BSOLOGY LIBRARY G Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation CATALOGUE OK THE COLLECTION BIRDS' EGGS IX THE BRITISH MUSEUM, VOLUME IV. LONDOI^ : PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1905. {All rights reser vecL) VKIXTED BY TAYLOR AND FEANCIS, liKB LION COriiT, FLEET STREET. CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OP BIRDS' EGGS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). VOLUME IV. CARINATiE (PASSERIFORMES continued). BY EUGENE W. GATES. ASSISTED BY CAPT. SAVILE G. itEID; • \^^ LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDEB. OF THE TRUSTEES. SOLD BY LONGMANS & Co., 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, E.G.; B. QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W.; DULAU & Co.. 37 SOHO SQUARE, W.; KEGAN PAUL & Co., 43 GERRARD STREET, W. ; AND AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD, S.W. 1905. ■•aV \.' <^y^ ^^ - P E E F A C E. I HAYE again been indebted to Captain Savile G. Eeid for his assistance in the preparation of the present volume, and for the additions which he has made to Mr. Gates' original MSS. The valuable collections which the Museum has received during the past two years have greatly added to the importance of the present volume. The donations of Mr. W. Ead cliff e Saunders and Mr. C. B. Rickett have been especially valuable. E. RAY LANKESTEE, Director. British Museum (Natural History), February 22, 1905. 41S490 INTRODUCTION. The fourth volume of the Catalogue of Eggs corresponds with the fourth volume of Dr. Bowdler Sharpe's ' Hand-list of Birds.' The total number of species is 620, and the number of eggs catalogued 14,917, as shown in the following table : — No, of specimens Family. No. of species. of eggs. Timeliid^ 166 1873 Troglodytid^ 37 481 Cinclid£e 8 105 Mimid^ 21 306 Turdid^ 73 3795 Sylviidffi 149 5173 Vireonidge 12 93 Ampelidae 2 56 ArtamidfB 9 129 Vangid» 2 11 Prionopidae 17 144 Laniidte 65 1466 Paridse 37 702 Chamaeidae 1 3 Regulidffi 5 250 Sittidse 11 232 Certhiidge 5 98 Total 620 14,917 I am indebted to Mr. W. E,. Ogilvie-Grant for much kind assistance in cataloguing and arranging the specimens in the present volume. SAYILE G. REID. February 20, 1905. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Sub-Class CARINAT-ffi. Order PASSERIFORMES. Sub-Order Acromyodi (continued). Passeres Noi' males (continued). Family Timeliid^e. Page Ortbonyx, Temm 1 temniincki, Vig. 8f Horsf. . 1 Cinclosooia, Vig. 8f Horsf. . . 1 punctatum {Lath.) 1 castanonotum, Gould .... 2 Eupetes, Temm 2 pulcher, Sharpe 2 incertus, Salvad 3 lorige, Salvad. 3 Drymaoedns, Gould 3 superciliaris, Gould 3 Hylacola, Gould , 4 cauta, Gould 4 Psop bodes, Vig. 8f Horsf. . . 4 crepitans {Lath.) 4 Pterorbinus, Swinh 4 davidi, Swinh 4 Trosbalopterum, Blyth .... 6 variegatum ( Vig.) 5 erytbrocepbalum (Vig.) . . 5 nigrimentura, Hodgs .5 rufigulare ( Gould) 6 squamatiim {Gould) .... 6 ellioti, J. Verr 7 pboeniceiim {Gould) .... 7 cacbinnans (Jerd.) 8 fairbanki, Blanf. 8 canorum {Linn.) 9 taivanum (Swinh.) 9 lineatura ( Vigors) 9 virgatum, Godwin- Austefi 10 VOL. IV. Page lantbocincla, Gould 10 cinereiceps {Sty an) 10 Argya, Less 10 subrufa {Jerdon) 11 earlei (Blyth) 11 caudata {Drap.) 11 squamiceps {Cretzschm.) . 12 gularis {Bli/th) 13 fulva {I)esf.) 13 acacisfi {Licht.) 13 malcolmi {Sgkes) 13 Pomatorbinus, Horsf. 14 montanus, Horsf. 14 borneensis, Cab 14 scbisticeps, Hodgs 15 olivaceus, Blgth 15 melanurus, Blyth 15 horsfieldi, Syhes 15 temporalis, Vig. ^ Horsf. 16 euperciliosus, Vig. Sf Horsf. 16 rubeculus, Goidd 17 ferruginosus, Blyth .... 17 pbayrei, Blyth 17 stenorhyncbus, Godwin- Au.\QYi {Olphe- Gall.) . . 142 Khyacornis, Blanf. 142 fuliginosa ( Vig.) 142 Cyanecula, Brehm 143 suecica {Linn.) 143 cyauecula ( Wolf) 144 Page Aedon, Forst 144 megsrhyncha, Brehm . . 144 luscinia {Linn.) 146 golzii(Ca6.) 146 Erithacus, Cuvier 147 rubecula {Linn.) 147 superbus, Konig 148 akahige {Temm.) 148 Hodgsonius, Bonap 148 phoenicuroides {Hodgs.) . 148 Calliope, Gould 149 calliope {Pall.) 149 lanthia, Blyth 149 rufilata {Hodgs.) 149 Larvivora, Hodgs 149 cyanea (Pa//.) 149 brunnea, Hodgs 150 Adelura, Bonap 150 caerideocephala ( Vig.) . . 150 Notodela, Less 151 leucura (Hodgs.) 151 Thamnobia (Swai7is.) 151 caiubaiensis (Lath.) .... 151 fulicata {TAnn.) 152 Copsychus, Wagler 153 saularis {Linn.) 153 amcenus, Horsf. 154 Gervaisia, Bonap 154 albispecularis {Eyd. i^ Gerv.) 154 pica {Pelz.) 155 Cittocincla, Scl 155 macrura {Gm.) 155 luzoniensis {Kittl.) 156 Cossypha, Vig 156 catfra (Linn.) 156 Pseudocossyphus, Sharpe . . 156 sharpei {Gray) 156 Erytliropygia, A. Smith .... 157 coryphjieus {Less.) 157 leucoplirys ( Vieill.) .... 157 inunda ( Cab.) 158 poena, A. Smith 158 Pratincola, Koch 158 rubetra (Linn.) 158 rubicola (Linn.) 169 sybilla {Linn.) 160 maura (Pall.) 160 torquata {Linn.) 161 caprata {Linn.) 161 atrata, Kelaart 162 Oreicola, Bonap 163 ferrea {Hodgs.) 163 Cercomela, Bonap 163 fusca {Blyth) 163 asthenia, Bonap 164 XIV SrSTEMATlC INDEX. Page Poliociclila, Sharpe 164 cinerea ( VieiU.) 164 sinuata (Sundev.) 16o Saxicola, Bechst 165 familiaris, Steph 165 oenanthe {Linn.) 165 stapazina {Linn.) 167 caterinne, Whitnker .... 167 albicans, Wahlh 168 isabellina, Cretzschm 168 picata, Bhjth 169 monticola ( VieiU.) 169 lugeiis, Licht 169 persica, Seehohm 1 70 pleschanka [Lepech.) .... 170 leucura (6^w.) 170 deserti, Ttmm 171 melaiioleiica (Gilld.) .... 171 occidentalis, Salrad 172 finsclii, Heuf/l. 172 Campicolu, JSivains 173 pileala (Gin.) 173 Oatharus, Bonap 173 melpomene ( Cab.) 173 fi-antzii, Cab 174 phpeopleuius, Scl. 4" Salv. 174 Sialia, Swains 174 sialis {Linn.) 175 aziirea, Siuains 175 niexicana {Sicains. 8f Bichavd^.) 175 occidentalis, Toivns 176 arctica, Swains 176 Family Sylviid.^. Agrobate.^, Sivains galactodes ( Temm.) . . . familiaris (Menetr.) . . . Locustella, Kanp fluviatilis ( Wolf\ luscinioides {Savi) nsevia {Bodd.) lanceolata ( Tenim?) . . . Acrocephalus, Namn aquaticus {Temm.) pliragmitis [Bechst.) . . . turdoides [Meyer) orientalis ( Temm.^ Schl. stentoreus {Hempr. Ehr.) palustris {Bechst.) . . streperus {Vieill.) . . dumetorum {Bhjth) 176 176 177 178 178 178 179 180 180 180 181 181 183 183 183 184 185 186 F«ge agricola {Jerd.) 187 baeticatus ( VieiU.) 187 syrinx [Kittl.) 1*57 Tribura, LLodgs 188 tlioracica [Blyth) 188 Lusciniola, Gray 189 melanopogou {Temm.) . . 189 Sutoria, Nicholson 189 sutoria ( Forsf.) 189 maculicoUis {Moore) .... 190 Orthotomus, Horsf. 190 atrigularis {Tetn^n.) .... 190 chloronotiis (Oyilvie- Grant) 191 Cisticola, Kaup 191 ruficapilla, A. Smith .... 1 91 cisticola {Tetnm.) 191 briinneiceps ( Temm. 8f Schl.) 193 cherina {A. Smith) .... 193 textrix ( Vieill. ) 193 exilis ( Vig. ^- Horsf.) . . 194 tinniens {Licht.) 194 strangei {Eraser) 195 natalensis {A. Smith) . . 195 liigubris, Bilp2J 195 SLibruticapilla {Smith) . . 196 Franklinia, Blyth 196 gracilis, Erankl '196 rufescens {Blyth) 197 buchanani [Blyth) 197 Laticilla, Blyth 198 hurnes'i, Blt/th 198 Nesillas, Oberholser 198 typica {Hartl.) 198 IdixAzi {Grandid.) 199 Spiloptila, Sundev 199 ocularis (A. Smith) 199 Megalurus, ITor.s/. 199 palustris, Horsf. 1 99 gramineus {Gould) .... 200 ruficeps, Tu-eedd 200 macrurus [Salvad.) .... 201 Schoenicola, Bh/th 201 platyura [Jerd.) 201 Brady pterus, Sivains 202 brachypterus ( Vieill.) . . 202 Chfetornis, Gray 202 locustelloides, Blyth 202 Calamocicltla, Sharps 202 newtoni, Hartl 202 lep torhy nc ha ( Fisch . ^ Reichenow) 203 Origma, Gould 203 rubricata, Lath 203 RY5TEMATI0 INDEX. XV Pa(je Arundinax, miitli 20;^ aedoD [Pail.) 203 Hypolais, Brehm 204 hypoliiis {Linn.) 204 polyjrlotta ( Vieill.) 204 Tduna, Bonap 205 olivetorum (Gould) .... 20o lanofuida ( Hempr. i^ Hhr.) 206 pallida {Hempr, ^ Ehr.) . 206 opaca {Cab.) 207 rama {Sijkes) 207 caligata' [Licht.) 208 Sylvia, Scop 208 nisoria, Bechst 208 Sylvia {Linn.) 209 icterops, Menetr 210 simplex, Lath 211 rueppelli, Temm 212 orpheus, Temm 212 ciirruca (Lifin.) 213 affinis, Bli/th 214 niystacea, Menetr 214 conspicillata, Temm 215 atricapilla (Linn.) 215 subalpina, Temm 216 Melizophilus, Leach 217 melanocephalu8 (Gmel.) . 217 iindatus {Bodd.) 218 Phylloscopus, Boie 219 sibilatrix {Bechst.) 219 trocliilus {Linn.) 220 bonellii (' Vieill.) 222 minor ( Forst.) 222 tristis, Blijth 223 tytleri, Brooks 224 Oreopneuste, SivinJi 224 affinis {Tickell) 224 fuscata {Bh/th) 225 neglecta, ILwne 225 Reguloides, Blijth 225 proreprulus {Fall.) 225 superciliosus (Gmel.). . . . 226 humei (Brooks) 226 Acinthopneiiste, Blasius . . 227 borealis (Bias.) 227 plumbeitarsus (Sioinh.). . 227 coronata ( Temm,) 227 occipitalis (Bhjth) 227 davisoni, Gates 228 Cbthonicola, Gould '228 sagittata {La^h.) 228 Acanthiza, Vig. 8f Horsf. . . 229 nana, Vig. <^ Horsf. .... 229 inornata, Gould 229 fusillA (White) 220 iiieinenensiS; Gould .... 230 Papje apicalis, Gould 230 pyrrhopygia, Gould .... 230 iineata, Gorild 231 chrvsorrhoa (Quay 8f Gaim.) 231 reguloides, Vig. 8f Horsf. 232 Sericornis, Gould 233 brunnea (Gould) 233 citreigubiris, Gould .... 233 frontalis ( Vig. ^- Horsf.) . 233 magiiirostris [Gould). . . . 234 humilis, Gould 234 Apalis, Swains 235 thoracica ( Shaw^-Noddcr) 235 Dryodrt)mas, Finsch ^- Hartl. 235 fulvicapilla ( Vieill.) .... 235 Neomixis, Shar2)e 235 tenella (Hartl.) 235 Scotocerca, Sandev 236 'm({m.Qi^ (Cretzschm.) .. 230 saharae (Loche) 236 Neornis, BUjth 237 iiavo-olivacea, Blyth .... 237 Horornis, Hodgs 237 fortipes, Hodgs 237 sinensis (La Touche) .... 237 bruunescens, Hume .... 238 cantans, Temm. Sj- Schl. . . 238 cantiirians (Swinh.) .... 238 diphone, Kiitl. 239 Cettia, Bonap 239 cetti (Marm.) 239 Suya, Hodgs 240 crinigera, Hodgs 240 atrigularis, Moore 240 khasiana, God win- Austen 241 Prinia, Horsf. 241 Havicans ( Vieill.) 241 maculosa (Bodd.) 242 mystacea, Il'iij)p 242 i..ornata, Sykes 242 blanfordi (Wald.) 243 extensicauda, Sivinh 244 sylvatica, Jerd 244 polychroa ( Temm.) .... 245 Burnesia, Jerd 245 flaviventris (Deless.) .... 245 soniians (Swinh.) . . ... 245 superciliavis ( Salvad.) . . 246 siibstriita [A. Smith) . . 246 socialis (Sykes) 246 gracilis (Cretzschm.) .... 247 lepida, hhfth 248 Malurus, Vieill 248 cyaneus (Elis) 248 gouldi, Sharpe 249 XVI SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Phge splendens {Q.^ G.) 249 leucopterus, Q.Sf G 250 lamberti, Vi(/. ^ Horrf. . 250 pulcherrimus, Gould .... 250 melanocephalus, Vig. S;- Horsf. 250 dorsalis, Lewin 251 Stipitums, Less 251 malachiirii!3 (Shaio) .... 251 Bebrornis, Sharpe 252 rodericanus ( E. Newtoji) . 252 Spheuura, Licht 252 longirostris {Gould) .... 252 Family Vireonid^. Vireo, Vieill 253 calidiis {Linn.) 253 olivaceus {Linn 253 fiavoviridis ( Cassin) .... 253 chivi ( Vieill.) 254 gilvus ( Vieill.) 254 swainsoni (Baird) 254 flavifrnns, Vieill 255 solitarius ( Wilson) .... 255 pliimbeus, Cones 255 noveboracensis {Gmel.) . . 255 belli, Auduh 255 modestus, Sol 256 Family AMPELiDiE. Ampelis, Linn 256 garrulus, Limi 256 cedroriim ( Vieill.) 257 Family ARXAMiDiE. Artamus, Vieill 257 leucog-aster (X^^//e?2C.) .. 257 mentalis. Javd 258 fuscus, Vieill 258 superciliosus (Gould) . . 259 personatus {Gould) .... 259 h^^poieucus, Sharpe .... 260 melanops, Gould. 260 sordidus {Lath.). 261 minor, Vieill . 261 Family VANGiDiE. Abbottornis, Richmond .... 262 chabert {P. L. S. Mull.) . 262 Yanga, Vivill 262 curvirostria {Gmel.) .... 262 Page Family PRiONOPiDiE. Grallina, Vieill 263 picata {LMth.) 263 Hemipus, Hodgs 263 picatus {Sykes) 263 capi talis, McClell 264 Tephrodornis, Swains 264 pondiceriauiis {Gmel.) . . 264 pelvicus {Hodf/s.) ^Q^ gularis {Rafl.) 265 Eiirocephalus, Smith 266 ang-uitiraens, A. Smith . . 266 Collyriocichla, Vie/. 4' Horsf. 266 harmonica {Lath.) 266 rectirostris, Jard. <^' Selb. . 267 brunnea, Gould 267 rufiventris, Gould 267 Pinarolestes, Sharpe 268 parvulus {Gould) 268 gmildi {Gray) 268 rufiventris, Sharpe 268 vitiensis {Kartl.) 269 Ilypocolius, Bonap 269 ampelinus, Bonap 269 Family Laniid^. Gvmnorhina, Gray 270 " tibicen {Lath.) 270 leuconota, Gray 270 byperleuca {Gould) 271 Cracticiis, Vieill 272 quoyi {Less. ) 272 nigrigularis ( Gould) .... 272 cassicus {Bodd.) 272 leucopterus, Gould 273 destructor ( Temm.) .... 273 cinereus {Gould) 274 Lanius, Linn 274 minor, Gm 274 excubitor, Linn 275 pallidirostris, Cass 275 labtora {Sykes) 276 algeriensis, Less. ...... 277 meridionalis, Temm 277 ludovicianus {Linn.).. . , . 278 excubitoroides, /Sf^J^m^. . . 278 anthonyi, Mearns 278 Phoneus, Kaup 279 nubicus {Licht.) 270 pomeranus (*Sj9rtn*w.) .. 279 rutiliis {Lath.) 281 Fiscus, Bonap 282 humeralis {Stanley) .... 282 SYSTEilATIC INDEX. XVll Page collaris (Linn.) 282 exculjitorius (Prev. Sf Des Mars) 283 caudatus {Cah.) 283 Enneoctoniis, Bonap 283 collurio [Lmn.) 283 vittatus ( Val) 28o Cephaloplioneus, Fitz 285 bucephalus (Temm. ^- Schleg.) 285 teplironotus ( Vig.) 286 erythronotus ( Vig?) .... 286 caniceps (Blgth) 287 schach {Linn.) 288 bentet (Horsf.) 288 nigriceps, Frankl 288 nasutus (Scop.) 289 Otomela, Bonap 289 plioenicuroides (Severtz.) . 289 cristata {Linn.) 290 isabellina (Zfem;;;-. ^-Fhr.) 290 superciliosa (Lath.) .... 290 Clilorophoneus, Cab 291 sulphureipectus {Less.) . . 291 Pelicinius, Boie 291 gutturalis (P. L. S. Mull.) 291 Rhodophoneua, Ileugl 292 cruentus (Hempr. 8f Fhr.) 292 Laniarius, Vieil/ 292 rufiventris, Sicains 292 atrococcineus {Burch.) . . 292 Pomatorliynchus, Boie .... 293 senegalus {Linn.) 293 blanfbrdi {Sharpe) 293 australis {Smith) 293 tschagra ( Vieill.) 294 Falcunculiis, Vieill 294 leucogaster, Gould 294 Oreoica, Gould 294 cristata {Lewin) 294 Pacbycephala, Vig. ^ Horsf. 295 torquata, Layard 295 rosseliana, Hartert 295 gutturalis {Lath.) 296 glaucura, Gould 296 chiorura, Gray 296 obscurior, Hartert 297 xanthetraea (Forst.) .... 297 rufiventris {Lath.) 297 olivacea, Viy. <^ Horsf. . . 298 xanthoprocta, Goidd .... 298 Ilyloterpe, Cah 299 philippinensis, Walden . . 299 Pachycepbalopsis, Salvad. . . 299 poliosoma, Sharpe 299 Eopsaltria, Stvains 299 VOL. IV. australis, White 299 georgiana (Q. ^^ G.) 300 tiaviventris, Sharpe .... 300 Family Parid.e. Poecile, Kaup 301 dresseri, Stejn 301 palustris (Linn.) 301 borealis (Selys-Longch.) . 301 lugubris ( Temm.) 302 cincta {Bodd.) 302 carolinensis (And.) .... 303 atricapilla (Linn.) 303 Sittiparus, Selys-Longch. . . 303 sieboldi^ Seebohm 303 Lophophanes, Kaup 304 cristatus {Linn.) 304 inomatus {Gambel) .... 305 Periparus, Selys-Longch 305 ater (Linn.) 305 britannicus {Sharpe S,- Dresser) 305 melanolophus ( Vig.) .... 306 Machlolopbus, Cab 306 rex, David 306 Pardaliparus, Selys-Longch. . . 307 venustulus (Siuinh.) .... 307 Parus, Linn 307 minor, Temm. ^' Schleg. . . 307 major, Linn 307 cinereus, Vieill 308 bokhariensis; Licht 309 monticola, Vigors 309 Pentheres, Cab 310 ?iier {Gmel.) 310 Cyanistes, Kaup 310 caeruleus {Linn.) 310 persicus [Blanf.) 311 ultramarinus {Bonap.) . . 311 teneriffse (Less.) 311 cyanus {Pall.) 312 yEgithaliscus, Cab 312 erythrocephalus {Vig.) . . 312 Psaltriparus, Bonap 312 minimus ( Toicnsend) .... 312 ^githalus, Herm 313 caudatus (Linn.) 313 roseus {Blyth) 313 irbyi {Shar^je 4' Dresser) . 314 tephronotus {Giinfher) . . 314 Remiza, Stejn 314 penduliua {Linn.) 314 Anthoscopus, Boie 315 minutus (Lath.) 315 Auriparus, Baird. 315 fiaviceps (Sundev.) 315 c XVIU SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Aphelocepliala, Oherh 316 leucopsis {Gould) 316 Splienostoma, Gould 316 cristatum, Goidd 316 Family Cham^id^. Cliamaea, Gambel 317 fasciata (Gambel) 317 Family IIegulid^. Regulus, Koch 317 regiilus {Linn.) 317 tenerifFse, Seehohm 318 ignicapillus (Brehm) .... 318 maderensis, Vernon Rar- court 319 calendula (Linn.) 319 Family SiTxiDiE. Sittn, Linn 320 cffisia, Mei/er ^ Wolf. ... 320 neumayeri, Michah 320 Page teiphronotn,, Sharpe 321 kmeperi, Pe/z 322 whitehead!, Sharpe .... 322 castaneiventris, Frankl. . . 322 leucopsis, Gould 323 pjgmaea, Vig 323 Dendrophila, Sioains 323 frontalis, Swains 323 Neositta, Hellmayr 324 chrvsoptera {Lath.) .... 324 pileata {Gould) 324 Family Certhiid^. Certhia, Linn 324 familiaris, Linn 324 hodgsoni, Brooks 325 Salpornis, Gray 325 spilonotus, Fra.nkl 325 Tichodroma, llliger 326 muraria {Linn.) 326 Climacteris, Temm 326 scandeus, Temm 326 CATALOGUE OF BIRDS' EGGS VOL. IV. Sub-Class CARINAT-ZE. Order PASSERIFORMES. Sub-Order ACROMYODI (continued). PASSERES NORMALES (continued). Family TIMELIID^. Genus ORTHONYX, Temm. Orthonyx temmincki, Vig. Sr Horsf. Orthonyx spinicaudus, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 607 (1865) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 151 (1889). Orthonyx spinicauda, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 329 (1883) ; Camp^ bell, Nests (^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 252 (1901). Orthonyx temmincki, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 2 (1903). The eggs of the Spiae-tailed Log-runner are of an elliptical form, moderately glossy, and of a plain white colour. Three eggs measure respectively : 1-U7 by '76 ; 1'13 by '8 ; 1-17 by -8. 1. New South Wales ( Wilson) Gould Coll. 2. New South Wales {Allen). Gould Coll. Genus CINCLOSOMA, Vicj. S, Horsf. \ Cinclosoma punctatum {Lath.). Cinclosoma punctatum, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxvii. fig. 6 (1845-54); Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 433 (1865); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 332 (1883) ; North, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. VOL. IV. B >'^iiVrt\sp. -151; pt/^xi:^^riO (1889) ; Nehrk. KaL Eicrs^mmnl p. 58 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 4' Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 254, pi. 10 (1901) ; iSharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 2 (1903). The eggs of the Spotted Ground-hird in the Collection vary in form from an elongated to a broad oval. They have a considerable amount of gloss. The gronnd is cream-coloured, and this is rather closely and evenly spotted and blotched with olive-brown and very dark chocolate, and equally numerous underlying markings of pale purple-grey. They measure from 1*25 to 1*42 in length, and from *91 to -96 in breadth. 1. Australia. Sir D. E. Cooper [P.]. 2. Australia. Crowley Bequest. 2_ New South Wales. Gould Coll. 2. Western Point, Victoria, 28rd Oct. {A. J. North). Crowley Jiequest. 1. Victoria. F. A. Philbrick, Es( [P.]. Cinclosoma castanonotum, Gould. (Plate III. fig. 14.) Cinclosoma castanotis, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxvii. fig. 7, a, b (1845-54). Cinclosoma castaneonotum, Goidd, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 435 (1865). Cinclosoma castanonotum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 333 (1883) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 256 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 2 (1903). The eggs of the Chestnut-backed Ground-bird vary from a regular to a blunt oval form and very closely resemble in coloration the eggs of C. joKnctatum, being perhaps on the average rather more thickly spotted. Five specimens measure from 1*18 to 1'25 in length, and from -88 to -90 in breadth. 2. Australia (Tm^raw Co//.). Crowley Bequest. 1. West Australia, 9th Sept. Gould Coll. 2. West Australia, Sept. Gould Coll. Genus EUPETES, Temm. Eupetes pulcher, SJmiye. Eupetes castanonotus, Salvad. pt. ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 340 (1883). Eupetes pulcher, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 3 (1903). An e%g of the Chestnut-backed Eupetes in the Collection is of a broadish oval form. The ground-colour is pale pinkish brown, somewhat heavily marked at the larger end with underlying blotches of purple-grey, a few longitudinal streaks and dashes of which colour also occur on the other parts of the surface ; the overlying blotches, also longitudinal, of rich brown are evenly and not very thickly distributed over the whole e^^. It measures 1-15 by -87 inch. 1. S.E. New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [C.]. - ^-» - . EUPETES. DRYMA(EDUS. Eupetes incertus, Salvad. Eupetes incertus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 341 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 13 (1903). An e^g of Salvadori's Eupetes in the Collection is white, with a few underlying markings of pale lavender at the larger end, the whole surface being sparingly dotted with dark madder-brown, larger spots of which colour occur somewhat more thickly towards the larger end. It is of a regular oval form, and measures 1'13 by •82 inch. 1. S.E. New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [C.]. Eupetes loriae, Salvad. (Plate III. fig. 11.) Eupetes loriae, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 3 (1903). The only e^g of the Black-throated Eupetes in the Collection is of a regular oval form, with a very slight amount of gloss. The ground-colour is a warm pinkish brown ; it is sparingly marked, at the larger end chiefly, with longitudinal blotches of purple-grey, the surface-markings being rich brown, mostly collected together at the larger end in the form of an interrupted ring or zone of blotches and spots. It measures 1*28 by '95 inch. 1. S.E. New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [C.]. Genus DRYMACEDUS, Gould. Drymacedus superciliaris, Oould, (Plate III. fig. 16.) Drymodes superciliaris, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 291 (I860) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 107 (1889). Drymacedus superciliaris, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 344 (1883) ; Campbell, Nests ^' Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 262 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 4 (1903). The eggs of the Eastern Scrub-Robin are of a broad, blunt oval shape, and they have a small amount of gloss. The ground is of a dull white colour; in one e^^ this is very thickly speckled and spotted with brown and pale purple ; in a second egg the ground is spotted and blotched with brown and pale purple, and far more of the ground is visible than in the first egg. Two eggs measure respectively : -98 by -68; 1-02 by -7. 2. Cape York, Australia, 17th Nov. Gould Coll. (/. Macgillivray). b2 4 TTMELTID.15. Genus HYLACOLA, Gould. Hylacola cauta, Gould, (Plate III. fig. 17.) Hylarola oaiita, Goidd, Ilandh. Birds Anstr. i. p. 347 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 347 (1883); Nehrh. Kat. Eiersamrrd. p. 58 (1899) ; Cainphell, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 264, pi. 11 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 4 (1903). An Q^^ of the Eufous-rumped Ground-Wren in the Collection is of a broad oval shape and moderately glossy. It is of a purplish- brown colour, mottled, almost entirely at the broad end, with a darker shade of the same. It measures '86 by -65. 1. Gippsland, Victoria. F. A. Philbrick, Esq., K.C. [P.]. Genus PSOPHODES, Vig. 6f Horsf. Psophodes crepitans {LatJi.). Psophodes crepitans, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 312 (1864) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 350 (1883) ; North, Nests 8f Egqs Austr. Birds, p. 72, pi. viii. fig. 7 (1889) ; Nehrh.Kat. Eiersam'ml. p. 68 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 265, pi. 11 (1901) ; jSka7pe, Hand-l. iv. p. 5 (1903). The eggs of the Coach- whip Bird are of a regular oval form and are almost devoid of gloss. The ground is of an exceedingly pale greenish- white colour or pale greenish blue, and this is sparingly marked, except at the broad end of the egg, where the markings are more numerous and form an indistinct cap, with specks, spots, small blotches, and short scrawls of black and underlying pale purple. They measure from 1*08 to 1*2 inch in length, and from '78 to •83 in breadth. 2. Australia. Crowlev Bequest. 2. New South Wales. Gould Coll. 2. New South Wales, 4th July. Gould Coll. 2. Kichmond River, N.S.W., 20th Sept. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). 2. Gippsland, Victoria, Nov. W. Badcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Whittlesea Ranges, Victoria, Dec. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Bairnsdale, Victoria, 3rd Aug. Crowley Bequest, {A. J. N.). Genus PTEROEHINUS, Sivinh. Pterorhinus davidi, Swinh. (Plate III. fig. 18.) Pterorhinus davidi, David 4" Oustalet, Ois. Chine, p. 187, pi. 50 (1877) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 353 (1883) ; Pleske in Prjev. Reistn, Aves, p. 133 (1890) ; Ilartcrt, Nov. Zool. i. p. 672 (1894) ', Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 6 ^1903). TROCnALOPTERFM. 5> The eggs of David's Laughing-Thrush are elliptical in shape, with a slight amount of gloss, and of a pale unspotted blue colour. They measure 1-08 by '78 and 1-05 by '76 inch respectively. 2. Koko-Nor (Trmr/ Museum). Crowley Beque^st. Genus TROCHALOPTERUM, BUjth, Trochalopterum variegatum ( Vig,\ (Plate III. fig. 19.) Trochalopterum variegatum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 359 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Inch, Birds, i. p. 95 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 4- JEf/ffs Ind. Birds, i. p. 59 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 6 (1903). The eggs of the Eastern Variegated Laughing-Thrush are of an oval form, and they possess a considerable amount of gloss. The ground is of a greenish-blue colour, and this is speckled and spotted with reddish and yellowish brown, of varying degrees of intensity. In some eggs the markings are spread all over the shell, but are most numerous at the thick end ; in others the markings are re- stricted to one or two large spots and a very few specks, and the?e arc so dark as to appear to be of a black colour. The eggs vary from 1 to 1-15 in length, and from -76 to -82 in breadth. 2. Kotegarh, Himalayas, 30th April. Hume Coll. 2. Kotegarh, 22nd June. Hume Coll. 2. Kotegarh, 22nd June. Hume Coll. Trochalopterum erythrocephalum {Vig.). Trochalopterum erythrocephalum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 360 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 89 (1889) ; id. ed. Hurne, Nests Sf Egqs Ind. Birds, i. p. 55 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 58 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 6 (1903). The eggs of the Red-headed Laughing-Thrush do not differ from those of T. variegatum. They measure from 1*14 to 1*21 in length, and from '81 to -85 in breadth. 1. Kotegarh, Himalayas, 22nd June. Hume Coll. 1. Simla. Hume Coll. 2. Simla, June. Hume Coll. 1. Naini Tal, 4th June. Crowley Bequest. Trochalopterum nigrimentum, Hodgs. Trochalopteron chrysopterum, Jerd. Birds Ind. ii. p. 43 (1863). Trochalopterum chrysopterum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 362 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 58 (1899). Trochalopterum nigrimentum, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 91 (1889); id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 57 (1889) j Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 6 (1903). The eggs of the Western YeUow- winged Laughing-Thrush closely 6 TlMELIIDiE. resemble those of T. variegatum and 2\ evi/throcephalum, but the markings are of a deep chocolate-brown colour. Some eggs are nearly spotless ; and in others the markings are confined almost entirely to the large end of the egg, some few markings assuming the form of lines and scrawls. The eggs measure from 1"09 to 1*24 in length, and from -8 to -17 in breadth. 2. Sikhim, 2nd June. Crowley Bequest. 1.* Mougphoo, Darjiling, 15th April {J. Gammie). Hume Coll. 3. Mongphoo, 7th May {J. G.). Hume Coll. 2. Mongphoo, 15th May {J. G.). Hume Coll. 2. Mongphoo, 25th May (J. G). Hume Coll. 2. Mongphoo, 2nd June (J. G.). Hume Coll. 1. Darjiling, 17th May (Z. Mandelh). Hume Coll. 5. Darjiling, 18th May (i. M.). Hume Coll. Trochalopterum rufigulare {Gould). Trochalopterum rufigulare, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 365 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 59 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 7 (1903). lanthocincla rufigularis, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 86 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 54 (1889). The eggs of the Rufous-chinned Laughing-Thrush are usually of an oval form, but a few are nearly perfect ellipses. They are highly glossy and plain white. They measure from '91 to 1-15 in length, and from '73 to '8 in breadth. 1. Mussoorie (7\ Hutton). Hume Coll. 2. Mongphoo, Darjihng, 25th May {J. Gammie). Hume Coll. 3. Mongphoo (J. G.). Hume Coll. 3. Darjiling. Hume Coll. 1. Darjiling, July. Hume Coll. 1. Darjihng, 20th July. Hume Coll. 1. Himalayas. Crowley Bequest. 2. Himalayas, 29tli May. Crowley Bequest. 1. Himalayas, 10th June. Crowley Bequest. Trochalopterum squamatum {Gould), Trochalopterum squamatum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 367 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 96 (1889) ; id. ed. Hu7ne, Nests ^' Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 61 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 59 (1899); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 7 (1903). The eggs of the Blue-winged Laughing-Thrush vary in form from oval to elliptical. Many eggs are highly glossy, others are quite dull, and all are of a spotless blue colour. They vary from 1-14 to 1*23 in length, and from '83 to '9 in breadth. 2. Sikhim. Hume Coll. 1. Sikhim, Crowley Bequest. 3. Darjiling {J. Ganunie , Hume Coll. TROCHALOPTERUM. # 2. ilishap, Sikbim, 5000 feet, 10th Hume Coll. Juue {J. G.). 2. Mongphoo, Darjiling (/. G.). Hume Coll. 1. Monfrphoo, 5000 feet, 25th April Hume Coll. {J. G.). 2. Monorphoo, 4500 feet, 30th April Hume Coll. {J. G.). ) Trochalopterum ellioti, J. Verr. Trochalopterum ellioti, Sharpe, Cat, Birds B. M. vii. p. 370 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 8 (1903). Trochalopteron prjevalskii, MenzUer, Ibis, 1887, p. 300. Trochalopteron elliotti, Pleske in Prjev. Reisen, Aves, ii. p. 135 (1890). The eggs of Prjevalski's Laughing-Thrush are pale blue with a few dots aud spots at the larger end of reddish purple. They are of a regular oval form, and have a small amount of gloss. Both specimens measure 1*0 by '82 inch. 2. Koko-Nor {Tring Mmeum). Crowley Bequest. Trochalopterum phceniceum {Gould). (Plate I. fig. 1.) Trochalopterum phceniceum, Sharpe, Cat, Birds B. M. vii. p. 371 (1883) ; Gates, Fauna Brit, Ind., Birds, i. p. 93 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 4^ E(f(/s Ind, Birds, i. p. 58 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 59 (1899); Sharpe, Rand-L iv. p. 8 (1903). The eggs of the Crimson-winged Laughing-Thrush vary from a narrow to a broad oval form, and they have a large amount of gloss. The ground-colour is of a pale blue, and this is sparingly marked with an infinite variety of spots, blotches, dashes, scrawls, aud hieroglyphic-like lines of chocolate-brown, reddish brown and black. Intermingled with these are some small underlying spots of pale purple. Although the markings are larger and more numerous at the large end than elsewhere, there is no general tendency for these to coalesce and form a cap. The eggs measure from '98 to 1*15 in length, and from '7 to '82 in breadth. 5. Himalaya Mts. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Sikhim. Crowley Bequest. 13. Sikhim (/. Gammie). Hume Coll. 7. Mongphoo, DarjiUng {J. G.). Hume Coll. 1. Mongphoo, 14th April {J. G,). Hume Coll. 4. Mongphoo, 24th April {J, G.). Hume Coll. 6. Mongphoo, 30th April {J. G.). Hume Coll. 6. Mongphoo, 6th May {J. G.). Hume Coll. 2. Darjiling, 5th May (/. G.), Hume Coll. 1. Darjiling. Crowley Bequest. TIMELItD^. Trochalopterum cachinnans {Jerd.). (Plate I. fig. 3.) Troclialopteriim cachinnans, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 373 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 97 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^' Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 62 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 59 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 9 (1903). The eggs of the Nilghiri Laughing-Thrush are of a broad oval form and possess a considerable amount of gloss. The ground is of a somewhat pale blue colour, and at the larger end, and some- times over the whole shell, this is sparingly speckled, spotted and blotched with deep reddish brown and chocolate -brown. Many eggs are also blotched here and there with underlying pale purplish red. The eggs measure from -92 to 1-08 in length, and from -74 to •8 in breadth. 3. Nilghiri Hills, S. India {Ti Coll.). 'istrani Crowley Bequest. 1. Nilghiri Hills, 28th March. Hume Coll. 1. Nilghiri Hills, 31st March. Hume Coll. 2. Nilghiri Hills, April. Hume Coll. 2. Nilghiri Hills, 3rd May. Hume Coll. 1. Kotagherry, 25th Feb. Cockhurn). {Miss Hume Coll. 1. Kotagherry, 15th March Cockhurn). {Miss Hume Coll. 2. Kotagherry, 22nd May Cockhurn). {Miss Hume Coll. 2. Kotagherry, 25th May Cockhurn). (3Iiss Hume Coll. 1. Curzon, 14th April. Hume Coll. 2. Curzon, 19th April. Hume Coll. 2*. Ourzon, 1st May. Hume Coll. 2. Curzon, 5th May. Hume Coll. 2. Coonoor, April. Hume Coll. 2*. Coonoor, 16th May. Hume Coll. l'. Ootacamund, 11th March. Hume Coll. Trochalopterum fairbanki, Blanf. Trochalopterum fairbanki, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 374 (1883) ; Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 99 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 64 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 9 (1903). The sole e^^ of the Palni Laughing-Thrush in the Collection is of a broad oval form with a very small amount of gloss. The ground is of a very pale blue colour, and this is sparingly marked all over with spots, small blotches, lines and scrawls, varying in colour from pale purple to rich maroon. The e^g measures 1 by -75. 1. Palni Hills, S. India, May {S. B. Fair bank). Hume Coll. TROCHALOPTERUM. 9 Trochalopterum canorum (Linn.). Trochalopterum canorum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 376 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 59 (1899) ; Sharjpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 9 (1903). Eggs of the " Hwa-mei," or Chinese Laughing-Thrush, are of a rather broad oval form, glossy, and of a spotless pale blue colour. They measure from 1*00 to 1'04 in length, and from '80 to '85 in breadth. 4. Chinkiang, Fohkien, 12th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. Trochalopterum taivanum (SwinJi.). Garrulus taivanus, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1863, p. 279. Trochalopterum taivanum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 376 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 9 (1903). Trochalopteron taivanum, La Toiiche, This, 1898, p. 357. The eggs of the Eormosan Laughing-Thrush vary from a narrow to a very broad oval. They are highly glossy and of a spotless grceuish-blue colour. They measure from -92 to 1*2 in length, and from "74 to '82 in breadth. 2. Tamsui, China, 20th June. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. 24. Formosa {R. Sivinhoe). Seebohm Coll. 23. Formosa (P. A. Hoist). _ Seebohm Coll. 3. Formosa (-R. /Sivinhoe : Tnstram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Trochalopterum lineatum ( Vigors). Trochalopterum lineatum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 377 (1883) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds^ i. p. 101 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Egys Ind. Birds, i. p. 64 (1889) ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 59 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 9 (1903). The eggs of the Himalayan Streaked Laughing-Thrush are of an oval form, but they vary very much in width. A few are elliptical. They are only moderately glossy and of a spotless greenish-blue colour, somewhat paler than the eggs of T. taivanum. They measure from '9 to 1*1 in length, and from -67 to -76 in breadth. 3. Kotegarh, Himalayas, 15th March. Hume Coll. 3. Kotegarh, 15th April. Hume Coll. 1. Kotegarh, 24th April. Hume Coll. 9. Kotegarh, 30th April. Hume Coll. 13. Kotegarh, May. Hume Coll. 1. Kotegarh, 2nd May. Hume Coll. 2. Kotegarh, 10th May. Hume Coll. 2. Kotegarh, 11th May. Hume Coll. 3. Kotegarh, 19th May. • Hume Coll. 3. Kotegarh, 22nd May. Hume Coll. 1. Kotegarh, 30th May. Hume Coll. 2. Kotegarh, 9th June. Hume Coll. 3. Kotegarh, 10th June. Hume Coll, 10 TIM ELI ID J^. 2. Koteg-arh, 14tli June. Hume Coll. 3. Kotegarb, 15tli June. Hume Coll. 1. Koteg-arh, 22nd June. Hume Coll. 3. Simla, June. Hume Coll. 1. Simla, 20th July. Hume Coll. 2. Simla, 7th May {E. C. Beavan : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 3. Landoui;, 27th May. Hume Coll. 2. Mussoorie {T. HuttoiA- Hume Coll. 2. Almorah, May ( W. E. Brooks : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Trochalopterum virgatum, Godwin- Austen. Trochalopterum virgatum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 379 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 100 (1889) ; Stuart Baker, Journ. Bombaif Nat. Hist. Sue. viii. p. 175 (1893) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 10 (1903). The three eggs of the Manipur Streaked Laughing-Thrush are of a regular oval form, slightly glossy, and are of a light spotless greenish-hlue colour. They measure from 1-08 to I'lO in length, and from -80 to '81 in breadth. 3. Laisung Valley, N. Cachar, E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. TCI. 26th April. Genus lANTHOCINCLA, Gould. lanthocincla cinereiceps, Styaa. Trochalopteron cinereiceps, Styan, Ibis, 1887, p. 1(36 ; La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 181. lanthocincla cinereiceps, Sharpe, Iland-l. iv. p. 10 (1903). An egg of Styan's Laughing Thrush is of a medium tint of blue, unspotted, with a slight amount of gloss. It is a regular oval shape and measures '95 by '74. 1. Kuatun, Fohlden, China, June C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. (/. D. La Touche). Genus ARGYA, Less. The eggs of the birds of this genus are normally of a regular oval form, but it is not unusual to meet with eggs which are of an elliptical or spheroidal shape. They are highly glossy. The eggs of all are of a rather dark unspotted blue, varying in intensity of tint even in those of the same species. In fact, when large series of eggs are examined, it will be found that a gradual blending of colour takes place between the eggs of one species and those of another. The eggs also vary immensely in size. . >^ - ARGYA. 11 Argya subrufa (Jerd.). (Plate I. fig. 2.) Argya subrufa, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 390 (1883) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind.j Birds, i. p. 109 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sj- Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 74 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 59 (1899) ; Sharps, Rand-l. iv. p. 11 (1903). Three eggs of the Large Eufoiis Babbler measure respectively : •96 by -74 ; '96 by '74 ; -95 by -74. 3. Manantoddy, Wynaad, S. India, Hume Coll. 23rd April. Argya earlei (Blyth). Argya earlii, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 392 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. lOo (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 68 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 59 (1899) j Sharpe, Hand-l. IV. p. 11 (1903). The eggs of the Striated Babbler vary from -78 to '95 in length, and from '61 to '71 in breadth. 1. India. Crowley Bequest. 7. Eastern Narra, Sind {S. Boig). Hume Coll. 1. Eastern Narra, 8th May {S. D.). Hume Coll. 1. Eastern Narra, 26th May {S. D.). Hume Coll. 1. Saharunpur, 15th April (C. H. T. Hume Coll. Marshall). 3. Delhi, 28th March ( C. T. Bingham). Hume Coll. 3. Delhi, 28th March ( C. T. Bingham). Hume Coll. 3. Pegu District, 24th July. Hume Coll. Argya caudata {Drap.). Argya caudata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 393 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 106 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f E 1. Sind [j. H. G. : Tristram Coll.). C'rowley Bequest. 4. Hansi, 30th March ( W. Blewitt). Hume Coll. 12 T1MELIID.E. 7. Hansi, 3rd April ( IF. B.). Hume Coll. 5. Hansi, 20th April ( W. B.). Hume Coll. 2. Hansi, 26tli April ( W. B.). Hume Coll. 3*. Hansi, 30tli April ( W. B.). Hume Coll. 1. Hansi, 1st May ( W. B.). Hume Coll. o Hansi, 3rd May {W.B.). Hume CoU. L Hansi, 6th May ( W. B.). Hume Coll. 5. Hansi, 8th May (TF.^.)- Hume Coll. 8. Hansi, June ( W. B.). Hume Coll. 7. Hansi. July ( W. B.). Hume Coll. 6. Sarabhur, 26th June-llth July {R. M. Adam). Hume Coll. 2. Ahmedahad, 21st April. Hume Coll. 3. Saharunpur, 15th March (C. H. T. Marshall). Hame Coll. 1. Gurg-aon District, 12th April. Hume Coll. 2. Gurgaon District, 23rd March. Hume Coll. 2* Gurgaon District, 30th March. Hume Coll. 2. Delhi, 7th April (C. T. Bivgham). Hume Coll. l! Delhi, 16th May {C. T. B.). Hume Coll. ]. Delhi, 27th May (C. T. B.). Hume Coll. 6. Agra, 16th June. Hume Coll. 2. Agra, 17th June. Hume Coll. 2. Agra, 4th Sept. Hume Coll. 1.' Agra, 5th Sept. Hume Coll. 4. Bareilly, May. Hume Coll. 2. P)areilly, 14th Mav. Hume Coll. 3.* Bareilly, 18th May. Hume Coll. 3. Bareilly, 21st May. Hume Coll. 2. Bareilly, oth June. Hume Coll. 2. Bareilly, 7th June. Hume Coll. 2. Bareilly, 9th June. Hume Coll. 2. Bareilly, 12th June. Hume Coll. 2. Bareilly, 13th June. Hume Coll. I Bareilly, 14th June. Hume Coll. 4. Bareilly, 23rd June. Hume Coll. 2. Etawaii, 4th April. Hume Coll. 5! Etawah, 13th April. Hume Coll. 3. Etawah, 15th April. Hume Coll. 3. Etawah, 7th May ( W. E. Brooks: Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Etawah, May ( W. E. Brooks : Crowley Bequest. Tristrayn Coll.). 2. Jhansi, 20th May. Hume Coll. 2. Jhansi, 19th June. Hume Coll. 2. Jhansi, 22nd June. Hume Coll. 4.' Jhansi, 5th July. Hume Coll. 2. Jhansi, 7th Aug. Hume Coll. ••:) Saugor. Hume Coll. 2. Nilghiri Hills {Tristrayn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Argya squamiceps (Cretzschm.). Crateropus chalybeius, Tristram, This, 1865, p. 79. Argya squamiceps, Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 23 (1875) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 395 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 59 (1899) j Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 12 (1903). . >. AEGYA. 13 The eggs of the Palestine Babbler measure from -98 to 1*11 in length, and from -71 to '78 in breadth. 4. Jericho, 16th April {H. B. Tris- Salvin-Godman Coll. tram). 3. Jericho, 16th April (H. B. T.). Canon Tristram [P.]. 1. Jericho, 16th April (H. B. T.). Crowley Bequest. 5. Jericho, 19th April (//. B. T.). Crowley Bequest. Argya gularis (Blyth). Argya gularis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. vii. p. 396 (1883) ; Gates, Fauna "Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 107 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 12 (1903). The eggs of the White-throated Babbler in the Collection measure respectively : -87 by -69 ; -9 by '7 ; 'S2 by -QQ. 3. Upper Burma, 15th June. Gates Coll. Argya fulva (Desf.J. Crateropus numidicus, Loche, Cat. Mamm. et Ois. AlgSr. p. 75 (1858). Argya fulva, Dresser, Birds Bur. iii. p. 21 (1875) ; Shai-pe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 397 (1883^; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 59 (1899) ; Sharpe, Rand-l. iv. p. 12 (1903). The eggs of the Algerian Babbler in the Collection measure from •9 to 1*05 in length, and from -71 to -76 in breadth. 2. Algeria {Loche). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Algeria {Loche : Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 6. Djebel Svar, Tunis, 4th May. Crowley Bequest. Argya acaciae (Licht.). Crateropus acacise, Shelley, B. Egypt, p. 69 (1872). Malacocercus (Chatarrhaea) acacise, Blanf. Geol. ^ Zool. Abyss. p. 372(1870). Argya acacise, Cab. Mus. Hein. Th. i. p. 84 (1850) ; Sharpe^ Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 397 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 12 (1903). Eggs of the Acacia Babbler measure respectively : 'Sb bv '68 ; •88 by -66. 2. Katul, Monula, Soudan, 31st Oct. Capt. H. W. Dunn [P.], Argya malcolmi (SyJces). Argya malcolmi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 398 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 108 (1889) ; id. ed. Hwne, Nests ^' Eqqs Ind. Birds, i. p. 72 (1889); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 59 (rtt99) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 12 (1903). The eggs of the Large Grey Babbler measure from '87 to 1-1 in length, and from -73 to '85 in breadth. 5. India. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 5. India. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Sind (J. H. Gould). Gould Coll. 14 TIMELIID^. 4. Delhi, 25tli March (C. T. Bmyham). Hume Coll. 2. Delhi, 24tli April ( a T. B.). Hume Coll. 3. Delhi, 2nd May (C. T. B.). Hume Coll. 2. Agra, ] 6th June, Hume Coll. 6. Agra, 18th June. Hume Coll. 3. Agra, 19th June. Hume Coll. 1. Agra, 26th July. Hume Coll. 1. Agra, 30th July. Hume Coll. 2. Agra, 4th Sept, Hume Coll. 2. Agra, 5th Sept, Hume Coll. i. Bareillv, 29th May. Hume Coll. 1. Bareilly, 23rd June. Hume Coll. J. Mirzapur, 6th .June ( W. E. Brooks : Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Mirzapur, 16th Aug. ( W. E. B. : Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Allahabad, lltli July (C. T. Bingham). Hume Coll. 1. Allahabad, 28th July (C. T. B.). Hume Coll. 1. Etawah, 18th March. Hume Coll. 4. Jhansi, 24th June. Hume Coll. 12. Jhansi, 27th July. Hume Coll. 1. Etawah, 18th March ( W.E. Brooks: Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest, 1. Deesa {E.A.Bvtler). Crowley Bequest. 2. Saugor, 14th July. Hume Coll. 3. Saugor, 14th July. Hume Coll. 2. Hoshungabad, 22nd July. Hume Coll. 1. Coonoor,Ni]ghiri Hills, ISth March. Coonoor, 29th March. Hume Coll. 1. Hume ('oil. 3. Coonoor, 13th May. Hume Coll. 2. Curzon, Nilghiri Hills, 15th March. Hume Coll. L* Curzon, 29th March. Hume Coll. 3. Kotagherry, Nilghiri Hills, 16th May {Miss Cockburn). Hume Coll. Genus POMATORHINUS, Horsf. Pomatorhinus montanus, Horsf, Pomatorhinus montanus, Sharjje, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p, 410 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 60 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 13 (1903). The eggs of the Javan Scimitar Babbler in the Collection measure respectively : -98 by "7 ; 1 by "71. 2. Java, 2oth April. Crowley Bequest. Pomatorhinus borneensis, Cah. Pomatorhinus borneensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 411 (1883); id. Ibis, 1889, p. 411 ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 13 (1903). An e^g of the Bornean Scimitar Babbler in the Collection mea- sures -9 by 'Qb. 1. Kina Balu Mt., N.W. Borneo, Crowley Bequest. ■» . '2{)X\\ .] AW. [J. Whitehead). ' ^.^^ ' POMATORHINFS. 15 Pomatorhinus schisticeps, Ifodgs. Pomatorhinns schisticeps, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 411 (1883) ; Gates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 116 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 81 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 60 (1899J ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 13 (1903). The eggs of the Slaty-headed Scimitar Babbler are of an oval form, but varying much in width. They are very glossy and of a spotless white colour. They measure from '95 to 1*03 in length, and from -74 to '79 in breadth. Darjiling, 3rd April {L. Mnndelli). Hume Coll. Dai;]iling, 22nd April (Z. M.). Hume Coll. Darjiling, 26th April. Crowley Bequest. Dariiling (J. Gammie). Hume Coll. Darjiling, 23rd April [J. G.). Hume Coll. Darjiling, 20th May {J. G.). Hume Coll. Pomatorhinus olivaceus, Blyth. Pomatorhinus olivaceus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 414 (1888) ; Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 118 (1889); id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 82 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 60 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 13 (1903). The eggs of the Tenasserim Scimitar Babbler resemble those of P. schisticeps, but do not appear to have so much gloss. They measure from '9 to 1'03 in length, and from '12 to "74 in breadth. 3. Thoungyin River, Tenasserim, Hume Coll. 4th March (C. T. Bingham). 2. Thoungvin River, 5th March Hume Coll. (C. f.B.). 3. Thoungvin River, 7th March Hume Coll. (C. T. B.). Pomatorhinus melanurus, Blyth. Pomatorhinus melanurus, Legge, Birds Ceylon, p. 501, pi. 34. fig. 2 (1879) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 414 (1883) ; Oates, Faun. Brit, hid., Birds, i. p. 118 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 83 (1889); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 13 (1903). An eg^ of the Ceylonese Scimitar Babbler in the Collection mea- sures -97 by *72. 1. Ceylon, 4th March {A. L. Butler). Crowley Bequest. Pomatorhinus horsfieldi, Sgkes. Pomatorhinus horsfieldii, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 415 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit, hid., Birds, i. p. 119 (1889); id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 84 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. vf. p. i'6 (1903). The eggs of the South-Indian Scimitar Babbler, like those of 16 TIMELIID^. P. scJiisticeps, vary from a narrow to a broad oval form. They have a considerable amount of gloss, and are of a spotless white colour. The eggs vary from 1 to 1-1 in length, and from '75 to '8 in breadth. 3. Coonoor, Mlghiri Plills, 2nd April. Hume Coll. 1. Curzon, Nilghiri Hills, 14th May. Hume Coll. 0. Ootacamund, Nilghiri Hills. Hume Coll. 1 . Kotagherry, Nilghiri Hills, 18th Feb. Hume Coll. {Miss Cockhurn). 2. Kotagherry, 28th April Hume Coll. {Miss Cockburn). Pomatorliinus temporalis, Vig. 4" Horsf. I'omatorhinus trivirgatus, Tliien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxvii. fig. 9, a, b (1845-54). Pomatostomus temporalis, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 479 (1866) ; North, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 154, pi. ix..fig. 7 (1889). Pomatorhinus temporalis, Ramsay, Trans, Phil. Sac. N.S. W. 1865, pi. i. fig. 1 ; Sharpe, Cat Birds B. M. vii. p. 418 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 60 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 4* Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 270, pi. 11 (1901) ; Shmpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 14 (1903). The eggs of the Australian Scimitar Babbler are for the most part nearly elliptical, but some are of a long oval form. The shell has a fine texture and considerable gloss. The ground-colour is of a pale creamy-buff, and this is covered with a network of hair-lines, veins, and smudges of very dark purplish brown. The markings for the most part extend across the shell, producing in many cases the appearance of marble. They measure from 1*02 to 1*21 in length, and from "72 to '80 in breadth. 1. Australia. Gould Coll. 3. Wellington, N.S.W., 10th Nov. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). 1. Dobroyd, N.S.W. (E. P. Ramsay : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 1. Bell River, N.S.W. {E. P. R.: Crowley Bequest. 1. Gippsland, Victoria. F. A. Philbrick,Esq., K.C. [P.]. 4. Murray River, Victoria, 16th Oct. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). 2. South Australia. Gould Coll. Fomatorhinus superciliosus, Vig, ^ Horsf. Pomatorhinus superciliosus, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. tab. xxvii. fig. 8 (1845-54) ; Ramsay, Trans. Phil. iSoc. N.S. W. 1865, p. 318. pi. i. tig. 2 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 419 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 60 (1899) ; Campbell.^ Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 272, pi. 11 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 14 (1903). Pomatostomus superciliosus, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 482 (1865) ; North, Nests Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 166 (1889). The eggs of the Australian White-browed Scimitar Babbler vary from a rounded to a regular oval form ; some are glossy, othei's.very POMATORHINCS. 17 slightly so. They are of the same type as the eggs of P, temporalis, but smaller. The ground-colour varies from greyish olive to light brown, and this is marked, more or less thickly, with hair-lines, veins and smudges of deep brown or black. They measure from •90 to 1-02 in length, and from 'Qk> to '7b in breadth. 5. South Australia. Gould Coll. 3. Wellington, N.S.W., 1st Nov. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). 2. Cardington, Bell River, N.S.W. Crowley Bequest. {E. P. Ramsay : Tristram Coll.). 3. Murray River, ^^S.W., Bee. W. Radcllffe Saunders, Esq. [P.l. 4. Wimmera District, Victoria, Crowley Bequest. 11th Oct. {A. J. North). Pomatorhinus rubeculus, Gould. Pomatostomus rubeculus, Gould, Handb. Birds Avstr. i. p. 481 (1865) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 165 (1889). Pomatorhinus rubeculus, Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. vii. p. 4G (1882) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 421 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 60 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 8c Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 274 (1901) ; Sharpe, Handrl. iv. p. 14 (1903). Two eggs of the Red-breasted Scimitar Babbler in the Collection are exactly similar to those of P. temporalis. They measure respec- tively : 1-09 by -75; I'Oo by 'lb. 2. Dawson River, Queensland, 18th Oct. Crowley Bequest. {North Coll.). Pomatorhinus ferruginosus, Blyth. Pomatorhinus ferruginosus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 422 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p, 120 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 85 (1880) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 60 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-t. iv. p. 14 (1903). The eggs of the Coral-billed Scimitar Babbler in the Collection are of a blunt oval form, glossy and pure white. They measure respectively: 1-07 by -75; I'OS by -82. 2. Sikhim, 5000 feet, 19th May Hume Coll. {J. Gammie). Pomatorhinus phayrei, Blyth. Pomatorhinus phayrii, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 422 (1883) ; Oates, Faima Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 121 (18o9) ; Stuart Baker, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. viii. p. 178 (1893): Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 14 (1903). Eggs of Phayre's Scimitar Babbler are of a regular oval form, and spotless glossy white. They measure from -97 to 1-03 in length, and from -72 to -75 in breadth. 3. Foot of Mishmi Hills, Assam, E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. lltli .Tune. VOL. IV. C 18 TTMELIID^. Pomatorhinus stenorhynchus, Godivin- Austen. Pomatorhiniis stenorhynchus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M.\n. p. 424 (1883) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 124 (1889) ; Stuart Baker, Journ. Bomhay Nat. Hist. Soc. xiii. p. 401 (1901) 5 Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 15 (1903). The eggs of the Narrow-billed Scimitar Babbler in the Collection are of a regular oval form, white and slightly glossy. They measure from '92 to -94 in length, and from '67 to '12 in breadth. 3. Hemdang, N. Cachar (6200 ft.). E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. Pomatorhinus musicns, Swinh. Pomatorhinus musicus, Sivinhoe, Ibis, 1863, p. 284 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 424 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 60 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 15 (1903). The eggs of the Formosan Scimitar Babbler are of a somewhat pointed oval form, very glossy, and of a spotless white. They measure from "93 to -99 in length, and from -69 to '74 in breadth. 3. Formosa, 13th April (P. A. Hoist). Seebohm Coll. 4. Formosa, loth April (P. A. H). Seebohm Coll. 2. Formosa, 28th April (P. A. H.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Formosa (P. Swinhoe : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Pomatorhinus ruficollis, Hodgs. Pomatorhinus ruficollis, Sharjje, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 426 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 122 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ F(/gs Ind. Birds, i. p. 87 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 60 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 15 (1903). Pomatorhinus stridulus, La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 183. The eggs of the Rufous-necked Scimitar Babbler are not separable from those of P. musicus, but are on the whole rather smaller, measuring from '88 to -95 in length, and from -68 to '7 in breadth. 1. Darjiling, 6th May {J. Gammie). Hume Coll. 5. Darjiling {J. G.). Hume Coll. 1. Kuatun, Fohkien, China, 26th April C. B. Eickett, Esq. [P.]. {J. D. La Touche). Pomatorhinus hypoleucus {BlyiJi), Pomatorhinus hypoleucus, Shaipe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 428 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 126 (1889) ; Stuart Baker, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. viii. p. 179 (1893) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 15 (1903). Three eggs of the Aracan Scimitar Babbler are pure white and glossy, but vary considerably in form : one is of a narrow oval, the POMVTORniNUS. — XIPnORHAMPHUS. 19 second almost perfectly elliptical, and the third of the regular oval type. They measure respectively : 1-01 by *72 ; 1-01 by '73 ; 1-06 by -76. 3. Hailakandy, Cachar, 12th April. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. Pomatorhinus erythrogenys, Vig. Pomatorhinus erythrogenys, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 430 (1883) ; Dates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 124 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eqgs Ind. Birds, p. 87 (1889) ; Nelirk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 90 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 16 (1903). The eggs of the Eiisty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler are mostly of a broad oval form, but some are elliptical and others bicouical. The amount of gloss is variable, some eggs being very glossy and others almost devoid of it. The eggs are spotless white, and measure from 1 to 1*2 in length, and from -73 to '85 in breadth. 3. Sikhim {J. Gammie). Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim (/. G.). Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim {J. G.). Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim, 2nd April (J. G.). Hume Coll. 1. Sikhim, loth April {J. G.). Hume Coll. 2. Sikhim, 30th April {J. G.). Hume Coll. 3. Sikhim, 3rd May {J. G.). Hume Coll. 2. Sikhim. Crowley Bequest. Pomatorhinus macclellandi, Jerdon. Pomatorhinus macclellandi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 431 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 125 (1889); Stuart Baker, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soa. viii. p. 179 (1893) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 16 (1903). The eggs of McClelland's Scimitar Babbler in the Collection are of a regular oval form, with considerable gloss, and pure white. They measure from 1-05 to 1*04 in length, and from '72 to -79 in breadth. 3. Ninglo Peak, N. Cachar (4500 ft.), E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. 16th May. Genus XIPHORHAMPHUS, Blyth. Xiphorhamphus superciliaris, Blyth. Xiphorhamphus superciliaris, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. iW. vii. p. 433 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 128 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 89 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 16 (1903). The eggs of the Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler are of a somewhat c2 20 TIMELTIP,^. narrow oval shape, fairly glossy and pure white. Four eggs measure from 1 to 1*05 in length, and from '7 to '75 in breadth. 2. Mongphoo, Darjiling {J. Gammie). Hume Coll. 2. Sikhim, 7000 feet, 29th April* Hume Coll. (/. G.). Genus GARRULAX, Ze55. The eggs of this genus are unspotted, and vary in colour from dark blue, through all intermediate shades of blue, to pure white. Garrulax leucolophus, Hardw, Garrulax leucolophus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 435 (1883) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 77 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8r Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 47 (1889) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eiersamml. p. (jO (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 17 (1903). The eggs of the Himalayan White-crested Laughing-Thrush are mostly very short broad ovals, and some of them are spheroidal in shape. They are very glossy and pure white. They measure from 1-03 to 1-15 in length, and from -8 to -95 in breadth. 2. Sikhim. Crowlev Bequest. 1. Sikhim, 2500 feet, 17th May Hume Coll. {J. Gammie). 8. Below Darjiling, July {J. G,). Hume Coll. 3. Mongphoo, Darjiling (J. G.). Hume Coll. 1. Mongphoo, 9th May {J. G.). Hume Coll. 3. Mongphoo, 17th May {J. G.). Hume Coll. 3. Mongphoo, 17th Mav {J. G.). Hume Coll. i. Mongphoo, 27th June {J. G.). Hume Coll. Garrulax belangeri. Less. Garrulax belangeri, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 436 (1883) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 79 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eqqs hid. Birds, i. p. 48 (1889) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 60 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 17 (1903). . The eggs of the Burmese White-crested Laughing-Thrush resemble those of G. leucolophus, but they appear to be uniformly much narrower. They measure from 1-06 to 1-22 in length, and from -82 to -92 in breadth. 1. Pegu, 8th June {E. W. Gates). Hume Coll. 2. Pegu, 22nd June {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, 26th July {E. W. Gates : Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll.). 1. Thoungyin River, Tenasserim, Hume Coll. 2nd April (C T. Bingham). V * In Mr. Hume's work (/. c.) these eggs are said by Mr. Gammie to have been found on the 29th May. The date on the eggs is the 29th ApriU^ GARRULAX. 21 3. Thoungvin River, 4tli April Hume Coll, (af.B.). 3. Kaukarit, Tenasserim, 23rd May Hume Coll. (C. T.B.). 4. Kaukarit, 23rd May (C. T. B.). Hume Coll. 1. Kaukarit, 28th May [C. T. B.). Hume Coll. 3. Kaukarit, 29th May (C. T. B.). Hume Coll. Garrulax albigularis (Gould), (Plate I. fig. 6.) Garrulax albigularis, Sharpe, Cat Birds B. M. vii. p. 439 (1883) ; Oafes, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 82 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 52 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamrrd. p. 60 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 17 (1903). The eggs of the White-throated Laughing-Thrush are of a narrow, pointed oval form, highly glossy, and of a very deep blue colour. They measure from 1-12 to 1'22 in length, and from '8 to •85 in breadth. 3. Candahar. Capt. T. Ilutton [P.]. 1. N.AV. India. Hume Coll. 2. Kotegarh, 24th June. Hume Coll. 3. MxxsBooviQ {T.Hutton). Hume Coll. Garrulax pectoralis (Gould). (Plate I. fig. 7.) Garrulax pectoralis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 441 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 80 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eqgs Ind. Birds, i. p. 49 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 60 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 17 (1903). The two eggs of the Black-gorgeted Laughing-Thrush in the Collection are of a very broad, blunt oval shape, fairly glossy, and of a pale greenish-blue colour. They measure respectively : 1*3 by •96; 1-3 by -96. 2. Darjiling, July {L. Mandelli). Hume Coll. y Garrulax moniliger (Hodgs.). Giirrulax moniliger, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 442 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 81 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 50 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 60 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 18 (1903). The eggs of the Necklaced Laughing-Thrush are of a broad, blunt oval form. They have a fine gloss, but one or two specimens almost want this. They are of the same pale greenish-blue colour as the eggs of G. pectoralis, and measure from 1 to 1*27 in length, and from "8 to '95 in breadth. 4. Sikhim. Crowley Bequest. 1. Sikhim. Hume Coll. 22 TIWELllD^. 1. Below Darjiling, ]st June. Hume Coll. fi. DariiliHg, 24th April {J. Gammie). Hume Coll. 2. Daijiling, SOtli April {J. G.). Hume Coll. 2. Daiiiling, 14tli May (J. G.). Hume Coll. 2. Darjiling, 20tli May (/. G.). Hume Coll. 1. Pegu Hills, 27th April {E. W. Oates). Hume Coll. 2. Pegu, 4th July {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, 15th July {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, loth July {E. IV, ().). Oates Coll. 1. Pegu, 15th July {E. W. O.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Sinzaway, Tenasserim, 25th March Hume Coll. (C T. Bingham). 3. Sinzaway, 3rd April (C. T. B.). Hume Coll. 5. Sinzaway, 17th April [C. T. B.). Hume Coll. 3. Thoungvin River, Tenasserim, Hume Coll. 29th March {C. T. B.). 1. Meplav Chouiig, Tenasserim, Hume Coll. 1st March ( C. T. B.). 1. Tenasserim, 20th April (C. T. B.). Crowley Bequest. Garrulax picticoUis, Siuinhoe, Garrulax picticollis, David 8f Oiistalet, Ois. Chine, p. 194 (1877) ; SharpCy Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 444 (1«83) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 18 (1903). Two eggs of Swinhoe's Necklaced Laughing-Thrush are spheroidal in form, of a medium bluish tint, with a very slight amount of gloss. They measure respectively : 1*10 by '98; 1*10 by '95 inch. 2. Ningpo, China {Leech : Seebohm Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Garrulax gularis {McCIelL). Garrulax gularis, Shar^w, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 445 (1883) ; 0«^e -_ CINCLORHAMrnUS. — TIMELIA. 29 .3. Port Lincoln, S. Australia. 3. New South AVales. 2. Victoria. 3. Victoria, 21st Nov. {A. J. North). 1. Gippsland, Victoria. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. Crowley Bequest. r. A. Philbrick, Esq , K.C. [P.]. Cinclorhamphus rufescens ( Vig. S,- Horsf.), Ptenoedus rufescens, Gould, Hcmdb. Birds Austr. i. p. 397 (1865). Cinclorhamplius rufescens, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 500 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eg(/s Austr. Birds, p. 153 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat, Eiersamml. p. 62 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 8f Eyqs Austr. Birds, i. p. 276, pi. 11 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 26 (1903). The eggs of the Australian Eufous Babbler vary from blunt to pointed oval in shape, are moderately glossy and variable in size. The ground-colour ranges from pinkish Avhite to salmon-pink, and this is thickly speckled and blotched with rich chestnut and lavender. The markings are fine on some examples, coarse and blotchy on others. The largest specimen in the Collection measures "9 by '7 ; the smallest -8 by -6. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3! 3. 2. 2.'< a Australia. Queensland (Otven). Queensland (Oiveu). Queensland {Oiven). Queensland. Dawson River, Queensland, 14th Oct. New South Wales. New South Wales. New South Wales. New South Wales {Gould : Tristram Coll.) Cardington, Bell River, N.S.W. {E. F. Ramsay: Tristram Coll.). Fish River {E. P. R. : TristramColl). Toorak, Victoria, 1st Dec. {A. J. North). Adelaide, South Australia {E. P. Ramsay). Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Crowlev Bequest. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Genus TIMELIA, Horsf, Timelia jerdoni, Wald. (Plate I. fig. 19.) Timelia pileata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M, vii. p. 507 (1883) [part.] ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 132 (1889) [part.]; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 90 (1889) : Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 62 (1899). Timelia jerdoni, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 26 (1903). The eggs of Jerdon's Red-capped Babbler are normally of a broad oval form, but a few are lengthened and some approach the si)heroidal shape. They have a considerable amount of gloss. 30 TTMELIID^. The ground is white, and this is pretty thickly speckled and blotched, more so at the thicker end than elsewhere, with reddish brown and chocolate-brown. Intermingled with these markings are numerous small spots of underlying pale purple. The eggs measure from -7 to -75 in lenorth, and from '55 to '6 in breadth. 3. Pegu, 4th April {E. W. Oates). Gates Coll. 2. Pegu, 16th April (H. W. O.). Oates Coll. 2. Pegu, 4th July {E. W. O.). Oates Coll. 1. Pegu, 14th July {E. W. O.). Plume Coll. 1. Pegu, 28th July (E. W. O.). Oates Coll. 1. Siam {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Timelia bengalensis, Godiv.-Aust. Timelia pileata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 31. vii. p. 507 (1883) [part.] ; Oates ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 90 (1889) [part., Calcutta]. Timelia bengalensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 26 (1903). The eggs of the Bengal Eed-capped Eabbler are indistinguishable from those of T.jerdoni. 2. Calcutta, 14th Aug. {J. C. Barker). Hume Coll. 1. Akyab, 17th April (E. B. Shopland). Crowley Bequest. Genus PYCTORHIS, Ilodc/s. Pyctorhis sinensis (Gmel.). (Plate I. figs. 16 & 18.) Pyctorhis sinensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 510 (1883) ; Oates^ Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 137 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests iSf Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 95 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 62 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 26 (1903). The eggs of the Yellow-eyed Babbler are mostly of a short broad oval form, very frequently almost spherical, and very glossy. The ground varies from a pinkish white to a rich salmon-pink, with underlying spots and blotches of lavender-grey. The surface- markings are of a rich chestnut, reddish-brown or maroon colour, and vary much in shape and distribution over the shell. In one, riot uncommon, type, these consist of dots and small specks, and occasionally streams, thickly spread over the whole eg^. In another type, the markings consist of large confluent clouds, smears and blotches, combined with a few lines. In a third type, the markings consist of well-defined spots, scrawls, and hieroglyphic-like figures, somewhat sparingly distributed over the shell. The eggs measure from 'Qb to "8 in length, and from -53 to -68 in breadth. P.TCTORHIS. OPHRYDORNIS. 31 4. Sind. Crowley Bequest. 1. Hansi, July. Hume Coll. 3. Hansi, Aug. Hume Coll. 3. The Dhoon. Hume Coll. 2. Agra, 3rd Aug. (A. 0. Hume: Tris- tram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. ]. Agra, 3rd Aug. Hume Coll. 2. Agra, 21st Aug. Hume Coll. 1. Hoshungabad, 22nd July. Hume Coll. 1. Dhulia, Khandesh, 7th Sept. Hume Coll. 23. J hansi, July & Aug. {F. R. Blewitt). Hume Coll. 1. Jhansi, 16th July {F. R. B.). Hume Coll. 2. Jhansi, 7th Aug. {F. R. B.). Hume Coll. 4. Jhan?i, 7th Aug. {F. R. B.). Hume Coll. 5. Jhansi, Aug. Hume Coll. 4. Jhansi, Aug. Hume Coll. 2. Saugor, C. Provinces, 29th July. Hume Coll. 4! Saugor, 3rd Aug. Hume Coll. 2. Saugor, 7th Aug. Hume Coll. 2. Saugor, 7th Aug. Hume Coll. 1. Eaipur, C. Provinces. Hume Coll. 3. Pegu, June [E. W. Oates), Gates Coll. 3. Pegu, Aug. {E. W. 0.). Hume Coll. Pyctorhis nasalis, Legge. Pyctorhis nasalis, JLegge, Birds Ceyloii, p. 512, pi. 34. fig. 4 (1879) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 512 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 138 (1889) ; id. ed. Hwne, Nests 4' Eggs Ind. BirdSj i. p. 98 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 26 (1903). The eggs of the Ceylon Yellow-eyed Babbler in the Collection closely resemble those of the first type of the preceding species, being somewhat thickly spotted and blotched with rich reddish brown. They measure respectively : "71 by 57 ; '72 by -57. 2. Ceylon, 10th April {A. L. Butler). Crowley Bequest. Genus OPHRYDORNIS, Buttihofer. Ophrydornis albigularis (Blyth). (Plate I. fig. 22.) Dumetia albogularis, Legge, Birds Ceylon, p. 505 (1879). Dumetia albigularis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 514 (1883); Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 134 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 94 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersaminl. p. 62 (1899). Ophrydornis albigularis, Sharpe, Iland-l. iv. p. 27 (1903). The eggs of the Small White-throated Babbler are of an elon- gated oval form, and glossy. The ground is white, occasionally tinged with pink, and this is closely speckled with a profusion of deep reddish-brown spots, which are more frequent at the larger end than elsewhere and form a zone or cap, more or less distinct. 32 TIMELIIDJ3. A few pale purple specks are also spread over the shell. The eggs measure from '66 to "8 in length, and from '5 to '55 in breadth. 13. Mysore (/. Macpherson). Hume Coll. 3. Kotagherry, Nilghiri Hills, 9th Hume Coll. June {Miss Cockhurn). 3. Kotagherry, 12th June {Miss Cock- Hume Coll. burri). 3. Coonoor, Nilghiri Hills, 30th Mar. Hume Coll. 3. Curzon, Nilghiri Hills, 27th April. Hume Coll. 3. Curzon, 7th May. Hume Coll. 4. Ceylon {A. L. Butler). Crowley Bequest. Genus DUMETIA, Bhjtli. Dumetia hyperythra {Franhl.). Dumetia hyperythra, Sharpe, Cat Birds B. M. vii. p. 515 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 133 (1889); id. ed. Hume, Nests 4" Eygs Lid. Birds, i. p. 92 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 27 (1903). The eggs of the Eufous-bellied Babbler closely resemble those of the preceding species, but they are smaller, and somewhat broader in relation to their length. The ground-colour varies from white to a pronounced pink, and the markings on many eggs are much coarser than on those of the allied species. The eggs measure from -6 to '7 in length, and from '5 to -56 in breadth. 1. India. Crowley Bequest. 2. India. Hume Coll. 1. Chunar, 26th June ( W. E. Brooks). Hume Coll. 1. Raipur, Central Provinces. Hume Coll. 9. Raipur, 1st July. Hume Coll. 5. Raipur, Aug. Hume Coll. Genus SPHENCEACUS, Strichl Sphenceacus africanus (Gm.), (Plate III. fig. 1.) Sphenceacus africanus, Sharpe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Africa, p. 280 (1874-84); id. Cat. Birds B. M.'Vii. p. 95 (1883); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 52 (1899) ; Stark 8f Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 107 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 29 (1903). The eggs of the Pointed-tailed Grass-Warbler are of a narrow and blunt oval shape, and glossy. They are of a white colour, mottled with very pale grey. The average size of five specimens is -88 by -61. 1. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 4. South Africa {E. L. Layard : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). . % PELLORNEUM. 33 Genus PELLORNEUM, Swains, Pellorneum mandellii, Blanf. Pellorneum nipalense, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 518 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 62 (1899). Pellorneum mandellii, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 140 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 99 (1889) ; Stuart Baker, J. Bomb. N. H. Soc. viii. p. 180 (1893) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 29 (1903). The eggs of Mandelli's Spotted Babbler are of a blunt oval shape* and exhibit a slight gloss. The ground is white, and this is very thickly speckled with chocolate-brown and reddish brown. These markings are larger and more numerous at the thick end of the eg^, where they usually form an indistinct cap. The shell is also marked with some pale purple underlying specks. The eggs measure from -81 to '9 in length, and from -61 to '^Q in breadth. 1. Sikhim, 4th May. Hume Coll. 1. Sikhim, 5th June. Hume Coll. 1. Sikhim. Crowley Bequest. 2. Darjiling, July. Hume Coll. 4. Mongphoo, Darjiling (J. Gammie). Hume Coll. 2. Assam, 18th April. Crowley Bequest. Pellorneum ruficeps, Swains. (Plate I. fig. 21.) Pellorneum ruficeps, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vli. p. 520 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 141 (1889) ; id. ed. Stime, Nests Sr Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 100 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 63 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 30 (1903). The single egg of the Spotted Babbler in the Collection resembles the eggs of P. mandellii. It measures '84 by '63. 1. Kotagherry, Nilghiri Hills, 28th Hume Coll. March [Miss Cockburn). Pellorneum subochraceum, Sivinh. (Plate I. fig. 20.) Pellorneum subochraceum, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 521 (1883) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 142 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 100 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 62 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 136 (1903). The eggs of the Burmese Spotted Babbler are inseparable from those of P. mandellii, but they are, on the average, rather smaller. They measure from '78 to 'S6 in length, and from '6 to '64 in breadth. 1. Pegu, 2nd May (E. W. Oates : Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll.). VOL. IV. D 34 TIMELIIDJ?;. 1. Pegu, 2nd JNIay {E. W. Gates). Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, 29th June (E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, 29th June {E. W. O.). Crowley Bequest. 3. Pegu, 28th July {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 3. Kaukarit, Tenasserim, 11th July. Hume Coll. 2. Thoungyin River, Tenasserim, Hume Coll. 7th April (C. T. Bingham). 3. Thoungyin River, 12th April Hume Coll. (C. T.B.). Pellorneum palustre, Gould. (Plate III. fig. 12.) Pellorneum palustre, Sharpe, Cat. Bh-ds B. M. vii. p. 522 (1883) ; Oafes, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 143 (1889); Stuart Bake?', Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. viii. p. 186 (1893) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 63 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 30 (1903). Three eggs of the Marsh Spotted Babbler in the Collection are of a regular oval form, and are somewhat glossy. The ground-colour is white with a few underlying streaks and blotches of lavender, somewhat thickly overlaid with fine reddish-brown spots and dots, chiefly towards the larger end. 3. Umrung Plateau, N. Cachar, E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. 12th June. Pellorneum ignotum, Hume, (Plate II. fig. 7.) Drymocataphus ignotus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 556 (1883). Pellorneum ignotum, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 144 (1889) ; Stuart Baker, Journ. Bomhay Nat. Hist. Soc. viii. p. 186 (1893) ; Shar2}e, Hand-l. iv. p. 30 (1903). The eggs of the Assam Babbler are either of a blunt oval or elliptical shape, and are slightly glossy. In colour they are pink, freckled all over with warm brownish red ; in some eggs the freckles are more numerous on the larger end, forming a kind of cap. The measurements of eleven specimens vary from '8 to "85 in length, and from '59 to 'Q2 in breadth. 3. Margherita, Assam. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. 3. Margherita, Assam, 20th May. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. j C.I. 3. Margherita, Assam. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.J. 2. Assam, 13th May. Crowley Bequest. Genus BERNIERIA, Bonap. Bernieria madagascariensis (Gmel.). (Plate I. fig. 17.) Bernieria madagascariensis, Milne-Edivards 8f Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag., Ois. p. 349 (1879) ; Coican, Proc, R. Fhys. Soc. JEdin, vii. BERNIEEIA.. TrRDIXUS. 35 p. 148 (1882) ; Sharpe, Cat Birds B. M. vii. p. 529 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. Q-^^ (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 31 (1903). The eggs of the Madagascar Babbler are of a narrow, pointed oval form, and have a considerable amount of gloss. There are two types in the Collection, and the eggs of one differ considerably from those of the other. Those of one type at first sight appear to be of a uniform bright chestnut-colour. When closely examined, however, they will be found to be very closely mottled with chestnut on a somewhat lighter ground of the same. Each of the e^^^ is marked with a few black lines. The eggs of the second type have a much lighter ground-colour, varying from pinkish cream to pale chestnut, and this is clouded aad blotched with deep chestnut or maroon-brown, sparingly in some cases and rather thickly in others. They measure from '88 to -94 in length, aud from '62 to 'Q^ in breadth. 3. Betsileo, Madagascar. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [CI. 4. Betsileo. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [C.J. 4. Madagascar. Crowley Bequest. Genus TURDINUS, Blyih. Turdinus abbotti (Blyth). Turdinus abbotti, Sharpe, Cat Birds B. M. vii. p. 541 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 154 (1889); id. ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 103 (1889) ; Nehrk, Kat. Eiersamrnl, p, 63 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 32 (1903). The eggs of Abbott's Babbler are of a very broad, blunt oval form, and are highly glossy. The ground is of a pale salmon-pink colour, and this is sparingly marked with roundish spots, scrawls and hieroglyphic-like marks of rich chestnut. About the larger end there are also many spots of a pale purple colour. The eggs measure from '73 to '85 in length, and from -6 to 'QQ in breadth. 1. Pegu, 30th April {E. W. Oates). Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, 30th April {E. W. O.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Pegu, 23rd May {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 2. Pegu, 7th June {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 2. Thoun2:vin River, Tenasserira, Hume Coll. 23rd Feb. (C; T. Bingham). Turdinus sepiarius (Horsf.), (Plate II. fig. 1.) Turdinus sepiarius, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 544 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 63 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 32 (1903). An egg of Horsfield's Babbler is of a blunt oval form, and fairly glossy. The ground-colour is salmon-pink, and on this there are some irregular blotches of light reddish brown and also some very d2 36 TIMELIID^. conspicuous and bold hieroglyphic-like scrawls of very dark reddish brown towards the larger end. There are also a few underlying markings of lavender-grey. The measurements are -85 by '62. 1. La wan g, Java, 5th Nov. (J. White'- Crowley Bequest. head). Ttirdinus macrodactyhis (StncM.). Turdinus macrodactvlus, Hume, Stray Feath. viii. p. 60 (1879) ; Sharpe^ Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 548 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 34 (1903). The eggs of Strickland's Babbler in the Collection are of a blunt oval form, and only moderately glossy. The ground is white, and this is spotted, streaked and smeared with rich maroon and pale pink. Some of the markings resemble scrawls and hiero- glyphics. In addition, and at the large end of the e^s;, there are numerous spots and blotches of dull purple. The eggs bear a close general resemblance to those of T. ahhotti, but are very much larger. They measure respectively : -92 by •? ; '96 by 'OS. "2. Klang, Malay Peninsula, 12th Hume Coll. April ( W. Davison). Genus DRYMOCH^RA, Finsch. Drymochaera hadiceps, Finsch. (Plate II. fig. 5.) DrymochEera badiceps, NehrJc. J. f. O. 1879, pp. 399, 404 ; Sharpe, Cot. Birds B. M. vii. p. 550 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Biersamml. p. C3 (1899) ; S?tarpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 36 (1903). Two eggs of the Fijian Babbler in the Collection vary con- siderably in colour as well as size. The smaller of the two is of a very rich dark tint of reddish chocolate, with a still darker but indistinct cap at the larger end, and highly glossy. The larger is of a uniform chocolate-colour without the admixture of red as in the smaller one, and theje is a larger and less indistinct zone of a darker shade at the larger end ; the surface is only moderately glossy. The respective measurements are '71 by '65 and '81 by -59. 1. Fiji Islands. Crowley Bequest. 1. Viti Levu, Fiji Islands {Nehrkorn Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Genus DRYMOCATAPHUS, Bhjth. Drymocataphus capistratus {Ttmm.). (Plate II. fig. 3.) Drvmocataphus capistatus, Sharpe^ Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 653 (1883); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 63 n899); Sharpe, Ha?id-l. iv. p. 36 (1903). DKYM0CATAPHU3. 87 The eggs of the Javaii Black-capped Babbler are of a regular oVal shape, aud have a small amount of gloss. The colour is pale pink, clouded with a darker shade of pink and very light chestnut. Over- lying these there are also hieroglyphic-like scrawls and spots of dark reddish brown irregularly distributed, and a few similar under- lying markings of purplish grey. They measure respectively : •85 by '62 ; -87 by -62 ; -90 by -65. 1. Java, 24th April, Crowley Bequest, 2. Java, 25th May. Crowley Bequest. Drymocataphus nigricapitatus {Eyton). Drymocataphus nigricapitatus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 551: (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 145 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 102 (1889) ; Sharpe^ Hand-l. iv. p. 36 (1903). The eggs of the Malayan Black-capped Babbler in the Collection are of an elliptical form and exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. The ground, of which very little is visible, is of a creamy-white colour, and this is thickly freckled and mottled with brown and underlying pale purple, the two colours being of about equal extent. They measure respectively: -82 by '61 ; -81 by '62. 2. Klang, Malay Peninsula, 3rd April Hume Coll, {W. Davison). Drymocataphus capistratoides (StricM.), (Plate II. fig. 4.) Drymocataphus capistratoides, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 555 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 36 (1903). Two eggs of the Bornean Black-capped Warbler are of an elliptical form and glossy. The ground-colour is light grey, almost entirely covered with freckles and streaks of brown and pale purple, these forming a more or less distinct cap at one end. They measure respectively: -9 by -64; -86 by -61. 2. Borneo [Sir Hugh Loio). Dr. Bowdler Sharpe [P.], Drymocataphus tickelli (Blyth). Drymocataphus tickelli, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 557 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 146 (1889) ; Stuart Baker ^ Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. viii. p. 189 (1898) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 37 (1903). Eggs of Tickell's Babbler in the Collection resemble those of D. assamensis in shape and markings, but the ground-colour is greenish grey, instead of pale bluish. They measure from -85 to '87 in length, and from -61 to -64 in breadth. 3. Hungrum, N. Cachar, 14th June. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. 38 TlilELllD^. Drymocataphus assamensis, Sharpe. Drjmocataphiis assamensis, Shai'pe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 557 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 147 (1889) ; Sharpen Hand-l, iv. p. 37 (1903). Eggs of Austen's Babbler are of a broad, blunt oval shape, the ground-colour being of a pale bluish tint with indistinct under- markings of a pale purple-grey, thickly freckled and blotched with pale reddish brown, and especially towards the larger end, where the markings form a more or less distinct zone. They measure respectively : -84 by -62 ; -86 by -63 ; -86 by '64. 3. Margherita, Assam. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. Genus SET ARIA, Blytli, Setaria albigularis, Blyth. (Plate II. fig. 6.) Setaria albigularis, Hume, Stray Feath. viii. pp. 61, 161 (1879) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 39 (1903 j. Malacopterum albigulare, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. yii. p. 568 (1883). The two eggs of the Malayan White-throated Babbler in the Collection are of a blunt oval form, glossy, and of a spotless pale greenish blue. They measure respectively : '75 by -53; '75 by 'b2, 2. Klang, Malay Peninsula, 12th March Hume Coll. ( W. Davisun). Genus XANTHOMIXIS, Sharpe. Xanthomixis zosterops {Sliarpe). (Plate II. fig. 8.) Bernieria zosterops, Milne-Edicards 6f Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag.j Ois. i. p. 354, pi. 302. fios. 18, 18 rt (1879) ; Coivaii, Froc. M. Fhys. Soc. Edin. vii. p. 148 (1882). Xanthomixis zosterops, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 570 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. FiersammL p. 64 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 39 (1903). The eggs of the Madagascar Spectacled Babbler are of a regular oval form and exhibit a small amount of gloss. The ground-colour varies from a pinkish white to a pale salmon-pink, and this is densely spotted, blotched and clouded with deep maroon in some cases, deep reddish brown in others. At the larger end, the markings are generally confluent and form a well-defined cap. Some under- lying pale purple spots and blotches are also spread over the shell. The eggs measure from '71 to '8 in length, and from -54 to '56 in breadth. 8. Betsileo, Madaorascar. Rev. VV. Deans Cowan [C.]. 3. Madagascar ( W. Deans Cotcan). Crowley Bequest. NESOBATES. CRATEEOSCELIS. 39 Genus NESOBATES, Sharpe. Nesobates madagascariensis (Gmel.). (Plate II. fig. 10.) Oxjlabes madagascariensis, Milne-Edwards 8f Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag., Ois. i. p. 357 (1879) ; Cowan, Proc. H. Phys. Soc. Edin. vii. p. 148 (1882) ; Sharpe, Cat, Birds B. M. vii. p. 571 (1883). Nesobates madagascariensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 40 (1903). The eggs of the Madagascar White-throated Babbler are of a regular oval form and devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is very pale pinkish white, and this is very delicately marked all over with very minute specks of reddish brown or chocolate-brown. The eggs measure from -54 to -59 in length, and from '41 to '45 in breadth. 6. Betsileo, Madagascar. Rev. W. Deans Oowan [C.]. Genus ANTTROPSIS, Sharpe. Anuropsis malaccensis (HartL). (Plate II. fig. 12.) Brachyptervx malaccensis, Hume, Stray Feath. viii. p. 59 (1879) ; ix. p. Ill '(1880). Anuropsis malaccensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 588 (1883) j id. Hand-l. iv. p. 41 (1903). Two eggs of Hume's Short-wing in the Collection are of a regular oval form and fairly glossy. They are cream-coloured, freckled, spotted and streaked all over with chestnut and lilac. The markings are denser at the broad end, where they are more or less confluent and form a zone or cap, which in one eg^ is somewhat indistinct, and in the other darker and well defined. They measure respec- tively : -84 by -62 ; -84 by -63. 2. Johore, Malay Peninsula, 8th March Hume Coll. ( W. Davison). Genus CRATEROSCELIS, Sharpe. Crateroscelis murina {Sclat.). (Plate II. fig. 13.) Crateroscelis murina, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 690 (1883) : id. Hand-l. iv. p. 41 (1903). Two eggs of the Mouse-coloured Babbler in the Collection are of a blunt oval form and moderately glossy. One specimen is of a light pinkish-buff colour, spotted and clouded, chiefly in a zone round the broad end, with pale brown and dark lavender. The other specimen is of a precisely similar character, but the ground-colouring 40 TIMELllD^. is of a darker reddish-buff tiut, and the zone consequently less distinct. They measure respectively : '88 by 'i)Q ; -87 by -65. 1. S.E. New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [C 1. S.E. New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske \C i Genus TITRDINULUS, Hume. Turdinulus roberti (Godw.- Austen). (Plate III. fig. 9.) Pnoepyga roberti, Godw.-Austen 8^ Wald. Ibis, 1875, p. 253; H^ime, Stray Feath. 1876, p. 218. Turdinulus murinus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 593 (1883) j Oates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 62 (1883). Turdinulus roberti, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 41 (1903). The eggs of Eobert's Babbler are of a broad oval form ; the ground- colour is white devoid of gloss, and is either thickly and finely speckled all over with light red and dull lavender undermarkings, or has the markings larger and less numerous. In both forms the markings are most frequent towards the larger end of the shell, round which they sometimes form a distinct though somewhat inter- rupted zone. They measure '7 to '8 in length, and '55 to -58 in breadth. 3. Margherita, Assam, 30th May. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. 3. Margherita, Assam, 30th May. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq., and Dr. H. Collart [P.]. 3. Hungrum, N. Cachar, 14th May. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. Genus CORYTHOCICHLA, Sharpe. Corythocichla striata (Walden). (Plate III. fig. 10.) Turdinus striatus, Walden, Ann. Sr Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) vii. p. 241 (1871) ; Godw. -Austen, J. A. S. Beng. xlvii. p. 16 (1878). Corythocichla striata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 593 (1883) ; Stuart Baker, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. viii. p. 191 (1893) ; Sharpcj Hand-l. iv. p. 42 (1903). The eggs of the Streaked Babbler are of a wide oval form, slightly pointed towards the smaller end ; the ground-colour is white with a very slight gloss, spotted and speckled all over with light red and pale lavender undermarkings. The markings are larger and most numerous towards the larger end, where they form an irregular zone. The eggs measure '75 to '8 in length, and '65 to '67 in breadth. Mr. Stuart Baker (I. c.) gives the average measurement of 14 eggs as -81 by '6. 2. Margherita, Assam, 17th April. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [0.]. RIMATOR. ALCIPPE. 41 Genus RIMATOR, Bhjth. Rimator malacoptilus, Blyth. (Plate II. fig. 14.) Rimator malacoptilus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 594 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 175 (1889) ; Stuart-Baker, Journ. Bomh. Nat. Hist. Soc. xiii. p. 404 (1901) j Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 43 (1903). The eggs of the Long-billed Babbler are of a regular oval form, and are quite devoid of gloss. The ground is white, and this is sparingly marked with three kinds of markings : roundish spots of an intensely dark reddish brown ; small blotches and smears of a pink colour ; and specks and spots of underlying pale purple. Round the larger end of the egg, all three kinds of markings are rather thickly clustered together and form a pretty zone ; on the other parts of the ^^'^ the markings are very spare. Three eggs measure respectively : 'Se by '6 ; '84 by '62 ; 8 by '62. 3. Sikhim. J. Gammie, Esq. [P.]. Genus ALCIPPE, BlytK Alcippe nipalensis {Hodgs.\ (Plate IV. figs. 1-4.) Alcippe nipalensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 620 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Mersamml. p. 65 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 43 (1903). Alcippe nepalensis, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 157 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 104 (1889). The eggs of the Nepal Babbler differ in form from a broad to a regular oval, and have a considerable amount of gloss. The colouring of the eggs presents much variation, and fouY types appear to be contained in the Collection. In the first the ground is white and this is sparingly marked with a few specks of rich maroon-brown, except at the larger end, where there are some spots, clouds, and lines of the same coloui', forming a cap. In the second, the ground is pinkish white, more or less heavily blotched towards the larger end with brownish lake interspersed with spots of dark brown, with some smaller and lighter markings of similar colouring irregularly distributed over the rest of the eg^. In the third type, the ground is pale salmon-pink, and nearly the whole egg is covered with clouds and blotches of reddish chestnut, brighter in tint in some eggs than in others, overlaid with some spots of dark brown. In the fourth the ground is also salmon-pink, and the whole egg is rather closely covered with specks and small streaks of pale rufous, which are denser at the larger end of the egg than elsewhere. In all the foregoing types there are always a 42 TIMELIID^. number of underlying pale purple markings scattered over the shell, but chiefly at the larger end. The eggs vary from '70 to -80 in length, and from -55 to '61 in breadth. 3. Himalayas. W. Radchffe Saunders, Esq. 2. Mongphoo, Darjiling (J. Gammie). , 3rd May Hume Coll. 1. Mongphoo {J. G.). Hume Coll. 1. Mongphoo [J. G.). Hume Coll. 2. Mongphoo (J. G.). Hume Coll. 3. Mongphoo (J. G.). Hume Coll. 3. Mongphoo (J. G.). Hume Coll. 1. N. Cachar Hills, 21st April. W. RadclifFo Saunders, Esq. [P.]. * Alcippe morrisonia, Swinh. Alcippe morrisonia, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1863, p. 296 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 44(1903). Alcippe morrisoniana, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 621 (1883). The eggs of the Formosan Babbler apparently vary to nearly the same extent as those of A. nipalensis, and they are referable both as to form and coloration, with slight modifications, to one or other of the types of eggs of that species. They measure from "65 to '77 in length, and from '52 to '6 in breadth. 6. Formosa (P. A. Hoist). Seebohm Coll. 3. Formosa, 12th April (P. A. H.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Formosa, 13th April (P. A. H.). Seebohm Coll. 3. FormoBa, 14th April (P. A. H.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Formosa, 19th April (P. A. H.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Formosa, 23rd May (P. A. H.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Formosa, 26th May (P. A. H.). Seebohm Coll. Alcippe phaeocephala (Jerd.). (Plate lY. fig. 7.) Alcippe phaeocephala, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 622 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 158 (1889) ; id. ed. Huine, Nests Sf Eqqs Ind. Birds, i. p. 106 (1889) ; JVehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 65 (1899). Alcippe pceocephala, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 44 (1903). The eggs of the Nilghiri Babbler are of a broad, blunt oval form and glossy. The colouring is fairly uniform throughout the series. The ground-colour varies from a pale pink to a salmon-pink, and this is blotched and clouded with two shades of purplish carmine. There are, in addition, on almost every eg^, a number of spots and hair-lines of a still darker shade, and also large clouds and smears of pale underlying lavender. The markings on a few eggs form a cap at the larger end, but as a rule they are very evenly distributed over the shell. Specimens vary from "73 to '85 in length, and from '57 to '65 in breadth. -^ v - ALcirPE. 43 1. Kliandesh, 16th Aug. Crowley Bequest. 1. Nilghiri Hills, April Hume Coll. 1. Nilghiri Hills, 3rd April. Hume Coll. 2. Curzon, Nilgliiri Hills, i^Srd April. Hume Coll. 2. Curzon, 24th April. Hume Coll. 6. Curzon, 3rd May. Hume Coll. 2. Curzon, 4th May. Hume Coll. 2. Curzon, 7th May. Hume Coll. 2. Curzon, 9th May. Hume Coll. 2. Curzon, 10th May. Hume Coll. ^ 2. Kodanand, Nilghiri Hills, 21st Jan. Hume Coll. ^ Alcippe phayrei, Blyth, (Plate II. fig. 20.) Alcippe phayrii, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 623 (1883) ; Oates^ Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 158 (1889) ; id. ed. HumCy Nests 8f JEygs Ind. Birds, i. p. 108 (1889). Alcippe phayrei, Sharpe, Iland-l. iv. p. 44 (1903). The three clutches of eggs of the Burmese Babbler are fairly uniform in colouring and resemble the eggs of A. phoeocephala^ but the ground is more richly coloured and the lighter markings more suffused than in the eggs of that species. They measure from •68 to -76 in length, and from -53 to -6 in breadth. 3. Sinzaway, Tenasserim, 30th March Hume Coll. (C. T.Bingham). 3. Thoungyin Kiver, Tenasserim, Hume Coll. 23rd Feb. (C. T. B.). 3. Nwalabo, Tavoy, 9th April Hume Coll. {J. Darling). Alcippe hueti, David. Alcippe hueti, La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 185 ; Shai-pe, Hand-l. iv. p. 43 (1903). The four eggs of Huet's Babbler are of a broad oval form, very slightly glossy. On a ground of pale pinkish white, they have a few underlying markings of lavender, nearly all at the larger end, overlaid with more numerous spots and blotches of purplish carmine, interspersed with darker lines and edgings of the same colour. These markings occur all over the egg, but somewhat sparingly towards the smaller end. The eggs, which are very handsome, measure '75 to -8 in length, by -55 to -6 in breadth. 4. Kuatun, Fohkien, China, 6th May C. B. Kickett, Esq. fP.!. {J. D. La Touche). 44 TIMEL1ID.E, Genus RHOPOCICHLA, Oaies. Rhopocichla atriceps (Jerd.). (Plate IV. fig. 6.) Alcippe atriceps, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 625 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 65 (1899). Rhopocichla atriceps, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 160 (1889); id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, \. p. 109 (1889); Sharpe y Hand-l. iv. p. 44 (1903). The eggs of the Black-headed Babbler are of a regular oval form, and have a slight gloss. They are v^hite, rather thickly speckled and spotted, especially at the broad end, with reddish brown and lavender. Five examples measure from '74 to '79 in length, and from -54 to '58 in breadth. 2. Mysore, 25th May [J. Macpherson). Hume Coll. 1. Mysore, 2nd July {J. M.). Hume Coll. 1. Coonoor, Nilghiri Hills, 18th June Hume Coll. ( Wait). 1. Kotagherry, Nilghiri Hills, 17th Hume Coll. June {Miss Cockhurn). Rhopocichla nigrifrons {Blyth), (Plate IV. fig. 8.) Alcippe nigriirons, Legge, Birds Ceylon, p. 507, pi, 34. fig. 16 (1879) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 625 (1883). Rhopocichla nigrifrons, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, \. p. 160 (1889) ; id. ed Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 110 (1889) ; Shariie, Hand-l. iv. p. 44 (1903). Two eggs of the Black-fronted Babbler in the Collection are of an elliptical form, with scarcely any gloss. They are white, spotted and blotched with two shades of reddish brown, more thickly towards one end. They measure respectively : '71 by '55 ; •74 by 'h^. 2. Ceylon {W. V. Legge). Crowley Bequest. Genus PROPARUS, Hodgs. Proparus vinipectus (Hodgs.). (Plate II. fig. 19.) Alcippe vinipectus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 619 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 64 (1899). Proparus vinipectus, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 173 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 119 (1889) ; Osmaston, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. xi. p. 468 (1898) ; Sharpe, Hund-l. iv. p. 46 (1903). The eggs of the Plain-coloured Tit-Babbler are of a regular oval form, and have little or no gloss. The ground is of a pale greenish PEOPARUS. — SCHCENIPABUS. 45 grey, and the markings are chiefly confined to the larger end of the egg, where a numher of large confluent clouds and blotches of olive- brown, intermingled with some blotches of underlying lavender, form a bold cap. A few isolated spots and streaks of the same colours are scattered over the shell, diminishing in number and size as they approach the smaller end. Three examples measure respectively : -68 by -52 ; -72 by -51 ; '71 by -52. 3. Tongloo, Sikhira, 10,000 feet, 29th Hume Coll. May (L. Mandelli). A Proparus cinereiceps {J. Verr.), (Plate IV. fig. 11.) Fulvetta cinereiceps, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 628 (1883). Proparus cinereiceps, Sharpe, Hand-L iv. p. 45 (1903). Three eggs of the Grey-headed Tit-Babbler are of a rather broad oval form and slightly glossy. The ground-colour is pale greenish blue, and both the underlying markings of lavender and the olive- brown and sage-green spots, blotches and clouds of the surface are mostly confined to the broader end, forming on one e^^ a well- defined cap, on the other two an irregular zone. The measure- ments are respectiA^ely : '70 by -52 ; -71 by -55 ; '73 by -54. 8. Kuatun,Fohlnen, China, 2oth May C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. {J. D. La Touche). Genus SCHCENIPARUS, Hume. Schceniparus rufigularis {Mandelli), (Plate II. fig. 16.) Minla rufigularis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 610 (1883). Schceniparus rufigularis, Ontes, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 170 (1889) ; Stuart Baker, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. viii. p. 197 (1893) : Sha?'pe, Hand-l. iv. p. 46 (1903). Eggs of the Eed-throated Tit-Babbler in the Collection much resemble those of S. mandellii, but are slightly smaller and have rather more gloss, while the blotches and spots are of a somewhat richer brown. They measure from -78 to -80 in length, and from •59 to -60 in breadth. 3. Margherita, Assam, 26th April. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. Schceniparus dubius (Heme). (Plate II. fig. 17.) Minla dubia, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 611 (1883). Schceniparus dubius, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, \. p. 618 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests k Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 177 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 46 (1903). 46 TIMELITD^. The eggs of Hume's Tit-Babbler in the Collection vary from a somewhat narrow to a broad oval form, and they have a fair amount of gloss. The ground is of a very pale cream-colour, and this is marked, first, with clouds and smears of pale yellowish brown, secondly, with dots, lines and small blotches of dark purple-brown, thirdly, with a number of inconspicuous clouds and blotches of very pale lavender, chiefly towards the larger end of the egg. Six eggs measure from '75 to 'SI in length, and from '54 to "6 in breadth. 3. Mt. Mooleyit, Tenasserim, Hume Coll. 21st Feb. ( W. Davison). 8. Mt. Mooleyit, 2oth Feb. ( W. D.). Hume Coll. Schceniparus mandellii {Godivin- Austen), Minla mandellii, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 610 (1883). Schceniparus mandellii, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 169 (1889) ; Stuart Baker, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Sue. viii. p. 196 (1893; ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 46 (1903). The eggs of Mandelli's Tit-Babbler are regularly oval, pointed towards one end, and fairly glossy. They are grey, marked witli numerous blotches of pale brown, and also show some irregular lines and spots of a darker shade of brown. The measurements of three eggs are respectively : -8 by -6 ; -8 by '61 ; '82 by -61. 3. Laisung, N. Cachar, 21st May. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. Genus PSEUDOMINLA, Oates. Pseudominla castaneiceps (ffodgs.). (Plate II. fig. 15.) Minla castaneiceps, Sharjje, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 608 (1883). Sittiparus castaneiceps, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 172 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eygs Ind. Birds, i. p. 118 (1889). Pseudominla castaneiceps, Oates, Ibis, 1894, p. 480 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 47 (19C3). The eggs of the Chestnut-headed Tit-Babbler are of a pointed oval form, and are almost devoid of gloss. The ground is white. The three eggs procured in Tenasserim are rather thickly marked with extremely minute reddish-brown dots, and round the larger end of each is a very regular, well-defined zone, made up of these dots and of some spots and smears of slate-grey. The e^g procured in Sikhim is thickly marked with spots and small blotches of purplish brown and pale purple over the larger end, and with a few small specks elsewhere. These four eggs measure respectively : '68 by "51 ; •7 by -52 ; -72 by -53 ; '71 by 'b2. 1. Sikhim, May (eT". G^ammie). Hume Coll. 3. Mooleyit Mountain, Tenasserim, Hume Coll. 20th Feb. ( W. Davison). 8TACHYEHI3. 47 Genus STACHYRHIS, Hodgs, Stachyrhis nigriceps, Hodys. Stachyris nigriceps, Sharpe^ Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 532 (1883); id. Hand-l iv. p. 48 (1903). Stachyrhis nigriceps, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 162 (1889) ; id, ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 110 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersarnml. p. 63 (1899). The eggs of the Black-throated Tit-Babbler are of a broad oval form, glossy and spotless white. They measure from '68 to -84 in length, and from '55 to '61 in breadth. 8. Sikhim [J. Gammie). Hume Coll. 21. Mongphoo, DarjiliDir {J. G.). Hume Coll. 5. Mongphoo, 12th April {J. G.). Hume Coll. 4. Mongphoo, 18th April {J. G.). Hume Coll. 4. Mongphoo, 20th April {j. G.). Hume Coll. 2. Daijiling, 14th May. Hume Coll. 1, Darjiling, June. Hume Coll. 3. Sinzaway, Tenasserim, Hume Coll. 20th March (C. T, Bingham). 1. Pegu Hills, 20th April(^. W. Gates). Gates Coll. Stachyrliis borneensis, Sharpe. Stachyris borneensis, Sharpe, Ibis, 1889, p. 413 ; id. Hayid-l. iv. p. 43 (1903). The eggs of the Bornean Black-throated Tit-Babbler are of a broad oval form, with scarcely any gloss, and are pure white. They measure respectively : '73 by -59 ; '72 by -58 ; '70 by -58. 3. Mt. Kiua Balu, Borneo, 18th Feb. Crowley Bequest. (J. Whitehead). Stachyrhis chrysaea, Bhjth. Stachyridopsis chryssea, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 601 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 64 (1899). Stachyrhis chrysaea, Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 103 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sj- Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 112 (1889). Stachyris chrysaea, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 49 (1903). The eggs of the Golden-headed Tit-Babbler are of a broad oval form, glossy, and of a spotless white colour. Three examples measure : '62 by '47 ; '6 by '46 ; 'Q2 by '5 respectively. 2. Sikhim, 5000 feet, 15th May Hume Coll. {J. Gammie). 1. Sikhim, 2nd May. Crowley Bequest. Stachyrhis assimilis, Walden. Stachyridopsis assimilis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 602 (1883). Stachyris assimilis, Wald. in Blyth's B. Burm. p. 116(1875); Sharpe, iland-l iv. p. 49 (1903). 48 TIMELIID^. The eggs of the Allied Tit-Babbler are of a broad oval form, glossy white, with a few indistinct scattered dots and splashes of very pale red. They measure -6 to -63 in length, and '48 to 5 in breadth. 4. Margherita, Assam, 24th July. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. Genus STACHYRHIDOPSIS, Shar^e.. StachyrMdopsis ruficeps {Blyth). Stachyridopsis ruficeps, Sharps, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 698 ; La Touches ibis, 1899, p. 186 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 64 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 50 (1903). Stachyrhidopsis ruficeps, Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 164 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eggs Ind. Birds, \. p. 112 (1889). The eggs of the Eed-headed Tit-Babbler are of an oval shape, and they have only a small amount of gloss. The ground is white, and this is sparingly marked with specks and small blotches of pale rusty- red, and underlying pale purple, these being in some cases very faint, causing the eggs to appear pure white. The markings generally form a zone or imperfect cap at the larger end. The eggs measure from -66 to '7 in length, and from -5 to '53 in breadth. Mongphoo, D^rjiling {J. Gammie). Hume Coll. Mongphoo, 18th April (/. G.). Hume Coll. 1. Darjiling-. Crowley Bequest. 1. Darjiling, 27th May. Crowley Bequest. 1. Darjiling, 2nd June. Crowley Bequest. Darjiling, 6th June. Crowley Bequest. Darjiling, 12th July. Hume Coll. Kuatun, Fohkien, China C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. (/. D. La Touche). Stachyrhidopsis rufifrons {Hume). (Plate III. figs. 6 & 8.) Stachyris rufifrons, Hume, Sir. F. 1873, p. 479; id. 1875, p. 117; id. 1876, pp. 274, 501 ; id. 1877, vol. i. p. 265 ; id. 1879, p. 95. Stachyridopsis ratifrons, Shavpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 599 (1883) : id. Hand-l. iv. p. 50 (1903). The eggs of Hume's Tit-Babbler are broad ovals with a white, somewhat glossy ground, dotted and freckled with light red and dull purplish, the markings being most numerous towards the larger end, and in some specimens forming an irregular zone round it. They measure '6 to -65 in length, and -48 to -53 in breadth. 3. Margherita, Assam, 14th April. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq., and Dr. H. Collart [P.]. 4. Margherita, Assam, 14th April E. C. Stuart Baker/Esq. [C.]. and 20th July. STACHYRHIDOPSIS. MIXORNIS. 49 Stachyrliidopsis pyrrhops {Bhjth), Stachvridopsis pvrrhops, Sharpp, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 600 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 50 (1903). Stachvrhidopsis pyrrhops, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 165 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sj- Etjgs Ind. Birds, i. p. 114 (J889). The single egg of the Ked-billed Tit-Babbler in the Collection closely re.sembles some of the eggs of /S'. rnjiceps., but the raarkicr^s are somewhat larger and of clearer and more delicate tints. It measures '^"2 by 'ol, 1. ^lurri, N.W. Ilimalavas, Hume Coll. 27tlj June (C. ILT. Marshall). Genus MIXORNIS, Eodgs, The eggs of the four species of this genus represented in the Collection are of quite the same type, and do not require to be described separately. They are of an oval form, and the majority possess a considerable amount of gloss. The ground is white, and this is speckled and spotted, but not thickly, with shades of rather bright reddish brown and some pale underlying purple. The markings are more thickly clustered at the larger end of the egg and frequently form, at that part, a zone or cap of irregular shape. Mixornis gularis {Raffl.). Mixornis gularis, Sliarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 576 (1883) ; Oaies, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 168 (1889); id. ed. Hume, Ne.^ts Sr Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 116 (1889) ; Sharps. Hand-l. iv. p. 52 (1903). The eggs of the Sumatrau Yellow-breasted Tit-Babbler measure from -68 to -70 in length, and from -52 to -53 in breadth. 3, Klang, Malay Peninsula, 1st Juno Hume Coll. ( W. Darison). 1. Salanga, Malay Peninsula. Crowley Bequest. Mixornis woodi, Sharpe. (Plate II. fig. 9.) Mixornis woodi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 577 (1883) ; Whitehead. Ibis, 1890, p. 60 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 53 (1903). The eggs of the Palawan Yellow-breasted Tit-Babbler measure respectively '71 by -52 and "72 by -52. 2. Island of Palawan, Philippines, Crowley Bequest. 29th June {J. Whitehead). VOL. IV. 15 60 TIMELUDiB. Mixornis rubricapilla {Tick.). Mixornis riibricapilla, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 578 (1833) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 167 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind Birds, i. p. 115 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 64 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 53 (1903). The eggs of the Indian Yellow-breasted Tit-Babbler in the Col- lection measure from -64 to -71 in length, and from '5 to '53 in breadth. 3. Pegu, 25th June {E. W. Oates). Hume Coll. 1 . Pegu, 28th May {E. W. O.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Tavoy, 6th May ( W. Davison). Hume Coll. Mixornis montana, Sharpe. (Plate II. fig. 11.) Mixornis montana, Sharpe, Ibis, 1887, p. 448, 1889, p. 417 ; Everett, List Birds Borneo, p. 107 (1889) j Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 53 (1903). The eggs of Whitehead's Tit-Babbler in the Collection vary from •65 to -78 in length, and from '52 to '58 in breadth. 3. Mt. Kina Balu, N.W. Borneo. A. H. Everett, Esq. [CI. 3. Mt. Kina Balu. A. H. Everett, Esq. [C 3. Mt. Kina Balu, March (J. White- Crowley Bequest. head). Genus MACRONUS, Jard. ^ Selb. Macronus ptilosus, Jard. 4' Selb. Macronus ptilosus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 583 (1883) ; id. Ibis, 1889, p. 282; Everett, List Birds Borneo, p. 108(1889); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 53 (1903). The eggs of the Hairy-backed Tit-Babbler are of a blunt oval form, slightly glossy, and plain white. Three examples measure respectively : -8 by -58 ; -8 by -57 ; '8 by -58. 3. Mt. Kina Balu, Borneo, 17th Jan. Crowlev Bequest. {J. Whitehead). Macronus striaticeps, Sharpe. Macronus striaticeps, Sha?pe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 584 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 64, pi. ii. fig. 16 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 53 (1903), The eggs of the Striped-headed Tit-Babbler are of a narrow oval form, and exhibit a moderate amount of gloss. They are white, spotted and blotched with chestnut and lavender, especially at the MYIOPflONEUS. 51 broad end, where the markings are Liro;er and more thickly gathered together. Three examples measure respectively : -8 by -57 ; '84 by -57 ; '79 by -58. *3. Mindanao, PhiHppine Island^, April. dey IJequest. Genus MYIOPHONEUS, Temm. The eggs of this genus may be briefly described as of a longish oval form, with little gloss, and of a pale greenish or greyish-white to pinkish ground-colour, more or less freckled and spotted with pinkish and yellowish brown. Myiophoneus temmincki, Vig. Myiophoneus temmincki. Skarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 7 (188'i) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 178 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ik Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 120 (1889); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml, p. 50 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-L iv. p. 54 (1903J. The eggs of the Himalayan Whistling-Thrush are chiefly of an elongated oval form, and slightly glossy. They are greyish or greenish white, freckled all over with minute specks of pale pink, brownish pink, and lavender-grey. In the majority of specimens these markings are very dense and confluent at the large end, forming an ill-defined cap or zone of darker colour. A few are also marked with some spots of yellowish brown. The eggs measure from 1*22 to 1*52 in length, and from -9 to 1*04 in breadth. ;?. Murdan, Punjab, 4th May. Hume Coll. 3. Himalayas. Hume Coll. 1. Dharmsala, Himalayas, 20th May. Crowlev Bequest, 2. Dharmsala, May. Hume Coll. 8.' Simla Hills, 2nd July. Hume Coli. 1. Simla, May. Hume Coll. 1. Simla, June. Hume Coll. 1. Koomarsaiu, Himalayas, 14th May. Hume Coll. 7. Kotegarh, 30th Apri'l. Hume Coll. 1. Kotegavh, May. Hume Coll. 2. Kotegarh, 5th May. Hume Coll. 3. Kotegarh, 8th May. Hume Coll. 3. Kotegarh, 9th Mbv. Hume Coll, 0. Kotegarh, 5th June. Hume Coll. '2^ Mussoorie {T. Kutfoii). Hume Coll. L Darjiling, Sikhim. Hume Coll. 1. DarjiUng, June. Hume Coll. 1. Darjiling, 18th April (J. Gammic). Hume Coll. 1. Darjiling, 21st Mav {J. G.). Hume Coll. 1. Darjiling, 18th April {J. G.). Ciowlej^ Bequest. E "2 52 TIMELIID.^. Myiophoneus caeruleus (Scop.). Myioplioneus caeruleus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 9 (1883) ; La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 178 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 54 (1903). Four eggs of the Chinese Whistling-Thrush are not separable from many of the eggs of M. temmincl.i. They are greyish white, freckled all over with very pale brownish pink, which becomes of a slightly darker tint at the broad end. They measure respectively : 1-4 by -1 ; 1-32 by -98 ; 1-33 by -98 ; 1-28 by -95. 4. Kuatun, Fohkien, China, 2oth C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. April [J. D. La Touche). Myiophoneus horsfieldi, Vkf. ]\rviophoneus horsheldi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 10 (1883) ; Oates, Fau7ia Brit. Iiul, Birds, i. p. 180 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Er/(/s Lid. Birds, i. p. 124 (1889); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 50 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. oo (190:3). Eggs of the Malabar Whistling-Thrush are of much the same character as those of M. temmincki, but they are on the average more boldly marked. The ground-colour is greyish white or pinkish white, speckled, sj^otted and blotched with pale brownish pink and underlying lilac, the markings being, as a rule, distri- buted all over the surface. In size they range from 1'14 to 1'45 in length, and from -93 to '98 in breadth. 1. Coonoor, Nilghiri Hills, April Hume Coll. ( W. Davison). 1. Kotagherry, Nilghiri Hills, 22nd Hume Coll. March (Miss Cockhum). 1. Kot;iglierry, 12th June (Miss Hume Coll. Cockhiirn). 2. Kotagherry, 3rd July (Miss Hume Coll. Cockhum) . 1. Wynaad, 22nd July (J. Barlimj). Hume Coll. 3. South India. Crowley Bequest. Genus ARRENGA, Les?^. Arrenga blighi, Holdsw. (riate III. fig. 15.) Myiophoneus blighi, Leqge, Birds Ceylon, p. 463 (1879) j Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 13 (1883). Arrenga blighi, Oates, Fauna Brit. Lnd., Birds, i. p. 183 (1889) ; Sharpe, H.and-1. iv. p. 55 (1903). The ground-colour in both eggs of the Ceylon Whistling-Thrush BRACnTPTERYX. 53 jn the Cullo(3tion is of a pinkish white or creara-colour : one is ])rof'iisely speckled all over with hrownish pink and grey, with a zone of darker tint round the broad end ; the other is more sparingly freckled with brownish pink and lilac and has, in addition, a faint but well-defined wreath of lilac round the larger end and a few- larger spots, irregularly distributed all over the shell, of reddish brown. These examples measure respectively : 1-16 by '82 ; 1-18 by -81. 2, Pundaloya, Ceylon, 30th April. E. W. Antram, Esq. [P.], Genus BRACHYPTERYX, Horsf, Brachjrpteryx albiventris (Blanf.). Callene albiventris, iS/uo-jje, Cat. Birds B. 31. vii. p. 15 (1883). Brachypteryx albiventris, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 185 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, JSests ^ Egys Ind. Birds, i. p. 128 (1889); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 66 (1903). Until closely examined, the eggs of the White-bellied Short- wing appear to be of a nearly uniform rich olive-brown tint, but the ground-colour is greyish green, so densely mottled and clouded with warm brown that it is hardly distinguishable. The three specimens in the Collection have a slight darkening of the brown colour in the form of a zone at the larger end. They are of a rather long oval form, not very glossy, and measure respectively ; '9 by "63 ; •^ by -63 ; and -9 by -64. 2. Palni Hills, S. India. Gould Coll. 1. Palni Hillsj April (aS'. B. Fairbank). Hume Coll. Brachypteryx rufiventris (Jerd.). Callene rufiventris, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 16 (1883) ; Nehrlc, Kat. Eiersamml. p. 50 (1899). Biachj'pteryx rufiventris, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind.., Birds, i. p. 185 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8i- E(jgs Ind. Birds, i. p. 129 (1889) ; Sharpe^ Hand-l. iv. p. ^^ (1903). Of the three eggs of the Kufous-bellied Short-wing in the Collection, two resemble closely those of the preceding species, B. albiventris, but the third is much less heavily coated with brown, and shows a good deal of the greyish-green ground ; it also has several black hair-lines at the broad end. These eggs are longer in shape than those of the last-tnentioned species, measuring re- spectively : -95 by -61 ; -97 by -66 ; and '99 by -63. 2. Nilghiri Hills, S. India, 18th June. Hume Coll. ' " Hume Coll. 54 xniKLniijE. Genus HETEROXENICUS, Sharj^e. Heteroxenicus cruralis (Bhjth). Bracliypterjx cruralis, S/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 26 (1883). Drymochares cruralis, Oatex, Fauna Brit, hid., Birds, i. p. 188 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 129 (1889). Heteroxenicus cruralis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 56 (1903). Three eggs of the White-browed Short-wing are of a blunt oval shape, approaching the elliptical. They are very slightly glossy and plain white. They measure respectively: -87 by -Q'l-^ '84 by '62; and -S by 'O. 1. Darjiling, Sikhim, 3rd June Hume Cull. {L. Mandelli). 2. Sikhim, Ist .June. Hume Coll. Heteroxenicus sinensis (Eid-eft). (Plate III. fig. 20.) Brachvptervx siuensi.s Bickett, Bull. B. O. C. vi. p. 1 (1897) ; id. ^^ La fouche, Ibis, 1897, p. 607 ; La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 19o. Heteroxenicus sinensis, bharpe^ Hand-l. iv. p. 56 (1903). Eggs of the Chinese Short-wing taken by Mr. La Toiiche are of a blunt oval form, and devoid of all gloss. They are of a warm ])inkish-bnff colour, the broad end being of a slightly darker tint : they measure respectively : '83 by "62; -81 by '6; '87 by '60. 8. Kuatun, Fohkien, China, 20th May C. V>. Ilickett; Esq. [P.]. {J. IJ. La Tow.-hc). Heteroxenicns nipalensis (Moore). lirachvpteryx nipalensis, S/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 29 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersaniml. p. 51 (1899). Drymochares nepalensis, Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 188 (1889) ; id. ed. H-rne, Nests ^' Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 130 (1889). Heteroxenicus uii)alensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 57 (1903), The eggs of the Tsepal Short-wing are of an oval form, but some- what pointed at the small end. They are slightly glossy, and of an olive stone-colour, mottled with a faint rufous zone at the broad end. Three examples measure respectively : "79 by -57 ; '8 by '57 ; •78 by -58. 1. Darjiling, Sikhim, loth June Hume Coll. (J. Gamniie). '- 2. Darjiling, 81I1 July [L. Mandclii). Hume Coll. HETEROXENICUS. — LAMPROLIA. SIBIA. 55 Heteroxenicus carolinae {La Touche). (Plate III. fig. 7.) Bracbvptervx carolinae, La Touche, Bull. B. O. C. viii. p. ix (1898) ; idt: /d/5, 1899, pp. 123, ]98. Heteroxenicus carolinae, Sharpe, Ilaud-l. iv. p. 57 (1903). Four eggs of Caroline's Short-wing are of an elongated oval form, find not at all glossy. In colour they are inseparable from those of IL nipalensis, though the rufous mottling on the olive-green ground is, with one exception, not so apparent. They measure respectively : •82 by -60 ; '81 by -59 ; -81 by '^S ; and -80 by '58. 3. Kuatun, Fohkien, China, 2oth May C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. {J. D. La Touche). 1. Kuatun, 2oth May («/. D. La Touche). C. B. Bickett, Esq. [P.]. Genus LAMPROLIA, Finsclu Lamprolia victoriae, Finsch. (Plate III. fig. 13.) Lamprolia victorise, Layard, Ibis, 1876, p. 149; SJiarpe, Cat, Birds B. M. vii. p. 31 (1883) ; id. Rand-l iv. p. bl (1903). A single q^^% of the Eiji Short-wing in the Collection is of a long oval shape, entirely devoid of gloss, and of a pinkish-white colour, handsomely spotted and mottled, evenly all over, with lilac-red and blurred spots of pale purple. It measures -99 by -65. 1. Fiji Islands. W. A, Bailward, Esq. [P.], Genus SIBIA, Hod'js, Sibia picaoides, llodrjs. (Plate I. fig. 4.) Sibia picoides, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 401 (1883). Sibia picaoides, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 195 (1889) ; id. ed, liume, Nests i The eggs of the Long-tailed Sibia bear a strong resemblance to those of some of the Shrikes. They are of a broad oval form and have very little gloss. The ground is of a pale greyish while, and this is spotted and speckled with pale yellowish brown and dull purple. The markings are more numerous at the larger end of the egg, where they form a broad, irregular zone. Three eggs measure respectively : '9 by '71 ; '9 by -7 ; -9 by -72. 4. Darjiling, 17th June (7. Gammie). Hume ColL 56 miELTID.T>. Genus LIOPTILA, Bl>jtli. Lioptila capistrata ( Vvj.). (Plate I. fig. 5.) Malacias capistrata, S/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 403 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat Eiersamnd. p. ,59 (1899). Lioptila capistrata, Dates, I'amia Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 19C (1889) ; id. ed. ILume^ Isests^- Eyys lad. Birds, i. p. 133 (1889) ; Sharpie, Hand-l. iv. p. 59 (1903). The eggs of the Black-headed Sibia are of a blunt oval form, and exhibit a little gloss. The ground-colour is of a pale greenish white, and this is marked in a complicated manner : " first there are usually a few, large, irregular, moderately dark brownish-red spots and splashes ; then there are a very few, very dark, reddish-brown hair- lines, such as one finds on Buntings' eggs ; then there is a good deal of clouding and smudging here and there of pale, dingy purplish or brownish-red (all these markings are most numerous towards the large end) ; and then, besides these, and almost entirely confined 1o the large end, are a few pale purple specks and spots. Sometimes the markings are almost wholly confined to the thicker end of the egg.'' {Hume.) Six eggs measure from '92 to 1 in length, and from •(36 to '72 in breadth. 1. Murri, oth .Tune (C. R. Cock). Hume Coll. 1, iSildiim (J. Ganiniie). Iliime Coll. '2. Sikhiiu (/. G.). Hume Coll. 2. Sikhim {J. G.). Hume Coll. Lioptila gracilis (McCIclL). (Plate 111. fig. 4.) Sil)ia irviu-ilis. Godicin-Aust. J. A. S. Beng. xliii. pt. ii. p. 179 (187J). Malacias gracilis, ^Sharpe, Cat. Birdn B. M. vii. p. 400 (1883). Lioptila gracilis, Gates, Faiom Brit. Ind., Birds, i, p. 197 (1889) ; id. ed. Htime, Nests ^^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 135 (1889) ; SJiarpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 59 (1903). The eggs of the Grey Sibia in the Collection are of a broad oval form, exhibit a moderate amount of gloss, and are of 'a pale green colour mottled all over with pale rufous and lilac. They measure respectively : '8() by '71 ; '84 by '7. 2. Umian Ytillov, Assam, 25th June. Col. II. II. Gothvin-Austen [P.]. Lioptila melanoleuca (Bh/th). ]Malacias melanoleuca, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 105 (1883). Lioptila mehnioleuca. Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 198 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume. Nests S^- lup/s Ind. Birds, i. p. 135 (1889).; S/tarpe, Hand-l iv. ]>. 59 (inu;]). * " ' . ■ V - ACTINOOrRA. STAPniDIA. 57 The cgj^s of Tickcll's Sibia in the Collection are of a somewhat I)ointcd oval form : the)' have but little gloss, and are of a pale spotless blue colour. They measure respectively : '92 by '65 ; '91 by -65. "< 9 Mt. Mooleyit, Tenasserim, 21st Feb. Hume Coll. ( JV. Davison). Genus ACTINODURA, Gould. Actinodura egertoni, Gould. (Plate I. fig. 12.) Actinodura egertoni, S/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 463 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 201 (1889) ; id. ed. Huine, Nests l^ JRf/f/s Ind. Birds, i. p. 136 (1889) : Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 61 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 60 (1903). The eggs of the Rufous Bar-wing are of a regular oval form and exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. The ground-colour is bluish green, and this is spotted, smudged and marked with maroon- brown. Many of the markings take the form of hieroglyphic-like iigures ; others that of small blotches. There are in addition some small markings of pale purple scattered over the shell. They measure from -85 to "97 in length, and from -Go to -67 in breadth. 1. Himalavas {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. DarjiliuV, 5r)00 feet, 27th April Iliune Coll. (,/. Gammie). \. Darjiliiig, 4th May (Z. Manddli). Hume Coll. 1. Darjiliiig, 4lh June (i. J/.). Hume Coll. Genus STAPHIDIA, ^winli. ^ Staphidia torqueola, Swinh. Stapliidia torqueola, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 615 (1883) ; La Towdic, Ibis, 1899, p. 406 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 61 (1903). The eggs of the Collared Staphidia are for the most part of a broad oval form, some being narrower and of a more regular shape. They are white, speckled, dotted, and sometimes blotched, with purplish brown and lavender. The markings are larger and more frequent at the broad end of the egg, Avhere they often form an irregular zone. The eggs are slightly glossy, and measure from '63 to '75 in length, and from -52 to -6 in breadth. Kuatun, Fohkien, China, Mav. J. 1). La Touche, Esq. [P.]. Kuatun, 26th April (j:D.i^*f r.). ~ " ' " ' " Kuatun, 2t)lh April (,/. D. La T.). Kuatun, Mav {J. D. Jja 7'.). v>. j». muncn, ^j>-lj_. ^^ • Kuatun, 8rd May (.7. D. La T.). C. B. Rickett, I']sq. [P.J. .1. j;. i,a loucne, iLsq. [i C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.I. C. B. lUckett, Esq. [P.]. 58 TIMELIID.E. r>. Kuatun, 7tli May {J. I). La T.). V. B. liickett, Esq. [P.I l^ Kuatun, 12th Mav {J. 1). La T.). C. B. Kickett, Esq. [W 4. Kuatun, 15th May [J. L). La T.). C. B. Kickett, Esq. [P. 7. Kuatun, June (J. J). La 7'.). C. B. Kickett, Esq. [P. 2. Kuatun, May {J. D. La T.). Crowley Bequest. Staphidia everetti, Sharpe. Staphidia everetti, Sharpc, Llm, 1887, p. 447, 1893, p. 560; Everett, List Birds liorneo, p. 107 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 04 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-L iv. p. 61 (1903). One of the two eggs of Staphidia everetti in the Collection is of an elliptical, the other of a blunt oval form. On a ground-colour of creamy white they are marked with dots and blotches of various shades of reddish brown, which increase in size and are richer in colour towards the larger end, where they form a more or less distinct zone. They measure respectively '72 by "54: and '12 by -55. 2. ]Matang, ^.W. Borneo, Feb. A. H. Everett, Esq. [P.]. Staphidia castaneiceps {Moore). (Plate III. fig. 5.) Ixulus castaneiceps, Moore, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 141 ; Horsf. Sf Moore, B. i'. 7. CW. Jy^<6\ i. p. 411 (1854). Staphidia castaneiceps, Godzv.- Austin, J. A. S. Lienq. xlvii. pt. ii. p. 20 (1878) : ^hari)e, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 616 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 61 (1903). Three eggs of the Chestnut-headed Staphidia are broad ovals, and vi^ry similar in colour to those of S. everetti. They measure '7 to '71 in length, and -bb in breadth. o. Laisung, N. Cachar, 7tli May. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. Genus SIVA, ]Iod . rA>'URUS. SFTHORA. 63 The single ego; of the lled-billed Crow-Tit in the Collection is of a blunt oval form and but slightly glossy. The ground is creamy-white, and is spotted, blotched and smudged, but not thickly, with pale j'ellowish brown. Intermingled with these markings are some underlying spots of deep lavender. It measures 1-1 1 by -8. 1. Sikhim, 10,000 feet, Mav (Z. Mem- Hume Coll. de/U). Genus PANURUS, Koch. Panurus biarmicus (Linn.). Parus biarmicus, Thien. Fovt/pjianz. ges. J''oj. p. 154, tab. xviii. fig. 12, «, 6 (1840-54). Calamophilos biarmicus, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vd(j. tab. 43. fig. 18 (1855-63). Calamophilus biarmicus, Ilewitson, Eqqs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 161, pi. xl. tig. iii (1856) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 49 (1871). Panurus biarmicus, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 77 (1883) ; Seehohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 492, pi. 12 (1883) ; id., Egys of Brit. Birds, p. 214, pi. 53. tig. 20 (1896) ; Sharpe, Iland-L iv. p. 68 (1903j. The eggs of the Bearded Titmouse are of a very broad oval shape, and some specimens approach the spheroidal. The)' have a con- siderable amount of gloss, and are white, very evenly and somewhat sparingly marked all over with short wavy lines, spots and streaks of dark brown. The eggs of this species api)ear to be remarkably uniform in coloration. They measure from -G to '75 in length, and from '53 to '59 in breadth. 8. Laid in confinement, 3rd Julv. Peebohm Coll. 5. Ilickling Broad, Norfolk, 24th Seebohm Coll. April {F. Norgate). 5. Hickling Broad, 10th June [F. N.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Hickling Broad, 12th June {F. N.). Seebohm Coll. 11. Hickling Broad. Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. Horsey, Norfolk. K. W. Chase, Esq. [P.]. 4. Hornsea, Norfolk. Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Valkenswaard, Holland (J. ^«A:er). Seebohm Coll. Genus STJTHORA, Hodgs. Suthora webbiana, Gray. (Plate I. fig. 14.) Suthora webbiana, David ^ Oustalet, Ois. Chine, p. 208 (1877) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 490 (1883) ; La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 189 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 61 (1899): Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 70 (1903). The eggs of the Chinese Suthora are of a regular oval form and are fairly glossy. In colour they are spotless blue, but this blue 64 TJMELIIDiE. colour varies considerably in intensity, one clutch from Kuatun being pure white. They measure from '6 to -7 in length, and from •5 to -52 in breadth. China. Kuatun, Fohluen, China, 17th May Kuatun, May {J. I). La Touc/if). Kuatun, May (J. D. La T.). Kuatun, Mav (/. D. La T.). Kuatun, 8th Mav {J. D. La 7\). Kuatuuj 12th May {J. D. La T.). Kuatun, 14th Mav (J. D. La T.). Kuatun, 14th May (J. D. La T.). Kuatun, loth Mav (/. D. La T.). Kuatun, 24th May {J. L). La T.). KuHtun, 25tli May {J. D. La T.). Chinkiang, Fohkien, 7th May. C. Gould, Esq. [P.]. J. D. La louche, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. c. B. Rickett, Esq. 'P-1 c. B. Rirkett, Esq. 'P." c. B. Rickett, Esq. v: c. B. Rickett, Esq'. ^p." c. B. Rickett, Esq. ■p.] c. B. Rickett, Esq. "p." c li Rickett, Esq. ■p.' c. B. Rickett, Esq. p.^ c B. Rickett, Esq. p.^ c. B. Rickett, Esq. ;p.j Suthora biilomachus, Sivinh. * (Plate I, fig. 13.) Suthora buloraachus, David ^' Oustalet, Ois. Chine, p. 208 (1877) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. 3L vii. p. 490 (1883) ; La Touche, Ibis, 1898, p. 361; Sharpe, Iland-l. iv. p. 70 (1903). The eggs of the Eormosan Suthora are ordinarily of a regular oval form, but a iew are elliptical or even biconical. They possess a fair amount of gloss, and are of a spotless blue colour. They measure from -Qd to '68 in length, and from -49 to '53 in breadth. 3. Formosa, 6th April (P. A. llolsf). 2. Formosa, 9th April (P. A. H.). 4. Formosa, 9th April (P. A. II.). 4. Formosa, 10th April (P. A. H.). o. Formosa, 11th Apiil (P. A. IL). o. Formosa, 12th April (P. A. H.). 3. Formosa, 10th May (P. A. H.). ■1. Formosa (P. Sicinhoe). Seebohm Coll. Seeboiim Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Genus SC^ORHYNCHUS, Oafes. Scaeorhynclms gularis {Graij). (Plate I. fig. 15.) Suthora gularis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 492 (1883); Nehrh. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 62 (1899j. Sca3orhynchus gularis. Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 69 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, JS'esfs ^- Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 44 (1889J ; Sharpe, Iland-l. iv. p. 71 (1903). Paradoxornis gularis, La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 188. The eggs of the Hoary-headed Suthora do not differ much from those of ^. rvjiceps. They are of a regular oval form and possess little gloss. They have a creamy-white grouud-colour, TROGLODTTIDiE. 65 with under-markings of pale lavender, spotted and blotched irregu- larly, but sparingly, with pale and dark brown, the dark brown markings varying a good deal in size and shape. One egg is some- what thickly covered with pale brown, but has hardly any of the darker colour. They measure from '80 to '84 in length, and from •60 to '66 in breadth. 1. Sikhim, 17th May (L. MaTidelli). Hume Coll. 1. Kuatun, Fohkien, China, May C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. {J. D. La Touche). 2. Kuatun, 12th May {J. D. La C. B, Rickett, Esq. [P.]. Touche), Sc8Borli3mclius ruficeps (Blyth). Suthora ruficeps, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 491 (1883) ; Nehrh. Eat. Eiersamml p. 62 (1899). Scaeorhynchus ruficeps, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 68 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 43 (1889) ; Sharpe^ Hand-l. iv. p. 71 (1903). The three eggs of the Larger Red-headed Suthora in the Col- lection very closely resemble the e^^ of Conostoma cemodium in colour, but are very much smaller. They measure respectively : •85 by -62 ; -8 by -65 ; -8 by -6. 3. Sikhim, 2000 feet, 15th May Hume Coll. {J. Gammie). Family TROGLODYTIDiE. Genus HELEODYTES, Cah, Heleodytes variegatus {Om.). Campylorhynchus variegatus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 188 (1881). Heleodytes variegatus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 73 (1903). An egg in the Collection said to be that of the Brazilian Cactus- Wren is of a regular oval form, slightly blunted, and almost devoid of gloss. It is cream-coloured, speckled with pale lilac-red, the markings being dense on the broad end and forming a zone round that part. It measures 1*03 by '11. 1. [Brazil.] Crowley Bequest. Heleodytes capistratns (Less.). Campylorhynchus rufinucha, Salv. Ibis, 1866, p. 191. Campylorhynchus capistratus, Taylor, Ibis, 1860, p. 317 ; Salv. 8f Godm, Biol. Centr.-Arner., Aves, i. p. 64 (1880) ; Sharpe, Cat Birds B. M. vi. p. 191 (1881). Heleodytes capistratus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 73 (1903). VOL. rv. p 66 TROGLOBTTID^. The two eggs of the Chestnut-backed Cactus- Wren in the Collection are of a regular oval form and exhibit very little gloss. They are of a creamy-white colour, spotted and mottled all over with olive- brown and lavender, the markings forming an indistinct cap at the broad end. One of them measures -83 by -62; the other is unfor- tunately too much damaged to be accurately measured. 2. Chuacus, Guatemala (O. Salvin ^ Salvin-Godman Coll. i^ D. Godman). Heleodytes couesi (Sharpe). (Plate V. fig. 1.) Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus, Baird, Brewer Sf Ridqw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 132 (1874) ; Coues, Birds Colorado Fh/Z.'p. 166 (1878) ; Saiv. ^ Godm. Biol. Cetitr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 67 (1880). Campylorhynchus couesi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 196 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 45 (1899). Heleodytes couesi, Sharpe, Kand-l. iv. p. 74 (1903). The two eggs of Coues's Cactus-Wren in the Collection are of a regular oval shape and slightly glossy. They are of a pinkish- white colour, densely speckled and mottled all over with brownish pink, the markings forming an ill-defined zone round the broad end. Two examples measure respectively : '9 by '65 ; '"^^ by •63. 2. Tucson, Arizona {Henshaiv Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Heleodytes affinis (Xantus). Campylorhynchus affinis, Xantus, Proc. Acad. Philad. 1859, p. 298; Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgio. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 133 (1874). Campylorhvnchus brunneicapillus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 197 (1881)^[part.]. Heleodytes affinis, Sharpe, Hand-L iv. p. 75 (1903). The eggs of Xantus's Cactus-Wren vary from a narrow to a broad oval shape and are more or less glossy. They are of a creamy-white ground-colour, in some cases densely mottled, the ground-colour being completely hidden, in others speckled and spotted, and in others again speckled and blotched, with brownish pink and lilac. The markings are of a somewhat darker colour at the broad end, and generally form a zone or cap at that part. Specimens measure from •9 to 1-1 in length, and from -65 to -72 in breadth. 1. California {Smiths. Inst. : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 8. San Diego Co., California, 4th April. Crowley Bequest. 7. San Diego Co., California, 5th April. W. RadcHffe Saunders, Esq. 4. San Antonio, California, 2nd May. E. Lacy, Esq. [P.]. 2. Cape St. Lucas, California (J. Salvin-Godman Coll. Xantus). THEYOPHILUS. 2. Cape St. Lucas, June (/. X. : lien- Salvin-Godman Coll. shaw Coll.). 2. Cape St. Lucas {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godtnau Coll. 2. Cape St. Lucas (J. X. : Smiths. Inst). Crowley Bequest. Genus THRYOPHILUS, Baird. ThryopMlus longirostris ( VieilL). Thryophilus longirostris, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 206 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 45 (1899) ; von Ihering, Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 199 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 77 (1903). The eggs of the Long-billed Wren in the Collection are of a somewhat narrow oval shape and devoid of all gloss. They are of a creamy-white colour, somewhat thickly speckled with pale reddish brown and lavender, especially at the broad end, where the markings form a very well-marked zone. Two examples measure respectively : •88 by -6 ; -82 by -6. 2. Iguape, Brazil, 12th Nov. Crowley Bequest. Thryophllus modestus {Gah.), Thryophilus modestus, Salv. S^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 83 (1880) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 209 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 46 (1899) ; Sharpe, Rand-l. iv. p. 78 (1903). The eggs of the Central- American Wren in the Collection are of a narrow oval form, devoid of gloss, and plain white. They measure respectively : -84 by -57 ; '83 by 'SG. 2. Costa Rica, 16th May (C. F. Under- Crowley Bequest. wood). Thryophilus nigricapillns {Sd.\ (Plate V. fig. 4.) Thryothorus nigricapillns, Scl. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 84. Thryophilus nigricapillns, Scl. Sf Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 493 ; Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 89 (1880) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 217 (1881) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 80 (1903). Eggs of the Black-capped Wren in the Collection are of an abnor- mally lengthened oval shape, devoid of gloss, and of a creamy- white colour, sparingly spotted with black and lavender, the spots being irregularly distributed over the whole surface. They measure 1*01 by -60 and 1-01 by 'Q2, 2. Nanegal, Ecuador (i. Fraser). Salvin-Godman Coll. f2 68 THOGLODTTID^. Genus THRYOTHORUS, Vieill Though the eggs of this genus vary slightly in size, and more so in the amount and intensity of the surface-markings, they bear a strong resemblance one to the other. The ground-colour is of a dull or creamy white, either thinly dotted or densely mottled with shades of pinky brown, sometimes evenly distributed, more often collected towards the larger end, and occasionally forming a well- defined zone or cap. Thryothorus ludovicianus (Lath.). Thryothorus ludovicianus, var. ludovicianus, JBaird, Brewer 8f Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, ii. p. 142 (1874). Thryothorus ludovicianus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 221 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 46 (1899); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 80 (1903). The eggs of the Great Carolina Wren are of a broad oval shape, and are dull or rather glossy. On a creamy-white ground they are spotted and blotched with pale chestnut, dark reddish brown, and lilac, and there is a well-marked and rather handsome zone at the larger end. They measure from '72 to 'IS by from •56 to -59. 1. North America {HensJinw Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. New Jersey, 16th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. Thryothorus berlandieri, Baird. Thryothorus ludovicianus, var. berlandieri, Baird, Brewer Sf Ridgw. ' N. Amer. Birds, i. pp. 141, 144 (1874). Tlwyothorus berlandieri, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 222 (1881) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 80 (1903). The three eggs of Berlandier's Wren have the markings distributed evenly over the whole surface, and most nearly resemble eggs of T. grenadensis. They measure '72 to -73 in length, and "55 in breadth. 3. Texas {D. G. Elliot : Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Thryothorus miamensis, Bidgw. Thryothorus ludovicianus, var. miamensis, Ridgw. Amer. Nat. ix. p. 469 (1875). Thryothorus miamensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 222 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 46 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 81 (1903). The single egg of Maynard's Wren in the Collection is of a blunt oval shape, creamy white, rather thickly covered with speckles and small blotches of pale reddish brown and lavender-grey, which are perceptibly thicker round the crown. It measures -74 by -59. 1. Tampa, Florida, 2nd May. W. EadclifFe Saunders, Esq. THRYOTHORUS. THRTOMANES. 69 Thryothorus grenadensis, Lawr. (Plate V. fig. 2.) Thryothorus grenadensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 228 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 46 (1899); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 81 (1903). The eggs of Ober's Rufous Wren are of a broad oval shape and rather dull surface. They have a pinkish- white ground-colour, thickly spotted and blotched with brownish chestnut, lilac-red, and lavender. The markings are pretty evenly distributed over the shell ; the two clutches are remarkably constant in character. Specimens measure from -7 to '73 in length, and from -55 to -59 in breadth. 6. Grenada, W. Indies (/. G. Wells). Crowley Bequest. 4. Grenada, 26th June {J. G. W.). Crowley Bequest. Thryothorus genibarbis, Swains. Thryothorus genibarbis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 233 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 46 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 82 (1903). Troglodytes genibarbis, von Ihering, Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 200 (1900). An e^^ of Swainson's Moustached Wren is of a slightly blunted oval form, and of a pinkish-white colour, speckled with pale chestnut and lilac, the markings being more dense round the broad end and forming a zone. The specimen measures '79 by '57. 1. Amazonia {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Thryothorus rutilus, Vieill. Thryothorus rutilus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 238 (1881) ;• Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 47 (1899) ; von Ihering, Rev. Mus. Paulista. iv. p. 200 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 84 (1903). The eggs of the White-bellied Orange-breasted Wren in the Collection are of a regular oval shape and very slightly glossy. They are pinkish white, somewhat densely mottled all over with brownish pink, lilac-red, and lavender, the spots thickening suffi- ciently towards the larger end to form themselves into a zone or crown. They measure respectively '75 by -^b and '76 by '54. 1. Venezuela. Crowley Bequest. 1. Venezuela {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Genus THRYOMANES, Sclater. The eggs are very similar to those of Thryothorus* Thryomanes bewickii {Aud.). Thryothorus bewickii, var. bewickii, Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 145 (1874). 70 TKOGLODTTID.E. Tliryotliorus bewickii, Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 484; Sharpe, Cat. Birds JB. M. vi. p. 225 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 146 (1899). Thryomanes bewickii, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 84 (1903). The eggs of Bewick's Wren are of a broad oval form, somewhat wanting in gloss. They are white, speckled with chestnut, lilac-red, and lavender, the markings being more dense at the broad end than elsewhere, sometimes forming a distinct zone or cap at that part. Specimens measure from -65 to -75 in length, and from -5 to '53 in breadth. 4. W.Texus (I). G. Elliot: Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. San Antonio, Texas (H. E. Dresser). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Brownsville, Texas, April. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.J. 1. Missouri, 1st June. W. RadclifTe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Thryomanes spilurus ( Vigors). Thryothorus bewickii, var. spilurus, Baird, Brewer 8f Ridgw^ N. Amer. ^ Birds, i. p. 147 (1874). Thryothorus spilurus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 225 (1881); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 46 (1899). Thryomanes spilurus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 84 (1903). The three eggs of Vigors's Wren in the Collection are of a regular oval form and moderately glossy. They are white, very delicately speckled (in two out of the three in the shape of a zone round the broad end) with brownish pink, lilac-red, and lavender. They measure respectively : -63 by -5 ; -61 by 5 ; and -65 by '5. 2. CaliforLia {R. Ridgway : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 1. Los Angeles, California, 20tli April. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus CISTOTHORUS, Cab. Cistothorus palustris ( Wilson). Telmatodytes palustris, Cones, Birds N.- West, p. 34 (1874). Cistothorus palustris, Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 161 (1874) ; Saio. Sf Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 104 (1880) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 241 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 47 (1899) ; Sharpe, Handd. iv. p. 86 (1903). The eggs of the Eastern Long-billed Marsh- Wren vary in shape from a regular to a broad oval and are fairly glossy. The ground-colour, where visible, is ashy grey, and this is very densely mottled or streaked with chocolate-brown, some specimens pre- senting the appearance of being almost uniformly of this colour. In a few cases there is a distinct crown or cap at one end, of a still darker tint. They measure from 'hi to -67 in length, and from -49 to -51 in breadth. CISTOTHORUS. 71 1. North America {T. M. Brewer: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 4. N. America {D. G. Elliot : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). ^_ 4. Montreal, Canada {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 4. Hudson River, New York, 20th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. 'PQm\sj\Ydim?i,{Krider: Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. New jersey {T. M. Brewer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Bamegat Bay, New Jersey, 17th Princeton University, N.J. June ( W. E. D. Scott). [E.] 6. Barnegat Bay, 28th June (^.^.Z).aS'.). Princeton University, N.J. [E.]. Cistothorus paludicola, Baird. Cistothorus palustris, var. paludicola, Baird, Review Amer. B. p. 148 (1864) ; Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 161 (1874). Cistothorus paludicola, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 242(1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 47 (1899) ; Sharpe, Rand-l. iv. p. 87 (1903). The eggs of the Western Long-billed Marsh- Wren resemble those of G. palustris. 4. Little Slave Lake {S. Jmies : Hen- Salvin-Godman, Coll. shaio Coll.). 5. Vancouver Island. Dr. Lyall [P.]. 1. Salt Lake City, Utah. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 2. Marysvale, Utah, 12th June. Princeton University, N.J. [E.]. Cistothorus stellaris (Naum.). Troglodytes stellaris, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xii. fig. 13 (1845-54). Cistothorus stellaris, Coues, Birds N.- West, p. 36 (1874) ; Baird, Brewer 8f Ridgw. N. Arner. Birds, i. p. 159 (1874) ; Coues, Birds Col. Vail. p. 180 (1878) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 243 (188D : Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 47 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 87 (1903;. The eggs of the Short-billed Marsh- Wren in the Collection are of a broad oval shape, much pointed at the small end, and slightly glossy. They are plain white, and measure respectively : '57 by '45 ; •6 by "O ; '61 by -5. Thienemann (I. c.) figures an egg considerably spotted, but the most reliable American authorities agree in stating that the eggs are white and spotless. 1. 'North. Amenca,{Krider : Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. North America {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Cistothorus platensis {Lath.). Troglodytes platensis, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xii. fig. 15 (1845-54). Cistothorus platensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 244 (1881) ; Scl. 8c Suds. Argent. Orn. i. p. 15 (1888) ; James, New List Chilian Birds, p. 1 (1892) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 47 (1899) j Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 87 (1903). / Z TROGLODTTID^. In describing the eggs of this species, the La Plata Marsh- Wren, we have only at the present date (1902) the figure given by Thiene- mann (1. c.) and the description of Nehrkorn (Z. c.) to guide us. Both these authorities give the egg as thickly spotted, as in the case of our three eggs from the Crowley Bequest, but we have in addition six eggs from Central Chile, from the Berkeley James Col- lection, which are pure spotless white. With this limited material it appears premature to conclude that there are two distinct types. It remains only to describe the three eggs, which are of a regular oval form, rather glossy, the ground-colour pinkish white, thickly speckled, especially towards the larger end, with bright reddish brown. The measurements of all the eggs in the Collection vary from -61 to -69 by from -48 to -52. 6. Central Chile {Landbeck). Berkeley James Coll. 1. Chile. Crowley Bequest. 2. Santiago, Chile, 24th Oct. ( Tr stram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Genus TROGLODYTES, Vieill. Troglodytes aedon, Vieill. Troglodytes aedon, Baird, Brewer 8f Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 149 (1874) ; Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 98 (1880) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 87 (1903). Troglodytes domesticus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 248 (1881). The eggs of the American House- Wren are of a broad pointed oval or spheroidal form, glossy and pinkish white, very closely speckled and spotted with reddish brown and lavender. The markings are sometimes so dense that little or nothing of the ground remains visible. Specimens measure from -6 to -QQ in length, and from '48 to -52 in breadth. 6. N. America {Tristr. Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 6. N. America {Henshaw Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Rhode I., Mass., 2nd June. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. N. America (Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. N. America. Old Collection. 6. Massachusetts {Henshaw Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Maryland (iV. G^^7e«; Smiths. Inst.). Princeton University, N.J. [E.]. Troglodytes parkmanni, Aud. Troglodytes parkmanni, Blakiston, Ibis, 1862, p. 5, 1863, p. 67. Troglodytes aedon, var. parkmanni, Baird, Breioer 8f Bidgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 153 (1874). Troglodytes parkmanni, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 88 (1903). The eggs of the Western House-Wren resemble those of the closely allied T. aedon. 1. 49th Parallel {G. M. Dawson). N. Amer. Bound. Comm. 1. Fort Carlton, Canada (i^. 7^^. ^/aA;i«- Crowley Bequest. ton: Tristr 07)1 Coll.). " - TROGLODYTES. 73 3. Fort Carlton, lOth June (F. W. B.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. British Columbia. Crowley Bequest. 2. San Francisco, California. Mav. W. Kadclifie Saunders, Esq. [Rj. > 6. San Diego, California, Ist June. W . Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Troglodytes intermedius, Cab, Troglodytes intermedius, Salv. 8f Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 100 (18*80) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. yi. p. 252 (1881) ; id. Hand-l iv. p. 88 (1903). The eggs of the Buddy-sided House- Wren in the Collection are of an oval form, slightly glossy, pinkish white, freckled and mottled with reddish brown and lavender. Two examples measure respec- tively: -68 by -5; -65 by '51. 2. Guatemala. Salvin-Godman ColL 3. Irazu, Costa Rica, 4th June (C F. Crowley Bequest. Underwood), Troglodytes striatulns, Lafr. (Plate Y. fig. 3.) Troglodytes tessellatus, Scl. 8f Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 493. Troglodytes furvus, Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 101, part. (1880). Troglodytes striatulus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 254 (1881) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 88 (1903). The eggs of the Colombian House-Wren are of a broad oval form and have a considerable amount of gloss. They are pinkish white, densely spotted and freckled with reddish brown and lavender. Three examples measure respectively : '76 by -54 ; -71 by '55 ; -74 by -55. 3. Medellin, Antioquia, U.S. Colombia Salvin-Godman Coll. {T. K. Salmon). 2. Medellin {T. K. S. : Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Troglodytes musculns, Naum, Troglodytes furvus, Thien. Fortpflanz. qes. Vog. tab. xii. fig. 14 (1845-54) ; Dalgleish, Proo. R. Phys. Soc. Fdinb. viii. p. 81 (1883-5), x. p. 77 (1888-90) ; Scl. ^ Buds. Argent. Orn. i. p. 12 (1888) ; Holland, Ibis, 1892, p. 194. Troglodytes musculus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 255 (1881) ; NehrJc. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 47 (1899) ; von Ihering, Bev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 199 (1900) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 88 (1903). The eggs of the Brazilian House- Wren are of a regular oval form, very glossy, pinkish white, minutely and densely stippled and dotted with red and underlying lavender. Many specimens exhibit a well-defined zone or cap of deeper red at the large end. They measure from '64 to '7 in length, and from -5 to -53 in breadth. /4 TROGLODYTID^. 6. Rio Janeiro, Brazil {Nehrkom Coll). Crowley Bequest. 1. J^rsizW. {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest, 3. Brazil. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 6. Argentine Republic, Oct. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.]. Troglodytes hornensis, Less. Troglodytes magellanicus, Bridges, P. Z. S. 1843, p. Ill j James, New List Chilian Birds, p. 1 (1892). Troglodytes hornensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 257 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 47 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l iv. p. 88 (1903). The eggs of the Pale House- Wren, though in general resembling those of T. domesticus, are subject to more variation. They are pinkish white, marked with red and pale underlying lavender. The markings consist of specks, spots, and tiny blotches, and while in some specimens the ground-colour is almost entirely concealed by them, in others more than half the ground remains visible. The markings frequently form a dark zone or cap at the large end of the egg. Examples measure from "54 to '7 in length, and from •48 to '53 in breadth. 6. Central Chile, Oct. Berkeley James Coll. 6. Central Chile, Oct. Berkeley James CoU. 5. Central Chile, Oct. Berkeley James Coll. 7. Central Chile, Sept. Berkeley James Coll. 6. Chile. Old Collection. 1. Chile {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Chile. Crowlev Bequest. 2. Santiago, Chile. E. C. Reed, Esq. [P.]. Genus ANORTHURA, Rennie. Anorthura troglodytes {Linn.). Troglodytes parvulus, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xii. figs. 12, a, b (1845-54) ; Fischer, J.f. 0. 1861, p. 14, tab. i. fig. 2 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 219 (1873) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 505, pi. 11 (1883) ; Irby, Orn. Sir. Gibr. 2nd ed. p. 75 (1895) j Seebohm, Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 216, pi. 54. fig. 2 (1896). Troglodytes europaeus, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 43, fig. 1 (1855-63). Anorthura vulgaris, Heivitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i, p, 244, pi. Ixii. fig. iii (1856). Anorthura troglodvtes, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 269 (1881) : id. Hand-l. iv. p. 91 (1903). The eggs of the Common Wren are typically of a regular oval shape, but many are more or less spheroidal. The ground-colour is white, and this is sprinkled with minute specks of reddish brown, sometimes evenly distributed over the entire shell, but more often thicker towards the larger end. In some specimens, however, the markings are larger, and these are often set over the broad end of the egg only ; in others the specks are so minute and few in number AXORTHURA. 75 that they might easily escape observation, and eggs absolutely spotless are of frequent occurrence. They measure from -60 to -75 in length, and from '45 to '55 in breadth. 1. Stromness, Orkneys. Crowley Bequest. 9. England. Old Collection. 5. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. 7. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq. [P. j. 4. Sparham, Norfolk, 18th May Seebohm Coll. (F. Norgate). 6. Taplow, Berkshire, May. Gould Coll. 6. Bottisham Lock, Cambs., 13th May. Salvin-Godman Coll. 11. Alton, Hants, May. Crowley Bequest. 8. Alton, June. Crowley Bequest. 6. Avington, Hants, 18th May Seebohm Coll. {R. B. Sharpe: Hargitt Coll.). 2. Finchley (O. Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Hampstead (O. iS'.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 9. Tilford, Surrey. Crowley Bequest. 7. Valkenswaard, HoUand, 19th May Seebohm Coll. {H. Seebohm). 7. Pomerania, 3rd May (T. Holland). Seebohm Coll. 5. Pomerania, 9th May {T. H.). Seebohm Coll. 8. Pomerania, 16th May (T. H). Seebohm Coll. 9. Pomerania, 4th June ( T. H.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Gibraltar (Z. H. Irhy). Seebohm CoU. Anorthura hirtensis {Seebohm). Troglodytes hirtensis, Seebohm, Zool 1884, p. 333 ; id. Br. B. iii. p. 661 (1885) ; id. Eggs Br. B. p. 217, pi. 54. fig. 3 (1896). ^ Anorthura hortensis (err.), Sharpe, Handb. B. of Gt. Brit. i. p. 317 (1894). Anorthura hirtensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 91 (1903). The eggs of this large race of A. troglodytes, known as the St. Kilda Wren, in the Collection, are of a creamy-white colour, spotted and blotched with reddish, chiefly at the larger end, and in a bolder manner than is usual with those of the ordinary species. They are also unmistakably larger, measuring from '70 to '77 by from •52 to -59. 5. St. Kilda, June (C. Z)u'cm). Seebohm Coll. 6. St. Kilda, 20th June. J. Steele EUiott, Esq. [P.]. Anorthura borealis, J. C. H. Fischer. Troglodytes borealis, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 76. fig. 16 (1855-63) ; Fischei', J.f. O. 1861, p. 14, tab. i. fig. 1 ; Feilden, Zool. 1872, p. 3222 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 229 (1873) ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 43, pi. — (1875). Anorthura borealis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 272 (1881); id. Hand-l. iv. p. 91 (1903). The eggs of the Faroe Island Wren resemble those of A. troglo- dytes, but are more heavily spotted, and the percentage of unspotted and feebly marked specimens is certainly less than with the typical species. They measure from -68 to '8 by from -5 to "61 . TROttLODYTID^. 4. [Iceland (Benzon).] 7 . Faroe Islands {!£. C. Milller : Hargitt Coll.). 7. Faroe Islands {H. C. M.). 5. Faroe Islands {H. C. M.). 6. Faroe Islands {H. C. M.). 4. Faroe Islands [H. CM.). 6. Faroe Islands {H. C. M.). 3. Faroe Islands, 18tli May {H. C. M.). 4. Faroe Islands, 20th May {H. C M.). 4. Faroe Islands, 24tli May {H. C. M.). 4. Fariie Islands, 24th May {H. C. M.). 6. Faroe Islands, 26th May {H. C. 31.). 5. Faroe Islands, 28th May [H. C. M.). 3. Faroe Islands, 2nd June {H. C. M.). 5. Faroe Islands, 4th June {H. C. M.). 4. Faroe Islands, 4th June {H. C M.). 8, Faroe Islands, 4th June [H. C 31.). 3. Faroe Islands, 5th June {H. C 31.). 2. Faroe Islands, 8th June {H. C. 31.). 6. Faroe Islands, 14th June [H. C. M,). 6. Faroe Islands {H. W. Feilden). 1. Faroe Islands {H. C. 3Iuller). 4. Faroe Islands, 25th May {H. CM.). 5. Faroe Islands {H. C. 31.). Salvin-Godmau Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Col. H. W. Feilden, C.B. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Anorthura hiemalis (Vieill). Anorthura troglodytes, v«r. hyemalis, Coues, B. N.- West, p. 33 (1874). Anorthura troglodytes hyemalis, Coues, Birds Col. Vail. p. 176 (1878). Troglodytes parvulus, var. hyemalis, Baird, Brewer 8f Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 155 (1874). Anorthura hiemalis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 275 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 48 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 92 (1903). The eggs of the Winter Wren in the Collection resemble, a8 stated by Nehrkorn, those of CistotJiorus platensis, and are quite unlike our other eggs of the genus Anorthura. They are of a regular oval form, thickly speckled on a pinkish-white ground with bright reddish and dull purplish brown, chiefly towards the larger end. They are from '66 to -7 by from -46 to -51. 7. Victoria, Brit. Columbia. Crowley Bequest. Anorthura neglecta (BrooJcs). Troglodytes nipalensis, Hume, Nests .§• Bggs Ind. Birds, 1st ed. p. 218 (1873). Anorthura neglecta, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 278 (1881) ; Oates^ Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 338 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 221 (1889) ; Ostnaston, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. xi. p. 469 (1898) ; Wilson, t. c. xii. p. 635 ( 1899) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 48 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 92 (1903). The eggs of the Kashmir Wren resemble those of A. troglodytes, and are of either an ordinary or broad short oval form. Sometimes they are plain white ; but for the most part they are wjiite, deli- cately and very sparingly speckled with rufous and lilacs. Four CATHERPES. — HEMIURA. 77 examples measure respectively: -68 by '49; '6 by '5; '6 by '5; •65 by -48. 1 . Kashmir, 2nd June ( W. E. Brooks). Hume Coll. 1. Kashmir, Ist July ( W. E. B.). Hume Coll. 2. Kashmiv {C. E. Cock : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Genus CATHERPES, Baird. Catherpes mexicanus (Swains.). Catherpes mexicanus, Salv. Sf Oodm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 72 (1880) ; iSharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 281 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 48 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 93 (1903). An egg of the Mexican White-throated Rock- Wren in the Collection is of a blunt oval shape, and of a glossy white, sparingly speckled with pale rufous and lilac, the minute markings being more numerous at the larger end. It measures "71 by -55. 1. [Mexico.] Crowley Bequest. Genus HEMIURA, Ridgw, Hemiura solstitialis (Sclat.). Troglodytes solstitialis, ScL ^ Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 493 ; Salv. 8f Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 102 (1880) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 269 (1881). Hemiura solstitialis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 94 (1903). The eggs of the Rufous-necked House- Wren are broad ovals, finely glossy, white, speckled with pale red and underlying lavender, more densely at the large end of the e^^ than elsewhere. Two examples measure respectively : -66 by '52 ; '68 by -53. 2. Sta. Elena, Antioquia, U.S. Colombia Salvin-Godman Coll. {J. K. Salmon). 1. Colombia. Crowley Bequest. Hemiura brunneicollis (Sclat.). Troglodytes brunneicollis, Salv. 8/- Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 103 (1880) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 261 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 48 (1899). Hemiura brunneicollis, Sharpe, Hand-l. B. iv. p. 94 (1903). Two eggs of the Brown-necked House- Wren differ greatly from one another in shape and markings. Both have the ground-colour white. The shorter egg, which is of a blunt oval shape, has the markings light Indian red, with underlying blotches of dull lavender ; almost all these markings are confined to the larger end, where they form an irregular cap or mass. In the second egg, which is larger and of a longer oval shape, the markings are browner, more nume- rous towards the smaller end, and form a wide interrupted zone 78 TROGLODYTID.E. round the larger end. They measure respectively : '6 by '47 ; •68 by -46. 2. Yucatan (Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Genus HENICORHINA, Scl. Sf Salv. Henicorhina leucophrys {Tschudi). Ilenicorhina leucophrys, Scl. 8f Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 493 ; Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves,\. p. 80 (1880) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 288 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 48 (1899) ; Sharpe^ Hand-l. iv. p. 95 (1903). The eggs of the Grey-chested Wren in the Collection are of a lengthened oval shape and moderately glossy. One example is of a plain white colour ; a second is white, very lightly and minutely speckled with pale rufous. They measure respectively : '8 by '53 ; •82 by -57. 2. Frontino, Antioquia, U.S. Colombia Salvin-Godman CoU. {J. K. Salmon). Genus PNOEPYGA, Hodgs. Pnoepyga albiventris (Hodgs.). Pnoepyga squamata, Jei-d. Birds Ind. i. p. 488 (1862) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 342 (1889). Pnoepyga albiventris, S/iarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 302 (1881) ; Oates ed. Hume, Nests ^^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 223 (1889) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eie)'samml. p. 48 (1899) ; Sliarpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 99 (1903). The eggs of the Scaly-breasted Hill-Wren are of a broad oval shape, slightly glossy, and .plain white, with very fragile shells. Three examples measure respectively : -76 by '54 ; '75 by '55 ; •73 by -56. 2. Mongphoo, Darjiling {J. Gammie). Hume Coll. 1. Darjiling; May. Hume Coll. Pnoepyga pnsilla, Hodgs. Pnoepyga pusilla, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 304 (1881); Oates^ Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 343 (1889) ; Stuart Baker, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. ix. p. 10 (1894) ; La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 410 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 99 (1903). The eggs of the Brown Hill- Wren are of a broad oval shape, and plain white. Four examples measure respectively: '7 by '53; •69 by -54; -67 by -51 ; -7 by '52. 2. N. Cachar Hills, 16th Julv. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. 2. Kuatun, N.W. Fohkien, China, 18th C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. April (J. D. La Tonche). CiNCLIDiB. 79 Family CINCLID^. ^ Genus CINCLUS, Bechst. The eggs of the Dippers are of a sharply-pointed oval form and possess a considerable amount of gloss. They are all invariably plain white, and the eggs of the different species cannot be separated by any character. Cinclus aquatic us, Bechst, Cinclus aquaticus, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. tab. xxvii. figs. 4, a, h (1845-54); Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 35. fig. 13 (1855); Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 77, pi. xxii. (1856); Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 167 (1874) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 307 (1881) ; Seehohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 253, pi. 11 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 183, pi. 51. fig. 8 (1896) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 48 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 100 (1903). The eggs of the Common White-throated Dipper measure from •92 to -98 in length, and from "7 to '77 in breadth. 6. Drumnadrochit, Inverness-shire Seebohm Coll. {A. Lawler : Hargitt Coll.). 3. Near Edinburgh {R. Small : Seebohm Coll. Hargitt Coll.). 5. England. Crowley Bequest. 4. Northumberland ( W. Proctoi'). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Northumberland (jR. Greenwell). Seebohm CoU. 5. Cumberland (Hey sham). Gould Coll. 5. Cumberland {Hey sham). Gould Coll. 9. Cumberland {F. Nicholson : Seebohm Coll. Hargitt Coll.). 3. Keswick, Cumberland (J. Law). Crowley Bequest. 5. Alston Moor, Cumberland, Ist June. Crowley Bequest. 4. Yorkshire. Lord Walsingbam [P.]. 6. Ashopton, Derbyshire, 29th April Seebohm Coll. {H. Seebohm). 5. Ashopton, 1st May (H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Wales. ^ Gould Coll. 2. Vosges Mountains, France {Mougel: Seebohm Coll. Hargitt Coll.). 5. Altenkirchen, Prussia, 13th May Seebohm Coll. (C Sachse). Cinclus albicoUis (Vieill.). Cinclus albicoUis, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 181 (1874) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 310 (1881) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 100 (1903). The two eggs of the Pale-backed White-throated Dipper in the Collection measure respectively : 1-01 by '72 ; 1-06 by '71. 2. Parnassus, Greece, 11th May Seebohm Coll. {H. Seehohm). 80 CINCLIDJC. Cinclus cinclus (Linn.). Cinclug melanogaster, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 177 (1874). Cinclus cinclus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds ff. M. vi. p. 311 (1881) : id. Hand-l. iv. p. 100 (1903). Two eggs of the Black-bellied White-throated Dipper measure respectively: 1-02 by '75; 1-02 by -79. 2. Norway. Crowley Bequest. Cinclus kashmiriensis, Gould. Cinclus cashmeriensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 312 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 48 (1899). Cinclus kashmiriensis, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 162 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 100 (1903). Three e^^% of the Brown-backed White-throated Dipper measure respectively : 1*05 by '73 ; 1*02 by -73 ; -95 by '75. 2. Altai Mountains, May. Crowley Bequest. 1. Altai Mountains {Nehrkorn Coll). Crowley Bequest. Cinclus leucogaster, Bonap. Cinclus leucogaster, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 314 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 48 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 101 (1903). The eggs of the White-bellied Dipper vary from '91 to 1'05 in length, and from '71 to -8 in breadth. 3. Altai Mountains {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 6. Altai Mountains, May. Crowley Bequest. 2. Altai Mountains, May. Crowley Bequest. Cinclus asiaticus, Swains. Cinclus asiaticus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 314 (1881); Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 163 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 112 (^1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 101 (1903). The eggs of the Himalayan Brown Dipper vary from '99 to 1-09 in length, and from '7 to '8 in breadth. 2. Mussoori {T. Hutton). Hume Coll. 2. Dharmsala, Himalayas, 20th March Hume Coll. (C. R. Cock). 1. Dharmsala, 12th March {C. R. C). Crowley Bequest. Cinclus mexicanus, Swains. Cinclus mexicanus, Baird, Brewer ^ Ridqw. N. Amer. B. i. p. 56 (1874) ; Coues, B. N.- West, p. 10 (1874) ; id. B. Col. Vail. p. 89 (1878) ; Salvin ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 44 (1879) ; MIMID^. 81 Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 317 (1881); id. Iland-l. iv. p. 101 (1903). The eggs of the American Dipper in the Collection measure from 1 to 1*09 in length, and from -69 to -74 in breadth. 6. Colorado, 20th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Cinclus pallasi, Temm. Cinclus pallasi, Sharps, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 316 (1881); Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 164 (1890) ; La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. ] 93 ; Nehrk. Kat Mersamml. p. 48 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 101 (1903). Two eggs of Pallas's Dipper measure respectively : 1*02 by '77 ; 1-02 by -79. 2. Kuatun, N.W. Fohlden, China, C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. March {J. D. La Touche). Family MIMID^. Genus MIMTJS, Bote. The eggs of the genus Mimus are much alike in their general character. In all of them the ground-colour is of a light tint varying from greenish blue to greenish grey, and the markings, which are most variable in their combinations and tints, even in eggs of the same species, consist of spots, blotches, and clouds of many shades of purplish-brown and russet. Mimus polyglottus {Linn.), Turdus polyglottus, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxiv. fig. 12, a, b (1845-54). Mimus polyglottus, Baird, Breiver 8f Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 49 (1874); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 338 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 49 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 102 (1903). The eggs of the American Mocking-Thrush are usually of a broad oval form. They vary from greenish to bluish white, and are spotted, blotched, and clouded with various shades of reddish and purple-brown and underlying lavender-grey. The markings are generally densest at the broad end, where they often form an irregular cap. Specimens measure from "9 to 1*07 in length, and from '68 to '8 in breadth. 3. North America [Audubon : Tris- Crowley Bequest, tram Coll.). VOL. IV. & 82 MIMID^. S. North America {C. J. 4' F. Princeton University, N.J.[E.]. Pinnocli). 10. North America {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. North America. Old Collection. 4. New York (i). G. Elliot : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 5. Grand Coteaii, Louisiana {Hen- Salvin-Godman Coll. shaw Coll.). 6. Austin, Texas, 10th .Tune. W. EadcliiFe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 4. Texas, 15th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Mimus orphens (Linn.). (Plate IV. fig. 16.) Mimus polyglottus (nee Linn.), Gosse, Birds Jamaica, p. 144 (1847). Mimus orphans, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 340 (1881) : Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 49 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l iv. p. 102 (1903). The eggs of the Jamaican Mocking-Thrush are not distinguish- able from those of M. j)oh/f/lotti(s. They measure from -91 to 1-08 in length, and from '7 to "75 in breadth. 10. Jamaica. Rev. Barham Zincke [P.]. 1. Jamaica, 14th May {Osburn). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Jamaica. Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Jamaica. Crowley Bequest. 1. Jamaica. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Mimus trinrus ( Vieill.). Mimus triurus, Hvdson, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 539 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 342 (1881) ; Scl. ^ Huds. Argent. Orn. i. p. 8 (1888) ; Holland, Ibis, 1S97, p. 166; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 49 (1899); Sharjje, Hand-l iv. p. 103 (1903). Two eggs of the White-banded Mocking-Thrush in the Collection are of a long narrow oval form and slightly glossy. They are pale green, rather densely speckled with pale reddish brown and under- lying lilac-grey. They measure respectively : 1*03 by '71 ; 1*1 by •74. 2. Argentine Republic, Nov. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.]. Mimus longicaudatus (Tschudi). (Plate lY. fig. 17.) Mimus longicaudatus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 342 (1881); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 49 (1899) ; Sharpie, Hand-l. iv. p, 103 (1903). The only egg of the Long-tailed Mocking-Thrush in the Collection is almost elliptical in form, and in colour is very pale blue, spotted MIMUS. 83 and streaked with light reddish brown over the whole surface, but a little more thickly towards one end. It is slightly glossy, and measures I'l by '8. 1. Peru {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Mimus thenca {Molina). Tardus thenca, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxiv. fig. 16 (1 845-54). Mimus thenca, Fraser, P. Z. S. 1843, p. Ill ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 345 (1881); James, New List Chilian Birds, p. 1 (1892); Nehrk. Kat, Eiersamml. p. 49 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 103 (1903). The eggs of the Chilian Mocking-Thrush vary in shape from a narrow to a broad oval and are moderately glossy. In ground-colour they range from bluish- to greenish-white or grey ; but the character of the surface-markings appears to indicate the existence of two types sufficiently distinct but nevertheless connected by intermediate forms. The first type, which is that figured by Thienemann {I. c), is regularly and rather thickly covered with freckles and short streaks of pale reddish brown, somewhat denser at the larger end ; while the eggs of the second type closely resemble in their bolder coloration those of M. polyglottus. An intermediate example, from Convento, has the freckles larger and less numerous than in the first type, the ground-colour being quite conspicuous. The eggs measure from 1*07 to 1'18 in length, and from -79 to -91 in breadth. 3. Chile. Old Collection. 3. Central Chile (Landbeck). Berkeley James Coll. 3. Central Chile (Landbeck). Berkeley James Coll. 3. Central Chile, Oct, Berkeley James Coll. 3. Central Chile, Oct. Berkeley James Coll. 1. Chile {T7'istram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 3. Santiago, Chile, 1st Dec. (Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 1. Convento, Chile, 1st Dec. Crowley Bequest. Mimus modulator (Gould). (Plate lY. fig. 15.) Mimus modulator, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 347 (1881) ; Scl ^ Huds. Argent. Orn. i. p. 5 (1889) ; Holland, Ibis, 1892, p. 194 ; Aplin, Ibis, 1894, p. 162 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 49 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 103 (1903). Mimus calandria, Dalgleish, Proc. R. Phys. Soc.Edin. viii. p. 81 (1880-1). The eggs of the Calandria Mocking-Thrush resemble those of M. polyglottus in colour, but they are rather larger. The general coloration, moreover, is suffused with a more rosy tint ; and the seven specimens from the Crowley Bequest, apparently selected from various sets, are exceedingly handsome and richer, both in ground- g2 84 MTMir),T5. colour and markings, than ordinary eggs of M. j^olyglottiis. They measure from r03 to 1-1 in length, and from '75 to '85 in breadth. 7. Argentine Republic. Crowley Bequest. 6. Argentine Republic, Oct. A. H. Holland, Esq. [C.]. 1. Uruguay, 22nd Oct. O. V. Aplin, Esq. [P.]. 2. Uruguay, 15th Nov. O. V. Aplin, Esq. [P.]. 1. Uruguay. 0. V. Aphn, Esq, [P. J. Mimns gilvus ( VieilL). Mimus gracilis, Oiceti, Ibis, 1861, p. 60, pi. ii. fig. 2. Mimus gilvus, ScL ^' Salv. 1\ Z. S. 1879, p. 492 ; Salv. 8>' Godm. B'lol. Centr.-Amer., Ares, i. p. 36 (1879) ; Sharpej Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 350 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 49 (1899) ; Shorxje, Hand-l iv. p. 104 (1903). The eggs of the Graceful Mocking-Thrush resemble very closely those of M. polyglottus^ but one set of three from Grenada differs 80 much from the ordinary type that it deserves special mention. To begin with, the eggs are all of a very long pointed oval form : each differs strikingly from the others, the first being of a very clear pale blue with only the faintest trace of yellowishi-brown spots ; the second is densely freckled all over with tiny specks of pale reddish brown, more so even than in the case of the first type of M. thenca already described ; while the third egg has larger and less numerous spots, allowing more ground-colour to be seen and thereby approach- ing the ordinary type. The other set from Grenada is a handsome one, the eggs being boldly marked and the colouring of the blotches a rich red-brown. They measure from -92 to 1*1 in length, and from -70 to -79 in breadth. 3. Grenada, W. Indies (/. G. Welh). Crowley Bequest. 3. Grenada, 3rd July (J. 6-'. W.). Crowley Bequest. St. Vincent, W. Indies, May Salvin-Godinan Coll. {Mrs. D. W. Smith). Yucatan. Crowley Bequest. San Geronimo, Guatemala, May Salvin-Godman Coll. {R. Given). San Geronimo, 30th May {R. O.). Salvin-Godman Coll. San Geronimo, May {R. G.). Crowley Bequest. Medellin, Antioquia, U.S. Colombia Salvin-Godman Coll. (7'. K. Salmon). Genus OREOSCOPTES, Baird. Oreoscoptes montanus (Townsend). (Plate lY. fig. 14.) Oreoscoptes montanus, Coues, Birds N.-WeH, p. 7 (1874) ,• Baird, Brncer ^ Ridgic. N. Awer. Birds, i. p. 32 (1874) ; Coues, Birds Color. Vail. p. 48 "(1878) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 333 (1881); Nehrk. Kat. Eiermmml p. 48 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 106 (1903). Tlie eggs of the Mountain Mocking-Thrush, or Sage-Thrasher, have a very striking and handsome appearance. They 'are of a GALEOSCOFIES. 85 broad oval form and possess a considerable amount of gloss. The ground-colour is of a deep blue, much speckled and blotched, especially at the larger end of the egg (where the markings are collected into the form of a more or less distinct zone), with chocolate or umber-brown and some underlying markings of lilac- grey. They measure from -92 to 1-01 in length, and from '68 to •71 in breadth. 2. Austin, Nevada, 3rd July {E. Ridg- way : Tristram Coll.). o. lieno, Nevada, liOth May [H. W. Henshaio). 2. Fort Garland, Colorado, 22iid June {H. W. R.). Crowley Bequest. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salvia-GodniAu Coll. Genus GALEOSCOPTES, Cah. Galeoscoptes carolinensis {Linn.), Tardus felivox, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. tab. xxiv. fig. 6 (1845-54),. Mimus carolinensis, Lord, Froc. R.A. Inst., Woolwich, iv. p. 338 (1865) ; Corns, Birds N.- West, p. 8 (1874). Galeoscoptes carolinensis, Baird, Brewer 4' Ridyio. N.-Amer. Birds, i. p. 52 (1874) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 335 (1881) ; Nehrk. Cat. Biersatmnl. p. 48 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 106 (1903).. Mimus (Galeoscoptes) carolinensis, Coues, Birds Color. Vail. p. 5Q (1878). Galeoscoptes bermudianus, Bangs i^ Bradlee, Auk, xviii. p. 253 (1901). The eggs of the Cat-bird are of a regular oval form, highly glossy, and of a deep greenish-blue colour. They measure from '87 to 1-04 in length, and from -63 to 'I'd in breadth. 13. North America {Henshaw Coll.). 8. North America {Smiths. Inst.). 6. North America. 4. North America. 1. British Columbia (/. K. Lord). 1. Pembina, Dakota, 4th June {G. M. Dawson). 2. 49th Parallel (G. M. D.). 5. Princeton, New Jersey ( W. E. D. Scott). 4. Princeton, 18th May ( W. E. D. S.). 3. Princeton, 27th May ( W. E. B. S. ) . 3. . Princeton, 27th May ( W.E. B. S:). 3. Princeton, 5th June ( W. E. B.S.). 3. Princeton, 9th June ( W. E. B. S.). 4. Princeton, 11th June ( W.E. B. S.). 2. Bermuda. 4. Bermuda. 6. Bermuda {J. Boog : Tristram Coll.). 3. Mt. Langton, Bermuda, May {Tristram Coll.).. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Capt, Bruce Hutton [P.]. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. N. Amer. Bound. Comm. N. Amer. Bound. Comm. N. Amer. Bound. Comm. PrincetonUniversity, N.J. [E.]. PrincetonUniversity, N .J . [E. PriucetonUni versity,N. J. [ E.' PrincetonUniversity, N. J.f E. PrincetonUniversity, N.J. fE."i PrincetonUniversity, N. J.fE.I PrincetonUniversity, N.J. [E.J, Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. 86 MIMIDJ5. Genus TOXOSTOMA, Wagl It is somewhat difficult to give any satisfactory general descrip- tion of the eggs of Toxostoma ; but it may be noticed that there are two very distinct and extreme forms — one {T. rufum) in which the pale greyish or greyish-blue ground-colour is almost concealed by the fine markings of reddish brown all over the surface ; and the other (T. crissale) of pure spotless blue of medium intensity. Starting from T. rufum, the eggs would seem to run in a descending scale of red markings and an ascending scale of blue ground-colour, through T. longirostre, T. cinereum, T. hendirei, T. curvirostre, T. jpalmeri, T. redivivum, and T. lecoyitei in the order named, to T. crissale, the blue form. Taken as a whole, the eggs of this genus do not vary much in size ; they are only moderately glossy. Toxostoma rufum {Linn.). Turdus rufus, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxiv. fig. 21 (1845-54). Harporhynchus rufus, Coues, Birds N.-West, p. 9 (1874) ; Baird, Brewer (§• ilidgio. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 37 (1874) ; Coues, Birds Colorado Vail. p. 61 (1878) ; Sharjje, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 353 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. i:iersamml. p. 49 (1899). Toxostoma rufum, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 106 (1903). The eggs of the Brown Thrasher are of a regular oval form, and are very pale grey or greyish blue, densely marked with minute dots of light reddish brown. In most specimens the markings are very uniformly distributed over the entire shell, but in a few they are denser at the broad end and form an ill-defined cap. Specimens measure from '94 to 1*14 in length, and from '72 to '8 in breadth. 7. North America (Tns^ram Co//.). Crowley Bequest. 4. North America {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. North America. Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. North America. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. Fort DufFerin, Manitoba, 16th June N. Amer. Bound. Comm. {G. M, Daivson). 9. Massachusetts [Henshaiu Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Pennsylvania (k F. Baird). Princeton University, N.J. [E.]. 2. New York {J. G. Bell: Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Toxostoma cinereum {Xantus). Harporhynchus cinereus, Xantus, Proc. Philad. Acad. 1859, p. 298; Baird, Breiver ^ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 40 (1874) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 355 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 49 (1899). Toxostoma cinereum, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 106 (1903). * The eggs of the Cape St. Lucas Thrasher and of the species next in order, the Arizona Thrasher, appear to have more general XOXOSTOMA. 87 resemblance to those of the genus Mimus than to those of Toxostoma, the surface-markings being fewer and larger, and in some examples fainter than those on the typical eggs of T. rufum, though the - form and size of the egg and the ground-colour do not show any divergence. They measure from •90 to I'll in length, and from •69 to -81 in breadth. 1. North America (Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman OoU. 2. Cape St. Lucas, California {J. Salvin-Godman Coll. Xantus : Smiths. Inst.). 3. Cape St. Lucas, 21st May {J. X. : Salvin-Godman Coll. Smiths. Inst.). 2. Cape St. Lucas (J. X. ; Smiths. Crowley Bequest. Inst.). Toxostoma bendirei (Coues). (Plate IV. fig. 18.) Harporhynchus bendirei, Baird, Brewer 8f Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds j iii. p. oUO (1874). Harporhynchus bendirii, Coues, Birds Color. Vail. p. 67 (1878) ; Sharpe^ Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 356 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. EiersammL p. 49 (1899). Toxostoma bendirei, Sharpen Hand-l. iv. p. 107 (1903). The single egg of the Arizona Thrasher in the Collection is of a rather broad blunt oval form ; the ground-colour is pale bluish grey ; the rather faint surface-markings, which in the form of spots and blotches are gathered together somewhat thickly at the larger end, are of a pale lavender-grey beneath, and of a soft rosy-brown above. It measures 1-04: by 'SO. 1. Tucson, Arizona, May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Toxostoma longirostre (Lafr.). Harporhynchus rufus, var. longirostris, Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgw. N. Amer, Birds, i. p. 39 (1874). Harporhynchus longirostris, Salv. Sf Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am^er., Aves, u p. 31 (1879) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 356 (1881) j Nehrk, Kat. EiersammL p. 49 (1899). Toxostoma longirostre, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 107 (1903). Eggs of the Mexican Brown Thrasher are, as a whole, inseparable from those of T. rufum, though the two from Matamoras (Salvin- Godman Coll.) are less densely spotted and show more of the pale bluish ground-colour than the rest. They measure from ^95 to 1*15 in length, and from -75 to •SI in breadth. 5. Brownsville, Texas, 2nd May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 5. Mexico. Crowley Bequest. 1. Matamoras, Mexico {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Matamoras {Lt. Couch : Henshaw Salvin-Godman Coll. Coll.). 1. Matamoras (Tm^raw Co//.). Crowley Bequest. 88 MIMID^. Toxostoma curvirostre (Swains.), (Plate lY. fig. 19.) Harporliynclius curvirostris, Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 41 (1874) ; Salv. ^ Godin. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 32 (1879) ; Ska7-pe, Cat. Birds B. M. yi. p. 358 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 49 (1899). Toxostoma curvirostre, iSharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 107 (1903). Eggs of the Grey Curve-billed Thrasher have the general character of those of T. rufum and its allies, but differ from them in the much more conspicuous and decided greenish-blue tint of their ground and in the finer and lighter nature of the speckling, which in the form of minute reddish-brown dots is evenly distributed over their whole surface. But there are apparently exceptions to this type, in which there exists a decided zone or cap at the larger end, formed of a brighter and much denser gathering of the spots : a large proportion of the ten eggs of the Crowley Bequest (from Texas) are of this exceptional form, and much handsomer than the ordinary eggs. The average measurements are I'll by '78. 2. Mexico {A. Forrer). Crowley Bequest. 1. Matamoras, Mexico {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Matamoras {Lt. Couch: Henshaw Salvin-Godman Coll. Coll.), 4. Tampico, Mexico, 2nd May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Oaxaca, Mexico. C. G. Rickards,Esq. [P.]. 1. Texas (i^. CowcA; Smiths. Inst.). Crowley Bequest. 10. Texas {Field Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Toxostoma palmeri {Corns). Ilarporhynchus curvirostris, var. palmeri, Baird, Brewer 8f Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 43 (1874). Harporhynchus palmeri, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 359 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Fiersamml. p. 50 (1899). Toxostoma palmeri, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 107 (1903). The single eg^ of Palmer's Curve-billed Thrasher in the Collection is exactl} like the typical eggs of T. curvirostre already described. It measures 1*12 by '77. 1. Tucson, Arizona, 16th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Toxostoma redivivnm (Gamhel). Harporhynchus redivivus, Baird, Brewer Sf Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 45 (1874) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 360 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 50 (1899), Toxostoma redivivum, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 107 (1903). The eggs of the California Thrasher in the Collection resemble those of T. curvirostre, but the ground-colour is decidedly bluer TOXOSTOMA. 89 and the markings are larger, being in the form of spots rather than speckles or dots. They measure from I'lO to 1*25 in length, and from -80 to -88 in breadth. ** 1. California {Smiths, hist.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. [California.] Crowley Bequest. 2. xMonterey, California (C A. Cau- Crowley Bequest. Jield : Smiths. Inst.). 4. San Diego, California, 15th March. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Toxostoma lecontei (Lawr.). (Plate IV. fig. 20.) Harporhynchusredivivus, var. lecontei, Baird. Brewer <^ Ridgio. N.-Amer, Birds, i. p. 44 (1874). Harporhynchus redivivus lecontii, Cones, Birds Color. Vail. p. 70 (1878). Harporhynchus lecontii, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 861 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 50 (1899). Toxostoma lecontei, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 108 (1903). The egg of Leconte's Thrasher from Nevada is indistinguishable from examples of T. redivivum ; but the clutch from S. Bernardino, California, are of a brighter and clearer blue, marked with a very few spots and specks of reddish brown, chiefly at the broader end of the egg. These three measure respectively : 1*06 by '81 ; 1'05 by -8 ; 1-15 by '78 ; and the Nevada egg 1-10 by -81. 1. Nevada. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. S. Bernardino, Colorado Desert, W. G. Wright, Esq. [P.]. California, 15th May *. Toxostoma crissale (Henry). (Plate IV. fig. 21.) Harporhynchus crissalis, Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 47 (1874) ; Coues, Birds Color. Vail. p. 73 (1878) ; Shat-pe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 3(31 (1881) j Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 50 (1899). Toxostoma crissale, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 108 (1903). The three eggs of the Eufous-vented Thrasher in the Collection are of a uniform spotless greenish-blue colour and rather glossy, resembling in every respect those of the next genus Melanotis, and thereby differing from all others of their own genus. They measure respectively : 1*01 by -81 ; 1-09 by '79; and 1-08 by -80. 1. California {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. [California.] Crowley Bequest. * The parent birds and nest, accompanying these eggs, are now mounted in the Bird Gallery of the Natural History Museum. 90 MIMID^. Genus MELANOTIS, Bonap, Melanotis caerulescens (Swains.). Melanotis caerulescens, Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 28 (1879) ; iS/iarps, Cat Birds B. M. vi. p. 862 (1881) ; ^'ehrk. KaU JSiersatnml p. 50 (1899) j Sharpe, Iland-l iv. p. 108 (1903). The two eggs of the Slaty -blue Mocking-Thrush in the Collection are glossy and of a regular oval form. They are of a spotless greenish blue, of a decided tint, and measure respectively 1'05 by •72 and 1*03 by '71. Nehrkorn describes the eggs as spotted, but all the available information respecting the eggs of the genus seems to indicate that they are spotless. 2. [Mexico.] Crowley Bequest. Melanotis hypoleucus, Hard. Melanotis hypoleucus, Scl. 8f Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 7 ; Salv. 8f Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 29 (1879) ; Sharps, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 363 (1881) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 108 (1903). The two eggs of the White-breasted Blue Mocking-Thrush in the Collection are of a narrow oval form and have a considerable amount of gloss. They are of a plain unspotted bluish-green colour, rather lighter than those of M. ccerulesccns. They are of the same size, measuring 1"20 by -75. 2. Duenas, Guatemala, 30th May Sahin-Godman Coll. (O. Salvin). Genus MARGAROPS, Sclat. Margarops fuscatus ( Vieill.). Cichlherminia fuscata, A. Sf E. Newton, Ibis, 1859, p, 141, pi. xii. fig. 8 ; Sharpe^ Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 329 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 48 (1899). Margarops fuscatus, Sharps, Hand-l. iv. p. 110 (1903). The eggs of the White-eyed Mocking-Thrush are somewhat narrow pointed ovals, with a fair amount of gloss and of a plain greenish-blue colour. They measure from 1-17 to 1*35 in length, and from -8 to '9 in breadth. 2. St. Croix, West Indies, June {A. 8f Salvin-Godman Coll. E. Newton). 1. St. Croix, July {A. ^ E. N). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. St. Croix {A. ^ E. N). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. St. Croix, July [A. ^' E. N). Crowley Bequest. 5. St. Thomas, West Indies {Nehrkorn Crowley Bequest. Coll.). TITRDIDiB. 91 Family TURDID^E. Genus PLATYCICHLA, Baird. PlatycicMa flavipes ( Vieill.) (Plate Y. fig. 5.) Merula flavipes, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 253 (1881) ; Sharpe in Seehohm's Mon. Turdidce, ii. p. 81 (1900) j von Ihering, Rev. Mus. Pauiista, ii. p. 199 (1900). Platycichla flavipes, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. Ill (1903). The three eggs of the Brazilian Grey Ouzel are of a narrow oval shape and of a dull surface. They are pale greenish blue, rather coarsely blotched and spotted with reddish brown and lilac-grey. In two of the examples the blotches are larger at the broad end than elsewhere. They measure respectively : l'2bv8; 1*1 8 by '8; 1-22 by -8. 3. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Alexander Fry, Esq. [P.]. Platycichla venezuelensis, Sharpe. Merula flavipes, aitct. pt, ex Venezuela. Merula carbonaria, Nelirk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 38 (1899). Merula venezuelensis, Sharpe in Seebohm^ s Mon. Turdidce, ii. p. 83 (1900). Platycichla venezuelensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. Ill (1903). The eggs of the Venezuelan Grey Ouzel are represented in the Collection by four specimens from the Crowley Bequest. They resemble those of P. flavipes in colour, but are smaller, rather more glossy, and, in general appearance, brighter. One of the four differs from the others in being very thickly spotted and streaked all over, but little ground-colour being visible. In size they vary from '96 to I'll in length, and from '73 to '79 in breadth. 4. Venezuela (Gugenheimer). Crowley Bequest. Genus MYIEDESTES, Swaim. Myiedestes ralloides (d'Orh.). (Plate VII. fig. 16.) Myiadestes ralloides, Sol. ^ Salv, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 492. Myiadectes ralloides, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vi. p. 375 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 50 (1899). Myiedestes ralloides, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 113 (1903). The eggs of the Andean Solitaire are of a rather broad, pointed, oval shape, and slightly glossy. The ground is white or pinkish- "f^ 92 TURI)ID.B. white, somewhat thickl}' speckled and mottled, especially at the broad end, with bright chestnut, brownish lilac, and lavender-grey. Pive examples measure from -91 to 1*02 in length, and from -67 to •7 in breadth. 3. Santa Elena, Antioquia, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. Colombia (T. K. Salmon). 2. U.S. Colombia. Crowley Bequest. Genus COCHOA, Hodgs. Cochoa viridis, Hodgs. (Plate V. fig. 6.) Cochoa viridis, SJiarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 2 (1879) ; Oatei^, Faujia Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 160 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eyyslnd. Birds, ii. p. Ill (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 115 (1893). An egg of the Green Thrush in the Collection is elliptical in shape and very glossy. It resembles many of the eggs of the Common Blackbird {Merula menda), being pale greyish green, densely speckled and mottled with reddish brown and pale lavender. It measures 1-03 by -75. 1. Native Sikhim, 10,000 feet, June. Hume Coll. Genus MIMOCICHL A, Scl. Mimocichla rubripes (Temm.). (Plate V. fig. 17.) Turdus rubripes, de la Sagra, Cuba, Ois. p. 46 (1839). Mimocichla rubripes, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 283 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 38 (1899) ; Sharpe in Seebohm^s Mon. Turdidce^ ii. p. 213 (190l>) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 115 (1903). A single Qgg of the Cuban Grey Thrush in the Collection is rather handsome. It has a cream-coloured ground, and some shell- markings of lavender-grey, the whole surface being thickly streaked and mottled with rich though not very dark chestnut. Size 1-19 by -88. 1. Cwhdi. {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Genus MERULA, Leach, Merula mernla {Linn.). (Plate VIII. figs. 1-4 & 7.) Turdus merula, Thien. Fortpfanz. ges. Viiij. tab. xxiv. fig. 20, a-c (1845- 54) ; Baedeker, Eier 'Bin\ Vog. tab. 4. fig. 8, tab. 75. fig. 9 (1855-63); Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 91, pi. xxv. figs, i MERULA. 93 & ii (185C) ; Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 311 ; Godman, Ibis, 1866, p. 95; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 209 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 91 (1872). Merula merula, Seebohm. Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 235 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 235, pi. 8 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 181, pi. 60. figs. 11 & 12 (1896); Sharpe in Seebohm^ s Mon. Twdidce, ii. p. 1 (1899); Neh-k. Kat. Eiersa?mnl. p. 37 (1899); Sharpe, Hand-l.iv. p. 117 (1903). Eggs of the Blackbird are mostly of an oval form ; a few are pyriforra, and others are spheroidal. They differ considerably in size and colour. As a rule they exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. The most common type has the ground-colour bluish green, marked in various ways with pale chestnut or reddish brown and various tints of lilac. In typical specimens the markings are small and very dense and evenly distributed over the whole surface ; in others the markings are minute and at the same time rather sparingly scattered over the egg. Others again are marked with spots and streaks of considerable size, and a few with clouds and smears. At the broad end of the eg^ there are often some black specks and lines. In addition to the above ordinary forms many striking varieties of Blackbird's eggs are met with, and a fair proportion of these is contained in the Museum Collection. Some are unspotted pale blue ; some are blue, with a few faint brownish spots ; some are plain blue, with a massive cap of rich reddish brown at the broad end, extremely handsome; and others are creamy white, evenly spotted and streaked all over with pale chestnut. It may, perhaps, be worthy of mention that among the large number of clutches in the Collection, there are only two containing the odd light bluish- coloured variety which occurs so much more frequently among the clutches of the Fieldfare. Specimens measure from 1 to 1*30 in length, and from -75 to -93 in breadth. 4. Co. Waterford, Ireland, 20th April. Miss F. Keane [P.], 4. Dochfour, Inverness {Hargitt Seebohm Coll. Coll.). 3. Lochend, Inverness {Hargitt Seebohm Coll. Coll.). 4. England. Old Collection. 2. Kendal, Westmoreland, April. A. Garnett, Esq. [P.]. 4. Wilstrop, Yorkshire, 23rd May Seebohm Coll. (/. Harrison : Hargitt Coll.). 3. Wilstrop, 28th May {J. H. : Har- Seebohm Coll. gitt CoU.). 3. Sheffield {H. Seebohm). Seebohm Coll. 2. Sheffield {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Sheffield {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Clumber, Notts, 9th May {II. S.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq. [P.] " " ----- ^,pT 4. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq 5. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq 5. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq. [l 94 TURDID^. 5. Cambridge, 23rd May. 5. Norfolk, 22nd April (F. Norgate). 4. Norfolk, 23rd May {F. N.). 4. Taplow, Berkshire. 3. Ascot, Berkshire. 2. Ascot. 3. Bentley, Hampshire, 24th April {Hargitt Coll.). 4. Bentley, 27th April {Hargitt Coll). 3. Bentley, 1st May {Hargitt Coll). 4. Binsted, Hampshire, 4th May {E. Hargitt). 3. Avington. Hampshire, May {G. E. Shelley : Hargitt Coll.). 4. Avington, May (G. E. S. : Har- gitt Coll.). 6. Alton, Hampshire. 14. Alton. 1. Hastings, Sussex, 13th May. 3. Godalming, Surrey, June. 5. Tilford, Surrey. 3. Walton Oaks, Surrey. 4. Middlesex. 5. Middlesex. 2. Stanmore, Middlesex {Hargitt Coll.). 4. Wimbledon, Middlesex. 4. Wimbledon. 1. Epping Forest. 2. Dunmow, Essex, 25th March. 4. Loughton, Essex (O. Salvin). 3. Valkenswaard, Holland, 14th May [H. Seebohm). 4. Valkenswaard, 23rd May {H. S.). 5. Valkenswaard, 28th May {H S.). 1. Malaga, Spain {H. Saunders). 3. Malaga {H. S.). 3. Fayai, Azores {F. D. Godjnan). 3. Madeira, 5000 feet, 14th April (W.B. O.-G.). 4. Madeira, 5000 feet, 12th May (W.JR. O.-G.). 1. Kef Laks, Algeria, April (O. Salvin). 3. Parnassus, Greece, 12th May {H. Seebohm ^ T. Kriiper). 1. Parnassus, 21st May {H. S. ^' T. K.). 3. Smyrna, 3rd Mtiy {T. Kriiper). 4. Nymphion, Asia Minor, 6th June {H S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Gould Coll. C. P. Leach, Esq. [P.]. C. P. Leach, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. A. H. B. Kirkman, :,g-l Esq. E. E. Green, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Miss Fischer [P.]. Seebohm Colt Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. McCormick Bequest. McCormick Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. A. P. MackliD,E8q. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Pt. Ogilvie-Grant, Esq. [P.]. Hon. C. Baring and W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. MERULA. 95 Merula mandarina, Bonap. Turdus mandarinus, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1861, p. 38. Merula mandarina, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 238 (1881); La Touche, Ibis, 1892, p. 412 ; Sharpe in Seebohm' s Mon. Turdidce, ii. p. 17 (1899) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 37 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l iv. p. 118 (1903). A considerable series of the eggs of the Chinese Ouzel are quite indistinguishable from those of Turdus viscivorus ; they are but little liable to variety in colour or form. In size they range from 1-05 to 1-30 in length, and from -84 to -92 in breadth. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. C. B. Rickett, Esq. C. B. Rickett, Esq. C. B. Rickett, Esq. C. B. Rickett, Esq. C. B. Rickett, Esq. 1 27. Amoy, China (R. Sivinhoe). 2. Amoy {B. Sioinhoe). 1. Foochow, China, June. 2. Foochow, 15th May. 6. Foochow, 15th May. 5. Foochow, 23rd May. 2. Chinkiang, N.W. Fohkien, 20th April. Merula bonlboul {Lath.), Merula boulboul, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 243 (1881) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Lnd., Birds, ii. p. 130 (1890) ; id. ed. JSume, Nests Sf Eggs lnd. Birds, ii. p. 93 (1890) ; Sharpe in Seebohrn's Mon. Turdidm, ii. p. 19 (1899) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 37 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 118 (1903). The eggs of the Grey- winged Ouzel in the Collection form a very striking and handsome group. They are of a regular oval form, and slightly glossy. The ground-colour, where visible, is a pale greenish blue, generally profusely streaked, mottled, and clouded with very bright reddish brown. In many specimens the ground is almost entirely concealed by the markings. Some varieties have a massive reddish cap at the broad end ; others are less heavily blotched with pale brown and purplish grey; and a remarkably pretty type occurs in which the bright bluish-green ground-colour is but little hiddeii by the bold grouping of rich brown streaks and spots. The eggs measure from 1*11 to 1*30 in length, and from •80 to -91 in breadth. 6. Himalayas. 3. Himalayas. 2. Himalayas. 3. Near Simla. 1. Kotegarh, 3rd May. 1. Binsur, 8th Aug. 3. Darjiling, Sikhim, May. 1 . Darjiling. 2. Rishap, Sikhim. 1. Mongphoo, Sikhim, 16th (J. Gammie). 7. Mongphoo, 1st June {J. G.). May W. Radcliflfe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Hume Coll, Hume Coll. 96 TTJEDIDJB. Merula albocincta, RoyU. Merula albicincta, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 127 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 92 (1890) ; Osmastoti, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. xi, p. 66 (1897) ; Sharpe in Seebohm^s Mon. Turdidce, ii. p. 23 (1900). Merula albocincta, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 245 (1881) ; Sharpe^ Hand-l. iv. p. 118 (1903). The e^^ of the White-collared Ouzel in the Collection is of a regular oval form and fairly glossy. It is greyish white, spotted and blotched, more densely at the broad end than elsewhere, with brownish red and rich lilac, the markings of the latter colour being rather conspicuous. It measures 1*23 by '87. 1. Native Sikhim, 27tli June. Hume Coll. Merula serrana (Tschudi). Tardus serranus, Scl. Sf Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 491. Merula serrana, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. \. p. 239 (1881) ; Sharpe in Seehohm^s Mon. Turdidce, ii. p. 41 (1900) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 118 (1903). The Q^^ of the Peruvian Black Ouzel in the Collection is of a creamy-white colour, blotched and streaked with pale chestnut and underlying lavender, more densely about the broad end than else- where. It measures 1*17 by 'SI. This specimen appears to have faded, for in 1879 Messrs. Sclater and Salvin described the ground- colour as being pale greenish blue. 1. Frontino, Antioquia, U.S. Colombia Salvin-Godman Coll. {T. K. Salmon). Merula atrisericea {Lafr.). Merula atrosericea, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 239 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. EiersammL p. 37 (1899) ; Sharpe in Seebohm's Mon. TurdidS'«Zy. 8r Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 15 (1879) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 211 (1881) ; Sharpe in Seebohm^ s Mon. TurdidcB, i. p. 219 (1898) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 36 (1899). Merula tristis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 123 (1903). An egg of the Mexican White-throated Ouzel in the Collection, from the Crowley Bequest, has a rather bright pale blue ground, not very thickly sprinkled, except at the larger end where there is a distinct cap, with spots and small blotches of purple-brown and bright lilac, bearing a considerable resemblance to the lighter- coloured eggs of the Fieldfare. It measures 1*15 by '83. 1. Mexico. Crowley Bequest. -^ MEEULA. 105 Merula leucauchen (Sdater). Turdus leucauchen, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 212 (1881) ; Sharps in SeehohrrCs Mon. TurdidcB, i. p. 223 (1898) 5 Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 36 (1899). Merula leucauchen, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 123 (1903). The Collection contains three eggs of Sclater's White-throated Ouzel, which are greenish grey, spotted and blotched with rich chestnut-brown. Two have the markings fairly evenly distributed, though certainly rather denser and larger at the broad end ; the other has a thick handsome zone in the same position. The respective measurements are 1*06 by '80 ; 1-10 by "81 ; and 1*12 by •83. 1. Guatemala. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 2. Honduras, 3rd July. Crow) [p.i. aey Merula albicoUis, Vieill. Turdus albicollis, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 209 (1881) ; Sharpe in Seebohm^s Mon. Turdidce, i. p. 229 (1898) ; Nehrk. Kat. EiersammL p. 36 (1899) ; von Ihering, Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 198 (1900). Merula albicollis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv p. 123 (1903). The eggs of Yieillot's White-throated Ouzel in the Collection are of a regular oval form and moderately glossy. They are greyish, tinged with pale blue or green, thickly sprinkled with fine spots and occasionally streaked or blotched with chestnut-brown and underlying lilac. They vary in size from 1*05 to 1*22 in length, by from -82 to -87 in breadth. 1. Brazil. Seebohm Coll. 3. Brazil. Crowley Bequest. 1. Kio de Janeiro. Seebohm Coll. 2. Eio de Janeiro. Alexander Fry, Esq. [P.]. Merula gynmophthalmus, Oah. (Plate V. figs. 13 & 16.) Turdus gymnophthalmus, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 212 (1881) ; Sharpe in Seebohm's Mon. Turdidce, i. p. 231 (1898) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 36 (1899). Merula gymnophthalmus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 123 (1903). The five eggs of the Bare-eyed Ouzel in the Collection from the island of Grenada, West Indies, are very variable in appearance, though they are aU pale green, spotted with varii>us tints of brown. Two of them are very thickly covered with dull brown blotches, in one example forming a heavy cap at the smaller end, while the other three are much less strongly marked, though the colour is decidedly richer, and many underlying spots of bright lilac are visible. In the latter, too, there is a conspicuous gathering of the spots 106 TURDID.5I. at the larger end. They measure from 1-05 to 1-12 by from •78 to -82. 2. Grenada, W. Indies, SOth April Crowley Bequest. (J. G. Wells). 3. Grenada, 12th June {J. G. W.). Crowley Bequest. Merula amaurochalina, Cab. Turdus leucomelas, Seebohtn, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 213 (1881) ; Scl. 8f Huds. Argent. Orn. i. p. 1 (1888) ; Sharps in Seebohm's Mon. Tnrdidce, i. p. 235 (1898); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 36 (1899) ; von Ihering, Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 197 (1900). Merula amaurochaUna, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 124 (1903). Two of the eggs of the Dusky Ouzel in the Collection are very unlike each other. One, a remarkably long pointed oval in shape, is light greenish blue, sprinkled all over, especially at the larger end, with spots and streaks of bright reddish brown and lavender; while the other is of a blunt oval form, boldly blotched with chestnut- brown and violet, very handsome. Both are fairly glossy. They measure respectively : 1*22 by -77 and 1'08 by -83. 2. Argentine Republic. Crowley Bequest. 2. Brazil. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.j. Merula maculirostris, Berlepsch. Tardus albiventris, Set. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 328. Turdus leucomelas, SeeboJim, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 213, part. (1881). Turdus maculirostris, Sharpe in SeebohnCs Mon. Turdidce^ 1. p. 239 (1898). Merula maculirostris, Sharpe, Iland-l. iv. p. 124 (1903). The eggs of the Ecuadorian Dusky Ouzel are of a regular oval form and almost devoid of all gloss. They are of a faint blue or bluish-green ground-colour, somewhat thickly speckled and blotched with reddish brown and lilac. The markings are more dense at the broad end, where they form a very distinct cap. They average 1-18 by -83. 2. Pallatanga, Ecuador (X. Fraser). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Pallatanga (i. jP. ; Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Merula ignobilis, Scl. Turdus ignobilis, Scl ^ Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 491 ; Seebohtn, Cat. Birds B. M. V. p. 214 (1881) ; Sharpe in Seebohjn's Mon. Turdidce,i. p. 241 (1898) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 36 (1899). Merula ignobilis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 124 (1903). The six eggs of the Colombian Dusky Ouzel in the Collection are of two very distinct types. The first is rather lightly marked with reddish purple and purplish brown, the spots and blotches being gathered together at the larger end on a ground oi^ pale bluish grey to form an irregular cap. In the second the ground BIERrLA. 107 is cream-colour, almost obscured by a dense freckling of dull reddish brown and faint lavender underlying markings. It is worthy of remark that one of each type occurs in the two pairs of eggs from Medellin : one of these pairs was obtained by Salmon with the female bird. In size the eggs vary from 1-18 to 1*22 in length, and from '80 to "86 in breadth. 2. Medellin, Antioquia, U.S. Colombia Salvin-Godman Coll. {T.K. Salmon). 2. Medellin {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. New Granada. Crowley Bequest. 1. Peru. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Merula plebeia, Cab. Tardus plebeius, Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 17 (1879) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 215 (1881) ; Sharpe in Seebohm's Mon. Turdidce, i. p. 247 (1898). Merula plebeia, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 124 (1903). An egg of the Costa-Rican Ouzel in the Collection is considerably larger than those of the other South- American Thrushes with which we are now dealing. It is singularly destitute of the usual Thrush- like markings, these being restricted to a few scattered minute dots of reddish lilac on a ground of pale glossy blue. It measures 1*30 by -91. 1. Costa Hica, 24th March ( C. F. Crowley Bequest. Underivood). Merula nigrirostris, Lawr. (Plate V. fig. 8.) Turdus nigrirostris, Seebohm^ Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 218 (1881) j Sharpe in Seebohm's Mon. Turdidce, i. p. 253 (1898). Merula nigrirostris, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 125 (1903). Two eggs of the St.-Vincent Ouzel in the Collection are bluish white, blotched and spotted with light and dark shades of reddish brown. These markings are not very dense except at the larger end, where they form a well-defined cap. They measure respectively : 1-21 by -85 and 1-3 by -87. 2. St. Andrews, Grenada (J. G. Wells). Crowley Bequest. Merula fumigata, Licht. Turdus fumigatus, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 216 (1881) ; Sharpe in Seebohm's Mon. Turdidee, i. p. 255 (1898) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamnil. p. 36 (1899). Merula fumigata, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 125 (1903). Two eggs of the Russet-bellied Ouzel from Venezuela are much alike in shape and colour, though diflforing somewhat in size. The 108 TURDID^. markings are rather small speckles and spots of pale chestnut and violet fairly thickly distributed throughout, with a slight prepon- derance at the larger end, on a bright ground of light blue. They measure -94 by -70 and I'OO by '76. 2. San Esteban, Venezuela (Nehrkorn Crowley Bequest. Coll.), Merula aurantia (Gmel). Merula leucogenys, Gosse, Birds Jamaica, p. 136 (1847). Merula aurantia, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 247 (1881) ; Sharpe in SeebohirCs Mon. Turdidce, ii. p. 151 (1901) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 125 (1903). The eggs of the Jamaica Ouzel closely resemble the commonest type of Qg% of M. merula. They are pale greenish blue, densely mottled all over with reddish brown and underlying pale lilac. Pour examples measure respectively : 1*18 by -82 ; 1'18 by '86 ; 1-18 by -87; and 1-19 by -90. 4. Jamaica. Rev. Barham Zincke [C.]. Merula cardis (Temm.). (Plate VI. figs. 1 & 4.) Turdus cardis, Blakiston ^ Fryer, Ibis, 1878, p. 240. Merula cardis, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 261 (1881) ; id. Birds Jap. Emp. p. 45 (1890); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 38 (1899); Sharpe in Seebohm'' s Mon. Turdidce, ii. p. 143 (1901); id. Hand-l. iv. p. 125 (1903). There is a considerable resemblance between the eggs of the Grey Japanese Ouzel and those of Turdus viscivorus. They vary a good deal in size and shape ; the ground-colour is a rich, or even pinkish, cream-colour, with faint lilac under-markings, overlaid with spots, clouds and blotches, of pale and darker reddish brown, often collected to form a light cap round the broad end. They measure from 1*05 to 1-22 in length, and from '73 to -81 in breadth. 3. Japan {H. Pryer). Seebohm CoU. 2. Japan {H. P.). Seebohm Ooll. 3. Japan (II. P.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Japan {H. P.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Japan (H. P.). Seebohm Coll. Z Japan {H. P.). Seelohra Coll. 4. Japan, 5th June. Crowley Bequest. 2. Hondo, Japan, 15th May. Crowley Bequest. Merula unicolor (Tick.). Merula unicolor, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 271 (1881) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 132 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eyys Ind. Birds, ii. p. 96 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 38 MEEULA. 109 (1899); Sharpe in Seebohm's Mon. Turdidce, ii. p. 147 (1901); id. Hand-l. iv. p. 126 (1903). The eggs of Tickell's Ouzel vary in shape from a blunt to an elon- gated oval, while sometimes they are spheroidal. They vary in colour from greyish white to pale green, streaked and mottled with rich reddish brown and pale underlying purple. In some specimens the markings are small freckles with a cap or zone at the larger end, in others they are larger and dense, covering the greater part of the ground-colour. They measure from "92 to 1-20 in length, and from •70 to -83 in breadth. 1. Murree, N.W. Himalayas, 11th Hume Coll. June {C. H. T. Marshall). 1. Murree, 5th June (C. H. T. M.). Crowley Bequest. 7. Mussoorie, Himalayas (T.^Tw^ifow). Hume Coll. 1. Mussoorie, 18th June. Hume Coll. Merula layardi, Seebohm, (Plate YI. fig. 3.) Merula vitiensis {nee Layard), Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 278 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Uiersamml p. 38 (1899). Merula layardi, Seebohm, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 667 ; Sharpe in Seebohm^s Mon. Turdid^^ of 0. dauma already described, but is somewhat darker in general appearance and broader, and has no indication of a cap at the large end. It measures 1*2 by 0-9. The two eggs from the Nilghiris are pale greenish-white, spotted and blotched all over with Indian-red and lavender. They measure 1*1 by 0*8. 1. Kodikanal, Palni Hills, S. India, Major Horace A. Terry [P.]. 7th June. 2. Nilghiri Hills {Rhodes W. Morgan). H. E. Dresser, Esq. [E.]. Oreocichla papuensis {Seebohm). (Plate VI. fig. 9.) Geocichla papuensis, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 158 (1881) ; id. Mon. Turdidce, i. p. 19 (1898). Oreocichla papuensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 137 (1903). An egg of the New-Guinea Ground-Thrush in the Collection is of * N.B. — Two eggs of a Thrush taken by Swinhoe in China, and now in the Collection, were assigned by him to 0. varia (White's Thrush). There can be but little doubt that Swinhoe was mistaken. The eggs appear to be those of Merula mandarina [vide supra, p. 95]. (See Swinhoe in Rowley's Orn. Misc. ii p. 255 (1877); Newton, P.Z. S. 1897, p. 892, pi. Ii. fig. 5 ; Heatley Noble, 'Ibis.' 1900, p. 377.) VOL. IV. I 114 TTJEDIDiE. a narrow oval form and glossy. It is pale greenish blue, sparingly freckled all over the surface with reddish brown and lilac-grey, rather more densely at the larger end. It measures 1*15 by '79. 1. S.E. New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [C.]. Oreocichla lunulata {Lath.). Oreocincla lunulata, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 439 (1865). Geocichla lunulata, Seehohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 155 (1881) ; North^ Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 171 (1889) ; Seebohm, Mon. TurdidtSj i. p. 25 (1898); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 34 (1899) j Campbell^ Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 184, pi. 9 (1901). Oreocichla lunulata, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 137 (1903). The eggs of the South-Australian Ground-Thrush in the Collec- tion are, for the most part, of an elongated oval form and fairly glossy. The ground-colour is greyish green, thickly freckled and blotched with two shades of reddish brown over the whole surface, the markings being, however, rather more dense in some specimens at the broader end. They measure from 1-24 to 1*41 in length, and from -90 to -92 in breadth. 1. New South "Wales. Crowley Bequest. 2. Blue Mts., N.S.W., 28th Nov. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). 2. Gippsland, Victoria, 20th June Crowley Bequest. {A.J. N). 2. Mordialloc, Victoria, August. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Tasmania {E. D. Atkinson). Crowley Bequest. Oreocichla mollissima (Blyth). (Plate VI. fig. 13.) Geocichla molHssima, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 159 (1881) ; id. Mon. Turdidce, i. p. 29 (1898) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 35 (1899). Oreocincla molHssima, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 154 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^- Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 108 (1890) j Osmaston, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. xi. p. 472 (1898). Oreocichla mollissima, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 137 (1903). The eggs of the Plain-backed Mountain-Thrush in the Collection are of an elongated and narrow oval shape, one of them unusually so, and exhibit little gloss. They are stone-coloured, thickly set with spots, freckles, and moderate-sized blotches, especially at the broad end, of two shades of dark reddish brown and underlying lavender-grey. The markings are more or less connected over the entire surface of the eg^, but do not obscure the ground-colour. The specimens measure respectively : 1*32 by -89 ; 1-4 by -88. 2. Native Sikhim, June. Hume Coll. ZOOTHERA. TURDTJS. 115 Genus ZOOTHERA, Vig. Zoothera marginata, Blyth. (Plate YI. fig. 14.) GeocicHla marginata, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 162 (1881 ) ; id. Man. TurdidcB, i. p. 79 (1898) : Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 35 (1899). Zoothera marginata, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 1.57 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 109 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 138 (1903). The egg of the Lesser Brown Thrush in the Collection is a broad pointed oval in shape, and has a considerable amount of gloss. It is of a very pale bluish-white colour, marked chiefly at the smaller end, where the markings are dense and form a large cap, with spots, freckles, and small blotches of chestnut-brown and underlying purple. The egg measures 1-04 by '79. 1. Native Sikhim, 29th July Hume Coll. {L. Mandelli). Genus TURDUS, Linn. Turdus viscivorus, Linn. Turdus viscivorus, Tliien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxiv. fig. 11, a~c (1845-54) ; Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 4. fig. 1, tab. 75. fig. 1 (1856-63) ; Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 79, pi. xxiii. fig. 1 (1856) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 3 (1871) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 209 ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 194 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, 1. p. 207, pi. 8 (1883); Oates, ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 106 (]890); Seebohm, Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 177, pi. 50. figs. 4, 6 (1896) ; Sharpe in Seebohm^s Man. Turdid/B, i. p. 139 (1898) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 138 (1903). In the variations of form, the eggs of the Mistle-Thrush closely follow those of the Song-Thrush i^vide infra, p. 127), but they are not so glossy, and their coloration is extremely diflPerent. The ground-colour varies from pale bluish grey to pinkish brown, and the markings, which are pretty evenly distributed over the shell, consist of spots, small blotches, and clouds of various shades of rich purplish brown, not infrequently forming an irregular cap at the larger, and occasionally at the smaller, end. The underlying markings are prominent, and are of a pale purplish or lilac colour. In some specimens the markings are bold, in others they are small throughout. The eggs measure from 1-03 to 1*3 in length, and from '8 to •92 in breadth. 4. Eoss-shire. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. 4. Ross-shire. Dr. R. Bowdler Shai"pe [P.]. 4. Mossford, Loch Luichart ( W. Mc- Seebohm Coll. Bae : Hargitt Coll.). 3. Mossford ( W. McR. : Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Invermorriston, Inverness, 22nd May Seebohm Coll. {Hargitt Coll.). i2 110 TITRDID^. 4. Portcliiir, near Fort Augustus, 12th May {Hargitt Coll.). 4. Ashopton, Derbyshire, 19th April {H. Seebohm). 4. Edwinstow, Nottingham, 7th May {H. S.). 2. Edwinstow, 7th May (H. S.). 6. Cambridge ( W. Farren). 4. Sparham, Norfolk, 30th March {F. Nor gate). 4. Sparham, lOth April {F. N.). 5. Sparham, 1st May {F. N.). 4, Haddenham, Bucks, 22nd May. 6. Cookham, Berkshire, May. 4. Oakhanger, June. 6. Tilford, Surrey. 4. Tilford. 4. Tilford. 6. Crawley, Sussex, 20th May. 4. Crawley, 20th May. 4. Esthonia, Baltic Provs., 30th April {Russow). 1. Malaga, Spain {H. Saunders). 3. Olympus, Greece, 28th April {T. Ki'uper). 2. Kotegarh, Himalayas, 6th April. 5. Kotegarh, 22nd June, 6. Altai Mountains, 2nd May. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. Turdus pilaris, Linn. (Plate YIII. figs. 19 & 22.) Turdus pilaris, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxiv. fig. 19, a~c (1845- 54) ; Baedeker, Fier Fur. Vog. tab. 4. fig. 2, tab._75. fig. 2 (1855- 63) ; Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 84, pi. xxiv. fig. iii (1856) ; Dresser, Birds Fur. ii. p. 41 (1871) ; Wheehvright, Spring ^ Sutmner in Lapl. p. 282 (1871) ; Seebohm ^ Harvie-Brown, Ibis, 1876, p. 125 ; Seebohm, Ibis, 1879, p. 2 ; id. Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 205 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 228, pi. 8 (1883) j id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 180, pi. 50. figs. 7, 9 (1896) ; Sharpe in Seebohm's Man. Turdidce, i. p. 201 (1898) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 138 (1903). Much variation occurs in the form and size of the eggs of the Fieldfare, but they are still more variable in coloration. The ground-colour is tolerably constant, ranging from a pale bluish- green to a tint almost as bright and strong as that of the Song- Thrush's eg^. The rich reddish-brown markings, however, are so different in their character, as to suggest a division into types as follows : — (i.) A small densely freckled egg which may be compared to that of the Redwing ; (ii.) a more heavily streaked and larger egg, the markings evenly distributed over the whole surface; (iii.) eggs with similar streaks, but these of a brighter colour and collected into a cap at the larger end. Types ii. and iii. may be likened respectively to the duller and more handsome forms of the Blackbird'^* eggs. TURDtJS. 117 (iv.) with fewer, bolder, and richer spots and small blotches, more or less confluent, resembling typical eggs of the Ring-Ouzel ; and (v.) an extreme form, in which the markings are scanty though bold and often of a bright tint, and usuaDy more numerous at the larger end, the ground-colour being of the bright clear blue already alluded to. Two eggs of this last-named type in the Collection seem worthy of separate notice : one, from the Sundal Valley, Norway, has the spots and blotches, which are not very thickly collected at the larger end, of a very pale reddish lilac without any admixture of a darker colour ; while the second, from Molde, Norway, of a paler blue ground-colour, in addition to a few specks of this same colour, has only one other marking, a very conspicuous scrawl at the larger end, of intense purplish-black ; this is more than half an inch in length and exactly as if it had been traced with a broad and heavy stroke of the pen. In many cases the occurrence is noticed of a single egg (rarely two) of type v. in a clutch of other types. Frequent instances of this are found in the Collection, and there are two clutches in which all the eggs are of that type. They measure from 1*03 to 1-35 in length, and from -73 to -9 in breadth. Quickj ock, Lapland (-BT. W. Wheel- wright). Lapland, July (jR. Duff: Hargitt Coll.). Tromso, Norway, 9th June Seebohm). Tromso, 10th June {H. S.). Tromso, 10th June {H. S.). Tromso, 11th June {H. S.). Tromso, 12th June [H. S.). Tromso, 13th June [H. S.). Tromso, 13th June {H. S'). Tromso, 13th June {H. S.). Tromso, 13th June [M. S.). Tromso, 13th June {H. S.). Bodo, 30th May (F. D. ^ P. Godman) Bodo, 2nd June {F. D. ^ P. O.). Bodo, 2nd June [F. D. ^ P. O.). Bodo, 2nd June {F. D. ^ P. G.). Bodo, 2nd June {F. D. ^ P. G.). Sundal Valley, Norway, 20th June. Sundal Valley, 2l8t June. Sundal Valley, 26th June. Sundal Valley, 6th June. Sundal Valley, 6th June. Sundal Valley, 7th June. Sundal Valley, 10th June. Sundal Valley, 18th June. Christiansund, Norway, May. . Christiansund, May. Christiansund, June {H. Upcher). Christiansund, June {H. U.). Christiansund, June {H. U.). Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. {H. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godraan Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe Bernard Hanson [P.l Bernard Hanson [P.], Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. 118 IVRDIBM. 3. Christiansund, July (IT. Ujtchei-), Crowley Bequest. 5. Molde, Norway, 1st June {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Molde, Ist June {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Molde, Ist June (if. S.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Molde, 1st June {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Molde, Ist June {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Molde, 1st June {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Molde, 1st June {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Molde, 1st June (H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Nordland, June {H. S.). Crowley Bequest. 5. Mark Brandenburg (T. Holland). Seebohm Coll. 6. East Pomerania {T. H.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Petchora River, 67° N. Lat., 15th Seebohm Coll. June {H. Seebohm Sf J. A. Harvie-Broivn) . 5. Petchora River, 68° N. Lat., 5th Seebohm Coll. June {H. S. ^ J. A. H.-B.). 5. Petchora River, 68° N. Lat., 23rd Seebohm Coll. :5m\Q {H. S. ^ J. A. H.-B.). 4. Petchora River, 25th June {H S. Seebohm Coll. ^ J. A. H-B. : Hargitt CoU.). 4. Yenesei River, 67° N. Lat., 4th Seebohm Coll. July {H. Seebohm). 4. Yenesei River, 67° N. Lat., 6th Seebohm Coll. July (H. S.). Turdus pallidus (Gm.). (Plate VI. fig. 11.) Merula palHda, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 274 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 38 (1899) ; Sharpe in Seebohm's Mon. Turdidce, ii. p. 185 (1902). Turdus pallidus, Tacz. Faune Orn. Siber. Orient, p. 309 (1891) j Sharpe^ Hand-l. iv. p. 138 (1903). An Qg^ of the Pale Ouzel in the Museum Collection bears a strong resemblance to a common form of the e^^ of Merula merula. It is dull greenish, rather glossy, finely freckled all over with reddish brown, and having in addition a few coarser spots of the same colour here and there. It measures 1*16 by -82. 1. Amur-land. 9th April (Nehrkorn Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Turdus atrigularis (Temm.). Turdus atrigularis, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 83 (1878) ; Tacz. Faune Orn. Siber. Orient, p. 305 (1891) ; Fopham, Ibis, 1898, p. 494 ; Dresser, Ibis, 1901, p. 446, pi. ix. figs. 9-12 ; Sharpe, Homd-l. iv. p. 139 (1903). Merula atrigularis, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 267 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 249 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 182, pi. 51. fig. 1 (1896) : Neh7'k. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 38 (1899) ; Shatpe in Seebohm^s Mon. Turdid . TUEDTTS. 121 4. High Peak, Derbyshire (J. JR. Crowley Bequest. Wise). 4. Bingham's Moor, Derbyshire, Salvin-Godman Coll. '^ May (O. Salvin). 4. Bingham's Moor, May (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. White Edge, Derbyshire, 9th Salvin-Godman Coll. June (O. ^.)- 3. Cheshire {Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Hampstead Heath, London, 1856. Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Isle of Wight. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. 2. Trondhiem, Norway, Ist June {H. Seebohm CoU. Seebohm). Turdus alpestris (Brehm). Merula alpestris, C. L. Brehm, Isis, 1828, p. 1281 ; Sharpe in SeehohnCs Mon. Ttirdidce, ii. p. 35 (1899). Turdus torquatus, Thien. Fortpfianz, ges. Vog. tab. xxiv. fig. 17, a-c (1845-54) ; Baedeker, Bier Bur. Vog. tab. 4. fig. 7, tab. 75. fig. 8 (1855-63) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 209. Turdus alpestris. Dresser, Birds Eur. ix {Suppl.) p. 11 (1895) ; SharpCj Hand-l. iv. p. 140 (1903). The eggs of the Alpine Eing-Ouzel, judging from the small series in the Collection, do not differ from those of T. torquatus. The majority resemble the common type of Blackbird's e^^. Specimens measure from 1*14 to 1*34 in length, and from '85 to '91 in breadth. 5. Jura Alps, Ist May ( W. Sehluter). Seebohm Coll. 3. Switzerland i^Homeyer). Seebohm Coll. 5. Transylvania, 23rd April. C. G. Danford, Esq. [P.]. 2. Colmenar, Spain, 27th May {H. Seebohm Coll. Saunders). Tnrdus castaneus, Gould. (Plate VI. figs. 16 & 17.) Merula castanea, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 259 (1881); Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds,\\. p. 128 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 92 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 28 (1899) ; Sharpe in Seebohm^ s Mon. Turdidce, ii. p. Ill (1900). Turdus castaneus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 140 (1903). The type of the eggs of the Grey-headed Chestnut Thrush in the Collection is very similar to that of the previously described Merula houlhoul (cf. p. 95). They are of a pale greenish-white colour, profusely and evenly mottled and speckled all over with pale chestnut-brown. One of the eggs differs from this type in being much less heavily marked, the dense freckling being replaced by a mottling of rather darker brown, much of the ground-colour being visible. They measure from I'lO to 1*25 in length, and from •86 to -9 in breadth. 4. Kotegarh, Himalayas, 30th April. Hume Coll. 1. Kotegarh. Hume Coll. 122 TTTRDID^. 1. Kashmir (C. R. Cock). 1. Kashmir, 11th May ( TV. E. Brooks : Tristram Coll.). Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. Turdus migratorius, Linn. Turdus migratorius, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vdg. tab. xxiv. fig. 5 (1845- 54) ; Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 4. fig. 6, tab. 75. fig. 5 (1855- 63) ; Ross, Nat. Hist. Rev. 1862, p. 279; id. Canad. Nat. vii. p. 144 (1862) ; Lord, Proc. B. A. Inst. Woolwich, iv. p. 338 (1865); Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. ii. p. 33, pi. — (1875) ; Seehohm, Cat. Birds B. M. V. p. 220 (1881) ; Sharpe in Seebohnis Mon. Turdidce, i. p. 269 (1899) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 36 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 141 (1903). Turdus migratorius, var. migratorius, Baird, Brewer 8f Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 25 (1874). Merula migratoria, Nelson, Report Nat. Hist. Alaska, p. 219 (1887) ; MacFarlane, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 445 (1891). The eggs of the Red-breasted Thrush or American " Eobin " are for the most part of a pointed oval form, very glossy and of a deep greenish-blue colour. Judging from the considerable series in the Collection, they are remarkably free from variation in size or tint. They measure from 1*05 to 1-26 in length, and from '73 to -88 in breadth. 4. North America. 2. North America. 8. North America {Henshaiu Coll.). 4. North America \B. F. Goss). 3. North America (Smiths. Inst.). 3. North America (Stniths. Inst.). 4. North America {Smiths. Inst.). 2. North America {Tristram Coll.). 1. Anderson River Fort, Arctic America, 13th June {R. Mac- Farlane, Stniths. Inst.). 5. Fort Simpson, Arctic America. 4. Fort Simpson. 2. Fort Rae, Gt. Slave Lake {L. Clarke: Smiths. Inst.). 2. British Columbia (J. K. Lord). 2. Vancouver Island, 4th June. 1. Saskatchewan {Bourgeau). 2. St. Stephen's, New Brunswick {H E. Dresser). 3. St. Stephen's {H. E. B.). 6. Pennsylvania {Krider). 4. New York {Tristram Coll.). 3. Ithaca, New York {C J. Pin- nock). 2. Ithaca, 18th May (C. J. P.). 3. Ithaca, 30th April {JF. E. D. Scott). 5. Granville, New York, 15th June. 4. Massachusetts, 2nd June. Old Collection. Gould Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. N. Amer. Bound. Comm. Crowley Bequest. Old Collection. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman CoU. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest, Princeton University,N.J.[E.]. Princeton University ,N. J. [E.]. Princeton University,N. J.[E. J. W. Radcliife Saunders, Esq. W. RadclifFe Saunderv Esq. [P.]. TURDU8. HTLOCICHLA. 123 3. Princeton, N.J., 25th April Princeton University ,N.J.[E.]. ( W. E. D. Scott). 8. Princeton, 10th May ( W. E. D. S.). Princeton University, N. JJE.' 3. Princeton, 16th M&y(W.E.I).S.). Princeton Univer8ity,NJ.[E. 2. Princeton, 22nd May ( W. E. D. S.). Princeton University, N. J.[E; Turdus propinqnus (Bidgw.). Turdus migratorius, aiict (nee Linn.; ex Amer. Boreali occidentali et Mexico). Turdus propinquus, Ridgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Clvh^ ii. p. 9 (1877) ; Sharpe in SeehohmJ's Mon. Turdidce^ i. p. 285 (1899) ; id, Hand-l. iv. p. 141 (1903). A clutch of four eggs of the "Western Ked-breasted Thrush or *' Robin " from Los Angeles, California, are, as might be supposed, exactly like those of the very closely allied Eastern form, T. migra- torius., and of a glossy greenish blue without any markings. They vary from 1*10 to 1*27 in length, and from '80 to 'SI in breadth. 4. Los Angeles, California, 10th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Genus HYLOCICHLA, Baird. Hylocichla mustelina (Gm.). Turdus mustehnus, Thien. Fortpjianz. yes. Vog. tab. xxiv. fig. 4 (1845-54) ; Baird, Brewer 8f Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 7 (1874) ; Salv. 8f Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 9 (1879) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. V. p. 196 (1881) ; Sharpe in Seebohm's Mon. Ttirdidce, i. p. 147 (1898) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. 5. 35 (1899). Hylocichla mustelina, Sharpsy Hand-l. iv. p. 141 (1903). Eggs of the Wood-Thrush show considerable variation in form, from a blunt to an ordinary, or even a much elongated, oval, and are decidedly glossy. They are of a pale blue or greenish-blue colour, unspotted ; at least it is very rare to meet with any markings on them. In size they vary from -95 to 1*12 in length, by from •70 to -81 in breadth. 8. North America (Henskaw Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. North America {Smiths. Inst,). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. North America. H. F. Walter, Esq. [P.]. 2. North America. Crowley Bequest. 4. New York (I). G. Elliot : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 3. Wellesley, Mass., 30th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. New Jersey {J. G. Bell : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 3. Princeton, New Jersey, 27 th May Princeton University, N.J. [E.l. ( W. E. 1). Scott). 4. Princeton 13th June {W. E. D. Princeton University, N. J. [E.]. Scott). 124 TUKDID^. 3. Princeton, 21st June ( W. E. D. PrincetonUniver8ity,N,J.[E.]. Scott). 1. N. Carolina {Smiths. Inst.). Princeton University,N. J. [E.]. Hylocichla fuscescens (Ste^h.). Tardus fuscescens, Baird, Brewer Sf Ridyw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 9 (1874) ; Salv. 8f Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 10 (1879) ; Seebohnif Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 203 (1881) ; Sharpe in Seebohm's Mon. TurdidcB, i. p. 153 (1898) ; Neh-k. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 36 (1899). Turdus (Hylocichla) fuscescens, Coues, Birds Color. Valley, p. 39 (1878). Hylocichla fuscescens, Ridyw. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. iv. p. 207 (1881) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 141 (1903). The eggs of Wilson's Thrush are of a regular oval shape, very glossy and of a deep blue colour. Dr. Coues states, however, that sometimes, but very rarely, they are slightly speckled at the broad end. They measure from -85 to '95 in length, and from 'QQ to '71 in breadth. 2. North America {Henshaio Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. North America {Macyillivray Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Fort Dufferin, Manitoba {G. M. N. Amer. Bound. Comm. Dawson). 2. Kacine, Wisconsin {Hoy). Seebohm Coll. 4. Ilhode Island, 26th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Hylocichla aliciae {Baird). Turdus aliciae, Baird, Brewer Sf Ridyw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 11 (1874) ; Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 12 (1879) ; Seebohm^ Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 202 (1881) ; Nelson, Report Nat. Hist. Alaska, p. 216 (1887) ; MacFarlane, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 445 (1891) ; Sharpe in Seebohm's Mon. Turdidce, i. p. 163 (1898) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 36 (1899). Hylocichla aliciee, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 142 (1903). The eggs of the Grey-cheeked Thrush are very similar to those of H. swainsoni^ but, according to Messrs. Baird, Brewer & Bidgway (I. c.) the eggs of the present species have a more distinctly blue ground-colour. They measure from -88 to -94 in length, and from •Qq to -68 in breadth. 2. Nulato, Yukon, Alaska, June {E. Salvin-Godman Coll. W. Nelson : Henshaiv Coll.). 1. Anderson River, Arctic America, Salvin-Godman Coll. 22nd June {R. MacFarlane : Smiths. Inst.). 4. Anderson River {R. MacF. : Salvin-Godman Coll. Henshaw Collection). 1. Anderson River [R. MacF. : Crowley Bequest. '„ Tristram Coll.). 2. Anderson River, 22iid June Crowley Bequest. {R. MacF. : Tristram Coll.). 2. Labrador. Crowley Bequest. ^■>^'~ HYLOCICHLA. 125 HylocicMa ustulata (Nutt.). Tardus swainsonii, var. ustulatus, Baird, Brewer %■ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 16 (1874). Turdus ustulatus, Salv. 8f Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 10 (1879) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 203 (1881) ; Sharpe in Seehohm, Mon. Turdidce, i. p. 176 (1898) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 36 (1899). Hylocichla ustulata, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 142 (1903). Eggs of the Russet-backed Thrush are similar to those oi H. swain- soni^ described below. They measure 0*81 to O'SS by 0-65 to 0'68. 1. Calif ornia. {B. Bidffwat/ : Tristram Crowley. Bequest. Coll.). 6. Los Angeles, California, 10th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Hylocichla swainsoni {Gab.) Turdus swainsonii, Boss, Nat. Hist. Rev. 1862, p. 279 ; id. Canad. Nat. vii. p. 144 (1862) ; Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 14 (1874) ; Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer , Aves, i. p. 10 (1879) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 201 (1881) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ix. (Suppl.) p. 1 (1895) ; Sharpe in Seebohm's Mon. Turdidce, i. p. 179 (1898) ; Nehrk. Kat Eiersamml. p. 36 (1899). Turdus pallasii, apud Lord, Proc. R. A. Inst. Woohvich, iv. p. 338 (1865). Turdus (Hylocichla) swainsoni, Coues, Birds Color. Valleg, p. 34 (1878). Turdus ustulatus swainsonii. Nelson, Report Nat. Hist. Alaska, p. 218 (1887). Hylocichla swainsoni, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 142 (1903). The eggs of the Olive-backed Thrush are of a rather pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. They are greenish blue, speckled and mottled with russet, pinkish brown, and underlying lavender or lilac. The markings are generally evenly disposed over the surface of the shell, but occasionally they form an indistinct cap at the broad end. Specimens measure from -8 to -95 in length, and from '61 to •7 in breadth. 4. Porcupine River, Alaska, 10th June Salvin-Godman Coll. {R. Kennicott: Smiths. Inst.). 4. British Columbia {J. K. Lord). N. Amer. Bound. Comm. 4. British Columbia. Crowley Bequest. 8. Mackenzie River District. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. 3. Little Slave Lake {S. Jones : Salvin-Godman Coll. Henshaw Coll.). 3. Great Slave Lake {J. Lockhart : Crowley Bequest. Smiths. Inst.). 3. Michigan, 30th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 3. California, May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Hylocichla pallasi {Cah.) Turdus pallasi, Baird, Brewer %■ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 18 (1874) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 199 (1881) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ix. {Suppl.) p. 5 (1895) ; Sharpe in Seebohm's Mon. Turdidce, i. p. 185 (1898) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 35 (1899). Hylocichla pallasi, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 143 (1903). 126 TFRDIDJ5. Three eggs of the Eastern Hermit-Thrush in the Collection are of a regular or slightly broad oval form, fairly glossy, and of a pale blue colour, unspotted. They measure -83 by -69 ; -90 by '70 ; and '90 by '70 respectively. 3. Massachusetts. W. RadclifFe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Hylocichla guttata (Pall.). Turdus aonalashkse, Gm. Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 200 (1881) ; Sliarpe in SeebohnCs Man. Turdidce, i. p. 193 (1898). Turdus guttatus, Ridgivay, Orn. 4.0th Par. p. 393 (1875). Hylocichla guttata, Merriam, ^^c. Auk, xix. p. 330 (1902) : Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 143 (1903). There is a single ^%% in the Collection, from Eort Simpson, which was originally included with those ofH.pallasi just described, but the bird from that locality has now been ascertained to be of the present species. Like the eggs of H. j)allasi, this is of a pale greenish-blue colour and spotless. It measures '94 by '70. 1. Fort Simpson. B. R. Ross, Esq. [P.]. Hylocichla iliaca (Linn.) Turdus iliacus, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Voy. tab. xxiv. fig, 10, a~c (1845- 54) ; Baedeker, Pier Pur. Vog. tab. 4. fig. 4, tab. 74. fig. 4 (1855-63) ; Hewitson, Pgys of Brit. Birds, i. p. 87, pi. xxiv. figs, i & ii (1856) ; Wheehvright, Spring 8f Summer in Lapl. p. 283 (1871) ; Dresser^ Birds Pur. ii. p. 35 (1872) ; Seebohm 8f Harvie-Brown, Ibis, 1876, p. 125 ; Seebohm, Ibis, 1879, p. 3 ; id. Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 189 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 220, pi. 8 (1883) ; id. Pggs of Brit. Birds, p. 179, pi. 50. figs. 5 & 8 (1896) ; Sharpe in Seebohm^ s Man. Turdidce, \. p. 123 (1898) ; Nehrk. Kat. Piersamml. p. 35 (1899). Hylocichla iliaca, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 143 (1903). The eggs of the Redwing are of a slightly elongated oval form, broad or blunt ovals being exceptional. They show a considerable amount of gloss. They are pale greenish blue, marked with various shades of pale reddish brown ; the majority are freckled and streaked very evenly arid densely all over the surface of the shell ; a few are less thickly and evenly blotched or streaked. There is a great uniformity in the coloration of the eggs of the Redwing, and there is little tendency towards the formation of any cap or gathering of the markings at the broad end. Most of the specimens in the Collection have a few and insignificant black specks and short hair- lines about the broader end, extending to the middle of the Qgg in some cases. Examples measure from -9 to I'l in length, and from •7 to '81 in breadth. 6. Molde, Norway {H. Seebohm). Seebohm Coll. '* 5, Bodo, Norway, 28th May (F. B. Sf Salvin-Godman Coll. P. Godman). 6. Bodo, 28th May {P. D. 8c P. G.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Bodo, 18th June {P. D. 4' P. G. : Crowley Bequest. , >^ Trist?'am Coll.). HTLOCICHLA. 127 1. Bodo, June {F. D. 8f P. G. : Tris- tram Coll.). 4. Sundal Valley, Norway, 15th June. 4. Christiansund, Norway, May. 6. Sweden (Meves). 7. Sweden (H. W. Wheelwright). 4. Muonioniska, Lapland, 29tli May {Tristram Coll.). 5. Petchora River, 66° N . Lat., 5tli June {H. Seebohm ^ J. A. H.-B.) 4. Petchora River, 66° N. Lat., 5th June {H. S. 8r J. A. H.-B.). 4. Petchora River, 66° N. Lat., 5th June (H. S. ^ J. A. H.-B.). 4. Petchora River, 66° N. Lat., 10th June {H. S. ^ J. A. H.-B.). 2. Yenesei River, 661° N. Lat., 22nd June (H. Seebohm). 3. Yenesei River, 66^° N. Lat., 25th June (H. S.). 4. Yenesei River, 71° N. Lat., July (H. S.). 5. Yenesei River, 70^° N. Lat., 1st July (H. S.). 5. Yenesei River, 70^° N. Lat., 2nd July {H. S.). 4. Yenesei River, 70^° N. Lat., 3rd July (H. S.). Crowley Bequest. Dr. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Bernard Hanson [C.J. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm CoU. Seebohm Coll. Hylocichla coburni (Sharpe). Hylocichla coburni, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 140 (1903). The eggs of the Iceland Redwing are similar to those of //. iliaca. 4. Iceland. 5. Iceland. 2. Iceland (W. Proctor). Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Hylocichla musica (Linn.) (Plate YIII. figs. 12 & 15-18.) Turdus musicus, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxiv. fig. 8, a-c (1845- 54) ; Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 4. fig. 3, tab. 75. fig. 3 (1855- 68) ; Heivitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 81, pi. xxiii. fig. ii (1856) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 19 (1871) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 191 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 213, pi. 8 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 178, pi. 50. fig. 2 (1896) -, Sharpe in Seebohm' s Mon. Turdidce, i. p. 131 (1898). Hylocichla musica, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 144 (1903). The eggs of the Song-Thrush are chiefly of a broad oval shape, but some are elongated and pointed, and others are spheroidal. They are, as a rule, very glossy. The ground-colour is a bright, clear greenish blue, marked with roundish spots of dark purplish-brown or black ; at the broad end the markings are generally larger and more numerous, some being of irregular shape and more of the nature of blotches. 128 TTJBDID^. Some eggs are also marked with underlying spots of lilac, but the majority entirely want these secondary markings. Occasionally specimens are marked with pale reddish brown or lilac-brown, in which case the spots are more blotchy and cloudy, unlike the ordinary neat circular markings, and sometimes, but very rarely, the eggs are found perfectly plain. A very extraordinary pair in the Collection, from Warminster, Wiltshire, are pure white, spotted boldly but not thickly, and chiefly at the larger end, with pale rusty-brown and reddish lilac ; this appears to be a most unusual variety. The eggs of the Song-Thrush measure from '96 to 1*2 in length, and from -77 to -9 in breadth. 3. 6. 1. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. 4. 3. 3. 5. 5. 4. 2. 3. 3. 5. 2. 4. Dochfour, Invemess-shire {Hargitt Coll.). Loch end, near Inverness {Hargitt Coll.). Wilstrop, Yorkshire [Hargitt Coll.). Burton-on-Humber. Endcliffe Wood, Sheffield, 26th April [H. Seebohm). Ashopton, Derbyshire, 13th April {H S.). Ashopton, 13th April [H. S.). Thoresby Park, Notts, 19th April {H S.). Clumber Park, Notts, 9th May(ir. S.). Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire. Coton, Cambridgeshire, 11th May (O. Salvin). Cookham, Berkshire, April. Cookham, Berkshire, May. Warminster, Wiltshire. Sherborne, Dorset. Sherborne. Avington, Hants, 5th May (R. B. S.: Hargitt Coll.). Alton, Hants. The Hurst, Binsted, Hants, 4th May [Hargitt Coll.). Cobden's Copse, Hants, 4th May {Hargitt Coll.). Crawley, Sussex, 24th May [R.B.S.). Crawlev, 26th May [R. B. S.). Crawley, 26th May [R B. S.). Coulsdon, Surrey. Churt, Surrey, June. Churt. Loughton, Essex, 5th April (O. JS.). Thornton Heath, Croydon. Lapland [A. Neivton). Christiania, Norway, 17th May [R. Collett: Hargitt Coll.). Stolp, Pomerania [2\ Holland). Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. J. A. Gibson, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. F. Bond, Esq. [P." F. Bond, Esq. ^'^^ F. Bond, Esq. F. Bond, Esq. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. J. W. Phillips, Esq. [P.]. S. S. Buckman, Esq. [P.l. S. S. Buckman, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. SeeUohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. "^ '-^ MONTICOLA. — PETROPHILA. 129 5. Politz, Pomerania {T. H.). Seebolim Coll. 4. Livonia, Baltic Provinces, 14th May Seebohm Coll. (Hussoiv). 4. Valkensvt^aard, Holland, IGtli May Seebohm Coll. (C. B. WJmrton 8f H. Seebohm). Genus MONTICOLA, Boie. Monticola saxatilis {Linn.). Tardus saxatilis, Tliien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxiv. fig. 1, a, b (1845- 64). Petrocincla saxatilis, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 27. fig. 10 (1855- 63) ; Heicitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 95, pi. xxvi. fig. ii (1856). Monticola saxatilis, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 129 (1872) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 313 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 281, pi. 8 (1883); id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 186, pi. 51. fig. 4 (1896) ; Sharps, Hand-l. iv. p. 144 (1903). The eggs of the Eock-Thrush vary in shape from a broad to a narrow oval, and have a considerable amount of gloss. The ground- colour is a pale delicate bluish green, either plain or marked with a few small brown specks, usually on the larger end. They vary from •99 to 1*13 in length, and from '7 to '81 in breadth. 2. Vosges Mts., France (Mougel: Seebohm Coll. Hargitt Coll.). 2. Vosges Mts. (Mougel: Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 1. Vosges Mts., 1st April [Mougel: Seebohm CoU. Hargitt Coll.). 2. Pyrenees {Fairmaire). Seebohm Coll. 4. St. Gothard, Switzerland, 20th May. Seebohm Coll. 2. Geneva, (Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 4. Parnassus, Greece, 25th May (H. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Sj- T. Krilper). 4. Greece. Crowley Bequest. Genus PETROPHILA^ Swains, Petrophila cyanus (Linn.). Turdus cyaneus, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxiv. fig. 3, a, b (1845- 54). Petrocossyphus cyanus, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 27. fig. 11 (1855- 63) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. pp. 129, 139 (1871-2). Petrocincla cyanea, Tristram, Ibis, 1867, p. 89 ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 210; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. ii. p. 57, pi. (1875). Monticola cyanus, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 316 (1881). Petrophila cyanus, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 146 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 144 (1903). Petrophila cyana, Oates ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 105 (1890). Eesembling the eggs of the preceding species, M. saxatilis, in size and ground-colour, those of the Western Blue Rock-Thrush are more easily divisible into a plain and a spotted type, and in the latter the spots are more numerous. In the Museum series these two types are about equally represented. VOL. IV. jt 180 TFRBIDJi:. 5, Spain, 23rd May. Crowley Bequest. 3. Alura,Mala,ua, Spain f^. ^SrttM^ic^ers). Seebohm Cull. 4. Parnassus, Greece, ISth May (if. Seebohm Coll. Seehohm 8f T. Kriiper). 3. Parnassus, 16th May {H. S. 8r Seebohm Coll. T. K). 6. Parnassus, 28th May (E. S. ^ Seebohm Coll. T. K.). 1. Parnassus, x'ipril. Crowley Bequest. 3. Smyrna, 28th April {T. Krilper). Seebohm Coll. 2. Palestine, 2nd April {H. B. Crowley Bequest. Trktram). 1. Murree, Himalayas, 7tli June Hume Coll. (0. //. T. Marshall). Petrophila manilla (Bodd.). Petrocossyphus manillensis, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1860, p. 56. Monticola solitaria, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M.\. p. 319 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Biersamml. p. 40 (1899). Petrophila solitaria, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 145 (1890). Petrophila manilla, Sharpe, Hand-L iv. p. 144 (1903). There is considerable difference in the size of the eggs of the Chinese series of the Eastern Blue Eock-Thrush in the Collection. In colour the eggs vary but little, being of the same delicate pale blue tint as those of their western congeners, in some cases sparingly dotted with rufous-brown at the larger end. In size they range from 0*9 to 1*27 in length, and from 0*75 to 0'85 in breadth. 4. Amur-land, 16th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. Amoy, China {R. Sioinhoe). Seebohm Coll. 1. Amoy (R. S. : Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Petrophila cinclorhyncha ( Vig.). (Plate VII. fig. 11.) Monticola cinclorhyncha, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M, v. p. 320 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Hiersamml. p. 40 (1899). Petrophila cinclorhyncha, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 144 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Fgys Ind. Birds, ii. p. ]03 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 144 (1903). Eggs of the Blue-headed Rock -Thrush vary from a regular to a narrow oval shape and possess a considerable amount of gloss. They are cream-coloured, speckled and mottled, more densely at the broad end as a rule, with pale brownish pink or pale chestnut, some- what resembling large pale eggs of Eritliacus rubecula. They measure from '9 to -97 in length, and from -67 to -71 in breadth. 2. Kashmir, 2nd June. Hume Coll. 3. Dharmsala, Himalayas, 20th May Hume Coll. (C. R. Cock). PETROPHILA.. ACCENTOR. 131 4. Kotegarh, Himalayas, 30th April. Hume Coll. 4. Kotegarh, 29th June. Hume Coll. 1. N.W. Himalayas, May {W. E. Crowley Beq^uest. Brooks: Tristram Coll.). 1. N.W. Himalayas. Crowley Bequest. PetropMla rupestris ( Vieill.). (Plate VII. fig. 2.) Monticola rupestris, Sharpe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Africa, p. 219 (1875- 84) ; Seehohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 322 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 40 (1899) j Stark 8f Sclaterj Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 181 (1901). Petrophila rupestris, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 144 (1903). There are three eggs of the Cape Eock-Thrush in the Collection. One example is of a bluish-white colour, very sparingly speckled with dark brown ; another is of a pale blue colour, mottled with pale rufous at the broad end ; and another resembles in coloration the eggs of P. cindorhyncha. These three specimens measure respectively : 1-07 by '8 ; 1'04 by '71 ; 1*05 by '78. 1. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 2. South Africa. Crowley Bequest. Petrophila erythrogaster ( Vig.). (Plate YII. fig. 3.) Monticola erythrogaster, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 326 (1881) ; La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 179. Petrophila erythrogastra, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 143 (1890); id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 102 (1890). Petrophila erythrogaster, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 145 (1903). An Q^^ of the Chestnut-bellied Rock-Thrush in the Collection is of a very regular oval shape and moderately glossy. It is of a pale creamy-buff colour, freckled all over with very faint brownish pink. It measures 1-05 by -79. It appears, from what Mr. La Touche writes (l. c), that this e^^ was addled, and it may therefore be somewhat discoloured and not of a typical character. 1. Kuatun, Fohkien, China, 3500 feet, C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. 2l8t May {J. B. La Touche). Genus ACCENTOR, Bechst. Accentor himalayanus (Blyth). Accentor himalayanus, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 168 (1890) Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 145 (1903). Accentor altaicus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 660 (1883) ; Tacz. Faune Om. SibSr. Orient, i. p. 223 (1891) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 65 (1899). k2 132 TUEBID^. The eS^cqp.). Accentor alpinus, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxiii. fig. 12, «, b (1845-54); Baedeker, Bier Eur. Vog. tab. 27. fig. 1 (1855-63); Heivitson, Egys of Brit. Birds, i. p. 96, pi. xxvii. fig. ii (1856) ; Seehohm, Brii. Birds, i. p. 501, pi. 12 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 216, pi. 54. tig, 4 (1896). Accentor collaris. Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 29 (1873) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 661 (1883) ; NeJirk. Kat. Eiersatnml. p. 65 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 146 (1903). Eggs of the Alpine Accentor are of the same unspotted greenish- blue colour as those of the Common Hedge-Sparrow, but are much larger. They have a fair amount of gloss, and measure from '85 to •97 in length, and from "64 to -67 in breadth. 1. Europe. Old Collection. 4. Switzerland, 3rd June. Crowley Bequest. 4. Ursern, Switzerland ('S'rtMw^fersCo^/.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Ursern {Saunders Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 1. Zurich. Crowley Bequest. 4. St. Gothard {T. Holland). Seebohm CoU. 2. St. Bernard (Tm^ram Co//.). Crowley Bequest. Genus THARRHALEUS, Kaup. Tharrhaleus modularis {Linn.). Accentor modularis, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog, tab. xxiii. fig. 13, a, b (1845-64); Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 27. fig. 2 (1855-63); Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 97, pi. xxvii. fig. i (1856) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 39 (1873^ ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 649 (1883) ; Seehohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 497, pi. 12 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 215, pi. 54. fig. 1 (1896). Tharrhaleus modularis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 146 (1903). The eggs of the Common Accentor or ' Hedge-Sparrow ' vary from a broad to a long oval form, with the smaller end somewhat sharply pointed ; some have a dull roughish texture, others a fair amount of gloss. They are of a beautiful spotless greenish-blue colour, measuring from ^71 to '83 in length, and from "54 to '66 in breadth. 6. Dochfour, Inverness, 2nd June Seebohm Coll. {E. Hargitt). /- 5. Lochend, Inverness {Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Lochend {Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. THABUHALEFS. 133 1. Lochend, 11th May {Hargitt Coll). 5. Lochend, June {Hargitt Coll.). 4. Lochend, 5th June {Hargitt Coll.). 6. Lochend, 7th June {Hargitt Coll.). 3. Lochend {Hargitt Coll.). 2. Coquet IsL, Northumberland, 16th June (O. Salvin). 5. Cumberland {Heysham). 3. Cambridgeshire. 4. Cambridgeshire. 6. Cambridgeshire. 4. Haddenham, Cambridge, 19th May. 3. Norfolk, 16th May {F. Norgate). 5. Norfolk, 29th May {F. N.). 5. Norfolk, Slst May (i^.iV.). 6. Taplow, Berks, 16th April {J. G.). 4. Binstead, Hants, 29th April {Hargitt Coll.). 5. Alton, Hants. 5. Bishop's Wood,Finchley (O. Salvin). 1. Finchley (O. S.). 2. Bedford Park, Chiswick, 19th April (i2. B. Sharpe: Hargitt Coll.). 5. Sundal Valley, Norway, 21st June {R. B. S.). 5. SundalValley,23rdJune(iS;.5.>S^.). 6. Valkenswaard, Holland, 24th May (H. Seehohm). 5. Reval, Baltic Pro vs., June {Bussow). 6. Altenkirchen, Prussia, 26th April {T. Holland). Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould CoU. F. Bond, Esq. [P. F. Bond, Esq. [P. F. Bond, Esq. [P._ Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Gould Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm CoU. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharp© [P.]. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.J. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Tharrhaleus montanellus (Pall.). Accentor montanellus, Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 35 (1876) ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. ii. p. 63, pi. (1875) ; Seebohm, ibis, 1879, p. 16 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 653 (1883) ; Tacz. Faune Orn. SibSr. Orient, i. p. 218 (1891); Popham, Ibis, 1897, p. 93; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 65 (1899). Tharrhaleus montanellus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 147 (1903). The eggs of the Mountain- Accentor resemble those of T. modularis, but are somewhat smaller and paler in colour. They measure from •65 to -8 in length, and from -5 to -55 in breadth. 4. Yenesei River, Lat. 10\° N., Seebohm Coll. 1st July {H. Seebohm). 4. Yenesei River, Lat. 70^° N., Seebohm Coll. 2nd July {H. S.). 3. Yenesei River, Lat. 70^° N., Seebohm Coll. 3rd July {H. S.). 5. Yenesei River, Lat. 70^° N., Seebohm Coll. 3rd July (H. S.). 5. Yenesei River, Lat. 70^° N., Seebohm Coll. 4th July (H. S.), 134 TUEDID^. Tharrhaleus ruljidus (T. ^ S.). (Plate VII. fig. 21.) A.ccentor rubidus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 652 (1883) ; Seehohm, Birds Japan. Emp. p. 56 (1890). Accentor fervidus, Sharpe, Cat, Birds B. M. vii. p. 653 (1883). Tharrhaleus rubidus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 146 (1908). Tharrhaleus fervidus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 146 (1903). The eggs of the Japanese Hedge-Sparrow are precisely similar to those of the Common Hedge-Sparrow, but smaller. Two specimens measure respectively : "7 by "57 ; '72 by -57. 2. Japan {H. Fryer). Seebohm Coll. Tharrhaleus fulvescens (Severtz.). Accentor fulvescens, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 655 (1883) ; Tacz. Faune Orn. Siher. Orient, i. p. 220 (1891) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 65 (1899). Tharrhaleus f ulvescens, Oates, Fauna Brit. Lid., Birds, ii. p. 171 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 147 (1903). The two eggs of the Brown Accentor in the Collection are not to be distinguished from those of T. modularis. They measure respectively : -82 by -61 ; -80 by -61. 2. Kuldja, 25th May {Tancre). Crowley Bequest. Tharrhaleus atrigularis {Brandt). Accentor atrigularis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 656 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Fie?-samml. p. 65 (1899). Tharrhaleus atrigularis, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 170 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 147 (1903). Two eggs of the Black-throated Accentor in the Collection resemble those of T. modularis, but are slightly greener in tint. They measure respectively : '7 by '6 ; -72 by '6. 2. Kuldja ( Tancre : Nehrkorn Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Tharrhaleus jerdoni {Brooks). Accentor jerdoni, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 660 (1883). Tharrhaleus jerdoni, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 172 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 114 (1890) ; Sharpe^ Hand-l. iv. p. 147 (1903). Eggs of Jerdon's Accentor do not appear to be separable from those of T. modularis. Three examples measure respectively : '72 by -55; '75 by -55; -73 by -55. 1. Kashmir, 5th June ( ^. jEJ. ^rooA-s). Hume Coll. 2. Kashmir, 5th June ( W. E. B. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). ^. V EPHTHIANURA. 135 Genus EPHTHIANURA, Gould. EphtManura albifrons {Jard. Sf Selhy). Ephthianura albifrons, Ramsai/, Ibis, 1863, p. 178 ; Gould, Handb. Bii'ds Austr. i. p. 377 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 666 (1883) ; North, Nests Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 144, pi. xiii. fig. 11 (1889) t Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 65 (1899) ; Caynpbell, Nests ^ 5. Kenwood, Hampstead (0. *S'.). Salvin-Godman Coll', 3. Churt, Surrey. Crowley Bequest. PHCENICUEUS. 139 4. Elbeuf, France {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). Vosges Mts., France, April {Mougel : Hargitt Coll.). Vosges Mts., April {Mougel: Hargitt Coll.). Valkenswaard, Holland, May {J. Harrison: Hargitt Coll.). Valkenswaard, 21st May (C B. Wharton ^ H. Seebohm). Sundal Valley, Norway, 22nd June. Lapland. Petchora Eiver, Lat. 65|° N., lOth June (H. Seebohm 8f J. A. Harvie-Brown). Reval, Baltic Pro vs., 15th June. {Riissow). Brunswick, 2nd May {E. V. Seebohm). Pomerania, 3rd May {T. Holland). Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Phcenicurus mesoleucus {Hempr. ^ Ehr.). Ruticilla mesoleuca, Ih-esser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 285 (1876) ; Eanford, Ibis^ 1878, p. 14 ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 338 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 40 (1899). Phcenicurus mesoleucus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 150 (1903). The eggs of Ehrenberg's Eedstart are indistinguishable from those of P. phcenicurus. They measure from '72 to '8 in length, and from -55 to '58 in breadth. 5. Taurus Mountains, Asia Minor, 25th April (C. G. Danford). 1. Taurus Mountains, 26th April (C. G.D.). 2. Altai Mountains (Nehrkorn Coll.). Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest, Phcenicurus titys (Scop.). Sylvia tithys, Tkien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxii. fig. 8, a-c (1845-53). E'uticilla tithys, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 27. fig. 9 (1855-63) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 210; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 339 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 293, pi. 9 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 187, pi. 51. tig. 5 (1896). Phoenicura tithys, Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 105, pi. xxix. fig. iii (1856). Ruticilla titys, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 293 (1894). Phcenicurus titys, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 150 (1903). In shape the eggs of the Black Redstart vary from a broad to a rather long oval. They are pure white, unspotted, and very glossy, measuring from -68 to -82 in length, and from -54 to 'Q2 iu breadth. 140 TURDIDJB. 4. Dauphin^, S.E. France (7/. Seebohm Coll, Saunders). 3. Malaga, Spain, 9tli May {H. Seebohm Coll. Saunders). 2. Germany. Gould Coll. 4. Saxony ( Charbonnier : Rargitt Seebohm Coll. Coll.). 4. Brunswick, 14th May. Seebohm Coll. 5. Altenkirchen, 17th May {Sachse). Seebohm Coll. 3. Dresden. Crowley Bequest. 5. Bohemia, 2nd May (^. >Sc^/w«Jer). Seebohm Coll. 2. Delphi, Greece, 5th May. Seebohm Coll. 4. Parnassus, 6th May (Seebohm 8r Seebohm Coll. Krilper). 2. Parnassus, 24th May {S. 8fK.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Parnassus {T. Kruper). Crowley Bequest. PhoBnicurus rufiventris ( Vieill.). Ruticilla rufiventris, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 342 (1881) ; Pleske, Prjev. Reisen, Aves, p. 54 (1889) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Irid., Birds, ii. p. 95 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sr Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 64 (1890) ; Hartert, Nov. Zool. i. p. 669 (1894) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 40 (1899). Phoenicurus rufiventris, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 151 (1903). Three eggs of the Indian Redstart in the Collection resemble those of P. phoenicurus, but are somewhat paler in colour. They measure respectively : '79 by -59 ; '78 by '6 ; "78 by -6. 3. Koko-nor (Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Phoenicurus semirufus (Hempr. Sf Ehr.). Ruticilla semirufa, Tristram, Ibis, 1867, p. 87; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. V. p. 344 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 40 (1899). Phoenicurus semirufus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 151 (1903). The eggs of the Palestine Redstart in the Collection resemble those of P. phoenicurus. Two examples measure respectively : '75 by -56 ; -71 by '56. 2. Meiruba, Lebanon, Palestine, Crowley Bequest. 18th June (H. B. Tristram). Phoenicurus auroreus (Gm.). (Plate yil. fig. 5.) Ruticilla aurorea, Tacz. J. f. O. 1872, p. 362, 1873, taf. i. fig. 11 ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 345 (1881) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 93 (1890) ; Tacz. Faune Orn. Siber. Orient, i. p. 326 (1891) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 40 (1899). Phoenicurus auroreus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 151 (1903). Eggs of the Daurian Redstart are of a broad oval 'shape, moderately glossy, and of a very pale blue colour, speckled and PHCENICTTRrS. 141 mottled with pale rufous, chiefly at the broad end. Four examples in the Collection measure respectively : -71 bv 'oo ; -68 by -57 ; '65 by -55 ; -71 by -53. 1. Askold Island {Dorries). Seebohm Coll. 3. Amur-land. Crowley Bequest. PhoenicurTis erythronotus (Eversm.). Ruticilla erythronota, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 348 (1881) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 94 (1890) ; Tacz. Faune Orn. Siber. Orient, p. 331 (1891) ; Nehrk. Kat. Fiersatmnl. p. 40 (1899). Phoenicurus erythronotus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 152 (1903). The eggs of Eversmann's Eedstart are of the same type as those of P. auroreus. They are pale blue, delicately mottled and speckled with pale rufous, the markings forming an ill-defined zone round the broad end. Two examples measure respectively : '76 by -57 ; •7 by -54. 2. Kuldja (Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Phoenicurus frontalis ( Vig.). Ruticilla jfrontalis, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 349 (1881) ; Pleske, Frjev. Beisen, Aves, p. 64, pi. v. fig. 5 (1889) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 91 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 64 (1890) ; Hartert, Nov. Zool. i. p. 669 (1894) ; Osmaston, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. xi. p. 471 (1898) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 40 (1899). Phoenicurus frontalis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 162 (1903). The eggs of the Blue-fronted Redstart are either of two very distinct types, or they have in some cases been wrongly identified by the naturalists who collected them. Three eggs sent to Mr. Hume from Sikhim, and now in the Collection, are avowedly of somewhat doubtful identity; they are of a pale delicate blue colour and of a pointed oval shape, moderately glossy, measuring respectively : "87 by -58 ; -81 by -6 ; •85 by -6. Eggs received by Herr Nehrkorn, also from Sikhim and said to belong to this species, are described by him as being uniform pale blue. The measurement of these eggs is given as 21 x 25 mm., apparently a misprint. Mr. Hartert, describing a number of eggs of this Redstart from Koko-nor, collected by Herr Tancre's men, states that they are of a delicate greenish blue, with more or less indistinct small rufous- brown spots near the larger end, in some almost invisible, in a few others forming a very distinct and obvious ring. Eour of these specimens, acquired in the Crowley Bequest, are now in the Museum. They are much darker than the eggs in the Hume Collection, excessively glossy and measuring respectively : '89 by '6 ; •84 by ^6 ; -81 by -61 ; -85 by -6. 142 TUEDID^. Of a totally different type are the eggs of this Redstart taken by Mr. Osmaston in the Tons Valley in the Himalaya, and they agree perfectly with the eggs figured by Dr. Pleske as those of this species. They are pinkish white, clouded over with very pale brownish pink, chiefly at the broad end, and a few very minute specks of darker rufous are scattered over the shell. They are fairly glossy and measure respectively: '79 by '6 ; '79 by "54 ; '78 by -56. 3. Sikhim. Hume Coll. 3. Tons Valley, Himalaya, June. B. B. Osmaston, Esq. [P.]. 4. Koko-nor {Tring Museum). Crowley Bequest. Genus DIPLOOTOCUS, Ilartert. Diplootocus moussieri (Olphe-Gall.). Ruticilla moussieri, Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 307; Tristram, Ibis, 1859, p. 416 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 301 (1873) ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. ii. p. 88, pi. (1875). Pinarochroa moussieri, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 20 (1883) ; NehrTc. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 51 (1899). Diplootocus moussieri, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 152 (1903). The eggs of Moussier's Redstart are of a broad oval form, rather glossy, and of a white or very pale bluish white, sometimes sparingly marked with exceedingly minute rufous dots, easily overlooked unless the specimens are carefully examined. They measure from •72 to -78 in length, and from -56 to -57 in breadth. 1. Chemora, Algeria, 2nd June (0. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin). 2. Chemora, 2nd June {Tristram Crowley Bequest. ■Coll.). 1. Khifa M'sakta, Algeria, 25th April Salvin-Godman Coll. (O. S.). 4. Khifa M'sakta, 24th April ( W. H. Crowley Bequest. Simpson: Tristram Coll.). Genus RHYACORNIS, Blanf, Rhyacornis fuliginosa ( Vig.), Xanthopygia fuliginosa, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 253 (1879) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 26 (1899). Rhyacornis fuliginosus, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 98 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs hid. Birds, ii. p. 66 (1890) ; La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 202. Rhyacornis fuliginosa, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 152 (1903). The eggs of the Plumbeous Redstart are regular or broad ovals, somewhat pointed at the smaller end : some exhibit a consider- able amount of gloss, while others are entirely devoid of it. ''They CYANECULA. 148 are of a pale greenish white, thickly spotted and mottled with more or less dull and dingy chestnut-brown and lavender, but little ground-colour being visible in some specimens ; the markings often collect into a confluent cap at the broad end. They measure from '68 to -8 in length, and from -54 to '61 in breadth. 6. Himalayas. 2. Dharmsala, Himalayas, 20th May. 1. Dharmsala ( W. E. Brooks : Tris- tram Coll.). 3. Kuatun, Fohkien, China, 7th May. 4. Kuatun, 7th May. 1. Kuatun, 20th April (J. D. La T.). 3. Kuatun, 21st April {J. D. LaT.). 4. Kuatun, 22nd April {J. D. La T.). 2. Kuatun, 20th May {J. D. LaT.). 6. Kuatun, June {J. D. La T.). 2. Foochow, 3rd May. 2. Fohkien Province, May. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. J. D. La Touche, Esq. [P.]. J. D. La Touche, Esq. [P.]. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. C. B. Rickett, Esq. fp.^ C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P. Crowley Bequest. Genus CYANECULA, Brehm. Cyanecula suecica {Linn.). Sylvia suecica, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxii. fig. 7,a-c (1845-54) ; Wheelwright y Sjyring ^ Summer in Lapl. p. 286 (1871). Cyanecula suecica, Baedeker, JEier Bur. Vdg. tab. 27. fig. 7 (1855-63) ; Dresser, Birds Bur. ii. p. 317 CI 874) ; Seehohm 8f Harvie-Brown, Ibis, 1876, p. 125 ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 99 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 153 (1903). Phoenicura suecica, Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 102, pi. xxix. fig. i (1856). Erithacus c^ruleculus, Seebohm, Cat, Birds B. M. v. p. 308 (1881): Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 39 (1899). Erithacus suecica, Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 269, pi. 9 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 184, pi. 61. figs. 6 & 7 (1896). The eggs of the Red-spotted Blue-throat may be described as small forms of the bluish-green type of those of the Nightingale. The ground-colour is greenish blue, frequently with a dull olive tinge, and while some specimens are nearly uniformly of this colour, the majority are distinctly speckled with rufous. They measure from 'Qt to "8 in length, and from -55 to '57 in breadth. 3. Swedish Lapland {J. Wolley : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 7. Lapland, 19th June. 2. Lapland (A. Newton). 5. Lapland {T. Holland). 2. Stockholm, June (Tristram Coll.). 4. Petchora River, Lat. 67^° N., June (jff. Seebohm ^ J. A. Harvie-Broivn) 6. Petchora River, Lat. 68° N., 25th June(^. S.^J.A.H.-B.). 3. Petchora River, Lat. 67|° N., 4th Zu\y [H.S.Sf J. A. H.-B.). Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. 144 TURDID^. Cyanecula cyanecula (Wolf). Cyanecula cseriilecula, Baedeker, FAer Eur. Vor/. tab. 27. %. 6 (1855-63). Cyanecula wolfi, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 311 (1874) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 100 (1890). Erithacus cyaneculus, SeeboJmi, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 311 (1881). Cyanecula cyanecula, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 163 (1903). It would be impossible to separate the eggs of the White-spotted Blue-throat in the Collection from those of the Hed-spotted form, though at a casual glance the former may seem a trifle more highly coloured. Certainly, among them is a remarkable clutch from Yalkenswaard (Seebohm Collection) which appears quite brilliant among its more sombre neighbours. These eggs have a bright greenish-blue ground, clouded, streaked, and blotched with rich rufous-brown of a soft and agreeable tint, the markings increasing gradually in number and density from one end to the other, and forming a conspicuous cap, in one instance at the smaller end. In size the eggs of this species vary from 'Q2 to '8 in length, and from "5 to '6 in breadth. 6. Holland. Crowley Bequest. 3. Holland {J. Baker). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Yalkenswaard, Holland. Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. Valkenswaard. 10th May (C. B. Wharton Seebohm Coll. 8f H. Seebohm). 5. Valkenswaard, 21st Mav ( C.B. W.^H.S.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Valkenswaard, 25th May ( C.B. W.^H.S.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Valkenswaard, 27th May {C.B. W.SfH.S.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Valkenswaard, 28th May {C.B. W.^^H.S.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Valkenswaard, 28th May ( C.B. W.^H.S.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Valkenswaard, 28th May ( C.B. W.^H.S.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Valkenswaard, 29th May (C.^. W.^^H.S.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Valkenswaard, 29th May {C.B. W.^H.S.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Valkenswaard, 1st May. Crowley Bequest. 4. Valkenswaard. Crowley Bequest. 4. Valkenswaard. Crowley Bequest. 5. Belgium, 26tk May {C. B. W. ^ H. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Genus AEDON, Forst. Aedon megarhynclia (Brehm). (Plate YIII. figs. 5 & 9.) Sylvia luscinia, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. tab. xxi. fig. 2, a-c (1845-54). Philomela luscinia, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 27. fig. 4 (1855-63) ; Hewitson, Eggs of Brit, Eggs, i. p. 124, pi. xxxiii. figs, i & ii (1856). Daulias luscinia. Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 363 (1876). Erithacus luscinia, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B.M. v. p. 294 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 276, pi. 9 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit Birds, p. 185, pi. 51. figs. 10 & 11 (1896). Aedon megarhyncha, Sharpe, Kand-l. iv. p. 153 (1903). There is not much variation in the eggs of the Nightingale, though they may be separated into two types, having the- same bluish-green ground, but differing in the amount and appearance of AEDOX. 145 the reddish-brown surface-colour. In one type the eggs are only faintly freckled, sometimes irregularly, but often at one end and occasionally at both ends, in the form of a cap. The other type has the colouring-matter so thickly distributed over the whole shell as to appear of a reddish- or olive-brown tint. Examples occur connecting these two types, but distinct varieties are apparently scarce. One from the Crowley Bequest, taken at Churt, in Surrey, is a pale olive-blue, almost without gloss, marked at the larger end with a few spots and one or two large blotches of brownish red. Another from the Salvin-Godman Collection, from Surrey, is of a peculiar elongated elliptical form, with a pale bluish-green ground, dotted and freckled with reddish brown, rather thickly towards the larger end, where there is a very distinct cap. These two are the only real abnormal specimens in a total of 115 eggs in the Musenm cabinets. Eggs of the Nightingale are usually very glossy. They measure from -75 to -9 in length, and from -57 to -65 in breadth. 6. England. St. Neots, Hunts, 5th June {G. D. Rowley: Tristrayn Coll.). Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire {F. Bond: Har- gittColL). Cambridge. Maddingley, Cambridge, 19thMay. New Forest, Hampshire {H. Saun- ders) . Farnham, Surrey (F. B. Godman). Finchley, Middlesex (O. Salvin). Finchley (O. S.). Finchley (O. S.). Surrey, June. Churt, Surrey. Elbeuf, France (Noury : Hargitt Coll.). Elbeuf {Noury: Hargitt Coll.). Elbeuf (iVbwrt/: Hargitt Coll.). Elbeuf, 28th May (Avowry; Har- gitt Coll.). Valkenswaard, Holland, 14th May (a B. Whartm ^ H. Seebohm). Valkenswaard, 16th M&j(C.B. W. i^H.S.). Valkenswaard, 21st May (C.B. W. SfH.S.). Valkenswaard, 21st Mav (C.B.W. ^H.S.). ^' Valkenswaard, 21st May (C.B.W. ^H.S.). Valkenswaard, 2l8t May (C.B. W. ^H.S.). VOL. IV. H. F. Walter, Esq. [P.]. Crowley Bequest. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.J. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll, Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll, Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm CoU. 146 TTJEDID-E. 5. Valkenswaard, 29th May (0.5. PF. Seebohm Coll. 4. Pomerania, 1st May {T. Holland). Seebohm Coll. 3. Boufarik, Algeria, 3rd May {H. Crowley Bequest. B. Tristram). 3. Kouba, Algeria, 13th June (H. B. Crowley Bequest. T.). Aedon luscinia {Linn.). Sylvia philomela, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxi. fig. 1, a-c (1845- 54). Philomela major, Baedeker, JEier Eur. Vog. tab. 27. fig. 3 (1855-63). Daulias philomela, Bree, Birds Eur. 2iid ed. ii. p. 73, pi. (1875) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 369 (1876). Erithacus philomela, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 295 (1881). Aedon luscinia, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 154 (1903). Eggs of the Eastern Nightingale are, on the average, rather larger than those of A. megarhyncJia, but do not otherwise differ from them. They measure from *80 to '94 in length, and from '62 to '68 in breadth. 4. June June Island of Bornholm, Sweden Salviu-Godman Coll {Erichsen). Island of Bornholm, {Erichsen). Island of Bornholm (Eric Island of Bornholm, 5th (Meves). Copenhagen, 2nd June {Terslev). Uman, S. Russia {Goebel). Uman, 1st June {Goebel). Parnassus, Greece, 12th May {H. Seebohm 8f T. KrUper). Salvin-GodmanCoU. Salvin-Godman Coll* Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Aedon golzii {Cab.). (Plate VII. fig. 14.) Erithacus golzii, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 297 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 39 (1899). Daulias golzi, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 101 (1890). Aedon golzii, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 154 (1903). Eour eggs of the Persian Nightingale in the Collection do not differ materially from those of A. megarJiyncha, being a trifle larger in size, of a somewhat pointed oval form, and measuring respectively : •93 by -69 ; -86 by -66 ; -85 by -67 ; and -83 by -67. 2. Altai Mountains {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Altai Mountains [Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 5. Shiraz, Persia, 8th May. H. F. Witherby, Esq. [P.]. ERITHACTJS. 147 Genus ERITHACUS, Guvier, Erithacus rubecula (Linn.). (Plate VIII. figs. 6 & 8.) Sylvia rubecula, Thien. FoH'pfianz. ges. Vog. tab. xxii. fig. 6, a-c (1845- 54). Erythacus rubecula, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 27. fig. 5 (1855-63) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. i\.^.m9{l9>7S). Erythaca rubecula, Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds j i. p. 98, pi. xxviii. (1856). Erithacus rubecula, Seehohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 299 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 262, pi. 9 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 183, pi. 51. figs. 2 & 3 (1896) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 154 (1903). The Museum Collection contains a fine series of the eggs of the Robin, which vary considerably in colour, and in shape, from the broad oval to the spheroidal, and are generally highly glossy. The ground is usually white or cream-coloured, sometimes tinged with pale pink ; the markings are of various shades of brown or reddish brown, mingled with underlying lavender, and while in some eggs they are densely set over the whole shell in the shape of clouds, blotches, and spots, in others they are sparingly distributed in the form of small blotches and specks. In many specimens the mark- ings are chiefly collected together at the broad end in the form of a cap or zone, often very handsome. A set of eggs from Churt, Surrey, is pure white without any markings ; others are very faintly or sparingly coloured, without the prevailing rufous-brown tint of the typical specimens. Two eggs from Bristol are very strikingly zoned with dark purple-grey, almost black, blotches, dominating the red-brown spots. In size the eggs vary from '7 to '9 in length, and from -56 to -65 in breadth. 3. England. Old Collection. 3. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. 5. Cambridgeshire. , F. Bond, Esq. [P.J. 6. Coton, Cambridgeshire, 11th May. Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. Norfolk, 23rd April {F. Norgate). Seebohm Coll. 6. Norfolk, 20th May {F. N.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Taplow, Berkshire. Gould Coll. 2. Bristol. W. G. 0. Norman, Esq. fP 4. Great Whitley, June. W. E. de Winton, Esq. [P. 4. Bentley, Hants, 22nd April (Har- Seebohm Coll. gitt Coll.). 5. Bentley, 2nd May {Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 5. New Forest {H. Saunders). Seebohm Coll. 4. Finchley, Middlesex (O. Sahin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Finchley (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Chiswick, 4th April {Hargitt Seebohm Coll. Coll). 5. Churt, Surrey, May. Crowley Bequest. 5. Churt, May. Crowley Bequest. 4. Churt, June. Crowley Bequest. 6. Valkenswaard, Holland, 20th May Seebohm Coll. (C. B. Wharton Sf II. Seebohm). l2 148 TURBIB^. 7. Valkenswaard, 27tli May ( C. B. W. Seebohm Coll. 8f H. S.). 6. Pomerania, May {T. Holland). Seebohm Coll. 7. Pomerania, 7th May {T. H.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Pomerania, 27th May {T, H.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Revel, Baltic Provs., 21st June Seebohm Coll. {Russoio). 3. Below Caldeira, 2700 ft., Fayal, Hon. Walter Rothschild [P.]. Azores, 27th May {W. R. Ogilvie-Grant). 3. Below Caldeira, 2700 ft., 27th May Hon. Walter Rothschild [P.]. ( W. R. O.-G.). Erithacus superbus, Kbnig. Erithacus superbus, Koniff, J.f. 0. 1889, p. 183 ; id. J.f. 0. 1890, p. 383, pi. viii. fig. 4 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiermmwl. p. 39 (1899) ; Sharpej Hand-l. iv. p. 164 (1903). Compared with eggs of E. rubecula., those of the Teneriffe Robin seem to be less glossy and more highly coloured, the markings being of a somewhat richer and darker rufous-brown, with a more noticeable amount of underlying lavender-grey, especially at the larger end. There is no difference in size ; the eggs in the Collection vary from '76 to '84 in length, and from 'b^ to "60 in breadth. 4. Canary Islands. Capt. Savile G. Reid [P.]. 4. Teneriffe. Crowley Bequest. Erithacus akahige {Temm.), (Plate Yll. fig. 1.) Erithacus akahige, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 299 (1881) ; id. Birds Japan. Emp, p. 50 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 39 (1899) ; Sharpe, Iland-l. iv. p. 154 (1903). Two eggs of the Japanese Robin in the Collection are of a blunt oval shape and moderately glossy. They are of a very pale blue colour, without markings, and measure : -83 by -64 ; -88 by -61. 2. Seven Islands, Japan, 20th May. Crowley Bequest. Genus HODGSONIUS, Bonap, Hodgsonius phcenicuroides (Eodgs.). Hodgsonius phcenicuroides, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 81 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i, p. 190 (1889) ; Osmaston, Joum, Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. xi. p. 67 (1897) ; Wilson, op. cit. xii. p. 635 (1899) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 52 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 155 (1903). The eggs of Hodgson's Short-wing are of a rather pointed oval form, glossy, and of a deep blue colour. Two examples, in the Collection measure respectively : 'Sb by 'Q2 ; -9 by -63. 2. Garhwal, Himalayas. B. B, Osmaston, Esq. [P.]. CALLIOPE. LARVIVOEA. 149 Genus CALLIOPE, Gould. Calliope calliope {Pall.). Calliope camtschatkensis, Tacz. J.f. O. 1872, p. 433 ; 1873, taf. 1. fig. 13; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 341 (1875). Erithacus calliope, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 305 (1881) ; Tacz. Faune Om. SiMr. Orient, p. 335 (1891) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 39 (1899). CaUiope calliope, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 155 (1903). A pair of eggs of the Siberian Ruby-throated Robin in the Collec- tion are of a regular oval shape and rather glossy. They are of a plain dull blue colour, though, according to Taczanowski, the eggs of this species are usually faintly marked at the broad end with rufous. In size they measure respectively : '82 by '61 ; and '9 by -63. 2. Lake Baikal, Siberia {Dybowski). Crowley Bequest. Genus lANTHIA, Blyth. lantMa rufilata (Hodgs.). Tarsiger rufilatus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 256 (1879) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 27 (1899). lanthia rufilata, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 106 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 68 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 156 (1903). Three eggs of the Eed-flanked Wood-Robin are rather peculiar in shape ; they are broad ovals, much pointed at the small end, and with a perceptible compression, almost amounting to a point, at the larger end. They vary in the amount of gloss on their surface, but are all of an extremely pale greenish-white, with a faint zone at the broad end composed of tiny specks of pale red-brown. The respec- tive measurements are : -70 by -55 ; '70 by -56 ; and "70 by -57. 1. Kashmir, 2nd June ( W. E. Brooks). Hume Coll. 2. Kashmir, 2iid June (W. E. B.: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Genus LARVIVORA, Hodgs. Larvivora cyanea (Pall.). Larvivora cyane, Tacz. J. f. O. 1872, p. 363 ; 1873, taf. 1. fig. 12 ; id. Faune Orn. Siber. Orient, p. 338 (1891). Erithacus cyaneus, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 303 (1881) ; id. Birds Japan. Emp. p. 53 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 39 (1899). Larvivora cyanea, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 157 (1903). Two eggs of the Siberian Blue Robin in the Collection resemble X 150 TUJRDTD.E. those of L. hnmnea, but are rather longer. They are of a regular oval shape, slightly glossy, and of a plain blue colour. They measure respectively : -81 by -6 ; '78 by -59. 2. Hondo, Japan, 24th May. Crowley Bequest. Larvivora brunnea, Hodgs. (Plate VII. fig. 4.) Erithacus brunneus, Seeboktn, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 302 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. EiersamTrd. p. 39 (1899). Larvivora brunnea, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 182 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ JEgps Ind. Birds, i. p. 127 (1889) ; Osmaston, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. xi. p. 71 (1897), p. 468 (1898) ; Sharps, Hand4. iv. p. 157 (1903). The eggs referred by Mr. Hume {I. c.) to the Indian Blue Chat now prove to be those of some other bird. JSTehrkorn's description of the e^g is incorrect, as he himself suggests. Authentic eggs taken by Mr. Osmaston are of a pointed oval shape and moderately glossy. They are of a delicate spotless blue colour, and measure respectively : '73 by '57 ; '75 by -55 ; -77 by -56 ; •76 by -6. Tons Valley, Himalayas, June. B. B. Osmaston, Esq. [P.]. Genus ADELUEA, Bonap. Adelura cseruleocephala ( Vig,). (Plate VII. fig. 8.) Euticilla cserulocephala, Seehohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 353 (1881). Adelura cseruleicephala, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 108 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 69 (1890). Adelura caeruleocephala, Wardlaio Ramsay, Ibis, 1880, p. 58 ; Sharpen Hand-l. iv. p. 157 (1903). The eggs of the Blue-headed Redstart in the Collection, taken by Colonel R. G. Wardlaw Ramsay in Afghanistan, are somewhat similar to the eggs of PJioenicurus fi^ontalis taken by Mr. Osmaston, but the ground-colour is more creamy white than pink, and they are some- what rounder in shape, as will be seen from the measurements of the three specimens, which are respectively : '7 by '54 ; -7 by -55 ; •69 by -55. Mr. Hume, on the other hand, records the finding of an egg of this species on the 16th April in the Himalayas. He describes it as being of a uniform pale delicate blue colour, and measuring •83 by '62. There was probably some mistake made about this egg, as Mr. Hume himself appears to suggest (I. c). 3 Afghanistan, 22nd May {B. G. Seebohm Coll. , -. Wardlaw Ramsay). NOTODELA. THAMNOBIA. . 151 Genus NOTODELA, Less, Notodela leucura (Hodgs.). Notodela leucura, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 23 (1883) ; Oates^ Fauna Brit. Ind,, Birds, ii. p. 112 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p, 70 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 51 (1899) J Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 157 (1903). The eggs of the White-tailed Blue Robin appear to be generally of a rather broad oval shape, pointed at the smaller end, but some of them incline towards a spheroidal form. They are not very glossy, and are of several shades of pinkish cream, or, as Mr. Hume remarks {I. c), of a cafe-au-lait colour : though all are apparently spotless, an ordinary reading-glass discloses the existence, in one specimen very distinctly, of an obscure mottling or freckling of pale reddish brown on a light ground, so that we may assume that the darker eggs owe their extra colour to a dense mottling of a similar nature. In size the eggs measure from -85 to '92 in length, and from '65 to "70 in breadth. 2. Mongphoo, Darjiling, May Hume Coll. (J. Gammie). 1. Mongphoo, May (J. G.). Hume Coll. 1. Darjiling, 8th May (X. MandeUi). Hume Coll. 1. Darjiling, 15th May (Z. M.). Hume Coll. 1. Darjiling, 10th June (i. M.). Hume Coll. 2. Darjiling, 14th May. Hume Coll. 1. Darjiling, 22nd June. Hume Coll. Genus THAMNOBIA {Swains.). Thamnobia cambaiensis {Lath.). Thamnobia cambaiensis, Beavan, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 376; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 55 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii, p. 114 (1890); id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 71 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 51 (1899) j Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 158 (1903). Eggs of the Brown-backed Indian Robin resemble those of T. fulicata, and cannot be separated from them by any character. Iji size they vary from '72 to '88 in length, and from 48 to '67 in breadth. 2. Hansi, Punjab, Ist April. Hume Coll. 1. Hansi, 3rd April. Hume Coll. 3. Delhi, 23rd April ( C. T. Bingham). Hume Coll. 2. Delhi, 19th June (C. r.^.). Hume Coll. 2. Saharanpur, 28th April. Hume Coll. 1. Bareilly, 15th May. Hume Coll. 2. Bareilly, 24th May. Himie Coll. 2. Bareilly, 5th J une. Hume Coll. 2. Bareilly, 28th Aug. Hume Coll. 2. Agra, 16th June. Hume Coll. 3. Agra, 19th June, Hume Coll. 152 TFKDID.1:. 3. Agra, 21st June. Hume Coll. 4. Etawah, 15th April. Hume Coll. 3. Etawah. Hume Coll. 2. Mirzapur, 26th April ( W.E.Brooks : Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Mirzapur, 9th May ( W. E. B.: Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 3. Lucknow, 6th May Hume Coll. 1. Lucknow, 24th May. Hume Coll. 3. Lucknow, 13th June. Hume Coll. 1. Lucknow, 15th June. Hume Coll. 2. Allahabad, 25th March. Hume Coll. 3! Jhansi, 7th May. Hume Coll. 1. Jhansi, 10th June. Hume Coll. 2. Jhansi, 22nd June. Hume Coll. 3. Jhansi, 26th June. Hume Coll. 2. Central India, 30th March (R. C. Beavan: Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Central India, 3rd April {R. C. B.: Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Sambhur, 10th May {R. M. Adam). Hume Coll. 1. Sambhur, 13th July {R. M. A.). Hume Coll. 2. Saugor, 0. Provinces, June. Hume Coll. 3. Saugor. Hume Coll. 1. Maunbhoom, 20th April {R. C. Beavan). Salvin-Godman Coll. Thamnobia fulicata {Linn.), Thamnobia fulicata, Legge, Birds Ceylon, p. 440 (1879); SJiarpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 54 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 115 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 76 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 51 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 158 (1903). A series of forty eggs of the Brown-backed Indian Eobin in the Collection are principally of a regular oval form, but many are somewhat elongated and a few pointed. They have a fair amount of gloss. The ground-colour is white, often tinged with faint green or pink, and this is rather closely spotted, speckled, streaked, and mottled, with rich reddish or umber-brown and brownish yeUow, with some underlying lavender. The markings are most dense at the larger end of the Q^g, where they often form an irregular zone or cap. Some eggs are very boldly and handsomely blotched with dark umber or reddish brown at the larger end, but striking varieties appear to be rare. One example in the Collection is almost spherical in form, of a pale blue colour, and very sparingly dotted with yellowish. Specimens measure from '76 to '84 in length, and from -55 to '62 in breadth. 3. India. Crowley Bequest. 1. Ahmedabad, India, 2nd April. Hume Coll. 4. Sholapur {H. Wenden). Hume Coll. 2. Sholapur, 8th June (if. W'.). Hume Coll. >^ - 1. Sholapur, 12th June {H. TV.). Hume Coll. COPSTCHITS. 153 1. Shokpur, 15th June {H. W.). 2. Sholapur, 21st June {H. W.). S. Sholapur, 24th June (H. W.). 1. Sholapur, 28th June (H. W.). 2. Sholapur, 8th July {H. W.), 17. Mysore. 2. Ceylon, July {A. i. Butler). 1. Ceylon, May {A. L. B.). Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Genus COPSYCHUS, Wagler. Copsychus saularis {Linn.). Oopsychus saularis, Layard, Ann. 8f Mag. N. H. 2nd ser. xii. p. 263 (1853) ; Leggey Birds Ceylon, p. 433 (1879) : Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 61 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 116 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 80 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 51 (1899) ; Sharps, Hand-l. iv. p. 160 (1903). The eggs of the Magpie-Robin are very variable in size, shape, and coloration. They are ordinarily of a regular oval form, some being short and blunt, others elongated and narrow, some almost globular. They have a considerable amount of gloss. The ground- colour is of some pale shade of green or greenish blue, and this is streaked, mottled, and blotched with different shades of reddish brown and yellowish brown, and some underlying markings of pale purple. In most cases the markings are dense all over the shell, but they are always especially so at the larger end, where they form an irregularly mottled cap. Eggs measure from '78 to '95 in length, and from -6 to '75 in breadth. 16. India. 2. Agrore Valley, Punjab, 18th May {Capt. Unwin). 8. Mussoorie {T. Hutton). 2. Saharunpur, 23rd April {G. F. L. Marshall). 1. Baraitch. 3. Delhi, 12th June {A. O. Hume). 1. Agra, Feb. {A. O. H.) 1. Bareilly, 4 th May. 2. Bareilly, 12th May {A. O. H). 2. Bareilly, 2l8t June {A. O. H). 3. Mirzapur ( W. E. Brooks : Iris- tram Coll.). 5. Allahabad ( C. T. Bingham). 4. Jhansi, 24th June. 5. Saugor, C. Prov., 26th June {F. R. Blewitt). 5. Saugor, 26th June {F. R. B.). 3. Saugor, 7th July {F. R. B.). 1. Saugor, 20th July {F. R. B.). 1. Belgaum, 10th June {A. E. Butler) . Hume Coll. Hume ColL Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. 154 TURDIDiE. 1. Arcot, 18th May. 7. Nilghiri Hills (Tristram Coll.). 1. Ceylon {JS. L. Layard). 1. Ceylon (XX.X.: Tristram Coll.). 2. Barrackpur {R. C. Beavan). 4. Dibrughur, Assam, oth May (J. R. Crij^ps). 3. Pegu, April {E. W. Oates). 1. Pegu, 3rd April {E. W. 0.). 1. Pegu, 14tli April {E. W. O.). 1. Pegu, 19th April {E. W. O.). 1. Pegu, 30th April {E. W. O.). 1. Pegu, 20th May {E. W. O.). 2. Pegu, 25th May {E. W. 0.). 3. Tenasserim. 1. Meplay Choung, Tenasserim, 16th March ( C. T. Bingham). 3. Penang, 12th June. 5. Foochow, China, May. 2. Foochow, 5th May. 5. Foochow, 8th May. 2. Foochow, 9th May. 1. Foochow, 15th May. 1. Foochow, 17th May. 4. Foochow, 15th June. 4. Foochow, 20th July. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Oates Coll. Oates Coll. Oates Coll. Oates Coll. Oates Coll. Oates Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. C. B. Rickett, C. B. Rickett, C. B. Rickett, C. B. Rickett, C. B. Rickett, C. B. Rickett, C. B. Rickett, C. B. Rickett, C. B. Rickett, Es(i. P-] Esq. :?•: Esq. [p- Esq. ■p.' Esq. v: Esq. p.' Esq. p.] Esq.tPg Esq. [P.J. Copsychus amcenus, Horsf. Copsychus amoenus, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 340 ; id. Cat. Birds B. M. vii. pp. 61, 65 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 160 (1903). The eggs of this species are larger than those of 0. sanlaris, and they are, as a whole, more densely and brilliantly marked. In some of the eggs little of the ground-colour is visible. They measure from -99 to 1*06 in length, and from '67 to -75 in breadth. 15. Lumbidan, Borneo. Sir Hugh Low [C.]. 2. Borneo (-ff. iozy : Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Liahnajilslsind, Maj {J. Whitehead). Crowley Bequest. 3. Java. Crowley Bequest, Genus GERVAISIA, Bonap. Gervaisia albispecularis (Eyd. &f Oerv.). Copsychus albospecularis typicus, Milne-Edwards ^ Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag., Ois. i. p. "363, pi. 303. tig. 7 (1879). Gervaisia albospecularis, E. Newton, Ibis, 1863, p. 345 ; Sharps, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 66 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 51 (1899). Gervaisia albispecularis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 160 (1903). There are only three eggs of the Madagascar Magpie-Rdi)in in the Collection, and these cannot bo separated from eggs of the GERVAISIA. CITTOCINCLA. 155 Western Madagascar form, G. pica, either by colour or size. They measure respectively : -88 by '63 ; '88 by -64 ; and '89 by 'Q\. 2. Madagascar, 27th Oct. {J. Caldwell : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 1. Madagascar (Tm^mm Co/^.). Crowley Bequest. Gervaisia pica (Pelz.), Copsychus albospecularis, var. pica, Milne-Edwards 8f Grrandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag., Ois. i. p. 365, pi. 303. fig. 8 (1879). Copsychus pica, Cowan^ Proc. JR. Phys. Soc. Edin. vii. p, 148 (1882). Gervaisia pica, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 67 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 52 (1899); Sharpe, Handel, iv. p. 160 (1903). The eggs of the Western Madagascar Magpie-Robin, which show considerable variation, resemble those of Copsychus saularis, though the markings are certainly of a duller brown tint. The ground- colour varies from the palest greenish white to a greenish blue, and the markings are of various shades of yellowish brown and pale reddish brown. The eggs vary from '8 to -9 in length, and from '61 to '65 in breadth. C. C. c: Genus CITTOCINCLA, Scl. Cittocincla macrura (Gm.). Copsychus macrurus, Layard, Ann. Sf Mag. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. xii. p. 264 (1853), Cittocincla macrura, Legge, Birds Ceylon, p. 437 (1879) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 118 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs hid. Birds, ii. p. 86 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 161 (1903). Cittocincla tricolor, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 85 (1883) ; Nehrk, Kat. Eiersamml. p. 52 (1899). The eggs of the Indian Shama resemble those of Copsychus saularis, and, like them, are very varied both with regard to the colour of the ground and the distribution of the markings. One clutch of eggs in the Collection cannot, however, be matched by any of the eggs of the other species, the ground being a dead white, without any trace of green. On the whole, the eggs of the present species are rather smaller than Indian eggs of G. saularis, measuring from '77 to '92 in length, and from -61 to -65 in breadth. 2. Pegu, April {E. W. Oates). Hume Coll. 2. Pegu, 10th May {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, 27th Mav {E. W. O.). Oates Coll. 3. Betsileo, Madagascar. Rev. W. Deans Cowan 4. Betsileo. Rev. W. Deans Cowan 2. Betsileo. Rev. W. Deans Cowan 3. Betsileo, Rev. W. Deans Cowan 8. Madagascar ( W. Deans Cowan : Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Madagascar {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 156 TUEDID^. 4. 1. 4. 2. 1. 4. Pegu, 28tli May {U. W. 0.). Pegu, 5th June {E. TV. 0.). Meplay, Tenasserim, 10th April (a T.Bingham). Tavoy, Tenasserim {J. Barling). Tavoy, 17th April [J. D.). Tavoy, 17th April {J. D.). Hume Coll. Gates Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Cittocincla luzoniensis (Kittl). (Plate VII. fig. 15.) Cittocincla luzoniensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 91 (1883) ; Grant 8f Whitehead, Ibis, 1898, p. 239, pi. vi. fig. 4 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 162 (1903). In the Collection are two pairs of the eggs of the Philippine Shama ; they are not separable from those of the Indian species. They measure respectively : -8 by -6 ; -81 by -6 ; -89 by '61 ; •9 by 61. 2. Engaiio, N.E. Luzon, 27th April. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. 2. Engaho, 26th May. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. Genus COSSYPHA, Vig. Cossypha caffra (Linn.). Cussyph acaffra, Sharpe, ed. Bayard's Bij-ds S. Africa, p. 224 (1875-84) ; id. Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 39 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Biersamml. p. 51 (1899) ; Stark ^ Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 213 (1901); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 163 (1903). The eggs of the Cape Chat-Thrush, or Cape " Eobin," are of a long oval shape and moderately glossy. They are buflP or cream- coloured, mottled and clouded with dull pale rufous, chiefly at the broad end, where a large cap is often formed by the markings. They measure from -9 to 10 in length, and from '62 to '7 in breadth. 2. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 5. South Africa {E. L. Layard). Cr^^wley Bequest. 3. Transvaal ( T. Ayres : Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Be Wet's Farm, 2nd Oct. Oapt. G. E. H. BaiTett- Hamilton [P.]. 2. Cape Colony (7*. -4^mo?'e: Ti-istram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Genus PSEUDOCOSSYPHUS, Sharpe. Pseudocossyphus sharpei (Gray). Cossypha sharpei, Milne-Edivards Sf- Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag., Ois. i. p. 3139 (1879) ; Cowan, Proc. JR. Phys. Soc. Edin. vii. p. 148 (1882). Pseudocossyphus sharpii, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 22 (1883). Pseudocossyphus sharpei, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 166 (1903). As with the eggs of Moussier's Redstart, already described (p. 142), EETTHROPTGIA. 157 some of those of Sharpens Chat-Thrush are faintly marked with minute dots which might easily escape observation. These are of a reddish- lilac tint, the ground-colour of the eggs being a pale blue, slightly tinged with greenish. Examples measure from '81 to -89 in length, and from -63 to -70 in breadth. 4. Betsileo, Madagascar. Kev. W. Deans Cowan [C". 3. Betsileo. Kev. W. Deans Cowan [C.;. 2. Madagascar. Crowley Bequest. Genus ERYTHROPYGIA, A. Smith. Erythropygia coryphaeus (Less.), (Plate YII. fig. 17.) Aedon coryphsea, Sharpe, ed. Zayard's Birds S. Afi-ica,^. 251 (1875-84). Erythropygia coryphaeus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 73 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 62 (1899) ; Stark 8f Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 229 (1901) ; Sharpe, Band-l iv. p. 167 (1903). The eggs of the Cape Ground-Robin are for the most part of a blunt oval form and fairly glossy. The ground-colour is a bright greenish blue, and this is spotted, mottled, and blotched, generally rather thickly, and more densely, at the larger end of the egg than elsewhere, with rich reddish brown and underlying pale purple. On some eggs the markings are smaller and less numerous on the smaller half of the shell. They range in size from '70 to '82 in length, and from '58 to '60 in breadth. 6. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 3. South Africa {K L. Layard : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 2. South Africa. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. Cape Colony (7". ^^jwore: Tristram Crowley Bequest. Co//.). Erythropygia leucophrys ( Vieill). Aedon leucophrys, Sharpe, ed. Layard'' s Birds S. Africa, p. 252 (1875-84). Erythropygia leucophrys, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 74 (1883) ; id. Ibis, 1897, p. 504 ; Nehrk. Kat. Biersamtnl. p. 52 (1899) ; Stark ^ Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 225 (1901) j Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 167 (1903). Two eggs of the White-browed Ground-Robin in the Collection are of a long oval shape and are slightly glossy. They are cream- coloured, rather densely and finely spotted and mottled all over with light umber-brown and lavender-grey. They measure respec- tively: -88 by -61; -91 by '61. 2. Zululand, S. Africa. Messrs. R. B. & J. D. S. Wood- ward [C,]. 158 TTTRDID^. Erythropygia munda (Cab.). Aedon leucophrys, apud Andersson, Birds JDam.-land^ p. 92 (1872). Erythropygia munda, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. V\\. p. 76 (1883) ; Stark (^ Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 227 (1901) j Sharpe, Hand-l, iv. p. 167 (1903). There are only two eggs of the Damara Ground-Robin in the Collection; these are of a broad oval shape and dull in texture. They are cream-coloured, coarsely but handsomely spotted and mottled all over with lilac-brown and lavender-grey. They measure respectively : -82 by -61, and -81 by 'Q2. 2. Ondonga, Ovampo-land ( C. J. Crowley Bequest. Andersson: Tristrarn Coll.). Erythropygia poena, A. Smith. Aedon paena, Andersson, Birds Dam.-land, p. 92 (1872). Aedon poena, Sharpe, ed. Layard''s Birds S. Africa, p. 253 (1875-84). Erythropygia paena, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 76 (1883). Erythropygia poena. Stark ^ Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 223 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 167 (1903). The two eggs of Smith's Ground-Eobin in the Collection are of a broad oval shape and moderately glossy. They are of a white colour, speckled and spotted, most thickly at the larger end, with lilac-brown and lavender-grey. They measure respectively : '77 by •59, and -76 by -58. 2. Damara-land, 4th Jan. [C. J. Crowley Bequest. Andersson: Tristram Coll.). Genus PRATINCOLA, Koch. Pratincola rubetra {Linn.). Saxicola rubetra, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 237, tab. xxiii. fig. 8, a, b, c (1845-54) ; Heivitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 108, pi. XXX. fig. ii (1866). Pratincola rubetra, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab, 27. fig. 13 (1855-63) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 255 (1873) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 179 (1879) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 312, pi. 9 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 190, pi. 51. figs. 18, 19 (1896) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 171 (1903). Typical eggs of the Whinchat are glossy and of a pointed oval form, though varieties occur which are broader, and some in which there is a decided point at the broad end. The ground-colour is of a greenish blue, sometimes with hardly a tinge of green in the blue ; occasionally quite plain, they are most frequently freckled and dotted with light rufous or pale brown. On some eggs the markings are very few and inconspicuous, on others they arejrather thickly disposed, especially on the broad end, where they form an PEATIWCOLA. 159 indistinct zone or cap. In size they vary from '7 to -81 in length, and from 'dd to '6 in breadth. 4. Near Inverness (E. Hargitt). 4. Cambridgeshire. 6. Taplow, Berkshire. 6. Haddenham, Bucks, 22nd May. 4. Haddenham, 28th May. 6. New Forest {H. Saunders). 6. Finchley Common. 6. Chm-t, Surrey. 6. Churt. 6. Brighton, May {R. B. Sharpe). 6. Brighton, May {Swaysland). 5. Brighton, May. 4. France {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). 5. Pomerania {T. Holland). 2. Reval, Baltic Provs. {Russow). Seebohm Coll. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Pratincola rubicola {Linn.). Saxicola rubicola, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. p. 236, tab. xxiii. fig. 7, a, b, c (1845-54) j Hemtson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 107, pi. XXX. fig. i (1856). Pratincola rubicola, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 27. fig. 12 (1855-63) ; Salvin, Ibis, 18o9, p. 307 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 263, part, (1873) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 185 (1879) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 317 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 191, pi. 51. fig. 16 (1896) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 171 (1903). The eggs of the Stonechat are of the same type as those of tho Whinchat, but the ground-colour is of a paler greenish blue, and the spotting is frequently very dense. The Collection contains no plain eggs ; all the examples are marked in varying degrees with pale chestnut. In some there are merely a few faint specks and smears; in the majority the markings consist of specks, spots, and small blotches, very thickly disposed over the broader end, nearly always in the form of a conspicuous cap or zone. They measure from "65 to '75 in length, and from '55 to -6 in breadth. Co. Waterford, 13th April {R. J. Ussher). Co. Waterford, 13th April {R. J. U.). Co. Waterford, 24th April {R. J. U.). Co. Waterford, 5th May {R. J. U.). Co. Waterford, 19th May (i^.j; U.). Cherry Hinton, Cambridgeshire, 28th May (0. Salvin). Hampstead Heath (O. S). Brighton Race-course {F. Bond : Hargitt Coll.). Brighton Race-course {F. B. : Hargitt Coll.). Brighton {H. Saunders). Brighton, May (R. B. Sharpe). Brighton, May {R. B. S.), Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. 160 TFRDlDiE. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. Brighton, May. Churt, Surrey, June. Churt. Churt. Churt, May. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Gould iColl. 6. Elbeuf, France {Noury. Hargitt Coll.). Valkenswaard, Holland, 27th May Seebohm Coll. 4. Seebohm Coll. 4. {H. Seebohm). Valkenswaard, 29th May {R. S.). Seebohm Coll. 5. 3. Malaga, Spain, 10th May {Ruiz), Parnassus, Greece, 7th May {R. See- Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. 2. 3! boh7ti Sf T. Kruper). Tunis. Khifan M'Sakta, Algeria, 13th April (0. Salvin). Louis Fraser, Esq, [C.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Pratincola sybilla {Linn.). Pratincola torquata, Milne-Edwards ^ Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag.^ Ois. p. 338, pi. 303. fig. 5 (1879). Pratincola sybilla, Roch hf E. Newton, Ibis, 1862, p. 272 ; E. Newton, Ibis, 1863, p. 345, pi. xiii. lig. 2 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 191 (1879)^ Coivan, Proc. B. Phys. Soc. Edin. vii. p. 148 (1882); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersanunl. p. 25 (1899) ; Sharpe, Rand-l. iv. p. 172 (1903). Closely resembling bright-coloured eggs of P. rubicola, those of the Madagascar Stonechat have the ground-colour of a more pleasing tint of delicate bluish-green, and the markings bolder and richer. They vary in size from '65 to *76 in length, and from '52 to '60 in breadth. 14. Betsileo, Madagascar. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [C.]. 3. Madagascar, May {E. Newton : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 4. Madagascar {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 4. Fianarantsoa, Madagascar. VV. Radclifte-Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Pratincola maura {Pall.). Pratincola rubicola, pt. Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 263 (1873). Pratincola maura, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 188 (1879) ; Wardlaw- Ea7nsay, Ibis, 1880, p. 65 ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 61 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 48 (1890); Seebohm, Birds Japan. Emp. p. 57 (1890) ; Sharpe^ Hand-l. iv. p. 172 (1903). Pratincola indica, Tacz. Faune Orn. Siber. Orietit. i. p. 355 (1891). The eggs of the Asiatic Stonechat resemble those of P. rubicola, and are subject to the same variations. They are, however, rather smaller, measuring from -6 to '75 in length, and from -48 to '58 in breadth. Eggs taken in Afghanistan show but the faintest trace of the ground-colour. In one clutch they are densely freckled with brownish pink ; in another with very pale yellowish brown. PRATINCOLA. 161 In two clutches from Japan the ground-colour is of a bright but pale greenish-blue, and one of them is so faintly zoned with the palest brownish-red, that the eggs appear plain, until closely examined. 5. Afghanistan, 28th May {R. G. Seebohm Coll. Wardlaw-Eamsat/). 4. Afghanistan, 28th May {It. G. Seebohm Coll. W.-H.). 1. Kotegarh, Himalayas, 10th April. Hume Coll. 12. Kotegarh, 30th April. Hume CoU. 11. Kotegarh, May. Hume Coll. 2. Kotegarh, 13th May. Hume Coll. 1. Kotegarh, 25th May. Hume Coll. 1. Kotegarh, 26th May. Hume Coll. 12. Kotegarh, 21st June. Hume Coll. 2. Kotegarh, 11th July. Hume Coll. 5. Simla. Hume Coll. 1. Mussoori. Hume Coll. 1. Almora, 14th May ( W. E. Brooks). Hume CoU. 2. Almora, 17th May ( W. E. B.). Hume Coll. 1. Almora, 29th May ( }V. E. B.). Hume Coll. 2. Almora, 21st May ( W. E. B. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Altai Mountains, May. Crowley Bequest. 2. Altai Mountains {Nehrkom Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 6. Japan {H. Fryer). Seebohm Coll. 4. Japan {H. P.). Seebohm Coll. Pratincola torquata {Linn.). Pratincola torquata, Sharpe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Africa, p. 236 (1875- 84) ; id. Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 190 (1879) ; Mhrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 25 (1899) ; Stark Sf Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 190 (1901); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 172 (1903). The eggs of the South-African Stonechat are not separable from those of P. rubicola. They are of a pale dull greenish-blue colour, speckled and clouded with pale chestnut, the markings being densest at the large end and forming an irregular zone or indistinct cap. Specimens measure from '7 to -8 in length, and from '53 to 'Gl in breadth. 4. Berg Kiver, S. Africa, Sept. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 11. Transvaal, Oct. {T. Ayres: Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). Pratincola caprata (Linn.). Pratincola caprata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 195, part. (1879) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 69 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 41 (1890) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ix. {Suppl.) p. 33 (1895) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 173 (1903). The eggs of the Common Indian Pied Bush-Chat are mostly of a broad oval form, more or less pointed, and fairly glossy. The VOL. IV. M 162 TURDIDiE. ground-colour varies from a pale greenish or bluish-white to a rather darker shade of the same colour, and this is somewhat coarsely- speckled, streaked, and often blotched with bright chestnut and lilac, the markings of the latter colour being inconspicuous and underlying those af the former. The markings are sparse in some specimens, dense in others, and they are generally more thickly set about the larger end, where they form an irregular cap or zone, sometimes a rich and handsome one. Examples vary from '61 to •76 in length, and from '5 to '58 in breadth. 2. Dharmsala, Kashmir, 20th April. Hume Coll. 1. Almora, Himalayas, 1st March. Hume Coll. 33. Sind. Hume Coll. 3. Sind, 21st March. Hume Coll. 1. Sind, 27th March. Hume Coll. 4. Sultanpur, 10th May. Hume Coll. 3. Delhi, 27th March. Hume Coll. 3. Delhi, 9th June. Hume Coll. 1. Etawah, 2nd March. Hume Coll. 1. Sholapur, 21 st June [J. Davidson). Hume Coll. 2. Pegu, 20th March {E. W. Oates). Gates Coll. 3. Java, Sept. {J. Whitehead). Seebohm Coll. 3. Tosari, Java, 5th Sept. {J. White- Crowley Bequest. head). Pratincola atrata, Kelaart. Pratincola caprata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 195, part. (1879). Pratincola hicolor, Legge, Birds Ceylon, p, 430 (1879). Pratincola atrata, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 60 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Xests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 46 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-L iv. p. 173 (1903). The eggs of the Southern Pied Bush-Chat resemble those of r. caprata^ but are larger, and perhaps a trifle brighter and richer in their markings. They measure from -65 to '8 in length, and from -b^ to -6 in breadth. 4. 3. 3. 11. 17. 3. 7. 1 4. 1. 1. 1. 4. Southern India, 26th March. Hume Coll. Nilghiri Hills. Hume Coll. Nilghiri Hills, 16th Feb. Hume Coll. Nilghiri Hills, April. Hume Coll. Coonoor, Nilghiri Hills, March. Hume Coll. Coonoor, 3rd March. Hume Coll. Coonoor, 17th March. Hume Coll. Coonoor, 12th April. Hume Coll. Coonoor, 14th April. Hume Coll. Ootacamund, Nilghiri Hills, 11th Hume Coll. March. Curzon, Nilghiri Hills, 15th April. Hume Coll. Kotagherry, Nilghiri Hills, 7th Hume Coll. March {Miss Cockburn). Neddivutum, Madras, 26th March. Hume Coll, Bramaghiri Hills, Coorg, 18th Hume Coll. April. OREICOLA. — CEECOMELA. 163 Genus OREICOLA, Bonap. Oreicola ferrea (Hodgs.). (Plate YII. figs. 18 & 19.) Oreicola ferrea, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 266 (1879) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Bid., Birds, ii. p. 66 (1890); id. ed. Hume, Nests 8r Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 50 (1890) ; La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 201 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 27 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 173 (1903). The eggs of the Dark-grey Bush-Chat are of two very distinct types. Those taken on the Himalayas resemble the eggs of Pra- tincola maura, being of various shades of pale bluish green, speckled, more or less densely, with chestnut and pale rufous. Eggs taken in China, of which there is a considerable series in the Collection, are of a plain, decidedly greenish-blue colour, resembling those of Tharrhaleus modularis. They measure from '65 to '77 in length, and from '53 to "6 in breadth. 2. 6. 1. 2. 3. 2. 4. 11. 2. 2. 9. 3. 5. 5. Simla, 8th May (B. C. Beavan : Tristram Coll.). Kotegarh, Himalayas, May. Kotegarh, 21st May. Kotegarh, 28th May. Kotegarh, 21st June. Darjiling, 17th April. Rishap, Darjiling, 23rd May (J. Gammie). Mongphoo, Darjiling {J. G.). Mongphoo, 11th April (J". G.). Darjiling, 19th May^ Kuatun, Fohkien, China, May {J.B.La Touche). Kuatun, 4th May {J. D. La T.). Kuatun, 9th May {J. D. La T.). Kuatun, 9th May {J. D. La T.). Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.', C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P. Genus CERCOMELA, Bonap. Cercomela fusca (Blyth). Myrmecocichla fusca, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 360 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 4] (1899). Cercomela fusca, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 80 (1890) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, ii. p. 54 (1890) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 174 (1903), The series of eggs of the Indian Chat-Robin in the Museum are mostly of a broad oval form and of a light greenish-blue colour, speckled and spotted with pale brown or rufous-brown of varying degrees of intensity, chiefly at the broad end, where the markings form an imperfect cap or zone. Occasionally the markings are m2 164 . TTJRDID-^. entirely wanting. Specimens measure from '78 to '87 in length, and from -57 to '65 in breadth. 2. Punjab, 14th April. Hume Coll. 2. Jhausi, Punjab. Hume Coll. 3. Delhi, 14th April ( C. T. Bingham). Hume Coll. 1. Sambhur, 10th May {R. M. Admn). Hume Coll. 3. Ajmere, 30th Aug..(^. O. Hume). Hume Coll. 8. Agra, 18th June. Hume Coll. 3. Etawah, 29th March. Hume Coll. 2. PJtawah, 6th April. Hume Coll. 2. N.W. Proviuces, India, Mav Crowley Bequest. ( W. E. Brooks : Tristram Coll.). 3. Saugor, C. Provs., 12th May. Hume Coll. Cercomela asthenia, Bonap. (Plate YII, fig.. 13.) Pratincola melanura, apud Tristram, Ibis, 1867, p. 97. Myrmecocichla yerburii, Sharpe, Bull. B O. C. iv. p. xxxviii (1895) ; id. Ibis, 1895, p. 384 ; Yerbury, Ibis, 1896, p. 24. Cercomela asthenia, Sliarpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 174 (1903). The small series of eggs of Bonaparte's Chat-Robin in the Collection are very like those of C. fusca, but they are slightly smaller, and the markings appear to be larger and more decided, with the ground- colour a trifle paler. Six examples measure from '71 to '78 in length, and from -57 to -61 in breadth. 4. Wilderness of Judaea, 25th April Crowley Bequest. {H. B. Tristram). 2. Palestine, 6th June {H. B. T). Crowley Bequest. Genus POLIOCICHLA, Sharpe. Polio cichla cinerea ( Vieill.). Saxicola cinerea, Sharpe, ed. Bayard's Birds S. Africa, p. 242 (1875-84). Myrmecocichla cinerea, Seehohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 358 (1881). Emarginata cinerea, Stark ^ Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 204 (1901). Poliocichla cinerea, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p, 175 (1903). The eggs of the Lesser Sickle-winged Chat-Eobin are of a regular oval shape and very glossy. They are of a blue colour, speckled with rust-colour, chiefly at the broad end. They measure from •8 to -9 in length, and from -6 to -64 in breadth. 2. S. Africa. E. L. Lavard, Esq. [P.]. 1. S. Africa [E. L. Layard). Crowley Bequest. 3. Nel's Poort, S. Africa {T. Atmore : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). . h- - POLIOCICHLA,. — SAXICOLA. 165 X; Poliocichla sinuata {Sundev.). (Plate VII. fig. 9.) Myrmecocichla sinuata, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 359 (1881) j Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 40 (1899). Saxicola sinuata, Shm'pe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Africa, p. 236 (1875-84). EmarS.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Maidenhead ( Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 5. Alton, Hants, July. Crovsrley Bequest. 5. Churt, Surrey. Crowley Bequest. 5. Brighton. Seebohm Coll. 6. Brighton. Seehohm Coll. 6. Brighton {H. Seebohm). Seebohm Coll. 6. Valkenswaard, Holland, 25th May Seebohm Coll. {H. S.). 4. Anclam, Pomerania. L. Field, Esq. 6. Reval, Baltic Prov., 21st May Seebohm Coll. {Russoic). 6. Moscow, 29th May (Lorenz). Seebohm Coll. 5. Moscow, 25th June {Lorenz). Seebohm Coll. Locustella lanceolata {Temm.). (Plate IX. fig. 9.) Locustella lanceolata, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 617 (1875) ; Seehohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 118 (1881) ; Tacz. Faune Orn. Siber. Orient. i. p. 244 (1891) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 186 (1903). An e^^ of Temminck's Grasshopper- Warbler in the Collection is of a pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. It is of a pinkish- white colour, speckled all over with lilac-red and lilac. It measures •7 by -51. 1. Lake Baikal, Siberia, June Crowley Bequest. {Dyboivski). Genus ACROCEPHALUS, Naum. Acrocephalus aquaticus {Temm,). Sylvia aquatica, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. p. 197, tab. xxi. fig. \\,a, b, c (1845-54). Calamodyta aquatica, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 19, fig. 18 (1865-63); Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 305. Acrocephalus aquations^ Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 591 (1876) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 89 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 357, pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 196, pi. 52. fig. 6 (1896) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. \Y. p. 18^(1903). The eggs of the Aquatic Warbler are quite inseparable from those of the Sedge- Warbler. Specimens measure from '63 to -7 in length, and from -5 to -bb in breadth. 4. Anclam, Pomerania, 27th May. L. Field, Esq. --.''» " 3. Anclam, 5th June. L. Field, Esq. ACE0CEPHALTT8. 181 Acrocephalus phragmitis (Bechst,). Sylvia phragmitis, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 195^ tab. xxi. fig. 10, a-c (1845-54). Calamodjta phragmitis, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 19. fig. 17 (1855-63) ; Seehohm Sf Harvie-Broion, Ibis, 1876, p. 218. Salicaria pbragmitis, Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i, p. 117, pi. xxxi. fig. iii (1856). Acrocephalus schoenobsenus, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 597 (1876). Acrocephalus phragmitis, Seehohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 91 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 352 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 195, pi. 52. fig. 5 (1896) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 187 (1903). The eggs of the Sedge- Warbler are mostly of a broad oval form and possess a considerable amount of gloss, ^ey are cream-colour, stone-colour, or yellowish-buff, for the most part so densely mottled with various shades of brown that little or none of the ground-colour is distinctly visible. In some specimens, however, the markings are better defined, being blotchy or streaky, and a certain amount of the ground-colour is then clearly visible. Many eggs are, in addition, marked with some black dots and hair-lines. They measure from •65 to '7 in length, and from '5 to -bb in breadth. 6. Wilstrop, Yorkshire, 26th May (Hargitt Coll.). Seehohm Coll. 6. Norfolk, 29th May {F. Nor gate). Seehohm Coll. 4. Norfolk, 9th June {F. N.). Seehohm Coll. 6. Hockering, Norfolk, 22nd June {F. Bayfield). Seehohm Coll. 4. Merton, Norfolk. Lord Walsingham [P.]. 6. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. 4. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. 5. Cambridgeshire, 3rd June (0. Salvin). , Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Cookham, Berkshire, 9th June. Gould Coll. 6. Cookham, June. Gould Coll. 6. Thames Vallev. Gould Coll. 5. Marlborough, 'Wilis, May {J. G, Millais: Hargitt Coll.). Seehohm Coll. 4. Finchley, Middlesex (0. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Finchley (0. S.). Churt, Surrey. Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Crowley Bequest. 6. Elbeuf, France {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). Holland, May. Seebohm Coll. 6. P. L. Sclater, Esq. [P.], 5. Valkenswaard, Holland, 14th May. Seebohm Coll. 5. Valkenswaard, 15th May. Seebohm Coll. 6. Anclam, Pomeramia, 13th May. L. Field, Esq. Seebohm Coll. 4. Petchora River, Lat. 68° N., 4th July {H. Seebohm 8f J. A. Harvie- Brown). Acrocephalus turdoides {Meyer), Sylvia turdoides, Thien. Fortpfianz. ges. Vog. p. 189, tab. xxi. fig. 5, a, b, c (1845-54). Calamoherpe turdoides, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 19. fig. 10 (1855- 182 SYLVIID^. 63) ; Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 305 ; Tristram^ Ibis, 1859, p. 418 j Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 215. Salicaria arundinacea, Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 122, pi. xxxii. figs, iii & iv (1856). Acrocephalus arundinaceus, Di'esser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 679 (1878). Acrocephalus turdoides, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 95 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 361, pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 196, pi. 52. fig. 7 (1896) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 187 (1903). The eggs of the European Great Eeed- Warbler are of a blunt oval shape and moderately glossy. They are of different shades of pale blue or bluish green, boldly blotched and spotted with olive-brown, deep umber-brown, approaching black, and lavender. The markings are frequently confluent at the broad end, and form an irregular cap. Two examples from Germany are of remarkable coloration, the pointed half of the egg being greyish white, followed by a belt of light olive occupying the third quarter. The remainder of the egg is covered by a cap of dark olive-brown spotted with umber-brown. Specimens measure from '75 to 1 in length, and from '6 to '7 in breadth. 2. Louviers, Eure, France {Noury : Sargitt'Coll.). 4. Louviers, 6th June {Noury : Har- gitt Coll.). 3. Louviers {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). 5. Andalusia, Spain. 6. Seville, Spain, 18th May (H. Saunders) . 4. Malaga, Spain, 30th June (S. S.). 2. Holland, 17th May. 2. Holland. 4. Valkenswaard, Holland. 5. Brunswick, 29th June (Dr. R. Blasius) . 3. Pomerania {T. Kriiper). 6. Pomerania {T. Holland). 3. Pomerania. 4. Anclam, Pomerania. 3. Halle-a.-S. 4. Halle. 4. Saxony. 4. Cilli, Styria (-E*. Seidensacher) . 2. Lake Halloula, Algeria, June (H. B. Tristram). 7. Zana, Algeria, June {H. B. T.). 5. Astrakhan {Henke). 4. Zana^ Algeria, June (O. Salvin). 3. Zana, June {O. S.). 3. Zana, 6th June (O. /S.). 2. Zana, 6th June {O. S.). 4. Zana, 11th June (O. iS.). 3. Zana, 13th June (O. S.). 2. Zana, 15th June {O. S.). Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Lord Lilford [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. L. Field, Esq. L. Field, Esq. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. ACllOCEPHALTJS, 183 Acrocephalus orientalis (Temm. ^ ScJiL). Acrocephalus magnirostris, Swinlioe, Ibis, 1860, p. 5] . Acrocephalus orientalis, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 97 (1881); Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 357 (1889); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 33 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 187 (1903). Acrocephalus turdoides, var. orientalis, Pleske in Prjev. Reisen, Fog. pi. v. fig. 8 (1889-94). Acrocephalus turdoides orientalis, Tacz. Faune Orn. Sibir. Orient, p. 234 (1891). The eggs of the Eastern Great Eeed-Warbler are smaller than those of A. turdoides, but otherwise similar to them. They measure from -77 to '84 in length, and from -58 to "61 in breadth. 8. Amoy, China {R. Swinhoe). 1. Amoy {R. S. : Tristram Coll.). 1. Yangtsepoo, China. 6. Chinkiang, 26th May. 3. Chinkiang, 27th May. 4. Chinkiang, 1st June. 3. Chinkiang, 1st June. 2. Chinkiang, 3rd June. 1. Chinkiang, 3rd Jane. 4. Chinkiang, 3rd June. 3. Chinkiang, 6th June. 3. Chinkiang, 6th June. 4. Chinkiang, 6th June. 2. Shanghai, China, 5th June. 1. Amur River {Dybowski). 4. Suwa, Hondo, Japan, 23rd June. Seebohin Coll. Crowley Bequest. J. Whitehead, Esq. [P.]. C. B. Rickett, Esq. ^^ " C. B. Rickett, Esq. C. B. Rickett, Esq. C. B. Rickett, Esq. C. B. Rickett, Esq. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.' C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.° C. B. Rickett, Esq. ^~ ' C. B. Rickett, Esq. C. B. Rickett Esq. C. B. Rickett, Esq. Crowley Bequest. W. Kadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. :[fo Acrocephalus stentoreus {Hempr. Sf Ehr.). Acrocephalus stentoreus, Konig- Warth. J. f. O. 1868, taf. ii. fig. 2 ; Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. i. p. 287, taf. xliii. figs. 13-15 (1869); Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 585 (1877) ; Legge, Birds Ceylon, p. 541 (1879) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 98 (1881) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 356 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 224 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 33 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 187 (1903). The eggs of the Indian Great Reed- Warbler do not differ in any respect from those of A. turdoides. Examples measure from '77 to '88 in length, and from -61 to '63 in breadth. 2. Srinagar, Kashmir, 8th June {W, Hume Coll. E. Brooks). 1. Srinagar, 8th June ( W. E. B. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 1, Kashmir, 9th June (C. R. Cock: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Ceylon, July (^A. Z. Butler). Crowley Bequest. Acrocephalus australis, Gould. Calamoherpe australis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 402 (1865). Acrocephalus australis, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 100 (1881) ; 184 SYLVIID^. North, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 169 (1889); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 33 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 181, pi. 9 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l iv. p. 188 (1903). The eggs of the Australian Eeed- Warbler resemble those of A. turdoides, but they are generally greyish white in ground-colour, and seldom exhibit any bluish tinge. They measure from -77 to -85 in length, and from -57 to '6 in breadth. 1. Australia {Field Coll.). 2. New South Wales. 1. Dobroyde, N. S. W. {E. P. Eamsay). 2. South Australia. 4. Melbourne ( W. Bridger'). 1. Melbourne ( W. B.). 4. Victoria {E. P. Eamsay). 6. Victoria. 2. Victoria, 3rd Nov. {A. J. North). 3. River Tana, Australia {S. French). W. RadclifEe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Gould CoH. Crowley Bequest. Gould Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Acrocephalus palustris (Bechst.). Sylvia palustris, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vog. p. 191, tab. xxi. fig. 7, a, b (1845-64). Calamoherpe palustris, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 19. fig. 16 (1855- 63) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 215. Acrocephalus palustris, Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 1, pi. (1875) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 573 (1876) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 101 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 375, pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 198, pi. 52. fig. 9 (1896); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 188 (1908). The eggs of the Marsh- Warbler are almost miniatures of those of A. turdoides, and the only difference between them, apart from size, appears to be that in the eggs of the present species the underlying lavender markings are more prominent and the shell- markings less dense. The eggs measure from '63 to '8 in length, and from -51 to -58 in breadth. 3. Holland. Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Holland {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 6. Holstein. Crowley Bequest. 6. Germany, May ( W. SchUUer). Seebohm Coll. 4. Andernach, Germany {T. Holland). Seebohm Coll. 1. Halle-a.-S., 3rd June { W. SchUiter). Seebohm Coll. 3. Brunswick (Nehrkorn). Seebohm Coll. 2. Berlin. Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Berlin, 9th June (T. Holland). Seebohm Coll. 4. Dorpat, Baltic Provs., June {Bussow). Seebohm Coll. 4. Silesia, 4th June. Crowley Bequest. 4. Malaga, Spain, 10th June {H. Saunders). Seebohm Coll. 4. Malaga, 27th May {A. Ruiz). Seebohm Coll. 4. Malaga, 16th June {A. B.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Altai Mountains, 7th June {Tancre Crowley Bequest. Coll.). ACROCEPHALUS. 185 Acrocephalns streperus ( Vieill.). (Plate YIII. fig. 20.) Sylvia arundinacea, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog, p. 191, tab. xxi. fig. 7, 6?,e,/ (1845-54). Calamoherpe arundinacea, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Tog. tab. 19. fig. 11 (1855-63) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 215. Calamoherpe pinetarum, Baedeker, torn. cit. tab. 19. fig. 12. Calamoherpe hydrophilos, Baedeker, torn. cit. tab. 19. fig. 13. Calamoherpe arbustorum, Baedeker, torn. cit. tab. 19. fig. 14y' Salicaria strepera, Sewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 119, pi. xxxii. figs, i, ii (1856). Acrocephalus streperus, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 667 (1877) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 102 (1881); Sharpe, Hand-l iv. p. 188 (1903). Acrocephalus arundinaceus, Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 367, pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 197, pi. 52. fig. 8 (1896). The eggs of the Eeed- Warbler are of a decidedly-pointed oval form, and they exhibit little gloss. The ground-colour varies from greyish white to a very pale green, and is densely mottled and blotched with greenish brown and underlying pale lavender or greenish grey. The markings are more or less confluent aU over the shell, and at the larger end they usually form a dense cap. Some specimens are less densely marked than others, and occa- sionally the blotches are fairly well-defined and distinct. Many examples have a few blackish lines or dots at the larger end. Four eggs, forming a clutch taken in Norfolk, are white, smudged with pale grey. Specimens measure from -65 to '8 in length, and from •51 to -56 in breadth. 5. Tatton Park, Cheshire {F. Nichol- son: Hargitt Coll.). 4. Norfolk, 24th June {F. Norgate). 6. Norfolk, 25th June {F. N.). 4. Norfolk. 5. Cambridgeshire. 5. Cambridgeshire. 4. Cambridgeshire. 4. Elv, Cambridge, 9th June ( 0. Salvin) . 5. Ely, 10th June (O. .S'.). 4. Cambridge, 3rd June (O. S.). 4. Cambridge, 3rd June (O. S.). 4. Taplow, Berkshire, 24th May. 6. Cookham, Berkshire, June. 4. Middlesex, 3rd June {E. Bidwell ^ H. Seebohm). 4. Middlesex, 3rd June {E. B. 8f H. S.). 4. Middlesex, 3rd June {E. B. ^ H. S.). 3. Middlesex, 3rd June {E. B. ^ H. S.). 5. Staines. 4. Faversham, Kent, June. 5. Elbeuf, France (Nourv : Hargitt Coll.). 4. Elheut (Notmj : Hargitt Coll.). 5. Elbeuf {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. F. Bond, Esq. fF." F. Bond, Esq. [P. F. Bond, Esq. [P. Salvin-fTodman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould CoU. Gould Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. H. Murton, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. 186 SYLVIID^. Elbeuf {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). Malaga, Spain, 19th May. Malaga (//. Saunders). Malaga, Sth June {H. S.). Malaga, 10th June {H. S.). Malaga, 15th June {H. 8.), Malaga, 20th June {H. S.). Anclam, Pomerania, 13th May. Anclam, 5th June. Algiers, May ( Tristram Coll.). Lake Halloula, Algeria, June {Tristram Coll.). Zana, Algeria, llth June {Ti'istram Coll.). Zana, 12th June {Tristram Coll.). Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll, Crowley Bequest. L. Field, Esq. L. Field, Esq. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Acrocephalus dumetorum (Blyth). (Plate IX. figs. 1 & 4.) Acrocephalus dumetorum, Anderson, Stray Feath. iii. p. 351 (1875) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 561 (1876) ; LeggCy Birds Ceylon, p. 645 (1879) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 104 (1881) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 359 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 226 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 33 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 188 (1903). The eggs of Blyth's Reed-Warbler vary remarkably, and are of three distinct types. Eggs taken by Capt. Hutton agree well with those described by Anderson (l. c). They are of a blunt oval shape, slightly glossy, and of a white colour, speckled with rufous. They measure respec- tively : -65 by -53 ; -64 by 'b2 ; -64 by '51. Those of a second type are of a somewhat pointed oval shape, moderately glossy, and of a pale pink colour, mottled and blotched with lilac or brownish pink. Those of a third type are of a pointed oval shape, moderately glossy, and of a greyish-white colour, mottled and blotched in the same manner as in the second type, but with lavender, pale brown, and umber-brown, and occasionally marked with a few darker, almost black, specks. Examples of the second and third types measure from -64 to '77 in length, and from '5 to '55 in breadth. Jerripani, Himalayas, 6th May {T. Hutton). Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, 25th June {Kiho7't). Altai Mountains (Tancre Coll.). Altai Mountains {Tancre Coll.). Altai Mountains. Altai Mountains {Nehrkorn Coll.). Hume Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll, Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. ACEOCEPHALIJS, 187 Acrocephalus agricola {Jerd.). Acrocephalus agricolus, Dresser^ Birds Eur. ii. p. 559 (1876). Acrocephalus agricola, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 105 (1881) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 359 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 229 (1889) ; Wilson, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. JSoc. xii. p. 635 (1899) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 33 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l iv. p. 189 (1903). The eggs of the Paddy-field Keed-Warbler are of a regular ovaj form and moderately glossy. They are of a dull gr^uish-grey colour, blotched all over with greenish brown and pale grey, and with a few blackish specks at the broader end. They are hardly separable from some of the eggs of A. streperus. They measure from -65 to -68 in length, and from -5 to -52 in breadth. 5. Kirghiz Steppes, July (Henke). Seebohm Coll. 1. Turkestan {Nehrkom Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Acrocephalus baeticatus {Vieill.), Calamoherpe rufescens, Ay res, Ibis, 1869, p. 291. Acrocephalus baeticatus, Sharpe, ed. Zagard's Birds S. Africa, p. 290 (1875-84); Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 106 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 33 (1899) ; Stark 8f Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, u. p. 91 (1901) ; Sharpe, Sand-l iv. p. 189 (1903). The eggs of the South- African Reed- Warbler resemble those o A. streperus. They measure from '68 to '73 in length, and from •48 to '54 in breadth. 2. South Africa. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 1. Potchefstroom, Transvaal, 5th Dec. Seebohm CoU. {T. Ay res). 10. Potchefstroom (T. A.: Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. East Africa, 12th Feb. Crowley Bequest. Acrocephalus syrinx (Kittl.). (Plate IX. figs. 6 & 7.) Acrocephalus syrinx, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 100 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 33 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 189 (1903). The eggs of Kittlitz's Great Reed- Warbler only differ from those of A. turdoides in having the ground-colour greyish white. Three examples measure respectively : -88 by -6 ; -86 by '62 : •83 by -6. 1. Caroline Islands. Crowley Bequest. 2. Ruk Island, Caroline Group, Crowley Bequest. 19th May {^Tring Mus.). 18S SYIVIID^. Genus TRIBITRA, Hodgs, Tribura thoracica (Blyth), (Plate IX. figs. 5 & 8.) Dumeticola affinis, Tacz. J. f. O. 1872, p. 354. Dumeticola thoracica, Tacz. J.f. O. 1873, taf. i. fig. 3; id. Faune Orn. Siber. Orient, p. 250 (1891); Pleske in Prjev. Reisen, Voy. pi. v. fig. 7 (1889-94) ; Hartert, Nov. Zool. i. p. 671 (1894). Lusciniola thoracica, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 124 (1881) : Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 33 (1899). Tribura thoracica, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 363 (1889) ; id, ed. Hume, Nests Sr Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 229 (1889) ; Skarpe, Hand-L iv. p. 190 (1903). We provisionally follow Taczanowski in uniting the Spotted Bush- Warblers of Lake Baikal and Sikhim. He has, however, pointed out that there are important differences between them, and this is confirmed by an examination of the eggs of the birds from the two localities above mentioned. The eggs of the Sikhim bird are of a broad oval shape and glossy. They are white or faint pinkish white, speckled and spotted all over with brownish red and lavender, the markings forming a slight cap or zone at the broad end. Five examples measure from '68 to '7 in length, and from -53 to '^Q in breadth. Eggs from Lake Baikal are of a regular oval shape and but slightly glossy. They are of a pure white colour, speckled and spotted with umber-brown, brownish purple, and lavender. In two specimens the markings are dense at the broad end, but do not form a noticeable cap. In a third specimen they form a wide and confluent zone round the broad end, and are very sparse elsewhere. Three examples measure respectively : -71 by '55 ; -71 by '53 ; '71 by -53. The differences between the eggs of the birds from the two localities are very marked, much more so than might be gathered from the descriptions alone. 1. Native Sikhim, 15th July (Z. Hume Coll, Mandelli). 1. Native Sikhim, 17th July (Z. M.). Hume Coll. 1. Native Sikhim, 21st July {L. M.). Hume Coll. 2. Rungbee, Darjiling, 5000 ft., 5th Hume Coll. June {J. Gammie). 1. Lake Baikal, Siberia (Dgbowski). Seebohm Coll. 2. Liike BRikal (Dgbowski : Tristra7n Crowley Bequest. LUSCINIOLA. — SUTORIA. 189 Genus LUSCINIOLA, Gray. Lusciniola melanopogon {Temm.). Acrocephalus melanopogon, Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 19, pi. (1875). Lusciniola melanopogon, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 605 (1876) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 132 (1881) ; Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds^ i. p. 369 (1889) ; Irby, Orn. Str. Gibr. 2nd ed. p. 61 (1895) ; SharpOy Hand-l. iv. p. 191 (^1903). The eggs of the Moustached Warbler do not appear to be separable from those of the Reed- Warbler {Acrocephalus streperu^). They have a pale greenish-white ground, mottled and blotched with greenish brown and underlying grey. They are also marked very sparingly with small black dots at the broad end. Five examples measure respec- tively : -67 by -5 ; -7 by -51 ; -71 by -5 ; -69 by -51 ; -7 by -52. 3. Valencia, Spain, April (JT. Saunders). Seebohm Coll. 1. Valencia, April {H. S.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Astrakhan, April {Henke). Seebohm Coll. Genus SUTORIA, Nicholson. Sutoria sutoria {Forst.). Orthotomus sutorius, Legge, Birds Ceylon, p. 517 (1879) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 366 (1889) ; id. ed. Sume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 231 (1889). Sutoria sutoria, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 215 (1883) ; Barnes, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. v. p. 9, pi. fig. 530 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 55 (1899) ; Shai^e, Hand-l. iv. p. 191 (1903). The eggs of the Indian Tailor-bird are of a pointed oval form and possess a considerable amount of gloss. The ground-colour is either white or pale blue, and is marked with different shades of reddish brown and chestnut. In some specimens the markings consist of small specks and spots pretty evenly distributed over the egg ; in others they consist of spots, clouds, or blotches, and in these they are more or less confluent at the larger end, where they form a bold cap or an irregular zone. A few examples are marked almost exclusively at the larger end. The eggs measure from -6 to '7 in length, and from '45 to -5 in breadth. 14. India. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. 2. Sikhim (/. Gammie). Hume Coll. 3. Delhi, 12th June (C. T. Bingham). Hume Coll. 1. Delhi, 22nd June (C. T. B.). Hume Coll. 1. Agra, 18th April. Hume CoU. 1. Agra, 16th June. Hume Coll. 2. Agra, 27th July. Hume Coll. 5. Agra, 27th July. Hume Coll. 3. Agra, 8th Aug. Hume Coll. 1. Agra, 24th Aug. Hume Coll. 2. Agra, 24th Aug. Hume Coll. 1. Bareilly, 22nd June. Hume Coll. 190 SYLVIIDiB. 1. Etawah, 1st Aug. 2. Etawah {W.E. Brooks: Tristram Coll). 3. Raipur, C. Prov. 10. Raipur, July. 2. Seoni, 0. Prov., 28th Aug. 3. Seoni, 29tli Aug. 4. Saugor, 0. Prov. 3. Saugor, 31st July. 3. Calcutta; June. 1. Pegu, 7th June {E. W. Oates). 2. Pegu, 22nd June {E. W. O.). 2. Foochow, China. 2. Foochow, 25th June. 3. Foochow, 2nd July. 2. Foochow, 15th May. 2. Foochow, 24th May. 1. Foochow, June. 4. Foochow, 30th June. 4. Amoy, China {H. Swinhoe : Tris- tram Coll.). Hume Coll, Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Col. H. H. Godwin-Austen [C.]. Oates Coll. Hume Coll. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.'. C. B. Rickett, Esq. fP.'. C. B. Rickett, Esq. TP. C. B. Rickett, Esq. ^ C. B. Rickett, Esq. C. B. Rickett, C. B. Rickett, Crowley Bequest. Esq. Esq. Sutoria maculicoUis {Moore). (Plate IX. fig. 10.) Orthotomus maculicoUis, Hume, Stray Feath. viii. p. 64 (1879). Sutoria maculicoUis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 218 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 191 (1903). The eggs of the Malayan Tailor-bird in the Collection are in- separable from many of those of the Indian Tailor-bird. They are pale blue, spotted and blotched, principally at the larger end, with reddish brown and pinkish brown. They measure respectively : '65 by -45 ; -63 by -45. 2. Kossoom, Malay Peninsula, 23rd July {W. Davison). Hume Coll. Genus ORTHOTOMUS, Horsf. Orthotomus atrigularis (Temm.). (Plate IX. fig. 11.) Orthotomus atrigularis, Sharpe, Ibis, 1877, pp. 16, 113; id. Ibis, 1879, p. 259 ; Oates ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 235 (1889) j Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 192 (1903). The four eggs of the Black-throated Tailor-bird in the Collection are rather wide-pointed ovals, with the ground-colour white and somewhat glossy ; the entire surface of the shell is sparingly blotched and spotted with light red and lavender-grey, the markings being most numerous at the larger end, where they sometimes form an irregular zone. They measure from '55 to "58 in length, and from •42 to -44 in breadth. 4. Marglierita, Assam, 29th April. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [P.]. ORTHOTOMUS. CISTICOLA. 191 Orthotomus cMoronotus {Ogilvie- Grant). (Plate IX. fig. 12.) Orthotomus chloronotus, Ogilvie- Grant, Bull. B. O. C. v. p. ii (1895) 5 id. Ibis, 1896, p. 117; id. ^ Whitehead, Ibis, 1898, p. 240; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 192 (1903). The eggs of the Green-backed Tailor-bird are of a blunt oval form and very slightly glossy. They are white, sparingly dotted and spotted, fairly evenly all over, with lake-brown and J^nderlying pale lilac. They measure respectively : '65 by -48 ; -63 by '48 ; •63 by -48. 3. Province of Isabella, North-east J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. Luzon, PhiUppines, 29th May. Genus CISTICOLA, Kaup. Cisticola ruficapilla, A. Smith, (Plate IX. figs. 13 & 14.) Cisticola aberrans, Sharpe, ed. Layard^s Birds S.Africa, p. 271 (1875-84) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 245 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 65 (1899) ; Stark 8f Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 143 (1901). Cisticola ruficapilla, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 194 (1903). The eggs of Smith's Fantail- Warbler are of a lengthened oval shape and very glossy. Those forming one clutch are white, speckled with lilac-red and lavender, chiefly at the broad end. Those forming a second clutch are of a pinkish cream-colour, densely mottled all over with reddish brown and lavender. They measure from -63 to '7 in length, and from '45 to -5 in breadth. 4. Natal. Dr. Gueinzius [C.]. 4. Natal. Dr. Gueinzius [C.]. Cisticola cisticola (Temm.). Sylvia cisticola, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxii. fig. 11, a, b (1845-54). Cisticola schcenicola, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 19. fig. 23 (1855-63) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 214. Acrocephalus cisticola, Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 23, pi. (1875). Cisticola cursitans, Heugl. Orn. N. O.-Afr. i. p. 267, taf. xliii. figs. 4-6 (1873) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 3 (1877) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 374 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, 1. p. 236 (1889). Cisticola cisticola, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 259 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 197 (1903). The eggs of the Fantail- Warbler taken in Europe are extremely variable, whereas those taken in India and Burma appear to b© always of one type. 192 STLVIID^. In shape the eggs are typically of an oval form, the majority being somewhat sharply pointed. They are very glossy. European eggs, so far as they are represented in the Collection, are of five types: (1) plain white; (2) plain, pale greenish blue; (3) white, very minutely speckled all over with pale purple and ^ dark purplish brown ; (4) pinkish white, densely speckled all over with reddish brown ; (5) pale blue, speckled and spotted with pinkish brown and underlying pale lilac, or with dark chocolate-brown. Indian eggs, though varying slightly among themselves, may be considered as of one type. They are white, marked with reddish brown and underlying pale lilac. The markings are for the most part small specks, sometimes small spots, or the two combined. In a few specimens there is a ring of confluent blotches round the larger end with comparatively few markings elsewhere. They measure from -55 to '68 in length, and from '44 to '48 in breadth. 6. Valencia, Spain {H. Saunders). 4. Andalucia {A. Ruiz : Hargitt Coll). 7. Malaga, Spain, 6th June {H. S.). 1. Southern Spain, 21st May. 4. Southern Spain, 13th June. 4. Southern Spain, 15th June. 3. Southern Spain, 16th July. 2. Southern Spain. 3. Southern Spain. 3. Southern Spain. 3. Algeria {Loche). 4. Algeria, June (S. B. Tristrn7n). 2. Sikhim Terai, India, 5th April. 2. Sikhim Terai, 26th April. 1. Sikhim Terai, 2nd May. 4. Sikhim Terai, 21st May. 2. Sikhim Terai, 25th May. 2. Sikhim Terai, 29th May. 4. Sikhim Terai, 29th May. ] . Sikhim Terai, 28th July. 3. Sikhim Terai, 9th Aug. 1. Sikhim Terai, 26th Aug. 2. Sikhim Terai, 28th Sept. 3. Delhi, 27th March ( C. T. Bingham) . 4. Delhi, 29th June (G T. B.). 1. Etawah, 14th Aug. 4. Etawah, 28th Aug. 10. Raipur, C. Prov. 3. Raipur, 8th July. 1. Eaipur, 11th July. 4. Saugor, C. Prov. 1. Ceylon, May {A. L. Butler). 4. Pegu, 7th June {E. W. Oates). 2. Pegu, 7th Sept. {E. W. O.). 2. Pegu, 1st Oct. {E. W. O.). 1. Pegu, 2nd Nov. {E. W. O.). Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm CoU. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Oates Coll. Oates Coll. Oates Coll. CISTICOLA. 193 Cisticola brunneiceps {Temm. 4' ScJil.). Salicaria (Cisticola) brunneiceps, Temm. ^ Schl. Fauna Jap,, Aveg p 134, pi. 20 (1850). ^ ' Cisticola brunneiceps, Sharpe, Hanil-l. iv. p. 197 (1903). Three eggs of the Japanese Fantail- Warbler are rather wide ovals, somewhat pointed towards the smaller end. The ground-colour is white with the faintest bluish tinge, sparsely spotted and speckled with light red and reddish brown, the markings being moit nume- rous round the larger end, where there are underlying spots and blotches of pale lilac, the whole forming an ill-defined zone. The eggs measure -6 to '65 in length, by -48 in breadth. 3. Fuji, Japan, 10th June. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Cisticola cherina {A. Sviiili). Cisticola madagascariensis, Milne-Edivards 8f Grandidier, Hist Nat. Madag., Ois. i. p. 325, pi. 303. fig. 3 (1879) ; Cowan, Proc. R. Fhys. Soc. Edinh. vii. p. 148 (1882). Cisticola cherina, Sharpe, ed. Lay ar d' s Birds S. Africa, p. 278 (1875-84) ; id. Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 264 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 56 (1899); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 197 (1903). The eggs of the Brown Fantail-Warbler are of a regular oval shape and slightly gloss5\ They are of a pale bluish-green colour, speckled, spotted, and blotched with brownish chestnut, lilac-red, and lavender. In some examples the markings are evenly dis- tributed over the shell ; in others they are chiefly clustered round the broad end of the e^^ in the form of a bold zone. Specimens measure from '59 to '71 in length, and from '47 to '5 in breadth. 17. Betsileo, Madagascar. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [P.]. 2. Madagascar (-£^. iVez^^oM: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 4. Madagascar (Tm^/'fljm Co//.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Madagascar. Crowley Bequest. Cisticola textrix (Vieill.). Hemipteryx tectrix, Sharpe, ed. Bayard's Birds S. Africa, p. 279 (1875-84). Cisticola textrix, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 266 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat Eiersamml. p. 56 (1899) ; Stark 8f Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 146 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 197 (1903). The eggs of the Pinc-pinc Fantail-Warbler in the Collection are of two types. One specimen is of a pale greenish-blue colour, marked, chiefly at the broad end, with some blotches and hair-lines of deep umber-brown and lilac. Two other specimens are of a plain bluish-white colour. They measure respectively: '68 by -45; -62 by -47; -64 by -45. 1. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 2. Nel's Poort, Cape Colony Crowley Bequest. (T. Atmore: Tristram Coll.). VOL. IV. 0 194 sylviid.t:. Cisticola exilis (Vig. ^ Horsf.). Cisticola exilis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 269 (1883) ; Campbell^ Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 227, pi. 10 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 198 (1903). Cisticola ruliceps, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 353 (1865) ; Bamsay, Ibis, 1868, p. 277 ; North, Nests ^' Eggs Austr Birds, p. 127 (1889). Cisticola erythrocephala, Jerd. Birds Ind. ii. p. 175 (1803) ; Davison, Stray Feath. x. p. 392 (1883) ; Terry, Stray Feath. x. p. 476 (1887) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 371 (1889). Cisticola volitans, Sivinhoe, Ibis, 1863, p. JiOi ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 373 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 236 (1889). The eggs of the Eed -headed Fantail-Warbler are short ovals, somewhat pointed, and moderately glossy. The ground is pale blue. Those of the Formosan bird are spotted and speckled with chocolate- brown, and the markings are rather dense at the large end, sparse elsewhere. The eggs of the Pegu bird are spotted with pale rufous, very evenly over the whole shell. In one specimen the markings consist entirely of a few very large blotches. The eggs vary from •52 to -57 in length, and from -4 to -45 in breadth, but the eggs from Pegu are distinctly larger than those from Formosa. Eggs from Australia appear to vary from the narrow to the broad oval in shape and to be moderately glossy. They are also of a bluish-green colour, speckled and blotched, chiefly at the broad end, with reddish brown and lilac. They measure from '58 to -68 in length, and from '46 to -5 in breadth. 1. Palni Hills, South India, 3rd June. Major Horace Terrv [P.]. 3. Hot Springs, N. Cachar. E. C. Stuart Baker,* Esq. [C.]. 2. Pegu, 28th May {E. W. Oates). Hume Coll. 3. Pegu, 28th May {E. W. O.). Oates Coll. 4. Formosa, 12th April (P. A. Hoist). Seebohm Coll. 7. Formosa, 15th April (P. A. H.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Java, 26th and 27th April. Crowley Bequest. 1. New South Wales {E. P. Ramsay). Gould Coll. 3. Lismore, Richmond, N.S.W., Crowley Bequest. 30th Nov. {A. J. North). 23. North Queensland. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. Cisticola tinniens (Licht.). Drymoeca levaillantii, Ayres, Ibis, 1869, p. 291. Cisticola tinniens, Sharpe, ed. Layard^s Birds S. Africa, p. 265 (1875-84) ; id. Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 273 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 56 (1899^ ; Stark ^ Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 147 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 198 (1903). The eggs of Le Yaillant's Fantail-Warbler are of a somewhat pointed oval thape and very glossy. Those in the Collection are of several distinct types. The eggs of one clutch are pinkish white, freckled with pinkish brown, principally at the broad end, w^Jiere a conspicuous broad zone or cap is formed. The eggs of a second clutch are blue, spotted and blotched, especially at the broad end, cisxrcoLA, 195 with chocolate-brown and lilac. Other eggs are pale blue, blotched equally all over with pale chestnut and lilac. Others again are white, in some cases speckled, in others spotted, with chestnut and lilac. They measure from '61 to -64 in length, and from -46 to '48 in breadth. 4. Natal. T. Ayres, Esq. [C.]. 2. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P,]. 7. Potchefstroom, Transvaal Crowley Bequest. {T. Ayres: Tristram Coll.). Cisticola strangei (Fraser), (Plate IX. fig. 15.) Cisticola strangei, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 276 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 198 (1903). The eggs of Strange's Pantail- Warbler in the Collection are of a pointed oval shape and rather glossy. They are pale blue, densely speckled with pale reddish brown and lilac-grey, and they bear a close resemblance to the eggs of G. natalensis. Two examples measure respectively : -69 by 'b ; "68 by '49. 2. Boussa, Nigeria, 14th July. Dr. Cuthbert Christy [P.]. Cisticola natalensis {A. Smith), Drymoeca curvirostris, Gurnet/, Ibis, 1863, p. 323. Cisticola natalensis, Sharpe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Africa, p. 261 (1875-84) ; id. Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 278 (1883) ; Stark (^ Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 165 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 199 (1903). Cisticola curvirostris, Sharpe, ed. Bayard's Birds S. Africa, p. 263. The eggs of the Natal Fantail-Warbler are of a lengthened oval shape and moderately glossy. They are pale blue, covered with extremely minute specks of reddish brown and lilac. On a few specimens the markings are somewhat denser at the broad end than elsewhere. Seven examples measure from '76 to -81 in length, and from '53 to 'bb in breadth. 4. Natal. T. Avres, Esq. [C.]. 3. Natal. Dr. Gueinzius [C.]. Cisticola lugubris, Rilpp, (Plate IX. fig. 16.) Cisticola fulvifrons, Sharpe, ed. Bayard's Birds S. Africa, p. 264 (1875-84). Cisticola lugubris, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 280 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 56 (1899) ; Stark 8f Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 163 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 199 (1903). The eggs of the Buff-fronted Fantail- Warbler are of a pointed oval shape and excedingly glossy. Some are uniformly brick-red in colour ; others are of a salmon-pink colour, mottled and blotched o2 196 SYLVITDiE. with chestnut and lilac-red. They measure from -6 to -7 in length, and from -47 to -51 in breadth. 2. Natal. Dr. Gueinzius [C.]. 2. East Africa. Crowley Bequest. 2. East Africa. Crowley Bequest. 1. Witu, East Africa. Crowley Bequest. Cisticola subruficapilla (Smith). Cisticola subruficapilla, Sharpe, ed. LayarcCs Birds S. Africa, p. 266 (1875-84) ; id. Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 283 (1883) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eiersamrnl. p. 151 (1899) ; Stark 8f Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 151 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 199 (1903). The eggs of the Grey-backed Eantail-Warbler are of an ordinary oval shape and highly glossy. They are of a pale blue colour, spotted and blotched, mostly at the broad end, with pale umber- brown and lilac. Some specimens are also marked with a few spots and hair-lines of dark umber-brown. They measure from '61 to •64 in length, and from '42 to -45 in breadth. 8. Namaqua-land, S. Africa. Crowley Bequest. Genus FRANKLINIA, Blyth. Franklinia gracilis (FranJd.). Prinia gracilis, Jerd. B. Ind. ii. p. 172 (1863). Prinia hodgsoni, Leqqe, Birds Ceylon., p. 523 (1879). Cisticola gracilis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 253 (1883) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 55 (1899). Franklinia gracilis, Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 376 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 240 (1889) ; SharpCy Hand-l. iv. p. 200 (1903). The eggs of Franklin's Wren-Warbler are of an oval form, some being pointed and others somewhat blunt. They are very glossy. They are of two types of coloration, and these are about equally represented by the specimens in the Collection. In the first, the eg^ is of a plain greenish-blue colour, absolutely unmarked. In the second, the ground is greenish blue, speckled and spotted with chestnut and reddish brown, generally very thickly at the broad end, where the markings form a cap or zone, and sparingly else- where. The eggs measure from -53 to -62 in length, and from -4 to '45 in breadth. 2. India. Crowley Bequest. 1. Delhi, 12th March ( C. T. Bingham). Crowle}^ Bequest. 24. Central India. Hume Coll. 3. Seoni, C. Provs., 16th Aug. Hume Coll. 1. Seoni, 17th Aug. Hume Coll. 1. Seoni, 20th Aug. Hume Coll. 4. Seoni, 2l8t Aug. Hume Coll. 2. Seoni, 23rd Aug. Hume Coll. 1.' Seoni, 23rd Aug. Hume Coll. FRAXKLINIA. 197 4. Seoni, 26th Aug. Hume Coll. 5. Raipur, C. Provs., 12th July. Hume Coll. 6. Raipur, 12th July. Hume Coll. 1. Raipur, 7th Aug. Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, Burma, 19th Aug. {E. W. Gates CoU. Gates). 4. Margherita, Assam, 25th May. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esc[. [P.]. Franklinia rufescens (Blyth). Prinia beavani, Wald. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 551. Cisticola beavani, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 255 (1883) ; JSehrk. Kat. EiersammL p. h^ (1899). Franklinia rufescens, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind.^ Birds, i. p. 377 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 242 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 200 (1903). The eggs of Beavan's Wren- Warbler are of a regular oval shape and possess a considerable amount of gloss. One e^g in the Collection is of a plain greenish-blue colour. The others have the ground of this same colour, but are speckled and spotted with chestnut. The markings are thinly scattered over the shell, except at the broad end, where they are confluent and form a well-marked zone. Specimens measure from -b^ to -61 in length, and from •45 to -47 in breadth. 3. Dibrughur, Assam, 3rd June. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. 3. Dibrughur, 3rd June. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. 3. Dibrughur. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [C.]. 1. Pegu, 29th June {E. W. Oates). Hume Coll. 4. Pegu, 1st July {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, 25th July {E. W. O.): Oates Coll. 2. Pegu, 25th July {E. W. O. : See- Crowley Bequest. bohm Coll.). Franklinia buchanani {Blijth). (Plate IX. fig. 17.) Cisticola buchanani, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 246 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. EiersammL p. 55 (1899). Franklinia buchanani, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 378 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sr Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 243 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 200 (1903). The eggs of the Rufous-fronted Wren-Warbler vary from a narrow to a broad oval shape and are fairly glossy. They are greyish white, sometimes with a slight tinge of green, thickly speckled all over, but most densely at the larger end, with reddish brown in some specimens, purplish brown in others, and underlying dull purple or lilac. The markings are generally minute, but on many examples they are intermingled with spots or small blotches, especially at the large end, where they are frequently confluent and form a cap or zone. The density of the speckling varies greatly in different specimens. The eggs measure from, '55 to '65. in length, and from -43 to '52 in breadth. 198 SYLVIID^. 18. Hansi, Punjab, Aug. Hume Coll. 3. Delhi, 26th June [C. T. Bingham). Hume Coll. 2. Delhi, 4th Oct. {C. T. B.). Hume Coll. 25. North-west Provinces. Hume Coll. 1. Chunar, 20th June ( W. E. Brooks). Hume Coll. 6. Mirzapur ( W. E. B. : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 4. Allahabad. Hume Coll. 5. Jhansi. Hume Coll. 1. Hoshungabad, C. Provs. Hume Coll. Genus LATICILLA, Blyth. Laticilla bumesi {Blyth). (Plate IX. fig. 20.) Laticilla bumesi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 119 (18S3) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 380 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8r Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 247 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 200(1903). The eggs of the Long-tailed Grass- Warbler are of a rather blunt oval shape, and exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. They are white in some cases, pale green in others, densely spotted and blotched with umber-brown and lavender or with brownish chest- nut and lavender. The markings are generally coarse and confluent at the broad end. Specimens measure from '71 to "82 in length, and from '53 to "57 in breadth. 2. Eastern Narra, Sind {S. Doig). Hume CoL 2. Eastern Narra, 11th March {S. B.). Hume Coll. 2. Eastern Narra, 8th April [S. D.). Hume Coll. 2. Eastern Narra, 3rd June (S. D.). Hume Coll. Genus NESILLAS, Oberhoher. Nesillas typica (Hartl.). Ellisia typica, E. Newton, Ibis, 1863, p. 343, pi. xiii. fig. 6 ; Coioan, Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb. vii. p. 148 (1882) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 120 (1883) j Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 62 (1899) Ellisia madagascariensis typica, Milne-Edivards i^- Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag., Ois. i. p. 329, pi. 303. figs. 1, 1 a (1879). NesiUas typica, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 201 (1903). The eggs of Hartlaub's Warbler are of the same type as those of Hypolais hypolais and its allies. They are of a greyish-pink colour, marked with spots, streaks, blotches, and twisted lines of deep purplish brown and lavender-grey. On some specimens the lines are numerous and wind about the broader half of the shell, much as in some of the eggs of the Buntings. Other specimens are blotched and clouded with brownish pink, the dark markings and lines of purplish brown being nearly entirely absent. Specimens measure from '77 to '87 in length, and from '55 to 'Qb in breadth. NESILLAS. — MEGALURFS. 199 21. Madagascar. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [P.]. 10. Madagascar. Crowley Bequest. 1. Madagascar {E. Newton : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). Nesillas lantzi (Grandid.), EUisia madagascariensis, var. lantzii, Milne-Edioards 8^ Grandidier^ HisL Nat. Madag., Ois. i. p. 330, pi. 303. ligs. 2, 2 a (1879). '^ Ellisia lantzii, Cowan, Proc. R. Pkijs. Soc. Edinb. vii. p. 148 (1882). Ellisia lantzi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 121 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. b'2 (1899). Nesillas lantzi, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 201 (1903). The eggs of Lantz's Warbler are very similar to those of N. typica, but they have a much darker greyish-piiik ground, the markings are less frequent, and in many specimens the twisted lines are altogether absent. Nine examples measure from '77 to •85 in length, and from "58 to '63 in breadth. 9. Madagascar. Rev. W. Deans Cowan [P.]. Genus SPILOPTILA. Sundev. Spiloptila ocularis {A. Smith). Drymoeca ocularia, Ayres,Ibis, 1871, p. 101 j Sharpe, ed. Layard^s Birds S. Africa, p. 256 ^875-84). Spiloptila ocularia, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 232 (1883) ; Nehrk, Kat. Eiersamml. p. b5 (1899) ; Stark ^ Sclater, Fauna S. AfricUy Birds, ii. p. 138 (1901). Spiloptila ocularis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 201 (1903). The eggs of the Rufous-eared Grass- Warbler are, according to Stark, of a pale bluish-green colour, rather thickly blotched with pale reddish brown. Those in the Collection, however, taken by Layard, are quite plain, one being of a pale blue colour and two others of a bluish- white colour. They are of a blunt oval form and glossy. Two examples measure respectively : -63 by -49 ; •58 by -46. 1. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.J. 2. South Africa {E. L. Layard : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tra7n Coll.). Genus MEGALURUS, Eorsf, Megalurus palustris, Rorsf. Megalurus palustris, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 123 (1883) ; OateSy Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 383 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 6f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 249 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 52 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 202 (1903). The eggs of the Striated Marsh-Warbler vary much in shape, some being narrow ovals, others broad ovals, and others again 200 SZLVIID.^. spheroidal. They exhibit a small amount of gloss. The ground colour is white, and this in some cases is densely speckled, in others speckled, mottled, and streaked, with purplisli brown, umber- brown, and underlying lavender. The markings are more closely set together at the broad end than elsewhere, and sometimes form an irregular cap. Examples measure from -8 to -92 in length, and from '62 to '68 in breadth. Hoshungabad, India, 4th May {JE. C. Nimn). Calcutta, 7th May. Dibrugurh, Assam, 3rd April (J". R. Cripps). Dibrugurh, 3rd May {J. R. C). Sadiya, Assam, 29th May {Cock- burn). Wau, Pegu, 19th May {E. W. Oates). Pegu, 19th May (K IV. O.). Pegu, 19th May {E. W. O. : See- bohm Coll.). Java. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. W. Eadcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Megalurus gramineus {Gould), Sphonoeacus gramineus, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 400 (1865). Megalurus gramineus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 125 (1883) ; North, Nests Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 146 (1887) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 52 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 224, pi. 10 (1901) ; Shwye, Hatid~l. iv. p. 202 (1903). The eggs of the Little Australian Grass-Warbler are of a blunt oval form and almost devoid of gloss. They are pinkish white, densely speckled and mottled with reddish brown, purplish red and underlying lavender. In some examples the markings are ex- tremely dense round the larger end and form a broad zone. In others they are evenly distributed over the shell. Specimens measure from -7 to -75 in length, and from -52 to '58 in breadth. South Australia. Melbourne {W. Bridge)-). Melbourne {W. B.: Tristram Coll.) interburv, N.l {A. J. North). Albert Park, Victoria, 30th Nov, {A. J. N). Tasmania (E, D. Atkinson). Gould Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Megalurus ruficeps, Tweedd. (Plate IX. fig. 19.) Megalurus ruficeps, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 125 (1883) ; Sf^ere, List Birds ^- Mamm. Vhilipp. p. 20 (1890) ; Grant 8f Whitehead, MEGALTJEIJS. SCHCENICOLA. 201 Ibis, 1898, p. 240, pi. v. %. 7 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 53, taf. ii. ii|j. 10 (1899) ; Sliarpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 202 (1903). The eggs of the llufous-headed Marsh- Warbler in the Collection are of a blunt oval shape and rather glossy. They are pinkish white, very finely and densely freckled all over with pinkish brown and lilac. The markings are denser at the larger end than else- where, and form an ill-defined zone or cap at that poYt. Five examples measure respectively ; -82 by '6 ; -84 by -^2 ; -86 by 64 ; •8 by -6; -81 by -6. 3. Marinduque, Philippine Islands, Steere Exped. 8th May. 2. Marinduque, May (AS^eercjEr^ec?.}. Crowley Bequest. Megalurus macrurus (Salvad.). Megalurus macrurus. Sharps, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 126 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 53 (1899) j Sharpe, JIand-l. iv. p. 202 (^1903J. An egg of the Long-tailed Grass-Warbler in the Collection is of a regular oval shape and fairly glossy. It is of a greyish-pink colour, speckled and blotched, chiefly at the broad end, with rich brownish purple and lavender. There are also a few hair-lines mingled with the other markings. It measures -88 by 'Q2. The three eggs from New Guinea also referred to this species are of an entirely diff'erent type ; the ground-colour is pinkish white, densely speckled all over with rich brownish purple, especially toward the larger end, where the markings unite into cloudy blotches. They measure -9 to '95 by -60 to -64. 1. New Britain {Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 3. JSouth-eastern New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [C.]. Genus SCHCENICOLA, Blijth. Schcenicola platyura (Jerd.). Schoenicola platyura, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 110 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 384 (1889) ; id. ed. Hmne, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 251 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 203 (1903). The eg^ of the Broad-tailed Grass-Warbler in the Collection is of a very broad oval form and fairly glossy. It is white, densely speckled and blotched with dull chestnut-brown and pale under- lying lavender. At the broad end the markings are denser and more or less confluent. The example measures '73 by '6. 1. Belgaum, India, 19th Sept. Hume Coll. (E.A.Butler). 202 STLVIIDiE. Genus BRADYPTERUS, Swains. Bradypterus "brachypterus ( Vieill.). Bradypterus tracliypterus, Sharpe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Africa, p. 286 (1875-84); Butler, Feilden ^ Reid, Zool. 1882, p. 245; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 113 (1883) ; Stark 8f Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 99 (1901; ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 204 (1903). The eggs of the Stripe-throated Reed-Warbler in the Collection are of a blunt oval form and moderately glossy. They are of a greenish-white colour, thickly spotted and mottled, especially at the broader end, with reddish brown and lavender. They measure respectively : -9 by 'Q2 ; -8 by -62. 2. Cape of Good Hope {Miss Dacres : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Genus CH^TORNIS, Gray. Chsetornis locustelloides (Blyih). (Plate IX. fig. 18.) Chaetornis locustelloides, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 130 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Fid., Birds, i. p. 388 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Fggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 252 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 53 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv, p. 205 (1903). The eggs of the Bristled Grass-Warbler are of a regular oval form and but very slightly glossy. They are white, with a tinge of pink, speckled and spotted, more densely at the larger end than elsewhere, with pinkish brown, lilac-red, and lavender. They measure from '76 to -85 in length, and from '57 to -62 in breadth. 1. Deesa, Central India, 18th May Hume Coll. {E. A. Butler). 4. Faridpur, Bengal, 23rd May Hume Coll. (J. B. Cripps). 4. Faridpur, 27th May (J. R. C). Hume Coll. 3. Faridpur, 28th May {J. R. C). Hume Coll. Genus CALAMOCICHLA, Sharpe. Calamocichla newtoni (Hartl). Calamoherpe newtoni, F. Newton, Ibis, 1863, p. 344, pi. xiii. fig. 3 ; Coioan, Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Fdinb. vii. p. 148 (1882). Calamodyta newtonii, Milne-Fdwards Sj- Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag., Ois. p. 336, pi. 303. fi^^ 4 (1879). Calamocichla newtoni, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 131 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 53 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 205 (1903). The eggs of Newton's Grass-Warbler are of an ordinary oval form and but very slightly glossy. They are of a pale greyish- CALA.M0CICHL1. — ARrNDINAX. 203 green colour, blotched all over with two shades of brown and with purplish grey or lavender. Three examples measure respectively : '86 by -62 ; -83 by -59 ; -78 by -6. 2. Tamala Country, Madagascar Crowley Bequest. ( W. Deans Cowan). 1. Betsileo, Madagascar. Crowley Bequest. Calamociclila leptorhyncha (Fisch. Sf Reichenow). (Plate X. fig. 1.) Turdinus leptorhynchus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 546 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 63 (1899). Calamocichla leptorhyncha, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 206 (1903). The eggs of the East-African Grass- Warbler are of a regular oval form and without gloss. The colour is very pale grey, with numerous spots and dots of olive-brown and lavender-grey. In one specimen the markiugs mostly appear as very pale lavender-grey blotches, with a few spots of light brown. They measure from '71 to '72 in length, and from -51 to -54 in breadth. 2. East Africa. Crowley Bequest. 2. Zanzibar. Crowley Bequest. Genus ORIGMA, Gould, Origma rubricata {Lath.). Origma rubricata, Ramsay, Ibis, 1863, p. 445 ; Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 385 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat Birds B. M. vii. p. 135 (1883) ; North, Nests 8f Egys Austr. Birds, p. 142, pi. xiii. lig. 8 (1887); Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 226 (19U1) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 207 (19U3). The e^^ of the Rock-Warbler in the Collection is of an oval shape, slightly glossy and pure white. It measures '86 by -6. 1. New South Wales {E. P. Ramsay). Gould Coll. Genus ARUNDINAX, Blyth. Arundinax aedon (Pall.). (Plate X. fig. 7.) Arundinax aedon, I'acz. J.f. O. 1872, p. 353; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 390 (1889) ; Tacz. Faune Orn. SibSr. Orient, p. 227 (1891) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 207 (1901). Arundiaax olivacea, Tacz. J.f. O. 1873, taf, i. fig. 1. Lusciniola aedon, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 121 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 3ei (1899). The eggs of the Thick-billed Warbler in the Collection are of a regular oval form and very glossy. They are purplish grey, mottled with a darker shade of the same and marked with numerous thin, 204 SYLVIID^. blackish hair-lines and streaks, like the eggs of some of the Buntings. They measure -87 to -9 in length, and -6 to -65 in breadth. 2. Lake Baikal, Siberia, 7th July Seebohm Coll. {Dybowski). 3. Dauria, June {Dyhowski : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). Genus HYPOLAIS, Brehm, Hypolais hypolais {Linn.). Sylvia hypolais, Thien. Fortpjlanz, ges. Vog. p. 168, tab. xix. fig. 13, a-d (1845-54). Hypolais salicaria, Baedeker, Eler Eur. Vog. tab. 19. fig. 1 (1855-63). Sylvia icterina, Bree, Birds Eur. ii. p. 58 (1867). liypolais icterina, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 521 (1874); Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 77 (1881). Hypolais hypolais, Seeholim, Brit. Birds, i, p. 381, pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 198, pi. 52. fig. 10 (1896) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv'. p. 207 (1903). The eggs of the Icterine Tree-Warbler are of a regular oval form and possess a small amount of gloss. The ground-colour varies from greyish pink to pale brownish pink or salmon-pink, and is marked rather sparingly with spots of deep purplish brown or black. The spots on some specimens are very small, on others large, but they are always well-defined. A few examples are also marked with short lines and streaks, while others are covered with very fine lines which run over the shell in all directions and resemble the lines of a cobweb. The underlying markings are obsolete and often absent. Specimens measure from "67 to -81 in length, and from "51 to -56 in breadth. 1. Boulogne, France. L. II. Sitwell, Esq. [P.]. 5, Elheuf, France, 4th June (A''o?«-_y; Seebohm Coll. Hargitt Coll.). 3. Foret de Bord, Elbeuf {Nourg : Seebohm Coll. Hargitt Coll.). 3. Holland {J. Baker). Crowley Bequest. 5. Valkenswaard, Holland (J". 5.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Yalkenswaard, 28th May {H. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm). 16. Valkenswaard. Crowley Bequest. 6. V omQYQx\m {T. Kri'qwr). Seebohm Coll. 4. Cassel, Germany, 30th May Seebohm Coll. {T.Holland). 5. Moscow, 2nd June {Lorenz). Seebohm Coll. Hypolais polyglotta (Fi^iZ/.). Ilippolais polyglotta, Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 306; Tristram, to7n. cit. p. 418. Hypolais polvglotta. Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 517 (1874) ; Bree, Bifdg Eur. 2nd ed. ii. p. 150, pi. (3875) ; Seehohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 79 (1881) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 208 (1903). IDUNA. 205 Hypolais salicaria, Lilford, Ibis, 1866, p. 187. Ficedula polyglotta, Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 213. The eggs of the Melodious Tree- Warbler do not diJBfer in any respect from those of H. hypolais. 5. [Spain.] Crowley Bequest.^ 4. Spain. Lord Lilford [P.]. 5. Malaga, Spain, 18th May {A. Seebohm Coll. Riiiz). 8, Malaga, 2oth May {A. R.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Malaga, 31st May {A. B.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Malaga, 12th June {A. B.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Malaga, 2oth June (A. R.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Malaga, 16th May {H. Saunders). Seebohm Coll. 3. Malaga, 24th May {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Malaga, 26th June {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Seville, Spain {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Seville [H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Seville (//. S.). ^ ' Seebohm Coll. 4. Chemora, Algeria, 26th May (0. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin). 3. Chemora, 27th May (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Chemora, 29th May (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Chemora, 1st June (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Chemora, 2nd June (0. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Chemora, 8th June (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Chemora, 26th May {H. B. Tris- Crowley Bequest. tra7n). Genus IDUNA, Bonap. Iduna olivetorum (Gould). Sylvia olivetorum, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. p. 171, tab. xix. fig. 14, a-c (1846-54) ; Bree, Birds Eur. ii. p. 49, pi. (1867). Chloropeta olivetorum, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 19. fig. 3 (1855-63). Hypolais olivetorum. Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 527 (1874) ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. ii. p. 141, pi. (1875) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 79 (1881). Iduna olivetorum, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 208 (1903). The eggs of the Olive-tree Warbler are of quite the same cha- racter as those of Hypolais hypolais and H. polygloUa, but they are larger and have the ground-colour rather paler. It is noteworthy, however, that in the comparatively large series of the eggs of this species in the Collection, not one shows any indication of the cobweb-like combination of fine lines frequently found on the eggs of the other two species. At best there are only a few short detached lines on a few examples. A series of specimens measures from '8 to -85 in length, and from -55 to '6 in breadth. A remarkably small egg measures only '67 by '53. 1. Greece. Old Collection. 6. Athens, 1st June (r. ^n7^?er). Seebohm Coll. 20f) SYLVIIDJE. 5. Athens, 1st Jnne [T. Krilper). Seebohm Coll. 5. Athens, Ist June {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Attica, 26th May {T. K.). Seebohm Coll, 5. Attica, 1st June {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Attica, 2nd June {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Smyrna, 22nd May ( T. K.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Smyrna, 25th May (T.X). Seebohm Coll. 5. Smyrna, 17th June {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. Iduna languid a {Hempr. Sf Ehr.). (Plate X. fig. 2.) Hypolais upcheri, Tristram, Ibis, 1867, pp. 81, 82. Hypolais languida, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 635 (1874) ; Blanford, East. Persia, ii. p. 183 (1876) ; Seehohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 80 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 32 (1899). Iduna languida, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 208 (1903). The eggs of TJpcher's Tree- Warbler have the ground-colour pale pinkish grey, and are sparingly marked all over with rounded spots and dots of purplish black and faint lavender. The average measurement is '76 by -55. Palestine, May and June {H. B. Tristram). Palestine, 4th June {H. B. T.). Jericho, 12th May. Sisakt, S.W. Persia, 30th May. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. H. F. Witherby, Esq. [P.]. Idnna pallida (Hempr. Sf Ehr.). Sylvia elaica, Thien. Fortjrfianz. ges. Voq. p. 170, tab. xix. fig. 15, a-c (1845-54) ; Bree, Birds Eur. ii. p. 54, pi. (1867). Chloropeta elaeica, Baedeker, Eier Evr. Vog. tab. 19. fig. 4 (1855-63). Hypolais elaica, Tristram, Ibis, 1867, p. 82 ; Bi^eei, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. ii. p. 145, pi. (1875). Hypolais pallida, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 537 (1874) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 82 (1881) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 392 (1889). Iduna pallida, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 208 (1903). The eggs of the Olivaceous Tree-Warbler are of a pale pinkish- grey colour, marked in the same manner as those of /. olivetoruni. The markings, however, are on the whole rather smaller, and there is a general absence of lines. Measurements vary from •64 to '73 in length, and from -47 to '55 in breadth. 2. Macedonia, 10th June ( T. Xriiper). Seebohm Coll, 6. Nymphion, Greece, 4th {T.K.). June Seebohm Coll. 2. Athens, 26th May (T. K.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Athens, 1st June {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Athens, 1st .Tune {T. K.). Seebohm Coll, 5. Athens, 1st June {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Athens, 2nd June {T. K). Seebohm Coll. 3. Athens, 8th June {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. ID UN A. 207 4. Athens, 19th June (r. A'.). 2. Turkey {Robson). 3. Jericho, 16th April {H. B. Tristram). 3. Jericho, 16th April. 6. Jericho, 16th April {H. B. T.] 5. Fao, Persian Gulf. 6. Fao. 4. Fao. 2. Sudan, 28th May. 2. Sudan, 29th May. Seebohm Coll. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Canon Tristram [P.]. Crowley Bequest. W. D. Cumming, JSsq. [P.]. W. D. Cumming, Esq. [P,J. W. D. Cumming, Esq. fP. |. Col. W. Verner [P.]. Col. W. Verner [P.]. Iduna opaca (Cab.). Hippolaia polyglotta (nee V.), Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 306. Hippolais pallida {nee H. ^ E.), Tristram, Ibis, 1859, p. 418. Chloropeta elaica {nee Linderm.), Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 214. Hypolais opaca, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 531 (1874) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 83 ( 1881). Iduna opaca, Sharpe, Hand- 1, iv. p. 208 (1903). The eggs of the Western Olivaceous Tree- Warbler resemble those of /. pallida^ but are somewhat larger, measuring from '7 to '78 in length, and from -52 to -59 in breadth. Malaga, Spain, 24th May {H. Saunders). Malaga, 13th June {H. S.). Malaga, 18th June (H. S.). Malaga, 28tb May {A. Ruiz). Malaga, 4th June {A. R.). Malaga, 7th June {A. R. : Har- gitt Coll.). Andalucia {A. R. : Hargitt Coll.). Chemora, Algeria, 1st June (O. SaJ^vin). Chemora, 1st June (//. B. Tris- tram). Lake Hallonla, Algeria {H. B. T.). Lake Halloula, 11th June {H. B. T.). Lake Halloula, June {H. B. T.). Kohat Forest, Algeria, 20th May {H. B. T.). Algeria {H. B. T). Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Idnna rama {Syhes). Hypolais rama. Dresser, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 655, pi. Ixxix. ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 84 (1881) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 391 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8,- Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 254 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 32 (1899). Iduna rama, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 208 (1903). The eggs of Sykes's Tree-Warbler are of a broad and pointed oval shape and exhibit little or no gloss. They are of a creamy- 208 SYLVITDJ^. white colour, smeared and blotched with lavender-grey and marked with black specks, spots, small blotches, and twisted hair-lines. The markings sometimes extend over the whole shell, but more frequently they are almost entirely confined to the broader half of the egg. The black hair-lines are wanting in some specimens. Examples measure from -57 to -65 in length, and from '45 to -52 in breadth. 5. Shiraz, Persia, 4th May. F. (Tillett, Esq. [P.]. 49. Eastern Narra, Sind, March to Hume Coll. July (S. Doig)* Iduna caligata {Licht. Locustella sahcaria, Tacz. J.f. O. 1872, p. 355; 1873, taf. i. fig. 2. Acrocephalus caligata, i?ree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed, iii. p, 11, pi. (1875). Hypolais caligata, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 541 (1875) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 85 (1881); Oates, Fauna Brit. Lid., Birds, i. p. 393 (1889) ; ^'ehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 32 (1899). Iduna caligata, Sharpe, Hand-l iv. p. 208 (1903). The eggs of the Booted Tree-Warbler are much smaller than those of Hypolais hj/polais and R. polyglotta, but are of precisely the same colour and marked in a similar manner. They measure from •58 to '66 in length, and from -45 to '5 in breadth. 6. Moscow, 24th May (Lorenz). Seebohm Coll. 6. Moscow, 29th May {Lorenz). Seebohm Coll. 3. [Russia.] Crowley Bequest. 5. Omsk {Slovzqff). Seebohm Coll. 6. Kirghiz Steppes, July (Hejike). Seebohm Coll. 6. Kirghiz Steppes, July (Renke). Seebohm Coll. Genus SYLVIA, Scop. Sylvia nisoria (Bechst.). Sylvia nisoria, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Viig. p. 176, tab. xx. fig. 3, a~c (1845-54) ; Bree, Birds Eur. ii. p. 22, pi. (18(57), 2nd ed. ii. p. 115, pi. (1875) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 435 (1874) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 6 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 387, pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 199, pi. 52. fig. 11 (1896). Adophoneus nisorius, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 51. fig. 14 (1855-63) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 209 (1903), Nisoria undata, Tristram, Ibis, 1867, pp. 75, 86. In the majority of the characteristic eggs of the Barred Warbler, the pale bluish-grey or neutral-tint markings underlie the dull greyish or butfish-white ground-colour, and there is no surface- pattern, or only a few very pale and obscure spots. But occasionally the overlying markings are present and conspicuous, in the shape * These eggs cannot be separated into clutches, but Mr. Doig states that' a clutch generally consists of four eggs. STLVIV, 209 of blotches and clouds of pale brown and lavender-grey. Both kinds are generally concentrated on the broader half of the egg, forming themselves into a rough zone. In shape the eggs do not vary much, being of a pointed oval form ; they are dull in texture ; they measure from "80 to '89 in length, and from '60 to 'Qo in breadth. ,^ 2. Germany. Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Germany (Tris^/'^m Co//.). Crowley Bequest. 5. Germany {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 5. Berlin. Seebohm Coll. 6. Berlin, 5th June {T. Holland). Seebohm Coll. 4. Cilli, Styria, 26th June (Ji!. Set- Crowley Bequest. densacher : Tristram Coll.). 3. Cilli, 26th June {K S. : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 4. Kiev, Russia, 28th May. Seebohm Coll. 4. Kiev, 30th May. Seebohm Coll. 4. Turkey {Rohson). Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. 6. Lebanon, 20th May {J. H. Coch- Seebohm Coll. rane) . 6. Altai Mountains (7««cr^). Crowley Bequest. Sylvia sylvia {Linn.). (Plate VIII. fig. 11.) Sylvia cinerea, Thie7i. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 179, tab. xx. fig. 6, a-e (1845-54) ; Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 51. fig. 9 (1855-63) ; Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Bir'ds, i. p. 130, pi. xxxv. figs, i & ii (3856); Tristram, lbis,lS67, p. 84; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 212; Seebohm, Cat Birds B. M. v. p. 8 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 405, pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 202, pi. 62. fig. 16 (1896). Sylvia rufa, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 377 (1876). Sylvia sylvia, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 209 (1903). Eggs of the Common Whitethroat in the large series in the Collection vary from a pointed to a blunt oval shape and are slightly glossy. The ground-colour ranges from pale buff to pale grey and from greenish-white to pale green. The markings consist of specks, spots, and blotches of various shades of grey, olive-brown, olive-green, umber- brown, and underlying lavender, and whereas in many examples these are evenly distributed over the whole shell, in others they are chiefly confined to the broader half of the ^g^., where they are often confluent and form a dense cap or zone. Some eggs are comparatively faintly marked, others have the markings very dark. Specimens measure from '65 to '8 in length, and from '5 to -6 in breadth. 5. Lochend, near Inverness, 1st June Seebohm Coll. {Hargitt Coll.). 5. England. Old Collection. 5. Norfolk, 15th May {F. Norgate). Seebohm Coll. 5. Norfolk, 17th May (>. N.). Seebohm Coil. VOL. IV. V 210 BYLVIID^. Norfolk, 31st May {F. Norgate). Cambridgeshire. Cambridge, 19th May (O. Salvin). Cambridge, 23rd May (O. S.). Haddenham, Cambridge, 23rd May. Taplow, Berkshire. Taplow. Berkshire, 13th May. Maidenhead, 4th May. Near Bentley, Hants, 21st May {Hargitt Coll.). Near Bentley, 2nd July {Har- gitt Coll.). Alton, Hants. Alton. Finchley, Middlesex (O. Salvin). Caen Wood, Finchley, 11th June {O.S.). Epping Forest, Essex. Tilford, Surrey. Churt, Surrey. Churt. Sweden. Valkenswaard, Holland, 28th May {C. B. Wharton ^ H. SeeboJun). Valkenswaard, 28th May ( W. ^' S.). Elbeuf, France {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). Seville, Spain {H. Saunders). Parnassus, Greece, 6th May {H. Seehohm Sj- T. Kriiper). Parnassus, 17th May [H. S. 8f T. K.] Smyrna, 22nd May {T. Kriipei'). Galilee, 4th April {H. B. Tris- tram). Plain of Gennesaret, 4th April {H. B. T.). Mount Tabor, 5th April {E. Bart- lett : Tristram Coll.). Kadesh Naphthali, 18th May {H. B. T.). Seebohm Coll. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Old Collection. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. S. O. Sahlin, Esq, Seebohm Coll, [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Sylvia icterops, Mmetr. Sylvia cinerea, var. fuscipilea, Severtzow, J.f. O. 1876, p. 177. Sylvia fuscipilea, Seehohm, Ibis, 1884, p. 427. Sylvia icterops, Shar]pe, Hand-l. iv. p. 209 (1903). The e^g's, of the Eastern Whitethroat do not differ from those of the common species, and the dimensions are the same. 3. Altai Mountains, May. 4. Altai Mountains. Crowley Bequest, Crowley Bequest. SYLVIA. 211 Sylvia simplex, Lath. (Plate YIII. fig. 13.) Sylvia hortensis, Thien. Fortj)flanz. ges. Vog. p. 175, tab. xx. fig. 2, a-e (1845-54) ; Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 128, pi. xxxiv. figs, iii, iv (1856); Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 10 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 4(X), pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 201, pi 52. figs. 12, 13 (1896). Curruca hortensis, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 51. fig. 11 (1855-63). Sylvia salicaria, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 429 (1876). Sylvia simplex, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 209 (1903). The eggs of the Garden-Warbler are of a somewhat pointed oval form and possess a considerable amount of gloss. They vary much in coloration. The ground-colour is sometimes pure white, but more commonly it ranges from creamy white to greenish white. In one type the markings consist of clouds and smudges of pale underlying lavender and yellowish brown, and some surface-spots and lines of deep umber-brown. In another type the surface-spots and lines are absent, and the shell is thickly blotched and smudged with yellowish brown and underlying lavender. In a third type the umber-brown surface- markings preponderate and the underlying markings are comparatively few and faint. In a fourth type, an unusual one, the ground-colour is salmon-pink, clouded with pinkish brown and spotted with umber-brown. Specimens measure from •7 to '85 in length, and from -52 to 'Q2 in breadth. 4. 1. 3. 2. 6. 1. 4. 6. 4. 11. 6. 5. 6. CrieiF, Perthshire. Brecon, Wales. Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire. Norwich, 4th July. Taplow, Berkshire. Taplow, May. Alton, Hants, May. Finchley, Middlesex, 12th June (O. S.). Near London. Churt, Surrey. Churt. Vosges Mts., France, May {Mougel: Hargitt Coll.). Elbeiif, Normandy {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). Elbeuf (iVowry ; Hargitt Coll). Elbeuf, 20th May {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). Valkenswaard, Holland, 25th May (JET. Seebohm). Valkenswaard {H. S.). Valkenswaard {H. S.). Valkenswaard {H. S.). Pomerania, 12tli June (7". Holland). Reval, Baltic Provs., 17th June (Russow). W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, Esq. [P.]. Capt. E. A. Swanson [P.], F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.J Crowley Bequest. Gould CoU. Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coil. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. r2 212 syLviiDj5. Sylvia rueppelli, Temm. Sylvia rijppellii, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 187, tab. xxii. fig. 1, a, h (1845-54) ; Bree, Birds Eur. ii. p. 26, pi. (1867), 2nd ed. ii. p. 119, pi. (1875). Curruca rueppelli, Baedeker, Bier Bur. Vog. lab. 51. fig. 13 (1855-63). Sylvia rueppelli, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 417 (1874) ; SharpCj Hand-l. iv. p. 209 (1903). Sylvia rueppellii, Seehohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 12 (1881). IsTone of the figures quoted above represents the egg of Rlippell's Warbler correctly except the one in the second edition of Bree's work *. The specimens in the Collection are of a very regular oval form and have a small amount of gloss. They are of a greyish-white colour, closely mottled and streaked, very evenly all over, with greenish brown. They measure -75 by '58, -7 by '57 respectively. 1. Greece (Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Nymphi, Asia Minor, 23rd May Seehohm Coll. (jr. Kriiper). Sylvia orpheus, Temm. Sylvia orphea, Thien. JFortpJlanz. ges. Vog. p. 177, tab. xx. fig. \,a-c (1845-54) ; IIeivitso?i, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 133, pi. xxxv. fig. iii (1856) ; Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 306 ; Lilford, Ibis, 1866, p. 180 ; Tris- tram. Ibis. 1867, p. 85 ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 212 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p.'411 (1874). Curruca orphea, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 51. fig. 10 (1855-63). Sylvia oi-pheus, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 14 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 390, pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 200, pi. 52. figs. 14, 15 (1896) ; Sliarpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 209 (1903). The eggs of the Orphean Warbler are of a pointed oval shape and generally very glossy. The ground is of an exceedingly pale greyish or bluish-white colour, and the markings are of three types. In one they consist of specks and small spots of lavender and olive- brown, forming an ill-defined cap or zone at the larger end. In another the whole shell, and especially the broader half, is covered with blotches, clouds, and streaks of lavender and olive-brown. In the third the two types of markings are combined, but, in addition, there are numerous round spots of very deep umber-brown or black, together with a few short lines and scrawls of the same colour. In all three types, the markings are larger and more prominent at the broad end than elsewhere. Examples measure from '72 to -91 in length, and from -bb to -63 in breadth. 6. Near Castile, Spain. Lord Lilford [P.], 4. Malaga, Spain, 23rd May Seebohm Coll. {H. Samiders). 3. Valencia, Spain {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. * [I have lately had the opportunity of examining a,considerable serieW of the eggs of this species taken by Mr. F. 0. Selous in', Asia Minor. They resemble the specimens in the Collection described above. — E. W. C] STLTIA. 213 Italy. Parnassus, Greece, 12th May (jff. Seehohm Sf T. Krilper). Parnassus, 19th May (11. S. ^ T. K.). Parnassus, 21st May (If, S. Sf T. K.). Parnassus, 21st May {H. S. ^ T. K.). Parnassus, 21st May {R. S. ^ T. K.). Delphi, Greece, 2nd May {H. S. ^ Delphi, 3rd May (ZT. .S'. ^ T. K.). Delphi, 20th May {H. S. ^ T. K). ymyrna {T. Kriiper). Smyrna, 4th May (T. K). Smyrna, 8th May {T. K.). Smyrna, 12th May {T. K). Smyrna, 13th May {T. K.). Smyrna, 26th May \t. K.). Smyrna, 30th May {T. K.). Palestine, 6th June {H.B. Tristram). Birket es Dan, Palestine, 16th May {H. B. TX Kafr Idiz, Gilead, 6th May {S. B. T.). Mount Hermon, 4th June {H. B.T.). Mount Hermon, 6th June {H. B. T.). Cnemora, Algeria, 2nd June (O. Salvin). Ain Djendeli, Algeria, loth May (O. ^.). Ain Djendeli, 18th May (0. S.). Ain Djendeli, 20th May (O. s'). Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. ,A Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coil. Seebohm Coll. Canon Tristram [C.]. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sdlvin-Godman Coll. Sylvia curruca {Linn.). Sylvia curruca, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. p. 181, tab. xx. fig. 11, a-d (1845-51); Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 51. fig. 8 (1855-63) Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 132, pi. xxxv. fig. iv (1856) Tristram, Ibis, 1867, p. 84 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 383 (1876) Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 16 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 410 pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 203, pi. 52. fig. 20 (1896) Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 210 (1903). The eggs of the Lesser Whitethroat are of a pointed oval form. The amount of gloss on the shell is very variable, some specimens being highly glossed and others wanting it. They are of a white or greyish-white colour, blotched and spotted, chiefly at the large end, where the markings generally form a zone or a cap, with olive or greenish-brown, umber-brown, and underlying lavender. Many specimens are marked in addition with some spots and lines of very deep brown or black. They measure from '63 to "75 in length, and from -49 to '5^ in breadth. 6. England. 6. Sheffield {H. Seebohm). 6. Cambridgeshire. 6. Cambridge, 23rd May. 5. Taplow, Berkshire. Old Collection. Seebohm Coll. r. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. 214 STLVIIDiE. 4. Taplow. 6. New Forest {H. Saunders). 5. Alton, Hants, May. 6. Hampstead, Middlesex (O. *S'.). 4. Finchley, Middlesex (0. 8.). 4. Churt, Surrey, May. 6. Churt, May. 5. Churt, June. 6. Valkenswaard, Holland, 23rd May (C. B. Whart07i ^ H. Seebohm). 5. Pomerania, 27tli May {T. Holland). 5. Stolp, Pomerania, 5th June {T.H.). 3. Saxony ( Charhormier : Hargitt Coll.). 4. Parnassus, Greece, 16tli May {T. Kriiper). 3. Lebanon, Palestine, 16th June {H. B. Tristram). 2. Mount Hermon, 16th May (7/.^. T.). Gould Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Sylvia affinis, Blyth. (Plate X. fig. 3.) Sylvia affinis, Wardlaw-Ramsay, Ibis, 1880, p. 59; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. V. p. 19 (1881) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Bid., Birds, i. p. 397 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds^ i. p. 257 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 210 (1903). Sylvia curruca, Tacz. Faune Orn. Sibcr. Orient, i. p. 277, part. (1891). The eggs of the Indian Lesser Whitethroat are not separable from those of S. curruca. The specimeni? in the Collection measure from 'Qb to "75 in length, and from -47 to -55 in breadth. 6. Astrachan. Seebohm Coll. 2. Afghanistan, 28th May {R. G. Seebohm Coll. Wardlaiv-Ramsay) . 2. Afghanistan, 28th May {R. G. Seebohm Coll. W.-R.). 4. Afghanistan, 28th May {R. G. Seebohm Coll. W.-R.). 3. Afghanistan, 28th May {R. G. Seebohm Coll. W.'R.). 1. Kashmir, 24th May {W. E. Brooks: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Kashmir, June (C R. Cock: Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). Sylvia mystacea, Menetr. . (Plate X. fig. 4.) Curruca momus, Hempr. 8f Flir. Symb. Rhys., Av. i. fol. bb (1833). Sylvia momus, Dresser, B. Eur. ii. p. 407 (1880). Sylvia rubescens, Blanf. Ibis, 1874, p. 77 ; id. East. Pers. ii. p. 177, pi. xii. (1876). Sylvia mystacea, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 20 (1881) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 210 (1903). SYLVIA. 215 Five eggs of Bowman's Warbler are indistinguishable from those of S. suhalpina belonging to the brown type. They are white, thickly freckled all over with yellowish brown and underlying grey. They measure -7 to -71 in length, by -52 to '54 in breadth. 5. Shiraz, Persia, 2nd May. H. F. Witherby, ^sq. [P.]. Sylvia conspicillata, Temm. Sylvia conspicillata, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 182, tab. xx. fig. 8, «, h (1845-54) ; Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 305 ; Tristram, Ibis, 1859, p. 417 ; Wright, Ibis, 1864, p. 6S ; Bree, Birds Eur. ii. p. 38, pi. (1867) ; 2nd ed. ii. p. 132, pi. (1875) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 212 ; Dresser^ Birds Eur. ii. p. 393 (1875) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 22 (1881) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 210 (1903). Stoparola conspicillata, Baedelzer, Bier Eur. Vog. tab. 51. fig. 6 (1855-63). The eggs of the Spectacled Warbler are of a somewhat pointed oval shape and moderately glossy. They are of a greenish-grey colour, speckled and mottled with brown, which in some specimens is pale, in others dark. The markings are usually evenly distributed over the whole shell, but in a small number of specimens they form a cap at the broad end. Examples measure from 'Q2 to 'QQ in length, and from -48 to -51 in breadth. 6. Malaga, Spain {H. Saunders). Seebohm Coll. 4. Malaga, 5th May {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Malaga, 6th June {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Malta (C. ^. Wright). Crowley Bequest. 3. Ain Djendeli, Algeria, 18th May Salvin-Godman Coll. (O. Salvin). 4. Ain Djendeh, 19th May (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Ain i)jendeli, 14th May {H. B. Crowley Bequest. Tristram). 4. Madracen, Algeria, 30th May Crowley Bequest. {II. B. T.). 3. Madracen, 3rd June {H. B. T.). Crowley Bequest. Sylvia atricapiUa (Linn.). (Plate YIII. figs. 10 & 14.) Sylvia atricapilla, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 173, tab. xx. fig. 1, a-d (1845-54) ; Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 126, pi. xxxiv. tigs, i, ii (1856); Godman, Ibis, 1866, p. 95; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 212 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 421 (1875) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. V. p. 23 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 394, pi. 10 (1883) ; Meade- Waldo, Ibis, 1893, p. 189; Seebohm, Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 201, pi. 62. figs. 17, 18, 19 (1896) ; Sliarpe, Handrl. iv. p. 211 (1903). Curruca atricapilla, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 51. fig. 12 (1855-63) ; Tristram, Ibis, 1859, p. 417. The eggs of the Blackcap are mostly of a pointed oval form and they are often very glossy. In the common type the ground-colour varies from greyish white to grey, and this is smudged and mottled 21Q SYLVIWM. with olive-brown, yellowish brown, and underlying pale lavender. Many specimens of this type are also spotted with deep umber- brown. In another type the ground-colour is salmon-pink, smudged and clouded with darker pink and grey and marked with spots and lines of rich reddish brown. In a third type the shell is white, prettily blotched and speckled with chestnut and pale lavender. Comparatively few eggs of the Blackcap exhibit any well-defined cap or zone at the larger end, the markings being generally evenly distributed over the whole shell. They measure from '7 to '87 in and from '56 to "6 in breadth. length Shropshire, 29th May. Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire. Histon, Cambridge. Bristol, 19th May. Avington, Hampshire, May {H. B. Sharpe : Hargitt Coll.). Alton, Hampshire, June. Finchley, Middlesex (O. Salvhi). Finchley (O. ^.)- Hampstead, Middlesex (O. S.). Stanmore, Middlesex [Hargitt Coll.). Churt, Surrey. Churt, May. Maidstone, Kent [Hargitt Coll.). Vosges Mts., France (Nourg: Hargitt Coll.). Elbeuf, Normandy [Noury : Hargitt Coll.). Elbeuf, 1st May [Noury : Hargitt Coll.). Elbeuf [Noury: Hargitt Coll.). Malaga, Spain, 28th May [H. Saun- ders : Hargitt Coll.). Malaga, 31st May. Pomerania, 26th "^May [T. Holland). romerania, 29th May [T. H.). Pomerania, 4th June [T. H.). Pomerania, 8th June [T. H.). Pomerania, 10th June [T. H.). Pomerania, 12tb June [T. H.). Pomerania, 13th June (T. H.). Pomerania, 13th June [T. H.). Fayal, Azores, June [F. D. Godman). Tenerife, Canary Islands, 19th March. Mustapba, Algeria, May [H. B. Tristram). Lake Halloula, Algeria, June [H. B. T.). Gould Coll. F. Bond, Esq. [P.], F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Dr. J. A. Norton [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. E. G. Meade-Waldo, Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Esq. Sylvia subalpina, Temm. Sylvia passerina, Thien. Fortpfianz. ges. Vog. p. 183, tab. xx. fig. 9, rt"^6 (184o-o4). Stoparola subalpina, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 51. fig. 7 (1855-63). BTLVIA. MELIZOPHILUS, 217 Sylvia subalpina, Bree, Birds Eur. ii. p. 29, pi. (1867), 2nd ed. ii. p. 122, pi. (1875) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 212 ; Dresser, Birds Bur. ii. p. 389 (1875) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 27 (1881) ; Whitehead, Ibis, 1885, p. 33 ; Seebohm, Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 204, pi. 53. figs. 3, 4 (1896) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 211 (1903). The eg^^ of the Sub-alpine Warbler are of a broad oval form, a few specimens being rather lengthened and others spheroidal. They have very little gloss. The eggs are of two distinct types. In one, the ground-colour is greyish or bluish white, thickly speckled and mottled with pale brown or greenish brown and underlying lavender. In the other, the ground-colour is pinkish white, thickly marked, as in the first type, with reddish brown and pale lavender. Three .examples, forming a clutch, differ from both the above tjpes in being pure white, speckled and spotted, almost entirely at the broad end, with dark umber-brown and pale lavender. Specimens measure from '6 to '75 in length, and from "48 to '55 in breadth. 3. Madrid {H. Saunders). Seebohm Coll. 3. Madrid {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Malaga, 9th June {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Corsica. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. 2. Corsica. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. 2. Corsica {J. Whitehead). Seebohm Coll. 4. Corsica, 6th May {J. W.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Corsica, 6th May \j. W.). Seebohm Coll. 1. Attica, Greece, 10th June {T. Seebohm Coll. Krilper). 1. Parnassus, Greece, May (r. X.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Parnassus, 4th June {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. 1. Parnassus, 10th June (7*. X.). Seebohm Coll. 1. Parnassus, 26th April (T. jr.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Parnassus, 26th May (T. A".). Crowley Bequest. 1. Lake Halloula, Algeria, June {H. B. Crowley Bequest. Tristram). Genus MELIZOPHILUS, Leach. MelizopMlus melanocephalus (Gmel). Sylvia melanocephala, Thien. Fvrtpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 186, tab. xx. fig. 7, a, b (1845-54) ; Tristram, Ibis, 1860, p. 154 ; Bree, Birds Eur. ii. p. 33, pi. (1867), 2nd ed. ii. p. 127, pi. (1875) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 401 (1874) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 29 (1881) ; Irby, Ibis, 1872, p. 199; id. Orn. Str. Gibr. 2nd ed. p. 54 (1895). Pyrophthalma melanocephala, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 51. fig. 4 (1855-63). Melizophilus melanocephalus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 212 (1903). The eggs of the Sardinian Warbler are mostly of a pointed oval shape and exhibit comparatively little gloss. In one type, the ground-colour is greyish white or greenish white, profusely mottled and speckled with olive-brown and underlying pale lavender. In another, the ground-colour is white or pinkish white, thickly mottled and spotted with lavender and reddish brown, the latter colour 218 SYLTIIDiE. varying in tint in different clutches. In both these types the markings are generally evenly spread over the shell. In a third type, the ground-colour is nearly pure white, and the broader half of the egg is thickly spotted and blotched with chestnut-brown and lavender, the smaller half being very sparingly marked. Measurements vary from "66 to '75 in length, and from '52 to •56 in breadth. 2. Malaga, Spain {H. Saunders). Seebohm Coll. 4. Malaga, 2nd May {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Malaga, 8th May {H. iS.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Malaga, 26th May {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Malaga, 27th May (//. S.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Malaga, 29th May (II. S.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Malaga, 29th May (7/. S.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Malaga, 29th May {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Malaga, 18th June {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Malaga, 26th June (H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Malaga, 8th July (H. iS.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Valencia, Spain (.7^, Martin). Seebohm Coll. 5. Gibraltar {G. Dantez). Seebohm Coll. 3. Algeria {H. B. Tristram). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Kouba, Algeria, 20th April (ZT. ^. 7".). Crowley Bequest. 3. Algeria, 19th April {II. B. T.). Crowley Bequest. 2, Algeria, 21st April (i7. i^. r.). Crowley Bequest. 4. Algeria, 9th May {H. B. T.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Algeria, June (77. B. T.). Crowley Bequest. MellzopMlus undatus (Bodd.). Sylvia provincialis, Thien. Fortiyfianz.ges. Vog. p. 184, tab. xx.fig. 10, «, h (1845-54); Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 31 (1881); id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 414, pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 204, pi. 63. tig. 1 (1896)._ Melizophilus provincialis, i?«ef7eA:er,7^/^r^Mr. Fo^.tab. 51. fig. 3 (1855-63) ; id. J. f. O. 1 856, p. 32, taf. i. fig. 4 ; Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 143, pi. xxxvii. (1857) ; Tristram, Ibis, 1859, p. 418. Melizophilus undatus, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 441 (1875) ; Shai'pe, Hand-l. iv. p. 212 (1903). The eggs of the Dartford Warbler are of a rather pointed oval shape, and while some specimens exhibit a high gloss, others are entirely devoid of it. The common type of egg of this species is of a greyish or greenish-white colour, or, occasionally, of a pure white colour, speckled and blotched with umber-brown and lavender. In some examples the markings are small and distinct ; in others they are coarse, frequently coalescing and forming a bold cap at the broad end. A clutch of eggs from Spain differs from the above in being of a pinkish-white colour, speckled with chestnut, lilac-red, and lavender, very densely at the broad end, where the markings form a cap. Two specimens, forming another clutch, are of an olive-grsy colour, mottled with lavender-grey and pale brown, and spotted, in the case of one example, with umber-brown. PHTLLOSCOPTJS. 219 The eggs vary from '64 to '72 in length, and from "49 to '53 in breadth. 6, Alton, Hampshire (P. Crowley). 4. Wolmer Forest, 28th April. 3. Surrey. 4. Farnham, Surrey {K, Burton). 4. Farnham {H. £.). 0. Farnham [H. £.). 3. Farnham {F. Bond : Hargitt Coll.). 4. Churt, Surrey. 3. Churt. 5. Churt. 4. Churt {Hargitt Coll.). 8. Churt, March (P. Crowley). 4. Churt, May (P. C). 3. Churt. 2. Churt, May. 4. Churt. 4. Churt, June. 4. Churt, June. 4. Churt, June. 1. Kent. 4. Malaga, Spain, 24th April. 1. Boghar Forest, Algeria, 2nd June {H. B. Tristram) . 1. Tunis ( F. -Bo<7o ; Tristram Coll.). 3. Tunis {v. B, : Tristram Coll.). Seebohm Coll. Col. H. W. Feil^en, C.B. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. ^ Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Montagu Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Genus PHYLLOSCOPUS, Boie. Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Bechst.). Sylvia sibilatrix, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. p. 166, tab. xix. fig. 11, a-d (1845-54); Hewitson, JEggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 135, pi. xxxvi. fig. iii (1856). Phyllopnenste sibilatrix, Baedeker, Eier Fur. Vog. tab. 19. fig. 6 (1855-63). Phylloscopus sibilatrix. Dresser, Birds Fur. ii. p. 497 (1876) ; Seehohm^ Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 54 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 426, pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Fggs of Brit. Birds, p. 206, pi. 53. fig. 12 (1896). Phylloscopus sibilator, Sharps, Hand-l. iv. p. 212 (1903). The eggs of the Wood- Wren are mostly of a broad oval shape, a few being spheroidal. They have a considerable amount of gloss. The ground-colour is white, occasionally tinged with pink or grey, speckled and streakily blotched with umber or purplish brown and underlying lavender-grey. The markings are usually dense every- where, but they are larger and frequently confluent at the broad end. The eggs measure from '6 to -7 in length, and from -47 to •54 in breadth. 6. Dunham Park, Altrincham {F. Nicholson). 6. Cambridge. Seebohm Coll. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. 220 STLVIID^. 6. Cookliam, Berkshire. Gould Coll. 7. Finchley, Middlesex (O. Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Bishop's Wood, Finchley (O. S.). Salvin-Godmau Coll. 5. Bishop's Wood, 30th May (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Caen Wood, Finchley (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Colney Hatch (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Park Hatch, Surrey (i^ D. Godman). Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. Churt, Surrey. Crowley Bequest. 6. Churt. Crowley Bequest. 12. New Forest, Hampshire ( C. B. Seebohm Coll. Wharton: Hargitt Coll.). 5. Vosges Mts., France {Mougel: Har- Seebohm Coll. (jitt Coll.). 6. \osgesMts. {Mot/gel: Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 4. 'E]heui',Frfince (Nourg: Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Elbeuf, 2nd May (Nouru : Hargitt Seebohm Coll. Coll.). 6. Pomerania, 1st June (T. Holland). Seebohm Coll. 5. Pomerania, 6th June {T. H.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Pomerania, 6th June (T. H.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Reva], Baltic Provs., June (7iJ<S.). 7. Tilford, Surrey. 7. Churt, Surrey, May. 6. Churt, May. 5. Brighton {H. Sivag stand.) 5. Brighton (//. S.). 8. Valkenswaard, Holland, 14th May (C. B. Wharton ^ H. Seehohm). 6. Valkenswaard, 16th May (C. i?. fT. ^ H. S.). 8. Valkenswaard, 23rd May {C. B. W. ^ H. S.). 6. Valkeuswaard, 27th May (C. B. W. ^ H. S.). 5. Valkenswaard, 28th May ( C. B. W. 6. Elbeuf,France( Avowry; Hargitt Coll.). 4. Foret de Bord, Elbeuf {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). 5. Foret de Bord, 17th April {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). 6. Vosges Mts., France {Noury: Har- gitt Coll.). 5. Finland, 27th June {Russoiv). 6. Petchora Eiver, Lat. 68° N., 23rd J une {H. Seehohm 8fJ.A. Harvie- Brown) . 5. Petchora River, Lat, 68° N., 26th June {H. S. ^ J. A. H-B.). 4. Petchora River, Lat. 68° N., 26th iuuQ{H.S.8^J.A.H.-B.). 6. Petchora River, Lat. 68° N., 4th Jn\j(H.S.^J.A.H.-B.). 6. Pomerania, 30th May {T. Holland). \ Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Old Collection. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. F. Bond, Esq. [P.J. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.J. Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. 222 sTLViiDj*:. Phylloscopus bonellii ( Vieill.). Sylvia bonellii, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 166, tab. xix. fig. 12, a-c (1845-54) ; Bree, Birds Eur. ii. p. 45, pi. (1867) . Pbyllopneuste bonelli, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 19. fig. 6 (1855-63) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 213. Phylloscopus bonellii, Tristram, Ibis, 1859, p. 418 ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. ii. p. 154, pi. (1875) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 503 (1876) ; Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v.'p. 59 (1881) ; Irhy, Orn. JStr. Gibr. 2nd ed. p. 63 (1895) ; Shmye, Hand-l. iv. p. 213 (1903). The eggs of Bonelli's Willow-Warbler are similar to those of P. sibilator^ and require no separate description. They measure from '55 to '65 in length, and from '45 to "5 in breadth. 1. South Europe. Old Collection. 4. Madrid (H. Saunders). Seebohm Coll. 4. Gibraltar {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Gibraltar, 2Gth May. Seebohm Coll. 4. Gibraltar, May [L. H. Irby). Seebohm Coll. 1. Savoy. Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Athens, 10th May {T. Kriiper). Seebohm Coll. 3. Parnassus (T. K). Seebohm Coll. 4. Lake llalloula, Algeria, 10th May (//. B. Tristram). Crowley Bequest. 1. Lake llalloula, 2nd June {II. B. T.). Crowley Bequest. 1. Ain Djendeli, Algeria, 20th May (//. B. T). Crowley Bequest. 2. Algiers, 4th June {H. B. T.). Crowley Bequest. Phylloscopus minor {Forst.). Sylvia rufa, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 164, tab. xix. fig. 10, a-c (1 845-54) ; Heivitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 139, pi. xxxvi. fig. iv (1856). Phvllopneuste rufa, Baedel-er, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 19. fig. 9 (1855-63). Phyllopneuste sylvesti-is, Baedeker, t. c. tab. 19. fig. 8. Phylloscopus collybita, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 485 (1879). PhvUoscopus rufiis, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 60 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 435, pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 207, pi. 53. figs. 7 & 8 (1896). Phylloscopus minor, Sharjye, Iland-l. iv. p. 213 (1903). The eggs of the Chiff'chaff are usually of a regular oval form, but some are spheroidal. They possess a considerable amount of gloss. The o-round-colour is white, and the markings consist of fine dots, small spots, and less frequently of small blotches. Many specimens are marked entirely with fine specks of deep purplish brown, almost black in its intensity ; others with spots of reddish brown, which are large and more numerous at the broad end, where they often form an irregular zone. Eggs of both types exhibit specks and spots of underlying lilac or violet-grey, which, however, are generally very inconspicuous. Although some of the efjgs of the Chiffchaff are not separable from some of those of the AYillow-Wren, the eggs of the former species may generally be recognized by the deeper colour of the markings, which are also PHYLLOSCOrrS. 223 much less numerous and smaller. Specimens measure from '55 to •65 in length, and from '45 to -5 in breadth. 6. Inverness {Rargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 6. England. H. F. Walter, Esq. [P.]. 5. Derbyshire, May. Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. G. Taplow, Berkshire. Gould Coll. 6. Oookham, Berkshire. Gould Coll. 5. New Forest, Hampshire (H. Saunders). Alton, Hampshire, May. Seebohm Coll. 5. Crowley Bequest. 5. Finchley, Middlesex. Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. Staines, Middlesex. Crowley Bequest. 6. Bishop's Wood, Finchley. Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. Brighton, 3rd May. Purchased. 2. Brighton. Dr. E. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. 7. Surrey. Crowley Bequest. 6. Surrey, May. Crowley Bequest. 3. Vallcenswaard, Holland, 29th May [C. B. Wharton ^ 11. Seebohm). Seebohm Coll. 1. Vosges Mts,, France [Nouri/ : Raryitt Coll). Seebohm Coll. 6. Vosges Mts., April {Mougel: Rargitt Coll.). Vosges Mts. {Mougel: Rargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Seebohm Coll. 4. Elbeuf, France {Noury : HargiU Coll.). Elbeuf (iVoj^ry; Rargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Seebohm Coll. 3. Elbeuf {Novry: Rargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Elbeuf (Noury : Rargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 7. Foretde Bord, Elbeuf, April {Noury: Rargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Foret de Bord, Elbeuf, April {Noury: Rargitt Coll.). Pomerania, 22nd May {T. Rolland). Seebohm Coll. 6. Seebohm Coll. 5. Pomerania, 23rd May {T. R.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Pomerania, 24th May {T. R.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Pomerania, 27th May {T. R.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Pomerania, 30th May {T. R.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Pomerania, 6th June {T. R.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Pomerania, 10th June {T. R.). Pomerania, 30th June {T. R.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Seebohm Coll. 5. Brunswick, 17th May. Seebohm Coll. 5. Reval, Baltic Provs. {Russow). Seebohm Coll. Phylloscopus tristis, Blytli. Phylloscopus tristis, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 477 (1875) ; Seebolim, Ibis, 1879, p. 10 ; id. Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 63 (1881) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 403 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 32 (1899) ; Sharpe, Rand-l. iv. p. 213 (1903). Phyllopseuste tristis, Vian, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1886, p. 666. PhyEopneuste tristis, Tacz. Faune Orn. Siber. Orient, p. 271 (1891). The eggs of the Brown Willow- Warbler or Siberian ChifFchaff resemble those of P. minor so closely, that no separate description is 224 SYLTIID^. necessary. They measure from -58 to '64 in length, and from '45 to -5 in breadth. One very narrow, lengthened example measures •75 by -44. 6. Yenesei Valley, Lat. 70^° N., 1st July Seebohm Coll. {H. Seebohm). 5. Yenesei V., Lat. 70^° N., 2nd July Seebohm Coll. {H. S.). 5. Yenesei V., Lat. 70^° N., 4th July Seebohm Coll. (H. S.). 4. Yenesei V., Lat. 70^° N., 6th July Seebohm Coll. (H. S.). 4. Yenesei V., Lat. 70^° N., 7th July Seebohm Coll. (H. S.). 3. Yenesei V., Lat. 67° N., 2nd July Seebohm Coll. {H. S.). 1. Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, 6th July Seebohm Coll. {Kibort). 6. Altai Mountains (Tawcre). Seebohm Coll. 3. Altai Mountains, 2oth May. Crowley Baquest. 4. Altai Mountains, 2oth May. Crowley Bequest. Phylloscopus tytleri, Brooks. Phylloscopustytleri, Seebohm,^ Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. Q>Q (1881) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ink., Birds, i. p. 402 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 258 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 214 (1903). An e^^ of Tytler's Willow-Warbler, taken by Capt. Cock, is of a regular oval shape, totally devoid of gloss and of a plain white colour. It measures -57 by -46. 1. Sonamurg, Kashmir, 4th June (C. R. Crowley Bequest. Cock : Tristram Coll.). Genus OREOPNEUSTE, Siuinh. Oreopneuste affinis (TickeU). Phylloscopus affinis. Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 65 (1881) ; Oates^ Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 401 (1889) ; Hartert, Nov. Zool. i. p. 671 (1894). Oreopneuste affinis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 214 (1903). The eggs of Tickell's Willow-Warbler are rather blunt ovals, somewhat pointed towards the smaller end; they are pure white wdth some gloss, one specimen being almost devoid of markings, the other three with a faint freckled zone of light rufous-brown round the larger end. They measure '58 to -62 in length, by '48 in breadth. 4. Koko-nor {Tring Museum). Crowley Bequest. OREOPNETJSTE. — EEGTJLOIDES. 225 Oreopneuste fuscata {Blyth). Phyllopneuste fuscata, Tacz. J. f. O. 1872, p. 357 ; 1873, taf . i. fig. 6. Lusciniola fuscata, Seehohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 127 (1881) ; Tacz. Faune Orn. Siher. Orient, p. 272 (1891) ; Neh'k. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 34 (1899). Phylloscopus fuscatu8, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 405 (1889). Oreopneuste fuscatus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 215 (1903). The eggs of the Dusky Willow- Warbler are of a pointed oval shape, moderately glossy, and of a plain white colour. Five examples measure respectively : '67 by -52 ; -63 by '5 ; -64 by '5 ; -60 by -51 ; •68 by -5. 1. Lake Baikal, Siberia {Dybowski). Seebohm Coll. 2. Kultuk, Lake Baikal, 12th June. Crowley Bequest. 2. Dauria, June {Dybowski). Crowley Bequest. Oreopneuste neglecta, Hume. Phylloscopus neglectus, Hume, Ibis, 1870, p. 143 ; Blanf. East. Persia,[[. p. 182 (1876); Seebohm, Ibis, 1877, p. 99; Witherby, Ibis, 1903, p. 537. Lusciniola neglecta, Seebohm, Ibis, 1880, p. 277 ; id. Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 131 (1881). Oreopneuste neglectus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 215 (1903). The eggs of Hume's Grass-Warbler are oval in shape, distinctly pointed towards the smaller end, and pure white with a slight gloss. They measure -6 by -45. 4. Dasht-i-arjan, Persia, 28th April. H. F. Witherby, Esq. [P.]. Genus REGULOIDES, Blyth. Reguloides proregulus (Pall.). Reguloides proregulus, Tacz. J.f. 0. 1872, p. 360, 1873, taf. i. fig. 10; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 215 (1903). Phylloscopus proregulus, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 71 (1881) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 408 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 260 (1889) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ix. (Suppl.) p. 73 (1895). Phyllopneuste proregulus, Tacz. Faune Orn. Siber. Orient, p. 267 (1891) The eggs of Pallas's Willow- Warbler in the Collection are of a rather broad but pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. Thej are of a creamy-white colour, speckled and spotted with reddish brown and lilac, densely on the broader half, where the markings form a zone, and sparingly elsewhere. They measure '53 by '44: and -54 by -43 respectively. 1. Kashmir, 30th May (C.i2. CocA;). Hume Coll. 1. Kashmir, 2nd June (C. B. C; Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). VOL. IV. o 226 SYLVIID^. Reguloides superciliosus (Gmel.). Phylloscopus superciliosus, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 469 (1874) ; Seebohm, Ibis, 1879, p. 12 ; id. Cat. Birds B. M, v. p. 68 (1881) ; id. Brit. Birds, i. p. 441, pi. 10 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 208, pi. 53. %. 9 (1896) ; Popham, Ibis, 1898, p. 496. Phyllopneuste superciliosa, Tacz. Faune Orn. Sib6r. Orient, p. 264 (1891). Reguloides superciliosus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 216 (1903). The eggs of the Yellow-browed, or Crowned Willow- Warbler in Ihe Collection are inseparable from many of the eggs of B. humei, being white, speckled and spotted, more so at the large end than elsewhere, with reddish brown and some obsolete underlying lavender. Five examples measure from '56 to -6 in length, and •45 in breadth. 5.. Yenesei Valley, Lat. 66^° N., 25th Seebohm Coll. June {H. Seebohm). Reguloides humei {Broolcs). (Plate X. figs. 5 & 6.) Phylloscopus humii, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 67 (1881) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 410 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 262 (1889) ; Wilson, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. xii. p. 636 (1899). Reguloides humei, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 216 (1903). The eggs of Hume's Willow-Warbler vary from a pointed to a blunt oval shape and possess little gloss. They are white, marked with specks and spots of reddish brown and very pale underlying lavender. On some specimens the markings are very fine, on others rather coarse and blotchy, but in either case they are most dense over the broader half of the egg, where they form an ill- defined cap. Examples measure from '52 to '6 in length, and from -42 to •45 in breadth. 5. Kashmir ( W. E. Brooks). Hume Coll. 3. Kashmir, 1st June ( W. E. B.). Hume Coll. 2. Kashmir, 2nd June ( W. E. B.). Hume Coll. 8. Kashmir, 3rd June ( W. E. B.). Hume Coll. 1. Kashmir, 4th June {W. E. B.). Hume Coll. 1. Kashmir, 6th June ( W. E. B.). Hume Coll. 3. Kashmir, 31 st May ( W. E. B.). Hume Coll. 2. Kashmir ( W. E. B.). Crowley Bequest. 3. ^Q,^hm\r,Z\me{W.E.B.: Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. Kashmir, 2nd June ( W. E. B. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). ACANTHOPNEUSTE, 227 Genus ACANTHOPNEUSTE, Blasius. Acanthopneuste borealis (Bias.). Phylloscopus Ijorealis, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 509 (IST^") ; Seebohm, Ibis, 1879, p. 9 ; id. Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 40 (1881). Acanthopueuste borealis, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 412 (1889) ; Sharjje, Hand-l. iv. p. 216 (1903). Phyllopneuste borealis, Tacz. Faune Om. SibSr. Orient, p. 254 (1890). The e^^^ of the Arctic Willow- Warbler in the Collection are of a regular oval form and glossy. They are white, sparsely marked all over with specks and small spots of pale pink. They are all of the same size, and measure '64 by '49. 6. Yenesei Valley, Lat. 67° N., 6th July Seebohm Coll. {H. Seebohm). Acanthopneuste plumbeitarsus (Swinh.). Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus, Dresser, Birds Fur. ii. p. 507 (1878) ; See- bohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 45 (1881). Acanthopneuste plumbeitarsus, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 414 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 217 (1903). Phvllopneuste plumbeitarsus, Tacz. Faune Orn. Siber. Orient p. 259 ■' (1891). The egg of Middendorff's Willow- Warbler in the Collection is of a regular oval form, slightly glossy and plain white. It measures '62 by -49. 1. Lake Baikal, Siberia {Dybowski). Seebohm Coll. Acanthopneuste coronata {Temm.). Phylloscopus coronatus, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 48 (1881) ; id. Birds Japan. Emp. p. 69 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 32 (1899). Acanthopneuste coronatus, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 417 (1889). Phyllopneuste coronata, Tacz. J. f. O. 1872, p. 359, 1873, pi. i. fig. 9 ; id. Faune Orn. SibSr. Orient, i. p. 262 (1891). Acanthopneuste coronata, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 218 (1903). The eggs of Temminck's Crowned Willow-Warbler are oval in shape and plain white, with a considerable amount of gloss. They measure respectively '61 by '46, and '63 by '48. 2. Hondo IsL, Japan, 25th May. Crowley Bequest. Acanthopneuste occipitalis (Blyth). Phylloscopus occipitalis, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 50 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 32 (1899). Acanthopneuste occipitalis, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 418 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 267 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 218 (1903). a2 228 SYLVIIDiE. The eggs of the Large Crowned Willow-Warbler vary from a pointed to a blunt oval form. They are moderately glossy and plain white. Four examples measure respectively : '65 by -5 ; -63 by '49 ; •63 by -46 ; -^2 by -48. 1. Kashmir, 21st May (C. R. Cock). Hume Coll. 1. Kashmir, 3rd June [C. R. C). Hume Coll. 2. Kashmir, 4th Jmie (C. R. C). Hume Coll. 1. Kashmir, 31st May {C.R.C.: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Acanthopneuste davisoni, Oates. Phylloscopus viridipennis, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 53 (1881). Acanthopneuste davisoni, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 420 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^' Eqgs Ind. Birds, i. p. 269 (1889) ; Oates, Ibisj 1894, p. 482 ; Sharpe, mmd-l. iv. p. 218 (1903). The eggs of the Burmese White-tailed Willow- Warbler are of a rather broad oval form, moderately glossy, and plain white. Four specimens measure respectively : "58 by -49 ; '58 by '48 ; '57 by -48 ; •6 by -46. 1. Byingyi Mountain, Upper Burma, Oates Coll. March {E. W. Oates). 3. Mooleyit Mountain, Tenasserim, Hume Coll. 2nd Feb. ( W. Davison). Genus CHTHONICOLA, Gould, Chthonicola sagittata {Lath.). Chthonicola sagittata, Gould, Ilandb. Birds Austr. i. p. 390 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 290 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 149 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 56 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p, 28, pi. 10 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 219 (1903). The eggs of the Little Field- Wren are of a very broad oval form and possess a considerable amount of gloss. They are of a chocolate- red colour, with the broad end somewhat darker than the other parts. They measure from '7 to '8 in length, and from -57 to '6 in breadth. 2. Dohroyde, N.S.W. {E. P. Ramsay : Crowley Bequest. I 7*1 ^fVfl'Wi \ oil I 2. Ashfield, N.S.W. {E. P. R. : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 3. New South Wales {E. P. R.). Gould Coll. 3. New South Wales {G. Bennett). Gould Coll. 2. New South Wales. Crowley Bequest. 1. Gippsland, Victoria. F.A.Philbrick,Esq.,K.C.[P.]. 3. Oakleigh, Victoria, 21st Sept. (A.J. Crowley Bequest. North). ^- 1. AustraHa. W. Radchffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. ACANTHIZA. 229 Genus ACANTHIZA, Vig. Sr Horsf. AcantMza nana, Vig. 6f Horsf. Acanthiza nana, Gould, Handb. Birds, Austr. i. p. 371 (1865) ; Ramsay y P. Z. S. 1866, p. 573 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p? 292 (1883) ; North, Nests ^^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 137, pi. xiii. tig. 16 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p 56 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 228 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 219 (1903). The eggs of the Yellow Tit- Warbler are of an elongated oval shape and exhibit a small amount of gloss. They are creamy white, spotted and freckled with chestnut and lilac-grey. The markings are larger and more numerous at the broad end, and form a zone or cap at that part. Examples measure from "66 to '7 in length, and from •41 to -49 in breadth. 3. New South Wales {E. P. Ramsay). Gould Coll. 2. New South Wales {E. P. R.). Gould Coll. 3. Canterbury, N.S.W., 2nd Nov. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). 3. Gippsland, Victoria, 23rd Nov. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. N). Acanthiza inornata, Gould. (Plate X. fig. 8.) Acanthiza inornata, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 370 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 293 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 136 (1889) ; Campbell, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 229 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 219 (1903). The eggs of the Plain-coloured Tit- Warbler in the Collection are of a very broad oval shape and moderately glossy. They are creamy white, speckled with minute markings of chestnut and lilac-grey. The specks are very evenly distributed over the entire shell, but at the apex of the broad end they coalesce and form a dense but very small cap. Two examples measure respectively : 'Q2 by '5 ; •62 by -51. 2. West Australia, 15th Oct. Gould Coll. Acanthiza pusilla ( White). Acanthiza pusilla, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 364 (1865) ; Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 574 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 294 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 133 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 57 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 8r Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 230, pi. 10 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 219 (1903). The eggs of the Little Brown Tit-Warbler are of a rather broad oval shape, but do not seem to differ in any other respect from the eggs of A. nana. They measure from '62 to '7 in length, and from •5 to '53 in breadth. 1. New South Wales. Gould Coll. 2. Victoria, 10th Nov. (A. J. North). Crowley Bequest. 230 SYLVIID^. 2. Victoria. Go-vt. of Victoria [P.l 4. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.j. 3. Frankston, Victoria, Oct. {A. J, Crowley Bequest. North). 3. Melbourne ( W. Bridger). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Melbourne (^. 5.; Tm^mw Co//.). Crowley Bequest. Acanthiza diemenensis, Gould. Acanthiza diemenensis, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Voq. tab. xxii. fig. 21 (1845-54) ; Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 365 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 295 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 134 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 57 (1899) ; Camp- bell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 232 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 219 (1903). The eggs of tlie Tasmanian Tit- Warbler in the Collection are of a narrow oval shape and slightly glossy. They are white, sparingly speckled with dull reddish brown and lavender. The markings are more numerous at the broad end, where they form a narrow zone. Examples measure '12 by "5. 1. Tasmania (TF^75ow). Gould Coll. 1. Tasmania (TTeYso?!). Gould Coll. 3. Tasmania {E. D. Atkinson). Crowley Bequest. 1. Tasmania {E. P. Seymour). Crowley Bequest. 1. Tasmania, Oct. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Acanthiza apicalis, Gould. (Plate X. fig. 9.) Acanthiza apicalis, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 368 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 296 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 135 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 57 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 4' Eggs Austr. Birds, I p. 233 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 219(1903). Two eggs of the Broad-tailed Tit-Warbler are oval in shape, slightly pointed towards the small end, the ground-colour pinkish white : in one the entire shell is spotted and dotted with light red and dull lavender markings, most numerous round the larger end, where they form an irregular zone ; in the second specimen the markings are nearly all collected on the larger end, where they form a light rufous cap, the rest of the shell being very sparingly marked. They measure respectively : '66 by -48 ; -67 by -5. 2. W. Australia {A. J. Campbell). Crowley Bequest. Acanthiza pyrrhopygia, Gould. Acanthiza pyi-rhopygia, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 369 (1865); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 296 (1883) ; North, Nests Sr Egqs Austr. Birds, p. 136 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 57 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 8r Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 234 (1901); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 220 (1903). ACANTHIZA. 231 Three eggs of the Red-rumped Tit-Warbler are of a rather wide oval shape ; the ground-colour white, slightly glossed and finely dotted and marked with light red, the markings being most numerous round the larger end, where they form a more or less defined zone. A single egg from the Nehrkorn Collection, said to be of this species, is very different, the yellowish-brown markings being nearly all collected in a cap on the larger end. They measure '01 to '65 in length, by '49 in breadth. 1 . Victoria (Nehrkorn Coll.) Crowley Bequest. 3. Wimmera District, Victoria, 16th Crowley Bequest. Sept. (A. J. North). Acanthiza lineata, Gould. (Plate X. fig. 14.) . Acanthiza lineata, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 372 ; Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 571 ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 297 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 138 (1889) ; Nehrh. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 57 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 234 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 220 (1903). The eggs of the Striated Tit-Warbler in the Collection are of a regular oval shape and slightly glossy. They are white, speckled with chestnut-brown and very faint lavender. The markings are almost all concentrated at the broad end, where they form a well- defined zone. At this part there are also a few black specks and fine lines. They measure -63 to -67, by -47 to -5. 3. New South Wales {E. P. Ramsay). Gould Coll. 1. Dobroyde, N.S.W. {E. P. R. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. J)ohvoydiQ,Oct.{E. P. R.: Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. Gippsland, Victoria, 10th Sept. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). Acanthiza chrysorrhoa {Quoy ^ Gaim..). Geobasileus chrysorrhoiis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 374 (1866) ; Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 575. Acanthiza chrysorrhoa, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 298 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 57 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 238 (1901). Geobasileus chrysorrhcea, North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, -p. 141 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 220 (1903). The eggs of the Yellow-rumped Tit-Warbler are of a pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. Many are plain white, others are Bparingly speckled at the broad end with rufous, and others are boldly marked with spots and small blotches of chestnut-brown, chiefiy at the broad end. They measure from -59 to -76 in length, and from '47 to '52 in breadth. 232 SYBYIIDiE. Australia. South Australia. South Australia. South Australia. South Australia. Belmore, N.S.W. (with an egg of Chalcococcyx plagosiis). Dobroyde, N.S.W. {E. P. Ramsay/ : Tristram Coll.). Canterbury, N.S.W., 14th Aug. {A. J. North). Victoria. Victoria. Victoria (with an egg of Chalco- coccyx plagosus). Yarra River, Victoria, 21st Sept. {A. J. North). Melbourne, 7th Dec. ( W. Bridger). Melbourne, 7th Dec. ( W. B. : with an egg of Chalcococcyx hasalis). Tasmania ( T'm^ram Coll.). Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Govt, of Victoria Govt, of Victoria Govt, of Victoria Crowley Bequest. -p.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Acanthiza reguloides, Vig. Sf IJorsf. Geobasileus reg-uloides, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 376 (1865) ; Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 575 ; North, Nests 4* JEggs Austr. Birds, p. 140 (1889). Acanthiza reguloides, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 299 (1883) ; NehrJc. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 57 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests Sj- Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 239 (1901) ; Sharjje, Hand-l. iv. p. 220 (1903). The eggs of the Buff-rumped Tit-Warbler are of a broad oval shape and moderately glossy. Those in the Collection are of two types, in both of which the ground-colour is white, but the markings are different. Some eggs are delicately speckled with fine dots of a pale rufous and lavender, chiefly in the form of an irregular and t.hin zone round the broad end. Others are densely marked with spots and blotches of chestnut-brown and lavender, especially at the broad end, where the markings are disposed in the shape of a dense cap or irregular zone. Examples measure from '61 to "69 in length, and from '48 to '51 in breadth. 3. Dawson Eiver, Queensland, 27th Crowley Bequest. Aug. (North Coll.). 5. New South Wales {E. P. Ramsay) . Gould Coll. 5. New South Wales (E. P.P.). Gould Coll. 3. Dobroyde, N.S.W., Oct. {E. P. R. : Crowley Bequest Tristram Coll.). 3. Braid wood, N.S.W., 15th Oct. Crowley Bequest. [A. J. North). 4. Dandenong Creek, Victoria, Oct. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. SEEICOENIS. 233 Genus SERICORNIS, OouU. Sericornis brunnea {Gould). Pyrrholaemus brunneus, Goiild, Handb. Birds Amtr. i. p. 384 ; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S, W. vii. p. 49, pi. 3. fig. 8 (1882) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 145 (1889) ; CampbeU, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 442, pi. 10 (1901). Sericornis brunnea, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 302 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 220 (1903). The eg^ of tlie Eed-throated Scrub-Warbler in the Collection is of a very blunt oval form and moderately glossy. It is of a pale buif colour, marked at the broad end with a dense cap of deep purplish brown. It measures '77 by -59. 1. AustraUa. Purchased. Sericornis citreigularis, Gould. Sericornis citreogularis, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxiii. fig. 16 (1845-54) ; Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 354 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat Birds B. M. vii. p. 302 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 129, pi. ix. fig. 6 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersarkml. p. 57 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 243, pi. 10 (1901). Sericornis citreigularis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 220 (1903). The eggs of the Yellow-throated Scrub-Warbler are of a pointed oval form and exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. They are purplish buff or chocolate-brown, marked at the broad end with a cap or zone of a darker shade of the same colour. Examples measure from '93 to 1*03 in length, and from '67 to "7 in breadth. 5. New South Wales. Gould CoU. 1. New South Wales. Gould Coll. 2. Kichmond River, March Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). Sericornis frontalis {Vig. Sf Horsf.). (Plate X. figs. 10 & 13.) Sericornis frontalis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 359 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 303 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 131 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 57 (1899) ; Camp- bell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 245 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 220 (1903). The eggs of the White-browed Scrub-Warbler are of a pointed oval form and somewhat glossed. They are pale purplish buff" or whitish buff, either marked at the large end with a cap or zone of darker purplish-brown spots and lavender-grey clouded blotches, and with a few scattered markings of the same colour over the rest 234 SYLVUD-E. of the shell, or very finely marked all over the shell with brown and underlying grey dots. They measure -75 to '78 by "57 to •58 inch. 1. Australia {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Yarra River, Victoria, 24th Sept. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). Sericornis magnirostris {Gould). Sericornis magnirostris, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 362 (1865) ; Shwye, Cat. Birds B. 31. vii. p. 305 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 132 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 57 (1899) ; Camphell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 247, pi. 10 (1901) j Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 221 (1903). The eggs of the Large-billed Scrub-Warbler in the Collection are of a very regular oval form and moderately glossy. The ground- colour varies from white to pale brownish pink. In two specimens, the markings are confined almost entirely to the broad end, where they form a zone of confluent purplish-brown spots, intermingled with a few black spots and short lines. A third specimen is simi- larly marked at the broad end, but is also covered with some cob- web-like smears and lines which run over the whole surface of the shell. Three specimens measure respectively : '76 by '59 ; '76 by •6 ; -79 by -59. 3. New South Wales, 28th Oct. Gould Coll. ( Wilson). Sericornis humilis, Gould. (Plate X. figs. 11 & 12.) Sericornis humilis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 356 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 310 (1883) ; North, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 130 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 57 (1899) ; Camp- hell, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 251 (1901); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 222 (1903)." The eggs of the Brown Scrub-Warbler in the Collection are of an oval shape, but somewhat pointed at the broad end, and they possess a small amount of gloss. The ground-colour varies from pinkish white to pale brownish pink, and is marked with specks, lines, and streaks of purplish brown. In one specimen the markings form a dense confluent cap at the broad end ; in two others the cap is very faintly indicated. Three examples measure respectively : •9 by -62 ; -91 by -68 ; -98 by -68. 3. Tasmania [C. Gould). Gould Coll. 1. Tasmania {E. D. Atkinson). Crowley Bequest. APALI8. NEOMIXIS. 235 Genus AFALIS, Swains. Apalis thoracica (Shaw Sf Nodder). (Plate X. fig. 15.) ApaKs thoracica, Gurney^ Ibis, 1865, p. 266 ; Sharpe, ed. Layard's Birds t S. Africa, p. 281 (1875-84) ; id., Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 138 (1883); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 53 (1899); Stark ^ Sdater, Fauna S. Africa^ Birds, ii. p. 121 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 222 (1903). The eggs of the Bar-throated Warbler are somewhat narrow ovals and slightly glossy. They are of a pale blue colour, sparingly marked (except at the broader end, where the markings are more numerous as well as larger) with spots and small blotches of reddish purple, pinkish brown, and pale lilac. Examples measure from '57 to '65 in length, and from '45 to '47 in breadth. 4. South Africa. H. Walter, Esq. [P.]. 1. South Africa. Crowley Bequest. 2. Natal (r. ^ym). Sal vin-Godman Coll. Genus DRYODROMAS, Finsch Sf Hartl. Dryodromas fulvicapilla (Vieill.). (Plate X. fig. 16.) Dryodromas fulvicapillus, Sharpe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Africa, p. 301 (1875-84). Dryodromas fulvicapilla, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 144 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 53 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 225 (1903). Cisticola fulvicapilla, Stark Sf Selater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 141 (1901). » The eggs of the Tawny- headed Grass- Warbler are of a lengthened oval shape and exhibit no gloss, They are of a bluish-white colour, sparingly speckled with lilac-red and lavender. Three examples measure respectively : -69 by '49 ; '68 by '49 ; '68 by 'o. 3. Ondonga, Ovampo-land (C. J. Crowley Bequest. Andersson: Tristram Coll.). Genus NEOMIXIS, Sharjpe. Neomixis tenella {Hartl.). (Plate X. fig. 17.) Eroessa tenella, Milne-Edwards 8f Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag., Ois. i. p. 321, pi. 302. fig. 16 (1879) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 151 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 53 (1899). Neomixis tenella. Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 226 (1903). 236 SYLVIID^. The eggs of the Madagascar Grass-Warbler are of a regular oval form and slightly glossy. They are white, marked with minute specks of dark umber-brown, reddish brown, and lavender. Three examples measure respectively : '63 by '49 ; '6 by '45 ; '55 by '45. 1. 'Madsigascai [H. Neivton : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. [Madagascar.] Crowley Bequest. Genus SCOTOCERCA, Sundev. Scotocerca inquieta (CretzscJim.). Scotocerca inqiiieta, Barnes, Stray Feath. ix. pp. 217, 455 (1880) ; Sharpe^ Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 213 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 432 (1889) ; id. ed. mime, Nests ^ Egqs Ind, Birds, i. p. 276 (1889) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ix. {Suppl.) p. 99 (1895); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 64 (1899) ; Sharpe, Kand-l. iv. p. 234 (1903.) The eggs of the Streaked Scrub- Warbler are of a regular oval form and have a small amount of gloss. The ground-colour varies from white to pinkish white, and is rather densely marked with specks and small dots of bright chestnut and lilac-red. The markings are denser at the broad end, where they sometimes form a very irregular broad zone. When very closely examined, a few minute pale purple underlying specks may be discovered on the broader half of the shell. Specimens measure from '62 to '67 in length, and from '47 to -5 in breadth. 4. Chaman, Afghanistan, 27tli March Hume Coll. {H. E. Barnes). 3. Nowshera, Punjab, 28th April Hume Coll. {C. R. Cock). 1. Nowshera, April (C. i2. a). Hume Coll. 1. Dharmsala, 27th May (C. R. C). Crowley Bequest. Scotocerca saharae (Loche). (Plate X. fig. 18.) Drymuica striaticeps, Tristram, Ibis, 1859, p. 58. Scotocerca saharte, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii, p. 214 (1883) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ix. [Suppl.) p. 133 (1895) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 55 (1899) ; Sharijc, Kand-l. iv. p. 234 (1903). The eggs of the Algerian Scrub-Warbler are somewhat similar to those of >S^. inquieta, but they are characterized by the coarseness of their markings. These consist not only of specks and dots, but also of rather large blotches of deep chestnut. These are, moreover, in some examples, extremely dense at the broad end and form a more or less conspicuous and confluent cap or zone. Intermingled with the chestnut markings there are others of a pale purple colejir. They measure from -62 to -66 in length, and from '44 to '5 in breadth. NEOENIS. — HOEOENIS. 237 1. Algeria (Loche). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Algeria. Seebohm Coll. 4. Algeria. Seebohm Coll. 1. Hadjeira, Algeria, May [Loche : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Genus NEORNIS, Blyth. Neornis flavo-olivacea, Blyth. (Plate X. fig. 20.) Cettia flavolivacea, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 138 (1881) ; Nehrh. Kat. Biersamml. p. 34 (1899). Neornis flavolivacea, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 433 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 277 (1889) ; Osmaston, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. xi. p. 470 (1898). Neornis flavo-olivacea, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 235 (1903). The eggs of the Olive-and-Yellow Warbler in the Collection, authenticated by Mr. Gammie, are of a blunt oval form, highly glossy, and of a deep chocolate-purple colour. Thev measure respectively : -67 by 54 ; -66 by -53 ; -67 by -52 ; -68 by -53. Mr. Osmaston describes the eggs of this species as being "of an uniform — rather pale — terracotta, absolutely devoid of gloss." 4. Sikhim {J. Gammie). Hume Coll. Genus HORORNIS, Hodgs. Horornis fortipes, Hodgs. Cettia fortipes, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 136 (1881) ; Nehrk. Kat. Biersamml. p. 34 (1899). Horornis fortipes, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 435 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 279 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 235 (1903). The eggs of the Strong-footed Bush-Warbler are of a blunt oval form and, as a rule, highly glossy. They vary in colour from light chocolate to dark chocolate-purple. They measure from '64 to "72 in length, and from -48 to -55 in breadth. 1. Sikhim, 7th May (i. Mandelli). Hume Coll. 2. Sikhim, 29th May (X. M.). Hume Coll. 4. Sikhim, 30th May (i. M.). Hume Coll. 2. Sikhim. Hume Coll. 1. Sikhim, 17th May. Seebohm Coll. 1. Sikhim, 20th May. Seebohm Coll. 1. SUihim, 28th June. Crowley Bequest. 1. Lebong, Sikhim, 12th June {L.M.). Hume Coll. 2. Lebong, 7th July (i. M.). Hume Coll. Horornis sinensis {La Touche). Cettia sinensis. La Touche, Ibis, 1898, p. 297 ; Rickett ^ La Touche, Ibis, 1898, p. 388 ; La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 207. Horornis sinensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 235 (1903). 238 STLVITD^. The eggs of the Chinese Bush-Warbler are of a regular oval shape, very glossy, and of a dark chocolate-red colour. Three examples measure respectively : -72 by -51 ; '71 by -52 ; -67 by '5. 3. Kuatun, Fohkien, China, 15th May C. B. Kickett, Esq. [P.]. {J. D. La Touche). Horornis "brunnescens, Hume. (Plate X. fig. 19.) Cettia fortipes, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 136, part. (1881). Horornis brunnescens, Oates^ Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 435 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 235 (1903). Cettia brunnescens, Rickett c^ La Touche, Ibis, 1898, p. 328 ; La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 209. An Qgg of Hume's Bush-Warbler is of a regular oval shape, slightly glossy, and of a chocolate-red colour. It measures '63 by '5. 1. Kuatun, Fohkien, China, 12th May C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. {J. D. La Touche). Horornis cantans (Temm. Sf ScM.), Cettia cantans, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 140 (1881) ; id. Birds Japan. Emp. p. 74 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 34 (1899). Horornis cantans, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 236 (1903). The eggs of the Large Japanese Bush- Warbler in the Collection are of an oval shape, glossy, and of a chocolate-red colour. They measure '7 to -72 by -52 to -55. 2. Hondo Isl., Japan, 31st May. Crowley Bequest. 2. Yokohama (^.Prye;-). Seebohm Coll. 6. Fuji Yama, 6th May. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Horornis canturians (Swinh.). Arundinax canturians, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1860, p. 52. Lusciniopsis canturians, Sivinhoe, Ibis, 1861, p. 32. Calamoherpe canturians, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1863, p. 306. Cettia canturiens, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. 31. v. p. 141 (1881). Horornis canturians, Sharpe^ Hand-l. iv. p. 236 (1903). The eggs of the Chinese Bush-Warbler are of a blunt oval form, glossy, and of a lighter or darker brick-red colour, and closely resemble those of Cettia cetti. They measure from '7 to •78 in ength, and '6 in breadth. 1. 4. 1. 2. 5. 4. China. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C] Kiukiang Lake, China (Leech). Seebohm Coll. Shanghai, China, 17th June. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.] Chinkiang, China, 13th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. Chinkiang, 13th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. PJ Chinkiang, 15th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. "P. Chinkiang, 15th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [PJ Chinkiang, 24th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. P.]. HORORNIS. — CETTIA.. 239 Horornis diphone (Kittl.). Cettia diphone, Seebohm, Birds Japan. Emp. p. 77 (1890). Four eggs of the Bonin Bush- Warbler are of a regular oval , shape, somewhat glossy, and of a dull rufous-chestnut colour. They measure '63 by -5. 4. Chichijimo, Bonin Is., Japan, W. RadcMe Saunders, Esq. 26th May. [P.]. Genus CETTIA, Bonap. Cettia cetti (Marm.). Sylvia cettii, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. p. 210, tab. xxi. fig. 3, a, 6 (1845-54) ; Bree, Birds Eur. ii. p. 93, pi. (1867). Cettia sericea, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 19. fig. 24 (1855-63). ^ Calamodyta cettii, Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 305; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 639 (1876). Bradypterus cettii, Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 214. Acrocephalus cettii, Bree, torn. cit. 2nd ed. iii. p. 30, pi. (1875). Cettia cetti, Seebohm, Cat. Birds B. M. v. p. 135 (1881) ; Irby, Orn. Sir. Gibr. 2nd ed. p. 61 (1895) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 238 (1903). The eggs of Cetti's Warbler are of a broad oval form and for the most part very glossy. They vary in colour from dark pink to brick-red. About half of the total number of specimens in the Col- lection are plain ; the other half are marked with a more or less distinct zone of pale purplish specks round the larger end. They measure from -67 to -77 in length, and from -5 to -58 in breadth. 1. Europe. ^ H. F. Walter, Esq. [P.]. 3. Andalucia, Spain {Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Seville, Spain, 14th May. Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Seville, 14th Mav {H. Saunders). Seebohm Coll. 4. Seville, 16th June {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Malaga, Spain, 16th June. Seebohm Coll. 4. Granada, Spain, 27th May {H. Seebohm Coll. Saunders). 1. Attica, Greece, 1st June (T. Seebohm Coll. Kriiper). 4. Parnassus, Greece, 15th May Seebohm Coll. {T. K. 8f H. Seebohm). 4. Parnassus, 28th May {T. K. 8f Seebohm Coll. H. S.). 2. Parnassus, 2nd June {T. K. ^ Seebohm Coll. H.S.). 4. Smyrna {T. Kriiper). Seebohm Coll. 1. Smyrna {T. K.). Crowley Bequest. 3. Astrakhan (Henke). Seebohm Coll. 5. Astrakhan {Henke). Seebohm Coll. 1. Algeria, 20th May (O. Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Lake Halloula, Algeria, 19th May Crowley Bequest. {H. B. Tristram). 5. Lake Halloula, 20th May {H. B.T.). Crowley Bequest. 240 STLVIID^. Genus SUYA, Hodgs. Suya crinigera, Hodgs. Suja striata, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1863, p. 301. Suya criniger, Godw.-Aust. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. xl. "pt. ii. p. 142 (1871). Suya crinigera, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 177 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 444 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 282 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l iv. p. 238 (1903). The eggs of the Brown Hill-Warbler are typically of an elongated oval shape. The majority are highly glossy; some are nearly devoid of all gloss. They are white or cream-coloured, often tinged with pink, speckled and blotched with chestnut and pale grey. The markings at the broad end are generally dense and confluent, forming a well-defined zone at that part. Specimens measure from •65 to "75 in length, and from '46 to -55 in breadth. 6. Himalayas. Crowley Bequest. 1. Kashmir, 19th May ( W. E. Brooks : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 3. Kotegarh, Himalayas, 15th April. Hume Coll. 1. Kotegarh, 19th April. Hume Coll, 3. Kotegarh, 20th June. Flume Coll. 2. Kotegarh, 22nd June. Hume Coll. 2. Dilloo, Kangra Valley, 26th May Hume Coll. (A. O. H.). 1. Jerripani, Mussoorie (T. Swfi'ow). Hume Coll. 38. Darjiling (/. Gammie). Hume Coll. 1. Mongphoo, Darjiling, 12th April Hume Coll. {J. G.). 2. Mongphoo, 18th April {J. G.). Hume Coll. 3. Mongphoo, 23rd April (J. G.). Hume Coll. 1. Mongphoo, 26th April (J. G.). Hume Coll. 3. Gorakhpur, Oudh {E. W. Cleveland). Hume Coll. 4. Shillong, Assam, 23rd May. Col. H. H. Godwin-Austen [C.]. 4. Formosa, 11th May (P. A. Hoist). Seebohm Coll. 4. Formosa, 5th June {P. A. H). Seebohm Coll. Suya atrigularis, Moore. Suya atrigularis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 180 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 445 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds,i.^. 285 (1889) ; Shmpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 239 (1903). The eggs of the Black-throated Hill- Warbler are of an elongated oval shape and moderately glossy. They are of a pale blue colour, sparingly speckled with reddish brown and lilac, except round the larger end, where the markings generally form a dense and well- defined zone. Specimens measure from '63 to '74 in length, and from '45 to '5 in breadth. 11. Himalaya Mts. W. RadclifFe Saunders,, Eisq. [P.]. SUYA. — PllINlA. 241 2. Lebong, Sikhim, 15th July. Hume Coll. 8. Darjiling [J. Gammie). Hume Coll. 9. Mongplioo, Darjiling, 12tli April Hume Coll. {J. G.). 5. Mongplioo, 18th April (J. G.). Hume Coll. 1. Mongphoo. 20th April (j; (?.;. Hume Coll. 19. Mongphoo (J. G.). Hume Coll. 5. [Sikhim.] Crowley Bequest. Suya khasiana, Godwin- Austen. (Plate X. fig. 21.) Suya khasiana, Godwin- Austen, Ann. 8f Maq. Nat. Hist. (4) xviii. p. 412 (1876) ; i^harpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 181 (1883) ; Gates ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 286 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 239 (1903). Two eggs of Godwin- Austen's Hill- Warbler are of a broad oval shape. The ground-colour is white with some gloss, thickly spotted and dotted with lightred and underlying lilac towards the large end, and sparingly dotted with the same colours over the rest of the shell. They measure "65 in length, and from '49 to '5 in breadth. Another somewhat larger eg^ is very similarly marked, but the ground-colour is pale sea-green. It measures '74 by '52. 2. Margherita, Assam, 30th May. E. C. Stuart Baker, Esq. [P.]. 1. Margherita, 30th June. E. C. Stuart Baker^ Esq. [P.]. Genus PRINIA, Horsf. Prinia flavicans ( VieilL), Drymoeca flavicans, Ayres, Ibis, 1869, p. 290; Sharpe, ed. Layards Birds 8. Africa, p. 254 (1875-84). ^ Drvmoica flavicans, Andersson, Birds Damara-land, p. 84 (1872). Prmia flavicans, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii.' p. 186 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 54 (1899); Starh ^ Sclater, Fauna S. Africa j Birds, ii. p. 136 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 240 (1903). Two eggs of the Black-chested Wren- Warbler from Potchef- stroom are of a broad oval shape and glossy. The ground-colour is pale bluish green, irregularly and somewhat sparingly blotched and spotted all over with chocolate-brown, pale brown, and underlying lavender markings. Two from Damara-land are similar, but the blotches are fewer and much larger and bolder, and there is a zone of scribbled lines round the larger end. They measure -58 to -Qb in length, and '45 to -5 in breadth. 2. Potchefstroom, Transvaal ( T. Ay res : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Damara-land, 26th Nov. (C. J. Crowley Bequftst. Andersson: Tristram Coll.). VOL. ]V. 242 sYLviiD^i:. Frinia maculosa (Bodd.). Drymoeca maculosa, Sharpe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Africa, p. 259 (1875- 84). Prmia maculosa, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 189 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 54 (1899) ; Stark Sf Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 133 (1901) ; Sharpe, Sand-l. iv. p. 240 (1903). The eggs of the Cape Wren-Warhler resemble those of P.Jlavicans described from Potchefstroom, but are of a longer oval shape. The average measurement is 'QQ by '45. G. South Africa. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 3. Cape Colony (^. i.i«?/«r6?; Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 3. Capo Colony [T. Atmore : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tra7u CM.). Prinia mystacea, Rilpp. (Plate XI. fig. 1.) Drymoeca affinis, Sharpe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Africa, p. 258 (1875-84), Prinia mystacea, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 191 (1883) ; Marshall, Ibis, 1900, p. 231 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 54 (1899) ; Stark ^ Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 135 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 240 (1903). The eggs of the Tawny-flanked Wren- Warbler are of a regular oval form and glossy. The ground-colour is pale pinkish buff or pale blue or bluish white, spotted and blotched with pale brown and pinkish brown. Some specimens have a wreath of fine inter- twined lines round the broad end. The eggs of this species are quite intermediate between those of P. inornata and P. hlan- fordi, described below, having the ground-colours of the latter and the markings of the former. They measure from '57 to '69 in length, and from '43 to "48 in breadth. 4. Natal (r. ^yres). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Potchefstroom, Transvaal ( T. Ayres : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Prinia inornata, Sykes. Prinia inornata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 194 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit, hid.. Birds, i. p. 452 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs hid. Birds, i. p. 301 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 240 (1903). The eggs of the Indian Wren- Warbler are of a blunt oval form, sometimes approaching the spheroidal, and very glossy. They are thus described by Mr. Hume : — " The ground-colour is normally a beautiful pale greenish blue, most richly marked with various shades of deep chocolate and reddish brown. Nothing can exceed PRINIA, 243 the beauty or variety of the markings, which are a combination of bold blotches, clouds, and spots, with delicate, intricate inter- woven lines recalling somewhat, but more elaborate and, I think, finer than, those of our old favourite — the Yellow Ammer. The markings are invariably most conspicuous at the large end, where there is very commonly a conspicuous confluent cap, and the delicate lines are almost without exception confined to the broader half of the egg. *' Very commonly the smaller end of the egg is entirely spotless, and I have a beautiful specimen now before me in which the only markings consist of a ring of delicate lines round the large end. Some idea of the delicacy and intricacy of these lines may be formed when I mention that this zone is barely one- tenth of an inch broad, and yet, in a |food light, between twenty and thirty interlaced lines making up this zone may be counted." The eggs measure from '53 to -7 in length, and from -42 to -5 in breadth. 18. India. W. RadclifTe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 2. Sind (J. H. Gould). Salvin-Godman Coll. 0. Sind (J. H. G.). Gould Coll. 261. North- West Provinces, India. Hume Coll. 32. Agra, July and Aug. Hume Coll. 3. Aligarh, Aupr. Hume Coll. 3. Allahabad, 5th Julv. Hume Coll. 3. Allahabad, 29th July. Hume Coll. 6. Bombay, 13th Oct. Hume Coll. 15. Saugor, C. Provs., Aug. Hume Coll. 8. Raipur, C. Provs. Hume Coll. 1. Belgaum {E. A. Butler). Hume Coll. 2. Coonoor,Nilghiri Hills, 22nd May. Hume Coll. 2. Kotagherry, Nilghiri Hills, 5th Hume Coll. July [Miss Cockburn). 6. Ceylon, March and April {A. L. Crowley Bequest. Butler). Prinia blanfordi {Wold.). Prinia inornata {nee Sykes), Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 195, part. (1883). Prinia blanfordi, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 454 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8r Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 305 (1889) ; SJiarpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 240 (1903). The eggs of the Burmese Wren-Warbler differ from those of P. inornata in the colour of the ground, which in the majority of specimens is pale pinkish buff; in others pale blue or greenish white ; and in others again a pale salmon-pink. The markings are of quite the same character in the eggs of the two species, but in those of the present bird they are always bolder and larger. 2. Pegu, 30th May {E. W. Oates). Gates Coll. 2. Pegu, 28th June {E. W. O.). Oates Coll. 2. Pegu, 10th Julv {E. W. O.). Oates Coll. 244 STLVIID.E. 7. Pegu, lOth July {E. W. Gates). nume Coll. 17. Pecru, 20tli July (K W. O.). Hume Coll. 2. Pegu, 28th July {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 4. Pegu, 1st Aug. {E. W. O.j. Hume Coll. 2. Pegu, 28th Aug. {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. 33. Pegu, Aug. {E. W. O.). Hume Coll. Prinia extensicauda, SiumJi. Drymoeea extensicauda, Sivinhoe, Ibis, 186-3, p. 250. Prinia inornata {7iec Sykes),Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p._195, part. (1883). Prinia extensicauda, Oates, Fauna Brit, hid., Birds, i. p. 454 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 240 (1903). Prinia inornata, La Touche, Ibis, 1898, p. 3G0. The eggs of the Chinese \Yren-Warbler are inseparable from those of P. inornata, and are consequently quite distinct from those of P. blai}fordi. 353, YoYmoQ&(R. Szuinhoe). Seebohm Coll. 4. Tamsui, Formosa, end of June. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P. 3. Foochow, China. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.^ 4. Foochow, 5th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.' Prinia sylvatica, Jerd. Drymoeea valida, Legge, Birds Ceylon, p. 525 (1879). Drymoeea jerdoni, Legge, op. cit. p. 527 (1879). Prima sylvatica, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 199 (1883) ; OateSy Fauna, Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 451 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 299 (1889) ; Sharpe, Iland-l iv. p. 241 (1903). The eggs of the Jungle Wren-AYarbler are of a rather elongate oval form and glossy. The ground-colour varies ; in many speci- mens it is of a pale greenish-blue or greenish-white colour, in others, perhaps the majority, it is cream-coloured or very pale pinkish buff. It is usually very thickly freckled with reddish- brown, and the markings generally become excessively dense and form a well-defined zone round the broad end. In a few examples the markings are larger and more blotchy, but the zone at the large end is always present, as in the common type of egg. A series of specimens measure from '64 to '75 in length, and from •49 to '53 in breadth. 4. India. Crowley Bequest 2. Sitapur, Oudh, 8th Aug. {C. R. Cock). Hume Coll. 1. Jhausi, Aug. Hume Coll. 20. Central India. Hume Coll. 1. Seoni, C. Provs., 24th Aug. Hume Coll. 3. Raipur, C. Provs. Hume Coll. 15. Raipur, 1st Jul v. Hume Coll. 10. Deesa, 17th Aug. (E. A. Butler). Hume Coll. 1. Kandesh, 7th Sept. Hume Coll. 3. Muddapur, Bengal, 12th Jtily ( W. E. Brooks). Hume Coll. 2 Cevlon, lOth April {A. L. Butler). Crowley Bequest PRINIA. — BURNESIA. 245 Prinia polychroa {Temm.), (Plate XI. fig. 2.) Siiya polycliroa, Nicholson, Ibis, 1881, p. 150. Piiuia polychroa, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 202 (1883) ; Nehrk, Kat. Eiersamml. p. 54 (1899) ; Sharpe, Rand-l. iv. p. 241 (1903). The Q^% of the Java Wren-Warbler in the Collection is of a blunt oval form and fairly glossy. It is of a very pale greenish -blue colour, marked at the broader end with a large cap of rich chestnut and with a few blotches of the same colour elsewhere. The cap is of very irregular shape aud portions of it reach as far as the middle of the egg. This example measures '64 by '47. 1. Java, 25th April (ZT. O. Forbes). F. Nicholson, Esq. [P.], Genus BURNESIA, Jerd. Burnesia flaviventris (Deless.). Biirnesia flaviventris, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 204 (1883) ; id. Hand-l iv. p. 241 (1903). Prinia flaviventris, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 449 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests Sf Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 289 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat, Eiersamml. p. 54 (1899). The eggs of the Yellow-bellied Wren-Warbler are of a broad oval shape, approaching the spheroidal in many cases. They are highly glossy. They vary from a bright chestnut to a deep purplish- chestnut colour. Little of the ground-colour is ever visible in the eggs of this species, but when glimpses of it are to be seen it is found to be of a slightly paler colour than the markings. They measure from •52 to -6 in length, and from -43 to "48 in breadth. 5. Eastern Narra, Sind {S. Doig). Hume Coll. 2. Calcutta, 14th May {H. C. Parker). Hume Coll. 5. Calcutta, 15th July {H. C. P.). Hume Coll. 1. Pegu, 28th July {^E. W. Oates : Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll.). Burnesia sonitans (Swinh.). Prinia sonitans, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1860, p. 50 ; 1863, p. 302 ; La Touche, Ibis, 1898, p. 359. Burnesia sonitans, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 205 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 54 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. jv. p. 241 (1903). The eggs of the Clamorous Wren- Warbler are of a broad oval form ajid very glossy. They are cream-coloured, densely streaked aud mottled with bright chestnut. In many specimens about one-third of the ground-colour is visible, in others only one-fourth, and in a few the ground is completely covered and the e^^ is- 246 BYLVIID^. uniform chestnut. They measure from '52 to '64 in length, and from -43 to -5 in breadth. 207. Formosa {R Siuinhoe). Seebohm Coll. 7. Formosa {R. Swinhoe : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. Foochow, China, 5th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. 5. Foochow, 20th May. C. B. Kickett, Esq. [P.]. Burnesia superciliaris (Salvacl). (Plate XI. fig. 4.) Prinia superciHaris, Sharpe, P. Z. S 1879, p. 341. Bm'nesia superciliaris, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p, 206 (1883) ; id. Ibis, 1889, p. 278; Everett, List Birds Borneo, p. 102 (1889); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 54 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hayid-l. iv. p. 241 ri903). The eggs of the Bornean Wren-Warbler are broad ovals and very glossy. They vary from pinkish brown to a rich dark chestnut colour. They are almost uniform, little or none of the ground- colour being visible. They measure from '59 to '64 in length, and from '48 to "51 in breadth. 13. Labuan, Borneo. Sir Hugh Low [C.]. 2. Borneo. A. H. Everett, Esq. [C.]. 3. Labuan, 20th May {J. Whitehead). Crowley Bequest. 15. Labuan {Sir Hugh Low). Crowley Bequest. Burnesia substriata (A. Smith). (Plate XI. fig. 3.) Drymceca substriata, Sharpe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Africa, p. 256 (1875-84). Burnesia substriata, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 206 (1883) ; id. Hand-l. iv. p. 24] (1903). Prinia substriata, Stark ^' Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 131 (1901). The eggs of the White-breasted Wren-Warbler resemble those of typical Prinia. They vary in shape from a rather blunt to a long oval form and are highly glossed. The ground-colour is pale sea- green, sparingly blotched and spotted all over with chocolate- brown, reddish brown, and under-lying lavender markings. They measure from '6 to '68 in length, and '44 to 45 in breadth. 4. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 4. South Africa. Crowley Bequest. Burnesia socialis {Syhes). Prinia socialis, Legye, Birds Ceylon, p. 529 (1879) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 450 (1889); id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 291 (1889). Burnesia socialis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 208 (1883) ; Nehrk, Kat. Eiersamml. p. 54 (1899): Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 242 (1903). BURXESIA. 247 The eggs of the Ashy Wren-Warbler are of a somewhat pointed oval form and exceedingly glossy. They vary from brick-red to rilih chestnut in colour, some being paler, some darker. The broad end of the egg is generally darker than the remainder of the shell, and exhibits a cap or zone. The eggs measure from '6 to •68 in length, and from '45 to '5 in breadth. 4. India. W. KadclifFe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. 27. TIansi, Punjab, Aug. Hume Coll. 6. Agra, 16th June {A. 0. Hume). Hume Coll. 1. Agra, 17th July {A. 0. IL). Hume Coll. 4. Agra, 20th July {A. 0. H.). Hume Coll. 3. Agra, 26th July {A. 0. H.). Hume Coll. 1. Agra, 27th July {A. 0. H.). Hume Coll. 1. Agra, 28th July {A. 0. H.). Hume Coll. 3. Agra, 30th July {A. 0. H.). Hume Coll. 3. Agra, Ist to 8th Aug. (A. 0. H.). Hume CoU. 2. Agra, 14th Aug. {A. 0. H.). Hume Coll. 2! Agra, 16th Aug. {A. 0. H.). Hume Coll. 3. Agra, 23rd Aug. {A. 0. H.). Hume Coll. 2, Mirzapur {W. E. Brooks: Tris- tram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 7. Raipur, C. Provs. (A. 0. H.). Hume Coll. 9. Saugor, C. Provs. [A. 0. H.). Hume Coll. 2, Belgaum, 22nd July {E, A. Butler). Nilghiri Hills, 16th May. Crowley Bequest. 3. Hume Coll. 2. Kotagherry, Nilghiri Hills, 13th Juiie {Miss Cockhurn). Hume Coll. 2. Coonoor, Nilghiri Hills, 22nd May. Hume Coll. 1! Coonoor. Hume Coll. 2, Curzon, Nilghiri Hills, 2nd May. Hume Coll. 7'. Ceylon, March {A. L. Butler)., Crowley Bequest. Burnesia gracilis (Oretzschm.). Malurus gracilis, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 162, tab. xix. fig. 5 (1845-54). Drymceca gracilis, Tristram, Ibis, 1865, p. 82 ; Heui/l. Orn. N. O.^-Afr. p. 242, taf. xliii. fig. 7 (1873) ; Dresser , Birds Eur. iii. p. 13, part. (1879). Burnesia gracilis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 210 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 54 (1899) ; Sharpe. Rand4. iv. p. 242 (1903). The eggs of the Streaked Wren-Warbler are of a somewhat broad oval form and fairly glossy. They are of a pinkish cream- colour, densely freckled with chestnut, especially round the broad end, where the markings form either a cap or a broad zone. Ten specimens measure from '57 to '6 in length, and '45 in breadth, 2. Palestine, 18th May. Canon Tristram [C.]. 3. Waters of Merom,* Palestine, 27th Salvin-Godman Coll, May {H. B. Tristram). 2. "Egypt. Old Collection. 1, Nubia, 13th June. Col. W. Verner [PJ. 2. Soudan, 28th May (7r. Fe/wr). Seebohm Coll. 24S SYLVTIDiE. Burnesia lepida {Blyth). Burnesia lepida, A. Andersoji, Ibis, 1872, p. 237; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 211 (1883) ; id. Ibis, 1891, p. 109; Nehi'k. Kat. Bier- scimml. p. 54 (1899) ; Shaiye, Hand-l. iv. p. 242 (1903). Prinia lepida, Oates, Fmina Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 448 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eygs Indian Birds, i. p. 287 (1889). The eggs of the Indian Streaked Wren-Warbler are mostly of a Fhort broad oval shape, and exhibit a considerable amount of gloss. The ground-colour varies from greenish white to pale greenish blue, and is very thickly freckled, streaked, and blotched with bright chestnut-brown. In many specimens the markings are more dense at the broad end than elsewhere, and form an ill- defined, irregular zone. The eggs, as remarked by Mr. Hume, are very similar in colour to those of the Common Blackbird. They measure from -48 to "59 in length, and from -4 to "45 in breadth. 16 2 12 3 40 4 Fao, Persian Gulf. W. D. Gumming, Esq. [P.]. Sind {J. H. Gould). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sind {J. H. G.). Gould Coll. Sind (J. H. G.). Crowley Bequest. Sind. Hume Coll. Delhi, 28tli March {C. T. Bimj- Hume Coll. ham), Delhi, 12th June (C. T. B.). Hume Coll. Delhi, 29th June {C. T. B.). Hume Coll. Futteligurh. Hume Coll. Allahabad, 8th May. Hume Coll. Allahabad, 12th May. Hume Coll. Allahabad, 2Qth June. Hume Coll. Allahabad, 15th July. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Genus MALURUS, Vieill. Malurus cyaneus (Ellis). Malurus cyaneus, Thien. Fortpjlanz. qes. Vog. p. 161, tab. xix. fig. 1 (1845-54) ; Gould, Handb. Birds' Austr. i. p. 317 (1865) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 286 (1879) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 112 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 28 (1899) ; Camp- hell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 163, pi. 8 (1901); Sha?'pe, Hand-l. iv. p. 243 (1903). The eggs of the Blue Superb- Warbler are of a regular oval shape and nearly devoid of all gloss. They are of a white or pinkish- white colour, marked with chestnut and lilac-red. On some examples the markings are very minute, merely specks, evenly spread over the whole shell ; on others they consist of confluent blotches at the broad end, forming a zone, and of small spots else- where ; and on others, again, they consist of spots and small blotches, evenly distributed over the shell. Specimens measure from -64 to "71 in length, and from '48 to -53 in breadth. -. "'-• 3. Queensland (Oiren). (Toukl Coll. 3, Q.neenslaiKl (0»fc??). Gould Coll. MALTJHirS. 249 3 . New South Wales. 3. Dobroyde, N.S.W., Nov. {H. P. Ramsay : Tristram Coll.). 2. Sydney {R P. R. : Tristram Coll.). 3. Bogan Kiver, N.S.W., 30tli Sept. (with an egg of Chalcococcyx basalts). 3. Melbourne. 3. Mouth of Yarra River, Melbourne, 2]st^ov.(A.J.North). 5, South Australia. 4. South Australia. 4. South Australia. 1. South Australia. 3. South Australia, Nov. {Tristram Coll.). 2. Werribee, Victoria, 8th Dec. Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Crowley Bequest. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Malurus gouldi, Sharpe. Malurus longicaudus, T/iien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vdg. p. 161, tab. xix. fig. 2 (1845-54) ; Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 320 (1865). Malurus gouldi, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 287 (1879); North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 113 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 28 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 169 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 243 (1903). The eggs of the Long-tailed Superb-Warbler resemble those of M. cyaneus. They measure from 'Q(y to '71 in length, and from •5 to 'bb in breadth. 8. Australia {E. D. Atkinson). 3. Sandhurst, Victoria, 29th Nov. {A. J. North). 2. Tasmania. 3. Tasmania {C. Cfould). 1 . Tasmani a ( Wilson) . I, Tasmania ( W. H. Bignold). Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Gould Coll. Gould Coll. Gould Cull. Crowley Bequest. Malurus splendens (Q. ^ G^.). (Plate XI. fig. 5.) Malurus splendens, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vdg. p. 162, tab. xix. fig. 4 (1845-54); Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 323 (1865); Sharpej Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 289 (1879); North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 115 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 28 (1899) ; Camp^ bell, Nests Sr Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 172 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 243 (1903). The eggs of the Banded Superb- Warbler in the Collection resemble some of those of 31. cyaneus, and exhibit a well-marked zone of spots at the broad end. They measure respectively : '7 by •48 ; -68 by -5. 2. West Australia. '- - Gould Coll. 250 SYLVIIDJ^. Malurus leucopterus, Q. Sf G. Malurus leucopterus, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 830 (1865); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 290(1879); Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. vii. p. 49 (1882) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 116 (1889) ; Nehrk. Nat. Eiersamml. p. 28 (1»99) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 173 (1801) j Sharpen Hand-l. iv. p. 244 (1903). The eggs of the White-winged Superb-Warbler in the Collection are white, speckled with rufous. In one example the markings are extremely minute and faint in colour ; in the other they are distinct and rather dense at the broad end. Thev measure respec- tively : -62 by -45 ; -6 by '44. 2. Australia. Gould Coll. Malurus lamberti, Vig. Sf Horsf. Malurus lamberti, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 327 (18G5) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 292 (1879) ; North, Nests Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, ^. 113 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 28 (1899) ; Camp- bell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 176 (1901); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 244 (1903). The eggs of Lambert's Superb - Warbler resemble those of 31. cycmeus, but the markings are somewhat browner and less rufous. One eg^ in the Gould Collection, referred to this species, is almost plain white, with only a few faint dots at the larger end. They measure '62 to '63 in length, and '47 to '48 in breadth. 3. Pimpama, Queensland, 21st Aug. Crov^dey Bequest. {A. J. Campbell). 1. South Austraha {White). Gould Coll. 1. New South Wales. Gould Coll. Malurus pulcherrimus, Gould. Malurus pulcherrimus, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 326 (I860) ,* JSharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv. p. 294 (1879) ; North, Nests ^' Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 116 (1889) ; Canwbell, Nests S^ Eqgs Austr. Birds, i. p. 177 (1901) ; Shar2:)e, Hand-lh. p. 244 (1903)'. Two eggs of the Blue-breasted Superb- W^arbler are white, marked at the broad end with a few blotches of chestnut-red and lilac, and with a few specks of the same elsewhere. They measure respectively : 'Q>Q by -48 ; -65 by -49. 2. Wongan Hills, West Australia, Gould Coll. 27th Oct. Malurus melanocephalus, Vig. Sf Horsf. Malurus melanocephalus, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. \. p. 333 (1860)5 Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. iv p. 296 (1879) ; North, Nests ^' Eggs MALURirS. STIPITTJRUS. 251 Austr. Birds, p. U7 (1889) ; NehrTc. Kat. Hiersamml p. 28 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests Sf Bqgs Austr. Birds, i. p. 180 (1901) ; (Sharpe. Hand-l. iv. p. 244 (1903). The eggs of the Orange-backed Superb-Warbler resemble those of M. cy emeus. They measure from '6 to 'Q7 in length, and from '45 to '48 in breadth. 2. Queensland (Oiven). Gould Coll. 2. Queensland, 18th July (Alder). Gould Coll. 3. Queensland. W. S. Day, Esq. [P.] 1. New South Wales, 11th Dec. Gould Coll. {Wilson}. Malurus dor sails, Lewin. (Plate XI. fig. 6.) Malurus cruentatus, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 334 (1865) ; North, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 118 (1889). Malurus dorsalis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B, M. iv. p. 296 (1879) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 28 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds^ i. p. 179 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 244 (1903). Malurus brownii, Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. vii. p. 408 (1882). Malurus cruentatus boweri, Le Sou'ef, Vict. Nat. xvi. p. 65 (1899). The eggs of the Red-backed Superb- Warbler resemble those of M. cyanms, but are much smaller. They measure from 'bQ to '6 in length, and from -45 to '47 in breadth. 2. Cape York, N. Australia. Gould Coll. 3. Port Essington. Gould Coll. 3. Rockhampton Bay, Queensland, Crowley Bequest. 25th Nov. {North Coll.). 3, Dawson River, Queensland, Crowley Bequest. 17th March {North Coll.). Genus STIPITURUS, Less. Stipiturus malachurus {Shaw). (PJate XI. fig. 8.) Stipiturus malachurus, E. P. Ramsay, Ibis, 1863, p. 177 ; Gould, Handb, Birds Austr. i. p. 339 ; North, Nests Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 124 (1889); Campbell, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 214, pi. 10 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 245 (1903). Stipiturus malacurus {lapsu), Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 100 (1883). The eggs of the Emu-Wren are of a regular oval form and slightly glossy. They are white, thickly sprinkled, more so at the large end than elsewhere, with specks and small spots of chestnut- red. They measure respectively : -61 by -48 ; '62 by -49 ; -61 by •5 ; -61 by '5. 1. NewSouth Wales (W^e'feow). Gould Coll. 1. Long Island, New South Wales, Gould Coll. 25th Sept. {E. P. Raynsay). 252 SYLVIIDiE. VIEEONIDiE. 1. Cape Otway, Victoria {E. P. Sey- Crowley Bequest. mour). 1. Tasmania. Crowley Bequest. Genus BEBRORNIS, Sharpe, Beljrornis rodericanus {E. Neivton), (Plate XI. fig. 9.) Bradypterus rodericanus, Sharpe, Phil. Trans, 168. p. 459 (1879). Bebrornis rodericanus, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 102 (1883) j id. Hand-l. iv. p. 245 (1903). An e^^ of the Rodriguez-Island ^Yarbler in the Collection is oval in form and quite devoid of all gloss. It is white, spotted and blotched with umber-brown, greyish brown, and pale underlying lavender. The markings are dense on the broader half of the Q^^ and rather sparse elsewhere. It measures -7 by '49. 1. Island of Rodriguez {G. Gulliver : Royal Society [P.]. Transit of Venus Exped.). Genus SPHENURA, LicJit. Sphenura longirostris {Gould). (Plate XI. fig. 7.) Si3henura longirostris, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 348 (1865); Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. vii. p. 105 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 126, pi. viii. fig. 15 (1889) ; Campbell, Nests 8^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 219 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 246 (1903). The eggs of the Long-billed Bristle-bird are of a very broad oval form and possess a small amount of gloss. They are of a greyish- white colour, spotted and blotched with ashy brown and dark lavender-grey. The markings are of larger size at the broad end and more or less confluent, forming an ill-defined cap. Two examples measure respectively : -87 by "71 ; '91 by '72. 2. West Australia. Gould Coll. Family VIHEONID^. The eggs of all the Greenlets which are represented in the Collection are so similar to each other that it is useless attempting to describe them separately. They are of a pointed oval shape, the smaller end being much compressed. The majority are without gloss ; some have a faint trace of gloss, and a few might be termed moderately glossy. They are w^hite, speckled, almost entirely on the broad half of eke e^^, with dots and small spots of black or purplish brown, pinkish brown, and lavender. On some specimens the markings are < YTREO. 253 extremely fine and delicate, on others they attain the dimensions of small blotches. Sometimes the markings on a specimen are all of one colour ; more frequently they are of two of the colours noted above, rarely of all three colours. Genus VIREO, Vieill. Vireo calidris (Linn.). Vireo calidris, Salv. <§• Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 186 (1881) ; Gadozo, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 293 (1888) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 73 (1899); Sharpe, Hand-l iv. p. 247 (1903). Vireosylvia altiloqua, A.^ E. Neivton, Ibis, 1859, p. 145. The eggs of the Long-billed Greenlet measure from -8 to '9 in length, and from '59 to 'Ql in breadth. 4. Jamaica. Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Jamaica. Crowley Bequest. 3. Preference Valley, Grenada, W. Crowley Bequest. Indies, 7th July {J. G. Wells). 3. Grenada {J. G. Wells). Crowley Bequest. Vireo olivaceus {Linn.). Vireo olivacena, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vdg. tab. xxix. fig. 12 (1845-54) ; Sale. <^* Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., ^y^s, i. p. 188 (1881) ; Gadow^ Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 294 (1883) ; ^'ehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 73 (1899); Ihering, Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 204 (1900); Sharps, Hand-l, B. iv. p. 247 (1903). Vireosylvia olivacea, Baird, Brewer 8f Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 363 (1874). The eggs of the Red-eyed Greenlet measure from -76 to -9 ia length, and from -53 to "62 in breadth. 3. North America (Henshaiv Coll.), Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. North America {Smiths. Inst). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. North America. Old Collection. 3. North America. Crowley Bequest. 3. Michigan. Prof. Steere [P.]. 4. Concord, Massachusetts {Henshaio Salvin-Godman Coll. Coll.). 4. Connecticut. Crowley Bequest. 4. West Chester, Pennsylvania, 16th Crowley Bequest, June. Vireo flavoviridis (Cassin). Vireo flavoviridis, Salv. Sf Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i, p. 189 (1881) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 295 (1883) ; Underwood, Ibis, 1896, p. 434 ; Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 73 (1899) ; Sharjje, Hand-l. iv. p. 248 (1903). Eggs of the Green-and-Yellow Greenlet measure from '76 to -8 in length, and from '6 to '63 in breadth. 254 VIREONID.E. 3. Vera Paz, Guatemala {Nehrkoni Crowley Beq^uest. Coll.). \ ^ 2. San Sebastian, Costa Rica, otli July. C. F. Underwood, Esq. [CI. 3. San Jose, Costa Rica, otli July. C. F. Underwood, Esq. [C.]. Vireo chivi (Vieill.). Tireo cliivi, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 295 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 73 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 248 (1903). The eggs of the Active Greenlet in the Collection measure re- spectively : '78 by -57 ; 79 by '57. 1. [S. America.] Crowley Bequest. 1. Rio Grande, Brazil (AWi;'A;oni Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Vireo gilvus ( Vieill,). Vireosvlvia gilvus, Baird, B reiver 8^ Bidgiu. N. Amer. Birds, i, p. 368 (1*874). \ ireo gilvus, Salv. ^' Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 192 (1881) ; Gadoic, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 296 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 73 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 249 (1903). Eggs of the Warbling Greenlet measure from '72 to '79 in length, and from '54 to '58 in breadth. 1. -North America {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. North America, 26th July (//. W. Salvin-Godman Coll. Henshaic). 4. New Jersey, May {Tristrayn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Vireo swainsoni (Baird). Vireosvlvia gilvus, var. swainsoni, Baird, Breicer ^ Ridgw. N. Amer, Birds, i. p. 371 (1874). Vireo gilvus swainsoni, Cones, Birds Color. Valley, p. 501. Vireo gilvus, Gadoir, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 296, part. (1883). Vireo swainsoni, Nehrk. Kat. Biersamml. p. 73 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 249 (1903). Two eggs of the Western Warbling Greenlet measure respectively : •74 by -55 ; -76 by -54. 2. California (i?. Ridgicay : Tristram Crowlev Bequest. Coll.). Vireo flavifrons, Vieill. (Plate XI. fig. 11.) Vireo flavifrons, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxix. fig. 13 (184o-»^4) ; Salv. 4* God?7i. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 194 (1881) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 298 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 73 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 249 (1903). Lanivireo flavifrons, Baird, Brewer Sf Ridgiv. N. Amer. Birds, i, p. 379 (1874). viREo. 255 The eggs of the Yellow-throated Greenlet measure from '77 to •85 in length, and from '52 to -59 in breadth. The markings on some specimens are larger and more numerous than is usual in the eggs of the birds of this group. 1. North America. Crowley Bequest. 4. Massachusetts (Henshaw Coll.). Salvin-iGrodman Coll. 3. Bethel, Connecticut, 4th June. Crowley Bequest. Vireo solitarius (Wilson). Vireo solitarius, Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 196 (1881) ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 298 (1883); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 73 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 250 (1903). Lanivireo solitanuS; Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgic. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 373 (1874). Pour eggs of the Blue-headed Greenlet measure respectively : •79 by -6 ; ^8 by •G ; -76 by -6 ; 77 by by -6. 4. Wellesley, Massachusetts (Henshaiv Coll). Salvin-Godman Coll. Vireo plumbeus, Coues. Vireo plumbeus, Salt). ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, I. p. 198 (1881) ; Gadoic, Cat Birds B. M. viii. p. 299 (1883) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 250(1903). Lanivireo solitarius, var. plumbeus, Baird, B reiver 8f Ridgio. N. Amer, Birds, i. p. 377 (1874). An e^^ of the Lead-coloured Greenlet measures ^75 by '55. 1. El Paso Co., Colorado (C. E. Aiken). Salvin-Godman Coll. Vireo noveboracensis {Gmel.X Vireo noveboracensis, Baird, Breioer ^ Ridgio. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 385 (1874) ; Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 200 (1881); Gadoiu, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 300 (1883) ; Reid, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 25, p. 190 (1884) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 73 (1899) : Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 250 (1903). Eggs of the White-eyed Greenlet measure from '69 to •S in length, aud form -52 to -58 in breadth. An abnormally shaped example measures -98 by •S. 5. North America {Henshaio Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. North America {Henshaio Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. North America {Smiths. Itist.). Salvin-Godman Coll, 2. Bermuda. Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Bermuda. Capt. Savile G. Eeid [P.]. 3. Bermuda (Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. Vireo belli, Auduh. Vireo belli, Baird, Brewer <§• Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 389 (1874) ; Salv. Sr Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 200 (1882) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 301 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml, p. 73 (1899); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 251 (1903). 256 VIREONIDiE. AMPELIDiE. The eggs of Bell's Greenlet in the Collection are very faintly- speckled with rufous at the broad end only. They measure re- spectively : '7 by -5 ; '68 by -5. 2. Texas. Crowley Bequest. Vireo modestus, Sd. (Plate XI. fig. 12.) Vireo noveboracensis (nee Gm.), Goi^se, Birds Jamaica, p. 192 (1847). Yireo modestus, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 303 (1883) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 252 (1903). The eggs of the Plain Greenlet differ from those of the other species of Greeulets in being very boldly marked, the spots and blotches forming a strongly-defined band round or about the broad end. Two examples measure respectively : '78 by 'hb ; '79 by "57. 2. Kingston, Jamaica, l.!.th May Crowley Bequest. {C.B.Taylor). Family AMPELID^. Genus AMPELIS, Linn. Ampelis garrulus, Linn. Bombycilla garrula, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 52. fig. 20 (1855-63) ; iVolley, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 55, Aves, pi. cxxii. ; von Nordm. J. f. O. 1858, p. 307, 1859, taf. i. figs, a, b; Wheehcriyht, A Spriny and Summer in LapJand, p. 279 (1871). Ampelis irarrulus, Neivton, Ibis, 1861, p, 92, pi. iv. ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p^ 429 (1873) ; Seehohm, Brit. Birds, ii. p. 3, pi. 11 (1884) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 212 (1885) ; Seebohm, Eyys of Brit. Birds, p. 233, pi. 54. fig. 19 (1896); Wolley 8,^ Neivton, Ootheca W^olleyana, pt. ii. p. 212, pi. x. (1902) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 259 (1903). Eggs of the Waxwing are of a regular oval shape, but some specimens have the smaller end compressed and pointed. They have a moderate amount of gloss. They are greyish blue, sometimes wath an olive tinge, very distinctly spotted all over with black or deep blackish brown and underlying lavender-grey. Some of the darker spots have their edges blurred and running into the sur- rounding ground-colour. The markings, in all the examples in the Collection, are remarkably evenly spread over the whole shell and there is never any tendency for them to form a cap at the broad end of the e^g. Specimens measure from -86 to 1*02 in length, and from -65 to '7 in breadth. 1. Lapland {J. Wolley). Seebohm Coll. 1. Lapland [J. W.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Lapland, 12th June (J. W.). Seebohm Coll. ARTAMID^. 257 5. Lapland, 20tli June {J. W.). 5, Lapland, 25th June {J. W.). 2. Lapland, 29tli June {J. W.). 1. Muonivara {J. W. : Tristram CoU.). 1. Lapland, 6tli June. 6. Quickjock, Lapland {H. W. Wheel- wright) . 2. Lapland {H. W. W.). 3. YmlsiU^ {Tristram Coll). Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Ampelis cedrorum ( Vieill.). Ampelis carolinensis, Thien. Fortp/lanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxx. fig. 7, a-c (184.5-54). Ampelis cedrorum, Lord, Proc. R. A. Inst. Woolwich, iv. p. 338 (1865) ; Baird, Brewer S^'Ridgw, N. Amer. Birds j i. p. 401 (1874) ; Salv. 8; Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 215 (1883); Sharps, Cat. Birds B. M. x. p. 215 (1885) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 87 (1899) ; Sharpe, Kand-l. iv. p. 259 (1903). The eggs of the Cedar-bird resemble those of the Waxwing, but are rather smaller. They measure from '82 to '93 in length, and from '58 to -68 in breadth. 4. North America {Henshaw Coll.). 6. North America {Smiths. Inst.). 1. North America. 1. North America. 3. North America {Whiteaves: Mon- treal Mus.). 2. North America [Audubon). 4. British Columbia {J. K. Lord). 4. New Brunswick {H. E. Dresser: Tristram Coll.). 3. New Brunswick {R. E, D. : Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. N. Amer. Bound. Comm. Crowley Bequest. Family AUTAMID^. Genus ARTAMUS, Vieill. Artamus leucogaster ( Valenc). Artamus leucopygialis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 154 (1865). Artamus leucorhynus, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 345. Artamus leucogaster, North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 43 (1889) ; Oates ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 353 (1889) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 3 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 119 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 461, pi. 15 (1901) ; Sharpe, Kand-l. iv. p. 260 (1903). Artamus leucorhynchus, Sharpe, Ibis, 1889, p. 433. Eggs of the White-rumped Swallow-Shrike are mostly of a regular oval form and possess a slight amount of gloss. They are cream- VOL. IV. s 258 ARTAMID^. coloured, spotted and blotched with rusty brown or pale chestnut and underlying lavender-grey. The markings are generally clustered round the broad end of the egg and form a strongly-marked but irregular zone or wreath. Specimens measure from -85 to '95 in length, and from -64 to -69 in breadth. 4. Labuan, Borneo. Sir Hugh Low [C.]. 3. Labuan, June {J. Whitehead). Crowley Bequest. 1. Port Essington, Australia. Gould Coll. 3. New South Wales, 29th Sept. Gould CoU. {F. Strange). 3. Merungu, N.S.W., 10th Oct. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). 3. Lachlan River, N.S.W., 7th Sept. Crowley Bequest. (A. J. N.). 2. Lachlan River {E. P. Ramsay). Crowley Bequest. Artamus mentalis, Jard. (Plate XI. fig. 13.) Artamus mentalis, Finsch ^ Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. p. 84, tab. i. fig. 5 (1867); Layard, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 434; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 9 (i890) ; Neh'k. Kat. Fiersamml. p. 119, taf. iii. fig. 32 (1899) ; Sharpe, Rand-l. iv. p. 261 (1903) . An egg of the Black-throated Swallow-Shrike in the Collection is of a regular oval form and almost devoid of gloss. The ground-colour is creamy white, spotted and blotched with rusty brown and lavender-grey, the markings being mostly confined to a zone round the larger end. It measures '75 in length, and '59 in breadth. 1. Fiji Islands (Tm^ram Co/?.). Crowley Bequest. Artamus fuscus, Vieill. (Plate XL fig. 10.) Artamus fuscus, Z^/7^^, Birds Ceylon, -t^. 666 (1879) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 498 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 360 (1889) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 11 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 120 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 261 (1903). The eggs of the Ashy Swallow-Shrike are not generally separable from those of A. leucogaster, but they appear to be more varied. In some specimens, for instance, the markings are almost entirely of a lavender colour, and in others they are similarly of a rusty brown or pale chestnut colour. They measure from -81 to -98 in length, and from -6 to '71 in breadth. 1. India. Crowley Bequest. 1. Sikhira, 5th June (/, 6'«w?w/e). Hume Coll. > , 2. Sikhim {J. G.). Hume Coll. ARTAMUS. 259 8. Mongphoo, Darjiling {J. G.). 2. Mongphoo (J. G.). 3. Mongphoo, 16th April {J. G.). 2. Mongphoo, 24th April (J. G.). 2. Mongphoo, 30th April (J, G.). 2. Faridpur, E. Bengal, 16th April (J. R. Cripps). 2. Faridpur, 17th April {J. R. C). 1. Kotagherry, Nilghiri Hills, 17th May {Miss Cockburn). 1. Akyab, Burma {E. R. Shopland). Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. Artamus superciliosus {Gould). (Plate XI. fig. 15.) Artamus superciliosus, Gould, Kandh. Birds Austr. i. p. 152 (1865); North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 47 (1889) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 15 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 120 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 463, pi. 15 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l iv. p. 261 (1903). The eggs of the White-eyebrowed Wood-Swallew are of an oval shape and moderately glossy. They are pale greyish green, densely mottled and streaked all over with umber-brown and under-lying purplish grey. They measure from '8 to '95 in length, and from •64 to -68 in breadth. 2. Dawson River, Queensland, 11th Dec. [North Coll.). 2. New South Wales {E. P. Ramsay). 3. Albert Park, Melbourne, 20th Dec. {A. J. North). 3. Victoria, Australia. 5. Victoria. 1. Gippsland, Victoria. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Government of Victoria [P.]. Government of Victoria [P.J. F. A. Philbriek, Esq., K.C. [P.]. Artamus personatus {Gould). Artamus personatus, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 150 (18B5) ; North, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 44 (1889) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. xiii. p. 16 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 120 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 466 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 261 (1903). The eggs of the Masked Wood-Swallow resemble those of A. superciliosus very closely, but some specimens are less densely marked, leaving much more of the ground-colour visible. They measure from -83 to -92 in length, and from -61 to '68 in breadth. 1. Swan Eiver, West Australia, Nov. (J. G. Bostock ; Tristram Coll.). 2. West Australia ( Wilson). Crowley Bequest. Gould Coll. s3 26 0 ARTAMIU^. 3. South Australia {G, F. Angas). Gould Coll. 2. South Australia. Gould Coll. i! New South Wales (j; (ro«ZS.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Finchley (O.^S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Ohurt, Surrey, May. Crowley Bequest. Churt, June. Crowley Bequest. Tilford, Surrey. Crowley Bequest. Surrey, June. Gould Coll. Maidstone, Kent {Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. Valkenswaard, Holland, 25th May Seebohm Coll. {H. Seebohm). Valkenswaard, 28th May {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. Valkenswaard, 29th May {H. S.). Seebohm Coll. Valkenswaard, 29th May {S. S.). Seebohm Coll. Elbeuf, Normandy {Noury : Har- gitt Coll.). Elbeuf {Nmry : Hargitt Coll). Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Foret de Bord, Elbeuf {Noury: Seebohm Coll. Hargitt Coll.). Foret de Bord (Noun/: Hargitt Seebohm Coll. Coll.). Pomerania (7". Holland). Seebohm Coll. Pomerania, 23rd May {T. H). Seebohm CoU. Pomerania, 4th June {T. H). Seebohm Coll. Pomerania, 8th June [T. H). Seebohm Coll. Pomerania, 8th June (T. H). Seebohm Coll. Offenbach, Germany, 6th May. Crowley Bequest. Offenbach, 6th May. Crowley Bequest. Anhalt, 30th May. L. Field, Esq. [C.]. Olympus, Greece, 30th May Seebohm Coll. (T. Kriiper). Athens, 1st June {T. K). Seebohm Coll. Athens, 2nd June {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. Parnassus, 21st May {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. Parnassus, 21st May {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. Parnassus, 25th May (T. K.). Seebohm Coll. Parnassus, 25th May (T. K.). Seebohm Coll. Parnassus, 28th May (T. K.). Seebohm Coll. Parnassus, 30th May (T. K.). Seebohm Coll. Parnassus, 1st June {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. Parnassus, 4th June {T. IQ. Seebohm Coll. Parnassus, 4th June (T. K.). Seebohm Coll. Parnassus, 4th June {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. Turkey (T. Rohson). Dr. E. Bowdler Sharpe [P.], Palestine, 15th May {J. H. Seebohm Coll. Cochrane). ENNBOCTONTJS. CEPHALOPHONEUS. 285 Enneoctonus vittatus (Val.). (Plate XII. fig. 19.) Laniiis vittatus, Gadow, Cat. Birds, B. M. viii. p. 280 (1883) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 462 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^' Eggs Ind. Birds, i.^. ^11 (1889). Enneoctonus vittatus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 286 (1993). The eggs of the Bay-backed Shrike are smaller than those of Lanius lahtora, CephalopJioneus erythronotus, and O. nigriceps, but do not otherwise differ from them. They measure from -75 to '95 in length, and from '62 to '71 in breadth. 2. Sind {J. H. Gould). 2. Hansi, 5th April. 2. Hansi, 12th April. 4. Hansi, 14th April. 3. Hansi, 15th April. 4. Hansi, 16th April. 2. Hansi, 3rd May. 3. Hansi, July. 3. Hansi, August. 2. Delhi, 29th June ( C. T. Bingham) . 3. Delhi, 15th Sept. (C. T. B.). 1. Delhi, 17th Sept. (C. T. B.). 3. Agra, July. 2. Agra, 26th July. 2. Bareilly, 23rd May. 1. Bareilly, 5th June. 4. Bareilly, 15th June. 2. Bareilly, 20th June. 1. Bareilly, 22nd June. 2. Bareilly, 24th June. 1. Etawah, 10th May. 1. Etawah, 14th May. 7. N.W. Provinces, India. 3. Bengal {W. Theobald: Tristram Coll.). 2. Jhansi. 3. Jhansi, 2nd July. 4. Jhansi, 7th July. 2. Hoshungabad, 22nd July. Gould Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Genus CEPHALOPHONEUS, Fitz. Cephalophoneus bucephalus {Temm. ^ ScM.). (Plate XII. fig. 18.) Lanius bucephalus, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 270 (1883) ; Seebohm, Birds Japan. Emp. p. 106 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 72 (1899). Cephalophoneus bucephalus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 286 (1903). The eggs of the Bull-headed Shrike are of a somewhat elongated, pointed oval form and devoid of gloss. They are of a greenish 286 LANIID.U. cream-colour, spotted and blotched with pale reddish brown or brown and lavender. The markings generally form a broad but very irregular zone round the larger end, and are rather scanty on the smaller half of the egg. Examples measure from -89 to 1 in length, and from '62 to -68 in breadth. 1. Japan {H. Pryer). Seebohm Coll. 3. Japan {H. P.). Seebohm Coll 4. Japan {H. P.). Seebohm CoL 2 Japan {H. P.). Seebohm CoL 2.' Hondo, Japan, 14th June. Crowley Bequest. Cephalophoneus tephronotus ( Vig.). Lanius tephronotus, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. 31. viii. p. 260 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 465 (1889) ; id. ed'. Hume, Nests ^ ■ JEffffs Ind. Birds, i. p. 325 (1889) ; Hartert, Nov. Zool. i. p. 673 (1894) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 72 (1899). Cephalophoneus tephronotus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 287 (1903). The eggs of the Grey-backed Shrike in the Collection are of two types of coloration. In one, they are of a greenish-white colour, blotched and spotted with pale olive-brown and lavender. Four examples of this type measure respectively : 1 by '75 ; 1 by "74 ; •97 by -75 ; '95 by "77. In a second type, the eggs are of a pinkish-white colour, blotched and spotted with salmon-pink and lilac. The average dimensions of five examples of this type are 1-03 by '71. These are of a somewhat narrow oval shape and glossy, whereas those of the first type are of a broad oval form and exhibit but a small trace of gloss. 2. Sikhim Terai, 7th June (O. Moller). Hume Coll. 2. Himalayas (Nehrkorn Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 5. Koko-Nor, Tibet {Tring Museum). Crowley Bequest. Cephalophoneus erythronotus ( Vig.). Lanius erythronotus, Wardlaw-Ramsag, Ibis, 1880, p. 52 ; Gadow, torn. cit. p. 263 ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 464 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 318 (1889). Cephalophoneus erythronotus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 2S7 (1903). The eggs of the Indian Rufous-backed Shrike are so similar to those of Lanius lahtora^ differing merely in being smaller, that it is unnecessary to describe them separately. Some eggs of this species, t^ken by Colonel R. G. Wardlaw-Ramsay in Afghanistan, differ, however, in being cream-coloured, beautifully speckled with bright chestnut and underlying lavender in about equal proportions. The markings are very dense on the larger half of the eo^g and comparatively scanty on the smaller. Specimens measure from '85 to 1-05 in length, and from '65 to '77 in breadth. 4. Hariat Valley, Afghanistan, 26th Seebohm Coll. May {R. G. Wardlaw-Ratnsay). CEPHALOPHONEUS. 287 6. 4. 10. 5. 3. 9. 7. 2. 2. 1. 3. 4. 2. 1. 8. 13. 8. 1. 2. 2. e! 2. 2. 3. 1. 2. Hariat Valley, 5tli June (i2. (?. Hariat VaUey, 19th June (R. G. W.-R.). Kurrum Valley, Afghanistan, 22nd June {R. G. W.-R.). Kulu, Himalayas, 23r(l May. Kotgarh, Himalayas, 2nd May. Kotgarh, 19th June. Jeripani, Mussoorie {J. Hutton). Umballa, 1st July. Plansi, July. Hansi, Aug. Hansi, 3rd Aug. Agra, 24th June. Agra, 10th Aug. Agra, 23rd Aug. Agra, 3l8t Aug. {K C. Nunn). Bareilly, 27th May. Allahabad, 9th April. Hoshungabad, June (E. C. Nunn). Jhansi {F. R. Blewitt). Jhansi, 19th Tune {F. R. £.). Jhansi, 27th July {F. R. B.). Jhansi, 29th July {F. R. B.). Jhansi, 3rd Aug. {F. R. B.). Jhansi, 5th Aug. {F. R. B.). Jhansi, 7th Aug. {F, R. B.). Saugor, 0. Provs., 2nd July. Saugor, 7th Jnly. Raipur, C. Pro vs., 10th July. Raipur, 12th July. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll, Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Cephalophoneus caniceps (Blyth). (Plate XIII. fig. 1.) Lanius caniceps, Legge, Birds Ceyl. p. 383 (1879); Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 265 (1883). Cephalophoneus caniceps, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 287 (1903). Eggs of the Southern Rufous-backed Shrike are not to be dis- tinguished from those of G. erythronotus. 1. Madras. Hume Coll. 4, Nilghiri Hills. Hume Coll. 3. Nilghiri Hills, May. Hume Coll. 4. Nilghiri Hills, May. Hume Coll. 3. Nilghiri Hills. Seebohm Coll. 4. Nilghiri Hills. Seebohm Coll. 4. Nilghiri Hills. Seebohm Coll. 4. Nilghiri Hills. Seebohm Coll. 2. Nilghiri Hills. Crowley Bequest. 5. Nilghiri Hills {Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 2. Coonoor, Nilghiris, 24th Feb. Hume Coll. 3. Coonoor, March. Hume Coll. 2. Coonoor, 30th March. Hume Coll. 3. Coonoor, April. Hume Coll. 288 LANIIB^. 2. Ooonoor, 8tli April. Hume Coll. 2. Coonoor, Sth April. Hume Coll. 3. Coonoor, 9th April, Hume Coll. 2. Coonoor, 16tli April. Hume Coll. 1. Coonoor, 9th May. Hume CoU. 1. Ceylon, 6th April {W. V. Legge). Crowley Bequest. Cephalophoneus schach (Linn.). Lanius schach, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. p. 326, tab. xxxi. fig. 7, a, h (1845-64) ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 261 (1883) ; Styan, Ibis, 1887, p. 225; La Touche, Ibis, 1892, p. 423; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 72 (1899). Lanius schach, var. formosee, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1863, p. 270. Cephalophoneus schach, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 287 (1903). The eggs of the Chinese Eufous-backed Shrike are larger than those of C. erythronotus, but otherwise very similar to them. They measure from -93 to 1*1 in length, and from -71 to '79 in breadth. 6. Amoy, China {R. tram Coll.). Swinhoe: Tris- Crowley Bequest. 2. Amoy {R. S.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Amoy (R. S.). Seebohm Coll. 3. Amoy (R. S.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Amoy [R. S). Seebohm Coll. 3. Amoy {R. S.). Seebohm Coll. 2. Shanghai, China, 7th May. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C 2. Foochow, China, 19th May. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.] Cephalophoneus bentet (Horsf.), (Plate XIII. fig. 3.) Lanius bentet, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 266 (1883) ; Nehrh. Kat. Biersamml p. 72 (1899). Cephalophoneus bentet, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 287 (1903). The eggs of the Bentet Shrike in the Collection are very similar to some of those of G. erythronotus. In shape they vary from a broad to a rather long oval. The ground-colour is creamy white, with fine dots and spots of brown and underlying blotches of pale lavender-grey scattered over the whole shell. They measure from -8 to '93 in length by '65 in breadth. 3. West Java, 30th April. Crowley Bequest. Cephalophoneus nigriceps (FranH.). Lanius nigriceps, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 268 (1883) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 463 (1889) ; Gates, ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 315 (1889), Cephalophoneus nigriceps, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 287 (1903). The eggs of the Black-headed Shrike resemble those of Lanins CEPHALOPHONEUS. OXOMELl. 289 lahtora and C. erythronotus and are intermediate to them in size. They measure from '82 to 1 in length, and from "68 to "79 in breadth. The series contains three clutches of eggs of the same abnormal coloration found among eggs of C. erythronotus, as already noticed. 4. Sikliim {J. Gammie), Hume Coll. 2. Sikhira {J. G.). ' Hume Coll. 11. Sikhim (J. GX Hume Coll. 2. Sikhim, 11th June {J. G.). Hume Coll. 18. Mongphoo, DarjlHng (/. G.). Hume Coll. 3. Mongphoo, 20th April (X G.). Hume Coll. 3. Mongphoo, 23rd April (/. G.). Hume Coll. 3. Mongphoo, 23rd April (J. G.). Hume Coll. 2. Mongphoo, 23rd April {J. G.). Hume Coll. 2. Mongphoo, 29th April {J. G.). Hume Coll. 2. Mongphoo, 30th April {J. G.). Hume Coll. 4. Faridpur, Beugal, 23rd April Hume Coll. (J. It. Cripps). 4. Faridpur, 24th April {J. R. C). Hume Coll. Cephalophoneus nasutus (Scop.), Lanius cephalomelas, Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. \iii. p. 269 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml p. 72 (1899). Cephalophoneus nasutus, SJiarpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 287 (1903). Three eggs of the Philippine Black-headed Shrike are of a wide blunt oval shape, with little or no gloss. The ground-colour is greenish-white or creamy-white, spotted and blotched, especially round the larger end, with rusty brown and pale lavender under- lying markings. They measure "85 to '9 in length, and '6 to *7 in breadth. 2. Philippine Islands {Moseley). Crowley Bequest. 1. Luzon, Philippine Islands. Crowley Bequest. Genus OTOMELA, ^5o7iap. Otomela phcenicuroides {Severtz.). (Plate XIII. fig. 4.) Lanius phcenicuroides, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 278 (1833) ; Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 468 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 73 (1899). Otomela phcenicuroides, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 288 (1903). Eggs of the Bufous Shrike display considerable variety both in size and markings. Four of those in the Museum Collection are of a blunt broad oval form with a certain amount of gloss, but the fifth, from the Altai Mountains, is of a narrower oval shape. The ground-colour varies from greenish- white in the last named to pinky or creamy-white in the former, in which the reddish-brown and lavender spots and blotches are mostly grouped round the larger end. In the Altai specimen the markings are distributed all over vox. TV. 'u' 290 LAXTID^.. the shell. The measiireraents vary from '79 to -85 in length, and from -6 to 'Q6 in breadth. 1. Altai Mountains {Nehrkorn Coll). Crowley Bequest. 2. Kuldja, Turkestan. C'rowiey Bequest. 2. Kuldja, 7th June. Crowley Bequest. Otomela cristata (Lwn.). Lanius cristatus, Gadow, Cat. lairds B. M. viii. p. 271 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 4G8 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 72 (1899). Otomela phoenicura, Taoz. Faune Orn. Siher. Orient, p. 498 (1891). Otomela cristata, Sharps, Hand-l. iv. p. 288 (1903). Of the five ep;gs of the Brown Shrike in the Collection, four have the ground-colour greenish white, while the fifth from Dauria is of the rufous-bufF type. The yellowish-brown or rufous markings ajid the underlying lavender blotches are much the same as in the allied forms. The measurements vary from '85 to '92 in length, and from -^2 to -68 in breadth. 1. Darasun, Dauria, June (Z)y;o?r.sH; Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Amur-land. Crowley Bequest. 2. Amur-land. Crowley Bequest. Otomela isabellina {Hempr. 4' Ehr.). Lanius arenarius, Jerd. Birds Ind. i. p. 407 (1862). Lanius isabellinus. Dresser, Birds Fur. iii. p. 413 (1878) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 277 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 467 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 72 (1899). Otomela isabellina, Sharjjc, Hand-l. iv. p. 288 (1903). Pour eggs of the Isabelline or Pale-brown Shrike belong to the type with the ground-colour greenish white, and resemble those of 0. cristata and other allied forms. Measurements vary from 'SI to '86 in length, by '65 in breadth. 2. Altai Mountains. Crowley Bequest. 2. Altai Mountains. Crowley Bequest. Otomela superciliosa (Lath.). I^anius superciliosus, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 273 (1883) ; Jouy, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. vi. p. 292 (1883); Seebohm, Birds Japan. Emp. p. 104 (1890) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 72 (1899). Otomela superciliosa, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 288 (1903). The eggs of the Japanese Eed-tailed Shrike are of a regular oval shape and devoid of gloss. They are of a rich creamy-buff colour, spotted and blotched with pale chestnut-brown and lavender. As is the case with the eggs of the Shrikes in general, the markings are chiefly confined to the larger half of the e^^ and form a, zone round the broad end. Nine examples measure from -82 to -96 in length, and from -67 to '7 in breadth. CHLOROPHONEFS. — PELICINIUS. 291 2. Japan {H. Fryer). Seebohm Coll. 4. Japan {H. P.). Seebohm Coll, 3. Japan (H. P.). Seebohm Coil. Genus CHLOROPHONEUS, Cab. Chlorophoneus sulphureipectns (Less.). (Plate XIIT. fig. 8.) Laniarius sulphureipectus, Sharpe, ed. Layar^s Birds S. Africa, p. 384 (1875-84); Stark Sf Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 40 (1901). Laniarius sulphureipectus, Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 159 (1883). Malaconotus sulphureipectus, Alexander, Ibis, 1899, p. 583. Chlorophoneus sulphureipectus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 291 (1903). The ep:gs of the Orange-breasted Bush-Shrike are of a narrow elliptical shape, somewhat pointed at both ends, and moderately gloss}^ They are of a bluish-green colour, mottled all over with pale brown and e:rey. Three examples measure respectively : '75 by -53; -76 by -53; -78 by '55. 2. Bissao, Senegambia (Tristram Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 1. [Senegambia.]* Crowley Bequest. Genus PELICINIUS, Bole. Pelicinius gutturalis {P. L. S. Mull.), Lanius bacbakiri, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vbg. tab. xxxi. fig. 12, a, h (1845-54). Laniarius gutturalis, Sharpe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Africa, p. 385 (1875- 84) ; Stark ^ Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 33 (1901). Laniarius bakbakiri, Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 162 (1883); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 70 (1899). Pelicinius gutturalis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 292 (1903). The eggs of the Bakbakiri Bush-Shrike are of a regular oval shape and glossy. They are of a blue colour, spotted and blotched, more densely on the broad half, with reddish brown and lavender or lilac. They measure from -98 to 1*06 in length, and from '73 to •8 in breadth. 6. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 1. South Africa (^. i. iai/rtrtf). Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. South Africa {E. L. L. : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 2. Cape Colony (r. ^imore: Tristram Crowley Bequest. Co//.). * This egg, there can be little doubt, forms part of the same clutch as the two preceding ones. V 2 292 LANIID-E. Genus RHODOPHONEUS, Heugl. Ehodophoneus cruentus (Ilempr, ^ Mr.). (Plate XII. fig. 15.) Laniarius cruentatus, BlytJi^ Rep. Coll. Somali Co. 6; Sclater, Ibis, I8G0, p. 247. Laniarius cruentus, Bkinf. Geol. ^ Zool. Abyss, p. 342 ; Gadow, Cat. Birds ^. 3/. viii. p.l52 (1883). Rhodophoneus cruentus, Antinori ^ Salvad. Viagg. Bogos, p. 85 ; Sharpe, Rand-l. iv. p. 293 (1903). Two eggs of the Crimson-breasted Bush-Shrike are of a long, pointed oval form and slightly glossed. The ground-colour is of a deep greenish blue, sparsely spotted and blotched with rufous-brown and lavender, the markings being larger and more numerous towards the larger end. The eggs measure respectively 1*05 by '71 and 1-06 by -75. 1. Soudan. Major H. VV. Dunn [P.]. 1. Ogayeb Wells, W. Kordofan. Major H. W.Dunn [P.J. ■Genus LANIARIUS, VieiJl. Laniarius rufiventris, Sivains. (Plate XIII. fig. 6.) Laniarius ferrugineus, Sharpe, ed. Bayard's Birds S. Africa, p. 393 (1875-84). Dryoscopus rufiventris, Gndoiv, Cat. Birds B.M. viii, p. 134 (1883). Drvoscopus ferrugineus, Stark ^- Sclater. Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 27 (1901). Laniarius rufiventris, Sharpe, Hafid-l. iv. p. 293 (1903). The eggs of the Greater PufF-backed Bush-Shrike are of a regular oval shape and moderately glossy. They are of a pale blue colour, speckled with reddish brown and lavender. The markings at the broad end are more or less confluent and form a cap. Two examples measure respectively : '97 by '72 ; I'l by "77. 2. South Africa. Crowley Bequest. LaniariiLS atrococcineus (Burch.). (Plate XIII. fig. 16.) Laniarius atrococcineus, Anderss. Birds Damara-land, p. 144 (1872) ; Sharjje, ed. Bayard's Birds S. Africa, p. 389 (1875-84) ; Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 152 (1883) ; Stark ^ Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 31 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l iv. p. 295 (1903). The eggs of the Black-and-Crimson Shrike, taken by Mr. Andersson, are of a regular oval shape and moderately glossy. They are cream-coloured, spotted and blotched with pale brown and lavender, the broad end being more densely covered than the other parts. They measure respectively : -94 by '7; '91 by '65. 2. Otjimbinque, Damara-land (C. J. Crowley Bequest. Ander.'^^on : Tristram Coll.). POMATORHYNCHUS. 293^ Genus POMATORHYNCHUS, Boie. Pomatorhynchus senegalus {Linn.). (Plate XIII. fig. 7.) Teleplionus erythropterus, Gurney 8f Awes, Ihis, 1860, p. 211 ; 1865, p. 273 ; Nehrk. Kat. Elersamml p. 69 (1899). Laniarius seueo:alus, Sharpe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Africa, p. 394- (1875-84). Telephonus senegalus, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 124 (1883). Telephonus senegalus, Stark 8f Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 19 (1901). ^ Pomatorhj^nchus senegalus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 299 (1903). The eggs of the Black-headed Bush-Shrike are of a regular oval shape, moderately glossy, and of a pinkish-white colour, marked with specks, blotches, streaks, and angular lines of reddish grey, brownish grey, and lavender. They measure from -93 to '99 ia length, and from -67 to -71 in breadth. 2. Natal T. Ayres, Esq. [C.]. 4. S. Africa. Crowley Bequest. Pomatorhynchus blanfordi (SJiarpe). (Plate XII. figs. 17 & 20.) Telephonus blanfordi, Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 127 (1883). Pomatorhynchus blanfordi, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 300 (1903). Eggs of Blanford's Eed-winged Bush-Shrike are of a blunt oval shape and very slightly glossed. The ground-colour in aU four examples is pure white, spotted, blotched, and generally scrawled with purplish brown and lavender. Measurements vary froni •9 to -92 in length, by -65 to -66 in breadth. Harrar, S. Abyssinia, June. Mr. Zaphiro [C.]. Pomatorhynchus australis (Smith). (Plate XIII. fig. 9.) Pomatorhynchus trivirgatus, ^n6?ers.s. i?//Y/5 Daynarn-land, p. 151 (1872). Telephonus tiivirgatus, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 122 (18:^3). Laniarius trivirgatus, Sharpe, ed. Bayard's Birds S. Africa^ p. 396 (1875-84).^ Telephonus trivirgatus, Nehrk. Kat. Eiersaminl. p. 70 (1899). Telephonus australis, Stark 8f Sclater, Fauna S. Africa, Birds, ii. p. 22 (1901). Pomatorhynchus australis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 300 (1903). The eggs of the Three-streaked Bush-Shrike resemble those of P. senegalus, but are rather more richly coloured. Pour examples measure respectively : -9 by -67 ;"85 by -64; -9 by -68; -81 by -63* 2. Ondonga, Ovampo-laud (C. J. Crowley Bequest. Andersson : Tristram Coll.). 2. Ondonga (C. J. A. : Tristram Crowlev Bequest, Coll.). 294 LANIID^. Pomatorhynclius tschagra ( Vieill). (Plate XIII. fig. 10.) Teleplionu8 tschagra, Loche, Erpl. Scient. AlgSr., Ois. ii. p. 44 (1867). Telephonus cxxcwWaXn^^Baedeker^, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 52.iig. 9 (1855-63); Tristram, Ibis, 1860, p. 150 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 70 (1899). Telephonus erythropterus, Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 423 (1872). Telephonus cucullatus, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 126 (1883). Pomatorhynclius tschagra, Sharjje, Hand-l. iv. p. 301 (19U3). The eggs of the Hooded Shrike in the Collection are almost elliptical in shape and but very slightly glossy. They are of a greenish-white colour, densely mottled with olive or umber-brown and lavender. The markings are very evenly distributed over the shell. Two examples measure respectively : 1 by *72 ; 1-03 by '77. 1. Algeria (Loche). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Koleah Forest, Algeria, 11th June Crowley Bequest. {H. B. Tristram). Genus FALCUNCULUS, Vieill. Falcunculus leucogaster, Gould. (Plate XIII. fig. 12.) Falcunculus leucogaster, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 229 (1865) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 174 (1883) ; North, Nests Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 69 (1889); Campbell, Nests i^' Eggs Austr. Birds j i. p. 309 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 302 (1903). An egg of the White-bellied Shrike-Tit in the Collection is of a somewhat narrow oval form and almost devoid of gloss. It is white, speckled, more densely at the broad end than elsewhere, with umber-brown and lavender. It measures '88 by 'Q2. 1. West Australia, 7th Oct. {Gilbert). Gould Coll. Genus OREOICA, Gould. Oreoica cristata (Lewin). (Plate XIII. fig. 11.) Oreoica gutturalis, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxx. fig. 17 (1845- 54). Oreoica cristata, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 231 (1865) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 174 (1883) ; North, Nests c^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 70, pi. viii. fig. 6 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 70 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 310, pi. 12 (1901) ; Shaipe, Hand-l. iv. p. 303 (1903). * Baedeker (torn. cit. tab. 52. fig. 8) figures the egg of this species a f^cond time, under the name of T. erythropterus. Bree, on the other hand, figures the egg of P. senegalus as that of the present species (Birds Eur. 2nd ed. ii. p. 25, pi.). rACHTCEPHALA. 295 The eggs of the Australian* Bell-bird are of an ordinary oval shape and but slightly glossy. The majority are bluish white, spotted with black and, in a minor degree, with slaty grey. Others are pale blue, marked, chiefly at the broad end, with spots, scrawls, and thick lines of black and lavender-grey. Examples measure from 1'09 to 1*15 in length, and from "78 to 'So in breadth. 1. Australia {JE. P. Seymour). Crowley Bequest. 3. Australia. * Gould Coll. 2. West Australia, Sept. Gould Coll. 1. Cardington, Bell Kiver, N.S.W., Crowley Bequest. 25th Aug. {K P. Ranismj: Tristram Coll.). 2. Liverpool, N.S.W., 12th Dec. Crowley Bequest. {A. J. North). 3. Ivanhoe, N.S.W., 13th Oct. Crowley Bequest. \A. J. N.). Genus PACHYCEPHALA, Vig. Sf Horsf. Pachycephala torquata, Layard. Pacbycephala torquata, Lnyard, Ibis, 1876, p. 140 ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 201 (1883) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 303 (19a3). An e^g, which Layard did not authenticate satisfactorily, but which he was of opinion might be referable to the Taviuni Thiek- head, is of a narrow, pointed oval shape, extremely glossy and of a rufous-chocolate colour, with a broad band of very dark brown, almost black, round the larger end. It measures 1*14 by '7(5. This e^^ is quite unlike those of the other Pachycephaline birds in the Collection, and must be considered very doubtful. 1. Fiji Islands {E. L. Layard: Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Pachycephala rosseliana, Hartert, (Plate XIII. fig. 14.) Pachycephala rosseliana, Hartert, Bull. B. O. C. viii. p. viii. (1898); iSharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 305 (1903). Two eggs of the Rossel-Island Thickhead, taken by Mr. Meek, are of a very broad oval shape, approaching the spherical, and moderately glossy. They are of a greyish-pink colour, spotted and blotched with umber-brown and deep lavender. The markings are fairly evenly distributed over the surface of the shell. They measure respectively : "9 by -75 ; -91 by -72. 2. St. AigUcan, Louisiade Archipelago. A. S. Meek [C.]. 296 ZAyilDJE. Pachycephala gntturalis {Lath.). PachycepLala pectoralis, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xxix. fig. 16, a, b (1845-54). Pachycephala g-utturalis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 207 (1865) ; 'Gadotu, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 192 (1883); North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 64, pi. xii. fig*. 9 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 71 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 319, pi. 12 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l, iv. p. 306 (1903). The eggs of the White-throated Thickhead are of an ordinary- oval shape, occasionally pointed, and exhibiting a considerable amount of gloss. They vary from cream-colour to pale brownish buff, and are spotted and blotched with umber-brown and purplish-grey. The markings are generally dense and confluent at the broad end of the egg, where they form an irregular zone, but are sparse elsewhere. Specimens measure from -87 to I'Ol in length, and from '65 to '7 in breadth. 4. Australia {E. P. Seymo^ir). Crowlev Bequest. 2. South Australia (J.' 6^o?/ir/). Gould Coll. 1. Dobroyde, N.S. W. {E. P. Ramsag : Crowley Bequest. Tridram Coll.). 3. New South Wales (E. P. Ramsay) . G ould Coll. 2. New South Wales, 31st Aug. Gould Coll. ^ {E. P. R.). 2. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.]- 3. Oaldeigh, Victoria, 19th Sept. Crowlev Bequest. {A. J. North). 2. Gippsland, Victoria, 14th Nov. Crowley Bequest. (A. J. N.). 1. Gippsland. F.A.Philbrick,E9q., K.C.[P.]. Pachycephala glancnra, Gould. Pachycephala glaucnra, Gould, JIandh. Birds Austr. i. p. 209 (1865) : Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 194 (1883) ; North, Nests &r Eggs Anstr. Birds, p. 66 (1889); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 71 (189*9); Campbell, Nests 4' Eqqs Austr. Birds, i. p. 322 (1901); Sharpe^ Iland-l. iv. p. 300 (11)03). The eggs of the Grey-tailed Thickhead appear to be inseparable from those of P. gutturalis. Pour examples measure respectively : •91 by -68 ; -96 by -7 : '97 by -7 ; 1 by -69. 2. Tasmania (C. Gould). Gould Coll. 2. Tasmania {E. D. Atkinson). Crowley Bequest. Pachycephala chlorura. Gray. (Plate XIII. fig. 15.) Pachycephala chlonna, Layard, Ibis, 1878, p. 272 ; Gadoiu, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 194 (1883) ; Sharjw, Iland-l. iv, p. 306 (1903)., *% The eggs of the New Hebrides Thickhead in the Collection are PACHTCEPHALA. 297 of a broad oval shape and very glossy. They are pale salmon-pink, spotted and blotched with rich purplish red and dark lavender-grey, chiefly in the form of an irregular zone round the broad end of the e^g. Two examples measure respectively: -96 by '72; -1 by "77. 2. Aneiteum, New Hebrides Voy. H.M.S. ' Herald.' (/. Macgillivray). Pachycephala obscurior, Hartert, (Plate XIII. fig. 17.) Pachycephala obscurior, Hartert, Nov. Zool. iii. p. 15 (1896) ; Sharpe, Hand'l. iv. p. 307 (1903). Two eggs of the Dusky Thickhead taken by Mr. Weiske are of a broad oval shape, slightly glossy, and white, marked, chiefly in the form of a zone round the broad end, with black spots and email irregularly-shaped blotches, with which are intermingled a few spots of dark grey. They measure respectively: 1*1 by '81; 1-06 by -81. 2. S.E. New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [C.]. Pachycephala xanthetraea {Forst.). (Plate XIII. fig. 19.) Pachycephala xanthetraea, E. L. ^- E. L. C. Layard^ Ibis, 1882, p. 516 ; Sharpe, Eand-l iv. p. 308 (1903). Pachycephala xantherythrsea, Gaduw, Cat. Birds B. 31. viii. p. 207 (1883). Layard procured an egg in New Caledonia which is undoubtedly referable to a species of Pachycephala., either P. morariensis or P. xanthetrcea. Prom its small size it appears to be referable to the latter spfecies, the Blue-backed Thickhead. It is smaller than, but quite similar in colour to, the eggs of P. gutturalis, and measures -82 by "61. 1. New Caledonia {E. L. Layard : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Pachycephala rufiventris {Lath,). Pachvcephala rufiventris, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 212 (1865) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 208 (1883) ; North, Nests 8f Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 67, pi. xii. tig. 11 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 71 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests 4' Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 324 (1901); Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 308 (1903). The eggs of the Rufous-breasted Thickhead are of an ordinary oval shape, occasionally much pointed at the smaller end, and moderately glossy. They are of an olive-buff colour, spotted and blotched, chiefly in a zone round the broad end, with darker olive or olive-brown and pale lavender -grey. They measure from •85 to -9 in length, and from '6 to -68 in breadth. 298 LANIIDiE. 1. Australia. Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Dawson River, Queensland, 17tli Crowley Bequest. Oct. {North Coll.). 2. West Australia, 4th Oct. Gould Coll. 2. West Australia. Gould Coll. 3. New South Wales {E. P. Ramsay). Gould Coll. 3. New South Wales, Oct. Gould Coll. 1. New South Wales. Gould Coll. 2. New South Wales {J. Gould • Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Dobroyde, N.S. W. {E. P. Ramsay : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 3. Liverpool, N.S.W., 21st Oct. Crowley Bequest. v {A. J. North). 2, Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. 2. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. 1. Gippsland, Victoria. F. A.Philbrick,Esq.,K.C. [P.]. Pachycephala olivacea, Viy. Sc Homf. Pachycephala olivacea, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 218 (1865) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 212 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 68, pi. viii. fig. 11 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 71 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 326, pi. 12 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 309 (1903). Three eggs of the Olivaceous Thickhead in the Collectioa are of an oval shape, inclining to the biconical, the broader end being somewhat sharply pointed. They are slightly glossy and cream- coloured, sparingly spotted and blotched with dark reddish brown or umber-brown and lavender. The markings are disposed chiefly on the broad half. They measure I'l by '79 ; 1-13 by '77 ; 1'18 by "78 respectively. 1. Tasmania. Gould Coll. 2. Tasmania [E. D. Atkinson). Crowley Bequest. Pachycephala xanthoprocta, Gould. (Plate XIII. fig. 13.) Pachycephala xanthoprocta, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 211 (1893) ; North, Nests Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 409(1889); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 71 (1899) ; Sharpe, Rand-l. iv. p. 309 (1903). The eggs of the Norfolk Island Thickhead in the Collection are of a rather broad oval form and slightly glossy. They are of a pale creamy-buff colour, thickly mottled and spotted over the broader half with umber-brown and lavender-grey. The smaller half of the Q.g% is comparatively free of markings. Two examples measure respectively : 1 by '1 ; '95 by '7. 2. Norfolk Island. Gould Coll. HTLOTERPE. EOPSALTRIA. 299 Genus HYLOTERPE, Cab. Hyloterpe philippinensis, Walden. (Plate XIII. fig. 18.) Pachycephala philippinensis, Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 221 fl883). Hyloterpe philippinensis, Grant ^ Whitehead, Ibis, 1698, p. 241, pi. v. fig. 1 ; Sharjje, Hand-l. iv. p. 313 (1903). The egg of the Yellow-bellied Thickhead in the Collection is of an oval shape and rather glossy. It is of a pale creamy-buff colour, becoming darker on tho broad end of the ^gg., round which there is a wide but very irregular zone, composed of dull chestnut and dark blaish-grey spots. The remainder of the egg is unmarked. This example measures '9 by -68. 1. Samar, Philippine Islands, June. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.I. Genus PACHYCEPHALOPSIS, Salvad. Pachycephalopsis poliosoma, Sharpe. (Plate XIII. fig. 20.) Pachycephalopsis poliosoma, Gould, Birds New Guinea, iii. pi. 26; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 314 (1903). Pachycephala poliosoma, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 226 (1883). The egg of the New Guinea Grey Thickhead in the Collection is of a regular oval shape and quite devoid of gloss. It is of a creamy- buff colour, rather thickly spotted and mottled all over with pale olive-brown and lavender ; and whereas the markings of the former colour are pretty equally distributed over the entire shell, those of the latter are more prominent at the broad end, where they become confluent and form large patches. The egg measures I'OS by -76. 1. S.E. New Guinea. Mr. E. Weiske [C.]. Genus EOPSALTRIA, Swains. Eopsaltria australis ( White). Eopsaltria australis, Gould, Handb. Birds Austr. i. p. 293 (1865) ; Ramsay, Trans. Phil. Soc. N.S. W. I860, p. 326, pi. i. figs. 7 & 8 ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 176 (1883) ; North, Nests <$- Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 108 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 70 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 311, pi. 12 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 315 (1903). The eggs of the Yellow-breasted Shrike-Robin are generally of a broad oval form, inclining to the elliptical or spheroidal, and they are moderately glossy. They are greenish blue of various shades, rather densely speckled and mottled with chestnut-brown and underlying lavender-grey. The markings are frequently confluent and indistinct, but on some specimens they are well defined. In 300 LANIID^. most cases they are very dense at the broad end, where they form a wide belt or, less frequently, a cap. Specimens measure from -77 to '9 in length, and from -6 to '65 in breadth. 2. Australia. Gould Coll. 1. Australia. Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Australia {A. J. North). Crowley Bequest. 2. Queensland {Owen). Gould Coll. 2. Moreton Bay. Gould Coll. 3. New South Wales {E. P. Ramsay). Gould Coll. 5. Dobroyde, N.S.W. (E. P. R. : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 2. Dobroyde, N.S.W., 8th Sept. Crowley Bequest. [E. P. R. : Tristram Coll.). 3. South Australia (F. G. Angas). Gould Coll. 1 . Gippsland, Victoria. F. A. Philbrick, Esq., K.O. [P.]. 3. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.J. 2. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.]. 2. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria [P.J. 2. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria 2. Victoria. Govt, of Victoria ?i- Eopsaltria georgiana ( Q. 4" G-)- Pachycephala griseogularis, Thien. Fortpjianz. yes. Voy. tab. xxix. fig. 15 (1845-54). Eopsaltria griseogularis, Gould, Handh. Birds Anstr. i. p. 294 (1865). Eopsaltria georg-iana, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 178 (1883) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eqas Austr. Birds, i. p. 315 (1901) ; SharjJe, Hand-l. iv. p. 315 (1903). The eggs of the Grey-breasted Shrike-Rohin in the Collection are of a broad oval form and gloss}^ They are of an ochraceous- buff colour. One specimen exhibits a broad zone of slightly darker tint than the ground-colour ; the other is mottled with chestnut- brown, chiefly in a wide confluent zone round the broad end. They measure respectively : '84 by '62 ; '8 by -61. 2. West Australia ( Wilson). Gould Coll. Eopsaltria flaviventris, Sharpe. (Plate XIII. fig. 5.) Eopsaltria flavigastra, E. L. ^^ E. L. C. Layard, Ibis, 1882, p. 517. Eopsaltria flavigaster, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 179 (1883) f Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 70 (1899). Eopsaltria flaviventris, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 315 (1903). An eg^ of the Yellow-bellied Shrike-Hobin taken by the Messrs. Layard is spheroidal in shape, slightly glossy, and of a very pale greyish-green colour, evenly speckled and mottled all over with light brown and lavender. It measures -68 by -55. 1. Noumea, New Caledonia {E. L. Crowley Bequest. ^- ^ Layard: Tristram Coll.). PARIDJE. 301 Family PAE1D.E. Genus POECILE, Kaup. Pcecile dresseri, Stejn. Parus palustris, apud Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 157, pi. xl. fig. i (1856) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 99, part, (1871) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 49, part. (1883) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i, p. 476, pi. 9, part. (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 212, pi. 53. %. 17, part. (1896). Parus dresseri, Sharpe, Handh. Brit. Birds, i. p. 139 (1894). Poecile dresseri, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 317 (1903). The eggs of the British Marsh-Titmouse are indistinguishable from those of P. palustris and P. borealis. 2. Conington, Cambridgeshire (E. Salvin-Godman Coll. Netvton). 2. Welney Wash, Cambridgeshire Salvin-Godman Coll. (O.^Sakin). 4. Cookham, Berkshire ( ^. jffr^^«). Gould Coll. 7. Cookham. Gould Coll. 8. Cookham. Gould Coll. Poecile palustris {Linn.), Parus palustris, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. p. 150, tab. xviii. fig. 7, a, b (1845-54) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iil. p. 99, part. (1871) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 49, part. (1883). Poecila palustris, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 43. fig. 13 (1855-63). Poecile palustris, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 317 (1903). The eggs of the Marsh-Titmouse and those of its allies, P, dresseri and P. borealis, cannot be separated from each other by any character. They are of a rather pointed oval form, and while some have a slight gloss others are devoid of gloss. They are white, speckled and spotted with two shades of chestnut. The markings are everywhere sparse, except at the broad end, where they are, in many specimens, dense, and form either an irregular zone or an ill-defined cap. Many examples, however, are evenly marked all over with very small specks. They measure from -59 to •66 in length, and from '45 to '52 in breadth. 7. Stolp, Pomerania, 4th May Seebohm Coll. ( T. Holland). 7. Stolp, 10th May ( T. H). Seebohm Coll. 8. Stolp, 18th May {T, H). Seebohm Coll. Poecile borealis (Selys-Longch.). Poecile alpestris, Baedeker, J.f O. 1856, p. 33, tab. ii. fig. 13. Poecila borealis, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 43. fig. 16 (1855-63). Parus borealis. Wheelwright, A Spring and Summer in Lapl. p. 289 (1871) : Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 107 (1872) ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd 302 PARID^. ed, iii. p. 77, pi. (1875) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 51 (1883). Poecile borealis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 319 (1903). The eggs of the Xorthern Marsh-Titmouse do not differ from those of P. jpalustris in any respect. 9. Sweden, 8th May {H. W. Gould Coll. Wheelwright). 3. Sweden, 16th May. Seehohm Coll. 4. Jura Alps, 3rd May ( W. Schluter). Seebohm Coll. 5. Savoy, 25th April ( W. S.). Seebohm Coll. Pcecile Ingubris (Temm.). Parus lugubris, Thien. Fortpfanz. ges. Vog. p. 148, tab. xviii. fig. 4, a, b (1845-54) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 121 (1872) ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 58, pi. (1875); Danford, Ibis, 1878, p. 9; Gadotu, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 47 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 67 (1889). Poecila lugubris, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Voq. tab. 43. fig. 14 (1855-63). Poecile lugubris, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 319 (1903). The eggs of the Sombre Titmouse are of a blunt oval form and possess a very slight amount of gloss. They are white, rather sparingly speckled with chestnut and pale pink. The markings on some examples tend to form an irregular zone round the broader end ; in others they are evenly spread over the entire eg^. Four specimens measure respectivel} : -66 by -53 ; -67 by '54 ; '7 by 'b2 ; .69 by -54. 4. Asia Minor, 23rd April (C. G. Seebohm Coll. Dat)fu7'd). 1. Smyrna, 12th May {T. Krilper). Seebohm Coll. Poecile cincta (Bodd.). Parus cinctus, Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 125 (1871) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds. B. M. viii. p. 35 (1883). Parus sibiricus, Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 62, pi. (1875). Poecile cincta, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 320 (1903). The eggs of the Lapp Titmouse are of an excessively broad oval form, some specimens approaching the spheroidal. They are white, devoid of gloss, and sparingly speckled and spotted with pale chestnut. In most examples the markings are very evenly distributed over the shell ; in a few they are somewhat more dense at the larger end, but seldom conspicuously so. In the eggs of this species the spots are remarkably well-defined and distinct, and rarely coalesce. Examples measure from 'Q2 to -75 in length, and from '5 to 'SI in breadth. 2. Swedish Lapland {J. TVolley : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 8. Lapland (it/e?;es). Seebohm Coll. -. ■"> " 2. Lapland {J. Wolley : Tristram Gould Coll. Coll.). P{ECILE. SITTIPARUS. 303 11. Lapland {H. Haivhins : Ilargitt Seebohm Coll. Coll.). 3. Lapland, 26th May. Crowley Bequest. 2. Lapland (J. Wolley), Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Lapland (A. Newton). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8. Muonioniska, Lapland, 5th May. Seebohm Coll. 4. Finland, 3rd June {J. Wolley : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). Pcecile carolinensis {Aud.). Parus carolinensis, Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 102 (1874) : Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. vii'i. p. 46 (1883). PcBcile carolinensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 321 (1903). The eggs of the Carolina Titmouse are of a broad oval form and without gloss. They are white, delicately marked with specks and very small blotches of chestnut. The markings are more numerous at the larger end than elsewhere, and form an ill-defined cap at that part. Specimens measure from -55 to -58 in length, and from -44 to -46 in breadth. 1. North America ('S'weMs. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. Washington, D.C, 27th April Salvin-Godman Coll. {Ilenshaw Coll.). Pcecile atricapilla (Linn.), Parus atricapillus, Coues, Birds N.- West, p. 20 (1874); Baird, Brewer 8f Ridgio. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 96 (1874) ; Gacloio, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 44 (1883); Nehrh. Cat. Eiersamml. p. 66 (1899). Pcecile atricapilla, JSharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 321 (1903). The eggs of the American Black-capped Titmouse are broad ovals and without gloss. They are white or pinkish white, speckled and blotched with chestnut. Some specimens are merely speckled all over ; others have blotches of small size combined with specks and spots, especially at the larger end, where an indistinct cap is often formed. They measure from '55 to '6 in length, and from -45 to •5 in breadth. 10. Massachusetts, U.S.A. {Henshaw Salvin-Godman Coll. Coll.). 1. North America {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. Genus SITTIPARUS, Selys-Longch, Sittiparus sieboldi, Seebohm. Parus varius, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 37 (1883) ; Seebohm, Birds Jap. Emp. p. 85 (1890). Sittiparus sieboldi, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 322 (1903). Two eggs of the Japanese Titmouse are of a very broad oval shape, with the usual reddish-brown and lavender spots and dots distributed more or less generally over the whole shell. They measure -6 by '5. 2. Japan, 30th May. Crowley Bequest. 304 PARID^. Genus LOPHOPHANES, Kaup. Lophophanes cristatus (Linn.). Parus cristatus, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Vog. p. 152, tab. xviii. fig. 10, a-o (1845-54) ; Hewitson, Eqq^i of Brit. Birds, i. p. 154, pi. xxxix. fig. iii (1856) ; Gadow, Cat. Bvrh B. M. viii. p. 27 (1883) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 481, pi. 9 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 213, pi. 53. fig. 18 (1806) ; Irbg, Orn. Str. Gihr. 2nd ed. p. 73 (1895). Lophophanes cristatus, Baedeker, Eier Eur. F07. tab. 43. fi(r. 17 (1855-63) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 151 (1871) j Sharps, Hand-l. iv. p. 323 (1903). The eggs of the Crested Titmouse are of a broad pointed oval shape, and in some cases slightly glossy. They are white, usually marked in a bold manner with rich chestnut. In the majority of specimens the markings are chiefly on the larger end of the e^^., where they coalesce and form a well-defined cap or broad zone. In others the markings are small and distinct, and although more dense at the broad end than elsewhere, they do not form a notice- able cap. Many of the more richly- marked examples are blotched with pale purplish red, underlying the chestnut. They measure from •6 to -7 in length, and from -46 to -57 in breadth. Ross-shire {J. Hancock ■ Tristram Coll.). Speyside, Morayshire. Speyside, 16th May. Valkenswaard, Holland, 23rd May. Vosges Mts., France [Mougel: Hai'- gitf Coll.). Gibraltar(L. IT. M?/). Sweden {H. W. Wheelwright). Sweden (//. W. W.). Sweden, 1st Mav {H. W. W.) Carlstad, Sweden (//. W. W. : Tristram Coll.). Gardsjo, Sweden, 25th April (//. W. W\). (^ardsjo {H. W. W.). Wermland, Sweden, April (77. W. W. AVermland, 20th April (Hargitt Coll.). Pomerania, 3rd May (T. Holland). Pomerania, 5th May (T. H.). Pomerania. 6th May {T. H.). Reval, Baltic Provs., 28th April {Russoio). Saxony. Cilli, Stja-ia {E. Seidensacher). Oilh (E. S.). Cilli [E. S.). Crowley Bequest. J. J. Dalgleish, Esq. [C.]. A. H. Evans, Esq. [P.]. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coil. Seebohm Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Cowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Seebohm Coll. Crowley Bequest. LOPnOPHANES. — PERIPAEXJS. 305^ Lophophanes inornatus (Gambel). Lophophanes inornatus, Baird, Brewer Sf Ilidgiv. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 91 (1874) ; Coues, Birds Colorado Vail. p. 114 (1878) ; Sharps, Hand-l iv. p. 324 (1903). Parus inornatus, Gadoic, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 32 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. m (1899). The eggs of the American Plain Titmouse are of a pointed oval form and slightly glossy. They are white, marked with delicate specks of pale chestnut, which are confined almost entirely to the larger end, where, in three examples, they form a narrow but distinct zone, and in a fourth a small cap. They measure respectively t "69 by -5 ; -68 by b ; '75 by -54 ; -64 by -5. 4. Oakland, California, 3rd April Salvin-Godman ColL ( W. E. Bryant : Henshaw Coll.). Genus PERIPARUS, Selys-Longch. Periparus ater {Linn.). Parus ater, Thien. Fortjjflanz. qes. Voq. p. 149, tab. xviii. fig. 6, a, b (1845-54) ; Baedeker, Bier '^Eur. Vog. tab. 43. fig. 10 (1855-63) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 87 (1872) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 40 (1883). Periparus ater, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 325 (1903). The eggs of the European Coal Titmouse are of a rather broad, pointed oval form and without gloss. They are white, somewhat thickly speckled and spotted with two shades of pale chestnut, especially at the broad end, where the markings often form an imperfect cap. The spots on the e^^ of this Titmouse are usually firm and distinct, but in a clutch taken in Pomerania they are cloudy and blotchy, as if sunk into the shell. Examples measure from •56 to *65 in length, and from -45 to -5 in breadth. 3. Vosges Mts., France [Mougel: Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Vosges Mts. {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Vosges Mts. {Mougel: Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 10. Vosges Mts. {Noury : Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 9. Pomerania, 14th May ( T. Holland). Seebohm Coll. Periparus britannicus (Sharpe Sf Dresser). Parus ater, apud Heioitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 156, pi. xxxiXi. fig. iv (1856). Parus britannicus, Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 93(1872) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 41(1883) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 472. pi. 9 (1883) ; id. EggsofBHt. Birds, p. 211, pi. 53. fig. 16 (1896). Periparus britannicus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 325 (1903). The eggs of the British Coal Titmouse are very similar to those of P. ater., and cannot be separated from them, but owing to the larger series of the eggs of the British bird they appear more varied than those of the other. A few examples are cream-coloured, quit© VOL. IV. X 306 PARTD^. spotless; others are minutely speckled all over; and others again are handsomely blotched, as well as spotted, at the larger end. They measure from -58 to "7 in length, and from "42 to *5 in breadth. 9. Co. Waterford, Ireland, loth May. E. J. Ussher, Esq. [P.]. 4. England. Old Collection. 2. Norfolk. Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. l^orfolk, 20ih May [T. Noj-(/atc). Seebohm Coll. 9. Cookhani, Berkshire, 20th May. Gould Coll. 3. Cookham. Gould Coll. 6. New Forest (H. Saundet^s). Seebohm Coll. 9. Epping Forest, 9th May (O. Salvin). Sahin-Godman Coll. 4. Hampstead, London (6. ^.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 13. Churt, Surrey, June. Crowley Bequest. 9. Tilford, Surrey. Crowley Bequest. 10. Tilford. Cowley Bequest. Periparus melanolophus (Vig.). (Plate XIV. fig. 1.) Piirus melanolophus, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii, p. 28 (1883). Lophophanes melanolophus, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 57 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 28 (1889). Periparus melanolophus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 326 (1903). The eggs of the Crested Black Titmouse are of a regular oval form and very slightly glossy. They are white, speckled and blotched with dull chestnut-brown and underlying pale lavender. The markings are dense at the larger end, and form an imperfect cap at that part. Examples differ much in size, the smallest measuring -58 by -43, and the largest -7 by -52. 2. Kashmir, June ( C. It. Cock : Crowley Bequest. Tristram Coll.). 1. Kotgarh, N.W. Himalayas, 17th Hume Coll. April. 1. Kotgarh, 27th April. Hume Coll. 3. Kotgarh, 14th May. Hume Coll. Genus MACHLOLOPHUS, Cah. Machlolophus rex, David. (Plate XIV. fig. 2.) Machlolophus rex, David ^- Oust. Ois. Chine, p. 286 (1877) ; La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 402 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 327 (1903). Parus rex, Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 367 (1883). The eggs of the King Titmouse are of a blunt, pointed oval shape and exhibit a very slight gloss. They are creamy white, very densely speckled and mottled with bright chestnut and lilac. They measure from -67 to '7 in length, and from -51 to -55 in breadth. .3. Kuatun, N.W. Fohkien, China, C. B. Ptickett, Esq. [P.]. -^ - 24th April (J. D. La louche). 3. Kuatun {J. D, La T.). C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. PAEDALIPARUS. PARUS. 307 Genus PARDALIPARUS, Selys-Longch. Pardaliparns venustulus (Swinhoe). (Plate Xiy. fig. 4.) Parus venustulus, Oadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 23 (1883) • La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 401. Pardaliparus venustulus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 328 (1903). The eggs of the White-naped Titmouse are of a blunt oval form and without gloss. They are white, rather thickly speckled all over with chestnut and underlying lilac. Three examples measure respectively : 'Qb by '5 ; 'QQ by b ; -67 by -49. 3. Kuatun, N.W. Fohkien, China, C. B. Eickett, Esq. [P.]. 1st June {J. D. La Touche). Genus PARUS, Linn. Parus minor, Temm. Sf Schl. Parus minor, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 15 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 48 (1889) ; Tanz. Fanne Orn. SiUr. Orient, p. 428 (1891); La Touche, Ibis, 1899, p. 401; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 66 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 328 (1903). The eggs of the Japanese Grey Titmouse are inseparable from those of P. cinereus described below. 2. Kuatun, N.W. Fohkien, China, C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.l. 21st April (J. D. La Touche). 4. Kuatun, 28th June {J. D. La T). C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.]. 1. A.moj,Gh.mdi {R. Swinhoe: Tris- Crowley Bequest. tram Coll.). 2. Amur-land, 18th June {Tancri). Crowley Bequest. Parus major, Linn. Parus major, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 146, tab. xxviii. fig. 2, a, b (1845-54) : Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 43. fig. 9 (1855-63) Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 149, pi. xxxix, fig. i (1856) Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 79 (1871) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 28 Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 463, pi. 9 (1883); Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 19 (1883) ; Seehohm, Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 210, pi. 53. fig. 13 (1896) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 328 (1903).. The eggs of the Great Titmouse are of a broad oval shape and possess a slight amount of gloss. They are white, marked with specks, spots, and small blotches of two shades of chestnut. In many specimens the markings are evenly distributed over the shell ; in others they are more dense at the large end, where they are often confluent and form a rough zone or cap. A few examples are 80 feebly marked that they appear, at first sight, to be plain white. They measure from '65 to '8 in length, and from -5 to '55 in breadth. x2 30S PARID.T5. 8. 10. 6. 2. f). ll'. 8. 11. 7. 6. 9. 8. England. Yorkshire {Harc/itt Coll.). Isorfolk, 11th May {F. Norgate). Norfolk, 17th May {F. N.). Norfolk, 3rd Jime"'(i': N.). Norfolk, 6th June {F. N.). Cambridgeshire. Cookham, Berkshire, May. Wickham, Hants ( W. Farren), 21st May. Alton, Hants, June. Alton, June. Finchlev, Middlesex (O. Salvin). Clay, Hythe, Kent, 16th May (0. S.). Churt, Surrey. Tilford, Surrey. Elbeuf, France {Novry : Haryitt Coll.). Elbeuf {No7(ry : Hargitt Coll.). Malaga, Spain, 29th April {H. Saunders). Malaga, 10th June {H. S.). Valkenswaard, Holland, 21st May. Valkenswaard, 23rd May Pomerania, lith May {T. Hol- land). Pomerania, 11th May {T. H.). Pomerania, 12th May {T. H.). Pomerania, 16th May {T. H.). Pomerania, 28th :^^ay (T. H.). Parnassus, Greece, 2nd June ( T. Krilper). Smyrna, 20th May {T. K.). Old Collection, Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman ColL Crowley Bequest. Crowley Bequest. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Par us cinereiis, VieiU. Parus atriceps, Legge, Birds Ceylon, p. 557 (1879) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 46 (1889) ; Oafes ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds., i. p. 31 (1889) ; Betham, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Sac. xii. p. 779 (1899). Parus cinereus, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 16 (1883); Dresser, Birds Eur. ix. {Sup2>l.) p. 115 (1895) ; S'harpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 329 (1903). The eggs of the Indian Grey Titmouse are mostly of a regular oyal form. Some have a slight gloss ; the majority are entirely with- out gloss. They are white, rather boldly spotted and blotched with chestnut. The markings are far more dense and frequent at the larger end than elsewhere, and form at that part an ill-defined cap or zone of confluent blotches. The eggs vary much in size, the smallest example in the Collection measuring -6 by '48, and the largest '78 by •57. 1. Kashmir (C. 11. Cock: Tristram Crowley Bequest. - '. (oil). 4. Xilirhlri Hills. Hume Cnll. rARUS. 309 5. Nilghiii Hills, 9tk Feb. 3. Nilghiri Hills, April. 4. Nilghiri Hills, 10 th April. 1. Nilghiri Hills, 4th June. 3. Kotagherry, Nilghiri Hills, 17th Jan. (Miss Cockburn). 1. Kotagherry, 17th Feb. {Miss Cockburn). 3. Kotagherry, 6th March (Miss Cockburn). 1. Kotagherry, 8th April [Miss Cockburn). 2. Curzon, Nilghiri Hills, 8th May. 2. Ooonoor, Nilghiri Hills. 3. Coonoor, 12th May. 1. Ootacamund, Nilghiri Hills, 4th April. 2. Ceylon, May (A. L. Butler). 6. Foochow, China, 30th March. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume ColL Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Crowley Bequest. C. B. Rickett, Esq. [P.J. Parus bokhariensis, Licht. Parus boccharensis, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 16 (1883). Parus bokharensis. Dresser, Birds Eur. ix. (Suppl.) p. 119 (189o). Parus bokhariensis, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 329 (1903). Two eggs of the Bokhara Grey Titmouse are of a rather long, pointed oval form. The ground-colour is white, with light red and lavender dots and spots scattered pretty thickly over the whole shell. They measure respectively -71 by '5 and '74 by -51. 2. Kuldja, Turkestan {Nehrkorn Crowlev Bequest. Coll.). Parus monticola, Vigors. (Plate XIV. fig. 3.) Parus monticolus, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 320 (1883). Parus monticola, Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds i. p. 49 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 35 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 329 (1903). The eggs of the Green-backed Titmouse are very similar to those of the Indian Grey Titmouse. The markings, however, are of a much richer colour, being of a deep reddish-brown or purplish-red. Specimens measure from -64 to '75 in length, and from '5 to '54 in breadth. 3. Himalayas. 1. Dharmsala, Himalayas, 28th April. 3. Simla, April. 1. Lebong, Sikhim, 14th July. 4. Mongphoo, Darjilino- [J. Gammie). 2. Mongphoo, 6th April {J. G.). 2. Mongphoo, 11th April {J, G.). Crowley Bequest. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume ColL Hume Coll. - 310 PARIDiB. Genus PENTHERES, Cah. Pentheres afer (Gmel.). (Plate XIV. fig. 7.) Parus afer, TMen. Fortpjianz. ges. Vdg. p. 146, tab. xviii. fig. 1, a, b (1845-54) ; Sharpe, ed. Layard's Birds S. Africa, p. 329 (1875-84) ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 39 (1883); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. m (1899). Pentheres afer, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 332 (1903). The eggs of the ISouth-African Titmouse in the Collection are of a very broad oval shape and without gloss. They are white, often densely speckled and spotted all over with pale rufous and under- lying lilac. They measure '75 by -57. 1. South Africa. _ E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. 2. South Africa (B. L. L. : Tristram Crowley Bequest. Coll). 2. Nels Poort, Cape Colony {T. At- Crowley Bequest. 7nore : Tristram Coll.). Genus CYANISTES, Kaup. Cyanistes caeruleus (Linn.). Parus cseruleus, TMen. Fortpjianz. ges. Vdg. p. 147, tab. xviii." fig. 3, «, b, c (1845-54) ; Ileivitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. lol, pi. xxxix. fig. ii (1866) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 131 (1871) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 12 (1883) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 468, pi. 9 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 210, pi. 53. figs. 14, 15 (1896). Cyanistes cseruleus, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vdg. tab. 43. fig. 11 (1855-63) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 333 (1903). The eggs of the Blue Titmouse are of a broad pointed oval shape and have little or no gloss. They are white, marked with light chestnut-brown. In many specimens the markings consist entirely of small specks and spots ; in others of specks, spots, and small blotches. They are almost invariably more thickly disposed at the broad end than elsewhere, and form an indistinct cap or zone. They measure from '55 to -7 in length, and from '41 to "5 in breadth. 5. England. Old Collection. 4. Yorkshire {Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 9. Norfolk, 11th May {F. Norgate). Seebohm CoU. 12. Norfolk, 20th May [F. N.). Seebohm Coll. 7. Norfolk, 22nd May {F. N.). Seebohm Coll. 11. Norfolk, 26th May {F. N.). Seebohm Coll. 7. Norfolk, 3rd June {F. N.). Seebohm Coll. 7. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. 7. Haddenham, Cambridgeshire, Salvin-Godman Coll. 21st May {O. S.\. 4. Cookham, Berkshire, April. Gould Coll. 7. Epping Forest, 9th May. Salvin-Godman Coll. o. - 7. Churt, Surrey. Crowley Bequest. 9. Churt, May. Crowley Bequest. CTANISTE8. 311 10. Elbeuf, France {Noury : Hargitt Seebohm Coll. Coll.). 11. Pomerania, 10th May ( T. Holland). Seebohm Coll. 12. Pomerania, 13th May (T. ZT.). Seebohm Coll. 8. Pomerania, 15th May (T.^.). Seebohm Coll. Cyanistes persicus (Blanf.). Parus (Cyanistes) persicus, Blanf. Ibis, 1873, p. 89 ; id. Hast. Pers. p. 230, pi. xvi. lig. 2 ^876). Parus persicus, Gadoto, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 14 (1883). Cyanistes persicus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 333 (1903). Parus caeruleus persicus, Witherhy, Ibis, 1903, p. 530. Two eggs of the Persian Blue Titmouse resemble those of C. cceruhus. 2. Dasht-i-Arjan, S.W. Persia (6700 H. F. Witherhy, Esq. fP.! ft.), 9th AprU. Cyanistes ultramarinus {Bonap.). Cyanistes ultramarinus, Baedeker, JSier Eur. Vog. tab. 43. fig. 12 (1855-63) ; id. J.f. O. 1856, p. 33, tab. ii. fig. 14; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 334 (1903). Parus ultramarinus, Salvin, Ibis, 1859, p. 310. Parus teneritfcB, Dresser, Birds Bur. iii, p. 139, part. (1871) ; Gadoio^ Cat. Birds B. M. viii. d. 14, part. (1883) ; Irhy, Orn. Str. Gibr. 2nd ed. p. 72 (1895) ; Nehrk. Kat. JBiersamml. p. 66 (1899). Eggs of the Ultramarine Titmouse in the Collection are of a regular oval form and devoid of gloss. One is white, marked equally all over with species and spots of two shades of chestnut-brown, while others are more heavily blotched towards the blunt end. They measure '58 by -47. 1. Algeria (O. Salvin). Salvin-Godman ColL 2. Morocco, 6th May. Crowley Beq[uest. Cyanistes tenerifEae (Less.). (Plate XIY. fig. 6.) Parus teneriffae. Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 139, part. (1871), ix. (Suppl.) p. 127 (1895) ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M.. viii. p. 14, part. (1883) ; Reid, Ibis, 1887, p. 433. Cyanistes teneriffae, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 334 (1903). The eggs of the Canarian Blue Titmouse are of a pointed oval form and devoid of gloss. They are white, speckled and spotted, more thickly at the broad end than elsewhere, with chocolate-brown. In some specimens the smaller half of the egg is almost unmarked. Five specimens measure from '61 to '66 in length, and from '48 to •5 in breadth. 5. Canary Islands. Capt. Savile G. Keid [P.]. 6. Tenerife, March (R. Gomez). Crowley Bequest. 4. Tenerife. Crowley Bequest. 312 PABID^. Cyanistes cyarnis (Pall.). (Plate XIV. fig. 5.) Parus cyanus, Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 143 (1872) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 10 (1883). Cyanistes cvanus, Tacz. Faime Orn. Siher. Orient, p. 432 (1891) ; Sharpe, Hand-l iv. p. 334 (1903). Two eggs of the Azure Titmouse are like those of C. cceruleus, but the one from the Altai Mountains has a peculiarly glossy shell. 1. Dauria, Siberia {Dybowski). Crowley Bequest. 1. Altai Mountains. Crowley Bequest. Genus JEGITHALISCUS, Cah. JEgithaliscus erythrocephalus ( Vig.). (Plate XIV. fig. 11.) Acredula erythrocephala, Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 66 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 07 (1899). -^githaliscus ervthrocephalus, Gates, Fauna Brit, Ind., Birds, i. p. 60 (1889) ; Gates ed. Hume, Nests Sr Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 36 (1889) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 335 (1903). The eggs of the Eed-headed Titmouse are of a blunt oval form and with scarcely any gloss. The ground is pinkish or creamy white, and the markings are almost entirely confined to a conspicuous and well-defined zone round the larger end of the e^^. This zone is composed of a multitude of minute purplish-red specks which are confluent in the majority of specimens. A few minute specks of the same colour are scattered over the remainder of the shell. The eggs measure from '53 to '6 in length, and from '43 to '46 in breadth. 4. Kotgarh, Hiviialayas. Hume CoU. 3. Simla [A. 0. H). Hume Coll. 2. Simla, April (A. 0. H). Hume CoU. 6. Simla, May (A. O. H.). Hume Coll. Genus PSALTRIPARUS, Bonap. Psaltriparus minimus (Townsend). Psaltriparus minimus, var. minimus, Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 109 (1874) ; Sharpe, Hand-L iv. p. 336 (1903). Acredula minima, Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 6Q (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 67 (^1899). The egg of the Bush-Titmouse in the Collection is of a regular oval shape, glossless and plain white. It measures 'biS by -42, -^ - 1. North America {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. SGITHALUS. 313 Genus -EGITHALUS, Herm, JEgithalus caudatus {Linn.). Parus caudatus, '^hien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 153, tab. xviii. fig. 11, a-d (1845-54). Mecistura caudata, Baedeker^ Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 43. fiff. 19 (1855-63). Acredula caudata, Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 67 (1872) j Gadow. Cat, Birds B. M. viii. p. 69 (1883). ^githalus caudatus, Sliarpe, Rand-l. iv. p. 337 (1903). The eggs of the Long-tailed Titmouse are of a pointed oval form and have a small amount of gloss. They are of two types of coloration, both apparently equally common. In the first type the e^^ is plain white ; in the second it is white or pinkish white, speckled and freckled with two shades of pale chestnut or rufous and some faint lavender. The markings are usually denser at the broad end than elsewhere, and sometimes form an indistinct zone or cap at that part. Specimens measure from "51 to '57 in length, and from -39 to -43 in breadth. 1. Sundal Valley, N. Norway, 20th Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.J. June {R. B. S.). 8. Stolp, Pomerania, 16th May Seebohm Coll. {T. Holland). 11. Stolp, 16th May (r. £.). , Seebohm Coll. iEgithalus roseus {Blyth). Parus caudatus, apud Rewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 158, pi. xl. %. ii (1856J. Acredula rosea, Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 62 (1873) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 61 (1883) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 486, pi. 9 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 214, pi. 53. fig. 19 (1896). JEgithalus roseus, Sharpe, Jtland-l. iv. p. 337 (1903). The eggs of the British Long-tailed Titmouse are very numerously represented in the Collection. They vary in shape from a long pointed, to a short broad, oval form, and, as a rule, they possess a small amount of gloss. Like the eggs of ^. caudatus they are of two types of coloration : plain white, and white speckled with rufous and pale purple. The two types, judging from the series in the Collection, are of about equal occurrence. The markings on some examples are very faint and indistinct, but they impart a rosy tinge to the shell. Specimens measure from 'Q2 to "62 in length, and from -4 to -48 in breadth. 6. Dochfour, Inverness. Seebohm Coll. 8. Port Clair, Inverness {Hargitt Coll), Seebohm Coll. 9. Fort Augustus, Inverness {Rargitt Seebohm Coll. Coll.). 8. Knockie, Inverness {Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 9. Co. VVaterford, 20th April (ij. /. Seebohm Coll. j^ Ussher), 314 PARIDiE. 8. Co. Waterford, 12th May Seebolim Coll. {B. J. U.). 3. Sparham, Norfolk, 7th May Seebohm Coll. {F. Noff/afe). 4. Sparham, 7th May (F. N.). Seebohm Coll. 8. Sparham, 13th May {F. N.). Seebohm Coll. 9. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. 6. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. 7. Loughton, Essex. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Billericay, Essex, G. Scholaing, Esq. [P.l 8. Drinkstone Park, Suffolk. T. H. Powell, Esq. [P?]. 8. Valkenswaard, Holland, 28th May Seebohm Coll. {H. Seebohm). JEgithalus irbyi (Sharpe ^ Dresser). Acredula caudata, Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 207. Acredula irbii. Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 73 (1872) ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 83, pi. (1876) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 63 (1883) ; Whitehead, Ibis, 1885, p. 35 ; Irby, Orn. Str. Gibr. 2nd ed. p. 71 (1895). ^githalus irbyi, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 337 (1903). The eggs of Irby's Long-tailed Titmouse do not differ in any respect from those of JE. roseus. 3. Gibraltar [H. Saunders). Seebohm Coll. 2. Corsica. J. Whitehead, Esq. [C.]. 4. Porto Vecchio, Corsica, 20th April Seebohm Coll. {J. Whitehead). JEgithalas tephronotus (Gwither). Acredula tephronota, Ehces ^ Buckley, Ibis, 1870, p. 199; Dresser j Birds Bur. iii. p. 75 (1872) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 64 ^1883). ^githalus tephronotus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 338 (1903). The eggs of the Turkish Long-tailed Titmouse in the Collection are broad ovals, without gloss, white, with a few very minute specks of extremely pale rufous at the larger end. They measure respectively : '54 by -42 ; 'oo by '5 ; -54 by •43. 3. Turkey {T. Robson). Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe [P.]. Genus REMIZA, Siejn. Remiza pendulina {Linn.). Parus pendulinus, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. p. 56, tab. xviii. fig. 13, ' a, b (1845-54) ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 70, pi. (1875). ^githalus penduHnus, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 43. fig. 20 (1855-63) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 159 (1876) ; Gadoto^ Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 67 (1883). Remiza pendulina, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 339 (1903). ANTHOSCOPUS. AUKIPAKTJS. 315 The eggs of the Penduline Titmouse are of an elongated oval form, without gloss and plain white. Three examples measure respectively : -64 by -41 ; -63 by -44 ; -6 by -44. 1. South France {Dr. Companyon). Seebohm Coll. 2. Parnassus, Greece, 8th May JSeebohm Coll. {H. Seebohm). Genus ANTHOSCOPUS, Boie. Anthoscopus minutus {Lath.). Anthoscopus capensis, Sharpe, ed. LayardJs Birds S. Africa, p. 327 (1875-84). ^githalus capensis, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 70 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 67 (1899). Anthoscopus minutus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 340 (1903). The eggs of the Cape Penduline Titmouse are of a very narrow and elongated oval form, devoid of gloss and plain white. Three examples measure respectively : -56 by '38 ; 'b2 by -36 ; -58 by -38. 3. South Africa. E. L. Layard, Esq. [P.]. Genus AURIPARUS, Baird. Auriparus flaviceps (Sundev.). (Plate XIY. fig. 8.) Auriparus flaviceps, Baird, Brewer 8r Bidgiv. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 112 (1874) ; Coues, Birds Colorado Vail. p. 129 (1878) ; Salv. ^ Godm. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, i. p. 59 (1880) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 341 (1903). ^githalus flaviceps, Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 72 (1883) j Nehrk. Kat. Hiersamml. p. 67 (1899). The eggs of the Yerdin or Yellow-headed Bush-Titmouse are of a broad oval form and without gloss. They are pale blue, speckled with rufous brown. The markings are sometimes very dense at the larger end, where they become confluent and form a well-defined cap. In one example, however, the specks are very evenly distributed over the entire shell, and in another they are very sparse over the smaller half. Two examples measure respectively : -6 by '46 ; •58 by -44. 1. California {Smiths. Inst.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. Cape St. Lucas, California, May Salvin-Godman Coll. {J. Xantus). 3. Cape St. Lucas, 4th April {J. X). Salvin-Godman Coll. 316 PAlilDJ^. Genus APHELOCEPHALA, Oherh. Aphelocephala leucopsis {Gould). Xerophila leucopsis, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 382 (1865) ; Jlamsay,P.L.S.N.S.W.\n. p. 407, pi. 3. fig. 7 (1882); Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 73 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 150, pi. ix. fig-. 14 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 68 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 287, pi. 11 (1901). Aphelocephala leucopsis, Sharpe, Iland-l. iv. p. 342 (1903). The eggs of the White-faced Titmouse are of a pointed, but broad, oval form, and have a fair amount of gloss. They are described by Ramsay as being " of a dull white thickly spotted and freckled all over with reddish-brown, dull chocolate-brown, or dark wood-brown ; in some specimens the whole of the ground- colour is obscured by reddish-brown freckles, others have a zone of confluent spots of dark blackish-brown on the larger end and only a few dots or freckles on the remaining portion ; average length '7 by '53 inch." Two examples in the Collection measure '79 by -58. 4. Australia. Purchased. Genus SPHENOSTOMA, Gould. Sphenostoma cristatum, Gould. Sphenostoma cristatum, Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 316 (1865) ; Gadoto, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 74 (1683); North, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 71, pi. viii. fig. 5 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 68 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 269, pi. 11 (1901) ; Shar2}e, Hand-l. iv. p. 342 (1903j. The eggs of the Crested Wedge-bill are of an ordinary oval form and possess a considerable amount of gloss. They are blue, sparingly speckled and spotted with black and neutral tint. The markings are small and distinctly defined, and more frequent at the larger end than elsewhere. They resemble very closely the eggs of the common Song-Thrush. Six examples measure from '92 to 1 in length, and from '67 to '75 in breadth. 2. Australia. Purchased. 2. N.W. Australia. Gould Coll. 2. New South Wales. Gould Coll. CHAMiEID^. — REQCLlDiE. 317 Family CHAM^ID^. Genus CHAMPA, Gambel. Chamsea fasciata {Gambel). Chamjea fasciata, Baird, Breiver 8f Ridyw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 84 (1874) ; Coues, Birds Color. Valley, p. 108 (1878) ; Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. M. Vn. p. 311 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat.Eiersamml. p. 57 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 343 (1903). Eggs of the Wren-Tit are of a pointed oval form and of a pale spotless greenish-blue colour, rather dull in appearance. The three specimens in the Collection measure -72 by -55 ; -76 by '06 ; and •76 by -60, respectively. 2. Cahfoniia, {R. Ridgway : Tris- Crowley Bequest. train Coll.). 1. California, April. W. Radcliffe Saunders, Esq. [P.]. Family REGULID^. Genus EEGULUS, Koch. Regnlus regulus (Linn.). Regulus flavicapillus, Thien. Fortpjlanz. yes. Voy. tab. xix. fig. 7, a-c (1845-54). Kegulus crococephalus, Baedeker j Fier Eur. Voy. tab. 51. fig. 1 (1855-03). Regulus auricapillus, Hewitson, Eyys of Brit. Birds, i. p. 146, pi. xxxviii. tigs, i & ii (1856). Regulus cristatus, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 453 (1874) ; Seehohtn, Brit. Birds, i. p. 453, pi. 11 (1883) ; Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 80 (1883) ; Seebohm, Eyys of Brit. Birds, p. 208, pi. 53. fig. 10 (1896). Regulus regulus, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 343 (1903). The eggs of the Goldcrest, or Golden- crested Wren, are of an ordinary oval shape and exhibit very little gloss. The majority of the eggs of this species are dull white, densely mottled, generally on the larger half, in the form of a broad zone or large cap, with pale brown and lavender intermingled. Some specimens, however, are almost plain white ; others are of a pale cream-colour, very faintly mottled all over with the very palest brown, but less densely on the smaller half than on the larger. Specimens measure from '52 to '6 in length, and from -4 to '44 in breadth. 9. Co. Waterford, 24th April Seebohm Coll. [R. J. Ussher). 11. Co. Waterford, May {R. J. U.). Seebohm Coll. 9. Co. Waterford, 5th May Seebohui Coll. {R. J. TL). 318 REGULID^. 9. Co. Waterford, 9tli May Seebohm Coll. {R. J. U.). 8. Co. Waterford, 22nd Maj Seebohm Coll. (H. J. U.). 9. Co. Waterford, 23rd May Seebohm Coll. {R. J. U.). 8. Co. Waterford, June [R. J. U.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Brancepeth, Durham ( Tristra^n Crowley Bequest. Coll.). 9. Dochfour, Inverness, 2nd June Seebohm Coll. {Hargitt Coll.). 8. Norfolk, 2otli May {F. Norgate). Seebohm Coll. 5. Cambridgeshire. F. Bond, Esq. [P.]. 2. Bristol, 6th Aug. G. C. Norman, Esq. [P. 5. New Forest [H. Saunders). Seebohm Coll. 7. New Forest (If. >S.). Seebohm Coll. 7. Alton, Hants. Crowley Bequest. 4. Ilampstead, London (O. Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Loughton, Essex (O. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 9. Churt, Surrey. Crowley Bequest. 10. Tilford, Surrey. Crowley Bequest. 11. Tilford. Crowley Bequest. 7. Tilford. Crowley Bequest. 9. Altenhirchen, Prussia, 9th June Seebohm Coll. {Sachse). Regnlus tenerififse, Seehohm. (Plate Xiy. fig. 10.) Eegulus teneriffse, Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 4-59 (1883) : Sharpe, Hatid-l.'iY. -p. 3U{}903). Regulus satelles, Koenig, J. f. O. 1890, p. 279, taf . viii. fig. 9 ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 68 (1899). The eggs of the Tenerife Goldcrest do not appear to differ from those of ii'. regulus, either in size or coloration. 7. Tenerife, 27th May. Crowley Bequest. Regulus ignicapillus (Brehm). Regulus ignicapillus, Thien. Fo7'tpftanz. ges. Vog. tab. xix. fig. 6, a, b (1845-64) ; Hewitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 148, pi. xxxviii. fia*. iii (1856) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 459 (1874) ; Seehohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 458, pi. 11 (1883) ; Gadoiu, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 83 (1883) ; Seebohm, Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 209, pi. 53. fig. 11 (1896) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 344 (1903).^_ Regulus pyrocephalus, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 61. fig. 2 (1865-63). The eggs of the Fire-crested Wren are of quite the same character as those of R. regulus, but the ground-colour is tinged with pink, and the markings are of a pale lilac-red colour, mingled with lavender or pale brown. There is no appreciable difFerence'in the size of the eggs of the two species. KEQULUS. 319 3. Germany (Tm^mm Co//.). Crowley Bequest. 10. Wiederstein, Prussia, 11th May Seebohm Coll. (Sachse). 4. Altenldrchen, Prussia, 11th May Seebohm Coll. {Sachse). 8. Altenkirchen, 22nd May (Snc/ise). Seebohm Coll. 8. Altenkirchen, 22nd May (Sachse). Seebohm Coll. 8. Altenkirchen, 14th May (J^'achse). Crowley Bequest. 4. Altenkirchen, 26th May (Sachse). Crowley Bequest. 7. Coblentz {H. E. Dresser). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Coblentz, 10th May {H. E. D.). Salvin-Godman Coll. 10. Hesse, 13th June. Crowley Bequest. Reg^lus maderensis, Vernon Harcourt, (Plate XIY. figs. 9 & 12.) Regulus maderensis, Dresser, Birds Eur. ii. p. 46o (1874) ; Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 84 (1883) 5 Koenig, J.f. O. 1890, p. 278, taf. viii. fig. 8 ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 344 (1903). Four eggs of the Madeiran Goldcrest in the Collection difiPer from those of R. regulus and R. ic/uicapillus in being densely marked with specks, spots, and small blotches of lilac-red and lavender. The markings are most dense on the broad half of the egg. Four examples measure respectively: '55 by '43; '57 by -43; -55 by •42 ; -57 by -45. 4. Raba9al, Madeira, June. C. J. Cossart, Esq. [P.l. Regulus calendula (Linn.). Regulus calendula, Baird, Brewer 8f Ridgw. N. Amer. Birds, i. p. 75 (1874) ; Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 85 (1883) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 68 (1899) j Sharpe, Hand-l. B. iv. p. 344 (1903). The eggs of the Ruby-crowned Kinglet in the CoUection appear to have become discoloured by damp, probably soon after they were taken from the nest, or they may have been addled. Herr Nehrkorn states that the eggs of this species resemble those of R. ignicaj^illus. Six examples measure on the average -55 by '45. 6. Nova Scotia, 9th June (Field Coll.). Crowley Bequest. 320 SITTID^. Family SITTIDiE. Genus SITTA, Linn. Sitta csesia, Meyer Sf Wolf. Sitta eiiropea, Thien. Fortpfonz. ges. Vog. tab. xyii. iig. IQ, a, b (1845- 54) ; Ileivitson, Eggs of Brit. Birds,'i. p. 247, pi. lyii. fi^. iv (1856). Sitta ceesia, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 43. fip:. 6 (1855-03) ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 175 (1873) ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. yiii. p. 347 (1883) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 523, pi. 12 (1883) ; id. Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 219, pi. 54. figs. 7 & 8 (1896) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv, p. 347 (1903). The eggs of the Common Nuthatch are mostly of a narrow and pointed oval shape, and slightly glossy. They are white, marked with reddish brown and lilac or lavender. On many specimens the markings consist chiefly of small blotches, either evenly distributed over the entire shell, or forming a cap at the broader end. Some examples are evenly speckled all over, and others are unmarked, except at the broad end, where a small and well-defined cap of two or three shades of red mixed up together is formed. Examples measure from -68 to -83 in length, and from '5 to -6 in breadth. 6. Sparham, Norfolk, 24th April {F. Nor gate). Seebohm Coll. 5. Sparham, 30th May {F. N.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Middlesex. Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Epping Forest (0. Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll, 4. Finchley {0. S.). Salvin-Godman Coll. o Hampstead (0. ^S*.). Salvin-Godman ColL z. Devonshire. Montaffu Museum. 6. Elbeuf, France {Noury : Hargitt ColO. Seebohm Coll. 3. VosgesMts., France {Movgel : Har- gitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Vosges Mts. {Mougel: Hargitt Coll.). Seebohm Coll. 5. Copenhagen, 24th April. Seebohm Coll. /• Pomerania, 27lh April (T. Hol- land). Pomerania, 7th May {T. H.). Seebohm Coll. 7. Seebohm Coll. 8. Pomerania, 18th May {T. H). Seebohm Coll. 8. Pomerania, 20th May {T. H.). Seebohm Coll. 3. S.W. Russia, 11th April {GoebeV). Seebohm Coll. Sitta neumayeri, Michah. Sitta syriaca, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xvii. fig. 15, a, b (1845- 54) ; Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 43. fig. 8 (1855-63) ; Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 52, pi. (1875); Danford, Ibis, .IS7 8, p. 10. 321 Sitta neuniayeri, Sharpe ^' Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 18-3 (1872) ; Gadow^ Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 315 (1883) : Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 347 (1903). The eggs of tlie Western Rock-Nuthatch are of a pointed oval shape and very glossy. They are white, marked with pale reddish brown and lilac. At one end of the series will be found eggs which are marked with blotches and spots, chiefly on the broader half ; and at the other end eggs which are marked with only a few specks, or are altogether plain and unmarked. In a few specimens, the blotches form an ill-defined cap at the broad end of the egg, but, as a rule, they are distinct and separate from each other. Examples measure from '73 to '92 in length, and from 'oo to Qb in breadth. South Europe. Macedonia, 9th April {T. Kriiper). Delphi, Greece, oth May (//. iSeehohm ^ T. Kriiper). Parnassus, Greece, 12th May {S.^K),^ Smyrna, April {T. Kriiper). Smyrna, oth April (7*. A'.)- SmVrna, 11th April {T. K). Smyrna, 12th April (T. K). Smyrna, 13th April (T. K). Smyrna, 14th April (T. K). Smyrna, 26th April ( T. K). Smyrna, 8th May {T. K). Smyrna, 9th May {T. K), Smyrna, June {T. K.). Taurus, Asia Minor, 24th April (C. G. Danford). Thienemann Coll. Seebohm Coll. Soebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll. Seebohm Coll, Sitta tephronota, Sharpe. Sltta neuniayeri, Barnes, Stray Feath. ix. pp. 216, 453 (1880). Sitta syriaca^ (nee Michah), Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 346 (1883). Sitta tephronota, Gates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 305 (1889) ; id, ed. Hume, Ne.«ts 8c Bqgs Ind. Birds, i. p. 195 (1889) ; SharjiCy Hand'l. iv. p. 347 (1903). The eggs of the Eastern Rock-I^uthatch are larger than those of S. neuniayeri^ but otherwise resemble them very closely. They measure from "78 to -9 in length, and from -62 to -67 in breadth. Chaman, {H.E. Chaman, Chaman, Chaman, Chaman, Chamim, Chaman, Chaman, VOL. IV. Afghanistan, 8th April Hume Coll. Barnes). 10th April (JET. E. B.). Hume Coll. 11th April {H. E. B.). Hume Coll. 15th April {H. E. B.). Hume Coll. 18th April (//. E. B.). Hume Coll. 20th April [H. E. B.). Hume Coll. 28th April {U. E. B.), Hume Coll. 1st May (//. E. B.), Hume Coll. 322 SITTIDJ3. Sitta krueperi, Pelz. Sitta krueperi, D?*2 to "7 in length, and from -51 to -55 in breadth. 1. Smyrna, 18th April (T. Krilpcr). Seebohm Coll. 1. Smyrna, 4th June {T. K.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Taurus, Asia Minor, 17th April Seebohm Coll. ( C. G. Banford). 7. Taurus, 17th April (C. G. B.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Taurus, 17th April {C. G. B.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Taurus, 18th April (C. G. D.). SeebOhm Coll. 5. Taurus, 18th April (C. G. B.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Taurus, 18th April (C G. B.). Seebohm Coll. Sitta whiteheadi, Sharpe. (Plate XTY. fig. 15.) Sitta whiteheadi, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 233; Whitehead, lUs, 1885, p. 28, pi. ii. ; Bresser, Birds Bur. ix. [Su])})!.) p. 133 (1895) ; Sharjje, Hand-l. 'lY.^. 348 (1903). The eggs of the Corsican Nuthatch are not distinguishable from those of /S. hrueperi. Seven exam])]es measure from 'iSQ to "7 in length, and from '49 to -52 in breadth. 3. Corsica. J. Whitehead Esq. [C.]. 4. Corsica, 21st May (J". H7uVe//e«f/). Seebohui Coll. Sitta castaneiventris, FranJd. (Plate XIY. fig. 13.) Sitta castaneiventris, Gadoiu, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 351 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 304 (1889) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests ^ Bggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 194 (1889) ; Nehrk. Kat. JEie?'samml. p. 75 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 348 (1903). The eggs of the Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch resemble those of S. krueperi, and require no separate description. They measure from '05 to "7 in length, and from '5 to 55 in breadth. 3. SiUiimr, Oudh( CB. Cock). Hume Coll. 1. Sitapur, 19th March (C. B. C). Hume Coll. 1. Sitapur, 23rd ^Nlavch ( C. B. C). Hume Coll. > •. - 1. Sitapur, 24th March (C. i?. C). Hume Coll. ^' "^ 2. Sitapur; L>5th March (C. B. C). Hume Coll. SITTA. DENDROPHILl. 323 Sitta leucopsis, Gould. (Plate XIV. fig. 14.) Sitta leucopsis, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 352 (1883); Oates^ Fauna Brit. Ind.^ Birds, i. p. 306 (1899) ; id. ed. Hume, Nests 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i.p. 306 (1899) ; Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 75 (1899); Sharpe, Rand-l. iv. p. 349 (1903). The eggs of the White-cheeked Nuthatch do not appear to differ in any manner from those of S. Icrueperi. Three examples measure respectively : 'QQ by 'bb ; "67 by '53 ; '7 by '53. 3. Sonamaro;, Kashmir, 29th May Hume Coll. {C.B. Cock). Sitta pygmaBa, Vig. (Plate XIV. fig. 16.) Sitta pvgmnea, Baird, Brewer ^ Ridgw. N, Amer. Birds, i. p. 120 (1874); Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 355 (1883); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p, 75 (1899) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 350 (1903). The egg of the Pigmy Nuthatch in the Collection is of a regular oval shape and devoid of gloss. It is white, speckled very evenly all over the shell with pale reddish-brown and lilac, and resembles many of the eggs of S. Icrueperi. It measures -61 by -48. 1. British Columbia. J. K. Lord, Esq. [P.]. Genus DENDROPHILA, Swains. Dendrophila frontalis, Swains. (Plate XIV. fig. 18.) Dendrophila frontalis, Leqqe, Birds Ceylon, p. 560 (1879) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 351 (1903). Sitta frontalis, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 358 (1883) ; Oates, Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 307 (1889) ; id. ed. HumCj Nests 4" Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 196 (1889). The eggs of the Velvet-fronted Blue Nuthatch are of a broad oval shape and devoid of all gloss. They are white, rather coarsely blotched, chiefly at the broad end, with reddish brown and lilac-red. Pour examples measure respectively : "69 by -55 ; 'QQ by '51 ; '67 by '5 ; -67 by -5. 3. Sikhim Terai, 17th April. Hume Coll. 1. Kotapfherry, Nilghiri Hills, S. India, Hume Coll. 10th Feb. {Miss Cockhurn). t2 324 sittid.t:. — cePvTiiiid-i:. Genus NEOSITTA, Hellmayr. Neositta chrysoptera {Lath.). Sitlella chrysoptera, Govld, Handh. Birds Audr. i. p. 609 (1865) ; Gadoiv, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 360 (1883) ; North, Nests ^ Eqqs Austr. Birds, p. 240 (1889) ; NehrTc. Kat. Eiorsamml. p. 75 (1899) ; Campbell, Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 237, pi. 13 (1901). Neositta chrysoptera, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 351 (1903). The eggs of the Orange- winged Creeper are of an ordinary oval form and slightly glossy. They are bluish-white, profusely marked with spots and small blotches of dark slaty-brown and pale slaty- grey. Three examples measure respectively; '68 by 51; '65 by •51 ; 'QQ by -51. 3. New South Wales, Dec. Gould Cull. {E. P. Bamsay). Neositta pileata {Oould). (Plate XIV. fig. 17.) ^\iic\]?i Y^e&t?i, Gould, Ha7idh. Birds Austr. i. p. 612 (1865); Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 362 (1883) ; North, Broc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 2nd ser. ii. p. 409 (1887); id. Nests ^ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 242 (1889) ; Campbell, Nests Sf Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 340 (1901). Neositta pileata, Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 362 (1903). The eggs of the Black-capped Creeper resemble those of N. chrysoptera, but are rather larger and more coarsely blotched. They measure from 'SB to -71 in length, and from -52 to -55 in breadth. 5. South Australia. Gould Coll. Family CERTHIID.l^:. Genus CERTHIA, Lhm. Certhia familiaris, Linn. Ceithia familiaris, Thien. Fortpflanz. ges. Voq. tab. xvii. iig. 10, a-c (] 845-54); Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 43. fig. 2 (1855-63); Jlewit^on, Eqgs of Brit. Birds, i. p. 243, pi, Ixii. fig. ii (1856) ; Saunders, Ibis, 1871, p. 208 : I>resser, Birds Eur. iii. p. 195 (1874) ; Gado7v, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 323 (1883) ; Seebohm, Brit. Birds, i. p. 512, pi. 11 (1883) ; id. Egqs of Brit. Birds, p. 217, pi. 54. fig. 5 (1896) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 353 (1903). Certhia brachyd.'ictyla, Baedeker, torn. cit. tab. 43. fig. 3. Certhia costae, Baedeker, torn. cit. tab. 43. fig. 4. The eggs of the Common Creeper are of a pointed oval shape and slightly glossy. They are white or pale cream-colour, speckleS and spotted with rusty reddish brown and underlying lavender. In CERTHIA. SALPOENIS. 325 the majority of the eggs, the markings are dense at the broad end and sparse elsewhere ; in some specimens they are pretty evenly distributed over the entire surface of the shell. In some clutches, the markings consist entirely of fine specks ; in others of coarse spots, combined with specks. Specimens measure from -57 to •? ia length, and from -43 to '5 in breadth. 5. Co. Waterford, 29th April {R. J. Seebohm Coll. Ussher). 6. Dochfour, Inverness, 1st June Seebohm Coll, {Hargitt Coll.). 2. England. Old Collection. 6. Sparham, Norfolk, loth May Seebohm Coll. {F. Nor gate). G. Sparham, 19th May {F. N.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Loudwater, Bucks^ Mav. Gould Coll. 4. Marlborough, Wilts, May (J. G. Seebohm Coll. Millais: Ilargitt Coll.). 6. Finchley, Middlesex (O. Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Fiuchley {O. S.). ' Salvin God man Coll. 5. Vosges Mts., France {Mougel). Seebohm Coll. 5. Vosges Mts. {Mougel). Seebohm Coll. 2. Vosges Mts. (Mougel). Seebohm Coll. 3. South Spain, May (II. Saundei's). Seebohm Coll. 5. Copenhagen, 29th April. Seebohm Coll. 5. Pomerania, 2nd May ( T. Holland). Seebohm Coll. 6. Pomerania, 4th May (T. H.). Seebohm Coll. 6. Pomerania, 11th June (7'. ^.). Seebohm Coll. 4. Reval, Baltic Provinces, 24th May Seebohm Coll. {Russoic). Certhia hodgsoni, Brooks. (Plate XIV. fig. 19.) Certhia familiaris, Gadow, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 323, part. (1883). Certhia hodgsoni, Oates^ Fauna Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 329 (1889) ; id. ed. Kume, Neds 8f Eggs Ind. Birds, i. p. 220 (1889); ^harpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 355 (1903). The egg of Hodgson's Tree-Creeper in the Collection is of a blunt oval shape and slightly glossy. It is white, densely mottled all over with reddish brown and lavender. This specimen is easily separable from the eggs of C. familiaris by reason of the density of its markings. It measures '65 by '49. 1. Kashmir, 5th June ( W. E. Brooks). Hume Coll. Genus SALPORNIS, Gratf. Salpomis spilonotus, FranJcL (Plate XIV. fig. 20.) 326 CEETHIID^. An egg of the Spotted Grey Creeper in the Collection is of a hlunt oval shape and moderately glossy. It is pale greenish grey, speckled and spotted, chiefly on the broader half, with blackish brown and lavender-grey. It measures '67 by 'o'2. 1. Ilattin, Gurgaon District, Punjab, Hume Coll. 1 0th April ( Cleveland) . Genus TICHODROMA, Illiger. Tichodroma muraria (Linn.). Certhia muraria, Thien. Fortpjianz. ges. Vog. tab. xvii. fig. 9 (1845-54). Tichodroma muraria, Baedeker, Eier Eur. Vog. tab. 43. fig. 5 (1855-03) ; id. J.f. 0. 1856, p. 33, tab. i. fig. 11 ; Dresser, Birds Eur. iii. p 207 (1871); Bree, Birds Eur. 2nd ed. iii. p. 46, pi. (1875); Seehohm^ Brit. Birds, i. p. 518, pi. 18 (1883) ; Gndoiu, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 331 (1883) ; Seebohm, Eggs of Brit. Birds, p. 218, pi. 54. tig. 6 (1896) ; Sharpe, Havd-l. iv. p. 356 (1903). The eggs of the Wall-Creeper are of a pointed oval shape and very glossy. They are white, marked, chiefly on the broad half and very sparingly, with specks and small spots of reddish brown and lilac-grey. They measure from '73 to ''62 in length, and from 51 to -61 in breadth. 3. Great St. Bernard, Switzerland. Seebohm Coll. 1. Mt. Cenis, Switzerland, 20th May. Seebohm Coll. 1. Mt. Cenis, 6th June. Seebohm Coll. Genus CLIMACTERIS, Temm. Climacteris scandens, Temm. Climacteris scandens, Thien. Fortpjlanz. ges. Vog. tab. xvii. fig. 13 (1845-54) ; Gould, Handh. Birds Austr. i. p. 598 (1865) ; Gadoio, Cat. Birds B. M. viii. p. 337 (1883); North, Nests 8c Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 237, pi. xii. fig. 7 (1889) ; Campbell, Nests 8c Eggs Austr. Birds, i. p. 334, pi. 13 (1901) ; Sharpe, Hand-l. iv. p. 357 (1903). The eggs of the Australian Brown Creeper are of a very broad oval form, approaching the spherical, and they exhibit a small amount of gloss. They are pale pinkish buflf, profusely mottled and blotched with rich purplish red and lavender. They measure from •87 to -92 in length, and from '67 to -76 in breadth. 3. South Australia. Gould Coll. 1. South Austraha. Gould Coll. 1. Nairn, near Adelaide. E. S. Moulden, Esq. [P.J. 1. Uippsland; Victoria. F. A. Philbrick, Esq., K.C. [P.]. 326 « ADDENDA. Add: — Page 36. Turdinus macrodactylus. (Plate II. fig. 2.) Add : — Page 142. Rhyacomis fuliginosa. (Plate VII. fig. 20.) Page 272, /or CRACTICUS read CKACTICUS, VieilL ALPHABETICAL INDEX. abbotii (Turdinus), 35. Abbottornis, 262. aberrans (Cisticola), 191, acaciae (Argya), 13. acaciffi (Crateropus), 13. acacias (Malacocercus (Ohatan-baga)), 13. Acanthiza, 229. Acanthopneuste, 227. Accentor, 131. Acredula. 312. Acrocephalus, 180. Actinodura, 57. Adelura, 150. Adophoneus, 208. Aedon, 144, 176. aedon (Arundinax), 203. aedon (Lusciniola), 2U3. aedon (Troglodytes), 72. aedon, var. parkmanni (Troglodytes), 72. Aedonops, 178. ^gitbaliscus, 313. ^-itbalus, 312. aiinodiuui (Conostoma), 62. aji-alatus (Ptererytbrius), 61. ajralatus (Pterutbius), 61. ffiralatus (Pterythius), 61. »rilatus (Ptererytbius), 61. afer (Parus), 310. afer (Pentheres), 310. affinis (Campy lorbyn- ebus), 66. affinis (Drymoeca), 242. affinis (Dumeticola), 188. affinis (Heleodytes), 66. affinis (Oreopneuste), 224. affinis (Pbylloscopus), 224. affiais (Sylvia), 214. africanus (Sphenceacus), 32. agricola (Acroceplialus), 187. • agricolus (Acrocepbalus), 187. Agrobates, 176. akabige (Eritbacus), 148. albicans (Saxicola), 168. albicincta(Merula), 96. aibicoUis (Cinulus), 79. albicollis (Merula), 105. albicoUis (Saxicola), 167. albicollis (Tardus), 105. albi Irons (Ephtbiauura), 135. albigulare (Malacopte- rum), 38. albigulai'is (Dumetia), 31. albigularis (Garrulax), 21. albigidaris (Ophrydor- nis),3l. albigidaris (Setaria), 38. albispecularis(Gervaisia), 154. albivontris (Artamus), 260. albiventris (Bracbypte- ryx), 53. albiventris (Callene), 53. albiventris (Pnoepyga), 78. albiventris (Tardus), 106. aibocincta (Merula), 96. albogularis (Dumetia), 31. albospecularis (Ger- vaisia), 154. albospecularis typicus (Oopsycbus), 154. albospecularis, var. pica (Oopsycbus), 155. Alcippe, 41,44. algeriensis (Lanius), 277. aliciae (Hylocicbla), 124. alicise (Turdus), 124. alpestris (Merula), 121. alpestris (Poecile), 301, alpestris (Turdus), 121. alpinus (Accentor), 132. altaicus (Accentor), 131. altiloaua (Vireosylvia), 253'. amaurocbalina (Merula), 106. amoenus (Oopsycbus), 154. ampelinus (Hypocolius), 269, Ampelis, 256. ampbileuca (Saxicola), 167. anguitimens (Euroce- pbalus), 266. Anortbura, 74. antbonyi (Lanius), 278. Antboscopus, 315. Anuropsis, 39. aonalasbka; (Turdus), 126. Apalis, 235. Apbelocephala, 316. apicalis (Acautbiza), 230. aquatica (Oalamodyta), 180. aquatica (Sylvia), 180. aquaticus (Acrocepbalus) , 180. aquaticus (Oinclus). 79. arbustorura (Oalamo- berpe), 185, arctica (Siaba), 176. arenarius (Lanius), 290. argentauris (Mesia), 62. Argya, 10. Arrenga, 52. Artamus, 257. arundinacea (Odlamo- berpe), 185, arundinacea (Salicaria) 182. arundinacea (Sylvia), 185. arundinaceus (Acro- cepbalus), 182, 185. Arundinax, 203, asiaticus (Oinclus), 80. 328 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. assamensis (Drymocata- phus), 38. assiniili8(Stachyridopsis), 47. aspiuiilis (Staohyris), 47. asthenia (Cercomela), 164. ater (Parus), 805. ater (Peri parus), 305. atrata (Pratincola), 162. atrieapilla (Curruca), 215. atrieapilla (Poecile), 303. atrieapilla (Sylvia), 215. atricapillus (Parus), 303. atrieeps (Alcippe), 44. atriceps (Parus), 308. airiceps (E-bopociclila), 44. atrigularis (Accentor), 134. atrigularis (Morula), 118. atrigularis (Orthotomus), 190. atrigularis (Suva), 2-40. atrigularis (Tharrhaleus), 134. atrigularis (Turdus), 118. atrisericea (Merula), 96. atrococcineus (Laniarius), 292. atrosericea (Merula), 96. aurantia (Merula), 108. auricapillus (Regulus), 317. auriculatus (Lanius), 280. aurifrcns (Ephthianura), 135. Auriparus, 315. aurita (Saxicola), 167. aurorea (Ruticilla), 140. auroreus (Phoenicurus), 140. australis (Acrocepbalus), 183. australis (Calamoherpe), 183. australis (Eopsaltria), 299. australis (Grallina), 263. australis (Potamorbyn- chus), 293. australis (Telephonus)^ 293. azurea (Sialia), 175. bacbatiri (Lanius"), 291. badiceps (Brvmochsera), 36. baeticatus (Acrocepbalus), 187. _ bakbakiri (Laniarius), 291. Barita, 270. beavani (Cisticola), 197. beavani (Prinia), 197. Bebrornis, 252. belangeri (Garrulax), 20. belli (Vireo), 255. bendirei (Harporbyn- cbus), 87. bendirei (Toxostoma), 87. bendirii (Harporhyn- ehus), 87. bengalensis (Malaco- cercus), 27. bengalensis (Timelia), 30. bentet (Ceplialophoneus), 288. bentet (Lanius), 288. berlandieri (Tbryo- thorus), 68. bermudianus (Galeo- scoptes), 85. Bernieria, 34, 38. bewickii (Tbryonianes), 69, 70. bewickii (Thryotborus), 70. bewickii, var. bewickii (Tbryonianes), 69. bewickii, yar. spilurus (Thryotborus), 70. biarraicus (Oalamo- philos), 63. biarmicus (Calamo- philus), 63. biarmicus (Panurus), 63. biarmicus (Parus), Q3. bicolor (Crateropus), 25. bicolor (Pratincola), 162. blanfordi (Pomatorhyn- chus), 293. blanfordi (Prinia), 243. blanfordi (Telepbonus), 293. blighi (Arrenga), 52. blighi (Myiophoneus), 52. boccharensis (Parus), 309. bokharensis (Parus), 309. bokhariensis (Parus), 309. Bonibycilla, 256. bonelli (Pbyllopneuste), 222. bonellii (Phylloscopus), 222. bonellii (Sylvia), 222. borealis (Acartbo- pneuste), 227. borealis (Auorthura), 75. borealis (Parus), 301. borealis (Pbyllopneuste), 227. borealis (Phylloscopus), 227. borealis (Poecila), 301. borealis (Pcecile). 301. borealis (Troglodytes), 75. borneensis (Pomato- rhinus), 14. borneensis (Stachyris), 47. boulboul (Merula). 95. boiirdilloni (Merula), 99. brachydactyla (Certbia), 324. bracbypterus (Brady- pterus), 202. Brachypteryx, 39, 53. Bradypterus, 202. britannicus (Parus), 305. britannicus (Periparus), 305. brownii (Malurus), 251. brunnea (CoUuricincla), 267. brunnea (Collyriocicbla), 267. brunnea (Collyriocincla), 267. brunuea (Larvivora), 150. brunnea (Sericornis;, 233. brunneicapillus (Campy- lorhynchus), 66. brunneiceps (Cisticola), 193. brunneiceps (Salicaria), 193. brunneicollis (Hemiura), 77. brunneicollis (Troglo- dytes), 77. brunnescens (Cettia), 238. brunnescens (Ilorornis), 238. brunneus (Erithacus), 1.50. brunneus (PyrrholEem us), 233. bucephalus (Cephalo- phoneus), 285. bucephalus (Laniu;?), 285. buchanani (Cisticola), 197. '- buchanani (Franklinia), 197, ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 329 bulomachus (Suthora), 04. bnrnesi (Laticilla), 198. Eurnesia, 245. cachinnans (Trochalo- pterum), 8. ca^rulatus (Dryonastes), 25. Cfcrulecula (Cvanecula), 144. cieruleculus (Erithacus), 143. cJEi-uleicephala ( Aclelura), 150. cwnileocephala (Adelura), 151. creriileocephala (Ruti- cilla), 1.50. ctcrulescens (Melanotis), 90. cajruleus (Cjanistes), 310. coeruleus (Myiophoneiis), 62. Cferiileus (Parus), 310. caeruleus persicus (Parus), 311. cassia (Sitta), 320. caifra (Cossypha), 156. Calamanthus, 27. Calamocichla, 202. Calamodyta, 178, 202. Calamoherpe, 181. Calamophilos, 63. Calainophihis, 63. calandria (Mimus), 83. calendula (Regulus), 319. calidria (Vireo), 253. caligata (Acrocephalus), 208. caligata (Hypolais), 208. caligata (Id una), 208. calipygus (Liothrix), 60. Callene, 53. Calliope, 149. calliope (Calliope) 149. calliope (Erithacus), 149. canibaiensis (Thamno- bia), 151. campestris (Oalarnan- thus), 28. ^ Campicola, 173. Campylorhynchus, 65. camtschatkensis (Cal- liope), 148. caniceps (Cephalopbo- neus), 287. caniceps (Larius), 287. canorum (Trochalo- pteruin), 9, canorus (Orateropus), 26. cantans (Cettia), 238. cantans (Horornis), 2-38. cantillans (Cinclorham- phus), 28. canturians (Arundinax), 238. canturians (Calamo- herpe), 238. canturians (Horornis), 238. canturians (Luscini- opsis), 238. canturiens (Cettia), 238. capensis (^githalus), 315. capensis (Anthoscopus), 315. capistrata (Lioptila), 56. capistrata (Malacias), 56. capistratoides (Drymo- cataphus), 37. capistratus (Campylo- rhynchus), 65. capistratus (Drymocata- phus), 36. capistratus (Heleodytes), 65. capitalis (Heiiiipus), 264. cap rata (Pratincola), 161, 162. carbonaria (Merula), 91. cardis (Merula), 108. cardis (Turdus), 108. carolinaa (Brachypteryx), 55. Carolina (Heteroxenicus), 55. carolinensis (Ampelis), 257. carolinensis (Galeo- scoptes), 85. carolinensis (Mimus), 85. carolinensis (Parus), 303. carolinensis (Poecile), 303. cashmeriensis (Cinclus), 80. cassicus (Cracticus), 272. castanea (Merula), 121. castaneiceps (Ixulus), 58. castaneiceps (Minla), 4Q. castaneiceps ( Pseudo- mi nla), 46. castaneiceps (Sittiparus), 46. castaneiceps (Staphidia), 58. castaneiventris (Sitta), 322. ca.staneonotum (Cinclo- soraa), 2. castaneus (Turdus), 121, castanotis (Cinclosoma), 2. castanonotum (Cinclo- soina), 2. castanonotus (Eupetes), 2. caterinae (Saxicola), 167. Catharus, 173. Catherpes, 77. caudata (Acredula), 313. caudata (Argya), 11. caudata (Mecistura), 313. caudatus (^githalus), 313. caudatus (Fiscus), 283. caudatus (Lanius), 283. caudatus (Parus), 313. cauta (Hylacola), 4. cedrorum (Ampelis), 257. celaenops (Merula), 101. celasnops (Turdus), 101. cephalomelas (Lanius), 289. Cephalophoneus, 285. Cercomela, 163. Certhia, 324. cetti (Cettia), 239. Cettia, 237, 239. cettii (Acrocephalus), 239. cettii (Bradypterus), 239. cettii (Calamodyta), 239. cettii (Sylvia), 239. chabert (Abbottornis), 262. chabert (Leptopterus), 262. Chffitornis, 202. chalybeius (Crateropus), 12. Chameea, 317. cherina (Cisticola), 193. chivi (Vireo), 254. chloronotus (Orthoto- mus), 191. Chloropeta, 205. Chlorophoneus, 291. chlorura (Pachycephala), 296. 330 ALPHAIiDTICAL INDEX. chrysjBa (Stachyrhis), 47. chrysasa (Stachyridopsis), 47. chrysaea (Stachyris), 47. chrvsolaus (Merula), no. chrysolaus (Turdus), 119. chiTsoptera (Neositfa), 324. chrysoptera (Sittella), 324. clirysopterum (TrocLalo- pteron), 5. clirysopterum (Troclialo- pterum). 5. chrysorrhoa (Acanthiza), 231. chrysorrhoea (Geobasi- leus), 231. chrysorrhous (Geobasi- leus), 231. Chthonicola, 228. Cichlherminia, 90. Cicbloselys, 112. Cinclorbampbus, 28. cinclorbyncha (Monti- cola), 130. cinclorbyncha (Petro- phila), 130. Cmclosoma, 1, 2. Cinclus, 79. cinclus (Cinclus), 80. cincta (Poecile), 302. ciuctus (Parus), 302. cinerea (Culluncincla), 266. cinerea (Emarginata), 164. cinerea (Myrmecocicbla), 164. cinerea (Poliocicbla), 164. cinerea (Saxicola), 164. cinerea (Sylvia), 209. cinerea, var. fuseipilea (Sylvia), 210. cinereiceps (Fulvetta), 45. cinereiceps (lantbociu- _ cla), 10. cinereiceps (Proparus), 45. cinereiceps (Trocbalo- pteron), 10. cinereum (Toxostoma), 86. cinereus (Cracticus), -74. cinereus (Harporbyn- cbus), 86. cinereus (Parus), 308. Cisticola, 191. cisticola (Acrocepbalus), 191. cisticola (Cisticola), 191. cisticola (Sylvia), 191. Cistotborus, 70. citreigularis (Sericornis), 233. citreogularis (Sericornis), 233. citrina (Geocicbla), 111. Cittocincla, 155. Climacteris, 326. coburni (Hylocicbla), 127. Cocboa, 92. collaris (Accentor), 132. collaris (Fiscus), 282. collaris (Lanius), 282. CoUuricincla, 266. Collurio, 278. collurio (Enneoctonus), 283. collurio (Lanius), 283. collybita (Pbylloscopus), 222. Collyrio, 278. CoUyriocicbla, 266. CoUj^riocincla, 206. Coiiostoma, 62. conspicillata (Stoparola), 215. conspicillata (Sylvia), 215. Copsycbus, 153. coronata (Acantbo- pneuste), 227. coronata (Pbyllopneuste), 227. coronatus (Acantbo- pneuste), 227- coronatus (Pbylloscopus), 227. corypbsea (Aedon), 157. corypbffius (Erytbro- pygia), 157. Corytbocicbla, 40. Cossypba, 156. costffi (Certbia), 324. couesi (Campylorbyn- cbus), 66. couesi (Heleodvtes), 66. Cracticus, 272." Crateropus, 13, 25. Crateroscelis, 39. crepitans (Psopbodes), 4. criniger (Suya), 240. crinigera (Suya), 240. crissale (Toxostoma), 89. crissalis (Harporbyn- cbus), 89. cristata (Oreoica), 294. cristata (Otomela), 290. cristatum (Sphenostoma), 316. cristatus (Lanius), 290. cristatus (Lopbopbanes), 304. cristatus (Parus), 304. cristatus (Regulus), 317. crococepbalus (Regulus), 317. cruentatus boweri (Malu- rus), 251. cruentatus (Lauiarius), 292. cruentatus (Malurus), 251. cruentus (Laniarius), 292. cruentus(Rhodopboneus), 292. cruralis (Brachypteryx), 54. cruralis (Cinclorbam- pbus), 28. cruralis (Dryniocbares), 54. cruralis (Heteroxenicus), 54. cucullatus (Telepbonus), 294. Ciirruca, 211. curruca (Sylvia), 213, 214. CLirsitans (Cisticola), 191. curvirostris (Cisticola), 195. curvirostris (Drymoeca), 195. curvirostris (Harporbyn- cbus), 88. curvirostris (Toxostoma), 88. curvirostris (Vanga), 262. curvirostris, var. palmeri (Harporbyncbus), 88. cyana (Petropbila), 129. cyane (Larvivora), 149. cyanea (Larvivora), 149. cyanea (Petrocincla), 129. Cyauocula, 143. cyanecula (Cyariecula), 114. cyaneculus (Erithacus), 144. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 331 cyaneus (Erithacus), J 49. cyaneus (Malurus), 248. cyaneus (Turdus), 129. Cyanistes, 310, cvanonota (Geocichla), *111. cyanonotus (Geocichla), 111. cyanuroptera (Siva), 58. cyanus (Cyani.stes), 312. cyanus (Monticola), 129. cyanus (Petrocossyphus), 129. cyanus (Parus), 312. cyanus (Petrophila), 129. Daulias, 146. dauma (Geocichla), 113. dauma (Oreocichla), 113. dauma (Oreocincla), 113. davidi (Pterorhinus), 4. davisoni (Acantho- pneuste), 228. Dendrophila, 323. deserti (Saxicola), 171. destructor cinereus (Crac- ticus), 274. destructor (Cracticus), 273. destructor (Vanga), 273. diemenensis (Acanthiza), 230. diphone (Cettia), 239. diphone (Horornis), 239. Diplootocus, 142. domesticus (Troglodytes), 72. dorsalis (Malurus), 251. dresseri (Parus), 301. dresseri (Poecile), 301. DrOnrolaBa, 170. Drymaoedus, 3. Drymocataphus, 34, 30. Drymochaera, 36. Drymochares, 54. Drymodes, 3. Drymoeca, 194. Drymoica, 236. Dryodromas, 235. Dryonastes, 23. Dryoscopus, 292. dubia (Minla), 45. dubius (Schoeniparus), 45. Dumetia, 31, 32. Dumeticola, 188. dumetorum (Acrocepha- lus), 186. earlei (Argya), 11. eclipes (Argya), 11. egertoni (Actinodura), 57. elaeica (Chloropeta), 206. elaica (Chloropeta), 207. elaica (Hypolais), 206. elaica (Sylvia), 206. ellioti (Trochalopterura), 7. elliotti CTrochalopteron), 7. Ellisia, 198. Emarginata, 164. Enneoctonus, 279, 283. Eopsaltria, 299. Ephthianura,135. Erithacus, 147. Eroessa, 235. Erythaca, 147. erythraea (Saxicola), 172. erythrocephala (Acre- dula), 312. erythrocephala (Cisti- cola), 194. erythrocephalum (Tro- chalopterutn), 5. erythrocephalus (-^gi- thaliscus), 312. erythrogaster(Monticola), 131. ervthrogaster (Petro- phila), 131. erythrogastra (Petro- phila), 131. erythogenys (Poraato- rhinus), 19. erythronota (Euticilla), 141. erythronotus (Cephalo- phoneus), 286. erythronotus (Lanius), 286. erythronotus (Phcenicu- rus), 141. ervthropleurus (Merula), '102. erythropleurus (Turdus), 102. erythroptcrus (Pterery- thrius), 61. erythropterus (Pteru- "thius), 61. erythropterus (Ptery- thius), 61. erythropterus (Tele- phonus), 293, 294. Erythropygia, 157. Eupetes, 2. Eurocephalus, 266. europaeus (Troglodytes), 74. europea (Sitta), 320. eurymelaena (Saxicola), 171. everetti (Staphidia), 58. excubitor (Lanius), 275. excubitorius (Fiseus), 283. excubitorius (Lanius), 283. excubitoroides (Lanius), 278. exilis (Cisticola), 194. extensicauda (Drymoeca), 244. extensicauda (Priuia), 244. fairbanki (Trochalo- pterura), 8. Falcunculus, 294. falklandica (Merula), 10;'. falklandicus (Turdus), 103. fallax (Lanius). 275. familiaris (Aedon), 177. familiaris (Agrobates), 177. familiaris (Certhia), 324. familiaris (Saxicola), 165. familiaris (Sylvia), 177. fasciata (Champa), 317. felivox (Turdus), 85. ferrea (Oreicola), 163. ferrugineus (Dryosco- pus), 292. ferrugineus (Laniarius), 292. ferruginosus (Pomato- rhinus), 17. fervidus (Accentor), 134. fervidus (Tharrhaleus), 134. Ficedula, 205. finschi (Saxicola), 172. finschii (Saxicola), 172. Fiseus, 282. flavicans (Drymoeca), 241. flavicans (Drymoica), 241. flavicans (Prinia), 241. flavicapillus (Regulus), 317. 332 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. flaviceps (^githalu8), 315. flaviceps (Auriparus), 317. flavicollis (Ixiilus), 60. llaviFrons (Lanivireo), 254. flavifrons (Vireo), 254. flavigaster (Eopsaltria), 300. flavigastra (Eopsaltria), 300. flavipes (Merula), 91. flavipes (Platycielila). 01. flaviventris (Euriiesia), 245. flaviventris (Eopsaltria), 300. flaviventris (Prinia), 245. flavolivacea (Cettia), 237. flavolivacea (JSTeornis), 237. flavo-olivacea (Neornis), 237. flavovjridis (Vireo), 253. fluviatilis (Aedonops), 178. fluviatilis (Locustella), 178. fluviatilis (Sylvia), 178. fortipes (Cettia), 237, 238. fortipes (Horornis), 237. Franklinia, 196. frantzii (Catharus), 174. frontalis (Dendropbila), 323. frontalis (Pboenicuras), 141. frontalis (Euticilla), 141. frontalis (Seric(-)rnis), 233. frontalis (Sitta), 323. fulicata (Tliamnobia), 152. fuliginosa (llhyacornis), 142. fuliginosa (Xantbopygia), 142. fuliyinosus (Calaman- thns), 27. fuliginosus (Rbvacornis), 142. fulva (Argya), 13. fulvescens (Accentor). 134. fulvescens (Tbarrbaleus), 131. Fulvetta, 45. fulvicapilla (Cisticola), 235. fulvicapilla (Dryodro- uias), 235. fulvicapillus (Dryodro- nias), 235. fulvifrons (Oisticola), 195. furaigata (Merula), 107. funiigatus (Turdus), 107. furvus (Troglodytes) 73. fusca (Cercomela), 163. fusca (Myrujecocicbla), 163. fuscata (Cicblberminia), 90. fuscata (Lusciniola), 225. fuscata (Oreopneuete), 225. fuscata (Pbyllopneuste), 225. fuscatra (Merula), 110. fuscatra (Seminierula), 110. fuscatus (Margarops), 90. fuscatus (Oreopneuste), 225. fuscatus (Pbylloscopns), 225. fuscescens (Hylocicbla), 124. fuscescens (Turdus). 124. fuscipilea (Sylvia), 210. fuscus (Artamus), 258. galactodes (Aedon), 176. galactodes (AgrobaLes), 176. galactodes (Sylvia), 176. galactotes (Aedon), 176. Galeoscoptes, 85. galtoni (Saxicola), 165. garrula (Bombycilla), 256. Garrulax, 20. Garrulus, 9. garrulus (Ampelis), 256. genibarbis (Tbryotborus), 69. genibarbis (Troglodytes), 69. Geobasileus, 231. Geocicbla, 111, 113. georgiana (Eopsaltria), 300. Gervaisia, 154. gigas (Merula), 110. gigas (Seminierula), 110. gigas (Turdus), 110. gilvus (Miiuus), 84. gilvus swainsoni (Vireo), 254. gilvus, var. swainsoni (Vireosylvia), 254. gilvus (Vireo), 254. gilvus (Vireosvlvia), 254. glaucura (Pacbycepbala), 296. golzii (Aedon), 146. golzii (Daulias), 146. golzii (Eritbacus), 146. gouldi (Collyriocincla), 268. gouldi (Malurus), 249. gouldi (Pinarolestes), 268. gracilis (Burnesia), 247. gracilis (Cisticola), 196. gracilis (Drvraoeca), 247. gracilis (Franklinia), 196. gracilis (Lioptila), 56. gracilis (Malurus), 247. gracilis (Mimus), 84. gracilis (Prinia), 196. Grallina, 263. gra\nineu8 (Megalurus), 200. graniineus (Sphenoeacus), 200. Grararaatoptila, 23. grayi (Merula), 104. gray- (Turdus), 104. grayii (Turdus), 104, grenadensis (Tbryotbo- rus), 69. griseogularis (Eopsaltria), 300. griseogularis (Pacby- cepbala), 300. griseus (CraterojDus), 27. gularis (Argya), 13. gulai'is (Garrulax), 22. gularis (Mixornis), 49. gularis (Paradoxornis), 64. gularis (Scaeorbyncbus), 64. gularis (Suthora), 64. gularis (Tepbrodornis), 265. guttata (Hylocichla), 126. guttatus (Henicurus), 137. guttatus (Turdus), 126. gutturalis (Lauiarius), 291. gutturalis (Oreoica), 294. gutturalis(PacbyceiHDala), 296. gutturalis (Pelicijjius), 201. ALPHABETIfAL IXDF.X. 333 gjranophtbalmus (Me- ' nila), 105. gyinnophthalmii3 (Tur- dus), 105. Gymnorhina, 270. harmonica (Colluri- cincla), 266. Larmoiiica (Collyrio- cic'hla), 266. harmonica (Colly rio- cincla), 266. Ilarporhynchup, 86. hartlaubi (Orateropus), 25. Heleodytes, 65. Hemipceryx, 193. Heinipus, 263. Hemiura, 77. Henicorliiria, 78. Henicurus, 136. Heteroxenicus, 54. hiemalis (Anorthura), 76. himalayanus (Accentor), 131. Hippolais, 204. hirtensis (Anorthura), 75. hirtensis (Troglodytes), 75. liodgsoni (Certhia\ 325. Ividgsoni (Prinia), 196. Hodgsonius, 148. hornensis (Troglodytes), 74. Horornis, 237. horsfieldi (Myiuphoneus), 52. horsfieldi (Poniato- rhinus), 15. hortensis (Curruca), 211. liortensis (Sylviaj. 211. hueti (Alcippe). 43. humei (Reguloides), 226. humeralis (Fiscus), 282. huiiieralis (Lanius). 28 '. humii (Phylloscopus), 226. humilis (Sericornis), 234. hiittoni (Argya). 11. hydrophiloa (Caiamo- herpe), 185. Eylacola, 4. H]ylocichla, 123. Hyloterpe, 299. hvperleuca . (Gymno- 'ihina), 271. hyperythra (Duinetia), "32. Hypocolius, 269. llypolait?, 204. hypolais (Hypolals), £04. hypolais (Sylvia), 204. hypoleueus (Artaiuus), 260. hvpoleucus (Melanotis), '90. hypoleueus (Poinato- rhinus), 18. lanthia, 149. lanthocincla, 6, 10. ieterina (Hypolais), 204, icterina (Sylvia), 204. icterops (Sylvia), 210. Iduna, 205. ignicapillus (Regulus), 318. ignobilis (Merula), 106. ignobiiis (Turdus), 106. ignotuin (Pellorneum), 34. ignotus (Drymocata- phus), 34. iliaca (Hylocichla), 126. iliacus (Turdus), 126. immaculatus (Henicu- rus), 136. incertus (Eupetes), 3. iudica (Pratincola), 160. inornata (Acanthiza), 229. inornata (Prinia), 242, 243, 244. inornatus (Lophophanes), 305. inornatus (Parus), 305. inquieta (Scotocerca), 236. intermedins (Troglo- dytes), 73. irbii (Aeredula), 314. irbyi (^githalus), 314. isabellina (Otoinela), 290. isabellina (Saxicola), 168. isabellinus (Lanius), 2'JO. Ixulus, 58, 60. jerdoni (Accentor), 134. jerdoni (Drymceca), 244. jerdoni (Tbarrhaleus), 134. jerdoni (Timelia), 29. kashmiriensis (Cinclus), 80. khasiana (Suya), 241. kinnisi (Merula), 100. kinnisi (Turdus), 100. krueperi (Sitta), 322. lahtora (Lanius), 276. lamberti (Malurus), 250. Lamprolia, 55. lanceolata (Locustella), 180. languida (Hypolais), 206. languida (Iduna). 206. Laniarius, 291, 292. Lanius, 274. Lanivireo, 254. lantzi (Ellisia), 199. lantzi (Nesillas), 199. lantzii (Ellisia), 199. Larvivora, 149. Laticilla, 198. layardi (Merula), 109. lecontei (Toxostoma), 89. _ leeontii (Harporhvn- chus), 89. lepida (Burnesia). 248. lepida (Prinia), 248. Leptopterus, 2()2. leptorbyncha (Calamo- cichla), 203. leptorhynchus (Turdi- nus), 203. lescbenaulti (Henicur;is), 136. leucauchen (Merula), 105. leucauchen (Turdus), 105. leucogaster (Artaraus), 257. leucogaster (Cinclus), 80. leucogaster (Falcuncu- lus), 294. leucogenys (Merula), 108. leucolophus (GarruJax), 20. leucomela (Saxicola), 170. leucomelgena (Saxicola), 169. leucomelas (Turdus), 106. leuconota (Earita), 270. leuconota (Gymnorhina), 270. leucophrys (Aedon), 157, 158. leucophrys (Erythro- pygia), 157. leucophrys (Hcnico- rhina), 78. leucopsis (Cepha'.o- cephala), 316. leucopsis (Sitta), 323. 334 ALPHABETICAL I^'DEX. leucopsis (Xeropliila), 316. leucopterus (Cracticus), 273. leucopterus (Malurus), 250. leucopygialis (Artamus), 257. leucorliynchus (Arta- mus), 257. leucorbynus (Artamus), 257. leucura (Dromolasa), 170. leucura (Notodela), 151. leucura (Saxicola), 170. levaillantii (Drymoeca), 194. libanotica (Saxicola), 172. lineata (Aeanthiza), 231. lineatum (Trochalopte- rum), 9. Lioptila, 56. Liothrix, 60, Locustella, 178. locustella (Locustella), 179. locustella (Salicaria), 179. locustella (Sylvia), 179. locustelloides (Chaitor- nis), 202. longicaudatus (Mimus), 82. longicaudus (Malurus), 249. longirostra (Toxostoma), 87. longirostris (Harporhyn- chus), 87. longirostris (Sphenura), 252. longirostris (Tbryophi- lus), 67. Lophophanes, 304. lorise (Eupetes), 3. ludoviciae (Merula), 100. ludovicianus (CoUurio), 278. ludovicianus (Collyrio), 278. ludovicianus (Lanius), 278. ludovicianus (Thryotbo- vus), 68. ludovicianus, var. berlan- dieri (Thryotborus), 68. ludovicianus, var. ex- cubitoroides (Collurio), 278. ludovicianus, var. ludo- vicianus (Thryotbo- rus), 68. ludovicianus, var. mia- mensis (Tbryothorus), 68. lugens (Saxicola), 169. lugubris (Cistieola), 195. lugubris (Parus), 302. lugubris (PcBcila), 302. lugubris (Poecile), 302. lunulata (Geocicbla), 114. lunulata (Oreoeichla), 114. lunulata (Oreocincla), 114. luscinia (Aedon), 146. luscinia (Daulias), 144. luscinia (Eritbacus), 144. luscinia (Pbilomela), 144. luscinia (Sylvia), 144. luscinioides (Locustella), 178. luscinioides (Sylvia), 178. Luseiniola, 178, 188, 189. Lusciniopsis, 178. luscinoides (Calamodyta), 178. luscinoides (Salicaria), 178. lutea (Liotbrix), 60. luteus (Liotbrix), 61. luzoniensis (Cittocincla), 156. macclellandi (Poraato- I'hinus), 19. Macblolopbus, 306. macrodactylus (Tur- dinus), 36. Macronus, 50. macrura (Cittocincla), 155. macrurus (Copsychus), 155. macrr.rus (Megalurus), 201. maculatus (Henicurus), 137. maculicollis (Ortboto- mus), 190. maculicollis (Sutoria), 190. maculirostris (Merula), 106. maculirostris (Turdus), 106. maculosa (Drymoeca), 242. maculosa (Prinia), 242. madagascariensis (Berni- eria), 34. madagascariensis (Cisti- eola), 193. madagascariensis (Neso- bates), 39. madagascariensis (Oxy- labes), 39. madagascariensis typica (Ellisia), 198. madagascariensis, var. lantzii (Ellisia), 199. maderensis (Regulus), 319. magellanica (Merula), 103. magellanicus (Troglo- dytes), 74. magellauicus (Turdus), 103. magnirostris (Acro- cepbalus), 183. magnirostris (Sericornis), 234. major (Parus), 307. major (Pbilomela), 146. malaccensis (Anuropsis), 39. malaccensis (Bracby- pteryx), 39. malachurus (Stipiturus), 251. Malacias, 56. Malacoeereus, 13, 27. Mulaconotus, 291. Malacopterum, 38. malacoptilus (Rimator), 41. malacurus (Stipiturus), 251. malcolmi (Argya), 13. Malurus, 247, 248. mandarina (Merula), 95. mandarinus (Turdus), 95. mandellii (Minla), 46. mandellii (Pellorneum), 33. mandellii (Scboeniparus), 46. manilla (Petropbila), 130. manillensis (Petrccti^sy- pbus), 130. Margarops, 90. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 335 marginata (Geocichla), 115. marginata (Zoothera), 115. niaura (Pratincola), 160. Mecistura, 313. Megalurus, 199. megarhyncha (Aedon), 144. melanocephala (Melizo- philus), 217. melanocephala (Pyro- phthalma), 217. melanocephala (Sylvia), 217. melanocephalus (Malu- rus), 260. melanogaster (Cinclus), 80. melanoleuca (Lioptila), 5(5. melanoleuca (Malacias), 56. melanoleuca (Saxicola), 171. melanolophus (Lopho- phanes), 306. melanolophus (Parus), 306. melanolophus (Peri- parus), 306. melanopogon (Acro- cephalus), 189. melanoiiogon (Luscini- ola), l89. melanops (Artamus), 2(i0. Melanotis, 00. melanura (Pratincola), 164. melanurus (Pomato- rhinus), 15. Melizophilus, 217. melpoiuene (Caiharus), 173. mentalis (Artamus), 258. meridionalis (Lanius), 277. Merula, 91,92. merula (Merula), 93. merula (Turdus), 92. merulina (Stactocichla), 22. Mesia, 62. mesoleuca (Ruticilla), 139. mesoleucus(Phoenicurus), 139. mexicana (Sialia), 175, 176. mexicanus (Catherpes), 77. mexicanus (Cinclus), 80. miaraensis (Thryothorus), 68. Microcichla, 138. migratoria (Merula), 122. migratorius (Turdus), 122. Mimocichla, 92. Mimus, 81. minima (Acredula), 312, minimus (Psaltriparus), 312. Minla, 45. minor (Artamus), 261. minor (Lanius), 274. minor (Parus), 307. minor (Phylloscopus), 222. minutus (Anthoscopus), 315. Mixornis, 49. modestuB (Thryophilus), 67. modestus (Vireo), 256. modularis (Accentor), 132. modularis (Tharrhaleus), 132. modulator (Mimus), 83. mollissima (Geocichla), 114. mollissima (Oreocichla), 114. mollissima (Oreocincla), 114. momus (Ourruca), 214. mom us (Sylvia), 214. moniliger (Garrulax), 21. montana (Mixornis), 50. montanellus (Accentor), 133. montanellus (Thar- rhaleus), 133. montanus (Oreoscoptes), 84. montanus (Pomato- rhinus), 14. Montioola, 129. monticola (Parus), 309. montieola (Saxicola), 169. monticolus (Parus), 309. morio (Saxicola), 170. morrisonia (Alcippe), 42. morrisoniana (Alcippe), 42. moussieri (Djplootocus), 142. moussieri (Pinarochroa), 142. moussieri (Ruticilla), 142. munda (Erythropygia), 158. muraria (Certhia), 326. muraria (Tichodroma), 326. murina (Crateroscelis), 39. murinus (Turdinulus), 40. musculus (Troglodytes), 73. musica (Hylocichla), 127. musicus (Pomatorhinus), 18. musicus (Turdus), 127. mustelina (Hylocichla), 123. mustelinus (Turdus), 123. Myiadectes, 91. Myiadestes, 91. Myiedestes, 91. Myiophoneus, 51. Myrmecocichla, 163. mystacea (Prinia), 242. mystacea (Sylvia), 214. Myzornis, 62. naevia (Locustella), 179. nana (Acanthiza), 229. nasalis (Pyctorhis), 31. nasutus (Cephalopho- neus), 289. nataleiisis (Cisticola), 195. neglecta (Anorthura), 76. neglecta (Lusciniola), 225. neglecta (Oreopneuste), 225. ueglectus (Pbylloscopus), 225. Neomixis, 235. Neornis, 237. Neositta, 324. nepalensis (Alrippe), 41. nepalensis (Drymo- chares). 54. Nesillas, 198. Nesobates, 39. neumayeri (Sitta), .320, 321. newtoni (Calamociclila), 202. 330 ALPHABKTICAL INDEX. newtoni (Calami)lierpe), newtonii (Calamodjta), 202. nigricapillus (Thryo- philus), 67. nigricapillus (Thryo- thorus), 67. nigricapitatus (Drymo- cataphus), 37. nigriceps (Cephalo- phoneus), 288. nigriceps (Lanius), 288. nigriceps (Stachyrhis), 47. nigriceps (Stachyris), 47. nigrifrons (Alcippe), 41, nigrifrons (Rliopocichla), 44. nigrigularis (Cracticus), 272. nigrimentum (Trocha- lopterum), 5. nigriraentiun (Yuliina), 59. nigrirostris (Manila), 107. nigrirostris (Turdus), 107. nigropileus (Merula), 98. nigrorum (Merula), 97. lugrorum (Turdus), 97. nilgiriensis (Oreocincla), 113. nilgiriensis (Geocichla), 113. nilgiriensis fOreocichla), 113. nipalense (rellorneuni), 33. nipalensis (Alcippe), 41. nipalensis (Bi-achy- pteryx), 54. nipaleusis (ileteroxeni- cus), 54. nipalensis (Troglodytes), 76. Nisoria, 208. nisorius (Adopboneus), 208. nifcoria (Sylvia), 208. Kotodela, 151. noveboracensis (Vii'eo), 2.55, 256. nubicus (Lanius), 279. nubicus (Phoneus\ 279. nuchalis (Dryonastes), 24. nuchalis (Garrulax), 24. nuiriidicus (Crate ro jus), 13. obscura (Merula), 119. obscurior (Pachy- eephala). 297. ob.^curus (Turdus), 119. occidentalis (Saxicola), 172. occidentalis (Sialia), 176. occipitalis (Acantho- pueuste), 227. occipitalis , (Phj'Uo- scopus), 227. ocularia (Drymoeca), 199. ocularia (Spiloptila), 199. ocularis (Spiloptila), 199. ccnanthe (Saxicola), 1()5. olivacea (Arundinax), 203. olivacea (Merula), 110. olivacea (Pachycepbala), 298. olivacea (Vireosvlvia), 253. olivaceus (Pomato- rbinus), 15. olivaceus (Turdus), 110. olivaceus (Vireo), 253. olivetorum (Chloropeta), 205. olivetorum (Hypolais), 205. olivetorum (Iduna), 205. olivetorum (Sylvia), 205. opaca (Hypolais), 207. opaca (Iduna), 207. Ophrydornis, 31. Oreicola, 163. Oreocichla, 113. Oreocincla, 112, 113. Oreoica, 294. Oreopneuste, 224. Oreoscoptes, 84. or,.anicum (Gymno- rhina), 271. orientalis (Acrocephalus), 183. Origma, 203. orphea (Curruca), 212. orphea (Sylvia), 212. orpheus (Mimus). 82. orpheus (Sylvia), 212. Ortbonyx, 1. Ortbotomus, 189, 190. Otoniela. 2fs9. Oxylabes, 39. Pachycepbala, 269. 295. Pachycephalopsis, 299. paena (Aedon), 1,58. paena (Erythropygia), 158. pallasi (Cinclus), 81. pallasi (Hylociclila), 125. pallasi (Turdus), 125. pallasii (^Turdus), 125. pallida (Hippolai.-). 207. pallida (Hypolais). 206. pallida (Iduna), 206. pallida (Merula), 1 18. pallida (Yuhina), 59, pallidirostris (Lanius), 275. pallidus (Turdus), 118. palmeri (Harporhyn- chus), 88. palmeri (Toxostoma), 88. paludicola (Cistot horns), 71. palustre (Pellorueuni), 34. palustris (Acrocephalus), 184. palustris (Calamoberpe), 184. palustris (Cistothorus), 70. palustris (Megalurus), 199. palustris (Parus), 301. palustris (Poecila), .301. palustris (Poecile), 3Jl. palustris (Sylvia), 184. palustris (Telmatodytes), 70. Panurus, 63. papuensis (Geocichla), 113. papuensis (Oreocichla), 113. Paradoxornis, 64. Pardali parus, 307. parkmanni (Troglodvtes), 72. Parus, 63, 301, 305, 306, 307. parvissima (Collyrio- cincla), 268. parvi8sima(Pinarolestfs), 268. parvula (Colluricincla), 268. parvula (Collyriocinc-bi), 268. parvulus (Pinarolostcs), 268. parvulus (Troglodytes), 74. parvulus, rar. bie-yaalis (Troglodvtes), 76. passerina (Sylvia), 216. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 337 pectoralis (Garrulax), 21. pectoralis (Pachy- cepbala), 296. Pelicinius, 291. Pellorneum, 33. pelvicus (Tephrodornis), 265. penrlulina (Remiza), 314. pendulinus (.(Egithalus), 314. pendulinus (Parns), 314. Pentheres, 310. Peri par us, 305. persica (Saxicola), 170. persicus (Oyanistes), 311. persicus (Parus), 311. personatus (Artaraus), 259. personatus (Lanius), 279. perspicillatus (Dryo- nastes), 24. Petrocossyphus, 129. Petropbila, 129. phaeocephala (Alcippe), 42. phseopleurus (Catharus), 174. phayrei (Alcippe), 43. phayrei (Pomatorhinus), 17. phayrii (Alcippe), 43 phayrii (Pomatorhinus), 17. philippinensis (Hylo- terpe), 299. philippinensis (Pachy- cephala), 299. Philomela, 146. philomela (Daulias), 146. philomela (Erithacus), 146. philomela (Sylvia), 146. phoeniceura (Trochalo- pterum), 7. phoenicura (Otomela), 290. phoenicura (Euticilla), 138. phoenicuroides (Hodg- sonius), 148. phoenicuroides (Lanius), 289. phoenicuroides (Otomela), 289. Phcenicurus, 138. VOL. IV. phcenicurus (Phoeni- curus), 138. phcenicurus (Ruticilla), 138. phcenicurus (Sylvia), 138. Phoneus, 279. phragmitis (Acro- cephala), 181. phragmitis (Calamo- dyta), 181. phragmitis (Salicaria), 181. phragmitis (Sylvia), 181. Phylloscopus, 219. pica (Copsychus), 155. pica (Gervaisia), 155. picaoides (Sibia), 55. picata (Grallina), 263. picata (Saxicola), 169. picatus (Hemipus), 263. picoides (Sibia), 55. picticollis (Garrulax), 22. pilaris (Turd us), 116. pileata (Oampicola), 173. pileata (Neositta), 324. pileata (Saxicola), 173. pileata (Sittella), 324. pileata (Timelia), 29, 30. Pinaroehroa, 142. Pinarolestes, 268. pinetorum (Calamo- herpe), 185. platensis (Cistothorus), 71. platensis (Troglodytes), 71. Platycichla, 91. platyura (Schoenicola), 201. plebeia (Merula), 107. plebeius (Turdus), 107. pleschanka (Saxicola), 170. plurabeitarsus (Acantho- pneuste), 227. plumbeitarsus (Phyllo- pneuste), 227. plumbeitarsus (Phyllo- scopus), 227. plumbeus (Vireo), 255. Pnoepyga, 40, 78. Poecila, 301. Poecile, 301. poena (Aedon), 158. poena (Erythropygia), 158. poeocephala (Alcippe), 42. poliocephala (Merula), 101. Poliocichla, 164. poliosoma (Pachy- cephala), 299. poliosoma (Pachy- cepbalopsis), 299. polychroa (Prinia), 245. polychroa (Suya), 245. polyglotta (Ficedula), 205. polyglotta (Hippolais), 204, 207. polyglotta (Hypolais), 204. polyglottus (Mimus), 81, 82. polyglottus (Turdus), 81. Pomatorhinus, 14. Pomatorhynchus, 293. Pomatostomus, 16, 17. poraeranus (Lanius), 280. pomeranus (Phoneus), 279. pondicerianus (Tephrod- ornis), 264. Pratincola, 158. Prinia, 196, 241. prjevalskii (Trochalo- pteron), 7. Proparus, 44. propinquus (Turdus), 123. proregulus (Phyllo- pneuste), 225. proregulus (Phyllo- scopus), 225. proregulus (Reguloides), 225. provincialis (Melizo- philus), 218. provincialis (Sylvia), 218. Psaltriparus, 312. Pseudocossypbus, 156. Pseudominla, 46. Psophodes, 4. Ptenoedus, 29. Ptererythius, 61. Ptererythrius, 61. Ptereytbrius, 61. Pterorhinus, 4. Pteruthius, 61. Pterythius, 61. ptilosus (Macronus), 50. pulcher (Eupetes), 2. pulcherrimns (Malurus), 250. 338 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. punctatum (Cinclosoma), 1. pvisilla (Acanthiza), 229. pusilla (Pnoepyga), 78. Pyctorhis, 30. pygmsea (Sitta), 323. pyrocephalus (Eegulus), 318. Pyrophthalma, 217. Pyrrholgemus, 233. pyrrhops (Stachyrhido- psis), 49. pyrrhops (Stachyrido- psis), 49. pyrrhopygia (Acanthiza), 230. pyrrhura (Myzoniis), 62. quoyi (Cracticus), 272. ralloides (Myiadectes), 91. ralloides (Myiadestes), 91. ralloides (Myiedestes), 91. rama (Hypolais), 207. rama (Iduna), 207. rectirostris (Collyrio- cichla), 267. rectirostris (Collj-rio- cinela), 267. redivivum (Toxostoma), 88. redivivus (Harporhyn- chus), 88. redivivus lecontii (Ilar- porhyuehus), 89. Eeguloides, 225. reguloides (Acanthiza), 232. reguloides (Geobasileus), 232. Begulus, 317. regulus (Regulus), 317. Remiza, 314. rex (Maehlolophus), 306. rex (Parus), 306. Rhinocichla, 23. Ehodophoneus, 292. Ehopocichla, 44. Ebyacornis, 142. Eimator, 41. roberti (Pnoepyga), 40. roberti (Turdinulus), 40. robustus (Cracticus), rodericanus (Bebrornis), 252. rodericanus (Brady- pterus), 252. rosea (Acredula), 313. roseus (ylj^githalus), 313. rosseliana (Pachyce- phala), 295. rubecula (Erithacus), 147. rubecula (Erythaca), 147. rubecula (Erythacus), 147. rubecula (Sylvia), 147. rubeculus (Pomato- rhinus), 17. rubeculus (Pomatosto- nms), 17. rubescens (Sylvia), 214. rubetra (Pratincola), 158. rubetra (Saxicola), 158. rubicola (Pratincola), 159. rubicola (Saxicola), 159. rubidus (Accentor), 134. rubidus (Tharrbaleus), 134. rubricapilla (Mixornis), 50. rubricata (Origma), 203. rubripes (Miniocichla), 92. rubripes (Turdus), 92. rueppelli (Curruca), 212. rueppelli (Sylvia), 212. rufa (Phyllopneuste), 222. rufa (Saxicola), 172. rufa (Sylvia), 209, 222. rufescens (Calamoherpe), 187. rufescens (Cinclorham- phus), 29. rufescens (Franklinia), 197. rufescens (Ptenoedus), 29. ruficapilla (Cisticola), 191. ruficeps (Cisticola), 194. ruficeps (Enneoctonus), 279. ruficeps (Megalurus), 200. ruficeps (Pellorneum), 33. ruficeps (ScECOrhynchus), 65. ruficeps (Stachyrhido- psis), 48. ruficeps (Stachyridopsis), 48. ruficeps (Suthora), 65. ruficollis (Dryonastes), 23. ruficollis (Pomatorhi- nus), 18. rufifrons (Stachyrido- psis), 48. rufifrons (Stachyris), 48. rufigaster (Collyrio- cincla), 268. rufigaster (Pinarolestes), 268. rufigulare (Trochalo- pterum), 6. rufigularis (lanthocincla), 6. rufigularis (Minla), 45. rufigularis (Schoeniparus), 45. rufilata (lanthia), 149. rufilatus (Tarsiger), 149. rufinucha (Cainpylo- rhynchus), 65. rufiventer (Morula), 102. rufiventer (Turdus), 102. rufiventris (Brachy- pteryx), 53. rufiveutris (Callene), 53. rufiventris (CoUuri- cinda), 267. rufi^entris (Collyrio- cichla), 267. rufiventris (Collyrio- cincla), 267, rufiventris (Dryoscopus), 292. rufiventris (Laniarius), 292. rufiventris (Pachyce- phala), 297. rufiventris (Phcenicurus), 140. rufiventris (Pinarolestes), 268. rufiventris (Euticilla), 140. rufiventris (Turdus), 102. rufum (Toxostoma), 86. rufus (Harporhynchus) 86. rufus (Lanius), 279,281. rufus (Phylloscopus), 222. rufus (Turdus), 86, rufus, var. longifbstris (Harporhynchus), 87. LIST OP THE CURRENT NATURAL HISTORY PUBLICATIONS OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. The following publications can be purchased through the Agency of Messrs, Longmans & Co., 39, Paternoster Row ; Mr. QUARITCH, 15, Piccadilly ; Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Dryden House, 43, Gerrard Street, Soho, W. ; and Messrs. DuLAU & Co., 37, Soho Square ; or at the Natural History Museum, Grom- well Road, London, S. W. The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the British Museum. Vol. I. Libraries ; Botany ; Geology ; Minerals. Pp. xvii., 442. 1904, 8vo. lbs. (Jalalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History). Compiled by B. B. Woodward, Assistant in charge of the General Library, with some clerical assistance : — Vol. L A— D. Pp. viii., 500. 1903, 4to. 20s. Vol.11. E— K. Pp. 501-1038. 1904, 4to. 205. Catalogue of the Specimens and Drawings of Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes of Nepal and Tibet. 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[With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1888, 8vo. 1/. 8s. BIRDS. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum : — Vol. VI. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Cichlomorphce : Part III., containing the first portion of the family Timeliidae (Babbling Thrushes). By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xiii., 420. Woodcuts and 18 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1881, 8vo. 11. Vol. VII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Cichlomorphce : Part IV., containing the concluding portion of the family Timeliidae (Babbling Thrushes). By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xvi., 698. Woodcuts and 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1883, 8vo. IL 6s. Vol. VIII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Cichlomorphce : Part V., containing the families Paridse and Laniidse (Titmice and Shrikes) ; and Certhiomorphce (Creepers and Nuthatches). By Hans Gadow, M.A., Ph.D. Pp. xiii., 386. Woodcuts and 9 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1883, 8vo. 17s. 20861 -A. a 4 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum — continued. Vol. IX. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. CinnyrimorphcB, containing the families Nectariniidae and Meliphagidse (Sun Birds and Honey-eaters). By Hans Gadow, M.A., Ph.D. Pp. xii., 310. Woodcuts and 7 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1884, 8vo. 14s. Vol. X. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Fringilliformes : Part I., containing the families Dicseidse, Hirundinidae, Ampelidae, Mniotiltidae, and Motacillidae. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xiii., 682. Woodcuts and 12 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 11, 2s. Vol. XI. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. FringilUfoynnes : Part II., containing the families Coerebidae, Tanagridse, and Icteridae. By Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. xvii., 431. Woodcuts and 18 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1886, 8vo. 1^. Vol. XII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Fringilliformes : Part III., containing the family Fringillidae. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xv., 871. Woodcuts and 16 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1888, 8vo. 11. 8s. Vol. XIII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Sturniformes^ containing the families Artamidae, Sturnidae, Ploceidae, and Alaudidae. Also the families Atrichiidae and Menuridae. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xvi., 701. Woodcuts and 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo. 11. 8s. Vol. XIV. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Oligomyodce, or the families Tyrannidee, Oxyrham- phidae, Pipridae, Cotingidae, Phytotomidae, Philepittidae, Pittidae, Xenicidae, and Eurylaemidae. By Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. xix., 494. Wobdcuts and 26 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1888, 8yo. 1/. 4s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HlSl?ORY). 5 Catalogue of the Birds in the British Musenm — continued, Yol. XV. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Tracheophonce, or the families Dendrocolaptidae, Formicariidse, Conopophagidae, and Pteroptochidse. By Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. xvii., 371. Woodcuts and 20 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo. 11. Vol. XVI. Catalogue of the Picarise in the Collection of the British Museum. Upvpce and Trochiliy by Osbert Salvin. Coracice, of the families Cypselidae, Capri- mulgidae, Podargidse, and Steatornithidse, by Ernst Hartert. Pp. xvi., 703. Woodcuts and 14 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1892, 8vo. 1?. 16s. Vol. XVII. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Coracice (contin.) and Haley ones^ with the families Leptosomatidae, Coraciidse, Meropidae, Alcedinidae, Momotidse, Totidae and Coliidae, by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Bucerotes and Trogones, by W. R. Ogilvie Grant. Pp. xi., 522. Woodcuts and 17 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1892, 8vo. IL 10s. Vol. XVIII. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Scansores, containing the family Picidae. By Edward Hargitt. Pp. xv., 597. Woodcuts and 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo. IL 6s. Vol. XIX. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Scansores and Coccyges : con- taining the families Rhamphastidae, Galbulidae, and Bucconidae, by P. L. Sclater ; and the families Indi- catoridae, Capitonidae, Cuculidae, and Musophagidae, by G. E. Shelley. Pp. xii., 484 : 13 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1891, 8vo. 11. 5s. Vol. XX. Catalogue of the Psittaci, or Parrots, in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvadori. Pp. xvii., 658. Woodcuts and 18 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1891, 8vo. 11. 10s. Vol. XXI. Catalogue of the Columbae, or Pigeons, in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvadori. Pp. xvii., 676. 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1893, 8vo. 11. 10s. Vol. XXII. Catalogue of the Game Birds (Fterocletes, Gallmce, Opisihocomu Eemipodii) in the Collection of the British Museum. By W. R. Ogilvie Grant. Pp. xvi., 585. 8 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1893, 8vo. 11. 6s. 6 LlSl? OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum — contimied'. Vol. XXIII. Catalogue of the Fulicarise (Rallidae and Heliornithidae) and Alectorides (Aramidae, Eurypy- gidse, Mesitidse, Rhinochetidae, Gruidge, Psophiidae, and Otididae) in the Collection of the British Museum. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xiii., 353. 9 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1894, 8vo. 20s. Vol. XXIV. Catalogue of the Limicolae in the Collection of the British Museum. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xii., 794. Woodcuts and 7 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1896, 8vo. 1^. 5s. Vol. XXV. Catalogue of the Gaviae and Tubinares in the Collection of the British Museum. Gaviae (Terns, Gulls, and Skuas), by Howard Saundei^s. Tubinares (Petrels and Albatrosses), by Osbert SalVin. Pp. xv., 475. Woodcuts and 8 coloured Plates. [With Syste- matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1896, 8vo. 11, Is, Vol. XXVI. Catalogue of the Plataleae, Herodiones, Steganopodes, Pygopodes, Alcae, and Impennes in the Collection of the British Museum. Plataleae (Ibises and Spoonbills) and Herodiones (Herons and Storks), by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Steganopodes (Cormorants, Gannets, Frigate-birds, Tropic-birds, and Pelicans), Pygopodes (Divers ana Grebes), Alcae (Auks), and Im- pennes (Penguins), by W. R. Ogil vie -Grant. Pp. xvii., 687. Woodcuts and 14 coloured Plates. [With Sys- tematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1898, 8vo. 11, 56*. Vol. XXVII. Catalogue of the Chenomorphae (Pala- medeae, Phoenicopteri, Anseres), Crypturi, and Ratitae in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvadori. Pp. xv., 636. 19 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1895, 8vo. 11. 12s. -A. Hand-list of the Genera and Species of Birds. [Nomen- clator Avium turn Fossilium tum Viventium.] By R. Bowdler Sharpe, LL.D. : — Vol. I. Pp. xxi., 303. [With Systematic Index.] 1899, 8vo. 10s. Vol. II. Pp. XV., 312. [With Systematic Index, and an Alphabetical Index to Vols. I. and II.] 1900, 8vo. 10s. Vol. III. Pp. xii., 367. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1901, 8vo. 10s. Vol. IV. Pp. xii., 391. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1903, 8vo. 10«. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 7 List of the Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray ; — Part III., Section I. Ramphastidae. Pp. 16. [With Index.] 1855, 12mo. M, Part III.. Section II. Psittacidse. Pp. 110. [With Index.] 1859, 12mo. 2s. Part III., Sections III. and IV. Capitonidae and Picidae. Pp. 137. [With Index.] 1868, 12mo. Is. 6rf. Part IV. Columbse. Pp. 73. [With Index.] 1856, 12mo. Is. M, Part V. Gallinae. Pp. iv., 120. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1867, 12mo. Is. 6d Catalogue of the Birds of the Tropical Islands of the Pacific Ocean in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray, F.L.S., l. 3s. Vol. III. Pp. xvii., 359 : 17 plates, 1 diagram, and 193 illustrations in text. 1903, 8vo. 11. Is. A Monograph of the Tsetse-Flies (Genus Glossina, Westwood), based on the Collection in the British Museum. ' By Ernest Edward Austen. With a chapter on Mouth- parts by H. J. Hansen, Phil. Doc. Pp. ix., 319 : 9 plates (7 coloured), 16 woodcuts, 1 map. 1903, Roy. 8vo. 15s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY.) 13 L^idopterous Insects. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. By Sir George F. Hampson, Bart. : — Vol. I. Catalogue of the Syntomidae in the Collection of the British Museum. Pp. xxi., 559 : 285 Woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1898, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 17 Coloured Plates, 8vo. 15s. Vol. II. Catalogue of the Arctiadae (Nolinae, Litho- sianae) in the Collection of the British Museum. Pp. XX., 589 : 411 Woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1900, 8vo. 18s. Atlas of 18 Coloured Plates (xviii.-xxxv.), 8vo. 15s. Vol. III. Catalogue of the Arctiadae (Arctianae) and Agaristidae in the Collection of the British Museum. Pp. xix., 690 : 294 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1901, 8vo. 15s. Atlas of 19 Coloured Plates (xxxvi-liv.), 8vo. 16s. Vol. IV. Catalogue of the Noctuidae. Pp. xx., 689 : 125 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1903, 8vo. i5s. Atlas of 23 Coloured Plates (Iv. — Ixxvii), 8vo. 16s. Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the Collection of the British Museum : — Part V. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. xii., 74. 78-100 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 1881, 4to. n. 10s. Part VI. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. xv., 89. 101-120 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 1886, 4to. 2Z. 4s. Part VII. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. iv., 124. 121-138 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic List.] 1889, 4to. 2Z. Part VIII. The Lepidoptera Heterocera of the Nilgiri District. By George Francis Hampson. Pp. iv., 144. 139-156 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic List.] 1891, 4to. n. Part IX. The Macrolepidoptera Heterocera of Ceylon. By George Francis Hampson. Pp. v., 182. 157-176 Coloured Plates. [With a General Systematic List of Species collected in, or recorded from, Ceylon.] 1893. 4to. 2L 2s. Catalogue of the CollecUon of Palaearctic Butterflies formed by the late John Henry Leech, and presented to the Trustees of the British Museum by his Mother, Mrs. Eliza Leech. By Richard South, F.E.S. Pp. vi., 228. 2 Coloured Plates. With a Portrait and Biographical Memoir of Mr. Leech. 1902, 4to. 1^. 14 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OP THE Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera described by Fabricius in the Collection of the British Museum. By Arthur Gardiner Butler, F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 303. 3 Plates. 1869, 8vo. 7s. 6^?. Specimen of a Catalogue of Lycaenidae in the British Museum. By W. C. Hewitson. Pp. 15. 8 Coloured Plates. 1862, 4to. 11, Is. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker. 12mo. :— Part XXII. Geometrites. Pp. 499-755. 1861, 3s. 6d. Part XXIII. Pp. 756-1020. 1861, 3s. 6d. Part XXIV. Pp. 1021-1280. 1862, 3s. 6d. Part XXY. Pp. 1281-1477. 1862, 3s. Part XXVI. Pp. 1478-1796. [With an Alphabetical Index to Parts XX.-XXVI.] 1862, 4s. 6d Part XXVII. Crambifces and Tortricites. Pp. 1-286. 1863, 4s. Part XXVIII. Tortricites and Tineites. Pp. 287-561. 1863, 4s. Part XXIX. Tineites. Pp. 562-835. 1864, 4s. Part XXX. Pp. 836-1096. [With an Alpha- betical Index to Parts XXVII.-XXX.] 1864, 4s. Part XXXI. Supplement. Pp. 1-321. 1864, 5s. Part XXXII. Part 2. Pp. 322-706. 1865, 5s. Part XXXIII. Part 3. Pp. 707-1120. 1865, 6s. Part XXXIV. Part 4. Pp. 1121-1533. 1865, 5s. Qd. Part XXXV. Part 5. Pp. 1534-2040. [With an Alphabetical Index to Parts XXXI.- XXXV.] 1866,7s. Neuropterous Insects. Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker. 12mo. :— Part II. SialidaB — Nemopterides. Pp. ii., 193-476. 1853, 3s. M. Part III. Termitidae— Ephemeridae. Pp. ii., 477-585. 1853, Is. 6c?. Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. H. Hagen. Part I. Termitina. Pp. 34. 1858, 12mo. 6d. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 15 Orthopterous Insects, Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Phasmidae. By John Obadiah Westwood, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 195. 48 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1859, 4to. 3Z. Catalogue of the Specimens of Blattariae in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 239. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1868, 8vo. 5s. 6d. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. :— Part II. Locustidae (continued). Pp. 225-423. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1869, 8vo. 4s. 6d. Part III. Locustidse (continued). — Acrididse. Pp. 425- 604. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1870, 8vo. 4s. Part IV. Acrididse (continued). Pp. 605-809. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1870, 8vo. 6s, Part V. Tettigidae. — Supplement to the Catalogue of Blattariae. — Supplement to the Catalogue of Dermaptera Saltatoria (with remarks on the Geographical Distri- bution of Dermaptera). Pp. 811-850; 43; 116. [With Alphabetical Indexes.] 1870, 8vo. 6s, Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera. By W. F. Kirby. Vol. I. Orthoptera Euplexoptera, Cursoria, et Gressoria. (Forficulidae, Hemimeridae, Blattidae, Mantidae, Phasmidae.) Pp. X., 501. [With Index.] 1904, 8vo. 10s. Hemipterous Insects, Catalogue of the Specimens of Heteropterous Hemiptera in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. 8vo. :— Part I. Scutata. Pp. 240. 1867. 5s. Part II. Scutata (continued). Pp. 241-417. 1867. 4s. Part III. Pp. 418-599. [With an Alphabetical Index to Parts I., II., III., and a Summary of Geographical Distribution of the Species mentioned.] 1868. 4s. 6d, Part IV. Pp. 211. [With Alphabetical Index.] 1871. 6s, Part V. Pp. 202. [With Alphabetical Index.] 1872. 5s. Part VI. Pp. 210. [With Alphabetical Index.] 1873. 5s. Part VII. Pp.213. [With Alphabetical Index.] 1873. 6s, Part VIII. Pp. 220. [With Alphabetical Index.] 1873. [6s, 6d. 16 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE VERMES. Catalogue of the Species of Entozoa, or Intestinal Worms, contained in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Baird. Pp. iv., 132. 2 Plates. [With an Index of the Animals in which the Entozoa mentioned in the Catalogue are found, and an Index of Genera and Species.] 1853, 12mo. 2s. ANTHOZOA. Catalogue of Sea-pens or Pennatulariidae in the Collection of the British Museum. By J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. iv., 40. 2 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. Is. 6d. Catalogue of Lithophytes or Stony Corals in the Collection of the British Museum. By * J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. iv., 51. 14 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. 3s. Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Museum (Natural History) : — Vol. I. The Genus Madrepora. By George Brook. Pp. xi., 212. 35 Collotype Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1893, 4to. U. 4s. Vol. II. The Genus Turbinaria ; the Genus Astrseopora. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Cantab., F.L.S., F.Z.S. Pp. iv., 106. 30 Collotype and 3 Lithographic Plates. [With Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1896, 4to. 18s. Vol. III. The Genus Montipora ; the Genus Anacro- pora. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Pp. vii., 192. 30 Collotype and 4 Lithographic Plates. [With Syste- matic Index, Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1897, 4to. 1^. 4s. Vol. IV. The Family Poritidae. I. — The Genus Goniopora. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Pp. viii., 206. 12 Collotype and 4 Lithographic Plates. [With Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1903, 4to. IL BRITISH ANIMALS. Catalogue of British Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. Pp. xii., 248. [With a List of Species.] 1863, 8vo. 3s. 6d Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in the Collection, of the British Museum. Second edition. Part I. Andrenidse and Apidae. By Frederick Smith, M.E.S. New Issue. Pp. xi., 236. 11 Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1891, 8vo. 6s. BRITISH MUSEITM (NATURAL HISTORY). 17 Catalogue of British Fossorial Hymenoptera, Formicidae, and Vespidse in the Collection of the British Museum. By Frederick Smith, V.P.E.S. Pp. 236. 6 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1858, 12mo. 6s. A Catalogue of the British Non-parasitical Worms in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Johnston, M.D., Edin., F.R.C.L., Ed., Ll.D., Marischal Coll., Aber- deen, &c. Pp. 365. Woodcuts and 24 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1865, 8vo. 7s. Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the British Museum (Natural History). By F. Jeffrey Bell, M.A. Pp. xvii., 202. Woodcuts and 16 Plates (2 Coloured). [With Table of Contents, Tables of Distribution, Alphabetical Index, Description of the Plates, &c.] 1892, 8vo. 12s. 6d. List of the Specimens of British Animals in the Collection of the British Museum ; with Synonyma and References to figures. 12mo. : — Part V. Lepidoptera. By J. F. Stephens. 2nd Edition. Revised by H. T. Stainton and E. Shepherd. Pp. iv., 224. 1856. Is.M. Part VI. Hymenoptera. By F.Smith. Pp.134. 1851. 2s. Part VII. Mollusca, Acephala and Brachiopoda. By Dr. J. E. Gray. Pp. iv., 167. 1851. 3s. &d. Part VIII. Fish. By Adam White. Pp. xxiii., 164. (With Index and List of Donors.) 1851. 3s. 6d. Part IX. Eggs of British Birds. By George Robert Gray. Pp. 143. 1852. 2s. 6d. Part XI. Anoplura, or Parasitic Insects. By H. Denny. Pp. iv., 5L 1852. Is. Part XII. Lepidoptera (continued). By James F. Stephens. Pp. iv., 54. 1852. 9rf. Part XIII. Nomenclature of Hymenoptera. By Frederick Smith. Pp. iv., 74. 1853. Is. 4d. Part XIV. Nomenclature of Neuroptera. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 16. 1853. 6d. Part XV. Nomenclature of Diptera, I. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 42. 1853. Is. Part XVI. Lepidoptera (completed). By H. T. Stainton. Pp. 199. [With an Index.] 1854. 3s. Part XVII. Nomenclature of Anoplura, Euplexoptera, and Orthoptera. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 17. 1855. Qd. 20861 B 18 ' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE PLANTS. IlJustrations of Australian Plants collected in 1770 during Captain Cook's Voyage round the World in H.M.S. " Endeavour." By the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., K.B., P.R.S., and Dr. Daniel Solander, F.R.S. [Being a series of lithographic reproductions of copper- plates engraved after paintings by F. P. Nodder, James Miller, J. F. Miller, and John Cleveley.] With Introduc- tion and Determinations by James Britten, F.L.S., Senior Assistant, Department of Botany, British Museum : — Part I. — 101 Plates, with 31 pages of descriptive text. 1900, fol. 25s. Part II.— 142 Plates (pis. 101-243), with 41 pages of descriptive text (pp. 35-75). 1901, fol. 35s. Part III.— 77 Plates (pis. 244-318, 45a, and 122), with 26 pages of descriptive text, including Index to the whole work (pp. 77-102), and 3 maps. 1905, fol. 25s. Catalogue of the African Plants collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853-61 :— Vol. I. Dicotyledons. By William Philip Hiern, M.A., F.L.S., &c. :— Part I. [Ranunculacese to Rhizophoraceae.] Pp. xxvi., 336. [With Portrait of Dr. Welwitsch. Introduction, Bibliography, and Index of Genera.] 1896, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Part II. Combretacese to Rubiacese. Pp. 337-510. [With Index of Genera.] 1898, 8vo. 4s. Part III. Dipsaceae to Scrophulariaceae. Pp. 511- 784. [With Index of Genera.] 1898, 8vo. 5s. Part IV. Lentibulariaceae to Ceratophylleae. Pp. 785- 1035. [With Index.] 1900, 8vo. 5s. Vol. II. Monocotyledons, Gymnosperms, and Crypto- gams : — Part I. Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms. By Alfred Barton Rendle, M.A., D.Sc. F.L.S., Assis- tant, Department of Botany. Pp. 260. [With Index of Genera.] 1899, 8vo. Qs. Part II. Cryptogamia. Pp. 261-566. [With Table of Errata, and General Index to the whole work.] 1901, 8vo. 6s. Vascular Cryptogams ... By William Carruthers, F.R.S. Mosses Antony Gepp, M.A., F.L.S. Hepatics F. Stephani. Marine Algae ... Ethels. Barton. . > ^ Freshwater Algas ... ... „ W. West, F.L.S., and G. S. West, B.A. Diatomacese Thomas Comber, F.L.S. Lichenes ,. E. A. Wainio. Fungi ., Annie Lorrain Smith. Mycetozoa ., „ Arthur Lister, F.R.S. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 19 A Monograph of Lichens found in Britain : being a Descrip- tive Catalogue of the Species in the Herbarium of the British Museum. By the Rev. James M. Orombie, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S., &c. Part I. Pp. viii., 519 : 74 Woodcuts. [With Glossary, Synopsis, Tabular Conspectus, and Index.] 1894, 8vo. 16s. A Monograph of the Mycetozoa : being a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species in the Herbarium of the British Museum. By Arthur Lister, F.L.S. Pp. 224. 78 Plates and 51 Woodcuts. [With Synopsis of Genera and List of Species, and Index.] 1894, 8vo. 15s. List of British Diatomaceae in the Collection of the British Museum. By the Rev. W. Smith, F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 55. 1859, 12mo. Is. FOSSILS, Catalogue of the Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum (Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S. :— - Part I. Containing the Orders Primates, Chiroptera, Insectivora, Carnivora, and Rodentia. Pp. xxx., 268. 33 Woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 5s. Part II. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborder Artiodactyla. Pp. xxii., 324. 39 Woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 6s, Part III. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborders Perissodactyla, Toxodontia, Condylarthra, and Ambly- poda. Pp. xvi.,186. 30 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, Including Synonyms.] 1886, 8vo. 4s. Part IV. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborder Proboscidea. Pp. xxiv., 235. 32 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1886, 8vo. 5s. Part V. Containing the Group Tillodontia, the Orders Sirenia, Cetacea, Edentata, Marsupialia, Monotremata, and Supplement. Pp. xxxv., 345. 55 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1887, 8 vo. Qs, Catalogue of the Fossil Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A. Pp. xxvii., 368. 75 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1891, 8vo. 10s. 6ci. 20861 '^ 0 20 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S. Im- part I. Containingthe Orders Omithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria, Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Pro- terosauria. Pp. xxviii., 309. 69 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1888, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Part II. Containing the Orders Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia. Pp. xxi., 307. 85 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1889, 8vo. 7s. 6d, Part III. Containing the Order Chelonia. Pp. xviii., 239. 53 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1889, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Part IV. Containing the Orders Anomodontia, Ecaudata, Caudata, and Labyrinthodontia ; and Supplement. Pp. xxiii., 295. 66 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species to the entire work.] 1890, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Catalogue of the Fossil Fishes in the British Museum (Natural History). By Arthur Smith Woodward, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., &c. :— Part I. Containing the Elasmobranchii. Pp. xlvii., 474. 13 Woodcuts and 17 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1889, 8vo. 21s. Part II. Containing the Elasmobranchii (Acanthodii), Holocephali, Ichthyodorulites, Ostracodermi, Dipnoi, and Teleostomi (Crossopterygii and Chondrostean Actinopterygii). Pp. xliv., 567. 58 Woodcuts and 16 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1891, 8vo. 21s. Part III. Containing the Actinopterygian Teleostomi of the Orders Chondrostei (concluded), Protospondyli, Aetheospondyli, and Isospondyli (in part). Pp. xlii., 544. 45 Woodcuts and 18 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1895, 8vo. 21s. Part IV. Containing the Actinopterygian Teleostomi of the Suborders Isospondyli (in part), Ostariophysi, Apodes, Percesoces, Hemibranchii, Acanthopierygii, and Anacanthini. Pp. xxxix., 636. 22 Wo'odcuts and 19 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1901, 8vo.21s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 21 Systematic List of the Edwards Collection of British Oligocene and Eocene Mollusca in the British Museum (Natural History), with references to the type-specimens from similar horizons contained in other collections belonging to the Geological Department of the Museum. By Richard Bullen Newton, F.G.S. Pp. xxviii., 365. [With table of Families and Genera, Bibliography, Correlation-table, Appendix, and Alphabetical Index.] 1891, 8vo. 6s, Catalogue of Tertiary Mollusca in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History). Part I. The Austra- lasian Tertiary Mollusca. By George F. Harris, F.G.S., &c. Pp. xxvi., 407. 8 Plates. [With Table of Families, Genera, and Sub-Genera, and Index.] 1897, 8vo. 10s. Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History) : — Parti. Containing part of the Suborder Nautiloidea, con- sisting of the families Orthoceratidse, EndoceratidaB, Actinoceratidae, Gomphoceratidse, Ascoceratidas, Poterioceratidae, Cyrtoceratidae, and Supplement. By Arthur H. Foord, F.G.S. Pp. xxxi., 344. 51 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1888, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Part II. Containing the remainder of the Suborder Nautiloidea, consisting of the families Lituitidae, Trochoceratidae, Nautilidae, and Supplement. By Arthur H. Foord, F.G.S. Pp. xxviii., 407. S6 Wood- cuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1891, 8vo. 15s. Part III. Containing the Bactritidae, and part of the Suborder Ammonoidea. By Arthur H. Foord, Ph.D., F.G.S., and George Charles Crick, A.R.S.M., F.G.S. Pp. xxxiii., 303. 146 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index of Genera and Species, and Alphabetical Index.] 1897, 8vo. 12s. 6d, List of theTypes and Figured Specimens of Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History). By G. C. Crick, F.G.S. Pp. 103. [With Index.] 1898, 8vo. 2s. 6d. A Catalogue of British Fossil Crustacea, with their Synonyms and the Range in Time of each Genus and Order. By Henry Woodward, F.R.S. Pp. xii., 155. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1877, 8vo. 5s. 22 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Fossil Bryozoa in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History): — The Jurassic Bryozoa. By J. W. Gregory, D.Sc, F.G.S., F.Z.S. Pp. [viii.,] 239 : 22 Woodcuts and 11 Plates. [With Ijst of Species and Distribution, Bibliography, Index, and Explanation of Plates.] 1896, 8vo. 10s. The Cretaceous Bryozoa. Vol. I. By J. W. Gregory, D.Sc, F.G.S., F.Z.S. Pp. xiv., 457 : 64 Woodcuts and 17 Plates. [With Index and Explanation of Plates.] 1899, 8vo. 16s. Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department of the British Museum (Natural History), with an account of the morphology and systematic position of the group, and a revision of the genera and species. By Robert Etheridge, juu., of the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural Historv), and P. Herbert Carpenter, D.Sc, F.R.S., F.L.S. (of Eton College). Pp. xv., 322. 20 Plates. [With Preface by Dr. H. Woodward, Table of Contents, General Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1886, 4to. 25s. The Genera and Species of Blastoidea, with a List of the Specimens in the British Museum (Natural History). By F. A. Bather, M.A., F.G.S., of the Geological Department. Pp. x., 70. 1 Woodcut. 1899, 8vo. 3s. Catalogue of the Palasozoic Plants in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History). By Robert Kidston, F.G.S. Pp. viii., 288. [With a list of works quoted, and an Index.] 1886, 8vo. 5s. Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History). By A. C. Seward, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., University Lecturer in Botany and Fellow of Emanuel College, Cambridge : — Part I. The Wealden Flora. Part I. Thallophyta— Pteridophyta. Pp. xxxviii., 179. 17 Woodcuts and 11 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1894, 8vo. 10s. Part II. The Wealden Flora. Part II. Gymnospermse. Pp. viii., 259. 9 Woodcuts and 20 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1895, 8vo. 15s. Part III. The Jurassic Flora. Part I. The Yorkshire Coast. Pp. xii., 341. 53 Woodcuts and 21 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c] 1900, 8vo. 20s. Part lY. The Jurassic Flora. Part II. Liassic and Oolitic Floras of England (excluding the Inferior Oolite Plants of the Yorkshire Coast). Pp. xv., 192. 20 Woodcuts and 13 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1904, 8vo. 10s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 23 GUIDE-BOOKS, Etc. A General Guide to the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W. With 58 Woodcuts, 2 Plans, 2 views of the building, and an illustrated cover. Pp.119. 1903, 8vo. 36?. Guide to the Galleries of Mammalia in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History). 7th Edition. Pp. 126. 65 Woodcuts and 4 Plans. Index. 1902, 8vo. 6d. Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History), [By W. R. Ogilvie Grant.] Pp. iv., 228. 24 Plates, and 7 Illustra- tions in text. With Index. 1905, Roy. 8vo. 2s. 6d, Guide to the Shell and Starfish Galleries (Mollusca, Polyzoa, Brachiopoda, Tunicata, Echinoderma, and Worms), Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). New Edition. Pp. iv., 129. 125 Woodcuts, Plan and Indexes. 1905, 8vo. 6d. Guide to the Coral Gallery (Protozoa, Porifera or Sponges, Hydrozoa, and Anthozoa) in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). Pp. [iv.,] 73. 82 Illustrations, Plan, and Index. 1902, 8vo. Is. A Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). 8th Edition. [By A. S. Woodward, LL.D., F.R.S.] Pp. xvi., 100. 6 Plates, 88 Woodcuts. [With List of Illustrations, Table of Stratified Rocks, and Index.] 1904, 8vo. 6d. A Guide to the Fossil Reptiles and Fishes in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). [By Henry Woodward, LL.D., F.R.S.] Pp. xiv., 129 : 165 Woodcuts. [With List of Illustrations, Table of Stratified Rocks, and Index.] 1896, 8vo. 6d, A Guide to the Fossil Invertebrates and Plants in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). [By Henry Woodward, LL.D., F.R.S.] Part I. Mollusca to Bryozoa. Pp. xii., 64. 107 Wood- cuts. [With List of Illustrations, Table of Stratified Rocks, and Introduction.] 1897, 8vo. 6c?. Part II. Insecta to Plants, &c. Pp. ix., 64*-158. Woodcuts 108-182. [With List of Illustrations and Index to the two parts.] 1897, 8vo. 6d. M LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OP THE Guide to Sowerby's Models of British Fungi in the Depart- ment of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). By Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S. Pp. 82. 93 Woodcuts. With Table of Diagnostic Characters, and Index, [Second Edition.] 1898, 8vo. id. Guide to the British Mycetozoa exhibited in the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). By Arthur Lister, F.L.S. [Second Edition.] Pp. 42. 44 Woodcuts. Index. 1903, 8vo. 3^. A Guide to the Mineral Gallery of the British Museum (Natural History). [By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S.] Pp. 32. Plan. 1903, 8vo. le?. The Student's Index to the Collection of Minerals, British Museum (Natural History). [By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S.] Pp. 32. With a Plan of the Mineral Gallery. 1903, 8vo. 2d. An Introduction to the Study of Minerals, with a Guide to the Mineral Gallery of the British Museum (Natural History). By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. 123. 41 Woodcuts. With Plan of the Mineral Gallery and Index. 1903, 8vo. 6d. An Introduction to the Study of Rocks. By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. 118. [With plan of the Mineral Gallery, Table of Contents, and Index.] 1898, 8vo. 6d. An Introduction to the Study of Meteorites, with a List of the Meteorites represented in the Collection on January 1st, 1 904. By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S., &c. Pp. 109. [With a Plan of the Mineral Gallery, and an Index to the Meteoritep represented in the Collection.] 1904, 8vo. 6d. Handbook of Instructions for Collectors, issued by the British Museum (Natural History). With Illustrations. Second Edition. Pp.138. Index. ' 1904, 8vo. ls.6d. Hints on Removing and Preparing Skins of Mammals. Pp. 11. Text must. [2nd Edition.] 1903, 8vo. 4d. Instructions for the Preservation of Birds. Pp. 10. 5 figures in text. [3rd Edition.] 1904, 8vo. Sd. "'- Instructions for Collecting Reptiles, Batrachians, and Fishes. Pp. 12. [2nd Edition.] 1903, 8vo. id. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 25 Instructions for Collecting Insects. Pp. 10. Text illust. [3rd Edition.] 190d, 8vo. ^. How to Collect Diptera (Two-winged Flies), with Notes on the Habita of the Perfect Insects and Larvas. Pp. 16. Text illust. [2nd Edition.] 1903, 8vo. M. How to Collect Mosquitoes (Culicidae). Pp. 8. 1 Plate, 1 figure in text. [3rd Edition.] 1904, 8vo. M. Blood-sucking Flies, Ticks, &c., and How to Collect them. By E. E. Austen. Pp. 21 : 13 figures in text. 1904, 8vo. 4d. Instructions for Collecting Arachnida, Myriopoda and Peripatus. Pp. 3. 1900, 8vo. ^d. Methods of Collecting and Preserving various Soft- bodied Invertebrate Animals; with Hints for Collecting and Preserving Shells of Molluscs. Pp. 15. [2nd Edition.] 1902, 8vo. 4td. Directions for Collecting and Preserving Plants. Pp. 8. 2 figures in text. [3rd Edition.] 1903, 8vo. 46?. Suggestions as to Collecting and Preserving Fossils and Minerals. Pp. 9. [2nd Edition.] 1903, 8vo. id. E. RAY LANKESTER, British Museum Director. (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W. April 1st, 1905. LONDON: 1»P LISTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, By DARLK^G & SON, Ltd., 34-40, Bacon Street, E. 1905, CDS7Efl3MSE ^^__^_ RH^B ^^m ^^^ 8490