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He says "I cannot see how we can escape giving to this group the rank of a suborder, the Archostemata of Kolbe, as it can be joined neither with the Adephaga nor the Polyphaga." Forbes, from studies of wing folding pattern, grouped these families under the same name. Tillyard, though he placed Cupesidfe in Adephaga, described it as "an annectent group between the Adephaga and Polyphaga." There is thus a substantial agree- ment on the division into three suborders; and in future catalogues the first should be on phylogenetic grounds, the Archostemata. ADEPHAGA The family Rhysodida? is transferred by Dr. Boving from Polyphaga to Adephaga. "The larva of Clinidium," he says, " . . . . can without reservation Ix' placed in the suborder Adephaga." The superfamilies C'araboidea and Gyrinoidea are sustained by characters of their larva', which also afford important help in arranging in natural sequence the subfamilies and tribes of Carabida; and Dytiscidje. On the basis of larval ohai'acters Cicindelidaj, Cai-abida', Omophronidas, Haliplida>, Hygrobiidae, Noteridas, Dytiscidaj, and Amphizoidaj, are entitled to rank as Introduction 3 families, with the rank of the Pseudomorphida? unknown. The sub- families indicated in the Carabidfe are Lebiina^; Dromiinje, Odaeanthinfe ; Driptina?, Nebriina?; Loricerina?; Carabin, Amarinse, Harpalin?e, Glyptina?. The semicolons in this enumeration separate the related groups of subfamilies. The Trechini appear to be sep- arable from Bembidiini, on their larval characters, only by differences of tribal rank. As to the sequence of the suborders Dr. Bbving considers that it would "be logical to place the Adephaga third, as the more modern of the three," "but for practical purposes it appears more advisable to rank the suborders in the commonly accepted sequence." The well developed tarsus of adephagous larvse, carrying one or two distinct and movable claws, may be a primitive character, as regarded by us in 1920; and the great similarity in this respect be- tween the larvaa of the Caraboidea and those of certain neuropterous larvse is interesting and possibly significant. However there are several polyphagous larvas, specifically mentioned by Dr. Boving, in which the tarsungulus is "divided by a faint suture into a proximal and distal portion which possibly correspond respectively to tarsus and claw." In Dr. Boving 's definition of the suborders by larval characters, the Adephaga are placed second, and the resemblance of their legs and claws to those of the Archostemata seems to us to indicate this as their natural sequence. POLYPHAGA The greatest difficulties in the classification have been in this suborder, and in the differences between the opinions expressed by Boving, Forbes, and Tillyard, they are still apparent. The removal of Cupesidas and IMicromalthidse to Archostemata, and of Ehysodida^ to Adephaga, simplifies the classification of the Pohqahaga; and fortunately the isolation of the Scarabfeoidea, of the so-called Phytophaga, and of the Hydrophiloidea and Staphylinoidea is not questioned ; though, as to the latter two, the composition is somewhat altered. Believing that the larval characters afford the safest guidance, not however to the exclusion of other considerations, we review the superfamilies in the sequence adopted by Dr. Boving. Staphylinoidea. The component families, based on larval charac- ters, would be Limnebiidfp, Hydroscaphidse, Leptinida>, Ptiliidie, Anisotomidffi ; Platypsyllidte, Scaphidiida? ; Silphidaj, Staphylinidaj, Pselaphidae, Seydma^nidse. The families also included, though their larvfE are imperfectly known or entirely unknown, are Clambida;, Brathinidie, Sphseritida?, Spha-i'lida", and Micropeplidte. The differ- ences between this and existing classification is the removal from Hydrophilida? of the aberrant genera Limnebius, Ochthebius, and Hydreena; and the suppression of Silphoidea as a superfamily. 4 Introduction Forbes reached a similar result from his studies of the wings. "Ochthebius and Hydrnpna," he says, "do not belong here (in Hydrophilidae) , but with the aberrant "Silphidse;" and the latter he classifies ■with his Staphyliniformia. It should be noted that within the families Anisotomidse and Staphylinida", the larval characters indicate many subfamilies, with Ox}T)orina^, Habrocerinte, and others, quite definitely separated ; and that the Histeridje, on larval characters, are associated with Hydrophiloidea, a view in which apparently Forbes' conclusions are not entirely in accord. Hydrophiloidea. In this superfamily Dr. Boving groups Histeridae and Helophoridfe, "on account of an unquestionable conformity'' in the development of the fundamental systematic characters" of their larvjc; Spereheidae; Hydrochidae and Hydrophilidae, the latter divided into subfamilies Berosinae, Hydrophilinae, Hydrobiinae, and Sphaeridiinas. The treatment of Histeridae, regarded by Forbes as a superfamily, and by Tillyard as "very distinct and isolated," is at first sight rather startling; but it is to be noted that Forbes also found that the venational characters seemed "to link Avith the Hydrophilidae on one side and more closely to the Lamellicornia on the other." The views of Tillyard regarding Hydrophiloidea as "perhaps the oldest of existing Coleopterous groups" traceable "back geologically to the upper Permian" are interesting. He further says "the fossil evidence, so far as at present available, Avould tend to indicate that. . . .the development of longitudinal striae and intervals is an entirely new formation. If this be so, the almost smooth elytra of many Hydrophilidae probably represent the most primitive tj^pe." The same argument would apply to the comparatively smooth elytra of the Histeridas, and thereby support Dr. Boving 's classification of the larvae. Moreover, while Hololepta and Hydrophilus in the adult stage seem far apart, some of the small Saprini are not so dissimilar to the Sphaeridiinae. Cucujoidea. Dr. Boving finds three types of larvae in the Poly- phaga. The primitive type is found in its most characteristic and original form in such families as the Limnebiidae, Leptinidae, and Anisotomidfe. From it are derived the more or less specialized larvae of the Staphylinoidea and Hydrophiloidea, which have therefore preceded other Polyphaga in his conspectus. A distinct poh^jhagous larval type is found in the series Cucujoidea. It shows such close affinities Avith the staphylinoid- leptinid tji^e as to be placed next thereto in the conspectus. The families included are (semi-colons indicating their grouping) EucinetidfB, Derodontidfe, Monotomidae, Khizophagidae ; LanguriidcB, Cryptophagidae, Silvanidce, Cucujidae, Prostomidce; Catofjenidce, LcemophloeidcB, Phalaeridae, Smicripidce, Corylophidae ; Nitidulidae, Cyhocephalidce; Sphindidae; Lathridiidae, Murmidiidae, Endomy- Introduction 5 chidfe, Coccinellidfe , EroU^idae, Dacnidce, Melandryidse, Scraptiidx, Anthicidte, Byturid*; Both ride tidrr, Colydiida\ Mycetophasida; ; OedemeridcT, Ccplialoida^; Zopheridce, Sitnchroidce, Pedilidse; Eurystethidae, Sal pi ufi idee, Pyrochroidae, Boridce, Pythidae, Othniidae; Alleculidtp, Tenebrionidse (to be divided into many sub- families), Nilionidcr. Lagriidae. In addition, though the larvae are imperfectly known, the IMonommatidfB and Lymexylidse are included, and with doubt possibly the Mordellidse. These families have been heretofore, with some exceptions named below, the components of the superfamilies Cucujoidea, Tenebrionoidea, and ]\Iordelloidea, which thus become united as one superfamily, but divided into a greater number of families. The families added are indicated by italics. On the other hand, Mycetseidae, Euglenidae, and Monoedidae are reduced on larval char- acters to subfamily or tribal rank. The exceptions above referred to are Eucinetidae, formerly classed as a subfamily of Dascillidae, but agreeing in its larval form, apart from the lack of jointed urogomphi, with the leptinid association of the Staphylinoidea; Corylophidte, usually placed as an aberrant family in the Silphid association: Sphindida>, the larvae of which represent "unquestion- ably a simple, primitive cucujoid type," and have heretofore been included in Bostrichoidea. In this treatment of the Cucujoidea it is to be hoped that the clues to actual relationship afforded by the larval characters, so thoroughly studied by Dr. Boving, may be reconcilable with adult characters. But it cannot be denied that Forbes' classification (Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, XXXIV, 113-115), based on wing venation and folding pattern, is not in agreement. Of the four series, Haplogastra, Bostryciformia, Diversicornia, and Dryopiformia, into which he divides the Polyi)haga, only the first can, by transferring the Scaraba^oidea, be compared with Dr. Boving 's leptinidstaphylin- oid association. We admit that oiir tendency is to regard the larval characters, based on mouth parts and organs of locomotion, as the surer guide ; but we cannot conceal the differences that are apparent in Forbes' views. Byrrhoidea. The larvae of this series are found to represent an- other distinct polyphagous type, not linked by any larval type known up to this time with the primitive Staphylinoidea. This type of larva is in fact so distinct that Dr. Boving appears to have considered founding a suborder thereon. However some of the derived families of the byrrhoid type and some of the cucujoid type approach one another. Wherefore Dr. Boving writes "rather isolated as the series Byrrhoidea appears in the polj'phagous suborder, it does not seem necessary to rank it and the families and series derived from it as a separate suborder." These families and series include, in Dr. Boving 's conspectus, the remainder of the Coleoptera. The 6 Introduction Byrrhoidea includes only the family Byrrhida?. Two series, Dascilloidea and Cleroidea, are descended directly from the Byrrhoidea; Dryopoidea can be derived through the Ptilodactylidie ; Elateroidea, through the Eurypogonida^ ; Cantharoidea and Scara- bfeoidea from other daseilloid or dryopoid families. With the Cleroidea may be associated Mordelloidea, Bostricho- idea, and the so-called phytophagous assemblage. The series Meloidea may also belong here but Dr. Bbving adds that there are some reasons for considering the possibility that it might be related to the Cantharoidea. The composition of the series thus hypothetically derived from Byrrhoidea differs in some cases from that heretofore assumed and will be discussed below. Dascilloidea. The EucinetidfP are removed to Cucujoidea, other families to Dryopoidea, as stated below. The Nosodendridfe and Heteroceridfe are added, making four families, viz: Dascillidse, Heterocerida?, Helodidae, Nosodendridaj. Dryopoidea. This series includes new families Ptilodactylidse and Eurypogonidaj, taken from Dascilloidea; Psephenidse, divided into subfamilies Psephenina? and Eubrianacinfe of which the latter is taken from Dascilloidea; Chelonariida? ; Dryopida^, divided into sub- families LariniB, Pelonominaj and Helminfe. In the rearrangement of the families of Byrrhoidea, Dascilloidea, and Dryopoidea, discussed in detail by Dr. Boving in his paper of 1929 in the Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Societ\% the value of larval characters in determining relationships is strikingly exhibited. Cantharoidea. The Melyrida;, Cleridte, and Corynetidse are re- moved to a new series Cleroidea. The family Braehypsectridse, following Blair, is considered valid on larval characters, but is included here, rather than in Dascillidje. The Cantharidse are di^dded into subfamilies Malthinse, Chauliognathinse, Malthodinfe, and Cantharina?. Elateroidea. The differences here from existing classification are slighter than in some preceding series. Plastoceridae are included in Cebrionidiv, and Drapetes is removed from Throscidje to the sub- family Oestodinfe of Elateridse. Sandalidse is treated as a family, quite distinct on larval characters from Rhipiceridse. Scarabaeoidea. This superfamily is unchanged, but the larval characters accentuate its subdivisions into families and subfamilies. Cleroidea. The families included in this new superfamily are Dermestidae, Melyridae, Ciida;, Ostomatidse, Cleridae, Catogenidae (?), and Bothrideridffi (?). The relationship of the last two is regarded as problematical. As to some of the other families, the larval char- acters suggest the need of many subfamilies. Introduction 7 Meloidea. This new siaperfamily includes Meloidse, divided into three subfamilies (after erecting a new family Tetraonycidse), and Ehipiphoridfe. "Probably the Strepsiptera are to be classified in the Coleoptera and close to the Ehipiphoridte," is added in a footnote. Mordelloidea. This series, which was proposed by us with great hesitation, is reduced to the family Mordellidfp, and to its main genera Tomoxia, Mordella, and Mordellistena. Even these in the larval stage are related to several of the melandryid genera. Cerambycoidea. This series is restricted by its larval characters to the family Cerambycidse, divided into subfamilies Prioninse, Cer- ambycinae, Aseminae, Lepturina^, Lamiinse and Uisteniinae. The Chrysomelidse are regarded as a superfamily. Bostrichoidea. This series, comprising Ptinidse, Anobiida?, Bos- trichid, Proterhinida>, Attelabida^, Apionida?, Curculionidae (with Lissorhoptrina^ as a subfamily), Calendridae, Platypodida^, and Scolytida^. In regard to the latter it is stated that "the larvrn of the Curculionidae and Scolytida' cannot be separated." Belidae larvae are unknown. Finally the conspectus by Dr. Boving ends with the superfamily Lymexyloidea for Lymexylidie and Telegeusidae, the larva of the latter being unknowTi. As far as known the larva of this superfamily approaches in important characters those of Oedemeridae and Calopida^, "but also greatly resembles the larval form of the ancient suborder Archostemata. " "The systematic position of this series is uncertain." As a final summary of this important contribution to the classi- fication of the Coleoptera we note with satisfaction that, in its main 8 Introduction features, the classification reached after nearly two centuries of study of the adults is confirmed. The phylogeny of the order, relieved of the supposition that all its families must be traceable to a common ancestral type, becomes plainer as the morphology of the larvfe displays the wide gaps between the three suborders Archoste- mata, Adephaga, and Polyphaga. The difficulty of subdividing the Polyphaga on characters drawn from the numi)er of tarsal joints, or the form of the antennae, becomes lessened by the recognition of three types of larvae, leptinid-staphylinoid, cucujoid, and byrrhoid, by means of which the true relationship of heretofore baffling forms may be indicated. We congratulate Dr. Boving and his co-workers, F. C. Craig- head, R. A. St. George, and others, in this country and abroad, on the successful outcome of their patient research, aided by the inspir- ing influence and learning of the late Dr. E. A. Schwarz. Even more, perhaps, are the students of the classification of the Coleop- tera to be congratulated on the guidance in their studies afforded by Dr. Boving 's work. The task remains of reconciling the ditfer- ences between the classification of the adults and that of the larvae. In this supplement we are therefore content to indicate, through this introduction, and by footnotes in the text, the alterations in the classification which are probably needed. It is a matter of regret that the work of P. de Peyerimhoff on the Larvae of Coleoptera (Annales Soc. Ent. France, 1933) appeared too late for its valuable comments on classification to be noticed in these supplements. We thank the many students of North American Coleoptera who have so willingly assisted us in our work, and it is a pleasure to acknowledge for tlie printers, for the publisher, and for ourselves, the assistance of Miss Ethel Olsen, by whom, practically without error, the manuscript was typewritten. Charles W. Leng September 1, 1933. Andrew J. Mutchler SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE OF COLEOPTERA OF AMERICA, NORTH OF MEXICO ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO DECEMBER 31, 1931 CICINDEUDiiE Blaisdell 25; Criddle 25; Knaus 25, 29; Horn 26, 28, 30; Dawson 28; Davis 28, 29; Varas y Arangua 27, 28; Tanner 29. In Cicindelidae, and throughou t this supplement, the numbering in- dicates our attitude towards the changes proposed. Numbers at left hand margin of the page indicate changes adopted or unquestioned; numbers indented from margin indicate changes that may not be finally adopted when the group involved is restudied. Amblycheila 2 a = 2, fide Horn 30 3 = race of 2, Horn 30 Omus * 4 a and 4 b = 4, fide Horn 30 5, 7, 9, 16, 17, 19 = races of 12, fide Horn 30 20 = lesser race of 19. fide Horn 30 21, 22, 24 = races of 12, " 24 a = lesser race of 17, " 24 b = lesser race of 9, " 25 = lesser race of 34, " 27, 34 = races of 12, " 15 is valid, fide Blaisdell 25 19 a Is valid, fide Blaisdell 25 Cicindela •* 44d. arida Davis 28-65 (syn. 29-100) 45c. cyanocephala Varas 28-239 N. W. St. 45d. militaris Varas 28-242 N. Y. R. I. 47b. tanneri Knaus 29-47 Ut. 53g. viridula Varas 27-173 Mass. R.([. 59h. chamberlaini Knaus 25-182 Oreg. 63a. frostl Varas 27-174 So. Cal. 69b. kansanus n. n. Knaus 27-24 and 30-79 for violacea t Kan. S6g. colossea W. H. 26-169 Cal. I.s. 52 a = 52, fide Blaisdell 25-79 53 e', 59 b", 61 c. 61 c", 61 c=, 65 d are synonyms, fide Tanner 29 Cicindela *• 39c. fletcheri Criddle 25-127 Mont. 39d. pigmento-signata W.H. .30-76 Tex. * The names heretofore proposed in Omus. except those above referred to, are treated as synonyms by Horn 30. His opinions (based in part upon studies of genitalia) may not be entirely acceptable to American students, more familiar with the living beetles and their environment. ** Horn 30 gives a check list in which the species considered valid are serially numbered, the "larger races" are prefixed by Roman numerals, and the "lesser forms of these races" are desig- nated by letters. The more important reductions in rank are: 43, ' 50 are 54, 62 70 82 109 44, 45, 46 and 47 are made races of is •* " " 55, and 56 42 49 53 61 69 81 108 A large number of varieties are also reduced to synonomy. These have resulted, he slates, "from too much attention to the minute differences," and he adds, "I am inclined the other way. ' If is possible that this inclination has, at least in some instances, resulted in errors. 10 Carabid^^ carabid;e Lapouge 08, 24; Jeannel 20, 27, 28; Sloane 23; Van Dyke 24, 23, 26; Banningrer 25, 28; Notman 25, 29; Blaisdell 25; Hopping 25; Fall 26, 30; Darlington 26, 30; Hatch 26, 29, 30; Csiki 27; Breuning 27, 28; Benedict 27; Liebke 27, 28, 29, 30; Blatchley 28, 30; Barber 28; Tanner 28; Lutshnik 29; Brown 30; Cooper 30; Bradley 30*. Trachypachus 20680. slevini Van D. 25-111 Oreg. Pemplius Stenocantharus Gistl. fide Csikl 27, is the older name. According to the same author 130 a, 132 a' are good species, and 161b is a variety of 163. Carabus 166t. atlanticus Lapouge 24-191 St. Pierre Miquelon 175a. canadensis L,ai)ouge 08-19 (see below) N. B. 166b. = granulatus L., fide Lapouge 24-190 According to Col. Cat. pars 91, by Csiki, our species sylvosus belongs in the subgenus Tanaocarabus Reitt. 170b is treated as a syno- nym, and the name Iherminieri Dej, is preferred for the variety hereto- fore called finitimus Hald. By the same authority serratus is placed in subgenus Hemicarabus; and limbatus and vinctus in a sub- genus Lichnocarabus. 173a. georgifB n. n. Csiki 27 for carina- tus DeJ. Csiki also makes several changes under tsedatus which with nemo- ralis he places in a section Archi- carabus. These are: IGOb. vancouvericus n. n. Csiki 27, for bicolor Walk. 169g. canadicus Roeschke with gladiator Heyden and canadensis Lapouge as synonyms. Calosoma, fide Breuning 28 [see also Appendix A.] 183. in subg. Syncnlosotna 185. etc. in subg. Carahiosoma 184. in subg. CalUstriga Mots. 186. etc. in subg. Camegonia Lap. i. 1. 187. = 186 a 203. in subg. Blaptosoma 176. etc. in subg. Callitropa 188. = 186 a 18565. = 186 a 194b. = 186 a 195. = lecontei Csikl n. n. for lugubre II Lee. 197. in subg. Paracalosoma 204-207 in subg. Chrysostrigma Kby. 204a. = 204 Calosoma 204d. stellata Csy la valid 204b. = 2(>id 204c. = 204d 206a. = 206 206b. = 206 185C(i. = 206 207a. = 207 in subg. Tapisnothencs 207b. = 207 18567. = 207 18568. = 207 18569. = 207 Callisthenes treated as subg. by Breuning 212. = discors subsp. schaefferi n. n. Breuning 28-80. 215. := luxatum ab. striata n. n. Breuning 28-86. Elaphrus 231. horni Csiki 27-420 n. n. for viridis Horn 227. synonymy reversed fide Csiki 27 (Trichelaphrtis) Semen. 20-39 includes 229 and 233 (Elaphroterus Semen. 95-308) includes 232 and 20681. parviceps Van D. 25-112 Alas. Loricera Latr. 04-273 (Lorocera auct. et Csikl 27) 241a. considered valid by Casey is a synonym, fide Csiki 27. 241b. sierfe Van D. 25-113 Cal. ? congesta Mann. 53-121 is valid, fide Csiki 27. Alas. Paoliyteles 20082. beyeri Notm. 19-255 L. Cal. Notiophilus 254. ob.scuratus n. n. Fall. 26-125 for obscurus II ? cribrilaterus Mots. 04-193 fide Csikl 28 N. Am. Nebria 20683. riversi Van D. 25-115 Cal. 20684. schwarzi Van D. 25-116 Alta. 20685. piperl Van D. 25-117 Wash. B.C. 20686. meanyi Van D. 25-118 Wash. 20687. spatulata Van D. 25-119 Cal. 20688. lyelli Van D. 25-120 Cal. 20689. crassicornls Van D. 25-121 Wash. 20600. moesta Lee. 50-209 is valid, fide Fall 26-125 • IcanncI has monographed the Trechini, .idding generic subdivisions; Notman has treated Pseudnmorphid.T as a family; Breuning has subdivided Calosoma. On the other hand, Sloane has consolidated some tribes previously recognized, and Bradley has simpli6ed the divisions of Ptero- atichini and Harpalinx proposed bx Casey. For Dr. Boving's results, based on larval studies, see Introduction. Carabid-^ Ai 20691. vandykei Banninger 28-5 Wash. -Colo. 20002. paradisi Darlington 31-24 Wash, vandykei || Darlington 30-101 20C03. aleuta Van D. 24-5 Alas. Csiki. Col. Cat. 97 (1928) separates under subg. Nebriola K. Dan. 263, 264, 265. 266, and 293. He also places bifaria as a good species, and indicates as synonyms 276b = 276a, 18598 = 285. 291 = 278? 282a is placed as a variety of 276. 18597 also as a variety of 276. Nebria and Leistus ( = Leistidius K. Dan.) are both treated as sub- genera of Pelophila. Metrhis 2993. planatus Van D. 25-122 Cal. Dyschirius 20694. criddlei Fall 25-309 Man. 20695. desertus Fall 25-310 Cal. 20ai6. secretus Fall 26-1.10 Alas. 18607. belongs in Clivina. fide Blatch. 30-46. Clivina 20697. californica Van D. 25-124 Cal. 18607. floridje n.n. Csiki 27 tor dissimilis || Blatch. Scliizogenius 20698. pygmseus Van D. 25-125 Cal. In the tribe Scaritini, divided into sub- tribes Pasimachina, Ardi.stomina and Scaritina, Csiki 27 makes many changes, as follows: 305. laterisulcatus Sturm Cat. Kaf. 1826. p. 182 is added as synonym. 313. punctulatus Lee. nee Hald. 48-146 is added as synonym. ? missuricus G-istl. 1820 Neue wirbel- lose Tiere 1857-27 Mo. 316. added synonyms: spinipes Sulz. and subterreus Bon. 317. added synonyms: distinctus Hald., ephialtes Lee. intermedius Lee. ? Scarites gagates Bon. Mem. Acad. Turin 1813. p. 475 N. Am. ? Scarites glabratus Bon. Mem. Acad. Turin 1813. p. 467. Am. ? Clivina brevicoUis Putz. 06-li>5 ? Am. 367. of. 18606 and contracta Fourcroy Ent. Paris 1885. p. 50. 18605. belongs in Clivina Some of these, at may require further investigation. Nomius This genus, also Psydrus and Morion, are placed in, the tribe Pterostichini by Bradley, following Sloane 23. The change is doubt- fully recorded, though adopted also by Cslkl. Asaphidion 20699. flavipes L. 61-750. fide Notman 29-177 ; and Cooper 30-21 L. I. Bembidion 20700. lachnophoroides Dar- lington 26-34 Alta. 20701. vandykei Csiki 28-163 coerulescens II Van D. 25-65 Cal. 20702. utahensis Van D. 25-66 Ut. 20703. weesi Hatch, 30-11 Okla. 20704. yukonum Fall 26-131 Yukon 20705. mckinleyi Fall 26-132 Alas. 20706. concurrens Fall 2(i-V'A Alas. 20707. picipes J auct. = plagiatum Zimm., fide Fall 26-133 686, viridicolle has precedence 624 is not a synonym of 641. fide Blais. 25-79 756 = 767 ? Fall 26-133 {Peryi)hus) 20708. mackinacensis Hatch 29-135 Mich, intermedium t auct. = rapidum Lee, fide Fall 26-133 rupicola Kby. is valid, fide Fall 26-133 lucidum Lee. = rupicola Kby., fide Fall. 26-133 grapi t N. Am. auct. = picipes Kby., fide Fall 26-133 (Parabracteon Notman 29-157) 20709. tuberculatum Notman 29-157 Mich. Csiki 28 introduces new subgenera as follows: Chrysobracton Net. 14-166 for 408- 410. Eurytrachelus Mots. 50-15 " 438, 439. 18616 PlaUphodes Ganglb. 92-52 " 503 and ventricosum Mots. 50-11 Alas. Trepanedoris politum Mots. 45-29 Cal. Csiki also records new names as follows : 752. reliquum n. n. Csiki 28 for relictum Csy. 755. roosvelti Pic 02-71 n. n. for perconcinnum Blais. Tachys Csiki 28 submerges under this name all the genera into which Casey divided the old genus. The follow- ing new names for preoccupied names result in part from this course: 813. unionis n. n. Cslkl for laetifica Csy. nee Bates 847. latalatus n. n. Csiki for lati- pennis Hayw. nee. Sharp 12 Carabidje Tacliys 852. pallidiusculus n. n. Csiki for pallescens Csy. nee Bates 881. uniostriolatus n. n. Csiki for unistriatus Csy. nee Putz. nee Ueitt. 887. trechoides n. n. Csiki for trechifonnis Hayw. nee Jor- dan. Patroboidea Van D. 25-67 20710. rufa Van D. 25-07 Wash. Diplous Mots. Kaf. Russl. 1850, p. 10. (Platidius Chaud.) fide Csiki 28 Trechus * 910. chalybsEus Dej. ealifornicus Mots, tahoensis Csy. 910a. utahensi.s Schffr. 20711. coloradensis Schffr. 15-48 ? .saxatilis Csy. 009. apicalis Mots. Kamchatka 909a. micans Lee. fulvus Lee. nee Dej. rubens Horn nee Pab. borealis Schffr. puritanus Csy. brumalis Csy. rhodensis Csy. pallescens Csy. 909b. canadensis Putz. 71-160 Nfld.-Can. 911. ovipennis Mots. Isevigatus Lee. 20712. eonformis Jeannel 27-188 Cal. 012. pomonfe Fall. 914. arizonse Schtfr. 915. hydropicus Horn omit flavipes Kby. = 2171 913. carolinse Schffr. 20713. vandykci n. n. Jeannel 28-791 rufieollis || Van D. 20-66 Microtreclius Jeannel 27-5cS5 20714. vandykei Jeannel 27-587 N. C. Neapliaenops Jeannel 20-154 918. tellkampfi Kr. Pseudnnophtlialnius Jeannel 20-154 920. menetriesi Mots, ventricosus Mots, ang-ulatus Lee. 919. striatus Mots, interstitialis Hubb. 92.'!. pubescens Horn 924. aiidax Hoi-n 925. horni Garman 922. puslo Horn 20715. hubbardi Barber 28-196 Va. Pseudanoplithalmus Jeannel 20-154 20716. engelhardti Barber 28-195 Tenn. 921. eremita Horn tenuis Horn 20717. barberi Jeannel 28-132 Ky. iAIyas ( ? = THgonognatha Mots. 57-25, fide Bradley 30-26 and Csiki.) Pterostlchus ** 945. cf. Van D. 25-69 20718. nigrocaeruleus Van B. 25-70 Wash.-Cal. 20719. beyeri Van D. 25-71 Mont. 20720. fain Van D. 25-73 Cal. 20721. termitlforms Van D. 25-74 Oregr. 20722. lanel Van D. 25-76 Wash. 20723. rufofemoralis Van D. 26-113 Alas. 20724. pacifieus Van D. 26-114 Wash. 937. is placed in subg. Peryphes. 957. algridus Lee. is valid. 964. lecontellus n. n. for longulus Lee. nee Reiche. 991. contractus Lee. is valid, eastanipes || M6n. nee Kby. 1006. reject us Lee (1005) is a synonym. 1010. idah(je n. n. for elongatus |Schffr. nee Duft. nee Chaud. 1017. oreg-onis n. n. for longicoUis Lee. nee Duft. lOlS. fugiens n. n. for fugax Csy. nee Moraw. 1020. fenyesi n. n. for ovieoUis Schffr. nee Mots, nee Reitt. Under Anaferonia Csiki adds evaneseens Csy. 18-343. It occurs in Mexico not U. S. Forta.x Mots, antedates Ferestria Leng. 1082. dejeanellus n. n. for morio Dej. nee Duft. 1110. sayanus n. n. for obseura Say nee Dej. 1114a, aleutorum Lut. 14-427 n.n. for brevicollis Tsch. nee Lee. 1116. synonymy reversed and var. rug-ifer Tsch. added. 1117. globicollis n. n. for rotundi- collis Mann, nee Duft. 1124. frigidus Dej. is valid sp. 1126. fusco-aeneus Chd. is valid sp. fatuus is syn. 1143. ochoticus and arcticus Sahib. are syn. • The arrangement of the species heretofore placed in Trechus and Anophthalmiis follows the work of Jeannel: he has separated them from the Pogonini and has treated them as a subfamily. Dr. Bovmg also separates them from Pogonini, but as a tribe of subfamily Bembidiinffi. •* The treatment of Pterostichus by Csiki 30 submerges the allied genera of our American catalogues as subgenera or as sections of Pterostichus s. str. A number of specific names are thus brought into conflict. The changes given above are therefore proposed by Csiki; many of them, however, will be unnecessary if our generic divisions are jetained. Carabid^e 13 Pterostichus According- to Csikl: 1149. caseyi n. n. for brevlusculus Csy. nee Sahib. In Cryobius and elsewhere the species described by Motschulsky and other authors, heretofore un- recognized are treated as valid, ex- cept the following: texicola n.n. for texanus Mots, nee Lee. 1152. is syn. of diplophyrus Chd. 76-42 1156. add atratus Lee. 63-140 to synonymy. 1157. add connexus Chd. 76-44 to synonymy. 1161. add cupreonitens Sturm. 43- 23 to synonymy. 1163. coloradensis n. n. for bi- color Lee. nee Arragona. 1168. substrenuus n.n. for strenuus Lee. nee Panz. 1173. is placed in subg. Metamelanius 1174. to 1176 are placed in subg. Melanius 1177. ohionis n. n. for purpuratus Lee. nee Herr. 1181. is in subg. Pseudargutor and is called leeonteianum Lut. which name is else- where cited as synonym of nitidus Kby. 1182. to 1187 are placed in subg. Americomaseus n. n. 1930 for Micromaseus Csy. nee Desbr. apparently con- flicting with Omaseulus Lut. published 1929. Anllloferonia Van D. 26-115 20725. testacea Van D. 26-116 Wash. Eh^arthrus 20726. carolinensis Csiki 30 montanus || Van D. 26-116 nee Mots N. C. 20727. lodingi Van D. 26-118 Ala. 1075a. alabamse Van D. 26-118 Ala. Omaseulus n.n. Lutshnlk 29-5 (Micromaseus || Csy. nee Desbr.) Bothriopterus According to Csiki: 20729. etommixtus Chd. 50-135 Alaa. Platysmatus Lutshnlk 29-5 (= Pseudargutor Csy. Pseudolagarus Lut.) 1181. nitidum Kby.. type leeonteianum Lut. and erythropus DeJ. are synonyms of 1181. Loxandnis 1230. blatchleyl n. n. Csikl for brunneus Blatch. nee Sloane Oxycrepis Reiehe 43-78 iStolonU Mots. 65-230 fide Csifci) Curtonotus 20730. eonsueta Fall. 26-135 Alas. 20731. imperfeotus Brown 30-232 Que. The following new names are proposed by Csiki, who treats Celia, Acrodon, Bra- dytus, Curtonotus, TriaenEi, etc., as sub- genera of Amara: 1415. lecontei n. n. for pollta Lee. nee Chd. 1424. haywardi n. n. for parvlceps Hayw. nee Putz. 1426. amerieana n. n. for brun- nipes Mots, nee Letzn. 1327. homl n. n. for femoralls Horn, nee Dej. nee Letzn. 1350. subaenescens n. n. for sub- laevis Lee. nee Sturm nee Staph. 20732. jueunda n. n. for Impunctata Putz. 67-170 nee Letzn, U. S. 20733. purpurascens Mota. 69-1CS2 Cal. 1335. Is syn. of brunnea Gyll. and belongs in subg. Acrodon. 1270. putzeysiana n. n. for putzeysi Horn nee Fairm. 18720. maxwell! changed to maxwellianus 1249. is synonym of 1250 Curtonotus is speUed Cyrtonotus by Csiki. A number of heretofore unrecog- nized names are treated as valid and some changes in synonymy are made; also alaskEina n. n. is proposed for angustata Sahib. Zezea Csiki n.n. (Triseno || Lee. nee Hubner) Bembus 20734. angustieoUis Blatch 28-61 Fla. Rhadine 20735. longicollis Benedict 27-44 N. Mex. Platynus 20736. prognathus Van D. 26-119 Ga. iAnchomenua) 1523. ab. syracusensis Hatch 26-247 N. Y. Colpodes 20737. rufiventris Van D. 26-120 Ariz. Anclionoderus 1007. schacfferl n. n. Llebke 28-128 unleolor II Schffr. nee Chaud. 14 Haliplid^e CoUiurus Latr. 17-179 • (Casnonia Latr. 22-77) (Odacanthella Liebke 30-658. type 1612) 1612b. snturalls Chaud. is valid, fide Liebke 1613 and 1614 also belong- here. Galerita 1620b. ahasverus n. n. Liebke 29-297 intermedia || Csy. nee Fairm. caseyi || Liebke 28-129 Pseudaptinus 20738. oviceps Van D. 26-121 Cal. Thalpius 20739. microcephalus Van D. 26-122 Cal. Axinopalpus 20740. utahensis Tanner 28-270 Ut. Cymindis 19027. tarda n. n. Liebke 27-104 sinuata || Csy. nee Reiche 19028. easeyi n. n. Liebke 27-104 alternans || Csy. nee Ramb. Zacotus 20741. subopacus R. Hopping 25-206 B. C. Harpalus 20742. pacificus Fall 26-136 Alas. 20743. washingrtoniensisVan D. 26-123 Wash. 20744. martini Van D. 26-124 Cal. Dicheirus 20745. blaisdelli Van D. 26-125 Cal. Tachycellus (Triliarthrus Csy. based upon In- consequential differences, fide Fall 30-251) 20746. frosti Fall 30-251 Mass. 20747. tibialis Kby. is distinct, fide Fall 30-251 Mass. E. Can. 2161 differs little from 2159 21 &5 differs little from 2164 2l66 is a Stenocellus, fide Fall 30-252 PSEUDOMORPHIDiZE Newman 40, Horn 67, Notman 25 Pseudomorplia 20748. falli' Notman 25-15 So. Cal. 20749. hubbardi Notman 25-1 5 Ariz. 20750. tenebroides' Notman 25-16 Ariz. 20751. alutacea' Notman 25-17 N. Mex. 20752. vicina Notman 25-17 So.Cal.Nev. 20753. vandykel' Notman 25-18 Ariz. Pseudomorplia 20754. eonsanguinea Notman 25-18 So. Cal. Ariz. 20755. vindicata' Notman 25-19 Ut. 20756. champlainl Notman 25-20 Ariz. Cal. 20757. schwarzi' Notman 25-21 Ariz. omophronid;e This family is treated by Csiki 27 as a tribe Omopnronini with follow- ing synonymy: 2284c ( = 22S4d). 2293 (= Sonorse Csy. 97-304), 2285 (= 2286, 2291, 2292), 2295 (= 2296). The family is recognized by Dr. Boving. AMPHIZOIDi^ Amphizoa 2281. lecontel Matth. planata Van D. 27-98 and 27-197 Alta. 20758. striata Van D. 27-197 Wash. HALIPLIDiiE Brj'fhius 20759. albertanus Carr 28-23 Alta. 20760. pacificus Carr 28-24 Cal. Haliplus of. subg. Paraliaphlus Gulgnot 30-74 for H. triopsis Aub6. Peltodytes 2332. is valid, fide Blatch. 30-38. • A rearrangement of the genera heretofore included in Anchonoderini, Odacanthini and Egini is proposed by Sloane 23 and is apparently adopted in Bradley's Manual. Dr. Boving's work on the larva; may require revision of their results. Gyrinid^ 15 NOTERID^ The genera Noterus, Hydrocanthus, and Cantliydrus, the larvse of which have fossorial legs, are placed in the family Noteridse by Dr. Boving. Cantliydrus 20761. floridanus is valid, fide Blatch. 30-38. Hydrocanthus 20762. similator Zimm. 28-1(5 Cal. Mass. DYTISClDiE Blatchley 25; Fall 26, 27, 28; Wallis 26; Hatch 28; Gellermann 28; Darlington 28; Zimmermann 28; Brown 30; Carr 30; Bradley 30.* Bidessus 2390e. microreticulatus Hatch 28-219 Mich.Wash. Coelambus 20763. borealis Fall. 26-1.37 Alas. 20761. dentiger Fall 27-136 Alta. 20765. bruesi Fall 28-64 Nev. 20766. columbianus Brown 30-87 B. C. 20767. quebencensis Brown 30-234 Que. 20768. thermarum Darlington 28-1 Nev. 2407a. Winnipeg Wallis 26-90 Man. 2424a. llneellus Gellermann 28-64 Wash. Hydroporus 20769. 20770. 20771. 20772. 20773. 20774. 20775. 20776. 20777. 19201b, yukonensis Fall 26-138 Yukon alaskanus Fall 26-139 Alas, recticollls Fall 26-140 Alas, falli Blatch. 25-162 Fla. uniformis Blatch. 25-162 Fla. brumalis Brown 30-235 Que. brodei Gellermann 28-63 Wash. (Oreodytes) rainierl Hatch 28-220 Wash, kincaidi Hatch 28-221 Wash. . angustior Hatch 28-221 Wash. Ae&bus 20778. kenaiensis Fall 26-141 Alas. 20779. gelidus Pall 26-142 Alas. 20780. smithi Brown 30-88 B. C. 20781. bryanti Carr 30-278 Yukon 20782. pseudoconfertus Wallis 26-90 Man. 20783. palustris Wallis 26-92 Man (.Gaurodytes) 20784. ilybiiformis Zimm. 28-176 Cal. Ilybius 20785. Incarinatus Zimm. 28-181 111. 2592. validity doubtful Pall 27-281 2599. validity doubtful Fall 27-281 2598. = fenestralis Say Fall 27-281 Rhantus 20786. hubbelU Hatch 28-222 Okla. 2616a. ab. immaculatus Hatch 28-223 Alas. Graphoderes 2661. = zonatus Hope 95-33, fide Hatch 28-229. 2662. = 2661, fide Hatch 28-229 GYRINIDiiE Wallis 26; Ochs 27, 29; Chamberlin 29; Blatchley 30; Hatch 26, 27, 29. Dineutus (= Dineutes) 2680. = assimilis Kby (americanus || ), fide Ochs 27-39 20787. amazonicus' Hatch 30-16 Ark. 2671 = ciliatus Forsberg 21-312 fide Hatch 30-17 Gyrinus 20788. hatchl Wallis 26-93 Mich. Gyrinus 20789. dubius Wallis 26-93 Nfld. 20790. gehringi Chamberlain 29-247 N. H. 2697. Is a good species fide Wallis 26-50, disputing synonymy stated In first Suppl. 2698. cf. Zimm. 26-97 * Bradley's Manual, followin? Zimmermann, makes some changes in classification by which Vatellinae and Cybistrina are reduced to tribes, Agabetini and Coptotomini are combined respec- tively with Copelatini and Colymbetini, and the tribal name Celinmi is altered to Methlini. The results of Dr. Boving's studies differ. 16 BrATHINID/E HELOPHORIDiiC * Helophorus 20791. aquaticus L. 61-461. fide Darlington 27-174 Me. Mass. Helophorus 20702. needhami D'Orch. 29-79 N. Y. 2746. linearis Lee. pallens Csy., syn. fide D'Orch. 29-89 HYDROCHIDiZE * Hydrochus 20793. equicarinatus Blatch. 2S-62 Pla. Hydrochus 20704. currani Brown 29-108 Ont. HYDROPHILIDiiE * Fall 26. 30; Winters 26, 27; Darlington 27; Blatchley 28; D'Orchymont 28, 29; Brown 29. Hydrophilus In the 1920 catalogue, 2789, 2790, 2791 were placed in Hydrous, following; Zim- mermann. The researches of Mr. Mutchler indicate that this was an error. See 3rd Supplement. Tropisternus 20795. mexicanus Cast. 40-54 fide Hatch 30-22 Okla. 20796. quadristriatus Horn Is valid, fide Pall 30-238 Mass. (Ga.?) 2802. sublaevis Lee. Neb. Hydroblus 2810. synonymy should be reversed, fide Winters 26. Sperchopsis genus valid, fide D'Orch. Cat. In- dian Ins. 28-93 cf. Hydrocyclus Sharp, fide Winters 26 Crenitulus Winters 26-54 2817 type Anacaena 2814. = limbata Fab. 92-82 fide Winters 26. 19269. = bipustulatus Marsh., denied by Fall i. litt. 20707. globulus Payk. 98-188 fide Winters 26 Conn. Enochrus 19274. sublongtis Fall. n. n. 26-125. elongatulus || Fall 24-85 2839. = sellfe Sharp 82-75, fide Winters 27-24 20798. nigrellus Sharp 82-68 fide Winters 27-24 Cal. Helobata 2856. = striata Brulle 38-58, fide Win- ters 27-25 brathinid;e The genus Brathlnus, following Casey is associated with Omaliinse by Bradley 30-04 ; Forbes 26-67 and 26-113 found resemblance in wing folding to Scaphidiidse and retained the family name. The larva is stlU unknown. According to larval characters, Helophorus and Hydrochus must be ranked as families of Hydrophiloidea. By the larval characters also, Limncbius, Ochthebius and Hydraina are removed from Hydrophilidae to form a family Limnebiida: in Staphyliooidea. SlLPHID^ 17 SILPHIDiiC * Portevin 24, 25, 26; Hatch 25. 27, 20; Fall 25-26-27; Van Dyke 2S; Brown 28, 30; Bradley 30. Hatch 27, p. 341 following Portevin, defines subspecific variations as follows: 1. correlated with geographical distribution = subspecies; 2. variations in color pattern =2 at)erration; 3. variation in sculpture and color of pubescence = variety; 4. variation in the general pigmentation of the exoskeleton = accident. The use t)f the term "aberration" in this restricted sense, is not in accord with the older dictionaries, but may come to be generally ac- cepted. We have not numbered the names thus designated by their authors. Nicropliorus ( = Necrophorus) (NecTocharis Port. 23-6S) 2909. carolinus L. ab. floridse Hatch 27-364 N. C. Fla. ab. krautwurmi Hatch 27-364 Fla. ab. lunulatus Hatch 27-364 N. Mex. ab. nebraskse Hatch 27-364 ^,eb. Kan. 2900a, 2909b, and 2910 are only aberrations (2^icrophorus s. str.) 2914. marginatus Fab. ab. sanjuanse Hatch 27-362 Colo. Wis. N. Y. ab. engelhardti Hatch 27-362 So. Cal. ab. leachi Hatch 27-362 Cal. ab. cordiger Port. 24-84 N. Y. Ark. 20799. hybridus Hatch and Angell 25-216 Man.-N. J. var. minnesotianus' Hatch 27-5 Minn. 2915. obscurus Kby. ab. discontinuus Hatch 27-362 Ut. ab. ruber Hatch 27-362 Oreg. Wis. 2916. guttulus Mots. ab. punctatus Hatch 27-360 Cal. ab. shastse Hatch 27-360 Cal. ab. hypomerug Hatch 27-.761 Cal. ab. sanfranciscae Hatch 27-301 Cal. ab. kuschel Hatch 27-361 Cal. ab. lajollse Hatch 27-361 Cal. Nicropliorus 2916b and 291Gc reduced to aberrations 2916a. hecate Bland ab. wallisi Hatch 27-361 B.C. -N. Mex. ab. californise Hatch 27-361 Cal. ab. intermedins Hatch 27-361 (Angell i. litt.) Oreg. Nev. ab. disjunctus Port. 24-85 ab. woodgatei Hatch 27-361 N.Mex.Colo. ab. phoenix Hatch 27-361 Ariz.-Colo. ab. novamexicEe Hatch 27-361 N.Mex.-Cal. ab. rubripennis Port. 24-85 N.Mex.-Cal. ab. rubrissimus Hatch 27-.'i62 Colo, ab. immaculosis Hatch 27-362 Cal. 2917. = germanicus L. ab. bipunctatus Kr., fide Hatch 27-355 2918. pustulatus Hersch. ab. coloradensis Hatch 27-359 Colo. ab. noveboracensis Hatch 27-359 N. Y. ab. fasciatu.s Port. 24-86 Que. -Fla. ab. unicolor Port. 24-8 > La. 2918b. investigator Zett. subsp. nigritus Mann. var. ruficorni.s Mots. Bull., JLII. 1869-.352 Cal. 2918c. investigator Zett. subsp. maritimus Gufir. Icon. Regne. Anim. 1829, p. 60. Japan-B.C. melsheimeri Kby. ab. martini Hatch 27-358 B. C. • As restricted by Hatch, this family includes only the tribes Lyrosomini. Agyrtini. Pinodytini (name chanffed to Catopocerini), and Silphini of the 1930 catalogue. The other tribes form a new family Leiodids. the separation of which is apparently supported by Dr. Forbes' studies of wing venation and folding, and adopted in Bradley's Manual. The composition of these families may suffer changes; they are here treated in accordance with the literature cited. 18 SiLPHIDiE Nicropli()rus ab. Clarence! Hatch 27-358 B. C. ab. sitkenensis Hatch 27-358 Sitka, B. C. ab. massetti Hatch 27-358 B. C. ab. grahami Hatch 27-338 B. C. ab. charlotte! Hatch 27-;!oS B. C. ab. particeps Fisch. Bull. Mosc. XVII. 1844, p. 139. Sitka, B. C. var. variolosus Port. 24-149 ab. intermedius Reitt. 95-327 B.C.-N.Mex. ab. jamez! Hatch 27-.35S N. Mex. Mont. ab. Iute.scens Port. 24-150 Ar!z.N.Mex. 2919b. defodiens Mann. pygmseu.s Kby. and hebes Kby. ab. humeralis Hatch 27-7 N. J. -Alb. ab. ruber Hatch 27-3.50 Mich. ab. nicolay! Hatch 27-356 N. B. Me. ab. oregonensia Hatch 27-.356 Oreg. ab. nunenmacheri Hatch 27-356 B. C. Cal. ab. binotatus Port. 26-2.36 Cal. ab. lateralis Port 03-330 Wash. Cal. ab. pacificae Hatch 27-356 Cal. ab. gaigei Hatch 27-356 Wash.Oreg. ab. conversator Walk. Cal. Oreg. ab. kadjakensis Port. 26-236 Alas. ab. mannerheim! Port. 24-293 Cal. 2920. tomentosus Web. ab. communis Hatch 27-363 L. I. ab. elongatus Hatch 27-363 Colo, ab. angustefasciatus Port. 25-165- 170 ? ab. splendens Hatch 27-363 Ariz, ab. brevls Hatch. 27-363 Man. var. aurigaster Port. 25-165 20800. vespillo L. 58-359 fide Hatch 27-363 quoting Portevln Neb. Penn. Silpha * (Philas Port, a subgenus, tide Hatch 27-344) includes 2921 (Xecrodes Leach a subgenus in- cluding Protonecrodes Port.) includes 2922 and ? ab. bizonatus Port, from So. Cal. (Thanatophitus a subgenus cred- ited to Samouelle by Hatch 27) includes 2923, 2924, 2925 2923a, caudata Say, valid fide Hatch Cal. (Oiceoptoma Leach a subgenus fide Hatch) includes 2926, 2927 2926a. rugulosa Port. Ga. Fla. ace. bicolorata Hatch 27-343 N. Y. N. J. (BUtophaga Reitt. a subgenus fide Hatch) includes 2930, 2931 (Heterosaphu Port. 26-83) includes 2929 20801. seneseens Csy. valid fide Hatch 27-344 Cal. (Necrophila Kby. including Nec- robora Port. 26-86) includes 2928 2928a. affinis Kby. ace. brunnipennis Hatch 27-344 Md. (Oxelj/trum CUstel) ? discicollis Br, a single specimen from So. Cal. .Apteroloma Hatch 27-12 type 2936 Pteroloma ** 20802. tahoeca Fall 27-136 Cal. 20803. arizonica Van D. 28-24 Ariz. • Two specimens of S. tyrolensis Laich. ab. nigrita Creatz labeled "Ka." are mentioned by Hatch 27--'' ** This genus, fide Van Dyke 28-19, betonflrs in the tribe Lyrosomini; but is placed by many authors in Omaliinx. Staphylinid.t: 19 LEIODIDiiC ** Hatch 27, 29; Bradley 30. Hydnobius 20804. luggeri Hatch 27-18 Alas. Anogdus 20SC6. lug:geri Hatch 27-17 Minn. Leiodes Latr. iAnisotoma of 1920 Cat.) 20806. canadensis Brown 2S-141 20S07. oklahomensis' Brown 2S-142 Okla. (Ecarinospliaerula Hatch 29-2) type 3011 Anisotoma (Leiodes of 1920 Cat.) (Oreosphaerula Ganglb. 99-209) includes 3025, 3010 and 20808. puritana Fall' 25-310 Mass. 20S09. fusciclava Fall 25-311 Cal. Ag-athidium 20810. maculosum Brown 28-145 B. C. 20811. canadensis Brown 30-89 B. C. Dissoclia«tus Reitt. 84-39 2963. oblitus Lee. 2955 = Sciodrepa fumatus Spence, fide Hatch 27-15 SCYDMiiENlD;E Euconnus 20812. longiceps Fall 2G-144 Alas. Scydmsenus 20813. adjutor Fall 26-144 Mas. orthoperid;e Corylophodes 20814. flavo-ocellus Blatch. 27-139 Fla. Orthopems 6476 belongs here, fide Leng 26-285 20815. seneocoUis Blatch. 27-139 En a. STAPHYUNIDiZE Benick 21, 25, 28; Van Dyke 24; Notman 25: Jacobs 25; Mann 25: Fall 26, 30; Wendeler 27, 28: Chapin 28; Bernhauer 28; HelI6n 28; Cliamberlin and Ferris 29; Hatch and Ortenburger 30. Holotrochus 20816. parvulus Chapin 28-66 La. 20817. arizonicus Chapin 28-66 Ariz. Thoracophorus 20818. fletcheri Wendeler 27-5 Anthobium 20819. frosti Bernh. 28-40 N. Y. Cal. Geodroniicus 20820. rufipennis' Van D. 24-16 Alas. Tro!,'ophIoeiis 20821. alaskanus Fall 26-146 Alas. 20822. teres Fall 26-146 Alas. Bledius 3623. falli Wendeler 28-298 = philadelphlcus Fall following 2942 are here included. They are divided by Hatch into subfamilies 9), Coloninae (2970-2984), Bathyciinx (2943-2W4), and I^iodina (= Anisotominz). ** The species Catopinae (2945-2969), _ , .- ,. _ The last named is divided into tribes Leiodini (2985-3014), and Agathijiini (3015-3045). Catops replaces Choleva. Leiodes and Anisotoma are inte.rchanged. Further changes are made by Hatch in 1933, too late for inclusion. 20 Ptiuid^ Osorius 20823. parviceps Notman 25-12 Fla. 20824. brevipennis Notman 25-14 Ariz. 20825. variolatus Notman 25-17 Ariz. 20826. difficilis Notman 25-17 Ariz. Stenus 3731. = difficilis Csy., fide Benick 21-192 tenuis || Csy. nee Rey. 3744. tricuspidatus Benick 21-192 simple.x || Csy. nee Rey 20827. bigruttatus L. 61-851 fide Benick 25-73 Tenn. 20828. fixasperatus Benick 25-73 Mont. B.C. 20829. torus' Benick 25-80 Id. 20830. gibbicollis Sahib. 80-80 fide Benick 25-77 \ 20831. limatulus Benick 28-50 Va. 20832. personatus Benick 28-52 N. C. 20833. frigridus Fall 26-59 Alas. 20834. exploratus Fall 20-61 Alas. 3770a. atomarius Csy., valid fide Benick 25-75 3782. mammops Csy., valid fide Benick 25-78 3795. agreus Csy.. valid fide Benick 25-78 3837. reconditus Csy., valid fide Benick 25-80 Dianous 3857. chalybseu8 Lee, valid fide Benick Kuiesthetus 20835. pacificus Fall 26-62 Alas. 20836. subviridipennis Bernh. 28-38 Mass. 20837. marionensis Bernh. 28-40 20838. gangrlbaueri Bernh. 28-39 Mich. L^throbium 20839. sollicitum Fall 26-147 Alas. 20840. sewardl Fall 26-148 Alas. Astenus 20841. fletcheri Wendeler 27-6 N. Y. Phifonthus 20842. septentrionis Fall 26-149 Yukon 20843. fraternus Fall 26-149 Yukon 20844. ovaliceps Fall 30-253 N. H. Mass. Va. 20845. bemardensis Fall 30-253 So. Cal. 20846. oklahomensis' Hatch 30-12 Okla. Diaulota ( = Amblopusa Csy. fide Chamberlin and Ferris 29-155) Aerotona 5534 belongs here, fide Hell6n 28-13, with 5620 a.s synonym Cordalia n.n. Jactobs 25-82 (Cardiola || Rey. nee Broderip.) .Acaniatoxenus Mann 25-76 (to follow Myllana ?) 20847. suavis Mann 25-76 jSo. Cal. PSELAPHIDiE Batrisodes 6217. author should be Blatch. 10-326 Rybaxis 20848. obliquedens Fall 27-222 Pa. Rybaxis 20849. geminata Fall 27-225 Pa. 20850. transversa Fall 27-22.'! Mass. 20851. arkansana Fall 27-220 Ark. GNOSTIDiZE Gnostus Westw. 55-90 20852. floridanus Blatch. 30-111 Fla. PTILIID-flE PtenUlium 20853. californlcus Psota and Rav 29-119 Cal. Nephanes 20854. rugulodorsus Hatch 27-265 la. Phengodid;e SPHXRIID^E 6476 belongs In Orthoperus 21 histerid;e Hatch 26, 29; Brown 28. Hister 6571a. albertensis Hatch 26-275 Alta, 6571b. cam Hatch 26-276 .\lta. 19437 = subsp. of 6071, fide Hatch 29-76 20855. jaquesi Hatch 29-76 la. 20856. Isevicaudoides Hatch 29-77 Kan. Psiloscelis 20857. carri Hatch 26-273 .\Ita. Hetaerius 20858. carri Hatch 26-276 .\lta. Saprinus 208.59. cynomysi Brown 28-89 Okla. 20860. carri Hatch 20-272 .\ita.-CoIo. 6827. ab. oregonensoides Hatch 29-78 Cal. ab. distenguendoides Hatch 29-78 Mich, ab. sejunctoides Hatch 29-78 la. Saprinus 6831. ab. pseudosejunctoides Hatch 29-78 Cal. ab. pseudosejunctus Hatch 29-78 Wash, ab. leconteoides Hatch 29-78 Colo. 6831a and 6831c reduced to aberrations 6829. ab. profusoides Hatch 29-79 Mich.-Ohio 6830 reduced to aberration 6836. ab. semisulcus Hatch 29-79 Mich. O. La. (Hypocaccus Thorns.) 20861. eriensis Hatch 29-80 .Mch. Ohio 20S62. ontarioensis Hatch 29-80 Ont. ohioensis Hatch 29-80 Mioh. michiganensis Hatch 29-80 Mich. 20865. jaquesi Hatch 29-81 Iowa 20866. propensoides Hatch 29-81 Cal. (Pachylopus Er-) palmatus Say ab. dimidiatipennis Lee, fide Hatcli 20863 20864 0901. lycid;e Plateros 20867. columbiensis Brown 29-108 B. C. Plateros G944. ab. humeralis Hatch 30-23 Okla. LAMPYRIDiE Photinus 20868. Ignitus Pall 27-208 Mass. N. Y. Pa. 20869. ablucens Pall 27-209 111. 20870. granulatus Fall 27-209 Kan. 20871. stellaris Pall 27-210 Tex. 20872. floridanus Fall 27-210 Pla. Photinus 7004. (7007 is synonym) 7005. (7008 is synonym) Photuris 20873. flavicollis Fall 27-210 Tex. PHENGODID/ZE Pic in Junk Col. Cat. excludes from this family all the species of Omethini and of Mastlnocerini except those in the genera Cenophengus and Mastinocerus. 22 Melyrid;e CANTHARIDiiE Fall 26, 28, 30: Blatchley: Hopping 20. Cliauliognnathus 20574. omissus Fall 30-254 Podabnis 20876. conspiratus Pall 26-152 and 28-76 20876. tetragonoderas Pall 26-152 Alas. 20877. fissilis Fall 26-152 B. C 20575. ambig-uus Fall 28-73 Cal. 20870. appendiculatus Fall 28-74 Ct. Mass. 20880. knobeli Pall 28-75 20881. illex Fall 28-76 20882. limatus Fall 28-78 20883. brevicollis Fall 28-79 20884. longicornis' Fall 28-82 N. H. 20885. confraternus Fall 28-84 Cal. 20886. sierrfe Fall 2S-,84 20&S7. viduus Fall 28-85 20888. fulvus Fall 28-85 20&S0. tenuis Fall' 28-85 208.90. muliebris Fall 2,8-86 20891. occipitalis' Fall 28-87 20892. modulatus Fall 28-88 2080.3. extricatus Fall 28-88 20894. e.\cursus Fall 28-91 20895. obscurevittatus Fall Ariz.N.Mox. .\las. Ark. Cal. Cal. N.Y.Pa.R.I. 20.806. grracilis Fall 28-96 20897. instabilis Fall 28-07 r 1. Cal. Cal. Cal. N. Mex. Cal. Cal. Cal. H. C. Mont 28-95 Alta. cal. Cal. Podabnis 20808. moestus Fall 28-97 Cal. 20899. altus Fall 2.8-08 Cal. 20900. fenestratus Fall 28-09 Cal. 20901. probus' Fall 28-100 X. H. 20002. citrinu.s' Fall 28-100 Cal. 20003. heteronychus Fall 28-101 Man. .\las. 20004. furtivu.s' Fall 28-102 Colo. 2000."). pruinosus Lee, valid fide Fall 28-77 Cal. 200noa. diversipes Fall 28-77 Cal. 20006. flavicollis Lee. (7062a.), valid fide Fall 28-81 basillaris Lee. = discoideus Lee. fide Fall 28-81. 20907. punetulatus Lee. (7058b.) valid fide Fall 28-80 7076 = 7089 20908. mexicanus Gorh. 85-284 Ariz. 20909. falli Hopping 29-252 B.C. Cantharis 7100. mandibularis Kby. ( = nigritulus Lee.) fide Fall 26 20910. deg-ener Blatch. 28-62 Fla. 10485. = ? livida L. 58-647 Polemhis 20011. suturalis Blatch. 28-63 Fla. MELYRIDiiC Blaisdell 2.5, 26, 27, 28, 20, 30; Hopping 25; Hatch 27; Brown 28; Tanner 28; Martin 29; Fall 30. Collops 20912. oklahomensis Brown 28-145 Okla. Hoppininana 20913. kingi Brown 28-147 Alta. Temnopsophus 7231. ab. quadrimaculatus Hatch 27-366 ab. estelle Hatch 27-366 Malaehius 20014. florlcola Martin 29-174 Cal. 20015. criddlei Brown 28-146 .Man. Tanaops 20010. basalis Brown 2,8-147 B. C. IMirrolipus 20017. falll R. Hopp. 25-206 B. C. Pseudebsus 7279. ab. nlgrroaplcalis Hatch 27-307 Trichochrous 20018. kernensis Blais. 26-9 Cal. 20919. retieulicollis Blais. 26-10 Cal. 20920. vieinus Blai.s. 20-11 Cal. 20921. muiri Blais. 27-l(r. Cal. 20022. albertensis Blais. 27-50 Alta. 20023. field! Blais. 27-51 Cal. 20924. quadrinotatus Blais. 30-14 Cal. 20925. conformis Lee, valid fide Blais. 27-49 20920. zionicus Tanner 28-272 Ut. Listrus 20027. medicatus Blais. 27-52 Alta. 2092.8. longicornis Blais. 28-35 Cal. Oedemerid^e •:© Lastrus 20929. pictipes Blais. 2S-37 Cal. 20930. falli Blais. 28-;«) Cal. 20931. lanei Blais. 28-40 7435 = 7429, fide Blais. 25-79 Dasytes 20932. irregularis Blais. 25-184 Cal. 20933. subffineus Blais. 26-12 Cal. Allonyx 20934. cinerescens Fall 30-254 So. Cal. synonymy of 7496 and 7495 highly probable, fide Fall 30-255 Vectura (Pseudallonyx = Vectura, fide Fall .30-255) (Vecturoules n. subg. Fall 30-256) 20935. pseudonycha Pall 30-256 So.Cal. Ariz. Mecomycter 20936. liebecki Blais. 29-23 20937. linearis Fall 30-2!ir> Seinijulistus Schilsky 94-89 ? bicoloripes Pic 28-54 Melyrodes Pic, in Col. Cat. pars 103 (1929) treats this genus and Eurelymis as subfamily Melyrinse of the family Dasytidse. Tex. Cal. N. .\m. CLERIDiiC * Wolcott 27, 28; Chapin 27. Cymatodera 20938. mitchelli Chapin 27-144 Tex. 20939. rufiventris Wolc. 27-105 Cal. 19579 (= 19580). fide Chapin 27-143 Lecontella 20940. gnara Wolc. 27-105 Ariz. Enoclerus 20941. vetus Wolc. 27-107 Tex. Hydnocera 20942. chapini Wolc. 27-Sl Tex. 20943. mira Wolc. 28-207 Neb. ' 2f)944. puritana \\'olc. 2S-20S Mass. 20945. cuneiformis Wolc. 28-208 Ariz. 2(>94G. blanchardi Wolc. 28-210 N.Mex. Isohjdnocera 20947. minia Wolc. 28-211 Ariz. 20948. liebecki Wolc. 28-211 X. J. Erolestus Wolc. 27-109 20940. cleroides Wolc. 27-109 Pa. CORYNETIDiiE * Corynetes 7725a. nigricollis Wolc. 27-110 Cal. cephaloid;e Cephaloon (Typitiiim Csy.) 20950. pacificum Van D. 28-260 Wash. Cal. OEDEMERIDi^E Oxacis 20951. fain Blatch. 28-G3 Fla. • The larval characters suggest the consolidation of these families, and subdivision into sub- families Hydnocerinre, Thancroclerina:, Priocerinac, Korynetin:E, Tillinae, Orthopleurinx, Clerinae, Enopliins, and Tarsostenina:. 24 MELOIDyE MORDELLIDiZE According to the larval characters the tribe Anaspldlni is to be trans- ferred to Anthicidse as a subfamily, or possibly to the LangTiriidEe. The family Mordellidse by Dr. Boving's studies comprises only the tribes Mordellini and MordellisteninL Anthobatiila n.n. Strand 29-20 (Anthobates || Lee. nee Gistel) RHIPIPHORIDiE Rivnay 29; Brown 30. Trisonodera Dej. 34-217 (Pelecotoides Cast.) 7947. schaefferi Ftivnay 29-lS Tex. nubilus t Schffr. nee Gerst. Ulacrosiaffon 20952. fernaldum Rivnay 29-26 Cal. 7952c. maritimum Rivnay 20-33 Fla. Ala. 7954b. horni Rivnay 20-36 Tex. Cal. 7056a. pulchrum Rivnay 29-38 N. C. Bbiplphorus 20953. columbianus Brown 30-89 B. C. 20954. calopter-us Rivnay 29-45 Me. 20955. neomexicanus Rivnay 29-50 N. Mex. 20956. nomiae Rivnay 29-51 Ala. 20957. aurantus Rivnay 29-55 Tex. 20958. mutchleri Rivnay 29-57 Nev. 20059. iridescens Ri^Tiay 29-60 Tex. 19614 = 7964, fide Rivnay 29 MELOIDEA The families Meloidre, Rhipiphoridse, and Tetraonycidae (Ijased on Tetra- onyx quadrimaculatus) constitute, according to the larvse. a separate series. In it hypermetamorphosis occurs. It is associated by Dr. Boving with the clerold assemblage of families, particularly Melyridse, but quali- fied by the statement that there are some reasons for considering the possibility that it might be related to the Cantharoidea, The family Meloidae is divided, on larval characters, into four subfamilies, viz. : Lyttinse (including the tribes Zonabrini, Henoini, and Lyttini), Meloinae, Horiinse, and Nemognathinae (including the trilies Sitarini and Nem'og- nathini). meloid;e Van Dkye 28, 29, 30; Mlckel 28, 20; Chittenden 26. Macrobasis 19616. murlna Lee. valid fide Chitt. 26-118 Me.-Man. E^icauta 209C0. Impressifrons Van D. 28-262 Cal. 20961. foxl Van D. 29-127 Cal. Lytta 20962. nlgrocyanea Van D. 29-129 Colo. 20963. maculicollls Van D. 29-130 Cal. Tetraonyx 20964. albipllosa' Van D. 29-127 Tex. PyROCHROIDvE 25 Calospasta S121b. perpulchra Horn, fide Van D. 29-127 8121c. cyanea Van D. 29-1.32 Cal. Bracliyspasta Van D. 28-451 20965. wickhami Van D. 28-452 Colo. Gynaecomeloe 20966. parvicoUis Van D. 28-450 Cal. Meloe 20967. californicus Van D. 28-426 Cal. Wash. 20968. quadricollis' Van D. 28-431 Cal. 20969. franciscanus Van D. 28-437 Cal. Nev. Meloe S142b. occidentalis Van D. 28-422 Id. Colo. Alta. 8149 = americanus Leach nee auet. fide Van D. 30 americanus Van D. 28 et auct. z= 8142 fide Van D. 30 impressus Van X>. 28 = S142a fide Van D. 30 Homia (Leonia and Leonidia are synonyms, fide Mickel 29) 8155. 8154 is a synonym, fide Mickel 29 20970. anthophorffii Mickel 28-38, fide Mickel 29 Colo. Zonitis 20971. arizonica Van D. 29-132 Ariz. Trici-ania belongs in Sitarini, fide Parker and Boving 24. eurystethid;e strand 26-74 prefers Aeg-ialatidse as family name, based on Aegialatis Gistl. Naturgesch. Tierreichs XI (1848) not Aegialltes || Mann. pythid;c Blair, Col. Cat. pars 99, (1928) pythin.t: The subfamily Pythinae includes Priognathus, Lecontia, Trimito- merus with species as given in 1920 Cat. and the genus Pytho, below. F>-tho 20972. americanus Kby. 2097.3. deplanatus Mann 19618. fallax Seldlitz 8203. niger Kby. 20974. seidlitzi Blair 25-211 niger t Seid. 16-408. 8205. strictus Lee. 8204 is not found In N. Am. SALPINGIN.^ Sphaeriestes Steph. 31-218 includes 8211, 8212, 8213 Vincenzellus Reitt. 11-418 Includes 8214 Cariderus Muls. 59-46 includes 8217, with 8215, 8216, and nitens as synonyms. CONONOTIN.E Cononotus includes 8208, 8209, 8210, and 20975. substriatus Van D. 28-258 Cal. LACCONOTIN.^ liacconotus includes 12591 and 12592 PoljTJria includes 12597 MYCTERIN.E Mycterus includes 12593, 12594, 12.595 (with flavipennis Horn as a variety), and 12596. PYROCHROIDiiC Blair, Col. C^at. pars 90. (1928) The family is divided by Blair into three subfamilies. Pyrochrolnse, Pedillnse ( = Pedilidae), and Ischalilnse for Ischalia Pascoe and Eup- leurida Leconte, our species belonging to the latter. Dendroides 20976. marginata Van D. 28-259 Cal. Dendroides 20977. testacea Lee. 55-275 Is valid fide Blair 28 "26 Sandalidte PEDILIDiC * Pedilus Eurj'genius 19620. fide Van Dyke 28-260 belongs in 2097a parvicornis Fall 29-333 Dendroidcs, which is denied by Fall Tex. 29-14, who admits that it is not a 20979. perforatus Fall 29-334 Cal. typical Pedilus. Blair 14, and 20, Stereopalpus includes Pedilus in Pyrochroidae. 20980. columbianus R.Hopp. 25-207 B. C. ANTHICIDiZE Notoxus 20981. vandykei Blais. 29-57 Cal. CEBRIONIDiE Cebrio 209S2. speratus Fall 28-146 Ark. La. PLASTOCERIDiiE ** EutJiysanJus .Aplastus 20983. horni' Fall 28-139 Cal. 20986. scabripennis^ Fall 28-141 209S4. imparoculatus' Fall 28-141 CaJ. Ariz. 20987. piceicoUis' Fall 28-142 Cal. 20985. blaisdelli Tanner 26-188 209S8. productus' Fall 28-143 Cal. Ut. Apliricus 20989. tenuis Fall 28-144 Ariz. RHIPICERIDiiE Zenoa 8543a. vulnerata Lee. fide Pic is a variety BRACHYPSECTRlDi2E *** Blair 30-49 Brachj-psectra 9672. fide Blair 30-49 SANDAUDiiE On the basis of larval characters, a new family is required for Sandalus. Sandalus 8544a. brevlcoUls Melsh. fide Pic is a variety, * This family is broken into two parts in Bradley's Manual. Pedilus, following Blair, is attached to Pyrochroidae, the other genera form tribes of Anthicid.-e. We note, however, that Tillyard retains tlie family. Its union with Antlucida: was proposed by Casey in 1895. •* This family is united with Cebrionida in Dr. Boving's classification, based on larval characters. •"Associated with Cantharoidea by Dr. Boving on the larval characters. MeLASID/E 27 ELATERIDi^ Blatchley 25, 27, 30; Fall 25, 26, 29; Brtwn 30; Hatch 30; M^quignon 30; Benedict i. litt. 30; Quirsfeld i. litt. 30. Akuis 8571a. oklahomensis Hatch 30-23 Okla. Alonocrepidius 20990. fuscosus Blatch. 25-163 Fla. planidi-scus Pall 29-56 is .syn. fide Blatch. 30-28 Ga. Fla. 20991. ferruginosus Fall 29-54 Ariz. 20992. delicatus Fall 29-55 Ga. 20993. difformis Fall 29-56 Ariz. Limonius 20994. semia;neus Lee. 53-432 is valid fide Blatch. 30-28 Ga. Fla. Athous For synonomy see MSquignon, Bull. Soc. Ent. France. .30-95 Ludius 8705. not American, fide Quirsfeld i. litt. S7S3. carlx) Lee. = lobatus Esch. 22-69, fide VanDyke 24 8773. reverse synonymy 8775. appropinquans (Rand.) should replace eleg-ans (Kby.), fide Fall, also Quirsfeld i. litt. Quirsfeld considers tinctus Lee. a good species. fide Brown 30-161; Yukon-Que. Eanus Lee. 62-171 genus is valid species are: 8804. deeoratus Mann. vagus Lee. costalis Cand. nee Payk. 20995. subarcticus Brown ,'!0-16.3 Que. 8803. estriatus Lee. L. Sup. 20996. maculipennis Lee. 66-85 Lab. Que. pictus Cand. 20997. albertanus Brown 30-165 Alta. Hypnaidus 20998. extricatus Fall 26-191 Alas. Drusterius 20999. debilis Lee. 84-5, and Quirsfeld i. litt. Mich. N. I N. T. Ischiodontus 21000. g-ranosus Fall 25-180 Fla. Melanotus 21001. simulans Blatch. 27-140 Fla. 21002. obscuratus Blatch. 27-141 Fla. 21003. piceatus Blatch. 27-141 Fla. Cardiopliorus 21004. aptopoides Cand. 65-40 fide Benedict i. litt. Ariz. .\pt«pus 21005. lateralis spadiceus Cand. 93-176 fide Benedict i. litt. Ariz. MELASIDiC Schenkling in Col. Cat., pars. 96, arranges the North American genera belonging in the family Melasidje in four subfamilies, viz.: Gastraula- cina' (Dendrocharis) ; 2 Eucnemina' (Eucnemis, roecilochru.s. rhaeno- cerus, Stethon, Deltometopus, I Ji-tomaeolus, Fornax); 3 Dirhaginse (Arhipis, Entomtophthalmus, Dirhagus subgen. Hyporhagus*. Rhago- micrus, Adelothyreus) ; 4 Melasinie (Isorhipis, Melasis, Euryptychus, Epiphanis, Palaeoxonis, Schizophilus, Hylis. Xylophilus, Hylochares. Sarpedon, Nematodes). He does ntot include Perothopinse in the family Melasidse. •This subgcneric name is a synonym of Hyporhagus Thorns. 1860 Ann. Soc. Ent. France (3) VIII, p. 25. (In Monommids), 28 BUPRESTID^ Fornax 2100G. rugricollis' Fall 25-181 Ark. 21006%. horni Bonv. 70-9S1 fide Schenkling 2S-43 Can. Ky. Diphjtaxis Horn 9»)-2ort 21007. excavata Horn 90-2.39. fide Fall 2S-23G Guat. Tex. nielasis 21008. tsuga G.R.Hopp. 26-226 B.C. Dirhagus Latr. 34-130 (Hyporhagus) iilicrorhagus) 21009. texanus Linell 99-184 Tex. Rliagomicrus Fleut. 02-658 (Isorhipis Boisd. and Lacord. 35-620) 21010. obscuricornis Bonv. 71-97 N. T. In his arrangement of the genera and species of Melasidse Schenkling makes the following changes: Forna.K horni Bonv. 70-891 given specific rank. Dirhagus subgen. Hyporhagus in- cludes 9154-9158. and texanus Linell 99-184 Te.tas. (Leng Cat. No. 12517 Monommidse) Rhagomicrus, 9159 and 9160. Isorhipis: adds nubila Bonv. Mon. Euo. lS71i p. 90, 108. N. Georgia [According to Dr. Geo. Horn only one specimen known, collected about l&o6.] Phlegon synonomy reversed. Xylophilus Mann. 23-14 replaces Xylobius. Hylis Gozis 86-21 replaces Hypo- coelus PEROTHOPIDi^ Schenkling, Col. Cat. pars 101 (1928). Perothops 21011. cervina is valid, fide Schenkling. THROSCID^ Schenkling, Col. Cat. pars 101 (1928). Drapetes 91S2a. nitidus Melsh. is raised to specific rank americanus Gerst. 60-1(52 is not a synonym. Partopus 21012. fuchsi Csy. is listed as valid species, alienus Bonv. 60-351 is syn. of 9195. Throscus 0202. synonymy reversed. BUPRESTIDiiE Obenberger 24, 25, 27, 28, 30; Fisher 25. 28, 91 ; Fall 25, 26, 30; Chamberlin 25, 26, 28, 29; Champlain and Knull 25; Knull 27, 28, 29, 30; Van Dyke 27; Burke 28; Thery 29. Ciirysophana 9207. ab. coerulans Obcnb. 24-100 CaL Pdlycesta 9211. var. of montezuma, fide Obenb. Acniseodera • 21013. flavinigrapunctata Knull 28-314 Tex. .\cm»o(Iera * 21014. hum Knull 28-315 N. Mex. 21015. pinalorum Knull 30-15 Ariz. 9219a. gila' Knull 30-16 .\riz. 21010. confusa Fisher 25-41 cuboecolaj Kerr. 9220. marginenotafa Chev. 67-583 and Fisher 25-34. cubsecola+Fall • In pbenberRer's catalogue several species heretofore regarded as synonyms, e.g., mixta, arizonx, immaculata, and others of doubtful status, e.g., obesa, pallidula, are apparetitly restored. 19633 is added to the doubtful class. BUPRESTID^ 29 Amiaeodera 21017. purshiae Fisher 25-114 Nev. 9232. syn. of 9233, fide Chamberlin ; valid species fide Obenb. 92S4. syn. of 9233. fide Cliamberlin ; or of 9232, fide Obenb. 19636. var. of 9240, fide Chamberlin 29-112 19632. junki n.n. ThSry 29-115 for squamosa VanD. neo ThSry. Pto.sima 9291a. schsefferi Chamberlin 26-235 Tex. Chalcopliora 21018. pallida Kerr. 19-48 B. C. As in Acmseodera and other genera the Obenberger catalog apparently restores, without explanation, several names to specific rank. Trachykele 933na. juniperi Burke 28-8 Cal. Dicerca 21019. tenebrica Kby. ( = prolongata Lee.) valid fide Fall 26. 21020. lugubris Lee. distinct from tenebrosa fide Fall 26. 21021. americana Hbst. valid Chamberlin 26-180 Poecilonota 21022. salixi Chamberlin 25-186 Cal. salicis Obenb. Cat. and Chamberlin 26 9351c. collaris Obenb. 28-181 N. T. 93old. apicilla Obenb. 28-181 Ont, ? debilis Lee. 59-204 (a single specimen) Md. Hesperohipis Fall 30-74 21023. albotasciatus' Fall 30-75 Cal. Buprestis Chamberlin' s catalogue reduces 9369 to a variety of 9.3G8, but otherwise agrees substantially with our 1920 list. Obenberger's catalogue recognizes about eleven more valid species, and about as many more subspecies, varieties and aberrations, which may not be entirely approved by American students. Melanopliila 21024. drummondi Kby. valid Chamberlin 26 ab. tristicula Obenb. 28-209 Cal. B. C. 9390. ab. monochroa Obenb. 28-209 Cal. ab. isolata Obenb. 28-209 Cal. ab. plagifera Obenb. 28-210 N. H. 21025. atropurpurea Say valid ? Chamberlin 26 21026. lecontel Obenb. 28-210 Cal. 21027. occidentalis Obenb. 28-209 Cal. 93876. abietls n.n. Obenb. for abies .\nthaxia 21028. pseudotsugse Chamberlin 28-95 Or.Cal.Ariz. ? fisheri Obenb. 28-255 Kan. ? carolinensis Obenb. 28-256 Carolina ? knulli Obenb. 28-256 Cal. ? nevadensis Obenb. 28-257 Nev. ? prasina falsula Obenb. 28-257 Cal. ? strigata grossa Obenb. 28-257 Cal. 9394. Obenberger recognizes as valid species or varieties all the syno- nyms heretofore placed under seneogaster adding besides the six above cited, and serisa Crotch. We are unwilling to accept such recognition until verified. Agrilaxia 21029. borealis Obenb. 24-107 Pa. 9399a. huachuae n.n. Obenb. 30->'il Ariz, arizonse || Chamberlin 26-46 nee Obenb. riirysobothris 21030. fragariae Fisher 30-149 Wash. Id. 21031. burkei Chamberlin 29-110 Cal. 21032. socialis Waterh. 87-39, fide Chamberlin Cat. Mex. Ariz. 9416. synonomy reversed, fide Chamberlin Cat. 9456. synonomy reversed, fide Chamberlin Cat. 9448. 9440 and 9450 synonyms, fide Chamberlin Cat. Actenoiles 21033. arizonica' Knull 27-115 9482. auronotata is valid, fide Fisher 25-88 Agrilus (Engpaulus Waterh. is synonym fide Fisher 28-104) 21034. arbuti Fisher 28-50 Oreg. 21035. albocomus Fisher 28-59 Ariz. Tex. 210.36. atricornis Fisher 28-86 Conn. m. 21037. benjamini Fisher 28-107 Tex. Kan. 21038. piloslcoUis' Fisher 28-111 Ark. 21039. quercicola Fisher 28-120 Colo. Ariz. Ut 21040. ollvaceoniger Fisher 28-124 Mass. Conn. 21041. fulminans Fisher 28-148 Cal. 21042. populi Fisher 28-150 Cal.B.C.Mont. 21043. betulse Fisher 28-153 Md. Va. 21044. costipennis Fisher 28-182. Cal. Ariz. 30 Buprestid;e Agrilus 21045. baboqulvorise Pisher 28-184 Ariz. 21046. lautuellus Fisher 28-202 Tex. 21047. pubifrons Fisher 28-237 Idaho 21048. mimosK' Fisher 28-241 Tex. 21049. chiricahuse Fisher 28-243 Ariz. 21050. aeneocephalus Fisher 28-245 Ariz. 21051. malvastri Fisher 28-247 Kan.Tex.Alta. 21052. falli Fisher 28-249 Ariz. 21053. cupreonitens Fisher 28-265 Tex. 21054. prosopidis Fisher 28-275 Tex. 21055. exiguellus Fisher 28-277 Tex. Kan. 21056. acacise Fisher 28-279 Tex. 21057. barberi Fisher 28-311 Ariz. 21058. pubescens Fi.sher 28-315 Ariz. Tex. 21059. Fisher 28-.S20 Tex. 21060. oblongus Fisher 28-3.33 Md. Va. 9542a. pseudocoryli Fisher 28-218 Conn.-Kan. 9553a. celticola Fisher 28-294 Tex. Ariz. 9523c. corylicola n.n. Fisher for corylillHorn nee Ratz. 9550. =pulehellus Bland 9533. =gribbicollis Fall 21061. cupreomaculatus Duges 91-48 fide Fisher 28-46 and Mason 26-84. Ariz. .Vg^rilus 9.523d. =9523 21062. geminatus Say 23-103 is valid 21063. quadriimpressus Zieg. 46-267 is valid Ga. 21064. quadrignttatus Gory 41-228 is valid Va.-Colo. 9542. canadensis Obenb. is synonym 9543. = 9542b. 21065. transimpressus Fall 25-181 Ark. N. J. 21006. illectus Fall 01-242 is valid Fall 26-125 21007. olentangyi Champlain and KnuU 25-469 Tex. Ohio 21068. duncani Knull 29-270 Ariz. 21069. fisheriana n.n. Knull 30-3 Ariz, fisheri II Knull 29-271 21070. parafloridanus Knull 29-272 Fla. 21071. trichocarpa; Chamberlin 29-112 On.B.aCal. 21072. manzanite Chamberlin 29-113 Oregr. 19669. cf. Nylen 29-219 PachyscheVus 9565b. nicolayi Obenb. 25-103 Ark. ? biimpressa Mots. 59-54, fide Obenb. 25-96 Tenn. ? oblongus Mots. 59-54 fide Obenb. 25-96 Tenn. Taphrooerus 21073. nicolayi Obenb. 24-72 Mass. N. Y. DRYOPOIDEA AND DASCILLOIDEA The essay "On the Classification of Beetles According Vo I^arval Characters" by Dr. Adam G. Boving indicates changes in the classifica- tion of the genera heretofore included. 1. The Dryopoidea will include the following families: Laridse*, formerly Potamophilini. Dryopidse, including Dryopini, Helmini*, and Ancyronychlni. Chelonaridse. Ptilodac'.ylidte, including Ptilodactylinae, Eurypogon*, and Anchy- tarsini. Psephenidse, including Psephenus and Kubrianax. 2. The Dasfilloidea will include the foimwing families: Heteroceridee. Helodldse. Dascillldce, except the tribes transferred to Dryopoidea. Nosodendrldse. Eucinetidte are separated from Dascillidse In Bradley's Manual, but re- main In the Dascilloid series, although Dr. Boving says "judging from the larva the genus cannot be placed with either the Dascllloidea tor Dryopoidea." 3. Both series were derived from Byrrhold ancestors, but are now distinguishable. *_Tiie rank of tliese groups is altered in Dr. Boving's 19J1 paper, becoming Larin.T, Helminse, and Eurypogonidx respectively. Byturid;e 31 DRYOPIDiE LiARINAB Boving 29, 31. The studies of Dr. Boving- ton the larvse of the beetles heretofore grouped in the series Dr>-topoidea, Dascilloidea and Byrrhoidea indicate certain changes in classification whereljy the subfamilies Larinae and Helminae are separated from Dryopidse. Lara 21074. gehringi Darl. 29-329 Wash. Cal. 9590a. amplipennis Darl. 29-330 Wash. B. C. Helminae Stenelmis Helmis 21075. fuscatus Blatch. 25-164 Fla. 21081. dispar Fall 25-180 Cal. 210S2. arizonica' Brown 30-90 Ariz. Hehnis 21083. thermarum Darl. 2S-5 Oregr. 21076. brunnescens Fall 25-177 21084. koebelei Martin 27-68 Wash. Cal. 9628 = 9619, fide Fall 25-180 21077. castajiipennis Fall 25-177 Limnius Wyom. 21085. trivittatus' Brown 30-91 21078. immunis Fall 25-178 Ct. N. J. Que. 21079. tardellus Fall 25-179 Mass. 21086. subarcticus Brown 30-241 21080. ampliatus Fall 25-179 Mass.-Va. Que. PTILODACTYLIDiE Ptilodactyla 21087. equilobata Chapin 27-245 Tex. 21088. exotica Chapin 27-246 111. HELODIDiiE Cyphon 21089. confusus Brown 30-91 Que. DASCILLIDiiE Macropogon 21090. dubius Brown 29-273 B.C. 21091. cribricoUis Brown 29-2T4 B.C. 21092. nibricoUis Pic 27-34 Cal. BYTURIDiZE The genus Bj-turus is found on larval characters to belong nearer to the Anthicidae than the Dermestidse and is separable as a family. The DermestidjE are divided into two subfamilies, Dermestinae and At- tageninse. The genus Thylodrias is apparently included in the latter. 32 MONOTOMID.'E OSTOMATIDiiC The spelling of this family name is amended by Dr. Boving, and its tribes are ranked as subfamilies. DERMESTIDiiE Periinegatoma 21093. perversa Fall 26-194 Yukon 21094. giffardi Blais. 27-163 Cal. Trogoderma 21095. sinistra Fall 26-19;{ Yukon 9774 = 9770, fide Mutchler 27-2.') NITIDULID/E Meligethes 10024. cf. Chitt. 25-149 BrachjT) tardus 196S7. reverse synonymy fide Hatch 28-35 MONOTOMIDiiE Hetschko, in Col. Cat. pars. 109, ]93!>, treats this family as a subfamily of Cucujidffi, together with Silvanidse and Hemiiieplidie. which have teon shown by Boving- and Arrow respectively to be distinct. We therefore retain the family name. Monotonia 21096. avara Blatch. 28-65 Fla. 10160 is a .'iynonym of 1(1159. fide Hetschko 21097. corpulenta Mots. 08-200, fide Hetschko La. 21098. fulvipennis Mots, 68-199, fide Hetschko N. Am. quadrifoveata Aub6 not N. Am., fide Hetschko 10178 belongs here (?), fide Hetschko Europs 21099. fervida Blatch. 28-60 Fla. 21100. frugivorus Blatch. 28-06 Pla. Bactridium adu.stus Reitt. Is valid but not N. Mex., fide Hetschko 21101. striolatum Reitt. is valid, fide Hetschlto U.vpocoprus 10193. This genus is treated by Het.schko as a tribe in Cucujidse, and the name of the species is given as tenuis Csy., formicetorum Mots, being confined to the Old World. Cryptophagid^ 33 CUCUJIDiiE Hetschko's treatment of this family divides it into seven subfamilies, viz.: Cucujinas, Nartheciiuse, ProstominiS, Silvaninae, Hemipeplinse, Scalidiinse, and ironotominae, disregarding apparently the work of Boving and Arrow The following changes in nomenclature, besides those noted in our first supplement, are to be noted: Uleiota Latr. replaces Brnntes Fab. VIeiota IOL'T;!. dentlculata Smith 61-14 10194. 10195 and 10196 are only varieties. is added as a synonym 21107. Cathartus quadricollis Guer. 10243. testaceusJCsy. nee Fab. 84-87 is valid Cosm. is added as a synonym 10201 and 10203 are synonyms of 21102. testaceus Fab. is valid Cosm. above 10261. =minutus Oliv. 21103. puberulus Lee. is valid Monanus Sharp 79-85 (to follow Planis- 21104. pusillimus Mann, is valid "i^s) Aleut. Alas. 21108. concinnulus Walk. 58-207 21105. gilse Csy. is valid Cosm. but belongs in Silvanus 21106. unidentatus Fab. 92-232 Laemophloeus Cosm. Key to species, Park 29-433. HEMIPEPLIDiiC Arrow, 30-225, makes the genus Hemipeplus a family in the hetero- merous series. LANGURIID/ZE Lewis S4; .\rrow 25, 29; Schenkling 28. Languria Hapalips 10279a. ab. puncticoUis Say belongs in Langui'idse, 21109. interstialis Csy, valid fide Arrow 29-318. fide Schenkling 10287 transferred to Acropteroxys Acropteroxys 21110. thoracina Csy., valid fide Schenkling 10294 a, ab. of 10292, fide Schenkling obscura Mots, ab. of 10292, fide SchenkllDg BIPHYLLID^E Arrow 29-306 The type is the genus Biphyllus. Our genera Anchorius and Diplocoelus are presumably included. CRYPTOPHAGIDiiE Fliaraxonotha Cryptophagus 21111. zamife Blake 28-111 Fla. 21113. maximus Blake 28-109 Cal. tilyptopliorus Park 29-430 Kphistemus 21112. mycetoecus Park 29-430 21114. punctatus Blatch. 25-1&5 la. Fla, 34 Lathridiid.t MYCETOPHAGIDiiC Hetschko, Col. Cat. pars 108, (1930). Hetschko has transferred to this family Triphyllus I.:itr. 20-98, placed by Casey in Melandryidje; Berginus is also transferred from Cisidse. On the other hand. Myrniecoxenus is taken from Mycetophaffida; and added to Colydiidae. In connectiVin with the first of these changes, it is to be noted that Pisenus, the generic name used Ijy Casey for Triphyllus J auct. nee Latr., is not mentioned. Typhsea 10509. stercorea L. 58-357. fumata L. 66-654. COLYDIIDiiC Hetschko, Col. Cat. pars 107, (1930). IS'amunaria Reitt. 82-114 Bitoma (.CoxelustHorn nee Latr.) 21116. paradisea Blatch. 30-32 Fla. 21117. cremata Fab. 75-69, Bhagodera ji^je cooper 30-:jx occurs on 21115. laticeps Blais. 25-320 San Benito Is. L. I. Myrmet^oxenus Colydium 10521. transferred from Mycetophagidae 21118. bicoloratum Blatch. 25-1(55 and spelling- changed. Fla. Nematidium 10581. filiforme Lee. is correct name for our species, mustela Pascoe being a synonym of cylindricum Fab. from South America. MURMIDnNAE The family Murmidiidse is treated by Hetschko as a subfamily of Colydiidae and divided into two tribes Murmidiini and Mychocerini, the latter including the genus Mychocerus. EUXESTINAB Euxestus ,Woll. 48-411 (Ilypodaciie Lee. 170) 10346. This species is removed by Hetschko from the Erotylidaj to form this subfamily in Colydiidae. LATHRIDIIDiZE I>athridius Corticaria 10629. cinnamopterus Mann. 1068.!. falli n.n. Hetschko 29-156 montanus Fall is synonym, cribricollis||Fall nee Fairm. fide Fall 26 Hetschko in Junk Col. 106.30. costicollis Lee. Cat. makes 10625 armatulus Fall Is synonym, a synonym of angusticollis fide P'all 26 Gyll. 27-i:!6 21119. carinifer n.n. Fall 26-197 transfers l(Mj;J5 to Lathridius. costicollisJFall nee Leo. 10667 to Cartodere with locality Culm only, Corticaria makes Eufallia unicostata valid, 21120. arctophlla Fall 26-197 Alas. and treats all the heretofore 21121. cavlcauda Fall 26-198 Alas. unrecognized species as valid. Alleculid.^: 35 MYCET/EIDJE Stethorhanis Blais. 30-376 21122. vandykei Blais. 30-381 Cal. ENDOMYCHID/iE Stenotarsus 21123. blatchleyi Walton 28-217 Fla. PHALACRIDiiE Hetschko, Col. Cat. pars 108 (1030). Phalacrus 21124. vicinus Guill. 94-292 Mich.Mo. 21124a. subsulcatus Guill, 94-292 Mich.Mo. 21125. propinquus Guill. 94-293 Kan. 21126. americanus Guill. 94-294 Mich. Olibnis 10778. caseyi n.n. Hetschko 2.«f-142 egenusllCsy. nee Guill. piceus Boh. 58-38 (Eugen. Reise) Cal.(?) Tinodemus Guill. 94-3(X) 21127. grrouvellei Guill. 94-302 Mich. larves des col^opteres, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 1921. dp 109-110 CIID^ (CISID/E) Dr. Boving, while finding part of the larval characters suggestive of bostrichoid relationship, states that other characters "speak strongly against a taxonomic position within the Bostrichoidea and tor the asso- ciation with the Cleroidea." Peyerimhoff in 1933, places Cildffi after Tenebrionidae in the series Cucujoidea, with Schwarz and Barber, 1914, p. 177, as authority, but adds in a footnote, "11 faut bicn leur donner une place." 38 Scarab^id;e SCARABAEID/E Brown 25, 27, 2S, 29, 30: Glasgow 25; Fall 26, 27, 28, 20, 3'); Schott 2C: Hatch 26, 30; Darlingrton 27; Langrston 27; Schaeffer 27; Buolianan 27; Blatchley 28, 29, ;!ii: Luedervvaldt 28; Barber 28; Hopping 28; Van Dyke 28; Wallis 28; Lugrinbill 28; Tanner 28; Strand 28; Blaisdell 31). The classification of Scarabseoidea bn larval characters differs mainly in raising the rank of certain groups, thus adding as families, Geo- trupidse, Trogidse, and Acanthoceridse, with others as subfamilies. Canthon 21166. 1303Sa is a valid species, fide Blatch. 28-68 Pinotus 21167. spadiceus LeuderwaJdt 28-65 Va. Phanaus 13072. See Barber 28-383 regarding: nomenclature Onthophagus 19946. aciculatus n.n. Blatch. 28-128 for alutaceus 1| 21168. oklahomensis Brown 27-128 Okla. Tex. Fla. N.C. 21169. knausi Brown 27-130 Kan. Neb. 21170. cynomisi Brown 27-131 Okla. 21171. cochisus Brown 27-132 Ariz. 13085. floridanus Blatch. 28-128 n.n. for nigrescens || 21172. blatchleyi Brown 29-86 Pla. 13081. medorensis Brown 29-204 Okla. Tex. guatemalensis t Schffr. nee Bates .\egiaUa 1310ria. insularis Brown 29-87 Q. C. Is. 21173. arenaria (Fab.) 87-11 fide Darlington 27-98 Mass. 21174. lacustris Lee. 50-225, fide Darlington 27-98 Me. N. H. Aphodius 21175. subterraneus (L.) 58-348 fide Schott. 26-17 N. J. 13123. = tenellus Say, tide Brown 30, putridus not in N. Am. 13195a. awemeanus Brown 28-306 Man. 21176. wickhami Brown 28-301 Colo. 21177. manitobensis Brown 28-302 Man. 21178. haywardl Brown 28-303 Colo. 21179. hlrsutus Brown 28-303 Wash. 21180. albertanus Brown 28-304 Alta. 21181. fimbripes Brown 28-305 Ut 21182. errans Brown 30-243 Que. 21183. edmontonus Brown 29-87 Alta. Aphodius 21184. bryanti Brown 29- Alta. 21185. earn Brown 29-89 Alta, 21186. pyriformis Brown 29-205 Nev. 21187. corrupter Brown 29-206 Alta.-B. C. 21188. anomaliceps Brown 29-207 N. Mex. 21189. dentigerulus Brown 29-208 Okla. 21190. snowi Brown 29-209 Ariz.-Colo. 13186. = aleutus (Esch.) 22-27 fide Fall 26 21191. gravis Fall 27-137 Cal. 21192. davisi Pall 30-73 Cal. 21193. neodistinctus Brown 28-89 Okla. 13145. = 13146, fide RHopp. 28-6 131C9b. garmani Brown 29-227 Wyom. 21194. pingellus Brown 29-228 Colo.-B. C. 21195. omissus Lee. is valid, fide Brown 29-224 21195a. torpidus Horn, fide Brown 29-224 21196. hyperboreus Lee. is valid, fide Brown 29-224 angularis Lee. is syn., fide Brown 29-224 21197. pinguis Hald. is valid, fide Brown 29-224 131C8 is syn., fide Brown 29-224 13100a = 13109, tide Brown 29-224 21198. smith! Brown 30-2 B, C 21199. cynomysi Brown 27-166 Okla. 21200. eavidomus Brown 27-167 Okla, 21201. martini VanD. 28-153 Cal. 21202. slevini VanD. 28-155 Cal. {Platydcrides) Includes 13151 -131,'j8, 13160, 13167, 13181, 19947 21203. russeus Brown 28-14 Okla. Kan. 21204. aqullonarius' Brown 28-16 Sask. 21205. thomomysl Brown 28-17 Man. 21206. Insolitus Brown 28-18 Okla. 21207. criddlei Brown 28-19 Man. Alta. Sask. 21208. punctissimus Brown 28-35 Okla. Scarab;eid^ 39 Aphodius 21209. oklahomensis Brown 28-36 Okla. 21210. talpoidesi Brown 28-37 Man. 21211. socialis Brown 28-38 Man. 21212. leptotarsis Brown 28-l.j N.W. Terr. Kan. 19947 is var. of 13154, fide Brown 28 (DUlactuHa d'Orb.) includes 13176 and 13174 of which 13171 is syn. fide Brown 29 Dialytellus Brown 29-211 includes 13207 and 1.3208 Euparixa Brown 27-288 21213. duncani Brown 27-288 Ariz. AUenius 21214. erratus Fall 30-96 Fla, 21215. brevis Fall 30-98 Fla. 21216. salutator> Fall 30-99 Fla. 21217. ludovicianus Fall 30-100 La. 21218. rudellus' Fall 30-103 Fla. 21219. consors Fall 30-104 Mass.-N. Mex. 21220. anticus Fall 30-10.") Ark. Ga. Fla. La. 21221. solitarius Blatch. 28-69 Fla. 21222. floridanus' Brown 30-3 Fla. 21223. oklahomensis Brown 30-4 Okla. 21224. cribratus VanD. 28-156 Ariz. 21225. carolinu.s VanD. 28-157 N. C. 21226. semipilosus' VanD. 28-158 Ariz. 13241 belongrs in Atffinius, fide Brown 28-307 Pseudatsnius Brown 27-290 type 13222 Dialytes 21227. criddlei Brown 29-210 Man. Rhyssemus 21228. puncticollis Brown 29-91 Ont. 21229. neg-lectus Brown 29-92 Okla. Colo. Ochodseus 13272 = 13259, fide Brown .30-4 Odontseus 212.30. falli Wallis 28-151 Man. 21231. thoracicornis Wallis 28-1.53 Ohio 21232. floridensis Wallis 28-155 Fla. , 212a3. sirai Wallis 28-170 N.J. 21234. liebecki Wallis 28-173 Conn. 21235. darlingtoni Wallis 28-175 N.J. 21236. alabamensis Wallis 29-239 Ala. Bolbocerosoma 21237. lepidissimum Brown 28-193 Okla. 212.38. confusum Brown 28-194 Okl^Arlc la. 21239. hamatum Brown 29-213 Ga. Geotrupes Nylen 29-219 reports a single specimen of G. sylvaticus from Rhode Island. Acoma 21240. arizonica Brown 29-212 Ariz.Cal. 21241. robusta VanD. 28-1.59 Cal. 21242. confusa VanD. 28-160 Cal. Glaresis 21243. knausi Brown 28-73 Kan. 21244. canadensis Brown 28-74 Man. 21245. confusa' Brown 28-75 Ut. 21246. clypeata' VanD. 28-162 Cal. Serica 21247. errans Blatch. 29-35 Fla. Phyllopliaga 21248. austricola Fall 29-110 and 216 Miss. 21249. mariana' Fall 29-111 Fla. 21250. iroides Fall 29-112 Ariz. 21251. microdon Fall 29-113 Tex. 21252. paternoi Glasgow 25-293 Va. N.C. 1,3496a. angulata Glasgow 25-294 N.J. Va. 21253. davisi Langston 27-221 Miss. 212.54. deani Luginbill 28-78 S.C. 21255. lota Luginbill 28-87 S.C. Phytalus 21256. vanalleri Schffr. 27-215 Ala.Tenn. Gronocarus Schffr. 27-213 21257. autumnalis Schffr. 27-213 Ala. Polyphylla 13595, 13598, 1.3605. 13607, 1.3610, 13612, 13614, 13,615. 13617, 13620, 1361:2, to 26 are valid, fide Fall 28 oklahomensis Hatch 26-145 = 13598 Okla. 21258. uteana Tanner 28-276 Ut. 21259. rufescenta Tanner 28-276 Ut. Thyce 13628. Delete locality N. Mex. 1.3645. belongs in Thyce Dinacoma 21260. caseyi Blais. 30-174 Cal. Dichelonyx 13664 = 13665, fide VanD. 2.?-165 HopUa 13697a is valid species, fide Blatch. 30-36 .^nomalopides n.n. Strand 28-2 (AnomalopusWCsy. nee Dunn) Striciidermella 21261. knausi Brown 25-200 Kan. 21202. oklahomensis Hatch .30-24 Okla. Ochrosidia 212a3. subvittata Brown 30-5 Okla. 21264. nigricollis Burm. 47-50. fide Buchanan 27-105 Tex.La. robusta Lee. 40 Cerambycid.^ LigJTUS •212G5. Ifevicollis Bates SS-31G, fide Blatch. 2S-49 Fla, Strategns 13S9Ga. houstonensis Knaus 25-182 Tex. CotinJs ]:J931. ab. brunnea Hatch 30-25 Okla. Euphoria 13936 is a var. of 13937, fide Brown 30-5 Ind LUCANIDiiE Van Dyke 28 Platycerus 2126(3. seneus VanD. 28-109 Oregr. 14045a. cribripennis VanD. 28-107 Cal. 14042 = 14047 a. fide VanD. 28 14044 = 14043, fide VanD. 28 14049 = 14047 b. fide VanD. 28 14052 = 14055, fide VanD. 28 CERAMBYCIDiiC* Schmidt 24; Champlain and Knull 25, 26; R. Hopping: 25, 28; Fall 25, 26, 2S. 20; Schott 25; Champlain, Kirk and Knull 25; Knaus 25; Fisher 25, 26; Blatchley 25; Wallis 26; Plavilstshikov 27; Hardy and Preece 27; Knull 27, 28, 30; Van Dyke 27, 2S, 29; Swaine and Hipping 28; G. R. Hopping 28; Schaeffer 29; Martin 30; Psota 30; Linsley 30. Parandra 21267. marginicollis Schffr. 29-40 So.Cal. 21268. punctillata Schffr. 29-40 Ariz. Tetropiuin 21269. alaskanum Fall 26-201 Alas. Uicentrus (Paraopsimus Champlain and Knull 26-205 = Dicentn/s fide «. Hopping: 28-7) 21270. bidentatus Champlain and Knull 26-205 Oreg. Oeiiie 21271. hirsuta VanD. 27-99 Ariz. Styloxus 21272. ruficeps' VanD. 27-99 Ariz. :Methia 2127:i brevis' Fall 29-58 So.Cal. Ronialeuin 21274. cylindricum' Knull 27-116 Ariz. 21275. cortiphagTis Craig'head 23-69 (larva) Knull, 27, 116 (.\dult) Pa. .'Vnopliuni 21276. duncani' Knull 27-117 Ariz. 21277. masoni Knull 28-U HI. Ibidion 21278. polinsri Fall 25-182 Ariz. Euniichthus 1429oa. ater Hardy and Preece 27-188 B.C. 14293b. ruber Hardy and Preece 27-188 B.C. ("entrodera 21279. pilosa VanD. 27-101 CaL 21280. blaisdelli VanD. 27-102 Cal. Pseudopachyta S. & H. 28-16 14348. rugripennis (Newn.) I'idonia Muls. 63-570 * (Haplosalia Csy. 13-200) (Thesalia Csy. 13-198) according- to S. and H. 28-18: 14305 = ruficoUis Say 14306 = 14308 = 14308a = 14310= 14568 = 14569 (?) Idiopidonia .S. and H. 2S-19 • 14.5.'!4. pedalis Lee. (genotype) Graiiitnoptera Serv. 35-215 * (Parallclina Csy.) 14455 transferred to Alosterna 144.57 = 14456 14461 = 14459 Alosterna Muls. 63-576 • 14455, 14464, 14467, 14468 belong here. Pseudostran^alia S. and H. 28-24 • 14484. cruentata Hald. (genotype) 14485 = 14484 .1, * ^^u <:la.sf'fica«'on . of this family on larval characters indicates six subfamilies instead of tnree, the tribes Asemini, Lcpturini. and Distcniini being raised to subfamily rank, with the last named especially by its Ions, slender larva. Synonymy fide R. Hopping 28 or S. and H. 28. Cerambycid.^ 41 Leptura * 21281. anthracina Lee. 75-175 is valid Oreg. subcostata Fall synonym, fide S. and H., 28-26 Cal. 14481, 14475, 14486, 14482, 14487, 14474, 14471, belong: here 14483 = 14482. 14478 and 14479 = 14474 14480, 14470, 14473 and 14472 = 14471 14488 and 14465 belong here Tj-pocerus * 212S2. manitobensis' S. and H. 28-35 Man. 14545 = 14544 14.542= ? lunata Fab. 14547 = 14.")46 20080 = 14.551 21283. deceptus Knull 29-144 Pa. Charisalia * 14464 transferred to Alosterna Aiiuplodera Muls. 40-285 * (Judolia Muls.) (.OrthoJcpttira Csy.) (Brachyleptitra Csy.) (fitrangalepta Csy.) (Xestolcptura Csy.) (Strophiona Csv.) 14.J17, 14536, 14516, 14527, 14.528 and 14431 belong here 14452, 14518, 20072 = 14516 14529 = 14527 21284. knulli S. and H. 28-46 Wyom. 14427, 14437, 14424, 14505, 14507 and 14489 belong here 14428, 20065, 14420, 144.30, 14436 = 14427 2006O = 14424 14506 = 14505 14477, 14426, 14432, 20068, and 20069 belong here 200&3 and 20064 = 14426 20070 = 14432 14435, 14508, 14512, 14510. and 14498 belong here 14509 = 14508 14513 = 14512 14511 = 14510 14500 = 14498 14504, 14494, 14499, 14493. and 14497 belong here. 14503, 14501, 20074, 20075 = 14504 14496, 14495 = 14494 14318, 14319, 14533, 14532, and 14450 belong here. 14317 = 14318 21285. obscura' S. and H. 28-56 Wash. 20077 = var. ? of 14533 14535 = 14533 14453, 20073 = 14450 14449, 20071, 14454, 14.523, and 14530 belong here. • Synonymy fide R. Hopping 28 or S. and H. 28. Anoplodera Muls. 40-285 * 14531 = 14530 14525a is valid species and belongs here. 20061. 14525. 14526. 14447 belong here. 14524 = 14447 14448 = 14447 14448a and b = 14447 21286. planata' S. and H. 28-62 Iowa 14522. 14520. 14438, 14439, and 14441 belong here. 14521 = 14520 14519 and 14519a = 14.520 14440, 14442, 14443, 14444 = 14441 14445, 14451. 14425, 14466, and 144G9 belong here. 14446 = 14445 14433, 14434 = 14425 nitidipennis Prov. = 14469 14532b = 14449 14402 belongs in Acmaeops. Stenocorus * 14334 and 14335 = 14340 14328 and 14330 = 14324 14329 and 14331 = 14.323 20053 = 14322 Gaurotes * 14413 = 14412 Acmaeops * 14410 = 14407 14402 belongs here. Leptacmseops * 14374a and 14376 = 14374 14373, 1437S, and 14380 = 14383 14385. 14386, 14388, 14389 = 14384 20058, 14393 = 14391 Cyplionotida 14492 belongs in Euryptera, fide S. and H. 28-65 Neobellamira S. and H. 2.S-15 14565. delicata (Lee.) genotype Euryptera 14492 belongs here, fide S. and H. 28-65 21287. cruenta Martin 30-70 Ariz. In .iddition to the changes noted above tlie Swaine and Hopping paper on the Lepturini (of which part I was published in 1928) unites the tribes Encyclopini and Leptu- rini, restores the generic names Toxotus and Stenocorus to the sense formerly used, and makes Strangalia Serv. a synonym of Lep- tura L., so that Strangalina Auri- viUius will replace the old name Strangalia. The changes in generic arrangement of the species, though numerous, appear to accord with .studies of wing venation and larvae. Drawings by Mr. F. C. Hennessey assist in following the text. 42 Cerambycid.5: Molorclius 1-15S4C. celti KnuU 30-101 Pa. PlintlKKoeliinn Schmidt 24-382 includes 14599, 14600, 14602, 14604 14599b. sraaragdinoides Schmidt 24-384 Tex. Schwarzerion Schmidt 24-387 Includes 14603 Anacomis 14614d. thujae VanD. 27-103 B. C Callidium 21288. vancouverense VanD. 27-104 B. C. 21289. pallidum VanD. 28-111 Cal. 21290. hardyi VanD. 28-112 B. C. Pliymatodes 21291. fulgidus G.R.Hopp. 28-246 B. a 14G41a. nigrescens Hardy and Preece 27-190 B. C. 14645a. latifasciatus Hardy and Preece 27-191 Vane. Cyllene 14G67 = infausta Lee. fide R.Hopp. 28-8 14668a, d, and e = 14668, color varieties of decora, fide R.Hopp. Xylotrethus 21292. bowditchi G.R.Hopp. 28-247 Colo. 21293. schaefferi Schott 25-224 N. J. 20106. abietis VanD. 29-136, n.n. cinereus || VanD. Neoclytus 21294. baillaris VanD. 29-136 Wash, basalis || VanD. 27-106 21295. angelicus VanD. 27-107 Cal. 21296. vanduzeei' VanD. 27-107 Ariz. 14711a. zebratus VanD. 27-108 Cal. Clytoleptus 14732 = 14730, fide Champlain, Kirk and KnuU '2i> Clytus 21297. canadensis G.R.Hopp. 28-246 B. C. Batyle 21298. rufiventris' Knull 28-126 Ariz. Afoneilema 21299. corpulentum Knaus 25-183 Ariz. 14877c. montanum Psota 30-121 Mont. 21300. punctlcollls Psota 30-121 Colo.N.Mex. 21301. angulatum' Psota 30-122 Wash. 21302. hybrida' Psota 30-123 Colo. 21303. parahybrida Psota 30-124 N. Mex • Synonymy fide R. Hopping 28 or S. and H. 28. 14880a. scabrum Psota 30-125 N. Mex. 21304. alpinum Psota 30-126 Tex. N.Mex. 21305. rinconi Psota 30-126 N. Mex. 21306. texanum Psota 30-127 Tex. 14881'b. arizonlcum' Psota 30-128 Ariz. 21307. duncani Psota 30-128 Ariz. 21308. isolatum Psota 30-132 N. Mex. 21309. punctatura Psota 30-133 Tex. 21310. walsenburgi Psota 30-142 Colo. 21311. nigriventris Fisher 26-214 Tex. All of Casey's names, except corrugans, are synonyms, fide Psota. Goes 21312. novus Fall 28-236 Tex. 14917a = 14917, fide Fall 28-237 14916 = 14915, belongs in Goes fide Fall 28-237 14915 occurs in Ga. and N. C. 14920 occurs in N. J., Pa., and R. I. Synaplixta 14926 and 14927 fide R.Hopp. 28-8 Leptostylus 21313. pusillus Blatch. 25-1 (;7 Fla. 21314. bahamicus Fisher 25-3, tide Champlain and Knull 26-205 Fla. 21315. knulli Fisher 25-103 Md. 21316. scurra v. dorsalis Fisher 26-21 Cuba, Fla. I..epturges 21317. minutus Champlain and Knull 25-207 La. 21318. neomexicanus Champlain and Knull 25-470 N. Mex. I'oRonocherus (Key to species Linsley 30) 14928, 21319. vandykei Linsley 30-79 1.5051 3= 15049 15054 ^ 15053 15057 — 15055 15058 ==: 15056 15060 = 15049 So. Tex. Ecyrus (Key to species T.,insley 30) 21320. cornutus Unsley 30-86 So. Tex. 15066 is valid Linsley 31-106 Ataxia 21321. brunneus Champlain and Knull 26-206 No. 111. Saperda 21322. bipunctata R.Hopp. 25-208 Man. (M)erea 21.323. delongi Knull 28-12 Ohio 21324. brooksi Wallis 26-94 Man. 15136. caseyi n.n. Plav. 27-(J4 ferruginea |{ Csy. Chrvsomelid^ 43 CHRYSOMELOIDEA The publication of Boving and Craig-head's "Synopsis of the princinal Larval Forms of Coleoptera" indicates the necessity of dividhig- the series Cerambycoiuea, uniting- the famihes Bruchidje (Mylabridae) and Chrysomelidje as a series, Chrysomeloidea. Within that series, on larval characters, the subfamilies of Chrysoraelidas heretofore recognized would become families, Sagrinae becoming SagridiE, Donaciinre Donaciidae, etc. In the Orsodacnidre two subfamilies, Orsodacninfe and Zeugophorinse are indicated as required. The present subfamilies Chlamydinae. Clytrinaa, Cryptocephalinje, and l.ainprosominfe, become components of a family Camptosomatida;. In the family Galerucidte the subfamilies Guleiu- cinte, Diabroticinfe (formerly the tribe Diabr'oticini) and Halticinre are provisionally assembled; but it is stated that "when better studied, the classification of the entire family Galerucidse will unquestionably be changed." CHRYSOMELIDi^: Schaeffer 24, 25, 26, 2S, 29; Laboissiere 25, 20; Blatchley 25, 27, 2S; Chittenden 25, 27; Gentner 25, 26, 28; Heikertinger 25; Van Dyke 25- Fall 2G, 27. 28, 29; Brisley 27, 28; Hatch 27, 28, 31; Blake 27, 28, 30; Spaeth 27; Martin 28. Donacia The results of the studies of Schaeffer are best shown by the following new catalogue of the the species. The original catalogue number is preserved for the species of which the status is unchanged ; otherwise it is shown in parenthesis. 21325. militaris Lacord. Mass.-Fla. floridse Leng (15197) 15202. piscatrix Lacord. Carolina Lacord. cupreallMelsh. alutacea Leo. . congener Lee. palmata Oliv. claudicans Germ. texana Cr. , minor Schffr. 25-72 rufe.scens Lacord. hypoleuca Lacord edentata Schffr. parvidens Schffr. cincticornis Newn. (15198 a) lucida Lacord. tryphera Schffr. 25-81 X.J. Mex. . tenuis Schffr. 25-S2N.C. Fla. Mich 15202a, 15199. 21.326. 2132Ca. 15201. 15200. 20161. 20160. 21327. 21327a. 2i:'.27b. 21327c. 15198. 15198d. 21328. 21329. 15194. Ga.Tex. Tex.La.Fla. Mich.-Tejc rufipennis Lacord. pulchella Lee. proxima Kby. californica Lee. cserulca Oliv. episcopalis Lacord (15198 c.) magnlfica Lee. (15198 b.) Can. -Colo, hirticollis Kby. rudicollis Lacord. Can.-Va. Cal.-B.C. N.Y.-Md. N.Y.-H.B.T. X.J. Md. Uonacia 15106. pubescens Lee. 21330. quadricollis Say cuprtea Kby. curticollis Knab (15204) 1.5206. rugo.'ia Lee. 20162. assimilis Lacord. glabrata Schffr. 21331. Melsh. Can. Fla. aurichalcea Melsh. Lee. (15212) distinctajLeng 21331a. limonia Schffr. 25-100 N.Y.-Mich. 1.5207. porosicollia Lacord. 15211. distincta Lee. 15203. subtilis Kunze seneallAhrens confluenta Say sequalis Kby. serea Lacord. confluens Lee. 1.5203a. fulgens Lee. N.Y.-H.B.T. 20164. tuberculifrons Schffr. 21332. vicina Lacord. Ala. 201(i3. liebecki Schffr. pallipe.'; II Lacord. 15205. megacornis Blatch. megalocera Weise 15209. aequalis Say confusa Lacord. dissimilis Schffr. 25-115 Fla. 15218. rufa Say tuberculata Lacord. (15210) rutila Melsh. 15195. publcollis Schffr. 44 Chrysomelid^e Donacia (. Pocdlocera Schffr.) 15208. harrisi Lee. (Plaiciimaris Thorns.) 21333. sulcicollis Lacord. Can.-Wis. metallicaJSay affinis Kby. kirbyi Lacord. jucunda I.,ec. rufatLeng (15218) 15217. flavipes Kby. chalcea Lacord. 15217a. shoemakeri Schffr. 25-129 N.J. N.Y. D.C. Va. 15217b. lodingi Schffr. 25-129 Ala. 21334. nitida Germ. N.Y. binodosa Lee. nee Germ. 21335. notmani Schffr. 25-132 N.Y. 15216. emarginata Kby. junci Coup. 15216a. paeifiea Schffr. 25-135 Cal. Iu216b. frosti Schffr. 25-136 Masa.-AIta. 15215. metallica Ahrens femoralis Kby. (15214) cataractas Newm. parva Lacord. nana Melsh. indica Melsh. gentilis Lee. 21336. germari Mann. Nfld.-Cal. Alas, aurifer Lee. dives Lee. femorali.sJLec. serrieauda Schffr. (20165) 21336a. flavipennis Mann. Oregr.-Alas. 21337. diversa Schffr. 25-143 Ind. Wi-s. Ont. harrisiJBIatch. 21338. fulvipes Lacord. AIta.-Pa. cupreaJLec. pusillatLeng- (pars) 15213. pu.silla Say rugrifrons Newn. 15213a. pyritosa Lee. 15213b. robusta Schffr. 21339. wallisi Schffr. 25-147 Man. Mich. -Alas, aurifer var. Lee. 21340. dubia Schffr. 25-152 Wyom.-Alaa. 21341. neomexicana Schffr. 25-154 N.Me.K. 21342. lon&lcollis Schffr. 25-1.56 B.C.-Nev. 21343. vermlculata' Schffr. 25-158 Cal. Syneta 15221a. minuta Brisley 27-60 Thricolema a distinct genus Brisley 27-50 Zeugc^hnra atra Fall. 26-203 n.n. for abnormistCr. nee Lee. Crioceiis according to Hatch 27-211: incrueifer Pic 06-119-12.3 Mich. 4-punctata Schust. " linnei Pie " " anticeconjuncta Pic " " apiceconjuncta Pic " impupiliata Pie " " Lema 15253b. nigriventris Fall 28-238 Cal. 20169 = 15255, fide Fall 28-238 15255 is subsp. of 12253, Brisley 28-118 15257. calif ornioa n.n. Heinze 27-142, for aemulall Coscinoptera 21344. inornata Fall 27-382 L.Cal. Eurjscopa 21345. alieula Fall 27-3.S3 L.Cal. Saxinis 21346. microstriga Fall 27-384 Ariz. Mex. Chlamys (Bolosclu'sis Jacobson 24-239) (Artlirochlamps Ihering, Rev. do Mus. Paulista VI, 19(M. p. 642) (cf. Laboissiere 29-256) 21347. subelata Schffr. 26-184 Ariz. Cal. 21348. scabripennis Schffr. 26-184 Tex. N.Mex. Ariz. Cal. 21349. quadrilobata Schffr. 26-186 Tex. 20173. = moestifiea Lac. MonacJiulus 213.jO. viridanus Fall 27-139 Fla. Ba.ssareus 21351. clathratus Melsh. valid sp. fide Blatch. 28-71 Metachroina 213.J2. insulare Fall 27-.390 L. Cal. 213.")3. opacipenne Fall 27-138 L. Cal. 21354. coronadense Fall 27-138 Cal. 21.3.55. anaemicum Fall 27-1.38 Fla. 1.5588. = adustum Suffr. 66-339. fide Blake 30-214 Typophorus 15625a. sturmi Lef. is subsp., fide Chittenden 25-91 Paria 213.'.6. junlperi Blatch. 27-143 Ind. Colaspidea 20188 occurs in Cuba, fide Blatch. 28-49 Hydrutha.ssa Thorns. 60-279 21357. boreela Schffr. 28-289 Man.Alta,B.C. 15636, 15037, 15638, also belong here Chrysomelid^ 45 Calligrapha loGTua. confluens Schffr. 28-290 N.S.-Mass. 21358. alni Schffr. 28-290 N.S.-Mass. Phsedon * 15695. prasinella (Lee.) Gl-338 Wash.-So.Cal. punctatus Hatch 28-40. Fall 29-145 Wash. Vandyke! Hatch 28-61. Fall 29-145 Cal. 15696. purpurea Linell 98-482, Fall 29-151 Ut. Ariz, purpurescens Hatch 28-61, Fall 29-150 Ariz. 15698. oviformis (Lee.) 61-457, Fall 29-151 N. Eng.-AIas. ? vancouverensis Hatch 28-62, Fall 29-151 15699. viridis (Melsh.) 47-175, Fall 29-149 Que. Fla. N.Mex. seruginosus Suffr. 58-395, Fall 29-149 N. Am. microreticulatus Hatch 28-46, Fall 29-148 N. T. dietrichi Hatch 28-46, Fall 29-148 N. Y. ? oklahomensis Hatch 31-103 as variety Okla. 15697. armoracije (L.) 58-369, Fall 29-152 Eur. N. Am. ? americanus Schffr. 29-287, and Fall i. litt. Mich. 21359. niger Hatch 28-47 Wash, planus Hatch 31-104, and i. litt. 21360. carri Hatch 28-46, Fall 29. and Schffr. 29 Que.-Alta. ? cochlearia; Fall nee Fab., fide Sehffr. 29 21361. uniformis Fall 29-150 Mass. N.J. Ga. 21362. cyanescens Stai 60-470, Fall 29-l.")0 Mex. Ariz, huachucae Hatch 28-62 Ariz. Gastroidea (Gastrophjj.ia Redt.) 21363. formosa (Say) is valid, fide Schffr. 28-45 15705 ^ Nodonota puneticollis Lef. 28-45 Una 21364. interrupta Fab. 01-438 21364a. 4-g:uttata Schffr. 28-43 Alta. 21.''^>4b. aeneicollis Schffr. 2. Gentn. 28-62 Ariz. 21384. bicolor Gentn. 28-63 Ariz. 21385. magnipunctata Gentn. 28-64 So. Cal. Systena 21386. floridana Blatch. 28-72 Fla. Long! tarsus 21387. waterhousei Kutschera 64-274 Kur.Mich.Ind. (Wien. Ent. Monatschr. Vol. VIII) menthjE (Bedel) 98-189 menthas 1| Gentn. 25-109 menthaphagus Gentn. 26-152 and 28-264 21388. ovalis Gentn. 26-153 Nfld. Gb-ptiaa 21389. maritima Fall 27-140 Mass. Aphthona 21390. schaefferi Blatch. 27-144 Fla. Pliyllotreta as arranged by Chittenden 27 16075. armoraciK (Koch) 03-75 t Eur.Que.-Nea. vittata Steph. 31-297 16075a. biplagiata" Chitt. 27-16 Wis. 16C64. lepldula (Lee.) 57-68 Cal. 16067. oregonensis (Cr.) 73-66 Or.-Tex. 16068. robusta Lee. 78-614 Mich.-Man. 16065. zlmmermanni (Cr.) 73-66 N. Eng.-Man. sinuata t Horn 89-295 20245. utana Chitt. 20-389 Ut.-Oreg. 16066. vittata (Fab.) 01-4(!9 t Eur. N.Eng. Cal. striolata (Fab.) 07-148 sinuata t Redt. 16066a. discedens Welse 93-873 Fla. Tex. D.C. 16U66b. monticola Welse 93-873 t Eur. Cal. D.C. 16066c. lineolata Chitt. 27-25 Ala.-Alas. 16066d. vernicosa' Chitt 27-25 Cal. 16066e. artivltta' Chitt. 27-20 la. 20243. liebeckl Schffr. 19-439 Fla. Md. 111. 21391. alberta Chitt. 27-28 Alta. 21392. perspicua' Chitt. 27-29 Oreg. • Variety of bipustulata, fide Chitt. 27. riiyllotreta 21393. obtusa' Chitt. 27-30 Colo. 21394. oblonga Chitt. 27-31 Alta. 16073. ramosa (Cr.) 74-80 Cal. Nev. N.T. 16074. bipustulata (Fab.) 01-464 N.Y. Wis. Kan. 20244. conjuncta Gentn. 24-168* Mich. Wis. Kan. 16C60. denticornis Horn 89-297 Cal. Oreg. 21395. amplicornis' Chitt. 27-35 16070. ulkei Horn 89-298 Ohio. 16071. decipiens Horn 89-298 Or.Mont.B.C. 16071a. ordinata Chitt. 27-38 Nev.-Wash. 16072. albionica (Lee.) 57-68 Colo-B.C. 16072a. corusca' Chitt. 27-40 B.C. 21396. herbacea Chitt. 27-41 Colo. 21397. prasina Chitt. 27-42 Cal.Ariz.Tex. 16076. chalybeipennis (Cr.) 73-67 Mass.-Fla. 16078. seneicoliis (Cr.) 73-67 Tex.-S.Dak. 16077. lewisii (Cr.) 73-66 Md.-Oreg. 21398. Columbiana Chitt. 27-46 B.C. 21399. subnitida Chitt. 27-47 Cai.-N.Mex. 21400. jerea Allard 59-c fEur. N.Y. punctulata Foudras 60-2.55 21401. inconspicua Chitt. 27-49 Alta- Wash. 21402. fulgida Chitt. 27-50 Colo.-Cal. 21403. transver-sovalis' Chitt. 27-51 Ut. 21404. brevlpennis Chitt. 27-52 Man. 16080. pusilla Horn 89-302 Colo.-Cal. 21405. laticornis Chitt. 27-.'i4 Ariz. L'14n6. viridicyanea Chitt. 27-55. Cal. 21407. polita Chitt. 27-56 Oreg. 21408. inordinata Chitt. 27-.57 Tex. Ariz. 20242. undulata Kutsch. 60-301 ? N.Am. 16079. lindahli Dury (in Tanygaster?) 160ST. pic'ta (Say) in>Trachymetopa Weise, fide Heikertinger 25-58 .Xnisnstena 21409. californica VanD. 25-170 Cal. Brachyooryna 21410. dolorosa VanD. 25-170 Cal. 16117. =hardyi Cr. fide VanD. 25 niicrorlinpala 16131c. militaris VanD. 25-173 Cal. Clielymorpha 21411. phytophaglca Or. 73-77 is valid Ariz. Physonota 16142b. arizonre Schffr. 25-234 Ariz. 21412. helianthi Rand, is valid fide Criddle 26-208 Cnssida 21413. relicta Spaeth 27-114 111. Platystomid^ 47 Deloyala 16155a. diversicollis Schffr. 25-2S5 Tex. Ariz. Metrioiuk 16157b. floridana Schffr. 25-235 Fla. 21414. marginepunctata Schffr. 25-236 Ala. 21415. lodingi Schffr. 25-236 Ala. Coptocycia 21416. pinicola Schffr. 25-235 Ala. MYLABRIDi^ On larval characters two suljfamilies, Pachymerinse and Bruchinse are suggested by Boving and Craighead. Caryobruclius Bridwell 29-1-lS New genus proposed for 16163 and 16164 Spermophagus 2{. Bridwell 30-29 on status of robinlae Fab. Mylabris 21417. wheelocki Blatch. 30-35 21418. prolixus Fall 26-204 Fla. AIa3. BRENTIDi^ Klelne 27. Platystrophus Kleine 17-39 This generic name is proposed for Eupsalis and the varieties lecontei and sallei are treated by Kleine as valid, without explanation. Brentus 16260 = mexicanus Boh. 40-532 platystomid;c (ANTHRIBID^) (CHORAGID.^) This family is treated under the name Choragidse in Bradley's Manual. Several nomenclatorial changes are made by Pierce 30; in the same paper keys to several genera by Barber and Buchanan are printed, as well as t)ther keys by Pierce. Wolfrum, in Col. Cat. parts 102 (1929) restores the family name Anthribidae, makes two sulifamilies, and submerges the genera Gonops and Toxotropis in Ormiscus. Boving and Craighead, on larval characters, elevate the rank of the family to a series. Platysfomoidea, divided into two subfamilies, Brachy- tarsinae (legs present) and Choraginse (legs absent) in larval stage. Aleconemus Labram and Imhoff 38-51, fide Pierce X (Ischnocerus Schon.) ^ 21419. angulata Martin 30-71 Ariz. Toxotropis Key, Pierce 30 (Gonops Lee.) fide Pierce 21420. simplex' Pierce .30-8 Ga. 21421. sparsus' Pierce 30-9 Tex. 21422. 4-maculatus Pierce 30-9 Fla.-D.C. 21423. mitchelli Pierce 30-10 T x. 21424. victoriensis Pierce 30-11 Tex. Eusphyrus 21425. schwarzi Pierce 30-28 Fla. Discotenes Labram and Imhoff fide Pierce (Phanosolena Schffr.) Ormiscus 21426. angulatus Pierce 30-6 21427. solidus' Pierce 30-7 Euryniycter Key, Pierce 30 21 428. latifascia Pierce 30-17 21429. bicarinatus' Pierce 30-17 Wash. 21430. tricarlnatus Pierce 30-17 N.C-Wla 38-51. Tex. Tex. N.Y. Ont 48 CURCULIONID^ Trupideres 214;il. barberi Pierce 30-13 Tex. Alliuidrus Key, Barber 3(1 21432. populi Pierce 30-19 Ariz. Ut. Id. Mich. Piezocorynus Key, Buchanan 30 16288. =plae:ifer Jordan 04-277, fide Pierce Pseudanthribus Pierce 30-24 (Atithribus Geoff.) Brachytarsus 21433. annulatus Carr 30-279 Alta. Bracliytaisoides IMerce .3^1-29 n. gen. for 1G310 and others Euxenus 21434. ater^ Blatch. 30-238 Fla. CURCULIONOIDEA The series Brentoidea, Curculionoidea, and Scolytoidea are consolidated by Boving and Craigihead on larval characters. They state that the larvje of Curculionidse and Scolytidse "cannot be separated." The sub- merged larvje of Lissorhoptrus, living between the leaves of rice, lead to their separation as a subfamily Lissorhoptrinte. The families sug- gested are Belidae, Erentidse, Attelabidai (including Rhynchitinse = Cimberinee and Attelabinas) Apionidas, CurculionidBe, Calendridse, Platy- podidse, and Scolytidse. CURCULIONIDi^E Fall 25. 26, 27, 28, 29; Chittenden 25, 26, 28, 30; Blatchley 25, 28; Pierce 25; Satterthwait 25; Fisher 25; Voss 25; Buchanan 'JG. 27, 29; Barber 26; Van Dyke 27, 28, 20, 30; Cotton 27; Carr 29, 3(1; Brown 29, 30; Ryan 29; Frost oO; CiTsby and Blauvelt 3(); Mutchler 30; Bradley 30. Dioclyrhynchus (in subfamily Cimberinoe, fide Bradley 30-259) 21435. slevini Martin 30-130 Cal. Rhynchites 21430. quadripennis Fall 29-292 Tbx. 21437. delectus Fall 29-292 So.Cal. lG357a. levirostris' Fall 29-293 Cal. 21438. insularis Fall 29-293 Cal. Is. Attelabus (Himatolabus) 21439. constrictipennis Chitt. 26-163 Ariz. 21440. disparipes Chitt. 26-104 Ariz. 21441. coloradoensis Voss 25-244 So.Co'.o. (Pilolaius) 21442. californicus Voss 25-243 Cal. According to Col. Cat. pars 110: 16365a. is a synonym of 16.365; the synonymy under l(v!09 is to be reversed; the subgener.a are Pilolabiis for californicus. Himatolabus for 1<).'U!9. Synolabus for 16:'.i;(!, ia:!r,7 and 16368, Cyrtolabus for Chittenden's species, and Homoeolabus for 16365 .4p!on 21443. ala.skanum Fall 26-205 Alas. 21444. dilaticolle Fall 25-85 N.J. • 21445. blschoffl Fall 25-86 N.Y. N.J. Va. atripestFall, 98 nee. Smith .^pion 2144(5. diffractum Fall. 25-87 N.J. Mass. Id. 21447. speculiferum Fall 27-140 Alta. 21448. cyanitinctum Fall 27-141 Man. Eupagoderes 21449. giganteus Chitt. 26-169 Cal. Dichoxenus lfJ548 belongs here, fide Buchanan 27-184 Calomycterus 21450. setarius Roelofs 73-175, fide Mutchler 30-1 N.Y. Panst'opus Key, Buchanan 27 (Xomidus) schwarzi Buch. 27-.J0 Ut. 21451. 21452. 21453. 214.".4 rugicollis' Buch. 27-31 "Wash. Cal. bufo' Buch. 27-31 pallidus Buch. 27-31 B.C. Id. Mont. 2145.'). tricarinatus' Buch. 27-32 Oreg. (Pscttdopansropvs Buch. 27-33) 21456. costatus" Buch. 27-33 B.C. ](m75 = 1(;(«6. fide Buch. 10.584a = 1&5S4. fide Buch. 16586 = 16576, fide Buch. Panscopidius = Nocheles, fide Buch. Pantomorus l(i(>.59. =igodmanl Cr. fide Bradley 30-262 CURCULIONID^ 49 Mesa^roicus Schon. 40-281 (Lepidocricus Pierce) fide Buclianan 29 21457. minor Buch. 29-6 Ohio-Colo. 21458. oblon^us Buch. 29-S Neb.-Wyom 21459. plumosus Buch. 29-9. Tex. 21460. elongratus Buch. 29-10 Oreg. 21461. nevadianus Buch. 29-11 Nev. 21462. incertus Buch. 29-11 214a^.. hispidus Buch. 29-12 21464. strigisquamosus Buch. Wash. Cal. 29-13 Cal. Cal. 21465. ocularis Buch. 29-13 Trigonoscuta 16695 = 16673 fide Buch. 27-184 Bracliyrhinus cf. Chitt. 25-290. and Buch. 27-183 21466. cribricollis Gyll. 34-582 fide VanD. 29-8 and Ryan 29-567 Cal. .Igronus 21467. carri Buch. 29-102 Alta. Euoilinus (Simoini) Buch. 26-179 21468. mononychus Buch. 2G-1S0 Ut. Ariz. Trirhalophus 21469. brunneus' VanD. 27-15 Wash, 21470. foveircstris Chitt. 25-141* Acmapgenius 21471. granicollis' VanD. 27-14 Wyom. Lepidopliorus 21472. rainieri VanD. 30-140 Wash. 21473. alternatus VanD. 30-150 Wash. Or. Desiantha (Ili/pcrini) Pasc. 70-193 21474. nociva Lea 09-174 fide Blatch. 25-92 tMiss. Lcpyriis Key to sp. Van D. 28-57 21475. nordenskioldi Faust 87 21475a. canadensis Csy. 21475b. cinereus VanD. 28-57 Alas. 21470. oregonus Csy. 21476a. tesselatus VanD. 2S-56 Alta. Listronotus 21477. impressus VanD. 29-106 Cal. 21478. elegans VanD. 29-107 Cal. 21479. leucozonatus Chitt. 26-341 O. Fla. N.Y. (Listroderes) 21480. apicalis Waterh. 41-123. fide Chitt. 26-71 Hj-perodes 214.^. annulipes Blatch. 25-92 Fla. 21482. carinatus Blatch. 28-242 Fla. 16810 = 16834, fide Fall 26-200 vitticoUistDietz = 16S.3.">a, fide Fall 26-206 Pissodes 21483. rohustus VanD. 27-11 Cal. 21484. ochraceus VanD. 27-12 Cal. * Referred to Plinthodes Van D. 27-15. •• Curcuiio nucum designated as type by Latrci pp. 1I3-1M. .Anculopus Van D. 27-12 21485. foveatus VanD. 27-13 Wash. Notaris 21486. flavipilosus Chitt. 30-48 21487. goliath Buch. 27-38 Nev. Oreg. 16923 = bimaculatus Fab., fide Buch. 26-36 Smicronyx 21488. minutissimus' Blatch. 28-244 Fla. Tanysphyrus 21480. atra' Blatch. 28-244 Mass. Bagous 21490. carinatus Blatch. 25-95 Fla. Mynnex (Otidocephalus) 21491. ventralis' VanD. 30-151 Tex. 21492. dimidiatus' VanD. 30-152 Tex. 21493. octolineatus Champ. 03-242 fide VanD. 30-153 Curcuiio** L. 58 377-.3.S6. (Balaiiinus Germ.) .\rranged as follows by Chitten den, 1927: * 17155. proboscideus Fab. 17177. auriger Csy. *» 17159. nasicus Say 17156. caryje Horn 17157. rectus Say Ariz. E.U.S. E.U.S.ArIz? E.U.S. Tex. E.U.S. Tex. E.U.S. Tex. 21494. macrodon' Chitt. 27-154 Tex. 21495. longidens Chitt. 27-155 Mass. Fla. Tex. 21496. ruficristatus' Chitt. 27-156 Tex. 21497. orthorhynchus Chitt. W. Va. N.J. -Tex. 21498. longinasus' Chitt. 27-158 Ariz. 2149S'a. mandibularis Chitt. 27-158 Ariz. 21499. multifasciatus> Chitt. 27-159 Wis. So.Cal. Ariz. W. Tex. 21500. pardus Chitt. 27-160 21501. gracilis Chitt. 27-161 21502. wenzeli Chitt. 27-161 V tI* ^ ^f» 17160. pardalis Chitt. 17176. victoriensis Chitt. 17176a. fulvus Chitt. 27-lCir, „,, 21.503. emarginatus Chitt. 27-165 N.Mex. 17170. strictus Csy. ***** 17175. q-grisete Chitt. 17161. confusor Ham. 17167. uniformls Lee. 21.504. parvldens Chitt. 17162. baculi Chitt. 171 e2a. curtus Chitt. E.U.S. Ter. Tex.-S.C. S.C.-Ala. N.J. Ut. Ariz. E.U.S. Dak. Tal. Ut. B.C. Gulf. St. N.C. E.U.S. Tex. lie 1810, fide Pierce Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 1925. 50 Curculionid;e Curculio 21505. cervulinus Chitt. 27-174 Cal. 17169. undulatus Csy. Ariz. 2150G. microdon Chitt. 27-175 Tex. 21506a. rectitibialis Chitt. N.Mex. 17164. obtusus Blanch. E.U.S. Can. Tex. 21507. numenius Chitt. 27-17S Can. -Colo. 21508. funicularis Chitt. 27-179 N.Mex. Can. 21509. iowensis Csy. (17161a.) N.Y. Wis. Tex. 21510. ibis5 Chitt. 27-lSl Ariz. 21511. exili.s' Chitt. 27-1S2 Can. 17166. monticola Csy. W.Tex. N.Mex. 21512. crassirostris Chitt. 27-184 Ariz. 21513. aurive.stis' Chitt. 27-185 Cal. 21514. bn-vinasus Chitt. 27-185 Cal. 17168. nanulus Csy. N.Mex. 21515. striatus Chitt. 27-187 W.Tex. 17163. humeralis Csy Fla. 21516. albidus Chitt. 27-189 ? haroldi Faust 90-292, fide Chitt. 2S-69 China N.Am? 17155a, 171,")b = 17155 17158. 17177a, 17178, 17179 = 17177 auctus Csy. = 17159 sparsus Gyll. rostratus Gyll., and nasatus Say = 17159? appalachius Csy. = 17160 17173, 17171. 17172, and ordinatus Csy. == 17170 proprius Csy. = 17175 17165 = 171C7 17180 = 17166 17174 = 17168 Anthonuinus (Coccotorus) 21517. pruniphilus Chitt. 25-130 Tex. ( Anthnnnmus) 21518. nubiloides Fall 28-2.39 Me. and West 21519. austral is Blatch. 25-98 Fla. 21520. bicorostris Blatch. 25-97 Fla. 17239a. picipes' Blatch. 28-249 111. 17267. xantus Blatch. 25-99 = 17267 fide Fall 28-238 Mass. ? 17312 = 1727.3, fide Pall 28-230. denied Blatch. 30-41 EpiTne<'Jius 21.521. flavlrostris Fall 28-239So.Cal. Orcliestes 21522. uniformis Brown 29-110 Man. 21323. testaceus Mul. 76-90 fidt; Frost 30-97 Me. N.S. 17345a. is valid species, occurs in Quebec, fide Brown 30 Cleonus 21524. piger Scop. 63-23, fide Crosby and Blauvelt 30-164 N.Y. Lixus 21,"i25. novellus Blatch. 25-101 Ind. 2152G. pusio' Blatch. 28-2.50 Fla. 21527. blakece Chitt. 28-90 Cal. 21528. albisetiger Chitt. .30-2 Tex. 21529. aspericoUis Chitt. 30-3 Kan. 21530. coloradensis' Chitt. 30-4 Colo. 21531. perstriatus Chitt. 30-5 Colo. 21532. acirostris Chitt. 30-6 N.C. 21533. ordinatipennis' Chitt. 30-7 La. 21534. quadratipunctatus" Chitt. 30-8 Colo. 17425a. profundus Chitt. 30-0 Ga.-Tex. 21535. crassipunetatus' Chitt. 30-9 Ariz. 215.36. ivfe Chitt. 30-10 La. 21537. dissimilis Chitt. 30-11 Ga. 21538. tricristatus Chitt. 30-12 N.Y. Ala. Kan. 21539. planicollis Chitt. 30-13 la. La. 21540. pervestitus Chitt. 30-14 Ariz. N.Mex. 21541. flexipennis' Chitt. 30-15 la. 21.^42. buchanani' Chitt. 30-16 la. 21543. pluchese Chitt. 30-17 Tex. 17437a. ocellatus Chitt. 30-18 X.Y. N.J. 21544. capitatus' Chitt. ,30-19 Md. 21545. lodinsi Chitt. 30-20 Ala. Fla. La. 2154G. regularipennis Chitt. .30-21 Ind. D.C. La. 21547. cleonoides' Chitt. 30-22 Tex. 21548. mephitis' Chitt. 30-23 S.C. 21549. elephantulus' Chitt. 30-24 111. Baris 21550. .seminola' Blatch. 28-251 Fla. 21.551. palmen.sis' Blatch. 28-2.52 Fla. Gerseus (Cetitrinaspis Csy.) (type 17582) 21552. argrentis Blatch. 25-102 Ind. 21553. bracatoides' Blatch. 28-253 Fla. IJinnobaris lAimcoitrus Csy.) (type 17622) 21554. vicarius Blatch. 28-254 Fla. (Sibariops Csy.) (type 17637) 21555. pellax' Blatch. 28-255 Fla. Bai'inus 20001 belongs here, fide Fall 28-240 Cylindrocopturus * 21556. medicatus Carr 29-104 Alta. 21557. vanduzeei VanD. 30-153 Cal. 2155S. crassus VanD. 30-1.^4 Cal. 21559. hemizonias VanD. 30-155 Cal. 21560. cretaceus VanD. 30-155 Ariz. 21501. unicolor VanD. 30-150 Cal. Ceutoriiynclius 21562. fulvotertius Fall 26-2nOAIas. Perigaster 21503. alternans' Blatch. 28-2.')'! Fla. Acanthosce'idius n. n. Diilla Torre and Hustaclie (.AcauthoscelisWDietz nee Dej.) Ceutorhynchus 21564. aeratus Dietz is valid, fide Col. Cat. pars 113** 21565. hirtellus Dietz is valid, fide Col. Cat. pars 113 21566. liamiltoni Dietz is valid, fide Col. Cat. pars 113 21567. rubidus Gyll. 37-4.S4 Miss. .\u!eutes 21508. epilobii Payk. is valid, fide Col. Cat. pars 113 X.Am. Sib. Eur. Conotrachelus 21.569. cinereus' VanD. .30-loS Tex. 21570. asperatus' VanD. 30-159 .A.riz. 21571. setiferous' VanD. 30-160 Ariz. 21572. nigromaculatus VanD. 30-101 Ariz. 21573. retusus Fall 29-59 Fla. Rysscmatus 21574. beutenmuellori' VanD. .10-101 N.C. 21575. arizonicus VanD. 30-162 Ariz. ^ 21576. acutecostatus Champ. fide VanD. 30-163 Ariz. SCOLYTID.E Chalcodermus 21577. martini' VanD. 30-163 Ariz. Coplies Champ. 05-515 21578. gibbus Champ. 05-517, fide VanD. 30-104 Ariz. 51 Kuscepes 21570. deceptus' Blatch. 25-100 Fla. Micralcinus 21580. kalmbachi Such. 27-169 Gerstseckeria 215S1. doddi Fisher 25-426 La. Tex. ."Vpteromeclius 21582. microstictus Fall 25-88 and 123 Fla. 21553. texanus' Fall 25-88 Tex. Thecesternus 1S005 is an aberration of 1S0O2, fide Col. Cat. pars 106 Trichacorynus 21554. sulcirostris' Blatch. 28-259 N.J. PIiloeophagTis 21585. californicus VanD. 27-16 Cal. 21586. canadensis VanD. 27-17 Alta. Pseudopentarthrum 21587. fraternum Blatch. 28-260 Fla. ' Pentarthrinus 21555. dissimilis Blatch. 25-108 Fla. Calendra Clairv. 98-62 (^Sphenophorus fide Pierce 19-26) 21589. sequoiae VanD. 30-165 Cal. 21590. multilineatus Satt. 25-2r.!) Minn. 21591. medorsensis Satt. 25-270 '^yo^^'.i.^uk^ Kan. 21502. elong-ata Roelf.s.. 75-187 fide Cotton 27-93 scolytid;e Sphsrosinus Eg-gers 29-40 21.593. striatus Eggers 29-41 N.Am. Polygraphus 21594. hoppingi Sw. 25-51 Ariz. Hylastes 21592. yukonis Fall 26-207 Yukon * This Kenus and Eulechriops are not Zygopini, fide Barber 26-53. ** In this catalogue, besides the changes noted above, the tribe Ceiitorhynchini is treated as a subfamily divided into tribes Monnnychini. Coeliodini, and Ceutorhynchini. In tiic latter 17844 is referred to Enbrychius Thi ms. with 17846 as a synonym, 17827, 17829, 17831, 17832, 17833, 17834, and 17845 are placed in Phytobius, and Coclogaster Dietz is restored. 52 SCOLYTID^E Pityophthoms 2159G. aplanatus Schedl 30-195 Alta. 21597. varians Schedl 30-196 N.S. 21598. watsoni Schedl 3U-197 N.B. 21599. boycei Sw. 25-192 Cal. 21600. rugicollis Sw. 25-193 N.Mex. 21G01. carinulatus Sw. 25-193 N.Mex. 21602. elongatus Sw. 25-194 = 20673 fide Blackm. 28-1.33 B.C. 21603. cutleri Sw. 25-195 B.C. 21604. borealis Sw. 25-195 Arctic Can. 21005. gracilis Sw. 25-195 Oreg. 21606. exilis Sw. 25-196 Oreg. 21607. tenuis Sw. 25-106 B.C. 21608'. scalptor Blackm. 28-.30 Cal. 21609. anceps Blackm. 28-31 Colo. 21610. fuscus Blackm. 28-32 Mont. 21611. aquilus Blackm. 28-33 Ariz. 21612. absonus Blackm. 28-35 Cal. 21613. crinalis Blackm. 28-41 Md. Fla. Mich. 21614. juglandis Blackm. 28-42 N.Me.x. Ariz. 21615. inquietus Blackm. 28-46 N.Mex. 21616. monophyllfp Blackm. 28-47 Cal. 21617. socius Blackm. 28-48 Cal. N.Mex. 21618. abietis Blackm. 28-49 Ut. Ariz. N.Mex. 21619. albertensis Blackm. 28-50 Alta. 21020. exig-uus Blackm. 28-51 Colo.Arla. 21621. segni.s Blackm. 2S-.52 Ariz..V.Mex. 21622. idoneus Blackm. 28-55 Idaho 21623. hopkinsi Blackm. 28-56 Cal. 21624. ponderosse Blackm. 2S-.T? N.Mex. Ariz. 21625. tiimidus Blackm. 28-55? Cal. 21f.26. solus' Hlackm. 28-(f4 Ariz. 21627. comosus Bl.irkm. 2.S-(J.t N.Mex. Ariz 21628. cras.sus Blackm. 28-67 N.Mex. Colo. Ariz. 21629. cognatus Blackm. 28-69 N.C. 21630. durus Blackm. 28-70 Ariz. 21f>31. schwarzi Blackm. 28-71 N.Mex. 21632. demissus Blackm. 28-74 Mont. Ut. 21633. venuslus Blackm. 28-75 .Vrlz. N.Mex. S.D. 216.34. artifex Blackm. 28-76 Cal. 21635. .setosus Blackm. 28-77 Cal. 21636. cffilator Blackm. 28-78 S.D. Colo. Ariz. 21637. opimus Blackm. 28-80 N.Mex. Colo. 21ft3S. brevis Blackm. 28-81 Ariz. N.Mex. 21639. angu.stus Blackm. 28-83 N.Y. 21640. concavus Blackm. 28-85 Mich. Me. 21641. mundus Blackm. 28-86 N.H. N.Y. Pityophthoms 21642. modicus Blackm. 28-94 N.Mex. Ariz. 21643. navus Blackm. 28-95 Cal. 21644. novellus Blackm. 28-90 Ual. 21645. immanis Blackm. 28-98 -\riz. N.Mex. 21646. cascoensis Blackm. 28-99 Me. 21647. tonsus Blackm. 28-101 Mich. N.H. 21648. ornatus Blackm. 28-102 Colo. 21649. infulatus Blackm. 28-103 N.Mex. 21650. mollis Blackm. 28-104 V.Mex. Ariz. 21651. hubbardi Blackm. 28-105 Ariz. 21652. blandus Blackm. 28-107 Cal. .\rlz. 21653. barberi Blackm, 28-112 N.Mex. Colo. Ut. 21654. jeffreyi Blackm. 28-113 Cal. 21655. grandis Blackm. 28-119 Ariz. Wyom. 21656. bellus Blackm. 28-123 W.Va.-Tex. 21657. ingens Blackm. 28-124 .\riz. 21658. agnatus Blackm. 28-125 N.Mex. Tex. .A.riz. 21659. comptus Blackm. 28-127 Ariz. 21660. depygis Blackm. 28-128 Colo. 21661. burkei Blackm. 28-129 Cal. Id. 21662. clarus Blackm. 28-130 Ariz. 21663. acutus Blackm. 28-134 Ariz. N.Mex. 216C4. citus Blackm. 28-137 Ariz. N.Mex. 21665. solers Blackm. 28-1. •;8 N.Mex. Ariz. 21666. electus Blackm. 28'-140 Oreg. 21667. kenti Blackm. 28-141 Wyom. 21668. fortis Blackm. 28-142 Tex. Colo. 21669. virilis Blackm. 28-14:! N.Mex. Colo. lS4.30a. australis Blackm. 28-94 Ariz. lS425b. hamamelldis Blackm. 28-39 W.Va. 18425c. acernl Blackm. 28-30 w.Va. 18447 (= 18445) fide Blackm. 28-131 18434 (= 18433) fide Blackm. 28-108 184.31 (= 184.35) fide Blackm. 28-97 184,37 (= 1.8438) fide Blackm. 28-72 18450 belongs in Ambrosiodmus 18449 belongs in Pityoborus = 18451 fide Blackm. 28-146 Pityoborus 21670. .secundus' Blackm. 28-146 Ut Pityopliilus Blackm. 28-147 21671. barbatus Blackm. 28-147 N.Mex. Ariz. ScOLYTIDiE 53 Myeloborus Blacktn. 2S-16 18421 etc. belong here 21672. amplus Blackm. 2S-1S Ariz. N.Mex. 21673. keeni Blackm. 28-19 Cal. 21674. pinguis Blackm. 2S-20 Colo.-Ariz. 21675. catulus Blackm. 28-21 Id. Wyom. 21676. fivazi Blackm. 28-23 N.Y. Wis. 21677. iniquus Blackm. 28-27 Wyom. Colo. Ips 21678. chamberlini Sw. 25-1960reg. 21679. ponderosae Sw. 25-197 Ariz. Hylocurus 21680. spadix Blackm. 28-1 SS N.C. Pa. 21681. schwarzi Blackm. 28-189 Tex. IMicracisella Blackm. 28-192 (Pseu(tomtcracts II Blackm. nee Egg.) 21682. lignator Blackm. 28-195 Ariz. Thysanoes 21683. xylophagus Blackm. 28-198 Ariz. N.Mex. Pseudothysanoes 21684. hopkinsi Blackm. 2S-200 Cal. 21685. phorodendri Blackm. 28-202 Tex. Ariz. 21686. sedulus Blackm. 28-204 Ariz. 21687. gambetti Blackm. 28-205 Ariz. N.Mex. 216SS. barberi Blackm. 28-206 Ariz. 54 Calosoma APPENDIX CALOSOMA AS ARRAXGEU BY BKELN]\G; NUMBERS CATALOGUE AND 1927 SUPPLEMENT IN PARENTHESIS. Calosoma Web. OF 1920 Calosoma Web, 179. aurocinctum Chd. (179) 180. scrutator Fab. (180) 181. willcoxi Lee. (181) 182. sycophanta L. (182) splendidum Dej. W.I. Fla. (Syncalosoma) (Caminara Motsch.) 183. frigidum Kby. (18.3) levettei Csy. (CaUistriga Mot.s.) ? alternans Fab. 92-146 W.I. U.S. ? ab. cupraescens Roe 184. sayi Dej. (as subsp. of alternans) (184) virginica Csy. armatum Lap. abdominale G6h. (Chrysostinma Kby.) 204. calldum Fab. (204) lepidum Lee. (204a) expansa Csy. laticollis Csy. comes Csy. (204b.) 204d. stellatum Csy. concreta Csy. (204c) 205. morrisoni Horn (205) 206. tepidum Lee. (206) irregrulare Walker cselator Csy. indigens Csy. pallax Csy. (208a) cogitans Csy. (18566) semicuprea Csy. (206b) (.Tapisnothenes) 207. cancellatum Eseh. (207) senescens Lee. esuriens Csy. (207a) transversa Csy. (207b) rectilatera Csy. (1S568) praestans Csy. (1,8569) sagax Csy. (18567) (.Camcgonia) 186. prominens Lee. (186) angulatumJLec. 186a. parvicollis Fall (187) subgracilis Csy. Clemens Csy. (188) pertinax Csy. (1.S505) 105. lecontei n.n. Csikl lugubrellLec. (195) marginalis Csy. iCarahiosoma) 185. angulatum Chev. (1,S5) angulicolle var. Chd. unlforme G6h. ? glabratum Dej. S.Am. 194. peregrinator Gu6r. (194) subsp. of glabratum carbonatum Le ■. (196) forreri G^h. affine Bates nee Chaud. Ingens Csy. (194a) ampllpennis Csy. (194d) apacheana Csy. (194c) 191. sponsa Csy. (191) subsp. of glabratum parviceps Csy. (190) eremicola Fall (192) rugosipennis Schffr. (193) hospes Csy. (189) ? affine Chd. Mex. 199. tristoides Fall (199) subsp. of affine lO*^. triste Lee. (198) subsp. of affine 200. obsoletum Say (200) microsticta Csy. (200a) 201. serailaeve Lee. (201) davidsoni Csy. (201a) adjutor Csy. (201b) 2C2. simplex Lee. (202) (Caliitropa) 176. externum Say (176) longipenne Dej. 177. macrum (177) 178. protractum Lee. (178) dolens Chd. truneatum G6h. iParacaUisomtt) 197. pdlmeri Horn (llixus blakese 28. A n. sp. of Luperodes fr. . leop. 25. Two changes of name 27. Some n. sp. fr. Ind. and Fla. 28. Notes on suppl. to Leng's Cat. 28, Notes on some Fla. Coleop. . . . ed 4, 112. 115, 1927-1931. Dalla Torre and Mustache 30. Ceuthorrhyncliinae Dalla Torre and Voss 30. Attelabina?, etc. Daniel, K. 03. Genus Nebriola 'rinus < Psyche, On the Dryopid beetle genus Lara ewis Bartholomew Woodruff ordes, H. 28. Tableaux ... du genere Lioderma )Ieop. taken in AIa.ska , 1201 pp. Hardy, G. A. 26. Bupr. and Ceramb. of Vancouver Ieop-rphology of Gyrinidae 8 SilphidjE II 282-303. 30. Morphology, etc., larval Scara- athridiidae. A. Hetschko, Jan. 29, 1926, SO pp. 86. Carabidre: Cicindelina;, W. Horn, May 10, 1926, 345 pp. 87. Phloeophilidse, Rhadalida?, Prionoceridae, M. Pic, Apr. 29. 1926, 11 pp. 88. See above (80) 89. Brenthidae, 2nd ed., R. Kleine. Aug. 12, 1927, 94 pp. 90. Scarabseldse: Coprlnse, Termitotrtoginae, A. Boucomont & J. J. E. Gillet, Sept. 30, 1927. 164 pp. 91. Carabidse: Carabinse I, E. Cslkl. Oct. 15, 1927, 313 pp. 92. •■ " II, E. Csikl, Dec. 22, 1927. 309 pp. 93. Plastocerldae, Dicronychldse, S. Schenkling, Dec. 22, 1927, 11 pp. 94. Phengodidje, Karumlldse, M. Pic, Dec. 22, 1927, 8 pp. 95. (Sllphldfe IT. M. H. Hatch. June 9, 1928, 188 pp. 96. Melasldse, S. Schenkling, July 1, 192a 110 pp. Bibliography 67 Junli, W. (Publisher) and Sclienkling, S. (Editor) a;. Carabidte: ilormolycinte, Harijalina;, I, E. Csiki, Sept. 12, 1928, 226 pp. 98. Carabidae: Harpalinae II, E. Csiki, Dec. 8, 1928, 345 pp. 99. I'ytiiidaj, Pyrocliroiiia;, K. G. Blair, Oct. S, 1928, 41 pp. and 14 pp. 100. Lansruriidse, S. Schenklingr, Oct. 10, 1928, 40 pp. 101. Throscidse, Cerophytidae, Perothopidae, S. Schenkling, Oct. 12, 1928, 26 + 3 + 1 pp. 102. Anthribidse. P. .Wolfrum, March 15, 1929. 145 pp. 103. DasytidEe: Melyrinte, M. Pic, March 20, 1929, 32 pp. 104. Carabidae: Harpahnai III, E. Csiki, March 20, 1929, 181 pp. 105. Lei'Gdidaj, ClambidEE, M. H. Hatch, Aug. 21, 1929, 100 pp. 106. Curcuhonida;: Byrsopinee, Rhytirrhininse, Thecesterninse, Hipporrhininse, Rhyparo- somince, S. Schenkling; & G. A. K. Marshall, Aug. 15, 1929, 61 pp. 107. Colydiida;, A. Hetschko. Jan. 20, 1930, 124 pp. 108. PhalacridiB, Mycetophagidae, Tretothoracidce, Jacobsoniidse, Cavicoxumids, Gnos- tidK, A. Hetschko, Jan. 30, 1930, 48 + 26 + 2 pp. 109. Cucujidse, Thorictida^ (Suppl.), (Jossyphodidse (Suppl.X, A. Hetschko, Feb. 20, 1930, 122 -f 2 pp. 110. Curculionidje : Archolabinse, Attelabinse, Apoderin^ K. W. von Dalla Torre et E. Voss, March 20, 1930, 41 + 42 pp. 111. Buprestidse II, J. Obenberger, Apr. 26, 1930, 354 pp. 112. Carabidai: Harpalina; IV, E. Csiki, June 3, 1930, 209 pp. 113. Curculionidfe: Ceuthorrhynchinse, K. W. von Dalla Torre & A. Hustache, Nov. 8, 1930, 150 pp. No. 113 is the last published in 1930. The next number (114) is dated February 12, 1931. Keifer, H. H. 30. The larva of Cylindrocopturus . . . 0, pp. 15-16. -76. f the .. .Egyptians -opidEe2 Tenn. 21704a. delicatus Valentine 32-270 Va. 21705. lodingi Valentine 31-252 Ala. 21706. hunierali-s Valentine 31-253 Tenn. 21706a. brevis Valentine 32-273 Tenn. 21707. gracilis Valentine 31-253 Va. 21708. grandis Valentine 31-254 W.Va. 21708a. elongatus Valentine 32-2a5 W.Va. 21708b. orthosulcatus' Valentine .TJ-2G5 W.Va. 21709. fuscus Valentine 31-2.54 W.Va. subasqualis Valentine 31-255 W.Va. 21709a. constrictus Valentine 32-267 W.Va. 21710. potomaca* Valentine 32-262 W.Va. Pscudunophthalmus 21710a. senecse" Valentine 32-263 W.Va. 21711. hypertrichosis Valentine 32-266 W.Va. 922a. bathycola Valentine 32-268 Va. 21712. digitus' Valentine 32-270 Tenn. 21713. rotundatus Valentine 32-271 Tenn. 21714. tulleri' Valentine 32-272 Tenn. 21715. alabamffi Valentine 32-273 Ala. Horologion Valentine 32-2 21710. speokites' Valentine 32-7 W.Va. Pterostichus 1004, add idahoensis Casey as syn. fide Darl. 31. (OastrcUarius) 21717. unicarum Darl. 31-155 N.C, Tenn. (Monoferonia) 21718. primus Darl. 31-159 N.C, Tenn. 147 Fall 31-200 Ariz. Ptinid;e 89 II}'nienorus 21S85. papagonis Pall 31-201 Ariz. 21556. parvus Fall 31-203 L.Cal. 21557. semirufus Pall 31-203 Fla. 21558. capensis' Pall 31-205 L.Cal. 218S9. jacobinus Fall 3:-2(X3 So.Cal. 21890. digressus Pall 31-200 So.Ariz. 21891. montlvagus Fall 31-207 So.Cal. 21892. inutilis Fall 31-208 Nev. Ut. N.Mex. 21893. trivialis Fall 31-210 L.Cal. 21894. fuscipennis' Fall 31-211 Fla. 21895. caducus Pall 31-213 Ala. Fla. 21896. thoracicus Pall 31-214 So.Cal. 21S97. disparatus Fall 31-215 Tex. 21 898. oblivius Fall 31-210 Tex. 21899. alienus Fall 31-217 Ariz. 21900. idoneus Fall 31-218 Ariz. 21901. tritus Fall 31-219 Ariz. 21902. incertus' Pall 31-220 Ariz. 21903. tenuistriatus Fall 31-226 Ala. N.C. 21904. brevis' Pall 31-230 Ariz. 21905. rufovalis' Pall 31-230 Ariz. 21906. simidus' Fall 31-232 Tex. Hymenoms 21907. e.xilis' Fall 31-233 Ariz. 21908. facetus' Fall 31-234 L.Cal. 21909. horrescens Pall 31-235 Tex. N.Mex 21910. milIeporu.s Fall 31-23C>Ariz. 21911. nevadensis Pall 31-236 Nev. 21912. significans" Pall 31-237Tex. 21913. conicicollis' Pall 31-239 Ga. 21914. quietus' Pall 31-240 Mo. 21015. texensis Pall 31-241 Tex. 21916. heteropygus Fall 31-241 Fla. 21917. inopiatus Fall 31-242 Fla. Ga. 21018. crinitus Fall 31-244 Ariz. 21919. liebecki Fall 31-245 Ariz. 21920. quadricollis Fall 31-246 Tex. According to Pall 31: 21921. obesus Csy (= pilosusJCsy. nee Melsh. ) 11280 (=11270) 11287 ( = 11285) 11288 (=11289) 11266 ( = 19704) TENEBRIONIDiE BlaisdeU 31, 32, Nyctoporis 21922. vandykei Blais. 31-41 Cal. 11702 (= 11703) fide Blais. 31 Apsena 11916a. rufescens Blais. 32-56 L.Cal. 21923. insularis Blais 32-58 L.Cal. 1191Sa. subvestita' Blais. 32-68 So.Cal. 21924. barbarae Blais. 32-61 So.Cal. 21925. leachi Blais. 32-70 Cal. 11920a. opaca Blais. 32-81 ISo.Cal. 11920b. simplex Blais. 32-84 Cal. 11920 ( = 19840) fide Blais. 32 Eleodes 21926. tanneri Blais. 31-74 Utah 21927. strumosa Blais. 31-76 XJt.Nev. paradoxa Blais. 31-78 n.n. for 1196111. patulicoUis Blais. 31-78 n.n. for 11988b. Helops 21928. fresnoensis Blais. 31-44 Cal. Talanus 21929. stenochinus Lee. (= 12484) fide PaU 32-145 MONOMMIDi^ Schenkling, Col. Cat. pars 117. Hyporhagus leeontei Thorn, is syn. of Isevipunc- tatus from Cent. & So. Amer. PTINID^E Ptinus 21930. raptor Str. fide Schffr. 31-176 tEur. N.T. 90 Emobius 21931. schedli Brown 32-9 Ont. SCARAB^ID.^ ANOBIIDiC BOSTRICHIDi^E Tetrapriocera 12872. synonymy should be reversed, fide VanDyke SCARABAEIDi^: Brown 31, 32; Fall 32; Barrett 31, 32; Chapin 31; Dawson 32; Sim 31, 32; Schaeffer, 31; R. Hopping 31; Saylor 32. Phanaeus 199« and 19945 belong: here. Aegialia 21932. convexa Fall 32-183 So.Cal. 13102a. nigrella Brown 31-47 Cal. 13101:d. punctata Brown 31-47 Cal. (Leptaeffialia Brown 31-12) 21933. humeralis Brown 31-13 (genotype) Ont.N.H. N.Y. 21934. montana Brown 31-14 B.C. Wyo. Colo. (Anomala/'gialia Brown 31-15) 13106. spissipes Lee, genotype (Psaiiunoporus Thoms. 63-92) (Dimalia Muls. 71-400) 21935. opaca Brown 31-17 B.C. Alfa. 21930. terminalis Brown 31-18 Alta. Colo. 21937. nana Brown 31-19 Mass. 21938. criddlei Brown 31-42 Man. Ont Alta. Micrsegialia Brown 31-11 13101. pusilla Horn, genotype Aphodius 2] 939. testaceiventris Fall 32-185 Kan. 21940. incommunis' Fall 32-186 B.C. 21!M1. fortunus' Fall 32-187 Ariz. .21942. claudus Fall 32-188 Tex. crenicollis' Fall 32-189 Cal. ruficlarus' Fall .32-189 Ariz. 13117 is valid, tide Fall, vandykei Barrett 31-101 Cal. sheldoni Barrett 32-172 Cal. 21946. tuberosus Barrett 32-240 Cal. Atenius 13216b. exiguus Brown 32-10 Fla. rsaminobius 21947. armaticeps Fall 32-190 Fla. Ga. 21943. 21944. 21945. 13205a. Psammobius 21948. blandus' Fall 32-191 Tex. 21949. mimeticus Fall 32-192 L.Cal. Lichnanthe Burm. 44-26 13313 to 13319 belong in this genus, which is not a synonym of Amphicoma. fide Chapin i litt. Serica 21950. imitans Chapin 31-.") N.J. 21951. chsetosoma Daws. 32-529 Cal. 21952. Ventura Daws. 32-530 Cal. 21953. personata Daws. 32-531 Cal. 21954. caliginosa Daws. 32-532 Cal. 21955. acicula Daws. 32-533 Cal. 21956. pavonia Daws. 32-533 Cal. 21957. falli Daws. 32-534 Cal. 21958. ligulata Daws. .32-535 Cal. 21959. praetermissa Daws. 32-536 Cal. 13355. georgiana Leng, fide Daws. 32 N.H.-Tex. 21247. is subsp. of 19974, fide Daws. 32 19906. is syn. of atricapilla Kby. 13372a. blatchleyl Daws. 32-545 Mass. N.C 21960. similis Lewis 95-391 Japan, N.Y. brunneatSchffr. 31-176, fide Sim 32-381 Diplotaxis 21961. mus' Fall 32-192 Ariz. 21962. protensa Fall 32-193 N.Mex. 239G3. villosipes' Fall 32-193 Cal. 21964. futilis' Fall 32-194 Ariz. 21965. producta Fall 32-195 Tex. 21966. pinalica Fall i!2-196 Ariz. 21967. deserta Fall 32-196 Cal. 2196S. incuria Fall ,32-196 Nev. Pliyllophaga 21969. contaminata' Fall 32-197 L.Cal. 21970. extranea' Fall 32-198 L.Cal. Cerambycid^ 91 Ijistroclielus ■21971. plenus Fall 32-199 Ariz. 21972. juvenilis Fall o2-2()0 Ariz. Thyce 21073. bidentata Fall 32-201 Cal. 13633 to 13637 are 13645, tide Fall 32 Diclielonyx 21974. deserta R. Hopp. 31-236 Cal. Dichelonj'X 21070. Columbiana R.Hopp. 31-236 B.C. 21976. vandykei Saylor 32-284 Cal. Pocalta * 21977. leonina Fall 32-203 So.Cal. According to Fall 32: 13775 (= 13776, 13777, 13778), 13781 (= 13780) LUCANIDiE Diphyllostonia 21978. linsleyi Fall 32-160 Cal. CERAMBYCIDi?: R. Hopping 31, 32; Linsley 31, 32; Schaeffer 32; G. R. Hopping 32. Asemum (Liasemum Csy.) Fide R. Hopping 31 the species 14118 and 14119 are valid but not generically distinct from Asemum. All the species under Asemum are synonyms of 14112. ^'anflykea Linsley 32-118 21970. tuberculata Linsley 32-118 Cal. Haplidus 21080. palpalis' Linsley 32-114 Ariz. 21081. antermatus Linsley 32-115 Cal. 14150 (= 20017). fide Linsley 32-114 Oeme 210.S2. rotundicollis Linsley 32-116 Tex. Eucrossus 14145 (= 20011) fide Linsley 32 Idocmea This genus not distinct from Styloxus, fide Linsley 32 Methia 210a3. fragilis Linsley 32-121 Cal. Konialeum 14199 ( = 14200), fide Schffr. 32-152 Pidonia 21084. quadrata R.Hopp. 31-233 B.C. Vane Anoplodera 212S6. rubra L. (= planata S. & H.). fide R.Hopp. 32-72 Necydalis 21985. diversicollis' Schffr. 32-152 Utah Molorchus 21086. eburneus Linsley 31-37 Cal. Foecilobrium 21987. gibsoni R.Hopp. 31-234 B.C. Anacomis 14614b (=14C14d), fide R.Hopp. 31 Clytini, fide G. R. Hopping 32: Megacyllene suppressed in Cyllene 14691 (= 14690. 14689. 146S6, 14687, and 14688) 14680 (= 146.S1, 14682) 14691c is a good sp. N.B. Me., N.Y. Pa. 14699 (= 14700) 14726 (= 20110, 20111) 14711 (= 14711a, 14710) 147aS (= 14709) 14705 (= 14706) 14728 (= 14729), and goes in Clytus 14730 (= 147.31, 14732) 14734 (= 14735) 14736 (= 14737, 14738) Rhopalopachys suppressed in Neoclytus Microclytus and Cyrtophorus excluded Tragi dion 21988. texanum (Schffr. ;J2-1G2 Tex. Pogonocherus According to Schffr. .32-154: irmO. is not a var. of 15064 20144. is a syn. of I50G4 21989. (schaefferi Linsl. i. litt.) n.n. for vandykei II Schffr. 32-153 Cal. Csy* 'l5!'99)°'fi'(fe^ al'a*"in ''"^'^ ^^ Pocalta Csy. 15-92), and Parabyrsopolis Ohaus 15-256 (= Parareoda 92 Chrysomelid.'e CHRYSOMELIDiS Blake 31; Beller and Hatch 32; Carr 32; Fall 32; Hatch and Beller 32; Johnson 31; Schaeffer 31, 32; Spaeth 32. Pachybracliys Opinions differ as to spelling; some prefer Pachybrachis Cryptocepthalus 21990. pallidicinctus' Fall 32-21 So.Cal. 21991. apiceden.s' Fall .■'.2-22 N'.Mex. 21902. meriLs Fall 32-2.'! Tex. Ariz. 21993. cuneatus- Fall ;!2-24 Ga. 21!!!)4. ochraieus' Fall 32-25 Fla. JMyoehrous 21995. niovallus Johnson 31-148 So. Dak. Chrj'soclius 15(528 is subsp. of 1.5627. fide Beller & Hatch 32» Ljna 213G4c. quadrigruttoides Beller & Hatch 32-98 Wash. Phyllodecta 21996. aklaviki Carr 32-192 N.W.T. Trirhabda 21997. adela Blake 31-14 Ut. 111.- Cal. 21998. borealis Blake 31-16 Mass.-Wash 21998a. indigoptera Blake 31-17 So.Dak.-Ill. 21999. neoscotije Blake 31-17 N.S. 22000. viridicyanea Blake 31-19 ■\Vis.-Alta. 22001. pilosa Blake 31-20 Wyo.-Cal. 22002. confusa Blake 31-27 So.Cal. 22003. sericotrachyla Blake 31-28 So.Cal. 15724. baeharidis is correct name, fide Blake 31 Derospidea Blake 31-32 15725 (genotype) and 15739, fide Blake 31 Coraia Clark 05-323 15741 belongs here, fide Blake 31 Galerucella 220O1. spirreophlla Hatch & Beller 32-107 Wash. Or. 15752a. pallida (ab. nov.) Beller & Hatch 32-109 Wash. Monoxia 15755a. texana Schffr. .32-237 Tex. Phyllobrotica 22005. antennata Schffr. 32-237 Tenn. 22006. stenldea Schffr. 32-238 N.Y. Pa. D.C. Pseudoluperus Beller & Hatch 32-115 22007. bakeri Beller & Hatch 32-115 Wash. I.uperus ir)S22a. asclepiadis Schffr. 32-238 B.C. (CaJomicrus Steph. 34-203) 2200S. piillipes Beller & Hatch 32-113 Wash. 22000. concavus Beller & Hatch 32-114 Wash. Munolepta 15S57 (= 15813), fide Schffr. 32 IIomopliiEta loSOl. cyanipennis Fab. 98 (^ sequinoctialisj:) var. octomaculata Cr., fide Blake 31-76 Disonycha 22010. latiovittata Hatch & Beller 32-108. Wash. Mont. 22011. brevicornis Schffr. 31-281 Colo. 22012. nigriventris Schffr. 31-2S2 Or.Id.Mont 22013. neglecta Schffr. 31-283 Kan. -Or. 22014. punctipennis Schffr. 31-2S4 ^ la. Minn. 2201.5. stenosticha' gchffr. 31-285 Tex. 22016. laticollis Schffr. 31-2&1 N.Y. According to Schffr. 31: 15896b. puncticollis Lee. Cal. 15896c. punctigera Lcc. Kan. W.St. 2020-Ja. (= 20205) 21375. uniguttata Say (== l."KS!)5b) 22017. procera Csy. (= pallipesJBlake) Haltica 22018. kalmite viridana Schffr. 32-240 Va.Md.N.C. Tenn. 22019. oregonensis Schffr. 32-241 Oreg. 22020. subopaca Schffr. 32-242 Ariz. Derocrepis Weise 86-730 According to Schffr. 32: 15969 and 15970 belvinr,- here 15071 belong in Chalcoides llipnuriphila 22021. equiseti Beller & Hatch 32-127 Wash. Systena 22022. discrepans Schffr. 32-244 Ariz. 22023. variata Schffr. 32-243 Ariz. ir.020a. corni Schffr. 32-244 Ala. Pliysonota 22024. pacifica Spaeth 32-198 Cal. • These authors have proposed a number of changes in the rank of names heretofore in use. and in synonymy. They follow Maulik 25 in the use of Cbrysolina Mots, for Chrysomelo. and Chrysomela L. for Lina (or Melasoma). In some of these changes wc await the confirmation of other American authors. CURCULIONID.^ 93 MYLABRID^ Bridwell 32 The name Bruchidae is used by Bridwell, who proposes subfamilies Bruchinffi, Pachymerinse, AmblyceririEE, Kytorhininae (for 21418), and EubaptinEe (not N. Am.). PLATYSTOMID^ (Anthr.bkia;) Jordan 31-281 Braclij'tarsus 2202.".. franseria Barrett ol-lSS Cal. CURCULiONIDi^ * .'.uletos 2202G. mariposffi Zimm. 32-181 Cal. Klyncliites ** Voss, Koleop. Rund., XVIII, 1932. 153-189, Monogr. der Rhynchitinte. — Tribus Rhynchitlni. In this incomplete work Voss proposes the following changes and additions: CoenoiTliinus Thorns. 59-130 (Mcrhynchites *') 1634S and form ventralis Voss 32-176 cerdonis Vcss 32-17C (Schauf. i.l.) Calif, mandibularis Voss 32-176 Calif, intermedius Voss 32-17() Calif, homocidea Voss 32-177 (Schauf. i.l.) Western N.A. a luctuosa Voss 32-177 (Pselaphorlij/nchites ** Schilsky (13-H.) 16357 1&3G0, 1G3G1 micans Voss 32-183 r;.Am. sanguinipes Voss 32-184 Nevada Attelabus (.Himfitolabu.i) According to Fall 31 : 22027. axillaris Gyll. Ariz.Mex. 21442 is not from Cal. 21441 is syn. of rhois, Listronotus According to Buchanan 32-7: 1670O (= ? 16792) 16801 (= 16790tWeed) Pissodes 16849 (= 16850), fide Dietrich 31-872 Sterenmius Schon. 36-242 (PaiapUnthus Faust). 22028. tuberosus Boh. 36-243, fide Marshall 32-355 Alas. H.vIo1)ius 16874. congener n.n. (= confususllKby.) Col. Cat. 122 IJilipus (nee Heilipus) 16877. reverse synonymy. Slyrmex According to Marshall 32-345: 17303. lineata (Paso.) 72-454 vittatus Horn 73-448 Tacliypterellus 171S6a. magna List. 32-10 Colo. 17187a. cerasi List. 32-8 Colo. Curculio 17161 (= 21509), fide Col. Cat. 122 haroldi is not N.Am., fide Col. Cat. 122 ?. coccinje Patton, Ent. News. 97-76 Anacentiinus Buch. 32-330 Includes fide Buchanan : 22029. subnudus Buch. 32-330 (genotype) La. 17625) 20520, 20521, 30522), 20516). 20519), 17626 (= 17630 ( = 176.50 ( = 17624 ( = 20512 Oiigoloohus (Anacentrus s. sir.), fide Buch. 32 17622 •The changes proposed in Col. Cat. pars 114 and pars 122 and 123 are as follows: The subtamily Eicmnina; includes 16499-16500; the subf.imily Lcptopin.x includes 16501-16592; the subfamily Cylindrorrhinina: includes 16772-16838; the subfamily Hylobiin.T includes 16870-16880, 18006- 18012 and 17441-17442. The subfamily Leptopina: is divided into the four tribes: Dirotognathtni, Promccopini, Leptopini (= Tropipharini) and Ophryastini. The subfamily Hylobiinx is divided into the four tribes: Hylobiini. Liparini, Anchonini, and Sternechini. The changes in generic and specific names arc noted in our text. *• The work of Voss is so incomplete that we think it better, at the present time, to merely call attention to the proposed changes and additions. 94. SCOLYTID^'E Ceutorhynclius 22030. opertus Brown 31-119 B.C. 22031. carter! Brown 31-120 Alta. 22032. handfordi Brown 31-120 Man. 22a33. dubitans Brown 31-121 Sask. Perigaster 17S24. reverse synonymy, fide Buch. 31 22034. longirostris Buch. 31-323 Ont. N.J. Wash. Phytobius 17845. belongs in Litodactylus Redt.. fide Brown 32-11 (Eubrychiopsis) 22035. albertanus Brown 32-11 Alta. SCOLYTIDi?: Phloeosinus 22036. variolalus Bruck 31-126 Cal. 22037. aciculatus Bruck 31-127 Ariz. Gnatliotrichus 22038. denticulatus Blackm. 31-270 Colo.N.Mex. Tex. Ariz. 22039. alni Blackm. 31-271 Colo. (Gtiathotrichoidcs Blackm. 31-267) 22040. aciculatus Blackm. 31-272. B.C. Wash. Ore. Cal. Ariz.N.Mex Pscudopityoplitliorus 22041. fagi Blackm. ^1-228 W.Va. 22042. pubescens Blackm. 31-229 N. C. 22043. granulatus Blackm. 31-230 Ariz. 22014. agrrifolise Blackm. 31-230 Cal. 22045. pulvereus Blackm. 31-232 Ariz. 2204G. yavapaii Blackm. 31-233 Ariz. 22047. opacicollis Blackm. 31-235 Ariz. Pityophthorus 22048. smithi Bchedl. 31-103 B.C. '^049. pygmaeus Schedl 31-165 Que. 22050. pilifer Schedl. 31-1(>(! Ont. Bibliography 95 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1931-1932 AUard, H. A. 31. The Photoperiodism . . . firefly 32. New sp. Coleop. Ill ii ' 32. .\dd'l. Notes.... St. Lawrence 32. The N'to. Amer. sp. Glischrochilus Bruck, C. R. 31. Two n. sp. . . .Phloeosinus Brues, C. T., and Melandcr, A. L. 32. Classification of Insects Buchanan, L. L. 31. Synopsis of Perigaster 32. The Parsley and Carrot Weevil 32. A ne.v Barine Cure. w. syn. of Anacentrinus cS: Oligolochus Carr, F. S. 32. New Arctic Coleop. Carruth, Laurence A. 31. The Meloidffi of S'o. Dak. Caitv.right, 0. L,. 31. Digger Wasps and Buprest. Chaniberlin, W. J. 31. A n. sp. of Bu;restidae fr. Cal. 31. A v.-eevil new to Oregon 32. Notes on. . . .Buprestidse Chainpl::in, A. B, and Knull, J. N. 32. Fermenting Baits for . . . Chapin, E. A. 31. A new Serica fr. N. X 32. Autoserica pro Serica 32. Rev .... Scarabaeidse .... Cuba 32. Mss. N'totes to Mr. Mutchler. Cooper, K. W. 32. A corr. to Bradley's Manual 32. Additions to N. T. St. List Corporaal, J. B. 32. Notizien uber Cleriden Cros, A. 31. Biologie des Munctata in N. Y. Hopping, G. R. 32. Studies in ... Trachykele 32. A rev. of the Clytini . . . Hopping, Ralph 31. Two very common mistakes 31. Notes on Pogonoclierus 31. New Coleop. fr. W. Canada III 32. A syn. note [Anoplodera] 32. .\ ta.x'on. note [Perimegatoma] Imms, A. D. 32. Origin of insects from Crustacea Jeannel, R. 31. Ins. Coleop. et . . . Trechinse Johnson, P. H. 31. .-X n. sp. of Myochrous Jordan, K. 31. Anthriblda; vs. Platystomidae inson, Wirt, d. Jan. 10, 1929. Rbusseau, E., b. May 27, 1S72; d. Nov. 13, 1929. Skinner, Henry, d. May 29, 1926. Taschenberg, O., d. March 20, 1922. Varus y Arangiia, E., b. 1000; d. Aug. 17, 1930. Wasmann, Erich, d. Feb. 27, 1931. SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE OF NORTH AMERICAN COLEOPTERA DESCRIBED AS FOSSILS By H. F. WiCKHAM The few fossil beetles described as new in the years 1927 to 1932 inclusive are listed below. Some changes in family assignment are also noted. New ab- breviations requiring mention follow. Ark. Eoc. Wilcox Clays Dak. Cret. Fox Hills. So. Dak. New Mex. Jur. Jurassic, east of Santa Rosa. Oreg. Olig. Lower John Day Beds. Tenn. Eoc. Wilcox Clays. Vane. Pleist. Vancouver Island. Wash. Mioc. Beds near Spokane, formerly listed as Eocene. CARABIDiiE Pterostichus Bon. Carabites Heer femquisti Wickh. 31-318 Wash. Mioc. russelli Ckll. 28-37 Dak. Cret. dytiscid;e Dytiscus, Li. latahensis W^ickh. 31-318 Wash. Mioc. GYRINIDi?: Protogyrininus Hatch 27a-92 confinis (Scudd.) OOa-80, nee Lee. = sculpturatus (Mjiib.). Europe. paussid;e Paussopsis Ckll. Does not belong in Paussidae, according to Wasmann 26-25 ELATERIDiiE Adelocera Latr. perantiaua Ckll. and LeVeaue 31-359 Roan Mt. Eoc Elater, L. berryi Wlckh. 29-148 Tenn. Eoc. TENEBRIONIDi^E Tenebrionltes Ckll. alatus Ckll. 27c-587 Flor. Mioc. 1^ Fossil Coleoptera MELANDRYIDiE Silphu colorata Scudd. belonsrs here, according to Hatch 27b-369 Compared with Elmiuesa cunnectens Newm. SCARABAEIDiiE Pliyllophaga Harr. disrupta Ckll. 27c-587 Flor. Mloo. Melolonthites Heer collinsi Wickh. 29-149 Tenn. Eoc. PASSALIDiE Passalus Fab. ? indormitus C3cU. 27a-65 Ores. OUg. CERAMBYCID/^ Crioceplialus Muls. ? pavitus Ckll. 27c-585 Flor. Mitoc. CHRYSOMELID^ Donacia Fab. connelli Ckll. 27b-304 Vane. Pleist. curculionid;e Otiorhynchites Fritsch wilcoxianus Wickh. 29-149 Ark. Eoc. CurcuUonites Heer hylobioides Northrop 28-32 Dak. Cret vulpinus Northrop 28-36 Dak. Cret northropi Ckll. 28-37 Dak. Cret POSITION UNCERTAIN Xiphenax Ckll. 31-97 jurasslcus Ckll. (larva) 31-97 New Mex. Jur. Fossil Coleoptera 105 BIBLIOGRAPHY Carpenter, F. M. 31. Ins. fr. Miocene of Wash. Leptotrichnltica, 46 Leptotrix, 46 Leptura, 41 Lepturges, 42 Lepyrus, 49 Lichnanthe, 90 Lichnocarabus, 10 110 Index Ligyrus, 40 Lilius. 84 Limonius, 27, 83 LIMNEBIID^. 81 Limnebius, 81 Limnius, 31, 86 Limnobaris, 50 I.ina, 45, 92 Liocellus. 80 Liistroderes, 49 Listronotus, 49, 93 Listrus. 22, 82 Lixus. 50 Lon^itarsus, 46 Loricera. 10. 78 Lorocera, 10 Loxandrus, 13 LUCANID.^, 40, 91 Ludius, 27, 84 Luperodes, 45 Luperus, 92 LYCID^E, 21 Lyperostenia, 77 Lytta, 24 Macrobasis, 24 Macropogon, 31 Macrosiagon. 24 Malachius, 22, 82 Maronetus, 77 Mecomycter, 23 Meconemus, 47 Megacyllene. 91 Megapenthes, 84 Megaquedius, 82 Melandrya, 36 MELANDRYID^E, 36, 104 Melanactes, 85 Melanastus, ?,(i Melanius, 13 Molanophila, 20, 85 Melanotus, 27, 85 Melasis, 28 Meligethes, 32 Meloe, 25 MELOID^, 24, 82 MELOIDEA, 24 (Melolonthites, 104 MELYRID^, 22. 82 Melyrodes, 2.3 Menidius, 79 Merynchites, 93 MesasToicu.s. 49 Metabletus, 79 Metabola, 79 Metachroma, 44 Metamelanius, 13 Methla, 40, 91 Metrlona, 47 Metrlus, 11 MIcraci.sella, 5,3 Mlcrregialia, 90 Micralclnu.s. 51 Microlestes. 79 Microlipus, 22 Micromaseus, 13 Mlcrorhagrus, 28 IMicrorhopala, 46 Microscapha, 36 Microtrechus, 12, 78 Microweisea, 87 Molorchus, 42, 91 Monachulus, 44 Monanus, 33 Monaxia, 92 Moneilema, 42 Monocrepidius, 27, 83 Monoteronia. 78 Monolepta, 02 MONOMiMID^. 89 Monotoma, 32 MOXOTOMID^, 32 Monovectura, 82 MORDELLID.E, 24 Morion, 11 Morychus, 86 Mulsantina, 87 MURMIDIIN^, 34 Myas. 12 MYCKTMTDJE. 35 Mycetochara, 35 MYCETOPHAGID^, 34 Mychocerus, 34 MYCTERIN^, 25 Mycterus, 25 Myeloborus, 53 MYLABRID^^, 47, 93 Mylabris, 47 Myochrous. 92 Myrmecoxenus, 34 Myrmex, 49, 93 Namunaria. 34 Neaphrenops, 12 Nebria, 10, 78 Nebriola. 11 Necrobora, 18 Necrocharis, 17 Necrodes, 18 Necrophila, 18 Necrophorus, 17 Necydalis, 91 Nematidium, 34 Neobaphion, .36 Neobellamira, 41 Neocarabus, 77 Neoclytus, 42 Neoemmesa, 36 ■Jleoharmonia, 88 Neophorus, 81 Nepbanes, 20 Nicrophorus, 17 NITIDUI.ID^B, 32, 86 Nocheles, 48 Nomidus, 48 Nomius, 11 Notaris, 49 NOTERID^E, 15 Nothodes, 83 Notbopus. 80 Notiophilus, 10 Notoxus, 26, 83 Novius, 87 Nyctoporis, 89 Oberea, 42 Ochodasus, 39 Ochrosidia, 39 Ochthebius. 81 Octinodes. 83 Odacanthella, 13. 79 Odontpeus, 39 OEDEMERID^, 23 Oedionychis, 45 Oeme, 40. 91 Oiceoptoma, 18 Olibrus, 35 Oligolochus, 93 Olla, 88 Oma=euhis, 13 OMOPHRON'IDiE, 14 Omu.s, 9 Onthopbagus, 38 Oodes, 80 Opadius, 80 Orchestes. 50 Oreocarabus, 77 Oreodytes, 15 OreosphseruTa, 19 Ormiscus, 47 Ortholeptura, 41 ORTHOPERID^, 19 Ortboperus, 19 Osoriu.s, 20 Osphya, 36 OSTOMATID/E. 32 OSTOMID.-'E. 86 Otidocephalus, 49 Otiorhynchites, 104 Oxacis, 23 Oxelytrum, 18 Oxycrepi-s, 13 Oxynychus, 87 Oxypselaphus, 79 Pachybrachys. 92 Pacbylopus, 21 Pachyscelus, 30 Pachyteles. 10 Pactopus, 28 Pallodes. 86 Panscopidius. 48 Panscopus, 48 Pantoniorus, 48 Parabracteon, 11 Parabyrsopolis, 91 Paracalosoma, 10, 54 Paracotalpa, 91 Paraliaphlus, 14 Parallelina, 40 Parandra, 40 Paraopsimus, 40 Paraplinthus, 93 Parareoda, 91 Paratropa, 77 Pardileus, SO Paria, 44 Paroedostethus, 85 PASSALID^, 104 Passalus, 104 Patroboldea, 12 PAUSSID^E, 103 Paussop.sis, 103 PEDILID^, 26 Pedilus, 26 Pelecotoidcs, 24 Pelmatellus, SO Pelophila, 11 Peltodytes, 14 Peniphus, 10 Pentagonica, 79 Pentarthrinus, 51 Pentilia, 87 Perigaster, 51, 94 Perigona, 79 Perimegatoma, 32, SC PEROTHOPIDyE, 28 Perothops, 28 Peryphes, 12 Peryphus, 11 Phfedon, 45 PHALACRID^, 35 Phalacrus. 35 Phanreus, 3S, 90 Phanasolena, 47 Pharalus, SO Pharaxonotha, 33 Pheletes. S3 PHENGODID.^C, 21 PViilas, IS Philodes, 80 Philonthus, 20 Phlegon, 28 Phleeopliagus, 51 Phlceosinus, 94 Photinus, 21 Photuris, 21 Phyllobrotica, 92 Phyllodecta, 45, 92 Phyllophaga, 39, 90, 104 Phyllotreta, 46 Phymatodes. 42 Physonota, 46, 92 Phytalus, 39 Phytobius. 94 Pidonia, 40, 91 Piezocorynus, 48 Pilolabus, 48 Pinacodera. 79 Pinophilus. 82 Pinotus, 38 Piosoma, 80 Pisenus, 34 Pissodes, 49, 93 Pityoborus, 52 Pityophilus, 52 Pityophthorus, 52, 94 PLASTOCERID,^, 26 PLASTOCERIN.^, 83 Plataphodes, 11 Plateros, 21 Platidius, 12 Platycerus, 40 Platyde rides, 38 Platynidius, 79 Platynomicrus, 79 Platynus, 13, 78 Platysmatus, 13 PLATYSTOMID^, 47, 93 Platystrophus, 47 Plinthocoelium, 42 Plinthodes, 49 Index Plochionus, 79 Pocalta, 91 Podabrus, 22 Poecilobrium, 91 i^'oecilonota, 29 Pogonocherus, 42, 91 Pogonodaptus, 80 Poleniius, 22 Polpochila, 80 Polycaon, 37 Po'.ycef tat 28 Polygraphus, 51 Polyphylla, 39 Polypria, 25 P.istodactyla, 78 Prosteplianus, 37 Protogyrininus, 103 Protonecrodes, 18 Psamniobius, 90 P-sanMiioporus. 90 Pselaphoi-hynchites, 93 PSELAPHID-'E, 20, 82 Psiloscelis, 21 PseudaUonyx, 23 Pseudanopthalmus, 12, 78 Pseudanthribus, 48 Pseudaptinus, 14 Pseudargutor, 13 Pseudaisenius, 39 Pseudebreus, 22 Pseudolagarus, 13 Pseudoluperus, 92 Pseudomicracis, 53 Pseudomorpha, 14 PSEUDOMORPHID^E, 14 Pseudopachyta, 40 Pseudopanscopus, 48 Pseudopentarthrum, 51 Pseudopityophthorus, 94 Pseudostrangalia, 40 Pseudothysanoes, 53 PSOID^, 37 Psyllobora, 35, 87 Ptenidium, 20 Pteroloma, 18 Pterostichus, 12, 78 PTILIID/E, 20 Ptilinus, 37 Ptilodactyla, 31 PTILODACTYLID^ 31 PTINlDyE, 37, 89 Ptinus, 37, 89 Ptosima, 29 PYROCHROID^, 25, 83 PYTH1D.E, 25, 82 PYTHIN^, 25 Pytho, 25 Reichenbachia, 82 Rembus, 1.3, 77 Rhadine, 13, 79 Rhagodera, 34 Rhagojiiicrus, 28 Rhantus, 15 Rhexidius, 82 Rhinosimus. 82 RttlPICERID^, 26 RHIPIPHORID^, 24 111 Rhipiphorus, 24 Rhynchites, 48, 93 Hhyssemus, 39 Rodolia, 87 Romaleum, 40, 91 Rybaxis, 20 Ryssematus, 51 SALPINGIN^, 25 SANDALID^, 26 Sandalus, 26 Saperda, 42 Saprinus, 21 Saxinis, 44 Scaphinotus, 77 Scaptolenus, 83 SCARAB^ID^:, 38, 90, 103 Scliizogenius, 11 SCOLYTID.^, 51, 94 Schwarzerion, 42 SCYDM.^NIDyE, 19 ScydniEenus, 19 Scymnillodes, 35 Scymnus, 35, 87 Selenophorus, 80 ■Semijulistus, 23 Serica, 39, 90 Sericus, 85 Sibariops, 50 Silpha, 18, 104 SILPHID/E, 17 Simplocaria, SO Smicronyx, 49 Sperchopsis, 16 Spermophagus, 47 Sphseriestes, 25 SPH.^SRIID^, 21 Sphseroderus, 77 Sphserosinus, 51 Sphenophorus, 51 STAPHYLINID^, 19, 82 Stenelmis, 31 Stenocantharus, 10 Stenocellus, 14 Stenocorus, 41 Stenolophus, 80 Stenotarsus, 35 Stenus, 20 Stephanopachys, 37 Steremnius, 93 Stereopalpus, 26 Stethorhanis, 35 Stilbolidus, 80 Stilbus, 35 Stolonis, 13 Strangalepta, 41 Sfrategus, 40 Sti-igodermella, 39 Strophiona, 41 Styloxus, 40, 91 Synapbffita, 42 Syncalosoma, 10, 54 Syneta, 44 Synolabus, 48 Systena, 46, 92 Tachycellus, 14 Tachypterellus, 93 112 Tachys, 11 Talanus, SO Tanaocarabus, 10, 77 Tanaops, 22 Tanysphyrus, 49 Taphrocerus, 30 Tapisnothenes, 10, 54 Telabis, 36 TELEGEUSID^, 82 Telegeusis, 82 Temnochila, 86 Teranopsophus, 22 TENEBRlONIDvE, 36, 89, Tenebrionites, 103 Tetraonyx, 24 Tetrapriocera, 90 Tetropium. 40 Thalpius, 14 Thanatophilus, 18 Thecesternus, 51 Thesalia, 40 Thoracophorus, 19 Thricoleraa, 44 THROSCID^, 28, 85 Throscus, 28 Thyce, 39, 91 Thysanoes, 53 Index Tinodemus, 35 Toxotropis, 47 Trachykele, 29 Trachypachus, 10 Tragidion, 91 Treclius, 12. 78 Trepanedoris, 11 Triiena, 13 Triarius, 45 Trichacorynus, 51 Trichalophus, 40 Trichelaphrus, 10 103 Trichocellus, 80 Trichochrous, 22, 82 Ti'icrania, 25 Trigoiiodera, 24 Trigonognatha, 12 Trigonoscuta, 49 Triliarthrus, 14, 80 Triphyllus, 34 Triplectrus, 80 Trirhabda, 92 Trogoderma, 32 Trogophloeus, 19 Tropideres, 48 Tropisteinus, 16, 81 Typhaea, 34 Typitium, 23 Typocerus, 41 Typophorus, 44 Uleiota, 33 Usechimorpha, 36 Usechus, 36 Vandykea, 91 Vectura, 23 Vecturoides, 23 Vincenzellus, 25 Xarifa, 37 Xestoleptura, 41 Xiphenax, 103 Xylobius, 28 Xylophilus, 28 Xylotrechus, 42 Zacotus, 14 Zenoa, 26 Zeugophora, 44 Zezea, 13 Zonitis, 25 81 6 4 7 I ? 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