. n & in. KEYSER (.JOHANNES GEOROIUS) Guajacan sub moderamine . . . J. A. Friderici . . . subjicit J. G. Keyser, &c. See FRIDERICI (J. A.) 4°. 1665. KEYSERLING (ALEXANDER FRIEDRICH MICHAEL LEBERECHT ARTHUR VON) Count [1815-1891] Wissen- schaftlicho Beobachtungen auf einer Reise in das Petschora-Land, im Jahre 1843. pp. Hi, 465: 22 pis., % maps (1 col.), text Must. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1846. Consists of : — [Preface. By A. von Keyserling.] Geographische Ortsbestiinmungen, von P. von Krusenstern. Geognostische Beobachtungen, von A. von Keyserling. Beitriige zur Geographic und Hydrograpbie des Petschora-Landes, von P. von Kmsenstern. I Keyserling (A. F. M. L. A. VON) Count. Fpssile j^. Mollusken. See MIDDENDORFF (A. T. VON) Reise in den iiussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens, &c. Bd. I, thl. 1. 4°. 1848. , Keyserling (A. F. M. L. A. VON) Count. Palaonto- logische Bemerkungen. See SCHRENK (A. G.) Reise nach dem Nordosten des Europiiischen Russlands, &c. Thl. n. 8°. 1854. Keyserling (A. F. M. L. A. VON) Count. Bestimmungen der durch die Ural-Expedition gesammelten Versteiner- ungen, und der durch sie bezeichneten Fornmtionen. See ST. PETERSBURG. — IMPERATORSKOE RUSSKOE GHEO- GHRAFICHESKOE OBSHCHESTVO. Der nordliche Ural und das Kiistengebirge Pai-choi, &c. Bd. II. 4°. 1856. /) Keyserling (A. F. M. L. A. VON) Count. Polypodiacea et Cyatheacea Herbarii Bungeani. pp. 74- 4°. Lipsioe, 1873. l£ Keyserling (A. F. M. L. A. VON) Count. Gen. Adian- tum, L. pp. 44 : 1 pi. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADE- •" MIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Ser.VII, j_ . g torn, xxn, no. 2. 4°. 1875. __- Keyserling (A. F. M. L. A. VON) Count & Blasius ' (J. H.) Die Wirbelthiere Europa's . . . Erstes Buch : ~2~ Die unterschiedenden Charactere. pp. \yiii^\ xcviii, 248. 8". Braumchiveig, 1840. Keyserling (A. F. M. L. A. VON) Count & others. /••* The Geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural Moun- ** tains (Geologie de la Russie, &c.) See MURCHISON (Sir R. I.) & others. 4°. 1845. KEYSERLING (EuGEN VON) Count [1833-1889] "^ Neue Cypriniden aus Persien. Gesammelt und beschrie- ben von . . . E. Keyserling. pp. 27 : 9 pis. 8°. Berlin, 1861. Zeitschr. f. gesam. Naturwissensch. Bd. xvn. Keyserling (E. VON) Count. Die Spinnen Amerikas "2, . . . von . . . E. Keyserling (nach dessen Tode heraus- gegeben von . . . G. Marx). Bd. I — iv, hft. 2. Must. 4°. Niirnberti, 1880-93. Keyserling (E. VON) Count. Die Arachniden Austra- —~ liens nach der Natur beschrieben und abgebildet . . . *— fortgesetzt von ... E. Keyserling. 2 Hft. <.Vf«KocH(L.) Zoologist. 4°. 1881-90. -T- KEYSLER (.TOHANN GEORG) [1683-1743] J. G. Keysslers . . . Neueste Reisen durch Deutschland, Bohmen, Ungarn, die Schweiz, Italieri und Lothringen, worinnen der Zustand und das Merkwiirdigste dieser Lander beschrieben, und vermittelst der natiirlichen . . . Geschichte . . . erlautert wird. Neue . . . Auttage welche mit Zusiitzen und mit einer Vorrede von dem Leben des Verfassers begleitet hat M. G. Schiitze. 2 Abth. pp. Ixxviii, 1556 [6'4] : 5 pis. 4". Hannover, 1751. The first edition apjjeared in 1740. Keysler (J. G.) Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, and Lorrain . . . Trans- lated from the . . . German . . . Third edition. 4 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1760. KEYZER (JACOB DE) P. vonGoyer und J. von Keyzer Gesandtschaft ... an den Kaiser in China . . . 1655. Beschrieben durch J. Neuhof. See ARKSTEE ( ) & MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. v. 4°. 1749. /L. „ / ~)Q The Embassy . . . to the Emperor of / —)o - Keyzer (J. DE) China in 1655. See PINKEHTON (J.) A general collec tion of ... Voyages, &c. Vol. vii. 4°. 1811. KHARKOV.— Obshchestvo Ispuitatelei Prirodni pri Tmperatoi-skom Khar'kovskom Universi- tetye. (Socidte des Naturalistes a I'UniversitS Im- pe'riale de Kharkow.) Trudui, &c. Tom. i-> 1869-> 4°. (fe 8°. Kharkov, 1870-> 5 . Vol. i-vii only are 4°. In i-v each paper is separately paged : vi - each a separately -paged "Prilozheniya." have / / _ KHARUZINT (ALEKSYEI NIKOLAEVICH) [1864-] Kirghlzui Bukeevskoi Ordui. [On the tribe of the Bukeyev Kirghiz.] 2 Vol. See Moscow. — IMPERATOR- ^ SKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBlTELEI ESTESTVOZNANIYA ^ ' ANTROPOLOGHII I ETNOGHRAFII, &c. Izvyestiya, &c. Tom. LXIII-LXXII. 4°. 1889-1891. Kharnzin (A. N.) Drevniya Moghllui Ghurzufa I Ghughusha (Na I yuzhnom bereghu Kruima). [The Ancient Tombs of the Ghurzuf and Ghugush (on the southern shores ^, (^ of the Crimea).] pp. 103: 4 pis. Kurghanui Bukeevskoi Step!. [The Tumuli of the Bukeyev Steppes.] pp. 118. See Moscow. — IMPERATORSKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBITE- LEI ESTESTVOZNANIYA ANTROPOLOGHII I ETNOGHRAFII, &c. Izvyestiya, &c. Tom. LXIV. 4°. 1890. KHARUZIN (NIKOLAI NIKOLAEVICH) Russkie Lopari (Ocherki Proshlagho I sovremennagho buita). [ [The Russian Lapps : a sketch of their past and present history.] pp. ii, 4~% •' 4 P^s-i 1 map. See Moscow. — 3 /{ IMPERATORSKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBITELEI ESTESJT- VOZNANIYA ANTROPOLOGHII I ETNOGHRAFII, pis. 4°. Berlin, 1884. KHXTROV (SERGHYE! KONSTANTINOVICH) Gheolo- ghicheskiya izslyedovaniya v yugho-vostochnpl chasti Podol'skagho uyezda, Moskovskol ghubernii.— Geo- logische Untersuchungen des sudosthchen Theils des Kreises Podolsk im Gouv. Moskwa. pp. 34: 1 map. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELE!, &c. Trudui, &c. Tom. xvm. [No. 1.] 8°. 1887. Khitrov (S. K.) Zamyetka o myelovuikh otlozheni- yakh Simbirskot ghubernii. — Betnerkung iiber die Kreideablagerungen im Gouv. Simbirsk. pp. ,'i. . jj-i-j 0. See KAZAN.— OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELE!, <^c- Ser. VII, torn, xxxvni, no. 5. 4°. 1891. KHOM YAKOV (MIKHAIL AR!STARKHOV!CH) K vo- prosu o ghnienii. [On the question of decomposition.] pp. 18. See KAZAN.— OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITA- TELEl, &c. Trudui, .~4: textilltut. See MARSEILLES. — INSTITUT coix)N!AL. Annales, p. IK. Oology. By J. II. Kidder and E. Coues. ^^— Botany. A. Phtenogamia, Filices, et Lycopodiacese. Revised by A. Gray. B. Musci. Determined by T. P. James. c. Lichenes. Determined by E. Tuckerman. [D.] Alga?. Determined by W. G. Farlow. Geology (List of the collection of Minerals . . . determined by F. M. Endlich). Mammals. Fish. T. Gill. Mollnsks. By W. H. Dall. Insecta. Diptera. Identified by C. R. Osten-Sacken. Pseudo-Neuroptera. By H. A. Hagen. Crustaceans. Described by S. I. Smith. Annelids and Echinoderms. By A. E. Verrill. Anthozoa. Appendix : — Surgeon E. Kershner's collection. Minerals. (Identified by F. M. Endlich.) Hydroidea. [By S. F. Clark.] A study of Chionis minor with reference to its structure and systematic position. By J. II. Kidder and E. Coxies. — [Another issue.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xin, art. 2 An introduction to the Herbarium. [Signed T. S. L., 1 i.e. T. S. Lea.] pp. &__ , . 8°. Kidderminster, 1891. pw-S r EIDSTON (ROBERT) Catalogue of the Palaeozoic Plants in the . . . Museum, dkc. See BRITISH MUSEUM - (NATURAL HISTORY). Geology. 8°. 1886. Eidston (R.) The Yorkshire Carboniferous Flora. See YORKSHIRE NATURALISTS' UNION. The Transac- <- tions, &c. Series p. 8°. 1890^ - Eidston (R.) On the fructification and internal struc- ture of Carboniferous Ferns in their relation to those Q of existing genera, with special reference to British Palaeozoic species, pp. 5G : Jtph. 8°. [Glasgow, 1891.] Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow^., Vol. ix. KIEFFER (JEAN JlTxjUEs) Lvamidaa. pp. 13 : 1 pi. See WYTSMAN (P.) Genera Insectorum, &c. Hymeno- ptera. 4°. 1902. Eieffer (J. J.) & Dalla Torre (K. W.) Fam. Cynipidae. Fasc. i-» See WYTSMAN (P.) Genera Insectorum, &c. \ Hymenoptera. 4°. 1902-> EIEHL (GEORO FRIDERICUS GULIELMUS) De Cassiae p speciebus offlcinalibus, . . . disputabit G. F. G. Kiehl. See REIL (J. C.) 8°. 1801. EIEL.— Academia Christiana Albertina. See infra, KOENIGLICHE CHRISTIAN-ALBRECHTS-UNI- VERSITAET. EIEL. — Eoenigliche Christian- Albrechts-TJiii- VCrsitaet. [Founded 1065.] Schriften, &c. Bd. l-xxvil. 4°. Kiel, 1855-81. (_ The Theses are separately paged. Eiel. — Eoenigliche Christian- Albrechts-TJniver- sitaet. Mittheilungen aus dem Mineralogischen Institut der Universitat Kiel. Herausgegeben von . . . J. Lehmann. /_ Bd. it. 8°. Kiel & Leipzig, 1888-92. Publication was continued in the " Archiv fur Anthropologie und Geologie " [Q.U.] Eiel.— Eoenigliche Christian- Albrechts-TTniver- sitaet. Hortus Kiliensis. Oder Verzeichniss der Pflanzen, welche im Botanischen Garten der . . . Universitat . . . 1822 gezogen werden. Entworfen von F. Weber. pp. xii, 113 4°. Kiel, 1822. EIEL. Eommission zur Wissenschaftlichen Untersnchung der Deutschen Meere, in Eiel. See GERMANY. Q EIEL. — N aturwisseiis chaf t licher Schleswig-Holstein. Verein fner [Founded 1872 by the amalgamation of the Verein Ntirdlich der Elbe zur Verbreitung ffaturirisseimchaftlicher Kenntnisse with the Verein fur G'eographie und Natuncissensckaften.] 8°. Kiel, 1873-» j_ <- , Schriften, !>. tl6-SK. i KIEPEBT (HEINRICH) [1818-1899] P. v. Tscliiliat- schetf's Reisen in Kleinasien und Armenien 1847~18<;;i . . . Redigirt . . . von H. Kiepert, d-c. pp. 08 : 1 inn p. •j \ k>S / See PETERMANNS MITTHEILUNGEN, &c. Erganzbd. iv, KIEBULF (CHRISTIAN PINGEL) [1800-1849] Cato- Z. logus Conchyliorum qua; reliquit C. P. Kierulf, d-c. See M^RCH (O. A. L.) 8°. is n. KIESCHNICK (OSWALD) [1866-] Kieselsclnviimme ^- von Amboina. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. iy>. 66 [£]. 8°. Jena, 1898. KIESENWETTEB (ERNST AUGUST HELLMUTH VON) _. [1820^880] Catalogus Coleopterorum Europw. In Vcrbindung mit ...H. v. Kiesen wetter, d-c. See oca AW (H. R.) 4°. iar»9. Kiepert (H.) Reisen in Bosnien und der Hert/e- gowina, . . . mit ciner Karte und Zusiitzen von H. Kie- pert. See BLAU (E. O. F. H.) 8°. 1877. i Kiepert (H.) Karte des Russischen Reichs in Europa . . . Fiinfte AuHage. See RUSSIA. [Maja.] 1882. Kiepert (H.) Nouvelle Carte gem-rale des provinces V Asiatiques de PEmpin Ottoman (sans 1'Arabie), d:c. • See TURKEY, in Asia. [Maps.] 1884. ! ! Kiepert (H.) Specialkarte vom westlichen Kleinasien, .) A- KIESLINO (C\ G.) 4°. 1749. Kiesling (C. G.) A- Beichel (G. C.) De Succis I'lantarum specimen, d-c. pp. 40. 4". Lipsice, 1752. KIESSLEB i l; , Flora der Tmgegend von StendalX'c. p/>. !;!(>. 8°. Stendal, 1871. KIESSLING (.IOHANN GOTTFRIED) J. G. Kiesslings . . . Rolatio practioa de arte probatoria Mineraliiim Ai Metallorum, d-c. pp. vi, 27ft : 1 pi. 8". Leipzig, 1741. KIEV. Kievskoe Obslicliestvo Estestvoispuita- telei. [Kiev ffaturaKttJ Sncii'ii/.] Xaplskl (Memoirs), d-c. Tom. l-» 8°. Kiev, 1870— > < A list of the content* of Vol. i-viu, with a translation in French, was issued with Vol. vm. KIEV. [Maps.] GheoghnosticheskayaKartagh.Kieva. Sostavlena . . . K. Theofllaktovuim. [Geognostic Map of Kiev. Compiled by K. Theofilaktov. Scale 1 in.= 490yds.] col. [Kiev?] 1874. KIEVSKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOIS- PUITATELEI. ,SW KIEV. KIGGELAEB (FRANnsciis) Horti Beaumontiani exoticarum Pluntaruin Catalogus [by F. Kiggelaer], (fee. See BEAUMONT, l-'mni! i/ of. 4°. 1690. Kiggelaer (F.) Horti Medici Amstelodamensis . . . desc.riptio . . . Opus posthuinum Latinitate donatum, notisque et observationibus illustratum a ... 1<\ Kig- gelario, d-c. 2 Pt. ,SV COMMELIN (J.) fol. 1697-1701. Kiggelaer (F.) A. Mnntingi, . . . Phytographia curiosa, exmbens Arboruni . . . Ar Florum icones . . . Varias earum denominationes, Latinas, Gallicas, Belgicas, aliasqiie, ex probatissimis nuthoribus . . . desuni]itas collegit lclP- See HELSINGFORS. — SOCIETAS PEG FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, &C. Vol. VI, no. 3. 8°. 1890. J__ — [Another issue.] See KIHLMAN (A. O.) & others. Wissensehaftliche Ergebnisse der Finnischen Expedi- tionen nach der Halbinsel Kola, &c. B. Pt. i, no. 1. 8°. 1892. yo Kihlman (A. O.) Siisswasser-Chlorophyceengesammelt v von ... A. O. Kihlman in nordlichsten Russland, L, Gouvernement Archangel. Von O. Borge. pp. 41 •' S pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIUA SVENSKA VETEN- "i* A SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd.xix, 7°- O afd. in, no. 5. 8°. 1894. L- Kihlman (A. O.) Havainnoita Suomen Euphrasia- lajeista. pp. 28. See HELSINGFOES.— SOCIETAS PEG FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, &C. Vol. XIII, no. 5. 8°. 1896 (1897). Kihlman (A. O.) & others. Wissensehaftliche Ergeb- nisse der Finnischen Expeditionen nach der Halbinsel Kola in ... 1887-92, &c. 4 Pt. Must. 8°. Helsingfors, 1890 [i.e. 1892] -94. A collection of separata as under : — A. Kartographie, Geologic, Klimatologie. Pt. 1, 1. Die Expedition nach der Halbinsel Kola im Jahre 1S87 vor- l/ laufig geschildert von A. O. Kihlman und J. A. Palmen. pp. 28 : 1 map col. [Fennia. Vol. in, 1SCO, no. 5.] 2. Bericht einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise durch Russisch Lapplaud im Jahre 1889, von A. O. Kihlman. pp. 1,0. [Fennia. Vol. in, 1890, no. 6.] 8. Geologische Beobachtungen auf der Halbinsel Kola, von W. Ramsay, pp. 52 : S maps (col.), text illvjt. [Fennia. Vol. in, 1890, no. 7.] 4. Kurzer Bericht iiber eine Expedition nach der Tundra Umptek auf der Halbinsel Kola, von W. Ramsay, pp. 32 : If I. [Fennia. Vol. v, 1892, no. 7.) 5. Ueber die kartographischen Arbeiten dev Expedition vom J. 1891 nach der Halbinsel Kola, von A. Petrelius. pp. Ik: 1 map col. Pt. II, 1. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des westlichen Theiles des Russiscben Lapplands, von J. Linden, pp. %k: I pi., 1 map. [Fennia. Vol. ix, 1894, no. 6.] 2. Das Nephelinsyenitgebiet auf der Halbinsel Kola. Von W. Ramsay und V. Hackman. pp. 226 : 18 pis., 1 map col., text ill itst. [Feunia. Vol. xi, 1894, no. 2.] B. Botanik, Zoologie. Pt. i. PHiinzenbiolunische Studien aus Russisch Lappland . . . von A. O. Kihlman. pp. viii, 26tt, xxiv : l&pU., 1 map col. [Acta Soc. Fauna & Flora Fennica. Tom. vi, 1890, no. 3.] ,, II, 1. Musci Lapponite Kolaensis auctoribus V. F. Biotherua et T. Szelan. pp. 100 : 1 map col. [Acta Soc. Fauna & Flora Fennica. Tom. vi, 1890, no. 4.] 2. Die llarpidien dea nordlichen Filmlands sammt Kola, von . . . C. Sanio. pp. 89. [ActaSoc. Fauna & Flora Fennica. Tom. viii, 1890, no. 1.] 3. Neue Beitriige zur Flechten-Flora der Halb-Insel Kola. Gesammelt von A. O. Kihlman. [Meddel. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fennica. lift, xvm, 1891. pp. 41-59 : 1 pi.) KILBOURNE (S. A.) & Goode (G. B.) Game Fishes of tho United States. SO pis. col., with descriptive letterpress. fol. New York, 1879. The wrappers are dated 1878-80. 1'iiiited in double column. KILIAN (CHARLES CONSTANT WILFEID) [1862-^ 1 )escription geologique de la Montagne de Lure. 2 Pt. Must. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GBOLOGIQUES, &c. Tom. xix, no. 2 ; xx, no. 1. 8°. 1886-88. — [Another edition.] pp. 452: 4 pi*-, S maps r/eol. i col., text Must. See FRANCE.— -Alinistere de V Instruction ' I'uWique. Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, S tl-c. Tom. xxxiv, no. 2. 8°. 1888. Kilian (C. C. W.) Le Gisement Tithonique de Fuente de los Frailes ]jres de Cabra (province de Cordoue). — Etudes paleontologiques sur les terrains Secondaires et Tertiaires de rAndalousie. See PARIS. — ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. Menioires presentes, &c. Tom. xxx, L S no. 2, Mission d'Andalousie, tera. n. Nachtrag . . . fortgefuhrt von J. L. Cafliscb. Jahrg. xxxvm, Beilage. Killias (E.) Die Flora des Unterengadins, mit beson- clerer Beriicksichtigung der speciellen Standorte und der allgemeinen Vegetationsverhiiltnisse. Ein Beitrag - zur Kenntniss des Unterengadins. pp. Ixxv, 266. See CHUE. — NATURFORSCHENDE OESELLSCHAFT GRAU- BUENPENS. Ja,hresbericht, &c. Jahrg. xxxi, Beilage. 8°. 1887-88. So?. •4 980 KILMOREY, Earl of. See NKEDIIAM (F. C.) Mart of KUmoreij. KILROE (JAMES ROBINSON) [1848 ] [For official )>ublications in connection with memoirs illustrating the Mail] Ste GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— GeO- lixjienl Survey. — Irelaiut. KIMBALL (.IAMBS PUTNAM) [1836-] Flora from the, Apalaehian Coal-Field. Inaugural Dissertation, dc. I'/i. .'X . ..' i >!s. 8°. Gottingen, 1857. KIMBERLEY, Australia. _ [Maps.] Geological map ... of the Kimberlev District, Western Australia, by E. T. Hardman, dc. [Scale 1 in. = G m. about.] col. Perth, 1883 [1884]. Another edition of this map on a smaller scale accompanies E. T. Hard- man's rv|*>rt. KINAHAN (GEORGE HENRY) [1829-] A Handy- iiA book of Rock Names, with brief descriptions of the rocks, pp. vi, 139. 8°. Loniion, 1873. Kinahan (G. H.) Valleys and their relation to Fissures, |s/\ Fractures, and Faults, pp. xvi, 240 : 6 pis. 8". London, 1875. Kinahan (G. H.) Manual of the Geology of Ireland. pp. xx, 444 •' ^ 7^«-> 1 map col., text Must. 8°. London, 1878. Kinahan (G. H.) [For official publications in connection with memoirs illustrating the map] Sre GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. — Ireland. Kinahan (G. H.) & Close (M. H.) The general Glacia- lion of lar-Connaught and its neighbourhood, dc. pp. SO : 1 map. 8". Dublin, 1872. , KINAHAN (JOHN ROBERT) [1828-1863] A review of the genera of terrestrial Isopoda (Oniscoidea) : with "V descriptions of all the known British species and genera. pp. 28 : 4 pis. 8". Dublin, 1857. Reprinted privately for the author from " Nat. Hist. Review," Vol. iv, and circulated among the members of the " Nat. Hist. Hoc. Dublin." KINBERG (JOHAN GUSTAF HJALMAR) [1820-] De ~y Tragulo Javanico. Dissertatio zootomica . . . preside *- . . . N. H. Loven . . . proponit auctor J. G. H. Kinberg. pp. 102. 8°. Lundce, 1849. Kinberg (J. G. H.) Svenska Foglarna . . . forsiittning 7 av . . . J. G. H. Kinberg. Bd. n-rv. See SUNDEVALL (C. J.) obi. 4°. 1883-86. KINDBERG (NiLS CONRAD) [1832-] Synoptisk framstallning af vaxtslagtit Lepigonum. Akademisk afhandling, dc. pp.16. 8°. Upsala, 1856. G G 6 Kindberg (N. C.) pp. mi, 406. Ostgota Flora (Fanerogamerna). 8°. Linkoping [1861]. Kindberg (N. C.) Dispositio Plantarum Synanthere- n MUM. fjna; extra Scandinavian! occurrunt et in herbario scholte Lincopensis asservantur, dc. pp. 6. 8°. [Linkoping, 1862.] f) Kindberg (X.C.) Monographia generis Lepigonorum.cfcc. pp.44(4): Spls. See UPSALA.— KONGLIOA VETENSKAI'S- SOCIETETEN. Nova Acta, d-c. Ser. Ill, vol. iv, no. 7. 4°. 1863. A Kindberg (N. C.) Die Familien und Gattungen der LaubmoOM (BryineaO Schwedens und Norwegens, dc. L, pp. £5. See STOCKHOLM.— KONOLIO A SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Biliang till ... Handlingar. Bd. vi, no. 19. 8°. 1882. j Kindberg (N. C.) Die Artcn der Laubmoose (Bryineje) Schwedens und Norwegens, dc. pp. 167. See STOCK- . HOLM. — KONOLIOA SVENSKA VETENSKAP8-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. vn, no. 9. 8°. 1883. Kindberg (N. C.) Enumenitio Bryinearum Dovren- \*" siiiin. pp. 30. ( Addenda et corrigenda . . . auctore ,- C. Kaurin. p>>. S3.) See CHRISTIANIA.— VIDENSKABS- :? S SEI.HKABET. Forhandlinger, dr. Aar 1888, no. 6 (1889, no.ll). 8°. 1888 (1889). Kindberg (N. C.) Enumeratio Bryinearum exoticarum, Q. dc. (Supplementum prinium— secundum.) pp. 108. Linkoeping, 1888-91. Kindberg (N. C.) European and N. American Bryinere O (Mosses), pp. 410. 8°. Linkoping, 1897. tJ Kindberg (N. C.) [For descriptions of Plants, dc.] Q^ See GRKENE (E. L.) d otfars. Plantse Bakerianse. KINDLE (EDWARD M.) The relation of the Fauna of the Ithaca group to the Faunas of the Portage and Q- Chemung. j>p. 56, 1 tab. : 2 pis., 1 map. Se_e ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Bulletins of American Paleon- tology. No. 6. 8°. 1896. Kindle (E. M.) The Devonian and Lower Carboni- ferous Faunas of southern Indiana and central Kentucky.© Pl>. 111. See ITHACA.— CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Bulletins of American Paleontology. No. 12. 8°. 1899. KING (C. M.) Report on Indian Fibres and Fibrous - Substances exhibited at the Colonial and Indian Exhi- n bition, 1886, by C. F. Cross . . . C. M. King, d-c. ^ See CROSS (C. F.) d others. 8°. 1887. KING (CHARLES) Eine Untersuchung des Ursprungs _ und der Formirung der Fossilien . . . aus dem Eng- (y lischen [of C. King] iibersetzt, dc. See ARNOLD (T.) 8°. 1733. KING (CHARLES WILLIAM) [1818-1888] The Natural ». History of Gems, or, Semi- Precious Stones, pp. ix, r^\ 377 : 1 pi., text Must. 8°. London, 1870. King (CHARLES W.) The Natural History of Precious Stones and of the Precious Metals, pp. xt, 364 •' 7 pis., text Must. 8". London, 1870. KING (CLARENCE) [1842-1901] Statistics of the pro- ., duction of the Precious Metals in the United States. (V\ pp. 94 : 6 pis. 4°. Washington, 1881. Extracted from the " Tenth Census of the United States." King (CLARENCE) [For official publications as Geo- _ logist-in-charge] See UNITED STAGES.— Geological Ex- (^ ploration of the Fortieth Parallel. [For reports as Director] See UNITED STATES.— Geo- logical Survey. KING (EDWARD) [1735 ?-1807] Remarks concerning Stones said to have fallen from the clouds, both in |V/\ these days, and in antient times, pp. 34 •' 1 pi. col. 4°. London, 1796. KING (F. H.) [For official reports in connection with/- the Survey] See WISCONSIN, State of. — Geological U Survey. KING (FRANCIS P.) A preliminary Report on the Corundum Deposits of Georgia, pp. 133 [5] : 6 pis., (^ 1 map geol. col., text illust. See GEORGIA, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 2. 8°. 1894. KING (Sir GEORGE) K.C.I.E. [1840-] A Glossary of I Indian Plants. See DUTT (U. C.) The Materia Medica ( of the Hindus, dc. 8°. 1877. King (Sir G.) K.C.I.E. The Species of Ficus of the Indo-Malayan and Chinese Countries (Appendix ... 1. t Some new species from New Guinea, dc.) pp. xiii, 185, r\ vi (fit): 23% (6) pis. See CALCUTTA.— Royal Botanic Gardens. Annals, dc. Vol. I. fol. 1887-89. 981 B 6 f> t> f, 6 King (Sir G.) K.C.I.E. The Species of Artocarpus indigenous to British India ; the Indo-Malayan species of Quercus and Castanopsis. By G. King. pp. 107, Hi : 104 pis. See CALCUTTA. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Annals, &c. Vol. II. fol. 1889. King (Sir G.) K.C.I.E. Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. Pt. 1-13. [in 3 Vol.] 8°. Calcutta, 1889-1902. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol. LVIII-LXXI. King (Sir G.) K.C.I.E. The Magnoliace* of British India. — The species of Myristica of British India. See CALCUTTA. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Annals, &c. Vol. ill. Pt. 2 & 4. fol. 1891. King (Sir G.) K.C.I.E. The Anonaceae of British India, pp. xi, 169, 4 •' 225 pis., 1 port. See CALCUTTA. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Annals, &c. Vol. iv. fol. 1893. King (Sir G.) K.C.I.E. [For official reports as Super- intendent] See CALCUTTA. — Royal Botanic Gardens. [For official publications as Director] See INDIA. — Botanical Survey. King (Sir G.) K.C.I.E. & Bruehl (P. J.) A century of new and rare Indian Plants. See CALCUTTA. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Annals, &c. Vol. v, pt. 2. fol. 1896. King (Sir G.) K.C.I.E. & Pantling (R.) The Orchids of the Sikkim-Himalaya. pp. Hi, iv, 11, 342, 2, 2, 2 : See CALCUTTA. — Royal Botanic Gardens. 458 pis. col. Annals, &c. Vol. vm. fol. 1898. f D Cd( King (Sir G.) K.C.I.E. & others. A second century of new and rare Indian Plants. By Sir G. King . . . J. F. Duthie . . . and D. Prain. See CALCUTTA.— Royal Botanic Gardens. Annals, &c. Vol. ix, pt. 1. fol. 1901. /__KING (JAMES) [1750-1784] A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean ... In ... 1776-1780 . . . Vol. in by Capt. J. King, &c. See COOK (J.) [Third Voyage.] 4°. 1784. KING (JAMES J. F. X.) [List of Lepidoptera of (_ Clydesdale.] See GLASGOW SOCIETY OF FIELD NATU- / (^ RALISTS. A contribution towards . . . the Fauna and Flora of Clydesdale and the West of Scotland, pp. 7. 8°. Glenoir, 1879. King (WILLIAM) Professor at Queens College, Galivay, <£• Rowney (T. H.) On Eozoon Canadense. pp. 4$ •' C-^, - 4 pis. (col.) 8°. Dublin, 1870. Proc. R"y. Irish Acad. Vol. x. 982 .« \j Z, King (WILLIAM) /'rufif.tiir nt Qiitens College, (,'n/iriu/, 3 .(• Rowney (,T- H.) On the Geological Age' anil Micro seopic Structure of the Serpen tine Marble, or Ophite, ot Skye. (On the Mineral Origin of the so-called " Eozoon Canadense.") pp. 32 : 1 pi. 8°. [Ditlilin, 1871.] King (WILLIAM) Professor at Queen's Coffri/r, Ualintii, £• A- Rowney (T. II.) An old chapter of the Geological Record with a new interpretation : or, Hock-mrta fJ[ morphism . . . and its resultant imitations of organisms. With an introduction giving an annotated history of the controversy on the so-called " Eozoon CaiMili ».<• . "ami an Appendix, pp. tvii, I '/.' : ',< /Js. col., te.rt i/tiist. 8". London, 1881. KING (WILLIAM Ross) [1822-] The Sportsman and *^ Naturalist in Canada, or notes on the natural history *• of the Game, Game Birds, and Fish of that country. pp. xv, 334: 6 pis. col., text illmt. 8°. Loiulnn, 18(><>. KING GEORGE, If. M.S. A Voyage round the L- World ... in the King George, -t51. Kingsley (J. S.) Notes on the Embryology of Limulus. pp. 5«: Sjils. col. 8°. London, 1885. Journ. Micro. Science. Vol. xxv. Kingsley (J. S.) The Standard Natural History. Edited by J.S. Kingsley. 6 Vol. Must. &>.Hoston,im>. Vol. I. Lower Invertebrates. (Introduction, by A. S. Packard.) Monera, ltbizoi»oda and Gregarinida, by H. Hitchcock. Infusoria, by I). K. Kellioott. Poriferata, by A. Hyatt. Ciplenierata. (Introduction, by J. W. Fewkw.) Hydroide*. by 8. F. Clarke. Discophora, Sipbonophora, Ctennphom and Actinozoa, by J. W. Fewkes. BchinodermaUt, by W. N. Uickington. Vernie., by C. S. Minot. MidltiKcmda and Mollusca, by J. H. Kingsley. VoLlt. Arthropoda. (Introduction, by ,1. 8. Kingsley.) Couepoda, Siphonostoniata, Ostracoda and Cladocera, by E. A. (Urge. Phyllopoda, by J. S. Kingnley. Podopbthaliiiia, Eriophthalinia and Arthroprda of donbtful position, by J. H. Kingsley. Insect*. (Introduction, by J. S. Kingslqr.) [Kingsley (J. S.) (could.)] [The Standard Natural History, <{•<•. (contd.)] (Vol. ii. (Conld.)i MaLu:o|NKln, Anicbnida ami \l> i ii.|,.«|;l, !>>.!. s. Kingaley. 'rii.vMinurii, Derniatoptera, Fwudonenroptera ftnd Neuroptera by A. S. 1'acknr.l. (litlioptera, by C. V. Riley. II iptnra, by 1'. II. Ubler. Coli'optem, bv«j. Dininiock. lUpU-ra. by S. W. \Villi»t,on. A('h:uiiptcra. by J. S. Kin I'toi.i llott-riHiMJi, hy C. II. Kernald. l.«'|ii.l.i|it.M.l Ulio|«llodfs:m.i ImamL by T. Gill. Nt'iMuto({ii:itlii, Scyphophori .m.l 'IV Ii -cKvphnli (Gytunonoti to Xenomi). by I), s. Jordan. Tcleocophali (Synento(!nathi to Hetenm ,ita). Huniibrnnchii, Kopliobranctiii, Ploctognathi and Pediculati, by '!'. Gill. I>i[>imi, by .1.8. Kjngalry. Butracbia, by B. I). < '"]'!•. Krptilia, by H. C. Utinipus. ,, IV. Ave«. (Introihtction, by L. Stejneger.) Naurura), (Muntornia), Odontoholicw and Knrliipidurfe (Strutbio- nes to Htrt-anoiHHje^), by L. Siejntuor. Eurliijiidui:v(()|iirtbocomi toColunibidie), by I). Elliot. Accipitrea, bv W. (J. liaiioww. P»ittaci, by J. .S. Kinp-ley. Picariffi, by D. J. Kll. i Passerea, by L. Stejneger. ,, v. Maiiunalia. (Introdilrtiiui, by R. K. Wright.) Oruilhodelphia and Diilelphia, by K. H. Wright. Edentata, by T. Gill. Rodentia, by E. Conee. Insectivora »nd Chiroptera, by T. Gill. Cetacea, by W. N. Lockington. Sireuia, by J. S. Kinjisley. Proboscidia, by G. Maclonkie. Hyracoidea, by J. 8. Kingsley. Toxodontia, by W. B. Scott. Ungulata, by R. R. Wright. ( ',u nivoru (Arctoidfa), by 8. I.ock«iMiil. Ciirnivora(Cynoidea and Pinnipedia), by W. N. Lockington. Priuiatea, by R. R. Wright. ,, vl. The Natural history of Man. [Founded on K. von Hellwald's " Naturgeschichte des Menschen." edited by J. S. Kingsley, with tbe assistance of L. Carr and F. W. Putnam. ] Kingsley (J. S.) See AMERICAN NATURALIST . . . Kilited by . . . J. S. Kingsley, &c. Vol. xxi-xxx. 8°. 1887-96. Kingsley (J. S.) In memoriam. E. D. Cope. 8". [1'hiiadelphia,] 1897. Amer. Naturalist. 1807, pp. 1,10-19 : 6 port. KINGSLEY (MARY HENRIETTA) Miss [1861 ?-1900l Travels in West Africa, Congo Francais, Corisco and Cameroons. pp. xvi, 743 : 18 pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1897. Appendix ill. Report on Reptiles and Fishes. By ... A. Giinther. [Ann. & Mug. Nat. Hist. Vol. xvli, 18!>C..] iv. Orthoptera, Hymenoptera, and Hemiptera. By W. F. Kirhy. List of Araclmida and Myriapoda sent ... to tbe British Museum. List of Shells, etc., collected at Corisco, Gaboon Estuary. List of Plants and Grasses. Kingsley (M. H.) Miss. West African Studies, pp. .r.r.iv, <;.;:> . 23 pis., 2 maps (col.) 8°. London & New York, 1899. Appendix I, A short description of the Natives of the Niger Coast Pro- tectorate ... By M. le Comt« C. N. de Cardl. ll, pt. 1. A Voyage to the African Oil Rivers twenty-five Years ago. Hy J. Harford. ,, pt. 2. Pioneering in West Africa ; or, "The opening up of the Qua Iboe River." [By J. Harford.] Kingsley (M. H.) Miss. The Story of West Africa. />/>. i'iil, in; i : tfj-t Must. 8°. London [1899]. story of the Empire .Series. KINGSTON, Canada.— Dominion K.ition, 1882. Tlir Mineral* of Nova Scotia. By E. Gilpin. pp. 14. 8". ll,ilif,i.,; y.S., 1882. KINGSTON, Canada.— Botanical Society of Canada. See BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. KINGSTON, Jamaica.— Institute of Jamaica. See INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA. o K L /M 983 t-\a"3. z KINGSTON, Jamaica— Jamaica Society of Arts. See JAMAICA SOCIETY OF ARTS. KINGSTON HORTICULTURAL & FLOWER SHOW SOCIETY (Jamaica'). Introduction to the Classification of Plants, by W. Fawcett ... A lecture, &c. pp. 15. 8". Jamaica, 1889. KINGSTON (J. F.) & Jones (J. P.) Flora Devoni- rnsis.tfrc. See JONES (J. P.) & KINGSTON (J. F.) 8°.1829. Kingston (J. F.) & Turton( W.) The Natural History of the district [around Teignmouth], &c. See CARRINGTON (N. T.) & others. The Teignmouth, Dawlish, and Tor- ^ quay Guide, &c. Pt. II. 8°. [1828 1] ^ KINKELIN (GEORG FRIEDRICH) [1836-] Ueber die (_y Eiszeit. Zwei Vortrage . . . n. Auriage. pp. 64 : 1 map. 8°. Lindau, 1876. The first edition appeared in 1S75, being the author's advance copy from " Berioht Senckenberg. Naturf. Gesell.," 1874-75 (1876). Kinkelin (G. F.) Die Tertiar- und Diluvial-Bildungen des Untermainthales, der Wetterau und des Siidab- hanges des Taunus. pp. 302 : 2 pis., 2 maps geol. col., text illust. See PRUSSIA. — Koemglich-Preussische Geo- logische Landesanstalt, &c. Bd. ix, lift. 4. 8°. 1892. KINLOCH (ALEXANDER ANGUS AIRLIE) [1838-1 Large Game shooting in Thibet, the Himalayas, and northern India, pp. vi, 237 : 30 pis., 1 map. 4°. Calcutta, & London, 1885. KINMANSON (SAMUEL) Dissertatio de Inseetis Suecicis. Pars vi . . . 1794. Resp. S. KinmanKon. See THUNBERG (C. P.) Dissertationes Academical Upsalise, Vo\. illust. 8°. Kyoto, &c., 1773. L - — [Second Series.] 4 Vol. illust. 8°. Osaka, 1805. KINZEL (KARL GEORG) Ueber den Unterricht in der 1 Mineralogie auf Gymnasien, &c. pp.48. 8a.Hatibor,\822. KIFRIYANOV(VALERIANALEKSANDROVICH)[18]8-] Ueberreste von Fischen (Fisch-Ueberreste) im Kursk - schen eisenhaltigen Sandsteine (Erster— Sechster Auf- satz). 8 Pt. 8°. Moscau, 1852-54 [-57]. Bull. Soc. imp. nats. Moscou Tom. xxv-xxx. Kipriyanov (V. A.) Einige Worte iiber Wirbelthiere, die sich im aufgcschwemniten Boden der Flussthaler des Dniepr und der Wolga finden, zwischen Orel und Charkotf, in den Gouvernements Orel, Tsehernigoff und Kursk, pp. 21 : text illust. 8°. Moscau, 1855. Bull. Soc. imp. nats. Moscou. Tom. xxvm. Kipriyanov (V. A.) Studien iiber die fossilen Reptilien Itusslands. 4 Thl. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE (^ IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Ser. VII, -j_ torn, xxvni, no. 8 ; xxx, no. 6 ; xxxi, no. 6 r 8°. Lon^Kn, 1822-26. In this c VoL>n Berge's '' Sciiniftti.Tliiig.sbiich." pp.xvi, li'i, 427 : 62 pl». col. 4°. London, 1881 [Another edition entitled :] The Butterflies and Moths of Europe, pp. AIM-//, }..'.': 55 pis. (54 col.), text illiut. 4°. Lomlon, 1903. Kirby (WILLIAM P.) List of Hymenoptera, with de- scriptions and figures of the typical specimens in the British Museum. Vol. i. Stt BRITISH MUSEUM (N ATURAL HISTORY).— Zoolof/y. [Ifymeriojtttra.] 8°. 1882. Xirby ( WILLIAM F.) Cassell's Natural History Lepidopter tory. Vol. 1)tera. See DUNCAN (P. M.) VI. 4°. 1883. Kirby (WILLIAM F.) Elementary text book of Entomo- logy, endix of fossil species, pp. ix, 202. 8°. London & Berhn, 1890. Interleaved copy with manuscript additions. Kirby (WILLIAM F.) A Synonymic Catalogue of Lepi- doptera Heterocera (Moths). Vol. i. Sphinges and Bombyces. pp. xii, 951. 8". London & Berhn, 1892. Index of species to Kirby's Synonymic Catalogue of Lepidoptera Heterocera. Vol. i. See STRECKER (H.) 8°. 1899. / Xirby (WiLLIAM P.) [Butterflies from the Karakoram- Himalayas.] See CONWAY (Sir W. M.) Climbing and exploration in the Karakoram-Himalayas . . . Scientific Reports, />. 16: 1 pi. See ACADEMIA CJJSAREA^ LEOPOLDINO-UAKOLINA, &c. NovaActa,luseo Kircheriano, &c. See BuoNANNI (P.) fol. 1773-82. ' KIRCHHOFF (GUSTAV ROBERT) [1824-1887] & Bun- sen (R. W. E. VON) Sonnensiiectrum und Spectren | der Alkalien und alkalischen Erden nach der Original- zeichung. 1 pi. col. IFt'wi [1861]. KIRCHHOFF (KARL REINHOLD ALFRED) [1838-] De Labiatarurn organis vegetativis commentariuni anatomico-morphologicum. w>.31. 8°. Erfurti, 1861. Kirchhoff (K. R. A.) Die Idee der Pflanzen-metamor pli. HC bei Wolff und bei G6the. pp. 35. 4°. Berlin, 1867. - ^ §85 , Kirchhoff (K. R. A.) Unser Wiasen von der Erde. Allgemeine Erdkunde und Liinderkunda hevausgegeben . . . von A. Kirchhoff. Vol. i-m. illust. * £ 8°. Prag, Leipzig, Wien, [1884-] 1886-93. Y ' Bd. !- Allgemeine Erdkunde von . . . F. Hann, . . . F. von Hochstetter und ... A. Pokorny. pp. xxi, 985: 69 pin. (20 col.), 19 maps (« col.), text illust. [1884-] 188«. ,, II. Landerkunde von Europa. Thl. i, hft. 1. Europa ini allgemeinen von ... A. Kirch- hoff—Phyuikaliache Ski/7,6 von Mm.'l Kim.).' von . . . A. Penck. — Das Deuteche Reich von ... A. Penck. pp. x, 618: 94 pit. (4 col.), S maps (4 col.), text Mmt. 1887. ,, li. Thl. i, hft. 2. Oeaterreich-Ungarn von ... A. Supan.— Die Schweiz von . . . J. J. Egli ... A. Heim und . . . R. Billwiller.— Niederlande und Bclgien von ... A. Penck. pp. viii, 611, : 78 pis. (I col.), 5 mapi (4 col.), text Must. 18S9. ,, in. Thl. H, hft. 1. Frankreich von ... F. Hahn.— Die Britiachen Inseln von . . . F. Hahn.— Das Konigreich Danemark von . . . F. Hahn. — Schweden und Norwegen von . . . F. Hahn. — Die nordiachen Inseln von . . . F. liahn. —Finland von . . . J. Hein. pp. n'i, 45i: 26 pis. , 5 maps, text Mutt. 1890. ,, in. Thl. n, hft. 2. lininanien von ... P. Lohmann.— Die Sudenropaiscben Halbinael von . . . T. Fischer, pp. x, 784 : Si pis., S maps, text Must. 1893. ^_ Kirchhoff (K. R. A.) Forschungen zur Deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde . . . herausgegeben von A. Kirchhoff. Bd. II, hft. 3-» See STUTTGART — CENTR ALKOMMISSION FUER WISSENSCHAFTLICHE LANDES- KUNDE VON DEUTSCHLAND. 8°. 1887-> , Kirchhoff (K. R. A.) der Karolinen. ,: 6 6 A rAlsacr i-t di's V(ism>s. l'l>. 19. 8". [Strasbourg, 1828.] From J. F. Allfschlager's " L'Alaoce," Suppt. 1858. Gives on each owning in four parallel columns the Latin (scientific), French and (ie rman names and the localities of the Plantc. Kirschleger (F.) Statistique de la Flore d'Alsace et - des Vosges qui font partie de cette Province, pp. 118. V 4°. Mulhausen, 1831 [-32]. Issued in two fascicules, of which the second began on p. 57. Kirschleger (F.) pp. xviii, 252. Prodrome de la Flore d'Alsace. 8°. Strasbourg, 1836. e 6 - Appendice, &c. pp. 30. 8°. Strasbourg, 1838. Kirschleger (F.) Notice sur les Violettes de la Vallee du Rhin, depuis Bale jusqu'a Mayence, des Vosges et de la Foret-Noire, &c. pp. 19: 3 pi. See NANCY.— £ A- SOCI^TE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, 1857. Kirschleger (F.) Notices sur quelques faits de Terato- J logie Vegetale, &c. pp. IS. See NANCY.— SOCIETE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, ttc. Tom. in, livr. 2. 4°. 1842. Kirschleger (F.) Statistique Vegetale des environs de J2 Strasbourg, pp. 28. 8°. [Strasbourg, 1843.] l Mem. Congr. sclent. France. Session 10, torn. u. Kirschleger (F.) Essai historique de la Teratologie fa Vegetale. These, &c. pp.iv,71. 4°. Strasbourg, 1845. Kirschleger (F.) Notices Botaniques, &c. pp. 8. L- See NANCY. — SOCIETY DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. e a Tom. in, livr. 3. 4°. [1846.] ^ Advance copies issued by the author in 1840 were accompanied by a — "• A plate. Kirschleger (F.) Essai sur les folioles carpiques, ou xj carpidies dans les Plantes Angiospermes. These, &c. pp. [iv,] 92. 8". Strasbourg, 1846. Kirschleger (F.) Notice sur le Sonchus Plumim, L., &c. pp. 6 : 1 pi. col. See NANCY.— SOCIETE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, &c. Tom. IV, livr. 2. 4°. 1850.S Kirschleger (F.) Flore d'Alsace et des contrees limi- trophes. 3 Vol. 8°. Strasbourg & Paris, 1852-58 [-62], Vol. i. Les Plantes dicotyles petalees. pp.jmi.663. 1852. ,, II. Les Honochlamydees, les Monocotylees, les Cryptogamm Vaaculaires, dc. pp. cxxiv, 613. ,, ill. Pt. 1. Vegetation Rhenano-Vosgienne, ou G^ographie bo- tanique des Vosges et de 1'Alsace. pp. 188. 1858. ,, 2. Guide du Botaniste herborisateur et touriste & travers les plaines de 1'Alsuce et les moutagnes des Vosges. pp. 189-S96. [I ,, 3. Petit Dictionnaire des Turmes Botaniquea, etc. pp. S97-UJ6. [1862.] Kirschleger (F.) Le Monde Vegetal dans ses rapports avec les us et coutumes, les legendes, et la poesie popu- laire sur les bords du Rhin, &c. pp. 18. 8°. Strasbourg, 1866. Kirschleger (F.) Flore Vogeso-Rhenane, ou descrip- tion des Plantes qui croissent naturellement dans les Vosges et dans la Vallee du Rhin. 2 Tom. [in 1.] 12°. Paris, 1870. This is alluded to by the author in his preface as a new edition of his " Flore d'Alsace" [q.v. supra], but is so completely re-written as to be a separate work. KIRSCHNER (F.) [35 Copper plates of Fish and Reptiles, being reduced copies of the illustrations to the works of Willughby, Bloch, Seba, lA..—Geo- Q. logical Survey. Palaeontologia Indica, &c. Series IX. Jurassic Fauna of Cutch. Vbl. in, pt. 2. 4°. 1903. "KITE," Whaling Steamer. In Arctic Seas'. The • Voyage of the "Kite" with the Peary Expedition, L /< together with a transcript of the Log of the "Kite." See KEELY (R. N.) & DAVIS (G. G.) 8°. 1892. KITTEL (MARTIN BALDUIN) [1798-1885] Memoires d'Histoire Naturelle. (Memoire sur les Pucerons ; ^ suivi de la description de quelques especes nouvelles. — ^ Rapport sur la nouvelle disposition des Mousses, pr6- sent^e par M. Walker-Arnott, suivi de notes critiques et d'additions, &c.) pp. 144. 8°. Paris, 1826. Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris. Vol. v, 1827. Kittel (M. B.) Taschenbuch der Flora Deutschlands, a &c. pp. civ, 744. 12°. Niirnberg, 1837. - Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. cxx, 1221 [in 2 Vol.] ,4. 12°. Niirnberg, 1844. - Dritte . . . Auflage. pp. cxlii, 1848. 12°. Niirnberg, 1853. £ Kittel (M. B.) Skizze der geognostischen Verhaltnisse der nachsten Umgegend 1 pi. col., 1 map geol. col. . . der nachsten Umgegend Aschaffenburgs. pp. iv, 63 : 4°. Aschajfenburg, 1840. Kittel (M. B.) Taschenbuch der Flora Deutschlands .t nach dem Linneischen Systeme. pp. cxi, 507. 8°. Niirnberg, 1847. KITTL (ERNST ANTON LEOPOLD) [1854-] Die Cepha- lopoden der oberen Werfener Schichten von Muc in ^. Dalmatien, &c. pp. 77 : 11 pis., text Must. See AUSTRIA- (3* HUNGARY. — Kaiserlich-Koenigliche Geologische Reichs- anstalt. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. xx. 4°. 1903. KITTLER (Cn.) pp. [iv,] 406. Flora des Regnitzgebietes, iatomacca>. Compiled with the co-operation of F. Kitten. See DEBY (J.) 8°. 1882. 6 6 T 2 T 6 6 6 6 6 2 6 6 & Kitton (FREDERIC) . . . Bibliography. F. Kitton ... A Memoir, with a See KITTON (F. G.) 8°. 1895. KITTON (FREDERIC G.) F. Kitton ... A Memoir, with a ... Bibliography. pp. [iv,] 39 : 1 port., text 8". London, 189.r). KIYOIKU HAKUBUTSUKWAN \ /•:,/,„•.,/„„,„/ Mufflim]. Sft TOKIO. KJJERBOLLING (NiELs) [1806-] (Ornithologia l);uiica.) Danmarka Fugle, pp. [w,] xxxiv, 4%~i if. Atlas (with 2 suppts.) 104 pi*- col. 8°. benhavn, 1851-56. There is a twcond title-i>age to the atlaw, which roads : — " Icones Orni- thologist) Scandinavian. Scanditmvicim . . . Fugle i 000 colorerude Afbildninpt'i , .1 • ." The sub-title to the second ituppt. is " De i det >ivripe Scandinavien . . . fnrekonmiende Fuglearter." - [Another edition.] Atlas and 1st Suppt. fol. 1858 65. Thii edition differs from the preceding only in the dates on the title- logos. — [Another edition entitled :] Skandinaviens Fugle, nied saerligt Hensyn til Danmark og de nordliga Bilande . . . Anden . . . U agave, ved J. Collin. pj>. li, 838. Atlas, 105 i>ls. col. 8°. & fol. Kjbenhavn, (1873-) 1875-77. K JJERSKOU (HjALMAR FREDERIK CHRISTIAN) [1835- 1900] Botanisk Tidsskrift . . . redigeret af H. Kiaerskou. Bd. IH-XVIII. See COPENHAGEN. — Botanisk Forening. 8°. 1869-93. Kjaerskon (H. F. C.) & Lund (S.) Morfologisk-ana- tomisk Beskrivelse af Jfrutsica oleracea, L., B. camjws- tris (L.) og B. Napus (L.), &c. See LtWD (S.) & KJJJBSKOIT (H. F. C.) 8°. 1885. KJELLBERG (CARL J.) De Hydrodictyo utriculato, dissertatio botanica . . . respondente C. J. Kjellberg, '< • WAHLENBEKG (G.) G. Wahlenberg . . . De Medi- bus, I: ) Fauna Cayanensis, quani . . . p.p. A. Kjeller, &c. See TllUNBERO (C. P.) 4°. 1823. KJELLMAN (AuousT) Stirpes agri Rptnovicnsis, proponunt . . . A.E. Lindblomet A. Kjellman . . See LlNDBLOM (A. E.) P. II. 8°. 1828. KJELLMAN (CAROLUS JOHANNES) Dissertatio de umi Menyanthidis trifoliate . . . p.p. C. J. Kjellman, Ac. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4d. [1797.] — [Another edition.] See THUNBERO (C. P.) Disser- tationes Academic® ITpsalia;, l. (SeelJpSALA. ^KONOLUJA \ KTKNSK M'S-SOCIKTKTKN. Nova Acta . . . Voluinen extra ordinem edituni, /. _ Blastophysa polifmornha och Urospora incrassata tva c JL nya Chloropnyceer Iran Sveriges vestra kust. pp.16: -31 Itf. Marina Chlorophyceer frftn Japan, pp. 44 •' 7 pit- See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIOA SVENSKA VKTENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxm, afd. ill, no. 4, 5, 9 & 11. 8°. 1897. 989 i 6 Kjellman (F. R.) Zur Organographie und Systematik der Aegagropilen. pp. 36 : text Must. 4°. Upsala, 1898. Nova Aota Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsala. Ser. HI, vol. xvll. g Kjellman (F. R.) Om Floride-slagtet Galaxaura, dess , organografi och Systematik. pp.109 : 20 pis. SeeSTOVK- • f A HOLM. — KONGLIOA 8VENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xxxm, no. 1. 4°. 1900. Kj oilman (F. R.) & Lundstrom (A. N.) Fanero- I— gamer frftn Novaja Semlja, Wajgatsch och Chabarova. See NORDENSKIOLD (N. A. E. VON) Vega-Expeditionons votenskapliga lakttagelser, &c. Bd. i. 8°. 1882. Kjellman (F. 11.) & Petersen (J. V.) Om Japans i Laminariaceer. See NORDENSKIOLD (N. A. E. VON) ~ Vega-Expeditionens vetenskapliga lakttagelser, &c. Bd. IV. 8°. 1887. y KJELLMARK (KNUT) Nagra anmarkningsvarda Salix- och Jietula-lormer. pp. 10 : 2 pis. See STOCK- t- HOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA-VETENSKAPS AKADEMIEN. C, Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxi, afd. in, no. 8. 8°. 1895 (1896). KJERNER (MELKER) Dissertatio Botanica de Me- K lanthio . . . publico subjicit . . . M. Kjerner. See THUN- BERG (C. P.) 4°. [1797.] tf [Another edition.] See THUNBERG(C. P.) Disser- tationes Academicse Upsalise, &c. Vol. n, no. 18. 8°. 1800. , KJEBULF (THEODOR) [1825-1888] See NYT MAGAZIN • er! "" FOR NATURVIDENSKABERNE. Udgives . . . ved . . . . ?fc>6 T. Kjerulf. Bd. x-xxxi. 8°. 1859-90. Kjerulf (T.) Om fjeldstykket mcllem Lffirdal og Ur- £, land samt om profilet over Filefjeld. See HIORTDAHL (T. H.) & IRGENS (M. F.) Geologiske unders0gelser i Bergens Omegn, S0ndenfjeldske Norge omfattende Christiania-, Hamar- /2_ og Christiansands Stifter, &c. (Maalestok 1 : 400,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 6^m. about].) See NORWAY. [Maps} 1858-65. [Explanation to the preceding.] pp. 16. 8°. Christiania, 1866. Q- Carte geologique de la Norvege meridionale, &c. [French translation of the foregoing.] pp. 19. 8". Christiania, 1866. Kjerulf (T.) & Dahll (T.) Om Jernertsernes forekomst ved Arendal, Najs og Krager0, &c. pp. 70 : 5 pis. (1 col.) /•*] 8°. Christiania, 1861. Nyt Mag. f. Naturv. Bd. xi. Kjerulf (T.) it Sars (M.) lagttagelser over den post- pliocene eller glaciale formation i en del af det sydlige (3— Norge. See SAKS (M.) & KJERULF (T.) 4°. 1860. KJ0BENHAVN. See COPENHAGEN. KJ0BENHAVNS UNIVERSITET. See COPENHAGEN. KJ0BENHAVNSK SELSKAB AF LAER- DOMS OG VIDENSKABERS ELSKEBB. See COPENHAGEN. — KONGELIGT DANSK VIDENSKA- BERNES SELSKAB. KLAATSCH (HERMANN) Die Brustflosse der Crosso- pterygier. Ein Beitrag zur Anwendung der Archiptery- gium-TheorieaufdieGliedmaassenderLandwirbelthiere. Z_ See HAECKEL (E. H. P. A.) & others. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage von C. Gegenbaur . . . 1896. Bd. i. 8°. 1896. KLAATSCH (HERMANN MARTIN AUGUST) [1827-1885] De cerebris Piscium ostacanthorum aquas nostras in- -^ colentium. Dissertatio inauguralis anatomica, &c. £— pp. 40 : 4pl&- 4°. Halis Saxonum, 1850. KLAGENFU *-^ , &c. — Naturhi Land»s- omided 1848.] 8°. Klage ft, Klagenfurt. — XTatnrhistorisches Landesmusenm von Kaernten. Flora von Karnten . . . herausgegeben vom Naturhis- torischen Landesmuseum, &c. 3 Abth. See PACKER ff. 8°. 1881-87. -^ (D. D.) & JABORNEGG (M. VON). Nachtrage, &c. 8°. 1894. Klagenfurt. — Naturhistorisches Laudesmuseum von Kaeruteu. Ornis Carinthias. Die Vogel Kiirntens . . . Herausge- ^ geben vom Naturhistorischen Landesmuseum von 2. Karnten. ^ceJ£ELLER (F. C.) 8°. 1890. KIiAPALEBLtFRANTisEKV ^Tntersuchungen iiber die Fauna der Gewasser Bohmens. 1. Metamorphose der >— Trichopteren. 2 Pt. Must. See PRAGUE.— BEIDE C /• COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCHFORSCHUNG VON ~ BOEHMEN. Archiv, &c. Bd. vi, no. 5 ; vm, no. fi. 8°. 1888/93. 990 Klapalek (F.) Trichopterologicky vy"zkum Cech v I — • r. 1891. [Trichopterological discoveries in Bohemia in I i/ f\ A the year 1891.] /)/'• -'-'• ><:>•' it/nut, .s'.r IVv.ri. CESKA AKAPKMIK. CISARE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, . 45 : 24 pis. See HAMBURG.— NATURWISSENSCHAFT- i LICHER VEREIN. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. iv, abth. 4. respondente G. Kleeberg, &c. See CRUSE (G.) 8°. 1828. J Kleeberg (J. A. G.) Molluscorum Borussicorum synopsis. Dissertatio inaugural is zoologica, o&c. pp.47. —^ 8°. Regiomonti, 1828. ^~ Interlejwed copy. KLEEFELDi ) DerDiamant. pp.37 : text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1876. A-J Sammlung gemeinverstandlicber wisttenschaftlicher Vortrage von Vir- chow, ¥«rzeich- (&_ nis aller Monate.irLjii«}cnen die von Rtis*r*und Kleemann beschriebejje^ttna abgebildete^Bntupen, nebstjbfe*m Futtejvsffinnden sind . . .J^efaiisgegeben vw*V.Y. C. KWemann. See MADEir. Dissertatio inauguralis medica, •iv. pp. 29: 1 pf. 8°. Jierolini, 1830. KLEIN (GYUI.A) [1844-1 A PiloMms Gombanak fejlodese es alakjai. [On the forms and development of J'iliMus.] /ij>. li: : ..' /8 : 2 pis. Ujabb adatok a tengeri moszatok krystalloidjairol. [Later contributions on the crystalloids of the marine Algffi.] pp. S3: Ipl. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok Korebo'l, />. 10: 1 pi. See. BUDAPEST.— MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Tenneszettudomanyok Korebol, 4pls. col. 4°. Lip/rice, 1778. N. Q. Leske . . . Additamenta ad J. T. Klein natu- ralemdispositionem Echinodermatum,ositio brevisque historia naturalis. pp. [iv,] 127: 5 pig. 4°. Lip&iae, 1761. Klein (JACOB T.) J. T. Klein . . . Natiirliche Ordnuijg 7 und vermehrte Historie der vierfiissigen Thiere heraus- ** gegeben von G. Reyger. pp. [xvi,] 144> [1&\- 4°. Danzig, 1760. Klein (JACOB T.) -I. T. Klein Tentamen methodi Ostracologica;, sive dispositio naturalis Cochlidum et ^~ Concharum . . . Accedit lucubratiuncula de formatione, -j cremento et coloribus Testarum . . . Turn commenta- ' riolum in locum Plinii Hist. Nat. libr. ix, cap. xxxm, deConcharumdifferentiis. Denique sciagraphia methodi ad genus Serpentium ordinate digerendum. pp. [viii,] 177, [35], 44, 16 [2] : IS pis., text Must. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1753. Klein (JACOB T.) Tentamen Herpetologia) . . . cum y l)eri)etuo commentiirio. Accessit J. A. Unzeri obser- *• vatio de Tseniis Inline reddita, cum dubiis circa eandem. p]>. iv, 72 : 2 rfs. 4°. Leidcedc Gottinga;, 1755. Klein (JACOB T.) J. T. Klein . . . Stcmnmta Avium . . . Accedunt nomenclatures : Polono-Latinus et I^itiim Polonus.— Geschlechtstafeln der VOgel, dec. p/>. [xvi,] 48.-40 pis. 4°. Lipsw, 1759. If.C Li. 993 Klein (JACOB T.) J. T. Kleinii . . . Dubia circa Planta- Zrum marinarum fabricam vermiculosam . . . Accessit Hillii enucleata observatio microscopica decinia et sexta. pp. SI : S pis. 4°. Petropoli, 1760. Klein (JACOB T.) J. T. Kleinii ulterior lucubratio sub- A/( terranea de Terris et Mineralibus, accedit ejusdem lucu- bratio posterior subterranea de Lapidibus idiomorphis cum perpetuis common tariis. pp. 56. 4°. Petropoli, 1760. __ Klein (JACOB T.) J. T. Klein . . . Ova Avium plurima- rum ad naturalem magnitudinem delineata et genuinis •J cojoribus picta. — J. T. Klein Sammlung verschiedener Vogel Eyer in natiirlicher Grb'ssej &c. pp. 36 : 21 pis. col. 4°. Leipzig, dec., 1766. Latin and German in parallel columns. Klein (JACOB T.) J. T. Klein . . . Specimen descrip- _ tionis Petrefactorum Gedanensium cum syllabo tabu- ^» larum. — J. T. Klein Probe einer Beschreibung und Abbildung der in der Dantziger und umliegenden Gegend befindlichen Versteinerungen. [pp.16:] 24pls. col. fol. Nurnberg, 1770. Latin and German in parallel columns. KLEIN (JOANNES CONRADUS) Disputatio medica inauguralis de Junipero, der Technischen Hochschule zu Karlsruhe. Heraus- gegeben von . . . L. Klein, &c. Bd. i-* See CAHLS- RUHE.— GROSSHERZOGLICHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE. 8°. 1894-* KLEINE FHYSIKALISCH-CHEMISCHE AB- ., HANDLtJNGEN. See WESTRUMB (J. F.) Kleine r\ physikalisch-chemische Schriften. 8°. 1799. A . KLEINE FHTSIKALISCH - CHEMISCHE ' SCHRIFTEN. See WESTRUMB (J. F.) 8°. 1799. M KLEINE MINERALOGISCHE SCHRIFTEN, &c. Bd. I. See JASCHE (C. F.) 8°. 1817. KLEINENBERG (NICOLAUS) [1842-1897] Hydra. Eine anatomisch - entwicklungsgeschichtliche Unter- suchung. pp. vi, 90 : 4 pis. 4°. Leipzig, 1872. Dopolnenie k monoghrafii N. Kleinenberg " Hydra " i ... P. Zabarlnskagho. [Supplement to N. Kleinen- berg's monograph "Hydra. By P. Zabarinskii.] pp. 10: 3 pis. See ODESSA. — NOVOROSSI!SKOE OB- SHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI. Zaplskl, &C. Tom. vi. [Pt. 2.] 8°. 1880. KLEINHAN8 (RODOLPHE) [1828-] Iconographie des Mousses. SO pis. fol. Paris [1870]. This is a re-issue, with fresh title, of the author's " Album des Mousses," &c., published 1868-69. KLEMENT (CoNSTANTiN) [1856-] & Renard (A. F.) Reactions microchimiques a Cristaux et leur application en analyse qualitative, pp. 126 : 8 pi. 8°. Bruxelles, 1886. KLEMM (CARL ALBERT GUSTAV) [1858-] Mikro- skopische Untersuchungen iiber psammitische Gesteine. Inaugural;Dissertation, &c. pp. 37. 8°. Berlin, 1883. .- ' KLEMM |(G.) [For official publications in connection •with the Specialkarte] See SAXONY. — KOENIGLICHE ^_ GEOLOGISCHE LANDESUNTERSUCHUNG. Erlauterungen zur geologischen Specialkarte, &c. KLEMM (Huoo) Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Topas und Untersuchung eines kiinstlichen Babingtonit. '*' Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 29. 8°. Jetta, 1873. KLEMM (JOHANNES CUNRADUS) [1655-1717] Dis- putatio physico-philologica de Olea, quam . . . prieside &5 J. C. Klemm . . . defendent Magisterii Philos. Can- didati. pp. 16. 4°. Tubingce [1679]. KLERCKER (JOHN ECKARD FREDRIK AF) Recherches g sur la structure anatomique de I'Aphyllanthes mow- . peliensis, Lin. pp. S3: 3 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGIIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang 5 ^ till . . . Handlingar. Bd. vm, no. 6. 8°. 1883. Klercker (J. E. F. AF) Sur 1'Anatomie et le Developpe- £ ment de Ceratophyllum. pp. 23 : 3 pis. See STOCK- ^__ HOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. ix, no. 10. 8°. 1885. Klercker (J. E. F. AF) Studien iiber die Gerbstoff- vakuolen. pp. 63 : 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xiii, afd. in, no. 8. 8°. 1888. Klercker (J. E. F. AF) t)ber die Bewegungserschein- ungen bei ahrenstandigen Veronica-Bliiten . . . Erste Abhandlung. pp. 29: text Must. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . Handlingar. Bd. xviu, afd. in, no. 1. 8°. 1892 (1893). KLE8ITTS (JOHANN JACOB) See CLESIUS. KLESSIN (S.) See CLESSIN. KLETT (GUSTAF THEODOR) [1808 ?-1882] & Richter (H. F. E.) Flora der phanerogamischen Gewachse der Umgegend von Leipzig . . . Mit einem Vorworte von H. L. Reichenbach. pp. xxiv, 816 : 1 map. 8°. Leipzig, 1830. KLETJBGEN (P.) Die Deutsche Kolonie Santa Cruz, Provinz Rio Grande do Sul, Siid-Brasilien. pp. 48. 12°. Hamburg, 1852. KLIKA (BOHUMIL) Die Tertiaren Land- und Siiss- wasser-Conchylien des nordwestlichen Bohmen. pp.122: text illvst. See PRAGUE.— -BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCHFORSCH0NG VON BOEHMEN. ArchlV, &C. Bd. vn, no. 4. 8°. 1891. Klika (B.) & Simroth (H. P.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kaukasisch-Armenischen Molluskenfauna. (i. Ver- zeichniss der von ... V. Vavra wahrend seiner Kau- kasus-Reise gesammelten Binnenconchylien. Von B. Klika.) pp.23: 1 pi. col. See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH- BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1893, no. 45. KLIKA (GOTTLIEB) See KLIKA (B.) 125 994 17- > KLINCKOWSTROM (AxELji Quelques recherches morphologiques sur les arteres du Cerveau des Ver- tebras, pp. S6: S pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONOLIG A SVKXSKA VETEN8KAP8-AKADEMIEN. BihlUlg till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xv, afd. iv, no. 10. 8". 1890. KLINGBERG (EMANUEL KANUTUS) Monographia f\ Amanitarum Sueciaj, . . . proponit E. K. Klingberg, dkc. See FRIKS (E. M.) 8°. 1854. Also issued in Fries' " Monogrnpliia HymsnomyoetumSueoiffi," .t v. [-/.r. 1 KLINGE (JOHANNES CHRISTOF) [1851-1902] Ver- fo gleichend histiologische Untersuchung der Gramineen- und Cyperaceen-Wurzeln, insbesondere der Wurzel- Leitbundel. pp. 70 : S pis. See ST. PETERSBURG. — » -7 A- ACAD&MIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Me'moires, dkc. Se'r. VII, torn, xxvi, no. 12. 4°. 1879. Klinge (J. C.) Flora Est- Liv- und Curland. Auf- O ziihlung und Beschreibung der bisher wildwachsend und verwildert beobachteten und der cultivirten Ge- wachse, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Holz- gewacbse, dkc. 2 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] pp. xvi, SOS, 664. 8°. Reval, 1882. . Klinge (J. C.) Flora der Umgebung Lemsals und Laudohns . . . von ... A. Rapp. Herausgegeben und f mit einer phytogeographischen Einleitung versehen • t . I von . . . J. Klinge. See RIGA.— NATURFORSCHER VBREIN. Festschrift, dkc. 8°. 1895. KLINGGRAEFF (CARL JULIUS VON) Flora von 6 Preussen. Die in der Provinz Preussen wildwachsenden Phanerogamen nach naturlichen Familien geordnet und beschrieben. pp. xxxvi, 560. 8°. Marienwerder, 1848. Klinggraeff (C. J. VON) [Zur Pflanzengeographie des nordlichen und arktischen Europa's. 8°. Marienwerder, 187.r>.] Wanting. £L Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. iv, [ii,] //..'. 8°. Marienwerder, 1878. KLINGGRAEFF (HuGO VON) Die Leber- und p. Laubnioose West- und Ostpreussens. Von . . . H. von Klinggraeff. Herausgegeben . . . vom Westpreussischen botanisch-zoologischen Verein. pp. xiii, 317. 8°. Danzig, 1893. KLINSMANN (ERNST FERDINAND) [1794-1865] Novitia atque defectus florae Gedanensis, dec. See DANT- ZIG. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Neueste Schriften, dkc. Bd. iv, hft. 1. 4°. 1843. Erganzungen und Berichtigungen, dkc. pp. 8. See DANTZIG. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Schriften, dkc. Neue Folge, Bd. I, hft. 2. 8°. 1865. Klinsmann (E. F.) Clavis Breyniana, oder Schliissel zu J. Breynii . . . Exoticarum aliarumque minus cog- nitarum Plantarum centuria prima, . . . und zu J. P. Breynii Icones fasciculi rariorum Plantarum i & H, bearbeitet und . . . herausgegeben von E. F. Klinsmann. pp. v, SO. See DANTZIG. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELL- SCHAFT. Neueste Schriften, dkc. Bd. v.hft. 2. 8°. 1855. Klinsmann (E. F.) Clavis Dilleniana ad Hortum Elthamensem. pp. SI. 4°. Danzig, 1856. KLIPPART (JOHN H.) [-1878] [For official publica- tions in connection with the Survey] See OHIO, State of. — Geological Survey. KLIPSTEIN (AUGUST VON) [1801-1894] Mittheil- ungen aus dem Gebiete der Geologic und Palajontologie. 2 Bd. illwt. 4°. Giessen, (1843-) 1845-1883. The mb-titles read :--" Beitrage znr geologiachen (und topographiscben) KenntDiss der ratlichen AJpen." Bd, || is In three separately-paged parts. L- 6 6 i* £. Q Klipstein (A. VON) & Kaup (J. J.) Description d'un crane colossal de Dinotherium giganteum trouv6 dans la province Rhe'nane du Grand-puch6 de Hesse- Darm- stadt, pre'ce'dee d'une dissertation ge'olpgjque sur les formations fossiliferes du bassin Tertiaire du Rhin moyen. 2 Pt. & Atlas. 4°. & foL Paris, 1837. [1 Pl KLIPSTEIN (JOHANNES CHRISTIANUS QOTTLOB) .j 1764-] Dissertatio inauguralis botanica de Nectariis & "lantarum, dkc. pp. 18. 4°. Jence [1784]. KLIPSTEIN (PHILIPP ENGEL) [1747-1808] Minera- • logischer Briefwechsel, dkc. 2 Bd. 8°. Giessen, 1781, 84. M KLITTKE (MAX) See SOCIETATUM LITTERS . . . Her- _ ausgegeben von . . . M. Klittke. Jahrb. vn-xiv. 8°. 1893-1900. KLOCKMANN (FRIEDRICH FERDINAND HERMANN} [1858-] Geognostische Beschreibung der Umgegend (^. von Berlin von G. Berendt und W. Dames unter Mitwirkung von F. Klockmann, dkc. pp. 113: 1 map col. See PRUSSIA. — Koeniglich- Preussische Geologische Landesanstalt, dkc. Abhandlungen, dkc. Bd. vm, nft. 1. 8°. 1885. f&c. fbuch der Mineral 8°. Klockmann (F. F. H.) Das Berg- und Hiittenwesen des Oberharzes . . . Herausgegeben von . . . F. Klock- mann, dkc. See BANNIZA (H.) 8°. 1895. KLOEBISCH (R. L.) Deutsche Waldbaume und ihre ^ Physiognomie, dkc. pp. xii, 86 : 16 pis., text Ulust. 4°. Leipzig, 1857. KLOEDEN (KARL FRIEDRICH VON) [1786-1856] [Grundlinien zu einer neuen Theorie der Erdgestaltung, dec. 8°. Berlin, 1824.J Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] Ueber die Gestalt und die Urgeschichte der Erde, nebst den davon abhangen- Qf den Erscheinungen . . . Zweite Auflage, dec. pp. xxviii, 384 •• 8 pis. (col.) 8°. Berlin, 1829. Kloeden (K. F. VON) Die Versteinerungen der Mark Brandenburg, insonderheit diejenigen welche sich in (~ den Rollsteinen und Blocken der Sudbaltischen Ebene « finden. pp. x, 378 : 10 pis. col. 8°. Berlin, 1834. Kloeden (K. F. VON) & others. Handworterbuch der Chemie und Physik. Von . . . K. F. Kloeden, dkc. A/\ See AUGUST (E. F.) de others. 8°. 1842-50. ' KLOEPPEL (JOHANN) Uber Secretbehalter bei Biitt- neriaceen. Inaugural-Dissertation, dkc. pp. Ifl : text A Must. 8°. Halle a. S., 1885. ' KLOETZKE (CHRISTIAN WILHELM) [1789-] Disser- tatio anatomica de Rana cornuta, dkc. pp. [iv,] 16 : 1 jd. 4°. Berohni, 1816. ' KLOOS (JOHANN HERMANN) [1842-1901] Geological notes on Minnesota. See MINNESOTA, State of.—Geo- /L. logical and Natural History Survey. Annual reports, dkc. No. 10. 8°. 1882. Kloos (J. H.) Untersuchungen iiber Gesteine und Mineralien aus West-Indien. See LEYDEN. — GEOLO- OI8CHE8 REICHS-MUSBUM. Sammlungen, KLTTG (JOHANN CHEISTOPH FRIEDRICH) [1775-1856] Monograpliia Siricum Germanise atque generum illis adnumeratorum, &c. pj). xii, 64 [7] : 8 pis. (col.) 4°. Berolini, 1803. King (J. C. F.) Proscopia : novum Insectorum Ortho- Q pterorum genus, &c. See NEES VON ESENBECK (C. G. D.) / Horse physicae Berolinenses, &c. No. 3. fol. 1820. """ King (J. C. F.) Entomologische Monographieen. pp. xiv, 242 : 10 pis. col. 8*. Berlin, 1824. F~ King ( J. C. F.) Preis-Verzeichniss vorrathiger Insecten- douoletten des . . . Museums . . . 1829. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH- WILHELMS-UNIVEESITAET. — "C- Zooloffiscfie Sammlung. 8°. 1829. King (J. C. F.) Symbolse Physicas, seu Icones et descriptiones Insectorum quae ex itinere per African ^_ borealem et Asiam occidentalem F. G. Hemprich et C. G. Ehrenberg studio novae aut illustrates redierunt. Percensuit . . . F. Klug. See EHRENBERG (C. G.) fol. 1829-45. King (J. C. F.) See JAHRBUECHER DEE INSECTEN- KUNDE, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Sammlung £_ im Kongl. Museum zu Berlin, herausgegeben von F. Klug. Bd. i. 8°. 1834. King ( J. C. F.) Neue (oder weniger bekannte) Schmet- terlinge der Insecten-Sammlung des Konigl. Zoolo- -C" gischen Musei der Universitat zu Berlin, beschreiben von ... F. Klug ([and afterwards] C. H. Hopffer.) Hft. i & II. fol. Berlin, 1836-56. King (J. C. F.) Coleoptera. See PETERS (W. C. H.) Naturwissenschaftliche Reise nach Mossambique ... in • 1842 bis 1848 ausgefuhrt . . . Zoologie v, &c. 4°. 1862. King (J. C. F.) Dr. F. Klug's gesammelte Aufsatze iiber Blattwespen. Herausgegeben von . . . J. Kriech- C baumer. pp. vii, 300 : 1 pi. 4°. Berlin, 1884. KLTTG (NANDOR) [1845-] Vizsgalatok az Emlosok , fiilcsigajar61. [Investigations on the cochlea of Mam- malia.] pp. 35:' 3 pis. ,^See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR 5 TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszet- tudomanyok Korebol, &c. Kot. in, szam 14. 8°. 1873. KLUGE (KARL EMIL) [1830-1864] Handbuch der Edelsteinkunde fiir Mineralogen, &c. pp. xviii, 561 : IB pis. 8°. Leipzig, 1860. Klnge (K. E.) Ueber die Ursachen der in den Jahren 1850 bis 1857 stattgefundenen Erd-Erschiitterungen und die Beziehungen zu den Vulkanen und zur Atmo- Cy sphare. See NEUES JAHRBUCH FUER MINERALOGIE, &c. Jahr. 1861. 8°. 1861. KLTTK (KRZYSZTOF) [1739-1796] Roslin potrzebnych, pozytecznych, wygodnycb, osobliwie kraiowych, albo ^? ktore w kraiu uzyteczne bye mogij, utrzymanie, rozm- /O nozenie, i zazycie, &c. [Cultivation, multiplication and utilization of necessary, useful and beneficial Plants, especially those which are indigenous, or might be of use in the country.] 3 Tom. 8°. Warszawie, 1777-1802. Kink (K.) Dykcyonarz Roslinny, w ktoryni . . . s% opisane Rosliny nietylko kraiowe . . . ale oraz i cud- zoziemskie, . . . ich zdatnosci lekarskie, ekonomiczne ... Z . . . wykladem S16w Botanicznych, &c. [Botanical Dictionary, in which . . . are described not only indi- genous Plants . . . but also those of foreign countries . . . their medical and economical uses . . . With ... a list of Botanical Terms, i>.1^#?« JOURNAL. :cond edition. Third editi KNAPP (JoHN LEONARD) [1767-1845] Graniina [pp. viiii] 118 pis. col., with 4°. London, 1842. [By J. L. 8s. 1 1829. 8°. 1830. KNAPP ( J6Z8EF ARMIN) Prodromus Floras comitatus . Nitriensis, sistens Plantas phaneroganiicas et crypto- -K gamicas vasculares in comitatu Nitriensi hucusque observatas. pp. 86. 8°. Vindobonoe, 1865. Verhandl. k. k. zool.-bot. Gesell. Wien. Bd. xv. Knapp (J. A.) Die bisher bekannten Pflanzen Slavo- „ niens. See SCHULZER VON MUEGGENBURO (S.) & others. K> 8°. 1866. Kuapp (J. A.) Die bisher bekannten Pflanzen Galiziens £> und der Bukowina. pp. ix, 520. 8°. Wien, 1872. t KNAPPERT (B.) Bijdragen tot de Ontwikkelings- [_ geschiedenis der Zoetwater-Planarien. pp. 39 : 2 pis. See UTRECHT. — PROVINCIAAL UTRECHTSCH OENOOT- ^» . (,• SCHAP VAN KUN8TEN EN WETENSCHAPPEN. Deel I, stuk 4. 4°. 1865. KNAUER (FRIEDRICH KARL) Amphibien- und Rep- __ tilienzucht. pp. -uiii, 56 : 5 tab. 8°. Wien, 1875. *- Knauer (F. K.) Unsere Kenntnisse von der Entstehung und dem Baue des Chlorophyll's und dessen Rolle im ^> Pflanzenleben. pp. 52. 8°. Wien, 1875. Knaner (F. K.) Naturgeschichte der Lurche. (Am- phibiologie.) Eine umfassendere Darlegung unserer ~p Kenntnisse von dem anatomischen Bau, der Entwick- *^ lung und systematischen Eintheilung der Amphibien, dec. pp. xx, 340, 2 tabs. : 4 maps, text illust. 8°. Wien, 1878. Knauer (F. K.) Handworterbuch der Zoologie. Unter . Mitwirkung von Prof. . . . von Dalla Torre . . . bearbeitet 7 von . . . F. Knauer. pp. xiv, 828 : 9 pis. 8°. Stuttgart, 1887. Knauer (F. K.) Mittheilungen des Ornithologischen _. Vereines . . . Redacteur : . . . F. Knauer. Jahrg. xi-xii. ^. See VIENNA.— ORNITHOLOGISCHER VEREIN. 4°. 1887-88. KNAUT (CHRISTIANUS) [1654-171 6] Methodus Planta- ^ rum genuina, qua nota3 characteristicse . . . perspicue de- lineantur, dec. pp. [iv,] 267 [IS]. 8°. Lipsice dc Halce, 1716. KNAUT (CHRISTOPHORUS) [1638-1694] Enumeratio Plantarum circa Halam Saxonum et in ejus vicinia, ad G trium fere milliarium spatium, sponte provenientium, -- &c. pp. [viii,] 187 [28]. 8°. Lipsice, 1687. KNEELAND (SAMUEL) [1821-1888] The subsidence ^ theory of Earthquakes, dec. pp. 8. 8°. Boston, Mass., 1884. O" KNER (RUDOLF) [1810-1869] [Lehrbuch der Zoologie. &c. 8°. Wien, 1849.] Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] Compendium der Zoo- logie . . . Dritte . . . Auflage, dec. pp. xvi, 363 : text ^ Must. 8°. Wien, 1862. Kner (R.) Leitfaden zum Studium der Geologic mit Inbecriff der Palaeontologie, &c. pp. 173: text illust. 8°. Wien, 1851. Kner (R.) Die Hypostomiden. Zweite Hauptgruppe der Familie der Panzerfische. (Loricata v. Qomodontes.) pp. 36. -B pis. 4°. Wien, 1854. Denkscbr. k. Akad. WUnenuch. Wien. Bd. vii. Kner(R.) Fische. 3 Abth. See AUSTRIA-HUNGAIIY.— Reise der ... Fregatte Novara . . . 1857-59. Zoolo- gischer Theil. Bd. i, no. 5. 4». [1865-67.] Kner (R) Die fossilen Fische der Asphaltschiefer von Seefeld in Tirol, (i. Nachtrag, dec— H. Noch ein Nachtrag, dec.) pp. 32 : 5 pis. (pp.16 : 4 ftt.) , 8°. [Vienna, 1866, 67. J Sitiunglb. k. Akad. Wiwentch. Wien. Bd. LIII i 997 -z c Ener (R.) Ueber Orthacanthus Dechenii, Goldf., oder Xenacanthus Dechenii, Beyr. pp.45: 10pls.,textillust. 8°. [Vienna, 1867.] Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wissensoh. Wien. Bd. LV. Ener (R.) Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische von Comen bei Gorz. pp. SO : 5 pis. 8°. [Vienna, 1867.] Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. Ener (R.) Ueber Conchopoma gadiforme, nov. gen. et spec., und Acanthodes aus dem Rothliegenden (der untern Dyas) von Lebach bei Saarbriicken in Rhein- preussen. pp. 28 : 8 pis. 8°. [ Vienna, 1868.] Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wissensoh. Wien. Bd. LVII. Ener (R.) & Heckel (J. J.) Die Susswasserfische der Ostreichischen Monarchic, mit Riicksicht auf dieangran- zenden Lander. See HECKEL (J. J.) & KNER (R.) 8°. 1858. Ener (R.) & Steindachner (F.) Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische Oesterreichs. pp. SO : 7 pis. col. 4°. Wien, 1863. Denkschr. k. Akad. Wissenscb. Wien. Bd. xxi. KEAs) Fubj£»-«hirch die FJpra arlsruhe und UmgegenrK pp. v, 167^-~^^ 8°. Karlsruhe, 1886. See ALLGEMEINE^BOTANISCHE ZEJ 8°. 1895-5*. KNIGGE (THOMAS) De Mentha piperitide com- mentatio botanico-medica, &c. pp. xl : Ipl. 4°. Erlangee, 1780. KNIGHT (CHARLES) [1791-1873] The Menageries. Quadrupeds, described and drawn from living subjects. 2 Vol. Must. 12". London, 1829-31. The Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Knight (C.) [The Elephant, &c. See ELEPHANT. 12°. 1830.] Wanting. A new edition, &c. Enight 12°. 1844. iiseum of AninwrtEd KNIGHT (FRANCIS A.) The Sea-Board of Mendip : _ an account of the History, Archaeology, and Natural History of the Parishes of Weston-super-Mare, Kew- stroke, Wick St. Lawrence, Puxton Worle, Uphill, Brean, Bleadon, Hutton, Locking, Banwell, and of the Steep and Flat Holms, pp. xiv, 495 : 28 pis., 1 map, text illust. 8°. London, 1902. KNIGHT (J. G.) Catalogue of specimens of Minerals ' from the northern territory of South Australia. Col- lected by J. G. Knight. See LONDON. — International ^ Exhibition of Mining and Metallurgy, 1890. South Australia. Catalogue of the mineral exhibits, &c. [Second edition.] 8°. 1890. . ENIGHT (JOHN) [-1606] [Voyage towards the North, 1606.] See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, &c. No. 5. 8°. 1849. Enight (JOHN) The Voyage of Capt. J. Knight (1606) 1— to seek the North-west Passage, &c. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, . [iv,] 168 [4]. fol. Leeuwarden, 1763. Printed in doable column. *. KNOP (ADOLF) [1828-1893] Molekularconstitution und Wachsthum der Krystalle. pp. viii, 96. 8°. Leipzig, 1867. Knop (A.) Studien iiber Stoffwandlungen im Mineral- reicne, besonders in Kalk- und Amphibolid-Qesteinen. pp. xii, 144 : 5 pit. 8°. Leipzig, 1873. M Knop (A.) System der Anorganographie, art* the wording corresponds with that of the title to the text of Thl. 1. Thl. 1 contains "Beschreibnng einer neuen Grunlamlischen Thier- pflanze . . . Von C. Mylius." Knorr (G. W.) Recueil des Monumens des catastrophes que le Globe de la Terre a 6ssuiees, contenant des , Petrifications et d'autres Pierres curieuses . . . (com- L- menc^) par G. W. Knorr (et continu^ ... par ... J. E. E. Walch). [Translated from the German.] 4 Tom. fin 5] illust. col. fol. Nuremberg, 176/-78. fi/ pp. 146. fol. Nuremberg, 1777. if i [Another edition.] Tom. I. , . This text, intended to accompany Pis. i-xxxvm, differs entirely from V that of the preceding edition. Knorr (G. W.) Vergniigen der Augen und des Gemuths, in Vorstellung einer allgemeinen Sammlung von Musch- -7 eln und andern Geschopfen, welche im Meer gefunden *- werden. 6 Thl. [in 5] illust. col. 4°. [Nurnberg,]! 757-72. The engraved titles read: "(Schnecken and) Muscheln and andere Geschoepffe welche im Meergetunden werden." Knorr (G. W.) Les delices des yeux et de 1'esprit, ou collection g6ne>ale des differentes especes de Co- quillages que la Mer renferme, Knowlton (F. H.) A Catalogue of the Cretaceous and Tertiary Plants of North America, pp. 247. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 152. 8°. 1898. Knowlton (F. H.) Flora of the Montana formation. pp. viii, 118 : 19 pis. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin, &c. No. 163. 8°. 1900. ^ Knowlton (F. H.) Fossil Flora of the John Day basin, VS" Oregon.^ pp. 153 : 17 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 204. 8°. 1902. — -, Knowlton (F. H.) & others. Geology of the Yellow- stone National Park. Pt. n. Descriptive Geology, Petrography and Paleontology, pp. xvii, 893, 1 tab. : 117 pis., 4 maps geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Monographs, &c. Vol. xxxii. 4°. 1899. KNOWLTON (THOMAS) [1692-1782] [A series of autograph letters addressed to S. Brewer, 1728-41.] fol. 1728-41. KNOX (ARTHUR EDWARD) [1808 ?-1886] Ornithological Rambles in Sussex ; with a systematic Catalogue of the Birds of that county, &c. pp. vi, 250 : 4 pis. 12°. London, 1849. - Third edition, pp. xii, 260 : 4 pis. 12°. London, 1855. Knox (A. E.) Game Birds and Wild Fowl : their friends and their foes. pp. x, 264 •' 4 plg- 12°. London, 1850. KNOX (FREDERICK JOHN) Account of the dissection of a young Rorqual . . . (the Balcena rostrata of Fabri- cius) ; with a few observations on the anatomy of the foetal mysticetus. pp. 12. 8°. [Edinburgh ?, 1835 ?] Knoz (F. J.) Catalogue of anatomical preparations illustrative of the Whale, particularly the Great Northern Rorqual (Balaena maximus borealis), &c. pp. 39 : text illust. 8°. Edinburgh, 1838. KNOZ (ROBERT) Anatomist [1791-1862] The anatomy of the Bones of the Human body ; represented in a series of engravings ... A new edition by R. Knox, &c. See MITCHELL (E.) 4°. 1829. Knox (ROBERT) Anatomist. Engravings of the Cardiac Nerves, the nerves of the ninth pair, the glosso-pharyn- geal, and the pharyngeal branch of the pneumo-gastric . . . With letterpress description, translated ... by Dr. Knox . . . Third edition. See MITCHELL (E.) 4°. 1832. Knox (ROBERT) Anatomist. Engravings of the Liga- ments . . . Revised and carefully compared with Nature by R. Knox. See MITCHELL (E.) 4°. 1834. Knox (ROBERT) Anatomist. Plates of the Arteries of the Human Body . . . The explanatory references trans- lated from the original Latin, with additional notes by Dr. Knox . . . Third edition. See MITCHELL (E.) 4°. 1835. Knox (ROBERT) Anatomist. [The Races of Men : a philo- sophical enquiry into the influence of Race over the destinies of Nations. 8°. London, 1850.] Wanting. - Second edition, &c. pp. viii, 600 : text illust. 8°. London, 1862. This edition is a re-issue of the first, with the addition of four supple- mentary chapters. Knox (ROBERT) Anatomist. A manual of Artistic Anatomy, pp. xxv, 175 : text illust. 8°. London, 1852. Knox (ROBERT) Anatomist. Fish and Fishing in the lone glens of Scotland. With a history of the propagation, growth, and metamorphoses of the Salmon, pp. \ii,\ 144 : text illust. 8°. London, New York, 1854. Knox (ROBERT) Anatomist. [Man : his structure and , physiology ; popularly explained and demonstrated. 8°. London, 1857.] Wanting. illust. Second edition, &c. pp. Ixiii, 179 : 8 pis. col., text 8°. London, &c., 1858. KNOX (ROBERT) Captain [1640 ?-l720] Reise nach Ostindien [Ceylon, 1657-59]. See ARKSTEE ( ) & fc_ MERKUS ( ) Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, &c. Bd. viii. 4°. 1751. KNUDSEN (MARTIN HANS CHRISTIAN) [1871-] & Ostenfeld (C. E. H.) lagttagelser over overfladevan- £ dets Temperatur, Saltholdighed og Plankton paa Q Islandske og Gr0nlandske Skibsrouter i 1899 foretagne under Ledelse af C. F. Wandel. pp. 93, 8 tabs. : 3 maps. 8°. Kjbenhavn, 1900. KNUEPFFER (PAUL) Beitrag zur Anatomic des Ausfiihrungsganges der weiblichen Geschlechtsproducte (^- einiger Acanthocephalen. pp. 18: 2 pis. See ST. PETERS- BURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. MemoireS, Ac. Ser. VII, torn, xxxvi, no. 12. 4°. 1888. KNUTK (PAUL ERICH OTTO WILHELM) [1824-1899] Flora der Provinz Schleswig-Holstein, des Fiirstentums (2 Liibeck, sowie des Gebietes der freien Stadte Hamburg und Liibeck, &c. pp. xii, 902, xxv. 3 Abth. [in 1 Vol.] 8°. Leipzig, 1887. Knuth (P. E. O. W.) Botanische Wanderungen auf der Insel Sylt. Nebst einem Verzeichniss der die Sylter l3 Pflanzenwelt betreffenden Litteratur, und der bisher von der Insel Sylt angegebenen Pflanzen. pp. 116 : 1 map. 8°. Tondem & Westerland, 1890. 1000 Knuth (P. E. O. W.) Geschichte der Botanik in Schleswig-Holstein. pp. S16 : S pis. 8°. Kifl & Leipzig, 1890 [-92]. Knuth (P. E. O. W.) Blumen und Insekten auf den Nordfriesischen Inseln. pp. viii, 207 : text illust. 8°. Kiel & Leipzig, 1894 [i.e. 1893]. Knuth (P. E. O. W.) pp. viii, 163. Flora der Nordfriesischen Inseln. 8°. Kiel & Leipzig, 1895. Id. li in in two separately-paged parts. ^?0t £ 6 0 L h M KNUTSON (K.) Insekter insamlade pft Kamarun- Berget af G. Valdau och K. Knutson, &c. See STOCK- HOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN8KAP8-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till ... Handlingar. Bd. xn, afd. iv, no. 1. 8°. 1886. KNY (CARL IQNAZ LEOPOLD) [1841-] Symbola ad Hepaticarum frondosarum evolutionis historiam. Dis- sertatio inauguralis, &c. pp. 54. 8°. Berolini, 1863. Kny (C. I. L.) Ueber Axillarknospen bei Florideen, logie, &c. pp. viii, 348 : 4 pis. 8°. Niirnberg, 1838. Kobell (W. X. F. VON) Baron. Die Mineralogie leicht- ^ fasslich dargestellt, dec. pp. vi, 211 : S pis. 8°. Niirnberg, 1847. Zweite Auflage. pp. viii, 248 : Fiinfte Auflage . 8°. Leipzig, 1858. . pp. viii, 252 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1878. M [Another edition entitled :] F. von Kobell's Lehr- buch der Mineralogie in leichtfasslicher Darstellung. Sechste Auttage . . . neu bearbeitet von K. Oebbeke und E. Weinschenk. pp. viii, 338 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1899. Kobell (W. X. F. VON) Baron. Skizzen aus dem Stein- K/v reiche, dec. pp. vi, 256. 12°. Munchen, 1850. Subsequently re-issued as part of the author's " Die Mineralogie. Popu- lire Vortriige," 1862 [j.ti.] Kobell (W. X. F. VON) Baron. Die Mineral-Namen . und die Mineralogische Nomenklatur. pp. 160. p\ 8°. Munchen, 1853. Kobell (W. X. F.) Baron. lare Vortrage. pp. 258. Die Mineralogie. Popu- 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1862. This is another edition of the author's "Skizzen ails dem Steinreich " [o.v.], to which is prefixed an introduction on the general subject. Kobell (W. X. F. VON) Baron. Mineralogy simplified . . . Translated from the . . . German . . . with an intro- fS\ duction to Blowpipe Analysis, and other additions, by . . . H. Erni. pp. vii, 206 : text Must. 8°. Philadelphia, 1867.- - Second edition, &c. pp. xxiv, 393 : text Must. fc/v 8". Philadelphia & London, 1885. Kobell (W. X. F. VON) Baron. Geschichte der Minera- logie von 1650-1860. pp. xvi, 705 : text illust. »^ 8°. Munchen, 1864. T Forms Bd. n of the " Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland. Neuere Zeit," published by the K. Bayer. Akad. Wissenscb. Kobell (W. X. F. VON) Baron. Zur Berechnung der » Krystallformen. pp. 54: text illust. 8°. Munchen, 1867. I "\ Kobell (W. X. F. VON) Baron. Die Metepriten der mineralogischen Sammlung des Staates in Munchen . . . A » 1868. [With manuscript additions and corrections by I W. X. F. von Kobell. 1876.] [pp. 4.'] See FRISCH- MANN(L.) r|SUO-«i<» 8°. (1868). KOBELT (WILHELM) [Catalog der im Europaischen Faunengebiet lebenden Binnenconchylien, dfcc. 8°. Cassel, 1871.] Wanting. - Zweite ... Auflage. pp. xvi, 294. 8°- Kassel, 1881. £~ Kobelt (W.) See MALAKOZOOLOGISCHE BLAETTER . . . Herausgegeben von . . . W. Kobelt, &c. Bd. xix-xxi. ~7 8°. 1872-73. Kobelt (W.) Iconographie der Land- & Susswasser- Mollusken . . . Fortgesetzt von ... W. Kobelt. Bd. iv- VH ieures du Jura Bernois, &c. Pt. 4. 4°. 1893. Koby (FREDERIC L.) Notice stratigraphique sur le Rauracien inferieur dans la partie septentrionale du JuraBemois. feScHWEIZERISCHEPALAEONTOLOOISCHE /"> GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, &c. (Vol.xxi.) LORIOL ^ ( P. DE) Etude sur les Mollusques du Rauracien inferieur du Jura Bernois, KOCH (ALOIS) Die Nematoden der Schaflunge. (Lungemvunnkrankheit der Schafe.) pp. 32 : 1 pi. col., -~ text illust. 8°. Wien, 1883. *- Oesterreich. Monatsschr. Thierheilknnde. KOCH (ANTAL) [1843-] A G6rcso alkalmazasa a Kozettanban. [On the use of the Microscope in t- Petrology.] pp. 40 : 2 pis. ,See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR 5 TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Term6szet- tudoma^nyok Korebol, &c. Kot. i, szam 17. 8°. 1870. Koch (ANTAL) A Szt.-Endre-Vissegradi 6s a Pilis hegyseg fiildtani leirasa. pp. 141-198. — Geologische Beschreibungdes Sct.-Andra-Vissegrader und des Piliser Gebirges. pp. 54. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Magyar Kirdlyi Fiildtani Intezet. Evkonyve (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche), &c. Kot. 1. ' 8°. 1871 (1872). Koch (ANTAL) Gorcsovi Kozetvizsgalatok. [On Micro- petrographical researches.] pp. 33: 3 pis. ,See BUDA- PEST.— MAGYAR TUDOMiNYOs AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudom&nyok K6r6bol, &c. Kot. n, szam 15. 8°. 1872. Koch (ANTAL) A Rakovaczi Sanidintrachyt (?) es foldpatjanak vegyelemzese. [The chemical analysis of the Rakovacz Sanidine-trachyte and its felspar.] pp. 13. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKA- DEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok Korebol, &c. Kot. v, szam 11. 8°. 1875. 126 i -• 1002 Koch (.\XTAI.) A kd/.etek tiinulmanyozdsanak mmls/rrci alkalma/\ a a S/.-Kndre- Visegradi Trachyt-csoport kdze- toire. [On the methods employed in the rescnrcln -s made mi the Sz.-Kndre-Visegr;id trachyte group.] pp.45. >'< -• BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Krtekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok Kdrebdl. <(V. Kdt. vi, szam 11. 8°. 1870. Koch (ANTAL) Asvany- «5s kdzettani kdzlenu5nyek Kiclolybdl. LMiiieralogical and petrographical publica- tions from Transylvania.] pp.30: 1 pi. .See J!i I>A- ri:sr. M M: YAK TUDOMANYOS AKAD&MIA. Ertckc'/rsrk a Termeszettudomanyok Kdrebdl, l>.48; Ipl-. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Krtekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok Kdre- bdl, . xi ; 4 /its. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Magyar Kirii/i/i /-'lili/tani Intfaet. Evkdnyve (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche), ). Koch (ANTAL) A Brass6i hegyseg fdldtani szerkezeterdl es talajviz-viszonyair61. [On the geological structure and subterranean waters of the Brass6 mountain.] pp. 19: « 1 id. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKA- DEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok Kdrebdl, . xvi, 354- 8". Berlin, 1853. !•• introduction i« in Gerinun iuul French, luid printed in ixirallol In in ns. Th ciiluiims Koch (CARL H. E.) Die Weissdorn- und Mispel-Arten (Cratit'/jiix und Mespilwi) insbesondere die des Kdnig- lichen Botanischen Gartens in Berlin und der Kdnig- lichen LandeBbaumschule bei Potsdam, pp. 94. 8°. Berlin Vcrhandl. Verein Beford. Gaitenban k. Pretlsa. Staaten. N.R. l. is;, |. B 6 Koch (CARLH. E.) BildendeGartenkunst und Pflan/.m- Physiognoniik. Ein Vortrag, &c. pp. 39. 8". Berlin, 1 *:.!>. Wochensclir. Giirtnerei * Pflanzenknnde. Jahrg. 1859. Koch (CARL H. E.) Die botanischen Garten, 1>. I .' : .', jit*. 4°. Jtna, 1841. KOCH (CARL JACOB WILHELM LUDWIG) [1827-1882] [^ [Mollusca of Turkestan.] See Moscow. — IMPKKATOR- SKOK OIISHCHESTVO LYUBlTELEI ESTESTVOZNANIYA AN- ^ TROPOLOOHII I ETHNOGHRAFII, hil)ien. [Intro- duction and Heft 5-6 by Koch.] See STURM (J.) 8°. 1797-1828. Koch (CARL L.) System der Baierischen Zoologie, ) 1839; Hft. 2(ii-27 (Panz. Hft. 170 fc 171) 183U? ; Hft. 18-30 (Panz. Hft. 178, 174,175)1840';; Hft. 31-84 (Panz. lift. 177.182, 183,180)1841; Hft. 36-40 (Panz. Hft. 180-100) 1844. Koch (CARL L.) Die Arachniden. Getreu nach der Natur abgebildet und beschrieben. (Fortsetzung des Hahn'schen Werkes.) Ed. IH-XVI. See HAHN (C. W.) 8°. 1836-48. *T^rzeichniss, &c. 8°. 1849. Koch (CARL jj., 5 Hft. [in 1 Vol.] Ubersicht des Arachnidensystems. -ol. 8". Nilrnberg, 1837-50. Koch (CARL L.) Fauna Katist»o.»v. ->sis, oder Uebersicht der in der Gegend um Regensburg einJieiii.LHben Thiere. (i. Aninialia vertebrata.— u. Animalia articuic,^ . . Crustacea, Myriapoda et Arachnides. Bearbeitet) Von K. L. Koch, &c. See FUERNROHR (A. E.) Naturhis- torische Topographic von Regensburg, dec. Bd. in. 8°. 1840. Koch (CARL L.) Arachmden und Myriapoden aus der Regentschaft Algier. See WAGNER (M. F.) Reisen in ... Algier in ... 1836-38, &c. Bd. in. 8°. 1841. Koch (CARL L.) Die Pflanzenlause, Aphiden, getreu nach dem Leben abgebildet und beschrieben. Hft. l-ix. pp. viii, 335 : 54 pis. col. 8°. Nurnberg, (1854-) 1857. Koch (CARL L.) Die Myriapoden. Getreu nach der Natur abgebildet und beschrieben. 2 Bd. illust. col. 8°. Halle, 1863. Koch (CARL L.) & Berendt (G. C.) Die im Bernstein befindlichen Crustaceen, Myriapoden, Arachniden und Apteren der Vorwelt. See BERENDT (G. C.) Die im Bernstein befindlichen organischen Reste der Vorwelt gesammelt, &c. Bd. I, abth. 2. fol. 1854. Koch (CARL L.) & others. Fauna Ratisbonensis, &c. See FUERNROHR (A. E.) Naturhistorische Topographic von Regensburg, &c. Bd. in. 8°. 1840. KOCH (FRIEDRICH) Die Schlangen Wurttembergs, &c. pp. iv, 19 : 6 pis. col. Stuttgart, 1862. Also issued, with different title-page, as: — "Die Schlangen Deutsch- lands." KOCH (FRIEDRICH CARL LUDWIG) [1799-1852] Beitriige zur Kenntniss krystallinischer Hiittenprodukte. pp. 88 : 2 pis. 8°. Gottingen, 1822. Koch (FRIEDRICH C. L.) Abbildungen und Beschrei- bungen neuer oder wenig gekannter Conchylien . . . Mit Beitragen der . . . Bergrath Koch, &c. 3 Bd. See PHILIPPI (R, A.) 4°. [1842-] 1851. Koch (FRIEDRICH C. L.) Die Mineral-Gegenden der Vereinigten Staaten Nord-Amerika's am Lake Superior, Michigan, und am obern Mississippi, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, &c. pi>. iv, 72. 8°. Gottingen, 1851. Koch (FRIEDRICH C. L.) Die Mineral-Regionen der obern Halbinsel Michigan's (N. A.) am Lake Superior und die Isle Royal. (Nachschrift [memorial notice of the author] von J. F. L. Hausmann.) pp.248: 1 map geol. col. 8°. Gottingen, 1852. Koch (FRIEDRICH C. L.) & Dunker (W. B. R. H.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Norddeutschen Oolith- gebildes und dessen Versteinerungen. pp. 64 •' T pis. 4°. Braunschweig, 1837. KOCH (GABRIEL) [1807-1881] Die Schmetterlinge des siidwestlichen Deutschlands, insbesondere der Uni- gegend von Frankfurt, Nassau und der Hessischen Staaten, &c. pp. xix, 498 : 2 pis. 8°. Cassel, 1856. Koch (GABRIEL) Die geographische Verbroitung der Europiiischen Sehmetterlinge in anderen Welttheilen . . . Zweite . . . Ausgabe. pp. 153. 8°. Leipzig, 1857. Koch (GABRIEL) Die Indo-Australische Lepidopteren- Fauna in ihrem Zusammenhang mit der Europaischen, nebst den drei Hauptfaunen der Erde, &c. pp. xii, 119 : 1 pi. col. 8°. Leipzig, 1865. Zweite Auflage. pp. xix, 119 : 1 pi., 1 map. 8°. Berlin, 1873. KOCH (GOTTLIEB VON) Synopsis der Vogel Deutsch- lands, &c. pp. [a-,] 137 : 8 pis. 8°. Heidelberg, 1871. Koch (GOTTLIEB VON) Anatomic der Orgelkoralle (Tubipora Hemprichii, Ehrbg.). Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Baues der Zoophyten. pp. 26 : 2 pis. 8°. Jena, 1874. Koch (,(j,v.rTLiEB VON) [Grundriss der Zoologie, &c. 8°. Jena, 1876.] Wanting. G ls., text illust. 1878. u. Auflage, &c. pp. xlvin, . Koch (GOTTLIEB VON) Die Gorgoniden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeresabschnitte. Erster Theil einer Monographic der Anthozoa Alcyonaria. pp. x, 99 : 10 pis. (col.), text illust. See NAPLES. — fioologische Station. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, &c. Monog. xv. 4°. 1887. Koch (GOTTLIEB VON) Das Skelett der Steinkorallen. Eine morphologische Studie. See HAECKEL (E. H. P. A.) —~ & others. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage ^ von C. Gegenbaur . . . 1896. Bd. u. 8°. 1896. KOCH (HEINRICH) Einige Worte zur Entwicklungs- geschichte von Eunice, &c. pp. 31 : 3 pis. See ALLGE- i_ HEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &C. NeUe ^ Denkschriften, &c. Tom. vin. 4". 1847. 1 KOCH (J. D. W.) See ENTOMOLOGISCHE HEFTE . . . Ausgearbeitet von einigen Freunden der Naturgeschichte ^ (J. J. Hoffman, J. D. W. Koch, &c.). Hft. I & n.t 8°. 1803. I KOCH (.IOHANN FRIEDRICH WILHELM) [1759-1831] [Botanisches Handbuch zum Selbstunterricht . . . nach f) Willdenow's Species Plantarum entworfen, tische und Abyssinische Arach- niden gesannnelt von . . . C. Jickeli, abiatis. Pro- gramma. pp.15. 4°. Erlanyce, 1833. Koch ( WILHELM D. J.) Deutachlands Flora, d-c. Abth.i, hft. 63, 64, 66-68. 70, 72-76, 79-84, 87-92.— Uebersicht der in J. Sturm s . . . Flora I. Abtheilung, Heft 1-75 enthaltenen phanerogamiRchcn Pllanzen . . . systema- tisch geordnet, ' ' WantmgT ^ • Vierte Auflagfc-^*;). lxxx,fi>>* yi^. Leipzig, 1856. Koch (WILHELM D. J.)'(- ""^(J.B.) Catalogus Planta- ^ rum quas in ditio\o ilorie Palatinatus legerunt . . . O Phancn >•'•;•,!, i:i. />/'. .."/. 8". Moguntiae, 1814. KOCHIBE (T ADANORI) Jiohoku [ = Hitachi] chishitsu l_ hen. [Geology of the northern part of Hitachi.] See ToKto.— TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. Rika Kwai Sui. Vol. I v, S P Appendix. [Japanese edition.] 4°. [1882.] KOCK. See also KOCH. KOCK (YsBKANDUS DE) Dissertatio therapeutico medica, de potioribus vires medicainentorum indagandi £> subsidiis rationalibus, deque vindicando vero analogize botanical in hac re usu, &c. pp. [iv,~[ 42. 4°. Trajecti ad Jifienum, 1806. KOEBEL (CAHL) [Crustacea of eastern Asia.] L~ See SZEUHENYI (B.) Count. Grof Szechenyi B. Kelet- a/.siaiutianaktudoininyosEredinAiye. Kot.n. 4°. 1897. J f&£3 — KOEBELE (ALBERT) jKeporttn a trip to Australia made ... to investigate the natural enemies of the Fluted Scale, pp. 32 : text illmt. See UNITED STATES.— g Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 21. (Revised edition.) 8°. 1890. KOECHEL (Lumvio VON) Baron [1800-1877] Die Mineralien des Herzogthumes Salzburg. Mit cincr Uebersicht der geologischen Verhiiltnisse und der ty Bergbaue dieses Kronlandes und mit einer geologischen Karte von Salzburg, pp. Ixxxix, 160. 8°. Wien, 186ft KCECHLIN (AUOUSTE) See FEUILLE DES_ JEUNES _ NATURALISTES. (Le Comite charge de la redaction: ^, E. Dollfus ... A. Ktuchlin, ttc.) Ann. i-xvi. 4 . 18/0—86. KCECHLIN-SCHLUMBEKGEB, (JOSEPH) [1797-^ 1863] Memoire sur le Ti'rrnin dc Transition des Vosges.<«- Partie geologiciue par J. Koichlin-Schlumberger. Partie . paleontologique par W. P. Schimper. w>. 348 : 31 plsL, See NANCY.— SOCIET^ DES SCIENCES. Memoires, Tom. v, livr. 2. _ [Another edition entitled :] Le Terrain de Transi- tion des Vosges, KOEHLER (HEINRICH CARL ERNST VON) [1765-1838] Antwort auf die Einwiirfe gegen die Untersuchung, iiber den Sard, den Onyx, und den Sardonyx der Alten. pp. 221. 8°. Leipzig, 1802. Koehler (HEINRICH C. E. VON) A. G. Werner's letztes Mineral-System . . . mit Erlauterungen versehen [by H. K. E. von Kohler]. See WERNER (A. G.) 8°. 1817. KOEHLER (HERMANN JOHANN VON) Aristoteles de Molluscis Cephalopodibus (n-epi Ttav na\aKia>v). Com- mentatio, &c. pp. xiv, 85. 8". Riga?, 1820. KOEHLER (HUGO) Die Pflanzenwelt und das Klima Kuropas seit der geschichtlichen Zeit, . ,v.' .• .; /i/n. Einige Worte zur EntwickluDgsgeschichte von Jiimii-i von H. Koch . . . mit cinein Nachworte von A. Kol- lirker [sic], 1- liker. Bd. l-» 8». 1849-s- Koelliker (R. A. VON) des Menschen, Ac. [Handbuch der Gewebelehre 8°. Leipzig, 1852.] Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. xx, 675 : text illmt. 8°. Leipzig, 18:>.r>. Ftinfte . . . Auflage. pp. xxv, 7^.9 : text illuxt. 8°. Leipzig, 1867. Koelliker (R. A. VON) Die Bchwimmpolypen oder Siphonophoren von Messina, pp. vi, 90. 4°. Leipzig, 1853. Koelliker (R. A. VON) Icones Zootomicaj. Mit Original- beitriigen der HerrenG. J. Allman . . . A. Kolliker . . . Erste Halfte . . . Die wirbellosen Thiere. See CARUS (J. V.) fol. 1857. Koelliker (R, A. VON) Ueber das Ende der Wirbel- siiule der Ganoiden und einiger Teleostier. pp. 27 : 4 ph. 4°. Leipzig, 1860. Koelliker (R. A. VON) [Entwicklungsgeschichte des M t'lischen und der hoheren Thiere, &c. 8°. Leipzig, 1861 .] Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. xxxiv, 1033 : text Must. 8°. Leipzig, 1879. Koelliker (R. A. VON) Icones Histiologies, oder Atlas der vergleichenden Gewebelehre. Abtn. I — n, hft. It [in 1 Vol.] illitst. 4°. Leipzig, 1864-65. Abtb. i. Der feinere Bun der Protozoan. „ n. Der feinere Ban iler hiiheron Tliiore. lift. I. Die Bimlesub- tttanz der Cii'lontcmton. Koelliker (R. A. VON) Beitriige zur Kenntniss ilcr 1'olypen. pp. 22: 2pls.(l col.) 8°. Wiirzlmrg, 1870. Verhondl. phy8.-m«l. Onell. Wiirabnrg. Neue Folgo, Bd. ll. Koelliker (R. A. VON) Anatomisch-systematische I'.' -c'hreibung der Alcyonarien, &c. Abth. l.t Die Pennatuliden. pp. 1{>8 : 24 pl»- 4°. Frankfurt-a.-M., [1870-] 1872. Abhandl. Senckenb. natnrf. OeMU. Bd. vu & vlll. Koelliker (R. A. VON) .\f or]>hologie und Entwickelungs- geschichte des Pennatulidenstammes, nebst allgemeinen Betrachtungen zur Descendenzlehre. pp. 86 : 3 tab. 8°. Frank/urt-a.-M., 1872. SeranUbdrnck au> der Anatomiich-eyiteinatucnen Hewhreibnng der Alcjonarien in den Abhandl. Senckonb. naturf. Gesell. Bd. vil & vlll. Koelliker (R. A. VON) Die normale Resorption des Knochengewebes und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Ent- stehung der typischen Knochenfonnen. pp. vi, 8(i : 8plf. col. 4U. Leipzig, 1873. Koelliker (R. A. VON) Die Pennatulidc UmMltita und zwei neuc Tyj>en der Alcyoimrien. pp. S3 : 2 pis. L- .SVr WttR/BURO. — VHYSIKALISCH-MEDICIMS( UK «:KSKLL"7 ^ ' SCHAFT. Festschrift, &c. 4°. 1876. £" [Advance coj)y.] 4°. 1874. -j Koelliker (li. A. VON) Report on the Pennatulida dredged by H.M.S. Challenger, &c. pp. 41: 11 pls.Q See GKKAT BRITAIN AND IRKLAND. \\' et speciatim Botanices praestantia ac dignitate, &c. D pp. 24. 4°. Gryphim'aldioe, 1766. Koelpin (A. B.) Peter Loeflings . . . Reise nach den Spanischen Landern ... in ... 1751 bis 1756 . . . A Aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzet [with a preface] durch A. B. Kiilpin, &c. See LOFLING (P.) 8°. 1766. Koelpin (A. B.) Praktische Bemerkungen iiber den A Gebrauch der Sibirischen Schneerose in Gichtkrank- '. heiten, &c. pp. 115: 1 pi. 8°. Berlin & Stettin, 1779. This work forms Heft 1 of the " Mediciniscli-pruktische Bemorkungen." KOZLREUTER ( JOSEPH GOTTLIEB) [1733-1806] & J. G. Kiilivuters vorliiufige Nachricht von einigen das Geschlecht der Pflanzen betreffenden Versuchen und Beobachtungen. pp. 50 : 1 tab. 8°. Leipzig, 1761. Fortsetzung, &c. pp. 72. 8°. Leipzig, 1763. < Zweyte Fortsetzung, &c. pp. 1S8. 8°. Leipzig, 1764. 0 Dritte Fortsetzung, > Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. xxxn. I Eoeneu (A. VON) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Criuoiden des Muschelkalks. pp. 44 •' 1 pi- See GOTTINGEN. — KOENIGLICHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, dec. Bd. xxxiv. 4°. 1887. Eoeueu (A. VON) Das Norddeutsche Unter-Oligociin und seine Mollusken-Fauna. pp. 1458 : !)£! pis. See PRUSSIA. — Koeniglich - Preussische Geologisc/ie Landesanstalt, &c. Abhandlungen, dec. Bd. x, hft. 1-7. 8°. 1889-94. Eoeueu (A. VON) Ueber Fossilien der Unteren Kreide am Ufer des Mungo in Kamerun. pp. 4S : 4 pis. •§ See GOTTINGEN. — KOENIGLICHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, dec. Neue Folge, Bd. I, no. 1. 4". 1897. Eoenen (A. VON) Die Ammonitiden des Norddeutschen /^, Neocom, &c. pp. 451 : text illust. Atlas, 55 pis. See PRUSSIA. — Koeniglich - Preussische Geologische Landesanstalt, &c. Abhandlungen, dec. Neue Folge, Hft. xxiv. 8°. & fol. 1902. EOENIG (ALEXANDER FERDINAND) [1858-] Ein ^_ Beitrag zur Mallophagenfauna. Inaugural-Disserta- tion, &c. pp. 28 : 2 pis. col. 4°. Marburg, 1884. I Eoenig (A. F.) Reisen und Forschungen in Algerien. 2 Vol. [in 1] Must, (col.) 8°. [Bernburg, 1896.] ,. rTfa Thl. ii. Beitrage zur Ornis Algeriens. [Journ. fur Ornith. 1895, pp. 113-i'S8, K7-321, 361-tiS7 ; 1896, pp. 101-210.} < Append. 1. Liste der . . . Kriechthiere und Lurche. (Mit einigen Annmrkungen . . . von , . . O. Boettger.) Append. 2. Liste der . . . Coleoptera. (Xach . . . Beatimmung uml Aufutelluug von . . . Von lleyden, ttc.) KOENIG (CARL DIETRICH EBERHARD) [1774-1851] Tracts relative to Botany, translated . . . [and] illustrated by ... occasional remarks [by C. Koenig]. See TRACTS. 8°. 1805. Koenig (CARL D. E.) See ANNALS OF BOTANY. Editors, n C. Konig and J. Sims. Vol. I & II. 8°. 1805-6. ] A lithographic reproduction, dated 1831, of a portrait of Konig, by Mi»H H. S. Turner, haa been inserted in Vol. n, and au autograph letter * in Vol. I. Koenig (CARL D. E.) [Letter on ther from theba«fts of the /aire.l^wr^I an Expeditionle^Gxplore the * s collected (for Appendix VI. ' ^ — " 4°. 1818. Eoenig (CARL D. E.) Icones fossilium sectiles. [By C. Koenig.] See ICONES. fol. [1820-25.] Eoeuig (CARL D. E.) [Rock specimens from the Arctic Regions.] See PARRY (Sir W. E.) A Supplement to the Appendix of Capt. Parry's Voyage for the discovery of a North- West Passage, dec. No. x. 4°. 1824. Eoeuig (CARL D. E.) Letter on the Rock Specimens brought from Africa. See, DENHAM (D.) . [xxii,] 1112 [8]: 1 port. Vol.] 4°. Basileae, 1708. Eoenig (EMANUEL) Kfpas 'AjtaX&ms, seu Thesaurus Remediorum e triplici regno, Vegetabili, Animali, Minerali, dec. pp. 280 [12]. 4°. Basileos, 1693. EOENIG (EUGEN) & Badde (G. F. R.) Der Nordfuss des Dagestan und das vorlagernde Tiefland bis zur Kuina. pp. 6'5 : 2 maps col. See PETEEMANNS MIT- THEILUNGEN, < A u ST Mrrffi/ar Kirdlyi Fiildbvrtflntt KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET BRES LAU. See BRESLAU. KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET ZU TUE- BINGEN. See TUBINGEN. KOENIGLICHE ZOOTOMISCHE ANSTALT ZU WUERZBURG. See WURZBURG. — KOENIGLICHE JULIUS- MAXIMILIANS UNIVERSITAET.— Zoologisch- Zoo- toniisches Institut. KOENIGLICHER BOTANISCHER GARTEN ZU BRESLAU. See BRESLAU. — KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. UNGARY.— KOENIGLICHER BONN. See BONN. OBERBERGAMT ZU KOENIGLICHES ANATOMIE - INSTITUT ZU BRESLAU. See BRESLAU. — KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. — Anatoniisches Institut. KOENIGLICHES LANDES - OEKONOMIE - COLLEGIUM. See BERLIN. KOENIGLICHES MINERALOGISCH - GEO - LOGISCHES UND PRAEHISTORISCHES MUSEUM IN DRESDEN. See DRESDEN. KOENIGLICHES MINERALOGISCHES MU- SEUM IN DRESDEN. Sir DRESDEN. —KOENIGLICHES MINERALOGISCH-GEO- LOGISCHES UND PRAEHISTORISCHES MUSEUM. KOENIGLICHES NATURALIEN-KABINET ZU STUTTGART. See STUTTGART. KOENIGLICHES ZOOLOGISCHES MUSEUM ZU BERLIN. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICHE FRIED- KICH-WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET. KOENIGLICHES ZOOLOGISCHES UND AN- THROFOLOGISCH-ETHNOGRAFHISCHES MUSEUM ZU DRESDEN. See DRESDEN. KOENIGSBERG. See KONIGSBERG. KOENIGSBORN (WILHELM VON NATHUSIUS) See NATHUSIUS (VV. VON) KOENIKE (F.) [Hydrachnida of East Africa.] See STUHLMANN (F.) Zoplogische Ergebnisse einer in ... 1888-90 ... in die Kustengebiete von Ost- Afrika unternommenen Reise. Bd. I. 8°. 1891. like (F.) Die HydrachnidenQsfrr&frikas. DEUTSCJ**OST-AFRIKA. JZfcfv. 8°. 1896. KOEFERT (OTTO) [I860-] Ueber Wachsthum und Vermehrung der Krystalle in den Pflanzen. Inaugural- Dissertation, .132. 8°. Berolini, 1856. 1 ,inn:iM. Jahrg. XXVII. ,; Koernicke (F.) Eriocaulacese. See MARTIUS (C. F. P. VON) Flora Brasiliensis, &c. Vol. in, pt. 1. fol. 1863. ^k I Koernicke (F.) Untersuchung einiger von . . . O. Baumann in Ost-Afrika gesammelter Getreidearten. See BAUMANN (O.) Usambara, &c. Anhang i. 8°. 1891. Koernicke (F.) Kulturpflanzen gesammelt von . . . L O. Baumann, 1892-93. See BAUMANN (O.) Durch Massailand zur Nilquelle, &c. Anhang u. 8°. 1894. Koernicke (F.) [For official publications] See BERLIN. — KOENIOLICHE FRIEDRICH - WILHELMS - p, UNIVERSITAET. — Botanischer Garten. See ST. PETERSBURG. — IMPERATORSKII SANKTPETER- BURGHSKII BOTANICHESKII SAD. Koernicke (F.) & Werner (H.) treidebaues. 2 Bd. illust. Handbuch des Ge- 8°. Bonn, 1885. Band l. Die Arten und Varietuten des Getreides. Bearbeitet von ... .. F. Kornicke . . . niit einem Anhang : — Die Unkriiuter und tierischen Feinde des Getreides. Bearbeitet von H. Werner. ,, u. Die Sorten und der Anbau des Getreides. Bearbeitet von II. Werner. KOERNISCH (ADOLF) Geologie der Umgegend von . Meissen, pp. 32 : 1 pi. 8°. Meissen, 1870. fH KOERT (WiLLi) [1875-] Geologische und palaonto- logische Untersuchung der Grenzschichten zwischen /-> Jura und Kreide auf der Siidwestseite des Seller . . . (^ Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp.57: text Must. 8°. Gottingen, 1898. KOERTE (A.) Das Deutsche Merinoschaf. Seine Wolle, &c. 2 Thl. [in 1 Vol.] Must. 8°. Breslau, 1862. ~?_ KOERTE (FRANZ FRIEDRICH ERNST) Strich-, Zug- oder Wander-Heuschrecke vom Eie an beobachtet und /~ beschrieben. pp. 103 : 1 pi. col. 8°. Berlin, 1829. Koerte (F. F. E.) Utrum spongiaa officinalis tela fibrosa Animali an Vegetabili sit natura. Dissertatio inaugu- ralis, &c. pp. 44. 8°. Berolini, 1848. Koerte (F. F. E.) & Schweigger (A. F.) Flora Er- _ langensis, &c. See SCHWEIGGER (A. F.) & KOERTE r> (F. F. E.) 8». 1811. ' KOESTLIN (CARL HEINRICH) Dissertatio inaugu- ralis medica sistens animadversiones de materiis nar- - coticis regni vegetabilis earumque ratione botanica, Q quam prasside C. F. Kielmeyer . . . publice defendet . . . auctor, &c. pp. 76. 8°. Fubingce, 1808. KOESTLIN (OTTO) [1818-1884] Der Bau des knoch- ernen Kopfes in den vier Klassen der Wirbelthiere. ~~Z- pp. x, 506 : 4 pis. 8°. Stuttgart, 1844. Koestlin (OTTO) Gott in der Natur. Die Erschein- , 5^ o ungen und Gesetze der Natur . . . als Werke Gottes geschildert. 2 Bd. [in 1] Must. 8°. Stuttgart, 1851. KOESTRITZ. Verzeichniss der Graflich Reuss- , Plauischen Naturaliensammlung zu Kostritz. [By l — . A. J. G. C. BatschJ pp. \iv,~\ 325r 8°. Gera, 1785. fa^oJUH l_|g<,o-.«^(foj KOETTLITZ (R./ On a new species of Sepia and , other shells collected by ... R. Koettlitzin Somaliland. ' — By W. E. Hoyle and R. Standen. pp.6 : 1 pi. See MAN- - CHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. > Memoirs and Proceedings, &c. Vol. XLV, no. 6. 8°. 1901. KOFLER (FRANZ) Die Eiszeit wahrend der Diluvial- <5- periode und ihre Ursachen. pp. 33. 8* Wiener-Neustodt, 1879. Jahresb. Niederoster. Landes-Ober-Realschul. Wiener-Neustadt. No. 14. ^^^^^r^^^ J ' ^k i>""~ J KOFOID (C. A^r^A report upon the Protozoa ob- served in Lake Michigan and the inland Lakes in the neighbourhood of Charlevpix. See MICHIGAN, State of. — Michigan Fish Commission. Bulletin, &c. No. 6, append. 2. 8°. 1896. COHL (CARL) Rudimentare Wirbelthieraugen . . . 2 Thl. See ZOOLOGICA. Bibliotheca Zoologica, &c. Hft. xm & xiv. 4°. 1892-93. KOHL (FRANZ FRIEDRICH) [Hymenoptera of East Africa.] See STUHLMANN(F.) Zoologische Ergebnisse einer in ... Ost-Afrika unternommenen Reise. Bd. u. 8°. 1893 (1901). Kohl (FRANZ F.) [Hymenoptera from German East . Africa.] See BAUMANN (O.) Durch Massailand zur • Nilquelle &c. Anhang rv, 4. 8°. 1894. 127 1010 Kohl (FRANZ F.) Die Hymenopterengruppe der Spheci- iirn. ii. Monographie der neotropischen Gattung Podium, Fabr. pp. 101 : 7 pis. See VIENNA.— KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE ZOOLOOISCH-BOTANI3CHE OE- M 6 I ! : ,01 C SELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, Ac. Bd. i, hft. 4. 8°. 1902. The first put of this monograph ap|wared in " Ann. k. k. Daturh. Hof. niUMiiniB, Wten," Bd. v, 1890. ^ Kohl (FRANZ F.) A Rogenhofer (A. F.) [Hymeno- ptera of Hernstein.] See BECKER (M. A. VON) Baron. Hernstein in NiederSsterreich, KOHLRAU8CH (OTTO) Uber die Zusammensetzung er essbarer Pilze, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung Nahrungswerthes. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c 8°. Gottingen, 1867. eimger ihres pp. SB. KOI8HIKAWA BOTANICAL GARDEN. See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. KOKEN (ERNST FRIEDRICH RUDOLPH KARL) [I860-] Die Fischotolithen der Norddeutschen Oligocan-Ab- lagerungen, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Fischotolithen im Aflgemeinen. Inaugural-Dissertation, Koken (E. F. R. K.) Geologische Spczinlkarte der Umgegend von Kochendorf. pp. 79 : 1 sh. of sections (^ geol. col., 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text Must. 8°. Stuttgart, 1900. Koken (E. F. FgTl900-» Kokeu (E. F. R. K.) Die Deutsche geologische Gesell- schaft in den Jahren 1848-1898, mit einem Lebensabriss S~ von E. Beyrich. pp. 69: 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, 1901. l Koken (E. F. R. K.) Palaeontologie und Descendenz- lehre. Vortrag gehalten in der allgemeinen Sitzung s- der Naturwissenschaftlichen Hauptgruppe der Ver- vS"" sammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Ham- burg am 26. September 1901. pp. S3: text Must. 8°. Jena, 1902. KOKER (^GIDIUS VAN) Plantarum usualium Horti Medici Harlemensis Catalogus. pp. [xjri,~\ 154- O 8°. Jfarlemi, 1702. KOKER (.JANUS) Specimen anatomico-physiologicum inaugurate de subtiliori membranaruin serosarum fab- ~7 rica, &c. pp. xii, 75 : 1 pi. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1828. •>«* KOKH (C.) See KOCH. KOKOUTEW (N.) See KOKUEV (N. R.) 1011 /C, KOKSCHAROW (NlCOLAI VON) See KOKSHAROV (N. t.) KOKSHABOV (NIKOLAI IVANOVICH) [1818-18931 Alphabetical List of Minerals found in the Ural Mountains or on their flanks. See MURCHISON (Sir E. I.) Bart., & others. The Geology of Russia, 8°. 1901-» Botanik, &c. ly, L 8°. Wien, 1856. ( KOLACZEK (ERWIN) Lehrbuch der pp. xv, 470 : text illust. KOLAZT (JOSEF) Mittheilungen des Ornithologischen Vereines . . . Redacteur : J. Kolazy, &c. Jahrg. vi, no. 3. See VIENNA.— ORNITHOLOGISCHER VEREIN. 4°. 1882. KOIiB (MAX) Der Konigliche Botanische Garten in Miinchen. See MUNICH. — Koeniglich-Botanischer Garten. 8°. 1867. 1012 M M Kolb (M.I Die Kuropiiisohen und iiborseeischen Alpen- 1 >tl;i nzen. Zugleich eine eingehende Anleitung zur PHege der Alpinen in den Garten, />.[ii',]S7S: textMust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1890. KOLBANY (PAL) [1757-1816] Ungarische Gift- pflanzen, zur Yerhiitung tragischer Yorfiille in den Haushaltungcn, nach ihren botanischen Kennzeichen, nedst [sic] den Heilungsmitteln. pp. xl, 1SS : 8 pis. 8°. Pressbur?. 1897. Kolbe (H. J.) Ueber die ... in Deutsch-Ostafrika und -_ Mosambik . . . gesammelten Coleopteren. See STUHL- ^ MANN (F.) Zoologische Ergebnisse einer in ... Ost- Afrika unternommenen Reise. Bd. II. 8°. 1897 (1901). . Kolbe (H. J.) Coleoptera gesammelt ... in der [^ Massaisteppe. See WERTHER (C. W.) Die mittlcren Hochlander des nordlichen Deutsch-Ost-Afrika, . 54: 2 pis., 1 map col. See BEROEN.— BEROENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbog, &c. 1898, no. 7. 8°. 1899. Kolderup (C. F.) Jordsk.ja-lv i Norge 1900 (-1902). ,. (Mit cinem Resume" in Deutscher Sprache.) 3 Pt. c See BEROEN. — BEROENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums t-. Aarbog, &c. 1900, no. 8 ; 1901, no. 14 ; 1902, no. 11. 8°. 1901-03.5 3 5 Kolderup (C. F.) & Beusch (H. H.) Fjeldbygningen og bergarterne ved Bergen. (Resume in Deutscher Sprache.) pp. 77 : 1 map geol. col., text Must. See BER- I— ** OEN.— BEROENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbog, hica ail- nexia Pselaptiinis, Scydmtcnia, Notoxidibua et Xylo- BhaRia. pp. lilt : 3 pU. col. 1846. einipteraCaucaai. Pentatoniidajmonographicediaiweitie. pp. 71: 2 pi,, col. 1846. ,, v. Insecta Caucasi. Coleopt«ra, Dermaptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera, Mutillidn, Aphaniptera, Anophira. pp. 169 : S pis. col. 184«. Kolenati (F. A.) Die Mineralien Miihrens und Oster- reichisch Schlesiens, deren Fundorte und okonomisch- technische Verwendung, &c. pp. 12S. S".Jirunn,lS!j4. - Kolenati (F. A.) pp. 215 : 11 pis. Elemente der Krystallographie. «,. 8°. Briinn, 1855. ' Kolenati (F. A.) Die Parasiten der Chiroptern. pp.51: j, ph. 4°. Dresden, 1857. KOLENKO (BoRis) & Bossikov (K.) Excursion ztim Genal-Dougletscher. pp. 11 : 2 pis. See CONORES GKOLOOIQUE INTERNATIONAL. Seventh Session. Guide des Excursions du vn. Congres, dkc. r 8°. 1897. ]\8 - J«??i KOLESCH (KARL) Ueber Eocidans Aeyserlingi, Gein. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 27 : 1 pi. < 8°. Jena, 1887. KOLK (JACOB LODEWIJK COENRAAD SCHROEDER VAN DER) [1797-1862] Memoire sur 1'anatomie et la physio- logic du Gastrus equi. pp. viii, 155 : IS pis. col. 4". Amsterdam, 1845. 1013 _. Z ~7~ ,-, fc- Kolk (JACOB L. C. S. VAN DER) & Vrolik (W.) Nasporingen omtrent vaatvlechten bij onderscheiden Diervormen. pp. 16: 4 pis. See AMSTERDAM.— KONINKLIJK ZOOLOGISCH GENOOTSCHAP " NATURA ARTIS MAGISTRA." Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde. Aflev 1. 4°. 1848. Kolk (JACOB L. C. S. VAN DER) & Vrolik (W.) Re- cherches d'anatomie compared sur le genre Stenops d'llliger. See AMSTERDAM. — KONINKLIJK ZOOLOGISCH GENOOTSCHAP "NATURA ARTIS MAQISTRA." Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde. Aflev 2. 4°. 1851. KOLK (JACOB LODEWIJK COENRAAD SCHROEDER VAN i. DER) The Younger. Kurze Anleitung zur mikroskopi- liistige Insecten. See POHL (J. B. E.) & KOLLAR (V.) 4°. 1832. Kollar (V.) & (L.) Aufzahlung und L- Beschreibung der von . . . C. v. Hugel auf seiner Reise durch Kaschmir und das Himalayagebirge gesammelten Insecten. See HUEGEL (C. A. A. VON) Baron. Kasch- mir, &c. Bd. iv, abth. 2. 8°. 1844. KOLLBECK (FRIEDRICH) [I860-] Porphyrgesteine des siidostlichen China. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. SO. 8°. Berlin, 1883. " KOLLER (H.) Naamlijst van in Nederland in den vrijen natuurstaat waargenomen Vogels. See AMSTER- DAM. — KONINKLIJK ZOOLOOISCH OENOOTSCHAP "NATURA ARTIS MAGISTRA." Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde. Feest- Nummer, No. 4. 4°. 1888. KOLLMANN (CARL ARTHUR) [1858-] Der Tast- apparat der Hand der menschlichen Rassen und der Att'en in seiner Entwickelung und Gliederung. pp. [vi,] 77 : 2 pis. 8°. Hamburg & Leijnig, 1883. KOLLMANN (JULIUS CONSTANTIN ^ERNST) [1834-] Die statistischen Erhebungen iiber die Farbe der Augen, der Haare und der Haut in den Schulen der Schweiz, &c. pp. 42 : 2 maps col. See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZER- ISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, &c. None Denkschriften, &c. Tom. xxvm. 4°. 1881. KOLLMEIEK, (Jon ANN) Flora Bremensis, &c. [By C? J. Kollmeier . 4 •' 1 -map, text illust. Gisements de Naphte de Bakou. pp. 5 : text Must. De . . . Mikhallowo ... a ... Rion. pp. 5 : text illust. See CONGRES GlsoLooiQUE INTERNATIONAL. Seventh Session. Guide des Excursions du vn. Congres, &c. 8°. 1897. KONGELIGT BOTANISK HAUGE. See COPENHAGEN. — Jiotnnisk Have. KONGELIGT DANSK VIDENSKABERNES SELSKAB. See COPENHAGEN. KONGELIGT LANDHUUSHOLDNINGSSEL- SKAB. See COPENHAGEN. KONGELIGT NOB8K FREDERIKS - UNI VEBSITZT I CHRISTIANIA. See CHRISTIANIA. KONGZLIGT SELSKAB. NORSK VIDENSKABERS • DRONTHEIM. KONGELIGT VIDENSKABERS SELSKAB. See COPENHAGEN. — KONOELIOTDANSKVIDENSKABERNEH BEL8KAB. KONGLIGA FTSIOGBAFISK SALLSKAF. See LUND. KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS AKADEMIEN. ,sy<- STOCKHOLM. KONGLIGA UNIVEBSITETET I UPSALA. See UPSALA. KONGLIGA VETENSKAFS - AKADEMIEN. / See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETKNSK. \i-s- £, <- -% AKADEMIEN. KONGLIGA VETENSKAFS -SOCIETETEN. See UPSALA. KONIG (CHARLES) See KOENIG (C. D. E.) K0NIG (JOHAN GERHARD) [1728-1785] Disserta- tionem inauguralem de remediorum indigenorum ad morbos cuivis regioni endemicos expugnandos efficacia, praeside C. F. Rottboll . . . submittit J. G. Konig, &c. pp. 80. 8°. Hafniat, 1773. Koiiig (J. G.) J. G. Koenig . . . Descriptiones Monan- drarum pro annis 1778 et 79. (Descriptiones Epiden- )2 drorum in India Oriental! factas.) See RETZIUS (A. J.) Observationes botanicae, &c. fol. 1778-91. K0nig (J. G.) [Autograph Journals of K0nig's voyages, with lists and descriptions of East Indian (including T> Siam and Malacca) Plants, Animals and a few Minerals.] ^ 21 Vol. GERM. & LAT. 12°. to fol. 1769-85. Banks MSS. no. 37-55. Vide Dryander's "Cat. Bibl. Banks." Vol. I, p. 252. 0 An English translation of the portions that relate to the Straits Settle- \f mente district appeared in the Journ. Straits Branch Roy. Asiatic Soc. £T No. 26 ct 27 (1894) t9.«J. L, KONIGSBERG. Enumeratio Plantarum circa Regio- montum Borussorum sponte crescentium. [By L. V. F. j> Graf Henckel von Donnersmarck.] pp. viii, 240. 8°. Regiomonti, 1817. KONIGSBEBG.— Botanischer Garten. See infra, KOENIGLICHE ALBERTUS-UNIVERSITAET. KONIGSBERG. Academic Albertina. ,SV< infra, KOENIGLICHE ALBERTUS-UNIVERSITAET. KONIGSBERG. Koenigliche Albertus-Univer- sitaet. Enumeratio Plantarum Hprti Botanici Regiomontani. [Compiled by A. F. Schweigger.] pp. 79. 4". Regiomonti, 1812. Koiiigsberg. — Koenigl. Albertus-TTniversitaet. Nachrichten iiber den Botanischen Garten, &c. See n SCHWEIOGER (A. F.) 8°. 1819. KONIGSBEBG. GeseUschaft. [1790 Fhysikalisch - Oekonomische Founded as Oftpreuuiiclir-Molirungtche Phytikalitch-OtkonamiKhe (laellKhafl. 1791 United with the Freuisitc/i-Otl-onmiiuclict Letrinitilut to form the Kotniylich • OttpreuuiKh-MohrungKht PliyM-aiitck-Ocl-oiwmiichc (letdltchafl. 1799 Koenifflick-Ottpmuiaclit Pht/tikalurh-Otlcanmnitchc OeitlltchaJ't. 1814 Koeniglicht Physil-nliitclt-Ofkonoinischf Gttfllfcltaft. 1873 Phyntalueh-OtimimniKltt QeKHtcliafl.} ( _ . Konigsberger naturwissenschaftliche Unterhaltungen. s Bd. I-IH.t 8°. Kiinigsberg, (1844-) 1847-58. ~ Bd. ill is also styled " Nent Folge," Bd. i. Koiiigsberg. Fhysikal. -Oekoiiom. GeseUschaft. Schriften (Abhandlungen — Sitzungsberichte), 4°. Arr 8°. Berlin, 1898-> KONINCK (LAURENT GUILLAUME DE) [1809-1887] Description des Coquilles fossiles de 1'argile de Basele, ' Boom; Schelle, &c. pp. 37: 4 pis. See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &C. NoUVeaUX Memoires, &c. Tom. xi. 4°. 1838. -J0 . 5 II - Koninck (L. G. DE) Memoire sur les Crustaces fossiles .. ^ de Belgique, &c. pp. SO: 1 pi. See BRUSSELS. — ACA- DEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, d'c. Nouveaux Memoires, "7- &c. Tom. XIV. 4°. 1841. (^ Koninck (L. G. DE) Recherches sur les Animaux fossiles. 2 Pt. 4°. Liege, Bruxelles, 1847, 73. — Pt. i. Monographic des genres Protluclvs et Chonetcs. pp. xvii, 24S, 3 tabs. : SO pis. 1847. •[Pp. xvii, 1-1 69 are reprinted with additions from "Mem. Sor. Sci. Liege," Tom. iv.] „ n. Monographie des Fossiles Carboniferes de Bleiberg en Carintbie. pp. 116 : J, pis. 1873. Koninck (L. G. DE) Description des Animaux fossiles qui se trouvent dans le terrain Carbonifere de Belgique. pp. iv, 649, 1 tab. Atlas, 69 pis. 4°. Liege, &c., 1842-44. Supplement, pp. 651-716 : 5 pis. 4°. Lie'ye, &c., 1851. Koninck (L. G. DE) Notices sur le genre Dayidsonia, et sur le genre Hypodema. pp. 16: 2 pis. 4°. Lie"ge, 1852. Men). Soc. Sci. Liege. Tom. vni. Koiiinck (L. G. DE) Notice sur un nouveau genre de Crinoides [ Woodocrinus] du terrain Carbonifere de PAngleterre, dec. pp. 8: 1 pi. See BRUSSELS.— ACA- DEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, &c. Memoires, &c. Tom. xxvin. 4°. 1854. — [Another edition.] See KONINCK (L. G. DE) & LE HON (H.) Recherches sur les Crinoides du terrain Carbonifere de la Belgique . . . suivies d'une Notice, sur le genre Woodocrinus. 4°. 1854. G- "Z- 701 Koniuck (L. G. DE) Notice sur quelques Fossiles du Spitzberg. — Nouvelle notice sur les fossiles du Spitz- berg. See FRANCE. — Commission Scientifujiu: du Nord. Voyages ... en Scandinavie, ar L. tie Koninck. pp. 217 : 8 ids. 4°. Bruxelles, 1854. L- ZONING (C. J.) Bijdrage tot de Kennis van het K'von der humicole Fungi en van de scheikundigc processen welke bij de humificatie plaats hebben. /'!>. <;(J. See AMSTERDAM.— KONINKLIJK AKADEMIE VAN WKTKNSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen . . . Tweede Sectie. Deel ix, no. 7. 8°. 1903. KONINGLIJKE MAATSCHAPPY DEB, WETENSCHAPPEN. See HAARLEM. — HOL- LANDSCHE MAATSCHAI'I'I.I DER WETENSCHAI'PEN. KONINKLIJK INSTITUUT VAN WETEN- SCHAPPEN, LETTERKUNDE EN SCHOO NE KUNSTEN. See AMSTERDAM.— KONINKLI.IK- NEDERLANDSCH INSTITUUT, &C. KONINKLIJK . NEDERL ANDSCH INSTI- TUUT VAN WETENSCHAPPEN, LETTER- KUNDE EN 8CHOONE KUNSTEN. See AMSTERDAM. KONINKLIJK ZOOLOGISCH GENOOT- SCHAF "NATURA ARTIS MAGISTRA." See AMSTERDAM. KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETEN- SCHAPPEN. tire AMSTERDAM. KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VOOR DE ZEE- EN LANDMAGT IN BREDA. See BREDA. KONINKLIJKE MAATSCHAFFT DER WETENSCHAPPEN. See HAARLEM. — HOL- LANDSCHE MAATSCHA1TIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN. KONINKLIJKE MILITAIRE AKADEMIE IN BREDA. See BREDA.— KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VOOR DE ZEE- EN LANDMAGT. KONINKLIJKE NATUURKUNDIGE VE REENIGING IN NEDERLANDSCH INDIE. 7 See BATAVIA. KONOW (FRIEDRICH WILHELM) See ZEITSCHRIFT > Z FUER SYSTEMATISCHE HYMENOPTEROLOGIE UND Dl- PTEROLOGIE. Herausgegeben von F. W. Konow. Jahr. i-» 8°. 1901-> KONRAD (GEOROIUS FRIDERICUS) De Asteriarum fabrica. Dissertatio inauguralis medica, Ac. pp. 16 : 1 pi. 4°. 7/o/ce [1814]. KONRADI ( ) L. C. Schmahlings . . . Aesthetik der Blumen. [Edited with a Vorrede by — Konradi.] See SCHMAHLING (L. C.) 8°. 1786. KOORDERS (8. H.) Verslag eener Botanischc Dienstreis door de Minahasa, tevens eerste overzicht der Flora van N.O. Celebes, ike. pp. xxvi, 716 : 7 pis., 0 map». 8°. Batavia, 1898. MededMl. '» Laock PUntentuin. No. XIX. Koorders (&.JK7J Must. col. 8°. Amstei-dnm, &c., (1800-) 1822-» Kops (J.) Index Plantarum, quai in Horto Rheno- Trajectino coluntur anno 1822. pp. [iv,] 76. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhe.num, 1823. 6 KOFSCH (FRIEDRICH) Das Riickenniark von Elephas indicus. pp. IS: 1 pi. See BERLIN.— KOENIOLICH- PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE, geher i Gri/mlana. 8°. 1900. KORNHUBER (ANDRAs) Ueber einen neuen fossilen Saurier aus Lesina. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Kaiser- ^~ lich-Koenigliche Geologische Reichsanstalt. Abhand- \y lungen, dkc. Bd. v, hft. 4. 4°. 1873. Kornhuber (A.) Carsosaurus Marchesettii, ein neuer fossiler Lacertilier aus den Kreideschichten des Karstes /* bei Konien. pp. 1G: 2 pis. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — C»- Kaiserlich-Koenigliche Geologische Reichsanstalt. Ab- handlungen, dkc. Bd. xvu, hft. 3. 4". 1893. Kornhnber (A.) Opetiosaurus Bucchichi. Eine neue fossilo Eidccbse aus der unteren Kreide von Lesina in f~ Dalmatian, pp. 24 : 3 pis. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Kaiserlich-Koenigliche Geologische Reichsanstalt. Ab- handlungen, dkc. Bd. xvn, hft. 5. 4°. 1901. KORNHUBER (GYORGY ANDRAS) Synopsis der Saugethiere mit besonderer Beziehung auf deren Vor- kommen in Ungern. pp. ii, 42. 4". Pressburg, 1857. KOROTNEV (ALEKSYEI ALEKSYEEVICH) Opuit sravmtel'nagho izucheniya Ccelenterata. [Essay to- wards a comparative study of the Cuelenterata] ChastI 1-3. Must. See Moscow. — IMPERATORSKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBITELlI ESTESTVOZNANIYA ANTRO- POLOGHII I ETNOGHRAFII, dkc. Izvyestiya, dkc. Tom. xviii, vuip. 3 ; xxxvn, vuip. 2. 4°. 1876-1880. KORSCHELT (EuGEN) [1858-] Zur Bildung der / Eihiillen, der Mikropylen und Chorionanhange bei den Insekten. pp. 72: 5 pis. See ACADEMIA C^SAREA ^ LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, &c. Nova Acta, &c. Tom. LI, J> ' no. 3. 4°. 1887. Korschelt (E.) Beitriige zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Cephalopoden. See TASCHENBERG (E. O. W.) & _, others. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage <—- E. Leuckarts, dkc. 4°. 1892. Korschelt (E.) Ueber eine besondere Form der Eibildung und die Geschlechtsverhiiltnisse von L Ophryotrocha fnterilis. pp. 9 : text Must. See FREI- BURG IN BREISGAU. — NATURFORSCHENDE OESELL- 5 ' SCHAFT. Berichte, dkc. Bd. vin. 8°. 1894. Korschelt (E.) & Heider (C.) Lehrbuch der ver- gleiclienden Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wirbellosen ,_ Thiere . . . Specieller Theil. 3 Hft. pp. xii, 1509: C- text Must. 8°. Jena, 1890-93. Allgemeiner Theil. Lief. l-> 8°. Jena, 1902-> ~^_ Korschelt (E.) & Heider (C.) Text-Book of the Embryology of Invertebrates . . . Translated from the German [Vol. i] bv E. L. Mark . . . [and] W. McM. Woodworth . . . With additions by the Authors and ^2- Translators ([Vol. H-IV] by M. Bernard. Kevised and edited with additional notes by M. F. Woodward). 4 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1895-1900. KORSCHINSKY, or KORSHINSKT. See KORZHINSKII. KORTHALS (PIETER WILLEM) [1808?-1892] Ver- (^ handeling over de op Java, Sumatra en Borneo ver- zamelde Loranthacese. pp. 92 : 2 pis. See BATAVIA. — 5 (£ BATAVIAASCH GENOOTSCHAP VAN KUNSTEN EN WETEN- SCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen, dkc. Deel xvii. 8°. 1839. 128 1018 I&V2- A 6Korthals (P. W.) Observationes de Naucleis Indicia. pp. SO. 8°. Eonnce, 1839. ^ Korthals (P. W.) [Plants of the Dutch East Indies.] Set HOLLAND. — Natuurkundige Commissie in Oost- :Z- Indie. Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschie- i In i is der Nederlandsch overzeesche bezittingen, &c. fol. 1839-42. KOK.ZCHINSKY (SERGius) See KoRZHlNSKii. KORZHINSKII (SERGHYEI IVANOVICH) Ocherk Florui okrustnostel gh. Astrakhan!. [Account of the Flora of the environs of Astrakhan.] pp. 63. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEi, 0flnik6w imienia Kojie«iflja, &c. Rocz.^1^ See LumBERO. — POLSKIE TOWlCRZYSTWO PRZYB«rDNIK KOSMOS. Zeitschrift fur einheitliche Weltanschauung I auf Grund der Entwicklungslehre . . . herausgegeben von...O. Caspari...G.Jager...E.Krause. Jahrg.i-rv, ^ Bd. i-vin. 8°. Leipzig, 1877-81. [Continued as :1 — Zeitschrift fiir Entwickelungslehre und einheitliche Weltanschauung . . . herausgegeben von . . . E. Krause (^ ^ ([and afterwards] B. Vetter). Jahrg. v-vn, Bd. ix-xm. 8°. Stuttgart, 1881-83. [Continued as .-] - Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Entwickelungslehre . . . herausgegeben von ... B. Vetter. Jahrg. 1884-86 [in 6 Vol.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1884-86. Each Jahrg. is in two volumes. KOSSE (JOANNES FRIDERICUS JULIUS) De Ptero- ^ podum ordine et novo ipsius genere. Dissertatio /- inauguralis, &c. pp. [vi,] 16 : 1 pi. 4°. Halce, 1813. KOSSMANN (ROBBY AUGUST) [1849-] Zoologische Ergebnisse einer . . . ausgefiihrten Reise in die Kiisten- -^ gebiete des Rothen Meeres. Merausgegeben . . . von I* R. Kossmann. Hft. i <) «-r\ H A 1 L i Kotzebue (O. VON) Entdeckungs-Reise in die Siid-See . und ruich der Berings-Strasse zur Erforschung einer nordostlichen Durchfahrt. Unternommen in ... 1816- 1 s i s ... auf dem Schiife Rurick, dfce. 3 Bd. [in 2] illutt. 4«. Weimar, 1821. 1M. in haa a Bnb-title : — "Bemerknngen und Anaichten von . . . A. v. ChamiflBo," and an appendix containing : 1. Ueberdie FebbeHcliatfenhuit der KUHU- Neu-Californieng, der Inaol kUnalaachka unit .lei Kuaten der BeeringRatraaae. Nach den . . . fllHinillii Urin Mineralien doa Herrn Dr. Eachaobolz, von M. von Kngelhardt. 2. Verzeiohniaa der von Herrn Dr. Esobacholi geaainmelten . . . Mineralien. 3. Beschreibung einer neaen AITengiitttmp Prcxbitti* mitnita, von F. Eschscholz. 4. Naturhiatoriscbe nnd phyaiologiachc Beinerkungen iiber die See- blaaen, Velellen nnd Porpium, von F. Eschscholz. r>. B«ichreibuug noucr aualandiacher Schmottorlinge . . . von F. Esch- acholz. L [Another edition of Bd. in.] See CHAMISSO DE BONCOURT (L. C. A.) Reise um die Welt, ls. col. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. S I Memoires, &c. Se"r. VIII, torn, v, no. 10. 4°. 1897. Kovalevskii (A. O.) Etude biologique de VHcementeria costata, Miiller. pp. 77 : 10 pis. (col.), text ill-wt. See ST. PETERSBURG. — I .Jj~. ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, . 25. See PRAGUE. — CESKA AKADEMIE CISARE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, &C. Eozpravy . . . Tfida II. Roc. v, cis. 15. 8°. 1896. Kovai- (FR.) Chemicky' vyzkum nekterych Mineralu z pkoli Moravske OleSnice. [Chemical researches on Minerals from the environs of Oels, Moravia.] pp. 8. See PRAGUE. — CESKA AKADEMIE CI'SARE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, c&c. Rozpravy . . . Trida n. Roc. vn, cis. 9. 8°. 1898. Lexicon Minera- 8°. Pesthini, 1822. I (? t / KOVATS (MlHALY) [1768-1848] logicum Enneaglottum. 4 Pt. Each part has a separate title as under :— I. Lexicon Mineralogicum triglottuni etymologicum Latino-Mag- yarico-Germanicuin primum., II. Els6' szofejto Magyar Latan Asvanynevtdr. ill. Deutsch Lateiniscbes Mineralogisches Worterbuch. lv.' Mantissa Lexicon Mineralogicnm Gallico-Latinum, Anglico- Latinum, Italico-Latinum, Russico-Latinum, Suecico-Latinum, Danico-Latinum. KOWALEVSKY. See KOVALEVSKII. KOWARZ (FERDINAND) Fliegen (Diptera) Bb'hmens. pp. 42. See PRAGUE.— GESELLSCHAFT FUER PHYSIO- KRATIE. Catalogus Insectorum Faunas Bohemicae, &c. No. II. 8°. 1894. KOZHEVNIKOV (D. A.) Ob anatomlcheskom stroenii lepestkovidnuikh tzvyetkovuikh pokrovov. [On the anatomical structure of the petaloid covering of flowers.] pp. 199: 6 pis. See ODESSA. — NOVO- ! ROSSIISKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI. Zapiski, &c. Tom. vui. [Pt. 1.] 8°. 1882. KOZHEVNIKOV (GHRIGHORH ALEKSANDROVICH) [1866-] Otchetui o Russkoi Zoologhicheskoi Litera- turye. Vuip. 1. Otchet o Literaturye po ppzvonochnuim . . . (1885-1889 gh.) [Report on Russian Zoological Literature. Pt. 1. Report on Literature of Vertebrata . . . (1885-1889.)] pp. iv> 519. See Moscow.— IM- PERATORSKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBITELEI ESTESTVOZ- NANIYA ANTROPOLOGHII I BTNOGHRAFiT, &c. Izvyestiya, &c. Tom. LXXXII. 4°. 1893. KBAATZ (GusTAv) Berliner Entomologische Zeit- schrift . . . Redacteur . . . G. Kraatz. Jahrg. i-xvni. [Continued as:] Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, TL &c. Jahrg. xix-xxiv. See BERLIN.— ENTOMOLOGISCHER (— VEREIN. 8°. 1857-80. At this i>oint Kraatz and some other members seceded from the Entomologiscber Verein, and founded the following ;— Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift herausgegeben . . . in Verbindung mit . . . G. Kraatz, &c. Jahrg. xxv-> g. See BERLIN. — DEUTSCHE ENTOMOLOGISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. 8°. 1881-» Eraatz (G.) Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutsch- lands . . . Erste Abtheilung. Coleoptera. Zweiter Band, c. bearbeitet von G. Kraatz. See ERICHSON (W. F.) 8°. 1858. Kraatz (G.) Catalogus Coleopterorum Europag. In Verbindung mit . . . G. Kraatz, &c. See SCHAUM (H. R.) •=: 4". 1859. I— Kraatz (G.) Die Staphylinen-Fauna von Ostindien, insbesondere der Insel Ceylon, pp. 196 : 3 pis. 8°. Berlin, 1859. Kraatz (G.) Materiaux pour servir a la Faune des Coleopteres Frangais. See GRENIER (A.) Catalogue (•^~ des Col6opteres de France, &c. 8°. 1863. Kraatz (G.) Revision der Tenebrioniden der alten Welt aus Lacordaire's Gruppen der Erodiides, Tenty- _ riides, Akisides, Pimeliides, und der Europiiischen tr Zophosis-A.rtei\. pp. vi, 893. 8°. Berlin, 1865. Also issued as a Beiheft to the " Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift," Jahrg. vui. Kraatz (G.) Die Kafer Europas . . . im Anschluss an die Kafer Europa's von ... H. C. Kiister. Hft. xxix. t See KUESTER (H. C.) 12°. 1873. Kraatz (G.) Entomologische Monatsbliitter. Heraus- gegeben von . . . G. Kraatz. Jahrg. I & II. See BERLIN. — ENTOMOLOGISCHER VEREIN. Deutsche Entomologische t Zeitschrift. Jahrg. xx, hft. 3 ; xxiv, hft. 3. 8°. 1876-80. Kraatz (G.) Die Coleopteren des Talysch-Gebietes, &c. See RADDE (G. F. R.) Die Fauna und Flora des siidwestlichen Caspi-Gebietes, &c. 8°. 1886. KBAATZ (K. VON) Gyps von Klein-Schoppenstedt bei Braunschweig. See HILDESHEIM.— ROEMER MUSEUM. Mittheilungen, &c. No. 4. 8°. 1896. I- KRABBE (GUSTAV) [1855-1895] Ueber das Wachs- thum des Verdickungsringes und der jungen Holzzellen [ in seiner Abhangigkeit von Druckwirkungen. pp. 83 : 2 pis. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE AKA- ^ DEMIE DER wissENSCHAFTEN. Physikalische Abhand- lungen, &c. 1884, Anhang, abth. 1. 4°. 1885. Krabbe (G.) Das gleitende Wachsthum bei der Gewebe- r> bildung der Gefasspflanzen. pp. vii, 100 : 7 pis. 4°. Berlin, 1886. Krabbe (G.) Entwicklungsgeschichte und Morphologic der polymorphen Flechtengattung Cladonia. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Ascomyceten. pp. viii, 160 : 12 pis. col. 4°. Leipzig, 1891. Krabbe (G.) & Schwendener (S.) Untersuchung iiber die Orientirungstorsionen der Blatter und Bliithen. pp. 115 : 3 pis. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Physikalische Ab- handlungen, &c. 1892. 4°. 1892 [i.e. 1893]. KRABBE (HARALD) [1831-1 Bidrag til Kundskab om Fuglenes Bsendelorme. (Recherches sur les Tenias des Oiseaux.) pp. 120 : 10 pis. See COPENHAGEN. — KONGELIGT DANSK VIDENSKABEHNES SELSKAB. Det . . . Skrifter, &c. R«k. v, bd. vm, no. 6. 4°. 1869 (1870). I _ — , , * /_ ' — 1022 — . I Xrabbe (H.) [Vermes (Cestodes) of Turkestan.] See MOSCOW.— IMPERATOKSKOE OBSHCHE8TVO LYUBI- TELEl ESTESTVOZNANIYA ANTROPOLOGHlI I ETNOGHRA- ril, . xiv, BOG, 621 : 1 map. 2 Till, [in 1 Vol.] 8°. Kornthal, Stuttgart, 1858. KR AS AN (FRANZ) Ueber die Vegetationsverhaltnisse und das Klima der Tertiarzeit in den Gegenden der ^_ gegenwartigen Steiermark. pp. 32. 8°. Graz [1889]. Jahresb. zweiten Staats-Gymnasiums in Graz. No. 20. Krasan (F.) S. P.) La description du Kamtchatka, &c. See CHAPPE p'AuTEROCHE (J.) Abbe". Voyage en -— Siberie . . . traduit du Russe. Tom. n. 4°. 1768. KRASIL'SHCHIK (IsAAK MATVYEEVICH) [1857-] K istorii razvltiya 1 sistematlkye roda Polytoma, Ehr. ' — Izslyedovanie o P. uvella, Ehr., I P. spicata, n. sp. ^ [On the development and systematic position of the J ' genus Polytoma, Ehr. Investigation on P. uvella, Ehr., and P. spicata, n. sp.] pp. 80 : 3 pis. See ODESSA. — NOVOROSSIISKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI. Zapiskl, &c. Tom. vin. [Pt. 1.] 8°. 1882. Krasil'shchik (I. M.) O Ghrlbnuikh bolyeznyakh u Nasyekomuikh. (De , Insectorum morbis qui Fungis parasitis efficiuntur.) £__ Materialui k estestvennoi Istorii I sistematlkye Flag- hellat o Cercobodo lacinicegerens, nov. gen. et nov. sp. ^ (Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Naturgeschichte und Systematik der Flagellaten. Untersuchung iiber C. lacinicegerens, nov. gen. et nov. sp.) See ODESSA. — NOVOROSSIISKOE OBSHCHESTVO ESTEST- VOISPUITATELEI. Zapiski, &c. Tom. xi. [Pt. 1.] 8°. 1886. iCRASINSKI (WALERJAN SKOROBOHATY) [1795-1855] Account of the Forest of Bialavieja, the habitat of the ^ wild Aurochs or Gubr. See MURCHISON (Sir R. I.) Ca- Bart. & others. The Geology of Russia, &c. Vol. I, Appendix D. 4°. 1845. KRASNOFOLSKII (ALEKSANDR ALEKSANDROVICH) Obshchaya gheologhlcheskaya Karta Rossii. List 126 . . . Gheologhicheskiya izslyedovaniya na zapadnpm sklonye Urala. ( — Ob'yasnitel'nuiya zamyechaniya k gheologhicheskol Kartye.) — Allgemeine geologische /^ Karte von Russland. Blatt 126. Perm-Solikamsk. ^'^ Geologische Untersuchungen am Westabhange des Urals. ( — Notes explicatives a la Carte geologique.) 2 Pt. illust. RUSS. & GERM. (& FR.) See RUSSIA. — Comite Geologique. Memoires, dkc. Vol. XI, no. 1 & 2, 4°, 1889,91, 1024 \ Krasnopolskil (A. A.) Chemin de fer de POural. pp. 16 : tfjct illnst. See CONGRES GE'OLOOIQUE INTER- NATIONAL. Seventh Session. Guide des Excursions du VM Congres, Ac. 8°. 1897. Krasnopolskil (A. A.) Eletzkil uyezd v gheolo- ghlcheskom otnoshenii. — Le district d'Eletz (gouverne- ment d'Orel) au point de vue geologique. pp. vi, 88 : 1 wui/j geol. col. See RUSSIA. — ComM Qfologique. Trudui, Ac. Tom. xvm, no. 3. 4°. 1902. KRASSER (FRIDOLIN) Melastomaceae. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die naturlichcn Pflanzenfamilien, Ac. 8°. 1887-* KRASSER (FRIED.) Das Institut [Vienna]. See VIENNA Kraus (G.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss fossiler Holzer . . . I. Holzer aus den Schwefelgruben Siciliens. n. Zur f\ Diagnostik des Coniferenholzes. in. Die Goppert'sche (3 Protopitys Bucheana. iv. Kritik fossiler Taxaceen- holzer. pp. 46 : 4 pl»- (col.) 4°. Halle, 1882-87. Abbandl. naturf. Gesell. Halle. Bd. XVI ft xvn. Kraus (G.) Ueber die Bliithenwiirme boi Arum Q italicum . . . Zweite Abhandlung. pp. 10S : S pis. 4°. Halle, 1884. 1^ Abhandl. naturf. Gesell. Halle. Bd. xvi. Kraus (G.) Grundlinien zu einer Physiologic des ^ Gerbstoffs. pp. vi, 131. 8°. Leipzig, 1889. 0 Anstalten Wiensun Jahre 1894. No. I. K. k. Univer- Pflanzenphysiologische | Kraus (G.) Geschichte der Pflanzeneinfulirungen in p, A. Die Botanischen I die Europaischen Botanischen Garten. [By G. Kraus.] Q See EUROPE. 8°. 1894. sitiit. Pt 2. 8°. 1894. ^^ A/1 KRASSILSTSCHIK (ISAAK MATVYEEVlCH) See KRASIL'SHCHIK. KRATOCH VIL (JosF.F) O nekterych massivnich horninach , z okoli Noveho Knina a casti rulovity*ch hornin od Zlebft. [On some Rock masses in the neigh- bourhood of Neu-Knin.] pp. 49- See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, &c. 1900, no. 8. 8°. 1901. KRATTZR (HEINRICH) Versuch einer Entwicklung der Grundbegriffe, die Meteorsteine, und Darstellung der vorziiglichsten Hypothesen, ihren Ursprung be- treffend, dec. pp. 144. 8°. Wien, 1825. « KRATZ (CARL) Pflanzenheilverfahren. Geschichte p der Krauterkuren, &c. pp. iriii, 291. 8°. Berlin, 1898. KRATZ (JOSEPH) Primulaceen. Beschreibung der in Y) unsern Garten eingebiirgerten Gattungen Primula, Auricula und Cyclamen, &c. pp. xii, 99 : 4 fa- c°l. 8°. Tubingen, 1861. KRATZENSTEIN (CHRISTIAN GOTTLIEB) [1723- -~l 1795] A^serlesne Schnecken, Muscheln und andere ^— Schaalthiere [the text by C. G. Kratzenstein], &c. See REGENFUSS (F. M.) fol. 1758. KRATZMANN (£MIL) [1814-18671 Die Lehre vom Samen der Pflanzen. pp. [vi,] 98 : 4 pis. 8°. Pray, 1839. KRAUZR (JoHANN GEORG) [1794-1845] Prodromus Floras Lucernensis, seu Stirpium Phanerogamarum in agro Lucernensi et proximis ejus confiniis sponte nascentium catalogus. pp. xii, 105. 12°. Lucernes, 1824. Krauer (J. G.) Sammlung der seltnesten Schweizer- pflanzen. Aller Schweizerischen Gift- u. Arznei-Pflan- zen, so wie ihrer moglichsten Verwechslungen. Hft. I. 12 pis. col., with lithographed descriptions. fol. Luzern, 1831. KRAUS (FRANZ) [1834 ?-1897] Hohlenkunde. Wege &und Zweck der Erforschung unterirdischer Raume. Mit Berucksichtigungder geographischen.geologischen, phvsikalischen, anthropologischen und tecnnischen Ver- baltnisse. pp. [vii,] 308 : 6 maps & plans, text illust. *** , 8°. Wien, 1894. 0 -* _ KBAUstiREGOR) [1841-$ See BOTANISCHE ZEITUNG. Herausgegeben von . . . G. Kraus. Jahrg. xxx-xxxvi. 8°. 1872-78. a Kraus (G.) TreibhOlzer [of the Arctic Regions].— Einige Bemerkungen iiber Alter und \Vachsthumsverhaltnisse L Ostgronlandischer Holzgewachse. See BREMEN.— GEO- ORAPHISCHE OE8ELLSCHAFT. Die zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in ... 1869 und 1870, &c. Bd. II. 8°. 1874. Kraus (G.) Ueber die Wasservertheilung in der Pflanze. I. pp. 71. 4". Halle, 1879. Kraus (G.) Warum der Botaniker in die Tropen muss. £k pp. 11. 4°. Halle a. S., 1894. V Festachr. 200. Jahrig. Jubelfcler Univ. Halle. Kraus (G.) Ay>-^der Pflanzenwelt Unterfrankens. /) I. J. M. FehjKflnd die Grettstadler Wiesen. mrff) : '^*' 1 pi. 5«r\VURZBURa.— ^tfYSIKALISCH-MEBjafNISCHE V4* ' OESEDMCHAFT. VerhwncUungen, Ac. JK&M& Folge, 8°. 1902. I Krans (G.) & Millardet (P. M. A.) Etudes sur la ^ matifere colorante des Phycochromac6es et des Dia- tomees, &c. pp. 13. See NANCY. — SOCIETE DES SCIENCES. S . 4 7| Memoires, &c. Tom. vi, livr. 2. 4°. 1870. — [Advance copy.] 4°. 1868. KRAUS (ROBERT) Die Porphyroide des Schwarzathals. « Inaugural-Dissertation, Ac. pp. 44- 8°- Jena, 1885. M KRAUSE (ARTHUR) Beitrag zur marinen Fauna des -^ nordlichen Norwegen. pp. 24. 4°. Berlin, 1887. £— Programra LuUeutadt. Oberrenlschule Berlin. Ostern, 1887. KRAUSE (AuREL) Die Ostrakoden der Silurischen f Diluvialgeschiebe. pp. 84. 4°. Berlin, 1891. tsf WiHensch. Beil. Programm Luisenstiidt. Oberrealscbule Berlin, 1891. KRAUSE (C.) E. Cordus. Eine biographische Skizze $ aus der Reformationszeit. pp. [iv,] 1S4- 8". Hanau, 1863. KRAUSE (CARL CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH) [1781-1832] [^ Ueber den Schadelbau des Philosophen C. C. F. Krause, von C. G. Carus. pp. 11: 2 pis. See ACADEMIA CAISAREA ^ LEOPOLDiNO-CAROLiNA, Germanise et Virginias . . . Monographische Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Rubus, dec. Pt. i-» 4°. Saarlouis, 1899-> f> Krause (ERNST H. L.) & Fisch (C.) Flora von Rostock und Umgegend. See FISCH (C.) & KRAUSE (E. H. L.) 8°. 1879. KRAUSE (FERDINAND M.) Ararat Gold Field . . . £ Scale 40 chains [=jm.] to 1 in. See VICTORIA, Austra- lia.— DEPARTMENT OF MINES. [Maps.] sh. 1878. Krause (FERDINAND M.) Creswick Gold Field . . . Scale Q, 40 chains [ = £ m.] to 1 in. See VICTORIA, Australia. — DEPARTMENT OF MINES. [Maps] sh. 1880. Krause (FERDINAND M.) Geological sketch map of the _ Western Port and Cape Patterson Coal Fields. Scale (\y, 100 chains [= Ij m.] to 1 in. Originally prepared by F. M. Krause, &c. See VICTORIA, Australia. — DEPART- MENT OF MINES. [Maps.] 1882. KRAUSE (FRIEDRICH RUDOLPH HERMANN) [1834- -^ 1895] Ein Beitrag zur Kunde der Siidsee-Volker. £— See GODEFFROY (J. C.) & SON. Die ethnographisch- anthropologische Abtheilung des Museum Godeffroy, &c. 8°. 1881. KRAUSE (GEORG) Aepyornis-Eier. pp. 6 : 1 pi. 8°. Gera, 1900. Ornith. Monatssohr. Deutsch. Ver. Schntze Vogelwelt. xxv, no. 7, pp. 299-304. Krause (G.) Die Columella der Vogel (Columella "2- amis avium) ihr Bau und dessen Einfluss auf die Feinhorigkeit, &c. pp. vii, 25 [1] : 4 pis., text illust. 4°. Berlin, 1901. KRAUSE (JOHANN CHRISTOPH) [1749-1799] Veterum e Mineralogia Aphorismi, quos . . . prseside . . . J. C. Krause . . . defendet . . . C. C. Schmieder, dec. See SCHMIEDER (K. C.) 4°. 1799. KRAUSE (JOHANN WILHELM) [1764-1842] Abbil- j^ dungen und Beschreibung aller bis jetzt bekannteu 0 Getreidearten, mit Angabe ihrer Kultur und Nutzen, dec. 8 Hft. [in 1 Vol.] illust. col. fol. Leipzig, (1834-) 1835-37. Printed in double column. KRAUSE (PAUL GUSTAV LUDWIG WILHELM) [1867-] Die Decapoden des Norddeutschen Jura. Inaugural- Dissertation, &c. 8°. Marburg, 1891. Zeitechr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Bd. XLIII, pp. Ill-UK: It pis. 1 KRAUSE (RUDOLF) Untersuchungen iiber den Bau des Centralnervensystems der Affen. pp. 49 : 8 pis. col., : ( s text illust. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE ''"5* AKADEMIE DER wissENSCHAFTEN. Physikalische Ab- handlungen,Ac. 1899 & 1900. Anhang, No. 3. 8°. 1900. KRAUSE (RUDOLF WILHELM) See CRAUSIUS (R. G.) KRAUSE (WILHELM) [1833-] Die terminalen Kor- perchen der einfach sensiblen Nerven. Anatomisch- physiologische Monographic, &c. pp. \viii^\ 271, 3 tabs. : 4 pis. 8°. Hannover, 1860. Krause (W.) Anatomische Untersuchungen, &c. pp. [x,] *- 168: 2 pis. 8°. Hannover, 1861. Krause (W.) Die Anatomie des Kaninchens in topo- graphischer und operativer Riicksicht . . . Zweite Auflage. pp. xvi, 888 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1884. Krause (W.) See MONTHLY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY (Internationale Monats- schrif t fur Anatomie und Histologie) conducted by ... W. Krause. Vol. i-v. 8°. 1884-88. KRAUSOLDUS (JOHANNES FRIDERICUS) Dissertatio medica de Sabina . . . sub prsesidio G. W. Wedelii ... ft proposita a J. F. Krausoldo, dec. See WEDEL (G. W.) 4°. 1707. KRAUSS (CHRISTIAN FERDINAND FRIEDRICH) [1812- -. 1890] Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Corallineen und Zoo- ^• phyten der Siidsee, &c. pp. 87 : 1 pi. 4°. Stuttgart, 1837. Krauss (C. F. F.) Die Siidafrikanischen Crustaceen. —^ Eine Zusammenstellung aller bekannten Malacostraca, Bemerkungen iiber deren Lebensweise und geograph- ische Verbreitung, nebst Beschreibung und Abbildung mehrer neuen Arten. pp.68:4pls. 4". Stuttgart, 1843. Krauss (C. F. F.) Beitrage zur Flora des Cap- und Natallandes. pp. 215. 8°. Regensburg, 1846. Krauss (C. F. F.) Die Siidafrikanischen Mollusken. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Mollusken des Kap- und ^ Natallandes und zur geographischen Verbreitung der- selben, mit Beschreibung und Abbildung der neuen Arten. pp. [iv,] 140 : 6 pis. col. 4°. Stuttgart, 1848. Krauss (C. F. F.) Beitrage zur Osteologie des Surinam- ischen Manatus. pp. 37. 8°. Berlin, 1858. Arborum omnium quas habet hortus Kreichii Argeliae Index. MS. foil. SO- fol. . KREITNEB, (GusTAV VON) Baron [1847-1893] Im L- fernen Osten. Reisen des Grafen B. Szechenyl in Indien, Japan, China, Tibet und Birma in ... 1877- 1880. 2 Bd. [in 1.] pp. xii, 1010: 3 maps, text Must. 8°. Wien, 1881. Kreitner (G. VON) Baron. [Geography of eastern Asia.] See SzECHENYi (B.) Count. Grof Szechenyl B. Kele- tazsiai utjanak tudomanyos Eredmenye. Kot. i & Atlasz. 4°. Krejci (J.) Studien im Gebiete der Bohmischen Kreide- Formation. I. Allgemeine und orographische £ Verhaltnisse, so wie Ghederung der Bohmischen Kreide- Formation. See PRAGUE. — BEIDE WHITE'S FUER " DIE LANDESDURCHFORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, f &c. Bd. i, section n, pt. 2 a. 8°. 1869. - Krejci (J.) Das isokline Krystallsystem. pp. 51 : 3 pis. i See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, &c. Folg. vi, bd. VII. 4°. 1874. S. 1 Krejci (J.) Elemente' der mathematischen Krystallo- graphie in neuer leichtfasslicher Darstellung. Nach den Vortragen von . . . J. Krejci . . . herausgegeben von F. Katzer. pp. S14: 8 pis. 8°. Leipzig, 1886. Krejci (J.) & Feistmantel (C.) Orographisch-geotek- [ tonische Uebersicht des silurischen Gebietes in mittleren Bohmen. pp. 124 •' 1 map, text Ulust. See PRAGUE. — C BEIDE COMIT^S FUER DIE LANDESDURCHFORSCHUNG VON ' BOEHMEN. Archiv, &c. Bd. v, abth. 5. 8°. 1885. Krejci (J.) & Fric (A. J.) Geologische Karte von Bohmen . . . Section vi. Umgebung von Kuttenberg L bis Bohm. Triibau. Entworfen von . . . J. Krejci. Mit Erlauterung von ... A. Fric. pp. 10: 1 mapgeol. See PRAGUE. — BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCH- FORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, &c. Bd. vn, no. 6. 8°. 1891. Krejci (J.) & Helmhacker (R.) Erlauterungen zur geologischen Karte der Umgebungen von Prag. pp. 248 : 1 pi. col., 1 map col., text illust. See PRAGUE. — BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCHFORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, &c. Bd. iv, no. 2. 8°. 1879 (1880). Krejci (J.) & Helmhacker (R.) Erlauterungen zur geologischen Karte des Eisengebirges (Zelezne^ Hory) und der angrenzenden Gegenden im ostlichen Bohmen. pp. 207: text illust. See PRAGUE.— BEIDE COMITES FUER DIE LANDESDURCHFORSCHUNG VON BOEHMEN. Archiv, &c. Bd. v, no. 1. 8°. 1882. KRELAGE (J. H.) [-1902] Notice sur quelques especes et varie'te's de Lis, suivie d'un Catalogue raisonn^ des Lis cultiv6s a 1'etablissement horticole de E. H. Krelage & Fils, a Haarlem, pp. [viii,] SO [4] : 6 pis. (col.) 8°. Haarlem, 1874. KBEMENETZ.— Botanic Garden. Catalogue des /i Plantes du Jardin Botanique de Krzemieniec. See BBS- \J . I— SER (W. S. J. G. VON). 8°. 1810. Kremenetz. — Botanic Garden. Ueber den . . . Botani- schen Garten. See TRAUTVETTER (E. R. VON). 8°. 1844. KREMENETZ. Volliyniaii Lyceum. Spis Koslin ozdobynch znajdui^cych si^ w ogrpdzie Botanicznym Liceum Wolynskiego w Krzemiencu [Catalogue of Ornamental Plants in the Botanic Garden of the volhynian Lyceum at Kremenetz], &c. See Wrr- ZELL (K.) fol. 182[1]. /» i 1027 e 6 KREMEB. (J. P.) Monographic des Hdpatiques de la Moselle, suivie d'une methode analytique des genres et des especes. pp. iv, 44. 8°. Metz, 1837. 2° edition, &c. pp. 51. 8°. Metz, 1863. Kremer (J. P.) De la sexualite et de Phybridit6 des Plantes, suivi de la nomenclature des Plantes hybrides observers jusqu'a, ce jour. These, &c. pp. 88. 8°. Montpellier, 1852. Kremer (. I. P.) Description du Populus Euphratica . . . Sa d6couverte sur les frontieres du Maroc, et son intro- duction en France, pp. 4 : Spls. 4°. Metz & Paris, 1866. KREMERS (EDWARD) D. I. D. Schoepf . . . Materia Medica Americana . . . 1787. [Reprint, edited with a biographical notice of the author by E. Kremers.] See LLOYD (J. U.) & (C. G.) Bulletin of the Lloyd Library of Botany, &c. No. 6. 8°. 1903. KREMPELHUBER (AUGUST VON) [1813-1882] Die Lichenen-Flora Bayerns . . . mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der verticalen Verbreitung dieser Gewachse in den Alpen. pp. [iv,] vi, 317. 4°. Regensburg, 1861. Denkschr. Baier. Bot. Gesell. Bd. iv. Kreiupelliuber (A. VON) Geschichte und Litteratur der Lichenologie von den altesten Zeiten bis zum Schlusse des Jahres 1865 (resp. 1870). 3 Bd. [in 2 Vol.] 8°. Munchen, 1867-72. Kreiupelliuber (A. VON) Lichenes. See AUSTEIA- HUNGAEY. Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in ... 1857-59, &c. Botanischer Theil. Bd. i, hft. 2. 4°. 1870. Krempelluiber (A. VON) Lichenes Australian], &c. See MuELLER(*S'tVF. J. H. VON) K.C.M.G.,Baron. Frag- menta Phytographiae Australiae. Suppt. Pt. v. 8°. 1880. KRENNER (JdzsEF SANDOR) [1839-] Ke"t lii Ke'n- (^ savas Kali-Cadmium kettossonak jegeczalakjair61. [On the crystal forms of two new double Sulphates of Potassium and Cadmium.] pp. 7: 1 pi. ,See BUDA- rf PEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok Korebol, &c. Kot. I, szam 8. 8°. 1867. L, Krenner (J. S.) A Dobsinai J6gbarlang, &c. (Die Eishohle von Dobschau, &c.) pp. 40 : 6 pis. col., text illust. 8°. & fol. Budapest, 1874. Kreiiner (J. S.) A Felsobanyai Trachyt Wolframitja. I [On the Wolframite of the Felso'banya Trachyte.] a PP- 1° •' 1 P^ j®ee BUDAPEST.— MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS | j i- 1 o AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomdnyok Korebol, &c. Kot. vn, szam 14. 8°. 1876. Krenner (J. S.) Magyarhoni Anglesitek. [On Hun- (^ garian Anglesites.] pp. 31 : 9 pis. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok Korebol, &c. Kot. vni, szam 8. 8°. 1877. i Krenner (J. S.) Jadeit kovek Birmab61. [Siliceous •• Jadeite from Birma.] See SzECHENYf (B.) Count. Gr6f Szechenyl B. Keletazsiai utjanak tudomanyos Ered- menye. Kot. in. 4°. 1897. rt KBETZSCHMAB (EDUAED) [-1894] Siidafrikan- n ische Skizzen . . . Zweite . . . Ausgabe. pp. vi, 382. 8°. Leipzig, 1873. The first edition appeared in 1858. KBETZSCHMAB, (SAMUEL) [-1774] S. Kretzsch- mars, . . . Beschreibung der in Dressden ohnlangst erzeugten Martyniae annuse, villosse, nebst einer |? Abhandlung, worinnen der Nutzen gezeiget wird . . . und einem Anhange [by C. F. Schulze], welcher die Vortheile erkliiret, die man von einem Krautergarten, in den wirthschaftlichen Gewerben, zu gewarten hat. pp. vi, 40 : 2 pis. 4°. Friedrichstadt [1764]. KRETJSLER (GOTTFRIED ADOLF ERNST WILHELM ULEICH) [1844- J Lehrbuch der Chemie, nebst einem I* Abrissder Mineralogie. pp. xvi, 779: 17 pis. (1 col.), ' / text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1880. KREUTZER (GAEL JOSEPH) Oesterreichs Giftge- /? wachse. pp. 177. 8°. Wien, 1838. D Kreutzer (C. J.) Anthochronologion Plantarum Europae r> mediae. Bliithen-Kalender der Pflanzen des mittleren O Europa. pp. viii, 236. 8°. Wien, 1840. ' Kreutzer (C. J.) [Bliithen-Kalender und systematisch geordnete Aufzahlung der Pflanzen in den Umgebungen Wiens. 12°. Wien, 1840.] Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] Bliithenkalender und Herbarkatalog der in den Umgebungen von Wien «<} wildwachsenden Pflanzen . . . Zweite . . . Auflage. f3 pp. 100. 8°. Wien, 1859. Kreutzer (C. J.) Leichtfassliche Anleitung zum Zeichnen der Krystall-Flachen und Netze, und zur . Anfertigung der Krystallmodelle aus Pappe. Nebst ^x7 einer Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten Benennungen und Bezeichnungen der einzelnen Kristallgestalten. pp. vi, 146 : 10 pis. 8°. & fol. Wien, 1858. Kreutzer (C. J.) Das Herbar. Anweisung zum sam- meln, trocknen und aufbewahren der Gewachse, nebst ~ geschichtlichen Bemerkungen iiber Herbare. pp. [iv,] $ 196 : text illust. 8°. Wien, 1864. KREYSIG (FEIEDEICH LUDWIG) [1770-1839] D. F. L. Kreysig . . . dissertationem inauguralem . . . indicit. Momenta quaedam vitas Vegetabilis cum Animali con- venientiam illustrantia exponuntur. 2 Pt. 4°. [Wittenberg, 1796.] Kreysiaf (F. L.) Ueber die Cultur der lilienartigen C ZwiebeT und Pracht-Gewachse welche zu der natur- C lichen Familie der Amaryllideen gehoren. pp. 57. 4°. Berlin, 1836. Allgem. Gart. Zeit. Bd. iv. KREYSIG (GEOEGE CHEISTOPH) [1697-1758] Biblio- theca scriptorum venaticorum continens auctores qui — de venatione, sylvis, aucupio, piscatura et aliis eo ^ spectantibus, commentati sunt. pp. [xviii,] 190 [18]. 8°. Altenburgi, 1750. KREYSSIG (W. A.) Die jetzt so verheerend auf- tretenden Kartoffelkrankheiten, die Trockenfaule und die Schorfkrankheit, oder Pocken, in ihrem Wesen, f2 ihren Ursachen und mit naturgemassen und praktischen Mitteln zu ihrer Verhiitung dargestellt. pp. 60 : 1 pi. 8°. Braunschweig, 1845. KRICH (GEOEGIUS FEIDERICUS) Experimenta quas- dam pharmacologica de Oleis, Ricini, Crotonis et „ Euphorbias lathyridis. Dissertatio inauguralis, &c. K pp. 50. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1857. KBZCHTAFOVZTCH (N.) See KRISHTAFOVICH. KBICK (F.) Ueber die Rindenknollen der Rotbuche. pp. 28 : 2 pis. See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA. Hft. xxv. 4°. 1891. KRIECHBAUMER (JOSEPH) [1819-1902] Dr. F. Klug's gesammelte Aufsatze iiber Blattwespen. He- rausgegeben von . . . J. Kriechbaumer. See KLUG (J. C. F.) 4°. 1884. Kriechbaumer (J.) Himen6pteros nuevos de Mal- lorca, recogidos por D. F. Moragues . . . y descritos por el Dr. Kriechbaumer. pp. 15. See MADRID. — SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. AlKilrs. &c. Tom. xxm. 8°. 1895. 1028 KRIEGER (GEORG SIGISMUND EDUARD) [1816-] De Otolithis. Dissertatio inauguralis physiologica, .i v. pp. 35 [4] : S pis. 4*. Berolini, 1840. KRIEGER (MAXIMILIAN) New-Guinea, 4°. 1896-* KRISTINEBERG. — Sveriges Zoologiska Hafsstation. Om Sveriges Zoologiska Hafsstation Kristineberg. See THEEL (H.) 8°. 1895. K RITISCH E ZEITSCHBIFT FUER CHEMIE, PHYSIK UND MATHEMATIK. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUER CHEMIE. KBIZ (MARTIN) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Quartar- zeit in Mahren. pp. 559 : 2 pis., text Must. 8°. Steinitz, 1903. KROCKER (ANTON) [1774-1863] De Plantarum epidermide . . . cum prasfatione Sprengelii, &c. pp. iv, 68 : 3 pis. 8°. Halve, 1800. KROCKER (ANTON JOHANN) [1744-1823] A. J. Krocker . . . Flora Silesiaca renovata, emendata, con- tin ens Plantas Silesia- indigenas de novo descriptas, &c. 4 VoL 8°. Vratidavice, 1787-1823. Vol. IT, or the Supplement, is in two separately-paged parts. KROCKER (HERMANN) [1810-] De Plantarum epi- dermide observations. Dissertatio, &c. pp. \iv^ 27 : 5 pis. 4°. Vratislavice [1833]. KROEMER (KARL) Wurzelhaut, Hypodermis und Endodermis der Angiospermenwurzel. pp. 151 : 6 pis. See BIBLIOTHJSCA BOTANIC A, [Svensk Flora for Skpkrf . . . i. Fanerogainer^x^T Stockftolm, 1883 J — — Andra upplagan. . 226. 8°. Stockh KROLEWSKI. Warszawskij Uniwersytet. See WARSAW. — IMPERATORSKII VARSHAVSKI! UNIVER- SlTET. KBOLLZCK (HERMANN) Grenzen und Gliederung der Alpen. pp. S3. 4°. Berlin, 1893. Wiseensch. Beilag. Progr. Funftun Realscbule Berlin. KBOMBACH (JOHANN HEINRICH WILHELM) [1791- 1881] Flore du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg. Plantes Phanerogames. pp. iv, 564- 12°. Luxembourg, 1875. KBOMBHOLZ (Junus VINCENZ VON) [1782-1843] Conspectus Fungorum esculentorum, qui per decursum anni 1820 Pragas publice vendebantur. Momentum topographicum. Programma, &c. — Uibersicht der essbaren Schwamme, &c. pp. 40. 8°. Prag, 1821. Latin and German in parallel columns. Krombholz (J. V. VON) Naturgetreue Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der essbaren, schadlichen und verdachtigen Schwamme. 10 Hft. [in 1 Vol.] & Atlas. fol. Prag, 1831-47. .For tables correlating the Ili/menomycetet described in this work with the species of Fries, See LAPLANOHE (M. C. DE) Dictionnaire icono- graphiqne des Champignons. KRONEBERGH (ALEKSANDR IVANOVICH) [1844-] [Araneae of Turkestan.] See Moscow.— IMPERATORSKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBITELEI EgTESTVOZNANIYA ANTRO- POLOGHII I ETNOGHRAFii, &c. Izvyestiya, Kroufeld (M.) Monographic der Gattung Typha, Tourn., &c. pp. vi, 104: S pis. 8°. Wien, 1889. Verhandl. k. k. Zool.-bot. Gesell. Wien. Bd. xxxix. Kronfeld (M.) Typhaceae. See MARTIUS (C. F. P. VON) Flora Brasiliensis, dfcc. Vol. in, pt. 3. fol. 1894. Kronfeld (M.) Bilder-Atlas zur Pflanzengeographie mil beschreibendem Text. pp. 192 : text Must. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1899. Kronfeld (M.) Studien uber die Verbreitungsmittel der Pflanzen. Thl. i-> 8°. Leipzig, 1900-» Kronfeld (M.) & Hoefer (F.) Die Volksnamen der Niederosterreichischen Pflanzen. See HOEFEB (F.) & KHONFKLD (M.) 8°- 1889. 6 u u i- B B B 1020 ' '». I* .I3JV A U L KRONINGSSVARD (GAEL GUSTAF) [1786-1859 Flora Dalekarlica. Landskapet Dalarnes indigena Phanerogamer och Filices. pp. 66. 8°. Fahlun, 1843 KRONSTZDT (AXEL FEEDBIC) See CBONSTEDT (A. F.) KROOK (P.) Planta? Pentherianae. Aufzahlung der von ... A. Penther und in seinem Auftrage von P. Krook in Sudafrika gesammelten Pflanzen, &c Pt. i & ii. Must. See ZAHLBEUCKNEE (A.) 8°. 1900 & 1903 KROS (SiMON PETBUS) Dissertatio botanica inaugu- ralis de Spira in Plantis conspicua, &c. pp. [via,] 143 8°. Groningae, 1845 KROTOV (PETE IVANOVICH) Kratkil otchet o Gheo- loghicheskol Ekskursi! v Kotel'nicheskil uyezda Vyat- skoi ghubernii. [Preliminary report of a Geological £ Excursion to the Kotelnitch district, Viatka govern- ment.] pp. 7. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTEST- VOISPUITATELEI, &c. Protokolui zasyedanii, &c. 1877- 78. [Appendix, No. 33.] 8°. 1878. Krotov (P. I.) Materialui dlya gheologhii Vyatskoi fhubernil. [Contributions to the geology of the Viat- a government.] 3 Pt. See KAZAN.— OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, &c. Trudui,i.i >i Insektenwanderungen zwischen Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord- amerika, und ihre wirtschaftlicne Bedeutung. pp. viii, 174. 8«. Stettin, 1899. KRUEGER (MARCUS SAXOMONIDES) Bibliographia Botanica. Handbuch der botanischen Literatur in systeniatischer Ordnung, nebst kurzen biographischen Notizen iiber die botanischen Schriftsteller, ofcc. pp. vi, 464. 8°. Berlin, 1841. KRUEGER ( WILHELM) Berichte der Versuchsstation fur Zuckerrohr in West-Java . . . Herausgegeben von . . . W. Kriiger. Hft. i & n. See KAGOK. — Versucht- station fuer Zuckerrohr in West- Java. 8°. 1890,96. KRUEMMEL (Giro) [1854-] Reisebeschreibung der Plankton-Expedition, &c. — Geophysikalische Beobach- tungen. See HENSEN (V. A. C.) Ergebnisse der ... Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stif tung, Botanico-geograpnical Exploration in the Kazan govern- ment in 1881.] pp. 14. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVoIspuiTATELEl, &c. Protokolui zasyedanil, 1 map geol. col. 4°. Berlin, 1896. Jalirb. k. geolog. Landemut. & B«rgakad. 18W. 1031 . Krusch (J. P.) See KALENDER FUER GEOLOGEN, (y PALAEONTOLOGEN UND MINERALOGEN. Herausgege- ben von ... P. Krusch, &c. Jahrg. v-» 8°. 1902-» KRUSE (FRIEDRICH) Botanisches Taschenbuch, A enthaltend die in Deutschland, Deutsch-Oesterreich und der Schweiz wild wachsenden und im freien kulti- vierten Gefasspflanzen, &c. pp. xviii, 469. 8°. Berlin, 1887. KRUSENSTERN (ADAM JOHANN VON) [1770-1846] it Plantes recueillies pendant le voyage des Russes autour V du monde [in the "Nadezhda" and the "Neva"]. Expedition dirigee par M. de Krusenstern. See LANGS- DORF (G. H. VON) & FISCHER (F. E. L. VON), fol. 1810-18. Krusenstern (A. J. VON) Naturhistorische Friichte der Zersten Kaiserlich-Russischen unter dem Kommando des Herrn v. Krusenstern . . . Erdumseeglung [sic] gesam- melt. See TILESIUS VON TILENAU (W. G. VON). 4°. 1813. KRUSENSTERN (PAUL THEODOR VON) [1809-1881] Geographische Ortsbestimmungen ( — Beitrage zur Geo- /^. graphie und Hydrographie) des Petschora Landes. See KEYSERLING (A. VON) Count. Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen aui einer Reise in das Petschora-Land, &c. 4°. 1846. KRUTZSCH (CARL LEBRECHT) [Gebirgs- und Boden- i Forst- und Landwirth. Thl. i.t , • 8 6 € 6 . . . 8°. Dresden, 1827.] kunde fiir den Wanting. — — [Another edition entitled :] Gebirgskunde. Ein Hilfsmittel, die gemeinsten Mineralien, Stein- und Felsarten . . . kennen zu lernen . . . Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. xxiv, 398. 8°. Dresden & Leipzig, [1843-] 1844. Krutzsch (C. L.) Grundsatze der Agricultur-Chemie . . . Zweite Auflage . . . verbessert von K. L. Krutzsch. 2 Thl. See SCHUEBLER (G.) 8°. 1838. KRYLOW (PORFIRII) See KRUILOV (P. N.) KUBASSOW (P. VON) Ueber die Pilze des Palu- dismus, &c. pp. 34 : 5 pis. 8°. Berlin, 1898. KUBIN (ERNST) & Mueller (J. F.) Entwicklungs- Vorgange bei Pistia stratiotes und Vallisneria spiralis. m>. 70 : 9 pis. See BOTANISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN, &c. Bd. in, hft. 4. 8°. 1878. KUBINYI (AGOSTON) [1799-1873] Magyarorszagi Merges NSvenyek, &c. [Poisonous Phanerogams of Hungary, (fee.] pp. 84: 30 pis. 8°. Buddn, 1842. KUCKUCK (PAUL) Atlas Deutscher Meeresalgen . . . In Verbindung mit ... P. Kuckuck bearbeitet von . . . J. Reinke. See REINKE (J.) fol. 1889-92. Kuckuck (P.) Bemerkungen zur marinen Algen- vegetation von Helgoland. 4°. Kiel & Leipzig, 1894, 1897. Wissensch. Meeresuntersuch. Komm. Untersuch. Deutsch Meere. N F Bd. I, pp. Ki-%63, Bd. H, pp. 37S-UIO: text Ulust. Kuckuck (P.) Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Meeresalgen. pp. 46 : 7 pis., text Ulust. 4°. Kiel & Leipzig, 1897. Wissensch. Meeresuntersuch. Komm. Untersuch. Deutsch. Meere N F Bd. ii. Kuckuck (P.) Ueber Polymorphic bei einigen Phseo- sporeen. See GIESENHAGEN (K. F. G.) & others. Botanische Untersuchungen, &c. 8°. 1899. KUDERN ATSCH ( JOHANN) [-1856] Die Ammoniten von Swinitza. pp. 16: 4 pis. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Kaiserlich - Koenigliche Geologische Reichsanstalt. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. I, abth. n, no. 1. 4°. 1852. KUEBItER (JAKOB) Die Foraminiferen des Schweiz- Jura, &c. pp. 49 : 4 pis. 4°. Winterthur, 1870. KUECH (RICHARD) [I860-] Beitrag zur Petrographie des Westafrikanischen Scniefergebirges. Inaugural- r^4 Dissertation, &c. pp. 41. 8°. Wien, 1884. Also issued in "Min.-pet. Mittheil.," Bd. vi. Kuech (R.) Geplogische Studien in der Republik -^ Columbia . . . Die Vulkanischen Gesteine. See REISS (~f (J. W.) & STUEBEL (M. A.) Reisen in Siid-Amerika. 4°. 1892. KUECHELBECKER (GEORGius GOTTLOB) [-1758] /j Dissertatio botanico-physica de Spinis Plantarum, Ifi quam . . . proponit G. G. Kiichelbecker . . . respon- dente J. L. Seeoer, &c. pp. 36. 4°. Lipsiae [1756]. Kuechelbecker (G. G.) & Bosseck (H. O.) De Antheris Florum, &c. See BOSSECK (H. O.) & KUECHEL- /2 BECKER (G. G.) 4°. 1750. KUECHENMEISTER (GOTTLOB FRIEDRICH HEIN- RICH) [1821-1890] Die in und an dem Kijrper des lebenden Menscnen vorkommenden Parasiten, &c. ~-* 2 Abth. [in 1 Vol.] Must. 8°. Leipzig, 1855. ^. Abth. I. Die thierischen Parasiten. pp. xii, I&6: 5 pli. (col.), text Ulust. „ ii. Die pflanzlichen Parasiten. pp.xvi,llt8:9pli.(col.),textilluit. - [Another edition entitled :] Die Parasiten des Menschen. Zweite Auflage, herausgegeben von . . . F. Kiichenmeister . . . und . . . F. A. Zurn. (Theil i.t ^ Die thierischen Parasiten.) pp. x, 582 : 15 pis., text ^~ Ulust. 8°. Leipzig [1878-81]. Kuechenmeister (G. F. H.) On animal and vegetable Parasites of the Human Body, a manual of their natural history, diagnosis and treatment . . . translated from the second German edition, by E. Lankester, &c. 2 Vol. * Ulust. col. 8°. London, 1857. One of the publications of the Sydenham Society. Kueclieiimeister (G. F. H.) The flower Shushan on the pillars of Solomon's Temple. From the German . of Dr. Kuechenmeister, in the " Denkschriften der f*) Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis," zu Dresden, 1860 [translated, with notes, by R. J. Shuttleworth]. 8°. London, 1861. Kuechenmeister (G. F. H.) Die Finne des Bothrio- cephalus und ihre Uebertragung auf den Menschen, &c. pp. 44. 8°. Leipzig, 1886. ' Kueclieiimeister (G. F. H.) & Zuerii (F. A.) Die Para- siten des Menschen. Zweite : Auflage, &c. See KUECHEN- .— ^ MEISTER (G. F. H.) Die in und an dem Korper des £- - lebenden Menschen vorkommenden Parasiten, &c. ;i! KUEHN (CARL GOTTLOB) [1754-1840] See COM- MENTARII DE REBUS IN SCIENTIA NATURAL! ET / MEDICINA GESTIS. Vol. xxxi-xxxvu. [Edited by L- — C. G. Kiihn.] 8°. 1789-1806. Kuehn (CARL G.) R. Pulteney's . . . Geschichte der Botanik bis auf die neuern Zeiten . . . Aus dem £ Englischen und mit Anmerkungen versehen von K. G. rN Kuhn. 2 Vol. See PULTENEY (R.) 8°. 1798. KUEHN (JOANNES AUGUSTUS CHRISTIANUS) Disser- tatio inauguralis medica de Ascaridibus per urinam emissis, adjuncta commentatione de Vermium Intesti- nalium generatione. pp. [vi,] 18. 4°. Jenae [1798]. KUEHN (JULIUS GOTTHELF) [1825-] Die Krankheiten der Kulturgewiichse, ihre Ursachen und ihre Verhiitung. pp. xxii, 312: 7 pis. 8°. Berlin, 1858. Kuelm (JULIUS G.) Mittheilungen iiber die Ent- wickelungsformen des Getreidebrandes und die Art des Eindringens der Keimfaden in die Nahrpflanze. 4U. Halle [1874]. 1032 M l\J Kuehn (JULIUS G.) Remarks on the Gayal skull brought by ... K Riebeck from Chittagong. See RIE- BKCK (E.) The Chittagong Hill Tribes, In ihren Grundzugen dargestellt, &c. pp. SIS: text 8°. Jena, 1902. KTJESTER (FRIEDRICH WILHELM ALBERT) [1861-] See ZEITSCHRIFT FUER ANORGANISCHE CHEMIE . . . Herausgegeben von . . . F. W. Kiister. Bd. xix-xxxvi. 8°. 1898-1903. XUESTEB. (HEINRICH CARL) [1807-1876] Icones Molluscoram et Testaceorum. Abbildungen der Mol- lusken und ihrer Schalen. 2 Abth. 12 pis. col., with descriptive letterprett. 4°. Niirnherg [1833]. German ud L»tin in panllel oolnmu. Knester (H. C.) Conchylien-Cabinet ^_ . . . Neu nerausgegeben und vervollstandigt von H. C. "~7 Kuster. Lief. 1-248. See MARTINI (F. H. W.) 4°. 1837-76. Kuester (H. C.) Systematisches Verzeichniss der in der Umgegend Erlungens beobachteten Thiere, &c. f Hft. i.t Wirbelthiere, Mollusken und Kafer enthaltend. pp. iv, 46. 4°. Erlangen, 1840. Knester (H. C.) Die Kafer Europas nach der Natur ^ beschrieben von . . . H. C. Kuster. Mit Beitragen £_ mehrerer Entomologen. 28 Hft. [in 14 Vol.] illust. 12°. Nurnberg, 1844-54. von . . . G. Kraatz im Anschluss . . . mit Beitragen £. von H. v. Kiesenwetter. Hft. xxix. 12°. Nurnberg, 1873. ^ Fortgesetzt von J. Schilsky. Hft. xxx-» 12°. Niirnberg, 1894-» (c, Kuester (H. C.) Die Binnenconchylien Dalmatiens, mit Zuziehung der Faunen von Triest, Istrien und t— Montenegro . . . in. Die Gattung Clausilia. pp. 132. "£, See BAMBERG. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Bericht, &c. No. 10, Append. 8°. 1875. <£ I Knester (H. C.) & Dunker (W. B. R. H.) Die Familie der Limnaeiden . . . Begonnen von . . . H. C. Kuster — und ... W. Dunker, &c. See MARTINI (F. H. VV.) £• Systematisches Conchylien Cabinet, &c. Bd. i, abth. 17. 4°. (1841-) 1886. Knester (H. C.) «fe Hahn (C. W.) Voegel aus Asien, ^ Africa, Amerika und Neuholland, &c. See HAHN (C. W.) &- & KUESTER (H. C.) A 1850. KUETZING (FRIEDRICH TRAUGOTT) [1807-1893] /3 Algarum aquas dulcis Germanicarum. Decas i-xvi. 8°. Halis Saxonum, 1833-36. Wanting Decodes ill, IV & XI. Kuetzing (F. T.) Synopsis Diatomearum, oder Versuch ,« einer systematischen Zusammenstellung der Diatomeen. O 8°. [Halle, 1834.] Linntea. Bd. vlll (1888), pp. S29-eiO: 7 pit. Knetzing (F. T.) Ueber die "Polypieres calciferes" ^ des Lamouroux. pp.33. 4°. Noi-dkausen& Leipzig, 1841. £. Offent. Pruf. Kealacbule Nordhauaen. 1841. Knetzing (F. T.) Die Umwandlung niederer Algen- A formen in hohere, so wie auch in Gattungen ganz verschiedener Familien und Klassen hoherer Crypto- /_ gamen mit zelligem Bau, &c. pp. iv, ISO : 18 pis. col. ^ , { See HAARLEM. — HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ WETENSCHAPPEN. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen, 1033 Kuetziug (F. T.) Tabulae Phycologicse, oder Abbil- dungen der Tange. 19 Bd. & Index [in 10 Vol.] Must. 8°. Nordhausen, 1845-71. col. Xnetziug (F. T.) Species Algarum. pp. vi, 922. 8°. Lipsice, 1849. /L Kuetzing (F. T.) Ueber Heterocladia prolifera, Dene. . 6. 4°. Nordhausen, 1849. t. Prilf. Realschule Nordhausen. 1849. £. Kuetzing (F. T.) Grundziige der philosophischen Botanik. 2 Bd. [in 1 Vol.] illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1851-52. , Kuetzing (F. T.) [Algae of Portugal.] See COIMBEA.— 5 UNIVERSIDADE. Contribuitiones ad Floram Crypto- gamicam Lusitanicam, &c. 8°."188'0. KTJGELAITlJ'JJoHANN GOTTLIEB) [1753-1815] Ver- •f zeichniss der Kafor Preussens. Entworfen von J. G. • Kugelann . . . Ausgearbeitet von J. K. W. Illiger. Mit einer Vorrede dies Professors . . . Hellwig . . . und dem angehangten Versuche einer natiirlichen Ordnungs- und Gattungs-Folge der Insekten. pp. xlii, 510. 8°. Halle, 1798. L- KUGEIiBERG (HAEALDUS) Museum naturalium t. <-eL Academic Upsaliensis, cujus partem decimam . . . sub- jicit H. Kugelberg. See THUNBEEG (C. P.) 4°. 1791. KUGELBERG (O. F.) [For official publications in connection with the" Kartblad"]$ee SWEDEN. — Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning. Ser. A. a. KUGLEE, (EMIL) General-Doubletten-Verzeichnis des tf Schlesischen Botanischen Tausch-Vereins. Tausch- jahr. xxi & xxn. See RYBNIK.— SCHLESISCHEE BOTA- ' NISCHEE TAUSCH-VEEEIN. fol. 1883-84. KUH (JOANNES CAEOLUS CHBISTIANUS) [1804-] De ft/ . Hydrosilicite, nova fossilium specie. Dissertatio in- auguralis, &c. pp. 26. 8°. Berolini [1826]. KTJHL (HEINEICH) [1797-1821] Die Deutschen Fleder- mause. pp. 67 : 2 pis. col. 4°. Hanau, 1817. Wettemn Gesell. N. Annal. i, 1819. rKuhl (H.) Beitrage zur Zoologie und vergleichenden Anatomie, &c. (Zweite Abtheilung. Beitrage zur ver- ' gleichenden Anatomie von . . . van Hasselt und . . . "; H. Kuhl, dec.) 2 Abth. [in 1 Vol.] illust. 4°. Frankfurt am Main, 1820. Knhl (H.) Buffpni et Daubentoni figurarum Avium coloratarum nomina systematica. Collegit H. Kuhl . . . edidit, prsefatione et indicibus auxit T. van Swinderen, &c. pp. [iv,] S6 [2\. 4°. Groningai, 1820. -T- Kuhl (H.) H. Kuhl . . . conspectus Psittacorum. Cum specierum definitionibus, uovarum descriptionibus, &c. "Z~ pp. 104: 3 pis. col. 4°. [Bonn, 1820.] Nova Acta Acad. Cms. Leop. -Carol. Nat. Cur. Vol. x. Kuhl (H.) [Remarks on the characters and affinities "7 °f the Orders of Mammalia as arranged by Illiger.] " See BOWDICH (T. E.) An analysis of the natural classi- fications of Mammalia. 8°. 1821. Kuhl (H.) EnumejaiH' Plantarum Javaa-i-. . novaruin, ex HerbariiSj^ / 8°. Innsbruck, 1892. KULAGHIN (NIKOLAI MIKHAILOVICH) [I860-] Spiski 1 oplsanie Kollektzii Zemnovodnuikh I Presmuikayu- shchlkhsy'a. [List and description of the collection of Amphibia and Reptiles in the Zoological Museum of the University of Moscow.] pp. 39: text illust. See Moscow. — IMPEEATOESKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBITELEI ESTEST- VOZNANIYA ANTEOPOLOGHII I ETNOGHEAFII, &C. Iz- vyestiya, &c. Tom. LVI, vuip. 2. 4°. 1888. Knlaghiu (N. M.) Mater'yalui po estestvennol Istorii Dozhdevuikh Chervei (Gem. Lumbricidae, Vejd.) Vstrye- chayushchikhsya v Rossii. [Contributions to the natural history of Earth- Worms (Fam. Lumbricidae, Vejd.) occurring in Russia.] pp. (1), 65 (1) : 4 pis., text illust. See Moscow. — IMPEEATOESKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBITELEt ESTESTVOZNANIYA ANTEOPOLOGHII I ETNO- GHEAFII, &c. Izvyestiya, &c. Tom. LVHI, vuip. 2. 4°. 1889. / ' — Eulaghin (N. M.) Materialui po estestvennoi Istorii parazltlcheskikhpereponchatokruiluikh. [Contribution to the natural history of parasitic Hymenoptera] (Platygaster, Mesochorus, Microgaster). See Moscow. — IMPEEATOESKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBiTELEl ESTESTVOZ- NANIYA ANTEOPOLOGHII I ETNOGHEAFII, &C. IzvyeStiyS, botanico-physica de Literis in Ligno Fagi repertis, quam praeside . . . J. A. Kulmo . . . subjiciet respondens J. E. Kulmus. pp. 29 : 1 pi. 4°. Gedani [1730]. KULMUS (JOANNES ERNESTUS) Dissertatio . . . de Literis in Ligno Fagi repertis, quam . . . subjiciet respondens J. E. Kulmus, dec. See KULMUS (J. A.) 4°. [1730.] KULTSCHITZKY (N.) See KUL'CHITZKI!. KUMAON. Catalogue of Plants found in Kumaon and Garhwal and the adjoining parts of Tibet. [By Sir R. Strachey.] pp. 63-122. 8°. [London ? 1854 ?] Privately printed from Vol. n of an unpublished work. f It was subsequently revised and reprinted in the " Gazetteer of the - \ North Western Provinces," Vol. x, 1882. KUMLIEN (THURE LUDWIG THEODOR) [1819-1888] Contributions to the natural history of Arctic America, made in ... 1877-78. pp. 179. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, dec. No. 15. 8°. 1879. Introduction. By L. Knmlien. Ethnology. Fragmentary notes on the Eskimo of Cumberland Sound. By L. Kmnlien. Mammals. Fragmentary notes on tbe Mammalia of Cumberland Sound. BT L. Knmlien. Birds. By L. Kiimlien. Fishes collected in Cumberland Gulf and Disko Bay. By T. H. Bean. Crustacea. By S. I. Smith. Annelides. By A. E. Verrill. Mollnske. List of Shells obtained . . . 1877-78, at points in Cumber- land Sound, Arctic regions, west from Baffin's Bay. By W. H. Dull. Mollnacoids.— Radiates. By A. E. Verrill. Insects. Diurnal Lepidoptera. By W. H. Edwards. Hymenoptera. By E. T. Cresaon. *V Nocturnal Lepidopter*. By A. R. Grot*. I Diptera. By K. Burgess. Coleoptera, By J. L. Le Conte. f Nenroptera. By H. Hagen. Arachnida. By J. H. Emerton. J Plant*. List of the Plants collected at points in Cumberland Sound . . . and on tbe south shores of Disko Island, Greenland. By A. Gray. Lichens. List of Lichens collected in tbe vicinity of Annanactcok Harbor, Cumberland Sound ... By E. Tnckerman. List of AUne collected at points in Cumberland Sound during 1877. By W. O. Farlow. t. M. ' L 2 [Edited by S. H. Scudder.] Minerals. By] . Endlich. [Another issue.] See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. xxm, art. 5. 8°. 1879 (1882). KUMMEB, (KARL WILHELM) [c. 1780-1840] Geo- graphisch-historisch-topographische Beschreibung zu K. W. Kummer's Stereorama, oder Relief des Mont- blanc-Gebirges und dessen nachster Umgebung. See Rrr- TER (C.) Geographer. 8°. 1824. KUMMEB, (PAUL) Das Leben der Pflanze. Auf dem Grunde der gegenwartigen Wissenschaft popular dargestellt pp. mi, 78. 8°. Zerbst, 1870. Kuminer(P.) [Der Fuhrer in die Pilzkunde. Anleitung zum methodischen, leichten und sicheren Bestimmen der in Deutschland vorkommenden Pilze, dec. 8°. Zerbst, 1871.] Wanting. Zweite . . . Auflage, dec, 2 Bd. [in 1] illust. Zerbst, 1882. Bd. n has an alternative title, which reads :— " Der Fuhrer in die mikro- skopiscben Pilze," Ac. Kummer (P.) Der Fuhrer in die Mooskunde. An- leitung zum leichten und sicheren Bestimmen der Deutschen Moose, dec. pp. [vi,] 119 : 4 pis. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Kummer (P.) [Der Fuhrer in die Flechtenkunde. Anleitung zum leichten und sicheren Bestimmen der Deutschen Flechten. 8°. Berlin, 1874.] Wanting. Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. [iv,] 187 : Spls. (col.) 8°. Berlin, 1883. Kuiumer (P.) [Kryptogamische Charakterbilder. 8°. Hannover, 1878.] Wanting. Zweite Ausgabe. pp. viii, 251 : text illust. 8°. Halle, 1883. KUNCKEL D'HERCULAIS (JuLES) [1843-] Re- cherches sur 1'organisation et le d6veloppement des Volucelles, insectes dipteres de la famille des Syrphides, dec. pp. iv, 208 : 27 pis. (col.) fol. Paris, 1875-81. Kimckel d'Herculais (J.) Histoire naturelle des Col6opteres. Tom. n, Atlas, pt. 1 & 2. See GRANDI- DIER (A.) Histoire . . . naturelle . . . de Madagascar. Vol. XXH. 4°. 1887-90. KUNDMANN (JoHANN CHRISTIAN) [1684-1751] Rariora Naturae & Artis item in Re Medica, oder Seltenheiten der Natur und Kunst des Kundmanni- schen Naturalien-Kabinets; wie auch in der Arznei- Wissenschaft, dec. [pp. xviii, 698 :] 19 pis., text illust. fol. Breslau as Leipzig, 1737. Printed in double columns, which are consecutively numbered. KUNISCH (HERMANN) [1856-1893] Die Meteoriten unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Schlesischen. Vortrag, dec. pp. 8. 8°. [Breslau, 1883.] KUNST- UND HANDWERKS-VER.EIN ZU ALTENBURG. See ALTENBURG. KUNSTMANN (L.) Aloe Americana, Agave Ameri- cana, Linn. . . . zur Bliite gebracht 1783 im Hochgrsefl. v. Schimmelmannschen Garten in Wandsbeck durch C. Trapp, Kunstgartnern daselbst. L. Kunstmann del. A. Stottrup sc. Copper plate engraving 14 x 9 in. Cf. Dryander's "Cat. Bibl. Banks," Vol. HI, p. 267. KUNTH (CARL SIGISMUND) [1788-1850] [Flora Bero- linensis, sive enumeratio Plantarum circa Berolinum sponte crescentium.] pp. x, 282. 8°. Berolini, 1813. Wanting the title-page : the second title-page, which is preserved, reads :— "Enumeratio Vegetabilinm phcanogaraornni circa Berolinum sponte crescentinm." An identical title was given by the author to a later work on the subject, too distinct in its character to be considered as a second edition of this one, though commonly cited as such in biblio- graphies. €> 8 1035 Kunth (C. S.) Nova genera et species Plantarum . . . ex schedis . . . Bonplandi in ordinem digessit C. S. Kunth, dec. 7 Vol. Must. See HUMBOLDT (F. H. A. VON) Barpn, & BONPLAND (A. J. A.) Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales, dec. Pt. vi, sect. 3. fol. 1815-25. Kunth (C. S.) Monographic des Melastomac^es . . . mis en ordre par A. Bonpland, dec. 2 Pt. Must. col. (Melastomae. — Rhexise.) [The last five parts of the Melastomae and the greater part of the Rhexiae were edited by C. S. Kunth.] See HUMBOLDT (F. H. A. VON) Baron, & BONPLAND (A. J. A.) Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales, dec. Pt. vi, sect. 2. fol. 1816-23. Kunth (C. S.) Mimoses et autres Plantes Legu- mineuses du Nouveau Continent, dec. See HUMBOLDT (F. H. A. VON). Baron, & BONPLAND (A. J. A.) Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales, &c. Pt. vi, sect. 4. fol. 1819 [-24]. Kunth (C. S.) Malvaceae, Biittneriacese, Tiliaceae, familiae denuo ad examen revocatas characteribusque magis exactis distinctae, addita familianova Bixinarum, dec. pp. 20. 8°. Parisiis, 1822. Knuth (C. S.) Dictionnaire classique d'Histoire - naturelle, par Messieurs Audouin . . . [C. SJ Kunth, dec. ' 17 Vol. See BORY DE SAINT- VINCENT (J. B. G. M.) Baron. 8°. 1822-31. Kunth (C. S.) Synopsis Plantarum, quas in itinere ad /) plagam aaquinoctialem Orbis Novi, collegerunt A. de D> Humboldt et A. Bonpland, dec. 4 Vol. See HUMBOLDT (F. H. A. VON), Baron, & BONPLAND (A. J. A.) Voyages aux Regions Equinoxiales, dec. Pt. vi, sect. 5. 8°. 1822-25 [-26]. Kunth (C. S.) Revision des Graminees publiees dans les Nova genera et species Plantarum . . . pr^cedee d'un travail general sur la famille des Graminees, dec. See HUMBOLDT (F. H. A. VON) Baron, & BONPLAND (A. J. A.) Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales, dec. Pt. vi. sect. 6. fol. 1829 [-34]. $ [Another edition entitled :] Distribution m6tho- dique de la famille des Graminees, dec. fol. 1835. Kunth (C. S.) Handbuch der Botanik. pp. xii, 735. 8°. Berlin, 1831. Knuth (C. S.) Vier botanische Abhandlungen. pp. 16. 8°. Berlin, 1832. Under the above collective title are included the four following papers from the " Physik. Abhandl. k. Preuss. Akad. Wissensch.," Berlin, 1831 (1832) :— 1. Ueber die Verwandtschaft der Gattung Stitbe, Ac. 2. Ueber eine neue Gattung [ Mitscherlichia] aus der Familie der Nycta- gineen. 3. Ueber die Gattung Syttipicza, Licbtenst. 4. Ueber die Willdenow'sche Gattung Omphalococca. An excerpt bearing the original pagination in the "Abhandlungen" is bound in the same volume. Kunth (C. S.) Zwei botanische Abhandlungen. pp. 24 : 3 pis. (col.) 4°. Berlin, 1833. , Under the above collective title are included the two following papers [from the " Pbysik. Abhandl. k. Frenss. Akad. Wissensch.," Berlin, 1832(1833):— 1. Ueber die Bliithen- und Fruchtbildung der Cruciferen. 2. Ueber einige Aublet'sche Fnanzengattungen. Kunth(C.S.) Enumeratio Plantarum omnium hucusque cognitarum, secundum familias naturales disposita, adjectis characteribus, differentiis et synonymis. (Sup- plementum Tomi Primi.) 6 Vol. 8°. Stutrjardia & Tubingce, 1833-50. Each volume has, in addition, a separate title of its own, as follows : — Vol. I. Agrostographia synoptica, sive enumeratio Graminearum omnium hucusque cognitarum, tfcc. 183S. TomuB secundus, exhibens descriptiones apecierum novarnm et minus cognitarum. 835. .. ll. Cyperographia synoptica, c&c. 1837. Enumeratio Aroidearuru . . . et Eriocaulearnm, dc. Enumeratio Xyridearum . . . Liliacearumet Asphodelea- rum, tfcc. , Enumeratio Asparaginearum, Smilacinearum Aroaryl- lideanun, itv. 1841. 1843. 1850. Kunth (C. S.) Anleitung zur Kenntniss sammtlicher A in der Pharmacoprea Borussica aufgefubrten officinellen « Gewachse nach natiirlichen Familien. pp. vii, 496. 8°. Berlin, 1834. Kunth (C. S.) Flora Berolinensis, sive enumeratio Plantarum circa Berolinum sponte crescentium secun- £> dum familias naturales disposita. 2 Tom. 8°. Berolini, 1838. An identical title was given by the author to a previous work on the same subject, that is often cited as an earlier edition of this one : the two works are, however, very different. Kunth (C. S.) Bemerkungen ueber die Familie der » Piperaceen. pp. 166. 8°. Halle, 1840. Linnnea. xiu. Kunth (C. S.) Lehrbuch der Botanik . . . Erster Theil. C Allgemeine Botanik : Organographie, Physiologic, Systemkunde, Pflanzengeographie. pp. xii, 5883 8°. Berlin, 1847. Kunth (C. S.) [For official publications as Vice- Director] See BERLIN.— KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WIL- HELMS-0NIVERS1TAET. — Botanischer Garten. KUNTZE (CARL ERNST OTTO) [1843-] Reform Deutscher Brombeeren. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Eigenschaften der Arten und Bastarde des Genus Rubus, L. pp. 127. 8°. Leipzig, 1867. Kuntze (C. E. O.) Taschen-Flora von Leipzig. Be- schreibung und Standortsangabe der in dem Bezirk Q von vier Meilen um Leipzig einheiniischen, haufig gebauten und verwilderten Gefasspflanzen, dec. pp. xlii, 298. 8°. Leipzig & Heidelberg, 1867. Knntze (C. E. O.) Monographic der Gattung Cinchona, D L. Abhandlung, dec. (Lebenslauf.) pp. 39 [3). 8°. Leipzig, 1878. Afterwards incorporated in his " Cinchona," £ *S n Q 6 \> ft Z Kunz (G. F.) Folk-Lore of Precious Stones. h°. Chicago, 1894. Mem. Internal. Congre» Anthrop. pp. t67-t81. Kunz (G. F.) Natal Stones: sentiment and MI]HT stition connected with Precious Stones (Ninth edition). pp. SO. 12°. New York [1902]. KUNZE (CARL SEBASTIAN HEINRICII) [1774-1820] Dfiitschlands Cryptogamische Gowiichse, oder botani- sches Taschenbuch auf das Jahr 1795. pp. vi, lit.'. 8°. Hamburg, 1795. KUNZE ((irsTAv) [1793-185J] Monographia Psela- phoruin, dissertatio entomologica . . . Ab auctore H. T. L. Rcichenbach . . . adjuncto socio G. Kunze. See REICHEN- BACH (H. G. L.) 8°. 1816. Kunze (G.) Deutschlands Schwamme in getrockneten Kxrmplaren. Fortgesetzt, gesammelt und heraus- gegeben [Lief. 3-9] von J. C. Schmidt und G. Kunze. See HOLL (C. F.) ER(F.) 4«.[1697.] KUPFEB (ADOL'F YAKOBLEVICII) Sff Kl'PFFEK (A. T.) KUPFFER (AUOLPH THEODOR) [1799-1865] Preis- schrift iiber genaue Messungder VVinkel an Krystallrn. pp. viii, 135 : 1 />/. 4°. Berlin, 1820. Kupffer (A. T.) Handbuch der reehnendon Krystallo- nomie. /. viii, 591 : 14 pis. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1831. Knpffer (A. T.) Voyage dans 1'Oural entrepris en 1828. pp. ix, 428 : 1 JIKI/I. 8". Paris, 1833. Knpffer (A. T.) [Biographical Sketch of A. Kuptfer by A. A. Shtukenbergh.) See KAZAN. — OBHHCHESTVU I'-.sTKSTVoisruiTATELEf, £c. Protokolui zasyedanil, &c. < IVilozheniya, No. 183. 8°. 1901. KUPFFEK (CARL WILHELM VON) [1829-1902] De Embryogenesi apud Chironouios observationes, <8}1 Z z /- -71 z 7~ Lr 8.". • /'/>••«. A '. Plon, 1863. ' KTJBCK (CT) Om Kalktuffen vid Benestad. pp. 7.9. See STOCKHOLM. — KONOLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar, Bd. xxvi, afd. n, no. 1. 8". 1901. KUBFVEB8TLICH - BAIEB.I8CHE AKADE MIE DEB WISSENSCHAFTEN. See MUNICH. — KOENIGLICH - BAYERI8CHE AKADEMIE DER WI8SEN- SCHAFTEN. KUBFUEBSTLICH - M AINZISCHE AKADE- MIE NUETZLICHER WISSENSCHAFTEN. See ERFURT. — KOENIOLICHE AKADEMIE GEMEINNUET- ZIGER WISSENSCHAFrEN. KURILE ISLANDS. [Maps.] See JAPAN. , C f-^ J 1037 KURFFAELZISCHE PHYSIKALISCH - OE - KONOMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT ZU HEI- DELBERG. See HE^LBERG. KURR (JoHAN^CiOTTLOB VON^ff7~98-1870] Unt suchungen Jjfew die BedeutupgTcler Nektarien ja'xlen ' eigene BepHachtungen gfgrujrt'u.'t. Kim; Lnauuwfal- Dissertation w^lrlm . . . miter dewfTrasidiuiu vajj^T Schiibler . . . j^fTegt . . . J. G. Kurr, dec. pn/^ui, 152. >^- Stuttgart, 1832. [^Hfjther edition.] pp.vif^lBO. 8°. Stuttgart, 1833. [having a new title-page, and in the l)ifl*ra from the preceding solelv ' wing omitted. af bei H G- Kurr (J. G. VON) [Grundziige der okonoinisch-tech- ' nischen Mineralogie. 8°. Leipzig, 1835.] Wanting. Zweite Auflage. pp. xxviii, 619 : 7 pis. 1 (col.) 8". Leipzig, 1844. Kurr (J. G. VON) Beitriige zur fossilen Flora der Jura- formation Wiirttembergs. pp. 21 : 3 pis. 4?. Stuttgart, 1845. Einladnngs-Schrift k. polytech. Schule Stuttgart! [Another edition.] pp. 18 : 3 2)ls. 4°. Stuttgart, 1846. Differs from the preceding edition in having a new title-page and in the omission of three pages of details of school history. Mrjart & Esslingen, 1858. , KURSCHAK (JOSEF) See MATHEMATISCHE UND ' NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE BERICHTE AUS UNGARN . Redigiert von J. Kiirschak, &c. Bd. 6 8°. 1904-> KURSNERUS (CHRISTIANUS) Dissertatio medica de potu The*, quam sub prsesidio . . . J. J. Wald- schmiedt . . . conscripsit C. Kursnerus, &c. pp. 24. - / "9 io "T 4°. Marburgi Cattorum [1685]. KURTZ (FRITZ) Essai d'une Bibliographic Botanique de 1'Argentine. pp. 90. 8". Buenos- Ayr es, 1900. Bo). Acad. Nac. Cien. Cordoba. Tom. xvt. Q Kurtz (F.) [For official publications as Assistant] (5 See BERLIN.— KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS UNI- VERSITAET. — Botaniscker Garten. KURTZE (G. ADOLPHUS) Commentatio de Petre- factis (|use in schisto bituminoso Mansfeldensi reperiun- tur. pp. 38 : 3 pis. 4°. Halce, 1839. KURZ (SULPIZ) [1834-1878] Report on the Vegetation of the Andaman Islands . . . accompanied by a Report on the Forests, &c. pp. 75 : 1 map. fol. Calcutta, 1870. Kurz (S.) Preliminary Report on the Forest and other Vegetation of Pegu. (Appendix.) pp. 97, cxxxviii, 95, xxiv, [1,] 34 : 5 pis. (col.), 1 map col., text Must, (col.) fol. Calcutta, 1875. Appendix. A. Burmese Forest Trees, pp. cxxxviii. B. General Key to the Burmese Trees, pp. 95. c. List of other not arboreous plants, for which Burmese names have been obtained, pp. xxiv. D. Lord Mayo'stree(«ay(Xfc«rfTO)i),anewgenn8fromMartaban. 1 p. : 2 pts. (cot.) E. Eitractsfrom Mr. Knrz's journal of his tours in B. Burma, pp. St. Kurz (S.) A sketch of the Vegetation of the Nicobar Islands. 8°. [Calcutta, 1876.] Jonrn. Asiatic Soc. Bengal. XLV. Kurz (S.) Forest Flora of British Burma. 2 Vol. 8°. Calcutta, 1877. 6 6 6 KUSAKABE (S.) Modulus of rigidity of Rocks and Hysteresis Function, pp. 40 : 22 pis. See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIOAKU. Journal of the College of Science, &c. Vol. XIX, no. 6. 8". 1903. KUSANO (SHUNSUKE) Studies on the parasitism of Jiucklei/a quadriala, B. et H. . . . and on the structure of its haustorium. pp. 42: 1 pi. (col.) See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. Journal of the College of Science, &c. Vol. xvn, art. 10. 4°. 1902. KUSNEZOW. See KuZNETZOV. KUSS (H.) Memoria acerca de las minas y fiibricas de Ahnaden, nor . . . M. H. Kuss. (Nota acerca de la Memoria del . . . M. H. Kuss, referente &, las Q— minas de Almaden, por D. J. E.) pj). 13: text Must. See SPAIN.— Comision del Mapa Geologico. Boletin, dec. 1895, no. 53. 8°. 1896. KUTORGA (STEFAN SEMENOVICH) [1812-1861] De organis vocis et loquelse Psittaci erithaci. Dissertatio inauguralis zootomico-physiologica, &c. pp. 27 : 3 pis. ^7 _ 4°. Dorpati Livonorum (1832). Kutorga (S. S.) Opisanie nyeskol'kikh novuikh vidov Okamenyelostei iz dolinui Salghlra pri Simferopolye. >*— [Descriptions of some new species of Fossils from the (•— valley of Salghira, near Simferopol.] 8°. Sanktpeterburgh, 1834. Trudui Mineral. Obshchest. St. Petersburg. Vol. n. Kntorga (S. S.) Scplppendrse morsitantis anatome observationibus zoologicis atque physiologicis illustrata. *T? pp. [iv,] 25: 3 pis. 4°. Petropoli, 1834. "• There is a second title, which reads :— " Miscellanea zootomico-physio- logica." Kutorga (S. S.) Beitrag zur Geognosie und Palaeon- tologie Dorpat's und seiner nachsten Umgebungen, nebst einein Anhange iiber einige Amphibien-Ueber- tologie Dorpat's und seiner nachsten Umgebungen, / nebst einein Anhange iiber einige Amphibien-Ueber- v«»— reste aus dem Sandsteine des Andomschen Berges bei Wytegra. pp. [iv,] 45 : 7 pis. 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1835.] Wanting the covering title-page. Zweiter Beitrag. pp. 51 : 10 pis. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1837. Kntorga (S. S.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der organischen Ueberreste des Kupfersandsteins am westlichen Ab- hange des Urals, pp. 38 : 7 pis. |8°. St. Petersburg, 1838. Kutorga (S. S.) [Beitrag zur Palaeontologie Russlands. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1842.] Wanting. Verhandl. k. Mineral. Gesell. St. Petersburg. Jahrg. 1842. Zweiter (— Dritter) Beitrag zur Palaeontologie Russlands. 2 Ft. Must. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1844, 46. Verhandl. k. Mineral. Gesell. St. Petersburg. Jahrg. 1844 & 1846. Kutorga (S. S.) Ueber die Siphonotretaeae und einige Baltisch-silurische Trilobiten. pp. 59 : 3 pis. 8". St. Petersburg, 1848. Verhandl. k. Mineral. Geeell. St. Petersburg. Jahrg. 1S47. 1038 Kutorga (S. S.) Einige Sphaerexochvs und Chtirurus mis den silurischen Kalksteinschichten des Gouverne- inonts von St. Petersburg, pp. £4 •' 3 pit. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1854. Vcrhudl. k. Mineral. Gwell. St. Pet«nburg. Jahrg. 1854. KUTZING. See KUETZINO. KUZNETZOV (iNNOKENTiI DMITRIEVICH) Ob ele- nieiitakh syemeni Onisciu murariiu. [On the elements of the semen of 0. mvrariut.] pp. 4 •' 1 pi. See KHARKOV. — OBSHCHESTVO ISPUITATELEl PRIRODUI,s. 8*. S.-Petfrburgh, 1898. KTJZNETZOV (NlKOLAi YAKOBLEVICH) Gentiana. See ENOLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, &c. Thl. IV, abth. 2. 8°. 1895. KWIATKOWSKY (NESTOR) Dissertatio . . . de Ranunculis Prussicis . . . respondente N. Kwiatkowsky, interprete D. Kybero, &c. See BOCK (H.) 8°. 1552. Kyber (D.) Lexicon rei Herbariae trilingue [OB., LAT., OERM.], ex variis &. optimis, qui de Stirpium historia ^ scripserunt, authoribus concinnatum . . . Item tabulae collectionum in genere, & particulatim per xii menses, in usum pharmacopolarum conscriptse per C. Gesner, . [xvi,] 548. 8°. Argentines, 1553. K YBITZ (C. W.) [Bibliography of Forestry, Hunting and Fishing of Brunswick.] See BRUNSWICK. — VEREIN FUER NATURWissENscHAFT. Jahresbericht, &c. No. 7. C 8°. 1893. ' K YD (ROBERT) [1746-1825] [A brief memoir of R. Kyd, by G. King.] See CALCUTTA. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Q Annales, ttc. Vol. rv. fol. 1893. Viridarium Danicum, sive Catalogus trilinguis Latinp-Danico-Germanicus ^ Plantarum indigenarum in Dania observatarum, &c. ~ pp. xi, 174. 8°. Hafnice, 1688. XYOTO.-Xyoto Teikoku Daigaku. [Kyoto Im- C C perial University] [Founded 189".] The . . . Calendar, dkc. 1900-1901-* 8°. Kyoto, 1901-» END OF VOL. II. l'ri*ltd ky Btutll, Walton & Kituy, Id., London and Aylabvry.