In September 1971 when the Sub-Department of Ornithology was established at; Tring, the Bird Section Library was transferred there. Ornithological books marked *Z* in this printed catalogue may, therefore, be at Tring now, instead of, or as well as, in the Zoological Department Library. The card catalogues in the Catalogue Room have been altered to show present locations. NATURE 540 [OCTOBER 21, 1922 Our Bookshelf. Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 6. Supplement: A-I. Pp. iv + 5u + 48. (London: British Museum (Natural History), 1922.) 2l. 155. THE Library of the British Museum of Natural History is probably one of the most complete, and certainly one of the most important, libraries of works on natural history in the world. The publication of a catalogue of its contents has been of immense service to scientific workers, who find in it a valuable guide to the literature of their subject and a wealth of bibliographical detail which is of the greatest value in settling vexed questions of priority and ensuring accuracy of reference. The first half of the supplement to the main catalogue has now been issued and serves to give some idea of the natural growth of this splendid library. Like the pre- ceding volumes, it has been prepared by Mr. B. B. Woodward with the same meticulous care and accuracy, and includes as before the results of much biblio- graphical research by the author and Mr. C. D. Sher- born. The 48 pages of " Addenda and Corrigenda " to the main catalogue consist almost entirely of additional bibliographical information which has accumulated since the catalogue was published. The expenditure of public money on the publication of a catalogue of this kind is more than justified by its extreme value and usefulness, though it is a pity that so valuable a work as this supplement should have been sent out in a paper cover. For its own value and for the sake of uniformity it is worth a binding similar to its predecessors. Scientific workers are grateful to Mr. Woodward and to the trustees of the British Museum for having made the resources of their library known in this readily accessible form. CATALOGUE OK THK BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, MAPS AND DRAWINGS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). VOL. VI. SUPPLEMENT : A— I. LONDON : PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. SOLD BY LONGMANS, GBEEN & CO., 89 PATERNOSTER ROW, E.G. 4 ; B. QUARITCH, LTD., 11 GRAFTON STREET, NEW BOND STREET, W. 1 ; DULAU & CO., LTD., 34-36 MARGARET STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE, W. 1 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, AMEN CORNER, E.G. 4; AND AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD, S.W. 7. 1922. [All rights reterved.] PREFACE. / FT^HE first volume o: the Catalogue of the Library of the British Museum (Natural History) was pullished in 1903, and, like the succeeding four volumes, 1904-1915, it was prepared by Mr. B. B. WOODWARD. The time has come for the issue of a Supple- ment, the first part of vhich, forming Vol. VI of the complete series, has been compiled, with some clerical aid, by the same author, on the lines laid down in the Introduction to Volume I. During the progress of the work Mr. WOODWARD has received assistance from the following representative of the several Departments : — Zoology — Dr. W. T. CALMAN. F.R.S. : Entomology- Mr. -I. HARTLEY DURRANI, who has contributed many valuable bibliographical notes, particularly under the headings Godart and Herricli SchaefiVr. hi the present part; Geoogy — Dr. F. A. BATHER, F.R.S. ; Mineralogy — Dr. L. J. SrKN< Botany — Mr. A. J. \\FLMOTT. B.A. : as well as from Mr. BASIL H. SOULSBY, M.A.. tli.* present Librarian in Jhe General Library. * A special ackhovledgment is' due to Mr. C. DAVIES SHERBOK.V who lias i-.outinued to place the valuable bibliographical data collected by, him for the " Index Aniinalimn at the author's disposal. » SIDNEY F. HARMER, Direr/ / 5KITISH MUSEUM (^TDBAL HISTORY), March 10. -1-2. SUPPLEMENT 7' I TMK CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS, MAPS, &c., BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). — > after a date or the number of a volume indicates that tin1 set is in progress. t in the same position implies that HO i> been ptibli [ I eneloses words, dates, etc., that have been supplied. . . . denote*, ihi- omission of a. word or words from tin- body of the title. CLARENDON CAPITALS arc only employed for the '-author" name when th. entry will ran1; first '.aider the heading in the Catalogue and Supplement combined. AAR.S (Lriivn; AXDKKSEN) Ueber die analytisehe IVstimmung von Beryllium und den sogenaunten sel- tenen Knlen, ni-b:.t Analyseii von I'henakit., Kuxenit, Hellandit und (Jwarovit. [naugural-Di tion, ttc. pp. 4~> [-]• 8". Krixtianitt. 1905. ABAFI-AIGNEB. iLAiosi | l,s -1(» ? 1909] ,S',r KOVAKTAM LAIMIK (Keuillcs liulletin. . .redige par. . .lj. Ahftfi-Aigner), .IT. Kot. IV- XV, fiiz. 6. .8". 1897-1908. Abafi-Aigner (LAJOS) & others. [Lepidoptera of Hungary i Set I !l DA l'i:ST. -— K1KALYI MAdYAK TEK- HI^8ZETTtrDOMiNTI 'I u:si;i, .•/!'. A Magyar Birodaloi:: AllatvilAga, udwig S:ilvator, Archduke of Austria.] pp. (Hi,] .s'.'/ [/ ] ; .;.} jilx. 4". men, 1880. ABBE (C'LKVKLAMU • 18:i,s A (ienoral lieport on the I'hysiography of Maryland. See MAUYLAXD, FUtt-tr of.- Marylnnil }\'i-nt/i-i- Strviee. [Reports, <#('.] Vol. I. 8". 1899. ABBOT (CHABLE8 UKKKLKY) [1872-] & Powle (F. E.) Volcanoes and Climate. /;/;. .'.}. tier SMITHSONIAN L2-L B IxsTirrTioN. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. i.x, no. 29. 8". I'.il".. ABBOT (ELIZABKTII O.) Bartram's Garden, 1'hila- delphia, 1'a. pp. .',n : ! p!.. tr.rt i/h/nt. N1. •J'iiilmlrl/iliin. .?',/..] 1915. oii^in;i]]\ i-Mifil liv tin- .Mm B.-n-traiii Ass.x-iaiiuii in 1904. iiinl re- I Abbott (CliAHLKs COXKAII) I >esc -riptivc Catalogue of the X'erlebrates of \i-\\ Jersey. (A revision " Dr. Abbott's Catalogue of I8tvs.i Prepw See Ni:u .|I:KSI;V. irt . I .' : I pi. lii'lirinti"! from (lie- "Saint ge. i: Abbott (W. .1. I;). The (ieoi /~ 16 Hastings district, jip. ! ABEL(.S'iVFiii-:i)KHKlK An.rsTrs) Jin,-/., K.C.Ti. [1820- I'.HI'J| | For official re]iorts] Set' I.MI'KKIAL iNs'l'ITl.'TK OF 'run UNITUD KI\CI«IM. ABEL (OT11EX10) [1875-] ' rostres [__ du Bolderieu (Miocene superieur) des environs d'Anvers. c _j/->|_/. 2Vt,.illiutt. gp. 95: 10 pis., tea See BBU8SBM. MUSKE KOYAL D'lIISTOIKE NATUKKLLK T)K lilil.cll;! Memoir, s, ,/r. Tom. I & u. 4". [1901-02.] Abel (O.) Exkursion naeh Heiligenstadt. Nussdorf und auf den Kahleliberg. pji. .s'. See COXCUKS (i]':o- £- LOGIQUE TXTEHNATIONAL.- -Ninth Session . : /.'«».;. Fiihrer fiir die l-'xkursionen in Oesterreieh. S". 1903. Abel (0.) Die Sirenen del Meditemmeii Tertiiirbildun- gen Oesterreichs. /.//. r/. .'.'..': ,' /i!.i.. text illust. n. See ArsTiiiA-HrxcARY. - K MSKHMCII-KUKMI.UCIIE <;K(ILOI:ISCHK HKICIISANST M.T. Mihiindhmgcn. *to. lid. xix. lift. 2. 1". 1901. I 1 M Abei .111. -I". 1 11.' I inn-; ils\-s-i\i 910. Abel '[']•' I Hl.lfll-Kii' \li- ",.l. v. I, ft. i'.uo. Abel i".» (innul/i.. ,^^;. &>. Stvttgart, I'.IP.'. Abel re. i'ii. Hunt. . N". .h-x-i. 1914. ABENDANON t I->I:AKI. ( l) ( tH7s | I .a llutt. Abendauon (K. C.) Geolo !ndii:, samengestrld . . . d Abendan. al, 1 : 2,500,000 [i.e. 1 in. 8 IMiAM. Ri.NIXKLl.7K . II A UtlllM.TKM iS< IIAP. 1'Jll. Abendauoii i.l'. C.i Tix-lk-hting l)ij d>. < U Oost-Indi<; . . N. uje [1914J. Abich ' '•! i" \\ I|I:KM\NN vovi I;. ' i r. . !s;,s. ABNEY ",. \Vm. i. K-I. n.i A'.r./;. [1SH I . • ABRAHAM \~ to -IS mill's. s.sli; ml. T.., :ao. L )psjT Csesarea Leopoldiuo - Carolirfa, &c. L. Academia ( H-M-llirllt.- ill-r . . . Akllclrll' ". 87 .... vi ACADEMIA HTTNGABICA SCIENTIAB.UM. l!ril\l'KST. M M.I M: 'II |io\, , Mil Ml \. ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DE GEO GRAFHIE BOTANIQUE. r i n u I.r Monde de Tom. I -vii. | i I'.iilli'tin, , VIM— > ,SV. Mi. Mi.. , I PtANTlB. 8°. (1881-) If ACADEMIE MALGACHE. •- VT\\ \N \IIIV. i. \( Mil MIT. M Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia., \n Index to the Sei 112. but, mi:;. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. \ Sl lemy . . . 1 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. •"' ''L /'/ Wuil • y L Vol. Academy of Science of St. Louis. L . y -2V ACCADEMIA SCIENTiriCA VENETO - TRENTINO-ISTRIANA. See PADUA. ACCOUNT. An account of the origin and formation of Fossil-Shells, nnirung der Fossilien . . . aus dem Englischen [of C. King! iibersetzt von T. Arnold. See ARNOLD (T.) 8". 1733. ACCRINGTON". — Municipal Museum. Corporation of AccrLngton. Municipal Museum. [ Reports J By ... Ii. W. & C. Gerland. pp. in. 8°. Accrington, 1900. Reprinted from "Accrington Observer & Times," June 2nd, 1900. ACHAB.D (JuLlEN) Coleoptera Phytophaga: Fani. Chrysomelidte : subfam. Lamprosominse. (Subfam. ChlamydiniB & Sphicrocharinse.) 2 Pt. illust. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, dc. Cole- optera. Fasc. 159 & 160. 4°. 1914. ACHAVAL (Luis) & Bio (M. E.) Geografia de la provincia de Cordoba. 2 Vol. & Atlas. Sec Bio (M. E.) & ACHAVAL (L.) 8". 1904-05. Achiardi (ANTONIO D') Guida al Corso di Mineralogia . . . Mineralogia generale. pp. [iv,] 339 :' text illust. 8". Pisa, 1900. Achiardi (A. D') Alia Memoria del Prof. A. I)' Achiardi xvni Geunaio MCMIII. [A Biographical oration, with Bibliography appended.] pp. 29 : 1 port. 8°. Pisa, 1903. Achiardi (A. D') Lavori eseguiti nell' Istituto di Mineralogia dell' Universita di Pisa nel 1903. Alia memoria di A. D' Achiardi, ph., 1 map. 8°. London, rfc., IS-l.'i. Adam (W.) Brief remarks on the Geology of Derby- shire ; with an arranged list of the Minerals and Bocks, accompanied with an explanatory section of the Black Marble Measures ; also, the Botany of the High and Low Peak . . . Second edition, jip. 29 [1] : J text illust. 12". London, 1841. Extracted from the "Gem of the Peak," the first edition of which was published in 1838. Adam (W.) First Lessons in Geology; with a special article on the loadstones of Derbyshire, <(:<: jip. iv, 1~."> : •! pis. • 12". Derby [ ]. ADAMOVIC (LUJO) [1869-f O veghetatziil iugho- istoclme Srbiie. [On the Vegetation of south-western Serbia.] pp. 63. 8°. Nish, 1892. Novine za Floru Kral'evme Srbiie. [Additions to the Flora of Serbia.] pp. 19. 8". Beoghrad, 1898. Nastavnik. Kn'iii IV. ! Adamovid (L.) Die Vegetationsverhiiltnisse der Balkanliinder (Mosische Lander) umfassend Serbicn. Altserbien, Bulgarian, Ostrumelien, Nordthrakien und Nordmazedonien. pp. xvi, ,riti~ : Jf) pis., ll maps col. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Die Vegetation der Erde, rfc. No. xi. 8°. 1909. Adamovic (L.) Die Pflanzenwelt Dalmatiens. pp. [iv,] 137 : 72 pis. 8°. Leipzig, 1911. Adams (ARTHUR) [106 pen-and-ink sketches, and a few water-colour drawings, of Insecta, Arachnida & Crustacea made during the voyage of H.M.S. Samarang. 1843-46.] fol. 1. a 5 3 3 ADAMS (C. P.) [For contributions in connection with the Oyolorrhftpba; Tables of gi-nrra cif the Anthoiii\id;e. IVxiidtK & Taehinida-, & other portions of the work| x \\II.I.I-ION (S. \V.) Manual of North American Diptera . . . Third edition. s . 1908. Adams (CHARLES BAKER) [Shells from the Ked Ki\, r of Louisiana. A re-issue.] See UNITED STATUS. Ex- ploration of the Red River of Louisiana, /o ninps (col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, rfc. No. 184. 8°. 1901. Adams (GKORCK I.) Zinc ' and Lead deposits of northern Arkansas, by G. I. Adams, assisted by A. H. Wurdue and E. F. Burchard, with a section on the, •etermination and con-elation of formations by E. O. I'lrich. pp. HX, I tab.: 2si ph., ,} maps (•! geol. col.), Irj-t Must. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 24. 4". 1904. Adams (GEORGE I.) & others. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Upper Carboniferous Rocks of the Kansas section. pji. 1X8: .'/ maps, text illust. See UNITKH STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, rfc. No. 211. 8". 1903. Adams ((.IKIUCGE I.) & others. Gypsum deposits in the United States, pp. /.'.'<: / .' pin., '.> maps (col.), illHst. Si'i I'MIKD STATUS. — Geological Survey. Bulletin. No. 223. 8°. 1904. Adams IGKOKGK I.) & others. Economic Geology of the, lola quadrangle, Kansas. pj*. *••', ..' tubs : '.> ph., .' maps geol. col., tcjtt illust. See UNITED STATES.- - ' Geological Siirn-y. Bulletin. No. 238. * . 1904. Adams (GEORGE I.) & others. Informes sobre la provincia constitucional del Callao. pp. •'•* : .' ph., it inapt. See PERU. — Cuerpo Ac Ingenieros de Minas. Boletin, rfc. No. 83. 8°. 1905. ADAMS i.l \MK.S HENRY) The Geology of the Coro- mandel sub-division, Hauraki, Auckland. By C. Fraser, assisted by J. H. Adams, pp. ix, l~>Jt, / tali. : (col.), 11 maps (.? geol. col.). &'/•<• \ i.\\ /EALAND. — Geological Hiiri-i-y. Bulletin (New Series). No. 4. 4°. 1907. Adams I.IAMES II.) The Geology of the Whatatutu - subdivision, I Jaukumara division. Poverty Bay. pp. [ii,] (j ,;.s'; .; pig. (col.), .". mujts col. See NEW ZEALAND.— Geological Survey. Bulletin (New Series). No. 9. 4°. 1910. ADAMS (JOHN) of Dublin. [Alg» of the Dublin |j $7 district.] See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, />. ..'.'<: I, '.rt illust. .s'«r MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, etc. Vol. XLVII, no. 4. 8". 1903. Adams (L. E.) Observations on a captive Mole (Talpa europxa). pp. 7. See MANCHESTER LITERARY AND J PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, : 1 pi., text illust. /\^ See MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, pp. 10: / jil. .s'(( MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILO- SOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, rfc. Vol. LVI, no. 7. 8". 1912. Adams (L. E.) & Woodward (B. B.) [Non-Marine Mollusca of Derbyshire.] See WOODWARD (B. B.) & ^ ADAMS (L. E.) 4". [1905.] ADAMS (WILLIAM HENRY DAVENPORT) [1828-1891] The Isle of Wight, with a description of the Geology of (j- the Island. [By W. H. D. Adams.] See NELSON (T.) & SONS. Nelson's Hand-Books for Tourists. 8°. 1859. Adan de Tarza y Torre (RAMON) Descripcion fisica y geologica de la proviucia de Vizcaya. pp. xiv, l!)fl [1] : G- (>' ph. (col.), -' maps geol. col., text illust. See SPAIN. — Institute Geologico de Espafta. Memorias, /i. 7* : .'/ ph. col. Roca eruptiva de Fortune, (provincia de Murcia). pp. ~> : /"" / pi. col. °" See SPAIH.— Institute Geologico de Etpaila. lloMi'n. rfc. Tom. xx. 8". 1898. Adan de Yarza y Torre (I!.) Nota acerca de los yaciniientos OQpllferoi del noi-te de la provincia de Palencin. /j>. H> : 1 map Q, geol. col., text illust. Dos palabras referentes a la teoria de las zonas de cobi- jadura, como prologo a la traduccion de un trabajo del Sr. Niekles. />p. 11 : text illust. See SPAIN. — Instituto Geologico dc Espana. Boletin. rfc. Tom. xxvin. 8". 1900. 5 ADDA (IvALMAN) Zemplen viinnegye Eszaki reszenek foldtani es Petroleum elofordul&si vis/onyai. pp. 4*> •' / map geol. col. — Geologische Aufnalmien ini Iiiteressc von Petroleuin-Schiirfungeu im nordlichen Teile des Comitates Zemplen in TJngarn. pp. fi7 : 1 map geol. col. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIHALY1 FOLD- TANI INTKZET. Kvkiinyve (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuohe), rfc. Kot. XII, fiiz. 3. 8". 1898 (1900). Adda (KALMAN) Petroleum-kutatasok erdekeben Zemplen es Saros var- megyekben megtett foldtani felvetelekrol. pp. If! : 1 map geol. col., text illust. Geologische Aufnahmeu im Interesse von Petroleum-Schiirfungen in den Comi- taten Zemplen und Saros. pp. <~4 •' 1 map geol. col., text illust. S?e AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTKZET. Kvkiinyve (Mittheilungen aus dem 8". 1900 (1902). ft ' Jahrbuche), . See STOCKHOLM. — . KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv &•£> for Zoologi, rfc. Bd. vil, no. 21. 8". 1911. Adlerz (G.) Formica fusca-picea, Nyl., en torfmos- sarnas Myra. pp. ;">. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv fiir Zoologi, <£c. Bd. VIII, no. 26. 8". 1914. FBIEDBICH GEOBG ERNST AL- of MecUenburg,\ [1882-] ADOLF BERT Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral- Afrika-Expedition 1907-08, unter Fiihrung Adolf Fried- richs, rfc. Bd. I— > 8°. Leipzig, 1910-> The following volumes have been published :— Bd. i. (6) Geologic. (Herausgegeben von E. F. Kirschsti-in.) Lief. 1. Die juiijivulkanisclien Gesteine des Kiwusee- Gebietes. Von L. Finckh. pp. 1-7,4 : » pis. 1912. „ 2. Gesteinszersetzungdurch vulkaniscbe Exlialationen. Von 0. Hauser. pp. lf~>-iyi. 1912, Bd. II. Botanik. Heratisgegeben von J. Mildbraed. pp. 718: 7S pis., text ittuxt. 1910-1914. Lief. 1. Pteridophyta, Oonifenc, Monocotyledonese. 1910. ,, 2. Cryptogamic ThalloWew, Bryophyta. 1911. ,, 3. Dicotyledoneaj-Choripetaltc I. 1911. ., 4. Dicotyledoneai-Syinpetahu I. 1911. „ 5. Dieotyledoneaj-Choripetala; II. 191:*. „ 6. Dicotyledoneaj-Sympetalic II. ,, „ Dicotyledonefc-tJhoripetalro III. 1913. [The following Botanists have contributed to this portion of the work : — Bcccari(O.) Brandt (M.) lirause (G.) Bruthems (V. F.) Burret(M.) Chodat (R.) Dammer (U.) Diels (L.) Engler(A.) Gilg (E.) Grabner (P.) Gurke(M.) Harms (H.) Herter(\V.) Hieronymus (G.) Jahn (E.) Knnth (f.) Kranzlin (F.) Krausf(K.) Krause (M.) Kukenthal (G.) Lemmerniann (E.) Lindaii (G.) Loesener(T.) Malme(G.) Mildbraed (J.) Uoeser (\\ .) Musehler (K.) Pax (I1.) Perkins (J. K.) Pilger (R.) Radlkofer (L.) Ruliland (W.) Schellenberg (G.) Schindler (A. K.) Schlechter (R.) Stapf (O.) Stcpliani (F.)- Sydow (H.) Sydow (P.) ribrich (E.) I Vaupel (F.) Wnnutorf (C.) Wolff (H.)] „ 7. Die Vegetationsverhiiltnisse im Sammelgebiet der Expedition. Von J. Mildbraed. 1914. Bd. in. Zoologie i, herausj.'CL'1-bcn von . . . H. Schuhotz. pp. 560 : lit pie. (.1 cot.), text illust. 1U10-11. (Incomplete : wanting title-page and Index. The first three parts are separately paged ; but lief. 4-16 bear the pagination of the complete volume.] Lief. I. W. Michaelsen : Die Oligochiiten des inneren Ost- afrikiis imd ihre geographlMhen Bezieliungen. pp. HO: 2 pis., text Must. 1910. „ 2. J. J. Kieffer : Serphid;u, Cynipida;, Chalcididie, Evaniidic und Stephanidac aus Aequatorialafrika. pp. VI : text iliust. 3. H. Lenz : Dekapode Crustaceen Aequatorialafrikas. pp. lh : 1 pi. 4. E. St . Strand : ApldtB. 5. V. Brehm : Cladocera. 6. J. Thiele : Mollusca. 7. H. Bischotf. Hymenoptera Fossoria. 8. A. Reichenow: Die Vogelfauna des Mittclafri- kanischen Seengebietes. 9. H. Stitz: Forniiuidtc. , 10. G. Szepligeti : Braconid;e. , 11. P. Lesne. Bostrychidje. i „ M. Pic. Melyridw. , „ E. Hintz. Cerambycidaj.) 13. F. Klapalek. Plecoptera. 1910. 1910. 1911. 1911 1911. 1911. 1910. 1911 1911. 1911. 1911. JU, Adolf Friedrich Georg Ernst Albert Ednard, 74 J) 0. /I. [ WitMeiiscluif tlichu KrgeEmiSe iler Deut8ohen Xentral- Afrika-Kxpoditioii, I'.HVT OS. ,/r. i,-,mtd.)| |Ild. III. /ixilogic icontd.)] Lief. 12. C. Kcrrein.-ins. lluprc»tida>. 1911. „ 14. M. Uurr. Dennaptera. 1911. . 1". \\ . Horn : rlcindeliiue. ) ., „ M. Iternhauer: Xeue Staphyliniden aus Zcntral-> 1911. nnd iK'iiiirh-iistafrika. ,, l.v r. van Douwe : Oopcpoden des ostafrikanischen SecilKi-bict.',. 1911. „ 16. R. Shelford : Blattidir. 1911. „ 17. K. Grunberg: Rhopalocera. 1911. Bd. IV. Zoologie II, herausgeiteben von . . . H. SclmboU. >>!>. VU: H lilt-, l'*1 illutl. 1911-13. IJef. 1. V. liori-hiniinn : Lagriiden, Allecnllden nnd Mcloi- den iCantharlden). .. •_'. A. .laeoM: Hoinoptera. ,, s. .1. Welie: Co.vinellida-. „ 4. K. Kmlin : Tenthredinidie. „ 6. H. Gebien : Coleoptera, Tenebrionidte. ,, 8. (J. 1 liner: Trichopteren. , 7. J. Wei»e: Chrysomelidrc. ., -. F. Nicden: Amphibia. .. It. K. Sternfeld. Reptilia. ., V. 11. Karny : Thysanoptera. „ „ C. Biirner: Oilleinboleii. ,, ., G. rimer : Susswasser-Bryozoen. V. v,,n Sclmlthess Reehberg: Vespidic. „ ,, r. Graf Attains : Myriopoden. ,, 11. K. Strand: Arachnida I. ,, 18. W. Weltner : Siisswasserschwanimc (SpongUlldie). Bd. V. Zoologie III, herausgcgcben von ... II. Schubotz. Lief. 1. .1. A. G. Relin : Orthoptera I. ,, 2. P. Pappenheini und G. A. Bonlenger : Fiscbc. Bd. vn. Forscliungen lin Ntl-Kongo-Zwlgchvngehiet, von... .1. c/ekanowski. Bd. HI. Ethnographisch-Anthro- pologischer Atlas, pp. viii , W : 1M pin. Adolf Friedrich Georg Ernst Albert Eduard, *Duke of MeckleiiburffrJfalSjfgelmissei der /weiten Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 1910-11, uuter l''iihrung Adolf Friedrichs, ERlCK GEOE(iE) [1870-( A sketch of the nuturiil history of Australia, with some notes on sport, ji/i. srv [i, | .'",' : / ]/!., text illutt. s . London l., / nni/i, text illutt. 8°. Edinburgh miles, in)/.) Jjiniiliill, IK'.M. lute lli'ji-niv Division, \\ at (iniiv. .No. 1012. Africa. [Maps.] Map of part of British and German^-i- East Africa . . . Scale, 1 : 1,584,000 or 1 inch to 25 miles. VUI. . col. [London, 1898.] Africa. [Maps.] Map of the seat of war in [Booth} Africa, tectorate. Scale, 1 : 1,500,000 or 1 inch = 23 • 67 miles, t.iuatik. , 6 Pt. illutt. See LUND.— KAROLINSKA UNIVF.HSITKTET. ^ £-'-/• Acta, . 1860] The Natural History of Selborne. . .Arranged for young persons [by Lady Dover]. See WHITE (GILBERT) 8°. 1833. 8". [I860.] — [Another edition.] Agassiz (ALEXANDER EMMANUEL RODOLPHE) [1835- 1910] An Address at the opening of the Geological section of the Harvard University Museum. . .June 12, 1902. pp. IS : 1 plan. 8". Cambridge [Mass.], 1902. The title on the wrapper reads :— " Harvard University Museum— its Origin anil History." Agassiz (A. E. E.) The Coral Beefs of the Maldives. pp. xxv, 1(>8 : 74 pis., A" maps, text illust. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. - Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, Ac. Vol. xxix. 4". 1903. Agassiz (A. E. B.) The Coral Reefs of the Tropical Pacific, pp. xxxiii, 410 : 212 pis. (J col.), 36 maps d plans, text illust. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass.— HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, <£c. Vol. xxvm. 8". 1903. Agassiz (A. E. B.) The Panamic Deep Sea Echini. pp. x [i,] :?43 : 111 pis. (2 col.), 1 map, text illust. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Museum, of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, d-c. Vol. xxxi. 4". 1904. Agassiz (A. E. R.) The Opisthobranchiate Mollusca of the Brauuer-Agassiz Expedition to Brazil (in 1899), itc. 2>P- 1^4 •' 11S- See STANFORD UNIVERSITY, California. — Leland Stanford Junior University. Leland Stanford Junior University Publications. Uni- versity Series. No. 2. 8". 1909. Other reports (I-V) upon the collections made by the Branner- Aj?assiz Expedition appeared in the " Proc. Washington Acad. Sci." Vol. II (1900), and ill (1901). Agassiz (A. E. R.) Letters and Recollections of A. Agassiz, with a sketch of his Life and Work, etc. See AGASSIZ (G. R.) 8". 1913. Agassiz (A. E. R.) & Clark (H. L.) Hawaiian and other Pacific Echini. The Cidaridse. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Musewn of Compara- tive Zoology. Memoirs, d-c. Vol. xxxiv & XLVI, no. l-» 4". 1907-> Nn. 4 of Vol. xxxrv, and no. 1 of Vol., published after Agassiy.'s death, are liy Clark alone. AGASSIZ (ELIZABETH CABOT GARY) Mrs. [-1907] [Acteea. A first lesson in Natural History. 8°. London, dc., 1859.] Wanting. — - Second edition, pp. 8,1 : text illust. 8". London d- Boston [Mass.], 1859. AGASSIZ (G. 11.) Letters and Recollections of A. A^issiz, with a sketch of his Lit'u and Work, edited by G. R. Agassiz. pp. vii [ii,] 4-r'4 •' I:- pis. (col.), li ports., .' maps, text illust. 8". London, d-c., 1913. Agassiz (JEAN Louis RODOLPHE) Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles, Ac. 4° & fol. Neuchatel, 1833-43 [-44]. Original set (ante Vol. I, p. 17) wants all the original pages of the cartons and the Feuilleton. - [Another copy.] Livr. I, ll, iv-vi, VIII & IX. Contains the original pages of the cartons and the Feuilleton except the last leaf (]>p. lUi-d). Agassiz (J. L. R.) Tableau General des Poissous Fossiles, ranges par terrains, rf?c. 4". Neuchatel, 1844. " Recherches sur les Poissons Fosstles." Livr. 18, torn. I, pp. xxxiii- This copy contains manuscript notes and additions by Sir P. de M. G. Egerton, to whom it belonged. Agassiz (J. L. R.) Remains of Domestic Animals discovered among Post-Pleiocene Fossils in South Caro- lina. . .and a letter [about them] by Prof. Agassiz. See HOLMES (F. S.) 8". 1858. Agram. Jugoslavenska Akademija znanosti i umjetnosti. Djela, de. Knj. [1 & 2], I [ = 3], iv, x [ = 5], xvi [ = 6], & xvill [ = 7j. 8" & 4". u Zagrebu, 1869-1902. Each volume contains a separate memoir, the first three being in 8", and the rest in 4°. In 1897 those relating to natural science, with two published before the series was instituted, were formed into a separate section " Razreda matematicuo-prirodoslovnoga," and re- numbered. [No. l.] SCHLOSSER-KLEKOVSKI (J. C.) & VUKOTINOVIC (L.) Flora Croatica, . Sec FEDERATED MALAY STATES. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. 8°. 1912— > AGRICULTURAL BULLETIN OF THE MALAY PENINSULA. [Edited by H. X. Ridley.] No. 1-9. Sue STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. — Botanic Gardenx and Forest Department. 8". 1891-1900. G C n G_ M AGRICULTURAL BULLETIN OF THE STRAITS AND FEDERATED MALAY STATES. F.dited by if. N. Itidley land [afterwards] .1. l'>. CaiTuthersi. |Nrw Serirs.) Vol. I-X. See STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, lintanic GarJsnx mid l-'orest l>ij>tirt»if>it. Agricultural Bulletin of the Malay reninsula, illust. See INDIA. — Dijinrhnrii/ vf Agriculture. 8". 1906-> AGRICULTURAL NEWS. A Fortnightly Review of tin- Imperial Department of Agriculture for the \\Vst Indies. Vol. I— > ittutt. See WEST INDIKS. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. 8". 1902-> AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE . 1'rsA. See 1'fSA. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. I Founded 1894. ] 1'aprr on a collection of Fossils from Springvale, near Couva, Trinidad, by 11. J. Lechmere Guppy. (—Second Report, rfc.) 2 Pt. See GUPPY (R. J. L.) 8". [1910-1911.] AGUILAR\x (iniKXKZ DE) See GIMKXK/. in: ACTILAH v CANO (.Ti ast) AGUILAR Y SANTILLAN (RAFAEL) [1865-] liibliografia guologica y minera de la llepnblica Mi'xirnna. /'/'• -r'- '•''*• See MEXICO. — Instituto Geologico. Boletin, etc. No. 10. 4°. 1898. Aguilar y Santillan (It.) Bibliografiii (Irologica y Minrra ilc la Itcpi'ililica Mr\ii-an:i cuniplotada hasta !•! afio de 1904. /i/i. .riii. SSI. .S'« MEXICO.— Instituto OeoUgico. llnletin. de. No. 17. 4°. 1908. AGUILERA (JosK GUADELUPE) Catalogossistenu'itico y .u'i'ografico de las especies Mineralogicas de la lle- publicu Mexicans, pp. l-r>~. See MEXICO. — Instituto GeoUgico. Boletin, ;/'•"'• '•"'•, test ilhiKt. S,, I'lirssn. Ahlburg (.T.^ A FelMmacryuorag&gi I'Tchi'gysi'g urster- mdhelyei. /. ,n : text iUu*t. -\\-\H-\- die Nuim- mid das Alier i l(i- Kr/.lagerstiitten des Oberangariaohen ISngebirges, i>i>. •',',: l,-j-i illimt. SecAusTHiA-HuNc \\:\ . M \CV.\ll KIKALYI FOLDTANI INTK2KT. Kvki)]iy\ v. ,1 •<: (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuohe, /.), .; mapg geol. col., ti'xt illust. Sre PALAEONTOLOCISCII K AllllAM)- LUNOEN. Geologisclu' mid Pftlaeontologiaohe Ahhand- lungen, ,tc. Bd. xvt. lift. 1. . • j\ 4". 1913. AHLENIUS (KAHL\ Angernmnalfvens flodomriide. En geomorfologisk-autropogeognvfisk Undt.Tsiikning. "11.. (Resum6 [in German].) pp. sii. .'.'n, iv: .'maps, text o illust. 8°. Upsala [1903]. fr Ahlfvengren (FREDRIK ELIAS) Sveriges Flora — (Fanerogamerna) . . .med Bitriide af F. Ahlfvengren. £> See NEUMAN (L. M.) 8". (1901.) AHLWARTH (K.) Gyrinidic. pp. .',.'. See SCHENKLINO (S.) Coleopterorum Catalogus, rfc. "f Pt. 21. 8". 1910. ^- AHNERT (E. VON) See ANEHT (KDUARD E.) AHRENS (AUGUST) [1779-1841] A. Ahrensii. . .Fauna Insectorum Europae (curu [Fasc. 3-24] E. F. Germar et ^ [Fasc. 3] F. Kaulfuss). 24 Fasc. illust. col. Z obi. 8". Halx [1812-47]. Wanting Fasc. 22 & 24. Fasc. 19, also issued separately, has a sroond title which reads:— " Insectorum protogic;c specimen, sistens Insccta carbonum fossilium, cura E. F. Cennar." 1837./, .... i.\\i>i-:s\\sr.\i,r. fe. Al.liandlungen, ) Ai>peiidicularia of Japanese Waters. / />/>. .'•< : ,'iph. .S'ccToKlo. — Teikoku Daigaku. Journal- of Hie College of Science, rfc. Vol. xxm, art. 5. 4". 1907. »• ft) AIGNER (\MasT) [IHISO-] Die Mineralschittze der Steiermark, /'. .s' : ti'ft illust. ,SVr I'NITED STATI:S. — l>r/,,n-/iiii-iit of Agrii-uliun-. Entomology Division. Circular No. 116. 8°. 1910. Aiiislie (G. G.) The Cowpea Curculio. See UNITED STATKS.— iV;""''""'"' <>/ Ayrintltwre. — _. niiilii'ii/ lliirriiii. Bulletin No. 85, Part VIII. ^_, 8". 1910. Pa pun on Cereal and Forage Insects. Aiiislie (G. G.) The Larger Corn Stalk-borer, pp. 8 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin 634. 8". 1914. AINSWORTH (G. F.) Life on Macquarie Island.— A Land of Storm and Mist. — Through another year. • M.- See MAWSON (Sir D.) The Home of the Blizzard : being the story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914, So. Vol. u, chap, xxv, xxvi & xxvn. 8". 1915. Ains worth. (WILLIAM FRANCIS) An account of the Caves of Ballybunian, county of Kerry : with some Mineralogical details, pp. 06, 1 tab. : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Dublin, 8". [Montgomery, Ala.,] 1913 — > The following works, issued before the series was constituted, are reckoned as forming the first seven monographs, viz. :— 1. Report for the years 1881 and 1882. . .by E. A. Smith. 1883. 2. List of the freshwater and marine Crustacea of Alabama. . . by C. L. Herrick. 1887. [Mem. Sci. Lab. Denison University.] 3. Iron making in Alabama ; by W. B. Phillips. 1896. 4. Second edition. 1898. 5. Plant Life of Alabama. . .by C. Mohr. 1901. 6. The Underground Water resources of Alabama ; by E. A. Smith. 1907. 7. Iron making in Alabama, Third edition ; by W. B. Phillips. 1912. Alabama, State of.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Iron making in Alabajtfai Second editionx'by W. B. Phillips, pp. viijSflSO : text illust. W/Montgomery, Ala., 1898. Afterwards reckoned as " Monograph " No. 4. Third edition. Afterwards reckoned 31 pis., text illust- 8". [Montgomery, AXL,] 1912. "Monograph" No. 7. Alabama, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Eeport on the Warrior Coal Basin . . . By H. McCalley. pp. xiii, 327 : 7 pis., 1 map col., text illust. 8". Jacksonville, Fla., (1899-) 1900. Alabama, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Index to the Mineral Resources of Alabama. By E. A. Smith and H. McCalley. pp. 79 : ti pis., 1 map. 8". Montgomery, Ala., 1904. Forming " Bulletin " No. 9. Alabama, State of.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The Under- ground Water resources of Alabama. By E. A. Smith, maps geol. col., text illust. 8". Montgomery, Ala., 1907. Afterwards reckoned as " Monograph " No. 6 , Alabama, State of.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Maps.] Revised Map of part of the Cahaba Coal Fields, dc. [Scale, 1 m. = 1} in.] [Montgomery, Ala.,] 1903. G- Alabama, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Maps.] .- Map of the Coosa Coal field, with sections by W. F. C»- Prouty. [Scale, 1 in. = 1J mj B. sh. col. [Montgomery, Ala.,] 1912. ALAEJOS T SANZ (Luis) Estudio descriptive de ^ algunas especies de Polinoinos de las costas de San- _ tander. pp. 76: 12 pis., text illust. See MADRID.— S. ( O REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, rfc. Tom. in, mem. 1. 8°. 1905. Alander (OLAVUS REINII.) Inebriantia, qua; prseside . . . C. Linnteo, proposuit O. R. Alander, ttc. See LINNAEUS ^ (C.) [Worfcs.] C. Linnaei Fundamentorum Botanicorum parsprima. . .Curante J. E. Gilibert. Tom. II. 8". 1786. ALASKA. [Maps.] Explorations in northern Canada , f_ and adjacent portions of. . .Alaska. [Scale, 1 in. = 75 m. "rrr about.] See CANADA. [Maps.] 1 sh. col. 1904. 2*- ^ - Alaska. [Maps.] Map of Alaska, direction of R. U. Goode. Compiled under the . Scale, 1 : 2,500,000, approxi- /- mately 40 miles to 1 inch. 1 sh. 1904. See UNITED *•*" STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 45. s. sh. 1906. ALASKA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION'S. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. ALAYZA Y FAZ-SOLDAN (FRANCISCO) Informe sobre la provincia litoral de Moquegua y el departa- f\ mento de Tacna. pp. 123 : 2 pis., 4 maps. See PERU. — Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas. Boletin, die. No. 3. 8°. 1903. Albany.— New York State Library. t~ w~ Library of Congress. A.L.A. Catalog . . . Prepared by the New York State Library, -> form part of Report No. 2-> of the Director of the Science Division of that Department. Annual Reports, after No. 60, formed part of the " Museum Bulletin " series (No. 121 -») q.v. 10 Albany.— New York State Musej itullotin. (fV. No. 1-118. Spflbany, 188Xl908. SulKllvMed Into sections :_Eiitom..lo«<^»l«H>ntx.loRy^x< to each of whl.-h the piviimlion i» 1,'enerally roirtiiiuous. Bulleyrfs 12-llb were also Issued as Appendices to timpani. Repts., No. [Cominucd as :] Museum Bulletins-ISO. ,/8°. Albany, 1908-15. Each numlwr contrfms a separately paged memoir or report. !oa:] New Yofk State Museum Bulletin. No. 181-» 8". Albany, 1916-> 'h numlwr contaU^a separately paged memoir or report. TL. Albany. New York State Miureum. Memoirs, ^^ 4°. Albany, It was orlflMully intended to gtpup these Memoirs toti'i volumes, hut thisXflan was siibseiiuentlw'Shandoned. No. lifts issued inde- pendairuy : No. 2 was originafly issued in two gam "8 Appendices toJHie 4»th * 60th AnnnaXKeporta ; No. S &X\vere also issued as Jmt. Ill of the 53rd Aim. Rep. ; whilst NOT 5-» are reckoned as 'Appendices to sulisc See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, 4°. 1902-> The sixth Report appeared in the " Bulletin" of the Museum, Vol. XLHI, no. I, 1904, 8«. Albatross, U.S. Steamer. Reports on an Exploration off the West Coasts of Mexico, Central and South America, and off the Galapagos Islands, in charge of A. Agassiz, by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross" during 1891, 4°. J904-» Albatross, U.S. Steamer. Reports on the scientific ;lts of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific the..." Albatross," from Oct. 1904, to Mar., 1905, ALBERT, Lake. {Htu/u.} I.iikc Albert. Scale, L • 1 inch to 3'95 miles or 1-01-t indies to 4 miles. VI II . (ool.) [London,] 1909. " Geographical Section, General Staff, War Office, No. 2471. Forming a sheet of " Africa" on 1 : 250,000. ALBERT, Graf von Bollstadt. See ALHKRTUS, Magnus^ ( Albert (ABEL) & Jahandiez (K.) Catalogue des Plantes Vasculaires qui oroissent naturellemeut dans li: d^partement du Var ... Introduction sur la Geographic botanique du Var par C. Flahault. pp. xliv, til;] [£•] : 16 pis., 1 map <•<>!. 8". Paris, 1908. Albert Honore Charles, Prince of Monaco. Cam- pagnes scientifiques du yacht Monegasque I'HirondaUt [belonging to the Prince of Monaco]. Troisieme Aimer, 1887, »uni. ini:: /,pls.(c«l.) XIV. Nudil>ranches et Mnrxenia provenant des cam- paitnes . . . 1891-1897. Par R. Bergh. p/>. I,-- : ':. (col.), Ifrt HI nxt. 1S99. XV. OeplijTicns (Sipunciilidcs et Echinrides) prove- nant des camimenes. . . 1886-1897. Par C. P. Sluitrr. jii,. .' M /| : S pl». yl. 1900. XVI. Amphipodes provenant des campagnes . . . 1885- 1888. Par E. Chevreux. pp. iv. (.'/." : in pis. (1 cut.) 1900. XVII. Cephalopodes provenant des campaniles . . . 1891- 1897. Par L. .lonbin. n>- ' -'•" : '•'• 1't*- (««'•). text ilhat. 1900. XVIII. Hydraires provenant descainpagncs... 1886-1888. Par C1. Pictet et M. Bedot. pp. SS: 10 pit. mud. XIX. Mudf de funds marins provenant du volsinage des Acores et de la portion orientate de 1'Atlan- tl;<. '.'';. 1901. XX. Alcyonaires provenant des canipagnes . . . 1886- 1888. ParT. StndiT. ,:),.::!,: 11 ;.(». (ra(.) 1901. XXI. Holothurirs ju-ovenant des campaniles . . . 1892- 1S97. Par E. lleroiiard. i'i>. ''•!: .v pis. (oil.) 1902. xxil. Elude des echantillons d'Eaux et de fonds rgcoltcs ]iendant la cainpagne ... en 1901, par J. Thonlet. pp.7i; : .: til*. 1SKJ2. XXIII. Bryozoaires provenant des campagnea . . . 1886- 18S8. Par J. Jullien et L. Calvet. pp. tU: 1H pl». (col.) 19(13. XXIV. Recherches sur t'existence normale de 1* Arsenic dans rorganisme. Par G. Bertram!, pp. SO: ttxt ill-list. . XXV. SponBlaires des Acores. Par E. Topsent. pp.SSO: • 1903. 1904. xxvi. Hollusques Het^ropodes provenant des cani- paKnes...lS85-1903. Par A. Vayssiere. pp. <;.', : I: />!>. 1904. XXVII. Siplionophores provenant des campagnes... 1892- 1902. Par M. Bexlot. pp. ,'7 : t. pis. 1904. XXMii. Meduses provenant des campaniles... 1886-1!K)3. ParO. Maas. pp. 7J. •'.>/*.(••••'•> 1«M- xxix. Memoires Oateoagrapblqiiei (Preinifcre Serie). Par .1. llioulet. pp. M\l]: '•> j'l*. < itliut. 1905. XXX. Description des Antipatliaires ct Ocrianthalres, recueillis . . .dans I'Atlantique nord 1HH(11;«)L'. Par L. Roule. }>p. .'*.'/: in pis. (col.) 1905. XXXI. Description des Ence'phales de Grampiu gr •».«. Cuv., de Weiui/rontatU8t Cuv., et de GlobicfphahiK I/K'/II*. Trail), provenant des campaKncs . . . Par A. Petit. pii.'<> I/]. •'./:'*-., I'j/ttlust. 1905. xxxn. Uollusqaes provenant des draKaces effeotaes h 1'ouest de 1'Afrique . . . Par P. Dautzennerg et II. Fischer, pp. IK : r.pls. (fnl.) 1906. XXXIII. Crustaces Decapodes (Peneid('-s) proveimnt <\<-, campaimes . . . 1886-1907. Par E. L. Koiivler. pp. I!-': If, pit. (Scot.), 1 text ill nut. inn-. XXXIV. Kchinodermes . . . (Ast.4ries, Opliiiir.-s, Kehinides et Crinoides). Par H. Koehler. pp. .117. .11 pli. (col.) l!»i:i. XXXV. Poissons provenant des campaniles . . . 1901- 1910. Par E. /nginaycr. ;:/'. I. ', t / mil. XXXVI. (iephyriens (Sipunculides et Ediiuride^l prove- n.-iiil dca camiiagnes . . . 1898-1910. Par C. P. Slulter. pp. M : 1 pi. (col.) 1912. 11 [Albert Honore Charles, 2U [1] : 11 pis. col 3 map». Copepodes parasites des Poissons et ucs Echinides provenant des campagnes . . . 1886-1910. Par A. Brian, pp. K8 : IS pis. (col.) Pyrosomes et Appendiculaires provenant des campagncs... 1885-1910. Par P. Kriiger. pp.38: 2 pis. (col.), 1 map col. 1912. Exploration du nord-ouest dn Spitsberg . . . par 1* Mission Isachsen. Pt. I. (Re'cit de voyage, ation.) Par G. Isachsen et A. Hoel. pp. :>5 [a]: 33 pis., S maps col. 1913. — Pt. III. (Geologic.) Par A. Hoel. pp.eS[3]: 3/Jpls., 3 maps geol. col. 1914. — Pt. iv. (Les Formations Primitives.) Par J. Schetelig. pp. S3 : 3 pis. 1912. — Pt. V. (Observations Botaniques.) Par H. Resvoll Holmseu. pp. tiO [A] : .'/ pis. 1913. Spongiaires provenaut des campagnes . . . dans leu Mere du Nord (1898-9—1906-7). Par E. Topseut. pp. 67 :. r, pis. 1913. Annglides Polychetes non pe"lagiques provenant des campugnes . . . 1885-1910. Par P. Fauvel. pp. W2 : sit pis. (col.) 1914. Mollusqucs Euptdropodes (PtSropodes Theco- somes) provenant des oampagnes . . . 1885-1913. Par A. Vayssiere. pji. i'M : II, pis. 1915. Albert Honore Charles, Prince of Monaco. [For descriptions of scientific results of the Prince of Monaco's voyages on his yachts " Hirondelle i " (1885-88) ; "Princesse-Alice l" (1891-97); "Princesse-Alice n" (1898-1910) ; & " Hirondelle II " (1911-»] See supra, Resultats des Campagnes scientifiques, dc. Fasc. I— > 4". 1889-> See also MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGHAPHIQUE. Bul- '• letin du Musee Oceanographique. [Continued as:] Bulletin de 1'Institut, dc. No. l-> 8". 1904— > Albert Hoiiore Charles, Prince of Monaco. Cam- pagnes Scientifiques. Histoire des Voyages. Itiner- aires du Yacht " 1'Hirondelle "... 1885-1888 (— du Yacht " Princesse Alice "... 1891-1899), dc. Carte 1-6. 6 (col.) Paris [1892-1901]. Albert Hoiiore Charles, Prince of Monaco. Pro- drome de la Flore Bryologique de Madagascar, des Mascareignes, et des Comores. Publie par ordre de S.A.S. le Prince Albert i", dc. See RENAULD (P.)' 4". 1897 (1898). Albert Hoiiore Charles, Prince of Monaco. Campagnes Scientifiques de S.A.S. le Prince, i>, xxix : text iJlust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin, cfc. No. 162. 8". 1910. Albert Honore Charles, Prince of Monaco. Contri- butions au systeme des Meduses, basees sur des formes bathypelagiques des campagnes scientifiques de S.A.S. le Prince de Monaco. Par . . . O. Maas. pp. 11 [1], See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin, dc. No. 183. 8". 1910. Albert Hoiiore Charles, Prince of Monaco. Sur les travaux oceanographiques du Musee de Monaco, pp. 2. See MONACO. — INSTITUT -OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bul- letin, rfc. No. 187. 8°. 1910. Albert Hoiiore Charles, Prince of Monaco. Etudes preliminaires sur les Cephalopodes recueillis au cours des croisieres de S.A.S. le Prince de Monaco. lre Note : Melanoteuthis luccns, nov. gen. et sp. Par L. Joubin. pp. 14 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANO- GRAPHIQUE. Bulletin, rfc. No. 220. 8". 1912. Albert Honore Charles, Prince of Monaco. Cope- podes parasites provenant des recentes campagnes scientifiques de S.A. le Prince Albert i™ de Monaco, ou deposes dans les collections du Musee Oceanographique. Par. . .A. Brian, pp. Hi [2]: text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin, enisola orientate della Nuova Guinea, raccolti da L. .M. !>' Albertis, ali\itr_r text must linvc Uvn written lifter 1744 (as rvhlriuvi! by the citation of the "Gizzard Trout" ou p. 30), and consequently not by Albin. - [Another edition.] A Treatise on Fish and Fish- Ponds, by...B. North. Illustrated ... by Ebenezer Albin. See NORTH (B.) 4". [1835 ?] In the :il»ive copy the plates are stated to be by " Ebenezer" Albin, but this is obviously a misprint (or " Eleazar." ALBORAN. Alboran. [By Ludwig Salvator, Arch- duke of Austria.] pp. vii, 8'J : 20 ph., 2 maps. 4". Prag, 1898. ALBRECHT (ADOLF) [1869-] Zur Entwicklungs- geschichte des Achsenskeletes der Teleostier. Inaugural- Dissertation, itc. pp. 44 [1] •' ~ ph> 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1902. Albrecht (CAKL MARTIN PAUL) Surlafentemaxillairc double sousmuqueuse et les 4 os intennaxillaires de 1'Ornithorynque adulte normal. P2>. 6 •' 1 text must. 8°. Bruxelles, 1883. Albrecht (C. M. P.) Sur les copulfe intercostoidales ct les hemisternoides du Sacrum des Mammiferes. pp. ,.'.; : text Must. 8°. Bruxelles, 1883. Albrecht (C. M. P.) Sur les elements morphologiques du manubrium du Sternum chez les Mammiferes. pp. 51 : t,-j-t Must. 8°. Bruxelles, 1884. Extracted from the "Livre Jubilairc" of the " Sociiit^ de Medecine deGand." ALBRECHT (OsKAR) Zur iiltesten Oeschichte des Hundes. Inaugural-Dissertation, ttc. pp. '.'..'. "' 190a- Alcock (ALFRED WILLIAM) Materials for a Carcino- logical Fauna of India. 6 Pt. pp. 798 : (1 pis. 8". Calcutta, 1895-1900. Extracted, with the addition of title-pagei, from the " Journ. Aslat. Soc. Bengal." Vol. LXIV, LXV, LXVII, LXVHI & LXIX. Alcock (A. W.) An Account of the Deep-sea Madre- poraria collected by the . . . Investigator. See CAL- CUTTA. — Indian Museum. 4". 1898. Alcock (A. W.) Bex>ort on the Natural History results of the Pamir Boundary Commission, dc. See INDIA. 4". 1898. Alcock (A. \V.) An account of the Deep-sea Brachyura collected by the . . . Investigator. See CALCUTTA. — Indian Museum. 4". 1899. Alcock (A. W.) A descriptive catalogue of the Indian l>. •< •)> -sen I'ishes in the Indian Museum. Being a "Z_ revised account of the Deep-sea Fishes collected by the . . . Investigator. See CALCUTTA.— Indian Museum . 4". 1899. Alcock (A. W.) A Guide to the Zoological Collections L- • exhibited in the Fish Gallery of the Indian MuseumP-Ti [By A. W. Alcock.] See CALCUTTA. — Indian Museum, o c( 8". 1899. -5- Alcock (A. W.) A summary of the Deep-sea Zoological Work of the. . .Investigator from 1884 to 1897. pp. .',!>. -y 4". Calcutta, 1899. Scient. Mem. Med. Ofllcere Army India. Pt. XI. Alcock (A. W.) Catalogue of the Indian Decapod ^ Crustacea in the. . .Indian Museum, rfc. Pt. i— > See CALCUTTA.— Indian Museum. 4". 1901— > Alcock (A. W.) A descriptive Catalogue of the Indian Deep-sea Crustacea Decapoda Macrura and Anomala, *%_ in the Indian Museum. Being a revised account of the Deep-sea species collected by the. . .Investigator. See CALCUTTA.— Indian Museum. 4°. 1901. Alcock (A. W.) Zoological Gleanings from the Royal +f Indian Marine Survey Ship Investigator. 4". Simla, 1901. Scient. Mem. Med. Officers Army India. Pt. XII, pp. Alcock (A. W.) A Naturalist in Indian Seas, or, four years with the Boyal Indian Marine Survey Ship i- Investigator. pp. xxiv, H..V : '>',> pis. ,1 map. 8°. London, 1902. Alcock (A. W.) Beport on the Deep-sea Madreporaria J— . of the Siboga Expedition, pp. HI : i> pis. See WKHKK~f~J. 4 (M. C. W.) Siboga Expeditie, cfc. Monog. XVla. 4". 1902. Alcock (A. W.) [Marine Crustaceans of the Maldives L- • and Minikoi.] See GARDINER (J. S.) The Fauna andVfl. a Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipela- ' ' goes, tfc. Vol. II, no. 17. 4". 1905. Alcock (A. W.) [For a contribution on the Marine j__ Surveys of India by Captain T. H. Hemming, assisted - by Col. A. W. Alcock] See HUNTER (Sir W. W.) TheCC . • Imperial Gazetteer of India. . .New edition, rfc. Vol. IV, chap, xv, Appendix. 8°. 1907. Alcock (A. W.) Snakes and Snake-Venoms. See DANIELS (C. W.) Tropical Medicine and Hygiene -y . . . Part II. Diseases due to the Metazoa. 8°. 1910. ' Alcock (A. W.) Entomology for Medical officers. ^ pp. xx, 3Jf7 : text illust. 8". London, 1911. • ALCOCK (NATHANIEL Hl'.NRY) [1871-1913] i See SCIENCE PROGRESS IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY..-, . ' Editors N. H. Alcock, -tT'b( ALCOCK (THOMAS) Zoology, or four plans of Animal (__ creation. First ( — Fourth) Lecture. Set- S<'II:NTK_J LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE. First Series ... Second I'"' Beprint. 8". 1871. Originally Issued in 1800. ALDEN (\\II.I.I\M CLINTON') [1H71-] The Delavan lobe of the Lake Michigan Glacier of the Wisconsin stageof glaciationand associated plieiMinniiM. j/ji. IIH; : (j . 4 pla., 11 maps (col.). See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 84. 4". 1904. Alden (W. C.) The Drumlins ot south-eastern Wis- consin. (Preliminary Paper.) pp. 4(1 : ,S' pis., 1 map, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 273. 8°. 1905. Alder (JOSHUA) [Nudibranchia of the British Isles.] Sec JEFFREYS (J. G.) British Conchology, rfc. Vol. v. 12°. 1869. Alder (-T.) Life of J. Alder. By ... Canon Norman. See BAY SOCIETY. — ALDER (J.) & HANCOCK (A.) The British Tunicata, Ac. Vol. II. 8". 1907. Alder (J.) & Hancock (A.) The British Tunicata. An unfinished Monograph by ... J. Alder and ... A. Hancock. Edited by J. Hopkmson . . . With a history of the work by ... A. M. Norman. 3 Vol. illust. (col.) See RAY SOCIETY. 8". 1905-12. Alder (MARGARET B.) The Natural System of Geology, Ac. pp. :.'S. 8". Belfast, dc., 1885. ALDERMAN (W/H./ The Plums of New York. By U. P. Hedrick, assisted % . . . W. H. Alderman, Ac. See HEDRICK (U. P.) 4". 1911. ALDERWERE-LT VAN ROSENB W. K. VAijW'Newor interesting illust.^See NEDERLANDSCll Oosj va^Landbouw. Bulletin, u^^i^ Sv^ s: Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh (C. R. W. K. VAN) Malayan Ferns. Handbook to the determination of the Ferns of the Malayan Islands (including those of the Malay Peninsula, the Philippines and New Guinea). £H (C. R, Ferns. 2 Pt. NDIK. — Departement o. 18 & 21. 8". 1908. ,7/tf7i- sr See ME.— -&ffl 1908. The date on the wrapper is 1909. Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh (C. R. W. K. VAN) Pleopp^tiilis-Sjiecierum Malaiarum enumeratio, etc. pp. ft': 'Z-Op{s\'~&ee NEDERLANDSCH OOST INDIE. — Departement van Landbomv. Bulletin, dc. No. 27. 8°. 1909. W. K. VAN) 3 & 4. illust. Bulletin, rfc. u& V*- Alclerwereltxvan Roseuburgh (C. >$O.jfl-X- New orifltferesting Malayan See BOTTENZORG.— Jardin -ff ' S>*ni, no. 1 & 7. Jt ' ALDINIO (PASQUALE) Sul Tomistoma (Gavialosu- i IC~ chus) Lyceensis del calcare Miocenico di Lecce. pp. 11 : ' ' 2j>Z*. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, etc. Serie IV, vol. IX. Mem. 15. 4°. 1896. J ALDRICH (JOHN MERTON) [Dolichopodidae of Central America.] See GODMAN (F. D.) & SALVIN (O.) Biologia Centrali-Americana, dc. Zoology. Diptera, Vol. I, Supplement. "Tft/a. 3-ja-att 4". 1901. Aldrich. (J. M.) A Catalogue of North American Diptera (or two winged Flies), pp. 680. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscella- neous Collections. Vol. XLVI, art. 2. 8". 1905. Aldrich (J. M.) Family Dolichopodidse. See WILLISTON (S. W.) Manual of North American Diptera. . .Third edition. 8°. 1908. A description of this family was also contributed by Aldrich to a former edition of the work. Aldrich (TRUMAN HEMINGWAY) [1848- ] Fossils from the Southern Gulf States, See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. American Paleontology. No. 22. New Eocerle pp. ~?4 '• -r> pl»- Bulletins of 8". 1911. 3. Alemann (CONRAD VON) of Magdeburg. Das Buch der Natur . . . Die erste Naturgeschichte in Deutscher Sprache. Herausgegeben von F. Pfeifi'er. pp. Ixii, M>7. 8". Stuttgart, 1861. ALESSANDRI (GlULlO DE) La Pietra da cantoni di Rosignano e di Vignale (Basso Monferrato) : studi stratigrafici e paleontologici. j>p. [ii,] .%'; 2 pis., 1 map gcol. col. See MILAN. — SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Memorie, dc. Tom. VI, no. 1. 4". 1897. Alessaudri (G. DE) Studii sui Pesci Triasici della Lombardia. pp. lJj-r> [2] : 9 ph. See MILAN. — SOCIETA ITAHANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Memorie, dc. Vol. vil, no. 1. 4". 1910. ALEXANDER (BoYD) [1873-1910] From the Niger to the Nile. 2 Vol. illust. 8". London, 1907. Chapters IV, v & VI are contributed by P. A. Talbot. ALEXANDER (ERNEST BRUCE) Gorakhpur. -, See INDIA. — North-Western Provinces and Oudh. <• — Statistical, descriptive and historical account of the "73 - r North-Western Provinces of India. Vol. VI [pt. 2]. CL 8". 1881. ALEXANDRETTA. Panorama von Alexandrette. [By Ludwig Salvator, Archduke of Austria.] 1 mew A £ maps col. on sheet 12 x S ft., with letterpress on the back. [Prag, 1901.] The place of publication and the date are on the label on the case. ALEZAIS (HENRI) [1857-] Le membre pelvien L — du Kangurou. See MARSEILLES. — MUSEE D'HISTOIRE $*, Cfc NATURELLE. Annales, dc. Tom. vn. 4". 1902. ALFERAKI (SERGHYEI NIKOLAEV!CH) [1850-] Lepi- dopteres du district de Kouldja et des montagnes VAJ environnantes ... II. Heterocera. pp. 89 : S pis. col. 8". St. Petersbourg, 1882. Hora; Soc. Entom. Rossica.1. Tom. XVII. Alferaki (S. N.) The Geese of Europe and Asia : being the description of most of the Old World species. pp. viii [i,] 198 : £i pis. col., text illust. t. 4°. London, 1905. L Appendix I. Mr. G. F. Gobel on the Eggs of Russian Geese. „ 2. Extract from the " Diary of the Visit to Kolguev in 1902" of ... S. A. Buturlin . . . communicated by the author. The above work is a translation of the author's "Gussi Rossii," published in Russia in 1904. ALFKEN (JOHANN DIEDRICH) [Apidie from south- western Australia.] See MlCHAELSEN (W.) Die Fauna *-f Sudwest-Australiens, dc. Bd. i, lief. 6. 8°. 1907. ALFTKEN (J. D.) See ALFKEN (JOHANN DIEDHICH) ALGAUER ALPS. [Maps.] Geologische Karte der Allgiiuer und Lechtaler Alpen . . . M. = 1 : 25,000 /"" [i.e. 1 m. = 2i in. about], col. See HANIEL (C. A.) Geologischer Fiihrer durch die Allgiiuer Alpen, dc. 8°. 1914. Algeria. —CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE L'ALGKRIE. Mate- riaux pour la Carte ... 1"= Serie. Paleontologie. Monogi-aphies. [Continued :] Q. III. Fossiles Miocenes (1™ partie) par A. Drives, pp. SS : S pis. 1897. 14 Algeria.— CARTE GKOLOGIQUE DE L'ALGKRIE. riaux pour In Carte, ttc. 2* Serie. Stratigraphie, f •• Notes . . . sur lea Niimmulitos de 1'Eocene d'Al^rm-. 'I „ *. lK>s< liption atratiirraphique (Los terrains M|IKTIH^I iln bassln du Oiellf et du Mahra, ]>ar A. Brivcs. pp. I'll [1]: '. pit. .(• nut/*, tfj-i illuil. 1897. [Con tin u <-d as :] Bulletin du Service de la Carte, . Sl>: » pit. (12.1 I.cs Equides, par A. Pomel. pp.U: ISplt. US.] Les Ovides, par A. Pomel. m>. .11: liplt. Algeria. — CARTE GKOLOGIQUE DE L'ALGKRIE. Esquisse Stratigraphique et Pe'trographique du bassin de la Tafna (Algerie), par L. Gentil. pp. r>.n; : :> j>h., .! maps geol. col., text illust. 8". Algcr, 1902. For another edition of one of the maps in this memoir entitled " Carte Geologique du bassin de la Tafna," Jx., tee infrn, [ Main/.] Algeria. CARTE C.KOLOGIQUE DE L'ALGKRIE. [Maps.] Carte geologique detaille"e. Echelle, 1 : 50,000 [i.e. 1m. = It in. about]. Sh. 1— > geol. col. Paris, 1900-» Each sheet of the map is accompanied by one of letterpress entitled '•xplirative. ' Algeria. — CARTE GKOLOGIQUE DE L'ALGERIE. [Maps.] Carte Geologique de 1'Alg^rie. Troisieme edition . . . Kchelle, 1 : 800,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 12J m. about]. 4 sh. col. Paris, 1900. Algeria.— CARTE GKOLOGIQUE DE L'ALGKRIE. [.Mops.] Carte Geologique du bassin de la Tafna (Oran) de L. Gentil. tichelle, 1 : 200,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 8 Jin. about]. col. Alger [ ]. For another edition of this map, fee supra, " Eseiuissr strati^i npliiiiiu et Pctrograpliique du bassin de la Tafna" (Algeric), par I.. Gentil." 8*. 1902. Algeria. [Maps.] Maroc, Alge>ie, Tunisie. Carte Politique et Physique. . .a 1'echelle de 1 : 2,700,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 42J m. about] . . . par E. Nardin. See AFRICA. M.) [1912?] ALLAN I.ToiiX A|)A Geology of Field map-area, B. C. and Alberta, pp. vii, .//.': .'/ pis., I map geol. col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir 55. 8°. 1914. Allard (F.UXKST) [-1900] [Derme'stidte, Erotylidie, Endomyehidie, Coccinellidie, Tenebrionidtc, and Chryso- melidee.J See PAVIE (A.) Mission Pavie Indo-Chine, Ac. 4". 1904. ALLARDYCE (WILLIAM LAMOND) [1861-] The Story of the Falkland Islands. . .1500-1842. _/ pis., text Must. 8". London, 1847, 48. [.>']. ^ . , See BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Occa- 5. i< sional Papers, dc. Vol. VII, no. 3. 8°. 1904. Allen (G. M.) & Castle (W. E.) Mendel's Law and L. the Heredity of Albinism. See PARKER (G. H.) Mark *"f . 4, Anniversary Volume, rfc. No. 19. 4°. 1903. __ — — Allen (G. M.) & Townsend (C. W.) List of the Birds -r of Labrador, witli brief annotations. See GRENFELL •- (W. T.) Labrador: the Country and the People."J5- (5 Appendix v. 8". 1909. Allen (JOEL ASAPH) North American Ruminants [in i the Collection in the American Museum of Natural — History], pp. 2ft : 1 pi., text illust. See NEW YORK, »• City of.— American Museum of Natural History. Guide Leaflet No. 5. 8°. 1902. Issued as supplement to "The American Museum Journal," Vol. II, no. 3. Allen (.T. A.1 M'amSalia^fsou^ern f-a^nftK- i-. Set- PRINJjefoN.— PRlNCKXfS UNIVERSITY. IJepfirts of the Brfnceton UnivfH^Sity Expeditions 18»r>-1899, -~i, 1 tab. : 2t! pis., 1 map, text illust. See MICHIGAN, State of. — Geological and Biological ^ Survey. Publication 8/Geological Series 6^.4 8°. 1912. ALLEON" DULAC (.!BAN Louis) Melanges d'His- toire Naturclle. [Edited by J. L. Alleon Dulac.] 6 Vol. illust. 8°. Lyon, [1768-] 1765. Tom. I & II were originally issued in 1763. Alleon Dulac (J. L.) [Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire naturelle des provinces de Lyonnois, Forez, et Beaujolois. 2 Tom. illust. 8". Lyon, 1765.J Wanting. — [Another edition entitled :] Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire naturelle des ddpartemens de Rhone et de Loire . . . Nouvelle edition. 2 Tom. illust. 8°. Paris & Lyon, 1795. Apparently this is a re-issue oj the first edition, with a new title- page, Allescher (ANDREAS) [1828-1903] Fungi imperfecti. 2 Vol. illust. See RABENHOBST (G. L.) Dr. L. Raben- horst's Kryptogamen-Flora, 8". Bern, 1898-> There is also a French title-page. Bd. I, hft. 1. EntwicklnngBgeschichtliohe Untersuchungen fiber Rostpilze von E. Fischer, pp. x, ISO : 3 pis., text Must. 1898. 2. Die Farnkriiuter der Schweiz. Von H. Christ. pp. 189 : text ilhi»t. 1900. „ ,, ,. 3. Algues Vertes de la Suisse. Pleurocoocoi'des— Ohroole'poides. Par C. Chodat. pp. xiii, 373 : text illust. 1902. ,, II, „ 1. Le Boletus subtomentosm de la region Genevoise ... par C. E. Martin, pp. ix, ,i!i : In pis. ml. 1903. ,, ,, ,, 2. Die Uredineen der Schweiz von ... E.Fischer. pp. xeiv, 590 [1] : text ilhist. 1904. „ III, „ 1. Les llucorine'es de la Suisse. Par A. Lendner. pp. IVJ I .'] : .; )>ls., text illiifl. 1908. ,, „ ,, 2. Die Brandpilze der Schweiz. Von H. C. Schel- lenberg. pp. xlvi, IfO : text illust. 1911. ,, IV, ,, 1. Die Kieselalgen der Schweiz. Von F. Meister. pp. m, 2.54 [1] : 4* ph., text illiuit. 1912. ,, „ ,, 2. Monosraphies d'Algues en culture. Par R. Chodat. pp. xii, SIM : :i pis. ml. s». 1913. ALLGEMEINE ZEITSCHRIFT FUER EN- TOMOLOGIE. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUER WISSEN- . SCHAFTHCHE INSEKTENBIOLOGIE. ALLGEMEINES MAGAZIN DEB NATUB, KUNST UNO WISSENSCHAPTEN. Thl. i- xnf [in 6 Vol.]. 8". Leipzig, 1753-67. A " Register fiber alle zwolf Theilc " concludes the series. ALLHUSEN (E. L.) [For work in connection with the Geological Survey] See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Geological Survey. [Maps.} Allis (EDWARD PHELPS) The Cranial Anatomy of the Mail-Cheeked Fishes, pp. Hi, Xl'.i : K pis. col. See ZOOLOGICA, Title from wrappers. Each section is separately paged. [Liste des Stations, par C. Alluaud et R. Jeanuel. pp. -'/,: 1 map. 1912 i [Wanting.] Plancton du Lac Victoria Nyauza. Par J. Virieux.— (Appendice sur la de'couverte de la He'd use du Tanganyika dans le Victoria Nyanza, par C. Alluaud.) pp. ..',(: 4pls., text 'Must. 1913. Poissous du Victoria-Nyauza. Avant-propos sur les proce'de's de Peche chez les Kavirondo. Par C. Alluaud.— Poissons du Lac Victoria. Par ...i. Pellegrin. pp. ?,:! : 1 pi., text ilhut. 1914. (Pellcgrius paper is a reprint from " Mem. Soc. Zool. France." Tom. XXVI, 1913.) Turbellaria, Treinatuda et Gordiacea. Par P. de Beauchamp. j>t>. '.' : 1 pi. , text illust. 1913 Crustace's. pp. it : text ilhut. 1. Phyllopoda, par E. Daday de Dees. 1913. 2. Amphipoda, par E. Chreveiix. 1913'. Arachuides. pp. '. : Itpls., text 'Must. 1913-14 1. Pentatomida;. Par H. Jeannel. 1913' 2. Naucoridie, Nerthridaj, Belostomidic et Nepidtc. Par A. L. Montandon. 1914 Insectes Dipteres. pp. m : 2 text illiut. 1913-14 1. Chironomidffl et Cecidomyida). Par J. J. Kieffer. 1913' 2. Nematocera: Sciarida?, Mycetophilidse, Bibiouidaj, Simu- liida;, Psychodidse et Culicidw. By F. W. Edwards. 1914 Insectes Strepsipteres. Par R. Jeannel. pp. 7: 1 pi., 1 text illust. 1913 Insectes Hyme'nopteres. pp. 1'JS : 3 pis., text ilhut. 1913-14 1. Proctotrupidie, Cynipida) et Evaniidse. Par J. J. Kieffer. (Appendice sur des larves de Proctotrupidic parasites d'Homopteres. Par R. Jeannel.) 2. Formicidie. Par F. Santschi. 3. Chrysidida) et Vespidie. Par R. du Buysson. 4. Braconida). Par G. Sze'pligeti. Insectes Coleopteres. pp. :.«;.- Jpfa., text illust. 1. Pselaphidie. Par A. Raffray. 2. Scarabaiida1, Onthophagini. Par II. d'Orbigny. 3. Meloidai. Par M. Pic. 4. Hylophilida; et Anthicidse. Par M. Pic. 6. Scarabicidic : Ochoda'ime, Orphnimc et Hybosorina;. Par E. Benderitter. Grottes de 1'Afrlque Orientale. Par C. Alluaud et R. Jeannel [Archives de Zool. Expe'r. et GSnerale. Tom. mi, 1914 pp. MJ-SUff.} X \ 1913. 1914! 1913-14! 1913. 1913. 1913. 1914. 1914 1914. J 16 Alluaud (C. A.) & Jeanuel (H.) Grottos de l'Afri.|iic- Orii'iitiilr. Sfi- supra, Voyage... on Afriquo Orientals (1911-1912). Ut'sultats Sc'ientifiques. 8". 1914. [An-hirr* Zuol. EXJHT. et Ot'ni>ralr. Turn. LIU, 1914, n>. •. H ALM (lirxxAR) Beitrtige /ur Kenntnis dor nordlieln n und arktischen Ostracodenfauua. pp. i?0 : 1 pi., text illittt. .SY,- STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VKTKXS- KAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, 1 '""/'. '< '•''' i/lunt. •Sec BARCELONA. — REALACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS NATUR- ALES Y ARTES. Memorias, dc. Tercera Epoca. Vol. ill [no. 2]. 4". 1894-97. Almera y Comas (J.) Catalogo de la Flora Pliocena de los alrededores de Barcelona. pp. ..'.'. S> : 1 map gcol. col. OO3 ~~f> See MADRID.— REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA N UTRAL. Tom. in, mem. 6. 8". 1906. B Almera y Comas (J.) Descripcion Geologica y Genesis de la Plaua de Vich, dc. pp. 55 : I map geol. co*' ^ce BARCELONA. — REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, dc. Memorias, v Bergeron il'. .1. J.) L Aplicacion de la teoria de los inantos raoubrientva :i] i studio del Macixo del Tibidabo de Barcelona. 717). ..''," : S. I ° text illust. — Application de la Theorie des nappes de rocouvrement a 1'dtude du massif du Tibidabo pros Barnelonc. pp. :.'4 : text illust. Sec BARCELONA. — HKAI, M \DI:MI\ DE CIKNCIAS Y ARTES. Memorias, dc. Tercera Epoca. Vol. v, no. 18. 4". 1905. Almera y Comas (J.) & Bofill y Foch (A.) Moluscos fosili's de los terrenos Terciarios superiores de ('atiduna. far Pt. 3 & 4 illust. See SPAIN. — Institute Geologico de Espafia. Boletin, dc. Tom. Xix & xxiv. 8". 1893, 98. '° Almera y Comas (J.) & Bofill y Foch (A.) Fauna salobre Tortonense de Villanueva y Geltru (Barcelona). pp.16: text illust. See BARCELONA. — REAL ACADEMIA . DE CIENCIAS NATURALES Y ARTES. Memorias, dc. Tercera Epoca. Vol. Ill [no. 1]. 4". 1895 [i.e. 1897]. Almera y Comas (J.) & Bofill y Foch (A.) Con- sideraciones sobre los Restos fosiles Cuaternarios de la caverna de Gracia (Barcelona). p2>. /•< .' .{ pis. See BARCELONA. — REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS NATU- HALES Y ARTES. Memorias, dc. Tercera Epoca. Vol. IV, no. 33. 4". 1903. Almonte y Muriel (ENRIQUE D') [1858-] Cr6quis, — . _ topografico de la Isla de Negros. . .Escala de 1 : 400,000 V . 2 [i.e. 1 in. = 6J m. about]. See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. ~~ [Maps.] [1897.] Almonte y Muriel (E. D') Croquis topografico del I— • distrito de Samar . . . Escala de 1 : 400,000 [i.e. 1 iu.'^f ; = 6J m. about]. See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. [Afap».] — ' [1898.] Almonte y Muriel (E. D') Distrito de Leyte bosquejo I — • topografico . . . Escala de 1 : 200,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 3,\ m.^T . 3 about]. See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. [Maps.] 1898. "" Almquist (ERNST BERNHARD) Studien iiber die Capsella bursa pastoris (L.). pp. ft?: text ill/txt. '"!> See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- -> AKADEMIEN. Acta Horti Bergiani, dc. Bd. IV, no. 6. 4". 1907. Almquist (E. B.) Lichenes in viciniis hibernal expeditionis Vegic prope pagum Pitlekai in Sibiria septentrionali a . . . E. Almquist collecti. Enumeravit E. A. Wainio, pritfationem scripsit E. Almquist. pp. I T~>. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botauik, dc. Bd. VIII, no. 4. 8". 1909. Almquist (SlGFKID) Studier ofver Bergianska Trad- gurdens spontana .Rosa-former, pp. .VN : / pi. col., text -n illust. See STOCKHOLM.— KONOLIGA SVENSKA VETENS- •" KAPS-AKADEMIEN. Acta Horti Bergiani, dc. Bd. IV, no. 4. 4°. 1907. Almquist (S.) Skandinaviska former af Rosa glau<-a, j_ Vill., i Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Stockliolm.^ pp. 118: 10 pis., tcj-f Utiix/. Siv STOCKHOLM. — KONG-J LIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, dc. Bd. x, no. 3. H". 1910. Almquist (S.) Skandinaviska former af Rosa Af::rli- ana, Fr., sectio glauciformis, At. Med ett bihang (Riittelser och tilliigg till " Skandinavisl•'>: !'•.••! ill imt. ,S'/-i- STOCK- HOLM'. K<>NGLK;A SVENSKA VETENSKAPSAKADEMIKN. Arkiv fiir Botanik, dc. Bd. x, no. 18. 4". 1911. t cr-i 17 Almquist (S.) Skandiiiaviska former af Rosa Afzeli- ana, Fr., sectio virensoch virentiformis. pp. 14$ : text Must. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENS- KAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik. Bd. XI, no. 11. 8". 1912. ALOI (ANTONIO) L' Eruzione dell' Etna nel 1892 con ceimo storico sulle precedent! eruzioni. 8". Torino, 1893. Boll. Club Alpino Italiano. Vol. xxvi, pp. SU-K!,: Spin., 1 map. AXiOISI (PlEKO) Su di alcune Bocce di Ripafratta (Monte Pisano). — Rocce della Penisola di Buri (Colonia Eritrea). See AciIIAEDI (G. D') Lavori eseguiti nell' Istituto di Mineralogia dell' University, di Pisa... Alia memoria di A. d' Achiardi, Ac. 8". 1903. ALONSO (JosK MARIA DUSMET Y) See DUSMET Y ALONSO. ALONSO DE ESFINOSA. See ESPINOSA (A. DE) Alplieraky (SERGE) See ALFERAK! (SERGHYE! N!KOLAEV!CH) AIiFINA. Eine Schrift der genaueren Kenntniss der Alpen gewiedmet. Herausgegeben von C. U. von Salis in Marschlins und J. R. Steinmiiller. Bd. l-iv.f illust. 8°. Wintertlmr, 1806-09. ALPINUS (PROSPER) [1553-1617] [P. Alpini de Balsamo Dialogus, Ac. 4°. Venctiis, 1591.] Wanting. P. Alpini de Balsamo Dialogus, & c. de Plantis jEgypti liber, Ac. See supra, P. Alpini 4". 1592. [Another edition.] See supra, P. Alpini de Plantis .iEgypti liber. . .Editio altera emendatior. 4". 1639 (1640). [Another edition.] See supra, P. Alpini ... Medi- cina jEgyptiorum, Ac. 4°. 1718 (1719). Alpinus (PROSPER) P. Alpini de Plantis ^Egypti liber auctus & emendatus. . .Dissertatio ejusdem de Laser- pitio, & Lotoaegyptia. Cum observationibus & Notis 3. Vestlingii, Ac. See supra, P. Alpini. . .Historiae .iEgypti Naturalis pars secuuda, Ac. 4°. 1735. ALSACE. [Maps.] Geologische Uebersichtskarte von Wiirttemberg und Baden, dem Elsass, der Pfalz und den weiterhin angrenzenden Gebieten . . . Fiinfte . . . Auflage . . . im Massstab, 1 : 600,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 9J m. about]. See GERMANY. [Maps.] Alsace-Lorraine. — COMMISSION L GISCHE L>WDES-UNTEHSUCHUNG, zur gg^ogischen Specialkarte^ Neue Folge. Facb Heft contains geol. col. 1905. FUER DIE GEOLO- •c. Abhandlungen Ergiinzhft. zu BoTl. 8". °. Strasstrtirg, 1898-S parately paged paper. S ' 7* S Alsace-Lorraine. — COMMISSION FDEH DIE GEOLO- GISCHE LANDES-UNTERSUCHUNG, Ac. Geologischer Specialkarte . . . Erlauterungen, Ac. l<\o 8°. Strassburg, 1887-# Alsace-Lorraine. — COMMISSION FUER DIE GEOLO- GISCIIK LANDES-UNTERSUCHUNG, 18 Amalltskil (V. P.) BaskopkiostatkovPozvonochmiikli v IS'.t'J gh. v Porruskikh otlo/honiyakh syevera Rossii. Sur l.'s fouilles do 1899 de debris de Verte'bre's dans les ill 'ii.'-! s Penuiens de la Bussie nord. pp. S5 : .1 ph. 8". Varsovie, 1900. Amalitzkil (V. P.) & others. De Penn a Nijny- Novgorod. pp. /.'': trxt illust. See CONGRES Gf.OLO- I.H.TK INTERNATIONAL. —Seventh Session. Guide des Excursions du vu Cougres, r0nland, Ac. Hft. xxvn ; & xxx, afd. 1. 8". 1902 & 1907. AMEGHINO (CAitMis) I'.nuincracion sistematica de las especies de Mamiferos f6ailes coleccionados por C. Ameghino en los terrenos Eocenos de la Patagonia austral y depoaitados en el Museo La Plata, rfc. See AMEGHINO (F.) 8°. 1887. Ameghino (FLOBENTINO) [1854-1911] Enumeracion sistoiuatica de las especies do Mamiferos frtsiles colec- cionados por C. Ameghino en los terrenos Eocenon de la Patagonia austral y depositados en el Musco La Plata, etc. pp.*6:3Splt. 8". Buenos Aires, 1887. Waiitlni? the two plutcs. Stated to have formed a portion of "Tom. I" of the " Holetln del Musco La Plata," but no such " liolctin " seems ever to have apix .n > ,|. Ameghino (F.) Observaciones generates sobre el or de Mamiferos Estinguidos Sud-Americanos Llamados x, toxodoutes (Toxodontia) y sinopsis de los gi'nrros y CJ" especies hasta ahora conocidos. pp. '/''<'.• / fr.rl /////»/. 8°. [La Plata, 1887.] According to the sheet marks, this paper should have appeared in the " Anales del Musco La Plata," but it never did. Ameghino (F.) [Geology & Palaeontology of the «r^ | Argentine Republic.] See ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. ' j-' Segundo Censo, Ac. Vol. I, pt. 3. 4". 1898. ft. Ameghino (F.) Premiere Notice sur le Neomylodon ,-, Listai, un representant vivant des anciens Edcntcs ^ Gravigrades fossiles de 1'Argentine. /<;>. ,s'. 12". La Plata, 1898. Ameghino (F.) El Mamifero misterioso de la Pata- gonia (Neomylodon Listai) un sobre viviente actual de los Megaterios de la antigua Pampa. pp. IS. 8°. La Plata, 1899. La Piramlde. Tom. I. Ameghino (F.) Sinopsis geologico-paleontologica . . . Supplemento, Ac. pp. 13. fol. La Plata, 1899. Segundo Censo Nacional. Buenos Aires. 1898. Ameghino (F.) Notices preliminaires sur des Mam- ~ miferes nouveaux des terrains Cretace's de Patagonie. G- pp. 68 : text illust. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1902. Boletin Acad. Nac. Clent. Cordoba. Tom. xvii. Ameghino (F.)- Premiere contribution d la connais- /* sauce de la Faune Mammalogique des Couches & Col. ^* podon. pp. 70. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1902. Boletin Acad. Nac. Cient. Cordoba. Tom. xvii. Ameghino (F.) L'Age des Formations sedimentairea f> de Patagonie. pp. 231 : text illust. L> 8°. Buenos Aires, 1903. Anales Sue. Cient. Argentina. Tom. i. & LIV. Ameghino (F.) Nuevas especies de Mamiferos, Greta- /. ceos y Terciarios de la Repiiblica Argentina. ji/>. I.'/..'. V7 8". Buenos Aires, 1904. Anales Soc. Clent. Argentina. Tom. LVI-LVIII. Ameghino (F.) Paleontologia Argentina . . . Conferen- /•> cias . . . No. 2, Ac. pp. 7',) : text illust. 8°. La Plata, 1904. Publlcaciones Univ. La Plata, Fac. Cien. Fis.-Mat. Ameghino (F.) Recherches de morphologic phylogc- _ ne'tique sur les molaires superieures des Ongules. (y- pp. S41 : text illust. 8". Buenos Aires, 1904. • Anales Mils. Nac. Buenos Aires. Tom. IX. Ameghino (F.) Les Formations sedimentaires du L-» Vol. XL vn was published at Salem ; Vol. XLVIII-* at Easton, Pa. The following is the list of towns at which the various meetings were rt held :— " No. 47. 189S. Boston. 48. 1899. Columbus. 1300. New York. 1901. Denver. e. 60, 51. 1902. Pittsburg. 52. 1903. Washington. 53. 1904. St. Louis. 54. 1904. Philadelphia. 55. 1905-6. New Orleans. 56. 1900. Ithaca. 57. 1906-7. New York City. 58. 1907-8. Chicago. No. 59. 1908. Hanover. „ 60. 1908-9. Baltimore. 61. 1909. Boston. 62. 1910. Minneapolis. 63. 1911. Washington. 64. 1912-13. Cleveland. 65. 1913-14. Atlanta. 66. 1914-15. Philadelphia. 67. 1915. San Francisco. 68. 1915-18. Columbus. 69. 1916-17. New York. American Association, &c. Fifty Years of Dar- winism : modern aspects of Evolution. Centennial Addresses in honor of C. Darwin, before the . . . Asso- ciation. . .Baltimore, Friday, January 1, 1909. pp. [iv,] 274 : S pis., 1 text illust. 8°. New York, 1909. Contains : — • Introduction, by T. C. Chamberlain. Fifty Years of Darwinism, by E. B. Poulton. The Theory of Natural Selection from the standpoint of Botany, by J. M. Coulter. Isolation as a factor in Organic Evolution, by D. S. Jordan. The Cell in relation to Heredity and Evolution, by E. B. Wilson. The direct influence of Environment, by D. T. MacDougal. The behaviour of unit characters in Heredity, by \V. E. Castle. Mutation, by C. B. Davenport. Adaptation, by C. H. Eigenmann. Darwin and Paleontology, by H. F. Osborn. Evolution and Psychology, by G. S. Hall. American Chemical Journal, &c. General Index (Volumes Xl-xx) . . . 1889-98, Ac. 8°. Baltimore, 1899. Volumes XXI-L. . .1899-1913, rfc. 8°. Baltimore, 1914. American Chemical Society. Journal, Ac. Vol. l-xxiv. 8". New York, 1879-1902. With Vol. XIX -» the "Review of American Chemical Research" was issued as a supplement. — General Index to the first twenty volumes, 1879-1898, and to the Proceedings, 1877-1879. 8". Easton, Pa., 1902. American Entomological Society. List of the Lepidoptera of North America. See GHOTE (A. R.) & ROBINSON (C. T.) 8". 1868. American Entomological Society. Third Supple- ment to the List of Coleoptera of America, North of Mexico. See HENSHAW (S.) 8". 1895. American Entomological Society. Check List of the Lepidoptera of Boreal America, Ac. See SMITH (J. B.) 8°. 1908. American Entomological Society. A History of the ... Society . . . 1859-1909. Prepared . . . by E. T. Cresson, with an introduction by ... H. C. McCook. pp. 60: Sports. 8°. Philadelphia, Pa., [1911.] AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL, &c. Vol. i— > See AMERICAN FERN SOCIETY. 8°. 1910— > z 2. W 3 AMERICAN FERN SOCIETY. American Fern Journal : a quarterly devoted to Ferns. Published by the . . . Society. Vol. I— > 8°. Port Richmond, N.Y., 1911-> ( AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. [1852 Founded as American Geographical 8°. New York, 1916-> American Geographical Society. Map of the Arctic Regions . . . published by the . . . Society . . . Scale, 1 : 6,300,000 . . . approximately 100 miles to 1 inch. See ARCTIC REGIONS. [Maps.] col., 1912. AMERICAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. See GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP AMERICA. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS. [Founded 1871.] Transactions, Ac. Vol. I— > 8". Philadelphia, Ac., [1873 ?-] 1879-> Vol. n-xi were published at Easton, Pa. ; Vol. XII-> at New York. Vol. VI is the first one bearing date of publication. Indexes to Vol. i-v See BOTANICAL SOCIETY OP AMERICA. 8°. 1914-5* M 3. •30 American Journal of Conchology. A Sunn thr ... Journal ... 1865-1872. Sec SVKKS (K. I!. I Digesta Malacologica. No. I. 8". 1901. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHTSIOLOGT, The. Vol. i-xx. See AMERICAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 8". 1898-1908. American Journal of Science. General Index of Volumes xxi-xxx of the Fourth Series. 8". New Haven, Conn., 1911. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. [Founded 1876.) Library of Congress. A.L.A. Catalog. . .Prepared. .. under the auspices of the American Library Association Publishing Board, tfc. 2 Pt. [in 1.] See UNITED STATES.— Congress. 8". 1904. American Library Association. Library of Con- gress. A.L.A. Portrait Index. Index to Portraits contained in Printed Books and Periodicals. Compiled ...for the Publishing Board of the American Library Association, ttc. See UNITED STATES. — Congress. 8°. 1906. AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST, The. Published (bi-monthly), ttc. Vol. I, no. 5. See NOTRE DAME, Indiana. — University. 8\ 1909. AMERICAN MUSEUM JOURNAL, The. A popular record of the progress of the . . . Museum, tfc. Vol. I— k&Sec NEW YORK, City of. — American Museum of Natural History. 8". 1901-f II "American Ornithologists' Union. Cheek-list of North American Birds.. .Third edition, tfc. pp. '/;«.- (rot.). 8". Neiv York, 1910. AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY FOR THE HOME AND SCHOOL. Edited by C. A. Reed. Vol. l-vi, no. 7. illust. (col.) 8°. Worcester, Mass., 1901-06. On Vol. m-» the wrapper reads :— " Bird Magazine : American Ornithology." Wanting: Vol. V, no. 8 (August); Vol. VI, no. 1 (Jan.), & the numbers for Sept. to Dec. (including title-page & index for the volume.) 3. ALL 'R American Philosophical Society, &c. Trans- 3O*-f-.j? actions. . .Second edition, rfc. Vol.1. 4". Philadelphia, 1789. ^ AMERICAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. ^ " I hounded 1887.) r C C The American Journal of Physiology. Vol. l-xx. 8". Boston, 1898-1908. AMERICAN FHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SO- CIETY. |l--,mndcill90fc] Phytopathology : official organ of the ... Society, ttc. Vol. I-» 8°. Ithaca, N.Y., AMERICAN SOCIETY OF VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGISTS. [1002 Founded as American I'alaontologicai Society, Section A, \'f rt< • l:«il American fiucietn of Vertebrate Palaontologitti. IflOB Mtntiil in the I'alaontotogical Society.] (For Atwtracts of Proceedlngij See SCIKHCK [In wlii.-h tlii-v VMT. publUhed). AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ZOOLOGISTS. [1002. Founded l>y the union of the American Morpliological Society and the Society oj American Zoolnffitti.] [for Report* of the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting!) See HCIKXCK [In which they were publUhed). AMES. — IOWA STATE COLLKC1. nF \URICULTURE AND Ml.l'lIANIC ARTS. -T, Contributions: Botanical Department, ttc. Vol. I ^} [= no. 1-20] list of contents only; also no. 21 & 22fit(/l] tllust. 8". [Dcs Moines, ttc., 1902-^4. -/A, The series consists of papers extracted from various scientific publi- cations mostly bearing the pagination of the original source. AMES (Oakes) A Contribution to our knowledge of 0 the Orchid Flora of southern Florida, pp. -'-'[/!•' ' -' ph. See NORTH EASTON, Mass. — Ames Botanical 'i Laboratory. Contributions, ttc. No. 1. 8". 1904. ' Ames (O.) Orchidaceoe : illustrations and studies of the family Orchidacese, tfc. Fasc. 1— >• illust. 'B 8". Boston tf New York, 1905-> * AMES BOTANICAL LABORATORY. See NORTH EASTON, Mass. — AMES BOTANICAL LABORATORY. AMHERST. — Hatch Experiment Station. See infra, MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. — Massachu- setts Agricultural Experiment Station. AMHERST. — Massachusetts State Agricultural Ex- l'i rimcnt Station. [1882 Founded. 1894 United with the Hatch Experiment Statiun.] See infra, MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. — Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. AMHERST. —Massachusetts Agricultural Col- lege. Annual Report, Ac. No. 28 & 35. W- 8°. Boston [Mass.,] 1891, 98. Amherst. Massachusetts Agricultural College. A new Greenhouse IVst. (Orthczia insignis, Douglas.) . [By C. P. Lounsbury.] pp. iiJt : 4 pis. V*- 8°. [Amherst, Mass., 1894.] Ann. Kept. Massachus. Agric. Coll. No. 32. Amherst.- Massachusetts Agricultural College. The Crambidce of North America. [By] C. H. Fernald. \*J • pp. '.i.l : !> pis. (col.), text illust. 8°. [Amherst, Mass.,] 1896. Amherst. Massachusetts Agricultural College. The Grass Thrips. Anaplwthrips striata (Osb.). [By] -1 W. E. Hinds, pp. IS : 4 pis. 8". [Amherst, Mass.,] 1900. Amherst. Massachusetts Agricultural College. _, Outline of Course in Zoology suul Kntoinolo^v :it the ^-^ . . .College, tfc. pp. 7. 8". [Amherst, Mass., 1900.] y\l Extracted from the College Catalogue for 1900. Amherst.— Massachusetts Agricultural College. Entomology and Zoology at the . . . College. /^(C.) The Botanyof WorcestgEeMre . . . The Mcjseesand Hepatics CQH-tfibuted by^J-r"f?rBagnall, Ac^^n- xxxiii, 654 '• 8". Bjtfning'ham, 1909. AMSTERDAM.— Athenaeum Amstelaedamense. See infra, UNIVERSITEIT. [Main Catalogue, p. 41.] AMSTERDAM./ Koloniaal Instituut. [1910 Founded.^ 1913 The Kuwniaal Museum, formerly under Maal^liaitpij ter Unordering van fUjverlufy, was amalga- ivith it.] rverslag. No. 2- msterdam, [1913-»] Amsterdam. — Koloniaal Instituut. Beknopt overzicht der meest gebruikte Geneesmiddelen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie, door J. van Dongen. pp. 189, xx. 8". Dicren, 1913. Pharmac. Weekblad, 1913. Amsterdam. Koloniaal Instituut. Flora voor de Nederlandsch West-Indische Eilanden, door. . .1. Boldingh. pp. xx, 4~>0. 8". Amsterdam, 1913. AMSTERDAM. — Xoninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. [Geologische Schetskaart van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie, samengesteld . . . door E. C. Abendanon . . . Schaal, 1 : 2,500,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 39J m. about]. 6 sh. col., den Haag, 1914. Amsterdam. — Eoninklijk Nederlandsch Aard- rijkskundig Genootschap. Toelichting bij de Geologische Schetskaart van Neder- landsch Oost-Indie . . . Schaal, 1 : 2,500,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 39J m. about]. See ABENDANON (E. C.) 8°. [1914.] Amsterdam. — Koninklijk Zoologisch Genoot- schap, &c. Kouinklijk Zoologisch Genootschap . . . 1838-1898. pp. 64 : text illust. 4". [Amsterdam, 1898.] Amsterdam. — Kouinklijk Zoologisch Genoot- schap, &c. [Guide to the Society's Zoological Gardens, pp. 32 :] 1 plan col., text illust. obi. 8°. [Amsterdam, 1900 ?] fvi ' _ S- 3 G Z . •22 AMTHOR iliKiNHOLb) Der Uhiitsandstein vmn Grnsscn Soelwrge bei Gotha. (Eine petrographisch • inineralogische Ski/./e.) See GoTIIA.— NATURWissi s SCIIAFTLiciiKit VKREIN. Naturwissenschaftliches und Geschichtliches vora Seebcrg, : I pi. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Skrifter, . -+ 8". Asuncion, 1901-li^, ANALYST, The; a. . .Journal of Science, Literature (Natural History) and the Fine Arts. Edited [Vol. VI & vn] by W. Holl . . . and N. Wood [and afterwards, Vol. VII-X, by], E. Mammatt. Vol. l-x, no. 28. 8°. London, 1834-39. Wanting No. 8 A 9. The lirst twelve parts, forming Vol. I it II, appeared monthly, there- after the Issue was quarterly. _. RJ*\ i n H 1 £/ See WlSTAH INS'ITITTK OF ANATOMY & BIOLOGY. 8°. 19064 ANDAMAN ISLANDS. Statement of Convict Doodnath Tewarry [taken down by J. P. Walker, giving an account of the Manners and Customs of the Natives of the Andaman Islands]. See WALKER (J. P.) 4". [1859.] ANDERSEN (Kxri> CHRISTIAN) [1867-] Catalogue of the Chiroptera in... the British Museum. Second edition by K. Andersen. Vol. I : Megachiroptera. See BRITISH MISKUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Zoology. [Mammalia.] 8". 1912. This edition Is In reality a completely new Monograph. ANDERSEN (OLAF) On Epidote and other Minerals from Pegmatite veins in Gnmulite at Notodden, Tele- nmrken. Norway, pp. 4* \'i\ •' •'• /''*•> '<""' Ulust. See AKCHIV FOR MATHKMATIK IK: XATI:RVIDENSKAH. ]>. /.•)'/[;;]: l/> jilx.,.' i/Hijmrol. ,/<-.!•/ Ulust. See GKOROIA, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 8-A. 8". 1896 (-97). The second report is by B. M. and M. R. Hall. See Bulletin No. 16. (MOB.) ANDERSON (('HARLES) New Theory of the formation of Vciiit.. . .Translated from the German. To which is added, aii Appendix. . .by C. Anderson. See \VKKNKK (A. G.) 8". 1809. ANDERSON (CHARLES WlLottKss) [1867-] The Geology of the Goldlields of British Guiana. . .With. . . chapters by . . . C. W. Anderson, /its. (ml.), 1 map, le.rt illnxt. IMK „ II. Mammalia. By ... J. Anderson ... Revised and com- pleted by W. E. de Winton. pp. pit. (cnl.), 1 map, 1 port., text Ulust. 1802. „ ill ' : I".: pis. (col.), 1 map, text Must. 1907. ANDERSON (JoiiN WILLIAM) [-1904 or 05] [The Prospector's Handbook, '!' : :.' maps. 8". Koch Island, III., 1905. Augustana Library Publications, No. &. ANDERSON (KiriiAitn JOHN) The Whales and - Dolphins. . .(A Zoological Mnemonic). Pt. n. •/!/>. A'..': ANDERSON (!!OBERT VAN VLKCK) [18H4-J & Arnold (11.) Geology and Oil llesources of the Coalinga district, California, it-c. JI/L .:.'>'/: :><> /I/H., .' mnjjx (1 grol. col.), /../•/ iltiixl. SIT 1'MTKH ST \TKS. —Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 898. 8". 1910. Anderson (B. VAN V.) & Arnold (B.) Preliminary Beport on the Santa Maria Oil dlctrlot, Santa liarhara county. California, pp. «'•'> : .' »"//.*. furl i/li/af. Sre UNITED STATUS.- Geological Survey. Jiulletin No. 317. 8". 1907. Anderson (B. VAN V.) & Arnold (1!.) Geology and Oil resources of the Santa Maria oil district, Santa Barbara county, California, pp. tut : ."/ /I/H. (/ co/.), .' -111111111 (i i/i-ol. col.). See. UNITED STATES. — GVn/oy/Vi// Survey. Bulletin No. 822. 8". 1907. Anderson (B. VAN V.) & Arnold (B.) Preliminary Report on the Coalinga Oil district, Fresno and Kings Counties, California, pp. 143 : % maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 857. 8°. 1908. Anderson (B. VAN V.) & Pack \B. W.) Geology and Oil resources of the west border of the San Joaquin valley, north of Coalinga, California, pp. 220 : 1:1 pis., gome back to back, 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 603. 8°. 1915. ANDERSON (TEMPEST) [1846-1913] Volcanic Studies in many lands, Ac. pp. xxviii, 202 : 105 pis. fT-GO i^TNHMVGxJr. C«_A|I^ C Anderson (THOMAS) Botanist. [Guttiferse of India.] See HOOKER (Sir J. D.) K.C.S.I. The Flora of British India, Ac. Vol. I. 8°. 1874. Anderson (T.) Botanist & Hooker (Sir J. D.) K.C.S.I. [Cruciferse of India.! See HOOKER (Sir J. D.) K.C.S.I. The Flora of British India, Ac. Vol. I. 8". 1872. ANDERSON (WILLIAM) Geologist [1860-1915] Geo- • logy of Natal and Zululand. See FLINT (W.) Science ' in South Africa, Ac. 8°. 1905. Anderson (W.) Geologist. On the occurrence of skeletal Dinosaurian Remains in a series of sandstones and shales, at the Stypstee Drift, Compies Biver, Spring Bok Flats, Waterberg district ; with notes on the Alluvial Deposits overlying them. pp. 18. 8°. [1912.] Anderson (W.) Geologist. [For official reports as Government Geologist] See NATAL. — Geological Sur- vey of Natal and Z^(,luland. ANDERSSON (CARL FILIP GDNNAR) [1865-J Studier ofver Finlands Torfmossar och fossila Kvartarflora. pp. 210 : 4 ph., text illust. See FINLAND. — FINLANDS GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Bulletin, Ac. No. 8. 8". 1898. Andersson (C. F. G.) Hasseln i Sverige fordom och nu, Ac. pp. 168 : 1 map, text .illust. See SWEDEN. — SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Afhandlingar, Ac. Ser. Ca. No. 3. 4°. 1902. Andersson (C. F. G.) & Hesselman (H.) Bidrag till Kiinnedomen om Spetsbergens och Beeren Eilands ;_, Kiirlvaxtflora, grundade pS iakttagelser under 1898 firs Svenska Polarexpedition. pp. 88 : 4 ph., text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till. . .Handlingar. Bd. xxvi, afd. in, no. 1. 8". 1900 (1901). — [Another issue.] See STOCKHOLM. — STOCKHOLMS HOGSKOLA. Meddelanden frfin Stockholms Hogskolas Botaniska Institut. Bd. ill. 8". 1900. ANDERSSON (.ToiiAN GUNNAR) [1874-] Ueber cambrische und silurische phosphoritfiihrende Gesteine aus Schweden. pp. 104 : 3 ph., 1 map, text illust. 8°. Upsala, 1896. Bull. Geol. Inst. Univ. Upaala. Vol. II, no. 5. Andersson (J. G.) Ueber die Stratigraphie und Tektonik der Biiren Insel. Inaugural-Dissertation, Ac. pp. .W, 2 tabs. : 2 ph., 1 map, text illust. 8". Uppsala, 1901. Bull. Geol. Inst. Univ. Upsala. Vol. IV, no. 12, 1900. Andersson (J. G.) Contributions to the Geology of f_ the Falkland Islands. See NORDENSKJOLD (N. O. G.) «- Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Sud- 5(— polar-Expedition 1901-03, Ac. Bd. Ill, lief. 2. 4". 1907. Andersson (J. G.) The Climate of Sweden in the Late-Quaternary Period : facts and theories. j>P- <*>'# •' / pi., 1 map (col.), text illust. See SWEDEN. — SVERIGES / GEOLOGISKA UNDEHSiiKNING. Irsbok 3 (1909), no. 1. [= Afhandlingar, Ac. Ser. C. No. 218.] 8". 1909 (1910). Andersson (J. G.) The age of the Brachiopod yielding Beds of Cockburn Island. See NORDENSKJOLD (N. O. G.) i Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Slid- &£* polar-Expedition 1901-1903, Ac. Bd. HI, lief. 7. Ad- dendum. 4". 1910. Andersson (J. G.) Japetus Steenstrup och Torfmoss- forskningen, Ac. See JUNGERSEN (H. F. E.) & WARMING (J. E. B.) Mindeskrift i Anledning af Hundredaaret for J. Steenstrups F0dsel, Ac. No. VI. 4". 1914. Andersson (J. G.) & Birger (S.) Den Norrliindska Florans geografiska fordelning och invandringshistoria, med siirskild hiinsyn till dess Sydskandinaviska arter. pp. viii, 416: text illust. '8°. Uppsala d Stockholm, 1912. Andersson (J. G.) Antarctica, Ac. See ANDEHSSON (J. G.) 5c Nordenskjbld (N. 0. G.) NOBDENSKJOLD (N. 0. G.) & 8°. 1905. Audersson (J. G.) & others. Antarctica : tv& ar bland Sydpolens isar. 2 Vol. illust. See NORDENSKJOLD (N. 0. G.) A others. 8". 1904. ANDERSSON (KARL ANDREAS) [1875-] Brutpflege bei Antedon liirsuta. Carpenter. Das hohere Tierleben im antarktischen Gebiete. See NORDENSKJOLD (N. O. G.) Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Siid- polar-Expedition 1901-1903, Ac. Bd. V, lief. 1 & 2. 4°. 1905. Andersson (K. A.) Die Pterobranchier der Schwe- dischen Siidpolarexpedition 1901-1903, uebst Bemer- kungen tiber Rhabdopleura normani, Allman. See NORDENSKJOLD (N. O. G.) Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Sildpolar - Expedition 1901-1903, Ac. Bd. v, no. 10. 4°. [1907] 1908. • [Another issue.] Inaugural - Dissertation, Ac. pp. 122: 8 ph. (1 col.) 4°. Stockholm, 1907. L L do , with C. gobio, / the S.5~(0 CSLIATZJ-^ tf L.. ANDERSSON (LARS GABRIEL) Comparison o^J&ottus poecilopus, Linn. Catalogae^of Linnean type-s# Royal Museum in Stockholm, pp. 35. STOCKHOLM.— KONeriiGA SVENSKA VB^ENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang^till . . . HandlingacX^ Bd. xxiv, \ ai&.iv,no.3&6.s^ * 8". 1898-99. Andersson (L. G.) List of Reptiles and Batrachians collected by the Swedish Expedition to Tierra del Fuego, Ac. See SWEDEN. [ Voyages, Ac. — Magallanes, •• 1895-97.] Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwe- dischen Expedition nach den Magellansliindern, 1895- 1897, Ac. Bd. n, no. 6. 8°. 1899. Ofvers. K. Svensk. Vet.-Akad. Forhandl. Irg. LV, 1893. Anderssou (L. GJ Catalogue of Linnean type-speci- mens of LinnseuVs Beptilia in the JJtfyal Museum in/« Stookboji»rjpp. 29. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLJ«A «- SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKARBMIEN. Bihang tlK. . . Handlingar. Bd. xxvi, aMT IV, no. 1. 8". I960 (1901). SL WA- ^ 24 Z Andersson (I,, (i.) Some new spocios of Snakes from Cameroon and South America, belonging to the collec- tions of the Hoyul Museum in Stockholm. pp. .''•' : .'/>!». S. I .' : ti-j-'t illust. See JAOERSKIOLD (L. A.) Results of the Swedish Zoological Expedition, Ac. No. 4. 8". 1904. Andersson (L. G.) Batrachians from Cameroon col- leete.l li.v. . . Y. Sjdstedt in the years 1890-1892. j>j>. .",< : I Jil., left illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVKNSKA VKTKXSKAPS • AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, ifr. Hd. II, no. 20. 8". 1905. Andersson (L. G.) On Batrachians from Bolivia, \r\'ontina, and Peru, collected by E. Nordenskidld 1901-1902, and N. Holmgren 1904-1905. pp. 1!> : 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIOA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, <£c. Bd. Ill, no. 12. 8°. 1906. Andersson (L. G.) Two new Lizards (Eurydactylus and Lyijoioma) from New Caledonia, pp. 5 : text illust. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, Ac. Bd. IV, no. 14. 8". 1908. Also forms "Meddelande frfm Guteborgs Museums Zoologiska AMclning." Andersson (L. G.) Untersuchungen uber die Ent- stehuug der iiusseren Genitalorgane und des Afters bei den Nagetieren. pp. £30 : text illust. See STOCKHOLM. - KONGLIOA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, Ac. Bd. v, no. 4. 8". 1909. [Another issue.] Inaugural-Dissertation, Ac. 4°. Uppsala, 1907. A special title-page has been added. Andersson (L. G.) Batrachians (collected by the Swedish Zoological Expedition to British East Africa, 1911). See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENS- KAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Poljd. Bd. XLVII, no. 6. 4". 1911. Andersson (L. G.) Reptiles and Batrachiaus from the north-west of Madagascar collected by V. Kaudern 1906-1907. pp. 13. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVKXSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, ' STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIQA S\I\SK\ \KTKNS- KAPH-AKADBMIEN. Arkiv fiir Zoologi. lid. vi, no. 9. 8". 1910. Andersson (L. G.) & Lounberg (A. -I. I''..) On a i collection of Reptiles from Kismuyu. /)/'• '' •' '''•''' '""«'. -, See STOCKHOLM. -KONGLIGA SVEXSKA VETKNSK \i-s-j_ 5" AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, <(•<•. Bd. vm, no. 20. • 8°. 1913. ~Z. Andersson (Xn.s JOIIAN) Salicineu>. Sec CANDOLLK i Arc. I'. DEI Prodromus systematis naturalis Regni ^ Vegetabilis, Ac. Pt. XVI, sect, posterior. 8". 1868. Andersson (N. J.) Plantuo sub itinere navi! bellieie ^ Eugeniiu anno 1852 a N. -I. Andersson circa Guayaquil J> collectic, quas deaeripsit F. W. C. Areschoug. See SWEDEN. Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies Resa omkring jorden . . . 1851-1853. Vetenskapliga iakttagelser, Ac, Vol. I. ]3otauik. 4". 1910. Andersson afterwards Borge (OscAK FHEDKIK) \~~. Ueber tropische und snbtropische Suss\v:issei- -Chloro- C 5"' phyceen. pp. t>3 : X pis. See STOCKHOLM. KOXGLIGA ' — SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till ... 't? Handlingar. Bd. XXIV, afd. Ill, no. 12. 8". 1899. — [Another issue.] See STOCKHOLM. — STOCKHOLMS ~T? HiicsKOLA. Meddelanden fran Stockholms Hiigskolas ^ Botaniska Institut. Bd. 1 1. 8". 1899. Andersson afterwards Borge (O. F.) Schwedisches ^Q Siisswasserplankton. pp.XH: 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM. — STOCKHOLMS HoGSKOLA. Meddelanden frstn Stockholms Hdgskolas Botaniska Institut. Bd. HI. 8". 1900. Hot. Not. 1900. Auderssou afterwards Borge (O. F.) Siisswasseralgen I— aus Siid-Patagonien. pp. 4n •' •' 1'ls., text illust. • c See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- J^J AKADKMIEN. Bihang till . . . Haudlingar. Bd. xxvn, --r? afd. in, no. 10. 8". 1901 (1902). J> Andersson nftfriranh Borge (O. F.) Buitriige xur Algenflora von Schweden. i>p. titi : :> pis. J_. Algen aus Argentina und Bolivia, pp.l-i: text illust. P ^~- See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- _ ._• AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. VI, no. 1 & 4. -T5 8". 1906. Andersson after wnnh Borge (0. F.) Siisswasser Chlorophyceen von Feuerland und Isla Desolacion. See SERNANDEK (J. 11.) A others. Tilliignade F. R. Kjellman, rfc. Botaniska Studier. 8". 1906. Andersson afterwards Borge (O. F.) Nordamerika- I — nische Susswasseralgen. pp. 29: } pi. See STOCKHOLM. J 5* — KONGLIOA SVENSKA VETEXSK Al'S-AKADKMIEN. Arkiv ', ! for Botanik, Ac. Bd. VIII, no. 13. 8". 1909. jj Audersson afterwards Borge (O. F.) Die Siisswasser- i ;il;'i 'iilloru . Spit/.bergens. / {1\. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. LIS70- ^ ANDRE (KMILK) Infusoires. /-/'. "'. Wi (/]: iff I illust. SeedEXEVA. Mrsia'M D'lilsToiUK XATUBBLLB. ^ Catalogue des Invertebres do la Suisse. Fasc. 6. 8". 1912. 25 o.A Andre (ERNEST) [1838-] Fam. Mutillidic. Pt. I. pp. 77 : S ph. col. See WYTSMAN (P.) Genera Insectorum, Ac. Fasc. 11. Hymenoptera. 4°. 1903. Andre" (ERNEST) [Thynnidse from the Antarctic regions.] See BELGIUM. — Commission de la " Belgica." Expedition Antarctique Beige. Besultats du Voyage . . . 1897-1899. . .Bapports scientifiques, Ac. Zoologie. 4°. 1906. Andre (ERNEST) Hymenopteres. Mutillides [collected in Ecuador], avec une note sur le genre Konowiella. See FRANCE. — -Ministere de VInstruction Publique. Mission du Service G^ographique de 1'Armee. . .1899- 1906. Tom. x, fasc. 1. 4". 1913. Andre (ERNEST) & others. [Hymenoptera from Indo- China.] See PAVIE (A.) Mission Pavie Indo-Chine, Ac. 4°. 1904. ANDRE (EUGENE) [1862-] A Naturalist in the Guianas ...With a Preface by...J. S. Keltie. pp. xiv, 310: 33 pis. (2 col.), 1 port., 1 map. 8°. London, 1904. Aiidreae (ACHILLES) Landschnecken aus Central- und Ostasien. pp. 12 [2] : 1 pi., text illust. A See HILDESHEIM. — Roemer Museum. Mittheilungen, />. .;. See HILDESHEIM. — Roemer Museum. Mitthei- lungen, Ac. No. 13. 8". 1900. Andreae (A.) Thiere der Vorwelt. Beconstructionen vorweltlicher Thiere entworfen von G. Keller . . . mit Erliiuterungen von Prof. . . . Andreas, Ac. pp. 34. 8°. Cassel, 1901. Wanting the plates. Andreae (A.) Begleitworte zur Geweih- und Gehorn- Sammlung im Boemer-Museum zu Hildesheim zugleich /» ein kurzer Ueberblick und erne Gesehichte des Stammes der Hirsche uud der Horntriiger, Ac. See HILDESHEIM. — Roemer Museum. 8". 1902. Andreae (A.) Untermiociine Laudschneckenmergel bei Oppeln in Schlesien. pp. tf : text illust. Zweiter Beitrag zur Binnenconchylienfauna des Miociins von Oppeln in Schlesien. pp. 31 : text illust. Dritter Beitrag zur Kenutnis des Miociins von Oppeln i. Schl. (Nachtriige zur Binneuconchylienfauna. — Die Siiugetiere des Miociins von Oppeln.) pp. 22: text illust. See HILDESHEIM. — Roemer Museum. Mittheilungen, Ac. No. 16, 18 & 20. 8". 1902-04. Andreae (A.) Land- und Siisswasserschnecken aus Zentral- und Ostasien. See FUTTEHER (K.) Durch Asien, Ac. Bd. in, lief 1. 8°. 1903. The first four of the six sections of this memoir first appeared as Hitthl. Koemer Mus. No. 12, 1900. ANDREAE (.IOHANN GERHARD BEINHARD) [1724- 1793] Briefe aus der Schweiz nach Hannover geschrie- ben, in dem Jare 1763. Zweiter Abdruk. (With notes by J. S. Wytteubach.) pp. xxii, 3Jt5 [1] : IS pis., text Must., engr. title. 4". Zurich it- Wintertlmr, 1776. These letters were originally printed in the " Haunoverisches Maga- zin," 1763. ANDREE (JOHN) The Natural History of the Hartz- Forest, Ac. [Translated, with a preface, by J. Andree.] See BEHRENS (G. H.) 8°. 1730. ANDREE (KARL\ [1880-] Durch Asien, Ac. Bd. n. Geologische Charakter-Bilder. Zweiter Teil . . . bear- beitet von. . ,K. AndrcSe, Ac. See FUTTKRER (K.) 8°. 1909. Andree (K.]E.)Ueber die Bedingungen der Gebirgs- bildung. Vortrage, Ac. pp. viii, 101 : text illust. 8". Berlin, 1914. ANDREE (BlCHARD) [1835-1912] fAndree's allge- meiner Handatlas, Ac. fol. Bielefeld, 1880-81.| J M M Vierte. . .Auflage. Herausgegeben von A. Scobel, Ac. pp. [ii,] 170 : IMS large, A 137 small, maps col. fol. Bielefeld A Leipzig, 1899. Filnfte. . .Auflage. Jubiliiums-Ausgabe. Heraus- gegeben von ... A. Scobel, Ac. pp. [iv,] 188 [J] : 130 large, A 161 small, maps col. fol. Bielefeld A Leipzig, 1918. Andree (B.) Vor- und fruhgeschichtliche, sowie L . anthropologische Skizze der Kreise Braunschweig, [~)~ - *• • Helmstedt und Wolfenbiittel. See BLASIUS (B.) " Braunschweig im Jahre 1897, Ac. 8°. 1897. ANDRES (HEINRICH) Flora von Eifel und Hunsruck, mit Einschluss des Venn, der Eingeschlossenen und angrenzenden Flusstiiler, Ac. pp. xxviii, 381. 8". ANDREWS (CiiAKLES WILLIAM) [1866- graph of Christmas Island (Indian Ocea Features and Geology [Mammalia, Land Crustacea, <£c.] by C. W. Andrews, Ac. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8". 1900. B l\WM - MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Geology. [Vertebral* -7=— 4". 1906. Andrews (C^W.) A Guide to th« Elephants (recent L-. and fossij)\r liold-ticld. />/>. ',',: l.',pla.,l map geol. col., t<-xt ill list. See NEW SOUTH WALKS. —Department of Mines. Mineral Resources. No. 8. 8". 1000. Andrews (E. C.) Report on the Yalwal Gold-tirld. p/i. ',!'<: 10 pit., fi map* geol. col., 1 plan, fi-jrf illust. Avr NEW SOUTH WALKS. — Department of Mines. Mineral Resources. No. 9. 8". 1901. Andrews (E. C.) Report on the Kiandra Lead, pp.-t.' : 1.' j>ls.. I map geol. col. See NEW SOUTH WALES. — Department of Mines. Mineral Resources. No. 10. 8". 1901. Andrews (E. C.) Molybdenum, pp. [i,] 17 : I pi.. fe.rf ilhist. See NEW SOUTH WALES. — Department of Mines. Mineral Resources. No. 11. K". 1906. Andrews (E. C.) Report on the Drake Gold and Copper field, pp. [it,] .}/ : ••' pis., 1 map geol. col., teit ilhist. See NEW SOUTH WALES. — Geological Sun-, //. Mineral Resources. No. 12. 8". 1908. Andrews (E. C.) Report on the Cobar Copper and Gold-field. 2 Pt. illust. See NEW SOUTH WALES.— Geological Survey. Mineral Resources. No. 17 & 18. 8°. 1913, 15. Andrews (E. C.) The New England Tableland.— The Western Plains. — The Tertiary and Post - Tertiary history of New South Wales. — The Coastal area. — The older Pala-o/oic sediments of New South Wales. — The Carboniferous period in New England. — The Plutonic and allied Rocks of N. S. Wales. See BRITISH ASSO- CIATION, (fc. Handbook of New South Wales (1914). Sect. II. Natural Science. 8". 1914. ANDREWS (ETHAN AtLEN) [1859-] The young of the Crayfishes Aetacus and Cambarus. pp. I'D : 10 pis., l>j-t ilhiKt. s>-e SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smith- sonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. XXXV. 4°. 1907. ANDROMACHUS, the Kltlrr. Histoire naturelle d. - Aniniaux. des Plantes, & des Mineraux qui entrent dans la composition dc la Theriaque d'Andromachus, fer Noire, pp. IS : text ill us t. Kmirons de Kertch. pp. Hi, I tab. : I map, text illiixt. See CONORKS GEOLOOIQUK INTERNATIONAL. — Seventh Congress. Guide des Excursions du VII Congres, dc. 8°. 1897. Andrnsov (N. I.) Materialui k poznaniyu Prikaspii- skagho Neoghena. Akchaghnil'skie plastui. — Beitriige x.ur Kenntnis des Kaspischen Neogen. Die Aktschagyl- schichten. pp. vi, l'i-l : H ph., ..' maps (col.). See RUSSIA.— Comitt Geologique. Trudui, dc. Tom. XV, no. 4. 4°. 1902. Andrnsov (N. I.) Studicn iilicr die Brackwasscrcar- diden. 2Lief. tlliixl. Nrr ST. PETERSBURG. ACAIH MII: iMi'i'.KiALK DES SCIENCES. Memoires, dc, Sei. VIII, toin. xill, no. 8 ; XXV, no. 8. 4". 1908, 10. Andrnsov (N. I.) Materialui dlya gheologhii Zakaspii- xkoi oblasti. — Matt'riaux pour la Geologic de la rrgioii Aralocaspienne. Pt. I. pp. [Hi,] 1X8 : Jtpls., text illust. See ST. PETERSBURG. — SANKT - PKTEKIII'KCIISKOE omiiriiEHTVo BSTKSTVOISPUITATELEI. Trudui Aralo- Kaspiiskoi Ekspeditzii. Vuip. VII. 8". 1905. Andrnsov ( N. I.) Materialui k poznaniyu skagho Neoghena. Ponticheskie plastui Shemakhiu- skagho uye/da. — Beitriige xur Kenntnis des Kaspischen Neogen. Pontische Schichten des Schenmchinischen l>intriktes. pp. v, I : : : <: /ih., text illust. See RUSSIA. — Comiti Geologique. Trudui, dc. Nov. Ser., vuip. XL. 4°. 1909. Aiidrusov (N. I.) Die fossilen Bryozoenriffe der Halb- inseln Kertsch und Tainan. Lief. 1 & 2. ///>. , : /nbs.: Jtpls., 1 map, text ilhist. See RUSSIA. — Comite Oeologiqur. Trudui, tfc. Nov. Ser., ¥«*p. XLV. 4". 1908. Auert (E. E.) [For descriptions of sheets of the geological maps of the auriferous regions of Siberia See RUSSIA. — Comite Geplogique. AITGEZi *-*" Poissons par . . . L. Roule . . . avec la caise (1908-1910), command<5e Sciences naturelles, dc. par Charcot. "IT 4°. 1913. ANGELES, Los. See Los ANGELES. Angelis d'Ossat (GIOACCUINO DE) Los primeroa / Autozoos y Briozoos Mioc^nicos recogidos en Cataluna. _ Monografia por el. . . D. .1. de Angelis d'Ossat. /. vertida j . (O, al Espanol del mantiscrito original Latino por...J. Alinera, ,_ •' ^ Angelis d'Ossat (G. DE) Antozoos y Briozoos dc los Dep6sitos Plioceuicos de Cataluna y Contribucion a la Fauna Paleoz6ica de dicha regi6n (. . . v< i-tidu ilrl manuscrito original Latino por . . . J. Almera), : li-.rl ilhlKt. S,r II \HCKI.ONA. REAL ACADEMIA DE CIUXCIAS NATURALKS Y ARTES. Memorias, dc. Epoc. in, vol. v, no. 5. 4". 1905. Angelis d'Ossat (G. DE) I Coralli del calcare di Venassino (Isola di Capri), pp. Jt~> [.:]: .' /i/x., text illust. See NAPLES. — RBALK ACCADEMIA SCIENZE, dc. Atti, dc. Ser. II, vol. XII, no. 16. 4°. 1905. . - ( Oi Angelis d'Ossat (G. DE) & Millosevich (F.) [On £__, Geological specimens from eastern equatorial Africa.] . t See VANNUTELLI (L.) & CITERNI (C.) Seeonda spedi- zione B6ttego. L'Omo, Ac. Appendice V. 8". 1899. Augelis d'Ossat (G. DE) & Millosevich (F.) Sironda spedizione B6ttego (1895-97). Studio Geo- logico sul materiale raccolto da M. Sacchi, rfc. pp. x, ,.'!.' : If pis., 1 map gcol. col., I port., text illust. 8°. Boma, 1900. ANGERS. Musee d'Histoire Natnrelle. t Founded at the beginning of the 19th century.] r° j Collection Malacologiquc T. Letourneux offerte au Musee *T~. . . . par M. le Commandant E. Letourneux. Catalogue par MM. 0. Couffon. . . (Coquilles marines) ; T. Surrault . . . (Coquilles terrestres et fluviatiles). pp. xvi, ..J<>,. : Sports. See ANGERS.— SOCIlCT£ D'ETUDES SCIENTI- FIQUES. Bulletin, ifc. Ann. xxxvill, 1908. 8°. 1909. ANGLAS (JuLES) Les Animaux de Laboratoire. L'Ecrevisse (Anatomie et Dissection), Ann Arbor, Mich., 1913 — > Also styled " Scientific Papers of the University of Michigan," No. l-» Each number contains a separately paged paper. ANNALEN DER FHYSIK. Journal der Physik. Herausgcgebeu von...F. A. C. Gren. Bd. i-vm. 8". Halle Each paper bears iuJarTmclual niK?fmUi™ in ad Partie Administrative, ou recueil de Lois... con - cernant les Mines, Table. . .des Matieres, rfc. (1882-1891.) Ser. VIII. 8°. Paris, 1893. de la IX' Serie. . . 1892-1901. 8°. Paris, 1904. ANNALES DES SCIENCES D'OBSERVA- TION, comprenant. . .la Miiieralogie, la Geologic, la Physiologie et 1'Anatomie des deux regnes, la Botanique, la Zoologie. . . Par MM. Saigey et Raspail. Tom. I— iv, no. 2. illust.^ 8". Paris, 1829-1830. So far as known, this copy of the "Annales" is the only one in Britain. It was Raspail's own copy, purchased by him in I860, at the sale of the collections of a Mons. Eohyns of Brussels. It contains an autograph Index by Raspail to Tom. IV, his notes giving the history of the periodical, and of this copy, also his signature. Soon after this date (1856) Raspail had bound together, and placed with the set as " Supplement," copies of two of his works, entitled : — " Histoire naturelle des Ammonites, 1842," and " Nouveaux coups de fouet scientinques, 1831 " ; and two plates numbered " 12 bis" & "13" belonging to his "Essai de Chimie microscopique appliquee a la Physiologie, etc." running in the ' ' Annales " (see Tom. IV, pj>. SSa-ilSl). All these, and a continuation of the " Essai," were to have formed the third and concluding number of Tom. iv, but owing to political and other reasons the publication of the " Annales " was suspended (1830) at p. 320 of that volume. Although the continuation or concluding part of the " Essai " is not included in this "Supplement," Raspail published the whole as a separate work the following year (1831). [.Sec Bibl. Fr. 12 F6v. 1831. | ANNALES DES SCIENCES GEOLOGIQUES : ou Archives de Geologic, de Miiieralogie, de Paleonto- logie, et. . .de Geographic. . .publiees par. . .A. Riviere, ttc. Tom. I — II, pt. 2.f Tom. i,pp. 1054 : IS pis. (col.), 1 text illust. ; Tom. II, pt. 2, pp. 77-168 : pis. mi-4x. 8". Paris, 1842-43. Wanting plates no. X, XI & XII to Vol. I ; and Vol. II, pt. 1. Copies of the missing plates are to be found in Riviere's paper " Geologic de la Vendee," etc., 'published as a separate [7.11.]. Plate iv is in duplicate. ANNALES MYCOLOGICIi, editi in notitiaij, scientii«M#«riogica; unmit«ctl57 Herausgegebenxftnd redieiefFvou H. Sydoa-r'vol. I— > illust. 8°. Berlin, 1903-s>- ANNALI DI BOTANICA, pubblicati dal Prof. R. Pirotta. Vol. l-> illust. 8°. Boma, 1903-> / ~ / 7 '/ M 28 Annals and Magazine of Natural History. A Summary of tin- Annuls ami Mnipi/.ine. . .and its fore- raBMN. I'art I. (1829-1868.) See SYKES (E. B.) Digt-sta Malai-ologica No. U. 8°. 1903. Annals of Scottish Natural History, The. See SCOTTISH NATURALIST, THE: A Monthly Maga/.inc devoted to Zoology ; with which is incorporated " The Annals of Scottish Natural History," 8". 1912-» Annandale (('HARLKS) The Student's English Dic- tionary... By J. Ogilvie. . .New edition. . .revised and greatly augmented, edited by C. Annandale, rfc. (hiiLviK (J.) _ 8°. 1902. C J. E^ v\J-t ANNANDALE (THOMAS NELSON) [1876-] The structure and mechanism of the Funnel surrounding the Mouth in the Tadpole of Megalophrys montana. See ANNANDALE (T. N.) & ROBINSON (H. C.) Fasciculi Malayenses, y Prof. Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Report... on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, ls., text illust. See BLANFOBD (W. T.) The Fauna of British India, rfc. 8°. 1911. Annandale (T. N.) [For official reports as Super- intendent] See CALCUTTA. — Indian Museum. Annandale (T. N.) & Horn (W.) Annotated List of the Asiatic Beetles in the collection of the Indian Museum. . .Part I. Family Carabidre, subfamily Cicin- delinee. See CALCUTTA. — Indian Museum. 8". [1909. J Annandale (T. N.) & Robinson (H. C.) Fasciculi - Malayenses : Anthropological and Zoological results of an Expedition to Perak and the Siamese Malay States, 1901-1902, undertaken by N. Annandale and H. C. Robinson. 4 Pt. illust. (col.) 4". London, 1903-1907. [Vol. I. Zoology.] Pt. 1. Mammals. W. [ri,].W, mi: lUi/ls. ((•'>/.), Ifit i/luxt. By J. L. T ' 1903. Mammals. By J. L, Bonhote. Lepldoptar* lleterocera. By C. Swlnhoe. Land Planarians. By F. F. Laldhiw. ,, Diptcra Pupipara, von P. Spelser. Katrachlana and Reptiles. By O. A. Boulenger. „ Tiger Beetles (CtcanaeHdal By H. C. Robinson. Dragon Flics (( idonata). Part i. liy F. F. Laidlaw. Pt. 2. Non-Opcrculate Pulmonata. Hy W. K. <'ollim;r. ,. Rhynchota. Part I. Ui-ti Tiipti-ra. liy W. I,. Distant. ., The structure HIH! Niivhaiiism uf the Funnc) Hiirrounil- Ing the Mouth In the Tadpole <>f Mtffalophryt montana. By N. Annandale. ,, ffwweDprfs Hinufitiitu anil ilt>»iinnn. By D. Sharp. ,, Marine Fishes. By J. Johnstone. „ LUt of Freshwater Fishes. By O. A. Boulenger. „ Note on a Tooth of Klrphat namaitictu. By C. W. Andrews. ,, Appendix. „ Diagnoses of Aculeate nymtnoptera. By C. T. Binxliam. ., List of Water Beetles from the Patani States. I'.y l>. -• ff [Vol. ii. /.oology. 1 pp. 1U<, vU: tftt. (1 ml.) Pt. S. Lycaenldw. By H. H. Drnce. „ Aculeate Hymenoptera. By C. T. Blngham. Birds. By W. R. O. Grant. Crustacea. By W. F. Luichester. Phytophagous Beetles. By M. Jacohy. ApiM-ndix. lilagtUMes of Phytophagous Coleoptcra. By F. F. Uldlaw and T. Forster. IMM WOT. 1904. (ISOi.) 1905. 1906. 19H By M. Pt. 4. Odonata, Part n. ]>/>. I ' Scr LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE. Memoir III. 4". 1902. ANNING (MARY) [1799-1847] [Three transcripts made by M. Anning (the celebrated fossil collector at Lyme Regis) of papers published in the Transactions of the Geological Society of London.] ANNUAIRE INTERNATIONAL DES SO CIETES SAV ANTES par H. Delaunay. . .Intro- duction de. . .Prof. C. M. Gariel. 1903. pp. x, 7SS. 8". Paris, 1904 [i.e. 1903]. ANSORGE (WILLIAM JOHN) [1850-1918] Under the African Sun : a description of Native Races in Uganda, sporting adventures, ttc. pp. xiv, 355: 18 pis. (^ col.), text illust. 8". London, 1899. Appendix :— !' On the Birds collected by Dr. Ansorge." By E. Hartert. Ansted (DAVID THOMAS) etc. pp. xx, 143. The Geologist's Text-book, 8". London, 1845. Ansted (D. T.) Scenery, Science and Art ; being Extracts from the note-book of a geologist and mining engineer, pp. viii, .(.'.!: 4 pis. col., text illust. 8°. London, 1854. Ansted (D. T.) Geological Gossip : or, stray chapters on Earth and Ocean, pp. viii, 32,1 : text illust. 8". London 4- ^ 8°. London ' .rl illimi. 8". London, 1855. Contains :— Physical Geography and Geology. By D. T. Ansted. Crystallography nnd Mineralogy. By W. Mitchell and J. Icnnant. Forming Vol. IV of Orr's Circle of the Sciences. ANTANANARIVO. Academic Malgache. [Founded 1902.1 _^. , Bulletin Triinestriel, . "ANTARCTIC," Swedish Exploring Vcnx,l. Ant- j arctica, or two years amongst the ice of the South Pole— See NoRDKNsK.'ii'LD (N. O. G.) & ANDERSSON (J. G.) SO • O 8". 1905. ANTARCTIC REGIONS. [Maps.} Siid-Polar- Karte von V. von Haardt. Mass-Stab, 1 : 10,000,000 \ie. 1 in. = 158 m. about. With 8 smaller, physical maps on the scales of 1 : 50,000,000 & 1 : 100,000,000]. 4 sh. col. Wien, 1895. Antarctic Regions. [Maps.] The Charts of the " Discovery " Antarctic Expedition, dc. See MULOCK (G. P. A.) 8". & 6 sh. [1907-] 1908. und Dicrmdium, ANTEVS (ERNST) Pic Gattungen Thinnfeldia, Ett. Goth. pp. 71 : 5 pis. Lej>ido2>teris Ottonis (Giipp.) Schimp., and Antholithus Zeitteri, Nath. pp. 18 : si pis. The Swedish Species of Ptilozamites, Nath. pp. l!> : 3 pis. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Bd. LI, no. 6, 7 &10. 4". 1914. ANTHONY (RAOUL Louis FERDINAND) Contribu- tion & 1'etude du mode de vie et de la locomotion du Pecten. pp. J0[l]: text illust. See MONACO.— INSTITUT OCKANOGHAPHIQUE. Bulletin, dc. No. 85. 8". 1906. Anthony (R. L. F.) [Embryo and fcetal Birds and Mammals from the Antarctic regions.] See FRANCE. ^ [Voyages, dc. — Antarctic.} Expedition Antarctique " FrauQaise (1903-1905), commandee par . . . J. Charcot. Sciences Naturelles, dc. 4°. [1907.] Anthony (R. L. F.) & Gain (L.) Embryologie des Spheniscidae. See FRANCE. [Voyages, dc. — Antarctic.} Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1908-10), commandee par . . .J. Charcot [on the " Pourquoi-Pas ? "1. Sciences Naturelles, dc. 4". 19" Insti Anthropological logical) Man : a M Publif Vol. 4". 1915. Royal Anthropo- ritain and Ireland. Anthropological Science, irection of the . . . Institute, dc. - ANTT7LA (DlMlTBI J.) [1870-] Revue generate des gisements metalliferes en Serbie, dc. See SERVIA. — Service des Mines. 8". 1900. ANTWERP.— Societe Faleontologique de Bel- gique. [Founded 1857.) Bulletin, de. Tom. l.f pp. 2SG, 8 : 10 ph., text illust. 8". Anvers, 1858 [-64]. ANWEISUNG. Griindliche Anweisung zur Vertil- gung der dem Landmanne hochst schadliehen Thiere und Insekten. pp. H2 [2], 8". Leipzig, 1796. ANTHROFOLOGIE, L'. Paraissant tous les deux mois. Redacteurs en chef MM. Boule-Verneau, dc. >. Tom. xn-» illust. 8". Paris, 1901-> Formed by the amalgamation of "Materiaux pour 1'histoire de 1'Homme," the "Revue d'Anthropologie " [?.».], and the "Revue d'Ethuographie." ANTIGUA. Report of the Results obtained on the experimental fields at Skerretts School, 1897. By F. Watts and F. R. Shepherd, pp. 23. fol. Antigua, 1898. ANTIFA (GREGOH) [1867-] Fauna IchtiologicS, a Romaniei. pp. ix, 2!>.'t : .',1 pis. (1 col.) See BuKAREST. — ACADEMIA ROMANA. Publicatiunile Fondului Vasile Adamachi. No. xvi. 8". 1909. ANTIFOV (ALEXIS) Der Charakter der Erzfuhrung des Ural und der gegenwiirtige Zustand des Bergbau's daselbst. . . Aus dem Russischen tibersetzt von F. Lowe. pp. 184 •' 1 pl- See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADKMIE IMPK- RIALE DES SCIENCES. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches, dc. Bd. xxn. 8". 1861. ANTIFOW ( ) See ANT!POV ( ) ANTON (B. K. E.) Ueber Erdbildung. pp. 10. 4°. Oels [1862]. Progr. Gymnasiums zu Oels. ANTONESCTT (G. M.) Nou Dictionarui Francesu- Romiinu si Romiinu-Francesu . . . Partea Romanii. A doua editiune, dc. — Nouveau Dictionnaire. . . Roumaiu- Francais. . . Seconde edition, dc. pp. 508. 8°. Bucurescl, 1895. Anzi (MARTINO) [1812-1883] Longobardise superioris, dc. REALE ISTITUTO LOMBARDO DI SCIENZE, dc. Memorie, dc. Vol. xill, fasc. 3. 4". 1877. Eriumeratio Muscorum pp. 36. See MILAN. — Anzi (M.) Enumeratio Hepaticarum quas in provinciis Novo-Comensi et Sondriensi collegit. . . M. Anzi. pp. 19. See MILAN. — REALE ISTITUTO LOMBARDO DI SCIENZE, dc. Memorie, dc. Vol. xiv, fasc. 3. 4". 1881. AOSTA, Duchess of. [1871-] See HKLKNE LOUISE HENRIETTE, Duchess of Aosta. AFFELBECK (VIKTOR) Die Kaferfauna der Balkan- halbinsel, mit Berucksichtigung Klein-Asiens und der Insel Kreta. Bd. I. pp. ix, .',..'.'. 8". Berlin, 1904. Aphouin (MATHEUS) Usus Historice Naturalis quern prseside. . .C. Linnseo, proposuit M. Aphonin, dc. See LINN^SUS (C.) [Works.} C. Linn»i Fundament- orum Botanicorum . . . Curante J. E. Gilibert. Tom. I. 8". 1786. AFLIN (BENJAMIN D'OYLY) & others. A List of the Birds of the Banbury district. See APLIN (F. C.) d others. 8°. 1882. AFLIN (OLIVER VERNON) Pygopodes. See BUTLER (A. G.) British Birds, dc. Vol. vi. 4". 1898. Aplin (0. V.) & others. A List of the Birds of the Banbury district. See APLIN (F. C.) d others. 8". 1882. _ biurides i.) Zoologie descriptive, dc. "Tom. I. 8". 1900 [i.e. 1899]. (NIKOLAOS CHRISTO) [1856-] Ophii (Ophiothrix fragilis.) See BOUTAN (L.) Zo 3 AFFEL (LOUISE C.) The Inherent Law of Life : a new theory of Life and of Disease. By F. Kleinschrod . . . Translated from the German and edited by L. C. Appel. See KLEINSCHROD (F.) 8". 1910. AFFEL (OTTO) Handbuch der Bliitenbiologie. . .in. Band : unter Mitwirkung von. . .O. Appel, dc. See KNUTH (P. E. O. W.) 8". 1904-05. Appel (0.) & Gassner (G.) Der derzeitige Stand unserer Kenntnisse von den Flugbrandarten des Ge- treides, dc. pp. 20 :' text illust. See GERMANY. — KAISERLICHE BIOLOGISCHE ANSTALT, dc. Mitteilungen, dc. Hft. 3. 8°. 1907. Appel (O.) & Kreitz (W.) Der derzeitige Stand unserer Kenntnisse von den Kartoffelkrankheiteu und ihrer Bekiimpfung. pp.31: text illust. See GERMANY. — KAISERLICHE BIOLOGISCHE ANSTALT, dc. Mitteilungen, dc. Hft. 5. 8°. 1907. Appellof (JAKOB JOHAN ADOLF) [18S7 j -. Ueber das <[ Vorkommen innerer Schalen bei den achtarmigen Cephalopoden (Octopoda). pp. Ifi : 2 pis. See BERGEN. C* — Bergens Museum. Bergens Museums Aarbog, dc. 1898, no. 12. 8". 1899. /_ Appellof (.T. .T. A.) Studion iil>cr Actinien-Eutwick- luii£. pp. '•>'•> : 4 pi*., text i/lust. See BERGEN. — lii-rijt-nt Mitxi-uii:. Bergcus Museums Aarbog, rfc. 1900. No. 1. 8". 1900. Appellof I,-'. J. A.) Untersuchungen iiber den Humiut'r, init besonderer Beriicksichtigung seines Auftrt'tens an den Norwegisohen Kfigten. />/>. '.'.'' ; .1 pis. S See BRANDT (K.) 8". 1905-> Apstein (C.) Das Sammeln und Beobachten von Plankton. Sue NEUMAYKR (G. B.) Anleituiif,' 7.u w i-sunschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen . . . Dritte. . .Auiage. Bd. n. 8°. 1906. Apstein (C.) Salpen [of the Tiefsee-Expedition]. liKitMvxY. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. . .1898-99, dc. Bd. xii, lief. 8. 4°. 1906. Apstein (C.) Die Salpen der Deutschen Siidpolar- Expedition, dc. See GERMANY. Deutsche Sudpolar- Expedition, 1901-1908 ... Herausgegeben von !•'.. von Drygalski. Bd. IX, hft. 8. 4". 1906. Apstein (C.) Die Pyrocysteen der Plankton -Expe- dition. Her HENSEN (V. A. C.) Ergebnisse der . . . Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung, dc. Bd. IV, M. c. 4°. 1909. Apstein (C.) Das Vorkommen von Sulpen in arktischen Oebieten. See KOEMER (F.) & SOIIAUUINN (P.) Fauna Arctica, \ u, POUR L'EXPLORATION DE LA MKR. Bulletin Trimes- triel . . . Resu:n6 des Observations nur le Plankton des Mere explorees. . . 1902-1908. Pt. I & II. 4". 1910 & 11. APUNTES DE HISTORIA Tom. I. . pp. 12X : text illust. NATURAL. c 8". BUCIIOH Aires, 1909. J •• ARADI (V.) Asupra Microfaunei Terjiarului rr^iunii , (Yiiiipina-Bustenari. pp.'1. N< > • l-rKARKST.- -ACADEMIA o iX/i ROMANX. Analele, dc. Ser. II, toin. XXVJH, no. 17. *• '"S 8°. 1906. [Another issue. Nouvelle Arago (DOMINIQUE FRANCOIS universel d'Histoire NaturelL 16 Vol. illust. (col.) See ictionnairo \^\f^ . . Arago, dc. ~'C. V. I). D') 8". [1839-] 1849. 8". 1861. Vol. illust. (col.) 8". [1867 ?] ARAGON (FRANCISCO DE LAS BARRAS DE) See BARRAS DE ARAG6N. ARAGON T ESCACENA (FKDERico) Breve estudio antropo!6gica acerca del pueblo Maragato. pp. 1!> : 4 pis. See MADRID.— REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HtSTORlA NATURAL. Anales, dc. Tom. xxx. 8". 1902. Aragon y Escacena (F.) Lagos de la region Leonesa. pp. ill i : ..' ph., text illust. See MADRID. — Mrsno NACIONAL DE ciENCIAS NATURALES. Trabajos. . Serie Botanica. No. 5. * . 1913. ARANDA T MILLAN (FRANCISCO) Contribuci6n al conocimicnto de log Equinodcrmos de Espaiia y en especial de los Holoturioideos. ///i. .}••'.• 'pis. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DK HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, dc. Tom. V, no. 5. 8". 1908. ARAVACA (MARIANO ALVARKS) Set ALVARES ARAVACA. ARBENZ (PAUL) [1880-] Geologische Untersuchung des Frohnalpstockgebietes (Kanton Schwy/). / 88: I pi., I limp iji'ol. col., text illust. See SWITZER- LAND.— Carte Gi'ologique Suisse. Beitriige zur geolo- gischen Karte der Schweiz, dc. Lief. XLVIII. 4". 1905. OSTl- 3 ARBER (AGNES) Mrs. Herbal* : their origin and evolution, a chapter in the history of Botany, 1407- 1670. pp. xviii, ^.Vi : SS pit., text Must. H". Cuinhndge, 1912. ARBER (EDWARD ALEXANDER NKWELL) [1870r] Notes on Fossil Plants from the Ardwick Series of *--: Manchester. ;>/>..;.': / /ii-s ami I'ro- ~p^ ceedings, dc. Vol. XLVIII, no. 2. 8". 1903. ^ Arber (E. A. N.) The use of Carboniferous Plants as /* zonal indices, dc. />/>.-"/. * • London, :\ 8". 1905, . ~ ' 31 Arber (E. A. N.) Beport on the Plant-Bemains from the Beacon Sandstone [Antarctic Begions]. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). National Antarctic Expedition. 1901-1904. Natural History. Vol I. Geology, die. Appendix to Chapter VI. 4°. 1907. Arber (E. A. N.) Fossil Plants. Sixty photographs illustrating the Flora of the Coal Measures, pp. 76, of which the 60 pis., printed bach to back, form the first portion. 8°. London & Glasgow, 1909. " Gowans's Nature Books, No. 21." Arber (E. A. N.) Plant Life in Alpine Switzerland : being an account in simple language of the natural history of Alpine Plants, pp. xxiv, 355 : Jfi pl*-> text illust. 8°. London, 1910. Arber (E. A. N.) Geology of the Kent Coalfield, do. pp. Jt8 : 1 pi., text illust. ' 8°. London, dc., 1914. Trans. Instit. Mining Engineers. Vol. XLVII. Arber (E. A. N.) & Seward (A. C.) Les Nipadites des couches Eocenes de la Belgique. pp. 16 : ."? pis. See BRUSSELS. — MUSKE ROYALE D'UISTOIRE NATUHELLE UK BELHIQUE. Memoires, 'I-** ,» tab. See ClIHISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. bkrifter, de. 1897. No. 1. 8". 1897. Arbo (C. O. E.) Sveriges Anthropologi med sammenlig- i f7 nende Bemserkninger til Norges. pp. 27. See CHRI- STIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKA'BET. Forhandlinger, Ac. Aar 1903, no. 4. 8". 1903 (1904). Arbo (C. O. E.) Fortsatte bidrag til Norges Anthro- .. f. pologi. VI. Bratsberg amt . . . Besume en Francais. j)/;. 112, 1 tab. : 1 maj> col., text illust. See CnRI- STIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Skrifter, dc. 1904. 8". 1904 (1905). No. 5. ARBORETUM See PARDK (L.) NATIONAL DES BARRES. ARBROATH HORTICULTURAL AND NATURAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION. The Flora of Arbroath and its neighbourhood : being a list of Flowering Plants and Ferns, with an Appendix of Mosses, Lichens, and Seaweeds, pp. viii, <;.!. 12°. Arbroath, 1882. ARCACHON. Societe Scieiitifique d'Arcachon. See BORDEAUX. — UNIVERSITE. ARCACHON. Societe Scieiitifiqtie et Station Zoologiqtie. See BORDEAUX. — UNIVERSITE. ARCACHON. — Station Biologiqne d'Arcachon. See BORDEAUX. — UNIVERSITE. — Societe Scientifiquc. ARCACHON.— Station Zoologiqtie d'Arcachon. See BORDEAUX. — UNIVERSITK. — Societe Scicntifique. Arcangeli (GIOVANNI) Sopra alcuni manoscritti del ,. . Dott. Vincenzo Carmignani. pp. S. See PlSA. — REGIA 2- -A UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. Annali delle Universita Toscane. Tom. xxiv. 4". 1904. Arcliiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab, dc. ( ~< Generalregister, Ac. Bd. I-XXV. 8". Kristiania, 1903. Publiees sous la direction de H. de Lacaze-Duthiers ( — et G. Pruvot [and afterwards] E. G. Bacovitza). Ser. Ill, torn. I-X [ = xxi-xxx]. 8". Paris, 1893-1902. - Fondees par H. de Lacaze-Duthiers. Publiees Far G. Pruvot et E. G. Bacovitza. Ser. IV, torn. l-x = xxxi-XL]. 8°. Paris, 1903-1909. Wanting, Tom. VII [= XXXVII], no. 7. - Ser. V, torn. I-x [ = XLI-L]. 8°. Paris, 1909-13. [Continued as :] - Tom. LI-> 8°. Paris, 1912-> With the exception of Ser. Ill, torn, v, Se>. IV, torn. X, Ser. V, torn, in & iv, and the supplementary volumes, each volume is accompanied by a separately paged section entitled : " Notes et Revue." A series of memoirs on subterranean explorations, entitled " Biospeologica " I-*, began in Ser. IV, torn, vi, no. 7-» (1907 -»). ARCHIVES FOLONAISES DES SCIENCES BIOLOGIQUES ET MEDICALES. See POLNISCHES ARCHIV FUER BIOLOGISCHE UND MEDIZINISCHE WISSENSCHAFTEN. ]J2a&ct ARCHIV FUER BIONTOLOGIE, &c. Bd. I-H*. See BERLIN. — GESELLSCHAFT NATURFOESCHENDEH FREUNDE. 4°. 1906-lft- -> ARCHIV FUER HT^ROBIOLOGIZU' UND PLANKTONKJKNT)E. . . Herausgegefeefivon . . .O. /acharias. Bdfl— > illust. Seejffm. — BIOLOGISCHE STATION, ^^orschungsberichjief^e! 8". 1905 ARCHIV FUER MIKROSKOPISCHE ANATOMIE (UND ENTWICKLUNGS- GESCHICHTE), herausgegeben von M. Schultze ([and afterwards] La Valette St. George, W. Waldeyer [and] O. Hertwig), dc. Bd. I— > illust. (col.) 8°. Bonn, 1865-> Bd. LXXII-» (1911-*) are issued in two separately paged Abtheil- ungen [q.v.]. - Supplementhefte ([to] Bd. v, x, xi). 3 Pt. [in 1 vol.] 8". Bonn, 1869 & 1874. - Namen- und Sachregister zu Band l-vill, dc. 8°. Bonn, 1872. - Band I-XX, dc. 8°. Bonn, 1884. - Band xxi-xxx, dc. 8". Bonn, 1888. - Band xxxi-xxxx. 8°. Bonn, 1893. - Band XLI-L. 8°. Bonn, 1897. - Band LI-LX, dc. 8°. Bonn, 1903. • Band LXI-LXXX, dc. 8". Bonn, 1913. ARCHIV FUER FROTISTENKUNDE. H&-- ausgegeben von . . . F. Schaudinn . . . ([and after- wards] . . . M. Hartmann und . . . S. von Prowazek). Bd. l-> illust. 8". Jena, 1902-> — Generalregister zu Bd. l^xx, und Supplement I, 1902-1910, dc. 8". Jena, 1912. ARCHIVES DE LA FLORE JURASSIENNE, publiees sous la Direction du Dr. A. Magnm, <(•<-. Ann. l^e* A 8°. Lyon, 1902-*. ARCHIVES DE ZOOLOGIE EXPERIMEN- TALE ET GENERALE... Publiees sous la direc- tion de H. de Lacaze-Duthiers. Tom. l-x. 8". Paris, 1872-82. - Ser. II, torn. l-x[ = xi-xx]. 8°. Paris, 1883-92. Tom. in, bis [= xiri, bis], and torn. V, bis [= XV, bis], consist of separately paged papers. 5.m4 o 6. 32 L. //rf. L L. L-. 1 2. • I / ARCHIVIO ZOOLOGICO, publicato sotto gli auspicii della Unione Zoologica Italiana, itc. Vol. I— > illust. (col.) See UNIONB ZOOLOGICA ITALIANA. 8°. 1902-> Arcidiacono (SALVATORE) [1855-] Sul periodo erut- tivo il.'ll' Ktiui dal 19 luglio al 5 agosto 1899. pp. J^. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, itc. Ser. IV, vol. XIII, mem. 17. 4°. 1900. Arcidiacono (S.) A Ricco (A.) L'Eruzione dell' Etna del 1892. 8 Pt. illutt. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA I;II>I:MA in SCIKX/.K NATTRALI. Atti, Fa»c. 1. Rivlsta delle Callitanniee Italiche. MI. x» : t pi*, col. 1874. 1 IFasc. «.] Klvista del Ceramli della Flora Italiana. [1871.J [Xuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. in, 1871. up. .tl-.w.J [FaK. 3.| Studi sulle Alghe Italiche . . . Online Crittonemee. pp. 1U; I, pi, 11869.] (Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 1,1869. pp. 161-1U3 : I! pis. col.] (Fasc. 4.) ordine delle Gigartinee. 1872. [Reprinted with the addition of 3 plates, from "Nuov. Olorn. Bot. Ital. Ill, 1871." jn>. .*' Fasc. 5. Spyridieic, DomontfaB, Rhodymenieie. pp. .'•', : 1 ph. eat. 1874. [Vol. II.) [Fa«c. I.) Hypneaccw, Oelidlen, .Sphajrococcoldew. (— Gongllo- •permce nuove o non ancora deacritte nel Volume I.) pp. UK : II, pit. r;l. 1874 [-7f>|. Fasc. 2. Squamarifio, Wraiigdlen!, Chondrlea. pp. W : 2 pi*. 1876. „ 3. Khudomelaom. 1878. [Atti Soc. Crittogamol. Hal. 1, 1878. pp. Itl-MO :Splt.] I Ardissone (F.) Catalogo delle Piante Vascolari del . rr Monte Baro. ( — Aggiunte, itc.) pp. '><> (S). See MILAN. — REALE ISTITUTO LOMBARDO DI SCIENZE, See MONTEVIDEO.— MU8EO NACIONAL. Anales, Ac. Tom. 1117-^ , 4". 1898— > ARENANDER (E. O.)* Die altertumliche Milchwirt- schaft im Nordschweden (Norrland), tfc. J>JL .'<<; . h-j-l illlist. S . S/Helilinlm, 1911. Arenander (E. O.) Undersokningar om landtrasty- perna i Bohusliin och Dalsland. pp. 76' : text illust. 8". Uppsala, 1911. Reprinted from " Rodkullorna pi Klleslio g&rd." ARENTZ (F.) Mountain-making in the Alps. pp. .;,'. Kontaktmetamorphismus und Piezokristallisation des De E. Weinschenk. pp. !<',. Hardangervidda : a treatise on mountain-making in Norway, pp. .,'•:. See ARCIIIV FOR MATIIEMATIK OG NATURVIDKNSKAB, itc. Vol. xxix, no. 8-10. 8". 1908. Areschoug (FREDHIK WILIIELM CIIKISTIAN) Ueber / die physiologischen Leistungon und die Entwickeluug « des Grundgewebes des Blattes. pp. Jfti : r> pis. i-5* See LUND. — KAHOLINSKA UNIVERSITETET. Acta, (tc. Tom. xxxni, no. 10. 4". 1897. Areschoug (F. W. C.) Untersuchungen iiber den *n Blattbau der Mangrove-Pflauzen. pp. no [.-•].• I.: pis. i? See BIBLIOTIIECA BOTANICA. Hft. 56. 4°. 1902. Areschoug (F. W. C.) Undersokningar ofver de tropiska Viixternas bladbyggnad i jiimforelse med de ^ Arktiska och Boreala viixterna. pp. M7 : ;>!t pis. jj See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Ed. xxxix, no. 2. 4". 1905. Areschoug (F. W. C.) Plantie sub itinere navis bellicae Eugeniae anno 1852 a N. J. Andersson circa Guayaquil -j? collects, quas descripsit F. W. C. Areschoug. & See SWEDEN. Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies Resa omkring jorden . . . 1851-1853. Vetenskapliga iakttagelser, rfc. Vol. I. Botanik. 4". 1910. AREVALO T CARRETERO (CELSo) Contribu- i cion al estudio de los Hidrozoarios Espanoles existentes en la Estacion de Biologia Maritima de Santander. pp. 31 : 7 //Is. .S'- c MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA UK HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, itc. Mem. No. 3. 4". 1900. ARGAND (KMILE) Carte Geologique du Massif /i. .''.': ..' /)/«., / mnp. See Swi i /,i:ui, \\D. — Carle Geo- *^ logique Suisse. Beitriige zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz, rfc. Neue Folge, li. t xxxi, no. 1. 4". 1911. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Srxundo Ccnso de la \_ llepublica Argentina. Mayo 10 de 1895, < Mapa de la provincia de Buenos-Aires . . . por C. de Mot, rfc. 1880. Argentine Republic. [Maps.] Central Argentine Railway. Map of the Argentine Railways, 1913, Ac. [Scale, 1 in. = 82 m. about.] s. sh. (col.) London, 1913. ARIAS Y ENCORBET < .1 os i': . Dipteros de Espafia. Fam. Nemestrinicte ( — Mydaidse). 2 Pt. illust. See MADRID. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS KATURALES. Trabajos . . . Serie Zool6gica. No. 13 & 15. 8°. 1913-14. ARKANSAS EXPERIMENT STATION. See FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. o ARKLE (J.) A List of Lepidoptera found in... • O Cheshire, Flintshire. Denbighshire, Carnarvonshire and Anglesea. . .by. . . J. Arkle, t<1907. ARNOLD (RALPH) [1875-] Bibliogr>phy of the Lite- rature refera»g*TO the GeologvpJ'Washington. pp See WASHINGTON, State of^ffeological RpCrt for 1901, ^c-^fCvi. 8". 1902. Arnold (R.) The Tertiary and Quaternary Pectens of California, pp. 264 •' 52 pis., 1 map, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 47. 4°. 1906. Arnold (R.) Geology and Oil resources of the Summer- land district, Santa Barbara county, California, pp. 93 : 16 pis., 1 map geol. col., text .illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey, Bulletin No. 321. 8°. 1907. Arnold (R.) Paleontology of the Coalinga district, Fresno and Kings counties, California, pp. 173 : 30 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 396. 8°. 1909. Z. i. -B B 3 Arnold (B.) A Anderson (B. VAN V.) Preliminary Report on the Santa Muriu Oil district, Santa Barbara county, California, pp. : .' »«;/>«, ti-xt illimt. Se« UNITED STATUS. — Geological Hiim-y. Bulletin No. 817. 8". 1907. Arnold (B.) -v Anderson (B. VAN V.I Geology and Oil Besources of the Santa Maria Oil district, Santa Barbara county, California, pp. I(U : ..'.} pis. (1 col.), ,.' Ml.). See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 822. 8°. 1907. Arnold (B.) & Anderson (B. VAN V.) Preliminary Beport on the Coalinga Oil district, Fresno and King counties, California, pp. 14-' •' ' IIIHJW, text illust. UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 857. 8°. 1908. Arnold (B.) & Anderson (B. VAN V.) Geology and Oil Besources of the Coalinga district, California, dc. pp. 354 : 50 ph., 3 maps (I geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 898. 8". 1910. Arnold (B.) & Eldridge (G. H.) The Santa Clara Valley, Puente Hills and Los Angeles Oil districts, southern California, pp. [xi,] 266 : 35 ph. (col.), 6 maps (3 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 809. 8°. 1907. Arnold (B.) & Johnson (H. B.) Preliminary Beport on the McKittrick-Sunset Oil region, Kern and San Luis Obispo counties, California. pp.SSS : 1 pi. ,4 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 406. 8". 1910. Arnold (TjjOMAS KERCIIEVJR^-^A. . . phraseologprf- English^&feek Lexicon .^jxrvlsed... by T. K. AjatSld. .. Fowrfn edition. SCS^PRAEDEHSDORFF (J. Wl) 8°. 1867. ARNOLD ARBORETUM. [Founded 1872.) CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. (SirVL^—yhe British Floni^-rSeventh edition, <£g^— iSeTTHooKER (Sj&3K\3.) 8". 1855. ARPPE (ADOLF EDVARD) [1818-1894] Om Grafitens och Chondroditens Kristallformer, akademisk afhand- ling. . .under inseende af. . .A. E. Arppe, Ac. See NORDENSKIOLD (N. A. E. VON) 8°. 1855. See GREAT BRITAIN & -Scotland. [Maps.] ARRAN, Island of. [Maps.] IRELAND. — Geological Survey.- ARRIOONI DEGLI ODDI (ErroRE) Count. Atlante Ornitologico. Uccelli Europe! con notizie d' indole generale e particolare. pp. xix, 1H~>, xxv, ~>w[l\: 50 ph. col., text illust. 4". Milano, 1902. Arrigoni degli Odd! (E.) Count. See BIVISTA ITALIANA DI ORNITOLOGIA. Edita da E. Arrigoui degli Oddi, Ac. Anno I-> 8°. 1911-> ARROW (GILBERT JOHN) [1873-] [Coleoptera from Christmas Island.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). A Monograph of Christmas Island, die. 8°. 1900. Arrow (G. J.) [Coccinellidie from the Uganda Pro- tectorate.] See JOHNSTON (Sir H. H.) G.C.M.G. The Uganda Protectorate, Ac. Vol. I. 8°. 1902. Arrow (G. J.) Lucanidse and Scarabteidie [from New Guinea]. See WlCHMANN (C. E. A.) Nova Guinea. Uitkoimten der Nedurlandsche Nieuw-Guinea-Expeditie in 1908, See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIG- C| LICHE UNIVERSITAET. 4". 1898— > Arthaber (G. A. VON) Neue Fimde in den Werfener i Schichten und im Muschelkalke des siidlichen Bakon.y,_,-» '• und Bevision der Cephalopodenfauna des Muschelkalkes. I •*• '' pp. !>(i : 2 ph. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR FOLDRAJZI TXRSULAT. Besultate der wissenschaftlichen Erfor- schung des Balatonsees, <#c. Bd. i, thl. II. [i.e. thl. i], Anhang. Palaeontologie der Umgebung des Balatonsees. Bd. III. 4°. 1911. V 3 Arthur (.JOSEPH CHARLES) Uredinales : Coleosporiacete, Uredinacese, ^Ecidiacese (pars). See NEW YORK, City 'C of. — New York Botanical Garden. North American Flora. Vol. VII, pt. 2. 8". 1907. ARTINZ (ErrORE) [1866-] I Mineral!, pp. xv, 442 : K/| ',n jils. col., text illust. 12". Milano, 1914. Artini (E.) Sabbie e Arenarie della Somalia Italiana, _ - Ac. See FLORENCE. — Istituto Agricolo Colonialu^ *- • Italiano. Missione Stefaniui-Paoli, Ac. Append, v. ^•'Pl 8°. 1916. Artini (E.) & Melzi (G.) Intorno ad un Meteorite caduto ad Ergheo, presso Brava, nella penisola dei M Somali, pp. IS : X ph. 8". Milano [1898]. Esplorazione Commeruiale. Dec. 1808. Artini (E.) & Melzi (G.) Biccrche petrografiche c [_. geologiche sulla Valsesia. pp. J~4 : ~1 ph., 1 map, r i|r rin TIT * ' SCIENZE, ./•(-. Memorie, Ac. Vol. xvni, fasc. 11. 4". 1900. ARTS (Louis DES) Ueber die Lebensweise von Amphiura. elu'njii untor Berticksichtigung der anatomischen Verhiiltnisso. ( pp. 10. Ueber die ersten Entwicklungsstadien von Cucumaria frondosa unter Beriicksichtigung einiger anormaler Verhiiltnisse. pp. 1 ..' : /'./•/ i/lust. See BERGEN. — Bergens Museum. Bergens Museums Aarbog. 1910. no. 12 & 18. 8". 1911. i *•*• ARUTIITOV (A. A.) Udinui. (Materialui dlya Antropo- loghii Kavkaza.) [On the Udi tribe : materials towards . the Anthropology of the Caucasus.] pp. 134 [~]> 13 tabs. : text illust. See MOSCOW. — IMPERATORSKOE OBSH- CHESTVO LYUBlTELEI ESTESTVOZNANIYA ANTROPOLO- GIIII I KTNOGHRAFII, 'J : 4 pis- See BERGEN. — Bergens Museum. Bergens Museums Aarbog, rfc. 1898. No. 11. 8°. 1899. Arwidssou (I.) Studien tiber die Skandinavischen und Arktischen Maldaniden, nebst Zusammenstellung der ilbrigen bisher bekannten Arten dieser Familie. Inau- gural-Dissertation, . Orleans. Croisiere Oceanographique . . .dans la Mer du Gronlaud, 1905, rfc. fol. 1907. Arwidssou (I.) Ueber das Epiderm einer Maldanide. See WIREN (A.) it others. Zoologische Studien . . . T. Tullberg. . .gewidmet, rfc. 4". 1907. Arwidssou (I.) Zur Kenutnis der Lebensgeschichte der juugen Lachse in den Fliissen vor der Hinabwanderung ins Meer. pp. 86 : 4 pis. See CONSEIL PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL POUR L'EXPLORATION DE LA MER. Publications de Circonstance No. 54. 8°. 1910. Arwidssou (I.) Die Maldaniden. See NORDENSKJOLD fj (N. O. G.) Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwe- dischen Siidpolar-Expedition 1901-03, rf;c. Bd. vi, lief 6. 4°. 1911. Arzruui (ANDRKAS) [1847-1898] Die Mineralgruben bei Kussa und Miass. pp. 2o : text illust. See CONGRES GKOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. — Seventh Session. Guide des Excursions du VII. Congres, rfc. 8". 1897. ASCH (D.) & (W.) Die Silicate in chemischer und technischer Beziehuug. See ASCII (W.) & (D.) 8". 1911. ASCH (W.) & (D.) Die Silicate in chemischer und technischer Beziehung, rfc. pp. xv, 40!). 8". Berlin, 1911. Aschaffenburg. Naturwisseuschaftlicher Ver- ein. Mittheilungen, _3 See HELSINGFORS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Bidrag till Kannedom af Finlands Natur och Folk, <('•<,-. Hit. 72, no. 3. 8". 1911. Aschersou (PAUL FRIEDRICH AUGUST) [1834-1913] Potamogetouacea; & Hydrocharitacese. QM KNGLKR (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die natiirlichcn Pflanzenfamilien, rfc. Thl. II, abth. 1. 8°. 1889. Ascherson (P. F. A.) Festschrift zur Feier des sieb- zigsten Geburtstages des... Dr. P. Ascherson (4 Juni 1904) verfasst von Freunden und Schiilern. Heraus- gegeben von I. Urban und P. Graebner. See URBAN (I.) 8°. 1904. Ascherson (P. F. A.) Die geographische Verbreitung _ der Seegriiser. See NEUMAYER (G. B.) Anleitung zu of wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Beisen . . . Dritte . . .Auflage. Bd. II. 8°. 1906. Ascherson (P. F. A.) Florae Libycce Prodromus . . . Avec la collaboration de P. Ascherson, Ac. See DURAND (E.) & BARRATTE (G.) 4°. 1910. Aschersou (P. F. A.) & Graebner (C. O. E. P. P.) Synopsis der Mitteleuropaischen Flora, 8". Leipzig, 1896-> Issued in parts, the order of which, as numbered and published, does not always correspond with their position in the work. Lief. 1 & 2 (1896), first parts of lid. I, are by Ascherson alone; lief. 3-78 (1897-1913) = continuation of Bd. I ; II, pt. 1 & 2 ; III ; IV ; and vi, !>t. 1 & 2 ; are by Ascherson and Grabner ; and after Ascherson's death ief. 79-* 1913-* (= Bd.v & VII ->) were carried on byGrabner alone. The following authors have also contributed to the work :— R. Keller, genus Rosa ; W. 0. Focke, genus Rubm ; H. Poeverlein & T. Wolf, genud Putentilla ; and A. Thellung, genus Amarantus. Aschersou (P. F. A.) & Graebner (C. 0. E. P. P.) Ascherson's Flora der Provinz Brandenburg. Zweite Auflage. Flora des Nordostdeutschen Flachlandes (ausser Ostpreussen). pp. xii, 875 : text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Aschersou (P. F. A.) & Graebuer (C. 0. E. P. P.) pp. 184 •' text Must. G. A.) Das Pflanzenreich, dc. 8°. 1907. L. Potamogetonaceee. See ENGLER (H. Hft. 31. (iv, 11.) ASCOLI (WALTER SAMUEL) quakes and Eruption of 1902. The Guatemalan Earth- L~. pp. 8 : 2 pis. See MAN- O /•) / / CHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. J.-*-**'- Memoirs and Proceedings, dc. Vol. LIU, no. 23. 8°. 1909. U- Ashburuer (CHARLES ALBERT) The Anthracite Coal beds of Pennsylvania, pp. 24 : 1 pi. 8°. [Easton, Pa.,] 1882. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Engin. Vol. XI. Ashburuer (C. A.) The classification and composition of Pennsylvania Anthracites, pp. 21. 8°. [Neio York,] 1886. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Engin. Vol. XIV. Ashburner (C. A.) The geologic distribution of Natural Gas in the United States. . .With an appendix relating to the. . . Natural Gas. . . in the vicinity of Pitts- burgh, pp. 32, 1 tab. : 1 pi., 2 maps A plans. 8°. [New York,] 1886. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Engin. Vol. XV. ASHE (THOMAS) [1770-1835] Memoirs of Mammoth, and various other extraordinary and stupendous Bones, -- —j of Incognita, or non-descript Animals, found in the (SS.O. D vicinity of the Ohio, Wabash, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, Osage, and Bed Eivers, liiverP°°li 1806. ASHE (WILLIAM WILLARD)/* The Forests, Forest lands, (__ and Forest Products of eastern North Carolina, pp. 128 : ^ - '- ,» ^j 4 pis. See NORTH CAROLINA, State of. — Geological «*• •*• •*J-I Survey. Bulletin No. 5. 8°. 1894. Ashe (W. W.) Forest Fires : their destructive work, . causes, and prevention, pp. 66 : 1 pi. See NORTH 0U» - CAROLINA, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 7. 8°. 1895. Ashe (W. W.) Shade Trees for North Carolina, pp. ~4 : ID pis., text illust. See NORTH CAROLINA, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 16. 8°. 1908. Ashe (W. W.) Chestnut in Tennessee, pp. 35. See TENNESSEE, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 10 B. 8°. 1912. JL, 36 G 5 Ash* (W. W.) Yellow Poplar in Tennessee, pp. KG : l,-xt illnst. See TENNESSEE, State of.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 10 C. 8°. 1918. Ashe (W. W.) & Ayres (H. B.) The southern Appalachian Forests, pp. Sltl : 3S ph., 2 map* col., tfj-t illiiit. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 87. 4°. 1905. Ashe (W. W.) & Pinchot (G.) Timber Trees and Forests of North Carolina. / •' ph., text illust. NORTH CAROLINA, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 6. 8°. 1897. ASHLEY (GEORGE HALL) [1866-] Outline intro- duction to the Mineral Resources of Tennessee. pp. . See TENNESSEE, State of.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 2 A. 8". 1910. Ashley (G. H.) Introductory statement on the relation of the Pikeville special quadrangle to the Coal field of Tennessee as a whole. See TENNESSEE, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 9. 8°. 1911. Ashley (G. H.) Recent drilling for Oil and Gas at Memphis. See TENNESSEE, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 2E. Preliminary Report upon the Oil and Gas developments in Tennessee. Appendix A. 8°. 1911. Ashley (G. H.) Rhode Island Coal. pp. 62 : 4 ph. back to back, J map, text illust. See UNITED STATES. —Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 615. 8°. 1915. Ashley (G. H.) [For official reports as State Geologist] See TENNESSEE, State of. — Geological Survey. Ashley (G. H.) & Glenn (L. C.) Geology and Mineral Resources of part of the Cumberland Gap Coal field, Kentucky, pp. 339 : 36 ph., !> maps (8 col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 49. 4°. 1906. ASHMEAD (SAMUEL) List of Plants (—Catalogue of Marine Algae) collected at. . .Beesley's Point. See NEW JERSEY, State of. — Geological Survey. Geology of the county of Cape May, rfc. 8°. 1857. Ashmead (WILLIAM HARRIS) On the Hymenoptera of Colorado, Ac. See COLORADO BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. 2. .S -1533£ Bulletin No. 1. 8". 1890. o l_i Ashmead (W. H.) [Hymenoptera & Rhynchota of the -_j i__ Commander Islands.] See UNITED STATES. — Fur Seal 7_ — — Enquiry. The Fur Seals and Fur-Seal Islands of the 2. North Pacific Ocean, rfc. Part IV. Appendix l. 8°. 1898. Ashmead (W. H.) Reports upon the Insects, Spiders, Mites, and Myriapods collected by ... L. Stejneger and G. E. H. Barrett-Hamilton on the Commander Islands. Edited by W. H. Ashmead. See UNITKD STATES. — Fur Seal Enquiry. The Fur Seals and Fur-Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean, t$l" tt\&*-'*/ 8". Oxford, *909— > l^* 7, Ashmoleau Natural History Society of Oxford- L shire. 1905. S, A Historical Account of the. . . Society. . . 1880- C ii Iff BELLAMY (F. A.) 8". 1908. • ASHMOLEAN SOCIETT. [1828 founded. 1901 United with the Oxfordshire. Xalural HMnry Sueitty and field Cluli to form the Aihmultau Xalural Uiitury Society of Oxfordshire, q.v.] ASHTON (THOMAS) Visits to Museum of the Man- L, Chester Natural History Society. 3 Pt. See MAN-^5- CHESTER NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. 8°. 1857. Ashworth (JAMES HARTLEY) [1874-1 Report on the -* Xeniidoe collected by Dr. Willey [in the Western X. Pacific]. See WILLEY (A.) Pt. IV, no. 27. Zoological Results, 1905— > § (aoi 8". Calcutta, 1905->' Asiatic Society of Bengal. Memoirs, Ac. Vol. i-» Must. 4°. Calcutta, 1905-> i- . S. 37 Asiatic Society of Bengal. [Report and Corre- spondenoe regarding Mr. Blyth's (the Zoological curator's) application for an increase of salary and a retiring pension.] pp. 34. 8°. [Calcutta, 1848.] Asiatic Society of Bengal. Correspondence between _ -r- the Government of India and the Asiatic Society of *•' - Bengal relative to the establishment of a Public Museum in Calcutta, yp fol. Calcutta, 1859. ASK (FRiTzh& Broman (I.) Untersuchungen uber die Embryonalentwicklung der Pinnipedia. II. Uber die Entwicklung der Augenadnexe und speziell des Augendriisenapparates der Pinnipedia nebst Bemer- kungen iiber die Phylogenese des Augendriisenapparates der Siiugetiere im allgemeinen, Ac. See GERMANY. Deutsche Siidpolar-Expedition 1901-1903, Ac. Bd. XII, hft. 2. 4". 1910. Pt. I was by Broman alone : See Bd. XI, hft. 3. ASOCIACION ESFANOLA FARA EL FRO- GRESO DE LAS CIENCIAS. Congreso de Zaragoza. Tomo IV. (Primera parte.) Seccion 3a. Ciencias Naturales. pp. 378: SI pis. (col.), text illust. 8°. Madrid, 1910. Asociacion Espanola Fara el Frogreso de las Ciencias. La fotografia y la Historia Natural. See LAZARO E IBIZA (B.) 8°. [1910?] Congreso de Zaragoza. (Secci6u 3".— Ciencias Naturales.) 1910. Asociacion Espanola Fara el Frogreso de las Ciencias. Algunos indices de la serie de Craneos del Africa Tropical existentes en el Royal College of Surgeons of England, Ac. pp. 14- See BARRAS DE AHAGON (F. DE LAS) 8°. [1911 ?] Congreso de Granada. (Seccidn 4».— Ciencias Naturales.) 1911 ? Asociacion Espanola Fara el Frogreso de las Ciencias. Discurso inaugural . . . (Concepto de las formaciones vegetales y de su continua variabilidad.) See LAZARO E IBIZA (B.) 8°. [ ] Congreso de Madrid. (Seccidn 4».— Ciencias Naturales.) Aspelin (ELIAS) E. Aspelin. . .Flora (Economica. See LINN^US (C.) [Theses A Orations.] Select® ex Amsenitatibus Academicis C. Linnsei, Dissertationes, Ac. 8°. 1764. - [Another edition.] See LINNAEUS (C.) [Wor&s.] C. Linnsei Fundamentorum Botanicorum . . . Curante J. E. Gilibert. Torn. II. 8°. 1786. ASSCHER (I. JOSEPH) & Cie. The " Cullinan " Diamond. [A series of 15 photographs showing various stages of the cutting, rfc.J obi. 8". [Amsterdam ? 1909.] ASSHETON (RICHARD) [1863-1915] The develop- ment of Gymnarchus niloticiis. — Report upon sundry Teleostean Eggs and Larvae from the Gambia River. See BUDGETT (J. S.) The Work of J. S. Budgett, Ac. 4°. 1907. Assmann (AUGUST) [-1898] Verzeichniss der bisher in Schlesien aufgefundenen wanzenartigen Insekten, Hemiptera, Linne. pp. 10G. See BRESLAU. — Verein fuer Schlesische Insektenkunde. Zeitschrift fiir Ento- mologie, Ac. Jahrg. vin. 8°. 1854. Assmann (A.) Beitrage zur Insekten-Fauna der Vor- welt, Ac. pp. 62 : 1 pi. Sec BRESLAU. — Verein fucr Schlesische Insektenkunde. Zeitschrift fiir Entomologie , Ac. Neue Folge, Hft. I. 8°. 1870. ASSMUTH (JOSEPH) Termitoxenia assmuthi, Wasm. ; anatomisch - histologische Untersuchung. pp. 316 : I 11 pis. See ACADEMIA CAESAREA LEOPOLDINA- • CAROLINA, Ac. Nova Acta, Ac. Tom. xcvm, no. 2. 4°. 1913. ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE DE BOTA- NIQUE. [Founded 1898.) Bulletin, Ac. [1898.] See MONDE DES PLANTES, Ac. Tom. VII. 8°. 1898. Subsequent parts appeared independently. Association Frangaise pour I'Avaiicemeut des Sciences. Comptes-Rendus [continued]. 1898— > 8°. Paris, 1899-> 1898. Nantes. 1899. Boulogne-sur-Mer. 1900. Paris. 1901. Ajaccio. 1902. Montauban. 1903. Angers. 1904. Grenoble. 1906. Cherbourg. 1906. Lyon. 1907. Keims. 1908. Clermont-Ferrand. 1909. Lille. 1910. Toulouse. 1911. Dijon. 1912. Nimes. 1913. Tunis. From 1884 to 1903, and in 1906& 1907, each yearly issue was divided into two volumes :— " Proems- Verhaux " & " Notes et Mfimoires." In 1904 & 1905 the former section was issued in monthly parts under the title "Bulletin Mensuel." In 1908 the " Proces-Verbaux " was replaced by four separately paged brochures, i.e. " Rapports, Be'sumis," and two papers. For 1909-1913, a single brochure was issued each year, containing: "Stances d'Ouverture, Conferences, Kesunies des Travaux," &c. The " Notes et Me'moires " for 1910 were in 4 Tomes. Association Francaise, &c. L'Anthropologie au Congres de Boulogne-sur-Mer, 28° Session de 1'Associa- tion, Ac. See SALMON (P.) 8". 1899. ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DES BOTANISTES. [Founded 1901.] See BOTANISCHES CENTRALBLATT. Referirendes Organ der Association, Ac. Bd. LXXXIX— 5» 8". 1902— > Association Internationale des Botanistes. Progressus rei Botanicse . . . Herausgegeben von der Association Internationale des Botanistes, redigiert von . . . J. P. Lotsy. Bd. I-> 8°. Jena,>1907-> Association Internationale des Botanistes. Resultats Scientifiques du Congres International de Botanique, Vienne 1905. — Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse ...Herausgegeben im Namen des Organisation-Komi- tees fiir den Kongress von R. V. Wettstein. . . J. Weisuer . . .und A. Zahlbruckner . . .Redigiert von J. P. Lotsy. pp. vi, 446 : 3 pis., 1 map (col.), text illust. 4°. Jena, 1906. Publications Scientiflques, &c. No. 1. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN GEOLO- GISTS AND NATURALISTS. [1840 Founded as the Association of American. Geologists. 1843 Association of American Geologists and Naturalists. 1847 Resolved into the American Association for the Advancement of Science.] Reports of the first, second, and third meetings of the Association . . . embracing its Proceedings and Trans- actions, pp. o44 •' 21 ph-i text illust. 8". Boston [Mass.], 1843. Wanting Plate IV. Association of American Geologists and Naturalists. Address delivered before the Associa- tion ... at their meeting held in Boston . . . 1842, by ... B. Silliman . . . With an abstract of the Proceedings at the meeting, pp. 36, 30. 8°. New York, 1842. ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMO- LOGISTS. [1889 Founded as Association of Official Economic Entomologists. 1890 Association of Economic Entomologists.] [For the Proceedings of the first (-sixth) Annual Meeting] See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture. — Entomology Division. Insect Life, . Infra). Association of Economic Entomologists. IKollll.l.'.i Iv-ii). | Journal of Economic Entomology, official organ of the Association. . .Editor E. P. Felt, rfc. Vol. l-» 8°. Coneord, N.H., 1908-> ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL IENCE MASTERS. Report, 8". Astrakhan, 1913-> Each number is separately paged. ATKINS (W. B. G.) Some recent researches in Plant Physiology, pp. xi, 32S : text illust. 8°. London, 1916. 3? .So. ATKINSON (EDWARD LEICESTER) . Sec ASIATIC SIK-IKTY OF BENGAL. Journal, Ac. Vol. LVIII, pt. n, suppt. no. 1. 8". 1890. Atkinson (E. F. T.) Catalogue of the Insecta of the Oriental Region. No. 2. Order Coleoptera, Family Carabidtc. [No. 8 non extant.] — No. 4.. . . Dytiseidie. — No. 5 . . Gyrinidie. — No. 6 ... Paussidie. — No. 7 ... Hydrophilidtc.— No. 8 ... Silphida;.— No. 9 ... Corvlo- phidte. — No. 10. . . Scydmtenidie. — No. 11. . . Pselaphi'l;! . — No. 12. . . Staphylinidie. pp. 265, xxv. See ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. Journal. Vol. LIX, pt. n, suppl.. no. 1 & 2. 8". 1890, 91. Atkinson ill i. "i:'.r: FRANCIS) Studies and illustrations of Mushrooms. II. See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVER- SITY.— Agricultural Es/» rinn-iil Station. Bulletin Xo. 168. pp. .yn-SW : text illust. 8". 1899. Atkinson (G. F.) Some Wood-Destroying Fungi. See BATON ROUGE.— L<>IISI\\ \ STATE UNIVERSITY. —Exp<-i-iiii,-nl SI, ill, in. Part V. Geology and Agricul- (_y ture. A Preliminary Report on the Geology of Louis- iana, Ac. Special Report No. 9. 8°. [1900.] Atkinson (G. F.) Motions proposant des Articles mlilitionnels sur la Nomenclature des Champignons. Presentees au III" Congres International de Botanique ,-. ;l Bruxelles, 14-22 Mai, 1910. Motions relating to the £5 Rules for Nomenclature of the Fungi. Proposed for action at the 8rd International Botanical Congress, Ac. See CONORES INTKRNATION \i. DE BOTANKM-E. Tltinl Session : Brussels, I'.Htl. 8". [1909 ?] ATLAS. Atlas des Insectes, Ac. See INSECTS. £- 18°. [<-. 1830.] ATLASES. [A new Geological Atlas of England *~ and Wales, Ac.\ [Scales, 1 in. = from \\ to 3J m.] (& Pt. I-VI.f col. See SMITH (W.) Geologist. fol. 1819-24. Atlases. Reynolds's Geological Atlas of Great Britain & . . . Second edition, ,n. Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zeutral-Afrika-Expedition, 1907-1908, d-c. Bd. IV, lief. 10. 8". 1912. Attems (C.) Count. Afrikanische Spirostreptiden, nebst Ueberblick liber die Spirostreptiden orbis terrarum. Lief. 1 & 2. pp. ix, 233: 15 ph., text illust. See ZOOLOGICA, dc. Bd. xxv, hft. 65 & 66. 4°. 1914. ATWOOD (ALICE GARY) Miss. Catalogue of the Botanical Library of JHD/jSmith. . .Compiled by A. C. Atwood. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 4". 1908. ATWOOD (WALLACE WALTER) [1872-] Glaciation of the Uinta and Wasatch Mountains, pp. Od : 12 pis., 3 maps (2 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATUS. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 61. 4". 1909. The large map is entitled : — " Toi»ographic Map of the western portion of the Uinta Mountains, Utah," ie Schiidlinge der Kulturpflanzen . . .Allgemcine Uebersicht und Anleitung zum Beobach- ten, Sammeln und Konservieren. pp. 30. See BERLIN. — KOKNIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET. — Zoologische Sammlung. Die Fauna dor Deutschen Kolonien, Ac. Beihe V, hft. 1. 8°. 1911. Anlmann (Go^) Die Schiidlinge der Kulturpflanzen. . . Die Schadlinge der Baumwolle. pp. iv, [ii,] !<:>:: trj-l illmt. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICII-WIL HKLMS-UNIVEHSITAET. — Zoologische Sammlung. Die Fauna der Deutschen Kolonien, rfc. Beihe v, hft. 4. ^L 8". 1912. Aulmann (G«,) T)ie Schadlinge der Kulturpflanzen. . . Die Schadlinge der Kautschukpflanzen. pp. 1X6 : text illust. See BERLIN. — KOENIOLICUE FRIEDRICH-WIL- HELMS-UNIVERSITAET.— Zoologische Sammlung. Die Fauna der Deutschen Kolonien,- pis., text illnst.c^— See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVKNSKA VETENSKAPS~>-5/ AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxvn, afd. iv, no. 7. 8°. 1901 (1902). X Aurivillius (P. O. C.) Verzeichnis einer Schmetter- / liugssamlung aus dem Katanga-Gebiete im siidwest-f ^ lichen Theile des Congostaates. See STOCKHOLM. — ->- KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi. Bd. I. 8". 1903. Aurivillins (P. O. C.) Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Insektenfauna von Kamerun. No. 11. Lepidoptera Heterocera. 2. pp. fix : 1 pi. col., text illust. See STOCKHOLM. —KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, itc. Bd. II, no. 4. 8°. 1904. Abtell. 1 appeared In" Entomologisk Tidskrift," 8°. Berlin, 191 1-> Most of the parts contain a separately paged paper by a distinct author. The following have contributed to the work :— Aurivillius (P. O. C.) Dalla Torre (K. W. von) Dyar (H. G.) KltriiiRham (H.) Jordan (K.) Maliille (P.) SIcDunnough (J. H.) Meyrick (E.) Pagenstecher (A.) Pfltzner (E.) Prout (L. B.) Strand (E.) Wagner (H.) Zerny (H.) Aurivillius (P. O. C.) Chrysopolomidse. See supra, Lepidopterorum Catalogus, Ac. Pars 1. pp. 4- 8". 1911. 2. Aurivillius (P. 0. C.) [Cantharidoe, Curculionidae & Cerambycidse from Egypt and the White Nile.] *- See JAGERSKIOLD (A. L. K. E.) Results of the Swedish ^- Zoological Expedition to Egypt and the White Nile, Ac. Pt. n. Coleoptera. 8°. 1912. Aurivillius (P. O. C.) Cerambycidee : Cerambycime. «^ pp. 574. See SCHENKLING (S.) Coleopterorum Cata- logus, Ac. Pars 39. 8°. 1912. Aurivillius (P. 0. C.) Forteckning ofver Skrifter I— utgifna af. ..G. Retzius. pp.24: 1 port. See STOCK- S.5"7C>-.B HOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. ' 1— Handlirigar. Ny Foljd, Bd. XLIX. 4". 1912. Aurivillius (P. 0. C.) Curoulioniden und Cerambyci- den gesammelt wahrend der Schwedischen zoologisehen Expedition nach Britisch Ostafrika. pp. 10 : text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, rfc. Bd. VIII. 8°. 1913. Aurivillius (P. 0. C.) New species of African Lasio- campidae and Striphnopterygidse from English collec- tions. pp. 0. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS - AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, etc. Bd. IX, no. 11. 8°. 1915. Aurivillius (P. 0. C.) & Lonnberg (A. J. E.) C. von Linn6 s&som Zoolog. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. C. VOn Linnes betydelse s&som naturforskare och lakare, Ac. No. 2. 8°. 1907. Austen (ERNEST EDWARD) How to collect Mosquitoes (Cuh'cidfe). [By E. E. Austen.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Zoology. [Guides, Ac.] 8°. [1898.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] 8°. [1899.] 8°. [1899.] '8°. [1902.] 8°. [1904.] 0 * L-L . cut Austen (E. E.) Report of the Proceedings of the Expedition for the study of the causes of Malaria, despatched to Sierra Leone, West Africa, under the leadership of Maj or R. Ross . . . by the Liverpool School of Tropical Diseases, Ac. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 8°. 1899 [i.e. 1900]. Austen (E. E> How to Collect Dipjpra (Two-winged Flies), Ac^Sec BRITISH MUSEUMP^VTURAL HISTORY). [Guides, Ac.} ^/^ 8". [1900.1 8> 8°. 1908. [Another edition. Third editio Austen (E. E.) [Diptera from the Uganda Protecto- rate.] See JOHNSTON (Sir H. H.) Q.C.M.G. The Uganda Protectorate, Ac. Vol. I. 8°. 1902. Austen (E. E.) A Monograph (genus Glossina, Westwood^hasgcT onjjfe^^collection in the British Museum. . .rcitna chjy»t6ron Mouth-parts by H. J. Hanson, A^See BgH"fsH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). ^Zoojoyy. fc&tfiera.] 8°. 1903. * I I L QM. CUHL O ~~z~ L- r*s a danger to health : "~ its Life-Hjstdry, and howtp-deal with it. ^, — See BiHflSH MUSEUM# 8°. London, 1912-> AUSTRALASIA. The Australian Handbook. (Incorporating New Zealand, Fiji, and New Guinea), Ac. 1898. pp. i'> ','•>: 4 pis., M maps A plans. 8". London, Ac., 1898. The Australasian Handbook, Ac. 1906.f 8". London, Ac., 1906. AUSTRALASIAN ANTARCTIC EXPEDI- TION, 1911-1914. Sec MAWSON (Sir D.) The Home of the Blizzard: being the story of the Austral- asian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914, Ac. Vol. i \ n. 8°. 1915. Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911 14. Scientific Reports, Ac. See SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 4". 1916-> AUSTRALASIAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION. See ROYAL AUSTRALASIAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' AUSTRALIA. The Year-Book of Australia for 1907 . . .Twenty-sixth year of publication, Ac. pp. Ivi, ", K '/ : 4 map* col. 8°. London, A . AUSTRALIA.-^J'ARLIAMENT. Annual J^port on L British NewjGHJmea, "f^ "earlier Reports, See QrEKXXLJjrlf— Houses of Parliament. MC^< AUSTRALIAN NATURALIST, The.&c. Vol. i, J /" nui M *•<. See NEW Souxsr5KLES NATURALISTS' CLUB. r J— &tM^L fa J8*f£ "%• 8". 1906-07. i-2J AUSTRALIAN ZOOLOGIST, The, &c. Vol. i— > illust. See ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 4°. 1914-> AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.— COMMISSIONFUEROCEANO- GRAPHISCHE FORSCHUNGEN. [1889 Instituted as Communion fiir Erforschung des 0< 1895 Cummwsionfiir Oceaninjrajiltisrl,,' l''iirsrlniii:i,'ii.] Berichte, Ac. Reihei-> See VIENNA.— KAISEKI, icn i; AKADEMIE DER wissENSCHAFTEN. Denkschriftcn. if-<: Bd. LIX-» 4". 1892-> Also issued separately. U L 6-7(7 t. /J 3. 3f Austria - Hungary. — COMMISSION FUEK OCEANO- iMiAl'HISCHE FORSCHUNGEN. Expedition S.M. Scliiff l_ "Pola" in das Rothe Meer. Nordlicho Hiilfte. (Oct. 1895-Mai 1896) . . . Verfasst von P. . . . von 1'ott. pp. 56: 4 pis., 2 maps. 1 '. 11 "/>•«, 1898. Stidliche Hiilfte (Sept. 1897-Miirz 1898). Verfasst von P von Pott. pp. S '/ : '/ / H'tVo, 1898-» Gr Erliiuterungen, Ac. 8". IVicn, 1898-» 43 Austria - Hungary. - KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHES ACKEUBAU-MINISTERIUM. Die Mineralkohlen Oester- reichs. Eino Uebersicht des Vorkommens, der Erzeugungsmengen und der Absatzverhaltnisse. Zu- sammengestellt im k.k. Ackerbau-Ministerium. [Edited by R. Pfeiffer.] pp. viii, 251 [1]. 8°. Wien, 1870. Austria-Hungary. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI i ZET. General-Register der Biinde I-X der Mittli uugeu aus dem Jahrbuche, dc. 8". Budapest, lij Austria-Hungary. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI ZET. General-Register d^j^iugggge 1882-189^ des Janfcesberichtes, AustfcLa-'Hungary.— MAGYAR KiiUILYi FOLDTArfi INTE- ZET. Vopulare Schrif ten der Kduujf. Ungar. Geol/gischen Reichganstalt. I Band. Fiihi^raurch das Mu/seum der Kon. Ukigar. GeologischeryKeichsanstalt. Anlasslich des vieragjiihrigen Bestanrfes der Reichsanstan. pp.348 : 1 map, tKct illust. / 8". Budapest, 1910. Austria-] ZET. GeoJ notionem I garise. L. f. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTE- ricaylungariea. Fasciculi &y illustrandam rantibus, edij v. Telegd: pp. 77 : 6 pis., fo(/gicani et PalaeontologicMn regni Hun- Loczy et T. de Szontagh . . . collabo- li. E. Vadasz. To Austria-Hung; ZET. Az Agyag-1 lust. -MAGYAR KUU ITveg-, Cemes 1. K. Roth ha aus TJngarn. , Budapest, 1914. I FOLDTANI INTE- Asvanyfestek- — o,/ S* m ff v £• Iparnak szolgalo IVmgyarorszagi infers anyagok reszletes * Katalogusa...0sszeyilitottak Mfrt/asfalvi Matyasovszky -.. J. . . . ^s Petrik L. JCataloguie of the Hungarian Raw Materials employedvin th^g Clay, Glass, Cement and Mineral-Colour Indus\rieir By J. Matyasovski Matyas- 87. I 8°. Budapest, 1885. J IVAlllClEtl-VyUiUUi J.11ULL , falvi and L. Petrik.] Austria-Hungary .j I ZET. Die KoniglicJf Ur ^ und deren Ausstell«igs-Ol] ii\ abgehaltenen allaemeine stellt von J. Bocki^. pp.. KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTK- /ische Geologische Anstalt cte. Zu der 1885 in Budapest Ausstellung zusammcnge- 8°. Budapest, 1885. Austria-Hungary.— Ajftr.VAfe KI 1 ZET. Mu- 6s epitoipar/ tekin\etbe orszsigi Kdzetek reszMtes Kat\loi 1 Gesell S. es Schafaipik F. important Stones of Hungary fj tectonic point of vieyw. By S.jfez . pp. xix [i,] 139. LYI FOLDTANI INTE- fontosabb Magyar- isa . . . osszeallitottak talogue of the more an artistic and archi- ll and F. Schafarzik.] 8". Budapest, 1885. . Austria-Huugaily. — MAGYAR KIRA.YI FOLDTANI INTE- ZET. Ueber UngarischVPorcellaner¥en,mitbesouderer Beriicksichtigui^ dey Rhyolith - I^oline. Von L. . Petrik. pp. 1O. I Budapest, 1887. ^fe1 Austria-Huygary/— MAGYAR KIRALYI^POLDTANI INTE- <^ ZET. Uebeardie Vef wendbarkeji der Rl»olithe fiir die 3 Zwecke de/ keram\§cheux*'Muftrie. wpn L. Petrik. pp. 17. J / 8". B\lapest, 1888. Austria-Hungary. — MAGJJ^U KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTE- ZET. D/r Hollolu'izaer Jnadviinyer) Rhyo\th-Kaolin. Von L.yPetrik. pp. 10f 8°. Budapest, 1889. Austr/a-Hungary.j^-MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDT\NI INTE- ZET. /A. Magyar Korona orszagai teriileten miveKsben es feltaf ofelben levo jNemesfem^Bpsz, Vaskfi, AsvaVyszen, Ktis/o es egyeb ^rtajesjyj*TOa«vaJyok elofordulasiVielyei /Osszeallitottak Bockh J. of Gesell S. [Skefth of tbfe Mines of Noble Metahjf Ores, Ironstones, qloal, Kock-Salt and other useful Minerals in operation Vnd fibout to be worked in Hungary. . .Compiled by J. Bcic -'aiid S. Gezell.] ^i^. 60. 8°. Budapest, Austria-Hungary.— MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTE- BT. Die Mineralkohlen der Lander der Ungariso^fen e, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf ihre chen«sclie Zusatomensetzung nnrl von lAlecsinazkyr-T^r — "S\Budapt, 1903. Austria-lymgaig'^MAGYAR KIRALYI FOI; ZET. A Ma^^ar 1 OIITJUSI emelet iilttlan' Irodalma. O^zedllitotta Halavats generale et phltSontologique d'Hongrie. Par\t Halavats. 'ANI INTE- osWnytani Litterature : Pontique Austria-Hungary .- ZET. [Maps.] Carte GeologiqudLde J». Budapest, 1904. ifAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTE- Korszag^ueologiai Terkepe . . . ie. rmbli^e . . . avec le de Hongrie . . . concours de 1'Institut lioy^JfGeologiql Mertek, 1 : 1,000,000 [i.e. ^V = 15 JjX about]. See BUDAPEST. — Magmarhhvi^Foldtani Tdrsulat. [Maps.] / ^^ col. 1896. Austria-Hungary^lfAGYAR KIR!|LYI FOLDTANI INTE- ZET. [Maps.} AyTOagyar Korona a^zagai teriileteu mivelesben es fel^j^ejJjejjJbHi&iJeHieffliBfc Ercz, Vasko, Asvanyszen, I^soes egyeb ertekesithetojjfenyok elofor- dulasi helyei/. osszeallitottak BockJj^T esifresell S. . . . Mertek, 1^00,000.— Angabe A^lm Betriebytehenden undimAu^schlussebegi'iften^jrtJagerstattenvon'Edelnie- tallen, Hrzen, Eisensteir^i(JM***^kohlen, imd aofleren nutzbaren Mineralien auf dem Territo^dum der Mnder der Ungarischen Krone... zusammenges\llt von/J. Bockh. . . und. . . S. Gesell. [Scale, 1 : 900,C i.f. 1 in. = 14j m. about.] 2 sh. col. Budapest, 1898? Austria-Hungary. [Maps.] Karte der Verbreitung nutzbarer Mineralien in der Oesterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchic, nebst Bosnien-Herzegowina . . . Massstab, 1 : 2,500,000 [i.e. 1 in. =39^ m. about]. See TOULA (F.) Karte, de. 1884. Austria-Hungary. [Maps.] Geologische Uebersichts- karte von Bohmen, Mahren u. Schlesien, entworfen von . ..K. Absolon. . .und Z. Jaros. . .Masstab, 1 : 300,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 4J m. about]. 2 sh. geol. col. Olmiitz, 1907. AUTRAKT (EUGKNE) [-1915] Plautse PostianiE quas enumeraut. . .E. Autrau, dc. Fasc. VI— IX. See POST (G. E.) 8". 1893-1899. Autran (E.) Contribucion al estudio de la Chinchilla (Eriomys lanigcr). pp. 18. 8". Buenos Aires, 1906. Extracted from the "Boletin del Ministerio de Agriculture." Autran (E.) Las Cochinillas Argentinas. pp.58: text illust. 8". Buenos Aires, 1907. Extracted from the " Boletin del Ministerio de Agriculture." Autran (E.) Los Mosquitos Argentines. Examen sumario sistematico de los Culicidos Argentines. pp. 40 [1] : 5 pis. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1907. An. Depart. Nac. Higiene. Tom. XIV, no. 1, 1907. Autran (E.) [For official publications as Curator] See CHAMBESY. — HERBIEE BOISSIER. Autun.— Societe d'Histoire Nattirelle. Liste annotee des Lepidopteres envoyes a la Societe . . . par A. Constant. See CONSTANT (A.) 8". 1892. AVASIA (D. N.) Lac and Lac cultivation, de. pp. 10. •See INDIA. — Forest Department. Forest Pamphlet No. 4. 8°. 1909. Avebury, Baron. See LUBBOCK (J.) Baron Avebury. X 3 Avellar Brotero (FELtx DE) Plantas Portuguesas dos Hrrbarios de Brotero o de Valorado cxistentes na Universidade de Lisboa. See CoUTINIlO (A. X. 1'.) 8°. 1916. AVERINTZEV (SEROHYEI VAslLpvIcH) Zur l''oniminifereu-Fauna des Sibirischen Eismeeres [from ' the Russian Polar Expedition, 1900-1903]. pp.27: J y./. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADKMIE IMPKRIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, dc. Ser. VIII, vol. xxix, no. 3. 4". 1911. Averintzev (S. V.) Predvaritel' nuii otchet o poyezdkye na stipendiyu, uohrezhdennuyu pri Beltenzorghskom Botanicheskom Sadye. [Preliminary Eeport of the excursion made with the fund founded in connection with the liuitoii/.org Botanic Garden.] Pt. 1. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADKMIE IMPKRIALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, dc. Ser. VIII, torn, xxxi, no. 6. 4". 1913. AVICULA: gioruale Ornitologico Italiano, dc. Ann. I-xiv. 4°. Siena, 1897-1910. Avignon. — Academic de Vaucluse. Table des Memoires. Premiere Serie. 1882-1900. pp. -if 8". Avignon, 1901. Avignon. Academic de Vaucluse. Centenaire de 1' Academic. . .1801-1901. Memoires et Comptes Eendus. pp. vii, 121 [2] : S pis. 8". Avignon, 1901. AWANO (S.) Ueber die Benetzbarkeit der Blatter. > • pp. 4&- See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. — College of Science. Journal, dc. Vol. XXVII, art. 1. 4". 1909. ] AXELSON afterwards Linnaniemi (WALTER MIKAEL) Putkilokasvio Pielisen ja Hiiytiiiisen valisellii • Kannaksella. pp. 78. See HELSINGFORS. — SOCIETAS . ™ PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, dc. Vol. XXIII, no. 4. 8°. 1902. Azelsou afterwards Linnaniemi (W. M.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Collembolenfauna Sibiriens. pp.13: Ipl. .f\ See HELSINGFORS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. 6fversigtaf...F6rhandlingar. Vol. 20. 8°. 1903. Azelson afterwards Linnaniemi (W. M.) Weitere Diagnosen iiber neue Collembolenformen aus Finland. . /\ pp. 13. See HELSINGFOBS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, dc. Vol. xxv, no. 8. 8". 1903. Azelson afterwards Linnaniemi (W. M.) Zur Keuntnis der Apterygotenfauna von Tviirminne. pp. 46: 1 pi. See EEUTER (O. M.) d others. Fest- schrift Herrn. . . J. A. Palmen, dc. Bd. II, no. 15. 8°. 1905. Azelsou afterwards Linnaniemi (W. M.) Bcitrag znr Kenntnis der Collembolenfauna in der Umgebung ,. /H Revals. pp. 22: 1 pi. See HELSINOFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, dc. Vol. XXVIII, no. 2. 8°. 1906. Azelson afterwards Linnaniemi (W. M.) Die Apterygotenfauna Finlands. I. Allgemeiner Teil. , P) PP- 134i *** • J 'map col- See HELSINGFORS.— FINSKA "'-'• VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Acta, dc. Vol. XXXIV, no. 7. 4°. 1907. Azelson afterwards Linnaniemi (W. M.) Zur Kennt- nis der Collembolenfauna der Halbinsel Kanin und benachbarter Gebiete. pp.17: 1 map. See HKLNINH- . n rota. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, dc. Vol. xxxni, no. 2. 8°. 1909 (1912). Azelson afterwards Linnaniemi (W. M.) Zur Kennt- nis der Apterygotenfauna Norwegeus. pp, £8. See BERGEN. — Bergens Museum. Bergens Museumsj Aarbok, 1911, no. 1. 8°. 1911. L- KJ L Azelson afterwards Linnaniemi (W. M.) Zur Kennt- nis der Blattminierer, spe/iell derjeiiigen Filmlands. I. . j>p. 137 [1] : 8 pis., 1 map (col.). See HELSINGFORS.— < SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, dc. Vol. xxxvn, no. 4. 8°. 1913. ATME (V.) Essai de Nomenclature Mineralogique. pp. 36. 8". Hanoi, 1901. AYRES (HORACE BEEMEB) [1856-] & Ashe (W. W.) ^ The southern Appalachian Forests, pp. .'•''/ : • !•'> pis., O* 2 maps col., text illust. See UNITED STATUS. (',<•<>- logical Survey. Professional Paper No. 87. 4°. 1905. Azara (FKLix DE) Aves nuevas del Paraguay. Con- y tinuaci6n a Azara, dc. See BERTONI (A. DE W.) L^ 8°. 1901. Azara (F. DE) Geograffa fisica y esferica de las I provincias del Paraguay, y Misiones Guarantes . . . Bibliografia, pr61ogo y anotaciones por E. E. Schullcr. £ 2 pp. cxxxii, 478, 2 tabs : 6 pis., 11 maps d plans. See MONTEVIDEO. — Mtiseo Nacional. Anales, de. Secc. Hist.-Fil. Tom. I. 4°. 1904. AZIM-UD-DIN KHAN, General. Eampur. See INDIA. — North • Western Provinces ct Oudh. Statistical, descriptive, and historical account of the North-Western Provinces of India. Vol. IX, pt. 8. 8°. 1883. AZORES. [Maps.] Carte Bathymetrique des lies A9ores, d'apres les cartes Fran9aises et Anglaises, les sondages du "Talisman," du "Challenger," de S.A.S. le Prince de Monaco " Hirondelle " et " Princesse Alice " et de 1' " A9or," par M. J. Thoulet, corrigee d'apres les Bondages executes en 1902 par la " Princesse Alice," et les travaux les plus r£cents. [Scale, 1 in. = 12J m. about.] col. Paris, 1903. B. Ueber die Moglichkeit einer philosophischcu Classifi- cation der Mineralkorper, dc. [With a preface signed " B," i.e. F. Bouterwek.] pp. viii, 70. 8°. Gottingen, 1808. B. (L.) Selectee ex Amsenitatibus Academicis C. LiunBei, Dissertationes. . .quas edidit et additamentis auxit L. B. [i.e. Q. L. Biwald] e S.I. See LlNN^US (C.) [Theses d Orations.] 8°. 1764. BABES (VICTOR) Notii asupra causelorii unorii En- I — zootii de Vite in Romania. [Note on the cause of anP iq , Enzootic of the Vine in Roumania.] See BUKARKST. - ACADEMIA ROMANA. Analele, dc. Ser. II, torn. xvi. 4°. 1894. Babe^f (VICTOR) Despre microbii mucoji §1 Scpticemia muc6sii,. [On mucous Microbes and mucous septicojmia.] See BUKAREST. — ACADEMIA ROMANA. Analele, if-c. Ser. II, torn. xix. 4°. 1897. Babe§ (VICTOR) Sediul bacililor leprei din punctul de vedere al invasiunii, al elirniniirilor si al combated! leprei. [Seat of Bacilli of Leprosy from the point of view of the invasion, elimination and combating of Leprosy.] pp.38. SeeBuKAREST. — ACADEMIA HO .MAN A. Analele, dc. Ser. II, torn. xx. -, -^ 5 4°. 1898. Babingtou (CjiARLES CARDALEl^Mnnual of Britjjth Botany, cpjrfaming the FlowejiHffTlantH and Vmm,, . NinthxfMition, enlargedfrprtfthe Author's mau*fscripts anff other sources. -Eoited by H. and #. Groves. pp. Hi, 580. 8°. London, 1904. dc 45 Babor (Jo.sEF FLORIAN) Beitriige zur Kenntnis der , .. tertiiiren Biuneneonchylienfauna Bohmens. I. pp. 18 : «• " text illust. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICU-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DEH WISSENSCIIAFTEN. SitzungS- berichte, etc. 1897. no. 63. 8". 1897. Babor (JosEP FLORIAN) Die Weichthiere des Bohm- . ischen Plistociin und Holociin. pp. 78 [1] : text illust. (o Nee PRAGUE. — Beide Comites fur die Landcsdurchfor- schung von Blihmen. Archiv, . See BUITENZORG. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique, etc. Ser. II, no. 12. 8". 1913. BACKHOUSE (JAMES) [1794-1869]. Index Plantarum, or an attempt towards a popular description of some of the most common and remarkable indigenous Plants of Van Diemen's Land. [By J. Backhouse.] See Ross (J.) —T~ Ross's Hobart Town Almanack... for 1835. 12°. [1834 ?] f\ BACKLUND (HELGE) See BAKLUND (OLEG OSKARV!CH) BACKMAN (A. L.) Floran i Lappajiirvi jamteomnajd. t pp. 138 [1] : 1 map (col.). See HELSINGFORS. — Societas o . I pro Fauna et Flora 'Fennica. Acta, rfc. Vol. xxxil, no. 3. 8°. 1909. BACKMAN (GASTON) Bidrag till kannedomen om de C ' ^ ^ medeltida Svenskarnas Antropologi. I. Kranier och _ L Skelett fran St. Clemens kyrkoruin i Visby. pp. 180 : - 3 4 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENS- KAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. XLVII, no. 7. 4°. 1911. Backman (GASTON) Die Bauchflosse der Selachier. 2 Abth. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. L, no. 7 ; LIII, no. 3. 4°. 1912, 15. Backstrom (HELGE MATTIAS) Vestanafiiltet : en Petro- genetisk studie. pp. 127 [2] : 8 pis. (1 geol. col.), text J illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENS- KAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xxix, no. 4. 4°. 1897. Backstrom (HELGE MATTIAS) Ueber jungvulkanische ' — Eruptivgesteine aus Tibet. See PETEHMANNS MIT- O /A, THEILUNGEN, rfc. Ergiinzbd. XXVIII, no. 131. 4°. 1900. Backstrom (HELGE MATTIAS) & Johansson (H.) [Geology of Central Asia.] See HEDIN (S. A.) Traveller. Scientific Results of a journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902. Vol. VI, pt. 2. 4°. [1907.] Bacon (FRANCIS) Viscount St. Albans. F. Bacon : an Address, dc. See HOPKINSON (J.) 8°. 1892. I— n L. ? . 46 Bacon (GEORGE WASHINGTON) Bacon's Popular Atlas of the British Isles . . . Edited by G.-W. Bacon, pp. 1 : 5 pit. (col.), 7ti maps if plant col. fol. London, 1907. Bacon (JOHN) Microscopic examination of the Marl [in which the Newburgh skeleton was found]. See AVAKHKN (J. C.) Description of a skeleton of tin- Mastodon giganteus, ».] geol. col. 1905. BADENOCH (L. N.) True Tales of the Insects. pp. xi'iii, ^i'i : (i pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1899. BADISCHER ZOOLOGISCHER VEREIN. See CARLSRUHK. Baedeker (KARL) The Eastern ALPS . . . ninth edition, etc. pp. xxvi, ',<;.s' : 7 /ilx.. .77 mapsAplans (col.). 8°. Leipsic it London, 1899. —^- Tenth eft 4-fiam(eol^r _Ek 7J maps it pian»-(eol.). />;/';/, 'I''., V.KI7. Baedeker (KARL) AUSTRIA, including Hungary, Tran- sylvania, Dalruatia, and Bosnia . . . Ninth edition, etc. pp. xvi, 47! > : mi maps it plant. 8°. Leipsic it London, 1900 [i.e. 1899]. - Tenth edition, Ac. pp. xviii, 46V?: 77 maps it plant. 8°. Leipsic, itc., 1905. Baedeker BELGIUM and HOLLAND, including the Grand - Duchy of Luxembourg . . . Thirteenth edition, Ac. pp. Ixvi, ('/.': .t<: maps et plans. 8°. Leipsic it London, 1901. - Fourteenth edition, Ac. pp. Ixx, 4~4 •' ¥> ''nap* : Lriiiaie if Jumiui - Sixth edition, etc. pp. Ixvi, 606 : 80 maps A plans (col.). 8°. Leipsic, itc., 1906. Baedeker (KARL) GREECE . . . Third . . . edition. pp. cxxxiv, 434 •' 1 pl-t 3d maps it plans. 8°. Leipzig, itc., 1905. Baedeker (KARL) ITALY . . . First part : Northern Italy • . • Eleventh . . . edition, pp. Ixiv, '>.;'.> : <;i> maps A plans. 8°. Leipsic A London, 1899. Twelfth . . . edition, pp. Ixiv, 563 : 69 maps A plant (col.). 8°. Leipsic it London, 1903. Thirteenth . . . edition, pp. Ixiv, 592 : 70 maj>s it plans (col.), it panorama, text illust. 8". Leipsic, etc., 1906. Baedeker (KARL) ITALY . . . Second part : Central Italy and Rome . . . Thirteenth . . . edition, pp. Ixxvi, 454, 14 : 3 pit., ~i7 maps it plans. 8°. Leipsic ct London, 1900 [i.e. 1899]. Fourteenth . . . edition, pp. Ixxvi, 470, IS : S pis., 63 maps A plans. 8°. Leipsic, Ac., 1904. 47 Baedeker (KARL) ITALY from the Alps to Naples. nn xliii, 4^4 : 70 maps it plans (col.), text ilhist. 8°. Leipsic, Ac., 1904. Baedeker (KARL) ITALY . . . Southern Italy and Sicily, with excursions to the Lipari Islands, Malta, Sardinia, Tunis and Corfu ... Thirteenth ... edition, pp. Ixviii, 431 : Iff maps & plans. 8°. Leipsic it London, 1900. Fifteenth . . . edition, pp. liv, 488 : 58 maps it plans (col.). 8". Leipzig, Ac., 1908. Baedeker (KARL) LONDON and its environs. . .Twelfth . . .edition, pp. x, 451, 44 •' ~5 »*<*?* it plans (col.). 8°. Leipsic ct London, 1900. Thirteenth., .edition, pp. x, 459, 44: 28 maps d plans (col.). 8". Leipsic it London, 1902. Fourteenth... edition, pp. x, 471, 44: 28 maps d plans (col.). 8°. Leipzig, Ac., 1905 [i.e. 1904J. Fifteenth . . . edition, pp. xxxvi, 453, 44 : 2S maps it plans (col.). 8°. Leipzig, Mit Beitriigen von. . .B. Biirtling, rfc.2. Bd.-fefc* See DAMMER (B.) & TIETZE (0.) 8". 1913-^-. BAEYER, , (JOHANN FRIEDRICH WILHELM ADOLF VON) [1835jJ See LIEBIG'S ANNALEN DER CHEMIE, Ac. *} iff^ Herausgegeben von... A. v. Baeyer. Bd. ccxcvn- »* cccxxiv. 8°. 1897-1902. BAGE (B.) The Quest of the South Magnetic Pole. L See MAWSON (Sir D.) The Home of the Blizzard: fto.o. being the story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914, Ac. Vol. I, chap. xiv. 8°. 1915. BAGG (BUFUS MATHER) [1869-] The Cretaceous Foraminifera of New Jersey, pp. 89 : 6 pis. (^ See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, Ac., No. 88. 8°. 1898. Bagg (BuFUS MATHER) The Tertiary and Pleistocene _ Foraminifera of the middle Atlantic slope, pp. 54: G>- 3 pis. See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Bulletins of American Paleontology. Vol. II, no. 10. 8°. 1898. Bagg (BuFUS MATHER) Miocene Foraminifera from the Monterey Shale of California, with a few species /" from the Tejon formation, pp. 78 : 11 pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 268. 8". 1905. Bagg (BuFUS MATHER) Notes on the Distribution of ^ the Mastodon in Illinois. See URBANA.— UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. The University Studies. Vol. in, no. 2, Ac. 8°. 1909. Also forms part of Vol. VI, no. 17 of the "University of Illinois Bulletin." Bagg (BUFUS MATHER) Pliocene and Pleistocene _ Foraminifera from California, pp. 153 : 28 pis., text (^~ illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 513. 8°. 1912. Bagnall (JAMES EUSTACE) The Flora of Staffordshire. £, pp. 74, 8°. London, 1901. ~£ Issued as a Supplement to the "Journal of Botany," 1901. Bagnall (JAMES EUSTACE) The Botany of Worcester- -c shire. . .The Mosses .and Hepatics contributed by J. E. Bagnall, Ac. ' See AMPHLETT (J.) & BEA (C.) 8°. 1909. BAGNALL (BlCHARD S.) [Thysanoptera of the ^ Sandwich Islands.] See SHARP (D.) Fauna Hawaii- ensis, Ac. Vol. in, pt. 6. 4°. 1910. BAGSHAW (WALTER) Elementary Photo-Micro- graphy . . Second edition, pp. 103 [2] : 14 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1909. <§3. J( The first edition appeared in 1902. IS M. C BAGSHAWE (ARTHUit WIM.IAM GAKRARD) [For official publications as Director] See TROPICAL DISEASES BUREAU. Bahia. Kelatorio . . . pelo ... A. Britto, acerca dos i--tudo8 que fez na Europa, sobre as areias do Prado, • See KOROTNEV (A. A.) 4°. 1905— > Bailey (CHARLES) On the Adventitious Vegetation of the sandhills of St. Anne's-on-the-Sea, north Lanca- shire, wealth of. — Parliament. Annual Report on British rf .. New Guinea, tfc. 1900-01, appeud.'12. 4°. 1902. ' Bailey (FREDERICK M.) The Weeds and suspected -p Poisonous Plants of Queensland, tfc. pp. 2^5: text illust. J 8°. Brisbane, 1906. Bailey (FREDERICK M.) Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland Plants, both indigenous and naturalised, tic. ^ pp. 879 : 16 pis. col., text illust. 8°. Brisbane [1913J. BAILEY (HENRY) called Bula N'Zau. Travel and [_ adventures in the Congo Free State, and its Big Game-ju. f, shooting. By Bula N'Zau. pp. xiv [?']. .'.',' .- i; ///•>•., « 1 map, text illust. 8°. London, 181)4. ° -V The plates are reckoned in the numeration of the pages. BAILEY (.TAMES) [-1864] Totius Latinitatis Lexicon J_ . . . edidit Anglicarn interpretationem in locum Italicso substituit . . . auctariurn denique . . . adjecit J. Bailey. 2 Vol. See FORCELLINI (E.) 4°. 1828. Bailey (LIBERTY HYDE) The Dewberries. See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. — Agrifiilinnii Experiment- Station. Bulletin No. 84. 8". 1891. Bailey (LIBERTY II.) Peach Yellows. Sec ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. — Agricultural Efjxi-iinmt -1 Station. Bulletin No. 75. 8". 1894. "*• 49 Bailey (LIBERTY HYDE) Blackberries. See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. — Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 99. 8°. 1895. Bailey (LIBERTY HYDE) The Pole Lima Beans. •See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. — Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 115. 8°. 1896. Bailey (LIBERTY HYDE) Third (—Fourth) Eeport upon Japanese Plums. See ITHACA.— CORNELL UNIVERSITY. —Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 139. 2 Pt. 8°. 1897, 99. Bailey (LIBERTY HYDE) Sketch of the evolution of our native Fruits, pp. xiii, 472 : 1 port., 1 map, text illust. 8°. New York & London, 1898. Bailey (LIBERTY HYDE) Cyclopedia of American Horticulture . . . with Geographical data and Biographi- cal sketches, by L. H. Bailey. . .assisted by \V. Miller, rfc. 4 Vol. pp: xxii, xiv, xv, xxx, 3016 : 50 pis., text illust. 4". London, 1900-1902. Bailey (LIBERTY HYDE) & Lauiuan (G. N.) Annual Flowers. See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. — Agri- cultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 161. 8°. 1899. Bailey (LIBERTY HYDE) & Powell (G. H.) Cherries. See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. — Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 98. 8°. 1895. Bailey (LoRiNG WOART) The Mineral Eesources of the Province of New Brunswick, pp. 128 : 2 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Annual Report. New Series, vol. x.M. 8°. 1899. Bailey (LoRiNG WOART) Report upon the Carboniferous System of New Brunswick with special reference to workable Coal. pp. 38 : text illust. See CANADA.— Geological Survey. Annual Report. New Series, vol. XIII.M. 8°. 1902 (1903). Bailey (VERNON ORLANDO) Revision of American Voles of the genus Microtus. pp. 88 : 6 pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Biological Survey Division. North American Fauna. No. 17. 8°. 1900. Bailey (VERNON ORLANDO) Life zones and Crop zones of New Mexico, pp. JOO-: 15 pis. back to back, 1 map col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Biological Survey Division. North American Fauna. No. 35. 8°. 1913. Bailey (WILLIAM WHITMAN) Botanizing. A Guide to field-collecting and herbarium work. pp,ix,14$: 1 pi., text illust. 8". Providence, B.I., 1899. Baillon (HENRI ERNEST) Phytocreneae. See CANDOLLE (AUG. P. DE) Prodromus systcmatis naturalis Regni Vegetabilis, Ac. Pt. xvn. 8°. 1873. BAIN (HARRY FOSTER) [1871-] Reported Ore deposits of the Wichita Mountains. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 81, Appendix. 4°. 1904. Bain (HARRY FOSTER) Zinc and Lead deposits of northwestern Illinois, pp. 56': # pis., 3 maps geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 246. 8°. 1905. Bain (HARRY FOSTER) The Fluorspar deposits of southern Illinois, pp. 75 : 3 pis. (1 geol. col.), 3 maps geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 255. 8°. 1905. Bain (HARRY FOSTER) Zinc and Lead deposits of the upper Mississippi Valley, pp. 155 : 5 ph., 11 maps (!) geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 294. 8°. 1906. Bain (HARRY FOSTER) [For official reports in con- nection with the Survey] See ILLINOIS, State of. — Geological Survey. Bain (HARRY FOSTER) & Ulrich (E. 0.) The Copper deposits of Missouri, pp. 52 : 1 pi., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 267. 8°. 1905. BAINES (FRANK) Report to the First Commissioner of H.M. Works. . .on the Condition of the Roof Timbers of Westminster Hall, with Suggestions for Maintaining the stability of the Roof, Ac. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— Office of Works. 4°. 1914. G Cr BAINIER, (GEORGES) Etude BUT These, dc. pp. 136 : 11 pis. les Mucorinees. R 4°. Paris, 1882. Baird (SPENCER FULLERTON) Catalogue of Fishes'. . . observed on the coasts of New Jersey, Ac. See NEW JERSEY, State of. — Geological Survey. Geology of the county of Cape May, rfc. 8°. 1857. G Baird (SPENCER FULLERTON) Baird, Ac. See COCKERELL (T. D. A.) [Biography of] S. F. n, 8°. [1906.] H »• L-. o L Baird (SPENCER FULLERTON) & Girard (C. F.) [Rep- tiles and Fishes from the Red River of Louisiana.] See UNITED STATES. Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, Ac. Appendix F. 8°. 1854. Baird (WILLIAM) [Shells from the South Sea Islands.] See BRENCHLEY (J. L.) Jottings during the cruise of H.M.S. Curacoa. . . 1865, Ac. 8°. 1873. Baird (WILLIAM) Tabular view of the orders and families of Mammalia. See LOWRY (J. W.) 4°. [ ] Originally issued in 1867. BAKALOV (P. N.) Prinosi k'm Paleontologhlyata B'lghariya. I. Mastodon'ovl ostanki v B'lghariya. — Beitrage zur Palaontologie Bulgariens. I. Mastodonreste aus Bulgarien. pp. 41 •' 14 pis. 8°. Sofiya, 1911. Ghodishnik Sofilskiya Univ. Ot. VI. BAKER (ARTHUR BENONI) Notes on Animals now, or recently living in the National Zoological Park. pp. 3 : 1 pi. Further Notes on the breeding of the American Black Bear in captivity, pp. 4- See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Mis- cellaneous Collections. Vol. LIX, no. 9 & 10. 8°. 1912. BAKER (ARTHUR CHALLEN) The Woolly Apple Aphis. pp. 35 : 15 pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Office of the Secretary. Report No. 101. 8°. 1915. Baker (ARTHUR CHALLEN) & Quaintance (A. L.) Classification of the Aleyrodidne. 2 Pt. pp. xi, 114 • JfS pis. back to back, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Technical Series, no. 27. 8°. 1913, 14. BASER (CARL F.) See BAKER (CHARLES FULLER) 7 T. 15 JU.\ 50 BAKER (CiiARLKS FULLER) Plantse Bakerianie. Vol. i, / - faso. 1 ; ii, fasc. 1 ; in, fasc. 1. Sec GRBENE (E. L.) A other*. 8°. [1901.] Baker (OUJEUi FULLER) S^L^-VERTEBRATA . . . EdLMJTwith contributions] by C. F. Vo>f/f Baker (CHARLES FULLER) Nouveaux Proctotrypides rt Oynipides d'Ame>ique recueillis par M. Baker. . .ct decrits par...J. J. Kieffer. See BRUSSELS. — SOCIKTK SCIENTIFIQUE. Annales, of India.] See HOOKER (Sir J. D.) K.C.S.I. The Flora J> of British India, Ac. Vol. II & vi. 8". 1876-92. Baker (JOHN GILBERT) [Juncaceae of South Africa.] Q See HARVEY (W. H.) & SONDER (0. W.) Flora Capensis, V Ac. Vol. VII. 8". 1897. Baker (JOHN GILBERT) [Oleacese, Salvadoracese, Loganiacese, Labiatae, Plantaginefe, Scitaminese, Haemo- g doraceae, Irideae, Amaryllideae, Taccaceoe, Dioscoreaceaa, LiliacesB and Juncacea; of Tropical Africa.] See OLIVER (D.) Flora of Tropical Africa, Ac. Vol. iv, sect. 1 ; v, vn & vin. 8°. [1898-190»}-O3 - Baker (JOHN GILBERT) [For descriptions of new TL species of Crinum from Portuguese South-West Africa] s-/i-f>.j See BAUM (H.) Kuncne-Sambesi-Expedition . . . 1903, o R Ac. 8°. 1903. Baker (JoiiN GILBERT) & Brown (N. E.) [Gentianeae _ & Hydrophyllaceae of Tropical Africa.] Sec OLIVER (D.) £> Flora of Tropical Africa, Ac. Vol. iv, sect. 1 & 2. 8°. [1903-05.] Baker (JOHN GILBERT) & Clarke (C. B.) [Gesneraceae, 'jj Amarantaceie & Chenopodiaceie of Tropical Africa.] See OLIVER (D.) Flora of Tropical Africa, Ac. Vol. iv, sect. 2 ; & VI, pt. 1. 8°. 1906, 09. Baker (JOHN GILBERT) & Rendle (A. B.) [Convolvu- laceas of Tropical Africa.] Sec OLIVER (D.) Flora of Tropical Africa, Ac. Vol. IV, sect. 2. 8°. [1905-06.] Baker (JoiiN GILBERT) & Stapf (O.) [Verbcnacere of T Tropical Africa.] ^ff OT.IVKH M> ^ Flnrn, nf Trnninn.1 Africa, Ac. Vol. See OLIVER (D.) v. Flora of Tropical 1900. Baker (JoiiN GILBERT) & Wright (C. H.) [Boragineie, Nyctaginete, Illecebracese, Phytolaccacea, Polygonaceae, Podostemacea, Cytinaceac, Aristolochiaceis, Piperacete $2. •< & Monimiacete of Tropical Africa.] S"- OI.IVIH (D.) Flora of Tropical Africa, Ac. Vol. IV, sect. 2 ; VI, pt. 1. 8°. [1905, 09.] 51 BAKER (MARCUS) GepgrtCphic Dictionary of Alaska. ic . 6- PP- 44<>. See UNITED STATES. — G«0logTcal Survey. , Bulletin No. Secc 8°. 1902. - Kecpjra edition. ppJrlSO. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 299. 8°. 1906. !?• BAKER (RICHARD THOMAS) Botanical Papers on the Australian Flora, illust. 8°. Sydney, 1904. Under this collective title are included a series of reprints from the publications of various societies. Baker (RICHARD THOMAS) [Building and Ornamental Stones of New South Wales. By R. T. Baker. See SYDNEY. — Technological Museum. obi. 8°. 1908.1 Seftondedition. obtV. 1909. Baker (RICHARD THOMAS) The Flora of the North Coast of New South Wales. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, dc. Handbook for New South Wales (1914). Sect. H. Natural Science. 8°. 1914. Baker (RICHARD THOMAS) [For official reports & publi- cations as Curator and Economic Botanist] See SYDNEY. — Technological Museum. Baker (RICHARD THOMAS) & Smith (H. G.) A research on the Eucalypts, especially in regard to their Essential Oils. See SYDNEY. — Technological Museum. 4°. 1902. Issued as " Technical Education Series, No. 13," by the New South Wales Dept. of Public Instruction. Baker (RICHARD THOMAS) & Smith (H. G.) A research on the Pines of Australia. See SYDNEY. — Technological Museum. 4°. 1910. Baker (RICHARD THOMAS) & Smith (H. G.) The Economics of the Eucalypts [of New South Wales]. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, dc. Handbook for New South Wales (1914). Sect. I. 8°. 1914. Bakewell (ROBERT) An Introduction to Geology . . . Third edition, dc. pp. xxiv, 540: 5 pis. (col.), 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. London, 1828. - Fifth edition, dc. pp. xliii, 657 : 8 pis. (col.), 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. London, 1838. Bakewell (ROBERT) An Introduction to Geology... Second American from the fourth London edition, edited [with a supplement] by. . .B. Silliman. pp. xxiv, 479 : 8 2'ls., 1 map, text illust. 8°. Neiv Haven, 1833. BAKEWELL AND DISTRICT NATURA- LISTS' FIELD CLUB. See DERBYSHIRE NATURALISTS' QUARTERLY. BAKHMET'EV (PoRFlRlI IvANOvIcn) [I860-] Iz- myenchivost dlinui kruil'ev u Aporia cratcegi, L., v Rossil, i eya zavisimost ot meteorologhicheskikh ele- - mentov. [Variation in the length of wing of A. cratoegi, L., in Russia, and its dependence upon meteorological factors.] pp. 47: 6 diags. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADKMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, dc. Ser. VIII, torn, xxv, no. 7. 4°. 1910. 0 BAKLUND (OLEG OSKARV!CH) Kristalline Gesteine von der Nordkiiste Sibiriens. I. Die Diabase der Kusjkin- Insel. pp. 38: 3 pis. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADKMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, dc. Ser. VIII, torn, xxi, no. 6. 4°. 1910. o Baklund (OLEG OSKARVICH) Ueber einige Olivin- knollen aus der Lava vorrWood-Bay, Spitzbergen. pp. 11. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS SELSKABET. Skrifter, dc. 1911, no. 16. 8°. 1911 (1912). Baklund (OLEG OsKAHjylcH) Nauchnuie rezul'tatui Ekspeditzii brat'ev Kuznetzovuikh na Polyarnuii Ural v 1909 gh., pod nachal'stvom O. O. Bakluud. — Resultats scientifiques de 1'Expedition des freres Kuznecov a 1'Oural Arctique en 1909, sous la direction de H. Back- lund. Livr. l-> See ST. PETERSBURG.— ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DBS SCIENCES. Memoires, dc. Ser. VIII, torn, xxvm, no. 1— > 4°. 1911— > o Baklund (OLEG OSKARVlCH) Obshchii obzor dyeya- tel'nosti Ekspeditzii br. Kuznetzovuikh na Polyarnuii Ural lyetom 1909 ghoda. [General sketch of the pro- ceedings of the Expedition of the brothers Kuznetzov to Arctic Ural in 1909.] See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, dc. Ser. VIII, torn, xxvm, no. 1. 4°. 1911. o Baklund (OLEG OsKARvIcn) Ghornuiya porodui Polyarnagho Urala i Ikh vzaimnuiya otnosheniya. Chast. 1. Vostochnuii sklon v oblasti r. r. Khanema i Kharava. [The mountain strata of the Arctic Urals and their mutual relationships. Pt. 1. Eastern slope in the vicinity of the rivers Khanem and Kharav.] pp. 151 : 2 pis. (1 col.), 1 map, text illust. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, dc. Ser. VIII, torn, xxvm, no. 3. 4°. 1912. BAKUNIN (MARUSSIA) La sorgente di Valle di Pompei, dc. pp. 6. See NAPLES. — ACCADEMIA PONTA- NIANA. Atti, dc. Vol. xxxvn, mem. no. 12. 4°. 1907. BALANSA (BENJAMIN) Lichenes Paraguayenses a cl. Balansi lecti, dc. See MUELLER (JEAN) Argo- viensis. 8°. [1888.] Part of the Balansa collections is described in the " Plantse Hasslerianse," Ac. See CHAMBfeY.— Herbier Boissier. Bulletin, itc. Ser. II, torn. II -» S». 1902 -> BALATON, Lake. Resultate der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees, dc. Bd. I— > See BUDA- PEST.— MAGYAR FOLDRAJZI TAHSULAT. 4°. 1897— > Balbis (GIOVANNI BATTISTA) La Flora dell' agro Torinese dopo i lavori di G. Balbis. . .e considerazioni sopra 1' indigenato di taluni specie. Memoria del Dr. E. Mussa. pp. 41. See TURIN. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE. Memorie, dc. Ser. II, vol. LXV, no. 2. 4°. 1916. BALCH (EDWIN SWIFT) [1856-] The North Pole and Bradley Land. pp. 91: text illust. 8°. Philadelphia, 1913. BALCH (HERBERT E.) Les Cavernes et les Cours d'eau souterrains des Mendip-Hills (Somerset, Angle- terre). Explorations de 1901-1904. pp. 39: text illust. See PARIS. — SOCIETE DE SPELKOLOGIE. Spelunca. Bulletin & Memoires, dc. Tom. v, no. 39. 8°. 1904. Balch (HERBERT E.) & Baker (E. A.) The Nether- world of Mendip. Explorations in the great caverns of Somerset, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, and elsewhere. See BAKER (E. A.) & BALCH (H. E.) 8°. 1907. BALDREY (F/ S/ HjJ See JOURNAL OF TROPICAL VETERINARY SCIENCE, THE. (Issued Quarterly.) Editors: . . . F. S. H. Baldrey, dc. Vol. I-HI. 4°. 1906-08. BALDUCCI (ENRICO) Contributo alia morfologia dello sterno nei Mammiferi. pp. 44 [1] •' 3 pis. 8°. Firenze, 1895. Balducci (ENRICO) Morfologia dello sterno degli Uccelli, con ricerche originali. pp. 84 : 28 pis. 8°. (Prato, 1908.) Balducci (ENRICO) Di una nuova specie di Hylochcerus. L'H ylochoerus Giglioli. jay, 15* [J] .' S pis. See FLORENCE. — HEALE ISTITUTO DI STUDI SUPERIORI, dc. Pubblicazioni, <&H — [No, 33ij - - - 8°. 1909. i r< J • . /vi 3 ».lv \u 52 Balducci (ENRICO) E. H. Giglioli. Stu.lii Talasso- gratici. Ristainpa a cura del ... E. Balducci . . . (Con ci'imi sulla vita dell' Autorc. See GuiLIOLI (E. H.) , dU. CUic^tiw^iou. . <£f»a (j°. 1912. Balducci (ENRICO) Notizie e osservazioni sul Batho- pliilut nigerrimus, Gigl. pp. IS : 1 pi. col., text illust. 4°. Paris, [1915.] Extract " Ann. Init. Ooiianographlque." Tom. Til, fate. 3. BALDUS (ALBERT) Geologische Beschreibung des Hetzlas-Gebirges . . . Inaugural-Dissertation, - 8°. London [1884]. Journ. Micro. & Nat. Bel. Vol. III. BALL (CARLBTON ROY) [1878-] Johnson Grass: re- port of investigations made during. . .1901. pp. 24: 1 pi., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 11. 8«. 1902. Ball (CARLKTON ROY) Soy Bean varieties, pp. SO: 6 pit. (1 col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES.— De- partment of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 98. 8°. 1907. Ball (CARLETON ROY) The History and Distribution of Sorghum, pp. 64 : text illust. Sec UNITED STATES. — -Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau Bulletin No. 175. ' 8°. 1910. Ball (CARLETON ROY) The importance and improve- i ment of the grain Sorghums, pp. 4-~> •' text illust. (Ju, See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 203. 8°. 1911. Ball (CARLETON ROY) The Kaoliangs: a new group I of Grain Sorghums, pp. 64 : 1 pi., 1 map, text illust. &" See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 208. 8°. 1918. Ball (CARLETON ROY) & Eastings (STEPHEN H.) Grain- Sorghum production in the San Antonio region of Texas. C* pp. 30 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 287. 8°. 1912. BALL (ELMER DARWIN) The Leafhoppers of the Sugar Beet, Ac. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- ^ culture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 66, pt. iv. 8°. 1909. .p BALL (HENRY) Hypopitys Monotropa, Crautz. Jn See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, pis. (col.), H maps, text illust. See MUNICH.— KOE-^ ^ NIOLICH BAYEHISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. * _^_ Abhandlungen, Ac. Supplement-Band I, no 10. 4°. 1910. Also forms part of the "Beitrage zur Naturgcschichte Ostasiens. Hcrausgegeben von Dr. F. Doflein." Balss (HEINRICH) Ostasiatische Stomatopoden. pp. 11 : . text illust. See MUNICH.— KOENIOLICH BAYEHISCHE Q^ AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, Ac. Supplement-Band II, no. 2. 4°. 1910. Also issued under wrapper dated 1911 ; and further as part of the "Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte Ostasiens. Herausgegeben von Dr. F. Doflein." Balss (HEINRICH) Paguriden [of the German Deep-sea I*- Expedition]. See GERMANY. Wissenschaftliche Er-VO.-^ gebnisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition . . . 1898- 1899, Ac. Bd. XX, lief. 2. 4". 1912. Balss (HEINRICH) Ostasiatische Decapoden, Ac. I & L_ u. 2 Pt. illust. See MUNICH. — KOENIGLICHE BAYER-} .{'J/ ISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Abhaud- lungen, Ac. Supplement-Band II, no. 9 & 10. 4°. 1918, 14. Also forms part of the " Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte Ostasiens. Herausgegelieu von Dr. !•'. Doflein." Balss (HEINRICH) & Doflein (F. J. T.) Die Gala- theiden der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. *|o. j See GERMANY. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutscheu Tiefsee-Expedition ... 1898-99, Ac. Bd. xx, lief. 3. 4°. 1913. BALSTON (RICHARD JAMES) & others. Notes on the Birds of Kent, by R. J. Balston. . .C. W. Shepherd. . . 71 and E. Bartlett. pp. xix, AtHJ : 9 pis. col., 1 map col. 8°. London, 1907. BALTA (JosK) Ensayos sombre la Geologia del Peru ^ ... El Sistema Carbonifero en el Peru. pp. 12, 1 tab. : (j- 1 pi. 4". [ 1899 ?J La Revista de Cienclas. A no. XI, no. 9-12. BALTROVIC (MlKH.) & Zhuiovi<5 (I. M.) Staro /? Selishte u Baraievu. [Ancient Sites at Baraiev.] See Znuiovlc (I. M.) & BALTROV!C (M.) 8°. 1891. .) -'*" Baltzer (R. ARM IN) Geologic der Umgebung des Iseosees. pp. 4X : 5 pis. (S geol. col.), 1 map geol. col., Q text illust. See PAL^ONTOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. W Geologische und Pateontologische Abhaudlungen, Ac. Bd. IX, hft. 2. 4°. 1901. Baltzer (R. ARMIN) Der Iseosee und seine Umgebungen. / See TORNQUIST (A. J. H.) Geologische Fiihrer durch (. Ober-Italien, Ac. 8°. 1902. 55 Baltzer (B. ARM IN) Das Berneroberland und Nach- bargebiete. Ein geologischer Fiihrer, Ac. pp. xv [i], 347 : 32 pis., 2 maps, text illust. 12°. Berlin, 1906. Sammlung geologischer Fiihrer XI. Baltzer (B. ARMIN) Erliiuterungen zur geologischen Karte der Gebirge zwischen Lauterbrunnenthal, Kander- thal und Thunersee in 1 : 50,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 1J in. about], Ac. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Geologiquc Suisse. 8°. 1907. BALY ( ) Miss. [Non-Marine Mollusca of Warwick- shire, assisted by Miss Baly, Ac.} See WOODWARD (B. B.) 4°. [1904.] Baly (JOSEPH SUGAR) Descriptions of new genera and species of Phytophaga. pp. 16. 8°. [London,] 1864. Privately printed. Bambeke (CHARLES EUGENE MARIE VAN) Le Mycelium de Lepiota meleagris (Sow.) Sacc. (Coccobotrys xylophilus C [Fr.] Boud.etPat.) pp.57: 7 pis. (col.) See BRUSSELS. — ACADKMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, Ac. Memoires, Ac. Tom. LIV. 4". 1902. Bambeke (CHARLES E. M. VAN) Sur revolution nucleaire et la sporulation chez Hydnangium carneum, J) Wallr. pp. 44 : 3 pis. col. See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, Ac. Memoires, Ac. Tom. LIV, fasc. 6. 4°. 1904. Bambeke (CHARLES E. M. VAN) La relation du myce- lium avec le carpophore chez Ithyphallus impudicus (L.) r Sacc., et Mutinus caninus (Huds.) Fries, pp.26: Jtpls. col., text illust. See BRUSSELS.— ACADEMIE ROYALE DE BELGIQUE. (Classe des Sciences.) Memoires collection in 8°. Ser. II, torn. II, no. 8. 8°. 1910. Bambeke (CHARLES E. M. VAN) Contribution pour servir 4 1'histoire de Lycogala flavo-fuscum (Ehr.) Bost., Myxomycete nouveau pour la Flore Beige, pp. 22 : 3 pis. (col.) See BRUSSELS.— ACADKMIE ROYALE DE BELGIQUE. Memoires collection in 8°. Ser. II, torn, in, fasc. 5. 8°. 1912. BAMBEE.G (OTTO) Notes on Birds collected by. . . O. Bamberg in southern Transbaicalia and northern . 0" Mongolia, pp. 42: text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONOLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, Ac. Bd. v, no. 9. 8°. 1909. Bamps (CONSTANT) Faune des Reptiles et des Batra- ciens de la province de Limbourg, Ac. pp. 28. 8°. Hasselt, 1893. The wrapper and Preface are dated " 1894." 0 BANCROFT (FRANK WATTS) Aestivation of Botryl- \ hides gascoi, Delia Valle. See PARKER (G. H.) Mark Anniversary Volume, Ac. No. 8. 4°. 1903. BANCROFT (HOWLAND) Reconnaissance of the Ore deposits in northern Yuma county, Arizona, pp. 130 : 7 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. —Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 451. 8°. 1911. Bancroft (HowLAND) The Ore deposits of north- eastern Washington, Ac. pp. viii, 215 : 14 pis., 5 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 550. 8°. 1914. Bancroft (HOWLAND) & Irving (J. D.) Geology and Ore deposits near Lake City, Colorado. [With a chapter on the Geology, by W. Cross.] pp. 128, 1 tab. : 6 pis., 2 maps (1 t/eol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. --Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 478. 8°. 1911. Bancroft (HOWLAND) & Lindgren (W.) The Ore deposits of ... the Republic mining district. See UNITED STATES. — -Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 550. 8°. 1914. Ol/vwt/D BANCROFT (J/ AUSTEN) [1882-] Geology of the coast and islands between the Strait of Georgia and Queen Charlotte Sound, B.C. pp. viii, Ifyi [6'J : 21 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir No. 23. [No. 23, Geological Series.] 8°. 1913. BANCROFT (KEITH) A Handbook of the Fungus diseases of West Indian Plants, pp. 70 : 6 pis. 8°. London, 1910. Bancroft (KEITH) The Die-back disease of Para Rubber ; and a note on the Leaf diseases of Para Rubber, pp. 23 : text illust. See FEDERATED MALAY STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 14. 8°. 1911. Bancroft (KEITH) A root disease of the Para Rubber Tree (Fames semitostus, Berk.), pp.30: 7 pis. See FEDERATED MALAY STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 13. 8°. 1912. Bancroft (KEITH) The spotting of plantation Para Rubber. (A preliminary account of investigations on the cause of the spotting.) pp. 30 : 3 pis. See FEDERATED MALAY STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 16. T fg^Q _ y0g811913. BANCROFT (THOMAS LANE^List of the Mosquitoes of Queensland, with the original descriptions and notes on the life-history of a number, pp. 64 : text illust. See BRISBANE. — Queensland Museum. Annals, Ac. No. 8. 8°. 1908. BANDEIRA, BERNARDO, Marquess de Sdda. See SA NOGUEIRA DE FlGUEIREDO (B. DE) Marquess, Ac. Banks (Bight Hon. Excursion to June, 1767^i pp. 35, Proc. Bristol^l^turaUs Or. 3> 3> ' BANFIELD (E. J.) The Confessions of a Beach- comber : scenes and incidents in the career of an unprofessional Beachcomber in tropical Queensland. pp. xii, 336 : 49 pis., 1 map. 8°. London A Leipsic, 1908. BANGALORE. MYSORE GOVERNMENT MUSEUM. [Founded 1865.] (Administration) Annual Report, A c. No. 1— > 1905-6 (— 1906-7->). - / i 4°. [Bangalore, 1906->] Z-^ ./-> if- **£- • BANGS (OUTRAM) / List of the Mammals of Labrador. See GRENFELL (W. T.) Labrador : the Country and the People. Appendix IV. 8°. 1909. Banks (GEORGE) The Plymouth and Devonport Flora, Ac. [pp. i, 207.1 -,-... 8". [Devonport, 1830-32.] Tittc fcftc u«Ua*c*q . UtU-{i-eJL«»v-cffvex. Banks (Bight Hon. Sir JOSEPH) Bart. Icones selecte Plantarum quas in Japonia collegit et delineavit E. Ksempfer ex archetypis in Museo Britannico asser- vatis. [Edited and published by Sir J. Banks.] See KAEMPFER (E.) fol. 1791. 7576 o.G 3 3. erce- 199.] <*<*- Banks (Bight Hon. Sir WosEPufBart. Illustrations of Australian Plants collected in 1770 during Captain Cook's voyage round the world ... by the Right Hon. Sir J. Banks. . .and. . .D. Solander, Ac. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). [Botany.] fol. 1900-05. Banks (Bight Hon. Sir JOSEPH) Bart. Sir J. Banks : L the "Father of Australia." See MAIDEN (J. H.) 8°. 1909. 3. 'f. 56 1 L -A Banks (Right Han. Sir JOSEPH) Hurt. [Autograph manuscript of notes on Useful Plants.] pp. f>7. obi. 12". Banks (Right Hon. Sir JosKPH) Bart. [Manuscript lists of Plants collected during Cook's first voyage, in the order in which they were placed in the drying books for carriage home.] foil. /'•'. fol. Banks (Right Hon. Sir JOSEPH) Bart. Memoranda respecting the Bauksian Herbarium & Library copied [in the autograph of R. Brown in 1828] from notes in Sir Jsgcph Banks's writing in a folio book wbich he began in the year 1777. See BROWN (R.) of the British Mute it >n. fol. Printed in the " Journ. nf Botany," 1902. pp. AI/t-300 BANKS (NATHAN) [Plecoptera, Trichoptera and •hnida of the Commander Islands.] See UNITED STATUS. Fur Seal Enquiry. The Fur Seals and Fur- Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean, •!: text illutt. See UNITED STATUS. — Department of Agriculture.— Office of tlie Seerctnry. ReportNo. 108. 8". 1915. Banks (NATHAN) & Candell (A. N.) The Entomo- logical Code. A Code of Nomenclature for use in Entomology, pp. 31. 8°. Washington, D.C., 1912. Title from wrapper. Banks (NATHAN) & Lane (C. H.) Collection and Pre- servation of Insects and other material for use in the study of Agriculture, pp. IX: text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin 606. 8". 1914. BANNERMAN (WILLIAM BURNEY) The production of Alkali in liquid media by the Bacillus pestis. ji/i. I '. See SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of ... India, ttc. Now Scries. No. XXXIII. 4°. 1908. BARAGWANATH (WILLIAM) The Castlemaine Gold-field . .With Appendix by. . . J. W. Gregory. •/i/i. • ''<•'.- l.'i pis., 1H maps tt plans. See VICTORIA, Australia. — Geological Survey. Memoirs, ttc. No. 2. 4°. 1903. Baragwanath (WILLIAM) The Walhalla or Thomson River Copper mine . . . with Appendix by E. J. Dunn. pp. 1-i : ~ maps. Sec VICTORIA, Australia. — Geological Survey. Bulletins, ttc., No. 20. 8". 1906. Baragwanath (WILLIAM) The Berringa Gold-field. pp. [ii,] 17 [tf] : 13 ph., text Must. See VICTORIA, Australia. — Department of Mines. Memoirs, . See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 139. " 8°. 1911. Barber (THOMAS C.) & Newell (W.) The Argentine Ant. pp. OS: 1J ph., text illust. See UNITED STATES. —Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 122. 8°. 1913. BARBERA Y MARTI (FAUSTINO) Nota relativa al Esqueleto Humano de la Coleccion Paleontologica Botet- en Valencia. See SARAGOSSA. — SOCIEDAD ARA- GONESA DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Linneo en Espana, d-c. Pt. 3. 8°. 1907. EARBERINI (FRANCESCO) [1597-1679] Le Jardin de. . .Cardinal F. Barberini. [By E. Bonnet.] See MARTELLI (U.) Webbia, dc. 8°. 1905. BARBEY JAUGUSTE) Les Scolytides de 1'Europe centrale. Etude morphologique et biologique de la famille des Bostriches en rapport avec la protection des forets, do, pp. [i,\ 121 : 18 pis. 4°. Geneve d Paris, 1901. Barbey (AUGUSTE) Traite d'Entomologie forestiere 4 1'usage des forestiers, dc. pp. xiv, 62J,,: 8 pis, col., text Must. 8°. Paris d Nancy, 1913. Barbey (WILLIAM) Flora; Libycae Prodromus. . .Avec la colaboration de. . .W. Barbey, dc. See DUHAND (E.) & BAHRATTE (G.) 40. 1910. Barbosa Rodrigues (Jo5o) Palmse Mattogrossenses novae vel minus cognitse, dc. pp. xx, 88, ii, 1 tab. : %7 pis. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1898. Barbosa Rodrigues (Jolo) Palmse nova; Para- guayenses, rfc. pp. ix, 66 : 6 pis. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, 1899. Barbosa Rodrigues (JoXo) As Heveas, ou Serin- J^ gueiras, dc. See Rio DE JANEIRO. — Jardim Botanico. 8°. 1900. Barbosa Rodrigues (JOAO) Palmae Hasslerianae novae, ,» ou rela9ao das Palmeiras encontradas no Paraguay _£ pelo Dr. E. Hassler de 1898-1899. Determinadas e desenhadas por J. Barbosa Rodrigues. See Rio DE JANEIRO. — Jardim Botanico. 4°. 1900. Barbosa Rodrigues (JoXo) Contributions du Jardin $> Botanique de Rio de Janeiro, dc. 3 Pt. pp. 00 : 11 pis. See Rio DE JANEIRO. — Jardim Botanico. 4°. 1901-02. Barbosa Rodrigues (JOAO) Myrtacees du Paraguay. ^, Recueillies par . . . E. Hassler et determinees par J. Barbosa Rodrigues. pp. mi, 20 : 26 pis. 4°. Bruxelles, 1903. Barbosa Rodrigues (Jolo) Les Noces des Palmiers. o Remarques preliminaires sur la Fecondation. pp. 90 : •& 7 pis. (col.) 8°. Bruxelles, 1903. Barbosa Rodrigues (JoXo) Serturn Palmarum 8". [Barcelona,] BARCELONA.— Junta de Ciencies Naturals. J Proceedings, dc.\ An. 1916. _ 8°. Barcelona, [1916]. Barcelona. — Junta de Ciencies naturals. Publicacions, dc. Musei Barcinonensis Scientiarum Naturalium Opera. See infra, MUSEU DE CIENCIES NATURALS. go |Q/-i_s= 9. 100 /, S. 100$ BARCELONA. — Museu de Ciencies Naturals. — L (Museu Martorell.) [Founded 1882.] < Musei Barcinonensis Scientiarum Naturalium Opera. Series Zoologica. No. l-^,5f|l. 8°. Barcelona, 1917-*q(8. Each number contains a separately paged paper. 8 58 BARCELONA. Mnseu MartoreU. See MUSEC DK ClENCIES NATURALS. supra, M. L. /_, o-t-t, 3^ o.U. 20 Barcelona.— Real Academia de Ciencias, &c. Mt-morias, 4°. Barcelona, 1892-> Tom. I ill were tuned in sheets with the Boletin Tercera Epoca ; torn. Hi consisting of separately paged memoirs. Tom. rv-», Inde- pendently lulled, are In separately paged numbers, each containing a distinct Memoir. Barcelona. — Real Academia de Ciencias, &c. Ano academico, rfc. 1898— > |12*> obi. 12°. Barcelona [1899->] Barcelona.- Real Academia de Ciencias, &c. La Aluminotermia, propriedad y aplicaci6n interesante del Aluminio. Conferenoia publica experimental, 8°. 1786. BARCLAY (JOHN) Agriculturist. Notes on Rabbit keeping in the West Indies. See WEST INDIES. — Imperial Department of Agriculture. 8°. 1905. BARDENFLETH (K. S.) On the systematic position of Aeluropus melanoleucus. See JUNGERSEN (H. F. E.) & WARMING (J. E. B.) Mindeskrift i Anledniug at Hundredaaret for Japetus Steenstrups F0dsel, dc. No. 17. 4°. 1914. BARF (H. E.) The University of Sydney. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, dc. Handbook for New South Wales (1914). Sect. I. 8°. 1914. BARI, Province of. La terra di Bari sotto 1' aspetto storico, economico e naturale. Pubblicazione . . . per la Esposizione Universale de Parigi. S Vol. illiixt. fol. Trani, 1900. Vol. in contains :— Oeomorfogenia delta provincia di Bari [with geological map : Scale, 1 : 260,000, i.e. 1 in. = 4 m. alKiut] del F. Virgllio. Flora... per A. Palanza, publlcata [with a preface]... a cura di A. Jatta. Material! per Una Fauna Barese pel Prof. V. de Romita. BARKER (FREDERICK) See HALIFAX NATURALIST, T 1 1 E . . . Conducted by ... F. Barker. Vol. v. 8°. 1900-01 . BARKER (HENRY ASTON) Description of a view of the north coast of Spitzbergen . . . painted from drawings taken by Lieut. Beechey, who accompanied the Polar Expedition in 1818, Ac. pp. SO : 1 map. 8°. London, 1820. First U*ued In 1819. BARKER (THOMAS) [1838-1907] & Ingham (W.) A Census Catalogue of British Mosses . . . England, by Prof. Barker and W. Ingham, See BUDAPEST.— MAGYARHON I (^ KOLDTANI TARSULAT.— Barlangkutatd Szakosztdlya. 8". 1913-> BARLOW (ALFRED ERNEST) [1861-1914] Report on the Geology and Natural Resources of the area included /"L. by the Nipissing and Temiscaming map sheets, dc. ^ pp. 302 : It ph., 2 maps geol. col., text Must. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Annual Report. New Series, Vol. x, I. 8°. 1899. Barlow (ALFRED ERNEST) Descriptions ... of Rocks collected ... in Great Bear Lake district, roads, dc. [Scale, 1 : 600,000, i.e. 1 in. = 9J m. about.] -^ See PENNSYLVANIA, State of. [Maps.] col. 1861. - [Another edition.] (col.) 1862. BARNES (WILLIAM) & McDunnough MAM us H.) Contributions to the natural history of the Lepidoptera of North America.5 Vol. M* Must. S". Drcatur, III., BARNETT (V. H.) The Moorcroft Oil field and the Big Muddy Dome, Wyoming. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin 581-C. 8°. 1914. Barnett (V. H.) & others. Geology of the Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Indian reservations, North and South Dakota, pp. 4!): f> ph., 2 maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 575. 8°. 1914. BARNHART (.lon\ HENDLEY) Koeborliniacete. Set NEW YORK, City -if. — New York Botanic Gur.i-n. North American Flora. Vol. xxv, pt. 2. 8°. 1910. 59 BARODA, Government of. Report to the Government of Baroda on the Marine Zoology of Okhamandal in Kattiawar, Ac. Pt. 1-^K See HORNELL (J.) 4°. 1909-jftt Baroni (EuGENio) Sopra 1' Erbario di Linneo. Mano- scritto inedito di F. Parlatore, pubblicato dal. . .Prof. E. Baroni. — Oiraldia Stapfii, Bar., n.sp., e Atractylis ovata, Thunbg., var. simplicifolia, Loes. (?) n. var. non sono altra cosa che Atractylis chinensis DC. Con alcune osservazioni inedite sulla Flora Cinese di A. Frauchet. See MARTELLI (U.) Webbia, Ac. 8°. 1905. Baroui (EUGENIO) Guida Botanica ossia chiavi ana- litiche per determinare le Piaute spontanee che vivono principalmente nell' Italia media, Ac. pp. xxiv, 574 [I] : text illust. 8°. Bocca S. Casciano, 1907. BARRACIiOTTGH (GEORGE) Morphology of the Cal- careous Skeleton, as manifested in Silicious Rocks, Ac. pp. 12. 8°. London [1892]. BARRAL (ETIENNE VICTOR) [I860-] Tableaux Synop- tiques de Mineralogie, determination des Mineraux, Ac. pp. .%' : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1903. Barrande (JOACHIM) Versuoh einer Classification der Trilobiten. pp. 22. 8°. [Vienna, 1850.] Sitzungsb. K. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Jahrg. 1850, abth. II. Barrande (JOACHIM) Cephalopodes Siluriens de la Boheme. Groupement des Orthoceres. pp. 38. 8°. Prague A Paris, 1868. Reprinted from the author's " Systeme Silurien du centre de la Boheme." Vol. II. Barrande (JOACHIM) Systeme Silurien du Centre de la Boheme . . . lre partie : Recherches paWontologiques, Ac. [Continued] 4°. Prag, 1899-1911. Tom. IV. Gasteropodes, par J. Perner. 3 Vol. Must. 1903-11. ,, 2. Crinoides, parW. WaagenetJ. Jahn, . Palencia, 1899. Barras de Aragoii (FRANCISCO DE LAS) Noticias acerca de Kew Gardens y otros establecimentos botani- cos de Europa. 8°. Madrid, 1910. Auales de la Junta para ampliacidn de estudios e investigaciones cientincas. Tom. II, pp. (19-250. Barras de Aragoii (FRANCISCO DE LAS) Noticias sobre los cultivos Alpinos, Ac. 8°. Madrid, 1910. Auales de la Junta para ampliacidn de estudios e investigaciones cientiflcas. Tom. II, pp. 3S:l--sia. Barras de Aragoii (FRANCISCO DE LAS) Datos acerca del cultivo de las Plantas acuaticas, crasas, bulbosas, epifitas y parasitas. 8°. Madrid, 1910. Anales de la Junta para ampliacidn de estudios e investigaciones cientincas. Tom. n, pp. SSl-JOU. Barras de Aragon (FRANCISCO, DE LAS) Algunos indices de la serie de Craneos del Africa Tropical exist- entes en el Royal College of Surgeons of England, Ac. pp. 14. 8°. Mhdrid [1911 ?]. AsociacMn Espaaola para el Progreso de las Ciencias : Congreso de Granada. (Seccidn 1" Ciencias Naturales.) 1911 ? Medina Barras de Aragoii (FRANCISCO DE LAS) « meama i y Ramos (M.) Datos Craniorne'tricos obtenidos del _ , estudio de los ejemplares existentes en la Esquela Pro- ) . (OOo. vincial de Medicina de Sevilla. pp. l-r>. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, Ac. Tom. xxvn. 8°. 1898. Barratte (JEAN FRANJOIS GUSTAVE) & Duraiicl (E.) ^ Florae Libycse Prodromus, ou Catalogue raisonne des Plantes de Tripolitaine, Ac. See DURAND (E.) & BARHATTE (J. F. G.) _ 4°. 1910. Q- 3 j L I" VT ~ 'is BARRELL (JOSEPH) U Geology of the Marysville mining district, Montana. A study of Igneous Intru- sion and Contact Metamorphism. pp. x, 178: 13 pis., 3 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Papers No. 57. 4°. 1907. BARRES, Loiret. — Arboretum National. Arboretum National des Barres. Enumeration des vegetaux ligneux indigenes et exotiques qui y sont cultives, Ac. See PARDE (L. G. C.) 8°. 1906. BARRETT (CHARLES) From Range to Sea : a Bird Lover's Ways . . . With Preface by D. Macdonald, Ac. pp. 62 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Melbourne, 1907. First impression, Nov. 1907. Barrett (CHARLES GOLDING) Fauna and Flora of Norfolk. Part v. Lepidoptera. pp. 80. See NORFOLK & NORWICH NATURALISTS' SOCIETY. Transactions, Ac. 1873-4, Supplement. 8°. 1874. Barrett (CHARLES GOLDING) Lepidoptera of Norfolk. pp. 18. 4°. [London, 1884.] Reprinted from Mason's " History of Norfolk." Barrett (CHARLES GOLDING) The Lepidoptera of the-" British Islands, Ac. 11 Vol. illust. col. 8". London, 1892-1907. ^V . - Alphabetical-ifst of Species . ..jorfning a supple- mentary index, Ac. pp. 20. ^^o°. London, 1907. BARRETT (0-Tis WARREN) The Changa, or Mole [ | 87i~ Cricket (Scapteriscus didactylus, Latr.), in Porto Rico. -~ pp. 19 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Porto Rico Agricultural Station. V. Bulletin No. 2. 8°. 1902. [Spanish edition.] La Changa, Ac. Boletin No. 2. 8°. 1902. Barrett (OTIS WARREN) & Cook (0. F.) Promising o (T^Liv- Root Crops for the South. I. Yautias, Taros, and J- •J~^rl ° Dasheens. By O. W. Barrett. . .11. Agricultural history and utility of the cultivated Aroids. By 0. F. Cook. pp. 43: 10 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 164. 8°. 1910. BARRETT-HAMILTON (GERALD EDWIN HAMIL- TON) See HAMILTON (G. E. H. B.) BARRIXTGER (DANIEL MOHEAU) [I860-] A descrip- f*/\ tion of Minerals of commercial value, Ac. pp. 168. obi. 8". New York A London, 1897. 60 M Barringer (DANIEL MOREAU) Meteor Crater (formerly called Coon Mountain or Coon Butte) in northern cen- pp. '^4 : M Gr Z tral Arizona^ dc. pp. ~4 •' 1$ pis., 3 maps, text illust. 4°. [Philadelphia? 1910.] Title from wrapper. This paper was read l>efore the National Academy of Sciences, at its Autumn Meeting at Princeton University, November 10th, 1909. Barrington (RICHARD MANLIPPE) [Birds of the Dublin district.] See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, dc. Hand- book to the City of Dublin, aper appeared in the ' ' Edinb. Month. Journ. Med. Sci." Vol. xx, 1855. BARRT (WILLIAM) Venezuela: a visit to the Gold mines of Guyana, and voyage up the River Orinoco during 1886, with a brief sketch of the mineral wealth . . .of Venezuela, pis. 8°. Stuttgart, 1910. BARTENEV (ALEKSANDR NlKOLAEVlcn) Kollektziya Strekoz iz okrestnostei Ozera Uvil' dui Ekatermburgh- skagho uyezda Permsloi ghub. [On a collection of A Odonata from the environs of Lake Uvildy in the Ekaterinburg district of the Perm govt.] pp. 40. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOTSPUITATELEI, • 8°. 1892— > BARTHOLIN" (C. T.) Planteforsteninger fra Holster - hus paa Bornholm. pp. 36: 4 plg- [With French rrsitme.] See DENMARK. — DANMARKS GEOLOGISKK UNDERS0GELSE. II. Rsekke. [Memoirs.] No. 24. 8°. 1910. Bartholin (C. T.) & R0rdam (K.) Om Forekomsten af Juraforsteninger i 10se Blokke i Moraeneler ved K0ben- havn. pp. 16 : 1 pi. See DENMARK. — DANMARKS GEO- LOGISKE UNDERS0GELSE. [Publications.] II. Rsekke. [Memoirs.] No. 7. 8°. 1897. IPp- The BARTHOLOMEW (JOHN GEORGE) [1860-KJ Survey Atlas of_ England and Wales . . . prepared under See ENGLAND AND fol. 1903-04. ^jreoyon Of j Q Bartholomew. WALES. [Maps.] .b. Bartholomew (JOHN G.) The Survey Gazetteer of the British Isles, do. pp; [vi,] 928: S pis. col., ~/,2 maps and plans, col. 8°. London, 1904. Bartholomew (JOHN G.) & others. Bartholomew's Physical Atlas. Vol. in & v. fol. London, etc., 1889, 1911. Vol. III. Atlas of Meteorology. . .prepared by J. G. Bartholomew and A. J. Herbertson and edited by A. Buchan. pp. [iv,] ItO, xiv : Sit pis. col. 1899. „ V. Atlas of Zoogeography ... prepared by J. G. Bartholo- mew. . . W. E. Clarke. . .and P. H. Grimshaw. pp. [vi,] 67: [xi]: 36 pis. col. 1911. Bartlett (EDWARD) The Ethnological, Zoological and Botanical Note Book of Sarawak, being notes [by > E. Bartlett & others] reprinted from the " Sarawak Gazette." 1894-96. 2 Pt. See SARAWAK. 8°. [1894-96.] Bartlett (EDWARD) & others. Notes on the Birds of Kent, dc. See BALSTON (R. J.) d others. 8°. 1907. J BARTLETT (HARLEY HARRIS) The source of the drug Dioscorea, with a consideration of the Dioscoreae if & found in the United States, pp. %'J : text Must. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 189. 8°. 1910. Bartlett (HARLEY H.) The purpling chromogen of a Hawaiian Dioscorea. pp. 17: 1 pi., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 264. 8°. 1918. Bartlett (HARLEY H.) & True (R. H.) Absorption and excretion of Salts by Roots, as influenced by concentration and composition of culture solutions. I. Concentration relations of dilute solutions of Calcium and Magnesium Nitrates to Pea Roots, pp. 36 : 1 pi., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 231. . 8°. 1912. BARTOLOZZI (FRANCESCO) [1730-1813] Lettera contenente alcune sperienze chimiche sopra la Zeolite del San Gottardo, conosciuta sotto il nome di Adularia, o Feldspato, dc. 4°. [Milan, 1784.] Opuscoli scelti. Tom. VII, pp. ^G-SO. BARTON (BENJAMIN SMITH) [1766-1815] [Collec- tions for an Essay towards a Materia Medica of the United States. 8°. Philadelphia, 1798.] Wanting. - Pt. I. pp. xii, G4. 8°. Philadelphia, 1801. A second edition of the preceding. - Pt. II. pp. i-vii, 9-10, 1-53. 8°. Philadelphia, 1804. - With Biography and Portrait, pp. 10, vii, 49, iv, xvi, 53, vii. See\ Tirmrn (T, TJi) i!li (0. J.) Bulletin «f thn Tlnyfl Libr^jr Bf Botany, dc. No. 1. 8°. 1900. A reprint of Pt. I, first ed. ; and of Pt. II. | C*^vt*^vwvO_Ci. M Co.- A Barton afterwards Gepp (ETHEL SAHEL) The genus Halimeda. pp. 33: J^ pis., text illust. See WEBER (M. C. W.) Siboga-Expeditie, dc. Monograph LX. 4°. 1901. Barton afterwards Gepp (ETHEL S.) [Marine Algae L . from West Africa.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL $. 01 • 6-o-< HISTORY). Botany. Catalogue of the African Plants =— collected by... F. Welwitsch in 1853-61. Vol. II. _£> 8°. 1901. Barton afterwards Gepp (ETHEL S.) [Algse from L the Antarctic Regions.] See BRITISH MUSEUM 0 CM . QJL. (NATURAL HISTORY). Report on the Collections . . . • — made. . .during the Voyage of the " Southern Cross." ~ZL . G" . 8°. 1902. Barton afterwards Gepp (ETHEL S.) List of Marine Algse collected by Prof. Herdman, at Ceylon, in 4J 1902, with a Note on the Fructification of Halimeda. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Report to the Govern- ment of Ceylon on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, dc. Supplementary Reports, No. 2. 4°. 1903. Barton afterwards Gepp (ETHEL S.) & Gepp (A.) 1—, Phaeophyceae and Floridese [of the Antarctic Regions]. (5 M (jLe. - See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). National '_ Antarctic Expedition. 1901-1904. Natural History. 12 y fj( Vol. Ill, Zoology and Botany, dc. Marine Algae, No. 1.^' ' 4°. 1907. Barton afterwards Gepp (ETHEL S.) & Gepp (A.) /__. The Codiaceae of the Siboga Expedition, including a *-/-1 4-, lA Monograph of the Flabellarieae and Udotese. See WEBER '_ (M. C. W.) Siboga-Expeditie, dc. Monog. LXII. 32 4°. 1911. Barton afterwards Gepp (ETHEL S.) & Gepp (A.) Marine Algae of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedi- , tion. See SCOTTISH OCEANOGRAPHICAL LABORATORY. ' — ^ Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the \ . 8°. Berlin, 1793. Mug. von merlcwiird. neuen Helaebeschrelb. IUI. x. B ARTRUM (JoiiN ARTHUR) & Henderson (J.) The Geology of the Aroha subdivision, Hauraki, Auckland. pp. rii, /.'.', 1 tab. : /••> pis., JO maps (col.), text illust. See NEW ZEALAND. — Geological Survey. Bulletin, New Series, No. 16. 4°. 1913. Bartram (JOHN A.) & Morgan (P. G.) List of the Minerals of New Zealand. See NEW ZEALAND. — Geological Survey. 8°. 1913. Bartram (JOHN A.) & Morgan (P. G.) The Geology and Mineral Resources of the Buller-Mokihinui sub- division, Westport division, pp. viii, 210, 1 tab. : 81 /-/«. (/ col.), !> maps (2 plain). See NEW ZEALAND.— Geological Survey. Bulletin, New Series, No. 17. 4°. 1915. BARTSCH (PAUL) [1871-] Report on the Turton Collection of South African marine Mollusks, with additional notes on other South African Shells contained in the United States National Museum, pp. xii, 806 : ~>4 pis. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 91. 8°. 1915. Bartsch (PAUL) & Dall (W. H.) A Monograph of West American Pyramidellid Mollusks. pp. xii, 258 : 30 pis. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 68. 8°. 1909. Bartsch (PAUL) & Dall (W. H.) New species of Shells collected by. . . J. Macoun at Barkley Sound, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, pp.::. Spit. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir No. 14-N. [No. 1, Biological Series.] 8°. 1910. Barvir (JINDRICH LADISLAV) PHspevek ku podouzeni puvodu ruly od hradu Husy a svoru od Eisensteiuu. [Contribution to an opinion on the origin of the Gneiss at Castle Husy and the Mica-schist at Eisenstein.] pp. 17 : text illust. See PBAGUE. — KOENIOLICH-BOEHMISCHE (iESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsbe- richte, rfc. 1898, No. 8. 8°. 1899. Barvir (JINDRICH L.) O nekterych krystalech Cerussitu ze Stfibra. [On a Cerussite crystal from Mies.] 8 Pt. illust. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH- BOEHMISCHE OESELLSCHAFT DEB WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, Ac. 1900, No. 36 ; 1901, No. 17 & 33. 8°. 1901, 1902. Barvir (.JINDRICH L.) O Epidotu od Jflove'ho. [On Epidote from Eule.] pp. IS. See PRAGUE. — KiiKSK.l.l' H HOKHMISCIIE (IESELLSCHAFT DER WIS8EN- SCHAFTBN. Sitzungsberichte, . £ ~ See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. — Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections. Vol. XLI, no. 117:!. 8". 1899. . L Basle. Natnrforscliende Gesellschaft. Namenverzeichnis und Sachregister der Biinde 6 bis 12, 1875-1900 der Verhandlungen, rfc. pp. 71. 8°. Basel, 1901 BASLZ. Naturhistorisclies Museum. (Founded 1822.] Bericht.. .fitr das Jahr 1913. jrp.M. 8°. Basel, 1914. L Verhandl. Naturf. Gesell. Basel. Bd. XXV. Earlier Rcirorts appeared J • I In the »ame Serial. 63 BASLE. Zoologischer Garten. Jahresbericht 1898 (1899, 1900). 3 No. 8°. Basel, 1899 (-1901). Basle.— Zoologischer Garten. Verzeichnis der Tiere und Plan des Gartens zur Orien- tieruug fiir die Besucher, von Dir. Hagmann. Funfte Auflage. pp.Jfti: 1 plan col., text illust. 8°. Basel, 1901. Bassani (FRANCESCO) La Ittiofauna del calcare Eoce- nico di Gassino in Piemonte. pp. 41 : Spls. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, 2. . r 1'Allemand & annotee par P. Lucciana. ' o See GREGOHOVIUS (F.) 8°. 1881. <-*" Bastia. Societe des Sciences . . . de la Corse. Voyage geologique et mineralogique en Corse . . . 1820-21. See GUEYMARD (E.) 8°. 1883. Bastia. — Societe des Sciences . . . de la Corse. Corsica. Traduction de P. Lucciana. 2 Vol. See GREGOHOVIUS (F.) 8°. 1883-84. Bastia. — Societe des Sciences . . . de la Corse. P. Cyrnaei . . . De Rebus Corsicis libri quatuor. Chronique Corse, traduite en Fran9ais par M. 1'Abbe Letteron. See CIRNEO (P.) 8°. 1884. BASTIN (EDSON SUNDERLAND) [1878-J Economic Geology of the Feldspar deposits of the United States. pp. 80 : !j pis. ,3 maps geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 420. 8°. 1910. Bastin (EDSON S.) Geology of the Pegmatites and associated rocks of Maine, pp. 152: 18 ph., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 445. 8°. 1911. [_ ^.. 7 .C Bastin (EDSON S.) of Colorado, pp. I. Geological Survey. Geology of the Pitchblende Ores : 1 pi. See UNITED STATES. — Professional Paper No. 90-A. 4°. 1914. Bastin (EDSON S.) Graphite. See NORTH CAROLINA, 1— State of. — Geological and, Economic Survey. Economic f_ Paper No. 34. The Mining Industry. . .during 1911 and 1912, . VIII, torn, ir, 1907. Bataille (FREDERIC) Les Bolets. Classification et $ determination des especes. pp. 30. 8°. Besancon, 1908. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Doubs. No. 15, Jan.-Avril, 1908. Bataille (!'HKI>KKIC) Florc analytique des Inocybes d'Europe. pp. 27 [J]. 8°. Besangon, 1910. Bull Soc. Hint. Nat. Doubs. No. IS. (Seance du 20 Decembre 1906.) Bataille (FRKDKRIC) Flore inonographique des Hygro- phores. pp. &7. 8°. Besanqon, 1910. Mem. Soo. Emulation Doulw. Ser. VIII, torn. IT, 1909. Bataille (FRKDKRIC) Flore analytique des Morilles ct des Helvelles. pp. f). 8". Besanqon, 1911. Bataille (FRKDKRIC) Flore monographique des Cor- tinaires d'Europe. pp. II .'. 8". Besanqon, 1912. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Doubs. No. 21, 1911. Bataille (FRKDKRIC) & Quelet (L.) Flore mono- graphique des Amanites et des L<5piotes. See QCKLET (L.) & BATAILLE (F.) 8°. 1902. BATAVIA. — Visscherij -Station. See DUTCH EAST INDIES. — Departement van Landbouw. Batavia. Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vereen- iging in Nederlandsch Indie. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie, dc. Alphabetisoh Register op Deel LI-LX, tfc. pp. n.~>. tj c *$• 's-Gravenhage, 1901. BATCHELOR (ERNEST).! The non-deterioration of the Soil, 5,r> [2]. 8°. London, 1861-66. Bates (HENRY W.) On the Longicorn Coleoptera of New Zealand, pp. 23. 8°. [London, 1874.] Bates (HENRY W.) [Collection and preservation of objects of Natural History.] See ROYAL GEOGRAPHI- CAL SOCIETY. Hints to Travellers ... Eighth edition, rfc. Vol. H, sect. IV. 8°. 1901. BATESON (E.) The tapping of the Para Rubber Tree : some physiological experiments, pp. f>4 : £ ph., text illust. See FEDERATED MALAY STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 23. 8°. 1914. 7JL£. Bateson (WILLIAM) Mendel's Principles of Heredity. A I >efence . . . With a translation of Mendel's original Papers on Hybridisation, pp. xiv, \ //,] .'/ .' : 1 port. ;< .J ' 8°. Cambridge, 1902. Bateson (WILLIAM) Mmdul's Principles of Heredity. pp. fir, ;.'».: (i ph. col., 3 ports. 8°. Cambridge, 1909. Bath. [Maps.] [A coloured photographic reproduction of] " A Map of 5 miles round the City of Bath on a scale of one inch & half to a mile. . .1799," [geologically coloured the same year by \V. Smith.] col. [1897.] The original Is In the pouestlon of the Geological Society of London, to whom it wai presented by W. Smith In 18iil. "P.' Bather (FRANCIS ARTHUR^ Brachiopoda ( — Echino- derina). See LYDEKKKR (R.) tf others. The Concise Knowledge Natural History. 8". 1897. Bather (FRANCIS A.) The genera and species of L Blastoidea, with a List of the specimens in the... T>.^ Museum. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). -?~ Geology. 8°. 1899. Bather (FRANCIS A.) The Echinoderma [Pelmatozoa]. See LANKESTER (E. R.) A Treatise on Zoology. Pt. 1 1 1. 8". 1900. Bather (FRANCIS A.) Che cosa e un Echinoderma? Con note di A. Russo. pp. 37 : text illust. 8°. Torino, Ac. [1901.] A translation of the paper in the " Journ. City of London College Sol. Soc." Vol. vin. Bather (FRANCIS A.) Presidential Address to the. Museums Association, delivered at Aberdeen, July, 1908,$;b.< Ac. 8". [London, 1903.] Museums Journal, Vol. Ill, 1903. pp. ~/-»4, 110-lSi: pit. i-xxxvi. Bather (FRANCIS A.) The Lower Palaeozoic Fossils of the northern Shan States, Burma. By F. R. /*• C. Reed... With a section on Ordovician Cystidea by ^ F. A. Bather, pp. 134: 8 pis., text illust. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Palseontologia Indica, Ac. New Series, Vol. II, memoir no. 8. 4°. 1906. Bather (FRANCIS A.) A Guide to the Fossil In-. |- vertebrate Animals in the Department of Geology o-M and Palaeontology in the British Museum (NaturakCd. History), Ac. See BRITISH MUSKUM (NATURAL Hls-J.5- TORY). [Guides, rfc.J 8". 1907. ~f*~ Second edition. 8°. 1911. Bather (FRANCIS A.) Index to Desor's Synopsis des Echinides Fossiles . . . Avec une Note sur les dates de publication du " Synopsis." Par J. Lambert. pp.4 /ih., 1', maps (col.), i •• , i illust. 8°. Baton Rouge, La., 1902. i ii-ol. Survey of Louiilana. Rept. of 1903. L G. C 65 Batsch (AUGOST JOHANN GEORG CARL) Verzeichniss der Graflich Reuss-Plauischen Naturaliensammlung zu Kostritz. [By A. J. G. C. Batsch.] See KOESTRITZ. 8°. 1785. BATTANDIER i-TuLES AIME) Flore de I'Alg^rie. Supplement aux Phane'rogames. pp. 90, Hi. 8°. Paris 8°. Alger, 1896-> Fasc. I [= Vol. I) contains :— Catalogue des Lichens. Par C. Flagey. Catalogue des Algues. Par F. Debray. Catalogue des Diatomees. Par P. Petit. Ba.ttand.ier (JULES A.) & Trabnt (L.) L'Algerie : le Sol et les Habitants, Flore, Faune, Ge'ologie, Anthro- pologie, dc. pp. viii, 360 : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1898. Battaiiclier (JULES A.) & Trabut (L.) Flore analy- tique & synoptique de I'Alg&ie et de la Tunisie. pp. 460. ' 8°. Alger, 1904. C 1*0X3 Battel (ANDREW) The Strange Adventures of A. Baitell of Leigh, in Angola and the adjoining regions . . . Edited, with Notes ... by E. G. Ravenstein. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, rfc. Ser. II, no. 6. 8°. 1901. Batters (EDWARD ARTHUR LIONEL) [Marine Algoo of the Clyde area.] See ELLIOT (G. F. S.) Fauna, Flora & Geology of the Clyde area, 8°. 1900-> Bauer (MAX H.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Laterits, insbesondere dessen von Madagaskar. See NEUES JAHRBUCH FUER MINERALOGIE . . . Festband zur Feier des lOOjahrigen Bestehens, 1807-1907. 8°. 1907. Bauer (MAX H.) Gesteinsproben der Witu-Inseln, vom Zanzibar-Archipel, von den Comoren, Madagaskar, Ceylon, Sc. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Reise in Ostafrika, <£c. Bd. I, abt. II, hft. 1. 4°. 1911. Bauerman (HILARY) & others. A descriptive Cata- logue of the Rock Specimens in the Museum of Practical Geology, rfc. See MUSEUM OF PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. 8°. 1858. - Third edition, dc. 8°. 1862. Bauhin (CASPAR) L'Herbier de G. Bauhiu determine par A. P. de Candolle. See CANDOLLE (Auo. P. DE) 8°. [1904.] BAUM (HERMANN) Kunene - Sambesi - Expedition H. Baum. 1903. . . Herausgegeben von. . .O. Warburg. pp.xi,,r>rJ.1: 14 pis. (1 col.), text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Reisebericht von H. Baum. Botanische Ergebnisse. Fungi, von P. Hennings. Pteridophyta, von G. Hieronymus. MonocotyledoneK, von U. Dammer, A. Engler, E. Gilg, M. Gurke, H. Harms, F. Kriinzlin, A. Nilsson, R. Pilger, W. Ruhland, R. Schlechter, K. Schumann. Nachtrag von J. G. Baker. Dicotyledonea.-, von U. Dammer, A. Engler, E. Gilg, M. GUrke. H. Hallier, H. Harms, O. Hoffmann, F. Kamienski, G. Lindau, T. Loesener, F. Pax, R. Schlechter, K. Schumann, I. Urban, 0. Warburg, E. Warming. Ueberslcht iiber die geographische Verbreitung der von Baum gesam- melten Pflanzen, von G. Hegi. Pflanzengeographische Ergebnisse, von O. Warburg. Die Nutzptlanzen Sud-Angolas, von O. Warburg. Zoologische Ergebnisse. Die Antilopenarten, von A. Sokolowsky: Bemerkungen liber einige Kriechtiere, vou A. Sokolowsky. Die Lepidopteren, von G. Weymer. Einige neue Ameisen aus Sud-Angola, von A. Forel. 9 .-2 / fj f» * *y • a M 7*. o- 66 J> / xB Baum (HERMANN) & Ellenberger (W.) Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Hausthiere . . . Neunte Auflage. See ELLENBERGER (W.) & BAUM (H.) 8°. 1900. BAUMANN (EUGEN) Beitrage zur Flora des Un- tersees (Bodensee). pp. /*. 8°. [Frauenfeld, 1908.] MitU'11. ThuniHU. Naturf. Oesell. Hft. xvm. BAUMANN (FRANZ) Brasilianische Batrachier des Berner Naturhistorischen Museums. 8". Jena, 1912. Zoologlsi-he Jahrbilcher. Bd. XXXIir.pp. S7-l~i:Splt. (ml.) BAUMBERGER (ERNST) Fauna der untern Kreide im westschweizerischen Jura. Thl. I— > illust. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAEONTOLOGISCHE GF.SI .u. SCHAFT. Abhandlungen, Ac. Vol. xxx, xxxn, xxxm, xxxrv, xxxv & xxxvi. 4". 1903— > Baumberger (ERNST) & Heim (A.) Palaeontologisch- stratigraphische Untersuchung zweier Fossilhori/.onto an der Valangien-Hauterivien-Grenze im Churfirsten- Mattstockgebiet, itc. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAEON- TOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, Ac. Vol. XXXIV. 4°. 1907 [i.e. 1908]. Baumberger (ERNST) & Menzel (P. J.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tertiarflora aus dem Gebiete des Vier- waldstiitter Sees. pp. 84 : 4 pi*., text illust. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAEONTOLOGISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. Abhandlungen, K'iJ of Botany. A contribution towards a Bibliotheca "t?,, Bibliographica, Ac. 8°. [Jena, 1909.] c Sonder-Abdruck aus " Propressus rei Botanica) "... Herauspetreben (> : 4 pls.^. |7 (col.) See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESI.I.I, SCHAFT DEB WISSENSCHAFTEN. Spisuv poctenych Jubilejn6 Cenou, Ac. 6is. iv. 8°. 1890. Bayer (FRANTISEK) Tentorium osseum v lebce Ssavcfi. f_^ [Tentorium osseum in the skulls of some Mammalia. Jr. . pp. 14 : 2 pis. See PRAGUE.— CESK A AKADEMIE cisARp- '7 FRANTISKA JOSKFA, Ac. Rozpravy . . . Tfida II. Roc. VI, cis. 9. 8°. 1897. 67 Bayer (FRANTI|EK) Poznamky o vyvoji jazyka u A jesterek. [Observations on the development of the Lizard.] pp. 9, : S pis. See PRAGUE. — CESKA AKADEMIE CISAKE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, /.. /<.// illutt. 8". London, l. 8". London, 1904. — [Another edition.] pp. r. ../. 8". London, 1904. Printed on one side of the paper ouly. ' xiii^Sj^tXyfe. fj 570 - BEATTIE (W. R.) ^The Peanut, pp. ;W : text illust. Set UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 431. 8°. 1911. BE AUCHAMP (PAUL MARAIS DE) Rotiferes [from the Antarctic regions]. See FRANCE. [Voyages, (tc.~ Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Fran9aise (1908-1910), commandee par . . . J. Charcot. Sciences naturelles, etc. 4". 1913. Beauchamp (PAUL M. DE) Turbellaria Triclada.— Trematoda. — Gordiacea. See ALLUAUD (C. A.) & JF.AN- NEL (R.) Voyage ... en Afrique Orientale (1911-1912). R6sultats Scientifiques. 8°. 1913. Z L- _Beaufort_ (LIEVEN FERD. DE) [1879-] = Dutch New Guinea. See WICHMANN (C. E. A.) Nova Guinea, rfc. Vol. v, livr. 3. 4°. 1909. T>' Birds from^fw Beaufort (LIEVEN F. DE) & Weber (M. C. W.) The •«•: Fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. [Vol.] I— > ' See WEBER (M. C. W.) & BEAUFORT (L. F. DE) 8°. 1911-> •••'• Beaufort (LIEVEN F. DE) & Weber (M. C. W.) Con- , tributions to the knowledge of Indo-Australiau Fishes.-, y~ pp. 21 : text illust. See AMSTERDAM. — KONINKLIJKK} Jot AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen. . . Tweede Sectie, rfc. Deel. xvn, no. 3. 8". 1912. BEAULIEU (PAUL LEROY-) (PAUL) See LEROY-BEAULIEU BEAUMONT (HENRY HAMOND DAWSON) [1867-1 A Journey to the Diamond Fields of Minas Geraes and Remarks on the province of Minas Geraes. pp. •:<>. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Foreign Office. Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Miscellaneous Series. No. 494. 8". 1899. BEAURIEU (GASPARD GUILLARJ Abrege de 1'Histoire des personnes . . . Par 1'auteur G. G. de Beaurieu]. Mr,- Beaurieu torie der Beaurieu] 5^1795] aux jeiuies Histoire [i.e. 8°. 1764. VttU ' de His- G. G. de H". 1768. L BEAUVERt) ( GUSTAVE) Sur quelques stations nou- velles ou interessantes de la Florule du Grand-Saint- Bernard. j>j>. :.'. Sec CHAMBESY. — Herbier Boisaier. M&noires, rfc. No. 21, C. 8". 1900. Beauverd (GUSTAVE) [For official publications as Conservator] See CUAMBESY. — Herbier Boissier. BEAUVERIE (JOSEPH) Etudes sur le polymorphisme des Champignons : influence du milieu, pp. 2GG : text illust. See LYONS. — UNIVERSITE. Annales, rfc. Nou-JT' £ velle Se"rie, Fasc. in. 8°. 1900. ' ' Beauvisage (GEORCES KriiENE CHARLES) Genera •» Montrouzierana. Plantarum Novce Caledonise. pp. 96. *^ 8°. Paris, 1901. Beauvisage (GEOROES I-',. C.) [For official publica- tions as Director of the Botanical Garden] See LYONS, f — FACULTK in: MI 111:1 INI: in DK I-IIARMACIE. — Jardin Botaniqiii1. 69 BEAZLEY (CHARLES BAYMOND) [1868-1 The texts and versions of John de Piano Carpini and William de Kubruquis as printed ... by Hakluyt in 1598, together with some shorter pieces. Edited [with notes] by C. K. Beazley. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. 8". 1903. Beccari (ODOABDo) Formicidse Borneenses collect® a J. Doria et 0. Beccari in territorio Sarawak annis 1865-1867, 7 : 13 pis., 4 maps, text illust. 8". Firenze, 1902. Beccari (ODOARDO) L' Istituto di Studi superiori di Firenze, la chiusura del Museo Botauico e le sue peri- pezie, <£c. pp. 16. 8°. Bocca S. Casciano, 1903. Beccari (ODOARDO) [Palmse of the Philippine Islands.] See PERKINS (J. B.) Fragmenta Florae Philippine, (Text & Plates.) See CALCUTTA.— Royal Botanic Gardens. Annals, fol. 1908 — > Beccari (ODOARDO) Le Palme " Dum " od " Hyphsene " e piu specialmente quelle dell' Affrica Italiana. pp. 4-> • 3 pis. 8". Firenze, 1908. Agricoltura Colouiale. Ann. II. Beccari (ODOARDO) [Palmee from Dutch New Guinea.] See WICHMANN (C. E. A.) Nova Guinea, <#c. Vol. VIII, livr. 1. 4". 1909. Beccari (ODOARDO) [Palmse from Equatorial Africa.] See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliehe Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, 1907-1908, (S. J.) [For work in connection with the Geological Survey] See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. - Geological Survey. [Maps.] Beclistein (JoiiANN MATTHAEUS) Getreue Abbil- dungen naturhistorischer Gegeustande in Hinsicht auf Bechsteins kurzgefasste gemeinniitzige Naturgeschichte des In- und Auslandes, rfc. 8 Bd. illust. 8°. Nilrnberg, 1793-1809. Wanting Bd. II & VI. Bechstein (JOHANN M.) F. Le Vaillant's Naturge- schichte der Afrikanischen Vogel. Aus dem Fran- zosischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkuugen 'versehen von J. M. Bechstein. Bd. l.f See LEVAILLANT (F.) 4°. [1797-] 1802. BECK (CARL EICJIARD) [1858^--' Geplogischer weiser di Meissen uHlfTetschen. --stfP- [viii,] 162 :^map. '•xKK*v. Afe.l- '8°. Berlin, 1897! Beck (CARL B.) Lehre von den Erzlagerstatten. pp. xviii, 724 •' 1 map, text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1901. - Dritte . . . Auflage, etc. 2 Bd. illust. 8". Berlin, 1909. ' >- I 3 M -TT 70 Beck (CARL B.) The Nature of Ore Deposits. . .Trans- lated mid revised by W. H. Weed... First edition. 2 Vol. illimt. pp. riv, 6VV.7 : / map col., text illust. 8". New York A London, 1905. BECK (CONRAD) Cantor Lectures on the Theory of the Microscope, pp. •' : text illust. 8°. London, 1908. BECK . 1 1 i.i N KM m Geologisch-tektonische Uebersichts- karte von Miihren und Schlesien . . . Der Ungarische Teil von. . .H. Beck. . .Massstab, 1 : 300,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 4f m. about]. See MORAVIA. [Maps.] col. 1911. BECK (LEWIS CALEB) [1798-1858] A Manual of Botany . . . Fourth edition, Ac. [With an Appendix by L. C. Beck.] See EATON (A.) 8°. 1824. BECK (PAUL) Geologic der Gebirge nordlich von Interlaken. pp. ix, 100 : 6 ph. (1 col.), 2 maps geol. col., tfxt illust. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Giologique Suiite. Beitrage, Ac. Neue Folge, Lief. XXIX. 4°. 1911. BECK (RICHARD) See BECK (CARL B.) BECK (WlLHELM VON) [1822-] Khimicheskii sostav r.]>idotov iz nyekotoruikh Russkikh myestorozhdenii. [On. the chemical composition of Epidote from some Russian strata.] See ST. PETERSBURG. — Ghornuii InstUut. Nanchno-istoricheskii Sbornik, Ac. Pt. II, no. 6. 8°. 1873. Beck von Mannagetta (GuENTHERjAOrobanchaceae. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (TK. A. E.) Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, See BEICHENBACH (H. G. L.) 4". [1900->] Beck von Mannagetta (GUENTHER) Die Vegetations- verhiiltnisse der Illyrischen Lander begreifend Siid- kroatien, die Quarnero-Ihseln, Dalmatien, Bosnien und die Hercegovina, Montenegro, Nordalbanien, den Novipazar und Serbien. pp. xv, f>84 : 6 pis., 2 maps col., text illust. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Die Vegetation der Erde, Ac. [No.] iv. 8°. 1901. Becke (FRIEDHICH JOHANN KARL) Exkursion in das Kamptal. (Kristallinische Schiefer des Niederosterr. Waldviertels.) pp. 5. Exkursion durch das Westende des Hohen Tauern (Zillertal). pp. 41 : text illust. See CONGRKS GKOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL.— Ninth Session : Vienna, 1903. Fiihrer fur die Exkursionen in Oesterreich, '• 4 maps (col.). 8°. Cambridge, 1895. Cambridge Natural Science Manuals. Beddard (FRANK E.) Elementary Practical Zoology. pp. vi, ;>1Q : text illust. 8°. London, etc. 1898. Beddard (FKANK E.) The structure" and classification of Birds, pp. xx, 54$ ; text illust. 8°. London, etc. 1898. Beddard (FRANK E.) On a collection of Earthworms from New Britain, the Solomon Islands, the New Hebrides, and the Loyalty Islands. See WlLLEY (A.) Zoological Results, etc. no. 13. 4°. 1899. Beddard (FRANK E.) A Book of Whales, pp. xv, 320 : ..'.'ph., text illust. 8°. London, 1900. Beddard (FRANK E.) The Earthworms of the Hawaiian Archipelago. See SHARP (D.) Fauna Hawaiiensis, etc. Vol. II, pt. 4. 4°. 1900. Beddard (FRANK E.) Earthworms and Leeches. See HARMER (S. F.) The Cambridge Natural History, etc. Vol. II [Reprint]. 8°. 1901. Beddard (FRANK E.) Mammalia. See HARMER (S. F.) The Cambridge Natural History, etc. Vol. x. 8". 1902. Beddard (FRANK E.) The Earthworms of the Maldive and Laccadive Islands. See GARDINER (J. S.) The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, etc. Vol. I, no. 24. 4°. 1903. Beddard (FuANK E.) Earthworms and their Allies. pp. vi [i], 150 : text illust. 8°. Cambridge, 1912. Forming a volume of " The Cambridge Manuals of Science A Litera- ture " series. Beddome (RICHARD HENRY) Supplement to the Ferns of southern India and British India, containing a revised list of all the Ferns of India, Ceylon, Birmah, and the Malay Peninsula. 2 Pt. pp. vi, 38 : pis. 301-90. 4°. Madras, 1876. The plates are numbered in sequence to those of the " Ferns of British India." Bedel (Louis) Catalogue raisonne1 des Coleopteres de la Tunisie, . 8°. Bloomington, Ind., 1916. Imliami I'nlv. stu.1i.-s. Vol. Ill, no. 29. BEEKLY (A. L.) Geology and Coal Resources of North Park, Colorado, pp. I .'I : II pis., 1 map geol. col., I ti-ft illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Purvey. Bulletin No. 596. 8". 1915. Beekly (A. L.) & others. Geology of the Standing Bock and Cheyenne Biver Indian reservations, North and South Dakota, pp. 49 : 5 ph., & maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 575. 8". 1914. BEEKMAN (E(;nKKT HERMANN MICHEL) Geschie- denis der systematisehe Mineralogie. pp. .rr, .'I .'. 8". ['s-(lrar,-iili:'/: .'"pit. H". Padova, 1909-1914. Beguinot (AUGUSTO) A Diratzouyan i!'. N.I Con- tribute alia Flora dell' Armenia. />/>. I .'" : / .' ///«., tert Mutt. H". Venezia, 1912. BEHLEN Ih.isKicii) Die Nassauischeu Roteisen- gteine . . . Eine Studie y.ur Lagerstiittenkunde, Geologic und Petrogenesis. pp. xx, 250. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1909. BEHME (FRIEDRICH) [1870-] Geologischer Ftihrer durch die Umgebung der Stadt Blankenburg am Harz ^1 einschliesslich Benzingerode, Elbingerode, Rilbeland undThale. pp. 138[1]: text illust. 8°. Hannover, 1911. BEHNING (A.) See BEN!NGH (A. P.) BEHR (W.) See BER (V. V.) BEHREND (FRITZ) [For contributions on Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Plants] See PRUSSIA. — KOENIGLICH- _ PREUSSISCHE GEOLOGISCHE LANDESANSTALT, t/tc. Ab- (f bildungou und Beschreibungen fossiler Pflanzen-Reste der palaeozoischen und mesozoischen Formationen. Von. . .H. Potonie. Lief. 5 & 6. 8°. 1907-09. BEHRENS (GEOHG HENNINO) [1662-1712] [Hercynia curiosa, it'-r. 4". Nordhausen, 1703.] \V:intiiiK. x- The Natural History of the Hartz-Forest. . .Being a -£• succinct account of the Caverns . . . Rocks, Quarries, ^]. Fossils . . . Mines . . . Ores, itc. [Translated by J. Andree.] pp. [xii,] 164 [«]. 8". London, 1730. BEHRENS (HEINRICII) See BEHRENS (TIIEODOR H.) Beln-eiis (TllEODOR HEINRICII) Das mikroskopische »* Gefiige der Metalle und Legierungen, d-c. pp. viii, I ,'H : ' • 111 ph., text illust. 8". Hamburg ,l- L/iji-ig, 1894. Behreus (WiLHELM JULIUS) Tabellen zum Gebrauch ^A bei mikroscopischen Arbeiten . . . Dritte . . . Auflage. il pp. vii, 237. 8°. Leipzig, 1898. — Vierte . . . Auflage, herausgegeben von E. Kuster. pp. viii, ..'.',',. 8". Lt-ipziij, 1908. Beiclie (W. EDUARD) Die im Saalkreise und in den 'II angrenzenden Landesteilen wildwachsenden und culti- "^ ' vierten Pflanzen, See CHEVALIER (A.) 4". 1911-» Beisly (SIDNEY) Shakspere's Garden ; or the Plants ^ and Flowers named in his Works described and defined. JJ With notes and illustrations from the works of other writers, pp. xx, 17.'. 8°. London, 1864. Beissiier (LuowiG) Handbuch der Nadelholzkande . . .Zweite. . .Auflage. pp. xvi, 742 : text illiinf. 8". Berlin, 1909. BEITRAEGE ZUR BIOLOGIE DER PFLAN- ZEN. Herausgegeben von . . .F. Conn ([and afterwarda] O. ]5refeld, F. Rosen). Bd. l-> 8°. Brcslau, (1870-) 1875-> BEITRAEGE ZUR ENTOMOLOGIE, BESON- DERS IN BEZUG AUF DIE SCHLESISCHE FAUNA . . . Herausgegeben von den Mitgliedern der Entomologischen Section der Schlesischen Gesellschaft fUr Vaterliindische Kultur. Hft. l.f See BRESLAU.— SCHLESISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUER VATERLAENDISCHE CCLTUR. 8°. 1829. 3 73 U BEITRAEGE ZUR GEOLOGIE UND FAL.2E- ONTOLOGIE VON SUEDAMEKIKA. .Her ausgegeben von. . .G. Steinmann. No. I— > See NEUES JAHBBUCH FCEK MINERALOGIE, 8°. 1892-» BEITRAEGE ZUR KENNTNISDES MEERES UND SEINER BEWOHNER. Bd. I. Pelagi- sohe Tiefseetischerei der " Maja " in der Umgebung von Capri. See Lo BIANCO (S.) 8". 1904. BEITRAEGE ZUR KRYSTALLOGRAFHIE UND MINERALOGIE: Herausgegeben von V. Goldschmidt. Bd. l-> 8". Hnddberg, 1914-> BEITRAEGE ZUR MINERALOGIE VON JAPAN. Herausgegeben von T. Wada. No. I illust. 8°. Tokyo, 190 BEKE (CHARLES TlLSTONE) [1800-1874] A true description of three Voyages by the north-east towards Cathay and China . . . by G. de Veer. . . Edited [with an Introduction] by C. T. Beke. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, rfc. No. 13. 8". 1853. — [Another edition entitled :] The three Voyages of W. Barents, £c. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, rfc. No. 53. 8°. 1876. Beke (CHARLES T.) edition, pp. %8. Mount Sinai a Volcano . . . Second 8°. London, 1873. Belanger (CHARLES) [1805-] Voyage aux Indes Orientales, d-c. 4 Tom., & Atlas, 2 Tom. See FRANCE. [Voyages, d-c. — Indes Orientales.] 8". & fol. [1831-] 1834 [-46]. Belanger (CHARLES) & Bory de Saint-Vincent (J. B. G. M.) Baron. Cryptogamie. See FRANCE. [Voyages, Ac. — Indes Orientales.] Voyage aux Indes Orientales . . . pendant . . . 1825-29, d-c. Botanique. Ft. 2. 8°. & fol. [1846.] BELEM (Para), Brazil.— Museu Goeldi (Musen Paraeiise) de Historia Naturel e Etlmographia. [1867 Founded as Museu Parae'iwe de Historia Naturel e Ethno- graphic. Munsti Goeldi (Mufteu Paraense), ifcc.] 8". Para, 1894-> Boletim, rfc. Vol. I- Belem (Para), Brazil. — Musen Goeldi, dc. • Memorias, dc. No. l-iv.f 4°. Para, 1900-05. Belem (Para), Brazil.— Museu Goeldi, dc. Album de Aves Amazonicas organisado pelo . . . E. A. Goeldi . . . supplemento illustrative a obra " Aves do Brazil." [pp. 28:} 48 pis. col. 4°. [Belem,] 1900-06. Belem (Para), Brazil. — Musen Goeldi, etc. Arboretum Amazonicum. . . Iconographie des Plantes spontan^es et cultivees les plus importantes de la region Amazonienne. Organisee par. ...I. Huber. Dec. I— > illust. 4°. Para, 1900-> Title from wrapper. PORT. & FR. in parallel columns. elem (Para), Brazil. — Museu Goeldi, Ac. Quarto centenario do descombrimento do Brazil o Para em 1900, d-c. pp. xiii, 297. fol. Para, Brazil, 1900. Belem (Para), Brazil. — Museu Goeldi, illust. See BELGIUM.— Commission de la Belgica. 4". 1901— > Belgica, Belgian Exploring Yacht. Notice preliminaire sur les Sediments Marins recueillis par 1' Expedition de la " Belgica," par H. Arctowski et A. F. Renard. See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, dc. Memoires couronn^s . . . Collection in 8". Tom. LXI, no. 2. 8°. 1901-02. Belgica, Belgian Exploring Yacht. Voyage de la Belgica. Quinze mois dans 1'Antarctique, dc. See GEELACHE DE GOMERY (A. DE) 8°. 1902. Belgica, Belgian Exploring Yacht. Die antarktischen Eisverhiiltnisse. Auszug aus meinem Tagebuch der Sudpolarreise der " Belgica," 1898-1899. Von H. j Arctowski. See PETERMANNS MITTEILUNGEN, d-c. Erganzbd. xxx. 4°. 1903. Belgica, Exploring Yacht. A travers la Banquise du Spitzberg au Cap Philippe, Mai-Aout, 1905 [on the "Belgica"]. See Louis PHILIPPE ROBERT, Duke of Orleans. 4°. 1907 [i.e. 1906]. Belgica, Exploring Yacht. Croisiere Oc^anographique, accomplie a bord de la Belgica, dans la Mer du Gron- land, 1905, d-c. See Louis PHILIPPE ROBERT, Duke of Orleans. fol. 1907. Belgica, Exploring Yacht. La Revanche de la Banquise . . . Juin-Septembre, 1907 [on the " Belgica "]. See Louis PHILIPPE ROBERT, Duke of Orleans. 4°. 1909. Belgica, Exploring Yacht. Campagne Arctique de 1907 [on the "Belgica"]. See Louis PHILIPPE ROBERT, Duke of Orleans. 4°. 1910-12. 10 .1 < A—- ""/O / / " * .C. L-. 74 BELGIQUE COLONIALE. directeur. Ann.viu-xi. illust. La I ;. Vauthier, 4". Bmxelles, 1902-05. At this point it was imiti'il with " !.<• Moiivcim'iit maritime" to form " La Balirlque Maritime * Colonial* ' |./.r.|. BELGIQUE MARITIME & COLONIALE, La : journal hebdomadaire . . . Directeurs : R. Vauthier et C. Il.-rvv. ,ff. No. 1-27 iUutt. fol. Bruxelles, 1905. BELGIUM. — Jardin Botanique tic 1'Ktat. See BRUSSELS. — Jardin BELGIUM.— ADMINISTRATION CENTRALE DBS MINES. — Service Qiologique. [Established 1898.) Bibliographia Geologica . . . par M. Mourlon . . . Serie A . . . Publications anterieures a 1896. Tom. i— > 8". Bruxelles, 1899-» - Serie B. . .Travaux parus 4 partir du ler Jan. 1896. Tom. I-> 8". Brnxellcs, 1897 [1898]-> Belgium. — ADMINISTRATION CENTRALE DBS MINES. — Service Oeologique. La Classification Decimale de M. Dewey compietee pour la partie 549-559 de la Bibliographia Universalis par . . . G. Simoens . . . et appropriee & l'e°laboration de la Bibliographia Geologica par M. Mourlon. . .2* edition, pp. 98. 8°. Bruxelle*. 1899. BELGIUM. — COMMISSION DE LA BELGICA. Vers le P61e Sud. Conference faite &, la Sorbonne sur 1'Expedition Antarctique Beige. . .par E. G. Racovitza. pp.70: 1 pi., text illust. See PARIS. — SOCIETK ZOOLO- GIQUE DE FRANCE. Causeries Scientifiques, rfc. No. 6. 8°. 1900. Belgium. — COMMISSION DE LA BELGICA. Kxpedition Antarctique Beige. Resultats du Voyage du I S.Y. Belgica en 1897-1899 sous le commandcment du A. de Gerlaehe de Gomery. Rapports Scientifiques, dr. II V&j _. . . 4°. Anvers, 1901-tST , The following parts have appeared": — [Vol. 1. 1 Travaux Hydrographlques ct Instructions Nau- tiquen, par G. Lecointe. Fasc. 1. pp. 110: iH pit., 7 map*. 4°. 1903-05. 1 ., II. Astronomic et Physique du Globe.] Etudes des ('hronometres, par G. I Pt. illuit. Mesures pendulaires, par G. Lecointe. Conclusions general es... par Guyon. pp. W: 1 part., ttxt {that ( „ III & IV. Lecointe. 1901. 1SKI7. . Aiirores australes, par II. Arctowski. pp. a, : a pit. , text itliut. 1001. Phenomenes optiques de r Atmosphere ... par H. Aretowskl. pp. 1,7 : text illutt. 1902. La Neige et le Givre, par A. Dobrowolski. pp. 79: text Tlliut. 1903. 1001. Rapport... par II. Arctowski. pp. SI, ISO: tS pit., text Mutt. V. Oceanojfraphle et Geologic.] Relations Thermiques. Rapport, par H. Arc- . towskl et H. R. Mill. pp. .;•; : I, pit. 190S. Determination de la densite de 1'Eau : t pit. 1909. II. Thl.. von D. Slstek. pp. SO: 1 pi. 1912. QMlqnM Plantes fossiles des Terres Uncellanlqnw, \ par A. Ullklnet. pp. 8. ItOB VI. B.iUnli|iic.) Diatomees. par H. van lleurck. pp. m [S] : 13 pit. 1909. Charapiitnons, par Mmes. Bommer et Rousseau. pp. 15 : 6 pit. 1905. Lichens, par E. A. Walnlo. pp. U>: I, pit. 1903. Mousses, par J. Cardot. pp. 1# : II, pit. 1901. H«patlques, par F. Stephanl. ///• ' . 1901. Phanerogames, par E. de \Vildeman. pp. Sit: ; 190.'.. [Belgium.— COMMISSION DE LA BELOICA (contd.)J [Expedition Antarctique Beige, rfc. (contd.)J (Vol. VII-DC. Zoologie.) Spongiaires, par E. Topsent. pp. H : « pin. 1002. Hydroiden, von C. Hartlaub. pp. 1:1 : a pin. I'.in,. Medusen, von 0. Maas. pp. Si : 3 pin. i W. 1(K)6. Pennatuliden, von H. F. E. Jungersen. pp. in [*) : I pi. I'.Kir. Madreporaria uml HyOrocomllla, von E. von Mareuzeller. pp. 7 : 1 pi. ll>0:i. Actinarlen, von O. CarUrren. pp. 7 : 1 pi. mi: Holothurides, par E. licrouard. pp. Ill : 3 pit. 1908. Si'i-stiTiii', von H. Ludwlg. pp. 7!: 7p(*. 1803. Kchinidcs et Ophiures, par R. Koehlcr. pp. W: * pit. 1901. Turbellarien, von L. BOhmlg. pp. its: i ph. J908. Neraertincn, von O. BUrger. /);-. in : 3 pit. (col.) 1904. Ntoatodeslibres, parJ. G.dc Man. pp. SI : 11 pis. 1904. Bryozoa, by A. W. Waters, pp. Ill,: a pit. 1904. Braohlopoues, par L. Jonbin. pp. 11: Sole., text illust. 1002. Ostracoden, von G. W. Httller. pp. 7: / pi. 1906. Copepoden, von W. Oiesbrecht. pp. 49 : IS pis. 1902. Cirrlpedla, by P. P. C. Hoek. pp. 9 ; text Ulutt. 1907. Schizopoda and Cumacea, by H. J. Hansen. pp. 20 : S pit. 1908. Acariens (Trombididie, Eupodidee, Gamasidie), par E. Trouessart. pp. 10 : 1 pi. Acarida (Orlhatida;), by A. D. Michael, pp. i: : 1 pi. 1903. 1902. UM. JlOOB. Acariens parasites, par G. Neumann, pp. II. Aralgnees et Faucheura, par E. Simon, pp. Myriapodes, par u. Attorns, pp. ,5 . 1 pi. \ Collemboles, par V. Willem. pp. 19: I, pis.) Insectes. pp. 92: 5 pis. (col.) Introduction, par G, Severin. Orthopteres, par C. Briinner Wattenwyl. Hemipteres, par E. Bergroth. Coleopteres, par E. Rousseau, A. Grouvelle, H. Schouteden, E. Brenske, H. Boileau, 3. Bour- geois, E. Olivier, L. Falrmaire, G. Stierlin, A. Bovie, A. Lameere. Hymenopteres, par }. Tosquinet, f. Emery, A. Andri, J. Vachal. Dipterea, par }. C. Jacobs, T. Becker, E. II. Riibsuamen. J Scaphopodeu, von L. Plate, pji. /,. 1908. Mollusques(Amphineures, Gastropodes et Lamelli-l branche's), par P. Pelseneer. pp. Si : :i pin. >1903. Cephatopodes, par L. Joubin. pp. It. Tuniciers : C'aducichordata(Acidiaces et Thai i par E. van Bencden et M. dc Selys-lciii-. liaiap pp. Ill: 17 pit., ttxt tiluxt. I'.il:;. Poissons, par L. Uollo. pp.2W:10plt.,:mapscul. 1904. Ce'tace's, par E. G. Racovitza. ;>/>. / ', , /-,' illutt. 1903. Organogenic des Pinnipedes. I. Les extivmiti'-*, riar H. Leboucq. pp. iO : t pit., taHttutt. 1904. Seals, by (!. E. H. Barrett-Hamiltmi. ///-. 1:1 : I /it. 1901. Belgium.— COMMISSION DE LA BELUICA. , Expedition Antarctique Beige. Note relative aux Bap- _Jr~ ports Scientifiques publics aux frais du Gouvernement oO-r Beige, sous la direction de la Commission de la Belgica. -~ pp. 1(1. 4°. Anrert, 1902. Z- BELGIUM. — COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE. Explication de la Peuille de Bilsen, par...K. van ilm Broeck pour les terrains Oligocene, Quaternaire et /^, Moderns ; et par... A. Rutot pour le terrain Eocene. pp. xxv, 212 : X pis. col., text illust. (col.) 8°. Bnircllcs, 1883. Belgium. — COMMISSION GEOLOGIQI K. Legende de la Carte Geologique de la Helgiqur ;V I'l'diellc /; du 40,000 [i.e. 1 m. = li in. about], dr. pp. ::. v- 8°. Bruxelles, 1896. BELGIUM.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. See infra, Service de I' Agriculture. , T»VWv\V»t BELGIUM. J^SKKVICE DE L'AORICULTURE. Etudes de Biologie Agricole. No. 1— > (V itV Belgium. [Maps.] Esquiase Geologique e 1 [Scale, 1 in. = 18 m. about.] [ 1895. que Belgium. [Maps.] Carte, G^ologique de la Bp ct des njovmces voisLpefiTpar G. [i.e. 1 in^Yj m. about]. cdk^Bruxi'lles, 1908. 75 Belgium. [Maps.] Geological Map of Belgium. Carte de la Belgique. 1 inch = 2 '52 miles. Echelle de 1 : 1 60,000. Geological lines prepared ... by the Director, Geological Survey [Great Britain and Ireland] from the Carte G^ologique de la Belgique, 1 : 40,000 scale. Edition de 1900. 6 sh. [in 5] col. [Southampton,] 1915. Belgrade. — " levremovatz," Botanichka Bashta Kral- 'evine Srbiie [" Jcvremovac," Jardin Botanique du royaume de Serlrie]. Enumeratio Plantarum Vascu- larium Florae Serbiae. pp. 31. 4°. Belqradi, 1888. BELGRADE. — Mnzei Srpske Zeml'e [Servian 6 National Museum]. [Founded 1844.) Muzei Srpske Zeml'e, 8". [Belgrade,] 1897-> The proceedings of the first six years were not published : short notices only appeared in various journals. A German translation is given with the Annales Geologiques de la P^ninsnle Balkanique. Tom. v-» BELGRADE. — Srpska Eral'evska Akademiia f £• A [R°yal Servian Academy]. [Founded 1886.] ' Ghlas (. . .Prvi razred). [Report. . .Section I.] No. I— > 8°. Beoghrad, 1888— > No. I-IV, VI-XVII, each contain a separately paged paper, and bear the number of the whole series only. Belgrade. — Srpska Eral'evska Akademiia. an. g Spomenik (. . . Prvi razred). [Memoirs . . . Section I.] »** No. I— > 4°. Beoghrad, 1888— > Belgrade. Srpska Eral'evska Akademiia. 4 .0:. Ghodishn'ak [Year book]. XIII- XV & XIX. 1899-1901 / A/Q & 1905. 12°. Beoghrad, 1900-06. • Belgrade. -Srpska Eral'evska Akademiia. ^, Gheologhiia Srbiie, do. See Znuiovl<5 (I. M.) 4". 1 Belgrade.— Srpska Eral'evska Akademiia. Osnove za gheoghrafiiu i gheologhiiu Makedoniie i Stare Srbiie, itc. [Outline of the Geography and Geo- logy of Macedonia and Old Servia, He town of t Uxbrfoge in Middlesex, Bucks, & HejrtsT . . chiefly in • ^- 1884.— The Flora of Middlesex ; including the Middle- nf'^" sex stations of the ' Flora of Uxteidge & district,' with additions from the other districts of the county, collected t'1 chiefly in 1884, 6, 7. u&?3l8. fol. BENDER (OTTO) U eber die Entwicklung des Visceral - skelettes bei Testudo grtxca. i. Die Entwicklung des ( * Kiefer- und des Zungenbeinbogens, dc. pp. 62 : f? ' 7 pis., text illust. See MUNICH. — KOENIGLICH- ' BAYERISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Ab- handlungen, dc. Bd. XXV, abh. 10. 4°. 1912. BENDERITTER (EUGENE) [Scarabaeidae : Ocho- daeinse, Orphninae et Hybosorinse of eastern Africa.] See ALLUAUD (C. A.) & JEANNEL (R.) Voyage ... en Afrique Orientale (1911-1912). Resultats Scientifiques. Coleoptera, 5. 8°. 1914. Bendire (CHARLES EMIL) Life histories of North American Birds, from the Parrots to the Grackles, 1 •£- • with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs, dc. pp. viii, [i,] 518 : 7 pis. (col.) See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Special Bulletin No. 8. 4°. 1895. Benecke (ERNST WILHELM) Geologische Uebersichts- karte von Elsass-Lothringen . . . Maassstab, 1 : 500,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 8 m. about]. See ALSACE-LORRAINE. — Commission fuer die Geologische Landes-Untersuchung. [Maps.] 1892. -' dc. Bd. IX, hft. 3. Benecke (ERNST \V.) Bemerkungen iiber die Gliederung der oberen Alpinen Trias und iiber Alpinen und ausser- alpinen Muschelkalk. pp. 24. See FREIBURG IN BREIS- GAU. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte, L 8°. 1895. Benecke (ERNST W.) Lettenkohlengruppe und Lunzer Schiohten. pp. 43, 1 tab. : 1 map. See FREIBURG IN BREISGAU.— NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Be- richte, dc. Bd. X, hft. 2. 8". 1897. Benecke (ERNST \V.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Jura in Deutsch-Lothringen. pp. 07 : 8 pis., text illust. See ALSACE-LORRAINE.— Commission fuer die Geolo- gische Landes-Untersuchung, dc. Abhandlungen, dc. Neue Folge, Hft. 1. 8°. 1898. Benecke (ERNST W.) Die Versteinerungen der Eisen- erzformation von Deutsch-Lothringen und Luxemburg. pp. 598. Atlas, 5!> pis. See ALSACE-LORRAINE. — Com- mission fuer die Geologische Landes- Untersuchung, dc. Abhandlungen, dc. Neue Folge, Hft. VI. 8°. 1905. Benecke (ERNST W.) & Cohen (E. W.) Geognostische Karte der Umgegend von Heidelberg . . . im Massstab, 1 : 50,000 der nat. Grosse [i.e. 1 m. = 1J in. about]. See HEIDELBERG. [Maps.] 2 sh. geol. col. 1877. Benecke (ERNST W.) & Cohen (E. W.) Geognostische Beschreibung der Umgegend von Heidelberg. Zugleich als Erlauterungen zur geognostischen Karte der Um- gegend von Heidelberg (Sectionen Heidelberg und Sinsheim). 3 Hft. 8". Strassburg d London, 1879-81 . For Map See HEIDELBERG. [Slaps.] Benecke (ERNST \V.) & others. Geologischer Fuhrer durch das Elsass. J>P: vii, L61 : text illust. Sammlung geologischer FiihrerT. t^lo- B. l. Hanks.' Vol. v, p. 71. Beugtsson (SIMON FREDRIK) Ueber sogen. Herzkor- per bei Insectenlarven. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Blutgewebe. pp. .' .: : .'ph. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVEN8KA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. XXV, afd. IV, no. 8. 8°. 1899 (1900). Bengtsson (SlMON F.) Studier och iakttagelser ofver Hunilor. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, etc. Bd. I. 8". 1903. Bengtsson (SIMON F.) Beitragc zur Kenntnis der I'iihiarktischen Ephcmeriden. pp. /.''. Sre LUND. — K UIOLINSKA UNIVERSITETET. Acta, etc. Nova Series, torn. XX, no. 4. 4". 1909. Bengtsson (SlMON F.) An analysis of the Scandinavian species of Ephemerida described by older authors, pp. 21. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, etc. Bd. vn, no. 36. 8°. 1913. Beiiham (WILLIAM BLAXLAND) Polychset Worms. See HARMER (S. F.) The Cambridge Natural History, etc. Vol. II [Reprint]. 8°. 1901. Beuham (WILLIAM B.) The Platyhelmia, Mesozoa, and Nemertina. pp. vi fit], ~04 •' text illust. See LANKESTER (E. R.) A Treatise on Zoology, dc. Pt. iv. 8". 1901. Beiiham (WILLIAM B.) Report on the Polychaeta (— Oligochseta) of the Sub- antarctic Islands of New Zealand. The Echinodenns, other than Holothurians, of the Sub- antarctic Islands of New Zealand. HydromedusK and Scyphomedusse from the Auckland and Campbell Islands. Preliminary report on two Hirudinea from the Sub- antarctic Islands of New Zealand. See PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE OF CANTERBURY, New Zealand. The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand, etc. Art. 11-14, & 16. 4°. 1909. BENINGH (ARUID P.) Otehet o dbyatel'nosti Volzh- skoi Biologhicheskoi Staitzii za 1912 ghod. — Bericht iiber die Tatigkeit der Biologischen Wolga-Station wahrend des Sommers 1912. pp. 8!> : 5 pit. 8°. Saratov, 1913. Arb. \Volgn-SUtlou. Bd. rv, no. 2. 1013. Beningh (AiiuiD P.) Die systematische Zusammen- -ct/ung und geographische Verbreitung der Familie Vibiliidw. pp. Hi : U maps. See ZOOLOGICA, etc. Bd. XXVI, hft. 67 [no. 8]. 4°. 1913. BENINGTON (KoHERTCREWDSON) An Introduction to tha Study of Craniometry. . .A Lecture, etc. pp. 1 ',. See HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Occasional Papers. No. 1. 8". [1907.J Bennett (ALFRED WILLIAM) [Polygalene, Simarubew, Ochnaceue & Burseracete of India.] See HOOKER (Sir 3. D.) K.C.S.I. The Flora of British India, etc. Vol. I. 8°. 1872-75. Bennett (ALFRED WT.) [How flowers i lecture, delivers^ . 1878. See Si THE PEOPLBT Fifth Series, noJ fertilised. A LECTURES FOR 8". 1878.1 [Another editio: / . "/i885. <' BENNETT (ANDREW PERCY) Report on the Mineral Resources of Greece, pp. ..'•!: ..' maps (col.). V1 See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Foreign Office. Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Miscellaneous Series. No. 576. 8°. 1902. Bennett (ARTHUR) [Naiadacese of South Africa.] "V, See HARVEY (W. H.) & SONDER (O. W.) Flora •" Capensis, etc. Vol. vn. 8". 1897. Bennett (ARTHUR) [Naiadaceae of Tropical Africa.] ier, rfc. 8 Tom. See FOLIN (A. G. L. DE) Marquess & PERIER (L.) 8°. 1867-79. Berendt (GOTTLIEB MICHAEL) Geognostische Be- schreibung der Umgegend von Berlin . . . Zur Erliiuterung einer zweiten Autlage der geologischen Uebersichtskarte . . .iin Maassstabe, 1 : 100,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 11 m. about], rfc. pp. '•!>. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Prepared for Seventh International Geographical Congress at Berlin. For the first edition by BERENDT and DAMES See PRCSSIA— KOKNIO- UOB-rUOHDOHB OBObOeBOHl LAXDKSAXSTALT, : 1 pi. See LUND.— KAROLINSKA UNI- VKRSITETET. Acta, pi*- (col.) „ iv. [A. L. Lorange: Den yngre Jernalders Svicrd. Et Bidrag til Vikingetldens historic og teknoloitie. Efter Forfatterens D(»d udglvet veil C. Delgohe. pp. »'. Wanting. „ V. On the development and structure of the Whale. Pt. i. On the development of the Dolphin. By G. Guldberg and F. Nansen. pp. v, 70 : 7 pit. (col.), tfxt illutt. „ VI. Report on Norwegian Marine Investigations 1895-97. By J. Hjort, O. Nordgaard and H. H. Gran, a Pt. Uliat. „ VII. Hydrographical and Biological Investigations In Nor- wegian Fiords. By 0. Nordgaard. The Protist Plankton and the Diatoms in bottom samples by E. iMnaMD. [Fonuniiiifera determined by H. Iliicr.l pp. [ii,] ialt : 20 plit. (col.), 1 map, text illust. 1878. 1883. 188S. 1894. 1899. 190.'. — Ny Raekke. Bd. I-> illust. 4". Bergen, 1909-> Each number contains a separately paged paper. Bergeu.- -BMFgma Museum. Report on the Scientific ReaaKs of tlie^Michael Sars " [ o North Atlantic Deep-Sear^xpeditipHrfigiO, carried out at under... the superintendence oillm J. Murray, K.C.B., and ... J. HjortjXTol. l-> 4°. Bergen [1914->]. ^ V. \\\ Vol. in, pt. 1. Zoology. [1914.] Cephalopoda. By O. Chun. pp. SH : 2 pis. col., text tilust. Cirripedia. Hy P. P. C. Hoek. pp. c. On \, Pteropoda. lly K. Bonnevie. pp. Hii : H )>!*.. irjci illiixi. T**-* Scyphomedusae. By H. Broeh. pp. SI, : 1 pi., text Uhmt. /• Pennatulacea. By H. Broch. pp. n : 1 pi., text ilhut. M\ Hydroida. By H. Broch. pp. IS : text illu«t. MurtBiioid Larva;. By E. Lea. pp. .W : C pit., text ttltut. Pyenogonida. By 0. Olson, pp. S [J] : 1 pi., text illutt. Bergendal (DAVID) Studier ofver Nemertiner, TTT1 Nemertinen [III]. Bergens Museum. no. 4. pp. 22: 1 pi. See BERGEN.— Bergens Museum Aarbog 1902, S 5 8°. 1902. IV. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- / SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi. Bd.l. pp.85-lS6:C text illust. 8". 1908. ->' Part I wa» U«ued In " Ovcrelgt K. Vet.-Akad. Forhandl. Stockholm," 1900, Aru. LVII, no. 6, pp. /Utl-SOt; part II in"Zool. Anielg." Bd. xxv, 1908, pp. US1-VK. Parts I & iv are in Swedish, A n and in in German. (ALEXANDER M.M.I ('itlciuliiriiiin Klonr. pnc- i'li • . . . C. Linnteo, propositum ab A. M. Berger, . [«J .''/. 8". [La Mortola, 1905.] Berger (ALWIX) Sukkulente Euphorbien. Besehrei- bung und Ank'itung /urn Bestimmeii der kultivierten Artcn, mit kurxen Angaben fiber die Kultur. pp. n [ii,] 135 : text illust. 8". Stuttgart, 1007. One of the "Illiistrierte nandbiicher sukkulenter Planzeu." Berger (ALWIN) Liliaceie. — Asphodeloidese. — Aloineae. pp. 3Jf! : 1 pi., text illust. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Das Pflanzenreich, dc. Hft. 33. (IV. 38. III. 11.) 8°. 1908. Berger (ALWIN) Mesembriantheinen und Portulaca- ceen. Beschreibung und Anleitung, Ac. pp. v [1,] 338 : text illust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1908. Berger (ALWIN) Stapelieen und Kleinien einschliess- lich einiger anderer verwandter Sukkulenten, d c. pp. v, [i,] 433 [-1] : text illust. 8". Stuttgart, 1910. Berger (ALWIN) Hortus Mortolensis . . . Alphabetical Catalogue of Plants growing in the Garden of the late Sir T. Hanbury, K.c.v.o. ... at La Mortola . . . Italy. pp. xxiv, 467 [1] : G pis., Sport. 8°. London, 1912. Berger (ALWIN) Die Agaven. Beitrage zu einer Monographic, pp. vi[i], 188: text illust. 8". Jena, 1915. BERGER (H.) & Suess (F. E.) Die geologisehen Verhaltnisse des Steinkohlenbeckens von Ostrau-Karwin. Unter Mitwirkung von. . .A. Fillunger beschrjeben von . . .H. Berger und. . .P. E. Suess. pp. 14 : .1 pi. See CONGEES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. — Ninth Session : Vienna, 1003. Fiihrer filr die Exkursionen in Oesterreich, dc. 8". 1903. Bergeron (PIERRE JOSEPH JULES) Massif de la Montagne-Noire. pp. 38 : text illust. See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. — Eighth Session : Paris, 1900. Livret-Guide des Excursions en France, . /\ 1'Atlantique, de. pp. 14, iv. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 176. 8". 1910. u 5*. i&S'B IL. Berget (AUMIONSK) Baron. La repartition gc-ographique des oceans et la determination du p&le continental. pp.12: text illust. See MONACO.— INSTITUT OCEANO- GRAPlllQliE.- Paris Branch. Annales, dc. Tom. v, fasc. 9. 4". 1913. Berggren (SvEN) On New Zealand Hepatic®. I. pp. Ifi : text illust. 4°. Lund, 1898. BERGH (LEV SEMENOV!CH) [1876-] Dannuiya po Ikhtiofaunye Kavkaza. Opisanie Kavkazskikh Cyprinida> i Cobitidie po materialam zoologhicheskagho Muzeya Moskovskagho Universiteta. [Data towards a Fish Pauna of the Caucasus. List of Caucasian Cyprinidie and Cobitidse from materials in the Zoological Museum of the Moscow University.] pp. [ii,] 80. RUSS. &GERM. See TIFLIS. — KAVKAZKII MUZEl, dc. Izvyestiya, dc. Tom. i, i, vuip. 3. 8°. 1899. Bergh (LEV S.) Ruibui Turkestana. Die Fische' von Turkestan, pp. xvi, 261 : 6 pig., text illust. 8". S.-Peterburgh, 1905. Izvyest. Turkest. Otdyela Imp. Rnas. Gheoghraf. Obshchest. Tom. IV, vuip. 6. Bergh (LEV S.) Die Cataphracti des Baikal-Sees (Fam. Cottidee, Cottocomephoridse, und Comephoridse). Bei- trage zur Osteologie und Systematik. pp. ii, 75 : 5 pis. (col.), text illust. See KOROTNEV (A. A.) Wissen- schaftliehe Ergebnisse einer Zoologischen Expedition nach dem Baikal-See . . . 1900-1902. Lief. 3. 4°. 1907. Bergh (LEV S.) Ruibui basseina Amura. (Ichthyologia i Amurensis.) pp. vi[l,]2t',9 : 3 pis. See ST. PETERS- £ ($03. BURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. M&noires, dc. Ser. VIII, torn, xxiv, no. 9. 4°. 1909. Bergh (LEV S.) Poissons (Marsipobranchii et Pisces). ^. Tom. i— > See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPKRIALE -Z_ DES SCIENCES. — Zoologique. Fauna Rossii, dc. 8°. 1911-> Bergh (LEV S.) Ruibui pryesnuikh vod Rossiiskoi. imperil. — Les Poissons des eaux douces de la Russie. RUSS. pp. xxvii, 563 : 1 map (col.), text illust. 8". Moskva, 1916. BERGH (LuoviG SOPHUS RUDOLF) [1824-1909] Anatomisk Undersogelse af Fiona atlantica, Bgh. pp. 65 : 2 pis. 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1858. Vidensk. Meddel. naturh. Foren. Kjobenhavn. 1857. Bergh (LuoviG S. R.) Nudibranches et Marsenia pro- I—. venant des campagnes de la Princesse-Alice (1891-1897). ~~lO. $ See ALBERT HONORE CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. . Resultats des campagnes scientifiques, dc. Fasc. xiv. ~? 4°. 1899. Bergh (Luovio S. R.) Nudibranchiate Gastropoda. pp.49: 5 pis. See DENMARK. — Ingolf -Expedition. The ^_ Danish Ingolf-Expedition, dc. Vol. II, pt. 3. 4°. 1900. Bergh (LuoviG S. R.) The Danish Expedition to Siam, ^ 1899-1900. I. Gastropoda Opisthobranchiata. pp.v,60: a S pis. (col.), 1 map. See COPENHAGEN. — KONGELIGT «>• DANSK VIDENSKABERNES SELSKAB. Reek. VI, bd. xn, no. 2. Det...Skrifter, dc. 4°. 1902. Bergh (LuoviG S. R.) Malacologische Untersuchungen ^ [Nudibranchia]. See SEMPER (C. G.) Reisen im -i. Archipel der Philippinen, dc. Zweiter Theil. Bd. IX. 4°. 1904. Bergh (LuoviG S. R.) Die Opisthobranchiata der Siboga- Expedition. pp.^S: SO pis. (col.) See WEBER (M.C.W) v%/ I \* Siboga-Expeditie ... 1899-1900, dc. Monog. L. 4°. 1905. j /. "J • * 11 82 Bergh (LUDVIG S. R.) The Prosobranchia of the Siboga Expedition by MM. Schepman. . .Part I. Rhipidoglossa and Docoglossa, with an Appendix by ... R. Bergh. See WEBER (M. C. W.) Siboga-Expeditie. . . 1899-1900, 4 • 1 pi; 1 map col., text illust. See FINLAND. — FINLANDS GEOLOGISKA UNDEHSOKNINO. Bulletin No. 6. 8°. 1896. Berghell (Huoo K. A.) [For official publications in connection with the " Kartblad "] See FINLAND. — FINLANDS GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. BERGIANSKA BOTANISKA TRADGARDEN (HORTCS BERGIANUS) See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. BERGIUS (PETER JONAS) [1730-1790] Semina Mus- corum detecta . . . disputat ... P. J. Bergius, See DEUTSCH-OSTAFRIKA. 8". 1902— > BERINGER (OTTO LEOPOLD) [1868-] Map of the Shire Highlands. Showing the Estates devoted to Coffee^ Planting. 1905. [By 0. L. Beringer] . . . Scale, \ inch 1 mile. See NYASALAND PROTECTORATE. [Maps.] (col.) [1896. Berkeley.— -University of California. Unirertiity ^PiiMirntinnn [sub-divided as follows : — ] P Botany. Vol. I-> illuat'. 8". Berkeley, 1902— > £ Zoology. Vol. l-» illust. 8°. Berkeley, 1902— > .••American Archeology and Ethnology. Vol. I— > illust. 8". Berkeley, 1903-> Pathology. Vol. I-» illust. 8°. Berkeley, 1903-> Ttijrilrrtngy,. .VijLl— »-ftfa«<— . , — 0»i Jui friii i/t lOOfc, *i- J£. Agricultural Sciences. Vol. I— > illust. 8°. Berkeley, 1912->' Title from wrapper. Geography. Vol. l-» illutt. 8°. Berkeley, 1918-> ^^^ Berkeley.— Univeysityof Memoirs, ttc. Berkeley. —University of California. The Department of An- r |_ thropology of the University, rfc. pp. 38. 8". , 1905. , "fc Berkeley.— University of California.— Agricul- tural Experiment Station. Partial Report of Work of the . . . Stations of the ^ University . . . for . . . 1895-97, ph., text*' ^ illust. 8°. Berkeley, 1900. »f 83 Berkeley.— University of California.— Agricul- tural Experiment Station. TTnirnrpity. TV~n-"-^-™° Technical Bulletins. En- tomology. Vol. I-» illust. 8". Sacramento, 1906-» Vol. I, DO. 1 also forms "Contributions from Zool. Lab. Museum Comparative Zool. Harvard College, No. 181." Berkeley (MiLBS JOSEPH) [Fungi from Kerguelen Island and Rodriguez.] See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Philosophical Transactions, 8°. 1903-> Berlese (ANTONIO) Proposte di sperimenti oontro la Mosca delle Olive (Dacus olew, Fbr.). pp. 9. Sopra una nuova specie di Cocciniglia (Mytilaspis ficifolii) che attacca le foglie del Fico. pp. 5 : 1 pi. See NAPLES.— HEALE ISTITUTO D' INCORAGGIAMENTO. Atti, etc. Ser. V, vol. v, no. 3 & 12. 4°. 1904. Berlese (ANTONIO) Gli Insetti : loro organizzazione sviluppo, abitudini e rapporti coll' Uomo. Vol. I— >• Must. 4°. Milano, 1906— > Title from wrapper. Berlese (ANTONIO) Acarotheca Italica, species exhibens reprsesentantes genera in Italia magis communia, dc. - Fasc. I — > illust. d accompanied by specimens mounted for the microscope. obi. 12". Firenze, 1913— > Berlese (ANTONIO) [For official publications as Director] See FLORENCE. — Regia Stazione di Entomo- logia Agraria. Berlese (AUGUSTO NAPOLEONE) Icones Fungorum omnium hucusque cognitorum ad usum Sylloges Sac- cardianse adcommodatse. Phycomycetes. Fasc. l.f pp. 44 : 67 pis. (col.) 8°. Patavii, 1898 [-1905]. Pp. til-U only were issued in 1905. Berlin. — Maerkisches Provincial • Museum. Die Wir- belthiere der Provinz Brandenburg. Verzeichniss und Eintheilungsplan fitr das. . .Museum. . .als Festschrift fur die 59. Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte zu Berlin, verfasst [Fish, Amphibia, Rep- tiles & Mammals] von. . .E. Friedel und [Birds by]. . . C. Bolle. Zweite Ausgabe. pp. 67 : text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1886. BERLIN. — Zoologischer Garten. Conzert - Zeitung und Anzeigenblatt. Aufl. I, II, IV & Hft. vil-ix. 6 No. 4°. Berlin [1900 ?]. Berlin. — Zoologischer Garten. Fiihrer durch den . . . Garten, von. . .L. Heck. pp. 90 [2] : 1 plan col., 16 pp. of illust. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Berlin. — Zoologischer Garten. Wissenschaftticher Bericht erstattet von dem Director . . . L. Heck in der 31. ordentlichen General-Versammlung am 26. Marz 1901. [pp. 3.] 4U. [Berlin, 1901.] BERLIN. — CENTRALSTELLE FUER ARBEITER-WOHL- FAHRTSEINRICHTUNGEN. Vorberichte fur die XII. Konferenz . . . 1903 in Mannheim, pp. 91 [1] : text Must. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Contains :— 1. Das Altonaer Museum. Von Dr. Lehmann. 2. Das Bestreben der Amerikanischen naturwissenschaftlichen Museen, breiteren Schichten des Volkes zu dienen. Von A. B. Meyer. 3. Das Ruskin-Museum. . .Von G. Parker. 4. Die Bildungsmittel der Museen. Von Dr. Kautzsch. 6. Fuhrungen durch Museen. Von R. v. Erdberg. 6. Urteiltf der f uhrenden Herren u'ber die Fuhrungen. 7. Anhang. Verzeichnis der von der Zentralstelle fiir Arbeiter- Wohlfahrts-Einrichtuugen . . . 1896 bis 1DQ3 veranstalteten Fuhrungen. BERLIN. — DEUTSCHES BUREAU DER INTERNATIO- NALEN BIBLIOGRAPHIE. Bibliographie der Deutschen Naturwissenschaftlichen Literatur, Ac. Bd. I— jHwiii.ia. 8°. Jena, Berlin, 1902-f^, BERLIN.— KOLONIAL - WIRTSCHAFTLICHES KOMITEE. , Westafrikanische Kautschuk-Expedition ./ . 1899-1900. t j\ fk •*• * * ft IA » _„ _. Q-" °OHLI10IlTBn (B.) X. 3. Berlin. — KOLONIAL - WIRTSCHAFTLICHES KOMITEE. Expedition nach Central- und Stidamerika . . . 1899-1900. See PREUSS (P.) 8°. 1901. 84 3. Berlin. — KOLONIAL - WIRTSCHAFTLICHES Kuncnc-Sambesi-Expedition . . . 1908, 4 .' 1 port., 3 ph., text ilhat. 8°. Berlin, 1906. Berlin. — Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift, Ac. - Register. . .fiir die Biinde 1-50 (1848-1898). 8". Berlin, 1903. Berlin.— Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft. Festgabe. . .zur 42. Versammlung der. . .Gesellschaft in Stuttgart . . . 1896. See STUTTGART.— KOENIGLICHES NATUBALIEN-KABINETT. Mittheilungen, rfc. No. 5. 4". 1896. Berlin.— Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft. Die Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft in den Jahren 1848-1898, mit einem Lebensabriss von E. Beyrich, Ac. See KOKEN (F. B. K. E.) 8°. 1901. Berlin.— Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft. Fiihrer zu geologischen Exkursionen durch den siid- lichen Schwarzwald, den Jura und die Alpen, Ac. See SCHMIDT (C.) of Basle illiitt. fol. & 8°. Berlin, 1906-> i Jt* fct Ber ntomologischer Verein. Verzeichuiss der Kiifer Deutschlands, Ac. .SYr KBAATZ (G.) Berlin. Gesellschaft NaturforX Freunde. Sitzungsberichte . . . 1839-1859. pp. 178. 8°. Berlin, 1912. Berlin. Xoeuiglich-Preussische Akademie, Sec LEIPSIC.— DEUTSCHE I:I>I;I.I.M HAFT. 8". 1896— > 8". 1869. f r..L Berlin.— Entomologischer Verein. Entomologisches Inhalts-Verzeichniss zu den Verhand- lungon der kaiserlich-koniglichen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in \Vien. Jam-gang I-XXV . . . Bedacteur . . .G. Kraatz. pp. SO. Berlin, 1876. Berlin.— Gesellschaft fuer Erdkuude. Xoologischc Ergebnisse der von der Gesellschaft... uiitcr Lcitting Dr. von Drygalski's ausgesandten Gron- lundcxpisdition, itOi tire ZOOLOOICA. Bibliotheca /.oologica, rfc. I M. via, hft. 20 4°. 1895-98. Berlin. -Gesellschaft fuer Erdkuude. nsrhiiftliche Beitriigc zum Gediichtniss der hun- Ax- ZEIOEN. . .Organ des bergwirtscliaftlichen Seminars an der Konigl. Bergakademie zu Berlin. Juhrg. i-m. 4". 1910-12. Issued as a separately paged supplement to Bd. XVIII-* of the "Zeitschrift fiir praklischc Geologie " [17.0.1. Berlin.— K. Friedrich-Wilhelms-TJniversitaet. Botanischer Garten. Ueber die Gattunijen M,-li,i-n,-/nx ^n und Echinocactus, nebst Beschreibung und Abbilduug J7 der im Konigl. Botanischen Garten bei Berlin beflnd- lichen Arten. See LINK (H. F.) & OTTO (F.) 4°. [1827.] Berlin. K. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet. Botanischer Garten. Filicum species in Horto Begio £ Botanico Berolinensi cultse. See LINK (H. F.) 8". 1841. Berlin. X. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet. Botanischer Garten. Vorgeschichte des neuei\ Kiinii;!. J) . Botanischen Gartens zu Dahlem-Steglitz bei Berlin, von. . .1. Urban, pp. 15. 8°. Halle a. S., 1901. Berlin.— K. Friedrich-Wilhelms-TJniversitaet. Botanischer Garten. Bericht iiber den Botimisclien T Garten und das Botanische Museum. . .im Bechnungs- ~^ ' iahr 1901. [By A. Engler.] pp.;.:. 8°. Halle a. S., 1902. Berlin.- K. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet.— Botanisches Miim-itni. Kin Beferat iiber die Coluiu- -p bischen Moose, welche Hen- Moritz gesaninielt, und ^J dem Konigl. Herbarium in Schoneberg bei Berlin iiberliefert hat. Sec HAMPE (G. E. L.) 8". 1847. Berlin.— K. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet. Botanisches Museum. Bericht iibei- den r../iiinischeii ^ Garten und das Botanische Museum. . .im Beohnungi jahr 1901. See supra, Botanischer Garten. 8". 1902. Berlin.— K. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet. f^ K. Universitdtsbibliothek. Verzeichnis (lev Berliner . Q Universitatsschriften, 1810-1885, rfc. pp.ia>,848. »-K V. BerKn, isic.i. Berlin.— K. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet. Mineralogisch-Petrographische Sam nilnni/. 1 lesohrei- bung und Eintheilung der Metem-iti-n ;tnf (inmd der ^ Sammlung im Mineralogischen Museum zu Berlin. See BOSE (G.) 8". 1 Berlin. K. Friedrich-Wilhelms-TJniversitaet. Mincraloyim-li - l'i-/n"jrm>liincli'' Sammlung. Studii n iiber Meteoriten, vorgenommeu auf Grunddes Maten der Sammlung der Universitiit Berlin. Von . . . C. Klein. pp. I'll : .: ph. See supra, KOBNIGLICH-PBXD88I8CHI AK \DEMIE DEB WlSSENSCII AFTEN. Tliysikaliscli' handlungen, 8". Berlin, 1913-> Title from wrapper. BERLIN. Physikalische Gesellschaft. [Founded 1843.] Verhandlungen, rfc. Jahrg. XI & XII. See ANNALEN DER PHYSIK. Neue Folge, rfc. Bd. XLV-LI. 8°. 1892-94. Bd. I, v-x were published separately. Bd. ll-iv were issued with the " Fortschritte der Physik." Jahrg. xill-xvn. 8°. Berlin, 1895-98. Succeeded by the DEUTSCHE PHYSIKALIWJHE GESELLSCHAFT, for which •See LEIPSIC. Berlin.— Verein znr Befoerdernng des Garten- banes in den Koeniglich-Freussischen Staaten. See GARTENFLOHA . . . Organ des Vereins, rfc. Jahrg. XLIII-LIV. 8°. 1894-1905. Berlin. [Maps.] Geologische Karte der Stadt Berlin iin Massstabe, 1 : 15,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 41 in. about], rfc. See PRUSSIA. — KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE GEOLOGISCHE LANDESANSTALT, rfc. [Maps.] col. 1885. Berlin. [Maps.] Geologische Uebersichtskarte der Umgegend von Berlin im Massstab, 1 : 100,000 [i.e. 1 in. = li m. about]. [Second edition.] col. Berlin, 1899. Prepared for the Seventh International Geographical Congress at Berlin. For the explanation, See BERENDT (G. M.). For the earlier edition, See PRUSSIA.— KOENIGLICH-PRBUSSISCHE GEOLO«1SCHK LANDESANSTALT, etc. Abhandlungeil, etc. Bd. VIII, hft. 1. Berlin (ANDREAS HENRICUS) Usus Muscoruin, quern prseside. . .C. Linnaso, proposuit A. H. Berlin, rfc. See LINN^US (C.) [JForA-*.] C. Linnsei Fundament- orum Botanicorum pars prima. . . Curante J. E. Gilibert. Tom. I. 8°. 1786. BERLINER ENTOMOLOGISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. See BERLIN. BERMITDEZ (JOAO) This is a short account of the embassy which . . . J. Bermudez brought from the Emperor of Ethiopia, rfc. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, rfc. Ser. II, no. 10. The Portuguese Expe- dition, rfc. 8°. 1903. BERNACCHI (Louis CHARLES) [1876-] To the South Polar Begions. Expedition of 1898-1900. pp. xvi, 348: 44pls.,2maps(lcol.),textillust. 8°. London, 1901. BERNARD (Cii.) of Geneva & PotoniS (G. E. H.) Flore Devonienne de 1'Etage H. de Barrande, rfc. See BARRANDE (J.) Systerae Silurien du Centre de la Boheme, Ac. [Suites.] 4°. [1903.] BERNARD (CHARLES) A propos d'une maladie des Cocotiers causee par Pestalozzia palmarum, T3ooke. pp. 48 : 4 pis. See NEDERLANDSCH OOST INDIE. — Departement van Landbouw. Bulletin No. 2. 8". 1906. Bernard (CHARLES) Notes de Pathologic Vegetale. I. Sur quelques maladies de Thea assamica, de Kickxia elastica et de Hevca brasiliensis. pp. oo : 4 plg- See NEDERLANDSCH OOST INDIE. — Departement van Landbouiv. Bulletin No. 6. 8°. 1907. Bernard (CHARLES) Notes de Pathologic Vegetale. II. Sur quelques maladies de Citrus sp., Castilloa elastica, Thea assamica, Oreodoxa regia, rfc. pp. 55 : 3 pis. See NEDERLANDSCH OOST INDIE. — Departement van Landbouiv. Bulletin No. 11. 8°. 1907. Bernard (CHARLES) Notes de Pathologic Vegetale. III. Sur quelques maladies des Plantes a Caoutchouc. pp. 70 : ii pis. See NEDERLANDSCH OOST INDIE. — Departement van Landbouiv. Bulletin No. 12. 8" 1907. Bernard (CHARLES) Protococcacees et Desmidiees d'eau douce recoltees a Java, rfc. See NEDERLANDSCH OOST iNDlii. — Departe}iimt van Landbouw. 8". 1908. Bernard (CHARLES) Sur quelques Algues Unicellulaires d'eau douce recoltees dans le domaine Malais. See NEDERLANDSCH OOST INDIE. — Departement van Landbouw. 8". 1909. Bernard (CHARLES) Observations sur le The. I- VIII. See NEDERLANDSCH OOST INDIE.— Departement van Landbouiv. Bulletin No. 23, 36 & 40. 8". 1909-10. TL. -o J 6-. 3 86 Bernard (CHARLES) Algues d'eau douce [from Dutch New Guinea]. See WlCH MANN (C. E. A.) Nova Guinea, I IVuxieme Serie. Vol. !X-» 8°. 1911-> Bernard (IlKNitv MEYNERS) S.-,- I.YDKKKER (K.) ot. Oesell., ' Bd. LI, 1901 ; & part II u a separate supplement (Beiheft) to Bd. LII, 1902. Bernhauer (MAX) [Staphylinidse from south-western Australia.] Sec MiCHABLSEN (\V.) Die Fauna Sud- west-Australiens, 7,^«^ 8°. 1910-V^ BERNICE FAUAHI BISHOP MUSEUM OF POLYNESIAN ETHNOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY. See HONOLULU. 8°. Nancy, 1911. BERRY (EDWARD WILBER) [1875-] The Flora of the Raritan Formation. (Pt. I. General Relations.— Pt. II. Systematic Paleobotany.) pp. v, 333 : S!) pis., text ittutt. See NEW JERSEY, State of.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 8. 8°. 1911. Berry (EDWARD W.) The Upper Cretaceous and Eocene Floras of South Carolina and Georgia, pp. 200 : M j>ls., text illust. Sec UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 84. 4°. 1914. Berry (EDWARD \V.) Erosion intervals in the Eocene /- of the Mississippi embayment. See UNITED STATES.— \J Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 95-F. , 4°. 1915. Berry (EDWARD W.) The physical conditions ard age ~ indicated by the Flora of the Alum Bluff formation. (^ See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 98-E. Berry (EDWARD \V.) The physical conditions indicated ~ by the Flora of the Calvert formation. See UNITED Vj STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 98-F. 4°. 1916. Berry (EDWARD \V.) The Lower Eocene Floras of southeastern North America, pp. Jfil : 117 pis. back to £ back, text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 91. 4". 1916. Berry (EDWARD W.) & Matson (G. C.) The Catahoula ^ Sandstone and its Flora. See UNITED STATES.— Geo- VJ logical Survey. Professional Paper No. 98-M. 4". 1916. BERT (J. CHAILLEY) See CHAILLEY-BERT (J.) BERTEL (RUDOLF) Sur la distribution quantitative des Baeteiies planctoniques des c6tes de Monaco, tic. pp. 12. See MONACO.— INST1TUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 224. 8°. 1912. BERTHAULT (PIERRE) Recherches botaniques sur o les varietes cultivees du Solanum tuberosum et les X) especes sauvages de Solanum tuberiferes voisins. pp. 210 [1] : 9 pis., text illust. 8°. Nancy, Thesis. Berthelot (PIERRE EUGENE MARCELLIN) Chemie -p, Vegetale et Agricole. 4 Tom. 8°. Paris, 1899. "^ Berthold (GOTTFRIED DIETRICH WILHELM) Unter- vi, suchungen zur Physiologic der pflanzlichen Organisation. (£ Thl. I & II, hft. 1. illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1898. 1904. Q BERTHON ( ) Note BUT les Gites miniers et' les Phosphates de la Tunisie, , Historia Natural de las Aves del Paraguay). Descrip- * • ^ ci6n de las especies nuevas descubiertas ppr el Autor y f contribuciones al estudio de la Avifauna Paraguay a^rfc. pp. ll.l. *"• . VI, vol. I-x. 1886-95. 8°. Besangon, 1887-96. L- . Se>. VII, vol. l-x. 1896-1905. $• faS . -. - Se"r. VIII, vol. 8°. Besangon, 1897-1906. 1906-> 8°. Besangon, 1907-> Bescherelle (EMILE) Enumeration des H^patiques connues jusqu'ici aux Antilles Fran9aises (Guadeloupe et Martinique), pp. 17. 8°. [Paris,] (1893.) Journ. de Botanlque. Tom. VII, 1893. 3. Bl Bescherelle (KMii.K) NoteBnrleu£«Heo&rywm lltt'-visiou du genre Oclirnliryinn.) JI/L .'}: trst illuxt. 8°. [Pans] (1897.) J.mi ii. ile BoUiii<(ue. I .'in XI. 1S!>7. Bescherelle (KMii.K) Bryologiir Juponirii' Su)>]>lr- meutum, I. 2 I'l. 8". [J'nris, 1899.J .loiirn. cle KnUuih|iu>. Tom. XII. 1SOS ; XIII, 1899. BESH (V. K.) liuibnuie proiuuislui /apndnoi K\n>iiui. I Fisheries of western Europe.] 3 1't. illiixt. 8". S.-l'flerburgh, 1897-1899. BESLEY (V. \V.) & others. The Plaut Life of Mur> hind. / />!*.. test illust. Sec MARYLAND, Slute of. — Maryland Weather Service. [Report] Vol. III. 8". 1910. BESNARD (ANTON FRAN/.) ihrcu neuesten Eutdeckungeu Jahre 185K-55). 5 Pt. See WISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEHEIN. Hft. II-VI. Die Mineralogie in u. Fortschritten im BATISBON. — NATUR- Abhandlungen, Ac. 8°. 1852-56. Besnard (ANTON FRANZ) Altes und Neues zur Lehre flber die organische Art (Species), pp. 73. See RATISBON.— NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN. Abhandlungen, Ac. Hft. IX. 8°. 1864. Bessey (CHARLES EDWIN) The Grasses and Forage Plants of Nebraska. See NEBRASKA, State of.— Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. Report of the Botanist, etc. 8°. 1890. Bessey (CHARLES E.) Flora of Nebraska.. .Introduc- tion. By C. E. Bessey. See LINCOLN, Nebraska.— University of Nebraska. Pt. I. 8°. 1894. Bessey (CHARLES E.) A Synopsis of Plant Phyla. pp. !>!>. 8°. [Lincoln, Nebr., 1907.] Nebraska University Studies. Vol. VII, no. 4. BESSET (ERNEST ATHEARN) Root-Knot and its control, pp. 8!): 3 pit., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture.— Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 217. 8". 1911. Bessey (ERNEST A.) & Byars (L. P.) The Control of Root-Knot, pp. 19 : text Mutt. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Fanners' Bulletin No. 648. 8". 1915. BESTEL (F.) Notice Biographique sur M. Callay, Ac. — Apercu Topographique & Geologique du departement des Ardennes. — Geographic Botanique, Ac. See CALLAY (E. A. A.) Catalogue raisonn^ & descriptif des Plantes Vasculaires, y ('. •!. s. Itrthuue. — .ir. Vol. I-V, im. '.I mill XVIII, no. 10 VI. I. ,S'i , I'.NTo (^ MOI.OGICAL SOCIK.TV OK OVI'Altlo. s . (i, si ;s i isr,;i 78 ,\ issc, I-.MI'.I. BETHUNE-BAKER ((!KOI:I:K THO.MAS) An Address "L re:ul liefoiv tlie Entomological Society of London ... \ Ir January( 191">. /. -^— • BETTFREUND j-ii, ,'•'•' : l~ii! /i/«. (c»/. i, l-'lnni Ai-f,'eiitiim. •?<: /-/'."'•. '.rt illimt. 3 vol. 8". Buenos Aires 1 1898-190-2 ]. BETTONI (ANDREA) Fossili Domeriani della pro- vincia di liroscia. pp. 88 : !> pis., text illuxt. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAEONTOLOGISCHK GESELL- SCHAFT. Abhandlungen, [•!}. 4". Halo; Magdebtirgica; [1734]. BEZIER (TOUSSAINT) Catalogue raisorme dcs Lepi- dopterea observes en Bretagne jusqu'en 1882. Par \V. J. Griffith. . . publie par les soins de T. Bezier. pp. 176. •SVc RKNNKS.— SOCIKTK SCIENTIFIQUE ET MKDICALE DK L'OUEST. 8". 1902. Issued with Tom. XI of the Society's Bulletin. Bezier (TOUSSAINT) & Lebesconte (P.) Observations sur le terrain Silurien dans Ic synclinal de Gosne (Illc- et-Vilaine). pp. 6 : text illust. 8". Kennes, 1900. Bull. Soc. Sci. H6d. de 1'Ouest. Neuvieme annee, 1900. Tom. IX. BEZZI (MARIO) Intorno al tipo della Echinomyia PanliUi, A. Costa, pp. 2. See NAPLES. — REGIA UNI- VERSITA DEGLI STUDI. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della. . . Universita, Ac. Nuova Serie, Vol. II, no. 7. 4°. 1906. Bezzi (MARIO) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der sudameri- / kanischen Dipterenfauna auf Grund der Sammelergeb- »- • nisse einer Reise in Chile, Peru und Bolivia, ausgefuhrt C7 ("2/^1 in ... 1902-1904 von W. Schnuse. (Fam. Empidid® ... * von M. Bezzi.) pp. 114 [1] •' 1 pi- &ee ACADEMIA CAESAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA GERMANICA NATU- RAE CURIOSORUM. Nova Acta, Ac. Tom. XCI, no. 3. 4°. 1909. Bezzi (MARIO) Gli scritti cecidologici del Prof. A. Costa, pp. 2. See NAPLES.— REGIA UNIVERSITA DEOLI i . 8TUDI. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della . . . Uni- versita, Ac. Nuova Serie, Vol. ill, no. 7. 4°. 1909. Bezzi (MARIO) The Syrphidse of the Ethiopian region, -n based on material in the Collection of the British "• Museum (Natural History) with descriptions of new ~^- — genera and species. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL jL. . HISTORY). Zoology. [Diptera.] 8°. 1915. Bezzi (MARIO) & others. Katalog der palaarktischen ^ Dipteren. Bd. I— > See BECKER (T.) BIANCHI (FILIPPO SASSOLI DE) Count. See PENSIERO ^ ARISTOTELICO NELLA SCIENZA MODERNA, IL. Publi- o / / o- / cazione trimestrale di filosofia naturale, fondata e diretta dal Conte F. Sass61i de Bianchi, Ac. Ann. I, fasc. l-4.t 8°. 1900. BIANCHI (VINCENZO) II mantello cerebrale del L_ Delfino (Delphinus Delphis), Sec. ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADKMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. — Musee Zoologique. Fauna Rossii, Ac. 8". 191 1-> Bianki (VALENTIN L.) & Yakobson (GH. GH.) Pryamokruiluiya i Lozhnosyetchatokruiluiya Rossii- skom imperil I sopredyel'nuikh stran. Sostavleno Gh. Gh. Yakobsonom i V. L. Bianki. . .po. . .R. Tumpel'yu, Die Geradfliigler Mitteleuropas. [Orthoptera and Pseudoneuroptera of the Russian Empire and adjoin- ing countries, cfc.l See YAKOBSON (GH. GH.) & BlANKl (V! L.) 4°. 1902-05. BIBBINS (ARTHUR BARNEVELD) [1880-] Status of the Mesozoic Floras of the United States. Second paper... With the collaboration of . . .A. Bibbins, <£c. 2 Pt. illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Monographs, Ac. Vol. XLVIII. 4". 1905. The first part appeared in the Annual Report, no. 20, pt. 2, 1900. Biberg (ISAAC J.) (Ecouomia Naturiu, quam prseside . . . C. Linnaeo. . . submisit I. J. Biberg, Ac. SeeLlNN^EUS (C.) [Theses if Orations.] C. Linnici. . .Amoenitates Aca- demics, Ac. Vol. II, no. 19. 8". 1751. Biberg (ISAAC J.) I. Biberg (Economia Naturae. Si'e LlNN^EUS (C.) [Theses t(- Orations.] Selecta; ex Amienitatibus Academicis C. Linnaei, Dissertationes, Ac. 8°. 1764. Biberg (ISAAC J.) Die (Economic der Natur. See LINNAEUS (C.) [Theses d- Orations.] Des Hitter C. von Linn6 Auserlesene Abhandlungen aus der Naturgeschichte, . Hooker and Canon Tristram. The Animal Creation in the Bible. By Canon Tristram. Metals and Precious Stones of the Bible. (By Prof. N. Story Maskelyne.) Concordance, A-c. [pp. 96. \ The Indexed Atlas to the Holy Bible, pp. [mi,] II, maps cut. Bible. [Atlas.] See SCRIPTURE ATLAS, THE; or a series of maps to illustrate the Old and New Testament, rfc. 4°. 1812. Bible. [Fauna.] Beitrage zur Biblischen Zoologie. See ZEDDEL (F. C.) 8°. 1886. Bible. [Fauna.] [Bible Animals, 8°. Lipsia;, 1896— > This Is a continuation of the "Litteratur-Veberslcht" which was formerly part of the " Zoologischer Anzeiger" [J.T.]. 91 .13 .•LCI .1-0 ,.»*• BIBLIOGRAPHIE DEB, DEUTSCHEN NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHEN LITE- BATUB. See BERLIN. — Deutsches Bureau der Inter- nationalen Bibliographic. BIBLIOTHEK DEB LANDERKUNDE, Die. Herausgegeben von. . .A. Kirchhoff und. . .E. Fitzner. The Volumes which constitute this Series are entered under the nani^s of their several authors, as shown below :— Bd. I. Antarktis von...K. Fricker. 1898. II. Die Ostafrikanischen Inseln von... 0. Keller. 1898. Ill & IV. Italien von. . . W. Deecke. [1898.] V & vi. Neil-Guinea von ... M. Krieger [containing chapters on the Flora by O. Warburg, and on the Fauna by P. Matochie]. [1899.] VII & VIII. Kolumbien von. . .R. Regel. [1899.] IX. Neuseeland VOII...R, vonLendenteld. [1900.] X. China das Reich der achtzehn Provinzen. Thl. I. 1902. Bibliotheque TTniverselle, &c. Table generate raisonn^e des matures contenues ( — des Auteurs . . . cites) dans les . . . volumes [i-xx] . . . de la partie d'Agriculture de la Bibliotheque Britannique. 4 Pt. 8". [Geneva, } Table generale raisonnee de la Bibliotheque Universelle, Vol. I a XV (-LX, 1816-35) Be. et Arts, et I a V (-XIV, 1816-30) Agricul., (to. 5 Pt. 8°. Geneve, de. 1821-36. Bibra (ERNST VON) Baron. Der frankische Natur- forscher E. v. Bibra (1806-1878) in seinen Beziehungen zur Erdkunde. Von. . .S. Giinther. See NUREMBUHG. — NATURHISTORISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Sacular-Feier der . . . Gesellsohaf t . . . 1801-1901 . Festschrift, . j-x, !>.'<:. 8"., 1906. One o( the •• Manual! HiH'pll." BILEK (l'n.) O strukture hfbetni ceVy u Branchiob- delly. |()n the sti-urture of the heart of Branohiobdetta. \ /i/i.'.'/: //i/. N" Pli Alil'K. KOKNIIil.K'M KOI.IIMISCHK QBBLLSCHArrDKBWissKmoRAVTKN. Bitiunggberiohte, 8 : ,5 pl»., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Bureau. Bulletin No. 107. 8°. 1911. BILTMORE. Biltniore Herbarium. Biltinore Botanical Studies : a Journal of Botany em- bracing Papers by the Director and Associates of the . . . Herbarium. Vol. I— > 8°. London BINET (L. A. ALFRED) [1857-1911] The Psychic Life of Micro-Organisms. A Study in experimental psy- chology . . . Translated from the French by T. McCormack. With a Preface by the Author written especially for the American edition, pp. xii, 120 [/] : text illust. 8°. Chicago, 1889. Annotated with maniucript Dote* by O. C. W.Mich. BINGHAM (CHARLES THOMAS) [1848-1908] Hymono- ptera. Vol. I & U. illust. (col.) 8r<- BLAXVOBD (W.I.) The Fauna of British India. ' 8". 1897 & 1908. Bingham (CHARLES T.) Diagnoses of Aculeate Hym.-i 10- ptera [from Malaysia]. See ANNANDALE (T. N.) & ROBINSON (II. C.) Fasciculi Malayenses. do. /oology. Vol. I, pt. 2. Appendix. 4". 1903. Bingham (CHARLES T.) Report on the Aculeate 11 ymenoptera [from Malaysia]. Sec ANNANDALU (T. N.) \ HOBINSON (H. C.) Fasciculi Malayenses, ,l;c. Zoology. Vol. u. 4". (1905.) Bingham (CHARLES T.) See BLANPORD (W. T.) Butterflies. 2 Vol. ilhist. (c ol.) Tho Fauna of British India. 8". 1905-07. Bingham (CHARLES T.) The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma . . . Edited by Lt.-Col. C. T. Bingham. See BLANFOHD (W. T.) 8". 1906-08. BINGHAM (HIRAM) [1875-] Report on Landshells collected in Peru in 1911 by the Yale expedition under, . . . H. Bingham ... By W. H. Dall. /. '•'/ : text Must. 8". Mn iicln: s/ir. IS.VL Mem. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Manchester. Vol. Xir. BINZ (AUGUST) [1870-] [Flora von Basel und I bung, Rheinebene, TJmgebung von .Mitlhausen und Altkirch, Jura, Scharzwald und Vogesen. 8". Basel, 1901.] Wanting. — Dritte Auflage. pp. xliii, 320. 8". Basel, 1911. Binz (AUGUST) Les Plantes du Binnental. See DESBUISSONS (L.) La ValliSedeBinn, d'-c. 8". 1909. Biolley (PABLO) Mollusques de 1'Isla del Coco . . . (R^sultats d'uno Expedition faite en Janvier 1902 — du 11 au 16 — , dc. See SAN JOSK. — MUSED NACIONAL DK COSTA RICA. 4". 1907. BIOLOGEN KALENDER: Herausgegeben von... B. Schmid und. . .C. Thesing. Jahrg. I. 8°. Leipzig illust. 8". Torino, 1906->' Title from wrapper. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, &c. Vol. i-> See WOODS HoLL, Mass. — Marine Ilidlm/icn/ Labora- tory. 8°. (1899-) 1900-> BIOLOGICAL CLUB OF THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. (1801 Founded. 1916 Made a section of the OAto State Uniotrrity Scientific S,,-i,-i See ARCHIVES DE ZOOLOGIE EXPERIMENTAL!'', KT GKNKRALE, itc. SeV. IV, tom. VI [ = toin. xxxvi of the whole series], no. 7— > 8". 1907— > BIRGER (SKUM) ()m Tuber Salop. /. 1,t : text .•illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVKNSKA VETEN- SKAP.S-AKADKMIUN. Arkiv fi>r Botanik, <(;r. Bd. VI, no. IS. 8". 1907. Birds. [429 Water-colour and outline drawings of Birds by various artists.] 4 Vol. fol. Kenning part uf the series of drawings bequeathed by Maj.-Oenl. T. Hardwicke. BIRDWOOD (HERBKRT MILLS) [1837-1907] Indian Timbers. The Hill Forests of Western India. [With a biographical sketch of Birdwood by W. Griggs.] 4". London, 1910. The text was originally issued in the "Journal of the Society of Arts," Aug. 1899, being a lecture given by Birdwood at the " Greater Britain " Exhibition, July 1899. From that journal it was reprinted as explanatory text to the fifty-nine coloured illustrations of Indian Timbers produced by Griggs for the "Journal of Indian Arts and Industry, 1910," jip. 13-M : 1,7 pis. (col.) The present copy has been extracted from the latter journal to form a separate monograph. ,C Birge (EDWARD ASAHF.L) or Aullagas and Lak (M.) Les Lacs-jlcOxfTits Sud, Ac. ira from Lake Poopo S*e NEVEU-LEMAIRE Bxx maps, 1 text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. Ill, no. 4. 8°. 1904. Birger (SELIM) De 1882-1886 nybildade Hjiilmaroarnas vegetation, pp. 152 : 1.1 pis,., 1 map, text illust. /O See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. v, no. 1. 8°. 1905. Birger (SELIM) Om Tuber Salep, Ac. pp. 13: text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- > SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. VI, no. 13. 8". 1907. Birger (SELIM) Om Harjedalens Vegetation, pp. 136 : :i ills., 4 maps, text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA • SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. VII, no. 13. 8°. 1908. Birger (SELIM) Om forekomsten i Sverige af Elodea canadensis, L. C. Rich., och Matricaria discoidea, DC. ft pp.32: 3 maps (col.), text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. IX, no. 7. 8°. 1910. Birger (SELIM) & Andersson (J. G.) Den Norr- liindska Florans geografiska fordelning och invandrings- historia, Ac. See ANDERSSON (J. G.) & BIRGER (S.) 8". 1912. BIRKENHEAD. — PUBLIC LIBRARIES, MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY. Annual Report. . . Year ended March 31st, 1915-> 8°. BirJtenhead, 1915-» BIRKHOLZ (JoiiANN CIIRISTOPH) J. C. Birkholz iikonomische Beschreibung aller Arten Fische welche in den Gewiissern der Churmark gefunden werden. pp. .?.}. 8°. Berlin it Stralsund, 1770. BIRMINGHAM. — MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY. Report of the . . . Committee, for the year e'nded March 81, 1914^4* j^cttt. 8". [Birmingham, 1914,]- Birmingham. — University. Studies from the Zoological Department. . . . Vol. II. Edited by F. W. Gamble. [16 Papers.] 8°. [Birmingham,] 1910. Privately circulated.. .Reprints from various periodicals, bearing their original pagination. Birmingham and Midland Institute. Programme for Session, 1907-08, d-c. pp. 8°. Birmingham [1899— >] BIRULA (A.) See BYALUINiTZKII-BlRULYA (ALEK- SANDR ANDROVlCH) BIRULTA (BYALUINITZKII-) See BYALUINITZKII-BlRULYA. BISCHOF (JOSEPH) & others. Katalog der paliiark- tischen Dipteren. Bd. I-> See BECKER (T.) A others. 8°. 1903-> Bischoff (GOTTLIEB WlLHELM) Al Redattore della Notizia inserita nel N. 5. Anno 1829, del Bullett. di Ferrusac, intorno la Memoria del Dott. G. W. Bischoff sulla Salvinia natans. Lettera del D. P. Savi. See SAVI (P.) 8°. (1830.) BISCHOFF (H.) Hymenoptera fossoria, Chrysididse, Stephanidae der Deutschen Zentralafrika-Expedition, 1907-08. See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of MecMenberg. Wissenschaft- liche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedi- tion, 1907-1908, Ac. Bd. ill, lief. 7. 8°. 1911. Bischoff (H.) Fam. Chrysididte. pp. 86 : 5 pis. (col.) See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, Ac. Fasc. 151. Hymenoptera. 4°. 1913. BISERTA. Benzert. [By Ludwig Salvator, Arch- duke of Austria.] pp. x, 70 : 30 pis., 1 map col., 1 text illust. „ A^- 4°. Prog, 1897. BISHOP (Louis B.) Annotated list of Birds [of the Yukon River region]. See UNITED STATES. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. • — Biological Survey Division. North American Fauna. No. 19. 8". 1900. 94 I. ^ L- BISHOPP (FRED. C.) An annotated Bibliography of the Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil, pp. SO. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 140. 8°. 1911. Bishopp (FRED. C.) The Distribution of the Rocky Mountain Spotted-Fever Tick. pp. 4 •' text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 136. 8". 1911. Bishopp (FRED. C.) The Fowl Tick. pp. llf. text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 170. " 8°. 1913. Bishopp (FRED. C.) The Stable Fly. pp. 28: text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 540. 8°. 1913. Bishopp (FRED. C.) Fleas, pp. SI : text illust. > UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. • Bulletin No. 248. 8°. 1915. Bitter (GEOHG) Die Gattung Acana, \ i \ . .'.'fpls. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGHCHE OEOLOGISCHE REICHSAN- STALT. Abhandlungen, Ac. Bd. xvm, hft. 1. 4". 1895. Hft. 2 by L. Waagtm appeared in the same serial in 1007. Bittner (ALEXANDER) Zur Abwehr gegen . . . A . Bittner. (Nachtrag), Ac. See MOJSISOVICS VON MOJSVAR (J. A. G. E.) 8". 1898. Bittuer (ALEXANDER) Okamenyelosti iz Triasovuikli otloxhenii Yuzhno - Ussuriiskagho Kraya. — Verstei- nerungen aus den Trias-Ablagerungen des Siid-Ussuri- Gebietes_in der Ostsibirischen Ktistenprovinz. /)/'• ••'/ Trudui, . pp. j-, .;•!<; : I pi., H maps (col.), text illust. 8°. London, 1902. Contains :— Appendix I. Notes on Plants collecffid in the Faroes and Iceland. By A. W. Hill. A List of Plants collected in the Faroes and Iceland in June anil July, 1900. j BISTRAM (A. VON) Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Fauna des unteren Lias in der Val Solda. Geologisch- palaontologische Studien in den Comasker Alpen. I. pp. 99: S pis. See FREIBURG- IN- BBEISCAT. NATURFORSCHKNDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte, tic. Bd. xui. 8°. 1903. Bis tram (A. VON) Das Dolomitgebiet der Luganer Alpen. Geologisch-palaontologische Studien in den Comasker Alpen. II. pp. 84 : 1 map col., 2 pis., text illust. See FREIBURG-IN-BREI8GAU. — NATURFOR- 8CHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte, 2 BIXBT (MAYNARD) A Catalogue of Utah Minerals and localities, with descriptive list, and notes for jv Collectors. (Second edition.) pji. '•'•. 8°. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1902. BJAiYNICKI - BIRULA. .S« HYALUINITZKII- BIBULYA- Dm- 3 BJERKAN (PAUL) Ascidien von dem Norwegischen I. Fischereidampfer " Michael Sars " ui den Jahren 1900- O 1904 gesammelt. pp. ~'V [/]: ./ pis. See BERGEN. — J' Bergens Museum. Bergens Museums Aarbog 1905. No/5. 8". 1905. L Bjerkan (PAUL) [Ascidians of the Arctic See CllRISTIANIA.— VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Hcport of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the " Fram " 1898-1902. Vol. Ill, no. 14. 8°. 1908 (1911). BJORCK ^WILHKLM) Bidrag till kiinnedomeu om Decapodernas larvutveckling. 2 Pt. illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- ' AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, rfc. Bd. vn, no. 15 ; VIII, no. 7. 8°. 1911, 18. Part II Is In German. Bjb'rck ( WILHELM) Decapoden aus dem Kattegat und dem Skagerak. /X .• text iUnst. See STKINMANN (.T. H. C. G. G.) Handbuch der Regionalen Geologic, : / ;>/. 4°. [Paris, 1887.] i ..niptcs liuiid. Acad. rtri. Paris. Tom. IV. BLAIR (ANDREW ALEXANDER) [1846-1902] [The Chemical Analysis of Iron. 8". Philadelphia \ (A. \V.i British Association, Dundee, 1912. Handbook and Guide, dc. 8". [1912.] Blair (PATRICK) A Catalogue of the several Bot Discoverys and Improvements made by ... P. Blair . . .and dispers'd among his Writings which have been published. fol. This MS., written by his amanuensis, and a series of letters writ tin by and to Dr. Illair (lianksinn MS.S. No. 86) have bwn lioiind in witli the correspondence of John and Thomas Martyn (liankslan SISS. No. 103). BLAI8DELL (FRANK E.) A monographic Revision of the Coleoptera belonging to the Teuebrionide Eleodiini Inhabiting the t'nited States, Lower California, and adjacent islands, jip. xi, .< ."/ .• /..'/)/«. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 63. 8°. 1909. BLAKE (ARTHUR JOHN JEX-) See JEX-BLAKK. BLAKE (CHARLES CARTER) A few observations on the classification of the genus Auchcnia, Illiger, dc. p/>. !>. 4". [1858.] Author's holograph. Blake (CHARLES C.) A nomenclator of Bovidie. in- tended to serve as an appendix to Dr. Gray's List of Mammalia, 1843. pp. 0. 4". [1868.] Author's holograph. Blake (CHARLES 0.) [For articles on Biological Sciences] See BRANDE (W. T.) A Dictionary of Science, dc. [New edition.] 8". 1865-67. ' Blake (JOHN FREDERICK) List of the Types and Figured Specimens. . .in the Collection of the. Geo- logical Society. . .Verified and arranged, with additions by J. F. Blake, dc. See GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY >OF LONDON. 8". 1902. Blake (JOHN F.) A Monograph of the Fauna of the Cornbrash. Pt. If. See PAL.EONTO(;HAPHICAL SOCIETY. 4". 1905-07. BLAKE (JOHN HOPWOOD) [1843-1901] The Water Supply of Berkshire from underground sources, dc. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England and Wales. [Miscellaneous Memoirs.] 8°. 1902. Blake (WILLIAM I'liirrs) Gypsum deposits in Arixona. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Swrc. //. Hulletin No. 223. _ 8". 1904. BLAKESLEE (ALHEKT FRANCIS)V& Jarvis (C. D.) New England Trees in Winter. 8". [Stt>m, Conn.,] 1 !i 1 I . St'irrs Agru-. EXIKM-. Htatjijii. I'mllcljn No. H'.i. ,. /..': ..'//>. .">.'': / i>orl., lest illust. S". l.,iiis,iiin,; 1912. Hull. S,,,-. \ audniHC Sci. Nat. Vol. xi.vni, no. 17.i. BLANCH (WILLIAM HARNETT) Ye Parish of CaiVi< T- .- well ... its history and antiquities, pp. xvi, 480, cviii : Ci) 74 pis. (/ col.), ~ maps (1 col.), text Musi. 8". London, 1875. Contains a chapter on the " Geology of CainlKTHcll," by A. Bott. Blanchard (('UAIII.KS I;\IILK.) Catalogue des (Vtonides _ de la < 'nll'vtion du Aluseum d'Histoire Nnturelle de Z. Paris. See PARIS.— MUSKUM D'HISTOIHE NATURELLE. 8". 1842. 97 Blanchard (CHARLES d'Histoire Naturelle , rfc. 16 Vol. illust. co c.n [Another Now ~onnaire universel ago . . . Blanchard, (C. F. D') •&>. [1889-] 1849. 8°. 1861. 17 Vol. illust. col. 8°. [1867 ?] Blanchard (BAPHAEL ANATOLE EMILE) [1857-] Hiru- dinees des Indes Neerlandaises. See WEBER (M. C. W.) Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Beise in Niederlandisch Ost-Indien, Ac. Bd. IV, hft. 1. 8". 1897. Blanchard (BAPHAEL A. E.) Les Coccidies et leur role pathogene. pp. 40 : text illust. See PARIS. — SOCIETE zooi/OGIQUES DE TRANCE. Causeries Scienti- fiques, Ac. Vol. I, no. 5. 8°. 1900. Blanchard (BAPHAEL A. E.) Hirudineen aus Monte- A negro- PP-3. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, illust. 8°. Paris, 1909— > Blanchard (BAPHAEL A. E.) & others. Madagascar au debut clu xxe Siecle. pp. v, 4>65 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Paris, 1902. Contains, inter alia : — Preface. [By R. Blanchard.] . Geographic. Par G. Grandidier. GiSologie. Par II. Boule. Min^ralogie. Par A. Lacroix. Botanique. Par E. Drake del Castillo. IthnSaphie.} Par G. Grandidie, Climat, Hygiene et Maladies [including parasites). Par R. Blanchard. BLANCHET (PAUL) Besultats Geologiques de la Mission Paul Blanchet. Par A. Dereims. See PARIS. — SOCIETE GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires, Ac. No. 44. Les Coquilles du Quaternaire 4°. 1911. Paleontologie. marin du Senegal, Ac. Blanckenhoru (MAX L. P.) Die Pitliccantliropus- Schiohten auf Java. Geologische und palaontologische Ergebnisse der (Selenka-)Trinil-Expedition (1907 und 1908) . . . Herausgegeben von M. L. Selenka . . . und . . . M. Blanckenhorn, Ac. See SELENKA (M. L.) Frau. 4°. 1911. Blanckenhorn (MAX L. P.) Syrien, Arabien und Mesopotamien. See STEINMANN (J. H. C. G. G.) Handbuch der Begionalen Geologie, Ac. Bd. v, abth. 4. 8°. 1914. Blanckenhorn (MAX L. P.) & Hessler (C.) Geolo- gischer Fiihrer durch die Umgegend von Cassel, Ac. See HESSLER (C.) & BLANCKENHORN (M. L. P.) 8°. 1911. Blanco (MANUEL) A Beview of the identifications of the species described in Blanco's Flora de Filipinas. By E. D. Merrill, pp. 123. See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. —Science Bureau. [Bulletin] No. 27. 8°. 1905. BLANDFORD (WALTER FIELDING HOLLOWAY) List of Marlborough Lepidoptera, revised up to the end of 1883. pp. 81. 8°. [Marlborough,] 1884. Rept. Marlboro' Coll. Nat. Hist. Soc. No. 32. Blandford (WALTER F. H.) [Scolytidae of Central _> America.] See GODMAN (F. D.) & SALVIN (O.) Biologia 2. Centrali-Americana, Ac. Zoology. Coleoptera. Vol. IV, pt. 6. 4°. 1895-1905. Blanford (HENRY FRANCIS) Prehistoric Man. No. 1. _ On the early Stone-Age in western Europe and India. (^f A lecture, Ac. pp. i, 52. 8°. Calcutta, 1866. - No. 2. Later Stone and Bronze Ages : The Swiss Pile Villages. A lecture, Ac. pp.26. 8°. Calcutta, 1867. Blanford (WILLIAM THOMAS) The Fauna of British ^ India, including Ceylon and Burma . . . Edited by W. T. Blanford ([and afterwards] Lt.-Col. C. T. Bingham, A. E. Shipley, G. A. K. Marshall)^ [CovtvnMed :] i$ss —^ Arachnida. By R. I. Pocock. pp. xn, %7ffT text Utust? ' 1900. Rhyiichota. By W. L. Distant. Vol. I-» 1902 -» Hymenoptera. Vol. II. Ants and Cuckoo-Wasps. By C. T. Bingham. pp. xix, .506': Ipl. col., text illust. 1903. Hymenoptera. Vol. III. Ichneumonidao : I. Ichneumones Del- toidei. By C. Morley. pp. xxxvi, SSI : 1 pi. col., text illuit. 1913. Butterflies. By C. T. Bingham. 2 Vol. tthut. (col.) 1905, 07. Diptera- Nematocera (excluding Chironomidae and Culicidse). By E. Brunetti. pp. xxviii [ii], SSI : n pis., text illust. 1912. Orthoptera. (Acridiidte.) By W. F. Kirby [edited with notes by C. 0. Waterhouse]. pp. ix, 276 : text illust. 1914. Coleoptera. (Cerambyeidse.) By C. J. Gahan. Vol. l-» 1906-* Coleoptera n. (Chrysomelid:e.) Vol. I. By M. Jacoby. 1908. Coleoptera Lamellicornia (Cetoniinas and Dynastinse). By G. J. Arrow, pp. xiv, 3SS! : S pis. col., textilhut. 1910. • Coleoptera. General Introduction and Cicindelidse and PauB- sidse. By W. W. Fowler, pp. xx, S29: text illust. 1912. Coleoptera. Rhynchophora : — Curculionidse. By G. A. K. Marshall, pp. xv, 361 : text illust. 1916. Dermaptera, by M. Burr. pp. xmii, SI" : 10 pis. (col.), text illust. 1910. Mollusca. Testacellidse and Zonitidae. By ... W. T. Blanford ...and...H. H. Godwin-Austen, pp. xxxii, 311 : text Must. 1908. Mollusca. II. (Trochomorphidse— Janellida;.) By G. K. Gude. pp. xii, 510: text illust. 1914. Mollusca. [III.] (Freshwater Gastropoda & Pelecypoda.) By H. B. Preston, pp. xix, SIA : text illust. 1915. Freshwater Sponges, Hydroids and Polyzoa. By N. Annandale. pp. viii, 351 : 5 pis., text itlust. 1911. Blanford (WILLIAM T.) Geology. [On the collection *»f t p and preservation of specimens.] See BOYAL GEO- O /. ad . jz GRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Hints to Travellers . . . Eighth edition, Ac. Vol. II, sect. ill. 8°. 1901. Blanford (WILLIAM T.) [Notes on Geology, and how to / • collect in the Antarctic Begions.] See BOYAL GEO- tors, Herbaria and Bibliography, pp. HI. JJ . 8°. Bozeman, Montana, 1905. Montana Agric. Coll. Science Studies. Vol. I, Botany, no. 1. Blankinship (JOSEPH W.) Supplement to the Flora -. of Montana [by P. A. Bydberg] : Additions and correc- ^_ tions. illust. 8°. Bozeman, Montana, 1905. Montana Agric. Coll. Science Studies. Vol. I, Botany, no. 2. 13 rW 98 Blankinship (JOSEPH W.) Native Economic Plants of Montana, pp. 36 [it], 8°. Boeeman, Montana, 1905. Bulletin. MonUna Agrlc. Coll. Exper. SUtlon, No. 58. Blankinship (JOSEPH W.) & Henshall (H. F.) Common Names of Montana Plants, -,',!<: 3 pig., text illutt. BLIGHT (JOHN TIIUM\M 11835-] A Week at the ^2. Land's End. pp. xi, Jd.l : II ph., title and other Plants of economic importance found in the Berar Forest Circle of the Central Provinces. By D. O. Witt. (Addenda, Ac. [By] A. W. Blunt.) See INDIA. — CENTRAL PROVINCES AND BERAR. 8°. 1908 (1910). c-r Blyth (EDWARD) __ .Mammalia, Birds See CuvI£B-{€^r~L7 C. F. D.) B TT . New edition. " andJReptfles. he Animal 8°. [1849.] Blyth (T. R.) Meteorites. See CALCUTTA. — Indian Museum. Popular Guide to the Geological Collections in the. . .Museum. No. 3. Appendix. 8°. 1901. Blytt (AxEL GULBRAND) Bidrag til kundskaben om Norges soparter. iv. Peronosporaceas, Chytridiacese, Protomycetacese, Ustilagine®, Uredinese. pp. 75. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhand- linger, Ac. Aar 1896, no. 6. 8°. 1896 (1897). - -«*i •(> >Ui3.P. o . d . 55Y ' ' Blytt (AXEL G.) Nye bidrag til kundskaben om Kar- , plauternes udbredelse i Norge. pp. 40. See CHRISTIA- OJO NIA. — VIDENSKABS - SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, Ac. Aar 1897, no. 2. 8°. 1897 (1898). Blytt (AxEL G.) Norges Hymenomyeeter . . . efter for- fatterns d0d gennemset og afsluttet af E. Rostrup. pp. 164. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Skrifter, Ac. 1904. No. 6. 8°. 1905. , "•• i A 100 Blytt (AXEL Q.) Haandbog i Norges Flora ... eftcr forfatterens d0d afsluttet og udgivet ved 0. Dahl. pp. it, 750 ; 1 port., text illust. 8°. Krittiania, 1906. Blytt (AXEL G.) Theorien om den Norske Floras indvandring under vexlende tyrre og fugtige perioder. Et efterladt manuskript. pp. 18. See BERGEN. — Bergen* Museum. Bergens Museum Aarbog 1909, maps col. fol. Kjbenhavn, 1904. Boas (JOHAN E. V.) Ohrknorpel und iiusseres Ohr der Saugetiere. Eine vergleichend-anatoniische Unter- suchung. pp. [iv,] 226 : 2f> pit., text illust. 4°. Kopenhagen, 1912. Boas (JOHAN E. V.) & Paulli (S.) i.'nd of the name. The Elephant's Head : Studies in the comparative anatomy of the organs of the head of the Indian Elephant, and other Mammals . . . First Part. The Facial Muscles and the Proboscis, coll. 79 : lf>ph. col., with illustrated explanatory descriptions. fol. Jena, 1908. Bobart (JACOB) the Younger. [Transcript of a] Cata- logue of Plants sent from Mr. Bobert, Feb. 1689, Ac. 8°. [1773.] Banksian MSS. No. 94. Vide DRYAHDER " Cat. Bibl. Banks," torn. Ill, p. 184. Copied by Sir J . Banks from an old paper lent him by Dr. Bobart (JACOB) the Younger. [For copious MS. notes and annotations] See BAUHIN (C.) Uiva.% Theatri Botanici, Ac. 4". 1623. BOBIC (MIKHAIL) Koleoptera u Krushevtzu i okolini. [Coleoptera of Krusvevac & its environs.] 8". Beoghrad, 1891. NanUvntk. Kn'. II, pp. 451-487 & 633-647. BOCK ftW & Hofsten (N. VON) Zoologische Ergeb- nisse der Schwedischen Expedition nach Spitzbergen, 1908... Eine Untersuchung ilber die Bodenfauna des Eisf jords, nebst einer Uebersicht ilber das Plankton und die hydrographischen Verhiiltnisse. Teil 1— > illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. XLV, no. 9. -fo. 4°. 1910-» BOCKETT (BjHrfAMiN BRADN^Y) The Lepidopterist's Indicatorixttn alphabetically arranged guide to the optera. pp. 36 : title illust. *• London' 186°- the British BOCQUET (R.)v [For official reports as Assistant, afterwards Chief, Inspector of Mines] See MYSORE, State of. — Department of Mines and Geology. Boddaert (PlETER) Reizen en aanmerkingen door en over Barbaryen . . . Uit het Engelsch vertaald door P. Boddaert . . . met Aanteekeningen, illust. See PAL^EONTO- GRAPHICA, Ac. Supplement, Bd. IV, lief. 1— > 4". 1904-> Boehm (GEORG) Unteres Callovien und Coronateu- schichten zwischen Mac Cluer-Golf und Geelvink-Bai. See WICHMANN (C. E. A.) Nova Guinea, Ac. Vol. VI, livr. 1. 4°. 1913. Boehm (JOHANNES AUGUST) Ueber cretaceische und ^* • , eocane Versteinerungen aus Ferghana. See FUTTERER "7 i . 4 . » (K.) Durch Asien, Ac. Bd. HI, lief. 1. 8°. 1903. Boehm (JOHANNES A.) Ueber die obertriadische Fauna /_ . der Bareninsel. pp.75: 7 pis., text illust. See STOCK- S.S"7o.O HOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd. Bd. xxxvil, no. 8. 4°. 1903. "Z . Boehm (JOHANNES A.) Kalender fiir Geologen, Paliion- £- tologen und Mineralogen. Herausgegeben von . . . ^T • J. Bohm, Ac. Jahrg. vi & vn. See GEOLOGEN- KALENDER, Ac. 8°. 1903-06. Boehm (JOHANNES A.) Ueber Triasversteinerungen vom Bellsunde auf Spitzbergen. pp. 15 : 1 pi., text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- "^ SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi. Bd. vin, no. 2. -^ 8°. 1913. Boehm (JOHANNES A.) & Heim (A.) Neue Unter- suchungen iiber die Senonbildungen der ostlichen (r/ Schweizeralpen, Ac. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PAL^EONTO- LOGISCHEGESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen,rfc. Vol.xxxvi. 4°. 1909 (1910). Boehm (JOHANNES A.) & Schroeder (H. C.) Geologie _ und Palaontologie der Subhercynen Kreidemulde. (j~ pp. [ii,] 64: 16 pis. See PRUSSIA. — KOENIGLICH- PREUSSISCHE GEOLOGISCHE LANDESANSTALT, Ac. Ab- handlungen, Ac. Neue Folge, hft. LVI. 8°. 1909. Boehmer (GEORG BUDOLPH) Thesaurus Bei Herbarise Hortensisque universalis, Ac. [The text in part by G. B. Boehmer.] See KNOHR (G. W.) fol. 1770-72. Boehmig (LUDWIG) [Turbellaria: Bhabdocoelida and Tricladida from South America.] Sec HAMBURG. — NATURHISTORISCHES MUSEUM. Ergebnisse der Ham- burger Magalhaensischen Sammelreise, Ac. Lief. VI, no. 1. 8°. 1902. Boehmig (LUDWIG) Turbellaria . . . von . . . L. von Graff ...Mit Beitragen von...L. Bohmig, Ac. See BRONN (H. G.) Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Beichs, Ac. Bd. IV, Vermes : Abth. 1. c. Turbellaria I. 8°. 1904-1908. Boehmig (LUDWIG) [Turbellaria of the Antarctic regions.] See BELGIUM. — Commission de la Belgica. Expedition Antarctique Beige. B^sultats du Voyage . . .1897-1899, Ac. Zoologie. 4°. 1908. Boehmig (LUDWIG) Turbellaria. Teil II. Tricladida. See BRAUER (A.) Die Susswasserfauna Deutschlands, Ac. Hft. 19. 8°. 1909. Boehmig (LUDWIG) Die Bhabdocrelen Turbellarien und Tricladen der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901-1903. See GERMANY. Deutsche Sudpolar-Ex- pedition 1901-1903 . . . Herausgegeben von E. von Drygalski. Bd. xv, hft. 1. 4°. 1914. BOEKE (HENDRIK ENNO) [1881-] Die Anwendung der stereographischen Projektion bei kristallographischen Untersuchungen. pp. viii, 58 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1911. B L. . 102 2. Boeke (HENDRIK £.) Die gnomonische Projektion in ihrer Anwendung auf kristallographische Aufgaben. pp. it), 54 : text Must. 8°. Berlin, 1918. Boeke (HENDRIK. E.) & Binne (F. W. B.) El Inca, ein neues Meteoreisen. See NBCES JAHRBUCH FUKK MlNERALOGIE . . . Festband zur Feier des lOOjiihrigen Bestehens, 1807-1907. 8°. 1907. BOELSCHE (WlLHELM) Miscellaneous Writer. Die Abstanunung des Menschen . . . Neu durchgesehene . . . Ausgabe. pp. 11~J : text illust. 8°. Stuttgart, [1911 ?] Wrapper Illustrated in colours. The first edition appeared In 1904. Boelsche (WlLHELM) Paleontologist. Die Korallen des unteren Planers im Siichsischen Elbthale. See PAL.KONTOGHAPHICA, 3 : 1/9 pis. (1 col.), 1 map geol. col. See MEXICO. — Instituto Geoldgico. Boletin No. 25. 4°. 1910. Boese (EMIL) Algunas Faunas del Cretacico superior de Coahuila y regiones limitrofes. pp. iiti : 8 ph. See MEXICO. — Instituto Geologico. Boletin No. 30. 4°. 1913. Boese (EMIL) & Villarello (J. D.) Los criaderos de Fierro . . . de la Hacienda de Vaquerias, Estado de Hidalgo. See MEXICO. — Instituto Geologico. Boletin No. 16. 4°. 1902. Boeseiiberg (FRIEDRICH WILHELM) Die Spiunen Deutschlands. I- VI. pp vi, 465 : Ifi ph., text illust. ^ See ZOOLOGICA. Bibliotheca Zoologica, Ac. Bd. XIV, hft. 35. 4°. 1901-03. Boeseiiberg (FRIEDRICH W.) & Lens (H. W. C.) -7 Ostafrikanische Spinnen. See STUHLMANN (F.) Zoo- ** logische Ergebnisse einer in . . . Ost-Afrika unternom- menen Beise. Bd. II. 8". 1895 (1901). Boesraug (ERNST) Die Tetractinelliden. SeeVoELtz- ^~ KOW (A.) Beise in Ostafrika, Ac. Bd. in, lift. 3. /0-<| 4°. 1913. Boettger (OSKAR) Beitrag zur herpetologischen Kenntniss der Calamianen, Philippinische Inseln. pp. 5. ^ See DRESDEN. — KOENIGLICHES ZOOLOGISCHES UND ANTHHOPOLOGISCH-ETHNOrjRAPHISCHES MUSEUM. Ab- handlungen und Berichte, rfc. 1894-95. No. 7. 4". 1895. Boettger (OHKAK) Der Zoologische Garten. . .Kedigiert • von. . .O. Boettger. Jahrg. XXXVII-LI, no. 8. * See FRANKFORT-ON-TIIE-MAIN. — NEUE ZOOLOGISCHE OESELLSCIIAFT. 8". 1896-1910. Boettger (OsKAR) Rhacophorus rizali, ein neuer Baumfrosch von Mindanao, nebst Fundortnotizen von den Philippinen ttberhaupt. pp. •'!. See DRESDEN. — KOENIGLICHES ZOOLOfJISCHES UND ANTHKOPOLOGISCH- ETHNOGRAPHISCHES MUSEUM. Abhandlungen, Ac. Bd. VII, no. 1. 4°. [ 1897] 1899. 103 Boettger (OsKAR) Reptilien und Amphibien von y . Madagascar, den Inseln und dem Festland Ostafrikas. (Sammlung Voeltzkow 1889-1895 und 1903-1905.) See VOELTZKOW (A). Reise in Ostafrika ... 1903-1905 . . . Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse. Bd. in, hft. 4. 4°. 1913. BOFILL T PIC HOT (JoSK) Parasitismo Animal y . „ sus relaciones con la Agricultura . . . y Discurso de '•*'• Contestation por el ... Dr. D. J. Cadevall. pp. 24. See BARCELONA. — REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, dc. Memorias, dc. Ilia Epoca, vol. vin, no. 7. 4°. 1909. Bofill y Pichot (JosK) Algunos datos anatomicos y biologicos del Anthrenus verbasci, L. pp. 11 : 1 pi. See BARCELONA. — REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, dc. d^ Memorias, dc. Ilia Epoca, vol. vin, no. 26. 4". 1911. ft?.?. Bofill y Foch (AHTURO) [1846-] Sobre la presencia de Fa Mitra striatula en una gruta prehistorica de Cataluna. pp. ij : 1 pi. See BARCELONA. — REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, dc. Memorias, dc. Ilia Epoca, vol. x, no. 5. 4°. 1912. Bofill y Foch (AHTURO) Algunos Moluscos de agua dulce .recogidos por...L. M. Vidal, en las provincias de Murcia y Albacete. pp. 7. See BARCELONA. — REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, dc. Memorias, dc. Ilia Epoca, vol. x, no. 23. 40. 1913. Bofill y Foch (ARTUHO) Notas acerca de la Fauna S£>. Malacologica Espanola. pp. 13. See BARCELONA. — ' REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, dc. Memorias, dc. Ilia Epoca, vol. xil, no. 1. 4°. 1915. _, Bofill y Foch (AHTURO) Instructions per a la recol- ' • lectio de Moluscs terrestres i d'aigua dol9a. pp 17 : text illust. See BARCELONA. — MUSEU DE CIENCIES NATURALS. ^ Musei. . .Opera. Series Zoologica. No. 5. £tU0'j*uno 1/^tlaJLlA cLU fTWj-t-*^ . VW roS- 8". 1917. Bofill y Foch (ARTURO) & Almera (J.) Moluscos Fosiles de los terrenos Terciarios superiores de Cataluna. Pt. 3 & 4. illust. See SPAIN. — Instituto Geologico de Espana. Boletin, dc. Tom. xix & xxiv. 8". 1893, 98. Bofill y Foch (ARTURO) & Almera (J.) Fauna salobre 5" . Tortonense de Villanueva y Geltru (Barcelona), pp. 16 : text illust. See BARCELONA. — REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, dc. Memorias, dc. Ilia Epoca, vol. in. 4". 1895 (i.e. 1897). Bofill y Foch (ARTURO) & Almera (J.) Considera- ciones sobre los Restos Fosiles Cuaternarios de la caverna de Gracia (Barcelona), pp. 7-7 : 4 pi. See BARCELONA. — REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, dc. Memorias, dc. Ilia Epoca, vol. iv, no. 33. 4°. 1903. BOGD ANO WITSCH (K.) See BOGHDANOVICH (K. I.) f i r^'Boggild (O. B.) The Deposits of the Sea-Bottom. j -pp. 89 f 7 maps col., text illust. See DENMARK. — Ingolf- Expedition. The Danish Ingolf-Expedition, dc. Vol. i, Pt- 2- 4°. 1900. Boggild (O. B.) Miueralogia Groenlandica, dc. pp. xix, 6';25: 1 map col., text illust. See DENMARK. — Com- missionen for Ledelsen af de GeologisTce og Geographiske Undersfigelser i GrfSnland. Meddelelser om Gr0nland, '(•<•. Hft. xxxil. 8°. 1905. — [Another issue.] See COPENHAGEN. — KJ0BEN- HAVNS UNIVERSITET. — Mineralogiske og Geologiske Museum. Contributions to Mineralogy. No. 6. 8°. 1905. Boggild (0. B.) On the Bottom Deposits of the North Polar Sea. See NANSEN (F.) The Norwegian North Polar Expedition, 1893-1896, dc. Vol. v. 4°. 1906 A/ Boggild (OA.\B.) Sediments sous-marins recueillis dans la Mer du Gronland. Memoire, dc. See Louis PHILIPPE ROBERT, Duke of Orleans. Croisiere Oceanographique, accomplie d bord de la Belgica, dans la Mer du Gron- land, 1905, dc. Geologic. fol. 1907. B0ggild (O. B.) [The Deposits of the sea-bottom in the Mediterranean and adjacent seas.J See DENMARK. — Danish Oceanographical Expeditions, l!)08-107i Report, dc. Vol. I, no. 3. 4°. 1912. No. I. BOGGIO-LEB.A (ENRICO) Sulla radioattivita di alcune terre. pp. IJ,,. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, dc. Ser. IV, vol. xix, no. 20. 4°. 1906. BOGHATUIREV (NIKOLAI NlKOLAEVlCH) Korallui devonskikh otlozhenii Urala. — Korallen der devonischen Schichten im Ural. pp. 71, ii: 1 pi. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEl, dc. Trudui, dc. Tom. xxxil, vuip. 5. 8°. 1899. Boghdanov (ANATOLI! PETROV!CH) L'Association Russe pour 1'avancement des sciences physico-mathe- matiques, naturelles et biologiques par les Congres periodiques des Naturalistes et M^decins Busses. (Rap- port aux Congres Internationaux de Moscou, par A. Bogdanov.) Sec HvssiA.—S'yezd RussMkh Estest- volspuitatelei I Vrachel. 4°. 1892. BOGHDANOVICH (KARL IVANOVICH) [1865-] K Gheologhii Srednei Azii. I. Opisanie nyekotoruikh osadochnuikh obrazovanii Zakaspiiskagho kraya i chasti syebernoi Persii. — Notes sur la Geologic de 1'Asie cen- trale. I. Description de quelques depots sedimentaires de la contree Transcaspienne et d'une partie de la Perse septentrionale. pp. [iv,] 192 : 8 pis., text illust. 8°. St. Peterburgh, 1889. Boghdanovich (KARL I.) Dva peresyecheniya ghlav- nayho Kavkazskagho khrevta. — Zwei Uebersteigungen der Hauptkette des Kaukasus. pp. xxviii, 209 : 3 pis., 1 map, text illust. See RUSSIA. — Comite Geologique. Trudui, dc. Tom. xix, no. 1. 4°. 1902. Boghdauovich (KARL I.) Sistema Dibrara v yugho- vostochnom Kavkazye. — Das Dibrar System im stidost- lichen Kaukasus. pp. iv, 179 : 11 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See RUSSIA. — Comite Geologique, dc. Trudui, dc. Nov. Ser., vuip. 26. 4°. 1906. Boghdanovich (KARL I.) Materialui dlya izucheniya Rakovinnagho Izbectnyaka Dombrovskagho basseiina. — Materialien zur Kenntniss des Muschelkalkes im Becken von Dombrowa. pp. vi, 99 : 3 pis., text illust. See RUSSIA. — Comite Geologique. Memoires, dc. Nov. Ser., vuip. 35. 4°. 1907. Boghdanovich (KARL I.) Gheologhicheskiya izslye- dovaniya Kybanskagho neftenosnagho paiona. List Khaduizhinskii. Geologische Forschungen im Erdol- gebiet von Kuban. Blatt Chadyshinskaja. pp. iv, 78 : 1 map geol. col., text illust. See RUSSIA. — Comite Geo- logique. Trudui, dc. Nov. Ser., vuip. 57. 4°. 1910. Boghdanovich (KARL I.) & others. Zemletryasenie v syevernuikh tzyepyakh Tyan-Shanya, dc. — Tremble- ment de Terre du 22 Dec., 1910 (4 Jan., 1911) dans les districts septentrionaux du Tien-Chan, pp. iv, 270 : 24 pis., 8 maps d plans (col.), text illust. See RUSSIA. — Comite Geologique. Trudui, dc. Nov. Ser., vuip. 89. 4°. 1914. 7'-V S.' 104 BOGHOSLOVSKII (NIKOLAI ANDREEVlCH) I 1SC.-2 I Materialui dlya i/.ucheniya nizhnemyelovoi Ammonito- voi Faunui tzentral'noi i syevernoi Rossii. — Materialien znr Kenntniss der untercretaoisohen Ammonitenfauna von Central- und Nord-Russland. [RUSS. with resume in GERM.) pp. vi, 161 : 18 pit. See RUSSIA. — Comite Geologiquf, 8°. 1915-> Fuhrer durch den Sec HAMBURG. — 8°. 1901. Bolau (CORNELIUS GAEL HEINRICH) Zoologischen Garten zu Hamburg. ZOOLOGISCHE GEHELLSCHAFT. Bolau (CORNELIUS C. H.) Wissenschaftliche Beobach- tungen an Robben, Sirenen und Waltieren. See NEUMAYER (G. B.) Anleitung zu wissenschaft- lichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen . .Dritte. . .Auflage. Bd. II. 8°. 1906. BOLDINGH (I.) Flora voor de Nederlandsch West- ludische Eilanden, Ac. pp. xx, 450. See AMSTERDAM. — KOLONIAAL INSTITUT. 8°. 1913. Boldingh (I.) The Flora of the Dutch West Indian Islands. 2 Vol. illust. 8". Leiden, 1909 & 1914. Vol. I. The Flora of St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Martin. pp. xii, 321 : $ maps. 1909. ,, II. The Flora of Curasao, Aruba and Bonaire. pp.xiv,l!)7: 9 pis. , 1 map. 1014. BOLDUIREV (A.) Petroghrafiya vostochnagho Mur- , maua (Laplandiya). [Petrography of the eastern Mur- ' 'man coast, Lapland.] pp. 94 : 1 pi., 1 map geol. col. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, Ac. Ser. VIII, torn, xxxi, no. 8. 4°. 1913. BOLDUIREV (VASlL THEDOEOV!CH) Sval'bui i spermatoforui u nyekotoruikh Kyznechikov i Sverchkov. — Das Liebeswerben und die Spermatophoren bei eini- gen Locustodeen und Gryllodeen. pp. 54 : text illust. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ROSSKOE ENTOMOLOGHICHESKOE OBSHCHESTVO. Trudui, Ac. Tom XL, no. 6. 8°. 1913. Bolduirev (VAslL TH.) Materialui k poznaniyu stroeniya spermatofor i osobennostei sparivaniya u Locustodea i Gryllodea. — Contributions a 1'etude de la structure des spermatophores et des particularites de la copulation cliez Locustodea et Gryllodea. pp. 245 : text illust. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ROSSKOE ENTOMO- LOGHICHESKOE OBSHCHESTVO. Trudui, Ac. Tom. XLI, no. 6. 8°. 1915. BOLDYREV (B.) See BOLDUIREV (V. TH.) BOLIVAR Y PIELTAIN (CANDIDO) Eumasta- cinos nuevos 6 poco conocidos (Orth. Locustidse). pp. 4ti [2] : 1 pi., text illust. See MADRID. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Trabajos, Ac. Serie Zoologica, No. 16. 8°. 1914. Bolivar y Urrntia (IGNACIO) • [Orthoptera from northern Asia.] See ZlCHY (J.) Count. Zichy J. Grof. Harmadik Azsiai Utazasa, Ac. Bd. II. 4°. 1901. Bolivar y Urrutia (IGNACIO) Observaciones sobre la Ephippigera coronata, A. Costa, pp. 2. See NAPLES. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. Annu- ario del Museo Zoologico della. . . Universita. . .(Nuova Serie). Vol. I, no. 10. 4°. 1903. Bolivar y Urrutia (IGNACIO) Ortopteros acridioideos de la Guinea Espanola. pp. ;M. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, rfc. Tom. I, mem. 13. 8°. 1905. Bolivar y Urrutia (IGNACio) Fasgonurideos de la Guinea Espanola. pp. 51 : 1 pi. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, Ac. Tom. I, mem. 20. 8". 1906. Bolivar y Urrntia (IGNACIO) Mantidos de la Guinea Espanola. pp. 17: '2 pis. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, Ac. Tom. I, mem. 26. 8°. 1908. Bolivar y Urrutia (IGNACIO) Note sur les Orthop- teres recueillis ... en Khroumirie, Ac. See GADEAU DE KERVILLE (H.) Voyage Zoologique en Khroumirie, Ac. 8°. 1908. Bolivar y Urrutia (IGNACIO) Fam. Acridiidse ; subfam. Pyrgomorphinae. pp. 58 : 1 pi. col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, Ac. Fasc. 90. Orthoptera. 4°. 1909. Bolivar y Urrutia (IGNACIO) Aqueiidos de la Guinea Espanola. pp. 20. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTOEIA NATURAL. Memorias, Ac. Tom. I, mem. 30. 8". 1910. (\>o . /oo: Bolivar, y^ Urrutia (IGNACIO) Estudios Entomo- . logicos..3 f»j).' OS. See MADRID. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Trabajos, Ac. .No i 6. [Serie Zool6gica. No. 4 J 0.0 , * fj 8°. 1912. -l"8 . Bolivar y Urrutia (IGNACIO) Dermapteros y Ortop- {_^ teros de Marruecos. pp. 82. See MADRID — REAL £*_ SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, Ac. Tom. VIII, mem. 5. 8°. 1914. Bolivar y Urrutia (IGNACIO) Fam. Acridiidse ; subfam. Pamphaginse. pp. 40 : 1 pi. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 170. Orthoptera. 4°. 1916. BOLIVIA.— MlNISTEEIO DE COLONIAS Y AGRICUL- o ' TURA. Revista, Ac. Vol. l-m. 8°. La, Paz, 1906-07. J • Title from wrapper. j Bolivia. [Miips.] Mapa de la Republica de Bolivia. . . Formado por E. Idiaquez . . . Escala, 1 : 2,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 31^ m. about]. La Paz, 1901. Bolivia. [Maps.] Mapa de la Republica de Bolivia, levantado y construido . . . por . . . F. Germann . . . Escala, 1 : 2,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 31i m. about]. 4 sh. col. Gotha, 1904. BOLEAY (ISTVAN) A Sana fusca, Ros., pleisztocen- kori ose. pp. (J : 1 pi., text illust. — On the Pleisto- cenic predecessor of Sana fusca, Ros. pp. 6 : 1 pi., text Must. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTEZET. Evkonyve, Ac. (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche, Ac.) Kot. xix, fiiz. 3. 8°. 1911. Bolkay (!STVAN) Adatok Magyarorszag Pannoniai es praeglacialis Herpetologiajahoz. pp. 16 : 2 pis., text illust. — Additions to the Fossil Herpetology of Hungary from the Pannonian and praeglacial periode [sic]. pp. 16 : 2 pis., text illust. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTEZET. Evkdnyve, Ac. (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche, Ac.) Kot. xxi, fiiz. 7. 8°. 1913. Boll (FRANZ CHRISTIAN) Beitrage zur vergleichenden Histiologie des Molhiskentypus, Ac. pp. iv, 111 [1] : 4 pis. See ARCHIV FUER MIKROSKOPISCHE ANATOMIE, Ac. Bd. v, Supplementheft. 8°. 1869. Also issued separately. 14 •\.M( 106 BOLLE (CARL) Die Wirbrlthirrc der Provinz Branden- burg. YiT/oichniss und Eintheilungsplan ftir das M:irkische Provin/ial-Museum. . .verfasst... [Birds] von ...C. Bolle. Zweite Ausgabe. See BERLIN.— Maer- kisches Provinzial- Museum. 8". 1886. BOLLINGER (GOTTFRIED) [1888-] Zur Gastropoden- fftunavon Basel und Umgebung. Inaugural-Dissertation, ,r.-. ;>/>. .'/.} [.'] : .; ph., text illust. 8°. Basel, 1909. Bollmann (KARL) & Zippel (H.) Ausliindische Kulturptianzen. . .neu bearbeitet von...O. W. Thome ...Vierto.... \uflage. Abth. l.f See ZlPPEL (H.) & BOLLMANN (K.) 8°. ft fol. 1899. Bolsius (HENRI) L'union des cellules nephridiales des Glossiphonides et 1'ind^pendance du pretendu entonnoir des Herpobdellides. pp. -'/ : 4 ph. See BRUSSELS. — sofiKTK sciENTIFIQUE. Annales, Ac. Tom. xxi. (Memoires.) 8°. 1897. Bolten (JOACHIM FRIEDRICH) Museum Boltenianum Pars secunda continens Conchylia, !>. 8". Hamburgi [1798]. [Another edition, with a preface by ,1. • Noodt.] pp. 15t> : 4 ph. 8°. Hamburg, 1819. This edition was prepared for the sale of the Collection. Bolten (JoACHlM F.) Museum Boltenianum ... Pars secunda, !i. 8°. [London, 1906.] A privately printed Index to the Genera has been added. Bolten (JoACHlM F.) An Index to the Museum Bol- tenianum. By W. H. Dall. See SMITHSONIAN INSTI- TUTION. 8°. 1915. Bolton (HENRY CABK!§GTON) A select Bibliography of Chemistry .^W92-1897 . . . FijsVSupplement. See Sj pp. Nnnynronian Miscellau VoT xxxix. SONIAN INSTITUTION. No. 1170. 8°. 1899. Collections. JrMt?. tftof Ch'emistry. Bolton (HENRY C^- A select Bibliograptfjtof Ctiemistry. 1492-1897 [i^l&98] . . . Section yjl£— Academic Dis- serte.tionp/'pp. iv, 534. See SMWTOONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous^Collections. No. 1253. 8°. 1901. 'Styled within " 1492-1898'. Second Supplement." Bolton (HERBERT) The Palaeontology of the Manx States of the Isle of Man. pp. xv : 1 pi. See MAN- CHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, Ac. Vol. XLIII, no. 1. 8°. 1899. [Another issue.] See MANCHESTER. — OWENS COLLEGE. — Manchester Museum. Notes from the . . . Museum. No. 5. 8°. 1899. Bolton (HERBERT) The Palieoutologvof the Lancashire Coal Measures. .Wri-m. SeeMrfNCH ESTER.— >»^ENS COLLEGE. — Mftnchester MuteuitC Museum Hanobooks, Ac. ^ X /ff. 1904, 05. Publ (lion 50 & M. *?> 0. ft. BOLTON (THOMAS) Portfolio of Drawings and descrip- tions of Living Organisms . . . sent out with the . . . specimens. No. 1-10. 8°. [Birmingham,] 1879-84. Sot. 2, 3, 5 and 6 are very Imperfect. BOLUS (F.) Icones Orchidearum Austro-Africanarum extra-tropicarum ; or, Figures, with descriptions of extra-tropical South African Orchids, by H. Bolus, Ac. [With additional plates by F. Bolus.] Vol. III. See BOLUS (H.) 8°. 1918. Vol. Ill was published utter the author's death, the drawings for the volume being left more or less finished, in the latter case additions of various kinds were made by Mr. F. Bolus, who also helped in cor- recting and revising proofs and generally supervising the whole \s mk . BOLUS (Mrs. F.) See BOLUS (H. M. L.) Mrs. BOLUS (llrblrlJrMrs. Icones Orchidearum Austro- Africanarum cxtra-tropicarum ; or, Figures, with dp- scriptions of extra-tropical South African Orchids, Notes Pteridologiques. 8°. Paris, 1915. Bonaparte (ROLAND N.) Prince & others. Le Mexique au debut du XXe. Siecle. Par MM. le Prince Roland Bonaparte, L. Bourgeois, J. Claretie, d'E. de Constant, A. de Foville, H. Gomot, 0. Gr^ard, A. Haller, C. Krantz, M. Lagrave, L. de Launay, P. Leroy-Beaulieu, E. Levasseur, le General Niox, A. Picard, E. Reelus. 2 Vol. Must, (col.) 8°. Paris [1905]. Vol. II contains an hypsometric & hathymetric map on the scale of 1 : 5,000,000 (i.e. 1 in. = 79 m. about), 1903. BONARD (ARTHUR) Etude petrographique des Roches eruptives du soubassement cristallin des Dents de Morcles, Dents du Midi. pp. 85 [3} : text illust. See LAUSANNE.— UNIVERSITE. Bulletin des Laboratoires de Geologie, 8°. 1905-» Bonhote (JOHN L.) & Rothschild (Hon. Harrow Butterflies and Moths. 2 Vol. illust. 8°' Barrow, 1895, 97. N. C.) BONINE (C. A:/ Anticlines in the Clinton sand near Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 621-H. 8°. 1915. Also forms "Contributions to Economic Geology, 1915, Part n, pp. 87-98." Bonine (C. A.) & Stone (R. W.) The Elliston Phos- phate field, Montana. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 580-N. 8°. 1914. BONITZ (HERMANN) [1814-1888] Index Aristotelicus. pp. viii, X78. See ARISTOTLE. [PFor&s.] Aristoteles Greece ; ex recensione I. Bekkeri, dtc. Vol. v. 4". 1870. Bonn. — Natur his torisclier Vereiii der Freus- sischen Rheinlande und Westfaleiis. Sitzungsberichte herausgegeben vom . . . Verein, 8°. Bonn, 1906-> Bonn. • Niederrheinische Gesellschaft fuer Natur- nnd Heilkunde. Sitzungsberichte der naturwissenschaftlichen ( — der medizinischen) Abteilung, See BONN. — NATURHISTORISCHER VEREIN DER PREUSSISCHEN RHEINLANDE, X. 108 JEJ 6 .C BONNEFONS (NICOLAS) translated ... by J. Evelyn See FRENCH GARDENER. The French Gardiner... , . . Third edition, ttc. 8°. 1675. BONNET (AMKDKE) Recherches sur 1'Anatomie com- paree et le developpenient des Ixodides. pp. /*'" : ti pit. (•> col.), text Must. See LYONS.— CNIVERSITK. Annales, ttc. Nouvelle Serie, ttc. Fasc. 20. 8°. 1907. Bonnet (EDMOND). Botanique. Enumeration systeina- tique des echantillons recueillis par le Mis. de Segon- zac [in Marocco]. See SEGONZAC (R. DE) Marquess. Voyages au Maroc (1899-1900), : 2 pis. See BERGEN. — Bergens Museum. Bergens Museums Aarbog, ttc. 1898. no. 5. 8°. 1899. Bonnevie (KRISTINE) Miss. Unders0gelser over kimcellerne hos Enteroxenot filter- greni. pp 46 : 3 pis. Physiologische Polyspermie. pp. 15 : 1 pi. De nyere tiders opfatning af hermaphroditismen. pp. 15. See ARCHIV FOR MATHEMATIK OG NATURVIDENSKAB, ttc. Bd. xxvn, no. 12-14. 8°. 1906. Bonnevie (KHISTINE) Miss. Pteropoda from the " Michael Sars " North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition, 1910. See BEBGEN. — Bergens Museum. Report on the Scientific Results of the " Michael Sars "... Expedition, 1910, ttc. Vol. HI, pt. 1. Zoology. 4". [1914.J •R K.J;. Bonney (THOMAS GEORGE)" The pre-Cambrian Rocks of Great Britain, pp. „'<>. 8". [Birmingham, 1879.] Proc. Birmingham Phil. Hoc. Vol. I, no. 3. x Bonney (THOMAS G.) The Microscope's contributions to the Earth's physical history. The Rede Lecture for 1892, ttc. pp. 1H. 8". Cambridge [1892]. Bonney (THOMAS G.) Notes on [Rock] Specimens collected in the Chilian Andes, ttc. See FITZGERALD (E.A.) The Highest Andes, tfc. Appendix A. 8". 1897. Bonney (THOMAS G.) Volcanoes : their structure and significance, pp. xiii, U51 : lJtple., ti-st illimt. 8". London A New York, 1899. Bonney (THOMAS G.) Notes on Rocks collected. . .in the Andes. See CoNWAY (Sir \V. M.) The Bolivian Andes, Ac. Appendix. H". 1901. Bonney (TllOMAS G.) The Crystalline Rocks of tli. Lizard : some notes on their history and origin. / text Mutt. v 8°. Cambridge, 1914. Bonnier (GASTONI & Leclerc du Sablon (1*1} Cours de Botanique, 8°. Paris, 1901-» Bonnier (JULES) Note sur le Pionodesmotes phor- mosomtf, Copepode parasite du Phormosoma uranui. See ALBERT HONOHK CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. R6sultats des Campagnes scientifiques, Ac. Fasc. xil, Appendice. 4°. 1898. Bonnier (JULES) Contribution A 1' etude des Epicarides. Les Bopyridffi. See LILLE.— INSTITUT ZOOLOGIQUE. Travaux, ttc. Tom. VIII. 4°. 1900. BONSEB (THOMAS A.) Ecological Study of Big Spring /__ Prairie, Wyandot county, Ohio. pp. .%' : 1 map, tl'J't^,n illust. See OHIO STATE ACADEMY OP SCIENCE. 0.2-O Special Papers. No. 7. 8°. 1903. BONTCHEFF (GEORGES) See BONCHEV (GH.) Bon wick (JAMES) The last of the Tasmanians ; or, J- the Black War of Van Diemen's Land. pp. viii, 400 : [r 15 pis. (col.), 1 map, text illust. 8°. London, 1870. £ Bonwick (JAMES) The Lost Tasmanian Race. pp. [iv,] i .'HI: l.'pls. 8°. London, 1884. * BOODT (ANSELM BOETHIUS) A. Boetii de Boodt... ^/ Gemmarum et Lapidum historia, tic. pp. 8 [12], 288, [15], 3 tabs. : text illust. 4°. Hanovice, 1609. BOOK OF THE BABBIT, The. See RABBIT. BOORSMA (W. G.) Pharmakologische Mitteilungen ^ I & II. See BUITENZORG. — INSTITUT BOTANIQUE. II. Bulletin No. 14 & 21. 8°. 1902-04. Bonnier (GAHTONJ^ Flore complete, illustree couleurs, de France . Suisse et Belgique, ttc. Tom. illuit. col. 4". Paris, Jr. [1912.J Boorsma (W. G.) Pharmacologie in. Ueber Aloeholz und andere Riechholzer. pp. 43. See NEDERLANDSCH OOST INDIE. — Depa.rtement van Laudbouw. Bulletin No. 7. 8". 1907. Boorsma (W. G.) Pharmakologische Mitteilungeii iv. (Polygalacese, Celastracese, Lecythidaceffi and Auacar- diaceie.) pp. ..'.'. See NEDEHLANDSCH OOST INDIE.— Departement van Landbouw. Bulletin No. 16. 8°. 1908. Booth (EDWARD THOMAS) Catalogue of the cases of Birds in the Dyke Road Museum, Brighton. . .By E. T. Booth. Second edition, ttc. See BRIGHTON.— Dyke Road Museum. 8°. 1896. BOOTH (JAMES CURTIS) [1810-1888] Memoir of the Geological Survey of the State of Delaware, ttc. See DELAWARE, State of. 8". 1841. BOOTH (THOMAS) Ancient Grave Mounds on the t- slopes of the Penine [sic] Range, BOOTLE, County Borough of. — Free Library iff Museum. General Report, ttc. No. 27. 8°. Bootle, 1914. Borbas (VlNCZE) Violarieen. — Polygalccn. ,SVc KOCH (\\. ]). J.) W. l>. J. Koch's Synopsis der Deutschen uud Schweizer Flora. Dritte. . .Auflage, tf-c. lid. i. H". 1 1890.] Borbas (VlNCZE) A Kolozsviiri Ferene .T6/.scf Tudo- inanyegyetein Botanikuskertj<5ben, 1904, evben termesz- tett es cserere gydjtott Magvuk yiilas/.teka. — Delc<'tus Seminum in Horto Botanico Universitatis . . . permu- tandi causa colleetorum . . .Additarevisione Knautiunnn. See KLAiTSENiirm*. KOLOZSVARI MA<;V.M< KIKALYI PERENCZ JOZ8EF TCDOMANYECYETEM. 8°. 1904. 109 AA Borbas (VlNCZE) Die Pflanzengeographischen Ver- hiiltnisse der Balatonseegegend . . . Deutsche Bearbeitung von...J. Bernatsky. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR FOL- DBAJZI TARSULAT. Resultate der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees, P- /' [!] •' text i^lust. See BUKAREST. — ACADEMIA ROMANX. Publicatiunile Fondului Vasile Adamachi. No. xix. 8". 1907. Borcea (I.) Observatiuni asupra catorva specii de rajide din Golful de Neapol. [With resume in FRENCH.] pp. 6. See BUKAREST. — ACADEMIA ROMANA. Publi- catiunile Fondului Vasile Adamachi. No. xx. 8°. 1907. Borcea (I.) Contributiuni la catalogul Aphidelor din Romania. [With resume in FRENCHj pp. Ifi. See BUKAREST. — ACADEMIA ROMANA. Publicatiunile Fondului Vasile Adamachi. No. xxm. 8°. 1909. Borcea (I.) Zoocecidii din Romania, pp. 139 : 19 pis. See BUKAREST. — ACADEMIA ROMANA. Publicatiunile Fondului Vasile Adamachi. No. xxxi. 8°. 1912. Borch (MICHEL JEAN DE) Count. Mineralogie Sicilienne docimastique et metallurgique . . . Suivie de la Miner- hydrologie Sicilieune, &c. pp. Ixxx, 264, 13 tabs. : engr. port, on title. 8°. Turin, 1780. Borcherding (Jon. FRIEDRICH) Achatinellen-Fauna der Sandwich -Insel Molokai, nebst einern Verzeichnis der iibrigen daselbst vorkommenden Land- und Siiss- wassermollusken. pp. 195: 10 pis. col., 1 map. See ZOOLOGICA, Ac. Bd. xix, hft. 48. 4°. 1906. EORCHGREVINK (JENS FINNE) Collegium Bota- nicum LinnKanum calamo exceptum a Borchgrewink Upsaliie A" 1766 et exscriptum ab eodem Nidrosise A° 1767, observationibus propria mea manu adjectis J. E. Gunnerus. See DRONTHEIM. — KONGELIGT NORSKE VIDENSKABEHS-SELSKAB. C. von Lmne's forbindelse med Norge af 0. Dahl, /t\c>2> ' . (Avril- *-t ( ° 8°. 1909. Bordeaux. — Socieite des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. Proces-Verbaux, rfc. Annee 1894-95— > 8°. Paris & Bordeaux, 1895— > BORDEAUX. — University. — SOCIETE SCIENTIFI- QUE D'ARCACHON. — Station Biologique. [1863 Founded as Societt Scientijique et Station Z illust. 8°. Bordeaux, 1909— > BORDEXT (L. E.) List of Plants collected in 1904 during the cruise of the Neptune, by L. E. Borden . . . and named by. . . J. M. Macoun. See CANADA, Dominion of. Report on the Dominion Government expedition to Hudson Bay and the Arctic Islands, ster- sundom. pp. 20 : 1 pi., text illust. Srr FINLANDS. — FINLANDS GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Bulletin No. 22. H". 1907. Borgstrbm (JoHAN L. H.) Bin Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Formeu des Kassiterites. pp. J-r> : text ill nut. See HELSINGFORS. — FINM< \ VI.TKNSKAPS-SOCIF.TKTI.N. Ofversigt af . . . Forhandlingar. Vol. LI, afd. A, no. 8. 8". 1909. Borgstrbm (Jon AN L. H.) Der Meteorit von St. Michel. •pp. //?': i! pis., text illust. See FINLAND. — FINLANDS (iKOLOIUSKA UNDEK.SIIKMNG. Bulletin No. 34. 8". 1912. Borgstrbm (JoilAN L. H.) Die Skapolithlagorstiitlr von Laurinkari. pp. 30: text illust. Sec FINLAND. — FINLANDS GF.OLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Bulletin No. 41. H". 1914. Borgstrbm (JoilAN L. H.) & Ramsay i\\.i Der Meteorit von Bjurbiile bei Borg&. pp. ;.'K : ti'xt illust. n<;- FINLAND.— FINLANDS GEOLOGIHKA UNDERSOKNINO. Bulletin No. 12. 8°. 1902. ~ .J-'»' M Ill BORGSTROM (LEON. H.) L. H.) Sea BORGSTROM (JOHAN BORISSJAK (ALEXANDEH) See BORISYAK (A. A.) BORISYAK (ALEKSYEI ALEKSYEVlCH) [1872-] Pelecypoda Yurskikh otlozhenii Evropeiskoi' Rossii. — Die Pelecypoden der Jura-Ablagerungen im Europiii- schen Bussland. Pt. 1— > illust. GEEM. & RUSS. See BUSSIA. — Comite Geologique, dc. Trudui, Borisyak (ALEKSYEI A.) Gheologhicheskii ocherk Izyumskagho uyezda I prilezhashchei polosui Pavlo- ghradskagho I Zmievskagho uyezdov, --1897 in OStofrika unternomm&Htm Reisen. See -UEUTSCH-OSTX' AFRIKA. Bd. vnX"^ 8°. 1900. Borodin (NIKOLAI ANDREEVICH) Ruibovodstvo i Ruibnuii promuisel v zapadnoi Evropye i syevernoi Amerikye, dc. — Fish-culture and Fisheries in W. Europe and North America. Pt. II. Fisheries. — 1. Trade in fresh and frozen Fish. pp. 94 : 6 pis., text illust. 8°. S. Peterburgh, 1899. BOROWSKI (GEORG HEINRICH) Gemeinnuzzige Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs, dc. Bd. I-v. illust. col. 8°. Berlin d Stralsund, 1780-64. These volumes deal with the Vertebrata only. Fortgesezt von J. F. W. Herbst. Bd. vi-x. illust. col. 8°. Berlin d Stralsund, 1784-89. Bd. vi- vm. Insecten [i.e. Arthropoda] were also issued separately under the title of " Kurze Einleitung zur Kenntniss der Insecten," &c. [See HBRBST (J. F. W.)] Bd. 1\ & X. Wiirmer [i.e. Mollusca and the rest of the Inverte- brata] were also published apart as "Kurze Einlei- tung zur Kenntniss der Gewiirme, ]>. .1): ',,'plt. 24°. Paris, 1828. Forming a portion of the " Encyclopedic portatire," .{r. BOS (JAN RITZEMA) Sec RITZEHA Bos. Bosca y Casanoves (EDUARDO) Discurso (Notas historico-naturales a proposito de la localidad y pro- vincia de Valencia), dc. pp. ~$. 8°. Valencia, 1901. I'nivereidad Literaria de Valencia. Aperture del curso Acadriniro de 1901 i 1902. Bosca y Casanoves (EDUARDO) Catalogq-Guia de la Coleccion Paleontologica de J. R. Botet, dc. pp.16: title illust. 8". Valencia, 1909. Bosca y Casanoves (EDUARDO) Los Museos de Paris, Londres, Amsterdam y Bruselas. (Primera parte.) Su visita durante. . . 1910. pp. 61 : 16 pis. 8°. Madrid, 1911. Anali's de la Junta para ampliacion de estudlos d inrestlgaclonen cientiflcas. Tom. ir, memoria 1. Bosca y Casanoves (EDUARDO) Comeutarios sobre Mamiferos de la region Valenciana compreudidos en la \ "Fauna Iberica " de Don A. Cabrera, pp. .'.'. ' Sec MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTOHIA NATURAL. Memorias, dc. Tom. X, mem. 2. 8". 1915. Bosch (ROELOF BENJAMIN VAN DEN) Synopsis Hyme- nophyllacearum, monographic hujus ordinis prodromus, auctore R. B. van den Bosch . . . mit zahlreichen Zusat- zen und Abbildungen aus dem Nachlass des Verfassers neu herausgegeben von W. A. Goddijn. pp. 36 : text illust. See LEYDEN. — RUKS UNIVERSITEIT. Mededeel- ingen van 's Rijks Herbarium, dc. No. 17. 8°. (1913.) g$8 - I BO8E (JAGADIS CHUNDER)^ Plant Response as a means of Physiological investigation, pp. xxxviii, ,'X/ : .B . text illust. 8°. London, dc., 1906. Bose (JAGADIS C.) Researches on Irritability of Plants. pp. xxiv, .'77V? : text illust. 8°. London, dc. 1913. BOSQUET (JOSEPH AUGUSTIN HUBERT) [1813-1880] Q. Description des Entomostraces fossiles de la Craie de Maestricht. pp. 28 : 4 pis. 8°. Liege, 1847. Mem. Soc. roy. Scl. Liege. Tom. IT. Bosqnet ( JOSEPH A. H.) Fossiele Fauna en Flora van lict Krijt van Limburg. [pp. .~>K.] 8". [Haarlem, I860.] Reprinted from starinn'« "Bodem van Nederland," Deel. II, with additional matter. BOSSART (JOHANN JAKOB) [-1789] Supplementum Flora; Barbiensis, dc. [Edited, with a preface, by J. J. Bossart.] See ScilOLLER (F. A.) 8°. 1787. BOSSCHE i l.i ns VAN DEN) Icones selects; Horti Thenensis, dc. Tom. i-^ See WILDEMAN (K. DE) 8". 1899-» Bossche i I,i (i.v VAN DEN) Plantse nova; vel minus cognitte ex Herbario Horti Thenensis [the private garden of L. van den Bossche].— Plantes nouvelles ou peu connues contenues dans 1'Herbier de 1'Hortus Thenensis. Avec les descriptions ou annotations, dc. Livr. l-> See WlLDEMAN (E. DB) 8". 1904-» 3. I BOSSE (ANNA WEBER VAN) See WEBKB formerly VAN BOSSE. BOSTOCK (LEONARD) & Simpson (C. 15.) Report of the Mosquito Survey of the eastern line of railway of the Central South African Railway, together with recom- mendations for the reduction of Fever, Ac. pp. [it. \ .:.'>. 4". Gcrmiston [S.A.], 1905. BOSTON, U.S. A. [Maps.] Geological Map of eastern Massachusetts and of Boston and vicinity by W. O. . Crosby. 1877. . .Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile. See BOSTON ^. * SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Occasional Papers, rfr. Contributions to the Geology of eastern Massa- | chusetts. geol. col. 1880. BOSWELL (1'EKCY GEORGE HAMNALL) A Memoir on British resources of Sands suitable for Glass-making, with notes on certain crushed Bocks and refractory materials, dc. See LONDON. — IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 8°. 1916. BOTANICAL JOURNAL. The, &c. Vol. i-> See ROYAL BOTANIC SOCIETY OF LONDON. 4°. 1910— > BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. [Reorganized 1906, uniting the Botanical Society of America (1893); the Society .for Plant HorpMofy .(• /'hi/riolngy (1896); and the 1 American df ycoiogical Society (1903).) American Journal of Botany. Official publication of the . . . Society, Botanical Society of Edinburgh.. Sec SCOTTISH BOTANICAL REVIEW, THE . . . (Including the Trans- actions of the. . . Society. . .), dc. 1912- / 8". 1912- , • BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. [Pro -, ceedings, . 2(1 : 1 drawing. 1724-26.] fol. \iss. BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYL- VANIA. [Founded 1897.] Transactions and Proceedings, dc. Session 1897-8— > ~\ Vol. l-> illust. 8°. Philadelphia, 1899-> Botanische Zeitung. General-Register der ersten fiinfzig Jahrgiinge der Botanischen Zeitung, dc. 4°. Leipzig, 1895. Printed in double column. BOTANISCHES LITERATURBLATT. Organ fiir Autor- und Instituts-Referate aus dem Gesaint^i biete der botanischen Literatur. Herausgegel>e;i und redigiert von A. Wagner. Jahrg. i-a)^rt*

/>. II. See MADRID. -IIKAI, SOCIEDAD KSPANOI.A I)K HI8TORIA NATURAL. Aliales, SS\. SIM'IEDAU ARAGONESA DE CIENCIAS NATURALE8. Liuneo en Espana, dc. Pt. 8. 8". 1907. •" ./J t. L 113 Botet (JOSE B.) Catalogo-Guia de la Coleccion Paleou- tologica de J. E. Botet, Ac. See BOSCA Y CASANOVES (E.) 8°. 1909. BOTHEN (C. 0.) lakttagelser rorande Fagel-Faunan i Goteborgs- och Bohuslan. pp. 87. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxvni, afd. IV, no. 4. 8°. 1902 (1903). BOTT (ARTHUR) Geology of Camberwell. See BLANCH (W. H.) Ye Parish of Camerwell, Ac. 8°. 1875. BOTT (FRIDOLIN) Ueber den Bau der Schlehkruppel. pp. 29. See WURZBURG. — PHYSIKALISCH-MEDICINISCHE •JESELLSCHAFT. Verhandlungen, Ac. Neue Folge. • Bd. xxxvi, no. 4. 8°. 1904. Bottego (VlTTOHio) Seconda spedizione Bottego. (1895-97.) L'Omo, Ac. See VANNUTELLI (L.) & CITERNI (C.) 8°. 1899. Bottego (VlTTOHio) Seconda spedizione Bdttego. (1895-97.) Studio Geologico sul materiale raccolto, Ac. See ANGELIS D'OSSAT (G. DE) & MILLOSEVICH (F.) 8°. 1900. BOTTI (ULDERIGO) Dei piani e sotto-piani in Geologia. Mauuale alfabetico ragionato. Seconda edizione, Ac. pp. I, 393 [2]. 8°. Eeggio Calabria, 1898. The first edition appeared in 1895. \ani BOTTINI (ANTONIO) [1850-V, Frammenti di Briologia Italiana. See MAHTELLI (U.) Webbia, Ac. 8°. 1905. Bottini (ANTONIO) Sulla Briologia delle Isole Italiane. See MARTELLI (U.) Webbia, Ac. Vol. n. 8°. 1907. BOTTIS (GAETANO DE) Bagionamento istorico intorno all' eruzione del Vesuvio . . . 1779, Ac. pp. [vi,] cxvii : 4 ph. -to K Large paper copy. 4°. Napoli, 1779. BOUCEK (ZDENEK) Poznamky k mikroskopicke ana- toniii Delfina. (Delphinus delphis.) [Some remarks on the micro-anatomy of Delphinus delphis.] pp. 8 : fi pis. See PRAGUE. — CESKA AKADEMIE CISARE FRAN- TISKA JOSEFA, Ac. Bozpravy . . . Tfida II. Boc. vn, cis. 26. 8°. 1898. BOUGH ARD-CHANTEREAUX (NICOLAS EGBERT) [1802-1864] Observations sur le genre Ancyle. pp. 8 : 1 pi. 8". [Boulogne-? 1831?] Boucher de Crevecoeur de Perthes (JACQUES) Light on Palaeolithic Flint Figures and Boucher de Perthes. (Man- Worked Flints of the Palaeolithic period resembling Animal forms, and named by Boucher de Perthes — Figure Stones.) See NEWTON (W. M.) 8°. [1912.] BOUCOMONT (ANTOINE) Coleoptera Lamellicornia. Fam. Geotrupida;. pp. 20 : 1 pi. (col.) See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, Ac. Fasc. vn. Coleo- ptera. 4°. 1902. Boucomoiit (ANTOINE) Catalogue provisoire des Geo- trupidas. pp. 44. 8°. Come, 1906. Boucomoiit (ANTOINE) Fam. Scarabseidae : subfam. Taurocerastinae, Geotrupina;. pp. 47. See SCHENKLING (S.) Coleopterorum Catalogus, Ac. Pt. 46. 4°. 1912. Boudier (EMILE) Icones Mycologies, ou iconographie des Champignons de France, principalement Dis- comycetes, avec texte descriptif. 6 Se>. [in 4 Vol.] 600 pis. col, 1 port. 4°. Paris, 1904-10. The text to each Series is separately paged. Boudier (EMILE) Histoire et classification des Dis- comycetesd'Europe, Ac. pp.vii,221[2]. 8°. Paris, 1907. Boue (AMI) Guide du Geologue-Voyageur, sur le modele de 1' Agenda geognostica de M. de Leonhard. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. Paris, 1885, 36. BOUGIE. Bougie, die Perle Nord-Afrikas. [By Ludwig Salvator, Archduke of Austria.] pp. viii, 122 : -, 33 pis., I map col. fol. Prog, 1899. BOULANGER (EMILE) Germination de 1'ascospore de la Truffe. pp. 20 : 2 pis. 4°. Paris, 1903. 3 Boulanger (EMILE) Les Mycelium Truffiers blancs. Par. . .E. Boulanger. (Sur la culture artificielle de la Truffe. Par.. .L. Matruchot.) pp. 23 : 3 pis. 4°. Paris, 1903. The description of plates is given in Fr., Germ. 8°. Boulder, Col/., Wanting Vol. I, no. 1 & 2. ( 1903-» Boulder.— University of Colorado. ^ Bulletin. Vol. xill— > 8°. Boulder, CoC, 1913— > Boule (MARCELLIN) Sur des debris d' Arthropleura. See FAYOL (H.) A others. Etudes sur le terrain Houiller £- de Commentary, Ac. Livr. ill, pt. 2 [bj. 8°. & fol. 1893. Boule (MARCELLIN) Les Volcans de la France centrale. /- pp. 36 : 2 pis. (col.), 1 map geol. col., text illust. See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. — Eighth Session : Paris, 1900. Livret-Guide des Excursions en France, Ac. No. xa. 8°. 1900. Boule (MARCELLIN) Geologic des environs d'Aurillac et observations nouvelles sur le Cantal. pp. 79 : 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Qeologique detaillee. Bulletin, Ac. Tom. XI, no. 76. 8°. 1900. Boule (MARCELLIN) [Geology of Madagascar.] See BLANCHARD (E.) A others. Madagascar au d^but du xx" Siecle. 8°. 1902. Boule (MARCELLIN) Le Pachyatna de Vaugirard. pp. 16 : 2 pis., text illust. See PARIS. — SOCIETE GEO- LOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires . . . Paleontologie. No. 28. 4°. 1903. Boule (MARCELLIN) See ANTHROPOLOGIE, L' . . . B^- dacteurs en chef MM. Boule, Verneau, Ac. Tom. XIV— > 8°. 1903-> G-. L. 15 114 G-. G-. G-. L. f. 0. S. G-. L. &-'. L. t> F. -z.. L. &'. -2L L. -z-. fr. Boule (MARCKLLiN) See ANNALES DE PALKONTOLOGIE : publiees sous la direction de M. Boule. Tom. I— > 4°. 1906-» Boole (MARCELLIN) Les grands Chats des Cavernes. pp. 27 : 4 pit., text Ulutt. See ANNALES DE PALKONTO- LOGIE. rfr. Tom. I. 4°. 1906. Boule (MABCELLIN) Types du Prodrome de Paleonto- logie Stratigraphique universelle de d'Orbigny. pp. 4 •' .' j>l*. See ANNALES DE PALKONTOLOGIE, rfc. Tom. i. 4°. 1906. Boule (MARCELLIN) [Geology & Palaeontology of the Caves of Grimaldi (Italy).] See MONACO.— INSTITDT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Les Grottes de Grimaldi (Baousse- Rousse). Tom. I. fasc. 2. fol. 1906. Boule (MARCELLIN) Les Chevaux fossiles des Grottes de Grimaldi et observations generates sur les Chevaux Quaternaires. j/p. 23 : 1 pi., text illugt. See ANNALES DE PALEONTOLOGIE, <£c. Tom. v, fasc. 3. 4°. 1910. Boule (MARCELLIN) L'Homme Fossilede LaChapelle- aux-Saints. pp. 120 : 6 pit., text Must. See ANNALES DB PALEONTOLOGIE, : 15 pig., text Ulutt. See ANNALES DE PALKON- TOLOGIE, 4". Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1905— > BOULT DE LESDAIN (MAURICE) Recherches sur les Lichens des environs de Dunkerque. pp. 301 : 4pls. 8°. Dunkerque [1910]. Bouly de Lesdain (MAURICE) & Pitard (C. J.) _ [Lichens of Morocco.] See PARIS. — SOCIETE DE GEO- GRAPHIE. Exploration Scientifique du Maroc, Ac. Fasc. 1. Botanique (1912), Ac. 4". 1913. BOUNHIOL (JEAN PAUL) [1870-1 Essai sur le Regime thennique des Eaux littorales superficielles dans la Mediterranee Algeiienne. pp. 42 [2] : 1 pi., text illust. SeellNSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE.— Paris Branch. Annales, Ac. Tom. I, fasc. 9. 4°. 1910. BOURDON (MAXIME) & Le Conppey de la Forest (M.) Les Cavernes praticables dans la Craie du Bassin de Paris, et plus particulierement dans le Bassin de 1'Yonne. pp. 28 : text illust. See PAEIS. — SOCIETI-; DE SPELEOLOGIE. Spelunea. Bulletin and Memoires, Ac. Tom. IV, no. 25. 8°. 1901. BOUREE (H.) Carte Generate Bathymetrique des Oceans, Ac. pp. 11. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANO- GBAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 175. 8°. 1910. Bonrgeat (FRANfOis EMILIEN) Le Conglomerat de la Foret de Chaux dans le Jura. pp. 8. See BRUSSELS. — SOCIETY SCIENTIFIQUE. Annales, Ac. Tom. xxm (Memoires). 8°. 1899. Bonrgeat (FRANCOIS E.) La question des Fossiles Caracteristiques et son application a quelques for- mations geologiques. pp. 12 : 1 pi. See BEUSSELS. — SOCIETE SCIENTIPIQUE. Annales, Ac. Tom. XXV (Memoires). 8°. 1901. Bonrgeat (FRANJOIS E.) Quelques observations sur la Ser're et les regions voisines. pp. 12 : 1 pi. See BBUSSELS. — SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE. Annales, Ac. Tom. xxvi (Memoires). 8°. 1902. Bonrgeat (FEAN90I8 E.) Sur la breche de Bachant et les formations analogues, pp. 11. See BRUSSELS. — SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE. Annales, Ac. Tom. xvn (Memoires). 8°. 1903. Bourgeat (FRAN9OIS E.) De 1'influence des rides Hercyniennes sur le Jura. pp. 11 : 2 maps. See BRUSSELS. — SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE. Annales, Ac. Tom. xxvin (Memoires). 8°. 1904. Bonrgeat (FRANCOIS E.) L'histoire Geologique du Jura et des regions voisines depuis la formation de la chaine. pp. 16. See BRUSSELS. — SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE. Annales, Ac. Tom. XXIX (Memoires). 8°. 1905. Bonrgeat (FRANJOIS E.) Sur les Fossiles de petite taille. pp. 6. See BRUSSELS. — SOCIKTK SCIENTIFIQUE. Annales, Ac. Tom. xxxn (Memoires). 8°. 1908. Bonrgeat (FRANCOIS E.) Deux particularity du Glaciaire ancien de la Combe des Pres (Jura), pp. 5 : text illust. See BRUSSELS. — SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE. Annales, etc. Tom. xxxiv, fasc. 2 (Memoires). 8°. 1910. Bourgeois (JULES) [Cebrionidse, Rhipidoceridse, Das- cillido) and Malacodermidse of Indo-China.] See PAVIE (A.) Mission Pavie Indo-Chine, rfc. 4°. 1904. Bourgeois (JULES) Malacodermes de la Guinee Espa- gnole. pp. S. See MADRID. — BEAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, Ac. Tom. I, mem. 10. 8°. 1905. Bourgeois (JULES) [Dascillidae from the Antarctic regions.] See BELGIUM. — Commission de la Belgica. Expedition Antarctique Beige. Resultats du Voyage . . . 1897 — 1899 . . . Rapports scientifiques, Ac. Zoologie. 4°. 1906. Bourgeois (JULES) [Malocoderma from the Kili- mandjaro-Meru district.] See SJOSTEDT (B. Y.) Wis- senschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologi- schen Expedition nach dem KUimandjaro. . . 1905-1906, Ac. Bd. i. Coleoptera, no. 10. 4°. 1910. Mr. Jr. Jr. 116 L, 19. %. V. L. f B. G-. G-. •z. L. L. & ~Z. Bourgeois (JULES) Lycides de Madagascar et lies avoisinantes. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Reise in Ostafrika in ... 1903-1905 . . . Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse. Bd. HI, hft. 4. 4°. 1918. BOURGEOIS (LEON) [1851-] & others. Le Mexique au il.'lnit, de XXe. Siecle. Par...L. Bourgeois, rfr. 2 Vol. illust. (col.) See BONAPARTE (B. N.) Prince 6. 8°. Paris, 1891. r.c.r.e.Tr. BOURNE /ALFRED GiBBS)J1859-J Botifera. See LANKESTER (Sir E. B.) K.C.B. Zoological Articles, r.*.i.. 4°' 189L BOURNE (GILBERT CHARLES) [1861-1 The Anthozoa. — The Ctenephora.— Mollusca. By P. Pelseneer. [Translated and revised by G. C. Bourne.] See LANKESTER (Sir E. B.) K.C.B. A Treatise on Zoology. Pt. II & V. 8°. 1900-06. Bourne (GILBERT C.) An Introduction to the study of the Comparative Anatomy of Animals. Vol. I & II. 8°. London, 1900-02. Vol. I. Animal Organisation. The Protozoa and Ctelentcrata. pp.xvi, i63 : text Must. „ II. The Ccelomate Metazoa. pp. m, Sll : text Olutt. L. Bourne (GILBERT C.) Report on the Solitary Corals collected by Prof. Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Report ... on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, 8°. 1910-> BOURNEMOUTH AND DISTRICT SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. [Founded 1903.] Annual Report, illust. 8°. Boiiriirini'itth, 1904 — > Bournemouth and District Society of Natural ll.Am,. Science. A List of the Fungi of the New Forest, compiled for the. . . Society, . 4°. Parit, 1828. BOURQUELOT (EMILE) [1851-] Catalogue raisone & descriptif des Plantes Vasculaires du Departement des Ardennes. . .Preface do E. Bourquelot, *n,/i.) — Polyclades. (Lfptopltin" ti-<-n" /^M-*>.)— N'ema- todes. (A lujtiillula tafaphOa.) HENNEOBY (L. F.) Methixlea gen6rale» de Technique microscopique. JANKT(C.) La Fonrml. (Myrmica rvbra.) JODBIN (L.) C^phalopodes. (Sepia oficinalu.) .IOYEDX-LAKFUIE (J.) Annelidetubicole. (Chirtopterue variopedatut.) LEQER(L.) Rhlzopodes. (Amoeba protein : Actinopbrys tol.}— Sporo- zoaires. MINCHIN (E. A.) Kponges calcaires. (Clathrina cvriacea.) PoiRIKR(J.) Trfimatodes. (Dittmimm clavatum.) PRDVOT (O.) Niomeniens. (Paramenia impexa.) ROBERT (A.) Gasteropodes. (Troehtu turbinatut.) TOP9ENT(E.) Sponge siliceuse. (CKona celata .) \VEBER(E. F.) Kotateurs. (Melieerta ringent: Braeliimius urceolarit.) Boutan (Louis) [For official contributions as Director] See INDO-CHINA. — Mission Scientifiquc Permanente d' Exploration en Indo-Chine. De'cades Zoologiqueg. Mammiferes, Oiseaux, Reptiles. 8°. 1905— > BOUTERWEK (FHIEDRICH) [1766-1828] Ueber die Moglichkeit einer philosophischen Classification der Mineralkorper, '4 ph. 8°. London, 1909. BOYCOTT (ARTHUR EDWIN) [1877-] Report . . . 011 the diagnosis of Ankylostoma. . .by A. E. Boycott. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— Home Office. 4°. 1904. BO YD (ARNOLD WUITWORTH) Faunal Survey of Rostherne. III. Preliminary List of Lepidoptera found round the Mere. pp. 1:.'. See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, illust. 8°. [Bradford,] 1904-> BRADFORD SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL. Published Quarterly, ifc. No. 1 — > illust. Sec BRADFORD SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. 8°. 1904— > 1 BRADLEY (J. CHESTER) Sec ENTOMOLOGICAL 1 STUDENT, THE. Editor : J. C. Bradley, Saurier des Tendaguru. 4°. [Jena, 1911.] U~. " NkturwisMnschaftllche Wochenschrift," Neue Folge, Bd. X, pp. 31J- text Html Branco afterwards Branca (CAKL W. F.) Bericht UluT die mir zugegangeneu Urteile der Fachgenossen, t- . betreffend die in " Ziele Vulkanologischer Forschung " r , > Af •» von mir gemachten Vorschlage. pp. 67. See BERLIN. — KOKNIGLICH-PRKUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSEN- sciiAFTKN. Abhandlungen, rfc. 1914, no. 2. 4°. 1914. Branco aftenvard* Branca (CARL W. F.) W. Branca ,. zum siebzigsteu Geburtstage 9. September, 1914. Eine (T. Festschrift, BRAND (AUGUST) Syrnplocacete. /Jp. 100 : text iOutt, See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Das Pflanzenreioh, : •: pis., text illust. Hec UNITED STATES. UiS G- Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bur,', in. • liiilletinXo.95. " 8°. 1906. Brand (CHARLES J.) Peruvian Alfalfa : a new long- season variety for the Southwest, pp. ..'.»: • ! pis., text (W. illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture.—Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 118. 8°. 1907. Brand (CHARLES J.) Crop Plants for Paper making. Jf pp. 10 : text Must. See UNITED STATES. — Department • of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Circular No. 82. 8". 1911. Brand (CHARLES J.) Grimm Alfalfa and its utilization JL in the Northwest pp.66: 2 pit. See UNITED STATES. • — Department of Agriculture.— Plant Industry Bureau. liulletin No. 209. 8°. 1911. Brande (WILLIAM THOMAS) [A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art . . . Edited by W. T. Brande . . . assisted by J. Cauvin, rfc. 8°. London, 1842.] Wanting. Botany, by J. Llndley. Chemistry, Geology & Mineralogy, by W. T. Brando. Hardening* Agriculture, l>y J. C. London. Zoology, Anatomy & Physiology, by R. Owen. [New edition.] Edited by W. T. Brande . . . and the Rev. G. W. Cox. 3 Vol. illust. 8". London, 1865-67. Biological Sciences, by R. Owen & C. Carter Blake. Botany & Gardening, ')>y J. Lindley. Geology, Physical Geography, Jtc., by D. T. Ansted. Mineralogy, by H. W. Bristow. Brandenburg. — Botanischer Verein fuer die Provinz Brandenburg (nnd die angrenzenden Laender). Kryptogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg. Bd. I— > illust. 8°. Berlin • Moose, von C. Warnstorf ; Characeen, von L. Holtz ; Algen, von E. Lemmermann ; Pllze, von P. Henning». G. Lindau, P. Lindner, K. Nener, R. Kolkwitz, E. Jahn, W. Herter, M. von Minden. W. Kirschstcln, H. Klebahn, H. Diedtcke. Brandes (GUSTAV) Das Nervensystem der als Nema- thelminthen zusaminengefassten Wurmtypen. pp. 29 : Sj/, text illust. See HALLE. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELL- SCHAFT. Abhandlungen, : I pi., text illust. See HALLE. — NATURFOR- SCHENDE GESF,LLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, :'.> : J pis., text illugt. See HALLE.— NATURi'ORSCHENDE GESELL- SCHAFT. Abhandlungen, rfc. Bd. XXII. 8°. 1901. BRANDES (HEINRICH WILHELM) [1777-1834] & Benzenberg (J. F.) Versuche die Entfernung, die Geschwindigkeit und die Bahnen der Sternschnuppen zu bestimmen. See BENZENBERG (J. F.) & BRANDKS (H. W.) V. 1800. Brandis (Sir DIETRICH) K.C.I. E. Dipterocarpacese.- CombretacefE. See ENGLEH (H. G. A.) & PRANTL -, (K.A. E.) Die uatilrlichen Pflanzenfamilien, : text illust. X. Anneliden. Von J. Reibisch. Chsetoznathen. Von S. Strodtmann. Rotatorien. Von R. Lauterborn. pp. « .• text Must. XI. Ctenophoren. Von E. Vanhoffen. Siphonophoren. Von E. Vanhoffen. Acraspede Medusen. Von E. Vanhoffen. Actinienlarven. Von O. Carlgren. 1905, 09. 1911. 1901, 11. 1906, 08. 1911, 13. 1909, 11. 1901, 11. 1908, 09. 1901,11. 1905. pp. X9: text illust. XII. Craspedote Medusen. Von C. 1903, 06. 2-. Hartlaub. Toil 1, lief. 1-3. pp. S63: text illust. 1907-H. XIII. Ciliata mit Ausschluss der Tintinnoidea. Von C. Hamburger und W. von Buddenhrock. Suctoria. Von C. Hamburger und W. von Budden- brock. Flagellata und Sacodina. Von C. Hamburger. ;. ..'//: textillmt. 1911, 13. xiv. Foraminiferen. Von L. Rhumbler. pp. 32 : text illust. 1901. XV. Tripyleen. Von A. Boreert. pp. 53 : text illust. 1901. xvi. Acantharien. Von A. Popofsky. 2 Pt. illust. 1905, 07. xvn. Spumellarien. TL 2. II. Unterlegion Sphaerellaria. Von O. Schroder. • Nassellarien. Von O. Schroder. pp. 11,6 : text illust. 1909, 14. xvin. Peridiniales. Von O. Paulsen. pp. lit, : text illust. 1908. xix. Diatomeen. Von H. H. Gran. pp. 1U> : text illust. 1905. XX. Schizophyceen. Von N. Wille. pp. 3!t : text Uhist. 1903. XXI. FlagellatH), Chlorophyceaj, Coccosphserales und Silico- tlagellatic. Mit einem Nachtrag. Von E. Lemmer- mann. pp. Ul : text illutt. 1903. XXII. Anhang zu Abt. xvm-xxi. Pflanzen des Nordischen Planktons. Von C. Apstein. pp. .5 ; text illust. 1908. Brandt (KARL A'. H.) On the production and the con- ditions of production in the Sea. pp. 12. See CONSEIL PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL POUR L'EXPLORATION DE LA MER. Bapports, rfc. Vol. ill, append. D. 4°. 1905. Brandt (KARL A. H.) Zur Systematik der kolonie- bildenden Badiolarien. See ZOOLOGISCHE JAHR- BUECHER. Supplement-Band vm, dc. 8°. 1905. Brandt (KARL A. H.) Die Tintinnodeen der Plankton- Expedition. 3 Pt. (text & Atlas.) See HENSEN (V. A. C.) Ergebnisse der. . .Plankton -Expedition der Humboldt- Stiftung, dc. Bd. in, L.a. 4°. 1906-07. Brandt (KARL A. H.) [Tintinnodea from the North Sea and neighbouring waters.] See CONSEIL PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL POUR L'EXPLORATION DB LA MER. Bulletin Trimestriel. . .B£sum6 des Observations sur le Plankton des Mers explorees . . . 1902-1908. Pt. I. 4°. 1910. BRANDT (MAX VON) [1885-] & Gilg (E.) [Vitacese & Violaceae from Equatorial Africa.] See ADOLF FRIED- RICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Meck- lenburg. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika- Expedition, 1907-1908, etc. Bd. II, lief. 5 & 6. 8°. 1912-13. Brandza (DiMiTRiE}£.Plante noue din Bomania. See BUKAREST. — ACADEMIA ROMANX. Analele, dc. Ser. II, torn. II. 8°. 1881. Brandza (DiMiTRiE) Vegetatiunea Dobrogei. pp. 44 •' 2 pig. col. See BUKAREST. — ACADEMIA ROMANX. Analele, dc. Ser. II, torn. IV, sect. II. 4°. 1884. Brandza (DIMITRIE) Contributiuni noue la Flora Bomaniei. I. pp. 34- Plants noue pentru Flora Dobrogei. I. pp. 7. See BUKAREST. — ACADEMIA ROMANA. Analele, illust. col. 4". '« Gravenhage, [1905— >] Title from wrapper. Brard (CYPBIEN PROSPER) Histoire des Coquilles terrestres et fluviatiles qui vivent aux environs de Paris, pp. Sfi, 2S9, 17 [1]: 10 pis. col. 12°. Paris it Geneve, 1815. Brard (CYPRIEN P.) Reoueil de Planches des Coquilles Fossiles de Paris... On y a joint deux planches des Lymnees fossiles, et autres Coquilles ... des environs de Paris, par M. Brard, tfc. See LAMARCK (J. B. P. A. DK M. DE) 4°. 1823. BRASIL (Louis) Fam. Apterygidse. pp. 4: I pi. col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Avium, tfc. Apteryges. 4°. 1913. Brasil (Louis) Fam. Casuariida;. pp.10: rt pi*, col. Fam. Dromaiidse. pp. 5 : 1 pi. col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Avium, tfc. Casuarii. 4". 1913-14. Brasil (Louis) Fam. Gruida;. pp. » : J pit. col. 1913. Fam. Rhinochetidse. pp. 3 : 1 pi. col. 1913. Fam. Mesitidse. pp. 3 : 1 pi. col. 1914. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Avium, tfc. Grues. 4°. 1913-14. BRASSEY (ANNIE) Lady [1839-1887] A Voyage in the " Sunbeam." Popular edition, pp. 64 : text illust. 4°. London [1881]. BRAUCHZR (R. W.) & others. The one-spray method in the Control of the Codling Moth and the Plum Curculio, , 3K : text iliutt . 1900. [Brauer (AUGUST) Die Susswasserfauna Deutschlands, . in. Hi, • text illn*t. 1909. ,, 11. Copepoda : Eucopepoda. Von C. van Douwe. Die parasitiachen Copepoden. Von E. Nereshelmer. Ostracoda. Von V. Vavra. Malacostraca. Von L. Kellhack. pp. iv, lit! : text illust. 1909. „ 12. Aranew. Von F. Dahl. Acarlua. Von F. Koenike. TardiRrada. Von A. Brauer. pji. iv, 191 : text, illult. 1009. ,. 1:1. Oligoohrota. Von W. Miehaelsen. Hiriulinea. Von L. Johansson. pp. ir, tit, : text Uliist. 1909. .. 14. Rotatoria. Von A. Collin, H. Dieffenbadi, R. Sachne und M. Voigt. Gastrotricha. Von A. Ciillin. pp. iv, 37.1 : text ilhut. 1912. „ 15. Nematodes. Freilelwnde Susswasserneuiatoileii. Von L. A. Jajcers- kiold. Parasitische Neroatoden. Von O. von Linstow. Mennithldsc A Gordlidae. Von R. Hartmeyer. pp. r, 9i: text illust. 1909. „ 1«. Acanthoccphalcn. VonM.LUhe. pp. i n, 1 K : text Utiut. 1911. „ 17. Trematodes. VonM.LUhe. pp. it, 3tf : text illutt. 1909. „ 18. Cestodes. VonM.LUhe. pp. tv, U3 : text illust. 1910. „ 19. Mollusca. Von J. Thiele. Nemertlni. Von R. Hartmeyer. Bryozoen. Von. R. Hartmeyer. Turbellaria. I. Tell. Allgemcines und Rhabdoccclidn. Von L. v. Graff. II. Teil. Tricladlda. Von L. Bohmig. .SpongillidiE. Von W. Weltner. Hydrozoa. Von A. Brauer. pp. it; 199 : text illust. 1909. Brauer (AUGUST) Fauna Arctica. . . fortgesetzt von. . . A. Brauer. Bd. v, lief. 1— > See ROEMER (F.) & SCHAUDINN (F.) 4°. 1910-> Brauer (AUGUST) Festschrift /urn sechzigsten Geburts- tage des . . . Dr. J. W. Spengel . . . Herausgegeben von A. Brauer, tic. 3 Bd. illust. See ZOOLOGISCHE JAHH- BUECHER, rfc. Supplementheft XV. 8°. 1912. Brauer (AUGUST) The necessity for restricting the Law of Priority, pji. N. 8°. Hamburg [1918]. Braun (MAXIMILIAN GUSTAV CHRISTIAN CARL) Trc- matoden der Chelonier. pp. i>K : ~ pis., trxt illust. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WIMIKLMS rxivERSITAET. — Zoologische Sammlung. Mitteilungen, 8". 1904 — > [ Braun (MAXIMILIAN G. C. C.) The Animal Parasites of Man . . . Third . . . edition . . . Translated from the German by P. Falcke. Brought up to date by L. W. Sambon . . . and F. V. Theobald, pp. xix, 453 : text Must. 8°. London, 1906. Braun (MAXIMILIAN G. C. C.) Vroplatus fimbriatux (Schneider) in Gefangenschaft. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Reise in Ostafrika, tfc. Bd. Ill, hft. 8. 4°. 1913. BRAUN (NICOLAS) D. I. Theodori Tabernsemontaui. Neuw und volkommenlich Kreuterbuch . . . Das ander Theyl [and Thl. 8] ... digerirt und vollbracht durch N. Braun. ' 2 Thl. See THEODORUS (J.) Tabernae- montanut. fol. 1591. fol. 1618. fol. 1664. fol. 1687. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] 123 BRAUN (SIEGFRIED) See GARTENFLOEA . . . Her- ausgegeben ... in der zweiten Halfte von S. Braun. 1$. Jahrg. Liv. 8°. 1905. BRAUNER (ALEKSANDR ALEKSANDHOVlCH) Zam- ~2_ r yetka o Kruimskom Olenye. Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Edelhirsch in der Krim. pp. SI : S pis. 8°. Odessa, 1900. Zapiski Novoross. Obshch. Estest. Odessa. Tom. XXIII. ,j Bratins (BEINHARD ANTON) Das Mineralreich. pp. 440 : 91 pis. (col.), text illust. 4°. Stuttgart, 1903-04. f^ _ Brauns (BEINHABD A.) Anleitung zum Bestimmen der Mineralien . . . Fiinfte Auflage, neu bearbeitet von . . .B. Brauns. See FUCHS (C. W. C.) 8°. 1907. /vj . Brauns (BEINHARD A.) The Mineral Kingdom. By . . . B. Brauus . . . Translated, with additions, by L. J. Spencer, pp. iv [i], 433 : 91 pis. (col.), text illust. 4U. Stuttgart 4 : 2 pis., 2 maps. See PERU. — Cuerpo de In- genieron de Minas. Boletin No. 58. 8°. 1907. Bravo (JosE J.) & others. Inforines sobre la provincia constitucional del Callao. pp.58: 7 pis., 3 maps. See PERU. — Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas. Boletin No. 33. 8°. 1905. BRAY (WILLIAM L.) The Mistletoe Pest in the South- west, pp. 39: 2 ph., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 166. 8°. 1910. BRAZHNIKOV (V.) Materialui po Faunye Russkikh vostochnuikh Morei, sobrannuie shkhunoyu " Storozh " v 1899-1902 ghgh. [Materials towards a fauna of the Russian eastern Seas, collected by the " Storozh " in 1899-1902.] pp. 185 : 2 ph., 1 map, text illust. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, Ac. Ser. VIII, torn. XX, no. 6. 4°. 1907. BRAZIL. — COMMISSAO DE ESTUDOS DAS MINAS DE CARVAO DE PEDRA DO BRAZIL. Belatorio final . . . por I. C. White . . . Traduccao de C. Moreira. pp. xviii, 617: 33pls.,3maps(lgeol.col.). 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1908. Portuguese and English on opposite pages. Contains, inter alia : — Pt. I. Relatorio sobre as " Coal Measures " e Eochas associadas do sul do Brazil, por I. C. White. Relatorio do Dr. J. M. Clarke [Devonian Fossils]. Reptil fossil (Scaphonix Jischeri), pelo Dr. A. S. Woodward. Notas sobre Rochas igneas Brazileiras, pelo Dr. G. P. Merrill. ,, II. Relatorio sobre o Mettonawtts braziliensis, pelo Dr. J. H. McGregor. . III. Relatorio aobre a Flora fossil das camadas carboniferas do Brazil, pelo Dr. D. White. BRAZIL. — COMMISSAO DE LINHAS TELEGRAPHICAS ESTRATEGICAS DE MATTO GROSSO AO AMAZONAS. Relatorio. . .pelo Coronel C. M. da S. Bondon. Vol. I. Estudos e reconhecimentos. pp. 363 [1], 39 : 35 pis., 1 map, text illust. 4". Bio de Janeiro [1914 ')]. — Annexo. No. 1-6. 8°. & 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1909-16. No. 1. Servifo Astronomico. 2 Pt. 1909 i-10J. ,, 'i. Exploracao do Rio Jacy-Parani, pelo Cap. M. T. da C. Pinheiro. pp. SI, 1 tab. 1910. „ „ Exploracao do Rio Ike (1912-13), pelo Bug. J. C. H. Barbosa. -pp. 34. 1916. ,, „ Explorayoes dos campos de Commemoracao de Floriano ao Rio Guapore (1912) e da zona comprehendida entre os Kios Commemoracao de Floriano e Pimenta Bueno (1913), por F. Moritz. pp. ..'..'. 1916. ,, ,, Exploracao do Rio Paranatinga. Relatorio, pelo 1°. JCenente A. P. de Sousa. 1915-16. pp. Ul, [!] .- ,5 tabi. 1916. „ :(. Levantamento e loeacao do trecho comprehendido entre os Rios Zolaharuina (Burity) e Juruena, pelo 1*. Tenente. . .E. S. do Amarante. pp. W [IV]. (1910?] .. „ Relatorio dos trabalhos realizados duraate o anno de 1908, por A. de Miranda Ribeiro. pp. 40. 1916. „ ,. Relatorios dos trabalhos de Botanica e viagens executa- dos durante os annoy de 1908 e 1909, por F. C. Hoehne. 1910. 1907. pp. ,',:,. , Relatorio apresentado, pelo Major F. F. ilc S. Amorim. pp. W. , Relatorios diversos variante da Ponte de Pedra ao Salto Utiarity e Aldeia Queiinada, pelo 1°. Tcneute J. S. de Lyra. pp. IS. [1909V] , Relatorio do servico de couservacao da lina telegraphica no periodo de Junho de 1913 a Setembro de 1914, pelo 1». Tenente J. C. H. Barbosa. pp. 31,. 1916. Historia Natural. BOTANICA. Pt. I. Bromeliaceas, Pontederiaceas, Liliaceas, Amaryl- lidaceas, Iridaceas, Orchidaceas, Aristolochi* aceas, Droseraceas, e Passifloraceas, por F. C. Hoehne. pp. 71 : (IS pis. II. Leguminoseas determinadas pelo Dr. H. Harms. 1910. 1912. pp. IS. „ III. Melastomataceas, Cucurbitaceas e Orchidaceas, estudadas e determinadas pelo Dr. A. Cog- /J niaux. pp. IS: 3 pis. 1912. „ TV. • Alismataceas, Butomaceas, Hydrocharitaceas, Pontederiaceas, Orchidaceas e Nymphaeaceas, por F. C. Hoehne. pp. S3 : 11, pit. 1912. „ VII. Pteridophytas I. Por A. J. de Sampaio. pp. 34 : S pit. 1916. GEOLOQIA. Observaooes Geologicas-Geographicas e Ethnograpliicas sobre a viagera de exploracdo de Cuyaba a Serra do Norte, passando por Sao Luiz de Caceres. Pelo Geo- logico C. Carnier, 4°. Bio de Janeiro, 1918— > Brazil. MK\ lv ' GEOLOGICO E MINERALOQICO. Noticia sobre as minas de carvao de pedra da bacia do Rio das Cinzas, pelo geologo E. P. de Oliveira. pp. 18 : 1 map. 8°. Bio dc Janeiro, 1916. Branl.— SEHVI9O GEOLOGICO E MINERALOGICO. Os Satellites do Diamante, pelo petrographo . . . E. Hussak. pp. 56 : S mapt. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1917. Brazil. [Maps.] [Atlas of the] Commission Bre"silienne d'Exploration du Haut Araguary. Sous la direction de M. F. A. Braga Calvalcante. S maps col. [Scale, 1 : 200,000, i.e. I in. = 3£ m. about.] fol. [ J 1896. BRE A2Z ANO (ANTONIO) Sul rostello delle Davainece. Contribute alia morfologia del rostello. pp. 5 : 1 pi. See NAPLES. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, 4". Paris, [1900->] Brehm (ALFRED E.) Brehms Tierleben . . . Vierte . . . Auflage, herausgegeben von. . .O. zur Strasseu. Bd. x & XI. Must. 8°. Leipzig A Wien, 1912 & 1914. Bd. X. Die Saugetiere. Bd. I. Von L. Heck. „ XI. Die Siiiigetiere. Bd. II. Von L. Heck und M. Hilzheimer. BREHM (VlNCENZ) [1879-] Die Cladoceren [of Equa- / torial Africa]. See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST _ ." ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissen- 7** schaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika- Expedition, 1907-08, Gr. G-. 3. L. 7«. o. S. 126 t BRESSLAU (EKN8T) [1877-] Die Entwickelung des Mammarapparates der Monotremen, Marsupialier und einiger Placentalier, rfc. Pt. II & III. illust. 4°. Jena, 1912. JentUche Denluohr. Bd. VII, pp. 631-874. Bresslau i I '.I:\M-I \- Steinmann (P.) Die Strudel- wiirmer (Turbellaria). See STEINMANN (P.) & BRESS- i.u- (E.) 8°. 1918. BBESSOlf (ARTHUR) [1873-1 Etudes sur les forma- tions anciennes des Hautes et Basses-Pyrenees (Haute- Chaine). pp. X7ti : 5 pit.. Si maps (1 geol. col.). See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Qeologique detaUlee. Bulletin, N>» L. Brezina i MARIA ARISTIDES SKVERIN FERDINAND) Der Meteorsteinfall zu Mern. pp. 15 : S pis. SecCoPEN- . HAGEN. — KONGEL1GT DANSK VIDENSKABERNES 8ELSKAB. Skrifter, . ."/ : 2 pis., text illust. See MANCHE8TEH LITERARY AND i PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIKTY. Memoirs, lx., test illust. „ See PARIS. — BOCini DE SPELKOLOGIE. Spelunca. Bulletin et Memou-es, '. See UNITED STATES.— Department /. of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau . Circular No. 7. 8°. 1908. Briggs (LYMAN J.) & Shantz (H. L.) The wilting co- efficient for different Plants and its indirect determina- tion, pp. S3: 2 pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 230. * 8°. 1912. Brighton. -Dyke Road Museum. Catalogue of the cases of Birds in the . . . Museum . . . Second edition, Ac. pp. xi, 217 : IS pis., 1 port. 8°. Brighton, 1896. Brighton. — Public Library, Museum and Fine Art Galleries. [Founded 1873.] Official Guide to the . . . Library, Museum, and . . . Galleries. Second edition, pp. Jf9 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Brighton, 1909. A first edition appeared in 1908. Brighton and Sussex Natural History (and Philosophical) Society. The Moss Flora of Sussex, Ac. See SMITH (C. P.) 8°. 1870. BRINDLEY (HAROLD HULME) [1865-] The Mollusca of Cambridgeshire. See MARH (J. E.) Handbook to the Natural History of Cambridgeshire, Ac. 8°. 1904. b. BRINKMANN (AUGUST) CECILIUS AUGUST) See BRINKMANN (MARTIN BRINKMANN (MARTIN CECILIUS AUGUST) [1878-] Vorkommen und Verbreitung einer Planktonturbellarie Alaurina composita, Mecz., in Danischen Gewassern. pp. 15 : text illust. See DENMARK. — Kommissionen for Havundersfigelser. Serie : Plankton. Bd. I, no. 7. 4°. 1909. Brinkmann (MARTIN C. A.) Bathynectes Murrayii, n. gen., n.sp. Eine neue bathypelagische Nemertine, Ac. ./?. pp.9: 1 pi. See BERGEN. — Bergens Museum. Bergens Museums Aarbok. 1912, no. 9. 8°. 1913. . . Brinkmann (MARTIN C. A.) Ueber die Hautdrusen- organe, die bei den Viverriden an den Geschlechts- apparat geknupft sind. See JUNGERSEN (H. F. E.) ^ & WARMING (J. E. B.) Mindeskrift i Anledning af Hundredaaret for J. Steeustrups F0dsel, tic. No. 23. 4°. 1914. Brinkmann (MARTIN C. A.) Uniporus, ein neues Genus der Familie Drepanophoridae, Verrill. pp. %9 : ,t /, 2 ph., text illust. See BERGEN. — Bergens Museum. n • Bergens Museums Aarbok. 1914, no. 6. 8°. 1914. Brinkmann (MARTIN C. A.) Die pelagischen Ne- mertinen der Deutschen Siidpolarexpedition 1901-1903, <(;c. pp. 9[1]: 1 pi., text illust. See BERGEN. — Bergens Museum. Bergens Museums Aarbok, 1915-1916. Natur- vidensk. rsekke, No. 1. 8°. 1915. Brioii (HENRY F.) & McClnre (E.) Photo relief map of Scotland, Ac. [Scale, 1 in. = 19 m. Without rivers or names of places.] See SCOTLAND. [Maps.] 1885. [With rivers and names of places.] See SCOTLAND. fe Briquet (JOHN ISAAC) / • Verbenaeeie, Labiatse and Phrymacese. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfarnilien, Ac. Thl. IV, abth. 3a & 3b. 8°. 1895-1897. Briquet (JOHN I.) Bulletin du Laboratoire de Botanique gemirale de 1'Universite de Geneve, publie par J. Briquet. See GENEVA. — UNIVERSITK. Vol. i— >• 4°. 1896— > Briquet (JOHN I.) Les Kessources Botaniques de Geneve, pp. 22. 12°. Geneve, 1897. " Suisse Universitaire " Au. II. Briquet (JOHN I.) Labiata; et V'erbenacese Austro- Americanse ex itiuere Begnelliano primo. pp. 27 : 4 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik. Bd. II, no. 10. 8°. 1904. Briquet (JOHN I.) Texte synoptique des documents destines a servir de base aux debats du Congres Inter- national de Nomenclature Botanique de Vienne 1905, <£c. pp. ir,K [1]. 4°. Berlin, 1904. - [Another edition.] pp. 160 [1]. 4°. Berlin, 1905. Differs only in the date on title-page, and in having " Additions " of 2 extra pages. Briquet (JOHN I.) pp. 17.'/ [1] : 5 port. Biographies de Botanistes Suisses. 8°. Geneve, 1906. Briquet (JOHN I.) Sudania : Enumeration des Plantes recoltees en Afrique tropicale par ... A. Chevalier, de 1898 a 1910 inclus. Liste dressee d'apres les determina- tions de . . . J. Briquet, Ac. Tom. I— > See CHEVALIER (A.) 4°. 1911-> Briquet (JOHN I.) [Labiatae from Colombia & the West Indies, determined by J. I. Briquet.] See NEUCHATEL. — SOCIETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. Memoires, Ac. Tom. v. Dr. O. Fuhrmann et Dr. E. Mayor. Voyage d'exploration scientifique en Colombie (1910). 4°. 1914. BRISBANE. — Queensland International Exhibition, 1897. Catalogue of the Exhibits in the Queensland Mining Court (Second and revised edition) . . . By B. L. Jack. See QUEENSLAND. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 6. 8°. 1897. BRISBANE. Field Naturalists' Club. See FIELD NATURALISTS' CLUB (Brisbane). Brisbane. — Queensland Museum. Memoirs, Sc. Vol. I— > 8°. Brisbane, 1912— > B. u- .£7£. 3. 3. Briquet (JOHN I.) Becueil des documents destines a servir de base aux debats de la section de nomenclature systematique du Congres International de Botanique de Bruxelles 1910, presente . . . par J. Briquet. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE BOTANIQUE. — 3me Congres: Bruxelles, 1910. 4°. 1910. Briquet (JOHN I.) Prodrome de la Flore Corse, com- _ prenant les resultats botaniques de six voyages executes en Corse, Ac. Tom. I— > 8°. Geneve, Ac. 1910— > . U, > U M. 128 Brisout de Barneville (CHARLES N. F.) Orthop- ' teres [of the Collection of Baron Selys-Longchamps], par M. Burr. (Note sur quelques exemplaires de la t. Collection de M. Brisout de Barneville. [By M. Burr.]) j pp. 35. Sff SBLYS-LONGCHAMPS (M. E. DB) Baron. \ Collections Zoologiques. . .Catalogue, p.",~>: t,-j-t ill ust. 8°. Bristol, 1901. Bristow (HEXRY WILLIAM) The Geology of the Isle of Wight, (tc. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— U1"- Geological Survey. — England it Wales. [Topo- graphical Memoirs.] 8". 1862. - Second edition, dsc. 8°. 1889. G% Bristow (HENRY W.) Her BRANDE (W. T.) [New edition.] [For articles on Mineralogy] A Dictionary of Science, . 8". Dumfries, 1865. This Is a reprint of the 1883 edition. Report of a Committee " appointed to report on the changes which they may consider desirable to make, if any, in the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature drawn up bv Mr. H. K. Strickland, at the instance of the . . . Association ... in 1842." 8". [London, 1866.] Kept. Brit. Anoc. 1865 (1866), /.;.. [Another edition entitled :] The Rules of Zoological Nomenclature . . . With notes by A. E. Verrill. pp. JO. 8". [New Haven, Conn., 1869.] Amer. Journ. Scl. Ser. II, vol. XLVIII. [Another edition. pp.27. With a preface by P. L. Sclater.] 8°. London, 1878. British, Association, &c. British Association . . . Handbook to Bristol and the neighbourhood, rfc. See ROGERS (B. M. H.) 8°. 1898. British Association, &c. Fauna, Flora and Geology . •: tlie Clyde area, R , , whnl.l.m The Hepatlcas of the district. ) B* J' A' w Zoology. Protozoa-Foraminifera, By G. W. Chaster. Lepldoptera. By F. N. Pierce. . .and J. R. Charnley. Coleoptera. By G. W. Chaster. . .and E. J. Burgess Sopp. Aranerc. By A. R. Jackson. Mollusca. By G. W. Chaster. 'ITie Marine Fauna and Fisheries of the district. By \V. A. Herdman and I. C. Thompson. A Note on the Vertebrate Fauna found in the district. Martin Mere and its antiquities. By H. Brodrick. British Association, &c. Handbook to the Natural History of Cambridgeshire [prepared for the visit of the Association in 1904], etc. Sec MARR (J. E.) 8". 1904. British Association, &c. Science in South Africa : a Handbook and Review. Prepared under the auspices of the South African Governments and the South African Association for the Advancement of Science [on the occasion of the visit of the British Association to South Africa in 1905], euter. Introduction. Bj <;. II. r:ir]M •nter. Mammals. By C. B. Mortal. KinK By R. M. Reptiles and Amphibians. By K. F. Scharff. Fishes and f'yclostomcs. By G. P. Farran. Tunicata. By H. J. Buchanan-Wollaaton. Marine Mollusca. By X. Colgan. Land and Freshwater Mollusca. By K. F. Schartf. Hyincnoptera. By. I. X. Ifalbert. Dlptera. By G. II. < •nrpcntcr. Lepidopten. By W. F. De V. Kane. Coleoptera, Neuroptcra, i »v J N Hemiptcra, OrthopteraJ if "• Aptera, Chllopoda, 1 Bv G II Symphyla «t Diplopoda. I * 129 Handbook to the City of [British Association, &c. Dublin, tie. (contd.)] [Contains, inter alia : — Zoology (contd.)] Decapoda. By S. W. Kemp. Schizopoda, Cumacea,) T, ,,,- -.. . t+ Isopoda, Amphipoda. } ** W • M- Tattersall. Entomostraca. By G. P. Fan-an. Pycnogonida. j Phalangida By R. Southern. Platyhelmia. ) Echinodermata. By A. R. Nichols. Coele-nerata. } By Jane stephen, KJM'N ByJ.B.But,e, Foraminifera. By G. J. Wright. British. Association, &c. British Association . . . Winnipeg Meeting, 1909. . .Visit to Cobalt and Sudbury, etc. See ONTARIO. — Bureau of Mines. 8°. 1909. British Association, &c. A Handbook to Winnipeg and the province of Manitoba, prepared for the 79th annual meeting of the . . . Association, 1913— > Vol. I— =» illust. 8°. Victoria, B.C., 1914-> BRITISH COLUMBIA. — BUREAU OF MINES. Annual Keport of the Minister of Mines for ... 1899 (1902-», Ac. illust. 8°. Victoria, B.C., 1900-> Wanting the Reports for 1900, 1901, 1903-06, and 1909-11. British Columbia. — BUREAU OP MINES. Bulletin No. 1— > 8°. Victoria, B.C., 1914-» British Columbia. — BUREAU OF MINES. [Maps.] Sketch Map of the province of British Columbia, 'shew- ing Mining divisions, etc. [Scale, 1 in. = 55 m. about.] col. Victoria, B.C.,'1901. British Columbia.— DEPARTMENT OF LANDS. — Survey Branch. Beport for the year. . .1913 (—1916). 2 Pt. illust. 8°. Victoria, B.C., 1914 (-17). 17 L. 3. 6. .3. A\ ^ %\ 51 JAN 130 British Columbia. [Maps.] Sketch Map of the pro- vince of British Columbia, showing Mining divisions, ifc. A". [Scale. 1 in. = 55 m. about.] Sec supra, BCREAD OF MINES. col. 1901. BRITISH CYCLOPAEDIA, The, of Natural History, * '25 miles, . See AFRICA. [Maps.] (col.) 1894. Intell. Div. War Ofllco, No. 1012. British East Africa. [Maps.] Map of part of British ...East Africa... Scale, 1:1,584,000, or 1 inch to 25 tfZZT. 5"3- miles. See AFRICA. [Maps.] col. [1898.] British East Africa. [Mn/>s.] Map shewing the J* 1 9 Mombasa- Victoria (Uganda) Railway. Scale, 1:1,584,000, **"•***• or 1 inch = 25 miles. Intell. Dlv. War Office, No. 1413. [London,] 1902. British East Africa. [Maps.] British East Africa : . Uasin Gishu Plateau, rfc. Scale, 1:62,500, or 1'014 inch to 1 mile. 5 sh. (col.) Southampton, 1909. Geographical Section, General Staff, War Oftk-e, No. 2398. BRITISH ECOLOGICAL SOCIETY. I Kounilocl 1913.] The Journal of Ecology, Ac. Vol. I— > 8°. Cambridge, ttc. 1913- Title from wrapper. British Islands. See PHYTOLOGIA BKITANNICA, natales exhibens indigenarum Stirpium sponte emer- gentium. [By W. How.] 8°. 1650. BRITISH ISLANDS. [Maps.] [Geological M;i|, of the British Isles and part of France. ..LA. Knipe. (Scale, 1 in. = 12 m.) ' 4 sh. col. London, 1844.] Wanting. 4 sh. col. London, 1845. 4 sh. col. London, 1846. Gr. - [Another edition.) - [Another edition.] British Islands. [Maps.] Stanford's orographical Map of the British Isles. Edited by ... A. C. Ramsay. [Scale, 1 in. = Hi m.] 4 sh. London, 1875. British Islands. [Maps.] The Geological and Mining condition of the United Kingdom. [By G. P. Hi-van. ] fol. Edinburgh British Museum. [Manuscript] Memoranda relating to the Sale of old and duplicate specimens of Natural History and Ana- tomical articles by the Trustees of the British Museum, to the Royal College of Surgeons in London, in the year 1809. Memoranda of Dates relating to the British Museum specimens [1809-1828].) See CLIFT (W.) fol. 1886. British Museum. Report from the Select Committee on the condition, management and affairs of the British Museum, <(•<-. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — House of Commons. 4". [1885.] British Museum. Report from the Select Committee on British Museum, rfc. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — House of Commons. •!". [1836.] British Museum. Report (Appendix — Index) of the Commissioners ap- pointed to inquire into the Constitution and govern- ment of the British Museum, 8 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1811. Interleaved. Sixth edition, pp. xxxv [i], 100. 8". London, 1813. — Seventh edition, pp. xxxvi, 126. 8°. London, 1814. Fortieth edition, pp. [Hi,] 306 [3]. 8s. London, 1840. - Forty-second [revised] edition, pp. [ii,] 370 +*!!?, *1:l, fi : 2 plans. 8°. [London,] 1880. - [Another edition.] A Guide to the Exhibition Galleries of the British Museum, Bloomsbury, d-c. pp. xxxviii, 1M : 2 plans. 8°. [London,] 1882. Contains a description of the Zoological Department, which had not then been moved to South Kensington. British Museum. [Guides, dc.] A Guide to the Antiquities of the Bronze Age in the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities. pp. xii, i~>'.t : 10 pis. (col.), 1 plan on cover, text illust. 8". [London.,] 1904. British Museum. A Handy-Book of the British Museum, for Every-Day Readers. See NICHOLS (T. N.) 8". 1870. British Museum. Memories of the British Museum. See COWTAN (R.) 8". 1872. British Museum. [Guides, dc.] A Guide to the Antiquities of the Early Iron Age of central and western Europe... in the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities. [By R. A. Smith.] pp. xi [i], 7-'7: 10 pis., text illust. 8°. {London,] 1911. British Museum. [Guides, j>. if, ,i44 : ~>3 pis. (9 col.), test itlimt. I S1S- I3ff 8°. London, 1902. 1. Mammalia. By G. E. H. Barrett-Uamilton. 2. Notes oil Antarctic Seals. By E. A. Wilson. 5. Extract* from the private diary of X. Uansen. 4. Ave*. By R. B. Sharpe. 6. Pisces. By G. A. Boulcnger. 8. Tuuicata. By W. A. Herdman. 7. Mollusca. By E. A. Smith. 8. Bchinoderma. By F. J. Bell. 9. Insect*. Collembola. By G. H. Carpenter. Pedlcularide. By the Hon. N. C. Rothschild. 10. Arachnida. Acarina. By E. L. Trouessart. 11. Crustacea. By T. V. Hodgson. 12. Polycluota. By A. Will.'j. IS. Gephyrea. By A. E. Shipley. it S,**- } By Dr. von Llnstow. It. Polyzoa. By R. Kirkpatrick. 17. Anthozoa. Alcyonaria. By L. Roule and S. J. Hickson. 1 v Actinuc. With an account of their peculiar brood chambers. By J. A. Clubh. 1ft. Hydrozoa. A preliminary account. By E. T. Browne. 20. Porlfera. By R. Kirkpatrick. 21. Cryptogamia. Muse!. By A. Gepp. I.ichenes. By V. H. Blackmail. Algw. By Miss K. S. Barton. Peridineie. By V. H. Blackmail. 22. Report on the Rock specimens. By G. T. Prior. British Museum (Natural History). National Antarctic Expedition [of the S.S. " Discovery," under Captain R. F. Scott], 1901-1904. Natural History [including some specimens obtained by G. A. Davidson of the relief ship, the " Morning "]. 6 Vol. illust. 4*. London, 1907-1912. Vol. I. Geology. (Field-Geology : Petrography.) pp.xii,160: 10 pit., S map' (1 geol. col.), text illust. 1907. 1. Report on the Field-Geology. By H. T. Ferrar. Appendix to Chapter vi.— Report on the Plant- Remains from the Beacon Sandstone. By E. A. N. Arbcr. Appendix to the Report on the Field-Geology.— Notes relative to Macquarle and Auckland Islands, outside the Antarctic Circle. 2. Report on the Rock-specimens. By G. T. Prior. „ II. Zoology. 1907. Prefaces, A-c. pp. xie : 1 map. Vertebra ta. I Mammalia (Whales and Seals). By E. A. Wilson. pp. 89: 'Spin. (3 col.) \ves. By E. A. Wilson, pp. Itl : .18 pis. (col.) 3. On some poinU In the anatomy of the Emperor and Adelie Penguins. By W. P. Pycraft. pp. IS: 1 pi., text illii*t. 4. Pisces. By G. A. Boulenger. pp. H : 1 pis. Pterobrauchia. i .'phalodUcus. By W. G. Ridcwood. pp. «7 : 7 pit. (col.), text illutt. Mollusca. 1. Cephalopoda. By W. E. Hoyle. pp. i: text illust. iSSSTS.,} ByE.A.Sn,it,, MI,.* 4. Nudlbranchiata. By Sir C. Eliot, K.C.M.u. pp.tS: 1 pi., text ilhat. 5. Lamellihranchlata. By E. A. Smith, pp. 7 : 1 ;rf. Brachiopoda. By E. A. Smith, -pp. i : text illutt. Arthropoda. (D.) Crustacea. 1. Decapoda. By W. T. Caiman, pp. :. 2. Cnmacea. By W. T. Caiman. pp.K: 1 pi., text illust. „ in. Zoology and Botany. 1907. Preface, <*<:. pp. in {!]. On Collecting In Antarctic Seas. By T. V. Hodgson. pp. 2: Uxt [British Museum (Natural History). National Antarctic Expedition [of the S.S. " Discovery,"] . 1~> : I, tils. 2. Corallinaceaj. By M. 11. Foslie. illust. Musci. By J. CardoU pp. <> : S pin. ,, iv. Zoology. 1908. Preface, itc. pp. in [1]. Uollusca. 7. Solenogastres. By H. F. Merstrasz. pp. I.; : .'pit. Arthropoda. (A.) Insecta. Aptera. By G. H. Carpenter, pp. S: 1 pi. (B. [i.e. D.]) Crustacea. 7. Schizopoda. By W. M. Tattersall. pp. 13: Xpls. 8. Copepoda. By R. N. Wolfendeu. pp. /,<• . 7 /-/*. Echinoderma. 1. Echinoderma. By F. J. Bell. n>. /'•': •• pis. 2. Echinoderm larva-. By E. W. MacBride and J. C. Simpson, pp. » .• 1 pi. Myzostomlda?. By R. Ritter v. Stiimmer-Traunfels. pp. 3(1 : 1 pi. col., 1 text illust. Sipuncnloidea. By W. F. Lanchester. pp. '-'. Ca'lentera. 4. Actinia;. By J. A. Clubb. pp. /-'.' 3 pis. Porifera. 2. Tetraxonida. By R. Kirkpatrick. pp. X : I'J pit. (li ail.) 3. Calcarca. By C. F. Jeukin. pp. S3: IS pis. (col.) „ V. Zoology and Botany. 1910. Vertebrata. la. Mammalia (Seal-Embryos). By H. W. M. Tims. pp. SI : * pis., 1 text illuit. Tunicate. By W. A. Herdman. /./.. »: : j.• I I*., text illuit. Cwlentera. 6. Medusa;. By.. .E. T. Browne, pp. US : 7 pi*. Lichencs. By. . .0. V. Darbtehire. pp. 11 : 1 pi. „ VI. Zoology and Botany. I'M'-'. Preface. (By) L. Fletcher, Ac. pp. xvi. Echinoderma. 5. On a Collection of young Holothurioids. By... E. W. MacBride. pp. 'J . • i pli. Polychwta. By E. Enters. mhSftSft*. Freshwater Algie. By F. E. Fritsch. pp. f>0: :J pis. [For the volumes on the Meteorology and Physical Observations See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, by whom they were published.) British Museum (Natural History). La Terre Antarctique de Victoria d'apres les travaux ile la " Discovery." [A review of the volumes on the National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-04.] See ZIMMERMANN (M.) 8°. [1909.] British Museum (Natural History). British Antarctic ("Terra Nova") Expedition, 1910 [under Capt. R. F. Scott]. Natural History Report. I". London, 1914- 8. Pteropoda. By Sir i'. Eliot, K.C.H.Q. pp.1-' •lit'. Arthropoda. (A. [i.e. D.]) Crustacea. 3. Amphipoda, By A. 0. Walker, pp. **(/).- 13 pit. 4. Leptostraca. Von.. .J.Thlele. pp.t: Uxt Must. 6. Ostracoda. By G. 8. Brady, pp. 9: SpU., text ,.•/„,... 8. Clrrhlpedes. Par A. (iruvel. pp. I,: 1 pi. (B.) Pycnogonida. By T. V. Hodgson, pp. It: l"J>b. (C.) Acari. Halacarld«(AcarieDs marins). Par £ L. Trouessart. pp. 6: 1 pi. Chietognatha. With a note on those collected by H.M.S. "fhallenger" In subantarctlc and arctic waters. By «. H. Fowler, pp. '. / chart. A,,l. I. ZOO LOOT. Vol. I. Vol. I-» l«14-» 1. Fishes. By ('. T. I; 1914. •i. Natural history of the Adelie Penguin l:\i; M Levick. 1915. 3. Cetacea. By D. G. l.ilh. 1916. 4. Larval and Post-Larval Fishes, lly c. T. Kugan. 1916. 1. List of Collecting Stations. By S. F. Uanner and D. G. Llllie. 1914. 2. Oltgochwta. By H. A. Baylis. 1916. ::. 1'aiailiif Wormx, with a note on a free-living Nematode. By R. T. Leiper and E. L. Atkinson. 1916. 133 [British Museum (Natural History). British Antarctic (" Terra Nova ") Expedition, 1910, etc. (contd.)J [ZOOLOGY. Vol. II. (contd.)] 4. Mollusca. Part I. Gastropoda Prosobranchia, Scaphopoda, and Pelecypoda. By E. A. Smith. 1910. 5. Nemertinea. By H. A. Baylis. 1915. 6. MyzoBtomida. By 0. L. Boulenger. 1916. 7. Mollusca. Part II. Cephalopoda. ByA.L. Massy. 1916. „ III. 1. Pycnogonida. By W. T. Caiman. 1915. 2. Crustacea. Part I. Decapoda. By L. A. Bor- radaile. 1916. 3. Crustacea. Part II. Porcellanopagurux : an instance of carcinization. By L. A. Borradaile. 1916. 4. Crustacea. Part III. Cirripedia. By L. A. Bor- radaile. 1916. 5. Crustacea. Part IV. Stomatopoda, Cumacea, Phyllocarida, and Cladocera. By W. T. Caiman. 1017. . „ IV. 1. Echinoderma. Part I.. Actinogonidiata. By F. J. British Museum ^Natural History). A Guide to the Exhibition Galleries of the Departments of Mineralogy and Botany, : 2 pis., 2 plans, text illust. 8°. London, 1906. - Twelfth edition. [Bevised by L. Fletcher.] pp. [iv,] 1 17 : 2 pis., 2 plans, textillnst. 8°. London, 1909. - Thirteenth edition. [Bevised by L. Fletcher.] pp. [iv,] 121 : 2 pis., 2 plans, text illust. 8°. London, 1913. British Museum (Natural History). Guide to the Exhibition illustrating the Volcanic Eruptions in the West Indies. [By F. A. Bather.] 1 p. 8". [London,] Oct. 1902. First issued In July of the same year. British Museum (Natural History). The British Museum ; or, elegant repository of Natural History. 4 Vol. illust. col. See HOLLOWAY (W.) & BRANCH (J.) 1803-04. Some of the illustrations are said to have been drawn from specimens in the Museum. British Museum (Natural History). Natural History Museum, South Kensington. Guide- Companion for the Young, ttc. See GORDON (E. O.) Mrs. 8°. [1904.] British Museum (Natural History). The British Museum (Natural History) ... By W. P. Pycraft, 0 : Sports. 8". London, 1909. - Second edition, pp. v [i], 50 : 2 ports. 8°. London, 1910. British Museum (Natural History). Special Guide : No. 5. Guide to the Exhibition of Animals, Plants, and Minerals, mentioned in the Bible. [Edited with a preface, by L. Fletcher.] pp. vii, 74 •' text illust. 8°. London, (July) 1911. Second edition, pp. vii, 78 : text illust. 8°. London, (December) 1911. - Third edition, pp. vii, 78 : text illust. 8°. London, 1913. British Museum (Natural History). Special Guide : No.. 6. Guide to the Exhibition of specimens illustrating the modification of the structure of Animals in relation to Flight. [By W. G. Bidewood.] pp. viii, 80 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1913. British Museum (Natural History). Special Guide : No. 7. Guide to the specimens and enlarged models of Insects and Ticks exhibited in the Central Hall, illustrating their importance in the spread of disease. [By W. G. Ridewood.] pp. 44 [1] '• text | illust. 8°. London, 1916. British Museum (Natural History). [Instructions for Collectors.] Handbook of Instructions for Collectors . . . issued by the . . . Museum, d c. pp. 137 : text illust. 8°. London, 1902. - Second edition, pp. 138 : text illust. 8". London, 1904. Third edition, pp. 144 •' text illust. 8°. London, 1906. A collected and revised re-issue of the various separate " Instructions lor Collecting," &c., prepared by the several Departments. British Museum (Natural History). [Instructions for Collectors.] Directions for preparing Small Mammal Skins. [By M. B. O. Thomas.] [pp. 2:] Must. 4°. [London (Feb.), 1894.J Privately printed and circulated by M. R. 0. Thomas. — [Another edition.] [pp. 2 :] illust. 4°. [London,] 1898. [Another edition.] [pp. 2 :] illust. 4°. [London,] 1906. — [Another issue.] 4°. [London,] 1909. British Museum (Natural History). [Instructions for Collectors.] Instructions pour preparer les Petits Mammiferes en Peaux. [Translated from the English.^ [pp. 2:] illust. 4°. [London, 1897 ?] Anweis zur Anfertigung von Balgen kleiner Saugethiere. [Translated from the English.] [pp. 2 :] illust. 4". [London, 1897 ?] Instrucciones para la preparacion de Pieles de Mami- feros pequenos. [Translated from the English.] [pp. it:} illust. 4°. [London,] 1897. .3. M. Ac. o. L 134 British Museum (Natural History). Instructions for Collectors : No. 1. Mammals. Hints on removingand preparing Skins of Mammals, pp. 11 : text iUutt. 8°. [London, 1900.] — [Another edition.] pp. 11 : text illust. 8°. (London, 1908.] - Third edition, pp. /-': text illnxt. 8°. London, 1905. Fourth edition. ;»/'• x •' ffft illust. 8°. London, 1912. British Museum (Natural History). Instructions for Collectors : No. IA. Mammals. Part II. Skeletons, with special notes on the collection of specimens of Cetacea. By S. F. Harmer, : text illust. 8°. [London, 1899.] [Another edition.] pp. !> : text illust. 8°. [London, 1902.] [Another edition.] pp. 10 : text illust. 8". [London, 1908.] Fourth edition, pp. 1 1 : test illust. 8°. London, 1907. Fifth edition, pp. 11 : text illust. 8°. London, 1911. British Museum (Natural History). C Instruction^^*?? Collectors : No. 5. Dip'tera. How to -^ collect^Blptera (Two-Winged F)*e6), p- Hi: text illust. 8°. [L(mrfojx^903.] Third cditiorfT pp. 1»: : text ilhist. Sf.Jfondon, 1908. British Museum (Natural History). Instructions for Collectors : No. 6. Mosquitoes. How to collect Mosquitoes (Culicidte). [By E. E. Austen.] pp. 7. 8°. [London, 1898. ] - [Another edition.] pp. 6. 8°. [London, 1899.] [Another edition.] pp. H : 1 pi. 8". [London, 1899.] [Another edition.] pp. *' : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. [Lontlon, 1902.] [Another edition.] pp. .s' : / pi., text illust. 8". [London, 1904.] British Museum (Natural History). Instructions for Collectors : No. 7. Blood-sucking Flies, Vol. I, pt. IV. Dicotyledons. By W. P. Hiern. Lentibulariaceic to Ceratophylleic. p. 785-1035. Gymnosperms. By A. B. 1899. 1901. pp. 78ij- II, pt. I. Monocotyledons and Gymuo Rendle. pp. 260. „ II, pt. II. Cryptogamia. pp. Xl-SttH. Vascular Cryptogams. By W. Carruthers. Mosses. By A. Gepp. Hepatics. By F. Stephani. Marine Algae. By E. S. Barton. Freshwater Algie. By W. West & G. S. West. Diatomaceie. By T. Comber. Lichenes. By E. A. Waino. Fungi. By A. L. Smith. Mycetozoa. By A. Lister. British Museum (Natural History). Botany. Illustrations of Australian Plants collected in 1770 during Captain Cook's voyage round the world in H.M.S. Endeavour, by the Bight Hon. Sir J. Banks, Bart. . . . and . . . 1). Solander . . . with determinations by J.Britten, pp. 102 : 320 pis. . fol. London, 1900-05. Issued in three parts : the titles to No. 1 & 2 read :— " Illustrations of the Botany of Captain Cook's Voyage," illust. 8°. London, 1910— > British Museum (Natural History). Botany. A Monograph of the British Lichens : a descriptive catalogue of the species in the Department of Botany . . . Part II. By A. Lorrain Smith, pp. [TO,] 4<>f>: 59 pis. . 8°. London, 1911. British Museum (Natural History). Botany. A Monograph of the Mycetozoa : a descriptive catalogue of the species in the Herbarium of the . . . Museum. By A. Lister ... Second edition, revised by [Miss] G. Lister, pp. [iv,] 302: 101 pis. (col.), text illust. 8°. London, 1911. British Museum (Natural History). Botany. Catalogue of the Plants collected by Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Talbot in the Oban district, South Nigeria. By A. B. Bendle. . .E. G. Baker. . .and others, pp. x, 157: 17 pis. 8°. London, 1913. Introduction. By A. B. Rendle. Polypetalse. By E. G. Baker. Rubiacete. By H. F. Wernham. Composite. By S. Moore. Ebenacea) and Apocynacerc. By H. F. Wernham. Asclepiadacetc. By S. Moore. Logauiaceec. By S. Moore and H. F. Wernham. Convolvulacete. By A. B. Rendle. Pedalinese. By H. F. Wernham. Acanthaceic. By S. Moore. Verbenacetc. By H. F. Wernham. Monochlamydese. By S. Moore. Orchidacea1. By A. B. Rendle. Zingiberaeea:. By H. N. Ridley. Dioscoreacea; to Gramineffi. By A. B. Rendle. Fungi. By J. Ramsbottom. Systematic List of Plants col- lected : — Flowering Plants. By E. G. Baker, H. F. Wernham, S. Moore, A. B. Rendle, and H. N. Ridley. Ferns. By A. Gepp. Mosses. By A. Gepp. fungi. By J. Ramsbottom. Lichens. By A. I. Smith. British Museum (Natural History). Botany. A Monograph of the genus Sabicea. By H. F. Wernham. pp. [iv,] 82 : IS pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1914. 136 British Museum (Natural History). Botany. Iconcs sclectn> Plautarum v Sir J. Banks.] S.r KAEMPFKR (E.) fol. 1791. British Museum (Natural History). Botany, [(luidfs, (fc.] Guide to the British Mycetozoa exhibited hi the Department of Botany. . .By A. Lister. [ Now impression.] pp. .{.? .- text illust. 8". [London,] 1903. Second edition, rfc. - Third edition, rfc. pp. ,$.') : text Must. pp. 4$ •' text ill us/. 8". [London,] 1905. [Edited by Miss G. Lister.] 8". London, 1909. British Museum (Natural History). Botany. [Guides, rfc.] Guide to Sowerby's models of British Fungi . . . By W. G. Smith . . . Second edition, revised. ff.[X,]86: text Must. 8". [London,] 1908. British Museum (Natural History). Botany. [Guides, rfc.] Guide to. . . Worthington Smith's drawings of Field and Cultivated Mushrooms, and Poisonous or worthless Fungi often mistaken for Mushrooms. Exhibited in the Department of Botany, rfe. pp. ~>4 : ..'pi*, col. 8°. London, 1910. Copies of the platen, mounted on linen and varnished, were put on sale separately In 1011. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Vertebrate.] A descriptive Catalogue of the Tertiary Vertebrata of the Faynm, Egypt. Based on the Collection of the Egyptian Government in the Geological Museum, Cairo, and on the Collection in the British Museum. . . By C. W. Andrews, pp. xxxvii. , :.' '/ : :: pis., teit Must. 4". London, 1906. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [RepUUtt,] A descriptive Catalogue of the Marine Reptiles of the Oxford Clay. Based on the Leeds Collection in the . . . Museum . . . By C. W. Andrews. 2 1't. Must. 4°. London, 1910, 13. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Pisces.] Catalogue of the Fossil Fishes in the . . . Museum . . . By A. S. Woodward. [Continued :] Vol. IV. 8". London. 1901. Vol. IT. Actinopteryginn Teleostumi of the sub-orders Iso- upondyli (iu part), Ostariophysi, Apodes, Percesoues, Ilemilmuirliii, Arantlioptery^ii and Anacantliini. pp. rj teat niiini. 1001. British Museum (Natural History). Genlnyi/. [ftryozoa.] Catalogue of the Fossil Bryozoa in the. . . Museum. . . The Cretaceous Bryozoa. Vol. I— » 8". London, 1899-> Vol. L B) .1. W. lirwry. pp. xit, &: : 17 plf., text Must. 1899. „ II. By . I. W. Gregory, pf. SMU, W : 9 fit., t*X ftttut. 1009. British Museum (Natural History). <;, nl, •,/!/, [Eehinoderma,] The genera and species of I'.lnstoidea, with a List of the specimens in the . . . Museum. . . l!y I-'. A. Bather. /)/'• t, TO. s". London, 1899. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. \PIant- \\ >>:iMen Flora. Part I. Tliallophyta— Pterldophyta. By A. C. Seward. /./'• rj-xrif'i\,r], 11:': I1,J*., trrt iUutt. 1894. .. II. Part II. Oyinnocpermw. By A. C. toward. pp. triii \iif), ::••'. ." lit*.. ItJ-l ,' 1896. „ in. The Jurassic Flora. I. The Yorkshire coast. By A. C. Reward, pp. zii, SI, I : Jl pit. 1900. „ IV. II. UiMic and Oolitic Floras of England (excluding the Inferior Oolite Plants of the Yorkshire coast). Hi A. C. Reward, pp. xt, r.H: 1.1 pi*., text Mutt. 1904. ,. v. The Cretaceous Flora. Part I. KihlioKTaphy, Alga A Fungi. By M. C. Slopes, pp. xxiii, *86, 1 too. : t pit., tfztiUuit. 1913. „ Tl. Pmrt n. Lower Greenland (Aptian) Plants of Britain . By M. C. Slopes, pp. xaani, 300 : 3i pU., Uzt ' •' 1916. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Planta\] Catalogue of the Fossil Plants of the Glossopteris Flora in the . . . Museum . . . being a monograph of the Permo-Carboniferous Flora of India and the southern Hemisphere. By E. A. N. Arber. pp. Ixxiv, 2K: 8 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1905. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Guides.] A Guide to the Fossil Remains of Man, rfc. [By A. S. Woodward.] pp. [in,] ,10: 4 pis., text Must. 8°. London, 1915. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Guides, ifc.] A Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds . . . Eighth edition. (By A. S. Woodward.) pp. xvi, 100, 1 tab. : ,r> pis., 1 plan, text illust. 8°. London, 1904. Ninth edition, pp. xvi, 100, 1 tab. : 5 pis., 1 plan, text illust. 8°. London, 1909. British Museum (Natural History). Geology .Jfffu ides.] A _GjrTfIe to the Elephantg^fecent ^ and fpjJstl), rfc. [ByCfW. Andrews.] VJ)J&\& : l>-j-l &USt, yffjondon, 1908. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Guides, rfc.] A Guide to the Fossil Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fishes. . . Eighth edition. (By A. Smith Woodward.) pp.-xviii, 110, 1 tab.: ~ pis., 1 plan. l<-.rt illust. 8°. London, 1905. Ninth edition, pp. xviii, 110, 1 tab. : 7 pis., I plan, text Must. N". London, 1910. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Guides, <(•<-.] A Guide to the Fossil Inverte- brate Animals, rfc. [By F. A. Bather.] pp. ix. /.s'.'. 1 tab. : o pis., 1 port., 1 plan, text illust. 8°. London, 1907. Second edition. [By F. A. Bather.] pp. x, 183, 1 tab. : ~> pis., 1 port., 1 plan, text illust. 8°. London, 1911. British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Guides, rfc.] Supplement to List of Casts of Fossils, rfc. pp. 4. 8". [London, 1897.] British Museum (Natural History). Geology. [Guides, rfr.] List of Casts of Fossils repro- duced chiefly from specimens in the Department of Geology. Fifth edition. /;/;. '.'/i<'ii«w"work. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Mammalia.] CataJflgtKT^t-th^ Mammals of western Europe (Eurape*'?xsia«if^eMBussia) in ... the - . . Museum.^x'^v'G^^'&^^Wi^rT pp. xv, 1019 : text illust. <^*""^>'x^.*'*^ 8°. London, 1912. 18 31 138 British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Mammalia. ] Catalogue of the Heads and Horns of Indian Big Game bequeathed by A. O. Hume, C.B., to the. . .Museum. . .By R. Lydekker, ^ 8". London, 1912— JT »v British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Lepidoptcra.] Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalffin* in the. . .Museum. By Sir- G. F. Hampson, Bart. [Continued:] Vo ].!!->' 8". London, 1900-» Vol. II. Catalogue of the Arctladw (Nolinae, Lithosiiiim'). pp. xx, ."iH'.t : pit. xmii-xxxv col., text illutt. 1900. ,, ill. - (Arotlanie) and Agariatldie. pp. xix, H90, I tab. : pit. xxxn-lir col., teit illutt. 1901. ,, iv. NoctuidfB (Agrotiniu). pp. xx, ftv.'*.- pit. ln-lxxnii col., text iUutt. 1903. ,. v. - (Hncleniuie). pp. xti, i:.l',: pit. Ixviii-xcv ml., ttxt illunt. 1906. ,, VI. - (Cucullian.'B). ]>)>. xiv, 533, 1 tab. : pis. xcri-ctrii col., text Must. 1906. ,, vn. - (Acronyctlnic). pp.xv, 71X1, 1 tab. : pit. eviii-czxii col., text illutt. 1908. .. viii. -- pp. xir, Ml, I tab. : pit. cxxiii-faxxvi col., text iUutt. 1909. ,, IX. — — pp. xv, fc2, 1 tab. : pig. cxxxvii-cxlvii. col., text Ulnxt. 1910. ,, X. - (Krastriame). pj>. xix, 819, 1 tab. : pU. cxlviii- clxxiii, text illtmt. 1910, 11. ,, XI. -- (Eutelianre, Stictopterinse, Surrothripinic and Acont limn'), pp. xvii, Kty, 3 tabs. : pit. clxxia-cxci col., text ilhat. 1912. „ XII. - (Catocalinre). pp. xiii, ate, 1 tab. : pit. cxcii-cexxi col., text, illwit. 1918. ,, XIII. - (Catocalinre, Mominie and PhytomHrina;). pp. xiv, 609 : pis. ccxxii-ccxxxix col., text illutt. 1913. Supplement. Vol. I- 8°. London, 1914-> Vol. I. Catalogue of the AmatidH; and Arctiadm (Nolinic and Lithosiana>). pp. xxviii, «W : pit. i-xli col., text ill ml. 1914, 15. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Lcpidoptera.] Catalogue of the Collection of Palsarctic Butterflies formed by...,T. H. Leech... By R. South, pp. vi. .'.'.v .- .' pis. col., 1 port. 4°. London, 1902. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Diptera.] Report on the Collections of Mos- * quitoes (Cuh'cidae) received . . . from various parts of the IB world... By F. V.Theobald, pp.12. 8°. London, 1900. i British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Diptera.] A Monograph of the Culicidn, or Mosquitoes ... By F. V. Theobald. 5 Vol. illust., \ Atlas, 37 pis. col. rf 5 plain. 8°. London, 1901-10. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Diptera.] A Mo^m)^*h of the Tsetse-Flies (Genus Glossina, WestwpdflVbftsed 011 the Collection the . . . Museum, bYxSTji^Austen, with a Mouth-parts, byHTJ^Hansen. -pp. [iv,\ (7 col.), I majjtftl.stext illftst.^ . nJL tff^tat,\ British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. \Diptera.] Illustrations of African Blood- Sucking Flies other than Mosquitoes and Tsetse-Flies. By E. E. Austen, pp. xi\ .',.'/.• l.ipli. col., text illutt. 8°. London, 1909. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. [Diptcra.] A Handbook of the Tsetse-Flies (genus Glossina). By E. E. Austen, : I/, pis., text illust. 1903. ,, v. II. The genus Porites. Pavt 1. Porites of the Indo-Paciflc region. By H. II. Bernard, pp. i>i, MH : .;-• 1>I*., text illust. 1905. „ vi. Part 2. Porites of the Atlantic and West Indies, with the European fossil forms. — The genus Goniopora, a supplement to Vol. IV. By H. M. Bernard. pp. vi, 17.1 : 17 pis. , text ilhvst 1906. British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. {Guides, maps col., text illust. 4°. London, 1909. Britten (JAMES) Illustrations of Australian Plants collected in 1770 daring Captain Cook's voyage. . .with J determinations by J. Britten. Str BRITISH MUSKCM (NATURAL HISTORY). Botany. fol. 1900-05. Britten (JAMES) The eighth Lord Petre. pp. 15. 8". [Dublin, 1914.] Dublin Review, October, 1914. Interleaved copy, with notes by the author and a photograph of the Petre Pear tree. Britten (JAMES) & Boulger (G. S.) Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists . . . First Supplement I (1898-97). pp. 189-232. 8°. London, 1899. -. - Second Supplement (1898-1902). pp. W. 8°. London, 1905. - Third Supplement (1908-1907). pp. 15. 8°. London, 1908. Britten (JAMES) & Rendle (A. B.) [Lists of Plants from Patagonia.] See PRICHARD (H. H.) Through the ~J, Heart of Patagonia, dc. Appendix C. 8°. 1902. ' Britten (JAMES) & Rendle (A. B.) List of British Seed-Plants and Ferns exhibited in the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). [By A. B. Rendle and J. Britten.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Botany. 8°. 1907. BRITTO (ALFREDO) Relatorio . . . pelo ... A. Britto, acerca dos estudos que fez na Europa, sobre as areias do Prado, dc. See BAHIA. 8°. 1898. BRITTON (J. C.) & Vanatta (E. S.) Soil Survey of Marion county,- Missouri. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Soils Bureau. 8°. 1911. BRITTON (NATHANIEL LORD) [1859-U Catalogue of Plants found in New Jersey. See NEW JERSEY, State of. — Geological Survey. Final Report, dc. Vol. II, pt. 1. 8°. 1889. Britton (NATHANIEL L.) Manual of the Flora of the Northern States and Canada, pp. x, 1080. 8°. New York, 1901. Britton (NATHANIEL L.) Cunoniaces. — Iteacete. — HamamelidacetE. See NEW YORK, City of. — New York Botanical Garden. North American Flora. Vol. xxxil, pt. 2. 8°. 1905. Britton (NATHANIEL L.) Erythrpxylacese. See NEW YORK, City of. — New York Botanical Garden. North American Flora. Vol. xxv, pt. 1. 8°. 1907. Britton (NATHANIEL L.) Connaraceae. Sec NEW YORK, City of. — New York Botanical Garden. North American Flora. Vol. xxn, pt. 3. 8°. 1908. Britton (NATHANIEL L.) North American Trees ; being descriptions and illustrations of the Trees growing in- dependently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies. . .With the assistance of J. A. Shafer. pp. x, 894 : text illust. 8°. London, 1908. Britton (NATHANIEL L.) Scheuchzeriaceie. See NEW YORK, City of. — New York Botanical Garden. North American Flora. Vol. XVII, pt. 1. 8°. 1909. Britton (NATHANIEL L.) Clethracese. See NEW YORK, City of.— New York Botanical Garden. North American Flora. Vol. xxix, pt. 1. 8°. 1914. Britton (NATHANIEL L.) & Colyille (F. V.) Grossul- v~t ariaceee. See NEW YORK, City of. — Neiv York Botanical Garden. North American Flora. Vol. XXII, pt. 8. 8°. 1908. Britton (NATHANIEL L.) & Rose (J. N.) Crassulaceie. See NEW YORK, City of. — Neiv York Botanical Garden. North American Flora. Vol. xxn, pt. 1. 8°. 1905. 141 •""- BRIVES (ABEL) [1868-] Description stratigraphique (Les Terrains Miocenes) du Bassin du ChfSlif et du Dahra. pp. 101 : 4 pit; text Must. See ALGERIA. — Carte Oeologique de I'Algerie. Mat^riaux, [1] : 1 pi., 1 map, text Must. Zur Medusenfauna von Norwegen. pp. 8. See BERGEN. — Bergens Museum:. Bergens Museums Aarbog, 1905, no. 6 & 11. 8°. 1905. Broch (HJALMAR) Hydroiden und Medusen [from the Arctic Regiens]. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS- SELSKABET. Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the " Fram," 1898-1902. Vol. II, no. 12. 8°. 1907. Broch (HJALMAR) [Table of Phytoplankton from the Arctic regions compiled, and Deep-sea Hydroidea determined, by H. Broch.] See Louis PHILIPPE ROBERT, Duke of Orleans. Croisiere Oceanographique . . .dans la Mer du Gronland, 1905. (R^sultats Scienti- fiques.) fol. 1907. Broch (HJALMAR) Norwegische Heringsuntersuch- ungen wiihrend der Jahre 1904-06. Unsere Herings- stamme und ihre Wanderungen. pp. 69: 10 pis., , 3 maps, 1 text illust. See BEHGEN. — Bergens Museum. Bergens Museums Aarbog. 1908, no. 1 . 8°. 1908. Broch (HJALMAR) Die Verbreitung von DipTiyes arctica, Chun. pp. 6. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA i SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi. Bd. iv, no. 20. 8°. 1908. Broch (HJALMAR) Die Hydroiden der arktischen Meere. See ROEMER (F.) & SCHAUDINN (F.) Fauna Arctica, Ac. Bd. v, lief. 1. 4°. 1910. Broch (HJALMAR) [Pennatulida of south-western Australia.] See MICHAELSEN (W.) Die Fauna Sudwest- Australiens, Ac. Bd. Ill, lief. 2. 8°. 1910. Broch (HJALMAR) Notiser om Nprske Pattedyr. I. Abnormiteter hos Elg. pp. S : text illust. See DRONTHEIM. — KONGEHGT NORSK VIDENSKABERS- SELSKAB. Det. ..Skrifter. 1910, no. 8. 8°. 1911. Broch (HJALMAR) Coelenter^s du fond. See Loois PHILIPPE ROBERT, Duke of Orleans. Campagne Arctique de 1907. 4°. 1912. BroCh (HJALMAR) Hydroiduntersuchungen. ill. Vergleichende Studien an Adriatischen Hydroiden. pp.65: text illust. Bemerkungen uber Clamilaria arctica, M. Sars. pp. 8 : text illust. See DRONTHEIM. — KONGELIGT NORSK VIDENSKABERS- SELSKAB. Det. . .Skrifter. 1911, no. 1 & 4. 8°. 1912. Broch (HJALMAR) Die Alcyonarien des Trondhjems- fjordes. Pt. i— > illust. See DRONTHEIM. — KONQELIGT NORSK VIDENSKABERS-SELSKAB. Det ... Skrifter. 1911, no. 7 ; 1912, no. 2 & 10. 8°. 1912-18. Broch (HJALMAR) Die Plattenentwickelung bei Scai,- pellum Strfimii, M. Sars. pp. 14 : text illust. See DRONTHEIM. — KONGELIGT NORSK VIDENSKABERS- SELSKAB. Det. . . Skrifter. 1912, no. 4. 8°. 1912 (1918). Broch (HJALMAR) [Hydrozoa benthonica and Pen-, natulacea of West Africa.] See MICHAELSEN (W.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas, Ac. Lief. 1. 4°. 1914. Broch (HJALMAR) Stylasteridfe [of the Danish Ingolf- Expedition]. pp. 20 [3] : 0 pis., text illust. See DENMARK. — Ingolf-Expedition. The Danish Ingolf-Expedition, Ac. Vol. v, pt. 5. 4°. 1914. Broch (HJALMAR) Scyphomedusse ( — Pennatulacea. — Hydroida) from the " Michael Sars " North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition, 1910. See BERGEN. — Bergens Museum. Report on the Scientific Results of the " Michael Sars "... Expedition, 1910, Ac. Vol. Ill, pt. 1. Zoology. 4°. [1914.] Broch (HJALMAR) Hydroiduntersuchungeu. iv. Bei- trage zur Kenntnis der Gonophoren der Tubulariiden. pp. 17 : 4 pis., text illust. See DRONTHEIM. — KONGE- LIGT NORSK VIDENSKABERS-SELSKAB. Det ... Skrifter. 1914, no. 2. 8°. 1915. Broch (HJALMAB) Hydroida [of the Ingolf-Expedi- tion]. See DENMARK. — Ingolf-Expedition. The Danish Ingolf-Expedition, Ac. Vol. v, pt. 6. 4°. 1916. Broch (HJALMAR) & Kuekenthal (W. G.) Pen- natulacea. See GERMANY. Wissenschaftliche Ergeb- nisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition . . . 1898-1899 . . . Herausgegeben von C. Chun, Ac. Bd. xin, lief. 2. 4°. 1911. BROCK (REGINALD WALTER) [1874-] A^descriptive sketch of ihe-€tl3ology and economic Mjaefals of Canada. By G.Jtf'foung. Introductionby'RTw. Brock. S^rCfANADA. — Geological Jbefvey. 8°. 1909. Brock (REGINALD W.) The Geology of Canada. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, Ac. A Handbook to Winnipeg, Ac. 8°. 1909. y L. 70. BROCKMAN (RALPH EVELYN DRAKE-) BROCKMAN. See DRAKE- 142 3. G-. 3. L. 7. G-. G, L, BROCKMANN-JEROSCH illK.NHYK) [ISTfejj Die Pflanzengesellschaftcn <1' a pl»., 7 map geol. col. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Brockmann-Jerosch (HKNRYK) & Buebel (E.) Die I'.inti'ilung der Pflanzengesellschaften nach iikologisch- phvsiognninischen Gesichtspunkten. pp. vi, ,' .'. 8s. Leipzig, 1912. BROCKMANN-JEROSCH (MARIE) Frau. Die- Qurrstorungen im mittleren Teil des Siintisgebirges. SWITZERLAND. — Carti (lenliH/ique Suisse. Beitrage zur geologischen Karte der Schweiz, rfc. Lief. XLVI i.Ni-ur I'ol^c. lief. XVI). Dns Santisgebirge, rfc. 4°. 190"). Brockmann-Jerosch (MARIE) Frau. Die Geschichte der Schweizerischen Alpenflora. S>-e SCIIROETKR (C.) Das Pflauzenleben dev Alpeu, rfc. Sechster Absclmitt. 8". [1907.] BRODEN (A.) Les Infections a Trypanosomes au Congo chez 1'Homme et les Animaux. pp. 38: .'/>/*.. text illust. 8°. Bruxclles [1904]. Bull. Soc. Ktlldes Colonlales. 1004. Broden (A.) Un cas d'infection du sang chez 1'Europeen par un Trypanosome. — Le Surra, ou Maladie de la Tsetsd chez les Boeufs A L£opoldville, Etat du Congo. pp. (J : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. [1904 ?] Eitract, source unknown. Broderip (WILLIAM JOHN) Table of the situations and depths at which recent genera of Marine and Estuary Shells have been observed. See DE LA BECIIE (Sir HENRY THOMAS) Researches in Theoretical Geology. Appendix. 8°. 1834. Broderip (WlLHAM J.) Memoir on the Dodo (Diclus inrptiu. Linn.). . .With an historical introduction bv. . . W. J. Broderip. See OWEN (Sir R.) K.C.B. 4°. 1866. Broderip's portion consists of a series of reprints of liis papers on the subject. Brodie (PETER BELLINGER) Reminiscences of a search for fossil Insects, rfc. pp. .'". 8°. Warwick [1892]. Subsequently printed in Proc. Warwick Nats. '..' ; text illusl. See BERGEN. — Bergens Museum, c fi Bergens Museums Aarbog. 1908, no. 11. 8°. 1909. ^ ^ Brogger (A. W.) Et fund av en Benpil med Flintegger fra yngre Stenalder. pp. lf> : text illust. Nee CHRISTIANIA. — NORSK OEOLOGISK FOHKNING. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 8°. 1892-> Brogger (WALDEMAR C.) Om de senglaciale og post- glaciale nivaforandringer i Kristianiafeltet (Mollusk- faunan), rfc. [With English summary of the contents.] 15 See NORWAY. — NORGES OEOLOGISKE UNDERS^GELSK. [Publication] No. 81. 8". 1900 & 1901. Brogger (WALDEMAR C.) Den syd0stlige Del af Sparagmit-Kvarts-Fjeldet i Norge. Af O. E. Schiptz. - Jfed " An English summary of the contents " . . .Tillseg y W. C. Br0gger. Agnostus gibbus, Linrs., var. Schifltzii. See NORWAY. — NORGES GEOLOGISKE UNDERS^GELSE. [Publication] No. 35. 8". 1902 (1903). Brogger (WALDEMAR C.) Strandlinieus beliggenhed under Stenalderen i det syd0stlige Norge . . . Med " Resume in Deutscher Sprache." See NORWAY. — NORGES GEOLOGISKE UNDERS0GELSE. [Publication] No. 41. 8°. 1905. Brogger (WALDEMAR C.) Die Mineralien der Siidnor- *-j wegischen Granit-Pegmatitgiinge. I— > See CHRIS- $,5* TIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Skrifter, rfc. 1906, no. 6. 8°. 1906. , BROILI (FERDINAND) [1874-] Geologische und pa- laontologische Resultate der Grothe'schen Vorderasien- Expedition, 1906/07, rfc. pp. Ixx : ..' -j>h,, I map (col.). 4°. Leipzig, 1910. Aus "Hugo Orothe, Meine Viirdernsien-Expedition, 1906/07." I. Die wissenschaftliclien F Broili (FERDINAND) Grundziige der Palaontologie . . . Neubearbeitet von . . . F. Broili . . . Dritte . . . Auflage. I. Abth. Invertebrata. See ZlTTEL (K. A. VON) 8". 1910. Broili (FERDINAND) Grundziige der Palaontologie (Paliiozoologie) . . . Neubearbeitet von F. Broili . . . II. Abteilung: Vertebrata (Amphibia, Reptilia). Zweite ...Auflage. See ZITTEL (K. A. VON) 8°. 1911. BROLEMANN (HENRY W.) Chilopodes nione- gasques. pp. 1~> : text illust. See MONACO. — Institut £ ar . . . J. Charcot. Sciences Naturelles, rfc. ( Arthropodes. 4". [1907.] 143 Brolemann (HENRY W.) Os Myriapodos do Brazil. See SAO PAULO. — Museu Paulista. Catalogos da Fauna Brazileira, rfc. Vol. II. 8°. 1909. BROMAN (IVAB) Untersuchungen iiber die Embryo- nal-Entwicklung der Pinnipedia. I. Uber die Entwick- lung der Ausseren Korperform der Bobbenembryonen. See GKBMANY. Deutsche Stidpolar-Expedition, 1901- 1903, d?c. Bd. XI, hft. 3. 8°. 1909. Broman (!VAB) Ueber die Entwicklung der "Bursa omentalis " bei den Gymnophionen. pp. 18 : 3 pis., . text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar, Ny Foljd, Bd. XLIX, no. 5. 4". 1912. Broman (!VAE) & Ask (F.) Untersuchungen tiber die Embryonal-Entwicklung der Pinnipedia. n. Uber die Entwicklung der Augenadnexe und speziell des Augendriisenapparates der Pinnipedia nebst Bemer- kungen iiber die Phylogenese des Augendriisenapparates der Siiugetiere im allgemeinen, tic. See GERMANY. Deutsche Siidpolar- Expedition, 1901-1903, ttc. Bd. xn, hft. 2. 4°. 1910. Pt. I. was by Broman alone. See Bd. xr, hft. 3. BROMBERG. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut fuer Landwirtschaft. [Founded 1906.1 Der Kiefernspanner (Bupalus piniarius, L.). Versuch einer forstzoologischen Monographie, dc. See WOLFF (M.) 8". 1913. BROMEHEAD (CYRIL EDWAKD NOWILL) [1885-J Barytes and Witherite . . . With contributions by ... C. E. N. Bromehead. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. Special Beports on the Mineral Resources of Great Britain. Vol. II. 8°. 1915. - Second edition. 8°. 1916. Bromehead (CYRIL E. N.) Fluorspar. . .with contribu- tions by . . . C. E. N. Bromehead. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. Special Eeports on the Mineral Resources of Great Britain. Vol. IV. 8°. 1916. - Second edition. 8°. 1917. Bromehead (CYRIL E. N.) [For contributions to the Memoirs of the Survey] See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. Bromehead (CYRIL E. N.) & Dewey (H.) Tungsten and 'Manganese Ores. Sec GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. Special Reports on the Mineral Resources of Great Britain. Vol. I. 8°. 1915. - Second edition. 8°. 1916. BROMELL (MAGNUS VON) [1679-1731] Afledna . . . M. von Bromells Mineralogia, eller Inledning til nodig Kundskap at igenkianna och upfinna Allahauda Berg- Arter, Mineralier, Metaller samt Fossilier . . . Andra . . . uplagd, rfc. pp. [xxiv,] 95 [^4], 8°. Stockholm, 1739. The first edition appeared in 1730. Bromfield (WILLIAM ARNOLD) A Supplement to the " Flora Vectensis." See MORE (A. G.) 8°. 1871. Brongniart (ADOLPHE THEODORE) Notice sur une Conifere fossile, <$c. See FRANCE. [Voyages, Ac. — • Moree.} Expedition scientifique de Moree, &c. Tom. III. 4°. & fol. 1832-35. Brongniart (ADOLPHE T.) Considerations sur la nature des Vegetaux qui ont convert la surface de la terre aux diverses epoques de sa formation, pp. 28. 4°. Paris, 1838. Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris. Tom. XVI. Brongniart (ADOLPHE T d'Histoire Naturelle par 8«. 1909 -> Bd. IV, Abth. 1. Wiirmer : Vermes (begonnen von H. A. Pagen- stecher). Fortgesetzt von Braun [and after- wards] L. von Graff. Mit Beitragen von L. Bohmig und F. von Wagner. Lief. l-» 1887 -» [Subdivided as follows :—A bth. \a. pp. 1-S08 = lief. 1-e (1887), and the first paragraph on p. 309 in lief. 1 (1889) by Pagenstecher ; pp. sno-OHS, n=lief. 7-30 (1889-93) Mionelminthes, Trichoplax and Trematodes by Braun. The title-page to Abth. 1 «, is dated " 1879-1893," obviously in error, and should read " 1887-1893." Abth. 16. pp. 037- 17Jl=lief. Sl-K'i (1894-1900), Cestodes by Braun. AbtJl. 1C. pp. 17:!;i-25!)a = Ktf. 8S-117 (1904-1908), Tubellaria I, by von Graff, with contributions by Bohmig and Wagner. ...... 2 ,, ,, Supplement. (Lief. 1-29.) Nemertini (Schnurwiirmer). Bearbeitet von O. Burger, pp. viii, aliS [3] : '21 pis. (col.), 1 map, text illust. 8». 1897-1907. Bd. vi, Abth. 1. Msche : Pisces. Von A. A. W. Hubrecht. Lief. 1-4. t pp. 113 : IS pis. 1876-1885. [M. Sagemehl was to have taken part in the above work at sheet 8 (see notice on the wrapper of Lief. 4), but his contribution never appeared. An entirely new work on the Fishes was begun by Lonnberg in 1901-06, continued by Favaro in 1908-10, and by Mozejko in 1913-*.] „ ,, „ „ Pisces (Fische). Bearbeitet von E. Lonnberg (Lief. 1-22), [and afterwards] G. Favaro (Lief. 23-33). Fortgesetzt B. Mozejko (Lief. 34-»). 8°. 1901 -» 5. Saugethlere: Mammalia, von C. G. Giebel (Lief. 1-27), W. Leche (Lief. 27-«5), und E. Goeppert (Lief. 65->). Lief. l-» 1874 -» [The section Mammalia is divided into two volumes. Bd. I comprises sheets 1-73 (= Lief. 1-60)0 G-. H4 BRONNIKOV (M. \l.i \ others. G. Andizhanskoe /.•inlet ryasenie 8/16 dekabryiv 1902 ghoda, dc.— Das Krdbeben von Andishau am 8/16 December, 1902, dr. ni). [i,] 90, [4] : ~>pl*.. I map, tr.rt ilhmt. See RUSSIA. ~ Uf Groloiriqit,: Trudui, iff. Nov. Ser., vuip. 54. | I 1910. ! See SIMPSON ! 4". 1908. — Comitf BROOKE; II i Some Foreign Cats. t-. i F.I .Mi**. The Book of the Cat. f BROOKE (HENRY JAMES) [1771-1857] Crystallography and Mineralogy. See ENCYCLOPEDIAS. Encyclopaedia M.-tropolitana! dr. Vol. VI & xv. 4°. [1817-88.] BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN. IF.stalilti.hml 1010.) BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE. BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. (1824 Brooklyn Apprentice Library Aslociation. 1S43 Brxiklyn Iiuttitutf. 1880 Brooklyn Inttiiute of Art t and Science*. ] The Museum of the ... Institute ... Science Bulletin. Vol. I-> 8°. New York, 1901-> Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. The Children's Museum Bulletin. No. 1-18. 8". Brooklyn, N.Y., 1902-04. [Continued as :] The Children's Museum News. No. 1-8. 8". Brooklyn, N.Y., 1904-05. [Continued as :] The Museum News, dc. Vol. l-Hl.f 8". Brooklyn [N.Y.], 1905-13. [Continual as :] Children's Museum News. Vol. I— > 8°. Brooklyn [N.Y.], 1913-fct Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Cold Spring Harbor Monographs. No. 1— > 8". Brooklyn, N.Y., 1903-> Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. The Museum of the. . .Institute. . .Memoirs of Natural Sciences. Vol. I, pt. 1. 4". Brooklyn, 1904. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Museums of the ... Institute ... Report upon the con- dition and progress of the Museum, dc. 1904 — > 8". Brooklyn [N.Y.], 1905-> Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. The Brooklyn Museum Quarterly. Vol. I— > 8°. Brooklyn [N.Y.], 1914-» Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Museum of the . . . Institute. Guide to the south- western Indian Hall, Department of Ethnology. By S. Culin. pp. X : / pi. 8°. [Brooklyn, N.Y.] 1907. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Children's Museum . . . The Geographical Models. pp. I.: l..rt illust. 8°. [Brooklyn,] 1917. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Guide to the . . . Brooklyn Museum ( — Brooklyn Botanic Garden.— Children's Museum), dc. See NEW YORK, City of.— AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Guide to the Nature Treasures of New York City, dc. 8s. 1917. BROOKLYN MUSEUM. (Organized 1890.] See BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Brooks (ALFRED HULSE) A reconnaissance of the Cape v.inr and adjacent Gold Fields of Seward Peninsula, Aluska, in 1900. By A. H. Brooks, assisted by G. B. Richardson and A. 3. Collier. See. UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Reconnaissances in the Cape Nome and Norton Bay regions, dc. 8". 1901. Brooks (ALFRED H.) Preliminary report on the Kct chikan mining district, Alaska, with an introductory sketch of the Geology of southeastern Alaska, pp. 1 .'" X maps geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 1 . 4°. 1902. Brooks (ALFRED H.) The Geography and Geology of Alaska, dc. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 45. 4". 1906. Brooks (ALFRED H.) Geology of the Seward Peninsula Tin deposits, Alaska, by A. Knopf. (With Preface by A. H. Brooks.) pp. 71 : 8 pis., 1 map (col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 858. 8°. 1908. Brooks (ALFRED H.) The Mount McKinluy region, Alaska, by A. H. Brooks, with descriptions of the Igneous Rocks and of the Kantishna districts, by L. M. Prindle. pp. 234, 1 tab. : lii pis., (i maps (col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 70. 4°. 1911. Brooks (ALFRED H.) Antimony deposits of Alaska. pp. i:~ : .' maps. Scr UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 649. 8°. 1916. -, BROOKS (A. B.) Forestry and Wood Industries. pp. xvi, 481 : 58 pit., text illutt. See WEST VIRGINIA, State of. —Geological Survey. West Virginia Geo- logical Survey. Vol. v. 8°. [1911.] Brooks (ALFRED H.) & Schrader (I-'. C.) Report on the Cape Nome Gold region, Alaska, dc. pp. ~iii : /.''/(/«., it maps (col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. 8°. 1900. Brooks (ALFRED H.) & others. Report on progress of /* investigations of Mineral Resources of Alaska in 1904 (-1905— », dc. See UNITED STATES. — Geological | J Survey. Bulletin No. 259, 284, 814, 345, 379, 442, 480, 520, 542, 592, 622. 8". 1904-> Brooks (ALFRED H.) & others. The Gold Placers of parts of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, including the Nome, Council, Kougarok, Port Clarence, and Goodhope precincts, pp. 34S : 7 ph., 4 maps (2 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 328. 8°. 1908. BROOKS (CHARLES ERNEST PELHAM) [1888-] Th.- Meteorological Conditions of an Ice-sheet and their bearing on the desiccation of the Globe. 8°. London, 1914. Quart. Jouni. R. Metcorol. Soc. Vol. XL. BROOKS (FRED. E.) The Parandra Borer as an orchard enemy, pp. 7 : ,>' pis. See UNITED STATES.— < j Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 262. 8". 1915. Brooks (FRED. E.) The Roundheaded ^pple-tree Borer. [Saperda Candida.] pp. 30 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. --Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 675. 8°. 1915. Brooks (FRED. E.) Orchard Barkbeetles and Pinhole Borers, and how to control them. pp. t<> : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricultin-r. Farmers' Bulletin No. 768. r .^^ _ _ 8°. 1916. , BROOKS (FREDERICK TOM)AA disease of plantation Rubber caused by Ustulind zonata. pp. 11:4 ph., 1 text Wust. See FEDERATED MALAY STATES.— Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 22 [printed 24]. 8°. 1915. 145 r. . Brooks (FREDERICK T.) & Sharpies (A.) Pink disease, pp. 27: 13 pis. See FEDERATED MALAY STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 21. 8°. 1914. BROOKS (R. C.) & others. Coal, Lignite and Asphalt Rocks [of Texas], pp. vi, 137 : 11 pis., 3 maps, text illust. See AUSTIN.— UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS.— Mineral Survey. Bulletin No. 3. 8". 1902. Brooks (THOMAS BENTON) Iron-Bearing Rocks (Eco- nomic) of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. See PUMPELLY (R.) Iron Ores of Missouri and Michigan, de. Pt. II. 8°. 1876. A re-issue of the edition of 1873. Brooks (WILLIAM 'KEITH) Some curious kinds of Animal Locomotion. See MARTIN (H. N.) A others. Lectures, Ac. 8°. 1882. BROOM (ROBERT) [1866-] The Fossil Reptiles of South Africa. See FLINT (W.) Science in South Africa, Ac. 8°. 1905. Broom (ROBERT) Reptiles of the Karroo Formation. See ROGERS (A. W.) An Introduction to the Geology of Cape Colony, Ac. 8°. 1905. Second edition. 8°. 1909. Broom (ROBERT) Reptilian Fossil Remains from Natal, Ac. See NATAL. — Geological Survey of Natal and Zululand. Third and Final Report, Ac. 4°. 1907. BBiOTEKIA : revista de sciencias naturaes de Collegio de S. Ficl. Vol. i-^-See SOALHEIRA.— COLLEGIO DE S. FIEL. ^^ 8". 1902—f After Vol. v this was divided into two series :— "Botauica" and~ " i!oologica." Brotherus (VICTOR FERDINAND) Musci. ..nach den Bestimmungen von Brotherus, Ac. See DEUTSCH-OsT- AFRIKA, Ac. Bd. v, thl. c. 8°. 1895. Brotherus (VICTOR F.) Contributions to the Bryo- logical Flora of the north-western Himalaya, pp. 46- See HELSINGFORS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Acta, Ac. Tom. xxiv, no. 2. 4°. 1899. Brotherus (VICTOR F.) Die Laubmoose der ersten Regnellschen Expedition, pp. 65. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. XXVI, afd. 3, no. 7. 8°. 1900 (1901). Brotherus (VICTOR F.) [For descriptions of many families of Musci] See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Ac. Thl. I, abth. 3. . 8°. 1901-09. Brotherus (VICTOR F.) Spisok Listennuikh Mkhov sobrannuikh v Kazanskoi ghubernii v 1882 i 1883 gh. gh. S. Korzhinskim i P. Kruilovuim. — Verzeichniss der Laubmoose, die im Gouv. Kasan von S. Korshinsky und P. Krylov in den Jahren 1882-1883 gesammelt und von "V. F. Brotherus bestimmt sind. pp. 21. See ST. PETERSBURG. — SANKT-PETERBURGHSKOE OBSCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, Ac. Trudui, Ac. Tom. xxxix, vuip. 2. 8°. 1904. Brotherus (VICTOR F.) Pflanzenphanologische Beob- achtungen in Finland, 1903. Zusammengestellt von V. F. Brotherus. pp. 31. 8°. Helsingfors, 1905. Brotherus (VICTOR F.) Contributions to the Bryo- logieal Flora of the Philippines, i. pp. 12. See HEL- .* ./I- SINGFORS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Ofversigt af . . . Forhandlingar. Vol. XLVII, no. 14. 8°. 1905. Brotlierus (VICTOR F.) Pleurorthotrichum, eine neue Laubmoosgattung aus Chile, pp. 4 •' 1 pi- See HEL- SINGFOBS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Ofversigt af. .. Forhandlingar. Vol. XLVII, no. 15. 8°. 1905. Brotlierus (VICTOR F.) Die Laubmoose der Deutsohen Sildpolar-Expedition, Ac. See GERMANY. Deutsche Siidpolar-Expedition 1901-1903 . . . Herausgegeben von E. von Drygalski. Bd. VIII. Botanik. 4°. 1906. Brotlierus (VICTOR F.) Contribution a la Flore Bryologique de la Nouvelle Caledonie. 3 Pt. illust. See' HELSINGFOHS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Ofversigt af . . . Forhandlingar. Vol. XLVIII, no. 15 ; LI, afd. A, no. 17 ; LIII, afd. A, no. 11. 8°. 1906, 1909, 1911. Brotlierus (VICTOR F.) Ortliomniopsis und Okamur&a, z wei neue Laubmoosgattungen aus Japan, pp. 4: 2 pis. See HELSINGFORS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Ofversigt af. . .Forhandlingar. Vol. XLIX, no. 10. 8°. 1907. Brotlierus (VICTOR F.) Musci Voeltzkowiani. Bin Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Moosflora der Ostafrikanischen Inseln. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Eeise in Ostafrika, tic. Bd. in, bit. 1. 4". 1908. Brotlierus (VICTOR F.) [For Cryptogams identified by V. F. Brotherus] See PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE OF CANTERBURY, New Zealand. The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand, Ac. Art. 23. 4°. 1909. Brotlierus (VICTOR F.) Collatio nominum Brotheria- norum, Ac. See PARIS (E. G.) 8". [1909.] Brotherus (VICTOR F.) Die Moose dcs arctischen Ktistengebietes von Sibirien, nach der Saminlung der Eussischcn Nordpolar- Expedition, 1900-1903. pp. 15 : text illust. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DBS SCIENCES. Memoires, Ac. Se'r. VIII, vol. xxvn, no. 2. 4°. 1910 Brotherus (VICTOR F.) Neue Laubmoosgattungen. pp. 6 : 1 pi. See HELSINGFORS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS- SOCIETETEN. Ofversigt af . . . Forhandlingar, Ac. Vol. HI, afd. A, no. 7. 8°. 1910, Brotherus (VICTOR F.) [Musci from Equatorial Africa.] See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutsehen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, 1907-1908, rfc. Bd. II, lief. 2. 8°. 1911. Brotlierus (VICTOR F.) Allioniella, einc neue Laub- moosgattung aus Ecuador, pp. 4 •' i pi. See HELSING- FORS.— FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Ofversigt af . . .Forhandlingar. Bd. LIII, afd. A, no. 13. 8°. 1911. Brotherus (VICTOR F.) Pflanzenphanologische Beob- achtungen in Finland, 1907, Ac. pp. 44- See HEL- SINGFORS.— FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Bidrag till K&nnedom af Finlands Natur oeh Folk, MM.. \rago... Brou^ (. See ORBIGNY (C. — • - - [Anothe — - Nou; RX RIK) [1808-1847] >iUi»elle par . . . (col.) -] 1849. . --. . o. e. . . See SMITHSONIAN INSTITU- TION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. XLVl. (No. 1571.) 8°. 1905. BROWNRIGG (WILLIAM) [1711-1800] [Two auto- graph letters to Sir Hans Sloane, of which one is a Catalogue of Fossils, Ac., sent by. the writer.! 4°. 1742. lt99i*H\tr\ BROZEK (AKTUR\^,Variacne statistickd zkoumdni na Atyaephyra desmdrestii (Joly) z jezera Skadarskeho. [Researches on the statistics of variation in Atyaephyra desmarestH (Joly), from the Lake of Scutari.] 2 Pt. •Must, ivith GERM, resume. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH- BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DKK WlSSKN.SC'IIAFTEN. Sitzuugsberichte, ttc. 1904, no. 11 ; 1905, no. 1. 8". 1905. Brozek (ARTUR) Ueber die Variabilitiit und Local- formen bei Pala-monetes varians, Leach, aus vier verschiedenen Localitaten, Ac. pp. 27 : I pi., text illust. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GE- SELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, Ac. 1907, no. 16. 8°. 1908. Brozek (ARTUH) Ueber die Variabilitiit bei Palo-- monetes varians. Leach, aus Monfalcone bei Triest, ttc. pp. 11 : I pi. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, Ac. 1909, no. 2. 8°. 1910. Brozek (ARTUR) Ueber die Variabilitiit bei Paler- monetes varians, Leach, aus Kopenhagen. pp. 19, 1 tab. 'See PRAGUE. — KOENIOLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzuugsberichte, Ac. 1912, no. 6. 8°. 1918. Bruce (JAMES) Reisen zur Entdeckung dor Quelleu des Nils in den .Tahren 1768-1778 ... Ins Teutsche iibersetzt von J. J. Volkmann. . .und mit einer Vorrede und Anmerkungen verseheu von J. F. Blumenbach (und T. C. Tychsen). 5 Vol.illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1790-91. Bruce (JAMES) Systematisch-Summarische Uebersicht aller Thiere, welche der Ritter J. Bruce of Kinnaird, im fiiuften Bande seiner Reisen zur Eutdeckung der Nilquellen weitliiuf tiger beschrieben hat. See MKI 1:1; (F. A. A.) Systematisch-Summarische Uebersicht der neuesten Zoologischen Entdeckungen in Neuholland und Afrika, Ac. «'. 1798. Ill BRUCE (WILLIAM SPEIRS) [1867 to the Antarctic. . .With a chapter See BURN-MURDOCH (W. G.) ;i From Edinburgh \\ . S. Bruce, ifc. 8". 1894. Bruce (WILLIAM S.) Scottish National Antarctic Ex- pedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the voyage of S.Y. "Scotia" during. . .1902-04, under the leadership of W. S. Bruce. Vol. I— > See SCOTTISH OCEANOGRAPHICAL LABORATORY. 4". 1908— > Bruce (WILLIAM S.) Ornithology of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. . .With introduction by W. S. Bruce. See SCOTTISH OCEANOHRAPUICAL LABORATORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. [Reprints from " Report on the Scientific Results of the. . .Expedition. Vol. IV, Ac.} No. 2. 4°. 1913. Bruch (CARL W. L.) Der Zoologische Garten . . . Heraus- gegeben von . . . C. Bruch. Jahrg. V-VI. See FRANKFORT ON TJIK MAIN. — NKUE ZOOLOGISCHE GESELI.SCII AFT. 8°. 1864-65. BRUCH (CARLOS) & Outes (F. F.) Los Aborigenes <1( Li Kcpi'iblica Argentina, Ac. See OUTES (F. F.) & BRUCH (C.) H". 1910. 149 Bi-uch (PHILlPJi)- [221 Plates of originaljjMwsif draw- ings fqc^e-flTustrations to W. P.Scl«rflp"e7s " Bryologia •B, EiartSpsea," rfc.] [1836-55.] BRUCKER (EMILE) [1873-] G^ologie (Histoire an- cienne et moderne du Globe), Ac. pp. viii, 300 : 1 map r- geol. col. 8°. Paris [1902]. BRUDER (GEORG) [1856-] Zur Kenntniss der Jura- ablagerung von Sternberg bei Zeidler in Bohmen. v. pp. 53, 1 tab. : 2 ph. 8°. [Vienna, 1881.] SItzungsb. k. Akad. Wlssensch. Wien. Bd. Lxxxm, abth. 1. rv Bruder (GEORG) Geologische Skizzen aus der Umge- 7- bung Aussigs, Ac. pp. G5 [3] : 1G pis., text illust. 8°. Aussig, 1904. . Brueckmann (FKANZ ERNST) F. E. Bruckmanni . . . Thesaurus subterraneus Ducatus Brunsvigii, id est Braunschweig mit seinen unterirrdisohen Schiitzen und Zeltenheiten der Natur. pp. 155 [1] : 27 pis. 4°. Braunschweig, , , 1728. Bmeckmann (FKANZ E.) F. E. Bruckmanni . . . Epistola itineraria IV'*. De IV. figuratis curiosis rupibus S" ad fauces Hercynise sylvae prope Ilfeldam, Ac. [pp. 8 :] 4°. Wolff enbuttelcp,, 1729. BRUECKNER (EDUAED) [1862-] See ZEITSCHRIFT FUER GLETSCHERKUNDE . . . Herausgegeben von E. Bruckner. Vol. l-> 8°. 1906-> r. Brueckner (EDUARD) & Fenck (F. C. A.) Die Alpen im Eiszeitalter. 3 Bd. illust. See PENCK (F. C. A.) & BRUECKNER (E.) 8°. 1901-09. BRUEGGEMANN (FRIEDRICH) [1850-1878] [Corals from Rodriguez.] See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Philosophical Transactions, Ac. Vol. CLXVIH. 4". 1879. BRUEGGEN (ERNST VON DER) Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Amphipoden-Fauna der Russischen Arctis. pp. [i, ] 50: 3 pis., text illust. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADE- MIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, Ac. Ser. VIII, torn, xvill, no 16. 4°. 1909. BRUEGGER (CHRISTIAN GEORG) [1833-1899] Zur Flora Tirols. pp. 146. See INNSBRUCK. — FERDINAN- DEUM. Zeitschrift, Ac. Folg. ill, hft. 9. 8°. 1860. BRUENING (CHRISTIAN) Ichthyologisches Hand- lexikon, Ac. pp. 287 : text illust. 8°. Braunschiveig, 1910. .- • J BRUES (CHARLES THOMAS) -, Fam. Phoridae. pp. 21 : 2 pis. col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, Fasc. 44. Diptera. 4°. 1906. Brues (CHARLES T.) Family Phoridse. See WILLISTON (S. W.) Manual of North American Diptera ... Third edition. 8°. 1908. Brues (CHARLES T.) Fam. Scelionidee. pp. 59: 3 pis., col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, Ac. Fasc. 80. Hymenoptera. 4°. 1908. For " addenda et corrigenda," by J. J. Kieffer, Set Fasc. 80 b, 1910. Brues (CHARLES T.) & Quaintance (A. L.) The Cotton Bollworm. pp. 155: 28 pis., 2 maps (1 col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 50. 8°. 1905. BRUGGE (JACOB SEGERSZ. VAN DER) "Joumael of dagh Register "... 1634 ; translated into English, for the first time, by J. A. J. de Villiers . . . Edited, with Introductions and Notes, by Sir W. M. Conway, Ac, See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, Ac. Ser. II, vol. XI. 8°. 1904. Brulins (FRANZ SIEGFRIED WILLY) Gesteine vom Vulkan Osorno in Siid-Chile. pp. 14 •' text illust. See FREIBURG-IN-BREISGAU. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte, Ac. Bd. x, hft. 2. 8°. 1897. Brulms (FRANZ S. W.) Elemente der Krystallographie. pp. vi, 211 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig A Wien, 1902. Brulms (FRANZ S. W.) Verzeichnis der Meteoriten des Mineralogischen und Petrographischen Instituts der Universitat Strassburg. pp. IS. 8". Strassburg, 1903. Brulms (FRAN* S. W.) Die mrtzbaren Mineralien^md Gebirgsfjjienim DeutsehenBelche, auf GrundWe des Gleictmamigen v. Dechen^enen Werkes neu bearbeitet . X"durch W. Bruhns. fitee DECHEN (E. H. J2C VON) 8°. 1906. BRUIJN (A. A.) Enunierazione dei Longicorni della tribu dei Tmesisternini, raccolti nella regione Austro- Malese da... A. A. Bruijn. See GESTRO (E.) 8°. [1877.] BRUIN (CORNELIS DE) [1652-1719] Voyage au Levant, c'est a dire dans les principaux endroits de 1'Asie Mineure dans les isles de Chio,de Rhodes, de Chypre,'&c., de meme que dans les plus considerables villes d'Egypte, de Syrie, et de la Terre Sainte . . . Traduit du Flamand. pp. [xii,] 408 [6] : 97 pis., 1 map, 1 port., text illust., engr. title. fol. Delft, 1700. The original work was issued at Delft in 1698. Brulle (GASPARD AUGUSTS) Dictior d'Histoire Naturelle par... MM. 16 Vol. illust. (col.) See ORBIfiWf (OF. D1. L- 70. H. ///. M. L. 70, [Another issue - Nouvell Brulle (GASPARD A.) & Audouin (J. V.) Histoire naturelle des Insectes, Ac. Tom. iv-vi & ix.f illust. See AUDOUUJ (J. V.) & BRULLE (G. A.) 8°. 1834-37. BRUMHARD (PHILIPP) [1879-] Monographische Uebersicht der Gattung Erodium. Inaugural-Disserta- tion, Ac. pp. 59 [2], 1 tab. 8°. Breslau, 1905. BRUMPT (EMILE JOSEF ALEXANDHE) [1877-] Hiru- dinees. (Olossosiphonia complanata.) See BOUTAN (L.) Zoologie descriptive, Ac. Tom. II. 8°. 1900 [i.e. 1899]. Brumpt (EMILE J. A.) Precis de Parasitologie . . . Preface par. . . E. Blanchard. pp. xxvi, 915 : 4 pis. col., text illust. 8°. Paris, 1910. Brumpt (EMILE J. A.) & Gomes (J. F.) Descrisao de uma nova especie de Triatoma (T. Chagasi) hospedeiro primitive do Trypanosoma Cruzi, Chagasi. — Description d'une nouvelle espece de Triatoma (T. Chagasi), hote primitif du Trypanosoma Cruzi, Chagas. pp. 5. [PORT. & FR. in parallel columns.] 8°. Sao Paulo, 1914. Extracted from " Ann. Paulistas de Med. e Cirurgia." Vol. Ill, no. 4 Anno. II. BRUN (ALBERT) [1857-] Nouvelles etudes de Geo- chimie et de Geophysique. Recherches sur 1'Exhalaison Volcanique. vp. 277: 34 pis., text illust. 4°. Geneve A Paris, 1911. -7. 150 L. V. 4.-I Bran (JACQUES) Diatomees d'eau douce de 1'tle Jan May en et de la c6te est du Greenland. Becoltees par I' Expedition Suedoise de 1899. pp. 2J : I pi., 1 imiji. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. XXVI, afd. in. no. 18. 8°. 1901. Bruuer (LAWRENCE) The first Beport of the Merchants' Locust Investigation Commission of Buenos Aires. See BUENOH AIRES, City of. — Merchants' Locust In- vestigation Commission. 8°. 1898. Bruner (LAWRENCE) [Acridiidse of Central America.] ESee GODMAN (F. D.) & SALVIN (0.) Biologia Ceutrali- Americana, Denkschr. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. i.x.xxvm. BB.UNOTTE (CAMILLE) Becherches embryogeniques et anatomiqties sur quelques especes des genres Impatiens et Tropceolum. pp. 1~S : 10 ph. 8°. Paris 8°. Bruxelles, 1902— > Brussels. — Jardin Botanique. The Belgian State Botanical Garden, pp. SO : 3 pis. 8°. Brussels, 1904. Brussels. — Jardin Botanique. Les Aspects de la Vegetation en Belgique, par C. Bommer. . .et J. Massart . . . Les districts littoraux et alluviaux, par J. Massart. 2 Vol. illust. fol. Bruxelles, 1908, 12. BRUSSELS.— Academic Royale deSBelgiqna.' (• Tables generales des Memoires. . .(1772-1897). 8". Bruxelles, 1898. Brussels.- Academic Royale Tables generales . . . des Bulletins de 1'Academie, Ac. Ser. Ill, torn, xxxi-xxxvi (1896-1898). 8°. Bruxelles, 1910. Brussels. Academic Royale Bulletin, 8°. Bruxelles, 1899-> Brussels.— Academic Royale deSBolgique. Memoires collection in 4°. Ser. II, torn. I— > 4°. Bruxelles, 1904-> Memoires collection in 8°. Ser. II, torn. I— > 8°. Bruxelles, 1904-> s de Belgique. l/GIQUE. Brussels.— Musee du Congo Beige. Annales, Ac. Botanique. Ser. I— > 4°. Bruxelles, 1898-> - Zoologie. Ser. I— »• 4°. Bruxelles, 1898— > - Ethnographic et Anthropologie. S^r. I— >• 4°. Bruxelles, 1899-> - Annexe aux Annales, Ac. Ethnographic et An- thropologie. Ser. IV, fasc. I— > illust. 4°. Bruxelles, 1903-> [Brussels. Musee du Congo Beige (contd.)] [Annales, <6c. (contd.)] ~ Ge'ologie, Pal£ontologie et Mineralogie. Ser. I. Gene"ralite~s. Fasc. I-3>- fol. Bruxelles, 1910-> - Geologic, Geographic Physique, Mineralogie et Paleontologie. S4r. II. Katanga. Tom. I— >• fol. Bruxelles, 1908— > — • Geologic, Paleontologie, Mineralogie. Ser. III. Bas- et Moyen-Congo. Tom. I— >• fol. Bruxelles, 1913— > Brussels. Musee du Congo Beige. Les Poissons du bassin du Congo. See BOULENGEB (G. A.) 8°. 1901. Brussels. Musee Royale d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. Memoires, Ac. Toni. I— > illust. 4°. Bruxelles [1900->]. Contains separately paged papers. Brussels. -Musee Royale d'Histoire Nat., &c. Explication de la Feuille de Bilsen, etc. See BELGIUM. — Commission Geologique. 8°. 1883. BRUSSELS. Societe Beige d'Etudes Coloni- ales. [1904 SocttU d'&uda Coloniaiei. 1906 Sontte Beige d' Etudes ColonicUes.] Bulletin, Ac. Onzieme Annee. 1904— > No. 1— > illust. 8°. Bruxelles, 1904— > Brussels. Societe Beige d'Etudes Coloniales. Manuel du Voyageur et du resident au Congo, redige sous la direction du General Donny. 3 Vol. Must. 8°. Bruxelles, 1900-01. Brussels. — Societe Beige d'Etudes Coloniales. Rapport sur les travaux du Laboratoire Medical de Leopoldville en 1899-1900 par le Dr. Van Campenhout . . . et le Dr. Dryepondt. pp. xi, 164 •' text illust. 8°. Bruxelles, 1901. Brussels. — Societe Beige d'Etudes Coloniales. L'Hevea Asiatique, Ac. See COLLET (O. J. A.) 8°. 1903. Brussels. — Societe Beige d'Etudes Coloniales. Le Tabac, Ac. See COLLET (0. J. A.) 8°. 1903. Brussels. — Societe Beige de Geologic de Paleon- tologie & d'Hydrologie. Nouveaux Memoires, &c. Serie in 4°. Fasc. No. 1— > 8°. Bruxelles, 1903— > Some of the Plates of these Memoirs are styled " Bull. Soc. Beige Geol. Pal. & Hydrol." Brussels.— Societe Beige de Geologic de Paleon- tologie & d'Hydrologie. Tables generales des matieres des Tomes l-xx, du Bulletin de la Societe, o. S. Cr 152 Brussels. Societe Scientifique. Revne des Questions Scientifiques . . . Table analytique des oinquante premiers volumes, 1877-1901. 8°. Louvain, 1904. BRUSSELS. Uiiiversite. (Founded 1830.) de 1'Institut Botanique . . . publie par L. Errera. Tom. T-> illtut. 8°. Brute lles,M9Q2-> 5.UI.I L. 77. & o. "zT L.. m. e. _ I f"\ 0. BRUTON (F. A.) Note on the Eye of the Mole. pp. 5 : trrt illust. Sir MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILO- SOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs and Proceedings, 4. See DRONTHEIM. — KONGELIGT NORSKE VIDENSKABERS- SELSKAB. Det. . . Skrifter, 1899, no. 8. 8°. 1899. Bryhn (N.) Bryophyta in itinere polari Norvagorum secundo collecta. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS- SELSKABET. Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the " Fram," 1898-1902. Vol. II, no. 11. 8". 1906 (1907). Bryhn (N.) Ad cognitionem Bryophytoruin Archipelagi Canariensis contributio. pp. ,t~i. See DRONTHEIM. — KONGELIOT NORSKE VIDENSKABERS-SELSKAB. Dot. . Skrifter, 1908, no. 8. 8°. 1908 (1909). Bryhn (N.) Ad cognitionem Bryophytoruin Arcticormn contributioncs sparsse. pp. 27. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, rfc. Aar 1908, •->• no. 5. 8°. 1908 (1909). Bryhu (N.) Bryophyta nonnulla in Zululand collecta. pp. 27. See CHRISTIANIA.— VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhandlinger. 1911, no. 4. 8". 1911 (1912). BRYOLOGIST, The: an illustrated quarterly de- voted to North American Mosses. Editors : A. J. Grout and A. M. Smith. Vol. in— » 8°. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1900-> Vol. I & II were issued with anil formed part of the " Fern Bulletin." Vol. vi& VH (7.0.]. BUBAK (FRANTISEK) O rezich, ktcre cizopasi na nekterych Rubiaceich. [On the Parasites of some RubiacoiE.] pp. 23. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH- S. BOEHMISCHE GE8ELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTKN. Sitzungsberichte, . of the Life of Francis Hamilton (once Buchanan), sometime Superintendent of the . . . Botanic Garden, Calcutta. [By D. Prain.j pp. Ixxv. See CALCUTTA. — Royal Botanic Garden. Annals, v Evans (A. H.) A Vertebrate Fauna of the Shetland Islands. See EVANS (A. H.) & BUCKLEY (T. E.) 8". 1899. Buckley (THOMAS E.) & Harvie-Browu (J. A.) A Vertebrate Fauna of Argyll and the inner Hebrides. See HARVIE-BROWN ( J. A.) & BUCKLEY (T. E.) 8°. 1892. BUCKMAN (PERCY WARNER JAMES) [1865-1 & others. Archaeological Survey of Egypt. Edited by F. L. Griffith. Seventh Memoir, Beni Hasan, Part IV. Zoological and other details from facsimiles by ... Percy Buckman, Ac. See EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND, Ac. 4°. 1900. BUCKMAN (SYDNEY SAVORY) [1860-1 A Monograph of the Ammonites of the " Inferior Oolite Series," Ac. ( — Supplement.) pp. S, Ifiti, cclxxii : text illust. Atlas, pp. ,r> : 128 pis., tvith explanations. See PALAEONTO- GRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 4°. 1887-1907. The original title read :— " A Monograph of the Inferior Oolite Ammo- nites of the British Islands." Buckman (SYDNEY S.) Emendations of Ammonite Nomenclature, pp. 7. 8°. Cheltenham, 1902. Printed on one side of the paper only. Buckman (SYDNEY S.) Bibliographical Notes on Murchison's Geology of Cheltenham, pp. 4- 8°. Cheltenham, 1906. Buckman (SYDNEY S.) [For plates prepared with the assistance of S. S. Buckman] See PALAEONTOGRAPHI- CAL SOCIETY. WOODWARD (A. S.) Illustrations of Type specimens of Inferior Oolite Ammonites in the Sowerby Collection, Ac. 4". 1908. Buckman (SYDNEY S.) Yorkshire Type Ammonites. The original descriptions reprinted, and illustrated by figures of the types, reproduced from photographs, Ac. Pt. I-> 8°. London, 1909-> \j Buckman (SYDNEY S.) Antarctic Fossil Brachiopoda . . . (With an Addendum by J. G. Andersson.) See NOR- DENSKJOLD (N. O. G.) Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Siidpolar-Expedition 1901-03, est abgehaltenen allgemeinen Ausstellung zusammenge- stellt von J. Bockh. Sec AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.— MA<;i \i: KIKALYI FOLDTANI INTKZKT. 8°. 1885. BUDAPEST.— Thiergarten. Filhrer durch den Thiergarten zu Budapest, Ac. pp. I : .' [1] : HI pis., 1 plan. 8". Budapest, 1895. The plates are Included in the pagination of the volume. BUDAPEST. Budapest! Kiralyi Magyar Tuclo- many Egyeteni. [Itaijal Hungarian University.] Index Horti Botanici Universitatis Hungaricte ; quse Pestiniest. [By J. J. Winterl.J [pp. 1 .'n\ : I.: pis. 8°. [Peit,] 1798. The text terminates abruptly, and the work is incomplete. Pritzel, "Thesaurus Lit. Bot.," cites 26 plates, but Miltitz, "Haudb. Bot. Lit.," only 10. BUDAPEST. — Hazai Zoologiai Laboratorium. [Laboratoire Zoologique Hongroise.] Archivum Zoologicum, redactionis curam gerentibus .S, ' C. de Pete . . . I. de Madarasz et E. Csiki a Laboratorio . . . editurn. Vol. I-» Must, (col.) 4°. Budapest, 1909-> Title from wrapper. Budapest. — K. Magyar Termeszettud. Tarsulat. P6tfiizetek a Terme'szettudoiimnyi Ko/lcinyhiiz, Ac. [Papers supplementing the Journal of Natural Sciences, Ac.} No. l-> 8°. Budapest, 1888-> During 1900 and 1901 two sections, afterwards issued as independent publications, were included, viz.: " Allattanl Kozlemenyek" [Zoo- logical Communications], and " Nove"nytani Kozlemenyek " [ Botanical Communications] ['/.r. ]. Budapest. —K. Magyar Termeszettud. Tarsulat. Allattani Kozlemenyek, Ac. [Zoological Communica- tions, Ac.] Kot. I-» 8°. Budapest, 1902— > During 1900 and 1901 these " Communications " were published in thu '* Pdtfiizetek a Tcnm'szettudomanyi Kuzlunyhoz" [*?.r.J. Budapest. Kiralyi Magyar Termeszettudo- manyi Tarsulat. Nove'nytani Kozlemenyek [Botanical Communications], Ac. Kot. I-vil. illust. 8°. Budapest, 1904-08. During 1900 and 1901 these Communications were published in the " P6tfiizetek a Termeszettndomunyi Kozlouyhoz" [?.».]. [Continued as :] Botanikai Ku/.lcmeuyek, Ac. Kot. vin— >• 8°. Budapest, 1909-> Budapest. K. Magyar Termeszettud. Tarsulat. A Magyar Birodalom Allatvilaga, Ac. 1 uma Regni HungaritB, Ac. in. Arthropoda. 4°. Jiinln/n-fi/, 1900. Tin- Introduction to each section is in Hungarian and Latin, in parallel columns. 1. Insecta. Orthoptera. By J. Pungur. Thysanoptcra. By J. Jablonowski. Aptorygogenea. By E. Vellay. pp. /,',. Pseudo-Neuroptera. By A. Mocsary. Neuroptera. By A. Mocsary. Coleoptera. By 1). Kutliy. ;<;). .'/'.. Hymenoptera. By A. ItacMtJ. ;<;j. 11,1. Lepidoptera. By L. Abatl-Aigncr, J. Pavel, ami K. 1'hryk.i Macruli'pidoptrra. I'v !•• Ali.ili-Aii:ih'i -and .1. Pavel. \f Micn>lfpiil..j.n-ra. By J. Pavel and r. I'hryk. DlpU>ra. By J. Tlialbamnnir. . . Heniiptera. By G Horvath.l Aptera. By K. Kohaut. j pp. 4. Arachnoidea. Scorpioncs. By C. Chyzer. Scorpioncs. By C. Chyzer. pp. S. P»eudo»oorpi')iies. Ity E. Daday. pp. S. Opiliones. By E. Daday. pp. 4. Aranee. By C. Cliyzer and L. pp. S3. Acarina. By J. Jablonowski. Addenda. . .ad coutpectum Araneiirum. 155 BUDAPEST. — Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsulat. BD. I. Physische Geographic ties Balatonsees und seiner Um- gebung. (Till. I. Geographische Beschreilnmg der Balatonsee-Umge- bung, saint deren Orographie und Geologic. Von L. von Ldczy.l *Vanting.f Geologischer, petrographischer, mineralogischer und mineral- chemischer Anhaug. 1911. 1. Die geologischen Verhaltnisse von Veszpr^m und seiner weitereu Umgebung. Von D. Laczkb. pp. SOS p]: 2 pis., 2 mapsgeol. col., text illust. 2. Die Basalte der Balatongegend. Von I. Vitalis. pp. I'M [1] : 2 pis., 1 map, text illust. [Wanting the map.] 3. Petrographische Beschreibung der alteren Eruptiv- gesteine sowie einiger Sedimente aus dem Bakonyer Waldgebirge. Von F. Schafarzik. pp. 15 [I\. 4. Petrographisch-chemische TJntersuchungen an den Basalten ties siidlichen Bakony. Von E. Sommerfeldt pp. SO [I]. 5. Ueber die Sande des Balatoubodens. Von G. Jfelczer. pp. 2. 6. Der Grand des Balatonsees. seine mechanische und chemisehe /usammensetzung. Von P. 'J'rietz. pp. 21. 11 tabs. 7. Die chemische Zusanimensctzung des Schlammes und des Untergrundes vom Balatonsee-Boden. Von K. Emszt. pp. 17. S. Chemische Aualysen einiger Gesteine, Wasser und ernes Gases aus der Balatonsee-Umgebung. Von K. Mi i is/.i . B. v. Horvath, L. Ilovsay von Nagyilosva uud S. Merse von Szinye. pp. 17. Geophysikalischer Anhang. Sektiun 1-4. 2 Pt. 1908, 12. Sekt. 4. Erdlieben in der Umgebung des Balatonsees. Vim A. Rethly. pp. Ui : text illust. 1912. (Palixjontologiseher Anhang.) Palieontologie der Umgebung des Balatonsees. 4 Bd. 1911-12 Bd. I. 1911. 1. Triasforaminiferen aus dem Bakony. Von II. E. Vadasz. pp. 44 [1] : 2 pis., text illust. 2. Trias-Spongien aus dem Bakony. Von P. Vinassa de Eegny. pp. 33 [1] : 3 pis., text illust. 3. Neue Schwiiinrae, Tabulaten nnd Hydrozoen aus dem Bakony, von P. Vinassa de Regny. pp. 17 : 4 pis., 1 text illust. 4. Trias-Tabulaten, Bryozoen, und Hydrozoen aus dem Bakony, von P. Vinassa de Eegny. pp. 22: "J pis. 5. Trias-Korallen aus dem Bakony. Von K. Papp. pp SS[1}: Ipl., text illust. 6. Triassic Echinoderms of Bakony, By F. A. Bather. pp. SS8 [2]: IS pis., text illust. [Originally issued in 1909.) Bd. n. 1912. 1. Brachiopodeu aus der Trias des Bakonyer Waldes. Von A. Bittner. pp. 59 [1] : S pis. 2. Neue Zweischaler und Brachiopoden aus der Bakonyer Trias. Von F. Freeh, pp. 1.17 [1] : text illust. 3. Lamellibranchiaten aus der Trias des Bakonyer Waldes. Von A. Bittner. pp. 10K [1] : V pis. 4. Materialen zu einer Monographic der Halobiidte und Montidfe der Trias. Von E. Kittl. pp. 310: 10 pis., text illust. 5. Trias-Gastropoden'.des Bakonyer Waldes. Von E. Kittl. pp. ~'7 [r\: .;/)/*. 6. Die Leitfossilien der Werf ener Schichten und Nachtrage „ zur Fauna des Musehelkalkes der Cassianer und Kaibler Schichten, sowie des Ehaet und des Daeli- steindolomites (Hauptdolomit). — (Nachtrag zu den Leitfossilien der Werfener Schichten.) Von F. Freeh, pp. [2] : 10 pis., text Ulust. 7. Einige Rhatische Versteineruugen aus der Gegend von Rezi im Komitat Zala, von J. v. Bbekh ; und das Resultat neuercr dortiger Aufsammluugen, von L. v. L6czy. pp. 8: 1 pi., text illust. Bd. III. 1911. 1. Mitteilungen iiber eiuige Cephalopodensuiteu aus der Trias des siidlichen Bakony. Von K. Diener. pp. 30 : Ipl. 2. Neue Beobachtung iiber Miischelkalk-Cephalopoden des siidlichen Bakouy. [Von C. Diener.] pp.Jl-.H: Ipl. 3. Neue Funde in den Werfener Schichten und im Musdielkalke des siidlichen Bakony, und Revision der Cephalopodeufauna des Muschelkalkes. Von G. v. Arthaber. pp. .'<>' : -' pis. 4. Neue Cephalopodeu aus den Buchensteiuer, Wengener und Raibler Schichten des siidlichen Bakouy, mit Studien iiber die Wohnkammerlange der Ammoneeu und iiber die Lebensweise der Nautileen. Von F. Freeh, pp. ft: 11 pis., text ilhist. 5. Nachtrage zu den Cephalopoden und Zweischalern der Bakonyer Trias (Werfener und Cassiauer Estherien- schtchten). Von F. Freeh, pp. K [2] : text illust. 6. Ueber Trias-Ostrakoden aus dem Bakony. Von G. Mehcs. pp. JS : J, pis. , text illuet. [BUDAPEST. — Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsulat. Besultate der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Bala- tonsees, Ac. (contd.)] (Bd. m (contd.)] 7. Wirbelthierreste aus der Trias des Bakonyerwaldes. Von O. Jaekel. pp. K [1] : text illust. 8. Placochelys placodonta aus der Obertrias des Bakony. Von O. Jaekel. pp. 00 [1] : 10 pis., text illust. [Orieinally issued before 1909.] 9. Die Juraschichten des siidlichen Bakony. Von M. B. Vadasz. pp. 88 [1] : 2 fit., text illust. Bd. IV. 19H. 1. Monographic der fossilen Pflanzenreste der Balaton- seegegeud. Von J. Tuzson. Uebersetzt aus dem Ungarischen Original, pp. 63 [1] : 2 pis. col., text illust. 2. Die Fauna der Pontischen Schichten in der Umgebung des Balatonsees. Von G. von Halavats. pp 80 • S pis., text illust. 3. Beitrage zur Fauna und stratigraphischen Lage der panuonischen Schichten in der Umgebung des Bala- tonsees. Von I. Lorenthey. pp. 216: 3 pis., text illust. 4. Die Ziegenklaucn der Balatongegend und ihre Fund- orte. Von I. Vitalis. pp. 38: 3 pis., text illust. 6. Die pleistocane Conchylienfauna der Umgebung des Balatonsees. Von A. Weiss, pp. .'?.9 : text illust. 6. Neuere Beitrage zur Geologic und Fauna der unteren Pleistozanschichten in der Umgebung des Balaton- sees. Von T. Kornios. pp. 53: 2 pis. (1 col.), text illust. 7. Zur Kenntnis der geologischen und faunistischen Ver- haltnisse des Nagyberek-Moores im Komitat Somogy. Von T. Kormos. pp. 16 [2] : text illust. 8. Die geologische Vergangenheit und Gegenwart des Sarr6tbeckens im Komitat Fejir. Von T. Kormos. pp. 73: 1 pi., 1 map (col.), text illust. 9. Ueber die Fauna des Susswasserkalkes von Mencshely. Von T. Kornios. pp. IS : 1 text illust. 10. Die Pleistocane Mollusken-Fauna im Ostahschuitte des Gebietes jenseits der Donau. Von T. Kormos. pp. 31 : text illust. 11. Die fossile Saugetierfauna der Umgebung des Bala- tonsees. Von O. Kadic. pp. 27: 6 pis., text illust. Thl. n. gHydrogranhic des Balatonsees. Von E. von Cfyolnokv.] T- . 2. Die Farbenerscheinungen des Balatonsees. Von E. p. £? : '2 pis. col., text illust. an bewegten Wasser- 1906. Anhang. Beitrage zur Kenutniss der "TTrundwasser im Ufergebiete des Balatonsees. Von G. Rigler. pp. 32. 1911. Thl. III. 1897. Limnologie des Plattensees. Von E. v. Cholnoky. pp. 118[1}: Ipl., text illust. Thl. IV. 1898-1906. Sect. 1. Die Klimatologischen Verhaltnisse der Umgebung des Balatonsees. Von J. C. Saringer. Ueberaetzt aus dem Ung. Originale. pp. 133 : 10 maps, text illuxt. 1898. ,, 2. Niederschlagsverhaltnisse und Regenkarteu (1882- 1891). Verfasst von 0. v. Bogdanfy, . Deut- sche Bearbeitung von J. BcrniUky. pp. Wit [1] : .! ph., text ill utt. Anhang. Die tropischen Nymphaeen des HcSvizsees bei Keszthely. Von A. Lovassy. (— I. Anhang : Die VernieMiing des Onmdes. Von K. Jordan. — n. Anhang : Vorlaunge Ergebnisse der chemischeu Untersuchungen. Von G. v. Weszelszky.) pp. !/l [1] : t, pit. (col.), text aiuit. BD. III. Social- mid Anthropogeographie des Balatonsees. 5 Thl. 1900-07. [Wanting Thl. I, sect. 2 ; and Thl. in.] Thl. v. contains :— Bibliographic des Balatonsees. Von . . . J. v. Sziklay. pp. SS [1]. 1906. TopOEraphischer und Geologischer Atlas. Thl. I. Spezialkarte des Balatonsees und seiner Umgebung. Entworfen von L. von Loczy. * sh. cot. (1902) 1903. Thl. II. /GcoloRische Spezialkarte und Profile des Bala-tonsees und seiner Umgebung. Von L. von Loczy/ Budapest. — Magyar Neiuzeti Mxizeum. Annales historico-naturales, dc. Vol. I— > illust. 8°. Budapest, 1903-> Budapest.— Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum. Reliquiffi Kitaibeliance e manuscriptis Musei nationalis Hungariei. See KANITZ (A.) 8°. 1862-63. Budapest. Magyar Nemzeti Mnzeum. Magvarorszag Madarai . . . irta . . . Madarasz G.— Die Vogel Ungarns, 8°. Budapesiini, 1902-> Budapest.— Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum. Education in Hungai-y. Museums, dc. See HUNGARY. — ROYAL HUNGARIAN MINISTRY OF RELIGION AND PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. 8°. 1908. Budapest. Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum. Jegyzik Magyarorszag Novenyeinek gyujlemenyehez, dc. — Scbedae ad Floram Hungaricam exsiccatam a Sections Botanica Musei . . . editam. Cent. 1— > 8°. Budapest, 1912-> Budapest.- Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. PeWnyi S. J. hatrahagyott Munkai. Kiadta . . . Aka- demia . . . SzerkeszW Kubinyi F. [The literary remains of S. J. Petenyi, published by the Academy and edited by F. Kubinyi.J See PKTKNYI (b. J.) 8°. 1864. Budapest. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. A Magyar Fauna Femdarazsai, illust. 8°. Budapest, 1913-> Budapest. — Magyarhoni Fbldtani Tarsulat. [Maps.] Magyarorszag Geologiai Terkepe . . . Carte Geologique de la Hongrie, pubUee par la Societe Geologique de Hongrie, avec le concours de 1'Institut Royal Geologique de Hongrie et de . . . A. de Semsey . . . Mertek, 1 : 1,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 15J m. about]. col. Budapest, 1896. BUDAPEST.— Magyarhoni Geologiai Tarsulat. See supra, MAGYARHONI FOLDTANI TAHSULAT. BUDDE-LUND (GUSTAV) [1846?- 1911] Prospectus generum specierumque Crustaceorum Isopodum Terre- strium. pp. 10. 8°. [Copenhagen, 1879.] Privately printed. Budde-Lund (GusTAV) A revision of "Crustacea Isopoda Terrestria," with additions and illustrations. 2 Pt. illust. 8". Kjffbenhavn, 1899, 1904. Pt. I is a reprint from " Ent. Meddelelser." Ser. II, Bd. I, hft. 2. Budde-Lund (GUSTAV) Die Landisopoden der Deut- schen Sudpolar-Expedition, 1901-1903, mit Diagnosen verwandter Arten. See GERMANY. Deutsche SUdpolar- Expedition . . . Herausgegeben von E. von Drygalski. BdflX, hft. 2. 4°. 1906. Bndde-Lund (GUSTAV) Isopoda von Madagaskar und Ostafrika, dc. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Reise in Ostafrika, dc. Bd. II, hft. 4. 4". 1909. Budde-Lund (GusTAV) Terrestrial Isopoda from Egypt, pp. 1~' : J pi. See JAGERSKIOLD (A. L. K. E.) ^ Results of the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Egypt, * dc. Pt. 8. 8°. 1909. Budde-Lund (GUSTAV) [Isopoda from the Kilimandjaro- Meru district.] See SJOSTEDT (B. Y.) Wissenschaft- liche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Ex- pedition nach dem Kilimandjaro . . . 1905-1906, dc. Bd. Ill, Crustacea, no. 2. 4°. 1910. Budde-Lund (GUSTAV) Oniscoidea, nachgelassenes Fragment. See MICHAELSEN (W.) Die Fauna Siidwest- 2 Australiens, dc. Bd. IV, lief. 2. 8°. 1912. Budde-Lund (GusTAV) & Lbnnberg (A. J. E.) Crus- j_ tacea collected by the Swedish Zoological Expedition . to British East Africa, 1911. pp. 0 : text illust. b See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, dc. Bd. VII, no. 26. 8°. 1912. BUDDENBBOCE (W. VON) & Hamburger (C.) Nordische Ciliata, mit Ausschluss der Tintinnoidea.— Nordische Suctoria. See BRANDT (K.) Nordisches Plankton, *c. XIII. 8°_1911-13. BUDDICOM (ROBERT ARTHUR) /A Notes on the Geo- logical Collection at Shrewsbury Museum, pp. .S'. 12°. [Ostvestry,] 1900. Reprinted from the." IJorcfcr Counties Advertizer." Buddicom (RvaSSt A.) The Land and Freshwater Molluscs of Church Stretton. See CAMPBELL-HY8LOP (C. W.) Church Stretton, dc. Vol. I. 8°. [1901.] BUDGETT (JAMES HERBERT) Notes on habits of Poly- pterus. See BUDGKTT (J. S.) The Work of J. S. Budgett, rfc. 4". 1907. 157 BUDGETT (JOHN SAMUEL) [1872-1904] The Work of J. S. Budgett . . . being a collection of his Zoological papers . . . with a Biographical Sketch by A. E. Shipley . . . and contributions by E. Assheton, E. J. Bles, [G. A. Boulenger,] E. T. Browne, J. H. Budgett and J. G. Kerr. Edited by J. G. Kerr. pp. x, 404 : 28 pis. (col.), 1 port., text Must. 4°. Cambridge, 1907. The half-title reads :— " The Budgett Memorial Volume." Buecking (FERDINAND CARL BERTRAM HUGO) Leucit- basalt aus der Gegend von Pangkadjene in Sud-Celebes. pp. 7: 1 pi. See FREIBURG-IN-BREISGAU.— NATUR- FORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte, &C. Bd. XI, hft. 2. 8°. 1900. Buecking (FEBDINAKD C. B. H.) Ueber einige merk- wiirdige Vorkomnien von Zechstein und Muschelkalk in der Bhcin. See MENZEL (H.) A others. Festschrift A. v. Koenen, ] : 1 pi. col., text illust. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1898. BUENOS AYRES, City of.— Deutsche Akade- mische Vereinigung. [Founded 1897.] Veroft'entlichungen, Sc. Bd. I, hft. 1 & 5. illust. 8°. Buenos Aires, [1899, 1900 ?] Buenos Ayres, City of.— Jardin Zoologico. Bevista, <£c. Tom. l-> 8°. Buenos Ayres, 1893— > BUENOS AIRES, City of.— Museo Nacional de Historia Natural. [1823 Founded as Muteo PuMico. 1884 Museo Nacional. 1911 Muteo National de Ilittoria Natural.) Anales, Ac. Tom. I— > 4°. & 8°. Buenos Aires, 1864— > Tom. i-lil only are in 4°. Tom. IV-VII are also styled : Ser. II, torn. I-IV ; and Tom. VIH-* = Ser. Ill, torn. I-» - Indices de los Tomos i-xx (1864-1911). 8°. Buenos Aires, 1914. BUENOS AIRES, 'uenos Aires, 1915— > BUENOS AYRES, Province of. — Departamento de Obras Publicas. Contribucion al Estudio de la Flora de la Sierra de la Ventana. See SPEGAZZINI (CARLOS) 8°. 1896. Buerger (OTTO) Nemertini (Schnurwiirmer). pp. viii, 542: SI pis. (col.), 1 map, text illust. See BRONN (H. G.) Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Beichs, An vm. IT. „ V-VII. Introduction a I'Uistoire des Mineraux. An VHI-xm. , — VIH-XVI. Histoire des Mlneraux. (Precis de Mindralogle. Par J. C. Delanietherie.) An VII-XIII. xvn. Uistoire des Animaux.) TVIII " }• •• t x' "'-IHistoire de 1'Homme. I xix-xxi. „ „ „ An vin Ax. XXII-XXXIV. Histoire des Quadmpedes. (Exposition nii'llm- diquedesQuadrnpedes...par Latreille.) AnVHI-XI. XXXV-XXXVI. Histoire des Singes. [Edited by P. A. Latreille (7. p. for separate copy of earlier edition).] Au XII. XXXVII-LXIV. Histoire des OUeaux. [Edited by C. S. Sonnini. With notes and " Vues generates aur les Quadm- pedea vivipares, les Oiscaux, et sur la Nature organise'e," by J. J. Virey and an " Exposition methodique d'Ornithologie." Edited by F. M. Daudin.) An ix-xui. [Suites.) Histoire naturelle. . .des Ce'tace'es. [By Lacipede.]. . .Avec des notes et additions. Far C. S. Sonnini. 8°. Parit, An XII [1804]. [A reprint of the original edition.] HixtoLre naturelle. . .des Reptiles. . .Par F. M. Daudin. 8 Vol. 8«. Parit, An X [1802]-XIII [1805]. Histoire naturelle. . .des Poissons... [chiefly from the original work by Lace'pede, With the addition of anatomical "Observations" by P. M. A. Bronssonet and Duverney, i.e. O. L. Duvernoy] avec des notes et des additions, par C. S. Sonnini. 1:1 \"\. 8°. Parit, An x [1802I-XII [1804], Histoire naturelle . . . des Mollnsques . . . Par Denys-Montfort. (Con- tinue' par F. de Rolssy.) 6 Vol. 8». Paris, An X [1802J-XIII 1805). Histoire naturelle ... des Crustacea et des Insectes . . . Par P. A. Latreille, Vol. xvi -» are also styled "Sdr. II, vol. i-»" 1™ (— 31*"") Supplement. 3 vol. [in 4.] 8°. Lcide, 1897 (-1910). - Tables du contenu des Volumes l-xv et des deux Supplements, de. 8°. Leide, 1899. i./f 159 Buitenzorg. Bulletin de 1'Institut Botanique, esides Botany are included. This series was , followed by the " Bulletin du Ddpartement de 1' Agriculture aux Indes Nederlandaises" no. 1-47(1906-1911) (q.v. under NKUHRLANDSCH OOST iNDIfi.— Departement van Landbouw}, and the " Bulletin du Jardin Botauique " [q.v. infra]. Buitenzorg. Mitteilungen aus dem geologisch-agro- nomischeu Laboratorium des Departement fur Land- bouw zu Buitenzorg, Java. No. 1-9. See NEDER- ' . LANDSCH OOST INDIE. — -Departement van Landbouw. Bulletin No. 17, 28, 29, 32, 41 & 47. 8°. 1908-1911. Buitenzorg. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique, tic. Ser. II, no. 1— > 8°. Buitenzorg, 1911— > Each number is separately paged, and usually contains a single paper. Other subjects besides Botany are included. This series was preceded by the "Bulletin de 1'Institut Botanique," no. 1-22 (1898-1908) [g.v. supra], which is considered to form the first series, the place in point i , of time between the two being taken up by the " Bulletin du De- partement de 1'Agriculture aux Indes Nederlandaises." no. 1-47 (1U06-1911) [q.v. under NEDERLANDSCH OOST INDIE.— Departement van Landbouw]. Buiteuzorg. Flore de Buitenzorg, publiee par le Jardin Botanique de I'titat. Pt. l-> 8°. Leide, 1898-> Pt. 1. Die Pteridophyten. Von M. Kaeiborski. pp. xii, S5S. 1898. „ 2. Die Myxomyceten. Von 0. Penzig. pp. 83. 1898. „ S. LesAlgues. ParE. de Wildeman. pp.xi,/,57:Kpls.,text Must. 1900. „ 4. Die Hepaticw. Von V. Schiffner. Bd. I-» 1900-* ,,6. DieMusci. Von M. Fleischer. Bd. I-» 1900-* ,, 6. Die Orchideen von Java. Von J. J. Smith, pp. mil, 673. Atlas, Hft. M. 1905-14. [Supplements to this monograph were published in the " Bull. Dept. Agric. Indes Neerland.," no. XIII, 1907, XLIII, 1910, and the "Bull. Jardin Botanique Buiteuzorg," Ser. II, no. IX, 1913, and XIT, 1914 (q.v.).] Buitenzorg. Mededeelingen van 's Lands Plantentiun. [For works published in this series] See KOOEDEES (S. H.) See KOOEDEES (S. H.) & VALETON (T.) See NANNINGA (A. W.). Buitenzorg. Notice sur 1'etat actuel de 1'Institut (Botanique de Buitenzorg). [With lists of its publica- tions. By M. Treub.] pp. 40 : 3 plans. See supra, Bulletin de 1'Institut Botanique de Buitenzorg. No. 1. 8°. 1898. b Buiteuzorg. Adnotationes de Plantis Horti Bogo- B . riensis, See BACIBORSKI (M.) 8°. 1900-> Buiteuzorg. Liste des families et des genres de Plantes non-herbacees cultivees au Jardin Botanique. pp. 83 : 1 plan. See supra, Bulletin de 1'Institut Botanique, dec. No. 11. 8°. 1901. Buitenzorg. Palmiers du Jardin Botanique de Buiten- zorg. See BUITENZOHG. Bulletin de 1'Institut Bota- nique, Ac. No. 9. 8°. 1901. — [Another edition.] See NEDERLANDSCH OOST INDIK. — Departement van Landbouw. Bulletin No. 31. 8°. 1909. - [Another edition.] du Jardin Botanique, Sc. See BUITENZORG. Ser. II, no. 17. Bulletin 8°. 1914. Buitenzorg. Plantae Bogorienses exsiccate novae vel minus cognitae quas in Horto Botanico coluntur. Auctore B. P. G. Hochreutiner. pp. ix, 75. 8°. [Buitenzorg,] 1904. Buitenzorg. Catalogus Bogoriensis novus Plantarum Phanerogamarum qute in Horto Botanico Bogoriensi coluntur, Herbaceis exceptis. Auctore B. P. G. Hoch- reutiner. Fasc. l&n,& Index. 3 Pt. See supra, Bulletin de 1'Institut Botanique de Buitenzorg. -No. 19 & 22 & Index. 8°. 1904-08. Buitenzorg. Cupuliferen in den Herbar zu Buitenzorg, bearbeitet von O. von Seemen. pp. 14. See NEDER- LANDSCH OOST INDIE. — Departement van Landbouw. Bulletin No. 1. 8°. 1906. Buiteuzorg. Filices Horti Bogoriensis, a list of the Ferns cultivated in the Buitenzorg Botanical Gardens . . .By. . .C. K. W. K. van Alderwerelt van Kosenburgh. See NEDERLANDSCH OOST INDIE. — Departement van Landbouw. Bulletin No. 27. 8°. 1909. Bnitenzorg. Contributions a la Faune des Indes Neer- landaises, rfc. Vol. I— > 8°. Buitenzorg, [1914— >] - BUKAREST. — Academia Romana. Analele, itc. Ser. II, torn. II- Only those nos. relating to these have been indexed undj 1878-1888 volumelorii [Founded 1866.] abfticu alii cuprinsului I-X din Seria II. , 1890. Bukarest. — Academia No. I- •i, 1898-* Wh Bukarest. — Academia Romana. Bulletin de la Section Scientifique de 1'Academie, rfc. Ann. i-> 8°. Bucarest, 1912-> Bukarest. — Academia Romaua. Discursuri de Beceptiune. -xxxi. O Schitare din Istoria Botanicei . . . Discurs . . . de . . . D. Grecescu, cu raspuns de. . .C. I. Istrati. pp. 45. 8°. Bucure$ti, 1908. 160 BUK AREST. Institutul Geologic al Romaniei. [Founded 1906.] Anuarul, illust. 8°. Bucurefti, 1907 (1908)-» BUKAREST. Muzeul de Geologia 5! de Paleon- tologia. Anuarulu, rfc. Anul. 1894-» 8". Bucuresci, 1895-» Roumanian and French uu opposite pages. BUKAREST. Societatea Romaue de Stiin^e. [1800 Founded as Soeitlatea lie Sciinte t'teiet (Filial, Chimia n JUneralogia). 1897 Amalgamated with the . I inieii Sciin(elor llatemalice to form the Socittatta de Sciinfe. 1911 Sofittatta Romiliir At Qtiintr. ] Buletinul, 8°. Bucuresci, 1892-> L. **• o. E. fs. BUKOWSKI (GEJZA VON) [1858-] Exkursionen in SUddalmatien. pp. .", : ,: />!s. See CONGRES GEOLO- GIQUE INTERNATIONAL. — Ninth Session : Vienna, 1903. Ftihrer fttr die Exkursionen in Oesterreich, Ac. No. XIII. 8°. 1903. BULA N'ZAU, pseud, See BAILEY (H.) BULAWATO. Rhodesia Museum. [Founded iiwi.i First Annual Report, 1902i^ pp. 14 •' 1 fl- 8°. Bulawayo [1903}^ Contains :— List of Rhodesian Minerals. . The Geology of the Country round Bulawayo. By F. P. Mennell. Bulawayo. Rhodesia Museum. Special Report. [No. 1.] The Zimbabwe Ruins. By F. P. Mennell. pp. 76: 6 pis. 8°. Bulawayo, 1903. Publication No. 1. Bulawayo.- Rhodesia Museum. Special Report No. 2. The Geology of Southern Rho- desia. By F. P. Mennell. pp. 4~ •' 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. Bulawayo, 1904. Publication No. 2. Bulawayo. — Rhodesia Museum. The Rhodesian Miner's Handbook. By F. P. Mennell. pp. [»,] 143 : text illust. 8°. Bulawayo, 1908. Publication No. 4. BULAWAYO. Rhodesia Scientific Associa- tion. See RHODESIA SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. BULGARIA. [Maps.] Gheologhicheska Earta na B'lghariya, Ac. — Carte Geologique de la Bulgarie a 1'echelle de 1 : 800,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 4£ m. about] par G. N. Zlatarski, Ac. 20 sh. col. See SOFIA.— UNlVERSlTETA.— MlNERALO-GHEOLOGHlCHESKlI INSTITUT. 1905-10. BULIFON (ANTONIO) [1640-] Compendio istorico degl' _, incendj del Monte Vesuvio, fino all' ultima eruzione accaduta nel mese di Giugno 1698. [Second edition.] pp. l.r>2 : ~>pls. 24*. Nap[oli\ 1701. Bulleid (ARTHUR) & Gray (H. ST. G.) The Glaston- bury Lake Village . . . With an introductory chapter by R. Munro. 2 Vol. illust. 4°. Glastonbury, 1911, 17. BULLEN (GEORGE EBSWORTH) Notes upon Hydroids observed hi Aberdeen trawl refuse, pp. 10. 8°. [Strat/ord-on-Avon, 1908.] Privately printed. Bullen (GEORGE E.) [For Reports as acting Curator] See ST. ALBANS. — Hertfordshire County Museum. G. Bullen (GEORGE E.) & Swithinbank (H.) The scien- tific and economic aspects of the Cornish Pilchard Fishery. I. The Food and Feeding habits of the Pilchard in costal waters. ( — II. The Plankton of the "2 inshore waters in 1913 considered in relation to the Fishery.) 2 Pt. illust. See MERA PUBLICATIONS. No. 1 & 2. 8°. 1913, 14. BULLEN (ROBERT AsiUNGTON) [1850-1912] Harlyii Bay and the discoveries of its Prehistoric Remains... Second edition, revised, Ac. pp. 'JG : 10 pis., text illust. f- H". London, 1902. - Third edition, Ac. pp. 1~3 : 2/f pis., 1 map, text illust. 8°. Harlyn Bay, Padstow, 1912. The first edition appeared in 1901. BULLER (ARTHUR HENRY REGINALD) [1874-] Re- searches on Fungi : an account of the production. liberation, and dispersion of the spores of Hymeno- mycetes treated botanieally and physically, rtTie t»r ZealandJ---2vol. illust. (col.).^ >M^| 4°. L»mim<|ue Magrl, Canon of Vlterbo ; and further that It was printed by Tt. P. Cavalllni In 1689 under the title "Piiifillus Mellteud, tot, (when it formed pp. 103-129 of his " Brevls enumeratio Plantarum," .ii'.),nnd reprinted by Bruckmann (" Epistola itiueraria 82 Cent, n, pp. 674-491) In 1787 ; In both cases the name of the author was suppressed and the vernacular names of the plants, given in this MS., omitted. 161 Buonanni (FlLlPPO) Observationcs circa viventia, quse in rebus non viventibus reperiuntur. Cum Micrographia curiosa, sive rerum minutissimarum observationibus . . . His accesscrunt aliquot Animalium Testaceorum icones, Ac. pp. xx, 342 [1], 106 [1] : 32 pis., engr. title. 4°. Bomce, 1691. Burbidge (PEEDEBICK WILLIAM) [115 Original Sketches, some coloured, made in Borneo, of Orchids, Pitcher plants, Ac., 1877-8.] obi. fol. BURCHARD (ERNEST F.) [1875-] Zinc and Lead deposits of northern Arkansas by G. I. Adams, assisted by. ..E. F. Burchard, Ac. pp. 118, 1 tab.: SS ph., 4 maps (3 gcol. col.), text Must. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 24. 4°. 1904. Burchard (ERNEST F.) The Red Iron Ores of east Tennessee, pp. 173 : 12 pis., 5 maps, text illust. See TENNESSEE, State of. — -Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 16. 8°. 1913. Burchard (ERNEST F.) Iron Ore in Cass, Marion, Morris, and Cherokee counties, Texas. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 620-E. 8°. 1915. Burchard (ERNEST F.) Iron-bearing deposits in Bossier, Caddo and Webster parishes, Louisiana. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 620-G. . 8°. 1915. Burchard (ERNEST F.) & Butts (0.) Iron Ores, Fuels and Fluxes of the Birmingham district, Alabama, Ac. pp. 204: /•'? pis., 4 maps (col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 400. 8°. 1910. Burck (WILLIAM) [Anonaccse and Sapotacese from Dutch New Guinea.] See WlCHMANN (C. E. A.) Nova ' Guinea, Ac. Vol. vm, lief. 3. 4°. 1911. For a further contribution on the Anonacese, hyL. Diels, Keetom. cit., livr. 4 (1912). BURCKHARDT (CARL EMANUEL) [1869-] Die Kon- taktzonc von Kreido und Tertiiir im Nordrando de'r Schweizeralpen vom Bodensee bis zum Thunersee. pp.iv, [ii,] 13^: 7 pis. col., 2 maps gcol. col. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Geologique Suisse. Bei- trage, <(:c. Lief. XXXII. 4°. 1893. Burckhardt (CARL E.) Monographic der Kreideketten zwischen Klonthal, Sihl und Linth, Ac. pp. xii, 205 : 4 pis., .)' maps geol. col. Sec SWITZERLAND. — Carte Geologique Suisse. Beitrage, Ac. Lief. XXXV. 4°. 1896. Burckhardt (CARL E.) Profits geologiques transversaux de la Cordillere Argentino-Chilienne. Stratigraphie et Tectonique par. . .C. Burckhardt. . .Premiere Partic du Rapport defmitif sur une Expedition Geologique, effectuee par. . .L. Wehrli et. . .C. Burckhardt. pp.vii, 136: 36 pis. (col.), text illust. (col.) See LA PLATA, Town of. — MUSEO DE LA PLATA. Anales, Ac. Seccion Gcologica y Mineralogica, H. fol. 1900. Contains also :— Coup d'ceil general et Introduction G^ographique, par. . .L. Wehrli. Burckhardt (CARL E.) Coupe Geologique de la Cordilli-re entre Las Lajas et Curacautin. pp. vii, 103 : .'<•' -pis. (col.), text illust. See LA PLATA, Town of. — MUSEO DE LA PLATA. Anales, d'c. Seccion Geologica y Mineralogica, III. fol. 1900. Contains also descriptions of Tertiary Fossils, by C. D. W. Mayer- Eyrnar. Burckhardt (CARL E.) La Faune Jurassique de Mazapil : avec un Appendice sur les f ossiles du Cretacique inferieur. pp. 216, 1 tab. : 43 pis. See MEXICO.— Instituto Geologico, Boletin No. 23. 4°. 1906. Burckhardt (CARL E.) Geologic de la Sierra de Conception del Oro. Ge'ologie de la Sierra de Mazapil et Santa Rosa. See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL.— Tenth £. Session: Mexico, 1006. Guide des Excursions, Ac. No. xxiv & xxvi. 8". 1906. Burckhardt (CARL E.) Faunes Jurassiques et Creta- ciques de San Pedro del Gallo. pp. viii, 264, 3 tabs. : Q, 46 pis. See MEXICO. — Instituto Geologico. Boletin No. 29. 4°. 1912. Burckhardt (CARL E.) & Scalia (S.) La Faune Marino du Trias superieur de Zacatecas. pp. 44 • (L. 8 pis. Sec MEXICO. — Instituto Geologico. Boletin No. 21. 4°. 1905. Burckhardt (CARL E.) & Scalia (S.) Geologic des environs de Zacatecas. See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. — Tenth Session : Mexico, 1006. Guide des Excursions, Ac. No. xvi. 8°. 1906. Burckhardt (CARL FRIEDRICH) [1830-1913] Ueber die • physikalischen Arbeiten der Societas Physica Helvetica 1751-1781, Festrede, Ac. See BASLE. — NATURFOR- ^J^ SCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. 8°. 1867. BURCKHARDT (FRITZ) See BURCKHARDT (CARL FRIEDRICH) BURCKHARDT (KARL RUDOLF) [1866-1908] Der j^ Nestling von Bhinochetns jubatus. Ein Beitrag zur * Morphologic der Nestvogcl und zur Systematik der 5«I3 Rhinochetiden. pp. SO : 1 pi. col., text illust. Sec ACA- DEMIA GiESARKA LEOPOLDINO-CAROHNA, Ac. Nova Acta, Ac. Tom. LXXVII, no. 3. 4". 1900 (1901). Burckhardt (KARL R.) Der Nestling von Psophia crepitans und das Jugendkleid von Bliinochetus jubatus. pp.11 : 2 pis. col. Sec ACADEMIA C^ESAREA LEOPOLDINO- CAROLINA, Ac. Nova Acta, Ac. Tom. LXXIX, no. 1. 4°. 1901. Burckhardt (KARL R.) Das Zentral-Nervensystem der Selachier als Grundlage fur eine Phylogenie des Vertebratenhirns ... 2 Teil. illust. See ACADEMIA C^ESAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, Ac. Nova Acta, Ac. Bd. LXXIII, no. 2 ; xciv, no. 1. 4°. 1907-11. (RUDOLF) See BURCKHARDT BURCKHARDT (KARL R.) Bureau (EDOUARD) Bassin Houiller de la Basse Loire. Fasc. I— > See FRANCE. — Service des Topo- qraphies Souterraines. [Etudes des Gites Mineraux.] 4°. 1910-> • BUREAU OF BRITISH MARINE BIO- LOGY. [Founded 190!).] Contributions from the Bureau . . . Series II. Biblio- graphy and Review of Recent Publications. (Prepared by S. Pace and R. M. Pace.) No. 1 & 2.f 8°. London, 1910, Title from wrapper. Printed on one side of the page only. ,«l<4/ftM>- ATm^N Llo(.'"" J BURG (G. ni4 Catalogue des Oiseaux de la Suisse. . . elabore par G. de Burg. Livr. 4-» See FATIO (V.) & STUDER (T.) 8°. 1907-> Burg (HiERONYMUS VON DER) Acetaria, prseside... C. Linnaio, proposita ab H. von der Burg.. .1756, Ac. See LINNAEUS (C.) [TVbr&s.] C. Linnsei Funda- mentorum Botanicorum pars prima . . . Curante J. E. Gilibert. Tom. II. 8°. 1786. Burg (HiERONYMUS VON DER) Von Salatpflanzen. See LlNN^EUS (C.) [Theses A Orations.] Des Bitter C. von Linne Auserlesene Abhandlungen aus der Natur- geschichte, Ac. Bd. II, no. 8. 8°. 1777. 21 G-. Z-. 162 BURGEFF (II \\s) Die Wurzelpil/.e der Orchideen : 1» iliro Kultur und ihr Lcbcn in dor Pflanze. pp. ir. ' .'" : • 3 ph., text ill tut. 8°. Jena, 1909. Vergleichcnde Anatomic See LlNSBAUEB (K.) 8°. 1908. BURGERSTEIN (ALFRED) •B . des Hol/es der Koniferen. \\ 'iesncr-Ki stschrift, 4 : .s1 ph. (1 col.), 1 map, text illust. E. .S'.v ('SITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Entomology Bureau. Bulletin No. 101. 8". 1911. Burgess (ALBERT F.) The dispersion of the Gipsy Moth. pp. 6',? : lt> ph., I map col., text illust. C. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 119. 8°. 1913. Burgess (ALBERT F.) The Gipsy Moth and the Brown- p tail Moth, with suggestions for their control. pi>. .'} : t,-rt illiisl. Sre UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 564. 8°. 1914. Burgess (ALBERT F.) & Collins (C. W.) The Calosoma Beetle (Calosoma sycophanta) in New England, pp. .}'* : 7 pis. back to back, 1 map, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 251. 8°. 1915. Burgess (ALBERT F.) & Howard (L. O.) The Laws in force against injurious Insects and Foul Brood in £ the United States, pp. 222. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Bureau. Bulletin No. 61. 8°. 1906. BURGIS (THOMAS) [For finished water - colour drawings of Plants from sketches by other artists] Ti See MILLER (J. F.) See PARKINSON (S.) BURGST (C. A. L. SMITS VAN) See SMITS VAN BUROST. BURHENNE (HEINRICH) [1871-1 Beitrag zur Ki nntniss der Fauna der Tentaculitenschiefer im &Lahngebict, rfc. pp. 5K : 5 pit. See PRUSSIA.— KOENIGLICH - PREUS8ISCHE GEOLOGISCHE LANDESAN- STALT, rfc. Abhandlungen, tic. Neue Folge, heft 29. 8°. 1899. BURI (THEODOR) Ueber Deckgebirgseinschlttsse in den Phonolithtuffen des Hegaus. pp. 55 : 1 text illust. , /4/O. See FREIBURG - IN - BREISGAU. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte, rfc. Bd. xvni, hft. 2. 8°. 1911. BURKE (HARRY EUGENE) Flat-headed Borers affect- ing Forest Trees in the United States, pp. 1 : H ph. back to back. See UNITED STATES. — Department of *~- Agriculture. Bulletin No. 437. 8°. 1917. 7' maps. Srp, CANADA. — fr'io/o gical Survey., Museum Bulletin No. 18. (Geological Series, No. 28.) 8°. 1915. O»7i- 3 BURLINGHAM (GERTRUDE SIMMONS) Lactariea. See NEW YOHK, City of. — New York Botanical Garden. North American Flora. Vol. IX, pt. 3 & 4. 8". 1910, 15. BURLINGTON. University of Vermont.— Ver- mont Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Report, ftc. No. 7-9, 11 & 12. 8°. St. Albans, [Vt.,] . Sti :.: pl.t., taxi illntt. 8°. Tubingen, 1899. BURTT-DAVY (JOSEPH) See DAVY. BURWASH (EDWARD MOORE) [1873-] The Geology of Michipicoten Island. pp. 4# •' ~ ph., % maps. See TORONTO. — UNIVERSITY. Studies. Geological Series, H. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 52. 8°. I'.KJA Bnsck (AUGUST) Notes on a horn-feeding Lepidop- terous Larva from Africa. ]>/'. .' : : jilx. S/-<- SMITH SONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellan. .>us Collections. Vol. LVI, no. 8. 8°. 1910. Bnsck (AUGUST) Descriptions of new genera and species of Microlepidoptera from Panama, pp. in: lj,l. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Misrrl- - laueous Collections. Vol. Lix, no. 4. 8°. 1912. Busck (AUGUST) The European Pine-shoot Moth M [Evetria buoliana, Schifferm.J ; a serious menace to I'inc Timber in America, pp. 11: 5 pis. back to back. 5.£ See UNITED STATES. J >,•/„> i-tm, nt of Aiiru-nttur, I'.ulletin No. 170. 8". 1'JK-. BUSH (KATHARINE JEANNETTE) Miss. Tnbimlon Annelids of the tribes Sabellides and Serpulides from ^M the Pacific Ocean. See WASHINGTON ACADEMY OK SCIENCES. Harriman Alaska Expedition . . . A Vol. XII. 8". 1904 165 Busk (GEORGE) [Bryozoa from Kerguelen Island.] See ROYAL SOCIETY OP LONDON. Philosophical Trans- ,C, actions, d-c. Vol. CLXVIII. 4°. 1879. BUSTAMANTE (P. COKONA) MANTE. See COKONA BUSTA- BUSTAMANTE DE LA CAMARA (JUAN) See BUSTAMANTINUS (JOANNES) Camu-rensis. BUSTAMANTINUS (JOANNES) Camcerensis. I. Bus- taiuantini. . .de Beptilibus vere animantibus S. Scrip- '- • turiB libri sex, 8°. Kothesay, 1908— > Butler (ARTHUR GARDINER) [Myriopoda, Arachnida, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera and Hemiptera from Rodri- guez.] See ROYAL SOCIETY OP LONDON. Philosophical £^ Transactions, itc. Vol. CLXVIII. 4". 1879. Butler (ARTHUR G.) illust. Foreign Bird Keeping. 2 Pt.f 4°. London, [1899, 1900. J Butler (ARTHUR G.) [Lepidoptera Rhopalocera from Christmas Island.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). A Monograph of Christmas Island, Ac. 8°. 1900. Butler (ARTHUR G.) A List of the Lepidoptera collected . . .in the Uganda Protectorate in 1900, 1901. See JoHN- £«,. STON (Sir's. H.) G.C.M.G. The Uganda Protectorate, d-c. Vol. i. 8°. 1902. Butler (ARTHUR G.) Progress in the Collection of In- sects iu the British Museum since . . . 1753. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Zoology. [Insecta.] - . Notes on the various Collections of Insects, <£c. 8°. 1902. Butler (ARTHUR G.) Hints on Cage-Birds (British and Foreign), pp. SU : 1 pi., text illust. 8". London, 1903. z . "i r L. Butler (ARTHUR G.) and Foreign), pp. 1 How to Sex Cage Birds (British G : bpls. col., text illust. 8°. London (1907). BUTLER (ARTHUR LENNOX) Zoology of the Sudan. See SUDAN, Anglo-Egyptian. The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan : a compendium prepared by Officers of the Sudan Government, ^cp Vol. I, appendix C. 4°. 1905. BUTLER (BERT. S.) [1879-] Geology and Ore De- posits of the San Francisco and adjacent districts, Utah. pp. 212 : JfO pis. (some back to back), 1 map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 80. 4°. 1913. /• Butler (BERT. S.) ' district, Colorado. Survey. Notes on the Unaweep Copper See UNITED STATES. — Geological Bulletin No. 580-B. 8". 1914. Butler (BERT. S.) Potash in certain Copper and Gold Ores. Compiled by B. S. Butler, with a note on Muscovite, by G. Steiger. See UNITED STATES. — Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 620-J. 8°. 1915. Also styled "Contributions to economic geology. 1915. Part I. (pp. 227-236)." Butler (BERT. S.) & Gale (H. S.) Alunite : a newly discovered deposit near Marysvale, Utah, by B. S. Butler and H. S. Gale. [With a description of the " Alunite deposits of Rosita Hills, Colorado," by \V. Cross.] pp. 64 : 2 pis., 1 map. See UNITED STATES. —Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 511. 8°. 1912. Butler (BERT. S.) & Heikes (V. C.) Notes on the Pro- montory district, Utah. pp. 10 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 640-A. 8°. 1916. Butler (BERT. S.) & Loughlm (G. F.) A recon- naissance of the Cottonwood-American Fork mining region, Utah, tic. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 620-1. 8°. 1915. Butler (BERT. S.) & Tarr (R. S.) The Yakutat Bay region, Alaska. Physiography and ... Geology, pp.183: 33 pis., 4 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 64. 4°. 1909. Butler (EDWARD ALBERT) Our Household Insects : an account of the Insect-pests found in dwelling-houses. pp. vi, [iv,] 344 •' 7 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 8°. Tula, 1902-> From " Psovaya i Kuzhelnaya Okhota." Buturlin (SKRiiirs A.) Extract from the Diary of the visit to Kolguev in 1902 of ... S. A. Buturlin, Ac. See ALPHKRAKY (S. N.) The Geese of Europe and Asia, Ac. Appendix II. 4°. 1905. BUXTORF (AUGUST) Geologic der Umgebung von Gelterkinden im Easier Tafeljura. pp. ix, 106 : 2 pis. col., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Oeologique Suisse. Beitrage zur geologischen Karte, Ac. Neue Folge, lief. XI. 8". 1901. Bnxtorf (AUGUST) Stratigraphie der Valangien- Hauteriviengrenze in der Zentralschweiz. See SCIIWKI- ZKRISCHE PAL*ONTOLOGLSCHE GKSKI.LSCIIAPT. Ab- hundluilgen, Ac. Vol. XXXIV. BAUMBERGER (E.) & MUM (A.) Palteontologiseh-atratigraphische Unter- suchung zweier Fossilhorizonte an der Valangien - Hauterivien-Grenze, Ac. 4". 1907 [i.e. 1908]. Bnxtorf (AUGUST) Geologische Beschreibung des \Veissensteintunnels und seiner Umgebung. A. Strati- graphie und Tektouik. See SWITZERLAND. C'i/r/c Oeologique Suisse. Beitrage, ifc. Neue Folge, lief, xx I. 4". 1908. Buxtorf (AUGUST) Erliiuterungen zur geologischen Karte des Biirgeustocks (Spezialkartu Nr. 27u, mil Profiltafel Nr. 27b), Blatt II der geol. Karte der £ 1'ilatus-Burgenstock-RigihochHuhkette, in 1 : 25,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 2J in. about], 7 : 8 pis., text illust. -5-*1 See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADKMIE IMPKRIALE DES SCIENCES. Me'moires, dtc. Ser. VIII, vol. xvm, no. 2. 4°. 1907. Byaluiuitzkii-BIrulya (ALEKSANDR A.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Decapoden-Krebse der eurasiatischeu Arctis [from the Russian Polar Expedition, 1900-1903]. pp. [t,J 41 : 1 pi., text illnst. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPKRIALE DES SCIENCES. Meinoires, Ac. Ser. VIII, vol. xxix, no. 1. 4U. 1910. BYALUINITZKII-BIRULYA (TH. A.) Mikro- skopicheskoe izslyedovanie otlozheniya na slomannoi pravoi plechevoi kosti Mamouta, naidennagho na ryekye Berezovkye bliz Sredne-Koluimska. [Investigation by microscopical sections of the broken right scapula of the Mammoth found on the River Berezovka, near Sredne-Koliimska.] Sec ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADKMIE IMPKRIALE DES SCIENCES. Nauchuuie rezul'tatui ekspeditzii. . .dlya raskopki Mamonta, ifc. Tom. I. 4°. 1903. Byaluinitzkii-BIrulya (Tn. A.) Ghistologhicheskiya i mikrokhimicheskiya nablyudeniva nad tkanyami JSnv- zovskaglio Mamonta. [Histological and microcliemical observutioiis upon tlic tissues of the Berezovka Mammoth.) Ms in spcr- <• .g' matogfiiiu cells.] pp. fi. N" \V.\usAW. — OBSIICIIKSTN n J KSTK.sTvoTsiMHTATKLEl, iff. 1'rotokolui . . . otdyclcni.- Biologhii. Ghod. IX. 8°. 1898. 167 BYRNE (Lucius WIDDRINGTON) [1875-] & Holt (E. W. L.) First (Second — Sixth) Report on the Fishes of the Irish Atlantic slope. 6 Ft. illust. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Fishery Reports. [Ireland.] Keport on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland, etc. 1905, Pt. II, append. 2 ; 1906, pt. II, append. 5 [Con- tinued in] Scientific Investigations. 1908, no. 4 & 5 ; 1910, no. 6 ; 1912, no. 1 & 2. 8°. 1906-13. Byrne (Lucius W.) & Holt (E. W. L.) [Fishes from the North Atlantic, collected by R. N. Wolfenden.] See CHALLENGKR SOCIETY. Memoirs, Ac. No. 1. Scientific and Biological Researches in the North Atlantic, SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. MemoriaS, ' Ac. Tom. vill, no. 6. 8°. 1915. Caballero (ARTURO) Algunos Micromicetos de los alredores de Melilla (Marruecos) recolectados por . . . A. Caballero. pp. 8 : text illust. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. MemoriaS, Ac. Tom. vill, mem. 8. 8°. 1916. CABANES (GUSTAVE) & Mazauric (F.) Le Spelunque de Dions (Gard). pp. 3f! : 1 pi., text illust. See PARIS. — SOCIKTK DE SPELKOLOGIE. Memoires, tic. Tom. I, no. 2. 8°. 1896. CABANIS (JEAN Louis) [1816-1906] Fauna Peruana. Aves. (Avium conspectus quse in Republica Peruana reperiuntur et plerseque observatae vel collectae sunt in itinere a. . . J. J. de Tschudi.) [With descriptions of new genera by J. L. Cabanis.l See TSCHUDI (J. J. DE) jurtsk* [1844.] CABOT (WILLIAM B.) [The Indians of Labrador.] J. See GRENFELL (W. T.) Labrador: the Country and the People. 8°. 1909. CABRAL (PHILOMENO DA CAMARA MELLO) See CAMARA MELLO CABRAL (PHILOMENO DA) CAERE T AGUILIO (JUAN) El Arte rupestre en Espana (rcgiones septentrional y oriental), pp. xxxii, '.".i [4], 1 tab. : 31 pis., text illust. See MADRID. — Comision de Investigaciones Paleontoldgicas y Prehis- toricas. [Memoria] No. 1. 8°. 1915. Cabre y Aguilio (JUAN) Arte rupestre Gallego y ' Portugues. (Eira d'os Mouros y Cachao da Rapa.) 4J.B PP- ~: 1 pi., text Must. See MADRID. — Comision de Investigaciones Paleontologicas y Pre- historicas. Memoria No. 14. 8°. 1917. Cabre y Aguilio (JUAN) & Hernandez-Pacheco y Esteban (E.) Las Pinturas prehistoricas de Pena Tii, S". [Cannes, 1912.] /_ . - Caesalpiuns (ANDREAS) pp. [xiii,} . De Mctallicis libri tres, /. col. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir No. 5. [No. 4, Geological Series.] 8". 1910. The pistes »re included In the pagination. Cairnes (DK LORME D.) Wheaton district, Yukon territory, pp. lii.i : Upls., 1 map geol. col., text illust. Sec CANADA. — Geological Surr,i/. Mnnoir 31.- [No. 20, Geological Series.] 8". 1912. Wanting plate t. The plate* are included in the pagination. Cairnes (Ds LORME D.) Portions of Atlin district, British Columbia : with special reference to lode mining. pp. ix, 12f> : S.f ph., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir No. 87. [No. 22, Geological Series.] 8°. 1913. The plate> are included In the pagination. Cairnes (DK LORME D.) Mpose Mountain district, southern Alberta. (Second edition.) pp. [i,]<;.': : W.//M col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological N ;//•<•. maps col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir 50. (No. 51, Geological Series.) 8°. 1915. The plates are included in the pagination. Cairnes (DE LORME D.) Scroggic, Barker, Thistle, and Kirkman Creeks, Yukon territory, pp. [i,] If7 : ft pis., 1 map (col.), text illust. See CANADA. — Geolxijii-nl Survey. Memoir 97. (No. 79, Geological Series.) 8°. 1917. The plates arc included in the pagination. CAIRO. — Geological Sec EGYPT. — Survey Department. — Geological Museum. CAIRO. — Musee des Antiquites Egypticnnes. Catalogue general dcs Antiquites Egyptiennes du Musee . . .Vol. XXV. . .La Fauno Momifiee de Tantieme F,gypte. Par MM. Gaillard et Daressy. jip. ii, l.r>'.> : '<>>' />!*., text illust. 4". Le Cairo & Leipzig, 1905. CAIRO. Ghizch Zoological Gardens. I Founded IWtl.] Report for ... 1899 (1900-11). (Annual Report. No. 1-18.) 8". Cairo, 1900-12. Subsequent Reports were issued as part of those on the "/x»'l Service, " for which Ker Eaypr. Cairo. Ghizeli Zoological Gardens. (Special Report No. 1-) '2— > ill it* t. S". Cairo, 1906-> Cairo. Ghizeli Zoological Gardens. Zoological Gardens . . . Plan and Guido in French and German, ji/i. .}.s': / plan (CM/.). 12". Cairo, 1902. - Second edition [in English], /i/i. '• • : / />liV< mlire 1898. Commdmo- ration du Centenaire de 1'Institut d'ftgypte. 'pp. .',*. 8°. Le Cain; Ih'.is. Title from wrapin-r. Contains, intfr alia: — Olscoura d'Ouvcrture dc V. Artin Pacha. lil.srours ilr Osman Bey Cllmlch rctracant lea travauv Botani'ini de l'In»tltut d'Egypte el n-n\ llnstltut Kgyptien. Dlicours de W. Innes Key nur leu travaux concernant la Zool< • DiKours de...(l. Legraln «ur lea dccouvertes archeologiques, et I Institut d'Egypte. The "Dlscours" were afterwards reprint^'! in tlie " Lfvre d'Or de I'lnntil ut Egyptlcn " puhllshed In comnicmoration of the Centenary of the foundation of the " Institut d'Egypte " [g.t>.]. 169 Cairo.— Institut Egyptien. Livre d'Or de 1'Institut Egyptien. Publie a 1'occasion du Centenaire de la fondation de 1'Institut d'Egypte, 4°. Cairo, 1901- CAIRO.— Societe Entomologique d'Egypte. (Founded 1907.] I Bulletin, ,fc. 1908— > illust. 8°. Le Caire, 1908-> CAJANDER (AiMO KAARLO) [1879-] Ueber die Westgrenzen einiger Holzgewachse Nord- Russlands. pp. 16. Kasvistollisia tutkimuksia Mynamaen, Mietoisten ja Karjalan kunnissa. [Researches into the Flora of the communes of Mynamaki, Mietois and Karjala.] pp. 146: 1 map, text illust. See HELSINGFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA* FENNICA. Acta, 4°. Calcutta, 1907-> Calcutta.— Indian Museum. ^^ Recordjj^er""fne . . . Museum. (A Jouj»«f*of Indian ZocWgy!) Vol. I— > illust. ^^^iTCalcutta, 1907- Calcutta. — Indian Museum. Act No. X of 1910. . .An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the Indian Museum, pp. 8. 8°. Calcutta [1910]. Calcutta. — Indian Museum. Part I. Bye-laws relating to the Museum as a whole. (Part II. Bye-laws relating to the Zoological and Anthropological section only. — Part ill. Bye-laws re- lating to the Art section only.) pp. 30. 4°. [Calcutta, 1912.] Calcutta. — Indian Museum. The Indian Museum, 1814-1914. pp. xi [i,] 136, Ixxxvii: !) pis., text illust. 8°. Calcutta, 1914. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. A Guide to the Zoological Collections exhibited in the Fish Gallery, rfc. [By A. W. Alcock.] pp. Hi, 92. 8n. Calcutta, 1899. Calcutta. — Indian Museum. A Guide to the Zoological Collections exhibited in the Bird Gallery ... By F. Finn. pp. Hi, 131. 8°. Calcutta, 1900. Calcutta. Indian Museum. Popular Guide to the Geological Collections . . . No. 3. Meteorites. . .Appendix. Compiled from the Museum Catalogues by T. R. Blyth, &c. pp. ft. 8°. Calcutta, 1901. Calcutta.- Indian Museum. Popular Guide to the Geological Collections. . .No. 4. Palaeontological Collections. By 0. Feistmantel. pp. iv, ii, 70, 6. 8°. Calcutta, 1881. Calcutta. — Indian Museum. Popular Guide to the Geological Collections. . .No. 5. Economic Mineral Products, by F. R. Mallet, pp. viii, 114 : 1 plan col. 8". Calcutta, 1883. Calcutta. — Indian Museum. Catalogue of the remains of Siwalik Vertebrata contained in the Geological Department . . . Pt. I. Mammalia. By R. Lydekker. pp. x, 116. 8°. Calcutta, 1885. Pt. II. Aves, Reptilia, and Pisces. By R. Lydekker. pp. vii, 26. 8°. Calcutta,, 1886. Calcutta. — Indian Museum. An Account of the Deep-sea Madreporaria collected by the. . .Investigator, by A. Alcock. pp. 2, 29 : 3 pis. 4°. Calcutta, 1898. Calcutta. — Indian Museum. An Account of the Deep-sea Brachyura collected by the . . . Investigator. By A. Alcock. pp. Hi, 85, 2 : 4 pis. 4°. Calcutta, 1899. Calcutta. — Indian Museum. A descriptive Catalogue of the Indian Deep-sea Fishes in the . . . Museum. Being a revised account of the Deep-sea Fishes collected by the . . . Investigator. By A. Alcock. pp. Hi, 211, viii : 1 map col. 4°. Calcutta, 1899. 22 L. * L- o. t. L. o, •z. z:. 170 v) 3. __ "~ * Calcutta. —Indian Museum. Echinoderma of the. . .Museum. I. Ophiuroidea. An account of the Deep-sea Ophiuroidea, collected by the . . . Investigator, by B. Koehler. pp. [iv,] 76, ii : 14 ph. FR. 4°. Calcutta, 1899. - [n.l Ophiuroidea. Illustrations of the Shallow- water Ophiuroidea, collected by the . . . Investigator, by B. Koehler. pp. i, 4 : 8 pis. FR. 4°. Calcutta, 1900. — [in & iv.] Holothurioidea. An account of the Deep-sea ( — Littoral) Holothurioidea collected by the . . . Investigator, by B. Koehler and C. Vaney. 2 Pt. illust. FR. 4°. Calcutta, 1905, 08. v & VI. Asteroidea (1 & 2). An account of the Deep-sea ( — Shallow-water) Asteroidea collected by the . . . Investigator. By B. Koehler. 2 Pt. illimt. FR. 8°. 1909, 10. Part VII. Crinoidea. The Crinoids of the Indian Ocean. By A. H. Clark, pp. Hi, 325 : text illust. 4°. Calcutta, 1912. - VIII. Echinoidea (1). An account of the Echinoidea. By B. Koehler. (Echinides du Mus6e Indien. Par B. Koehler).. . I. Spatangides. pp. S5S : SO pis. FR. 4°. Calcutta, 1914. Calcutta. — Indian Museum. A descriptive Catalogue of the Indian Deep-sea Crus- tacea, Decapoda Macrura and Anomala, in the . . . Museum. Being a revised account of the Deep-sea species collected by the . . . Investigator. By A. Alcock. pp. [Hi,] 286, iv : 3 pis. 4°. Calcutta, 1901. Calcutta. Indian Museum. Catalogue of the Indian Decapod Crustacea in the... Museum. . .By A. Alcock. Pt. I— > illust. 4°. Calcutta, 1901-> Calcutta.— Indian Museum. List of the Birds in the. . .Museum. Pt. I. Families Corvidae, Paradiseids, Ptilonorhynchidse and Cratero- podidfe. By F. Finn. pp. xvi, 115. 8". Calcutta, 1901. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. An account of the Indian Triaxonia collected by the . . . Investigator, by F. E. Schulze . . . The German Original translated into English by B. von Lendenfeld. pp. 1 IS : 23 pis. 4°. Calcutta, 1902. Calcutta. — Indian Museum. Frankincense, Myrrh and Bdellium [with their vernacular names in the East, by I. H. BurkillJ. See BURKILL (I. H.) 8°. [1905.] Note No. 1ST. Collections for the Imperial Institute, London, and the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Calcutta.— Indian Museum. An account of the Alcyonarians collected by the. . . Investigator in the Indian Ocean by J. Arthur Thomson . . . W. D. Henderson (and J. J. Simpson), dc. 2 Pt. iUutt. 4". Calcutta, 1906, 09. 1. The AlcyonariaM of the Deep Sea. By J. A. Thomson and W. D. Henderson, pp. xvi. lit : 10 pit. (cot.) 190«. 2. The Alcyonarlans of the Littoral Area. By J. A. Thomson and J. J. Simpson. With a report on the specie* of Dr.n- drnnffhikjia by W. D. Henderson, pp. xriii, 3t!t, I tab. : a pit. (eol.), text Uiutl. 1900. Calcutta. Indian Museum. Aids tn Ilif identification of Bats connected with Plague in India, with suggestions as to the collection of spcci- mcns. By W. C. Hossack, 7 : text Mutt. 8°. Calcutta, 1908. Calcutta. -Indian Museum. Craniological data from the. . .Museum [prepared by B. A. Gupte], 8". Calcutta, [1909-»] r Pt. I. Family Carabidtc, subfamily Cirindolinic. By N. Annan- dale and W. Horn. pp. (t,) SI : 1 pi. [1909.] Calcutta. — Indian Museum. Indian Fish of proved utility as Mosquito-Destroyers. By B. B. S. Sewell . . . and B. L. Chaudhuri. pp. [i,] 24 : 1 text illust. 8°. Calcutta, 1912. Calcutta. — Indian Museum. Biological Collections of the ..." Investigator." List of Stations. 1884-1913. pp. [ii,] 35. 8". Calcutta, 1914. TRle from wrapper. Calderon y Arana (SALVADOR) Enumeracion de Ins Vertebrados f6silcs de Espana. pp. S5. 8". Madrid, 1877. (f Extracted, with additions, from the " An. 8oc. Espan. Hist. Nat.," Tom. v, 1876. Calderon y Arana (SALVADOR) La region epigenica de Andalucia y el origen de sus Ofitas. pp. 28 : text illust. See SPAIN. — Institute Geologico de Espafia. Boletin, illust. See GHONINGEN. — RIJKS-UNIVERSITEIT. 8°. 1905-12. CALKINS (FRANK CATHCART) [1878-] Geology and Water resources of a portion of east-central Washington. pp. .96' : 2 pis., 2 maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Water-supply. . .Paper No. 118. 8°. 1905. Calkins (FRANK C.) A Geological Beconuaissance in northern Idaho and northern Montana, Ac. pp. 112 : 1 pi., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. —Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 384. 8°. 1909. Calkins (FRANK C.) Molybdenite and Nickel Ore in r San Diego county, California. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 640-D. 8U. 1916. Calkins (FRANK C.) & Emmons (W. H.) Geology and Ore deposits of the Philipsburg quadrangle, Montana. IT. pp. 271 : IS pis., 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 78. 4°. 1913. Calkins (FRANK C.) & Ransome (F. L.) The Geology j-_ and Ore deposits of the Coeur d'Alene district, Idaho. pp. 203: 23 pis., (J maps (3 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 62. 4°. 1908. Calkins (FRANK C.) & Smith (G. O.) A Geological Beconnaissance across the Cascade Bange, near the •Jf forty-ninth parallel, pp. 103 : 3 pis., 1 map geol. col. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 235. 8°. 1904. CALKINS (GARY NATHAN) The Protozoa, pp. xvi, -? 347 : text illust. 8°. New York A London, 1901. Columbia University Biological Series, vi. Calkins (GARY N.) col., text illust. Protozoology, pp. ix, 349 : 4 pis. ne_. , 8". London, 1910. L'f-UT. - i^i^j CALKIN'S (WILLIAM WlRT)/£ The Lichen-Flora of Chicago and vicinity, pp. 50m. See CHICAGO ACADEMY OF SCIENCES.-— Natural History Survey. Bulletin No. 1. 8". 1896. Calkins (WILLIAM W.) Lichens collected on St. Paul Island in 1891, Ac. See UNITED STATES. — Fishery Reports. [Fur Seal Fishery.] The Seals and Fur-Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean, Ac. Pt. Ill, no. 23. 8°. 1899. CALLAY (EUGKNE ALBERT ATHANASE) [1822-1896] Catalogue raisonne & descriptif des Plantes Vasculaires du departement des Ardennes . . . Preface de E. Bour- quelot. . .Precede d'une description orographique & geo- logique . . . et d'une etude de Geographic Botanique ([with a] Notice Biographique sur M. Callay). Par F. Bestel. pp. xxii, 454 [1] •' 1 port., 1 map geol. col. 8°. Charleville, 1900. CALLCOTT (MARIA) Lady. See GRAHAM (MARIA) Mrs. afterwards CALLCOTT (M.) Lady. t-. ft --Q . CALMAN (WILLIAM THOMAS) [1871-] [For Descrip- tions of Crustacea from Lake Tanganyika] See MOORE (J. E. S.) The Tanganyika Problem, Ac. 8". 1903. Caiman (WILLIAM T.) Beport on the Cumacea col- lected by Prof. Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. See BOYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Beport... on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, Ac. Pt. II. Supple- mentary Beports. No. 12. 4°. 1904. Caiman (WILLIAM T.) The Cumacea of the Siboga Expedition [to the Dutch East Indies], pp. 23 : 2 pis., text illust. See WEBER (M. C. W.) Siboga-Expeditie . . .1899-1900, Ac. Monog. xxxvi. 4°. 1905. Caiman (WILLIAM T.) The Marine Fauna of the west coast of Ireland. Pt. IV. Cumacea. pp. 52 : 5 pis. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Fishery Reports. [Ireland.] Beport on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland, dc. 1904, pt. n, append. 1. 8°. 1905 (1906). — [Preprint.] See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Fishery Reports. [Ireland.} Scientific Investigations. 1904, no. 1. 8°. 1905. Caiman (WILLIAM T.) [Decapoda and Cumacea of the Antarctic Begious.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). National Antarctic Expedition, '1901-1904. Natural History. Vol. II, Crustacea, no. 1 & 2. 4°. 1907. Caiman (WILLIAM T.) Crustacea. See LANKESTER (Sir E. B.) K.C.B. A Treatise on Zoology, Ac. Pt. vil, fasc. 3. 8°. 1909. Caiman (WILLIAM T.) [Guide to the Crustacea exhi- bited in the Department of Zoology of the Natural History Museum.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Zoology. [Guides, Ac.] Guide to the Crustacea, Arachnida, Onychophora and Myriopoda, Ac. 8°. 1910. Caiman (WILLIAM T.) The Life of Crustacea, pp. xvi, 289 : 32 ph., text illust. 8U. London (1911). Caiman (WILLIAM T.) Patrick Matthew of Gourdiehill, Naturalist. By W. T. Caiman. See PATON (A. W.) British Association, Dundee 1912. Handbook and Guide, Ac. 8°. [1912.J z. L. 74. L. L. :B.M. A*. -Z. . Caiman (WILLIAM T.) [For the introduction to the Euorustaoea, and for the revision of the groups Cirripedia and Malacostraca by W. T. Caiman] See ZlTTEL (K. A. VON) Text-Book of Paleontology . . . Second edition, ttc. Vol. I. 8°. 1913. Caiman (WILLIAM T.) Report on the River-Crabs (Potamonide) collected ... in Dutch New Guinea. . See GRANT (W. R. OOILVIE-) Reports on the collections made by the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition, de. Vol. I, no. 6. 4°. 1914. Caiman (WILLIAM T.) [Pycnogonida of the "Terra Nova" Expedition, 1910.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). British Antarctic (" Terra Nova ") Expedition, 1910. Natural History Report. Zoology. Vol. Ill, no. 1. 4°. 1915. Caiman (WILLIAM T.) [Stomatopoda, Cumacea, Phyllo- carida, and Cladocera of the " Terra Nova " Expedition, 1910.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). British Antarctic ("Terra Nova") Expedition, 1910. Natural History Report. Zoology. Vol. Ill, no. 5. Crustacea. Pt. 4. 4°. 1917. CALMETTE (LEON CHARLES ALBERT)/& Breton (M.) L'Ankylostomiase : maladie sociale/! (Anemie des mineurs), biologie, clinique, traitement, prophylaxie. . . Avec un Appendice par E. Fuster. pp. viii, 246 : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1905. CALVERT (JOHN) [1811-1897] Particulars of the Calvert Museum . . . considered by good judges to con- stitute the finest private collection of Shells and I. Minerals in the world. [Collected by J. Calvert.] pp. 46 [1] : 16 pis. 8°. [Taunton, 1905 ?] The plates are included in the pagination. _ Calvert (PHILIP P.) [Odonata of Central America.] ^'_ See GODMAN (F. D.) & SALVIN (O.) Biologia Centrali- Americana, dc. . Zoology. Neuroptera. 4". 1901-1908. CALVERT (W^R.) Geology of the Lewistown Coal field, Montana, pp. 83: S pis., X maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 390.^, 8°. 1909. Calvert (W. R.) & others. Geology of the Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Indian reservations North f,. and South Dakota, pp. 49: 5 pis., ~J maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 575. 8". 1914. CALVERT MUSEUM. Particulars of the Calvert Museum. . .considered by good judges to constitute the Al . finest private collection of Shells and Minerals in the world. See CALVERT (J.) 8°. [1905 ?] Calvet (Louis) These ... Contributions a 1'histoire naturelle des Bryozoaires Ectoproctes marins. pp. 4&8'- 8°. Montpellier, 1900. UUVUICUG UCO M^MWVWkVI IS pit. (col.), text Must. Calvet (Louis) Materiaux pour servir il 1'histoire de la Fauue des Bryozoaires des cotes Francaises. 2 No. illust. See MONTPELLIER.— UNIVERSITY.- 7n*WM« de Zoologie. Travaux, dc. Ser. II, no. 11 & 12. 8". 1902. I. Bryozoairet marina de la region de Cette. MI. lia : .: pit. 1902. II. Bryozuairei marins des coin de Cone. (RecolU-s par M. Caziot.) ff.'&:lfll. 1902. Calvet (Louis) La Station Zoologique de Cette (son origine, son evolution, son organisation actuelle), avec une esquisse de la Faune et de la Flore marines de la region et un compte rendu des fetes jubilaires de la Station, pp. «/[/]: Id ph. See MoNTPELLlEK.— UNI- VKBSITE. -Institut de Zoologie. Travaux, . II, iu. in. 15. 8". 1905. Calvet (Louis) Bryozoaires. See FRANCE. [Voyaget, de. — Travailleur ,t Talisman.] Expeditions seimti fiqvies du Travailleur et du Talisman, pendant. . .1880- 1883, rfc. 4". 1900. Calvet (Louis) [Bryozoa from the Antarctic regions.] L See FRANCE. [Voyaget, HONORE CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. Resultats des j Campagnes scientifiques, tic. Fasc. xxin. 4°. 1903. ^ Calvi (GlROLAMo) II Codice di L. da Vinci. .. pubbli- cato...da G. Calvi. See VINCI (L. DA) fol. 1909. CALVO (LEANDHO) Geologfa de los alrededores de Albarracin. pp. 80 : 1 imip ytol. col., text illust. See SPAIN. — Instituto Geolfyyico de Espana. Boletiu Tom. XX. 8°. 1895. CAMACHO (HEKIBERTO) & Urbina (F.) La zona mogaseismica Acambay-Tixuiadeje, estado de Mexico, conmovida el 19 de Noviembre de 1912. pp. Hi, 125 [1\, 3 tabs. : 75 pis. See MEXICO. — Instituto Geologico. Boletin No. 32. 4°. 1918. CAMARA MELLO CABRAL (I'IIILUMKNO DA) Rapports des observations faites sur les eaux Minerales de la vallee de Furnas (memo lie de San-Miguel)... durant... 1870, 1871, 1872. See FOUQUE (F. A.) Les Eaux thermales de 1'lle de San-Miguel, rfc. 8°. 1873. CAMBAOE (RICHARD HIND) & Maiden (J.) Table- land and sub-alpine areas [of New South Wales]. — The T Western plains [of New South Wales]. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, Ac. Handbook for New South Wales (1914). Sect. II. Natural Science. 8°. 1914. Cambessedes (JACQUES) Plantes usuelles des Bra- siliens. . .par M. A. de Saint- Hilaire [and Fasc. 9-14 J Cambessedes]. See SAlNT-HlLAlRE (A. F. C. P. DK). 4°. [1827-28.] CAMBIER (RENE) Documents pour 1'etude de la 1'aUoutologie du Terrain Houiller. Publics par A. Kenier . . Collaborators : R. Cambier, 4°. [Cambridge,] 1913-> The above reports are issued at intervals in numbers of the " Cam- bridge University Reporter." Cambridge.— UNIVERSITY. Centenary of the Birth of Charles Darwin and the Fiftieth Anniversary of the publication of the " Origin of Species." To be celebrated at Cambridge, June 22, 23, 24, 1909. List of Delegates and other guests invited by the University, tic. pp. 35. 4°. Cambridge, 1909. Cambridge. — u NI VERS IT Y. Order of the Proceedings at the Darwin Celebration held at Cambridge, June 22-24, 1909. With a sketch of Darwin's Life. pp. S3 : 5 pis., 6' ports., 1 map. 4". Cambridge, 1909. Cambridge. — UNIVERSITY. Darwin Centenary. The Portraits, Prints and Writings of Charles Robert Darwin. Exhibited at Christ's Col- lege, Cambridge. (Catalogue.) pp. [iv,] 47. 8°. Cambridge, 1909. Cambridge. — UNIVERSITY. Charles Robert Darwin [Centenary]. 8°. Cambridge, 1909. Christ's College Magazine, Easter Term, 1909. Darwin Centenary number. Vol. xxm, pp. ISS-SSi,: 1 pi. Cambridge.— UNIVERSITY. Catalogue of the Library W. H. Rutherford pp. xiv, .Compiled by Auction by F. Darwin. 8?. Cambridge, 1908. Cambridge. -- UNIVERSITY. --Sedgzvick Museum (formerly Woodwardian Museum). Catalogue of the Rock-Slices in the Students' Petro- graphical Series, pp. (JS. 8°. Cambridge, 1904. Interleaved. Cambridge. — UNIVERSITY.— Sedgwick Museum. Catalogue of the Minerals in the Students' Petro- graphical Series. Second edition, pp. 37. 8g. Cambridge, 1910. Interleaved. Cambridge. — UNIVERSITY. — Sedgwick Museum. Catalogue of the Fossils in the Students' Strati- graphical Series. By H. Woods . . . Fourth edition. PP- 2V. 8". Cambridge, 1911. Interleaved. Cambridge.— UNIVERSITY.— Seagiaick Museum. British and Foreign Building Stones : a descriptive Catalogue of the specimens in, the Sedgwick Museum. Cambridge. See WATSON (J^A^ ) 4°. Cambridge [Mass.], 1911— > Arnold Arboretum Publication No. 3. Cambridge, Mass.— HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Arnold Arboretum. Plantce Wilsonianoe : an enumeration of the Woody Plants collected in western China for the Arnold Arboretum. . .during. . .1907, 1908, and 1910, by E. H. Wilson, edited by C. S. Sargent. Vol. !->• 8°. Cambridge [Mass.], (1911-)1913-> Arnold Arboretum Publication No. 4. Vol. I was published in 3 parts. The following authors have contributed to the work :— Craib (W. G.) Hehder ( A. ) Dunn (S. T.) Rendle (A. B.) Focke (W. 0.) Sargent (C. S.) Gagnepain (P.) Schiudler (A. K.) Gamble (J. S.) Schneider (C.) Janczewski (E.) Shaw (G. R.) Koehne (E.) Swingle (W. T.) Lingelsheim (A.) Takeda (H.) H. H.) Loesener (T.) Wilson (E. H.) Cambridge, Mass.— HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Gray Her- barium. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium, 8U. [Boston, Mass.,] 1891-> A series of reprints from American serials. Cambridge, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY.— Gray Her- barium. Memoirs, Ac. No. 1— > 4°. Cambridge, Mass., 1917— > Cambridge, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY.— Museum of Comparative Zoology. Annual Report of the Trustees. . .for 1875. 8°. Boston [Mats.], 1876. [Continued as :] Annual Report of the Curator, Ac. 1877-8 ; 1879-80 ; 1882-3 ; & 1884-5. 8°. Boston [Mass.], 1878-85. Cambridge, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Museum of Comparative Zoology. An Address at the opening of the Geological section of the Harvard University Museum . . . June 12, 1902. See AGASSIZ (A.) 8°. 1902. Cambridge (FREDERICK OCTAVIUS PICKARD) Arach- nida Araneidea and Opiliones [from Central America]. Vol. II. See GODMAN (F. D.) & SALVIN (O.) Biologia Centrali -Americana, Ac. Zoology. 4°. 1897-1905. Vol. I is by O. P. Cambridge [{.«.]. Cambridge (OCTAVIUS PICKARD) [Arachnida from Kergueleu Island.] See ROYAL SOCIETY OP LONDON. Philosophical Transactions, Ac. Vol. CLXVIII. 4°. 1879. Cambridge (OCTAVIUS PICKARD) List of British & Irish Spiders, pp. 86. 8°. Dorchester, 1900. CAMDEN PRATT (A. T.) See PRATT (A. T. CAMDEN) CAMERANA (E.) & Galdi (B.) I Giacimenti Petroleiferi dell' Emilia, pp. xiii, 335 : text illust. Atlas, [pp. ii,] 1 tab. : 7 pit., 8 maps. See ITALY. — Reale Comitato Qeologico. Memorie descrittive della Carta Geologica d' Italia. Vol. xiv. 8°. 1911. 3. -B. IB. 3. L. ts- o, /* L. S.3.C. (r. 174 L. S.'/ L. 7/- r L. Camerano (LORENZO) Ricerche intorno al Colobus M-ciilentuli*, Rochbr., e ad altre specie atnni. — Osserva- ,'Umi intorno al Cercopithccus ascaniat, Aud., subsp. I Schmidti, Matsuh. — Osservazioni intorno al Felis pardtis, snbsp. Ruwcnxorii, Camer. — Osservazioni in- 74 .-*^ • torno al Buffelus coffer, sub. spec. Radcliffei, Oldf . 0 . Thomas. — Osservazioni intorno all' Equus quagga, sub. spec. Granti, Winton. — Di alcuui Coleotteri dell' Uganda e del Ruwenzori. See Luioi AMEDEO GIUSEPPE MARIA FKKDINANDO FRANCESCO, Duke of Abruzzi. II Ruwen- zori. . .Risultati. . .dalla Spedizione. Vol. I. Zoologia. 8°. 1909. Camerano (LORENZO) [Gordiidie from the Kilimand- jaro-Meru district.] See SJOSTEDT (B. Y.) Wissen- schaftliuhe Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition nach deni Kilimandjaro . . . 1905-1906, dc. Bd. in, Vermes, no. 4. 4°. 1910. Camerano (LORENZO) [Gordiidse from Dutch New Guinea, 1908.] See WICHMANN (C. E. A.) Nova *• . Guinea, dc. Vol. v, lief. 5. 4". 1914. Camerano (LORENZO) Ricerche iutorno ai Camosci. Camoscio delle Alpi. 8 Pt. illust. See TURIN. — REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE sciENZE. Memorie, dc. Ser. II, vol. LXIV, no. 4 & 14 ; LXV, no. 12. 4°. 1914-16. Camerano (LORENZO) Di alcuni resti di Renna trovati nell' Isola del Principe Rodolfo. — Di alcuni resti di Pusa faetida, Fabr., trovati a Capo Fligely. — Osservazioni in- torno ad alcuui crani di Odobcenus rosmarus, Malmg., e di Odobcenus obesus (Illig), Allen. — Osservazioni intorno ad alcuni crani di Thalassarctos maritimua (Linn.). — Osservazioni intorno ad una femmina di Delphinapterus leucas, Pall., e ad suo feto. — Osserva- zioni intorno al Gadus saida, Lepechin, della Baia di Teplitz. See LUIGI AMEDEO GIUSEPPE MARIA FERDI- NANDO FRANCESCO, Duke of Abruzzi. Osservazioui Scientifiche eseguite durante la Spedizioni Polare . . . 1899-1900. 8". 1903. CAMERON (ALFRED ERNEST) General Survey of the Insect Fauna of the soil within a limited area near ~2_ . Manchester; a consideration of the relationships between soil Insects and the physical conditions of their habitat. 8°. [London, 1913.] Reprinted from " The Journal of Economic Biology," Vol. VHI, 1913, pp. 159-SOI,: I pit., text ilhust. CAMERON (ALLEN CHARLES GRANT) [1844-] The (y- Seaport town of Lyme Regis in Dorset. . .An account of its Geology, dc. pp. 35 : (J pis., J map. 8". Lyme Regis, [1913.] CAMERON (JOHN) Professor of Anatomy [1873-J The Tomb of two Brothers. . .Report on the anatomy of the Mummies, by. . . J. Cameron, dc. See MANCHESTER. — OWENS COLLEGE. — MANCHESTER MUSEUM. Milxi'init Handbooks. &. 1910. CAMERON (LuoovicK CHARLES RICHARD) [1866-] The Wild Foods of Great Britain : where to find them and how to cook them. pp. xv, 128 : S pis. col., text illtist. 12°. London, 1917. Cameron (PETER) [Tenthredinids — Chrysididte and Fossores of Central America.] See GODMAN (F. D.) & "Z_. SALVIN (O.) Biologia Centrali-Americana, dc. Zoology. Hymenoptera. Vol. I & II. 4°. 1888-1900. Cameron (PETER) Description of a genus and species [Liaba balteata], probably representing a new tribe of S.{t../,Hymenoptera from Chili, pp. 5. See MANCHESTER LlTEKAKY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, rfc. Vol. XLIII, no. 9. 8°. 1899. Cameron (PETER) Hymenoptera Orion talia, or con- tributions to the knowledge of the Hymenoptera of the Oriental Zoological Region. Pt. IX, The Hymonoptera of the Khasia Hills. Pt. II, sect. 1 & 2. ' See MAN- CHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, dc. Vol. XLIV, no. 15 ; XLVII, no. 14. 8". 1900-03. Cameron (PETKR) [Hymenoptera of the Maldives and Laccadives.] See GARDINER (J. S.) The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, . See VosMAER (A.) Description d'un 1. , recueil . . . d'Animaux rarcs, tfc. Quadruples, 21 b. 4°. 1787 (1804). CAMPION (HERBERT) [1869-] Report on the Odonata collected ... in Dutch New Guinea. See GRANT »*" (W. R. OGILVIE-) Reports on the collections made by the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition, itc. (r. Vol. II, no. 14. 4°. 1915. Camps y de Olzinellas (CARLOS DE) Marquess. Un caso de fasciacion. pp. : 4 pi*- back to back. Atlas, 101 pit. 4°. & fol., Paris, 1913. Styled al»o " Encyclopedic eeonomique de Sylviculture. I." •»j •*• Camns (EDMOND G.) & (A.) Mademoiselle. Classiiica- tion (et Monographic) des Saules d'Europe et Mono- graphic des Saules de France. 2 Vol. & Atlas. See CAMUS (A.) & (E. G.) 8". & fol. 1904-05. Camus (EDMOND G.) & Bony (G. C. C.) Flore de France, : 52 pit., 1 inap gcol. col , text Must. 8°. Ottawa, 1906. Contains, intfr alia : — Append. II. (List of Birds & tigs', by A. Tlalkett, assisted by Prof. Macoun and tho Kcv. Mr Kifrig.) ,, III. List of Plants collected by L. E. Horden and named by J. M. Maooun. ,, IV. Notes on the Fossil Corals collected by A. P. Low at Beechey Island, Southampton Island, and Cape Chidley, by L. M. Lambe. .. ,. Preliminary List of Organic Remains from Beechey Island, Lancaster .Sound, in the district of Franklin. Determined by II. M. Ami. ,. ,, Preliminary Lists of the Species of Organic Remains from blocks of Limestone from Southampton Island. ,, ,, Preliminary List of Organic Remains from loose blocks . at Limestone, Cape Chjdley, ^f / Canada. Contributions !» Canadian "Biology : being studies from the Marine Biological Stations of Canada. tpo eok 8". Ottawa, 1912^ CANADA. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The Agricultural Gazette of Canada. Vol. I— > 8°. Ottawa, 1914-> Canada. — DEPARTMKNT OP AGRICULTURE. — Central Ex- periment Farm. Bulletin No. 11 & 28. 8". [Ottawa,] 1891 [, 97]. W Canada.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. — Entomo- logical Branch. Contributions from the Division of Entomology, /{•<•. -y [1910-] 1911-> 8". [Ottawa, 1911-> Title from wrapper. Consists mostly of separately paged reprints from the Annual Reports of the Entomological Society of Ontario [fl.w.J. Canada. -DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.— Entomo- logical Branch. Circular No. 4-> 8°. Ottawa, 1914-> For No. 1-3 See infra, Eijifrimental Farms.— Division of Entomology. Canada. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.— Entomo- logical Branch. Bulletin No. 9-> 8°. Ottawa, 1915-> For No. 1-8 Sec infra, Efi>frinisntal Farms. — Divixitni "/ K>itm>\nl"j>i. Canada. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. — Exhibit inn. Branch. Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of the Economic ft Mini nils of Canada. ( — Supplement No. 1, 8°. Ottawa, 1917-> Publication No. 430, 432, illust. 8". Ottawa, 1912-» Publication No. 100. Canada. — DEPARTMENT OF MINES. The Magnetic Iron Sands of Natashkwan, county of Saguenay, province of Quebec. By G. C. Mackenzie.,49: 24 pis. ,3 maps, text illust. 8°. Ottawa, 1912. Publication No. 146. Canada.—DEPARTMENT OF MINES. Pyrites in Canada : its occurrence, exploitation, dress- ing, and uses. By A. W. G. Wilson, pp. xi, 202 : 27 pis. (col.), 1 map, text illust. 8°. Ottawa, 1912. Publication No. 167. Canada. — DEPARTMENT OF MINES. Moose Mountain Iron-bearing district, Ont. By E. Lindeman. pp. 14 : S maps (2 geol. col.), text illust. 8°. Ottawa, (1912-) 1914. Publication No. 206, 205a, 206-208, 208a, 208b, 208c, 3,03. Canada. — DEPARTMENT OF MINES. The Nickel Industry : with special reference to the Sudbury region, Ontario. By A. P. Coleman. pp. viii, 206 : 63 pis. (on 53 leaves), 9 maps geol. col., text illust. 8°. Ottawa, 1913. Publication No. 170. Canada.— DEPARTMENT OF MINES. Tourbe et Lignite : leur fabrication et leurs emplois en Europe. Par E. Nystrom. pp. 265 : 34 pis. (on 23 leaves), text illust. 8°. Ottawa, 1913. Publication No. 198. 23 M, 178 M. Canada.— DEPARTMENT OP MINKS. Lode mining in Yukon : an investigation of Quartz deposits in the Klondike division. By T. A. MacLeau. pp. ix [i], SOS, ix : 29 pis., 6 maps (col.), text illust. 8°. Ottawa, (1918) 1914. Publication No. K2. Canada.— DEPARTMENT OF MINES. Petroleum and Natural Gas resources of Canada. Vol. II... By F. G. Clapp and others, pp. mil, 404 • 35 pit., 3 mapt col. 8°. Ottawa, 1915. Publication No. 291. Canada.— DEPARTMENT OF MINES. Researches on Cobalt and Cobalt Alloys. . .Pt. V. Mag- netic properties of Cobalt and of FeXo. By H. T. Kalnius . . . and K. B. Blake, pp. [iv,] IS : 7 ph., text Must. 8°. Ottawa, 1916. Publication No. 413. Canada. — DEPARTMENT OF MINES. Iron Ore occurrences in Canada . . . compiled by E. Liude- man. . .and L. L. Bolton. . .Introductory by A. H. A. Robinson. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. Ottawa, 1917. Publication No. 217. CANADA. — DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Canada's Fertile Northland. A glimpse of the . . . resources of part of the unexplored regions of the Dominion. Evidence heard before a Select Committee of the Senate of Canada during the Parliamentary Session of 1906-7, and the Report based thereon. Edited by. . .E. J. Chambers, 8°. & 4°. Ottawa, 1910-> Most of the numbers contain a separately paged memoir ; and are secondarily divided into " Anthropological Series," " Biological Series," and * ' Geological Series," each with a numeration of its own. No. 3 (4") also forms Vol. HI, part V, of "Contributions to Canadian Paleontology," and No. 12 (S») forms Vol. II, pt. Ill, no. 6 of the same work (q. r.). Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Victoria Memorial Museum Bulletin. No. 1. 8°. Ottawa, 1913. [Continued as :] Museum Bulletin No. 2— > 8". Ottawa, 1914-> The papers composing No. 2 were afterwards issued each separately No. S-» eaeh contain a separately paged paper, and are secondarily divided Into ••Anthropological Series," "Biological Series" and " Geological Series," each with Its own numeration. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Summary Report of the . . . Survey ... for ... 1912 (1913— >). pp. viii, SOI : 1 pi., 2 maps (col.), 1 text illust. 8". Ottawa, 1914 (1914-»). Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. List of Publications, . 8". Ottawa, 1906. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The Geological Survey of Canada, pp. 34. 12°. Toronto, 1864. From the Toronto " Leader," 1884 : a review of the " Report of progress from Its commencement to 1803." Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Catalogue of Canadian Plants, ttc. [Contd.] By J. Macouu. /•/•. », Vol. IV, Pt. VII. I.lchenes & Hepaticu S1H, xix. 1902. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Catalogue descriptif de la Collection des Mineraux du Canada a 1'Exposition Universelle . . . Traduit de 1'Anglais par T. Denis, etc. See PARIS. — Exposition Universelle, 1900. 8°. 1900. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Altitudes in the Dominion of Canada, with a Relief Map of Canada. By J. White, pp. x [i], MtJ : 1 map col. 8°. Ottawa, 1901. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Catalogue of the Marine Invertebrata of eastern Canada. By J. F. Whiteaves. pp. [iv,] i>71 : text illust. 8". Ottawa, 1901. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Notes on the Fossil Coral* collected by. . .A. P. Low at Beechey Island, Southampton Island and Cape Chidley in 1904. By L. M. Lambe. pp. 9 : text illust. 8°. Ottawa, 1907. Reprinted from Appendix to Mr. Low's Report on "The Cruise of the Neptune." Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report on the Cascade Coal basin, Alberta. By D. B. Dowling. pp. 37 : 5 ph., text illust. 8°. Ottawa, 1907. Sessional Paper No. 26b. Canada. -GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Preliminary Report on a portion of the main coast of British Columbia and adjacent islands included in New Westminster and Nanaimo districts, by O. E. Leroy. pp. 56' ; 4 ph., i! maps (1 col.), text illust. 8°. Ottawa, 1908. This copy is of the first issue, and wants the first lifteen pages, the place of which h taken by duplicates of others. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report on Tertiary Plants of British Columbia, collected by L. M. Lambe in 1906, together with a discussion of previously recorded Tertiary Floras by D. P. Penhallow. pp. 167 : text Must. 4". Ottawa, 1908. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. A descriptiveSJsetch of the Geology, and MineralsoL^Snada. By G. A. Young-^-Jfltroduction by R^-WTBrock. pp. IC>1 : 71! ph^g^maps (col.), text illttst. 8U. Ottawa, 1909. Canada. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. A Geological Reconnaissance of the region traversed by the National Transcontinental Railway bet« 8". Ottawa, 1914-> Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Maps.] Relief Map of Canada and the United States. [Scale, 1 in. = 240 m.j col. Toronto, 1900. Canada.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Maps.] Map 57A . . . Frank, Alberta (showing the Landslide of 1903). Scale, 1 : 9,600. . .800 feet to 1 inch. col. [Ottawa,] 1917. Canada. [Maps.] Manitoba. Scale, 1 : 792,000 or 12J miles to 1 inch. See MANITOBA. [Maps.] col. 1902. Canada. [Maps.] Map of the Dominion of Canada . . . Scale. . .58 miles = 1 inch. col. Ottawa, 1903. Canada. [Maps.] Explorations in northern Canada and adjacent portions of Greenland and Alaska. [Scale, 1 in. = 75 m. about.] 1 sh. col. [Montreal,] 1904. Canada. [Maps.] Atlas of Canada, Ac. See supra, Department of the Interior. [Maps.] fol. 1906. Canada. [Maps.] Map ( — Geological Map) of the Dominion of Canada. Natural scale, 1 : 6,336,000. Scale, 100 miles to one inch. [By] J. White. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, & c. A Handbook to Winni- peg, Ac. 2 sh. col. 1909. Canada. [Maps.] Map of the Province of Ontario... Scale, 1 : 2,217,600 or 35 miles = 1 inch . . . Second edition, Ac. See ONTARIO, Province of. — Department of Agriculture. — Bureau of Colonisation. [Maps.] col. 1912. CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST, The, Ac. (Published by the " EntgHKJfogietfl Society of Canada," afterwards the "^atomolpgtcal Society of Ontario.") Vol. I— > Se Canadian Institute. Year Book and Annual Report, Ac. 1912-3-> 8°. Toronto, 1913-S- Canadian Institute. 1852-1912. General Index to Publications, 8°. Toronto, 1914. CANADIAN MINING INSTITUTE. Mineral Resources of Canada, Ac. pp. 136 (including %% pis. col. A 1 map) : 1 map col., text illust. 4°. Toronto, [1908.] CANAL T MIGOLLA (CARLOS) Nuevas explora- ciones de yacimientos prehistoricos en la provincia de Sevilla. pp. 25: text illust. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, Ac. Tom. xxv. 8°. 1897. CANAVARI (MARIO) [1855-] I Brachiopodi degli strati a Terebratula aspasia, Mgh. nell' Appennino centrale. pp. 34: 4 pis. 4°. Roma, 1880. Mem. X. Accad. Lincei. Vol. vni. CANAVERI (G. A.) Spicole di Spongiari fossili di Capo San Marco (Sardegna). pp. 37 : l^pls. See VENICE. — REALE ISTITUTO VENETO DE SCIENZE, Ac. Vol. XXVIII, no. 5. 4°. 1910. Candeze (ERNEST CHARLES AUGUSTE) Elaterides nouveaux, Ac. pp. 63. See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROYALE DBS SCIENCES, Ac. Memoires couronnes... Collection in 8°. Tom. xvn. 8°. 1865. [Reprint.] pp. 63. 8°. Bruxelles, 1864. A second paper appeared in the " Ann. Soc. Ent. Belgique." Tom. XXI (1878) Comptes Rendus. - Fasc. 3. pp. ii, 117. See LIEGE. — SOCIETE ROYALE DBS SCIENCES. Memoires, Ac. Ser. II, torn. IX, no. 1. 8". 1882. The fourth part appeared in the " Ann. Soc. Ent. Belgique." Tom. xxxm (1889). - Fasc. 5 & 6. See LIEGE. — SOCIETE ROYALE DBS SCIENCES. Memoires, Ac. Ser. II, torn, xvm, no. 4 ; xix, no. 2. 8°. 1895, 97. CANDIOTTI ( ) (Au Matotschin et i la Mer de Kara) Rapport . . . par le Docteur Candiotti, Ac. See BENARD (C.) Dans 1'Ocean Glacial et en Nouvelle- Zemble, Ac. Chap. vi. 8". 1909. Candolle (ALPHONSE L. P. P. DE) Une famille de Botanistes. Les Candolle. See HOCHREUTINER (G.) 8°. 1898. Candolle (ANNE C. P. DE) Piperaceas . . . nach den Bestimmungen von...C. de Candolle. See DEUTSCH- OST-AFRIKA, Ac. Bd. v, thl. C. 8°. 1895. Candolle (ANNE C. P. DE) -[Begoniacese & Piperaceae of Costa Rica.] See DURAND (T.) & PITTIER (H. F.) Primitise Florae Costaricensis. Tom. I, fasc. 8; II, fasc. 3. 8°. 1896, 1899. Candolle (ANNE C. P. DE) Une famille de Botanistes. Les Candolle. See HOCHREUTINER (G.) 8°. 1898. Candolle (ANNE C. P. DE) [Piperaceje of the Philip See PERKINS (J. R.) pine Islands.] Philippines, Ac. Fasc. 3. Fragmenta Florae 8°. 1905. Candolle (ANNE C. P. DE) [Piperaceae i & n, Meliacese I & n, from Dutch New Guinea.] See WICHMANN (C E A.) Nova Guinea, Ac. Vol. vm, livr. 2 & 6. 4°. 1910 & 1914. L.. 11. e>. 3. ID. 3. 1*0 3. Candolle (ANNE C. P. DE) Sudania : Enumeration des Flantes re'colte'es en Afrique tropicale par. . .A. Cheva- 3 Her, de 1898 a 1910 inclus. Liste dressee d'apres les determinations de...C. de Candolle, dc. Tom. I— >• See CHEVALIER (A.) 4°. 1911-> • Candolle (ANNE C. P. DB) [Piperacese from Colombia and the West Indies, determined by C. de Candolle.] Set NEUCHATEL. — SOCIETE DBS SCIENCES NATURELLES. 5,/i!*'. Memoires, dc. Tom. v. Dr. O. Fuhrmann et Dr. E. Mayor. Voyage d'exploration scientifique en Colombie (1910). 6 4M914. CANDOLLE (AUGUSTIN DE) [1868-] Une famille de Botanistes. Les Candolle. See HOCHREUTINER (G.) j^ Candolle (AUGUSTIN P. DE) Une famille de Botanistes. & Les Candolle. Sec HOCHREUTINER (G.) 8°. 1898. .£ Candolle (AUGUSTIN P. DE) L'Herbier de G. Bauhin -B. determine par A. P. de Candolle. pp. 82 : I port. 8°. [Geneva, 1904.] Bull. Herb. BoiMier. Ser. II, torn. iv. Candolle (AUGUSTIN P. DK) & Lamarck (J. B. P. A. DE M. DE) Flore Francaise. . .Troisieme edition, dc. 5 Vol. [in 6.] See LAMARCK (J. B. P. A. DE M. DE) 8°. [1805,] 1815. Vol. V is by De Candclle alone. CANDOLLE (CASIMIR DE) See CANDOLLE (ANNE C. P. DE) Canestrini (GIOVANNI) Chernetides Italici. Fasc. 1-3. See BERLESE (A.) A. Berlesii Acari, Myriopoda et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta. Fasc. vil, x & XIX. 8". 1883-85. CANFIELD (FREDERICK A.) Catalogue of Minerals f~ found in New Jersey. See NEW JERSEY, State of. — Geological Survey. Final Report of the State Geo- logist. Vol. II. 8". 1889. CANIA GOLDFIELD. [Maps.] [For Maps of this Q- Goldfield] See QUEENSLAND. — Geological Survey. [Maps.] CANINO, Prince of. See BONAPARTE (CHARLES LUCIEN JULES LAURENT) Prince of Canino. CANNARELLA (P.) & Baccarini (P.) Primo con- tributo alia struttura ed alia biologia del Cynomorium • ". coccineum. pp.60: Spit. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI 8CIBNZE NATURALI. Atti, dc. Ser. IV, vol. xn, mem. 18. 4°. 1899. ^ CANNON (WILLIAM AUSTIN) Some relations be- tween Salt Plants and Salt-spot*. See STANFORD t'MVERsiTY, California. — LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. Lulaud 0 laii fun) Jiuiiui Uuivofoity Pub- ,/U.M. lications. University Series. \Dudley Memorial Volume, dc. 8°. 1918. [ ^ /f CANNO8A. Cannosa. [By Ludwig Salvator, Arch- duke of Austria.] pp. vi, 36 : 10 pit. 4". Prog, 1897. CANTERBURY PHILOSOPHICAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTION. (Koumied 1824<| Annual Report, dc. 1827-82. 8°. Canterbury [1827-82]. S Canterbury Philosophical and Literary Insti- tution. Synopsis of the Museum of the . . . Institution. e dc. (Rules and Regulations of the . . . Institution.) pp. 107 (16) : 1 pi. 8°. Canterbury, 1826. CANTLIE (Sir JAMES) K.B.E. [1851-] See JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE, THE. Edited by J. Cantlie, dc. ,- Vol. iv-» 8". 1901-> - CANTRAINE (FRANCOIS JOSEPH) [1801-1863] Dia- gnoses, ou descriptions succinctes de quelques especes nouvelles de Mollusques, dc. pp. SI. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1835.] Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Belgique. Tom. II. 1131 CANTRILL (THOMAS CROSBEE) [1867-J [For con- tribution to the Geology of West Gower and the country around Pembrey] See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. —England d Wales. [ Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the South Wales Coal-field. Part IX. 8°. 1907. Cantrill (THOMAS C.) & Strahan (A.) The country around Cardiff, dc. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England d Wales. [ Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the South Wales Coal-field. Pt. III. 8". 1902. Cantrill (THOMAS C.)-& Strahan (A.) The Country around Bridgend, dc. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England d Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the South Wales Coal-field. Pt. VI. 8°. 1904. Cantrill (THOMAS C.) ft others. The country around Merthyr Tydfil, dc. See GREAT BRITAI^ & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England d Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the South Wales Coal-field. Pt. v. 8°. 1904. Cantrill (THOMAS C.) ft others. The country around Ammanford, dc. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— Geological Survey. — England d Wales. [ Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the South Wales Coal-field. Pt. VII. 8°. 1907. Cantrill (THOMAS C.) ft others. The country around Carmarthen, dc. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England d Wales. [ Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the South Wales Coal-field. Pt. X. 8". 1909. Cantrill (THOMAS C.) ft others. The country around Haverfordwest, dc. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England d Wales. [ Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the South Wales Coal-field. Pt. XI. 8°. 1914. Cantrill (THOMAS C.) ft others. The country around Milford, dc. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geo- logical Survey. — England d Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the South Wales Coal-field. Pt. XII. ' 8°. 1916. Canu (EuoENE) Note snr les Copepodes et les Ostra- codes marins des c6tes de Normandie. See GADEAU DE KEHVILLE (H.) Recherches sur les Faunes. . .de la Normandie. 2' voyage . . . 1894, dc. 8°. 1898. Cann (EUGENE) & Cligny (A.) Note sur les Copepodes matins de la region d'Omonville-la-Rogue (Manche) et de la fosse de la Hague. See GADEAU DE KERVILLE (H.) Recherches sur les Faunes ... . de la Normandie 8' voyage. . . 1899, dc. 8°. 1901. 181 Canu (FERDINAND) /,Etude Aes Bryozoaires Tertiaires recueillis en 1885 et 1886 par ... P. Thomas dans la region sud de la Tunisie. See FRANCE, [ Voyages, Ac. — Tunis.] Exploration scientifique de la Tunisie. Pale- ontologie. 8°. & fol. 1904. Canu (FERDINAND) Les Bryozoaires du Patagonien. Echelle des Bryozoaires pour les terrains Tertiaires. pp. 30: 5 pis. See PARIS. — SOCIETK GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires, col. Cape Town, 1906— > CAFE COLONY. — NATIONAL BOTANIC GARDENS. See NEWLANDS, Cape Colony. — NATIONAL BOTANIC GARDENS. CAFE OF GOOD HOPE, Province of. Marine Biological Report, Ac. No. 1— > 1912— > illust. (col.) 8°. Cape Town, 1913— > For earlier reports of the Marine Biologist, See CAPE COLONY.— Department of Agriculture. CAFE OF GOOD HOFE ASSOCIATION FOR EXPLORING CENTRAL AFRICA. A Cata logue of the South African Museum, the property of. . . the . . . Association . . . Sold by Auction ... at the Egyptian Hall... the 6th day of June, 1838, and two following days, Ac. pp. 22 [1]. 8°. [London,] 1838. Manuscript annotations by J. E. Gray. CAFE RIVER GOLDFIELD. [Maps.] [For Maps of this Goldfield] See QUEENSLAND.— Geological Survey. [Maps.] CAFE TOWN.— Cape Chemical Society. The Chemistry of South African Plants and Plant pro- ducts. Presidential Address . . . 30th May, 1913, Ac. See MARLOTH (R.) 8". 1913. CAFE TOWN.— South African College. -Bolus Herbarium. The Annals of the Bolus Herbarium, Ac. Vol. l-^ ' illust. 4°. Cambridge, 1914. - Cape Town.— South African Museum. A Catalogue of the South African Museum : now ex- hibiting in the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, Ac. [By Sir A. Smith.] See CAPE OF GOOD HOPE ASSOCIATION FOR EXPLORING CENTRAL AFRICA. 8°. 1837. Manuscript annotations by J. E. Gray. Cape Town. — South African Museum. A Catalogue of the South African Museum . . . Sold by Auction. . .at the Egyptian Hall. . .the 6th day of June, 1838, and two following days, Ac. See CAPE OF GOOD HOPE ASSOCIATION FOR EXPLORING CENTRAL AFRICA. 8°. 1838. Manuscript annotations by J. E. Gray. Cape Town. — South African Museum. South African Butterflies [principally those preserved in the South African Museum], Ac. 3 Vol. illust. See TRIMEN (R.) & BOWKER (J. H.) 8". 1887-89. CAPEK (WACLAV) A Hamori Puskaporos pleisztocen Madarfaunaja. (W. Capek meghatarozasai nyoman.) pp. 7. — Die pleistozane Vogelfauna der Felsnisehe Puskaporos bei Hamor. (Auf Grund der Bestimmungen von W. Capek.) pp. 7. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTEZET. Evkonyve, Ac. (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche, Ac.'] Kot. xix, fuz. 3. 8°. 1911. Capelle (EDOUARD) Notes sur quelques decouvertes prehistoriques autour de Segobriga dans 1'Espagne cen- tralc. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, Ac. Tom. xxiv. 8°. 1895-96. Capellini (GIOVANNI) Relazione di un Viaggio scien- tiflco fatto nel 1863 nelT America settentrionale. pp. 44 •' 1 map. 8". Bologna, 1864. Capellini (GIOVANNI) Breccia ossifera della Caverna di Santa Teresa nel lato orientale del Golfo di Spezia. pp. 26 : 3 pis. 4°. Bologna, 1879. Mem. Accad. Sci. Bologna. Ser. Ill, Tom. X. Capellini (GIOVANNI) Di N. Stenone e dei suoi studii geologic! in Italia. . .Terza edizione. pp. 16. 8°. Firenze, 1881. CAFITAINE (LOUIS) [1883-] Etude analytique & Ehytographique du groupe des Legumineuses. pp. 49S 2] : ^7 maps. 8°. Paris, 1912. z. •2L. z_. G-. G. G-. 182 Capitaine (Louis) Lee Graines des Logumineuses. Essai sur la Morphologic externe, rfe. pp. xii, 455 [S] : ^ • Spit., 24 maps, text Must. 8°. Paris, 1912. CAPITAN (Louis) [1854-] & Breuil (H.) Les Figures Printes a I'e'poque Pale'olithique sur les parois de la Cr. Grotte de Font-de-Gaume (Dordogne). 8". Paris, 1902. HrTue Ecole Anthropol- Paris. Tom. XII, pp. tSS-139: i pis. Cappelle (H. VAN) Nieuwe waarnemingen op hot Nederlandsche Diluviaalgebied, etc, pp. 26 : 1 map >Ol.C. geol. col., text illust. See AMSTERDAM. — KONINKLI.IKK AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Verhandelingen... Tweede Sectie. Deel vn, no. 3. 8°. 1900. Cappelle (H. VAN) Bijdrage tot de kennis van de Landijs-Vormingen in de provincie Friesland en van . ^ het oudere fluviatiele diluvium in den ondergrond van •*• Noord-Nederland. pp. 55: 1 pi. See AMSTERDAM. — KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Ver- handelingen . . . Tweede Sectie. Deel XVI, no. 5. 8". 1910. CAPPELLER (Moi)iTZ ANTON) [1685-1769] Pro- dromus Crystallographies de Crystallis improprie sic dictis commentarium, rfc. pp. [vi,] 43 : 3 pis. 4°. Lucerncf, 1723. CAFFS (STEPHEN REID ) [1881-] Pleistocene Geology of the Leadville quadrangle, Colorado, pp. !)!) : 7 pis., I map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 386. 8°. 1909. Capps (STEPHEN R.) Mineral Resources of the Nabesna- - White River district, Alaska ... With a section on the (T Quaternary by S. R. Capps. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 417. 8°. 1910. Capps (STEPHEN R.) The Bonnifield region, Alaska. pp. 64: 6 pis., 2 maps (I geol. col.), text illust. (r. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 501. 8°. 1912. Capps (STEPHEN R.) The Yentna district, Alaska. pp. 75: JO pis., 3 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. fa. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin • No. 534. 8°. 1913. Capps (STEPHEN R.) An ancient volcanic eruption in the Upper Yukon Basin. See UNITED STATES.— Geo- **". logical Survey. Professional Paper No. 95-D. 4". 1915. Forms part of the series entitled "Shorter contributions to general Geology, 1915." Capps (STEPHEN R.) The Willow Creek district, Alaska. f\ pp. 86 : 12 pis., some back to back, .9 maps (1 geol. col.), (f text Must. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 607. 8". 1915. Capps (STEPHEN R.) The Chisana-White River district, - Alaska, pp. ISO : 17 pis., some back to back, 2 maps G-. (1 geol. col.), text Must. See UNITED STATES. — Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 630. 8". 1916. Capps (STEPHEN R.) & Johnson (B. L.) The Ellaraar p district, Alaska, pp. 12~> : jt pis., some back to back, w. 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. —Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 605. 8°. 1915. Capps (STEPHEN R.) A Moffit (F. H.) Geology and r Mineral Resources of the Nizina district, Alaska. **• pp. Ill : f) pis., 3 maps (I geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 448. 8°. 1911. CAPRILE (A. I.F.I 1/1 \i Sulla struttura della zona pellucida in Phyllophorus urna (Grube) e sul suo significato fisiologico. pp. 4-' 1 pi- See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA, rfc. Atti, itc. Ser. V, vol. VI, mem. 19. 4". 1913. CARACAS. Museo Boliviano. iKomidcd wn.i [For official reports and history of the Museo Boliviano] See infra, MUSEOS NACIONALES. Gaceta de los Museos, rfc. Tom. l-> 8°. 1912-» Caracas. — Museo Boliviano. Catalogo del Museo Boliviano de Caracas, 8". Caracas, 1913-> Gaceta de los Issued as a separately Museos Nacionales." To paged supplement to the m. I, no. 10-* CARACAS. Museo Nacional. El Museo Nacional. Organo oficial del Instituto del mismo nombre. Tom. I, no. 1. pp. 36. 8". Caracas, 1909. CARACAS. Museos Nacionales. Gaceta de los Museos Nacionales. Tom. I— > illust. 8". Caracas, 1912— > ^ Title from wrapper. A " Catalogo del Museo Boliviano," rfr., is issued, as a separately paged supplement, with Tom. I, no. 10-> 1913-* C ARAFFA (TITO DE) Essai sur les Poissons des cotes de la Corse . . . Pre'cede'e d'une preface de M. L. Roulc, rfc. pp. xv, 224 : 66 pis. Sec BASTIA. — SOCIKTK DES , SCIENCES HISTORIQUES ET NATURELLES DE LA CORSE. • Bulletin, rfc. Fasc. 253-259. 8". 1902. CARANDELL Y PERICAY (.JUAN) & Obermaier (H.) Contribucion al cstudio del Glaciarismo Cuater- nario de la Sierra do Gredos. pp. .14 [I]: 14 pis., 2 maps, text illust. See MADRID. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Trabajos, Ac. Serie Geol6gica, No. 14. 8". 1916. Carandell y Fericay (JUAN) & Obermaier (H.) Los Glaciares Cuaternarios de Sierra Nevada, pp. 86:- 15 pis., 1 map col., text illust. See MADRID. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Trabajos, rfc. Serie Geologica, No. 17. 8". 1916. Carandell y Fericay (.TUAN) & Obermaier (H.) Los Glaciares Cuaternarios de la Sierra de Guadarrama. pp. f>4: 16 pis., J map col., text illust. See MADRID. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Trabajos, rfc. Serie Geologica, No. 19. 8°. 1917. CARAZZI (DAVIDE) Le Prof. D. Carazzi . . . Les Huitres de Marennes et la Diatome'e bleue. See SAU- _ VAGEAU (C.) 8°. 1908. Carazzi (DAVIDE) Parassitologia Animalc. Animali parassiti ed animali trasmettitori di malattie paras- sitarie all' Uomo e agli animali domestici, rfc. pp. viii, 426 [1] : 5 pis. col., text illust. 8°. Milano, 1913. CARBAJAL (LiNO DELVALLE) La Patagonia, rfc. 2 Vol. 8°. S. Benigno Canavese, 1899, 1900. CARD (FRED W/ •>. xii, 537 : text illust. Bush-Fruits: a horticultural mono- j graph, rfc. 8°. New York rf London, 1898. CARD (GEORGE WILLIAM) Oolitic Limestones from Lion Creek, Stanwell, near Rockhampton, rfc. pp. 25-32: pi. Hi. Sec QUEENSLAND. -Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 12. Corals from the Coral Limestone of Lion Creek, rfc. 8°. 1900. 183 Card (GEORGE W.) Handbook to the Mining and Geological Museum, Sydney . . . With special references to the Mineralogical Collections. See NEW SOUTH WALES.— Department of Mines. 8°. 1902. Card (GEORGE W.) The Gem Stones [of New South Wales]. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, dc. Handbook for New South Wales (1914). Sect. II. Natural Science. 8°. 1914. CARDI (C. N. DE) Count. A short description of the Natives of the Niger Coast Protectorate, dc. See KINGS- LEY (M. H.) West African Studies. Appendix I. 8°. 1899. CARDIFF.- Welsh Museum of Natural His- tory, Arts and Antiquities. [1863 Founded. 1911 Incorporated in the National Museum of Wales (q.v.).] The Cardiff Museum and Art Gallery. Annual Report ... for the year ending October 31st, 1895 (-1898). 2 Pt. 8°. Cardiff, 1895 (-98). The Welsh Museum of Natural History, Arts and An- tiquities. Report . . . for the year ending March 31st, 1903 (-04, 05, 09-llf). 6 Pt. 8". Cardiff, 1903 (-11). •nued as :] 8°. Cardiff, 1903- Cardiff Naturalists' Society. The Flora of Glamorgan. Including the Spermaphytes J . and Vascular Cryptogams, dc. See TROW (A. H.) 8°. (1907-)1911. Cardot (JuLES) Recherches anatomiques sur les Leucobryac£es. pp. 84 : ly pis. 8°. Cherbourg, 1900. b ^ Mem. Soc. Scl. nat. Cherbourg. Tom. xxxn. Cardot (JULES) Mousses, et coup d'oeil sur la Flore $0- Bryologique des Terres Magellaniques. pp. 48 : 14 pis. /See BELGIUM. — Commission de la Belgica. Expedition • Antarctique Beige. Resultats du Voyage, dc. Bo- tanique. 4°. 1901. £>• £_ Cardot (JULES) [Musci of the Antarctic Regions.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904. Natural History. 1 Vol. in, Zoology and Botany, dc. 4°. 1907. Cardot (JuLEs) [Musci from the Antarctic regions.] lf See FRANCE. [Voyages, dc. — Antarctic.] Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1903-1905), commandee par . . . J. Charcot. Sciences Naturelles, dc. Botanique. 4°. [1907.] Cardot (JULES) La Flore Bryologique des Terres Magellaniques, de la G^orgie du Sud et de 1'Antarctide. See NORDENSKJOLD (N. O. G.) Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Sudpolar - Expedition 1901-03, dc. Bd. IV, lief. 8. 4°. 1908. Cardot (JULES) Note sur les Mousses rapportees par 1'Expeditiou du " Nimrod." See SHACKLETON (Sir E. H.) British Antarctic Expedition, 1907-9, dc. Vol. I, pt. 4. 4". 1910. Cardot (JULES) Les Mousses de 1'Exp^dition nationale 0 . Antarctique Ecossaise. See SCOTTISH OCEANOGRAPHICAL LABORATORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the voyage of S.Y. ). " Scotia," dc. Vol. Ill, pt. 5. 4". 1912. Cardot (JULES) [Musci from the Antarctic Regions.] See FRANCE. [Voyages, dc. — Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antaretique Fran9aise (1908-1910) com- manded par...J. Charcot [on the " Pourquoi-Pas ? "]. Sciences naturelles, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriri/lhtr,-. Vegetable Physiology and Pathology Division. Bulletin No. 16. 8". 1899. Carleton (MARK A.) Maccaroni Wheats, pp. 62: II pis. (eol.), text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Departnient of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 8. 8°. 1901. Carleton (MARK A.) Investigations of Busts, pp. 83 : S pit. col. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture.— Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 63. 8°. 1904. Carleton (MARK A.) Ten years' experience with the Swedish select Oat. pp. 47 : 4 ph-t text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 182. 8". 1910. Carlgren (OsKAR) [Explanations of Plates of Actini- aria and Zoautharia from the East.] See EHRENBERG (C. G.) Symbolse Physics, seu Icones adhuc inedita>, See BRONN (H. G.) Die Klassen und Orduungen des Thier-Beichs, dfc. Bd. II, abth. 2. . 8". 1903-> Carlgren (OsKAR) Studien tiber Begenerations- und Rfgulationserscheinuugen, illust. 8". Karlsruhe, (1899-) 1900-> C ARM AN (.T. ERNEST) [1882-] The Mississippi Valley between Savanna and Davenport. pp.xi,9ij: .'"///«.. 3 maps (2 geol. col.), text illust. See ILLINOIS, H/utf of.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 13. 8°. 1909. CARMIGNANI (VlNCENZO) Sopra alcuui mano- scritti dei Dott. V. Carmignani. [ByJ G. Arcau; •. li. pp. S. See PlSA.— REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. b Aunali delle Uuiversiti Toscane. Tom. xxiv. 4U. 1904. Carne (.JOHKPH EDMUND) The Copper-mining Industry and the distribution of Copper Ores in New South Wales, pp. 197 : 45 pis., 1 map col. See Ni:u B01 TII WALKS. -Department of Mi in*. Mineral Besources. No. 6. 8". 1899. Second edition. pp.vii,4:'-r>, 1 tab. : (J(J pis., I »m/>. textillust. 8°. 1! ii is. Carne (JOSEPH E.) Mercury, or " Quicksilver," in New South Wales, with notes on its occurrence in other colonies and countries, pp. St! : 1 map, 1 plan. See NEW SOUTH WALES. — Department of Mines. Mineral Besources No. 7. 8°. 1900. Second edition, pp. In,] 53 : 2 maps, .' jilniin. Sf>. 1913. 185 Came (JOSEPH E.) Geology and Mineral Resources of the Western Coalfield, • book for New South Wales (1914). Sect. II. Natural Science. 8". 1914. CARNEGIE INSTITUTE, Pittsburgh. [Founded 1S95.] . Memorial of the Celebration of the Carnegie Institute at - Pittsburgh, Pa., April 11, 12, 13, 1907. Comprising a complete description of the Exercises connected with the Eleventh Celebration of Founder's Day of the Carnegie Institute and opening of the enlarged Carnegie Library Building, containing the Library, Museum... and Art Galleries, 8°. [Lancaster, Pa.,} 1898— > Also styled " Publications of the Carnegie Museum," No. 3-» T. Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. — Miiseum. [*• Annals, Must. 8a. [Lancaster, Pa.,] 1901-> »Also styled "Publications of the Carnegie Museum." Serial No. 8-> Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. — Museum. I £ Memoirs, rfc. illust. 4°. Pittsburgh, 1901— > Also styled " Publications of the Carnegie Museum." Serial No. 11 -» Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. — Museum. Prize Essay Contest. 1896-» 8". [Lancaster, Pa.,] 1896— > Also styled "Publications of the Carnegie Museum" [No. !->]. Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. — Museum. The Carnegie Museum. See HOLLAND (W. J.) 8". 1901. CARNEGIE INSTITUTION, Washington. [founded 1902.] '.Year Book. No. l-> 1902-> 8°. Washington [D.C.], 1903-> Carnegie Institution, Washington. Desert Botanical Laboratory of the . . . Institution. See COVILLE (F. V.) &• MACDOUGAL (D. T.) 8°. 1903. Publication No. 6. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Contributions to the study of the behavior of lower "2L. organisms. See JENNINGS (H. 8.) 8°. 1904. Publication No. 16. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Researches on North American Acridiids. See MORSE (A. P.) 8°. 1904. Publication No. 18. Publication No. 23. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Mutants and Hybrids of the (Enotheras, by D. T. Mac- dougal, assisted by A. M. Vail, G. H. Shull and J. K. Small. See MACDOUGAL (D. T.) 8". 1905. Publication No. 24. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Explorations in Turkestan, with an account of the basin of eastern Persia and Sistan. Expedition of 1903, (to. See PUMPELLY (R.) 4". 1905.' Publication No. 26. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Stages in the development of Sium cicuta? folium. See SHULL (G. H.) 8'J. 1905. Publication No. 30. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Bibliographical Index of North American Fungi. Vol. I, pt. 1. See FARLOW (W. G.) 8". 1905. Publication No. 8. Carnegie Institution, Wushiiti/ton. The Waterlilies. A Monograph of the genus Nijmplio-a. See CONARD (H. S.) 4". 1905. Publication No. 4. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Chimaeroid Fishes and their development. Sec DEAN (B.) 4". 1906. Publication No. 32. Carnegie Institution, Washington. American Fossil Cycads. See WlELAND (G. R.) 4". 1906. Publication No. 34. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Heredity of hair-length in Guinea-Pigs . . . By W. E. Castle and A. Forbes. — The origin of a polydactylous race of Guinea-Pigs. By W. E. Castle. See CASTLE (W. E.) & FORBES (A.) 8°. 1906. Publication No. 49. Carnegie Institution, Washington. An Investigation of Evolution in Chrysomelid Beetles of the Genus Leptinolarsa. See TOWER (W. L.) 8°. 1906. Publication No. 48. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Inheritance in Poultry. Sea DAVENPORT (C. B.) 8°. 1906. Publication No. 52. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Research in China. 3 Vol. & Atlas. See WILLIS (B.) iyt<>ii. Explorations in Turkestan. Expedition of 1904, dc. See PUMPELLY (R.) 4°. 1908. Publication No. 73. Carnegie Institution, Washington, i. Fossil Turtles of North America. See HAY (0. P.) 4°. 1908. Publication No. 76. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Cave Vertebrates of America : a Study in degenerative evolution. See EIGENMANN (C. H.) 4°. 1909. Publication No. 104. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Medusa; of the World. 3 Vol. illust. (col.) See MAYER (A. G.) 4°. 1910. Publication No. 109. .Carnegie Institution, Washington. Revision of the Pelycosauria of North America. See CASE (E. C.) 4°. 1910. Publication No. 66. Carnegie Institution, Washington. A Revision of the Cotylosauria of North America. See CASK (E. C.) 4°. 1911. Publication No. 146. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Revision of the Amphibia and Pisces of the Permian of North America. See CASE (E. C.) 4°. 1911. Publication No. 146. Carnegie Institution, Washington. The methods of Petrographic-Microscopic Research, dc. See WRIGHT (F. E.) 8". 1911. Publication No. 168. Carnegie Institution, Washington. The Mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. 4 Vol. See HOWARD (L. 0.) d others. 8". 1912-17. Publication No. 169. Carnegie Institution, Washington. The Permo-Carboniferous Red Beds of North America and their Vertebrate Fauna. See CASE (E. C.) 4°. 1915. Publication No. 207. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Plant succession : an analysis of the development of Vegetation. See CLEMENTS (F. E.) 8°. 1916. Publication No. 242. Carnegie Institution, Washington. — Department of Marine Biology. Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the . . . Institu- tion, dc. Vol. l-Vl. illust. 8°. Washington, D.C., 1908-14. Publication No. 102, 103, 132, 133, 182 & 183. [Continued as :] Papers from the Department of Marine Biology. Vol. VII-> illust. 8". Washington, D.C., 1915-> Publication No. 211 -» CARNEGIE MUSEUM. See CARNEGIE INSTITUTE, Pittsburgh. CARNEY ALE (P.) Radiolarie e Silicoflagellati di Ber- gonzano (Reggio Emilia), pp.46: 4 pis. See VENICE. — REALE ISTITUTO VENETO DI SCIBNZE, dc. Memorie, de. Vol. xxvm, no. 8. 4". 1908. CARNIER (KARL) Observacoes Geologicas-Geo- graphicas e Ethnographicas sobre a viagem de explo- racao de Cuyabd & Serra do Norte, passando por Sao Luiz de Caceres, dc. See BRAZIL. — Comrmssao de Linhas Telegraphinix Itxtrnlrgicas de Matto Qrosso ao Amazonas. Relatorio, dc. Annexo No. 5. Gcologia. 4". 1909. CARNIOLA. Xcitschriftfiir Hehnatkunde, dc. .Tahrg. < i— > See LAIBACH. — MUSKALVKREIN FUER KRAIN. 8°. 1908-> Carnoy (JEAN BAPTISTE) Eloge Funebre de J. B. Carnoy, dc. See GlLSON (G.) 4°. [1900.] Carpenter (GEORGE HERBERT) Insects : their Struc- ture & Life, dc. pp. xi, 404 '• text illust. 8f. London, 1899. Carpenter (GEORGE H.) [Collembola from the Ant- . arctic Regions.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL *-•] HISTORY). Report on the Collections . . . made . . . JJ./I during the Voyage of the " Southern Cross." 8°. 1902. Carpenter (GEORGE H.) [Zoology of the Belfast _, district.] See BELFAST NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. ' A Guide to Belfast, dc. 8°. 1902. Carpenter (GEORGE H.) [Collembola of the Sandwich Islands.] See SHARP (D.) Fauna Hawaiiensis, dc. Vol. Ill, pt. 4. 4°. 1904. Carpenter (GEORGE H.) Report on the Pantopoda collected by Prof. Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. See ROY.AL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Report ... on the , Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, dc. Pt. II. ' Supplementary Reports. No. 13. 4°. 1904. Carpenter (GEORGE H.) The Marine Fauna of the coast of Ireland. Pt. VI. Pycnogonida. pp. 8 : 3 ph. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Fishery Reports. [Ireland.] Report on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland, dc. 1904, pt. II, append. 4. 8°. 1905 (1906). Carpenter (GEORGE H.) Report on the Marine Hemiptera (Halobates) collected by Prof. Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. ' Report ... on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, dc. Pt. v. Supplementary Reports, No. 32. 4". 1906. Carpenter (GEORGE H.) [Aptera from the Antarctic regions.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). National Antarctic Expedition [of the s.s. " Discovery "] 1901-1904. Natural History. Vol. IV. Insecta. 4". 1908. Carpenter (GEORGE H.) [Diptera, Aptera, Chilopoda, Symphyla, Diplopoda, Pycnogonida, Phalangida, Cherne- tida and Araneida of the Dublin district.] See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, dc. Handbook to the City of Dublin, dc. 8°. 1908. Carpenter (GEORGE H.) Collembola from the South Orkney Islands. See SCOTTISH OCEANOGRAPHICAL LABORATORY. -Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the voyage of S.Y. " Scotia," de. Vol. v, no. 6. 4°. 1909. Proc. Koy. Soc. Edinburgh, Vol. XXTI, 1907. Carpenter (GEORGE H.) On some Subantarctic Collem- bola. See PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE OF CANTERBURY, New Zealand. The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand, dc. Art. 17. 4°. 1909. Carpenter (GEORGE H.) [Orthoptera from Clare Is- land.] pp. 4. See ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Proceed- ings, dc. Vol. xxxi, pt. 81. 8°. 1912. 187 Carpenter (GEORGE H.) [Pycnogonida from Clare Island.] pp. 4. See ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Pro- h ceedings, dc. Vol. XXXI, pt. 34. 8". 1912. Carpenter (GEORGE H.) [Apterygota from Clare Is- land.] pp. 13: 1 pi., text illust. See ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Proceedings, Ac. Vol. xxxi, pt. 32. 8°. 1913. Carpenter (GEORGE H.) The Life-Story of Insects. pp. [iv,] 134 : 1 pl; text illust. 12". Cambridge, 1913. Forming a volume of. "The Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature." CARPENTER (PHILIP) [1776-1833] Elements of Zoology ; being a concise account of the Animal King- dom, according to the System of Liunseus. Intended . . .as a companion to the. . .Sliders. . .of an improved Phantasmagoria Lantern, pp. 168. 12°. London, 1823. Carpenter (PHILIP) A description of Carpenter's improved Compound Microscope for opake and trans- parent objects, [pp. 8.] 8°. [London, 1825 ?] Wanting the plats that should accompany it. Carpenter (PHILIP) Description of Carpenter's im- proved Lucernal Microscope, [pp. If. :] 1 pl. 12". [London, 1826 ?] Carpenter (PHILIP) [A description of Carpenter's] Microcosm, Eegent St. pp. 2. 8°. [London,] 1827. Reprinted from " The Theatrical Observer," No. 1770. A lithographic plate by G. Scharf, depicting some of the microscopic objects exhibited, is kept with this. Carpenter (WILLIAM BENJAMIN) Report on the microscopic structure of Shells, pp. 24 : SO pis. 8°. London, 1845. Brit. Assoc. Kept. 1844 (1845). Carpenter (WILLIAM B.) The Temperature . and Life of the Deep Sea. A Lecture ... delivered in... 1871. See SCIENCE LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE. Second Series, dc. No. 7. 8°, 1871. - [Another edition.] 8°. 1884. Carpenter (WILLIAM B.) Further inquiries on Oceanic Circulation, pp. 107 : 3 jils., 1 map, text illust. 8". London, 1874. Proc. Roy. Geograph. Soc. Vol. xvm. Carpenter (WILLIAM B.) [280 Drawings and Photo- graphs by Hollick and Berjeau illustrating the structure of " Eozoon canadense."] CARFENTIER (ALFRED) Contribution a 1'etude du Carbonifere du Nord de la France, pp. 458, 1 tab. : 15 pis., 4 maps, text illust. See LlLLE. — SOCIETE GEOLOG1QUE DU NOHD. Memoires, dc. Tom. vn, no. 2. 4°. 1913. CARPINI (JOANNES DE PLANO) Archbishop of Anti- vari. See JOANNES, de Piano Carpini. CARR (ALBERT BONUS) Notes on the Cacao Beetle. (Sttirastoma depressum.) [Reprinted from the Journal of the Trinidad Field Naturalists' Club. Vol. n, no. 4, , October, 1894.] See TRINIDAD. — Department of Agri- culture. Circular No. 1. Life History and Control of the Cacao Beetle, . Bath, 1892. Jonrn. Bath & W. A S. Counties Soc. Ser. IV, vol. n. Carruthers (WILLIAM) The Wheat Plant: how it feeds and grows, dc. See ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. 8". & fol. 1892. Carruthers (WILLIAM) Report. . .on a serious disease in the Cherry Orchards of Kent. See ROYAL AGRICUL- TURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. 8°. [1901.] Carruthers (WILLIAM) [Vascular Cryptogams of /_*ft M West Africa.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HIS- TORY). Botany. Catalogue of the African Plants collected by. . .F. Welwitsch in 1853-61. Vol. H. 8". 1901. CARSTENS (C. W.) Geologiske iagttagelser fra Mo prestcgjseld i Nordlands amt sommeren 1910. . .Resume in Deutscher Sprache. pp. 11 : text illust. Sec NORWAY. — Norges Geologiske Undersfigehe. Aarbok, dc. 1911, no. 8. [Publication] No. 59. s". 1911. Carsteus (C. W.) Thcoretiske bctragtninger over KrystallisationsfjJlgen i ct Kismagma, pp. 1C, : 4 ph., (jt text illuit. Si-i- CFIIIISTIANIA. — NORSK GEOLOCISK FORENING. Norsk Gcologisk Tidsskrift, dc. Bd. in, no. 8. 8". 1914. Cartailhac (KM ILK) Arche'ologie. See MONACO. — IN.STITI T oCKANOGRAPniQUE. Les Grottcs dc Griiiialdi (Baousse-Rousse), dc. Tom. II, fasc. 2. 4". 1912. -^ Cartailhac (KM ILK) & Breuil (H.) La Cavernc d' Altatnira a Santillane pres Santandcr (Espagnc). See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOGRAPIIIQUE. Peintures ct Gravures Muralea des Cavernes I'ulrolithiqueB. 4". 1906 [i.e. 1909]. Carter (HENRY JOHN) Geology of the Island of Bombay, pp. 5,r> : 5 ph., 1 map. 8°. [Bombay, 1852.] Journ. Bombay Br. Roy. Asiatic Soc. Vol. :v, no. 16. Carter (HENHY J.) Summary of the Geology of India, between the Ganges, the Indus, and Cape Comorin. (• pp. 157 : 1 pi., 1 map. 8°. [Bombay, 1854.] Joum. Bomlwy Br. Koy. Asiatic Soc. Vol. V, no. 19. Carter (HENRY J.) Atlas to Geological papers on western India, including Cutch, Sinde, and the S.E. Coast of Arabia ; to which is appended a summary of the Geology of India. Edited . . . by H. J. Carter. See INDIA. obi. fol. 1857. Carter (HENRY J.) [Spongida from Kerguelen Island.] See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Philosophical Trans- actions, dc. Vol. CLXVIII. 4°. 1879. CARTER (HOWARD) & others. Archaeological Survey -j, of Egypt. Edited by F. L. Griffith. Seventh Memoir, ' Beni Hasan, Part IV. Zoological and other details from facsimiles by H. Carter, dc. See EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND, dc. 4°. 1900. Carthaus (EMIL) Die klimatischen Verhaltnisse der geologischen Vorzeit vom Prfecambrium an bis zur Jetztzeit, und ihr Einfluss auf die Entwickelung der £ Haupttypen des Tier- und Pflanzenreiches. pp. v, 256 : text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Carthaus (EMIL) Zur Geologic von Java, insbesondere des Ausgrabungsgebietes. — Der Zahn von Sonde1 (ein fossiler Menschenzahn von Java). D. Geologische und mineralogische Bemerkungen zu dem Fund des Sonde1- Zahnes. — Spuren von moglicherweise mensehlicher Tatigkeit in den Trinil-Schichten. See SELENKA (M. L.) Frau. Die Pitliecanthropus-Schichlen . . . Ergebnisse der (Selenka-)Trinil-Expedition (1907 und 1908), dc. 4°. 1911. CABUAN A-GATTO (ALFREDO) the Maltese Islands, pp. 1 /. Common Beetles of 8". Malta, 1894. Caruana-Gatto (ALFREDO) The Slugs of the Maltese Islands, pp. 12 : text illust. 8°. [Malta, 189-] Cams (Junus VICTOR) See BIBLIOGRAPHIA ZOOLO- GICA. . .edidit J. V. Carus. Vol. i-vni. 8°. 1896-1903. CARUS-WILSON (CECIL) Illustrations & Diagrams from the works of Sir A. Geikie and others, specially arranged by C. Carus-Wilson ... to aid in illustrating his Geological Courses, pp. 6',} : text illuxl. 8°. London d New York, 1894. Included at the end of \V. F. Gwinnell's " Geology." Carus-Wilson (CECIL) The Natural Inclusion of Stones in Woody tissues, dc. [pp. ',! : 1 p!.] 8°. Teddington, [1910.] Title from wrapper. CARUSO (SALVATORI) Primo contribute alia Licheno- logia della Sicilia. pp. US. .S'o CA i \VIA.-ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, dc. Scr. IV, vol. XIII, mem. 21. 4°. 1900. CAB.Y (MEitniTT) A Biological Survey of Colorado. /./). .'.'ii; : 11 ph., 1 map col., text Must. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Biological Sur- vey Division. North American Fauna No. 88. 8°. 1911. CASANOVES (EDUARDO BOSCA Y) .", 8°. Lancaster, Pa., 1910-» Cash (JAMES) The late . . . William Wilson : Reminis- cences of his Botanical Work. pp. 22. 8°. Warrington [1886]. Read before the Warrington Field Club, 5th March, 1886. Cash (JAMES) The British Freshwater Rhizopoda and Heliozoa. Vol. i-> See RAY SOCIETY. 8". 1905-> Vol. Ill was completed by G. H. Wailea. CASLEY (GEORGE) Geology of Lyme Regis. . .Third edition, pp. 31 : text illust. 12°. Lyme Regis, 1899. The first edition probably appeared in 1880. Caspary (JOHANN XAVER ROBERT) Nymphaeacese. " « See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die natttrlichen Pflanzenfamilien, d-c. Thl. Ill, abth. 2. 8°. 1888. Caspary (JonANN X. R.) R. Caspary : Die Flora des Bernsteins und anderer fossiler Harze des ostpreus- sischen Tertiiirs. Nach dem Nachlasse der Verstor- benen bearbeitet von R. Klebs. . .Bd. I : I. Thallophyta. II. Bryophyta. III. Pteridophyta. IV. Gymnospermse, d-c. pp. 182 : Atlas 30 pis. See PRUSSIA.— KOENIG- LICH-PREUSSISCHE GEOLOGISCHE LANDES-ANSTALT. Abhandlungen, Ac. Neue Folge, hft. 4. fol. & 8°. 1906. Cassino (SAMUEL EDSON) The Naturalist's Universal Directory, containing names, and addresses. . .19th edition compiled in 1904. pp. viii, 404, 208. 2 Pt. [in • 1 Vol.] 8°. Salem, Mass., 1905. CASSTROM (SAMUEL NICOLAUS) [1763-1827] Dis- sertatio Entomologica novas Insectorum species.sistens, cujus partem primam . . . exhibent praeses C. P. Thunberg .. .et respondens S. N. Casstrom, dc. See THUNBEHQ (C. P.) 4°. [1781.] CASTANHOSO (MIGUEL DE) The Portuguese Expe- dition [of C. da Gama] to Abyssinia in 1541-1543 aa narrated by Castanhoso . . . Translated and edited by R. S. Whiteway. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, dc. Ser. II, no. 10. 8°. 1903. CASTEEL (DANA BRACKENBRIDGE) The behavior of the Honey Bee in Pollen collecting, pp. 36 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 121. 8°. 1912. Casteel (DANA B.) The manipulation of the wax scales of the Honey Bee. pp. 13 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 161. 8°. 1912. CASTELLANA (FRANCESCA) Su alcune Roecie del versante orientale del Peloritani. Studio petrografico delle Roccie d' Ali. pp. 25. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, dc. Vol. VIII, no. 25. 4°. 1915. c. M. 8°. Acireale d Eoma, 1914— > Catesby (MARK) Die Beschreibung von Carolina, Florida und den Bahamischen Inseln ... In das Deutsche Ubersezet von...G. L. Huth. [pp. vi, BS :] 1 map col. See SELIGMANN (J. M.) Sammlung ver- schiedener. . . Vogel, dc. Thl. 3. fol. [Oct. 1755.] [Another issue reset.] fol. [Nov. 1755.] Catullo (ToMMASO A.) Lettera al Signor A. Villa [on the Geology of Brianza], dc. pp. 15. 12°. Padova, 1848. 2. B. "Z-, At. CATHCART (WILLIAM) The Jamaica Almanack, for the year 1842, d c. pj>. HIS, .}.s', 70. 8°. Kingston, [1841.] Contains, inter alia: — A List of Plants growing in the Plain of Llguanea, in the parish of St. Andrew. By .1. Macfadyen. Contributions to Ornithology. . . By R. Chamlierlaine. On the habits of the King of the Vultures. By K. H. Schomburgk. (From the Annals of Natural History.) The natural history of the John Crow Vulture. By K Hill. CATHREIN (ALOIS) [1858-] Die Symmetric im Reiche der Krystalle. Inaugurationsrede, dc. pp. 22. 8°. Innsbruck, 1901. Cattaneo (GiACOMO) Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia • Anatomia Comparata della 11. Universita di Geneva, direUo d:ii Professor! C. Parona [and] G. Cattaneo. 1892— > See GKNOA. — RKOIA UNIVKUSITA i.Kia.i STI i.i. 4". 1894-» CATTELLE (W. R.) Precious Stones : a book of reference for Jewellers. ////. .'.'(: /'' / 8". Philadelphia d London, 1903. Cattelle (W. R.) The Diamond, fp.488: .", />l*. 8°. London d New York, 1911. Catullo (ToMMASO ANTONIO) Memoria geognostico- zoologica sopra alcune Conchiglre fossili del calcare Jurese che si cleva presso il Lugo di Santa Croce nel territorio di Belluno. pp..'": -'/'/*. •' "• /'"•/"'•", 1884. Nuovi Safflii 1- R- Accad. Set. Padova. Vol. IV. CAUCASUS. — Kavkazskoe leiiie. See TIFLIS. Ghoruoe Uprav- Caucasus. [Map*.] A Geological Map of the Caucasus compiled ... by F. Oswald . . . Scale, 1 : 1,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 15} m. about]. 2 sh. col. [London, 1914.] - Explanatory Notes, dc. See OSWALD (F.) 8". 1914. CAUDELI. (ANDREW NELSON) [Orthoptera of Alaska.] See WASHINGTON ACADEMY OP SCIENCES. Harriman Alaska Expedition, dc. Vol. Vlll. 8". 1904. Caudell (ANDREW N.) Fam. Locustidae : subfam. Decti- cinae. pp. 43 : 2 pis. (1 col.) See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorurn, dc. Fasc. 72. Orthoptera. 4°. 1908. Caudell (ANDREW N.) Fam. Locustidae : subfam. ProphalangopsinaB. pp. 5 : 1 pi. (col.) See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, dc. Fasc. 120. Orthop- tera. 4°. 1911. Caudell (ANDREW N.) Fam. Locustidae : subfam. Meconeminae, Phyllophorinae, Tympanophorinae, Phas- gonurinae, Phasmodinoe, Bradyporinte. pp. 26 : 2 pis. (col.) See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, 8°. 1911-> CAVERS (FRANK) Contributions to the Biology of the Hepaticae. Pt. I. Targionia, Beboulia, Preissia, Monoclea. pp. Ifl : text illust. 8°. [Leeds See TROTTER (A.) & CECCONI (G.) 4°. 1900-> CECIL (Hon. Mrs. EVELYN) See AMHERST afterwards CECIL (Hon. ALICIA CEDERGREN (QUOTA B.)/)Bidrag till kannedomen om sotvattensalgerna i Sverige. I— > illust. See STOCK- HOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik. Bd. XIII, no. 4. 8°. 1913. Cedergren (GosTA B.) Till kannedomen om Floran i Norra Harjedalen med sarskild hansyn till Vemdalen. pp. 72. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. no. 17. Arkiv for Botanik, dc. Bd. xiv, 8°. 1916. CEJKA (BOHUMIL) 0 nove'm rodu Enchytraeidu Hepatogaster z novosibifskych ostrovu. [On a new fenus of Enchytreeidse, Hepatogaster, from the New iberian Islands.] pp. 33. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH- BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, dc. 1909, no. 8. 8n. 1910. Cejka (BOHUMIL) Die Oligochaeteu dcr Bussischen in den Jahren 1900-1903 unternommenen Nordpolar- expedition. 2 Pt. illust. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, dc. Ser. VIII, vol. xxix, no. 2 & 6. 4°. 1910, 12. Cejka (BOHUMIL) Ueber eine in den Haaren des Men- schen parasitisch lebende Hefeart, dc. pp. 16 : 1 pi. See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, dc. 1911, no. 30. 8°. 1912. -2. . (r. 192 Celakovsky ^ (LADISLAV FR.) AnatornickcS rozdily v listech ramosnioh Sparganif. (Ucbcr die anatomischcn Untcrechiedc in den Bliittern dor ramosen Sparganien.) iin\ A PP' 11: Spit. BOH. * GERM. See PRAGUE.— KOENIG- LICH - BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DKB WISSEN- M-IIAFTKN. Sitzungsbcrichto, dc. 1899, no. 5. 8°. 1900. Celakovsky (LADISLAV FB.) L. J. Celakovsky. Nck- rolog. Von L. Celakovsky, dc. pp. 31 : 1 port. j[ff- N.v 1'RAGUE. — KOENIdLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DEB WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichtc, dc. 1902, no. 60. 8°. 1903. Celakovsky (LADISLAV FB.) O vyskytovani sc oxalatu vAprniitrho u vyisich Myxomycetn. (Ucbcr das Vor- df kommen von oxalsaurem Kalk bei hoheren Myxo- myceten.) [With resume in German.] pp. 10. See PBAGUE.— KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DEB WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, dc. 1909, no. 24. 8°. 1910. Celakovsky (LADISLAV FR.) Wcitere Beitrago zur Fortpflanzungsphysiologie der Pilze. pp. 55 : text illust. Sec PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH - BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DEB WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichtc, do. 1912, no. 8. 8°. 1913. Celakovsky (LADISLAV Jos.) 0 vyznamu a puvodu vence (paracorolla) Narcisovitych, dc. [On the signification and origin of the paracorolla 11 /ft J of Narcissus.] pp.20: 4 pis. lltV, n . PHspevky k fyllotaxii Kvetfi. [On the phyllotaxy of Flowers.] pp. 30 : 2 pis. See PBAGUE.— CESKA AKADEMIE C!SABE FHANTI§KA JOSEFA, dc. Rozpravy . . . Tfida II. Roc. VII, cis. 13 & 22. 8". 1898. Celakovsky (LADISLAV Jos.) O pusobeni ncdostatku kyslika na pohyby nekterych organismu aerobnich. [On the influence of a deficiency of oxygen upon the movements of some aerobic organisms.] pp. ill : text illust. See PBAGUE. — CESKA AKADEMIE CJSAHE FRAN- TI§KA JOSEFA, dc. Rozpravy . . . Tfida II. Roc. vm, cis. 1. 8°. 1899. Celakovsky (LADISLAV Jos.) Epilog zu rneincr Schrift iiber die Placcnten der Angiospermen. Nebst ciner Thcoric dcs antithctischen Generationswechsels der Pflanzcn. pp. 35: 1 pi. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH- HIU.IIMISCHK OESELLSCHAFT DEB WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, dc. 1899, no. 3. 8°. 1900. Celakovsky (LADISLAV Jos.) L. J. Celakovsky. Nek- rolog. Von L. Celakovsky. (Verzeichniss samtlicher wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, dc.) pp. 31 : I port. Sec PBAOUE. — KOENIGHCH-BOEHMISCIIE GESELLSCUAFT wissMNsriiAKTEN. Hitzungsberichtc, dc. 1902, no. 60. 8°. 1903. Celakovsky (LADISLAV Jos.) O Listcch monofacialnich. [On isolateral Leaves.] pp. 40 : text illust. O puvodu pohlavnosti u Rostlin. [On the origins of sexuality in Plants.] pp. /.}. O homologiich zenskych kvetu Rostlin jehlicnatych. [On the homology of the female flowers of the Coniferse.] pp.68: 4 ph. See PRAGUE.— CESKA AKADEMIE CISARE FHAXTISKA JOSEFA, dc. Rozpravy . . . Tfida II. Roc. xn, 6is. 8, 9 & 16. 8°. 1903. Celakovsky (LADISLAV Jos.) Zur Lehre von den congenital Verwachsungcn. pp. 15: text illnxl. 8( I'K \i;uK. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHEGESELLSCIIAFT ,- i«u DEB WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, See REVISTA • DI BIOLOGIA GENEBALE. 8°. 1899-> CENTRAL SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAY. Mosquito Survey. Report of the Mosquito Survey of the eastern line of railway of the C.S.A.R., together with "2J recommendations for the reduction of Fever, by L. Bos- tock . . . and C. B. Simpson. Sec BOSTOCK (L.) & SIMPSON (C. B.) 4°. 1905. Ceutralblatt fuer Bakteriolog mid Infection skra — General-Register fiir jUfTBiinde Jena, Jena, ncle ung, dc. 1899. 1908. 1903. 1908. CENTRALBLATT FUEK, MINERALOGIE, GEOLOGIE UND PALAEONTOLOGIE . . . herausgcgebcn von M. Bauer, E. Kokcn, T. Liebisch ([and afterwards] F. Freeh, R. Brauns, J. F. Pompeckj). Jahrg. 1900-> illust. 8". Stuttgart, 1900-> — Repcrtorium . . .Jahrgiingc l-v (1900-1904), ttc. SeeNEUES JAHRBUCII FUER MINERALOGIE. 8°. 1906. 1905-1909. 8". 1911. CENTRALKOMMISSION FUER WISSEN- 8CHAFTLICHE LANDESKUNDE VON DEUTSCHLAND. See STUTTGABT. CEFEDE (CASIMIR) La Flore planctoniquc du Pas de Calais en 1906. pp. l.'t, 1 tab. See MONACO. — Ins/Hut $ t Oceanograpliique. Bulletin No. 202. 8°. 1911. Cepede (CASIMIB) Note sur la Faune et la Flore des quais et bateaux dc Boulognc-sur-Mer. pp. u : I />/. (col.) See INSTITUT OCEANOGBAPHIQUE. — Paris S,l Branch. Annales, dc. Tom. ill, fasc. 5. 4°. 1911. CERECEDA (JUAN DANTJN) Resumen fisiogrdfico de la peninsula Iberica. pp. S75 : 3 pis., text illnnl. See MADRID. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATUB- AI.KS. Trabajos, dc. No. 9. [Serie Geol6gica. No. 4.] 8". 1SU'2. Cereceda (JUAN D.) Evolucion morfo!6gica dc la Bahia de Sautaudcr. ]:/>..'/•:: I map, text illust. Sec MADKID. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATU RALES. TrabajOS, dc. Serie Geol6gica, no. 20. 8". 1917. Cereceda (JUAN D.) \ Hernandez-Facheco y Este- ban (E.) Geologia y Paleontologia del Mioceno de Palencia. pp. "•'•'' : >>l pis., 1 map, text illust. See MADBID.— Comisidn de Investigaciones Paleonto- Ugicas y Prehistoricas. Memoria No. 5. 8". 1915. 193 CERMAK (BOHUSLAV) & Matiegka (J.) Doklad o pobytu diluvialniho cloveka v okoli Melnickem. [Report on the occurrence of Diluvial Man in the I. A. neighbourhood of Melnik.] pp. 2 : 1 pi. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DEE WIS- SENSCHAFTEN. Sitzufflgsberichte, rfc. 1899, no. 41. 8°. 1900. CERRTTTI (ATTILIO) Di un Tenioide dell' Alauda arvensis con riguardo speciale ad un organo parauterino. pp. 6: 1 pi. See NAPLES. —REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, See MONT- PELLIER. — UNIVERSITY. — Institut de Zoologie. 8°. 1885-» Cette. — Station Maritime. La Station Zoologique de Cette : (son origine, son evo- lution, son organisation actuelle) . . . Par L. Calvet. See MONTPELLIER. — UNIVERSITE.— In« 4". [1918->] CEYLON. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Bulletin No. l-> 8°. Colombo, 1912— > Ceylon.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Report, rfc. 1911-12-» 4°. [Colombo, 1913->] Forming part of Pt. IV of the Administration Reports. Ceylon. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. — Horticul- tural Division. [For official reports and publications on the Royal 5 , Botanic Gardens, Ceylon, prior to 1911] Sec PERADE- NIYA, Ceylon. — Royal Botanic Gardens. CEYLON. — MARINE BIOLOGY. Report of the Marine Biologist for 1908 (1909-10-»). 4". [Colombo, 1909-»] £ < »jj^J Forming part of Pt. IV of Administration Reports, 1908 -> 3. r!iQJSf.- -MIKERALOGICAL SURVEY. [Founded 1903.] Report of the Director of the. . .Survey for 1903 (-190*^ 4 Pt. illust. 4°. [Colombo, 1904-07.] Forming part of Pt. IV of Administration Reports, 1903-1906. CEYLON MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORA- TORY. See COLOMBO. CHABERT (ALFRED) Les Bhinanthus des Alpes Maritimes. pp. 16. See CHAMBKSY. — HERBIER BOISSIER. •*. Memoires, rfc. No. 8. 8°. 1900. CHADWICK (HERBERT CLIFTON) Echinus, pp. viii, 28 : 5 pis. See LIVERPOOL MARINE BIOLOGY COM- MITTEE. L.M.B.C. Memoirs, . ilklt- Joorn. A Proc. Boy. Victorian Inst. of Architects ; pp. SI-36 : 1 pi. Chapman (FREDERICK) Australasian Fossils: a students' Manual of Palaeontology. . . With an introduc- tion by.. .E. W. Skeats. pp. 341 : 1 pi., 1 map, text illust. 8°. Melbourne, ] See FRANCE. '[Voyages, ttc. — Antarctic.] 4°. [1906-] Charcot (JEAN B. E. A.) Expedition Autarctique du Docteur Charcot a bord du " Pourquoi-Pas ? " (1908- 1910). Principaux Resultats d'Oc^anographie physique ' par J. Rouch. pp. IS : 1 map, text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOQHAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 206. 8°. 1911. Charcot (JEAN B. E. A.) Deuxieme Expedition Ant- arctique Francaise (1908-1910) commandee par . . . J. Charcot [on the " Pourquoi-Pas ? "1. Sciences Naturelles : Documents scientifiques. [Fasc. 1— >] See FRANCE. [Voyages, • ,, CHARDIN (PIERRE TEILHARD DE) See TEILHARD DE CHARDIN. CHARLES I, King of Portugal [1868-1908]. Yacht ^ < Amelia. Campanha Oceanographica de 1896. By D. ' Carlos de Braganza [i.e. Charles I, King of Portugal]. See AMELIA, Yacht. 8°. 1897. Charles I, King of Portugal. Resultados das Investi- gacoes Scientificas, feitas a bordo do Yacht "Amelia" . . . Pescas Maritimns, ttc. 2 It. illust. col. PORT. & FR. 4°. Lisboa, 1899 & 1904. Charles I, King of Portugal. Bulletin des Campagnes Scientifiques accomplies sur le Yacht " Amelia " par - D. Carlos de Bragan?a [i.e. Charles I, King of Portugal]. Vol. I. Rapport preliminaire sur les Campagnes de 1896 A 1900. Fasc. I. Introduction, Campagne de 1896. pp. 112 : 6 pis., 1 map. 8°. Lisbonne, 1902. Charles I, King of Portugal. Catalogo illustrado das Aves de Portugal (Sedentarias, de arriba9ao e acci- _ dentaes), rfc. Fasc. l.f 20 pis., col., until descriptive text in Portuguese and French. 4°. Lisboa, 1903. CHARLES (VERA K.) Miss, & Patterson (F. AV.) Mrs. Mushrooms and other common Fungi, pp. 64 : 88 pis. , back to back. See UNITED STATES. — Department of I Agriculture. Bulletin No. 175. 8°. 1915. Charles (A7ERA K.) Miss, & others. Some Fungous Diseases of economic importance, tic. pp. 41 : S pis. (col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Depart-in i-i\t of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 171. 8°. 1910. Charlesworth (EDWARD) List of Tertiary Fossils from Barton, Hordwell, and the Isle of Wight, obtained by the collectors of the " British Natural History Society." [York,] 1848. Charlesworth (EDWARD) List of Tertiary Fossils from Barton, Hordwell, and the Isle of AVight, speci- mens of which have been distributed by the " British Natural-History Society." [York,] 1850. 197 Charlesworth Suffolk Crag. Sowerby.] 1 p (EDWARD) Primeval Man and the [With water-colour drawing by Kate Pall Mall Gazette, April 10, 1872. Charlesworth (EDWARD) Crag Fossils from a cutting (y in the river marshes near Orford Castle, Suffolk. [London,] 1876. Charlesworth (EDWARD) Fossil exploration of Suf- fL folk Crag (Orford Castle) and Hampshire Eocene Cliffs. pp. 8. 8°. London, 1878. CHARLESWORTH (JOHN KAYE) [1889-] Ueber /• Biff korallen aus dem Unterdevon der Karnischen Alpen. P« Inaugural-Dissertation, etc. pp. 44. 8°. Breslau, 1914. Jahresb. Schles. Gesell. 1914. CHARLIER (CARL VILHELM LUDWIG) [1862-] A statistical description of Trientalis europcea. pp. 38. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik. Bd. XII, no. 14. 8°. 1913. CHARMOIS (DONALD D'EMMEREZ DE) Sec KMMEREZ DE CHARMOY. CHARMOUTH. Guide to Lyme Begis, Charmouth and the neighbourhood, etc. See LYME BEGIS. 8°. 1902. CHARMOY (DONALD D'EMMEREZ DE) See EMMEREZ DE CHARMOY. CHARNLEY (J. B.) & Fierce (F. N.) [Lepidoptera of the Southport district.] See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, etc. Southport : a handbook, etc. 8°. 1903. CHARNOTZKII (STEFAN IVANOVICH) Materialui k poznaniyu Kamennoughol'nuikhye otlozhenii Dombrov- skagho basseina. — Materialienzur Kenntnisder Carbon - Ablagerungen des Beckens von Dombrowa. pp. vi, 168 : lj pis., 1 map. RUSS. with GERM, resume. See BUSSIA. — Comite Geologique. Memoires, etc. Nov. Ser., vuip. 34. 4°. 1907. Charnotzkii (STEFAN I.) Gheologhlcheskiya izslye- dovaniya Kubanskagho ueftenosnagho raiona. List &Neftyano-Shirvanskii. — Geologische Forschungen im Erdolgebiet von Kuban. Blatt Nephtjanaja-Schirwan- skaja. pp. \viii,] 72 : 1 map geol. col. RUSS. with GERM, resume. See BUSSIA. — Comite Geologique. Trudui, etc. Nov. Ser., vuip. 47. 4°. 1909. Charnotzkii (STEFAN I.) Gheologhicheskaya izslye- dovaniya Kubauskagho neftenosnagho raiona, Listui : yr. Maikopskii i Prussko-Daghestanskii. — Geologische For- schungen im Erdolgebiet von Kuban. Blatter : Majkop und Prusskaja-Dagestanskaja. pp. iv, 80 : 2 maps geol. col. RUSS. with GERM, resume. See BUSSIA. — Comite Geologique. Trudui, etc. Nov. Ser., vuip. 65. 4°. 1911. CHARFENTIER (ToussAINT VON) [1780-1847] Verzeichniss der Europiiischen Schmetterlinge. [By T. von Charpcntier.J^djS'ee EUROPE. 8°. 1818. The authorship is given, on the authority of Zincken genannt Somruer, in Gennar'8 " Mag. der Entom." Bd. m, p. 401. CHARFENTIER DE COSSIGNT (J.) See COSSIONY (J. CHARPENTIER DE) CHARRIN (ALBERT) [1857-1907] & Le Flay (A.) •J* Action pathogene du Stearophora radicicola sur les Animaux. See MANGIN (L.) & VIALA (P.) Le Stearo- phora, etc. 8°. 1905. CHARTERS TOWERS GOLDFIELD. [Maps.] r [For Maps of this Goldfield] See QUEENSLAND. — Geo- f> logical Survey. [Maps.] CHARTREg.— Societe Archeologique d'Eure-et-Loir. [Founded 1856.) Botanique du de'partement d'Eure-et-Loir. See LEFEVRE (E.) 8°. 1866. Chartres. — Society Archeologique d'Eure - et • Loir. Statistique Scientifique. L^pidopteres, par M. A. Guene"e. See GuENEE (A.) 8°. 1867 [i.e. 1875]. CHASTER (GEORGE WILLIAM) [1863 ?-1910] [Fora- minifera and Mollusca in the Southport district.] See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, etc. Southport: a hand- book, etc. 8°. 1903. Chaster (GEORGE W.) & Sopp (E. J. B.) [Coleoptera of the Southport district.] See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, etc. Southport : a handbook, etc. 8°. 1903. CHATTERJEE (N. C.) & Imms (A. D.) On the structure and biology of Tachardia lacca, Kerr, with observations on certain Insects predaceous or parasitic upon it. pp. [ii,] 42 [1] : 8 pis. (col.) See INDIA.— FOREST DEPARTMENT. Indian Forest Memoirs, etc. Forest Zoology Series, Vol. Ill, pt. 1. 4°. 1915. CHATTDHURI (B. L.) & Sewell (B. B. S.) Indian Fish of proved utility as Mosquito-Destroyers. See CALCUTTA. — INDIAN MUSEUM. 8". 1912. CHAUTARD (JEAN) [1876-] Etude Geophysique et Geologique sur le Fonta-Djallon (Guinee et Soudan Fran9ais). pp. 211 : 5 maps, text illust. 8°. Paris, 1905. Chautard (JEAN) Carte Geologique de la presqu'ile du Cap Vert (Senegal). . .Echelle, 1:100,000 [i.e. 1 in = IJ m. about]. See WEST AFRICA, French. [Maps.] 1 sh. col. 1906. Chauvenet (BEGIS) & Blair (A. A.) Analyses of Iron- Ores, Pig-irons, and Fuels. See PUMPELLY (B.) Iron Ores of Missouri and Michigan, etc. Pt. I. 8°. 1876. Chaves y Perez del Fulgar (FEDERICO) Notas Mineralogicas. Contribuciones al estudio de los Minerales de Maro (provincia de Malaga), pp. 13. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, etc. Tom. xxiv. 8°. 1895. Chaves y Perez del Fulgar (FEDERICO) Sobre las inclusiones de los Cristales de Cuarzo disperses en las rocas epigenicas de Andalucia. pp. 12 : 1 pi. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, etc. Tom. xxv. 8°. 1896. Chaves y Perez del Pulgar (FEDERICO) Sobre las deformaciones de los Cristales de Cuarzo de Maro, y sobre la curvatura de las caras de los Cristales en general, pp. 15 : 1 pi. See MADRID. — HEAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, etc. Tom. xxvi. 8°. 1898. Chaves y Perez del Fulgar (FEDEHICO) Ensayo de fisiologia Mineral. Estudio sobre las pseudomorfosis de proceso quimico. pp. 35. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPAXOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, rfe. Tom. xxvin. 8°. 1899. Chaves y F^rez del Fulgar (FEDERICO) Ensayo de fisiologia Mineral. Estudio sobre las pseudomorfosis de proceso quimico. pp. 21. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTOHIA NATURAL. Memorias, etc. Tom. II, mem. 4. 8°. 1903. This is a distinct paper from that of 1899. 3. w. 7U tr. (r. 198 - i CHE EL (EDWIN) [1872-] Some Fungi and Lichens of New South Wales. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, dc. Handbook for New South Wales (1914). Sect. II. Natural Science. JtA*-*- 8°. 1914. * X3] CHEESEMAN (THOMAS F.) Catalogue of the Plants of New Zealand, including both indigenous and natural - •t> ised species, pp. 33. 8°. Wellington, 1906. Cheeseman (THOMAS F.) Manual of the New Zealand Flora, • 8°. Cheltenham, 1907-> Chemical News, The. General Index to the Chemical News. Vols. 1 to 100. 4°. London, 1913. Chemical Society of London. A collective Index of the Transactions and Abstracts of the . . . Society, 1873-1882. 8°. London [1899]. of the Transactions, Proceedings and Abstracts . . . 1893-1902. 2 Vol. 8". London [1904-06]. - 1903-1912. 2 Vol. 8°. London [1913]. / ( y Chemical Society^* London. Ap*rfwl Reports on L A /'' -f>(- the Progress of Gt«?mistry, dc. V(>Kl-> jr • XH '9. £oi^<1906-» l_ . Chemical Society of London. A Catalogue of the . Library, dc. [Sixth edition.] pp.324. 8°. London, 1903. CHEMIKER-KALENDER . . . Em Hilfsbuch . . . von ... R. Bicderinunn. 1914. 2 Bd. 8°. Berlin, 1914. Chemisches Central-Blatt, &c. General-Register zum...V.Folge. Jahrg. 1897-1901, dc. 8°. Berlin, 1902. - Jahrg. 1902-1906. 8°. Berlin, 1907. Jahrg. 1907-1911. 8°. Berlin, 1912. /"V CHENEVARD (PAUL) Catalogue des Plantes Vas- culaires du Tessin. pp. 553 : I map. 4°. Geneve, 1910. CHERDUINTZEV (VIKTOR ALEKSYEV!CH) Perm- skiya otlpzheniya okolo gh. Elabughi . . . Perrnablager- ungen bei Elabuga. pp. 9. See KAZAN. — OB8HCHE8TVO ESTESTVOispuiTATELEl, dc. Protokolui, Ac. Prilo- zheniya, No. 267. 8°. 1911. Chernuishev (THEODOSII NlKOLAEvIcn) A partir de la ville d'Oufa jusqu'au versant oriental de 1'Oural. pp. 40: 8 pit., 1 map, text illust. Le chemin de fer de 1'Oural dans les limites des districts miniers de Taguil et de Goroblagodat. pp. S3 : 5 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See CONGRKS GKOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. — Seventh Session. Guide des Excursions du VII Congres, dc. 8°. 1897. Chernuishev (THEODOSII N.) Verkhnckamennoughol'- nuiya Brakhiopodui Urala i Timana. — Die obercar- bonischen Brachiopoden des Ural und des Timan. RUSS. with GERM, resume, pp. viii. 749 [2] : OS pis., text illust. See RUSSIA. — Comite Geologique, dc. Trudui, dc. Tom. XVI, uo. 2. 4°. 1902. Chernuishev (TiiEODOSiI N.) Pamyati Th. N. Cher- nuisheva. [Memoir of T. N. Chernuishev.] See PAVLOV (A. P.) 8°. 1914. Cheruuishev (THEODOSII N.) & Lutnghin (L. T.) Le Bassin du Donetz. pp. 55 : S maps, text illust. See CONGRKS GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL.— Seventh Session. Guide des Excursions du VII Congr&s, dc. 8°. 1897. Chernuishev (TiiEODOSiT N.) & others. Andizhan- skoe Zemletryasenie 3/16 dekabrya 1902 ghoda, dc. — Das Erdbebeu von Andishan am 3/16 Dezember, 1902, dc. pp. [i,] 90 [4] : 5 pis., 1 map, text illust. RUSS. u>ith GERM, resume. See RUSSIA. — Comite Geologique. Trudui, dc. Nov. Ser., vuip. 54. 4°. 1910. CHERVIN (ARTHUR) [1850-] vienne. 3 Vol. illust. Anthropologie Boli- 8°. Paris, 1908. CHESNEAU (GABRIEL) Principes the"oriqucs et pra- tiques d'Analyse Minerale, dc. pp. xx, 64! : text illust. 8°. Paris d Liege, 1912. Encyclopedic de Science Chimique Appliqu6e. Tom. II. CHESNUT (VICTOR K.) Thirty Poisonous Plants of the United States, pp. 32: text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 86. 8°. 1896. Chesnut (VICTOR KING) Principal Poisonous Plants of the United States, pp. GO: text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture.— Botany Division. Bulletin No. 20. 8°. 1898. Chesnut (VICTOR K.) & Wilcjx (E. V.) The Stock- Poisoning Plants of Montana : a preliminary Report. pp. ISO: 37 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Botany Division. Bulletin No. 26. 8°. 1901. CHESTER COUNTY HISTORICAL CIETY. See WEST CHESTER, Pa. SO- Chester Society of Natural Science, &c. The formation of the Chester society. . .and an epitome of its subsequent history, by J. D. Siddajl. pp. 6V? : 5 pis., text illust. 8°. [Chester,] 1911. The title oo the wrapper, which bears a woodcut showing "The Grotveuor Museum," reads : " The Cheater Society . . . from 1871 to 199 CHEVALIER (AUGUSTE) [1873-] Nos connais- t )y ( sances actuelles sur la Geographic Botanique et la Flore economique du Stoe'gal et du Soudan. See PARIS. — Exposition Universelle, 1900. Les Colonies Franqaises. Une Mission au Sendgal, dc. 8°. 1900. Chevalier (AUGUSTS) Monographic des Myricacees, etc. 8°. [Cherbourg, 1902.] Mdm. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg. Tom. XXXII, pp. 86-340. Chevalier (AUGUSTE) Un Voyage scientifique [1898- 1900] 4 travers 1'Afrique occidentale, Soudan Francais, jSenegal, Casamance. pp. 150: 11 ph., text illust. 'See MARSEILLES. — MUSEE COLONIAL. Annales, etc. Dixieme annee. Vol. IX. 8°. 1902. Chevalier (AUGUSTE) Mission Chari— Lac Tchad, 1902-4. L'Afrique Centrale Francaise : R^cit du Voyage, etc. pp. xv, 776 : !) ph. (1 col.), 6 maps, text _ illust. 8°. Paris, 1907. The wrapper is dated 1908. The Appendix contains : — Poissons. Par J. Pellegrin. Les Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles. Par L. Germain. Geologic et Mineralogie. Par H. Courtet. Diatome'os. Par P. Petit. Arachnides, Myriapodes et Crustacea. Par M. [E. L.] Bouvier. Coleopteres. Par P. Lesne. Hymenopteres, Orthoptbres et NcSvroptfcres. Par M. K. Du Buysson. Dipteres. Par M. Surcouf. Questions Agricoleg et diverses. Par A. Chevalier et H. Courtet. Prehistoire et Ethnographic. Par A. Chevalier. La Galerie Forestiere. Par A. Chevalier. Chevalier (AUGUSTE) Sudania : Enumeration des Plantes recoltees en Afrique tropicale par ... A. Chevalier, de 1898 A, 1910 inclus. Liste dressee d'apres les deter- B ruinations dc MM. Beille, J. Briquet, C. de Candolle, A. Chevalier, Chodat, Christ, C. B. Clarke, Diels, A. Engler, Finct, Gagnepain, Gilg, Guillaumin, Harlot et Patouillard, Harms, Hochreutiner, 0. Hoffmann, H. Hua, Hue, Hutchinson, H. Lecomte, G. Lindau, Muschler, Schinz, Sprague, Stapf, Warburg. Revue par . . . A. Chevalier, etc. Tom. l-> 4°. Paris, 1911-> Chevalier (AUGUSTE) La Foret et les Bois du Gabon. pp. vii, 468 : 28 ph., text illust. 8". Paris, 1917. Les Ve'ge'taux utiles de 1'Afrique tropicale Francaise. Fasc. IX. Chevalier (AUGUSTE) & Courtet (H.) Questions agricoles et diverses [connected with French Central Africa]. See CHEVALIER (A.) Mission Chari — Lac Tchad, 1902-04, dc. Appendix. 8". 1907. £ . The wrapper is dated 1908. Chevalier (AUGUSTE) & Hua (H.) Les Landolphiees . . . du Senegal, du Soudan et do la Guinee FranQaise. See HUA (H.) & CHEVALIER (A.) 8°. 1901. Chevalier (AUGUSTE) & Perrot (E.) Les Kolatiers & les Noix de Kola. pp. xxiv, 483 : 33 ph., 3 maps (col.), text illust. 8°. Paris, 1911. Les Ve'ge'taux utiles de 1'Afrique tropicale Francaise. Fasc. VI . CHEVALLIER (Ltfuis) Notes sur la Flore du Sahara, pp. IS. See CHAMBESY. — HERBIER BOISSIER. Memoires, dc. No. 7. ^.-1 8°. 1900. CHEVREUX (EDOUARD) [1846-i Sur un Amphipode d'eau douce, Niphargus Virei, nov. sp., provenant des Grottos du Jura. See PARIS. — SOCIETE DE SPELE- OLOGIE. Memoires, dc. Tom. I, no. 6. La Faune souterraine, dc. 8°; 1896. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Amphipodes provenant des campagnes de I'Hirondelle. (1885-1888.) See ALBERT HONORE CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. R^sultats des campagnes scientifiques, etc. Fasc. xvi. 4°. 1900. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Description d'un Crustac^ amphipode nouveau de la famille des Stenothoidie (Parametopa Kcrvillei, nov. gen. et sp.) capture^ . .par . . . H. Gadeau de Kerville, dans la region d'Omonville- la-Bogue (Manche). Sec GADEAU DE KERVILLE (H.) Recherches sur les Faunes . . . de la Normandie 3« voyage . . . 1899. 8°. 1901. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Description d'un Amphipode (Cyphocaris Itichardi, nov. sp.) provenant des peches au filet 4 grande ouverture de la derniere campagne du yacht Princesse-Alice (1904). pp. 5 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGHAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 24. 8°. 1905. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Cyphocaris Alicei, nouvelle espeee d'Amphipode voisine de Cyphocaris Challengeri, Stebbing. pp. 6 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 27. 8°. 1905. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Paracyphocarisprcedator : type d'un nouveau genre de Lysianassidse. pp. 6 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 32. . 8". 1905. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Description d'un Amphipode (Katius obesus, nov. gen. et sp.), suivie d'une liste des Amphipodes de la tribu des Gammarina, ramenes. . . pendant la derniere compagne de la Princesse-Alice en 1904. pp. B [1] : text illust. See MONACO.— INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 35. 8°. 1905. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Listedes Scinidse de la Princesse- Alice et description d'une espeee nouvelle. pp. 5 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 37. 8°. 1905. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Description d'un Amphipode pelagique nouveau [Vibilioides Alberti] comme genre et comme espeee. pp. 5 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGKAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 49. 8°. 1905. Chevreux (EDOUARD) [Amphipoda from the Antarctic regions.] See FRANCE. [Voyages, dc. — Antarctic.] Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1903-1905), com- mandee par . . . J. Charcot. Sciences Naturelles, dc. Crustaces. 4°. [1906.] Chevreux (EDOUARD) Aullagas,and Lake Les Lacs des hau 10, or :RE(M.) du Sud, etc. 8°. 1906. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Orchomenella lobata nouvelle espeee d'Amphipode des regions arctiques. pp. 6 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITCT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 96. 8°. 1907. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Description de deux nouvelles especes d'Amphipodes des parages de Monaco, pp. 8 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANO- GRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 113. 8°. 1908. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Diagnoses d'Amphipodes nou- veaux provenant des Campagnes de la Princesse-Alice dans 1'Atlantique nord. 7 Pt. illust. See MONACO.— INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 117, 121, 122, 129, 150, 156 & 204. 8". 1908-1911. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Description d'un Amphipode nouveau provenant de la campagne de I'Hirondelle II en 1911. pp. 4 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 233. 8°. 1912. F. 200 fO. f. f. Chevreux (EDOUARD) [Amphipoda from the Antarctic Regions.] See FRANCE. [Voyagei, Ac. — Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1908-10), rfc. 4°. 1918. Chevrenx (EDOUARD) [Amphipoda of eastern Africa.] Set ALLUADD (C. A.) & JKANNKL (R.) Voyage ... en Afrique Orientale (1911-1912). Resultats Scientifiques. Crustacea, 2. 8°. 1913. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Sur quelques int^ressantes especes d'Amphipodes provenant des parages de Monaco et des peches pelagiques ... en Mediterran^e. pp. 26 : text illttst. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANO- GRAPUIQUE. Bulletin No. 262. 8°. 1913. Chevreux (EDOUARD) Sur quelques Amphipodes pelagique* nouveaux ou peu connus provenant des campagnes de S.A.S. le Prince de Monaco. I. Scinidse. op. H[l\: text illust. See MONACO.— INSTITUT OCEANO- GBAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 291. 8°. 1914. Chevreux (EDOUABD) Diagnoses d'Amphipodes nouveaux provenant des campagnes de la Princesse- Alice dans 1'Atlantique nord. pp. 4: t?xt Must. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 296. 8". 1914. V.. L- Chevrolat (Louis ALEXAN 1 universel d'Histoire 1 Chevrolat, Ac. 16. V. (C. F. D') - [Anotj Wanting title-page. This me on the pp 272-330), was Intended to appear but was withdrawn and published separately. (C/. Zool. Rec. 1878, Insect*, p. 78.) ing title-page. nemoir (which forms a supplement to the author's former memoir IB subject, published in the "Rev. & Mag. Zoologie," 1874, r2-330), was intended to appear in the " Ann. Soc. Ent. France," Dictionnaire ; jAmgo... ftJBWIGNY *#] 1849. 8°. 1861. 17 Vol. illust. (col.) 8°. [1867 ?] Chevrolat (Louis A. A.) [Meinoire sur la] Famille des Clerites. pp. 51. 8°. [Parts, 1876.] Chewings (CHARLES) Rock Phosphates and other Mineral fertilisers: their origin, value, and sources of supply, pp. 48 : 1 map. 8°. Adelaide, 1903. Chiaje (STEFANO DELLE) Nota sui Lombrichi ricor- dati da S. Delle Chiaie. pp. 3. See NAPLES.— REGIA CNIVERSITA DEGLI STUD!. Annuario del Museo Zoolo- irico della. . .Universita, Ac. Nuova Serie, Vol. II, no. 17. 4°. 1906. Chicago. — World's Columbian Exposition, 1803. JAPAN. Imperial Geological Survey of Japan, with a Catalogue of articles exhibited by the. . .Survey at the World's Columbian Exposition. See JAPAN. — TEIKOKU CHI8HITSU-CH6-SAJO [Imperial Geological Survey]. 8°. 189°. Chicago Academy of Sciences. Special Publica- tion. No. l-> 8". [Chicago,] 1902,> Chicago Academy of Science!. — Natural Hittory Survey. Bulletin, Ac. No. I-> 8°. [Chicago,] 1896-> CHICAGO.— Columbian Museum. See infra, FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. CHICAGO. —Field Columbian Museum. .S'-v infra, FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. CHICAGO.— Field Museum of Natural History. [1893 Founded as Columbian Jfu#tum. 1804 Field Columbian Muieum. 1906 Field Muieum of Natural Hutory.} Publication 1— > [subdivided, after the first two, as follows : — ] Report Series. Vol. I-» 8°. Chicago, 1895-» Historical Series. Vol. !->• 8°. Chicago, 1894-» Anthropological Series. Vol. I-> 8°. Chicago, 1895-> Botanical Series. Vol.-> 8°. Chicago, 1895-> Geological Series. Vol.-> 8°. Chicago, 1895-> Zoological Series. Vol. I-> 8°. Chicago, 1895-> Ornithological Series. Vol. I-> 8". Chicago, 1896-> Chicago. — Field Museum of Natural History. The Birds of eastern North America known to occur east of the Ninetieth Meridian, Ac. 2 Pt. See CORY (C. B.) 8°. 1899. Special edition printed for the Field Museum of Natural History. Chicago.— Field Museum of Natural History. A Catalogue of the Collection of Mammals in the Field Columbian Museum. By D. G. Elliot, pp. viii, 694 •' text illust. See supra, Publications, 8°. 1911-> CHILDREN'S MUSEUM, Brooklyn. [Established 1899. J See BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. CHILIER (FRANCISCO Asis DE VERA Y) See VERA Y CHILIER. CHILLAGOE GOLDFIELD. [Maps.] [For Maps of this Goldfield] See QUEENSLAND. — Geological Survey. [Maps.] CHILTON (CHARLES) [I860-] The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand. Reports on the Geo-Physics, Geology, Zoology, and Botany of the islands. . .Edited [with a history of then- scientific investigation, an ac- count of the Crustacea, and a summary of the results obtained on the present expedition] by C. Chilton, dc. 2 Vol. illust. See PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE OP CANTERBURY, New Zealand. 4°. 1909. Chiltou (CHARLES) The Amphipoda of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. See SCOTTISH OCEANO- GRAPHICAL LABORATORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the voyage of S.Y. " Scotia," do. Vol. VI, no. 7. 4°. 1912. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Vol. XLTIII, 1912. China. [521 water-colour drawingsby native artists of .Chinese Animals and 654 of ChjwiePlants forming tha- collection of J. Reeves.l^-""^ fol. [1822^29/] Four copies were madepf-Cne drawings of Fish (498 flgs. orf'"l25 foil.). Three of these ar>-m the Museums- viz. :— (1) Reaves' own series, (2) that givento-Sfr J. Richardson and used by him for his " Report " [9.11.], and>»7 the set sent to General Hardwicke, included in his collecUmT of drawings [q.v. under iNni*). The translations of the pifSe names on the second set were" made by Ur. Birch (fide Dr. •}*c. Gunther). The fourth set war left behind in Macao with a Mr. Beale, and was utilized by 1X3. Bridgman in his "Chinese Chresto- mathy " (4°. Macao, 1S41>^'^ For MS. notea accompanying these drawings, See RKEVES (J.). China. [Twenty-four water-colour drawings of Chinese Fish, made at Canton by a native artist.] fol. Forming Banksian MSS. No. 11. See Dryander, "Cat. Bibl. Banks " Vol. n, p. 181. These drawings are referred to by Cuvier and Valenciennes in their " Histoire naturelle des Poissons," Vol. XVI & xvn. China. [Three water-colour drawings by a native artist of Chinese Fish, and eleven of Birds.] . fol. China. [For water-colour drawings by native artists of Chinese Reptiles and Fish (including one set of Reeves' drawings of Fish) forming part of the series bequeathed by General Hardwicke] See INDIA. China. [Afops.] [Map of China and the surrouuding * regions. Compiled. . .by E. Bretschneider, Ac. 4 sh. St. Petersburg, 1896.] China. [Maps.] 50m.] Map of China, Ac. [Scale 1 in. = col. London, etc. 1901. - Second. . .edition. [Scale, 1 in. = 72-2 m. about.] 4 sh. col. St. Petersburg, 1900. — Supplementary Maps. 6 sh. col. St. Petersburg, 1898. I. Part of northern Chili. [Scale, 1 in. = 12 m.] II. The mountains west of Peking. [Scale, 1 in. = 5J m. about.] III. Mid China and the Yangtze River. [Scale, 1 in. = 36J m about ] IV. The Great Rivers of the Canton Province. [Scale, 1 in. = 24 m.l v. Parts of Yunnan Province. [Scale, 1 in. = 15j m. about.) 733. o- 3. o. L. China. [Maps.] China: Provinz Kan-su herausge- geben von W. Filchner. Massstab, 1 : 1,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 15| m. about]. See FILCHNER (W.) Wissen- schaftliche Ergebnisse der Expedition Filchner nach China und Tibet, 1903-05. Bd. ill. 1910. CHIOVENDA (EMILIO) Flora delle Alpi LeDpHtmeJ occidentali ossia Catelogo ragionate^dejlerpiante crescenti nelle^ailate sulla AesjutfAel Lago Maggiore, /f~V& '• Ac. r>v.}»rt?>l\l\. 8°. Roma (1906). (J Chiovenda (EMILIO) Intorno ad alcune Graminacee da essenze ed a quelle della colonia Eritrea, pp. 17. 8°. Roma, 1909. Chioveuda (EMILIO) Colonia Eritrea. La collezione del Cereali della colonia Eritrea presentata . . . all' Esposizione Internazionale di Torino del 1911. pp. 56. 8°. Roma, 1912. Chiovenda (EMILIO) Etiopia. Osservazioni Botaniche, agrarie ed industriall fatte nelT Abissinia Settentrionale nelT anno 1909. pp. 132. 8°. Roma, 1912. Chiovenda (EMILIO) Le Collezioni Botaniche della Missione Stefanini-Paoli nella Somalia Italiana. Ap- pendice : Leraccolte di Mangano, Scassellati, Mazzocchi e Provenzale in Somalia, pp. 241 : 24 ph., 1 map in text. 8°. Firenze, 1916. Pubblic. R. Istit. Studi Super. Firenze. Chioveuda (EMILIO) & Cortesi (F.) [Angiospermse from Ruwenzori.] See LUIGI AMEDEO GIUSEPPE MARIA FERDINANDO FRANCESCO, Duke of Abruzzi. II Ruwenzori . . . Risultati . . . dalla Spedizione. Vol. i. Botanica. 8°. 1909. Chioveuda (EMILIO) & Firotta (R.) Flora Romana. Fasc. l-> See PIROTTA (R.) & CHIOVENDA (E.) 4°. 1900-> CHIFF (THOMAS FORD) A List of Trees, Shrubs and Climbers of the Gold Coast, Ashanti and the Northern Territories, pp. 59. 8°. London, 1913. Chipp (THOMAS F.) A List of the Herbaceous Plants and Undershrubs of the Gold Coast, Ashanti and the Northern Territories, pp. 55. 8". London, 1914. CHIRVINSKII (PETR NlKOLAEVlCH) Iskusstvennoe poluchenie Mineralov v XIX stolyetii. — Reproduction artificielle de Mineiaux au XIXe siecle. pp. [i,] Hi, 638, lxxxviii,ii: 22 ph., text illust. 8°. Kiev, 1903-06. Chirvinskil (PETR N.) Popuitka prilozheniya zakona Avoghadro k ghornuim Porodam i Meteoritam. — Ein Versuch der Anwendung des Avogadroschen Gesetzes auf irdische Gesteine und Meteoriten. 8°. Novocherkassk, 1915. Izvyest. Aleksyeevsk. Donsk. Polltechmch. Instil. Tom. IT. otd. 2 pp. 76-93. CHISHITSU GAKU ZASSHI.— The Geological Magazine. See TOKIO. — CHISHITSU GAKU KWAI. Chisholm (GEORGE GOUDIE) Europe. 2 Vol. illust. See STANFORD (E.) Stanford's Compendium of Geo- graphy and Travel. (New Issue.) 8°. 1899 & 1902. Chisholm (GEORGE G.) Longmans' Gazetteer of the World. Edited by G. G. Chisholm. . .New Impression (1899) [Re-issued 1902]. pp. xii, 1788. 8°. London, phygma frugiperda, S. & A.), and Variegated Cutworm [Peridroma sancia, Huebn.J. pp. 64 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 29, New Series. 8°. 1901. Chittendeu (FRANK H.) Some Insects injurious to Vegetable Crops. A series of articles dealing with insects of this class, pp. 117 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — • Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 83, New Series. 8°. 1902. Chitteudeu (FRANK H.) A brief account of the prin- cipal Insect enemies of the Sugar Beet. pp. 71 : text C illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture.— Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 43. 8°. 1903. Chittenden (FRANK H.) The Basket Willow by W. F. Hubbard. . .With a chapter on " Insects injurious to S.l the Basket Willow," by F. H. Chittenden. pp. 100 : 7 pis., 1 map, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — De- partment of Agriculture. — Forestry Bureau. Bulletin No. 46. 8°. 1904. Chittendeu (FRANK H.) Harvest Mites, or " Chiggers." pp. 6 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department £• of Agriculture.— Entomology Division. Circular No. 77. 8°. 1906. — [Another edition.] pp. 7 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bul- letin No. 671. 8°. 1915. Chittenden (FRANK H.) The Melon Aphis (Aphis - gossypii, Glov.). pp. 16: text illust. See UNITED t STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology /,, Division. Circular No. "80. 8°. 1906. * Chittendeu (FRANK H.) Insects injurious to Vege- tables, pp. xiv, 262 : 2 pis., text ilhist. 8°. New York, 1907. Chittenden (FRANK H.) The Colorado Potato Beetle f (Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Say), pp. 15 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 87. 8°. 1907. Chitteudeu (FRANK H.) The Asparagus Miner (Agro- myza simplex, Loew). Notes on the Asparagus Beetles (Crioceris asparagi, L., and C. 1^-punctata, L.). — The Water-cress Sowbug (Mancasellus brachyurus, Harger). The Water-cress Leaf -beetle (Ph : text illust. The Asparagus Beetles, pp. 1:2 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 99 & 102. 8°. 1908. // 203 Chittendeu (FRANK H.) The Harlequin Cabbage Bug (Mttrgantia histrionica, Hahn). pp. 10 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — y+. Entomology Division. Circular No. 103. 8°. 1908. Chitteiitleii (FRANK H.) The Rose Slugs, pp. 12: text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture.— Entomology Division. Circular No. 105. 8°. 1908. Chitteiuleii (FliANK H.) An injurious North American species of Apion (A. griscum, Sm.), with notes on related forms. — Insects injurious to the Loco Weeds. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture.— Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 64, pt. IV & v. 8°. 1908. Chittenden (FRANK H.) The Common Red Spider i* (Tetranychus bimaculataus, Harvey), pp. 11: text illuat. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture.— Entomology Division. Circular No. 104. 8°. 1909. Chittenden (FRANK H.) Control of the Mediterranean Flour Moth (Ephestia Jcuehniella, Zell.), by Hydroeyanic- f. acid gas fumigation, pp. 22 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — -Entomology Division. Circular No. 112. 8°. 1909. Chittenden (FRANK H.) The Hop Flea-beetle (Psyl- punctulata, Melsh.). — Miscellaneous notes on Truck-crop Insects. See UNITED STATES. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 66. Some Insects injurious to Truck Crops. Pt. vi & vn. 8°. 1909. Chittenden (FRANK H.) The Parsnip Leaf-miner (Acidia fratria, Loew). The Parsley stalk Weevil (Listronolus latiusculus, Boh.). The Celery Caterpillar (Papilio polyxenes, Fab.). — The Lima-bean Pod-borer Etiella zinchenella, Treit.). The Yellow-necked Flea- beetle (Disonychamellicollis, Say). See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture.— Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 82. Some Insects injurious to Truck Crops. Pt. II & Hi. 8°. 1909. Chittenden (FRANK H.) The Oak Pruner (Elaphidion villosum,F&b.). pp.~: text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 130. 8°. 1910. Chittenden (FRANK H.) Notes on the Cucumber f Beetles (Diabrotica). — Notes on various Truck-crop Insects. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture.— Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 82. Some Insects injurious to Truck Crops. Pt. VI & vn. 8°. 1910, 11. Chittenden (FRANK H.) The Asparagus Miner (Agro- myza simplex, Loew). pp. 5 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — • Entomology Division. Circular No. 135. 8°. 1911. A reprint from the " Bulletin," No. 66, pt. I, 1907. Chittenden (FRANK H.) A List of Insects affecting stored Cereals. The Mexican Grain Beetle (Pharaxo- notha Jcirschi, Keitt.). The Siamese Grain Beetle (Lophocateres pusillus, Klug). — -The Broad-nosed Grain Weevil (Caulopliilus latinasus, Say). The Long-headed Flour Beetle (Latheticus oryzai, Waterh.). — The Lesser Grain -borer (Rhizopertha dominica, Fab.). The Larger Grain-borer (Dinoderus truncatus, Horn). See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 96. Papers on Insects affecting stored products. Pt. l-III. 8°. 1911. Chittendeu (FRANK H.) The Fig Moth (Ephestia cautella, Walk.), pp. 40 : 4 pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Bureau. Bulletin No. 104. 8°. 1911. Chittenden (FRANK H.) The Hawaiian Beet Webworm (Hymenia fascialii, Cram.). By H. O. Marsh . . . With an Appendix by . . . F. H. Chittenden. The southern Beet Webworm (Pachyzancla bipunctalis, Fab.). See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 109. Papers on Insects affecting Vegetables. Pt. I & II. 8°. 1911. Chitteuden (FRANK H.) The Larger Canna Leaf Roller (Calpodes ethlius, Cram.), pp. 10 : text illust. (i/f See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 145. 8°. 1912. Chitteuden (FRANK H.) The Potato-Tuber Moth (Phthorimcea operculella, Zell.). A preliminary account. pp. 5 : text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 162. 8°. 1912. Chittendeu (FRANK H.) The Broad-bean Weevil (Laria ruflmana, Boh.). — The Cowpea Weevil (Pachy- merus chinensis, L.). See UNITED STATES. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 96. Papers on Insects affecting stored products. Pt. v & VI. 8°. 1912. Chittenden (FRANK H.) A little-known Cutworm [Porosagrotis vetusta, Walk.]. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 109. Papers on Insects affecting Vege- tables. Pt. IV. 8°. 1912. Chitteudeu (FRANK H.) The Rose Slug-Caterpillar (Eucleaindetermina, Boisd.). pp. 9 : text illust. The Florida Fern Caterpillar (Eriopus floridensis, Guen.). pp. 11 : text illust. The Abutilon Moth (Cosmopliila erosa, Hiibn.). pp. 10 : B pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 124, 125 & 126. 8°. 1913. Chitteuden (FRANK H.) The Spotted Beet Webworm (Hymenia perspectalis, Hiibn.). pp.11: 4 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 127. Papers on Insects affecting Vegetables and Truck Crops. Pt. 1. 8°. 1913. Chittenden (FRANK H.) The Potato-Tuber Moth [Phthorimoe.a operculella, Zell.J. pp. 7 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 557. 8°. 1913. Chittenden (FRANK H.) The Violet Rove-Beetle [Apocellus sphcericollis, Say], pp. 4 • text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 264. 8°. 1915. Chitteudeu (FRANK H.) The Common Cabbage Worm (Pontia rapoe). pp. 14 : text illust. See UNITED £ . STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 766. 8°. 1916. Chittenden (FRANK H.) The Pink Corn-Worm (Batra- chedra rileyi) : an Insect destructive to Corn in the crib. pp. 20 : 4 plg- printed back to back, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 363. 8°. 1916. £.. €.. 204 v- E. 7*. e. • . B. Chittenden (FRANK H.) The Asparagus Beetles and their Control, pp. 15: text Must. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bul- letin No. 887. 8°. 1917. Chittenden (FRANK H.) & Howard (L. 0.) The Catalpa Sphinx (Crratomia catalpce, Bdv.). pp. 7: text illiist. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 96. 8°. 1907. Chittenden (FRANK H.) & Howard (L. O.) The Bag- worm (Thyridopteryx ephemerceformis, Haw.), pp. 10 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture.— Entomology Division. Circular No. 97. 8°. 1908. - [Another edition.] pp. 12 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bul- letin No. 701. 8°. 1916. Chittenden (FRANK H.) & Howard (L. O.) The Leopard Moth (Zeuzera pyrina, Fab.), pp. 8 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture.— Entomology Division. Circular No. 109. 8°. 1909. [Another edition.] pp.12: text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bul- letin No. 708. 8°. 1916. Chittenden (FRANK H.) & Howard (L. 0.) The Green-Striped Maple Worm (Anisota rubicunda, Fab.). pp. 7 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 110. 8°. 1909. Chittenden (FRANK H.) & Howard (N. F.) The Horse-radish Flea-beetle (Phyllotreta armoracice, Koch) : its life history and distribution, pp. 16 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture. Bulletin No. 535. 8°. 1917. Chittenden (FRANK H.) & Orton (W. A.) Control of Diseases and Insect Enemies of the Home Vegetable Garden, pp. 72: text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Fanners' Bulletin No. 856. 8°. 1917. Chittenden (FRANK H.) & Bnssell (H. M.) The semitropical Army Worm (Prodenia eridania, Cram.). See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 66, pt. V. 8". 1909. Chodat (ROBERT) Tremandracea; & Polygalacese. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die natUrlichen Pflanzenfamilien, See CHEVALIER (A.) 4°. 1911-> Chodat (ROBERT) Monographies d'Algues en culture pure. See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. Beitriige zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz, dc. Bd. IV, hft. 2. 8°. 1913. Chodat (ROBERT) & Gnerke (A. R. L. M.) [Polygala- ce8B of Equatorial Africa.] (Nach den Bestimmungen von M. Giirke und R. Chodat, zusammengestellt von J. Mildbraed.) See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaft- liche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expe- dition, 1907-1908, dc. Bd. II, lief. 5. 8°. 1912. Choffat (PAUL) Recueil de monographies strati- graphiques sur le Systeme Cretacique du Portugal . . . Premiere Etude. Gentries de Cintra, de Bellas et de Lisbonne. See PORTUGAL. — Commissao do Servigo Geologico. [Memoires : Cretacique.] 4°. 1885. Deuxieme Etude. Le Cretacique superieur au Nord du Tage. 4°. 1900. Choffat (PAUL) Contributions A la connaissance geo- logique des Colonies Portugaises d' Afrique, dc. 2 Pt. illust. See PORTUGAL. — Commissao do Servigo Geolo- gico. [Memoires : Colonies.] 4°. 1903, 05. Choffat (PAUL) Description de la Faune Jurassique du Portugal. Polypiers du Jurassique Superieur par F. Koby, avec une Notice Stratigraphique par P. ChofTat. See PORTUGAL. — Commissao do Service Geologico. [Memoires : Jitrassique.] 4°. 1904-05. Choffat (PAUL) Essai sur la Tectonique de la Chaine de 1'Arrabida. See PORTUGAL. — Commissao do Servigo Geologico. [Memoires : Tectonique, dc.] 4°. 1908. Choffat (PAUL) La Geologic Portugaise et 1'oeuvre de Nery Delgado, dc. pp. 35: 1 port. See LISBON. — SOCllJTE PORTUGAISE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. Bulletin, dc. Tom. Ill, Supplement 1. 8". 1909. Choffat (PAUL) Les recherches de Petrole dans 1'Kstra- madure Portugaise. pp. 38 : 3 pis., text illust. 8°. Lisbon, 1914. Revista Obrae Pul>). & Minns. Tom. M.IV. Choffat (PAUL) & Bensaude (A.) Etudes sur le Seisme du Ribatejo du 23 Avril, 1909. See PORTUGAL. — Commissao do Semico Geologico. [Publications diverses.] 4°. 1911. Choffat (PAUL) & Delgado (J. F. N.) Carta Geolo- gica de Portugal. . . Escala, 1 : 500,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 8 m. about]. See PORTUGAL. — Commissao do Servigo Geolo- gico. [] . 2 sh. co?. 1899. 205 Choisy (JACQUES DENYS) Une promenade au Jardin •B Royal de Row, en Angleterre. pp. 24. 8°. Geneve, 1856. ™ ' Extrait des Etrennes religleiises de 1856. CHOLMONDELEY (HUGH) 3rd Baron Delamere _ [1870-] Great and small Game of Africa . . . Contri- — • butors : Major A. J. Arnold . . . Lord Delamere, See CHEVALIER (A.) 4°. 1911— > Christ (HERMANN) & Bommer (J. E.) [Filices of Costa Bica.] See DURAND (T.) & PITTIER (H. F.) PrimitiiB Florae Costaricensis. Tom. I, fasc. 3. 8°. 1896. CHRIST'S HOSPITAL, WEST HOBSHAM, NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Annual Report, ttc. No. l-> 8°. [London, 1904->] . CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand.— New Zealand International Exhibition of Arts and Industries, 1906-7. *—7 7..J Official Becord of the. . .Exhibition. . .held at Christ- A ~~ church, 1906-7. A descriptive and historical account. By J. Cowan, tic. pp. [iv,] 470 : 1 pi., 1 map, text C . illust. 8°. Wellington, 1910. CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand. — CANTERBURY MUSEUM. Becords of the . . . Museum. Vol. I— >• 8°. Christchurch, New Zealand, 1907 Christchurch, New^Zealand. — CAjjapBirEuRY MJISBU Guide to the^jGoHections ig^be^TTMuseiHtfrrTsecon e']> 744- 8°. Hafnia:, (1905-) 1906. - Supplementum 1906-1912. pp. [ii], 131 [1]. 8°. Hafnia;, 1913. Christensen (CARL F. A.) Bevision of the American £ species of Dryopteris of the group of D. opposita. pp. 00 : text illust. See COPENHAGEN. — KONGELIGT .J. i DANSK VIDENSKABERNES _SELSKAB. Det. . . Skrifter, Ac. Baekke VII, afd. iv, no. 4. 4°. 1907. Christensen (CARL F. A.) Ueber einige Fame in O. I. • Swartz' Herbarium, pp. 46: 5 pis., text illust. ~ r See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- >-)> AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. IX, no. 11. 8°. 1910. Christensen (CARL F. A.) On some species of Ferns collected by ... C. Skottsberg in temperate South » America, pp. 32 : Ipl., text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGUGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. x, no. 2. 8°. 1910. Christensen (GAEL F. A.) Den Danske Botaniske Litteratur 1880-1911, sammenstillet, Ac. pp. xxi ft], ' _ 279 : text illust. 8°. Kflbenhavn, 1913. Christensen (CARL F. A.) A monograph of the genus L • Dryopteris. Part I. The tropical American pLnnatifid- bipinnatfid species, pp. 230 : text illust. See COPEN- HAGEN.—KONGELIGT DANSK VIDENSKABERNES SELSKAB. Det... Skrifter, Ac. Baakke VII, afd. x,.no. 2. 4°. 1913. Christensen (CARL F. A.) New Ferns from Mada- ^ ' gascar. pp. S: 2 ph. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA ^ £"70 ±'5-10.3 SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. ifc. Bd. XIV, no. 19. Arkiv for Botanik, °. 1916. Christiania.— Kongeligt Norsk Frederiks Uni- versitet. Universitets-Program for 2d" semester 1897. 8°. Christiania, 1897. Contains, inter alia : — [III.] On Chlamydoselachus anyuincus, Garni., a remarkable shark found in Norway, 1896. By B. Collett. pp. 17 : 3 pis. [IV.] Beitrage zur physiologischen Anatomic der Laminariaceen Von . . . N. Wille. pp. 70 : 1 pi. (col.) Also issued as a separate, extracted from the University Festschrift, published on the occasion of the 50th year of the reign of Kinc Oscar II. Christiania.— Kongeligt Norsk Frederiks Uni- versitet. Universitetets Ethnografiske Samlinger 1857-1907. En historisk oversigt over deres tilblivelse, vaekst og udvikling, af . . .Y. Nielsen, pp. 136 [2] : text illust. 8°. Christiania, 1907. 206 fr. G-, L. 21. U Christiania. — Kongeligt Norsk Frederiks Uni- versitet. Revision av Universitetsmwseets Samling av Norske Bryozoer, ved 0. Nordgaard. pp. i!7 : text illust. See DHONTHEIM.— KONGELIGT NORSK VIDENSKAIU.KS SKLSKAB. Dot. . .Skriftcr. 1911, no. 8. 8°. 1912. CHRISTIANIA.— Norsk Geologisk Foreuing. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, Each papvr ia separately paged. Christiania.— Norsk Geologisk Foreuing. Norsk Geologisk Forenings historic og virksomhet til utgangeu av 1909, ved K. O. Bj0rlykke og J. Schetelig. pp. 60. See supra, Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift. Bd. I, no. 18. 8°. 1909 (1910). Christiania. Videnskabs-Selskabet. Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the " Fram," 1898-1902.*-* Vol. 8°. Kristiania, (1904-) 1907-1* Vol. I. No. 1. A. G. Nathorst : Die oherdevonische Flora des Elles- mcre-Landes. pp. -'-' ; 7 pit., text illtist. 1904. „ 2. II. G. Simmons : The Vascular Plants in the Flora of Ellesmere-Land. pp. 1'JI [1] : IV pit., text Ultut. 1908. ,, 3. E. Strand : Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera und Arauete. pp. SO. 1905. „ 4. H. Mohu : Meteorology, pp. 390. 1907. Vol. H. No. 5. G. Isachsen : Astronomical... Observations, pp. 1U1: I pit. , 3 inapt col. 1907. „ «. A. S. Steen : Terrestrial Magnetism, pp. •>;. 1907. „ 7. E. Kittl: Die Triasfossilien vom Heureka Sund. pp. U,: Spit. 1807. ,, 8. 0. Nordgaard : Bryozoa. pp. V, : k pit. 1906. „ 8. E. Rostrup : Fungi, pp. 10. liinfi. „ 10. E. Wahlgren : Collcmliola. pp. 6 : text illust. 1907. „ 11. N. Bryhn : Bryophyta. pp. 260: 3 pit. 1906. „ 12. H. Broch : Hydroiden und Medusen. pp. 13: 3 jilt. 1907. „ 18. J. A. Grieg : Echiuodermata. pp. 28 : a pis. 1907. Vol. in. No. 14. P. Bjerkan : Ascidien. pp. 13: 1 pi, 1908. „ 15. H. Ditlevsen : Annulata Polychwta. pp. 23 : 1 pi. 1909. ,, 16. H. G. Simmons : A revised List of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of north-western Greenland, Ac. pp. Ill: text Must. 1909. „ 17. H. Kieer. On the Bottom Deposits, Departments of the Government of India. (New Series.) No. 46. 4°. 1911. Christophers (SAMUEL R.) Malaria in the Andamans. pp. 4J$ : 1 pi., 1 map. See SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of ' the Government of India. (New Series.) No. 56. 4". 1912. Christophers (SAMUEL R.) & Stephens (J. W. W.) The practical study of Malaria and other blood parasites. See LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE. <«3«-. 8°. 1903. CHRISTY (CUTHBERT) [1863-J Mosquitos and Malaria : a summary of knowledge on the subject up to date ; with an account of the natural history of some mosquitos. pp. ix, [ii,] 80 : 6 j>ls. 8". London, 1900. CHRISTY (HENRY) [1810-1865] British Museum. Guide to the Christy Collection of Prehistoric Antiquities and Ethnography, Sc. See BRITISH MUSEUM. 8°. 1868. JL Christy (ROBERT MILLER) The Birds of Essex, illuat. (col.) 8°. London, 1916-» Chubb (ClIAKLES) & Kiiatchbull-Hugesseii (W. W.) 3rd Baron Brabourne. The Birds of South America. (Illustrations, illust. (col.) It-^ ~9f. Oxford, 1908-> CHURCH (Sir ARTHUR HERBERT) K.C.V.O. [1834- 1915] Food. Some account of its sources, constituents and uses, Ac. See VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. — Branch Museum, Bethnal Green. 8°. 1876. B. z- S./6.'3, &K.A& o. Fourth thousand. 8°. 1880. Church (Sir ARTHUR H.KK.C.F.O. Precious Stones considered in their scientific and artigtiCrelatjetlfe, with "Q a Catalogue of the Tawnshend CpHCctionx^New edition. - See VICTORIA >WD ALBERT^-^UJSEUMT 8°. 1905. 8°. 1908. 8°. 1913. Third^eflition. [Another edition.] L. S./T33.B Church (Sir ARTHUR H.) K.C. V.O. The Royal Society. Some account of the ' Classified Papers ' in the Archives (of the period 1606-1741), with an Index of Authors, 5.3, compiled by A. H. Church, pp. 38. 8°. Oxford, 1907. CHURIN (PETR VASlL'EVICH) Materialui k izucheniyu eotzenovuikh otlozhenii Simbirskoi ghub. — Materialien zur Kenntniss der eocenischen Schichten des Gouv. Simbirsk, pp. 11. Russ. with GERM, abstract. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELE!, Ac. Protokolui zasyedanii, Ac. Prilozheniya, No. 176. 8°. 1899. CHYZER (CORNELIUS) See CHYZER (KORNEL) CHYZER (KORNEL) [1836-1909] [Scorpiones of Hun- gary.] See BUDAPEST. — KIRALYI MAGYAR TERME- ^ , SZETTUDOMANYI TARSULAT. A Magyar Birodalom Allatvilaga, Ac. in. 4°. 1900. Chyzer (KORNKL) & Kulczyrisld (L.) [Araneae of Hungary.] See BUDAPEST. — KIRALYI MAGYAR TERME- SZETTUDOMANYI TARSULAT. A Magyar Birodalom Allat- vilaga, : text illust. See BRUSSELS. — sociKTt: SCIENTIFIQUE. , Annales, rfc. Tom. XXXV, fasc. 8 & 4. (Memoires.) 8°. 1911. Claerhout (JuLIOAN) L'Aurignacien en Belgique. pp. 17 : text illust. See BRUSSELS. — sociETE SCIENTI- FIQUE. Annales, rfc. Tom. XXXVI. (Memoires.) 8°. 1912. Claerhout (JuLIOAN) L'Kpoque Solutreenne en Bel- gique. pp. 11 : text illust. See BRUSSELS.— SOCIKTK SCIKNTIFIQUE. Annales, Ac. Tom. xxxvi. (Memoires.) 8°. 1912. CLAPP (CHARLES HORACE) [1888-] Southern Van- couver Island, pp. xiii, /o\ ; It; pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir No. 18. [No. 14, Geological Series.] 8". 1912. Clapp (CHARLES H.) Geology of the Victoria and Haanich map-areas, Vancouver Island, B.C. pp. viii, 143: 18 pis., 4 maps geol. col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir 86. 8°. 1918. Clapp (CHARLES H.) Geology of the Nanaimo map- area. pp. mi, 135 : 13 pis., 4 maps col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir 51. (No. 48, Geological Series.) fa- ®°- LtJfa- CLAFF (FREDERICK G.) [1879-] Limestones of south- western Pennsylvania, pp. !>2 : 4 pis. ,3 maps (1 geol. col.). See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bul- letin No. 249. 8°. 1905. Clapp (FREDERICK G.) Economic Geology of the Amity quadrangle, eastern Washington county, Pennsylvania. pp. 145 : 6 pis., 3 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 300. 8°. 1907. Clapp (FREDERICK G.) & Stone (R. W.) Oil and Gas Fields of Greene county, Pa. pp. 110: 2 pis., 1 map (col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 304. 8°. 1907. Clapp (FREDERICK G.) & others. Petroleum and Natural Gas resources of Canada. Vol. II. See CANADA. — Department of Mines. 8°. 1915. CLAR (CONRAD) & Sigmund (A.) Exkursion in dus Eruptivgebiet von Gleichenberg. pp. 16 : 1 pi., 1 map geol. col. See CONGRKS GKOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. — Ninth Session : Vienna, 1903. Fiihrer fiir die Exkur- sionen in Oesterreich, rfc. No. V. 8°. 1903. CLAREMONT, California. — POMONA COLLEGE. — Department of Zoology. Pomona College Journal of Entomology. Vol. l-iv. 8°. Claremont, Cal., 1909-12. [Continued as :] Journal of Entomology and Zoology, rfc. Vol. V— > 8°. Claremont, Cal., 1913 CLAREMONT (LEOPOLD) Tabular arrangement of the distinguishing characteristics and localities of Pre- cious Stones. London (1901). Supplement to the " Mining Journal," Vol. LXXI, July 20, 1901. [Another edition.] London, 1904. Supplement to "The Mining Journal " [Vol. LXXV, no. 3878], March 6, Claremont (LEOPOLD) The Gem-Cutter's Craft. pp. xvi, 296 : IS pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1906. CLARETIE (JULES) [1840-1913] & others. Le Mexique au d£but du xx* Sifecle. Par. . .,T. Claretie, rfc. 2 Vol. illust. (col.) See BONAPARTE (R. N.) Prince ,/• others. 8°. [1905.] CLARK (AUSTIN HOBART) [1880-] Crinoidea. (—Sup- plement.) 2 Pt. See MICHAELSEN (W.) Die Fauna Siid-west-Australiens, rfc. Bd. ill, lief. 13; bd. iv, lief. 6. 8°. 1911, 13. Clark (AUSTIN H.) The Crinoids of the Indian Ocean. See CALCUTTA. — Indian Museum. Echinoderma of the Indian Museum. Part VII. Crinoidea, rfc. 4". 1912. Clark (AUSTIN H.) The Crinoids of the Natural History Museum at Hamburg, pp. 3.1. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. LX, no. 10. 8°. 1912. 209 Clark (AUSTIN H.) Notes on American species of Peripatus, with a list of known forms. pp. 5. ft See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscel- " laneous Collections. Vol. LX, no. 17. 8°. 1913. Clark (AUSTIN H.) Notes on the recent Crinoids in the British Museum, pp. 89. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. LXI, no. 15. 8". 1913. Clark (AUSTIN H.) On a collection of recent Crinoids from the waters about Ireland, pp. !J. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Fishery Reports. [Ireland.] Scientific Investigations. 1912, no. 4. 8°. 1913. Clark (AUSTIN H.) [Post-Palieoxoic Crinoidea revised and emended by A. H. Clark in co-operation with F. Springer.] See ZITTEL (K. A. VON) Text-Book of Paleontology. . .Second edition, Ac. Vol. I. 8°. 1913. Clark (AUSTIN H.) The Circulation of the abyssal waters of the Oceans, as indicated by the geographical j i and bathymetrical distribution of the recent Crinoids. pp. 27. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 285. 8°. 1914. Clark (AUSTIN H.) Notes on some specimens of a I _^ species of Onychophore (Oroperipatus corradoi) new B- to the Fauna of Panama, pp. 2. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. LXIII, no. 2. 8". 1914. Clark (AUSTIN H.) Une etude philosophique de la relation entre les Crinoides actuels et la temperature de leur habitat, pp. 11. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANO- GRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 294. 8°. 1914. H.) isting Clark (AUSTIN Crinoids. Vol. MUSEUM. Clark (AUSTIN' H"y The present distribution" of Onychophora, a group of terrestrial Invertebrates. pp. 25. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. LXV, no. 1. 8°. 1915. CLARE (DONALD) Metallurgy, pp. 204- West Australian Mining and 8°. Kalgoorlie, 4°. 1907-» No. 4 of Vol. XXXIV, and no. \~ Agassiz' s death, are by Clark alone. of Vol. XLVI, published after CLARK (.JAMES EDMUND) See NATURAL HISTORY JOURNAL AND SCHOOL EEPORTER, THE. [Edited by J. E. Clark.] Vol. l-xn. 8°. 1877-88. Clark (JOHN WILLIS) & Newton (Sir E.) K.C.M.G. On the osteology of the Solitaire (Pezophaps solitaria). See ROYAL SOCIETY OP LONDON. Philosophical Trans- actions, dec. Vol. CLXVIII. 4°. 1879. CLARK (ROBERT SELBIE) [1882-] Freshwater Fishes from Buenos Aires. See SCOTTISH OCEANOGRAPHICAL LABORATORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the voyage of S.Y. " Scotia " during. . . 1902-1904, Ac. Vol. IV, no. 8. 4°. 1915. Also Issued separately in 1912. Clark (ROBERT SELBIE) " Scotia " Collection of Atlantic Fishes. See SCOTTISH OCEANOGRAPHICAL LABORATORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the voyage of S.Y. "Scotia" during . . . 1902-1904, Ac. Vol. IV, no. 16. 4°. 1915. Clark's "Fishes .of St. Helena" were first published in the "Proc. Soy. Phy?. Soc. Edin." Vol. XIX (1913), pp. 47-53. Preprint. 1°. 1913. CLARE (ROBERT STIRLING) & Sowerby (A. DE C.) Through Shen-kan : the account of the Clark Expedition in North China, 1908-9. pp. viii, 247: 64 pis. (col.), 2 maps (col.). 8°. London it Leipsic, 1912. Contains, inter alia : — Chap. x. Biological Work. XI. Birds of North China, xii. Reptiles, Batrachians and Fishes. XIII. Geological Notes. > By A. de C. Sowerby. Append. II. Mammals collected in Shansi, I Shensi and Kansu. By III. Invertebrates collected. IV. Description of three new species of Siphonaptera. the Hon. N. C. Kothschild. v. Araneidsc. By H. R. Hogg. Clark (WILLIAM BULLOCK) [For official reports as State Geologist] See MARYLAND, State of. — Geological Survey. Clark (WILLIAM B.) & Twitchell (M. W.) The Meso- zoic and Cenozoic Echinodermata of the United States. pp. 341 : 108 pis. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Monographs, Ac. Vol. Liv. 4°. 1915. The Mesozoic Echinodermata, by W. B. Clark. The Cenozoic Echinodermata, by W. B. Clark and M. W. Twitchell. Clarke (CHARLES BARON) [Acanthacese of South Africa.] See HARVEY (W. H.) & SONDER (O. W.) Flora Capensis, Ac. Vol. V, pt. 1. 8°. 1901. 27 G-. S. -tj \"L Al 210 B. J. 3. -- G, fr. G-. &-. Clarke (CHARLES B.) [Commelinaceie & Cyperaceae of Tropical Africa.] Sec OLIVER (D.) Flora of Tropical Africa, rfr. Vol. VIII. 8°. [1901-02.] Clarke (CHARLES B.) Philippine Acanthacese. See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.— Science Bureau. [Bulletin] • No. 86. 8°. 1905. Clarke (CHARLES B.) New genera and species of Cyperacete. pp. iv, 196. See KEW. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Additional series, VIII. 8°. 1908. Clarke (CHARLES B.) Illustrations of Cyperacese. [Issued by Miss Clarke, with a preface by B. D. Jackson.] pp. vi [ii,] f> : 144 ph., with descriptive text. 8°. London, 1909. Clarke (('MAKLES B.) Sudania: Enumeration des Plantes recoltees en Afrique tropicale par ... A. Chevalier, de 1898 a 1910 inclus. Liste dressee d'apres les determinations de . . . C. B. Clarke, See CHEVALIER (A.) 4". 1911-> Clarke (CHARLES B.) & Baker (J. G.) [Gesueracetc, Amarantacete geol. col.), tert illuxt. See NEW ZEALAND.— Geological Survey. Bulletin (New Series) No. 8. 4". 1907. Clarke ( EDWARD DE C.) The Geology of the New Plymouth subdivision. Taranaki division, pp. vi, 5.S', / tail. : ~i maps col. See NEW ZEALAND. — Geological Survey. Bulletin (New Series) No. 14. 4°. 1912. Clarke (EDWARD DE C.) Notes on the Geology and Mining at Sandstone and Hancock's, East Murchison Goldfield, by E. de C. Clarke. Petrology by R. A. Farquharson. pp. G4 '• ~ maps (1 geol. col.), r> plans rf sections, text Must. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 62. 8°. 1914. Clarke (EDWARD DE C.) The Geology and Ore-deposits of Meekatharra, Murchison Goldfield, by E. de C. Clarke. Petrology by R. A. Farquharson. Mineralogy and Underground Waters by E. S. Simpson, pp. .•/.$£ : 1 pi., I map, text illust. Atlas : 25 maps rf sections geol. col. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA.— Geological Survey. Bul- letin No. 68. 8". & fol. 1916. Clarke (EDWARD DE C.) & Bell (J. M.) The Geology of the Whangaroa subdivision. Hokianga division. pp. viii [U,] 115: 18 pit. (1 col.), 8 maps (col.). See NEW ZEALAND.— Geological Survey. Bulletin (New Series) No. 8. 4°. 1909. Bul I Clarke (FRANK W.) Analyses of Rocks from the Laboratory of the ... Survey, 1880 to 1908. pp. 37.5. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 228. 8°. 1904. Clarke (FRANK W.) The Data of Geochemistry. pp. 71G. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Clarke (EDWARD DE C.) >v others. The Geology of the Dun Mountain subdivision, Nelson, pp. vii, '/"/, / tab. : 14 ph. (col.), 4maptcol. See NEW ZEALAND. — Geological Survey. Bulletin (New Series) No. 12. H". 1911. Bulletin No. 330. 8°. 1908. Clarke (FRANK WIGOLESWORTH) Analyses of Korks. . . 1880-1899, 4*. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. Liv, no. 3. 8°. 1910. Clarke (FRANK W.) The constitution of the natural Silicates, pp. 128. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 588. 8°. 1914. Clarke (FRANK W.) & Steiger (GEORGE) The action of ammonium; chloride upon Silicates, pp. •'>'!. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 207. 8". 1902. Clarke (FRANK W.) & Wheeler (W. C.) The com- position of Crinoid Skeletons. See UNITED STATUS.— Geological Survey. Professional Paper 90-D. 4°. 1914. Clarke (FRANK W.) & Wheeler (W. C.) The inorganic constituents of Echinoderms. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Professional Paper 90-L. 4". 1915. CLARKE (HENRY GREEN) The British Museum ; its Antiquities, and Natural History. A Hand-Book Guide for Visitors. See BRITISH MUSEUM. [Guides, rfc.l 8°. [1861.] CLARKE (HYDE) [1815-1895] On Geological Surveys. pp. x. 8°. [London, 1859.] One of the first publications of the Geologists' Association. CLARKE (JOHN ALGERNON) Fen Sketches : being a description of the alluvial district known as the Great Level of the Fens, l pis., text illust. See ALBANY. — NEW YORK STATK MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Memoirs, rfc. No. 5. 4°. 1903. Also forms part of Vol. in, of the 57th Ann. Kept. 1903 (1905). CLARKE (STEPHEN) Hortus Anglicus, (tc. Clarke.] See HORTUS ANGLICUS. JBy S. '. 1822. CLARKE (T. W. H.) Great and small Game of Africa . . . Contributors : Major A. J. Arnold . . . T. W. H. Clarke, etc. See BRYDEN (H. A.) 4°. 1899. CLARKE (WILLIAM) M.I.C.E. Some observations on the Clee Hill Basalt from a practical point of view. . . Reprinted 1904, 8°. 1912-> Clarke (WILLIAM E.) On the Birds of the South Orkney Islands. — On the Birds of the Weddell and adjacent seas, Antarctic Ocean. — On the Birds of Gough Island, South Atlantic Ocean. See SCOTTISH OCEANOGRAPHI- CAL LABORATORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expe- dition. Report on the Scientific Results of the voyage of S.Y. " Scotia " during . . . 1902-1904, Sc. Vol. IV, no. 14. Ornithology, ttc. 4°. 1915. The above reports first appeared in the " Ibis," Ser. VIII, vol. V (1905), VI (1906) ; IX, vol. I (1907). Also issued separately in 1913. Clarke (WILLIAM E.) & others. Atlas of Zoogeography, tfc. See BARTHOLOMEW (J. G.) if others. Bartholo- mew's Physical Atlas. Vol. v. fol. 1911. Classen (ALEXANDER) Handbuch der analytischen Chemie. . .Ftinfte. . .Auflage. Thl. II. Handbuch der quantitative!! chemischen Analyse, illust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1900. Classen (ALEXANDER) Ausgewiihlte Methoden der analytischen Chemie . . . Unter Mitwirkung von H. Cloeren. 2 Bd. illust. 8°. Braunschweig, 1901-03. Claus (CARL FKIEDKICH WILHELM) Neue Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Copepoden unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Triester Fauna, jyp. 20 : 3 ph. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSI- TAKT. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute, ph. 8°. Ciney, 1899. Extrait de " L'lngenlcur Agricole de tiviii'.iluiix." Clautriau (GEORGES) La digestion dans les urnes de Nepenthes, pp. 54 [1]. See BRUSSELS. — ACADEMIE ROY ALE DBS SCIENCES, : 1 pi. col. • Fam. Crioceridoe. pp.;lf>: .r> ph. col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Tnsectorum, ttc. Fasc. 21 & 28. Coleoptera. 4°. 1904. Clavarean (HENRI) & Jacoby (M.) Fam. Megascelidte. pp. 6 : 1 pi. col. Fam. Megalopidse. pp. '" : .' / ph. col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) GeneraJnsectorum, ttc. Fasc. 49. Coleoptera. 4°. 1906-07. CLAWSON (A. B.) & others. Larkspur, or " Poison Weed." pp. I.r>: text illust. See UNITED STATES.- Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 531. 8". 1918. Clawson (A. B.) & others. Zygadenus, or Death Camas. pp. 46 : 6' ph. back to back See UNITED STATE*.— Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 125. 8°. 1915. Clawson (A. B.) & others. Larkspur poisoning of Live Stock, pp. ''/ : l~> ph. back to back. See UNITED STATES.— Department of A griculture. Bulletin No. 865. 8°. 1916. CLAYBROOKE (JEAN DE) See OHNIS. Bulletin . . publie HOUB la direction de . . . J. de Claybrooke. Tom. ix-xi. 8°. 1898-1901. Claybrooke (JEAN DE) III* Congres Ornithologique International . . . Compte Rendu des Seances. PublicS par. . . J. de Claybrooke. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL ORNITHOLOGIQUB. — Third Session : Paris, /.'"<". 8°. 1901. CLATPOLE (EDITH J.) On the classification of the Streptothrices, particularly in their relation to Bacteria. 8°. [? Berkeley, Cal., 1918.] Reprinted from the "Journ. Experiment. Med." Vol. XVII, no. 1, 1813. pp. 99-116 : t pli. (coj.) Claypole (EDWARD WALLER) The Fossil Fishes of Ohio, ttc. See OHIO, State of. — Geological Survey. Vol. vn, pt. 2. Palaeontology. 8°. [1894.] GLEE HILL GRANITE COMPANY. Descrip- tion of the Clee Hill Granite Company's Quarries, Lud- low, Salop, pp. 16 : text illust. 4°. London [1898]. The Quarry. July, 1898. Clegg (JAMES) The International Directory^ Book- sellers and Bibliophile's Jttfnual, including lists of the public libraries ofihe World. ..JeJirned Societies and Institutions . .x'Edited by iXClegg. [Seventh edition.] pp. xit>^4^4- •&• Rochdale, ttc. 1906. [Nkftlreaition.] pp. xiv, 644- 8°. Rochdale, rfc. 1914. CLELAND (E. DAVENPORT) The Pilbara and West Pilbara Goldfields. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 52. Mineral Resources of the North-West Division, ttc. Appendix. 8°. 1913. CLELAND (HERDMAN FITZGERALD) [1869-] The Calciferous of the Mohawk Valley, pp. 26 : 4 ph. See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Bulletins of American Paleontology. Vol. Ill, no. 18. 8°. 1900. Cleland (HERDMAN F.) Further notes on the Calci- ferous (Beekmantown) formation of the Mohawk Valley, with descriptions of new species, pp.24: 3 ph. ,1 map. See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Bulletins of American Paleontology. No. 18. 8°. 1903. Cleland (HERDMAN F.) The Fossils and Stratigraphy of the Middle Devonic of Wisconsin, pp. vi, 222: 56 ph., 2 maps, text illust. See WISCONSIN, State of. — Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulletin No. xxi. 8°. 1911. CLELAND (J. BURTON) & Johnston (T. H.) Notes on Worm Nests in Australian Cattle due to Filaria (Onchocerca gibsoni) and on similar structures in Camels. [A reprint of extracts compiled from the Report of the Government Bureau of Microbiology, 1909-10, and from the Journal of Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, July, 1910.] See AUSTRALIA, Commonwealth of. — Department of Trade and Customs. Onchocerca gibsoni, ttc. 8°. 1911. CLEMENTS (FREDERIC EDWARD) [1874-] Forma- tion and Succession Herbaria, pp. 27. 8>. [Lincoln, Neb., 1904.] Nebraska 1'nivernity Studies. Vul. iv. Clements (FREDERIC E.) Studies in the Vegetation of the State [of Nebraska], ill. — The Development and Structure of Vegetation, pp. /~>. See LINCOLN, Nebraska. — UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. — Botanical fij of Nebraska. VII. 8°. 1904. Clements (FREDERIC E.) Research Methods in Eco- logy, pp. xvii, 334 : text Must. 8°. Lincoln, Na., 1905. Clements (FREDERIC E.) Plant Physiology and Ecology, pp. xv, Sir,: text illust. 8°. New York, 1907. Clements (FREDERIC E.) The Genera of Fungi. pp. [iv,] 227. 8°. Minneapolis, 1909. 213 Clements (FREDERIC E.) Plant succession : an analysis of the development of Vegetation, pp. xiii, 512 : 61 pis., **• text Must. 8°. Washington, 1916. Carnegie Institution, Washington, Publication No. 242. Clements (FBKDEKIC E.) & Found (R.) The Phyto- geography of Nebraska. I. General Survey. See LINCOLN, Nebraska. — UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. — Botanical Survey of Nebraska. 8°. 1898. Second edition. 8". 1900. Clements (JULIUS MORGAN) The Crystal Falls Iron- bearing district of Michigan. Pt. I. The western part of the district, pp. 322, 1 tab. : 36 pis., 10 maps (geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Monographs, rfc. Vol. xxxvi. 4". 1899. Clements (JULIUS M.) The Vermilion Iron-bearing district of Minnesota, pp. 463: 11 pis., 2 maps geol. col., text illust. Atlas, pp. 2:3 maps col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Mono- graphs, do. Vol. XLV. 4°. & fol. 1903. CLENNELL (WALTER JAMES) Beport by...W. J. Clennell, His Majesty's Consul at Kiukiang, on a Journey in the interior of Kiangsi. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— Foreign Office. 4°. 1905. Blue-Book Report. China. No. 2 (1905). CLERC (MODESTE) Etude monographique des Fossiles du Dogger de quelques gisements classiques du Jura Neuchatelois et Vaudois. pp. 108 : 3 pis. See SCHWEI- ZERISCHE PAL^EONTOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Ab- handlungen, do. (Vol. xxxi.) 4°. 1904. CLERC (O.) La ville d'Ekatherinebourg et quelques- uns de ses environs remarquables au point de vue d'Archeologie preMstorique. [With Botanical notes.] pp. S : 2 pis. See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTER- NATIONAL.— Seventh Session. Guide des Excursions du VII. congres, rfc. 8°. 1897. CLERMONT GOLDFIELD. [Maps.] [For maps of this Goldfield] See QUEENSLAND. — Geological Sur- vey. [Maps.] Clessin (STEPHAN) Deutsche Excursions — Molluskeu — Fauna . . . Zweite Auflage. pp. 658 : text illust. 4 Pt. [in 1 vol.] 8°. Niirnberg, 1884-1885. This second edition forms Thl. I of " Die Mollu»ken-Fauna Mittel- europa's." Clessin (STEPHAN) Die Familie Chitonidse ( — Ver- metidse. — Carditaceen.) See MARTINI (F. H. W.) Sys- tematisches Conchylien Cabinet, Ac. Bd. VI, abth. 4 & 6 ; vni, abth. 1. 4°. 1887-1904. Cleve afterwards Cleve-Euler (ASTRID) Beitriige zur Flora der Baren-Insel. . .Die Diatomeen. pp. 25 : text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxvi, afd. in, no. 10. 8°. 1900 (1901). Cleve afterwards Cleve-Euler (ASTRID) Zum Pflan- zenleben in Nordschwedischen Hochgebirgen. Einige okologische und phanologische Beitrage. pp. 105 : 5 pis., text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxvi, afd. ill, no. 15. 8°. 1901. - [Another issue.] See STOCKHOLM. — STOCKHOLMS HOGSKOLA. Meddelanden fran Stockholms Hogskolas Botaniska Institut. Bd. IV. 8s. 1901. Cleve afterwards Cleve-Euler (ASTRID) New contri- butions to the Diatomaceous Flora of Finland, pp. 81 : 4 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Archiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. XIV, no. 9. 8°. 1915. Cleve (PEHR THEODOR) Diatoms from Franz Josef Land collected by the Harmsworth -Jackson Expedition^ dc. pp. 26 : text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till ... Handlingar. Bd. xxiv, afd. ill, no. 2. 8°. 1898 (1899). Cleve (PEHR T.) Plankton collected by the Swedish Expedition to Spitz- bergen in 1898. pp. 51 : 4 pis. Plankton-Researches in 1897. pp. 33. The Plankton of the North Sea, the English Channel, and the Skagerak in 1898. pp. 53 : text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xxxn, no. 3, 7 & 8. 4°. 1899-1900. Cleve (PEHR T.) Report on the Diatoms of the Magel- lan Territories. See SWEDEN. [Voyages, dc. — Magal- lanes, 1895-97.] Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition nach den Magellanslandern, 1895-1897, rfc. Bd. Ill, hft. 1, no. 7. 8°. (1900.) Cleve (PEHR T.) Notes on some Atlantic Plankton-Organisms, pp. 22 : 8 pis. The Plankton of the North Sea, the English Channel and the Skagerak in 1899. pp. 77. Report on the Plankton collected by the Swedish Expe- dition to Greenland in 1899. pp. 21. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd. Bd. xxxiv, no. 1, 2, 3. 4°. 1900 (1901). Cleve (PEHR T.) The seasonal distribution of Atlantic Plankton Organisms, pp. 368. See GOTHENBURG. — GOTEBOHGS KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS- OCH VITTERHETS- SAMHALLET. Handlingar. Fjarde foljden. Hft. III. 8°. 1900 (1901). Cleve (PEHR T.) Plankton from the Indian Ocean and the Malay Archi- pelago, pp. 58 : 8 pis., text illust. The Plankton of the North Sea and the Skagerak in 1900. pp. 49. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny foljd, Bd. xxxv, no. 5 & 7. 4°. 1901-02. Cleve (PEHR T.) Additional notes on the seasonal distribution of Atlantic Plankton Organisms, pp. 51. See GOTHENBURG. — GOTEBORGS KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS- OCH VITTERHETS-SAMHALLET. Handlingar. Fjarde Foljden, IV, 1. 8°. 1902. Cleve (PEHR T.) Plankton Researches in 1901 and 1902. pp. 53 : text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONG- LIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xxxvi, no. 8. 4°. 1903. Cleve (PEHR T.) Report on Plankton collected by . . . T. Wulff during a voyage to and from Bombay. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi. Bd. I, pp. 329-381 : 4 pis., text illust. 8°. 1904. Cleve (PEHR T.) & Jentzsch (A.) Ueber einige dilu- viale und alluviale Diatomeenschichten Norddeutsch- lands. pp.42: text illust. 4°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1882 Schriften der physik.-okonom. Qesellsch. zu Konigsberg. Bd. xxn. o, S. 0. 214 /• L. C-. L. T L. * Cleyer (ANDREAS) Oost-Iudianische Send-Sohreiben von allerhand rsren Gewachsen, Baumen, Juvelen auch anderii . . . durch . . . D. Cleveren, de. See VALENTIN1 (M. B.) Museum Museorum. . .Zweyte edition. fol. 1714. Clift (WILLIAM) [Holograph notes of the dimensions, with water-colour sketches of the feet, of a Tapir received from Sir T. S. Raffles (See Draft of letter to Cuvier in Owen Correspondence).] foil. -'. fol. 1820. Clift (WILLIAM) [Manuscript] Memoranda relating to the Sale of old and duplicate specimens of Natural History and Anatomical articles by the Trustees of the British Museum, to the Royal College of Surgeons in London, in the year 1809. (1809. Extract from the Book of Disbursements for the Museum of the College of Surgeons. — Memoranda of dates relating to the British Museum specimens [1809-1828].) [pp. „'£.] • fol. [1836.] CLIFT (WILLIAM HOMK) [1808-1888] Birds Hearts: structure of valves, pp. 6, with drawings, fol. [1829. ) Author's holograph. CLIFTON COLLEGE SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. I Founded 186».| if Transactions, dc. Pt. 1-4 [= Vol. l] & Vol. n, pt. 1. 8*. Clifton. 1872-75. Wanting Vol. n, pt. -J- 4. CLOSE (MAXWELL HENRY) [1822-1908] & Kinahan (G. H.) The general Glaciation of lar-Connaught . . , . . 8*. Clifton, 1872-75. L. 0. 3. 74. 6 . Clifton College Scientific Society. Report ... for . ... 1908-9-» New Series, No. !-*> . > . 8°. [? Clifton or Bristol, 1909-jiU< CLIFTON ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS ([AND] ARBORETUM) Sec BRISTOL (CLIFTON) AND WKST OP ENGLAND ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. CLIGNT (ADOLPHE) [1870-] Faune du Senegal et dc la Casamauce. See PARIS. — Exposition Universellc, 1900. Les Colonies Francaises. Une Mission au Senegal, dc. 8°. 1900. Cligny (ADOLPHE) [For official reports as Director] See BODLOGNE-SUH-MBR. — Station Aquicole. Cligny (ADOLPHE) & Canu (E.) Note sur les Cope- podes marins de la region d'Omonville-la-Rogue I Munche) et de la fosse de hi Hague. See GADEAU DE KERVILLE (H.) Recherches sur les Faunes . . . de la Normandie. 8* voyage. . .1899, dc. 8°. 1901. M . ?_ . CLINTON (GEORGE PERKINS/A Ustilaginales: Usti- laginacee. — Tilletiacete. See NEW YORK, City of. — New York Botanical Garden. North American Flora. Vol. VII, pt. 1. 8°. 1906. CLINTON-BAKER (H.) See BAKER (H. CLINTON-) CLODIUS (G.) & Wnestnei (C.) Die Vogel der GrossherzogthUmer Mecklenburg, mil kurzen Be- schreibungen. pp. S'i-i. .S'« MECKLENBURG. — VEREIN DER FREUNDE DER NATURGESCHICHTE. Archiv, dc. Jahr. LIV. 8°. 1900. CLOEREN i II KI \RICII) Ausgewahlte Methoden dcr analytischen Chemie . . . Unter Mitwlrkung von H. Cloeren. 2 Bd. See CLASSEN (A.) 8°. 1901-03. CLOQUET (JULES GERMAIN) Anatomie de 1'Echino- rinque geant (Echinorhynchus gigas). — -Anatomie de I'Ascaride lombricoide (Ascaris lumbricoides, L.). See LIDTH DE JEUDE (THEODOR G. VAN) Recueil dr figures des Vers Intestinaux, dr. Planche VIII & x. obi. fol. 1829. its neighbourhood, dc. (M. H.) „ 0_. and KINAHAN (G. H.) & CLOSE 8°. 1872. CLOUET DES FESRUCHES (Louis) Essai mouographique sur le genre Rhysseinus (CoUfopteres lamellicornes— Tribu des Aphodiides). pp.124: G pis. See BRUSSELS. — SOCIKTE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE BELGIQUE. M^moires, dc. Tom. vm. 8°. 1901. CLOTTGH (CHARLES THOMAS) [1852-19161 Memoirs . . . The Geological structure of the North-west High- lands of Scotland. By. . .C. T. Clough, rfc. SeeUitKvi BRITAIN & IRELAND.— Geological Survey.— Scotland,. 8". 1907. Clough (CHARLES T.) The Tertiary Igneous rocks of Skye . . . With notes by C. T. Clough. Sec GREAT BRITAIN «& IRELAND. — Geological Survey. [Strati- !/nij>hical Memoirs.] 8°. 1914. Clough (CHARLES T.) Potash-Felspar, Phosphate of Lime, Alum Shales, Plumbago or Graphite, Molybdenite, Chromite, Talc and Steatite (Soapstone, Soap-Rock and Potstone), Diatomite . . . With contributions by C. T. BRITAIN & IRELAND.— Geo- Reports on the Mineral Re- Vol. v. 8°. 1916. Clough, rfc. See GREAT logical Survey. Special sources of Great Britain. Second edition. 8°. 1917. Clough (CHARLES T.) The economic Geology of the . central Coalfield of Scotland, description of Area n, •(< . See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. -Scotland. 8". 1917. Clough (CHARLES T.) [For official publications iu connection with the Survey] See GREAT BRITAIN' & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — Scotland. Clough (CHARLES T.) A others. The economic Geo- logy of the central Coalfield of Scotland, dc. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — Scotland. 8°. 1916. CLOWES (FRANK) [1848-1 & Coleman (J. B.) Quantitative Chemical Analysis . . . Fifth edition. pp.xxiv,.',0,>: text Must. «° r,/m*m. mm. The ill M edition appeared in 1891. 8". London, 1900. CLUB MONTANTENC. See BARCELONA. CLTTBB (JOSEPH ALBERT) Actinias [from the Ant- arctic Regions], with an account of their peculiar brood chambers. Sea BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Report on tha Collections. . .made. . .during the Voyage of the " Southern Cross." 8". 1902. Clnbb (JOSEPH A.) [Actinia; from the Antarctic regions.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). National Antarctic Expedition [of the s.s. " Discoverv "J, 1901-1904. Natural History. Vol. IV. Cmlentera, No. 4. 4°. 1908. Clubb (JOSEPH A.) [For official publications as Curator of Museums] See LIVERPOOL.— Free Public Library, Mu»eum, and Gallery of Arts. CLUTTERBUCK (PETER HENRY) Si-,- I.M.HS l-'ciiiKSTEH, THE . . . Edited by P. H. Clutterbuck. Vol. xxxiii, no. 11 & 12 ; & xxxiv-> 8°. 1907-> CLUTSENAAR (P. G.) & Lecrenier (A.) Etudr des FossileK Siluriens do Huy & d'Ombert . . . I'l-i-niii'-ri- communication, pp. Itt : 2 pis. 8°. Htty. 1H.H7. 215 CLYDE BASIN. The. [Maps.] Bathy-Orographical l^y/. Map of the Clyde Basin, dc. [Scale, 1 inch = 2| m. about.] If ^M^JL. col. [Glasgow, 1901.] COAD (B. R.) Recent studies of the Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil, pp. 84 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — . Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 231. 8°. 1915. " *&. Coad (B. R.) Relation of the Arizona Wild Cotton Weevil to Cotton planting in the arid west. pp. IS : 4pls. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 233. -8°. 1915. COATES (J. S.) Geology of the western frontier district of the Uganda Protectorate. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Uganda-Congo Commission, 1906-08. Official Report, dc. 4°. 1909. Cobalcescu (GRIGORE) Schitti geologica despre partea sud-estica a Carpatiloni Pocutie! si ai Maramuresului de H. Zapalowicz. Dare de semii de G. Cobalcescu. [Abstract translation by G. Cobalcescu of the " Geo- logical sketch of the eastern part of the Pokutisch- Marmoros Carpathians," by H. Zapalowicz.] pp. 199 : 1 pi. See BUKAREST.— ACADEMIA ROMANX. Analele, dc. Ser. II, torn. XI. pp. 95-293 : 1 pi. 4°. 1889. The original memoir appeared in the " .Tahrb. k.k. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien." Bd. xxxvi, 1886. Cobb (NATHAN AUGUSTUS) Nematodes, mostly Austra- lian and Fijian. See LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. The Macleay Memorial Volume, dc. 4°. 1893. Cobb (NATHAN A.) Methods of using the Microscope, Camera-Lucida and Solar Projector for purposes of examination and the production of illustrations, dc. pp. 29 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Honolulu, H.T., 1905. Being the First Annual Report of the Division of Pathology and Physiology, Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planter^ Association. Cobb (NATHAN A.) Some elements of Plant Pathology. pp. 46 [6] : text illust. 8°. Honolulu, H.T., 1906. Bulletin No. 4. Division of Pathology and Physiology, Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association. Cobb (NATHAN A.) Fungus Maladies of the Sugar Cane : with notes on associated Insects and Nematodes. pp. 2f>4 •' !) ph. (col.), $ext illust. 8°. Honolulu, H.T., 1906. Bulletin No. 5. Division of Pathology and Physiology, Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association. Cobb (NATHAN A.) Fungus Maladies of the Sugar Cane. pp. 110 : 7 ph. col., text illust. 8°. Honohdu, 1909. Bulletin No. 8. Division of Pathology and Physiology, Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association. In a general way the above is a continuation of Bulletin No. 5 of this Division [q.v.]. Cobb (NATHAN A.) Antarctic marine free-living Nema- todes of the Shackleton expedition, pp. 33 : text illust. rol. 8". Baltimore, 1914. Contributions to the Science of Nematology. I. The wrapper bears title "Journal of Nematology." Cobb (NATHAN A.) [For official reports as Director] See HAWAIIAN SUGAR PLANTERS' ASSOCIATION. — Experiment Station. — Division of Pathology and Physiology. COBBOLD (EDGAR STIRLING) [1851-1 The Geology of the Church Stretton district. See CAMPBELL - HYSLOP (C..W.)- Church Stretton, dc. Vol.1. J&<*~?lUaA- 8°. [1901.] OBEY (W. W.) & Shamel (A. D.) Tobacco Breeding. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 96. 8°. 1907. COCHRANE (NEIL DUNDONALD) Rocks of Fiji...- Report on the Rocks of Vitilevu and Vanualevu. See FIJI, Government of. — Legislative Council. 4°. 1911. Council Paper, No. 15. f.-R.-S [/?**'- '9 34 1 COCKAYNE (LEONARD) Report on a Botanical Sur- vey of Kapiti Island. See NEW ZEALAND.— Land* and Survey Department. 4°. 1907. Cockayne (LEONARD) Report on a Botanical Survey of the Tongariro National Park. See NEW ZEALAND.— Lands and Survey Department. 4°. 1908. Cockayne (LEONARD) Report on a Botanical Survey of the Waipoua Kauri Forest. See NEW ZEALAND. — Lands and Survey Department. 4". 1908. Cockayne (LEONARD) The Ecological Botany of the Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand. See PHILO- SOPHICAL INSTITUTE OP CANTERBURY, New Zealand. The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand, itc. Art. 10. 4°. 1909. Cockayne (LEONARD) Report on a Botanical Survey of Stewart Island. See NEW ZEALAND. — Lands and Survey Department. 4°. 1909. Cockayne (LEONARD) Report on the Sand Dunes of New Zealand : the Geology and Botany, with their economic bearing. See NEW ZEALAND. — Lands and, Survey Department. 4°. 1909. Cockayne (LEONARD) A Geographical Report on the Franz Josef Glacier, by J. M. Bell ; with . . . Botanical Notes, by L. Cockayne. See NEW ZEALAND. — Geo- logical Survey. 4°: 1910. Cockayne (LEONARD) New Zealand Plants and their Story, pp. vii [i,] 190 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Wellington, N.Z., 1910. Cockayne (LEONARD) Report on the Dune-areas of New Zealand, their Geology, Botany, and reclamation. See NEW ZEALAND. — Department of Lands. 4°. 1911. Cockerell (THEODORE DRU ALISON) Directions for collecting and preserving Scale Insects (Coccidas). pp. 9. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 39, pt. L. 8°. 1897. Cockerell (THEODORE D. A.) On the danger to American Horticulture from the introduction of Injurious Insects. [pp. 4.] 4". [Mesilla, Neiv Mexico, 1897.] Cockerell (THEODORE D. A.) [Hemiptera-Homoptera of Central America.] Sec GODMAN (F. D.) & SALVIN (0.) Biologia Centrali-Americana, dc. Zoology. Rhynchota Homoptera. Vol. II, pt. 2. 4°. 1899. Cockerell (THEODORE D. A.) Bees of the genus Nomada found in Colorado. See FORT COLLINS, Colorado. — Agri- cultural College. — Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 94. 8°. 1904. Cockerell (THEODORE D. A.) [Biography of] S. F. Baird. By T. D. A. Cockerell. 8°. [New York, 1906.] Popular Science Monthly, Jan. 1906, pp. 63-83. Cockerell (THEODORE D. A.) The Scales of the African Characinid Fishes, pp. 10 : 2 pis., text illust. The Scales of the Mormyrid Fishes, with remarks on Albula and Elops. pp. 4 : text illust. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Mis- cellaneous Collections. Vol. LVI, no. 1 & 3. 8". 1910. /_. 3. i, £. 3. ' o. 216 & •Z-. L. "fT Cockerell (THEODORE 1). A.) [For minor emendations to the section Insecta] See ZlTTEL (K. A. VON) Text- Book of Paleontology. . .Second edition, !<•.! " Scientific Pipers of the University of Michigan. No. 24 A S5." Cockerell (THEODORE D. A.) & Packard (A. S.) Mono- graph of the Bombycine Moths of North America, Research Institute. Madras Agricultural Calendar. 1911-12. (—1912-3— » 8°. Madras, [1911-»} 8". Coimbra, 1912-> Coimbra. — Universidade. f A Revista, illust. C oimbra . — Universidade . . .p Boletim bibliogjaSto da. Bibli TiUvrfom wrapper. >). :;n2-sn : 5 pis. njcro- 3 COLE (GEORGE WATSON) Bermuda and the Challenger Expedition. A Bibliography giving a summary of the scientific results obtained by that Expedition at and near Bermuda in 1873. pp. 16. 8°. Boston, 1901. ^\^ T. -R.jL Cole (GRENVILLE A. J.) \ Scenery and Geology in County • Antrim, pp. 19. 8°. Belfast, 1895. Cole (GHENV, Fifth editfo; •: . itical Gej 3 pls^fcol.),' text London, 1906. Cole (GHENVILLE A. J.) General Geology and Scenery [around Dublin]. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, rfc. Handbook to the City of Dublin, .) irsher(J.) Fulcher(T.) Jo G-. W. Coleman (ARTHUR P.) See TORONTO. — University. Studies. Geological Series: edited by Prof. Coleman. Coleman (ARTHUR P.) The Nickel Industry : with special reference to the Sudbury region, Ontario. See CANADA.— Departm ent of Mines. 8°. 1913. Coleman (ARTHUR P.) & Wilbnott (A. B.) The Michipicoten Iron Ranges, pp. 4~ '• ~ maps geol. col. See TORONTO. — University. Studies. Geological Series, rfc. No. 2. 8°. 1902. 218 COLEMAN (JOSEPH BERNARD) & Clowes (F.) Quan- titative Chemical Analysis . . . Fifth edition. See CLOWES (F.) * COLEMAN (J. B.) 8". 1900. COLEMAN (LAURENCE V^Syllabus Guide to Public Health Exhibits in the American Museum of Natural History Dealing with Water Supply. . .and Insect-borne Diseases, 8'. Wien, 1912-> Title from wrapper. COLES (JOHN) Hints to Travellers. . .Edited. . .by J. LI" Coles ... Eighth edition, />. •'.(>. See ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Proceedings, <('T. Vol. XXXI. Clare Island Survey. Pt. 4. 8". 1911. Colgan (NATHANIEL) Marine Mollusca [of Clare Island]. ////. ,:<;. Sec KOYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Pro- I'.ngs, rfc. Vol. xxxi. Clare Island Survey. Pt. 22. 8°. 1911. COLLECTOR. Conchology, or Natural History of Shells: containing the Figures of shells ... with their descriptions in English and French... by a Collector [i.e. E. M. Da Costa ; but often quoted as the work of G. Humphrey], Ac.- Conchologie, ou Histoire Naturelle • I. - CoquillageB, 8°. Philadelphia, 1906. Originally published in the Journal of the Franklin Institute. COLLET (LEON WILLIAM) [1878-] Etude geologique de la chaine tour Saillere-Pic de Tanneverge. pp. 31 : « .-i ph. (col.), 1 map geol. col., text Must. See SWITZER- LAND.— Carte Geologique Suisse. Beitrage, - scribed Fishes from the depths south of the Faroe Islands. pp. ~. S<'f CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS- SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, ifc. Aar 1904, no. 9. 8°. 1904 (190.r)). Collett (ROBERT) Fiske indsamlede under " Michael Sars "s togter i Nordhavet, 1900-1902. pp. 147 [4\: 2 ph. See NORWAY. — Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations. Report, cfc. Vol. II, no. 8. 8°. 1905 (1909). Collett (ROBERT) Nogle Meddelelser om Niebhvalcn, (Hyperoodon), og Hvidfisken (Delphinapterus). pj>. .''/. See BERGEN. — Bergens Museum. Bergens Museums Aarbog 1906, No. 6. 8". 1906. 219 Collett (ROBERT) Om en Del for Norges Fauna nye Fugle (1895-1905). pp. 10. Hybrids among Norwegian Birds, and their diagnoses. pp. 2b\ See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhand- linger, Ac. Aar 1905, no. 10 & 11. 8°. 1906. Collett (ROBERT) Nogle bemserkninger om Alca im- pennis i Norge. pp. 18 : 2 pis. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, Ac. Aar 1907, no. 8. 8°. 1907 (1908). Collett (ROBERT) Hjorten i Norge (Cervus elaphus atlanticus), nogle biologiske Meddelelser. pp. 31 : 1 pi. .sVv BERGEN. — Bergens Museum. Bergens Museums Aarbog. 1909, no. 6. 8°. 1909. Collett (ROBERT) Sicista subtilis in Norway, pp. 10 : 1 map. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, itc. Aar 1909, no. 11. 8". 1909 (1910). Collett (ROBERT) Norges Hvirveldyr, Ac. I. Norges Pattedyr. pp. x, ~44 : % pis., ~ maps, text illust. 8". Krisliania, 1911-12. Collett (ROBERT) Lejndotus atlanticus (Goode & Bean) en pelagisk Trichiuride, fundet ved Finmarken. • pp. 5: 1 pi. See CHHISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SEL- SKABET. Forhandlinger, Ac. Aar 1912, no. 4. 8". 1912. Collett (ROBERT) & Nansen (F.) An account of the Birds [from the Arctic Regions], pp. 53 : 2 pis. See NANSEN (F.) The Norwegian North Polar Expedi- tion, Ac. Vol. I, no. 4. 4°. 1900. COLLIE (GEORGE L.) [1857-] Topography of central Wyoming. See UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. The Fossil Fields of Wyoming. 8°. 1909. COLLIER (ARTHUR JAMES) [1866-1 A reconnaissance of the Cape Nome and adjacent Gold fields of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, in 1900. By A. H. Brooks, assisted by... A. J. Collier [including "Notes on the Vegeta- tion " by A. J. Collier]. See UNITED STATES. — Geolo- gical Survey. Reconnaissances in the Cape Nome and Norton Bay regions, Ac. 8°. 1901. Collier (ARTHUR J.) A reconnaissance of the north- western portion of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, pp. 70 : 8 pis., 4 maps (col.). See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 2. 4". 1902. Collier (ARTHUR J.) The Coal resources of the Yukon, Alaska, pp. 71 : 4 pls-< ~ maps (col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 218. 8°. 1903. Collier (ARTHUR J.) The Tin deposits of the York region, Alaska, pp. 61 : 5 pis., 2 maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 229. 8°. 1904. Collier (ARTHUR J.) Geology and Coal resources of the Cape Lisburne region, Alaska, pp. 54 : S pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 278. 8°. 1906. Collier (ARTHUR J.) The Arkansas Coal field, Ac. pp. loS : 5 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. Sec UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 326. 8°. 1907. Collier (ARTHUR (J.) & others. The Gold placers of parts of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, including the Nome, Council, Kougarok, Port Clarence, and Goodhope pre- cincts, pp. 343 : 7 pis., 4 maps (2 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 328. 8°. 1908. Colliu (ANTON) [For descriptions of the Gastrotricha, as well as of many families of the Rotatoria] See BRAUER (A.) Die Susswasserfauna Deutschlands, rfc. Hit. 14. 8°. 1912. COLLIN (JAS. E.) The Diptera of Cambridgeshire. See MARR (J. E.) Handbook to the Natural History of Cambridgeshire, 8°. (1905-) 1906-> Collinge (WALTER E.) A Manual of Injurious Insects. pp. xx, 268 : text illust. 8°. Birmingham, 1912. Collinge (WALTER E.) The Food of some British Wild Birds : a study in economic ornithology, pp. mi, 109. 8°. London, 1913. COLLINS (CHARLES WALTER) & Burgess (A. F.) The Galosoma Beetle (Calosoma sycophanta) in New England, pp. 40 : 7 pis. back to back, 1 map, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 251. ' 8°. 1915. COLLINS (F. HOWARD) [1857 ?-1910] Author & Printer. A Guide for Authors, Editors, Printers, Cor- rectors of the Press, Compositors, and Typists, with full list of Abbreviations. . .Second edition, y the National Transcontinental Railway between Lake Nipigon and (y Clay Lake, Ontario. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. 8°. 1909. Collins (WILLIAM H.) The Geology of Gowganda Mining division, pp. vi, 121 : 4 ph., 1 map geol. col., text Must. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir No. 88. [No. 30. Geological Series.] 8°. 1918. Collins (WILLIAM H.) The Huronian formations of Timiskaming region, Canada, pp. 30, 1 tab. : 2 pis. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Museum Bulletin -'•*" No. 8. (No. 22. Geological Series.) 8°. 1914. Collins (WILLIAM H.) The age of the Killarney Granite. pp. 12: 1 pi., text Must. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Museum Bulletin No. 22. 8°. 1916. Coliueiro y Penido (MIGUEL) Noticia necro!6gia de D. M. Colmeiro y Penido, por D. B. Lazaro 6 Ibiza. , pp. 10 : 1 port. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ES- ' PANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, - fj.. 5.J ^- I " Colombo. Colombo Muse Memoirs, rfc. Ser. A, no. l 4°. Ceylon, 1914-> : Colombo. Colombo Museum. First Report on the Collection of Snakes in the . . . Museum. [Compiled by A. Haly.] pp. 18. 8°. [Colombo, 1886.] 221 Colombo.— Colombo Museum. Colombo Museum. Guide to the Collections, pp. [i,] 66 : 24 ph., 2 plans, text illuit. 8". [Colombo, 1905.] Contain), inter alia : — The Rocks and Minerals of Ceylon. By A. K. Coomaraswa my. COLONIAL MUSEUM, New Zealand. See WEL- LINGTON, New Zealand. — Dominion Museum. COLORADO, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. First Report, . 'bG-k I - Circular No. l-\ 8°. Fort Collins, Colo., 19K Title from wrapper. Each number is separately paged, and some contain only a single paper. No. 7, 12, and 15 form the 4th to 6th Annual Report of the State Entomologist. Colorado, State of. — OFFICE OF STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. Annual Report of the State Entomologist, 1912 (1913-» See supra, Circular No. 7— > 8°. 1913-> Wanting No. 1-3. No. 4 is stated to be reprinted from the " Annual Report of the State Board of Agriculture for the year 1912." COLUMBIA, Missouri. — Agricultural Experi- ment Station. See infra, UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. — College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. COLUMBIA, Missouri. — College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Sec infra, UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. COLUMBIA, Missouri. — University of the State of Missouri. — COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND .- MECHANIC ARTS. — Agricultural Experiment Station. t. Bulletin No. 42. A new Orchard Pest: the Fringed- Wing Apple-Bud Moth. (Nothris ? maligemmella, n. sp. [by E. Murtfeldt] By J. M. Stedman.) 8°. Columbia, Mo., 1898. Rept. Coll. Agric. 1898? pp. .%'-.« : text Must. COLUMBIA COLLEGE, New York. See NEW YORK, City o/.— COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. See NEW YORK, City of.— COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. COLUMBIAN INSTITUTE FOR THE PRO- MOTION OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. [1816 Founded : apparently as an outgrowth from a pre-existing Metropolitan Society. 1838 The Charter, granted 1818, expired. 1841 Incorporated in the National Institution for the Promotion of Science (7.0.).] The Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences. A Washington society of 1816-1838, which established a Museum and Botanic garden under Government patronage. By R. Rathbun. pp. Hi, 85. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 101. 8°. 1917. COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. Museum of Natural History. See CHICAGO. — Field COLUMBRETES. Columbretes. [By Ludwig Salva- tor, Archduke of Austria.] pp. [x,] 177 : 2tipls., 2 maps col., text illust. 4°. Prog, 1895. COLUMBUS, Ohio.— Ohio State University. [Founded 1870.] The Ohio Naturalist (and Journal of Science . . . official organ of the Biological Club of the Ohio State University), See OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 8°. 1900-> CO1LVILLE (FREDERICK VERNON) & Britton (N. L.) GrBssulariaceee. See NEW YORK, City of. — New York Botanical Garden. North American Flora. Vol. xxil, pt. 3. 8°. 1908. COMAS (JAIME ALMERA Y) See ALMERA Y COMAS (JAIME) COMAS SOLA (JOSE) Notas sobre el terremoto de Mesina del 28 de Diciembre de 1908, Ac. pp. S3 : 1 pi. See BARCELONA. — REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, illnsl. ~L [Japanese.] 8°. Kyoto, 1907— > Title from wrapper. CONCORD, New. Hampshire. — Association of / ' nomic Entomologists. ,s.r ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS. CONDIT (D. DALE) Conemaugh Formation in Ohio. pp. x, 363, 4 tabs. : 17 pis., 10 maps, text Must. Krr OHIO, State of. — Geological Survey. Fourth Series, Bulletin No. 17. K'. l!M'2. 223 Coudit (IX BALE) Structure of the Berea Oil Sand in the Surninerfield quadrangle, Guernsey, Noble, and Monroe counties, Ohio. See UNITED STATES. — Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 621-N. 8°. 1916. Condit (D. DALE) Structure of the Berea Oil Sand iu the Woodsfield quadrangle, Belmont, Monroe, Noble, and Guernsey counties, Ohio. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 621-O. 8". 1916. CONDON (THOMAS )A\ A new fossil Pinniped (Desma- tophoca Oregonensis) from the Miocene of the Oregon coast, pp. 14 : text illust. 8°. Eugene, Or eg., 1906. Univ. Oregon Bull. Vol. Ill, suppt. CONDOR, The. . .A Bi-monthly Magazine of Pacific Coast Ornithology. Vol. ii-> See COOPER ORNITHO- LOGICAL CLUB, of California. Bulletin, 8°. 1899-> CONEJEROS (BALTASAR DE OCAMPO) See OCAMPO CONEJEROS. CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE AGRO- GEOLOGIQUE.— First Session: Budapest, 1009. Comptes Rendus, Ac. pp. 332 [1], 1 tab. : 1 map col., text illust. 8°. Budapest, 1909. CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE FOUR LA PROTECTION DE LA NATURE. Receuil des Proces-Verbaux ... 1913. pp.347: 1 pi., text illust. 4°. Berne, 1914. CONGO, Independent State of. [Annexed in 190" to Belgium as CONGO BELGE (?.c.).] Les Caterers, I. Par E\ de Wildeman. pp. 43. 8°. Bruxelles, 1901. Congo, Independent State of. Observations sur les Apocynac^es & latex reeueillies par. ..L. Gentil dans 1'Etat Independant du Congo en 1900. Par E. de Wilde- man. pp. 38. 8°. Bruxelles, 1901. Congo, Independent Slate of. Mission scientifique du Ka-Tanga. [1898-1900.] Journal de route. . .Par. .. Lemaire C. pp. xi, 344 •' 17 pis. (col.), text illust. 4°. [Brussels, 1902.] The date is on the hack of the wrapper. Congo, Independent State of. Plantse Laurentianse,'ou -. enumeration des Plantes recoltees au Congo en 1893 et 1890-1896 par E. Laurent. Par E. de Wildeman. pp. .77. 8°. Bruxelles, 1903. Congo, Independent State of. Notices sur les Plantes j utiles ou inteVessantes de la Flore du Congo. Par E. de 3< Wildeman. pp. 662 [1] : 33 pis., text illust. 8°. Bruxelles, 1903-1905. Published in 3 parts. Congo, Independent State of. Mission Einile Laurent (1903-1904). [Enumeration des Plantes recoltees par E. Laurent avec la collaboration de . . . M. Laurent pi'iidant sa derniere Mission au Congo.] Par E. de Wildeman. 2 Vol. pp. ccxxv, 61~ : 185 pis., text 8°. Bruxelles, 1905-07. The portion of the title included in square brackets occurred on the wrappers, which have not been kept. Congo, Independent State of. ' Mission Scientiftque Congo-Nil [1902-05]. Resultats des observations... Par. . .Lemaire C. pp. vi, Hi, ii,S3: 1 map. 4°. [Brussels, 1906.] Congo, River. [Maps.] A Map of the Congo River between Leopoldville and Stanley Falls ... by the Rev. G. Grenfell. . .Scale, 1 : 250,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 4 m. about]. 5 sh. (col.) [accompanied by " Notes "]. See ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 1902. Geographical Jouru., Nov. 1902. CONGO BELGE.— Service Agricole. Bulletin Agricole, dc. Vol. II, no. 2 ; v, no. 3— » 8°. Londres, 1911-> CONGRES DE CHEMIE APPLIQUE E. Cotnite International. Tables anmielles de Constantes et Donn^es numeriques de Chemie, de Physique et de Technologic, 4°. Paris, Congres Geologique International. — Second Ses- sion : Bologna, 1881. Rapport de la Section Espagnole de la Sous-Commission Lusitano-Hispanica pour le Coloris des Cartes G6o- logiques. pp. 16. 8°. Madrid, 1881. Congres Geologiqiie International. — Second Ses- sion : Bologna, 1881. Rapport de la Sous-Commission Hispano-Lusitanienne pour 1'unification de la Nomenclature Geologique. pp. 6. 8°. Madrid, 1881. Congres Geologique International. — Third Ses- sion : Berlin, 1885. Reports of Sub - Committees on Classification and Nomenclature, pp. 14~, 1 tab. 8°. Cambridge, 1885. Afterwards incorporated in the " Comptes Rendus," Seas, m, 1888. Congres Geologique International. — Third Ses- sion : Berlin, 1885. Resultats scientifiques du Congres Geologique Inter- national de Berlin, et des travaux qui s'y rattachent. See RENEVIER (E.) 8°. 1886. Congres Geologique International. — /•'//'//, Ses- sion: Washington, U.S.A., 1891. Rapport sur le Congres Geologique de Washington, . Massit de la Mure, Devoluy, Dlols et Valentinois. /•;>. text Mutt. 1. Massif de la Mure et Dcvnluy : notice de P. Lory. 2. Diois : notice de V. Pa<|iiier. 3. Valentin. >ia. a. Sayn. c. Mont- Ventoux et Montagne de Lure. pp. W : text Mutt. 1. Montague de Lure : notice de W. Kilian. 2. Mont-Veutoux et Montague de Lure : notice de F. Leen- hardt. if. Massif du Pelvoux et Brianconnais : notice de F. Termier. pp. '..'•: 1ft., text Must. XIY. Massif du Mont-Dore, fhalne des Puys ct Umagne : notice do M. Levy. pp. He : 3 pit. , text Must. JCV. Morvan. pp. If: ttxt Mutt. a. Le Morvan et ses enveloppes: notice de C. Velain. >i. Terrains de la vallee de 1'Yonne : notice de M. Peron. c. Avallonais, Semurois et Morvan. C. Velain et K. Breon. XVI. Picardie. pp. SO: text Mutt. a. Unions du Nord de la France : notice de M. Ladriere. b. Phosphates de I'haux de Picardie : notice de J. Gosselet. XVII. Cavernes de la region des Onuses : notice de E. A. M artel. pp. 30 : text Must. xvin. Massif de la Montague-Noire : notice de .1. Bergeron, pp. ;W: text Must. XIX. Pyrenees : terrains sedimentalres : notice de L. Carez. pp. 3.1: 1 pt., I map geol. cot., te^t Mutt. XX. Basse-Provence, pp. 56: 1 pi. col., text Must. a. Environs de Toulon : notice de M. ZUrcher. b. Basse-Provence. M. Bertrand. &c. Bassin d'Aix et de Kuveau : notice de (!. Vasseur. Notices sur les Mnsees et Collections geologiques, mlneralogiiiues et paleontologiques de Paris en 1900. Congres Geologique International. — Ninth Ses- »ion : Vienna, /.'"'.. FUhrer filr die Exkursionen in Osterreich. Heraus- gegeben von dem Organisatious-Komitee des IX. Inter- nationalen Oeologen-Kongresses. Kedigiert von F. Teller. 8s. Wien, 1903. Inhaltaverzeichnis und Vorwort. pp. IS : 1 map. I. Gcologische Exkursionen iin Hlteren Palaozoikum Mittel- bohmen*. Von J. J. Jahn. pp. V> : text Mutt. Kurze Ueberaicht der montangeologischen Verhiiltnisse des Pftbramer Bergbaues. Von A. Hofmann. pp. 17: S pit., 1 inap, text Mutt. la. Exkurslon In die Krelde Bobmens. Unter FUhrung von A. Slavik, J. N. Woldflch und P. Poet*, pp. K: 1 map, text Mutt. II. FranzaBsbad, Marienbad, Karlsbad. Geologische Exkiirsionen unter FUhruug von A. Rosiwal. pp. 79: 1 pi., 2 maps, text Mutt. GeologUchcr Aufhau des Bohmlschen Mittelgebirges. Von J. E. Hibsch. pp. 7i . text Mutt. Exkursion nach Segengottes h«l Briinn. Unter Funning von F. K. Sues*, pp. 0 : text Mutt. Ilia. Die geologist-lieu Verhaltnissc des Steiukohlenbeckens von Ostrau-Karwtn. ruler Mitwirkung von A. Fillunger, be- schrlelien von H. Berger und F. E. Suem. pp. It,: J map. Elntge Worte Uber den geologischen Ban des Gebietes von Krakau. Von L. Szajnocha. pp. 10 : 1 map, text Mutt. Geologische Sklzze des Salzgeblrges von Wieliczka. Von J. Nledzwiedzki. n>. v ; (,it Mutt, nib. Die geologist-ben \'erh:iltnis«« der Erdwacks- und Erdollager- itatten in Boryilaw. Von J. Ilolohek. />/'• '" •' ' /''-. text Mutt. Ueologische Sklzze der UmKobungvon Seboduica bel Drobobycz In den Ottkarpathen lializiens. Von J. Grzylwwiki. 1 map, text Mutt. Ueologische Sklzze der rmgelitin^ vun Cxorlkdw, Zaleszezyki innl Katpemwce in Podolien. Von L. Szajimclm. /•//. • 1 map, text Mutt. Da* Pruttal zwisclien Delatyn und Worochta in den ontttali/- ischen Karpathen. Von L. Szajnocha. pp. H : 1 map, tr.rt Mutt. Gwlogiiche Skizze der Umgegeud von Lcmberg. Von M. torn- nicki. pp. L me. Plenlnlsche Kllppenzone nnd Tatragel>ln(e Sxkuraiouen unter Fiihruiiit von V. I'hlig. pp. 7K: text Mutt. IT. Salzburg und rmgebung. Von E. Fuieger. pp. SI. Exkuralon nach Adnet und auf den Mchafberg. Uuter Fiihnini! VT. ">n K. Wahner. pp. Hi: text Mutt. [Congres Geologique International. Ninth Se$- sion : Vienna. UK/.: (contd.)] [Filhrer fiir die Exkursion. u in Osterreich (contd. )] Salzkammergut. UeologUche Exkursloneu unter Fiihrung von E. Kittl. pp. lilt: 1 mapgeol. col., text Must. Hierlatz-Exkursion. Unter FUhrung von A. v. Boliin. }//-./". text Mutt. V. Exkurslou nach Voitsber)-. I liter Fiihrung von K. Hoernes. pp. ft : text Mutt. Exkursion in da* Eruptivgebiet von (lleichenberg. I'uter der FUhrung von C. Clar uud A. Slgnmnd. /•/). 16: 1 pi., I mn/i fffol. col. , text Mutt. Exkuraion nach Uisnltz. Uuter Fiihrung von R. lloernes und A. Holler, pp. 3. Exkursion nach Jleun. Unter Fuhruni; von K. A. Penecke. pp.3. Exkursionen in das Palau/oikuin der Uingebung von Uraz. Unter FUlu-ung von K. A. Penecke. / Wanderblockc in Mittelsteiernmrk. Von V. Uillwr. pp. 10: .' maps. Das Mioziinbeckeu liei LenU'ii. Von II. Hofer. p». t : text Mutt. Der Steirische Erzberg. Exkursion uutcr Fiihrnng von M. Vacek und E. Sedlaczek. pi>. '7 : text il!n*r. Das Peridotitgebiet von Kraubat. Exkursion unter Fiihrung von K. A. Redlich. pp. S. VI. Dolomiten von Siidtlrol. (Seisor Alpe, Schlern, Anipczzaner Dolomiteu.) Exkuraion unter Kilhruug von C. Diener und O. v. Arthaber. pp. 30: t map geol. cut., text Mutt. VIL Exkursion durch die Etschbucbt. (Mendola, Trient, Kovereto, Siva.) Unter Fiihrung von M. Vacek. pp. K> : 1 pi., ttxt Must. vin. Exkursiouen ini westlicheu uud mittleren Abschnitt der Ilohen Taueru. Uuter Filhruug von F. Bocke und F. Ixjwl. pi>. ',1 : text Mutt. IX. Qucr durch den mini-Ten Abschnitt der Iloheu Taticrn. \'.\- kursion unter Kiihrung von F. Low], pp. 57: / pi., 1 mtii> geol. col., text Mutt. x. Exkursion nach Predazzo. Unter Fiibrunv; vmi C'. Doelt«r. pp. 4_* : text Mutt. M. Exkureiou in die Karnischen Alpun. I'nter Fiihruug von G. Geyer. pp. SI : text Mutt. Umgebnng von Raibl. (Karnten.) K\kuisi.,neii unter Fiihrung von F. Kositinat. pp. /•?: text Must. Kxkiirsion in das Feistritztal bei Neuniarktl in Olierkrain. Unter FiihrniiK von F. Teller, pp. .'7: text iilust. XII. Glazialexkuraion in die Ostal]ien. Unter Fiihrung vou A. 1'enck und E. Richter. pp. :i7 : S inapt (1 col.), text Must. Exkursion durch Bosnien uud die Hcrcegoviua. Gefiihrt von F. Katzer. pp. 1.'. xiii. Exkursioneu in Suddalmatien. Unter Fiihruug vou U. v. Bnkowski . pp. it, : S pit., text iilust. Exkursionen in Norddalmatien. Unter Fiihrung von F. v Kerner. pp. IS : text iilust. Exkursion in die Ziegeleien der Wienertorger Ziegelfabrik uud Baugesellschaft bel Inzersdorf am Wiener Berg. Unter Fiihrung von T. Fuchs und F. Schalfer. pp. L Exknrsion nach Ueiligenstadt, Nussdorf und auf den Kahlen- l)erg. Unter Fiihrung von O. Abel und J. Dreger. pp. H. Exkurslon in die Umgegung von Atzgersdorf, Baden und Voslau. Unter FUhrung von T. Fuchs und F. Scharter. pp. a. Exkursion nach Eggenburg. Unter Fiihrung vou T. Fuehs uud O. Abel. pp. l.i. Exkurslon nach Pausram - Auerschitz. (Kurpathisches Alt- tertiar.) Unter Fiihrung von A. Rzehak. pp. G. Exkurslon in das Kaniptal. (Kristallinische Schiefer des niederosterr. Waldviertels.) Unter Fiihrung von F. B<-cke. pp. S. Fiihrer fur die Exkursion auf deu Semmeriug. Von F. Tuiila. pp. CO : 1 map gcnl. col., text Mutt. Der Wiener Schneeberg. Exkursiou unter FUbriing v. >n li. Geyer. pp. 7. Das Durchbruchtal der VVaehau nnd die Losslainlsehaft von K reins. Fiihruug von A. Penck, unter MitwiikiinK vmi K. Becke. pp. 1'J : 1 pi., text Mutt. Congres G^ologique International.— Ninth ,sv«- sion: Vienna, inn.:. Geologischer Fuhrer durch Bosnien und die Herce- govina . . . Verfasser ... F. Katzer. pp. ;.\s'0: l. in. De Esperanza a Mexico, par E. Ordiiflez. pp. S. IV. De Mexico a Tehuaciin, par.). O. Aguilera. pp. 17 [I]. V. L'Archaiiiue du Canon de Tomellln, par E. Online/. Ipl. vi. Les Kuines de Mltla, par E. Seler. pp. M: 1'J ph. back tu bad:, text Mutt. 225 [Congres Geologique International. —Tenth Ses- sion : Mexico, 1906 (contd.)J [Guide des Excursions du x* Congres, dc. (contd.)J VII. Excursion de Tehuacan k Zapotitlau et Pan Juan Raya, par J. G. Aguilera. pp. in, 1 lab. : 1 map geol. col VIII. De Mexico it Patzcuaro et Uruapam, par E. Ordbfiez. pp. 18: IX. Le Xiuantecatl on Volcan Nevado de Toluca par T Flores pp. IB : 4 pis., text ilhist. x. Phenomenes postparoxysmiques du San Andres, Michoacan par P. Waitz. pp. XI: apis., text illust. XI. Le Jorullo, par E. Ordbfiez. pp. 50: 11 pis., 1 map xn. Les Geysers d'lxtlan (Michoacan), par P. 'Waitz pp K • :!pk., 1 map (col.). xin. Le Volcan de Colima, par P. Waitz. pp. 27 1 tab • S vis 1 map. XIV. Les Crateres d'explosion de Valle de Santiago, par E Ordonez pp. 8 : 1 map. XV. Etude de la Sierra de Guanajuato, par J. D. Villarello T Flores et R. Robles. pp. as : 1 pi., 1 map geol. col XVI. Geologic des environs de Zacatecas, par C. Burckhardt et S. Scalia. pp. 3H : 10 pis. (col.), I map geol. col. i Tin: map is dated 1905.] XVII. Etude Miniere du district de Zacatecas, par T. Flores pp. 25 [1): 3 pis., text illust. xvm. Le Mineral de Mapimi, par J. D. Villarello pv IS m • S plans col. xix. Excursions aux mines de Soufre de la Sierra de Banderas, par E. Bose. pp. 11 : text illust. XX. Excursion au Cerro de Muleros, pres Ciudad Juarez (Chih) par E. Bbse. pp. 24: t,plt. (1 col.), 1 map geol. col. xxi. Esquisse geologique et petrographique des environs de Hidalgo del Parral, par P. Waitz. pp. SI: 4 pis., 1 mau , geol. col. XXII. Etude miniere de la " \feta Colorada" de Minas Nuevas a Wilting •! del Parral (Etat de Chihuahua), par R. Robles pp. 15(1): Ipl. XXHI. Excursion dans les environs de Pan-as, par E. Bose pv 16 • < S pis. (1 col.), 1 map geol. col. xxiv. GfSologie de la Sierra de Concepcibn del Oro, par C. Burck- hardt. pp. 21, : 1 map geol. col. XXV. Le Mineral d'Aranzazii (Etat de Zacatecas), par J. 1>. Villa- rello. pp. SI: S pis. col. XXVI. (Mologie de la Sierra de Mazapil et Santa Rosa, par C. Burck- hardt. pp. U> [1], 1 tab. : IS pis. (col.), a maps geol. col. [The maps are dated 1905.] xxvii. Les gisements Carboniferes de C'oalmila, par J. G. Aguilera. pp. 17, 1 tab. : 1 text Must. xxvm. Les gisements Carboniferes de Coahuila, par E. Ludlow. pp. 17 : 1 map (col.). XXIX. Excursions dans les environs de Monterrey et Saltillo, par E. Bbse. pp. 17: 3 pis. XXX. De San Luis Potosi ii Tampico, par E. Bose. pp, le : text illust. XXXI. Excursions k 1'Isthme de Tehuantepec, par E. Bbse pp 40 • Ipl. Congres Geologique International. — Eleventh Session : Stockholm, 1910. Livret-Guide des Excursions en Suede du XI" Congres, rf". Stockholm, 1910. Preface, pp. x. 1. Kurze U ebersicht uber die praquartare Geologic Schwedens, von A. E. Tornebohm. pp. S : i' maps geol. col. 2. Studies in the Post-Silurian thrust region of Jiimtland, by A. G. Hbgbom. pp. 58: i pis., 2 maps geol. col., textillust. 3. The Igneous Rocks of Ragunda, Alnb, Rbdb and Nordingra, by A. G. Hbgbom. pp. yj : Ipl., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 4. The Gellivare Iron mountain, by A. G. Hbgbom. pp. 40 ; 9 pis. (1 col.), % maps geol. col. 5. Sketch of the Geology of the Kiruna district, by H. Lundbohm. pp. :>8 : 2 maps geol. col., text illust. 6. Die Hochgebirgsbildungen am Tornetrask in Lappland, von P. J Holmquist. pp. 71 : 1 map geol. col., text illust. 7. Der Tornetrask : Morphologic und Glazialgeologie, von O. Sjbgren. pp. iS: 2 pis., 1 map col., text illust. 8. Der K&rso-Gletscher, von F. Svenonius. pp. lit : text illust. 9. Gesteine und Tektonik des Sarekgebirges nebst einem Ueberblick der Skaudinavischen Gebirgskette, von A. Hamberg. pp. 44 : Ipl., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 10. Die Geomorphologie und Quartargeologie des Sarekgebirges, von A. Hamberg. pp. K : 5 pis. , 1 map, text Must. 11. Uebersicht der Geologic des Lule alf, von A. Hamberg. pp. «0 • text illust. 12. Quartargelogische Studien 1m mittleren Norrland, von A. G. Hbgbom. pp. 7J : ,1 pis., 4 maps (col.), text illust. 13. Stratigraphische Studien uber einige Torfmoore in Narke, von L. von Post, pp.78: Ipl. col. , text illust. 14. Pflanzen-physiognomische Studien auf Torfmooren in Narke, von L. von Post und R. Seruander. pp. 45: S pis., 3 maps (2 col.), text illust. 15. The .Archiran Geology of the coast-regions of Stockholm, by P. J. Holmquist. pp. 123, 1 tab. : 3 pis., 3 maps geol. col., text illust. 16. Das Moor Orsmosseu, von R. Sernander. pp. IS: 1 pi., text illust. 17. Ueber spat- und post-glaziale Ablagerungen in der " Sand- gropcn " bei Uppsala, von J. P. Gustafsson. pp. IS: S pis., text ittuxt. 18. Excursions in the Archican of southern Sweden, by A. G. Hogbom, A. Gavelin, and H. Hedstrom. pp. 6K : S pis,, S maps yeol. col. text Must. [Congres Geologique International. - Eleventh Session : Stockholm, 1'JIO (contd.)j [Livret-Guide des Excursions en Suede de xr Congres, rfc. (contd.)J The sequence of Strata In southern Gotland, by H. Muuthe «J*iff ; ,** **•> 1 maP 9eoL cot; text illust. a s''una" Stratigraphy in the neighbourhood of Visby, by H Hedstrom. pp. su : r> pis., 1 map, text illust. Geological description of Nittsjb and Its environs in Dalarne by ni «^"i?MP **' X m : 2 mal>s V 3e°l- <">'•>• iext illust- Die Silurbildungen in Wastergbtland, von C. Wiman. pp 17 Quaternary Sea-bottoms of western Sweden, by G. de Geer r,^' Si * •' * mapS S ills, (col.), text Must. 8°. Lons-le-Saunier, 1900. ^ Congres International de Botanique. — Second •&• Session: Vienna, ]9ii~>. Verhandlungen . . . Herausgegeben . . .von R. v.Wettstein . . . J. Wiesner . . . und A. Zahlbruckner, . 8°. Geneve, ,tc. 1904. "B. Congres International de Botanique. .SY Session: Vienna, lm>.~. Texte synoptique des documents destines u servir de base aux d£bats du Congres International de Nomen- clature Botanique de Vieuno 1905, ' Congreso de Viena de 1905. Anotadas por. . .L. Navus. pp. .10. Sri BAKCKI.ONA.— REAL ACADKMIA DE CIENCIAS, d*c. \[eniorias, />. in. 8°. Pin-in. Congres International de Zoologie. I'mir/h Ses- sion: Cambridge, 7N.'(X. Regies de la Nomenclature Zoologique propose'es au Congres de Cambridge par la Commission internationale. s". r,,ri*. 1897. Bull. 8nc. Zool. France. Tom. XXII, pp. 17S-186v 227 Cougres International de Zoologie.— F ourth Ses- sion : Cambridge, 1898. Report on Rules of Zoological Nomenclature to be submitted to the . . . Congress ... by the International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature. — Bericht, . [Proceedings of the] IX" Congres International de Zoologie tenu A, Monaco . . . 1913. pp. 938 : text illust. 8". Rennet, 1914. Congres International de Zoologie. — Ninth Ses- sion : Monaco, 1HJ.J. The International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature. With an Appendix containing summaries of Opinions No. 1 to No. 67. Extracted from the Proceedings of the . . . Congress . . . Second impression, 8°. 1885— > Cougres International Ornithologique. — Second Session: Budapest, 1891. A Madarvonulas elemei Magyarorszagban 1891-ig. — Die Elemente des Vogelzuges in Ungarn bis 1891. See HERMAN (O.) 4°. 1895. Congres International Ornithologique.— IVw'rd Session : Paris, 1900. Compte-Rendu des Seances. Publid par E. Oustalet. . . et J. de Claybrooke. pp. xii, 503: 4 pis. (2 col.), text illust. 8°. Paris, 1901. Congres International Ornithologique. Session : London, 1905. Ou the Migration of Birds, T4ii -Bij ffrr TiTilTTTl (1*1 W.) i"ii Hir-TTO GEOLOGICAL AND liiis uf Tt (Oi E.) 8°. 190IL. CONNOLD (EDWARD THOMAS) [1862-1910] British Vegetable Galls : an Introduction to their study. pp. xi [i], 312: 1S9 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1901. Connold (EDWARD T.) Notes on British Hydroid Zoophytes and other subjects... Edited [with someCon- chological notes] by E. Connold. See RDFFORD (P. J.) 8°. 1902. - [Another issue.] See HASTINGS. — Hastings and St. Leonards Museum. Hastings Museum Publications. No. 1-5. 8°. [1902.J Connold (EDWARD T.) British Oak Galls, pp. xviii, 169: US pis. back to back, text illust. 8°. London, 1908. G-. tr. 8. 0- R. H. E 228 Connold (EDWARD T.) Plant Galls of Great Britain : £ a nature study haudbook. pp. xii, 893 : 1 pi., text Must. 8°. London, 1909. CONNOLLY (MATTHKW WILLIAM KEMBLK) [1872-] A revised Reference List of South African Non-Marine 5. J.O//. Mollusca ; with descriptions of new species in the South .' African Museum. See CAPE TOWN.— SOUTH AFRICAN "2- . MUSEUM. Annals, 4°. Copenhague, 1910— > Conseil Permanent International pour 1'Ex- ploration de la Mer. Publications de Circonstance. No. l-» 8°. Copenhague, 1908-» Each number contains a separately paged paper. Conseil Permanent International pour ^.'.Ex- ploration de la Mer. Rapporfs et Procgss-Yerbaux des Reunions, Mir tlrst of reports is in two separably paged sections, the subsequent nnrs :uv in three, to which^Bometiuies separately paged rpolatedxfnthe series, and numbered in fsthufof one or more separately paged fe XlTl • II subsequent ones ape'Tii three, to whichJKfmetimes "separa ' y" nfl (*\ papers are appodaed. Int*rpolatei-Jnthe series, and nu X IV) ('sequence, arevolumes consistiiur'of one or more seuara °V papers j^thout a report. — Conseil Permanent International pour 1'Ex- ploration de la Mer. Bulletin Statistique des Pi'olu's Maritimes des pays du Nord de 1'Europe. Vol. I— > 4". Copenhague, 1906— > Conseil Permanent International pour 1'Ex- ploration de la Mer. Bulletin trimestriel . . . Resume des observations sur le Plankton des Mers explorers. . . 1902-08. 3 pt. pp. xxxiv, (JOO : 105 pis. with 1 to 4 maps on each. 4°. Copenhague, 1910-14. Introduction, by H. M.Kyle. XNO. ! Peridiniales. Cetera, by O & UKRH. Paiilsen. Tintinnodea, vou K. Brandt. NwtUuca and GIMgerina, by HalosphaTaandFlagellata.byC.H. C. H. Ostenfeld. ' llvliozoa, von W. Mieli'k. Kadiolarla, von VV. Mlei.'k. Bacilluriiiles (Diatoms), byC. H. Osteufeld. Schizophyceie, by C. H. Osten- feld. Cyphonautes, von K. M. Le- vander. OoUnUnte, by P. L. Kramp. Schizopoda, by P. L. Kramp. Hympuda (Ciimacea), par (1. IMboa % Ton c- Amte'". Pteropoda, ny~OrPauN.-ii. i'u|irpuda (part), by G. P. Farran. „ liy T. Scott. Tunicala, Ton C. Apstein. Ortncoden, von C. Apstein. ChiBtognatha, von C. Apstein. Amphipoda, by J. J. Te»ch. Kotatoria (ein tell), von K. M. Levander. Periiliniales. Gentium, von K. Conseil Permanent International pour 1'Ex- ploration de la Mer. Bulletin Planktonique pour les annees 1908-11. Pt. 1. pp.62. 4". Copenhague, 1912. for the " Llites Planktoniques" for the year 1907-8, Set supra, Bulletin trimettriel, See BREHM (A. E.) 4°. [1900->] CONSTANTINESCO ( ) Mademoiselle. Con- tribution d, 1'anatomie des Amarantacees, par A. Gravis. 5_T . . . Avec la collaboration de M"e Constantinesco. pp. t>6[l] : 14 pis. See LlEGE.— SOCIETE ROYALK DES SCIENCES. Memoires, rfc. S^r. Ill, torn. Vlll. 8°. 1909. CONTE (ALBERT) Essai de classification des Lepidop- teres producteurs de Sole. Fasc. 5 & 6 [Saturnicns ,v Pinarides]. See DUSUZEAU (J.) & SONTHONNAX (L.) 8°. 1906, 09. CONTE (C.) Contributions & 1'embryologie des Nema- todes. pp. 1SS : text Must. See LYONS.— UNIVEHSITK. ^.Jf Annales, rfc. Nouvelle Serie. Fasc. vin. 8". 1902. CONTI (PASCAL) [1874-1898J Les especes du genre Matthiola . . . Preface par R. Chodat. pp. M : 1 port. See CHAMBESY. — HERBIER BOISSIER. Memoirs, rfc. No. ISA. 8°. 1900. CONTRERAS (MARCEL DE) Les Oiseaux observes en Belgique. 2 Vol. Must, (col.) 8°. Bruxelles, 1905, 07. Reprinted from the Journal "Chassc et P6che." CONTRIBUTIONS TO ORNITHOLOGY for 1848 (—1849-52). Bv Sir \V. Jardine. 5 Vol.f Must. 8°. Edinburgh ('>'>. Sic WURZBURQ. -1 — PHY8IKALI8CH-MEDICIN18CHE GE.SELLSCHAFT. Ycr handlungeu, 4°. 1900-> COOK (FREDERICK ALBERT) [1865-] Through the first Antarctic Night, 1898-1899. A narrative of the Voyage of the " Belgica "... about the South Pole... With an Appendix containing a Summary of the Scien- tific results.- pp. xxiv, IfiS: 76 pis. (col.), text illust. 8°. London, 1900. Cook (GEORGE HAMMELL) Sketch of the_Geology of the Cretaceous andlertiary formatipa«'ofNew^j€fsey. See NEW jERSFjffSTdie of. — Gepletffcal Survey^ Report on Paleojatelogy Vol. l-f>-(^( liltC,4"' 1886- .. Cook (JAMES) [Firs? Voyage.] Illustrations of Austra- .. Han Plants collected in 1770 during Captain Cook's • voyage round the world in H.M.S. Endeavour, tic. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Botany. fol. 1900-1905. Cook (JAMES) [Second Voyage.] Observations made during a Voyage round the World, [in H.M.S. Resolu- tion] on Physical Geography, Natural History, Ac. See FORSTER (J. R.) 4°. 1778. Cook (JAMES) [Second Voyage.] [For Autograph Manu- script Catalogue of Drawings of Animals collected during this Voyage, 1772-75] See DRYANDER (J.) fol. Cook (JAMES) [Second Voyage.] [For original water- colour & pencil Drawings of Animals collected during this voyage] See FORSTER (J. G. A.) COOK (MELVILLE THURSTON) The Diseases of Tropi- cal Plants, pp. xi, 317 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. London, 1913. COOK (ORATOR FULLER) [1867-] Brandtia. A series of occasional papers on Diplopoda and other Arthropoda. pp. 75. 8°. Huntington, N.Y., 1896 (-97). Cook (ORATOR F.) [Myriapoda of the Commander Islands.] See UNITED STATES. — Fishery Reports. [Fur Seal Fishery.] The Fur Seals and Fur-Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean, ttc. Pt. IV. Appendix I. 8°. 1898. Cook (ORATOR F.) Shade in Coffee culture, pp. 79: It! pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture.— Botany Division. Bulletin No. 25. 8°. 1901. Cook (ORATOR F.) The culture of the Central American Rubber Tree, pp.86: 18 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 49. ' 8°. 1903. Cook (ORATOR F.) Myriapoda of northwestern North America. See WASHINGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Harriman Alaska Expedition, Ac. Vol. vni. 8°. 1904. Cook (ORATOR F.) Report on the habits of the Kelep, or Guatemalan Cotton-Boll-Weevil Ant. pp. IB. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Bureau. Bulletin No. 49. 8°. 1904. Cook (ORATOR F.) The social organization and breeding habits of the Cotton-protecting Kelep of Guatemala. pp. 55. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture.— Entomology Division. Technical Series, No. 10. 8°. 1905. . Cook (ORATOR F.) Weevil-resisting adaptations of the Cotton Plant, pp.87: 10 ph. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 88. " 8°. 1906. Cook (ORATOR F.) Local adjustment of Cotton varieties. pp. 75. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture.— Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 159. 8°. 1909. Cook (ORATOR F.) Dimorphic Branches in tropical crop Plants, ttc. pp. (14 : 7 pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 198. 8°. 1911. Cook (ORATOR F.) Hindi Cotton in Egypt, pp. 58: 6 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture.— Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 210. 8°. 1911. Cook (ORATOR F.) Relation of Drought to Weevil resistance in Cotton, pp. SO. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 220. 8°. 1911. 3. 3. 3. 3. 230 3. 3, B. B. Cook (ORATOR F.) Dimorphic leaves of Cotton and allied Plants in relation to heredity, pp. 59 : 5 pis., text illiitt. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture.— Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 221. 8°. 1911. Cook (ORATOR F.) Wild Wheat in Palestine, pp. 56' : 15 ph., back to back, text Must. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 274. 8°. 1913. Cook (ORATOR F.) & Barrett (0. W.) Promising Boot Crops for the South. 1. Yautias, Taros, and Dasheens. By 0. W. Barrett ... II. Agricultural history and utility of the cultivated Aroids. By O. F. Cook. pp. 4-: •' 10 pie. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture.-— Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 164. 8". 1910. Cook (ORATOR F.) & Meade (B. M.) Arrangement of parts in the Cotton Plant, pp. 26 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture.- Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 222. 8°. 1911. Cook (ORATOR F.) & Swingle (W. T.) Evolution of Cellular Structures, pp. 23: 1 pi., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 81. 8°. 1905. COOK (Sir THEODORE ANDREA) [1867-] A History of the English Turf. 3 Vol. illust. 4°. London (1901). COOKE (CHARLES WYTIIE) The Age of the Ocala Limestone. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper 95-1. 4°. 1915. Forming part of the series entitled " Shorter contributions to general Geology, 1915." COOKE (HENRY A.) Report on the Mineral and Metallurgical Industries of Russia, pp. 4*. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Foreign Office. Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Miscellaneous Series. No. 555. 8". 1901. Cooke (MoRDECAl CUBITT) Handbook of Australian Fungi, pp. xxxii, 457 [1] : 3H pis. (col.) 8°. London, 1892. Cooke (MoRDECAl C.) Pestiferous Fungi. See QUEENSLAND. — Department of Agriculture. Botany Bulletin No. 12. 8°. 1895. Also Issued with the " Annual Report" for 1895-9*. Cooke (MoRDECAl C.) Fungoid Pests of Cultivated Plants, pp. xv, ~',S : 24 pit. (col.), text illtut. 8°. London, 1906. In part reprinted from the "Journ. Koy. Hortic. Soc." Vol. XXVII- XXIX, 1902-06. Cooke (MOHDECAl C.) Catalogue and field-book of British Basidiomycetes, up to and inclusive of the year 1908. obi. 8°. [London, 1910 ?J COOKE (THEODORE ) [1836-1910] The Flora of the Presidency of Bombay, See NUTTALL (G. H. F.) & others. 8". 1908-> Bibliography of the Ixodoidea. 8°. 1911. COOPER-KEY (ASTON McNElL C.) [1861-] Petro- leum. . .Third edition [with a contribution by A. McN. C. Cooper-Key], Ac. 3 Vol. See REDWOOD (Sir B.) Bart. 8°. 1913. COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB OF CALIFORNIA. [Founded 1893.] Bulletin of the. . .Club. . .A bi-monthly magazine of Pacific Coast Ornithology. Vol. I. 8°. Santa Clara, Cal., 1899. [Continued as :] The Condor. . .A bi-monthly magazine, rfc. Vol. I— > 8°. Santa Clara, Cal., 1900-> Cooper Ornithological Club of California. Pacific Coast Avifauna. No. I— > 8°. Santa Clara, Cal., 1900— > Cope (EDWARD DRINKER) Uebersicht der eocanen Fauna von Egerkingen nebst einer Erwiederung an ... E. D. Cope, Ac. See KUETIMEYER (C. L.) 8°. 1890. Preprint from " Verhandl. Naturf. Gesell. Basel. Bd. ix, hft. 2, 1891. Cope (EDWARD D.) See FRAZER (P.) The Life and Letters of E. D. Cope. 8°. 1900. Cope (EDWARD D.) Alphabetical cross reference Cata- logue of all the publications of E. D. Cope from 1859 till... 1897. By P. Frazer. See MEXICO, City of.— SOCIEDAD CIENTIFICA " ANTONIO ALZATE." Memorias, tfc. Tom. xiv, xv. 8°. 1899-1900. Cope (EDWARD D.) Alphabetical . . . Catalogue of all the publications of. . .E. D. Cope, • 8°. Ktfbenhavn, 1913— > Each number contains a separately paged memoir. COPENHAGEN.— Dansk Fiskeriforeuing. Videnskabelige Unders0gelserpaa FiskeriernesOmraade. ... I. Unders0gelser over vor almindelige Rejes (Palce- mon Fabricii. Btk.) Biologi og Udviklingshistorie . . . af T. Mortensen. pp. 79 : If pis. (col.), 1 map. 4°. Kftbenhavn, 1897. COPENHAGEN.— Dansk Natnrhistorisk Fore- ning. [1833 Founded as Naturhigtoritk Forening. 1912 Dansk Naturhittoritk Forening.] Videnskabelige Meddelelser, Ac. 1849-58. 10 vol. 8°. Kjobenhavn, (1849-) 1852-59. - 1859-68. Aart. II, aarg. l-x. 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1860-69. There is an "Alphahetisk Register til de forste 20 Aargange. (1849-68)" at the end of the volume for 1868. - (Avec resume en Fran9ais.) 1869-78. Aart. Ill, aarg. I-X. 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1870-78. The resum^ was discontinued in the volume for 1877-78. 1879-88. Aart. IV, aarg. l-x. 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1879-88. - 1889-98. Aart. V, aarg. l-x. 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1890-98. - 1899-1908. Aart. VI, aarg. l-x. 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1899-1909. - 1909-10. Aart. VII, aarg. I & II. 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1910, 11. - Bd. LXIII— > . (Aart. VII, aarg. ill— » 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1912—> Copenhagen. — Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening. Fortegnelse over samtlige i de 25 Aargange af "Viden- skabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kj0benhavn " for 1869-1893, Ac. 8°. [Copenhagen, 1894.] Issued at the end of the volume for 1893 (1894). Copenhagen.— Dansk Naturhistorisk Foreniug. Danmarks Fauna : illustrerede Haandb0ger over den Danske Dyreverden, ifr. No. 1— > 8°. Kftbenhavn, 1907-> 1. H. F. E. Jungersen. Krybdyr og Padder. pp. 87: text Ulust. 1907. 2. J. C. Nielsen. Gravehvepse og Gedehamse. pp. 86: text ilhist. 1907 S. B. G. Eye. Biller. I. L0bebiller. pp. 17S: textillust. 1908. 4. A. Klocker. Sommerfugle. I. Dagsommerf ugle. pp. .96 : It! pit. back to back, text Ulust. 1903 5. H. Winge. Pattedyr. pp. 24S : text illutt. 1908. 6. E. Petersen. 0rentviste, Kakerlakker og Grasshopper (Orthopterer). pp. U : text Ulust. 1909. 7. A. Klocker. Sommerfugle. II. Natsommerfugle. pp. 118: lapis, back to back, text Ulust. 1909. 8. E. Petersen. Guldsmede, D^gnfluer, Slffrvinger og Copeo- gnather (Pseudoneuropterer). pp. les : text Ulust. 1910. 9. K. Stephensen. Storkrebs. I. Skjoldkrebs. pp. [ti,] 19i : text Must. 1910 10. C. M. Steenberg. Bltfddyr. I. Landsnegle. pp. ill : text Ulust. 1911. 11. C. V. Otterstrtfm. Fisk I. Pigfmneflsk. pp. 198:1 map, text Ulust. 1912. 12. A. C. Jensen-Haarup. Tseger. pp. 300 : text Must. 1912. 13. A. Klocker. Sommerfuzle III. Natsommerfugle n. del. pp. Wl : -28 pit. back to back, text Ulutt. 1913 B. Jr. •23-2. [Copenhagen. Daiisk Natnrhistorisk Forening (contd.)J [Danmarks Fauna (contd.)J 14. K. Henrik8«n. Biller II. Pragtbiller og Smoldere. pp. Ill, : text illuit. 1»13. ""• 15. C. V. Otterstnfm. Fisk II. BWnnnetisk. pp. Sit : I map col., text Ulutt 1814. 1«. A. C. Jensen-Haarup og K. Heuriksen. Biller III. Trie- bukke. pp. lit : Itxt Must. 1814. 17. A. Klocker. Sommerfugle IV. Natsommerfugle. Del. in. pp. mi: IS pit. tnck to bade, text illtiit. 1916. COPENHAGEN. — Dausk Ornithologisk ning. l Kcimidrd 190A.] 1 >ftnsk Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift, if c. Aarg. 1— > 8°. [Copenhagen, 1906— >] COPENHAGEN, tslenzka Boknieimtafjelag. F16ra Islands, . for Gartner Bache mod det tilforn om Haven Udgivne. See LUND (N. T.) 4°. 1788. Copenhagen. Kjebenhavns Universitet. — Bota- nisk Have. Catalogus Plantarum Horti Botanici Hafniensis. See MjJBCH (O. J. N.) 8". 1889. Copenhagen. Kjobenhavns Universitet. — Bota- nisk Have. Hortus Regius Botanicus Hafniensis, illust. 8°. Copenhagen, 1902— » Consist* of a series of reprints. N<>. 1, 2, 3 are from the "Meddelelser om Ortfnland." Vol. XXV, xxvi, xxviu ; and 4 is from the " overs. K. Danske Vldensk. Selsk. Kiprhandl.," lf«)4, no. 1. Copenhagen. Kj«b«wliaviu» Universitet. ralogiske og Geologiske Muxi'iim. Communications Paltentologiques. No. I— > 8°. Kjfbenhavn, 1902-» Consist of a series of reprints from the " K. Dansk. Videns. Selskali. Skrifter." Copenhagen. Kj0b«uhaviis Universitet.— Mine- ralogiske og Geologiske MH.-H inn. Communications G^ologiijues. No. 2— > 8°. Copenhagen, 191 1-> No. 2 is a reprint from the "Meddelelser om Or<)nland." Vol.xxxvm. Copenhagen. Kj*4i*nh»vuB Universitet. -Mine-' ralogiske og Geologiskr Mu*rti>n. List of the Meteorites represented in the Collection. October 1, 1905. pp. I ..'. 8°. [Copenhagen, 1905.] Copenhagen. Kjobenhavns Universitet. Zno- logiske Museum. Cirolanidae et familim uonnullee propinqute Musei f Hauniensis. Et Bidrag til Kundskaben om nogle v ' Familier af Isopode Krebsdyr ved H. J. Hansen. . .Avec nn resume en Franpais. See infra, KONGELIGT DANSK VIDENSKABERNES SELSKAB. Det ... Skrifter, 8°. Kftbenhavn, 1917-> Each number is separately paged. Copenhagen. Kong Selskab. Mathemi Each number i Dansk Vid fysiske Medd kabernes ser./Bd. l-> 1917-»r r - pp loq Copenhagen. — Naturhistorisk Forening.' See supra, DANSK NATURHISTORISK FORENING. COPLAND (MAURICE) The Monazite deposit at Pinch Swamp Creek, Bonang district, county of Croajingolong. op. 8: 1 map geol. col. See VICTORIA, Australia. — Geo- ' ygical Survey. Bulletin No. 16. 8". 1905. Coqnebert de Montbret (ANTOINE FRANCOIS ERNEST) J Reflexions sur quelques points de cornparaison a •. ^tablir entre les Plantes d'Egypte et celles de France. See FRANCE. — Commission d'Egypte. Description ilc 1'Egypte . . . Seconde edition, rfc. Tom. xix. 8°. 1824. COQUIDE ( ) La Peche a la Morur. pj>. .",. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin -> No. 153. 8". 1909. COQUILLETT (DANIEL WILLIAM) [-1911] Canker Worms, pp. 4: text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 9, Second Series. 8". [1895.] Coquillett (DANIKL W.) [Diptera & Siphonaptera of the Commander Islands.] tin- UNITED STATES. Fishery Reports. [Fur Seal Fishery.] The Fur Smls and Fur-Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean, • [Anothe i — Nou tionnaire %o. . . '.F. D') :9-] 1849. 8°. 1861. 17 Vol. illust. (col.) 8°. [1867 ?] CORDINER (CHARLES) [17469-1794] Remarkable Ruins, and Romantic Prospects, of North Britain. With Ancient Monuments, and singular subjects of Natural History. 96 ph., ivith descriptive letterpress, engr. frontispiece A title-page. , . 4°. [London, 1784-1795.] Origiually issued in 2 Vols. CORINTH. Eine Sparierf'ahrt irn Golfe von Korinth. I • [By Ludwig Salvator, Archduke of Austria.] pp. xxvii, £91 : 60 pis., 1 map, 1 sheet sections, text illust. 4°. Prag, 1876. CORK. — International Exhibition, 1902. Irish Mineral Exhibit. . .Catalogue. See IRELAND. — Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction. 8°. [1902.] CORK SCIENTIFIC & LITERARY SOCIETY. [1819 Founded as Cork Philosophical Society. 1834 Revived as Cork ScittMJic A Literary Society.] \C. Proceedings, Ac. 1836-7 & 1837-8. 2 No. 8°. Cork [1837, 38 j. CORNELIUS (H. P.) Ueber die Stratigraphie und Tektonik der sedimentaren Zone von Samaden. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Geologique Suisse. Beitrage, Ac. Neue Folge, Lief. XLV. 4°. 1914. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. See ITHACA. CORNET (JULES) [1865-] lets over de jongst iu " Henegouwen ontdekte fossiele Dieren. pp. 15 : 1 pi. -, 8°. [Ghent, 1887.] Natura : maandschrift voor NatuTVnvettenschappen. CORNEY (Hon. BOLTON Gtf,ANViLL)"~[l851-] The Voyage of Captain Don F. Gonzalez; . . to Easter Island ', in 1770-1 : preceded by an Extr&p from Mynheer J. Roggevepn's Official Log, of his discovery of, and visit to, Easter Island. Transcribed, translated and edited by B. G. Corney. Se<; HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, Ac. Ser. II, no. 13. 8°. 1908. CORNISH (CHARLES JOHN) [1859-1906] The Living Animals of the World: a popular Natural History. . . By C. J. Cornish. . .(Editor), F. C. Selous, Ac. 2 Vol. illust. (col.) 4°. London [1901-2J. Vol. I. Mammals. [The unsigned chapters are by C. J. Cornish. ] The Domestic Cat. By L. Wain. Domestic Dogs. By C. H. Lane. The Bats and Insect-eating Mammals. My W. P. Pycraft. The Elephant. By F. C. Selous. Tapirs and Hyrax. By W. P. Pycraft. The Rhinoceros. By F. C. Selous. Zebras and Wild Asses. By F. C. Selous. Domesticated Horse, Asses, and Mules. By W. P. Pycraft. The Antelopes. By F. C. Selous. The Giraffe. By H. A. Bryden. The Okapi. By Sir H. Johnston. The Deer Tribe. By H. A. Bryden. The Camel Tribe and the Chevrotains. By W. P. Pycraft. The Pig Tribe. By H. A. Bryden. The Hippopotamus. By F. C. Selous. The Dugong, Manatees, Whales, Porpoises, and Dolphins. ByF. G. AHalo. The Sloths, Ant-Eaters, and Armadillos. By W. P. Pycraft. Marsupials and Monotremes. By W. Saville-Kent. „ II. Birds. By W. P. Pycraft. Reptiles and Amphibians. By W. Saville-Kent. Fishes. By W. P. Pycraft (except)— The Perch Family. By J. Bickerdyke. The Cod Family. By S. Bickerdyke. The Carp Family. By J. Bickerdyke. The Salmon Family. By Sir H. Maxwell. The Herring and its Kiudred. By F. G. AHalo. Sharks and Rays. By F. G. Aflalo. The Crab and Scorpion Groups. By VV. F. Kirby. Insects. By W. F. Kirby (except)— Sheath-winged Insects, or Beetles. By the Kev. T. Wood. Nerve-winged, or Lace-winged Insects, or Dragon-Flies and their relatives. By the Rev. T. Wood. Shell-Fish, Lamp-Shells, Sea-Urchins, Star-Fishes, .Moss-Ani- mals, Worms, Corals, Jelly-Fishes, and Sponges. By \V. Saville-Kent. Cornish (CHARLES J.) Sir W. H. Flower. . . A Personal Memoir, pp. xi, 27 4 : 5 ports. 8°. London A New York, 1904. CORNISH MINING. ..Tin. See MINING JOURNAL, RAILWAY AND COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, THE, Ac. fol. 1902. Cornu (MARIE ALFRED) De la Refraction a travers un prisme suivant tine loi quelconque. 4". [Paris, 1872-74.] Ann. Scient. Ecole Norniale Super. Ser. II, torn, i, irn. ,'.;/- •; • • m 1>1>. I-','!: text illmt. Cornu (MAXIMK) Index Semimmi in Hortis Musici Parisiensis anno 1885 collectoruin. KJomrril ' '! 1>\ M. Coruu.J See PARIS. — MUSEUM D'HISTOIRE NATI-I; ELLE.— Botany. 4". (1885.) Cornn (MAXIME) Catalogue des Graines et Plantt/s vivantes offertes, pendant 1'Hiver 1889-90, aux eta- blissements d'instruction. [Compiled by M. Cornu.] See PARIS. — MUSKUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE. — Botany. 8°. 1889. CORNWALL. A Manual of Mineralogy ; in wich [sic] is shown how much Cornwall contributes to the illus- tration of the Science. [By Thomas Hogg.] See MINE- RALOGY. 8". 1825. CORNWALL. [Maps.] Geological Sections in illus- tration of the Map of the Mining district of Cornwall, by R. Thomas . . . 1819. geol. col. London, 1819. Cornwall. [Maps.] Geological View of the Mining district of Cornwall, corresponding with the Map from Chasewater to Camborne, shewing the elevations of the hills and the depths to which the Mines are extended, By R. Thomas . . . 1819. geol. col. London, 1824. Cornwall. [Maps.] Sketch Map of West Cornwall showing relative positions of the Mines. Compiled by . . . J. S. Henderson . . . Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile. (col.) Camborne, 1907. 30 L. o. F 234 CORONA BUSTAMANTE (F.) Diccionario Ingles- . / Fs]wm>l y Espaiiol-Tngl&i (Dictionary of the Spanish W- and English languages), Ac. 2 Vol. ' 12°. Paris, 1897. CORR (.TAMES B.) The Birds of the Estuary of the 7"../Uf. Tay. See PATON (A. W.) British Association ."Dundee, n 1912. Handbook and Guide, Ac. .. 8". [1912. fff&-tf~-m Correns (CARL FRANZ JOSEPH ERICH) /^Bastarde u'hen Maisrassen mit besonderer Berjicksichtigung •t> der Xenien. pp. xii, 161 : 2 pis. col., text illust. See BlBLIOTHECA BOTANICA. Hft. Lin. 4". 1901. _^ Correns (CARL F. J. E.) Die neuen Vererbungsgesetze. J5 . pp. viii, 75 : 1 pi. col., text illust. (col.) 8°. Berlin, 1912. Correvou (HENRY) [For collaboration, descriptions of • Plants, in the " Icones Flora Alpinse Plantarum," and J? . Introduction] See MARRET (L.) Icones Flora Alpince Plantarum, Ac. Ser. II, fasc. 7-> 8°. [1914->] Correvou (HENRY) & Robert (P.) La Flore Alpine JB pp. 440 : 101 pis. (1 uncoloured.) 8°. Geneve [ I The plates are counted in with the pagination of the text. CORRIE (E. VALENTINE) The Breeding of Trout. ~Z • See HUTCHINSON (H. G.) Fishing, Ac. Vol. I. 8°. 1904. CORSX (FAUSTINO) [1771-18451 Catalogo ragionato ^ . d' una Collezione di Pietre di decorazione, formata e posseduta in Roma, Ac. pp. 235 [1] : 1 pi. 8°. Roma, 1825. CORSTORPHINE (GEORGE STEUART) [1868-] [For official reports as Geologist] See CAPE COLONY. — (Iritlogictd Commission. Corstorphine (GEORGE S.) & Hatch (F. H.) The Geology of South Africa. See HATCH (F. H.) & CORSTORPHINE (G. S.) 8°. 1905. Second edition. 8°. 1909. Cortazar (DANIEL DE) Las hachas de piedra pulimen- tada en Espana. pp. 11 : 8 pis. See SPAIN. — Instituto Geologico de Espana. Boletin, Ac. Tom. xxvi. 8°. 1902. Cortazar (DANIEL DE) Estudio geologico de una explosi6n de Gases no inflamables dentro de una M i M.I. pp. 12. See ^iPAIN. — Instituto Geoldgico de Espana. G-. G-. G-. Boletin, Ac. Tom. xxix. 8°. 1909. CORTES ( MIGUEL) Repertoire de Couleurs pour aider •t> a la determination des couleurs des Fleurs, des Feuillages *^ ' et des Fruits, publi6 . . . avec la collaboration ... de . . . M. Cortes. See FRANCE. — ROCIE'TE FRANCHISE DES CHRYSANTHKMISTES. 8°. 1905. CORTE8I (FABRIZio) & Chiovenda (E.) Angio- • sperm* [fromRuwenzori]. See LciGlAMEDEO GIUSEPPE MARIA FERDINANDO FRANCESCO, Duke of Abriizzi. II Uuwenzori . . . Risultati . . . dalla Spedizione. Vol. I. Botanica. 8°. 1909. Cory (CHARLES BARNEY) The Birds of eastern North America known to occur east of the ninetieth meridian, ~2- . ill. Cerithiacea et Lgxenematacea.^---?^ 263 \).Jf!ll pit., text illust. J&ee PARIS^-SOCIETE GjkjLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires, 4°. Paris, 1904— > Cossmanu (ALEXANDRE E. M.) & Pissarro (O.) The Mollusca of the Kanikot Series. Pt. I. Cephalopoda and Gastropoda, pp. [Hi,] xix, 83, 1 tab. : 11 ph., 2 maps, text illust. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Palseontologica Indica, Ac. New Series, vol. ill, no. 1. 4°. 1909. Cossmann (ALEXANDRE E. M.) & Tliiery (P.) Note sur le Callovien de la Haute-Marne, et sp^cialement sur un gisement situ£ dans la commune de Bricon, Ac. See THIERY (P.) & COSSMANN (A. E. M.) 8°. 1907. Costa (ACHILLE) Gli scritti Cecidologici del Prof. A. Costa. [By] M. Bezzi. pp. 2. See NAPLES. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. Annuario del Museo Zoolo- gico della. . . Universita, Ac. Nuova Serie, vol. ill, no. 7. 4°. 1909. Costa (EMANUEL MENDES DA) Conchology, or Natural History of Shells : containing the Figures of Shells. . . with their descriptions in English and French. . .By a Collector [i.e. E. M. Da Costa ; but often quoted as the work of G. Humphrey], d-c. — Conchologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des Coquillages, Ac. [No. l-6.f] See COLLECTOR. fol. [1770-1772.] Costa (EMANUEL M. DA) [A coloured set of the seventeen plates to Da Costa's " Historia naturalis Testaceorum Britannise," and six plates by P. Mazell, as adapted for the second edition of Pulteney's " Cata- logues," by T. Backett, with manuscript explanations.] See PULTENEY (R.) 4°. [ COSTA (GmoLAMO DALLA) See DALLA COSTA (G.) COSTA (HiER. DALLA) See DALLA COSTA (GIROLAMO) Costa (ORONZio GABHIELE) Illustrazioni al genere Cipridina e descrizione di una novella specie. C.See NAPLES. — ACCADEMIA PONTANIANA. Agli Scienziati d' Italia del vn Congresso, rfc. 4°. 1845. Costa (ORONZio G.) Di un Erpetolite idrotermale, con appendice di osservazioni intorno a' deposit! di avanzi organic! a pie di Monte Nuovo presso Pozzuoli e nelle marne argillose dell' Isola d' Ischia. pp. 27. 8°. [Napoli, 1853.] Beprlnted, with additional matter, from the " Rendic. Accad. Pon- taniaua, Napoli." Ann. I. COSTA RICA, Republic of. Memoria de Fomento presentada al Congreso Constitucional, por E. J. Nunez, Subsecretario de Estado en el Despacho de Fomento 1912. pp. Ixiii, 308 [1] : 60 pis. 8°. San Jose, 1913. Contains, inter alia : — Informe del Director del Museo Nacional. Informe del Departamento de Botanica. Anexo B. CatJHogo de las familias de Plantas que se encuentran en Costa Rica y su lugar en los armarios del Herbario. COSTA RICA, Republic of. — Ministerio de Fomento. Boletln de Fomento. Organo del Ministerio, Ac. Ano I— > illust. 8°. San Jose, Costa Rica, 1911— > COSTA RICA. — Sociedad Nacional de Agricul- tura de Costa Rica. See SAN JOSK. Costa Rica. [Maps.] [OrographiealandHydrographi- ^_ cal] Mapa de Costa Rica . . . por H. Pittier . . . Escala, 57. 1 : 500,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 8 m. about]. See PETERMANNS MITTHEILUNGEN. Erganzbd. xxxvil, no. 175. 4°. 1912. COSTANTIN (JULIEN) [1857-] Les Muc^dinees Simples. Histoire, classification, culture et role des Champignons inf erieurs dans les maladies des V6g6taux et des Animaux. pp. viii, 210 : text illuzt. 8°. Paris, 1888. M ;ii i-ri.'iiii pour 1'Histoire des Champignons. Vol. II. Costantin (JULIEN) & Dufour (L.) Nouvelle Flore des Champignons, pour la determination facile de toutes les especes de P'rance et de la plupart des especes Euro- p^enes. pp. xxxviii, 255 : text illust. 8°. Paris [1891]. Suite ft la Nouvelle Flore de MM. G. Bonnier et De Layens. III. Iq.v.} COSTE (HlPPOLYTE JACQUES) [1858-] Flore descrip- tive et illustree de la France, de la Corse et des contrees limitrophes . . . Avec une introduction sur la Flore et la Vegetation de la France . . . par C. Flahault. 3 Tom. illust. 8". Paris, [1900-] 1901-06. Coste (HlPPOLYTE JACQUES) & Fons (S.) Herbarium Rosarum, Ac. Fasc. 1-5. See PONS (S.) & COSTE (H. J.) 8°. 1895il900. Coste (JEAN JACQUES tionnaire universel Arago . . . Coste illust. (col.) Cotta (BERNHARD VON) Die Lagerungsverhaltnisse an der Grenze zwischen Granit und Quader-Sandstein bei Meissen Hohnstein, Zittau und Liebenau. pp. t>4 •' 3 pis. geol. col. 8°. Dresden A Leipzig, 1838. Geognostische Wanderungen. II. Cotta (BERNHARD VON) Grundriss der Geognosie und Geologie, als zweite Auflage der Anleitung zum Studium der Geognosie, Ac. 2 Pt. illust. 8°. Dresden A Leipzig, 1846. Cottean (GUSTAVE HONORE) Congres International d'Anthropologie & d'Archeologie prehistoriques : Session de Budapesth. pp. 71 : text illust. 8°. Auxerre, 1877. Bull. Soc. Sci. Yonne. Tom. XXX. Cotter (JORGE CANDIDO BERKELEY) & Dollfus (G. F.) Mollusques Tertiaires du Portugal. — Le Pliocene au nord du Tage (Plaisancien) . . . lre Partie : — Pelecypoda, preceded d'une notice geologique. pp. xxiv, 103 : 9 pis., text illust. See PORTUGAL. — Cominissao do Service Q-eologico. [Memoires : Cenozcrique.] 4°. 1909. Cotter (JORGE C. B.) £ others. Mollusques Tertiaires du Portugal. Planches . . . laissees par F. A. Pereira da Costa, accompagnees d'une explication sommaire et d'une Esquisse Geologique par...J. C. B. Cotter, Ac. See PORTUGAL. — Commissdo do Servico Oeologico. 4°. 1903-4. Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club. Contents of Proceedings. Vol. I-XIV, 1847-1903. pp. 32. See supra, Proceedings, Ac. Vol. xiv. Supplement. 8°. 1904 COTTON (ARTHUR DISBROWE) [1879-] [Marine Algae from Clare Island.] pp. 17S : 10 pis., 1 map. See ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Proceedings, Ac. Vol. xxxi, pt. 15. 8°. 1912. Cotton (ARTHUR D.) [Lichens from Dutch New Guinea.] See GRANT (W. R. OGILVIE-) Reports on the collections made by the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition, Ac. Vol. II, no. 18. 4°. 1916. COTTON (PERCY HORACE GORDON POWELL-) See POWELL-COTTON (P. H. G.) COTTREAU (JEAN) Paleontologie de Madagascar. VI. Les Echinides. pp.44: 3 pis., text illust. See AN - NALES DE PALEONTOLOGIE, Ac. Tom. in. 4°. 1908. G-. 236 Cottreau i h:\\) I.e-t Keliiuides Noogenes du bassiu Mrclitermueeu. pp. JH.J [!]: 1~> pis., X maps col., text f Q: , illutt. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOGHAPHIQUE.— ' ' Paris Branch. Annales, . f. 0, rf. Coulter (JOHN M.) New Manual of Botany of the central Rocky Mountains (Vascular Plants) . . . Revised by A. Nelson, pp. 646. 8°. New York, 09. Fifty Years of Darwinism, ,(•<-. 8°. 1909. Coulter (JOHN M.) Evolution of sex in Plants, pp. vii, IB. > 40: text Must. 8". Chicago, HI., 1914. I niv. Chicago Sci. Series. Contter (JOHN M.) & Chamberlain (C. J.) Morpho- ]R logy of Spermatophytes. pp.s.T**: /> ;rl ilhtxi. 8°. New York, 1901. Coulter I.IIIIIN M.) & Chamberlain (C. J.) Morpho- "S logy of Angiosperms, /i. mvi, 70 [1] : text illust. 8". Paris, 1907. Courty (GEORGES) & Hameliu (L.) Qeologie du BasslD de Paris, pp. 65 : 6' pis., tr.rt illust. See ASSOCIATION FRANfAISE POUR L'AVANCEMENT DKS Scil'.NCKS. Compte rendu. . .Clermont-Ferrand, 1908. 8". [1909.] Issued separately, although forming part of the Compte rendu fur 1908. COUTIERE (HENRY) [1869-] Les Poissous nuisiblrs. pp.12. See PARIS. — SOCIETK ZOOLOGIQUE DK KH\MI:. Causeries Scientifiques, text illust. See MONACO.— INSTITUT OCKANOOUA- PHIQUE. Bulletin No. 70. 8". 1900. 237 Coutiere (HENRY) [Schizopoda & Decapoda from the Antarctic regions.] See PRANCE. [Voyages, dc. — Ant- arctic.] Expedition Antarctique Fran9aise (1903- 1905) . . . Sciences Naturelles, dc. Crustacea. 4°. [1906.] Coutiere (HENRY) Questionnaire relatif aux especes comestibles de Crustaces. pp. 8. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 98. 8°. 1907. Coutiere (HENRY) Sur quelques formes larvaires enigmatiques d'Eucyphotes, provenant des collections de S.A.S. le Prince de Monaco, pp. 70 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 104. , 8°. 1907. Coutiere (HENRY) Sur les Alpheidse du genre Athanas, Leach, provenant des collections de S.A.S. le Prince de Monaco. (A. Grimaldii, n. sp.) pp. 7: text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 197. 8°. 1911. Coutiere (HENRY) Crustaces Schizopodes et Decapodes [from the Antarctic Regions]. See FRANCE. [Voyages, dc. — Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Franpaise (1908-10) ... Sciences naturelles, dc. 4°. 1917. COUTINXO (ANTONIO XAVIER PEREIRA) A Flora de Portugal (Plantas Vasculares) disposta em chaves dichotomicas. pp. 766 [1]. 8". Paris, dc. 1913. Coutinho (ANTONIO XAVIER PEREIRA) Plantas Portu- guesas dos Herbarios de Brotero e de Valorado exist- entes na Universidade de Lisboa. 8°. Lisboa, 1916. Arquiv. Univer. Lisboa. Vol. Ill, pp. 333-379. COUTURIER (MARTIAL) Catalogue des Coquilles Palearctiques de la Collection Hagenmilller. See MAR- .SEILLES.— MUSliE D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE. Annales, dc. Tom. VIII, mem. 2. 4°. 1903. COVENTRY (BERNARD) [1859-] [For official reports as Director] See PUSA. — Agricultural Research Insti- tute and College. . -. COVILLE (FREDERICK VERNON) 'fl ftfw-] Directions for collecting specimens and information illustrating the aboriginal uses of Plants, pp. 8. See UNITED STATES ' NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 39, pt. J. 8°. 1895. Coville (FREDERICK V.) Experiments in Blueberry culture, pp. 100 : 18 pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 193. 8°. 1910. Coville (FREDERICK V.) & MacDougal (D. T.) Desert Botanical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution. pp. 58 : 29 pis., text illust. 8°. Washington, 1903. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Publication No. 6. Coville (FREDERICK V.) & Rose (J. N.) List of Plants collected by Dr. and Mrs. L. Stejneger on the Com- mander Islands during 1895 and 1897. See UNITED STATES. — Fishery Reports. [Fur Seal Fishery.] The Fur Seals and Fur-Seal Islands of the North Pacific 1 Ocean, dc. Pt. IV, appendix II. 8°. 1898. COWAN (JAMES) New Zealand ... its Wealth and Resources, dc. See NEW ZEALAND. — Department of Tourist and Health Resorts. 8°. 1908. Cowan (JAMES) Official Record of the New Zealand International Exhibition of Arts and Industries, held at Christchurch, 1906-7. A descriptive and historical account, dc. See CHHISTCHURCH, New Zealand. — Neiv Zealand International Exhibition of Arts and Indus- tries, i HIM:-: . 8°. 1910. COWAN (M'TAGGART) See SCOTTISH BOTANICAL REVIEW, THE. . .Edited by M'T. Cowan, £c. 1912-> 8°. 1912-» Cowan (THOMAS WILLIAM) The Honey Bee : its natural history, anatomy, and physiology . . . Second edition, pp. xii, 330 : 1 pi., text ilt/ust. 8°. London [1904]. COWARD (KATHEHINE H.) On the structure of Syrin- godendron, the bark of Sigillaria. pp. 6:1 pi., text illust. See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, dc. Vol. LI, mem. 7. 8°. 1907. COWARD (THOMAS ALFRED) //« 67- '<7* Some notes on the Mammals otLundy. pp. 14- Notes on the Greater Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum (Schreber), in captivity, pp. IS: Ipl. See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, t. • 3. Survey Departme T... Coxe (WlLHAMU^ Travels in Switzerland, country of thXGrisons : in a series of let edition. 8°. 1873. d in the Second , 1791. Vol. j a " Faunnla Helvetic COXHEAD (HENRY) Catalogue of the Vasculares, or Pheenogamous Plants of Great Britain . . . With an Index for the arrangement of specimens, rfc. [By H. Coxhead.] See GBEAT BRITAIN. 8°. [18421] COZZAGLIO (ARTURO) Concarena, Bagozza, Camino, rfc. iv. Note di Geologia. See PRUDENZINI (P.) 8°. 1893. Cracow.— AkademijtiTtTmiejetxifisci. - Catalogue of^ine Polish t .LitenU*i* i>, topota pluvialis (Meigen). pp. 36 : 7 ph., text illiut. See SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. New Series. No. 55. 4". 1912. Cragg (FRANCIS W.) Studies on the mouth parts and sucking apparatus in the Blood-Sucking Diptera. 4 Pt. illust. See SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. New Series. No. 54, 58, 59 & 60. 4°. 1912-13. Cragg (FRANCIS W.) & Fattou (W. S.) A Text- book of Medical Entomology. See PATTON (W. S.) & CRAGG (F. W.) 4°. 1918. CRAGIN (FRANCIS WHITTEMORE) [1858-] Paleon- tology of the Malone Jurassic formation of Texas . . . With stratigraphic notes ... by T. W. Stantou. pp. 179: .'x pis., 1 map. See UNITED STATES.— Oeological Survey. Bulletin No. 266. 8°. 1905. 13 - /. ,, 8. pp. 1SS-1SS, pit. Ixxxv.-xcvi. 1771;. Vol. II. Titlepages dated 1779. Pt. 9-16. pp. 1-151, pis. xcvii-cxcii. 1777. Vol. III. Titlepoges dated 1782. Pt. 17-22. pp. 1-ltS, pis. cxeiii-cdxiv. 1779. „ 23<624. pp. cdxv-cclxj 1780. Vol. iv. Titlepages dated 1782. Pt. 26-28. pp. 1-90, pis. cclxxxix-cccxxxvi. L780 „ 29-82. pp. 91-191, pis. cccxxxvii-ccclxxxiv. 17M. „ 33-34. pp. 193- «5J, Proeve pp.l-t9,plt.ecdxxxo-ccc<• uitlandsche Kapellen," with autograph Index to the published plates giving reference to the artist's sheet in these volumes, and small manuscript explanations of each sheet in the handwriting of J. A. Turner, to whom they formerly belonged.] 4 Vol. fol. 239 CRAMFTON (CECIL BURLEIGH) The Vegetation of Caithness considered in relation to the Geology, pp. 132 : text illust. 8°. [Edinburgh^ 1911. Crampton (CECIL B.) The Geology of Mid-Strathspey * and Strathdearn . . . with contributions by ... C. B. f, Crampton, Ac. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — Scotland. 8°. 1915. Crampton (CECIL B.) & Carrnthers (R. G.) The Geology of Caithness, Ac. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — Scotland. 8°. 1914. Crampton (CECIL B.) & others. The economic Geo- logy of the central Coalfield of Scotland, description of Area ii, Ac. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — Scotland. 8°. 1917. CRAMFTON (HENRY EDWARD) [1875-] Studies on the variation, distribution, and evolution of the genus Partula. The species inhabiting Tahiti, pp. 813, 10 tabs. : 28 pis. (col.), 6 maps (col.). 4s. Washington [D.C.], 1916. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Publication No. 228. CRANDALL (ALBERT ROGERS) Report on the Geology of Greenup, Carter, and Boyd counties, and a part of Lawrence, pp. 77: 35 pis., 1 map, text illust. See KENTUCKY, State of. — Geological Survey. Reports of Progress. New Series, vol. II, no. 1. 8°. 1877. The map is dated 1876. Crandall (ALBERT R.) Report on the Geology of the proposed line of the Elizabethtown, Lexington and Big Sandy Railroad, from Mt. Sterling to the Big Sandy River, pp. 10: 1 pi. See KENTUCKY, State of. — Geological Survey. Reports of Progress. New Series, vol. II, pt. 10. 8°. 1877. Crandall (ALBERT R.) Report on the Chinn's Branch Cannel Coal district, pp. 10. See KENTUCKY, State of. — Geological Survey. Reports of Progress. New Series, vol. v, no. 12. 8". 1880. Crandall (ALBERT R.) & Shaler (N. S.) Report on the Forests of Greenup, Carter, Boyd and Lawrence counties. pp. 26. See KENTUCKY, State of. — Geological Survey. Reports of Progress. New Series, vol. I, no. 1. 8°. 1876. Ly S.) CRANDALL (CHARLES S.) Colorado Weeds, pp. n : 12 pis. See FORT COLLINS, Colorado. — AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. — Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 23. 8". 1893. Crandall (CHARLES S.) The Russian Thistle, pp. 12 : 6 ph., text illust. See FORT COLLINS, Colorado. — AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. — Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 28. 8°. 1894. Crandall (CHARLES S.) Blight and other Plant Diseases, pp. 21. See FORT COLLINS, Colorado. — AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. — Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 41. 8°. 1898. CRANE (G. W.) The Iron Ores of Missouri, pp. xvi, S3 pis. (I. col.), 17 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See MISSOURI, State of. — Bureau of Geology and Mines. [Publications.] Series II, vol. x. 8°. [1912.] CRANE (GEORGE) & Thomson (J. A.) Report on a collection of Alcyonarians from Okhamandal in Kattiawar made ... in 1904-5. See HORNELL (J.) Report to the Government of Baroda on the Marine Zoology of Okhamandal, . 4°. 1907. GRIDDLE < NORMAN) The Hessian-Fly and the western Wheat-stem Saw-Fly in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, pp. M: text illust. See CANADA. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. — Entomological Branch. Bulletin No. 11. 8°. 1915. CRIDER (ALBERT FOSTER) Geology and Mineral Resources of Mississippi, pp. 9!) : 3 pis., 1 map geol. col., text Mutt. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 288. 8°. 1906. Crider (ALBERT F.) Cement and Portland Cement materials of Mississippi, pp. 73 : t> pis. See MISSISSIPPI, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 1. 8°. 1907. Crider (ALBERT F.) [For official reports as Director] See MISSISSIPPI, State of.— Geological Survey. Crider (ALBERT F.) & Stephenson (L. W.) Geology and ground waters of northeastern Arkansas, . •>'/•"', / tab. : 0 pis., ;' maps col., text illutt. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. No. 899. Water-supply Paper 8°. 1916. CRINO (SEBA8TIANO) (1877-] Bibliogralia storico- gcientifica della " Begione Etnea." pp. t>9. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI 8CIF.NZB NATUBALI. Atti, dc. Ser. TV, vol. XX, mem. 6. 4". 1907. CRISP (Sir FRANK) Bart. 11848^] Friar Park, Henley- on-Thames. Provisional GUJ^B for the use of Visitors [by Sir F. Crisp], dc. St6 FRIAR PARK, Hextey-on Thames. &. 1907. Guide. . . SecorxTedition, dc. Third edition", dc. 8°. 1908. 8". 1910. Crisp (Sir KB'ANK) Bart. Guide lor the use of Visitors to Friar Bark, Henley-on-Tharn/s. (Abridged from the 4th edition, etc.) See FRIAR POvHK, Henley-on-Tlunms. 4°. 1914. CROATIA. Kraljevska Hrvatsko - Slavoiiij o- Dalmatska Zemaljska Vlada. Geologijska prijegledna Karta Kraljevina Hrvatske i Slavonije. . . Snimio i obradio Dr. D. Gorjanovic-Kram- berger ([and afterwards] F. Koch). — Geologische Ueber- sichts-Karte der Konigreiche Kroatien u. Slavonien. . . Aufgenommen und bearbeitet von Dr. K. Gorjanovu''- Kramberger ([and afterwards] F. Koch). Text & atlas. Lief. 1-^ 8°. & s. shs. col. Zagreb, Croll (JAMES) A criticism of Dr. Croll's Molecular Theory of Glacier Motion. See TEALL (J. J. H.) 8". 1880. Croll (JAMES) Autobiographical 'Sketch of J. Croll... with Memoir of his Life and Work. See IRONS (J. C.) 8". 1896. Crombie (JAMES MORRISON) [Lichens from Kerguelen Island and Rodriguez.] See BOYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Philosophical Transactions, etc. Vol. CLXVlll. 4". 1879. CROMBRUGGHE DE PICQUENDAELE (G. DE) Baron. Catalogue raisonne des Microlepidopteres de Belgique. 2 Pt. See BRUSSELS.— SOCIKT£ ENTOMO- LOGIQUE DE BELGIQUE. Me'moires, dc. XIII & XIV. 8". 1906. Cronstedt (AXEL^FREDRIC) ForsokjHll en logic . . . Andra^rplagan, etc. [By AxFTCronete See, MupjKLOGY. I/ 8". 1781 . Aw* ' Cronstedt (AXEL F.) Versuch cincv union Mincra- logie, aus dem Sohwedlechen iibersetzt [by G. AVicd- man], pp. [xjtxrii,\ .'<:.'/. 8". Kopenli/njm, 1760. CROOK (ALJA BOBINSON) [1864-] The Mineralogy of the Chicago area. pp. 54 [3] : 11 pis., text illiixl . See CHICAGO ACADEMY OF SCIENCES.— Natural History Survey. Bulletin No. 5, ] See NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. — ARMSTRONG COLLEGE. — Marine Laboratory Committee. CULLERCOATS. — Marine Laboratory. (Founded 1897.) [For Reports, 1897-1910] See NORTHUMBERLAND SKA FISHERIES COMMITTEE. CULLIS (CHARLES GILBERT) [1871-] ' The miuera- logical changes observed in the Cores of the Funafuti Borings. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. — Coral Reef Commit t,,-. The Atoll of Funafuti, rfc. 4". 1904. CULOT (J.) Noctuelles et Geometres d'Europe, etc. 1't. l-> illust. col. 8°. Geneve, 1909-> Culpeper (NICHOLAS) Culpeper's English Physic i:m : and Complete Herbal. To which are now first added, upwards of One Hundred additional Herbs ... to which are annexed, rules for compounding medicine . . . forming a complete Family Dispensatory, and natural system of physic . . . with engravings of upwards of Four Hundred and Fifty different Plants . . . with notes and observations, critical and explanatory. By E. Sibly. 2 Vol. [in 1.] illust. 4". London [179 JJiJ. Sibly's " Dedication " is dated " In the year of Masonry 6798." CUMBERLAND. A Guide to the Lakes ... in ('.i:i.l..Tl:ind, Westmoreland, and Lancashire. By the Author of The Antiquities of Furness [i.e. T. West]. Sixth edition. [Edited by W. Pennington.] pp. ,cii, :!•',: ! pin., I map, 1 text illust. 8°. London, 1796. The nrst million was published in 1778. CUMENGE (Ki)OUARD) [1828-1902] L'Or dans la Nature, ifc. Fasc. l.f pp. JOG, iv : 1,1 pis., text illust. 8°. Paris, 1898. CUMING (HUGH) [1791-1865] Notes on Cuming's Philippine Plants in the Herbarium of the Bureau of Government Laboratories. See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. -Science Bureau. ([Bulletin] No. 85. 8°. 1905. 74. o. c. ^-o GUMMING (C. L.JThe Artesian Wells of Montreal. pp. v, 153, H tabs. : 2 pit., I map (col.). See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir 72 [= No. 60, Geological Series]. 8». 1915. Camming (RouALKYN GEORGE GORDON) Five, years of a Hunter's Life in the far interior of South Africa, dtc. 2 Vol. Must. 8°. London, 1850. Cummings (BRUCE F.) The Bed-Bug : its habits and life-history and how to deal with it. By B. F. Cunimiugs [Completed by K. G. Blair]. See BRITISH Musi i M (NATURAL HISTORY). Economic. Economic S< rii s No. 0. 8°. 1917 CUMMINGS (CLARA EATON) Miss [1855-1906] The Lichens of Alaska. See WASHINGTON ACADKMY OF SCIENCES. Harriman Alaska Expedition, Ac. Vol. v. 8". 1904. CUMMINS (HAROLD) & Reighard (J.) Description of a new species of Lamprey of the genus Ichthyomyzon. pp. li.', 1 tab. : -„> pis. See ANN ARBOR.— UNIVERSITY OP MICHIGAN. — Museum of Zoology. Occasional Papers, rfc. No. 81. 8°. 1916. Also styled " Scientific Papers of the University of Michigan No. 32." Cundall (FitANK) Jamaica iuJ901. A Handbook of information for intending settlers, with notesf»fvisitor8. (Fourth year of issue*p'[New edition./'Compiled by F. Cundall.] See-iNSTITUTE Of} jAMjJrlC^. i n &1> ^Ql- CUMMINGS (BRUCK FREDERIC) [1889-] The Louse and its relation to Disease : its Life-History and Habits, and how to deal with it. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HisToiivi. F.conomic. Economic & N». 2. 8". 1915. Cundall (FRANK) Bibliograpnia JainaiceWs, iff. See INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA. 8". [1902.J Cundall (FRANK) Biographical Annals of Jamaica, <£c. See INSTITUTE OP JAMAICA. 8". 1904. Cuni y Martorell (MIGUEL) Fauna Entomologica de la Villa de Calella (Cataluim, provincia de Barcelona). pp. 5'J. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPAXOLA' DE S.I HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, rfc. Tom. xxvi. 8°. 1898. Cunf y Martorell ( MIGUEL) Necrologia del Sr. D. M. Cunf y Martorell, ji. i.i. See BARCELONA.— 5. 1 REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, ifc. Memorises. .Iv. Epoca III, vol. vii, no. 12. 4". 1909. Cunningham (DANIEL JOHN) See JOUHSM. or ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, THE, Conducted by ... D. J. Cunningham, . • //;.'».; : .'pis., text illust. (col.) 8°. Edinburgh, !.': text illust. See Io\v\. S/nlr of .—Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 4. n '. 191:!. Cunningham (JOSEPH THOMAS) Sexual Dimorphism in the Animal Kingdom, rfc. /i/i. ,ri, •>'//' .• t<:rt illimt. 8°. London, 1900. Cunningham (JOSEPH T.) Reptilg#«tutionary Natural^History. .'.. in.] 8". [1912.] Cunningham (JOSEPH T.) A Boulenger ((i. A.i Amphibia. See PYCRAFT (W. P.) Animal Life : An Evolutionary Natural History, etc. [Vol. III.] Reptiles. Amphibia, <*c. 8°. [1912.J CUNNINGHAM-CRAIG (E. HUBERT) The Geo- logical structure of Triniilod. A popular lecture, ,t<-. /,/,. \. 8". [Trinidail.] 1906. 243 Cunningham-Craig (E. HUBERT) The Geology of the country round Beauly and Inverness . . . With contributions by ... E. H. Cunningham-Craig, dc. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — Scotland. [Topographical Memoirs.} 8°. 1914. CUNNINGTON (C. H.) & others. On the thickness of strata in the counties of England and Wales, exclu- sive of Rocks older than the Permian. By . . . C. H. Cunnington, dc. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. 8°. 1916. CUNNINGTON (WILLIAM ALFRED) [For descrip- tions of Crustacea from Lake Tanganyika] See MOORE (J. E. S.) The Tanganyika Problem, dc. 8". 1903. Cnnnington (WILLIAM A.) The Crustacea of Cam- . bridgeshire. See, MARR (J. E.) Handbook to the Natural History of Cambridgeshire, dc. 8°. 1904. Cunningtou (WILLIAM A.) Report of the Third 1 Tanganyika Expedition, 1904-5. pp. 4- 8°. [Cambridge, 1905.] Curioni (GlULlo) Sui giacimenti metalliferi e bitu- minosi nei terreni Triasici di Besano. pp. 30 : S pis. 4". Milano, 1863. Mem. R. Istit. Lombardo 8ci. Milau. Vol. IX. Curioni (GlULlo) Osservazioni Geologiche sulla Val Trompia. pp. 60 : 1 pi. See MILAN. — REALE ISTITUTO LOMBARDO DI sciENZE, Ac. Memorie, Ac. Vol. xil, fasc. 1. 4°. 1870. CURO (ANTONIO) Saggio di un Catalogo dei Lepi- dotteri d' Italia. 6 Pt. 8". Firenze A Roma, 1875-1882. Reprinted, with additions from the " Bull. Soc. Entom. Ital." Vol. riu-xil, XIV & XV, 1874-83. - [Second edition.] Pt. I.f pp. 168. 8°. Firenze, 1885. - Aggiunte, dc. pp. 12. 8". Firenze, 1889. CURRAN (JOHN MILNE) [The Geology of Sydney and the Blue Mountains, dc. 8". Sydney, 1898.J Wanting. — Second edition, revised, pp. 391 : 23 pis., 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. 8°. Sydney, 1899. CURRIE (JAMES) [1863-] The Natural History of Scottish Zeolites and their allies. . .by J. G. Goodchild .. .With an Appendix by J. Currie. pp. [vi,] t>8: text illust. See GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF GLASGOW. Trans- actions, dc. Vol. XII, Supplement. 8°. 1903. } CURRIE (ROLLA P.) [Odonata of Alaska.] SeeWASH- rt INGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Harriman Alaska Expedition, dc. Vol. vin. 8°. 1904. Currie (ROLLA P.) Catalogue of the exhibit of Eco- nomic Entomology at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Portland, Oregon, 1905. pp. 127. , See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 58. 8°. 1905. Curtis (CHARLES) Malay Plant Names. _B. See RIDLEY (H. N.) 8°. [1902.] CURTIS (GEORGE CARROLL) [1872-] A model of Sea Coast characteristics. 8°. [ 1898.] j Journ. School Geogr. Vol. II, pp. S1S-17 : 1 pi., text itlwt. CURTIS (JOHN) [1791-1862] British Entomology; being illustrations and descriptions of the genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland, dc. Pis. 1-769 d 205*, with descriptive letterpress. 8°. London, 1824-39. Issued in monthly parts beginning Jan. 1824, and ending Dec. 1839. The early numbers becoming exhausted, a " second edition " of them was issued by the author. The text in pt. 1-8 was rewritten and enlarged ; pt. 9-30 were reset, but otherwise reprinted without alteration : of the remaining parts (31-192) there was only one issue. The work was originally formed into 16 (annual) volumes ; but new title-pages and indexes were provided on its completion, permitting of its re-arrangement, systematically, in 8 volumes. (For further details, See article by SHERBORN & DPRRANT, Entom. Monthly Mas?., 1911, pp. f The following copies of the work are in the Museum : — - Vol. I. [Pt. 1-12.] Must. col. 8°. London, 1824. This consists of the first issue, with the addition of a copy of the "second edition" of the text and plate to No. 6. Vol. I-VIII. illust. col. 8°. London, 1824-31. [Another issue.] 8 Vol. Vol. I is of the first issue, except no. 1-6, which are of the " second edition." This copy came from the library of the 2nd Earl of Sheffield. - [" Second edition."] 16 Vol. illust. col. 8°. London, 1824-39. A set of the second title-pages (dated " 1823-1840 ") and indexes for re-arranging the work in systematic order is included at the end. illust. Col. 8°. London, 1862. In this issue portions of the text have been reprinted and some of the plates redrawn, and the whole gathered into eight Volumes, with new title-pages. Vol. vm, however, has one of the title-pages dated 1823-40. Curtis (JOHN) A Guide to an arrangement of British Insects, Ac. pp. vi, coll. 'M6 [pp. :-]. 8". London, 1829 [-1831]. Printed in double column. Issued in 8 parts (i.e. sheets) : pt. 1, call. 1-32, in 1829 (Mag. Nat. Hist. Vol. II, p. 453) ; pt. 2-4, coll. 33-1'Oi, date uncertain ; pt. 5, coll. isa-ieo, in 1830 ; and pt. 6-8, coll. 161-256, in 1831. The date " 1831 " occurs on the printed label on the wrapper. The copy in the Walsingham library wants this label, but has a manuscript Index to the Genera. [Another copy.] Interleaved. Contains notes and manuscript additions by J. C. "-Dale, who presented it to the Insect Boom (Entomological Department) in 1868. - [Another copy.] Incomplete : wanting columns 249-256, and the printed label to wrapper bearing the date 1831. This copy also belonged to J. C. Dale, and contains manuscript notes and additions by him. He evidently used it to circulate with specimens among his'friends. It is marked in manuscript by himself and by them. Pages 284-294 of the "Index of Genera, issued with the second edition in 1837, have been inserted at the end of this copy. — • Second edition, dc. pp. vi, coll. 282, £ pp. 2$.:- 294 - Index of Genera. 8°. London, 1887. Printed in double column. Curtis (JOHN) Observations on the natural history and economy of the different Insects affecting the Turnip Crops. — Corn-Crops, dc. — Peas and Beans, dc. — -Pea- Crops, dc. — Carrots and Parsnips, dc. — Potato-Crops, dc.) 15 Papers, illust. (col.) 8°. London, 1841-49. Journ. Roy. Agric. Soc. England. Vol. n-x. These are the original papers on which the author founded his " Farm Insects " [q.v.]. Curtis (WILLIAM) Botanist. Flora Londinensis; or, Plates and Descriptions of such Plants as grow wild in the environs of London, dc. 432 ph. col., witli descriptive letterpress. 3 Vol. fol. London, [1775-] 1777 [-98]. Issued in 72 numbers, each containing six plates ; these were gathered by twelves into six " Fasciculi." For a list of contents, with dates of publication, See note by W. A. CLARKE in the "Journ Hot" Vol. xxxvn, 1899, pp. 390-395. The only title-page present is marked "Vol. I." A portrait of the author and a manuscript Index have been added in this copy. E. E, 244 [Curtis (WILLIAM) Botanist (contd.)] [Flora Londinensis, rfc. (contd.)] [Another edition entitled :] Flora Londinensis ; J . containing a history of the Plants indigenous to Great Britain ... A new edition, enlarged by G. Graves and \V. .1. Hooker. (>4~ ph. col., with descriptive letterpress. .-> Vol. fol. London, 1817-28. This copy has lieeu l»iind in systematic order, and references supplied in manuscript on the "General Index." CURTIS MUSEUM. A general description of the Contents of the Curtis Museum. See ALTON MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. 12°. 1889. Curtis's Botanical Magazine. A new . . . Index to the Botanical Magazine, from . . . 1787 to the end of •li 1904 ... To which is prefixed a history of the Magazine, D • by W. B. Hemsley. pp. Ixiii, 180 : title Must. I Li- 8°. London, 1906. LO-*^^ GUSHING (HENRY P.) [1860J Geology of the vicinity of Ogdensburg, rfc. pp.(!4: (i ph., 1 map geol. col. i'3.B. See ALBANY.— NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM. New York State Museum Bulletin No. 191. 8°. 1916. Gushing (HENRY P.) & Ruedemann (R.) Geology of Jf. Saratoga Springs and vicinity, pp.177: 21 ph. (1 col.), .! maps (col.), text illust. See ALBANY. — NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM. Museum Bulletin No. 169. 8". 1914. CUSHMAN (ALLERTON SEWARD) [1867-] The useful • i properties of Clays, pp. 12. See UNITED STATES. — i* • Department of Agriculture. — Chemistry Bureau Circular No. 17. 8°. [1904.] Cushman (ALLERTON S.) The use of Feldspathic _ liocks as Fertilizers, pp. U3. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. llulletinNo. 104. 8°. 1907. [I- ~\ CUSHMAN (JOSEPH AUGUSTINE) A Monograph of the Foraminifera of the North Pacific Ocean. Pt. I— > alii- '. ,s' 8°. 1910-> Cushman (JOSEPH A.) [Foraminifera by J. A. Cushman.] Q See ZITTEL (K. A. VON) Text-Book of Paleontology . . . Second Edition, rfc. Vol. I. 8°. 191)5. - I -1 CUSHMAN (ROBERT A.) Notes on the Peach and Plum Slug. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 97, pt. v. 8°. 1911. Papers on Deciduous Fruit Insects and Insecticides. Cnshman (ROBERT A.) & Isely (D.) The Cherry Leaf- Beetle, a periodically important Enemy of Cherries. /.//. .'V : .7 ph. back to back, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 852. 8°. 1916. Cnshman (ROBERT A.) & others. The Insect enemies of the Cotton Boll Weevil. ]>f>. !>n : 3 ph., text illust. UNITED STATES. -Department of Agricult/in . Kitftiiiiology Division. Bulletin No. 100. 8°. 1912. CTJTORE (GAETANO) Alcune'notizie sul corpo pineale del Macacut sinicus, L., e del Cercopithecus griseus viridis, L. pp. 7: text Must. See CATANIA. — ACCA- DEMIA GIOENIA DI 8CIENZE NATURALI. Atti, nimal distribui d'ajjEes""son organisation. . .Troisjialc edition, rfc. 8 \J£&afTillu8t. jjUflfruxellcs, 1836, of the second, Paris, editions — — --- . Cuvier (GEORGES L. C. F. D.) Baron. [Memoir of A. G. Werner : a translation of Cuvier's " Eloge " read before the " Academic Royale des Sciences de 1'Institut de France," 16 March, 1818.] 'See DUNCAN (J.) Ento- mology, Vol. II. British Butterflies. 8°. [1845-46.] Cuvier (GEORGES L. C. F. D.) Baron. Biographical sketch of Baron Cuvier, by Sir T. D. Lauder, Bart. See MISCELLANY OF NATURAL HISTORY, THE, rfc. Vol. II. 8°. 1834. Cuvier (GEORGES L. C. F. D.) Baron. [Six sheets of pencil drawings and notes made when on a visit to Dr. Buckland at Oxford, in 1880?] CVIJIC (J.) See TzvIlT6 (lovAN) CYMMRODORION SOCIETY. [Founded irei.; The British Zoology. Class I. Quadrupeds. II. Birds, rfc. [By T. Pennant.] pp. [i, ix,] 1G2 [4] : 132 ph. col. fol. London, 1766. The work was begun In 17B1, and, as »t first issued, contained In" plates, viz. 9 of Mammals anil 92 of Birds, the remainder wrrc ]ml>- llshed In an Appendix. Cyprus. [Maps.) A Geological Map of Cyprus, com- piled by C. V. Bellamy. . . Scale, 1 : 848,480, 54 ... miles to 1 inch. col. London [1905]. Si;' HK.LI.AMV (C. V.) 8". ism:.. CYPRUS NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. $ I rounded 1908.J n-f la Annals, rfc. No. 1-^' ' 1908-^ 8". Nic<- Cyprus Natural History Society. Bulletin No. 1-^1 ] 8°. Nicosia, 1910ArV\ .5. CYRNAEU8 (PETRU8) See ClBNEO (P.) ( A key to the . . . Map, rfc. . 245 -'fiyCZAPEK (FBIEDRICHV Biochemie der Pflanzen. B . 2 Bd. 8°. Jena, 1905. Czapek (FRIEDBICH) Geotropismus und Pflanzenform. See LINSBAUEB (K.) Wiesner-Festschrift, Ac. 8°. 1908. Czapek (FRIEDRICH) Ueber eine Methode zur direkten Bestimmung der Oberflachenspannung der Plasmahaut von Pflanzenzellen. pp. iv,86 : text illust. 8°. JenA 1911. CZAFSKI (SIEGFRIED) Grundzuge der Theorie der f^ optischen Instrumente nach Abbe . . . Zweite Auflage . . . mit Beitragen von M. von Rohr herausgegeben von. . . O. Eppenstein. pp. xvi, 479 [1] : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. The first edition appeared in 1893. Extracted from A. Winkelmann's " Handbnch der Physik." Bd. VI. CZARNOCKI (S.) See CHARNOTZKII (S. I.) CZEKANOWSKI (JAN) Forschungen im Nil-Kongo- Zwischengebiet. Bd.'Tn.l^Ethnographisch-anthropolo- gischer Atlas, Ac. See ADOLF FBIEDBICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUABD. Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissen- schaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika- 8°. 1911 Expedition, 1907-08, Ac. Bd. ftt, 6 -> ~ v CZJZEK (JoHANN) Erlauterungen zur geologisehen Karte der Umgebungen von Krems und vom Man- hartsberg. pp. 77: 2 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See VIENNA. — KAISEBLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, : 2 ph., text illust. See PALAEONTOLOQISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Geologische und Palaeontologische Abhandlungen, 4°. 1913. Daday (JENO) [Phyllopoda of eastern Africa.] See ALLUAUD (0. A.) & JEANNEL (R.) Voyage ... en Afrique Orientale (1911-1912). Resultats Scientifiques. Crustaees, 1. 8°. 1913. Daday (JENO) Freilebende Nematoden [of Colombia]. See NEUCHATEL. — SOCIETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. Memoires, Ac. Tom. V. Dr. O. Fuhrmann et . . . E. Mayor. Voyage d'exploration scientifique . en Colombie (1910). . 4°. 1914. DADAY DE DEES (EuGEN VON) See DADAY (JENO) DADAY DE DEES (JENO) See DADAY (JENO) DAEDALUS HYFEBBOBEUS. Eller nagra nya matheinatiska och physicaliska Forsok och Annierck- ningar for ahr 1716(-17) : som . . . Herr . . . Palheimer och andre sinrike i Swerige hafwa giordt ( — beskrifna af E. Swedberg), Ac. 6 Pt. [In facsimile.] See UPSALA. — KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS - SOCIETETEN. Kungliga Vetenskaps Societetens . . . Tvahundraars- minne, Ac. 8°. 1910. Dahl (CARL FBIEDBICH THEODOBE) Die Reptilien- und Batrachierfauna des Bismarck-Archipels. Anf Grund- lage des von . . . F. Dahl gesammelten Materials bear- beitet von . . . F. Werner, pp. 132, 2 tabs. : text illust. See BEBLIN. — KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH - WILHELMS- UNIVERSITAET. — Zoologische Sammlung. Mitteilungen, 8°. Jena, 1913— > DAHL (FRIEDRICH) & DAHL (FRiEDRicu THEODORE) See DAHL (CARL F. T.) Dahl (KNUT) The Scales of the Herring as a means of determining Age, Growth and Migration, pp. 36 : ~2L . 3 pit., text illust. See NORWAY. — Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations. Report, rfe. Vol. II, no. 6. 8°. 1907 (1909). Dahl (KNUT) The problem of Sea Fish Hatching. pp. ,sv CHHIRTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS - SELSK MM r. ^ C Dahl (OvE) C. von Linn^'s forbindelse med Norge . . . It- . i Anledning af 200-aarsdagen for Linnes F0dsel 28 Mai 1907, rfe. See DRONTHEIM. — KONOELIGT NORSKE / Ittt) VIDKN8KABEBS-8KL8KAB- Dahl (OvE) Botaniske Unders0gelser forne^pelig i Hallingdal. pp. 42. See CHRISTIANIA.— VIDENSKABS- £> .£57 i 8EL8KABBT. Forhandlingar, rfc. Aar 1908, no. 4. , 8°. 1908 (1909). 1907- Dahl (OvE) Botaniske Underspkelser i Helgeland. i. /)/). .'.'/. See CHRISTIANIA.— viDBNSKAiw RELSKABKT. ~>. Skrifter, rfc. 1911, no. 6. 8°. 1912. DAHL (SvEND) Bibliotheca Zoologica Danica, 1876- 1906. Fortegnelse over " Danmarks Zoologiske Litera- tur " [by C. C. A. Gosch], pra-sidio . . . C. Linnei, proposita a N. E. Dahlberg. See LINNAEUS (C.) [TVorfes.] C. Linnrei Fundamentomm Botanicorum pars prima . . . Curante J. E. Gilibert. Tom. I. 8°. 1786. DAHLEM. — Verein ear Foerderung des Deut- schen Eutomologischen Museums. (Founded 1870?] Entomologische Mitteilungen . . . Redaktion : S. Schenk- ling und C. Schaufuss. Bd. !->• 8". Berlin, 1912-» Title from wrapper. DAHLGBEN (B. E.) The Malaria Mosquito.' A Guide . . . explanatory of a series of models in the American Museum of Natural History, pp. 48 : 1 pi., text illust. See NEW YORK, City of. — AMERICAN MUSEUM OP NATURAL HISTORY. Guide Leaflet No. 27. 8". 1908. DAHLGBEN (K. V. OSSIAN) Studier over afvikande talforhallanden och andra anomalier i blommorna hos nilgra Campanulaarter. pp. 24 •' 1 pl-> text See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, rfc. Bd. X, no. 10. 8°. 1911. Dahlgren (K. V. OSSIAN) Der Einbryosack von Plumbagella, ein neuer Typus unter den Angiospennen. pp. 10: text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLl<;\ SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for BotiiniK. rfc. Bd. xiv, no. 8. s . 1915. Dahlstedt (Huoo GUSTAF ADOLF) Adnotationes do Hieraciis Scandinavicis. Anteckningar till kiinnedonien om Skandinaviens Hieracium-F\ora,. I. pp. 1 '/>;. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Acta Horti Bergiani, rfc. Bd. II, no. 4. 4". 1893 (-94). Dahlstedt (Huoo G. A.) Studien tiber SUd- und t Central - Amerikanische Peperomien, mit besonderer - Beriicksichtigung der Brasilianischen Sippen. pp. •.'/*' 11 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VE i IN SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. NyFoljd, Bd. \x\ui. no. 2. 4". 1900. Dahlstedt (Huoo G. A.) Beitrage zur Ki nntniss der Hii-radum-Flora, Oesels. j>i>. '/•'* : ft jils. N" ^ i HOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADKMIKN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxvn, afd. in, no. IB, 8". 1901 (1902). Dahlstedt (HUGO G. A.) The Hieracia from 1,hc Fseroes. See WARMING (J. E. B.) rf others. Bot.-mv of the Faeroes, rfc. Pt. II. H". 1903. Dahlstedt (HUGO G. A.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Hieracium-Flora. Islands. I. pp.74: 10 pi*. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, rfc. Bd. Ill, no. 10. 8°. 1904. 247 Dalilstedt (Huoo G. A.) Studier ofver arktiska Taraxaca. pp. 41 : text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEK. Arkiv for Botanik, etc. Bd. IV, no. 8. 8°. 1905. Dalilstedt (HUGO G. A.) Arktiska ooh Alpina arter iuom formgruppen Taraxacum ceratophorum (Led.) DC. pp. 44 : IS pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONQLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, * : so pis. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 68. 8°. 1909. Dall (WILLIAM H.) & Bartsch (P.) New species of Shells collected by ... J. Macoun at Barkley Sound, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, pp. 22 : 2 pis. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir No. 14-N. [No. 1, Biological Series.] 8°. 1910. Dall (WILLIAM H.) & Sassier (B. S.) [Gastropoda revised by W. H. Dall and R. S. Bassler.] See ZlTTEL (K. A. VON) Text-Book of Paleontology . . . Second edition, Ac. Vol. I. 8°. 1913. DALLA COSTA (GiROLAMO) Hymeniales (Leucos- porie et Rhodospors:), digessit P. A. Saccardo, adju- vante Ab. Hier. Dalla Costa qui prwterea Conspectus synopticos concinnavit. See FLORENCE. — SOCIETA BOTANICA ITALIANA. Flora Italica Cryptogama. Pars. I. Fungi. Fasc. 14-> 8°. 1915-> DALLA COSTA (HiER.) (GiROLAMO) See DALLA COSTA DALLA-TORRE (C. G.) VON) See DALLA-TORRE (K. W. Dalla-Torre (KARL WILHELM VON) Catalogus Hy- menopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. 10 Vol. 8°. Lipsia;, 1892-1902. The contents and dates of publication of the volumes are as follows .- Vol. i. Tenthredinidie. II. Cynipidre. HI. Pt. 1. Trigonalidn?, Megalyrldic, . Ichneumon- idte. Pt.2. - [contd.) Agriotypldic, Evaniidir, Peleciuidae. 1SH4. | Vol. iv. Braconidie. ix'iv 1893. I ,, v. Chalcidida; & ProctotrupldiE. 1S98. vi. Chrysididffi (Tubulifera). 1892. vn. Foroiicidee (Heterogyna). 1893. 1901. „ VIII. Kossores (Sphepridie). 1897. IX. Vespida; (DtplopteraV ivi|. X. Apidte 1902. ' (Anthophila). 1896. Dalla-Torre (KARL W. VON) Die Gattungen und Arten der Apterygogenea (Brauer). pp. .'•!. 8". Innsbruck, 1895. 46. Progr. k.k. Staats-Gynmas. Innsbruck 1894-95. Dalla-Torre (KARL W. VON) Fam. Vespidie. pp.108: i; pis. (col.) See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Iu- sectorum, Ac. Fasc. 19. Hymenoptera. 4". 1904. Dalla-Torre (KARL W. VON) Anoplura. pp. .'.': 1 pi. col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, Ac. Fasc. 81. Anoplura. 4°. 1908. Dalla-Torre (KARL W. VON) Cebrionidae.— Cioidte.— Aglycyderidae, Proterrhinidae. — Nosodendridre, Byrrlii- daj, DennestidaB. 4 Pt. See SCHENKLINO (S.) Coleo- pterorum Catalogus, Ac. Pt. 25, 30, 31 & 83. 8°. 1911. Dalla-Torre (KARL W. VON) Fam. Cebrionida;. pp. i: : 1 pi. col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, Ac. Fasc. 127. Coleoptera. 4". 1912. Dalla-Torre (KARL W. VON) Fam. Scarabseidse : sub- fam. Melolonthinee. 4 Pt. pp. 450. See SCHENKLING (S.) Coleopterorum Catalogus, Ac. Pt. 45, 47, 49 & 50. 8°. 1912, 18. 249 Dalla-Torre (KARL W. VON) Castniidae : subfaiu. Castniinue, Neocastniinse, Pemphigostolina;. pp. ,'S. See AUBIVILLIUS (P. O. C.) Lepidopterorum Cata- logus, d systema Englgriearum consermt«r" x pp. iv, Sirjtjr*" ^^4°. Lipsia;,l!&G-Q'?. The dateSw publication of the norfs are given on the loRfage. Dalla-Torre (KARL W. VON) & Kieffer (J. J.) Faui. Cynipidse. £/>. 84 : 3 pis. (col.) See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, Ac. Fasc. 9 & 10. HymenoptiTa. 4°. 1902. Dalla-Torre (KARL W. VON) & Kieffer (J. J.) Gym- pidte. pp. xxxv, SOI : text illust. See LBIPSIC. — DEUTSCHE ZOOLOOISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Das Tierreich, (tc. Lief. 24. 8°. 1910. Dalla-Torre (KARL W. VON) & Sarnthein (L. VON) Count. Flora der Gefiirsteten Grafschaft Tirol, des Landes Vorarlberg und des Fiirstenthumes Liechten- stein. Nach eigenen und fremden Beobachtungen, Sammlungen und den Litteraturquellen. 6 Vol. [in 9.] 8°. Innsbruck, 1900-13. Bd. J. Die Litteratur, 6o : 2 ph., text illust. 8°. New York £ London, 1914. Daly (REGINALD A.) A Geological Reconnaissance between Golden and Kamloops, B.C., along the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, pp. viti, 360 : Ifl pis. (1 col.), 6 maps col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir 68. 8". 1915. Daly (REGINALD A.) & others. Report of the Com- mission appointed to investigate Turtle Mountain, Frank, Alberta, 1911. pp. 34 : SO pis., 2 maps cnl. See CANADA.— Geological Survey. Memoir No. 27. [No. 17, Geological Series.] » 8°. 1912. DAMAS (DESIRED [1877-] Notes biologiques sur les Copepodes de la Mer Norvegienne. pp. H4 •' 1 map. See CONSEIL PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL POUR L'Ex- PLOHATION DE LA MER. Publications de Circonstance No. 22. 8°. 1905. Damas (DESIRE) Contribution a la biologie des Gadides. pp. %77 : 21 maps, text illust. See CONSEIL PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL POUR L'EXPLORATION DE LA MER. Rapports, 8°. Stuttgart, 1913-> DAMMER (Uoo) Polygonaces & Batidacese. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Ac. Thl. in, abth. la. 8°. 1892, 93. Dammer (O DO) Die Gemiisepflanzen (—Die FarbstojT und CrgrtSstaffe liefernden-Pflanzen) Ostafrikas »drt ihrex-Kultur. [Also desprfptions of the PolygptfaceiE, Gdnvolvulacese and Sotanaceee of East Africs See DEUTSCH-OSIX^FRIKA, Ac. Bd. v, thKB, no. 5, 11 (& thl. c). 8°. 1895. Dammer (Uoo) [For contributions on the Botany of Portuguese south-west Africa] See BAUM (H.) Kuuene- Sambesi-Expedition . . . 1903, Ac. 8°. 1903. Dammer (Uoo) [Polygonaceae & Solanaceae from Equatorial Africa.] See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. AVis- senschaftlich Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zeutral-Afrika- Expedition, 1907-08, Ac. Bd. II, lief. 3 & 4. 8°. 1911. DAMON (ROBERT) [1814-1889] Handbook to the Geology of Weymouth and the Island of Portland. With notes on the natural history of the coast and neighbourhood, pp. xii, 199 : 3 pis. (1 col.), 1 map col., text illust. 8°. London, 1860. &. z.. 3. O. ."B [Another issue.] 8°. London, 1864. Differs from the preceding solely in the title-pane. 32 250 fcv [Damon (ROBERT) (contd.)] [Handbook to the Geology of Weymouth, cfc. (contd.)] -. [Another edition entitled :] Geology of Weymouth (y and the Island of Portland, /.•<.. / map grot, col., text Must. 8". London [1880]. The text Is identical with that of the preceding editions. - New edition, pp. rii, 250 : S pis., 1 map geol. col., text ilhttt. 8°. Weymouth d London, 1884. Damon (ROBERT) A supplement to the Handbook to the Geology of Weymouth, rfc. [pp. 4-'] V pi*. (S. 8°. London, 1860. — Second . . . edition, rfc. [ pp. 4 •'] IS pis. 8°. London, 1880. - New . . . edition, rfc. SO pis. 8°. London, 1888. DAMPF (ALFONS) Ueber den morphologischen Wert des Ductus obturatorius bei den Aphanipterenweibchen. pp. 9 [2] : text Must. See ACADEMIA CAESAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, rfc. Nova Acta, B(LISBURY) A Text-BgpK'of Minera- logy. With an extended treatise onx^rystallography and PhysjefU Mineralogy . . . New^oition, entirely re- TT writtcn/and enlarged, pp. vii, !~>yf!: 1 pi. col., text Must. 8°. New York, 1909. Another impression of the 1898 edition with a new title-page. Dana (EDWARD S.) &Etfrd (W. E.) SecontTAppendix to the'Sixth editionxfllDana's System qLAfineralogy, rfc. S«*a>ANA (J. VjT ' 8°. 1909. Dana (JAMES DWIGHT) Second Appendix to the Sixth edition of/Dana's System of Mineralogy. By E-Ji^Dana . . . anAAV. E. Ford . ./completing the work^to 1909. /•/>. jyfl 14 : text iUutf. 8°. New York : lOph.Js&jHust. .8°. Neti) York it London, 1912. fl. Dana (JAMES D.) Berkshire Geology. A paper read ... u- at Pittsfield, Mass 1885. pp. .;.',. 8". Pittsfield, Mass., 1886. DANA (JAMES FREEMAN) [1793-1827] & (S. L.) Out- f^ , lines of the Mineralogy and Geology of Boston and its vicinity, es of Port Swettenham, Klang and Jugra. By G. F. Leicester." Daniels (CHARLES W.) Notes on the Mosquitoes on the River and Coast districts of the eastern side of the _ [Malay] Peninsula. 8°. [Singapore, 1908.) "Studies from Institute for Medical Research, Federated Malay 3 i States," Vol. Ill, pt. 3 (1908), pp. 262-266. Daniels (CHARLES W.) Tropical Medicine and Hygiene . . . Part II. Diseases due to the Metazoa. pp. viii, , 283 : 1 pi., text illutt. 8°. London, 1910. Contains a chapter on " Snakes and Snake- Venoms." By A. Alrock. DANIELSEN (DANIEL) [1879-] Bidrag til Sorlandets Kvartiergeologi . . . Med English summary. See NOR- WAY. — Norges Geologiske IJndersjgehe. [Publication] No. 55. 8°. 1910. Danielssen (DANIEL CORNELIUS) & Koren (J.) . Alcyonider, Gorgonider og Pennatulider tilhorcnde <- Norges Fauna. [With English r6sum^ & explanations - of plates.] pp. [ii,]xvi, 88: 13 pis. (col.) S««BERCK\. Bergent Museum. (Bergens Museums Skrifter. Bd. n.) 4°. 1883. DANILEVSKII (VAslLii YAKOVLEV!CH) [1852-] La Parasitologie comparee du Sang. 2 pt. Must. 8°. Kharkoff, 1889. I. Noovelle> recherches sur let Parasites du sang des Olseaux. pp. 9S : Xpli. II. RecherchessurlesllfniHtwam-silesTortues. pp. anil]: iplt.(col.) DANISH BIOLOGICAL STATION. See DEN MARK. — Danske Biologiske Station. DANISH FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL LA- BORATORY. See DENMARK. — Daruk Ferskt Biologisk Laboratorium, 251 DAN MARK, Danish Polar exploring vessel. Damnark- Ekspeditionen til Gr0nlands Nord0stkyst 1906-1908, under ledelse af L. Mylius-Erichsen [and afterwards A. TrolleJ. Bd. I— > See DENMARK.— Commissioner! for Ledetsen af de Geologiske og Geographiske Under- s^gelser. Meddelelser om Gr0nland, So. Bd. XLI— > 8°. 1909-> DANNENBERG (ARTHUR) [1865-] Die vulkan- ischen Erscheinungen im Lichte der Stiibelschen Theorie. pp. 24. Naturw. Rundschau. Jahrg. XVI. 8°. [Braunschweig, 1901.] Dannenberg (ARTHUR) Geologie der Steinkohlenlager. Teil I-** Must. 8°. Berlin, [1908->] Title from wrapper. DANNEVIG (HARALD CHRISTIAN) [-1914] [For official reports as Director of Fisheries] See AUSTRALIA. — Department of Trade and Customs. — Fisheries. DANSK BOTANISK FORENING. See COPEN- HAGEN. DANSK FERSKVANDS-BIOLOGISK LABO RATORIUM. See DENMARK. DANSK FISKERIFORENING. See COPEN- HAGEN. DANSK NATURHISTORISK FORENING. See COPENHAGEN. Dausk Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift. Aarg. 1— » See COPENHAGEN. — DANSK ORNITHOLOGISK FOHENING. 8°. 1906— >• DANSKE BIOLOGISKE STATION. See DEN MARK. DANTEC (FELIX LE) See LE DANTEC. D ANTZ IG Westpreussischer Botanisch-Zoo- logischer Verein. [Founded isrs.j Berieht, Ac. No. 1-25. See supra, NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Schriften, rfc. Neue Folge, bd. iv, no. 3— XI, no. 2. 8°. 1878-1904. No. 26-> 8°. Danzig, 1905- DANYSZ (JEAN) [I860-] Ephestia kuehniella, para- site des b!6s, des farines et des biscuits. Histoire uatu- relle du Parasite, et moyeus de le detruire. pp. viii, 58 [1]. 8°. Paris, 1893. Memoires du Laboratoire de Purasitologie VtSgetale de la Bourse de Commerce. Vol. 1, 1893. DANZ (C. F.) & Fuchs (C. F.) Physisch-medicinisehe Topographic [including the natural history] des Kreises Scbmalkalden. Preisschrift, rfc. pp. xii, S54[2] : 5 pis. 31. fi- (col.), d maps (col.). See MARBURG. — GESELLSCHAFT ZUR BEFOERDERUNG DER GESAMMTEN NATURWISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Schriften, Ac. Bd. vi. 8°. 1848. DARANYI (IGNATIUS) The State and Agriculture in Hungary. Report of the Minister of Agriculture. . . I. Daranyi on his. . . administration during. . . 1896-1903. Translated [with a Preface] by A. Gyorgy. See HUN- GARY.— MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDMIVELESUGYI MINISTE- RIUM. 8°. 1905. Daranyi (IGNATIUS) [For official reports in con- nection with the Royal Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture] See HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLD- MivELKSUGYI MINISTERIUM. DARBISHIRE (ARTHUR D.) [-1915] On the bearing of Mendelian Principles of Heredity on current theories of the Origin of Species, pp. 19. See MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, <6c. Vol. XLVIII, mem. 24. 8°. 1904. Darbishire (ARTHUR D.) On the supposed antago- nism of Mendelian to Biometric Theories of Heredity. pp. 19. See MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILO- SOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, Ac. Vol. XLIX, mem. 6. 8°. 1905. Darbishire (ARTHUR D.) A description of two new species of Land Nemerteans from the Auckland Islands ; together with some observations on the anatomy of the proboscis in Geonemertes Australiensis and (?. Novcu- Zealandice. See PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE OF CANTER- BURY, New Zealand. The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand, Ac. Art. 28. 4°. 1909. Darbishire (OTTO VERNON) Abhandlung fiber die Naturgeschichte der einheimischen Flechten. See FISCHER-BENZON (R. J. D. VON) Die Flechteu Schleswig-Holsteins, r rside . . C. Linnseo. . . submisit . . . .T. A. Darellius, l*. (1 col.), !> nui/n (4 geol. col.), text illust. i NITBD STATES. — Geological 8wv«y. Professional Paper No. 52. 4°. 1906. Dartou (NELSON H.) Geology and water rcsour, of the northern portion of the Black Hills and adjoining , regions in South Dakota and Wyoming, pp. 10.r> : (; SO pis. (1 col.), 4 mips (.' geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATK*. <;,<-i/<«/i<;il , Vnrrey. Professional Paper No. 65. 4". 1909. Darton (NELSON H.) A Reconnaissance of parts of northwestern Mexico and northern Arizona, pp. SH : f l'i pis. (1 col.), 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 485. 8". 1910. Dartou (NELSON H.) Economic Geology of Richmond, Virginia, and vicinity, pp. 48 : 9 ph., 1 map geol. col. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 483. 8°. 1911. Darton (NELSON H.) Occurrence of explosive Gases in Coal Mines, pp. 248 : 1 pi., 6 maps it plans, text I Hlnst. 8°. -Washington [D.C.], 1915. Bulletin No. 78. [U.S.] Bureau of Mines. Darton (NELSON H.) Geology and underground water of Luna county, New Mexico, pp. 18$ : Id ph., 3 maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 618. 8°. 1916. Darton (NELSON H.) & Siebenthal (C. E.) Geology and Mineral resources of the Laramie Basin, Wyoming. A Preliminary Report, pp. 81 : 7 ph. (1 col.), 1 map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 864. 8°. 1909. Darton (NELSON H.) & others. Guidebook of the western United States. Part C. The Santa Fe Route, with a side trip to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. pp. iv, 194: 41 ph., S~> maps (col.), ti-rt illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 613. 8°. 1915. DARUTY DE GRANDPRE (J. 1!. M. ALBERT) [For official reports as Superintendent and afterwards Curator] See MAURITIUS. — MUSEUM DESJARDIVS. Daruty de Grandpre (J. 1 :. AT. ALBERT) & Emmerez de Charnioy (D. D') Liste raisonnee des Cochenilles de I'lle Maurice, pp. :.'4. Sec MAURITIUS. — MUSEUM DESJARDINS. Annual Report, lx. 8°. Port Lojiis, lie Maurice, 1900. Darwin (CHARLES ROBERT) "Questions about- the '. Breeding of Animals. [Drawn up for circulation among \ . 8°. 1909. Darwin (('IIARLES B.) Le Centenaire de Darwin. See STUART-MENTEATH (P. W.) 8°. 1909. Darwin (CHARLES E.) See DE TONI (G. B.) II Centenario di Carlo Darwin. 8". (1909.) Darwin (CHARLES E.) A Carlos »B. Darwin en el primer centenario de su nacimiento. — (Discursos pro- nunciados en la velada celebrada en el Paraninfo de la Uuiversidad la noche del 22 de Febrero de 1909), . Ami in mini 13 (extronrdlnarlo). T.K.S. Darwin (CHAKLES B.) Darwin Centenary. The Por- traits, Prints and Writings of Charles Eobert Darwin. Exhibited at Christ's College, Cambridge. (Catalogue.) See CAMBRIDGE. — UNIVERSITY. 8°. 1909. Darwin (CHARLES B.) Memorials of Charles Darwin. A collection of manuscripts, portraits, medals, books and natural history specimens, to commemorate the Cen- tenary of his birth, and the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of " The Origin of Species." [By W. G. Eidewood.J See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Special Guide : No. 4. 8°. 1909. Second edition. T. TL.S . &'. 1910. Darwin (Sir FRANCIS) Catalogue of the Library of C. Darwin . . . With an Introduction by F. Darwin. See CAMBRIDGE. — UNIVERSITY.— Botany School. 8°. 1908. Darwin (Sir FRANCIS) On the localisation of Geo- perception in the Cotyledon of Sorghum. See LlNS- BAUER (K.) Wiesner-Festschrift, See JOURNAL DE CONCHY- . . [P.] Dautzenberg, ifc. 8". 1899-> . L. -B. t. 5*- "TJT o . G-. Dautzenberg iPiilLlPHK) Liste de Coquilles marines provrimnt de 1 'lie Halmahera (Djilolo). pp. 4- 90<> f SM MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOORAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 161. 8°. 1910. 77. G-. Z. 7' 7. O. A- Dautzenberg (PHILIPPE) & Bavay (A.) Les Lamelli- branches de I'Kxpeditiou du Siboga. Partic systenm- tique. I. I 'ivtinult-s. S,-<- WKBER (M. C. W.) ~Siboga- Expeditie. . . 1899-1900, tfc. Monographic LIII, b. 4°. 1912. Dautzenberg (PHILIPPE) & Dollfns (G. F.) Conchy- liologie du Miocene moyen du Bassin de la Loire. Pt. I— > See PARIS.— SOCIETE OEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires. .. Paleontologie. No. 27. 4". 1902— > Dautzenberg (PHILIPPE) & Fischer (P. M. H.) Cata- logue des Mollusgues terrestres et fluviatiles de 1'Indo- Chine orientate cit^s jusqu'a ce jour. See PAVIE (A.) Mission Pavie Indo-Chine, rfc. 4". 1904. Dautzenberg (PHILIPPE) ,v Fischer (P. M. H.) Mol- lusques provenant des dragages effectues a 1'ouest de I'Afrique pendant lea campagnes scientifiques, rfc. See ALBERT HONORE CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. Resultats des Campagnes, 70 : 6 port., 1 map col. 8°. Penryn, 1909. DAVET (THOMAS GARBY) Th« Rhodesia Copper Company . . . Report on the Company's properties. pp. 43 : 1 pi., i> in-apt ti plans (col.), text Must. 4°. [Lov ~ David (TANNATT WILLIAM EDGEWOHTII).^ the Second and Third Expeditions [to Funafuti]. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. — Coral Beef Com- mittee. The Atoll of Funafuti, illust. See NEW SOUTH WALES.— Department of Mines. Memoirs of the Geological Survey, dtc. Geo- logy, No. 4. 4°. 1907-> David (TANNATT W. E.) The Heart of the Antarctic : being the Story of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907-1909. . .With. . .an account of the first journey to the South Magnetic Pole by. . .T. W. E. David. 2 Vol. illust. (col.) See SHACKLETON (Sir E. H.) 8". 1909. David (TANNATT W. E.) The Tectonic Geology of New South Wales. — Permo-Carboniferous system. — Tertian stratigraphy of New South Wales.(— Post-Tertiary stratigraphy of N. S. Wales. — Pre-historic Man in New South Wales.) See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, . Edinburgh tt London, 1893. 255 DAVIDSON (G. A.) [For some Natural History specimens obtained by . . . G. A. Davidson in the relief ship " Morning "] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Al. National Antarctic Expedition [of the S.S. " Discovery," -2_ ,fc.] 1901-1904. Natural History. Vol. II. 4°. 1907. DAVIDSON (JOHN) [For official reports as Pro- vincial Botanist] See BRITISH COLUMBIA. — Botanical Office. DAVIDSON (WILLIAM MARK) Walnut Aphides in •" California, pp. 4$ •' 4 P^8- back to back, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin, rfc. No. 100. 8°. 1914. Davidson (WILLIAM M.) & Jones (P. R.) Life history of the Codling Moth in the Santa Clara valley of Cali- fornia. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 115, pt. HI. 8°. 1913. Davidson (WILLIAM M.) & others. The Pear Leaf- worm [Gymnonychus calif ornicus, MarlattJ. pp. S3: ^ pis. back to back, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — . Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 438. 8°. 1916. DAVIES (EDWARD HENRY) The Prospector's Hand- book . . . Twelfth edition, revised and enlarged [by E. H. Davies]. See ANDERSON (J. W.) 8°. 1909. DAVIES (HENRY JAMES) [For Reports as Superin- ^ tendent] See LUCKNOW. — Government Horticultural Garden. DAVIES (HUGH) [1739?-1821] Observations on the j( " Trifurcated Hake," " the Beaumaris Shark," and " the Morris." See PENNANT (T.) Tours in Wales, rfc. Vol. Ill, Appendix xv. 8". 1810. DAVIES (OLIVE B.) Miss & Ewart (A. J.) The Flora of the Northern Territory of [Australia], /<. «V, .;x\: 5 pit., 1 map geol. col., text illutt. 8°. l''ilinbnry)t, 1855. The map, on the scale of 1 in. —14 in. about, was also issued separately. A " Supplementary Chapter " appeared In 1860. - Second edition, .~>2: ;i ph., text illust. See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, rfc. Vol. LX, mem. 2. 8°. 1916. E. ffo. DE (M. N.) Instructions for rearing Mulberry Silk- Worms. pp. '35: 4 pis., text illust. Sea PUSA.— Agricultural Research Institute. Bulletin No. 89. 8°. 1914. Dean (BASHFORD) Notes on Japanese Myxinoids. A new genus Para- myxine, and a new species Homca okinoscana. [With] Reference also to their Eggs. pp. US : 1 pi., text illust. Notes on Chhruera. Two Japanese species, C. plian- tasma, Jordan and Suyder, and C. mitsukurii, n.s., and their egg cases, pp. i> : 1 pi. Notes on the Long- Snouted Chimaeroid of Japan, Rhinochimwra (Harriotta) Pacifica (Garman) Mitsu- kuri. pp. HO : 2 ph., text illust. See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. Journal of the College of Science, d-c. Vol. xix, art. 2-4. 4°. 1904. 'r Dean (BASHFOKD) Chimieroid Fishes and their develop- _L. ment. pp. [ii,] lf>4 •' H ph., text illust. 1_ . 4". Washington, D.C., 1906. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Publication No. 32. Dean (BASHFORD) Notes on Asiatic Museums. . o.' 8°. [New York, 1907.] Reprinted from " The Popular Science Monthly," Vol. LXXI, Decemlwr, 1907, pp. tstl-un : text itlust. Dean (BASHFORD) Accidental resemblances among Animals. A chapter in Un-Natural History. 8°. [New York, 1908.] Reprinted from "The Popular Science Monthly," Vol. LXXII, April, 1908, pp. ;ilJl,-lli : text iUmt. Dean (BASHFORD) Bibliography of Bashford Dean, 1887-1909. Edited by L. Hussakof. See HUSSAKOF (L.) 8°. 1910. Dean (BASHFORD) A Bibliography of Fishes. By B. Dean, enlarged and edited by C. R. Eastman. [Published by the American Museum of Natural History.] 3 -2" Vol. . 8°. New York, 1916, ¥t.- Gr. I- J E. - 3 DEAN (GEORGE A.) Insects destructive to Grain and Grain products stored in bins and granaries, pp. 4. See MANHATTAN. — KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. — Experiment Station. Circular No. 47. *jLCo>-"<- 8°. 1915. DEAN (W. HARPER) The Sorghum Midge. (Conta- rinia sorghicola, Coq.) See UNITED STATES. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 85, Part iv. 8°. 1910. - (Revised.) 8°. 1911. Papers on Cereal and Forage Insects. "B Debeaux (J. ODON) Synopsis de la Flore de Gibraltar. 8°. [Bordeaux, 1889.] Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux. Tom. XLII. pp. 1S1-S7S : 3 pis. •Q Debray (FERDINAND) Catalogue des Algues du Maroc, iL- d'Algerie & de Tunisie. pp. 78. See BATTANDIEH (J. A.) \\fj . & TRABUT (L.) Flore de l'Alginp:niit>il liy n |wge of dMcriptlrc letterpress. Deecke (JOHANNKS KUXST WILIIKLM) Die geologisdie Zuwnmiensct/.ung und Schichtenfolge der Insel Kii^en. s . (ir,-ifx,i;,i,i, 1900. vii. Gcogr. (Jesell. tirrihwald. pt>. )"-'.". I Irii :it«>t. Deecke (JOHANNKS E. W.) Ueber das Gesteinsinateriul der Kitgeu'schen und N'euvorpoiniiier'.sclien prahistor- ischen Steinwerky.euge. 8°. Grrifmrnld. 1900. vn. Jahresh. Geogr. Oesell. (IrrifawaM. pp. 88-96. Deecke (.ii'll \XM.- !•:. W.) Geologischer Kiihrer durch Campanien. 717). i-iii, [/.] .'.:',: .: ,„,//)*. t,-.rt illngf. 12°. llrrliii. 1901. Sammlung tieol. Fiihrvr. vm. Deecke (JOHANNES E. W.) Geologie von 1'onimern. pp. vi [t»], .WV : ti-j-t illn»l. 8". Brrliii., 1907. Deecke (JOHANNKS E. W.) Der geologische Ban der Apennuienhalbinsel uud die Scbweremesstmgen. Sec NEUKS JAHRBUCH FUER MINKKALOCIK. .'. Festbund 7ur Feier dcs lOOjiihrigen Bestehens. 1807-1907. 8". 1907. Deecke (JOHANXKS E.W.) Die Hesultate der Schwere- messuugen im sildlichen Schwarxwald und in lulsass- Lothriugen im Vergleicb mit dem geologischen Ban dieser Gebiete. pp. !> : I map. I text illitnl. Si;' FREI- BURG IN BREISGAU. — NATURFORSCHENDK. I.KSIM.I. SCHAFT. Berichte, rfc. Bd. xvm. hft. 1. 8". 1910. Deecke (.FOIIAXXES !•',. \\.) Faciesstudieu fiber l')uro]>iiische Sedinieute. pp. (". Die Bedeutung salzfiihrender Schichten fiir tektonische Vorgiinge. pp. in. See FREIBURC; IN BRKISGAU. — NATURFOHSciiiiXDK I;KSKLLSCHAFT. Berichte, <(•<•. Bd. xx, lift. 1. 8". 1913. Deecke (JOHANNKS E. W.) & Cohen (K. W.) Liste der hiiufigeren Riigen'schen Diluvialgescbieln. S". <;,;;'fx,r,i/d. 1900. vn. Jaliresb. (ie.nn-. Gesell. Greifswalil. /-;•.',/ ',•: : I wn,, ,•„/. Deecke (\VH.HKI,.M) .S'" I'KKCKK {.Ion \XXKS I-:. \\.i DEES I.IKN"' IJAHAY I>KI .S.. lun\\ DEFOE (I)AXIKL) [1661?-1731J A Tour tln-o1 the wliuli! island of Great Britain ... By a (ientlenmn \i.<: D.Defoe]. The Fifth edition, dr. 4vol. S/rGKXTLK- MAN. 1'2". 1753. De Friese ILAFAYKTTK HOYTJ ]!eport on the Timbers of the Triulcuatri- rr^'ioii : Caldwell, Lyon, Crittenden, Hopkins. \\Chstcr. ;uid Union counties. /'/'•••'/• Krport mi tin- Tiiulicrs of tin- distrirt west of the Tennessee l!i\cr. coiiiiiionly known as the I'urrhas, ilistriel. /./'. •'•'/. lii-pnrt on a belt of Kentucky Timber.-, extending east itinl west along the soiitli-eentral part of the State. Imm Columbus to I'oiind (ln|i. /i/>. '.'.'. .SVr KKXTITK\. Stnti ii/. H,,,/i,,/;,;il SHIT, , i. I;, of Pi-o-^re-s. Ni-w Series, Vol. v, »o.4.6 \- Iti. K". Isso. DEFROOM i.l. I;. !•'. I'I.TIK/I N-, l'oriK/-l)KKitni..M. DEQEN novn [A.jnikoi]. JLnL \'.K\ " i].} !•: 'I.T [i Degen (AKp.ui) \\'nlf, -nia JiulihH-rii. Egy iij Wnlf- fiii'i faj a Balknu-fels/igetrnl. (Si>e e peninsula lialkanieu. ) />/:. 7. 8". n/nln/ii-tl, 1897. Degeu i.\i(i'\D) Die Flora von Hcrculesbad. Eine Vegetations-Ski/.x.e. pp. ."'. 8". BIH/H/H-*/, 1901. Degen (Aiii'ui) .S'<-< MACYAI: |!<>TVXIK.\I I.\IM»K. Kiadja. . . Degen A., .fc. l^vfoly. i-> 8". 1902-» Degen (Aiti'\ni Kin lieitnig y.ur Kenntnis der I'lora der Dinarisrhen Ali>en. Unter Mitwirkun^' von A. von Degen, <(-. .s',, .IANCHEN (E.) & \\'ATZL (B.) 8". 1908. Degen lAiU'iii) Icoiies Flone Alpine I'lanturum. [ With the collaboration of A. Degen.] !Ser. I, fasc. 1-5. N.r MARKET (L.) 8°. [1911-12.] Degen (.\RPAD) Studien fiber C««fM/(i-Avten. i. Die Keimfahigkeit von Ciixnilii Irifolii, Bab., und C. suaveolens, Si i . 8". Hn-liii, 1912. Die lanilwlrtscli. \ ersuchs-Stat. pp. 07-I-is. Degland (Co.Mi: DAMIKX) ix- Gerbe (/.) Catalogue des Oiseaux d'Kurope, pour servir de Complement et de _ Supplement a 1'Ovuithologie Europeene, de Degland *• et Gerbe (18671, etc. Srr TROUKSWAKT (E. L.) 8". 1912. DE GREY 1'teropl HO.MAS) Htli i- of California [1843-] pp. 6(i: _ 8". Lojutlfn, I860." i fujrol. (Ajuj;a- species 8 HiKlnprxl. W.W>. De Grey (THOMAS) Htli Jiaron \\';fh Baron Wdlmngliam. On some probable causes of a tendency to melanic variation in \\ hepidoptera of liigh latitudes, 'nts. riikm. Scr. D. De Grey (THOMAS) nth Baron ir>f/x/m///«//i. AIouo- f,T:i))h of the genera connecting Tinttgnria, \\ Ik., with Errt>iii>ci-rn. '/.. /,/>. '/'/ : n ///.s. 'col. 8". [London, 1889.] Trans. Kptoiii. Soc. Lend. 1889. De Grey (TiinMA.s) nth Baron Walsiughaiii. An Addr. I'ead before the Entomological Societv of London at the annual nu'.-ting. . . 1890 (-1891), ,fc. 2 No. 8". London, 1890 (-91). De Grey (THOMAS) nili i:/i. /' : / /)/. cnl. 4". London. IMd'2. Rcprintcil rnini tin1 " Enlciin. Mmidi. M:IK." \nl. XXMI. ISDl.Hith i In- uililili f tin- pluti- I'M .in " Nuvit. l.i-|iiilupi. ' \ ni. i. Tlii- uritriiial ih-ii\viir_'^ 1>\ .1. II. iMiiT.-mt lur tlir ti^'uir^ un tin- platr ai-c kejil in the Wnl.«iii»liniii l.ilirnry. De Grey (TlluMASI nth Huron \\'- l.i'pidoptfni from Cliristmas Island.] Si < HIJITISII MISKIM |N \TI KM. HISTOIM i. \ .Monogro.])h of Clirist, mas Island. ,/•<-. 8". JINK). De Grey (TlliiMASi <•'//; Huron \\'ulf,iin/lunn. M\ intro- duction to the Spanish 1 1,,-x, I'.tOl. S". |/.,,,,,/,,,/. ] iiio-j. ^ liwlniliitun Mrmii/iin-. Xi.l. \n. pp. ::;< I Author* o.pj. -^ urn- :4l-n olxouuted with four iiln.tMAM <://, /;,/;-,,/, ir,, /M „,,/,,,,„. [ |'t,.,-,i phoriila- and Tineina ol Soeotra. | Si; I,I\KUI L. l-'n-r 1'nlilii- l.ilirni/f. Mimriun uiul (i'ii//,ri/ ol' The Natural History of So<-otrn, , (•.-. ' s". |< 259 ». De Grey (THOMAS) Hth Baron Walsingham. [Micro- lepidoptera of the Sandwich Islands.] Sea SHARP (D.) Fauna Hawaiiensis, <(-c. Vol. I, pt. 5. 4". 1907. De Grey (THOMAS) tith Baron Walsingham. Tineina, Pterophorina, Orneodina, and Pyralidina and Hepialina (part). See GODMAN (F. D.) & SALVIN (O.) Biologia Centrali-Aruericana, if-c. Zoology. Lepidoptera-Hete- rocera. Vol. IV. 4°. 1909-15. De Grey (THOMAS) -tith Baron Walsingham &. Durrant (J. H.) Pterophoridffi and Tiiieina. See OXFORD. — UNIVERSITY. — University Museum. Catalogue of Eastern and Australian Lepidoptera Heterocera, dc. Pt. 2. 8°. 1900. DEHAUT (E. G.) Les Venius de Batraciens et les Batraciens venimeux, Sc. pp. vi, 64. 8°. Paris, 1910. With manuscript notes by the author. Dehaut (E. G.) Materiaux pour servir d 1'histoire zoologique et paleontologique des lies de Corse et de Sardaigne. S" Fasc. VrS^ fol. Paris, 1911— ty '*, DEHRA DUN. Forest Research Institute. I Founded 1881.1 Catalogue of the Photographic Collection at the... Institute, De la Beche (Sir HENRY T.) Index to Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and west Somerset. By Sir H. T. De la Beche . . . Compiled by C. Reid, rfc. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England rf Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] 8°. 1903. The fieport [?.«.] was issued in 1839. DELACHAUX (Louis) The climatic position of Interlaken in the Bernese Oberland, its sanitary advantages and. enjoyments, pp. 4$ •' 1 map col. 8°. Interlaken, 1881. DELACROIX (GEORGES) [1858-1907] Maladies des Plantes cultivees : Maladies non parasitaires . . . Intro- duction par. . .P. Regnard. . .Preface de. . .E. Prillieux. pj). xii, 431 '• text illust. 8°. Paris, 1908. Forming a volume of the "Encyclopedie Agrlcole. Publii5e. . .sous la direction de G. Wery." Delacroix (GEORGES) Maladies des Plantes cultivees dans les pays chauds . . . Ouvrage termine et public par A. Maublanc . . . Preface de M. E. Prillieux. pp. ix, 595 : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1911. Delacroix (GEORGES) & Maublanc (A.) Maladies des Plantes cultivees. Maladies parasitaires . . . Introduc- tion par ... P. Regnard, ..:>•. «". I' L. m. i»eiaunay \ fiftfS • 11 J H4" -3 v r\ U^fciU DELHAES (WiLHKLM) Beitriige zur Morphologie und Phylogenie von Haliotii, Linne. /i//. ."> : .' />/*.. text illust. 8°. [Berlin, 1909.] ZelUchr. f. imluct. Atwtammuuga. und Vrrorlimijrtli'lnv. Bil. u. Delhaes ( WII.IIKI.MI & Gerth ill.) Geologische Beschreibung des Kettenjura zwischen Reigoldswil (Basellaud) uud Oeusingeu (Solothurn). pp. U7 : X pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See PAL^EONTOLOOISCHE ABHANDLUNOEN. Geologische und palipontologische Abhandlungeu, rfc. Bd. xv, hft. 1. 4". 1912. DELLENBAUGH (FUEDKKK'K S.) The Lower Amazon . . . With an Introduction by F. S. Dellen- baugh. See LANOE (A.) s . 1914. DEL-MAYNO (N.) Lepidotteri dell' agro Pavese. pp. ;<>. 8". [Pavia, 1872.] Delavay I.IKAN MARIE) Croquis des Regions du Yunnan oil des collections de Plantes out ete faites, de .(i} 1882 a 1894, par. . .J. M. Delavay. .S'cc CHINA. [Maps.\ Map of China by I-'.. Bntschneider. Supplementary Maps. No. v. 6 sh. col. 1898. DELAWARE, Stuff of. Memoir of the Geological Survey of the State. . .By .T. C. Booth. /)/'• ' s"- •' /**. 8". Dover [Del.], 1841. Delebecque (ANDRE) [1861-] Contribution A 1'etude du systeme glaciaire des Vosges Franchises, pp. 7.7 : 7 map geol. col. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Geologiqitr iletaiUfe. Bulletin, (col.). See FRANCE. — lee it,- In Ciii-tf fli'-olof/ii/iii- ili'luillff. Bulletin, :ill\. 'loin. XXVIII. Delgado (.ToAijri.M FILIPPE N'K.HVI Systeme Bilurique C, du Portugal. Ktude de Stratigraphie Palooutologicjue. p/i. '-'i' . I lull. : .'/ /)/».. '/ tnn/m f/co/. co/.. fi-.rt. i//nx/. 1'. .|;l! '.\I.. Coiinii t*x/ln ilit .S'crc/co ( ii-i)hiljii-i>. 4°. 1908. Delgado I.IOAQUIM I'. N.) IM geologic portugaise et r.iu\i-e(leN. Delgadi < . . . Par P. Choffat. pp..!.',: I port. See LISBON.— six un I'IUMTCAISK ins SMKNCKS NATU- RELLES. Bulletin, rfr. Tom. Ill, Supplement 1. 8". 1909. Delgado (.!o.\m;i.M F. N.I Ftude sur les I'nssiles des Schistes A Nereites de San Domingos et des Schistes A N'ert'iU:s et A Graptolites de Barr«iu'iqu,:\ 4". 1910. Delgado (.TOAO.UIM I'. N.i \- Choffat |P.i ( aita Oeo- &logicn de Portugal ... Escala. 1 : 600,000 [i.e. ] in. 8 in. nearly]. V/ I'IUJTI i. \i.. ('i,iiiini*ini<> iln .S'« /•//,, Gfoloyico. [Maps.] 2 sh. rol. 1899. Delpino (GIACOMO GIUSEPPE Contribuzioni alia Storia dello Sviliii)i>(i del Hegno Vegetale. I. Smilacee. pp. !U. Teoria generate della Fillotassi. pp. ..'/•', .} tabs.: in />h. .s'cc(iENOA.— RBOIA UNIVEKSIT'V DECI.I STI nr. Atti..ic. Vol. iv, pt. 1 & '2. 8". 1880, 88. DELTENRE (.HECTUR) Documents pour 1'etude de lu Pali'ontologie du Terrain Houiller. Publit's par A. Renier. . . Collaborateurs . . .H. Dc'ltcinv. <(c. Deluc (.THAN ANDRE) v Geological Travels. 8 Vol. il A M". Lou, Ion, 1810-11. Deluc (.THAN A.) Letters on the physical history of the Earth ... To which are prefixed Introductory remarks and illustrations ... by ... H. De la File. pp. t-iii, .'.s'.j. 8". London, ls:!l. DEMESTE (.lEAN) [c. 1748-1783] Lettres . . . au doctenr Bernard . . . Sur la Chymie, la 1 >ocimasie, la Cristallographie, la Llthologie, la Miuuralogie & lit Physi(|iie en general. 2 Tom. 12". Pan'*, 1779. DE MONTMORENCY (WILLIAM GEOFFREY BOU- CHARD)'.'.A \'iucoiiiil Mouiitninri-fs [1872-] The Com- mercial Possibilities of West Africa, cfc. Sec LIVEH- POOL.- -UNIVERSITY. — Institute of Cumuli rriiil liesi-nrcl/ in thf Ti-< , 8". 1907. De Montmorency (WILLIAM G. B.) <;/// ['im-unni Mini i'l ini'i-i-i-.t. Maize, Cocoa and Hubber. Hints mi their production in \\ esi Africa. Lectures deli\en-d Viscount Mountinorres. il-r. ,SVc l.iVKlil'oiii.. UNIVERSITY. — Inntitiitf "I' <'< niuii, ri-inl 1,'i-xi-n n-li in III,- Tropics. V. HH)7. DENBURGH i.loiix VAXJ .Sc, \ \x DENiintcn. Deiickmaiiii (HEiXRicn WILHELM MARTIN Ar«;i sr) Der geoliigiscbc I'.au des Kelleru aide-. Kur/e l-'.rliiuter- uiigen x.ur (ieiilogisehen ( 'ebersichtskarte des Keller waldes, 1 : 100,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 1J m. about], .re. /,/,. 8$, i inii.: .: mops aumurk-Ekspeditionen til Gr0nlands Nord0stkyst, 1906-1908, under ledelse af L. Mylius-Erichsen. Bd. I— > Srr DENMARK. — Commissionen for Ledelsen af de Geologiske og Geographiske Undersdgelser. Meddelelser om Gr0nland, dr. Bd. XLI, XLII, XLIII, XLIV, XLV, XLVI-» . 8°. 1909— > Bd. XLI of the " Meddelelser," forming also Bd. I of the " Danmark- KkspedHionen," was not issued till 191.X [Denmark. — Ingolf-Expedition (contd.)] [The Danish Ingolf-Expedition, rfc. (contd.)J Siaw, 1899-1900^1 DENMARK. K - The Danish Expedition to Siam, 1899-1900. S £vV*£t^"/ DENMARK. ^nmdf-EupedUion. UJ f -f d ."] The Danish Ingolf-Expedition, <#c. J Vol. I — > illust. Q'.CopeiiJiagen, 1898— > There is also an edition in Danish. Vol. l. pt. 1. 1. Report of the Voyage. By C. F. Waudel. 2. Hydrography. By M. Knudscn. ,. ., pt. '.:, 3. The Deposits of the Se'a-lwttom. By 0. B. l'.in-L"_rild. pp. V.'': ; mapxt-ol.. text ill-ttst. 1900. „ ,, pt. 4. Current-Bottles. By C. F. Wandel. pp. r, : 1 n,«l> c»t. 181)9 (1900). Vol. H, pt. 1. Ichthyological results. By C. Liitken. pp.39: J pis. (col.), 1 map col., text illmt. 1898 (1899). „ II, pt. 2. On the Appendices Genitales in the Greenland Shark, Smnniosw niici-ocephahts (Bl. SchD.), and other Selachians. By H. F. E. Jungersen. pp. [i,] UK : li pis. (col.), text illust. 1899. [With this and most subsequent parts was issued a list of "The Localities, Depths and Bottom temperatures of the Stations," gener- ally accompanied by a coloured map.] ,, ,, pt. 3. Nudibranchiate Gasteropoda. By R. Bergh. pp. [i,] K> : u pis. 1900. ,, ,, pt. 4. The north-European and Greenland Lycodinie. By A. S.Jensen. p/>. [i,] .'/.'/: 10 pis., text illmt. 1904. „ ,, pt. 6. Lamellibranchiata. (Pt. I.) By A. S. Jensen. pp. (t',1 ll'.l : /, pis., text illust. 1912. „ III, pt. 1. Pycnogouida. By F. Meinert. p]i. [i,] 71 : r, pis., text illust. 1899. ,, „ pt. 2 & 3. Crustacea Malacostraca. By H. J. Hansen. 2 Pt. illust. 1908, 13. ., ,, pt. 4. Copepoda I. Calanoida Amphascaudria. By C. With. pp. \K,\g6f>: ti pis., text illust. 1915. ,, ,, pt. 5. Crustacea Malacostraca. m. By H. J. Hausen. pp. [Hi,] SBS : 16 pis. 1916. „ IV, pt. 1, 2. Echinoidea. By T. Mortensen. 2 Pt. illust. 1903, 07. „ „ pt. 3. Cluetognaths. By R. von Ritter-Zahony. pp.h. 1914. ,, „ pt. 4. Annelids. I. By H. Ditlevsen. pj>. 71 : 17 pis. 1917. ,, V, pt. 1. Pennatulida. By H. F. E. Jungersen. pp. [i, }'•>•'>: .! pis. (ml.), text illust. 1904. Cteuophora. By T. Mortensen. pp. [i,] 95: I/I pis., text illust. 1912. „ pt. 2. „ pt. 3. „ Pt. 4. C'eriantharia. By 0. Carlgreu. pp. [i,] 76 [J] : S pis., text illust. 1912. Zoantharia. By O. Carlgren. pp. [»',] 6S | .'] ; 7 pis., text illust. 1913. ,, pt. 5. Stylasterida;. By H. Broch. pp. [i,] .?•; |.'|. f, pis., text illust. 1914. „ pt. «. Hydroida. Pt. I. By H. Broch. pp.{i,}W: :! pis., text illust. VI, pt. 1. Porifera. Parti. Homorrhaphidie and Heteror- rhaphida;. By W. Lundbeck. pp. [i,] 108, 1 tab. : Hi pis., text illmt. 1902. ,, pt. 2, 3. Part II (& III). Desmacidonidre. By W. Lumlbeck. 2 Pt. illnst. 1905-10. 1910. Denmark. — "Lngolf -Expedition^ ' ?3 $~ ' ff 6 .J lagttagelser over overfladevanaets Temperatur, Salt- holdighed og Plankton paa Islandske og Gr0nlandske Skibsrouter i 1899 foretagne under Ledelse af C. F. Wandel, .~\ Report on the Danish Oceanographical Expeditions, 1908-1910, to the Mediterranean and Adjacent seas. . . under the superintendence of J. Schmidt. Vol. I— > 4°. Copenhagen, 1912— > Issued in numbers containing portions of different volumes. Vol. I. pp. [i,] SHU: 16 pis., It maps, text illust. 1912. 1. Introduction, by .1. Schmidt. 2. Hydrography. 3. The Deposits of the Sea-bottom, by O. B. B0ggild. Biology. A.I. Flat-fishes (Heterosomata), by H. M. Kyle. •x), A. 2. I>. 1. MI. 15ft: I, pis., text illmt. Sternoptychidte (Argyrupelecus and Sternupty, by J. Jespersen. pp. 1,1 : text illust. 1913. 1910. by J. Jespersen. pp. Isopoda, Tanaidacea, Cumacea, Amphipoda (excl. Hyperiidea). by K. Stephensen. pp. 53: text i/luxt. 1915. K.I. Calcareous Algie, by Mine. P. I-emoine. pp. SO: 1 pi., text illmt. 1915. ,, in. Miscellaneous. 1. Experiments with Drift-bottles, by J. Schmidt. 1913. Denmark. DANMARKS CKOLOUISKE UNDERSOGELSF.. [Publications.] ^ R:ekke-,bd. I— > I g?0 •» 8°. Kpbenhavn, Each number contains a separately paged paper. 1.1". A'Bfnil/HMM. 1010 DENMARK. —DANSK BOTANISK FORENING. Sec COPENHAGEN. W- DENMARK. DANSK FKRSKVANDS - BIOLOGISK i.\- BORATORIUM. Studier over de Danske Sjiers Plankton. (Plankton Investigations of the Danish Lakes.) 2 Vol. illimt. \ I:SF.NHI:R«-LUND (C. J.) I ". 1904, 08. Other mi-Hi. 'it - pulilishnl under the direction of this Laboratory by Wonnberg-Lund appear In various serials (if.'-.l. DENMARK. IIANSKK BIOLOGISKE STATION. Report, ill nut. 4". Copenhagen, 1898— > -tsof reprints and translations from th« •• Kiskcri-lleretningen," ' £c. Many of the numbers contain separately paged papers. DENMARK. — KOMMISSIONKN FOR HAVUNDKUSO- OBLSER. Meddelelser, etc. Serie: Fiskeri. Bd. i—^illust. 4!>.K0btnliavn,19Q4—> Serie : Plankton. Bd. l-> ilhtnl. 4°. Kfbrnhavn, 1904-> Serie: Fiskeristatistk. Bd. I— > 4°. Kjbenhavtt, 1912-> Denmark. KUMMISSIONEN FOR HAVUNDERSOGELSER. Skrifter, etc. No. \ i#ff s<. s". KCjbenhavn, 19*£./ No. X *#"«<• ^fr.r&'L , B J*. 0). Dennert (EBERHARD) [1861-1 Das Protoplasma als Fermentorganismus. Ein Beitrag . . . von ... A. Wigand. . .Nach dem Tode des Verfassers vollendet und herausgegeben von . . . E. Dennert. pp. j; ..''>4 [!]• See MARBURG. — UNIVERSITAET. Botauische Hefte, etc. Hft. in. 8°. 1888. DENNY (ALFRED) The Zoology of the [Sheffield] district. Sub-edited [with articles on the Mammalia, Reptilia and Amphibia] by A. Denny. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, etc. Handbook and Guide to Sheffield, etc. . 8°. 1910. Denny I.\LKKKI» \ Allen (P. E.) [Fish of the Sheffield district.] See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, etc. Handbook and Guide to Sheffield, etc. 8°. 1910. DENSTONE. — Denstone College. M< i/n, II Miiseum, Denstone 8°. [Denstone, 1913.] \ short Guide to the .Meynell College, 1913. pp. 11. Deperet (CHARLKS .h:\\ .IULIEN) (MMnf Bassius Tertiaires du Khdne. /i/i..:.': ti:rl See CONCRKS (ii'iiLiMiiycE I NTKKNATIONAL.— Eighth Sesirion : l',irin. Livret-Guide des llxcursions en France, etc. No. xna. 8°. 1900. Deperet (CHARLES J. J.) Los Vertebrados del Oligo- inferior de Tarrefja (Prov. de Lcrida) . . . (Con version Francesa). pp. .; />/»., fi-.rt Must. "5.B..SV,- liXKCKLONA. — REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, rfc. Memorias, etc. Epoca in, vol. v, no. 21. 4°. 1906. Les Transformations du 8°. Paris, 1907. Deperet I('IIAKLKS .1. J.) Mninle Animal. pj>. .:•.<>. llilillothi'.|iii: de FUIo«op!ile s<-ir,i Deperet i( 'HARLEM J. J.) The Transfonnations of the Animal World ... Being the authorized translation of " Les Transformations du Monde Animal." pp. xvi. :i;u, H tabs. 8°. London, 1909. International teicntiflc Merii-i. Vol. xciv. Deperet (CHARLES J. J.) Mouographie de la Fauue di- MannnifiTus FosHilcs du Ludien Inf^rieur d'Eu/.i-t- : ,aius (Gard). pp. viii, .'.'«/ . ;? pis., text illu«t. LYONS.— CNIVERSITK. Anuales, etc. Nouvelle Serie. Fasc. 40. 8°. 1917. Deperet ( C 1 1 A it i. KS .1 . .1 . i & Delafond < I . i I .es terrains Tertiaires ile la Bresse et. leurs i^iti^s de Lignites et de Minerals ile Fer. ,SVc Fit \\< •!•:.- -.SVrr/c, ,/<« Topo- i/rii/i/iii'' Soiifi'i'rniiii-ii. \Ktuiii'n ill's * Miin'i-an ' -. | 4U. 1903. Deperet I('IIAKI.I.S .1. .1.) \ Douxami (H.) Les Vertebres Oligoeeues ilc Pyriznont-ChallongeB (tiavoifl). pp. HO [I]: Sec PARIS. — SOCIKTE GKOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires. . . Paleoutologie. No. 26. 4°. 1902-> Deperet (C IIAHLKS J. J.) & Vidal y Carreras (L. M.) Contribuciou al estudio del Oligoceno en Cataluna... c |( (Con version Fraucesa.) pp. in (17) : text Must. ~ Sec BARCELONA— REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, etc. Memorias, rfc. Epoca III, vol. v, no. 19. 4". 1906. '» DEFLANCHE (KMILE) [1824-1875] Catalogue des Cirrhipedes, des Mollusques et des Hayonnes recueillis par M. 1^. Deplauche . . . 1854-56. Sec EUDKS-DESLONG- CHAMPS (J. A.) 8". 1859. Deplauche (EMILE) Documents sur la Geologic de la Nouvelle-Caledonie, suivis du Catalogue des Hoche- recueillies dans cette ile par MM. Jouau et E. De- planches [sic] . . . par M. E. Deslongchamps. Sec EUDES- DESLONGCUAMPS (B.) 8°. 1864. DEFRAT (JACQUES) [1880-] Etude Geologique et Petrographiquedel'Iled'Eubee. j>/>. tSO, .' labs.: 11 pis., .' maps (I tji'ol. col.), text Must. 8". Besancon, 1904. Deprat (JACQUES) Etudes sur la Corse, i. Etude Petrographique des Roches Eruptives sodiques cle Corse. pp. :'>'?: 4 pis. (I col.), 1 map, text Must. s". 1906. - II. Etude des Roches Eruptives Carbonifen s et. Permiennes du nord-ouest de la Corse, pp. 86 : / />!., I null'. ''•''' illnst. See FRANCE. — Service di In dirt,' Gcologique detailUc. Bulletin, tic. Tom. XVII, no. 11 I & 117. S". 1907. Deprat (.JACQUES) [For official publications in e< •• tion with the Survey] See iNDO-ClllNA, l-'n'in-li. — Service Giologitfue. DERBY, lii'i-lii/ i'r-r Library ami M/isi-nm (an Gallery). Annual Report, etc. No. 15-» s". 1>, ,-l,,j, issc,— > g • Wltlitliul6tlit»:<3nl Anii.I l.iliran n,-l Mu , |88fl were also published the 4th tii 2in!!»" (OowvUw* | Ja. vJUoj 6/i»r6i '.> : .,' maps geoL col., text illust. See PARIS. — FACULTE DES SCIENCES. Annales Hebert, dc. Tom. II. 8". 1898. Dereims (A.) Les Coquilles du Quateruaire mariu du Senegal (Pleistocene moyen), recueillies par M. [A.] Dereims, dc. — Resultats Geologiques de la Mission Paul Blanchet, par A. Dereims. pp. Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 586. Travaux, dc. Ser. II, mem. 22. 1 )esault. dr. Sri- G.U'ARD (H.) 8°. 1805. DESBUISSONS (LKON) [1863-] La Vallee de Binn i Vnlais). 10tudegeograpliique,geologique,mineralogique • et pittoresquo . . . Precede _ d'une Preface par ... A. • Iiacroix . . . et suivi d'vme Etude sur la Flore du Bin- uental, par. . .A. Bin/, pp. riii, ..'.'," [/] : .'/ ph., -1 maps, !<'•'•( HIitKt. 8". Laiisanii,; 1909. DESCH (CECIL HKNKVI I.'/ pis., ti-.rt illllxl. Metallogi-aphy. pp. xi, .'/ .'.'/ ; 8". London, ,{•<-. 1910. Foniiiut; a volume of the scries entitled :— "Text-Hooks of Physical rhv.nislr.v.- K.liteU l.ySir w. Aamwy, K.c.l!. DES GOZIS (.MAURICE) -Catalogue des Coleopteres (If l-'rance i-t Je la F-.uuif (i.-illo-Rhenane. pp. [it,] JIM;. 8". Mojtthtcon if- 1'ans. 1875. pis., text illust. Sec PARIS. — SOCIKTK GKOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires, dc. Palfontologie. No. 44. 4". 1911. Dereims (A.) Les Gisements Carboniferes des hunts plateaux Bolivieus. See ANNALES DE PALKONTOLOHIE, dc. Tom. IX, fasc. 1. 4". 1914. DERR (H. B.) Collection and preservation of Plant material for use in the study of Agriculture, pp. 24 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Anrin/lhtr*. Vfl.rrnpra* " Vr» r.SR fi<> 1Q~\A 8°. 1914. DERRIEN (E.) L'Odeur de la Pourpre. pp. Jt. See MONTPELLIER. — UNIVERSITY;. — Instittit de Zoologie. ° 8°. 1911. Derry (ROBERT) & Ridley (H. N.i First Annual Report on experimental Tapping of Para Rubber (Hevea Braziliensis) ... for ... 1904, aZ/, 1. o. 0. • "- T. fr. fr. 264 7t*K. <*• tp. fj TtL G. Desor (I*. .1. I'..) Synopsis />;>. Ifi-iii, .}, .{.W : 4-: /''*• 8". Parig luuetl in ilx part* as follows :— des tichinides fossiles. f Wie»ba. :l-Vi,vl$. i-ijc, in March, 18&6: llvr. :, >./'• '•• ;*"• x-Jtn. 1855; llvr. 3, w>. •".''-''V, \".''-\t,n, pin. xrii-xxi, l.SMi ; livr. 4, 7'/». J'-'; /'•',, /''.' .'',", pt#. rjrii uix, 1857; llvr. 5, /i;>. !!,l-.<.!ti, jrfn. JM-J- xjcxrii, 1857; livr. «, |lpi i-lztiii, I, i, W" ;.''.', .l:i-',W, pit. xxxrlii r/i>. Us:.*. Index to Desor's Synopsis des Kchinides Fossiles . . . Avec uue Note sur les dates de publication du •• Synopsis," ut (irepared by F. Kittmil.) !>p. nixU, ',>.. •-'.. .Inly, 1891. „ 2. Psendoilini.l.i 'I'll:. 12 Feb. 1892. „ S. Cryptorhaphideic. ;<;<..i;v. ;...'.<;. (Keprrtoiinni Keographicn-poly^lottiuii in imnin " Syllogei AlKaruini.inniuiir Cnravit II. In- | /,;.. cfTir.) iil, 1894. ,, III. Sylloge Fucoldearuni, .(.•. //;/. iri, i-... „ iv. Sylloge Floiidearum, .\iii,] 761. 1907. De-Toni (GIOVANNI B.) G. G. Agardh e la sua Opera J Scientifica. pp. ill : / port. 8°. P,u1oua, 1901. De-Toni (GIOVANNI B.) II Centeuario di Carlo Darwin. pp. T. 8". (Bologna, 1909.) Estratto dalla Rivista " L' rnivcr»ltk Italiana,' Ai ..... VIM, 1909. De-Toni (GIOVANNI 15.) Flora Italica Cryptogama. Pars II : Algte. Prefaxione [By] G. B. De' Toni, '<«•<•. See FLORENCE.— SOCIETA HOTANICA ITALIANA. Flora Italica Cryptogama. Pars II : Algae. Fasc. 1. 8". 1909. De-Toni (GIOVANNI B.) Lettre ouverte a . . . J. B. De Toni. . .au sujet des Huitres dc Maremies et de la DiatomSe bleue, efc. Sec SAUVAOEAU (C.) 8°. 1909. De-Toni (GIOVANNI B.) & Forti (A.) [Alga of Ruwen- -,, •/.ori.] See LuiGl AilEDEO GIUSEPPE MARIA FERDI- NANDO FRANCESCO,- Duke of Abruzzi. 11 Ruwenzori .. .Risultati. . .dalla Spedizione. Vol.1. Botanica. 8°. 1909. De-Toni (GIOVANNI li.) & Porti (A.) Contribution Ti la Flore Algologique de la Tripolitaiiie et de la Cyr^nalque. pp. ~>H. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Annales, s ini.l di-r \nclil. iir^.-l.i.'l.-. i A. Klltflur. :; 11)1. Thl. A. Grnndrt^e der PManzeiiverbruitutj^ iliDentsch- Urika und den Nachbargebieten, von... \ Kii'.'ler. II/L [Hi, | ;.;.',: i jjis., text illimt. _, , < 'Die Nutzptlanzen Ost-Afrikas. ]!rail>.'it.'t \,.u 7 ** A. Eneli'r. p]i.a-l'i: text ildift. 1. Die Paliiit'ii, von (I. \Vnrlutri;. 'J. I)it; flraser, von K. Schumann. :i. Die liananen, von O. Warburg. 4. Die Hiilsenfriichte, von P. Taul .">. l)ie Geniuseptlanzen, von I (I. Kashare Pil/.\ v..n I', limn 7. hi.' "!i jrf \Vm-bnrj;. s. Die Gemissmittel, vo '.'. hi.. Nut/liijlzrr, von . 10. Die Kaserpilanzen, vajfi M. dirk.-. <-*\ 11. Di.' K-|]li.-.|..M.- U/l (' lil'l.'I'lllll'M Pllanzeu, von I/: Diiinnier. 12. Die Ilur/e OmrKOpale liufeniden von E. QO 13. Die T 14. Di IB, i'i, allin .'i.'ii f'l!,'.ii/.'i] vnn I'. utschukptlanzen, von K. Srhm - nn. I Kettpnanzen, II. It). 1)1* Mi'dii'iimlpM.tuzi-ii. V..M V. Pa: lie Zifrpflnnzen, von G. I,indau> 0. V1'"'1' ''nissderhisJetztausOst-ifi-ikaliekaiint .•n Pilau/en. Heraunegeben vmi A. Engler. ]tp. [i'r,| / 'Hie follow^ authors also rontrll.ntcd to tins part :— V. F. I'.n.t In TU- K. Buclionau, A. c. p. .it- fan. I.. !!.•. C. >r Oognianx, I , Damn i:\\v. llfOOrk*, II. llarnni, P. Ummi/fgl, (;. II. K. u . Micrniiynuii. ii. BAnun, K. li. A. K..I-III,,. r./.\. I,. Kranzlin, li. Llnda^ .. 1902. Deutsche Njassa- und/Iujwuma-Gebiet, Lan( Leute, nebst Bemerkyrigen iiber die Schire-Lji von V. FUlleborn. sfp. xx, asil : 1 pi., "! maps, text illuit. Atlas, [port!:] t in pit., 3map>. /£>. & fol. 1906. Beitrage zur Kinturgeschichte von Ostafunta. Allge- ineineBetnicXtnu^reii nndStudicn iiberdjeEinfiihruiiK und wirtsciHaftliche Bedeutung der Nytzptlauzen unil^ Haustienf mit besonderer Beriic " DeutsufrObtafrika, von F. Stuhlmarin. pp. xxlii t text, iauxt. ' 8". 1909. Deutsch-Ostafrika. Berichte iiber Land- und Forst- wirtschaft in Deutsch-Ostafrika. Herausgegeben vom Kaiserlichen Gouvernement von Deutsch - Ostafrika, Dar-es-Salam. Bd. 1-^3, ^5.t 8°. Heidelberg, 1902-V DEUTSCHE GUNG ZU AYEES. AKADEMISCHE BUENOS AIRES. VEREINI- Sec BUENOS DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUER ANGE- WANDTE ENTOMOLOGIE. [Founded 1913.] See THARANDT. DEUTSCHE ORNITHOLOGISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. [1875 Founded as Allgemeiiw Deutsche Ornithuloguche Gesellschaft by the union of the Deutsche Ontithologen-Genellschaft and the Deutsche Ornithalogixche Gesellschaft zu Berlin [7.0.]. 1895 Deutsche Ornitholoyische Gesellschaft.] See JOURNAL FUER ORNITHOLOGIE. . .im Auftrage der . . . Gesellschaft, Ac. Jahrg. XLIV, hft. 4-» 8°. 1896-» Deutsche Ornithologische Gesellschaft. Aus der 22. Jahresversammlung der . . . Gesellschaft in Dresden . . . 1897, nebst Erganzungen dazu, herausgegeben von A. B. Meyer, Ac. pp. vii, 83 : 3 pis. (col.), 2 text illust. See DRESDEN. — KOENIGLICHES ZOOLOGISCHES UND ANTHROPOLOGISCII-ETHNOGHAPHISCHES MUSEUM. Ab- handlungen, Ac. Bd. vn, no. 2. 4°. [1898] 1899. DEUTSCHES BUREAU DER INTERNA- TIONALEN BIBLIOGRAFHIE. See BERLIN. DEUTSCHES ENTO MOLOGISCHES MUSEUM. See DAHLEM. — VEREIN ZUR FOERDER- UNG DES DEUTSCHEN MUSEUMS. 8°. 1912— > DEVAUX ( ) Ordnance Officer. En Afrique occi- dentale Francaise, Saint-Louis, le Niger, Le Tankisso, Timbo, Conakry, Dakar. Journal de Route, Novembre 1896 — Mars 1897, du Capitaine Devaux, Ac. pp. 58 : 2 maps, text illust. See MARSEILLES. — Institut Colonial. Annales, Ac. Dixieme annee. Vol. IX. 8°. 1902. DEVILERDEAU (JULES) Resume sommaire d'ele- ments de Geologie-geographique de la France et de 1'Algerie u 1'usage des touristes, Ac. pp. 181 [2] : 1 pi., text illust. - 8°. Pans, 1904. DE VILLIERSXJoiiN ABRAHAM JACOB) [1863-] The East and West Indian Mirror. . .Translated, with notes and an introduction, by J. A. J. De Villiers. See HAK- LUYT SOCIETY. Works, Ac. Ser. II, no. xvm. 8°. 1906. De Vis (CHARLES W.) The extinct Fresh-water Turtles of Queensland, pp. 7 : S pis. See BRISBANE. — QUEENS- ji. LAND MUSEUM. Annals, Ac. No. 3. 8°. 1897. DEVOIR (ALF.) Essai sur les mouvements de la Mer aux abords du Mont Saint-Michel. (Epoques actuelle et prdhistorique.) pp. 56 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOCiRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 125. 8°. 1908. DEVON & CORNWALL NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETT. [1838 Founded. 1851 Amalgamated with the Plymouth Institution.] See PLYMOUTH INSTITUTION & DEVON & CORNWALL NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. DEVONSHIRE. [Maps.] [Geological Map of Devon- shire. Scale, 4 m. = 1 in., by W. A. E. Ussher.] 2 sh. col. [London, 1906.] Issued with the " Victoria History of the Counties of England " : Devonshire. Dewalque (GEORGES JEAN GUSTAVEJ_ Carte de la Bejgiffue et des provinces'voisines . 1 : JjpdtfOO [i.e. 1 in.^=>fm. about]. S«g'"BELGIUM. [Mapirf' Dewalque (GEORGES J. G.) Elements de Cristallo- graphie. Deuxieme partie (seule parue) : Description des Systemes Cristallins. pp. 103 : text illust. 8°. Liege, 1890. Dewalque (GEORGES J. G.) Manifestation organisee en 1'honneur de G. Dewalque, Ac. See LlEGE. — UNI- VERSITE. fol. 1893. DEWAR (DOUGLAS) Bombay Ducks : an account of some of the every-day Birds and Beasts found in a Naturalist's Eldorado, \JsrSfitlon, 1894. Dick (ALLAN B.) On the employment of Dark- ground Illumination for the determination of transparent Mineral-grains in media of various and varying refractive index. See MUSEUM OF PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. A Hand- book to the Collection of Kaolin, d*c. Appendix I. 8°. 1914. fe- H A. * ffc.ll DICK (ROBERT) [1811-1860] R. Dick, Botanist and Geologist, being an account of the proceedings at the 0. unveiling of memorial at Tullibody on 21st September, ^ 1918. pp. ..'.': 1 pi., 1 port. 8". Stirling, 1918. DICKERSON (MARY CYNTHIA) The Frog Book. North American Toads and Frogs, with a study of the ^- . habits and life histories of those of the northeastern States, pp. xvii, .?.7.9 : 1 /*,•' pis. (col.), text illust. 4". New York, 1906. The Nature Library. Dickerson (MAiiY C.) Trees and Forestry, an elementary treatment of the subject based on the Jesup . Collection of North American Woods in the American ' ».1>. Museum, iff. pp.104: I pi., tezt illust. Srr NEW YORK, City of. -AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Guide Leaflet No. 82. 8". 1910. DICKERT (THOMAS) Das Siebcngebirge uud seine £.. Umgebungeu im Relief init geognostischer Bezeichnung. pp. 7. 8". [ ] DICKESON (MONTROVILLF. WILSON) Report of the Geological survey and condition of the Alleghany Com- pany's property, Warren County, New Jersey . . . with the Charter and By-Laws, rfc. pp. 30 : 1 map (col.). 8°. Philadelphia, 1862. Dickie (GEORGE) The Natural History of Ireland. [Vol. iv edited, owing to the decease of the author, by G. Dickie, rfc.] See THOMPSON (W.) of Belfast. 8". 1856. Dickie (GEOKUE) [Algss from Kerguelen Island and Rodriguez.] See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Philo- sophical Transactions, rfc. Vol. CLXVin. 4". 1879. DICKINSON (HAROLD T.) Quarries of Bluestone and other Sandstones in the Upper Devonian of New York State, pp. 1 IS : /.s' pis., :.' maps ( I geol. col.). Sec ALII ANY. — NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Bulletin No. 61. 8°. 1903. DICKSON (EDMUND) The Kibble Estuary. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, i/i/ \ Dei piani e sotto-piani in Geologia. Manuale alfa- betico ragionato. Seconda edizione, DIZFFENBACH (H.) [For descriptions of many families of the Rotatoria] See BRAUER (A.) Die Siiss- ' wasserfauna Deutschlands, dc. Hft. 14. 8°. 1912. DIELHELM (JOIIANN HERMANN) [1708? or 1711?- 1781 or 1784J [Antiquarius des Neckar- Main- Lahn- und Moselstromes. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1740.] Wanting. [Third edition.] Antiquarius der Neckar- Main- Mosel- und Lahnstrome, oder Ausfiihrliche Beschreibung dieser vier . . . Fliissen . . . Nebst einem Anhang vom Saar- - flus . . . anjetzt zum andermal . . . herausgegeben von J. H. Dielhelm. 2 Thl. [in 1.] pp. viii, 84% [2] : 14 ph., 4 maps. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1781. /I Dielhelm (JoHANN H.) [Denkwiirdiger Antiquarius des Rheinstroms, dc. illust. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1744.] « Wanting. i [Third edition entitled : — J Rheinischer Anti- a quarius, oder Ausfiihrliche Beschreibung des Rhein- \^ stroms . . . anjetzo drittenmal . . . herausgegeben von J. H. . Dielhelm. 2 Thl. pp. [vi,] 10SO [45] : 16 pis., 3 maps. ' 8°. Frankfurt d Leipzig, 1776. c* DIEXiS (LUDWIG) [1874-] Cyatheacese. — Osmun- ^ dacete. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, dc. Thl. i, abth. 4. 8°. 1899-1900. Diels (LuowiG) Beschreibung der auf der Forschungs- f reise durch Asien gesammelten Pflanzen. See FUT- TERER (K.) Durch Asien, dc. Bd. in, lief 1. 8". 1903. I Diels (LUDWIG) Droseracese. pp. 13.6: 1 map (col.), text illust. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Das Pflanzen- reich, dc. (IV. 112.) 8°. 1906. Diels (LUDWIG) Die Pflanzenwelt von West-Australien siidlich des Wendekreises. Mit einer Einleitung iiber die Pflanzenwelt Gesamt-Australiens in Grundziigen, dc. pp. xii, 413 : 34pls., 1 map (col.), text illust. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Die Vegetation der Erde. Sammlung Pflanzengeographischer Monographien herausgegeben von A. Engler und O. Drude. No. viz. 8°. 1906. Diels (LUDWIG) [Plants from China and Thibet.] See FILCHNER (W.) Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der ' Expedition Filchner. . .1903-05. Bd. x. 8". 1908. Diels (LuowiG) Menispermacese. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Das Pflanzenreich, ,tc. Hft. 46. (IV. 94.) 8". 1910. Diels (LUDWIG) [Menispermaceap I & II, & Anonacete II, from Dutch New Guinea.] See WICIIMANN (C. E. A.) Nova Guinea, dc. Vol. VIII, livr. 2 & 4. 4". 1910, 12. Diels (LUDWIG) [Menispermaceie, Anonacea- and Dro- seraceiE from Equatorial Africa.]} See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral- .Afrika-Expedition, 1907-08, dr. Bd. II, lief. 3.. 8". 1911. Diels (LUDWIG) Sudania : Enumeration des Plantes re- coltees en Afrique tropicale par. . .A. Chevalier, de 1898 si 1910 inclus. Liste dress^e d'apres les determinations de. . .[L.] Diels, dc. Tom. I— > See CHEVALIER (A.) 4°. 191 1-> Diels (LUDWIG) & Engler (H. G. A.) Combretacese. 2 Pt. illust. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Monographieen Afrikanischer Pflanzen -Familien, dc. No. Ill & iv. 4°. 1899-1900. 269 Diels (LUDWIG) & Engler (H. G. A.) Anonaceae. pp. iv, 96 : SO pis. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Mono- graphieenAfrikanischerPflanzen-Familien, Ac. No. VI. 4°. 1901. Dieuer (CARL) The Permocarboniferous Fauna of Chitichun. No. 1. pp. 105: 18 ph. The Permian Fossils of the Productus shales of Kumaon and Gurhwal. pp. SJf : S pis. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Palaeontologia Indica, Ac. Series XV, vol. I, pt. 3 & 4. 4°. 1897. Diener (CARL) Anthracolithic Fossils of Kashmir and fL. Spiti. pp. OS : 8 pis. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Palaaontologia Indica, Ac. Series XV, vol. I, pt. 2. 4°. 1899. Diener (CARL) Bau und Bild der Ostalpen und des r. Karstgebietes. See DIKNER (C.) See VIENNA.— KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. 4°. 1904— » Diener (CARL) Fauna of the Tropes-Limestone of (L Byans. (Collections made bv the Geological Survey of India during. . .1899 and 1900.) pp. SOI : 17 pis. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Palseontologia Indica, do. Ser. XV. Himalayan Fossils. Vol. v, mem. 1. 4°. 1906. Diener (CARL) The Fauna of the Himalayan Muschel- kalk. pp. 140: 17 pis. .See INDIA.— Geological Survey. Palseontologia Indica, &c. Ser. XV. Himalayan Fossils. Vol. v, mem. 2. .4°. 1907. Diener (CARL) Ladinic, Carnic, and Noric Faunae of Spiti. pp. 757, 1 tab. : 24 pis. See INDIA. — Geological ». Survey. Palseontologia Indica, dc. Ser. XV, vol. v, mem. 3. 4°. 1908. Diener (CARL) Upper-Triassic and Liassic Faunse of the exotic blocks of Malla Johar in the Bhot Mahals of Kumaon. pp. 100 : 16 pis. See INDIA. — Geological ' Survey. Palaeontologia Indica, Ac. Ser. XV, vol. I, pt. 1. 4°. 1908. Diener (CARL) The Fauna of the Traumatocrinus Limestone of Painkhanda. pp. 39 : 5 pis. See INDIA. fr. —Geological Survey. Palaeontologia Indica, Ac. Ser. XV, vol. VI, mem. 2. 4°. 1909. Diener (CARL) Paliiontologie und Abstammungslehre. - pp. 140, 1 tab. : text illust. 8". Leipzig, 1910. Samtnlung Qoschen. Diener (CARL) Anthracolithic Fossils of the Shan States, pp. 74 : 7 pis. See INDIA.— Geological Survey. • Palaeontologia Indica, Ac. New Series, vol. Ill, mem. 4. 4". 1911. fr. fr. fr. Dieuer (CARL) Mitteilungen iiber einige Cephalopoden- suiten aus der Trias des siidlichen Bakony. ( — Neue Beobachtungen ilber Muschelkalk-Cephalopoden des siidlichen Bakony.) pp. SS : 2 pis. See BUDAPEST.— MAGYAR FOLDRAJZI TARSULAT. Besultate der wissen- schaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees, Ac. Bd. I, thl. II [i.e. thl. l], Anhang. Palseontologie der Umgebung des Balatonsees. Bd. in, no. 1 & 2. 4". 1911. Diener (CARL) The Trias of the Himalayas, pp. [ii,] 176 : text illust. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Memoirs, &c. Vol. xxxvi, pt. 3. 8°. 1912. Dieuer (CARL) Triassic Faunas of Kashmir. Pt. 1— > Ses INDIA. — Geological Survey. Palaeontologia Indica, Ac. New Series, vol. v, mem. 1. 4°. 1913. Diener (CARL) The Anthracolithic Faunae of Kashmir, Kanaur and Spiti. pp. 131J : 11 pis. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Palseontologia Indica, Ac. New . Series, vol. v, no. 2. , 4°. 1915. Diener (CARL) & Krafft (A. VON) Lower Triassic Cephalopoda from Spiti, Malla Johar, and Byans. pp. 186: 31 pis. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Palaeontologia Indica, Ac. Ser. XV, vol. VI, mem. 1. 4". 1909. Diener (CARL) & others. Bau und Bild Oesterreichs von C. Diener, B. Hoernes, F. E. Suess und V. Uhlig, mit einem Vorworte von E. Suess. pp. xxiv, 1110 : 4j)ls., 8 maps (col.), text illust. 8°. Wien A Leipzig, 1903. Thl. 1. Bau und Bild der Bohmischen Masse, von F. E. Suess. ,, 2. der Ostalpen und des Karstgehietea, vou C. Diener. „ 3. der Karpaten, Von V. Uhlig. ,, 4. der Ebenen Oesterreichs, von R. Hoernes. DIERCKE (C.) Verzeichniss der in der Umgebung Biga's beobachteten Phanerogamen, entworfen von C. Diercke 1868, redigirt nach Vermehrung der Standorts- angaben von F. Buhse 1870. See BIG A. — NATUR- FORSCHER VEREINS. Denkschrift, Ac. 4°. 1870. Dietel (PAUL) Hemibasidii (Ustilagmese und Tille- tiineae) & Uredinales. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Ac. Thl. i, abth. 1**. 8°. 1897. Dietel (PAUL) [Chrysocelis Lupini, Lagerh. & Diet., n. gen. et sp., a parasitic Fungus from Colombia, studied by P. Dietel.] See NEUCHATEL. — SOCIETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. Memoires, Ac. Tom. v. Voyage d'ex- ploration scientifique en Colombie (1910). 4°. 1914. DIETL afterwards Csiki (ERNO) See BOVARTANI LAPOK (Feuilles Entomologiques. Bulletin . . . redige . _ par ... E. (Dietl) Csiki), Ac. Kot.jJWj^ 8°. 1898*r ¥\ * • . Dietl afterwards Csiki (ERN('i) Catalogus Endo- mychidarum. pp. ,r>3. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR NEMZETI MUZEUM. Termeszetrajzi Fiizetek, Ac. Kot. XXIV. Appendix. 8°. 1901. Dietl afterwards Csiki (ERNo) [Coleoptera from northern Asia.] See ZlCHY (J.) Count. Zichy J. Gr6f. Harmadik Azsiai Utazasa, Ac. Bd. II. 4°. 1901. Dietl afterwards Csiki (ERNo) [Coleoptera of the Caucasus.] See DECHY (M. VON) Kaukasus : Beisen und Forsehungen im kaukasischen Hochgebirge, Ac. Bd. III. Zoologie. 4°. 1907. Dietl afterwards Csiki (ERNO) Endomychidae. — Scaphidiidae. — PlatypsyllidiE, Orthoperidae, Phaeno- cephalidse, Discolomidse, Sphseriidae. See SCHENKLING (S.) Coleopterorum Catalogus, Ac. Pt. 12, 13 & 18. 8°. 1910. 270 c. E. M. 3. E. 3. Dietl afterwards Csiki (EHNo) Hydroscaphidae, Ptiliidii-.' />/>.»;/. N.v SrilENKLIN«(S.) Coleopteroriini Catalogus, dv. 1't. 32. 8°. 1911. Dietl aftrrirnriln Csiki (EuNol Uhipiphorida.-. 7>/>. .'.''. See SI-HI \KI. iv. (S.) Coleopterorum Catalogus, <£<:. Pt. 54. 8°. 1913. DIETRICH (PHILIPP FRIEDRICH VON) Baron [1748- 17931 Observations de M. De Tr^bra, sur I'interieur des Montagues, precedees d'un Plan d'iine Histoire geni5rale de la MineValogie, par M. De Veltheim ; [translated] avec un discours preKininaire et des notes de M. le Barou de Dietrich. See TREBRA (F. W. H. VON) fol. 1787. Dietz (SANDOR) Jurdnyi L ErnWkezete. [Memoir of L. Juranyi.] pp. S3. 8°. [Budapest, 1901.] BIETZE (KARL) Biologie der Eupithecien. 2 Teil. pp. [i,] /,V [jf] : Atlas, [pp. 30 :] 86 pis. (col.) fol. Berlin, 1910, 13. DIEZ (HEINRICH FRIEDRICH VON) [1750-1817] Vom ' Tulpen- und Narcissen-Bau in der Tiirkey aus deni Tiirkischen des Scheich Muhanimed Lale/ari. Ueber- sezt [with an introduction] vom . . . Priilaten [H. F.] von Diez. See MUHAMMAD LALA-ZARl. 8°. 1815. DILL (HOMER R.) & Bryan (W. A.) Report of an expedition to Laysan Island in 1911 . . . (Part I. Report ... on the Hawaiian Bird Reservation, with list of the Birds found on Laysan. By H. R. Dill.— Part II. Report . . . with recommendations for protecting the Hawaiian Islands Reservation. By W. A. Bryan.) pp. 30 : 9 pis., 1 text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture.— Biological Survey. Bul- letin No. 42. 8°. 1912. Dilleiiius (JOANNES JACOBUS) J. Raii Synopsis methodica Stirpium Britannicarum . . . Editio tertia, . The Shasta Route and Coast line. pp. I.'/.' : ,:.' />ln. back to back, lit maps (col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey.' Bulletin No. 614. H". 1915. DIMON (ABIGAIL CAMP) The Mud Snail : Nasa obso- leta. pp. 48: 2 pis. See BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF c ARTS AND SCIENCES. Cold Spring Harbor Monographs. No. 5. 8". 1905. DINGELSTEDT (VICTOR) [1837-] Ocherki gheo- loghii Kavkaza. [Sketch of the Geology of the Caucasus.] 8". [St. Petersburg, 1896. J N'aiiclmoc oliozryenle. Nn. 24-27 & 29-31. (V DINHAM (CHARLES HAWKER) & Carrutliers (R. G.) The economic Geology of the central Coalfield of Scot- land, Area VIII, ap^axuj rotvvv o*oAoutf«»« airo TOW aApaffic Kurricriou ao^tarov CK ttav Nixui-5^ou Hij^.uKtui'. j\)il. 'i.17. Hapaxbpao-if «ie Ta Nucai'Spou 'AAc^u/iap/Aaxa KvTcxi'tov ao^ntrrov. full. 4&f-*i». I A Paraphrase of Oppiau's Haliuiitica.] full. '," [A Paraphrase of the Orulthiaca of Dioiiyslus.l JM.1.H, ',- . [A fragment of a meinuus for the month of January of the loth or llth century.! full. ',«;-',.''/. The original codex was prepared about A. i>. GOO for Anicia Juliana (c. 4fti-c. 627) a patrician of Constantinople. It subBequeutly passed into the possession of the monastery of S. Joannes Prodromus, or Pncciireor. Whilst there it was can-fully repaired in 1406, a second index written on tin rectos of foil. 4 , ami numerous annotations made throughout. The menieus possibly )>ecame attached to it at this period. With the fall of Constantinople in U.V!, the codex came Into Turkish bunds, aud inscriptions In Turkish and Arabic were added Iieaidi- the IlKnrei of the plants. lAter It was owned by some .lew who added transcripts of the Greek names in Hebrew characters. In 16(19 it was bought by the antiquary and ambassador Angler ilhlslen de Buslttcq, or lioiiselieci|iie (1W2- iwi-j) for the library of the Austrian Emin-ror Muvhnillhui II. 271 [Dioscorides (PEDACIUS) (contd.)] De Codicis Dioscuridei Aniciie lulianec, nunc Vindo- bonensis Mod. Gr. I, historia, Ac. pp. [ii,]..{.W [7] : vorum, 1906. S pis., text illust. 8". Lugduni Batavorum, This is a reprint in 8° form of the prefatory text to the foregoing, and was issued as an advertisement nf that work. Dioscorides (PEDACIUS) [Materia Mcdica. 418 folios of water-colour drawings, mostly of Plants, being copies of those in the Codex made for Anicia Juliana, about A.D. 500, and now in the Imperial Library at Vienna.] fol, Forms Banksian MSS. No. 63, and bears the inscription in Dryander's writing : " E Bibliotheca lacobi Soranzo emptus est Codex hie Patavii, 1782." (Cf. " Cat. Bibl. Banks," Vol. I, p. 95.) The water-mark in the paper, an open pair of scissors, corresponds with one figured by Briquet (" Les Kiligranes ") in papers dating from 1468 to 1477. In the case of the Plants each drawing has the name written in Greek at the top, apparently at the time of execution, and in Latin at the bottom in a later hand. These Latin names are seemingly taken from Mattioli, Dodoens, Le'cluse and L'Obel : there is no allusion to Linmeus. The drawings are arranged, as in the Vienna Codex, in alphabetical order of the first letter of the Greek name, but, the arrangement not being carried further, the order in the two is not always the same : moreover, some of the folios in the Banksian Codex have been mis- placed in the binding. The first drawing, ll aei See BLANFOBD (W. T.) The Fauna of British India, rfc. 8". London, Distant (WILLIAM L.) Beport on the Bhynchota [from Malaysia]. Part I. Heteroptera. See ANNAN- DALE (T. N.) & ROBINSON (H. C.) Fasciculi Malayenses, rfc. Zoology. Vol. I, pt. 2. 4°. 1903. Distant (WILLIAM L.) [Bhynchota of the Maldives and Laccadives.] See GARDINER (J. S.) The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archi- pelagoes, &c. Vol. II, no. 20. 8°. 1905. Distant (WILLIAM L.) A Synonymic Catalogue of Homoptera. Part I. Cicadidie, ifc. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Zoology. [Rhynchota.] ' S". 1906. Distant (WILLIAM L.) Fain. Cicadidse : subfam. Cica- diniie. pp. 64 : 7 pis. (col.) See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, : subfam. Gaeaninse. pp. 3X : 3 pis. (col.) See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, tf-c. Fasc. 158. Homoptera. 4°. 1914. Distant (WILLIAM L.) Beport on the Bhynchota collected. . .in Dutch New Guinea. See GRANT (W. B. OoiLVIE-) Reports on the collections made by the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition, rfc. Vol. II, no. 13. 4°. 1914. Distant (WILLIAM L.) Bhynchota from New Cale- donia and the surrounding Islands. See SARASIN (C. F.) & Boux (J.) Nova Caledonia, tfc. A. Zoologie. Vol. I, no. 10. 4°. 1914. DITLZVSEN (H.JALMAR) See DlTLEVSKN (THOMAS II.TALMAR) DITLEVSEN (THOMAS HJALMAR) [1864-] [Annulata Polycha-ta of the Arctic Regions.] See ClIRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKAHET. Report of the Second Nor- 'wegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902. Vol. in, no. 15. 8°. 1909 (1911). L- £. E. Z. 7f. Gr. 272 Ditlevsen (TiiOHAS H.) Annelids from the Danmark Expedition. See DENMARK. — Commisiionen for Ledel- £% y/J new af de Geologitke og Geographiske Undersflgelser. Meddolelser om Gr0nlands, ttc. Bd. XLV, no. 9. 8°. 1911 (1912). Forms also Bd. V, no. 0. of the " fianmark-Ekspedltlonen til (Jrtiu- lauds Nordffslkyst, IMS- IMS." Ditlevsen (THOMAS H.) A marine Dorijlaimus from Greenland waters, Dorijlaimus maritimus, n. sp. N" 1'ENMARK.— Commissionen for Ledelsen af de Geo- logiske og Geog raphislce Undersffgelser. Meddelelser orn Gr0nlands, 'ttc. Bd. XLIII, no. 15. 8". 1913. Forms also li.l. in, no. iriof thu "Dnnmark-Ekspeilitiouen til Cron lamls XonWitkyst, 1900-1HOS." Ditlevsen (THOMAS H.) [Annelids. I. of the lugolf- -7 Expedition.] See DENMARK.— Ingolf -Expedition. The Danish Ingolf-Expedition, ttc. Vol. IV, pt. 4. 4°. 1917. Ditlevsen (THOMAS H.) & Fibiger (J.) Contributions to the Biology and Morphology of Spiroptera (Gongy- lonema) neoplastica, n. sp. See JUNGERSEN (H. F. E.) "2- . * WARMING (J. E. B.) Mindeskrift i Anledning af Hundredaaret for Japetus Steenstrups F0dsel, ttc. No. 25. 4°. 1914. DITMAB (KARL VON) [1822-1892] Reisen und Aufenthalt in Kamtschatka in. . .1851-55. pp. x, 867 : 1 pi. col., :J maps (col.), text illust. See ST. PETEHS- S.IS02.E. BURG.— ACADKMIE IMPKRIALE DES SCIENCES. Beitritge zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches, ttc. Folg. in, bd. vn. 8°. 1890. DITMABS (RAYMOND LEE) The Reptile Book. A comprehensive, popularised work on the structure and habits of the Turtles, Tortoises, Crocodilians, Lizards and Snakes, which inhabit the United States and northern Mexico, pp. xxxii, 4?-' : 1 'Hi pis. (col.) 8°. New York, 1907. Forming one of the " Nature Books." Ditmars (RAYMOND L.) Reptiles of the World : Tortoises and Turtles, Crocodilians, Li/ards and Snakes of the Eastern and Western hemispheres. (English edition.) pp. xi [viii], 378 : 00 pis. (1 col.) 8°. London, 1910. DITTE (ALFRED) [1843-1908] Etude gen^rale des Sels. 2 Pt. 8». Paris, 1906. DITTMANN (L.) & others. Das Buch der Nym- phseaceen oder Seerosengewiichse, ttc. See HENKF.L (F.) tt others. 4°. 1907. DITTBICH (GEORGE PAUL MAX) [1864-1913] Anleitung zur Gesteinsanalyse. pp. vi, 98 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Dixon (CHARLES) Birds of the British Isles . . . with an Introduction by C. Dixon. See DUNCAN (J.) 8°. 1898. DIXON (ERNEST EDWARD LESLIE) [1876-] [For con- tribution to the Geology of West Gower and the country around Pembrey, ttc.} See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — England tt Wales. [Topo- graphical Memoir*.] The Geology of the South Wales Coal-Field. Pt. IX. 8°. 1907. Dixon (ERNEST E. L.) A others. The country around Amrnanford, Doelter y Cisterich (CORNELIUS A.) Die Mineral- ft schiitze der Balkanliiuder und Kleinasiens. pp. vii, 138: text illust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1916. DOELTZ (OTTO) Sec BERG- UND HUETTENMAEN- M . NISCHBN ZEITUNG . . . Bedaction . . . O. Doeltz. Jahrg. L3U, no. 17— LXII, no. 40. 4°. 1902-3. (IGNAZ) Botaniker port, with explan. text. Portriits. Lief. l-4f. 4°. Wien, 1906-07. DOFLEIN (FRANZ JOHN THEODOR) [1878-] Die dekapoden Krebse der arktischen Meere. See BOEMER (F.) & SCHAUDINN (F.) Fauna Arctica, Ac. Bd. I, no. 10. 4°. 1900. Doflein (FRANZ J. T.) Von den Antillen zum fernen Westen. Beiseskizzen eines Naturforschers. pp. [Hi,] 178 : text illust. 8°. Jena, 1900. [Protozoeu als Parasiten uiid 8°. Jena. 1901.] Doflein ( FRANZ J. T.) _ Krankheitserreger, itc. ^~ ' Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] Lehrbuch der Proto- zoeukunde ... II. Auflage, Ac. pp. x, 914 : text illust. 8". Jena, 1909. fJO . Doflein (FRANZ J. T.) [Brachyuraof the German I)eo]>- 1. sea Expedition.] 2Vols. Sec GERMANY. Wissenschaft- liche Ergebnisse der Deutscheu Tief see -Expedition . . . 1898-1899. . .Herausgegeben von C. Chun, Ac. Bd. vi. 4°. 1904. Doflein (FRANZ J. T.) Ostasieufahrt: Erlebuisse und Beobachtungeu eines Naturforschers in China, Japan, und Ceylon, pp. xiii, oil : IS pis., ~j maps, text illust. O . 8°. Leipzig A Berlin, 190C. Doflein ( FRANZ J. T.) Beitriige x.ur Naturgeschichte OstasieiiH. Herausgegeben ( — Einleitung, Ac.) von . . . . F. Dofleiu. Bd. I— > illust. See MUNICH. 'KOENIGLICil BAYERISCHE AKADEMIE DER WIS8KN- •£. . SCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, 4". 190C-> Doflein (FRANZ J. T.) Die Japauischen Kuocheunsche £ /3/0 C& ^er Sammlungen Haberer und Dofleiu. Von V. Franz. pp. 1S5 : 11 pit. (col.) See MUNICH. — KOENIGLICil BAYERISCHB AKADEMIE DER WI88ENSCHAFTEN. Abhand- lungen, Ac. Supplement-Band IV, no. 1. 4°. 1910. Forming Bd. IT, no. 1 of " Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte Osta>len». Heraiugegeben Ton. . .F. DoReln." Doflein (FRANZ J. T.) Lebensgewohnhciten uud AnpasHungen bei dekapoden Krebsen. pp. 70 : 4 pis. (col), text illust. ff>. Jena, 1910. ftfttcluM 2Um.wcuxiK«t«ii Gcburtitag K. Ilerttritfi. ltd in. Doflein (FRANZ J. T.) & Balss (H.) Die Galatheiden der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. Sec GERMANY. I Wisseuschaftliche Ergebuisse der Deutschen Tiefsee- Expedition. . .1898-99, rfc. Bd. XX, lief. 8. 4°. 1913. DOGALI, Italian Corvette. Poissons du Musue de Naples provenant des expeditious . . . du " Dogali," Dollfus (ADRIEN) Isopodes recueillis par... A. Vire, dans les Grottes du Doubs et du Jura. See PARIS. — sociETfi DE SPELEOLOOIE. Memoires, itc. Tom. I, no. 6. La Faune souterraine, 8°. 1899. Dollfus (GusTAVE F.) [Geological Excursion to Touraine.] pp. SO : text illust. See CONGRKS GKOLO- (JIQUE INTERNATIONAL. — Eighth Session : Paris, innn. Livret-Guide des Excursions en France, Sc. No. II b. 8°. 1900. Dollfus (GusTAVE F.) L'eau eu Beauce. pp.^!: 1 pi. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Geologique Detaillec. Bulletin. Tome xvi. 8°. 1905. Dollfus ((iUSTAVE F.I Kssai sur 1'etagc Ai|iiitiiiiien. pp. 117 : ~j ph., 1 map. See FRANCE. — -Service t!r In i' Dollfus (GUSTAVE F.) & Others. H:is«iii Tertiaire Parisian. />/i. .Hi \.',]: -' pis., text illust. See CoNCltks liKyi.OGio.UE INTERNATIONAL. — Eighth Session : Paris, 1900. Livret-Guide des Excursions en France, rfc. No. viu. 8°. 1900. Dollfus (GusTAVE F.) & others. Mollusques Tertiaires du Portugal. Planches. . . laissees par F. A. Pereira da Oosta, accompagnees d'une explication sommaire et d'une Esquisse Geologique par G. F. Dollfus, dc. Ser PORTUGAL. — Commissdo do Servi<-o freologico. 4°. 1908-04. >0 . Dollo (Louis) [Fishes of the Antarctic Regions.] pp. 23l> : 10 ph., 2 maps (col.), text Must. See BEL- GIUM. — Commission de la Belgica. Resultats du J}. Voyage, dc. Zoologie. 4°. 1904. /r- Dollo (Louis) Cours de G^ologie. (Les grandes Epoques U"- de 1'Histoire de la Terre.) pp. UK, 1 tab. : text Must. 8°. Bruxelles, 190,r>. Dollo (LOUIS) Festschrift zum sechzigsten Geburtstage des . . . Dr. J. W. Spengel . . . Herausgegeben von . . . L. Dollo, OIO) Elementos jte Mineralogia. H.[ 1'P- vi [«'.] •jpfr — -^*8°. Serena, 1845., ,JL V — Onftrto Apendice, de..^p..ri7 : I text illust .^^^ ^ ^/''^ ^/"S0. Santiago de Cluite, 1874. i' it\ % r. Sexto ApeudJ£<£aT. pp. Jf8. 8°. Sapnago, 1878. DOMGHER (VALERIAN ALEKSANDROVlCH) [1852?- Cr- 1885] Gheologhicheskiya izslyedovaniya v yuzhno? Rossii v 1381-1884 ghodakh.— W. Domherr's Geolo- gische Untersuchungen in Siid-Russland in den Jahren 1881-1884. [RUSS. with GERM, resume.] pp. viii, 187: 1 map (col.), 1 port., text illust. See RUSSIA. — Comite Geologique, dc. Trudui, dc. Tom. XX, no. 1. 4°. 1902. DOMHERR (W.) See DOMGHER (V.) DOMIN (KAREL) Ein (Zweiter— Vierter) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Phanerogamenflora von Bohmen. 4 Pt. 1 fj. illust. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, dc. 1902, no. 22 & 58 ; 1904, no. 18 ; 1905, no. 19. 8°. 1903-05. - [Preprint.] 3 Pt. illust. 8°. Prog, 1902-04. Domin (KAREL) Beitrage ( — Neue Beitriige) zur Kennt- niss der Bohmischen Potentillenarten. 2 Pt. illust. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, dc. 1903, no. 25 ; 1904, no. 14. 8°. 1904-05. - [Preprint.] 2 Pt. illust. 8°. Prog, 1903-04. Domin (KAREL) Fragmente zu einer Monographie der Gattung Kceleria. pp. ,5.9. 8°. Budapest, 1904. Manyiir Botanikai Lapok, 1904. Domin (KAREL) Das Bb'hmische Erzgebirge und sein Vorland. Eine phytogeographische Studio, pp. ISO [1]: »B. S pis. See PRAGUE. — Beidc Comites fuer die Landes- durchforschung von Bohmen. Archiv, dc. Bd. XII, 110. 5. 8°. 1905. Domin (KAREL) Monographie der Gattung Kceleria. pp. vii [i], 354: S3 pis., H maps. See BlBLIOTHECA BOTANICA, dc. Hft. 65, lief. 1-4. 4°. 1907. Domin (KAREL) Morfologicka a fylogeneticka studia o . . celedi Umbellifer. [Morphological and phylogenetical •"•"•studies on the family Umbelliferos.] 2 Pt. illust. See PRAGUE.— CESKA AKADEMIE O'SARE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, dc. Rozpravy. . .Trida II. Roc", xvn, cis. 20 ; xviii, cis. 3. 8°. 1908, 09. B- .A. Domin (KAHKL) Monographic der Gattung Didisctis (DC), pp. ':t;-. j,, pis. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH- BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, dc. 1908, no. 10. 8°. 1909. Domiu (KAREL) Pfispfivek k morfologii listu Hostlin DvoudSloznych. [A contribution to the morphology of the leaves of Dicotyledons.] pp. 24: 5 pis. See PRAGUE.— CESKA AKADEMIE cisARE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, dc. Rozpravy. . .Tfida II. Ro6. xx, 6is. 26. 8°. 1911. Domin (KAREL) Morfologicka studie o kalisku a Cisce Rosacei na zaklade sezelenalych kvetfi u Potentilla aurea, L. [Morphological studies on the calyx of the Bohemian Hosaceae based on the chloranthic flowers of P. aurea, L.] See PRAGUE. — CESKA AKADEMIE cisARE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, dc. Rozpravy .. .Tffda II. Hoc. XXI, cis. 29. 8". 1912. DOMINION MUSEUM, New Zealand. See WELLINGTON, New Zealand. DOMINIONS ROYAL COMMISSION. See GREAT BRITAIN&IRELAND. — Houses of Parliament. DON (GEORGE) (1764-1814] George Don [Botanist]. By G. C. Druce. See PATON (A. W.) British Associa- tion, Dundee 1912. Handbook and Guide, dc. 8°. [1912.] Don (GEORGE) the Younger. Botany. See ENCYCLO- PAEDIAS. Encyclopedia Metropolitana. dc. Vol. xxiv & xxv. 4°. [1839-]1845. DON (JOHN) Flowering Plants of Inverness-shire and of some parts of adjoining counties. Pt. I. Dicotyle- dons, pp. 21. 12°. Inverness [c. 1898.] DONALD afterwards Longstaff (MARY JANE) [1855-] Some Land and Freshwater Mollusca . . . found in Mortehoe Parish, dc. . See LONGSTAFF (G. B.) Lepi- doptera and other Insecta observed in the Parish of Mortehoe, dc. 8°. 1907. Donald afterwards Longstaff (MARY J.) Notes on the Land Mollusca of Jamaica. — Note on the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the Sudan. See LONGSTAFF (G. B.) Butterfly-Hunting in Many Lands, dc. 8°. 1912. DONALD (W.) Magnesites and Magnesite Bricks. 8°. [Stoke-on-Trent, 1918.] Trans. Ceramic Soc. Vol. XVII, pt. II, pp. 4S6-581 : (23 pis., 2 maps). DONALDSON-SMITH (ARTHUR) See SMITH. DONATE (EDUARD) [1848-] Der Graphit. Eine cheniisch-technische Monographie. pp. [iv,] 17S : text illust. 8°. Leipzig d Wien, 1904. r.*.£ DONCASTER (LEONARD^ Chsetognatha [from the Maldives and Laccadives], with a note on the variation and distribution of the group. See GARDINER (J. S.)T The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and dive Archipelagoes, dc. Vol. I, no. 14. 4°. 1902. DONCEEL (P.) & Gravis (A.) Anatomie comparee du Chlorophytum elatum (Ait.) et du Tradescantia vir- ginica, L. pp. 58 : 5 pis. See LIEGE. — SOCIETE ROYALE DBS SCIENCES. M&noires, dc. Ser. Ill, torn. II, no. 8. 8°. 1900. — [Another issue.] See LIEGE. — UNIVERSITE. — Institut Botanique. Archives, dc. Vol. II. 8°. 1900. B. 27fi DONCIEUX (Louis) Monographic geologique et pitleontologique des Corbieres orientales. pp. %08 [I] : 5X ph., 1 ma/i. -left illutt. See LYONS. — UNIVERSITY. Annales, . Nouvollc Serie. Fasc. xi. 8°. 1903. Doucieux (Louis) Catalogue descriptif des I'ossilcs Knmmultiqucs de 1'Aude et de Vllrnuilt. 2 Pt. illust. See LYONS. — UNIVERSITY. Annales, Ac. Nouvelle Serie. Fasc. xvn ; XXII ; xxx. 8°. 1905-11. DONGEN (J. VAN) Beknopt overacht der incest gebruikte Geneesrniddelen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie. .1 - See AMSTERDAM. — KOLONIAL INSTITUUT. 8". 1913. AT. VI. fa d • M. E. ^_ •z.. BONISTHORPE (HORACE ST. JOHN KELLY) [1870-] The Coleoptera of Cambridgeshire. See MARR (J. E.) Handbook to the Natural History of Cambridgeshire, y Fowler ; while Donisthorpe has provided the part relating to fresh localities, and the paper on the British Myrmecophilous Coleoptera. Donn (JAMES) Hortus Cantabrigiensis ; or a Catalogue of Plants, indigenous and exotic. Seventh edition. pp. ft, [it,] 308. 8°. Cambridge, 1812. DONNAIf (J.) Captain. Report on the Inspection of the Pearl Banks in March and April, 1900. pp. 4- See CEYLON. fol. 1900. Donovan (EDWARD) The Natural history of British Insects . . . With the history of such minute Insects as require investigation by the microscope. 16 Vol. illust. col. 8°. London, 1792-1813. A new edition. Vol. I. 8°. London, 1793. DOOLITTLZ (THOMAS) Earthquakes explained and practically improved : occasioned by the late Earth- quake on Sept. 8, 1692, in London, Ac. pp. [xiv,\ 141. 8°. London, 1693. DOBEN (JOHANNES BAPTISTUS JOSEPHUS VAN) [1791- 1878] M ('moire sur les Quadrumanes et les Cheirop- teres de 1'Archipel Indien, par un aucien omcier superieur de 1'Inteudance Militaire de 1'armee des Indes neerlandaises [i.e. J. B. J. van Doren]. See DUTCH EAST INDIES. 8°. 1863. The wrapper Ii dated 1884. Doria (GlACOMO) Marquess. Formicidte Borueenses collects a J. Doria et O. Beccari in territorio Sarawak anniu 1866-1867, Ac. See MAYB (G. L.) 8°. [1872.] Doria (GlACOMO) Marquess. Enumerazione ( — Appen- dice all' enumerazione) dei Cetonidi raccolti nell' Arci- pelago Malese e nella Papuasia da ... G. Doria, Ac. See GESTHO (K.) 8°. [1874, 77.] Doria (GlACOMO) Marques*. Enumerazione dei Lucunidi raccolti nell' Arcipelago Malese e nella Papuasia da ... G. Doria, . 222, 1 tab. : 18 pis. (col.), ti maps (2 geol. col.), text illust. See PARIS. — Faculte des Sciences. Annales Hebert, rfc. Tom. IV. 8". 1906. Douville (ROBERT) Paleontologie de Madagascar. II. Sur quelques gisements Nummulitiques de Mada- gascar, pp. 8 : / pi. See ANNALES DE PALKONTOLOGIE, ttc. Tom. I. 4". 1906. Douville (ROBERT) Cephalopodes Argentina, pp. %4 •' U ph., text illust. See PARIS. — SOCIETE GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires, (fc. Paleontologie. No. 48. 4U. 1910. Douville (ROBERT) La Peninsule Iberique. A. Espagne. See STEINMANN (J. H. C. G. G.) Handbuch der Region- alen Geologie, ttr. Bd. ill, abth. 8. 8". 1911. Donville (ROBERT) Etudes sur les Cardioceratides de Dives, Villers-sur-Mer et quelques autres gisements. pp.77: 5 pis., text illust. See PARIS. — SOCIETE GEO- LOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires . . . Paleontologie. Mem. 45. 4". 1912. Douville (ROBERT) Etudes sur les Oppeliides de Dives et Villers-sur-Mer. pp. 21) : 3 pis., text _ illust. See PARIS. — SOCIETK GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Memoires, tfc. Paleontologie. No. 48. 4°. 1914. Doiiville (ROBERT) Etudes sur les Cosmoceratides des collections de 1'Ecole Nationale Superieur des Mines, 0[1] : 6 pis., text illust. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAEONTO- LOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhaudlungen, ttc. Vol. xxix. 4°. 1902. DOVE (W. E.) Some biological and control studies of Gastrophilus hvemorrhoidalis, and other Bots of Horses. pp. 51 : 5 ph., text illust. See UNITED STATES.— De- partment of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 597. -8°. 1918. DOVE TAMILY. A History of the Dove Family and their descendants in connection with Cullercoats, Northumberland, ttc. See HUDLESTON formerly SlMP- SON (W. H.) 8°. 1910. G-. G-. G; I G-. G-. G-. G-. 278 DOVE MARINE LABORATORY, Cullrrroal*. I -'.I. W.i . . /'"!-. " G, Gr. \ I' or lvf|mrts. 1!K)8 10) Srr NORTHUMBERLAND SKA I'lMIKIUKS COMMITTEE. [For Reports, 1911-2— >•] S?c NKWCASTLK-UPON-TYNK.- AKMSTRONO COLLKGE.— Marine Laboratory Committee. Dove Marine Laboratory, Cullercoats. An Account of the. . .Laboratory and its structural details, by J. J. l.ish. And the history and purposes of the Laboratory, by ... A. Meek. See HUDLESTON formerly SIMPSON (W. H.) A History of the Dove Family, rfr. 8°. 1910. DOVER. | .U«///.s. ] Geological Map of the Neighbour- hood of Dover. By W. B. Dawkins . . . Scale, 1 : 200,000, or 8' 15 statute miles to 1 inch. co7. London [ }. DOVER, La,/,,. Baroness Dovrr. 6-. £. G-. G. See AGAR-ELLIS (GEORGIANA) BOWLING (DONALDSON BUUAKT) [1858-] Keport on tlie Geology of the west shore and islands of Lake Winnipeg, fp. WO: .'/;/»., / map geoL col., text illust. Report on the east shore of Lake Winnipeg and adjacent parts of Manitoba and Keewatin. . .compiled by D. B. Dowling. pp. f>8 : 3 ph., 1 map geol. col. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Annual Report (New Series), Vol. xi, P & o. • 8°. 1900 (1901). Dowling (DONALDSON B.) Report on geological ex- plorations in Athabaska, Saskatchewan and Eeewatin districts, including Moose Lake and the route from Cumberland Lake to the Churchill River, and the upper parts of Burntwood and Grass Rivers, pp. 44 : % pi*-, / map geol. col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Annual Report (New Series), Vol. XIII, FP. 8°. 1902 (1908). Dowling (DONALDSON B.) Report on an exploration of Ekwan River, Sutton Mill Lakes and part of the west coast of James Bay. pp. pis., tert illust. See CANADA. —Geological Survey. Sessional Paper No. 26 b. 8°. 1907. Dowling (DONALDSON B.) The Edmonton Coal field, Alberta. ]>/>. •"'.'/ : '," /i/x.. .' mnps. See CANADA. — Geo- logical Survey. Memoir No. 8-E. [No. 8, Geological Series.] 8°. 1910. Dowling (DONALDSON 13.) Geological Notes to accom- pany Map of Sheep River Gas and Oil field, Alberta. ///;. [{.] .'i: : .'lpls.,1 map geol. col. See CANADA. — Geo- logical Survey. Memoir No. 52. (No. 42, Geological Series.) 8°. 1914. Dowling (DONALDSON B.) Coal fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and eastern British Columbia. (Revised edition.) pp. Hi, 1J$ : 9 pis., 1 map geol. col. N"- CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir 58. (No. 44, Geological Series.) 8°. 1914. Dowling (DONALDSON B.) Coal fields and Coal re- sources of Canada, pp. viii, 174 •' 8 geol. maps (1 plain), ' text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Surrey. Memoir . 59. (No. f.5, Geological Series.) 8°. 1915. Dowling (DONALDSON B.) Coal fields of British Columbia. pp.iii[iii]..t.~,i> : .'.'/ mapn (><>/.). 6>rCANADA. —Geological Siii-i-,'1/. Memoir 69. (No. 57, Geological Series.) 8°. 1915. Dowling (DONALDSON B.) The southern Plains of Alberta, pp. ii, *00 : 37 pis. (2 col.), 1 map geol. col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir 98. (No. 78, Geological Series.) 8". 1917. The plates are included in the pagination.. DOWNES (WALTER DOUGLAS) Geological Report on the Nigerian-Cameroon boundary, Yola to Cross River. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. Nigeria. Delimita- tion of boundary between Yolii and the- Cross River, 1907-9. 4°. 1910. DOX (ARTHUR WAYLAND) The iutracellular en/.yins of Penicillium and Aspergillus, with special reference to those of Penicilliiim Camemberti. pp.70. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Animal Inilna- try Bitrmu. Bulletin No.120. 8". 1910. DOYERE (Louis) Naturelle par. edition, <#c. 17 \ istoire RBIGNY (C. F. D1) 8". [1867 ?] DOZY (Gil. M.) Bemerkungen zur Stratigraphie der Sedimente in der Triniler Gegend. — Der Zahu von Sonde1 (ein fossiler Menschenzahn von Java). C. Kurzer Bericht iiber den Fundplatz des Sonde"-Zahnes. See SELKNKA (M. L.) Frau. Die Pithecanthropus- Schichten . . . Ergebnisse der (Selenka-)Trinil-Expedition (1907 und 1908), rfc. 4°. 1911. DRAE8EEE (J.) Zur Kenntuis des Hyraciden- Gehirns. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Reise in Ostafrika, rfc. Bd. IV, hft. 2. 4°. 1910. DRAGO (UMBERTO) Sull' attacco e sul parassitismo del Distomum contortum. pp. 4 : text illust. See. CAT \ NIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atfc^r rfc. Ser. IV, vol. xv, mem. 14. 4°. 1902. Drago (UMBEETO) Una nova specie del genere Lum- bricillus (L. russoi). pp. 7 : 1 pi. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, rfc. Ser. V, vol. I, no. 18. 4°. 1908. Drago (UMBERTO) Sul raovimento di progressione delle proglottidi di Tcenia, saginata e suo valore biolo- gico. pp. 7. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, ifc. Ser. V, vol. IV, 110. 6. 4°. 1911. Drago (UMBERTO) & Barbagallo (P.) Primo contri- bute allo studio della Fauna Elmintologica dei Pesci della Sicilia orientale. pp. X..'. See CATANIA. — ACCA- DEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, tfc. Ser. IV, vol. xvn. mem. 3. 4". 1904. DRAKE - BROCKMAN (|!ALIMI I.VKLYN) T Mammals of Somaliland. pp. xvii, :.'<>! : in j>ln., ti-st illust. 8°. London, 1910. Drake del Castillo (EMMANUEL) Mutisiaceie Japonicte a Dom. Faurie collectie e Herbariis Musei Parisiensis et Dom. Drake del Castillo expositie. Auctore A. Franchet. pp. ;i : 1 pi. See CHAMBESY. — HERBIKR IIOISSIEK. M6moires, rfc. No. 14. . 8°. 1900. Drake del Castillo (EMMANUEL) [Botany of Mada- gascar.] See BLANCHARD (R.) <(• others. Madagascar au de"but du XX' Si.Vlr. 8". 1902. 279 Drake del Castillo (EMMANUEL) Histoire des Plantes de Madagascar, pp. 208. See GRANDIDIER (A.) His- toire physique, naturelle et politiquede Madagascar, Ac. Vol. xxx. 4°. 1902. DRASCHE (RICHARD VON) Baron [1850-] Permo- Carbon-Fossilien von der Westkiiste von Spitsbergen. r. (Belsund, Cap Staratschin, Nordfjord.) Gesammeltvon . . . R. v. Drasche, etc. See FOULA (F.) 8°. 1875. DRAVERT (PETR LYUDVIGIIOVICH) Tzelestm \7, permskikh otlozhenii Kazanskoi glmbernii. — Celestin der permischen Ablagerungen [in the govern- 1.3. ment of Kazan], pp.3. Otchet ob ekskursii na Srednii Ural 1900 ghoda. — Eine Excursion im Mittel-Ural [in 1900]. pp. 11. Predvaritel'nuii otchet o poyezdkye na Baikal 1902 gh. —Eine Excursion zum Baikal-See [in 1902], pp. 9. Sec KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELE!, Ac. Protokolui zasyedanii, Ac. Prilozheniya, no. 213, 215 & 216. 8°. 1904. Dravert (PETR L.) Spisok Mineralov Yakutskoi oblasti, predstavlennuikh v kollektzii Yakutsk, ghorodskogho Muzeya, s ukazaniem ikh myestorozhdenii. [List of the Minerals of the Yakutsk district, represented in the col- lection of the Yakutsk Town Museum, with information regarding their source.] pp. H5. See KAZAN. — OB- SHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEl', Ac. Protokolui, Ac. Prilozheniya, No. 254. 8°. 1910. Dravert (PETRL.) Materialui k etnoghrafii i gheogratii Yakutskoi oblasti. — Les materiaux sur ethnographic et geographic de gouvernernent de Yakoutsk. pp. 4'J : text •illust. RUSS. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTEST- VOISPUITATELEI, Ac. Protokolni, Ac. Prilozheniya, No. 278. 8°. 1912. Drechsel (C. F.) [For publications officially edited] See CONSEIL PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL POUR L'Ex- PLOEATION DE LA MER. DRESDEN. — Zoologischer Garten. 1 Gedenkblatter zum fiinfundzwanzigjahrigen Stiftuugs- ~ ' fest des . . . Gartens . . . Zusammengestellt uud heraus- gegeben von A. Schoepf, Ac. pp. ,"4 (2) .' S pis., text illust. 4". Dresden, 1886. Dresden. — Zoolugisclier Garten. Gesellschaftsvertrag des Aktien-Vereius " Zoologisoher Garten," Ac. pp. 111. 8°. Dresden, 1888. Dresden. — Zoologischer Garten. Bericht des Vorstandes vom Aktieii- Verein " Zoolo- ^ ' gischer Garten". . . tiber das Geschiiftsjahr vom 1. April 1900 bis 31. Miirz 1901, Ac. pp. 22. 8". Dresden, [1901.] DRESDEN. Entomologischer Verein " Iris." [1862 Founded as J-Momoloyischer Verein " Irif." A/. 1888 Gesellschaft " Ms." 1902 Entomologischfr Verein " /ris."] ~~ Correspondenz-Blatt, Ac. Bd. I. 8". Dresden, 1884-88. Continued as the portion for Lepidoptera of the " Deutsche Entomo- logische Zeitschrift" (for which, See BKRUN.— DKUTSCHK ENTOMO- LOQISCHE GF.SKLLSCIIAFT) under the title :— Iris, Dresden . . . Deutsche Eutomologische Zeitschrift herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft Iris. . .in Verbind- ung mit der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Lepidopterologische Ilefte, Ac. Bd. n-xiv. 8°. Berlin, Ac. 1889-1901. [Continued as :] Iris, Dreadeu ... Deutsche Eutomologische Zeitschrift . , Iris, herausgegebei) voni Entomologisehen Verein Iris, tie. Bd, XV-> »". Dresden, 1902-5>- Dresden. — Entomologischer Verein " Iris." Korrespondenxblatt : Beilage zur Deutschen Entomo- logischen Zeitschrift " Iris," illust. 8°. Dresden, 1905— > A continuation of the " Jahresberiuht, &c." which terminated in 1901 with Vol. xxvn. Dresser (HENRY EELES) A Manual of Palsearctic Birds, pp. vii, [xii,] 923 : ..' pis. (1 col.) 2 Pt. 8°. London, 1902-03. Dresser (HENHV E.) Eggs of the Birds of Europe, including all the species inhabiting the western palae- arctic area. 2 Vol. Text & Plates, pp. xx, 837 (77) : 106 pis. col., text illust. 4". London, 1905-1910. DRESSER (JOHN ALEXANDER) [1866-] Report 011 the Geology and Petrography of Shefford Mountain, Quebec, pp. #7 : (i pis., I map geol. vol., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Annual Keport (New • Series), Vol. xni, L. 8°. 1902 (1903). Dresser (JOHN A.) Keport on the Geology of Brome Mountain, Quebec, pp. 22 : 1 map geol. col. See CANADA. — Geological Surrey. Annual Report (New Series), Vol. xvi. «. 8°. 1906. Dresser ^TOHN A.) Geology of St. Bruno Mountain, Province of Quebec, pp. 33 : 4 i>k.» ~ inaps (col.). See CANADA.— Geological Survey, Memoir No. 7. [No. 6, Geological Series.] 8°, 1910, W. Gr. (r. 6-. 280 G-. G-. Dresser (JOHN A.) Reconnaissance along the National Transcontinental Railway in southern Quebec, pp. vii, i- : tiplt.. 1 mapgeol. col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir No. 85. [No. 29, Geolo- gical Series.] 8°. 1912. Dresser (JOHN A.) Preliminary Report on the Serpen- tine and associated rocks of southern Quebec, pp. viii, lii-i : It ph., 3 maps col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir No. 22. [No. 27, Geolo- gical Series.] 8°. 1913. Dresser (JOHN A.) Part of the district of Lake St. John, Quebec, pp. in. XX .• .', pit., 1 map geol. col., text ill us/. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir 92. (No. 74, Geological Series.) 8". 1916. Dreyer (FBIEDRICH) Die Polycystiueu der Plankton • Expedition. Lief. l-> See HENSEN (V. A. O) Ergeb- nisse der . . Stiftung, rfe. Plankton-Expedition Bd. HI, L.d.e. der Humboldt- 4°. 1913-> DRETER (GEORGES) & Jex-Blake (A. J.) On the -'' • agglutination of Bacteria, pp. 260 [1]. See COPEN- HAGEN.— KONGELIGT DANSK VIDENSKABERNES SELSKAB. Det. . .Skrifter, 0 et exscriptum ah eodeni NiUrosiie \ 1767, obeervatiunibus jiropriu niou manu adjectis J. K. flmmrrus. VP- 71. Droutheim. - Kongeligt Norsk Videuskabers- Selskab. l-'urtegnelse over Selskapets Skrifter 1760-1910, d-c. s . Tr,»idhj,-i>i, 1912. Dronet illKM'.ii Mnlln-.i|nes Mat-ins des lies Acores. pp. . cot. 4". I'arit, 185S. M"in.Soc. Acad. Anl*. Tom. xxil. Large paper i-n|i> . T-1*-*- Druce (GEORGE CLAKIDGKT TTie Dillenian Herbaria : an account of the Dillenian Collections in the Herbarium of the University of Oxford, together with a Biographical Sketch of Dillenius, Selections from his Correspondence, Notes, &c. ... Edited, with an Introduction by S. II . Vine*, pp. cxii, 2~>X : I port. H". Oxford. 1907. Druce (GEORGE C.) List of British Plants, containing the Spermophytes, Pteridophytes and Charads, dr. pp. xvi, If}.',. 8". Oxford, 1908. Druce (GEORGE C.) Hayward's Botanist's Pocket- l$ook. Thirteenth edition, revised and enlarged bv G. C. Druce. See HAYWAKU (W. 11.) W". 1909. Druce (GEORGE C.) George Don [Botanist, 1764-1814J. By G. C. Druoe. See PATON (A. W.) British Associa- tion, Dundee 1912. Handbook and Guide, ph., 1 map col., text illust. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Die Vegetation der Erde, ,« /,/s. col., text illust. H". London it Neiv York [1910]. DRUMMOND (ANDREW THOMAS) Tho distribution of Canadian Forest Trees in its relation to climate and other causes", tfc. pp.1''. 8". Montreal, IMS;,. A Paper read before the British Association... Montreal, Sept :ml. 1884. Drummond (ANDREW T.) Canada, pp. f. Printed in advance of the Report of (he Annual Meeting at Botton of the American Forettry Congreu. I r,i,st Preservation in 8°. Montreal, 1885. DRUMMOND (JAMBS) [1869-] & Hutton (F. W.i The Animals of New Zealand, Gardens of Madeira. Painted by E. Du Cane, described by F. Du Cane. pp. \iv,\ liiO : :'4 pi*, col. 8°. London, 1909. BDU CANE (FLORENCE) & (ELLA) The Flowers and Gardens of Madeira. Painted by E. Du Cane, described by F. Du Cane. See Du CANE (E.) & (F.) 8". 1909. G. DUCATEL (J. T.) [For Official Reports as State Geo- logist] See MARYLAND, State of. — Geological Survey. DUCHACEK (FRANTISEK) Biologicko-chemick6 studie o bacillu tyti abdominalis a bakteriu coli commune. [Bio- S. |74C. fhogico-chetnical studies on the Bacillus typhi abdomin- alis and the Bacterium coli commune.] pp. 17 : text Must. See PRAGUE. — CESKA AKADEMIE cisAKE FRAN- TISKA JOSEFA, itc. Ro/.pravy. ..THda II. Roc", xin, cis. 10. * DUCHARTRE (1'IERRE K Dictionnaire universel d' MM. Arago. . . Duchartp See ORBIONY (C. F - [Another j Nouvelle edition^ dc. TIE 8". 1904. -1894] le par ... (col.) "1889-J1849. 8°. 1861. 17 Vol. illust. (col.) 8°. [1867 '?] Duckworth (WYNFRiD LAURENCB HENRY) Morpho- logy and Anthropology : a Handbook for Students. pp. xxviii, M4 : text Mutt. 8". Cambridge, 1904. Cambridge Biological Seriei. DUCLOUZ (KNRIQDE HERRERO) La Ensenauza de la Quimica en la Universidad Nacional de la Plata. />/(. .14 : text illust. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1909. Extrafdo dc " Archives de Pedagogia y Ctencfas Atlncs." DUCBOS DE ST. GERMAIN (A. M. P.) Revue critique du genre Oliva de Bruguieres. pp. 120 : 3 pis. 8°. Clermont, 1857. DUDLEY (ARTHUR H.) Floral development and embryogeny in Wheat. Being the Presidential Address delivered to the Liverpool Microscopical Society, on 24th January, 1908. pp. W : Spls. 8°. [Liverpool, 1908.] Reprinted from the Society's Thirty-Ninth Annual Report, January, 1908. DUDLEY (Sir ROBERT) [1573-1649] The Voyage of * R. Dudley ... to the West Indies, 1594-1595, narrated by Capt. Wyatt, by himself, and by A. Kendall, etc. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, dc. Ser. II, no. 8. 8°. 1900. Dudley (WILLIAM RUSSEL) Dudley Memorial jVolume, X, containing a paper (The vitality of Sequoia gigantea) i- , by W. R. Dudley, rfc. pp. 137: 9 pis., 1 port. See STAN-" FORD UNIVERSITY, California. — LELAND STANFORD "• JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. Loload S+onfofd Junior Univo? " Publications. University Series. J&.H. 8°. 1913. I DUDLEY AND MIDLAND GEOLOGICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY AND FIELD CLUB. [Founded 1842.] Transactions, dc. Vol. I & II. 8°. Dudley, 1862-64. [Continued as :] Proceedings, dc. Vol. ill & IV, no. l.f 8°. Dudley, 1865-80. Wanting Vol. II, no. 6. The Society subsequently published in the " Midland Naturalist," for which, See MIDLAND UNION OP NATURAL HISTORY SOCIKTIKS. DUEGGELI (MAX) Pflanzengeographische und wirt- schaftliche Monographic des Sihltales bei Einsiedeln, von Roblosen bis Studen (Gebiet des projektierten Sihlsees). . .Inaugural-Dissertation, dc. pp. vii [i], .'.'..' : Spls., 1 map col. &. Zurich, 1903. Vierteljahrsschrift Naturf. Gesell. Zurich. Jahr. 48 (1903), lift. 142. DUENAS (ENRIQUE I.) Recursos Minerales de los i distritos de Chacas y San Luis. pp. 1£-1 : ^ pis., 1 map col., text illust. See PERU. — cuERPO DK INGENIEROS DE MINAS. Boletfn No. 15. 8°. 1904. Duenas (ENRIQUE I.) Recursos Minerales de las pro- vincias de Jauja y Huancayo. pp. 120 [1] : '.> ph., I 1 map. See PERU. — CUERPO DE INOENIEROS DE MINAS. Boletfn No. 85. 8°. 1906. Dueiias (ENRIQUE I.) Aspect Minero del departa- mento del Cuzco por E. I. Duenas. ( — Anexo : Informe sobre las muestras traidas del Cuzco [By] J. J. Bravo.) pp. 194: 2 pis., 2 maps. See PERU. — CUERPO DE IM.F.XIEROS DE MINAS. Boletin No. 58. 8°. 1907. Duenas (ENRIQUK I.) Fisionomfa Miuera de las pro- vincias de Tayacaja, Angaraes y Huancavelica. pp. in!: 2 pis., ~> maps. See PERU.— CUERPO DE INGENIEROS DE MINAS. Boletin No. 62. 8°. 1908. DUENNENBEBGEB, (EucEN) Ueber eine neuer- dings als "Jaborandi" in den Handel gekommene Alcornoco-Rinde & fiber " Alcornoco-Rinden " im Allge- meinen. Inaugural-Dissertation, dc. pp. 64. 8". Zurich, 1900. 283 DUERST (Jon. ULRICH) Die Binder vou Babylonien, Assyrien und Aegypten und ihr Zusammenhaug mit den Rindern der alten Welt. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Hausriudes. pp. !>4 •' >s' pis. 4". Berlin if- Zurich, 1899. Duerst (Jon. U.) Versuch einer Entwioklungsgeschichte der Horner der Cavicornia nach Untersuchungen am Hausrinde. pp. 47 : text illust. 8". Frauenfeld, 1902. A reprint from the " Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Landwirt- schaft (Festschrift zur Feier des 70. Geburtstages von A. Kraeiner)." Duei-st (Jon. U.) Martin Wilckens GruudziigederNatur- geschichte der Haustiere. Neubearbeitet von. . . J. U. Duerst. . . Zweite Auflage. See WILCKENS (M.) 8". 1905. Duerst (Jon. U.) Animal remains from the excavations in Anau, and the Horse of Auau in its relation to the races of domestic Horses. See PUMPELLY (R.) Ex- plorations in Turkestan. Expedition of 1904, «^ionnaire uni- versel d'Histoire Naturellej»«fr*'>x^M\Jrf-5trago . . . Dujardin, ; jr( f^jf »• Nouvelle'editipfi, dfe.Sil Vol. illust. col. 8°. [1867 ?] DULAC (ALLEON) See ALLEON DULAC (J. L.) DULACCA. — Prickly-Pear Experimental Station. See QUEENSLAND. DULLER (EDUARD) [1809-1853] Topographisches Rhein-Panorama von Schaffhausen bis zur Nordsee. . . Nebst einer historischen Einleitung von E. Duller, See NEW SOUTH WALES. — Department of Mines. Memoirs of the Geological Survey, . Wanting. [Another edition.] o. 5. c. 8°. 1875.] 8°. 1885. Duncan (PETER M.) The Beginnings of Life. A lec- ture, 8°. [Dundee, 1870->] Wanting those for 1871, 1873, 1874, 1876, 1882, 1891, 1893-97 A 1899. DUNEDIN. Otago University, (founded 1869.) The Curator's Report for. . . 1902 and 1908-> 12°. Dunedin, 1904— > Duiier (NILS CHRISTOFER) Kungliga Vetenskaps Societetens.. . Tv&hundraftrsminne. I. Minneskrift. . . af N. C. Dune'r, 1 plan, text illust. See QUEENSLAND. — Geological Survey. Publication No. 203. 8". 1906. Dunstan (BENJAMIN) Some Mines in the Burnett district (west of Maryborough), pp. 19 : 2 pis. See QUEENSLAND. — Geological Survey. Publication No. 207. 8°. 1907. Dunstan (BENJAMIN) Stanhills Tinfields. (Near Croydon.) pp. 21 : 3 pis., 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See QUEENSLAND.— Geological Survey. Publi- cation No. 211. 8°. 1907. Dunstan (BENJAMIN) The great Pitzroy Copper and r Gold mine, Mount Chalmers (Rockhampton district). ' pp. 67 : 16 pis. (col.), text illust. See QUEENSLAND. — Geological Survey. Publication No. 216. 8". 1907. Dunstan (BENJAMIN) Coal resources of Queensland (A general review), pp. [ii,] 29. See QUEENSLAND.— Geological Survey. Publication No. 239. 8". 1913. , Dunstan (BENJAMIN) Petroleum and Natural Gas /• prospects at Roma. Reports ... by W. E. Cameron (Introductory Note by B. Dunstan), Ac. pp. 91 : ~ pis., text illust. See QUEENSLAND. — Geological Survey. Publication No. 247. 8°. 1915. Dunstan (BENJAMIN) The Mesozoic Floras of Queens- land. Part i. The Flora of the Ipswich and Walloon Series . . . With ... a Geological Note by B. Dunstan. See QUEENSLAND. — Geological Survey. Publication No. 252. 8°. 1915. Dunstan (BENJAMIN) Mesozoic and Tertiary Insects of Queensland and New South Wales. With . . . descriptions of the . . . stratigraphical features by B. Dunstan. pp. 60 : 9 pis., text illust. See QUEENS- LAND.— Geological Survey. Publication No. 253. 8°. 1916. Dunstan (BENJAMIN) [For official reports and publi- cations as acting Government Geologist] See QUEENS- LAND.— Geological Survey. DUNSTAN" (WYNDHAM ROWLAND) [1861-] Report on Petrol from Tasmania. See TASMANIA. — Department of Mines. Geological Survey Bulletin, No. 11. The Tasmanite Shale Fields of the Mersey district. Appen- dix II. 8°. 1911-12. Dnustan (WYNDHAM R.) Cotton and other Vegetable fibres : their production & utilisation. By E. Goulding . . . With a preface by W. R. Dunstan, Ac. See IMPERIAL INSTITUTE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, Ac. [Hand- books.] 8*. 1917. Dunstan (WYNDHAM R.) [For official Reports edited: — ] See IMPERIAL INSTITUTE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, THE COLONIES AND INDIA. Duparc (CLAUDE Louis) & Monnier (A.) Traite de Technique Mineralogique et Petrographique . . . Pt. II, torn. I. Les Methodes Chimiques Qualitatives. See DUPARC (L.) A others. 8°. 1913. Duparc (CLAUDE L.) & Mrazec (L.) Carte Geologique du Massif du Mont-Blanc. Echelle, 1 : 50,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 1J in. about]. Sec MONT-BLANC [Maps.] col. [1901.] Duparc (CLAUDE L.) & Mrazec (L.) Troitzkoe myesto- rozhdenie Zhelyeznuikh Rud v Kizelovskoi dachye na Uralye. — Le Miuerai de Fer de Troitsk, pp. v, 116, 11. 'i: 6 pis., 1 map col., text illust. RUSS. & FR. See RUSSIA. — Comite Geologique. Memoires, Ac. Nouvelle Serie, Livr. 15. 4°. 1904. Duparc (CLAUDE L.) & Fearce (F.) Traite de Tech- nique Mineralogique et Petrographique . . . Pt. I. Les Methodes Optiques. See DUPARC (L.) A others. 8°. 1907. Duparc (CLAUDE L.) & Sabot (R.) Litoquimica de la Sierra Kalpak-Kazansky (Rusia), por S. Pina de Rubies. Micrografia por L. Duparc y R. Sabot, pp. 40 : 1 map, text illust. See MADRID. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Trabajos, Ac. Serie Geologica, No. 16. 8°. 1916. Duparc (CLAUDE L.) & others. Les Roches eruptives des environs de Me"nerville (Algeria), Ac. pp. lift : 5 pis. (1 col.), text illust. See GENEVA. — SOCIETE DE PHY- SIQUE ET D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE. Memoires, Ac. Tom. xxin, pt. 2, no. 2. 4°. 1900. Duparc (CLAUDE L.) & others. Mineralogique et Petrographique. Traite de Technique Pt. l-> 8°. Leipzig, 1907-> Pt. I. Lea Methodes Optiques. Par L. Duparc et F. Pearce. pp. xoi, liXJ: Ipl. cul., tat illugt. 1907. Tom. I. Les Methodes Chimi : 1 pi, (col.) subfam. Hexagoniinte. pp. .' : I pi. (col.) See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, dc. 4°. 1918. Dupuy ( DOMINIQUE) Catalogus extraraimnorum Galliie Testaceorum. . .brevioribus specierum nondum descrip- tarum diagnosibus auctus. [pp. 4-] 4". [Paris, 1849.J Imned durinz the publication of the author's " Hlstolre naturelle des M<>llus<|ties " and sometimes forind l>ound up with that work. DURAND (KuNEST) & Barratte (J. F. G.) Florte Libya* Prodomus, ou Catalogue raisonne des Plantes de Tripolitaine par E. Duraiid et Ci. Barratte, avec la col In. • boratiou de P. Aschersou, W. Barbey et 11. Muschler. Apercu Geologique sur hi Tripolitaine, par S. Meunier. pp. cxxvii, iJJO : ^0 pis., 1 map, text Must. 4". Geneve, 1910. DURAND i H i I.I'.M':I & (THKOPHILE) Sylloge Fiona Cougolanae. (Phanerogam®.) See DuBAND (T.) & (H.) Durand (TiiKOPUiLE) & (HKLENE) Sylloge Florte Congolanse. (Phanerogams!.) pp. 716. 8". Bruxelles, 1909. Durand (TiiKOPiiiLE) & Jackson (B. D.) Index Kewensis Plantarum Phanerogamarum. Supple- mentum Primum, nomina et syuonyma . . . ab initio anni 1886 usque ad fineni anni 1895 complectens. Con- fecerunt T. Durand & B. D. Jackson, Ac. See JACK- SON (B. D.) 4°. 1901-1906. Durand (THEOPHILK) & Fittier (H. F.) Primitis Flora; Costaricensis. [Contd.J Tom. II. (An. Instil. Jfis.-Geog. nac. Torn, ym, 1895.) 1899-1900. 1'asc. 3. Ord. Plperaceie, auctore C. de Candolle. pp. ~'i:>- xu it]. „ 4. Ord. Acanthacetc, auctore G. Lindau. pp. ?'.>'.»- tam. ,, 6. Ord. Euphorbiacea), auctore F. Pax. i>p. JS3-H37 [J], „ 6. Ord. Araceic, auctore A. Engler. pp. .IU-Uilt [2J. Tom. III. (An. Instil. I'is.-Geog. nac. Tom. IX, 1886.) 1901. Fasc. 1. Kilirt'H, Equiaetaceie, Lycopodiaceie, Helaginellacetc, Khizocarpacecc, auctore U. Christ, pp. 62 [7]. DURBAN". Durban Museum. [Founded is-.-,.] Annals, 8". Durban, 1914-» 6. Durban. — Durban Museum. General Guide to the Durban Museum, by the Curator, E. C. Chubb, pp. 71 : text Must. 8°. Durban, 1916. DURBAN BOTANIC SOCIETY. Report on Natal Botanic Gardens, and Colonial Herbarium, for the year 1900, by J. M. Wood. pp. .'<;, .",. 8°. Durban, 1901. DUB/HAM. [Maps.] Map [Scale, 1 in. = 2 m.] and plotted vertical sections of strata of the Northumber- land and Durham Coalfield, > partmcnt of Mines. 8". 1912 [-13]. Durrant (JOHN HARTLEY) Tineina, Pterophoiina. Orneodina, and Pyralidina and Hopialina (part) | with contributions by J. H. Durrant], ph., 1 map (col.). See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxvn, afd. in, no. 1 & 3. 8". 1901 (1902). Duseii (PER K. H.) Spiders collected in the Aysen Valley in south Chile by. . .P. Dusto. By A. Tullgren. pp. 75 : 7 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. XXVIII, afd. IV, no. 1. 8°. 1902 (1903). Dusen (PER K. H.) The Vegetation^ western Patagonia. PatagonianjjjfO Fuegian Mosse^^(Catalogue of Mu, Ac.) See Pj*f$CETON. — PRINCET^fJ UNIVERSITY. Escorts of tho^Princeton University Expeditions to .Patagonia, 1896-1899, rfc. Vol.^in, pt. 1 & 3. / 4°. 1903. Duseii (PER K. H.) Beitrage zur Bryologie der Magellanslander, von Westpatagonien und Siidchile. 5 Pt. illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS - AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. I ; IV, no. 1 & 13 ; vi, no. 8 & 10. 8°. 1903-07. Duseii (PER K. H.) Ueber die tertiare Flora der Magellanslander. [Pt.J II. See SWEDEN. Wissen- schaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition uach den Magellansliindern, 1895-1897, Ac. Bd. I, hft. 2, no. 4. 8°. [1905.] Dusen (PER K. H.) Die Pflanzenvereine der Magellans- lander, nebst einem Beitrage zur Okologie der Magellan- ischen Vegetation. See SWEDEN. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition nach den Magellanslandern, 1895-1897, Ac. Bd. ill, hft. 2, no. 10. 8°. 1905. Duseii (PER K. H.) Neue und seltene Gefiisspflanzen aus Ost- und Siidpatagonien. pp. 63 : 9 pis. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. vn, no. 2. 8°. 1908. Duseii (PER K. H.) Ueber die tertiare Flora der Seymour-Insel. See NORDENSKJOLD (N. O. G.) Wis- senschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Siidpolar- Expedition, 1901-03, Ac. Bd. Ill, lief. 3. 4". 1908. Dusen (PER K. H.) Beitrage zur Flora des Itatiaia. 2 Pt. illust. Sec STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS - AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. VIH, no. 7 ; ix, no. 5. 8°. 1909, 10. Dusen (I'ER K. H.) Neue Gefiisspflanzen aus Parana (Siidbrasilien). pp. 37 : 8 pis., text illust. See STOCK- HOLM.—KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik. Bd. ix, no. 15. 8°. 1910. Dusen (PER K. H.) Ein neues eigentiimliches Eryngium. pp. 5: 1 pi. Sec STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS - AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. x, no. 5. 8°. 1911. DUSMET T ALONSO (JosK MARIA) Algunos dates para el estudio de los Tentredinidos de Espafia. pp. 54. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Anales, rfc. Tom. xxv. 8°. 1896. Dusmet y Alonso (Jost; M.) Vespidos, Eumenidos y Masaridos de Espaua. pp. 107. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, Ac. Tom. n, mem. 3. 8°. 1903. Dusmet y Alonso (JOSE M.) Linueo y los Hime- n6pteros de Espana. See SAEAGOSSA. — SOCIEDAD ARAGONESA DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Linneo en Espana, Ac. Pt. 3. 8°. 1907. Dusmet y Alonso (JosE M.) Los Apidos de Espana. HI & iv. See MADRID.— REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, pis. 1901. (Annales Lab. d' Etudes de la Soie, Vol. X, 1899- 1900.] „ 4. [Saturuiens, contd.} Par L. Sonthonnax. pp. 86: tHplt. 1904. [Op. eit., Vol. XI, 1901, 2.] „ 5. [Sat urnieus, concluded. ] Par A. Contc. pp. Ill : fit. 1906. [Op. eit., Vol. XII, 1903-1905.] „ 6. Pinarides. [ByA.Conte.j pp. 73 [I]: ir> pts. 190!). [Rapports du Lab. d'Etudes de la Soie, Vol. XIII, 1906, 7.] „ 7. Bombycides. [By A. Oonte.) pp. SO : 15 pin. 1911. [Op. eit., Vol. XIV, 1908-10.] DUTCH EAST INDIES. Memoirtr drumanes et les Cheh-opteres de- yArohipel (r. G-. aucicii ~...~.. , .^.j^m,,^ de1 1'Intendance ML«»L.i« • ... des Indes Jieerlandaises [i.e. J. B. J. van Dorm |. ' tab.^ . engraved t.i./U'.-/>«r/e. 8°. Amsterdam, 1868. iwr is dated 18A4. Dutch East Indies. 1 i- . ,r OoTerrrment-rmblicartiiorM-)- See NEDERLANDSCH OOST INDIK. Duthie i .1 1 1 1 1 \ getic Plain, a l;i \ an tra the^pper Gan- ,nd sub-Hima- Calcuita, 1903-> Duthie (JOHN F.) Catalogue of the Plants of Kumaon . . . revised and supplemented by J. F. Duthie. See STRACHEY (Sir R.) G.C.S.I. 8°. 1906. Mr. Duthie also revised the original cntalogue when it appeared In the "Gazetteer of the North Western Provinces," Vol. X, 1882 [7.0.]. Duthie (JOHN F.) & others. A second century of new and rare Indian Plants. See CALCUTTA. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Annals, 8°. 1907-> EARLAND (ABTHUB) & Heron-Allen (E.) [Fora- minifera of Clare Island.] pp. 188 : 13 pis. (col.), 1 dia- gram, 1 map. See ROYAL IBISH ACADEMY. Proceed- ings, illust. (col.) 8°. London, ttc. 1910-> Title from wrapper. EAST AFRICA FROTECTORATE.-Nairobi Laboratory. Nairobi Laboratory Reports. Vol. I. 1904-1910. By 1'. H. Ross. . .Government Bacteriologist, pp. vii, 126: 8 pis. 8". [London, 1911 ?] EAST AFRICA QUARTERLY, The, ttc. Vol. i-iv. See EAST AFRICA AGRICULTURAL AND HORTI- CULTURAL SOCIETY. 8°. 1904-07. EAST KENT NATURAL HISTORY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. (18.17 Founded as Kant Kent Natural Uiitory Society. 1900 Katt Kent Natural llittory and Scientific Society. Sometimes styling ittelf Bait Kent Scientific and Natural History Society.] Report, ttc. No. 1-37. 8°. Canterbury, 1859-95. [Continued later as :] Report and Transactions, ttc. Ser. II, vol. II. 'J$i«S+- 8°- Canterbury [1902]. Eastlake (Aicniru \V.) IVtrulrum. . .Third edition [with contributions by A. W. Eastlake], ttc. 8 Vol. See REDWOOD (Sir B.) Bart. 8°. 1913. EASTMAN (CHARLES ROCHESTER) [1868-1918] Text- Book of Paleontology. . .Translated [from the German] and edited by C. R. Eastman . . . English edition revised and enlarged by the author and editor in collaboration with . . . specialists, ttc. See ZITTEL (K. A. VON) 2 Vol. [in 8 pt.] 8°. 1896-1902. 2 Vol. 8°. 1900-1902. [Another issue.] Second edition revised, c. See WEDELIUS (G. W.) 4°. 1715. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY (with which is incorporated " The American Geologist ") : a semi-quarterly journal devoted to Geology as applied to Mining and allied Industries. Vol. I— > illust. 8°. Lancaster, Pa,, 1905— > The association with "The American Geologist" began in No. 4. ECTOPARASITES. Edited by ... K. Jordan and the Hon. N. C. Bothschild. Vol. l—> illust. 8°. London t£ Aylesbury, 1915 -> EDIE (E. S.) Cultivation and uses of Soya Beans. pp. 7. See LIVERPOOL. — UNIVERSITY. — Institute of Commercial Research in the Tropics. Bulletin. Vol. I, no. 1. 8°. 1909. EDINBURGH. — Industrial Museum of Scotland. See BOYAL SCOTTISH MUSEUM. EDINBURGH. — Natural History Museum of Edin- burgh. See BOYAL SCOTTISH MUSEUM. EDINBURGH. — Royal Scottish Museum. See BOYAL SCOTTISH MUSEUM. Edinburgh. — Royal Botanic Garden. Notes from the Boyal Botanic Garden, rfc. January 1900— > No. 1— > 8". Glasgoiv, 1900— > Edinburgh. — Itoyal Botanic Garden. Notes on Museum-Methods in use at the Boyal Botanic Garden . . .By H. F. Tagg. 8". [Edinburgh, 1901.J Notes, R. B. G., Edinburgh, No. v, 1901. pp. 91S-W: 1 pi. Edinburgh. — Royal Botanic Garden. The Boyal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, t. By \V. F. Hume. pp. V2 : 0 maps. 8". Cairo, 1910. The detailed Quarry Records for the Cairo district are mainly by T. Barron, while the Report on Upper Egypt Is by H. J. L. Beadnell. Egypt.— SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Geological Reports.] The movements of the Subsoil Water in Upper Egypt. By H. T. Ferrar. pp. vi, 74 : 32 pis., 16 maps, text illust. 8°. Cairo, 1911. Surrey Department Paper No. IB. Egypt.— SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Geological Reports.] The principles and objects of Geology, with special reference to the Geology of Egypt. By W. F. Hume. pp. ft,] 25 : 3 pis., text illust. 8°. Cairo, 1911. Egypt.— SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Geological Reports.] Explanatory Notes to accompany the Geological Map of Egypt. . .By W. P. Hume. pp. [i,] 49 : 2 pis. col. 8°. Cairo, 1912. Egypt.— SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Geological Reports.] The Geography and Geology of south-eastern Egypt. By J. Ball. pp. xii, 394 •' IS pis. (col.), IS maps (col.), text illust. 8°. Cairo, 1912. Egypt. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Geological Reports.] The Meteorite of El Nakhla el Baharia. By J. Ball. pp. [i,] 20 : 2 ph., 1 map. 8°. Cairo, 1912. Survey Department Paper No. 26. Egypt.— SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Geological Reports.] Natural Soda deposits in Egypt, pp. [i,] 29 : 1 map. 8°. Cairo, 1912. Survey Department Paper No. 22. Egypt.— SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Geological Reports.] A brief note on the Phosphate deposits of Egypt. By J. Ball. pp. 6 : 1 map. 8°. Cairo, 1913. Egypt.— SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Geological Reports.] Topography and Geology of the Phosphate district of Safaga (Eastern Desert of Egypt). By J. Ball. pp. 1!) : 1 pi., 3 maps (2 geol. col.), text illust. 8°. Cairo, 1913. Survey Department Paper No. 29. Egypt.— SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Geological Reports.] The Geography and Geology of west-central Sinai. By J. Ball. pp. xi, 219 : 20 pis., 4 maps (S geol. col.), text illust. 8°. Cairo, 1916. Egypt.— SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Geological Reports.] Beport on the Oilfields region of Egypt. By W. F. Hume . . . With a Geological Map of the region from surveys by J. Ball. pp. viii, 103: 19 pis. (col.), S maps (col.), text illust. 8°. Cairo, 1916. Egypt. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Irrigation Reports.] Beport on Perennial Irrigation and Flood Protection for Egypt. By W. Willcocks. . . With a Note by W. E. Garstin. pp. 313 : 1 pi., text illust. 4°. Cairo, 1894. The " Note," Report & Appendices have also each a separate pagina- tion. Appendix v contains : — Description and Strength of Egyptian Stones. „ Til: — The Geology of the Nile Valley from Wady Haifa to Cairo. Egypt. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Miscellaneous Publi- cations.] A Beport on the Work of the Survey Department in 1905 (-1906-»), dc. illust. 8°. Cairo, 1906-> [Miscellaneous Publi- By A. Lucas, pp. 78 : 8". Cairo, 1908. Egypt. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT. cations.] The Chemistry of the Biver Nile. 1 pi., 1 map. Survey Department Paper No. 7. Contains, mttr alia : — Appendix A. Note on the Bacteriology of the Nile Water. ByS. H. Trlmen. ,, B. Preliminary Microscopic examination of Nile Silts. By W. K. Hume. Egypt. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Miscellaneous Publi- cations.] A List of Maps, Plans, and Publications published up to December 81, 1908. pp. 41 •' 15 maps, col. 8°. Cairo, 1909. 295 Egypt. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Miscellaneous Publi- cations.] Bibliography of Scientific and Technical Literature relating to Egypt, 1800-1900. (Compiled. . .by C. D. Sherborn.) Preliminary edition, pp. Hi, 155. 8°. Cairo, 1910. Printed on one side ot the paper only. Egypt. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT.- [Maps.] Plan general de la ville du Caire et des environs. - Echelle, 1 : 10,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 61 in. about]. 4 sh. col. [Cairo,] 1897. Egypt. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Maps.] First or Assuan Cataract. " Scale, 1 : 10,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 6* in. about]. 6 sh. (col.) Cairo, 1900. Egypt.— SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Maps.] Map of the Nile Valley from the 1st Cataract to Korosko. . . Scale, 1 : 10,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 6J in. about]. 36 sh. Cairo [1900-01]. Egypt.— SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Mapi.] Geological Map of Egypt. Scale, 1 : 1,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 15| m. about]. ' 6 sh. col. [Cairo,] 1910. Egypt. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT. [Maps.] Geological Map of Egypt. Scale, 1 : 2,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 31£ m. about]. s. sh. col. [Cairo,] 1910. Egypt. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT. — Geological Museum. Palaeontological Series No. [1] 2— > 4°. Le Caire, 1913-> Egypt. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT. — Geological Museum. Catalogue of The Geological Museum, Cairo. Compiled by W. F. Hume. pp. 37. 8°. Cairo, 1905. Egypt. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT. — Geological Museum. A descriptive Catalogue of the. Tertiary Vertebrata of the Fayum, Egypt. Based on the Collection. . .in the... Museum. . .By C. W. Andrews. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Geology. [ Vertebrata.] 4°. 1906. EGYPT. — ZOOLOGICAL SERVICE. Report. . .for. . .1912 (1913-»). 8°. Cairo, 1913 (1914-». Egypt. — ZOOLOGICAL SERVICE. 14. Mi: Iiuli 1913. •4W- No. I ' -> "8°. Cairo, 1914.-) EGYPT. [Maps.] New Map of the Egyptian and Sudan Goldnelds, compiled by G. Hughes, . col. 8°. Zurich, 1845. Eichler (AUGUST WILHBLM) Cycadacese, Coniferae & Gnetacete. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Ac. Thl. II, abth. 1. 8°. 1887 (-89). EICHLEB (GEORGIUS CHRISTOPHORUS) Fossilia Diluvii universalis monumenta . . .sistet. . .G. C. Eichler. See BAIER (J. G.) 4°. [1712.] EICHLEB (JULIUS) & others. Ergebnisse der pflan- zengeographischen Durchforschung von Wurttemberg, Baden und Hohenzollern . . . Bearbeitet von J. Eichler, R. Gradmann und W. Meigen. Pt. I— » illust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1905-» luued ai a " Bellage " to the Jahrcshf t. Vereins f. Vaterland. Naturk. Wiirttemb. No. 61 ; and to the Mltthl. Badischen But. Vereln. EICHLEB (PAUL) Die Brachiopoden der Deutschcn Sudpolar Expedition 1901-1908. See GERMANY. Deutsche Sttdpolar-Expedition. 1901-1908 . . . Heraus- gegeben von E. von Drygalski. Bd. XII, hft. 4. 4°. 1911. Eichwald (CARL EDUARD VON) Beitrag zur nahern Kenntniss der in meiner Lethcea Rossica beschriebenen Illeenen und uber einige Isopoden aus andern Forma- tionen Russlands. /*/•. 51. 8°. Motkau, 1864. Ball. Soc. Imp. Nata. Motcou. Tom. XXXVI, 1803. Eichwald (CARL E. VON) [Biographical sketch of C. E. von Eichwald by A. A. Shtukenbergh.] See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOI8PUITATELKI, rfc. Protokoltli zasyedanii, See DAMMEH (B.) & TIETZE (0.) 8°. 1913-> Eisen (AUGUST GUSTAV) EnchytrBeidse of the west coast of North America. See WASHINGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Harriman Alaska Expedition . . . Alaska, Ac. Vol. XII. 8". 1904. 297 EISENLOHB, (Ffflirz) & Both (W. A.) Refrakto- metrisohes Hilfsbuch, Ac. See ROTH (W. A.) & EISEN- LOHR (F.) 8°. 1911. Eisig (HUGO) Ichthyotomus sanguinarius, eine auf Aalen schmarotzende Annelide. pp. xi, $96 : 10 pis. (col.), text Must. See NAPLES. — ZOOLOGISCHE STATION. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, 1883-4-> illust. 8°. Raleigh, N.C., A Chapel Hill, N.C., 1884-» Wanting Vol. Ill (1886), * Vol. vi, pt. 2 (1889). A Table of Contents to Vols. i \ 1 1 and dates of the volumes are issued with Vol. XII ; an Author's index to Vols. i-xxixis issued with the concluding part of Vol. XXIX ; and a general index to Vol. i-XXXI with the concluding part of Vol. XXXI. EL'EIND (ARKADlI DANlLOvTcH) Evrei. (Srav- nitel'no-antropologhicheskoe izslyedovanie, preimush- chestvenno po nablyudeniyam nad Pol'skimi Evreyami.) 5 fl [Jews. A comparative anthropological investigation, especially upon Polish Jews.] pp. vi, Jf58 : text illust. See MOSCOW. — IMPERATORSKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBl- TELEl ESTESTVOZNANIYA ANTROPOLOGHI1 1 ETNO- GHRAFlI, Ac. Izvyestiya, Ac. Tom. civ. 4°. 1903. ELKINGTON (E. WAY) [1872-] & Hardy (N. H.) L The Savage South Seas. See HARDY (N. H.) & ELKING- ~, 7 < TON (E. W.) 8°. 1907. • Ellenberger (WILIIELM) & Bruim (H.) Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Hausthiere. . .Neunte Auflage. pp. xii, 97,9 : text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1900. 1 The first (1821) to the fourth (1860) editions were by E. F. Gurlt ; the fifth (1873) and sixth (1886) were by A. G. T. Leisering and C. Muller ; the seventh (1890) by Leisering. Muller, and W. Ellenberger ; and the eighth (18»«) by Ellenberger, Muller, and U. Bauni. ELLES (GERTRUDE L.) Miss & Wood afterwards Shakespear (E. M. R.) Mrs. A Monograph of British Graptolites... Edited by C. Lapworth. Pt. l-> See PALAEONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 4°. 1901— > Ellingsen (Eov.) Norske Pseudoscorpioner. II. pp. !'•>. Mere om Norske Myriopoder. II. pp. It. See CHHISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Forhand- linger, rfc. Aar 1908, no. 5 & 6. 8°. 1903 (1904). Elliot (DANIEL GIKAUD) Great and small Game of Africa . . . Contributors : Major A. J. Arnold . . . D. G. Elliot, Ac. See BBYDEN (H. A.) 4". 1899. 299 O.F. ,- Elliot (DANIEL G.) A Synopsis of the Mammals of North America and the adjacent Seas (Appendix). — A List of the Land and Sea Mammals of North America, north of Mexico. Supplement to the " Synopsis." 2 Pt. [in l.J pp. 522 : 56 pis., text illust. See CHICAGO. —FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Publications, Ac. Zoological Series. Vol. II, no. 1 & 2. 8°. 1901. Publication 45 & 57. Elliot (DANIEL G.) The Caribou of North America. See ROOSEVELT (T.) A others. The Deer Family. • 8°. 1902. Elliot (DANIEL G.) The Land and Sea Mammals of middle America and the West Indies (Appendix). pp. xxi (xiii), 850, xlix : 68 pis., text illust. [1 Vol. in 2.] See CHICAGO. — FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Publications, Ac. Zoological Series. Vol. IV, pt. 1 & 2. 8°. 1904. Elliot (DANIEL G.) A Check List of Mammals of the North American continent, the West Indies, and the neighboring Seas. pp. iv [i], 761 : 1 pi. See CHICAGO. — FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Publications, Ac. Zoological Series. Vol. VI. 8°. 1905. 'Publication 105. Supplement. . . Edited by 3. A. Allen, pp. iv, 192. 8°. New York, 1917. Elliot (DANIEL G.) A Catalogue of the Collection of Mammals in the Field Columbian Museum, pp. viii, 694: text illust. See CHICAGO. — FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Publications, Ac. Zoological Series. Vol. viii. 8°. 1907. Publication 115. Elliot (DANIEL G.) Description of a new subspecies of African Monkey of the genus Cercopithecus. 1 p. \ J See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections. Vol. LVI, no. 7. 8°. 1910. Elliot (DANIEL G.) A Review of the Primates. 3 Vol. illust. See NEW YORK, City of. — AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Monographs, Ac. Monograph Series, Vol. l-in. „ 4°. 1912 [i.e. 1913]. r. 7'- Elliot (GEORGE FRANCIS ScoTT)A/Fauna, Flora & Geology of the Clyde area. Edited by G. F. Scott Elliot, M. Laurie and J. B. Murdoch, pp. x, 567 : 1 map geol. col. 8°. Glasgow, 1901. Issued as a British Association Haud-Book for the Glasgow Meeting, 1901. Contains : — Botany. By G. F. S. Elliot, j Marine & Fresh-water Fishes. By History of Botany in Glasgow, j T. Scott & A. Brown. By F. O. Bower. ! Tuuicata. By J. Rankin. The Phyto-Plankton of the ! The Land & Fresh-water Mollusca. Clyde Sea Area. By G. j By T. Scott. Murray and V. H. Black- [ Marine Mollusca & Brachiopoda. By Rev. G. A. F. Knight. Marine Polyzoa. man. Freshwater Algsc. By G. F. S. Elliot. Marine Algne. By E. A. L. Batters. Diatoms. By T. Comber. Characea!. By P. Ewing. Lichens. By G. F. S. Elliot. Fungi (Microscopic). By D. A. Boyd. Hymenomycetes and Gastro- mycetes. By W. Stewart. Hepaticee. By P. Ewing. Mosses. By J. Murray. Ferns and their Allies. By W. Stewart. Phanerogams. By P. Ewing. Measurements of Notable Trees. By J. Renwick & R. M'Kay. Anthropology of the Clyde Valley. By E. Duncan. Mammalia. By H. B. Watt. Birds. By J. Pat/erson. Reptilia and Amphibia. By A. Brown. By A. Gray. Insecta. Order Hymenoptera. Sub-order Terebrantia. By A. A. Dalglish. Sub-order Aculeata. By J. R. Malloch. Order Lepidoptera. Macro-Lepi- doptera. By A. A. Dalglish. Microlepidoptera. By J. J. F. X. King. Order Diptera (Except Tipulida)). By P. H. Grimsliaw. Tipulidae. By R. Henderson. Order Coleoptera. By A. Fer- gusson. Order Trichoptera. By J. J. F. X. King. Order Hemiptera. Sub-order Heteroptera. By J. E. Murphy. Sub-order Homoptera. By J. M. B. Taylor. Order Odonata. j o Order Orthoptera. ! T . i, Y Order Neuroptera- • Planipenuia. [Elliot (GEORGE FRANCIS SCOTT) (contd.)] [Fauna, Flora & Geology of the Clyde Area (contd.)] Orders Collembola and Thysan ura. By D. A. Boyd. Myriappda. By D. A. Boyd. Arachnida. By W. Evans. Land, Fresh-water and Marine Crustacea. By T. Scott. Marine Worms. By J. F. Gemmil. Echinodermata. By G. B. Todd. Coelentera. Actinozoa. By M. Laurie. Hydroida. By J. Eankin. Porifera. By J. Rankin. Protozoa. Infusoria. By J. R. Thomson. Foraminifera. By Mrs. Robert- sou. Physical conditions of the Clyde Sea Area. By H. R. Mill. The Geology of the Clyde terri- tory. By J. Home. The Crystalline Schists of the Highlands. By P. Macnair. The Silurian Rocks in the south of Scotland. By B. N. Peach, J. Home & A. Mac- conochie. The Trilobites of the Silurian Rocks of southwest Scot- land. By B. N. Peach. The Crustacea of the Silurian Rocks of southwest Scot- land. By B. N. Peach. The Arthropoda from the Silu- rian Rocks of southwest Scotland. By B. N. Peach. Graptolites. By Prof. €. Lap- worth. The Old Red Sandstone of the Clyde area. By J. G. Good- child. The Carboniferous Rocks of the Clyde drainage area. By J. Smith. The Carboniferous Fossil Plants of the Clyde basin. By R. Kidston. The Carboniferous Foraminifera The Carboniferous Sponges, &c. By J. Smith. The Carboniferous Corals, *^^ [ ELMER (A. D. E.) See LEAFLETS ON PHILIPPINE BOTANY. Edited by A. D. E. Elmer, Ac. Vol. i-» 8°. 1906-> ELMGREN (JOHANNES) Termini Botanici, quos... preside C. Linnteo . . . sistit J. Elmgren, Ac. See LlN- NjEUS (C.) [Theses A Orations.] 4°. [1762.] Later editions appeared In the " Amconttates," Vol. VI, no. 113 (Holmin), 1763 ; Second edition (Erlanga), 1789 ; also in the " Fumla- mentorum Botanicorum pars prima. . .curante J. E. Gilibert," Tom. I, 1786; and In W. Hudson's "Flora Anglica...editio altera," Tom. I, 1778 ; Third edition, 1798. English translations are Included in 3. Lee's " Introduction to Botany," third ifc subsequent editions, 1776 -» ; and in the "System of Vegetables ... By a Botanical Society at Lichfleld," Vol. I (1783), pp. xill-xl. [- (Another edition entitled : — ) C. a Linne1 . . . Termini Botanici dissertatione academica explicati. Editio nova auctior. 8°. 1767.] Wanting. -i) [ (Another edition entitled: — ) Termini Botanici in -P. usum Juventutis Academics Edinensis. 8°. 1770.] Wanting. [- (Another edition entitled : — ) C. a Linne Termini Botanici definitionibus pluribus aucti, atque Systematis Sexualis explicatio. Opere I. Rotherham. 12°. 1779.] Wanting. [Theses 8°. 1916-> ELPATIZWSKY (W. S.) See ELPAT'EVSKII (V. S.) ELROD (MORTON JOHN) [1868-] The Butterflies of , Montana, Ac. pp. xvi, 174 [1] •' ]~ pl>- (1 col.), 1 map, - text illust. See MISSOULA, Montana.— UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA. Bulletin No. 80 (Biol. Series No. 10). 8°. 1906. Elrod (MORTON. J.) Pictured Rocks: Indian writings ^ on the rock cliffs of Flathead Lake, Montana, pp. /" : 10 pis.', text illust. See MlSSOULA, Montana. — UNI- VERSITY OF MONTANA. Bulletin No. 46. 8°. 1908. Also forms " Biological Series No. 1«." ELSCHNER (CARL) Corallogene Phosphat-Inseln Austral-Oceanieus und ihre Produkte, Ac. pp. [ii,] 118 [S] : 27 pis. (col.), 4 maps (col.). 8°. Liibeck, 1918. ELSDEN (JAMES VINCENT) Principles of Chemical Geology : a review of the application of the equilibrium theory to geological problems, pp. viii, 2SH2 : text illust. 8°. London A New York, 1910. ELTRINGHAM (HARRY) African Mimetic Butter- flies : being descriptions and illustrations of the principal known instances of mimetic resemblance in the Rhopa- locera of the Ethiopian region. . .with an explanation of the Mullerian and Batesian theories of mimicry, and some account of the evidences on which these theories are based, pp. 136 : 10 pis. (col.), 1 map col. 4». Oxford, 1910. Eltringham (HARRY) & Jordan (K.) Nymphalidoe; subfam. Acrteinae. pp. (IS. See AURIVILLIUS (P. O. C.) Lepidopterorum Catalogus, Ac. Pars 11. 8°. 1913. Eltringham (HARRY) & Jordan (K.) Fam. Nympha- lidae, subfam. Acrseinte. pp. 81 : 2 pis. col. SeeWYST- MAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 169. Lepido- ptera. *>. 1916. ELWES (ALFRED) A Dictionary of the Spanish and English and English and Spanish languages, Ac. pp. vi [i,]600. 8°. London, 1854. Elwes (HENRY JOHN) Guide to the primitive breeds of sheep and their crosses on exhibition at the Royal Agricultural Society's Show. Bristol, with notes on the management of Park Sheep in England, Ac. pp. 44 •' 13 pis. back to back. 8°. Edinburgh, 1913. Elwes (HENRY J.) & Henry (A.) The Trees of Great Britain & Ireland. [With a preface by W. T. Thistleton- Dyer.] 7 Vol. pp. xvi (vi, vi, viii, ix, viii, xxiv), -'<>-'-' : 418 pis. (4 col.), col. illust. titles. 4°. Edinburgh, 1906-13. Privately printed. EMANUEL (HAKRY) Diamonds ajjd" Precious Ston§ their historyj^-alue, and distingjiiBhing characte >«Scond edition, Ac/ pp. xxii, 266:^pls., text 8°. London, 1867. EMBLETON (DENNIS) Life of A. Hancock. See RAY SOCIETY.— ALDER (J.) & HANCOCK (A.) The British Tunicata, Ac. Vol. II. 8°. 1907. EMBLETON (ROBERT CASTLES) [Vertebrate Ani- mals of the Alnwick district.] See TATE (G.) The History of. . .Alnwick. Vol. II. ^ 4°. 1868-69. Emerson (BENJAMIN KnifWiiij) General Geology [of Alaska] : notes on the Stratigraphy and Igneous Rocks, Ac. See WASHINGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Harri- man Alaska Expedition, Ac. Vol. IV. 8°. 1904. Emerson (BENJAMIN K.) & Perry (J. H.) The Green Schists and associated Granites and Porphyries of Rhode Island, pp. 74 : 1 pl-> 1 map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 811. 8". 301 Emery (CARLO) Zur Kenntniss der Polymorphism™ der Ameisen. See ZoOLOQiscHE JAHRBUKCIIEK, Ac. Supplement-Band VII. 8°. 1904. Emery (CARLO) [Formicidce from the Antarctic regions.] See BELGIUM. — Commission de la Belgica. Expedition Antarctique Beige. Resultats du Voyage . . . 1897-1899 . . . Rapports scientifiques, A c. Zoologie. 4°. 1906. Emery (CARLO) Fam. Formicidas, subfam. Dorylinae. pp. 34: 1 pi., text illust. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 102. Hymenoptera. 4°. 1910. Emery (CARLO) Fam. Forinicidie, subfam. Ponerinse. pp. l:H,r> : 3 pis. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, Ac. Fasc. 118. Hymenoptera. 4°. 1911. Emery (CARLO) [FormieidiE collected by the Dutch New Guinea Expeditions in 1903, 1904-5, & 1907.J See WlCHMANN (C. E. A.) Nova Guinea, Ac. Vol. V, livr. 4; vol. IX, no. 2. 4°. 1911. Emery (CARLO) Formiche racolte durante i viaggi di S.A.ll. la Duchessa Elena d' Aosta nella regione dei grandi laghi dell' Africa equatoriale. pp. 2. See NAPLES. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI ST0DI. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della . . . Universita, Ac. Nuova Serie, vol. in, no. 26! 4°. 1912. Emery (CARLO) Fam. Formicidse, subfam. Dolicho- derime. pp. 50 : 2 pis. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, Ac. Fasc. 137. Hymenoptera. 4°. 1912. Emery (CARLO) Les Fourmis de la Nouvelle-Caledonie & des lies Loyalty. See SARASIN (C. F.) & Roux (J.) Nova Caledonia, Ac. A. Zoologie. Vol. I, no. 11. 4°. 1914. EMMEREZ DE CHARMOY (DONALD D') Report on 1'hytalus Smithi (Arrow) and other Beetles injurious to the Sugar Cane in Mauritius, pp. [iv,] $4 [1] •' s P^s- (1 col.), 1 map. 4°. Port Louis, 1912. (DONALD D') [For official MAURITIUS. — Museum Des- Emmerez de Charmoy reports as Curator] See jar dins. Emmerez de Charmoy (DONALD D') & Daruty de Graiulpre (A.) Liste raisonnee des Cochenilles de 1'lle Maurice, pp. 24. See MAURITIUS. — Museum Desjardins. Annual Report, dec. 1898-9. Appendix. 4°. [1900.] Emmerez de Charmoy (DONALD D') & Daruty de Grandpre (A.) Les Moustiques. Anatomie et Bio- logie. Contribution 4 1'etude des Culicidees et princi- palement des genres Culex et Anopheles, de leur role dans la propagation de la Malaria et de la Filariose et des moyens de s'en preserver. See DAHUTY DE GRAND- PRE (A.) & EMMEREZ DE CHARMOY (D. D') 8°. 1900. Emmons (SAMUEL FRANKLIN) Economic Resources of the northern Black Hills by J. D. Irving, with con- tributions by S. F. Emraons, Ac. pp. 222 : 10 pis. (col.), 10 maps A plans (col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 26. 4°. 1904. Emmons (SAMUEL F.) Economic Geology of the Bing- hain mining district, Utah. . .with. . .an introduction on general geology, by S. F. Emmons. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 38. 4°. 1905. Emmons (SAMUEL F.) & Irving (J. D.) The Down- town district of Leadville, Colorado, pp. 75: 6 pis., 1 map (geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 320. 8°. 1907. EMMONS (WILLIAM HARVEY) [1876-] The Geology and Ore deposits of Goldfield, Nevada. By F. L. Ran- some, assisted. . .by W. H. Emmons, Ac. pp. 258 : 31 pis. (col.), 4 maps (2 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 66. 4°. 1909. Emmons (WILLIAM H.) A Reconnaissance of some mining camps in Elko, Lander, and Eureka counties, Nevada, pp. 130 : 5 maps col., text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 408. 8". 1910. Emmons (WILLIAM H.) Some Ore deposits in Maine and the Milan mine, New Hampshire, pp. 62 : 2 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 432. 8°. 1910. Emmons (WILLIAM H.) The enrichment of Sulphide Ores. pp. 260. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 529. 8°. 1913. Emmons (WILLIAM H.) & Calkins (F. C.) Geology and Ore deposits of the Philipsburg quadrangle, Mon- tana, pp. 271 : IB pis., 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 78. 4°. 1913. Emmons (WILLIAM H.) & Garrey (G. H.) Prelimi- nary account of ... Mining districts in southern Nevada With notes on the Manhattan district by G. H. Garrey and W. H. Emmons. pp. 98 : 5 maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 303. 8°. 1907. Emmons (WILLIAM H.) & others. Geology and Ore deposits of the Bullfrog district, Nevada, pp. 130 : 13 pis. (1 col.), 1 map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 407. 8°. 1910. EMSZT (KALMAN) Die chemische Zusammensetzung des Schlammes und des Untergrundes vom Balatonsee- Boden. pp. 17. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR FOLDRAJZI TARSULAT. Resultate der wissenchaftlichen Erforsch- ung des Balatonsees, Ac. Bd. I, thl. I. Geologischer, petrographischer, • mineralogischer und mineralchem- ischer Anhang. 4°. 1911. Emszt (KALMAN) Aranyida banyageologiai viszonyai . . . (Emszt K elemzeseivel.) — Die montangeologischen Verhaltnisse von Aranyida. . .Mit den Analysen von. . . K. Emszt, Ac. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI riJLDTANI INTEZET. Evkonyve, Ac. (Mit- theilungen aus dem Jahrbuche, See ROYAL AUSTRALASIAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' USION. _^ 8°. (1901-) 1902-> EXPANDER (S. JOHAN) Studier ofver Salices i Linnes Herbarium. See UPSALA. — KONGLIGA UNIVERSITETET. Inbiudning till Teologie Doktors promotionen . . . 1907. 8°. 1907. Also issued separately as Uppsala Univ. Arsskrift 1907 "Linnefest- Skrifter. Bd. I." G-. G, G-. G-. fr. 302 Enander (S. JOHAN) Salioes Scandinavia; exsicoat* fasciculus ill, dc. 8°. Uppsala, 1910. Wanting the flnt two parti Issued 1905. - [Another isssue.J Fasc. I & II. 8°. Uppsala, 1911. The title on the wrappers reads :— " Schedules ad S. J. Euaudri Salices," flMS<. 4°. Edinburgh, [1768^17715 — Fourth/edition. [Edited by J. Milla/] 20 Vol. illutt. / 4°. EdinburgMlSQQ-] 1810. JiMi edition. [Edited by J. Mil W) 20 Vol. Must. 4°. EdinburgM1814-]1815[-n]. ctically a reprint of the preceding editio/f The Preface, which is ated 1 December, 1814, states that the finrt six volumes had already been printed by that date. i < - Sixth edition. [Edited bf M. Napier ?] 20 Vol. Must. ^/Edinburgh, [1822-] 1823. ' , L The " Advertisement " to this edition is dated " January, 1822," while f »-'*L/ three of the four plates to the art/He " Conchology " in Vol. VI, drawn by Capt. T. Brown, are dated 182(r Leach, who had been engaged and in part had planned some of tli/zoological articles for the "Supplement k tot he fourth, fifth and sisch editions" (See that work, Vol. I, p. xx), fell ill in 1821, and it seems possible that the article " Couchology " may have been begun by him, and finished by Brown. Tl - Supplemen^to the fourth, fifth, and sixth editions I -11, • • • With preliminary dissertations on the History of the Sciences [by Jf. Stewart, J. Playfair and W. T. Bramte]. [Edited by Iff. Napier.] 6 Vol. Must. 4". Edinburgh, [1815/j 1824. The date/of issue of the several parts are given In the/footnote to p. 1 of Uie " Table of Articles," etc., at the epd of Vol.. 'Seventh edition, with preliminary dissertations on History of the Sciences [by D.>6tewart, Sir J. fackintosh, J. Playfair and Sir J. Leslie]. . .A general Index [by R. Cox], dc. [Edited by/M. Napier, assisted by J. Browne.] 21 Vol. [in 24.] Allust. 4°. Edinburgh, [1830-] 1842. In this copy the plates and maps ha yf\ been bound apart in 3 volumes. Eighth edition. [] Must. & Index. Wanting the title-page to /ol. I. ted by T. S. Traill.] 21 Vol. 4". Edinburgh, 1858-60. Ninth edition Robertson Smit [Edited by T. S. Baines and W. 24 Vol. Must. & Index. 4°. Edinburgh, 1875- - Supplement to. . .Ninth edition. [Edited by BT. E. Thompson/H. Crosby, and J. P. Lamberton.] yl Vol. Must. / 8°. New York, dc., (1886-11887-89. This w/A first issued In 1883 under the title of " Encyclqjfiodla Ameri- [-/- Ninth edition. [Reprint.] 24 Vo/illtut. W London, 1898.] Wanting. Known as "The Time*" edition. — New volumes. . constituting/in combination with the existing volumes of the Ninth edition, the Tenth edition, dc. [Edited by Sir D.,Xl. Wallace, A. T. Hadley and H. Chisholm.] Vol. XXV-XXXV. 4°. Edinburgh d London, 1902-03. Eleventh edition. [Edited by H. Chisholm.] 29 Vol. Mutt. 4°. Cambridge, 1910-11. Encyclopaedias. Encyclopedia Londineusis, dc. 24 Vol. See WlLKES (J.) of Milland House, Sussex. 0 4°. [1796-] 1810-29. Encyclopaedias. Encyclopedic Bouasse-Lebel. His- toire Naturelle. No. 165. Mineialogie et Cristallo- graphie. [pp. ii, 16: text Must.} 8°. [Paris, c. 1878.] Encyclopaedias. The English Cyclopedia, a Dic- tionary of Universal Information. [Re-issue with Supplements.] 12 Vol. 4°. London [1875 ?]. Vol. l-iv. Arts and Sciences, Vol. I-VHI, and Supplement 1-4. ,, V-vn. Biography, Vol. I-vi, and Supplement 1-3, and Appendix 1-3. „ vm-IX. Natural History (Edited by E. Lankester], Vol. I-IV, and Supplement 1 and 2. ,, X-XI. Geography, Vol. I-IV, and Supplement 1 and 2. . , XII. Atlas. [Each volume is separately paged ; but the Supplements are con- tinuously paged for each section. The first edition of the Supplement to the Natural History volumes was issued as a single volume in 1870.) Encyclopaedias. Enzyklopiidie der Mikroskopischen Technik . . . herausgegeben von ... P. Ehrlich . . . M. Mosse . . . R. Krause . . . H. Rosin . . . K. Weigert . . . Zweite . . .Auflage, dc. <2 ISA. illust. 8°. Berlin £ Wien, 1910. The first edition appeared in 1903. Encyclopaedias. The Penny Cyclopaedia, dc. (Edited by G. Long.) 27 Vol. See SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFU- SION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. 4°. 1883-43. t / • Supplement, Sec AUSTRALIA, Commonwealth of.— Fisheries. 8°. 1911— > Endeavour, H.M.S. Illustrations of Australian Plants collected in 1770 during Captain Cook's voyage round the world in H.M.S. Endeavour, dc. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). [Botany.] fol. 1900-1905. Enderlein (GUENTHER) Die Lamlarthropoden der von der Tiefsee-Expedition besuchten antarktischen Inseln. pp. 74 : 10 pis. (col.), textillust. See GERMANY. Wissen- schaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tirfsrc- Kxpedition . . .1898-99, Formen. pp. 58: 4 pis. (col.), text Must. See JAGEHS- KIOLD (A. L. K. E.) Results of the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Egypt, dc. Pt. 2. K". 11)05. Enderlein (GUENTHER) [Copeognatha from south- western Australia.] See MICHAELSEN (W.) Die Fauna Sddwest-Australiens, dc. Bd. I, lief. 3. 8°. 1907. Euderlein (GUENTUER) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Copeognathen, dc. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Reise in Ostafrika, dc. Bd. II, hft. 3. 4°. 1908. Euderlein (GUENTHER) Fam. Coniopterygidoe. pp.18: Spit. col. SeeWYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera losectonun, dc. Fasc. 67. Neuroptera. 4". 1908. 303 Eiiderleiii (GuENTHER) Die Biologische Bedeutung der Antarktis, und ihrer Faunengebiete mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Insektenwelt. — Die Insekten des Antarktischen Gebietes. — Die Spinnen der Crozet-Inseln und von Kerguelen. See GERMANY. Deutsche Siid- polar-Expedition 1901-1903 . . . Herausgegeben von E. von Drygalski. Bd. x, hft. 4, no. 1 & 2 ; bit. 5. 4°. 1909. Enderleiii (GUENTHER) [Anoplura, PsyllidaeandCopeo- gnatha from the Kilimandjaro district.] See SJOSTEDT (B. Y.) Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro . . . 1905-1906, Ac. Bd. n, Siphonaptera, &c., no. 2 ; & Hemiptera, no. 8 ; Bd. Hi, Corrodentia, no. 2. 4°. 1910. Eiiclerlein (GuENTHER) Die Insekten des Antarkto- Archiplata-Gebietes (Feuerland, Falklands-Inseln, Sild- I -g Georgien), Ac. pp. 170 : 4 pi*- c°l-< text illuat. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- -• AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Fo'ljd, Bd. XLVIII, no. 3. 4°. 1912. Eiiclerlein (GUENTHER) [Plecoptera of south-western Australia.] See MlCHAELSEN (W.) Die Fauna Su'd- west-Australiens, Ac. Bd. IV, no. 4. 8°. 1912. Eiiclerlein (THEODOR) Zur Kenntnis der Insekten Deutsch-Ostafrikas, Ac. [Collected by F. Fiilleborn.] pp. 18 : 1 pi., text illust. See BERLIN.— KOENIGLICHE FKIEDRICH - WILHELMS - UNIVERSITAET. — Zoologische Sammlung. Mitteilungen, Ac. Bd. n, hft. 2. 8°. 1902. Erftebnisse der Nyassasee- und Kingagebirgs-Expedition der Heck- mann-Weutzelstiftung. Eiidlicher (STEPHAN LADISLAUS) Flora Brasiliensis . . . Opus. . .auctore S. Endlicher . . . conditum, Ac. Fasc. i-ix. See MARTIUS (0. F. P. VON) fol. 1840-47. Endliclier (STEPHAN L.) Die naturlichen Pflanzen- Familien . . . Mit einer vergleichenden Uebersicht der i. Systeme von Jussieu . . . und Endlicher, Ac. See GME- LIN (P.) 8°. 1867. Eiigel (KARL THEODOR) Geologischer Exkursions- fiihrer durch Wtirttemberg, Ac. pp. viii, 182: text illust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1911. ENGELHARDT (ROBERT) Monographic der Sela- chier der Milnchener Zoologisohen Staatssammlung ^ (mit besonderer Berticksichtigung der Haifauna Japans). J). Teil I-> illust. See MUNICH.— KOENIGLICH-BAYER- ISCHE AKADEMIE, Ac. Abhandlungen, Ac. — Suppl.- r- - Bd. IV, no. 3. 4°. 1913-» Forms also Bd. iv, no. 1 of " Beitragezur Naturgeschichte Ostasiena. Herausgegeben von F. Doflein." ENGELL (MAGNUS CORNELIUS) [1869-] Verbreitung und Hiiufigkeit des Elefanten und Lowen in Afrika. 7. 5. pp. [i,] 84 : 2 maps col. See PETERMANNS MlTTHEIL- ' UNGEN, Ac. Erganzbd. xxxvi, no. 171. 4°. 1911. J Engelma (GEORG) & Part ill. By J. Gray the 18th Ann. .:: 1 pi-, Parts I & II, by En .) Plantae Lind- lan kinship. 8°. [St. Louis, ouri Bot. Garden. (Jj»vT 1907), Jnn & Gray, were published UO845-50 [?.».]. Eiigliolni (W. A.) Om Fagellifvet i och omkring Sjon Takern. pp. 60 : 1 map col. See STOCKHOLM.— KONG- ' LIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Bihang till . . . Handlingar. Bd. xxvin, afd. iv, no. 6. 8°. 1902 (1903). ENGLAND (HELEN M.) & Hickson (S. J.) The Stylas- terina of the Siboga Expedition. See WEBER (M. C. W.) Siboga-Expeditie 1899-1900, Ac. Monog. vm. 4°. 1905. ENGLAND & WALES. Explanatory Notes to accompany a. . .Geological map of England & Wales, Ac. See GEIKIE (Sir A.) 8°. 1897. England & Wales. [Map*-] A Geological Map of England and Wales. . .By J. & C. Walker and J. A. Knipe. [Scale, 1 in. = 9 m.] col. London, 1835. and part of Scotland ... By I. & C. Walker. [Scale, 1 in. = 9 m.] col. London, 1835 [i.e. 1837 ?]. This last has been printed from the same plate as the preceding, with extensive additions and alterations. The date, however, has not been altered, although Knipe's name has been omitted. England & Wales. [Maps.] Geological and Mineralogical Map of England and Wales, with parts of Scotland, Ireland and France . . . By I. A. Knipe. (2nd edition.) [Scale, 1 in. = 12 m.] col. London, 1839. Subsequent editions were styled " Standard Geological Map," See CHE- VALIER (A.) 4". 1911-> Engler (HEINRICH G. A.) Aracein-Philodendroideie- PhilodendreiE. . . AUgemeiner Teil, HonialomenintB und SchismatoglottidintB, The following additional authors have also Contributed to the work :— Bitter (Q.) Brotherus (V. F.) Dammer (U.) Heimerl(A.) HenniiiKS (P.) Koehne (B. A. E.) Poulaen (V. A.) Nachtriige zum I. Teil. Schinz (H.) Svedelius (N. B.) Volkcns (O.) Warming (J. E. B.) Warnstorf (C.) Zahlbruckner (A.) 8°. Leipzig, 1909— > — ll-iv. Teil. pp. 380 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1897. — Gesamtregister zum I. Teil. 8°. Leipzig, 1909. — Gesamtregister zum ll-iv. Teil. 8". Leipzig, 1899. ZNGLEK, (VICTOR) Monographie der Gattuug Tilia. pp. 150. 8". Breslau, 1909. ENGLISH (A. C.) List of the Coleoptera collected in the St. Joseph Kiver district of British New Guinea by A. C. English. By H. Tryon. See QUEENSLAND.— Houses of Parliament. Annual Report on British New Guinea, Ac. 1889-90, append, v. 4°. 1890. ENGLISH (DOUGLAS) The Shrew-mouse, Dormouse, House-mouse, Field-mouse, Meadow-mouse, and Har- vest-mouse. Photographed from Life and described. pp. !>3, 1 tab. : text illust. 8". London, [1907.] Douglas English Nature Buolu. No. 1. ENGLISH (GlJILLERMO) Un sondeo en Linares (Jaen). pp 8. See SPAIN. — Comisidji del Mapa Geologico. Boletin.rfc. Tom. XXVI.^V^ £ J. 1902. ENGLISH (WALTER A.) Geology and Oil prospects of Cuyama Valley, California. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 621-N. 8°. 1916. 305 English (WALTER A.) & Pack (E. W.) Geology and Oil prospects in Waltham, Priest, Bitterwater, and Peachtree Valleys, California, with notes on Coal. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 581-D. 8°. 1914. ENGSTROM (CAROLUS P.) Dissertatio Entomo- logica novas Insectorum species sistens, cujus partem quartam . . . exhibent prases C. P. Thunberg. . .et re- spondens C. P. Engstrom, Ac. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1784.] ENQUIST (FREDRIK) Ueber die jetzigen und ehemaligen lokalen Gletscher in den Gebirgen von Jamtland und Harjedalen. pp. 36 : 2 pis., 3 maps col., text illust. See SWEDEN. — SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Ser. Ca. Afhandlingar, Ac. No. 5, V. 4°. 1910. ENSLIN (EDUARD) Tenthrediuidoe von der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, 1907-1908. See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deut- schen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, 1907-1908, Ac. Bd. IV, lief. 4. 8°. 1912. Ensliii (EDUARD) Die Blatt- und Holzwespen (Ten- thredinoidea), Ac. See SCHROEDER (C.) Die Insekten Mitteleuropas, illust. 8°. Columbus, Ohio, 1908— > ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. See ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF ONTARIO. Entomological Society of London. Address on the recent progress and present state of Entomology . . . Read at the Anniversary Meeting of the. . .Society. . . 1835. See WESTWOOD (J. O.) 8°. 1835. Entomological Society of London. An Address on the second anniversary of the . . . Society . . . 1836, by . . .F. W. Hope, President, pp. 7. 8°. [London, 1836.] This address was not published in the Society's Transactions. (See Vol. I, p. Ixuvii.) Entomological Society of London. Insecta Britan- nica, Ac. 8°. London, 1851-1856. A series of volumes by different authors [q. v.] was projected by the Society under this heading, viz. :— Vol. I, II & V. Diptera, by F. Walker. „ III. Micro-Lepidoptera, by H. T. .Stainton. „ IV. Hemiptera & Homoptera, by W. S. Dallas. [Cf. Advertisement pasted in cover of Stainton's own copy of the "Tineina" in the Walsingham Library.] Vol.' IV never appeared, and of Vol. in, only the " Tineina." A com- panion volume to the series "The British Tortrices, by S. J. Wil- kinson" [.] was published in 1859 under the auspices of H. T. Stainton, who was also the instigator of the whole project. Entomological Society of London. An Address read before the . . . Society ... at the anniversary meeting . . . 1889. See SHARP (D.) 8°. 1889. Not published in the Transactions of the Society. Entomological Society of London. An Address read before the. . .Society. . .at the annual meeting. . . ' 1890 (—1891). By the Right Honble. Lord Walsingham. 2 No. See DE GREY (T.) Baron Walsingham. 8°. 1890 (-91). Entomological Society of London. Address read before the. . .Society. . .at the annual meeting. . .1898. See TRIMEN (R.) 8°. 1898. Entomological Society of London. The Terebrse of the Chalastogastra (Saws, so called, of Sawflies). An Address read before the. . .Society, Ac. See MORICE (F. D.) 8°. 1912. Entomological Society of London. Secondary sexual characters of European and Mediterranean Aculeate Hymenoptera. An Address read before the . . . Society, Ac. See MORICE (F. D.) 8°. 1913. Entomological Society of London. An Address read before the. . .Society. . .at the annual meeting. . . 1916. See ROTHSCHILD (Hon. N. C.) 8°. [London,] 1916. Entomological Society of London. Supplementary Catalogue of the Library. . .Edited by G. C. Champion, Ac. pp. [ii,] 147. 8°. London, 1900. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF NOVA SCOTIA. [Founded 1914.] Proceedings, Ac. No. l-> 8°. (Truro [N.S.], 1915-» Wanting No. 1. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF ONTARIO. [1863 Founded as Entomological Society of Canada. 1871 Incorporated as Entomological Society of Ontario.] The Canadian Enjpaiologist . . .Edited by C. J. S. Bethune ([aruLafterwards] We-Stfunders, E. M. Walker),.^ Vol. i— > -^ffust. (coi.) $evfse$ (o^ ^U^f> a -n " 8°. Toronto A London, Ont., (1868-)1869 Entomological Society of Ontario. Annual Report, Ac. [No. 2->] 1871-> 8°. Toronto, 1872-> Wanting No. 1. First Annual Report . . . [for 1870] . . . Published 1871 ; Reprinted 1895. pp. 63 : text illust. 8°. Toronto, 1895. General Index to the Thirteen Annual Reports of the . . . Society, Ac. 1870-1882, Ac. . 8°. Toronto, 1883. to the Thirty Annual Reports of the . . . Society, Ac. 1870-1899, Ac. 8°. Toronto, 1900. ENTOMOLOGICAL STUDENT, The. Editor: J. C. Bradley, Ac. Vol. I, no. 1-4. 8°. Philadelphia, 1900 ENTOMOLOGISCHE BERICHTEN uitgegeven door de Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging. No. I— > See HAGUE, The.— NEDERLANDSCHE ENTO- MOLOGISCHE VEREENIGING. 8°. 1901— > ENTOMOLOGISCHE MITTEILUNGEN. Her- ausgegeben vom Verein zur Forderung des Deutschen Entomologischen Museums. Hedaktion : S. Schenkling und C. Schaufuss. Bd. I— >• See DAHLEM. — VEREIN ZUR FOEHDEHUNG DES DEUTSCHEN ENTOMOLOGISCHEN MUSEUMS. 8°. 1912-> 39 E. p. E E. 28 A( 306 ENTOMOLOGISCHE RUNDSCHAU. C Insi'ktfii - Borsc. Internationales Wocheublatt filr. Entomologie. Herausgegeben von C. Schauf UBS . . . und A. Frankenstein, dc. Jahrg. XXIII. 4°. Leipzig, 1906. [Continued at :] Entomologisches Wochenblatt (Insekten-Borse). Her- ausgegebeu von C. Schaufuss . . . und A. Frankenstein, dc. ' Juhrg. xxiv & xxv. 4°. Leipzig, 1907, 08. [Continued as :] Entomologische Rundschau (Fortsetzung des Entomolo- gisohen Wocheublattes) mit Anzeigenbeilage : " Insek- tenborse " und Beilage : " Entomologisches Vereinsblatt. ' ' Herausgegeben von C. Sohaufuss. Jahrg. xxvi & XXVII. 4°. Leipzig, Stuttgart d Heilbronn a. N., 1909, 10. [Continued a* :] Entomologische Rundschau, mit Beilage : Insekten- borse. Herausgegeben von P. Kuhnt ( [and afterwards] ' K. Griinberg). Jahrg. XXVlll-> 4°. Stuttgart, dc. 1911-> With Jahrg. XXVIII the " Insektenboree " Is issued separately weekly, while the " Entomologische Rundschau " continues to appear every fortnight \'i.i'.\. ENTOMOLOGISCHE 2EITSCHRIFT. Central- Organ des Entomologischen Internationalen Vereins, etc. Jahrg. i— > See INTERNATIONALER ENTOMOLO- OISCHBR VEREIN. 4°. 1887— > ENTOMOLOGISCHES WOCHENBLATT (In- sektenborse), )T See ENTOMOLOGISCHE RUNDSCHAU. A 4°.~I907— > With Jahrg. XXVIII -» (1911 -») the " Insektenbbrse " is issued separately weekly, while the "Entomologische Bundschau" con- tinues to appear fortnightly [?.».]. Entomologist, The. Supplement to "The Ento- mologist." Descriptions [by various authors] of new species of Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, illust. Die Forstinsekten Mitteleuropas, 8°. Berlin, 1914-> G-. Gr. B. G-. G-. G-. L. 74: v. This is really a distinct work although described on the title-page as another edition of Judeich and Nitsche's " Lehrbuch der Mittelenro- paiM-lu'i) Foratiusektenkunde," which was itself reckoned as the eighth edition of Ratzeburg'8 " Die Waldverderber und ihre Feiude." 308 G. E. L. ESCHOLT (MICHAEL PEDERSEN) Geologia Norvegia. Or, a brief. . .remembrancer, concerning that. . .Earth- quake, which hapned [••"'<"]. . .through the south parts of Norway: upon the 24th day of April. . .1657. Also... reasons concerning the causes ... of Earthquakes. Written in the Danish tongue . . . and Englished by D. Collins, pp. [x,] VS. 12°. London, 1663. E SC O M E L ( EDMUNDO) Estudio de los pseudomeloides del Peru y de la acci6n terap£utica de la Pseudo- meloidina. pp. 12 : 1 text illuat. 8°. Lima [1916 ?]. ESDAILE (PHILIPPA C.) Intensive study of the Scales of three specimens of Salmo salar. pp. 22, it 1 tab. : 5 pis., text illuat. See MANCHESTER LITEKARY •f- & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. mem. 3. Memoirs, inapt, text Uliut. 1885. „ II. The Birds of Essex. By M. Christy, pp. n'u, SOt: lpt.,1 plant (col.), text ilhist. 1890. .. III. The Mammals, Reptiles, and Fishes of Essex. By H. Laver. pp. riii, 1st : .* pit. , text Mutt. 1898. ,, IV. A History of the Mineral Waters and Medicinal Springs of the County of Essex. By M. Christy ami Miss M. Thresh, pp. [Hi,] 73: 1 pi., text illiut. 1910. Essex Field Club. Yearbook and Calendar, ] & others. Le Mexique au d6but du xx' Siecle. Par. . .d'Estournelles de Constant, v Ni/cavSpo HfTtHppains. See NlCANDER, of Colophon. . . . Gi/pioKn. Nicandri Theriaca . . . illustravit J. G. Schneider. 8°. 1816. Eutecnius. Tlapafypains 'E.vrtKviov (rofpurrov (K raty NiKavOpov Qr)ptaKi 8°. 1912-> EVEBDING (H.) Zur Geologic der Deutschen Zech- steinsalze. pp. vi, 183 : 14 pis. (1 plain), 2 maps geol. col., text Must. See PRUSSIA. — KOENIGLICH-PREUS- SISCHE GEOLOGISCHE LANDESANSTALT, Ac. Abhand- lung, Ac. Neue Folge, hft. Lll. 8°. 1907. Ans: "Deutschlands Kslibergbaii, Festschrift zum X. Allgemeincn Deutschen Bergmannstage zu Eisenach 1907." EVEBMANN (BARTON WARREN) [1853-] The Genera of Fishes from Linnaeus to Cuvier, 1758-1833 . . . with the accepted Type of each . . . By D. S. Jordan, assisted by B. W. Evermann. pp. 161. See STANFORD UNIVERSITY, California.— LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. 8". 1917. Evermann (BARTON W.) & Jordan (D. S.) American Food and Game Fishes : A popular account of all the "J species found in America, north of the Equator, Ac. See JORDAN (D. S.) & EVERMANN (B. W.) 4°. 1902. Evermann (BARTON W.) & Badcliffe (L.) The Fishes of the west coast of Peru and the Titicaca basin, pp. xi, 166: 14 pis. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 95. 8°. 1917. ' Eversmann (EDUARD FRIEDRICH) Enumeratio Lepi- dopterorum fluvium Volgam inter et monies Uralenses habitantium, Ac. pp. 21. 4°. [Moscow, 1831.] Reprinted In double column, with blank margins, from the "Hull. Soc. Imp. Nats. Moscou." Tom. III. Eversmann (EDUARD F.) Lepidoptera Faunae Rossicse [by E. F. Eversmann]. See RUSSIA. 8°. (1849.) Eversmann (EDUARD F.) Catalog der Lepidopteren- Sammlung des. . .Dr. Eversmann. See BREMER (O.) 8°. [1868.] 311 Everts (EDUARD J. G.) Coleoptera Neerlandica . . . Supplement, Ac. pp. 1SS : 6 pis. 8°. 's-Gravenhage, 1903. EWABT (ALFRED JAMES) [1872-] The Physiology of B Plants... By... W. Pfeffer. . .Second. . .edition trans- lated and edited by A. J. Ewart. 3 Vol. illust. See PFEFFEB (W. F. P.) 8°. 1900-06. -. . Ewart (ALFRED J.) On the Physics and Physiology of J?. Protoplasmic Streaming in Plants, Ac. pp. 131. 8°. Oxford, 1903. Ewart (ALFRED J.) Becording Census of the Victorian Flora. Prepared by A. J. Ewart . . . and issued for the JJ, Plant Records Committee, Ac. See VICTORIA, Aus- tralia.— Department of Agriculture. 4°. 1908. Ewart (ALFRED J.) The Weeds, Poison Plants, and naturalized aliens of Victoria. . .Assisted by J. R. Tovey, Ac. See VICTORIA, Australia. — Department of Agri- culture. 8°. 1909. Ewart (ALFRED J.) Plants indigenous to Victoria. Vol. ii. See MUELLER (Sir F. J. H. VON) K.C.M.G., Baron. The Plants indigenous to the colony of Victoria. 4°. 1910. Ewart (ALFRED J.) & Davies (O. B.) Miss. The Flora of the Northern Territory [of Australia] . . . With Appendices by J. H. Maiden . . . and by A. A. Hamilton and E. Cheel, Ac. pp. viii, 387, 7 tabi. : 27 pis., 1 map. £JL»£ 8°. Melbourne, 1917. EWABT (JAMES COSSAR) [1851-] Guide to the Zebra Hybrids, &c., on exhibition at the Royal Agricultural Society's Show, York, together with a description of Zebras, Hybrids, Telegony, etc. pp. 51 : 10 pis. back to back, text illust. 8°. Edinburgh, 1900. Ewart (JAMES C.) The multiple origin of Horses and Ponies, pp. 39 : text illust. 8°. Edinburgh, 1904. Trans. Highland & Agric. Soc. Scotland. Ewart (JAMES C.) Prjevalsky's Horse (Equus Prjewal- skii, Pol.) . . . Translated by Capt. M. H. Hayes and 0. C. Bradley . . . With an Introduction by J. C. Ewart. See ZALENSKII (V. V.) 8°. 1907. Ewart (JAMES C.) [Abstract of twelve lectures delivered on " Horses of the Past and Present." foil. 62.] Typewritten .MS. of the Swiney Lectures on Geology for 1907. EWING (Sir JAMES ALFRED) K.C.B.^55-Y_ On the Structure of Metals, pp. SO : 5 /pis., text illust. \ See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, Ac. Vol. LI, mem. 15. 8°. 1907. Wilde Lecture. XV. Ewing (PETER) [Characese, Hepaticse and Phanerogamia D7/ of the Clyde area.] See ELLIOT (G. F. S.) Fauna, ' Flora & Geology of the Clyde area, Ac. 8°. 1901. EXETER. — ROYAL ALBERT MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE FIELD CLUB AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. See ROYAL ALBERT MEMORIAL COLLEGE FIELD CLUB AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Exner (SIGMUND) Die Physiologic der facettirten Augen von Krebsen und Insecten. Eine Studie. pp. viii, ' SOtl : 8 pis. (col.), text illust. 8°. Leipzig See RUSSIA. — Comite Geologique. Trudui, Ac. Nov. Ser., vuip 49. 4°. 1908. Faas (ALEKSANDR V.) & others. Andizhanskoe Zemletryasenie 3/16 dekabrya 1902 ghoda, Ac. — Das Erdbeben von Andishan am 3/16 Dezember, 1902, Ac. pp. [i,] 90 [4] : 5 pis., 1 map, text illust. See RUSSIA.— Comite Geologique. Trudui, tic. Nov. Ser., vuip. 54. 4°. 1910. FABER (PAUL) Der Heu- und Sauerwurm und seine Bekampfung in Grossherzogtum Luxemburg, pp. 22. 8°. Grevenmacher, 1913. Luxemburger Weinzeitung. No. 15, Beilage. FABIANI (RAMIRO) [1879-] I bacini dell' Alpone del Tramigna e del Progno d' Illasi nei Lessini medi, Ac. pp.60: 7 pis., S maps col., text illust. 8°. Venezia, 1913. Fabiani (RAMIRO) & Stefanini (G.) Monografia sui Terreni Terziari del Veneto, Ac. pp. xvi, 624, 1 tab. : 9 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See PADUA. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. — Istituto Geologico. Memorie, Ac. Vol. in. 4°. 1915. The following authors have also contributed to the work • — F Ereuta M. Cavallo, L. di Garda, and F. Torre. Fabiani (RAMIRO) & Stefanini (G.) Sopra la natura e la distribuzione delle Rocce Terziarie delle Venezia. pp. 23 : 1 map geol. col. 8°. Venezia, 1916. Publ. No. 66 Uff. Idrogr. R. Magist. alle Acque. G-. 312 6: t. •Z-. X. •z . L . K L. FABRE (GEORGES) Region des Causses. pp. 8. See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. Eighth Session : Paris, 1900. Livret-Guide des Excursions en France, Ac. No. x b. 8°. 1900. Fabre (JEAN HENRI CASIMIR) Souvenirs Entomolo- giques. Etudes sur 1'instinct et les moeurs des Insectes. (Huitieme Serie.) pp. 378 [1] : text illust. 8°. Paris [1903]. (Neuvieme Serie.) pp. S74 [1] : text illust. 8°. Paris [1905]. (Dixieme Serie.) pp. 353 [1] : text illust. 8°. Paris [1907]. Fabre Domergue (PAUL) Flagellata. See BOUTAN (L.) Zoologie descriptive, Ac. Tom. I. 8°. 1900 [i.e. 1899J. Fabricius (OTTO) Fortegnelse over afg. Biskop Fabri- ciusses efterladte Naturalier. 8°. [Copenhagen, 1823.] Forms pp. 61-114 of the " Fortegnelse over en ... Bogsamling . . . tillegemed en betydelig I>eel Naturalier, hvoriblamlt en Conchylie- samling, afgange Biskop Fabriciua's . . . som ved Auction . . . forst- kommende, ,tr. 8». Kjtfheuhavii, 1813." FACCHINETTI (NicOLO) [Nine original Water- colour drawings of Fishes, and one of a Crustacean, from Rio de Janeiro, made from life and given to Dr. Naegeli by N. Facchinetti, in 1866.] FACCZOLATI (JACOPO) [1684-1769] Totius Latini- tatis Lexicon consilio et cura J. Facciolati, Ac. 2 Vol. See FORCELLINI (E.) 4°. 1828. FAGE (Louis) Recherches sur les Stades pelagiques de quelques Tele'oste'ens de la Mer de Nice (Parages de . Monaco) et du Golfe du Lion. pp. 53 : 1 pi., text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. — Paris Branch. Annales, Ac. Tom. I, fasc. 7. 4°. 1910. Fage (Louis) Recherches sur la Biologie de 1'Anchois (Engraulis encrassicholus, Linne1), Ac. pp. 40 [7] : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. — Paris Branch. Annales, Ac,. Tom. II, fasc. 4. 4°. 1911. Fage (Louis) Essais d'Acclimatation du Saumon dans le Bassin de la Mediterranee. pp.13. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 225. 8°. 1912. FAGOT (PAUL) See FAGOT (JACQUES SEBASTIEN FRAN90IS LKONCE MARIE P.) Fagraeus (JONAS THEODORUS) Medicamenta Graveo- lentia, quse sub praesidio . . . C. Linnsei . . . proposuit J. T. Fagrsms, Ac. See LINNAEUS (C.) [Worfcs.] C. Linneei Fundamentorum Botanicorum pars prima . . . Curante J. E. Gilibert. Tom. II. 8°. 1786. FAILLA-TEDALDI , l.i i.;i>\ Mina-Falumbp (F.) Material! per la Fauna Lepidotterologica della Sicilia. See MINA-PALUMBO (F.) & FAILLA-TEDALDI (L.) S**. 1889. FAIRBANKS (HAROLD WELLMAN) [I860-] Gypsum deposits in California. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 223. 8°. 1904. FAIRCHILD (DAVID GRANDISON) [1869-J Berseem: - • the great forage and soiling crop of the Nile valley. Ll£ &- W' ~° ' llt &*' ^ee UNITED STATES. — Department 'of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 23. 8°. 1902. I Fail-child (DAVID G.) Spanish Almonds and their introduction into America, pp. 1C: 8 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 26. 8°. 1902. Faircbild (DAVID G.) Three new Plant introductions from Japan, pp. 24: 6 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 42. - 8°. 1903. Faircbild (DAVID G.) Japanese Bamboos, and their introduction into America, pp. 36 : 8 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 43. 8°. 1903. Faircbild (DAVID G.) Persian Gulf Dates and their introduction into America, pp. 32 : 4pl*-- See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 54. ' 8°. 1908. Faircbild (DAVID G.) The cultivation of the Australian Wattle, pp. 7 : 3 pig. See UNITED STATES. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bul- letin No. 51, pt. 4. 8°. 1904. Faircbild (DAVID G.) Cultivation of Wheat in per- manent Alfalfa fields, pp. 5. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 72, pt. 1. 8°. 1904. Faircbild (DAVID G.) The Chinese Wood-Oil Tree. pp. 7 : S pis. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Circular No. 108. 8°. 1913. Faircbild (DAVID G.) & Collins (G. N.) The South African Pipe Calabash, pp. 9 : 2 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Circular No. 41. 8°. 1909. FAIRCHILD (HERMAN LE ROY) [1850-] Glacial L, Waters in the Lake Erie Basin, pp. 83: 14 pis., 9 maps (geol. col.), text illust. See ALBANY. — NEW S.J YORK STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Bulletin No. 106. 8°. 1907. Faircbild (HERMAN LE R.) The Glacial Waters in the J Black and Mohawk Valleys, pp. 4~ '• 6 pis., 17 maps (col.), text illust. See ALBANY. — NEW MUSEUM. Museum Bulletin No. 160. YORK STATE 8°. 1912. FAIRHOLME (GEORGE) verification directe de la pp. 32 : 1 pi, text illust. Positions ge'ologiques, en Chronologic de la Bible. 12°. Munich, 1834. Fairmaire (LEON MARC HERMINIE) Descriptions de Lamellicornes Indo-Chinois nouveaux ou peu connus. — Deux especes nouvelles de Longicornes du Tonkin. See PAVIE (A.) Mission Pavie Indo-Chine, <£c. 4°. 1904. Fairmaire (LEON M. H.) [Tenebrionidse, Cantharidse and CEdemeridae from the Antarctic regions.] See BEL- GIUM.— Commission de la Belgica. Expedition Antarc- tique Beige. Re"sultats du Voyage . . . 1897-1899 . . . Rapports scientifiques, ttc. Zoologie. 4°. 1906. FAIVRE (ERNEST) GUSTIN E.) See FAIVRE (JEAN JOSEPH Au- Fair-child (DAVID G.) Saragolla Wheat.— Plant intro- duction notes from South Africa. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 25. 8°. 1902. FALCK (KURT) Bidrag till kannedomen om Hiirje- dalens parasitsvampflora. pp. 17 : text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik. Bd. xn, no. 5. 8°. 1912. 313 r. FALCK (RICHARD) & Brefeld (O.) Die Blilteninfek- tion bei den Brandpilzen und die natiirliche Verbreitung der Brandkrankheiten. pp. 74 [2] .' 2 pis. See UNTER- SUCHDNQEN AUS DEM GESAMMTGEBIETE DER MYKO- LOGIE, Ac. Hit. xni. 4°. 1905. FALCO, unregelmiissig im Anschluss an das Werk "Berajah, Zoographia infinita " erscheinende Zeit- schrift. . .Herausgeber : 0. Kleinschmidt. Jahrg. I— > 1905-» illust. (col.) 8°. Halle A Leipzig, 1905— > Falconer (HUGH) & Cautley (Sir P. T.) Sivatherium giganteum, a new fossil ruminant genus, Ac. pp. 24 : 1 pi. 4°. [Calcutta, 1836.] Asiat. Research. Vol. XIX. FALCONER (JoiiN DOWNIE) [1876-] The Geology and Geography of Northern Nigeria. . .With notes by ...A. Longbottom . . . and an Appendix on the Palae- ontology of the Cretaceous deposits, by H. Woods. pp. xiv. 205 : 24 pis., 5 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. 8°. London, 1911. Falconer (JOHN D.) [Abstract of twelve Lectures delivered on " Landforms and Landscapes." foil. :M.] 4°. [1914.] Typewritten MS. of the Swiney Lectures on Geology for 1814. Falconer (JOHN D.) [Abstract of twelve Lectures delivered on " Ice and the Ice Age." foil. 56.] 4°. [1915.] Typewritten MS. of the Swiney Lectures on Geology for 1915. Falkenberg (PAUL) Die Rhodomelaceen des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte, Ac. pp. xvi, 754 : ~4 pis-, text illust. See NAPLES. — Zoologische Station. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, Ac. Monographic xxvi. 8°. 1901. JFALL (HENRY C.) List of the Coleoptera of southern California, with notes on Habits and Distribution and descrip'tions of new species, pp. 282. See CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Occasional Papsrs, Ac. Vol. O. VIII. 8°. 1901. FALLON (FKLICIEN GEORGES LAURENT GHISLAIN) Baron [1876-] L'Agriculture au Congo Beige. See BELGIUM. — Ministere des Colonies. — Service de V Agriculture. 8°. [1918.] F ALLOT (EMMANUEL) See FALLOT (JEAN E.) Fallot (JEAN EMMANUEL) Sur une Carte G^ologique des environs de Bordeaux, et sur les relations qui existent entre la constitution g^ologique et la configura- tion geographique de la region. 8°. [Bordeaux, 1896.] Bull. Soc. Geogr. Commerc. An. xix, pp. 418-425. Fallot (JEAN E.) [Geological Excursion to the Giroude.J pp. 24: text illust. See CONGRES GKOLOGIQUE INTER- NATIONAL. — Eighth Session : Paris, 1000. Livret- Guide des Excursions en France, Ac. No. II*. 8°. 1900. FALLOT (PAUL) Sur la presence de 1'Aptien dans la . . Sierra de Majorque (Baleares). pp. 11. 8°. Grenoble, 1916. Trav. Laborat. Geol. Univ. Grenoble. 1916. Fallot (PAUL) & Jacob (C.) Etude sur les Rhyncho- nelles Portlandiennes, Neocomiennes et Mesocretac^es du sud-est de la France, pp. 82 : 11 pis. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAEONTOLOGISCHE GESELL- SCUAFT. Abhandlungen, Ac. (Vol. xxxix.) 4°, 1913, Famiutzuin (ANDRE! SERGHYEEV!CH) 0 roli simbioza v evolyutzii Orghanizmov. [On the relation of symbiosis to the evolution of Organisms.] pp. 14. See ST. PETERS- BURG.— ACADKMIE IMPEHIALE DES SCIENCES. M^moires, 8°. [Washington,] 1905-> Vol. I, pt. 1. Carnegie Institution, Washington. Publication No. 8. Farlow (WILLIAM G.) A consideration of the Species Plantarum of Linnaeus as a basis for the starting point of the nomenclature of Cryptogams, pp. 10. 8°. [ if '0^ Privately printed. I FARMER (JOHN) [Map of Michigan. By J. Farmer. Scale, 1 : 475,000, i.e. 1 in. = 7 m. about.] See MICHI- GAN, State of. [Maps.] 2 sh. (col.) 1853. Farmer (JOHN SHETLAND) [A practical introduction to the study of Botany : Flowering Plants. 8°. London, Ac. 1899.] Wanting. New edition, pp. viii, 274 '• text illust. 8°. London, Ac. 1902. Longmans' Practical Elementary Science Series. Botany. Farmer (JOHN B.) The structure of Animal and Vegetable cells. See LANKESTER (Sir E. R.) K.C.B. A Treatise on Zoology, Ac. Pt. I, fasc. 2. 8°. 1903. FARNESE (ODOARDO) Cardinal, Bishop of Sdbina, Exactissima descriptio rariorum quarundam Plantarum. qu§ continentur Rome in Horto Farnesiano, Ac. See ALDINUS (T.) 4°. 1625. FARQUHARSON (MARIAN SARAH) Mrs. See RIDLEY afterwards FARQUHARSON. FARQUHARSON (ROBERT ALEXANDER) Petro- logical Contributions to the Geology of Western Australia, pp. 100 : text illust. See WESTERN AUS- TRALIA.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 43. 8°. 1912. Farquliarson (ROBERT A.) Petrography of the Cool- gardie, Gibraltar and Mount Monger area. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Geological Survey, Bulletin No. 53. 8°. 1913. 40 G-. B. B. B. •3. 314 Farqnharson (ROBERT A.) The Geology of the country between Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie . . . With a Petro- logical Contribution by R. A. Farquharson, >4 •' ~ maps (1 geol. col.), ~> plans <£ lections, text illust. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 62. 8°. 1914. Farqnharson (ROBERT A.) The Geology and Mineral & Resources of the Yilgarn Goldfield. Part ll. The Gold belt south of Southern Cross. . . With Petrological notes by R. A. Farquharson. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 63. 8°. 1915. Farqnharson (ROBERT A.) Petrological descriptions fL. of some Rocks from the Warren River district. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Geological Survey. Bul- letin No. 65. 8°. 1915. Farqnharson (ROBERT A.) The Geology and Ore- deposits of Meekatharra, Murchison Goldfield . . . Petro- AL. logy by R. A. Farquharson, Ac. pp. 342 : 1 pi., I map, text illust. Atlas, ;?.•> maps A sections geol. col. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Geological Survey. Bul- letin No. 68. 8°. & fol. 1916. Farqnharson (ROBERT A.) [For notes as Petrologist] See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Geological Survey. Bul- letin, Ac. Farqnharson (ROBERT A.) & Feldtmann (F. R.) Contributions to the study of the Geology and Ore (r. deposits of Kalgoorlie, East Coolgardie Goldfield. Pt. II. pp. 85 : SO pit. (1 col.), 9 maps (col.), text illust. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Geological Survey. Bul- letin No. 51. 8". 1913. Farqnharson (ROBERT A.) & Saint-Smith (E. C.) ^ Geology and Mineral Resources of the Yilgarn Goldfield. Cr. Pt. I. Southern Cross, pp. lf>3 : 1 pi., 7 maps 8°. [1914->] Farrer (REGINALD) On the Eaves of tin- World. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1917. FARRER (WILLIAM JAMES) & Woodward (1!. 15.) [Non-Marine- Mollusca of Cumberland.] Sec WOODWARD (B. B.) & FARBER (W. J.) 4". |_1901.) FARRINGTON (OLIVER CUMMINGS) [1864-]*/Gems and Gem Minerals, pp. xii, .'.':/: 99 pis. (col!), text illust. 4°. Chicago, 1903. Two of the plates are paged In with the text. 315 Farrington (OLIVER C.) Catalogue of the Meteorites ; . of North America, to January 1, 1909. pp. 513: \ •Jl; 36 maps back to back. See NATIONAL ACADEMY OF | SCIENCES (WASHINGTON, D.C.). Memoirs, dc. Vol. xm. 4°. 1915. :. - Farrington. (OLIVER C.) Meteorites : their structure, ; composition, and terrestrial relations, pp. x, 333, 1 tab. : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Chicago, 1915. ] FARWELIi (OLIVER ATKINS) Botanical Nomencla- ture of the U.S.P. IX. [pp. 4.] 4°. [New York, 1917.] 3 . Druggists Circular, April, 1917. Far well (OLIVER A.) Botanical Nomenclature of the N.F. IV. [pp. 4 :] 1 port. 4°. [New York, 1917.] Druggists Circular, May, 1917. Farwell (OLIVER A.) Botanical Nomenclature of the Pharmacopoeia and National Formulary Botanical Nomenclature. 4°. New York [1919]. Druggists Circular. Vol. LXII, 1918, pp. 535-8 ; LXiir,191», pp. 49, 00. C -'l"-> FASSL (A. H.^J. Tropische Reisen. IV. Muzo, das Land der schonsteu Smaragde und Schmetterlinge. pp. 38. 8". [Leipsic, 1912-13.] Entomol. Rundschau. Jahrg. XXIX & XXX. B. B. E. J FATH (A. E.) An anticlinal fold near Billings, Noble county, Oklahoma. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 641-K. 8°. 1916. Faura y Sans (MossEN M.) Sintesis estratigrafica de los Terrenos Primaries de Cataluna con una descripcion de los yacimientos fosiliferos mas principales. pp. 202, X tabs. : 9 pis., text illust. See MADRID.— REAL 8OCIE- DAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, dc. Tom. IX, no. 1. 8°. 1913. Faura y Sans (MossKN M.) & Cami (F.) Sur les Bryozoaires des Terrains Tertiares de la Catalogue. pp. 117 : 9 ph., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. Barcelona [1916]. " Pulilicacions de 1'Institut de Ciencias. . . Volum 1916." FAURE-PREMIET (E.) Revision de la famille des Textularidffi. pp. 4- See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANO- GRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 192. 8°. 1911. Faure-Freniiet (E.) La constitution du test chez les Foraminiferes arenac^s. pp. 7: text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 216. 8°. 1911. Fanre-Fremiet (E.) [Foraminifera from the Antarctic Regions collected by the Charcot Expedition on the " Pourquoi-Pas ? "] See FRANCE. [Voyages, illust. 8". Geneve d Berne, 1889— > Fancounet (CHARLES ISAAC) Excursions Botaniques dans le Bas-Valais. pp. 145 [2]. 8". Geneve A Bale, 1872. FAULL (JcrTIJ^The anatomy of the Osmundaceae. L pp. 39 : 4 pis. Sec TORONTO. — UNIVERSITY. Studies. " Biological Series, dc. No. 2. 8°. 1902. Botanical Gazette. Vol. XXXII, 1901. FAUNA EXOTICA. Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete der exotischen Insektenwelt, dc, Jahrgang 1-^ See INTERNATIONALER ENTOMOLOGISCHER VEREIN. 4°. 1911^V 1^ FAUNA OCH FLORA. Popular Tidskrift for Biologi.' Utgifven af E. Lonnberg. Arg. I — > "*.-*• ^v8^3f9t!SSW FAUNUS. Zeitschrift ffir Zoologie und vergleichenden Anatomie. (Acis, Intelligenzblatt zur Zeitschrift " Faunus," dc. No. 1-5. — Gallerie denkwiirdiger Naturforscher, dc. No. 1 & 2.) Herausgegeben von J. Gistl. Bd. I & II. 8". Miinchen, 1832-35. Originally issued in six parts. " Acis " first appeared with lift. 2 of Bd. I in 1834, and no. 1 of the "Gallerie" with heft. 2 of Bd. n, 1836. Wanting the continuation, " Neue Folpe," Bd. I, hft. 1 & 2, 1837, with their Supplements. (Cf. Kayser's " Index.") FAURA Y SANS (MOSSEN MARIAN) [1883-] Grap- tolitos citados en Cataluna. pp. 21. See MADRID. — ) REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, dc. Tom. VI, no. 2. 8°. 1909. Faura y Sans (MossEN M.) La Espeleologia de Cataluna. pp. lt!7 : 18 pis., text illust. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPAN'OLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, dc. Tom. vi, no. 6. 8°. 1911. L. 8-0. V- T FAURIE (URBAIN) Mutisiacese Japonic* a Dom. {L.1 s/*7~ ' ' Faurie collect* e Herbariis Musei Parisiensis et Dom. Drake del Castillo exposite. Auctore A. Franchet. pp. 3: 1 pi. See CHAMBESY. — HERBIER BOISSIER. Memoires, dc. No. 14. 8°. 1900. FAUROT (LIONEL) Scyphozaires. (Heliactis bellis.) See BOUTAN (L.) Zoologie descriptive, dc. Tom. I. 8°. 1900 [i.e. 1899]. Faurot (LIONEL) Affinities des Teiracoralliaires et des Hexacoralliaires. pp 40 •' text illust. See ANNALES DE PALEONTOLOGIE, dc. Tom. iv, fasc. 3. 4". 1909. Fausek (VIKTOR ANDREEVICH) Parazitizm Lichinok Anodonta. — Parasitismus der Anodonta-I^arven. pp. ii, 141 '• 8 pis. (col.) See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, dc. Ser. VIII, torn, xm, no. 6. 4°. 1903. Fausek (VIKTOR A.) Otlozheniya Ghuanina u Paukov (Aranema). [On the deposits of Guanin in Spiders (Araneina).] pp. 58 : 4 pis. (col.), text illust. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, dc. Ser. VIII, torn, xxiv, no. 3. 4°. 1909. FAUSSEK (VICTOR) VlCH) See FAUSEK (VIKTOR ANDREE- FAUVEIi (ALBERT) SeeFAUVEL(CHARLESADOLPHEA.) Fauvel (CHARLES ADOLPHE ALBERT) Staphylinidae recjieillis au Cameroun par. . .Y. Sjostedt. See STOCK- HOLM.— KMtfGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMUiN. Arkiv for Zoologi. Bd. I. 8'. 1903. Also styled : " Beitriige zur Kenutnis der Insektenfauua von Kamerun. No. 19." Results of the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Egypt and the White Nile, dc. Pt. II, Coleoptera. 8°. 1905. Fauvel (CHARLES A. A.) Staphylinides de la Guinee Espagnole. pp. 18. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, dc. Tom. I, mem. 16. 8". 1906. L. L. ~ft. » I L. L. i. FAUVEL (PIERRE) Premiere (—Quatrieme) note pre- limiuaire sur les Polychetes proveuant des Campagnes de Y Hirondelle et de la Princesse-Alice, ou de'posecs dans le Musee Oceanographique de Monaco. 4 Pt. illust. See MONACO.— iNS-rtTUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 107, 142, 194, 270. 8°. 1907-13. Fauvel (PIERRE) Annelides Polychetes. See Louis PHILIPPE BOBERT, Duke of Orleans. Campagne Arc- tique de 1907. 4°. 1911. Fauvel (PIERRE) Aunelides Polychetes nou pelagiques provenant des campagnes de 1' Hirondelle et de la Princesse-Alice (1885-1910). See ALBERT HONOKK CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. Be'sultats des Campagnes scientifiques, Ac. Fasc. XLVI. 4°. 1914. Fauvel (PIERRE) Aphroditiens pelagiques des Cam- pagnes de YHirondelle, de la Princesse Alice, et de YHirondelle II. (Note pre'liminaire.) pp. 8 : text • illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 287. 8°. 1914. Fauvel (PIERRE) Polychetes pelagiques nouvelles des Campagnes de la Princesse-Alice. pp. 11 : text illust. See MONACO.— INSTITUT OCKANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 305. 8°. 1915. Fanvel (P'IERRE) Annelides Polychetes pelagiques provenant des campagnes des yachts Hirondelle et Princesse-Alice. (1885-1910.) See ALBERT HONORE CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. Besultats des Campagnes scientifiques, Ac. Fasc. XLVIII. 4". 1916. Fauvel (PIERRE) Tableaux analytiques des Annelides c til! J Polychetes des cotes de France. I— > See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 347— > 8°. 1918-> FAVARG2R (L.) & Rechinger (KARL) Vorarbeiten zu einer pflanzengeographischen Karte Osterreichs. c. i-fif ~T> !"• Die Vegetationsverhiiltnisse von Aussee in Ober- steiermark. pp. 35 : 1 -map col., text illust. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE ZOOLOGISCH- BOTANISCHEGESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungei), Ac. Bd.III, hft. 2. 8°. 1905. FAY ABO (GIUSEPPE) Bicerche intorno alia morfo- logia ed allo sviluppo dei vasi, seni e cuori caudali nei '.#. Ciclostomi e nei Pesci. pp. S79 : text illust. See VENICE. — REALE ISTITUTO VENETO DI SCIENZE, Ac. Tom. LXV, pt. 2. Appendice, Ac. 8". 1906. Favaro (GIUSEPPE) Pisces (Fische). Bearbeitet von ...G. Favaro. See BRONN (H. G.) Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Beichs, Ac. Bd. VI, abth. I, lief. 23-33. 8°. 1908-1910. FAVRE (FRANCOIS) Contribution i. 1' etude des Oppclia du Jurassique moyen. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAE- ONTOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, Ac. (Vol. xxxviii.) 4°. 1912. Favre (JEAN ALPHONSE) Carte du phe'nomene erratique et des anciens Glaciers du versant nord des Alpes Suisses et de la chaine du Mont-Blanc, Ac. See SWITZERLAND. —Carte Geologique Suisse. [Maps.] 4". sh. col. 1884. FAVRE (JULES) & Rollier (H. L.) Carte Geologique des environs du Locle et de La Chaux-de-Fonds. Echelle, 1 : 25,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 2J in. about]. See SWITZERLAND.— Carte Geologique Suisse. [Maps.] col. 1910. Carte ipeclale No. CO. FAWCETT (GEORGE L.) Fungus Diseases of Coffee in Porto Bico. See UNITED STATES. — Department of A i/ ri vulture. — Porto Bico Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 17. 8°. 1915. Fawcett (WILLIAM) Woods and Forests of Jamaica. _ pp. 18. 12°. London [1909J. Fawcett (WILLIAM/ & Beadle' (A. B.) Flora of Jamaica, containingydescriptionxbf the Flowering Plants known from the/Island, Ac/ Vol. I— > See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HiSTOgY).^ Botany- . 8°. 1910— > &2,\n'vi<> [tfv ifyjb Tf . fW--(VH/fA FAWNS (SYDNEY) Tin deposits of 'Qie World. pp. xii. 240 : 22 ph.. I map, text illuft. 8°. [London,] 1905. Fawns (SYDNEY) Badium : its production and uses. J pp. tiO : S pis., 1 port. 8°. London [1913]. FAT (ALBERT HILL) See MINERAL INDUSTRY, The. . . . Edited by A. H. Fay, Ac. Vol. XIX. 8°. 1911. FATETTEVILLE. — Arkansas Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 82-92, 94, 95, 102-104, 107, 109, 110, 111, 117, 120, 123, 125, 127 & 128. 8°. Fayetteville, Ark., 1906-16. Fayol (HENRI) Bassins Houillers de Commentry et de Decazeville. pp. 8 : H pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See CONGRES GKOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. —Eighth Session : Paris, 1900. Livret-Guide des Ex- cursions en France, Ac. No. XI a. 8°. 1900. PEA (LEONARDO) [1852-1903] Viaggio di L. Fea in Birmania ... IV. Nuove specie di Coleotteri. See GESTRO (B.) 8°. 1888. Fea (LEONARDO) Bevision du systeme des Orthopteres , et description des especes rapportees par . . . L. Fea de Birmanie, Ac. See BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL (C.) 8". 1893. FEARNSIDES (WILLIAM GEORGE) [1879-] The Geology of Cambridgeshire. See M AUK (J. E.) Hand- book to the Natural History of Cambridgeshire, Ac. 8°. 1904. Fearnsides (WILLIAM G.) The Mineral Bequirements of the British Iron and Steel industries. 8°. Westminster, 1917. Journ. Soc. Engineers. Vol. VIII, pp. 7-109 : 4 maps, text illust. Fearnsides (WILLIAM G.) & Marr (J. E.) The Physiography of Cambridgeshire. See MARR (J. E.) Handbook to the Natural History of Cambridgeshire, Ac. 8°. 1904. Fedchenko (ALEKSYEI PAVLOVICH) Puteshestvie v Turkestan, Ac. (Beise in Turkestan, Ac.) Tom. III. Botanichesklya izslycdovantya (BotanUcher Theil.) [eonW.l [Chart. 4.] Spisok Kaatenil sobran nutkh v Turkestanye v 1869-71 ghodakh. [List of the Plants col- lected In Turkeatan In 1869-71 by] O. A. Fedchenko. pp. ISi. Izvyeatlya imp. Obshcli. Lyuhitelel Katest. Autropol. I KtnOK "of Moscow. Tom. CHI, 1902. Fedchenko (ALEKSYEI P.) Die Ameisen Turkestan's Resammelt von A. Fedchenko, Ac. See MAYH (G. L.) 8°. [1880.] Fedchenko (BORIS ALEKSYEV!CH) O Tyan-Shan'skoI Pikhtye. [On the Tian-Shan Fir-Tree.] RUBS. [1 p.] t See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELEI, Ac. Protokolui zasyedanii, Ac. Prilozheniya, no. 190. 8°. 1901. 317 Fedchenko (BORIS A.) Mater'yal dlya Florui vershin gh. Munku-Sarduik i bereghov oz. Kosoghol. [Contri- bution towards a Flora of Mt. Munku-Sardik and the shores of Lake Kossogol.] RUSS. pp.20. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEf, Ac. Pro- tokolui zasyedanii, Ac. Prilozheniya, no. 201. 8". 1902. Fedchenko (BORIS A.) Flora Aziatskoi Rossii. [Flora of Asiatic Russia. Edited by B. A. Fedchenko.] Vuip. !->• 8°. S.-Peterburgh, 1912-> I Vuip. 1. Roghozovuiya (Typhacex). Obrabotai B. A. Fed- chenko. Ezheghok>vkovuiya(Sparganiace(c). Obrabotai V. A. Rotert.) Wanting. „ 2. Zlaki (Graminesc). Obrabotai R. Yu. Rozhevitz. pp. 44: Oplf. 1012. ,, 3. Lilelnniya (Liliacea;). Rod Eremurus, M.B. Obra- botai 0. A. Fedchenko. pp. 39 : 16 pis. 1912. Fedchenko (BORIS A.) Vtoroi perechen^asusjven'nuikh Rastenii, predlaghaemuikh v obmve*r*Tp»f(eratorskim S. Peterburghskim Botanicheskini»^a^»mv 1913 gfaodu. Sostavlen pod nablyudenigjlf\£finavnagho Botanika B. A. Fedchenko. — IJeTecttJS secundus Plantarurn exsiccatarum, quasIi<5rtjis*Botanicu8 Imperialis Petro- politanus annoJ#nL{'ro mutua commutatione offert a botanico prHjaar^XB. A. Fedschenko editus. See ST. PETERSBjMfcx^MPERATORSKII SANKTPETERBURGHSKII BOTAS?6^J*!SKII SAD. £«VvW_ ^f Swiji*-' U. 8°. 1913. Fedchenko (BORIS A.) & (0. A.) Madame. Ranun- culacese Russkagho Turkestana. — Ranunculacese des Russischen Turkestan. RUSS. with GERM, abstr. pp. 85, 1 tab. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOIS- PUITATELEI, Ac. Trudui, Ac. Tom. xxxm, vuip. 3. 8". 1899. Fedchenko (BORIS A.) & (0. A.) Madame. Vuisshiya tainobrachnuiya Russkagho Turkestana. — Die hoheren Cryptogamen des Russischen Turkestan. RUSS. with GERM, abstr. pp. 3d, 2. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEt, Ac. Trudui, Ac. Tom. XXXVI, vuip. 3. 8°. 1901. Fedchenko (BORIS A.) & (0. A.) Madame. Materialui dlya Florui Ferghanui, sobrannuie N. A. [i.e. N. M.] Romanovuim i V. V. Ber. [Contributions towards a • Flora of Ferghana collected by N. A. [i.e. N. M.] Romanov & V. V. Ber.] RUSS. pp. 35. See KAZAN.— OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUITATELEf, Ac. Protokolui zasyedanii, Ac. Prilozheniya, no. 200. 8°. 1902. Fedchenko (BORIS A.) & (0. A.) Madame. Rasteniya Pamira, sobrannuiya v 1901 ghodu. [The Plants of Pamir collected in 1901.] pp. 87. 8°. Moskva, 1904 [i.e. 1903]. Mater. K. po/nan. Faunui i Florui Ross. imp. Otd. Botanikh, vuip. 5. Fedchenko (BORIS A.) & Flerov (A. TH.) Rastitel'nost Rossii, Ac. — Russlands Vegetationsbilder, Ac. Ser. I, hft. l—> illust. RUSS. & GERM. 4°. S. Peterburgh, 1907-> Fedchenko (BORIS A.) & Flerov (A. TH.) lllyustri- rovannuii opredyelitel Rastenii Sibiri. [Illustrated diagnoses of Siberian Plants.] Vuip. 1— > illust. 8°. S.-Peterburgh, 1909-> Fedchenko (OLGA ALEKSANDROVNA) Madame. Spisok Rastenii sobrannuikh v Turkestanye v 186&-71 ghodakh. [List of the Plants collected in Turkestan in 1869-71.] pp. 183. See MOSCOW. — IMPERATORSKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUBlTELEl ESTESTVOZNANIYA ANTROPOLOGHlI I ETNO- GHRAFII, Ac. Izvyestiya, Ac. Tom. cm. 4". 1902. - [Another issue.] See FEDCHENKO (A. P.) Pute- shestvie v Turkestan, Ac. Tom. in, chast. 4. 4°. 1902. Fedchenko (OLGA A.) Madame. Eremurus. Kritische /_. Uebersicht der Gattung. pp. 210: 10 pis., 5 maps. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, Ac. Ser. VIII, torn, xxm, no. 8. 4°. 1909. Fedcheuko (OLGA A.) Madame. Lileinuiya (Liliacete). Rod Eremurus M.B. See FEDCHENKO (B. A.) Flora Aziatskoi Rossii. Vuip. 3. 8°. 1912. Fedcheuko (OLGA A.) Madame & (B. A.) Ranunculacese Russkagho Turkestana. — Ranunculaceie des Russischeu \t\l A Turkestan. RUSS. with GERM, abstr. pp. 85, 1 tab. See KAZAN. — OBSUCHESTVO ESTESTVO!SPUITATELEI,- Ac. Trudui, Ac. Tom. xxxm, vuip. 3. 8°. 1899. Fedchenko (OLGA A.) Madame & (B. A.) Vuisshiya , tainobrachnuiya Russkagho Turkestana. — Die hoheren (jjf. Cryptogamen des Russischen Turkestan. RUSS. with GERM, abstr. pp. 36, Z. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUlTATELEI, Ac. Trudui, Ac. Tom. XXXVI, vuip. 3. 8°. 1901. Fedchenko (OLGA A.) Madame & (B. A.) Materialui dlya Florui Ferghanui, sobrannuie N. A. [i.e. N. M.] Romanovuim i V. V. Ber. [Contributions towards a Flora of Ferghana collected by N. A. [i.e. N. M.] Romanov & V. V. Ber.] RUSS. pp. 35. Sec KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOlSPUlTATELEI, Ac. Protokolui zasyedanii, Ac. Prilozheniya, no. 200. 8°. 1902. Fedchenko (OLGA A.) Madame & (B. A.) Rasteniya Pamira, sobrannuiya v 1901 ghodu. [The Plants of Pamir collected in 1901.] See FEDCHENKO (B. A.) & (O. A.) 8°: 1904 [i.e. 1903]. FEDDE (FRIDERICO) See FEDDE (FRIEDRICH KARL GEORG) FEDDE (FRIEDRICH KARL GEORG) See REPERTORIUM NOVARUM SPECIERUM REGNI VEGETABILIS. ..auctore (herausgegeben von) F. Fedde. Bd. I— > 8°. 1905— > Beihefte. Bd. l-> 8°. 191 1-» Fedde (FRIEDRICH K. G.) Papaveracese-Hypecoideae, ^t PapaveracesB-Papaveroidese. pp. JfiO : text illust. ~~See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Das Pflanzenreich, 'Ac. Hft. 40 (IV. 104). 8°. 1909. FEDERATED MALAY STATES. Annual Report for 1914. By E. L. Brockman. 4°. Kuala, Lumpur, 19 FEDERATED MALAY STATES.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. [Second Annual] Report of the Director of Agriculture for. . . 1906, Ac. pp. 13. 4°. Kuala Lumpur, 1907. Federated Malay States.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRI- CULTURE. Bulletin No. 12— > 8°. Kuala Lumpur, 1911— > Wanting No. 14 and 15. Federated Malay States.— DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE. The AgriculturalBuHEtm of thej^^StaSes. The organ of the Depaj*fl5ent of ^AgJ»tfuTlure F.M.S., and the .7*^ Planters>ftssociatioju«*^Sralaya, Ac. Vol. I— > 8°. [Kuala Lumpur,} 1912-> FEDERATED MALAY STATES.— GEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. Geologist's Report for 1904. pp. 7. 4°. [Kuala Lumpur, 1905.] .E. Gr. fir. I '«*&• •' I map. 8". Kuala Lumpur, 1907. Federated Malay States.— GEOLOGICAL DEPART- MENT. Geologist's Annual Report for 1908. pp. 7. 4°. [Kuala Lumpur, 1909.] Federated Malay States.— GEOLOGICAL DEPART- MENT. A preliminary Report on the Geology of the neighbour- hood of Taiping, Perak. pp. 14. 4". [Kuala Lumpur, 1903.] [Report] No. 1. Federated Malay States. — GEOLOGICAL DEPART- MENT. A preliminary Report on the Gold Mines of the Fede- rated Malay States, pp. IS. 4". [Kuala Lumpur, 1904.] [Report] No. 4. Federated Malay States.— GEOLOGICAL DEPART- MENT. A Report on the Geology of the Residency of Sarawak, and of the Sadong district, Borneo, with special refer- ence to the occurrence of Gold and Coal. pp. 1~. 4°. [Kuala Lumpur, 1905.] [Report] No. 8. Federated Malay States. — GEOLOGICAL DEPART- MENT. Coal in the new territory Perak. pp. 2. 4". [Kuala Lumpur, 1905.] [Report] No. 9. Federated Malay States.— GEOLOGICAL DEPART- MENT. The occurrence of Gold at Ulu Gombak, Selangor. 1 p. 4°. [Kuala Lumpur, 1905.] [Report] No. 10. Federated Malay States.— GEOLOGICAL DEPART- MENT. Report on the Rautau Panjang Coal Measures, by the Government Geologist (J. B. Scrivenor). pp. 7:1 map. 4". [Kuala Lumpur, 1911.] [Report] No. 4, 1911. FEDERATED MALAY STATES. — MUSEUMS DEPARTMENT. Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums. Vol. I— > illust. 4". Kuala Lumpur, 1905— > Federated Malay States.— MUSEUMS DEPARTMENT. Report, dc. 1911— > fol. [Kuala Lumpur, 1912.] FEDERLEY (HARRY) Die Copulation der Conidien bei Ustilago Tragopogi pratensis, Pers. pp. i!3 : text illust. See HEL8INGFORS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIE- TETEN. Ofversigt af . . . Forhandlingar. Vol. XLVI, no. 2. 8°. 1904. Federley (HARRY) Lepidopterologische Temperatur- \.J Experiment* mit besonderer Berticksichtigung der Fliigelschtippen. pp. 117 [1] : 3 ph., text Must. See REUTER (O. M.) d others. Festschrift Herrn... J. A. Palmen, dc. Bd. II, no. 16. 8°. 1905. [Re-issue.l pp.110: ii ph., text illust. 8°. Hehinyfors, 1906. Federley (HARRY) Ueber den Albinismus bei den Lepidopteren. pp. 27 : " ' ' i 1 pi., 1 text Mutt. 5. \flo.u- Einige Libellulidenwanderungen tibtr die Zoologischc Station bei Tvarminne. pp. 34 : 1 pi; 1 map. See HELSINGFOBS.— SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, dc. Vol. XXXI, no. 4 & 7. 8". 1908. Dicranura vinula, L., uud ihre pp. J'J [1]: 1 pi. Sec HKLSINC- ,- Federley (HARRY) norditichen Rassen. FORS.— SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FBNNICA. Acta, dc. Vol. xxxni, no. 9. 8°. 1910 (1912). f . iflt J 5. /fl>r. n. -Z-. L. Fedorov (EvciiRAF STEPANOV!CH) [Kratkoe ruko- vodstvo po Kristalloghrafii. 8°. S. Peterburgh, 1891.] Wauting. — [Another edition entitled:] Kurs Kristalloghraiii . . .3-e. . .izdanie. [A course of Crystallography. . .3rd . . .edition.] pp. Hi, 488 : 3 ph., text illust. 8°. S. Peterburgh, 1901. Fedorov (EVGHRAF S.) 0 mezosfericheskikh Mnoghoghrannikakh. [On meso- spherical Polyhedra.] pp. 4ssile Pflanzen aus dem Steinkohlenbecken von Kadnic. pj>. .'1 : .'ph. 4". Prag, 1868. Preprint from Abliaudl. k. BOhm. Gesell. WUscnsch. Folg. vi, I.I. 11,1889. 319 Feistmautel (OlTOKAR) Popular Guide to the Geo- logical Collections in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. No. 4. Palseontological Collections. See CALCUTTA. — INDIAN MUSEUM. 8°. 1881. FEI.DTMANN (F. R.) Contributions to the study of the Geology and Ore deposits of Kalgoorlie, East Coolgavdie Goldfield. Pt. ill. pp. 15:2 : text illust. , See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Geological Survey. Bulle- tin No. 69. 8°. 1916. Feldtmann (F. R.) & Farquharson (U. A.) Contri- butions to the study of the Geology and Ore deposits of Kalgoorlie, East Coolgardie Goldfield. Pt. II. pp. 85 : 30 ph. (I col.), !> maps (col.), text illust. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 51. 8". 1913. Felix (JOHANNES PAUL) Die Leitfossilien aus dem Pflanzen- und Tierreich in systematischer Anordnung. pp. x, 240 : text illust. 8". Leipzig, 1906. Felix (JOHANNES P.) Ueber die fossilen Korallen der Snow Hill-Insel und Seyrnour-Insel. See NORDEN- SKJOLD (N. O. G.) Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Siidpolar - Expedition, 1901-1903, Ac. Bd. in, lief. 5. 4°. 1909. Felix (JOHANNES P.) Die fossilen Anthozoen aus der Urngegend von Trinil. See SELENKA (M. L.) Frau. Die Pithecanthropus-Schichten. . . Ergebnisse der (Selenka-) Trinil-Expedition (1907 und 1908), Ac. 4°. 1911. Felix (JOHANNES P.) Das Mammuth von' Borua. pp. iv, S3 [1]: 9 ph. (1 col.), text illust. 4". Leipzig, 1912. Verbffentl. Stiidt. JIua. Volkerkunde, Leipzig, Hft. 4. FEIiLEITBEBG (EDMUND VON) [1838-1902] Die beiden Einbiiume von Vingelz. See KELLER (F.) Die Keltischen Pfahlbauten in den Schweizerseen. Bericht 7. 4°. 1876. Fellenberg (EDMUND VON) Notices of the Excavations of the Lake Dwelling of Mciringen. — Appendix on the Lake Dwelling of Liischerz. — Description of the two ' Einbaum ' Canoes found at Vingelz. See KELLER (F.) The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland . . .Second edition, if c. 8°. 1878. (LUDWIG RUDOLPH VON) [1809-1878] Chemische Analyse alter Brouzegeriith- schaften, See ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS. 8". 1908— > Felt (EPHRAIM P.) Control of Flies and other House- hold Insects, pp. 53 : text illust. See ALBANY. — NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Museum Bulletin No. 136. 8". 1910. Felt (EPHRAIM P.) Elm leaf Beetle and White-marked Tussock Moth, pp.17: S pis. (2 col.). See ALBANY. — NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Museum Bulletin No. 156. 8°. 1912. 1 Felt (EPHRAIM P.) An illustrated Catalogue of American Insect Galls, by M. T. Thompson . . . Edited [with a brief biography of the author] by E. P. Felt. See THOMPSON (M. T.) 4°. 1915. Felt (El'HHAlM P.) [For official Reports as State Entomologist] See ALBANY. — NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. FELTGEN (ERNST) Vorstudien zu einer Pilz-Flora des Grossherzogthums Luxemburg. Systematisches Verzeichniss der bis jetzt im Gebiete gefundenen Pilzarten. . .II. Theil. Basidiomyceteset Auriculariei. Herausgegeben von. . .E. Feltgen. See FELTGEN (J.) 8. 1906 [i.e. 1909]. w. V. w. E. L. E. 320 3. FELTGEN (JOHANN) [1888-1904] Vorstudien zu eiuer Pilz-Flora des Grossherzogthums Luxemburg. Systematisches Verzeichniss der bis jetzt ini Gebiete gefundenen Pilzarten, pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 438. 8°. 1911. Fenneman (NKVIN M.) & Gale (H. S.) The Yampa Coal field, Boutt county, Colorado, Bd. I, thl. 2, & Bd. II, thl. :: [4 •' 4^> l'^s- (1 col.), II maps (6 col.), text illust. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Memoirs, rfc. Vol. xxxvil. 8°. 1909. FERNALD (CHARLES HENRY) [1838-] A synonymical Catalogue of the described Tortricidai of North America, north of Mexico, pp. 7">. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1882.] Trans. Amer. Eutom. Soc. Philad. 1882. Two photographs of the author have been inserted in this copy. Fernald (CHARLES H.) A dangerous Insect Pest in Medford. The Gypsy Moth (Ocneria [i.e. Porthetria] dispar, L.). Set; AMHEHST. — MASSACHUSETTS AGRICUL- TURAL COLLEGE. — Massachusetts Agricultural Experi- ment Station. ' 8°. 1889. Fernald (CHARLES H.) Household Pests. (The Buf- falo Carpet Beetle. Anthrenus scrophularicK, Linn. — The Pitchy Carpet Beetle. Attagenus piceus, Oliv. — The Larder or Bacon Beetle. Dermestes lardarius, Linn. — Clothes Moths. — Ants.) pp.. 10: text illust. See AMHERST. — MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COL- LEGE.— Massachusetts Agricultural E^eriment Station. Bulletin No. 5. 8". 1889. Fernald (CHARLES H.) [For lists of the Pyralidiua and Tortricina of Boreal America] Sea SMITH (J. B.) List of the Lepidoptera of Boreal America, : text illust. See AMHERST. — MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. — Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 24. 8°. 1894. Fernald (CHARLES H.) The Crambidae of North America. See AMHERST. — MASSACHUSETTS AGRICUL- TURAL COLLEGE. 8°. 1896. Fernald (CHARLES H.) The Pterophoridse of North America. See AMHERST. — MASSACHUSETTS AGRICUL- TURAL COLLEGE. — Massachusetts Agricultural Experi- ment Station. 8°. 1898. Revised edition. 8". 1898. Fernald (CHARLES H.) A List of North American Lepidoptera ... By H. G. Dyar. . .assisted by C. H. Fernald, <£c. pp. xix, 723. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 52. 8°. 1902. Fernald (CHARLES H.) On the Dates of J. Hubner's Sammluug Europaischer Schmetterlinge, and some of his other works, pp. 14- 8°. [Amherst, Mass.,] 1905. Fernald (CHARLES H.) The genera of the Tortricidse and their types, pp. 68. 8°. Amherst, Mass., 1908. Fernald (CHARLES H.) & Forbush (E. H.) The Gypsy Moth. Porthetria dispar (Linn.). A Report of the work of destroying the Insect in ... Massachusetts . . .with an account of its history and habits, £c. See MASSACHUSETTS, State of.— Board of Agriculture. 8°. 1896. Fernald (CHARLES H.) & Kirk-land (A. H.) A new Insect Pest in Massachusetts. The Brown-tail Moth (Euproctis chrysorrhaia, L.). See AMHERST. — MASSA- CHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. — Massachusetts Agricultural Ex2>criment Station. 8°. 1897. FERNALD (HENRY TOHSEY) & Hinds (W. E.) The Grass Thrips. Anaphothrips striata (Osb.), rfc. pp. 12 : 1 pi. See AMHERST. — MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. — Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 67. 8°. 1900. FERNALD (MARIA E.) Mrs. A Catalogue of the Coccidte of the World, pp. 360. See AMHERST. — • MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. — Massachu- setts Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 88. 8°. 1903. [Author's edition.] pp. 360. 8°. Amherst, Mass., 1903. FERNALD (MERRITT LYNDON) [1873-] Gray's new Manual of Botany (Seventh edition ...)... revised by ... M. L. Fernald. See GRAY (A.) 8°. [1908.] FERNANDEZ-CASTILLO (ANTONIO MARliNEZ Y) See MART!NEZ Y FERNANDEZ-CASTILLO. FERNANDEZ MARTINEZ (FIDEL) Los nuevos Protozoos parasites del mediodia de Espana. pp. 73 : text illust. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, etc. Tom. X, mern. 4. 8°. 1916. FERNANDEZ NAVARRO (LucAS) [1869-] Obser- vacioues sobre el terreno arcaico de la provincia de Guadalajara, pp. %9 : 8 pis. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPASOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. AualeS, Ac. Tom. xxix. 8". 1900. Fernandez Navarre (LUCAS) Observaciones Geologicas en la Isla de Hierro (Cana- rias). pp. 43: 7 pis., text illust. Datos geologicas acera de las posesiones Espauolas del Norte de Africa, pp. 82 : 8 pis., text illust. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, rfc. Tom. v, mem. 2 & 6. 8°. 1908. Fernandez Navarro (LUCAS) Estudios Geologicos en el Rif oriental, pp. 60 : 5 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See MADRID.— REAL SOCIEDAD ESPAXOLA DE HISTOHIA NATURAL. Tom. VIII, mem. 1. 8°. 1911. Fernandez Navarro (LUCAS) Observaciones geo- logicas en la Peninsula Yebalica. la. Nota. pp. 34 •' 4 pis., 1 map, te.ct illust. See MADRID.— LREAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DK HISTORIA NATURAL. Tom. viii, mem. 4. 8°. 1914. 41 •z. E. w. W 32L' G. Fernandez Navarro (l.ucA.s) ol>sorvuri,,nrs (ieolo- gictis en la Isla de Gomera (Cauarias). pp. ,s'?' : 7 ph. (col.), 1 map, tt-J-t illimt. Sec MADRID. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Trabajos, &c. Serie Geologica. No. 28. 8°. 1918. Fernandez Navarro (LUCAS) & Gomez de Llarena y Pou (-1.) Datos topologicos del Cuaternario de Castilla la Nueva. pp. Mi : 7 ph., text illust. ^ MADRID. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATUR- ALES. Trabajos, <«r. Serie Geologica. No. 18. 8°. 1916. Fernandez Navarro i Lrc AS) & others. Formaciones volcanicas de la proviucia de Gerona. pp. 4$f> : 13 pis. col.), .; vutps col., text illust. Sec MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPAXOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. MemO- rias, dc. Tom. IV, mem. 5. 8°. 1907. FERNANDEZ - NONIDEZ (JosE) Los Croino- somas en la espermatogenesis del " Blaps lusitanica,'" £ . Herbst. pp. .'>; : .} ph., text illuat. See MADRID.— MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Trabajos, Gr. 3- Fernandez-Nonidez (JosE) Pseudoscorpioues de Es- pana. pp. 46: text illust. See MADRID. — M.USEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Trabajos, dc. Serie Zoologica. No. 32. 8°. 1917. FERNOW (BERNHABD EDUARD) [1851-] Forests of Akska. See WASHINGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Alaska : giving the Results of the Harriman Alaska Expedition, dc. Vol. II. 8°. 1902. FERRAR (HARTLEY TRAVERS)/ Report on the Field- Geology of the region explored during the " Discovery " Antarctic Expedition, 1901-4. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904. Natural History. Vol. I. Geology, dc. 4°. 1907. Ferrar (HARTLEY TRAVERS) The Movements of the Subsoil Water in Upper Egypt. See EGYPT. — Survey Department. [Departmental Papers.] 8°. 1911. Survey Department Paper No. 19. FERRARIS (TEODORO) Hyphales (Addenda, dc.), dc. 4 Pt. illust. See FLORENCE.— SOCIETA BOTANICA Pars I : Fungi. 8°. 1910-14. ITALIANA. Flora Italica Cryptogama. Fasc. 6, 8, 10, 18. FERRA88E (EUGENE) [1880-] Les Cavernes des environs de Minerve (Herault). pp. ~^' : 1 plan, text Must. See PARIS.— SOCIETY DE SPELKOLOGIE. Spelunca. Bulletin & Memoires, dc. Tom. IV, no. 26. 8°. 1901. The plan U dated 1886. FERRELL (JOHN A.) Hookworm Disease : its Ravages, Prevention and Cure. See WASHINGTON, D.C. ~2L . — Bockfeller Sanitary Commission for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease. 8°. 1915. Publication N... T. FERRER HERNANDEZ (FitAXcisco) Espoujas del Cantabrico, dc. 2 Pt. See MADRID.— MUSEO HACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATUHALKS. Trabajos, Ac. Serie Zool.'.gicii. No. 14 & 17. Ferrer Hernandez (KK.vvcisco) Esponjas del litoral de Asturias. pj>. •!'.> : trj-t illust. Sec MADRID.— MUSKO XACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Trabajos, rfc. Serie Zoologica. No. 86. 8°. 1918. FERRERO (GUGLIELMO) [1872-] & Lonibroso (C.) j The Female Offender, tfc. Sea LOMBROMO (C.) & FERRERO (G.) 8". 1895. FERRERO (WILLIAM) See FEHRERO (GUGLIELMO) FERRIS (GORDON FLOYD) & Kellogg (V. L.) The Anoplura and Mallopluiga of North American Mammals. Sec STANFORD UNIVERSITY, California. — LELAND . STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. 8". 1915. FERRONNIERE (GiiORGKS) [1875-] Etudes biolo- giques sur les zones supralittorales de la Loire- r Inf^rieure. pp. 451 : 6 pis., 1 map (col.), text illust. 5»1 Sec NANTES. — SOCIETK BBS SCIENCES NATURELLES DE L'OUEST DE LA FRANCE. Bulletin, die. Scr. II, toni. I. pt. I. 8». 1901. FERRY (RENK) Sec REVUK MYCOLOOIQUE: recueil trimestriel illustre, consacre a 1' Etude des Champignons et des Lichens. Fonde par . . . C. Roumeguere, dc. [Conducted by R. Ferry.] Ann. xiv, no. 54— XXVIII, no. 112.f , 8°. 1892-1906. For confirmation that Ferry conducted the " Revue " after Ronnie- Kuere's death in 1892, See the last part, p. 136, " Cldture de la Revue." FERSMAN (A. E.) O plstnatych Asbestech Ceskych a Moravskych. [On fibrous Asbestos of Bohemia s-i and Moravia.] pp. 14. See PRAGUE. — CESKA AKADEMIE - ciSARE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, dc. Rozpravy . . . Tfida II. Roc. XXI, cis. 15. 8°. 1912. Fersmau (A. E.) & Goldschmidt (V.) Der Diamaut : eine Studie. pp. xviii, .'74 : .J.:? pis. (vol.), text illust. 8°. Heidelberg, 1911. To eight of the plates there are transparent keys, six of which arc coloured. FERSMANN (A. VON) See FERSMAN (A. E.) Ferussac (ANDKio ETIENNE JUSTIN PASCAL JOSEPH <- FRAN9OIS D'AUDEBARD DE) Concordance systematique, • pour les Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de la Grande- Bretagne, de. pp. 28. 4". [Paris, 1820.] Journ. de Physique. Tom. xc. Ferussac (ANDRE E. J. P. J. F. D'A. DE) Baron Tableaux systematiques des Animaux Mollusques classes en families naturelles, dans lesquels on a ^tabli la concor- dance de tous les systemes ; suivis d'un Prodrome general pour tous les Mollusques terrestres ou fluviatiles, vivants ou fossiles. pp. xlviii, 27, 114- fol. Paris [Jan. 1821-1822]. Printed in double column. Issued in parts with the "Histoire naturelle...des Mollusques terrestres," ite., of the elder KITUSSUI: Ig.v.]. PP. I-XLVIII appeared in 1822, the rest in 1821. [Another edition.] pp. xlviii, 37, 111. fol. Paris [June 1821-22J. Differs from the preceding in the omission of the " Avertissement " at the beginning of the third set of pagination, and the re-pagination of the whole without other alteration, thus causing a difference throughout of 4 pages, whilst an additional " Table de Maticres," 1 p., is added. This section If quoted in the " nistoiro" of the t-liliT Kerussac as " Prod." and citations are mude iudillereutly from either edition, thus causing great confusion. For a further account of this work and its dates of publication. Set Note by C. D. SHKRBOKH and B. B. WOODWARD, Ann. .t Mag. Nat. Hist, 8i!r. VII, vol. VIII, 1901, pp. 74-76; also M. CONNOLLY, Proc. .Millar. Soc. London, X, 1914, p. 63. Ferussac (ANDRK E. J. P. J. F. D'A. DE) Monographic des especes vivantes et fossilea du genre M^lanopside, Afrlanopsis, Ac. jiji. 96 -' />ls. 4°. Paris, 1828. tUu. Hoc. IJUt. Nat. Paris. Tom. i. FERUSSAC (.THAN BAPTISTK Louis D'AUDEBARD DE) Baron. Histoirc Naturelle. Expose succinct d'un systeme conchyliologique tir^ des animaux et du test des coquillages. Par Daudebart-Ferrussac. fol. [1801.] An. exact typewritten copy of the paper in the " M(Sm. Soc. M^d. d'Emulation," 8°. 1896-> FIELD CLUB, The, Sec BIRMING- HAM FIELD NATURALISTS' CLUB. 8°. 1909-> FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. See CHICAGO. — FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. See CHICAGO. FIELD NATURALIST, The . . . Edited by J. Rennie, Ac. 2YoL[inlJf*R illust. 8°. Brisbane, 1908— > Title from wrapper. Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria. Pieport, 8°. Suva, 1912-> Each number contains a separately paged paper. Fiji. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Report on Economic Entomology. By F. P. Jepson. . . Government Entomologist, pp. 89 : t! pis. 4°. Suva, 1911. Council Paper, No. 25. FIJI.— LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Rocks of Fiji. By N. D. Cochrane . . . Report on the Rocks of Vitilevu and Vauualevu. pp. SO : :i maps. 4°. Suva, 1911. FILARSZKT (FERDINAND) See FlLARSZKY (NANDOB) Filarszky (NANDOR) Adatok a Pieninek Moszat- vegetatiojahoz. [Contributions to the Pieninek Alga Flora.] pp. SO: a pis. (col.) See BUDAPEST.— MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Mathematikai es termeszet- tudomanyi Kozlemenyek. Kot. xxvn, szam 4. 8". 1899. Filarszky (NANDOR) [Botany of the Caucasus.] SeeDECHY(M.vON) Kaukasus : Reisen und Forschungen im kaukasischen Hochgebirge, rfc. Vol. ill. Botanik. 4°. 1907. FILATOV (D.) 0 Kavkazskom Zubrye. [On the Caucasian Aurochs.] pp. 40 : l^pls., 1 map, text illust. See SAINT PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, <6c. Ser. VIII, torn, xxx, no. 8. 4°. 1912, L. B. z- & E. E. :!24 L. 3J r. FILCHNER (WiuiKi.Mt [1H77 1 Wlssensohafttiohe Ergebnissi' ik'r Expedition FiU IIU-T mu-h China und Tibet, 1908-05. Bd. Ill & x. 8". jBcriiw, 1908-10. I1* I. III. Karif l*.,liiiai>. 1908. I. Zoologist-he Sammlungen. 1. Orthopten. A. Dlctyoptera, Tettigonioldea, Acrldoidea. Bearbeitet von H. Earny. B. Dermaptera. Bearbeltet von M. Burr. C. Plecoptera. Bearbeitet Ton F. Klapalck. 2. Rhynchota. Bearbeitet von T. Kuhlgatz. 3. Coleoptcra. Bearbeit«t von H. J. Kolbe, P. Obstund J. Weiae. 4. Bymenoptera. A. Apiilir. Bearbeitet Ton H. Frlese. K. Bombl. Bearbeitet von O. Vogt. r. Vespidn-. Buarlwitet von A. v. Schulthess. D. Tcnthredlniden. Bearbeitet von F. W. Konow. K. Korniiolden. Bearbeitet TOII A. Forel. 6. Diptern. Bearbeitet von Dr. Griinberg. 0. Pisces. Bearbeitet von P. Pappenlu'ini. 7. Keptilia et Amphibia. Bestimint von U. Tornier. 8. Ares. Bearbeitet von C. Parrot. 9. Mammalia. Vnu P. Matschie. It. Botanische Sammlungen. Botanische Krgebnisse von L. Diols. Filchner (WlLHELM) Ergebnisse dor W. Filchnerschen Vorexpedition nach Spitzbergen 1910, mit einer von . ...W. Filchner aufgenommenen, von O. Wand ent- O./4-57.JJ. worfenen und gezeichneten Karte sowie Beitriigen der Herren Dr. Barkow, Dr. Potpesehnigg und Dr.. Przybyllok, herausgegeben von . . . H. Philipp. pp. vi, 79: 13 pis., :'.' maps (col.), text illutt. See PETEBM ANNS MlTTKILUNGKN, Contains, inter alia :— Appendix A. Dr. L. Hugues. The Mountains of the Moon of Ptolemy's Geography and the Ruwenzori Range. Appendix C. Summary of the Geological observations made in Uganda and in the Ruwenzori Range. By A. Roccati. Alphabetical List of the Minerals collected, d-e. Zoology. New genera, species, and sub-species collected, •(•<-. Summary of the Plants collected, etc. Filippi (FlLlPPO DE) Zoologist. Animalia Vertebrata. Classis II. Aves. ([By] P. de Filippi.) See MILAN.— MUSEO CIVICO DI STOHIA NATURALE. 4°. [1847 ? ] Museum Mediolunense. No. 1. | .!/,//,«.] [Geological map i, on t.lui scale of 4 in. co/. [Jiiiiiilnii, 1873.] This map was especially prepared for the excursion of the Geologists' Association to Kinchley on 31 May, 1873, and was distributed to the Members who wire present by tho leader of the excursion, Mr. II. Walker [q.v. for description of the district |. FINCKH (ALFRED E.) Biology of the Reef-forming organisms at Funafuti Atoll. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF f LONDON.— Coral Beef Committee. The Atoll of Funa- futi, ttc. 4°. 1904. Fiuckh (ALFRED E.) & others. Report on Dredging at Funafuti. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. — Coral Reef Committee. The Atoll of Funafuti, dc. 4°. 1904. FINCKH (LUDWIG) [1871-] Die Rhombenporphyre des Kilimandscharo. See WUELFING (E. A.) Fest- schrift H. Rosenbusch, ,fc. 4°. 1906. Fiiickh (LUDWIG) Die jungvulkanischen Gesteine des Kiwusee-Gebietes. See ADOLF FRIEDHICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Dwitc of Mecklenburg. Wis- sensehaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutsehen Zentral-Afrika- Expedition, 1907-1908, dec. Bd. I, lief. 1. 8°. 1912. FINDL AY (ALEXANDER) [187 4-] The Phase Rule and its applications. . .With an introduction to the Study of Physical Chemistry by Sir W. Ramsay, pp. Ixiv, HIS : text Must. 8°. London, Fink (BRUCE) The Lichens of Minnesota, pp. viii, • .'<>!>, ix-xvii : ~>% pis., text illust. ' 8°. Washington, D.C., 1910. Contrib. U.S. Nat, He/Mrluni. Vol. XIV. FINE (DAVID E^QThe Eggphmt Lace-Bug, pp. T : \I8( H ph. back to back. Sec UNITED STATES.— Department ^c j of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 239. 8°. 1915. ~ Fink (DAVID E.) The Verbena Bud Moth (Olethreutes Jiebesana, Walk.), pp. 7 : •! ph., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 220. 8°. 1915. FINLAND. Bibliotheca Zoologica Fenniie. Heraus- gegeben von Zoologen Finlands. pp. xii, 361. SeeHKL- SINGFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FU N\ I/I' FLORA FENNICA. Acta, illust. &>. pelting f or s, 1902-^. Finland. INB»*««IH;I:<>I.IM;^K \ UNDERSOKNING. Catalogue d'une\collection /ue Cartes Geologiques, Roches, etc., expose. • .dans le pavilion Finkndais, suivi d'un apercu deNk jSoologie de la Finlande, etc. See PARia.—ExpositioMjnivcrselle, 11WO. 8°. 1900. Finland.—: ._- Berattelse Sfver Geologiska under Ar 1896(-^02). [By] 1 map. M. d.leland. IiXlust. Finland. N" "•.:. UNDERSOKNING. immissionens verksainlict Sederholm). J>JL '»• \ Helsingfor*, 1902. r , (L\ Finland. [Maps.] Geologink = 6?, m. ab 325 LOGISKA DNDER80KNING. Iktskurtii. . .Skulti, 1 : 400,000 [i.e. 1 in. gcol. col. Hflsingforn, 1900. FINLAND. — Keisarillineu Suomeii Aleksan- derin- Yliopisto . fft. See HELSINGFOES. — KE.ISEELIGA ALEXANDERS-UNIVER- SITETET I FINLAND. FINLAND. — Xejserliga Alexanders-tTniversi- F. tetet i Finland. See HELSINGFOHS. FINLAY (GEORGE IRVING) [1876-] Introduction to the Study of Igneous Kocks. pp. vii, ;?,W, Jt tabs. : .1 pis. col., text illust. 8". New York & London, 1913. FINLAYSON (ALEXANDER MONCRIEFF) [-1917] Physiography and Geology of the Auckland, Bounty, •j, and Antipodes Islands. By 11. Speight . . . assisted by A. M. Finlayson. See PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE OF CANTERBURY, New Zealand. The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand, rfc. Art. 30. 4". 1909. .. FINN (FRANK) [1868-] A Guide to the Zoological Collections exhibited in the Bird Gallery of the Indian ^Museum. See CALCUTTA.— INDIAN MUSEUM. 8". 1900. Finn (PRANK) List of the Birds in the Indian Museum. _ Pt. I. Families Corvidro, Paradiseidae, Ptilonorhynchidas • and Crateropodid®. See CALCUTTA. — INDIAN MUSEUM. 8". 1901. Finn (FRANK) Guide to the Prince of Wales' Collection ; _ _ of Indian Animals, itc. See ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF * &. LONDON. 8°. [1906.] Z-. Finn (FRANK) Birds of the Country Side, cl-c. pp. xv, 100: Hi pis. col., text Must. i°. London, 1907. » Finn (FRANK) See ZOOLOGIST, The. . .Edited by F. Finn. Ser. IV, vol. xix & xx. 8°. 1915-16. FINN (VLADIMIR VASiL'EVIcii) & Navashiii (S. GH.) Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Chalazogamen. Jug- M £ Inns regia und J. nigra. 2'P- 50 : 4 P^s- (col.) See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DBS SCIENCES. M£moires, Ac. Ser. VIII, vol. xxxi, no. 9. 4°. 1913. FINNILA (CARL) Ornitologiska iakttagelser under je A en resa inom Sodankylii Lappmark sommaren 1913. '' pp. 53 [,'?] : 1 map. Sec HELSINOFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA. FENNICA. Acta, <#C. Vol. XXXVIII, no. 3. 8°. 1913. FINNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DEE, WIS- SENSCHAFTEN. See HELSINGFORS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. : . FINNLANDISCHE HYDROGRAFHISCH - BIOLOGISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN. No. 1— > See HELSINGFORS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIE- TETEN. 4°. 1907-> Finsch (FEIEDRICH HERMANN OTTO) Index ad C. L. Bonaparte Conspectum generum Avium. Auctore O. Finsch. See BONARARTE (C. L. J. L.) Prince of Canino. 8". 1865. Finsch (FEIEDRICH H. O.) Nachtriige und Berichtig- ungen zur Ornithologie Nordost-Afrika's . . . Mit Bei- tragen von ... 0. Finseh. See HEUGLIN (M. T. VON) Ornithologie Nordost-Afrika's, d-c. 8°. 1871. Finsch (FEIEDRICH H. O.) ZoeteropldtB. pp. xiv, .r>Ji | / ] : text illust. Si'i: LKIPSir. — DEUTSCHK ZOOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Das Ticrrcich,' if-c. Lief. xv. Aves. 8°. 1901. FIORE (O. DE) II periodo eruttivo iniziatosi al Vesu- vio nel 1913, .'.''. S". '. • G-. ~L L. o. L. Fischer < F. I:\ST) j, 1902. Fischer ( I'.RNST) (irologisrhr UnterBaohnngdeaLoohen- jji'hii'ts lx>i llnlin^i'ii. /i/i. ,' .' : 7 ph., I map geol. nil.. (••ft illlisl. Sff 1'ALAEONTOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Geologische und palaeontologisdio Ablmndlungmi, : text illust. • Sec FREIBURG IN BREISGAU. — NATUBFORSCHENDE tiKSELLSCHAFT. Berichte, ifc. Bd. XIII. 8". 1908. FISCHER (FRAN7. F.) Zur Nomenclatur von Lepido- ilendron und /ur Artkritik dieser Gattung. pp. [u,J SO: I tej-t illiiat. See PRUSSIA. — KoeniglirJi-l'reiissische GeologiscJie Lanili-s/iuxtalt, <£c. Abhandlungen. <(V. Neue Folge, hft. 39. 8°. 1904. Fischer (FRANZ F.) [For contributions on Paleo- zoic and Mesozoic Plants] See PRUSSIA. — Koeniglicli- I'rt'itsitische Geologisehe LandeuHutalt, .~i : ~> ph. (col.), text illust. See ZOOLOGICA, rfc. Bd. xix, hft. 45. 4". 1905. FISCHER (HENRI) See FISCHER (PIERRE MARIE H.) FISCHER (MAX) Pokornys Naturgeschichte des Tierreiches. . .Bearbeitet vou M. Fischer. . .27. Auflage, ~H [I]: II pit. col., 2 maps. See ALBERT HONOHK CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. Resultats des Campagnes Scienti- fiquc», rfc. Fasc. XXXVII. 1.1912. Fischer (PIKHRE M. IT.) fc Joubin (L. M. A. (). K.) l'i|i,)ilcs. »sc i'ii\\cK. [Voyage*, So, — Tfnmil- Ifiir : 4 ph. * 4". [Moscow, 1846.] Bull. Soc. imp. Nats. Mosrou. Tom. xix. Large paper. Fischer von Waldheim (GOTTHELF) Rapport sur les Travaux de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou, rfc. Sec MOSCOW. — SOCIKTK IMPERIALE DES NATURALISTES. 4". 1855. FISER (JOSEF) & Slavik (F.) Datolith pod Listiei u Berouna. [ Datolith from Li £tic near Beraun.] pp. !> : text illust. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE . GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzlingsberichte, etc. 1902, no. 50. 8°. 1903. FISHER (CASSius ASA) [1872-1 Geology and Water resources of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, pp. vi, ! '..' : 14 pis. (1 col.), 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 53. 4°. 1906. Fisher (CASSius A.) Geology of the Great Falls Coal field, Montana, pp. S5 : 10 pis., 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 356. ^JL «ei 8°. 1909. •**£>•*** ftf* FISHER (D. F.) Apple Powdery Mildew and its control in the arid regions of the Pacific Northwest. pp. .AS' : .:/ pis. back to back. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 712. 8". 1918. FISHER (FREDERICK HENRY) [1849-] Statistical, descriptive and historical account of the North -Western Provinces of India . . . Edited by ... F. H. Fisher. Vol. VII-IX, XIII & XIV. See INDIA.— NORTH -WESTERN PROVINCES & OUDH. 8°. 1888-84. Fisher (FREDERICK H.) & Hewett (J. P.) Benares.. .sv< INDIA. — NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES & OUDH. Statistical, descriptive and historical account of the North-Western Provinces of India. Vol. xiv, pt. 1. JK^- D«7»- 3 8°-1884- FISHER (G. CLYDE) Guide to the Nature Treasures of New York City. — American Museum of Natural History, New York Aquarium, New York Zoological 5 Park, and Botanical Garden. Brooklyn Museum, Botanic Garden, and Children's Museum. Prepared by G. Pindar, assisted by . . . G. C. Fisher. See XKW YORK, City of. — AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. S". 1917. Fisher (HARRY) [Botany of Lancashire : Plant List.] pp. 4(J. 4°. [London, 1915 ?] " Victoria History of tlie Counties of England." Lancashire. FISHER (RICHARD T.) A Study of the Redwood, >l-c. •SVr UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 38. 8°. 1903. 1 FISHER (WALTER KENKICK) Asteroidea of the North Pacific and adjacent waters. Pt. 1. Phanerozonia and Spinulosa. pp. vi, 410 : 122 pis. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 76. 4°. 1911. FISKE (WILLIAM F.) Investigations into the habits of certain Sarcophagido;. By T. L. Patterson ... with an Introduction by W. F. Fiske. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Technical Series No. 19, pt. in. 8°. 1911. Fiske (WILLIAM F.) The Gipsy Moth as a Forest Insect, with suggestions as to its control, pp. ~0. Sec UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 164. 8°. 1913. Fiske (WILLIAM F.) & Howard (L. O.) The impor- tation into the United States of the Parasites of the Gipsy Moth and the Brown-Tail Moth, tic. pp. ;H2 : 24\ pis. (3 col.), 4 maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 91. 8°. 1911. Index, 4~ : 1 pi., col., 1 port., text illust. 8". London, dc. 1912. The Hrst edition appeared earlier in the same year. Chapter XIII contains :— Latest Systematic List of South African Snakes for the use of Museum Curators and Scientific Students. Compiled by...G. A. Boulenger, . Paris [1903]. Lithographed. Flahault (CHARLES H. M.) Introduction sur la Geographic botauique du Var. See ALBERT (A.) & JAHANDIEZ (E.) Catalogue des Plantes Vasculaires qui croissent naturellement dans le departement du Var, itc. 8°. 1908. Flahault (CHARLES H. M.) & Schroeter (C.) Phyto- geographical Nomenclature. Eeports and propositions. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE BOTANIQUE. — 3"" Congres : Bruxelles, 1910. 8°. 1910. FLAKSBERGER (C.) Sec FLYAKSBERGHER (K.) FLECK (EDUARD) [1843-] Rumaniens. pp. 200. Die Macro-Lepidopteren 8°. Berlin, 1901. Part of Jaquet's " Faune de la Koumanie." a P. *| FLEISCHER (MAX)« Die Musoi der Flora von Buitenzorg (zugleich Laubmoosflora von Java : mit Beriicksichtigung aller Familien und Gattungen der gesamten Laubmooswelt). Bd. i— > See BUITENZORG. Flore de Buitenzorg, Fleischer (MAX) Laubmoose [l & II, from Dutch New Guinea]. See WICHMANN (C. E. A.) Nova Guinea, rfc. Vol. vni, livr. 4 ; xii, livr. 2. 4°. 1912, 14. FLEISCHMANN (OTTO) [1874-] Untersuchungen von Gesteinen aus dem nordostlicheu China. (Provinz Chi-li.) Inaugural-Dissertation, Fedchenko (B. A.) Ras- ,_ titd'nost Rossii, redyelitel Rastenii Sibiri. [Illustrated diagnoses of Siberian Plants.] Vuip. 1— > See FED- CHKNKO {B. A.) & FLEBOV (A. TH.) 8". 1909-> FLETCHER (F.) Notes on some Egyptian Insect IVsts. pp. x, /.}". 8°. Bombay, 1905. Fletcher (F.) Note on a Toxic substance excreted by the Roots of Plants. />/'• "•' • J pi- See INDIA.— De- partment of Agriculture. Memoirs, tie. Botanical Series. Vol. II, no. 3. 8". 1908. FLETCHER (HUGH) [1848-1909] Summary Report on explorations in Nova Scotia, 1907. pp. /•'>. Sec CANADA. — Geological Survey. Summary Report, itc. 1907. 8". 1908. Fletcher (JAMES) Recommendations for the prevention of damage by some common Insects of the Farm1, W. the Orchard and the Garden, pp. 30 : text illust. See CANADA. — Department of Agriculture. — Central Experiment Farm. Bulletin No. 11. 8". 1891. . , Fletcher (JAMES) The worst Canadian Weeds, pp. 4# : W. text illust. See CANADA. — Department of Agriculture. — Central Experiment Farm. Bulletin No. 28. 8°. [1897.] Fletcher (JAMES) List of Lepidoptera taken in Baffin Land by ... R. Bell, in 1897, 9 : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1893 Fletcher (Sir LAZARUS) Instructions for collecting Rocks & Minerals [in the Antarctic Regions]. See ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The Antarctic Manual for the use of the Expedition of 1901, tic. 8°. 1901. Fletcher (Sir LAZARUS) The Precious Stones men- tioned in the Bible. [Chicago, 1915.] Article contributed by Sir L. Fletcher to the " International Stan- dard Bible Encydopa-dla," Vol. V, pp. 2850-2882. Fletcher (Sir LAZARUS) [For official reports as Direc- tor] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). L. . Fletcher (Sir LAZABUS) & Prior (G. T.) Notes on the L .1)* - Collections of Rocks and Mineral specimens from the Uganda Protectorate, -'/'*' .- 4 pis. back to back, text ilhut. 8°. 1908. FLETCHER (SAMUEL W.) Pollination in Orchards. .s'ee ITHACA. CORNELL amnaarn.—AgrieuUufdl /-.>• •-. prriment Station. Bulletin No. 181. yp. [ii], .:', I .:>:',: text illu,t. 8". 1900. FLETCHER (THOMAS BAINHRIGGE) Notcou I- attacking tlie Paddy Plant in southern India, pp. 10 : .' /,/*. <•(./., I, 'ft illiut. 8°. Madras, 1913. Kiirniina "Vol. in, llulliaiii No. 07," Issued by the ..f Agriculture, Madras. Fletcher (THOMAS B.) Some south Indian Insects and other Animals of importance, considered especially from an economic point of view. jrp. xxii, ,76V> : .•»&' pis. (col.), text illust. 4°. Madras, 1914. Fletcher (THOMAS B.) One hundred notes on Indian Insects. See PUSA.-— AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTI- TUTE AND COLLEGE. 8". 1916. Fletcher (THOMAS B.) Report on a collection of Ter- mites from India [made principally by T. B. Fletcher). By K. and N. Holmgren, Ac. See INDIA. — Department of Agriculture. Memoirs, l.< . i pis. (1 col.), 2 maps geol. col., text illust. See PRUSSIA. — • Koeniglich • Prmssisehe Geologische Landesanstalt. Abhandlungen, Ac. Neue Folge, hft. LXVII. 8". 1910. FLINCH (J. A.) Viktis sockens karlvaxter. pp. 54. See HELSINGFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA •',.'.• '.,''. FENNICA. Acta, Ac. Vol. xix, no. 6. 8°. 1900. Flink (GusTAF) Bidrag till Sveriges Mineralogi. 4 Pt. illust. Sec STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Kemi, Ac. Bd. ill, no. 11 & 35 ; V, no. 10 ; vi, no. 21. 8°. 1908-17. FLINT (CHARLES Louis) [1824-1889] A Treatise on some of the Insects injurious to Vegetation . . . Third edition. [Edited, with a Preface, by C. L. Flint.] See HARRIS (T. W.) 8". 1862. FLINT (JAMES MILTON) [1838-] A Contribution to the Oceanography of the Pacific, Ac. pp. [i,] 62 : 5 pis., 9 maps. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 55. 8°. 1905. FLINT (W.)AVScience in South Africa: a handbook and review . . . Indited by ... W. Flint . . . and J. D. F. Gilchrist. pp. x, 505 : 2 pis. col., 1 map col., text illust. .5, fi<3^« 8°. Cape Town, Ac. 1905. Contains, inter alia :— An outline of its Physical Geography, by H. C. Schunke-Holloway. Uncivilised Man south of the Zambesi, by W. Hammond Tooke. The Stone Age In South Africa, by L. Peringuey. Land Vertebrates, by W. L. Sclater. A brief sketch of the Insect Fauna, by L. Peringuey. Notes on Land and Fresh-water Invertebrates, exclusive of Molluscs and Insects, by F. Purcell. The Marine Fauna and its environment, by J. D. F. Gilehrist. Sketch of the Floral regions, by H. Bolus. Geology of Cape Colony, by A. W. Rogers. Geology of Natal and Zululand. by W. Anderson. Geology of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, by H. Kynaston. Geology of Rhodesia, by F. P. Mennell. The Fossil Reptiles of South Africa, by R. Broom. South African Metallurgy, by E. H. Johnson. The Diamond Mines of Kimberley, by G. F. Williams. Insect Pests, by C. P. Lounsbui Floderus (BJORN G. O.)'rBidrag till kiinnedomen om Salixfloran i Torne Lappmark. pp. 53 : 12 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. vm, no. 9. 8". 1909. FLORA AND SYLVA. A Monthly Review for lovers of Garden, Woodland, Tree or Flower . . . Edited by ... W. Robinson, Ac. Vol. l-lll.f illust. (col.) 4°. London, 1903-1905. FLORA OG FAUNA. Aarbog for Naturvenner og naturhistoriske Samlere ([afterwards] for Naturhistorie) ved A. C. Jensen-Haarup ([and afterwards] . . . E. Peter- sen, G. B. Rye [and afterwards] Udgivet af Naturhistorisk Forening af Laerere i Jylland. Redaktion : A. C. Jensen- Haarup, A. Jensen, E. Petersen). (Aargang) I— > illust. 8°. Esbjerg, Silkeborg A Kfiberihavn, 1899— > This work takes the place of the " Meddelelser fra Flora og Fauna," of which only one volume (1890-91) was completed [g.v.J. FLORANCE (D. C. H.) & Parr (C. C.) On the Radium content of certain Igneous Rocks from the Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand. See PHILO- SOPHICAL INSTITUTE OF CANTERBURY, New Zealand. The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand, Ac. Art. 32. 4°. 1909. FLORENCE. — Istituto Agricolo Coloniale Itali- ano. Contribute alia conoscenza della Palma a Olio (El, maps (.3 geol. col.), text illust. 8°. Firennc, 1916. The deicrlptlve portion ii by the two authors, the Geology and Hydrography are liy O. Stefanini, and the Entomology and Botany by G. Fault : whilst the work also contain* :— Append. IV. Kocoe delta Somalia lUllana. (By] E. Manasse V. Sabble e Arenarie della Somalia Italiana. [By] E. Artini. FLORENCE. Reale Istituto di Studi Superior! pratici e di perfezionamento. (Founded 1349.] Pubblicazioni . . . Sezione di Scienze fisiche e naturali. No. l-> 8°. Firenze, 1877-> A series of separately paged Memoirs. Only those relating to Natural History are In the Library. BACCARINI (P.) L'Istltuto Botauico dl Firenze dal 1900 al 1913. pp. 7'J : I plan, text illiut. 191*. BALDASSKRONI (V.) See infra, SKNNA (A.) .(• other*. BALDUOCI (E.) Di una nuova specie di Ilylitchimts. J.'llylu. ch,,-n<* tiigtiolii. pp. l.-'[l\: 2 pis. 1909. CAMPANA(D. del) Fossil! del Giura superiore del Sette Comnnl in provlnda di Vicenza. pp. imi : 7 pis., text illuit. 1905. CAVANSAfG.) Studi ericercliesuiPicnogonidi. Pt. 1. Anatomia e Biologla.— Descrizlone dl alcuui Batraci Auuri polimeliani e conslderazionl iutorno alia polimelia. pp. $a'.3pU. 1877. CAVANNA (G.) Aurora sulla polimelia neiBatraciAmiri.— Sopra alcuni visceri del Ualln eedrone (Tetrnn mvgallm, l.inn.). pp. M: 3 pi*. TOLOSI (G.) Set infra, SENNA (A.) .{• others. KANO (G.) Sapgio sperimentale sul meccanismo dei movimenti Toluntari nella Testuggine palustre(E«»!/» Kuropua). pp. Ill : text illtitt. OHIGI (A.) See infra, SENNA (A.) GIOLIOLI (E. H.) Storia della Collezlone centrale degli Animali Vertebral! Italian! nel R. Museo Zoologico Jl Firenze, 1876- 1908. pp. SI. GRANATA (L.) See infra, SENNA (A.) GRILL (E.) Osservazioni cristallograflche an 1 Einatite dell Isola d' Elba. pp. S.I : 1 pi. (JRILL (E.) Osservazioni cristallograflche su la Calcite dell Isola d' Elba. pp. ii: 1 pi. 1879. 18S4. 1909. 1811. 1912. I-SKI. (It.) SK infra, SENNA (A.) M u; i\n i, i (O.) Descrizione Geologica dei dintorui dl Tarcento in Frlull pp S.'H : •' pit-, - maps (1 geol. col.), text illimt, 1902. SIARTKLU (U.) Ciottoll dl Kocce Cristalline nell' Eocene di Monciano, presso Firenze. pp. S3 : 1 pi. : 1909. MATTIROLO (O.) Cenni cronologici sugli Orti Botanlcl dl Firenze. pp. 37. 1899- - II Hnseo e t'Orto Botanico di Firenze durante it triennio Accademlco 1898-1900. pp. W : text Must. 1900. MILLOSKVICH (F.) I 5,000 Elbani del Museo di Firenze. pp. 0>,. 1914. PtMCHl (U.) Contribute alto studio flsico e chimlco dei Mineral! che per riscaldamento sviluppauo 2 Pt. ahul. 1908' oa- PARLATORE (F.) Tavole per una "Anatoraia delle Piante Aquatlche," JT. pp. « : » pie. «••• RISTORI (G.) Sopra I Resti dl un Cocoodrillo scoperti nelle Ligntti Mioceniche dt llontehamboli (Maremma Toscana). Nota paleontologica, urio Colouialc. Vol. I— > S1. l-'ircn:, . r.Hr, > CHIOTENOA (E.) .( others. Resulttiti aclenttfld della Missionc Stefaniul-Paoll nella Somalia Italiana. Vol.1. E. Chlovenda. I^e Collezloul Botaniche. Appendice: Le raccolte dl Mangatio, Scassellati, Mazzocchl, e ProTenaile in Somalia. ;>//.. ",i : .",/ : 1 plan, text illust. See supra, KEAI.E ISTITUTO DI STUDI SUPERIORI, tie. Pubblicazioni . . . Sezione di Scienze fisiche e naturali. BACCARINI (P.) 8". 1914. Florence. — Reale Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale. Storia della Collezione centrale degli Animali Vertebrati Italiani nel R. Museo Zoologico di Firenze, 1876-1908, detta dal Prof. E. H. Giglioli, <(V. See supra, KEALK ISTITUTO Dl STUDI SUPERIOKI, itc. Pubblicazioni . . . Sezione di Scienze fisiche e naturali. GIGLIOLI (E. H.) 8°. 1909. Florence. — Reale Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale. I 5,000 Elbani del Museo, Florence. — Regia Stazione di Entomologia Agraria. Entomologia Agraria. Manuale sugli Insetti noeivi alle Piante coltivate, campestri, ortensi e loro prodotti e modo di combatterli. pp. .'/^.'/ : text illust. 8". l'n;'i, , . 1915. Florence. — Societa Botauica Italiana. Flora Italica Cryptogama, tfc. Pars I— > ilhist. 8°. Bocca S. Casciano, 1905— > Pars I : Fungi. 19H I uc. 1 & 9. Elenco hililiograHoo delta Micologia Italiini.i (Addenda, Appendice, Supplemento 0, . !fl'.l : text Must. 4 Pt. 1910-14. ,, 14. Hymenlalcs (I/eucosporo; et Rhodnsiionc), digesslt P. A. Saccardo, adjuvante Ab. Hler. Ualla »'.«tu qui prioterea Conspectus syuoptlcos conclnuarit. ri'. fit: «;*<., tej-l iV/».7. loir,. Pars II : Algte. Fasc. 1. Prefaziimi'. iltyl U. II. He Tout. pp. Hi.— Bibllo- grana Algologica. /'/'• '*•'• — Introduziono alle Alghe. [By] A. Preda. pp. Im. 1909. , 243. Florideic. Auctore A. Preda. 2 Pt. pp.'.f,: 11): If it itlii*t. 1908,09. Pars III : Lichenes. Auctore A. Jatta. Fasc. 1-6. pp. rrii, text illtat. 1909-11. iFasc. 1 contains, inter alia :— Bitillografla llatWDolo|le>, .< .- | 331 Flores (EDUAHDO) Mammiferi Fossili delle stazioni Preistoriche di Molfetta (Provincia di Bari). pp.17: I pi. 8°. Irani, 1904. FLORES (THEODORO) Le Xinanteoatl ou Volcan Nevado de Toluca. Etude ininiere du district de Zacatecas. See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL.— Tentf/l Session : Mexico, I'JOH. Guide des Excursions, etc. No. IX & xvn. 8°. 1906. Flores (THEODORO) & others. Etude de la Sierra de Guanajuato. See CONGRKS GKOLOGIQUE INTERNA- TIONAL.— Tenth Scission : Mexico, 1006. Guide des Excursions, 8°. Tallahassee, 1908— > Wanting No. '2. Florida, State of, — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin No. l-> 8". Tallahassee, Fla., 1908-> Florida, State o/.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Press Bulletin. No. 2-> 8". Tallahassee, 1913— > Flourens (MARIE JEAN PIERRE) Eloge Historique de G. Cuvier, &c. See CUVIER (G. L. C. F.) Baron. Dis- cours sur les Revolutions du.Globe. . . rediges par le Dr. Hoefer. 12°. 1851. Reprinted from " Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris." Toin. XIV. Floureus (MARIE J. P.) Dictioj; toire Naturelle par . . . MI Ifl Vol. illust. (col.) ^/sel d'His- 'lourens, etc. 1839-] 1849. 8°. 1861. illust. col. 8". [1867 ?] FLOWER (STANLEY SMYTH) Report on a Zoological Mission to India in 1913. See EGYPT. — Zoological Service. 8°. 1914. Flower (STANLEY S.) [For official reports as Director] See CAIRO. — Ghizeh Zoological Gardens. See EGYPT. — Zoological Service. Flower (STANLEY S.) & Nicoll (M. J.) The principal ~L. species of Birds protected ... in Egypt, etc. See EGYPT. — Ministry of Agriculture. 8°. 1918. Flower (Sir WILLIAM HENRY) K.C.B. Synopsis of |Z., the contents of the Museum of the. . .College. [By Sir W. H. Flower.] See ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. 8°. 1862. |L . Flower (Sir WILLIAM H.) K.C.B. [Seals and Cetaceans from Kergueleu Island.] See ROYAL SOCIETY OF • LONDON. Philosophical Transactions, etc. Vol. CLXVIII. 4°. 1879. Flower (Sir WILLIAM H.) K.C.B. Catalogue of the specimens illustrating the Osteology and Dentition of Vertebrated Animals, recent and extinct, contained in the Museum of the ... College ... Part I. Man: Homo sapiens, Linn. Second edition. [Edited by C. Stewart.] See ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. 8°. 1907. 'Flower (Sir WILLIAM H.) K.C.B. Sir W. H. Flower . . .A Personal Memoir. See CORNISH (C. J.) 8°. 1904. Flower (Sir WILLIAM II.) K.C.B. [Life.] See LYDEKKER (B.) Sir W. Flower. 8". 1906. FLOYD (ROLFE) A contribution to the Nervous Cytology of Periplaneta orientalis, the common Cock- roach. See PARKER (G. H.) Mark Anniversary Volume, d-c. No. 17. 4°. 1903 . f Fluegel (JOHANN GOTTFRIED) Flugels . . . Dictionary of the German and English Languages. Adapted. . .by, C. A. Feiling. ..A. Heimann. . .and J.. Oxenford. . .In two parts. . .New edition, <'.. FOLKMAR (DANIEL) [1861-] Album of Philippine Types found m Bilibid Prison in 1903. Christians and Moros, rfc. [pp. vii] : 80 ph., ivith descriptive text. obi. 8°. Manila, 1904. FOLLMANN (OTTO) [1856-] Die unterdevonischen Schichten von Olkenbach. Em Beitrag zur Altersbe- stimmung der sog. Wissenbacher Schiefer. Inaugural- Dissertation, rfc. pp. r,l [7]. 8°. Bonn, 1882. Follmann (OTTO) Vulkanwegf uhrer : Andernach-Gerol- steiu. pp. 7S : text illust. 8". Trier [1915 ?]. FOLSOM (JUSTUS WATSON) Apterygota of Alaska. See WASHINGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Harriman Alaska Expedition, rfc. Vol. vin. 8°. 1904. FONNE (R. J.) Les Grottes des Echelles (Savoie). pp. ~>i : 1 pi., text illust. See PARIS. — SOCIKTK DE - 8PKLKOLOGIE. Spehuica. Bulletin & Memoires, rfc. Tom. v, no. 34. 8". 1903. FONT T SAGUE (MossEN NORHERT) Curs de Geologia diuamica y estratigrafica aplicada a Catalunya . . .Prolech d'eu LI. M. Vidal. pp. xv, 41S, 1 tab. : text illust. 8°. Barcelona, 1905. Fontaine (WILLIAM MORRIS) Status of the Mesozoic Floras of the United States. Second paper . . . with the collaboration of W. M. Fontaine, rfc. 2 Pt. illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Monographs, rfc. Vol. XLVIII. 4". 1905. The Hrat paper appeared in the Annual Report, no. 20, pt. 2, 1900. Fontannes (CHARLES FRANCISO.UE) _ Etude sur les Fauues Malacologiques Miocenes des environs de Ter- sanne et de Hauterives (Drome), pp. .' /. 8". Montpellitr, 1878. llevue Science* Sat. Tom. VI. Fontannes (CHAKLES F.) Note sur quelques gise- ments nouveaux des terrains Miocenes du Portugal et description d'un Portunieu du genre Achelous. pp. 4° •' „> ph. 8°. Paris, 1884. Ann. Sol. Geol. Tom. XYI. FONTELL (CARL WILHELM) Beitriige zur Kenntnis [_ des anatomischen Baues der Potamogfton-A.j:ien. pp. • '/ .' ii ph. (col.) text illust. Sec HELSINOFORS.— FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETEN. Vol. LI, Afd. A, no. 14. 8°. 1909. Fontell (CARL W.) Siisswasserdiatomeen aus Ober- Jiimtland in Schweden. pp.iM: :.'ph. See STOCKHOLM. £» — KONGLIGA 8VENSKA VETEN8KAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik. Bd. XIV, no. 21. 8°. 1917. FONTENELLE (BERNARD LE BOVIER DE) [1657- 1757] Eloge de M. de Tournefort, rfc. See ToURNE- FORT (J. P. DE) Relation d'un Voyage au Levant, rfc. Vol. I. 4°. 1717. Reprinted from " Hist. Acad. Roy. Sci.,' Paris 1708 (1730), p. 143. ^ *j Fonteuelle (BERNARD LE B. DE) The Elogium of M. Tournefort, rfc. Sec TOURNEFORT (J. P. DE) A Voyage into the Levant, rfc. Vol. I. 4°. 1718. [Another edition.] 8°. 1741. FONTSERE (EDUARDO) [1870-] Nota sobre el Temblor de Tierra ocurrido en Arenys de Mar el 27 de Abril de 1916. — Nota sobre el Temblor de Tierra ocur- rido en la Costa de Levante el 15 de Junio de 1916. pp. 13 : text illust. See BARCELONA.— REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, rfc. Memorias, rfc. Epoc. Ill, vol. XIII, no. 1 & 2. 4°. 1916. Foiitsere (EDUARDO) Nota sobre los Terremotos Alicantinos de Noviembrc y Diciembre de 1916. — Nota sobre los Temblores de Tierra ocurridos en la region de Teya del 9 al 12 de . Diciembre de 1916. pp. 12. Nota sobre el Temblor de Tierra ocurrido en Belluiunt de Ciurana el 26 de Enero de 1917. — Nota sobre el Temblor de Tierra ocurrido en Cotillas (Murcia) el 28 do Enero de 1917. pp. 11 : text Mint. Catalogo provisional de Terremotos Catalanes ocurridos en los siglos XVIII y XIX. pp. 8°. 1912. Ford (WiLLiAy E.) Third Append of Dana's System of Mineralogy Ford O^ILLIAM E.) & to tke Sixth edition of DANA (J. D.) FORDHAM (Sir HERBERT GEORGE) [1854-] Hert- fordshire Maps : a descriptive Catalogue of the Maps of the county, 1579-1900. pp. Itij, : 7 maps, 1 plan, text illust. 4°. [Hertford, 1901-07.] Trans. Hertford. Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. XI-XIII. Forel (AuGUSTE HENRI) [Formicidse from Central America.] See GODJTAN (F. D.) & SALVIN (0.) Bio- logia Centrali-Americana, rfc. Zoology. Hymenoptera. Vol. III. 4°r^899-1900. Forel (AuGUSTE H.) Formicideu aus dem Bismarck- Archipel, auf Grundlage des von . . . F. Dahl gesam- melten Materials bearbeitet von... A. Forel. pp. 37. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS- UNIVERSITAET. — Zoologische Sammlung. Mitteil- ungen, 8°. Taihoku, 1911-> FORMOSA. — TAIWAN SOTOKUFU NOJI SHIKENJO. [Agricultural Experiment Station.] Taiwan-no Gai-chuni-kwau Suru-chosa. [Investigation of Injurious Insects in Formosa. By T. Shiraki.] Vol. I. 8°. [Formosa, ] Fornasini (CARLO) [Foraminifera from the Villa- franchian beds of Sabina.] / p. 8°. [Rome, 1889.J Reprinted from 0. A. Tuccimei'B " II Vlllafrancliiano nellc valli Sabine." FORREST (K.) Mrs. [Water-colour Drawings of Victorian Fungi by Mrs. E. Forrest and others, prepared under the direction of Baron F. J. H. von Mueller for the Paris Exhibition of 1889.] See PARIS.— Exposition Universdlr, /x.s'.'». ,^T fol. FORREST ill. KDWARD) The Vertebrate Fauna of North Wales, pp. Ixxiv, .7.C : 28 pis., 1 map col. H". London, 1907. FORRESTER (A.) Butterflies and Mothtf at home. Sixtv photographs from Nature. 12". London : text illust. Sec STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for K nni. itc. Bd. VI, no. 16. 8°. 1917. FORSSELL (A. L.) Bidrag till' kiinnedom om Echinorhyncherna i Finlands Fiskar. pp. -10 : text illust. See HELSINGFOR8.— SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET - FLORA FENNICA. Acta, rfc. Vol. XXVII, no. 8. 8°. 1905 (1906). FORSSELLES (JACOB HENRIK AF) See FOKSELLKS. FORSSMANN (.T.) Bidrag till kannedomen om Botulismens Bakteriologi. pp. ' Wanting 1-17, 21, 22, :i7, 44, :,r,. Fortescue (GEORGE KNOTTESFOHD) Subject Index of the modern Works added to the Library of the British •Museum . 1881-1900, t Maps.} 8°. 1902-03. - 1901-OG, ,fr. N". 1906. - 1906-1910. ./. . 8". 1911. 335 Fortescue (GEORGE K.) List of nooks forming the Reference Library in tho Heading Room of the British Museum. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. [Com- piled under the supervision of G. K. Forteseue.] 2 Vol. See BRITISH MUSEUM, [Books <£• Maps.] 8°. 1910. FORTEY (CHARLES) [1830?-1915] Guide to the Museum of the Ludlow Natural History Society, . Bieten die Heydrich'schen Melobesien-Arbeiten eine siehere Grundlage ? pp. 28. New forms of Lithothamnia. pp. 6. See DRONTHEIM.— KONGELIGT NORSKE VIDENSKABERS- SELSKAB. Det. . . Skrifter, il-c. 1901, no. 1, 2 & 3. 8°. 1901. Foslie (MlKAEL H.) New species or forms of Melo- , ..besiege. pp. 11. See DRONTHEIM. — KONGELIGT NOHSKE • -VIDENSKABERS-SELSKAB. Det . . . Skrif ter. 1902, no. 2. 8°. 1902. Foslie (MlKAEL H.) The Lithothamnia of the Maldives and Laccadives. See GARDINER (J. S.) The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archi- pelagoes, : text Must. Lithothamnion vardoense : a new Alga.' pp. 4- Remarks on northern Lithothamnia. pp. 138. New Lithothamnia, and systematical remarks, pp. i>. See DRONTHEIM. — KONGELIGT NORSKE VIDENSKABERS- SELSKAB. Det. . . Skrifter. 1905, no. 1-3 & 5. 8°. 1905 (1906). Foslie (MlKAEL H.) [Corallinaceee of the Antarctic Regions.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904. Natural History. Vol. in. Zoology and Botany, rfc. Marine Algse. No. 2. 4°. 1907. Foslie (MlKAEL H.) Antarctic and subantarctic Corallinacese. See NORDENSKJOLD (N. O. G.) Wissen- schaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Sudpolar- Expedition 1901-1903, ral durant 1870, 1871, 1872. I An abstract was published In the " Blblfotheque de 1'Kcole des Halites Etudes," Tom. Vlir. 1 Fouque (FERDINAND A.) & Gorceix (H.y Recherche* sur les sources de gaz inflammables des^fpennins etxtes Lagoni d«rTa Toscane, ttc. pp. 1(^f\ See FRANXNC. — MinisJ&e de I'Instruction Pubfafuc. Biblioth^que de I'&ole des Hautes Etudes, /> : text illust. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Geologique detaillee. Bulletin, ttc. Vol. XIII, no. 89. 8°. 1902. Foamier (Eur.ENE Y. A. M.) Recherches Speleolo- giques (et Hydrologiques) dans la Chaine du Jura. . .4* (5"-» Campagne 1901-02 (1902-3-» illust. S<;- PARIS.— SOCIETK DE SPELISOLOGIE. Spelunca. Bulletin & Memoires, ttc. Tom. IV, no. 29 ; V, no. 33, 40 ; VII, no. 47, 50, 56, 58 ; vm, 62 ; IX, no. 70, 72-> 8°. 1902 (1903)-> The first and second Campagnes were by Founder and A. Magnin. and the third by Kotirnier and E. Marechal. Foamier (EUEGNE Y. A. M.) Etudes sur les projets d'alimentation, le captage, la recherche et la protection des eaux potables, pp. SO : 1 text illust. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Oeologique detaillee. Bulletin, ttc. Tom. xiv. 8°. 1903. Fonrnier (EUGENE Y. A. M.) Histoire d'une resurg- ence Vauclusienne. La Source d'Arcier et 1'alimentatioii de la ville de Besancon en eau potable, pp. 4~ •' text illust. See PARIS.— SOCIETK DE SPELKOLOGIE. Spelunca. Bulletin & Memoires, Ac. Tom. v, no. 88. 8°. 1904. Foamier (EUOKNE Y. A. M.) L'interpretation des Cartes Geologiques au point de vue de 1'Agriculture. pp.28: 1 text illust. Sec FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Oeologiquf detaillee. Bulletin, ttc. Tom. XV. 8°. 1904. 337 Fournier (EUGENE Y. A. M.) Etudes sur les Pyrenees Basques (Basses-Pyr6n6es, Navarre et Guipuzcoa). pp. 57 [1] : text illust. See FEANCE. — Service de la Carte Geologique detcMlee. Bulletin, etc. Tom. XVIII, no. 121. 8°. 1908. Fonrnier (EUGENE Y. A. M.) & Magnin (A.) Re- cherches Speleologiques dans la Chaine du Jura...!*" (—2') Campagne 1896-99 (1899-1900). 2 Pt. illust. See PARIS. — SOCIETE DE SPELEOLOGIE. Memoires, etc. Tom. HI, no. 21 ; IV, no. 24. 8°. 1899 (-1900). The third Campagne was by Fournier and E. Marechal, the fourth and subsequent ones by Fournier alone. Fournier (EUGENE Y. A. M.) & Marechal (E.) Recherches Speleologiques dans la Chaine du Jura . . . 3' Campagne 1900-1901. pp. 44 : 2 ph., text illust. See PARIS. — SOCIETE DE SPELEOLOGIE. Spelunca. Bulletin & Memoires, etc. Tom. IV, no. 27. 8°. 1901. The first and second Campagnes were by Fournier and A. Magnin, the fourth and subsequent ones by Fournier alone. Fournier (EUGENE Y. A. M.) & Repelin (J. J.) Recherches sur le Prehistorique de la Basse-Provence. pp. 64: 8 pis., 1 map, tent illust. See MARSEILLES. — FACULTE DES SCIENCES. Annales, etc. Tom. XI, fasc. 9. 4°. 1901. Fournier (PIERRE NICOLAS EUGENE) Dietionnaire universel d'Histoire Naturelle par . . . MM. Arago . . . Fournier. . .etc. Nouvelle edition, etc. 17 Vol. illust. (col.) See ORBIGNY (C. F. D') 8°. [1867 ?] FOtJRTAU (RENE) Notes sur les Echinides Fossiles de 1'Egypte. pp. 76 : 4 ph., text illust. 8°. Le Caire, 1900. Fourtau (RENE) Catalogue des Invertebres fossiles de 1'Egypte represented dans les collections du Geological Museum au Caire. See EGYPT. — Geological Survey. — Geological Museum. Palseontological Series No. [1] 2 — > 4°. 1913-> FOVILIiE (ALFRED DE) [1842-] Le Mexique au debut du xxe Siecle. Par. . .A. de Foville, etc. 2 Vol. illust. (col.) See BONAPARTE (R. N.) Prince et otJiers. 8°. [1905.] FOWKE (GERARD) [1855-] The Archaeology of Ohio. An abstract embodying the principal results of explora- tions and discoveries thus far made, etc. See OHIO, State of. — Geological Survey. Report, etc. Vol. vn, pt. 2. ' 8°. [1894.] FOWLE (FREDERICK EUGENE) [1869-] & Abbot -.J (C. G.) Volcanoes and Climate, pp. 24- See SMITH- •^aoNlAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections. Vol. LX, no. 29. 8°. 1913. Fowler (GEORGE H.) Science of the Sea . . . Edited by G. H. Fowler. See CHALLENGER SOCIETY. 8°. 1912. L. . FOWLER (F. G.) & {H. W.) The Concise Oxford Dictionary of current English. Fifth Impression. See FOWLER (H. W.) & (F. G.) 8°. 1917. FOWLER (FRANK) The Geology of the Goldfields of British Guiana. . .With. . .chapters by F. Fowler, etc. See HARRISON (J. B.) 8°. 1908. 6 *tr* •* » Fowler (GEORGE HERBERT) Tne Chtetognatha of the Siboga-Expedition, with a discussion of the synonymy and distribution of the group. See WEBER (M. C. W.) Siboga-Expeditie . . . 1899-1900, etc. Monog. xxi. 4°. 1906. Fowler (GEORGE H.) Chietognatha [collected by the " Discovery" in the Antarctic regions], with a note on those collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger' in Subantarctic and Antarctic waters. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). National Antarctic Expedition. 1901-1904. Natural History. Vol. ill. Zoology and Botany, etc. 4°. 1907. FOWLER (H. W.) & (F. G.) The Concise Oxford Dictionary of current English. Adapted by H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler... from the Oxford Dictionary. Fifth impression, pp. x [n], 1064. 8°. Oxford, 1917. FOWLER (HENRY W.) The Fishes of New Jersey. See TRENTON.— NEW JERSEY STATE MUSEUM. Annual Report, etc. 1905, pt. 2. 8°. 1906. Fowler (HENRY W.) The Amphibians and Reptiles of New Jersey. — A Supplementary account of the Fishes of New Jersey. See TRENTON.— NEW JERSEY STATE MUSEUM. Annual Report, etc. 1906, pt. 2 & 3. 8°. 1906. Fowler (HENRY W.) The King Crab Fisheries in Dela- ware Bay, and further Notes on New Jersey Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles. See TRENTON.— NEW JERSEY STATE MUSEUM. Annual Report, etc. 1907, pt> 3. 8°. 1908. Fowler (HENRY W.) Notes on New Jersey Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles. See TRENTON. — NEW JERSEY STATE MUSEUM. Annual Report, etc. 1908, pt. 3. 8°. 1909. Fowler (HENRY W.) A description of the Fossil Fish Remains of the Cretaceous, Eocene and Miocene For- mations of New Jersey . . . With a chapter on the Geology, by H. B. Kumrnel. pp. 192 : 10 pis., text illust. See NEW JERSEY, State of. — Geological Survey. Bul- letin No. 4. 8°. 1911. Fowler (HENRY W.) The Crustacea of New Jersey. See TRENTON. — NEW JERSEY STATE MUSEUM. Annual Report, etc. 1911, pt. 2. 8°. 1912. Fowler (HENRY W.) Fishes from the middle Atlantic States and Virginia, pp. 19 : 2 pis. See ANN ARBOR. — UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. — Museum of Zoology. Occasional Papers, No. 56. 8°. 1918. Fowler (WILLIAM WEEKES) British Beetles. . . Second edition, revised and in part re-written by the Rev. Canon Fowler. See RYE (E. C.) 8°. 1890. Fowler (WILLIAM W.) Fam. Erotylidse : subfam. Languriinse. pp. 45 : 3 pis. col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, etc. Fasc. 78. Coleoptera. 4°. 1908. Fowler (WILLIAM W.) Coleoptera: General Intro- duction and Cieindelidse and Paussidae. See BLANFORD (W. T.) The Fauna of British India, etc. Coleoptera. 8". 1912. Fowler (WILLIAM W.) The Coleoptera of the British Islands, etc. 5 Vol. illust. col. 8°. London, 1887-1891. — Vol. VI (Supplement). By W. W. Fowler... and H. St. J. Donisthorpe, etc. pp. xiii, 351 : 23 pis. (20 col.) 8°. London, 3913. The first part of the supplementary volume is for the most part by Fowler ; while Donisthorpe has provided the part relating to fresh localities, and the paper on the British Myrmecophilous Coleoptera. Fowler (WILLIAM W.) & Donisthorpe (H. ST. J.) The Coleoptera of the British Islands.. .Vol. vi (Sup- plement). See FOWLER (W. W.) 8°. 1913. The first part of the supplementary volume is for the most part by Fowler ; while Donisthorpe has provided the part relating to fresh localities, and the paper on the British Myrmecophilous Coleopetra. Fowler (WILLIAM British Coleoptera. W.) & Sharp (D.) Catalogue of See SHARP (D.) & FOWLER (W. W.) 8°. 1893. 43 338 &. L. -'!l "G-. ti FOX (RICHARD KINGSTON) [By R. H. Fox.] Friends' Quarterly Examiner, A-e. pp. 146-153. John Bartram, Botanist. 8°. London (1915). No. 194. Fourth Month, 1915. FOX (THOMAS COLCOTT) [1849-1916] & Blaxall (F. R.) An inquiry into the plurality of Fungi causing Ringworm in Human beings as met with in London, pp. iv, C>~> : 11 ph. 8°. London, 1899. The title on the wrapper reads :— " On Ringworm," Ac. FRAAS (EBERHARD) [1862-1915] Aetosaurus fcrratus, Fr. Die gepanzerte Vogel-Echse aus dem Stubensand- -trin bei Stuttgart, pp. :,'! : 3 pis. See STUTTGART.— VERKIN FUER VATBRLAENDISCHE NATURKUNDE .IN WUERTTEMBERG. Jahreshefte, rfc. Jahrg. XXXIII, hft. 8. 4». 1877. Fraas (EBERHARD) Die Schwiibischen Trias-Saurier nach dem Material der Kgl. Naturalien-Sammlung in Stuttgart zusammengestellt, Ac. pp. /,s' : r, ph. Sec STUTTGART.— KOKNIGLICHESNATURALIEN-KABINET. Mittheilnngen, rfc. No. 6. 4°. 1896. Fraas (EuERHARD) Xene Zeuglodonten aus dem unteren Mitteleocan vom Mokattam bei Cairo, pp. m : Spit. See STUTTGART. — KOENIGLICHES NATURALIEN- KABINET. Mittheilnngen, rfc. No. 27. 4°. 1904. [Another issue.] See 1'AL^ONTOLOGISCHB AB- HASDLUNGBN, '> : l<-j-t illnnt. 8°. London, 1850. The tlrst edition was publiihed in 1844. Fox ajtrrwanis Fox-Pitt-Rivers (AUGUSTUS HENRY LANE) Excavations in Cranborue Chase, near Rush- more, on the borders of Dorset and Wilts. 1898-1896. Vol. IV. pp. t>, [i,] ,'.',.', -':> tubs. : X.' ph., 1 map, text ilhist. 4°. [London,] 1898. Privately printed. Index to "Excavations in Cranborne Chase" and "King John's House, Tollard Royal." Also a memoir of General Pitt-Rivers . . . and a bibliographical list of his works, 1858-1900. By H. St. G. Gray. . .Vol. v. of the " Excavation Series." pp. xliii, fi2 : 3 ports. 4°. Taunton Castle, 1905. PriraUly printed. FOX (CHABLES) [-1854] The Ornithological Writings of Charles Fox. By B. H. Swales, pp. 2. See ANN ARBOR. — UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. — Museum of Zoology. Occasional Papers, rfc. No. 26. 8". 1916. Also styled "Scientific Papers of the University of Michigan, No. 27." FOX (GEORGE EDWARD) & Hope (W. H. ST. JOHN) j Excavations on the site of the Roman City at Silchester, | Hants, in 1890 (1891-1902). 13 Pts. illust. 4°. Westminster, 1891 (1892-1903). Archieologia. Vol. Ln-LVin. The report for 1891 contains :— " Note on the Animal Eemnins found during the excavations. By ii .Tone*." The reports for 1900 & 1901 contain :— "Notes on the Plant-remains of Roman Silchester, by C. Keid." FOX (H. W.) [For official work in connection with the MnpB of Queensland] See QUEENSLAND. — Geological ' Survey. [Maps.] FOX (REGINALD HENRY) [I860-] [Birds of the Isle of Wight.] See MOREY (F.) A Guide to the Natural History of the Isle of Wight, rfc. 8°. 1909. Fraas (EBERHARD) Der Petrefaktensammler. Bin Leitfadeu zum Sammeln und Bestimmen der Verstein- erungen Deutschlands. pp. iv, '27t> : 72 ph. back to back, text illust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1910. Fraas (EBERHARD) Die ostafrikanischen Dinosaurier, . See SELYS- LONGCHAMPS (M. E. DE) Baron. Collections Zoologiques . . . Catalogue, : text Must. Algues. Par [P.] Hariot. pp.9. Lichens. Par M. 1'AbbiS [A. M.] Hue. pp. 17. Diatomace'es. Par M. [P.] Petit, pp. S : 1 pl.\ [ZOOLOGY.] Mammiferes Pinnipedes. Par E. L. Trouessart. pp. 37 : Itpls., text illust. 1907. Oiseaux. Par A. Mdn^gaux. pp. 79 : 12 pis., 1 map. 1907. Oiseaux et Mammiferes (Embryons et Foetus). Par R. Anthony, pp. 17 : 3 pis., text illutt. 1907. [The title on the wrapper reads : "Documents Embryo- g^niques (Oiseaux et Phoques)."] Poissons. Par L. Vaillant. pp. SI : text illust. [1906.] Tuniciere. ' Par C. P. Sluiter. pp. HO : textUlust. [1906.] Crustaces : — Schizopodes et De'capodes. Par H. Coutiere. pp.9:Spls. [1906.] Isopodes. Par H. Richardson, pp. 21 [1]: 1 pl., textUlust. [1906.] (2e Memoire.) Par Miss H. Richardson, pp. S : text Oust. 1908- Amphipodes. Par E. Chevreux. pp. 09 [!}: text illmt. [1906.] Copipodes. Par A. Quidor. pp. 17 : 3 pis. [1906.] Ostracodes marins. Par E. de Daday. pp. IS : text illust. 1908. Arthropodes : — • Pvcnogonides. Par E. L. Bouvier. pp. 69: S pis., text illust. [1907.] Myriapodes. Par H. Brolemann. pp. 1. [1907.] Collemboles. Par J. Carl. [pp. 3.\ [1907.] Colfopteres. Par P. Lesne. [pp. 4 :] 1 text illust. [1907.] Hym^nopteres. Par R. du Bnysson. [pp. 2.) Dipteres. Par E. Roubaud. [pp. S.] [1907.] Pe'diculide's, Mallophages, Ixodes. Par L. G. Neumann. [pp. r, ;} text illust. [1907.] Scorpionides. Par E. Simon. [1 p.] [1907.J Acariens marins. Par E. L. Trouessart. pp. 9 : text illust. [1907.] Acariens terrestres. Par I. Tragardh. [pp. il :] text illust. [1907.] Mollusques :— Nudibranches et Marseuiades. Par A. Vayssiere. pp. SI : 4 pis. [1908-1 Cephalopodes. Par L. Joubin. pp. 11 [1] : 1 pl., textUlust. .[1906.] Gastropodes et Pelecypodes. Par E. Lamy. pp. 19:1 pl. [1906.] Amphineures. Par J. Thiele. pp. S. [1906. J Brachiopodes. Par D. P. (Khlert. pp. 3: Ipl., text illust. 1908. Bryozoaires. Par L. Calvet. pp. 4» [2] : S pli. [1909.J Vers ' — Annelides Polychetes. Par C. Gravier. pp. 7S : 5 pis., text Ulust. [1907.] Polyclades et Triclades Maricoles. Par P. Hallez. pp. 26 : 7 pis. [1907.] Nimathelminthes Parasites. Par A. Railliet et A. Henry. pp lit [2\ : 1 pl., text Ulust. [1907.] Nemertiens. Par L. Joubin. pp. IS : text illuit. 1908. Gfiphyriens. Par M. A. He'rubel. pp. S: tixt illuit. 1908. Kchinodermes :— Stelle'rides, Ophiures et Kchinides. Par R. Koehler. pp. 39 : 4 pis. [1906.] Holothuries. Par C. Vaney. pp. SO: S pis. [1906.] 1908. [1907.] [1907.] 1908. 1908. [France. [Voyages, Ac. — Antarctic.] (contd.)] [Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1903-1905) (eontd.)l Hydroides. Par A. Billard. pp. 17 U] •' text illust. [1906.1 Hexactinides. Par L. Roule. pp. la : S pis. [1909.] Spongiaires et Ccelente're's : — Alcyonaires. Par L. Roule. pp. 6 : 1 pl. [1909.] Mfiduses. Par 0. Maas. pp. 1H : 1 pl. col. [1909.] Sur un Animal pelagique de la Region Antarctique. Par M. Bedot. pp. S: Ipl. [1909.] Spongiaires. Par E. Topsent. pp. 37 : 5 pli. France. [Voyages, Ac. — Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Fran9aise (1908-10) [on the " Pourquoi-Pas ? "] commandee par. . . J. Charcot. Sciences naturelles : Documents scientifiques. 4°. Paris, 1911-17. Issued in 20 fascicules each containing a map showing the route of the expedition. In most cases each paper is separately paged, But in some instances the pagination is continuous for the fascicule. The date of publication is sometimes given only on the wrapper. [BOTANY.] Phytoplancton. Par L. Mangin. pp. fiS : 3 pis., text illust. Lichens. Par M. I'Abbe' Hue. pp. 202 : text illust. Mousses. Par J. Cardot. pp. So [1] : S pis. 1913. La Flore Algologique des Regions Antarctiques et Subantarc- tiques. Par L. Gain. pp. 21H : S pis. (col.), text Ulust. (1912.) Melobe'sie'es. Par Mdme P. Lemoine. pp. 64 [2] : 2 pis., text illust. 1913. [GEOLOGY, : HI pis., text illust. Holothuries. Par C. Vaney. pp. .54 : 5 pis. Alcyonaires ( Appendice : Isidicola Antarctica, Grew. Crustacci parasite, dr.)— Madrtporaires. Par C. Gravier. pp.lSl[i\: 11 pis., textUlust. Hydroides. Par A. Billard. pp. S4 : text illust. Spougiaires. Par E. Topsent. pp. SH : 0 pis. 1917. Rhizopodes d'eau douce. Par E. Penard. pp. 16 : text illust. 1913. Foraminiferes. Par E. Faure-Fremiet. pp. -T4 [7] : text Must. 1914. 1914. 1917. 1913. France. [Voyages, dc. — La Perouse.] [Voyage de La Perouse, Ac. contd. 4°. 1797.] Relatiod'im Voyage... de Manille a Saint-Blaise, en 17SO et 1781. Par F. A. MaureHe. [Translated from the Spanish.] Extrait de la relation d'un voyage fait en 1779, par F. A Maurelle ...pour la de'couverte des cdtes occideutales de 1 Amgnque septentrionale. [Translated from the Spanish.] France. [Voyages, Ac. — La Perouse.] The Voyage of La Perouse round the 1785-88 . . . Translated from the French. See LA PEROUSE (J. F. DE G.) Count. World in ... 2 vol. illust. 8°. 1798. 340 7k .B, "*' o. F. '' Trance. [Voyage*, 4°. Paris, 1910-H>- Tom. VI. Ethnographic ancienne de 1'Equateur. Fasc. 1. pp. SU : So pit., 1 map. text tttturi. 1912. Tom. IX. ZOOLOOIE. Fa»c. I. 1911. Mammlferes, par E. L. Trouessart. pp. 3! : S pit. (col.) Ktude des Oiseaux, par A. Menegaux.— Trochllldic, par E. Si MI' Hi. pp. M : U pit. ful. Fasc. Z. pp. eu : 7 jit. (ail.) 1911. Potatoes, par J. Pellegrln. Reptiles et Batraciens, par M. |R. I Despax. Chelooiens et Batraciens urodeles, par L. Valllaut. [France.— MINISTKRE DE L'INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE (contd.)] [Mission du Service Geographique de 1'Armee (contd.)] Fasc. 3. pp. 1X3: 10 pit., textUltitt. 1910. Ktude sur les Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles, ptir L. Germain. Mollusques marlns, par K. Lamy. Annelides Polychetes, par C. Gravier. Sur quelques Ollgochetes ile 1' Kquateur, par W. Michaelsen. Fasc. 4. pp. SSlf): I pi., Uxt illutt. 1912. Les Actlnles de la cote du Perou recueillies par P. Kivet, par F. Pax. Tom. x. ENTOMOLOOIK.— BOTANI^UB. Kasc. 1. pp. 1W: IS pit. 1913 H \ Tnrnnpi rn-s : Mutillides, avec une note sur le genre Ktmotciella, par E. Andre. — Scolildes, Chrysidides, Vespldes, Eunicnides, par R. du Buysson. Tenthredluides, Pompilides, Crabronides, Apides, par E. Strand. Formicides, par le Dr. Santschi. Orthopteres. Gryllida?, par L. Chopard. — Tetriginie, par J. X. Hancock. Blattides, Mantides et Pliiiamides, par R. SheHord. — Dermapteres, par A. Borelli. Nevropteres, par L. Navas. Araignees, par L. Berland. France.— MINISTERE DE L'INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUF,.^- Delegation en Perse. Annales d'Histoire Naturelle. Publiees sous la direc- tion de J. de Morgan, 8". Paris, 1889-> France. — SERVICE DE LA CARTE QKOLOGIQUE DE- TAILLEE. [Memoires.] Recherches sur la Craie superieure. Premiere Partie : Stratigraphie generale par A. de Grossouvre . . . Avec une Monographie du genre Micraster par J. Lambert, pp. mi, 1013, 39 tabs. : 2 pis. col., I map geol. col., text Must. 4°. Paris, 1901. France. — SERVICE DE . LA CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE- TAILLEE. [Memoires.] La G^ologie des Pyrenees Fra^aises, par L. Carez. 6 Fasc. pp. ix, 3809 [1] : 25 pis., 14 maps (col.). 4°. Paris, 1903-9. France. — SERVICE DE LA CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE- TAILLEE. [Memoires.] Les Montagues entre Briancon et Vallouise ...par P. Termier. pp. viii, 182 [3] : 13 pis., 1 map, with sections, geol. col., text illust. 4°. Paris, 1903. France. — SERVICE DE LA CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE- TAILLEE. [ Memoires.] Etudes Geologiques dans les Alpes occi- dentales. Contributions a la Geologic des chaines interieures des Alpes Fran9aises, illust. 4°. Paris, 1904-> France. — SERVICE DE LA CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE- TAILLEE. [Memoires.] Etudes Paleontologiques sur le Nummu- litique Alpin, par J. Boussac. pp. vii, 43~[1] : 22 pis., text illust. 4°. Paris, 1911. France. — SERVICE DE LA CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE- TAILLKE. [Memoires.] Etudes Stratigraphiques sur le Nummu- litique Alpin. pp. xxx, 663 : 14 pis., 11 maps (geol. col.), text illwst. 4°. Paris, 1912. France. — SERVICE DE LA CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE- TAILLKE. [Mimoires.] Contribution a 1'etude des Faunes Paleo- cretacees du sud-est de la France, par W. Kilian. I. La Faune de 1'Aptien inferieur des environs de Montelirnar . . .11. Sur quelques Ammonites de 1'Hauterivien de la Begude . . . Par W. Kilian avec la collaboration de P. Reboul. pp. 288, 2 tabs. : IS pis., 1 map, text illust. 4°. Paris, 1915. France. — SERVICE DE LA CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE- TAILLKE. [Memoires.] Etudes sur les Cosmoceratides des col- lections de 1'Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines et de quelques autres collections publiques ou privees, par R. Douville. pp. 75 : 24pls., text illust. 4°. Paris, 1915. France. — SERVICE DE LA CARTE GEOLOGIQUE vt- TAILLKE. [Memoirf.s.] Introduction a 1'etude peirographique des Roches sedimentaires, par M. L. Cayeux. pp. viii, 624 •' text illust. 4°. Paris, 1916. France. — SERVICE DE LA CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DE- TAILLEE. [Jlfops.] Carte Geologique de la France . . . Echelle, 1 : 1,000,000 [i.e. 1 in.= 15J m. about]. 4 sh. col. Paris, 1905. France. — SERVICE DE LA CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DK- TAILLEE. [Maps.] Carte Geologique de la France et Topo- graphies Souterraines. See BRUSSELS. — Exposition Universelle Internationale, 1910. 8°. 1910. FRANCE. — SERVICE DBS TOPOGRAPHIES SOUTER- RAINES. Bulletin des Services de la Carte G^ologique. . .et des Topographies Souterraines. Tom. I— > See supra, Service de la Carte Geologique Detaillee. 8°. 1889— > France. — SERVICE DES TOPOGRAPHIES SOUTERRAINES. [Etudes des Gites Mineraux.] Houiller et Permien d'Autun, dc. [Contd.] Fasc. IV. Flore fossile. Pt. 2. Par B. Renault, pp. 678: text Ulust. Atlas, 63 pis. 1893-96. „ V. I 'i i i ssi HIS fussilcs, par H. E. Sauvage. pp. Sk: 9 pis. 189S. France. — SERVICE DES TOPOGRAPHIES SOUTERRAINES. [Etudes des Gites Mineraux.] Les Terrains Tertiaires de la Bresse et leurs gites de Lignites et de Minerals de Fer. Par F. Delafond. .. et C. Deperet. 2 Pt. pp. 332 : 19 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 4°. Paris, 1893. France. — SERVICE DES TOPOGRAPHIES SOUTERRAINES. [Etudes des Gites Mineraux.] Flore fossile des gites de Charbon du Tonquin, par R. Zeiller. pp. viii, 328 : 1 pi., 5 maps. A.ila,s,pp.vii: 56 pis. 4". Paris, 1902-03. v France. — SERVICE DES TOPOGRAPHIES SOUTERRAINES. [Etudes des Gites Mineraux.] Bassin Houiller et Permien de Blanzy et du Creusot. 2 Fasc. 4°. & fol. Paris, 1902-06. Fasc. 1. Stratigraphie, par M. Delafoud. pp. m. IK: T pis., text illust. Atlas, k maps geol. col., 'J plans (geol. col.). 1902. ,, 2. Flore Fossile par R. Zeiller. pp. 365, vii : IS pis. 1906. [Two of the plates of the "Flore Fossile" are reckoned as double ones, so that the numeration runs to 61.] France. — SERVICE DES TOPOGRAPHIES SOUTERRAINES. [Etudes des Gites Mineraux.] Topographic souterraine du Bassin Houiller du Boulonnais, ou Bassin d'Har- dinghen. Par A. Olry. pp. v, 240: 3 maps geol. col., text illust. 4°. Paris, 1904. France. — SERVICE DES TOPOGRAPHIES SOUTEHRAINES. [Etudes des Gites Mineraux.] Les assises Cretaciques et Tertiaires dans les fosses et les Bondages du nord de la France. Par. . . J. Gosselet. ff\Fasc. Atlas. 7 pis. (col.), 10 maps (col). 4°. & fol. Paris, 1904-K France. — SERVICE DES TOPOGRAPHIES SOUTERRAINES. [Etudes des Gites Mineraux.] Structure et origine des Gres du Tertiaire Parisien, par L. Cayeux. pp. viii, 160 : 10 pis., text illust. 4°. Paris, 1906. France. — SERVICE DES TOPOGRAPHIES SOUTERRAINES. [Etudes des Gites Mineraux.] Les Minerais de Fer oolithique de France. Fasc. I. Minerais de Fer primaires, par L. Cayeux. pp. viii, 344 : 1$ pk-i 4 maps (2 geol. col.), text illust. 4°. Paris, 1909. France. — SERVICE DES TOPOGRAPHIES SOUTERRAINES. [Etudes des Gites Mineraux.] Bassin Houiller de la Basse Loire, par M. E. Bureau. Fasc. I— > illust. 4°. Paris, 1910— > • France. — SERVICE DBS TOPOGRAPHIES SOUTERRAINES. [Etudes des Gites Mineraux.] Etudes des Strates marines du terrain Houiller du Nord, par M. C. Barrois. Pt. I-> 4°. Paris, 1912-> &. 1. in> G-. 5-. G-. fc fc 342 JB. 3. 3. FRANCE.— SOC1KTK FRAN^AISE DES CHRYSANTHK- MISTES. Repertoire de Couleurs pour aider a la determination des couleurs des Fleurs, des Feuillages et des Fruits, puUir par la Sodi'U'. . .ot R. Oberthiir, avec la col- laboration principals de H. Dauthenay, et celle de . . . J. Mouillefert, C. H. Payne, M. Leichtlin, N. Severi et M. Cortes. ( — Classement des Planches. . . par H. Dau- thenay.) pp. 82, IS: 36Spls. col., 2 text illust. 8°. Rennes 8°. 1904-> G-. G. L. k FRANCO (GUADALUPE) Mis impresiones de viaje a las Grutas de Cacahuamilpa. 4°. Mexico, 1907. An. Mus. Nae. Slexico. Epoca II, torn. Ill, pp. 6ff!-SSS : 1 port. FRANCO (MANOEL MARCELLINO DE SOUZA) Carvao de pedra no Avare. Estado de S. Paulo, Brasil. Breves estudos e consideracoes a respeito. pp. Ifi [5]. 8". Sao Paulo, 1906. FRANCO (SALVATORE DI) L' Herschelite dei Basalti Siciliani. pp. 13: 1 pi. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA . CIOKNIA DI SCIENZE NATUHALI. Atti, dc. Ser. IV, vol. xv, mem. 3. 4°. 1903. Franco (SALVATORE DI) Studio cristallografico sull' Ematite dell' Etna. pp. 16 : 2 pis. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, dc. Ser. IV, vol. xvn, mem. 1. 4". 1904. Franco (SALVATORE DI) Gli Inclusi nel Basalte dell' Isola dei Ciclopi. pp. H : 1 pi. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, dc. Ser. IV, vol. XIX, no. 18. 4°. 1906. Franco (SALVATORE DI) Nuove osservazioni sull' Aragonite di Sicilia. pp. 5 : 1 pi., text illust. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA OIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATU- RALI. Atti, dc. Ser. V, vol. I, no. 4. 4". 1908. Franco (SALVATORE DI) La Tenorite dell' Etna. pp. r> : 1 pi. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI .-( i I.N7.K XATURALI. Atti, dc. Ser. V, vol. Ill, no. 8. 4°. 1910. Franco (SALVATORE DI) Le Lave ad Orneblenda dell' Etna. pp. 12: s ph. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, dc. Ser. V, vol. IV, no. 3. 4°. 1911. Franco (SALVATORE DI) Le Lave colonnari della valle dell' Alcantara, pp. 6 : S pis. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, dc. Ser. V, vol. v, mem. 21. 4". 1912. Franco (SALVATORE DI) Sulla Calcite dei giacimenti zolfiferi Sicilian!, pp. 6: 1 pi. See CATANIA.— ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti, dc. vol. VHI, no. 88. 4". 1915. Franco (SALVATORE DI) I Minerali delle fumarole dell' eruzione Etnea del 1910. pp. SI : 1 pi. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA, dc. Atti, dc. Ser. V, vol. IX, no. 12. 4". 1916. 5,1 FRANCO-BRITISH 1908. See LONDON. EXHIBITION, London, FRANCOTTE (Cu.) Appareil pour la preparation L et le triage du Plankton, pp. 12 : text illust. £ ft See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 222. 8". 1912. Frank (ALBERT BERNHARD) [J. Leuuis analytischer Leitfaden fiir den ersten wissenschaftlichen Unterricht in der Naturgeschichte. Zweites Heft. Botanik. Achte . . . Auflage neu bearbeitet von A. B. Frank, dc. See LEUNIS (J.) 8°. 1878.] Wanting. - Neunte . . . Auflage, dc. 8". 1886. 3 FRANK (J. PR. G. WOLFGANG) [1876-] Beitriige y.m Geologic des sudostlichen Taunus, insbesondere der Porphyroide dieses Gebietes. dc. pp. 37 [3] : 1 pi., 1 map. Inaugural-Dissertation, 8°. Marburg, 1898. FRANK (L.) Ueber Bestimmung, Bewertung und Fiilschung von Edelsteinen. 8°. [Olmiitz, 1899.] Jahresberichte der Handels Akademte Olmiitz, 1899. pp. J7-41. FRANKE (H.) Die Umrisse der Kristallflachen und die Anfertigung von Kristallmodellen. pp. viii, 111 : text illust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1913. FRANKENSTEIN (A.) See ENTOMOLOGISCHE RUNDSCIIAU. Insekten-BSrse ([continued as] Ento- mologisches Wochenblatt (Insekten-Biirse) . . . Heraus- gegeben. . .von A. Frankenstein), dc. Vol. xxm-xxv. 4U- 1906-1908. FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN. -Geologische Vereiuiguug. [Founded 1910.] Geologische Rundschau: Zeitschrift fiir allgeuifinu Geologic, herausgegeben von der . . . Vereinigung, dc. Bd. I-> 8°. Leipzig, 1910-> FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN. Iiiter- nationaler Entomologischer Verein zu Frank- fart a M. Sec INTERNATIONALER ENTOMOLOGISCHEK VEREIN. Frankfort on the Main. — Nene Zoologische Gesellschaft. Der zoologlsche Gay [Continued as :] ZoologischerBe'obachter. . .Zeitschrift lyf Beobachtimu'. Pflege und/Zucht der Tiere. Orgau/ler Zoologiselim i^ A Garten Ifeutschlands. Herausgegebefivon der. . .Gcscll- r ' ..Redigiert von...O. Boettger. Jahrg. XLVII- j-UJ Lll/no. 10. 8°. Fr/iikfort a. M., 1901) II. ' 343 Frankfort on the Main. — Neue Zoologische Gesellschaft. Fiihrer durch den Zoologischen Garten zu Frankfurt a. M. pp. 56 : 1 plan col. 8°. [Frankfort on the Main, 1901 ?] Frankfort on the Main. — Seuckenbergische (^ Natnrforschende Gesellschaft. Festschrift zur Erinnerung an die Eroflnung des neuerbauten Museums der Senckenbergischen Natur- forschenden Gesellschaft zu Frankfurt am Main, am 13. Oktober 1907. pp. [i,] 75 : 12 ph. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1907. FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN.— Verein fuer Geographic uud Statistik. |183« Founded as Geographwcher Verein; and styled later Verein fur Geographic und Statistik.} Die Botanischen Ergebnisse der Elbert'schen Sunda- Expedition des . . . Vereins . . . Von H. Hallier. (Mit Beitragen von V. F. Brotherus, E. Eosenatock und W. O. Focke.) 3 Pt. Must. See LEYDEN. — RIJKS UNIVERSITEIT. Mededeelingen van Rijks Herbarium, 8°. Frauenfeld, 1857- Wanting Hft. II J£ 344 M. e. L. 11. L. 7J.AI. f- /r. Frazer (PERSIFOR) [Tables for the Determination of Minerals by physical properties ascertainable with the aid of a few field instruments. 8°. Philadelphia, 1874.] Wanting. - Fifth edition, pp. xiii, 16S. 8°. Philadelphia, 1901. Frazer (PERSIFOR) Alphabetical . . . catalogue of all the publications of ... E. D. Cope. pp. [i,] 151, ii. 8°. Mexico, 1902. Mem. y Rev. Soc. Clent. " Ant. Alate." Tom. xrv & XT, 1899-1900. Freeh (FRITZ DANIEL) Ueber die Meeresprovinzen der Vorzeit. pp. 27 : S maps, text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1889. Xaturw. Wochensolirift. Freeh (FRITZ D.) Ueber die Gebirgsbildung im paliiozoischen Zeitalter. 8°. [Leipzig, 1899.J Ueograph. ZeiUchr. J»hrg. V, pp. S6S-79, 1 map. Freeh (FRITZ D.) Geologie der Eadstiidter Tauern. pp. tit! : 8 ph., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See PALjEON- TOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Geologische und Palseon- tologische Abhandlungen, rfc. Bd. IX, hft. 1. 4°. 1901. Freeh (FRITZ D.) Die Hallstatter Kalke bei Epidauros (Argolis) und ihre Cephalopoden. See NEDES JAHR- BUCH FCER MINERALOOIE . . . Festband zur Feier des lOOjahrigen Bestehens, 1807-1907. 8°. 1907. Freeh (FRITZ D.) China. . .Fiinfter Band : enthaltend die abschliessende palaeontologische Bearbeitung der Sammlungen F. von Bichthofens, die Untersuchung weiterer fossiler Reste aus den von ihm bereisten Pro- vinzen sowie den Entwurf einer erdgeschichtlichen Uebersicht China's, von. . .F. Freeh. See BICHTHOFEN (F. P. W. VON) Baron. 4». 1911. Freeh (FRITZ D.) Neue Cephalopoden aus den BnchenBteiner Wengener und Baibler Schichten des sildlicheu Bakony, mit Studien uber die Wohnkammer- liinge der Ammoneen und uber die Lebensweise der Nautileen. pp. 73 [1] : 11 ph., text illust. Nach- trage zu den Cephalopoden und Zweischalern der Bakonyer Trias (Werfener und Cassianer Estheriensch ichten). pp. 28 [;>] : text illust. See BUDAPEST.— MAGYAR FOLDRAJZI TAHSULAT. Besultate der wis- senschaftlichen Eriorschung des Balatonsees, S : 1 port. 8". Bruxelles, 1908. FREDERICKS (GHEORGHI! NIKOLAEVICH) Zamyetka o nyekotoruikh verkhne-paleozoiskikh okamenyelost- yakh iz okrestnostei ghor. Krasnoufimska. — Bemerk- ung Uber einige oberpalaeozoische Fossilien von Kras- noufimsk. RUSS. with GERM, resume, pp. 11 : 1 pi. See KAZAN. — OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITATELE^ rfc. Protokolui, rfc. Prilozheniya, No. 269. 8". 1912. Frederiks (GHEORGHI! N.) K Gheologhii okrestuostei ghor. Krasnoufimska Permskoi ghubernii. — Notes on the Geology of the environs of Krasnoufimsk. RUSS. pp. 15. See KAZAN.— OBSHCHESTVO ESTESTVOISPUITA- TELEt, rfc. Protokolui, rfc. Prilozheniya, No. 277. 8". 1912. FREEMAN (EDWARD MONROE) Minnesota Plant Diseases, pp. xxiii, 4-12 : J pi., text illust. See MINNESOTA, State of. — Geological and Natural History Survey. Beports of the Survey. Botanical Series, v. -8°. 1905. Freeman (EDWARD M.) & Johnson (E. C.) The Busts of Grains in the United States, pp. 87 : 1 pi., , text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture.—Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 216. 8°. 1911. Freeman (EDWARD M.) & Umberger (H. J. C.) The Smuts of Sorghum, pp. ». See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Circular No. 8. 8". 1908. FREEMAN (JOHN) Life of.. . W. Kirby, rfc. [With a chapter by W. Spence on the " Introduction to Ento- mology."] pp. xii, 506, 1 tab. : 2 pis., 1 port. • 8°. London, 1852. FREEMAN (WILLIAM GEORGE) [1874-] See SCIENCE PROGRESS IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY . . . Editors N. H. t Alcock. . .[and] W. G. Freeman, rfc. No. 1— >• 8°. 1906-> Freeman (WILLIAM G.) & Chandler (S. E.) The World's Commercial Products : a descriptive account of the economic Plants of the World, and of their com- mercial uses, rfc. pp. viii, 391 : 12 pis. col., text illitxi. 4°. London, 1907. FREER (PAUL CASPAR) [1862 7-1912] The Philippine Journal of Science. Edited by P. C. Freer, rfc. ^ Vol. l-> See PHILIPPINES.— Science Bureau. 8". 1906-> FREI (BOMAN) Monographic des Schweixerischen Deckenschotters. pp. viii, 182 [12] : :i pis. (col.), 4 maps col., text illuit. See SWITZERLAND. — CARTE GEOLOGIC i SUI8SE. Beitrage, rfc. Lief. 67. 4°. 1912. Frei (ROMAN) Ueber die Ausbreitung der Diluvialglet- scher in der Schweiz. See SWITZERLAND. — CARTK GKOLOGIQUE SUISSE. Beitriige, rfc. Lief. 71. 4". 1912. 345 Frei (ROMAN) Geologische Untersuchungen zwischen Sempachersee und Oberem Ziirichsee. pp. 10. See SWITZERLAND. — CARTE GEOLOGIQUE SUISSE. Bei- trage, rfc. Lief. 75. 4°. 1914. FREIBERG. Freiberger Geologische Gesell SChaft. [Founded 1907.] Jahresbericht, rfc. No. l-> 8°. Freiberg [1908->J. Freiberg. Koeiiigliche Bergakademie. Nachtrag II zum alphabetischen Katalog der Bibliothek der. . .Bergakademie. . .Zuwachs von Ende des Jahres 1892 bis Ende 1905. pp. 144. 8°. Freiberg i. Sa., 1907. FREIBERGER GEOLOGISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. See FREIBERG. — FREIBERGER GEOLO- GISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. FREIDENFELT (T.) Der anatomische Bau der Wurzel in seinem Zusammenhange mit dem Wasser- gehalt des Bodens. (Studien iiber die Wurzeln krautiger Pflanzen II.) pp. 118: 5 ph., text illust. See BIBLIO- THECA BOTANICA, rfc. Hft. LXI. 4°. 1904. Freidenfelt (T.) Ueber den feineren Bau des Visceral- ganglions von Anodonta. pp. 24 [1] : 4 pls- (col.) See LUND. — KAROLINSKA UNIVERSITETET. Acta, rfc. Tom. XL, no. 5. 4°. 1905. FREMANTLE (Hon. THOMAS FRANCIS) [1862-] & others. The Gun at home and abroad. British Deer and Ground Game, Dogs, Guns and Rifles. Sec MILLAIS (J. G.) rf others. 4°. 1913. Fremery (NICOLAUS CORNELIUS DE) Over eenen Hoorn en gedeelte des Bekkeneels van Bos primigeniut, in ... 1825 bij de Eembrugge gevonden. (Bijvoegsel van C. G. C. Reinwardt.) pp. 21 : 3 ph. 4°. Amsterdam, 1831. Nieuwe Verhandl. k. Nederland. Inst. Amsterdam. Vol. III. FREMIET (E. FAURE-) See FAURE-FREMIET. FRENCH (CHARLES) the Younger. Report on Furni- ture Beetle (Lyctus brunneus) as affecting Tasmanian Timber. See TASMANIA. — Department for Lands and Surveys. Report for 1912-13. 4°. 1913. French (CHARLES) the Younger. [Water - colour drawings of Victorian Fungi by C. French, Juur. and others, prepared under the direction of Baron Sir F. J. H. Mueller for the Paris Exhibition of 1889.] See PARIS. — Exposition Univcrselle, 1889. fol. FRERE (Sir BARTLE HENRY TEMPLE) [1862-] A Guide to the Flora of Gibraltar and the neighbourhood. pp. 1~>9, vi. 8°. Gibraltar, 1910. FRESENIUS (HEINRICH) See FRESENIUS (REMIGIUS HEINRICH) FRESENIUS (WILHELM) See FRESENIUS (THEODOR WILHELM) FREUDENBERG (WILHELM) [1881-] Saugetierfauna desPliociinsundPostpliocansvonMexiko. I. Carnivoren. pp. 39 : 9 ph., text illust. See PAL^EONTOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Geologische und Palaeontologische Abhandlungen, rfc. Bd. xm, hft. 3. 4°. 1910. FREUDENTHAIi. — Vcrsuchs- und Kontrolhtation. Landwirtschaftliche (agrikulturbotanische) Versuchs- und Kontrollstation in Freudenthal. See ZAWODNY ( J.) 8°.[ ] FREUND (IDA) The Study of Chemical Composition : an account of its method and historical development, rfc. pp. xvi, G.r,0, 1 tab. : text illust. 8°. Cambridge, 1904. Cambridge Physical Series. FRET (RlCHARDK Mitteilungen iiber Finnlandische Dipteren. pp. S3 [1], See HELSINGFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, rfc. Vol. XXXI, no. 9. 8°. 1909. Frey (RICHARD) Zur Kenntnis der Dipterenfauna Finlands, rfc. 2 Pt. illust. See HELSINGFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, rfc. Vol. xxxiv, no. 6 ; xxxva, no. 3. 8°. 1911 (1912)-1913. Frey (RICHARD) Ueber die Mundteile der Myceto- philiden, Sciariden, und Cecidomyiiden. pp. 54 •' 4 pi*- See HELSINGFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, rfc. Vol. xxxvn, no. 2. 8°. 1913. Frey (RICHARD) & Lundstrom (C.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dipterenfauna des nordl. Europaischen Russlands. pp. 20: text illust. See HELSINGFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, rfc. Vol. xxxvn, no. 10. 8°. 1913. FREYN (JOSEF FRANZ) [-1903] Ueber neue und bemerkenswerthe orientalische Pflanzenarten. 6 Pt. See CHAMBESY. — HERBIER BOISSIER. Bulletin, rfc. Tom. lll-vi ; Memoires, rfc. No. 13 ; Bulletin, rfc. S<5r. II, torn. I & II. 8°. 1895-1902. For parts v & VI the title is given in Latin :— "Plantre novie orientales." A. B. FRIAR PAl Guide for the rfc. pp. 4$- Guide text illust. Henley -on- Thames. Provisional of Visitors [b/ Sir F. CiW Bart.], 8°. [Herfley-on-Thamfs,] 1907. L. 7*. At. o- f; Thi Second edition/ £ c. pp. 1031: 10 pis., 8".[Henley-on-Thaihes,]19Q8..* - 'jfl edition, rfc. pp. 380 : 14 ph., telct illust. ^fi &>.lHenley-on-ThLmes,] 1910. /( . Friar B'ark, Henley-on-THames. Guide /for the use' of Visitors to Friar Park,ttc. (Abridged ttrom the 4th editio/ ... By Sir F. Crisfc, Bart., rfc.) J>p. 196 : text illusif. 9f>. [Henley-on-Thames,] 1914. Fribourg. Societe Fribourgeoise des Sciences Naturelles. Memoires, rfc. - Serie Botanique. Vol. 8°. Fribourg (Suisse), - Serie : Geologie et Geographie. Vol. I— 8°. Fribourg (Suisse), The four fascicules which form Vol. I were originally published by the " Institut Ge'ographique de Fribourg " under the title of " Etudes G^ographiques." Frifi (ANTONIN JAN) Dra. A. Frice Cesty po Evrope a Americe. [Dr. A. Fri6's Travels across Europe and America.] pp. 414 [3] : text illust. 8°. v Praze, 1900. Fric (ANTON IN J.) A. Eric". Vzpominky k sedmde- satym narozeninam. [Reminiscences on the occasion of his 70th birthday.] pp. 79 : 5 ph., text illust. 4°. v Praze, 1902. 44 346 Fric (ANTONIN J.) Palseozoische Arachniden. pp. 80 £ [«]: ir.plt. 4°. Prag, 1904. Fri6 (ANTONIN J.) Synopsis der Saurier der Bohm. Kreideformation. pp. 71 : text illust. 3.1703.1. Vorlanfige Notiz iiber Miscellanea palieontologica aus Bohmen und America, pp. ;!. See PRAGUE.— KOEN1GLICH-BOEHMISCHEGE8ELLSCHAKT DERWISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, ttc. 1905, no. 8 A 21. 8°. 1905. Fric (ANTONIN J.) Ueber neue Saurierfunde in der Kreideformation Bohmens. pp. 0 : text illutt. Sec PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DERWISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, ttc. 1906, no. 33. 8°. 1907. /> Fri6 (ANTONiN J.) Miscellanea Palaeontologica, ttc. [ No.] I & II f Ultut. 4°. Prag, 1907-10. Frid (ANTONiN J.) Problematica Silurica . . . Traduit C— par A. S. Oudin. See BARRANDE (J.) Systeme Silurien dn Centre de la Boheme, etc. [Suites.] 4°. 1908. Frii (ANTONIN J.) Ueber Problematica Silurica. pp. 7. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT S.nOi.^- DERWISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, ttc. 1908,no.l8. 8°. 1909. Fric (ANTONiN J.) Ueber Rudisten-Funde im Granit- gebiete bei Slrac. pp. 4. See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH- {jjf BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, ttc. 1909, no. 5. 8°. 1910. Frig (ANTONIN J.) Ueber Lagerung von cenomanen und diluvialen Sedimenten in und auf den silurischen Kieselschiefern zwischen Kojetic und Lobkovic. pp. S : text illutt. See PRAGUE.— KOENIGLICH-BOEHMISCHE .GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, ttc. 1910, no. 6. 8°. 1911. Fric (ANTONiN J.) Studien im Gebiete der Permfor- mation Bohmens. pp. 51 : text illust. See PRAGUE. — •S.nSt. Beide Comites fuer die Landesdurchfortchung von Boehmen. Archiv, ttc. Bd. xv, no. 2. 8°. 1912. Fric' (ANTONiN J.) & Bayer (F.) Neue Fische und Reptilien aus der Bohmischen Kreideformation. pp. 34 : 10 pit. (col.), text illust. 4°. Prag, 1905. Fri£ (ANTONIN J.) A Reuss (A. E. VON) Verzeichniss von 100 Gypsmodellen von Foraminiferen, welche unter der Leitung des Prof. ... A. Reuss und ... A. Fritsch gearbeitet wurden, ttc. See REUSS (A. E. VON) & FRIC (A. J.) 8°. [1861.] Fric (ANTONiN J.) A Vavra (V.) Untersuchungen iiber die Fauna der Gewiisser Bohmens. v. Unter- , T, suchung des Elbeflusses und seiner Altwiisser durch- "• gefuhrt auf der ttbertragbaren Zoologischen Station. pp. 154 : text illutt. Sec PRAGUE. — Beide Comites fuer die Landesdurchfortchung von Boehmen. Archiv, ttc. Bd. xi, thl. 8. 8°. 1901. FRIC (W.) Verzeichniss von 100 Gypsmodellen von Foraminiferen, welche unter der Leitung des Prof. . . . A. Reuss und ... A. Fritsch gearbeitet wurden. Aus- gegeben von : W. Fri5, ttc. See REUSS (A. E. VOW) A FRl6 (A. J.) 8°. [1861.] FRICHE-JOSET ( ) Synopsis de la Flore du Jura septentrional et du Sundgau : contenant un re- sui m' analytique et vaisonne des Vege'taux PhaneVogames croissant sur les diffe'rentes chaines du Jura septen- -Tj trional, par feu Friche-Joset . . . et des Ve'ge'taux Vas- culaires du Sundgau, classes d'apres une me'thode analytique nouvelle . . . pre'cede's d'un Tableau Analytique . . . et suivis d'un Vocabulaire . . . par F. J. Montandon, ttc. pp. xii, 40! > [1], 1 tab. : 1 pi. S"'. Mulhouse, 1856. - [Reissue entitled : — ] Guide du Botaniste dans le Sundgau et les lisieres du Jura badois, balois, soleurois, bernois et dubisien, ttc. 1903, no. 3. 8°. 1908 (1904). FRIEDBERG (WlLHELM) [1873-] Atlas Geologiczny Galicyi. Zeszyt xvi, 3 sh. col. 4". 1914-> 347 Friele (HERMAN) Mollusken der ersten Nordmeerfahrt des Fischereidampfers " Michael Sars " 1900 unter Lei- tung von. . .J. Hjort. pp. 18 : 4 pis., text illust. See BERGEN. — Bergens Museum. Bergens Museum Aarbog 1902. No. 3. 8°. 1902. Friele (HERMAN) & Grieg (J. A.) Mollusca [of the North Sea] ill. See NORWAY. Den Norske Nordhavs- Expedition 1876-1878. Bd. xxvin. 4°. 1901. FRIEND (JOHN ALBERT NEWTON) [1881-] The Theory of Valency, pp. xiv, 180 : text illust. 8°. London, Sc. 1909. Forming a volume of the series " Text-Books of Physical Chemistry," edited by Sir W. Kamsay, K.C.B. Fries (ELIAS MAGNUS) Tabula aualytica Fungorum in Epicrisi seu Synopsi Hymeuomycetum Friesiana descriptorum, ad operis usum faciliorem collata, : 7 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Haudlingar. Ny Foljd, bd. XXXIV, no. 5. 4°. 1900 (1901). Fries (KLAS E. E.) Myxomyceten von Argentinien und Bolivia. Gesam- melt und bestimmt von E. E. Fries. Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Ornithophilie in der Siid- amerikanischen Flora. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENKSA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik. Bd. I, no. 3 & 11. 8". 1903. Fries (KLAS E. E.) Eine Leguminose mit trimorphen Bliiten und Friichten. pp. 10 : 2 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, rfc. Bd. Ill, no. 9. 8°. 1904. Fries (KLAS E. E.) Die Anonaceen der zweiten Eegnell'schen Eeise. pp.30: 2 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik. Bd. IV, no. 19. 8°. 1905. Fries (KLAS E. E.) Zur Kenntnis der Alpinen Flora im nordlichen Argentinien. pp. 20,r> : 9 pis., 1 map. See UPSALA. — KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Nova Acta, . See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, ls., text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, rfc. Bd. XI, no. 12. 8°. 1912. FROEBEZi (JULIUS) [1806-1893] See MITTHEILUNGEN AUS DEM GEBIETE DER THEORETISCHEN ERDKUNDE. Herausgeseben von J. Frobel, etc. Bd. I.f 8°. [1834-]1836. FROEHLICH (CARL) Die Odonaten und Orthopteren Deutschlands mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der bei Aschaffenburg vorkommenden Arten, itc. See ASCHAF- FENBURG. — NATURWISSEN8CHAFTLICHER VEREIN. [Bei- trage zur Fauna und Flora von Aschaft'enburg.] Mit- theilungen, .',: 110 ph. col., text illust. 4°. London, (1898-)1915. FUCHS (ALEXANDER) [1874-] Das Unterdevon der Loreleigegend . . .Inaugural-Dissertation, ttc. pp. f>~ : 1 pi., 1 map, geol. col. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1899. Fuchs (ALEXANDER) & Spriestersbach (J.) Die Fauna der Remscheider Schichten. pp. [i,] Ml : 12 pis. See PRUSSIA. — Koeniglich • Preussische Geologische Lamlcsanstalt, ttc. Abhandlungen, pis. (col.), 3 maps (col.). See MARBURG. — GESELLSCHAFT ZUB BEFOERDERUNG DER GESAMMTEN NATURWISSEN- 8CHAFTEN. Schriften, ttc. Bd. VI. 8°. 1848. Fnchs (CARL WILHELM C.) Anleitung zum Bestimmeu der Miueralien . . . Fiinfte Auflage, neu bearbeitet von . . .R. Brauns. pp. [ii,] ..'..'». 8°. Oiessen, 1907. k FUCHS (EDMOND) See FUCHS (PHILIPPE JACQUES E.) 1. 6. FUCHS (TllEODOB) [1842-] Die Conchylienfauna der Eociiubildungeu von Kalinowka iin Gouvernemcntc Chersou in sildlichen Russlaud. pp. 2'l : ~i pis. col. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1869. Verhandl. k. mineral. Gesell. St. Petersburg. Fnchs (THEODOR) Exkursion in die Ziegeleien der Wienerberger Ziegel- fabrik und Baugesellschaft bei Inzersdorf am Wiener Berg. (Nachmittagsausflug.) pp. .'/• Exkursion in die Umgebung von Atzgersdorf, Baden und Voslau. (Tagesausflug.) pp. '.>. Exkursion nach Eggenburg. (Tagesausflug.) j>j>. /..'. See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. — Ninth Session: Vienna, I'.'ii-l. Fiihrer fiir die Exkursionen in Oesterreich, : 1 pi. See PISA.— REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. Annali delle Univer- sitd Toscane. Tom. xxiv. 4". 1904. Fucini (ALBERTO) Note illustrative della carta geolo- gica del Monte Cetona. pp. 6S : text illust. See PlSA. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. Annali delle Uni- versitil Toscane. Tom. xxv. 4°. 1905. Fucini (ALBERTO) Synopsis delle Ammoniti del Medolo. pp. 107 : 3 pis. See PISA.— REGIA UNIVER- SITA DEGLI STUDI. Annali delle Universiti Toscane. Tom. XXVJH. 4°. 1908. Fncini (ALBERTO) L' Eriphia Cocchii, Hist. pj*. •'< : 1 pi. See PlSA. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. Annali delle Universita Toscane. Tom. XXX. 3°. 1911. Fucini (ALBERTO) Studi Geologici sul promontorio Argentario. pp. 1^0 : 1 map geol. col. See PISA. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. Annali delle I'ni- versiti Toscaue. Tom. xxxil. 4". 1913. Fncini (ALBERTO) Pennatulidi del Lias inferiore del Casale in Provincia di Palenno. pp. !) : 1 jil. See CATANIA. — ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATU- RALI. Atti, ttc. Vol. viii, no. 26. 4". 1915. FUEIiIiEBORN (FRlEDHICHj^--Beitrage zuj>-phys- ischen AijikrOpologie dej>^ord - Nyassajxfiili'i-. )ST-AFliHTA7 Bd. VIII. «-• FUCHS (FEDERICO G.) [1876-] La region cuprifera de. los alrededores de lea y Nazca. pp. 100 : 1 map col., 1 plan. Sec PERU. — CUKBPO DE INGENIEROS DE MINAS. Boletin No. 29. 8". 1905. FUCHS (GILBERT) Verzeichnis der auf der For- schungsreise gesanimelten Algeu, Insekten und Vogel. FUTTERER (K.) Durch Asien, T Siiugetiere. See JENA. — MEpICINISCH-NATUBWISSBH SCHAFTLICHE GKSELLSCHAFT, '•• Bd. XI. 4". 1904. 351 FUERBKINGER (PAUL) Die Muskeln des Kopf- skelets der Myxitie glutinosa unter specieller Wurdi- guug der Kaufunction. Inaugural-Abhandlung, 5 : text illust. See JAGERSKIOLD (A. L. K. E.) Results of the Swedish Zoological Expe- dition to Egypt, illust. See OTAKI (K.) A others. 8°. & fol. [1903->] FULLAWAY (D. T.) [Report of the breeding and distribution for the period May 16 to September 30, 1913, of parasites introduced by ... F. Silvestri into Hawaii, by D. T. Fullaway.] See HAWAII, Territory - of. — Board of Agriculture and Forestry. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 3. Report of an Expedition to Africa in search of the Natural Enemies of Fruit Flies, <£c. Appendix. 8". 1914. FULLER (MYRON LESLIE) [1873-] Summary of the controlling factors of artesian flows, pp. 44 •' ~ flu-, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 319. 8°. 1908. Fuller (MYRON L.) The New Madrid Earthquake. pp. lift : '.) pis., 1 map col., text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 494. 8°. 1912. Fuller (MYRON L.) The Geology of Long Island, New York. pp. xvi, 231, 1 tab. : 14 pis., 13 maps col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Pro- fessional Paper No. 82. 4". 1914. Fuller (MYRON L.) & Sanford (S.) Record of Deep- well drilling for 1905. pp. 2'M. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 298. 8". 1906. Fuller (MYRON L.) & others. Record of Deep-well drilling for 1904. pp. 106. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 264. 8°. 1905. FULTON (JAMES) The Mosses of Forfarshire. See PATON (A. W.) British Association, Dundee 1912. Handbook and Guide, rfc. 8°. [1912.] FULTON (THOMAS ALEXANDER WEMYSS) On the spawning of the Cod (Gadus morrhua, L.) in autumn in the North Sea. pp. 10 : 1 map. See CONSEIL. PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL POUR L'EXPLORATION DE LA MER. Publications de Circonstance No. 8. 8°. 1904. FUNK (MICHAEL) Vorlaufer einer Dipterenfauna Bambergs. pp. 47. SeeBAMBERG. — NATURFORSCHENDK GESELLSCHAFT. Bericht, ! [1] : 1 port., 1 text illust. See LUND. — KAROLINSKA UNIVERSITETET. Acta, , 17) : text illust. 1911. IV. Mineralogie und Petrographie. 1. Zusammenatellung der chemlschen Analysen, aus- u'l'fuhrt an den auf der Asienreise gesammelten Mineralieu, insbesondere von C. Pfeil, sowie von H. Bunte, P. Eitner, u. a. M. Dittrich und der mechanischen Analysen ausgefilhrt von M. Reich- mann. Zuaammengestellt von M. Schwarzmann. 2. Beschreibung der auf der Forschungreise durch Asien gesammelten Mlneralien, von M. Schwarz- mann. 3. Beschreibung der auf der Relse 1m Nan-schan, Kiike -uur -Gebiet, nordbstlichen Tibet, oberen Thao-Tal und Inner-China gesammelten kriatallinen Gesteine und Losse, von M. Schwarzmann. 4. Materialien der Asienaammlung, als Belegstiicke zu einer allgemein geologiachen Sammlung der Wiistenbildungen, geordnet von M. Schwarzmann. V. Zoologie (Nachtrag). Ueber elnige von Herrn Dr. Holderer in der siidlichen Gobi und in Thibet gesammelte Saugetiere, von P. Matschle. VI. Butnnik (Nachtrag). Verzeichnis der auf der Forschungareise gesammelten Ali?en, Inaekten und Vogel, von...G. Fuchs. Fntterer (KARL) Geographische Skizze der WiiBte Gobi, zwischen Hami und Su-tschou. pp. 35 : 1 map • (col.). See PETERMANNS MITTHEILUNGEN, Ac. Er- giinzbd. xxx, no. 189. 4°. 1902. Fntterer (KARL) Geographische Skizze von Nordost- Tibet. Begleitworte zur Kartenaufnahme des Beise- weges vom Kiike-nur iiber den oberen Hoang-ho und durchs Thao-Tal nach Min-tschou. pp. 66 : 2 maps (col.). See PETERMANNS MITTHEILUNGEN, Ac. Er- giinzbd. XXX. 4°. 1903. FTSON (PHILIP FURLEY) Some experiments in the hybridising of Indian Cottons, pp. 27 [2] : 9 pis. See INDIA. — Department of Agriculture. Memoirs, Ac. Botanical Series. Vol. H, no. 6. 4°. 1908. ?Fyson (PHILIP F.) Madras Flowers. No. 1— > illujst. See MADRAS, City of. — Presidency College. Botanical Bulletin. Series A. 8". 1914-> L. - GAAL (IsTVAN) A Hunyadmegyei Bakosd Szarmata- kon'i Csigafaunaja. pp. .%' [/] : 4 p'8" text illutt. — Die Sarmatische Gastropodenfauna von Biikosd im Komitat Hunyad. pp. 112 [I]: 4 ph., text Must. See AUSTRIA- HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTEZET. Kvkonyve, Ac. (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche, -> l maP co'- 8°. Cherbourg it Nantes [1903]. Mem. Soo. Sci. Nat. et Math. Cherbourg. Tom. XXXIII. Gadeceau (EMILE) Les Forets submergees de Belle-lie- en-mer. pp. See CHEVALIER (A.) 4°. 1911-> Gahau (CHARLES JOSEPH) Insecta Transvaaliensia. . . [With] contributions by...C. J. Gahan, dc. Vol. i.f See DISTANT (W. L.) 4°. 1900-11. Gahan (CHARLES J.) [Longicornia and Phytophaga from the Uganda Protectorate.] See JOHNSTON (Sir H. H.) G.C.M.G. The Uganda Protectorate, dc. Vol. I. 8". 1902. Gahan (CHARLES J.) [Coleoptera of Socotra.] See LIVERPOOL. — Free Public Library, Museum and Gallery of Arts. The Natural History of Socotra, dc. 8°. 1903. Gahan (CHARLES J.) Coleoptera, — Vol. I, pt. 1. Ceram- bycidae [of British India]. See BLANFORD (W. T.) The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, dc. 8°. 1906. Gahan (CHARLES J.) Report on the Coleoptera col- lected...^ Dutch New Guinea. Pt. in. See GRANT (W. R. OGILVIE-) Reports on the collections made by the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition, dc. Vol. I, no. 9. 4°. 1915. Gahan (CHARLES J.) & others. [Coleoptera from Christmas Island.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). A Monograph of Christmas Island, dc. 8°. 1900. GAIDOZ (HENRY) [1842-] Flore populaire, dc. [Con- tinued by H. Gaidoz.J Tom. vin— > See HOLLAND (E.) 8". 1910-> GAIGE (FREDERICK M.) Results of the Mershou Expedition to the Charity Islands, Lake Huron. The Forrnicidse, dc. pp. 29. See ANN ARBOR. — UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. — Museum of Zoology. Occasional Papers, dc. No. 5. 8°. 1914. Gaige (FREDERICK M.) The Formicidse of the Shiras Expedition to Whitensh Point, Michigan, in 1914. pp. 4. See ANN ARBOR. — UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. — No. 25. 8°. 1916. Also styled " Scientific Papers of the University of Michigan No. 26." GAIGE (HELEN THOMPSON) "T?he Amphibians and Reptiles collected by the Bryant Walker expedition to Schoolcraft county, Michigan, pp. fj. See ANN ARBOR. — UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. — Museum of Zoology. Occasional Papers, dc. No. 17. 8°. 1915. Gaige (HELEN T.) Description of a new Salamander from Washington, pp. 3 : 1 pi. See ANN ARBOR. — UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. — Museum of Zoology. Occasional Papers, dc. No. 40. 8°. 1917. Gaige (HELEN T.) & Rnthven (A. G.) The Reptiles and Amphibians collected in northeastern Nevada by the Walker-Newcomb expedition of the University of Michigan, pp. ;i3 : 5 pis. See ANN ARBOR. — UNIVER- SITY OF MICHIGAN. — Museum of Zoology. Occasional Papers, dc. No. 8. 8°. 1915. Gaige (HELEN T.) & Ruthven (A. G.) The breeding habits of Prosttierapis subpunctatus, Cope. pp. 5 : 1 pi. See ANN ARBOR. — UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. — Museum of Zoology. Occasional Papers, dc. No. 10. 8°. 1915. Gaillard (CLAUDE) Les Oiseaux des Phosphorites du Quercy. pp. 178: X pis., text illust. See LYONS. — UNIVERSITK. Annales, dc, Nouvelle Serie, Fasc. xxni. 8°. 1908. 45 "Z. L. 354 Gaillard (CLAUDE) & Daressy (G.) La Faune Momi- &fi6e de 1'antique Egypte. See CAIRO. — MUSEE DBS ANTIQUITKS KGYPTIENNES. Catalogue general des An- tiquites Egyptiennes du Musee, itc. Vol. xxv. 4°. 1905. GAILLON (BENJAMIN) See GAILLON (FRA^OIS B.) GAIN (Louis) La Flore Algologique des regions ant- arctiques et subantarctiques. See FRANCE. [Voyages, itc. — Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antarctiqxie Francaise (1908-10), commandee par...J. Charcot. Sciences Naturelles, dc. 4°. 1912. Gain (Louis) Algues provenaut des Campagnes de » VHirondelle n. (1911-12). pp. >,l : trjct illust. N.v MONACO. -IXSTITUT OCKANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 279. 8°. 1914. Gain (Louis) Oiseaux antarctiques. See FRANCE. [ Voyages, Ac. — Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Autarctique Fran9aise (1908-10), coinmand6e par... J. Charcot. Sciences Naturelles, dc. 4°. 1914. Gain (Louis) & Anthony (R. L. F.) Embryologie J. des SpheniscidsB. See FRANCE. [Voyages, dc. — Ant- arctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Fran9aise (1908-10), command^e par . . . J. Charcot. Sciences Naturelles. dc. 4°. 1915. GAIZO (MoDESTlNO DEL) Note di Storia della Vul- , canologia. (A proposito della grande eruzione del Vesuvio dell' aprile 1906.) pp. 10. See NAPLES.— ACCADEMIA PONTANIANA. Atti, Ac. Vol. XXXVI, no. 4. 4°. 1906. GALDI (B.) & Camerana (E.) I Giacimenti Petrolei- feri dell' Emilia, pp. xiii, 335 : text illust. Atlas, [pp. it,] 1 tab. : 7 ph., 8 maps. See ITALY. — REALE COMITATO GEOLOGICO. Memorie descrittive della Carta Geologica d' Italia. Vol. XIV. 8°. 1911. , GALDIERI (AGO8TINO) [1870-] La Malacofauna Triassica di Giffoni nel Salernitano. pp.20[l]: 1 pi. ' See NAPLES.— REALB ACCADEMIA SCIENZE, rfc. Atti, rfc. Ser. II, vol. XII, no. 17. 4°. 1905. L. •J maps (1 geol. col.), text Must. Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 850. &Gale (HoYT S.) Coal fields of northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah. pp. :.'(!'>, ..' tabs. : 15 ph., ti maps (5 geol. col.), text Must. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 415. , 8°. 1910. G-. Gale (HoYT S.) Nitrate deposits, pp.36: 1 pi., 1 map, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 528. 8°. 1912. Gale (HoYT S.) The origin of Colemanite deposits. pp. '.». See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Pro- fessional Paper 85-A. 4°. 1913. L . Galdieri (AGOSTINO) Sul Trias dei dintorni di Giffoni, f./rn A dc. pp. 12?t : :i ph. See NAPLES. — ACCADEMIA PON- TANIANA. Atti, dc. Ser. II, vol. xxxvni, no. 8. 8°. 1908. Galdieri (AGOSTINO) & Bassini (F.) La sorgente minerale di Valle di Pompei : relazione geologica. pp. 8. See NAPLES.— REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, dc. Atti, dc. Ser. II, vol. xiv, no. 2. 4°. 1910. GALE (HoYT STODDARD) [1876-] Geology of the Rangely Oil district, Rio Blanco county, Colorado, with a section on the Water supply, pp. til : 2 ph. (1 col.), . See UNITED STATES.— 8°. 1908. Gale (HoYT S.) Salines in the Owens, Searles, and Panamint basins, southeastern California. Sec UNITED G STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 580-L. 8°. 1914. Gale (HoYT S.) & Butler (B. S.) Alunite: a newly discovered deposit near Marysvale, Utah, by B. S. Butler r and H. S. Gale. [With a description of the "Alunite deposits of Rosita Hills, Colorado, by W. Cross."] pp. t>4 : :J ph., 1 map. See UNITED STATES. — Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 511. 8°. 1912. Gale (HoYT S.) & Fenneman (N. M.) The Yainpa r Coal field, Routt county, Colorado, u ph., .'.'• maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 612. 8°. 1915. GALEB (OsMAN) Bey. Recherches sur les Eutozoaires _ des Insectes : organisation et deVeloppementldes Oxyu- rides. pp. 108 : 10 ph. 8". Paris, 1879. Arcliiv. Zool. Kxp£r. Tom. VII. GALIANO (E. FERNANDEZ) Dates para el cono- i_ cimiento de la distribucion geografica de los Aracnidos f .. en Espana. pp. 82. See MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD • ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, (tc. Tom. VI, no. 5. 8°. 1910. GALLAHER (JOHN A.) [1842-1900] [For official r Reports as State Geologist] See MISSOURI, State of.— Bureau of Geology and Mines. GALLENGA afterwards Zvrea (GuY HARDWIN) [1859-] The Roedeer. A Monograph. See SNAFFLE [pseud.]. 4°. 1904. GALLERIE DSNKWUERDIGER NATUR- FORSCHER. Herausgegeben von . . . J. Gistl. ~Z^ No. 1 & 2. See FAUNUS. Zeitschrift fiir Zoologie, 1 . 1906-1908." Gallpe (OLAF) Forberedende Unders0gelser til en almindelig Liken^kologi. /.//. 119 : text illust. See COPENHAGEN.— Dansk Botanitk Forening. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv, Ac. Bd. I, no. 8. 8°. 1913. Galloway (WILLIAM BROWN) The North Pole: the Great Ice Age ; and the Deluge, rfc. pp. 48 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1900. GALLUP (F. L.) \- Ries (H.) Report on the Molding Sands of Wisconsin. See WISCONSIN, State of.— $.j; Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulletin No. XV, pt. 2. 8°. 1906. 355 L. b. 0- L. £-• G-. L. 7?: H. .//* GAIiFIN" (S. L.) A preliminary Report on the Feld- spar and Mica deposits of Georgia, pp. xii, 190 : 0 ph., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See GEORGIA, State of— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 30. 8°. 1915. rll-^- Galton (Sir FRANCIS) William Cotton Oswell : Hunter and pjxplorer. The story of his Life ... by his eldest son . . . With an Introduction by F. Galton. 2 Vol. See OSWELL (W. E.) , 8°. 1900. Galton (Sir FRANCIS) See BIOMETRIKA . . . Edited in consultation with F. Galton, Ac. Vol. l-v. 8°. 1901-07. GALVAGNI (EGON) Lepidoptera. (Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Lepidopterenfauna der Adriatischen Inseln.') See BOGENHOFEH (A.) Die Zoologische Beise des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereiues nach Dal- matien im April 1906, Ac. B. Spezieller Teil, Ac. No. 13. 8". 1911. GALVEZ (VICENTE) Apuntes sobre el Mineral de Puerto de Nieto (Distrito de San Miguel de Allende, Estado de Guanajuato), pp. 8 : 1 map. See MEXICO. — Institute Geologico. Anales, Ac. No. 6. 8°. 1919. GAMA (CHRISTOVAO DA) [-1542] The Portuguese Expedition [of C. da Gama] to Abyssinia in 1541-1543, as narrated by [M. de] Castanhoso, Ac. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, Ac. Ser. II, no. 10. 8". 1903. Gambia, Colony of the. [Maps.} Gambia. Scale, 1 : 500,000 or 1 '014 inches to 8 miles. (col.) Southampton, 1909. Geographical Section, General Staff, War Office, No. 2447. Gamble (FREDERICK WILLIAM) Flat - Worms and Mesozoa. See HARMER (S. F.) The Cambridge Natural History, Ac. Vol. II [Beprint]. 8°. 1901. Gamble (FREDERICK W.) The Badiolaria. See LANKESTER (Sir E. B.) K.C.B. A Treatise on Zoology, Ac. Pt. I, fasc. 1. Introduction and Protozoa. 8". 1909. Gamble (FREDERICK W.) Studies from the Zoological Department, University of Birmingham. Vol. II. Edited by F. W. Gamble. See BIRMINGHAM. — UNIVERSITY. 8". 1910. Gamble (JAMES SYKES) [Bambusese of India.] O>. See HOOKER (Sir J. D.) G.C.S.I. The Flora of British India, Ac. Vol. VII. 8°. 1897. fi Gamble (J^SiES S.) A Manual'of Indian Timbers : an •R-rt- uccountXH the growth, distribution, and uatfs of the Z-'i-^treesarnd shrubs of India-'and Ceylon, witbyglescriptions ™0/ of iiieir Wood-structtrfe . . . New and iWised edition. >. xxvi, S56 : 19 pts. $T. London, 1902. Gamble (JAMES S.) [Lauraceae from western China.] See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Arnold Arboretum. Plantse Wilsonianse : an enume- ration of the Woody Plants collected . . . for the . . . Arboretum . . . during . . . 1907, 1908, and 1910, <£c. Vol. I, pt. 4. 8°. 1914. GAMBLE (WILLIAM) Supplementary List of the Bryoxoa of the Chatham Chalk, pp. 7. 8°. [Chatham, 1896.] Gammie (GEORGE ALEXANDER) The Indian Cottons. pp. [i,] :iW: Uf pis. col. See INDIA. — Department of Agriculture. Memoirs, Ac. Botanical Series. Vol. II, no. 2. 8°. 1907. Gammie (GEORGE A.) [For official reports as Imperial Cotton Specialist] See PUSA. — Agricultural Research Institute and College. GANDER (P. MARTIN) [1855-J Ameisen und Arnei- senseele. pp. vi [ii], 170 : text illust. 12°. Einsiedeln, Ac. 1908 [i.e. 1907]. Benzigere Naturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek. •72 Gandoger (MICHEL) Novus Conspectus Flora Europe, ,s'o.o. sive enumeratio systematica Plantarum omnium in Europa hucusque spoute cognitarum. pp. ?>41. 8°. Parisiis A Lwsice, 1910. .. / / GANDOLFI HORNYOLD (ALFONZojAlgunas* f IKT\, observaciones sobre la Anguila en Valencia, pp. 43 [1]: *— "/ 7 16 pis., 1 map. 8°. Valencia, 1916. 7 . " Anales del Institute General y Ttaiico de Valencia, No. 3 (1916). (Tral)ajo del Lalioratorio de Hidrobiologiadel Institute.) " Gandolfi Hornyold (ALFONZO) Algunas observa- ciones sobre la alimentacion de la Anguila en Valencia, Santander, Lisboa y Aveiro. pp. S. 8°. Valencia, 1917. An. Inst. gen. y tec. Valencia, No. 6. ./ Gandolfi Hornyold (ALFONZO) Algunas medidas de las Angulas de Santander. pp. 40 : text illust. 8°. Madrid [1918]. z. Boletin de Pescas. 1918. -/ Gandolfi Hornyold (ALFONZO) Algunas observa- ciones sobre la Anguila de Mallorca. pp. 63 : text illust. 8°. Madrid [1918]. Boletin de Pescas. 1918. Gandolfi Hornyold (ALFONZO) Experiencias sobre la formacion de la pseudo-aleta caudal en la Angula. pp. B : text illust. 8". Madrid [1918]. Boletin de Pescas. 1918. Gandolfi Hornyold (ALFONZO) Quelques observa- tions sur la Montee a Lisbonne. pp. 55 : 2 pis., text illust. See LISBON. — SOCIEDADE PORTUGUESA DE SCIENCIAS NATURAIS. Memoires, 1. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 183. 8°. 1901. Gannett (HENRY) The Forests of Oregon, pp. 36 : 6 pis., 1 map col. The Forests of Washington, Ac. pp. 38 : 1 map col. See UNITED STATES. — -Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 4 and 5. 4°. 1902. Gannett (HENRY) A Gazetteer of Texas, pp. 162 • 6 maps (col.). See UNITED STATES. — Geological Sur. vey. Bulletin No. 190. 8°. 1902. (Second edition.) pp. 177 : 7 maps (col.). See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 224. 8°. 1904. Gannett (HENRY) A Gazetteer of Cuba. pp. 11.1.- 8 maps (col.). See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 192. 8°. 1902. Gannett (HENRY) General Geography [of Alaska] See WASHINGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Alaska I giving the Besults of the Harriman Alaska Expedition etc. Vol. II. 8". 1902' Gannett (HENRY) A Gazetteer of Delaware, pp. 1~>. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 230. 8". 1904. Gannett (HENRY) A Gazetteer of Maryland, pp. 84. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 231. 8°. 1904. •z. €-. L. fr. 356 Gannett (HENRY) A Gazetteer of Virginia, pp. I-r'f>. tiff UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 282. 8°. 1904. Gannett (HENRY) A Gazetteer of West Virginia. pp. 1H4. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 288. 8°. 1904. Gannett (Hi-'.XRY) A Gazetteer of Indian Territory, pp. ;n. .sv<- UNITED STATES.— Geological Sum-i/. Bulletin No. 248. 8°. 1905. Gannett (HENRY) The origin of certain Place Names in the United States. (Second Edition.) pp. ..'•.'.'/. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 258. 8°. 1905. Gannett (HENRY) A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States. (Fourth edition.) pp. 1072. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 274. 8". 1906. Gannett (HENRY) A Gazetteer of Colorado, pp. Iff'i. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 291. 8°. 1906. GARDINER (JAMES HENRY) See CHEMICAL NEWS, THE . . . Edited by J. H. Gardiner. Vol. cxvm— >• •F.H.$. 8". ANSIUS^ffOANNES Corallpmm historia, dcj^pp. [xiv,] 17L^fT,ext illust. 8°. Francofurti, 1630. GARBOWSKI (TADEUSZ) Morphogenetische Studien. Als Beitrag zur Methodologie Zoologischer Forschung. pp. vii, [i,] 189 : 6 pis. (col.) 4°. Jena, 1903 [i.e. 1902]. GARCIA (FABiAN) Injurious Insects, pp. 63 : text E . illust. See LAS CRUCES.— NEW MEXICO COLLEGE OP AGRICULTURE, Ac. Bulletin No. 68. 8°. 1908. GARCIA (GUILLERMO J. DE GuiLLKN) f, Como deben clasificarse los objetos llamados prehistoricos y proto- £>.KX>5.~£ historicos? pp.17. See BARCELONA. — REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS Y AHTES. Mi'iiiorin s. . 8°. 1918— »• fr. Gardiner (JOHN STANLEY) On the anatomy of a supposed new species of Coenopsii'iiimia from Lifu. See WlLLEY (A.) Zoological Results, illust. (col.) 4". Cambridge, 1902— > Vol. I, no. 8. Amphibia and Reptilia. By F. F. Laidlaw. ,, „ ,, 7. Lepidoptera. By E. Meyrii-k. , „ ,, S. Echluroidea. By A. E. sliipley. ], „ 9. Slpunculoidea, with an account of a new ucnns LiUiarrmiphon. By A. E. Shipley. „ ,, ,, 10. Land anil Freshwater Mollusca. By E. A. Smith. 11. The Maldive and Laccadive groups [continued]. By J. S. Gardiner. ,, 12. On the Pigments of certain Corals. ByC. A. MacMunn. „ „ 13. Marine Criistai vans. (I & II.) By L. A. Borradalle. , , „ 14. Cluctojtnatha. By L. Doncaster. , „ 15. Dragon Flies. By F. F. Laidlaw. 16. Tin- AeUnogonidute Echinoderms of the Maldive and Laccadive Islands. By Prof. F. J. Bell. „ „ 17. Orthoptera. By M. Burr. ,, 18. Marine Crustaceans, (ill.) By L. A. Borradaile. 19. On the Fishes. By 0. T. Itegan. ,, „ 20. The Marine Tnrbellaria. By F. F. Laidlaw. 21. The Maldive and Laccadive groups [continued]. By .1. S. Gardiner. „ „ 22. Cephalochonla. I. Systematic and anatomical account. By C. F. Cooper. II. Note on Meristic variation in the group. By R. C. Punnett. 23. Aves. By H. Gadow and J. a. Gardiner. , „ 24. The Earthworms. By F. E. Beddard. ,, 26. The Maldive and Laccadive groups [concluded]. By J. S. Gardiner. 26. Marine Crustaceans. (iv-VII.) By L. A. Bornidaile. „ 27. Marine Crustaceans, vm. Stomatopoda, with »n account of the varieties of Gvrwdactyhtg chirurjra. By W. F. Lauchester. „ „ „ 28. The Lithothamnia ... By M. H. Foslie. Vol. II, no. 1. The Alcyonaria of the Maldives. I. The Genera Xenia, Telexto, Spmujudcs, StfUJfya, PnTOSpoiujmlet, Cliimitjitli'lii. Si]ilinniynrgia, S. Gardiner (JOHN S.) & Gadow (H. F.) [Birds of the Maldives and Laccadives.] See GARDINER (J. S.) The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, 3.> [4]. Flora van Nederland. 8°. Groningen, 1902. GARLAND (ALEJANDRO) La industria del Petroleo en el Peru en 1901. pp. 14 : 4 pls- See PERU. — CUEBPO DE INGENIEROS DE MINAS. Boletin No. 2. 8°. 1902. GARLAND (LESTER VALLIS LESTER-) See LESTER-GARLAND (L. V.) Garman (SAMUEL) The Plagiostomia. (Sharks, Skates, and Rays.) pp. xiii, 515 : 77 pis. See CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — Museum of Comparative Zoology. Memoirs, . Ser. II, vol. XII, no. 4 & 11. 4°. 1905. GASSER (G.) Die Mineralien Tirols (eiuschliesslich Vorarlbergs), rfc. Lief. 1 & 2.f pp. (>4 •' ~ !>'«• 8°. Rochlitz i. S., 1904 [-05]. [Form of publication changed to : — ] Die Miueralieu Tirols, einschliesslich Vorarlbergs und • der Hohen Tauern, 4S[l] •' J map col., text illust. 8°. Innsbruck, 1913. GASSNER (GUSTAV) & Appel (O.) Der derzeitige Stand unserer Eenutnisse von den Flugbrandarten des Getreides, 1. See ANN ARBOR. — UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. — Museum of Zoology. Occasional Papers, tic. No. 27. 8°. 1916. Also styled " Scientiflc Papers of the University of Michigan No. 28." GATIN CHARLES LOUISA Perrot (E.) Les Algues marines utiles et en particulier les Algues alimentaires d' Extreme -Orient, pp. 101 : 10 pis., text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOGRAPHIQUE. — Paris Branch. Annales, pis. col., 13 maps col., text illust. 8°. Paris, 1902. GAUTIER (FERDINAND) Chili et Bolivie : eiude eco- nomique etmiuiere. pp. vi, ~'M [/]. 8°. Paris, [1905 ?] GAUTIER (GASTON) See GAUTIER (MARIE CLKMENT G.) GAVELIN (AXEL O.) [1875-1 Studier ofver de post- glaciala uivii- och klimatforiindringarna pu norra delen af det smnlaudska hoglandet. [With German suiniiiury. ] pp. >;i: : .! maps (col.), text illust. See SWEDEN. — SVERIOE8 GEOLOGI8KA UNDERSOKNING. Ser. C. Afhand- lingar, pis., text Must. See SWEDEN.— SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, Ac. No. 224 [= Arsbok III (1909), no. 71. 8°. 1910. Gavelin (AXEL O.) Tradgriinsforskjutningarna inom Kamajokks vatteuomrade (Lilla Lulealf). pp. 34 : text illust. Sec SWEDEN.— SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDER- SOKNING. Ser. C. Afhandliugar, Ac. No. 227 [ = Arsbok in (1909), no. 10]. 8°^ 1910. Gavelin (AXEL 0.) Ueber die Gletscher des Norra Storfjiillet uud des Ammarfjiillet. pp. 43: 1 map, text illust. See SWEDEN. — SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDEH- SOKNING. Ser. Ca. Afhandlingar, Ac. No. 5, IV. 4°. 1910. Gavelin (AXEL 0.) Ett uytt postarkaiskt eruptivom- rilde i norra Smaland. pp. 44 '• 4 P^s- back to back, text illust. See SWEDEN. — SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, Ac. No. 241 [ = Arsbok v (1911), no. 3]. 8". 1912. Gavelin (AXEL 0.) & Hogbom (A. G.) Norra Sveriges Issjoar, Ac. pp. llo : 4 pi*-, 4 maps col., text illust. See SWEDEN. — SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Afhaudlingar, Ac. Ser. Ca. No. 7. 4°. 1910. Gavelin (AXEL O.) & others. Excursions in the Archabau of southern Sweden. See CONGRES GEOLO- GIQUE INTERNATIONAL.— Eleventh Session. Livret- Guide des Excursions en Suede, Ac. No. 18. 8°. 1910. Gay (CLAUDE) Suplemento a los Batraquios Chilenos descritos en la Historia Fisica i Politica de Chile de don C. Gay, Ac. See PHILIPPI (R. A.) 8°. 1902. GAYOW (ULYSSE) [1845-] & Sauvageau (C.) Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de A. Millardet (1838-1902), Ac. pp. !t3 : 1 port. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903. Hem. Soc. Sci. phys. nat. Bordeaux. Ser. VI, torn. III. GAZERT (HANS) [1870-] Untersuchungen iiber Meeresbakterien und ihren Einfluss auf den Stoff- wechsel irn Meere. See GERMANY. Deutsche Sud- polar-Expedition 1901-1903. . .Herausgegeben von E. von Drygalski. Bd. vil, hft. 3. 4°. 1912. Gazetteers. [British Isles.] The Survey Gazetteer of the British Isles, Ac. See BAR- THOLOMEW (J. G.) 8°. 1904. Gazetteers. [India.] A Gazetteer of the Territories under the Government of the East India Company, and of the Native States on the Continent of India. Sec THORNTON (E. P.) 8°. 1857. ' f Gazetteers. [India,.] o. The Imperial Gazetteer of India... New edition, illust. (col.). ISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. See NEUENBURG. — GEOGRAPH- 8°. 1902— > GEARE (RANDOLPH I.) A list of the publications of the United States National Museum (1875-1900) . . .with Index to Titles. pp.lGS. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 51. 8". 1902. GEE A ( JOSEF) Landplanarien von Madagaskar und den Comoren. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Reise in Ostafrika, Ac. 4". 1909. GEBBING (J.) Die Grundproben der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition . . . Mit . . . chemischen Analysen von J. Gebbing. See GERMANY. Deutsche Sudpolar- Expedition 1901-1903 . . . Herausgegeben von E. von Drygalski. Bd. II, hft. 6. 4°. 1910. GEBIEN (HANSJ Beitrage zur Keuntnis der Insekten- fauna von Kamerun. No. 28. Verzeichnis der von. . . Y. Sjostedt in Kamerun gesammelten Tenebrioniden. pp. 31 : 2 pis. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, Ac. Bd. II, no. 5. 8°. 1904. Gebien (HANS) [Fam. Tenebrionidae from Egypt and the White Nile.] See JAGERSKIOLD (A. L. K. E.) Results of the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Egypt and the White Nile, See SCHENKLING (S.) Coleopterornm Catalogus, Ac. Pt. 15-> 8°. 1910-> Gebien (HANS) ( Tenebrionidse from the Kilimandjaro- Meru district.] See SJOSTEDT (B. Y.) Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro . . . 1905-1906, Ac. Bd. i. Coleoptera, no. 19. 4°. 1910. Gebien (HANS) [Coleoptera, Tenebrionidse from equa- torial Africa.] See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaft- liche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedi- tion, 1907-1908, rfc. Bd. IV, lief. 5. 8°. 1912. GEDDES (Sir AUCKLAND CAMPBELL) K.C.B. [1879-] & Waterston (D.) Anatomy and Embryology of Antarctic Penguins. See SCOTTISH OCEANOGRAPHICAL LABORATORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the . . . S.Y. " Scotia " during... 1902-1 904, Ac. Vol. IV, no. 4. 4". 1915. Reprinted from " Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb." Vol. XLVII, pt. II. 1910. Also issued separately in 1909. GEDGE (ERNEST) Great and small Game of Africa. . . Contributors : Major A. J. Arnold [E. Gedge], Ac. See BRYDEN (H. A.) 4°. 1899. Gedner (CHRISTOPHORUS) Wozu dient das ? oder vom Nutzen der Naturgeschichte. See LlNN^lUS (C.) Des Ritter C. von Linne Auserlesene Abhandlungen aus der Naturgeschichte, Ac. Bd. I, no. 5. 8". 1776. GEDOELST (L.) Les Champignons parasites de 1'Homme et des Animaux domestiques. Guide tech- nique de Parasitologie vegetale. pp. viii, 19!> : text illust. 8°. Lierre S Bruxelles, 1902. L. 70. L. 80. i. 360 GEE (LIONEL C. E.) General Report on Tanami Gold- field and district (north-western Central Australia). See SOUTH AUSTRALIA. — Northern Territory. 4°. 1911. Gee (LIONEL C. E.) [For official reports as General Assistant and Recorder, Department of Mines] See SOUTH AUSTRALIA, Government Geologist's Drj>artincnt. GEELONG. Gordon Technical College. [ Founded 1SS&. ) Annual Report. . .for 1894. pp. ,11, I tab. I • L. L. s.J>;o. L. ».' N. G-. L. GEGENBAURS MORPHOLOGISCHES JAHRBUCH, <('•(-. Ud. xxx-» See MOBPHOLO- OISCHKS .TAURliUCII, 8°. Geelong, 1895. Geelong. Gordon Technical College. The Wombat : published by the Associations at the . . . College. Vol. I, no. 1 ; III, no. 3. 2 Pt. 8°. Geelong, 1895, 98. — (and Geelong Naturalist) published by the Geelong Field Naturalists' Club and the Gordon College Photo- graphic Club. Vol. v, no. 4. 8°. Geelong, 1902. Between 1S91 and 1895 the College Associations joined with the Field Naturalists' riuh in publishing " The Oeelong Naturalist." They parted company in 1S96, when the former instituted "The Wombat. ' They rejoined in 18'.i9 and continued their joint publication in " The Wombat," till 1904, when control passing to the Field Club, the old title of "Geelong Naturalist" was revived. (For continuation Sec GEELOKO NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB.] GEELONG NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. (Founded 18SO.J The Geelong Naturalist. Vol. V, no. 3 ; VI, no. 1 & 2. 8°. Geelong, 1896-97. Some of the early Proceedings of the Club were published in local newspapers. In 181)1 the Gordon College Science Clubs joined them in issuing "The Geelonj; Naturalist." The clubs parted in 1895, the Gordon College Associations starting " The Wombat." |S« ante GKKI.ONG.— GORDON TECHNICAL COI.I.KIIK. ] In 1899 they rejoined and together continued "The Wombat," till its fifth volume, when the control of the journal passing to the old club, the original title was revived, and it was [Continued as :] The Geeloug Naturalist. (With which is incorporated the Wombat.) The quarterly journal of the . . . Club. Ser. II, vol. l-> 8°. Geelong, 1904-> Wanting, Vol. I, no. 3 & 4 ; II, no. 2-4 ; III, no. 1, 2 & 4 ; '••' "" '. Geer (GERARD JAKOB DE) Swedish Spitzbergen Maps until the end of 1908. See NATHORST (A. G.) Swedish Kxplorations in Spitzbergeu. 1758-1908. 8°. 1909. Geheeb (ADALBERT) Bryologia Atlantica. Die Laub- moose der Atlautischeu Inseln (unter Ausschluss der Europiiischen uud Arktischen Gebiete). pp. 'i / : .'" />l«. col. See BlBLIOTHECA BOTANICA, rfc. lift. LXXIII. 4°. 1910. GEIER (JOHANNES DANIEL) Sec GEYER. o.M., Geikie (Sir ARCHIBALD^X.C.B. [The Scenery of Scotland viewed in connection with its Physical Geology. 8°. London, 1805.] Wanting. Third edition, pp. xx, [ii,] .r>4<> : 1 pi., .} maps (•: i/rol. col.), text ittust. 8°. London, 1901. A second edition appeared in 1887. Geikie (Sir ARCHIBALD) K.C.B. Text-book of Geology . . . Fourth edition, Ac. 2 Vol. pp. xxi, ix, J4'!'~ •' I />'•, text illust. 8". London ". Geer (GERARD J. DE) Quaternary Sea-bottoms of western Sweden. Dai's Ed. Some stationary Ice-borders of the last glaciatiou. See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. — Eleventh Session. Livret-Guide des Excursions en Suede, Ac. No. 23 & 24. 8°. 1910. Geer (GERARD J. DE) Zoologische Ergebnisse der Schwedisohen Expedition nach Spitzbergen 1908, unter »_ Leituug von ... G. de Geer, See STOCK- HOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN8KAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. xlv, no. 9. 4°. 1910-> GEER (STEX DE) [1886-] Klaralfveus serpeutinlopp och rlodplan. pp. /.'W .' .-' pis. (col.), • > maps col., text illust. See SWEDEN. — SVERIGBS OEOLOUISKA UN- DERSiiKNiNG. Ser. C. Afhandlingar, •><•. No. 236 [= Arsbok IV (1910), no. 8J. 8°. 1911. Geer (STEX DE) & Nordenskjold (N. O. G.) Ftthrer der morphologischen Exkursion in Mittelschweden. See CONGRES GKOLOGIQUK INTERNATIONAL. Eleventh Session. Livret-Guide des Excursions en Suede, 8°. Geneve, 1905-> Fasc. 1. , 2. Sarcodines, par E. Penard. pp. xii, 1W,[1] : text illust. [The wrapper is dated 1908.] Phyllopodes, par T. Stingelin. pp. xi, 15ti[f\ : text illust. 1905. „ 10. ,, 11. illust. Infusoires, par E. Andre, pp. xi, 22?U]: text illutt. . Oligochetes, par E. Piguet et K. Bretscher. pp mil, 21/A1] : text ttlwt. 1. .Copepodes, par M. Thiebaud. pp. vi, 1SS\S] : text ittvxt. i. Opillons. par R. de Lessert. pp. m, 79[/] : text illust. iiepocles, par 11. iniebaua. pp. n, ao\s\ : ttxt must. ilions, par R. de Lessert. pp. vi, 79[/] : text illust. irpious, par R de Lessert. pp. [i»,l 10[2] : text illutt. tateurs, par E. F. Weber et G. Montet. pp. xii, ?.•;. rsi .• txxt iiiwit. Opilioi Scorpii . Eotatetirs, |i.n SSu, [4] : text 1911. 1912. 1913. 1915. 1917. 1917. 1918. Geneva. Musee d'Histoire Naturelle. Catalogue illustre de la Collection Lamarck. Pt. I— > 4". Geneve, 1910-> GENEVA. Bulletin de; 6iete Botailique. [^(funded 1875.] 'ravaux, rfc. No. 1-11/1878-1905, illus Geneve, 1879- [Continued/fs :] (Compte Bendu), Alt Ser. II, torn. I— sf illust. 8°. 6 G-. 362 Geneva. Societe Botanique. Compte Reudu des Seances, dc. 1901-08. Sc« CHAM- UK-SY.— HKRBIER BOISSIER. Bulletin, ,l'v. SI'T. II. " torn. I-VIIl. 8°. 1901-1908. Owing to the suspension at this point of the " Bull. Herb. Boiss." this " I'ompte Rendu" was continued by the Society in its " Bulletin . . .ime Serle." Vol. 1 -» l«0«-> [i/.f.] Geneva. Societe de Geographic de Geneve. Coup il'iril sur la Societe . . . depuis sa foudation en /Jj7 ~<~ 1858 par A. de Claparede . . . Nouvelle edition, dc. ' pp. 7t>\l] : Sport. 8°. Geneve, 1908. Geneva. - Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle. ff( . J. C. Galissard de Marignac. (Euvres completes, pub- liees . . . sous les auspices de la Societe, dc. 2 Tom. Must. Sec MARK;NAC (J. C. G. DE) 4°. [1902-1903.] GENEVA. — Societe Lepidopterologique. [Founded 1905. J Bulletin, dc. Vol. I— > 8°. Geneve, 1905— > Geneva. University.— Institut dc Botanique. J3. Plant* Hasslerianae, dc. See CHODAT (R.) 8°. 1898-1907. GENNADIUS (P.) The Carob-Tree. pp. 30. 8°. Nicosia, Cyprus, 1902. A translation of the Greek edition of July 1000. GENNEVAUX (MAURICE) & Roman (F.) Etudes sur les Terrains Jurassiques de la region du Pic Saint- **• Loup (Herault). Fasc. 1— > See ROMAN (F.) & GEN- SEVACX (M.) 8°. 1912. Genoa. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale. \v . Etude sur les Collections de Lepidopteres oceaniens appartenant au Musee Civique de Genes. See OBER- Tlii'R (C.) 8°. 1880. Genoa. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale. Descriptions of new . . . Phytophagous Coleoptera from the Indo-Malayan and Austro- Malay an subregions con- tained in the Genoa Civic Museum. See JACOBY (M.) (|£. 8°. [1884.] GENTH (FREDERICK AUGUSTUSjr[1855 -1910] & (F. A. L. C. W.) Analyses of Minerals and Rocks from Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties, Pa. See PENNSYLVANIA, State of. — Second Geological Sur- vey. Reports of Progress. C 6. 8°. 1881. GENTIL (DE LA BARBINAIS LE) See LA BARBINAIS LE GENTIL. GENTIL (Louis) Botanist. See GENTIL (L. THEODORE AUGUSTS FRANJOIS) GENTIL (Louis) Geologist. See GENTIL (L. EMILE) GENTIL (Louis EMILE) [1868-] Esquisse Stratigraph- ique et Petrographique du bassin de la Tafna (Algerie). See ALGERIA.— Carte Qeologigiie de VAlgerie. 8°. 1902. For another edition of one of the maps in this memoir entitled " Carte Geologique da iMusin de la Tafna," Jr., See ALGERIA.— Carte Gtologique de f Algerie. [Map*.] u. It* f. Gentil (LOUIS E.) Etudes des Roches recueillies par la . Mission Saharienne. See FOUREAU (F.) Documents Scientifiques de la Mission Saharienne, dc. Vol. II. Geologic. 4". 1905. Gentil (Louis E.) Itineraires dans le Haut Atlas Marocain. 8°. [Paris, 1908.] " 1M Geographic." Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic, Tom. XVII, 1008. pp. m-SW : 1 map geol. col., text Olvtt. Gentil (Louis E.) Carte Geologique du bassin de la Tafua (Oran) . . . Echelle, 1 : 200,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 8J m. about]. See ALGERIA. — Carte Geologique de VAlgerie. [Maps.] co/. [ ] Fur another edition of this map, See ALGERIA. —Carte Geolo- gique de I' Ali/frit. Esquisse Strotigraphi : •1 pi. 8°. Paris, 1834. Under the above title are included the two following reprints from the "Gazette Medicate de Paris," 1838. 1. Memoire sur la structure, la catmcite de secretion et la nmniure cl rtiv des Glandes Moimtn ;mii|iieu it regard des mmveau-nes. 2. Memoire aur les Glandes destinces ii la nourritiire des petits, et specialeinent snr leur forme et leur position dans un fiutus de Balelne. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (ETIENNE) Sur un ordre de Mammiferes qui nourrissent leurs petits nouveau-ne's sans iilliii ti'iin -lit . et qui y pourvoient par uue emission de fluides, ceux-ci prenant dans 1'eau la consistance et 1'apparence d'une gelee. 8°. [Pmris, 1834.] "Extracted from " L'Europe Lltteralre : France." pp. 226-236. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire ( ETIENNE) \- Audouin(,l. V.) Description des Mammiferes qui se trouvent en Egypte. - § in. Sec, FRANCE. — Commission d'Egypte. Descrip- tion de 1'Eevpte. . .Seconde edition, ttc. Tom. xxill. 8". 1828. } I & II were by Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire alone. 363 Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire (ISIDORE) Description des Reptiles qui se trouvent en Egypte. Suite de 1'histoire naturelle des Poissons du Nil. Histoire naturelle des Poissons de la Mer rouge et de la Mediterraneei See FRANCE. — Commission d' Egypte. Description de 1'Egypte. . .Secoude edition, dc. Tom. xxiv. 8°. 1829. >y Saint-Hilaire d'Histoire Natuj Saint-Hilaire, do f -- - ictionnaire uni- Arago. . . Geof- i) See ORBIGNY I0-. [1839-J1849. 8°. 1861. 17 Vol. illust. col. 8". [1867 ?] GEOGRAPHEN-KALENDER . . . Herausgegeben von. . .H. Haack, pis., 33 ports. (1 col.) 8°. London, 1907. Geological Society of London. The Centenary of the . . . Society . . . celebrated . . . 1907. Recorded by ... W. W. Watts, pp. vi, 116: 1 port. 8°. London, 1909. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA. [Founded 1895.] Transactions (& Proceedings), de. Vol. I— > 8°. Johannesburg, 1896— > From Vol. vii -» the Proceedings are issued separately as appendices to the volumes. Geological Society of South Africa. Transactions, dc. Vol. v, pt. 1—4. facsimile re-issue. 8°. [Johannesburg,] 1911. Geological Society of South Africa. Proceedings ... to accompany . . . the Transactions. Vol. vn— > 8°. Johannesburg, 1905— > These were formerly issued with and formed part of the Transactions.. Geological Society of South Africa. The Trans- actions & Proceedings of the . . . Society . . . Index to the first thirteen volumes, 1897-1910. Compiled by A. Reynell. 8". Johannesburg & London, 1915. GEOLOGICAL WONDERS. Geological Wonders of London and its vicinity, dc. See LONDON. 8°. 1862. GEOLOGISCH MIJNBOU WKUNDIG- GENOOTSCHAF VOOR NEDERLAND EN EOLONIEN. See HAGUE, The. GEOLOGISCHE LITERATUR DEUTSCH- LANDS . . . Herausgegeben von den Deutschen Geologischen Landesanstalten, dc. 1909— > See PRUSSIA. — KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE GEOLOGISCHE LANDESANSTALT, dc. 8°. 1911— > GEOLOGISCHE RUNDSCHAU: Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Geologic, dc. Bd. I— > See FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN. — GEOLOGISCHE VEREINIGUNG. 8°. 1910-> GEOLOGISCHE UND FALJEONTOLO- GISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. See PAL^EONTOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. GEOLOGISCHE VEREINIGUNG. See FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN. fr. 364 G. G. G-. Geologisches Centralblatt. [Continued at:} Geologisches Zentralblatt, 8°. Leipzig, 1908-> - Generalregister zu Band 1-15. 8°. Leipzig [1918]. Geologisches Zentralblatt. See GEOLOGISCHKS CBNTRALBLATT. Geologists' Association. The Finding of True Facts: being an inaugural address, tfc. See SMITH (J. T.) 8°. 1859. Geologists' Association. See CLARKE (H.) On Geological Surveys. 8°. [1859.] 6-. Geologists' Association. Geology in the Field. The Jubilee Volume of the ... Association (1858-1908). Edited by H. W. Monckton and R. S. Herries. 4 pt. W\ pp. xxiv, 916 : £4 ph., 10 maps, text illust. 8°. London, 1909-10. There is a separate title-page and contents to each part, in addition to those for the volume. Geologists' Association. A Classified Index to the contents of the Proceedings of the . . . Association, Vols. I-xx. By G. W. Young. . .and W. Wright, rfc, pp. xl. 8°. London, 1910. Issued as part of Vol. XXI of the Proceedings of the Association. C- GEORGE (F. R.) Prospecting expedition north of Nullarbor Plains. Report, GERLACH (MAX) [1874-] Im Reiche des Ceratites nodosits. Die Muschelkalkformation in Eisenachs Um- gebuug und ihre Beziehungen zur Pflanzen, Tier- und Menschenwelt. pp. 4S : 1 pi. 8°. Eisenach [1910 ?]. Gerlach (MAX) \Vie der rote Felsboden entstand, in dem Eisenachs Witlder wurzeln. (Das Rotliegende in Eisenachs Umgebung.) Vortrag, Ac. pp. 29. 8°. Eisenach [1910?]. GERLACHE DE GOMERY (ADRIEN DE) [1866-] Expedition Antarctique Beige. Resultats du Voyage du S.Y. Belgica en 1897-1899 sous le commandement de A. de Gerlache de Gomery, Ac. See BELGIUM. — Com- mission de la Belgica. 4°. 1901— > Gerlache de Gomery (ADRIEN DE) Voyage de la Belgica. Quinze mois dans 1'Antarctique . . . Preface par E. Reclus, Ac. pp. v, 303 : 27 pis., 1 port., 2 maps (1 col.), text illust: 8°. Bruxelles, 1902. Gerlache de Gomery (ADRIEN DE) Relation suc- cincte du Voyage. ( — Note sur la Carte.) Par A. de Gerlache, Commandant de la " Belgica." See Louis PHILIPPE ROBERT, Duke of Orleans. Croisiere Oceano- graphique, accomplie a bord de la Belgica, dans la Mer du Gronland, 1905, Ac. fol. 1907. GERLAND (BALTHASAR WILHELM) & (C.) [1831-J Municipal Museum. [Reports.] See ACCRINGTON. — :0 , Municipal Museum. 8°. 1900. GERLAND (CONRAD) & (B. W.) Municipal Museum. [Reports.] See ACCRINGTON. — Municipal Museum. 8°. 1900. GERMAIN (Louis) Les Mollusques terrestres et ' fluviatiles de 1'Afrique Centrale Franpaise. (Supple- ment.) See CHEVALIER (A.) Mission Chari, Lac Tchad, 1902-04, Ac. Appendix. 8°. 1907. The wrapper is dated 1908. Germain (Louis) Etude sur les Mollusques recueillis . . .en Khroumirie, Ac. See GADEAU DE KERVILLE (H.) Voyage Zoologique en Khroumirie, Ac. 8°, 1908. Germain (Louis) Etude sur les Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles reeueillis [in Ecuador] par M. le Dr. Rivet. See FRANCE. — Ministere de I' 'Instruction Publique. Mission du Service G^ographique de 1'Armee ... en Amerique du Sud . . . 1899-1906. Tom. IX, fasc. 3. 4°. 1910. Germain (Louis) [Terrestrial Mollusca from Kerguelen Islands.] See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. — Paris Branch. Annales, Ac. Tom. in, fasc. 3, 4°. 1911. Germain (Louis) Chetognathes [from the Antarctic Regions, collected on the " Pourquoi-Pas ? "]. See FRANCE. [Voyages, Ac. — Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1908-1910), com- mandee par. . . J. Charcot. Sciences naturelles, etc. 4°. 1913. Germain (Louis) Mollusques de la France et des regions voisines. Tom. H. Gasteropodes Pulmones et Proso- branches terrestres et fluviatiles, pp. 374 • text illust. 8°. Paris, 1913. Encyclopedic Scientitlque. Germain (Louis) & Joubin (L. M. A. 0. E.) Note sur quelques Chetognathes nouveaux, Ac. pp. 14 : text illust. See MONACO.— INSTITUT OCKANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 228. 8°. 1912. Germain (Louis) & Joubin (L. M. A. O. E.) Cheto- gnathes provenant des campagnes des yachts Hirondelle et Princesse Alice (1885-1910). See ALBERT HONORE CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. Resultats des Campagnes scientifiques, &c. Fasc. XLIX. 4°. 1916. GERMAN EAST AFRICA. [Maps.] Map of part of ... German East Africa . . . Scale, 1 : 1,584,000, 01? 1 inch to 25 miles, Ac. See AFRICA. [Maps.] (co?.) 1894. In tell. Div. War Office. No. 1012. German East Africa. [Maps.] Map of part of ... German East Africa . . . Scale, 1 ; 1,584,000, or 1 inch to 25 miles. See AFRICA. [Maps.] co?. [1898.] Germann (FRANZ) [1850-] Mapa de la Republica de Bolivia, levantado y construido . . . por . . . F. Germann . . . Escala, 1 : 2,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 31$ m. about]. See BOLIVIA. [Maps.] 4 sh. col. 1904. GERMANY. WissenschaftlicBe Ergeb'nisse der DeutscTien Tiefsee- Expedition auf dem Dampfer " Valdivia," 1898-1899. . . Herausgegeben von C. Chun, Ac. Bd. I— > 4°. Jena, 1902-> Bd. I. Oceanographie und maritime Meteorologie. Benrbeitet von G. Schott. 2 Pt. illust. i!)02 Bd. II, thl. I. pp. IDS: y! pis., text illust. (col.). 1905-07. Lief. 1. I. Vergleichende Darstellung der Pflanzengeographie der 1905 subantarktischen Inseln insbesondere u'ber Flora und Vegetation von Kerguelen. Mit Einfiigung hinter- lassener Schriften A. F. W. Schimpers, von H. Schenck. II. Ueber Flora und Vegetation von St. Paul und Neu- Amsterdam. Mit Einfiigung hinterlassener Berichte A. F. W. Schimpers, von H. Schenck. 1905. Lief. 2. III. Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Vegetation der C'anarischen 1907 Inseln. Mit Einfusung hinterlassener Schriften A. F. W. Schimpers, von H. Schenck. lid. II, thl. II. pp. 586: is pis., text Must. 1905-07. Lief. 1. Das Phytoplankton des Antarktischen Meeres, von G. 1005 Karsten. Lief. 2. Das Phytoplankton des. Atlantischen Oceans, von G 1906 Karsten. Lief. 3. Das Indische Phytoplankton, von G. Karsten. 1907 Lief. 4. Die Jleeresalgen, von T. Reinbold. 1907 Bd. II, thl. III. pp. 1^16: SSpls., S maps (col.), text illust. 1908. Das Kapland iusonderheit das Reich der Kapflora, das Waldgebqt und die Karroo pHanzengeograpnisch dar- gestellt von . . . R. Marloth. Mit EinfugunR hinterlassener Schriften A. F. W. Schimpers. .366 [GERMANY (contd.).l [Wisst-uschaftliche Ergebuisse der Deutschen Tiefsee- Expedition, . .•:»: ytpli. (co/.), text Uliut. 1902-03. Lief. 1. Die acraspedeu .Meduseu (—Die craspedoten Medusen.— I. Trachymedusen), von K. Vanhoneu. Die Autipatharien, VOD I S. Schultze. 1!K)2 Lief. 2. 11(02 I. irf. ::. 1902 Beitriigc zur Keuntuis der ant den Seychellen lel. xr, ..;', : .-,-ipls. (rot,), tfxl Brachynra, von F. Doliein. Bd. vn. pp. vm : .Hi pin. (col.), text illutt. Lief. 1. Die beschalten Gastropoden. 1904. 1903-04. . 1903 A. Systematisch-geograpliischer Tell, von Prof, von Martens. B. Anatomisch-systeiuatlsche Untersuchungeu einiger Gastropoden, von J. Thiele. Die stolidobrauchiaten Ascidien, von \V. Michaelsen. Zur Kenutnis der Luftsiicke bel Diomedea exulans D. .fuliginom, von K. Ulrich. Uebersicht der Vogel, von A. Keichenow. und pp. l!*i : 4« ph. Die Leptostrakeu, von J. Thiele. Ostracoda, von G. W. Muller. Die Cumaceen, vou C. Zimmer. 1904-08. 1905-11. Lief. 2. 1904 Lief. 3. Stelnkorallen, von E. von Marenzeller. 1904 Lief. 4. 1904 Lief. 5. 1904 Lief. 6. Die Stomatopoden, von B. Jurich. 1904 Bd. VIII. Lief. 1. 1904 Lief. 2. 1906 Lief. 3. 1908 Bd. IX. pp. .',10 : ,:~' pig. (col.\ :i inapt col., text illust. Lief. 1. Pteropoda, vou J. Meisenheimer. 1905 Lief. 2. Archa-mnenia prisca, a.g., n.sp., von J. Thiele. 1906 Ueber die Chitonen, von J. Thiele. Lief. 3. Die Solenoconchen, vou L. Plate. Lief. 4. GastropodenlaicheuudGastropodenlarven.von H. Simroth 1911 Bd. X. i>]>. .im : «> pit. (col.), /, map* col., text illuit. 1905-08. Lief. 1. Das Wiederanttlndeu der Bonvet-Iusel, vou Kapt. W. 1905 Sachse. Lief. 2. Petrographie. I. Untcrsuchung des vor Enderby-Land 1905 gedredschteu Gesteinsmateriales, von F. Zirkel und R r.rinisch. Lief. 3. II. liesteine vou der Boiivet-Insel, von Kergueleu, 1908 St. Paul und Neil-Amsterdam, von R. Reinisch. Lief. 4. Die Grundprobun, von Sir J. Murrav und E. Plulippi. 1006 Bd. XI. pp. .:;.::!,''• i>li. (col.) 1905-07. Lief. 1. Die Xenophyophoren, eine besondere Gruppe der Rhizo- 1905 poden, von F. E. Schulze. Lief. 2. Die Tetraxonia, von R. von I.endenfeld. 1907 Bd. XII. pp. !£! : 1,1 pit. (col.), £ uunw col., text illutt. 1905-13. Lief. 1. Amphloxides, vou R Goldschmidt. 1906 Lief. 2. ma Lief. 3. 1906 Lief. 4. 1913 Bd. XIII. PP. •':•'•. Xiplt. (col.), text Mutt. 1906-11. Alcyooacea, von W. Kiikentha). it. von G. Neumann. n. von C. Apstein. Die Pyroiomen, vou G. Nemnann. Lief. 1. 1906 Lief. 2. 1911 Id. xiv. Pennatulacea, von W. Kiikenthal und H. Broch. 1908. 3 lief. pp. 7iu: : ,vr pit. (col.), i map* col., text illutt. Tleftee-Radiolarien, von V. Haecker. Bd. XV. 2 lief. pp. .'(;>:. i! pi*. (col.), ln 4°. Berlin, 1905-> Bd. I. Technik. Geographie. pp. M.I: ."Jijils., 1 map, text illutt. IHll.'i 11 Hft. 1. Das Siidpolarsuhitf "Gauss" und seine techniiichen Ein- richtungen, von A. Stehr. Zeit- uud Orts-Bestinmiungen, von J. Domke, nebst Erorter- ungen uber die Meer- und Eisfahrt des " Gauss," von E. von Drygalski. Bd. II. Geographie und Geologic, pp. viii, eel : SI pis. (col) 7 maps (col.), text illust. 1906-12 Hft. 1. 1. Der Gaussberg, seine Kartierung und seine Formen von 1906 E. von Drygalski. 2. Geologische Beschreibung des Gaussbergs von E. Philippi. 3. Petrographiscbe Besclireibung der Gaussberg-Gesteine von R. Reinisch. Hft. 2. 1. Aufbau und Gestaltung von Kerguelen, von E. Werth. 1908 2. Geologische Beobachtungen auf Kergueleu von E Philippi. 3. Petrographische Beschreibung der Kergucleu-Gesteine von R. Reinisch. Hft. 3. 1. Geographie von Ueard-Eiland, vou E. von Drygalski 1908 2. Geologic der Ueard-Insel, von K. Philippi. ' 3. Gesteine der Heard-Insel, vou R. Reiuisch. 4. Tiere und Ptlanzeii der Heard-Insel, von E. VunlionYn 6. Sklzze des Kllinas der Heard-Insel, von W. Meinardus. lift. 4. 1. Geographie der Crozet-Iuseln, von E. von Drygalski. 1908 2. Geologische Beoliachtuugeii auf der Possession-Insel (Crozet Gruppe), vou E. Philippi. 3. Gesteiue von der Possession-InscI. von R. Rciniscli. 4. Die Tiere und Ptlanzeu von Possession-Eiland, von E. VanhottVn. Hft. 5. 1. Geographie vou St. Paul und Neu Amsterdam, vou E 1909 von DrygaUki. 2. Geologie der Inselu St. Paul und Neu Amsterdam im Indischeu Ozean, vou E. Philippi. 3. Gesteiue von St. Paul and N'eu-Amsterdam von K Reinisch. 4. Tiere uml Pflanzen von St. Paul and Nell-Amsterdam, von E. Vauhottfii. Hft. 6. Die Grundproben, von E. Philippi, mil miiicrnlogischen 11)10 Beitriigeu von R. Reinisch, und chemischen Almlyseu von J. Gebbing. Hft. 7. 1. Die Schuttfiihrung |.i. 2. Erratische Gesteiue (besonders aus Eisbcrgeu) vou R. Reiuisch. 3. Gesteine der Atlantischeti Inseln St. Helena, Ascension. Sao Vicente (Kapverden), imd Sao Miguel (Azoreu) vou R. Reinisch. Meteorologie. Vou W. Mcinar.lus. 2 ltd. illunt. 11)09-13. "' y^'} Erdmagnetismm. 2 Bd. illntt. 1!K)7-O». Bd. VII. [t]>. ::»'• : tfxt illtttt. 1900-12 lift. 1. Bakteriologie. Hygiene. Sport. Proviant uml Krniihrung 1900 bi-i der Espedilion. vou II. Ca/ert. Hft. 2. Chemischc I'ntersuchuugen von Meerenliodeu-, M.rr 1909 wasser- und Luft-Proben, von 1. Gelibing. Hft. 3. Untersuchungeu lilier Meercsbakterlen uml ihri-n EinHuss 1912 auf den Stoffwechsel im Meere, von H. Ga/i-i i Bd. VIII. BOTASIK. pp. .'•;!: :i: pi*. (<;.l.i. t.-.n ill,, ; 2. Die Mccliten, von A. /ahlbnickner. 3. Die Lcbermoose, von V. Schlffuer. 4. Die Laubmoose, von V. F. Brothers*. 6. Die GefiUspllauzen, von II. Schenck. «. Die Vegetation der siiliantarktischen Inscln. 'ieil I Von E. Werth. '*' I 1912 lid. IH.I „ IV. / 367 (contd.).] "[Deutsche Siidpolar-Expedition 1901-1903 (contd.).] [Bd. VIII. BOTANIK (contd.).] Hft 2. 1. Die Meeresalgen, von T. Reinbold. 1908 2. Die Lithothamnien, von M. H. Foslie. Hft. 3. Die Vegetation der suhautarktischeu Inseln. Teil II. 1911 Von E. Werth. Bd. ix. ZOOLOGIE. Bd. I. pp. xii, ,"C7 : 46 pis. (col.), I, maps (col.), text illust. 1905-08. Hft. 1. 1. Die Oligochaeten, von W. Michaelseu. 1905 2. Ueber die Leptostraken, von J. Thiele. Hft. 2. 3. Die Landisopoden, von G. Budde-Lund. 1906 4. Die Pteropoden, von J. Heisenheimer. Hft. 3. 5. Die Salpen, von C. Apstein. 1900 Hft. 4. 6. Neue Radiolarien (Cytocladus gracilis und C. major), 1907 von 0. Schroder. 7. Eine gestielte Acanthometride (Podactinelius sesrilu, O. Schroder, u.g., n.sp.), von O. Schroder. 8. Chemische Natur der Skelettsubstanz des Podactinelius, uud der Acantharia iiberhaupt, von O. Biitschli. '.). Die Fauna der Moosrasen des Gaussbergs, und einiger siidlicher Inseln, von F. Richters. Hft. 6. 10. Tetraxonia, von R. von Lendenfeld. 1907 11, SoMnogrOMttt midtifene*trata, nov. gen., nov. spec., von O. Schroder. 12. Die Infusorien, von O. Schroder. 13. Die Meeresmilbeu, von H. Lohmann. Hft. 6. 14. Die Myriopmlen, von C. Attems. 1908 15. Vogel des Weltmeeres, von A. Reichenow. [16.] Uebersicht der Vogelarten des Sudpolargebiets und deren Verbreitung, von A. Reicheuow. Bd. X. ZOOLOGIE. Bd. n. pp. vii, 60S, I tab. : 61 pis. (col.) 2 inapt, text illuxt. 1908-09. 1. Die Scaphopoden, von L. Plate. 2. Die antarktischen und subantarktischeu Chitonen, von J. Thiele. 3. Die Lucernarideu und Skyphomedusen, von E. Van- hoffen. Hft. 2. 4. Die Ostracoden, von G. W. Miiller. Hft. 1. 1908 1908 Hft. 3. 1908 Die Radiolarien .(rait Ausnahnie der Tripyleen), von A. Popofsky. 0. Unbekannte treibeude Eier und Cysten, von 0. Schroder. 7. Sticholonchv zaiiclea (R. Hertwig), und Wagnertlla borealiy (Mereschkowsky), von O. Schroder. Hft. 4. 8. Die biologische Bedeutung der Antarktis, von G. 1909 Enderlein. 9. Die Insekten, von G. Enderlein. 10. Ektoparasiten des Fregattvogels (Fregata aquila), von P. Speiser. Hft. 5. 11. Die Spinnen der Orozet-Inseln nnd von Kerguelen, von 1909 G. Enderlein. 12. Spinnentiere von Siid-Afrika und einigen Inseln, von E. Strand. 13. Milben (Acarina), von P. Speiser. Bd. XI. ZOOLOGIE. Bd. Hi. pp. mii, SUJ : 60 pin. (col.), S maps, text must. 1909-10. 1. Die Echinoiden, von T. Mortensen. Hft. 1. 1909 Hft. 2. 1909 Hft. 3. 1909 2. Die Ctenophoren, von F. Moser. 3. Die Cirripedien, von A. Gruvel. 4. Die Amphioxides-Formen, von R. Goldschmidt. 5. Untersuchungen iiber die Embryonal-Entwicklung der Pinnipedia. I. Uber die Entwicklung der ausseren Korperform der Robbenembryonen, von I. Broman. Hft. 4. 6. Die Hydroiden, von E. Vanhoffen. 1910 7. Die Tintinnodeen, von H. Xaackmann. Hft. 5. 8. Die marinen Copepoden. I. Uber die Copepoden der 1910 Stamme Harpacticoida, Cyclopoida, Notodelphyoida und Caligoida, von G. Stewardson Brady. Bd. XII. ZOOLOOIK. Bd. IV. pp. eii, Wd: Sli pis. (col.). 1 map, text illust. 1910-11. Hft. 1. 1. Die Hexactinelliden, von F. E. Schulze und R. Kirk- 1910 patrick. 2. Die Steinkorallen, von F. Pax. S. Zur Kenntnis der heterotrichen Infusoriengattung Fol- lieiUina Lamarck, von H. Laackmauu. Hft. 2. 4. Untersuchungen iiber die Embryonalentwicklung der 1910 . Pinnipedia. II. Ueber die Entwicklunf! der Augenad- nexe und speziell des Augendriisenapparates der Pinnipedia nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Phylogenese des Angendriisenapparates des Saugetiere im allge- meineu, von I. Broman und F. Ask. Hft. 3. 5. Die Landnacktschnccken, von H. Simroth. 1910 Hft. 4. 6. Die mariuen Copepoden. II. Die pelagischen Copepoden 1911 der Westwinddrift und des siidlichen Eismeers, mit Besehreibung mehrerer neuer Arten aus dem Atlan- tischen Ozean, von R. X. Wolfenden. 7. Die Brachiopoden, von P. Eichler. Hft. 5. 8. Die Ascidien, von R. Hartrneyer. 1911 Bd. xni. ZOOLOGIE. Bd. v. pp. m, aoJ : !,8 pis. (col.), text illust. 1911-13. Hft. 1. 1. Revision der Chaetognathen, von R. von Ritter-Zahony. 1911 Hft. 2. 2. Die Sphaerellarien des Warm-Wassergebietes, von A 1912 Popofsky. 3. Die Fische. I. Die Fische der Antarktis und Sub- autarktis, von P. Pappenheim. 4. Die antarktischen Schnecken und Muscheln, von J. Thiele. [GERMANY (contd.).] [Deutsche Siidpolar-Expedition 1901-1903 (contd.).] [Bd. xni. ZOOLOGIE (contd.).] Hft. 3. 5. Die Alcyonaria, von W. Kiikenthal. 1912 6. Die Craspedoten-Medusen, von E. Vanhoffen. Hft. 4. 7. Die Polychaeten-Sammlungen, von E. Ehlers. 1913 8. Herpyllobius antarcticus, n.sp., ein schmarotzeuder Copepode, von E. Vanhoffen. Bd. XIV. ZOOLOQIE. Bd. vi. pp. vii. ills : 113 pis. (col.), "> maps, text illust. 1913. Hft. 1. 1. Die Pyrosomen und Dolioliden, von G. Neumann. 1913 2. Antarktische Solenogastren, von J. Thiele. 3. Die Echinodermenlarven, von T. Mortensen. Hft. 2. 4. Die tripyleen Radiolarien (Phaeodarien), von 0. 1913 Schroder. 5. Die Nassellarien des Warmwassergebietes, von A. Popofsky. Hft. 3. 6. Die Echinoderen, von C. Zelinka. 1913 7. Die Cumaceen, von C. Zimmer. Hft. 4. 8. Untersuchungen iiber die Embryonalentwicklung der 1913 Pinnipedia. m. UeberdieEntwicklungdes Verdauungs- rohres und seiner Aclnexe, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die physiologisch vorkommenden, embryonalen Diinn- darmdivertikel und ihr Bedeutung, von I. Broman nod J. Reitz. 9. iv. Ueber die Entstehung und Bedeutung der bei den Robben (und gewissen anderen Saugetieren) normal vorkommenden, fadenformigen Appendices Mesentericje bzw. umbilicales. von I. Broman. Bd. xv. ZOOLOGIE. Bd. vii. pp. 376: ss pit. (col.), text illust. 1914. Hft. 1. 1. Die Rhabdocoelen Turbellarien und Tricladen, von 1914 L. Biihmig. 2. Monaxone Kieselschwiimme und Hornschwamme, von E. Hentschel. 3. Pelagische Gastropodenlarven von H. Simroth. Hft. 2. 4. Die Fische. n. Die Tiefseeflsche, von P. Pappenheim. 1914 5. III. Die Hochsee- und Kiistennsche, von M. Lampe. Hft. 3. 6. Die Dekapoden. I. Brachyuren und Macruren mit 1914 Ausschluss der Sergestiden, von H. Lenz und K. Strunck. 7. II. Die Sergestiden, von G. Illig. Germany. Die pelagischen Nemertinen der Deutschen Siidpolar- expedition, 1901-1903. (Vorlaufige Mitteilung.) Von A. Brinkrnann. pp. !) [1] : 1 pi., text illust. See BERGEN. — BERGENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbok 1915- 16. Naturvidensk. rsekke. No. 1. 8". 1915. GERMANY. — KAISERLICHE BIOLOGISCHE ANSTALT FUER LAND- UND FORSTWIRTSCHAFT. [1876 Founded as Biologische Abtheilung fur Land- und Forstwirt- schaft am Kaiserliehen Gesmulheitsamte. 1905 Kaiserliche BiologMie Anstalt, etc. Arbeiten, Ac. Bd. I- 8°. BerUn, 1900-> Germany. — KAISERLICHE BIOLOGISCHE ANSTALT, rfc. Mitteilungen, £c. Hft. l-> 8°. Berlin, 1906-> Each heft is separately paged. Germany. — KAISERLICHE BIOLOGISCHE ANSTALT, See supra, Mitteilungen, Ac. Hft. 2— > 8°. 1906-> Germany. — KAISERLICHE BIOLOGISCHE ANSTALT, rfc. Pilzmerkblatt. Die wichtigsten essbareu und schad- lichen Pilze. Bearbeitet im Kaiserliehen Gesnnd- heitsamte. pp. 8 : I pi. col. 8° [Berlin,] 1906. GERMANY.— REICHS-MARINE-AMT. Forschungsreise S.M.S. " Planet," 1906-07. Heraus- gegeben vom Reichs-Marine-Amt. 5 Bd. 4°. Berlin, 1909. Reisebeschrcibung. Bearbeitet durch Korvetten-Kapitan Lubbert, «.] [Geoguostische Wandkarte von Witrttemberg, Baden A Hohenzollern . . . bearbeitet von . . . O. Fraas . . . Massstab, 1 : 280,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 4} m. about]. 4 sh. geol. col. Stuttgart, 1882.] Wanting. - Dritte Auflage. 4 sh. geol. col. Stuttgart, 1894. Germany. [Maps.] [Geologische Uebersichtskarte des konigreichs Wtirt- temberg im Massstab 1 : 600,000. Bearbeitet von C. Regelmann. s. sh. col. Stuttgart, 1893.] Wanting. - uud Baden, dem Elsass, der Pfalz und deu weiterhin angrenzenden Gebieten . . . Bearbeitet von C. Regelmann. Fiinfte . . . Auflage . . . im Massstab 1 : 600,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 9J m. about]. col. Stuttgart, 1905. Germar (ERNST FRIEDHICH) Lehrbuch der gesammten Mineralogie . . . Zweite, umgearbeitete Auflage. pp. vi [it,] :>00 [7] : 10 pis. 8°. Halle, 1837. The author counts the second edition of J. L. G. Meinecke's " Lehrbuch 7 : Spit., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See PAL.SONTOLOGI8CHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Geologische und Palseontologische Abhandlungen. Ac. , Bd. XV, hft. 1. 4°. 1912. - L. GERTZ (OTTO)^ Nftgra iakttagelser ofver anthocyan- i blad vid sockerkultur. pp. 4-r>- See STOCK- bilduing i blad vid sockerkultur. pp t. HOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETKN8KAP8-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv fiir Botanik, Ac. Bd. xi, no. 6. 8°. 1912. Gertz (OTTO) Om persisterande stipler hos Vagus M- L. ratica,L.,etc. pp. ;JS : text illust. See STOCKHOLM. - f. 5 V/ f KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN8KAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv fiir Botanik. Bd. xi, no. 10. 8°. 1912. Gertz 1 1 ITTO) Om rotkrokningars orienterande inflytande pi anlaggningen af sidorotter, Ac. pp. ti'.l : text illust. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENBKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. XIII, no. 12. 8". 1918. Jfe Gervais (FKAN9OI8 LOUIS versel d' Histoire Gervais, rfc. Dictionnaire uni- ^ M. Arago . . . t V(C.F.D')\ 1889-]1849.>/ 8". • illust. col. 8°. [1867 ?] Gervais (FRANrois L. P.) [Chiroptera of Cuba.] See SAGRA (R. DE LA) Histoire physique . . . et natu- vt- II. de 1'lle de Cuba. [Ft. II.] Mammiferes, Ac. 8°. 1840. - See SAGRA (R. DE LA) Historia fisica . . . y natural de la Isla De' Cuba. Tom. ill. fol. 1845. Gervais (FRANfOis L. P.) Theorie du Squelette 1 1 niiKiin fondle sur la comparaison ost^ologique de 1'Homme et des Animaux Vert6br^s. pp. 1~(>. 8°. Parts A Montpellier, 1856. | Gervais (FRANCOIS L. P.) Mammiferes dont les ossements accompagnent les depots de chaux phos- phate^ des departements de Tarn-et-Garromie et du Lot. pp. 24 : H ph. 8°. [Paris, 1873.] Journ. de Zool. Tom. It. Wanting the third plate. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher uud Aerzte. Uebersicht der samintlichen Vortriige, welche bey den bereits stattgefuudenen 15 Versammlungen der Deutschen Naturforscher und Aerzte von 1822 bis 1837 gehalten worden sind, Ac. See Isis...von Oken, Ac. Jahrg. 1838 [Bd. xxxi.J coll. 865-940, 4°. 1838. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und i Aerzte. Denkschrift. . .als Festgabe fiir die Mitglelder • der 42 Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und " Aerzte, Ac. See DRESDEN. — GESELLSCHAFT FUEK NATUR- UND HEILKUNDE. 4". [1868.J Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Festschrift zu Ehren der 43. Yersammluug . . . zu Innsbruck, 1869. 4°. Innsbruck, 1869. Contains, inter alia : — KKRNKR(A.) Die Abhiiugigkeit der PHnnzengestalt von Klhna und Boden, <(*c. HEU.KU (('.) Die Seen Tirols und ihre Kisohfaunu. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Hamburg in uaturhistorischer und mrili- cinscher Beziehung. Den Mitgliederu . . . der 49. Yer- sammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte als Festgabe gewidmet. pp. vii. ..'/•/. / t. : N/./.S-.. ."/ itm/i*. text illust. 8". Hamburg, 187(5. Contains, inter alia :— Skizzeu und Beitrii^e zur Geoguosie BMabBVgl and Mtner Uoigv- buug. [By F. Wlbol & C. Gottsche.] Flora. [By G. H. Kirohenpauer. | Fauna. [By F. Klchtere.) Gesellschaft Dentscher Naturforscher uud Aerzte. Magdeburg. Festschrift fur die Mitglieder . . .der 57. Vcrsammlung, itc. See Ro.SENTHAl, (H.) 8°. 1884. Gesellschaft Dentscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Fe*teohrift fiir die 58. Versainmlung. . . Die naturwissenschaftlichen und medicinischeu Institute der Uuiversi tiit und die naturhiatorischeu Sammlungen der Stadt Strassburg. pp. vii, US : text illnst. 8°. [Strasburg, 1885.] Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Die \Virhrltliiere der Provinz Brandenburg ...als Festschrift fiir die 59. Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte zu Berlin, Ac. See BERLIN. — MAEKKISCHES PROVINZIAL-MU8EUM. 8°. 369 301. L Iff. 02. B. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher uiid Aerzte. Koln. Festschrift fiir die Mitglieder . . . der 61. Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. See LKNT (E, O. B.) 8°. 1888. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher uud Aerzte. Die freie Hansestadt Bremen und ihre Umgebung. Festgabe den Teilnehmern an der 63. Versammlung der Gesellschaft. . .gewidmet vom arzt- lichen Vereine, naturwissenschaftlichen Vereine und der Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Bremen, pp. xii, 433 : 26 pis., 4 maps, text Must. 8°. Bremen, 1890. Contains :— Naturkunde der Umgegend von Bremen. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Nurnberg. Festschrift dargeboten den Mit- gliedern . . . der 65. Versammlung der Gesellschaft, Ac. See BECKH (W.) . 8°. 1892. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Braunschweig im Jahre 1897. Festschrift den Theilnehmern an der 69. Versammlung. . .gewidmet von der Stadt Braunschweig, Ac. See BLASIUS (E.) 8°. 1897. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Historische Studien und Skizzen zu Natur- wissenschaft, Industrie und Medizin am Niederrhein. Der 70. Versammlung der Deutschen Naturforscher und Aerzte gewidmet von dem Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein...und dem Verein der Aerzte Diisseldorfs. pp. [vi,] 134, 170. 8°. Dilsseldorf, 1898. Contains, inter alia :— III. Zoologle.— Dr. Norrenberg. IV. Botanik.— Dr. Laubenburg. IX. Mineralogie uud Geologic. — 0. Rautert. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Die Entwicklung Miinchens unter dem Ein- flusse der Naturwissenschaften wahrend der letzten Dezennien. Festschrift der 71. Versammlung. . .ge- widmet von der Stadt Munchen. pp. [v,] 204, 3 tabs. : 3 ph., 2 maps, text Must. 8°. [Munich, 1899.] Gesellschaft Dentscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Palaeontologie und Descendenzlehre. Vortrag gehalten in der allgemeinen Sitzung der Naturwissen- schaftlichen Hauptgruppe der Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Hamburg am 26 Septem- ber 1901. See KoKEN (F. E. K. E.) 8°. 1902. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Versuch einer phylogenetischen Ekliirung des Embryosackes und der doppelten Befruchtung der Angiospermen. Vortrag gehalten auf der 79. Versamm- lung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Dresden am 16. September 1907, 0 : 1 plan. 8°. London, 1918. Ghent. — Exposition Universelle Internationale, 1913. Exposition de Gand, 1913. Manuel des Maladies Tro- picales etudi^es dans la Section Britannique. pp. />: .' : 1 plan. 8°. London, 1918. GHENT.— International Exhibition, 1013. See supra, Exposition Universelle Internationale, 1913. GHENT EXHIBITION, 1913. See GHENT.— Exposition Universelle Internationale, 1913. GHEOLOGHICHESKII MUZEI IMENI IM- PERATORA) PETRA VELIKAGHO. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. — Musee Geologique Pierre le Grand. GHERASIMOV (ALEKSANDR PAVLOVlCH) [For descriptions of sheets of the geological maps of the auriferous regions of Siberia] See RUSSIA. — Comite Geologique. GHERASIMOV (!VAN IvANOvIcn) Ueber die Copu- lation der zweikernigen Zellen bei Spirogyra, etc. pp. HO. 8°. Moskau, 1898. Bull. Soo. imp. Nats. Moscou, 1897, no. 8 (1898). Gherasimov (!VAN 1.) Zur Physiologic der Zelle. pp. 134 : 16 tabs., 1 pi. 8°. Moskva, 1904. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nats. Moscou, 1904, no. 1. GHIGI (ALESSANDRO) Catalogo dei Tentredinidi del Museo Zoologico di Napoli, rfc. pp. 28. Elenco dei generi e delle specie di Tentredinidi Europei istituite da A. Costa, pp. 8 : 1 pi. See NAPLES. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. An- nuario del Museo Zoologico della . . . University . . . (Nuova Serie). Vol. I, no. 21 & 34. 4°. 1904, 05. Ghigi (ALESSANDHO) Ctenofori. See FLORENCE.— REALE ISTITUTO DI STUDI si i'Ki:ioui , ttc. Pubblicazioni . . . Sezione di Scienze fisiche e naturali. SENNA (A.) A others. Baccolte planctouiche fatte dalla B. Nave " Liguria," 8°. GHILIANA (VlTTORE) [-1878] Material! per servire alia compilazione della Fauna Entomologica Italiana, ossia elenco delle specie di Lepidotteri riconosciute esistenti negli stati Sardi. pp. 119. 4". Torino, 1852. Mem. R. Accad. ScL Torino. Ser. II, torn. M v. 1S54. GHIZEH ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. /• CAIRO. GHNTEDIN (ALEKSANDR STEPANOV!CH) Mater'yalui dlya Florui syevernoi chasti Orenburghskoii ghubemii. — Materialien zur Flora des nordlichen Theiles des Gouv. Orenburg. BUSS, pp.21. See KAZAN.— OBSHCHKSTVO KSTESTVoIsPUITATRLEI, rfc. Protokolui zasyedanii, 8°. Gifu, Japan, 1916-> Each number contains a separately paged paper. GIGLIO. Die Insel Giglio. [By Ludwig Salvator, Archduke of Austria.] pp. vi, 137 : 18 pis., 1 map col., text illust. 4°. Prog, 1900. Giglioli (ENRICO HILLYER) Note intorno alia distri- buzione della Fauna Vertebrata nelT oceano prese durante un viaggio intorno al Globo 1865-68 [in the " Magenta "J. pp. 96 : 1 map col. 8°. Firenze, 1870. Giglioli (ENRICO H.) I Tasmaniani, Ac. pp. 118: 3 pis. 8°. [Florence, 1871.] Archiv. Antropologia. Vol. I. L. S.lJ L. go. k' ~Z~ . z. 374 Giglioli (ENRICO H.) Studii Craniologici sui Cimpanze1, "2. - dc. pp. 137: Spit. 8°. Geneva, 1872. Ann. Mas. Civ. Geneve. Vol. III. Giglioli (ENRICO H.) Studi sulla razza Ncgrita. pp. 4$ : 1 pi. 8°. [Florence, 1876.] Archiv. Antropnlogia. VoL VI. Giglioli (ENRICO H.) Notizie intorno ai Djelma o Baduvi ed ai Tenger montanari non islamiti di Giava. pp. 7. 8°. [Florence, 1878.] Archiv. Antropologia. Vol. VIII. Giglioli (ENRICO H.) Nuove notizie sui popoli Negroidi dell' Asia e specialmente sui Negriti. pp. 7. 8°. [Florence, 1879.] Archiv. Antropologia. Vol. IX. Giglioli (ENRICO H.) Elenco dei Mammiferi, degli "Z. . Uccelli o d-u Bettili ittiofagi appartenenti alia Fauna Italica e Catalogo degli Anfibi e dei Pesci Italiani. pp. 55. 8°. Firenze, 1880. " Estratto dal Catalogo generate della Sezione Italiana alia Esposizione Internazionale della Pesca in Berlino 1880," and issued under the auspices o( the " I: Istit. di Studi Superior! in Firenze." Giglioli (ENRICO H.) £• . Negriti. pp. 8. Archiv. Antropologia. Vol. x. Ulterior! notizie intorno ai 8°. [Florence, 1880.] L. SI. 1. 7/. L. S.f/9: Giglioli (ENRICO H.) II caso curioso della Mus meridionalis, O. G. Costa, e la scomparsa di quella specie, pp. 2. See NAPLES. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STCDI. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della . . . Uni- versita . . . (Nuova Serie.) Vol. i, no. 9. 4°. 1903. Giglioli (ENRICO H.) Secondo Kesoconto dei risultati della Inchiesta Ornitologiea in Italia. Avifauna Italica. Nuovo elenco sistematico delle specie di Uccelli stazionarie, di passaggio o di accidentale comparsa in Italia, . Roma, 1912. MinUtcro di Agricoltura, Indnstria e Commercio. Ufflcio della Pesca. Annali dl Agricoltura, 1812. Giglioli (ENRICO H.) & Zaniietti (A.) Antropologia ed Etnologia. [Instructions to Travellers.] See ISSEL (A.) Istruzioni scientifiche pei Viaggiatori, dc. 8°. 1881. GIGLIO-TOS (ERMANNO) dnronomusfuscipes, Meig., della Baia di Teplitz. See LuiOI AMEDEO GIUSEPPE MARIA FERDINANDO FRANCESCO, Duke of Abruzzi. Oaservazioni Scientifiche cseguitc durantc la Spedi/ionr Polare . . . 1899-1900. 8°. 1903. Giglio-Tos (ERMANNO) See " BIOLOGICA." . . . Diretta dal ... Prof. E. Giglio-Tos. Vol. i-> 8". 1906-> Giglio-Tos (ERMANNO) Ortotteri dell' Uganda e del Buwenzori. See LuiGi AMEDBO GIUSEPPE MARIA "74 Jw- . FERDINANDO FRANCESCO, Duke of Abruzzi. II Buwen- •• zori . . . Bisultati . . . dalla Spedizione. Vol. I. Zoologia. 8°. 1909. Giglio-Tos (ERMANNO) Fam. Mantidse : subfam. Perla- mantinaB. pp. IS : 1 pi. col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, dc. Fasc. 144. Orthoptera. 4°. 1913. Giglio-Tos (ERMANNO) Mantidi o Fasmidi di Mada- gascar, delle Comore e di altre Isole dell' Africa orientale. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Beise in Ostafrika in . . .1903-1905. . .Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse. Bd. in, hft. 4. 4°. 1918. GIGNOUX (MAURICE) [1881-1 Les formations marines Pliocenes $t Quaternaires de 1 ' Italic du sud et de la Sicile. pp. xxiv, 693 : 20 pis., text illust. See LYONS. —UNIVERSITE. Annales, dc. Nouvelle Se"rie, fasc. 36. 8°. 1913. Gignonx (MAURICE) & Kiliaii (C. C. C. W.) Les Formations fluvio-glaciaires du Bas-Dauphine1. pp. 84, 2 tabs. : 4 pls-< 1 map geol. col., text illust. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Geologique Detaillee. Bulletin, dc. Tom. xxi, no. 129. 8°. 1911. GIL (CASARES) See OASARES GIL. Gilbert (CHARLES HENRY) & Jordan (D. S.) The Fishes of Bering Sea. See UNITED STATES. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Fur Seal Fishery.] The Fur Seals and Fur-Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean, dc. Pt. Ill, no. 18. L'afJL 8°' 1899' GILBERT (CHESTER G.) The Mineral Industries of the United States : Coal Products, dc. pp. 16 : 11 pis., 1 text illust. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 102, pt. i. f- /, J 8°. 1917. Gilbert (CHESTER G.) & Pogue (J. E.) The Energy Besources of the United States : a field for recon- struction, pp. x, 165 : 10 pis., 1 map, text illust. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 102, vol. I. 8". 1919. Gilbert (GROVE KARL) Changes of level of the Great Lakes. 8°. [New York, 1888.] The Korum. Vol. V, 1888, pp. 417-428. Gilbert (GROVE K.) Niagara Falls and their history. See NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The Physio- graphy of the United States, dc. 8°. 1896. Gilbert (GROVE K.) Alaska ... Glaciers and Glaciation. See WASHINGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Harriman Alaska Expedition, dc. Vol. III. 8°. 1904. Gilbert (GROVE K.) [Introduction to the Geology and Palaeontology of Alaska, with list of new genera and species.] See WASHINGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Harriman Alaska Expedition, dc. Vol. IV. 8°. 1904. Gilbert (GROVE K.) Bate of recession of Niagara Falls, dc. pp. 31 : 10 pis., 1 map, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 306. 8°. 1907. Gilbert (GROVE K.) The Earthquakes at Yakutat Bay, Alaska, in September, 1899, by B. S. Tarr and L. Martin, with a Preface by G. K. Gilbert, pp. 135 : 36 pis., 7 maps (col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 69. 4°. 1912. GILBERT (W. W.) The Boot-Bot of Tobacco caused by Thielavia basicola. pp. .'>!"> : 5 pis. See UNITKD STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 158. 8°. 1909. 375 Gilbert (W. W.) Cotton Anthracnose and how to control it. pp. 8 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 555. 8°. 1913. Gilbert (W. W.) Cotton Wilt and Boot-knot, pp. 21 : E. text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 625. 8°. 1914. GILBEY (Sir WALTER) Bart. [1831-1914] [The Great Horse, or the War Horse : from the time of the Roman invasion till its development into the Shire Horse. 8°. London, 1889.1 Wanting. Second edition, pp. vi, [ii,] 69: 17 pis. 8°. London, 1899. Gilbey (Sir WALTER) Bart. Horses : past and present. (-' pp. [iv,] 89- 9 pis. 8°. London, 1900. Gilbey (Sir WALTER) Bart. [Ponies : past and present. •' 8°. London, 1900.1 Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] Thoroughbred and other Ponies, with remarks on the height of Eacehorses since 1700, New Guinea.] See WICHMANN (C. E. A.) Nova - Guinea, See CHEVA- LIER (A.) 4°. 1911-> Gilg (ERNST) Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien . . . Siebente. . .Auflage, mit Unterstiitzung von. . .E. Gilg. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) 8°. 1912. Gilg (ERNST) & Brandt (M. VON) [Vitace* and Vio- lacece from Equatorial Africa.] See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUAHD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral- Afrika-Expedition, 1907-1908, dc. Bd. II, lief. 5 & 6. 8°. 1912-13. Gilg (ERNST) & Radlkofer (L.) Sapindacese. (E. Gilg, mit Originalbeschreibungen von L. Radlkofer.) See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GKORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, 1907-1908, etc. Bd. II, lief. 5. 8°. 1912. Gilg (ERNST) & Schellenberg (G.) [Myrsinacese and Oleaeeae from Equatorial Africa.] See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral- Afrika-Expedition, 1907-08, v! E. 376 Gillette (CLARENCE P.) A few common Insect Pests. pp. It! : text illust. See FORT COLLINS, Colorado. — Agricultural College.— Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Bulletin No. 24. 8°. 1898. Gillette (CLARENCE P.) i. Colorado Lepidoptera. II. A few new species of Deltocephalut and Athysanus Wfrom Colorado. III. List of original types of species in the superfamily Jassoidea, now in the collections of the Colorado Agricultural College, dc. pp. SI : text illust. See FORT COLLINS, Colorado.— Agricultural College — Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 48, 8°. 1898. Gillette (CLARENCE P.) Colorado's worst Insect Pests and their remedies, pp. 04 [1] : 6' pis. back to back, text illust. See FORT COLLINS, Colorado. — Agricul- tural College. — Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 47. 8°. 1898. Gillette (CLARENCE P.) Some of the more important Insects of 1908, and an annotated List of Colorado Orthoptera. See FORT COLLINS, Colorado. — Agricul- tural College. — Agricultural Experiment Station. Bul- letin No. 94. 8°. 1904. Gillette (CLARENCE P.) [For official reports as State I . Entomologist] See COLORADO, State of. — Office of State Entomologist. Gillette (CLARENCE P.) & Baker (C. F.) A preliminary List of the Hemiptera of Colorado, pp. 1S7 : text illust. ,S,r FORT COLLINS, Colorado. — Agricultural College. — Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 31. 8°. 1895. Gillette (CLARENCE P.) & Weldon (G. P.) The Fruit- ; . tree Leaf -roller in Colorado [Archips argyrospila, Walker], pp. 44 : text illust. See COLORADO, State of. —Office of State Entomologist. Circular No. 5. 8°. 1912. GILLING (W. 0. B.) & Bands (H.) New Zealand Brown Coals, dc. pp. 4%: text illust. See NEW ZEALAND.— Board of Science and Art. Bulletin No. 1. 4°. 1918. GILLMORE (PARKER) The Hunter's Arcadia [Bechuaua Land], pp. xvi, 300 : 18 pis. 8°. London, 1886. GILMORE (CHARLES WHITNEY) [1874-] Smithsonian Exploration in Alaska in 1907 in search of Pleistocene .._ fossil Vertebrates. pp.38: 11 pis. ,8 maps. See SMITH- 'S SONI AN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections. (No. 1807.) Vol. LI. 8°. 1908. Gilmore (CHARLES W.) A new Dinosaur from the Lance formation of Wyoming, pp. ~> : text illust. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections. Vol. LXI, no. 5. 8°. 1918. Gilmore (CHARLES W.) A new Ceratopsian Dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Montana, with note on Hypacrosaurus. pp. 1U : text illust. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. LXIII, no. 8. 8°. 1914. Publication 2262. Gilmore (CHARLES W.) Osteology of the Armored Dinosauria in the United States National Museum, witli . special reference to the genus Stegoiaurus. pp. xi, I. '/.I : S6 pit., text illutt. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 89. 4°. 1914. Gilpin (EDWIN) Ores of Nova Scotia. Gold, Lead, and r\. Copper, pp. 46 : 1 map. 8°. Halifax, N.S., 1898 Gilpin (EDWIN) The Minerals of Nova Scotia, pp. 78 : 1 map. 8°. Halifax, N.S., 1901. GILRUTH (JOHN ANDERSON) [1871-] & Sweet (G.) Onchocerca gibsoni : the cause of Worm Nodules in Australian Cattle, G: text illust. See BRUSSELS. — MUSKK KOYALE D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE DE BELGIQUE. Memoires, dc. Tom. VII, fasc. 1. 4°. 1914. Gilson (GUSTAVE) [Sympoda (Cumacea) from the North Sea and neighbouring waters.) See CONSEIL PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL POUR L'EXPLOHATION DE LA MER. Bulletin Trimestriel. . .Resume des Observa- tions sur le Plankton des Mers explorees ... 1902-1908. Pt. III. 4°. 1914. GIMENEZ DE AGUILAB, T CANO (JuAN) La Fauna de un trabajo de forja del siglo XVI. Sec SARA- GOSSA. — SOCIEDAD ARAGONESA DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Linneo en Espana, dc. Pt. 8. 8°. 1907. GIMMA (GIACINTO) Delia storia naturale dellc Gemme, delle Pietre, e di tutti i mineral!, ovvero della Fisica Sotterranea, dc. 2 Vol. engraved title-pages. 4°. Napoli, 1730. GINESTOUS (G.) Esquisse Geologique de la Tunisie, dc. pp. xi, 162 : 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. Tunis, 1911. Contains, inter alia : — Annexe 1. Jlethode simple de reconnaissance (les principal!! Minerals susceptibles d'etre rencontres en Tunisie. [By] II. Marcille. ,, 2. Note sur les Cites miuiers et les Phosphates de la Tunisie, 4 : 3 ph., '.» mapt, text illust. 8". Paris, 1903. 377 Girard (PIERRE SIMON) Description dc la Valise de 1'Egarement, *'73jossils, collected in China in 1903-04. See WILLIS (B.) d others. Research in China. Vol. ill. 4°. 1913. Girty (GEORGE H.) Fauna of the Wewoka formation of Oklahoma, pp. 353 : 3f> pis. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 544. 8°. 1915. Girty (GEORGE H.) The Fauna of the Batesville Sandstone of northern Arkansas, pp. 170 : 11 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 593. 8°. 1915. Girty (GEORGE H.) Fauna of the so-called Boone Chert near Batesville, Arkansas. . pp. 45: 2 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 595. 8°. 1915. Girty (GEORGE H.) Faunas of the Boone Limestone, at St. Joe, Arkansas, pp. 50 : 3 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 598. 8°. 1915. Girty (GEORGE H.) & Lee (W. T.) The Manzano Group of the Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico, pp. 141 : 11 pis., 1 map, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 389. 8°. 1909. Girty (GEORGE H.) & White (C. W.) The Arkansas Coal field . . . with reports on the Paleontology, pp. 158 : 5 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. —Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 326. 8°. 1907. Girty (GEORGE H.) & others. Stratigraphy and pale- ontology of the upper Carboniferous rocks of the Kansas section, pp. 123: 4 maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 211. 8°. 1903. Giseke (PAUL DIETRICH) Dissertatio solemnis his- torico-litteraria de meritis Hamburgensium in historiam naturalem, quam. . .prseside. . .P. D. Giseke ... publice defendet. . .C. P. Ripke. . .auctor. See RIPKE (C. P.) 4°. [1791.] GISLEN" (ToRSTEN) 'Beitrage zur Anatomie der Gattung Utricularia. pp. 17: 4 pis., text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik. Bd. xv, no. 9. 8°. 1917. Gistl (JOHANNES VON NEPOMUK FRANZ XAVER) Acis, Intelligenzblatt zur Zeitschrift " Faunus." Redigirt von J. Gistl. No. 1-5. See FAUNUS. Zeitschrift fur Zoologie, dc. Bd. I & II [with which it was issued as a supplement]. 8°. 1834-35. Gistl (JOHANNES VON N. F. X.) Gallerie denkwiirdiger Naturforscher. Herausgegeben von . . . J. Gistl. No. 1 6 2. See FAUNUS. Zeitschrift fiir Zoologie, dc. Bd. II [with which it was issued as a supplement], 8°. 1835. GIUSTINIANI (AGOSTINO) Bishop of Nebbio [1470- 1536] Dialogo nominate Corsica . . . Anno 1531. Texte revu par M. (V.) de Caraffa. pp. ix, 120. See BASTIA. — SOCIETK DBS SCIENCES HISTORIQUES ET NATURELLES DE LA CORSE. Bulletin, dc. Fasc. 21. 8°. 1882. GIZA ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. See CAIRO.— Ghizeh Zoological Gardens. GJ0A, Norwegian Vessel. Vascular Plants collected in Arctic North America . . . by the Gjb'a expedition . . . 1904-06. Determined by C. H. Ostenfeld. pp. vi, 74 : 3 pis. Fungi (Micromycetes) collected in Arctic North America ... by the Gjoa expedition . . . 1904-06. Determined by J. Lind. pp. 25 : 1 pi. See CHRISTIANIA.— VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Skrifter, dc. 1909, no. 8 & 9. 8°. 1910. Gjpa, Norwegian Vessel. On some Ordovician Fossils from Boothia Felix and King William Land, collected during the . . . expedition of the Gj0a ... By O. Holtedahl. pp. 11 : 4 pis., text illust. See CHRISTIANIA.— VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Skrifter, dc. 1912, no. 9. 8°. 1912. 48 G-. G-. G-. &. G: L. if- o. R. 378 GLADSTONE (HuaH STEUART) [1877-] Handbook to Lord Lilford's Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands, pp. 69. 8°. London, 1917. GLAESNER (LEOPOLD) [1885-] Studien zur Ent- wicklungsgeschichte von Petromyzon ftuviatilis. I. Furchung und Gastrulation. Inaugural-Dissertation, 3-*Neujahrsblatt, rfc. Hft. I. pp.96. 8°. Glarus, 1898. GLASER (LEO) Mikrosknpische Analyse der Blatt- pulver von Arzneipflanzen. pp.55. See WURZBURG. — PHYSIKALISCH - MEDICINISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Ver- handlungen, rfc. Neue Folge. Bd. XXXIV, no. 9. 8°. 1901. GLASGOW. — City Industrial Museum. See infra, CORPORATION MUSEUMS AND ART GAL- LERIES. GLASGOW. — Kelvingrove Museum. See infra, CORPORATION MUSEUMS AND ART GAL- LERIES. GLASGOW.— Corporation Museums and Art |_. Galleries. Report on the City Industrial Museum, Glasgow, for J . ^£, the year 1876. 8°. [Glasgow, 1877.] [Continued as :] - Kelvingrove Park, and the Corporation Galleries of Art, Glasgow, for ... 1878(-1879). 8°. [Glasgow, 1879-80.] [Continued as :] Report on the Kelvingrove Museum, and the Corpora- tion Galleries of Art, Glasgow, for ... 1880(-95). 8°. [Glasgow, 1881-96.] [Continued as :] Museums and Art Galleries. Report for ... 1896 (-1897-» 8". [Glasgow, 1897->] Glasgow. — Corporation Museums and Art Galleries. Introduction to the Study of Minerals and Guide to the Mineral Collections in Kelvingrove Museum, by P. Macnair. pp. 70 : 1 pi., 1 plan, text illutt. 8°. Glasgow, 1910. Glasgow. — Corporation Museums and Art Galleries. Introduction to the Study of Rocks, and Guide to the Rock Collections in Kelvingrove Museum. By I'. Macnair. pp. 7!) : 6 jilt., 1 plan, text illuxl. 8°. Glatgmo, 1911. Papers from the Geological Department. Vol. I— > 8°. Glasgow, 1915-> A collection of reprints from various serials retaining the original pagination. GLASGOW NATURALIST, The, See NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF GLASGOW. 8°. 1909-> Glasnevin. — Royal Botanic Gardens. [For Reports, Calendar and History, See NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SCIENCE & ART, Ireland. 8°. 1908-> Glasuevih. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Catalogue of Plants, «fec. in the . . . Garden, dc. [By J. Underwood.] pp. xiii, 44. See ROYAL DUBLIN J SOCIETY. Transactions, - viensis. 8". [1889.J 379 . "I GLEASON (HENRY ALLAN) Platanacese. See NEW YORK, City of.— New York Botanical Garden. North American Flora. Vol. XXII, pt. 3. 8°. 1908. GLEDITSCH (ELLEN) Om forholdet mellem Uranium og Radium i de radioaktive Mineraler. pp. 11. „ See ARCHIV FOR MATHEMATIK OG NATUKVIDENSKAB, '• 7. Ac. Bd. xxx, no. 6. 8°. 1909. Gleditsch (JoHANN GOTTLIEB) Vaniloquentiae Botanic® specimen, a M. J. G. Gleditsch in Consideratione Epi- criseos Siegesbeckianee in scripta botanica Linncei, pro rite obtinendo sexualistss titulo, nuper evulgatum, jure vero retorsionis refutatum et elusuni. See SIEGESBECK (J. G.) 4°. 1741. GLEICHEN (ALBERT EDWARD WILFRED) Lord •g [1863-] The Anglo -Egyptian Sudan : a compendium prepared by Officers of the Sudan Government. Edited by Lieut-Colonel Count Gleichen, rfc. 2 Vol. illust. 5 See SUDAN, Anglo-Egyptian. 4°. 1905. GLEXCHEN (ALEXANDER) The Theory of modern Optical Instruments . . . Translated from the German ' • by H. H. Emsley. . .and W. Swaine, tfc. pp. xii, 376 : 4 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1918. GLENN (LEONIDAS CHALMERS) [1871-] Denudation |T and Erosion in the southern Appalachian region, and ' the Monongahela basin, pp. 137 : 17 pis., 4 maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 72. 4°. 1911. Glenn (LEONIDAS C.) & Ashley (G. H.) Geology and •jr. Mineral Resources of part of the Cumberland Gap coal field, Kentucky, pp. 339 : 36 ph., 5 maps (3 col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Pro- fes^ional Paper No. 49. 4°. 1906. GLENN (PRESSLEY A.) The San Jose Scale, pp. 24 : £ . 4 pis. baclt to back. See URBANA. — UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. — Agricultural Experiment Station. Circular No. 180. 8°. 1915. Glenn (PRESSLEY A.) & Billings (F. H.) Results it of the artificial use of the White-Fungus disease in Kansas : with notes on approved methods of fighting Chinch Bugs. pp. 58 : 5 pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — -Entomology Bureau. Bulletin No. 107. ' 8°. 1911. GLEW (F. H.) Some experiments with Alpha Rays giving luminous effects direct from Pitchblende, etc. pp. 3 : text illust. 4°. [London, 1904.J Archives of the Boentgen Ray and Allied Phenomena. 1904. Glocker (ERNST FRIEDRICH) Beytriige zur mineralo- gischen Kenntniss der Sudetenliinder, insbesondere Schlesiens. Hft. l.f pp. via, 152 : 1 pi., 1 map. 8°. Breslau, 1827. GLOUCESTER, City of.— Public Museum. Annual Report of the. . .Committee. No. 1— > 8°. [Gloucester, 1912->] Gloucester, City of. — Public Museum. Gloucester Museum. General Guide, pp.17: 4 pis. • 8°. Gloucester, 1914. |l5jGiOWACKI (JULIUS) Die Moosflora der Julischen J Alpen. pp. 48. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIG- LICHE ZOOLOGISCH-BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Ab- handlungen, Ac. Bd. V, hft. 2. 8°. 1910. Glneck (HUGO) Biologische und morphologische Unter- 'R suchungen iiber AVasser- und Sumpfgewaehse. 3 Tl. illust. 8°. Jena, 190C-11. Gmeliu (JOHANN FRIEDRICH) A genuine and universal System of Natural History. . .By. . .Sir C. Linnaeus. . . enlarged by J. F. Gmelin. . .Translated. . .[Vol. I-III prepared by E. Sibly and after his death] Methodically incorporated and arranged by the Editors of the En- cyclopaedia Londinensis (J. Wilkes, J. Jones and G. Jones]. 14 Vol. See LINNAEUS (C.) [Systema Naturae.] 8°. [1794 9-1810 ?] Gmelin (JOHANN F.) A general System of Nature. . . Translated from Gmelin's last edition of the. . .Systema Naturse. . .by W. Turton. 4 Vol. illust. 4°. 1802. - [Another edition.] 7 Vol. 8°. 1806. Gmelin (PHILIPP FBIEDRICH) Thesaurus Rei Herbariss Hortensisque universalis, . 1824. v. - Tom. n. (16 livr.) Livr. 56-64. pp. 1-11,1, : pis. 1,1-58. : pis. SO-71. 1824. 1825. 1826 1825 1826. 1827. 1827. 65-71. pp. ,, 72. pp. 28H-300. vi. - Tom. III. (15 livr.) Livr. 71. pi. 73. „ 72-78. pp. 1-193, Obs. prdlim. [pp. 1-2], Div. Noct. [p. H] : pis. 7»-8e. „ 79-86. pp. 1'M-l^O : pis. 87-100. VII. - — - Tom. iv, pt. 1. (15 livr.) Livr. 88-90. pp. 1-144 : pis. 101-110. „ 91-101. pp. 14.5-.5M [.t S36-5S7] : pis. 111-1SS. 1828. „ - — - pt. 2. (19 livr.) Livr. 102-117. pp. 1-116: pis. 133-164. 1829 ,, 118-120. pp. U7-S07\p. tri. t!l:9plt.cnl. linis 10. 28. „ V, Longicornia. By H. W. Bates.— Bruchides. By O. Sharp, pp. mi. SiS : S6 pit. col. 1879-1886. 29. „ VI, pt. 1. Phytophaga (part). By M. Jacohy. 30. (—Supplement.) 2 Vol. illmt. col. 1880-1892. 31. „ VI, pt. 2. Phytophaga (part). lilsplds (—Supple- ment). By J. 8. Italy, with an Appendix by O. C. Champion.— Cassididic. By O. C. Champion, pp. zii, tt<5: is pit. col. 1886-1894. 32. „ VII, Erotylidto. Endomychidie and Cocclnellidte. By H. S. Gorham. pp. *, «S : IS pit. col. 1887-99. 3.1 35. Hymenoptcra. By P. Cameron (and A. Forel). 3 Vol. illiut. (col.) 1883-1900. [Korniicidro only by A. Forel.] 36-38. Lepldoptera-Rhupalocera. By F. D. Godman and O. Salvin. 3 Vol. Ulutt. col. 1S79-1901. (Vol. II contains " Note on the group Eumoildl, by .S. 11. Scudder.) 39-42. Lepidiiptera-IIeterocera. Vol. I-m, by H. Druee. Vol. IV, by Lord Walsiugham [with contributions by J. H. Durrani). 4 Vol. illutt. col. 1881-1915. 43. Diptera. Vol. I, By C. R. Osten-Sacken... Supplement by S. W. Willlston, J. M. Aldrich and W. M. Wheeler and A. L. Mi-lander, pp. viii, 378: Spit. col. 1880-1901. 381 [Godman (FREDERICK D.) & Salvin (O.) (contd.)] [Biologia Centrali- Americana (contd.)] 44. Diptera. Vol. II, By F. M. van der Wulp. pp. ix [»,] IS9 : IS pis. col., text illust. 1888-1903. 45. Vol. Ill, By 8. W. Williston. pp. mi. 127 : 2 pis. col. 1891-1903. [Williston finished his part in 1892.] 40. Rhynchota. Hemiptera— Heteroptera. Vol. I, By W. L. Distant, pp. xx, ASS : S9 pis. col. 1880-1893. 47. Vol. II, By G. 0. (Jh»mpion. pp. xvi, 1,16: S3 pis. (col.) , 1897-1901. 43. Hemiptera— Homoptera. Vol. I, By W. L. Distant and W. W. Fowler, pp. x, UJ : IS pis. col. 1881-1905. I Vol. n, pt. 1. By W. W. Fowler, pp. xii, 339 : 21 pis. 19.{ col. 1894-1909. ( „ H, pt. 2. By T. D. A. Cockerell. pp. ST. 1899. 50. Neuroptera. Ephemeridaj, by A. E. Eaton, and Odonata, by P. P. Calvert. pp. xxx [i,] l&O : 10 pis. (col.), 1 map col. 1892-1908. 61. Orthoptera. Vol. I, pp. x, l£8 : S3 pis. (col.) 1893-99 (-1900). Forflculidffi. By Count de Bormaus. Blattidic and Mantidee. By H. de Saussure and L. Zehntner. Gryllidte. By H. de Saussure. l.oriist iil;i'. By H. de Saussure and A. Pictet. 62. Vol. n, Acridiidic. By L. Bruner. (Subfam. Tetti- ginie, by A. P. Morse) ; Pliasmidic, by R. Shelford. pp. Mi, 1,12: 8 pis., text illust. 1900-1909. iT BOTANY. ) I 53-57. Botany. By W. B. Hemsley (Cycadaceo), by W. T. Thiselton Dyer). 5 Vol. illust. 1879-88. [Vol. V contained the plates only.] Godman (FREDERICK D.) & Salvin (0.) Biologia Centrali-Americana, or contributions to the knowledge of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America. Edited by F. D. Godman and O. Salvin. Zoology, Botany, Archeology. [Preface by B. Quaritch.] pp. If! : 1 pi. col. 4°. London, 1918. A Prospectus of the completed work. Godrou (DOMINIQUE ALEXANDRE) & Grenier (J. C. M.) Suites a la Flore de France de Grenier et Godron. Diagnoses des Plantes signale'es en France et en Corse depuis 1855. . .Fascicule I. See ROUY (G.) 8°. 1887. Godron (DOMINIQUE A.) & Soyer-Willemet (H. F.) Revue des Trefles de la section Chronosemium. See SOYER-WlLLEMET (H. F.) & GODHON (D. A.) Godwin- Austen (HENRY HAVERSHAM) [Notes on the Anatomy of some non-marine Mollusca of the Sandwich Islands.] See SHARP (D.) Fauna Hawaiiensis, dc. Vol. II, pt. 4. 4°. 1900. Godwin-Austen (HENRY H.) Morphological Observa- tions on genera of the families Cyclostomidae and Helicidffi [from Socotra]. See LIVERPOOL. — Free Public Library, Museum and Gallery of Arts. The Natural History of Socotra, dc. 8°. 1903. Godwin-Austen (HENRY H.) Peak (K2) Godwin- Austen. The Duke of the Abruzzi in India, pp. 4- 12°. [Guildford, 1909.] Reprinted from the " Surrey Advertiser," Sept. 11, 1909. Godwin-Austen (HENRY H.) & Blanford (W. T.) Mollusca. Testacellidse and Zonitidee. See BLANFORD . (W. T.) The Fauna of British India, dc. 8°. 1908. Goebel (FRIEDEMANN ADOLPH) Ueber die von... A. Goebel auf seiner Persischen Reise bei der Stadt r-'-Maragha . . . gefundenen Saugerthier-Reste, dc. See RIGA. — NATURFORSCHER VEREIN. Denksckrift, dc. 4°. 1870. GOEBEL (G. F.) On the Eggs of Russian Geese. — See ALPHERAKY (S. N.) The Geese of Europe and Asia, dc. Appendix I. 4°. 1905. GOEBEL (HERMANN) Die Vogel des Kreises Uman, Gouvernement Kiew, mit besonderer Rucksieht auf ihre Zugverhaltnisse und ihr Brutgeschaft. pp. 226, 10 tabs. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADEMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches, dc. Folg. II, bd. II. 8°. 1879. Goebel (KARL EBERIIARD) Organographie der Pflanzen insbesondere der Archegoniaten und Samenpflanzen. 2 Thl. pp. xviii, 838 [1] : text illust. 8°. Jena, 1898-1901. Zweite. . .Auflage. Thl. I-> 8°. Jena, 1913— > Goebel (KARL E.) Rumphius als botanischer Natur- forscher. pp. 4. See HAARLEM. — NEDERLANDSCHE MAATSCIIAPPIJ, dc. — Koloniaal Museum. Rumphius Gedenkboek, B. L, I 3. IZ- . Z. 382 Goeppert (HEINRICH ROBERT) Ueber pflanzenahnliche Einschliisse in den Chalcedoncn. pp. 29 : 1 pi. &>.[Regensburg, 1848.] Flora. lid. XXXI. GOERENS (PAUL) Introduction to Metallography... Translated by F. Ibbotson. pp. x, 214 •' text illuit. 8°. London, &3.3> S ph. col., text Must. See MADRID.— REAL SOCIEDAD 'BSPASOLA DE UISTOHIA NATURAL. Memorias, tie. Tom. VI, no. 8. 8°. 1909. GOIZUETA T DIAZ (JESUS) Estudio de las superficies de los Cristales como base y fundamento de _ un calculo Cristalografico distinto del usual, pp. 32. 5-.-D.See BARCELONA.— REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS Y ARTES. Memorias, rfc. Epoc. Ill, vol. X, no. 25. 4°. 1913. Goizueta y Diaz (JESUS) Estudio de las superficies de los Cristales como base y fundamento de un calculo r .. Cristalografico distinto del usual, pp. 25 : text illust. - See BARCELONA.— REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, Ac. Memorias, Atlas der Krystallformen. 4°. Heidelberg, 1913-> 14 Gold.sch.midt (VICTOR) See BEITRAEGE ZUR KRYS- ^ ' TALLOGRAPHIE UNO MlNERALOGIE : herausgegeben von V. Goldschmidt. Bd. I- 8°. 1914-> u. Goldschmidt (VICTOR) & Fersmann (A. E.) Der Diamant: eine Studie. See FEHSMANN (A. E.) & GOLDSCHMIDT (V.) i°. 1911. 1 GOLDSCHMIDT (VICTOR MORITZ) Die Pyrolu- mineszenz des Quarzes. pp. 19. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS • SELSKABET. Forhandlinger, Ac. Aar K. B .1906, no. 5. 8°. 1906 (1907). Golclsclimidt (VICTOR M.) Profilet Bingsaker-Br0ttum ved Mj0sen . . . Med . . . resume in Deutseher Spraehe. f • pp. 40 : 1 map geol. col., text illust. See NORWAY. — NORGES GEOLOGISKE UNDERS0GELSE. [Publication] No. 49. Aarbok for 1908, no. 2. 8°. 1909. Goldschmidt (VICTOR M.) Geologiske iagttagelser fra Tonsaasen i Valdres. . .Med. . .resume in Deutscher Spraehe. pp. 20 : text illust. See NORWAY. — NORGES GEOLOGISKE UNDERS0GELSE. [Publication] No. 53. Aarbok for 1909, no. 3. 8°. 1910. Goldschmidt (VICTOR M.) Die kontaktmetamorphose im Kristianiagebeit. pp. ix, I Jf83 : 2 pis., 5 maps geol. col., text illust. • Petrographische Untersuchung einiger Eruptivgesteine von Nordwestspitzbergen. pp.17: 1 pi. See CHRISTIANIA.— VIDENSKABS SELSKABET. Skrifter, dc. 1911, no. 1 & 9. 8°. 1911 (1912). Goldschmidt (VICTOR M.) Ueber krystallographische Untersuchungen bei tiefen i.~B. Temperaturen. pp. 6. Die Gesetze der Gesteins-metamorphose, mit Beispielen aus der Geologie des siidlichen Norwegens. pp. 16 : text illust. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS - SELSKABET. For- handlinger, Ac. Aar 1912, no. 1 & 22. 8". 1912. Goldschmidt (VICTOR M.) Geologiseh - petrograph- ische Studien im Hochgebirge des siidlichen Norwegens. - 4 Pt. illust. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS-SELSKA- BET. Skrifter, 1912, no. 18 & 19 ; 1915, no. 10 ; 1916, no. 2. 8°. 1912-17. Goldschmidt (VICTOR M.) Dag Devongebeit am Roragen bei Boros . . . Mit einem palabotanischen Beitrag. . .von A. G. Nathorst. pp. 37 : 5 pis., 2 maps geol. col., text illust. Sec CHHISTIANIA.— VIDENSKABS- SELSKABET. Skrifter, <£c. 1913^ no. 9. 8°. 1913 (1914). Goldschmidt (VICTOR M.) Konglomeraterne inden H0ifjeldskvartsen. (Zusammenfassung in Deutscher Spraehe.) See NORWAY. — nm*m* GEOLOGISKE UNDER- S0GELSE. [Publication] no. 77. 8°. 1916. GOLDSMITH (J. N.) Tables of Refractive Indices. Vol. I. Essential Oils ... Edited by J. N. Goldsmith. See KANTHACK (R.) 8°. 1918. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER) [1728-1774] A History of the Earth, and Animated Nature. . .A New Edition, with corrections and additions, by W. Turton, Ac. 6 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1805. - [Another edition.] And an Appendix containing explanations of technical terms, and an outline of the Cuvierian and other systems, by Captain T. Brown. 4 Vol. illust. 12°. Edinburgh, Ac., 1840-43. Contains also engraved title-pages to each volume. Vol. I published 1843 ; II, 1841 ; III & iv, 1840. In 1840 Brown published his " Anec- dotes of the Animal Kingdom " in 12°, and bound it uniform with the above edition of Goldsmith's work, and lettered it " Vol. v," as he intended it to form a supplement to the same [• See SURCOUP (J. M. R.) & GONZALEZ-RlN- CONES (R.) 8°. 1911-> GONZALEZ T HAEDO (PBELIPE) [1702-1792] j The Voyage of Capt. Don F. Gonzalez ... to Easter Island in 1770-1. . .Transcribed, translated, and edited by B. G. Corney. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, ttc. Ser. II, no. 18. 8°. 1908. GOOCH (FRANK AUSTIN) Chemical Analyses of L Metallic Implements. See PuMPELLY (R.) Explora- tions in Turkestan. Expedition of 1904, rfc. Vol. I. 4°. 1908. 1 GOOD (C. A.) & Brittain (W. H.) The Apple Maggot in Nova Scotia, pp. 70: 7 pit. (t col.), text illust. £ See NOVA SCOTIA. — Department of Agriculture. Bul- letin No. 9. 8°. 1917. GOOD (.JOHN MASON) Lucretius on the Nature of Things [De Rerum Natura] ... literally translated into English prose, by ... J. S. Watson ... to which is t adjoined the poetical version of J. M. Good. See LUCRE- TIUS CARDS (TITUS) 8°. 1872. GOODCHILD (HERBERT) [Birds of Hampstead Heath.] Sec HAMPSTEAD SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Hamp- stead Heath, ttc. 8°. 1913. GOODCHILD (JonN GEORGE) [1844-1906] The Soils of Cumberland. Sec HODGSON (W.) Flora of Cumber- landf rfc. 8°. 1898. Goodchild (JOHN G.) The Old Red Sandstone (—The Carboniferous Gasteropoda) of the Clyde drainage area. "7J See ELLIOT (G. F. S.) Fauna, Flora & Geology of the Clyde area, ttc. 8°. 1901. Goodchild (JOHN G.) The Natural History of Scottish Zeolites and their allies, with special reference to those in the Scottish Mineral Collection . . . With an Appendix by J. Currie. pp. [vi,] 68 : text illust. See GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP GLASGOW. Transactions, etc. Vol. xii, Supplement. 8". 1903. Goodchild (JOHN G.) Guide to the Collection of Scottish Agates. [By J. G. Goodchild.] See I.IMN i MUSEUM OK SCIENCE & ART. 8°. 1899. GOODCHILD (WiLBERT) Precious Stones . . . With a chapter on Artificial Stones', by R. Dykes, pp. j-. linxl. 8°. London, 1908. Forming a volume of the ^ VVe»tiniu«ter" Series. 385 Goode (GEORGE BROWN) Materials for a history of the Sword Fishes, pp. 106 : 23 pis., 1 map. 8°. Washington [B.C.], 1888. Ann. Kept. Commiss. Fish * Fisheries. 1880. Goode (GEORGE B.) National Museum. The genesis of the United States 8°. Washington [D.C.], 1893. Kept. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1891, pp. 273-380. Goode (GEORGE B.) & Bean (T. H.) Oceanic Ichthyology, a treatise on the deep-sea and pelagic Fishes of the World, See CROATIA. — KRALJEVSKA HRVATSKO - SLAVONIJO - DALMATSKA ZE- MALJSKA VLADA. 8°. & col. 1902— > Gorjanovic-Kramberger (DRAGUTIN) Palseo-Ich- thyologiai adalekok. pp. 20 : 4 P^s-< ^ex^ illust.— Palseoichthyologische Beitrage. pp. 21 : 4pls., text illust. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTEZET. Evkonyve, Ac. (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahr- buche, Ac.) Kot. xiv, fiiz. 1. 8°. 1902. Gorjanovic-Kramberger (DRAGUTIN) Die geotek- tonischen Verhiiltnisse des Agramer Gebirges und die mit denselben im Zusammenhang stehenden Erschein- ungen. pp. 30 : 2 maps, text illust. See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICH - PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Physikalische Abhandlungen, Ac. 1907. Anhang I. 4°. 1907. GORJANOVIC - KRAMBERGER (KARL, or KAROLY) See GORJANOVIC-KRAMBERGER (DRAGUTIN) GORONOWIT8CH (N.) See GHORONOVICH (N. V.) GORRIA (HERMENEGILDO) Los fermentos de la Tierra y la alimentaci6n vegetal, pp. 50. See BARCE- LONA.— REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, d'C. Memorias, Ac. Epoc. Ill, vol. VI, no. 20. 4°. 1907. GORTANI (LuiGl)/A& (MiCHELE) Flora Friulana, con speciale riguardo alia Carnia. 2 Vol. illust., 1 map. [In 3 pt.] 8°. Udine, 1905-1906. GORTANI (MiCHELE) & (LuiGl) See GORTANI (L.) & (M.) Flora Friulana, Ac. 8°. 1905-06. GORZAWSKY (H.) & Kuekenthal (W. G.) Japan- ische Gorgoniden. 2 Thl. illust. (col.) See MUNICH. — KOENIGLICH BAYERISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, Ac. Supplement-Band i, no. 3 & 5. 4°. 1908 & 1909. No. 5 is also issued under wrapper dated 1910. Also styled Bd. I, no. 3 & 6 ol "Beitrage zur Nuturgesuliiclite Ostasiens. Herausgegeben von Dr. F. Dofleiu." 49 G-. /A 1*5-0-11 3. 386 « ,, & Gosselet (JuLKS AUGUSTS ALEXANDER) Etudes sur les variations du Spirifer Verneuili. pp. 61 : 7 pis. See LILLE.— HOCIKTK GKOLOGIQUE DU NORD. Memoires, & Atlas. See FRANCE. — Service des Topographies Souterraines. [Etudes des Oites Mineraux.] 4°. & fol. 1904-> Gosselet (JULES A. A.) Topographies Souterraines. See BRUSSELS. — Exposition Universelle Internationale, 1010. Carte Geologique de la France, See PRUSSIA.— KOENIGLICH PREUS- SISCHE GEOLOGISCHE LANDESANSTALT. Abhandlungen, rfc. Neue Folge, Heft 75-> 8". 1913-» Gothan (WALTER) Die fossile Flora des Tete-Beckens am Sambesi. See SCIIOENDORP (F.) W. Branca . . . Erne Festschrift, rfc. No. 2. 8°. 1914. Gothan (WALTER) & Eckardt (W. B.) Karbonflora und Klima. See ECKARDT (W. R.) & GOTHAN (W.) 4°. [1911.] Gothan (WALTER) & Hoehne (E.) Ueber die Frage der Klimazonenbildung irn Jura und in der Kreide . . . B. Beleuchtung der Frage auf Grund der pflanzlichen Eeste. [Signed: W. Gothan.] See HOEHNE (E.) & GOTHAN (W.) 4°. 1808. Gothan (WALTER) & Jongmans (W. J.) Bemerkun- gen tiber einige der in den nicderlandisclien Bohrungen gefundenen Pflanzen. See PRUSSIA. — KOENIGLICFI- PREUSSISCHE GEOLOGISCHE LANDESANSTALT. Hft. 18. Paliiobotanisch-stratigraphische Studien, rfc. Anhang. 8°. 1915. Gothan (WALTER) & others. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pflanzenwelt (von W. Gothan). Pflanzengeographie (von B. Pilger). Die Pflanzenwelt der Tropen (von H. Winkler). pp. viii, 534: 26 ph. (col.), text illust. 8°. Stuttgart, 1913. Forming Bd. VI of " Das Leben der Pflanze." Gothenburg. Gathenburgs Museum. Nordische Vogelcestoden aus dem Musi mn von Gote- borg. [By] O. Fuhnnann. pp. 41 '• '^ illust. See GOTHENBURG. —GOTEHOHGS KONGLIGA VKTI.NSK \ PS- OCH VITTERHETS-SAMHALLET. Handlingar. Foljd. IV, hft. xv, no. 2. 8". 1913. Gothenburg. Gvttmnlrarge Museum. Mrddcl:iiiil> See GOTHENBURG. — GOTKBOBGS KONCI.H.A VKTEXSKAP8- OCH VITTERHET8-SAMIIALLET. Hand- linear, Foljd. IV, hft. XV-» [with which it was pub- lished]. 8". 1(1 H -> 387 Gothenburg. — Gothenburgs Museum. Svenska Kriiftdjur i Goteborgs Museum. I. Schizopoda. Av W. Bjorck. pp.17: text illust. See GOTHENIIUEG. — GOTEBORGS KONGLIGA VETENHKAPS- OCH VITTER- HETSSAMHALLET. Handlingar, Foljd. IV, hft. xvn, Meddelanden fran Goteborgs Musei Zoologiska Afdel- ning. 7. 8°. 1916. Gothenburg. — Gothenburgs Museum. Notes on the Beptiles and Batrachians in the Zoological Museum at Gothenburg, with an account of some new species, by L. G. Andersson. pp. 41 : text illust. See GOTHENBURG. — GOTEBORGS KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS- OCH VITTEHHETS-SAMHALLET. Handlingar, Foljd. IV, hft. xvn, Meddelanden Wn Goteborgs Musei Zoologiska Afdelning. 9. 8°. 1916. Gothenburg. Gothenburgs Museum. Arstryck, 1917. pp. 107 : 5 pis., text illust. 4°. Goteborg, 1917. GOTO (SEITARO) The Craspedote Medusa Olindias, and some of its natural allies. See PARKER (G. H.) Mark Anniversary Volume, Sc. No. 1. 4°. 1903. Goto (SEITARO) A descriptive monograph of Japanese Asteroidea. I. Archasteridie, Benthopectinidse, Por- cellanasteridse, AstropectinidsB, Luidiidse, Pentagonas- teridse, Oreasteridse, Gymnasteriidse, Asterinidse. pp. SOS : 19 pis. See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIGAKD. — College of Science. Journal of the College of Science, Ac. Vol. xxix, art. 1. 8°. 1914. Goto (SEITARO) & Kikuchi (H.) Two new Trematodes of the family Gyrodactylidse. pp.22: 2 pis. See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. — College of Science. Journal, Ac. Vol. xxxix, art. 4. 4°. 1917. Goto (SEITARO) & Matsudaira (Y.) On Dissotrema papillatum, n.g., n.sp., an Amphistomoid Parasite from a marine Fish. pp. 19 : 1 pi., text illust. See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. — College of Science. Journal, Ac. Vol. xxxix, art. 8. 8°. 1918. GOTTBERG (GuNNAR) Ammodytes-arterna vid Fin- lands kuster. pp. 3d [ii] : 1 pi. See HELSINGFORS. — • SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, Ac. Vol. xxxill, no. 5. 8°. 1910 (1912). Gottingen.— Georg-Augusts-Universitaet. Die Meteoriten der Universitiits-Sammlung zu Gottin- gen Januar 1874. See WOEHLER (F.) 8°. [1873.] GOTTINGEN. — Goettingischer Verein Berg- manuischer Freunde. Studien des. . .Vereines, Ac. Bd. ll-vil, hft. 2.f 8°. Gottingen, 1828-58. GOTTLIEB-TANNENHAIN (PAUL VON) Studien fiber die Formen der Gattung Galanthus. pp. v, [1,] 95 : Zpl*., 1 map col. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIG- LICHE ZOOLOGISCH-BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Ab- handlungen, Ac. Bd. n, hft. 4. 8°. 1904. GOTTSCHALL (MICHAEL) Anatomisch system- atische Untersuchung des Blattes der Melastomaceen aus der Tribus Miconiese. Inaugural-Dissertation, Ac. pp. 175 [1] : 3 pis. See CHAMBESY. — HERBIEK B01SSIER. Memoires, Ac. No. 19. 8°. 1900. Gottsche (CARL) & Wibel (F.) Skizzen und Beitrage zur Geognosie Hamburgs und seiner Umgebung. ,L. See GESELLSCHAFT DEUTSCHER NATURFORSCHER UND AERZTE. Hamburg in naturhistorischer und mediciu- ischer Bezeihung, Ac. 8°. 1876. (y. GOUGH (GEORGE CECIL) [1876-] The Foraminifera of Larne Lough and district, pp. 10 : 1 pi. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Fishery Reports. [Ireland,] Beport on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland, Ac. 1905, pt. II, append. 3. 8°. 1906 (1907). Gough (GEORGE C.) The bottom deposits of Larne Lough, pp. 12 : 1 map. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Fishery Reports. [Ireland.] Beport on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland, Ac. 1906, pt. II, append. 4. 8°. 1906 (1909). GOUGH (LEWIS HENRY) On the distribution and the migrations of Muggicaa atlantica, Cunningham, in the English Channel, the Irish Sea, and off the south and west coasts of Ireland, in 1904. pp. 13 : 3 maps, text illust. See CONSEIL PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL POUR ^'EXPLORATION DE LA MER. Publications de Circon- stance No. 29. 8°. 1905. Gough (LEWIS H.) Plankton collected at Irish Light Stations in 1904. pp. 55. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Fishery Reports. [Ireland.] Beport on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland, Ac. 1904, pt. II, append. 6. 8°. 1906. Gough (LEWIS H.) Besults obtained in the study of the Froghopper during the wet season of 1910. pp. 46 : 7 pis., text illust. See TRINIDAD. — Department of Agriculture. Circular No. 8. 8°. [1911.] Gough (LEWIS H.) The Palm Weevil as Sugar Cane pest. pp. 6: 1 pi. See TRINIDAD. — Department of Agriculture. Circular No. 9. 8°. [1911.] Gould (AUGUSTUS ADDISON) Specification of the Shells contained in the marl in which the Newburgh skeleton was found. See WARREN (J. C.) Description of a skeleton of the Mastodon giganteus, Ac. Second edition, Ac. Appendix O. 4°. 1855. GOULD (CHARLES NEWTON) [1868-] Gypsum deposits in Oklahoma. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 223. 8°. 1904. Gould (CHARLES N.) Brief Statement of the Geological History of Oklahoma, pp. 13 : 1 map. See OKLAHOMA, State of.— Geological Survey. Circular No. 2. 8°. 1911. Gould (CHARLES N.) [For official reports as Director] See OKLAHOMA, State of. — Geological Survey. Gould (CHARLES N.) & others. Preliminary Beport on the Mineral resources of Oklahoma, pp. 84 : text illust. See OKLAHOMA, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 1. 8°. 1908. H/ P.) I ates. pp. GOULD (Hi P.)/ Summer Apples in the middle Atlantic Statfes. pp. 96: 4 pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 194. 8°. 1911. GOULDING (ERNEST) Cotton and other Vegetable fibres : then: production and utilisation, Ac. See IMPERIAL INSTITUTE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, Ac. [Handbooks.] 8°. 1917. GOULDING (BlCHARD W.) Twenty-six Years.— A Betrospect [by B. W. Goulding]. See LOUTH ANTI- QUARIAN, NATURALISTS' AND LITERARY SOCIETY. 8°. [1910.] GOURDON (ERNEST) [1873-] [Geology and Glaciology of the South Pole.] See CHARCOT (J. B.) Journal de 1' Expedition Antarctique Francaise : 1903-05, Ac. Appendix VI. 8°. (1906.) fr. fr. G-. G- 3. 388 Gourdon (ERNEST) [Physical Geography, Glaciology -in.) l"**»f.i«rt«TF»*ii »^li v t\t t.lm A nt.n.i'nt'.io T7.i»mr\T»u 1 KPJ* Ti^IJ \ WC^tt f 3. and Petrography of the Antarctic Regions.] See FRANCE. [Voyages, tfc. — Antarctic.] Er Francaise (190a-1905), command Sciences Naturelles, Ac. ition Autarctique par. . . J. Charcot. 4°. 1908. Gourdon (ERNEST) [Mineralogy and Geology of the Antarctic Regions.] See FRANCE. [Voyages, Ac. — Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Autarctique Fran- caiso (1908-10) . . . Documents Scientifiques. 4°. 1917. Gourret (PAUL GABRIEL MARIE) Documents zoo- logiques sur 1'Etang de Thau. pp. Hf>. See MONT- PELLIER. — UNIVERSITK. — Institut de Zoologie. Tra- vaux, Ac. Ser II, no. 5. 8°. 1896. Gourret (PAUL G. M.) Thoracostraces. (Astacusfiu- viatilis.) — D^capodes Brachyures. (Carcinus m2: 18 pis., text illust. See SMITHSONIAN c j j INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. ~ (No. 1417) Vol. XLIV. 8-..1904.., ft w W>M • \r tigraphy."" " Grabau (AMADEUS W.A^--'PrinciaU» See ASCHERSON (P. F. A.) & GRAEBNER (C. O. B. P. P.) 8°. Issued in parts, the order of which as numbered and published, does not always correspond with their position in the work. Lief. 1 and 2 (1896), first parts of Bd. I, are by Ascherson alone ; liefs. 3-78 (1897-1913) = continuation of Bd. I ; ii, pt. 1 and 2 ; in, iv, and vi, pt. 1 and '2, are by Ascherson and Oraebner; and after Ascherson's death, lief. 79-* (1913 -») carried on by Graebner alone. Graebuer (CARL 0. B. P. P.) & Ascherson (P. F. A.) Ascherson's Flora der Provinz Brandenburg. Zweite Auflage. Flora des Nordostdeutschen Flachlandes, dc. See ASCHERSON (P. F. A.) & GRAEBNER (C. O. B. P. P.) 8°. 1898. Graebner (CARL 0. E. P. P.) & Ascherson (P. F. A.) Potamogetonacese. pp. 184 •' text illust. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Das Pflanzenreich, Ac. Hft. 31. (iv. 11.) 8°. 1907. Graebner (CARL 0. B. P. P.) & Kuekenthal (GEORG) [Cyperaceae from Equatorial Africa.] See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Dulse of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deut- schen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, 1907-1908, Ac. Bd. II, lief. 1. 8°. 1910. GRAEF ( ) Dr., Marine-Stabsarzt. [The Biology of the voyage of the "Planet."] See GERMANY. — REICHS-MARINE-AMT. Forschungsreise S.M.S. "Planet " 1906-07, Ac. Bd. iv. 4°. 1909. Graeffe (EDUARD) Uebersicht der Fauna des Golfes von Triest . . . v. Crustacea, pp. 48. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH • KOENIGLICHE UNIVERSITAET. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institute, rfc. Tom. XIII, hft. 1. 8°. 1900. GRAF (JOHN E.) A preliminary report on the Sugar - Beet Wireworm. pp. 68 : 23 pla. back to back, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture.—Entomology Bureau. Bulletin No. 123. 8°. 1914. Ci^fr- 1 GRAFE (VIKTOR)/, Erniihrungsphysiologisches Prak- tikum der hoheren Pflanzen. pp. x, 494 : text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1914. Graff (LuowiG VON) Planarians. See LANKESTER (Sir E. E.) K.C.B. Zoological Articles, Ac. 4°. 1891. Graff (LUDWIQ VON) Die Turbellarien als Parasiten und Wirte. . . Herausgegeben als Festschrift der K. K. Karl-Franzens-TJniversitiit in Graz fiir das Jahr 1902. pp. vi, 66 : 3 pis. (col), text Must. 4°. Graz, 1903. Graff (LUDWIG VON) Turbellaria. Bearbeitet von... L. von Graff, illust. 8°. Grahamstown, 1903— > Grahamstown.— Albany Museum. (An Illustrated) Guide to the Exhibited Collections of the Albany Museum. [By J. Hewitt.] pp. iv, 65 : 8 pis., 1 port., text illust. 8°. Grahamstown, 1912. Grahamstown.— Albany Museum. A Guide to the Fauna of the Albany district. Part I. Vertebrates (Mammals, Birds, Beptiles and Amphibians, but excluding Fish), pp. vii, 113 [5] : 24 pis. back to back, 1 port., text illust. 8°. Grahamstown, 1918. Gram (JENS BILLE) Unders0gelser over de i forskellige Plantedele indeholdte Kalksalte. pp. 118: text illust. See COPENHAGEN. — KONGELIGT DANSK VIDENSKA- BERNES SELSKAB. Det . . . Skrifter, 4°. Paris, 1875-> 'v' The publication of the plates in most cases preceded that of the cor- responding text. To many portions of the work no test has yd iu 1)1 l^hed. I. Geographic, parA.Grandtdior. Atlas, 2 Pt. 1879-92 [-94]. IV. Ethnographic tie Madagascar, par A. and O. Grandidier. Tom. i-ni. 1003-17. vi. j Mammiferes, par MM. A. Milne Edwards ct A. IX. J. Orandldiur [and H. Vllhol], Tom. I, pp. it), sue ; X.| Tom. iv-vi, pt. 1, .« pit. (col.) 1875-97. XII. lOiseaux, par A. Milne Edwards and A. Grandidler. to } Tom. I (in 2], pp. [»,] 779 ; Tom. II-IV, UXI pis. xv.( (col.) 1^.; 86, XVI. Poissons, par M. II. Sauvage. pp. OU : 63 pit. 1887-91. XVH. Reptiles. Pt. I. Crocodiles et Turtues, par L. Vail- lant et G. Grandldler. pp. SS : 27 pis. (col.) in 22. 1010. XVIII. iLepidopteres, par M. P. Ma\bille. 2 Tom. pp. v, XIX. / SOI, : 63 pit. (col.) 1885-88 (-87). XX. 1 1 >IIM 'in i] il ri r<. Pt. I. Par H. de Saussure. pp. xxi, 100 : SI pis. (col. ), text Must. 1S90 (- 92). ,, II. Les Formlcides, par A. Forel. pp. v, iSO : 7 pit. 1891 XXI. Coleopteres. Tom. I, pt. 1. Llste des lusectes Coleopteres, par C. Alluaud. pp. viii, Ma. 1900. XXII. Tom. II, par M. Kunckel d'Herculais. SI, pit. (col.) 1887-90. XXIII. Orthopteres. Pt. I. Blattides et Mantides, par MM. H. de Saussure et [L.] Zehntner. pp. xn, 244, iv: 10 pis. (col.) 1890. XXV. Mollusciues, par MM. Crosse et P. Fischer. 17 pis. (col.) 1889. xxvn. Myriapodes, par H. de Sausstlre et L. Zehntner. pp. viii, 3SO: IS pis. (col.), ttxt illuit. 1897-1902. XXVIII. to XXX. Plantes, }>ar M. H. Baillon (et E. Drake del Cos tillo). Tom. I-VL pp. 208: Vil pis. 1SS6-1902. ,, XXXIV. . to „ XXXVI. „ XXXIX.. Mousses, par F. Renauld et J. Cardot. pp. inn, 660 [«]. 1915. Atlas. 6 Pt. Pis. i-clxiii, iiia, iiib, mia, xv a, xxiva-c, xlia, xliia, xloiiia, Iva-f, Iviia, Ixiia, Ixxa, Ixxxviiia, Ixxxixa, xca, xcviia, A cxia. 1898-1913. (By an error the name of Drake del Castillo appears on the wrapper of pt. 3 of the Atlas. The new species of these Mosses were origin- ally described between 1890and 1905 in " Bull. Soc. Bot. Belgique," and these descriptions were reproduced in Renauld's " Prodrome de la Flore Bryologique de Madagascar," .tr. , and its supplement (1897, 1909); whilst in the latter the explanations of the plates in the present work were also given.] Grandidier (ALFRED) & (G.) Ethnographic de Mada- gascar. 8 Tom. See GBANDIOIER (A.) Histoire... naturelle. . .de Madagascar, rfc. Vol. IV. 4°. 1908-17. GRANDIDIER (GuiLLAUME) [1873-] Les produc- tions naturelles du sud-ouest de Madagascar, ] par. . .G. Grandidier, tfc. See GBANDIDIER (A.) 4°. 1910-> 391 Grandidier (GUILLAUME) & (A.) Ethnographie de Madagascar. 3 Tom. See GRANDIDIER (A.) Histoire . . .naturelle. . .de Madagascar, rfe. Vol. IV. 4°. 1908-17. Grandidier (GUILLAUME) & Vaillant (L.) Histoire Naturelle des Beptiles, • thologists' Expedition, Ac. (contd.)] 15. Lepldoptora. By the Hon. W. Rothschild. (Mlcrolepl- doptcra, Pterophoriua and Tineiua. By J. H. Durrant) fr pp. 18* (t] : S pit. col. 1915. u- 16. Report on the Mollusea. By G. C. Robson. [Trans. ZooL Soc. Lond. Vol. XX, pp. 4S7-304 : tpli.] 1914. 17 Report on the Venues (Ollgochtcta). By L. Cognett! de Martiis. [Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. Vol. xx, pp. mS-IM : text Oltut.} 1916. 18. Report on the Botany. By H. N. Ridley, pp. Sea : « pis. 1916. [Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Ser. II, Botany. Vol. IX.] Itinerary by C. B. Kloss. Polypetalro [except Legumiuoaa; and Melastomaceie}. By II. N. Ridley. Leguminosrc and Melastomaceie. By E. G. Baker. Gamopetalw. By H. K. Wernham, S. Moore and H. N. Ridley. Apetalre. Monocotyledones. Filices. . By H. N. Ridley. Lycopodiaceic. Equisetacew. Fungi. By G. Massec. Lichens. By A. D. Cotton. 19 Report ... on the Kthnogrsphlcsl collections from the rtakwa River. By A. C. Haddon and J. W. Layartl. With a note by A. von Hugel. pp. .'/-', vii: S pit., text illiut. 1916. 20 Notes on some Organic Limestones. By R. B. Newton. pp. !0 : 1 ft. 1916. Grant (WILLIAM R. OGILVIE-) Report on the Birds —r collected by the British Ornithologists' Upion Expe- ~ ' dition and the Wollaston Expedition in Dutch New Guinea, pp. xx, 336: 8 ph. col., 2 maps, text illust. See IBIS, The, Ac. Ser. X, Jubilee Supplement No. 2. 8°. 1915. Grant (WILLIAM R. OGILVIE-) & others. The Gun at home and abroad. British Game Birds and Wildfowl, ""Z- by W. R. Ogil vie -Grant, Major A. A. Hood, J. G. Millais, Capt. A. Maxwell, Col. R. F. Meysey-Thompson, J. E. Harting, A. Chapman, pp. xii, 444 : 3ti ph- (col.), 1 port., 1 map, text illusj,. 4°. London, 1912. GRANT OGILVIE (FRANCIS) "6 See OGILVIE (FRANCIS GRANT)"$ ,T%~ *•». — — GRANVIK"£HUGO) Untersuchungen tiber Glandula £. uropygii. pp. 1'J : 3 ph., text illust. See STOCKHOLM. KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEM1EN. Arkiv for Zoologi. Bd. vin, no. 4. 8°. 1913. GRASSES. General observations on the advantage which may result from the introduction of the seeds of our best Grasses. [By W. Curtis.] See OBSERVATIONS. fol. 1787. Grass! (GIOVANNI BATTISTA) Documenti riguardanti la storia della scoperta del modo di trasmissione della Malaria Umana. pp. 102 [1]. 8°. Milano, 1903. Grass! (GIOVANNI B.) Metamorfosi dei Murenoidi: richerche sistematische cd ecologiche, Ac. See ITALY.— S. fK7"D HEGIO COMITATO TALASSOGRAPICO ITALIANO. (Mono- Vafial.) 4". 1913. Grass! (GIOVANNI B.) & others. Contribute alia conosce'nza delle Fillosserine, ed in particolare della Fillossera della Vite...del Prof. B. Grassi e dei suoi allievi, Ac. See ITALY.— Ministero di Agricollunt, Industria e Commercio. 4°. 1912. GRATACAF (Louis POPE) [1851-1917] [Geology of L- . thr City of New York. 8°. New York, 1901 ?] Wanting. Third edition, Ac. pp. x, 232 : 31 ph. back to bade, f> maps, text illust. 8°. New York, 1909. Gratacap (Louis P.) The Collection of Minerals [in the American Museum of Natural History], pp. -/ : •5 Hi ' • • • i pi-* texi illuft- 8ee NEW YORK> C^y °f-~ AMBRICAN MUSEUM OP NATURAL HISTORY. Guide Leaflet No. 4. Issued as a supplement to " The American Museum Journal," Vol. II , no. 2. L- Gratacap (Louis P.) Vade mecum Guide. A popular Guide to Mineral Collections. With a chapter on the development of Mineralogy, pp. 178 : 15 pis., text illust. 8°. New York [1904 ?]. GRATOXT (Louis CARYL) [1880-] Reconnaissance of some Gold and Tin deposits of the southern Appalachians, pp. 134 •' # pk-> 1 'map, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 293. 8°. 1906. Graton (Louis C.) & others. The Ore deposits of New Mexico, pp. 361 : 17 ph. (2 col.), 0 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. Sec UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Professional Paper 68. 4°. 1910. Grattann (W. H.) Notes on Collecting and Preserving Natural History Objects, Ac. (Seaweeds, by W. H. Grattann.) See TAYLOR (J. E.) 8°. 1896. GRATZ.— Museum. Insecta Musei Grsecensis, A c. (N.) See PODA VON NEUHAUS 12°. 1761. GRATZ. — Steiermaerltisches Landes-Muteum " Joan- neum." [Founded 1811.] Fiihrer durch die Mineralien-Sammlungen . . . Verfasst vom. . .Dr. E. Hatle. pp. xi, 76. 8°. Grass, 1896. Gratz. — Kaiserlich-Eoenigliche Earl-Franzens- Universitaet. Die Turbellarien als Parasiten und Wirte. . .Hcraus- gegeben als Festschrift der K.K.. . .Universitiit. . .fur das Jahr 1902. See GRAFF (L. VON) 4". 1903. Gratz.— Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fner Steiermark. Haupt-Repertorium iiber sammtliche Vortriige, Abhand- lungen und fachwissenschaftliche Notizen, welche sich in den Heften l-xx (den Jahrgangen 1863-1883) der Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines fur Steiermark befinden, dec. pp. 50. 8°. Gran, 1884. Heften xxi-XL (den Jahrgangen 1884-1903), Ac. pp. 39. 8°. Graz, 1905. GRAVELY (FREDERIC HENRY) [1885-] Notes on the Spawning of Eledone, and on the occurrence of Eledone with the suckers in double rows. pp. 14 •' 2 ph. Sec MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, Ac. Vol. LIU, no. 4. 8°. 1908. Gravely (FREDERIC H.) & Hickson (S. J.) Hydroid Zoophytes [of the Antarctic Regions]. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) National Antarctic Expedition. 1901-1904. Natural History. Vol. ill, Zoology and Botany, Ac. Cffllentera, no. 2. 4°. 1907. Gravier (CHARLES) [Annelida Polychicta from the Antarctic Regions.] See FRANCE. [Voyages, Ac — Antarctic.] Expedition Antarctique Francaisc (I '.MI:: 1905), commandee par...J. Charcot. Sciences Natur- elles'rfc. Vers. 4°. [1907.] Gravier (CHARLES) Madrdporaires des lies San Thome et du Prince (Golfe de Guinee). pp. 28: 9 ph. See MONACO.— INSTITUT OCEANOGHAPUIQUE.— Paris Branch. Annales, Ac. Tom. I, fasc. 2. 4°. 1909. Gravier (CHARLES) Anneiides Polychetes recueillis A Payta (Perou) par M. le Dr. Rivet. See FRANCE.— Ministere de V Instruction Publique. Mission du Ser- vice G6ographique de l'Arm<$e. . .en Am^rique du Sml . .1899-1906. Tom. ix, fasc. 3. 4". 1'JIO. 393 Gravier (CHARLES) [Annelida Polychseta from the Antarctic Regions.] See FRANCE. [Voyages, Ac. — Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Fran- 9aise (1908-1910), commanded par. . . J. Charcot, Ac. 4°. 1911. Gravier (CHARLES) [Annelida Polychieta from Ker- guelen Islands.] See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANO- GRAPHIQDE. — Paris Branch. Annales, Ac. Tom. Ill, fasc. 3. 4°. 1911. Gravier (CHARLES) Les recifs de Coraux et les Madre- poraires de la baie de Tadjourah (Golfe d'Aden). pp. 99 [4] : 13 pis., 3 maps, text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. — Paris Branch. An- nales, Ac. Tom. II, fasc. 3. 4°. 1911. Gravier (CHARLES) [Parasitic Crustacea from the Antarctic Regions.] See FRANCE. [Voyages, Ac. — • Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1908-10), commandee par. . . J. Charcot, Ac. 4°. 1913. Gravier (CHARLES) [Pterobranchia of the " Pourquoi- Pas?"] See FRANCE. [Voyages, Ac. — Antarctic.] r Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Fran9aise (1908- 1910), commandee par. . . J. Charcot, Ac. 4°. 1913. Gravier (CHARLES) [Alcyonarians & Madreporarians V, from the Antarctic Regions.] See FRANCE. [Voyaget, Ac. — Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique FranQaise (1908-1910), commandee par. . . J. Charcot, Ac. 4°. 1914. Gravier (CHARLES) Isidicola antarctica, Gravier. Crustace parasite de quelques Isidee de 1'Antarctique Sud-Americaine. See FRANCE. [Voyages, Ac. — Ant- arctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1908-1910), commandee par . . . J. Charcot. Sciences Naturelles, Ac. Alcyonaires. Appendice. 4°. 1914. Gravier (CHARLES) Note preiiminaire sur les Madre- poraires recueillis au cours des croisieres de la Princesse- £ A Alice et de I'Hirondelle II, de 1893 a 1913 inclusivement. " pp. 22 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANO- GRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 304. 8°. 1915. Gravier (CHARLES) Contribution a 1'etude de la Faune Actinienne de San Thome (Golfe de Guinee). pp. 26 : 34 ^ Pl*-< iext Ulust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANO- GRAPHIQUE.— Paris Branch. Annales, Ac. Tom. vn, fasc. 5. 4°. 1916. Gravier (CHARLES) Note sur uhe Actinie (Thoracactis, n.g., Topsenti, n.sp.) et un Anneiide Polychete (Herma- |_ ft. dion Fauveli, n.sp.), commensaux d'une Eponge siliceuse (Sarostegia oculata, Topsent). pp. 20 : text illust. See MONACO.— INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 344. 8°. 1918. Gravier (CHARLES) Note preiiminaire sur les Hex- £- aetiniaires reeueillis au cours des croisieres de la Princesse- Alice et de I'Hirondelle de 1888 a 1913 inclusivement. pp- 24 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 346. 8°. 1918. Gravis (AUGUSTE) Contribution a 1'anatomie des Amarantacees . . . Avec la collaboration de Mile. Con- stantinesco. pp. 65 [1] : Upls. See LlEGE. — SOCIETE ROYALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, Ac. Ser. Ill, torn. vin. 8°. 1909. GRAY (ALEXANDER) [Marine Polyzoa of the Clyde sea-area.] See ELLIOT (G. F. S.) Fauna, Flora & Geology of the Clyde area, Ac. 8°. 1901. Gray (ASA) [For Catalogues of North American Plants] See UNITED STATES. — Pacific Railroad Survey. Re- ports, Ac. Vol. II & VI. 4°. 1856, 57. Gray (ASA) Catalogue of the Plants collected east of the Rocky Mountains. See UNITED STATES. — Pacific Railroad Survey. Reports, Ac. Vol. I, Suppt., No. 2. 4°. 1859. -- [Another edition.] Vol. XII, Pt. II, No. 2. 4°. 1860. - [Another issue.] See SUCKLEY (G.) & COOPER (J. G.) The Natural History of Washington. 4°. [1859-]1860. Gray (ASA) A List of the Plants contained in the sixth edition of Gray's Manual of the Botany of the northern United States, Ac. See ALLEN (J. A.) 8°. 1893. Gray (ASA) Gray's new Manual of Botany (Seventh edition. .-.). A Handbook of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the central and north-eastern United States and adjacent Canada ... revised by B. L. Robinson... and M. L. Fernald. pp. 026 : text illust. 8°. New York, Ac. [1908.] L. Gray (ASA) & EngelmaimxfG.) III. By J<^W. Bl (GJ^Ar'GRAY (A.) Plant* Lindearhei 8°. [1907.] GRAY (CHARLES WING) &WMtehead (Sir C.) Report of the Commissioners [Sir C. Whitehead and C. W. Gray] appointed. . . to enquire into the present visitation of the Hessian Fly on Corn Crops in Great Britain. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— Houses of Parlia- ment. 8". 1887 GRAY (FRANCIS W.) The Coal-fields and Coal industry of eastern Canada : a general survey and description. pp. [iv,] 67 : 26 pis., 1 map col. See CANADA. — Depart- ment of Mines. Bulletin No. 14. 8°. 1917. GRAY (HAROLD ST. GEORGE) [1872-] Notes on the Skeleton and Flints found in Gough's Cave, Cheddar. pp. 7 : 1 pi. (Roman Leaden Coffin, Ac.) 8°. [London, 1904.] Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries. Vol. IX. Gray (HAROLD ST. G.) Index to " Excavation? in Cranborne Chase " and " King John's House, Tollard Royal." Also a memoir of General Pitt-Rivers. . .and a bibliographical list of his works, 1858-1900. . .Vol. v of the " Excavation Series." See Fox afterwards Fox- PITT-RIVERS (A. H. L.) 4°. 1905. Gray (HAROLD ST. G.) & Bulleid (A.) The Glaston- bury Lake Village, etc. 2 Vol. illust. See BULLEID (A.) & GRAY (H. ST. G.) _ 4°. 1911, 17. y. ^.^. Gray (JOHN EDWARD) Synopsis of the species of the Class Mammalia. (Aves^.«-4te additional spJpielT'in- serted in the textaf-6flvter by J. E. Gray^^Bynopsis of the species^ef^EEe Class Reptiliaj^By J. E. Gray.) See Cjn*rfiR (G. L. C. F. D.) 13ap«n\ The Animal King- tions by E. Griffith, Ac. Vol. v-ix. Ui^-Lj v* -i>Z 8°. 1827-31. fy-fi>JIZ '/ ^ /V' • * Gray (JOHN E.) Catalogue of Pulmonata or Air-breath- ing Mollusca in the . . . British Museum. [By J. E. Gray : the descriptions of the species by L. Pfeiffer.] Pt. i.t See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Zoology. [Mollusca.] 12°. 1855. Gray (JOHN E.) Revision of the species of Lemuroid Animals, Ac. pp. 24 •' text illust. 8°. [London, 1863.] Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1863. 50 394 {r. Gr. 3. Gray (JOHN E.) Address to the Zoological and Botanical Section. . .of the British Association. . .1864. 8°. [London, 1864.] Reprinted and met in the Kept. Brit. Assoc. for that year. Gray (JOHN E.) On the Cetacea which have been observed in the seas surrounding the British Islands. pp. 54: text illust. 8°. [London, 1864.] Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1864. Gray (JOHN E.) Revision of the species of TrionychidiB found in Asia and Africa, Ac. pp. 24 •' text illust. 8°. [London, 1864.] Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1864. GRAY (JOSEPH WILLIAM) The Drift Deposits of the Malverns, and their supposed Glacial origin, pp. 18 : I map. See BIRMINGHAM NATURAL HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, Ac. Vol. xm, no. 2. 8°. 1914. GRAY (SAMUEL FREDERICK) [-1776] [For free trans- lation of parts of Linne's " Philosophia Botanica " made by Gray for J. Lee] See LEE (J.) An Introduction to Botany, Ac. 8°. 1760. Second edition, Ac. Third edition, 8°. London, 1908-» Great Britain & Ireland.— BOARD OF AGRICUL- TURE, Ac. Agricultural Returns for Great Britain . . . with Agri- cultural Statistics for the United Kingdom, British Possessions and Foreign countries. 1900. pp. I, 259 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1901. Great Britain & Ireland.— BOARD OF AGRICUL- TURE, Ac. Report ( — Minutes of Evidence . . . with Appendices) of the Departmental Committee appointed ... to investi- gate experimentally and to report upon certain questions connected with the Dipping and Treatment of Sheep. 2 Vol. 4°. London, 1904. Great Britain & Ireland. — BOARD OF AGRICUL- TURE, Ac. Louping-Ill and Braxy Committee. Report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board . . . to inquire into the aetiology, pathology, and morbid anatomy and other matters connected with the diseases of Sheep known as Louping-Ill and Braxy. 3 Pt. illust. 4°. London, 1906. Great Britain & Ireland. — BOARD OF AGRICUL- TURE, Ac. Edible and Poisonous Fungi, pp. 28 : 25 pis. col. 8". London, 1910. The original drawings of these plates were prepared by G. Massce and Miss Ivy Massee. Great Britain & Ireland. — BOARD OF AGRICUL- TURE, Ac. Rats: how to exterminate them, and the taking of Wild Rabbits. [By] R. Sharpe. pp. If!: f! pis. back to back. 8". London, 1918. Miscell. Publns. No. 22. Reprinted from "Journal of the Board of Agriculture," Vol. XXIV, no. 12 (1918), & vol. XXV, no. 1, 3, & 4 (1918). GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— BOARD OF EDUCATION. Report of the Board of Education. 1899-1900 (-1900- 01— » 8°. London, 1900— > Wanting Vol. I & ill of the report for 1899-1900 ; also the reports for 1902-3, 1905-8, 1908-7, 1908-9 it 1910-11 -» For earlier reports, &c., See infra, Department of Science and Art. Report, ) on the Science Museum, and on the Geological Survey and the Museum of Practical Geology. 8°. London, 1914 (-1915-». For earlier reports, A-c., See infra, Department of Science and Art. Great Britain & Ireland. — BOARD OF EDUCATION. Regulations relating to the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Bethnal Green Branch Museum, and the Museum of Practical Geology, 8°. London, Only those having a natural history bearing have been kept. No. 26. Northern Nigeria. Report on a series of Mineral and Vegetable products from Northern Nigeria, by W. R. Dunstan. pp. te. 1904. 29,1 ?»' (Ceylon. Reports on the results of the Mineral Survey in 1903-4 (-1904-6-*). By W. R. Dunstan. 1905 -* 88. Northern Nigeria. First (-Second, tfcc.) Report on the results of the Mineral Survey of Northern Nigeria, 1904-5 (-1904-5, No. II-»). By W. (R.) Dunstau. 1906- Southern Nigeria. Reports on the Mineral Survey of Southern Nigeria for 1903-4 and 1904-5 (-1905-6-*). By W. (R.) Dunstan. 1906 -» West Indies. Report on the working of the Imperial Department of Agriculture for the West Indies. [By Sir D. Morris, K.C.M.Q.] pp.SSS. 1906. Reprint of a Report (written in 1884) upon the present position and prospects of the Agricultural resources of the Island of St. Helena. By [Sir] D. Morris. pp. K : 1 map. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1909. 1909. 1809. 1909. 1910. [Great Britain & Ireland. — COLONIAL OFFICE.] [Colonial Reports. — Miscellaneous (contd.)] No. 41. East Africa Protectorate. Report on the Forests of Kenia ; by D. E. Hutchins. pp. 3V. ,, 46. East Africa Protectorate. Report relating to the Geo- logy of the East Africa Protectorate; by...H. B. Muff. pp. KS : 1 map. 1908. ,, 48,1 Nyasaland Protectorate. Report on the results of the „ 60A Mineral Survey, 1906-7 (-1907-8-*). By W. R. Dun- „ 80.| stan. 1908-* ,, 49. East Africa Protectorate. Annual Reportof the Veteri- nary Department, 1906-7. [By J. H. Sadler.] pp. SI : Spit., text illust. „ 61. Southern Nigeria. Report on the Forest Administra- tion of Southern Nigeria for 1908. pp. 90. „ 55. Cape Colony. Report on the Rietfoutein area, by J. F. Herbst. pp. 21,. „ 67. Uganda. Report by the Governor [Sir H. H. J. Bell, K.C.M.O.] on a tour through the eastern province. pp. 20 : I map. 1909. „ 68. Imperial Institute. Selected reports from the Scientific and Technical Department...!. Fibres, pp. IMS. „ 63. it. Gums and Resins, pp. lSe-202. ,, 64. Uganda. Report on the Botanical, Forestry, and Scien- tific Department, for the year ended 31st March, 1909. [By M. T.-Dawe.] pp. 27. ,, C5. Uganda. Report on the measures adopted for the sup- pression of Sleeping Sickness in Uganda ; by Sir H. H. J. Bell, K.C.M.G. pp. 27 : 1 map. „ 66. Gold Coast. Report on Forests ; by H. N. Thompson. pp. 2SS : Slt pis. back to back, 1 map col. 1910. „ 68. 1906-7. By W. R. Dunstan. pp. Sa. 1910. ,, 69. St. Helena; Report on the Fisheries of St. Helena. By J. T. Cunningham, pp. 17. „ 71. Imperial Institute. Selected Reports from the Scien- tific and Technical Department, in. Foodstuffs. pp. 200-267. 1910. ,, 75. The Imperial Department of Agriculture in the West Indies. A summary by Sir D. Morris, K.C.M.O. pp. 10. 1911. ,, 82. Imperial Institute. Selected Reports from the Scien- tific and Technical Department. IV. Rubber and Gutta Percha. pp. 263-V,7. 1912. „ 88. V. Oil-seeds, Oils, Fats, and Waxes, pp. Ul-S9S,vi. 1914. Great Britain & Ireland. — COLONIAL OFFICE. Correspondence ( Further correspondence) relating to the Volcanic Eruptions of St. Vincent and Martinique in May, 1902 (& 1903), with. . .Appendix. 2 pt. with map. 4*. London, 1902 (-03). Great Britain & Ireland. — COLONIAL OFFICE. Papers relating to the investigation of Malaria and other Tropical Diseases and the establishment of schools of Tropical Medicine, pp.43: text illust. 4°. London, 1903. Great Britain & Ireland.— COLONIAL OFFICE. Report by . . . W. M. Graham upon Entomological observations made in southern and central Ashanti, 1907. pp. S3 : 4 pis. back to bach. 4°. [London, 1909.] Great Britain & Ireland. — COLONIAL OFFICE. Gold Coast. Descriptions of the new Mosquitoes col- lected by Dr. Graham in Ashanti. . .By F. V. Theobald. pp. 31 : Spit., text illust. 4°. [London,] 1909. The plates are included in the pagination. Great Britain & Ireland.— COLONIAL OFFICE. Nigeria. Delimitation of boundary between Yola and the Cross River, 1907-9. Protocol and Supplementary Reports, pp. 40 : % maps (1 geol. col.). 4°. London, 1910. Contains : — No. 6. Geological Report on the Nigerian-Cameroon boundary, Yola to Cross River. [By] W. D. Dowues. Great Britain & Ireland. — COLONIAL OFFICE. Southern Rhodesia. Papers relating to the Southern Rhodesia Native Reserves Commission, 1915. pp. 72 : 1 map col. 4°. London, 1917. Great Britain & Ireland.— COLONIAL OFEICE. West Indies. Reports on Pellagra in the West Indies, by L. W. Sambon. pp. 62. 4°. London, ). . 8°. London, 1916 (-1917-». To which are subjoined the (Annual) Reports of the Advisory Council ' for Scientific and Industrial Research. L . GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— COMMITTEE TO ENQUIRE INTO THE POSITION OF NATURAL SCIENCE IN THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF GREAT BRITAIN. Report, ) See supra, Committee of the Privy Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. 8°. 1916— > Great Britain & Ireland. — DEPARTMENT OF SCIEN- TIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. Report on the resources and production of Iron Ores and other principal Metalliferous Ores used in the Iron and Steel Industry of the United Kingdom. [Prepared by G. C. Lloyd.] pp. 145. 8°. London, 1917. Great Britain & Ireland.— DEPARTMENT OF SCIEN- TIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. Monograph on the Constitution of Coal, etc. See STOPES (M. C. C.) & WHEELER (R. V.) -8°. 1918. Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Genera I.] Report ( — Index to the Report) from the Select Com- mittee of the House of Lords on the Sea Fisheries Bill [H.L.] ; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. 2 Pt. illust. 4°. London, 1904-05. M. • '!' f "1 Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [British Islands.] Copy of Statistical Tables and Memorandum relating to the Sea Fisheries of the United Kingdom in . . . 1900 (—1902), tie. 2 Pt. 4°. London, 1901 (-08). Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. f British Islands.] /). ] Report of the Committee appointed to inquire and report as to the best means by which the State or local authorities can assist Scientific Research as applied to problems affecting the Fisheries of Great Britain and Ireland, ttc. See supra, Board of Trade. [Committee on Ichthyological Research.] 4°. 1902. Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [British Islands.] Minutes of Evidence ( — Report) given before the Com- mittee appointed to inquire into the scientific and statistical investigations now being carried on in rela- tion to the Fishing Industry of the United Kingdom . . . with Appendices, tic. pp. iv (xx),571. 2 Pt. 4°. London, 1908. Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [British Islands.] Fishery Investigations. Series I. — Salmon and Fresh- water Fisheries. Vol. I— > illust. 4°. London, tic. 1913-> - Series II. Sea Fisheries. 4°. London, tic. 1914— > Series ill. Hydrography. Lj.». J^JLffi Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [British Islands.] Report of the Departmental Committee on Inshore Fisheries appointed by the President of the. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to inquire into the present condition of the Inshore Fisheries, and to advise the Board as to the steps which could with advantage be taken for their preservation and development. 2 Vol. 4°. London, ttc., 1914. Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Ceylon Pearl Fishery.] Correspondence relating to an agreement for lease of Pearl Fisheries on the coast of Ceylon, pp. vi, 40. 4°. London, 1906. Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [England.] Sea Fisheries (England and Wales). Fifteenth (—Six- teenth) Annual Report of the Inspectors. (For 1900-1.) 2 No. 8°. London, 1901-2. Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [England.] Report of Proceedings at the fourteenth (fifteenth, sixteenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twenty-second) annual meeting of Representatives of Authorities under the Sea Fisheries Regulation Act, 1888, dc. 4°. London, 1904 (1905-12). Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Freshwater Fisheries.} Fishery Investigations. Series I. — Salmon and Fresh- water Fisheries. Vol. I-> See supra [British Islands], 4°. 1913-> Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Freshwater Fisheries.] Interim Report of the Departmental Committee ap- pointed... to inquire into the present position of our Freshwater Fisheries, pp. 14. 8°. London, 1917. Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Herring and Pilchard Fishery.] Report to the Fishery Board for Scotland of inquiry as to Herring Fishery in the Firth of Clyde, pp. I .'. 8°. Glasgow, 1903. 397 Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Ireland.] Keport on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland, Ac. 1900->. 8°. Dublin, Ac., 1901-> The Reports for 1901-06 were each in two parts :— I. General Report and II. Scientific Investigations. Beginning with 11)02, the papers forming the second part were also issued separately, whilst in 1907 they were formed into a distinct publication issued apart from the Keport. Wanting the General Report for 1901 and 1900. Great Britain & Ireland. —FISHERY REPORTS. [Ireland.] Scientific Investigations. 1907— > 8°. Dublin, ) (Northern Area) On Fishery and Hydrographical Investigations in the North Sea and adjacent waters. Conducted for the Fishery Board of Scotland in co-operation with the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, under the super- intendence of D'Arcy W. Thompson. 4°. London, ) (Southern Area) on Fishery and Hydrographical Investigations in the North Sea and adjacent waters ... Conducted for His Majesty's Government by the Marine Biological Asso- ciation of the United Kingdom. 1902-1903 (1904-1905), 8°. London, Ac., 1911— > Formerly these were issued as Pt. n of the " Annual Reports." Each number after the first contains a separately-paged paper. Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries.] Report by A. T. Mastermau . . . upon the epidemic amongst Salmonidse in the summer of 1911. pp. 17: 4 maps. 4°. [London, 1912.] Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Salmon Fisheries.] Fishery Investigations. Series I. — Salmon and Fresh- water Fisheries. Vol. I— > See supra [British Islands]. 4°. 1913-> Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Scotland.] Manual of Sea Fisheries (Scotland) Acts and Statutory Bye-Laws in force at 31st December, 1900. pp. £85. 8°. Glasgow, 1901. Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Scotland.] Report of the Departmental Committee on the Sea Fisheries of Sutherland and Caithness. 2 Vol. 4°. Edinburgh, 1905. Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Scotland.] Scientific Investigations. 1909— > ,8°. London, Ac., 1911— > Formerly these were issued as Pt. Ill of the " Annual Reports " No. 6-28, and the first number is a reprint from the last of those Reports. Each number contains a separately -paged paper. Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Sea Fisheries.] Fishery Investigations. Series ' II. — Sea Fisheries. Vol. I— > See supra [British Islands.]. 4°. 1914— > Great Britain & Ireland. — FISHERY REPORTS. [Whale Fishery.] Report of the Departmental Committee on Whaling and Whale-curing in the north of Scotland, Ac. — (Notes of Evidence and Appendices.) 2 Vol. 4°. Edinburgh, 1904. Z-. z. z.. -z.. -z. 398 Great Britain it Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. ^_ Reports on subjects of general and commercial interest. Miscellaneous Series [contd.]. No. 368. Greece. Report on the Emery district* of Naxos. [By W. H. Cottrell.) pp. 7 : t inapt. 1895. [Continued No. 451—^ as :] Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Miscellaneous Series. No. 469-» 8°. London, efe., 1898-> 0. /*• H . Only those numbers having a natural history bearing have been kept. No. 4«». Turkey. Report on the Sponge Fisheries :it Tripoli. _ (ByT. S. Jago.] pp. e. 1898. ,. 497. Germany. Report on Brown Coal mining in the Rhineland. [By C. A. Niessen.) pp. 10. 1899. „ 647. Brazil. Report on the State of Maranh&o. [By C. L. Temple.) pp. SO. 1901. „ 650. United: States. Report on the Zinc industry In the United States. (By T. B. Erskiue.) pp.7. 1901. ,, 676. Greece. Report on the Mineral resources of Greece. (By A. P. Bennett) pp. Si: • mapt col. 1902. ,, 656. Belgium. Report on the Precautions taken in Belgium to combat Ankylostomiasis. [By Sir C. Hertslet) pp. «. 1907. ,, 666 Japan. Report on the Coal Mines of Kyushu. [By W. B. Cunningham. ) pp. 1'J : S majii. 1907. L, Y- Great Britain & Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. Index to Reports of His Majesty's Diplomatic and Con- sular Representatives abroad on Trade and subjects of general interest (with appendix) 1902, uspatch from His Majesty's Agent and Consul-General •" • at Cairo, inclosing a Report by Sir W. Garstin . . . upon the Basin of the Upper Nile. (Report upon Lake Tsana and the rivers of the eastern Soudan, by ... C. Dupuis.) pp. x, 243 : 78 ph. (col.), 9 maps (col.). 4°. London, 1904. Blue-book Report : Africa. Mo. 2. Great Britain & Ireland. - FOREIGN OFFICE. Agricultural Keport on the district between Voi and Kiu, in the East Africa Protectorate, by Mr. A. Linton . . . and Return of Game shot in the Protectorate during 1903. pp. 11. 4°. London, 1904. Blue-lxmk Report : Africa. No. 6 (1904). Great Britain & Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. General Report on the Uganda Protectorate for the year ending March 31, 1904. pp. 39. 4". London, 1904. Blue-book Report : Africa. No. 12 (1904). Great Britain & Ireland.— FORF.NJN OFFICE. Report by Mr. A. E. Butter on the Survey of the proposed frontier between British East Africa and Abyssinia, pp. SO : 1 map. 4°. London, 1904. Blue-book Report : Africa. No. 13 (1904). Great Britain tt Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. Report on the possibilities of Cotton-growing in the East Africa Protectorate for 1904. pp. 17. 4°. London, 1905. Blue-book Report : Africa. No. 2 (1905). Great Britain & Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. Reports ... on the Government Farms at Nairobi and Naivasha in the East Africa Protectorate for... 1904, ). Great Britain & Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. Reports relating to the administration of the East Africa Protectorate, pp. 53. 4". London, 1905. Blue-book Report : Africa. No. 6 (1905). Great Britain & Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. Report on the East Africa Protectorate for ... 1903-4. pp. SO. 4°. London, 1905. Blue-book Report : Africa. No. 15 (1904). Great Britain & Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. Report by Mr. W. J. Clennell, His Majesty's Consul at Eiukiang, on a journey in the interior of Eiangsi. pp. 19 : 1 map. 4°. London, 1905. Blue-book Report : China. No. 2 (1905). Great Britain & Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. Report on a Botanical Mission through the forest dis- tricts of Buddu and the western and Nile provinces of the Uganda Protectorate ; by . . . M. T. Dawe. pp. 63 : 5 pis., 1 map. 4°. London, 1906. Great Britain & Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. Correspondence ( — Further Correspondence) relating to the Preservation of Wild Animals in Africa. 4 Pt. Must. 4°. London, 1906 (-13). Blue-book Report : Africa. Great Britain & Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. Report by ... W. J. Garnett of a Journey through the Provinces of Shantung and Kiangsu. pp. 36 : 2 maps. 4". London, 1907. Blue-book Report : China. No. 1 (1907). Great Britain & Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. Report on the Forests of British East Africa. By D. E. Hutchins. pp. 155 : 11 pis. back to back, 1 map (col.). 4°. London, 1909. Blue-book : East Africa Protectorate. The plates arc included in the pagination. Great Britain & Ireland. — FOREIGN OFFICE. Military Report on the East Africa Protectorate and Zanzibar. Vol. I. (General.) General Staff. 1910. See infra, War Office. 8°. 1910. 399 Great Britain & Ireland.— FOREIGN OFFICE. — International Sleeping Sickness Conference. Proceedings (Further Paper respecting the Proceedings) of the First International Conference on the Sleeping Sickness, held at London in June, 1907. 2 Pt. [ENG. & FE.] 4°. London, 1907. Blue-book Report : Miscellaneous. No. 4 & 6 (1907). GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — GENKRAL BOARD OF HEALTH. Report and Papers of Suggestions on the proposed Gathering Grounds for the supply of the Metropolis from the Soft-Water Springs of the Surrey Sands, <£c. See NAPIER (Hon. W.) 8°. 1851. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Annual Report of the Geological Survey . . . and of the Museum of Practical Geology, for the year ending December 31, 1896. By Sir A. Geikie . . . Director- General, pp. [ii,] 107 : 4 'maps. 8°. London, 1897. From the 44th Report of the Department of Science and Art. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The Geological Survey . . . and Museum of Practical Geology. Report for . . . 1901. pp. 18 : 5 maps. 8°. [London, 1902.] From the " Board of Education Report for ... 1901, on the Museums," JK. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL, SURVEY. Figures and descriptions illustrative of British Organic remains. Decades I-xillf. 4°. London, 1849-72. This edition differs from the 8" one, in having the plates and text printed on 4«-size paper, while Dec. in has been reprinted with slightly changed setting, and bears date 1856. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Memoirs, Ac. Palaeontology. Vol. I— > 4°. London, etc., 1908-> Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Special Reports on the Mineral Resources of Great . Britain. Vol. I— > 8°. London, Vol. I. Tungsten and Manganese Ores, by H. Dewey and C. E. N. Bromehead ... with contributions by T. Eastwood, G. V. Wilson and R. W. Pocock. pp. iv, 59: text itlust. 1915. „ ,, Second-edition, pp. Hi, 69 : text illutt. 1916. ,, ii. Barytes and Witherite. By R. G. Carruthers, T. Eastwood, G. V. Wilson, R. W. Pocock and D. A. Wray, with contributions by H. Dewey and C. E. N. Bromehead. pp. iv, S3 : text illust. 1915. ,, ,, Second edition. pp.iv,03: text illust. 1916. „ m. Gypsum and Anhydrite, by R. L. Sherlock and B. Smith ; and Celestine and Strontianite, by R. L. Sherlock, pp. iv, 57 : text illust. 1915. „ „ Second edition, pp. iv, fff, : text illust . 1918. ,, IV. Fluorspar. By R. G. Carruthers, R. W. Pocock ... and D. A. Wray . . . with contributions by H. Dewey and C. E. N. Bromehead. pp. iv, 38 : text illutt. 1916. „ ,, Second edition, pp. iv, Si) : text illmt. 1917. ,, V. Potash-Felspar—Phosphate of Lime— Alum Shales- Plumbago or Graphite— Molybdenite— Chromite — Talc and Steatite (Soapstone, Soap-RocJc and Pot- stone)— Diatomite. By A. Strahan, J. S. Flett, and C. H. Dinham, with contributions by C. T. Clough, T. Eastwood and A. F. Hallimoud. pp. in, 1,1 : text ittust. 1916. ,, „ Second edition, pp. iv, 1,3 : text Must. 1917. ,, VI. Refractory Materials : Ganister and Silica-Rock— Sand for open-hearth Steel furnaces— Dolomite. Resources and Geology, pp. vi, S33 : 3 maps, text ittust. 1918. ,, ,, Second edition, pp. m, 2f,t: ft maps, text illuftt. 1920. ,, vii. Lignites, Jets, Kimmeridge Oil-shale, Mineral Oil, Cannel Coals, Natural Gas. Part I. England and Wales. By A. Strahan . . . With contributions by J. Pringle. pp. v, 69 : 1 pi., text Must. 1918. ,, VIII. Iron Ores : Haematites of west Cumberland, Lanca- shire and the Lake district. By B. Smith, pp. iv, 1SS : 4 pis., text, illust. 1919. ,, ix. Sundry imbedded Ores of Durham, east Cumber- land, north Wales, Derbyshire, the Isle of Man, Bristol district and Somerset, Devon and Cornwall. By T. C. Cantrill, R. L. Sherlock, and H. Dewey. pp. iv, 87 : text illust. 1919. „ x. The Haematites of the Forest of Dean and south Wales. By T. F. Sibly. pp. iv, 03 : text illust. 1919. [Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (contd.)] [Special Reports on the Mineral Resources (contd.)] Vol. XI. The Iron Ores of Scotland. By M. Macgregor, G. W. Lee, G. V. Wilson, with contributions by T. Robertson and J. S. Flett. pp. vii, 3U> : text illust. 1920. „ XV. Arsenic and Antimony Ores. By H. Dewey, with contributions by J. S. Flett and G. V. Wilson. pp. w, 69:1 pi. ]920. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Catalogue of the publications of the . . . Survey, de. pp. 95 : 3 maps col. 8°. London, 1878. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. List of Memoirs, Maps (Sections), &c. issued by the Geological Survey . . . and the Museum of Practical Geology. 8°. [London,] 1896-» Issued annually. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Catalogue of Photographs of geological subjects (Series A, 1-800) prepared by the Geological Survey and Museum. pp. SB. 8°. London, rfc., 1910. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. Museum of Practical Geology, and Royal School of Mines. (12th Session. 1862-63.) pp. 36. 8°. London, 1862. Great Britain &, Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. A descriptive Gjrfae to the Museum of PreCeiical Geology, with notices/)! the Geological Survey. London, 1906. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— England f Wight), with records of sinkings and borings, by W. Whitaker... with contributions by H. B. Mill... W. Matthews . . . and J. C. Thresh, pp. v, 252: 2 maps (I col.). 8°. London, 5 : 1 map col. 8°. London, The country around Cardiff. By A. Strahan and T. C. Cantrill. pp. vi, 11,7 : text illutt. 1902. The country around Pontypridd and Maes-t6g. By A. Strahan, R. H. Tiddeman and W. Gibson, pp. iv [iij, lilt: I pi-, text illuit. 1903. The country around Mcrthyr Tydfll. By A. Strahan, W. Gibson and T. C. Cantrill. pp. viii, 132 : Spit., text illwt. 1904. The country around Brigend. By A. Strahan and T. C. Cantrill, with parts by H. 11. Woodward, R. H. Tiddeman ([and) S. Vivian), pp. vi, ISO: I pt., text iUutt. 1904. The country around Ammanford. By A. Strahan, T. C. Cantrill, E. E. L. Dixon and H. H. Thomas. pp. viii, SUS : text illuit. 1907. The country around Swansea. By A. Strahan. (With parts by R. H. Tiddeman, W. Gibson and E. E. L. Dixon, and a Supplementary Geological Bibliography of south Wales and Monmouthshire by O. T. Jones.) pp. vi, mi : !i pis., text illutt. 1907. West Gower and the country around Pembrey. By A. Mt:ih:m. In part from Notes by B. S. N. Wilkinson, T ( < 'antrill and K. K. L. Dixon. pp. v, /!« : I map. 1907. The country around Carmarthen. By A. Strahan, T. C. Cantrill, K. K. I.. IHxon and H. H. Thomas. (With Notes by H. S. N. Wilkinson.) pp. viii, 177: text aiutt. 1909. The country around Haverlordwest. By A. Strahan, T C. Cantrill, E. E. L. Dixon, H. II. Thomas and O. T. Jone*. pp. mi, SSI: S pit., text ilhitt. 1914. The country around Milford. By T. C. Cantrill, K. K. I.. Dixon, H. H. Thomas and O. T. Jones. pp. vii, IBS : 7 pit., tact iUtat. 1916. Pt. Ill ,, iv ,, VII „ VIH ,, xi. ,, XII. 401 [Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — England it Wales. [Topographical Memoirs] (coiitd.)] [The Geology of the South Wales Coal-field (contd.)] - Second edition. Pt. I. The country around Newport. By A. Strahan . pp. x, US : 1 pi., text illust. 1909. „ III. The country around Cardiff. By A. Strahau and T. C. Cantrill. pp. rait, 1~>7 : text illust. 1912. „ IV. The country around Pontypridd and Maes-teg. By A. Strahan, K. H. Tidderaan and W. Oihson. Revised hy W. Gibson and T. 0. Cantrill. pp. ix, 100 : 1 pi., text Ulutt. 1917. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — England 23 : 7 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. London, itc., 1905. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— England d Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of Falmouth and Truro and of the mining district of Camborne and Redruth. By J. B. Hill. . . and D. A. MacAlister. . .With Petrological notes by J. S. Flett. pp. x, 335 : 24 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1906. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL England & Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.'] The Geology of the Isles of Scilly. By G. Barrow . . . With Petrological contributions by J. S. Flett. pp. Hi, 37 : 6 ph., 1 map. 8°. London, 1906. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — England if Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the Leicestershire and south Derbyshire Coalfield. By C. Fox-Strangways . . . With Palseonto- logical Notes and list of Fossils, by A. B. Horwood. pp. vi, 373 : 7 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. London, 1907. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — England tt Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the country around Oxford. By T. I. Pocock. . .With contributions by H. B. Woodward... and G. W. Lamplugh. pp. vi, 142 : text illust. 8°. London, 1908. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — England & Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] The Coals of south Wales, with special reference to the origin and distribution of Anthracite. By A. Strahan . . .and W. Pollard. . . Assisted by E. G. Badley. pp. v, 78 : 2 pis., S maps, text illust. 8°. London, So., 1908. - Second edition, pp. vi, 91 : S pis., 8 maps. 8°. London, So., 1915. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — England: & Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the Quantock Hills and of Taunton and Bridgwater. By W. A. E. TJssher. [With contributions by H. B. Woodward, H. H. Thomas and J. S. Flett.] pp. iv, 109 : 1 map, text illust. 8°. London, 1908. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— England it Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the southern part of the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Coal-field. By W. Gibson... T. I. Pocock... C. B. Wedd...and B. L. Sherlock. . .with Notes by C. Fox-Strangways, Ac. pp. viii, 199 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. London, 1908. G-. G-. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— England it Wales. [Topographical^Memoirs.] The Geology of the London district. . .By H. B. Wood- ward, Sc. pp. viii, 142 : 1 map col., text illust. 8°. London, 1909. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— . England it Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the country around Nottingham. By G. W. Lamplugh. . .and W. Gibson, pp. vi, 72 : t! pis., 1 map if sections, text illust. 8°. London, 1910. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — England it Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] On the Mesozoie Bocks in some of the Coal explorations in Kent. By G. W. Lamplugh and F. L. Kitchin. pp. vi, 212 : 5 pis., text illust. 8°. London, itc., 1911. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — England it Wales. {Topographical Memoirs.] The concealed Coalfield of Yorkshire and Nottingham- shire, by W. Gibson, pp. vi, 122 : S pis., 1 map, text illust. 8". London, itc., 1913. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY! — England it Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the northern part of the Derbyshire Coalfield and bordering tracts, by W. . Gibson. . .and C. B. Wedd. . .With contributions by G. W. Lamplugh . . . J. B. Hill. . .and R. L. Sherlock. . .and an Appendix by L. Moysey. pp. viii, 186 : 6 pis., text illust. 8°. London, So., 1913. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — England it Wales. [Topographical Memoirs.] The Geology of the country near Lymington and Ports- mouth, by H. J. 0. White, pp. v, 78 : text illust. 8°. London, So., 1915. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — England it Wales. [Maps.] Index Map. [Wales and west of England.] Scale, one inch = 4 statute miles. Sh. 9, 10, 14, 15, 19, 20f. 1858. - Wanting sh. 19. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— England it Wales. [Maps.] Geological Map of England and Wales, reduced from the one-inch maps of the . .^Survey, with some retfent revisions . . . Scale, Four statute miles to one inch — 1 : 253,440. [Hand-coloured edition.] Sh. 1-15. 1889-96. - [Colour printed edition.] Sh. 1-15. 1889-96. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— England col. Southampton, 1903— -> For a detailed list of these maps, reference should be made to the special catalogue, for which See supra, "List of Memoirs, Maps," col. Southampton, 1903— > For a detailed list of these maps, reference should be made to the special catalogue, for which See supra, " List of Memoirs, Maps," col. Southampton, 1906— >• For a detailed list of these maps, reference should be made to the special catalogue, for which See supra, " List of Memoirs, Maps," Dublin, 1918— » Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— Isle of Man. The Geology of the Isle of Man. By G. W. Lamplugh With Petrological notes by. . .W. W. Watts, pp. xiv, 6SO : 4pli. (col.), 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. London, dc., 1903. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— Isle of Man. Economic Geology of the Isle of Man, with special reference to the Metalliferous Mines. By G. W. Lamp- lugh. 8°. London, 1903. A reprint of Pt. in (pp. 180-678) of the Memoir on the " Geology of the Isle of Man," 1903. With a new title-page, preface, and contents (pp. t-t>). Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Scotland. Memoirs, dc. [Vol. I, pt. 1-3.] 8°. London, 1861-66. (Pt. 1.] The Geology of the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. (Map 32.) By H. H. Howell ... and A. Geikie ... Appendix and Lists of Fossils, by J. W. Saltor. Pli. t'ii [ii], 151 : 1 pt., 1 map geol. aol, text illtut. 1861. [ „ 2.] The Geology of eastern Berwickshire. (Map 34.) By A. Geikie. (Appendix. List of Fossils, by J. W. Salter.) pp. fiH: I ph., Uxt itluit. 1803. I „ 3.) The Geology of East Lothian . . . (Maps 33, 34, & 41.) By H. H. Howell ... A. Geikie ... and J. Young ... Appendix on the Fossils, by J. W. Salter. pp. 77: tfit iltust. 1866. The association of these three parts in one volume, Is made on the authority of the Survey's ' ' Descriptive Catalogue " for 1877. The second editions of the ttrst and third parts, which appeared in 1910, are entered as separate works. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— Scotland. Catalogue of Photographs of Geological Subjects, Series B, 1-676, whole plate: Series C, 1-1237, half plate, dc. pp. 62. 8°. Edinburgh, dc., 1910. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— Scotland. The Geology of eastern Fife ... By Sir A. Geikie . . . with an appendix of Fossils by B. N. Teach, pp. xv, 421 : IS pit., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. Glasgow, dc., 1902. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— Scotland. The Geology of lower Strathspey. . .By L. W. HinxniMii . . . and J. S. Grant Wilson, with Petrological chapter and notes by J. S. Flett. pp. vi, !)1 : 3 pis., text illust. 8°. Glasgow, dc. 1902. 403 Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Scotland. The Geology of north Arran, south Bute and the Cumbraes (by W. Gunn), with parts of Ayrshire (by Sir A. Geikie) and Kintyre (by B. N. Peach) . . . With chapter on the Petrography of the Tertiary Igneous Hocks of Arran, south Bute and the Cumbrae Islands, by A. Harker. pp. vii, 200 : 10 ph., text illust. 8°. Glasgow, 1903. Appendix Pt. I. Paltcontographical. Note by B. N. Peach. A. List 6f localities from which Fossils have been obtained in north Arran. B. General List of the Fossils obtained . . . from the Carboniferous Rocks of north Arran. C. Special Lists of the Fossils found in each subdivision of the Carboniferous System. D. Notes on the Mesozoic Fossils found in the Island of Arran. By E. T. Newton. Appendix. Pt. n. Petrographical. Notes on the Petrography of Old Red Sandstone Igneous Rocks. By H. Kynaston. Notes ou the Petrography of the Carboniferous Igneous Rocks of Arran, Bute, and the Cumbraes, by H. .1. Seymour. ' Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Scotland. The Tertiary Igneous rocks of Skye. By A. Harker . . . with notes by C. T. Clough. pp. xi,481 : 27 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. Glasgow, Ac., 1904. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Scotland. The Oil-Shales of the Lothians. Part I. The Geology of the Oil- Shale fields. By H. M. Cadell ... and J. S. Grant Wilson. Part II. Methods of working the Oil- Shales. By W. Caldwell. Part ill. The Chemistry of the Oil-Shales. By Dr. E. Steuart. pp. viii, 194; 2 tabs. : 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. Glasgow, Ac., 1906. Second edition, pp. ix, 199 : 2 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. Edinburgh, Ac., 1912 [i.e. 1913]. In this edition pt. I is by R. G. Carruthers. Great Britain & Ireland.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.— Scotland. The Geology of Islay . . . By S. B. Wilkinson. With Notes by J. J. H. Teall . . . and B. N. Peach, pp. vii, 82: 8 pis., text illust. 8°. Glasgow, Ac., 1907. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Scotland. The Geological structure of the north-west Highlands of Scotland. By B. N. Peach. . . J. Home. . . W. Gunn ; C. T. Clough ... and L. W. Hinxman . . . With Petro- graphical chapters and notes by J. J. H. Teall . . . Edited by Sir A. Geikie, do. pp. xviii, 668 : 52 pis. (2 col.), 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8". Glasgow, 1907. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Scotland. The Geology of the country near Oban and Dalmally ... By H. Kynaston . . . and J. B. Hill . . . with Contri- butions by B. N. Peach . . . J. S. Grant Wilson ; H. B. Muff . . . and E. B. Bailey . . . With Petrological notes by J. J. H. Teall ... and J. S. Flett. pp. vi, 18^ [1] : 8 pis., text illust. 8°. Glasgow, 1908. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Scotland. The Geology of the Small Isles of Inverness-shire (Bum, Canna, Eigg, Muck, etc.) ... By A. Harker . . . with Contributions by G. Barrow, pp. ix, 210: 11 pis., text illust. 8°. Glasgow, 1908. Appendix. Bibliography of the Geology of the Small Isles. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Scotland. The Geology of east Lothian . . . Second edition ... by C. T. Clough... G. Barrow; C. B. Crampton. . .H. B. Maufe... E. B. Bailey. . .and E. M. Anderson ... With contributions on the Silurian tableland, by B. N. Peach . . . and J. Home. pp. x, 226 : 11 pis., 1 map, text illust. 8°. Edinburgh, Ac., 1910. The first edition, published in 1866, was reckoned as the third part of the " Memoirs, , text illust. 8°. Edinburgh, sh. of sections, text illust. 8°. Edinburgh, rfc., 1920. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Scotland. [Maps.] [Map of Scotland geologically coloured. Scale, 6 in. = 1 statute mile. Solid edition.] New Series. Sh. 1— > col. Southampton, 1906— > For a detailed list of these maps, reference should be made to the special catalogue, for which See supra, " List of Memoirs, Maps," col. Southampton, 1906— » For a detailed list of these maps, reference should be made to the special catalogue, for which See supra, " List of Memoirs, Maps," ,(•<:. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Scotland. [Maps.] [Map of Scotland geologically coloured. Scale, 1 in. = 4 m.J Sheet 12, 15, 16 & 17. 4 sh. (col.) Southampton, 1907-12. Great Britain & Ireland. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. — Scotland. [Maps.] Geological Map of Arran. Scale of one inch to one statute mile. col. Southampton, 1910. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— HOME OFFICE. [Anliylostomiasis Reports.] Aukylostomiasig. Eeports on the outbreak in the West- phulian colliery district in Germany. [By T. 11. Mulvany and F. P. Koeiiig.] pp. 23: 1 map (col.). 4°. London, 1903. Great Britain & Ireland.— HOME OFFICE. loitomiasis Reports.] Eeport ... on an outbreak of Ankylostomiasis in a Cornish mine, by J. S. Haldane. pp. ,s' : 2 ph. (col.) 4°. London, Ac., 1902. Great Britain & Ireland.— HOME OFFICE. [Anky- loitomiasit Reports.] Eeport. . .on Ankylostomiasis in Westphalian collieries, by J. S. Haldane. pp. IS. 4". London, 1903. Great Britain & Ireland.— HOME OFFICE. [Anky- loitomiasis Reports.] Eeport. . .on the Health of Cornish Miners. By J. S. Haldane . . . J. S. Martin . . . and E. A. Thomas, pp. 104 • .i pis., 2 plans. 40. London, 1904. {Anky- Great Britain & Ireland.— HOME OFFICE. [Anky- lostomiusis Reports.] ^ Eeport ... on the diagnosis of Ankylostoma infection, with special reference to the examination of the blood, by A. E. Boycott, pp. /..'. 4°. London, 1904. Great Britain & Ireland.— HOME OFFICE.— Com- _., mittee on the Protection of Wild Birds. Eeport of the . . . Committee, pp. 44- 4°. London, ) List of Quarries ... in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Isle of Man. Prepared by His Majesty's Inspectors of Mines, Ac. 4°. London, 1900 (1901-». Great Britain & Ireland. — HOME OFFICE. [Mining | Reports.] 1900 (1901->) List of Mines in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Isle of Man. Pre- pared by His Majesty's Inspectors of Mines, rfc. 4°. London, 1901 (1902-». 1902 and 1903 wanting. Great Britain & Ireland. — HOME OFFICE. — Royal Commission on Coal Supplies. First (Second — Final) Eeport of the Eoyal Commission on Coal Supplies. 19 Pt. [in 3 vol.] illust. (col.) 4°. London, , il, :c, 2 tabs. : 1 map col. 4°. London, 1909. Great Britain & Ireland.— HOME OFFICE.— Royal Commission on Mines. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Eoyal Commission on Mines, with Index and Appendices. 5 Vol. illust. 4°. London, 1907-11. Second Eeport, ttc. pp. viii, S97 : 6 pis., text illust. 4°. London, 1909. - Third Eeport, 4°. & 8°. [London,] 1836-> The Returns for 1890 -» are in 8°. Great Britain & Ireland.— HOUSE OF COMMONS. First ( — Second) Report from the Select Committee on I . Hungerford Bridge and Wellington-Street viaduct ; to- gether with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix ( — Index, &c.). 4 Pt. illust. col. 4°. [London,] 1869. Houae of Commons. Nos. 200, 387 and 387-1. Evidence was received bearing on the proposal to erect a Natural History Museum on a portion of the embankment between the Hungerford and Waterloo Bridges. Great Britain & Ireland. — HOUSE OF COMMONS. Copy of all instructions and correspondence since 1863, whereby Mr. Waterhouse was authorised. . .it execute the design of ... Capt. Fowke ... for the new Natural History Museum at South Kensington, or to make modi- fication in such design, or to prepare new designs, pp. 15. .,. 4°. [London,] 1871. ^* House of Commons. No. 318. CJ v Great Britain & Ireland. — HOUSE OF COMMONS. f Return of the Mineral Concessions granted in India L. during the years 1889 to 1904 inclusive, dc. pp. 99. 4°. London, 1906. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— HOUSE OF LORDS. Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the importation of Plumage Prohibition Bill . . . together with the Proceedings . . . Minutes of Evi- dence and Appendices, pp. x, 56. 4°. London, 1908. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT.— BlacJcwater Fever. Blackwater Fever in the tropical African Dependencies. Reports for 1911 (1912-». 4°. London, dc., 1912 (1914-». •Great Britain & Ireland. — HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. — Dominions Royal Commission. First (Second — Fifth) Interim ( — Final) Report (Minutes of Evidence, dc.) of the Royal Commission on the Natural Resources, Trade, and Legislation of certain portions of His Majesty's Dominions. 23 Pt. 4°. London, dc., 1912-17. Great Britain & Ireland. — HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. [Hessian Fly Commission.] Report of the Commissioners [Sir C. Whitehead and C. W. Gray] appointed ... to enquire into the present visi- tation of the Hessian Fly on Corn crops in Great Britain. pp. 11. 8°. London, dc., 1887. Great Britain & Ireland.— HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. — Joint Select Committee on the Water Supplies (Pro- tection) Bill. Report . . . with the Proceedings of the Committee, , Minutes of Evidence, and Appendices (IndexJ. pp.xviii, 343. 4". London, dc., 1910-11. Great Britain & Ireland. — HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. — Metropolitan Sanitary Commission. First Report of the Commissioners, dc. 4°. London, 1847. Sjr R. Owen was one of the Commissioners, and the above report was * his own copy. Great Britain & Ireland.— HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. — National Gallery Site Commission. Report. . .with the Minutes, Evidence, Appendix, and Index, pp. xvi[i], 188 : 2 plans col. 4°. London, 1857. Evidence was received on the proposition to remove the Natural History Collections from Bloomsbury. Great Britain & Ireland. — HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. — Royal Commission on the Civil Service. First (Second — Fifth) Report (Appendixes — Minutes of Evidence), dc. 33 Pt. 4°. London, dc., 1912-15. Great Britain & Ireland. — HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. L, — Sleeping Sickness Committee. I (. Report (Minutes of Evidence) of the inter-departmental Committee on Sleeping Sickness. 2 Pt. 4°. London, dc., 1914. Great Britain & Ireland. — HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. i. — Tropical Diseases Research Fund. Report of the Advisory Committee . . . for the year 1906-^- 1 «K -f 4°. London, dc., 1907-^ I S. Great Britain & Ireland. — INDIA OFFICE. A Catalogue of Maps of the British Possessions in India and other parts of Asia, dc. pp. 5,9 : / map. 8°. London, 1870. Great Britain & Ireland. — INDIA OFFICE. The Imperial Gazetteer of India . . . New edition, dc. 26 Vol. See HUNTER (Sir W. W.) 8°. 1907-09. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — INDIAN PLAGUE COMMISSION, 1898-99. Minutes of Evidence taken by the India Plague Com- mission, with Appendices, dc. 2 Vol. [in l.J illust. 4°. London, 1900. Great Britain & Ireland. — INTEBJMJPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON RESEAKtJH AND DjarfiLOPMENT IN THE DEPENDENCIES .Q*" THE FAL&J*SND ISLANDS. Report . . . .with Appendices, Maps, &c. pp. Hi, 164 • 1 pi. (coltf, 4 maps. 4°. London, 1920. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. Preliminary ( — Further) Reports on Flies as Carriers of Infection. 4 Pt. illust. 8°. London, 1909-11. Forming "Reports to the... Board on Public Health and Medical subjects. (New Series No. 5, 16, 40 and S3.)" Title from wrapper. L. &. 0 -• H. . fe r*i GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — MEDICAL RESEARCH COMMITTEE. Annual Report, dc. No. I— > 1914-5— >'dl>|-£ , 8°. London, dc. " Great Britain & Ireland. — MEDICAL RESEARCH COMMITTEE. Reports of the Special CommitteejiptSni the Standard- isation of Pathological Methojiar^No. 2.J3?ne Labora- tory Diagnosis of (jopeCoccal infections. No. J Methods for the^itewciion ofSpfrochsetes. pp. 49 5pls.(col.),tejefulust. ^^"^ 8°. London, 7, 2 tabs. : 1 pi., 16 diagr. 4°. London, Ac., 1920. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— OFFICE OF WORKS. Report to the First Commissioner of H.M. Works. . .on the condition of the Roof Timbers of Westminster Hall, with Suggestions for maintaining the stability of the Roof. By...F. Baines, M.V.O., Ac. pp. 76: 12 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1914. Great Britain & Ireland. — ORDNANCE SURVEY. The Geodesy of Britain ; or the Ordnance Survey of England, Scotland, and Ireland ... in a letter to a Scottish laird and Imperial M.P. from Adelos. See ADELOS. 8". 1859. Great Britain & Ireland. — ORDNANCE SURVEY. Catalogue of the 6-inch and 25-inch County Maps and Town Plans of England and Wales and the Isle of Man, and of the one-inch and smaller scale maps, and other publications of the Ordnance Survey of the United Kingdom. To 1st. January ( — Supplement, Ac. 31st. January— 31st. May), 1911. pp. 174 [10] : 10 maps. 4°. London, 1911. Great Britain & Ireland.— ORDNANCE SURVEY. Indexes to the 1/2500 and 6-inch scale Maps, and small specimens of different maps published. [106 pages col.] 4°. [Southampton, 1911.J Great Britain & Ireland. — ORDNANCE SURVEY. Catalogue of the 6-inch and 25 -inch County Maps and Town Plans of Ireland, and of the one-inch and smaller scale maps, and other publications. . .To 1st. January ( — Supplement, Ac. 31st. January — 31st. May), 1911. pp. 61 [10] : 11 maps. 4°. London, 1911. Great Britain & Ireland. — ORDNANCE SURVEY. Indexes to the 1/2500 and 6-inch scale Maps, and small specimens of different maps published. [8H pages (col.).] 4°. [Southampton, 1911.J Great Britain & Ireland.— ORDNANCE SURVEY. Catalogue of 4he 6-inch and 25-inch County Maps and Town Plans of Scotland, and of the one-inch and smaller scale maps, and other publications. . .To 1st. January ( — Supplement, tic. 31st. January — 81st. May), 1911. pp. 70 [10] : 10 maps. 4°. London, 1911. Great Britain & Ireland. — ORDNANCE SURVEY. Indexes to the 1/2500 and 6-inch scale Maps, and small specimens of different maps published. [80 pages (col.).] 4°. [Southampton, 1911.J Great Britain & Ireland. — ORDNANCE SURVEY. [Maps.] I England and Wales ... showing Unions, Rural and Urban Districts, Municipal and County Boroughs, and Civil Parishes. Scale of two miles to 1 inch, 1 : 126,720. 57 sh. col. Southampton, 1906-10. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— ROYAL COM- MISSION ON METALLIFEROUS MINES AND QUARRIES. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Royal Commission ' on Metalliferous Mines and Quarries, with Index and Appendices. 3 Vol. 8°. London, 1912-14. Second Report, Ac. pp. vi, 196 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. London, 1914. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— ROYAL COM MISSION ON SEWAGE DISPOSAL. Fourth Report of the Commissioners appointed in 1898 . . .Pollution of Tidal Waters, with special reference to contamination of Shell Fish. Vol. III. Reports by Dr. Houston on Bacteriological Investigations, Ac. pp. viii, 316 : 38 pis. (col.), 12 maps (col.), text illust. 4°. London, 1904. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— SCOTCH EDU- L CATION DEPARTMENT. Memorandum on Nature Study and the teaching of Science in Scottish Schools, pp. 50. 8°. London, 1908. GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — UGANDA- CONGO COMMISSION, 1906-08. Official Report of the British section of the. . . Commis- sion, 1907-1908. pp. 63: 5 pis., 4 maps (1 col.). 4°. London, Ac., 1909. Contains, inter alia : — Geographical Features of the country, by Capt. E. M. Jack. Native Inhabitants. From notes supplied by Capt. S. Iredell. Geology of the district, by J. S. Coates. The Fauna of the couutry, by Capt. the Hon. F. Prittle. Lists of Birds collected by Capt. S. Iredell in the country to the west of Lake Albert. Great Britain & Ireland. — UGANDA-CONGO COM- MISSION, 1906-08. Lake Albert. Scale, 1 inch to 3 -95 miles, or 1-014 inches to 4 miles. See ALBERT, Lake. [Maps.] (col) 1909. Great Britain & Ireland.— WAR OFFICE. Notes on the Geology of the Continent of Africa. With an introduction and bibliography. Compiled ... by A. Knox. pp. 165 : 1 map, 1 sh. sections, text illust. 8°. London, 1905. Great Britain & Ireland.— WAR OFFICE. Rules fpr the Transliteration of Place-Names occurring on Foreign Maps . . . Compiled by A. Knox. pp. Hi [i,] 83. 12°. London, 1906. Great Britain & Ireland. — WAR OFFICE. Military Report on the East Africa Protectorate and Zanzibar. Vol. I. (General.) General Staff. 1910. pp. iv, 247 : S plans, 1 map (col.). 8". & (col.), London, 1910. The title of the map read» :—" Provisional Map of East Africa Pro- tectorate. Scale, 1 : 1,500,000 or 1 inch = 23-67 miles," rf-c. Geographical Section, General Staff. War Office, no. 2542. Grecescu (DlMITRlE) Plantele Vasculare ale Ceahliiului [_ . panii acum cunoscute expuse subt raportul geografico- botanic ?i sistematic. [Vascular Plants of the Ceahlan - hitherto known, explained systematically and from the botanico-geographical point of view.] pp.K.',. /SeeBuKA- REST. — ACADEMIA ROMANA. Analele, Ac. Ser. II, torn. XXVIII, no. 18. 8°. 1906. 407 Grecescu (DIMITRIE) Plante Macedonice din vilaie- turile Monastir ?i Salonica examinate, studiate si deter- minate. [Macedonian Plants of the vilayets of Monastir , n. and Salonica examined, studied and determined.] pp.110. See BUKAREST. — ACADEMIA ROMANA. Analele, (tc. Ser. II, torn. XXIX, no. 3. 8°. 1907. i Grecescn (DIMITRIE) O Schifare din Istoria Botanicei ... Discurs, . I 98, 8°. London, 1918. GREENWOOD (EDGAR) Classified Guide to Tech- nical and Commercial Books : a subject-list of the prin- cipal British and American Works in print, pp. xi, 216. 8°. London d New York, 1904. Greenwood (THOMAS) The Libraries, Museums, and Art Galleries Year Book, 1914 ; being the fourth edition of Greenwood's " British Library Year Book," revised ... by A. J. Philip, dc. pp. 470. 8". London d New York [1918]. GREGOIRE (VICTOR) La valeur de la couche amylifere daus la tige, et la theorie stelaire de Van &.7°>./| Tieghem. pp. 8. See BRUSSELS. — SOCIKTK SCIENTI- FIQUE. Annales, dc. Tom. xxxiv (Memoires). 8". 1910. & Gregorio (ANTONIO DE) Marquess. Nei dintorni di Palermo, pp.-:.'. 8". Torino, 1889. 0. fr. L. tf. e. fr L. e. &. GREGOROVIUS (FERDINAND) [1821-1891] Histoire des Corses . . . traduite de 1' Allemand & annotee par P. Lucciana. pp. 146, xvi, 4. 8°. Baslia, 1881. One of the publications of the " Societe des Sciences historiques ct naturelies de la Corse." Gregorovins (FERDINAND) Corsica. Traduction [with a preface] de P. Lucciana. 2 Vol. 8°. Bastia, 1888-84. One of the publications of the " Societe des Sciences historiques et naturelies de la Corse." GREGORY (ELIZA S.) Mrs. [1840-] British Violets : a monograph ... . With an introduction by G. C. Druce. pp.xxiii, 108: If pis., text Must. 8°. Cambridge, 1912. GREGORY (HERBERT ERNEST] [1869-] & Dale (T. N.) The Granites of Connecticut, pp. 137 : 6 ph., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 484. 8". 1911. •P.JM. Gregory (JOHN WALTER) Catalogue of the Fossil Mryozoa in the . . . British Museum . . . The Cretaceous B.rt. Bryozoa. Vol. I A II. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL &fr. >7 HISTORY). Geology. [Bryozoa.] Sf. 1899, 1909. I . Gregory (JOHN W.) Fossil Corals of Christmas Island. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). A Mono- graph of Christmas Island, ph., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See VICTORIA, Australia. — Geological Survey. Memoirs, dc. No. 8. 4°. 1905. Gregory (JOHN W.) The "Dead Heart of Australia : a journey around Lake Eyre in ... 1901-02, dc. pp. xvi, 384 •' 1*> pl*-> ? maps (6 col.), text illust. 8°. London, 1906. Gregory (JOHN W.) Australia and New Zealand ... Second edition, dc. See STANFORD (E.) Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel. (New Issue.) Australasia. Vol. I. 8°. 1907. Gregory (JOHN W.) The Ballarat East Gold-field. pp. f>2 : 46 pis., 24: text illust. See NEW YORK, City of.— AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Bulletin, dc. *> Vol. xxvii. 8°. 1910. - Author's edition, pp. 5:24 •'. text illust. 8°. 1910. Gregory (WILLIAM K.) Fishes of the vicinity of New York City . . . With an Introduction by W. K. Gregory. See NEW YORK, City of. — AMERICAN MUSEUM OP NATURAL HISTORY. 8°. 1918. Handbook Series No. 7. 409 GREGORY (WILLIAM M.) [1876-] Geological Report on Arenac county, pp. 1^6: (> pis., 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text Must. See MICHIGAN, State of. — Geological and Biological Survey. Publication 11, Geological Series, No. 8. 8°. 1912. GREIN DL (LEON) Baron [1867-] L'Hermeton et le ruisseau de Jonquieres. Etude de 1'evolution d'un \a A r^seau hydrographique subsequent, pp. 9 : text illust. See BRUSSELS. — SOCIETK SCIENTIFIQUE. Annales, Ac. Ann. xxxi. (Memoires.) 8°. 1907. Gremli (AUGUST) & Burnat (ti.) Supplement a la monographic des Eoses des Alpes Maritimes. — Addi- f* tions diverses: Observations sur le fascicule vi des PrimitiiE de M. Cr^pin. See BURNAT (E.) & GEEMLI (A.) GRENFELIi (GEORGE) A Map of the Congo Biver between Leopoldville and Stanley Falls . . . Scale, 1 : 250,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 4 m. about]. 5 sh. (col.) The ' Upper Congo as a Waterway. . . Notes to accompany the . . .Map, Ac. See ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 5 sh. & 8°. 1902. Geographical Journ. Nov. 1902. t-SJSr GRENFEIiL /WILFRED THOMASON) [1865-] Labra- dor: the Country and the People, pp. xii, 497 : 45 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. New York, 1909. Historical Introduction. By W. S. Wallace. The Geology and Scenery of the north-east Coast. By R. A. Daly. The Hamilton River and the Grand Falls. By A. P. Low. The Indians. By W. B. Cabot. The Birds. By C. W. Townsend. The Flora. By E. B. Delabarre. Appendices : — I. Insects of Labrador. By C. W. Johnson and J. Shearman, Jr. II. The Marine Crustacea. By M. J. Rathbun. III. The Mollusks. By C. W. Johnson. IV. List of the Mammals. By O. Bangs. V. List of the Birds. By C. W. Townsend and G. M. Allen. VI. List of Crustacea on the Labrador coast. By M. J. Rathbun. Grenier (JEAN CHARLES MARIE) & Godron (D. A.) Flore de France, ou description des Plantes qui croissent naturellement en France et en Corse. 3 Tom. 8°. Paris & Besanqon, [1847-J 1848-56. Vol. I, pp. 1-330, appeared in November, 1847, and pp. 331-759 in December, 1848 [vide p. 762]. Suites a la Flore de France de Grenier et Godron. Diagnoses des Plantes signalees en France et en Corse depuis 1855 . . . Fascicule I. See ROUY (G.) 8°. 1887. Greppin (EDOUARD) Erlauterungen zur geologischen Karte des Blauenberges bei Basel in 1 : 25,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 2J in. about]. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Geo- logique Suisse. 8°. 1908. Specialkarte No. 49. Greppin (EDOUARD) Geologische Karte des Blauen- berges siidlich Basel . . . Massstab, 1 : 25,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 2£ in. about]. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Geo- logique Suisse [Maps.} Specialkarte No. 49. col. 1908. Greppin (JEAN BAPTISTS) Description geologique du Jura Bernois et de quelques districts adjacents, illust. See BERGEN. — BERGENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbog. 1908, no. 7. 8°. 1908. Grieg (JAMES A.) Storfuglens nuvserende udbredelse i S0ndre Bergenhus amt. pp. 12. See BERGEN. — BERGENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbog. 1909, no. 12. 8°. 1909. Grieg (JAMES A.) Brachiopods and Molluscs, with a Supplement to the Echinoderms [of the Arctic Regions]. See CHRISTIANIA. —VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the " Fram," 1898-1902. Vol. Ill, no. 20. 8°. 1909 (1911). Grieg (JAMES A.) [Echinoderma of the Arctic Regions.] See Louis PHILIPPE ROBERT, Duke of Orleans. Cam- pagne arctique de 1907. 4°. 1910. 52 I?. L. I ./"m L. K 7/1 L. 410 L. Grieg (JAMES A.) Dyrelevninger fru do gamle bopladser paa Hardanger- vidden. pp. S3 : text Must. Ichthyologiske Notiser. III. pp. 37 : 2 pis. See BERGBN.— BERGKNS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbok. 1911, no. 5 & 6. 8°. 1911. Grieg (JAMES A.) Sognefjordens Echinodermer. pp. 13. See ARCHIV FOB MATHEMATIK oa NATUB VIDENSKAB, dc. Bd. xxxii, no. 11. 8°. 1911. Grieg (.TAMES A.) Bidrag til kundskapen om Har- dangerfjordens Fauna, pp. lift: 2 pig., 1 text illust. See BERGEN. — BERGENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbok. 1918, no. 1. 8°. 1918. Grieg (JAMES A.) Nudibranchiate Mollusker insam- lede av den Norske Fiskeridamper " Michael Sars." See DRONTHEIM. — KONGELIGT NORSK VIDENSKABERS- SELSKAB. Det . . . Skrifter, 8°. 1912-> Grimsliaw (PERCY H.) &. Speiser (P.) [Diptera (Supplement) of the Sandwich Islands.] See SHARP (D.) Fauna Hawaiiensis, Ac. Vol. Ill, pt. 2. 4°. 1902. Grimshaw (PERCY H.) & others. Atlas of Zoogeo- _,. graphy, Ac. See BARTHOLOMEW (J. G.) . See FREIBURG IN BREIS<;AU.— NATURFORSCHBNDE GESELLSCUAFT. Be- richte, rfc. Bd. six, hft. 1. 8". 1911. GROSS (F.) & Uexknll (J. D') Resultats des re- cherches effectuees sur les cxtremites des Langoustes et dea Crabes, rfc. pp. 4. See MONACO. — INBTITUT OCKANOGKAPHIQUK. Bulletin No. 149. 8°. 1909. GROSS (VICTOR VON) [1845-] Lac de Bienne. See KELLER (F.) Die Keltischeu Pfahlbauten in den Schweizerseen. Bericht 7. 4°. 1876. Gross (VICTOR VON) Notes on the Lake Dwelling of Miiringen. — Notes on the Lake of Bienne. — The Lake Dwelling of Ltlscherz, rfc. — The Lake Dwelling of Auvernier, rfc. See KELLER (F.) The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland . . . Second edition, rfc. 8°. 1878. GROSSER (WiLiiELM) Cistacese. pp. 161 : text illust. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Das Pflanzenreich, rfc. IV. 193 . 8°. 1903. GROSSHERZOGLICH BADISCHES NATU- RALIEN-KABINETT ZU KARLSRUHE. See CARLSRUHE. GROSSHERZOGLICHE SAECHSISCHE GE- SAMT-UNIVERSITAET. See JENA. Grossonvre (ALBERT DE) Types du Turonien de Touraine et du C6nomanien du Mans. pp. 10 : text illust. See CONGRES GKOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. — Eighth Session : Paris, 1900. Livret-Guide des Excur- sions en France, rfc. No. v. 8°. 1900. Grossonvre (ALBERT DE) Description des Aminoni- tides du Cretac^ supeVieur du Limbourg Beige et Hol- landais et du Hainaut. pp. 3fi [1] : 11 ph., text illust. See BRUSSELS. — MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATDRELLE DE BELGIQUE. Memoires, rfc. Tom. IV. 4°. [1908.] Grossouvre (ALBERT DE) Le Cretace de la Loire- Inflrieure et de la Vende'e. pp. 38 : S ph., text illust. 8°. Nantes [1912]. Bull. Soc. Scl. Nat. Ouest France. Ser. Ill, torn. II. Grossonvre (ALBERT DE) 1°. Sur le groupe des Peltoceras Toucasi et Transversarium ; 2°. Sur 1' 'Am- monites Fraasi et quelques Beineckeia d'Authoison (Haute-Sa6ne). See PETITCLERC (P.) Notes sur des Fossiles nouveaux. . .de Test de la France, rfc. 8°. 1916-17. Grote (AUGUST RADCLIFFE) The British Day Butter- flies, and the changes in the wings of Butterflies. — (Representative species.) pp. 21 (7) : text illust. 8°. (London, 1898.] Proc. South Loud. Entom. & Nat. Hist. Soc. 1897. Grote (AUGUSTUS R.) & Robinson (C. T.) List of the Lepidoptera of North America, pp. xvi. Sf. Philadelphia, 1868. GROTE (WlLUELM) [1835-1900] Die SUsswasserfische von Mittel-Europa herausgegeben von W. Grote... verfasst von. . .C. Vogt und. . .B. Hofer. [With a pre- face by C. Chun.] pp. xxiv, SSS[1] : text illust. Atlas, 31 ph. col. 4". & fol. Frankfurt a. M. rf Leipzig, 1909. Groth (PAUL HEINHICH VON) Tableau Syste'matique des Mineraux classes d'apres leurs propritfte's chimiques et cristallographiques . . . Traduit de la qiwtriume Edition Allemande par...E. Joukowsky et F. A. Pearce... Avec corrections et additions de 1'auteur. Preface par L. Duparc. pp. viii, 188. 4". Geneve, 1904. Groth (PAUL H. VON) Einleitung in die Chemische Krystallographie. pp. iv, HO : text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Groth (PAUL H. VON) Physikalische Krystallographie . . .Vierte. . .Auflage. pp. xiv, 820 : 3 pis. col., text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. 413 Grotli (PAUL H. VON) An Introduction to Chemical Crystallography.. .Authorised translation by H. Mar- shall, pp. mi, [ii,] 123 : text illust. 8°. London, 1906. ,. Groth (PAUL H. VON) 6 Thl. illust. Chemisch.e Krystallographie. 8°. Leipzig, 1906-19. Groth (PAUL H. VON) The Optical Properties of Crystals, with a general introduction to their physical properties, being selected parts of the Physical Crystal- lography by P. Groth. . .Translated. . .from the fourth German edition, by B. H. Jackson, pp. xiv, 309 : 2 ph. col., text illust. 8°. Neiv York d London, 1910. /- GROTHE (HUGO) [1869-] Geologische und palaonto- logische Eesultate der Grothe'schen Vorderasien- expedition, 1906/07. Von F. Broili, dc. See BKOILI (F.) 4°. 1910. GROUNER (G. S.) See GRUNEB (G. S.) -T, Grout (ABEL JOEL) See BEYOLOGIST, The . . . Editors : A. J. Grout and A. M. Smith. Vol. in-xv. 8°. 1900-12. -^ Grout (ABEL J.) Mosses, with hand-lens and micro- •*. scope : a non-techuical hand-book of the more common Mosses of the northeastern United States, pp. 416: 88 ph., text illust. 4°. New York, 1903-10. GROUT (FRANK FITCH) [1880-] Clays and Shales of Minnesota, dc. pp. 239 : IS ph. back to back, 1 map, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 678. 8°. 1919. 7 GROUVELLE (ANTOINE) [1843-1917] [Hetero*- ceridse of Indo-China.] See PAVIE (A.) Mission Pavie Indo-Chine, dc. 4°. 1904. Grouvelle (ANTOINE) [Colydiidee and Cucujidffi from Egypt and the White Nile.] See JAGERSKIOLD (A. L. K. E.) Besults of the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Egypt and the White Nile, dc. Pt. II. Coleoptera. 8°. 1905. Grouvelle (ANTOINE) Nitidulides, Colydiides, Cucujides et Mycetophagides de la GuiniSe Espagnole. pp. 20. 03-3. &ee MADRID. — REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, dc. Tom. I, Mem. 14. 8". 1905. Grouvelle (ANXOINE) [Nitidulidio from the Antarctic Regions.] See BELGIUM. — Commission de la Belgica. Expedition Antarctique Beige. B^sultats du Voyage . . . 1897-1899 . . . Rapports scientifiques, dc. Zoologie. 4°. 1906. Grouvelle (ANTOINE) [Clavicornes from the Kilimand- jaro-Meru district.] See SJOSTEDT (B. Y.) Wissen- schaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro. . .1905-1906, dc. Bd. I. Coleoptera, no. 15. 4°. 1910. Grouvelle (ANTOINE) Les Clavicornes & les Rhyso- dides. See FRANCE. — Ministere de I' Instruction Pub- lique. — Delegation en Perse. Annales d' Histoire Naturelle, dc. Tom. n, fasc. 1, 4°. 1912. Grouvelle (ANTOINE) Clavicornidce de Madagascar et 10. Afrique orientale. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Reise in Ost- l/. afrika in ... 1903-1905 . . . Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse. Bd. in, hft. 4. 4°. 1913. Grouvelle (ANTOINE) Fam. Byturidse.— Fam. Niti- tulidse : 1. Cateretinae, 2. Meligethinte, 3. Carpophilinas, 4. Nitidulinse, 5. Cryptarchinte, 6. Cybocephalinie. pp. 238. See ScHENKUNG (S.) Coleopterorum Cata- logus, dc. Pars 56. 8°. 1913. 4h Gronvelle (ANTOINE) Memoires Entomologiques. Etudes sur les Celeopteres. 2 Fasc. 8°. Paris, 1916, 19. Grouvelle (ANTOINE) Coleoptera : Clavicornia et Dermestidse [from New Guinea]. See WlCHMANN (C. E. A.) Nova Guinea, dc. Vol. v, livr. 6. 4°. 1917. GROVE (A. J.) & Ghosh (C. C.) The Life-History of Psylla isitis, Buckt. (Psyllopa punctipennis, Crawford), the " Psylla " disease of Indigo. See INDIA. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. Memoir, dc. Entomological Series. Vol. iv, no. 6. 8°. 1914. Grove (WILLIAM BYWATER) The British Rust Fungi (Uredinales) : their Biology and Classification, pp. x [ii,] 412 : text illust. 8°. Cambridge, 1913. Grove (WILLIAM B.) A pocket Synopsis of the Families of British Flowering Plants, dc. pp. vi, 49. 8°. Manchester, rfc.v1915. GROVES (HJSNRY) [1855-1912] Manual of British Botany . -/By . . . C. C. Babington . . . Ninth edition enlarged/from the author's/manuscripts and other sourcjre, edited by H. and f\ Groves. See BABLX&TON (C/C-) / & 1904. GROVES (JAMES) j>&58-] ' Manual of British Botany . . . By ... C. C. B^roington . . . Ninth edition enlarged from the author's^manuscripts and othw sources, edited by H. and J. Gjxives. See BABINGTOS (C. C.) 8°. 1904. Grube (ADOLPH EDUARD) [Annelida from Rodriguez.] See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Philosophical Trans- actions, dc. Vol. CLXVIII. 4°. 1879. Grubeiimami (JOHN ULHICH) Die Kristallinen fA Schiefer, dc. 2 Thl. illust. 8°. Berlin, 1904, 07 [i.e. 1906]. Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. xxii, 298 : 12 ph., text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Grubenmaun (JOHN U.) Ueber einige Schweizerische Glaukophangesteine. See WUELFING (E. A.) Fest- schrift H. Rosenbusch, dc. 4°. 1906. Grnbenmann (JOHN U.) & Tarnuzzer (C.) Beitrage zur Geologic des Unterengadins. I. Teil. Das Gebiet der Sedimente. Von . . . C. Tarnuzzer. n. Teil. Die kristallinen Gesteine. Von . . . U. Grubenmann. pp. xii, 21fS : 1 pi. col., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Geologique Suisse. Beitrage zur Geologischen Karte, dc. Lief. LIII. 4°. 1909. GRUBENMANN (ULRICII) See GRUBENMANN (JOHN U.) Gruber (FRIEDRICH AUGUST) Ueber grime Amoben. pp. x. See FREIBURG IN BREISGAU. — NATURFOR- SCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte, dc. Bd. xi, hft. 1. 8°. 1899. Gruber (FRIEDRICH A.) Ueber Amoeba viridis Leidy. See ZOOLOGISCHE JAHRBUECHER, dc. Supplement- Band vii. 8°. 1904. Gruber (FRIEDRICH A.) Kleiner Beitrag zur Biologie der Uferfauna des Bodensees. pp. 5 : text illust. See FREIBURG IN BREISGAU. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte, dc. Bd. xx, hft. 2. 8°. 1914. GRUENBERG (KARL) Die blutsaugenden Dipteren. Leitfaden zur allgemeinen Orientierung, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der in den Deutschen Kolonien lebenden Krankheitstibertrager. pp. vi, 188 : text illust. 8°. Jena, 1907. 414 7J.S- Graenberg (KARL) [Diptera from China and Thibet.] >•><• FILCHNER (W.) Wissenschaftliche Ergebuisse der Expedition Filchner. . . 1903-05. Bd. x. 8°. 1908. Gruenberg (KARL) Lepidoptera. See BRAUER (A.) Die Stisswasserfauna Deutschlands, rfc. Hft. 8. 8°. 1909. L. Gruenberg (KARL) Culicidse von Madagaskar, den 70 - Comoren und Ostafrika. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Reise in Ostafrika, rfc. Bd. Ill, hft. 2. 4°. 1910. V. Gruenberg (KARL) Diptera. Teil.l-> SeeBRAUER(A.) ' Die Siisswasserfauna Deutschlands, rfc. Hft. 2A. 8°. 1910-> Gruenberg (KARL) [Rhopaloceraof Equatorial Africa.] See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDWARD, 74-3 • Duke of Mecklenburg. Wisseuschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen-Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 1907-08, rfc. f. Bd. in, lief. 17. 8°. 1911. Graenberg (KARL) See ENTOMOLOGISCHE RUNDSCHAU. Entomologische Rundschau, mit Beilage : Insekten- bors,e. Herausgegeben von. . .K. Griinberg, rfc. Jahrg. XXVIII, no. 7-» 4°. 1911->. GRUENDLER (HANS) Atlas der Diatomaceen- Kunde. (In Verbindung [Hft. 37-531 mit . . . Griindler, rfc.) See SCHMIDT (A. W. F.) fol. [1890-] 1893 [-96]. -j, GRUENING (G.) Euphorbiacese — Porantheroidese et JO. Ricinocarpoideie (Euphorbiaceffi — Stenolobese). pp.97: text illust. See ENGLEH (H. G. A.) Das Pflanzenreich, rfc. Hft. 58. (IV. 147.) 8°. 1913. M GRUETZNER (KoNRAD ERICH) [1882-] Beitriige f* • zur Petrographie des westlichen Kleinasien. Inaugural- Dissertation, rfc. pp. 80 [2]. 8°. Weida i. Th., 1908. GRUNER (GOTTLIEB SlGMUND) [1717-1778] Histoire naturelle des Glacieres de Suisse, traduction libre de 1'Allemand ... par M. De Ke>alio. pp. xiv [ii,] 372, 1 tab. : r.) pis., 2 maps. 4°. Paris, 1770. Graner (GOTTLIEB S.) Die Mineralgeschichte der Schweiz. (Die Naturgeschichte Helvetiens in der alien Welt.) pp. viii, 101. 8°. Bern [1773]. [Another issue entitled : — ] Die Naturgeschichte Helvetiens in der alten Welt. pp. viii, 101. 8°. Bern, 1775. Tills differs solely from the 1778 issue in having the new title. Grunow (ALBERT) Atlas der Diatomaceen-Kunde. (In Verbindung mit . . . [A.] Grunow, rfc.) Hft. 37-53. See SCHMIDT (A. W. F.) fol..[1890-] 1893 [-96]. GRTJFE (OsKAR) [1878-1 Die geologischen Verhiilt- nisse des Elfas, des Homburgwaldes, des Voglers und ihres sudlichen Vorlandes. .. Inaugural-Dissertation, rfc. pp. 39 [2] : 1 pi. 8°. Gdttingen, 1901. Grape (OsKAR) Der Untere Keuper im sudlichen Han- nover. See MENZEL (H.) rf others. Festschrift A. v. Koenen, rfc. 8°. 1907. GRUVEL (ABEL) See GHUVEL (JEAN A.) GRUVEL (JEAN ABEL) [1870-] Cirrhipedes. ' - See FRANCE. [Voyages, rfc. — Travailleur 4°. Guben, 1907— > GUBEN. — Internationale!- Entomologischer Verein zu Guben. See INTERNATIONALER ENTOMOLOGISCHER VEREIN. GUBKIN (J.) See GHUBKIN (I. M.) GUDE (GERARD KALSHOVEN) [1858-] Trocho- morphidse— Janellidse. See BLANFORD (W. T.) The Fauna of British India, Ac. Mollusca. II. 8°. 1914. GUEBHARD (ADRIEN) See GUEBHARD (PAUL EMILE A.) ... GUEBHARD (PAUL EMILE ADRIEN) [1849-] Carte Geologique detaillee du N.-E. du dept. du Var. Echelle, 1 : 80,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 1J m. about]. See VAR, Depart- ment of. [Maps.] col. 1917. GUELL (VILMOS) & others. Az Ecsedi lap agro- geologiai viszonyai. pp. 46 : 1 pL, H maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. — Ueber die agrogeologischeu Verhiiltnisse des Ecsedi lap. pp. 50, 2 : 1 pi., 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — Magyar Kiralyi Foldtani Intezet. Evkonyve, Ac. (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche, Ac.) K6t. xiv, fiiz. 5. 8°. 1905. GUELL (WILHELM) See GUELL (VILMOS) GUELFH. -Ontario Agricultural College. See ONTARIO, Province of. — Department of Agriculture. — Ontario Agricultural College. GUENAUX (GEORGES) [1876-] [Entomologie et Parasitologie agricoles . . . Introduction par ... P. Regnard. 12°. Paris, 1904.] Wanting. Deuxieme edition, Ac. pp. xii, 528 : text illust. 12°. Paris, 1909. Forming a volume of the " Encyclopedie Agricole." Gueiiaux (GEORGES) Pisciculture, . . . Introduction par ... P. Regnard . . . Preface de M. C. Deloncle. pp. xii, 489 : text illust. 12°. Paris, 1911. Forming a volume of the " Encyclopedie Agricole." Guenee (ACHILLE) Notice sur VCEcocecis guyonella, Gn., et sur la Galle qu'elle produit. — Rapport sur 1'excursion entomologique faite dans les montagnes de 1'Ardeche et en particulier a Celles-les-Bains . . . 1869. pp. 26 : 1 pi. 8°. [Paris, 1870.] Ann. Soc. Entom. France. Ser. IV, torn. X. Guenee (ACHILLE) Statistique scientifique (du departe- ment d'Eure-et-Loir). Lepidopteres. pp. 295. 8°. Chartres, 1867 [i.e. 1875]. Only 40 copies printed. It has been thought that the date on title-page was deliberately falsified (cf. Newman, " Zoologist," Ser. II, vol. X, p. 4668), but the occurrence of the date " 1874 " on p. 2S4, and the difference in the paper from p. 253 to the end, rather suggest that the first part had been printed off in 1867, because the companion volume on Botany appeared in 1866. Guenee (ACHILLE) & Duponchel (P. J. A.) Icono- graphie et histoire naturelle des Chenilles pour servir de complement a 1' Histoire naturelle des Lepidopteres . . . de France de MM. Godart et Duponchel. 2 Tom. illust. col. See DUPONCHEL (P. J. A.) & GUENEE (A.) 8°. [1832-] 1849. GUENTHART (AUGUST) Beitrage zur Bliithen- biologie der Cruciferen, Crassulaceen und der Gattung Saxifraga. pp. !>7 : llpls. SeeBlBLlOTHECABoTANlCA, Ac. Hft. LVIII. 4«. 1902. Guenthart (AUGUST) Die Bliitenbiologie der Alpen- flora. See SCHROETER (C.) Das Pflanzenleben der _D . Alpen, Ac. Zweiter Unterabschnitt. 8°. [1907.] Gnenthart (AUGUST) Prinzipien der physikalisch- kausalen Bliitenbiologie in ihrer Anwendung auf Bau Jj. und Entstehung des Bliitenapparates der Cruciferen. pp. ix, 172 : text illust. 8°. Jena, 1910. Gnenthart (AUGUST) Beitrag zu einer bliitenbiolo- gischen Monographic der Gattung Arabia, pp. [Hi,] 36 [2]: 2 pis., text illust. See BlBLIOTHECA BOTANICA, /oi-* Ac. Hft. LXXVII. 4°. 1912. Guenther (ALBERT CARL LUDWIG GOTTHILF) [De- scription of Thrissopater salmoneua, n.sp.] See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. Figures and descriptions, Ac. Dec. XIII. 4°. 1872. Guenther (ALBERT C. L. G.) A. Garrett's Fische der Siidsee. pp. iv, iv, vi [i,] 515 : 180 pis. (col.), text illust. See JOURNAL DES MUSEUM GODEFFROY, Ac. Hft. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15-17. 4°. 1873-1910. Guenther (ALBERT C. L. G.) [Fishes and recent and ' /_ extinct Reptiles from Kerguelen Island and Rodriguez.] See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Philosophical Trans- actions, Ac. Vol. CLXVIII. 4°. 1879. Guenther (ALBERT C. L. G.) Account of the Zoological Collections made during the survey of H.M.S. 'Alert' in the Straits of Magellan and on the coast of Patagonia. Communicated by ... A. Giinther. pp. 141 •' 11 pis. 8°. [London, 1881.1 Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1881. 1. Mammalia, by 0. Thomas. 2. Birds, by R. B. Sharpe. 3 Reptiles, Batraohians, and Fishes, by A. Giinther. ' Mollusca and Molluscoida, by E. A. Smith. Polyzoa, by S. 0. Ridley. Crustacea, by E. J. Miers. Coleoptera, by C. 0. Waterhouse. Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, and Hemiptera, by A. G. Butler. Echinodermata, by F. J. Bell. 10. Cuelenterata and Spongiidre, by S. 0. Ridley. Guenther (ALBERT C. L. G.) Das Sammeln von Reptilien, Batrachiern und Fisohen. See NEUMAYER (G. B.) Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen . . . Dritte . . , Auflage. Bd. II. 8°. 1906. Guenther (ALBERT C. L. G.) General history of the Department of Zoology (of the British Museum) from 1856-1895. pp. ix, 109. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) The History of the Collections contained in the . . . Departments, Ac. Vol. II, Appendix. 8U. 1912. Guenther (ALBERT C. L. G.) & Newton (Sir E.) K.C.M.G. [Extinct Birds of Rodriguez.] See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Philosophical Transactions, Ac. Vol. CLXVIII. 4°. 1879. GUENTHER (KoNRAD) Keimfleck und Synapsis. Studien an der Samenreifung von Hydra viridit. See ZOOLOGISCHE JAHRBDECHER, Ac. Supplement- Band-VI1' 8°-1904' L. SI. o. N- I 3.M- GUENTHER (ROBERT WILLIAM THEODOR) [1869-] A Bibliography of Topographical and Geological Works on the Phlegraean Fields, pp. vi [i,] 100. 8°. London, 1908. L. 416 Gn«ntherA( ROBERT W. T.) Oxford Gardens: based upon Daubeny's Popular Guide to the Physiek Garden of Oxford, tfc. pp. xv, :x» : / .' ph., text illnsf. 8". Oxford .'. 8". London, illutt. 8". Berlin, 1908-> GUERIN (Cn. F. J.) Germination et implantation du Gui. Viscum album, : I map (col.). See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUK. Bulletin No. 155. 8°. 1909. Guerin-Ganivet (J.) Notes preliminaires sur les gi§e- ments de Mollusques comestibles des c6tes de France. La c6te moridionale du Fiuistere comprise entre la pointe de Penmarc'h et la pointe de Trevignon. pp. 14 : l map (col.). See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANO- GRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 170. 8°. 1910. Guerin-Ganivet (J.) Notes preliminaires sur les gise- ments de Mollusques comestibles des c6tes de France. La cote meridionale de la Bretague comprise entre le plateau de Kerpape et la pointe de Trevignon. pp. 11 : l map (col.). See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANO- GRAPHIQUU. Bulletin No. 178. 8°. 1910. Guerin-Ganivet (.T.) Sur la presence de VErgasticus Clouei, A. Milne-Edwards, dans les fonds avoisinant les c6tes de la Bretagne occidentale. pp. 8. See MONACO.^ — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 184. 8°. 1910. Guerin-Ganivet Triangulus munidcK,G especes du genre Munida, Leach. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. (J.) La repartition geographique du . Smith, Rhizocephale parasite des pp. 3. See MONACO. Bulletin No. 189. 8°. 1910. Gu£rin-Ganivet (J.) Contribution ii 1'etude systema- tique et biologique des Rhizocephales. pp. 97 : 1 pi., • text Must. 8°. Concarneau, 1911. l"rav. Scient. Lab. Zool. Concarneau. Tom. Ill, fasc. 7. Gxierin-Gaiiivet (J.) Notes prelimiuaires BUT les gisements de Mollusques comestibles des cotes de France. La Bade de Brest, pp. 16 : 1 map (col.). -5 See MONACO.— INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 195. 8°. 1911. Gueriii-Gauivet (J.) Notes preliminaires sur les gisements de Mollusques comestibles des c6tes de France. La c6te occidentale du Finistere comprise ' entre le Havre de Guisseny et le Goulet de Brest. pp. I .' : ..' maps (col.). See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 203. 8°. 1911. Guerin-Ganivet (J.) Notes preliminaires sur les gise- ments de Mollusques comestibles des c6tes de France. , Lea Anses de la cote occidentale du Finistere et I'Archiprl de Sein. pp. 15 : 1 map (col.). See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGBAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 217. 8°. 1911. Guerin-Ganivet (J.) Les Peltogastrides du Musee ] Oceanographique, rfc. pp. 8. See MONACO. — INSTITUT , OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 244. 8°. 1912. 3 [Another issue.] 8°. Concarneau, 1912. Trav. Sclent. Lab. /.mil. Concarneau. Tom. IV, fasc. 5. Guerhi-Gaiiivet (J.) La Faune Ichthyologique des . cotes meridionales de la Bretagne. pp. 122. 8°. Concarneau, 1912. Trav. Sclent. Lalj. Znol. Concarneau. Tom. IV, fate. 6. Guerin-Meneville (FELIX EDOUARD) Materiuux pour une Classification des Melasomes. pp. 89 : 1* /'!»• 8°. Paris, 1834. Magazin de Zoologie. Tom. IV. 417 Gueriii - Meiieville (FELIX S.) Quelques types d'Heniipteres de Guerin M^neville des Collections du Mus^e Zoologique do 1'Universite de Naples. (Notes synonytniques et observations diverses.) pp 4- See NAPLES. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della . . . Universita, Gxierke (AUGUST E. L. M.) [Melianthacese, Ebenacese, Cactacese from Equatorial Africa.] See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-AMca-Expedition, 1907-1908, Sc. Bd. II, lief. 5 & 6. 8°. 1912-13. Guerke (AUGUST E. L. M.) & Choclat (E.) Polygalacese [of Equatorial Africa]. (Nach den Bestimmungen von M. Giirke und E. Chodat, zusammengestellt von J. Mildbraed.) See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, 1907-1908, rfc. Bd. II, lief. 5. 8°. 1912. Guerke (AUGUST R. L. M.) & Loesener (T.) Ver- benaceae [from Equatorial Africa] (nach den Bestim- mungen von . . . M. Gtirke zusammengestellt von T. Loesener). See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissen- schaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika- Expedition, 1907-1908, rfc. Bd. II, lief. 4. 8°. 1911. Guerke (AUGUST E. L. M.) & Tribrach (E.) [Malvaceae from Equatorial Africa.] (Nach dem Tode von M. Giirke fortgesetzt und vollendet von E. Ulbrich.) See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissen- schaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika- Expedition, 1907-1908, tfc. Bd. II, lief. 5. 8°. 1912. Guerke (AUGUST E. L. M.) & Vanpel (F.) [Bor- raginaceee from Equatorial Africa.] See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, 1907-1908, GUGENHAN (MAX) [1856-] Die Vergletscherung der Erde von Pol zu Pol. pp. [vi,] 200 : text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1906. GTTGGISBEBG (FREDRICK GORDON) [1869-1 Index to the 1 : 125,000 Map of the Gold Coast Colony and Ashanti, : text illust. 8°. Port*, 1904. GTJILIiATJMIN (ANDRE) Sudania : Enumeration des Plantes r^colt^es en Afrique tropicale par . . . A. Chevalier, de 1898 it 1910 iuclus. Liste dressde d'apres les determinations de . . . [A.] Guillaumin, Ac. Tom. i— » See CHEVALIER (A.) 4°. 1911— > -ir G. _„ Guillaumin (ANDRE) Nova Caledonia . . . B. Botanik. Redaktion ... A. Guillaumin. Vol. I, lief. 1— > See SAHASIN (C. F.) & Roux (J.) 4°. 1914-> Guillemain (CONSTANTIN) Beitriige zur Geologic von Kamerun ... bearbeitet von...C. Guillemain. pp. [i,] '/ 'f'i : ..'•'• pis. (col.), 2\ maps geol. (col.), text illust. See PRUSSIA. — KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE GEOLOGISCHE LANDESANSTALT, Ac. Abhandlungen, Ac. Neue Folge, hft. LXH. 8°. 1909. Guillemain (CONSTANTIN) & Harbort (E.) Beitriige zur Geologic von Kamerun, Ac. (Profil der Kreide- • schichten am Mungo. . .Von C. Guillemain und...E. Harbort.) See PRUSSIA. — KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE GEOLOGISCHE LANDESANSTALT, Ac. Abhandlungen, Ac. Neue Folge, hft. LXH. 1909. ,. Guillemard (FRANCIS HENRY I*ILL) Stanford's V*, Compendiumjrf^Geography andXTravel. New issue. Australasia<'''Vol. II. Malayara and the Pacifip'Archi- e> C. pelagoper By F. H. H. Gjtfflemard . . . Second edition, k * "^ >pvi«^( . revised by A. H. KeaneX/S«e STANFORD (EX U, (. C GUILLEMIN (AM Dictionnaire univerj MM. Arago . . Ac. 17 Vol. " ICTOBK F1826-1893] oire j^Jfutmtellejii par . . . " /$oiSv(^lV} c'dition, ilftNY (C. F. D') 8°. [1867 ?] Guillemin (ANTOINE), calling himself JEM* BAPTISTE ANTOINE GUILLEMIN. Choix des plus belles Fleurs et des plus beaux Fruits [with explanatory text by A. Guillemin]. See REDOUTE (P. J.) fol. [1833.] GUILLEN GARCIA See GABCJA. (GuiLLERMO J. DE) - O". GUILLET (E. A.) Los pozos artesianos del Callao. pp. 41 •' H pl*-> 1 map. See PERU. — Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minos. Boletin no. 4. 8°. 1903. GUILLIEK, (ALBERT) [1839-1885] Carte Geologique du de'partement de la Sarthe . . . revue et complete par M. A. Guillier, . See CHRISTIANIA. — viDENSKABS-SELSKABET. For- handlinger, rfc. Aar 1904, no. 11. 8°. 1904 (1905). Guldberg (GUSTAV A.) Ueber das Verfahren bei Berechnung des Bauminhaltes und Gewichtes der grossen Waltiere. pp. IS : 1 text Must. Ctd*jJ~*p I** )V »J Die Menschenknochen des OsebergschifTs aus dem jungeren Eisenalter, . Gulliver (GEORGE) [Turbellaria from Rodriguez.] L See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Philosophical 5 j Transactions, Ac. Vol. CLXVIH. 4°. 1879. GUNDLACH (.IOHANNES CHRISTOPHER) [1810-1896] Die Schmetterlinge der Insel Cuba nach natiirlichen Vv. Exemplaren u. Notizen des . . . Dr. Gundlach . . . zu- sammengestelt. See HERRICH-SCHAEFFER (G. A. W.) 8°. 1864-71. GUNN (WILLIAM) [1837-1902] [For Geological descrip- tion of North Arran, South Bute, and the Cumbrae u, IslandsJ See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — Scotland. The Geology of North Arran, Ac. 8°. 1903. Guiin (WILLIAM) & others. Memoirs . . . The Geological structure of the North- West Highlands of Scotland. By ... W. Gunn, Ac. See GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Geological Survey. —Scotland. 8°. 1907. GUNN (WILLIAM DONALD) Cattle of Southern India. . pp. 65 : 67 pis., 1 map. col. 8". Madras, 1909. Forming " Vol. HI, Bulletin No. 60," issued by the Department of Agriculture, Madras. Gunnerus (JOHANN ERNST) Bishop of K. Leems . . . Beskrivelse over Finmarkens Lapper. . . med J. E. Gunneri . . . Anmtcrkninger, Ac. C. Leemii . . . De Lapponibus Finmarchise . . . Commentatio, Ac. See LEEM (K.) 4°. 1767. Gunnerus (JOUANN E.) Bishop of Drontheim Biskop Gunnerus' virksomhed, fornemmelig som botaniker. . . ved O. Dahl. [Pt.] in, Ac. Hft. 7-10. See DRON- THEIM.— KONGELIGT NOBSKE VIDENSKABEKS SELSKAB. Det. . . Skrifter. 1902, no. 4 ; 1906, no. 4 ; 1907, no. 4 ; 1908, no. 4. 8°. 1903-09. Gunnerus (JOHANN E.) Bishop of Drontheim. Collegium Botanicum Linneeanum calamo exceptum a Borch- K grewink Upsaliee A°. 1766 et exscriptum ab eodem Nidrosite A". 1767, observationibus propria mea manu adjectis J. E. Gunnerus. See DRONTHEIM.— KONGELICT NORSKE VIDENSKABERS-SELSKAB. C. von Linne's for- bindelse med Norge, Ac. _ _ f 4". 1907. I • *^ * V * Guppy (HENRY BROUGHAM) Observations of a ; Naturalist in the Pacific between 1896 and 1899. 2 Vol. -j -i illust. 8°. London A New York, 1908, 06. Guppy (HENRY B.) pp. xii, /».'.s'. Studies in Seeds and Fruits, Ac. 8°. London, 1912. TVM. Guppy (HENBY B.) Plants, Seeds, and Currents in the West Indies and Azores : the results of investigations f* carried out. . .between 1906 and 1914. pp. xi, 531: 1 pi., 3 maps. 8°. London, 1917. GUFPY (P. LECHMEBE) The Life History and Con- trol of the Cacao Beetle (Steirastoma depressum, L.). See TEINIDAD. — Department of Agriculture. Circular. No. 1. 8°. 1911. Gappy (P. L.) [For official reports as Assistant Entomologist] See TBINIDAD. — Department of Agri- culture. Guppy (ROBEBT JOHN LECHMEBE) Tobagan Fossils, 1 map, text illust. 8°. London, 1921. GURNEY (ROBERT) The Sutton Broad Fresh-water Laboratory. [By R. Gurney ?] See SUTTON BROAD LABOEATOEY, Norfolk. 8°. 1908. GURVIC (ALEKSANDB) See GUBWITSCH. GURWITSCH (ALEXANDEB) Morphologic und Bio- logie der Zelle. pp. xix, 437 : text illust. 8". Jena, 1904. GUSTAFSON (TllOBE) Bidrag till Hokensasbygdens Mossrlora. pp. 32. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, rfc. Bd. IV, no. 11. 8°. 1905. F. GUSTAFSSON (J. P.) Bidrag til Torfmossarnas Geologi, samlade fran Smalandska Torfmossar. pp. 45 : 1 pi. col., text illust. See SWEDEN. — SVEBIGES GEOLO- GISKA UNDERSOKNING. Arsbok 3 (1909), no. 6. [ = Ser. C. Afhandlingar, <&c. No. 223.] 8°. 1910. Gustafssou (J. P.) Ueber spat- und postglaziale Ablagerungen in der " Sandgropen " bei Uppsala. See CONGEES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. — Eleventh Session. Livret-Guide des Excursions en Suede, dec. No. 17. 8°. 1910. GUTBERLET (JOHN EABL) On the osteology of some of the Loricati. pp. 40 : 5 pis. See UBBANA. — UNIVEESITY OP ILLINOIS. Illinois Biological Mono- graphs. Vol. II, no. 2. 8°. 1915 [i.e. 1916]. GUTBIER (A.) See GHUTBIB (A. A.) GUTHRIE (FEEDEEICK BICKELL) Water Hyacinth . . . Report by ... F. B. Guthrie, £c. See NEW SOUTH WALES. — Public Works Department. 4°. [1906.] GUTIERREZ (Luis) Catalogo de la Seccion de Biologia . . . ayudantes : S. Ramirez y L. Gutierrez. See MEXICO, City of.— MUSEO NACIONAL DE HISTOEIA NATUBAL. 8°. 1918. Gutzwiller-Gonzenbach (ANDEEAS) Die Eociinen Siisswasserkalke im Plateaujura bei Basel, pp. 35 : 4 pis., text illust. See SCHWEIZEBISCHE PALAEON- TOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, dc. Vol. xxxn. 4°. 1906. GUYENOT (EMILE) Traite de Zoologie des Animaux Invertebres (Achordata). Ouvrage termine par E. Guye- not. See YUNG (E. J. J.) 8°. 1920. GUZMAN (DAVID JOAQUIN) [1845-] Produccion Agricola, Selvicola y Mineral de el Salvador. Catalogo de los articulos del Departamento Tecnologico, con anotacion de los principales de ellos. See SAN SALVADOE. — MUSEO NACIONAL. 8". 1910. Guzman (DAVID J.) Texto de Zoologia Elemental con aplicaciones a la Fauna Salvadorena. pp. 73 [3]. 8°. (San Salvador, 1911.) Guzman (DAVID J.) [For official reports as Director] See SAN SALVADOB. — MUSEO NACIONAL. G- -- GWILLIM (J. C.f Report on the Atlin mining district, British Columbia, pp. 48 : 5 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Annual Report. New Series, vol. XII. B. 8°. 1901 (1902). GWINNELL (WiNTOUB FBEDEBICK) [1846-1921] Geology in systematic notes and tables . . . Third edition^ &c. pp. xvi, 32, 121, 3, 5 : 1 pi., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. London [1898.] The first edition was in lithographic sheets, issued about 1880. The second edition, in type, appeared in 1889. Included at the end of the volume is a copy of " Illustrations and diagrams from the works of Sir A. Geikie and others, specially arranged by C. Cams- Wilson ... to aid in illustrating his Geological Courses . . . 1894." GWYMTNE-VAUGHAN (DAVID THOMAS) [1871- 1915] [Typewritten Catalogue of the D. T.J Gwynne- Vaughan Collection of Anatomical Slides [prepared from Recent and Fossil Plants, and now deposited in the Botanical Department of the University of Glasgow]. See GWYNNE-VAUGHAN (H. C. I.) D.A&;'*- 4°. [1920.J L. z. G-. G-. 420 GWYNNE-VAUGHAN (HELEN CHARLOTTE ISA- BELLA) D.B.E. [1879-] [Typewritten Catalogue of the 1>. T.] Gwynne-Vaughan Collection of Anatomical Slides [prepared from Recent and Fossil Plants, and now deposited in the Botanical Department of the University of Glasgow], foil. 137. 4°. [1920.] GYLDENSTOLPE (NILS) Short notes on a Col- lection of Birds from Russian Turkestan, pp. ;'<;. S.FfJ. T. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- — '., AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, Ac. Bd. VII, no. 14. 8°. 1911. Gyldenstolpe (NILS) Zoological results of the Swedish Zoological Expeditions to Siam, 1911-12 & 1914-15. iv. Birds, 2 Pt. illust. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Hand- lingar. Bd. L, no. 8 ; LVI, no. 2. 4°. 1913, 16. L . Gyldenstolpe (NILS) Mammals collected, or observed by the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Siam, 1911-12. • pp. 36. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA ?• • VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, Ac. Bd. viii, no. 23. 8°. 1914. Gyldenstolpe (NILS) Zoological Results of the Swedish Zoological Expeditions to Siam, 1911-12 & . 1914-15. I. Snakes, pp.38: text illust. See STOCK- HOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Bd. LV, no. 3. 4". 1916. Gyldenstolpe (NILS) Zoological Results of the / Swedish Zoological Expeditions to Siam, 1911-12 & 1914-15. v. Mammals, II. pp. 69 : 6 pis. See STOCK- HOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Bd. LVII, no. 2. 4°. 1916. L. ._, Gyldenstolpe (NILS) On Birds and Mammals from the Malay Peninsula. '.£,. pp. 31. Notes on the Heel-pads in certain families of Birds. pp. 15 : text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi. Bd. x, no. 26; XI, no. 12. 8°. 1917. Gyldenstolpe (NILS) On a collection of Mammals made in eastern and central Borneo by ... C. Lum- 5.570.!b./7«.holtz, Ac. pp. 62 : 6 pis., text illust. See STOCK- HOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. ~Z- . Handlingar. Bd. LX, no. 6. 4°. 1919. GYLLING (HJALMAR) [For official publications in (y-. connection with the " Kartblad "] See FINLAND. — FINLANDS GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. GYOBFFY (ISTVAN) Kurze Notiz iiber Allioniella cryph(emdes,'Brotii. pp. 4 : 1 pi. See HELSINGFORS.— / f1 FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. (')fversigt af...F6r- handlingar. Bd. LIH, afd. A, no. 14. 8°. 1911. Gyorffy (ISTVAN) Ueber das Pleurozygodon libiricum, Arnell. pp. S: 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA '•r. SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. XIV, no. 2. 8°. 1915. GYORGY (ANDREW) The State and Agriculture in Hungary. Report of ... I. Daranyi . . . Translated [with a Preface] by A. Gyprgy. See HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDMlVELESilGYI MINISTERIUM. 8". 1905. H., C. A philosophical discourse of Earthquakes : occasioned by the late Earthquake, September the 8th. 1692 By C. H. pp. SI. 4°. London, 1693. H., P. New discoveries concerning the Mammothi, Ac. foL [London, 1908.] " The Sphere," Wttsf yp. IM-ltf : ttxt Ulu*. G-. H., T. C. The Pacific Region in the Past and Present. pp. 98, 8°. [ 1880.] H., \V. P. An enquiry into the theory of actual causes, or outlines of the modern changes of the Earth's surface, (j; being an examination of Lyell's Principles of Geology. By a Fellow of the Geological Society of London. [The preface is signed W. P. H., i.e. W. P. Hunter.] Part I. — Aqueous Causes, pp. viii, 1S2 .: 1 pi. 8". Florence, 1839. It is doubtful If mure was ever published. HAACK (HERMANN) [1872-] See GEOGRAPHEN- __ KALENDER. Herausgegeben von . . . H. Haack, Ac. > *Y Jahrg. III-XII. 12". 1905-14. HAAFNER (JACOB) .1. Haafner. Schets uit de L. laatste jaren der Oost-Indische Compagnie. Door. . . fS"- J. P. Vogel, 4". Haarlem, 1903-> S, L Haarlem. — Hollandsche Maatschappij, Ac. Archives Neerlandaises des Sciences exactes et natur- elles.rfc. Ser. II, torn. I-xv. illust. ff'.LaHmjr, 1898- '")/'. [Continued as :] Ser. Ill A (Sciences exactes), Tom i-0i /«*. W. La Hay,; 1911-^33, ' Ser. Ill B (Sciences naturelles), Tom. l-fc £• 8°. La Hay,; 191 1-,* 30,; .. 421 Haarlem. -Hollandsche Maatschappij, Sc. Herdenking van het Honderdvijftigjarig Bestaan van f, ^. de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetensehappen op 7 Juni 1902. pp. 126. 8°. '« Gravenhage, 1902. Contains a list of all Members past and present, with a collation of the Society's publications und an Index to their contents. ^ Haarlem. — Hollandsche Maatschappij, Ac. " (Euvres completes de C. Huygens, publiees par la Jf\ Soci&ie' Hollandaise des Sciences. IB Horn, ff See HUY- GENS (C.) 4°. Haarlem. — Hollands die Maatschappij, rfc. A Dictionary of Plantnames [sic]. See WIJK (H. L. G. van) 4°. 1911. Haarlem. — Musee Teyler. De Gewervelde Dieren van het Verleden. Palaeontolo- gische Studien in Teyler's Museum. See WINKLER (T. C.) 8°. 1893. Haarlem. — Nederlandsche Koloniaal Museum. Maatschappij , If- -~ '- *\ T^j \, In 1913 this Museum was amalgamated with the Koloniaal Instituut at Amsterdam (.q.v.). Haarlem. — Nederlandsche Maatschappij, Ac. — Koloniaal Museum. J. Haafner. Sonets uit de laatste jaren der Oost- ) Indische Compagnie. Door. . .J. P. Vogel, See BOSSMAESSLER (E. A.) 8°. 191 1-> Haas (FRITZ) Nayades del Viaje al Pacifico verificado de 1862 a 1865, 8°. London, Haast (Sir JOHANN FRANZ JULIUS VON) On the Pro- gress of Geology : an opening address delivered . . . 1883. pp. 12. 8°. Dunedin, .W..Z. [1883.] New Zealand Journ. Sci., Vol. 1, 1883. HABEKER (KARL ALBERT) [1864-] Die Japanischen Knochenfische der Sammlungen Haberer und Doflein. Von V. Franz, pp. 135 : 11 pis. (col.). See MUNICH. — KOENIGLICH BAYERISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, &ft.c>n wrapper. opn, 1903. . Haeckel (ERNST H. P. A.) Festschrift zumsiebzigsten Geburtstage von E. Haeckel, herausgegeben von seinen Schillern und Freunden. pp. 604 •' K> pis., text illust. See JENA. — MEDICINISCH - NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE GESELLSCHAFT, Ac. Bd. XI. 4°. 1904. Contains :— 1. Anlaste dea Embryosackea und Prothalliumbildung bei der Eibe, nebst auschliessendeu Erorterungen. Von E. Strashurger. 2. Ueber eine Methode, Froscheieram Beginn Hirer Entwlckelnni; im Raume so zu urientieren, dass sicli die Kicbtuug ibrer Teilebenen nnd ihr Kopf- nwl Schwanzeude bestimmen laast. Von O. Hertwig. 3. Ueb«r einige Korallentiere des Roten Meerea. Von W. Kukenthall. 4. /.ur Horphologie des Manubrium sterui. Von H. Eggeling. 6. Der Kehlkopf von Protopteru-s annecteiit (Owen). Anatomische Unterauchung. Von E. Goppert fl. Die Fauna der Solnhofener Plattenkalke. Bionomisch be- trachtet von J. Walther. 7. Die Schillerfarben bel Inaekten und Vogelu. Von \\ . Biedeiinann. 8. Ueber physiologiscbe Degeneration bei Actinosphasrium l-'.i<-li- horni. Nebst Bemerkungeu zur Aetiologie der Geschwiilste. Von R. Hertwig. 9. Die Sclmtznilttel der Flechten gegen Tierfraaa. Von E. Stahl. 10. Tataiichliches aua der Entwickelung des Exti-eniitnteiiskelettes bei den niedersteu Formen. Zngleich eln Beitrag zur Knt- wickelungsgeschichte des Skelette.s der Pinntc und der Viaceralbiigen. Von H. Braua. 11. Ueber Vorversuche zu Untersuchungen liber die Varietaten- biidung von Helix hortfiviis, Miiller und Helix iwmorali*, L. Von A. Lang. 12. Das integument nines Embryo roil Urnu Arctot. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Haare und Uautdriiaen bei Silugetieren. Von F. Maurer. 13. Die eraten Bntwlckelungsvorgilnge ile.s Kchiuodenneiieies, inabeaondere die Vorgange am Zellkorper. Von II. E. Ziegler. 14. Die Lokalisation der Atnmng in der Zelle. Von M. Vcrwoni. 16. Zur Frage der Abstammung der Saugetiere. VonM. Fiirbriu.L'er. Haecker (VALENTIN C. F.) Die Vogelwelt des sttd- L., lichen Badens und die Anwendung der Vogelschutz- . verordnungen, dc. pp. 4~ •' text illust. IN BREISGAU. — NATURFORSCHENDE Berichte, dc. Bd. IX, hft. 3. See FREIBURG GESELLSCHAFT. 8°. 1895. Haecker (VALENTIN C. F.) Bastardirung und Ge- schlechtszellenbildung. See ZoOLOGISCHE JAHR- BUECHER, Ac. Supplement-Band VII. • 8°. 1904. 423 Haecker (VALENTIN C. F.) Tiefsee-Radiolarien, dc. 3 Pt. illust. col. See GERMANY. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der DeutschenTief see-Expedition. . .1898-99, rfc. Bd. xiv, lief. 1-3. 4°. 1908. HAEDGE (H.) Das Urogenitalsystem von Uroplatus fiinbriatus. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Reise inOstafrika. . . 1903-1905.. .Wissenschaftliche Ergebuisse. Bd. in, hft. 5. 4°. 1917. HAEDO (FELIPE GONZALEZ Y) See GONZALEZ Y HAEDO (PHELIPE) HAEFELE (F.) Anatomie und Entwicklung eines neuen Rhizocephalen, Thompsonia japonica. pp. 25 : ',3). 2 pis. See MUNICH. — KOENIGLICH BAYERISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Abhandlungen, dc. Supplement-Band II, no. 7. 4°. 1911. Also issued miller wrapper dated 1912. Forms also Bd. ir, no. 7, of " Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte Ostasiens. Herausgegeben von Dr. F. Dofleln." HAENIG (A.) Der Graphit. Eine technische Mono- i . graphic, pp. [ii,] 224 '• text illust. 8°. Wien d Leipzig, 1910. Forming Bd. 323 of Hartleben's " Cheroischtechnische Bibliothek." Haffkine (WALDEMAR MORDECAI WOLFF) [For official reports as Director-in-Chief] See INDIA. — Plague Research Laboratory. , HAGEDORN (JULIUS MAX) [1852-1914] Fam. Ipid®. pp. 178 : 14 pis. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, dc. Fasc. 111. Coleoptera. 4°. 1910. Hagedorn (JuLius M.) Ipidre. pp. 184. See SCHENK- LING (S.) Coleopterorum Catalogus, dc. Pt. 4. 8°. 1910. Hagedorn ( JULIUS M. ) Madagassische Ipiden. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Reise in Ostafrika, dc. Bd. in, hft. 3. ,, . • i ' . 4°. 1913. •"tjJl/U-A'fUUvl fiffg— ^ HAGEM (OSCAR)^ Untersuchungen iiber Norwegische |./4. Mucorineen. 2 Pt. illust. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDEN- SKABS-SELSKABET. Skrifter, dc. 1907. no. 7 ; 1910, no. 4. 8°. 1908-10 (1911). Hageni (OSCAR) Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Thermo- i tropismus. pp. 4% •' 4 pis- See BERGEN. — BERGENS ' • MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbok. 1917-8, no. 17. 8°. 1920. Hagen (CARL GOTTFRIED) Spicilegium Botanicum, continens . . . observationes critieas ad el. Hagenii Chloridem Prussicam, dc. See LIST (F. L.) 4°. 1828. I, Hagen (HERMANN AUGUST) Monographic des Calop- terygines, par E. de Selys Longchamps . . . avec la collaboration de . . . H. A. Hagen. pp. xi, 291 : 14 pis. See LIEGE. — SOCIETE ROY ALE DES SCIENCES. Memoires, dc. Tom. IX. 8°. 1854. Hagen (INGEBRIGT SEVERIN) Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Brya Deutschlands. pp. 17. See DRONTHEIM. — KONGELIGT NORSKE VIDENSKABERS-SELSKAB. Det . . .Skrifter, 1904. No. 1. 8°. 1904 (1905). Hagen (INGEBRIGT S.) Fra E. Ryans Mosherbarium. pp. 36. See DRONTHEIM. — KONGELIGT NORSKE VIDEN- SKABERS-SELSKAB. Det ... Skrifter. 1907, no. 1. 8°. 1907 (1908). Hagen (INGEBRIGT S.) Mousses nouvelles. pp. 44: ~' pis. See DRONTHEIM. — KONGELIGT NORSKE VIDEN- SKABERS-SELSKAB. Det. . .Skrifter, 1908, no. 3. 8°. 1908 (1909). Hagen (INGEBRIGT S.) Forarbejder til en Norsk L0vmosflora, dc. 6 Pt. illust. [NOHWEG. & FE.] See DRONTHEIM. — KONGELIGT NORSKE VIDENSKABERS- SELSKAB. Det . . . Skrifter, 1907, no. 13 ; 1908, no. 9 ; 1909, no. 5 ; 1910, no. 1 ; 1913, no. 1 ; 1914, no. 1. 8°. 1908-15. Hagen (INGEBRIGT S.) Bemarques sur la Nomenclature des Mousses, pp. 16. See DRONTHEIM. — KONGELIGT NORSKE VIDENSKABERS-SELSKAB. Det. . .Skrifter, 1910, no. 3. 8°. 1910 (1911). Hagen (INGEBRIGT S.) Norges Bryologi i det 18"' arhundrede. II. pp. 14- See.DRONTHElM. — KONGELIGT NORSKE VIDENSKABERS-SELSKAB. Det. . .Skrifter, 1913, no. 7. 4°. 1914. . No. 1 was issued in- "Det... Skrifter," 1897(1898), 110. 3. [ 8". 's Oravcnhage, 1912— > HAGUE, The. — Koninklijk Zoologisch Botanisch Genootschap. Verslag van den toestand van het. . .Genootschap. .. over het jaar 1901. pp. 32. 8°. ['« Gravenhage, 1902.] W Hague, The.— Nederland. Entomol. Vereeniging. Memoires d'Entomologie, rfc. Tom. I. 8°. La Haye, 1858. A re-issue of the corresponding volume of the " Tijdschrift voor Entomologie," with the title-page and contents in French. Hague, The.— Nederland. Entomol. Vereeniging. Entoinologische Berichten uitgegeven door de . . . Vereeniging. No. 1— >• 8". [The Hague,} 1901— > Hague, The. —Nederland. Entomol. Vereeniging. Catalogus A. ... der Bibliotheek. 2e Uitgave, rfc. (—Supplement I-x, rfc.) 8". Leiden, 1899 [-1907 ?] B, rfc. ( — Supplement l-x, rfc.) 8°. Leiden, 1898 [-1907 ?] 8e Uitgave. pp. i, xvi, 440 [24]. 8°. [Leiden,] 1911. Supplement I, rfc. pp. 38. 8°. 's-Gravenhage, 1915. Hague, The.— Nederland. Entomol. Vereeniging. Catalogue of the described Diptera from South Asia, rfc. See WCLP (F. M. VAN DER) 8°. 1896. Hague (ARNOLD) Atlas to accompany Monograph . . . on the Geology of the Yellowstone National Park. By A. Hague, pp. 4 : 24 maps (geol. col.). See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Monographs, rfc. Vol. xxxil. fol. 1904. w. I G. L. HAHN (KARL F.) [1848-] Autobiographic von Dr. Radde (unbeendet). Teil 2 : — Biographic Dr. Radde's. . Verfasst von K. F. Hahn. 2 Teil. 1 port., 80 pi. [RUSS. & GERM.] See TlFLIS. — KAVKAZSKIl MUZEI I PUBLlCHNAYA BIBLIOTEKA. Eollektzii . . . Muzeya. Die Sammlungen des Museums, rfc. Bd. VI. 4". 1912. HAIG (HAROLD AXEL) The Plant Cell : its modifica- tions and vital processes, rfc.' pp. ix [i,] 307, 1 tab. : 12 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1910. Forming a volume of the series of "Griffin's Scientific Text-Books." Haig (HAROLD A.) Histology of the central nervous system of the Weddell Seal (Leptonychotes weddelli). See SCOTTISH OCEANOGRAPHICAL LABORATORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the . . . S.Y. " Scotia " during . . .1902-1904, rfc. Vol. IV, no. 10. 4°. 1915. Reprinted from "Trans. Roy. Soc. Edlnb." Vol. XLVIII, pt. iv, 1913. Al*o Issued separately in 1913. • Haig (HAROLD A.) Systematic anatomy of a foetal Sea Leopard (Stenorhynchus leptonyx), and microscopical anatomy of some of the organs. See SCOTTISH OCEANO- GRAPHICAL LABORATORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the. . . S.Y. " Scotia " during. . . 1902-1904, rfc. Vol. iv, no. 18. 4°. 1915. Reprinted from " Trans. Roy. Soc. Edlnb." Vol. L, pt. I, 1914. AIM Issued separately In 1914. HAIGH (WILLIAM D.) & others. The Interbasaltic Rocks (Iron Ores and Bauxites) of north-east Ireland. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. —Ireland. 8°. 1912. HAILER ( ) Studieu des konigl. Bayer. Berg- meisters Hailer ttber die Lagerungsverhiiltnisse des Gebirges und des Salzgebildes bei Berchtesgaden. See SCHAFHAEUTL (K. E. F. VON) 8°. 1851. HAILES (HENRY F.) [1827-1892] Catalogue of the L . . . Hailes Collection of Foraminifera. See QUEKETT MICROSCOPICAL CLUB. Catalogue of the Diatomacese in the ... Cabinet of the ... Club, rfc. 8°. 1895. HAINES (CHARLES REGINALD) Notes on the Birds of. • Rutland, rfc. pp. xlvii, 175 : 7 pis. (1 col.), 1 map, text illust. 8°. London, 1907. Hakluyt (RICHARD) The Principal Navigations, ]_ Voyages, Traffiques & Discoveries of the English Nation, made by sea or overland to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1600 Yeres. Vol. i-xil. See HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works, rfc. Extra Series. 8°. 1903-05. Hakluyt Society. [Works issued by the Hakluyt Society. (Contd.)] Series II. 8°. London, rfc. 1902—> ^~ No. 9. The Travels of Pedro Teixelra ; with his "Kings of Harmuz," . and extracts from his " Kings of Persia." Translated and annotated by W. Sinclair. . .with further Notes and an Intro- duction by D. Ferguson, pp. cmi [i,] S'Ji. 1902. „ 10. The Portuguese Expedition [of C. da Gama] to Abyssinia In 1541-1543, as narrated by [M. de) Castanhoso, with some contemporary letters, the short account of Bermudez, and certain extracts from Correa. Translated and edited by R. 8. Whiteway. [With a Bibliography by B. H. Soulsby.] pp. cxxxii, 2,%': 1 pi., 1 map. 1903. „ 11. Early Dutch and English Voyages to Spitsbergen in the Seven- teenth Century, including H. Gerritsz. " Hlstoire du Pays nomine Spitsberghe," 1613, translated... by B. H. Soulsby... and J. Segcrsz. van der Brugge. " Jouruael of dagh Register," Amsterdam, 1634 ; translated ... by J. A. J. de Villiers . . . Edited, with Introductions and Notes, by Sir W. M. Conway. pp. xvi, 191 : 3 pit., .3 mapt (col.). 1904. 12. A geographical account of countries round the Bay of Bengal, 1669 to 1679. By T. Bowrey. Edited by Lt.-Col. Sir R. C. Temple, Bart. pp. lei, SH7 : 19 pit., I map. \:K <:,. „ 13. The Voyage of Capt. Don Felipe Gonzalez in the Ship of the Line, San Lorenzo, with the Frigate Santa Rosalia in com- pany, to Easier Island in 1770-1: preceded by an Extract from Mynheer J. Roggeveen's Official Log, of his discovery of, and visit to Easter Island, in 1772. Transcribed, trans- lated, and edited by B. G. Corney. [Introductory Note by Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge, Q.C.B.] pp. Irxvii, 171! : Uplt., 3 maps. IIHIS. [Contains, inter alia : — Bibliography of Easter Island and the Pacific Ocean, 1624- 1906, with the British Museum press-marks. By B. H. Soulsby.] ,,14. ll'he Voyages of Pedro Fernandez de (Juiros, 1595-1606. Trans- ,, K.I lated and edited by Sir C. Markham. 2 Vol. illutt. 1904. „ 16. The Journal of John Jourdain, 1608-1617, describing his experiences in Arabia, India, and the Malay Archipelago, edited by W. Foster, pp. Ixxxii, Ml, : U mapt (col.). 1D06. 17 The Travels of Peter Mundy, in Europe and Asia, 1608-1667... Edited by Lt.-Col. Sir R. C. Temple, l.). 1907. [Contains : " Bibliography of the Canary Islands . . . With the British Museum press-marks." Pt. 1-3. By r. II Soulsby. 1 „ 22. History of the Incas, by P. Sarmlento de Gamboa, and the execution of the Inca Tupac Amaru, by Captain B. deOownpO. Translated and edited with notes and an Introduction, M SirC. Markham ... With a Supplement : A Narrative of the Vice-Regal Emlnssy to Vilcabamba, 1571, and of the execution of the Inca Tupac Amaru, Dec., 1671. By Friar G. de Ovledo, of Cuzco. 1573. pp. xxii, kit: 10 pit. (cof.), 1 mapt. 1!K> (Contains a "Bibliography of Peru... 1526-1907. ..With the British Museum press-marks. By B. H. SouUby.") 425 [Hakluyt Society. [Works issued by the Hakluyt Society] (contd.)J Extra Series [I]. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques & Discoveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or overland ... at any time within the compasse of these 1600 Yeres. By R. Hakluyt. Vol. I-XII, illuat. 8°. Glasgow, 1903-05. - Extra Series [II]. Hakluytus posthumus : or Purchas his Pilgrirnes, contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells by English- men and others. By S. Purchas. Vol. l-xx, illust. 8°. Glasgoiv, 1905-07. Hakluyt Society. The texts and versions of John de Piano Carpini and William de Rubruquis as printed for the first time by Hakluyt in 1598, together with some shorter pieces. Edited by C. R. Beazley. pp. xx : 346. 8°. London, 1903. Halacsy (EUGEN VON) 3 Vol. Conspectus Floras Grsecse. 8°. Lipsice, 1900-04. — Supplementum, dc. pp. [ii,] 132. 8°. Lipsice, 1908. Halavats (GYULA) A Magyar Pontusi emelet atalanos es 6sl£nytani Irodalma . . . Litterature generale et paWontologique sur 1'eiage Pontique d'Hongrie. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTEZET. 8°. 1904. Halavats (GYULA) A Neogen korii iiledekek Budapest kornyekto. pp. 108 : 4 pis., 1 map geol.col., text illust. Die Neogenen Sedimente der Umgebung von Budapest. pp. 110 : 4pls-, 1 map geol. col., text illust. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTEZET. Evkonyve, Ac. (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche, Ac.) Kot. xvil, fiiz. 2. 8°. 1910, 11. Halavats (GYULA) Die Fauna der pontischen Schichten in der Umgebung des Balatonsees. See BUDAPEST. — MAGYAR FOLDRAJZI TARSULAT. Resultate der wissen- schaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees, Ac. Bd. I. thl. I, Anhang. Palaeontologie der Umgebung des Balatonsees. Bd. IV, no. 2. 4°. 1911. HALBERT (JAMES NATHANIEL)Al[Zoology of the A Belfast District.] See BELFAST NATURALISTS' FIELD * CLUB. A Guide to Belfast, Ac. 8°. 1902. Halbert (JAMES N.) [Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Hemiptera, Orthoptera and Acarinida of the Dublin district.] See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, Ac. Handbook to the City of Dublin, Ac. 8°. 1908. Halbert (JAMES N.) Acarinida [of Clare Island] : I. Hydracarina. pp. 44 : 3 pis. See ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Proceedings, Ac. Vol. xxxi, pt. 39, I. 8°. 1911. Halbert (JAMES N.) Neuroptera [from Clare Island], pp. 4. Hemiptera [from Clare Island], pp. 10. See ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Proceedings, Ac. Vol. xxxi, pt. 27 and 30. 8°. 1912. Halbert (JAMES N.) Terrestrial and marine Acarina [from Clare Island]. See ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Proceedings, Ic. Vol. xxxi, pt. 39, II. 8°. 1915. Halbert (JAMES N.) & Johnson (W. F.) Terrestrial Coleoptera [from Clare Island], pp. 2^. See ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Proceedings, Ac. Vol. xxxi, pt. 28. 8°. 1912. Halbfass (WILHELM) Beitrage zur Seenkunde . . . von . . .A. Jentzsch . . . Mit Beitragen von . . . W. Halbfass, Ac. pp. vii, 109: 4 pis. (col.), 8 maps col., text illust. See PRUSSIA.— KOENIGLICH-PREUSSISCHE GEOLOGISCHE LANDESANSTALT, Ac. Abhandlungen, Ac. Neue Folge, Hft. XLVIII. 8°. 1912. HALDAiXTE (JOHN SCOTT) [I860-] Report ... on an outbreak of Ankylostomiasis in a Cornish Mine. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Home Office. [Ankylostomiasis Reports.] 4°. 1902. G-. Haldane I'.IOIIN S.) miasis. Miners' Anaemia, or Ankylosto- [1903.] Trans. Instit. Mining Proofs of a paper, subsequently published Engineers," in 1903-4. Haldane (JOHN S.) Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department on Ankylostomiasis in West- phalian Collieries. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Home Office: 4°. 1903. Haldane (JOHN S.) & others. Report. . .on the Health of Cornish Miners. By J. S. Haldane, Ac. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Home Office. 4°. 1904. H AL 'DEN (BERTIL E.) AOm Torvmossar och marina sediment inom norra Halsinglands litorinaomrSde. pp. iv, 227 : 2 pis., text illust. See SWEDEN — STERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Arsbok 11 (1917), no. 1. [ = Ser. C. Afhandlingar, Ac. No. 280.] 8°. 1917. HALE (DAVID J.) Marl (Bog Lime), and its applica- tion to the manufacture of Portland Cement, pp. xi, 399 : 18 pis., 5 maps, text illust. See MICHIGAN, State of . — Geological Survey. [Reports, Ac.] Vol. vm, pt. 3. 8°. 1903. HALEM (F. W. VAN) [Lijst van Molluska in de Noordzee. pp. 8. 8°. Groningen, 1820.] Wanting. Republished under a French title in Bory de St.-Vincent's " Annales generates des Sciences Physiques," Tom. VII, 1820 [i.e. 1821], pp. 372-376. HALFORD (FREDERIC M.) Dry-Fly Entomology. Leading types of Natural Insects serving as food for Trout and Grayling. . . Second edition, Ac. pp. xii, 3S3, 1 tab. : 28 pis. (col.), text illust. 8°. London, 1902. This forms Vol. II, of the Halford Dry Fly Series. HALKETT (ANDREW) List of Birds and Eggs identi- fied or collected on the Voyage of the ' Neptune ' to Hudson Bay and northward. See CANADA, Dominion of. Report on the Dominion Government expedition to Hudson Bay and the Arctic Islands, Ac. Appendix H. 8°. 1906. HALKYARD (EDWARD) [1854-1917] The Fossil Foraminifera of the Blue Marl of the C6te des Basques, Biarritz . . . Edited with additions by E. Heron-Allen . . . and A. Earland. pp. xxiv, 146 : 8 pis., 1 map. See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, Ac. Vol. LXll, mem. 6. 8°. 1919. HALL (Sir ALFRED DANIEL) K.C.B. [1864-1 See JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE, The, edited by... A. D. Hall, Ac. Vol. I & II. 8°. 1905-08. Hall (Sir ALFRED D.) K.C.B. How does the Plant obtain its nutriment from the soil ? pp. 32 : 6 pis., text illust. See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs. Ac. Vol. LVIII, mem. 6. 8°. 1914. 54 -z. E. L. II. ». e. 426 6. G-. G-. G. fr. 'ft L. o. £.. G. HALL (ARTHUR LEWIS) [1872-] The Geology of Pretoria and neighbourhood : an explanation of the Geological Map of the environs of Pretoria [on the scale of 2 in. = 1 m.]. pp. viii, 55 : 14 pit. (1 col.). See TRANSVAAL. — Geological Survey. Memoir [No. l.J 8°. 1905. Hall (ARTHUR L.) The Geology of the Pilgrims Best Gold mining district, pp. 158 : 34 pis., 1 map geol. col., text Must. See TRANSVAAL. — Geological Survey. Memoir No. 6. 8°. 1910. Hall (ARTHUR L.) The Geology of the Murchison Range and district, pp. 186: 33 pis., 1 map geol. col., t*xt ittutt. See SOUTH AFRICA, Union of.— Geological Survey. Memoir No. 6. 8°. 1912. Hall (ARTHUR L.) The Geology of the Barberton Gold mining district, . Albany, 1880. Ann. Rcpt. State Mus. Nat. Hist. New York. No. XXXII, 1879. Hall (JAMES) Geologist. Bryozoans of the Upper £. Helderberg Group, pp. 36. 8°. Albany, 1881. Trans. Albany Inst. Vol. X. Hall (JAMES) Geologist. Hall's Spirifers. [An index to the Spirifers in the " Paleontology of New York," by Upfield Green.], text d figs. [London, 1902.] Privately printed. Hall (JAMES) Geologist, & Clarke (J. M.) A Memoir L.| on the Palaeozoic Reticulate Sponges constituting the < family Dietyospongidte. pp. 350 : 70 ph., text illust. See ALBANY.— NKW YORK STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Memoirs, dc. No. 2. 4°. 1898. Pp. 1-lfiO : pis. I-XUTII, first appeared in the 49th Ann. Kept., Vol. Ill, Pp. 151-360: pis. XLVin-LXX, first appeared in the 50th Ann. Rept. Vol. ii, 1899, pp. .;/,; wv. HALL (JOHN G.) & Stevens (F. L.) Diseases of Economic Plants. See STEVENS (F. L.) & HALL (J. G.) 8°. 1910. HALL (MAUKICK CROWTHER) [1881A Methods for the eradication of Gid. pp. :2!) : 1 pi., text/Must. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Animal linliis- try Bureau. Circular No. 165. 8". 1910. Hall (MAURICE C.) The Gid Parasite and allied species of the Cestode genus Midticeps. I. Historical Review, pp. 68 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Animal Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 125, pt. I. 8°. 1910. Hall (MAURICE C.) A comparative study of methods of examining feces for evidences of parasitism, pp. ,'JC : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture.— Animal Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 1 8°. 1911. Hall (MAURICE C.) The Dog as a carrier of Parasites and Disease, pp. 27: text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 260. 8°. 191A. Hall (MAURICE C.) Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Sheep, pp.53: text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 1150. 8". 1920. 427 Hall (MAURICE C.) & Ransom (B. H.) The action of anthelmintics on Parasites located outside of the alimentary canal, pp. 23. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Animal Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 158. &>. 1912. J HALL (MAXCY B.) & (B. M".) Second Beport on the Water-powers of Georgia. By B. M. Hall and M. B. Hall, rfc. pp. 424: 14 ph., 1 map. See GEORGIA, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 16. 8°. 1908. For Preliminary Beport, See the same Bulletin, No. 3-A, 1896I-97). Hall (MAXCY B.) & (B. M.) Second Beport on the Water Powers of Alabama, pp. 448: 16 ph., 3 maps, text illust. See ALABAMA, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 17. 8°. 1916. for Preliminary Report, See the same Bulletin, No. 7. (1903.) HALL (MAXWELL) Notes on the Geology of Jamaica, -*"" rieti-iiosi HALL (W. CARVEL) Bate of recession of Niagara Falls. . .Accompanied by a Beport on the Survey of the crest, pp. 31 : 10 ph., 1 map, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 306. 8°. 1907. HALL (WILLIAM LOGAN) [1873-] The Hardy Catalpa in commercial plantations, pp. 48 : 23 ph. Sec UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — • Forestry Bureau. Bulletin No. 37. 8". 1902. Hall (WILLIAM L.) The Forests of the Hawaiian Islands, pp. 29: 8 ph. See UNITED STATES. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bul- letin No. 48. 8°. 1904. HALLAS (SOPHUS) [1838-] Optegnelser om nogle paa et Hvalfangst-Tog i Havet omkring Island iagttagne j Hvaler. pp. 30 : text illust. 8°. Kjfibenhavn, 1868. Vidensk. Medd. naturh. Foren. 1867. Halle. — Friedrichs-Umversitaet. Das Zoologische Museum der. . .Universitat, Ac. See GIEBEL (C. G. A.) 8°. [1866.] Halle.— Friedrichs-Universitaet. Die im Zoologischen Museum der Universitat Halle aufgestellten Epizoen nebst Beobachtungen ttber diesel- ben. See GIEBEL (C. G. A.) 8°. [1866.J Halle.— Friedrichs-Universitaet. Verzeichniss der im Zoologischen Museum der Uni- versitat... aufgestellten Saugethiere. Zweite Ausgabe. pp. 43. 8°. Halle, 1866. The first edition by C. H. C. Burmeister was published in 1850. Halle. Friedrichs-Universitaet. Verzeichniss der im Zoologischen Museum der Uni- versitat Halle -Wittenberg aufgestellten Helmintheu. See GIEBEL (C. G. A.) 8°. 1866. HALLE (THORE GUSTAFSSON) £ 1 ${l+ — 3 • Einige krautartige Lycopodiaceen palaozoischen und mesozoischen Alters, pp. 17 : 3 pis. Nftgra anmarkningar om Skanes mesozoiska Equiseta- ceer, Sc. pp. 7. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. VII, no. 5 & 7. 8". 1908. Halle (THORE G.) Zur Kenntniss der mesozoischen Equisetales Schwedens. pp. 56: 9 ph. See STOCK- HOLM.—KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. XLIH, no. 1. 4°. 1908. Halle (THORE G.) A Gymnosperm with Cordaitean- like leaves from the Rhietic beds of Scania, pp. 5 : 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik. Bd. IX, no. 14. 8°. 1910. Halle (THORE G.) On the Swedish species of Sagenop- tcris, Presl., and on Hydropterangium, nov. gen. pp. 16 : 3 ph. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Bd. XLV, no. 7. 4°. 1910. Halle (THORE G.) Cloughtonia, a problematic fossil plant from the York- shire Oolite. pp.6: 2 pis. On the fructifications of Jurassic Fern-leaves of the Cladophlebis denticulata-type. pp. 10: 3 ph., 1 text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, & c. Bd. x, no. 14 & 15. 8°. 1911. Halle (THORE G.) Some Mesozoic Plant-bearing de- posits in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego and their Floras, pp. 58: 5 pis., text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONOLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Hand- lingar. Bd. LI, no. 3. 4°. 1913. Halle (THORE G.) Nagra Jamtlandska Kalktuffer och deras Flora, pp. 49 : text illust. See SWEDEN. — SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Arsbok 8 (1914), no. 1. [=Ser. C. Afhandlingar, Ac. No. 260. J 8°. 1915. Halle (THORE G.) Lower Devonian Plants from Boragen in Norway, pp. 4s •' 4 P^s-> tcrt illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENS.;APS- AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Bd. LVII, no. 1. 4°. 1916. Halle (THORE G.) & Moller (H.) The Fossil Flora of the Coal-bearing deposits of south-eastern Scania. pp. 45: 6 ph., text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONOLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. XIII, no. 7. 8°. 1913. HALLEB. (ALBIN) [1849-] & others. Le Mexique au debut du xxe. Siecle. Par. . .A. Haller, Ac. 2 Vol. illust. (col.). See BONAPARTE (B. N.) Prince, A others. 8". [1905.] Hallez (PAUL) Bhabdocceles. (Gyrator notops.) -In- cludes. (Dendrocaelum lacteum.) — Polyclades. (Lepto- plana tremellaris.) — Nematodes. (Anguillula oxophila.) See BOUTAN (L.) Zoologie descriptive, Ac. Tom. I. 8°. 1900 [i.e. 1899]. Hallez (PAUL) [Marine Polycladida & Tricladida from the Antarctic regions.] See FRANCE. [ Voyages, rfc. — Antarctic.] Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1903- 1905), commandee par. . . J. Charcot. Sciences Natu- relles, Ac. Vers. 4°. [1907.] 3. £-. 428 Halle* (PAUL) Polyclades et Triclades inaricoles [collected on the " Pourquoi-Pas ? "]. See FRANCE. Voyage*, Ac. — Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Ant- arctique Frangaise (1908-1910), commanded par . . . J. Charcot. Sciences naturelles, Ac. 4°. 1913. Hallier (ERNST) Deutsohlands Flora, oder Abbildung und Beschreibuug der wildwachsenden Pflanzeu in der Mitteleuropaischen Flora . . . Neunte . . . Auflage. 2 Vol. pp. xxi, 224 : 500 pit. col. 4°. Dresden [1873-75]. Printed in double column. Hallier (ERNST) & Freuth (E.) [Banunculaceee to Capparideas.] See KOCH (W. D. J.) W. D. J. Koch's Synopsis der Deutsohen und Schweizer Flora. Dritte . . .Auflage, Ac. Bd. I. 8°. [1890.] L. Hallier (HANS GOTTFRIED) Ueber die Verwandt- schaftsverhaltnisse bei Engler's Eosalen, Parietalen, S. /^(fkfj Myrtifloren und in anderen Ordnungen der Dikotylen. pp. 98. See HAMBURG. — NATURWISSBNSCHAPTLICHER VKREIN. Abhandlungen, Ac. Bd. XVIII. 4°. 1903. L. *-.X o. 3. . W. B. L. Hallier (HANS G.) [For contributions on the Botany of Portuguese South West Africa] See BAUM (H.) Kunene-Sambesi-Expedition . . . 1903, Ac. 8°. 1903. Hallier (HANS G.) Verzeichnis der von Elbert bei und auf dem Lawu gesammelten Pflanzen. See LEYDEN. — RIJKS UNIVERSITEIT. Mededeelingen van 's Bijks Her- barium, rfc. No. 12. Ueber die zonare Verbreitung der Vegetation auf dem Lawu-Vulkan Mittel-Javas. Von J. Elbert, illust. (col.). 8°. London, 1910— > Title from temporary title-page. Hinton's work begins in Part XTI (= Vol. II), p. 497, with the " Sub-family Murinic." Hamilton (GERALD E. H. BARRETT-) [Mammalia of Clare Island.] pp. 14. See ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Proceedings, Ac. Vol. xxxi, Clare Island Survey. Pt. 17. 8°. 1912. 430 Hamiltfp (Right H»n. Sir WILLIAM) Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and other Volcanos. . . New edition, pp. iv, 179 : 5 ph., 1 map. ft5. London, 1774. . HAMILTON (WILLIAM PHILLIPS) [1841?-1910] [Mosses of the Church Stretton district.] See CAMPBELL- HYSLOP (C. W.) Church Stretton, Must. L^C&'v' 4°. London, 1915— > HAMMAR (ALFRED G.) The Cigar Case-Bearer. (Coleophora fletcherella, Fernald.) See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 80, pt. II. 8°. 1909. Hammar (ALFRED G.) Life History of the Codling Moth I Carpocapsa pomonella, L.] in northwestern t . Pennsylvania. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 80, pt. vi. 8°. 1910. Hammar (ALFRED G.) Life-history studies on the i . Codling Moth [Carpocapsa pomonella, L.] in Michigan. pp. 86: 3 ph., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 115, pt. I. 8°. 1912. Hammar (ALFRED G.) & Johnson (F.) The Grape Root-Worm [Fidia viticida, Walsh], rfc. pp. 100: 10 ph., text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 89. 8°. 1910. Hammar (ALFRED G.) & Johnson (F.) The Grape- Berry Moth. (Polychrosis viteana, Clem.) See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 116, pt. II. 8°. 1912. HAMMARGREN (ERIK TULLIUS) [1814-] V Sundevall ((',. .1.) Conspectus Arachnidum. . .Pt. II. See SUNDEVALL (C. J.) 8°. 1888. HAMMARSTEN (OLOF D.) Gephyreen von Mada- gaskar. gi-satumelt von W. Kaudern, 1911-12. pp. 3 : -• text illust. Si'i' STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Zoologi, rfc. Bd. IX, no. 10. 8°. 1915. Hammarsten (OLOF D.) & Runnstrom (J.) Cyto- <•« J physiologische Beobachtungen an den Hinterleibdrilseu und den Wanderzellen von Priapulus caudatus (Lam.). pp. 15: S ph., text illust. See BERGEN. — Bergens Museum. Bergens Museums Aarbok. 1917-8, no. 13. 8°. 1920. HAMPDEN (AWDRY GEORGE HOBAHT-) See HOBART-HAMPDEN. Hampson (Sir GEORGE FRANCIS) Bart. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phaltenfe in the British Museum. [By Sir G. F. Hampson.J ,Vol. I-xill. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) Zoology. [Lepidop- tera ] 8°. 1898-1918. Hampson (Sir GEORGE F.) Bart. [Lepidoptera Pha- ->> laense from Christmas Island.) See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) A Monograph of Christmas ^ Island, See SCHROEDER (C.) 8°. 1912— > HANDEL - MAZZETTI (HEINRICH VON) Baron. [1882-J Monographie der Gattung Taraxacum, Ac. pp. x [i,] 175 : B pis., 2 maps (col.). 4°. Leipzig A Wien, 1907. HANDEY (JOHN) Catalogue of Plants growing in the Sedbergh district, including the Lune basin, from Middleton to Tebay. pp. 48. 8°. Leeds, 1898. Haudlirsch (ANTON) Les Insectes houillers de la'Bel- gique. pp. 20: 7 pis. See BRUSSELS. — MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE DE BELGIQUE. Memoires, Ac. Tom. III. 4°. [1904.] Handlirsch (ANTON) Ueber einige Insektenreste aus der Perm formation Busslands. pp. 7 [1]: 1 pi. See ST. PETERSBURG. — ACADKMIE IMPERIALS DES SCIENCES. Memoires, Ac. Ser. VIII, torn, xvi, no. 5. 4°. 1904. Handlirsch (ANTON) Die fossilen Insekten und die Phylogenie der rezenten Formen. Ein Handbuch fur Paljiontologen und Zoologen. Lief. 1-9. pp. ix, 1430, 3 tabs. : 51 pis., text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1906-1908. Handlirsch (ANTON) Insects from the Tertiary Lake deposits of the southern interior of British Columbia, collected by. . .L. M. Lambe, in 1906. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Contributions to Canadian Palae- ontology. Vol. II, pt. Ill, no. 5. 8°. 1910. Also forms Memoir No. 12 of the Survey. Haudlirsch (ANTON) [Insecta by A. Handlirsch.] See ZITTEL (K. A. VON) Text-Book of Paleontology. . . Second edition, Ac. Vol. I. 8". 1913. Handlirsch (ANTON) Bevision der Palaozoischen Insekten. pp. 82 : text illust. 4°. Wien, 1919. Denksohr. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. xcvi. H ANDRICK (KURT) Zur Keuntnis des Nervensystems und der Leuchtorgane des Argyropelecus liemigymnus. pp. tiS : 6 pis. (col.). See ZOOLOGICA, Ac. Hft. xxxn. - Jfit^hiiLfrt, 4". 1901. HANDY (B. B.) Peanuts : culture and uses. pp. 34 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Fanners' Bulletin No. 25. 8°. 1890. Handy (B. B.) Asparagus culture. (Insect enemies. By F. H. Chittenden.) pp. 40 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bul- letin No. 61. <^. .„ 8U. 1897. HANIEL (CT A.) [-1914] Geologischer Ftihrer durch die Allgiiuer Alpen siidlich von Oberstdorf , Ac. pp. 65 : 1 pi., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 8°. Miinchen, 1914. The Map is on the Scale of 1 : 25,000, or, 1 m. = 2} in. about. Hauiel (C. A.) Die Cephalopoden der Dyas von Timor. See WANNER (B. J.) Palaontologie von Timor, Ac. Lief, ill, no. 6. 4°. 1915. HANIEL (CURT B.) Zoologie von Timor, Ergebnisse der unter Leitung von J. Wanner im Jahre 1911 ausge- filhrten Timor-Expedition . . . Herausgegeben von C. B. Haniel. Lief. l-> 4°. Stuttgart, 1914-> Lief. 1. Die Avifauna von Timor, von C. E. Hellmayr. pp. vi, US : 1 pi. col. 1914. HANITZSCH (PAUL) Ueber die Generationszyklen einiger raumparasitischer Cuninen (C. parasitica, Autorum), nebst Beitragen zur Morphologic, Physio- logic und Pathologie der Phorocyte der Cunina para- sitica, Metschnikoff. pp. 48 •' 3 pis. (col.), text illust. See ZOOLOGICA, Ac. Bd. xxvi, hft. 67 [no. 12]. 4°. 1913. B G-. G-. G-. E. E. G-. 432 HANKIN (ERNEST HANBURY) [1865-] The Develop- ment of Animal Flight, pp. 15 : 1 pi., text illust. X . 8". [? Westminster, 1912.] Reprinted from the " Aeronautical Journal," January, 1912. HANKINSON (THOMAS LEROY) [1876-] A Minnow new to the Michigan Fauna, pp. 2. See ANN ARBOR. — UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. — Museum of Zoology. Occasional Papers, 4°. 1902. Hanna (WILLIAM) & Lamb (G.) Some observations on the poison of Russell's Viper (Daboia Bussellii). pp. 39. See SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments. . .of India, . II, vol. I, fasc. 1. 8°. 1903. HANOVER, City of. — Zoologischer Garten. Fiihrer durch den Zoologischen Garten in Hannover, von Direktor. . .E. Schaft'. Neueste Auflage. pp.76: 1 pi., 1 plan, text illust. 8°. Hannover, 1901. HANOVER, City of. — Geo- logischer Verein. (Abteilung der Naturbis- torischen Gesellschaft.) [Founded i908.] Jahresbericht, Ac. No. 1— > See HANOVER. — NATURHISTORISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahresbericht, Sc. No. 58-> 8°. 1910-> Also issued separately, 1909-» Hansen (ANDREAS MARTIN) Skandinavieus stigning. [With an English summary of the contents.] pp. 115 : text illust. See NORWAY. — Norges Geologiske Under- sflgelse. Aarbog for 1896 til 99, maps, text illust. See CHHISTIANIA.— VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Skrifter, S : 2 maps (1 col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 427. 8°. 1910. Harder (EDMUND -C.) Iron-Ore deposits of the Eagle (j- Mountains, California, pp. 81 : 7 pis., (i maps (5 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 503. 8°. 1912. Harder (EDMUND C.) Iron-depositing Bacteria and their Geologic relations, pp. 89 .• 12 pis. back to back, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 113. 4°. 1919. Harder (EDMUND C.) & Johnston (A. W.) Notes on the Geology and Iron Ores of the Cuyuna district, . Minnesota. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 660-A. 8". 1917. Harder (EDMUND C.) & Leith. (C. K.) The Iron Ores of the Iron Springs district, southern Utah. pp. 103 : 13 ph. (6 col.), S maps (5 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 338. 8°. 1908. HARDER (FOUL) En 0stjydsk Israudsliuje og dens Indflydelse paa Vandl0bene . . . With an English & summary of the contents, pp. viii, 262 : 18 pis., 7 maps (col.), text illust. See DENMARK. — Danmarks Geologiske Undersjgelsc. 2. Rsekke, no. 19. 8°. 1908. Harder (PouL) De oligociene Lag i Jsernbanegennem- &, skseringen ved Aarhus Station, pp. [ii,] HO: 9 pis. (1 col.), text illust. See DENMARK. — Danmarks Geologitke Undersfigclse. 2. Rzkke, no. 22. 8°. 1913. Harder (POUL) & Gronwall (E. A.) Paleocsen ved 1- • Bugaard i Jydland og dets Fauna . . . Re'sume en IbS $ Frangais. pp. viii, 102 : 2 pis., 1 map, 1 text illust. See DENMARK. — Danmarks Geologiske Understfgelse. 2. Rtekke, no. 18. 8°. 1907. One of the plates is included In the pagination. G. JB. ^K "L. HARDY (CHARLES JAMES) & Brady (L. S.) [Lepi- doptera of the Sheffield district.] See BRITISH ASSO- CIATION, rfc. Handbook and Guide to Sheffield, . See MANCHESTER. — MANCHESTER MUSEUM. — Owens Coltegc. Notes from the Manchester Museum. No. 15. 8°. 1901. Reprint from Memoirs & Proceedings Manchester Literary <£ Phllo- soph. Sue. Vol. XI.V, no. 12. Harder (PouL) & Steenberg (N.) Unders0gelser over nogle Danske Sandsorters tekniske Anvendelighed. pp. 36 : 1 pi., text illust. See DENMARK. — Danmarks Geologiske Undfrsfgelse. 2. Raekke, no. 16. 8°. 1905. TVK.J, Hardwicke (THOMAS) [56 original water - colour] Sketches of plants growing about Plettenburg Bay on the coast of Africa [by C. H, W., with copies by I. W. B., and autograph descriptions by Major-Genl. T. Hardwicke], See CHE- VALIER (A.) 4". 1911-» Hariot (PAUL) Flore Algologique de la Hougue et de Tatihou. pp. •> \ : -' maps. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. — Paris Branch. Annales, . Cambridge, 1902. Cambridge Natural Science Manuals : Geological Series. — Fourth edition, illust. 8°. Hpinal & Paris, 1905-> [/ Harmand (JuLlANl) Lichenes de la Nouvelle- Cale'donie et des lies Loyalty. See SARASIN (C. F.) & Roux (J.) Nova Caledonia, &c. B. Botanik, etc. Vol. I, lief. 1. 4°. 1914. Harmer (FREDERIC WILLIAM) The Pliocene deposits of the eastern counties of England. — The Pleistocene period in the eastern counties of England. 8°. [London, 1908.J Reprinted from the " Jubilee Volume of the Geologists' Association." pp. 89-125 : 3 inapt col., text illutt. Harmer (FREDERIC W.) The Pliocene Mollusca of Great Britain, being supplementary to S. V. Wood's Monograph of the Crag Mollusca. Vol. I— >• See PALAEONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 4°. 1914— > Harmer (FREDERIC W.) & Wood (S. V.) An Out- line of the Geology of the Upper Tertiaries of East Anglia. See PALAEONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. A Monograph of the Crag Mollusca ... By S. V. Wood. Supplement 1. 4°. 1872. Harmer (Sir SIDNEY FREDERIC) K.B.E. The Cam- bridge Natural History. Edited by S. F. Harmer . . . and A. E. Shipley, do. [contd.] |OVeK« < »? f - SIDNEY F.) K.B.E., & Bidewood (W. G.) The Pterobranchia of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. See SCOTTISH OCEANOQRAPHICAL LABO- RATORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the . . . S.Y. " Scotia " during. . . 1902-4, See CHEVALIER (A.) 4°. 1911-> Harms (HERMANN) Leguminoseas. See BRAZIL. — _ / k Commissao de Linhat Telegraphicas Estrategicas de • Matto Grosso ao Amazonas. r- No. 6. Botanica. Pt. II. Relatorio, Ac. Annexe 4°.. 1912. Harms (HERMANN) Die von...T. Herzog auf seiner 3/weiten Reise durch Bolivien in den Jahren 1910 und 1911 gesammelteu Pflanzen. Teil n. (Mit Beitriigen von...H. Harms, '*•, ~ maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See NEW SOUTH WALES.— Department of Minei. Memoirs of the Geological Survey, rfc. Geology. No. 7. 4°. 1915. .. Harper (LESLIE F.) The Adelong Goldfield. pp. r,o : r^ • 11 pit., S maps tt plans (1 col.), text illust. See NEW SOUTH WALES. — Department of Mines. Mineral Re- sources. No. 21. 8°. 1916. Harper (LESLIE F.) The Geology and Mining develop- fcn. mente of the Ardlethan Tin field, pp. S2 : 7 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See NEW SOUTH WALES.— Department of Mines. Mineral Resources. No. 29. 8°. 1919. Harper (LESLIE F.) & Mingaye (J. C. H.) The Coke Industry of New South Wales, pp. ,s'.', [/].- 27 pis. f\ See NEW SOUTH WALES.— Department of Mines. Mineral Resources. No. 23. 8°. 1916. HABFEB (ROLAND MCMILLAN) [1878-1 Economic ,, Botany of Alabama. Pt. I. Geographical Report, ttc. Cr (A Forest Census of Alabama, See WASHINGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 8°. 1902-> HABBIN6 (HARRY E.) Synopsis of the Rotatoria. L. pp. 226. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 81. 1913> HARRINGTON" (GEORGE L.) The Anvik-Andreafskijlyfl region, Alaska (including the Marshall district), pp. 70: S pis., 4 'maps (2 geol. col.). See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 683. 8°. 1918. HARRIS (EDW. D.) The Cicindelinse of North j America as arranged by. . .W, Horn in Genera Insec- torum, E. D. Harris and C. W. Leng, Editors. See NEW YORK, City of. — AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ' 8°. 1916. HABBIS (GILBERT DENNISON) [1864-] Preliminary Report on the organic remains obtained from the deep well at Galveston. . .with conclusions respecting the Age of the various formations penetrated. See TEXAS, State of.- — Geological Survey. Preliminary Report on the Artesian Wells, rfc. 8°. 1893. Harris (GILBERT D.) The Tertiary Geology of southern Arkansas, pp. xiv [i,] 207 : 7 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See ARKANSAS, State of. — Geological Sur- vey. Annual Report, dec. 1892, Vol. II. 8°. 1894. Harris (GILBERT D.) The Lignitic Stage. Part I. Stratigraphy 'and Pelecypoda. pp. 102: 15 pis. See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Bulletins of American Paleontology. Vol. II, no. 9. 8". 1897. Harris (GILBERT D.) The Lignitic Stage. Part n. Scaphopoda, Gastropoda, Pteropoda and Cephalopoda. pp.106: IS pis. See ITHACA.— CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Bulletins of American Paleontology. Vol. ill, no. 11. 8°. 1899. Harris (GILBERT D.) Eocene outcrops in central Georgia, pp. 7. See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Bulletins of American Paleontology. Vol. iv, no. 16. 8°. 1902. Harris (GILBERT D.) The Helderberg invasion of the Manlius. pp. 07: Spit. See ITHACA — CORNELL UNI- VERSITY. Bulletins of American Paleontology. Vol. IV, no. 19. 8°. 1904. Harris (GILBERT D.) Oil and Gas in Louisiana, with a... summary of their occurrence in adjacent States. pp. 192 : 16 ph., 6 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 429. 8°. 1910. 437 Harris (GILBERT D.) Pelecypoda of the St. Maurice and Claiborne Stages, pp. 2G8 [1] : GO ph., text illust. See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Bulletins of American Paleontology. Vol. vi, no. 31. 8". 1919. Harris (GILBERT D.) A Eeprint of the more inac- cessible Paleontological Writings of E. J. L. Guppy. pp. iv, IDS : 10 pis., 1 port. See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Bulletins of American Paleontology. Vol. vili. No. 35. 8". 1921. Harris (GILBERT D.) [For official Reports as Geologist- in-Charge] See BATON ROUGE. — LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY. — Experiment Station. Harris (GILBERT D.) & Winkle (K. VAN) New or otherwise interesting Tertiary Molluscan Species from the east coast of America, pp.32: 3 pis. See ITHACA. — CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Bulletins of American Pale- ontology. Vol. VIH, no. 83. 8°. 1919. HARRIS (RONAL HAMLYN) See HAMLYN-HARRIS. C . HARRIS (THADDEUS WILLIAM) [1795-1856] A Report on the Insects of Massachusetts injurious to vegetation. See MASSACHUSETTS, State of. — Zoological and Botani- cal Survey. 8°. 1841. [ — - (Another edition entitled :) A Treatise on some of the Insects of New England which are injurious to Vegetation, pp. 459. 8°. Cambridge, Mass., 1842.] Wanting. A small impression, printed by the author, with some alterations to flt it for a wider circulation. — A Treatise ... Second edition. pp.viii,51S: 8 pis. col. 8°. Boston [Mass.], 1852. Stated on the wrapper to be " Published by order of the Legislature of Massachusetts." [Another edition entitled :] A Treatise on some of the Insects injurious to Vegetation . . . Third edition. pp. xi, 640 : 8 pis. col., text illust. 8°. Boston [Mass.], 1862. Posthumous edition issued at the expense of the State of Massa- chusetts. HARRIS (W. T.) Webster's New International Dic- Rtionary of the English Language . . . W. T. Harris . . . - Editor in chief, Ac. See WEBSTER (N.) 4°. 1919. HARRISON (BENJAMIN) [1837-1921] An outline of r. the history of the Eolithic Flint Implements, pp. S3 : 3 pis. 8°. Ightham, 1904. HARRISON (CUTHBERT WOODVILLE) An illus- £_ trated guide to the Federated Malay States. Edited by C. W. Harrison, pp. [v,] 356 : 44 pis. (col.), 1 map J col. 8°. London, 1920. HARRISON (HERBERT SPENCER) [For official publi- cations as curator] See LONDON. — Horniman Museum. HARRISON (JOHN WILLIAM HBSLOP) See VAS- ci CULUM, The... Edited by... J. W. H.Harrison. Vol. I— > 8°. 1915-> HARRISON (JOHN ANSTED) The Geology of the Counties of England : and of South Wales. By W. J. Harrison . . . Reprinted from Kelly's Post Office . Directories, Ac. [A series of Corrected proofs from the latest editions of the Directories, illustrated with the addition of photographs taken by the author : the whole mounted in scrapbook by the author's son, Mr. J. A. Harrison, and supplied with manuscript title- page and contents. It forms No. 6. of a special edition of ten copies.] See HARRISON (W. J.) fol. 1908. HARRISON (Sir JOHN BURCHMOEE) [1856-] The Geology of the Goldflelds of British Guiana . . . With . . . chapters by F. Fowler . . . and C. W. Anderson, Ac. pp. mi [ii,] ,320 : 43 pis. 8°. [London,] 1908. Harrison (Sir JOHN B.) Map of British Guiana . . . Scale 633,600, or 1 inch to 10 miles. The Geological ;„* 4.:-., compiled under the direction of J. B. information . Harrison, Ac. 2 sh. 1913. Harrison (WILLIAM JEROME) On the search for Coal in the south-east of England ; with special reference to the probability of the existence of a Coal-field beneath Essex, pp. 28 : 1 pi. 8°. Birmingham, 1894. Harrison (WILLIAM J.) The Geology of the Counties of England ; and of South Wales . . . Reprinted from Kelly's Post Office Directories, Ac. fol. [ ] 1908. A series of corrected proofs from the latest editions of the Directories, illustrated with the addition of photographs taken by the author: the whole mounted in scrapbook by the author's son, Mr. J. A. Harrison, and supplied with manuscript title-page and contents. It forma No. 6. of a special edition of ten copies. HARRISONS & CROSSFIELD, LIMITED. Rubber, Tea, and other Tropical Produce. [With notes on Tropical Medicine.] pp. !>5 A Hi. : text illust. 8°. London, [1921]. Harrow School Scientific Society. Harrow School Scientific Society's Memoirs. 1891. Harrow Birds. See HAMILTON (G. E. H. BARRETT-) 8°. 1892. Harrow School Scientific Society. Harrow School Scientific Society's Memoirs. 1895(-1897). Harrow Butterflies and Moths. 2 Vol. illust. See BONHOTE (J. L.) & ROTHSCHILD (Hon. N. C.) 8°. 1895-97. Harshberger (JOHN WILLIAM) Phytogeographic Survey of North America . . . With the evolution of North American Plant Distribution . . . German extract by O. Drude. pp. Ixiii, 790 : 18 pis., 1 map, text illust. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Die Vegetation der Erde, Ac. No. xni. 8". 1911. Harshberger (JOHN W.) A Text-book of Mycology and Plant Pathology, pp. xiii, 779 : text illust. 8°. London, 1918. Hart (HENRY CHICHESTER) The Flora of Howth. With ... an Introduction on the Geology and other features of the promontory, pp. 137 : 1 map. 8°. Dublin, 1887. Hart (JOHN HINCHLEY) Herbarium List. Botanical Department, Trinidad. Compiled and edited by J. H. Hart, Ac. See TRINIDAD. — Botanical Department. 8°. 1908. BARTER (LEONARD LEE) [1875-] & Field (E. C.) Miss. A dry rot of Sweet Potatoes caused by Dia- porthe Batatatis. pp. 37 : 4 P^s- back to back, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture.— Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 281. 8°. 1913. Harter (L. L.) & Jones (L. R.) Cabbage Diseases. pp. 29 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 925. 8°. 1918. Harter (L. L.) & Kearney (T. H.) The comparative tolerance of various Plants for the Salts common in Alkali soils, pp. 22. See UNITED STATES. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 113. 8°. 1907. Hartert (ERNST JOHANN OTTO) On the Birds collected by Dr. Ansorge ... in Africa. See ANSORGE (W. J.) Under the African Sun, Ac. Appendix. 8°. 1899. G-. M. E. 3. 3. B. B; 438 Hartert (ERNST J. 0.) Die Vogel der paliiarktischen Fauna. Systematische Uebersicht der in Europa, Nord-Asien und der Mittelmeerregion vorkommenden Vogel, 95)1. l-^illjiat. 8°. Berlin,, 1908— > •2 L. . Hartert (ERNST J. O.) See ORNIS.. .Edited. . .by. .. E. J. O. Hartert, Hartert (ERNST J. 0.) Eurylsemid«. pp. S : 1 pi. col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Avium, Hartert (ERNST J. O.) & others. A Hand List of British Birds, with an account of the distribution of each species ... By E. Hartert, P. C. E. Jourdain, N. F. Ticehurst and H. F. Witherby. pp. xii, 237. 8°. London, 1912. Hartig (ROBERTA Der echte Hausschjpamru und andere des Bauhota/zerstorende Pilze »/:. Zweite Auflagj*' bearbeitet/dnd herausgegeben van . . . C. . . . von Tuboflf . pp. vii-sttiS : text Must. / 8°. Berlin, . W. z 11. The^mt edition appeared iu ISSifunder the title " Die Zeprtttrungen djiffBauholzes durch Pilze," I6«lq.v.) / Hartig (TllEODOR) Mitteilungen uber beachtenswerthe Vorkominuisse im Bereiche des Forstwesens, uber gernachte Versuche und Erfahrungen u. s. w. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Her. I. Versara. Deiitsch. Forst manner, 1872, pp. 22-26. Contains on p. 25 the description of Tinea (Argyrulhia) Zelleriella. Harting (JAMES EDWAKD FOTHERINGHAM) Introduc- tion of the Roe Deer in Epping Forest, pp. 7. 8°. [London, 1884.] The Field. 1884. Harting (JAMES E. F.) & others. The Gun at home • and abroad. British Game Birds and Wildfowl. See GRANT (W. B. 0.) See NEW YORK *~- ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 8°. 1917— > HARTLEY (HAROLD) Polymorphism : an historical M account, pp. i>!>. 8°. Oxford, 1902. HARTLEY (PERCIVAL HORTON SMITH) [1867-] A descriptive Catalogue of Pathological specimens in the "Z „ Museum of the Hospital for Consumption . . Brompton, /'• ,''t-Hi»: pit. xiii-xxxm, 1841 ; pt. 5 & 6, pp. Hll-173: pit. xxxrii-lx, 1842 ; pt. 7, •pp. 173-1'Jf! : fill. Ixi-lxM, 1843 ; pt. 8, pp. 1'Sl-SH : pis. txxiii-lxxrir, 1844. (Fitie C. D. SHKRBORN " Index Animalium.") HARTMANN (MARTIN) [1851-] See ARCHIV PUER PROTISTENKUNDE. . .herausgegeben von. . . M. Hart- 5. mann, etc. Bd. VIIl-» 8". 1906-» HARTMANN (PHILIPPUS JACOBUS) [1648-1707] Succini Prussici physica et civilis historia, cum demon- stratione ex autopsia et intimiori reruin experientia deducta. pp. XKH : 4 pi*- 8°. Francoftirti, 1677. rtl» HARTMEYER (ROBERT) [1874-] Die Ascidien der Arktis. See ROEMER (F.) & SCHAUDINN (F.) Fauna Arctica, etc. Bd. Ill, no. 5. 4°-. 1908. Hartmeyer (ROBERT) Ascidien von Mauritius. See. Zoo- LOGISCHE JAHBBUECHER. Supplement-Band vm. (/•<-. 8°. 1905. Hartmeyer (ROBERT) Die Fauna Siidwest-Austra- liens. Ergebnisse der Hamburger sudwest-australischen Forschungsreise 1905, herausgegeben von . . . W. Michaelsen und . . . R. Hartmeyer. Bd. I— >• See MlCHAELSKN (W.) 8". 1907-> L: 439 Hartmeyer (ROBERT) Mermithidas. — Gordiidfe. - ' . Nemertini.— Bryozoa. See BRAUEH (A.) Die Siiss- wasserfauna Deutschlands, • dien. pp.150: 3 pis., text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Hand- lingar. Bd. LX, no. 4. 4°. 1919. HARTNAGEL (CHRIS ANDREW) [1874-] & New- land. (D. H.) Iron Ores of the Clinton formation in -g New York State, pp. 76 : 13 pis., 4 maps, text illust. ' See ALBANY. — NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM OP NATURAL HISTORY. Museum Bulletin No. 123. 8°. 1908. Hartog (MARCUS MANUEL) Rotifers. See HARMEH (Sir S. F.) K.B.E. The Cambridge Natural History, dc. Vol. II [Reprint]. 8°. 1901. Hartog (MAEcns M.) Protozoa. See HARMER (Sir S. F.) K.B.E. The Cambridge Natural History, do. . Vol. I. 8°. 1906. HART WICH (CARL) Ueber in Rumphius' " Herba- rium Amboinense" erwahnte Amerikanische Pflanzen. pp. 10. See HAARLEM. — NEDERLANDSCHE MAATSCHAP- PIJ, do. — Koloniaal Museum. Rumphius Gedenkboek, de. 4°. 1902. HARTZ (NIKOLAJ EG KRUSE) [1867-J Bidrag til Danmarks senglaciale Flora og Fauna . . . samt " Resume en Francais." pp. 80: 1 map, text illust. See DEN- MARK.— Danmarks Geologiske Undersfigelse. 2. Rsekke, no. 11. 8°. 1902. . Hartz (NlKOLAJ E. K.) Fungi Greenland}* orientalis in expeditionibus G. Amdrup 1898-1902 a. . .N. Hartz. . . collecti, dc. See DENMARK. — Commissionen for Ledelsen af de Geologiske off Geographiske Underspgelier i Gr$n- land. Meddelelser om Gr0nland. Hft. xxx, afd. 1. Botanical exploration of the east coast of Greenland, dc. No. 3. 8°. 1904 (1907). Hartz (NlKOLAJ E. K.) Bidrag til Danmarks tertiaere Og diluviale Flora, pp. ix [it,] 29% : 11 pis., text illust. Atlas, [pp. 2 :] 13 pis. See DENMARK.— Danmarks Geologiske Under s0g else. 2. Rjekke, no. 20. 8". 1909. Hartz (NlKOLAJ E. K.) & others. Eem-Zonerne. Studier over Cyprinaleret og andre Eem-Aflejringer i Danmark, Nord-Tyskland og Holland. . .Avec resume en Francais. pp. [ii,] SOS: 13 pis., 1 map, text illust. See DENMARK. — Danmarks Geologiske Undersfigelse. 2. Riekke, no. 17. 8°. 1908. One of the plates is included in the pagination. Hartz (NIKOLAJ E. K.) & others. En Boring gennem de kvarttere Lag ved SkiBrumhede . . . Med an English summary of the contents, pp. [i,] 175: 7 pis., text illust. See DENMARK. — Danmarks Geologiske Under- sfigelse. 2. Rsekke, no. 25. 8°. 1910. HARVEY (EDMUND NEWTON) [1887-] The nature of Animal Light, pp. x, 182 : 13 pis. back to back, text illust. 8°. Philadelphia f some Shells collected by. . .P. . I. Itufford. . .and presented by him to the. . .Museum ; with a Note on Pclecypoda U P. J. Rufford. pp. 107-UO; pit. xii-ami. „ b. The Geology of the East Clllf, Hastings, by P. J. Rufford... With an "Appreciation" by A. C. Seward. pp. ItS-Ut: pit. xmii-xxi, I port. . 441 Hastings. Hastings and St. Leonards Museum. A Handbook to the Collections contained in the . . . Museum, Ac. pp. vi, tiJ[ '• 7 pis., text illust. 8". Hastings, 1911. HASTINGS (STEPHEN H.) & Ball (C. R.) Grain- Sorghum production in the San Antonio region of Texas. pp. HO: text Must. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 237. 8°. 1912. HASTINGS AND EAST SUSSEX NATU- RALIST, The, Ac. Vol. i-> See HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. 8°. 1906— > HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS MUSEUM ASSOCIATION. [Founded 1891.] Statement setting forth the Constitution and general Aims of the . . . Association, pp. S : text illust. 8°. [Hastings ?] 1891. Hastings and St. Leonards Museum Associa- tion. Annual Report, Ac. 1903— > 8°. [Hastings, 1904->] Hastings and St. Leonards Natural History . Society. [Annual Rpt., illust. 8°. Hastings, 1906— > Hastings and St. Leonards Natural History Society. Occasional Publications. No. 1— > 8°. [Hastings,]. 1907-> No.l,"An introduction to. .. Craniometry. ..By R. C. Benington"; and No. 2, "Gilbert White.. .By W. H. Mullens," bear no indication of their connection with this aeries. Hastings and St. Leonards Natural History Society. Gilbert White of Selborne. A Lecture de- livered before the. . .Society. . .June 4th, 1907. See MULLENS (W. H.) 8°. 1907. HASWELL (GEORGE C.) On the Silurian formation in the Pentland Hills, pp. Iff : 6 ph., 1 map. V. ?°- Edinburgh, 1865. Haswell (WILLIAM AITCHESONA Monograph of the TemnocephaleDB. — On an apparently new type of the !_f, Platyhelminthes (Trematoda ?). See LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. The Macleay Memorial Volume, Ac. 4°. 1893. \ Haswell (WILLIAM A.) [The Mammals and Fresh- water Fauna of New South Wales.] See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, dec. Handbook for New South Wales (1914). Sect. II, Natural Science. 8°. 1914. Hatch (FREDERICK HENRY) A Geological Map of the southern Transvaal. New and revised edition. [Scale 1 in. = 8-J m.] See TRANSVAAL. [Maps.] col. 1903. - Explanatory Note, Ac. pp.14. 8°. London, 1903. Hatch (FREDERICK H.) Catalogue of a collection of Rocks and Minerals from Natal and Zululand, arranged ' stratigraphically. See PIETERMARITZBURG. — NATAL GOVERNMENT MUSEUM. 8°. 1909. Hatch (FREDERICK H.) Text-book of Petrology. . . Fifth edition, Ac. pp. xvi, 404 : text illust. 8". London A New York, 1909. Appendix contains : — Table for the determination of the chief Minerals of Igneous Rocks In thin section. By R. II. Rastall and J. Romanes. — — Vol. I. The Petrology of the Igneous Rooks . . . Seventh edition, Ac. pp. xxiv, 4$4 '• text illust. 8°. London, 1914. Appendix contains:— Table for the determination of the chief Minerals of Igneous Rocks in thin section. By R. H. Rastall and J. Romanes. Hatch (FREDERICK H.) Report on the Mines and Mineral resources of Natal (other than Coal), pp. xii, 155 : 8 maps and plans (1 geol. col.), text illust. 8°. London, 1910. Hatch (FREDERICK H.) The Auriferous Conglomerates of the Witwatersrand. pp. IX : 1 map, text illust. 8°. San Francisco if: London [1911]. Reprinted from " Types of Ore Deposits." Hatch (FREDERICK H.) MineprfOgy. . .Fourth Ac. pp,^>tf^2~>8 : text illnpfrr 8°. IjonjKtnA New York, 1913^t.c. 1911]. Hatch (FREDERICK H.) The past, present and future of the Gold-mining industry of the Witwatersrand, Transvaal. . . being the " J. Forrest " Lecture. . . 1910-11. pp. 30 : 1 pi. 8°. London, 1911. Proc. Inst. Civil Engin. Vol. OLXXXVI. Hatch (FREDERICK H.) & Corstorphine (G. S.) The Geology of South Africa. pp..xiv, 34$, 1 tab. : 2 maps geol. col., text illust. 8°. London A New YorJc, 1905. — Second edition, pp. xvi. 304, 1 tab. : 2 maps geol. col., text illust. 8". London, 1909. Hatch (FREDERICK H.) & RastalL#K*H.) Te^t-book of Petrology. Vol. II. The Peteaiogy of tljg.fseu'imentary Rocks. . .With an appendjxfin the^sygfematic examina- tion of loose detrit3Jr"*sedinjefrfsT By T. Crook, Ac. pp. xiii, 435 : teje£*Mw&r^ 8°. London, 1913. Hatch (FREDERICK H.) & Vallentiue (E. J.) Mining Tables, being a comparison of the units of weight, measure, currency, mining area, etc., of different countries, Ac. pp. viii, 200. 8°. London, 1907. HATCH EXPERIMENT STATION. See AMHERST. — MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COL- LEGE.— Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. HATCHER (JOHN BELL) [1861-1904] [For notes on Fossil Reptilia by J. B. Hatcher] See ZITTEL (K. A. VON) Text-Book of Palaeontology . . . English edition, Ac. Vol. II. 8°. 1902. -TV Hatcher (JoHNBt) Narrative of the Patagonia], i^ueography of southern See PRIJfeETON. — PRINCETON UJMVERSITY. the -Pfmceton University .Expeditions to y*g6~1899, Ac. Vol. I. ditions [to J. ^ ,0 , Patagonia, V^*^ . Reporjia^of — 8 : text illust. See CONGRES GEO- LOOIQUE INTERNATIONAL. Eighth Session : Paris, 1900. Livret-Guide des Excursions en France, rfc. No. XII-B. 8°. 1900. Hang (ExiLE) [Palaeontology of the Sahara.] f A _ See FoORBAU (F.) Documents Scientifiques de la Mission Saharienne, rfc. Vol. II. Paleontologie. 4°. 1905. Hang (EMILE) Annales Hebert . . . Publiees sous la fa. direction de M. E. Haug. Tom. Ill— > See PARIS. — FACULTE DES SCIENCES. 8°. 1906— > Hang (EMILE) Traite" de Geologic, dc. pp. tfi.;.'/ . 135 ph., text illust. 8°. Paris, 1907-11. Hang (fiiaiLE) & Kilian (C. C. \V.) Sur les dislocations G-. des environs de Mouthier-Hautepierre (Doubs). p/>..,'.': 3 ph., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Geologique detaillee. Bulletin, illust. 8°. [Havana,] 1915 — > Havas (JOHAN) Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Westnor- wegischen Flechtenflora. I— > See BERGEN. — BERGENS , MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbog. 1909, no. 1. 8°. 1909-> . Havas (JOHAN) Lichenvegetationen ved Mosterhavn. pp. 3'J : text illust. See BERGEN.— BERGENS MUSEUM, i Bergens Museums Aarbok, 1917-8, Naturvid. raekke, no. 2. 8°. 1918. Havell (ROBERT) A Collection of the Birds of Paradise. . 22 ph. col., with col. cngr. title, fol. [London, c. 1835.] • HAVRE. — Museum d'Histoire Nattirelle. [Founded 1838.) I Ville du Havre. Notice sur' le Musdum d'Histoire j Naturclle du Havre en 1911. pp. 18 [1] : text illust. 8°. Le Havre, 1911. 4 HAVRE. Societe Linneeune de la Seine Mari- time. (Founded 1913.) [Bulletin.] Tom. I, fasc. 1*2. 8°. Le Havre, 1918, 14. Havre. Societe Linneeune de la Seine Mari- time. Bulletin Mensuel, Hawaii, Territory of. — BOARD OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 1. pp. 8. 8°. [Honolulu, 1905.] Hawaii, Territory of. — BOARD OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY. — Entomology Division. Eeport. . .for the biennial period ending December 31st, 1912(-1914). 8°. Honolulu, 1913(-15). Kept. Board Comm. Agric. & Forestry for those years. Hawaii, Territory of. — BOARD OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY. — Entomology Division. Report of an expedition to Africa in search of the natural enemies of Fruit Flies (Trypaneidce), with descriptions, observations and biological notes. By F. Silvestri, Ac. pp. 176 : 24 pis., 2 maps. See supra, Bulletin No. 3. 8°. 1914. Translated from the original Italian manuscript. The figures and map at end of plates were prepared in Italy under Silvestri's direction, and used in the Italian edition of this report, published Nov. 28, 1913, in the "Boll. Lab. Zool. E. Se. Super. Agric. Portici, Vol. VIII." Appendix contains : — Reports of the Breeding and Distribution of the Parasites intro- duced by Professor F. Silvestri. May 16 to December 31, 1913. 1. .Report for the period from May 18 to September 30. By D. T. Fullaway. 2. Report for the period from October 1 to December 31. By J. C. Bridwell. Hawaii, Territory of. — BOARD OF AGRICULTURE AND J, FORESTRY. — Forestry Division. Circular No. 1. pp. 6. 8°. [Honolulu, 1905.J Hawaii, Territory of. — BOARD OF AGRICULTURE AND ' . FORESTRY. — Forestry Division. Press Bulletin No. 2-4. 8°. [Honolulu, 1905-06.] Hawaii, Territory of. — BOARD OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY. — Forestry Division. Botanical Bulletin No. 1— > i°. Honolulu, 1911- Hawaii, Territory of. — BOARD OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY. — Forestry Division. "~r Bulletin No. 1. Eucalyptus culture in Hawaii. By /. L. Margolin, pp. SO : 11 pis., 1 map. 8°. Honolulu, 1911. HAWAII AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — • Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station. . HAWAIIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. [Founded 1905.] Proceedings, Ac. Vol. I— > illust. 8°. Honolulu, 1906— > HAWAIIAN SUGAR PLANTERS' ASSO- CIATION.— EXPERIMENT STATION. Report of the Experiment Station Committee . . . for M» » the year ending September 30, 1905. fp. JOr 14 ph. — n 8°. Honolulu, 1905, If i 3 Contains, inter alia :— Append. I. Report of the Division of Agriculture and Chemistry. „ II. Report of the Division of Entomology. „ III. Annual Report of the Division of Pathology and Physiology. , Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association.— EXPERI- MENT STATION. The Leguminous Plants of Hawaii ... By J. F. Rock. pp. x, S34. • 98 ph. 8°. Honolulu, Hawaii, 1920. The plates are included in the pagination. Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association.— EXPERI- MENT STATION. — Division of Entomology. Bulletin No. l-> 8°. Honolulu, H.T., 1905-> Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association.— EXPERI- MENT STATION. — Division of Pathology and Physiology. Bulletin No. 2-> 8°. Honolulu, 1905-> Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association.— EXPERI- MENT STATION.— Division of Pathology and Physiology. Methods of using the Microscope, Camera-Lucida and Solar Projector for purposes of examination and the production of illustrations, &c. See COBB (N. A.) 8°. 1905. Being the First Annual Report of the Division of Pathology and Physiology, ] Mount i'.l un rollers. HAWKINS (HERBERT LEADER) Invertebrate Palip- ontology : an introduction to the study of Fossils. pp. .r/>, .'.'>:: I/; pis. 8°. London, 1920. HAWKINS (LoN ADRIAN) [1880-] The Control of Black-Rot of the Grape, pp. -},!' : ,7 pis., text illuat. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — 1'lnnt Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 155. 8°. 1909. Hawks (FRANCIS LISTER) Narrative of the Expedition of an American squadron to the China Seas and Japan . . .in. . .1852, 1853, and 1854. . .Compiled. . .By F. L. Hawks. See UNITED STATES. [Voyages, pis., .' maps geol. col., text illust. Sec UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 238. 8°. 1904. EAT -{DAVID RAMSAY) [1798-1866] A Nomenclature of Colours applicable to the Arts and Natural Sciences . . .Second edition, . 1913. HAYATA ( BUNZO) [1874-k 'Composite Formosanae. pp. .',-ri : ; pis. See ToKlX).— TEIKOKU DAIOAKU. — OoUege of Science . Journal, ~> : 7 pis. (1 col.), :? maps (1 col.), text illust. 8°. Tokyo, Sec FORMOSA. — Bureau of Productive Industry. 8°. 1911-> Hayata (BUNZO) & Matsumura (J.) Enumeratio ] Plantarum in Insula Formosa sponte crescentium hucusque rite cognitarum adjectis descriptionibus et figuris specierum pro regioue novarum. pp. 703 [2] : 17 pis., 1 map (col.). See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. —College of Science. Journal, rfc. Vol. XXIL 4°. 1906. HAYDEN (ADA) & others. The Weed Flora of (^ Iowa. pp.xiii,91S: text illust. See IOWA, State of. — -— ! Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 4. .__ _8°. 1913. HAYDEN (Sir HENRY HUBERT) [1869-1 f Note on Spirifer Curzoni, Diener. pp. 3. See iNDik.— Geolo- gical Survey. Palroontologia Indica, ttc. Series XV, vol. i, pt. 5, Appendix. 4". 1903. Hayden (Sir HENRY H.) 'The Geology of Spiti, with parts of Bashahr and Rupshu. pp. [*,] 7.?.'', vi, 1 tab. : 17 pis., 1 map gi'ol. col. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Memoirs, dc. Vol. xxxvi, no. 1. 8°. 1904. Hayden (Sir HENRY H.) The Geology of the provinces of Tsang and U in central Tibet, pp. [ii,] 80: Ifipls., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See INDIA. — Geological Survey. Memoirs, ifc. Vol. xxxvi, pt. 2. 8°. 1907. Hayden (Sir HENRY H.) [For official reports as Director] See INDIA, — Geological Survey. Hayden (Sir HENRY H.) & Burrard (S. G.) A Sketch of the Geography and Geology of the Himalaya Moun- tains and Tibet. See INDIA. — Survey Department. 4°. 1907-08. Haydn (JOSEPH) Haydn's Dictionary of Dates... By . . . B. Vincent . . . Twenty-Fifth edition, containing the history of the World to Midsummer, 1910. pp. vi [tit,] l'!J4. 8". London, • pp. 32. 8°. Wicn, 1904-> Hayek (AUGUST VON) Vorarbeiten zu einer pflanzen- geographischen Kartc Oesterreichs. IV. Die Sanntaler Alpen (Steiner Alpen). pp. 173 [1] : 1 map col., text illust. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE zoo- LOGISCII-HOTANISCIIK cKSELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, <*c. Bd. IV, hft. 2. 8°. 1907. 445 Hayek (AUGUST VON) Flora vou Steiermark . . . Nebst einer pflanzengeographischen Schilderung des Landes. Bd. I-> 8°. Berlin, 1908-> Title from wrapper. Hayek (AUGUST VON) Icones Floras Alpinae Plantarum. I} [With the collaboration of A. von Hayek.] S^r. I, fasc. 1-5. See MARKET (L.) 8°. [1911-12.] Hayek (AUGUST VON) Die Pflanzendecke Osterreich- S. Ungarns, rfc. Bd. I— 5» illust. 8". Leipzig rf Wwn, 1914-> Title from wrapper. Hayek (AUGUST VON) & Eberweiiv (R.) Vorarbeiten zu einer pflanzengeographischen Karte Oesterreichs. n I) I. Die Vegetationsverhiiltnisse von Schladming in Ober- steiermark. pp. 28: 1 map col. See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHE ZOOLOGISCH - BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, Ac. Bd. II, hft. 3. 8°. 1904. HAYES (ALBERT ORION) [1882-] Wabana Iron ore of &-. Newfoundland, pp. iv, 163 : 30 pis. (1 col.), 2 maps. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir No. 78. 8". 1915. Hayes (ALBERT 0.) The Malagash Salt deposit, Cum- berland county, N.S. pp. [1] 24: 3 maps geol. col., text illust. See CANADA. — Geological Survey. Memoir No. 121. (No. 103 Geological Series.) 8°. 1920. [Handbook for Field 8". 1908.] Hayes (CHARLES WILLARD) Geologists, rfc. Wanting. Second edition, rfc. pp. viii [i,] 159 : 1 pi., text Must. 8°. New York rf London, 1909. Hayes (CHARLES W.) The State Geological Surveys (y~- of the United States. Compiled under the direction of C. W. Hayes, pp. 177. See UNITED STATES. — Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 465. 8°. 1911. Hayes (CHARLES W.) & "Kennedy (W.) Oilfields of (ff the Texas-Louisiana gulf coastal plain. pp. 174 •' 7 pis., 4 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 212. 8°. 1903. HAYES (HERBERT KENDALL) [1884-] & East (E. M.) -•s Heterozygosis in Evolution and in Plant Breeding. •P- pp. 58 : (J pis. back to back. See UNITED STATES. — Department of 'Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 243. 8°. 1912. HAYES (M. ANGELO) The Delineation of Animals in- rapid motion,,] W: text illust. 8°. Dublin, 1877. HAYES (WILLIAM P.) The Maize Billbug or Elephant t- • Bug [Sphenophorus maidis, Chittn.]. pp. 37 : text illust. 8°. Topeca, 1920. Agric, Exper. Stat. Kansas State Agric. Coll. Technic. Bull. 6. HAYHTTRST (PAUL) The San Jose Scale [Aspi- E. diotui perniciosus, Cmstk.], and how to control it. See FAYETTEVILLE. — Arkansas Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Bulletin No. 107. 8". 1911. Hay hurst (PAUL) & Hewitt (J. L.) Diseases of Apple t. . Trees and Fruit, caused by Fungi and Insects. See FAYETTEVILLE. — Arkansas Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Bulletin No. 109. 8°. 1911. HAYMAN (J. M.) & Butler (E. J.) Indian Wheat Bust, rfc. pp. 58: 6 pis. col., text illust. See INDIA. — Department of Agriculture. Memoirs, rfc. Botanical Series, Vol. I, no. 2. 8°. 1906. HAYREIT (ERNST) Studier iifver vegetatioueu p tillandningsomriidena i Ekenas skarg&rd. pp. 171 [5] 2 maps (col.), text illust. See HELSINGFORS. — SOCIETA PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, rfe. Vol. XXIII no. 6. 8°. 1902 Hayrgu (ERNST) Bjorneborgstraktens Vegetation och Karlvaxtflora, rfc. pp. 264 [2] : 1 map col. See HEL- SINGFORS.— SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, rfc. Vol. xxxn, no. 1. 8°. 1909. HAYWABiD (!DA MARGARET) Miss, & Druce (G. C. The Adventive Flora of Tweedside. pp. xxxii, 296 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Arbroath, 1919 Headley (FREDERICK WEBB) pp. x, 163 : 16 pis., text illust. Vol. r. Invertebr;ita, by E. W. MacBridc. illust. II. Vertebrata, with the exception of Manr Kerr. pp. xii, ff'Jl : text illust. mraalia, hy J. G. f, Hay ward (W^E.) Hay ward's Botanist's Poeket^Book. Thirfceeit^eaition, revised arjd-*fmirged by G. OfT)ruce. 280. s^ 8°. Lo^aon, 1909. HEADBEN (WILLIAM PARKER) [1850-] Alfalfa. pp. ft? : 14 pis. Sec FORT COLLINS, Colorado. — Agri- cultural College. — Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 35. 8°. 1896. The Flight of Birds. 8°. London, 1912 . E. Heald (FREDERICK DE FOREST) & Wolf (F. A.) A Plant-Disease survey in the vicinity of San Antonio, Texas, pp. 129 : ^19 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 226. jLJ, 8°. 1912. i/*v*^i*J^*'^ HEALD (K. C.) The Oil and Gas Geology of the Fora- £.' ker quadrangle, Osage county, Oklahoma. See UNITED STATES. — Geoloaical Survey. Bulletin No. 641 -B. t/t^f^- 8°. 1916. Heald (K. C.) Geologic structure of the northwestern part of the Pawhuska quadrangle, Oklahoma. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 691-C. 8°. 1918. HE ALE Y (MAUD) The Fauna of the Napeng Beds, or the Rhsetic Beds of Upper Burma, pp. 88 [2], ii, 8 tabs. : 9 pis., 1 text illust. See INDIA. — Geological .Survey. Palseontologia Iiidicn, rfc. Ne.w Series. Vol. II, mem. 4. 4°. 1908. Heape (WALTER) The Breeding Industry : its value to the country, and its needs, pp. xii, 154. 8°. Cambridge, 1906. Heape (WALTER) Text-Book of Embryology. . .Edited by W. Heape. Vol. l-> 8°. London, 1914-> pp. xxxii, W2 : text G-. 1914. 1919. Heathcote, afterwards Sinclair (FREDERICK GRAN- VILLE) Myriapods. Sec HARMER (Sir S. F.) K.B.E. The Cambridge Natural History, rfc. Vol. v [Second edition]. 8°. 1901. Heathcote, afterwards Sinclair (FREDERICK GRAN- VILLE) The Myriapoda of Cambridgeshire. See MARK (J. E.) Handbook to the Natural History of Cambridge- shire, rfc. 8°. 1904. HEATON (NOEL) Rubies. Some practical hints on the detection of artificial and imitation stones . . . Published by the Burma Ruby Mines, Ltd. pp. 16: 2 pis., col., text illust. 8°. [London, 1912.] The plates are included in the pagination. Chart, rfc. Illitst. with descriptive text. 1 sh. col. [London, 1912.] AV. M; 446 HEBARD (MORGAN) [1887-J The Blattidsc of North America, north of the Mexican boundary, pp. 2H4, vi : 10 pit., ti-ft illiml. Sec AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, pis., i map. See AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, .s' : ;.'.'? pis. See FENZL (E.) >• col. 1 1907. ) „ Dt. 3. Racial types from western and central Asia, drawn by S. Hedin. pp. [i], k : W pl«. [1907.] ,.lc H. 447 Hedley (CHARLES) Description of a new Rhytida (-R- globosa) from New Guinea. See QUEENSLAND. — Houses of Parliament. Annual Report on British New Guinea, Ac. 1888-89, append. H. 4". 1890. Hedley (CHARLES) List of tho Mollusoa collected by Sir W. Macgregor on the Fly River. See QUEENSLAND. —Houses of Parliament. Annual Report on British New Guinea, Ac. 1889-90, append. V. 4°. 1890. Hedley (CHARLES) On Parmacochlea Fischeri, Smith. See LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. The . I. Macleay Memorial Volume, Ac. 4°. 1893. Hedley (CHARLES) [Mollusca of the Antarctic regions.] See SHACKLETON (Sir E. H.) British Antarctic Expe- dition, 1907-9, Ac. Vol. II, pt. 1. 4°. 1911. Hedley (CHARLES) The Marine Invertebrates [of New South WalesJ. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, Ac. Hand- book for New South Wales (1914). Sect. II. Natural Science. 8°. 1914. Hedley (CHARLES) [Mollusca of the Antarctic regions.] See SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Australasian Antarctic Expe- dition, 1911-14, Ac. Scientific Reports. Series C. Zoology and Botany. Vol. IV, pt. 1. 4°. 1916. Hedley (CHARLES) Report on Mollusca from elevated marine beds, " raised beaches," of McMurdo Sound. See SHACKLETON (Sir E. H.) British Antarctic Expe- dition, 1907-09 [in the " Nimrod "] . . . Reports, Ac. Geology. Vol. II, no. 5. 8°. 1916. Hecllund (JoHAN TEODOR) Ueber den Zuwachsverlauf bei kugeligen Algen wiihrend des Wachstums. See SER- NANDER (J. R.) A others. Botaniska Studier. Tillag- nade F. R. Kjellman, Ac. 8°. 1906. HEDRICK (ULYSSES PRENTISS) [1870-] The Grapes of New York. pp. xv, 564 •' 101 pis. col., 1 port. 4°. Albany, N.Y., 1908. Ann. fiept. Dept. Agric. State New York, No. 16, vol. HI, pt. 2. Hedrick (ULYSSES P.) The Plums of New York. By U. P. Hedrick, assisted by R. Wellington, O. M. Taylor, W. H. Alderman, M. J. Dorsey, Ac. pp. xii, 016 : 98 pis. col., 1 port. 4°. Albany, N.Y., 1911. State of New York Dept. Agric. 18th Ann. Kept. Vol. Ill, no. 2. Hedrick (ULYSSES P.) The Cherries of New York. pp. xii, H71 : 56 pis. col., 1 port. 4°. Albany, 1915. State ol New York Dept. Agric. 22nd Ann. Kept. Vol. II pt. 2= Kept. New York Agric. Exper. Stat., 1914, pt. 2. Hedrick (ULYSSES P.) The Peaches of New York... Assisted by G. H. Howe, O. M. Taylor, C. B. Tubergen, Ac. pp. xiii, 541 : 92 pis., 1 map, 1 port. 4°. Albany, 1917. State of New York Dept. Agric. 24th Ann. Kept. Vol. II, pt. 2 = Kept. New York Agric. Exper. Stat. 1916, pt. 2. Hedrick (ULYSSES P.) Sturtevant's Notes on Edible Plants. Edited by U. P. Hedrick. pp. vii, 686 : 1 port. 4°. Albany, 1919. State of New York Dept. Agric. 27th Ann. Kept. Vol. II, pt. 2 = Kept. New York Agric. Exp. Stat. 1919, pt. 2. Hedstrom (HERMAN OSKAR) Om Sveriges naturliga byggnafls- och ornamentstenar jamte forteckning 6'fver de viktigaste Svenska stenindustriidkande firrnorna. pp. 64 : 14 pis. (col.), 1 map (geol. col.). See SWEDEN. — SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Ser. C. Af- handlingar, etc. No. 209 [= Arsbok n (1908). No. 11. 8°. 1908. Hedstrom (HERMAN O.) The Silurian stratigraphy in the neighbourhood of Visby. See CONGHES GKOLOGIQUK INTERNATIONAL. Eleventh Session. Livret-Guide des Excursions en Suede, Ac. No. 20. 8". 1910. Hedstrom (HERMAN O.) Om Sveriges produktion och konsumtion af Kalksten, Kalk, Krita och Dolomit ... for ... 1906 och 1907. pp. 99 : 1 map (col.). Om ordnandet af Sveriges Mineralstatistik. pp. 68. See SWEDEN. — SVEHIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Irsbok 4 (1910), no. 3 & 4 [= Ser. C. Afhandlingar, Ac. No. 231 & 232]. 8°. 1911. Hedstrom (HERMAN O.) Om gruudvattensforh&llan- dena i trakten af Visby. pp.70: 3 pis. (col.), 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See SWEDEN. — SVERIGES GEO- LOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Arsbok v (1911), no. 1 [ = Ser. C. Afhandlingar, Ac. No. 239]. 8°. 1912. Hedstrom (HERMAN 0.) Ueber die Gattung Phrag- moceras in der Obersilurformation Gotlands. pp. 35 : 27 pis., text, illust. See SWEDEN. — SVERIGES GEOLO- GISKA UNDERSOKNING. Ser. Ca. Af handlingar . . . i 4°. No. 15. 4°. 1917. Hedstrom (HERMAN O.) Ueber einige mit der Schale befestigte Strophomenidas aus dem Obersilur Gotlands. pp.14: 3 pis. See SWEDEN. — SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDEHSOKNING. Arsbpk 10 (1916), no. 2 [= Ser. C. Afhandlingar, Ac. No.<876]. 8°. 1917. Hedstrom (HERMAN O.) & Hebbel (E.) Stenindustriell studieresa i Tyskland och Belgien ar 1909, Ac. pp. 108 [1] : 3 pis., 1 map (col.), text illust. See SWEDEN. — SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Irsbok 4 (1910), no. 5[=Ser. C. Afhandlingar, Ac. No. 233]. 8°. 1911. Hedstrom (HERMAN O.) & others. Excursions in the Archaean of southern Sweden. See CONGRES GEOLO- GIQUE INTERNATIONAL. Eleventh Session. Livret- Guide des Excursions en Suede, Ac. No. 18. 8°. 1910. Hedwigia. General-Register fiir die Biinde 1 bis 50, Ac. 8°. Dresden [1911]. Heer (OSWALD) See MITTHEILUNGEN AUS DEM THEORETISCHEN ERDKUNDE. Herausgegeben von... O. Heer. Bd. l.f 8°. [1834-]1836. Heer (OSWALD) Bemerkungen des Herrn Prof. Heer iiber die Landwirthschaft der Ureinwohner unseres Landes. See KELLER (F.) Die Keltischen Pfahlbauten in den Schweizerseen. Bericht 3. 4°. 1860. Heer (OSWALD) Kurzer Auszug aus der Schrift " Die Pflanzen der Pfahlbauten " von ... 0. Heer. Zurich 1865. See KELLER (F.) Die Keltischen Pfahlbauten in den Schweizerseen. Bericht 6. 4°. 1866. Heer (OSWALD) Abstract of the treatise on the ' Plants of the Lake Dwellings.' By. . .O. Heer. Zurich 1866. See KELLER (F.) The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland . . . Second edition, Ac. 8°. 1878. KEEKES (J. E.) [1858-] Rumphius' Levensloop. Naar de mededeelingen van P. A. Leupe. pp. 16 : 1 pi., text illust. See HAARLEM. — NEDERLANDSCHE MAAT- SCHAPPIJ, Ac. — Koloniaal Museum. Rumphius Gedenk- boek. 1702-1902, Ac. 4°. 1902. HEEUING (WlLHELM)^ [-1916] Chlorophyceas in. See PASCHER (A.) Die Siisswasser-Flora Deutschlands, Osterreiehs und der Schweiz, Ac. Hft. 6. 8°. 1914. G-. . G- G; G-. IIS L. a. ~L. L. •• 0. 3. Heering (WiLHBLM) (For genera Vernonia, Eupato- rium, Bacrharis and Liabum from South America; described by Schellenberg, Schiuz and Thellung] Sec NEUCHATEL. — Societ^ des Sciences Naturelles. Mr- moires, rfc. Tom. v. Dr. 0. Fuhrmaun et. . .E. Mayor. Voyage d'exploration scieutifique en Colombie (1910). 4". 1914. HEERKENS (QERHABDUS NlCOLAUs) [1728-1801] G. N. Heerkens . . . Aves Frisicse. pp. xxiv, ~.'',s' [1 ] : r. titt<: 8°. Rottcrodami, 1787. Hegardt (CORNELIUS) Vom Feigenbaume. Sec LIN- N.EUS (Carl) [ Theses • illust. (col.). 4°. Miinchen [1907->] Heidelberg. Grossherzogliche Ruprecht-Karls- Universitaet. Catalog der podophthalmen Crustaceen des Heidel- berger Museums. Beschreibung einiger neuer Arten, rfc. See. NEUMANN (R.) Systematische Uebersicht der Gattungen der Oxyrhynchen, rfc. 8°. 1878. Heidelberg.— Naturhist.-Medicinischer Verein. Verzeichnis der Veroffentlichungen des . . . Vereins . . . von 1856-1909. (A. F. Bd. l-vi ; N. F. Bd. I-IX der Verhandlungen.) Mit Autoren-, Orts-, Sach- und Materien-Register, rfc. See supra, Verhandlungen, rfc. Neue Folee. Bd. IX fin which it was published]. 8<>. 1909. HEIDEMANN (OTTO) [Heteroptera of Alaska.] See WASHINGTON ACADEMY OP SCIENCES. Harriman Alaska Expedition, rfc. Vol. VIII. 8°. 1904. Heiden (HEINBICH) Atlas der Diatomaceen-Kunde Herausgegeben von . . . H. Heiden. Hf t. 61 & 65— >• See SCHMIDT (A. W. F.), fol. 190S-» ' HEIKES (V. C.) Map of the Mining districts of the Western States [U.S.A.], compiled by W. Lindgren. . . assisted by . . . V. C. Heikes . . . Scale, 1 : 2,500,000, ap- proximately 40 miles to 1 inch. (col.) See UNITKD STATES. — Geological Survey. Mineral Resources of the United States. . .1907. Pt. I. 8°. 1908. Heikes (V. C.) A reconnaissance of the Cottonwood- G". American Fork mining region, Utah... with Notes on history and production, by V. C. Heikes. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 620-1. 8". 1915. Heikes (V. C.) Geology and Ore deposits of the Tintic mining district, Utah . . . With a historical review by V. C. Heikes. Sec UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 107. 4°. 1919. Heikes (V. C.) & Butler (B. S.) Notes on the Prornon- Q. tory district, Utah. pp. 10 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 640-A. 8°. 1916. Heikes (V. C.) & others. The Ore deposits of Utah. pp. 672, 1 tab. : .7,' pis., some back to back, i~> maps (4 . -> geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological M Survey. Professional Paper No. 111. 4". 1920. HEILBRONN (ALFRED) Observations faites. . . sur Ic |_ . mode et la vitesse de croissance de Stauridium, dado- t OA£ iii-ma, H. pp. "i : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 211. 8°. 1911. Heilbronn (ALFRED) Ueber die experimentelle Be- einflussbarkeit von Farbe und Form bei Sphcero- « n\i cocctts coronopifolius, Stackh. pp. 12 : text illust. ~ See MONACO.— INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE.— Paris Branch. Annales, rfc. Tom. v, fasc. 2. 4". 1912. Heilprin (ANGELO) Mont Pelee and the tragedy of M Martinique, rfc. pp. xiii, 335: 36 pis., 1 map, text illust. 8°. Philadelphia rf London, 1903. Heilprin (ANGELO) The Eruption of Pelee. A sum- .. j mary and discussion of the phenomena and their sequels. •> • pp. [vi,] 7.2 : 44 pis. (1 col.). 4". Philadelphia, 1908. The plates are mainly taken from the Author's " Mont Pele'e and the tragedy of Martinique," and his "Tower of PeUSe." Heim (ALBERT) Neuseeland. Zwei Vortrage, rfc. L. pp. 42 : 1 pi., text illust. Sec ZURICH.— NATURFOE- , . J SCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Neujahrsblatt, rfc. StUck -3'1* CVII. 4". [1905.] Heim (ALBERT) Das Santisgebirge. Vortrag, rfc. pp. :.'5 : text illusl. 8°. Luzern, 1905. Verhandl. Schweiz. Naturf. Gesell. Jahrcsver. 88. Heim (ALBERT) Das Santisgebirge untersucht und dargestellt von. . .A. Heim, rfc. pp. x, 654 '• 1 pl-< text illust. Atlas, pp. 32: 30 pis. (col.), j' maps geol. col. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Geologique Suisse. Beitriige zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz, rfc. Lief. XLVI. 4". 1905. Heim (ALBERT) Der Ban der Schweizeralpen. Vor- trag, rfc. pp. 26 : 2 pis., text illust. See ZURICH. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Neujahrsblatt, rfc. Stiick ex. 4°. [1908.] Heim (ALBERT) Beobachtuugen aus der Wurzelregion der Glarnerfalten (helvetischen Decken). See SWITZER- LAND.— Carte Geologique Suisse. Beitriige zur Geolo- gischen Karte der Schweiz, rfc. Neue Folge, lief. xxxi. no. IV. 4°. 1911. Heim (ALBERT) Geologische Karte der Schweiz. 1 : 500,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 7^ m. about] . . . ergiinzt von A. Heim. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Geologique Suisse. [Maps.] col. 1911. The wrapper is dated 191*2. Heim (ALBERT) Geologic der Schweiz. 1 Bdf Ag£k 8°. Leipzig, 1919-^ U. T HEIM (ARNOLD) [1882-] Westlicher Teil des Santis- gebirges. Se« SWITZERLAND.— Carte Geologique Suisse. Beitrage zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz, rfc. Lief. XLVI. Das Santisgebirge, rfc. 4°. 1905. . 449 Heim (ARNOLD) Die Nummuliten- und Flyschbildungen der Schweizeralpen. Versuch zu einer Revision der alpinen Eocaen-Stratigraphie. pp. xi, 801, 1 tab. : S ph., 1 map, text illust. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAE- ONTOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, Ac. Vol. XXXV. 6°. 1908. Heim (ARNOLD) Monographic der Churfirsten-Matt- (j-. stock-Gruppe. 3 Pt. pp. x, viii, vi, iv, 663, 2 tabs. : 31 ph. (col.), 4 maps geol. col., text illust. See SWIT- ZERLAND.— Carte Geologique Suisse. Beitrage zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz, Ac. Lief. L. 4°. 1910-17. Heim (ARNOLD) Ueber Gronlands Eisberge. pp. 7: 4 ph. See ZURICH.— NATURFORSCHENDE GESELL- .£. SCHAFT. Neujahrsblatt, Ac. Stuck cxni. 4°. [1911.] Heim (ARNOLD) Zur Tektonik des Flysches in den k_ ostlichen Schweizeralpen. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Geologique Suisse. Beitrage zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz, Ac. Neue Folge, lief, xxxi, no. 3. 4°. 1911. Heim (ARNOLD) & Baumberger (E.) Palaontologisch- r stratigraphische Untersuchung zweier Fossilhorizonte an der Valangien-Hauterivien-Grenze im Churfirsten- Mattstoekgebiet, Ac. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAEON- TOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, Ac. Vol. xxxiv. 40. 1907[-1908J. P Heim (ARNOLD) & Boehm (J. A.) Neue Untersuch- ungen ilber die Senonbildungen der ostlichen Schweizer- alpen, Ac. See SCHWEIZERISCHE PALAEONTOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen, Ac. Vol. xxxvi. 4°. 1909 (1910). Heim (ARNOLD) & Hartmann (A.) Untersuchungen £. fiber die petrolfiihrende Molasse der Schweiz. pp. viii, 95 : 5 ph., 5 maps (col.), text illust. See SWITZER- LAND.— Carte Geologique Suisse. Beitrage, Ac. Geo- technische Serie, Lief. 6. 40 1919 H85-7 - J Heimerl (ANTON) rThytolaccacese, Nyctaginacese. $. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) & PRANTL (K. A. E.) Die naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Ac. Thl. in, abth. I, b. 8°. 1889. Heimerl (ANTON) Flora von Brixen a. E., Ac. pp. xxi, 821. 8°. Wien A Leipzig, 1911. Heimerl (ANTON) Die von . . . T. Herzog auf seiner 2J zweiten Reise durch Bolivien in den Jahren 1910 und 1911 gesammelten Pflanzen. (Mit Beitragen von... A. Heimerl, Ac.) Toil 1 & 2. See LEYDEN. — RIJKS UNIVERSITEIT. Mededeelingen van's Rijks Herbarium, Ac. No. 19 & 27. 8°. (1913-15.) Heimerl (ANTON) [Nyctaginaeea? from Colombia & the West Indies, determined by A. Heimerl.] See NEU- CHATEL.— SOCIETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. Me- moires, Ac. Tom. v. Dr. O. Fuhrmann et. . .E. Mayor. Voyage d'exploration seientifique en Colombie (1910). 4°. 1914. HEIN (S. A. ARENDSEN) Contributions to the anatomy (of Monodon monoceros. 2Pt. illust. See AMSTERDAM. — •KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Ver- handelingen. . .Tweede Sectie. Deel. xvm, no. 3 & 4. 8°. 1914, 15. Heincke (FRIEDRICH) The occurrence and distribution of the Eggs, Larvae and various age-groups of the Food- Fishes in the North Sea, according to the investigations of the Biological Station at Heligoland, pp. 39 : text illust. See CONSEIL PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL POUR L'EXPLORATION DE LA MER. Rapports, Ac. Vol. in, append. E. 4°. 1905. HEINEKE (ERICH) Die Ganoiden und Teleostier deg lithographischen Schiefers von Nusplingen. pp. 58: 8 pis., text illust. See PALAEONTOLOGISCHE ABHAND- LUNGEN. Geologische und Palaeontologische Abhand- lungen, Ac. Neue Folge, Bd. viii, hft. 3. 4°. 1907. HEINIS (FRITZ) Die Moosfauna Columbiens. SeeNEU- CHATEL.— SOCIETK DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. Me- moires, Ac. Tom. v. Dr. O. Fuhrmann et. . . E. Mayor. Voyage d'exploration seientifique en Colombie (1910). 4°. 1914. Heinricher (EMIL) Die Aufzucht und Kultur der parasitischen Samenpflanzen. pp. v, 53 : text illust. 8°. Jena, 1910. HEINTZE (JAUGUST) Viixtgeografiska anteckningar fran ett par faVder genom Skibottendalen i Tromso ami. pp. 71. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. VII, no- 11- 8°. 1908. Heiutze (AUGUST) Vaxtgeografiska undersokningar i Bane socken af Norrbottens Ian. pp. 63. See STOCK- HOLM.— KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, Ac. Bd. IX, no. 8. 8°. 1910. Heiutze (AUGUST) Vaxttopografiska undersokningar i Asele Lappmarks f jiilltrakter. 2 Pt. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik. Bd. xn, no. 11 ; xin, no. 5. 8°. 1913. HEINZERLING (OTTO) Der Bau der Diatomeen- zelle, Ac. pp. 88 : 3 pis. col. See BIBLIOTHECA BOTANICA, Ac. Hft. 69. 4°. 1908. HELBIXTG (HERMANN) Beitrage zur Anatomic und Systematik der Laemargiden. pp. 190 : 2 ph., text illust. /SeeAcADEMiA C^ESAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAHOLINA, Ac. Nova Acta, Ac. Vol. LXXXII, no. 4. 4°. 1904. IIELETfE LOUISE HENRIETTE, Duchess of Aosta. [1871-] Termiti raccolte da S.A.B. la Duchessa d'Aosta, nella regioue dei grandi laghi dell' Africa equatoriale. pp. 5 : text illust. Rettili ed Amfibii raccolti durante i viaggi di S.A.R. la Duchessa Elena d'Aosta nella regione dei grandi laghi dell' Africa equatoriale. pp. 8. Formiche raccolte durante i viaggi di S.A.B. la Duchessa Elena d'Aosta nella regione dei grandi laghi dell' Africa equatoriale. pp. 2. See NAPLES. — REGIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. An- nuario del Museo Zoologico della . . . Universita, Ac. Nuova Serie. Vol. Ill, no. 22, 25 & 26. 4°. 1912. HELGEBS (J. H. ED.) & others. Geologische Karte der Gebirge zwischen Lauterbrunnenthal, Kanderthal und Thunersee . . . Massstab, 1 : 50,000 [i.e. 1 m. = 1J in. about]. (Profiltafel.) See SWITZERLAND.— Carte Geo- logique Suisse. [Maps.] 2 sh., col. [1907.] Specialkarte No. 43a & 43b. Holland (AMUND THEODOR) StrandUniernes. [With short English Summary.] pp. 30 : 1 map. See NOR- WAY. — NORGES GEOLOGISKE UNDEHS0GELSE. Aarbog for 1896 til 99, Ac. No. 2. 8°. 1900. [Publication] No. 28. HELLAND-HANSEN (BjORN) [1877-] The depths of the Ocean. . .with Contributions from. . .B. Helland- Hansen. See MURRAY (Sir J.) K.C.B., & HJORT (J.) 8°. 1912. 57 L. 3. G-. G; 450 L. Helland-Hansen (BJOHN) & Nansen (F.) The Norwegian Sea : its physical oceanography, based upon the Norwegian researches 1900-1904. pp. xx, S!>0, xii : .'.->' inapt (col.), tert ill list. See NORWAY. — Norwegian Fitkrry and Marine Investigations. Report, < : Jr. new Sable Antelope from British East Africa, pp. .'. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections. Vol. LIV, no. 4 & 6. 8°. 1910. Heller (EDMUND) Descriptions of seven new species of East African Mammals, pp. /> : 3 pit. New species of Insectivores from British East Africa, Uganda, and the Sudan, pp. S : 1 pi. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections. VoL LVI, no. 9 & 15. 8°. 1910. Heller (EDMUND) New species of Rodents and Carni- vores from Equatorial Africa, pp. IS. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections. Vol. LVI, no. 17. 8". 1911. Heller (EDMUND) New Rodents from British East Africa, pp. HO. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. Lix, no. 16. 8°. 1912. Heller (EDMUND) New genera and races of African Ungulates, pp. in. New Races of Insectivores, Bats, and Lemurs from British East Africa, pp. IS. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections. Vol. LX, no. 8 & 12. 8°. 1912. Heller (EDMUND) The White Rhinoceros, pp. 77, 1 tab. : 31 pig. back to back. New races of Antilopes from British East Africa, pp. 13. New Antilopes and Carnivores from British East Africa. pp. lf>. Now races of Ungulates and Primates from Equatorial Africa, pp. I .'. New races of Carnivores and Baboons from Equatorial Africa and Abyssinia, pp. 1 .'. Set SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections. Vol. r.xi, no. 1, 7, 13, 17 & 19. 8°. 1918. Heller (EDMUND) Four new subspecies of large Mam- mals from Equatorial Africa, pp. 7. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. MI, no. 22. 8". 1914. Heller (EDMUND) New subspecies of Mammals from Equatorial Africa, pp. 1~>. See SMITHSONIAN INSTI- TUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. LXIII, no. 7. 8°. 1914. Heller (KARL MARIA) Neue Kiifer von Celebes, in & iv. illutt. See DRESDEN.— KOENIGLISCHES ZOOLOGISCHES UND ANTHROPOLOOISCH-ETHNOGRAPHISCHES MUSEUM. Abhandlungen, Ac. Bd. vn, no. 3 ; IX, no. 5. 4°. [1898] 1899-1901. Heller (KARL M.) Neue Kiifer von den Philippinen. pp. 8. Dasyurus albopimctatus, Schl., mas. pp. 3 : text illust. See DRESDEN. — KOKNIC.LICHKS ZOOLOGISCHES UND ANTHROPOLOGISCH-ETHNOGRAPHISCHES MUSEUM. Ab- handlungen, Ac. Bd. vil, no. 8 & 9. 4°. 1899. Heller (KARL M.) Dritter (—Fiinfter) Beitrag zur Papuanischen Kiiferfauna (hauptsiichlich auf Grund der Ausbeute von Dr. Schlaginhaufen). 8 Pt. illust. See DRESDEN. — KOENIGLICHES ZOOLOGISCHES UND ANTHROPOLOGISCn-ETHNOGRAPHISCHES MUSEUM. Ab- handlungen, Ac. Bd. X, no. 2 ; XII, no. 1 ; & XIII, no. 3. 4°. [1901-] 1903-10. Heller (KARL M.) [Coleoptera of Dutch New Guinea.] See WICHMANN (C. E. A.) Nova Guinea, Ac. Vol. IX, livr. 5. 4°. 1914. Heller (KARL M.) & Meyer (A. B.) Aepyornis-Eier. pp. 8: 2 pit. See DRESDEN. — KOENIGLICUES ZOOLOQ- ISCHES UND ANTHROPOLOGISCH - ETHNOGRAPHI8CHES MUSEUM. Abhandluneen. Ac. Bd. IX, no. 7. 4". 1901. . Abhandlungen^ Ac. Bd. a^ue**-*" HELLER (L. L.) The Angora Goat. pp. 16 : text Must. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 573. 8". 1914. Heller (L. L.) & Shaw (E. L.) Domestic Breeds of Sheep in America, pp. 50 : 28 pis. back to back. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 94. 8°. 1914. HELLIESEN (TOR AMBROSIUS) Nogle nye Norske Coleoptera. 4 Pt. illust. See STAY ANGER. — STAY ANGER MUSEUM. Aarshefte, Ac. 1909, no. 2; 1910, no. 2; 5 j 1911, no. 2; and 1912, no. 3. 8°. 1910-13. The first contribution contains a re'siinie^ in Esperanto. For the author's earlier contributions on Norwegian Coleoptera, See op. cit. 1890-* Hellieseu (TOR A.) La grupo Chrysomela sanyuino- lenta. pp. 15 : 3 pis. (col.). See STAV ANGER. — STA- VANGER MUSEUM. Aarshefte, Ac. 1911, no. 1. 8°. 1912. Helliesen (TOR A.) La Norvegaj specoj registrantaj al la subgenro Sparto- phila de la genro Phytodecta, Kirby. pp. 9 : text illutt. Gyrinus opacus, Sahib., kaj Oyrinus marinus, Gyll. pp. 6 : text illust. See STAVANGER. — STAVANOER MUSEUM. Aarshefte, , 8°. Helsingfors, 1909-> Issued in three sections : — " A. Matematik och Naturvetenskaper." — "B. Huniauistiska Vetenskaper."— " C. Redogorelser och J'orhauil- liugar." ' Helsingfopg.— Finska V0tenskaps-Socie FinnlaatKsche hydrogwupnisch-biologisch u«*!n7 No. l-Mmst. 4°. He HELSINGFORS. Kejserliga Alexanders-TJni- versitetet i Finland. — Zoologisches Inititut und Museum. Ueber Mus sylvaticus, L., Mus wagneri, Eversm., und Mus minutus, Pall., in den Museen zu Helsingfors und Stuttgart. Von . . . M. Hilzheimer. pp.19. See supra, SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, dc. Vol. XXXIV, no. 10. 8°. 1911 (1912). [HELVETISCHER ALMANACK. 1800-22. 12°. Zurich ?, 1800-22 ?] Wanting. A typewritten copy of all the natural history articles which appeared in this series, viz., in the volumes for the years 1803-10, 1812, 1814-20 inclusive, is in the General Library. HELY-HUTCHINSON (Sir WALTER FRANCIS) Bart., G.C.M.G. [1849-1913] Sir W. Hely-Hutchinson on the Cocoa Beetle [Speirastoma depressum, L.J (Grenada, 1890). [Beprinted from the Agricultural Kecord, Trinidad, January 1891.] See TRINIDAD. — Department of Agriculture. Circular No. 1. The Life History and Control of the Cacao Beetle, dc. Appendix. 8°. 1911. HEMI3STG (THOMAS HENRY) [For contribution on the Marine Surveys of India, assisted by A. W. Alcock.] See HUNTER (Sir W. W.) The Imperial Gazetteer of India . . . New edition, dc. Vol. IV, Chapter xv, Appendix. S6. 1907. Hemmendorff (ERNST) Ueber die vegetative Vermeh- rung in der floralen Begion bei Epidendrum elongaium, Jacq. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik. Bd. I. pp. 515- 520: 2 pis. 8°. 1904. HEMPSLMANN (FRIEDRICH) [1878-] Der Frosch. Zugleich eine Einfuhrung in das praktische Studium des Wirbeltier-Korpers. pp. v [i,] 201 : 2 pis. (col.), text illust. See ZIEGLEE (H. E.) & WOLTERECK (B. L. F.) Monographien einheimischer Tiere. Bd. I. 8°. 1908. Hempelmann (FRIEDRICH) Zur Naturgeschichte von Nereis dumerilii, Aud. et Edw. pp. [i,] 135 : Jf pis. (col.), text illust. See ZOOLOGICA, dc. Bd. XXV, hft. 62. 4°. 1911. Hempelmann (FRIEDRICH) Die Geschlechtsorgane und -Zellen von Saccocirrus. pp. 56 : 5 pis. (col.), text illust. See ZOOLOGICA, dc. Bd. xxvi, hft. 67 [no. 10]. 4°. 1913. Hemsley (WILLIAM BOTTING) Botanical ... Bibliography of the. . .West Indies (Tobago to Porto Bico inclusive). See DYER (Sir W. T. THISELTON-) Beport, dc. 8°. [1889.] Rpt. Brit. Assoc. 1888 (1889). Hemsley (WILLIAM B.) Beport. . .on Botanical Col- lections. See QUEENSLAND.— Houses of Parliament. Annual Beport on British New Guinea, dc. 1897-8, append. II. 4°. 1898. Hemsley (WILLIAM B.) Flpra Simlensis : a handbook of the Flowering Plants of Simla and the neighbourhood . . . with an Introduction by W. B. Hemsley, dc. See COLLETT (Sir H.) K.C.B. 8°. 1902. Hemsley (WILLIAM B.) See CURTIS'S BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. . .by Sir J. D. Hooker. . .assisted by W. B. Hemsley. Vol. cxxix & cxxx. 8°. 1903-04. 452 Hemsley (WILLIAM B.) The History of the Botanical Magazine. 1787-1904. See CUBTIS'8 BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. A new . . . Index to the Botanical Maga/.ino, rfc. 8°. 1906. Hemsley (WILLIAM B.) Illustrations of the New Zealand Flora. Edited . . . with the assistance of W. B. Hemsley, Ac. 2 Vol. illust. See CHEESEMAN (T. F.) 4°. 1914. Hemsley (WILLIAM B.) [On the origin and geo- ^ . graphical distribution of the Flora of Central America.] See GODMAN (F. D.) & SALVIN (O.) Biologia Centrali- Americana, Ac, Introductory Volume. 4°. 1915. Hemsley (WILLIAM B.) & Skan (S.A.) [Scrophularia- cea> of Tropical Africa.] See OLIVER (D.) Flora of Tropical Africa, Ac. Vol. IV, sect. 2. 8°. 1906. Hendel (FRIEDRICH) p . Fam. Muscaridse : subfam. Lauxaninae. pp. 6G : 3 pis. (col.). Fam. Muscaridse : subfam. Pyrgotinse. pp. 33 : 1 pi. (col.). See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, Ac. Faso. 68 & 79. Diptera. 4°. 1908. Hendel (FRIEDRICH) Fam. Muscaridse : subfam. Pterocallinee. pp. 50: 4 pis. col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Inseetorum, Ac. Fasc. 96. Diptera. -. 4°. 1909. Hendel (FRIEDRICH) Fam. Muscaridae : subfam. Uli- diinae. pp. 76: 4 pit. (col.). See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 106. Diptera. 4°. 1910. Hendel (FRIEDRICH) Fam. Muscaridae : subfam. Richardiinse. pp. 56: 3 pis. col. See WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, Ac. Fasc. 113. Dip- tera. 4°. 1911. L. Hendel (FHIEDRICH) Die Arten der Platystominen. pp. 409 : 4 pis. See VIENNA.— KAISERLICH-KOENIG- LICHE ZOOLOGISCH-BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Ab- handlungen, Ac. Bd. Till, hft. 1. 8°. 1914. Hendel (FRIEDRICH) Die Bohrfliegen Siidamerikas. —p Uebersicht und Katalog der bisher aus der neotropischen ~~ • Region beschriebenen Tephritinen. pp. 84 : 4 pi*- See DRESDEN. — KOENIGLICHES ZOOLOGISCHES UND ANTHROPOLOGISCH-ETHNOGRAPHISCHES MUSEUM. Ab- handlungen und Berichte, Ac. Bd. XIT, no. 3. 4°. 1914. f- Hendel (FRIEDRICH) Fam. Muscaridae : subfam. PlatystominaB. pp.179: 15 pit. (col.). Sec WYTSMAN (P. A. G.) Genera Insectorum, Ac. Fasc. 157. Dip- tera. 4°. 1914. HENDERSON (I. F.) & (W. D.) A Dictionary of . Kit""1 Scientific Terms, Ac. pp. vtii, 354. 8°. Edinburgh A London, 1920. HENDERSON (JOHN) The Geology and Mineral (•T Resources of the Reefton subdivision. Westport and North Westland divisions, pp. viii, 232: 11 ph., 22 mapt A plans. See NEW ZEALAND. — Geological Survey. Bulletin (New Series) No1. 18. 4°. 1917. Henderson (.T.) & Bartrum (J. A.) The Geology of Gr. the Aroha subdivision, Hauraki, Auckland, pp. vii, 117, 1 tab. : /•" pit., 10 maps (col.), text illutt. See NEW ZEALAND. — Geological Survey. Bulletin (New Series) No. 16. 4°. 1918. Henderson (J.) & Ongley (M.) The Geology of the Gisborne and Whatatutu subdivisions, Raukumara \j division, pp. vi [t,J 88: 9 pis., 9 maps col. See NEW ZEALAND. — Geological Survey. Bulletin (New Series) No. 21. 8°. 1920. HENDERSON (J. S.) Sketch Map of West Cornwall fA. showing relative positions of the Mines. Compiled by . . . J. S. Henderson . . . Scale 1 inch to 1 mile. See CORN- WALL. [Maps.] (col.) 1907. HENDERSON (JOHN B.) A Monograph of the East |_( American Scaphopod Mollusks. pp. 177 : 'M pis. back c. < L to back. See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. - Bulletin No. 111. 8°. 1920. HENDERSON (JuNiUS) [1865-] The practical value ' of Birds, pp. 48. See BOULDER. — UNIVERSITY OF S.J, COLORADO. Bulletin, Vol. 4. 8°. 1913. HENDERSON (R.) [Tipulidae of the Clyde area.] See ELLIOT (G. F. S.) Fauna, Flora & Geology of the Clyde area, Hensen (VICTOR A. C.) Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie. Unter 7". Mitwirkung von . . . V. Hensen, Ac. See INTERNATIONALE UEVUE, Ac. . 8°. 1908-=> HENSHALL (HESTER F.) & Blankinship (J. W.) 2- Common Names of Montana Plants. See BLANKINSHIP (J. W.) ft HENSHALL (H. F.) 8°. 1905. Henshall (JAMES A.) A List of the Fishes of Montana, with notes on the Game Fishes, See MISSOULA, Montana.— UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA. "Bulletin No. 84 (Biol. Series No. 11). 8°. 1906. Henshaw (HENRY WKTIIERBEE) Birds of the Hawaiian Islands ; being a complete list of the Birds of the Hawaiian Possessions, with notes on their habits. pp. llfi : 1 pl. 8°- Honolulu, H.T., 1902. Henshaw (SAMUEL) Third Supplement to the List of Coleoptera of America, North of Mexico, pp. [i,] Gii. 8°. Philadelphia, 1895. The " List" appeared In 1886. Tht present supplement Includes all additions and corrections con- Uliwd In the flrst and second supplements, also such as have been noted since May 1880. The species are numbered continuously with tlw-Llst." Henshaw (SAMUEL) Fauna of New England. 1. List of the Reptilia. (2. List of the Batrachia.) pp. 13 [1] (pp. 10 [l]). See BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HIS- TORY. Occasional Papers, Ac. Vol. VII, no. 1 (& 2). 8°. 1904. Henslow (GEORGE) South African Flowering Plants, Ac. pp. ix [ii,] 300 : text illust. 8°. London, Ac., 1908. Henslow (GEORGE) pp. x, I. Hi. Introduction to Plant Ecology, •• IRELAND. — COLONIAL OFFICE. Colonial Reports. Mis- 0 • cellaneous. No. 55. 8°. 1908. (r. Herbst (JOHANN FRIEDRICH WILHELM) Gemein- T- ' niizzige Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs . . . fortgese[t]zt von J. F. W. Herbst. Bd. vi-x. See BOROWSKI (G. H.) 8°. 1784-89. HERBST (JOHANNES HENRICUS) Amoenitatum y Hassise inferioris subterranese specimen primum . . . exponet J. H. Herbst, Ac. See WOLFART (P.) 4°. [1711.] HERBST (PABLO) & Kieffer (J. J.) Description de A Galles et d'Insectes gallicoles du Chili, pp.l^: 1 pi., S.n-fext illust. See BRUSSELS. — SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE. Annales, Ac. Tom. xxx (Memoires). 8°. 1906. HERDERSCHEE (A. FRANSSEN) See FRANSSEN-HERDBRSCHEE. HERDMAN (Lady JANE BRANDRETH) & (Sir W. A.) Report on the Echinoderma collected by Prof. Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. . .With notes and additions by F. J. Bell. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Report... on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, Ac. Pt. II. Supplementary Reports, no. 10. 4°. 1904. ! . Herdman (Sir WILLIAM ABBOTT) Tunicata. See LAN- KESTER (Sir E. R.) K.C.B. Zoological Articles, Ac. 4°. 1891. Herdman (Sir WILLIAM A.) [Tunicata from the Ant- arctic Regions.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) Report on the Collections . . . made . . . during the Voyage of the " Southern Cross." 8°. 1902. k~. Herdman (Sir WILLIAM A.) Report to the Government of Ceylon on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, by W. A. Herdman, Ac. 5 Pt. See ROYAL 3 ft SOCIETY OF LONDON. 4°. 1903-06. r Herdman (Sir WILLIAM A.) Ascidians and Amphioxus. See HAHMBR (Sir S. F.) K.B.E. The Cambridge Natural History, Ac. Vol. VII. 8°. 1904. Herdman (Sir WILLIAM A.) Report on the Tunicata collected by Prof. Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. i See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Report. ..the Pearl ' Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, Ac. Pt. v. Supplementary Reports, no. 39. 4°. 1906. Herdman (Sir WILLIAM A.) Four Addresses delivered at the Anniversary Meetings of the Linnean Society of London in May 1905, 1906, 1907 and 1908, Ac. 4 Pt. 8°. London, 1908. I. Linnjcus and artificial Pearl formation. II. Natural Pearl formation, in. Some fundamentals of Sea-Fisheries research. IV. Plankton Studies in the Irish Sea. Herdman (Sir WILLIAM A.) Tunicata [of the Antarctic regions]. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904. Natural History. Vol. v. Zoology and Botany. 4°. 1910. Herdman (Sir WILLIAM A.) [Tunicata from the Ant- arctic Seas.] See SCOTTISH OCEANOGRAPHICAL LABORA- TORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the. ..S.Y. " Scotia " during . . .1902-1904, Ac. Vol. IV. no. 7. 4°. 1915. Reprinted from " Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb." Vol. XLVIII. Pt. II. 1912. Also issued separately in 1912. Herdman (Sir WILLIAM A.) & (Lady J. B.) Report on the Echinoderma collected by Prof. Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902 . . . With notes and additions by F. J. ' Bell. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Report ... on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, Ac. Pt. II. Supplementary Reports, no. 10. 4°. 1904. Herdman (Sir WILLIAM A.) & Dawson (R. A.) Fishes and Fisheries of the Irish Sea, and especially of the Lancashire and Western Sea Fisheries district. See LANCASHIRE. — LANCASHIRE SEA FISHERIES COM- MITTEE. Memoir. No. n. 4°. 1902. Herdman (Sir WILLIAM A.) & Hornell (J.) Pearl Production. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Report . . .on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, Ac. Pt. v. 4°. 1906. Herdman (Sir WILLIAM A.) & Thompson (I. C.) The Marine Fauna and Fisheries of the [Southport] district. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION, 'Ac. Southport : a hand- book, Ac. 8°. 1903. HEREDITAS: Genetiskt Arkiv, Ac. Bd. l-» See LUND. — MENDELSKA SALLSKAPET. 8°. 1920— > Heribaud-Joseph, Frere. Les Diatomees Fossiles d'Auvergne (Second Memoire). pp. x, 166 : ^pls, 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, A Paris, 1903. Heribaud-Joseph., Frerc. Disposition methodique des Diatomees d'Auvergne. pp. vi, 47 [1]. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand A Paris, 1903. HERICOURT (JULES) [1850-] See REVUE SCIENTI- FIQUE. . .Directeur: M. J. HeVicourt. Ser. IV, torn, xvii— xx. 4°. 1902-03. HERITSGH (FRANZ) Die Oesterreichischen und Deutschen Alpen bis zur Alpino-Dinarschen Grenze (Ostalpen). See STEINMANN (J. H. C. G.) Handbuch der Regionalen Geologie, tie. Bd. II, no. 5a. 8°. 1915. HERMAN1 (HYMAN) Report on the WalhaUa Gold- field, etc. See VICTORIA, Australia. — Department of Mines. Special Reports, Ac. 4°. 1901. Herman (OTTO) Ornithologische Fragmente aus den Handschriften von J. S. von Petenyi . . . Mit einer Einleitung von O. Herman. See PETKNYI (J. S.) 8°. 1905. Herman (Orro) Recensio critica automatica of the doctrine of Bird-migration. See MAGYAR ORNITHO- LOGIAI KOZPONT. 4°. 1905. ? i a •) •)• • L S. z. 3. L . G-. -2.. 456 Herman (OTTO) On the Migration of Birds. Lecture, 7- . . pp. 16. 8°. Budapest, 1905. Alto published In the " Proceedings of the 4tli International Ornitho- logical Congress, London, 1805 " (1907). Herman (OTTO) Quinet, Ac. pp. Remarques sur les Notes de M. . . . ?5. 8°. Budapest, 1906. Herman (Orro) The International Convention for the "Z. . protection of Birds concluded in 1902 : and [sic] Hungary. Historical sketch, rfc. See HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDMlVELtfSUGYI MINISTERIUM. 8°. 1907. Herman (Orro) [For official reports as Director of the <•' . Hungarian Central Office for Ornithology] See MAGYAR OHNITHOLOGIAI KOZPONT. Hermannstadt. — Siebenbuergiscker Verein fuer r • Nafrurwissenschaften. *~ • Monographic des Coleopteren-Tribus Hyperini . . . Herausgegeben vom Siebenbitrgischen Verein, Ac. See PETRI (K.) 8°. [1901.] HERMS (WILLIAM BRODBECK) [1876-] The House C- . Fly in its relation to Public Health. See BERKELEY.— UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. — Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 215. 8°. 1911. Herms (WILLIAM B.) Occurrence of Malaria and -j Anopheline Mosquitoes in middle and southern Cali- fornia. pp.8. See UNITED STATES. — Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service. Public Health Reports. Reprint No. 582. 8°. 1920. HERNANDEZ (FRANCISCO FERRER) See FERRER HERNANDEZ. HERNANDEZ - PACHECO T ESTEBAN (EDUARDO) [1872-] Itinerario Geologico de Toledo a Urda. pp. 4>i [1] : 7 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See MADRID. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATUR- ALES. Trabajos, Ac. No. 1. [Serie Geol6gica. No. 1.] 8°. 1912. Hernandez-Facheco y Esteban (EDUARDO) Ensayo de sintesis Geologica del norte de la peninsula Iberica. pp. 136 : text illust. See MADRID. — MUSEO NACIONAL DB CIENCIAS NATURALES. Trabajos, Ac. No. 7. [Serie Geol6gica. No. 8.] 8°. 1912. Hernandez-Facheco y Esteban (EDUARDO) Los Vertebrados terrestres del Mioceno de la Peninsula • -£, Iberica. pp. 4*> •' text illust. See MADRID. — REAL 8OCIEDAD ESPAXOLADE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, p. 9 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANO- GKAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 239. 8°. 1912. Herouard (EDGARD) L'herniplexie et la phylogenie des Echiiiodermes. pp. 13 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIOUE. Bulletin No. 301. •jX*J*£^A** 8°- 1915- jHEROY (W. B.)Xjeography, Geology, and Mineral Resources of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho. By G. R. Mansfield. With a chapter on Water Resources, by W. B. Heroy. pp. 152 : 1 tab., 5 pis., 8 maps (1 geol. col.). See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 713. 8°. 1920. HERFIN (R.) of Eedon. Note sur les argiles Mio- Pliocenes de Saint-Jean-de-la-Poterie (Morbihan). See MARSILLE (L.) Note sur la Faune Silurienne des environs de Malestroit, do. 8°. 1910. HERFIN (RENE) Un cas de bourgeonnement lateral chez Syllis hamata, Clpd. pp. 8 : text illust. fl. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 293. 8°. 1914. Herpiu (RENE) Sur une Perinereis cultrifera, Gr. anormale. pp. 4 •' text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 299. 8°. 1914. Herpin (RENE) Un Mollusque enigmatique commensal des Synaptes. pp. 5 : text illust. See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin No. 302. 8°. 1915. HERRE (ALBERT CHRISTIAN) & Bryan (W. A.) Annotated List of the Marcus Island Fishes. See BRYAN (W. A.) A Monograph of Marcus Island, Sc. Appendix. 8°. 1903. Herrera (ALFONSO L.) Catalogo de las imitaciones en , cristal de varies Animales Invertebrados del Museo •. Nacional. See MEXICO, City of.— MUSEO NACIONAL DE HISTORIA NATURAL. 8". 1897. Herrera (ALFONSO L.) Nouvelle Nomenclature des litres Organises et des Miueraux. pp. 88. 8". Mexico, 1901 [-04]. 'Memorlas" of the Sociedad Cieutifk-a Issued in parts \\itli the "Autonio Alzate." Herrera (ALFONSO L.) Catalogo de la Coleccion do Reptiles y Batracios del Museo Nacional . . . Seguuda edicion, See MEXICO, City of. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE HISTORIA NATURAL. 8". 1904. Herrera (ALFONSO L.) Catalogo de la Seccion de Biologia, do. See MEXICO, City of. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE HISTORIA NATURAL. 8°. 1918. Herrera (ALFONSO L.) Some studies in Plasmogenesis. pp. 7 : text illust. 8°. St. Louis, 1919. Journ. of Labor. & Clinic. Medicine. Vol. IV. Herrera (ALFONSO L.) [For official publications as Director] See MEXICO, City of. — MUSEO NACIONAL DE HISTORIA NATURAL. HERRERA (CELSO) Infonne sobre la Labor de la Comision de Huarochiri en 1907. pp. ~7 : 3 pis. See PERU. — Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas. Boletin No. 66. 8°. 1908. Herrera (CELSO) Estado actual de la Miuera del la proviucia de Huarochiri. pp. 49 [1]> ~ tabs. : ti pis., ,1 maps. See PERU. — Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas. Boletin No. 72. 8". 1909.- Herrich - Schaeffer (GOTTLIEB AUGUST WILHELM) Systematische Bearbeitung der Schmetterlinge von Europa, zugleich als Text, Revision und Supplement zu J. Hilbner's Sammlung Europiiischer Schtnetterlinge. 6 Bd. illust. (col.). 4°. Regensburg, 1843-56. Published in irregular instalments in 69 parts, as follows :— In lift. 1, 2. 3-9. 10, 11. 12. 13, 14. 14. 26. Bd. I. Die Tagfalter (Papilionides— Hesperides). pp. 1-40 : pis. Pap. i-v (f. 1-29) „ 41-122: „ VI-LII (f. 30-248) „ 123-162 : „ LIII-LVII (f. 849-274) Hesp. I-III (f. 1-17) „ 163-164: pis. Pap. LVIII-LXX (f. 275-338) Hesp. iv, v (f. 18-30) Pap. LXXI-LXXV1I (f. 339-370) ,, LXXVIII-LXXXIX(f. 377-126)32,36. Hesp. VI (f. 31-36) 36. Pap. XC, XCI (f. 427-437) 37. ,, XCII-CII (f. 43S-489) 43,45. ,, CIII-CXVIII (f. 490-570) 47, 49, 51. „ CXIX-CXXVII(f. 571-618), „ CXXX-CXXXII, CXXXIV7 (f. 628-639, 646-651)) „ CXXVIII, CXXIXjCXXXIII (f. 619-627, 640-645) Hesp. VII (f. 37-42) ^ Vt< > fe 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1S48. 1849. 185'). 1851. 54, 56. 1852. Index pp. 1-20. „ 21-24. Bd. II. Die Schwarmer, Spinner und Eulen (Hepia- lideb — Cossides — Zygaenides — Sesiides- — Sphingides — Bombycides — Soctuides — Nyc- teolidae). pis. Zyg. I, II (f. 1-18) j Bomb. I, II (f. 1-12) Noct.' I-III (f. 1-16) ( Sphing. 1 (f. 1-3) Hep. I (f. 1-5) Zyg. m-vii(f. 19 56) Sphing. II (f. 46) Bomb. IH-IX (f. 13-46) Noct. 1V-VIH (f. 17-40) „ IX-XXIII (f. 41-114) pp. 1-104 : pis. Coss. I (f. 1-6) Zyg. VIII-XI (f. 57-84) Ses. I-VIII (t. 1-46) Bomb, x-xvi (f. 47-84) Noct. XXIV-LII (f. 115-264). pp. 105-166 : pis. Zyg. xii, xm (f. 85-95) Sphing. m, iv (f. 7-13) Bomb. XVH-XXH (f. 85-123) Xoct. LIH-LXIX (f. 265-356) 1853. 1S54. 1854. 1850. 1, 2. 1843. 6, 7, 9. 1844 10, 11. 1845. 0. 0. H. /I. 21, 23,1 .„.. 25,26.] 1S4'- 58 ! ,S [Herrich-Schaeffer (GOTTLIEB Ana ST \YILIIKI.MI (contd.)] [Systematische Bearbeitung, rfc. (contd.)] I Rd. II Die SehwSrmer, ,(<;. (contd.)] pp. 187-190 : pl». S*s. IX (f. 47-53) i 31. 1 Bomb. xxin-xxvii(f. 124-147). Noct. LXX-I.XXXII (f. 367-425) 137,1 „ LX.\XV-l.X.\XVII(f 430-450)138.) Bomb, xxviu (f. 148 150) Noct. LXXXIII, i.xxxiv (f. 426-485) 41, 43. ,, LXXXVIII-XCLX (f. 451-511) „ CI, CII (f. 616-625) 45. Hep. & Ciws. II (f. 7-10) '/.yg. xiv-xvi (f. 96-113) Sea. X (f. 64-59) Bomb, xxix XXXI (f. 151-166) Noct. 0 (f. 512-516) „ CI1I-CXIH (f. 626-579) „ 'SXIV -CXXIV (f. 680-641) Bomb, xxxn (f. 166-170)1 •^'•'•M. i. } 1848. 1849. 54, 60. 6». 67. 1852. 1853. 1865. Index pp. 1 64. Bd. III. Die Spanner (Ocometrides). pis. I (f. 1-7) 1. 1R43. pp. 1-8: pis. II XI (f. 8-65) 8.1844. Xn-XX(t M-1M) 12.1845. pp. 9-1B: pis. XXI-XI.(f. 12(247) 16,13,20.184(5. 17 72 : pis. XLI-LVI (f. 248-346) 24 26. 1847. 73-184: pis. LVII-LXXI (f. 34S 440) 31, 32, 35, 36. 1S48. I.XXII-LXXIV (f. 441-456) 43, 46. 1850. LXXV-LXXXVII (f. 457-539) 60, 52. 1851. LXXXVIII (I. 540 544) 60. 1S63. LXXXIX, XC (f. 645-560) 63, 65. 1«64. Index pp. 1-34. ^ yf. (, 88. 1855. XOI (f. 661-567) 69. 1856. Kd. IV. Die Ziinsler und Wlckler (Pyralidcs— Tortrl- cides). pis. Pyr. I IV (f. 1-25) i Tort, i-xx(f. 1-145)' pp. 1 -80 : pis. Pyr. v-x (f. 26-70) ).,„ „ „ Tort. XXI-XLVII(f. 148-334)/ > ' ' ' pp. 81-128: pis. Pyr. XI-XV1I (I. 71-119) \ Tort. XLvm-Lii (f. 335 3ri)j ,, LIII-LIV (f. 372-387) pp. 129-288 : pis. Pyr. XVHI-xx (f. 120-H8) „ XXI -XXIII (f. 144-1«5) Tort. LVI, LVII (t. 396 409)1 „ LIX (f. 418-426) „ LV (f. S88-395) . „ LV1II (f. 410 417) Index pp. 1-48. v» (Jf b • , 27, 28. 1847. 1848. 39, 40. 44. -I-. UL U. 67. 65, 57. 60. 03. 68. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1852. 1863. 1854. 1865. Bd.v. Die Schaben und Fadermotten (Tineides— Micropteryges — Pterophorides). pis. Tin. I-X (f. 1-71) „ XI-xvm(f. 72-131) „ XIX-XXIII(f. 132-165) ,, XXIV-XXXVI (f. 166-24:)) „ XXXVIII (f. 257-264) „ XL, XLI (f. 272-281) Ptero. i, II (f. 1-12) Tin. XXXVII (f. 250-256) „ XXXIX (f. 2B5-271) „ XI.II I.I II (f. 282-376) „ LVII (f. 403-412) „ LIX 1. XII (f. 421-455) Micro. I (f. 1-10) Tin. uv (f. 377-384) „ LVI (f. 31(6-402) „ XCVI-cm (f. 735-814) pp. 1-72: pU. „ LV (f. 385-394) ,, LVIII(f. 413-420) „ LXIII-LXXIV (f. 4 „ LXXX I.XXXVIIl(f. MW-680)! „ XCIV, XCV (f. 718-731) „ CV-CVIII (f. 827-86B) „ CXVI (f. 83u-950) Ptero. iv- VI (f. 20-37) l pp. 73-Z«4 : pl«. Tin. LXXV-LX.XIX (f. 664-606) V ,, LXXXIX -X<-IM (I. 11-1-717). „ CIV (f. 815-826) ,, CIX-CXV(f. 867-938) ,, CXVIt-CX.XIV (f: 861-1020), Ptero. Ill (f. 13-19, 38-40) 22. 1847. 30. 34. 1848. 39. 1849. 42, 44. I860. 46, 48, 63. 1851. 55, 57. 1852. 1. fOVQUJI 194) \ 3-420) IV (f. 4.Mi XVIII (f. IKK! 6SU)' 58-62. 1&63. Bd. vi. pp. 226-394: Index pp. 1-62. H\ I' SchluMwort. pp. 1-4. Umrltstafelu Macrolepldopteren. IpL II 66-68. 1865. 69. I860. 1. 1843. *• PL XII „ xiii. xiv 1 (pla. x-xiv)pp. xi-xiv } pi. XVI ( „ XV, XVII XIX „ XX \\ll (pll. XV-XXII) pp. XV-XVHI 11. 1845. 13, 17. 1846. »5, 36. 1848. 37.38,1 ,0 ?3«./ """• [Herrich-Schaeffer ((inni.iKii AII;IST WII.HKLM) (coutd.)] I Systematische Bearbeittmg, rfc. (contd.)] |Bd. vi (contd.)] t mrisstafcln M Icrolepldopteren. pi. I in „ iv-ix i Erlautornng (bis. I-IX), pp. I-IV / pis. X-Xlv i „ (pis. x-xiv)]>p. v VIM) .Nachtrage. pp. 1 24 „ 25-80 „ 81-162 „ 15S-178 Systema Lvpldopterurum Eunip:c. pp. 1 -.10 „ 37-40 „ 41-60 i „ ei-72 Index Universnlis. pji. BPW 1-48 22. 1847. 40. 1849. 60. 1863. in. UK. ..:. IS:,-. 68. 1855. 09. 1856. 65. 1862. HO. 1863. 66. 1864. 6«. 1856. 69. 1850. Herrich-Schaeffer (GOTTLIEB A. W.) Samin- lung ncuer, oder wcnii.; hi -haunter, AuBsereuropaischer Schmetterlinge. Bd. I- II, bft. t f ilJust. col. 4°. Rcgensburg, 1850-58f-69J. Alternative titles are jriven on the wrappers in Latin anil French (Lepidopteronun exoticornm species nova1, '. .;..': .."i ph. col. 4°. [Begeniburg, 1856-61. J Wanting the title-page. Pp. 21-24 were never publish, M. Issued in three parts as follows :— lift. 1, pp. 1-fi, pit. t-ix (f. 1-53, . 2, pi: .''-», pit. x xviii (f. 64-116), 1860; Hft. 3, 1-14),; Hft. 'U' .'Jll \l. tLI-IILf, 10U1. The WalHingham copy has the wrapper to part 3 as title-page. Herrich-Schaeffer (GcptptnKH A. W.) Systematischc-s Verzeichniss der Eiy^paiachen Schmetterlinge.^ Second t edition.] pp. Sjs^l], /v>a. [Itegepstfiirg, 186 Printed in tHple column, ^^r ^^, Butinil atihCeud of llolle's ">H{e Scliinettei*llT;te Dcntschlauds " Iq.v.}. Herrich-Schaeffer (GOTTLIEB A. \y.) Flora, oder allgemeine botanische Zeitung. . . Bedigirt von (1. A. \V. Herrich-Schaefler, late« are Included in the i>aidnatlon of tin- text. 459 Herrick (GLENN W.) Insects injurious to the House- hold, and annoying to Man. pp. xvii, 470 : 8' Herter (WILHELM) & Brause (G.) [Lycopodiaceie from Equatorial Africa.] See ADOLF PRIEDRICH '• GEOHG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral- Afrika-Expedition, 1907-1908, etc. Bd. II, lief. 1. 8°. 1910. HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY MUSEUM. See ST. ALBANS. HERTSLET (Sir CECIL) K.B.E. [1850- ] Report on the precautions taken to combat Ankylostomiasis . . .in Belgium. Sec GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Foreign Office. Diplomatic and Consular Reports Miscellaneous Series. No. 656. 8°. 1907. HERTSLET (Sir EDWARD) K.C.B. [1824-1902] The Map of Africa by Treaty . . . Third edition . . . Revised and completed to the end of 1908, by R. W. Brant. . . and H. L. Sherwood. 3 Vol. illust. 8°. London, 1909. The ttrst edition, in 2 Vol., appeared in 1894. Hertwig (CARL WILHELM THEODOR RICHARD) Ueber physiologische Degeneration bei Actinosphierium i.3 EicMiorni. Nebst Bemerkungen zur Aetiologie der 'Geschwiilste. See JENA. — MEDICINISCH-NATURWISSEN- SCHAPTLICHE GESELLSCHAFT, dc. Denkschriften, dc. Bd. XI. 4°. 1904. Hertwig (CARL W. T. R.) Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie. Unter Mit- «rt wirkung von. . .R. Hertwig, Ac. See INTERNATIONALE '"• REVUE, dc. 8°. 1908-» HERTWIG (WILHELM AUGUST OSCAR) [1849-] Ueber das Zahnsystern der Amphibien und seine Bedeutung fur die Genese des Skelets der Mundhohle, dc. pp. vii [i,] SOS : S pie. See ARCHIV FUER MIKRO- SKOPISCHE'ANATOMIE, Ac. Bd. xi, Supplernentheft. 8°. 1874. Hertwig (WILHELM A. O.) Lehrbuch der Entwick- lungsgeschichte des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere . . . Sechste. . . Auflage. pp. xviii, 634: 2 pis. col., text illust. (1 col.). 8°. Jena, 1898. Hertwig (WILHELM A. O.) Traite d'Embryologie, ou Histoire du deVeloppcment de I'Homme et des Vertebres . . . Deuxieme edition Francaise, completement remaniee d'apres la sixieme edition Allemande, par C. Julin. pp. xxi, 73fi : text illust. 8°. Paris, 1900[-04J. Hertwig (WILHELM A. O.) Ueber eine Methode, Froscheier am Beginn ihrer Entwickelung im Raume so zu orientieren, dass sich die Richtung ihrer Teil- ebeneu und ihr Kopf- und Schwanzende bestimmen liisst. See JENA.. — MEDICINISCH-NATURWISSENSCHAFT- LICHE GESELLSCHAFT, dc. Denkschriften, dc. Bd. xi. 4°. 1904. Hertwig (WILHELM A. 0.) & Poll (H.) Zur Biologie der Miiusetumoren. Experimentelle Untersuchungen, dc. pp. 75 : 2 pis. (col.). See BERLIN. — KOENIGLICH- PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER \VISSENSCHAFTEN. Phy- sikalische Abhandlungen, dc. 1907. No. 1. 4". 1907. HERUBEL (MARCEL A.) [Gephyrea of the Antarctic t Regions.] See FRANCE. [ Vogages, d c.— Antarctic.] Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1903-1905), com- mandee par... J. Charcot. Sciences Naturelles, dec. Vers et Brachiopodes. 4°. 1908. HERVT-COUSIIir (Cn.) See BELGIQUE MARITIME & COLONIALE, LA. . . Direeteurs : R. Vauthier et C. Hervy, dc. No. 1-27. fol. 1905. HERWERDEN (M. A. VAN) Untersuchungen fiber die parthenogenetische und geschlechtliche Fortpflan- zung von Daphnia pulex. pp. 39. See AMSTERDAM. — KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Ver- handelingen.. .Tweede Sectie. Deelxx,no.3. 8°. 1918. HERZ (ALFRED OTTO) [1852-1905] Lepidoptera-Aus- beute der Lena-Expedition von B. Poppius im Jahre 1901. pp. "22 : 1 pi. See HELSINGFORS. — FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Ofversigt af . . . Forhand- lingar. Vol. XLV, no. 15. 8°. 1903. HERZOG (MAXIMILIAN) The Plague: bacteriology, de. pp. 149: 16 ph. (col.). See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. —Science Bureau. [Bulletin] No. 23. 8°. 1904. HERZOG (THEODOR) Einige briologische Notizen aus Graubiiuden und Wallis. pp. 4- See CHAMBESY. — HERBIER BOISSIER. Memoires, dc. No. 2. 8°. 1900. Herzog (THEODOH) Studien iiber den Formeukreis des Trichostomum mutabile, Br. pp. 31 : 7 pis., text illust. See ACADEMIA CAESAREA LEOPOLDINO-CAROLINA, dc. Nova Acta, dc. Bd. LXXIII, no. 3. 4°. 1907. Herzog (THEODOR) Die von...T. Herzog auf seiner zweiten Reise durch Bolivien in den Jahren 1910 und 1911 gesammelten Pflanzen. Teil I & II. (Mit Bei- tragen von T. Herzog, E. Rosenstock, H. Hallier, A. Heimerl, R. E. Fries, A. Zahlbruckiier, K. Rechinger, C. K. Schneider, W. O. Focke, E. von Janczewski, L. Radlkofer, W. Becker, A. Cogniaux, F. Niedenzu, dc.) See LEYDEN. — RIJKS UNIVERSITEIT. Mededeelingen van Rijks Herberium, dc. No. 19 & 27. 8°. (1913-15.) L. go. i L. 460 Herzog (THRODOR) Die Bryophyten mriner xwi-itrn K, isi> (lurch Bolivia, pp. .!',:•. ,s' ph.. / map col. > KlliUOTHKCA BOTANICA, do. Hft. LXXXVII. 4°. 1916. Hescheler (K.UiL) .SVyuu officinal™, L. Der gemeino Tintenfisch, ttc. pp. .',(> : .' j>i«., test See ZURICH. — NATt KKniiSCIIENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Neuiahrsblatt, • ,r>. Stuck civ. 40. [19Q2.J Hescheler (KARL) Der Riesenhirsch. pp. 41 : 2 pis., ti'jrt illust. Sec ZURICH. — NATURFORSCHENDE GESELL- SCHAFT. Neujahrsblatt, dc. Stiick CXI. 4°. [1909.] HESS (C. ESCHER-) See ESCHER-HESS. HESS (Kr«;KN) Ueber die Wuchsformen der Alpinen Geriillpnanzeu. Inaugural-Dissertation, dc. pp. 170 : text illuit. 8°. Dresden, 1909. HESS (EVA) & (F. L.) Bibliography of the Geology , ., «/ -, and Mineralogy of Tin. pp. 41>S. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. LVIII, no. 2. 8". 1912. HESS (FRANK L.) [1871-] Placers of the Rampart region. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 337. The Fairbanks and Rampart quad- rangles, ttc. 8°. 1908. Hess (FHANK L.) The Magnesite deposits of Cali- fornia, pp. t>7 : 11 ph., 1 map, text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 355. 8°. 1908. p (r. (y. Hess (FRANK L.) A Reconnaissance of the Gypsum deposits of California, pp. 87 : 3 pis., 1 map, text Must. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 413. 8°. 1910. Hess (FRANK L.) Tungsten Minerals and deposits. ]>/>. .s'.< : „'.< pis. (col., some back to back), text Must. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. No. 652. Bulletin 8". 1917. L . Hess (FRANK L.) & (E.) Bibliography of the Geology <• . i j/ -n and Mineralogy of Tin. pp. 408. See SMITHSONIAN p- INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. LVIII, no. 2. 8°. 1912. Hess (FRANK L.) & Prindle (L. M.) The Rampart Gold placer region, Alaska, pp. 54: 5 ph., ..' ;//.i/is !in>l. co/., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 280. 8°. 1906. Hess (FRANK L.) & SchaUer (W. T.) Colorado Fer- berite and the Wolframite series, pp. 75: 14 ph., Irit illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 583. 8°. 1914. Hess (FKANK L.) & others. The Gold placers of purtH of Scward Peninsula, Alaska, including the Nome, Council, Kougarok, Port Clarence, and Goodhope pre- cincts, pp. ,14.'! : 7 ph., 4 maps (2 geol. col.), text illust. Sf-r UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 828^ Kj^ j^ ft 8°. 1908. HESSJl(HANg|'[1864-] Die Gletscher. pp. xi, ',:<:-. Xph.,4 inapt, text illust. 8". Braunschweig, 1904. HESS (WALTER NORTON) [1890-] The ribbed Pine- borer (Ehagium lineatum, Oliv.). See ITHACA. — COR- NELL UNIVERSITY.— Agricultural Experiment Station. .Memoir 88, 8°. 1920. HESSE (PAUL) [1857-] Icouographio der Land- und SiisswassiT-Mollusken, etc. None Folge, Bd. xiv ([&] Sec ROSSMAESSLER (E. A ) xvi). Von P. Hesse. Iconographie, kke. [Memoirs.] No. 25. 8°. 1910. Hesselgren (NICOLAUS L.) Pan Suecus, quern pneside . . . C. Linnieo . . . subinisit N. L. Hesselgren, : I pi. See STOCKHOLM. — KONQLIGA SVENSKA VETEN- SKAPS-AKADKMIEN. Aeta Horti Bergiaui, rfc. Bd. in, no. 1-A. (_ Hesselmau (HENRIK) K.O.E. Stenstroms studier of ver expositionens inflytande ~p& vegetationen, redigerade af r , H. Hesselman. pp. 54 : 1 pi. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Botanik, tic. Bd. IV, no. 4. 8°. 1905. HESSLEB (CARL) Geologist [1859-] & Blanckenhorn (M. L. P.) Geologischer Fiihrer durch die Umgegend von Cassel, rfc. pp. viii, 143 [1,] ^ tabs. : 5 ph., I map, text illust. 8°. Marburg, 1911. HETCHAIEW (A.) Sec NECHAEV (A. V.) HETSCHKO (ALFRED) Sec WIENER ENTOMOLO- E, GISCHE ZElTUNG...Herausgegeben von A. Hetschko, • •fc. .Tahrg. xx-» 8°. 1901-» Heude (I'E'rMTs MARIE) Memoifes concernant 1'hi^ toire natiuxfle de 1' Empire Chjjiois. Par des 1 Compajime de Jesus. Tom/f^> illust. (col.). 'tinned !>}• Kr. Coiirtyja^min 1906. Tom. V, 2' cahj HEUGEIi (C. A.) Die Laubmoose der Ostseeprovin/cn Russlands, nach der analytischen Methode bearbeitet. c '. pp. xii, I'.H. See RIGA.— NATURFORSCHER VEREIN. ' Arbeiten, itc. Neue Folge, hft. 1. 8°. 1865. HEULAND (HENRY) [1777-18561 A Catalogue of a . . . Collection of Minerals : chiefly from South America, and Siberia. . .the property of Mr. H. Heuland, rfov pp.". 8". London, 1808. Sale Catalogue. r\ 461 Heuland (HENRY) [A series of twenty-four Sale-Cata- p» logues of Minerals, the property of H. Heuland, with ' • manuscript notes of the prices paid.] 4°. [London, 1829-47.] Some of the Catalogues are imperfect. Earlier sales took place from 1808, whilst specimens for the British Museum were purchased at Heuland sales, as late as 1819. _ Heurck (HENRI FERDINAND VAN) Synopsis des Dia- J>. tom^es de Belgique. (Table alphab^tique, dc.) pp. [iv,] '.'•:.-, ([vi,] 120) : 141 pis. 8°. Anvers, 1880-85. Heurck (HENRI F. VAN) Prodrome de la Flore des Algues marines des lies Anglo-Normandes, et des cotes nord-ouest de la France, pp. xii, ISO. 4°. Jersey, 1908. Heurck (HENRI F. VAN) [Diatomacese of the Antarctic regions.] pp. 126 [1] : 13 pis. See BELGIUM.— Com- mission de la Belgica. Expedition Antarctique Beige. Resultats du Voyage . . . 1897-1899, rfc. Botanique. 4°. 1909. HEWETT (DONNEL FOSTER) [1881-] Some Man- (r, ganese mines in Virginia and Maryland. See UNITED STATES.- -Geological Survey. Bulletin 640-c. 8°. 1916. Hewett (DoNNEL F.) & Lupton (C. T.) Anticlines in the southern part of the Big Horn basin, Wyoming : a "• preliminary report on the occurrence of Oil. pp. 192, J tab. : 11 pis., back to back, 21 maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 656. 8°. 1917. Hewett (DoNNEL F.) & others. Possibilities for Man- £ ganese Ore on certain undeveloped tracts in Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 660-J. 8°. 1918. HEWETT (GEORGE MOTTRAM ANDREWS) Entomo- E . logical Notes on the Lepidoptera in Memorial Buildings [Winchester College], with hints io Collectors, pp. 44- 8°. Winchester, 1916. HEWETT (Sir JOHN PRESCOTT) G.C.S.I. [1854-] Fatehpur. — Jaunpur. See INDIA. — NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES & OUDH. Statistical, descriptive and his- torical account of the North-Westeru Provinces of India. Vol. vin, pt. 3 ; xiv, pt. 3. 8°. 1884. Hewett (Sir JOHN P.) & Fisher (F. H.) Benares. See INDIA. — NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES & OUDH. Statistical, descriptive and historical account of the North Western Provinces of India. Vol. xiv, pt. 1. 8°. 1884. Hewitson (WILLIAM CHAPMAN) Remarks on, and descriptions of new species of Butterflies collected by Mr. Buckley in Ecuador, pp. [iv,] 0(i. 8°. [London,] 1869-77. HEWITT (CHARLES GORDON) [1885-1920] Note on the Buccal Pits of Peripatus. pp.8: 1 pi. See MAN- CHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Me- moirs, dc. Vol. L, no. 1. 8°. 1905. Hewitt (CHARLES G.) The Cytological aspect of Parthenogenesis in Insects, pp. 4® : ~ pis. See MAN- CHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, tfc. Vol. L, no. 6. 8". 1906. Hewitt (CHARLES G.) A preliminary account of the Life-history of the Common House Fly (Musca domes- tica, L.) pp. 4. See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, Ac, Vol. LI, no. 1. 8°. 1907. Hewitt (CHARLES G.) On a new Phytophagous Mite, Lohmannia insignis, Berl., var. dissimilia, n. var., with notes on other species of economic importance, pp. 10 : 1 pi., text illust. See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILO- SOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, rf-c. Vol. LII, no. 5. 8". 1908. Hewitt (CHAUI.ES G.) The House Fly, Musca domes- tica, Linuieus : a study of its structure, development, bionomics and economy. See MANCHESTER. — VICTORIA UNIVERSITY. 8°. 1910. Publication No. LII ol the University of Manchester. Biological Series. No. 1. Hewitt (CHARLES G.) The Destructive Insect and Pest Act, and Regulations issued thereunder, pp. 13. See CANADA. — Department of Agriculture. — Experi- mental Farms. — Division of Entomology. Bulletin No. 1. 8°. 1911. Forming also Bulletin No. 7, Second Series, Experimental Farm Seiies. Hewitt (CHARLES G.) The Control of Insect Pests in Canada, pp. 13. See CANADA. — Department of Agriculture. — Experimental Farms. — Division of En- tomology. Bulletin No. 4. 8°. 1912. Forming also Bulletin No. 9, Second Series, Experimental Farm Series. Hewitt (CHARLES G.) The Honey Bee. A Guide to Apiculture in Canada, pp. 4-r> '• ~ pis., text illust. See CANADA. — Department of Agriculture. — Experi- mental Farms. — Division of Entomology. Bulletin No. 2. 8°. 1912. Forming also Bulletin No. 69. Experimental Farm Series. Hewitt (CHARLES G.) House-flies, and how they spread Disease, pp. xii, 122 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Cambridge, 1912. Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature. Hewitt (CHARLES G.) The Large Larch Sawfly (Ncmatus erichsonii), with an account of its parasites, other natural enemies and means of control, pp. 4~ •' 4 pis. (1 col.), text illust. See CANADA. — Department of Agriculture. — Experimental Farms. — Division of Entomology. Bulletin No. 5. 8". 1912. Forming Series. so Bulletin No. 10, Second Series, Experimental Farm Hewitt^ (CHARLES G.) Legislation in Canada to prevent the introduction and spread of Insects, Pests and Diseases destructive to vegetation, with regulations regarding the importation of vegetation into Canada. pp. 36. See CANADA. — Department of Agriculture. — Experimental Farms. — Division of Entomology. Bulle- tin No. 6. 8°. 1912. Forming also Bulletin No. 12, Second Series, of rxiierimentnl Farm Series. Hewitt (CHARLES G.) Insect food of Fresh-water Fishes, pp. IS : 1 pi. 8". Ottawa, 1913. Report of the Commission of Conservation. Mo. 4. Hewitt (CHARLES G.) The House-fly, Musca domcstica, Linn. : its structure, habits, development, cfc. pp. xv, 382 : 3 pis. col., text illust. 8". Cambridge, 1914. Cambridge Zoological Series. Hewitt (CHARLES G.) Rats and Mice. jnp. 4- See CANADA. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomo- logical Branch. Crop Protection Leaflet. No. 7. 8". 1918. Hewitt (CHARLES G.) [For official reports and contri- butions as Dominion Entomologist] See CANADA. — Department of Agriculture. — Division of Entomology d Experimental Farms. -z. £. £. 7.. E. E-. E. 162 G-. B. f Hewitt (('IIAKLKS (i.t \ Stopes (M. C. C.) On tins Tent-building habits of the Ant Lasius nigcr, Linn., in .l:lp!UI. /i/>. It : 1 III. .SVc MANCHESTER 'LITERARY & I'liiLiwoi'iucvL SOCIETY. Memoirs, . 8°. Miidling, &c., 1891. Printed In double column. This work is practically an extension of that by J. r. E. K. Stein [7. ».]. Editio secunda, /- ;:',. ' 8°. Paskau, />. <;.'. ,S'cr BERLIN. — KOENIG- r.ICMK I'RECSSI.SCIIK AKADEMIK DER WISSENSCHAFTKN. I 'hvsikalische Abhandlungen, rfc. 1902. 4°. 1902 [1903J. HEZNEB. (LAURA) [1802-1916] On a new chrome- bearing magnesium hydroxy-carbouate. See TASMANIA. — Dc/mrlm. ,1'. in Min,-». Geological Survey Hecord. No. 2. Stichtitc, a new Tasmanian mineral, 8°. 1900-5- . . Hickson (SIDNEY J.) [Alcyonium paessleri from the Antarctic Regions.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL Qt. HISTORY) Report on the Collections . . . made . . . during the Voyage of the " Southern Cross." 8°. 1902. Hickson (SYDNEY J.) The Infusoria or Corticata Heterokaryota. See LANKESTER (Sir E. R.) K.C.B. A Treatise on Zoology, etc. Pt. I, fasc. 2. 8°. 1903. Hickson. (SYDNEY J.) The Alcyonaria of ths Maldives, Ac. illust. Pt. 1 & S. See GARDINER (J. S.) The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, Ac. Vol. II, no. 1 & 16. 4°. 1903-05. Hickson (SYDNEY J.) Coelenterata and Cteuophora. See HARMER (Sir S. F.) K.B.E. The Cambridge Natural History, Ac. Vol. I. 8°. 1906. Hickson (SYDNEY J.) Alcyonaria [of the Antarctic Regions]. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) National Antarctic Expedition. 1901-1904. Natural History. Vol. III. Zoology and Botany, tfc. Coelen- tera, no. 1. 4". 1907. Hickson (SYDNEY J.) Die Alcyoniden der Siboga- Expedition. I. Coralliidse. See WEBER (M. C. W.) Siboga-Expeditie. . .1899-1900, Ac. Monog. xin-c. 4". 1907. Hickson (SYDNEY J.) Description of a new species of Stachyodes. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Fishery Reports. [Ireland.] Scientific Investigations. 1907, no. 5. 8°. 1909. Hickson (SYDNEY J.) The Proteomyxa.— The Lobosa. See LANKESTER (Sir E. R.) K.C.B. A Treatise on Zoology, Ac. Pt. I, fasc. 1. Introduction and Protozoa. 8". 1909. Hickson (SYDNEY J.) On a new octoradiate Coral, Pyrophyllia inflata (new genus and species), pp. 7 : text illust. See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILO- SOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, Ac. Vol. LIV, no. 12. 8°. 1910. Hickson (SYDNEY J.) On a specimen of Osteocella septentrionalis (Gray), pp. 15 : text illust. See MAN- CHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Me- moirs, Ac. Vol. LV, no. 23. 8". 1911. Hickson (SYDNEY J.) Animal Symmetry and the differentiation of Species, pp. IS. See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, Ac. Vol. LX. 8°. 1916. Hickson (SYDNEY J.) The Pennatulacea of the Siboga Expedition, with a general survey of the order, pp. x, W>"> : 10 pis. (col.), 1 map, text illust. See WEBER (M. C. W.) Siboga-Expeditie . . . 1899-1900, rfc. Monog. xiv. 4°. 1916. r.Tt.s. Hickson (SIDNEY J.) & England (H. M.) The Stylas- terina of the Siboga Expedition. See WEBER (M. C. W.) Siboga-Expeditie. . .1899-1900, Ac. Monog. via. 4°. 1905. Hickson (SYDNEY J.) & Gravely (F. H.) Hydroid Zoophytes [of the Antarctic Regions]. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) National Antarctic Expedition. 1901-1904, Natural History. Vol. in. Zoology and Botany, Ac. Coalentera, no. 2. 4°. 1907. Hickson (SYDNEY J.) & Weldon (W. F. R.) The Heliozoa. See LANKESTER (Sir E. R.) K.C.B. A Treatise on Zoologv, Ac. Pt. I, fasc. 1. Introduction and Protozoa. B°. 1909. Hickson (SYDNEY J.) & Willey (A.) The Mastigo- phora. See LANKESTER (SirE.R.) K.C.B. A Treatise on Zoology, Ac. Pt. I, fasc. 1 Protozoa. Introduction and 8°. 1909. Hidalgo (JoAQuiN GONZALEZ) Obras Malacologicas . . . Parte I. Estudios preliminares sobre la Fauna Malacologica de las Islas Filipinas. pp. ix, 632 : 150 pit. col., text illust. See MADRID. — REAL ACADEMIA DE CIUNCIAS, Ac. Memorias, Ac. Tom. xiv. 4°. 1890-1901. S Hidalgo (JoAQU IN G.) Moluscos de la Guinea Espauola. pp. 18. See MADRID.— REAL SOCIEDAD ESPAXOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL. Memorias, Ac. Tom. I, no. 29. 8°. 1910. Hidalgo ( JOAQU IN G.) Fauna malacologica de Espana, Portugal, y las Baleares. Moluscos testaceos marinos. pp. 752. See MADRID.— MUSEO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Trabajos, Ac. Serie Zoologica, no. 30. TVR.S. 8°. 1917. Hiern (WILLIAM PHILIP) Index Abecedarius : an alphabetical Index to the First Edition of the li Species Plantarum " of Linnaeus, pp. 44- 8°. London, 1906. Issued as a Supplement to the "Journal of Botany," 1906. 1JJL Hiern (WILLIAM P.) [Ebenaceae and Logamaceoe from Dutch New Guinea.] See WICHMANN (C. E. A.) Nova Guinea, Ac. Vol. VIII, livr. 1. 4°. 1909. Hieronymus (GEORG HANS EMO WOLFGANG) Lich- enes, collecti in republica Argentina a Doctoribus. . . Hieronymus, Ac. SeeKREMPELHUBER(A. VON) 8". 1878. Hieronymus (GEORG H. E. W.) [Pteridophyta from Portuguese South West Africa.] See BAUM (H.) Kunene-Sambesi-Expedition . . .1903, Ac. 8". 1903. Hieronymus (GEORG H. E. W.) [Selaginellacese from Equatorial Africa.] See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wis- senschaftliche Ergebnisse derDeutschen Zentral-Afrika- Expedition, 1907-1908, V.) & Brause (G.) fPoly- podiacese from Equatorial Africa.] See ADOLF FRIED- RICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT EDUARD, Duke of Meck- lenburg. W'issenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutscheii Zentra'l-Afrika-Expedition, 1907-1908, . Tom. XXX. I, 8°. 1901. HIGGINS (1)A!''.)\C Grant (U. S.) Reconnaissance nf the Geology and Mineral resources of Prince William Sound. Alaska. (Preface by A. H. Brooks.) pp. X:> : '•' ph., ;! inapt (col.), tfj-t illust. See UNITED STATES. — " Survey. Bulletin No. 443. 8°. 1910. G-. , ., • G-. k J £. E. Higgins (D. F.) \- Grant (U. S.) Coastal Glaciers of Prince William Sound and Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. / /i. '•' : .:~i y»/.v. (some back to back), 5 maps, text illust. i MTI.D STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 526. 8°. 1913. Higgins (HENRY HUGH) Synopsis of an arrangement . i .f Invertebrate Animals in the Free Public Museum of •• Liverpool; with Introduction by...H. H. Higgins... Second eaition, itc. pp. xxi [i,] 105, x : 2 ph. 8°. Liverpool, 1880. HIGGINS (JAMES EDGAR) The Litchi in Hawaii. pp. .'I : .', ph. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Bulletin No. 44. 8J. 1917. HIGGINS (WILLIAM MULLINGER) The Mosaical ana Mineral Geologies illustrated and compared, j-p. /i:.^. pJV^JJ^W 8°. London, 1833. HIGH (M. M.) The Huisache Girdler. pp. !> : 4 ph. back to back. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 184. 8°. 1915. HIGHGATE SCHOOL. Catalogue of the Collec- tion of Insects presented to High'gate School, dc. See WALKER (F. A.) 8°. 1878. Highgate School. Catalogue of the Geological Col- lection as well as the Supplement to the Entomological Collection, d-c. See WALKER (F. A.) 8°. 1878. HIGHLEY (SAMUEL) illumination, 4 : 3 ph. • fi. See URBANA. — UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Illinois Bio- logical Monographs. Vol. IV, no. 3. 8°. 1918. HIGLET (WILLIAM KERR) The Chicago Academy of Rj Sciences. Historical Sketch of the Academy, pp. .'•.': S.J 32* C . N ph., t'-.rt illust. See CHICAGO ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Special Publication, ^- • illust. ,S'-r OTAKI (K.) <«• others. 8°. & fol. [1908->J Hilber (ViN/.i:.NZ) Wanderblocke in Mittelsteiermark. (j-. pp. 10: ,' MII/IS. See CONORE8 GEOLOGIQUE INTER- NATIONAL. Ninth Session : Vienna, 1903. Fiihrer fur die Exkursionen in Oesterreich, <£c. No. V. 8". 1903. HILDEBRAND (SAMUEL FREDERICK) [1888-] Fishes in relation to Mosquito Control in ponds, pp. 1~> : (i ph. (back to bark), ti-sl ilhixf. Ser UNITED STATES. — Fishery lieports. — Bureau of Fisheries. Report, L . guscar et dans 1'Afrique orientale, par. . .A. Voeltzkow "7' ' et J. Hildebrandt. Par P. Lesne. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Reise in Ostafrika in ... 1903-1905 . . . Wissenschaftliche \/. Ergebnisse. Bd. Ill, lift. 4. 4". 1918. HILET (WiLFKii) EDWARD) [1886-] The Fungal -i Diseases of the common Larch, pp. xi, i> 8°. 1921-> Hill (WILLIAM) [Microscopic .structure of the Chalk of England.] See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— Geolo- gical Survey. [Stratigraphical Memoirs.] The Cre- taceous Rocks of Britain. Vol. II & in. 8°. 1903-04. Hillebrand (WILLIAM FRANCIS) The Analysis of Sili- cate and Carbonate Rocks. pp. '200 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 805. 8". 1907. — [Another edition.] pp. 239: text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 422. 8". 1910. [Another edition.] pp.285: textillust. See UNITED STATES.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 700. 8°. 1919. Hillebrand (WILLIAM F.) & Schaller (W. T.) The Mercury Minerals from Terlingua, Texas, pp. 174 •' 6 pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 405. , 8". 1909. r. Gr. HILLMAN (FRED H.) The Seeds of Rescue Grass £lf &' (Bromus unioloidcs) and Chess, pp. Hi. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 25. 8°. 1903. Hillman (FRED H.) The Seeds of the Bluegrasses.. . II. Descriptions of the Seeds of the Commercial Blue- grasses and their impurities. pp. .%' ; text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 84. 8°. 1905. Hillmau (FRED H.) Dodder in relation to Farm Seeds. pp. ;//" : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Fanners' Bulletin No. 306. 8°. 1907. Hillman (FRED H.) The adulteration of Forage Plant Seeds, pp. 33: text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 382. 8". 1909. Hillmau (FRED H.) The distinguishing characters of the Seeds of Quack-Grass (Agropyron repens, L.) and of certain Wheat-Grasses, pp. 9 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Circular No. 73. 8°. 1911. Hillman (FRED H.) Testing Farm Seeds in the home and in the rural school, pp. 4~ : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulle- tin No. 428. 8°. 1911. Hillman (FRED H.) Distinguishing characters of the Seeds of Sudan Grass and Johnson Grass. yj>. 5 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture. Bulletin No. 406. 8°. 1916. Hillman (FRED H.) The Agricultural species of Bent Grasses. . .Pt. II. The Seeds of Redtop and other Bent Grasses. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agri- culture. Bulletin No. 692. 8". 1918. Hillman (FRED H.) & Brown (E.) Seed of Red Clover and its impurities, pp. 24 •' text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bul- letin No. 260. 8". 1906. HILLS (LOFTUS) The Preolenua Coal field, and the Geology of the Wynyard district, pp. iv, 69 [SI] : 2 pis., .'? maps, text illust. See TASMANIA..— Department of Mines. Geological Survey Bulletin No. 13. 8°. 1913. Hills (LOFTUS) The Jukes- Darwin Mining field. pp. vii, l.'fi : 3 pis., 1 plan, 3 sects, 2 maps (1 geol. col.). See TASMANIA. — Department of Mines. Geological Survey Bulletin No. 16. 8°. 1914. 59 E. E. IE. 460 tA .j t.l H. Hills (LoFTUS) Geological Reconnaissance of the country between Cape Sorell and Point Hibbs. pp. [ii,] .'.>: J maps (1 geol. col.). See TASMANIA. —Department «>/ Mines. Geological Survey Bulletin No. 18. 8°. 1914. Hills (LoFTUS) Preliminary Report on the Zinc-lead Sulphide deposits of Mount Read. pp. S5. See TAS- MANIA.— Department of Mines. Geological Survey Report No. 8. 8°. 1914. Hills (LoFTUS) Darwin Glass : a new variety of the Tektites. pp. IS: ft pis., 1 map. See TASMANIA.— l>i-pn rtinent of Mines. Geological Survey Record No. 8. 8°. 1915. Hills (LOFTUS) Preliminary Report of the Zinc Lead Sulphide deposits of the Rosebery district, pp. SS. See TASMANIA. — Department of Mines. Geological Survey Report No. 7. 8°. 1915. Hills (LOFTUS) The Zinc-Lead Sulphide deposits of the Kead-Rosebery district. 3 Pt. illust. See TASMANIA. --Department of Mines. Geological Survey Bulletin No. 19, 28 & 31. 8°. 1915, 19. Hills (LOFTUS) Tungsten and Molybdenum. 2 Pt. illuit. See TASMANIA. — Department of Mines. Geo- logical Survey Mineral Resources. No. 1, pt. I & II. 8°. 1916. HILTON (HAROLD) [1876-] Mathematical Crystallo- graphy and the theory of groups of movements, pp. xii, . I tab. : text illust. 8°. Oxford, 1903. • HILZHEIMER (MAX) [1877-] Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Nordafrikanischen Schakale, nebst Bemerkungen iiber deren Verhiiltnis zu den Haushunden insbesondere j Nordafrikanischen und Altiigyptischen Hunderassen. ! pp. Ill, .'/ tabs., 10 pis. See ZOOLOGICA, Ac. Bd. XX, hft. 53. 4°. 1908. : Hilzheimer (MAX) Uber Mus sylvaticus, L., Mus '< wagneri, Eversm., Mus minutus, Fall., in den Museen ; - x.u Helsingfors und Stuttgart, pp. lit. See HELSING- FOHS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, Ac. Vol. XXXIV, no. 10. 8°. 1911 (1912). Hilzheimer (MAX) & Heck (L. F. F. G.) Die Sauge- tiere, Ac. Bd. I & n. Must. (col.). See BREHM (A. E.) '• Brehms Tierleben. . .Vierte. . .Auflage, Ac. Bd. x & XI. ' 8°. 1912, 14. j HIMALAYA. [ 1/.*/..s. | The Karakoram Himalayas ! . . . surveyed in 1892 by W. M. Con way . . . Scale ... 1 inch j = 2 miles, Ac. See ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 2 sh. col. 1894. ! HIMMELBAUER (ALFRED) On the Mineral | Stichtite. See TASMANIA. — Department of Mines. Geological Survey Record. No. 2. Stichtite, a new Tasmanian mineral, Ac. 8°. 1914. HIND (HERBERT LLOYD) & Bandies (W. B.) Hand- book of Photomicrography, pp. xii, .!'.< .' : J,'t ph. (col.), text illiut. 8°. London [1914]. Hind (WllKKLTON) Les Faunes Couchyliologiques du terrain Houiller de la Belgique, Ac. pp. IX: I pi. See BRUSSELS. — MUKKF. ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE ' DE BELGIQUE. M^moires, Ac. Tom. vi. 4°. 1912. Hind (WllEELTON) & Stobbs (J. T.) Chart of Fossil Shells found in connection with the seams of Coal and Ironstone of North Staffordshire, Ac. (col.) [ ] 1903. Hinde (GBORUK JENNINGS) I For contribution on Fossil Worms revised by G. J. Hinde] See ZITTEL (K. A. VON) Text-Book of Palaeontology . . . English edition, Ac. Vol. I, pt. 1. 8°. 1896. - [Another issue.] 8°. 1900. Hinde (GEORGE J.) Description of Fossil Radiolaria r from the Rocks of central Borneo, Ac. ( — Note on the Microscopic structure of some Limestones, Ac.) See MOLENGHAAFF (G. A. F.) Borneo-Expedition . . . English revised edition, <(-c. Appendix I & II. 8". 1902. Hinde (GEORGE J.) Report on the materials from the Borings at the Funafuti Atoll. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF S.3. LONDON.— Com? Beef Committee. The Atoll of Funa- - futi, Ac. 4°. 1904. (r. Hinde (GEORGE J.) Radiolaria from Triassic and other L , Rocks of the Dutch East Indian Archipelago, pp. ><:t : 5 £{J lipis. 8". [Amsterdam, 1908. | Extracted from R. D. M. Verbeek's Report on the Geology of the Moluccas. (Jaarbnek van het Mljiiwezen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie, Vol. XXXVII, 1908.) Hinde (GEORGE J.) & others. Palieontological Con- tributions to the Geology of Western Australia, Ac. tr« [Series] III. pp. 1.13: 1:1 ph., text illust. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 36. 8°. 1910. HINDLE (EDWARD) [1886-] Flies in relation to F Disease : Bloodsucking Flies, pp. xv [i,] :'l'JH : text illust. 8». Cambridge, 1914. Forming a volume of the " Cambridge Public Health Series. Under the editorship of G. S. tirnhani-Smitn. ..and J. E. Purri8,"ls., tf maps (7 geol. col.), text illust. See MISSOURI, State of. — Bureau of Geology and Mines. [Publication] Ser. II, vol. XI. 8°. [1913.] Hinds (HENRY) & Greene (F. C.) The Stratigraphy of £.p the Pennsylvaniau Series in Missouri, maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See MISSOURI, State of. — Bureau of Geology and Mini [Publication] Ser. II, vol. XIII. a" lolr- 8". 1915. HINDS (WARREN ELMKR) [1876-] Proliferation as a r factor in the natural control of the Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil (Anthonomus grandis. Boll.). 2'P- •'/•'' •' '' 71'1*- See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture.- Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 59. 8°. 1906. Hinds (WARREN E.) An Ant enemy of the Cotton Boll ~ Weevil. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 63, pt. III. 8". 1907. Hinds (WAKREN E.) Some factors in the natural con- £ trol of the Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil, pp. '?!> : 4 ph., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 74. 8°. 1907. Hinds (WARREN F..) \ Fernald (H. T.) The Grass £. Thrips. Anaphothrips striata (Osb.), Ac. pp. I..' : I pi. • See AMHERST. — MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COL- v*- LEGK. — Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Bulletin No. 67. 8°. 1900. Hinds (WARREN E.) & Hunter (W. D.) The Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil. pj>. U'J: Hi pis., text ill H. it. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture.- Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 45. 8°. 1904. 467 Hinds (WARREN E.) & Hunter (W. D.) The Mexican ',, Cotton Boll Weevil : a revision. . .of Bulletin 45 to. . . 1904. pp. 181 : :?:: ph.. text illust. See UNITED STATES. —Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 51. 8°. 1905. Hinds (WARREN E.) & Tothers (W. W.) Hibernation • -« of the Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil, pp. 106 : 10 ph., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture.— Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 77. 8°. 1909. HINE (JAMES STEWART) [1866-] Tabanidas of Ohio : ' •»» with a Catalogue and Bibliography of the species from '•*' America north of Mexico, pp. 57 [6]: text illust. See OHIO STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. Special Papers. No. 5. 8°. 1903. _ Hine (JAMES S.) Habits and life histories of some Flies E. of the family Tabauidse. See UNITED STATES. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Technical Series No. 12, pt. II. 8°. 1906. r Hine (JAMES S.) Family Tabanidre. See WILLISTON *•' (S. W.) Manual of North American Dip tera. . .Third edition. 8°. 1908. ( J KINGSTON (BiciiARD WILLIAM GEORGE) A Natu- '•'7V7..ralist in Himalaya, pp. xii, 300 : 16 ph., text illust. \jr 8°. London, 1920. HINRICHS (CARL GUSTAV) First Course in Micro- ^A. chemical Analysis. (Introduction to Crystallographic Chemistry. By...G. Hinrichs. — Laboratory Guide in Chemical Analysis. By. . .G. Hinrichs. . .Fifth edition.) pp. [iv,] l.~,6 : 65 pis. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., U.S., 1904. The plates are included in the pagination. ^. Hinrichs (GUSTAVUS DETLEF) A Celestial Messenger ; r«. or, Fiery Stones hurled from Heaven, pp. 12: text illust. 8°. [ 1891.] The Cliaperone. Sept., 1891. ijk Hinrichs (GUSTAVUS D.) Introduction to Crystallo- graphic Chemistry. — Laboratory Guide in Chemical Analysis . . . Qualitative Analysis of Simple Compounds. Fifth edition. See HINRICHS (C. G.) First Course in Microchemical Analysis. 8°. 1904. .1 Hinrichs (GUSTAVUS D.) The proximate constituents • •• of the Chemical Elements, mechanically determined from their physical and chemical properties, pp. xv, .s'7 : 23 ph. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., U.S., 1904. .. Hinrichs (GUSTAVUS D.) The Amana Meteorites of February 12, 1875. pp. W3, in which the 20 plates are included. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., (tc., 1905. An advance edition of the plates was issued in commemoration of the thirtieth Anniversary of the fall of the Amana Meteorites. £_ HINSCLIPP (CLAUDE) Sec DERBY NATURALISTS' *, QUARTERLY.. .General Editor... C. Hinscliff. Vol. I J. H- bT- •& H. 8°. 1900-02. HINTON (MARTIN ALISTER CAMPBELL) [1883-] A jZ.. History of British Mammals, by G. E. H. Barrett- Hamilton. . .and [after the author's death, continued by] M. A. C. Hinton, Ac. Part xvi (=Vol. n),p.497-&- See HAMILTON (G. E. H. B.) 8°. 1914— > Hinton's work begins with the "Sub-family Murinre." HINTZ (ERNST JACOB) [Cerambycidae from Equatorial ~ v Africa.] See ADOLF FRIEDRICH GEORG ERNST ALBERT f 4 J • EDUARD, Duke of Mecklenburg. Wissenschaftliche I 0. _ Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, I 0 1907-08, Ac. Bd. in. 8°. 1911. HINTZZ (KARL ALFRED) [1880-] Beitriige xur Petrographie der iilteren Gesteine des Deutschen Schutzgebiets Kamarun. Inaugural-Dissertation. Ac. pp. 81 [1]. 8°. Berlin, 1907. Hinxman (LIONEL WORDSWORTH) & Anderson (E. M.) The Geology of Mid-Strathspey and Strath- dearn, Ac. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— Geo- logical Survey,— -Scotland. 8°. 1915. Hinxman (LIONEL W.) & Home (J.) The Geology of the country round Beauly and Inverness, Ac. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — Scotland. 8°. 1914. Hinxman (LIONEL W.) & Wilson (J. S. G.) The Geology of Lower Strathspey, Ac. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — Scotland. 8°. 1902. Hinxman (LIONEL W.) & others. Memoirs . . . The Geological structure of the North-West Highlands of Scotland. By...L. W. Hinxman, 0. See CiiRiSTiANiA. — VIDENSKABS- SELSKABET. Skrifter, Ac. 1912, no. 2. 8°. 1912. Hiorth (JoHANl^)/ Christinehamn. Von den essbaren Pflanzen. See^LiNN/EUS (C.) [Theses A Orations.] Des Bitter C. von Liuue Auserlesene Abhandlungen aus der Naturgeschichte, Ac. Bd. II, no. 6. 8°. 1777. HIORTH (JoiiAN) of Ogne, Jwderen. Undersjzigelser af forhistorisk uld og tfSirester fundne i Norske gravhauger. pp. ~'4. See STAVANGER.— STAVANGER MUSEUM. Aar- shefte for 1908, Ac. No. 3. 8°. 1909. Hiortzberg (LAURENTIUS) Methodus investigaudi vires medicamentorum chemica, quam preside. . .C. Linnaeo. . .proposuit L. Hiortzberg, Ac. See LlNNjEUS (C.) [Theses it Orations.} G. Linusei . . . Amrenitates Academic®, Ac. Vol. IX, no. 173. 8°. 1785. HIRASE (YOICHIRO) See CONCHOLOGICAL MAGA- y.lNE, The. . .published by Y. Hirase. Vol. I— > 8°. 1907-> (r. G-. G-. G-. Cr. 3. I IIS Hirase (YoiciiiRn) Kni son sku. [Ouo thousand kinds of shells, existing in Japan.] 2 Vol. illust. col. 8°. Kyoto, 1914, 15. Hirase (YoiCHiRo) The Album of the Hirase Concho- logical Museum. Hirase Kairui - Hakubutsukwun ShynslunJM. j>f,. [»•.] ,;. [t«,]£0: £j>b. H". A'i/o 4°. 1889-> - See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. Bulletin du Musee Oc^anographique [continued as :] Bulletin de 1'Institut, rfc. No. l-» 8°. 1904-> HIRSCHMANN (NiKOLAJ) Beitrag zur Kenntuis der Ostrakodenfauna des Finnischen Meerbusens. Zweite Mitteilung. pp. <;>t [;].- ,1 ph., text illust. See HELSINGFORS. — SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. Acta, rfc. Vol. xxxvi, no. 2. 8". 1912. The flret part appeared in the "Meddel. Sot. Fauna & Flora Fenn." Hft, xxxv, 1909. W30 HIRST (ARTHUR STANLEY) [1883-] [Guide to the Arachnida and Myriopoda exhibited in the Department of Zoology of the Natural History Museum.] See BRITISH .MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) Zoology. [Guides, dc.] Guide to the Crustacea, Arachnida, Onychophora and Myriopoda, dc. 8°. 1910. j Hirst tAKTiii ;u S.) On a collection of Arachnida and L ' Chilopoda, made by...S. A. Neave in Rhodesia, north SjJ-Uj_ of the Zambesi, pp. II : text illust. See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, ttc. Vol. LVI, no. 2. 8°. 1912. L. 7.$ 1 Hirst (ARTHUR S.) Report on the Arachnida and Myriopoda collected ... in Dutch New Guinea. See GRANT (W. R. OOILVIE-) Reports on the collec- tions made by the British Ornithologists' Union Expe- dition, dc. Vol. I, no. 8. 4°. 1914. Hirst (ARTHUR S.) Species of Arachnida and Myrio- poda (Scorpions, Spiders, Mites, Ticks and Centipedes) injurious to Man. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) [Economic.] Economic Series No. 6. 8°. 1917. - Second edition. 8". 1920. J J HIRZEL (llAXs KASPAR) [1725-1808] Linguet und Tissot, iiber das Getroid und Brod. Aus dem Frun/u- sischen. Nebst der Geschichte einer giftigen Art Erbsen, von dem Uebersetzer [H. K. Hirzelj. See Lix- GDKT (S. N. H.) s . 1780. HISTORICAL MEDICAL MUSEUM. See LONDON.— Wellcome Historical Medical Museum. Hitchcock (ALBERT SPEAR) North American species of Leptochloa. pp. ';>!, : 11 ph. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 33. 8°. 1903. Hitchcock (ALBERT S.) Methods used for controlling and reclaiming Sand Dunes, pp. •!<; : '.< ph., text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 57.' 8°. 1904. Hitchcock (ALBERT S.) North American species of Agrostis. pp. «,S' : 37 pis., text illust. See Uxin.i STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin No. 68. 8°. 1905. Hitchcock (ALBERT S.) The genera of Grasses of the United States, with special reference to the economic- species, pp. 307 : SO pis. back to back, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 772. 8°. 1920. Hitchcock (ALBERT S.) & Hash (G. V.) (Poales) Peace® (pars). See NEW YORK, City of.— NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. North American Flora. Vol. xvn, pt. 3. 8". 1915. Hitchcock (CHARLES HENRY) The Geological Map of Q.. the United States, tic. pp. 34 •' 1 map geol. col. 8°. [New York City, 1886.1 Wanting the Map. Trans. Amer. Instit. Mining Engineers. Vol. XV (1886-1887). ;<;j. /,«.;- ',** : ; map geol. col. Hitchcock (EDWARD) Notes upon the specimens of Rocks and Minerals collected [from the Red River of Louisiana]. See UNITED STATES. Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, ttc. Appendix D. 8". 1854. HITZEL ( ) Captain : Grenoble. Revision de la Q.J feuille de Grenoble, pp. 1U. See FRANCE. ".' : 1 port. See HELSINGFORS. — FINSKA VETIASK \}-- SOCIETETEN. Acta, dc. Tom. xxxix. 4". 1910. Hjelt (OTTO EDUARD AUGUST) ^C. von Linne Liikare ocli Medicinsk forfattare. See STOCKHOLM. KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. C. von Linnes betydelse sAsom naturforskare och liikari'. ,i-f. No. 1. 8". 1907. Hjelt (OTTO E. A.) Sveriges Biologiska- Disputations- och Program • Litteratur, 1700- Vartermiuen 1910. systematiskt ordnad, J-c. pp. viii, :!!<>. Sec HELSIM. FORS.— FINSKA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Bidrag till KAnnedom af Finlauds Natur och Folk, ttc. Hft. 70, no. 1. 8°. 1911. 469 Hjort (JoHAN) Fiskeri og Hvalfangst i det norcllige ^- • Norge. pp. mil, SSI : 1 pi., '.i maps, text illust. 8". Bergen, 1902. Aarsberet. Vedkumm. Norges Fiskerier. 1902, hft. 1. _^ Hjort (JoHAN) Some results of the International Ocean 4-. Besearch. [Translated from " Aarsberetning Vedk. Norges Fiskerier," 1907], Ac. pp.40: text illust. 8°. Edinburgh, 1908. Hjort (JoHAN) Report regarding the Herring, pp.17: 2.. text illust. See CONSEIL PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL POUR L'EXPLORATION DE LA MER. Bapports, Ac. Vol. xii, c, 5. 4°. 1910. the S^iefiljfic Besults of the h Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition, under. . .tfie superintendence of...J. ENS MUSEUM. 4°. [1914.1 •ZL. Hjort (JOHAN) " Michael Sars " 1910, carried Hjort. Hjort (JoHAN) & Dahl (K.) Fishing Experiments in Norwegian Fiords, pp. SIS, 1 tab. : 3 maps col., text illust. See NORWAY. — Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations. Beport, Ac. Vol. I, no. 1. 8°. 1900. Hjort (JoHAN) & Gran (H. H.) Currents and Pelagic -,. . Life in the Northern Ocean, pp. %4< ~0, 8 tabs. : 4 pis. col., S maps col. See BERGEN. — BERGENS MUSEUM. (Bergens Museums Skrifter. Bd. VI.) Beport on Nor- wegian Marine Investigations 1895-97, Ac. Pt. 1. 4°. 1899. Hjort (JoiiAN) & Gran (H. H.) Hydrographic-Biolo- gical Investigations of the Skagerrak and the Chris- tiania Fiord, pp. IJ6, 41, 7 tabs. : text illust. See NOR- WAY. — Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations. Report, pis. (col.), o maps. See CONSEIL PERMANENT INTERNA- TIONAL POUR L'EXPLORATION DE LA MER. Bapports, Ac. Vol. vin. 4°. 1907. Hjort (JOHAN) & Murray (Sir 3.) K.C.B. The Depths "2. , of the Ocean : a general account of the modern science -~j of oceanography based largely on the scientific researches J of the Norwegian steamer " Michael Sars " in the North $ . Atlantic, Ac. See MURRAY (Sir J.) K.C.B. & HJORT (J.) 8°. 1912. Hjort (JOHAN) & Peterson (C. G. J.) Kort Oversigt Z- . over de Internationale Fiskeri-Unders0gelsers Besultater med saerligt henblik paa Norske og Danske Forhold. pp. 53, 1 tab. : 9 maps. See DENMARK. — Kommissionen for Havunders0geher. Skrifter, Ac. No. 3. 8°. 1905. Oversat fra "General Report 1902-1904": International Council for the Study of the Sea. Hjort (JOHAN) & Feterseu (C. G. J.) Short review of the results of the International Fisheries Investigations (mostly Norwegian and Danish), pp. 4-> : 1 pi., 9 maps (col.), text illust. See CONSEIL PERMANENT INTER- NATIONAL POUR L'EXPLORATION DE LA MER. Bap- ports, Ac. Vol. Hi, append. G. 4°. 1905. . Hjort ( JOHAN) & others. Oversigt over Norsk fiskeri- og havf orskning, 1900-1908. — Review of Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations [of the " Michael Sars " expeditions], 1900-1908. [NORWEG. & ENG.] pp. 204: ~1 pis. See NORWAY. — Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations. Report, Ac. Vol. II, no. 1. 8°. 1909. Hlava (JAROSLAV) Streptococcus dextrau produkujici u cloveka. (Leuconostoc hominis.) pp. 4: text illust. See PRAGUE. — CESKA AKADEMIE CISARE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, Ac. Bozpravy. . .Tfida II. Boo. XI, Sis. 12.1 8°. 1902. Hlava (JAROSLAV) 0 nalezech parasitiirnich tvaru v krvi pfi spalnickach. [On the discovery of a species of parasite in morbillous blood.] pp. 5 : 1 pi. col. O nalezu protozoovitych cizopasniku v krvi. [On the discovery of a protozoon-like parasite in the blood. J pp. 3 : 1 pi. col. See PRAGUE. — CESKA AKADEMIE CISARE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, Ao. Bozpravy. . .Tfida II. Roc. xix, cis. 45 & 46. 8°. 1910. HLAVA (STANISLAV) Bohmens Biidertiere. Mono- graphic der Familie Melicertidie. pp. S3 : text illust. See PRAGUE. — Bcide Comites fuer die Landesdurch- forschung von Boehmen. Archiv, <£c. Bd. XIII, no. 2. 8°. 1908. HLAWATSCH (CARL) [1870-] Ueber den Amphibol von Cevades (Portugal). See WUELFING (E. A.) Fest- schrift H. Bosenbusch, Ac. 4°. 1906. Hlawatsch. (CARL) Bibliothekskatalog der mineralo- gisch-petrographischen Abteilung des K.K. Naturhis- torischen Hofmuseums. Nach dem Stande vom 31. Dezember 1909. Im Auftrage der Direktion bearbeitet von C. Hlawatsch. (Samt Nachtrag bis 31. Dezember, 1910.) See VIENNA. — KAISERLICH - KOENIGLICHES NATURHISTORISCHES HOFMUSEUM. 8°. 1911. HOAKE (ALFRED) [1850-] An Italian [-English] Dictionary. (A Concise English-Italian Vocabulary.) pp. xvi, 6'tt? (cxxxv). 4°. Cambridge, 1915. HOARE (SARAH) Poems on Conchology and Botanv. pp. iv, lOt! : .7 pis. (Xcol.). 12°. London A Bristol, 1831. HOBART. Hobarttown, oder Sommerfrische in deu Antipoden. [By Ludwig Salvator, Archduke of Austria.] pp. [x,] 284 : S3 ph. 4°. Prog, 1886. HOBAKT. Gardens. Tasmanian Museum and Botanical [c. 1848 Founded in connection with the Royal Society of Tasmania. 1885 Placed under Government control.] Report, Ac. 1914-5— > 4°. [Hobart,] 1915- HOBART-HAMPDEN (AwDRY GEORGE) [1858-] See INDIAN FORESTER, The. . .Edited by A. G. Hampden. Vol. xxix, no. 6. 8°. 1903. HOBBS (WILLIAM HERBERT) [1864-] The configura- tion of the rock floor of Greater New York. pp. 9t> : 2 pis., 3 maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 270. 8°. 1905. Hobbs (WILLIAM H.) On two new occurrences of the " Cortlandt Series " of rocks within the State of Con- necticut. See WUELFING (E. A.) Festschrift H. Rosen- busch, .S<>. Handbook and Guide to Sheffield, rfc. 8°. 1910. L . HOBSON (RICHARD) [1795-18681 Charles Waterton : £.^_ his Home, Habits, and Handiwork. Reminiscences of an intimate and most confiding personal association for nearly thirty years, pp. xl, .IV.i : Hi ph. 8°. London A Leeds, 1866. HOCHREUTINER (BENEDICT PIERRE GEORGES) 3[1878-] Une famille de Botanistes. Les Candolle. pp. 43: 4 port. 8°. Geneve, 1898. SulMe I'nlvcrsitaire. Ann. Hi. Hochreutiner (BENEDICT P. G.) Plante Bogorienses > xsiccate novie vel minus cognitie qua; in Horto Botanico coluntur. See BuiTENZORG. 8". 1904. Hochreutiner (BENEDICT P. G.) Catalogus Bogo- riensis novus Plantarum Phanerogamarum quce in Horto Botanico Bogoriensi coluntur Herbaceis ex- ceptis. Fasc. I & II (— Index, rfc.) 3 Pt. See BUITEN- ZORG. Bulletin de 1'Institut Botanique, Ac. No. 19 & 22 & Index. 8°. 1904-08. Hoclireutiner (BENEDICT P. G.) Sudauia : Enumera- tion des Plantes r^colt^es en Afrique tropicale par . . . A. Chevalier, de 1898 a 1910 inclus. Liste dressee d'apres les determinations de . . . [B. P. C.] Hochreutiner, Ac. Tom. i-> See CHEVALIER (A.) 4". 191 1-> ] HOCHSTETTER (FERDINAND) Beitriige zur Anato- mie und Entwickelungsgeschichte des Blutgefiisssystems der Krokodile. — Ueber die Entwickelung der Scheide- wandbildungen in der Leibeshohle der Krokodile. See VOELTZKOW (A.) Beise in Ostafrika, Ac. Bd. IV, hft. 1. 4°. 1906. . f V. 6-. (r. Hochstetter (FERDINAND CHRISTIAN VON) Baron. The Coal-fields of Asia. Being an extract, translated from the German of F. von Hochstetter's "Asia". . .by P. Mosa. (Supplement relating to the Coal-fields of Persia.) pp. 31 [iv]. 8°. Simla, 1877. HODGE (JAMES M.) Report on the Upper Cumberland Coal field, it c. pp. t* [ii,] 223 : 1.5 pit., 1 tnap, text illutt. See KENTUCKY, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 13. 8°. 1912. Hodge (JAMES M.) Coals of the North Fork of Ken- tucky Biver in Perry and portions of Breathitt and Knott counties, pp. xi, 418 : i> maps. See KENTUCKY, State of. — Geological Survey. [Reports.] Fourth Series, vol. Ill, pt. 3. 8°. 1918. Hodge (JAMES M.) Coals of Middle Fork of Kentucky River in Leslie and Harlan counties, pp. ix, 166. See KENTUCKY, State of. — Geological Survey. [Reports. Fourth Series, vol. v, pt. 1.] 8". 1918. Hodge (JAMES M.) & Jillson (W. R.) The Geology and Coals of Stinking Creek (Knox county, Ky.). pp. xiv, 8!l : I map, text illutt. Sec KENTUCKY, State of. — Geological Survey. Series V. Bulletin No. 8. 8". 1919. HODGES (AUBREY DALLAS PKRCIVAL) [1861-] Observations relating to the transmission of Slrcpini' Sickness in Uganda ; the distribution and bionomics of Glosfina palpalis ; and to clearing measures. ;>/>. .'.••': text illutt. See SLEEPING SICKNESS BUREAU. 8". 1909. Hodges (AUBREY D. P.) Progress Report on the __ Uganda Sleeping Sickness Camps from December, 1906, * . to November 80th, 1908, J. fol. [1835-37J. HODGSON (ROBERT W.) & Coit (J. E.) The June drop of Washington Navel Oranges, do. text illust. See BERKELEY. — UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA. — Agri- cultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 290. Jan. 1918 [sic]. 8°. 1917 (sir}. Hodgson (ROBERT \V.) & Coit (J. E.) An investiga- tion of the abnormal shedding of young fruits of the Washington Navel Oranges. See BERKELEY. — UNI- VERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. University . . . Publications in Agricultural Sciences. Vol. in, no. 11. . 8°. 1919. H16 , HODGSON (THOMAS VERB) [1864-] [Crustacea tv, from the Antarctic Regions.] See BRITISH MUSEUM ^X (NATURAL HISTORY) Report on the Collections . . . made . . .during the Voyage of the " Southern Cross." 8°. 1902. Hodgson (THOMAS V.) On Collecting in Antarctic Seas. .•-• See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) National J Antarctic Expedition. 1901-1904. Natural History, "r Vol. III. Zoology and Botany. 4°. 1907. Hodgson (THOMAS V.) Pycnogonida [of the Antarctic Regions]. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) Lm National Antarctic Expedition. 1901-1904. Natural History. Vol. ill, Zoology & Botany, rfc. 4°. 1907. Hodgson (THOMAS V.) [Pycnogonida from South America.] See HAMBURG. — NATURHISTORISCHES MUSEUM. Ergebnisse der Hamburger Magalhaens- ischen Sammelreise, Ac. Lief. VIII, no. !i. 8°. 1907. Hodgson (THOMAS V.) The Pycnogonida of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. See SCOTTISH OCEANO- }el GRAPHICAL LABORATORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the voyage of S.Y. " Scotia," Ac. Vol. V, no. 10. 4°. 1909. _-! Tram. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh. Vol. XLVI, 1908 (1900). Hodgson (THOMAS V.) Isopoda [of the Antarctic regions]. See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904. Natural History. Vol. v. Zoology and Botany. 4". 1910. Hoeck (FERNANDO) [Valerianacece, Dipsacacece and Calyceracese.] See ENGLER (H. G. A.) i PRANTI. (K. A. E.) Die naturlichen Pflanzenfamilicn, &c. Thl. IV, abth. 4 & 6. 8°. 1889. 471 Hoeck (FERNANDO) Bubiaoeen. — Valerianaceen. n Sec KOCH (W. D. J.) W. D. ,1. Koch's Synopsis der ". Deutschen und Schweizer Flora. Dritte . . . Aunage, Ac. Bd. II. 8°. [1893.] Eoeck (FERNANDO) Tierreiche und Pflanzenreiche des «• • Landes. Eine vergleiohende Betrachtung. See Zoo- LOGISCHE JAHRBUKCIIEK. Supplement-Band vm, •. text illust. See CONGEES GEOLOGIQUE INTER- NATIONAL. Ninth Session : Vienna, 1'JOS. Fuhrer fiir die Exkursionen in Oesterreich, Ac. No. v. 8". 1903. . 1 Hoefer (HANS) Das Erdcil und seine Verwandten . . . • Zweite Auflage, Ac. pp. xvii, 27!) : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Braunschweig, 1906. Also forms Lief. 14 of Bolley-Englers " Handbuch der cheinischen Technologic. Neue Folge." .- HOEHNE (ERICH) [1885-] & Gothan (W.) Ueber die Frage der Klimazonenbildung im Jura und in der Kreide. A. Beleuchtimg der Frage auf Grund der tierischen Reste. [Signed : E. Hoehne.] B. Beleuch- tung der Frage auf Grund der pflanzlichen Beste. [Signed : W. Gothan.] 4°. [Jena,] 1908. Naturwissenschaftliche. Wochenschrilt. Neue Folge, Bil. vir. B HOEHNE (F. C.) [For contributions to the Botany of Brazil] See BRAZIL. — Commissao de Linhas Tele- graphicas Estrategicas de Matto Grosso ao Amazonas. Relatorio, Ac. Annexo No. 5. Botanica. Pt. iv-vi & vill. 4°. 1910-19. Hoehne (F. C.) [Botany of the Expedition.] See BRAZIL. — Expedigdo Scientifica Roosvelt-Bondon. [Reports.] Annexo No. 2. 4°. 1914. Hoehne (F. C.) Relatorios dos trabalhos de Botanica e viageus executados durante os annos de 1908 e 1909. See BRAZIL. — Commissao de Linhas Telegraphicas Estrategicas de Matto Grosso ao Amazonas. Relatorio, Ac. Annexo No. 4. /- -ta pis. (col.), I map geol. col., text illust. 4°. Wien, 1891. Denkschriften K. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. LVIII. Thl. I. Orographiseh-hydrographische Skizze des Forschuugsge- bietes der Graf Samuel Teleki'schen Expedition 1887-88, von L. Hitter v. Bohnel. ,, II. Ueber Gesteine aus dem Gebiete zwischen Usambara und dem Stefanie-See, nebst eioem Anhange : Ueber Gesteine aus , Schoa und Assab, vou A. Rosiwal. ,, III. Geologische Uebersichtskarte der Gebiete zwischen Usambara und dem Rudolf-See, und Begleitworte zu derselben, von F. Toula. „ IV. Die Briiche das ostlichen Afrika, von E. Suess. J HOEING (J. B.) Map of Meade and Breckenridge counties . . . Scale : 2 miles = 1 inch . . . Geology of (y-, Breckenridge co. by J. B. Hoeing, Ac. See KENTUCKY, State of. — Geological Survey. [Maps.] col. [ ] ' 4\* Hoeing (J. B.) [For official reports as State Geologist] See KENTUCKY, State of. — Geological Survey. HOEK (HENRY) [1878-] Geologische Untersuchungen im Plessurgebirge um Arosa. pp. 56 : 5 pis., 1 map, \ text illust. See FREIBURG IN BREISGAU.— NATURFOR- ' SCHENDE GESSELLSCIIAFT. Berichte, 0 : ti pis,, 1 map geol. roL, text illust. See NORWAY. — Norges Geologiske rn,l,-rsfgelse. Aarbok for 1910, ttc. No. 2. 8°. 1910. [Publication] No. 67. Hoel (ADOLF) Exploration du nord-ouest du Spitsberg, fiitreprise . . . par la Mission Isachsen. Pt. III. (Geo- logie.) See ALBERT HONORK CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. Resultats des Campagnes scientitiques, •',. 8°. Graz, 1911. FesUchrlft k.k. Karl-Franzeni-t'nlv. Hoernes (RUDOLF) & Holler (A.) Exkursion nach Oisnitz. pp. 3. See CONGRES GEOLOOIQUK INTER- NATIONAL. Ninth Session : Vienna, 1003. Flthrer fiir die Exkursionen in Oesterreich, Hoffmann (FRIEDRICH) M.D. Disscrtatio iuauguralis physico-medica, sistens Oryctographiam Halensem, sive Fossilium et Mineralium in agro Halensi descriptionem, quam praeside D. F. Hoffmanno. . .exponet auctor, . 8". Giittingcn, 1910. 8ulw«queiitl)r incorporated in his larger work bearing the name title in 11(13. Hoffmann (GuiooK. A.) Stratigraphie und Ammoniten- Fauna des Unteren Doggers in Sehnde bei Hannover. pp. vi [i,] ;'(>2: 18 pis., text illust. 4°. Stuttgart, 1913. Pp. 1-42, 104-20t were originally luueJ ai a theiii in 1010. 473 HOFFMANN (JULIUS) with text descriptive attractive (Mrs. A. Weimar. Alpine Flora . . . fstributed and 'Barton •col. York d Bombay, 1903. ie German original appeared in 1902 at Stuttgart. HOFFMANN (KAETHE) EuphorbiaceEe-HippomaneiE . . .unter mitwirkung von K. Hoffmann. See ENGLER (H. G. A.) Das Pflanzenreich, dc. Hft. 52. (IV. 147. v.) 8°. 1912. Hoffmann (KARL AUGUST OTTO) [For descriptions of some Composites] See KOCH (W. D. J.) W. D. J. Koch's Synopsis der Deutschen und Schweizer Flora. Dritte . . .Auflage, rfc. Bd. II. 8°. [1895.] Hoffmann (KARL A. O.) [For contributions on the Botany of Portuguese South-West Africa] SeeBAUM (H.) • Kunene-Sambesi-Expedition.. .1903, tic. 8°. 1903. Hoffmann (KARL A. 0.) Sudania : Enumeration des Plantes recoltees en Afrique tropicale par. . .A. Cheva- lier, de 1898 a 1910 inclus. Liste dressee d'apres les determinations de . . . O. Hoffmann, <6c. Tom. I— > See CHEVALIER (A.) 4°. 1911-> HOFFMANN (OTTO) See HOFFMANN (KARL AUGUST O.) Hoffinannsegg (JOHANN CENTURIUS VON) Count, & Illiger (J. C. W.) Versuch einer naturlichen Folge der Ordnungen und Gattungen der Insekten. • See KUGELANN (J. G.) Verzeichniss der Kiifer Preus- sens, Ulust. See STOCKHOLM.— KONGUGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Handlingar. Ny Foljd, Bd. XLV, no. 9 ; LIV, no. 1-10. 4°. 1910-> Hogbom (ARVID GUSTAP) Nya bidrag till kannedomen om de kvartiira NivAfiiriindringnrna i norra Skandi- navien. pp. 26: 1 map. Sec UPSALA. — KONGLIOA UNIVERSITETET. Meddelanden fran . . . Universitets Mineralogisk-Gteologiska Institution. No. 26. 8°. 1904. Geol. K..I-I-H. Stockholm Forhandl. Bd. xxvi, hft. 6(1904). Hogbom (ABVID G.) Om s. k. " jiislera" och om vill- koren for dess bildning. See UPSALA. — KONGLIGA UNIVERSITETET. Meddelanden fran . . . Universitets Mineralogisk-Geologiska Institution. No. 27. 8°. 1905. Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forhandl. Bd. xxvii, hft. 1 (1905). pp. J.9- X: textilluit. L. *.C f tJ. G-. Hogbom (ARVID pp. xvi, 412 [1] •' G-. L. L. •77 £a *• G.) Norrland Naturbeskrifning. ., 5 maps gcol. col., text Ulust. 8°. Uppsala A Stockholm [1906]. Forming " Norrlandskt Handblbliotek. I." Hogbom (ARVID G.) Studies in the Post-Silurian thrust region of Jiimtland. The Igneous Bocks of Bagunda, Alno, Bodo and Nord- ingra. The Gellivare Iron Mountain. Quartargeologische Studien im mittleren Norrland. See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. Eleventh Session. Livret-Guide des Excursions en Suede, -> 4 maps col., text Ulust. See SWEDEN. — Sveriges Qeologiska Undersokning. Afhandlingar, Ac. Ser. Ca. No. 7. 4". 1910. Hogbom (ARVID G.) & others. Excursions in the Archaean of southern Sweden. See CONGRES GEOLO- GIQDK INTERNATIONAL. Eleventh Session. Livret- Guide des Excursions en Suede, Ac. No. 18. 8°. 1910. Hogg (HENRY BOUGHTON) Spiders and Opiliones from the Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand. See, PHILO- SOPHICAL INSTITUTE OP CANTERBURY, New Zealand. The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand, Ac. Art. 9. 4". 1909. Hogg (HENRY B.) JAraneidse of North China.] See CLARK (B. S.) & SOWEHBY (A. DE C.) Through 8hen-kan, Ac. Append. V. 8°. 1912. Hogg (HENRY B.) Report on the Spiders collected. . . in Dutch New Guinea. 2 Pt. See GRANT (W. B. OGILVIE-) Beports on the collections made by the British Ornitho- logists' Union Expedition, Ac. Vol. I, no. 7 & 7a. 4°. 1915. (HENRY B.) [Arachnida. Part I. Araneae (Spiders) of the "Terra Nova" Expedition, 1910.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) British Antarctic (" Terra' Nova ") Expedition, 1910. Natural History Beport. Zoology. Vol. Ill, no. 6. 4°. 1918. HOGG (THOMAS) A Manual of Mineralogy ; in wich [sic] is shown how much Cornwall contributes to the illus- tration of the Science. [By T.Hogg.] Sec MINERALOGY. 8°. 1825. HOHENKERK (Luoovic SMITH) [1874-J Map of British Guiana. . .revised. . .by L. S. Hohenkerk... Scale 1 : 633,600, or 1 inch to 10 miles, Ac. See GUIANA, British. [Maps.] 2 sh. 1918. HOHENSTEIN (VICTOR) Beitrage zur Kenntnis des mittleren Muschelkalks und des unteren Trochiten- kalks am ostlichen Schwarzwaldrand. pp. 100 : 8 pis., text Ulust. See PALAEONTOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Geologische und palaeontologische Abhandlungen, Ac. Bd. xvi, hft. 2. 4°. 1913. Holienzolleru. [Maps.] [Geognostische Wandkarte von . . . Hohenzollern . . . bearbeitet von . . . O. Fraas . . . Massstab, 1 : 280,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 4J m. about]. See GERMANY. [Maps.] 4 sh. geol. col., 1882.] Wanting. - Dritte Auflage. 4 sh. geol. col., 1894. HOLANDRE (JEAN JOSEPH JACQUES) [1773-1856?] [Faune du de'partement de la Moselle et principale- ment des environs de Metz. 2 Pt. 8°. Meta, 1825, 26.] Pt. 1. Ornlthologique. pp. 1,8. „ 2. Mammiferes, Keptiles et Polssons. (pp. SO.] 1825. 1826. — - pp- G0- Both wanting. For notes on new species, See 8°. Metz, 1836.] ' Index Animalium MS. Notes," No. 71. HOLBERT (JAMES B.) & Hotter (G. N.) Control of the Boot, Stalk and Ear Bot Diseases of Corn. pp. 34 : text Ulust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 1176. 8°. 1920. Holbrook (JOHN EDWARDS) Ichthyology of South Carolina, Ac. [Second edition.] Vol. I.f pp. vii, 205 : 28 pis. col. 4°. Charleston, S.C., 1860. The author originally projected a work on " Southern Ichthyology," embracing Georgia, Florida and South Carolina, but discontinued it after the issue of two numbers. (Alllbone, Vol. I.) The present work was first issued in 1855, and there is a copy of it In the Printed Book Department of the British Museum. The destruction of the stock, as well as the original drawings and stones, in the burning of the " Artists Buildings " In Philadelphia, necessitated the production of this second, emended edition, which was given to the subscribers, in exchange for the numbers Issued In 1855. HOLDEN (HENRY SMITH^On an abnormalspike of Ophioglossum vulgatum. pp. 13 : text Ulust. See MAN- CHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, Ac. Memoirs, Ac. Vol. LV, no. 9. 8°. 1911. Holden (HENRY S.) On some abnormal specimens of Dictyota dichotoma. pp. 6 : text Ulust. See MAN- CHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, Ac. Vol. LVII, no. 9. 8°. 1913. Holder (CHARLES FREDERICK) The Big Game Fishes of the United States, pp. xiv, 433 : 3.]. Holdhaus (KARL) Sobre alguns Lamellibranehios (r, Fosseis do Sul do Brasil. pp. 32 : 3 pis., 1 map. Sec BRAZIL. — Serviqo Gcologico e Miner alogico . Mono- graphias, Ac. Vol. II. 4°. 1918. Holdhaus (KARL) & Denbel (F.) Untersuchungen fiber die Zoogeographie der Karpathen (unter beson- '9 3) . derer Beriicksichtigung der Coleopteren). pp. vi, 202 : 1 map col. See VIENNA.— KAISERLICH-KOENIGLICHE ZOOLOGISCn-BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlun- gen, Ac. Bd. VI, no. 1. 8°. 1910. HOLDING (ROBERT E.) The Cat's place in Nature : its ancestry, classification, structure and distribution. See SIMPSON (F.) Miss. The Book of the Cat. Chap, xxxil. 4°. 1903. Q HOLE (EGBERT SELBY) [1875-] A Manual of Botany D- for Indian Forest Students, pp. xi, 250, xxi : 20 pis. (col.), 3 maps (col.). 8". Calcutta, 1909. Hole (EGBERT S.) On some Indian Forest Grasses and B. their acology. pp. ii, 126 : 40 pis., 1 map col. See INDIA. — Forest Department. The Indian Forest Memoirs. . .Forest Botany Series. Vol. I, pt. 1. 4°. 1911. Hole (EGBERT S.) Bark-boring Beetle attack hi the tr Coniferous Forests of the Simla catchment area, 1907- • 1911. pp. '21. See INDIA. — Forest Department. Forest Bulletin No. 10. 8". 1912. Hole (EGBERT S.) D Useful exotics in Indian forests. (No. 1. Prosopis juliftora, DC), pp. [ii,] 28 : 1 pi. On Albizzia Lathamii. pp. 6 : 1 pi. ' See INDIA. — Forest Department. Indian Forest Records, Ac. Vol. IV, pt. 3 & 4. 8°. 1913. Hole (EGBERT S.) Note on the preparation of Indian Forest Floras and descriptive lists, pp. 33, 1 tab. See INDIA. — Forest Department. Forest Bulletin 2-- No. 23. . 8°. 1914. Hole (EGBERT S.) Development of the Culms of E. . Grasses, pp. IS. See INDIA. — Forest Department. Forest Bulletin No. 25. 8°. 1914. Hole (EGBERT S.) z Trametes Pini, Fries, hi India, pp. 26 : 7 pis., 1 map j^- col. c A new species of Forest Grass (Spodiopogon Lacei). '"• pp. 6 : 4 ph. See INDIA. — Forest Department. Indian Forest Records, etc. Vol. V, pt. 5 & 6. 8°. 1915. Hole (ROBERT S.) Note on Hopea Canarensis, Hole. E • pp. 4 : 1 pi- See INDIA. — Forest Department. Indian Forest Eecords. Vol. VII, pt. 3. 8°. 1919. Hole (EGBERT S.) Note on Ixora Butter ivicTcii, Hole. pp 4 • 1 pi. See INDIA. — Forest Department. Indian Forest Eecords. Vol. VII, pt. 4. HOLE (SAMUEL EEYNOLDS) Dean of Rochester. [1819- 1904] The Natural History & Antiquities of Selborne j A, & a Garden Kalendar ... with an introduction to the ' Garden Kalendar, by. . .S. R. Hole, Dean of Rochester, Ac. See WHITE (G.) 8°. 1900. Holl (WILLIAM) See ANALYST, The... Edited by W. Holl, Ac. Vol. VI & VII. 8°. 1887. HOLLAND. — GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE FOR THE GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION OF THE NETHERLANDS. See imto^/Rijksopsporing van Delfstoffen. HOLLAND.— MINISTERIE VAN LANDBOUW, NIJVER- HEID EN HANDEL. (Ministry for Agriculture, Industry and Commerce.) Rapport over onderzoekingen betreffende de Visscherij hi de Zuiderzee ingesteld in de jaren 1905 en 1906 door . . .H. C. Redeke, Ac. (Bijlagen.) 6 Pt. 4°. 's-Gravenhage, 1907. Bijlage V :— Bijdrage tot de Kennis van de Flora en Fauna der Zuiderzee, door P. J. van Breemen en H. C. Redeke. Holland. — MINISTERIE VAN LANDBOUW, &c. Mededeelingen van den Veeartsenijkundigen Dienst. No. 1. Eapportvan het onderzoek naar hetvoorkomen van Toenia echinococcus bej den Hond in Friesland. [By C. Tenhaeff and S. Ferwerda.] pp. x, 82 : 4 pis., 2 maps. 8°. 's-Gravenhage, 1919. HOLLAND. — MINISTRY FOR AGRICULTURE, INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE. See supra, Ministerie van Landbouw, Nijverheid en Handel. HOLLAND. - RIJK t-. . S>.lfil&. G. HOLLAND. — SERVICE DBS EXPLORATIONS MINIERES DE L'ETAT DBS PAYS-BAS. See supra, Rijksopsporing van Delfstoffen. HOLLAND.— STAATLICHE BOHRVERWALTUNG IN DEN NIEDERLANDEN. See supra, Rijksopsporing van Delfstoffen. HOLLAND (JOHN HENRY) Nigeria. <*• Part*X The Useful Plants of See KEW. — Royal Botanic Gardens. Bulletin of Mis- cellaneous Information. Additional Series No. IX. 8°. 1908_ Holland (RICHARD) The Fossil Foraminifera. See NORDENSKJOLD (N. 0. G.) Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901-3, Ac. Bd. ill, lief. 9. 4°. 1910. Holland (Sir THOMAS HENRY) K.C.I.E. [For chapters and notes on the Geology, and the Mines and Minerals of India] See HUNTER (Sir W. W.) The Imperial Gazetteer of India. . .New edition, Ac. Vol. I & ill. 8°. 1907. Holland (Sir THOMAS H.) K.C.I.E. Sketch of the Mineral Resources of India, See CARNEGIE INSTITUTE OF PITTSBURGH, Pa. — Museum. 40. 1901— > Holland (WILLIAM J.) The Moth Book : a popular E . guide to a knowledge of the Moths of North America. pp. xxiv, 47!> : 4$ ph. col., text illust. 8°. New York, 1903. Holland (WILLIAM J.) [Typewritten Statement with reference to the cast of Diplodocus.] foil. 8. 4°. 1905. G Holland (WILLIAM J.) [For minor emendations to . the Insecta] See ZlTTEL (K. A. VON) Text-Book of Paleontology. . .Second edition, rfc. Vol. I. 8°. 1913. Hollande (DIEUDONNE) La zone subalpine aux environs de Chambery. pp. 19 : 1 map, text illust. See FRANCE. — Service de la Carte Oeologique detailUe. Bulletin, rfc. Tom. XV, no. 101. 8°. 1904. WHOLLE (F.) Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands fiir • junge Naturfreunde, : 40 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Monographs, . 4°. London, 1910. Journ. Soc. Cheni. Iiulust. Lund. Sect. 1910. HOLLOWAT (HENRY CHARLES SCHUNKE) See SCHUNKE-HOLLOWAY. HOLLOWAT (THOMAS EDMUNDS) [1886-] Insects liable to dissemination in shipments of Sugar Cane. pp. S. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture.— Entomology Division. Circular No. 165. 8°. 1912. Holloway (THOMAS E.) Field observations on Sugar- Cane Insects in the United States in 1912. / See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture.— Entomology Division. Circular No. 171. 8°. 1913. Holloway (THOMAS E.) & Loftin (U. C.) The Sugar- cane Moth Borer [Diatrtna saccharalis crambidoides, Grote]. pp. 74: !) pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 746. 8°. 1919. HOLLOWAT (WILLIAM) & Branch (J.) The British Museum ; or, elegant repository of Natural History. 4 Vol. illust. col. 12°. London, 1803-04. Hollrung (MAX) Die Mittel zur Bekiimpfung der Pflanzenkrankheiten. . . Zweite. . . Auflage, etc. pp. viii, 344 : text illust. 8°. Berlin, 1914. The flnt edition entitled :— "lluidhuch der chemischcn Mittel gegeo Pttanzenkrankheiteu," «(•<•., appeared in 1896. :. B. 477 L. Holm (EDVARD JOHAN GERHARD) & Blomberg (A.) Geologisk beskrifning ofver Nerike och Karlskoga berg- " slag samt Fellingsbro harad. pp. [iv,] 124 •' 4 tnaps geol. col., text illust. See SWEDEN. — SVERIGES GEOLO- GISKA UNDERSOKNING. Ser. Ca. Afhandlingar, Ac. No. 2. & 4°. 1902. HOLM (HERMAN THEODOR) [1854-] Types of Clay- tonia, Gronov. See JUNGERSEN (H. F. E.) & WARMING n. (J. E. B.) Mindeskrift ^ Anledning af Hundredaaret ; fOl •ST. for Japetus Steenstrups F0dsel, Ac. No. 21. 4°. 1914. HOLM (OTTO LEONARD) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Alcyonidengattung Spongodes, Lesson. Inaugural- Dissertation, Ac. pp.50: 2 pis. 8". [Jena, 1895.] Zool. Jahrb. Bd. viu, Syst. Re-issued as a Thesis in 1003. Holm (OTTO L.) Weiteres liber Nephthya und Spon- ~l_ , godes. pp. 18 : 1 pi. See JAGEHSKIOLD (L. A.) Results of the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Egypt and the White Nile, 1901, Ac. No. 27. 8°. 1904. HOLM (THEODOR) See HOLM (H. T.) Holmberg (EDUARDO LADISLAO) [Flora and Fauna of the Argentine Republic.] See ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Segundo Censo, Ac. Vol. I, pt. 5 & 6. 4°. 1898. 1 Holmberg (EDUARDO L.) [For official Reports as • Director] See BUENOS AYRES. — JARDIN ZOOLOGICO. HOLMBERG (OTTO) Bidrag till kannedomen om " Holmium. pp. 8. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA _£• VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. Arkiv for Kemi, Ac. Bd. IV, />A. . no. 2. 8°. 1911. Holmboe (JENS) Planterester i Norske Torvmyrer. Et L, bidrag til den Norske vegetations historic .efter den •yi ft sidste istid. pp. 227 : f> pis., text illust. See CHRISTI- ANIA.— VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Skrifter, Ac. 1903, no. 2. 8°. 1903 (1904). Holmboe (JENS) Om Faunaen i nogle skjselbanker og lerlag ved Norges nordlige kyst. (English summary.) pp. b'o : 1 pi., text illust. See NORWAY. — Norges Geologiske Undersfigelse. Aarbog for 1904, Ac. 8°. 1903 (1904). [Publication] No. 37. Holmboe (JENS) H0iere epifytisk Planteliv i Norge. pp. 40. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABSTSELSKABET. .3.Forhandlinger, etc. Aar 1904, no. 6. 8°. 1904 (1905). Holmboe (JENS) List of Plants from Armenia and "• Trebizond, collected by M. Holmboe, and determined 551. n. by J. Holmboe. pp.8. See BERGEN. — BiMMMr MUSEUM. a»j««rfcM»wii 1 arbog. 1907, <(r. No. 13. 8". 1908. Holmboe (JENS) B0geskogen ved Lygrefjord i Nord- hordland. pp. 22 : text illust. See BERGEN. — BMMflHM MUSEUM, Dinjiai jtfogemas Aarbog. 1908, no. 13. 8°. 1909. Holmboe (JENS) Linnets botaniske "Prselectiones L, privatissimse " paa Hammarby 1770. Utgit efter M. *• Vahl's referat ved J. Holmboe. pp. 69 : 1 facsim. See BERGEN. — ii unmans MUWBDM. BOTgews Museums Aarbog. 1910, no. 1. 8". 1910. Holmboe (JENS) Vaarens utvikling i Troms0 amt. J0. Fsenologiske unders0kelser. pp.248: 1 pi., text illust. See BERGEN. — BMtemn MUSEUM. BOM§NK- Mmeims Aarbok. 1912, no. 1. 8°. 1912. Holmboe (JENS) Kristtornen i Norge. En Plante- _ geografiske unders0kelse. pp. 9S : 1 map, text illust. See BERGEN. — DMHMMW MUSEUM. jBtpguiagi Mimaaas Aarbok. 1913, no. 7. 8°. 1913. Holmboe (JENS) Studies on the Vegetation of Cyprus, based upon researches during the Spring and Summer 1905. pp. 344 •' # pls-< 1 map (col.), text illust. Sea BERGEN.— i MUSEUM. Skrifter. Ny Rsekke. Bd. I, no. 2. 4°. 1914. Holmboe (JENS) Den* Botaniske ekskursion i Bergens skjaergaard efter det 16de Skandinaviske Naturforsker- m0te...!916. pp.31. See BERGEN. — BBUWHft MUSEUM. mi Aarbok. 1917-8, no. 16. 8°. 1920. Holmboe (JENS) Bergfletten i Norge som vild og plantet. pp. 76, 1 pi., text illust. See BERGEN. — videnskabelig Roekke. 1918-9. Nr. 1. 8°. 1921. HOLMBOE (M.) List of Plants from Armenia and Trebizond, collected by M. Holmboe, and determined by J. Holmboe. pp. 8. See BERGEN. — BMHHPB MUSEUM. Btibuiiu Minimum Aarbog. 1907, Ac. No. 13. 8°. 1908. HOLMES (ARTHUR) The Age of the Earth, pp. xii, 106 : 4 ph., text Must. 8°. London A New York, 1913. Holmes (ARTHUR) The Nomenclature of Petrology, with references to selected literature, pp. [i,] 384. 8°. London [1920.] Holmes (ARTHUR) Petrographic Methods and Calcula- tions with some examples of results achieved, pp. xix, 515 : 4 pis., text illust. 8°. London, 1921. Holmes (EDWARD MORELL) Alg* ex Abd-el-Kuri. See LIVERPOOL. — Free Public Library, Museum and Gallery of Arts. The Natural History of Socotra, Ac. 8°. 1903. Holmes (EDWARD M.) Some South Orkney Algse. See SCOTTISH OCEANOGRAPHICAL LABORATORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the voyage of S.Y. " Scotia," Ac. Vol. HI, pt. 7. 4°. 1912. Holmes (EDWARD M.) Medicinal Herbs: their culti- vation and preparation in Great Britain. . . First edition. pp. IS. 8°. [London, 1916.] Preprint : " Journ. Roy. Horticult. Soc. Vol. XLII." Holmes (EDWARD M.) & Marshall (E. S.) [Botany of Kent.] See MARSHALL (E. S.) & HOLMES (E. M.) 4°. [1908.] Holmes (FRANCIS S.) Post-pleioeene Fossils of South Carolina, pp. xii, vi, 132: 28 pis. fol. Charleston, S.C., (1858-)1860. Holmes (FRANCIS S.) Phosphate Rocks of South Carolina and the " Great Carolina Marl Bed," tfc. pp. 87 : 5 pis. col. 8°. Charleston, S.C., 1870. Holmes (FRANCIS S.) & Tuoniey (M.) Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina, <#c. See TUOMEY (M.) & HOLMES (F. S.) fol. 1857. HOLMES (J. S.) & Foster (J. H.) [A Study of Forest conditions of south-western Mississippi, die. See MIS- SISSIPPI, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 5. 8°. 1908.] Wanting. — [Re-issue.] See MISSISSIPPI, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 11. 8°. 1913. k A M. L. 7f t L. go. B: 3. Gr. fr. fr. G: 478 >' HOLMES (JOSEPH AUSTIN) [1859-1915] [For official Reports as State Geologist] v". See NORTH CAROLINA, State of. — Geological Survey. [For official reports as Director] See UNITED STATES. — Bureau of Mines. Holmes (SAMUEL JACKSON) [Ainphipod Crustaceans of Jri. « Alaska.] See WASHINGTON ACADEMY OP SCIENCES. : Harriman Alaska Expedition, Ac. Vol. x. 8°. 1904. • Holmes (SAMUEL J.) The Biology of the Frog. pp. vii •7 [i,] 370 : 1 pi., text illust. (col.). 8°. New York A London, 1906. Holmes (THOMAS VINCENT) & others. On the thick- r. ness of strata in the counties of England and Wales, "• exclusive of Rocks older than the Permian. By . . . T. V. Holmes, Ac. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— Geological Survey. 8°. 1916. L. Holmes (\VILLIAM HENRY) & others. Early Man in South America, pp. xv, 40i> : 66 pis., 2 maps, text illust. SMITHSONIAN. INSTITUTION. — Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin No. LIl. 8°. 1912. Holmgren (AUGUST EMIL) Zwei verschollene Ichneu- -7 monidengattungen A. E. Holmgren's. Von A. Roman. See WIR£N (A.) A others. Zoologische Studien... T. Tullberg. . .gewidmet, Geologiske Understlgelse. [Publication] No. 73. 8". 1915. 479 G-- Holmsen (GuNNAB) Om sporene efter en lokal Bree- dannelse yngre end Storbrseens Avsmeltningsperiode i den Skandinaviske halv0s Br£esj0omraade. pp. 10 : Ipl. SeeClIRISTIANIA. — NOKSKE GEOLOGISK FORENING. Norske Geologisk Tidsskrift. Bd. in, no. 7. 8°. 1915. /- Holmsen (GUNNAR) Tekst til Geologisk Oversigtskart w^ over 0sterdalen-Fa}munds-Str0ket. [With an English See NORWAY. — &t*yn Geologiske Under- 8°. 1915. summary. sflgelse. [Publication] No. 74. G-. G-. Cr. Holmsen (GUNNAB) Eendalens Brsesj0 . . . Med . . . English summary, pp. 38 : 1 map, text illust. S0rfolden — Riksgraensen. [With an English summary.] pp. 46 : 4 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See NOBWAY. — PfolHfM Geologiske Unders0gelse. [Pub- lication] No. 79. Aarbok for 1916, no. 1 & 2. 8°. 1917. Holmsen (GUNNAB) Sulitelmatrakten . . . Med. . . sum- mary in English, pp. Jf! : 2 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See NORWAY. — Jtepv Geologiske Unders0gelse. [Publication] No. 80. Aarbok for 1917, no. 3. 8°. 1917. Holmsen (GUNNAB) Gudbrandsdalens briesj0. . . English summary, pp. 25 : 1 pi., text illust'. Nordfollas Omgivelser . . . Med . . . English summary. pp. 18 : 1 pi. See NORWAY. — Mtmjtft Geologiske TJndersfigelse. [Pub- lication] No. 83. Arbok for 1919, no. 1 & 2. 8°. 1919. HOLMSEN" (HANNA RESVOLL-) See RESVOLL-HOLMSEN. HOLOBEK (JOHANN) Die geologischen Verhaltnisse (j-, der Erdwachs- und Erdcillagerstatten in Borystaw. pp. 10 : 1 map, text illust. See CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. Ninth Session : Vienna, 1903. Fiihrer fiir die Exkursiouen in Oesterreich, '•> / '<'•*' illust. Src NORWAY. — Norges Geologiske Undersfigelse. [Publi- cation] No. 69. Aarbok for 1914, no. 5. 8°. 1914. Holtedahl (OLAF) lagttagelser over fjeldbyguingen omkring Randsfjordens nordende . . . Samt English summary, pp. ,72 : 4 P?a- test illust. Nogen fore!0bige meddelelser fra en reise i Alten i Fin- marken . . . Med English summary, pp. lit : I trst illust. See NORWAY. — Norges Geologiske I'ntlrrsfigelse. [Publi- cation] No. 75. Aarbok for 1915, no. 1 & 2. 8*. 1915. Holtedahl (OLAF) The Strophomenidte of the Kris- ^•tiania Region, pp. 117: 16 ph., 1 map, text illust. f.See CHRISTIANIA.— VIDENSKABS-SELSKABET. Skrifter, dc. 1915. No. 12. 8°. 1916. Holtedahl (OLAF) Kalkstensforekomster paa S0rlandet ...Med English summary, pp. 2t> : 1 pi., text illust. See NORWAY. — Norges Geologiske Undersfgehe. [Publi- cation] No. 80. Aarbok for 1917, no. 2. 8°. 1917. Holtedahl (OLAF) Bidrag til Fimnarkens Geologi. pp. vii, 314 •' ~0 pis., 3 maps (J geol. col.), text illust. S/v NORWAY. — Norges Geologiske Undersfgelse. [Publi- cation] No. 84. 8°. 1918. Holtedahl (OLAF) & Hoel (A.) Les Nappes de Lave, ( les Volcans et les Sources Thermales dans les environs '. /Jde la Bale Wood au Spitsberg. pp. 37 : 8 ph., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See CHRISTIANIA. — VIDENSKABS- SELSKABET. Skrifter, dc. 1911, no. 8. 8°. 1911 (1912). Holtermann. (CARL) Die Einfluss des Klimas auf den Bau der Pflanzengewebe. Anatomisch-Physiologische Untersuchungen .in den Tropen. pp. viii, '2Jfi : It! pis. j^JLA^H^v^A, 8". Leipzig, 1907. HOLTZ (H. C.) & Howe (J. L.) Bibliography of the Metals of the Platinum group : Platinum, Palladium, Iridium, Rhodium, Osmium, Ruthenium, 1748-1917. pp. .ri'iH. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 694. 8°. 1919. HOLTZ (LUDWIG) Die Flora der Inseln Riigen. 8°. Greifswald, 1900. vn. Jahresl). Geogr. flesell. Greifswald. pp. ;,"-«',. Holt* (LUDWIG) [Characeie of the Province of Branden- burg.] pp. vi, 136 : text illust. See BRANDENBURG. — BOTANISCHER VEREIN FUER DIE PROVINZ BRANDEN- BURG, dc. Kryptogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg. Bd. IV, hft. 1. 8°. 1908. HOLUB (KAREL) Prispevek ku poznani fauny pasma Dd,y. [Contribution to a knowledge of the Fauna of ,/ the Dd,y stage.] pp. 18 : I pi. Sec PRAGUE. — CESKA 'AKADEMIE cfSAKE FRANTISKA JOSEFA, dc. Rozpravy. . . Ttida II. Roc. xvn, cfs. 10. 8°. 1908. Holub (KAREL) Nova fauna spodniho Siluru v okoli Rokycan. [On a new fauna from the Lower Silurian in the neighbourhood of Rokycan.] pp. 18: 2 ph. See PRAGUE. — CESKA AKADEMIE CJSAKK FRANTISKA JOSEFA, dc. Rozpravy. . .Tfida II. Rod. XX, 5is. 15. 8°. 1911. Holub (KAREL) Doplnky ku faun£ Eulomoveho hori- zontu v okoli Rokycan. [Supplement to the Fauna of the Euloma horizon in the neighbourhood of Rokycan.] pp. 12 : J pi. See PRAGUE. — CESKA AKADEMIE CJSAKK FRANTISKA JOSEFA, dc. Rozpravy . . . Tfida II. Roc. XXI, «ig. 38. 8". 1912. B. G-. HOLWAY (EDWARD WlLLET DORLARD) [1858-] North American Uredinese. Vol. I— >• illust. 4". Minneapolis, 1905— » HOLZAPFEL (EDUARD) See HOLZAPFEL (GUSTAV HERMANN E.) Holzapfel (GUSTAV HERMANN EDUAHD) Die Facies- Verhiiltnisse des Rheinischen Devon. See MENZEL (H.) d others. Festschrift A. v. Koenen, dc. 8°. 1907. Holzapfel (GUSTAV H. E.) Die Geologie des Nordab- falles der Eifel mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Gegend von Aachen, dc. pp. [iv,] 218 : S pis. (col.), 1 map geol. col., text illust. See PRUSSIA. — Koeniglich- Preussische Geologische Landes-Anstalt, dc. Abhaml- lungen, dc. Neue Folge, hft. 66. 8°. 1910. Home (Sir EVERARD) Bart. [121 Natural History manu- scripts, including scientific correspondence addressed to ' Q Q Sir E. Home, Bart., and some of his autograph notes, with those of J. Hunter and others. The whole indexed in ®~ the handwriting of W. Clift.] 4". [1781-1832.J Home (Sir EVERARD) Bart. [Original manuscripts of ^ his "Lectures on Comparative Anatomy." First Course, -. 1810, Lecture IX, x (1 fol. only) & xi^"; Second Course, 1813, Lecture III, IV, VI-VHI.] 4". 1810-13. % Home (Sir EVERARD) Bart. [Holograph outline of the Physiology Catalogue, Royal College of Surgeons, that was published in 1833.] pp. / .'. 4°. Home (Sir EVERARD) Bart., & Blizard (Sir WILLIAM) Summary of the arrangement of the Hunterian Collec- tion, in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, dc. [By Sir E. Home and Sir W. Blizard.] See ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. 8°. 1818. L. HONE (DAISY S.) Miss. Some Western Helvellinete. See ST. PAUL, Minnesota. — Minnesota Seaside Station. Postelsia...l906. (First edition.) 8°. 1906. HONIGMANN (HANS) Bau und Entwicklung des Knorpelschadels vorn Buckelwal. pp. [iii,] 85 : ii ph. (col.), text illust. See ZOOLOGICA, etc. Bd. xxvn, lief. 2. (Hft. 69.) 4°. 1917. HONMAN (C. SIDNEY) The Geology of the country between Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie, dc. pp. 83 : 2 inapt geol. col., text illust. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA. — Geo- logical Survey. Bulletin No. 56. 8°. 1914. Hoiiman (C. SIDNEY) The Geology of the country to the south of Kalgoorlie, dc. pp. 75: 5 ph., 6 maps (2 geol. col.), text illust. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 66. 8°. 1916. HONOLULU. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History. [Founded 1889.) Occasional Papers, dc. Vol. I— > 8". Honolulu, H.I., 1899-» Honolulu. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History. Memoirs, dc. Vol. I-f(L. 4°- Honolulu. If.L, 18 HONOLULU. College of Hawaii. College of Hawaii Publications. Bulletin No. 1— > 8°. Honolulu, 191 1-> HOOD (ARTHUR ACLAND) [1859-] & others. The Gun at home and abroad. British Game Birds and Wildfowl. See GRANT (W. R. O.) d others. 4°. 1912. 481 HOOD (CLARENCE E.) & others. The Insect enemies of the Cotton Boll Weevil [Anthonomus grandia, Boh.]. pp. 99 : 3 pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Department o/ Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 100. " . 8°. 1912. J HOOD (CLIFFORD E.) & Collins (C. W.) Gipsy Moth [Porthetria dispar, L.] Tree-banding material : How to make, use, and apply it. pp. 18 : 7 pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 899. 8°. 1920. B. Cr. :- L. ,-J.C HOOGENRAAD (H. R.) & Iterson (F. K. VAN) Flora van de Omstreken van 's Gravenhage. pp. 194. T.H.4. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1906. Hooke (ROBERT) The Posthumous Works of R. Hooke . . .To these. . .is prefixt the Author's Life [and a Pre- face] . . . By R. Waller [who has also added notes throughout], etc. pp. [iv,] xxviii, 1-309 [3,] 379-572 [11]: 16 pis. fol. London, 1705. HOOKER (HYACINTH) Lady [-1921] Life and Letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker . . . Based on materials collected and arranged by Lady Hooker. 2 Vol. See HUXLEY (L.) 8°. 1918. Hooker (Sir JOSEPH DALTON) G.C.S.I. [Cryptogamia Antarctica, or Cryptogamic Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H.M. Discovery-Ships Erebus & Terror in . . . 1839-43, etc.] 4°. London, 1847. A separate issue of the Cryptogamia of " The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage" [q.v.]. For the dates of publication of the original parts, See note by F. G. WILTSHEAR, Journ. Bot., LI, 1913, pp. 355 358. Hooker (Sir JOSEPH D.) G.C.S.I. Observations on the Botany of Kerguelen Island. — Flowering Plants, Ferns, Lycopodiacese, and CharaceiE [of Kerguelen Island]. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Philosophical Trans- actions, : text Mutt. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 143 & 144. 8°. 1912. Hopkins (ANDREW D.) Classification of the Crypha- linir, with descriptions of new genera and species. pp. 75: 4 pit., text illutt. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture.— Office of the Secretary. Report No. 99. 8°. 1915. Hopkins (A.NDUEW D.) The Southern Pine Beetle f [Dcntlroctonux frontalit, Zimm.]. A menace to the • Pine Timber of the Southern States, pp. l:i : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 1188. 8°. 1921. HOPKINS (EVAN) [-1867] On the connexion of r Geology with Terrestrial Magnetism, 0 : 2 ph., text illust. 8°. London, 1909. Reprinted from the "Jubilee Volume of the Geologist*' Association." Hopkinson (JOHN) A Bibliography of the Tunicata, 1469-1910. See RAY SOCIETY. 8°. 1918. ' HOPPE (Huoo MAGNUS ROBERT) [1880-] Ueber Andesite der Vulkane Sago, Merapi, Mamndjau und Kaba nuf Sumatra. Inaugural-Dissertation, y J. Hornell in 1905-6. By Miss I,. !» Thornely. Hornell (JAMES) Madras Fishery Investigations, 1908. pp. [U,] 136 : 1 tab. : 13 pis., 1 map. col., text illust. 2. See MADRAS, Presidency. — Fisheries Bureau. Bulletin No. 4. 8". 1910. Hornell (JAMES) The practice of Oyster Culture at Arcachon and its lessons for India, pp. [i,] 90 : 6 pis. I map, text illust. See MADRAS, Presidency. — Fisheries Bureau. Bulletin No. 5. 8°. 1910. 7* o- £. ft 484 TL. Hornell (JAMES) The present depletion of the Oyster- Bed of Sind ; its' causes and the remedies, pp. S3 : ipl*., text illust. 4°. Bombay, 1910. Hornell (JAMES) Marine Fish farming for India. pp. [u,J 8S : 7 pit., text illust. See MADRAS, Presi- dency.—Fisheries Bureau. Bulletin No. 6. 8°. 1911. Hornell (JAMES) The Sacred Chank of India : a mono- graph of the Indian Conch ( Turbinella pyrum). pp. viii, 181 : 18 pis., text illust. See MADRAS, Presidency. — Fisheries Bureau. Bulletin No. 7. 8°. 1914. -z. -z. L. L L. 'Jr. Hornell (.TAMES) Madras 1914-15. illust. See MADRAS Bulletin No. 8. S. Marine Fishery investigations in pp. [»,] 126 : 5 maps it plans, text ;A8, Presidency. — Fisheries Bureau. 8°. 1916. Hornell (JAMES) Guide to the Madras Aquarium. (Second edition.) See MADRAS, Presidency.— Fisheries Bureau. — Madras Marine Aquarium. 8°. 1920. Hornell (JAMES) [For official reports as Marine Biologist to the Ceylon Government & Inspector of - Pearl Banks] See COLOMBO. — Ceylon Marine Biolo- gical Laboratory. Hornell (JAMES) & Herdman (Sir W. A.) Pearl Pro- duction. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Report. . . on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, etc. Pt. v. 4°. 1906. Hornell (JAMES) & Shipley (Sir A. E.) G.B.E. The Parasites of the Pearl Oyster. (• — Further Report on Parasites found in connection with the Pearl Oyster, rfc.) See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Report ... on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, etc. Pt. II. and ill. 4°. 1904, 05. Hornell (.JAMES) & Shipley (Sir A.. E.) G.B.E. Report on the Cestode and Nematode Parasites from the Marine Fishes of Ceylon. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Report ... on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, etc. Pt. v. 4°. 1906. Hornell (JAMES) & Southwell (T.) F.L.S. Description of a new species of Pinnoteres from Placuna placenta, with a note on the genus. See HORNELL (J.) Report to the Government of Baroda on the Marine Zoology of Okhamandal in Kattiawar, etc. Pt. 1. 8°. 1909. HORNER (LEONARD) [1785-1864] Address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geological Society of London . . . 1846, etc. pp. 85. Quart. Jouru. Geol. Soc. Load. Vol. II. 1847, etc. pp. ?.'. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Loud. Vol. in. — 1861, etc. pp. 47. Quart. Journ. GeoL Soc. Lond. Vol. XVIL 8°. London, 1846. 8°. London, 1847. 8". London, 1861. HOKNIMAN MUSEUM AND LIBRARY. See LONDON. — HORNIMAN MUSEUM. HORNYOLD (ALFONZO,\GANDOLFI) See GANDOLFI HORNYOLD ( HORROCKS ( Sir WILLIAM HEATON) K.C.M.G. [1859-J Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps. Edited by . . . W. H. Horrocks, etc. See ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL (ours. Journal, etc. Vol. XI-> 8". 1908-> HORSBRUC-H and Water-fa '.'7 pis. e ^mor hirrln pp.xii, !!>•'* : London, 1912. Horsfield (THOMAS) [Lists and descriptions of Mammalia collected in Sumatra and Java. See RAFFLES (S.) Lady. Memoir of the Life . . . o: Sir S. Raffles, etc. 4°. 1830. Horsfield (THOMAS) & Vigors (N. A.) [Lists and descriptions of Birds collected in Sumatra and Java.] See RAFFLES (S.) Lady. Memoir of the Life ... of Sir S. Raffles, etc. 4°. 1830. HORSLEY (JOHN WILLIAM) [1845-1921] [Mollusca of Woolwich and West Kent.] See SOUTH EASTERN UNION OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. A Survey and Record of Woolwich and West Kent, etc. Zoology. 8U. 1909. Horst (RuTGER) Over de ""Wawo" van Rumphius (Lysidice Oele, u.sp.). pp.4: text illust. See HAARLEM. - NEDERLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ, etc. — Kolonial Museum. Rumphius Gedenkboek, etc. 4°. 1902. Horst (RUTGER) [Paraperipatus Lorentzi, n.sp. from Dutch New Guinea.] See WICHMANN (C. E. A.) Nova Guinea, ef:c. Vol. IX, livr. 2. 4°. 1911. Horst (RuTGER) Polychseta Errantia of the Siboga Expedition. 2 Pt. See WEBER (M. C. W.) Siboga- Expeditie . . . 1899-1900, etc. Monograph XXIV, la & b. 4°. 1912, 17. Horst (RUTGER) & Schepmann (M. M.) Catalogue syst^matique des Mollusques. Deuxieme Partie. See LEYDEN. — RIJKSMUSEUM VAN NATUUKLIJKE ms- TORIE. Revue M - 8°. 1899-» Hortus Thenensis. See WILDEMAN (E. DE) Plant® novas vel minus cognitfe ex Herbario Horti Thenensis, 8°. 1904-> Horusitzky (HENRICK) Komarom varos korny£k6nek hidrografiai es agro- geo!6giai viszonyai. pp. 17, 3 tabs. : text Must. — Die hydrografischen und agro-geologischen Verhiiltnisse der Umgebung von Komarom (Komorn). pp. 19, 3 tabs. : text Must. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI INTEZET. Evkonyve (Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche), . 3 Tom. pp. .',, l~,i;t>: 4 pis., text Must. 8°. Paris, 1908-1918. With Vol. I a provisional title-page was issued for that volume. Hough. (ROMEYN BECK) Handbook of the Trees of the ^g Northern States and Canada east of the Bocky Moun- tains, pp. x, 470 : text illust. 8". Lowville, N.Y., 1907. HOUGHTON (H. W.) The Maine Sardine Industry. By F. C. Weber . . . with the collaboration of H. W. F, Houghton, illust. 8°. Pans, 1921-» Bncyclope'die scientifiiiue, Bil'.llothdque deZoologie. HOUSE (HOMER DOLIVEB) [1878-] Wild Flowers of New York. Pt. I— > illust. See ALBANY. — NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM. Memoirs, rfc. No. 15. 4°. 1918. HOUSEMAN (JOHN) [A Topographical Description of Cumberland, Westmoreland, Lancashire, and a part of the West Biding of Yorkshire. 8°. Carlisle, 1800.] Wanting. [Another edition entitled :] A Descriptive Tour, and Guide to the Lakes, Caves, Mountains, and other Natural Curiosities, in Cumberland, Westmoreland, Lancashire, and a part of the West Riding of Yorkshire . . . Third edition, Ac. pp. iv [iv,] 323 : 6 pis., 5 maps pis., 1 map, text illust. 8°. London, 1908. Differs only from the preceding edition in the fact that the last para- graph has been omitted. HOVET (EDMUND OTIS) [1862-] The Grande Soufriere of Guadeloupe, pp. 18 : 1 map, text illust. 8°. [New York,] 1904. Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc., Sept. 1904. .. Hovey (EDMUND 0.) The Geology of the Guaynopita r> - district, Chihuahua. A contribution to the knowledge of the structure of the western Sierra Madre of Mexico. See WUELFING (E. A.) Festschrift H. Eosenbusch, : text illust. 8°. 1908. Howard (LELAND O.) The Brown-Tail Moth [Euproctis ; chrysorrluea, L.J, and how to control it. pp. 22 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 264. 8°. 1906. Howard (LELAND O.) The Gipsy Moth [Porthetria c dispar, L.], and how to control it. pp. %H : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Departim-nt of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 275. 8°. 1907. 488 Howard (LELAND O.) New genera and species of Aphelininse, with a revised table of genera. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Divirion. Technical Series No. 12, pt. iv. 8°. 1907. Howard (LELAND O.) Report of the Entomologist [to •y/ the U.S. Department of Agriculture] for 1908 (-10). 3 No. 8". Washington [D.C.], 1908-10. Howard (LELAND O.) The Parasites reared, or sup- posed to have been reared from the eggs of the Gipsy Moth [Porthetria dispar, L.] See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Technical Series No. 19, pt. I. 8°. 1910. Howard (LELAND O.) House Flies, pp. Id: text F. . HI iisl. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 459. 8". 1911. Howard (LELAND O.) The House Fly [Musca domes- E . tica] : Disease Carrier : an account of its dangerous activities and of the means of destroying it. pp. xix, V/.': 17 ph. (1 col.), text illust. 8°. London, 1912. Howard (LELAND O.) The Yellow-Fever Mosquito [Aedes calopus, Meigen.]. pp.16: textillust. Sec UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Fanners' Bulletin No. 547. 8°. 1913. Howard (LELAND O.) & Burgess (A. F.) The Laws in force against injurious Insects and Foul Brood in the United States, pp. 322. See UNITED STATES.— Depart- ment of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 61. 8°. 1906. Howard (LELAND O.) & Chittenden (F. H.) The .' . Catalpa Sphinx (Ceratomia catalpix, Bdv.). pp. 7 : text ill nut. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agri- culture.— Entomology Division. Circular No. 96. 8°. 1907. Howard (LELAND 0.) & Chittenden (F. H.) The Bagworm (Thyridopteryx ephcmerceformis, Haw.). pp. in : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 97. 8°. 1908. [Another edition.] pp. 12 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bul- letin No. 701. 8«. 1916. Howard (LBLAND O.) & Chittenden (F. H.) The Leopard Moth (Zeuzera pyrina, Fab.), pp. 8: text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agricul- ture_ — Entomology Division. Circular No. 109. 8". 1909. [Another edition.] pp. 12 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bul- letin No. 708. 8°. 1916. Howard (LELAND O.) & Chittenden (F. H.) The E . Green-Striped Maple Worm (Anisota rubicunda. Fab.). pp. 7: text Mutt. See UNITED STATES. — Depart- ment of Aariculture. — Entomology Division. Circular No. 110. 8?. 1909. Howard (LELAND O.) & Fiske (W. F.) The importa- r tion into the United States of the Parasites of the Gipsy ' Moth and the Brown-Tail Moth, Ac. pp. 312 : 24 pis. (S col.), 4 maps, text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. — Entomology Division. Bulletin No. 91. 8°. 1911. Index, See NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 8°. 1917. HOWITT (A. M.) The Maryborough Gold-field, dc. pp. 76 : 7 pis. (1 col.), text Must. See VICTORIA, Memoirs, dc. No. 11. 4°. 1913. . ., Australia. — Geological Survey. Howitt (ALFRED WILLIAM) Notes on the contact of the metamorphic and sedimentary formations at the upper Dargo River. See VICTORIA, Australia. — Depart- ment of Mines. Special Reports, dc. 4°. 1892. HOWLETT (FRANK MILBURN) [1877-1920] Indian Insect Life ... By H. Maxwell-Lefroy . . . Assisted by F. M. Hewlett. See PUSA.' — AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COLLEGE. 8°. 1909. Howlett (FRANK M.) [For official reports as Second Imperial Entomologist] See PUSA. — AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND COLLEGE. Howley (JAMES P.) [For official reports as Director] See NEWFOUNDLAND. — Geological Survey. Howorth (Sir HENRY HOYLE) K.C.I.E. Ice or Water, another appeal to induction from the scholastic methods of modern Geology. 3 Vol. 8°. London, 1905. H0YE (KHISTIAN) Unders0gelser over Klipfiskesop- psn. 2 Pt. illust. See BERGEN. — BERGENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbog, dc. 1901, no. 7 ; 1904, no. 9. 8". 1902, 05. H0ye (KRISTIAN) Recherches sur la Moisissure de Bacalao et quelques autres Microorganismes halophiles. pp. 64 : text illust. See BERGEN. — BERGENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbog 1906, dc. No. 12. 8". 1906. H0ye (KRISTIAN) Untersuchungen tiber die Schim- melbildung des Bergfisches. pp. 29 : text illust. See BERGEV. — BERGENS MUSEUM. Bergens Museums Aarbog. 1908, no. 4. 8°. 1908. Hoyer (CARL A. H.) Beitrage zur Uebersicht der Kur- hessischen Flora, a. Die Gefasspflanzen der Umgegend von Hofgeismar; b. Nachtrage zu Hoyer's Flora der Graftschaft Schaumburg. See MEURER ( ) 4°. 1848. HOYER (HENRYK) Czg sci miekkie gJowy Nosorozca i skora Mamuta. [On the soft part of the head of the Rhinoceros, and on the skin of the Mammoth.] See LEM- BERG. — MUZEUM IMIENIA DZIEDUSZYCKICH. [Dzie- duszycki Museum.] Wykopaliska Starunskie, dc. [On the Mammoth and Italian Rhinoceros dug up at Staruni, with their associated Flora and Fauna.] 4". & fol. 1914. Hoyle (WILLIAM EVANS) A diagnostic key to the genera of recent Dibranchiate Cephalopoda, pp. 20. See MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs and Proceedings, dc. Vol. XLVIII, no. 21. 8°. 1904. [Another issue.] See MANCHESTER. — OWENS COLLEGE. — • Manchester Museum. Notes from the Manchester Museum. No. 18. 8°. 1904. Hoyle (WILLIAM E.) Report on the Cephalopoda col- lected by Prof. Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. See ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Report ... on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, dc. Pt. II. Supple- mentary Reports. No. 14. 8°. 1904. Hoyle (WILLIAM E.) [Cephalopoda of the Maldives and Laccadives.] See GARDINER (J. S.) The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archi- pelagoes, dc. Vol. II, no. 26. 4°. 1905. Hoyle (WILLIAM E.) The Education of a Curator, dc. pp. H.'f. See MANCHESTER. — OWENS COLLEGE. — Man- chester Museum. Notes from the Manchester Museum. No. 21. 8°. 1906. Museums Journal. Vol. VI. Hoyle (WILLIAM E.) [Cephalopoda of the Antarctic Regions.] See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) National Antarctic Expedition. 1901-1904. Natural History. Vol. II, Mollusca, no. 1. 4°. 1907. 62 S. L. L. 79. i: L. B.*. fa. .>1 190 Hoyle (WiLLUM E.) The Cephalopoda of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Set- SCOTTISH OCEANO- GRAPHICAL LABORATORY. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the voyage of S.Y. " Scotia," p. x See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs and Proceedings, :rt illust. See TOKIO.— TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. — College of Science. Journal, : fi pis. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. LX, no. 16. 8°. 1912. Hrdlicka (ALES) Anthropological work in Peru in 1918, (f See CHEVALIER (A.) 4°. 1911-> Hua (HENRI) & Chevalier (A.) Les Landolphiees (Lianes a Caoutchouc) du Se'ne'gal, du Soudan et de la Guin^e Fran9aise. pp. SG : text illuit. 8°. Paris, 1901. Botanl'iue. Tom. xv. HUBBARD (GEORGE) [1859-] How to obtain a Water Supply in the absence of springs, rivers and rain. 4°. London, 1919. Journ. R. Instlt. Brit. Arohlt., Scr. Ill, vol. xxvr. pp. 01-108. HTTBBARD (GEORGE DAVID) [1871-] & others. Geology of the Columbus quadrangle, pp. viii, 138 : .'V ph., 3 maps (2 geol. col.), text illust. See OHIO, State of.— Geological Survey. Fourth Series, Bulletin No. 14. 8°. 1911. HTTBBARD (Lucius LEE) [1849-] Beitrage zur Keuntuis der Nosean - fiihrenden Auswiirflinge des Laacher Sees. Inaugural-Dissertation, illust. Mission scientifique au Soudan. 8°. Paris, 1916-> Hubrecht (AMBROSIUS ARNOLD WILLEM) Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Kopfskeletes der Holocephalen. pp. .' ' / pi. col. 8°. (Haarlem, 1876.] Mederld. Archlr. f. Zool. B See BREHM (A. E.) 4°. [1900-»] HUBERT (ERNEST EVERETT) [1887-] & Weir (J. R.) Forest Disease Surveys, pp. 23 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 658. 8°. 1918. Hubert (ERNEST E.) & Weir (J. R.) A Study of the Hots of Western White Pino. pp. ;.',{. Sec UNITED I STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 799. 8°. 1919. HUBERT (HENRY) Etat actuel de nos connaissances /• sur la G^ologie de 1' Afrique Occidentale. Carte Gfelogique I et notice explicative, pp. S : I map geol. col. 8°. Paris, 1911. Hubert (HENRY) Carte Ge'ologique de 1'Afrique Occidentale Fra^aise au 1 : 1,000,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 15} m. about.] Feuille 1— > See WEST AFRICA, French. [Maps.] 8°. & sh. col., 1917-» T . 491 Hubrecht (AMBROSIUS A. W.) On the ancestral form ~2_f of the Chorda ta. pp.SO[S\: 1 fl. 8°. London, 1883. Quart. Journ. Micro. Sci. Vol. xxiir. L . Hubrecht (AMBKOSIUS A. W.) Nemertines. See LAN- : KESTER (Sir E. R.) K.C.B. Zoological Articles, rfc. 4°. 1891. l~ • Hubrecht (AMBROSIUS A. W.) E. Selenka . . . ein Lebensbild von. . .A. A. W. Hubrecht, Sc. pp. 14: *2_t 1 port. See SELENKA (E.) Studien liber Entwickel- ungsgeschichte der Thiere, Ac. Hft. 10. 4". 1903. Hubrecht (AMBROSIUS A. W.) Studien tiber Entwickel- "2,. ungsgeschichte der Thiere. Von E. Selenka . . . fortgefiihrt Von A. A. W. Hubrecht, Ac. Hft. ll-> illuat. Sec SELENKA (E.) 4°. 1903— > HUCKE (KURT) [1882-] Mark Brandenburg, pp. : '- Hue (AUGUSTE M.) D. J. Miiller. . . Lichenologische Beitrage in Flora annis 1874-1891 editi. Index alpha- beticus auctore A. M. Hue. pp. 52. See CHAMBICSY. — HERBIER BOISSIER. Bulletin, Ac. Tom. vii, Appendix No. 3. 8". 1899. . f. • Hue (AUGUSTE M.) [Lichens of the Antarctic Regions.] See FRANCE. [Voyages, itc. — Antarctic.] Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1903-1905), commandee par. .. J. Charcot. Sciences Naturelles, Ac. Botanique. 4°. 1908. Hue (AuuuSTE M.) Sudania : Enumeration des Plantes Brecoltees en Afrique tropicale par. . .A. Chevalier, de • 1898 a 1910 inclus. Liste dressee d'apres les determina- tions de . . . [A. M.] Hue, Ac. Tom. i-> Sec CHEVALIER (A.) 4M911-> Geologische Ansnuge in der 155: 1 pi., text illust. 8°. Leipzig, 1911. Hudleston, formerly Simpson (WILFRID HUDLESTON) A History of the Dove Family and their descendents in connection with Cullercoats, Northumberland, by W. H. Hudleston. An account of the Dove Marine Laboratory. . .by J. J. Lish. And the history and purposes of the Laboratory, by. . .A. Meek. ' [With an obituary notice of W. H. Hudleston, by J. J. Lish.] pp. vii, 123 : 11 pis., 3 port , 1 map, text illust. 8". Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1910. Hudson (GEORGE VERNON) New Zealand Neuroptera : a popular introduction . . . including notes on their relation to Angling, pp. viii, \i,] 102 : 11 pis. col. 8°. London, 1904. Hudson (GEORGE V.) General Notes on the Entomology of the Southern j +. Islands of New Zealand. • Descriptions of four new species of Macrolepidoptera ^. from the Southern Islands. See PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE OF CANTERBURY, New Zealand. The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand, Ac. Art. 2 & 3. 4°. 1909. HUDSON (HORACE FREDERIC) The Chinch Bug [Blissus leucopterus, Say.] in Ontario, pp. 13 : text illust. ^ . See CANADA. — Department of Agriculture. — Experi- mental Farms. — Division of Entomology. Entomo- logical Circular No. 3. 8°. 1914. _, Hudson (WILLIAM HENRY) Birds of La Plata. 2 Vol. fc. illust. col. 8°. London, Ac., 1920. HUE (AUGUSTE MARIE) Addenda nova ad Licheno- Jj graphiam Europceam exposuit in Flora Ratisbonensi . . . W. Nylander, in ordine vero systematico disposuit A. Hue. See NYLANDER (W.) 8°. 1886 [-88.] Sammlung Europiiischer Schmetter- Hue (AUGUSTE M.) [Lichens of the Antarctic regions.] See FRANCE. [Voyages, itc. — Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1908-1910) [on the " Pourquoi-Pas "] commandee par . . . J. Charcot. Sciences Naturelles, Ac. 4°. 1915. HUE (EDMOND) Musee Osteologique : etude de la Faune Quaternaire : osteom^trie des Mammiferes. pp. xix, 50 : /«; pis. 8°. Paris, 1907. HUEBNER (ERNST) Wetterlagen und Vogelzug. Die Rotkehlcheu-Wanderungen an der Deutschen Ostseekilste und iiber den Europaischen Kontinent. pp. 101 : 4 pis. See ACADEMIA CAESAREA LEOPOLDINO- CAROLINA, Ac. Nova Acta, Ac. Tom. LXXXIV, no. 4. 4°. 190f>. Huebner (JACOB) linge [contd.] TEXT. Dritte Horde. Schiefer [Bombyces], Ac. (No text known.] — Vierte Horde. Die Eulen [Noctuw], i(-c. Fortgesetzt von C. Geyer. pp. 2>,. 1834. Hiiebner (JACOB) Catalogue des Lepidopteres qui composent la Collection de feu Mr. Franck, Ac. . . . Verzeichniss der Sammlung, Ac. [Compiled by J. Hubner.J See FRANCK (J. R.) 8°. 1826. Hnebner (JACOB) Tentamen determinationis digestions atque denpminationis singulaprni stirpium Lepijiopte- roruniy/peritis ad inspLerendum et dijudrcandum cominunicatum, a J. HjrtJner. (Reprinted^lfi facsimile J#S. H. Scudder.) pp. 2. 4°. Cambridge^ Mass., 1873- Huebuer (JACOB) On the Dates of J. Hiibner's Sammlung Europiiischer Schmetterlinge, and some of his other works. See FERNALD (C. H.) 8°. 1905. For the Dates of publication of all Buhner's works, see SHERBORN & PROUT, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. VIII, vol. IX, 191-2, pp. ITS-ISO. Hueue (FRIEDRICH VON) Baron Ueber die Dinosaurier der aus-europiiischen Trias, pp. 60 : 16 pis., text illust. See PALAEONTOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. See PALAEONTOLOO- ISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. 4°. 1913. 492 Hueue (FRIEDRICH VON) Baron. 1. Beitrage zur Oesohiohte der Archosaurier. 2. Beitrage zur Kermtnis G, des Schadels eiuiger Ptcrosaurier. 8. Nachtrage zu uieinen friihercn BeschreibungenTriassischerSaurischia. pp. #2: 9 ph., text illust. See PALAEONTOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Geologische und Palaeontologische Abhandlungen, rfc. Bd. xvn, hft. 1. 4°. 1914. Huene (FRIEDRICH VON) Baron. Saurischia et Ornith- Q. ischift triadica (" Dinosauria " triadica). pp. .'/. See FRECH (F. D.) Fossilium Catalogus I : Animalia, rfc. Pt, 4. 8°. 1914. HUG (JACOB) [1870-J Geologic der nordlichen Teile (j- des Kantons Ziirich und der angrenzenden Landschaften, rfc. pp. xii, 127 : 4 maps (S geol. col.), text Must. See SWITZERLAND. — Carte Gcologique Suisse. Beitrage zur geologisohen Karte der Sohweiz, L 8°. [London, 1864.] Roy. Loud. Ophthalmic Hospital Hepta. Vol. IV. Hull.— Hull Museum. Index to Hull Museum Publications, Nos. 1-47. By •"• ' T. Sheppard. pp.'X. See supra, Museum Publications. 6,/X No. 48. 8°. 1908. Hull. Hull Museum. Guide to the . . . Museum ... By T. Sheppard, rfc. pp. 35, iv: 2 ph., J plan. See supra, Museum Publications. •••> No. 18. 8°. 1904. Second edition, rfc. pp. 40 : 4 ph., 1 plan. See supra, Museum Publications. No. 40. 8°. 1907. Hull.— Hull Museum. Guide to the Birds in the Hull Municipal Museum. . . By T. Sheppard, rfc. pp. 122 : 26 j>ls. See supra, Museum Publications. No. 75. 8°. [1910.] Hull Geological Society. Transactions, rfc. Index to Vols. 1-5 (1893-1901), rfc. 8°. [Hull, 1906.] HULL LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. [Founded 1822.) Annual Report, rfc. 1864—1878-9. 8°. Hull, 1864-79. S. \l. Wanting the Report for 1874. Hull (EDWARD) The Coal-Fislds of Great Britain: their history, structu#€, and resources.- iVfth notices of the Coal-Fields^erfother parts of the World. . .Second edition, revised'aud enlarged, pv/xxi, 277: 1 pi., 1 map, textjMust. ~f 8°. London, 1861. j^y? ,. The'Coal-Fields of Grea^ritain ... Fifth edition, tVM o. xxii, 472 : 14 pis., J/fnap, text illust. Qt 8°. London, 1905. HULL (J. P; D.) Report on the Barytes deposits of C—l Georgia, pp. xii, 146 : 11 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See GEORGIA, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 86. 8°. 1920. Hull (J. P. D.) & Shearer (H. K.) A preliminary , Report on a part of the Pyrites deposits of Georgia. >• pp. xii, 229 : 9 pis., 1 map, text illust. See GEORGIA, State of.— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 33. 8°. 1918. Hull (J. P. D.) & others. Report on the Manganese deposits of Georgia (Second Report on Manganese). pp. xvi, 295: 11 ph., 1 map geol. col., text illust. See GEORGIA, State of. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 85. 8°. 1919. HULL (JOHN EDWARD) See VASCULUM, The . . . Edited by . . . J. E. Hull, rfc. Vol. i-» 8°. 1915-> HULME (EDWARD WYNDHAM) & others. Leather for Libraries. By E. W. Hulme, J. G. Parker, A. Sey- mour-Jones, C. J. Davenport, and F. J. Williamson. pp. 57 : 6 specimens. 8°. London, 1905. Hulst (GEORGE DTJBYEA) [For List of the Geometrina and some Pyralid families of Boreal America] See SMITH (J. B.) List of the Lepidoptera of Boreal America, rfc. 8°. 1891. Hulst (GEOROE D.) A List of North American Lepi- doptera. . .By H. G. Dyar. . .assisted by. . .G. D. Hulst, 1 rfc. pp. xix, 723, See UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin No. 52. 8°. 1902. 493 HULTH (JOHAN MARKUS) [liOOO j. Bibliographia r+rJ • J Linnsana : materiaux pour servir a une bibliographic 33 . Linneenne. Becueillis par J. M. Hulth. Pt. If. See UPSALA. — KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. 8°. 1907. Hulth (JoilAN M.) Swedish Spitzbergen Bibliography. See NATHORST (A. G.) Swedish Explorations in Spitz- bergen. 1758-1908. 8°. 1909. Hulth (JOHAN M.) Swedish Arctic and Antarctic Explorations, 1758-1910. Bibliography, pp. 189 [1]. See STOCKHOLM. — KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS- AKADEMIEN. Arsbok, Sc. 1910, bil. 2. 8°. 1910. Hulth (JOHAN M.) Bref och Skrifvelser af och till I* C. von Linne. Andra Afdelningen, utliindska Brefvax- lingen . . . Utgifven och med upplysande Noter forsedd ff, afJ.M. Hulth. Del I— >• See LlNN^EUS (C.) [Letters.] 8*. 1916-» HULTKKANTZ (JoHAN VILHELM) [1862-] Zur Osteologie der Oiia- und Yahgan-Indianer des Feuer- landes. See SWEDEN. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition nach den Magellans- landern, 1895-1897, rfc. Bd. I, hft. 2, no. 5. 8°. [1905.] Hultkraiitz (JoHAN V.) The mortal remains of E. Swedenborg. pp. iv, 98 : 8 pis., text illust. See UPSALA. ~<)1jt — KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS-SOCIETETEN. Nova Acta, ttc. Ser. IV, vol. II, no. 9. 4°. 1910. HULTSTROM (CAROLUS SAM.) D. D. Dissertatio Botanica de Palmis. Cujus partem posteriorem . . . praeside C. P. Thunberg . . . p.p. C. S. Hultstrcim, <£c. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4°. [1825.] Humboldt (FRIEDRICH HEINRICH ALEXANDER VON) M. Baron. Introduccion a la Pasigrafia Geologica del. .. Baron de Humboldt in^dita hasta ahora, dec. See Bio (A. M. DEL) Elementos de Orictognosia, ' 8°. New York, 1907. 35 plates are quoted, hut, with the exception of 4, they are all full- pane text illustrations. Hume (WILLIAM FRASER) The Phosphatic Beds between Qena and Qosseir. See EGYPT. — Survey Department. [Geological Reports.] A Beport on the Phosphate Deposits of Egypt, />• *-' ' 1 map col. See FREIBURG ix RRKISGAU. — NATURFORSCQENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte, nC * Mag. Nat. Ills i it. i W. \T. _ £- • Z, D. Shcrborn. extracted from r. VII, vol. XVI (1905) is bound Hungary.— Magyar Ministerium. Agricultural Hungary. Kiralyi Foldmivelesugyi -. pp. vii, 136 : text illust. 8°. Budapest, 1908. HUMPHREYS (ARTHUR LEE) A Handbook to • County Bibliography, being a Bibliography of Biblio- graphies relating to the counties and towns of Great Britain and Ireland. pp.xt.r>01. 8°. London, 1917. Humphreys (HENRY NOEL) & Westwood (J. O.) British Moths and their transformations . . . New edition, Ac. 2 Vol. illust. col. 4". London, 1854. Humphreys (HENRY N.) & Westwood (J. O.) British Butterflies and their transformations. . .New edition, | 7 maps A plans (col.), text illust. See VICTORIA, Australia. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 28. f 8°. 1913. l 8°. Cahan, 1905-> Title from wrapper. HUSNOT (TRANQUILLE) See HUSNOT (PIEKKE T.) ,- •£ •- HUBS (HARALD)^ Bakteriologiska Undersoknings- metodcrs anvandbarhet vid bedomning av ett vattens renhetsgrad. pp. 73 : text illust. See STOCKHOLM. — • KONGLIOA 8VENSKA VETKNSKAPB-AKADEMIEN. Hand- lingar. Bd. Lix, no. 6. 4°. 1919. Knisak(EUGEN) Os Satellites do Diamante. See BRAZIL. H . — Servigo Oeologico e Mineralogico. 8°. 1917. HUSSAKOF (Louis) [1881-1 Bibliography of Bash- ur. lord Dean, 1887-1909. Edited by L. Hussakof. pj, . I :. 8°. Washington, D.C., 1910. Title from wrapper. Hussakof (Louis) The Permian Fishes of North America. See CASE (E. C.) Revision of the Amphibia and Pisces of the Permian of North America. 4°. 1911. Hussakof (Louis) & Bryant (W. L.) Catalog of the I Fossil Fishes in the Museum of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. • pp. 346: 70 pis. (included in pagi- 5.12 nation), text illust. See BUFFALO SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. Bulletin, rfc. Vol. XH. 8°. 1918. HUSTEDT (FRIEDRICH) Atlas der Diatomaceen- -t. Kunde . . . Herausgegeben von . . . F. Hustedt. Hft. 68— > ^ • See SCHMIDT (ADOLF W. F.) fol. 1911—> Hutchins.(Sir DAVID ERNEST) Report for the Rhodes _ Trustees on the Matopo Park, and Trees suitable for -B. planting there, and in Southern Rhodesia. Also a Note on Forest Policy in Rhodesia, etc. pp. 58. 4". Cape Town, 1903. Hutchins (Sir DAVID E.) Report on the Forests of L . Kenia. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. —Colonial A " Office. Colonial Reports. Miscellaneous No. 41. 8°. 1907. Hutchins (Sir DAVID E.) Report on the Forests of British East Africa. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. •» —Foreign Office. 4°. 1909. East Africa Protectorate : Blue Book. HUTCHINSON (CLAUDE MACKENZIK) & Mann (H. H.) Cephaleuros virescens, Kunze : the " Red *• Rust " of Tea. pp. [i,] 33 [2] : 8 pis. (col.). See IJJDIA. — Department of Agriculture. Memoirs, HUTCHINSON (Sir JONATHAN) [1828-1918] British Plant-Galls. . .With Introduction by Sir J. Hutchinson, rfe. See SWANTON (E. AV.) 8°. (1912.) 497 HUTCHINSON (PETER ORLANDO) [1810-1897] The (r. Geology of Sidmouth and of south east Devon, dc. pp. [i,] 69 : text illust. 8". Sidmouth, 1843. HUTCHISON (L. L.) Preliminary Report on the Rock Asphalt, Asphaltite, Petroleum and Natural Gas in Oklahoma, pp. xiv, 2~>6 : 14 pis., 17 maps, 2 sheets of maps and sections, text illust. See OKLAHOMA, State of .— Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 2. 8°. 1911. Hutchison (L. L.) & others. Preliminary Report on (j-_ the Mineral resources of Oklahoma, pp. 84 : text illust. See OKLAHOMA, State of.— Geological Survey. Bul- letin No. 1. 8°. 1908. HUTCHISON (ROBERT) [1871-] Food and the prin- ciples of Dietetics . . . Fourth edition, pp. xx, 617, 1 tab. : 3 pis. col., text illust. 8". London, 1916. The first edition appeared in 1900. • 4- 1 HUTCHISON" (ROBERT H.) The migratory habit of the Housefly Larva as indicating a favorable remedial measure, Ac. pp. 11. See UNITED STATES. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 14. 8°. 1914. £. L. M5£ Hutchison (ROBERT H.) A Maggot Trap in practical use ; an experiment in House-fly control, pp. 15 : •> pis., text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture: Bulletin No. 200. 8°. 1915. fe Hutton (FREDERICK WoLLASTON^The Pliocene Mol- lusca of New Zealand. See LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW . SOUTH WALES. The Macleay Memorial Volume, dc. 4°. 1893. Hutton (FREDERICK W.) [The Lesson of Evolution. PP- HO. 8°. London, 1902.] Wanting. - Second edition, re-arranged and enlarged, pp. SOI: 1 port. 8°. 1907. Printed for private circulatien. \ Hutton (FREDERICK W.) Index Faunse Nova; Zealan- di;u. Edited by. . .F. W. Hutton. See PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE OF CANTERBURY, £?ew Zealand. 8°. 1904. Hutton (FREDERICK W.) [For official reports as Curator] See ClIRlSTCHURCH, New Zealand. —CANTER- BURY MUSEUM. Hutton (FREDERICK W.) & Drununond (J.) The Animals of New Zealand : an account of the Colony's air-breathing Vertebrates, pp. 381 : 1 port., text illust. 8°. Chiiitchurch, N.Z., dc. 1904. Hutton (JAMES) Theory of the Earth, with proofs and illustrations. (Vol. in, edited by Sir A. Geikie) 3 Vol. illust. 8". Edinburgh d London, 1795-1899. HUTTON (JAMES ARTHUR) Salmon Scales as in- dicative of the life history of the Fish. pp. 27 : 14 pis. 8°. London, 1909. Hutton (JAMES A.) Salmon Scale examination and its 7 practical utility ; withnoteson the WyeSalmon Fisheries and the photography of scales, pp. 54, 1 tab. : 32 pis., back to back. 8°. London, 1910. Hutton (JAMES A.) The Age and Growth of Salmon and Trout in Norway as shown by their scales. . .Trans- lated from the Norwegian by I. Baillie. Edited by J. A. Hutton, dc. See DAHL (K.) 8°. [1911 ] Huxley (LEONARD) !\ Scott's Last Expedition . . . Arranged by L. Huxley, dc. 2 Vol. illust. (col.). See SCOTT (R. F.) 8°. 1913. Huxley (LEONARD) Life and Letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker . . . Based on materials collected and arranged by Lady Hooker. 2 Vol. illust. -p. p 58°. London, 1918. Huxley (Et. Hon. THOMAS HENRY) Preliminary essay upon the systematic arrangement of the Fishes of the Devonian epoch ; [and descriptions of] Glyptolcemus unAPhaneropleuron. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. Figures and descriptions illus- trative of British Organic Remains. Decade X. 4°. 1861. Huxley (Rt. Hon. THOMAS H.) On the Angwantibo (Arctocebus calabarensis, Gray) of Old Calabar, pp. S3 : 1 pi., text illust. 8°. [London, 1864.] Proc. Zool. Soc. Lonil. 1864. Wanting the Plate. Huxley (Rt. Hon. THOMAS H.) Reports of Prof. Huxley's lectures on " The Structure and Classification of the Mammalia," delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons. Lecture l-xxiv. 1864. A series of cuttings from the " Medical Times and Gazette." Feb.- July, 1864. Huxley (Rt. Hon. THOMAS H.) Illustrations of the structure of the Crossopterygian Ganoids, • 63 L. • o. z. z. Vr /0-B. o. * 49* HT (FELtx CHARLES) [Characere from Morocco.] See PARIS.— SOCIKTK DE GEOORAPHIE. Exploration Scientifique du Maroc, 8°. London, 1919->. Ibis, The. Index of Genera and Species referred to, and an Index to the Plates, in the " Ibis " (Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Series), 1895-1912. Edited by W. L. Sclater. 8°. London, 1916. IBIZA (BLAS LAZARO K) See LAZAKO E IsizA. ZCHIMUBA (TscTSUMi) On the formation of Anthocyan in the petaloid calyx of the Eed Japanese Hortense. pp. IS: 1 pi. col. See ToKlO.— TEIKOKO DAIOAKU.— College of Science. Journal, ls. col. SeeZoo- LOGICA, Ac. Bd. xxvi, hft. 67 [no. 4]. 4°. 1913. Illig (KARL G.) Die Dekapoden der Deutschen Siid- polar - Expedition 1901-03. II. Die Sergestiden. See GERMANY. Deutsche Siidpolar - Expedition, 1901-03, Ac. Bd. xv, hft. 3. 4°. 1914. Illiger (JOHANN CARL WILHELM) & Hoffmannsegg (J. C. VON) Count. Versuch einer niiturlichen Folge der Ordnungen und Gattungen der Insekten. See KUGE- LANN (J. G.) Verzeichniss der Kafer Preussens, Ac. 8°. 1798. • Illinois, State o/.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin No. l-» 8°. Urbana, 1906-> Illinois, State of.—GEQ Circular No. 1-5., I * 0 2, , 1906-9. Q~ Illinois, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Monograph No. l-> illust. 8°. Urbana., III., 1914-> Illinois, State O/.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The Mineral Production of Illinois in 1905 (1906-», by F. B. Van Horn. 8°. Urbana, 1906 (1907-». Issued as " Circular " No. 1 -» Illinois, State O/.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Year-Book for '1906 (1907-». See supra, Bulletin No. 4 (8, See infra, Bulletin No. 23, 30, Ac. 8". 1917-> Illinois, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Maps.] A provisional Geologic Map of Illinois. . .by S. Weller. . . Scale, 12 miles to 1 inch. See supra, Bulletin No. 1. col. 1906. Second edition. No. 6. col. 1907. vjr. G-. Illinois, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Maps.] Provisional Geologic Map of Illinois. . . Scale 1 : 500,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 7T9o m. about]. col. [Urbana, III.] 1912. Illinois, State o/.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Maps.] Geologic Map of Illinois, Ac. Scale : approx. 8 miles = 1 in. Geol. col. . [Urbana, III.], 1917. ILLINOIS, State of.— Natural History Survey. [Established 1918, taking over the functions of the " Illinois State r Laboratory of Natural History."] Bulletin. Vol. XIII— > illust. 8". Urbana, III., 1918-> This " Bulletin " is numbered in continuation of that of the " Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History." ILLINOIS COAL MINING INVESTIGA- TIONS CO-OPERATIVE AGREEMENT. Bulletin No. 1-Mlf 8°. Urbana, 1913-> I S ILLUSTRIERTE WOCHENSCHRIFT FUER ENTOMOLOGIE. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUER WISSEN- SCHAFTLICHE INSEKTENBIOLOGIE. ILLUSTRIERTE ZEITSCHRIFT FUER ENTOMOLOGIE. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUER WISSEX- SCHAFTLICHE INSEKTENBIOLOGIE. IMES (MARION) The Sheep Tick [Melopkagus otinus] and its eradication by dipping, pp. 31 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 798. 8°. 1917. G-. fr; I. . . E. E. E. Imea (MARION) Cattle Lice and how to eradicate them. pp. 27: text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 909. 8". 1918. Imes (MARION) The Spinose Ear Tick [Ornithodoros megnini] and methods of treating infested Animals. pp. 8 : text Must. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 980. 8°. 1918. Imes (MARION) Cattle Scab and methods of control and eradication, pp. 39: text Must. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Atjriculture. Farmers' Bulle- tin No. 1017. 8°. 1918. Imes (MARION) Hog Lice and Hog Mange : methods of control and eradication, pp. 28: text illust. See UNITED STATES.— Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Bulletin No. 1085. 8°. 1920. IMMERMANN (FERDINAND) Die Tripyleen-Familie der Aulacanthiden. See HENSEN (V. A. C.) Ergebnisse der. . .Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung, Ac. Bd. Ill, L, h. 4-1. 1904. IS (AUGUSTUS DANIEL) [1880-] Observations on the Homopterous Insect Phromnia (Plata) marginella, Oliv., in the Himalayas, pp. 12 : 2 ph., text illust. See MANCHESTER LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, 8 [9,] 1 tab. : text illust. 4°. Neapoli, 1610. IMPERATORSKII BOTANICHESKII SAD PETRA VELIKAGO. (Jardin Imperial Botaniquc de Pitrrr le Grand.) See ST. PETERSBURG. — IMPERA- TORSKII SANKTPETERBUROHSKII BOTANlCHESKIf SAD. IMPERATORSKII YUR'EVSKII UNIVER- SITET. See DORPAT.— KAISERLICHE UNIVEKSITAET. IMFERATORSKOE RUSSKOE OBSCHEST- VO AKKL1MATIZATZII. [Imperial Russian Acclimatization Society.] See Moscow. IMPERIAL BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. 11909 Founded at Eatomoltjical Keteareh Cnmmitter (Tropical A/ricat. 1913 Imperial Bureau o/ Entomology.] Bulletin of Entomological Research, rfc. Vol. I— > illutt. (col.). 8°. London, 1910-> Imperial Bureau of Entomology. The Review of Applied Entomology. Series A : Agricultural. Vol. I— > 8°. London, 1918-» Series B : Medical and Veterinary. Vol. I— > 8°. London, 1918-» Imperial Bureau of Entomology. Correspondence -j relating to the development of Entomological Research • in the British Colonies and Protectorates. See GREAT BRITAIN * IRELAND.— Colonial Office.— Entomological Retearch Committee. 4°. 1912. Imperial Bureau of Entomology. An Abstract of the Legislation in force in the British Empire dealing with Plant Pests and Diseases up to the year 1920. Compiled by E. Marguerite Ralfs. pp. 65. 8°. London, 1921. IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. [Founded 1807 to Include lhe Royal College of Science, the Royal School of Miiiet, and the City and Guil Annual Report, 8°. London, 8°. London, 1908-> Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, the Colonies and India. Bulletin, rfc. Vol. l-f" 8°. London, Vol. 1 & 2 were issued as a quarterly supplement to the Board Trade Journal. Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, &c. Technical Reports and Scientific Papers, edited by f' W. R. Dunstan ... with a Preface by... Sir F. A In 1. Bart. 2 Pt. [in 1 Vol.] illust. 8°. London, 1908. Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, &c. [Handbooks.] Cotton and other Vegetable fibres : their T? production & utilisation. By E. Goulding . . . With a preface by W. R. Dunstan ... Director of the... Insti- tute, pp. x, 2&1 : 12 ph. 8". London, 1917. Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, &c. Collection (Catalogue) of Irish Building Materials and AI , Minerals, exhibited by the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. See IRELAND. — Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruc- tion. 8°. [1908.] Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, &c. Report to the Board of Trade on the Work of the . . . Institute. . .During. . .1905V *f i »>.". /A London, 190&- 'o, «lno I*™t *ff*t. M Blue Book Report. "t, Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, &c. Selected Reports from the Scientific and Technical De- partment. 5 Pts. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Colonial Office. Colonial Reports. Miscellaneous No. 58, 63, 71, 82 & 88. 8°. 1909-14. Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, &c. The World's supply of Potash, 8°. [London,] 1920-> Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau. The Mineral Industry of the British Empire and foreign f/\ countries. War period. Arsenic. (1913-1919.) pp. 19. 8°. London, -Z-1 of some work or serial publication. India. Atlas to Geological papers on western India, including Cutch, Sinde, and S.E. coast of Arabia ; to which is appended a summary of the Geology of India. Edited. . . by H. J. Carter. 21 pis., 8 maps (col.). obi. fol. Bombay, 1857. India. A Gazetteer of the Territories under the Government of the East India Company and of the Native States on the Continent of India. See THORN- TON (E. P.) 8°. 1857. India. [The Imperial Gazetteer of India. 9 Vol. See HUNTER (Sir W. W.) 8°. 1881.] Wanting. - Second edition. 14 Vol. 8°. 1885-87. - New edition, rfc. 26 Vol. 8°. 1907-09. India. Imperial Gazetteer of India. Provincial Series. 25 Vol. Must. 8°. Calcutta, 1908-09. Afghanistan and Nepal, pp. viii, 1U : ,? maps col. 1908. ' Agra. See infra, United Provinces. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, pp. viii, S3: 1 tntip col. 1909. Assam. See infra, Eastern Bengal. Baluchistan, pp. xvi, Sie : 1 map cat. 1908. Baroda. pji. xii If.l, : 1 map col. 1K08. Bengal. 2 Vol. Ulust. 1909. Berar. pp. xiv, 1T2 : 1 nuip cot. 1909. Bombay Presidency. 2 Vol. Ulutt. 1909. Burma. 2 Vol. Ulust. 1908. Central India, pp. xx, 1,78: 1 map col. 1908. Central Provinces, pp. xai, ffK : I map cul. 1908. Coorg. See infra, Mysore. Eastern Bengal and Assam, pp. xl, fif!3 : 1 map col. 1909. Hyderabad, pp. xxvi, 320 : 1 inap col. 1909. Jummu. See infra, Kashmir. Kashmir and Jummu. pp. x, 11,0 : 1 map col. 1909. Madras. 2 Vol. Ulust. 1908, Mysore and Coorg. pp. xviii, 305 : 1 map cttl. 1908. Nepal. See supra, Afghanistan. Nicobar Islands. See supra, Andaman. North-west frontier Province, pp. xvi, 280 : 1 map col. 1908. Oudh. See infra, United Provinces. Punjab. 2 Vol. illust. 1908. Rajputana. pp. xxxi, 51lt: 1 map col. 1908. United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. 2 Vol. illmt. 1908. India. Report to the Government of India, containing an account of the research work on Indigo, performed in the University of Leeds, 1905-07, by W. P. Bloxham . . . Published by Order of His Majesty's Secretary of State for India in Council, pp. 117. 8". [London,] 1908. India. Sketch of the Mineral Resources of India. By T. H. Holland. . . Published by order of the Government of India, pp. $6, xi : 3 maps. 4". Calcutta, 1908. India. Report on the measures taken against Malaria in the Lahore (Mian Mir) Cantonment. By . . . B. Nathan . . . H. B. Thornhill . . . and . . . L. Rogers . . . 1909. pp. [ii,] 55, iv : 1 map (col.), 1 flan, 3 charts, text Must. 4°. Calcutta, 1910. India. [Fifty-two original water-colour drawings of Lepidoptera of western India and the plants with which they are associated.] obi. fol. [c. 1850.J INDIA. — ALL-INDIA SANITARY CONFERENCE. Proceedings of the third All-India Sanitary Conference held at Lucknow January 19th to 27th, 1914. 5 Vol. See INDIAN RESEARCH FOND ASSOCIATION. Indian Journal of Medical Research. (Supplement. 1914.) 4°. 1914. INDIA. — BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. See infra, Department of Agriculture. INDIA. — CENTRAL COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF MALARIA IN INDIA. Paludism, being the Transactions of the Committee, dec. No. 1-5 f illust. 8°. Simla, 1910-12. With No. 5 the work was discontinued, its place being taken by the " Indian Journal of Medical Research," published by the " Indian Research Fund Association" [?.».]. INDIA. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Annual Report. . .for. . . 1904-5. pp. v, 126. 8°. Calcutta, 1906. [Continued as :] Report. . .for. . . 1905-6 and 1906-7. pp. iv, 76. 8". Calcutta, 19C8. India.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The Agricultural Journal of India. (Edited by the Inspector General of Agriculture in India.) Vol. illust. 8°. Pusa, Calcutta, 1906-fq L. 73. F, o. ,¥. E. "w. 51 502 E C India.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Memoirs, 8". Puta A Calcutta, 1906-> Chemical Series. Vol. I— > illust. 8". Puta - Entomological Series. Vol. I— > 8". Pusa Each number In these series contains a separate memoir. India. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Statistics of Mineral Production in India... 1893 to 1902. pp. ii, N. 4°. Calcutta, 1903. - 1894 to 1908. pp. 8. 4°. Calcutta, 1904. India. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Report of the Proceedings of the Second (-Third— >) Entomological Meeting held at Pusa. . . 1917 (-1919— »). •Mutt. (col.). 8°. Calcutta, 1917-> The Proceedings of the First .Meeting, also held at Pusa, were never publish til. India.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Indian Insect Pests. By H. Maxwell-Lefroy. pp. vii [i,] 318 : text illust. 8°. Calcutta, 1906. India. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. A Preliminary account of the Biting Flies of India. By H. Maxwell-Lefroy. pp. Hi [i,] 45 [2] ii : 4 pis. (col.), text illust. See PUSA. — Agricultural Research Institute. Bulletin No. 7. 8°. 1907. India. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Report on Coconut Palm Disease in Travancore. By E. J. Butler, pp. 23. See PUSA. — Agricultural Research Institute. Bulletin No. 9. 8°. 1908. India.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.— Board of Agriculture. Proceedings of the Second Meeting of Mycological Workers in India, held at Pusa ... 1919, rfc. pp. [ii,] 68 : 1 pi. 8°. Calcutta, 1919. India.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.— Civil Vete- rinary Department. Ledger series. No. i-vi. 8°. Calcutta, 1894. Wanting No. V. India.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.— Civil Vete- rinary Department. See JOURNAL OF TROPICAL VETERINARY SCIENCE, The. (Issued Quarterly.) ... Published for the Indian Civil Veterinary Department. Vol. iv-vn, pt. 1 f. 4°. 1909-1912. INDIA.— DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY. Report of the Conference as regards Museums in India held. . . 1907. pp. 38. fol. Calcutta, 1908. INDIA. — KTHNOGRAPIIIC SURVEY OF INDIA. Craniological data from the Indian Museum, Calcutta. [Prepared by B. A. Gupte, Assistant Director of Ethno- graphy for India.] See CALCUTTA. — Indian Museum. 4°. 1909. India.— FOREST DEPARTMEN Forest Bulletin. Nq 71905-07. Wanting Xo.2 EarhnjUMMfcontains a separately j (New Series) No,, per. 8". Calcutta, 1911-» India.— FOREST Indian Forest Records, 8°. Calcutta, 1 In Vol. Ill -» each part contains a separately-paged India. — FOREST DEPARTMENT. Forest Pamphlet No. 1-^ 8°. Calcutta, 1908-* Each number contains a ieparatolj--|iaged paper, laid India. — FOREST DEPARTMENT. Indian Forest Memoirs, 4°. Calcutta, 1908-» - Economic Products Series. Vol. I— > 4°. Calcutta, 1909-» - Forest Botany Series. Vol. I— > 4". Calcutta, 191 1-> - Sylvicultural Series. Vol. I— > 4°. Calcutta, 1916-> Each niunlier in these Series contains a separately-paged paper. India.— FOREST Leaflet EachjHrtffber is sepa 1908-> £ /- £7^ (E '<•• India. — FOREST DEPARTMENT. Injurious Insects of Indian Forests. See STEBBING E (E. P.) 8°. 1899. India. — FOREST DEPARTMENT. Departmental Notes on Insects that affect Forestry. By E. P. Stebbing. No. 1. 2nd Edition, pp. Hi, lift : \ 6 pis. 8°. Calcutta, 1903. India.— FOREST DEPARTMENT. A Note upon the "Bee-Hole" Borer of Teak [Tectona , grandis, L.J in Burma. By E. P. Stebbing. See STEE- RING (E. P.) 4". 1905. Subsequently reckoned as No. 1 of the " Forest Bulletin " (j.r. supra). India.— FOREST DEPARTMENT. A concise Manual of Sylviculture for the use of Forestry Students in India, pp. xvi, 240. 8°. Calcutta, 1906. India. — FOREST DEPARTMENT. A Manual of Forest Law, Ac. pp. v, 100. 8". Calcutta, 1906. India.— FOREST DEPARTMENT. Indian Forest utilization. By R. S. Troup. pp. xiii [i,] 257: 15 pis. 8°. Calcutta, 1907. India. — FOREST DEPARTMENT. A Manual of Elementary Forest Zoology for India. By E. P. Stebbing. pp. Hi, S, xxiii, 229, xxiv : 120 pis. 8°. Calcutta, 1908. India. — FOREST DEPARTMENT. A Manual of Botany for Indian Forest Students. See HOLE (R. S.) 8°. 1909. India.— FOREST DEPARTMENT. Indian Forest Insects of Economic Importance : Cole- optera by E. P. Stebbing. pp. xvi, 648: (14 pis. (col.), text illust. 8°. London, 1914. India. — FOREST DEPARTMENT. The Work of the Forest Department of India. Edited by R. S. Troup. pp. [iv,] 65 : IS pit. 8°. Calcutta, 1917. India. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Records, rfc. Vol. l-» 8°. Calcutta, etc., 1870-> In 1897, on the completion of Vol. XXX, this series was temporarily suspended and Incorporated in the Memoirs {'/.».] ; but in 1904 It was revived and continued as Veil. xx.\i-> Contents and Index of the first twenty volumes. . . 1868-1887. 8". Calcutta, 1891. - Contents and Index of Volumes xxi-xxx . . . 1887- 1897. 8°. Calcutta, 1903. 503 India.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Contents and Index of the Memoirs of the. . .Survey. . . Vols. xxi-xxxv. 1884 to 1911. 8°. Calcutta, 1916. India. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report on the Coal-fields of Orissa. By V. Ball. pp. 9. 4°. [Calcutta, 1876.J India. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Descriptive List of Exhibits for the . . . Exhibition, Sc. See LONDON. — Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. 8°. 1886. India.— GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. ' A Bibliography of Indian Geology and Physical Geo- graphy : with an Annotated Index of Minerals of economic value. Compiled by T. H. D. La Touche, &c. 2 Vol. 8°. Calcutta, 1917-18. India. — HOME DEPARTMENT. Correspondence between the Government of India and '02. 1 the Asiatic Society of Bengal relative to the establish- ment of a Public Museum in Calcutta. See ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. fol. 1859. INDIA.— IMPERIAL BACTERIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. Report on the preparation of Rinderpest Protective Serum. . .By A. Lingard. pp. 43. 4°. Calcutta, 1904. INDIA.— IMPERIAL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. See supra: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. INDIA.— IMPERIAL MALARIA CONFERENCE. E.. Proceedings of the . . . Conference held at Simla in October, 1909. pp. 2 [1\ 107. 4°. Simla, 1910. India. —MARINE SURVEY. Illustrations of the Zoology of H.M. Indian Marine Surveying Steamer " Investigator," See SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS, Ac. 4°. 1885— >• India. — SANITARY COMMISSION. The Etiology and Epidemiology of Plague. A summary of the work of the Plague Commission. [Compiled by Major G. Lamb.] pp. iv [ii,] 93. Sf. Calcutta, 1908. INDIA. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT. Notes, dc. 1900— > fol. [Calcutta, 1900->] India.— SURVEY DEPARTMENT. Records, Ac. Vol. I— > 4°. Calcutta < Dehra Dun, 1912-> India. — SURVEY DEPARTMENT. A Sketch of the Geography and Geology of the Hima- laya Mountains and Tibet. By. . .S. G. Burrard. . .and H'. H. Hayden. 4 Pt. illust. pp. vi [Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi,] 308 : 6 ph., JiS maps 1916-7— > 8°. Calcutta, 1917-> India.— ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report of the Zoological Survey of India for the years 1917-1920. pp.lvi:5pls. See CALCUTTA.— INDIAN MUSEUM. Records of the . . . Museum. Appendix to Vol. xix. 8°. 1920. INDIA.— Central Provinces and Berar. Forest Flora of the Berar Circle [l]. List of Trees, Shrubs and Climbers and other Plants of economic importance found in the Berar Forest Circle of the Central Provinces, rfc. By D. 0. Witt. (Addenda, See INDIA.— Forest Department. 4°. 1908— > INDIAN FOREST — REgORDSTTker" &c. Vol. l-^JitM^!^r\.-^S«regfDepartmifttt. 8°. 1908— > INDIAN FORESTER, The. A monthly magazine of Forestry, Agriculture . . . and Travel. Edited by J. W. Oliver ([and afterwards] A. G. Hobart-Hampden, E. P. Stebbing, R. Mclntosh, W. H. Lovegrove, H. Jackson and P. H. Clutterbuck). Vol. xxvni, no. 3-X Uliut. 8". Allahabad, 1902-V In VoL XXIX -» separately-paged appendices are issued with some of the numbers. INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RE- SEARCH, The, &c. Vol. i-» See INDIAN RESEARCH FUND ASSOCIATION. 8°. 1913— > INDIAN PLAGUE COMMISSION: 1898-99. !iiu:\T P.HITAIX & IRELAND. INDIAN RESEARCH FUND ASSOCIATION. The Indian Journal of Medical Research, dc. Vol. i— >U 8°. Calcutta, 19l3->2j Indian Research Fund Association. Proceedings of the third All-India Sanitary Conference held at Lucknow January 19th to 27th, 1914. 5 Vols. illust. (Supplement to the Journal.) 4". Calcutta, 1914. Indian Research Fnnd Association. Hookworm Disease, and how to prevent it. By Major C. Lane, dc. PP- '•'• 8°. Calcutta, 1914. INDIAN SCIENCE CONGRESS. — MEDICAL RESEARCH SECTION. Papers read at the Medical Research Section of the Sixth Annual Indian Science Congress, held in Bombay on January 13th to 18th, 1912. See INDIAN RESEARCH .FUND ASSOCIATION. The Indian Journal of Medical Research, dc. (Special Indian Science Congress number, 1919-» 40. -"•" INDIANA, State of. Report of a Geological Recon- naissance of Indiana, made during. . . 1859 and 1860. . . by R. Owen . . . also Reports on the Analysis of the Soils, by R. Peter . . . Survey of the Coal fields, by L. Lesquereux. . .and Topographical work, by J. Lesley. pp. xvi, S68 : 10 ph., text Must. 8°. Indianapolis, 1862. The pistes are Included In the pagination. INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. [Founded 1385.] Proceedings, dc. 1891— > 8°. Brookville, Indianapolis, Ind., 1892— > A " Bibliography of Papers, 1886-91," is prefixed to the first volume. INDO-CHINA, French.— Exposition de Hanoi 1902-3. L'Exposition d'Hanoi. Rapport de . . . P. Gaffarel, de. ' pp. 122: SI pis., 1 plan. See MARSEILLES.— Institut Colonial. Annales, dc. Onzieme annee. Ser. II, Vol. I, fasc- !• 8°. 1903. INDO-CHINA, French. — MISSION SCIENTIFIQUE PBE- MANENTE D'EXPLORATION EN INDO-CHINE. Decades Zoolbgiques. Mammiferes. No. 1— > illust. M-)- 8°. Hanoi, 1906-» ^ \ - Oiseaux. No. 1— > illust. (col.). 8°. Hanoi, 1905— » - Reptiles. No. l-» illust. (col). 8°. Hanoi, 1906-» INDO-CHINA, French. — SERVICE GEOLOGIQUE. Memoires, dc. Vol. I— > fol. Hanoi-Haiphong, 1912— > "21 , Each fascicule is separately-paged. Indo-China, French. — SERVICE GEOLOGIQUE. Bulletin, dc. Vol. VI— > fasc. 1. 8°. Hanoi-Haiphong, 1919-> INDUSTRIAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND. [For early reports, calendar and history.] See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— Department o/-rC\N Science and Art. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Board of Education. Subsequently united with the "Natural History 'Museum of Edin- «i hurirh " to form the " Edinburgh Musfiim of Science and Art." '• AVs ROYAL SCOTTISU MI SKI M. ING ALLS (WALTER RENTON) [1865-] Sec MINERAL INDUSTRY, The. . .Edited by W. R. Ingalls. Vol. xiv- xvin. (1905-1909.) I 0 8". 1906-1910. INGERSON (H. G.) Life History of the Grape^Berry Moth (Polychrosis viteana, Clem.) in Northern Ohio. pp. 38 : text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 911. 8°. 1920 Ingerson (H. G.) & Runner (G. A.) Control of the Grape-Berry Moth [Polychrosis viteana, Clem.] in northern Ohio. pp. 26: 4 pis. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 837. 8°. 1920 INGHAM (WILLIAM) [Hepatic® of the Isle of Wight.] See MOREY (F.) A Guide to the Natural History of the Isle of Wight, dc. 8°. 1909. Ingham (WILLIAM) & Barker (T.) A Census Cata- logue of British Mosses . . . England. By Prof. Barker and W. Ingham, dc. See Moss EXCHANGE CLUB. 8°. 1907. INGIER (ALEXANDRA) Ueber den Bau der Genital- organe von Accra bullata. pp. 18 : 2 pis., text illust. See ARCHIV FOR MATHEMATIK oo NATURVIDENSKAB, dc. Bd. XXVIII, no. 1. 8". 1907. INGRAM (THOMAS 'ALL AN) [1870-] A Survey and Record of Woolwich and west Kent. Containing descriptions and records, brought up to date, of the Geology, Botany, Zoology. Archaeology and Industries of the district. . .in commemoration of the 12th Annual Congress, 1907, of the South Eastern Union of Scientific Societies. General Editors...!. A. Ingram, dc. See SOUTH EASTERN UNION OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. 8°. 1909. 7, 505 Ingtmza (BOMAN DE) & Gascue (F.) Algunas modifi- caciones que segun los estudios geo!6gicos hechos por . . . J. Caminero en la provincia de Ciudad-Beal, deben introducirse en los datos publicados sobre dicha co- marca. (Bocas de la provincia de Ciudad-Beal, See CAIRO. — . SOCIKTE ENTOMOLOGIQUE D'EGYPTE. Memoires, Ac. Vol. I, fasc. 3. 4°. 1912. Inostrantzev (ALEKSANDR ~~ALEKSANDROVICH) Der vorgeschichtliche Mensch der Steinzeit am Ladoga- Ufer. [Beview of Inostrantzev's work by L. Stieda.] See STIEDA (L.) 8°. [1883 ?] Inostrantzev (ALEKSANDR A.) Chrez ghlavnuii Kav- kazskii Khrebet, <&c. — Au travers de la Chaine princi- pale du Caucase. Becherches geologiques le long de la ligne projectee du chemin de fer de Vladikavkas-Tiflis au travers du col de 1'Arkhstis, Ac. pp. vi, 250 : 23 pis., 1 map geol. col., text illust. 4°. St. Peterburgli, 1896. Contains : — Opiaanie syeveruagho uchastka, N. I. Karakasha. — Description de la partie septenlrionale de la ligne, par N. Karakasch. Opiaanie pereval'nagho uchastka, S. I. Streshevskagho.— -Descrip- tion de la partie centrale de la ligne, par S. Strechevaky. Opisanie yuzhnagho uchastka, F. Yu. Leviusona-Lessingha. — Des- cription de la partie meridionale de la ligne, par F. Loewinson- Lessing. Paleontologhicheskaya chast, N. 1. Karakasha. — Partie paleontolo- gique, par N. Karakasch. Petroghraphicheskaya chast, F. Yu. Levinsuna-Lessingha.— -litude petrographique par F. Loewinson-Lessing. Obshchee zaklyuchenie, A. A. Inostrantzeva.— Conclusion generate par A. Inostranzeff. INOUYE (KINOSUKE) Geology and Mineral resources of Korea, pp.ii, 91 : 1 pi., 5 maps (geol. col.). See JAPAN. — Teikoku-Chishitm-cho-sajo. Memoirs, See BENNES. — UNIVER8ITE. 8°. 1911. INSECTA BRITANNICA. Insecta Britannica. 5 Vol. 8°. London, 1851-1859. According to Mr. Lovell Reeve's advertisement (pasted in H. T. Stainton'8 own copy of his " Lepidoptera. Tlnelna," 1854, in the Walsingham Library) a series of volumes by different authors (g.v.), under the patronage of the President of the Entomological Society of London, was to appear at Intervals, and the flrnt named were :— Vol. I. Diptera. By Francis Walker. «• „ >. „ III. Micro-Lepidoptera. By H. T. Stainton. IV. Hemiptera & Homoptera. By W. S. Dallas. V. Diptera. By F. Walker. The only volumes so published were :— Vols. I- m. Diptera. By F. Walker (q.v.) 1861-56. Unnumbered : Lepidoptera. Tineina. By H. T. Stainton. 1S64. The British Tortrices. By S. J. Wilkinson (q.v.) 1859. This volume was published under the auspices of H. T. Stainton, the instigator of the whole project. INSECTS. Abre"ge de 1'Histoire des Insectes, dedie aux Jeunes Personnes . . . Par 1'Auteur du Cours d'His- toire [G. G. de Beaurieu]. 2 Vol. illust. 8°. Paris, 1764. This work has been attributed to various writers, but the clue to the true authorship is given on p. Ixi. ^ Insects. Kort begrip van de Uit bet Fransch [of G. G. 18°. Paris, [c. 1830.] ished by fioret, consists of the platea to Tigny'a ' Histoirernaturelle des Insectes" (of which Roret publishe third edition in 1S28) with explanations. INSECUTOR INSCITIAE MENSTB.UUS. A monthly Journal of Entomology. . .Conducted bv H. G. Dyar. Vol. Ufailluat. 8°. Washington, D.C., 1913-^ . Title from wrapper. INSEKTEN-BOERSE. Internationales Wochen- blatt fiir Entomologie, <£c. Jahrg. xxill. [Continued as:] Entomologisches Wochenblatt (Insekten-Borse), S/°eENTOMOLOGISCHEBDNDSCHAC. 4°. 1906-> With Jahrg. xxvniw (1911 ->) the " Insektenbiirae " is issued separately weekly, while the " Entomologische Eundschau" con- tinues to appear fortnightly [?.».]. •t. INSTITUCIO CATALANA NATURAL. See BARCELONA. D'HISTORIA INSTITTJT D'EGTPTE. See CAIRO. INSTITTTT DE FRANCE. — Academic des Sciences. See PARIS. INSTITUT DES MINES DE L'lMPERA- TRICE CATHERINE II. See ST. PETERSBURG. INSTITUT EGYPTIEN. See CAIRO. INSTITUT ESPAGNOL D'OCEANOGRA- PHIE. See MADRID. — INSTITCTO ESPANOL DK OCEANOGRAFIA. INSTITUTO ESPANOL DE OCEANO- GRAFIA. See MADRID. 64 506 L. L. S.fOl- - z INSTITUT MINERALO - GEOLOGIQUE PRES L'UNIVERSITE A SOFIA. See SOFIA. — UNlVERslTETA. — Mlnerolo-gheologhlcheskii Institut. INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE. See MONACO. INSTITUT PASTEUR. See PARIS. INSTITUT ROYAL DE BACTERIOLOGIE C AMARA PESTANA. See LISBON.— REAL INSTI- THTO BACTKRIOLOOICO CAMARA PESTANA. INSTITUT ROYAL GEOLOGIQUE DE HONGRIE. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. — MAGYAR KIRALYI FOLDTANI 1NTKZET. [Royal Hungarian Geo- logical Institute.] INSTITUT ROYAL ORNITHOLOGIQUE DE HONGRIE. See MAGYAR ORNITHOLOGIAI KOZPONT. INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH, Federated Malay States. Studies, 8°. London, 1903— » Physical Anthropology. Vol. I— > 8°. London, 1903— » General Biology. Vol. I-> 8°. London, 1908-> Paleontology. Vol. l-> 8°. London, 1908— > Zoology. Vol. i— > See ZOOLOGICAL RECORD, dc. Vol. XLIII— > 1904— > List of Journals, pp. xv, 312. 8°. London, 1903. Mineralogy including Petrology and Crystallography. Vol. l-> 8". London, 1904-> INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ZOO LOGICAL NOMENCLATURE. [Appointed ISQS.I , T_ Opinions rendered by the ... Commission on Zoological 8°. Singapore, Shanghai, ] r INSTITUTE OF COMMERCIAL RESEARCH IN THE TROPICS. See LIVERPOOL. — UNIVERSITY. Institute of Jamaica. Jamaica in lOQl^/A. Hand- book of information for intending settleirC with notes for visitors. vfFourth year of issue_K [New edition. Compiled by F. Cundall.] pp.v [i^flS : 6 ph., 1 mapr text ilhttf. 8U. — X MINING & MET cneral and Perso: 1°. London, ttc. [1892->] 'Index. Vol. I to *V, 1892- 8°. London/Ac. [1909]. L. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Consti- tution and By-laws and List of Members. . .UNA— XI * •' 8°. London, UM".-> INSTITUTION OF MINING ENGINEERS. New Rand Gold-field, Orange River Colony, Ac. See SAWYER (A. R.) 8°. 1907. INSTITUTO BACTERIOLOGICO CAMARA PESTANA. See LISBON. — REAL INSTITUTO BACTE- • Hlnl.cii. ii-ii CAMARA PESTANA. INSTITUTO DE MANGUINHOS. See Rio DB JANEIRO. — Institute Oswaldo Cruz. INSTITUTO GEOLOGICO DE ESPANA. See SPAIN. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GE- NETICS. Third Session : London, 1906. Report of the Third International Conference, 1906, on Genetics, rfc. Edited by the Rev. W. Wilks. See ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. 8°. (1907.) INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MEDI- CINE. Seventeenth Session : London, 1U13. Handbook of the Historical Medical Museum, 8°. Rome, 1916-» 507 INTERNATIONAL £.. COMMITTEE. See ORNITHOLOGIQUE. ORNITHOLOGICAL CONGEES INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL SHOOTING AND FIELD SPORTS EXHIBITION, Vienna, 1910. See VIENNA. — ERSTE INTERNATIONALE JAGDAUSSTEL- LUNG. INTERNATIONAL SLEEPING SICKNESS CONFERENCE: 1907. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND.— Foreign Office. INTERNATIONAL SWEDENBORG CON- GRESS. Transactions of the International Sweden- 's.//, borg Congress held in connection with the Celebration of the Swedenborg Society's Centenary, London, July S. 4 to 8, 1910. Second edition, (1907-8— » SeeJ>UBEN. — INTERNATIQJKfLE ENTOMOLOGEN-BUND. 4°. 1907-> INTERNATIONALE GLETSCHER-COM- MISSION. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUER GLETSCHER- KUNDE. . .Organ der. . .Commission, Ac. Vol. I— > 8°. 1906-» INTERNATIONALE REVUE DER GESAM- TEN HTDROBIOLOGIE UND HYDRO- GRAFHIE . . . Redigiert von R. Woltereck. Bd. I-> illust. (col.). 8°. Leipzig, 1908— > INTERNATIONALER ENTOMOLOGEN- BUND ZU GUBEN. [Founded 1907.) See GUBEN. — INTERNATIONALER ENTOMOLOGEN-BUND zu GUBEN. INTERNATIONALER ENTOM0LOGEN- VEREIN. [International Entomologist's Society. Founded 1888.] ^^ ./^ Societas EjitOmologica. Organfiirden Internationalen Entonj»i6gen-Verein, Ac. Jaifrg. I— > 4°. Zurich, StuttgqpfA Frankfurt a. M., 1886-> INTERNATIONALER ENTOMOLOGISCH- ER VEREIN. [1884. Founded as 1 nternationaler Entomologiacher- Verein zu Guben. 1907. Internati'maler Entomologischer Verein zu Stuttgart. 1911. Interuationaler Entomologischer Vereinzu Frankfurt a. Main. Entomologische Zeitschrift. Central-Organ des Inter- nationalen Entomologischen Vereins, Ac. Jahrg. I— > 4°. Guben, Stuttgart, Ac., 1887. Vols. I-xx (1887-1907) published at Guben ; Vols. xxi-xxivwno. 39 (1907-1910) at Stuttgart ; Vols. XXIV, no. 40-> (1911-*) at FnBuUurt Internationaler Entomologischer Verein. Fauna Exotica. Mitteilujagen aus dem Gebiete der exotischen Insektenwelt, <£c. Jahrgang I— > 4°. Frankfurt a. M., 1911-> INTERNATIONALER ORNITHOLOGEN- EONGRESS. See CONGEES INTERNATIONAL OENITHOLOGIQUE. INTERNATIONALER ISCHER DIENST. Set PHTTOFATHOLOG- STUTTGART. INTERNATIONALES ORNITHOLOGISCH- ES COMITE. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL ORNITHOLOGIQUE. INVERARITT (J. D.) Great and Small Game of Africa ... Contributors : Major A. J. Arnold. . .J. D. Inverarity, Ac. See BRYDEN (H. A.) 4°. 1899 INVERTEBRATA PACIFICAx- • Edited [with contributionsLBy C. F. Baker, Ac./Vo\. i.f pp. l-if)7, 12 Pt. Sr^[Claremont, Cal., jf Havana, 1903-190; No titlejMtge has been issued. , The following also contributecLsfo the work : — J. M. Afdrich • N. B«nks ; L. Bruner ; P. Cameron ; D. W. Coquillett ; 3JC. Craw- fojX; J. J. Kieffer ; A. P. Mj>rfe ; & J. A. C. Rehu. / ne first three parts (pp.J/ff>) are also styled " Contributions from... 'epartment of Biologyj^mona College." Investigator, Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship. A Summary of the deep-sea Zoological work of the ..." In- vestigator," from 1884 to 1897. See ALCOCK (A. W.) 4°. 1899. Investigator, Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship. Zoological Gleanings from the ..." Investigator." See ALCOCK (A. W.) 4". 1901. Investigator, Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship. A Naturalist in Indian Seas, or four years with the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship " Investigator." See ALCOCK (A. W.) 8U. 1902. Investigator. — Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship. Biological Collections of the R.I.M.S. " Investigator." List of Stations. 1884-1913. See CALCUTTA. — INDIAN MUSEUM. 8°. 1914. Investigator. — Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship. [For descriptions of the deep-sea Fauna collected by the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship " Investigator "] See CALCUTTA. — INDIAN MUSEUM. IONESCU ( ) .SeeJONESCUf ) IOSIFOV (GH.) Kuchenyu o Limfatichesko? Sistemye Gholovastika, Lyaghushki i Yashcheritzui, Ac. [Con- tribution to the study of the Lymphatic System of Tad- poles, Frogs and Newts, . 8°. Iowa City, 1918-> Iowa, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin No. 2-» 8°. Des Moines, 1905-> Wanting No. 1. Iowa, State of. — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. A Description of the region about Camp Dodge. By J. H. Lees. pp. 60 : 9 pis., 1 map, text illust. 8°. Des Moines, 1918. The plates are included in the pagination. IOWA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. See AMES. IPSWICH. — MUSEUM AND FREE LIBRARY. Annual Report, Ac. No. 62-> 8°. Ipswich, 191 1-» Wanting all previous reports. /v Cr. :,08 I. IPSWICH & DISTRICT FIELD CLUB. [Founded 1903.) Journal, See MATHEWS (G. M.) & IKEDALE (T.) 8°. 1921— > L. IREDELL (STANLEY MACARTNEY LEWIS) Native Inhabitants of the countries adjoining the 80th meridian [Central Africa] ; from notes supplied by Capt. S. ' Iredell. — List of Birds cpllected by Capt. S. Iredell in the country to the west of Lake Albert. See GREAT fL. BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Uganda-Congo Commission, 1906-08. Official Report, Ac. 4°. 1909. IRELAND. — COMMISSIONERS OF THE IRISH FISHERIES. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Fishery Reports. [Ireland.] IRELAND. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND • TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION FOR IRELAND. 0. If rif . Dublin ( — National) Museum of Science and Art (and Q\ Royal Botanic Gardens, Dublin). Report of the Board K|. of Visitors. 1906-7— > See NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND ART, Ireland. 8°. 1907— > Ireland.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Ac. ^ Report of the Departmental Committee on Irish Forestry. — Minutes of Evidence, Ac. 2 Pt. 4°. Dublin, Ac., 1908. Ireland. — DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE, Ac. Report of the Departmental Committee on the Irish Flax-growing Industry, pp. 24. tail. Dublin, Ac., 1911. . Ireland. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, tie. Irish Mineral Exhibit. Cork International Exhibition, 1902. Catalogue, pp. 15. 8°. Cork, [1902]. A/1 ' ' ste Ireland.— DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE, Ac. Collection (Catalogue) of Irish Building Materials and Minerals, exhibited [at the Imperial Institute] by the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland, pp. 16. 8°. [London, 1903. J Ireland.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Ac. — *\ A deBOTiptiun uf tin. Duil-Oeulugji of In-lund) <«. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Geological Survey. — Ireland. '" Ireland.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Ac. National Museum. . .Short Guide to the Collections. . . 49th Edition. See NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND ART, Ireland. 4°. 1910. Ireland. — DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Ac. — FISHERY REPORTS. See GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. — Fishery Reports. [Ireland.] Ireland. — DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE, Ac. — Institu- tions of Science and Art, Dublin. Report of the Director of the Dublin Institutions of Science and Art. . .for. . .1901 (-1902-8, 1907-8). 8°. Dublin, Ac., 1901-1910. Comprising :— Science and Art Museum. Royal College of Science. National Library of Ireland. Metropolitan School of Art. Royal Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin. Report (of the Director) on the National Museum of Science and Art, Ac. 1908-9 (-1909-10-» See NATIONAL MUSEUM OP SCIENCE AND ART, Ireland. Report, Ac. 8°. 1910-> IRELAND.— NATIONAL MUSEUM. . See NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND ART, Ireland. IRELAND. [Maps.] Map of -the Canals and navigable Rivers of Ireland. Scale — Ten Statute Miles to One Inch. 1 sh. (col.) [London, 1907.] Published with Vol. n (Pt. II) Ireland, 1907, of the Report of the Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways of the United Kingdom. IRISH NATURALIST. Index to the Irish Naturalist, Vols. I to xvm (inclusive), prepared by R. M. Barringtbn. 8°. Edinburgh, 1911. : IRMSCHER (E.) Beitriige zur Laubmoosflora von Columbien. See NEUCHATEL. — SOCIETK DBS SCIENCES NATURELLKS. Memoires, Ac. Tom. V. Dr. 0. Fuhrmann et Dr. E. Mayor. Voyage d'exploration scientifique en Colombie (1910). 4°. 1914. IRONS (JAMES CAMPBELL) Autobiographical Sketch of J. Croll. . .With Memoir of his Life and Work. By J. C. Irons, pp. 553 : 1 port. 8°. London, 1896. IROSO (ISABELLA) Primo manipolo di Rotiferi viventi in alcune acque doloi di Napoli. pp. 3. See NAPLES. — REQIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della. . .Universita, Ac. Nuova Serie, vol. Ill, no 15. 4°. 1910. IBUEGAS (PABLO FERNANDEZ) See FERNANDEZ IRUEGAS (P.) IRVING (ALEXANDER) [1839 7-1920] [Rock-meta- morphism considered from the chemical and physical side, being a thesis, Ac. 8°. Wellington College, 1888.] Wanting. - Supplement, Ac. pp. 31. &>. Wellington College, 1838. - [Another edition entitled] Chemical and physical Studies in the Metamorphism of Rocks, Ac. pp. xi, 137. 8°. London, 1889. Irving (ALEXANDER) Note (Further Note) on local Prehistoric remains (at Bishop's Stortford). [Bishop's Stortford, 1911.] Further Prehistoric finds in the Stort Valley. [Bishop's Stortford, 1912.] Cuttings from the "Herts and Essex Observer." May 13, Aug. 26, 1911 ; Sept. 7, 1912. Irving (ALEXANDER) Note on some recent Corre- spondence in Nature, [" Implements of Man in the Chalky Boulder Clay," Sept. 5, 1912 ; " Glaciation and Striation," Sept. 26, Oct. 21 & 81, 1912.] [pp. 3.] 8°. [Bishop's Stortford,] 1912. IRVING (JOHN DUER) [1874-1 Economic Resources of the northern Black Hills. . .With Contributions by S. F. Emmons and T. A. Jagger, Jr. pp. 222: 10 pis. (col.), 10 maps A plans (col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Professional Paper No. 26. 4°. 1904. Irving (JOHN D.) & Bancroft (H.) Geology and Ore deposits near Lake City, Colorado. [With a chapter on the Geology, by W. Cross.] pp. 128, 1 tab. : 6 pis., 2 maps (1 geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 478. 8". 1911. Irving (JOHN D.) & Emmons (S. F.) The Downtown district of Leadville, Colorado, pp. 75 : 6 pis. (col.), I inap (geol. col.), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 820. 8°. 1907. I [__ 'fr 509 ISACHSEN (GUNNAR INGVALD) [1868-J Lea Glaoes autour du Spitsberg en 1907. pp. 8 : text illust. 904 » See MONACO. — INSTITUT OCKANOQHAPHIQUB. Bulletin No. 114. 8°. 1908. Isachsen (GUNNAB I.) Geologiske lagttagelser paa Spitsbergen-ekspeditionerne 1906 og 1907 . . . ledede af Ritmester Isachsen. For^l0big meddelelse. Af A. Hoel, Ac. pp. 28 : 8 pis., 1 map, text illust. See CHBIS- TIANIA. — NORSK GEOLOGISK FORENING. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, Ac. Bd. I, no. 11. 8°. 1909 (1910). Isachsen (GUNNAR I.) Exploration du nord-ouest du Spitsberg entreprise . . . par la Mission Isachsen. Pt. i. (B^cit de Voyage, Ac.} See ALBERT HONORE CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. Resultats des Campagnes scientifiques, Ac. Fasc. XL. 4°. 1912. Jr Isachsen (GUNNAR I.) & Hoel (A.) Exploration du nord-ouest du Spitsberg entreprise . . . par la Mission Isachsen. Pt. II. (Description du Champ d'operation.) See ALBERT HONOR& CHARLES, Prince of Monaco. Resultats des Campagnes scientifiques, Ac. Fasc. XLI. 4°. 1913. _ "1 ISELY (DwiGHT) Orchard injury by the Hickory -* Tiger- Moth [Halisidota caryse, Harris], pp. 14: 3 pis. (2 back to back)._ See UNITED STATES. —Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 598. 8°. 1918. Isely (DwiGHT) Grapevine Looper (Lygris diversi- Elineafa, Hiibn.). pp. 15 : 4pls- back to back. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 900. 8°. 1920. Isely (DwiGHT) Grapevine Flea-Beetles (Altica chaly- bea, III.), pp. 27 : 4 pis. back to back. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 901. 8°. 1920. Isely (DWIGHT) & Cnshmau (R. A.) The Cherry Leaf-Beetle [Galerucella cavicollis,Le Conte], a periodi- cally important Enemy of Cherries, pp. 28 : 5 pis. (4 back to back), text illust. See UNITED STATES. — Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 352. &'. 1916. UIS'CRLE (JAN) Zprava o novem naleziSti fauny v bridlicipasma D-d,y u Rokycan. [On a new locality for ftJi./J.the Fauna from the slates etage D-dj-y near Bokycan.J 'pp. 7 : text illust. See PRAGUE. — KOENIGUCH - BOEHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte, Ac. 1903, no. 29. 8°. 1904. ISLAND RANGERS : being a Boys' Scientific and - . Military Club, established by Arthur Todd-White, Ac. Hf 2 No. illust. 12°. London [? 1911-12.] Title from wrapper. [No. 1.) Some remarks on Deneholes. By A. L. Leach. ,, „ How to know the commoner evergreen Shrubs and Trees. By W. Watson. No. 2. The Chalk and its Zones. By W. Wright. „ „ Notes on the classification of Strata, &c. By A. Todd-White. 1 ISSEIi (ARTURO) [1842-] (Catalogo) Det Molluschi raccolti dalla Missione Italiana in Persia. (Correzioni.) pp. 55: 3 ph. (lp.). 4°. Torino, 1865(, 71). . Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino. Ser. II, torn. XXIII, with the addition of the " Correzioni." Issel (ARTURO) Gli esperimenti Vulcanic! del Prof. Gorini, Ac. pp. 25 : text illust. 8". [Genoa, 1872.J Issel (ARTUBO) Viaggio dei Signori 0. Antinori. . .ed A. Issel nel Mar Rosso ... durante 1870-71. Catalogo degli Uccelli, 6, Ixxv [i] : 20 pis. (col.), text illutt. 4°. Roma, 1912. Italy.— MINISTERO DI AGRICOLTURA, <#C. — Servizio r Fitopatologico. c • Alteration! delle Prowiste Alimentari. pp. 31 : text illust. 8°. Modetia, 1918. Italy.— REALE COHITATO OEOLOGICO. Memorie per servir alia descrizione della Carta Geo- logica d'ltalia, Ac. Vol. V-> 4°. Firenze, 1909-> Italy. — REALE COMITATO OEOLOGICO. Guida all' Ufficio Geologioo con Appendioe sulle Colle- zioni di Pietre decorative antiche. pp. 103 : 8 ph. 8°. Roma, 1904. ,. Italy. — REALE COMITATO GEOLOGICO. [Maps.] Carta Geologica delle Alpi occidental! . . . Scala di 1 : 400,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 6J m. about]. col. Roma, 1908. Italy.— REALE COMITATO GEOLOGICO. [Maps.] Qr. Carta Geologica di Roma, pubblicata dal R. Ufficio Geologico su rilevamento del ... A. Verri. Cenni spiegativi. pp. 56: % pig. col., 1 map geol. col. col. & 8°. Novara, 1915. The map is on the scale of 1 : 15,000, i.e. 1 m. = 4 1 in. about. i ITALY.— REGIO COMITATO TALASSOGRAFICO ITALIANO. ' - • (Monografia I.) Metamorfosi dei Murenoidi : richerche S./I57T) ristematiche ed ecologiche del Dr. B. Grassi — Meta ^ •morphose der Muraenoiden, Must. 8U. Albany, 191u-> Ithaca.— Cornell University. Paleontographica Americana. Vol. I— > 4°. Ithaca, 1916-> Each paper bears its own pagination iu addition to that of the volume. Ithaca.— Cornell University. — Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Memoir 28-> \ 8°. Ithaca, 1919-» Ito (TOKUTARO) Icones Plantarum Japouicarum, or coloured figures and descriptions of Plants indigenous to or cultivated in Japan, Ac. Vol. I— > JAP. A ENts-. 4°. Tokyo, 1911-> IVAITOV (S. S.) [Colleinbola from the Antarctic L. Regions.] See FRANCE. [Voyages, Ac. — Antarctic.] Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1908-10), Ac. 4°. 1913. Ivanovskii (ALEKSYE! AKSENIEV!CH) Ob antropolo- ghicheskom sostavye naseleniya Rossii. [On the anthro- pological composition of the Russian population.] ..'/ pp. vi, coll. 280 [1 p.] : 3 maps, text Must. See Moscow. — IMPERATORSKOE OBSHCHESTVO LYUfllTELEI ESTEST- VOZNANIYA ANTROPOLOGHlI I ^TNOGHBAFlI, Ac. Izvyes- tiya, Ac. Tom. cv. 4°. 1904. IVANTZOV (NIKOLAI ALEKSANDROVlCH) Mikro- L skopicheskoe stroenie elektricheskagho orghana u Tor- pedo. [On the microscopic structure of the electric ~* organs in Torpedo.] pp. 120: 3 pis. See Moscow.— IMPERATORSKII MOSKOVSKII UNIVERSITET. Uchenuiya Zapiski, Ac. Vuip. XI, no. 1. 8°. 1895. For a German translation of this paper, S« Bull. Soc. imp. Nats. M ...... ill. 1894. No. 3 (S 4. Ivantzov (NIKOLAI A.) 0 stroenii, sposobye dyeist- viya i razvitii strekatel'nuikh Kapsul Tzelenterat. [On .. the structure, mode of action and development of the J. II stinging capsules of the Coelenterata.J pp. 103 : 4 ph- See Moscow. — IMPERATORSKII MOSKOVSKII UNIVER- SITET. Uchenuiya Zapiski, Ac. Vuip. XIII, no. 1. 8°. 1897. For a German translation of this paper, fiet Bull. Soc. imp. Nats. Moscou. IB'.W. No. 1 & 2. Ivens (ROBERTO) Lista das aves colligidas em Africa de 1884 a 1885 pelos srs. Capello e Ivens. Por Jos^ Augusto de Sousa. See SOUSA (J. A. DE) 8°. [1886.] Additamento a lista das aves colligidas em Africa. de 1884 a 1885 pelos srs. Capello e Ivens. Por Josd Augusto de Sousa. See SOUSA (J. A. DE) 8°. [1886.] I VERSEN (TnoR) Oversigt over Norsk fiskeri- og hav- forskning, 1900-1908. — Review of Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations [of the " Michael Sars " expedition], 1900-1908. pp.204: 21 pis. See NORWAY. — Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations. Re- port, Ac. Vol. II, no. 1. 8°, 1909. 511 IVES (ELI) [1779-1861] . . Part I. (Marine Gasteropoda, including Scaphopoda.) See TOKIO.— TEIKOKU HAKU- BUTSUKWAN. 8°. 1909. Iwakawa (TOMOTARO) Catalogue of Japanese Mollusca in the Natural History Department, Tokyo Imperial Museum. See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU HAKUBUTSUKWAN. 8°. 1919. IWASAKI (Cnozo) The Metallogeny of the Japanese Islands, pp. 23 : 1 map col., text illust. See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIGAKU.— College of Science. Journal, dc. Vol. xxxii, no. 8. 8°. 1912. IYENGAR ( P. SAMPAT) & Smeeth (W. F.) Mineral Resources of Mysore, dc. pp. viii, 193, 1 tab. : 1 map geol. col. See MYSORE, State of.— Department of Mines and Geology. Bulletin No. 7. 8°. 1916. Also styled "General Series— Bulletin No. 7." IYER (VALAVANUR SuBRAMANlA) A further note on some Casuarina Insect Pests of Madras, pp. 9:4 pl>- col. See INDIA. — Forest Department. Forest Bulletin No. 11. 8°. 1912. IZQUIERDO (VICENTE) Notas sobre los Lepidop- teros de Chile, pp.53: 4 pis. 8°. Santiago de Chile, 1895. An. Univ. Chile. Tom. XCI or xon. IZUKA (AKIRA) Observations on the Japanese Palolo, Ceratocephale osawai, n. sp. pp. 37 : 2 pis. (col.). See TOKIO. — TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. — College of Science. Journal, " read " Ser. II, deel I— III, deel I." 2 .b 54 For " 1871-> " read " 1871-98." 2 b 16 1 Add after author's name " [1727-1786] " 3 a 10 1 For " [-1892] " read " [1816 ?-1892] " 5 a 3 3 For " Bd. I-> " and " 1894-> " read " 2 Bd." and " 1894-99." 7 a 6 Add note : — "For dates of publication of the parts, See. infra, Proceedings, , 55: 24 pis." 20 b 11 3 For " 1789 " read " [1789.] " 20 b 14 1 For " (FR.) " read " (CHRISTIAN GEORG FHIEDRICH) [1858-] " 20 b 16 1 Add after author's name " [1829-1900] " 21 a 43 For " ARESCHOUG " read " ZETTERSTEDT " 21 a 61 Add after author's name " [1845-] " 21 a 71 For " [1794-] " read " [1794-1844] " 21 a jg| 1 For " Aichorn " read " Aichhorn " 21 b 16 1 For " [1835-] " read " [1836-1898] " 22 a 13 After " rfc." add " [Edited by J. Dryander.] " 22 a 15 Cancel present note and substitute : — " Twelve out of the original water-colour drawings for the plates, viz., 8 by J. Sowerby, 2 by J. F. Miller, 1 by F. P. Nodder, 5 by (}. D. Ehret, and 1 by Fr. Bauer, dated 1767-89, forming Bankslan MSS. No. 17, are in the Botanical Department. Ehret's five drawings were selected from the set done for Banks on his return from Newfoundland. For a full account of the work, See article by J. BRITTEN, Journ. Botany, 1912, Suppt. ill." 22 a 18 After " rfc." add " [Edited by J. Dryander and (Vol. III-V) B. Brown.] " 22 b 9 Add note :— " The Report for the years 1881 A 1882 is reckoned as ' Monograph ' V No. 1." 22 b 10 2 For " No. 2-> " read " No. l-» " and for " 1892-> " read " 1886-> " 22 b 10 3 For " Each Number " read " Each Number after the first " 28 a 2 2 For "pp. 164." read "pp. ii, 164." 23 a 2 Add note :— " Afterwards reckoned as Monograph No. 3." 28 a 5 8 For " [1761.] " read " [1762.1 " 23 a 61 After " Amstelredamus" add "[-1541]" 23 a 8) 28 a 9> Cancel these entries and substitute the fresh entries in the Supplement. 23 a 10) 28 b 2 8 For " Vol. I-» " read " Vol. i-xil.f " and for " 1830 (1828)-> " read " (1828-) 1880-93." 28 b 6 1 For " (HERMAN) " read " (J. HERMAN) [-1899] " 28 b 18 Add after author's name "[1836-1909]" 24 a 1 Add to last line "pp. ~>7: 4 pis." 24 a 92 For " Boremarino read " Bore marino " 24 b 14 For "BRUNNER" read "BRONNERUS" 24 b 96 For " 16 fol." read "foil. /'/." 24 b 11 8 For " 105 fol." read "foil. 205," and add note:— " The last five folios are wrongly numbered, reading 101-105 instead of • 201-205." 25 a 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. PAGE COL. INTHY LIRE 25 a 5 Add note : — " Albln has copied in this work, without acknowledgment, the IIS original drawings of Joseph Daindridge or Dandrldge, now in the Sloane MSS. at the British Museum." 25 a 14 1 For " (N.) " read " (NIKOLAI MiKHAlLOvIcn) [1866-1897] " 26 a 12 Add note :— " A supplementary volume by Sir C. Eliot, reckoned as part eight of the whole work, appeared in 1910." 26 a 16 3 For " Aldino auctore." read " Aldino. . .auctore, rfc." 26 a 17 1 For " (TRUMAN H.) " read " (TRUMAN HEMINWAY) [1848-] " 26 b 12 After "Texas" add "pp. SO: 5 ph." 26 b 22 After " Species" add "pp. 26: 5 pla." 28 a 33 For "(A. H.) " read "(Sir A. H.) K.C.B." 28 b 15 1 For " (CHARLES ,T.) " read " (CHARLES JOHN) [1844-19141 " 29 a 15 For " livr. 1 " read " livr. 1 & 2," and for " 1872, 85 " read " 1872-87 " 29 a 16 Should read " Fasc. II, Echinodermes. 2 Livr. illuat. 1885, 87." 29 a 25 Add note :— " A provisional explanation afterwards expanded into the ' Description stratigraphique,' in 1889." [The last named should then follow, and precede the 1890 edition.] j J For " (EDMOND) " read " (PIERRE HENRI EDMOND) " 30 a 11 Add after author's name " [-19001 " 80 a 61 Add after author's name " [-1898' " 80 a 71 For " [1848-] " read " [1848-1899' " 30 b 11 1 For " [1837-] " read " [1837-1902] " 30 b 14 9 For " Vol. l-> 1895-> " read " 2 vol. 1895-97." 30 b 15 1 Add after author's name " [1828-1903] " 31 a 3 Add note:— " In 1895 the Society discontinued the use of ' Allgemeine ' in its title, and omitted it on the ' Journal,' Jahrg. XLIV, lift. 4-»" 31 b 32 For " 1829 " read " 1829, 33." 32 a 51 For " [1812-] " read " [1812-1898] " 82 a 13 4 Dele " Autograph " 32 b 7 Add note : — "Although his name appears on the title-page none of Almeloveen's work occurs in this part of the uncompleted London edition of the ' Hortus Indicus Malabaricus.' " 82 b 81 For " [1833-] " read " [1833-1904] " on l, n 1 \ 32 £ JQ jf For " ALMERA " read " ALMERA Y COMES " 32 b 10 1 For " BOFILL " read " BOFILL Y POCII " 32 b 12 1 Add after author's name " [1858-] " 32 b 13 1 For " (ERNST) " read " (ERNST BERNIIARD) [1852-] " 32 b 14 2} For " (A. E. VON) " read " (N. A. E. VON) " 32 b 14 1 For " (E.) " read " (E. B.) " 32 b 15 1 For " (SiGFHio) " read " (SiGFRiD OSCAR IMMANUEL) [1844-] " 1 For «(S.)" read "(S.O. I.)" 33 a 61 For " ALPHERAKY (SERGE) " read " ALFERAKI (SERGHYE! NlKOLAEVIcn) [1850-] " 38 a 83 After " 80 " add " [16] : text illust." 33 a 85 For " altera pp. [xii,] 144 " read " altera, Ac. 3 pt." 33 a 86 For " 1640 " read " (1638-) 1640." 83 a 12 3 After " Indorum " add " Editio nova." 33 a 12 4 Should read "pp. [xxi,]325 [47, vi,] 44, 26, 100 [3]: 7 pis., 1 text illust." 33 a 12 5 For " 1719 " read " (1718-) 1719." 38 a 13 3 For "pp. 348,306: S3 pis." read "2 Pt. illuat." 33 a 13 4 Add "pp. [xxiv,] 248 [12] : 25 pis." and note :— "[Wanting PI. X.]" 33 a 13 5 After " emendatus. . . " add " ut & Dissertatio ejusdem de Laserpitio, & Lotosegyptia." 38 a 13 7 Add "pp. 306 [26]: 76 pis." and note:— " [Apparently no plate numbered 56 was erer issued.]" 33 a 15 5 For "Bd.l-> "read" Bd.l-v," and for "1875->" read "1875-97." 84 b 13 2 Should read " Zeszyt I. 4 sk. col. & text. See GALICIA, Austria" 35 a 21 For " (JULIUS) " read " (PAUL JULIUS) [1831-] " a 51 Add after author's name " 1852-1900 " 35 35 a 15 1 Add after author's name 35 b 10 1 Add after author's name 35 b 12 1 Add after author's name 36 a 91 Add after author's name '1824-1900] '1729-1790] " 1860-1 " 1856-1 36 a 11 1 For " [1821-] " read " [1821-1897] " 36 a 11 2 Add note :— The half-titles are in Latin. Only one part of Vol. II, ending with Rubiacete, was published." PACK POL. INTRY LINK 86 b 61 Add after author's name " [1854-1911] " 87 a 12 7 For " Vol. i-x, pt. It " read " Vol. i->" 87 a 12 8 For " 1838-78 " read " 1888-»" 87 b 12 After " 1847 " add " and incorporating the Auoriation nf American Qrologutt and Xattiraluts [j.r.]." 87 b 52 For " Vol. I-> " read " Vol. I-XXVlll " and for " 1879-> " read " 1879-1902." 87 b 65 Cancel this line and substitute the entry in' the Supplement. 87 b 92 For " 1861 " read " 1859 " 87 b 97 For "4°." read "8°." 88 a 45 For " Vol. i-> " read " Vol. i-xxxvi " and for " 1888-» " read " 1888-1905." 88 a 46 Alter note to :— " The Editorial Committee was frequently changed during the issue of the first twenty volumes, but Vol. xxi-XXXVI were edited liy N. H. Winehcil. In 1S06 this work was incorporated with 'ECONOMIC GEOLOGY ' [" read "2-22.f" 40 b 27 For " 1872-» " read " 1872-98." 41 a 63 For "1-15" read "l-»" 41 a 64 For " 1848-88 " read " 1848-> " 41 a 6 Add to note : — " Aflev. 15 consists of Max Kuerbringer's ' Untersuchungen zur Morpholo- gic. . .der VOgel ' [?.».], although this is not so marked." 41 b 11 3 For " 1848 " read " [1845-] 1848." and add note :— " Originally issued in ' Ann. Soc. Entom. France ' as follows :— pp. 1-124 in Ann. Ser. II, torn, in, 1845. pp. 125-338 in Ann. Se>. II, torn. IV, 1846. pp. 339-504 in Ann. Ser. II, torn, v, 18i7." 41 b 12 3 For " 12 pis." read " IS pis. col. " and add note :— " Forming one of Roret's ' Collection des Suites k Buffon.' " 42 b 43 Add "Vol. i-xviii.f" 42 b 14 1 For " [1833-] " read " [1833-1900] " 10} 1 Add after author's name " Naturalist " and note to each : — " Banksian MS8. No. 81 [pars]." 43 b 43 After "Bureau." add "pp. },l : 6 pis." 43 b 12 1 Add after author's name " [1818-1846] " b 1 For " (JOHAN GUNNAR) " read " (CARL FILIP GONNAR) [1865-] " 43 b 15} l For " (J. G.) " read » (C. F. G.) " 44 a 11 For " (J. G.) " read " (JOHAN GUNNAR) [1874-] " 44 a 2) 44 a 4} 1 For " (J. G.) " read " (C. F. G.) " 44 a 5J 44 b 14 After "&c." add "Vol. I. Botanik." 44 b 91 Add after author's name " [1862-] " 45 a 11 For " (SioHiD) " read " (SiQHiB ALFHILD ELIZABETH) [1868-] " 45 a 10 1 For " (EDMOND) [1844 ?-1891] " read " (JACQUES ERNST EDMOND) [1844-1891] " 45 a 12 1 For " (EDOUARD) [1840-] " read " (l-'DOUAKD FRANCOIS) [1840-1911] " 45 a 16 1 Add after author's name " [1888-] " 45 b 11 For " [1859-] " read " [1859-1906] " 45 b 10 1 For " (A.) " read " (ADOLF) [1841 ? -1917] " 46 a 34 For " 1802-9 " read " [1794-] 1802-09 [-30] " 46 a 42 For " 1805 " read " 1805 [-25] " 46 a 15 1 Add after author's name " Baron [1885-] " 46 b 9 Cancel entry. 47 a 48 For "pp. Hi, S2 : 39 pit." re&A " pp. iv, 62 [2]: 29 ph." 47 b 44 For "duNord" read" d'ltlande." 48 a 28 Add "pp. 32 " and to note :— "For further editions, See ROYAL CoLLKQi or SURGEONS or ENGLAND." 48 b 21 Dele " UNO CHEMIE " 48 b 2 1-6 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 48 b For " Bd. I-> " read " Bd. I-LXIX " and for " 1877-» " read " 1877-99." 48 b 2 26 After line 26 insert the new entry in the Supplement for Folg. iv. 48 b 81 Dele " UNO CHEMIE " 48 b 84 For " Bd. i-> " read " Bd. i-xxin " and for " 1877-> " read " 1877-99." PAGE COL. ENTRY I.INB 49 a 2 In last two lines, for " Tom. l-> " read " Tom. I-XXX." and for " 1894-» " read " 1894- 1903." 49 b 23 For " Ann. I— > " read " Ann. I-x." 49 b 24 For " 1888-> " read " 1888-98." 49 b 8 82 For "Tom. l->" read "Tom. I-XX" and for "1892->" read "1892-1901." 49 b 8 last For "Tom. l-> " read " Tom. I-X " and for "1892->" read " 1892-1901." 60 a 1 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 50 b 85 For " 1837-38 " read " [1836-] 1837-38." 50 b 8 19 Add note :— "Vol. I-IX began alternately in March and September; Vol. X ended with the part for December 1842; Vol. XI -» began alternately in January and July." 50 b 8 35 For " Vol. I-» " read " Vol. I-XX." 50 b 8 36 For " 1898-» " read " 1898-1907." and add :— " ([and afterwards] A. E. Shipley). Ser. vm, vol. I— > 8°. London, rfc. 1908->" 51 a 1 Add note : — " Dawson Turner's Copy. A portrait of Sims, etched by Mrs. Turner in 1817 from a wax model by Pistrucci, and an autograph letter by Konig have been inserted in Vol. I ; whilst a lithographic reproduction, dated 1831, of a portrait of Kouig by Miss H. S. Turner has been inserted in Vol. n." 51 a 85 For "1892->" read "1892-1911." and for "1892->" read "1892-1911." and add note:— " At this point it became a monthly magazine, appearing as 'incor- porated ' with the SCOTTISH NATURALIST [y.v.]." 51 a 91 Add after author's name " [1843-1915] " .51 a 11 1 For " Earl " read " Snd Earl " 51 b 29 For " Tom. XI— > " read " Tom. xi-xiv." 51 b 2 10 For "1896->" read "1896-98." 51 b 11 2 For " Leyden, 1830." read " [Leyden, 1830-81.] " and add to the note :— " Engelmann, who alone quotes this work, but only as far as An. 1-8 : pis. I-LXVIII, gives the dates as 1820-30. J. 0. Werner appears to have copied most of the plates for his ' Atlas des Oiseaux d'Europe.'" 52 a 61 Dele the " [ " 52 a 62 After "Geography " add "pp. xxviii, 584 • text illust." and dele the "]" at end of line. 52 a 63 Dele. 52 a 15 1 For "ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE" read "ANTHROPOLOGICAL (afterwards ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL) INSTITUTE " 52 a 15 Add note : — '• Vol. XXVIII -» are also styled 'New Series, Vol. !->' " 52 b 12 1 Add after author's name " [1817-1893] " 53 a 17 1 For " [-1883] " read " [1812-1883] " 53 b 21 After the name of the first author add " [-1905] " 53 b 33 For " C. A. Linne " read " C. v. Linne " 53 b 34 For " 1766 " read " [1766] " 53 b 73 For " DUBLIN.— TRINITY COLLEGE" read " DUBLIN.— UNIVERSITY OP DUBLIN. — Trinity College." 53 b 91 After the name of the first author add " [1855 ?-1898] " 58 b 11 1 Add after author's name " [1856-] " 54 a 11 For " (AD.) " read " (JAKOB JOHAN ADOLF) [1857-] " 54 a 2-12 1 For " (A.) " read " (J. J. A.) " jjj Cancel and substitute the fresh entry in the Supplement. 54 a 14 1 Add after author's name " [1862-] " 55 a 1 Cancel and substitute fresh entry in Supplement, but in line 3 of the same for " (A. C. V. D. D') " read " (C. F. D') " 55 a 93 For " 4°." read " 8°." and add note :— " Issued in sheets with the ' Anales K. Acad. Cien. Habana.' Tom. XV-XVII." 55 a 15 1 For " (C. 0. E.) " read " (CARLO O. E.) " 55 a 16 1 For " (A. D') " read " (MARIE ALEXANDRE D') " 55 b 41 Add after author's name " [1840-] " 55 b 10 4 After " " twice, read " 1887-» " 62 a 71 For "[1850-]" read "[1846-1911]" 62 b 41 Add after author's name " [1882-1892] " 62 b 71 For " (A.) " read " (ALBERT LKON) [1858-1915] " 62 b 81 For " (H.) " read " (HiLAiRE) " 62 b 91 Add after author's name " [1848-] " 62 b 14 Add note :— " A third part, 'Tortmoose,' by C. Jensen, appeared in the same «erlal In 1909." 63 a 51 Add after author's name "[1828-19011" 68 a 71 Add after author's name " [1831-1906] " 68 b 9 1 For " [1811-] " read " [1811-1889] " 68 b 16 4 For "[Vannes,] 1867" read "[Vannes, 1867]." 68 b 18 1 Add after author's name " [1752-] " 64 a 14 1 For " (J. C.) " read " (JOSEPH CHARLES) [1850-] " 64 b 3 Add note :— " In the copy In the Geological Department the original drawings are placed with the plates, except those for pis. HI, VII and XV, which are wanting. There is a second version of pi. X, also two original drawings from which apparently no plates were prepared." 64 b 71 Add after author's name " [-1913] " 64 b 13 1 Add after author's name " [1847-18981 " 64 b 16 1 Add after author's name " [1812-1886] " 65 a 3 3 For " 1793 " read " [1793.] " 65 a 51 For " (TH.) " read " (THEODOR) " 65 a 81 For " [1834-] " read " [1834-1913] " 65 b 44 For " (A. H.) read " (A. C. H.) " 65 b 91 Add after author's name " & GRAEBNER (C. O. B. P. P.) " 65 b 93 Dele. 65 b 15 8 After " Forest" &AApp. xii, S71 : 6 pis., 4 maps, text illust." 65 b 16 3 After " 1884 " add "pp. 21 : 1 map." 66 a 41 For " (WILLIAM H.) " read " (WILLIAM HARRIS) " 66 a 61 Cancel this line and substitute the new heading in the Supplement. 66 a 81 For " (J. H.) " read (JAMES HARTLEY) [1874-] " 66 b 82 For " Vol. l->" read "Vol. l-LXXlll," and for" 1882->" read "1832-1905." 67 a 10 1 Add after author's name " [1845-1903] " 67 a 17 2 For "1748 "read "[1748.]" 67 a 17 5 For " [Another edition] " read " [Leyden edition] Vol. I." 67 a 17 6 Add " Vol. I." 67 b 51 Add after author's name " [1855-1899] " 67 b 63 For " 1719 " read " 1717(19)." 67 b 81 Add after author's name " [-1898] " 68 a 9 Cancel and replace by the fresh entry in the Supplement. 68 a 13 Cancel and replace by the fresh entry in the Supplement. 68 b 14 2 After " del " add " In'jeniero " 69 a 62 For " 1828-> " read " 1828-1914." : twice. 69 a 18 1 For " (GEORGE F.) " read " (GEORGE FRANCIS) [1854-] " 70 a 1 16 For "Der" read "Atlas der" 70 a 51 For " (ALBERT) " read " (ALBERT MAURITZ) " 70 b 11 For " (F.) " read " (FRANCIS) " 70 b 6 Add to note : — " And form Banksian 1188. No. 68-60." 70 b 7 Add note :— " forming Banksian Mss. No. 29." 70 b 8 Add note :— " Forming Banksian MSS. No. 61." 70 b 15 3 After " annote"es " add " [with a life of the author] " 71 a 3 Add to note :— " According to the ' Journ. Oen. Lit. France,' Pt. 1 " read " 95 & 100 " and for " 1896->" read " 1896, 99." 78 b 12 4 After " C*** " add " [or J. C i.e. J. Cussac] " and add note :— " The first edition appeared in 1778." 79 a 11 1 For " (V.) " read " (VICTOR) " and for " Bacteries " read " Bacteries." 79 b 91 For " (B.) " read " (B. C.) " 81 a 10 4 For " 1765." read " [1765.] " 81 a 11 1 For " (HELGE) " read " (HELGE MATTIAS) [1865-1 " 81 a 12) to [ 1 For " (H.) " read " (H. M.) " 81 b 4} 82 a 11 For " (J.) " read " (JOHN) " 82 a 13 For " K." read " H." 82 a 41 For " [1843-] " read " [1843-1906] " 82 b 51 For " (E. W.) " read " (EDWAED WILLIAM) " 83 b 9 1 For " (C.) " read " (GAEL GABBIEL) [1837-1913] " 83 b 10-12 1 For " (C.) " read " (C. G.) " 84 • b 10 3 For " 1825 " read " [1825.] " 86 a 73 For " 1-14 " read " 1-16 " and for " 1890-96 " read " 1890-1903." 86 a 10 Prefix to note :— "Also issued with the ' Annual Report ' for 1893-4." 86 b 91 For " (VEENON) " read " (VEENON OELANDO) [1864-1 " 86 b 92 For " 67 " read " 69 " 86 b 94 For " Division of Ornithology and Mammaloqv " read " Biological Survey Division." 86 b 10 1 For » (V.) " read " (V. 0.) " 86 b 10 3-4 For " Division of Ornithology and Mammalogy " read " Biological Survey Division." 86 b 16 1 Add after author's name " [1851-1 " 87 b 15 Add note:— "Wan ting the Map." 88 a 9 3 For " [22] " read " [2] " 88 b 15 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 88 b 16 2 MA "4 pis." 88 b 16 3 Add " 4°." 89 a 61 For"( ) " read "(RlCHABD) " a 12 6 For " 1888->" read " 1888-1906." 89 a 14 3 For " ROYAL GAEDENS " read " ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS." b 5 For " (A. H.) " read " (Sir A. H.) K.C.B." 89 b 14 1 After " Liliacese " add " and Juncaceae of South Africa." 89 b 16 3 For " (H. H.) " read " (Sir H. H.) G.C.M.G." b 17 1 For " (G.) " read " (G. R.) " 89 b 19 1 For " 1894 " read " 1893 " 90 b 3 1 For " [1825-] " read " [1823-1899] " 90 b 10 2 For " i->" read " I & n." 90 b 10 3 For " 1897->" read " 1897-99." 91 a 81 For " (L.) " read" (LuiGl)" PA01 OOL. IXT*Y LIM 91 b 78 After "&c." add "[By E. Ives, W. Tully, and M. E. Leavonworth.] " 91 b 75 For " the author's ' read " E. Baldwin's " 92 *4 2} For " See MADRAS' Town," >tc., read " MADRAS GOVERNMENT MUSEUM." 92 a 14 2 For " (J. VON) " read " (F. G. .1. VON) •" 98 a 4-7 1 After author's name add " F.B.S." 93 a 71 After " (Sir J. D.) " add " F.R.S." 98 a 10 1 For " [1840-] " read " [1840-1918] " 98 b 22 For "SCIENCE AND ART MUSEUM, DUBLIN" read "NATIONAL MUSEUM, IRELAND." 94 a 44 For " rfc." read "... With a supplementary paper by M. M. Metcalf. pp. v, 396 : 57 pit. (col.)" 94 a 81 For " (B. ARMIN) [1842-] " read " (RICHARD ARMIN) [1842-1918] " 94 a 10 8 Alter number of pages to "pp. viii, 18^: 11 ph., text Must." 94 a 12 8 Add "pp. vii, 16f>, xi: W pis., fi maps geol. col., text Must." 94 b 6 1 Add after author's name " [-1898] " 94 b 18 Note should read :— " The 10th Bericht has a paper appended which," etc. 95 a 8 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 96 b 17 Add at end of line " and three completed ones by T. Burgess." 95 b 65 For " with Solander's " read " with his and Solander's " 95 b 85 For " 16 " read " 22 " 96 b 87 Add:— " Kive of these were utilized for the Illustrations in Alton's ' Hortus Kewensls.' " 95 b 10 1 For "(WILLIAM MITCHELL) " read " (Sir WILLIAM MITCHELL) [1842-1904]" 95 b 11 1 For " (HENRY M.) " read " (HENRY MARTYN) [1844-] " 96 a 9 Add note :— "The first edition appeared in 1640." 96 a 18 3 Add " See BARBARUS (H.) " 96 a 17 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 96 b 10 1 For " [1842-] " read " [1842-1914] " 97 a 31 Add after author's name "[1842-19091" 97 b 11 Add after author's name " [1823-1908] " 97 b 12 Add to note :— " A free translation from Linnaeus' ' Systema Natunc . . . edltio duodecima reformata,' Tom. I, pt. 2." 97 b 13 5 For " fol." read " 4°." and add to note :— " A free translation from Linnaeus' ' Systema Natunc . . . editio duotlecima reformata,' Tom. I, pt. 2." 98 a 77 Dele " no. 11." 98 a 78 For " 1894-» " read " 1892-» " 98 a 11 1 Add after author's name "[1824 ?-1899] " 98 a 12 2 For " 1753." read " [1758.] " £ *j jj Add after author's name" Anatomist" 98 b 95 For " [Petits Voyages. — German. HI.] " read " [India Orientalis. Pt. III. — German.]" 98 b 12 1 Add after author's name " [1831-1910] " 99 b 11 1 Add after author's name "[1845-]" 100 a 51 Add after author's name " [1858-1910] " 100 a 91 Add after author's name " [-1896] " 100 a 12 1 For " (A. K.) " read " (ANDREW KITCHAM) " 100 a 15 3 For " Vol. II, pt. 1," read " Vol. I, pt. 4 ; II, III & IV, pt. 2." 100 a 15 4 For " 1882 " read " 1882-84." 100 a 17 1 For " [1847-] " read " [1847-1907] " 100 b 71 Add after author's name " [1826-1909] " 101 a 10 2 Add "pp. xvi, 253: 4 pit." 101 b 11 Add after first author's name "[-1897]." 101 b 51 For " (G.) " read " (JEAN FRA^OIS GUSTAVE) [1857-] " 101 b 61 For " (G.) " read " (J. F. G.) " 101 b 86 For " [Grands Voyages.— Latin. Hi.] " read " [America. Pt. III.— Latin.]" 101 b 14 Add to note:— "and colophon." 102 a 41 Add after author's name " [1836-1904] " 102 a 5 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 102 a 12 1 For "(RICHARD M.) [1849-]" read "(RICHARD MANCLIFFE) [1849-1915]" 102 a 18 1 For " (W. H.) " read " (WiLLis HERVEY) [1821-1901]" 102 b 11 1 For " Horm " read " Horn." 1} For " Division of Ornithology and Mammalogy " read " Biological Survey Division." 104 a 62 For "[1797-]" read "[1796-1869]" 104 b 21 For " (J. G.) " read " (JOHN GEORGE) [I860-] " 105 a 4 Add note :— " There were two, If not three, versions of the original. -The reprint Is from the more complete version. On p. 11, GVrtAiVj fujica appears In one version with, and In the other without, a description." PAGE 105 cot. a KNTRT 5 LINE Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 105 a 8 1 After " BARTON " add " afterwards GEPP " 105 a 15 1 For " 1701 " read " 1699 " 105 a 17 Add note : — " Bankiian M8S. No. 28 [pars]. See DRYANDER, ' Cat. Blbl. Banks,' VoL I, p. 71." 105 b 1 The note should begin " A capy of " and to it should be added : — "Forming Banksian M88. No. 23, 78 * 79. See DRYANDER, 'Cat. Blbl. Banks,' Vol. I, pp. 152 & 254. (CJ. ' Journ. Bot.,' 1906, p. 214.)" 105 b 11 1 Add after the author's name " [1868-] " 106 b 8 3 For " (A. H.) " read " (A. C. H.) " 107 a 7 2 Add " col." 107 a 9 1 For " (OTTO) " read " (ADOLF CARL OTTO) [1865-] " 107 a 12 1 For " (G.) " read " (GlOACHINO) " 107 b 11 1 For " [1853] " read " [1853-1916] " 108 b 5 1 For " (ADOLF) [1826-] " read " (PHILIPP WlLHELM ADOLF) [1826-1905] " 108 b 6-9 1 For " (A.) " read " (P. W. A.) " 108 b 10 1 For " [1887-] " read " [1837-1915] " 108 b 14 1 For " (E.) " read " (EUGENE) " 109 a 12 3 After " London " add " [1861-] " and add note :— " For the dates of publication of the 23 parts ot this work, See Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.8. ' Challenger,' Pt. LXTII (Zoology, Vol. XXIX), Amphipoda, pp. 328, 340, 343 & 372." 109 a 13 3 For " 1843 " read " [1837-] 1843 " 109 b 1 1 Add after author's name " [1829 ?-1903] " 109 b 6 5 For " 1881-90" read " 1879-90." 110 a 4 3 For " i-> " read " I-xi, no. 3." and for " 1867-> " read " 1867-1909." 110 a 8 1 For " (JOHANN B.) " read " (JOHANN BAPTIST) " 110 b 9 1 For " (J. A.) " read " (JULES AIME) [1848-] " 110 b 12 2 For " 2 Tom." read " Tom. I— >" 110 b 12 3 For " 1888-95 " read " 1888->" 110 b 18 1 Add after author's name " [1860-1907] " 111 a 1 2 For " (JOHN) LL.D." read " (Sir JOHN) K.C.B." 111 a 3 2 For " 20 pis." read " 19 pis." 111 a 9 7 Insert before " See " "pp. 71, xiii : 3 pis., 1 map geol. col." 111 b 4&7 Cancel and substitute new entries in Supplement. 111 b 12 1 For " (MARCEL) " read " (MARCEL EDOUARD) " 111 b 12 3 For " Tom I— > " read "Tom. I-vin, no. 2." and for " 1891— >" read " 1891-97." 112 a 2 4 For " (E.) " read " (J. A. G. E.) " 112 a 8 4 For " 1796 " read " 1796 [-1803]." 112 a 9 Add note : — " The original drawings are kept in the Botanical Department." 112 a 10 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 112 a 11 In the note to the heading, line 3 should read : — "those for plate X to Alton's 'Hortus Kewenais' (1789), and plates to Lambert's" 112 b 1 After " Jahrg. 1885-> " add " (— Beilage-Band ill, hft. 2-> 1884-»," and for "8°. 1885->" read "8°. (1884-) 1885->" 112 b 4 3 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 112 113 b a 15 9 2-3\ 3/ For " TABERN^EMONTANUS (J. T.) " read " THEODORUS (J.) Taberncemontanus." 113 b 7 1 Add after author's name " [1864-1899] " 114 a 15 1 For " (HEINRICH) " read " (HEINRICH ADOLF) " 114 114 a a 161 17/ 1 For " (H.) " read " (H. A.) " 114 114 a b 18 1 1 1 For " (ALBERT) [-1868] " read " (ALBERT OTTO) [1834-1868] " For " (GEORG) " read " (GEORG HERMANN CARL LUDWIG) [1859-1898] " 114 b 2 1 For " (G.) " read " (G. H. C. L.) 114 b 6 1 Add after author's name " [1804-1873] " 115 a 5 1 For " (A.) " read " (ARTHUR) " 116 a 8 1 For " (VICTOR) " read " (VITAL) " 115 b 2 Add "pp. 164 : 20 pis. " and note : — " Fasc. I. Mollusques Tertiaires, par F. Bayan. ,, II, 1. Observations sur une espece du genre Plagioptychus, par H. Chaper. „ 2. Notes sur quelques Fossiles Tertiaires, par F. Bayan. „ 3. Observations sur quelques especes du genre Dweras, par E. Bayle. „ 4. Sur la presence du genre Pecchiolia dans les assises supe'rieures du Lias, par F. Bayau." 116 a 9 1 Add after author's name " [1861-] " 116 a 13 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 116 b 10 1 Should read " Geological Observations on Coral Beefs, Volcanic Islands, and on South America, being " 116 b 13 2 Add "pp. 40 : text illust." 116 b 14 J. For " [1828-] " read " [1828-1906] " 2 10 PAOK 001. KHTRT LINK 117 a 1 1 Add after author's name " [1846-1917] " 117 a 16 1 Add after author's name "[1857-] " 117 b 6 1 For " (HENRI) [1851-] " read "(EMMANUEL HENRI) [1851-1900] " 117 b 7-9 1*8 For " (H.) " read " (E. H.) " 117 b 8 Add note :— " According to Lorenz this flrst appeared in 1879." 117 b 18 1 Add after the author's name " [186Q-] " 117 b 18 5 For " 95-> " read " 95 & 100." and for " 1896-> " read " 1896-99." 118 a 12 1 For " [1816-] " read " [1816-1908] " 118 b 6 6 For " [i.e. 1898] " read " [i.e. 1890-98] " and add note :— " Issued In 18 parts between Oct. 1890 and Oct. 1893." 118 b 7 1 For " (J.) " read " (JACOB HEINRICH) [1866-] " 119 b 4 6 For " 1887 " read " 1887 [-88]." and add note :— " Originally issued :— Fasc. 1, pp. 1-100, in 1837 ; fasc. 2, pp. Hil-lik, and ' Spec. NOT.' pp. 1-X, in 1838. Fasc. 1 was re-issued in 1838 with a new title-page bearing that date. [<•(. Gosch, ' Danm. Zoo]. Lit.' Afd. Ill, pp. .!,«-«.] " 119 b 12 1 Add after author's name " [1856-] " 120 a 14 1 Add after author's name " [c. 1839-] " 120 b 3 1 For " (TH.) " read " (TiiEODOR) " 121 a 7 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 121 a 10 1 For " [1852-] " read " [1852-1908] " 121 b 1 3 For " ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON " read " ZOOLOGICAL RECORD." 121 b 8 1 •For " [1826-] " read " [1826-1911] " 121 b 10 1 For " [1830-J " read "[1830-1911] " 121 b 11 3 For "Stf" read "300^' 122 b 2 1 For " [1849-] " read " [1849-1910] " 122 122 b b 4 8 1 2 Add after author's name " [1856-1904] " Add "pp. !>r, : Spit., text illutt." 122 b 8 4 For " Vol. I, pt. 1." read " No. 1." 123 a 7 1 For " (A. A.) " read " (ANTON ALBERT) " 123 b 7 1 Add after author's name "[1825-1905] " 124 a 1 1 For " (H.) Geographer." read " (H. K. H.) " 124 a 7 1 For " (G.) " read " (GERHARD J.) " 124 a 9 1 For " (Orro) " read " (AUGUST WILHELM OTTO) [1850] " 124 a 10 1 For " (O.) " read " (A. W. 0.) " 124 a 18 1 For " [1842-] " read " [1842-1905] " 124 a 17 1 Add after author's name " [1854-1903] " 124 b 6 3 For " l-> " read " l-xx, hft. 2 " and for " 1884-> " read " 1884-1903." 125 a 18 1 For " (FR. CARL) " read " (FRIEDRICH KONRAD) [1838-1906] " 125 b 12 5 For " 1877-89 " read " [1876-J 1877-89." 125 b 13) 127 a 8 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement 127 b 3) 127 127 b b 4 5 11 Alter heading in conformity with the preceding. 128 a 2 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 128 a 9 Alter note to : — " Wanting the Bulletins for the years 1879, 1881 ,v 1882." 128 b 6 4 After " Zujovid " add " ([and afterwards] S. Urosevic et S. Radovanovic)." 128 b 7 3 For "SO pit." read " S7 pit." and add note :— " Appended to the work is J. R. Bourguignat's ' Catalogue des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de Paris al'epoque qiiateniaire.' pp. Xt : X pis." 128 b 9 1 Add after author's name " [1835-] " 128 b 14 2 For " (A. H.) " read " (Sir A. H.) K.C.B." 129 a 2 3 For " SOCIETY OF LONDON " read "RECORD." 129 129 a a 8 11 1 1 For " J1816-] " read " [1816-1904]" Add after author's name " Geologist." 129 a 15 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 129 b 1 3 For " 1887 " read " [1836-] 1837." 129 b 2 2 For " 1889 " read " [1888-] 1889." 129 b 6 2 For " 1858 " read " [1844-J1858." 129 b 9 3 For " , 62." read " -1918." and add note :— " The title-page and index alone appeared In 1918." 180 a 13 3 For Pt. vi-> " read " Pt. vi-xxx " and for " Pt. i-» " read " Pt. l-xxx illutt. 180 a 18 4 For " 1872-» " read " 1872-1904." 180 a 17 1 For " (L. DE) " read " (LlNANT DK) " 181 b 1 4 For " (A.) " read " (M. A.) " 181 b 10 1 Add after author's name " [c. 1880-1911] " 131 b 11 4 For " 15 " read " 16 " 181 b 12 3 For " (E. H.) " read " (E. H. P. A.) " 182 a 8 1 For " [1888-] " read " [1886-1917] " 182 a 12 3 Add "(—Beilage Bd. I-IH, hft. 1, 1881-84.)" 11 PAGE 182 COL. a K.NTRV 14 LINK 1 For " (EDOUARD VAN) [1846-] " read " (EDOUARD JOSEPH Louis MARIE VAN) [1846- * 1910] " 132 132 a b 15, 16» 1-5 / 1 For " (E. VAN) " read " (E. J. L. M. VAN) " 134 a 12 1 For " (B. C.) " read " (B. C. J.) " 134 b 3 1 For " ETHELRED " read " ETHELDRED " and add " [-1845] " 134 b 3 3 Add note : — " From K. C. Hoare's ' History of Modern Wiltshire, Hundred of Warminster,' fol. 1831 ; the text being reset and the plates added (?)." 135 a 3 1 For " [1848-] " read " [1825-] " 135 135 a a 7 9 1 2 For " [1833-J " read " [1833-1902] " For " (J.) " read " (F. G. J. VON) >1 135 a 18 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 135 b 16 8 For " 1830." read " [1828-] 1830." 136 a 4 1 For " (E. A.) " read " (EMILE ANDRE) " 136 b 8 2 For " (B.) " read " (C. B.) " 137 b 6 1 For " (W.) " read " (WlLLY) " 138 a 3 3 For " 1871 " read " 1872 " 138 a 7 1 For " (W.) " read " (W. B.) " 138 a 10 1 For " (M.) " read " (MIKHAIL MlKHAlLOvIcn) [1849 ?-1912] " 138 b 14 1 For " (FH.) " read " (FRIEDRICH VON) " 139 b 8) 139 b 10 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 139 b llj 139 b 14 6 For " 1744 " read " [1744]." 140 a 6 1 Add after author's name " [1855-] " 141 a 2 1 For " (J.) " read " (PIERRE JOSEPH JULES) [1853-] " 141 a 5 3 For " 1825 " read " [1825.] " 141 a 6 1 Add after author's name " [1837-] " 141 a 14 2 For " (A. H.) " read " (Sir A. H.) E.C.B." 141 141 b b 3 9 1 4 For " LUDWIG " read " LUDVIG " and for " [1824-] " read " [1824-1909] " After " vil " add " & ix " and for " 1870-> " read " 1870-1908." 142 a 3 1 For " (RUDOLF S.) " read " (RUDOLPH SOPHUS) [1859-] " 142 a 10 1 Add after author's name " [1845-] " 142 a 11 4 For " 1712 " read " [1712.] " 142 b 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 142 b 5 3 For " 1764 " read " [1764.] " 143 a 5 1 Add after author's name " [1836-1907] " 143 a 14 1 For " [1835-] " read " [1835-1911] " 143 b 1 1 Add after author's name " [1765-J " 148 b 2 ' Add note : — " In this, as in most copies, there are 98 plates. Sets of the unpublished plates XOVII-CXLV exist, and a full description of them is given in Werneburg's ' Beitrage zur Schmetterlingskunde,' Bd. n, p. 64 [" read " i-v." and for " 1892— >" read " 1892-97." 146 a 6 4 For "I— >" read " l-v, pt. 2." and for " 1878— >" read " 1878-87." 146 a 13 3 For " I— >" read " l-xxxv." and for " 1868— >" read " 1868-1902." 146 b 1 12 Insert before existing note : — "In 1908 the Zeitschrift f-iir syitematische flymetwpterologic und Dipterologie (y.v.i was incorporated with this work." 146 b 2 3 After line 3 add note : — " In Bd. XLIX (1897 -» ) there is a separately paged section : ' Verhand- lungen.' In Bd. L1II-LV two additional separately paged sections are added : — ' Aufsatze' and ' Briefe Mittheilungen.' In Bd. LVI-» the ' Verhandlungen ' is changed to ' Monatsbericht.' " 146 b 8 5 For " H->" read " I->" and for " 1898->" read " 1897->" 147 a 5 19 For " i— >" read " l-xxill." 147 a 5 20 For " 1866-»" read " 1866-88." 147 a 6 2 For " l->" read " I-xv " and for " 1875->" read " 1875-88." 147 a 9 4 For " 1897 " read " 1897-99 " 150 a 7 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 150 a 10 5 For " I->" read " l-x, 1885-94." 150 a 10 6 For " 1886->" read " 1886-96." 150 a 13 1 For " Geognostische " read " Geologische " 150 a 14 3 For " 1766 " read " [1766.] " 11 PAOI COL. MTftT UNI 160 a 16 1 For " (AUGUST) " read " (JoHAN AUGUST) [1851-1910J " 150 b 1 1 For " [1812-] " read " [1812-18911 " 160 b 14 1 Add after author's name " [1868-1898] " 150 b 16 1 For " [1858-] " read " [1868-1908] " 150 b 17 2 For " II— >" read " H-VI." 150 b 17 3 For " 1896->" read " 1896-1906." 151 a 9 1 Add after author's name " [1831-19081 " 151 b 9 1 Add after author's name " [1850-1904] " 158 158 a a 8 8 1 3 For " [1827-] " read " [1827-1907] " For " xiv-^' read " XIV— Ser. VII, torn. XXX." and for " 1878->" read " 1878-1908." 154 b 18 1 Add after author's name " [-1917] " 155 a 5 1 For " c 1790 " read " 1777 " 165 a 8 1 Add after author's name " [1869-] " 155 a 9 1 Add after author's name " [1847-1907] " 166 b 4 1 For " (FRITZ) " read " (FRIEDRICH MARTIN) [1850-] " 155 b 5 1 For " (F.) " read " (F. M.) " 155 b 5 2 For " l—>" read " 1-4. 32 pit. (col.) " 155 b 5 3 Dele " illust." and for " 1895— »" read " 1895-1900." 165 b 8 3 For " 1759 " read " [1769.] " 156 a 6 1 Add after author's name " [1828-1908] " 157 a 2 k For " (E. VAN) " read " (E. J. L. M. VAN) " 157 a 7 > For " [1845-] " read " [1845-1915] " 157 a 12 1 Add after author's name " [1851-1918] " 157 a 15 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 157 b 11 1 Add after author's name " [1845-1898] " 157 b 18 1 For " (H. VAN) " read " (H. F. VAN) " 157 b 14 1 For "1852" read "1850" 158 a 4 1 For " [-1866] " read " [1800-1866] " 158 a 6 1 For " (Louis) " read " (HERMANN ERNST Louis) [1863-1904] " 158 a 7 1 For " (LOUIS) " read " (H. E. L.) " 158 a 9 1 For " (FRITZ) " read " (FRITZ VON) [1856-1908] " 168 a 11 1 For " (E. J.) " read " (EDWARD JOHN) " 159 a 10 5 For "" read " 9 sh. col." 159 a 14 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 160 a 5 2*5 For " (M.) " read " (M. M.) " 160 a 6 1 For " 1859 " read " 1858 " 160 a 9 3 For " 1749 " read " [1749.] " 161 a 5 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 161 a 6 3 After " 1841 " add " [i.e. 1842] " 161 b 1 1 Add after author's name "[1844-1905] " 161 b 18 Add note : — " This was in reality the work of E. P. J. Sprengel [q.v.], who publiihed another edition in the same year appended to his ' Mantissa prima Flora} Haleufiis.' " 162 a 1 1 For " 1826 ?" read " 1827 " 162 a 5 3 For " (1869) " read " [1871]." 162 a 11 1 For " (E.) " read " (EUGENE) " 162 b 2 1 For " (A.) " read " (ALEXANDRE PIERRE DESIRE) [1868-] " 162 b 3 1 For " (A.) " read " (A. P. D.) " 162 b 10 3 Alter collation to "pp. hi [tit,] 214 + 72*, 72f, 72$, 72§ " read " l-xxi, no. 4t " 191 a 9 4 For " 1879->" read " 1879-99." 191 191 a a 18 14 1&4\ 1&4/ For " BOLLMAN " read " BOLLMANN " 192 192 a b 16 1 1 1 For " [1843-] " read " [1843-1903] " Add after author's name " [1863-] " 192 b 4 1 For " [fl. 1775-1795] " read " [fl. 1758-1799] " 192 b 4 6 Add:— "except those for pis. V, IX, XII, XXV, XXXII, XLII, XLV, & XLVI, which are missing. They form ' Banksian MSS. No. 36.' (See DRYANDER, ' Cat. Bibl. Banks,' Vol. Ill, p. 220 ; V, p. 78.)" 192 b 12 1 Add after name of first author " [1853-1899] " 192 b 18 1 For " [1884-] " read " [1834-1911] " 193 a 1 Add to note : — "The plates to this work were re-issued in Vol. ill of the author's • II-MIM-S Orchldearum Austro-Afrlcanarum,' Ac., 1913 [•;.'•.:." 193 a 2 2 For " I— > " read " l-m " 193 a 2 3 For " 1898-> " read " 1893-1913." and add note :— " The cover and half-titlepage of the work bear title : ' Orchids of South Africa.' Vol. Ill was published, after the author's death, with a preface by H. M. L. Bolus (t.«. Mrs. V. Bolus), Curator of the Bolus Herbarium at the South African College. Most of the illustrations are those left by the author, but additions have been made and fresh drawings added by F. Bolus, whose name they bear." 193 a 3 8 For " rfc. Pt. II." read " . . .Editio secunda. II. Musci, itc." 193 198 a b 12 12 1 1 For " [1838-] " read " [1883-1908] " For " (CH.) '* read " (CHARLES) [1866-] " 194 a 18 Add note : — " An ItaUan translation appeared in the ' Oiorn. Arcadico,' Tom. LXIX, 1887." 194 b 2 Add note : — " Socletati Linnseanie exhibitum die septinuc Novembris, 1837." 194 b 4 Add note : — " Nuori Annali delle Scienze Natnrali. Tom. VIII, 1842, & IX, 1843." 194 b 7-9 Add note to each : — " Atti. Sclent:. Ital. VI, 1844 (1846)." 194 b 10 Add note : — " Atti Scienz. Ital. VII, 1846 (1846)." 196 b 7 7 For " 1895-» " read " 1895-1905 " and for second " 1896-> " read note: — " Subsequent ' Bltzuntrsberlchte ' were published, with those of the ' Medlzlnlsch-uaturwliaen*chaftliche Oesellschaft zu Minuter I. W.,' by the ' Natnrhistorlicher Vereln der Preusslichen Khelnlande uud Westfalens,' at Bonn (?.«.]." 1895-1906." and add 15 PAGE 001,. ENTRY LINE 197 b I 4 For " 1762 " read " 1762 [-64]." and add note :— " The Dedication is dated 1764." 197 b 14 1 Add " Miss." 199 a 6 5 For " 1718 " read " 1718 (1719)." 199 a 11 1 Add after author's name " [1889-] " 199 a 14 1 Add after author's name " [1818 ?-1906J " 200 a 8 1 For " [1844-] " read " [1844-1905] " 200 200 a a 11 1 14 1 For "[1751-18101 " read " [1753-1811] " For " (FB.) " read " (Jon. FRIEDRICH) [1849-] " 200 b 1 1 For " (F.) " read " (JoHANN FRIEDRICH) " 201 a 3 1 For " (ALBERT) " read " (ALBERT FRA^OIS JOSEPH) [1865-]" 201 a 4 1 For " [1841-] " read " [1841-1910] " 201 a 6 1 For " [1803-J " read " [1803-1875] " 201 a 8 2 For " (E.) " read " (E. ST.-C.) " 201 201 b b 5 3 6 2 | For " (V.) " read " (V. A. C.) " 201 b 15 Add after author's name " [1840-1881] " 202 b 9 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 208 a 14 1 For " [1828-] " read " [1828-1911] " 203 b . 8 1 Add after author's name " [1847-J 204 b 4 Add note : — " The dates of publication of the volumes were :— Tom. I, May, II, Dec., 1822; III, Sept., IV, Dec., 1823; v, May, VI, Oct., 1824; vn, Mar., vni, Sept. 1825; IX, Feb., X, July, 1828 ; XI, Feb., XII, Aug., 1827; XIII, Feb., XIV, Oct., 1828 ; XV, June, 1829 ; xvi, Oct. 1830 ; XVII, Oct., 1831. (Bibl. de la France.)" 204 b 5 3 Should read " See ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. Encyclopedic methodique, " read "Ann. l-xn." 204 b 16 3 For "1887 [1886]->" read " [1886-] 1887-99." 205 205 a a 8 • For " BOS (JAN BITZEMA) " read " BITZEMA BOS (JAN) " 205 a 4 Add note : — " The titlepage and plates were subsequently used for text written by Mrs. P. Lankester [q.a.], issued in 1860." 205 a 8 Add note : — " This is a re-issue, with a new titlepage, of the second edition, which appeared in 1828, and again in 1829." 205 a 12 1 205 205 a b 13 1 1 1 For " BOSCA" read " BOSCA Y CASANOVES" 205 b 2 1 206 a 2 1 For " (P. NATHANIEL) " read " (PRAMATHA NATH.) " 206 a 4 1 For " [-1898] " read " [1827-1898] " 207 207 a a Jjj 2} For " (C. P.) " read " (0. C. P.) " 208 a 9 2 For " I-> " read " l-xxiv, pt. 3." 208 a 9 3 For " 1844-> " read " 1844-1911." 208 b 18 4 After " Oltmanns " add " and A. Peter." and for " I— > " read " I-LXVIII." 208 b 13 5 For " 8°. Berlin, 1843-» " read " 4°. Berlin, 1843-1910." 209 a 3 1 For " Beferendes " read " Beferirendes " 209 b 1 Add at end as note : — " Between 1885 and 1900 abstracts of the Proceedings of the following societies were published in its pages : — Botaniska, Stitlskapets t Stockholm. Botaniska aektionen af NaturvetenskapHga Studentsattxkapet i Upsata. Botaniska Fanning i Lund." 209 b 2 Dele " — Not a serial." 209 b 3 4 For " 1837 " read " 1836 " and add note :— "The first four numbers, although marked for January, February, March and April, 1837, really appeared respectively in September and November, 1836, January and March, 1837. (P. rv of wrapper to Pt. 1.)" 210 a 7 1 For " [1823-] " read " [1823-1899] " 210 a 13 1 For " (A.) " read " (Louis ALPHONSE) " 210 b 2 1 For " (A.) " read " (ANTONIO) " 211 a 16 1 Add after author's name " [1828-1 " 212 b 12 1 Add after author's name " [1861-] " 212 b V16 2 For "l->"read "3&4" 212 b 16 3 Dele " & BOULE (M.) " and for " 1876-> " read " 1888-92." 213 b 1 3 For " I— >• " read " I & II, pt. 1." 213 b Jl 4 For " 1892-> " read " 1892-94." 214 a 7 1 Add after author's name " [-1911] " 216 a 5 1 For " (A.) " read " (A. H.) " 216 b 12 4 For " (A. D. d') " read " (A. C. V. M. d') " 16 FAOK COL. ENTRY LINK 216 b 14 1 For " (E.) " read " (EDMOND) [-1901] " 216 b 15 1 Add after author's name " [1859-] " 216 b 17 7 For " 1848 " read " 1848 [-44]." 217 a 5 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 217 a 14 1 For " (EUGKNB L.) " read " (EUGENE Louis) [1856-] " 217 217 b b 3 12 1 2 For " [1849-] " read " [1849-1907] " For " (A. E.) " read " (N. A. E.) '' 218 a 2 1 For " [1862-] " read " [1862-1915] " 218 a 11 Add note : — » "Part 1 appeared in February, pt. 2 in June, 1822. 218 b 3 2 For " Pt. 2-4 " read " Pt. 1-4 " 218 b 4 1 For " [1821-] " read " [1821-1899] " 218 b 8 4 For " Pt. I " read " Pt. I, III-v " and add at end of line " , 189, 192 & 196. 219 b 8 1 For " (Luis) " read " (Luowio) [1849-1906] " 220 a 2 4 For "1818 "read "1718" 220 a 9 4 Add " no. 4 " and note : — " Originally issued in 1873." 220 b 5 2 For " (A. H.) " read " (Sir A. H.) K.C.B." 221 a 2 1 For " [1824-J " read " [1824-1917] " 221 a 3 1 For "Vol. I->" read "8 Vol." 221 a I 2 For " 1887-> " read " 1880-1905." 221 a 6 1 For " (K. L.) " read " (KONSTANTIN LUDWIG) [-1910] " 221 a 7 1 For " BRANCO " read " BRANCO afterward* Branca " 221 a 12 1 Add after author's name " [1841 ?-1915] " 221 a 16 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 221 a 17 1 Add after author's name " [1843-] " 222 a 1 1 For " [1824-] " read " [1824-1907] " 222 a 9 B For " 1824 " read " [1824.] " 228 b ."> Cancel and substitute the new entry iu the Supplement. 224 a 4 1 For " (KARL) " read " (KARL ANDREAS HEINRICH) " 224 a B 8 For " (V.) " read " (V. A. C.) " 224 a 11 1 Add after author's name " [1850-] " 225 a 9 1 Add after author's name " [1868-1917] " 225 a 10 1 For " (FRIEDRIOH) [1882-]" read " (FRIEDRICH MOBITZ) [1832-1904] " 225 225 a b 11-171 1 / 1 For " (F.) " read " (F. M.) " 226 b 3 1 Dele " Lief. 7— >• " 226 b 3 3 For "Bd. IV. 8". 1889-> " read " Bd. IV, lief. 7-62. 8°. 1889-1900." 226 b 16 1 For " (REINHARD) " read " (REINHARD ANTON) " 226 b 171 227 a 1 1 For " (R.) " read " (R. A.) " 227 a 2J 227 227 227 a a b 5 8 1 5 7 1 For " [1845 ?] " read " [1844.] " For " [1845 ?] " read " [1846.] " For " (JOHN) " read ''(JOHN WILLAN) " 227 b 9 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 227 b 11 1 For " ( ) " read " (L.) " 228 a 1 1 Add after author's name " [-1910] " 228 a 2 1 For " [1831-] " read " [1881-1904J " 228 b 8 3 For " (O.) " read " (F. H. O.) " 229 a 10 1 For " (J.) " read " JoHANN) [-1913] " 230 230 280 a a a 1 2 7 3 3 4 Before date insert " [May] " Before date insert " [Oct.]" For " (O.) " read " (F. H. O.) " 230 230 b b 134 14/ Cancel and substitute the new entries in the Supplement. 231 a 1 Add note : — "This work was originally issued in 1824. It was re-issued in 1828 and again In 1837, with a new wrapper to the text bearing the later date, and a new Atlas containing fresh text l>y Leblond. The above is a copy of this last issue." 231 a 9 1 For " (E.) " read " (ERNST) [1844 ?-1904] " 231 a 18 1 For " (RENE) [1858-1 " read " (CHARLES RENK) [1852-] " 282 b 8 3 For " Bd. I-> " read " 8 Bd." and for " 1876-> h read " 1876-1908." 282 b 8 9 For " 1889-» " read " (1885-) 1889-1908." And add note :— " Schroeter's ' Pllze ' remains Incomplete on account of his death in 1894. The text stops abruptly at p. 500 of pt. 2 (lief. 4, 1897). The terminal part (lief. 6) issued in 190S, contains only a series of Indexes to Pt. 2, compiled by A. Llngelsheim." 283 a 1 8 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 283 a 11 1 Add after author's name " [1853-1901] " 288 b 12 2 Add "pp. 114." 288 b 12 3 Alter note to : — " A copy In manuscript by 8. Bacstrom. Banksian MSB. No. 96. See DKTAKPER, ' Cat. Blbl. Banks,' Vol. m, p. 138." 17 PAQB COL. ENTRY LINK 233 b 17 1 For " [1828-J " read " [1828-1910] " 234 a 32 For " 1830 " read " [1808-] 1830." 234 a 34 Add to note :— " For notes concerning the dates of publication. See Journ. of Conch., Vol. X, 1903, p. 359, note : also note to entry under 'M., 0. Botany, A .•.' In this Catalogue." 234 b 71 For "(ARiSTiDEs) [1848-]" read" (MARIA ARISTIDES SEVERIN FERDINAND) [1848-1 909]" 234 b 8-10 1 For " (A.) " read " (M. A. S. F.) " 234 b 11 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 235 b 10 1 For " (C.) " read " (CALEB) [1812-1884] " 236 b 10 1 For " (JOHN) " read " (JOHN ISAAC) [1870-] " 23? a ""l5}1 For "(J.," read "(J.I.)" 237 a 61 For " (C. G. A.) " read " (GAEL GUSTAV A.) [1814-1897] " 287 b 9 & 10 1 For "Bristol Museum" read "Bristol Museum " read " 13-xiv, no. 9," and for " 1896-» " read " 1896-1907." 239 b 12 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 242 a 3 3 Add " 5 Vol." and for " 1898-> " read " [1898-] 1903-15." 243 a 5 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 243 b 3 Should become the 7th entry in column a and have the following note : — " Printed in readiness for a visit of the Geologists' Association to the Department on 12 March, 1887, and subsequently incorporated in the sixth edition of the ' Guide to the Exhibition Galleries,' 1890." 243 b 45 For "[1840?]" read "[1837.]" 243 b 73 For " 33 " read " 32 " 245 b 4 Add note :— " Not completed, pp. 1-126 were printed off in 1867, when, owing to the author's ill-health, the work was suspended. They were subse- quently issued with an appendix (pp. 127-137) to bring them up to date, but the work was in type up to p. 208, and a set of the proofs with the author's corrections is kept in the Zoological Department Library." 245 b 11 4 For " 1844-67 " read " 1844-68." 246 b 12 Add note :— " Gronovius' manuscript illustrated with original drawings in pencil and wash, and engravings from his published works, is kept in the Zoological Department." 247 a 1 Add note:— " The original drawings for the illustrations to this work are kept tn the Zoological Department Library." 248 b 10 Add note :— "The original manuscript is kept in the Zoological Department." 249 a 1 3 & 4 Alter the sentence in [] to" [By J. E. Gray : the descriptions of the species by L. Pfeiffer.] " 249 a 11 Add note :— "Gray was assisted, especially as regards the fossil species, and the illustrations, by S. P. Woodward." 249 b 73 For " Vol. I— > " read " Vol. i-vi." 249 b 74 For " 1893-> " read " 1893-1906." 249 b 10 4 After " Giinther " add " The Cetacea by W. H. Flower." 250 a 3 Add to both editions " [By A. C. L. G. Giinther, with the assistance of E. A. Smith and F. J. Bell.] " 250 a 5-7 Cancel these entries and substitute the new entries in the Supplement. 251 a 71 For " [1858-] " read " [1859-] " 251 a 91 Add after author's name " [1839-1909] " 251 all3 For " Pt. l-> " read " 4 Ft." and for " 1898-> " read " 1898-99." 251 a 11 4 Add " Bd. LXXV, LXXVII & LXXX." 251 a 14 5 For " Geological Survey " read " Bureau of Geology and Mines." 253 a 10-12 1 For " (A.) " read " (A. L.) " 253 a 14 5 Add at end of line " & xvm " 253 b 10 8 Add " [Publication] No. 11." 254 a 11 Add after author's name " [1851 ?-1899] " 254 a 1 4 For " Ann. I^-> " read " Ann. I-xix." 254 a 15 For "1881->." read "1881-99." 254 b 13 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 255 a 11 5 Before " 1822 " insert " [March] " 255 a 13 5 Before " 1823 " insert " [Jan.] " 255 b 5 1 For " (ALEXANDRE) " read " (ADOLPHE THEODORE)" and transfer entry to previous column. 255 b 71 For " J. E.) " read " JULES EDME) [1859-1899] " 255 b 11 Add note:— " Also issued in ' Bull. Six. Industrie Minirale,' Wr. Ill, torn. VII, 189S." 3 18 PAOI COL. ENTRY L1XI 266 a 67 For " [1882.1 " read " [1831.1" 256 a 8 Add note:— " Extract from the ' Ergebnlase nieiuei naturhlstorlsch-oconomlsi-lH n Relsen,' Bil. II [g.c. supra]." 256 a 9 1-6 Caucel and substitute the new eutrv in the Supplement. 256 b 78 For " G. H." read " H. G." 256 b 78 For " 48 ph." read " 4:1 ph." 256 b 7 10 For " BUtscheli " read " Biltschli " 256 b 7 17 For " Lief. l-> 1889-» " read " Lief. 1-21. 1889-1902." 256 b 7 88 For " Lief. l-» 1881-> " read " 2 Bd. 1881-1901." 256 b 7 35 For " Lief. l-» 1876—> " rend " Lief. l-4.f 1876-85." For other additions, &c., see the new entries in the Supplement. 257 a 38 Begin line with " [2 Pt.] " and add at end " [-44] " 257 b 58 Add " f " and note :— •• I nitr,! with ' Papilio,' the organ of the New York Entomological Club, to form ' Entomologia Americana, ' .(-c. [•/.'-. Infra] " 257 b 6 Add note :— " Formed by the amalgamation of the Society's 'Bulletin' ly.iv sujira] and ' Pam'lio,' the organ of the New York Entomological Club." 257 b 71 For " HUSK) " read " HnLSE) [1871-1 " 257 b 10 1 For " [1836-] " read " [1836-1900] " 257 b 10 8 "pp." to end of line should read "pp. xi, viii, iil'.i : .-.'.'/ pis. (4 col.) " 257 b 13 1 For "[1848-]" read "[1848-1908]" 258 a 53 For " !>J " read •• :><> " 258 a 11 1 For " [-1896] " read " [1821-1896] " 258 a 15 1 Add after author's name " [1849-J " 258 b 53 For ", maps." 262 a 10 Add note :— "Banksian MSS. No. 70. See DRYANDER. 'Cat. Bibl. Banks,' Vol. in, p. 188." 262 b 33 For " 1814 " read " (1810-)1814." 262 b 1 For " (DAVID) " read " (St> DAVID) [1855-] " 262 b 18 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 263 a 5 1 For " (H.) " read " (HELLMUTH) " 264 a 15 3 For " 1748 ? " read " 1749." Add to the note :— " The issue of the last twenty-live letters of Cent. II is announced in the ' GdttiDKische Zeitung von Gelehrten Sachen ' for 29 Sept. , 1749, p. 765." 264 a 16 5 For " 1750 " read " [1750] " 264 b 7 1 For " (CiiB. G.) " read " (CHRISTIAN GKOKC'I " 264 b Cancel and' substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 264 b 91 Add after the author's name " [1819 ?-1899] " 265 a 11 1 For "1799 "read "1798" 265 a 18 1 For " (WiLLY) " read " (FRANZ SIEGFKIKD ^ylLLV) [1864-] " 265 b 6 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 266 a 1 1 For " [1862-] " read " [1862-1917] " 266 1) 12 1 For " (ALBKKT vox) " read " (FEKDINAND AI.IIF.HT WIMIELM VON) " 2g7 j| Add after author's name '• Mineraloijlul." 267 a 11 1 For " [1828-] " read " [1823-1914] " 268 a 71 For •• (Tin..M.\s ]..u I>F,K) [1844-] '' read " (Sir THOMAS LAUDER) Bart. [1844-1912] " 268 a 81 For"(T. L.) " read •• (.SVr T. L.) .Bar/." 268 a 91 For " [1831-] " read " [1831-1912] " 268 a 10 1 For "[1845-1 "read" [1845-1908] " 268 b .', 2.'i For " XVI-> " rend " xvi-l.xil " and fur " 1844-» " read " 1844-1904." 268 b 77 For "xx->" iTH.l •• xx-l.iv " and for "1847->" read "1847-1904." 268 b 80 For " l-> " read " i \ \\M and for " 1881-»" read " 1881-98." 268 b 93 For "l->" rrud "i LXM" mid for "1840->" reud " 1840-1904." 269 a 9 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 289 a 15 8 For "(A.)" read '• (K. I'. < . A.) " 269 b 18 For " Tom l-> " read " 8 Tom." and for " 1898-> " read " 1898-96." 269 b 12 4 For " 1881 " read " 1880 " and add next line :— " 1904. SocirU Royalr Zoologique el Malacolmjiqve de Belyi'/ne." 270 a 11 1 For " (C. DE) " read " (CAMILLE DE) [1861-] " 270 a 18 1 For " (ARVID) [1799-] " read " (Anvn> Sri HK) [1799-1865] " 19 PAGE COL. ENTRY LINE 270 a 14 1 For " (A.) " read " (A. S.) " 274 a 14 Cancel. 274 a 16 1 For " [1829-] " read " [1829-1907] " 274 b 3 Add to note : — " Banksian MSS. No. 18 & 10. See DRYANDER, 'Cat. Bilil. Banks,' Vol. Y, pp. 71 & 522." 274 b 4 1 Add after author's name " F.R.S." 274 b 5 1 Add after author's name " Vice-Consul Nyaaaland [1855-1896] " 274 b 6 1 Add after author's name " F.L.8." 274 b 10 1 For " (FKANZ) [1831-J " read " (FRANZ GEORG PHILIPP) [1831-1906] " 274 275 b 11-171 a 1-2 / 1 For " (F.) " read " (F. G. P.) " 275 a 11 3 For " 1896-> " read " 1896, hft. 1-3." 275 a 11 5 For " 1897->" read " 1897-1900." 275 a 12 1 For " [1828-] " read " [1828-1897] " 275 b 1 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 277 a 2 2 For " 5 Vol." read " 9 Vol. illust. col." 277 a 2 3 For " 1886-93 " read " 1886-1901." 277 a 5 1 For " (S. B.) " read " (SAMUEL BOTSFOBD) [1809-1884] " 277 a 6 1 Add after name of first author " [1846-1902] " 277 a 7 3 For " 1888 " read " 1888 (-89)." 277 a 19 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 277 b 3 1 For " [1818-] " read " [1818-1905] " 277 b 6 1 For " (E.) " read " (EUGENE) " 277 b 6 3 For " Tom. I— > " read " 2 Tom." and for " 1882— > " read " 1882-98." 278 b 1 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 278 b 2 4 For " I-> " read " l-xxxv. illust. col." and for " 1877-» " read " 1877-1902. 279 a 6 1 Add after author's name " [1846 ?-1911] " 279 a 7 2 For " 1897 " read " 1898." 279 b 2 4 For " I— > " read " I, lief. l-5f " and for " 1888-» " read " 1888-94." 279 b 8 1 For " F. C. B." read " FERDINAND CARL BERTRAM " 279 b 10 1 For " (C. G. G.) " read " (J. H. C. G. G.) " 280 a 7 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 280 b 4 1 Add after author's name " [1865-] " 280 b 9 1 For " (OTTO) " read " (JoiiANN ADAM OTTO) " 280 b 10-15 1 For " (0.) " read " (J. A. O.) " 281 a 1 2 For " (M.) " read " (M. C. W.) " 281 b 2 Add note : — " The first seventy volumes, i.e. as far as 'Poissons' Tom. X, were printed by Plassan and issued between 1799 and 1802 by Saugrain ; the stock was then bought by Didot Bros, and re-issued in 1803 with new titles bearing tiie old date of 1799." 281 b 3 Cancel and substitute the new entrv in the Supplement. 283 a 3 3 For " 1834-74 " read " 1834-90." 283 a 3 4 After "aeries" add " (known as ' Roret's Collection des Suites a Buffon ")" 283 b 3 1 Add after author's name " [1821-1898] " 283 b 6-8 Cancel and substitute the new entries in the Supplement. 284 a 4 3 For " Fasc. l-> " read " 2 Fasc.f " 284 a 4 4 For " 1899-> " read " 1899-1901." 284 a 5 3 For " Comision del Mapa Geologico." read " Institute Geologico de Esj)afia.' 284 a 6 I Add after author's name " [1787-1840] " 284 a 9 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 284 b 4 1 For " [1838-] " read " [1838-1906] " 284 b 9 Cancel (Ee-entered under CHAMBESY. 285 b 12 6 For " 1833 " read " 1883." 286 b 9 1 For " [1811-] " read " [1811-1899] " 286 b 10 4 Add " 1 pi. col. [1861.1 " 287 a 11 1 For " [1847-] " read " [1847-1905] " 287 b 3 1 For " (W.1" read " (WILLIAM) " 287 b 4 5 Add " 2 jtls. col." and note : — " Originally issued in 1702." 287 b 5-7 Cancel and substitute the new entries in the Supplement. 288 a 2 3 For " 3 Tom." read " 4 Tom." and for " -91 " read " -92." 288 a 16 Add to note :— " The corresponding manual on the animals was by H. Schlegal [?.».]." 289 a 16 Add note :— "A reprint of the 'Index universalis' appended to the 'Herbarium Amboinensis Auctuarium ' of Bermanus [q.v. under RUMPF). It was issued with the author's ' Flora Malabarica' (q.v. supra]. For another edition, of unknown date, in which the Malay names of the Plants have been added, See RCMPF (G. E.) Register, " read " No. 1-45." 301 b 84 For "[1867-»]" read "[1867-1911.]" 302 a 1-5 For " Woodwardian Museum" read " Scdgwick Muieum." 802 a 3 6 For "pp. xxiii, 204 •' tcxt illust." read "pp. xlviii, 204 '• 1 port., text illust." and add note : — " Another edition of the Preface, pp. xxxii, was published the same year." 302 b 3 Add note:— " Iii Vol. V-XXII each memoir is separately paged." 302 b 61 For " [1860] " read " [1860-1905] " 302 b 71 For " [1835-] " read " [1828-1917] " 302 b 10 2 For "Pt. I->" read "Vol. I." 802 b 10 4 For " 1889-> " read " 1889-1902." 304 a 41 Add after author's name " Botanist. [1830-] " 304 a 51 Add after author's name " [1847 ?-1912] " 304 a 92 For " Vol. I-> " rend " 3 Vol. illuit." 804 a 9 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 804 b 41 For " J." read " JAMES." 304 b 51 Add after author's name " [1859-1 " 304 b 9 1 Add after author's name " [1850-J " 304 b 10-14 1 Before " DuJic " insert " 8th " 804 b 10 2 For " [1823-] " rend " [1823-1900] " 305 a 41 For " (MARius R.) " read " (MARius ROBINSON) [1858-] " 306 a 21 For " (E. OUSTAVE) " read " (EDMOND GUSTAVE) [1852-] " 806 a 22 After "pp. ISO " add "39 tabs. : ',1 pis., 1 map." 306 b 1 2 For " pt. l-3f " read " pt. 1-5 " 306 b 18 Should read "^p. 415: 51 pis., 1 map, text illuit. 8°. Montreal, 1876-1908." 307 a 28 Should read " Pt. 1-7 [in 4 Vol.] 8". Montreal rf Ottawa, 1888-1902." 808 a 1 Cancel and substitute the uew entry in the Supplement. 808 a 2 1 For " (Founded 1S49I " read " [1849 Founded as Canadian Inttitutt. 1915 Royal Canadian liwtitute.]" 808 b 4 & 7 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 809 b 10 1 For " [1886-] " read " [1836-1918] " 310 b 83 For " (B.) " read " (J. P. B.) " 811 b 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 811 b 71 For " [1885-1 " read " [1885-1900] " 811 b 93 After " Fasc. read " VII, x & XIX. 8". 1888-86." 811 b 14 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 811 b 16 1 Add after author's name "[ 1808 ?-1888]" 812 a 8 1 For " Economic " read " Economical " 312 a 4 1 For " (G) " read " (GAVINO) [1862-1895] " 812 b 18 1 For " (F) " read " (FERDINAND) " 21 PA8E COL. ENTRT LINE 313 a 13 1 Add "[Founded 1784.]" and note:— "For a history of the Society, See Spink's 'Numismatic Circular,' Oct., 1910, p. 12335." 313 a 15 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 314 a 12 1 For " (A) " read " (O.) " 814 b 5 Add to note :— " [The original Spanish edition was published at Lisbon in 1881.) " 314 b 11 1 For " (H. VAN) " read " (HERMAN VAN) [1857-] " 315 a 15 1 For " (J.) " read " (JOSEPH) " 315 b 8 1 For " (GEORGE W.) " read " (GEORGE WILLIAM) " 315 b 12 1 For " (F.) " read " (Sir FREDERIC) [1839-] " 315 b 13 6 For "1868-> Vol. H->" read "1868-1902. Vol. II-xxxiv." 315 b 13 7 For " 1870-> " read " 1870-1903." and add after note :— " [Continued as :] Transactions, &c., Vol. XXXV-* [q.v.] " 315 b 17 3 Dele " Atlas 1™ ptie." and add at end of line " -1915." 316 a 71 For " (LfioN) " read " (LiioN Louis HIPPOLYTE) [1854-] " 316 a 8 & 9 1 For " (L.)" read " (L. L. H.) " 316 a 83 Should read " Tom. m-xiv. 8°. 1887-98." 316 b 14 For " 1826 " read " [1826.]" 317 b 4 Add note:— " There is an Index to Ed. I-x at the end of Bd. x." 317 b 13 3 For " 1804." read " [1804.] " 318 a 71 For " (ADOLPHE) " read " (MARIE ADOLPHE) [1839-] " 318 a 91 For " [1836-] " read " [1836-18991 " 318 a 17 1 Add after author's name " [1865-J " 319 a 10 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 319 a 12 1 Add after author's name " [1862-] " 320 a 62 For " Vol. I-> 4°. 1894." read " Vol. l-vm. 4°. 1894-1902." 320 a 7 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 320 a 11 1 For " [fl. 1848-1867] " read " [1823-1876] " 320 a 15 1 For " [1869-] " read " [1869-1910] " 321 a 93 Add " Vol. XII." 321 b 82 Dele " : 182, 192" 321 b 83 For "Fasc. I— >" read "pp. 638." 321 b 84 For " , 1897-> " read " [1897-1908]." 322 b 1 1 For " [1823-] " read " [1823-1903] " 322 b 52 For " C. J. Allmau " read " G. J. Allman " 322 b 82 For " l-> "&" 1878-> " read " l-xxvi "&" 1878-1903 " 323 a 51 For " [1838-] " read " [1838-1902] " 323 a 91 For " (THOMAS L.) [-1896] " read " (THOMAS LINCOLN) " 323 a 11 1 Add after author's name " [1839-1909] " 323 b 21 For " E." read " EDWARD " 324 a 8 3&4 " Tom. I-vi," &c., should read " 60 Tom. 8°. 1804-30." 324 b 41 For " CASSTROEM " read " CASSTROM " 325 a 2 1 Add after author's name " [1829-] " 325 a 13 Add note :— " Pp. 1-96 were issued in Aug., 1834, and the rest in 1835." 325 b 33 For " (H.) " read " (A. H.) " 325 b 64 For " 1837-41 " read " [1835-] 1837-41 [-42] " ; and add note : " Issued in 52 parts as follows :— Livr. 1-3, 1835 ; 4-6, 183- ; 7 & 8, 1836 ; 9 " and " 1874-> " read " 1-6, pt. 1 " and " 1874-1907." 842 b 10 1 For " [1848-] " read " [1848-1903] " 342 b 13 1 For " D." read " DIXON " 343 b 6 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 343 b 14 1 For " (WILLIAM WATSON)" read "(Sir WILLIAM WATSON) Bart. [1852-]" 344 b 6 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 344 b 7 1 For "Field Columbian Museum" read "Field Museum of Natural History." 844 b 10 1 Add " (Founded 185".] " 345 b 4 Add to note:— "Banksian MSS. No. 27 & 28. See DRYANDKK, 'Cat. Blbl. Banks,' Vol. V, p. 11." 345 b 5 1 After " Plants," add "drawn under the superintendence of J. B. Blake," au " read " 1879-1901." and add note :— " Discontinued with p. 112 and incorporated in T. Nelson's ' Birds of. Yorkshire ' [?.».]." 354 a 5 2 For "no. 1-4" read " Vol. v [= Vol. XI of the whole issue.] " 354 a 6 3 For " 1892->" twice, read " 1892-1911." 354 b 4 1 For " (L.) " read " (Louis) " 354 b 9-11 1 .For " (CARL) " read " (GAEL ERNST) " 355 b 2 4 For 'pp. 20 : 3 pis." read "pp. 30." 356 b 3 1 For ' (G.) " read " (GEORGES) " 356 b 4 1 For ' [-1891] " read " [1828-1890] " 356 b 10 1 For ' [1835-] " read " [1835-1901] " 356 b 12 2 For 'Vol. I— >" read "Vol. l-xxvin." 356 b 12 3 For ' 1888-> " read " 1888-1901." 357 a 11 1 For " (BRACKENRIDGE) " read !' (J. BRACKENRIDGE) [1829, or 30-1867] " 357 b 1 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 358 a 1 1 For " (S.) " read " (STEPHAN) [1838-1911] " 358 a 3 3 Dele this line. 358 a 4 4 For " I— > " read " I-xi." 358 a 4 5 For " 1878-> " read " 1878-91." 358 358 a a 8\ 9/ 1 For " (AsTRlb) Miss " read " aftenvards CLEVE-EULER (AsTRlD) " 358 a 10 1 For " [1840-] " read " [1840-1905] " 359 a 5 4 Add " Museum Museorum, <6c." 359 b 4 1 For " (HiPPOLYTE) " read " (JOSEPH HYPPOLYTE) " 359 359 b b 5\ 8/ 1 For " (H) " read " (J. H.) " 359 b 9 1 Add after author's name " -1908] " 359 b 16 1 Add after author's name " 1852-1916] " 360 a 14 1 Add after author's name " -1892] " 360 a 15 1 For " (N. A.) " read " (NATHAN AUGUSTUS) " 360 b 8 1 For " [1828-] " read " [1827-1913] " 360 b 12 2 For "8 pis. (col.) " read " 7 pis. col., 1 map geol. col.," and add note : — " Jlem. R. Comit. Geol. Reg. Ital. Vol. I." 962 b 2 2 For " pars 4 " read " pars 4-6 [in 3 vol.] " 362 b 2 3 For " -96 " read " -1906." 362 b 5 1 For " [1842-] " read " [1842-1905] " 362 362 b b 9\ 10; Cancel and substitute the new entries in the Supplement. 363 a 2 4 For " lief. 4 " read " lief. 5 " and for " -97 " read " -1908." and add note :— " Bd. HI, lief. 4 (1897) terminated abruptly with p. 500, but a terminal part, lief. 6, was issued in 1908 consisting of indexes only to Bd. Ill, pt. 2 (= lief. 1-4), compiled by A. Lingclsheim." 363 a 12 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 363 a 16 Add note : — • " Banksian MS*. [No. »».] " 363 b 6 1&2 For " LOEWINSON-LESSING (F.) " read " LEVlNSON-LESSINGH (F. YU.) 363 b 11 1 Add after author's name " [1852-] " 363 b 12 1 For " (J.) " read " (JOHN) " 365 a 8 1 For " [1828-] " read " [1828-1899] " 365 a 9 1 For " [1842->] " read " [1842-1913] " 366 a 11 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 366 b 11 1 For " (E.) " read " (EuGKNE) " 366 b 17 6 For " VII— > " read " VH-xiI.f " 366 b 17 7 For " 1898->" read " 1899-1905." 367 a 3 1 For " [1826-] " read " [1826-1908] " 367 a 12 1 For " [1841- J " read " [1841-1916] " 367 b 8 1 Add after author's name " [1816-1901] " 368 b 12 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 369 b 7 o After " No. 1 " add " ^pp. 46 [1]." 369 b 14 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 370 a 8 1 Add after author's name " [1837-1902] " 371 a 11 3 For " xxxvi " read " xxxvn," for " -94 " read " -1808 " and dele the first line of the note. 372 a 4 1 For "COMPAMTTO (Louis) " read " COMFANTO LANQUINE (JEAN BAUDILE Louis) " 372 a 12 4 Add to note : — "Tills is a continuation of the author's ' Report on Insects for the year 1881' made to the U.S. Department of Agriculture [q.v.],". 372 b 7 3 For " I— >" read " l-in, lift. 3.f " •Jt PAGE COL. KNTRT LINE 872 h 7 4 For " 1880-»" read " 1880-85 [-94 I/- 372 b 16 B For " / map" read " .,' maps." 874 I 6 3 For first " 1864— >• " read " 1864-92 " and for second " 1864-» " read " 1864-93." add to note : — "A new scries of Concrrsufii, omitting 'Horticulture,' was hciruu in 1900 17. r.]." 874 b 9 8 For " Les " read " J)i s " 876 a 7 & 8 Cancel. Sec new entries under COSTANTIN in the Supplement. 376 :;:; b a 5 8 1 1 For " [1824-1897] " read " [1824-1907] " For " [1842-] " read " [1842-1916] " 878 a 3 Add note :— " A portrait of Cook and one of King, both by ,T. Wcbher, engraved by Bartolozzi (1784), and a plate depleting ' The Death of Captain Cook,' engraved by Bartolozzi and Byrne (1786) from a drawing by Webber, have been inserted at* the end of the Atlns." 878 a 15 1 Add after author's name " [1862-] " 878 i. 1 1 Add after author's name " [1829-1887] " 878 379 b a 2 12 1 1 For " [1825-] " read " [1825-1914] " For " (W. W.) " read " (WELLS WoonnmncK) [1858 ?-1916] " 379 a 18 1 For " (T.) " read " (THOMAS) " 379 b 9 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 3S1 B 13-15 Cancel and substitute the new entries in the Supplement. 381 b 1 1 A '2 Should read : — COPENHAGEN. Dausk Botaiiisk Forening. [1840 Founded as £"''nn'xX- l-'»/r,i'tiii. 1903 Daiirk Illltllllink /•'., «•;>//!./.] 381 b 1 4 After " Kiierskow " add " and L. Kolderup-Kosenvinj;i> " 381 I, 2 1 For " Botanisk Forening " read •• Dansk Botanisk Forening.'' 381 1, B Dele the note. 381 b 5 3 After " Meinert" add " ([and afterwards] A. Klocker) " 381 b 12 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 382 a 7 Add to note : — " The Natural History and Mathematical portions of the Ofversigt 1814-36 were also printed with and formed part of the Skrifter of that Class (Ser. iv), Dl. l-vi, 1824-37." 383 a 7 6 After " 1809" add " (i.e. 1810]." 383 b 2 1 For " (L.) " read " (Louis) " 384 a 1 1 For " E. JACOB " read " EUGENE JACOB " 384 a 7 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 884 a 10 3 For " Redige " read " OuvTage redige " 384 • 10 6 For " (A. C. V. D. D') " read " (C. F. DE) " 384 a 13 Add note : — " An Index to Vol. I-xx was issued us part of Tom. XX, 1916." 384 h 12 1 For " (W. H.) " read " (WILLIAM HENRY) [1843-1903] " 385 b 5 1 For " [1837-] " read " [1837-1908] " 385 1. 6 2 For " (E. H.) " read " (E. H. P. A.) " 385 b 10 1 For " [1841-1 " read " [1841-19021 " 385 i, 11 1 For " [1843-1 " read " [1843-1901] " 386 a 10 1 For "[1844-]" read " [1844-1917]" 386 a 18 1 For " (CARL ERICH) " read " (CARL FKANZ JOSEPH EKICH) [1864-] " 386 1. 2 1 Add after author's name " [1854-1 " 886 1. 8 1 Add after author's name " [1845-]" 886 387 b a 8-16\ 1-7/ For " Comission del Mapa Gcologico " read " Institute Oeologico de Espaila." 387 a 6 1 For " PATO " read " PATO Y QUINTANA " 387 a 13 1 For " (E.) " read " (EMiLio) " 388 :•. 1 1 For " [1833-] " read " [1833-1902] " 388 1 5 1 For " (J. DK) " read " (J. CHARPENTIER DE) " 388 a 14 (Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 388 a 15 1 For " (J.) " read " (J. M.) " 388 a 16 3 For "1" read "1-4." 388 .1 16 4 Should read " pp. IS',. 8". Paris [1848-52]." 888 I 16 5 Dele. 886 388 i. b 9 18&14 4 1 After " 1854 " insert " (i.e. 1855] " For " (L.) " read " (J. L.) " 889 I 2 1 For " [1823-] " read " [1823-1898] " 889 i, 8 1 Add after author's name " [1717-1791] " HI b 11 Add note:— " A re-luue of the plates to this work with an additional seven In t. Ma/ell under the title ' Triton Britannlcus' was pr.ij.-cti-d but not carried out (Pultcney, ' Catalogues,' p. 24). The set was subsequently utilized and adapted by Kackett to Illustrate the second edition of Pulteney'i • Catalogues ' |}.t>.]." 389 b 18 4 Insert " 2 IV, alter date to " 1871-74," and add note :— •• Collana di Scrlttnrl dl terra d' Otranto. The wrapper to the first part !• dated ls7:i." And 25 PAGE COL. 389 b ENTRY 14 LINK 3 For " 1829 " read " 1829[-30] "and add note :— " The dedication is dated '24 Novembre, 1830.' " 389 b 390 a 390 a 391 a 891 b 392 b 392 b 393 a 393 a 394 394 394 394 394 395 395 395 395 396 396 396 397 a 397 a 898 a 398 a 898 b 399 a 399 a 399 a 399 b 400 a 400 400 400 401 401 401 401 401 401 402 a 402 a 402 a 402 a 402 a 402 b 403 a 403 a 403 a 403 a 403 403 403 403 a b b b '• 1874-90" read " 1874-94." 404 a 404 a 405 a 405 b 15 Add to note : — " Issued irregularly iu fasciculi of varying amounts of text. The dates of printing off, and consequently the approximate dates of issue, of the several sheets, minor sections or single leaves is, in most cases, printed at the hack or fold of the paper where stitched into the book. A list of these dates has been compiled from many copies by Mr. C. D. Sherborn and is kept in the archives of the ' Index Animalium.' "< 1 Add note : — " The half-title reads :— ' Annuario Zoologico, 1834,' and it is often quoted under that title." 5 Add note : — " Originally issued iu the ' Atti Accad. Pontaniana' as follows :— Pt. I in Atti Vol. v, fasc. 5, 1850. Pt. II „ „ VII, pt. 1, 1853. Pt. HI „ „ viii, pt. 1, 1864. Append. „ VIII, pt. 2, 1864. [Three extra plates [A-GJ were issued with the reprint of the Appendix.] " 3 1 For " (E. C.) " read " (EvEEAKD CHARLES) " 15 8 For " (A. D. D') " read " (A. C. V. M. D') " 11 1 Add after author's name " [1844-] " 11 & 12 For " Direocao dos Trabalhos Geologicos " read " Commissao do Serviqo Oeologico." 4 1 Add after name of first author " [1825-1896] " 9 1 For " (W. H.) " read " (WILLIAM HENRY) " 2 4 For " (J. E.) " read " (J. E. F.) " 5 1 For " (L.) " read " (LiioN MARCEL) [1864-] " 6 1 For " (L.) " read " (L. M.) " 18 1 For " (M. S.) " read " (MosES STANLEY) [1842-] " 18 2 For " 1878-81 " read " 1876-81." 12 1 Add after author's name " [1840-1899] " 9 1 For " (P.) " read " (PIERRE BENJAMIN) " 11 1 For " (E.) " read " (EDMOND) " 16 1 For " (FREDERICK V.) " read " (FREDERICK VEENON) [1867-] " 14 1 For " (EDWARD T.) " read " (EDWARD THOMAS) [1821-] " 3 1 For " (S. HERBERT) " read " (SAMUEL HERBERT) " 12 1 For " [1781-] " read " [1780-1865] " 2 4 For " l-xvii.f " read " l-xvin.f " and for ' 13 1 For " [1831-] " read " [1831-1901] " 1 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 3 1 For " (A. R.) " read " (ALBERT EOGEES) " 10 1 For " (ALFRED E.) " read " (ALFRED EUGENE) [1848-] " 1 1 For " [1841-1 " read " [1841-1913] " 11 2 & 3 For " Koenigliche Geologische Landesuntersuchung " read " Koeniglich-Saechsische Geologische Landesanstalt." 12 1 For " [1850-] " read " [1850-1908] " 13 1 For "[1830-1 " read " [1830-1903] " 8 1 For " [-1863] " read " [1788-1863] " 1 3 Before date insert " [June] " 2 1 For " T." read " TOWNSEND " 7 5 For " 1826 " read " 1826 [-30 or '31]." 3 1 For " [1856-] " read " [1856-1917] " 7 1 For "[1850-]" read "[1850-1912]" 11 Dele. 16 1 Add after author's name " [1845 ?-1909] " 10 1 For " [1833-] " read " [1833-1906] " 14 3&4 Dele the "->" 3 1 For " J. P. " read " JAN PIETER " 6 1 For " 1702 " read " 1722 " 11 1 For " [1832-] " read " [1832-1919] " 11 2 For " I— > " read " i-cxvin." 11 3 For ' 1860-> " read " 1860-1919." 14 1 For ' (C.- F.) " read " (CHARLES FREDERICK) [1855-] " 2 1 For ' (WHITMAN) " read " (CHARLES WHITMAN) [1854-] " 3-5 1 For ' (W.) " read " (C. W.) " 10 5 For ' 1870-94 " read " 1870-1902." 17 1 Add after author's name " [1844 ?-1916] " 17 2 For "Vol. l-> 8°. 1896-> " read " Vol. I-III & vm. 8°. 1896-1904." 7 1 • For " (HiPPOLYTE M.) " read " (HiPPOLYTE MARIE) [1798-1871] " 8 1 For " (P. L.) " read " (PIERRE Louis) [1802-1871] " 13 After line 4 insert : — • " 1902 Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society." 4 1 For " (W. B.) " read " (WILLIAM BUNTING) " 4 2 For "Vol. l-> 8°. 1896-> " read " Vol. l-vill. 8°. 1896-1904." 8 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. , 2 1 Add after author's name " [1827-1902] " 26 PAOE COL. KNTRY I.IMC 406 a 2 1 Add after author's name "[1850-19001" 406 a 51 Add after author's name " (1843-1914] " 406 a 81 Add after author's name " [1859-] " 406 b 21 Add after author's name " [1841-19181 " 406 b 91 For "(J.)" read "(JACQUES)" and for "(G.)" read "(G. B. M.)" 407 a 61 For " (CAKLTON C.) " read " (CARLTON CLABKNCK) " 407 a 10 & 12 Cancel and substitute the new entries in the Supplement. 407 b 21 Add after name of first author " [1808-18721 " 407 b 18 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 408 a 2 Add note : — " Lawrence al»o contributed t<> the sixth edition, 1824, and the seventh edition, 1834, which latter was entitled :— ' Practical directions . . . for improving meadow and pasture land, with an enumeration of the British Grasses. . .Seventh edition.' " 408 a 10 21 After "Hooker" add " W. B. Hemsley, W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, Sir D. Train" 408 a 10 22 Add note :— " The original drawings for the plates iu Vol. I-XV1II are in the Botanical Department." 408 b 9 & 10 1 For "Baron" read "1st Earl" 408 b 98 For " 8". 1892 " read " 8". & col. (1891-)1892." 409 a 23 For " 1825 " read " [1821-1182f>." 409 a 44 For " 1831-32" read " [July 1 1831-[Nov.] 1832." 409 b 2 Add to note on the second edition : — " The dates i>f publication of the volumes are :— Tom. I, Aug., 1821 ; II, pt. 1, April. 1822 ; n, pt. -2, June, 1S22 : in, July, 1822 ; IV, April, 1823 ; V, pt. 1, Dec., 1823 ; v, pt. 2, Dec., 1S24. " 410 a 3 4 To be followed by note :— " This work was issued early in December, 1810 (Bilil. France)." 410 a 3 8 For " 1829 " read " 1829-30 " and follow with the note :— " Tom. I, II, IV and V appeared in April, 1829 ; Tom. Ill, in March, 1S30." 410 a 4 11 For " 1829 " read " 1829 [-801." 410 a 4 13 Add " Synopsis by J. K. Gray." 410 a 6 Note to begin with : — " This is known us Henderson's edition" and end with : — " These plates arc redrawn and reverse1! froinGueriii'Meneville's ' Icono- graphic.'" 410 b 4 Add to note :— " With manuscript notes by A. Gilnther." 410 b 12 Add note:— "No plates numbered SOB, :ilO, :!24 or :!25 «ere ever published ; and there is no text to plates 339-3IO." 411 a 6 Add to note :— " Tlie dates of publication of the volumes were as follows:— '""• ,};} Oct., 1828. III. May, 1829. IT. Nov., 1829. v. July, 1830. VI. Sept., 1831). VII. April, 1831. VIII. Jan., 1832. IX. March, 1833. X. Sept., 1835 XI. JuJy, 1830. XII. .March. 1837. MIL April, 183!). XIV. Jan., 184U. XV. Nov., 1840. XVI. All',-., 1842. XVII. July, 1844. xviii. Sept., 18411. XIX. May, 1847. XX. Nov., 1847. XXI. Sept., 1848. XXII. Jan., 1850." 411 b 17 1 For "CZEBWY (FRANZ VON)" read " C2EBNY VON SCHWARZZNBZRG (FRANZ VON) [1847-] " 413 a 10 1 For (" FRIEDRICH THEODORE) " read " (CARL FRIKDRICH THEODORE) " 413 a 11 & 12 1 For " (F.T.) " read " (C.F.T.) " 413 a 10 • '> \ -.-, 413 a 11 2/ For " (V.) " read " (V. A. C.) " 413 a 15 1 Add after author's name " [1871-] " a 16 1 For " (OvE) " read " (OvE CHRISTIAN) [1862-1 " Si! b Tl9 1} F°r "(O.)" read "(O.C.)" 414 b 13 For "1774 "read "[1774.1" 414 b 21 For " [1825-] " read " [1825-1893] " 414 b 4 3 Add "[Publication No. 4.}" 414 b 81 For "(Huoo)" read "(HuooGusTAF ADOLF) [1856-1" 414 b 91 For " (H.) " read " (H. G. A.)". 414 b 9 3 For " onlande " read " odladc " 41"> a 1 1 For "[1886-]" read "[1836-1910]" 416 a 83 For " 1829 " read " 1829 [-31]." 415 a 9 Add note:— " With manuscript not«« l>y J. Petlver." 415 a 11 1 For " (T. NKLSON) " read " (THOMAS NELSON) [1845-] " 415 b 92 For "pp. 1*47. • 05 ph." read "pp. 1654: 60 pit." 415 b 94 For " -98 " read " -1908." PAGE COL. ENTRY LINK, 416 a 41 For " DELLAFORTA " read " DALLAFORTA " 416 b 1 & 2 Cancel and substitute the new entries in the Supplement. 416 b 41 For "[1841-]" read "[1842-1909]" and note:— " Originally issued in 1879." 416 b 10 4 For " 1807 " read " [1807.1 " 416 b 11 3 For " 1816 " read " [1816.1 " 416 b 20 8 For "1808" read "[1808.]" 416 b 21 1 For " (K.) " read " (KARL) [-190.9] " 417 a 11 3 y For"Bd. n-> 8". 1889-> " read " Bd. l-xx. 8°. 1888-1907." 419 b 72 For " Pt. I— > " read " 2 Pt." and for " 1891— > " read " 1891, 98." 420 a 9 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 421 a 81 For " [1822-] " read " [1822-1899] " 422 a 3 1 Add after author's name " [1865-] " 423 b 16 1 For " (FRANCIS) " read " (Sir FRANCIS) " 423 b 17-19 1 For " (F.) " read " (Sir F.) " 424 a 1 3 For "Royal Gardens " read "Royal Botanic Gardens." 424 a 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 424 a 5 1 For "[1844-]" read "[1844-1917] " 424 a 6 1 Add after author's name " [1848- J " 425 a 6 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 425 a 8 6 For " [1845 ?] " read " [1844.] " 425 b 9 5 For " [1801] " & " [1804] " read " [1802] " & " [1805]." 426 a 5 1 Add after author's name " [1852-] " 426 a 71 For " [1818-] " read " [1818-1906] " 426 a 8 3 For " -IV " and " -86 " read " — > " 426 a 14 1 For " [1826-] " read " [1826-1900] " 426 b 6 1 For " (T. W. EDOEWORTH) " read " (TANNATT WILLIAM EDGEWORTII) [1858-] " 426 b 10 3 For " (E. H.) " read " (E. H. P. A.) " 427 b 7 1 For " S. " read " SUTTON " 428 a 2 Add note :— " Acuonliiiic to Fischer von \Valdltuliu ((.'at. Syst. Livres Bihlioth. P. de Demidolf ) Vol. I was the work of Alilic IMlquat, and Vol. II and III of Rome de Lisle." 428 a 61 Add after author's name " [-1907] " 428 a 8 1 For " (.1. K. AINSWORTH) " read " (.TAMES RICHARD AINSWORTH) [1861-] " 428 a 12 3 For " See SCIENCE AND ART MUSEUM, DUBLIN " read " See NATIONAL MUSEUM OP SCIENCE AND ART, IRELAND" 428 a 16 4 For " lid. I " read " Bd. I & XVII." 429 a 91 Add after author's name " [1870-] " (429 a 12-171 n „ „ ,, „. „ , I42Q 1 1-3 I Jrrenx Mr to the author s Christian names. 429 b 41 For " [1849-] " read " [1849-1901] " 429 b 13 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 430 b 41 For " (S. E.) " read " (SAMUEL EDWARD) [1838-J " _1 " 1859- 1867 1822-1906] " 1827-1910]" 1854 ?-1900] " 430 b 8 1 Add after author's name 431 a 20 1 Add after author's name 431 b 6 1 Add after author's name 431 b 8 1 Add after author's name 432 a 3 1 Add after author's name 432 a 4 Add note :— " This also forms part of BATTANDIER & TRABUT'S 'Flore de 1'Algerie,' Ser. II, vol. I, 1897 [?.».]." 432 a 51 For " (JULIEN) [-1895] " read " (JULlEN MARC) [1826-1895] " 432 a 6-8 1 For " (J.) " read " (J. M.) " 432 a 12 Cancel and substitute the new entrv in the Supplement. 433 a 14 Add note:— " Festschrift zur 20. Hauptrersamniliuij; der Deutschen Geol. Ges. zu Bonn. Also forms Thl. 1 of Bd. n of the ' Erlilnternngen znr Oeol. Karte der Rheinprovinz und der Proving Westphalen/ J.T." 433 b 11 For " ( ) " read " (ISAIAH) " 433 b 23 For " 1859-61 " read " 1859-65." 433 b 7 1 For " (A.) " read " (ALFONS) " 434 a 11 1 For " B. " read " EICHARD " 434 b 2 3 For " 1824 " read " [Nov.] 1824." 434 b 31 For " (L. H.) " read " (LAFAYETTE HOYT) " 484 b 32 Add "pp. SO." 434 b 4 For " PoiTEZ " read " POTIEZ " twice. 28 PAOI COL. ISTRY LINK 484 b 7 Add note:— " Mrin. Soc. R. Sci. Lille, 1839." 434 b 88 For " 1849 " read " [Oct.] 1849." 484 b 11 1 For "[1848-1 " read " [1848-1919] " Add note :— " The original water-colour drawings for this work, liy E. Wilson, are kept In the Walslngham Library." 484 b 15 & 16 2 For " (Sir B.) " read " (Sir B. W. F.) Bart." 485 a 21 For " [1825-] " read " [1825-1897] " 485 a 2 4 For " Deshaisnes " read " Dehaisnes " 485 a 25 For " -75 " read " -76." 485 b 81 Add after author's name " [1837-] " 485 b 6 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 485 b 73 Add note:— " Published :— Vol. I, Sept., 1825; II, April, 182B; III, Nov., 1828; IV, Dec., 1829 ; V, July, 1831." 485 b 77 For " 1838 " read " [Sept.] 1838." 436 a 8 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 486 a 12 Add to note :— " Mary Anning's copy, with her signature." 436 b 7 8-4 For " Service de la Carte Qeologique detailee " read " Service del Topographits Souter- raines." 436 b 18 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 437 a 11 For " (P. DE) " read " (P. G. DE) " 487 a 10 1 For " (E.) " read " (ERNEST) [1835 ?-1888] " 437 a 14 & 15 Dele. Bewritten under LA ROCHE. 487 b 81 Add after author's name " [1865 7-1893] " 487 b 10 3 For " (A.) " read " (A. B.) " 487 b 16 3 For " Montremont " read " Montemont " 437 b 16 4 For " 1847 " read " [July] 1847." 488 a 11 8 For "1843" read "[Jan.] 1843." 438 a 12 1 For "(BENJAMIN)" read "(JULES PAUL BENJAMIN) " 438 b 13117 l} For " (B-) " read " (JoLES P- B-) " 438 b 4 1 Add after author's name " [-19081 " f4-5! 438 b < 7, 8 > For " Direcc&o dos Trabalhos Geologicos " read " Commissfio do Servico Oeologico." I &10J 439 a 81 For " (C. H.) " read " (CHARLES HENRI) " 439 a 16 1 For " [1833-] " read " [1833-1905] " 439 b 8 Dele. 440 a 8 1 For " (A.) " read " (ALPHONSE) " 440 b 51 For " [1852-] " read " [1852-1918] " 441 a 5 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 441 b 16 1 Add after author's name " [1855-1909] " 442 a 91 For " (CHARLES) " read " (CHARLES JEAN JULIEN) [1854-] " 442 a 10-15 1 For " (C.) " read " (CHARLES J. J.) " 442 b 21 For " [1847-] " read " [1847-1906] " 442 b 61 Add after author's name " [1808-1894] " 442 b 18 1 Add after author's name " [1851-1915] " 443 a 11 1 For " (FR. ED.) " read " (FRANZ EDUARD) [1786-1843] " 443 a 12 1 For " (F.) " read " (FRAN?ois) [1827-1902] " 448 a 16 1 Add after author's name " [-1913] " 443 b 45 After " as well as " add " lists of Fish and " 444 a 81 For " (ALFRED) [-1883] " read " (PIERRE ALFRED) [1828 ?-1883] " 444 a 4-9 1 For " (A.) " read " (P. A.) " 444 b 10 8 For " 1831 " read " [Sept.] 1831." 444 b 12 4 Add " [i.e. 1832]." 445 a 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 445 b 55 For " 1825 " read " [Oct.] 1825." 445 b 8 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 445 b 10 4 For " 1841 " read " [1842.] " 446 b 3 Dele. 446 b 5 Add note:— " Iwued in twelve |»rts as follows ;— Livr. 1, pott Aug., 1845; 2, Feb., 1846 ; 3, July, 1846 ; 4 <;, Feb., 1847 ; 7, post Jan., 1847 ; 8, post March, 1847 : 9, pott July, 1847 ; 10, j»»( Sept, 1847 ; 11, pott Feb., 1848 ; 12, pott Dec., 1848 = 1849." 446 b 94 For " 1855-46" read " 1846, 55 [i.e. 18491." 446 b 14 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 447 a 6 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 447 b 16 1 For " EMIL " read " EMILE " 447 b 18 1 For " (JEAN) " read " (ANDRE JEAN) " 448 a 9 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 448 b 44 After " Leimbach " add " ([and afterwards] E. M. Beineck)." 449 a 84 Add "18 No." 449 a 46 For " 1879-82 " read " 1879-1907." 29 PAOK COL. ENTRY LINE 449 b 17 3 For "1893-94-»" read "1888-9 to 1896-7." 449 b 17 4 For " 8°. 1894-» " read " 4°. 1890-98." 450 a 2 2 For " 2-4 " read " 1-4 " 450 a 61 For " [1826-] " read " [1826-1905] " 450 a 15 1 Add after author's name " [1866-1897] " 451 a 7 14 After " Author " add " by M. Ratte " 451 b 41 For " B." read " BHUGH " 452 a 92 For " 1900 " read " 1901." 452 b 72 For " 1772-78 " read " [1771-]1772-78." 454 all For " Serznam Bostlin Koeteny " read " Seznam Bostlin Kveteny " 456 a 10 3 For " [1844] " read " [1854] " 457 b 4 3 For " MINEROPHILO " read " MINEROPHILUS." 458 a 12 Add note:— " A List giving the month as well aa the year of issue of the several volumes is kept in the archives of the 'Index Animaliuin.' " 458 a 13 Add note to " Nouvelle Edition " : — " Pp. 447-8 of Vol. IX as originally printed (See copy in Tweeddale Library) was two lines short on the top of p. 447 and one short at the bottom of p. 448. A reprint of the leaf (See copy in the General Library) was issued giving the missing lines, whilst at the same time the name Meleagris silvettris, on p. 447, was changed to M. fern." 458 b 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 459 b 9 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 460 a 16 1 For "W." read "WALTHER" 460 b 2 1 Add after author's name " [1860-1 " 461 b 12 1 For " [1830-] " read " [1830-1886] " 462 b 38 Add:— " and form Banksian MSS. No. 56. See DKYANPER, 'Cat. Bibl. Banks, Vol. Ill, p. 221." 462 b 3 24 For " ( ) " read " (J. A.) " 462 b 3 25 For " (A.) " read " (J. P. B.) " 462 b 1 Add after author's name " [1850-] " 463 a 3 1 & 2 The dates refer to the first author. 463 b 6 1 For " (E. V.) " read " (EDWARD VINCENT) [1857-] " 464 b 2 11-13 Cancel. Made a separate entry in the Supplement. 465 all Add after author's name " [1827 9-1914] " 466 a 3 5 Dele " [i.e. 1852] " and add note :— " For confirmation of the correctness of the title-page date, which has heen disputed, See. note by C. D. SHERBORN in ' Geol. Mag.,' 1908, pp. 286-7." 467 a 2 1 For " A." read " ARNOLD " 467 b 91 For " [-1895] " read " [1810-1895] " 469 a 12 1 For " (C. G. G.) " read " (J. H. C. G. G.) " 469 b 3-8 1 For " DOELTER (CORNELIUS) " read " DOELTER Y CISTERICH (CORNELIUS AUGUST) " 470 a 91 For "[1840-]" read "[1840-1909]" 470 a 14 1 For " [1838- J " read " [1838-1914] " 470 b 41 Add after author's name " [-1903] " 470 b 81 For "S." read "SUMNEB" 470 b 18 1 For " F." read " FREDKRIC " 472 a 5-8 1 Add after author's name " the Younger." 472 a 5 4 For " 1831-37 " read " 1831-37[-38J." 472 a 10 1 For " (J. T.) " read " (JAMES THOMAS) " 472 a 17 1 472 b 1 & 2 ) ^or " ^om-^°n del Mapa Geologico " read " Institute Geologico de Espana." 473 a 5 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 473 b 2 Add note:— " For a notice of the London Museum, See European Mag., Vol. LII, Dec. 1807." 473 b 54 Dele "[1823] "and add note:— " This work was originally published in monthly parts, of three plates each, between April, 1822, and March, 1827. It was re-issued with new title-pages in 1834." 473 b 8_ 1 Add after author's name " [1849-J " 473 b 10 1 For " [1840-] " read " [1840-1914] " 473*, b 14 1 For " H." read " Henry " 474 a 15 Add:— " In 1899 the Society took the alternative Russian title of Obshchestvo Esteetmlspuitatelet, " read " l-xxvil " and for " 1865 " read " 1865-1901." Add after author's name "[1838-1915] " For " NORSKE " read " NORSK " For " (HKNRY) " read " (CHARLES HENRY) [1835-1891] " Cancel and substitute the new entries in the Supplement. For " (OscAR)" read " (('ARL GEORG OSCAR)" For "(O.)" read " (C. G. O.I " Add note : — " The Index to Vol. I, which gives the valid scientific names, was issued in Vol. n and should he dated 1773. The copy in the Entomological Department came from the Hamilton Palace Library, and has the plates coloured by Moses Harris as attested in his own handwriting." 481 a 18 Dele: the MS. in question is that of Bacstrom. 481 b 21 For " (ERicu VON) " read " (ERICH DAGOBERT VON) [1865-] " 481 b 3-5 1 For " (E. VON) " read " (E. 1). VON) " 481 b 20 2 Should read "See NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND ART, IRELAND." 482 b 8 4 For " 1839 " read " [1834-J1839." Add note :— " Twenty-one additional plates, seemingly those for the beginning of Vol. II are present in the copy in the library of the Zoological Society of London." 482 b 12 Add note :— "Reprinted with the author's corrections in the ' Jaarb. Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Ind.' Dl. XXIV, 1896, p. 5-77. (C/. ' Sci. Trans. R. Dublin Soc.,' Ser. II, vol. VI, 189G, pp. 1-18 ; and SCHWALBKln 'Zeitschr. Morphol. Anthrop.' Bd. I, 1899, p. 16-240.)" 483 a 10 1 For " (HENRY) " read " (CHARLES HENRY) [1885-1891] " 488 b 8 4 For " I-IV " read " i-vil," add to date on next line " [-51] " and note :— " There is no title-page, and no letterpress to plates XXI-xxxvn, which formed llvr. 6-7, brought out in one part." 483 b 16 1 For " [1835-] " read " [1885-1903] " 484 a 7 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 484 b 21 For " (PLACIDE) " read " (PIERRE) " 484 b 23 For " [1850] " read " [Aug., 1850]." 484 b 16 5 For " 1882 >1 read " 1852." 484 b 18 1 For " (W. LAURENCE H.)" read " (WvNFRiKD LAURENCE HENRY) [1870-] " 485 a 2 1 For " [1840-] " read " [1840-1904] " 485 a 7 5 Add " [-40] and note :— " Divided into parts as follows : — Olive, pt. 1 A 2, text A pin. i-xi'i, 18.16 ; pt. S-6, ]>ln. xiii-mntiii, 1840. CotmnboUt, pt. 1 " read " 1870-97." 490 490 a a 9 10 2} For " (V.) " read " (V. J. DE L'L) " 490 b 2 i For " (W. S.) " read " (WILLIAM S.)" 491 a 3 3 After "rfc." add " Ser. XIV." 491 a 5&7 Cancel and substitute the new entries in the Supplement. 491 b 3 3 After " rfc." add " Ser. XIV." 492 a 2 1 For " [1839-] " read " [1839-1914] " 492 a 5 2 Should read " Zeszyt IV. 5 sh. col. it text. See GALICIA, Austria." 492 b 5 1 Add after author's name " [1844-] " 492 b 15 1 For " [1820-] " read " [1820-1909] " 492 b 16 1 Add after author's name " [1813-1904] " 492 b 17 1 For " (Louis) " read " (CLAUDE Louis) [1866-] " 492 493 b a 181 1 For " (L.) " read " (CLAUDE L.) " 493 a 'l 1 For " Mrazek (A.) " read " Mrazec (L.) " 494 b 2 Add note : — l( For an ' Ktude syuonymique des especes de Microlephlopteres decrites comme nouvelles par Unpoiichel, par .1. de Joannis,' See 'Ann. Soc. Ent. France,' 1915." 494 b 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 494 b 5 4 For " xxx " read " xxx[i\," and for " 1844 " read " 1844[-46]." Add note : — " Issued in eijrht livraisons numbered in sequence to those forming Tom. iv of the Supplement to the main work. Computing from data given by J. du Joaunis (Ann. Soc. Ent. France, vol. LXXXIV, 1915, p. 73) the dates of issue appear to have been : Livr. 13-15 [pp. i-viii, 1-1M1 1844 ; 1S-20 [pp. U'J-M/t, ix-xxxi\ 1845." 494 b 6 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 494 b 9 1 For " [1841-J " read " [1841-1911] " 495 a 12 4 For " 1843 " read " [April] 1843." 495 b 6 3 For " II & in " read " ll-iv " 495 b 6 4 For "-91 " read "-92." 495 b 8 1 For " [1855-] " read " [1855-1912] " 495 b 10 2 After " Bruxelles " add " rf San Jose " 495 b 10 4 After " Fasc. 1." add : — " (Bull. Soc. roy. Bot. Belgique. Tom. XXX, 1801.) " 496 a 7 2 For " 95 " read " 1-16, 25-95 : S pis." and add note :— " No. 17-24 have beeu omitted in the numeration of the pages." 496 a 11 1 Add after the name of the first author " [1795-1874] " 496 a 16 4 After " -50 " add " [-69]." 496 b 1 4 After " 1854 " insert " [i.e. 1855] " 496 b 3 Add note : — "From No. 15 bis-» (Jahresb. LIX->) many of the numbers contain each a separately paged paper. No. 21 (Jahresb. LXII) is in quarto size. " 496 b 6 2 After " [Maps.] " add "" 496 b 8 7 For " 8*. [1845.] " read " Geographic physique. Tom. I, pt. 2 ; Geologic. . .ct Chemic. - • 8". [1843-55.] " 496 b 13 1 Add after author's name " [1863-] " 497 a , 7 1 For " (PER) " read " (PER KARL HJALMAR) [1855-] " 497 a 8&9 1 For ' (P.) " read " (P. K. H.) " 497 a 10 1 For ' (A.) " read " (CHARLES AMABLE ALBAN JUDAS) [1812-1888] " 497 a 11 1 For ' ( ) " read " (ANTOINE) " 497 a 12 9 For ' [1846-] " read " [1846-1906] " 497 a 12 3 For ' 3 Tom." read " 4 Tom." 497 a 12 4 For ' -91 " read " -92." 498 a 8 1 For ' [1841-] " read " [1841-1912] " 498 a 10 1 For ' (F. G.) " read " (FREDEEICK GEORGE) [1840-] " 498 a 13 1 For ' CHARLES " read " CARL " 498 a 16 1 For ' [1844-] " read " [1844-1907] " 498 b 5 6 Should read : — " Pp. I-v were reprinted," ibe. 32 FADE COL. INTHY LINK 499 a 6 Cancel aud substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 499 b 81 For " (J.) " read " (JEAN) " 500 a 21 Add after author's name " [1888-19101 " 500 b 91 For " (W.) " read " (WILLIAM) [-1892] " 600 b 10 1 Add after author's name " [1823-1856] " 501 a 91 For " (F. S.) " read " (FRANKLIN SUMNER) " 502 a 5 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 502 . s 7 4 For " Vol. I, pt. 1-44. 8°. 1890-94." read " Vol. I-H, pt. 2.f 8°. 1890-99." 502 a 18 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 502 b 5 1 For " Neuroptera " read " Ephemeridte " 502 b 58 For " Zoology. 4". 1892-> " read " Zoology. Neuroptera. 4". 1892." 608 a 51 For " (b. TH.) " read " (SAMUEL THEODOE) [1788-1866] " 508 a 14 1 For " (P.) " read " (PETER JOHAN ALEXEJ CONRADT) [1862-] " 508 b 17 2 For"2~>pls.(9col.)"re&A":.'i;pls.(12col.)" 503 b 17 4 Cancel the line. 504 a 8 4 For " London" read " Lyon " 504 b 10 1 For "[1822]" read "[1822-1905]" 504 b 14 4 For " Pt. I & II " read " Pt. l-III " and for " -36 " read " -37." 506 a 14 4 For " Dec. 1830 " read " Oct. 1829 " 506 a 15 3 After " Conducted " insert " [first by Capt. T. Brown, and afterwards] " 506 a 15 6 Add note :— " No. 1 with pi. CIX, T rogons, was brought out by Capt. T. Brown. See review in 'Mag. Nat. Hist.,' Vol. VIII, 1835, p. 680. Brown's name as artist appears on ulneteeu of the plates to Vol. i." 507 a 71 Add after author's name " [1862-] " 508 b 3 3 For" — Ministtre de VInstruction Publique " read " [Voyages, Ac. — Mexico.] " 508 b 54 For " Ser. \l-> 8°. 1874->- " read " Ser. VI-VIII, vol. x. 8°. 1874-99." 509 a 11 4 For " 1888-> " read " 1888-1900." 509 b 54 After "pis." add "& Atlas" 509 b 56 For " 1869." read " 1869-70." 509 b 91 Add after author's name " [1836 ?-1914] " 510 b 9 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 511 b 23 For " —Ministere de VInstruction Publique" read "[Voyages, Ac.— Mexico.]" 511 b 7 Cancel this entry. 512 a 15 1 For " (WILLIAM H.) " read " (WILLIAM HENRY) [1822-1909] " 512 b 65 Add "[Edited (Vol. l-x pars) by J.Bellenden Ker, and (Vol. x pars— XIII) by J.Liudey.]" 512 b 6 12 Add " [Edited by J. Lindley.] "' 512 b 81 For " WILLIAM VAN) " read " WILLEM VAN) [1829-1901] " 512 b 83 For " Deel xin-> " read " Deel xill-xxi " and for " 4". 1868-> " read " 8". 1868-1900." 513 a 31 For "[1836-]" read "[1836-1901]" 513 b 31 For "[1844-]" read "[1844-1903]" 513 b 41 For " (H. P.) " read " (HANS PETER) " 514 b 12 1 Add after author's name " [1861-] " 516 a 13 4 Dele " W. Alton's ' Hortus Kewensis,' Ac. (1767) " 516 a 13 6 After " (1767) " add " five of which were utilised for illustrations in Aiton's ' Hortus Kewensis.' " 517 a 14 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 518 a 4 10 All Should read:— " [Said to have been translated, with additional matter, from the Russian originals in the ' Schrift. k. St. Petersb. Mineral. Oesell. ' (in which, however, it does not occur)]'1 518 b 11 For " [1845-]" read " [1845-1901] " 518 b 16 1 For " EISCHELBERG " read " EICHELBERG " and transfer to p. 516. 519 a 10 1 For " (A.) " read " (A. J.) " 519 a 18 1 For " (H.) " read " (HEINRICH) [1814-1891] " 519 b 51 For " [1831-] " read " [1831-1904] " ' 519 b 8 1 For " (A. P.) " read " (ANTON PETROVlCH) " 520 b 31 For " (E. V.) " read " (EMIL VIKTOR) [1811-1884] " 521 a 11 For " [1818-] " read " [1818-1897] " 521 a 31 Add after author's name " [1854-1905] " 521 a 15 1 Add after author's name " [1854-] " 521 b 10 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 521 b 12 5 For " [1845 ?] " read " [1844.] " 522 a 9 8 For " COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY " read " PRINCETON UNIVERSITY." 522 a 18 1 For "[1822-]" read "[1822-1916]" 522 a 17 1 Add after author's name " [1885-1915] " 522 b 14 1 Add after author's name " [1862-] " 523 a 68 For " (J. E.) " read " (J. E. F.) " 528 b 11 Add after author's name "[1829-]" 524 a 4 Add note : — " Banknian MS. No. S3. Sre DHYANDKR, 'Cat. Blbl. Banks,' Vol. II, p. 17." 524 a 71 For " (ROBERT W.) " read " (ROBERT WHEELOCK) [1845-] " 524 a 9 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 524 a 10 1 Add after author's name "[1790-1859]" 33 I'AOK COL. KNTRY MM: 524 b 12 1 Add 524 b' 13 " read " CLVHI-CCCXXIV." For " 1871-» " read " 1871-1902." For " (ADOLF) [-1900] " read " (GUSTAV ADOLF) [1832-1900] " for " (A.) " read " (G. A.) " For " (LEO) [1858-] " read " (LEO ABEAM) [1858-1905] " For " (L.) " read " (L. A.) " For " Gmbe " read " Gruber " For " [1837-] " read " [1837-1896] " Add after author's name " [1870-J ' For " BEUSS " read " BEISS " For " 1791 " read " 1793." 34 PAGE COL. BNTKY LINK 641 b 11 1 Add after author's imme " [1745-1830] " 541 b 18 10 For "338 ph." read "SXSph." 541 b 13 18 For "-cxviii" read " -cxcviii" Ml b 18 19 For "117B" read "117A" 542 a 2 10 For "?" read " inter isos A isio " 548 a 11 1 For " ex " read " et " 548 al!5 Add as note " Wanting." r>43 a 14 8 For " 1658 " read " 1558." 543 b 18 1 For " [1820-] " read " [1819-1908] " 51 1 a 7 2} For" " read " I-v." 557 b 22 For "1869-»" read "1869-1904." 557 b 2 4 For"Pt. i. 1889 " read " t Pt. 1899, 1904." 557 b Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 557 b 61 For " (CHARLES) " read " (CHARLES ISAAC) " 557 b 71 For " (C.) " read " (C. I.) " 558 a 6 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 35 PAOE COL. ENTRY LINE 558 a 71 For "Faussek (VICTOR) " read " Fausek (VIKTOR ANDREEV!CH) " 558 a 81 For " (J.) " read " (JOHANNES) [-1903] " 558 a 84 Add " [ = Bd. VIII.] " 558 a 91 For " (ALBERT) " read " (CHARLES ADOLPHE ALBERT) " 558 b T43}1 For " (A.) " read "(C. A. A.)" 558 b 5 2 After " . . . " add " avec un Traite de la Zoomorphose ... " 558 b 7 Dele the note. 559 a 15 1 For " [1822-] " read " [1822-1904] " 559 b 51 Add after the author's name " [1845 ?-1918] " 559 b 53 For " 12 " read " 14 " and for " 1891-98 " read " 1891-1902." 559 b 61 Add after author's name " [-1920] " 560 a 11 For " [1824-] " read " [1824-1907] " 560 b 31 For " (BORIS A.) " read " (BORIS ALEKSYEVlCH) " 561 a 11 For " (GH. P.) " read " (GHRiGHORli PAVLOV!CH) " 561 a 21 For " (OLGA A.) " read " (OLGA ALEKSANDROVNA) " 561 a 51 For " [1835-] " read " [1835-1906] " 561 a 81 Add after author's name " [1853-1919] " 561 b 1 Add note:— " Keprinted from Pt. I of the author's ' Essai sur les Cryptogames,' etc. 561 b 8 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 562 a 81 For " (HERMANN VON) " read " (HERMANN CHRISTIAN VON) " 562 b 82 For " (A. H.) " read " (Sir A. H.) K.C.B." 564 a 21 For " [1820-] " read " [1819-1902] " 564 a 12 1 Add after author's name " [1838-1902] " 564 a 14 1 For " (L.) " read " (H. L.) " 564 b 15 1 For " (R.) " read " (REINDER) " -cr u i? !• Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. • >(»•> D 11 ( 566 a 10 1 For " (R. W.) " read " (RICHARD WILLIAM) [1819 ?-1899] " 566 a 15-17 1 Add after author's name " of Colombo, Ceylon." 566 b 10 Add note:— " With Vol. vi & vn were issued Vol. I & n of THE BRYOLOGIST [}.».]." 567 a 2 4 \ A. I For " Common del Mapa Geoldgico " read " Institute Geologico de Espana." t)o i ft 4. 4 — 0 1 567 a 6 3-4; 567 a 91 Add after author's name " [1838-1907] " 567 b 8 3-4 For " Olivine Meteorites " read " Orvinio Meteorite " 567 b 13 1 For " MODESTO " read " MANSUETO " 568 a 41 For " [1829-] " read " [1829-1903] " 568 a 51 For " Ferret (A.) & Galiuier ( ) " read " Ferret (PIERRE VICTOR ADOLPHE) Galinier (J. G.) " 568 a 10 1 Add after author's name " [1603-1673] " 568 a 15 4 For " (A. D. DE) " read " (A. C. V. M. DE) " 568 a 18 1 For " (C. DE) " read " (F. M. CAMILLE DE)" 568 b 2 Add note :— " Comprises two papers the first of which (pp. 10-22) originally appeared in the "Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris," torn, xix, Dec. 1812. The second (pp. 35-56) : — ' Considerations ^enerales sur les Mollusques terrestres et tiuviatiles,' which does not seem to have been previously printed, is sometimes quoted as a separate work." 568 b 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 563 b 12 2} For"(A. D. DE) " read " (A. C. V. M. DE) " 569 a 2 Add to the note :— " There are two editions of the" Tableaux systematiiiues," one published in January and the other in July 1821, differing in the pagination. See CONNOLLY (M.) in Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. x, 1912, p. 53. " For notes on the dates of publication of the parts, See SHERBORN (C. D.) and WOODWARD (B. B.) in Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. VII, vol. VIII, 1901, pp. 74-76." 569 a 71 For " (P. V. A.)" read " (PIERRE VICTOR ALFRED) " 569 b 11 Add after author's name " [1850-] " 569 b 15 1 For " (E.) " read " (ENILE) " 570 a 6 1 For "(ADOLF EDGEN)" read "(ADOLF GASTON EUGEN) [1829-1901]" 570 a 81 For " (CARL) [1849-] " read " (CARL RUDOLF DIETRICH) [1849-1904] " 570 a 91 For " (C.) " read " (C. R. D.) " 570 a 12 1 For " (MAX ) " read " (MAXIMILIAN) " 571 a 1 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 571 a 3 1 For " (ARTHUR M.) " read " (Sir ARTHUR MOSTYN) K.C.B." 571 a 51 For " (H. C.) " read " (HENRY CLAYLANDS) [1825-1912] " 571 a 91 For " [-1851] " read " [1805-1851] " 571 b 14 1 For" [1814-1 "read" [181 4-1883J" 571 b 16 1 For " [1843-] " read " [1843-1902] " 572 b 8-10 1 Add after author's name "Zoologist." 36 l'.u;n I'.IL. INTKT LIKE 578 a 8 1 Add after author's name "[1802-1876]" 57:: a 9 1 For -|1834-]" road "[1834-1902]" 578 a 18 2 For " 6-> " read " l-> " and for " 1898-» " read " 1895-» " 578 a 21 1 For " P. " read " PIERRE " 578 b 2 1 For " f 1889-] " read " [1889-1917] " 578 b 14 Cancel and substitxite the new entry in the Supplement. 574 a 8 1 For "[1858-] "read "[1858-19181" 574 a 15 1 For "[1852-]" read "[1852-1915]" 574 b 4 1 For " (E.) " read " (EsilL) [1852-1919] " 574 b 53 Add " Thl. I, abth. 1 & 1** " and for " 1887-> " read " 1898-1900." 574 b 10 1 Dele " [-1878] " 574 b 12 1 Add after aiithor's name "[1842-1916 1" 575 a 91 Add after author's name " [1845-1910] " 575 a 12 1 For " (HENRI) " read " (PIERRE MARIE HENRI) " 675 a 14 1 For " 1780 " read " 1781 " 576 a 12 1 For "[1828-]" read "[1828-1907]" 577 a 2 5 For " Tom. I & II. 4°. 1870-94 " read " 2 Tom. & Atlas. 4°. 1870-1902." 577 a 11 1 For "[1846-] "read "[1846-1910]" 577 a 15 1 Add after author's name " [1839-J " 577 b 86 For " 1884 " read J' 1884[-43] " and add note :— " Issued in twenty parts." 578 b 10 Add note:— " This is a second edition and was issued in one part in 1837. The first issue of the work, in 1830, consisted of :— [pp. S3:] U plf. of fossils, 7 maps <£• plaint, in pin. of recent animals headed ' Historia Naturalis Mosqueusis,' that were not re-issued. (Cf. note by L. B. PROOT& C. D. SHERBORN In Ann. * Mag. Nat. Hist, Ser. VIII, vol. XI, 1913, pp. '271 & 272.)" 579 a 14 1 For " [1817-] " read " [1817-1914] " 579 b 11 1 For " I1850-] " read " [1850-19121 " 579 b 12 1 For " [1835] " read " [1835-1910] " 579 b 13 2 For " CCLXXXVII " read " cCLXxxvn-cccxxiv." 579 b 13 3 For " 1895-=*. " read " 1895-1902 " 580 a 10 1 For " DOUGLAS " read " DAVID " and dele the " ? " in the date. 580 a 11 1 For " (W. W. A.) " read " (WILLIAM WALTER AUGUSTINE) " 581 b 13 1 Add after author's name " [1852-] " tea a 2 1 For " (G.) " read " (G. B. M.) " 582 a 9 1 For " [1828-] " read " [1828-1894] " 583 583 a a 2 12 1 1 For " [1843-J " read " [1843-1905] " Add after author's name " [1852-1908] " 583 a 17 . 1 For " [1854-] " read " [1854-1921] " 583 583 a b 17 1-5 }} Insert " Sir" before Christian name. 583 b 12 1 For " (PAUL) " read " (PAUL HENRI MARIE THERESE ANDRK) [1836-19081 " 583 b 13 1 For " (P.) " read " (P. H. M. T. A.) " 584 a 2 1 For " (GUST.) " read " (GusTAF) [1849-] " 584 a 4 1 For " (CHARLES LEWIS) " read " (CHARLES Louis) " 584 a 7 1 Add after author's name " [1826-1877] " 584 a 9 1 For " B." read " BJORN " 584 a 14 2 For " I. Theil " read " 2 Pt." 584 a 14 3 For " pp. 7.77 " road "pp. ;'J.J1 : 1 pi. col." and for " 1892 " read " 1892, 93." 584 b 9 Cancel. 586 a 8 4 For " 1836 " read " [1885-]1836 " 586 a 10 1 For " ( ) " read " (LEON) " 586 a 11 1 Add after author's name " [1788-1855 or 56] " 586 a 15 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 588 b 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. b 8 1 For " (H.)" read " (HENRI) " 588 b 10 1 For " (AUG. F.) " read " (AUGUST FREDERIC) [1862] " 589 a 13 1 For " [c. 1517-1591] " read " [c. 1617-1691] " 589 b 4 2 For " I-IV " read " l-v." 589 b 4 3 For " 1884-88 " read " 1884-92." 589 b 6 2 For " [1818-] " read " [1818-1896] " 589 b 10 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 590 a 11 1 For " [1835->] " read " [1835-1913] " 591 a 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 591 a 11 1 For " [1834-] " read " [1884-1912] " 591 a 14 1 For " MATTHEWS " read " MATHEWS " 592 b 1 1 For " [1839] " read " [1839-1908] " 593 a 18 1 For "(THOMAS) [-1827]" read " (THOMAS OTTO) [1792-1827 1 " 593 a 14 1 For " NATURALISTS' JOURNAL, THE " read " NATURE STUDY " 593 a 15 1 Add after author's name " [1844-] " 593 b 9 1 For " [1841-] " read " [1841-19121 " 593 b 12 2 For "2 Tom." read " 3 Tom." and for " , 95 " read " -1904." 593 b 18 1 For " (H.) " read " (HENRI) [1856-1907] " 37 PACK COL. ENTRI LINK 594 a 1 6 For ' 594 a 5 Cane 594 594 a a 161 17] 1 For1 594 b 8 1 For 595 a 6 1 For 595 a 7 6 For ' 595 b 1 1 Add 595 b 81 595 b 9 Cane 595 b 10J 595 b 11 Add 598 a 6 1 For ' 598 598 a b 7-161 1-2 J I 1 For' 598 b 5 1 For ' 598 b G 1 For ' 598 b 13 1 For ' 599 a 4 1 Add 599 a 10 1 Add 599 a 11 1&2 For 599 a 11 3 Altei 599 b 1 1 For ' 599 b 1 5 Add 600 a 1 Add: 600 a 6 1 For ' 600 a 10 Add'i 600 b 3 1 For ' 600 b 4-7 1 For 600 b 12 3 For ' 600 b 14 1 For ' 600 b 15 & 16 1 For ' 600 b 16 3 For ' 601 a 7 1 For ' 601 a 8 1 For ' 601 a 9 1 Add 601 a 11 4 For ' 601 b 8 For ' 601 b 9 1 For' 602 a 8 1 For ' 604 a 1 4 For ' 604 a 1 25 Add' 604 a 1 27 Add 604 b 1 26 After 605 a 1 11 Dele 605 a 1 27 For ' 605 b 1 18 Aftei 605 b 7 4 For ' 606 a 1 10 For ' 606 a 1 45 For ' 607 b 1 42 Add 608 b 12 Cane 609 a 7-10 1 For mn 609 b 17 1 -LU For ' 609 b 18) 609 b 19 1 For' 610 a 1-12J 610 a 5 3 For ' For " [Another edition] " read " [Reprint.] " Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. K.C.M.G." read " G.C.M.G." HENDRIK " read " HENKIK " FORSSELLES " read - FORSELLES For " [Another issue] " read " [Reprint.] " Add after author's name " Naturalist." Cancel and substitute the new entries in the Supplement. Sea DKYAXDEII, ' Cat. Bibl. Banks,' Add to the note : — Banksian MSS. No. 8 and !). Vol. in, p. 69." For " (M.) " read " (MiKAEL HEGGELUND) [1855-1909] " For "(M.)" read " (M. H.) " For " (CLEMENT LE NEVE) [1841-] " read "(Sir CLEMENT LE NEVK) [1841-1904J " For " (C.) " read " (Sir C.) " For " [1886-1 " read " [1836-1907] " Add after author's name " [1863- J Add after author's name "[1847-1804] " For " (G.) " read " (G. C. C.) " Alter note to read : — "Tom. IV, V, vm-xiv are by Rouy alone; vi and vn by Rouy and Camua[y.i'.]." For " [1828-] " read " [1828-1904] " note : — " An abstract of the fuller work published the same year." "This work was written by i:. L. GeotFroy and edited by Fourcroy. (Cf. DCKKANT in Tutt's ' British Lepidoptera,' Vol. n, 1900. p. 138 and 140 note. See also GANULBAUKM • Wien. Eiitoin. Zeit.' Janrg. xxv. 1906, p. 301.)" For " (F.) " read " (FEKNAND) [1850-1914] " lote : — The text terminates abruptly with p. 240 of Vol. u. Contains :— Vol. I. Note A. Sur ciuelquesfossiles de la province de Constantine, par E. Bayle." For " (EUGENE) " read " (EUGENE YVES ANTOINE MARIE) [1871- j " ' (E.) " read " (E. Y. A. M.) " ' 3 Tom." read " 4 Tom." and alter last date from " 91 " to " 92." ' (JULES) [-1870] " read " (PIERRE JULES) [1844-1870] " ' (J.) " read " (P. J.) " ' fol. 1866-[70] " read " 3 Tom. fol. 1866-1903." ' (J. B.) " read " (J. BINSTEAD) " ' [1847-] " read " [1847-1921] " Add after author's name " [1835-1912] " Vol. II." read "Vol. I & II." and for ' (C. F.) " read " (C. E. F.) " For " [1841-1 " read " [1841-1896] " '• [1867-1 " read " [1857-1910] " 1826-30 " read " 1826-38." Two plates are numbered " 30," one of which should have been " 23.' Add " & xvi, p. 335." ^_ After " Saint- Vlucent " add " [Fungi by ,T. F. C. Montague.] " ' PI. XXIII not published " 2 Tom. illmt. col. 1S70-94 " read " 2 Tom. & Atlas. 1870-1902." After " Geologic : Atlas," " read " 1894-1909." read " SERVICES DES 38 PAOI COL. ZNTRT UHI 610 a 11 1 For " (E.) " read " (L. K.f 610 a 11 4 For " (A.) " read " (A. R.) " 610 b 61 For "[1817-]" read "[1817-1904]" 610 b 78*4 Alter to read " Ser. IV, vol. I— Ser. VI, Vol. VII, no. 87. 8". 1851-1904 " 610 b 10 1 Add after author's name " [1868-J " 611 a 28 After " " read " l-xxxvi." 615 a 14 3 For " 1888-> " read " 1888-1905." 615 b 31 Add after author's name " [1854-1906] " 615 b 51 For "(FRITZ) [1861-]" read " (FBITZ DANIEL) [1861-19171" 615 b 6-12 1 For " (F.) " read " (F. D.) " 616 b 11 1 Add after author's name " [1797-1874] " 617 b 14 1 For ',' (AUGUST) " read " (FRIBDRICH AUGUST) [1842-1902] " 617 b 15 1 For " (A.) " read " (F. A.) " 617 b 15 8 Add " No. x." 618 a 10 1 For " (HBINBICH) " read " (REMIGIUS HEINRICH) [1847-1 " 618 b 53 Dele " -58." 618 b 71 For " (WiLHELM) " read " (THEODOR WILHELM) [1856-] " 619 a 11 1 For " (C. F.) " read " (CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH) [1794-1885] " 619 b 21 For " (E.) " read " (EMIL) [1826-1917] " 619 b 12 1 For " [1832-] " read " [1832-1913] " 620 b 4 2 For " ill & IV " read " m-v." 620 b 44 Add " XI, thl. 3." 620 b 45 For " '97 " read " -1901 " 620 b 5 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 621 a 31 Add after author's name " [1887-] " 621 b 6 8 Add " & xxvm." and for " -86 " read " -1901." 624 a 22 For " 1851 " read " [1851.] " 625 a 81 Add after author's name " [1840-1908] " 625 a 11 1 For " (ROBERT E.) " read " (KLAS ROBERT ELIAS) [1876-] " 625 a 12 1 For " [1832-] " read " [1832-1913] " 625 b 11 1 For "(F. M. VON)" read "(FRANZ MARIA VON) [1819 ?-1891J" 626 a 14 1 For " (PAUL) " read " (PAUL HoNORii) [1867-] " 626 b 10 4 Add " Thl. IV, abth. 3b & 4 " and for " 1887-» " read " 1891-94." 626 b 18 2 For " vm— » " read " VIII & IX " 626 b 13 3' For " 1899-» " read " 1899-1902." 626 b 15 1 For " [1838-] " read " [1838-1906] " 627 b 13 4 For " No. 3 " read " HI. Mittheilung, dc." 3J For " (A. D. D') " read " (A. C. V. M. DE) " 628 b 92 For " (H.) " read " (H. H. J.) " 628 b 18 1 For "(FKIEDBICH) [1829-]" read " (FRANZ FRIEDRICH) [1829-1886]" 629 a 71 Add after the name of the first author " [1853 ?-1915] " 629 a 11 1 For " (J. J.) " read " (JoHANN JACOB) [1852-] " 629 a 15} 1 Add after author'8 name " Q-C-B." 629 a 17 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 629 a 18 1 For " (CHARLES E.) " read " (Sir CHARLES EDWARD) [1850-1920] " 629 b 7 1 For " (EDMOND) " read " (PHILIPPE JACQUES EDMOND) " 680 a 92 For " (G.) " read " (F. G.) " 630 a 12 1 Add after author's name " [1864-] " 680 b 7 8 Add " Thl. I, abth. 1* " and for " 1887-» " read " 1898." 681 a 4 1 For " (HERMANN) " read " (HERMANN VON) [1881 ?-1917 ?] " 681 a 4 « Add " [l. Mittheilung, " read " XXXV-LIV." For " 1886-> " read " 1886-1905." And add note :— " With Jahrg. XLIII -» it l)ecame the ' Organ des Vereins zur Beforderung des Gartenbaues in den Preussisuhen Staaten.' [q.v.]" 642 b 9 1 For " [-1890] " read " [1842-1894] " 642 b 14 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 644 a 4 1 Add after author's name " [1825 ?-1903] " 644 a 10 1 For " 1780 " read " 1789 " 644 b 5 1 For " [1827-] " read " [1827-1908] " 644 b 16 2 For "l-3f" read " l-4.f " 645 a 11 1 For " (ERNST) " read " (ERNST WILHELM THEODOB) [1865-1916] " 645 a 12 1 For " (E.) " read " (E. W. J.) " 645 b 9 1 For " (GASTON) " read " (MARIE CLEMENT GASTON) [1841-1911] " 646 a 2 1 For " (FRANCOIS) " read " (H. F. FRANCOIS) [1858-1898] " 647 a 18 4 For " Same serial " read " Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey." 648 a 2 5 For " 1778-83 " read " [1775-] 1778-83 " and add note :— "Vol. I was originally published at Leipsic iu 1775, and a copy is in Lord Rothschild's library. The 1778 issue was a re-issue with new titlepage only." 648 a 8 1 For " (GERARD DE) " read " (GERARD JAKOB DE) [1858-] " 648 648 a b 9-1^ 1-6 l}> For " (G. DE) " read " (G. J. DE) " €48 b B Add to note : — " Also forms No. 161 of the ' Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning,' Ser. C. Afhandlingar, >tc." 648 b 12 1 For " [1826-7] " read " [1826-1903] " 649 a 7 2 For " Bd. I-> 8°. 1876-> " read " Bd. I-xxix. 8°. 1876-1902." 649 a 15 1 For " [1842-] " read " [1842-1909] " €49 b 15 4 For " See AFZELIUS (J.)," &c., read " See LINNAEUS (C.) [Botanical Works.] " 649 b 16 1 Add after the author's names to this and following entries under the heading, " K.C.B." 650 b 3 1 For " [1839-] " read " [1839-1915] " 651 a 11 Add note : — "Issued in three parts :— Pt. 1, pp. 1-224: pis. i-viii, 1845; pt. 2, pp. 225-400: pis. ix-xvi, probably 1845; pt. 3, pp. 401-813.- pis. xmi-xxvi, 1846." 652 a 1 3 Add " No. xil." 652 b 12 1 For " [1832-] " read " [1832-1904] " 653 b 2 2&3 For " See BANDI DI SELVE (F.) & TRUQUI (E.) " read " STUDI ENTOMOLOGICI." €53 b 4 1 For " [1834-] " read " [1834-1915] " 654 a 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 40 PAC1K COL. INTRT 1151 654 h 12 2 For " Livr. 1 " read " Livr. 1-8." Add to note :— " Sw statement by Dupuiichel in Tom. vi, 182S, p. 7, of the completed work." • 655 a 11 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 655 b 6 8 Dele " S ph." and add note : — '• Three quarto plates " Rucueil de I'oquilleg nuviatlles et terrestres qul wtrouveiit aux environs de Paris, dessiuees... par Duchesne" [17761 are bound with this copy." 657 a 8 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 658 a 7 2 Alter to :— " [1888 founded as American Geological Society. 1889 Geological Society of A inerica. ] " 658 a 11 3 For " 1868-> " read " 1860-> " 658 a 11 5 Dele the whole line. 658 a 16 8 Dele the whole line. 658 b 5 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 659 a 54 For " Bd. l-> " read " Bd. l-x." and for " 1901-> " read " 1901-08.' 659 a 10 2 For " 1865-» " read " [1859-] 1865-> " 659 a 11 2 For "8°." read "4°. &8°." and for "1885-»." read "1875-=>." 660 b 65 Add:— "Forming Banksian MSS. no. 89, See DRTA.NDKK, 'Cat. Bllil. Banks,' vol. Ill, p. 97." 660 b 9 1 For " [1840-] " read " [1840-1912] " 661 a 11 For " (BENK) " read " (BENE CONSTANT JOSEPH) [1858-] " 661 a 11 & 12 Cancel. 661 a 2-41 For " (R.) " read " (B. C. J.) " 661 a 14 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 661 b 64 For " 1853 " read " [1850-] 1853." and add to note :— •• Issued in ten parts." 661 b 13 1 For " (J.) " read " (JULIUS) " 661 b 14 1 For " (G. TH.) " read " (GUSTAV THEODOR) [1827-] " 662 a 51 For " [1833-] " read " [1833-1919] " 663 b 84 Add " 2 Pt." and for "1811 "read "1811, 12." 664 a 31 For " [1834-1 " read " [1834-19101 " 664 a 51 For "[1810-]" read "[1810-1910]'' 664 b 15 For " 2 Bd." read " Bd. II." 665 a 1 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 665 a 6 3 After "Baron" add "& GERVAIS (F. L. P.) " and for " 1844" read " [1836-J1837-47." 665 b 11 4 For " (V.) " read " (V. J. DE L'l.) " 666 a 61 For " (A. D. D') " read " (A. C. V. M. D') " 666 a 7 2 For " Tom. IV " read " 4 Tom." 666 a 73 After " Baron " add " & GEEVAIS (F. L. P.) " and for " 1847 " read " [1836-J 1837-47.' 666 a 81 Add after author's name " [1823-1907] " 669 a 1 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 670 b 10 4 Add " [By C. A. C. Poelman.J " 671 a 61 For " (D. K.) " read " (DMITRI! KoNSTANTlNOVlcn) [1869-1913] " 671 a 71 Add after author's name " [1847-] " 672 a 11 Add after author's name " [1844 ?-1904] " 672 b 11 For " [1846-] " read " [1846-1908] " 672 b 2 3 For " x— > " read " X-XLII." 672 b 24 For " 1878-> " read «' 1878-1909 " 672 b 16 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 678 a 11 Add after author's name " [1822-1892 ?]" 673 b 5 1 For " (B. J. HARVEY) " read " (BOBERT JOHN HARVEY) [I860-] " 673 b 61 For " (A.) " read " (Sir A.) K.B.E." 674 b 83 For " lief. 1-26. 8°. 1874-83 " read " lief. 1-27 [= pp. 1-571]. 8°. 1874-84." 674 b 81 Add after author's name " [-1918] " 675 a 91 For- " [1845-] " read " [1845-1909] " 675 b 12 1 Add after name of first author " [1859-] " 675 b 18 1 For "[1848-]" read "[1843-1918]" 676 a 13 1 Add after author's name "[1854 ?-1916] " 676 a 16 8 For " 8°. 1887-»" read " Thl. Ill, abth. 3, 5 & 6; IV, abth. 2 ; Nachtrag. 8". 1891-97. 676 b 51 For " (J.) " read " (J. B.) " C77 a 61 For " [1887-J " read " [1837-1914] " 678 a 2 1 For " (F. XAVIER) " read " (FRANCOIS XAVIER) [1842-1910] " 678 a 8-12 For " Comitidn del Mapa Geoldgico " read " Institute Geotogico dc Espana." 678 b 61 Add after author's name " [1825-1892] " 679 a 1 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 679 a 5 1 For "(ALBERT ALEXANDRE) " read "(ALBERT ARTHUR ALEXANDRE) [1860-1914] " 679 a 6-8 1 For " (A. A.) " read " (A. A. A.) " 679 a 7 2-8 For " Direcfdo dot Trabalhos Geologicot " read " Commiitao do Servifo Geologico." 679 b 10 1 Add after author's name " [1846-1892] " 679 b 12 1 For "(MAURICE)" read "(MAURICE JEAN ADGUSTEI '' 679 b 18-16 1 For " (M.) " read " (M. J. A.)" 680 b 81 Add after author's name "[-1911]" 41 PAGE 001,. ENTRY LINE 680 b 11 1 For "(A.) " read " (GEOROE ALBERT) [1839-1907] " 680 b 13 1 For "(GEORGE H.) " read "(GEORGE ALBERT) [1869-] 681 b 8 1 For " [1827-] " read " [1827-1902] " - 681 b 61 For " (Pn.) " read " (PHILIPPE) [1866-] " 681 b 10 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 681 b 12 Cancel this entry. 682 a 42 For " See PHILOSOPHICAL " read " See ROYAL PHILOSOPHICAL " 682 a 11 1 For " [-1893J " read " [1832-1893] " 682 b 4 1 For " (F. M.) " read " (AUGUSTE FRANCOIS MARIE) [1833-1906] " 682 b 7 5 Add note :— " LtnnnMis states (" Eigenhandiga Anteckningar," p. 110) that he co- operated In this work." 683 b 16 3 Add note :— " The wrapper reads :— Gloger's Uebersicht (lev Sangethiere, Vogel, Amphlblen und Fische Schlesiens." 684 a 91 For " (C. P.) " r?ad " (CHARLES PAPPS) [-1919] " 685 b 18 4 For "See ENCYCLOPIJDIE METHODIQUE, &c." read " See ENCYCLOPEDIAS. Encyclopedic Methodique, &c." 686 iv 1 Add note :— " The original drawings for this work and its Supplement are in the Walsinghanp Library. For an ' Etude synonomiqne des espuces de microlepidopteres d<5- crites comrae nouvelles par Duponchel, par J. de Joaunis,' .Sec Aun. Soc. Entom. France, 1915. Tom. IV of the ' Supplement ' was finished in 1845, aud the ' Catalogue inethodique ' of Duponchel in 1846." 686 b 6 1 For " (A.) " read " (ALEXANDRE) [1852-1903] " 686 b 64 For "Ann. l-> 8°. 1881-> " read " Ann. l-xm.f 8°. 1881-93." 686 b 13 1 For " ( ) " read " (L.) " 686 b 15 1 For " [1834-] " read " [1834-1919] " 687 a 2 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 687 b 64 Add note:— " This is a re-issue : the second edition originally appeared in 1857 (Fide Lorenz ' Cat. Lib. Franc.')." 688 a 63 For " 1848-56 " read " [1847-] 1848-56." 688 b 2 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 688 b 5 1 For " (KARL) " read " (KARL EBERHAED) " 688 b 6-9 1 For " (K.) " read " (K. E.) " 688 b 93 For " Pt. I-> " read " 2 Pt. Must." and for " 1900-> " read " 1900-05." 688 b 14 11 For "4pls." read " 42 ph." 689 a 41 Add after author's name " [1859-1917] " 690 1) 14 Cancel. 691 a 5 1 For " (ALEXANDER) " read " (ALEXANDER WlLHELM) " 691 a 6-9 1 For " (A.) " read " (A. W.) " 691 a 19 1 For " (G. A. VON) Count " read " (GusTAV ADOLF VON) Count. [1866-] 691 b 12 5 For " 1778-83 " read " [1775-] 1778-83." 691 1) 17 2 For " Pt. l-> " read " 2 Pt." 691 b 17 4 For " m-> " read " in & IV " and for " 1901-> " read " 1901-02 " 693 a 7 5 Add " and the first edited by Turton in 1805." 693 a 17 1 For " (B. B.) " read " (BERNARDINO BARROS) [1839-1910]." 693 a 18 1 Add after author's name " [1806-1877] " 693 b 3 7 For " Direccdo dos Trabalhos Geologicos " read " Commissdo do Scrvico Geologico." 693 b 16 1 Add after author's name " [1845-1904] " 694 a 7-13 For " Comision del Mapa Geologico " read " Instituto Geologico de Espana." 694 b 1 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 695 a 11 1 Add after author's name " [1868-] " 695 b 6 3 For " 1793 " read " [1792-] 1793." 696 a 5 1 Add after author's name " [1845-1910] " 696 a 11 4 Add note:— " The Memoir of J. Martyn is by T. Martyn with additions by Gorham, and originally appeared prefixed to J. Martyn's posthumous work ' Dissertations. . .upon the jEnids of Virgil,' 1. 11 4 After "pis." insert "& Atlas" 70:> b 11 6 For " 1869 " read " 1869-70." 706 b 11 Add after author's name "[1867-]" 706 b 14 8 Add to note :— "The first twenty-two pages liave lieeii reset. The Appendix is new matter. ' 70« b 15 7 Add "[>>. 184S]" 707 a :! 1 For " (AD. DE) " read " (ADOLPHE DE) " 707 b H 4 Add note:— " Acte> Soc. Lion. Bordeaux. Tom. XI, 1838." 709 a 10 2 For " 1822 " read " 1822 [-23]." 709 a 16 1 Add after author's name " [1865-] " 710 a 5 Cancel and substitute the new entry iu the Supplement. 710 b 18 3 Add"2Pt." 711 a 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry iu the Supplement. 71'2 a 2 4 For " 1875 " read " 1844-45." 712 a!15 Cancel this line. 712 a 14 Cancel and substitute the new eutry in the Supplement. 714 a 7 4 After "Pis. v and vi" add "which were destroyed at the lithographers." 714 b 14 Add to note :— " Vol. I-IV were re-issuud with new title-pages and preface in 2 vol. >> . In 1874." 715 a 6 1 For " [fl. 1780-1836] " read " The Younger [1766-1828] " 715 a 8 1 Add after author's name " [1828-1902] " 715 a 9 1 Add after first author's name " Major " 718 a 42 After " Nares " add " [and afterwards Capt. F. T. Thomson] " 718 a 44 For " No. 1, 3-7 " read " No. 1-7." 718 b 1 7 Add note:— " Pt. I, pp. •"-?, is reprinted from the ' Kumliler ' Report of 1SS8, while Pt. n, pp. 8-SO, is a re-issue of the ' Penguin ' Report of 1892, omitting the last page, which consisted of woodcuts." 718 b 7 2 Add " AND FISHERIES." 718 b 8-10 1 Add at end of line " , " read "Vol. l-vf f' and for " 1887-»" read " 1887-1905." 730 a 18 1 For " Vol. I-» " read " Vol. I, fasc. 1 ; II, fasc. 1 ; III, fasc. 1 " 730 a 18 2 For " 1901-> " read " 1901." 780 b 16 1 For " [1851-J " read " [1851-1908] " 731 a 21 Add after author's name " [1826-1906] " 43 I'AUK COL. KS7I1V LINK 781 a 16 4 For " LEWINSON-LESSING (F.) " read " LKVlNSON-LESSiNGU (F. Yu.) " 731 b 9 1 For " [1838-J " read " [1838-1910] " 732 b 1 1 For " (F.) " read " (FERNAND) [1866-] " 732 b 2 1 Add after author's name " [1842-1890J " 782 b 9 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 788 a 5 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 738 a 6 1 For ' (M.) " read " (MAURIT8) [1862-1910] " 733 b 7 1 For ' (A. Y.) " read " (ANDERS YNGVE) [1864-] " 735 a 5 1 For ' [1847-] " read " [1847-1907] " 735 a, 6 1 For ' (HERMANN) [1854-]" read " (HERMAN ADOLF) [1855-1 " 735 b 6 18 For ' 1883 " read " [1881-]1883." 735 b 18 Cancel. 7*7 b 10 1 For " (PERCY H.) " read " (PERCY HALL) " 737 738 b b 11 3 1 1 For " (G. P.) " read " (GEORGE PERRY) [1868-J " For " (LEON S.) " read " (LEON STACY) [1865-]" 739 a 6 1 For " (ALBRECHT VON) " read " (ALBRECHT LUDWIG VON) " 739 a 7&8 1 For " (A. VON) " read " (A. L. VON) " 739 a 11 1 For " FUREY " read " FURCY " 739 739 b b 8 12 1 3 Add after author's name " [1825-1901] " Add " [With the co-operation of C. LinntBus.] " 739 b 13 6 Add note : — •• I't. I was Brat issued in 1739. In the present copy, the title-page, redated 1743, with i>p. 7-8 appear to have been reprinted on thicker paper." 740 a 10 1 Add after author's name " [1838-] " 740 a 12 1 Add after author's name " [1865-] " 740 a 14 .1 For " [1851-] " read " [1851-1901] " 740 b 3 1 Add after author's name "[-1911]" 740 b B 8 For " Vol. I— >" read " Vol. i-in." 740 b 5 4 For " 1887-> " read " 1887-1902 " and add note :— " Vol. Ill is liy Grose-Smith only." 740 b 13 1 For " [VICTOR] " read " [VICTOR VON] " 741 a 8 1 Add after author's name " [1849-] " 741 a 13 Cancel : re-entered in Supplement under GROTE (A. B.) & BOBINSON (C. T.) 741 741 a b 14 2 1 For " Grote (AUGUSTUS R.) " read " GROTE (AUGUSTUS BADCLIFFE) [1841-1903] ' Cancel: re-entered in Supplement under " GROTE (A. B.) & BOBINSON (C. T.) " 741 742 b a 12 10 1 1 For " [PAUL HEINRICH] " read " [PAUL HEINRICH VON] " Add after author's name " [1867-] " 742 a 14 1 For " [1841-] " read " [1841-1920] " 742 b 16 1 For " (ULRICH) " read " (JOHN ULHICH) [1850-J " 744 b 1 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 744 b 6 1 Add after author's name " [1826-1914] " 745 a 12 1 For " (JOHANNES BERNHARD VON) " read " (JOHANNES BERNHARD ALOYS VON) " 746 a 4 4 Add note : — " Reprinted, omitting the Introduction, from 'Ann. Soc. Entom. France/ Sir. II, torn. Ill, with the addition of a Latin title-page." 746 a 11 2 For " [1830-] " read " [1830-1914] " 746 a 17 4 For " (H.) " read " (A. H.) " 746 a 18 3-4 For " See ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON " read " See ZOOLOGICAL BECORD." 746 b 7 2 For " 256 : HO " read " iv, vi [i,] 515 : 180 " 746 b 7 4 For " 13 & 15 " read " 13, 15-17." and for " 1873-81 " read " 1873-1910." 746 b 9 5 For "2 Bd." read " Bd. H." 746 b 10 3 For "Vol. xvi->" read "Vol. xvi— VIII, vol. IX." 746 b 10 4 For " 1875-> " read " 1875-1912." 746 b 16 2 For " (A. H.) " read " (Sir A. H.) K.C.B." 747 a 4 2 Dele " Pt. I -» " 747 a 4 4 For " 1885-» " read " 1885-1902." 747 b 12 1 For " (GEORG) " read " (GEORG JULIUS ERNST) " 747 b 13-15 1 For " (G.) " read " (G. J. E.) " 748 b 13 1 For " (F. DE) " read " (F. A. A. DE) " 748 b 15 4 For " 1842 " read " [July] 1842." 749 a 2 1 For " (MAX) " read " (AUGUST EGBERT Louis MAX) [1854-1911] " 749 a 3 &4 1 For " (M.) " read " (A. R. L. M.) " 749 a 9 3 For " (L.) " read " (L. M. A. 0. E.) " 749 a 15 4 For " 1879-82" read " 1879-1907." 749 a 15 6 Add " 2 Vol." 749 b 11 1 For " (J.) " read " (JULES) " 749 b 12 2 For " (H. VAN) " read " (H. F. VAN) " 750 b 3 1 Add after author's name " [-1912] " 750 b 15 1 For "[1873-]" read "[1873-1914]" 752 a 4 1 For " (GUSTAV A.) " read " (GUSTAV ADOLF) [1854-1908] " 752 a 10 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 752 a 11 1 For " [-1889] " read " [1835-1889] " 752 a 15 1 For " (Orro) " read " (OTTO JOEL) [1835-1899] " 44 I'AOI COL. KXTUY LINK 752 b 1-8 1 For " (0.) " read " (0. J.) " 752 b 9 1 For " (JOHANNES) " read " (JOHANNES CHRISTOPHER) " 758 a T-88} » For " (J.)" read " (J. C.) " 753 a 51 For "[1837-]" read "[1837-1902]" ^ 758 a 11 1 Add after author's name " [1860- J " 753 a 11 2 For " Pretoria " read " Tramvaal" 758 a IS 1 Add after author's name "[1854-]" 753 b 1 1 Add after author's name " [1836-1916] 753 b r> 1 Add after author's name " [1854-J " 753 b 11 1 For "[1829-]" read "[1829-1902]" 754 » 5 1 For "[1847] "read "[1847-1904]" 754 a 91 Add after author's name " [1848-] " 755 a :•( 1 For " (H.) " read " (HERMANN ADOLF WlLHKLM OTTO) [1827-1873] " 7.-,.-. a 10 1 For " (A.) " read " (ANDREAS) [1845-1917] " 757 \> 7 3 For " 1811 " read " [1811]." 757 b 10 1 For "[1855-]" read "1855-1913]" 759 a 81 Add after author's name " [1752-] " 759 a 10 1 Add after author's name "[1850-]" 759 a 12 3 For "8°. 1887-» " read "Thl. n, abth. 2. 8°. 1887." 759 b 3 1 For " (VICTOR) " read " (VICTOR AXEL) " 759 b 43 For " No. 4, 6-10 & 12 " read " No. 1-15." 759 b 4 4 For " 1881-89 " read " 1878-92." .759 b 9 2-8 For " SCIENCE AND ART MUSEUM, DUBLIN " read " NATIONAL MUSEUM, IRELAND." 759 b 14 2 For "[1834-]" read "[1834-1919]" 761 a 31 For " (VALENTIN) " read " (VALENTIN CARL FERDINAND) " 761 b til} l For "(V.)" read "(V.C.F.)" 762 a 7 'l For " (W. M.) " read " (WOLDEMAR MORDECAI WOLFF) " 762 b 6 Cancel and substitute new entry in the Supplement. 762 b 1 1 Add note:— "For List of Addenda, . " read " Vol. I-VIII f " 770 a 16 5 For " 1896-» " read " 1896-1904." 770 1> 6 1 Add after author's name " [1741-1814] " 770 b 12 1 Add after author's name "[-1911]" 773 a 6 1 For "(THOMAS B.)" read "(THOMAS BATT) [1814-1886]" 775 a 4 2 For " Vol. 1-V " read " Vol. I-V1 " and for " 1778 " read " 1773-75." 775 a 4 3 Dele this note. 77.-, b 7 1 For "[1881-]" read "[1831-1904]" 776 a 6 3 For " Bd. I " read " 3 Bd." 776 a 64 For " 1892 " read " [1890-] 1892-1907." 776 a 81 Add after author's name " [1868-] " 776 b 81 Add after author's name " [1868-1 " 778 » 16 2 For " [1871-J " read " [1871-1914]'' 778 a 16 5 For "Fur Seal Enquiry" read "FISHERY KEPORTS. [Fur Seal Fishery.] " PAGK 779 COL. a ENTRY LINK 2 1 For " (WILLIAM M.) " read " ( WILLIAM MOGFOBD) " 779 a 16 1 For " (OLOF) " read " (OLOF D.) [1841-] " 779 a 16 4 For " Lallareforeumgs " read " Lakareforenings." 779 b 11 1 For " [1816-] " read " [1816-1886J " 780 a 4°. Hannover, 1862-> " 783 a 8 1 For " (ANDREAS M.) " read " (ANDREAS MARTIN) [1857-] " 788 788 a a 10 11 1 1 Add after author's name " [1842-1909] " Add after author's name " [1841-1912] " 783 b 7 1 For " (K.) " read " (KRISTIAN) [1858- J " 788 b 9 1 Add after author's name " [-1917] " 784 a 4 1 Add after author's name "[1869-]" 785 a 12 1 Add after author's name " [-1894] " 785 b 9 1 Add after author's name " [1813-1867] " 785 b 17 1 For " [-1835] " read " [1737-1835] " 786 a a Add note : — " Dr. W. Koxburgh has added some of the specific names. A portrait of Genl. Hardwicke and an autograph letter from him to Sir .1. Banks have been prettied." 786 a 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 786 a 7 1 For " [1819-] " read " [1819-1891] " 786 a 12 1 For "1814?" read "1815" 786 b 1 1 Add after author's name " [-1917] " 786 b 7 1 Add after author's name "[1859-]" 786 b 15 1 For " (FREDERIC W.) " read " (FREDERIC WILLIAM) [1885-] " 786 b 16 1 For " (SIDNEY FREDERIC) " read " (Sir SIDNEY FREDERIC) K.B.E. [1862-] " 787 a 1 1 For " (S. F.) " read " (Sir S. F.) K.B.E." 787 a 2 1 Add after author's name " [1870-] " 787 a 2 4 For " 8". 1897-» " read " Thl. ill, abt. 4 & 8 ; IV, abt. 3 b ; Nachtrag, rfc. 8". 1893797." 787 a 4 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 787 a 7 1 For " [-1886] " read " [1830-1886] " 787 a 14 1 For "(L.) " read " (LEWIS) formerly Hafiier (LunwiG) " 787 a 16 1 Add after author's name " [1848-1907] " 787 b 7 1 For " (CHARLES ALEXANDER) " read " (Sir CHARLES ALEXANDER) K.C.M.G. [1855-] " 787 b 11 1 Add after author's name " [1882 ?-1920J " 787 b 12 1 For " [1862-] " read " [1862-1906] " 787 b 16 1 Add after author's name " [1864-] " 788 a 1 4 For "pp. 103 : 7 pis." read " (Appendix.) pp. 1-84 (lU5-llf>) : 7 pis." 788 a 1 6 For " 1896." read " 1896, 97." . 788 a 8 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 788 b 4 2 For " 40 pis. col." read " 5 Pt. 30 pis. col." 788 b 4 8 For " 1840." read " 1840-43." 788 b 10-13 1 For " (JOHN BUHCHMORE) " read " (Sir JOHN BURCHMORE) " 789 a 1 1 For " [1845-] " read " [1845-1908] " 789 a 10 1 Add after author's name " [1847-1908] " 789 a 15 1 Add after author's name "[1847-1911]" 789 b 2 1 For " (ERNST) " read " (ERNST JOHANN OTTO) [1859-] " 789 b 3-8 1 For " (E.) " read " (E. J. O.) " 790 b 1 1 For " (JAMES EDMUND) " read " (JAMES EDMUND FOTHERINGHAM) " 7QO v, 9 1S1 1 tj\j 791 u a £i — ±O 1 1-3 | 1 For " (J. E.) " read " (J. E. F.) " 792 a 10 5 For " 2 Bd." read " Bd. II." 792 b 2 1 Add after author's name " [1858-] " 793 b 5 Add note : — " Mitthl. Munch. Eiitoiu. Ver. Hft. Ill & IV, 1879, SO." 793 b 9 5 For "2Bd."read "Bd. n." 794 a 14 4 For " 1832 " read " [1832.] " 794 b 8 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 795 a 13 1 For " (N.) " read " (NlKOLAJ E. KRUSE) [1867-J " and for " (E.) " read " (E. V.) " 796 b 1 1 For " [1844-] " read " [1844-1916] " 796 b 2 3 For " Vol. i-> " read " 1892-1911 " and for " 1892-> " read " 1892-1911." 796 b 5 3 For " 1888 " read " 1888 (-89)." it; PViK 796 ' '>!.. b KSTia I.IXK II 1 Add after author's name " [1843 ?-1907J " 797 a 0 !! For " 1895-6-> " read " 1895-6—1904-5 " and for " [1896-»] " read " [1896-] 1902-5." 797 • 8 a For " Fur Seal Enquiry " read " FisHKltY UKPORTS. [Fur .SVa? Fishery.] " 7l>7 b 18 -i For "1747 "read "[1747.]" 798 R 8 2 For " (M.) " read " (M. 0. \V.) " ;l P.! I Add after author's name " [1839-1902] " 79S b 1 1 For " (KtJRT) " read " (FjRNST KM it, KURT) [1868-J " T'.lil 11 1 1 For " (EMILIO) " read " (EMii.r.) " 7'.>'.l a li 4 For "No. 7->" read " No. 6-12." Till) H 6 5 For " [1901-»] " read " [1900-05] " 799 a B Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 799 a 11 1 Add after author's name " [1854-] " 800 1 9 1 For " (P. F.) " read " (PETER FERDINAND) [1804-18671 " 800 :l 11 4 For " sh. 1— > " read " 49 sh. Col." S(K) ll 11 B For " 1894-> " rend " 1894-1918." 800 b 18 4 For " (A. D. D') " read " (A. C. V. M. D') " 801 a 2 1 Add after author's name " [1861-] " 801 b 4 1 Add after author's name " [1863 ?-1906] " sill b 4 3 For " 8°. 1887-> " read " Thl. I, abth. 2. 8°. 1896-97." 802 a 12 1 For " (CAHL) " read " (HEINRICH CARL) [1838-1908] " 802 u IS 1 For " (C.) " read " (H. C.) " 802 a. 16 1 For " (RuooLFO ) " read " (RUDOLF JOHANNES FRIEDHIOII) [1854-] " 802 b 12 6 For " Grundlach " read " Gundlaoh " 803 a 4 1 For " (G. D.) " read " (GEORGE DARBY) [1857-1901 ?] " 8(14 a 5 Add note : — "Abhandl. K. Bohin. Oesell. Wiasensch. Prag. Fol. V, bd. V." 804 H 6 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 804 a 18 1 Add after author's name " [1855-] " 804 b 7 1 Add after author's name " [1846-] " 804 805 b a 10 7 1 1 For " [-1895] " read " [1835-1895] " Add after author's name " [1859-] " 800 b 6 1 For " (HENRY W.) " read " (HENRY WILLIAMSON) [1831-] " 805 b 13 1 For " (FRIGYES) " read " (FHIGYES AGOST) " 805 806 b a 14-17 \ 1&2 / 1 For " (F.) " read " (F. A.) " 8*Xi a 8 1 Add after author's name " [1835-1899] " 806 a 4 1 For " (FREDERICK W.) " read " (FREDERICK WEBB) [1856 ?-1919] " 806 a 6 1 For " (FRED. DE FOREST) " read " (FREDERICK DE FOREST) [1872-] " 806 b 2 1 For " [-1878] " read " [1840-1878] " 806 b 16 4-5 Collation should read "pp. 56, 384 ([18'] 3Jf) '• IS pis., 1 port., text Must." 807 b 7 1 For " (BENNO) " read " (HERMANN BENNO GUSTAV) " 807 b 10 1 For " (EDOUARD) [1843-] " read " (KoouARD MARIE) [1848-1916] " 807 808 b a 11-131 1-6 / 1 For " (E.) " read " (E. M.) " 808 a 8 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 808 b 10 1 For " [1834-] " read " [1834-1907] " 809 a 7 1 For " (GEORGE G.) " read "]" read "fol. [1895-] 1897-1905.' 824 a 21 Add after author's name " [1864-] " 824 b 11 Add after author's name " [1841-1908] " 824 b 31 For " [1867-] " read " [1867-1901] " 824 b 5 1 Add after author's name " [1837-] " 824 b 11 1 Add after author's name "[1857-1902] " 824 b 14 1 Add after author's name " [1857-] " 825 b 5 1 For " (HENRY W.) " read " (HENRY WETHEKBEE) " 827 b 9 1 For " (ANDREW J.) " read " (ANDREW JOHN) [-1915] " 828 a 1 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 828 a 5 1 For " (C.) " read " (CURT) [1866-] " 828 b 17 Add:— " Another list is given by Miss M. J. EATHBUN in the " Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington," Vol. XI, 1897, p. 167." 8-29 a 3-11 1 For " (WILLIAM ABBOTT) " read " (/Sir WILLIAM ABBOTT) " 829 b 15 1 For " [1834-] " read " [1834-1918] " 830 a 11 4 For " 1826 " read " [1826] " 830 a 12 1 Add after author's name "[1835-1914]" 832 a 10 1 Add after the name of the first author "[1726-1808]" 832 b 91 For " (GUSTAV) " read " (GnsTAV JACOB) [1828-1912] " 833 a 61 Dele " [1838-1901] " 833 b 3 & 4 Cancel and substitute the new entries in the Supplement. 833 b 81 For "(CLARENCE L.) [1858-]" read "(CLARENCE LUTHER) [1858-1904]" 834 a 15 1 For " [1836-] " read " [1836-1907] " 835 a 12 3 For " Bd. xxxm & xxxiv. 8". 1889 " read " Bd. xxxm-> 8°. 1889-» " 835 a 14 3 For "Lief. l->" read " 6 Bd." 835 a 14 4 For " 1901— > " read " 1901-06." and dele the two following lines. 836 a 6 1 For " [1839- 1" read " [1839-1906] " 836 a 15 1 For " [1841-] " read " [1841-1918] " 8:57 a 8 3 For " 1749 " read " [1749] " 838 a 3 1 For " (P. M.) [-1902] " read " (PETRUS MARIE) [1836-1902] " 838 a 5 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 838 b 13 1 For " (HENRI VAN) " read " (HENRI FERDINAND VAN) [1838-1909] " 839 a 1-9 [ l For " (H> VAN) " read " (H' F' VAN) " 839 a S Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 839 b 9 4 For " Wanting pis. LXXXVI & LXXXVII " read " Pis. LXXXV & LXXXVI were not published." 839 b 15 1 Add after author's name " [1865-] " 839 b 17 ~> For "1827" read " 1827[-30 or '31]." 840 a 1 2 For " [1838-] " read " [1838-1915] " 840 a 3 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 840 a 5 5 Cancel this line. 840 a 81 For "(F.)" read "(FRANZ) [-1911]" 840 a 14 1 For " (JUST) " read " (JUSTUS) " 840 b 2 ifc S Cancel and substitute the new entries in the Supplement. 841 b 3 1 For " (A. L.) " read " (ANTON LEO) [1834-1906] " 842 b 4 4 For " 8J. ].887-> " read " Thl. I, abth. 4 ; II, abth. 1 & 4 ; ill, abth. 1. 8°. 1887-1901." 843 a 13 2 For " [1835-] " read " [1835-1915] " 843 b 5 3 For " (O.) " read " (K. A. O.) " 844 a 2 1 For " [1833-] " read " [1833-1916] " 844 a 14 1 For " (J. B.) " read " (JOHN BASTIAN) " 844 b 4 4 For " 1757 " read " [1756-]1757." 845 a 3 6 A.&& " 20 pis." 845 b 11 Add after author's name " [1795-1872] " 845 bill Add after author's name " [1849-1914] " 845 b 14 1 Add after author's name " [1853-] " 846 a 2 1 For " Cross (W.) " read " Cross (C. W.) " 846 a 7 1 Add after author's name " [1850-1910] " 8-46 b 19 1 Add after author's name " [1859-1920] " 847 a 1 2- For " Pt. I-> " read " 2 vol." 847 a 13 For "1896 -»" read "1896-1905." 847 a 41 For " [1839-] " read " [1839-1918] " 847 a 72 For " Pt. I -> " read " Vol. I t " 847 a 7 3 For " 1887 ->" read " 1887-1912." 847 b 11 1 For " (ERNST) " read " (ERNST JACOB) " 847 b 13 1 For " [1851-] " read " [1851-1916] " 848 all Add after author's name " [-1920] " 848 a 9 1 Add after author's name " of Chrigiineliamn." 848 b 1 1 For " (KARL E.) " read " (KARL ENGELBRECHT) [-1907J " 848 b 11 1 For "[1831-]" read "[1831-1904]" 849 a 71 Add after author's name " [1832-1904] " 849 b 21 For " (A. S.) " read " (ALBERT SPEAR) [1865-] " 849 b 41 For " [1836-] " read " [1836-1919] " 850 a 16 1 Add after author's name "[1869-]" 851 a 3 1 Add after author's name "[I860- ]" 48 r\0* COL. KNTKV LINK 851 a 81 Add after author's name "[-1872]" 851 b 14 1 Add after author's name " [1827 ?-1911] " 852 it 11 1 Add after author's name " [-1915] " 852 a i:! Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. •-W all Add after author's name "[1857-]" *.',;; a 8 1 Add after author's name " [1851-1914] " *',:; 1, 10 1 Add after author's name " [1852-1918] " N">4 all For "[1850-]" read "[1850-1912]" 88i a '.) 4-5 For " &>e LiNN.EOS (C.) " read" See MUELLER (P. L. S.) " .s.'»5 a 11 1 For " [1828-J " read " [1823-1883] " 855 a 12 1 For "T1861-J " read " [1861-1916] " 855 b 1 1 For "Q852-J" read "[1852-1911]" 855 b 12 1 For " Hoffman " read " Hoffmann." «.">."> b 12 5 For " Hoffman " read " Hoffmann." 856 a 4 1 Add after author's name " [1841-1903] " N56 b 4 1 Add after author's name " [1860-1914] " 857 1) 6 1 Add after author's name " [1837-1917] " N.V7 b 15 4 After " geschichte " add " 4 Pt." and for " 1861 " read " 1861-65." MS a 10 1 Add after author's name " of Stuttgart." H.'>8 b 2 1 For "(OTTO) "read " (KARL AUGUST OTTO) [1853-19061" 858 b 3-5 1 For " (O.) " read " (K. A. 0.) " 858 b 15 4 For " (W.) " read " (W. F. L. A.) " 859 all For " (WERNER) " read " (WERNER FREDERIC LUDOVIC ALBBRT) " 859 a 2-5 1 For " (W.) " read " (W. F. L. A.) " 859 a 7 1 For " Hofman " read " Hofniaim. 859 a 9 1 Add after author's name " [1853-1913] " 859 b 54 For " Lief. I— >" read "4 Bd. illust.'col." 859 b 55 For " [1901 ->J " read " [1901-10] " 859 b 14 1 Add after author's name "[1835-1900]" 860 b 14 1 For " (H. E.) " read " (HENRY KOUGHTON) " 861 a 12 4 For " 1863-80 " read " [1861-]! 863-80." 861 b 73 For " 1828 " read " [1828] " 861 b 13 Add note:— "An earlier edition of this work in 4 vol. appeared in 1836-40. (GILL: Science, N.S.,vol. XVII, pp. 910-12." 861 b 14 Cancel and substitute the new entry in the Supplement. 862 a 2 1 For "[1846-]" read "[1846-1914]" 862 a 41 For " [1851-] " read " [1851-1915] " 862 a 71 Add after author's name " [1829 ?-1915] " 862 a 16 1 For " (C. F.) " read " (C. FHIEDHICH) " 862 b 98 For " (-45) " read " (-47) " and add :— " The " Land- en Yolkenknndv " was published in parts as follows :— Pt. 1, pp. 1- 32i]8,0 Pt. 6, pp. I6l-19-2i18., „ 2, „ 33- 64/184"- „ 7, „ M8-SS4/181* „ 3, „ 65- 9»»I(M1 „ 8, „ 22S-Z56l.s,r „ 4, „ 87-128)18*1- „ 0, ,, H67-2SO!1°4-'' „ 5, ,,129-160,1842. „ 10, „ 281-478,1847. See MATTHEW'S " Austral Avian Record," vol. 1, 1912, p. 24." 863 a 8-10 1 For " (THOMAS H.) " read " (Sir THOMAS HENRY) K.C.I.K. [1868- ]" 863 a 11 1 For " (WILLIAM J.) " read " (WILLIAM JACOB) [1848-] " 863 b 18 1 For " (ARTHUR) " read " (CHARLES ARTHUR) [1857-] " 863 b 14 1 For " (A.) " read " (C. A.) " 864 a :; 1 For " (M.) " read " (MAX) [1858-] " Mi la 7 .'! For " 1821 " read " [1821.] " K»H I' 10 1 For " (TH.) " read " (HERMAN THEODOR) [1854-] " 864 b 11 1 For " (TH.) " read " (H. TH.) " a 1 ) Add after author's name " [1852-] " 865 ii 6 1 Add after author's name "[1880-]" *(>'• '> 4 1 For " (G. B.) " read " (GEORGE BAX) " H6"> b 1 Add after author's name " [1832 ?-1909] " H(i"' b 7 1 For " (SAMUEL ,T.) " read " (SAMUEL JACKSON) [1868-] " 865 b 16 3 After " rfc." add " 1865-6." 865 I) 16 4 Dele " No. 1 and " 866 a :> 3 For " II " read " Ac. Vol.11." 866 a 4 Dele "I. Insecta" and for " 1858-68" read "[1869.]" 866 b 9 1 For " [1846-] " read " [1846-1918] " 866 b 17 1 For " (ERNEST W. L.) v> read " (ERNEST WILLIAM LYONS) " 867 a 1-J 1 For " (E. W. D.) " read " (EDWARD WlLLET DORLABD) " 1 For " (EDUARD) [1853-] " read " (GOSTAV HERMANN EDUARD) [1853-1913] " 867 b "-I1} 1 For "(E.)" read "(G.H.E.)" 867 b 6 1 For " (C.H.) "read "(CHRISTIAN HOBBEBOW)[ 1867 ?-1914]" MB I J 1 Add after author's name "[1856 ?-1892]" 888 a 4 1 For " [1884-] " read " [1884-1908] " 868 b 2 4 For " manuscript " read " The handwriting of H. F. Hance " 868 b 15 1 For " [1817-] " read " [1817-1911] " 13