gir’ [oSe se ee ey a Pot tmiaweore® Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation rs My Ms 1 me ih ii etia > me, Ps CATALOGUE HISPID#A COLLECTION OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. BY JOSEPH 8S. BALY, M.E.S., &c. PART ©. LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1858. AVY Ong > we iv pi = — Pie tere aa PREFACKH. Tuts Catalogue gives a description of all the genera and species of Hisprpa known to exist in different Collections. B.M. in the margin indicates those in the British Museum Col- lection ; and the absence of these letters shows the species which are desiderata, and therefore desirable to be procured. The Second Part, completing the Catalogue, is in hand, and will shortly appear. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, Ist November, 1858. CATALOGUE OF HISPIDA. Family HISPIDE. Hispide, Avrby, Stephens, Westwood, Lacordaire. Hispites, Newman. Cassidaires, pars, Latr. Hispa, Linn., Fabr., Oliv. Alurnus, Fabr., Oliv. Caput exsertum, fronte verticali, declivi vel reclivi, interdum inter oculos antrorsum producto, seepe spina valida instructo, ore deorsum posito, libero, rarissime antipectoris basi occulto ; man- dibulis corneis, truncatis aut acutis, seepe apice dentatis; labro transverso, apice spe deflexo; palpis maxillaribus quadri-, labialibus tri-articulatis ; labio corneo ; oculis ovatis, oblongis vel trapeziformibus. Antenne porrecte, rigide, basi approximate, filiformes, fusiformes vel subclavate, simplices, rarius serrate, pectinate vel flabel- late, 11-articulate, articulis 4-5 ultimis sepe coalescentibus, clavam oblongam formantibus. Thorax inermis vel spinosus, elongatus, quadratus vel transversus, apice integer vel emarginatus, rarissime in processum validum, caput obtectente, antrorsum productus, supra cylindricus, con- vexus vel depressus, lateribus plerumque marginatus. Scutellum mediocre. Elytra thoracis basi plerumque latiora, elongata, oblonga, ovata vel subquadrata, apice rotundata vel truncata, marginata, margine seepe plus minusve explanato, integro, serrato, vel irregulariter dentato, angulis posticis obsoletis vel prominentibus, seepe dente valido armatis, supra cylindrica, convexa vel depressa, interdum spinosa. Pedes mediocres, seepe plus minusve modice robusti, rarius graciliores, elongati, interdum armati. vi HISPID®. Secrio I. Ligula menti apice inserta. Il. Ligula menti dorso inserta, segymento basilari obsoleto. Secttro I. A. Mentum non distinctum. I. Leprispa. Corpus elongatum, cylindricum ; caput subcunei- forme, fronte antrorsum producta ; antenne subincrassate, articulo primo secundo longiort ; palpi compressi, articulo ultimo ovato. II. Catutspa. Corpus elongatum, oblongum aut ovatum ; caput fronte antrorsum productaé, antennarum insertionem ple- rumque occultante ; antenne filiformes, articulo primo brevi, secundo illo longiori ; palpi compressi, labiales arti- culo ultimo ovato; thorax lateribus ampliatis. III. Amsrtspa. Corpus elongatum ; caput convexum, antrorsum vix productum ; antenne apicem versus subincrassatee, ar- ticulo primo secundo breviort; palpi compressi, labiales articulo ultimo amplato, apice truncato; thorax subqua- dratus, lateribus non dilatatis. B. Mentum distinctum. IY. Srenispa. Corpus elongatum, filiforme; caput antice de- flexum ; antenne brevyes, subfiliformes, articulo primo brevi, secundo ilo paullo longiort ; mentum breve, trans- versum, basi ad apicem angustatum; ligula trapeziformis, segmento basilari transverso. V. GEproparpa. Corpus ovatum, oblongum, aut elongatum ; caput inter oculos subverticale; antennze filiformes aut subfiliformes, articulo secundo brevi; palpi valde com- pressi et dilatati. VI. Craprspa. Corpus ovatum, subdepressum ; antennarum articulis secundo duobusque proximis compressis, et apice in spinam brevem acutam productis; palpi compressi, maxillares ar- ticulo secundo elongato, duobus sequentibus longitudine eequali; mentum breve, transversum ; ligula quadrato-ob- longa, apice obtuse-rotundato. VII. Ocrocnapiscus. Corpus late oblongum, subdepressum ; an- tenne flabellatw, articulis tribus basalibus simplicibus, primo incrassato; mentum brevissmum, transversum. VIII. Aturnvs. Corpus oblongum, subconvexum; antenne ro- bust, apice attenuate ; ligula segmento basilari magno, subpentagono, apice utrinque valde excavato. IX. Metanispa. Corpus oblongo-elongatum, depressum, elytris HISPID A. Vil apice truncatis; antenne subfiliformes, apicem versus leniter compresse et dilatate, articulo tertio elongato; mentum parvum, trigonum ; ligula segmento basilari crasso, subtra- peziformi, basi emarginato, lateribus constricto, apice ob- tuso. X. Xanruispa. Corpus ovatum, subdepressum ; antenn sub- filiformes, articulo primo parvo, non incrassato, duobus proximis utrisque ilo quadruplo longioribus ; mentum breve, basi ad apicem angustatum ; ligula subquadrata, basi mento vix latior, apice emarginata. XI. Homatrspa. Corpus ovatum, depressum; caput fronte de- clivi ; antenne subfiliformes, articulo primo parvo, secundo illo dimidio longiori, tertio paullo elongato; mentum pen- tagonum ; ligula bast ad apicem ampliata, apice obtuse ro- tundato. XII. Cernanorera. Corpus late elongatum aut elongatum, subde- pressum ; pygidio exserto; caput facie subverticali aut paullo reclivi; antennze filiformes aut subfiliformes (maris articulis secundo duobusque proximis’ rarius dilatatis) ; mentum parvum, quadratum; ligula subquadrata, mento latior, segmento basilari transverso, lamina transversa inter palpos instructo. XIII. Xenispa. Corpus late oblongum, subdepressum ; antenne filiformes, dimidio corporis longiores, articulo primo brevi, secundo illo fere duplo longiori; mentum transversum ; ligula late oblonga, mento /atior, apice subangulato. XIV. Demorispa. Corpus oblongum vel ovatum, subdepressum ; antenne filiformes, articulis duobus basalibus brevibus, fere equalibus; mentum subquadratum ; ligula oblonga, mento Jatior, apice angulato. XV. Prosoroponta. Corpus elongatum, convexum ; caput facie paullo declivi, inter antennas ercté dentiforme imstructa ; antenne robuste, subfiliformes, articulis duobus basalibus brevibus, fere wqualibus, tertio elongato ; mentum trans- verso-quadratum ; ligula oblonga, segmento basilari trans- verso, medio late obliterato, segmento apicali obovato, basi attenuato, ad menti marginem prolongato. XVI. Cuereispa. Corpus late elongatum aut elongatum; caput maris facie spind curvatd instructa ; antenne subfiliformes, basi graciles, articulis duobus basalibus longitudine equa- libus, tertio elongato; mentum quadratum, ligula oblongo- quadrata, apice rotundata, segmento basilari indistincto, medio obsoleto; femoribus anticis incrassatis, mare subtus spinosis, tibiis anticis apice incrassatis, interdum dilatatis. vill HISPID®. XVII. Oxycernata. Corpus elongatum, depressum vel subde- pressum ; caput fronte antrorsum producta, tridentata, dente centrali in spinam acutam producto ; antenne fili- formes, apice attenuate, articulo primo incrassato, secundo tertio paullo breviori; mentum trapeziforme vel subtrigonum, angulis anticis oblique truncatis ; ligula segmento basilari parvo, fere obtecto, apicali crasso, apice obtuso. XVIII. Crrpronycuvs. Corpus elongatum, subdepressum ; caput inter antennas in spina validam productum ; antenne robuste, ad apicem paullo incrassate, articulo primo incras- sato, secundo brevi, tertio vix elongato; mentum breve, subquadratum, basi angustatum ; ligula oblonga, apice acuto ; unguis brevis, inter lobos articuli preecedentis fere occultatus. XIX. Hispoponra. Corpus oblongo-ovatum vel ovatum, depres- sum; caput antrorsum inter oculos productum, truncatum, medio cretad spineformi instructum ; antenne rigide, apice attenuate, articulo primo incrassato, secundo brevi, tertio elongato ; mentum transversum, late angulato-emar- ginatum ; ligula oblonga, basi angulata, apice subspathu- iata. XX. Arescus. Corpus late elongatum vel elongatum, convexum; caput antrorsum inter oculos in cornu validum productum ; antenne rigide, ad apicem subincrassate, articulo primo incrassato, compresso, apice spe dilatato, secundo brevi, tertio elongato; mentum subquadratum ; ligula oblonga, segmento basilari transverso, medio fere ad basin emargi- nato, apicali crasso, apice rotundato; elytra oblongo-elon- gata, maris interdum caudata. XXI. Evrispa. Corpus elongatum, angustatum ; caput antrorsum non productum; antennze robuste, breviores, ad apicem leniter incrassate, articulo primo brevi; mentum trans- verso-quadratum ; ligula pentagona; elytra elongata, cau- -data. XXII. Promecorneca. Corpus elongatum, subcylindricum ; an- tenne subfiliformes, articulis duobus basalibus brevibus, longitudine fere wequalibus ; mentum* pentagonum ; ligula subquadrata ; thorax subcylindricus, basi strangulatus ; elytra elongata, subcylindrica. XXIII. Macrispa. Corpus elongatum; antennse dimidii corporis longitudine, subfiliformes, articulo primo incrassato, secundo brevi, duobus proximis ¢longatis, gracilioribus ; mentum oblongum, pentagonim; ligula subquadrata, segmento * The description of this part in the body of the work is incorrect ; it ought to stand thus: ‘“‘mentum pentagonum, ligula subquadrata.”’ HISPID A‘. 1x basilari bilobato ; elytra ampla, oblonga, convexa ; pedes modice robusti, femoribus subtus spind compressa instructis. XXIV. Borryonopa. Corpus elongatum, subdepressum ; antenne filiformes, apice seepe subattenuate, articulo primo incras- sato, secundo ¢lo longitudine cequali, tertio elongato ; la- bium subpentagonum, lateribus constrictum; ligula sub- quadrata, apice rotundata ; elytra oblongo-elongata, par- allela, subdepressa ; pedes robusti, femoribus subtus dente acuto armatis. XXY. Hisporrra. Corpus oblongum vel oblongo-elongatum, sub- complanatum ; antenne robustee, filiformes, articulo primo incrassato, clayato, secundo brevi, ceteris oblongis, fere equatibus ; labium trapeziforme, basi angustatum, lateribus constrictum ; ligula oblonga; thorax lateribus dilatatus, margine irregulariter sinuatus; pedes robusti, antici elon- gati, femoribus subtus pleruwmque dente acuto armatis, tibus incurvatis, ad apicem incrassatis et seepe dilatatis. XXVI. Wattacea. Corpus elongatum, subdepressum ; antenn modice robuste, ad apicem 1 paullo incrassate, articulo primo incrassato, Subovato, quatuor proxims fere equalibus, ob- conicis ; mentum pentagonum; ligula quadrato-oblonga ; thorax lateribus dilatatus ; pedes simplices. XXVII. Estiewena. Corpus elongatum, subconvexum ; antenns robuste, filiformes, articulo primo incrassato, secundo brevi, tertio elongato; mentum subhexagonum; ligula subqua- drata ; thorax subquadratus ; pedes s¢mplices. XXVIII. Aytsopera. Corpus elongatum, subconvexum vel sub- depressum ; antenne robuste, filiformes, articulo primo incrassato, secundo d/o brevior, tertio elongato ; mentum pentagonum; ligula subquadrata; thorax subquadratus, lateribus sewpe angulatus ; pedes robusti, s¢mplices. XXIX. Downesta. Corpus elongatum, subcylindricum ; antennze breves, robust, articulis duobus basalibus brevibus, paullo incrassatis, tertio paullo elongato, tribus proximis brevi- oribus, equalibus, obconicis, quatuor sequentibus longiorzbus, merassatis, subcylindricis, ultimo adhue longiori, apice subacuto ; mentum subpentagonum, ad apicem ampliatum ; ligula oblongo-quadrata ; pedes breves, robusti, ungue elongato. XXX. Javera. Corpus elongatum, convexum; caput antrorsum in rostrum breve productum; antenne robuste, breves, subincrassatee, articulis duobus basalibus pauwllo ineras- satis, submoniliformibus, tertio elongato, obconico, ceteris perparum imerassatis, teretibus ; mentum pentagonum, la- teribus valde constrictum ; ligula transverso-quadrata ; tho- h XXXII. XXXIV. XXXV. HISPID®. rax subquadratus ; elytra elongata, convexa ; pedes breves, robusti, femoribus anticis valde incrassatis, tarsis latis. Gonopnora. Corpus elongatum vel oblongo-elongatum, postice seepe ampliatum ; antenne filiformes vel subfili- formes, articulis duobus basalibus brevibus, plerumque equalibus, primo paullo incrassato ; mentum pentagonum, lateribus constrictum, apice acutum; ligula oblonga, seg- mento apicali paullo dilatato, emarginato ; thorax lateribus plerumque angulatus, antice constrictus; elytra angulo postico rotundato aut obtuso ; pedes simplices, ungue brevi. Disroraca. Corpus elongatum, subconvexum ; antennee subinerassate, articulo primo brevi, secundo ilo longiore, tertio paullo elongato ; mentum oblongo-ovatum, apice an- gulatum; ligula apice bilobata; thorax subquadratus, exca- vato-punctatus ; elytra apice rotundata, costata; pedes breves, ungue erasso, CaL®NOMENODERA. Corpus elongatum, aut oblongo-elon- gatum, subconvexum; antenne breves, rigide, articulis quatuor ultimis incrassatis, intime conneais et eegre sepa- ratis ; mentum subtrapeziforme, lateribus constrictum ; ligula transyerso-quadrata, apice rotundata; thorax apice productus, caput fere obtegens. Acrentroprera. Corpus late elongatum, subdepressum ; antenne robust, subincrassatee, articulo primo brevi, secundo illo longiori, tertio paullo elongato, quinque ul- timis fere equalibus, paullo imerassatis ; mentum subpen- tagonum, lateribus leniter constrictum, apice obtusum ; ligula apice rotundata ; thorax subquadratus ; elytra apice rotundata, non spinosa, humeris prominulis ; pedes sim- plices. CrpHatoponta. Corpus elongatum aut late elongatum, postice seepe ampliatum ; antenne articulo primo brevi, secundo illo equali aut longiori, quatuor ultimis equalibus, plerumque cylindricis, articulis intermedius cylindricis aut compressis, interdum dilatatis; mentum pentagonum; ligula mento latior ; thorax subquadratus ; elytra apice rotundata, truncata, aut irregulariter dentata, angulo postico plerum- que spind valida armato; pedes tibiis anticis maris ante apicem UMSPMNOSIS Sreoti1o I. Ligula menti apice inserta. A. Mentum non distinctum., Genus I. LEPTISPA. Details, Tan. I. Fre. 1. Leptomorpha, (Chevr. MSS.) Germ. Faun. Ins. Eur. fase. xxii. t. 10 ice preeoccupatum). Antenne (fig. 1a) capite cum thorace vix longiores, robusta, sub- incrassate, articulo primo incrassato et secundo longiori, seepe compresso, apice truncato, secundo submoniliformi, tertio paullo elongato, ceteris brevibus, perparum leniter incrassatis, ultimo subacuto. Labrum (fig. 1 6) transversum, subeylindricum, antice incrassatum valde deflexum. Mandibule (fig. 1 ¢) dentatee. Palpi compressi ; mawvillares (fig. 1 d) articulo primo minuto, secundo leniter curvato, clavato, tertio brevi, obovato, ultimo ovato; labiales (fig. 1 e) articulo primo minuto, secundo obovato, tertio amplhato, ovato, apice producto, Labium (fig. 1 f) elongatum, lateribus constrictum. Caput a latere visum cuneiforme, fronte antrorsum producto, trun- cato, facie reclivi, deorsum spectante, clypeo porrecto. Thorax subquadratus, apice rectus aut leniter productus. Scutellum (fig. 1g) subtrigonum. Elytra thorace vix latiora, elongata, cylindrica, apice rotundata. Pedes breves, robusti, femoribus modice incrassatis, tarsis* (fig. 1 h) latis, articulo primo incrassato, extrorsum ampliato. Corpus filiforme, cylindricum. (Type, Leptispa filiformis.) This genus is one of those indicated by Chevrolat in Dejean’s Cata- logue, and since characterized by Germar in the Faun. Ins. Eur. ; but the name having been previously used by Curtis in his British Entomology, it becomes necessary to change it. These insects are remarkable for the wedge-shaped form of their head; they are all from the Old World. 1. Leptispa filiformis, Guér. Tas. IV. Fig. 1, B.M. Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 277. Germ. Faun. Ins. Eur. fase. xxii. t. 10. L. elongata, angustata, cylindrica, obscure caeruleo- aut nigro-snea, * The characters given of the tarsi, unless otherwise mentioned, refer to the anterior legs only. B to LEPTISPA. subtus nigra; thorace subquadrato, fortiter et crebre punctato, lateribus rotundatis ; elytris punctato-striatis, ad apicem sulcatis. Long. 3 lin. Thorax scarcely broader than long; sides rounded, nearly straight near their base, narrowed in front. Hab. Italy; Sardinia; Sicily. British Museum, and in most collections. This insect is remarkable as being the only European species entering into the present section of the Hispide. 2. Leptispa pygmea, n. sp. L. elongata, angustata, cylindrica, lete viridi-snea, subtus nigra ; thorace subquadrato, minus crebre punctato, lateribus antice ro- tundatis ; elytris punctato-striatis, ad apicem subsulcatis ; anten- narum articulo basali compresso, apice truncato, extrorsum dila- tato. Long. 2 lin. L. narrow, elongate, cylindrical, deep metallic green. Head slightly flattened above, covered with irregular punctures ; basal joint of antennze compressed and dilated externally at its apex, truncate. Thorax subquadrate; sides straight and parallel, rounded near their apex, narrowly margined, anterior margin indistinctly produced, rounded; above convex, coarsely punctured, puncturing rather less deeply impressed and less crowded, especially towards the sides, than in the first species. Scutellum black, impunctate. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax ; sides parallel; apex less acutely rounded, dehiscent at the suture; above convex, deeply punctate-striate, strie towards the apex of the elytra subsulcate. Beneath entirely black. Hab. Ceylon. A single specimen in the collection of J. 8. Baly, received from H, Dohrn. Very similar in form to the preceding, much smaller, sides of thorax straighter, puncturing of whole surface less deeply impressed ; at once distinguished by the compressed dilated apex of the basal joint of antennee. 3. Leptispa Natalensis, n. sp. L. elongata, angustata, cylindrica, nigra, nitida ; elytris nigro-chaly- beis ; thorace quadrato, lateribus rectis; antennarum articulo basali compresso, apice truncato, extrorsum dilatato. Long. 2+ lin, L, narrow, elongate, cylindrical, shining black. Head punctured ; basal joint of antenne compressed, its apex truncate, dilated ex- LEPTISPA. 3 ternally. Thorax quadrate ; sides narrowly margined, straight and parallel from their base to the apex ; apical margin convex ; above smooth and shining, deeply but not very closely punctured ; sides in front obsoletely impressed. Scutellum smooth. Elytra nigro- chalybeate, scarcely broader than the thorax, four times its length, parallel, cylindrical above, deeply punctate-striate, striae near the suture and towards the outer margin sulcate, their interstices obsoletely elevated. Hab. Port Natal. Collection of J. 8S. Baly. This and the two preceding insects, although differing greatly in size, are very similar in shape and colouring; they may, however, be very easily separated by the form of their thorax ; in L. filiformis this part of the body is rather broader than long, the sides rounded, straight only at their base, and gradually narrowed towards the anterior angles; Z. pygmea has its thorax quadrate, with straight sides, rounded and narrowed in front only ; in the present species it is also quadrate; but instead of narrowing at the apex, it is slightly wider in front, the sides being perfectly straight. 4. Leptispa abdominalis, n. sp. BM. Z. elongata, angustata, cylindrica, nigra, nitida; abdomine pedibusque rufis. : a Long. 3} lin, Z. narrow, elongate, cylindrical, shining black; abdomen and legs red. Head with the vertex coarsely punctured, longitudinally bisulcate, its front slightly concave; basal joint of antenne not dilated. Thorax transverse-quadrate, apex convex; sides narrowly margined, slightly rounded, narrowed in front, pos- terior angles produced, acute; above convex, distinctly but not very closely punctured. Elytra scarcely broader than the base of the thorax; sides parallel, narrowed near their apex, the latter rounded ; each elytron obsoletely emarginate just before reaching the suture, sutural angle armed with a minute tooth; above convex, apical margin slightly reflexed; finely punctate-striate, striz near their termination and on the sides suleate ; interstices between the sulci raised, convex, the one between the second and third striz: from the outer margin subcostate for nearly its whole length. Beneath, with the legs and abdomen, bright red. Hab. Northern China. British Museum, and collection of J. 8. Baly. This insect, of which I know only two specimens, was brought from Northern China by Mr. Fortune. B 2 4 CALLISPA. Genus II. CALLISPA. Details, Tas. I. Fie. 2. Antenne (fig. 2a) dimidio corporis breviores, modice robuste, fili- formes, articulo primo brevi, vix incrassato, secundo illo longiori, tertio paullo elongato, cxeteris subsequalibus cylindricis, ultimo paullo longiori, subacuto. Labrum (fig. 2b) transversum, angulatum, antice valde declivum, mandibulas occultans. Mandibule (fig. 2c) subtriangulares, obsolete dentate. Palpi compressi; mavillares (fig. 2d) modice robusti, articulo primo parvo, secundo et tertio trigonis aut clavatis, ultimo ampliato, ovato ; labiales (fig. 2 ¢) articulo primo minuto, tertio ampliato, ovato. Labium (fig. 2f) oblongum, obtusum, basi angustatum, lateribus medio valde constrictis. Caput fronte antrorsum pius minusve producti, antennarum inser- tionem occultante ; oculis ovatis. Thorax transversus, antice leviter emarginatus, medio plus minusve productus, rarius integer, lateribus ampliatis. Seutellum (fig. 2 7) subquadratum vel subpentagonum. Elytra ovata, oblonga vel elongata, dorso modice convexa, marginata, apice rotundata. Pedes breves, femoribus subcompressis, modice incrassatis; tibiis subcompressis, apicem versus incrassatis ; tarsis latis, articulo primo subhemispheerico, extrorsum ampliato. Corpus elongatum, oblongum aut ovatum, dorso plus minusve con- vexum; antepectus antrorsum productum. (Type, Callispa Fortunii.) These insects have hitherto been placed in the genus Cephaloleva ; they are very similar in external form, but differ entirely in the structure of the mouth ; they occupy the place of the true Cepha- loleie in South Africa and in the East. 1. Callispa insignis, n. sp. B.M. C. quadrato-oblonga, explanata, leniter convexa, dorso subdepressa, supra nigra, nitida; elytris cyaneis ; subtus rufo-fulva. Long. 4 lin. C, quadrate-oblong, shining black ; thorax narrowly edged on the sides with piceous ; elytra bright metallic blue ; body beneath rufo- fulvous. Head smooth, shining, convex above, produced in front into an acute tooth, which scarcely conceals the insertion of the antenne, its apex forming the upper termination of a narrow ridge running down the middle of the face. Thorax transverse, three times as broad as long, shghtly emarginate in front ; sides dilated, nearly straight behind, rounded anteriorly, narrowly mar- gined; surface convex, concave and coarsely punctured on the CALLISPA. 5 sides ; disc with a few scattered punctures. Scutellum impunctate, its apex obtuse. Elytra broadly oblong, scarcely wider than the base of the thorax; sides slightly curved, subparallel, their margin dilated, deflexed; apex regularly rounded; above moderately convex, somewhat flattened along the suture; punctate-striate, puncturing less deeply impressed towards the apex, side margin irregularly punctured. Beneath entirely shining rufo-fulvous, Hab. Northern India, A single specimen in the Museum collection. 2. Callispa Bowringii, n. sp. BM. C. oblongo-ovata, explanata, dorso leniter convexa, supra cyanea, nitida, subtus nigra; abdomine pedibusque rufo-fulvis; elytris punctato-striatis, humeris rotundatis. Long. 3 lin. C. oblong-ovate, above shining metallic blue. Head subconvex above, produced into an acute angle in front ; antennee black, nearly half the length of the body. Thorax transverse, nearly three times as long as broad at the base, its apex entire; sides dilated, much narrowed in front, rounded, narrowly marginate ; above subconvex, broadly excavated on either side; the disc distantly, sides rather more closely, covered with deep and somewhat coarse punctures. Scutellum broad, obtuse, smooth, impunctate. Elytra oblong, scarcely broader than the base of the thorax ; shoulders suddenly rounded ; sides subparallel, margined, margin moderately dilated, siightly deflexed; apex rounded ; above subconvex ; sides sinuate below the shoulders; surface deeply punctate -striate, puncturing less regular at the sides, and less strongly marked towards the apex. Body shining black beneath, legs and abdomen rufo-fulvous. Hong Kong. Sent by J. Bowring, Esq. British Museum, and collection of J. 8. Baly. 3. Callispa Cumingii, n. sp. B.M. C. late ovata, dorso minus convexa, marginibus explanata, supra cyanea, nitida, subtus nigra; abdomine pedibusque obscure fulvis ; elytrorum disco striato-, lateribus inordinate-punctatis, humeris subrectangulatis, obtusis. Long. 3 lin. C. rather broader, shorter and less convex than the preceding; at once distinguished by the emarginate thorax, the irregular punc- turing of the sides of the elytra, and by the prominent, nearly rectangular humeral angles. Above shining metallic blue ; head smooth, subconvex above, slightly produced into an acute angle in front ; antenne black, scarcely more than a third the length of the body. Thorax transverse, twice as broad as long ; sides dilated, narrowly margined, nearly straight and subparallel behind, rounded in front ; anterior margin slightly excavated ; surface subconvex, o CALLISPA. broadly excavated on either side, coarsely punctured, puncturing more scattered on the dise. Scutellum broad, obtuse. Elytra broadly ovate; shoulders prominent, subrectangular, humeral angle obtuse ; margin dilated, slightly deflexed ; apex regularly rounded ; above subconvex, disc punctate-striate, the puncturing rather fainter towards the apex; margin closely and irregularly punc- tured. Body shining black beneath; abdomen and legs obscure fulvous. Hab. Philippine Islands. A single specimen in the British Museum, brought by H. Cuming, dsq. 4, Callispa Whitei, n. sp. B.M. C’. ovata, complanata, dorso modice convexa, nigro-chalybea nitida ; antennis nigris ; elytris cyaneis; subtus rufo-fusca ; pectore pedi- busque obscurioribus. Long. 2 lin. C. ovate, shining nigro-chalybeate ; antenne black, two basal joints piceous, second joint scarcely longer than the first. Head smooth ; forehead produced in front into an angular process which scarcely conceals the insertion of the antenne, its apex obtuse, forming the upper termination of a longitudinal ridge, which runs down the face between the antenne. Thorax transverse, as broad again as long; sides rounded, narrowed from their base to the apex, narrowly margined ; apical margin indistinctly emarginate ; above moderately convex, transversely impressed near the middle of the base; sides concave, covered with a number of large shallow punctures, their interstices granulate ; disc smooth and shining, with a few distinct impressions scattered here and there over its surface; the apical and lateral borders narrowly edged with piceous ; rest of the surface nigro-chalybeate. Scutellum trans- verse, pentagonal. Elytra ovate, sides broadly margined; apex rounded ; above moderately convex, deeply punctate-striate ; di- lated margin with an irregular row of shallow punctures near the outer edge. Beneath pale piceous; abdomen rufo-fuscous. Hab. Borneo. British Museum, and collection of J. 8. Baly. This species is distinguished from the three preceding, with which it agrees in colouring, by its much smaller size and more regularly ovate form ; also by the shorter second joint of the antenna. 5. Callispa Fortunii, n. sp. Tas. IV. Fre. 2. B.M. C. oblongo-elongata, testacea, nitida ; elytris cyaneis ; antennis nigris. Long. 3} lin, C. oblong-elongate, shining testaceous ; elytra bright metallic blue ; antenne black, their basal jomt obscure rufous. Head smooth, CALLISPA. ih convex above, produced in front into a short obtuse tooth; eyes piceous. Thorax transverse, nearly twice as broad as long ; sides moderately dilated, narrowly margined, nearly parallel at their base, thence regularly rounded to the apex; anterior margin slightly excavated, posterior obsoletely produced in the centre ; above convex ; sides depressed, coarsely punctured ; on the disc are scattered a few finer punctures, also in the centre are two shallow impressions, one on either side the median line ; in front of the base is a broad transverse depression. Scutellum subquadrate, obscure testaceous. Elytra oblong, scarcely broader than the thorax ; sides margined, parallel; apex rounded; above mode- rately convex ; sides sinuate below the shoulder, punctate-striate, puncturing less deeply impressed towards the apex ; that on the sides coarser and somewhat irregular. Beneath shining testaceous ; tarsi stained with fuscous. Hab. Northern China. Collected by R. Fortune, Esq. British Museum. Collections of E. Sheppard, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 6. Callispa dimidiatipennis, n. sp. B.M. C. subelongata, subconvexa, rufo-fulva, nitida ; elytris postice cyaneis; antennis oculisque nigris. Long. 33-4 lin. C. subelongate, shining rufo-fulvous; posterior half of elytra bright metallic blue; eyes and antenne black, the latter with the basal joint rufous. Head smooth, convex above, produced in front into an acute tooth-like process. Thorax transverse, as broad again as long ; sides moderately dilated, narrowly margined, straight and parallel behind, rounded in front; anterior margin obsoletely excavated, its middle indistinctly produced; surface punctured ; disc convex, with an indistinctly raised, impunctate longitudinal line down the middle ; sides depressed, more coarsely and closely punctured. Scutellum subquadrate, its apex rounded ; surface impunctate. Elytra oblong, slightly broader than the thorax; sides parallel, margined; apex regularly rounded; sur- face moderately convex, slightly sinuate on the sides below the shoulder, distinctly punctate-striate, puncturing much finer to- wards the apex ; posterior half of their surface covered with a large bright blue patch. Hab. Northern India. British Museum, and collections of E, Sheppard, Esq., E. Janson, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 7. Callispa vittata, n. sp. C. elongata, dorso subdepressa, pallide fulva, nitida ; antennis ely- trorumque vitta nigris; ore tarsisque piceis. Long. 22 lin. C. elongate, moderately convex, slightly flattened along the suture, pale shining fulvous. Head smooth; vertex convex, slightly 19 e} CALLISPA. produced and subacutely angled in front, impunctate ; mouth pitchy; antenne entirely black. Thorax transverse-quadrate ; sides narrowly margined, nearly straight and parallel behind, rounded in front ; above moderately convex, irregularly punctured ; on each side is a deep longitudinal fovea, extending nearly the whole length of the thorax, more coarsely punctate than the rest of the surface, subvariolose; in the central line, immediately in front of the basal margin, is a small deeply impressed transverse fovea. Scutellum shining, impunctate. Elytra rather broader than the base of the thorax, narrowly margined, parallel; apex rounded ; above subconvex, regularly punctate-striate ; interstices smooth, impunctate, that between the second and third stria from the outer margin slightly raised and subcostate ; on each elytron is a broad black vitta, extending from just below the base nearly the whole length of the disc, its apex curving slightly inwards. Body beneath pale fulvous; knees stained with fuscous; tarsi pitchy. Hab. Tndia. A single specimen in the collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq. 8. Callispa octopunctata, n. sp. B.M. C. oblonga, subdepressa, fulva; antennis elytrorumque punctis octo, nigris. Long. 2} lin, C. oblong, fulvous. Head smooth, somewhat convex above, slightly produced and acutely angled in front; antenne black. Thorax transverse-quadrate ; sides nearly parallel, slightly narrowed in front, indistinctly margined, their outer edge armed with four or five irregular teeth ; above deeply impressed with four large and coarsely punctured longitudinal fovese. Scutellum smooth, im- punctate. Elytra rather broader than the base of the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined ; apex obtusely rounded ; surface slightly convex, deeply punctate-striate, each elytron with four nearly round black spots; the first small, at the base near the scutellum ; the second larger than the rest, just before the middle ; the other two parallel, halfway between the middle and the apex. Beneath entirely fulvous, Hab, Ceylon. Unique in the British Museum collection. 9. Callispa nigricornis, n. sp. BM. C. anguste oblongo-ovata, explanata, modice convexa, dorso sub- depressa, fulva, nitida; oculis antennisque nigris, Long. 25 lin. C. narrowly oblong-ovate, moderately convex, subdepressed along the suture, pale shining fulvous. Head smooth, slightly convex, im- pressed in the middle of the forehead with a shallow fovea ; front CALLISPA, 9 produced anteriorly into a short subacute process, which forms the upper termination of a longitudinal ridge on the face; eyes and antenne black. ‘Thorax transverse, more than half as broad again as long; sides nearly straight, rounded and narrowed in front; anterior margin indistinctly excavated, its middle slightly produced, convex; surface smooth; sides depressed, covered with coarse punctures; disc convex, its puncturing less crowded, broad longitudinal space in the centre impunctate. Scutellum subquadrate, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax, ovate ; margin broadly dilated, deflexed ; apex rounded; above smooth and shining, moderately convex, indistinctly flattened along the suture, deeply punctate-striate, puncturing finer near the apex, coarser and more deeply impressed on the dilated border. Hab, Ceylon. Unique in the British Museum. 10. Callispa nigripes, n. sp. B.M. C. elongata, pallide fulva ; antennis, pedibus pleurisque nigris. Long. 23-34 lin, C. elongate, pale fulvous. Head above convex, impunctate, slightly produced in front, acute; antenne and mouth black. Thorax transverse, twice as broad as long; apical margin slightly exca- rated ; sides narrowly margined, straight near the base, regularly rounded in front; surface convex in the middle, excavated on either side, coarsely punctured, puncturing crowded and subvario- lose on the excavated portion and outer border, scattered and more distant on the disc ; at the base of the latter is a small deep fovea. Scutellum shining, impunctate. Elytra scarcely wider than the base of the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined ; apex rounded ; above moderately convex, punctate-striate, inter- stices towards the sides obsoletely elevated. Beneath shining fulvous; legs and pleuree black. Hab. South Africa. British Museum, and collection of J. 8. Baly. 11. Callispa Natalensis, n. sp. B.M. C. elongata, modice convexa, migra, nitida ; capite thoraceque testa- ceils 5 elytris punctato- -striatis, margine obscure piceis; genubus tarsisque rufo-piceis. Long. 24 lin. C. elongate, moderately convex, shining black; head and thorax bright testaceous red; knees and tarsi rufo-piceous. Head finely punctured, produced and angled in front, its apex obtuse ; vertex flattened, impressed in its middle with a short longitudinal groove ; antennee entirely black ; eyes piceous. Thorax. nearly twice as broad as long; sides narrowly margined, nearly straight at their 10 AMBLISPA. base, rounded and narrowed from thence to the front ; anterior angles nearly obsolete, posterior subacute ; above convex on the disc, longitudinally excavated on either side, coarsely but distantly punctured ; depressed portions subvariolose-punctate. Scutellum rufo-piceous, broadly ovate, its apex obtuse. Elytra shining black, sometimes obscure piceous on their outer edge ; scarcely broader than the base of the thorax; sides parallel, narrowly margined ; apex obtusely rounded ; above moderately convex, deeply punc- tate-striate, strie near the outer border more deeply but irregu- larly impressed, subsulcate. Beneath shining black ; knees and tarsi rufo-piceous, Hab. Port Natal. British Museum, and collections of E. Sheppard, Esq., W. W. Saunders, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 12. Callispa? cassidoides, Guér. Cephaloleia cassidoides, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 284. C’. rotundata, paullo convexa, flava; elytris rufis ; antennis nigris, C. “‘ arrondie, peu conyexe, jaune vif, avec les élytres rouges. An- tennes fusiformes, 4 peine de moitié plus longues que la téte et le corselet, noires. Yeux noirs. Corselet prés de trois fois plus large que long, coupé presque droit en avant, avec le milieu du bord an- térieur légérement avancé, arrondi et ponctué sur les cétés, lisse et d’un jaune plus rougedtre au milieu. Ecusson triangulaire, trés-lisse et rougeditre. Elytres plus larges que le corselet 4 leur base, élargies et arrondies sur les cotés, d’un rouge vif et luisant, avee des stries de points faiblement enfoncés et presque effacés aux bords. «Java. Long. 8, lat. 5} mill.” I have not seen this insect, and cannot therefore with certainty say whether or not it belongs to the present genus. The type speci- men was formerly in the possession of M. Buquet ; it is now, I believe, in the collection of Mr, Thompson. Genus III. AMBLISPA. Details, Tas. I, Fie. 3. Antenne (fig. 3a) modice robuste, apicem versus vix incrassate, ar- ticulo primo brevi, ovali, secundo paullo longiori, obconico, ter- tio elongato, oblongo-obovato, cateris fere eequalibus, brevibus, ultimo paullo elongato, apice subacuto. Mandibule (fig. 3b) elongato-triangulares, apice dentate. Labrum (fig. 3c) transversum, obsolete longitudinaliter eleyatum, apice valde deflexum. Palpi compressi, robusti; mawillares (fig. 3 d) articulo primo minuto, secundo et tertio clavati, hoc breviori, ultimo paullo elongato, AMBLISPA,. 11 ovato ; labiales (fig. 3 ¢) articulo primo minuto, secundo clavato, tertio amphato, apice truncato. Labium (fig. 3 f) oblongo-elongatum, subcuneiforme, apice rotun- datum, lateribus infra medium constrictis. Caput supra convexum, antrorsum vix productum, antice foveis duabus magnis, creta elevata separatis (quabus antenne insert sunt), oculis oblongo-ovatis, postice subsinuatis. Thorax subquadratus, lateribus non dilatatus, Scutcllum subpentagonum. Elytra thoracis basi paullo latiora, oblongo-elongata, convexa, apice rotundata. Pedes modice robusti, simplices; tarsis articulo primo subhemi- spheerico. Corpus elongatum, convexum. (Type, Amblispa Dohrnit.) This genus forms a link between Callispa and Leptispa ; it is sepa- rated from the former by the enlarged truncate terminal joint of the labial palpi and by the undilated sides of the thorax ; from the latter it is at once distinguished by the short basal joint of its antenne. Together with the two preceding genera, Amblispa is distinguished from all others by having the sutural line, separating the mentum from the ligula, obsolete ; this causes the labium to appear composed of one piece only. I have found the modifications of this organ of great use in the formation of new genera; it may therefore be desirable to give here a short explanation of the terms made use of in the present work, in order to avoid any unnecessary perplexity to the student, arising from the confused nomenclature of the part. The name of labium has been applied by some authors to the whole organ, by others to the upper part only, whilst to the separate por- tions themselves, different names have been given by different authors. In the Hispide, the Labium (Tab. I. fig. A) or lower lip is generally divided into three principal portions: viz. the Mentum or base ; the Ligula or intermediate division, bearing the labial palpi; and the Lingua or true tongue; this last is useless for scientific purposes, being semi-membranaceous, and attached quite out of sight to the dorsal surface of the ligula. The Mentum (fig. A, a) in the present group is formed by the union of two segments, separated in the Cara- bide and other families by a sutural line, but here closely united into a single piece: the basal portion, which, when distinct, is called by some authors the insertion, is connected by its inferior angles to the maxille ; the upper part, or true mentum, is generally deeply exca- vated on either side for the reception of the stipes of the same organs : the mentum varies much in size and shape, in some genera being restricted to a short transverse band, in others greatly developed, and 12 AMBLISPA, entirely concealing the base of the ligula. The Ligula (fig. A, b) or intermediate division is composed also of two segments, here gene- raily divided by a sutural line; the lower or basilar is the part from which the labial palpi arise ; it is frequently much enlarged, and sometimes entirely conceals the apical segment (this latter (fig. A, c), when visible, is for the most part produced anteriorly in the form of an obovate or oblong lobe). The variations in shape of the mentum and basilar segment of the ligula afford most important scientific characters, and, from their exposed position on the under side of the mouth, they can be easily examined without dissection. 1. Amblispa Dohrnii, n. sp. Tas. IV. Fie. 3. A, elongata, convexa, nigra, nitida; capite thoraceque rubris ; elytris viridi-zeneis, s, O34 Long. 22 lin. A, elongate, convex above, shining black; head and thorax bright red; elytra brassy green. Head smooth, convex above, produced in front into an acute longitudinal ridge, which separates the antennal cavities ; antenne rather longer than the head and thorax, black. Thorax transverse-quadrate ; sides subparallel, narrowed in front, indistinctly margined, apical margin slightly produced in front ; above moderately convex, deeply punctured ; anterior margin and an indistinct raised line down the centre of the disc smooth, impunctate. Scutellum shining black, impunctate. Elytra rather broader than the base of the thorax ; sides parallel ; apex rounded ; above convex, deeply punctate-striate. Body beneath shining black ; head and thorax bright red ; anterior pair of thighs some- what thickened. Hab. Ceylon. Sent to me by H. Dohrn, after whom I have named it. Collection of J. 8. Baly. 2. Amblispa levigata (Guér.). B.M. Microrhopala laevigata, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 278. A, elongata, modice convexa, lete cyaneo-nigra, nitida, Long. 22 lin. A, rather more ovate than the preceding species, obscure blue-black. Front produced into a small acute tooth, which forms the upper termination of a longitudinal ridge between the antenne. Thorax punctured, as broad as long, narrowed from the base to the apex ; sides rounded, anterior and posterior angles acute. Elytra deeply punctate-striate. Hab. Northern India. Pondicherry, Guérin. British Museum, and collections of Major Parry, W. W. Saunders, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. STENISPA, 13 This insect has been described by Guérin in the Iconographie du Regne Animal; he, however, has placed it in the genus Miero- rhopala, with the species of which it has not the least affinity beyond mere external form. B. Mentum distinctum. Genus IV. STENISPA. Details, Tan. I. fig. 4. Antenne (fig. 4a) capite cum thorace vix longiores, subfiliformes, apice vix incrassate, articulo primo brevi, ovato, secundo ob- conico, truncato, paullo longiori, tertio plerumque paullo elon- gato, rarius secundo breviori, ceteris ad 10™ brevibus, sub- eequalibus, cylindricis, ultimo paullo longiori, subacuto. Labrum (fig. 46) antice incrassatum, deflexum, margine leniter ro- tundato. Mandibule (fig. 4) apice bidentate. * Palpi maxillares (fig. 4 d) articulo primo parvo, ovato, secundo cla- vato, tertio trigono aut obconico, quarto paullo compresso et ampliato, obovato; labiales (fig. 4) articulo primo parvo, ovato, secundo subtrigono, tertio compresso et ampliato, ovato, obtuso. Labium: mento (fig. 4 f ) brevi, transverso, basi ad apicem angustato ; ligula (fig. 4.9) trapeziformi, ad apicem ampliata, segmento basilari (fig. 4h) transverso, apicali (fig. 47) obovato, basi at- tenuato, apice obtuso. Caput antice deflexum, inter oculos pleramque concavum, antennis in foveis duabus magnis insertis, oculis elongato-ovatis. Thorax quadratus, latitudine szpe paullo longior, lateribus anguste marginatis. Scutellum pentagonum, apice acuto. Elytra thorace vix latiora, angustata, elongata, convexa. Pedes brevi, robusti, femoribus incrassatis. Corpus elongatum, filiforme. The type is the Hispa metallica, Fabr., a native of North America ; the other species are found in Brazil. In habit very similar to Leptispa, but easily distinguished by the presence of a separate mentum. a. Antennarum articulo tertio paullo elongato. 1. Stenispa metallica, (Fabr.). Tas. IV. Fie. 4. B.M. Hispa metallica, Fabr. Syst. El. t. ii. Pp. 60. no. 37. metallica, Oliv. Entom. t. vi. p. 777. no, 33. tab. 2. £55. 14 STENISPA. S. elongata, filiformis, convexa, nigra, seneo-nitidula; antennis nigris. Long, 3 lin, S. shining black, with an obscure metallic tinge. Thorax scarcely longer than broad; sides parallel, indistinctly sinuate, anterior angles slightly produced, obtuse, posterior acute ; above subcylin- drical, finely but distinctly punctured, punctures not very crowded, but much closer than in the third and following species. Scutellum pentangular. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, nearly four times its length ; sides narrowly margined, subsinuate, nar- rowed behind towards their apex; the latter in each elytron rounded, conjointly slightly emarginate at the suture; sutural angle distinct ; above convex, distinctly punctate-striate. Beneath shining black. Hab, Carolina, Olivier. St. John’s Bluff, East Florida, collected by the late E. Doubleday, Esq. British Museum, and collections of E. Sheppard, Esq., M. Javet, and J. 8. Baly. 2. Stenispa Parryi, n. sp. S. filiformis, convexa, nitida, viridi-ceerulea ; thorace lateribus rectis, latitudine vix longiori, crebre punctato, cupreo-zeneo ; antennis, pedibus abdomineqne nigris, hoc fortiter punctato. Long. 3} lin, S. filiform, convex above, shining metallic blue with a greenish tinge. Head bright metallic blue in front; neck black; front slightly concave, finely punctured, with a longitudinal groove running down between the eyes; antenne black. Thorax sub- quadrate, scarcely longer than broad; sides narrowly margined, straight and parallel, rounded and narrowed in front, anterior angles slightly produced, and, together with the hinder, acute ; above subcylindrical, closely punctured, bright cupreous; disc brassy. Scutellum pentangular, its apex produced, acute. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, nearly four times its length ; sides parallel, narrowly margined, subsinuate, narrowed towards the apex, the latter acutely rounded ; above convex, outer margin indistinctly dilated and reflexed near its apex, the latter slightly thickened; surface shining, punctate-striate, puncturing some- what confusedly placed on the strie towards their apex. Body beneath more obscure in colouring ; legs and abdomen black, the latter shining, deeply punctured. Hab. Brazil. A single specimen in Major Parry’s collection. The largest species in the genus ; thorax more closely punctured. STENISPA. 15 3. Stenispa Batesii, n. sp. S. filiformis, convexa, nigro-chalybea, nitida ; thorace quadrato, la- teribus rectis, cupreo-seneo, sparse punctato,. Long. 22 lin. S. filiform, convex above, dark shining chalybeate. Head smooth ; antenne black. Thorax quadrate ; sides narrowly margined, straight and parallel, narrowed and rounded at their extreme apex, anterior angles subacute, the posterior slightly produced laterally, acute; above coppery green with a brassy tinge, smooth and shining, impressed here and there with a few distinct punc- tures. Scutellum smooth, obscure coppery green. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, scarcely four times its length; sides parallel, subsinuate, narrowed behind to the apex, the latter acutely rounded, obsoletely thickened; above convex, slightly excavated at the base; sides narrowly margined; surface smooth, punctate- striate. Beneath smooth and shining. Hab. Amazons. Collected by H. W. Bates, Esq. ; a single specimen in that gentleman’s private collection. 4. Stenispa vicina, n. sp. B.M, S. filiformis, convexa, nigro-chalybea, nitida ; thorace quadrato, late- ribus leniter curvatis, postice paullo angustato, disperse punctato. Long. 2} lin. S. filiform, convex above, dark shining chalybeate. Head smooth ; antenne black. Thorax quadrate, narrowed behind ; sides shghtly rounded, narrowly margined, anterior angles subacute, posterior acute ; above subcylindrical, rather less distantly punctured than in the preceding species. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra rather shorter and more convex than in the former, similar in puncturing, but without the depressions at their base. Hab. Santarem. Also collected by Mr. Bates. Unique in the Museum Collection. These two species are very closely allied, and possibly varieties of the same insect ; not possessing, however, a series, and knowing only a single specimen of each, I have for the present considered them distinct. SS. vicina differs from S. Batesii in having the thorax rather broader in front, its surface being somewhat more closely punctured and concolorous with the rest of the body; the elytra, also, are without the basal depressions visible in the former species. b. Antennarum articulo tertio secundo breviort. 5. Stenispa Clarkella, n. sp. S. filiformis, convexa, nigra, nitida ; thorace quadrato, lateribus rec- 16 (DIOPALPA. tis apice rotundatis, remote punctato; elytris tenuiter punctato- striatis, apice minus attenuatis ; pedibus abdomineque nigro-piceis. Long. 2} lin, S. filiform, rather broader and more convex than the preceding spe- cies; elytra less narrowed behind, shining black above. Head smooth ; front convex; face concave, divided by a longitudinal ridge which runs upwards to the front, into two large fovez for the insertion of the antenne ; the latter scarcely longer than the head and thorax, stouter than in any of the rest, their apex scarcely thickened. Thorax quadrate; sides straight and parallel, obso- letely sinuate, rounded at their apex, anterior angles not pro- duced, obtuse ; above subcylindrical, impressed on either side near the anterior angles; sides narrowly margined ; surface remotely but deeply punctured. Scutellum smooth. FElytra rather broader than the thorax, four times its length; sides parallel, slightly sinuate, less distinctly narrowed towards their apex ; the latter regularly rounded; above convex, depressed at the base between the shoulders, slightly thickened at the apex; sides narrowly margined ; surface smooth and shining, finely punctate-striate. Abdomen and legs pitchy black ; pygidium pitchy. Hab. Brazil. Collected by the Rey. H. Clark, and in that gentle- man’s cabinet. Distinguished from S. metallica, to which insect it is the most nearly allied, by the short third joint of its antennz, the quadrate and less thickly punctured thorax, and by its more convex elytra, which are less attenuated towards their apex, and less acutely rounded, Genus V. @DIOPALPA. Details, Tas. I. Fie. 5. Cephaloleiz pars, Guér. Antenne (fig. 5 a) corporis dimidio breviores, subfiliformes vel fili- formes, articulo primo incrassato, ovato, truncato, secundo brevi, tertio elongato, czeteris brevioribus, oblongis. Labrum (fig. 56) incrassatum, transversum, basi elevatum, mar- gine angulato aut rotundato. Mandibule (fig. 5 ¢) unidentatze. Palpi valde compressi, dilatati ; mawillares (fig. 5 d) articulo primo clavato, secundo amphato, tertio illo breviori, transverso, ultimo ovato; labiales (fig. 5 e) articulo primo triangulari, secundo paullo longiori, reliquis magis ampliato, trapeziformi, tertio tri- angulari vel ovato. Mentum (fig. 5 f ) breve, transversum ; ligula (fig. 5 q) trapeziformis, latitudine duplo longior, segmento basilart (fig. 5h) subpen- tagono, apicali (fig. 57) obtuse rotundato. (®DIOPALPA. 17 Caput antice inter oculos subverticale, supra clypeum fortiter exca- vatum, clypeo producto ; oculis ovatis. Thorax subconicus, transyersus seu transverso-quadratus, dorso con- vexus, antice vix emarginatus, lateribus ad apicem angustatis, angulis anticis vix prominulis, posticis acutis, postice utrinque sinuatus, lobo medio obtuse truncato. Scutellum (fig. 57) latum, pentangulare. Elytra thoracis basi paullo latiora, oblonga vel oblongo-elongata, sub- convexa, apice conjunctim obtuse emarginata, pygidium non obtegentia, margine ad apicem minute serrata. Antepectus antrorsum productum, truncatum, oris basin occultans. Corpus ovatum, oblongum aut elongatum. Most remarkable for the singular form of its palpi; both the maxillary and labial are much flattened and dilated, the latter almost entirely concealing the apical portion of the ligula. a. Thorax basi ad apicem angustatus, conicus. 1. Gdiopalpa nigripes, n. sp. @. late-oblonga, fulva, subnitida; thorace parvo, basi ad apicem valde angustato; antennis pedibusque nigris, coxis fulvis, tibiis anticis apice piceis. Long. 4 lin. @, oblong, broad, pale fulvous; antenne and legs black. Head smooth, impunctate; eyes piceous. Thorax transverse; sides nearly straight, quickly narrowed from their base to the apex, subsinuate behind the middle; posterior angles produced, sub- acute; the anterior margin slightly excavated; disc subconyex, smooth and shining, impunctate. Scutellum broad, subpentan- gular, the apex obtuse. Elytra much broader than the thorax, running obliquely outwards at their base; the humeral angles obtuse ; sides parallel ; apex rounded; above convex, punctate- striate, puncturing deeper and more irregular towards the outer margin ; the latter slightly reflexed, finely and irregularly serrate towards its apex. Beneath with the legs black, the coxe fulvous, extreme apex of anterior tibiz piceous. Hab. Brazil. Collection of A. Fry, Esq. 2. (diopalpa basalis, n. sp. @. oblongo-ovata, supra subconvexa, nigra ; elytris purpureis, basi, thorace scutelloque flavis. Long. 32 lin. @. oblong-ovate, subconvex. Head black, vertex pale yellow. Thorax yellow, nearly twice as broad at the base as long, much nar- rowed in front, side margins running obliquely inwards from their C 18 CEDIOPALPA. base to the apex ; above smooth and shining, subconvex, slightly excavated near the anterior angles and on the disc; distantly punctured, puncturing more crowded at the base. Scutellum smooth, subpentangular, Elytra broader than the thorax ; outer margins oblique at their base, then parallel; their apex regularly rounded, finely serrate ; above subconvex, punctate-striate ; punc- tures more deeply impressed and irregularly placed towards the outer edge, the latter narrowly reflexed; purple-blue, a narrow basal fascia prolonged down the outer margin for nearly a third of the length, yellow. Beneath black; thorax and extreme apex of pleuree yellow. Hab. Petropolis; Brazil. A single specimen, taken by the Rev. Hamlet Clark in the ahove- mentioned locality, is in that gentleman’s collection. 3. Gdiopalpa cyanipennis (Fabr.). Tas. IV. Fie. 5. Hispa cyanipennis, Fubr. Syst. El. ii. p. 65. no, 36. (E. oblongo-ovata, postice paullo ampliata, subconvexa, nitida, coc- cinea; elytris ceruleis ; thorace subconico, apice truncato; an- tennis geniculisque nigris. Long. 4-44 lin. Var. A. Pedibus nigris, femorum basi coccineo. Cephaloleia cyanoptera, Guér. Icon. du Réegne Anim. Texte, p. 281. . oblong-oyate, rather broader behind, bright shining red; elytra bright metallic blue ; antenne and knees black ; the former slen- der, filiform, shorter than half the body, their basal joint rufous. Thorax transverse, narrowed from base to apex, very convex above, smooth and shining, impressed on either side at the base with a small deep fovea ; basal lobe with a transverse groove. Scutellum bright red, subpentagonal. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax, quadrate-ovate, rather wider behind ; shoulders rounded ; sides with a narrow reflexed border, subparallel; the apex obtusely rounded, apical margin distinctly serrate; above moderately con- yex, punctate-striate, puncturing irregular, coarser and variolose on the sides below the shoulders ; just within the outer edge is a row of deep transverse impressions. Beneath shining red, knees black. Var. A. Legs black, base of thighs red. Hab. Brazil. The type in the collection of E. Sheppard, Esq. Var. A. in the collection of J. S. Baly. Some little uncertainty has existed with regard to the species meant by Fabricius, from that author, in giving the size of his insect, having referred to Hispa coccinea, a species not to be found in any of his works. Guérin has described the variety under the name of Cephaloleia cya- nopterda. CEDIOPALPA, 19 b. Thorax bast ad apicem non angustatus, lateribus rectis aut rotundatis, antice angustates. 4. Cdiopalpa laticollis, n. sp. B.M. @. oblonga, nigra, nitida ; elytris cyaneis ; thorace longitudine duplo latiori, testaceo. Long. 23-31 lin. @. oblong, moderately convex above ; shining black with a blush tinge; thorax testaceous; elytra shining blue. Head smooth, punc- tured between the eyes; antenne black. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides dilated, somewhat thickened and reflexed, straight and parallel behind, curved obliquely inwards before their middle ; anterior angles obtuse; above smooth and shining; disc convex ; sides with a broad deeply impressed groove just within the lateral margin ; on the groove are a few distinct punctures, rest of the surface impunctate ; just in front of the basal margin is an indistinct transverse groove. Scutellum smooth, black. Elytra broader than the thorax ; shoulders rounded ; sides parallel, shghtly sinuate below the shoulders; the apex rounded; outer edge nar- rowly reflexed, minutely serrate towards the apex ; above convex, surface smooth and shining, distinctly punctate-striate, puncturing coarser at the sides. Hab. Archedona; Peru. British Museum and collection of J. 8. Baly. Distinguished at once from the rest of the similarly coloured species by its broad thorax, nearly as wide as the elytra; the whole body is also broader in proportion to its length. 5. (diopalpa collaris (Guér.). B.M. Cephaloleia collaris, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 281. Pertyi, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 282. Alurnus cyanipennis?, Perty, Delect. An. Art. p. 99. t. 20. f. 4. @. elongata, parallela, modice convexa, nitida; capite nigro; antennis subfiliformibus ; thorace lateribus rectis, antice rotundato-angus- tatis, rubro, apice nigro-ceruleo ; elytris punctato-striatis, cyaneis; subtus nigro-cerulea ; thoracis lateribus rubris ; marzs abdominis segmento anali apice sinuato, feemine rotundato. Long. 23-3} lin. G@. elongate, parallel, moderately convex, shining. Head and an- tenne black, the latter subfiliform. Thorax bright red, with an angular brassy- or blue-black spot on the apical margin, transverse; sides subparallel and nearly straight from the base to beyond their middle, thence to the apex narrowed and rounded, sometimes at the termination of the straight portion is an indistinct angle ; base moderately sinuate on either side; medial lobe deflexed, obtusely truncate, black; above smooth and shining, convex, distantly punctured, and with several more or less distinct shallow excava- a2 20 (DIOPALPA. tions along the sides, the narrow lateral border thickened, reflexed ; on the anterior edge of the basal lobe is a transverse groove ; posterior angles slightly produced backwards, acute; the form of the thorax differs shghtly, in some individuals being rather broader and having its sides less thickened. Scutellum broad, subpentan- gular. Elytra rather broader than the thorax in the male, some- what wider in the female ; sides parallel, narrowly margined ; apex acutely rounded; humeral angle with a small indistinct obtuse tooth ; above convex, base more or iess deeply excavated between the shoulders into several large foves, these sometimes entirely absent ; surface regularly punctate-striate, puncturing always deeper and coarser at the sides, but varying in size and depth over the whole surface in different individuals ; outer border reflexed, serrate towards the apex. Beneath blue-black ; segments of abdo- men impressed on either side with a shallow fovea, those on the anal segment deeper than the rest ; sides of the thorax alone rufous. In a specimen in the Museum collection, and also in another in my own, the legs are obscure reddish purple; the Museum insect has also the elytra the same colour. Hab. Interior of Brazil, Guérin; Amazons. Collected by H. W. Bates, Esq. British Museum and most collections. I think the Cephaloleia Pertyi of Guérin, and probably also the Alurnus cyanipennis of Perty, are only forms of the above. Guérin has not given a detailed description, but merely states the thorax to be more transverse and the’sides more rounded ; he at the same time expresses a doubt as to his insect being more than a sexual variety of the typical form. The specimens that I have seen of @diopalpa col- laris differ so widely in size and depth of sculpture, that, without an intermediate series, the two extremes would be regarded as distinct species. 6. Cdiopalpa Guerinii, n. sp. B.M. . elongata, subconvexa, dorso leniter depressa, nitida ; capite nigro ; thorace transverso, lateribus rotundatis, antice angustatis, testaceo, apice anguste nigro ; elytris punctato-striatis, cyaneis, subtus lete ceruleis; thorace subtus testaceo. Long. 35—4 lin. @. elongate, parallel. Head and antenne black, the latter subfili- form. Thorax transverse, shining testaceous above and below, a narrow patch on the apical margin above alone black; sides re- flexed, straight at their base, thence to the apex regularly rounded ; basal margin deeply sinuate on either side ; medial lobe broad, ob- tuse; posterior angles very acute; above convex, smooth and shining, distantly punctured. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra shining metallic blue, rather broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined ; apex acutely rounded ; above CEDIOPALPA. 21 less convex than in the preceding species, slightly depressed along the back; base between the shoulders excavated into several deep fovez ; there are also one or more shallow depressions along the outer disc; surface finely punctate-striate, puncturing deeper, coarser, and somewhat irregular on the sides; outer margin re- flexed, finely serrate towards the apex. Beneath obscure metallic blue-black ; thorax entirely testaceous ; foveze on the segments of abdomen deeper than in @. collaris. Hab. Venezuela. British Museum and most collections. This insect, which is the species most commonly met with in cabinets, generally bears the name of cyanipennis, Perty,—I think, however, erroneously, as it comes from a far distant locality, and is not likely to be also found in the mountains of Brazil; Cephaloleva collaris also agrees much better with the description of Perty. 7. Gdiopalpa fulvipes, n. sp. @. oblonga, viridi-zenea, subtus nigro-picea; antennis pedibusque fulvis. Long. 24 lin. . oblong, above bright metallic green ; head smooth, impunctate ; antenne fulvous. Thorax transverse, half as broad again as long, the apex slightly concave ; sides nearly parallel and subsinuate behind, rounded and narrowed in front, posterior angles acute ; surface convex, smooth and nearly impunctate in the middle, the sides flattened and slightly excavated, coarsely punctured. Scu- tellum impunctate. Elytra rounded at their base, the sides sub- parallel, somewhat narrowed behind, their apex rounded ; surface convex, deeply punctate-striate, the puncturing coarser on the sides ; lateral margin reflexed before its middle, indistinctly serrate towards the apex. Beneath pitchy black, apex of abdomen and legs fulvous, thighs with their basal half piceous. Hab. Brazil. Collection of A. Fry, Esq. 8. Cdiopalpa cerulea, n. sp. B.M. @. oblongo-elongata, convexa, caerulea, nitida, subtus nigro-cerulea ; antennis nigris. Long. 24 lin. G. oblong-elongate, shining metallic blue. Antenne black, sub- incrassate towards the apex. Thorax transverse-quadrate ; sides narrowly margined, subparallel and sinuate behind, narrowed and rounded in front ; disc convex, transversely impressed at the base, minutely punctured ; scattered irregularly over the surface are a 22 CLADISPA. few deep impressions. Scutellum impunctate. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax, their sides nearly parallel, rounded at the apex ; above convex, the lateral margins slightly dilated and re- flexed, finely toothed in front and towards the apex ; each elytron with ten rows of distinct punctures, those on the sides more deeply impressed; interstices smooth, minutely punctured. Beneath blue- black. Hab. Cayenne; Amazons. Collected by H. W. Bates, Esq. British Museum. Collections of M. Chevrolat, F. Pascoe, Esq., and J.S. Baly. Species mihi ignota. Alurnus cyanipennis, Perty. «« A, capite nigro; thorace rufo ; elytris cyaneis. “Long. 31”; lat. hum. 14’, ‘Hab. In montibus Proy. Minarum. «4, thorax antrorsum rotundatus, angulis posticis acutis; punctulatus, juxta marginem lateralem reflexum utrinque impressus. Elytra thoracis latitudine, nitida, longitudinaliter punctulata, postice ro- tundata, margine laterali reflexo. Subtus nigro-cyaneus, nitidus. Antenne nigre. Pedes nigri, tarsis subtus albido-pulvinatis. “Perty, Delect. Anim. Art. p. 100. t. 20. f. 4.” Should this prove to be distinct, it will be necessary to change the name, Fabricius having used it for a species of the same genus. Genus VI. CLADISPA. Details, Tas. I. Fre. 6. Antenne (fig. 6 a) robuste, corporis dimidii longitudine, articulo primo incrassato, paullo compresso, secundo et duobus proximis compressis, singulis apice oblique truncatis et dilatatis, antror- sum in spina brevi acuta productis, ceteris cylindricis, magni- tudine perparum decrescentibus, apice oblique truncatis, ultimo oblongo, obtuso. Labrum (fig. 6 5) transversum, deflexum, supra longitudinaliter cari- natum. Mandibule (fig. 6 e) trigonee. Palpi robusti, compressi; mawxillares (fig. 6 d) articulo primo parvo, obconico, oblique truncato, secundo duobus sequentibus longitu- dine sequali, leniter curvato, ad apicem paullo incrassato, tertio brevi, transverso, ultimo ovato, apice subacuto; labiales (fig. 6 e) articulo primo obconico, secundo paullo ampliato, subclavato, apice oblique truncato, ultimo ovato. Labium oblongum (fig. 6 7); mento (fig. 6 g) brevi, transverso ; ligula (fig. 6 h) quadrato-oblonga apice obtuse rotundata. Caput face inter oculos subverticali, deorsum vix spectante, oculis ovato-rotundatis, integris. OCTOCLADISCUS. 23 Thorax transversus, apice integro. Scutellum (fig. 6 7) latum, subpentagonum. Elytra ovata, subdepressa, margine explanata, apice rotundata. Pedes brevi, robusti; tarsis latis, articulo primo semilunato (fig. 67), ungue brevi. Corpus ovatum, subdepressum. Nearly allied by its antenne to the following genus. In the form of the labium it comes near to Gdiopalpa, after which I have placed it. 1. Cladispa quadrimaculata, n.sp. Tas. LY. Fie. 6. C. ovata, subdepressa, pallide flava, nitida; antennis, elytrorum maculis quatuor tarsisque nigris. Long. 3+ lin. C. ovate, subdepressed, pale yellow ; antenne (basal joint excepted) and two spots on each elytron black. Thorax transverse; sides nearly straight, narrowed and rounded in front; apical margin very shghtly produced, subsinuate on either side; surface smooth and shining; disc impunctate; sides coarsely punctured; at the base is a deep transverse groove. Scutellum smooth, shining. Elytra ovate, broader than the thorax, more than three times its length, slightly convex, finely punctate-striate, each with two large black patches; the first basal, extending a third down the elytron, and across from the outer margin nearly to the suture ; the second just below the middle, rather smaller, transverse and subovate, connected to the outer border by a narrow process. Beneath pale fulvous ; tarsi black. Hab. Demerara. A single specimen in the collection of J. 8. Baly. Genus VII, OCTOCLADISCUS, Thompson. Details, Tas. I. Fie. 7. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 480. Antenne (fig. 7a) dimidio corporis longiores, articulo primo brevi, incrassato, apice introrsum paullo producto, duobus sequentibus brevissimis, simplicibus, ceteris elongatis, introrsum valde flabel- latis, ultimo incrassato. Labrum (fig. 7b) transversum, apice declive. Mandibule (fig. 7c) parvee, apice truncate, obsolete-dentate. Palpi mawillares (fig. 7d) articulo primo parvo, duobus sequentibus obconicis, ultimo ovato, apice obtuse truncato ; labiales (fig. 7 ¢) articulo primo parvo, secundo obconico, ultimo ovato. Mentum (fig. 7f) brevissimum, transversum; ligula (fig. 7g) sub- quadrata, apice rotundato. Caput fere verticale ; oculis magnis, ovatis. 24 ALURNUS. Thorax transversus, apice emarginatus, lateribus dilatatis, reflexo- marginatis. Scutellum subpentagonum, apice acuto. Elytra thorace latiora, quadrato-oblonga, subdepressa, apice obtuse rotundata. Pedes breves, graciles, femoribus vix incrassatis, tibiis rectis, tarsis articulo primo obconico, secundo triangulari, sat angulato- emarginato, tertio elongato-triangulari, ffere ad basin emar- ginato, ungue robusto. Corpus late oblongum, subdepressum. The flabellate antennze render this genus one of the most remark- able in the whole group. 1. Octocladiscus fasciatus (Guér.). Tas, LY. Fie. 7. Caloclada fasciata, Guér. Icon. du Réegne Anim. Texte, p. 284. Octocladiscus flabellatus, Thomps. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, pl. 24. fig. 6. O. satis oblongus, subdepressus, nitido-fulvus; antennis (articulis basalibus tribus exceptis) elytrisque nigris, his prope vitté medium obliqua fulva. Long. 4—5 lin. Var. A. Elytris totis nigris. Caloclada flabellata, Guér. Icon. du Réegne Anim. Texte, p. 284. Hab. Cayenne. A single specimen, formerly in M. Buquet’s cabinet, is now in the collection of J. Thompson, Esq., Paris. Genus VIII. ALURNUS, Fabr. Details, Tan. I. Fie. 8. Fabr. Ent. Syst. i. p. 51. no, 54. D Orbigny, Dict. @ Hist. Nat. i. p. 314. Blanch. Hist. des Ins. ii. p. 181. Hispee pars, Oliv. Ent. vi. p. 757. Antenne (fig. 8a) corporis dimidio breviores, robust, apice attenu- ate, articulo primo incrassato, secundo breyi, tertio plus minusve elongato, caeteris sequalibus aut longitudine decrescentibus, ul- timo subacuto. Labrum (fig. 86) parvum, transversum. Mandibule (fig. 8¢) magne, bidentate, dente secundo parvo, fere obsoleto. Palpi mawillares (fig. 8d) articulo primo minuto, duobus proximis clavatis, ultimo ovato; labiales (fig. 8 e) articulo primo minuto, secundo clavato, ultimo obovato vel subclavato. Mentum (fig. 8f) breve, transversum, antice angulatum, ligula intime connectum, sape ab e& egre distinguendum; lgula ALURNUS. 25 (fig. 8g) magna, seymento basilari (fig. 8h) crasso, subpenta- gono, apice obtuso, antice utrinque valde excavato (palpis in emarginatione insertis). Oculi ovati. Thorax transversus, apice rotundatus, lateribus sinuatis, antrorsum valde declivibus. Scutellum (fig. 87) semiovatum, apice subacutum. Elytra oblonga, apice rotundata. Pedes robusti, mediocres, femoribus subincrassatis, tarsis latis. Corpus oblongum, subconvexum, dorso subdepressum. (Type, Alurnus marginatus, Latr.) This genus (all the species of which are South American) contains the largest and most beautiful insects in the whole family ; it may at once be distinguished from the rest of the genera by the striking and singular shape of the basilar segment of the ligula; this is much enlarged, and forms the principal portion of the whole labium ; when viewed from below, it entirely conceals the apical segment. Olivier, who has given in his great work an erroneous figure and description of this organ, has evidently made his dissection from an insect belonging to a totally different genus. 1. Alurnus marginatus, Latr. B.M. Latr. Regne Anim. Ins. Texte, p. 503. pl. 71. fig. 3. Guér. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 330. A, supra nigro-viridis ; capite, thoracis lateribus elytrorumque limbo fulvis; antennis scutelloque nigris; infra fulvus; femorum apice, tibiis tarsisque nigris. Long. 14-16 lin. Var. A. Elytris fascia transversé plus minusve interrupta, fulva. Hab. Brazil. This is the most common insect in the genus, and is sent over to this country in almost every Brazilian collection ; the variety is also very common. 2. Alurnus thoracicus, Perty. B.M. Perty, Del. Anim. Artic. p. 99. tab. 20. fig. 2. Guér. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 33 A. niger; macula verticali, nee lateribus femoribusque sangui- neis. Long. 13 lin. Var. A. Thorace sanguineo, antice posticeque nigro-marginato. Var. B. Supra sanguineus, elytris macula humerali dimidioque pos- terior! chalybeis. 26 ALURNUS, Var. C. Supra sanguineus, scutello nigro. Var. D. Supra niger. Hab. Brazil. Type in the collection of C. Sheppard, Esq. Var. A. in that of J. 8. Baly; Var. C. in the British Museum; Var. D. in the cabinet of Major Parry. It is extremely doubtful whether this and the following insect ought to be separated into distinct species. The only two specimens that I have seen agreeing with Perty’s description are larger and more deeply punctured than in A. corallinus; they have the thorax broader and less narrowed in front, and also the third joint of their antenne is longer in proportion to the second. Var. C, a single specimen of which is in the collection of Major Parry, appears almost intermediate between the two; in sve and sculpturing it agrees with A. corallinus; in length of antenne, shape of thorax, and colouring (sides of thorax excepted), with the present insect, as a variety of which I have placed it; on the other hand, some specimens of the red variety of A. corallinus are nearly as large, and as coarsely punctured, as the typical form of A. thoracicus. It would require a much larger series of individuals than I have before me, in order to determine the specific identity or differences of the two; I have therefore thought it better for the present to leave them separate. 3. Alurnus corallinus, Vigors. B.M. Alurnus Vigorsii, Guér. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 331. A. niger; thoracis lateribus, femoribus (apice excepto) elytrisque sanguineis, his maculis duabus, una humerali, obliqua, altera pone medium, magna, subtriangulari, nigris. Long. 11 ln. Var. A. Elytris totis sanguineis, Alurnus corallinus, Vigors, Zool. Journ. 1826, t. ii. p. 240. tab. 9. f. 7. coccineus, Guér. Rev. Zool, 1840, p. 331. Hab. Brazil. British Museum. The typical form and variety are both common in collections. Guérin, although giving the reference to Vigors’s paper, has by some error changed the name corallinus to coccineus. 4. Alurnus quadrimaculatus, Guér. Guér. Rev. Zool, 1840, p. 331. A. niger; thoracis angulis sanguineo-maculatis ; elytris sanguineis, ALURNUS. 27 utrisque maculis duabus, una humerali, altera pone medium magna, triangulari, nigris. Long. 13 lin. Hab. Paraguay ; Corrientes. A single specimen in the collection of J. 8. Baly. A larger insect than the preceding ; thorax, with the exception of its angles, and the legs entirely black. I believe it varies with the thorax entirely black, but have not seen any specimens. 5. Alurnus nigripes, Guér. Guér. Rev. Zool, 1840, p. 331. A, niger, supra sanguineus; scutello nigro; thoracis lateribus fere rectis, subsinuatis ; elytris fortiter et crebre punctatis. Long. 13 lin. Hab. Corrientes; Chiquitos; Bolivia; interior of Brazil. Collection of J. 8. Baly. Alurnus nigripes is entirely red above, with the exception of the black scutellum, and occasionally a short longitudinal line on the thorax of the same colour ; its punctuation is coarser and larger than in A. coccineus, which, in addition to the black legs, serves to distin- guish it from the red variety of that insect ; it is also of larger size. 6. Alurnus vicinus, Guer. B.M. Guér. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 331. A. niger; supra sanguineus ; thoracis lateribus rotundatis, sinuatis ; elytris fortiter sed sparse punctatis, punctis paullo oblongis. Long. 13 lin. Hab. Bolivia; Chiquitos. British Museum. Collections of E. Sheppard and G. Waterhouse, Esqrs., and J. 8. Baly. Elytra much more sparingly punctured than in any of the other red species ; punctures deeply impressed, oblong. 7. Alurnus grossus, Fabr. B.M. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ti. 51.1; Syst. Eleuth. ii. 25. 1. Guér, Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 351. Voét. Col. ii. tab. 29. fig. 9. Hispa grossa, Oliv. Ent. vi. 759. pl. 1. fig. 1. A, niger; thorace rubro, antice posticeque nigro-marginato ;_ elytris flavis. Long. 15-16 lin. Hab. Cayenne. British Museum. Collections of Major Parry, W. W. Saunders and E. Sheppard, Esqrs., and J. $8. Baly. io 6 ALURNUS. 8. Alurnus Lansbergii, Salle. B.M. Sallé, Ann. de la Soc. Ent de France, t. vii. p. 482. pl. 18. fig. 3. A.niger; thorace rubro; elytris flavis; sutura, linea submarginali, vitta humerali obliqua punctoque infra medium, nigris. Long. 11 lin. Hab. Columbia; Venezuela. British Museum, and most other collections. This fine insect, formerly rare, has been brought from Columbia by M. Sallé, and subsequently described by him in the French Society’s Annales. 9. Alurnus d’Orbignyi, Gucr. Guér. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 331. A. niger; thorace lateribus rubro-maculato ; elytris flavis, utrisque puncto centrali margineque apicali nigris. (Mas.) Long. 12 lin. A, shining black; sides of the thorax red; elytra pale yellow, a central spot on each, and a narrow line along the apical margin, black ; antennze shorter than half the body; thorax transverse ; sides dilated and rounded, deeply sinuate at their base, suddenly narrowed and emarginate just behind the anterior angle, the latter obtuse ; above convex, subcylindrical in front, posterior half transversely excavated and depressed ; in the central line is a deep longitudinal groove, extending from the base nearly to the apical margin; coarsely and closely punctured, puncturing less crowded on the anterior part of the disc, variolose at the sides, rugose behind ; interstices on the basal half raised and transversely stri- gose. Scutellum punctured, black. Elytra much broader than the thorax, parallel, narrowly margined ; apex regularly rounded, above convex, closely punctured, pale yellow, each with a small subreniform spot in the middle (its concavity looking backwards), and a narrow line on the apical margin, black. (Male.) Hab. Bolivia. Collection of J. 8. Baly. Mr. Thompson, to whom I am indebted for my specimen, has a fine series of this insect. Although closely allied to the following species, it can be easily separated by its antenne, the and shape, sculp- ture and colour of the thorax, in addition to its smaller size. 10, Alurnus Saundersii, n. sp. A. late elongatus, convexus, niger, nitidus; thorace rubro, basi apiceque nigris; elytris pallide flavis, utrisque puncto centrali margineque apicali nigris. Long. 15 lin. ALURNUS, 29 A, oblong-elongate, moderately convex above, shining black. Head on the front irregularly excavated, closely punctured. Antennee half the length of the body. Thorax transverse; sides slightly rounded, sinuate behind, suddenly narrowed and deeply notched at the anterior angles, the latter slightly produced, subacute, posterior angles armed with an obtuse tooth; above convex, thickened and subcylindrical in front, broadly depressed behind from side to side, and irregularly excavated ; central line with a longitudinal groove, abbreviated in front; surface rugose-punc- tate, puncturing rather less crowded on the thickened portion of the disc, sides of the latter near its middle indistinctly strigose ; rufous, the extreme base and apical margin black. Scutellum twice as long as broad, punctate. Elytra much broader than the thorax; sides parallel, shghtly sinuate below the shoulders, narrowly margined ; apex regularly rounded; above convex, slightly de- pressed within the shoulders and below the scutellum, side margin reflexed ; closely punctured ; pale yellow, a small spot in the middle of each elytron, emarginate on its anterior edge, and a narrow line on the apical margin, black. Hab. Peru. Collections of W. W. Saunders, Esq., and J. S. Baly. Mr. Saunders’s specimen has rather shorter antenne than mine. 11. Alurnus bipunctatus (Oliv.). B.M. Hispa bipunctata, Oliv. Entom. vi. 760. Alurnus bipunctatus, Guér. Rev. Zool, 1840, p. 332. —— apicalis, Guér. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 352. —— Cupido, Thompson, Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1856, p. 117. pl. 6. f. 5. A, niger; elytris flavis, puncto centrali margineque apicali nigris ; abdomine sepe flavo. Long. 9-11 lin. Var. A. Elytrorum punctis obsoletis. Var. B. Elytris totis immaculatis. Oliv. Entom. vi. pl. 1. fig. 2. Hab. Bolivia; Cayenne; Amazons. British Museum, and most of the metropolitan collections. The various forms of this insect have been described by authors under different names. A. bipunctatus, Guér., differs from that of Olivier in having the abdomen yellow, not black, as mentioned in the description of the latter writer. I have placed A. Cupido, Thompson, under this species: I do not see anything to separate it, beyond the broader black line on the apical border of the elytra ; it is in all probability a mere local variety. Mr. Bates, in a letter, mentions that he found this form by the margin of rivulets in the 30 MELANISPA. woods of Santarem ; the typical form he also took in some abundance at Fontebra. 12. Alurnus Elysianus, Thompson. Tas. IV. Fic. 8. B.M. Thompson, Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1856, p. 481. pl. 24. fig. 7. A. niger; elytris fulvis, pone medium nigris. Long. 103-12 lin. Hab. Ega; Upper Amazon. Sent by H. W. Bates, Esq. British Museum and most collections. This is possibly a local variety of A. bipunctatus. Mr. Bates says he finds it “ generally in copula on the fronds of young palm-trees in moist ravines of the virgin forest, Ega;”’ he has not met with it in any other locality. Species mihi ignota. 13. Alurnus Dryas, Thompson. Archiv. Entom. tom. i. p. 127. * Hab. Colombie. “Long. 20, larg. 10 mill. Voisin de l’A. bipwnctatus. “ A, téte, antennes, organes de la bouche, prothorax, dessous du corps et pattes d’un noi brillant. Elytres d’un jaune clair, bordées de noir ainsi que la suture, avec huit taches de méme couleur, savoir: quatre antérieurement, dont deux grandes sur les épaules et deux petites prés de la suture ; deux taches au tiers antérieur, et deux autres taches ou bandes transversales, trés grandes, un peu apres le milieu de la largeur des élytres. Téte, antennes et prothorax finement ponctués. Elytres terminées a la suture par une pointe; obsolétement ponctuées. Dessous du corps et pattes finement ponctués.” Genus IX. MELANISPA. Details, Tas. I. Fre. 9. Antenne (fig. 9a) dimidio corporis equales, graciles, subfiliformes, apicem versus leniter compress et dilatate, articulo primo ob- ovato, vix incrassato, secundo breviori, obovato, tertio elongato, subcylindrico, duobus proximis illo fere dimidio brevioribus, eequalibus, oblongis, apicem versus paullo ampliatis, caoteris adhue brevioribus, equalibus, leniter perparum compressis et ampliatis, ultimo paullo longiori, oyvato. Labrum (fig. 9b) transversum. Mandibule (fig. 9 ¢) obsolete tridentate. Palpi mawillares (fig. 9 d) articulo primo parvo, secundo subclayato, tertio paullo breviori, obconico, quarto paullo elongato, ovato, compresso ; labiales (fig. 9e) articulo primo minuto, secundo obconico, tertio ampliato, compresso, subclavato. XANTHISPA. 31 Mentum (fig. 9 f) trigonum ; ligula, segmento basilari (fig. 9 g) crasso, subtrapeziformi, basi emarginato, lateribus constricto, apice ob- tuso, segmento apicali (fig. 9h) breviter lingueeformi. Caput froute subreclivi ; oculis ovatis. Thorax transversus, apicem versus angustatus, antice vix emarginatus, angulis anticis posticisque acutis, dorso complanatus. Scutellum magnum, triangulare, acutum. Elytra complanata, thorace latiora, apice truncata, lateribus parallelis. Pedes breves, robusti; femoribus incrassatis, subcompressis ; tibiis simplicibus, apicem versus leniter incrassatis ; tarsis (fig. 9 ¢) latis, articulo basali brevi extrorsum amplhato. Corpus oblongo-elongatum, depressum. 1. Melanispa truncata, n. sp. Tas. V. Fie. 1. M. oblongo-elongata, depressa, nigra, nitida; elytris punctato-striatis, truncatis. Long. 42 lin. M. oblong-elongate, flattened above, shining black; apex of elytra broadly truncate. Head brodd, forehead longitudinally impressed ; antenne rather longer than the head and thorax, five basal joints shining, the rest opaque. Thorax transverse, gradually narrowed from the base to the apex; sides slightly rounded, anterior and posterior angles acute; above flattened, convex at the sides ; surface deeply punctured, punctures on the disc distant, more crowded towards the outer margin and base. Scutellum large, triangular, its apex acute; surface smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax, parallel, narrowed and rounded near their apex, the latter broadly truncate; surface flattened, indistinctly elevated at the base, slightly convex near the apex, suddenly deflexed at the sides, the latter narrowly mar- gined; each elytron with eleven more or less interrupted rows of punctures, those near the suture coarser and more deeply impressed than the others, their interstices obsoletely raised; surface near the outer margin obsoletely wrinkled. Beneath shining} sides of prothorax, and the pleure, coarsely and irregularly punc- tured. Hab. Guadaloupe. Collections of M. Chevrolat and J. S. Baly. Genus X. XANTHISPA. Details, Tas. I. Fre. 10. Cephaloleiz pars, Guér. Antenne (fig. 10 a) subfiliformes, basi et apice subattenuate, dimidio corporis breviores, articulis cylindricis, primo parvo, non in- crassato, secundo et tertio utrisque illo quadruplo longioribus, basi ad apicem perparum incrassatis, reliquis brevioribus, ultimo paullo longiori, subacuminato, oe XANTHISPA. Labrum (fig. 10 b) transversum, apice emarginato. Mandibule trigone, acute (fig. 10 ¢). Palpi mawillares (fig. 10d) subcompressi, articulo primo brevi, clavato, secundo elongato, paullo incurvato, basi ad apicem incrassato, duobus sequentibus articulo preecedenti brevioribus, eequalibus, penultimo subclavato, ultimo ovato, apice attenuato, compresso; labiales (fig. 10 ¢) subcompressi, articulo primo minuto, secundo elongato, basi attenuato, tertio oblongo-ovato, apice acuminato. Mentum (fig. 10 f) breve, transversum, basi ad apicem angustatum ; ligula (fig. 10 g) subquadrata, basi mento vix latiori, apice emarginato, segmento basilari (fig. 10h) transverso, antice emarginato, apicali (fig. 107) subcordato. Caput fronte declivi, antennis in foveis duabus carina elevata longi- tudinaliter divisis, insertis ; oculis ovatis, sursum angustatis. Thorax transversus, basi ad apicem sensim angustatus, antice utrinque subsinuatus, in medio leniter productus et rotundatus, lateribus marginatis, angulis anticis non prominulis. Scutellum (fig. 107) subpentangulare. Elytra ovata, subdepressa, apice rotundata, conjunctim emarginata, pygidium non obtegentia, margine integra, ad apicem indistincte serrata. Pedes breves, femoribus oblongo-ovatis, subcompressis, tibiis sub- compressis, tarsis (fig. 10 /) latis, articulo primo ceeteris paullo latiori, postice rotundato, extrorsum ampliato. Corpus ovatum, dorso complanatum. Similar in habit to Homalispa, but distinguished at once by the different form of the labium and the relative length of the three basal joints of its antenne. 1. Xanthispa cimicoides (Guér.). Tas. V. Fie. 2. BM. Cephaloleia cimicoides, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 281. X. ovata, subdepressa, pallide fulva; elytris testaceis; antennis, basi apiceque exceptis, oculisque nigris. Long. 3 lin. Thorax narrowed from its base to the apex; side straight, margined, anterior angles obsolete. Elytra pale testaceous, slightly convex, subdepressed above, sinuate below the shoulders, deeply punctate- striate; side margin slightly dilated, more especially in front, where its outer edge is indistinctly reflexed; conjointly emarginate at the suture, partially exposing the pygidium, which has its apex truncate. Hab. Cayenne; Amazons. British Museum. Collections of M. Chevrolat, E. Sheppard, Esq., and J. 8S. Baly. HOMALISPA. core) This, according to the specimens in M. Chevrolat’s collection, is the Cephaloleia cimicoides of Dejean’s Catalogue. Genus XI. HOMALISPA. Details, Tas. I. Fre. 11. Antenne (fig. 11 a) subfiliformes, dimidio corporis breviores, articulis cylindricis, primo parvo, ovato, secundo illo dimidio ‘longiori, ovato aut apicem versus leniter incrassato, tertio paullo elon- gato, ceteris fere equalibus, cylindricis, ultimo subacuto. Labrum (fig. 11 6b) transversum, apice emarginato. Mandibule (fig. 11 ¢) apice dentate, dente externo acutissimo. Palpi maxillares (fig. 11d) articulo primo brevi, clavato, secundo paullo incurvato, compresso, apicem versus leviter imcrassato, duobus sequentibus brevioribus, zequalibus, illo subclavato, hoc ovato, apicve compresso ; /abiales (fig. 11 e) articulo primo parvo, duobus sequentibus elongatis, fere sequalibus, compressis, illo ad apicem subincrassato, hoc oblongo-ovato, apice subacumi- nato. : Mentum (fig. 11 f) pentagonum, lateribus constrictum ; ligula basi ad apicem amphata, apice obtuse-rotundato. Caput fronte declivi, antennis in foveis duabus oblongis, carina lon- gitudinaliter divisis, insertis ; oculis ovatis, sursum angustatis. Thorax transversus, basi ad apicem angustatus, apice vix emargi- nato, utrinque subsinuato, lateribus marginatis, postice sub- rectis, antice rotundatis, angulis anticis non prominulis; basi utringue sinuatus, lobo medio obtuse-rotundato. Seutellum subpentangulare, apice acuto. Elytra ovata, thoracis basi paullo latiora, dorso subcomplanata, lateribus subconvexa, apice rotundata, sutura dehiscentia, pygi- dium vix obtegentia, margine ad apicem indistincte serrato. Pedes breves, femoribus subcompressis, oblongo-ovatis, tibis leniter incuryatis, tarsis articulis latitudine fere squalibus, primo transverso, antice emarginato, secundo triangulari, antice valde emarginato, tertio elongato-triangulari, ultra lobos preecedentis dimidio producto. Corpus ovatum, depressum. (Type, Homahspa Batesii.) 1. Homalispa marginata, n. sp. H. elongato-ovata, depressa, pallide fulva; elytris nigris, fulvo-mar- ginatis ; oculis antennisque nigro-fuscis. oan Long. 3+ lin. Hi. elongate-ovate, depressed above, pale shining fulvous. Head smooth ; eyes and antenn nigro-fuscous, the latter with the two basal joints, the third beneath, and the extreme apex of the terminal one obscure fulvous. Thorax nearly one-half broader D HOMALISPA. than long; sides margined, reflexed, straight and parallel behind, rounded and narrowed in front, anterior angles produced; apical margin deeply sinuate on either side, its middle produced into an obtuse lobe; above shining, convex, irregularly depressed on the sides and base; surface smooth and shining, nearly impunctate, a few minute punctures towards the base, being visible only under a deep lens. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra ovate, broader than the thorax ; sides margined, minutely serrate towards their apex; above slightly convex, flattened along the suture, sides sinuate below the shoulder ; lateral margin narrowly dilated, its outer edge indistinctly reflexed in front, minutely serrate, ser- ratures distant and nearly obsolete along the sides, crowded and more distinct towards the apex ; surface smooth, each with eleven rows of fine punctures, the first abbreviated, interstices impunc- tate ; black, the entire limb, inner half of basal margin alone ex- cepted, pale fulvous. Beneath fulvous ; anterior pair of legs longer than the rest, their thighs incrassate. Hab. Peru. Collection of J.8. Baly. 2. Homalispa apicalis, n. sp. H. ovata, depressa, nigra, nitida; elytris flavis, apice nigro. Long. 23 lin. H. ovate, less depressed above than in the last species, shining black. Head smooth; vertex with an obscure fulvous stain ; trophi fulvous. Thorax nearly twice as broad at the base as long ; sides gradually rounded and narrowed towards the front ; outer margin, together with the basal on either side near the posterior angle, reflexed ; anterior angles produced, acute; apical margin deeply sinuate on either side, its middle convex ; surface smooth and shining, impunctate, convex, obliquely deflexed on the sides, the latter deeply excavated near their base. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra ovate, broader than the thorax, their margin reflexed, its outer edge minutely serrated, serratures distant in front, gradually becoming closer towards the apex; above sub- depressed, convex on the sides, the latter sinuate below the shoulders; surface shining; each with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated, interstices impunctate; yellow, their apex black. Beneath black ; anterior pair of thighs slightly incrassate, obscure piceous at their base. Hab, Peru. H. Collection of J.S. Baly. 3. Homalispa armata, n. sp. B.M. ovata, depressa, fulva, nitida; elytris disco piceo-nigris ; thoracis apice utrinque dente obtuso armato. Ono Long. 2—21 lin. HOMALISPA. 30 H. ovate, depressed above, shining fulvous; disc of elytra pitchy black. Head sparingly and minutely punctured, covered with short fine adpressed pale hairs; eyes black. Thorax transverse, nearly twice as broad as long at the base; sides rounded, nar- rowed towards their apex, their margin broadly reflexed; apical margin deeply sinuate on either side, and armed just within the anterior angles with an obtuse tooth, its middle portion con- vex; anterior angles subacute, posterior acute; above smooth, remotely and minutely punctate, deeply impressed on either side the disc, canaliculated just within the outer border. Scu- tellum large, pitchy, its dise fuscous. Elytra rather broader than the base of the thorax ; shoulders rounded; sides margined, slightly curved, margin moderately dilated in front, less distinctly so behind, recurved ; apex rounded, minutely serrate; above sub- depressed, convex on the sides, sinuate below the shoulder, punc- tate-striate, striz nearly obsolete towards the apex; margin smooth, impunctate ; pitchy black, the entire limb fulvous ; pygi- dium exserted, its apex obsoletely emarginate. Hab. Upper Amazons; Peru. British Museum, and collections of G. Waterhouse, Esq., and J.8. Baly. 4. Homalispa Grayella, n. sp. H. late oblongo-ovata, depressa, flava, nitida; antennis (articulo basali excepto), oculis, elytris, pleuris abdomineque nigris. Long. 3+ lin. H. broadly oblong-ovate, pale shining yellow; antenne, basal joint excepted, eyes, pleuree, abdomen and elytra black, the latter with an obscure tinge of blue. Head smooth ; antennz slender, more than half the length of the body. Thorax transverse, twice as broad at the base as long; sides with a broad reflexed margin, rounded, much narrowed in front, indistinctly so at the base ; anterior angles produced, subacute, posterior armed with a minute tooth ; apical margin deeply excavated, sinuate on either side, its middle obsoletely produced, subconvex ; surface smooth and shining, impunctate, impressed on either side the central line and near the outer border with several indistinct fovez ; at the base, near either angle, is a more deeply excavated transverse fovea. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra subdepressed, scarcely broader than the base of the thorax, quadrate-ovate, their apex obtusely rounded; outer margin narrowly dilated, its edge slightly reflexed, distantly and obsoletely serrate along the sides, serratures more distinct and crowded towards the apex; sutural angle ob- tuse ; above moderately convex on the sides, deeply sinuate below the shoulders; finely but distinctly punctate-striate, the striz irregular on the anterior half of the outer disc; the fourth and sixth interstices from the suture obsoletely elevated at their extreme base, anastomosing a short distance below the scutellum. Dp 2 a 36 HOMALISPA. Beneath, with the pleure and abdomen, black; rest of surface pale luteous. Hab. Brazil (Tejuca). A single specimen, captured by J. Gray, Esq., in that gentleman’s collection. 5. Homalispa Deyrollei, n. sp. H. elongato-ovata, depressa, flava, nitida; antennis (basi excepto), elytris, pleuris abdomineque nigris ; tibiis intermediis extrorsum, femorum apice tibiisque paris postici, et tarsis posticis quatuor, nigro-fuscis, Long. 3 lin. H. elongate-ovate, depressed, pale shining yellow; antennee (entire first and the bases of the two following joints excepted), eyes, elytra, pleure and abdomen black. Head smooth. Thorax at its base rather more than half broader than long; sides rounded, much narrowed towards their apex, slightly so at their base, their outer border, together with the basal margin near the posterior angles, broadly refiexed ; apical margin deeply sinuate on either side, its middle portion convex; anterior angles acute, posterior armed with an indistinct tooth ; above smooth and shining, broadly but very slightly excavated on either side the disc, finely and subremotely punctured. Scutellum smooth, pale yellow, its apex produced, acute. Elytra rather broader than the base of the thorax, narrowly ovate; sides slightly, their apex regularly rounded ; sutural angle obtuse; margin narrowly dilated, outer edge slightly reflexed, finely serrate, serratures distant and nearly obsolete along the sides, crowded and more distinct towards the apex ; above subdepressed, sides moderately convex, sinuate below the shoulders; surface smooth, distinctly punctate-striate, punc- turing on the anterior half of the outer disc irregular; several of the interstices at the extreme base indistinctly elevated. Beneath yellow ; the abdomen black; the outer edge of the intermediate tibiee, the apex of the posterior thighs, the posterior tibia and the four hinder tarsi nigro-fuscous. Hab. St. Catherina, Brazil. A single specimen, in the collection of J.S. Baly. Much narrower than the foregoing insect, to which it is closely allied in colouring ; its thorax also entirely different. 6. Homalispa Batesii, n. sp. B.M. H. ovata, depressa, nitida, supra flava ; scutello antennisque nigris ; elytris lete violaceis ; subtus fulva; pleuris pedibusque (femorum basi excepto) nigris. Long. 22 lin. H. ovate, depressed, above shining yellow; the scutellum and antennz black ; elytra bright violaceous. Head yellow, smooth; vertex HOMALISPA. ain divided from the face by a broad, slightly elevated, transverse ridge, at the hinder margin of which is a deep groove, which runs behind the eyes. Thorax more than half as broad again as long ; apical margin convex, deeply sinuate on either side; lateral margin with a reflexed rounded border, narrowed towards the apex and at the extreme base, anterior angles subacute, posterior acute ; above smooth and shining, minutely and subremotely punctate. Scutellum smooth, black, sometimes with an obscure fulvous spot. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax, ovate ; sides shghtly, apex regularly rounded ; sutural angle obtuse ; outer margin dilated, complanate along the sides, its outer edge slightly re- flexed, finely serrate, serratures more distinct and crowded towards the apex ; above subdepressed, convex on the sides, simuate below the shoulders, finely but distinctly punctate-striate, puncturing deeper on the outer disc, the anterior two-thirds of the latter irre- gularly punctate ; margin smooth, impunctate. Beneath fulvous ; pleure and legs (base of all the thighs and inner surface of ante- rior pair of tibize excepted) black. Hab. Amazons; Santarem ; Peru. British Museum, and collection of J. 8. Baly. A specimen of this insect in my collection, from Peru, differs in being rather narrower, as well as in the colouring of its under surface ; the legs are nigro-fuscous, the base of the four anterior femora alone excepted ; the pleurz and sides of abdomen are pitchy, with the centre of the latter obscure fulvous. 7. Homalispa vespertina, n. sp. Tas. V. Fie. 3. H. oblongo-ovata, depressa, nigra, nitida; thorace flavo-fulvo ; ely- tris punctato-striatis, lete metallico-ceruleis. Long. 3 lin. H. oblong-ovate, depressed, shining black ; thorax bright fulvous yellow ; elytra deep metallic blue. Head und antenne entirely black, the former smooth, impunctate. Thorax one-half broader than long at the base; apical margin convex, deeply sinuate on either side ; sides narrowed from the base to their apex, regularly rounded ; lateral margin, together with the basal on either side the medial lobe, broadly reflexed, posterior angle acute, anterior subacute ; above smooth and shining, broadly but feebly excavated on each side the medial line, depressed portion very finely punc- tured and obsoletely impressed, rest of the surface impunctate ; bright fulvous yellow, the anterior border alone narrowly edged with black. Seutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra rather broader than the base of the thorax, oblong; sides subparallel, slightly rounded ; apex acutely rounded, sutural angle obtuse ; above sub- depressed along the back, moderately convex on the sides, smuate below the shoulders; lateral margin narrowly dilated, the outer edge from before its middle to the apex finely serrate, serratures 38 HOMALISPA. somewhat distant and indistinct in front, more visible and crowded towards the apex; surface smooth and shining, bright metallic blue, deeply punctate-striate ; punctures on the anterior half of the outer disc irregular. Beneath black; thorax pale fulvous ; head below the mouth with a pale piceous patch. Hab. Cayenne. Collection of J. 8. Baly. 8. Homalispa Javeti, n. sp. H. oblongo-ovata, depressa, nigra, nitida; elytris lete ceruleis. Long. 3 lin. Similar in form to the preceding ; entirely black; the elytra alone deep metallic blue. Head smooth; antennze nearly two-thirds the length of the body, entirely black. Thorax nearly twice as broad again as long; sides rounded, narrowed towards the apex, outer border, together with the basal margin on either side near the posterior angles, reflexed ; apical margin sinuate on either side, its middle portion convex; anterior angles subacute, posterior acute ; above convex, smooth and shining, impunctate; placed in a triangle on each side the central line are three distinct but shallow foveee. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. LElytra rather broader than the base of the thorax; sides very slightly, their apex regularly rounded ; margin narrowly dilated, its outer edge slightly reflexed, finely serrate, serratures distant and nearly obsolete along the sides, crowded and larger towards the apex ; above subconvex, sides moderately convex, serrate below the shoulders ; surface smooth and shining, deep metallic blue, distinctly punctate-striate, puncturing on the outer dise below the shoulders irregular. Beneath entirely black. Hab, Cayenne. In the collection of J. S. Baly. Species ad hoc genus pertinentes, mihi iqnote. 9. Homalispa ceruleipennis (Guér.). Cephaloleia czeruleipennis, Guér. Icon. du Réegne Anim. Texte, p. 283. “‘ Ovalaire, assez aplatie, noire. Téte et corselet, dessus et dessous, et écusson, d’un beau jaune vif, luisant. Elytres d’un beau bleu vif et luisant, avec des stries de points enfoncés. Dessous du corselet et base de la poitrine jaunes. Pattes antérieures et intermédiaires jaunes, avec les genoux, le devant des jambes et les tarses bruns. “ Long. 7, lat. 4 mill. “Santa Fé de Bogota.” CEPHALOUEIA. 39 10. Homalispa leta (Guér.). Cephaloleia leta, Guér. Icon. du Reqne Anim, Texte, p. 283. ‘Ovalaire, aplatie, jaune. Antennes, yeux, genoux, devant des jambes, tarses, cotés et extrémité de Vabdomen noirs. Elytres d’un beau violet luisant, avec des stries de petits points enfoncés. ‘** Long. 5, lat. 3 mill. “Santa Fé de Bogota,” Genus XII. CEPHALOLEIA, Chevr. MSS. Details, Tas. 1. Fie. 12. Blanchard, Hist. des Insectes, ii. p. 182. Cephaloleiz pars, Chevr., Dej. Cat. edit. 3. Antenne (fig. 12 a) corporis dimidio breviores, interdum paullo lon- giores, filiformes aut subfiliformes (maris articulis secundo duo- busque proximis rarius dilatatis), articulo primo plerumque in- crassato, obovato vel clavato, secundo ovato aut oblongo, tertio elongato, secundo interdum eequali, ceteris oblongis seu cylin- dricis, interdum leniter compressis. Labrum (fig. 12 6) transversum, antice deflexum. Mandibule (fig. 12 ¢) apice dentate. Palpi mawillares (fig. 12d) articulo primo minuto, secundo ad apicem leniter incrassato, tertio breviori, obconico vel clavato, ultimo secundo longitudine sequal aut paullo longiori, oblongo- ovato vel ovato; /abiales (fig. 12¢) articulo primo minuto, secundo ad apicem incrassato, ultimo ovato. Mentum (fig. 12 f) parvum, quadratum, lateribus excavatum ; ligula (fig. 129) subquadrata, mento latior ; segmento basilarc (fig. 12 h) transverso lamina transversé antrorsum inter palpas producta ; seymento apical truncato, medio paullo producto. Caput facie subverticali vel paullo reclivi, antennis inter oculos in foveis parvis duabus insertis ; oculis ovatis. Thorax subquadratus aut transversus. Scutellum pentangulare, apice acuto. Elytra oblonga seu elongata, apice rotundata, pygidu apicem non obtegentia, subconvexa, dorso subdepressa vel complanata. Pedes breves, robusti, femoribus paullo incrassatis; tibiis subcom- pressis, ad apicem sensim incrassatis ; tarsis articulo primo sub- triangulari seu postice subrotundato, extrorsum amplito, reli- quis seepe paullo latiori, secundo transverso, antice subangulariter emarginato, tertio triangulari, basi elongato; ungue robusto, ultra lobos articuli praecedentis paullo producto. Corpus late elongatum vel elongatum, subdepressum ; pygidium ex- sertum. (Type, Cephaloleia gratiosa.) The numerous species belonging to the genus Cephaloleia may be at once distinguished by the remarkable transverse plate on the $0 CEPHALOLEIA. basilar segment of their ligula: the antennie are variable in form and in the relative proportions and shape of the first two joints, and of but little use in the formation of the generic diagnosis ; sometimes, however, they afford good specific characters, I have found the variations in form of the anal segment of the abdomen, and more rarely of the partially exserted pygidium, of great assistance in the separation of nearly allied species. The anal segment in the male is invariably notched at its extreme apex ; that of the female, on the contrary, is rounded and entire: occasionally the segment is emarginate in both sexes; generally in this case the male has an additional sinuosity in the centre of the emarginate portion. These insects are all natives of the warmer parts of South America and of Mexico. 1. Cephaloleia gratiosa, n.sp. Tas. V. Fie. 4. B.M. C. elongata, subdepressa, fulva, nitida ; antennis extrorsum elytro- rumque macula transversé communi nigris. Mas. Antennarum articulis quinque basalibus compressis, se- cundo et tertio fere equalibus, apice introrsum dilatatis, trigonis; abdominis segmento anali leniter sinuato. Fom. Antennis tibusque nigris ; antennarum articulis quinque basalibus subcompressis, articulo tertio secundo yix longiori, ad apicem extrorsum paullo dilatato, elongato-trigono ; abdominis segmento anali rotundato, apice utrinque subsinuato, medio pro- ducto. Var. A. Mas. Thorax rufo-fulvus ; elytris nigris. Long. 32 lin. C. oblong-elongate, subdepressed, shining rufo-fulvous. Head smooth; eyes and antenne black; two or three basal joints of the latter ful- vous, sometimes entirely black; five basal jomts compressed, second and third equal, dilated internally at their apex, trigonate, fourth subtrigonate ; basal joint clavate, incrassate, its inner edge slightly dilated, much compressed ; five basal joints in the female slightly compressed, third rather longer than the second, elongato-trigonate. Thorax transverse-quadrate; lateral border parallel, nearly straight behind, slightly rounded in front, produced beyond the apical margin, causing the apex to appear as though emarginate; surface subconvex, smooth, finely but sparingly punctured, lateral margin reflexed, canaliculate. Scutellum smooth, shining, impunctate, bright fulvous. Elytra rather broader than the base of the thorax, their apex obtusely rounded, conjointly obsoletely emarginate at the sutural angle, not entirely covermg the pygidium ; sides parallel ; above subconvex, flattened along the back ; sides below the shoulder deflexed and slightly excavated, narrowly margined ; each elytron with eleven finely punctured striz, the first abbre- viated, interstices smooth ; rufo-fulvous, a large common trans- verse patch across the middle black. CEPHALOLELA. 41 Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 1 g @ ) slightly sinuate. Female. Anal segment rounded, its apex subsinuate on either side, the middle produced ; antennee and tibiz entirely black. Var. A. Male. Elytra entirely black ; thorax bright fulvous red. Hab. Mexico, M, Salle. British Museum. Collections of E. Sheppard, Esq., W. W. Saun- ders, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 2. Cephaloleia Whitei, n. sp. C. elongata, subdepressa, fulva, nitida ; antennis extrorsum elytro- rumque vitté marginali nigris, sutura picea. Mas. Antennarum articulis basalibus compressis, primo incras- sato, duobus proximis subtrigonis ; segmento anali sinuato. Long. 4 lin. C. elongate, subdepressed, shining fulvous. Head smooth; eyes and six terminal joints of antenne black; second and three following joints compressed, the second and third equal, subtrigonate ; basal joint incrassate, clavate, subcompressed. Thorax transverse-qua- drate, rather wider just before the middle; lateral border rounded, sinuate at the base, narrowed in front, produced beyond the apical margin, anterior angles obtuse ; above slightly convex, finely and subremotely punctured, side border canaliculated, reflexed. Scu- tellum rather longer than broad, its apex very acute ; smooth, piceous. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax; sides parallel, narrowly margined; apex obtusely rounded, elytra conjointly emarginate at the sutural angles ; above subdepressed along the suture, sides moderately convex, deflexed and slightly excavated below the shoulder; surface smooth, each elytron with eleven rows of fine punctures, the first abbreviated ; extreme base and a broad line on the outer margin, reaching to the posterior angle, black ; the anterior three-fourths of the suture pale piceous. Pygidium obtusely truncate. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 2) sinuate. Hab, Columbia. A single specimen, in the collection of J. 8S. Baly. 3. Cephaloleia apicalis, n. sp. C. elongata, subdepressa, rufo-fulva, nitida ; antennis (articulo basali excepto), oculis elytrorumque apice nigris. Mas. Antennarum articulis quinque basalibus subcompressis, se- cundo et tertio equalibus, subtrigonis ; abdominis segmento anali sinuato. Fom, Antennarum articulo tertio secundo longiori ; abdominis segmento anali truncato. Long. 35-4 lin. C. elongate, subdepressed, shining rufo-fulvous. Head smooth ; eves 42 CEPHALOLEIA, and antenne (the basal joint of the latter excepted) black ; five basal joints in the male subcompressed ; second and third nearly equal, subtrigonate ; third joint in the female longer than the second, obconic. Thorax transverse-quadrate ; sides with a re- flexed border, parallel, nearly straight, slightly rounded and pro- duced beyond the apical margin in front ; above smooth, slightly convex transversely, finely but sparingly punctured ; lateral mar- gin canaliculate. “Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra rather broader than the base of the thorax ; sides parallel ; apex obtusely rounded, obsoletely emarginate at the suture, not entirely covering the pygidium ; above subconvex, somewhat flattened at the base and along the suture, deflexed and indistinctly excavated on the sides below the shoulders, outer border narrowly margined ; sur- face smooth; posterior third black; each elytron with eleven rows of very fine punctures, the first abbreviated. Pygidium obtuse. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. ITI. fig. 3 ¢ 2 ) sinuate. Female. Anal segment truncate. Hab. Columbia. C. Male and female in the collection of J. 8. Baly. 4. Cephaloleia corallina, Erichs. B.M. Cephaloleia corallina, Hrichs. Consp. Ins. Col. Per. p. 161. elongata, subdepressa, rufa, nitida; antennis (basi excepto) nigris ; thorace subquadrato, evidenter sed sparse punctato, lateribus parallelis, antice rotundatis ; elytris distincte punctato-striatis ; pygidio obtuse rotundato-truncato. Mas. Antennarum articulo basali subclavato, oblique truncato, subecompresso, secundo et tertio introrsum compressis et ad apicem paullo dilatatis, apice ipso producto; abdominis segmento anali rotundato, apice sinuato. Fem. Abdominis segmento anali obtuse rotundato. Long. 4—44 lin. C. elongate, subdepressed, bright shining red ; antennz black, basal joint (Tab. III. fig. 4a) red, compressed, subclavate, obliquely truncate, longer than the second ; second and third joints in the male with their inner edge compressed and dilated towards its apex, produced anteriorly into a short subacute tooth ; third joint longer than the second. Thorax subquadrate ; sides with a broad retlexed border, straight and parallel, rounded in front, produced beyond the apical margin, the latter slightly convex; anterior angles obtuse ; surface slightly transversely convex, distinctly but sparingly punctured; lateral border canaliculate. Elytra broader than the thorax, rather more than four times its length; sides with a narrow reflexed margin; apex obtusely rounded; above smooth and shining, moderately convex, scarcely flattened along the back ; sides deflexed and excavated below the shoulders; at the base, just within the humeral callus, is a short longitudinal furrow ; each CEPHALOLEIA. 43 elytron with eleven rows of distinct but fine punctures, the first abbreviated. Pygidium obtusely rounded. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. ITI. fig. 4 ¢ 2 ) rounded, its apex sinuate. Female. Anal segment of abdomen rounded, entire. Hab. Upper Amazons, H. W. Bates, Esq. Peru, M. DeGand. British Museum, and collections of E.Sheppard, Esq., and J.S. Baly. It is with some degree of doubt that I give the insect described above Erichson’s name ; his description is short, and agrees equally well with four or five closely allied species ; the locality, however, of the present insect agrees with that of his insect. 5. Cephaloleia Erichsonii, n. sp. C. elongata, subdepressa, pallide fulva, nitida; antennis (basi ex- cepto) nigris; thorace subquadrato, basi angustato, lateribus leniter rotundatis ; elytris tenuiter punctato-striatis ; pygidio ob- tuse truncato. Mas. Antennarum articulis quinque basalibus subcompressis, articulis secundo et tertio fere sequalibus, subtrigonis ; abdominis segmento anali truncato, leniter sinuato. Fom, Antennarum articulo tertio obconico, secundo longiori ; abdominis segmento anali late sed leniter emarginato. Long. 4 lin. C. elongate, subdepressed above, pale shining fulvous; antenne black, one or two basal joints fulvous; male with the first four or five joints subcompressed; basal (Tab. IIT. fig. 5a) clavate, incrassate, almost twice as long as the second; second and third nearly equal, subtrigonate; third joint in the female longer than the second. Thorax subquadrate; sides with a broad reflexed border, slightly rounded, somewhat dilated and more distinctly rounded in front (causing the thorax to appear narrowed behind) ; produced beyond the apical margin, the latter slightly convex, an- terior angles obtuse ; surface smooth, slightly convex transversely, very finely and sparingly punctured. LElytra rather broader than the thorax, scarcely four times its length; apex obtusely rounded, above moderately convex, flattened along the back; sides deflexed and excavated below the shoulders; just within the humeral callus is an indistinct longitudinal furrow; each elytron with eleven rows of very fine punctures, the first abbreviated. Pygi- dium obtusely truncate. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. ITI. fig. 5 ¢ 2 ) truncate, slightly sinuate. Female. Anal segment truncate, broadly but slightly sinuate. Hab. Columbia. Collection of J. 5S. Baly. This species, although very closely allied to Ceph. corallina, may be at once separated by the shape and finer punctation of its thorax, 44 CEPHALOLEIA. and by the different form of the anal segment of the abdomen in both sexes ; the insect is also somewhat shorter in proportion to its breadth. 6. Cephaloleia affinis, n. sp. B.M. C. elongata, subdepressa, rufo-fulva, nitida; antennis (articulis duobus basalibus exceptis) nigris; his articulo basali secundo dimidio longiori, apice oblique truncato et deorsum in dentem acutum producto. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali sinuato. Fem. Abdominis segmento anali obtuse rotundato. Long. 4-44 lin. C. elongate, subdepressed, shining fulvous red; antennee (two basal joints alone excepted) black ; eyes piceous. Head smooth, im- pressed on the vertex with a deep fovea; antennee with their basal joint (Tab. III. fig. 6a) compressed, slightly thickened, one-half longer than the second, its apex obliquely truncate, and produced beneath into a short acute tooth ; remaining joints simple in both sexes. Thorax transverse-quadrate, increasing in width towards the apex in the male, parallel in the female; sides straight, rounded in front, produced beyond the apical border, outer border dilated, reflexed ; apical margin slightly dilated on either side, its middle portion indistinctly concave ; above moderately convex from side to side, transversely depressed behind the middle, smooth and shining, deeply but not very closely punctured, puncturing coarser and rather more crowded at the base ; lateral border deeply cana- liculate. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, their outer border reflexed ; apex ob- tusely rounded ; above precisely similar in form and punctation to Cephaloleia corallina. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig.6 ¢ @ ) simuate. Female. Anal segment of abdomen obtusely rounded. Hab. Para; also from the Upper Amazons. Collected in both lo- calities by Mr. Bates. 3 in the collection of J. S. Baly; 2 in British Museum. The first five insects are similar in habit, and agree in having the second and third joints of their antennee in the male compressed and dilated. They are connected with the remaining portion of the genus by the present species, which approaches so nearly in form and colouring to Ceph. corallina, that it might easily be, and most pro- bably frequently is, confounded with that insect ; on an examination, however, of its antenne, they will be found to have their second and following joints simple in both sexes, thus at once proving it to be distinct. The female differs from the same sex in corallina and Erichsonii in the form of its basal joint; this is shorter than in either of the others, its apex being obliquely truncate and produced heneath into a short tooth. CEPHALOLEIA. ADS 7. Cephaloleia Sallei, n. sp. B.M. C. elongata, subdepressa, rufo-fulva, nitida ; antennis (basi excepto) nigris; thorace transverso-quadrato, lateribus subparallelis, leniter rotundatis ; elytris apice integris. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali concayo-emarginato ; pygidio obtuse truncato. Fem. Abdominis segmento anali bisinuato, medio producto ; pygidio obtuso, apice bisinuato. Long. 3-35 lin. C. elongate, subdepressed, shining rufo-fulvous; eyes and antennz (the base of the latter excepted) black ; basal joint subincrassate, obovate, longer than the second. Thorax transverse-quadrate ; lateral border shghtly margined, subparallel, more rounded in front, produced beyond the apical margin ; anterior angles obtuse ; surface smooth and shining, slightly convex, and having on either side near the base a transverse impression; dise nearly impune- tate, sides and base with a few scattered punctures ; lateral borders reflexed, canaliculate. Scutellum longer than broad, its apex very acute. Elytra broader than the thorax; sides parallel, nar- rowly margined; apex obtusely rounded, not serrulate; above moderately convex, flattened along the back, smooth and shining ; each elytron with eleven rows of fine punctures, the first abbre- viated. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 7 ¢ ¢ ) concave ; pygidium obtusely truncate. Female, Anal segment of abdomen bisinuate, its middle slightly produced ; pygidium obtuse, obsoletely bisinuate. Hab. Bogota. British Museum, and collection of J. S. Baly. 8. Cephaloleia princeps, n. sp. C. elongata, subdepressa, rufa, nitida; antennis nigris; elytris ob- scure nigro-eneis; thorace transverso-quadrato, margine apicali extrorsum margineque laterali dilatatis, reflexis, hoe recto, apicem versus sinuato, angulo antico acuto. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali sinuato. Long. 5 lin. C. elongate, subdepressed, shining rufous; antenne black; elytra obscure greenish black. Head smooth ; face between the eyes minutely punctured; vertex impressed by a small but distinct fovea; antenne simple, entirely black, their basal joint obovate, incrassate, longer than the second. Thorax transverse-quadrate, one-third broader than long; lateral margin, together with the apical margin on either side near the external angle, dilated, re- flexed, the former straight and parallel, sinuate in front ; anterior angle slightly produced laterally, acute; above slightly convex 46 CEPHALOLEIA. from side to side; lateral margin subcanaliculate ; smooth and shining, deeply punctured, puncturing crowded on the sides, sub- remote on the disc. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra wider than the thorax, broadly elongate ; their sides parallel, narrowly margined; apex obtusely rounded, its margin thickened ; above obscure greenish black, subdepressed along the back, moderately conyex on the sides, finely punctate-striate, interstices finely transversely wrinkled. Pygidium slightly exserted, smooth, finely punctured, its margin rounded. Beneath entirely shining red. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 8) sinuate. Hab. Peru. Collected by Mr. Fraser. Unique, in the collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq. This fine species, in addition to being one of the largest in the genus, is remarkable for the form of its thorax. The specimen from which the above description has been drawn has unfortunately one of its elytra undeveloped; this makes it rather doubtful as to whether or not the thickened apical margin in the other is the normal state of the insect, or only a malformation. 9. Cephaloleia dilaticollis, n. sp. Tas. V. Fie. 5. B.M. C. oblonga, depressa, fulva, nitida; antennis extrorsum oculisque nigris; thoracis lateribus valde dilatatis, subrectis, angulis anticis fere rectangulis, apice acutis. Mas. Segmento anali fortiter sinuato. Fem. Segmento anali integro, obtuse rotundato. Long. 2+ lin. C. oblong, depressed, shining fulvous. Head smooth ; eyes and four terminal joints of antenne black; the latter subfiliform, their basal joint slightly incrassate, obovate, longer than the second. Thorax twice as broad as long; lateral margins dilated, shghtly rounded, scarcely narrowed in front ; apical margin dilated on either side near the anterior angles; the latter nearly rectangular, their apex acute ; surface subremotely punctured, smooth and shining, convex ; lateral margin subhorizontal, indistinctly reflexed. Scu- tellum shining, impunctate. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined ; apex obtusely rounded, subtruncate ; above slightly convex, flattened along the suture ; sides below the shoulder slightly deflexed, obsoletely excavated ; surface shining, finely punctate-striate ; each elytron with eleven rows of fine punctures, nearly obsolete towards their apex, the first abbreviated ; interstices minutely punctured. Pygidium ob- tusely rounded. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 9 ¢ 2 ) deeply sinuate. Female. Anal segment of abdomen entire, obtusely rounded. Hab. Bogota. CEPHALOLEIA. 47 British Museum, and collections of E. Sheppard, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. Both sexes of this insect may be at once separated from the other fulyous species by their broad dilated thorax. 10. Cephaloleia nigricornis (Fabr.). B.M. Hispa nigricornis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. t. ii. p. 73, n. 12; Syst, £7. t. ii. p. 64. n. 30 Oliv. t. vi. p. 773. n. 25. pl. 2. £. 25. C. elongata, subdepressa, rufo-fulva, nitida ; antennis (basi excepto) nigris ; thorace subquadrato ; elytris apice minute serrulatis ; py- gidio obtuso. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali late truncato-emarginato, medio sinuato. Fem. Abdominis segmento anali late truncato-emarginato. Long. 3-3} lin. C. elongate, subdepressed, bright rufo-fulvous; antenne black, two or three basal joints fulvous; basal jomt incrassate, longer than the second, Thorax subquadrate ; lateral margins dilated, reflexed, slightly rounded, and produced beyond the apical margin in front, nearly straight behind, anterior angles obtuse ; surface slightly convex transversely, irregularly excavated at the base, distinctly so on the sides, distinctly but not very closely punctured ; lateral border canaliculated. Elytra rather broader than the thorax ; sides broadly margined, subparallel, slightly convex ; outer edge, when examined under a lens, minutely serrulate towards the apex ; above slightly convex, flattened along the suture; at the base, within the shoulders, are several broad shallow fovexe; sides deeply sinuate, lateral margin moderately reflexed; surface shining, distinctly punctate-striate ; interstices towards the outer border obsoletely elevated. Pygidium obtuse. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 10 ¢ 2 ) broadly truncate-emarginate, its middle notched. Female. Analsegment of abdomen broadly truncate-emarginate, the middle portion entire. Hab. Amazons, Mr. H. W. Bates. Peru, M. DeGand. British Museum, and collections of Major Parry, E. Sheppard and W. W. Saunders, Esqrs., and J. 8. Baly. Fabricius, who first described this species, by mistake has given the Cape of Good Hope as the habitat. 11. Cephaloleia proxima, n. sp. C. late elongata, subdepressa, rufo-fulva, nitida; antennis (basi excepto) nigris; thorace transverso, lateribus parallelis, antice rotundatis ; elytris apice obsoletius serratulis. 48 CEPHALOLEIA. Mas, Abdominis segmento anali late emarginato, medio sinuato. Fem. Abdominis segmento anali late emarginato. Long. 24-3 lin. C. broadly elongate, bright rufo-fulvous ; antenne (the basal joint excepted) black ; first joint subincrassate, longer than the second. Thorax transverse, one-half broader than long; sides broadly margined, straight and parallel behind, rounded in front, produced beyond the apical margin, anterior angles obtuse ; above mode- rately convex, smooth and shining, finely but distantly punctured ; lateral borders reflexed, canaliculated. Elytra rather broader than the thorax; sides margined, slightly convex; apical margin with a few indistinct serratures, only visible under a powerful lens ; above moderately convex, less distinctly flattened along the suture ; sides sinuate below the shoulder, lateral margin slightly reflexed ; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 11 ¢ 9 ) broadly emarginate, its middle sinuate. Female. Anal segment of abdomen broadly truncate-emarginate. Hab, Cayenne ; Amazons. d in the collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq.; 2 in that of J.S. Baly. Distinguished from the last species by its broader thorax and smaller size. 12. Cephaloleia Waterhousei, n. sp. C. elongata, subdepressa, fusco-fulva, nitida; antennis elytrisque (his basi exceptis) nigris ; oculis piceis. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali late emarginato, medio sinuato. Fem. Abdominis segmento anali late emarginato, emarginatione utrinque sinuato, medio paullo producto, dente obtuso armato. Long. 31 lin. C, elongate, subdepressed, shining fusco-fulvous ; antennse and the posterior two-thirds of the elytra black; eyes piceous. Head smooth, subremotely and finely punctured; antennz robust, fili- form, black, apex of terminal joints fulvous ; first joint incrassate, longer than the second. Thorax subquadrate, one-third broader than long; sides straight and parallel, rounded at the apex; lateral margin narrowly dilated, reflexed, produced beyond the apical margin, anterior angles obtuse, rounded, posterior acute ; above smooth and shining, transversely convex, indistinctly exca- vated on the outer disc and at the base; disc finely and very remotely, sides deeply and subremotely punctured. Scutellum shining, impunctate. Elytra rather broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, apex regularly rounded ; above moderately convex, sides subsinuate below the shoulders, their outer margin narrowly reflexed ; surface smooth, each elytron with eleven rows of distinct CEPHALOLEIA. 49 punctures, the first abbreviated ; outer stria more deeply punc- tured, several of the lateral interstices subcostate ; fusco-fulvous, the posterior two-thirds black. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 12 ¢ 2 ) broadly emarginate, emargination sinuate in the middle. : Female. Anal segment of abdomen broadly emarginate, emar- gination sinuate on either side, its middle shghtly produced, armed with a small obtuse tooth. Hab. Brazil (Petropolis, Rev. H. Clark). Collections of the Rev. H. Clark, A. Fry, Esq., G. Waterhouse, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 13. Cephaloleia fulvipes, n. sp. C. subelongata, subdepressa, nigra, nitida; abdomine pedibusque fulvo-fuscis ; elytris flavis, dimidio postico nigro, sutura picea. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali late emarginato, medio sinuato. Long. 22 lin. ©. subelongate, subdepressed above, shining black; abdomen and legs fulvo-fuscous ; elytra yellow, their posterior half black, suture in front piceous. Head smooth, finely and subremotely punctured, front longitudinally grooved; antenne half the length of the body, apical joint obscure piceous, basal joint subclavate, incras- sate, longer than the second. Thorax transverse-quadrate, one- third broader than long; sides straight, narrowly margined, slightly narrowed and rounded in front, produced beyond the apical margin, the latter nearly straight, anterior angles obtuse ; above smooth and shining, subconvex from side to side, transversely grooved just behind the middle; groove obsolete on the central line; deeply punctate, puncturing finer on the disc, medial line impunctate, side margin narrowly canaliculate, refiexed; black, outer border in front piceous. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra oblong ; sides parallel, narrowly margined ; apex obtusely rounded ; above subdepressed along the suture, sides moderately convex, slightly excavated below the shoulders, smooth and shining; each elytron with eleven rows of punctures, the first abbre- viated ; striae near the suture obsolete towards their apex, inter- stices faintly and transversely wrinkled ; yellow, their posterior half black, suture in front piceous. Beneath black; trophi, legs and abdomen fusco-fulvous ; pygidium broadly truncate-emarginate. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab, III. fig. 18) broadly emarginate, its middle sinuate. Hab, Brazil. A single specimen, in the collection of A. Fry, Esq. 14. Cephaloleia Clarkella, n. sp. B.M. C. elongata, subdepressa, nitida, supra nigra; scutello elytrisque B 50 CEPHALOLBIA. fulvis; thorace transverso-quadrato, lateribus rotundatis, reflexo- marginatis ; subtus obscure fulva; capite, thorace pedibusque piceis. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali truncato-emarginato, medio sinuato. Fem. Abdominis segmento anali truncato-emarginato. Long. 3+ lin. C’. elongate, subdepressed, shining black above ; scutellum and elytra . bright fulvous. Antenne nearly half the length of the body, entirely black ; basal joint incrassate, longer than the second. Thorax transverse-quadrate ; lateral margin rounded in front, produced beyond the apical border, subparallel and obsoletely sinuate behind ; above moderately convex, deeply but subremotely punctured, side margin reflexed, canaliculate. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong; sides subparallel, shghtly convex, mar- gined ; apex rounded, entire ; surface smooth and shining, mode- rately convex, flattened along the suture, sinuate and excavated below the shoulders, each elytron with eleven rows of fine but distinct punctures, the first abbreviated, punctures more deeply impressed at the base and on the sides; several of the lateral inter- stices slightly raised and convex, those on the disc and near the suture perfectly plane. Beneath obscure fulvous ; the pleure distinctly punctured; abdomen covered with short adpressed fus- cous hairs, which in certain lights have a greenish hue; head, thorax and legs piceous, thighs more or less fulvous at their base ; hinder pair of legs paler than the rest. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 14.¢ 2 ) trun- cate-emarginate, its middle sinuate. Female. Anal segment truncate-emarginate, entire. Hab. Peru. British Museum, and collections of the Rey. H. Clark, E. Shep- pard, Esq., and J. S. Baly. 15. Cephaloleia pretiosa, n. sp. B.M. C. elongata, subconvexa, nigra, nitida; corpore subtus, thoracis mar- gine, scutello elytrisque fulvis ; pedibus anticis piceis. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali late emarginato, medio leniter sinuato.. Fem. Abdominis segmento anali late truncato-emarginato. Long. 3 lin. C. elongate, subconvex; head and thorax black; extreme outer border of the latter, scutellum and elytra fulyous. Head smooth ; antenne moderately robust, more than a third the length of the body, subfiliform ; basal joint incrassate, longer than the second. Thorax subquadrate ; sides nearly parallel, slightly rounded, their outer margin narrowly reflexed, scarcely produced beyond the apical border ; surface distinctly punctured, puncturing more distant on the disc. Scutellum smooth, shining fulvous, Elytra CEPHALOLETA. 51 bright fulyous, rather broader than the base of the thorax ; sides parallel ; apex regularly rounded ; surface subconyex ; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated. Beneath fulvous ; thorax and front pair of legs piceous. Male, Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 15) broadly emarginate, emargination slightly sinuate in the middle. Female. Anal segment of abdomen broadly truncate-emarginate. Hab. Columbia. British Museum, and collections of M. Chevrolat and J. 8. Baly. 16. Cephaloleia histrio, Guér. B.M. Guér. Icon. du Réegne Anim. Texte, p. 282. C. Mas. Elongata, subdepressa, nigra, nitida; elytrorum dimidio antico, tiblis tarsisque flavis ; abdominis segmento anali late emar- ginato, medio sinuato (Tab. III. fig. 16g @ ). Fem. Subtus fulva aut fusca, nigro maculata; capite nigro ; pedibus nigro-piceis ; abdominis segmento anali truncato. Long. 24-3 lin. Hab. Columbia. British Museum, and collections of Major Parry, W. W. Saunders, Esq., E. Sheppard, Esq., M. Javet, and J. S. Baly. Nearly allied to the next species, but easily distinguished by the following characters: anterior angle of the thorax produced, its upper surface more coarsely and closely punctured; the black scu- tellum, the truncate apex of the anal segment of the abdomen, and the different coloration of the under surface in the female; also the different shape of the pygidium, which in the present insect is pentagonal. 17. Cephaloleia Grayei, n. sp. C. elongata, subdepressa, supra nigra, nitida; scutello elytrisque flavo- fulvis, his apice nigris; subtus flavo-fulva; capite, thorace abdomi- nisque apice nigris. ‘em. Abdominis segmento anali apice obtuso, utrinque sinuato. Long. 22 lin. €. elongate, subdepressed, shining black above; elytra bright flavo- fulvous, their posterior third black; beneath flavo-fulvous; head, thorax, and apex of abdomen black. Head punctured; antenne subfiliform ; basal joimt clavate, slightly incrassate, longer than the second. Thorax transverse-quadrate, rather broader than long ; side border straight and parallel, subsinuate behind, rounded at the apex, and not produced beyond the apical border, narrowly reflexed, subcanaliculate, anterior angles not produced, obtuse ; apical margin nearly straight ; above moderately convex from side to side, transversely depressed near the middle of the base, smooth and shining, distinctly but remotely punctured, punctures rather E2 52 CEPHALOLFIA. more crowded at the base. Scutellum smooth, impunctate, bright flavo-fulvous. Elytra much broader than the thorax, basal margin oblique, humeral angles rounded; sides parallel, narrowly mar- gined ; apex rounded, conjointly emarginate at the sutural angle, the latter acute ; above subdepressed along the back, sides convex, sinuate below the shoulders, outer margin reflexed; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated, in- terstices towards their apex obsoletely raised. Pygidium obtusely angled. Beneath flavo-fulvous; head, thorax, and extreme apex of abdomen black. Female. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 17) obtuse, sinuate on either side. Hab. Peru. A single specimen in the collection of J. S. Baly. 18. Cephaloleia flavo-vittata, n. sp. C. elongata, subdepressa, nigra, nitida; thoracis margine pedibusque fulvis ; elytrorum margine et vitta postice abbreviata flavis ; tarsis infuscatis. Fem. Abdominis segmento anali late truncato-emarginato. Long. 24 lin. C. elongate, subdepressed, shining black ; sides of thorax and legs fulvous ; the lateral margin of the elytra, and a vitta on each, abbreviated just below the middle, yellow. Head distinctly punctured ; face with a short acute process between the antenna, the latter filiform, shorter than half the body; basal joint scarcely incrassate, equal in length to the second, first two joints nearly glabrous, the others closely covered with adpressed fulvous hairs. Thorax transverse-quadrate, scarcely one-third broader than long; lateral border straight and parallel, rounded towards the front, produced beyond the apical margin, anterior angle obtuse ; apical margin nearly straight ; above transversely convex, side margin canaliculated, reflexed, extreme edge obsoletely crenate; surface smooth and shining, deeply impressed with large round punctures, nearly obsolete in the centre of the disc; black, lateral border fulvous. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined; apex rounded, conjointly emarginate at the suture ; above subdepressed along the back, convex on the sides, the latter subsinuate below the shoulders, outer border reflexed, its edge minutely serrulate, serra- tures distant and nearly obsolete along the sides, crowded and more distinct at the apex; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, those on the inner striz less deeply impressed, nearly obliterated towards their apex, outer interstices slightly elevated, subconvex; black ; the lateral border from its base nearly to the apex, and a vitta on the disc, confluent at its base with the lateral stripe, and abbreviated just below the middle, yellow. Beneath black; legs fulvous; tarsi stained with fuscous. CEPHALOLEIA, 53 Female, Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 18) broadly truncate-emarginate. Hab. Braail. A single specimen in the collection of A. Fry, Esq. 19. Cephaloleia Deyrollei, n. sp. C. elongata, leniter convexa, dorso subdepressa, nigra, nitida; anten- _narum articulis basalibus quatuor, elytrorum margine exteriori vittaque longitudinali, basi ad marginem connexa, apice abbre- viata, abdominis lateribus pedibusque, pallide fulvis. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali late sed leniter truncato-emar- ginato, medio sinuato. Long. 3 lin. C. elongate, moderately convex, slightly flattened along the suture, black. Head punctured ; antenne nearly half the length of the body ; first joint not incrassate, scarcely longer than the second, four basal joimts fulvous ; upper portion of face armed with a short obtuse tubercle ; eyes piccous. Thorax subquadrate ; lateral border straight and parallel, slightly rounded and narrowed ante- riorly, canaliculate, produced in front, apical angle obtuse; extreme outer edge obscurely stained with fulvous; surface deeply but subremotely punctured. Scutellum shining, impunctate. Elytra rather broader than the base of the thorax; sides parallel, nar- rowly margined ; apex obtusely rounded ; surface distinctly pune- tate-striate, the interstices towards the outer margin slightly raised ; outer border, and a longitudinal vitta running down the dise, confluent at the shoulder with the marginal band, and abbreviated a short distance below the middle, ‘isms Beneath black ; legs and sides of abdomen fulvous ; apical margin of abdo- minal segments narrowly edged with piceous. Male, Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 19) broadly but shghtly emarginate, its central portion sinuate. Hab. St. Catherina, Brazil. A single specimen in the collection of J. 8. Baly. 20. Cephaloleia eximia, n. sp. C. elongata, subdepressa, nigra, nitida; thorace fulvo, basi apiceque nigro maculato ; elytris punctato-striatis, vitta postice abbreviata, linea marginali pone medium, pedibusque flavis; genubus tarsisque nigris. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali late emarginato, medio sinuato. Long. 22 lin. C. elongate, subdepressed, shining black. Head opaque ; antenni moderately robust, entirely black, rather longer than the thorax ; basal joint slightly inecrassate, rather longer than the second. 54 CEPHALOLEIA. Thorax subquadrate ; lateral margin parallel, nearly straight, slightly narrowed and rounded in front, produced beyond the apical border, anterior angles obtuse ; surface distinctly punc- tured, subconvex, central line obsoletely elevated ; on either side are several shallow impressions ; lateral border reflexed, canalicu- late ; bright fulvous, a large apical spot and a smaller one at the base, black. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra rather broader than the base of the thorax, their sides nearly parallel, narrowly margined ; apex obtuscly rounded ; surface distinctly punctate- striate, interstices towards the outer margin obsoletely elevated ; a narrow marginal line just below the middle, and a longitudinal vitta on the disc, abbreviated a short distance below the middle, yellow. Beneath black ; legs yellow, knees and tarsi black. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. UI. fig. 20) broadly emarginate, its middle sinuate. Hab. Cayenne. A single specimen in the collection of J. S. Baly. 21. Cephaloleia picta, n. sp. ©. elongata, angustata, subdepressa, nigra, nitida; antennarwm basi, thorace, elytrorumque margine vittaque subsuturali, pone medium abbreviata et paullo ante apicem ramulum ad marginem emittente, pedibusque, fulvo-flavis. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali late emarginato, medio sinuato. Long. 23 hn. C. narrowly elongate, subdepressed, shining black. Head impressed on the vertex with a small fovea ; face finely punctate ; antenne robust, filiform, their four basal joints fulvous; first jomt cla- vate, slightly incrassate, longer than the second. Thorax ful- yous yellow, transverse-quadrate ; lateral border subsinuate and slightly narrowed behind, rounded in front, produced beyond the apical margin ; above moderately convex from side to side, lateral border reflexed, canaliculate in front ; surface shining, deeply and coarsely punctured, puncturing crowded on the sides, more remote on the disc. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, their margin narrowly dilated, the outer edge indistinctly reflexed ; apex obtusely rounded, conjointly obso- letely emarginate at the suture ; above subdepressed along the back, moderately convex on the sides, the latter obsoletety sinuate below the shoulders; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated, outer striz sulcate, their inter- stices slightly elevated; shining black; the outer margin and a broad subsutural vitta, abbreviated below the middle and connected with the lateral border by a short branch, which passes off just before its apex, fulvous yellow. Pygidium obtuse. Beneath black ; margin of abdomen piceous; trophi and legs fulvous yel- low, knees indistinctly stained with fuscous, CEPHALOLEIA. 55 Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 21) broadly emarginate, its middle sinuate. Hab. Brazil. Collected by C. Darwin, Esq. Collections of A. Fry, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 22. Cephaloleia luctuosa, Gueér. B.M. Guér. Icon. du Réegne Anim. Texte, p. 282. C. elongata, angustata, depressa, nigra, nitida, antennarum apice albo; thorace fulvo, macula apicali triangulari nigra; elytris utrisque vitta longitudinali flava; subtus nigra; thorace, pectore femoribusque (his apice exceptis) fulvis. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali leniter sinuato. Long. 32 lin. Nearly allied to the next species, but distinguished by its rather larger size, in addition to the following characters. Antenne longer and more robust; apical joints generally yellowish white, rarely concolorous. Thorax longer than broad. Elytra each with a broad fulvous vitta, extending from their base nearly to the apex. Body beneath black; thorax, breast, sides of abdomen, and thighs (their base alone excepted) fulvous. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 22) shghtly sinuate. Hab. Colambia. ; British Museum, and collections of E. Sheppard, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 23. Cephaloleia vicina, n. sp. B.M. C. elongata, angustata, depressa, supra nigra; thorace (macula trigona apicali excepta) fulvo; elytro utroque vitta longitudinali flavo- alba; subtus flavo-alba; pleuris, abdominis basi medioque, coxis, genubus, tarsis, et interdum tibiis extrorsum, nigris. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali sinuato. Fem, Abdominis segmento anali obtuse rotundato. Long. 23-34 lin. C. narrow, elongate, depressed ; above black; thorax, with the ex- ception of a large triangular patch on the anterior margin, bright fulvous ; elytra opaque, each with a narrow vitta, extending from their base nearly to the apex, yellowish white. Head black, front longitudinally strigose-punctate. Thorax quadrate, scarcely broader in front; side margin narrow, straight, nearly parallel, rounded at the extreme apex, scarcely produced beyond the apical border ; above subconvex, lateral margin narrowly reflexed, eanaliculate in front ; sides coarsely, dise distantly and obsoletely punctate ; bright fulvous, a large triangular patch on the ante- rior margin, its apex sometimes extending nearly to the base of the thorax, black. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Klytra broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined, their apex CEPHALOLEIA. obtusely rounded, conjointly subemarginate at the suture, sutural angle armed with a minute tooth ; above flattened along the back, slightly convex on the sides, very’ finely punctate-striate, punc- turing rather more distinct towards the outer border; opaque, black ; each elytron with a narrow yellowish-white vitta, running down its middle from the base nearly to the apex. Beneath yel- lowish white ; pleure, base and middle of abdomen, coxee, knees, anterior pair of tibiz in front (also more rarely the second pair), and the tarsi, black. Pygidium scarcely visible, almost entirely covered by the elytra. Male, Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 23 g 2 ) sinuate. Female. Anal segment of abdomen obtusely rotundate. Hab. Mexico. British Museum, and collections of E. Sheppard, Esq., M. Deyrolle, and J. 8. Baly. C. 24. Cephaloleia pulchella, n. sp. B.M. elongata, angustata, depressa, supra nigra; thorace (macula apicali excepta) elytrorumque vitta lete fulvis ; subtus flava; capite nigro. Fem, Abdominis segmento anali late emarginato, incisura ipsa bisinuata, medio paullo producta. Long. 3} lin. C. narrowly elongate, depressed; above black; thorax (an apical patch excepted) and a longitudinal stripe on each elytron bright fulvous. Head concave between the eyes, minutely punctured ; antenne shorter than half the body, robust, joints cylindrical, Thorax quadrate; side border straight and parallel, obsoletely sinuate behind, rounded at the extreme apex, slightly produced beyond the apical margin, anterior angle rounded; above sub- convex from side to side, lateral margin reflexed ; surface smooth and shining, deeply punctate, puncturing more distant on the disc ; bright fulvous, a large indistinctly trilobate patch on the anterior margin black. Scutellum bright fulvous, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax; sides parallel, narrowly margined, apex obtuse ; above flattened along the suture, deflexed and concave on the sides, outer border narrowly reflexed ; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated, strie near the suture obsoletely, those on the sides deeply sulcate ; the puncturing on the lateral stria more crowded and deeply impressed, extreme apex of the elytra irregularly punctate; third interstice from the outer margin elevated, costate nearly the whole of its length ; black, a broad vitta on the middle of each elytron, commencing at the base, gradually narrowed behind and abbreviated near the apex, bright fulvous. Beneath yellow; head (trophi excepted) black. Female. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 24) broadly emarginate, the incision itself bisinuate, its middle slightly pro- duced. Hab. Peru. sritish Museum, and collection of J. S. Baly. CEPHALOLEIA. Or ~I 25. Cephaloleia Saundersii, n. sp. C’. elongata, depressa, supra nigra, nitida; thoracis basi, scutello elytrorumque vitta, ante apicem abbreviata, flavis ; subtus flava ; genubus tarsisque indistincte fuscis. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali late emarginato, medio sinuato. Long. 3 lin. C. narrowly elongate, depressed ; above shining black ; base of thorax and a longitudinal stripe on each elytron, abbreviated before reaching the apex, yellow. Head finely punctured ; first joint of antenne longer than the second, slightly incrassate (the rest wanting). Thorax subquadrate, slightly narrowed behind; sides straight, their outer border reflexed, scarcely produced beyond the apical margin; above slightly convex from side to side, coarsely punctured, lateral border subcanaliculate ; black, the pos- terior third fulvous yellow. Scutellum smooth, yellow. Elytra broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined ; apex obtusely rounded, conjointly emarginate at the sutural angle ; above depressed along the suture, moderately convex on the sides, subsinuate and slightly excavated below the shoulders, outer border narrowly reflexed; each elytron with eleven rows of deep punc- tures, the first abbreviated, interstices near the outer border sub- costate ; third interstice from the latter costate its whole length ; black, each with a broad yellow stripe running from the base nearly to the apex. Beneath yellow; Imees and tarsi obscure fuscous. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 25) broadly emarginate, its middle sinuate. Hab. Northern Brazil. Unique, in the collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq. 26. Cephaloleia DeGandei, n. sp. BM. C. elongata, angustata, depressa, supra nigra, subtus fulva, nitida ; thoracis lateribus, elytrorumque basi, fascia lata centrali apiceque, pallide flavo-fulvis; antennis basi fulvis, articulis intermediis nigro- piceis, reliquis ad apicem albis. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali concavo-emarginato, medio subsinuato. Fem. Abdominis segmento anali late emarginato. Long. 4 lin. C. narrowly elongate, depressed ; above shining black, pale fulvous beneath ; antennz with their three basal joints fulvous, the three following pitchy black, the remaining joints white; sides of the thorax, scutellum, extreme base of elytra, a broad band across their middle, and their apex, flavo-fulvous. Head black, face fulvous ; front slightly concave, very finely but not closely pune- tured. Thorax quadrate, scarcely longer than broad ; sides straight and parallel, narrowly margined, obsoletely sinuate ; margin ds CEPHALOLEIA. scarcely produced beyond the apical border, rounded at the an- terior angles; above slightly convex from side to side, lateral margins reflexed, canaliculate ; surface smooth and shining, punc- tate, punctures deeper and irregularly crowded at the sides, finer and more remote on the disc; black, lateral borders narrowly edged with fulvous. Scutellum smooth, flavo-fulvous. Elytra broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined; apex obtusely rounded, conjointly emarginate at the suture; above flattened along the back, convex on the sides; each elytron with eleven finely punctured striz, the first abbreviated, apex irregu- larly punctured; black, their extreme base, a broad band across the middle, and the apex, pale flavo-fulvous. Male, Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 26 ¢ 2 ) broadly concaye-emarginate, its middle subsinuate. Female, Anal segment of abdomen broadly emarginate. Hab. Peru. British Museum, and collection of J. S. Baly. 27. Cephaloleia succincta, Guér. Tas. V. Fic.6. B.M. Guérin, Icon. du Réegne Anim. Texte, p. 282. C. elongata, angustata, depressa, flava ; capite, thoracis macula ely- trorumque fascia transversé pone medium, nigris. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali late concavo-emarginato (Tab. Tie. 27.6. 2). Fem, Abdominis segmento anali utrinque sinuato, medio paullo producto, convexo. Long. 34 lin. Var. A. Thorace immaculato. Hab. Columbia. British Museum, and collections of Major Parry, E. Sheppard, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. Var. A. in Major Parry’s cabinet. 28. Cephaloleia maculipennis, n. sp. C. elongata, depressa, supra nigra, subtus flava ; antennis, thoracis lateribus extremis, scutello elytrisque flavis, his ante apicem fascia transversa communi, extrorsum abbreviata, macula discali vix ante medium vittaque submarginali preecedentibus confluente, nigris. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali late emarginato, medio sinuato. Long. 2 lin. C. elongate, depressed. Head black, smooth ; antennee yellow, two terminal joints fuscous. Thorax subquadrate, black, its extreme lateral margin yellow ; sides parallel, straight behind, rounded in front, narrowly margined, margin scarcely produced beyond the apical border, reflexed; anterior edge obsoletely excavated ; sur- face subconvex, coarsely punctured. Scutellum smooth, impune- tate. Elytra rather broader than the thorax; sides parallel, CEPHALOLFIA. 59 narrowly margined ; apex obtusely rounded, not entirely covering the pygiditum ; above moderately rounded on the sides, flattened along the suture ; surface distinctly punctate-striate ; yellow, a broad common curved transverse band near the apex, abbreviated near the outer margin, a submarginal vitta, commencing at the base of each elytron and terminating on the outer edge of the transverse fascia, and a subtrapeziform spot on the outer dise near its middle, united by its external border with the longitudinal line, black. Beneath pale fulvous. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 28) broadly emarginate, its middle sinuate. Hab. Brazil. A single specimen in the collection of A. Fry, Esq. 29. Cephaloleia funesta, n. sp. C’. elongata, angustata, depressa, nigra, nitida. Fem. abdominis segmento anal late truncato-emarginato. Long. 2+ lin. C. elongate, depressed, shining black; basal joints of palpi alone piceous. Head smooth, minutely and sparingly punctured. Thorax subquadrate ; sides margined, straight behind, rounded in front, produced beyond the apical border, anterior angles obtuse ; above slightly convex, deeply punctured, side margins reflexed, sub- canaliculate. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra rather broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined ; apex rounded, slightly emarginate at the suture, sutural angle armed with a minute tooth ; above flattened along the back, shghtly convex on the sides, subsinuate below the shoulders; each elytron with eleven rows of punctures, the first abbreviated, punctures deeply impressed at the base, larger and coarser on the sides, much finer towards the apex; interstices on the sides and at the apex obso- letely convex. Female. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. ILI. fig. 29) broadly truncate-emarginate. Hab. Brazil. Collection of A. Fry, Esq. 30. Cephaloleia eneipennis, n. sp. BM. C. subelongata, subdepressa, nigra, nitida; elytris nigro-zneis. Long. 2 lin, Fem. Abdominis segmento anali truncato, utrinque subsi- nuato. C. subelongate, subdepressed, shining black ; elytra bright brassy black. Head smooth, indistinctly punctured ; antenne more than half the length of the body, filiform, basal joint obovate, not in- crassate, shorter than the second. Thorax transverse, one-half 60 CEPHALOLEIA. broader than long ; sides straight and parallel, slightly narrowed and rounded in front, produced beyond the apical margin; outer border incrassate ; apical margin nearly straight, anterior angles obtuse ; surface smooth and shining, convex transversely, finely and indistinctly punctured; sides irregularly depressed, subcana- liculate just within the thickened lateral margin. Scutellum smooth. impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax ; sides sub- parallel, narrowly margined, apex regularly rounded ; above sub- depressed along the back, convex on the sides, the latter slightly sinuate below the shoulders, outer border reflexed ; surface smooth, bright brassy black ; each elytron with eleven rows of fine punc- tures, the first abbreviated, striz near the suture indistinct ; inter- stices obsoletely and irregularly impressed. Beneath entirely black. Female. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 30) truncate, obsoletely sinuate on either side. Hab. Venezuela. Unique, in the Museum collection. 31. Cephaloleia tarsata, n. sp. C. elongata, depressa, nigra, subnitida ; tarsis fulvis. Fem. Abdominis segmento anali truncato. Long. 24 lin. C. elongate, depressed, black, subopaque ; tarsi fulvous; coxa and sides of thorax obscure piceous. Head punctured; front concave between the eyes; antenne filiform, basal joint subincrassate, much longer than the second. Thorax transverse, nearly twice as broad as long ; sides rounded, subsinuate near the posterior angles, narrowed in front, narrowly margined,-their outer edge minutely serrulate ; apical margin concave ; anterior angles rounded, ob- tuse, posterior armed with a short obtuse tooth ; above transversely convex, indistinctly reflexed on the sides, the latter covered with coarse deep punctures, disc more finely punctured ; black, extreme lateral border obscure piceous. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, humeral angles rounded; sides parallel, narrowly margined; apex obtusely rounded, con- jointly emarginate at the suture ; above depressed along the back, convex on the sides, outer border narrowly reflexed, its edge distantly and obsoletely serrulate, serratures more crowded at the apex; each elytron with eleven rows of deeply impressed punctures, the first abbreviated; their interstices slightly elevated, convex ; pygidium narrowed from base to apex, the latter trun- cate. Beneath black; coxee piceous ; tarsi fulvous. Female. Apical segment of abdomen (Tab. IIT. fig. 31) truncate. Hab. Columbia. A single specimen in the collection of J. 8. Baly. 32. Cephaloleia depressa, n. sp. BM. C. elongata, valde depressa, nigra, nitida; thorace transverso, lateri- bus leniter explanato-rotundatis, piceis. CEPHALOLEIA. . 6L Mas. Abdominis segmento anali fortiter sinuato. Long. 2 lin. C. elongate, much flattened above, shining black; sides of thorax narrowly edged with piceous. Head distinctly punctured ; front and upper portion of face with a shallow grooved line running down their middle ; antenne filiform, half the length of the body, basal joint incrassate, longer than the second. Thorax transverse, nearly twice as broad as long ; sides rounded and slightly dilated, narrowly margined, emarginate at the base, their outer edge irregularly toothed, subcrenate, obscure piceous; apical margin regularly concave between the anterior angles, the latter ob- tuse ; above subconvex from side to side, smooth and shining, disc finely punctured, sides covered with large deeply impressed punctures. Scutellum smooth, impunctate, transversely impressed at the base. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong-elongate ; shoulders rectangular, the humeral angles obtuse ; sides parallel, narrowly mar eined, the outer edge reflexed and minutely serrulate, narrowed towards the apex, the latter subacutely rounded; above flattened, slightly convex on the sides and subsinuate below the shoulders ; surface shining, each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated. Pygidium coarsely punctured, its apex obtusely rounded. Beneath black ; tarsi ob- secure piceous. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 82) deeply sinuate. Hab. Santarem, Upper Amazons. Collected by Mr. H. W. Bates. Unique, in the British Museum collection. This insect is at once separated from the rest of the black species by its extremely flattened form and by the shape of the thorax. 33. Cephaloleia Chevrolatii, n. sp. C. elongata, modice convexa, dorso subdepressa, nigra, nitida ; tho- 5D : - . 5 . race elytrorumque margine fulvis, his plagé humerali rufo-picea ; subtus fusca, piceo tincta. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali late emarginato, medio sinuato : 5 D ’ Long. 12 lin. C. elongate, moderately convex, subdepressed along the back, shining black. Antenne subfiliform, half the length of ‘the body. Thorax quadrate, rather broader before the middle ; lateral border straight, rounded in front, narrowly reflexed, not produced beyond the apical margin, anterior angles rounded, obtuse, posterior acute ; surface smooth, convex from side to side, deeply but subremotely punctured, the central line impunctate; fulvous, anterior edge alone black. Scutellum shining black, impunctate. Elytra rather broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, the apex regularly rounded ; above moderately convex, indistinctly flattened along the suture, sides narrowly margined, reflexed ; finely punctate- -striate, 62 CEPHALOLETA. striz towards the outer margin more deeply impressed; black, the outer border fulvous, an ill-defined patch on the shoulders obscure rufo-piceous. Beneath fuscous; legs and pleure stained with piceous. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. III. fig. 33) broadly emarginate, its middle sinuate. Hab. Yucatan. Unique, in the collection of M. Chevrolat. 34. Cephaloleia opaca, n. sp. C. subelongata, subdepressa, pallide fusca, opaca ; pleuris piceis. Mas. Abdominis segmento anali late concavo-emarginato. Long. 3 lin. C. subelongate, subdepressed, pale fuscous, opaque, pleure alone piceous. Head smooth, finely but not very closely punctured ; face with a longitudinal ridge between the eyes; antenne robust, rather longer than the head and thorax, joints short, basal ob- ovate, not incrassate, longer than the second, third scarcely longer than the second. Thorax transverse, twice as broad at the base as long; sides margined, nearly straight behind, rounded and narrowed in front, produced beyond the anterior border, anterior angles obtuse, posterior acute ; apical margin excavated; above subconvex, coarsely punctured, punctures large, deeply impressed, crowded on the sides, rather more remote on the disc. Seutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax, elongate-ovate ; sides subparallel, with a narrow margin; above subdepressed along the suture, sides shghtly convex, sinuate below the shoulders ; surface smooth; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, strize at their apex on the outer dise deeply sulcate ; on the suture, just below the middle, is a pale indistinct piceous spot. Beneath shining, pale fulvo-fuscous; pleurze piceous. Male. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. IIT. fig. 34) broadly concave-emarginate. Hab. Brazil. A single specimen in the collection of J. 8. Baly. 35. Cephaloleia Fryella, n. sp. C. oblongo-elongata, parallela, subconvexa, pallide flava, opaca ; capite, antennis elytrorumque vitta lata suturali nigris ; subtus nigra; abdominis lateribus pedibusque pallide flavis ; genubus tarsisque nigro-piceis. Fem, Abdominis segmento anali truncato. Long. 3 lin. C’. oblong-elongate, parallel, moderately convex and pale dull yellow above; head and antenne black, the former punctured. Thorax transverse ; sides straight, rounded in front, narrowly margined, margin not produced beyond the apical border; surface convex, XENISPA. 63 coarsely punctured. Scutellum smooth, black. Elytra subparallel, convex above, indistinctly flattened along the suture ; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated ; strize near the suture more finely punctured, their interstices smooth and flattened ; lateral striae more deeply impressed, subsuleate ; on the suture is a broad black vitta, sinuate on the sides, and sud- denly contracted just before the apex into a narrow line. Be- neath black; sides of abdomen and legs yellow; knees and tarsi nigro-fuscous. Female. Anal segment of abdomen (Tab. ITT. fig. 35) truncate. Hab. Brazil. Collection of A. Fry, Esq. Species nahi ignote. 36. Cephaloleia tetraspilota, Guér. Guér. Icon. du Réegne Anim. Texte, p. 282. ‘Noire, assez aplatie et enticrement semblable a la précédente (Ceph. histrio) pour la forme et la ponctuation, avec les élytres marquées de quatre grandes taches arrondies d’un jaune d’ocre: deux prés de la base, ne touchant aucun des bords, les deux autres 4 l’extré- mité, ne touchant les bords externe et postérieur. Base des cuisses un peu brunatre. “Long. 54, lat. 2} mill. “* Hab. Colombie.”’ 37. Cephaloleia? angustata, Guer. Guér. Icon. du Réegne Anim. Texte, p. 288. ‘ Allongée, étroite, d’un noir bronzé en dessus, noire dessous. An- tennes noires, de moitié plus longues que la téte et le corselet, a peine épaissies vers le bout. Téte tronquée en avant, avec une petite saillie anguleuse au dessus des yeux. Corselet un peu plus long que large, 4 cétés droits, finement ponctué. Ecusson trian- gulaire. Elytres allongées, paralléles, arrondies au bout, un peu plus larges que le corselet, avec des lignes nombreuses et rap- prochées formées de points enfoncés. Abdomen finement ponctuc, luisant. Pattes courtes et fortes, noires. “Long. 4, lat. 14 mill. «Santa Fé de Bogota. Coll. Buquet.” Genus XIII. XENISPA. Details, Tan. I. Fre. 15. Antenne (fig. 13a) dimidio corporis longiores, filiformes, articulo primo brevi, ovato, secundo obovato, fore duplo longiori, ceteris subcylindricis, tertio elongato, 64 DEMOTISPA, : Labrum (fig. 13 5) antice declive, angulatum. Mandibule (fig. 13 ¢) elongate, apice subacute, basi dente parvo instruct. Palpi leniter compressi ; mavillares (fig. 13 d) articulo primo parvo, secundo paullo elongato, basi ad apicem incrassato, tertio brevior1, obovato, ultimo ovato, apice magis compresso, obtuso ; labiales (fig. 13 e) articulo primo parvo, trigono, secundo obovato, tertio subclavato, magis compresso. Mentum (fig. 13 f) transversum ; ligula (fig. 13) late oblonga, mento latior, apice subangulata. Caput facie foveis duabus (his antennee insertee sunt) creta elevata divisis instructa ; ocuwlis subovatis. Thorax transverso-quadratus, lateribus modice explanatis. Scutellum (fig. 13h) pentagonum. Elytra oblongo-ovata, subcomplanata. Pedes breves, modice robusti, tarsorum articulo primo semiovato. Corpus late oblongum, subdepressum. Distinguished from the next genus by the short basal joint of the antenne: and its transverse mentum. 1. Xenispa pulchella, n. sp. Tas. V. Fie. 7. B.M. X. anguste oblonga, subdepressa, nigra, nitida ; elytris late ceru- leis ; capite (antennis oculisque exceptis), thorace, scutello pedi- busque quatuor anticis fulvo-flavis, horum tibiarum basi et apice tarsisque nigro-piceis. Long. 32 lin. X. oblong, subdepressed, shining black ; elytra deep metallic blue ; head (eyes and antennze excepted), thorax and four anterior legs fulvous yellow; base and apex of the tibic of these latter and the tarsi nigro-piceous. Head smooth, antennz and eyes black. Thorax transverse, nearly twice broader than long ; sides dilated, their outer margin reflexed, straight and nearly parallel, slightly narrowed in front, their apex rounded, produced beyond the apical margin, anterior angles obtuse, posterior slightly pro- duced, acute; anterior margin excavated, sinuate on either side, its central portion indistinctly convex ; above smooth and shining, dise moderately convex, impunctate; sides deeply excavated, irregularly punctured. Scutellum smooth, obscure fulvous. Ely- tra broader than the thorax; sides shghtly rounded, outer margin moderately dilated, recurved; apex regularly rounded under a deep lens, obsoletely serrulate ; above subdepressed, convex along the sides, the latter deeply sinuate below the shoulders; surface smooth and shining, deep metallic blue ; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated, puncturing much more strongly impressed on the laterai strie, which are also irre- gularly suleate. Beneath shining black ; head, thorax, antepectus DEMOTISPA. 65 and four anterior legs fulvous yellow; the latter, with the base and apex of the tibie and their tarsi, nigro-piceous. Hab. Columbia. A single specimen in the Museum collection. Genus XIV. DEMOTISPA. Details, Tan. I. Fre. 14. Antenne (fig. 14 a) filiformes, modice robuste, articulis duobus basa- libus brevibus, longitudine fere squalibus, primo obovato aut subclavato, interdum paullo incrassato, secundo obconico, tertio sepe elongato, ceteris subcylindricis, ultimo acuto. Labrum (fig. 146) antice declive. Mandibule mediocres, apice plerumque elongato, subacuto. Palpi maxillares (fig. 14¢) articulo primo minuto, duobus interme- diis obconicis aut obovatis, illo paullo amphato, hoe ad apicem incrassato, ultimo ovato, apice subacuto; Jlabiales (fig. 14 d) articulo primo parvo, secundo obconico, ultimo ovato, apice sub- acuto. Mentum (fig. 14 e) subquadratum ; ligula (fig. 14 f) oblonga, mento latior ; seymento apicali apice angulato. Thorax transversus seu subquadratus, lateribus plerumque expla- patis. Scutellum (fig. 14 7) subpentagonum. Elytra oblonga aut ovata, subdepressa, lateribus modice explanata. Pedes breves. Corpus oblongum seu ovatum, subdepressum. (Type, Demotispa pulchella.) 1. Demotispa pallida, n. sp. D. oblongo-ovata, explanata, dorso subdepressa, fulva, nitida; anten- nis extrorsum oculisque nigris. Long. 24 ln. D. oblong-ovate, subdepressed above; outer sides of thorax and elytra moderately dilated ; six outer joints of antenne and eyes black. Head with a longitudinal ridge between the eyes; vertex transversely depressed ; antenne robust, shorter than half the body, joints short. Thorax transverse, more than twice broader than long; sides dilated, rounded, narrowing towards their apex, narrowly margined, anterior angles obtuse ; apex concavely exca- vated ; above moderately convex, slightly concave towards the lateral borders, extreme outer edge of the latter reflexed; sides covered with large round distinct punctures, disc finely and re- motely punctured; on either side the central line are several indistinct impressions. Scutellum pentangular, its apex acute. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax at its base, subovate, their lateral border moderately dilated in front, less distinctly so behind; iy 66 DEMOTISPA, apex rounded, conjointly emarginate at the suture ; above shghtly convex, subdepressed along the suture; sides sinuate below the shoulders, dilated margin smooth, slightly reflexed; each elytron with eleven rows of fine punctures, less deeply impressed near the suture and towards the apex ; interstices, especially at the base, very finely and irregularly strigose. Apex of anal segment of ab- domen truncate, indistinctly sinuate on either side. Hab. Bogota; Columbia. A single specimen in the collection of J. 8. Baly. 2. Demotispa tibialis, n. sp. D. oblongo-ovata, subdepressa, flava, nitida; elytris metallico-ceruleis ; antennarum articulis basalibus duobus (ceteri desunt), oculis, femorum apice, tibiis tarsisque nigris. Long. 2+ lin. D. oblong-ovate, subdepressed above, shining yellow ; elytra bright metallic blue ; two basal joints of antennze, eyes, apex of thighs, tibie and tarsi black. Head smooth; eyes and two basal joints of antenne black (the rest wanting). Thorax transverse, twice as broad as long; sides rounded, narrowly margined, narrowed at their extreme base and towards the apex, anterior angles sub- acute; apical margin concavely excavated; base smuate on either side, basal lobe rounded, its border reflexed; above moderately convex, deeply excavated on the sides near their base, lateral border refiexed ; sides impressed with irregular punctures, disc nearly impunctate. Scutellum smooth, shining yellow, sides black. Elytra rather broader than the base of the thorax, sub- ovate, bright metallic blue ; sides slightly rounded, moderately di- lated, more especially in front, their outer edge in front reflexed ; apex regularly rounded, distinctly serrate ; above moderately con- vex, subdepressed along the suture, irregularly excavated at the extreme base, sides sinuate below the shoulders; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated ; strise towards the outer border subsulcate, Beneath fulvous yellow ; apex of thighs, tibie and tarsi black. Hab. Amazons. A single specimen, in the collection of J.S. Baly. 3. Demotispa Grayella, n. sp. Tas. V. Fie. 8. D. oblonga, leniter convexa, flava, nitida; antennis, oculis, pectore abdomineque nigris ; elytris metallico-ceruleis. Long. 22 lin. D. oblong, slightly convex, pale shining yellow; antenne, eyes, breast and abdomen black ; elytra dark metallic blue. Head with several indistinct impressions on the forehead; antenne mode- rately robust, half the length of the body, their first two joints equal, the basal not incrassate, pale fulvous. Thorax transverse, DEMOTISPA. 67 twice as broad as long ; sides moderately dilated, narrowly mar- gined, rounded, much narrowed in front, anterior angles obtuse, posterior acute ; apical margin concavely excavated ; above mode- rately convex, sides broadly excavated, concave, outer margin slightly thickened, reflexed; disc with a small fovea on either side the central line; smooth, impunctate, sides with a few distinct punctures. Scutellum smooth, shining black. Elytra deep shining metallic blue, scarcely broader than the thorax ; sides subparallel, slightly rounded, moderately dilated, more especially in front ; apex regularly rounded, minutely serrulate ; above sub- convex, slightly flattened along the back, sides sinuate below the shoulders, dilated margin somewhat deflexed, its outer border re- curved ; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated. Beneath black; head, thorax and legs yellow. Hab. Petropolis, Brazil. Collected by J. Gray, Esq., and in that gentleman’s cabinet. 4. Demotispa pulchella, n. sp. Tas. VI. Fre. 1. D. ovata, subdepressa, supra nigra, nitida; antennarum articulis basalibus piceis; thoracis lateribus elytrisque rufo-fulvis, his limbo late nigro; subtus tota fulva. Var. A. Supra tota nigra. Long. 2 lin. D. ovate, subdepressed, shining black above; sides of the thorax and the elytra bright rufo-fulvous, the latter with the lateral and apical margins black. Head finely but irregularly punctured, vertex impressed with a small fovea; three or four basal joints of antenne pitchy, first joint fulvous beneath. Thorax transverse, twice as broad as long; sides broadly margined, rounded, nar- rowed in front, produced beyond the apical margin, anterior angles obtuse, posterior subacute; apical border nearly straight, armed on either side close to the anterior angles with a small sub- acute tooth ; dise slightly convex, smooth and shining, nearly im- punctate, sides coarsely punctured, lateral border concave, its outer edge reflexed; basal margin also narrowly recurved ; black, side margin bright fulvous. Seutellum smooth, bright rufo-fulvous. Elytra broadly ovate, wider than the thorax; sides rounded, di- lated, more especially in front; apex regularly rounded, minutely serrulate, conjointly emarginate at the suture; above slightly convex, flattened along the back, sides sinuate below the shoulders, outer border concave, slightly reflexed; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated, lateral strize rather more deeply impressed, their interstices obsoletely raised ; bright rufo-fulvous, outer margin with a broad black border, which gradu- ally becomes wider towards the apex. Beneath entirely fulvous. Var. A. Body entirely black above. Hab. Amazons; Peru. Collection of J. 8. Baly. Var. in Mr. Saunders’s cabinet. r2 68 PROSOPODONTA, 5. Demotispa bimaculata, n. sp. D. ovata, depressa, nigra, nitida, utroque elytro macula rotundata fulvo-flava ; abdomine femorumque basi fulvis. Long. 2} lin. D. ovate, depressed, shining black, each elytron with a large round fulvous-yellow spot ; abdomen and base of thighs fulvous. Upper portion of face finely punctured; antenne moderately robust, third joint not longer than the second, apex of terminal joint pale fulvous. Thorax subquadrate; sides scarcely dilated, nearly straight, narrowed from their base to the apex, slightly rounded in front, anterior angles produced, obtuse, posterior slightly pro- duced laterally, acute ; anterior margin excavated ; above smooth and shining, disc convex, transversely impressed near the base, nearly impunctate, sides slightly excavated, finely punctured. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra ovate; sides dilated, slightly recurved ; apex rounded, conjointly but indistinctly emar- ginate at the suture; above depressed, subconvex along the sides, the latter sinuate below the shoulders ; each elytron with eleven rows of fine punctures, the first abbreviated; shining black, a large, nearly circular spot placed near the middle, but very close to the suture, fulvous yellow. Beneath black; breast, abdomen and base of thighs fulvous. Apex of anal segment of abdomen obtusely truncate. Hab. Mexico. Collections of M. Chevrolat and J. 8S. Baly. Genus XV. PROSOPODONTA. Details, Tas. I. Fre. 15. Antenne (fig. 15 a) robuste, subfiliformes, apicem versus leniter in- crassate et subcompresse, articulis duobus basalibus brevibus, fere equalibus, primo incrassato, tertio cylindrico, preecedenti- bus sequali aut longiori, tribus proximis brevioribus, oblongis, longitudine gradatim decrescentibus, ceteris brevibus, subeom- pressis et paullo ampliatis, ultimo paullo longiori, subovato, apice obtuso. Labrum (fig. 15 6) transversum, antice incrassatum et declive. Mandibule (fig. 15 c) robusta, subtrigonee, obsolete dentate. Palpi mawillares (fig. 15 d) articulo primo minuto, secundo elongato, leniter curvato, subclavato, tertio breviori, ad apicem vix incras- sato, ultimo ovato, subacuto; labiales (fig. 15 e ) articulo primo parvo, secundo subclavato, tertio oblongo-ovato. Mentum (fig. 15 f) transverso-quadratum ; ligula (fig. 15 g) oblonga ; segmento basilari transverso, medio late obliterato; segmento apical obovato, basi attenuato, ad menti marginem prolongato. Caput facie paullo declivi, medio inter antennas creta dentiformi instructa. Thorax transverso-quadratus, antice angustatus. PROSOPODONTA. 69 Scutellum (fig. 15h) ovatum. Elytra oblouga, parallela, apice rotundata. Pedes mediocres, robusti, antici paullo elongati et ampliati. Corpus elongatum, parallelum, convexum. (Type, Prosopodonta lim- bata.) a. Thoracis lateribus dentatis aut angulatis. 1. Prosopodonta limbata, n. sp. Tas. VI. Fie. 2. P. elongata, convexa, nigra, nitida; elytrorum limbo late ruto ; antennarum articulo tertio duobus preecedentibus longiori; thorace remote punctato, margine laterali indistincte biangulato. Long. 5 ln. P. elongate, convex, shining black; limb of elytra and the extreme posterior margin of abdominal segments red. Head smooth; face between the antennze with a narrow elevated ridge, which is pro- duced anteriorly into a tooth-lke process ; antenne robust, third joint longer than the two preceding, these latter short, subovate. Thorax rather broader than long; sides narrowly margined, rounded, sinuate behind, rounded portion with two indistinct angles, one near the middle, the other in front, the anterior and posterior angles subacute, the latter shghtly produced ; apical margin trun- cate ; above convex, smooth and shining, remotely punctured, lateral border more closely punctured ; on either side the central line is a shallow fovea, and at the extreme base a third, trans- verse and more deeply impressed. Scutellum smooth, shining red. Elytra oblong-elongate, broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined, margin slightly dilated and recurved behind ; apex subacutely rounded, conjointly emarginate at the apex ; above convex, each elytron with eleven rows of deep punctures, larger and coarser towards the outer border; interstices near the sides and towards their apex subcostate ; black, the entire hmb shining rufous. Beneath black; abdomen smooth, apical margin of its segments narrowly edged with rufous ; anterior pair of legs some- what elongate, anterior thighs slightly incrassate. Hab. Columbia. Collection of J. S. Baly. 2. Prosopodonta proxima, n. sp. P. minus elongata, convexa, nigra, nitida; elytrorum limbo abdomi- nisque segmentorum marginibus rufis; thorace crebre punctato, margine laterali indistincte bianguiato. Long. 32 lin. P. less elongate, convex, shining black, limb of elytra and posterior margin of abdominal segments bright rufous. Head with the face closely but finely punctured; antennz less robust, third joint scarcely equal in length to the two preceding. Thorax similar 70 PROSOPODONTA. : in shape to the last species; posterior angles more acute ; convex above, closely and coarsely punctured on the sides and base, an- terior half of dise nearly impunctate. Scutellum smooth, obscure rufous. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong; sides parallel, regularly but moderately dilated all round; apex regularly rounded ; above convex, outer margin indistinctly reflexed ; each elytron with eleven rows of large deep punctures, the first abbreviated ; inter- stices raised, costate towards their apex. Beneath shining black ; apical margin of abdominal segments rufous ; anterior pair of legs slightly elongate. Hab. Peru. A single specimen in the collection of J. 8. Baly. Smaller in size, broader, and less elongate than P. limbata, with which it agrees in colouring ; thorax also more closely punctured. 3. Prosopodonta dichroa (Perty). Alurnus dichrous, Perty, Delect. Anim. Artic. p. 99. tab. 20. fig. 3. P. oblongo-ovata, leniter convexa, dorso subdepressa, nigra, nitida ; seutello, elytris, pectore abdomineque rufis ; thorace remote punc- tato, margine laterali bidentato. Long. 22 lin. P. oblong-ovate, subconvex, subdepressed along the back, shining black ; scutellum, elytra, breast and abdomen shining red. Ver- tex smooth, impressed with a deep fovea. Thorax one-third broader than long at the base; sides rounded, narrowed in front, bidentate, anterior angle also thickened, and forming an obtuse tooth; above slightly convex, smooth and shining, impressed on either side and at the base; remotely punctured, dise impunctate. Scutellum increasing in width from its base to the apex, the latter obtuse. Elytra much broader than the thorax, subovate, their apex rounded; sides parallel, narrowly dilated all round; above subconvex, subdepressed along the suture, outer margin nearly horizontal; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated. Beneath pitchy black; breast and abdomen bright red; anterior pair of legs incrassate. Hab. Upper Amazons, H. W. Bates, Esq. Rio Negro (Perty). Collection of J. S. Baly. Much smaller and broader than either of the two preceding species ; its thorax more distinctly dentate. b. Thoracis lateribus inermibus. 4. Prosopodonta rufipennis, n. sp. B.M. P. elongata, subconvexa, nigra, nitida; scutello elytrisque rufis ; thoracis lateribus inermibus. Long. 5} lin. CHEIRISPA. ik P. elongate, subconvex, shining black; scutellum and elytra red. Head with three deep fovex placed just above the antennee ; first two joints of antenne black (the rest wanting). Thorax sub- quadrate, rather broader at the base than long; sides slightly rounded, narrowed in front, narrowly margined; apical border nearly straight ; above subconvex, irregularly impressed and coarsely punctured on the sides and at the base, dise smooth, impunctate. Scutellum dullred. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong-elongate ; sides parallel; apex regularly rounded, sutural angle obtuse; above convex, slightly flattened along the suture ; outer border narrowly dilated, indistinctly reflexed ; each elytron with eleven rows of deep distinct punctures, the first abbreviated, puncturing coarser towards the outer border; interstices on the posterior half of the surface costate. Beneath shining black ; intermediate abdominal segments narrowly edged with red. Hab. Columbia. Unique in the British Museum. This insect has the sides of its thorax rounded and unarmed,— in that respect differing entirely from any of the former species. Genus XVI. CHEIRISPA. Details, Tas. I. Fre. 16. Antenne (fig. 16 a) subfiliformes, basi graciles, apice subincrassatee ; articulo primo incrassato, secundo illo longitudine equali, ob- ovato, tertio elongato, ad apicem paullo incrassato, quarto breviori, obconico, tribus proximis longitudine fere squalibus, obconicis, ceteris ad apicem paullo incrassatis, oblongis, ultimo acuto. Labrum (fig. 16 6) subeylindricum, antice declive, apice emarginato. Mandibule (fig. 16 c) trigonsze, apice subdentate. Palpi maxillares (fig. 16 d) articulo primo parvo, secundo paullo amplhato, clavato, tertio breviori, subclavato, ultimo secundi longitudine, ovato, apice subacuto; labiales (fig. 16 ¢) articulo primo parvo, duobus sequentibus squalibus, illo clavato, hoc ovato, apice subacuto. Mentum (fig. 16 f) quadratum ; ligula (fig. 16 g) oblongo-quadrata, apice rotundata ; segmento basilari indistincto, medio obsoleto. Caput maris facie spina curvata instructa; foemine facie inermi. Thorax transyerso-quadratus vel transversus, lateribus rotundatis. Scutellum subpentagonum. Elytra oblonga, convexa, apice rotundata. Pedes (fig. 16 h) mediocres, femoribus anticis incrassatis, mare subtus spinosis, feemind inermibus; tibiis ejusdem paris apice incrassatis, interdum dilatatis. Corpus late elongatum aut elongatum, convexum, dorso interdum subdepressum. (Type, Chetrispa suturalis.) 72 CHEIRISPA. This genus agrees with Oxynodera in the shape of the labiwm and in the small size of the basilar segment of the ligula; it differs, how- ever, in all its other characters. 1. Cheirispa suturalis, n. sp. Tas. VI. Fie. 3. B.M. C. oblongo-elongata, convexa, pallide fusca aut fulva ; vita marginali, sutura antennisque extrorsum, nigro-piceis ; femoribus anticis in- crassatis, infra unidentatis ; tibiis ejusdem paris introrsum obsolete dentatis, apice incrassatis et dilatatis. Fem. Elytrorum vitta marginali obsoleta. Long. 3 lin. C’. oblong-elongate, convex, pale fuscous or obscure fulvous ; suture broadly piceous. Face excavated between the eyes; armed in the male with a flat slender horn, which, arising just above the clypeus, curves upwards between the antenne; its apex slightly dilated, truncate. Thorax transverse-quadrate; sides rounded, sinuate behind, narrowed in front, anterior angles obtuse, pos- terior slightly produced, acute; apical margin slightly produced ; above convex, smooth and shining, dise impunctate, sides and base coarsely punctured; in front, connected with the anterior margin are two small shallow foveze. Scutellum smooth. Elytra broader than the thorax; sides parallel, narrowly margined, obso- letely bisinuate below the humeral angle ; apex regularly rounded ; above convex, indistinctly flattened along the suture ; each elytron with eleven rows of deep distinct punctures, the first abbreviated, strize (those near the suture excepted) sulcate, their interstices raised, subcostate; on the anterior half of the outer margin a narrow vitta, and a broader one on the suture, abbreviated towards the apex, nigro-piceous. Beneath fuscous ; anterior pair of thighs incrassate, armed before their middle beneath with a single stout spine; tibize of the same pair curved, their basal half slender, armed within with a small nearly obsolete tooth, apical half much incrassate, slightly dilated internally, apex obliquely truncate ; all the tarsi nigro-piceous. Female. Marginal vitta on the elytra obsolete; apical half of anterior tibiz less incrassate. Hab. Venezuela. 3 in the collection of J. 8S. Baly; 9 in the British Museum. 2. Cheirispa bidentata. B.M. C. elongata, minus convexa, pallide fulva; antennis extrorsum fuscis ; oculis nigro-piceis ; femoribus anticis incrassatis, infra bidentatis ; tibiis ejusdem paris apice valde dilatatis. Long. 22 lin. C. narrower than the last species, less convex above; pale fulvous; five terminal joints of antennz fuscous, apex of last joint pale fulvous ; OXYCEPHALA. 73 eyes piceous. Head and frontal spine as in CA. suturalis.. Tho- rax broader; sides more rounded, upper surface less convex ; the two fovex on the anterior margin absent ; puncturing on the sides similar ; base impunctate. Elytra entirely pale fulvous, their apex acutely rounded ; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punc- tures, the striz towards their apex and near the lateral border subsulcate. Beneath pale fulvous ; anterior pair of thighs much incrassate, compressed, clavate, their upper edge very convex, lower surface armed just beyond the middle with two nearly parallel stout spines ; tibize of the same pair with the apical half incrassate, dilated internally into a flattened plate ; inner surface of basal half unarmed. (Male.) Hab. Columbia ? A single specimen in the Museum collection. The presence of two teeth on the lower surface of the anterior thighs and the dilated plate on the apical half of the anterior tibie will at once separate this species from the former. The specimen from which I have drawn the above description is apparently immature. Genus XVII. OXYCEPHALA, Guér. Details, Tas. I. Fre. 17. Voy. de la Coquille, Zool. t. ii. p. 142. Cephaloleiz pars, Blanch. Antenne (fig. 17 a) filiformes, apice attenuate, robuste, articulis eylindricis aut subcylindricis, primo incrassato, secundo tertio paullo breviori, ceteris subsequalibus, ultimo acuto. Labrum (fig. 17 6) apice emarginatum. Mandibule (fig. 17 c) trigonee, dentatee. Palpi maxillares (fig. 17d) articulo primo parvo, secundo subcla- vato, tertio breviori, obconico, subtrigono, ultimo secundo zequali, ovato ; labiales (fig. 17 €) articulo primo parvo, secundo leniter curvato, subclavato, tertio paullo ampliato, ovato. Labium (fig. 17f) oblongum ; mento (fig. 17g) trapeziformi vel subtrigono, angulis anticis oblique truncatis; Liguld segmento basilari parvo, fere obtecto, apicali crasso, apice obtuso. Caput fronte (fig. 17 h) antrorsum producta, tridentata, dente centrali in spinam acutam producto. Thorax subquadratus, angulis anticis interdum dilatatis. Scutellum pentagonum. Elytra subclongata, apice rotundata. Pedes breves ; femoribus anticis incrassatis ; tibiis basi incurvatis, ad apicem incrassatis; tarsis latis. Corpus elongatum. (Type, Oxycephala depressa.) I have not seen Oxycephala cornigera of Guérin, the species on which he founded the present genus in the Voyage de la Coquille ; but it is so closely allied, both by description and figure (the latter 74 OXYCEPHALA. in the Lconographie du Régne Anim. pl. 48. fig. 1), to Oxycephala depressa, the insect from which I have drawn the above generic characters, that I have no hesitation in adopting his name. He subsequently removed his species to Cryptonychus, an African genus, differing entirely in the structure of its mouth from the present. 1. Oxycephala speciosa (Boisd.). B.M. Botryonopa speciosa, Blanch., D’ Urville’s Voyage au Pole Sud, Zool. t.1v. p. 311, pl. 18. fig. 5. O. elongata, subconvexa, aurantiaca; capite, prothoracis macula antica, pedibus (femoribus basi exceptis) nigris ; elytris costulatis, fascia lata antica apiceque rufo-cyaneis. Var. A. Fronte puncto flavo; elytris macula ovata subbasali punctoque laterali, ed parallelo, apiceque cyaneis. Long. 6 lin. Hispa speciosa, Botsd. Voy. de [ Astrolabe, t. ii. p. 535. Callistola speciosa, Guér. Rev. Zool. p. 338. Hab. Macassar ; collected by Mr. Wallace. Waigieou (Borsduual). British Museum, and collections of W. W. Saunders, Esq., E. Sheppard, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. This species is the type of Dejean’s genus Callistola. The de- scriptions of Boisduval and Guérim—both drawn, I believe, from the specimen in Count Dejean’s collection—differ shghtly from that given by Blanchard in the Voyage au Pole Sud. All the individuals I have seen agree with the insect described. by the latter author, and it is on his authority that I have united the two forms. Boisduval omits any notice of the small lateral spots on the elytra mentioned by Guérin. 2. Oxycephala depressa, n.sp. Tas. VI. Fie. 4. O. elongata, depressa, pallide fulva ; antennis oculisque nigris ; ely- tris subcostatis, plaga magna subapicali, ramulum suturalem brevem sursum emittente, nigra; thoracis angulis anticis explanatis, an- trorsum oblique productis. Long. 4-5 ln. O. elongate, depressed, pale fulvous ; antenne, eyes, and a subapical patch on the elytra, black. Head slightly raised and flattened on the vertex, deeply punctured; in the middle is a longitudinal groove, which is carried forward along the upper surface of the middle tooth. Thorax subquadrate ; sides straight and parallel, anterior angles dilated into a flat process which is produced ob- liquely forwards and outwards, its apex obtuse; anterior margin thickened, convex ; above slightly convex, covered with large deep punctures, not crowded, and much more remote on the dise. Scutellum pentangular, smooth, impunctate. Elytra rather broader CRYPTONYCHUS. 75 than the thorax ; sides narrowly margined, parallel, subsinuate in the middle, slightly dilated behind; apex regularly rounded ; above flattened along the suture, sides moderately convex; deeply punctate-striate, the alternate interstices subcostate, those near the lateral border, and also the second and third from the suture towards their apex, costate ; pale fulvous ; a common subapical patch, which sends a short branch upwards along the suture, black. Beneath entirely pale fulvous. Hab. Philippine Islands. Collection of J. 8. Baly. This species differs from Owycephala corngera in the dilatation of the anterior angles of its thorax ; in that insect, according to Guérin, they are obliquely truncate. It may possibly be the other sex. Species nuhi ignota. 3. Oxycephala cornigera, Guér. Voy. de la Coquille, Zool. t. 11. p. 142. Iconog. du Régne Anim. pl. 48. fig. 2. O. “rufa; elytris depressis, valde striato-punctatis, costatis, dimidio postico nigro, vittaque nigra lata, communi, ad scutellum procedente ; antennis nigris, articulis duobus primis fulvis. “ Long. 11 mill, lat. 4 mill. “Sa téte est jaune, sillonnée en dessus, avancée au milieu en une petite corne droite, dirigée en avant, tronqucée au bout, creusée par le sillon frontal qui se prolonge jusqu’a son extrémité. Les yeux sont noirs. Les antennes sont longues comme la téte et le corselet, 4 articles serrés, un peu moins é€paisses au bouts, noires, avec les deux premiers articles et l’extrémité du dernier jaunes. Le corselet est de forme carrée, tronqué obliiquement aux angles antérieurs, aplati, ponctué. L’écusson est trés-petit, triangulaire. Les élytres sont aplaties, allongées, un peu plus larges en arriére, arrondies au bout. Elles ont chacune quatre cétés assez saillantes, entre lesquelles on observe deux rangs de gros points enfoncés. Elles sont d’un jaune d’ocre, avec une large bande postérieure noire, qui ne laisse qu’un trés-petit espace de leur extrémité jaune, et qui se termine au milieu et se prolonge a la suture jusque pres de ’écusson. Le dessous est trés-aplati, lisse, jaune. Les pattes sont jaunes, avec les tarses larges. “‘ Hab. Port Praslin.” Genus XVIII. CRYPTONYCHUS, Gyll. Details, Tan. I. Fie. 18. Gyllenh. in Schinh. Syn. Insect. 11. Append. p. 6. Antenne (fig. 18 a) corporis dimidio breviores, robust, ad apicem paullo incrassate, articulo primo incrassato, ovato, secundo sat brevi, submoniliformi, tertio vix elongato, ceteris brevibus, cy- lindricis, ultimo conico. oe 10 CRYPTONYCHUS. Labrum (fig. 18 b) crassum, transversum, antice declive. Mandibule (fig. 18 ¢) arcuate, acute. Palpi mawillares (fig. 18 2) articulo primo minuto, duobus sequentibus obconicis, ultimo ovato, obtuso ; labiales (fig. 18 e) articulo primo parvo, duobus sequentibus elongatis, illo obconico, hoe ovato- lanceolato. Labium elongatum ; mento (fig. 18 f) brevi, subquadrato, basi angus- tato; liguld (fig. 18g) oblonga, apice acuta. Caput (fig. 18 h) inter antennas in spinam validam productum. Oculi magni, postice truncati. Thorax transverso-quadratus. Scutellum oblongum, apice obtusum. Elytra elongata, apice rotundata. Pedes breves, validi; tarsis (fig. 18 7) latis, ungue brevi, inter lobos articuli precedentis fere occultato. Corpus elongatum, parallelum, subconvexum aut depressum. 1. Cryptonychus porrectus, Gyll. Hispa porrecta, Gyll., Schinh. Syn. Ins. iii. App. p. 6. pl. 6. f. 5. Alurnus rostratus, Kirby, Cent. of Ins. p. 444. 0.91. (Type in Cabinet of Ent. Soc.) C. elongatus, angustatus, convexus, fulvus; antennis, thoracis linea media, elytrorum apice, pectore, ventre pedibusque nigris ; elytris punctato-striatis, vix costatis. Long. 6 lin. C. similar in colouring and markings to the following insect, but with the legs, the lower surface of the four anterior thighs excepted, entirely black; narrower and more convex, rather broader be- hind; thorax with its whole surface coarsely but not very closely punctured ; elytra deeply punctate-striate, interstices less distinctly costate. Hab. Sierra Leone. Collection of J. S. Baly. 2. Cryptonychus Murrayi, n.sp. Tas. VI. Fic. 5. B.M. C. elongatus, subdepressus, supra fulvus ; capite, thoracis vitta elytro- rumque apice nigris ; subtus niger; capite, thorace, femoribus an- ticis quatuor infra, tibiisque anticis (his basi exceptis) fulvis ; ely- tris punctato-striatis, interstitiis costatis. Long. 7 lin. C. elongate, broader and more flattened above than the last species, the elytra distinctly costate. Head black; neck fulvous, with a broad medial longitudinal black line ; front produced into a broad flattened spine, deeply grooved above, slightly dilated just before its apex, the latter angled; vertex with a deeply impressed line CRYPTONYCHUS. Td continuous with the spinal groove. Thorax scarcely broader than long; sides straight, parallel, running obliquely inwards near the anterior angles, the latter acute; surface smooth, excavated on either side the disc and in the centre of the base, impressed with a few scattered punctures, excavated portions coarsely punc- tured; fulvous, a broad vitta, abbreviated at the base, black. Scutellum shining black. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, indistinctly dilated behind their middle; apex ob- tusely rounded ; above subconvex on the sides, flattened along the suture, each elytron in front with three—behind its middle with four—elevated cost, suture also costate; surface covered with deep distinct punctures, arranged in double striz between the coste ; fulvous, the apical third black. Beneath shining black, abdomen towards the sides and apex obscure piceous ; head be- hind, thorax, mesosternum, four anterior thighs beneath, and the tibize of the anterior pair (their extreme base excepted), fulvous ; intermediate tibize sometimes obscure fulvous. Hub. Old Calabar ; West Coast of Africa. British Museum, and collections of the Rey. H. Clark, Major Parry, A. Murray, Esq., E. Sheppard, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 3. Cryptonychus dubius, n. sp. C. elongatus, parallelus, dorso subdepressus, fulvus ; capite antice, antennis, elytrorum apice tarsisque nigris. Var. A. Elytrorum vitta submarginali brevi nigra, pedibus totis fulvis. Long. 44-5, var. 5} lin. C. narrow, elongate, depressed, pale fulyous ; head in front, antenne, apex of elytra, and the tarsi black. Head produced in front into a stout spine, grooved on its upper surface, dilated just before its apex, the latter angled ; forehead with a deeply impressed longi- tudinal line, continuous with the spinal groove ; spine, eyes and antenne pitchy black, rest of the surface fulvous. Thorax qua- drate ; sides straight and parallel, running obliquely inwards near the anterior angles, the latter subacute; surface excavated on either side, coarsely punctured, centre of disc in front and anterior margin nearly impunctate. Scutellum smooth, shining. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, sides parallel, apex rounded ; above convex on the sides, subdepressed along the suture, each elytron with three elevated costa, the intermediate one obsolete in the middle part of its course, suture also elevated; surface deeply punctate-striate, strie arranged generally in pairs between the coste ; fulvous, their extreme apex black. Beneath pale shining fulvous ; tarsi pitchy black above. Var. A. Elytra with a short black submarginal vitta in front; legs entirely fulvous. Hab. Old Calabar. Var. A. West Coast of Africa. Type in the collections of A. Murray, Esq., and J. 8. Baly; the variety in Major Parry’s cabinet. 78 HISPODONTA. Major Parry’s insect differs from the type in the slight variation of colouring pointed out above, and in being also rather larger; but in form and sculpturing it agrees perfectly. 4. Cryptonychus bipunctatus, n. sp. C. elongatus, subconvexus, dorso complanatus, fulvus; oculis, an- tennis (articulo basali excepto), tarsis elytrorumque macula, nigris. Long. 74 lin. C. elongate, rather broader than the other species, subconvex, flat- tened above, pale fulvous; antennze (basal joint excepted), eyes, a large round spot on each elytron, and the tarsi black; vertex smooth, impunctate, frontal horn truncate, deeply channeled above. Thorax scarcely half as broad again as long; sides mar- gined, nearly straight behind, rounded and narrowed towards the apex, anterior and posterior angles armed with a small subacute tooth; surface subconvex, shining, impressed with a few distant punctures ; at the base is a deep transverse fossa. Scutellum ovate, its apex subacute. LElytra rather broader than the thorax, more than four times its length; sides nearly parallel, very slightly di- lated below their middle, thence rounded to the apex, sutural angle armed with a minute tooth ; above flattened along the middle, sub- convex on the sides; surface shining, deeply punctate-striate, in- terstices impunctate ; just below the middle of each elytron is a large round black spot. Beneath smooth and shining; last seg- ment of abdomen bituberculate ; tarsi black. Hab. Old Calabar. Collections of A. Murray, Esq., and M, Chevrolat. Genus XIX. HISPODONTA. Details, Tas. I]. Fre. 1. Antenne (fig. 1 a) rigide, apice attenuate, articulo primo oblongo, incrassato, apice compresso, secundo brevi, ceteris cylindricis, tertio elongato, ultimo compresso, obtuso. Labrum (fig. 1b) antice incrassatum, declive, medio paullo pro- ductum, dentatum. Mandibule (fig. 1 ¢) elongato-trigone, dentate, apice acute. Palpi mavillares (fig. 1 d) articulo primo parvo, secundo subclavato, basi attenuato, tertio illo breviori, subclavato, ultimo ovato, paullo compresso ; labiales (fig. 1 ¢) articulo primo parvo, duobus segmentis subcompressis, zequalibus, illo subclavato, hoe ovato. Mentum (fig. 1 f) transversum, antice late angulato-emarginatum ; ligula (fig. 1g) oblonga, basi angulata, apice subspathulata. Caput (fig. 1h) antrorsum inter oculos productum, truncatum, tu- berculis duobus (his antenne articulate sunt), creta elevata spineeformi divisis, instructum ; oculis ovatis, postice truncatis. Thorax subconicus. HISPODONTA, 79 Scutellum latum. Elytra oblongo-ovata vel ovata, dorso subdepressa, margine anguste explanata. Pedes mediocres ; femoribus paullo ampliatis ; tibiis curvatis ; tarsis (fig. 17) latis, articulo primo transverso-quadrato, extrorsum paullo ampliato, antice concavo emarginato, secundo transverso, lateribus rectis. Corpus oblongo-ovatum vel ovatum, postice paullo ampliatum, dorso complanatum. (Type, Hispodonta mgricornis.) 1. Hispodonta nigricornis, n. sp. Tas. VI. Fre. 6. BM. H. oblongo-elongata, postice paullo ampliata, subdepressa, supra pal- lide fulva; antennis scutelloque nigris; subtus nigra; capite thoraceque pallide fulvis. Long. 7 lin. H. oblong-elongate, slightly broader behind the middle, subdepressed ; above pale fulvous ; antenne and scutellum shining black. Head smooth, front produced beyond the eyes, truncate, armed between the antennz with a spiniform plate, the apex of this latter curved shghtly upwards ; antenne longer than half the body, entirely black ; vertex with a deep longitudinal groove, which runs forward to the base of the frontal spine. Thorax subconic ; sides sinuate near the base; surface transversely depressed near the base, sides irregularly impressed ; distinctly but not very closely punctured, punctures irregularly crowded on the sides and base; anterior margin and the central portion of the disc impunctate. Scu- tellum black, impunctate. Elytra much broader than the thorax, oblong-ovate, their outer border moderately dilated, subhorizontal ; apex rounded, subtruncate near the suture ; above slightly con- vex, subdepressed along the back ; surface closely covered with distinct, deeply impressed fuscous punctures, arranged in striae near the suture, irregular over the rest of the surface. Beneath shining black; head and thorax pale fulvous; apical segment of abdomen sinuate. Hab. Philippine Islands. Collected by H. Cuming, Esq. Unique in the Museum collection. 2. Hispodonta janthina (Blanch.), BM. Cephaloleia janthina, Blanch., D’ Urville’s Voy. au Pole Sud,t. iv. p.314. pl. 18. fig. 7. H. ovata, depressa, fulva; antennis nigris, basi rufis ; prothorace vix punctato; elytris violaceis, basi apiceque fulyvis. Var. A. Elytris fulvis, plagé magné communi violacea. Long. 5—6 lin. Hab, Celebes, collected by Mr. Wallace. British Museum, and collections of W. W. Saunders, Esq., and J.S. Baly. Var. A. in the private collection of Mr. Wallace. 80 ARESCUS. Genus XX. ARESCUS, Perty. Details, Tas. I]. Fre. 2. Delect. Anim. Artic. p. 101. Chelobasis, Gray, Griffith's Anim. Kingdom, Insects, t. ii. p. 148. tab. 101. fig. 4. Antenne (fig. 2 a) rigidee, subfiliformes, ad apicem paullo incrassate, articulo primo incrassato, compresso, apice seepe producto, se- cundo brevi, obconico, tertio elongato, ceteris brevioribus, apicem versus perparum leniter incrassatis, ultimo acuto. Labrum (fig. 26) crassum, antice declive. Mandibule (fig. 2c) subtrigonz, apice bidentate. Palpi maxillares (fig. 2d) articulo primo parvo, secundo subclavato, tertio illo quali, obconico, ultimo ovato; Jlabiales (fig. 2¢) articulo primo parvo, secundo subclavato, ultimo ovato. Mentum (fig. 2 f) subquadratum ; ligula (fig. 2 g) oblonga, segmento basilari transverso, medio fere ad basin emarginato, apicali crasso, apice rotundato. Caput fronte antrorsum in spinam validam producta. Thorax transverso-quadratus vel quadratus, lateribus fere rectis. Scutellum triangulare, apice acuto. Elytra oblongo-elongata, maris seepe difformia, apice interdum cau- data ; famine simplicia. Pedes robusti, coxis quatuor anticis mare presertim magnis, glo- bosis, tibiis apice extrorsum dilatatis, oblique truncatis, ex- trorsum in spinam brevem acutam productis. Corpus late elongatum vel elongatum, convexum. (Type, Arescus monocer'os. ) In Arescus, as also in Alurnus and several other genera, the mentum, although defined, is closely united into one piece with the ligula. a. Antennarum articulo basali subclavato, apice non producto. 1. Arescus monoceros (Oliv.). Tas. VI. Fie. 7. B.M. A. Mas. Late elongatus, spina frontali acuta (Tab. IIT. fig. 36); ely- tris apice caudatis ; humeris valde elevatis ; antennis nigtis. A. Fulvus aut ruber, immaculatus. B. Fulvus aut ruber, nigro-maculatus. C. Totus niger. D. Niger; elytris pedibusque fulvis aut rubris, nigro-maculatis. Hispa monoceros, Oliv. Ent. vi. p. 760. n. 3. pl. 1. fig. 3. Arescus caudatus, Sallé, Annal. Soc. Ent. France, t. vii. p. 488. pl. 13. fig. 4, 4a. A, Femina. Elongatus, spina frontali acuta; elytris simplicibus, apice rotundatis, utrisque ante suturam sinuatis, sutura ipsa dente acuto armata; antennis nigris. ARESCUS. 81 A. Pallide fulvus; tibtis, tarsis, scutello, elytrorumque linea marginali, nigris. B. Preecedenti simillimus, sed utroque elytro maculis duabus nigris, his szepe communis, fasciis duabus formantibus. C. Pallide fulvus ; capite, thoracis macula, elytrorumque linea marginali nigris. D. Pallide fulvus; scutello, elytrorum vittis duabus, una dis- coidali, altera mare einali, tibiis tarsisque nigris. E. Niger; elytris pallide fulvis, utrisque linea marginal macu- lisque duabus, his interdum communis, nigris. Arescus quadrimaculatus, Sallé, Ann. de la Soc. Ent. de France, t. vii. p. 435. pl. 15. fig. 6, 5 a. Long. male, 7-8 lin. ; female, 53—7 lin. Frontal horn (Tab. ITI. fig. 36) acute in both sexes, concave above. Thorax subquadrate; sides straight and parallel; above smooth, longitudinally grooved behind, anterior half deeply excavated. Elytra in the male with the shoulders elevated into a large, in- crassate, longitudinal ridge ; each elytron produced at the apex into a spathulate tail; sutural angle armed with an acute tooth ; surface punctate-striate, space within the humeral ridges irregu- larly punctured ; parallel with the suture are several distinctly elevated cost ; female with the elytra simple. Hab. Venezuela. British Museum and most collections. The sexes differ so greatly in form as to have been described as distinct species. Their colouring, more especially that of the male, is so exceedingly variable, that it is quite impossible to fix on the typical colour. I have only indicated above, a few of the most striking differences, but possess in my own cabinet fifteen different varieties of the male and twelve of the female. b. Antennarum articulo basali obovato, apice in laminam compressam producto. 2. Arescus separatus, n. sp. A, late elongatus, convexus; cornu frontali lato, truncato, supra et infra excavato ; elytris tenuiter punctato-striatis, punctis ad api- cem confusis. A. Fulvus; antennis, thoracis apice lateribusque, scutello, ely- trorum punctis tibiisque extrorsum, nigris. B. Niger; cornu, antennarum basi “infra, elytris abdomineque fulvis. ae Long. 64 lin. A. A. fulvous; head smooth, frontal horn (Tab. ITI. fig. 37) broad, narrowed from base to apex, truncate, upper surface entirely G 2 ARESCUS. oceupied by a deep concave fovea, which extends a short distance up the head ; antenne black, two basal joints pale fulvous beneath. Thorax transverse-quadrate ; sides parallel, straight, curving n- wards and subsinuate at their apex, posterior angles slightly pro- duced backwards, acute; above smooth and shining, distinctly but distantly punctured, disc behind the middle impressed with a longitudinal line ; the middle of the apical and the entire lateral margins narrowly edged with black. Scutellum black, smooth and shining. Elytra with their sides parallel, narrowly mar- gined; apex rounded, slightly sinuate, sutural angle acute ; above convex ; each elytron with eleven regular rows of very fine punc- tures, which, however, become confused near the apex, the first row abbreviated; on the surface are a few distant, faintly im- pressed irregular lines, closer and more evident at the apex ; on each elytron are four black spots, one on the humeral callus, the three others on the disc; the first of these is placed below the scutellum, the second just before, and the third transverse, imme- diately behind the middle. Beneath pale fulvous ; outer edge of tibiee black, apex of tarsi pitchy ; under surface of frontal horn smooth, concave. B. A. black: horn, antenne at their base beneath, elytra and abdo- men pale fulvous. Hab. Ecuador. Collections of W. W. Saunders, Esq., and J. 8S. Baly. 3. Arescus histrio, n.sp. Tas. VI. Fre. 8. BM. A. elongatus, convexus, varicolor; antennis, tibiis extrorsum tarsis- que nigris. Mas. Cornu frontal apice dilatato, truncato, fronte excavato, ru- goso; thorace transverso-quadrato, lateribus dente parvo armatis ; elytris postice creta elevata obliquaé instructis. ‘em. Fronte excavato, rugoso, cornu ad apicem angustato, ob- tuse truncato; thorace subquadrato; elytris postice non elevatis. A. Corpus fulvum. B. Corpus fulvum ; scutello elytrorumque puncto nigris. C. Corpus flavum aut rufo-fulvum ; elytris basi exceptis abdo- mineque nigTis. D. Corpus fulvum ; thoracis vittis duabus elytrisque nigris, his apice fulvis, macula rotundata nigra. E. Corpus rufo-fulvum ; elytris plaga’ magna communi nigra. F. Corpus nigrum ; fronte elytrorumque fasciis fulvis aut flavis. Long. 6-7 lin. A, elongate, convex; antenne, outer edge of tibie and the tarsi black; rest of the body varying from pale fulvous to nearly en- tirely black. Male. Frontal horn (Tab. IIT. fig. 38) broad, slightly dilated towards the apex, the latter truncate ; between the eyes is a large ARESCUS. 83 opaque subrugose excavation, extending to the base of the frontal horn. Thorax transverse- quadrate ; ; sides sinuate behind, slightly rounded and narrowed towards the apex, armed just before their middle with a small, nearly obsolete tooth, posterior angles pro- duced, acute, anterior subacute ; surface smooth and shining, slightly convex, disc with several irregular depressions, sides coarsely but not closely punctured. Scutellum smooth and shining. Elytra oblong; sides parallel, narrowly margined; the apex rounded, emarginate at the suture, sutural angle armed with a small acute tooth; above convex, finely punctate-striate, sides irregularly and more closely punctured; behind the middle is a curved oblique elevated ridge, which becomes gradually lost to- wards the apex of each elytron. Female. Frontal horn (Tab. ILI. fig. 39) narrowed from its base to the apex, the latter obtusely truncate, frontal excavation rather more rugose than in the male. Thorax rather narrower, and without the Jateral tooth. Elytra rounded at their apex, slightly sinuate at the suture, the angle armed with an indistinct tooth ; elevated ridge behind the middle obsolete. A. Body fulvous. B. Body fulvous; scutellum and one or more spots on each elytron black. C. Body yellow or rufo-fulvous; abdomen and elytra (their base excepted) black. D. Body fulvous; two irregular vitte on the thorax, and the elytra, black; apical third of the latter fulvous; the middle of the fulvous portion with a large round black spot. E. Body rufo-fulvous ; elytra with a large common black patch. F. Body black ; front and one or more fascize on the elytra ful- vous or rufous. Hab. Ega, Upper Amazons ; sent by Mr. Bates. Peru, M. de Gand. British Museum, and collections of W. W. Saunders, Esq., E. Sheppard, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. This species is truly protean, and I have indicated above only a few of its most striking varieties; almost every individual varies more or less, so that it becomes impossible to say what is the typical colour of the species. The Arescus Buquetii, Guer., Texte du Regne Animal, is possibly a variety of this insect. 4. Arescus labiatus, Perty. B.M. Arescus labiatus, Perty, Del. Anim. Artic. p. 101. pl. 20. fig. 7 A. oblongo-elongatus ; elytris simplicibus in utroque sexu ; flavus aut fulvus, nitidus ; antennarum apice, puncto frontali, thoracis margine, vitta punctisque duobus, elytrorumque margine, fasclis duabus maculeeformibus, maculaque subapicali, nigris. 9 G 2a 84 ARESCUS. Var. A. Frontis thoracisque maculis obsoletis. Chelobasis bicolor, Gray, Griffith Anim. Kingd. Ins. vol. ii. p. 100. pl. 67. f. 4. Var. B. Elytrorum apice rufo-fulvo, tibiis extrorsum tarsisque nigris. Var. C. Corpore rufo, ceteris ut in preecedentibus. Arescus variabilis, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 268. Var. D. Corpore rufo; thoracis punctis duobus nigris ; elytris nigris, basi apiceque rufis. Arescus variabilis, Guér. Icon. du Réegne Anim. Texte, p. 268. Var. E. Corpore rufo; elytris totis nigris. Long., male 5-6, female 6-6} lin. Hab. Cayenne ; Ega, Upper Amazons; Peru. British Museum, and collections of W. W. Saunders, Esq., E. Sheppard, Esq., M. Deyrolle, and J. 8. Baly. This species differs from the former in the following characters :— The frontal horn (Tab. III. fig. 40) in the male gradually decreases in width to its truncate apex; head between the eyes deeply im- pressed by a large concave fovea, which, instead of being opaque and rugose as in the last species, is smooth and shining; thorax with its sides straighter, and without the marginal tooth, the surface less deeply punctured ; elytra without an elevated ridge behind, their apex less deeply emarginate. The female is very closely allied to that of Arescus histrio; it may, however, be distinguished by the broader truncate frontal horn, the smooth frontal depression, and also by the narrower, nearly quadrate thorax ; the apex of the elytra is also entire, or obsoletely sinuate, the apical tooth being very small. The variations of colour, although remarkable, are less than in the preceding insect; the antenne are black at their apex only, whilst the legs for the most part, together with the under surface of the body, are entirely yellow. 5. Arescus perplexus, n. sp. A, elongatus, niger, nitidus; capite infra, pectore abdomineque ob- secure fulvis ; elytris convexis, utrisque apice angulato-productis, punctato-striatis, fulvis; margine, sutura postice, puncto humerali fasciisque duabus, extrorsum abbreviatis, nigris. Long. 55 lin. A, antenn and head above, black; frontal horn (Tab. ITT. fig. 41) broad, scarcely narrowed towards the apex, truncate; head be- tween the eyes with a deep concave excavation, the surface of which is smooth and shining, with a few indistinct impressions. Thorax black, transverse-quadrate ; sides parallel, nearly straight, EURISPA. 85 near the anterior angle running suddenly inwards, and forming nearly a right angle ; above smooth and shining, slightly convex, disc impunctate, with a shallow impression on either side, sides deeply but not very closely punctured. Scutellum smooth and shining. Elytra convex; sides parallel, narrowly margined; apical margin (Tab. III. fig. 41) produced posteriorly to form a short triangular reflexed process, its surface rugose ; the two conjointly form at the suture a deep angular notch, sutural angle unarmed ; surface of each elytron with eleven rows of regularly punctured strie, the first abbreviated ; fulvous, the outer margin, the pos- terior third of the suture, a humeral point, and two transverse fasciz, common and abbreviated externally, black; the first of these is placed just before the middle of the elytra; the second, placed immediately behind the middle, is somewhat larger, oblique, and forms with the one on the opposite elytron an obtuse angle at the suture. Beneath shining black; head beneath, breast and abdomen obscure fulvous. Hab, Columbia? A single specimen in the collection of J. 8. Baly. Genus XXI. EURISPA. Details, Tas. II. Fre. 3. Antenne (fig. 3 a) dimidio corporis breviores, robustee, filiformes vel subfiliformes, apicem versus leniter incrassatze, articulo primo brevi, incrassato, duobus proximis fere eequalibus, utrisque primo longioribus, subcylindricis, czeteris brevioribus, oblongis, ultimo longiori, subacuto. Labrum (fig. 3 6) transversum. Mandibule (fig. 3) apice truncate. Palpi macxillares (fig. 3d) articulo primo parvo ; ceteris longitudine fere eequalibus, subcompressis, secundo et tertio subclavatis, ultimo ovato; Jabiales (fig. 3e) articulo primo parvo, secundo clavato, ultimo ovato. Mentum (fig. 3 f) transverso-quadratum, apice paullo rotundatum ; ligula (fig. 3g) pentagona ; seymento apical (fig. 3h) basi in- crassato. Caput antice subverticale, tuberculis duobus inter oculos instructum ; oculis subovatis, non prominulis. Thorax \atitudine fere duplo longior, antice paullo productus et leni- ter rotundatus, lateribus parallelis, rectis. Scutellum oblongum, apice rotundatum. Elytra thorace vix latiora, elongata, angustata, convexa, apice cau- data. Pedes breves ; tarsis articulo primo basi paulio ampliato, oblongo, se- cundo et tertio subtriangularibus, ungue brevi ultra tertil lobos non producto. ‘ Corpus elongatum, angustatum, caudatum, (Type, Hwrispa vittata.) 86 EURISPA. This genus is peculiar to Australia; the two species belonging to it being amongst the very few insects of the family hitherto found in that country. 1. Eurispa vittata, n. sp. Tas. VII. Fie. 1. B.M. E. clongata, angustata, nigra; thorace latitudine dimidio longiori, rugoso, lateribus piceis ; elytris apice in caudam validam dehis- centem productis, punctato-striatis, flavis, utrisque vitta longitu- dinali fusca, sutura picea. Long. 54 lin. E. narrow, elongate ; black, elytra pale luteous, each with the suture and a broad longitudinal vitta fuscous. Head closely punctured ; antenne: robust, coarsely punctured, four terminal joints covered with short adpressed hairs. Thorax one-half longer than broad ; sides subparallel, bisinuate, apical margin slightly rounded ; sur- face opaque, nigro-piceous, rufo-piceous on the sides; rugose- punctate, a slightly raised longitudinal line in the middle shining, impunctate. Scutellum longitudinally grooved, shining black, im- punctate. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, more than four times its length ; sides nearly parallel in front, slightly rounded behind the middle ; apical margin just before reaching the suture produced into a flattened acute tail, distinct from that of the opposite elytron; above subconvex, slightly flattened along the suture ; sides narrowly margined; surface deeply and regularly punctate-striate, second and fourth interstices from the suture indistinctly raised in front, costate behind the middle, one of the costee being produced as far as the apex of the caudal spine ; pale yellow, a longitudinal vitta on each elytron fuscous, suture piceous. Beneath black, four anterior thighs sometimes pitchy red beneath Hab. New Holland. British Museum, and collections of E. Sheppard, Esq., M. Che- vrolat, and J. 8. Baly. 2. Eurispa albipennis (Germ. ). B.M. Hispa albipennis, Germ. Linn. Ent. 3. 246. n. 185. « Filiformis, nigra; thorace supra flavescente, linea medio rufa ; ely- tris albis, punctato-striatis, apice productis, fastigiatis.” Long. 3 lin. Hab. Adelaide, Germar. I know only three specimens of the above insect, one in the British Museum, and two formerly in the collection of J. O. West- wood, Esq. ; one of these was kindly presented to me by that gen- tleman, the other is now in the Hopean Collection. PROMECOTHECA. 87 Genus XXIT. PROMECOTHECA, Blanchard. Details,Tas. II. Fre. 4. Blanch. Voy. au Pole Sud, Zool. tom. iv. p. 312. Antenne (fig. 4a) corporis dimidio vix breviores, graciles, subfili- formes, apicem versus leniter incrassate, articulis duobus basa- libus brevibus, longitudine fere sequalibus, primo ovato, paullo incrassato, secundo obconico, tertio clongato, subfiliformi, ceteris longitudine perparum decrescentibus, ultimo subacuto. Labrum (fig. 4 6) transversum, crassum, antice declive. Mandibule (fig. 4¢) oblique truncate, apice acuminate. Palpi robusti; mawillares (fig. 4d) articulo primo minuto, secundo elongato, subclavato, tertio brevi, obconico, ultimo secundo vix breviori, ovato ; labiales (fig. 4 ¢) breves, subclavati, articulo primo minuto, duobus alteris longioribus, fere sequalibus, illo oblongo, hoe subincrassato, obovato. Labium (fig. 4f) oblongum; mento (fig. 4g) brevi, transverso ; hgula (fig. 4h) oblonga, apice obtusa. Caput antice tuberculis duobus instructum (his antenne insert sunt); ocwlis ovatis, subprominulis. Thorax (fig. 47) subeylindricus, basi strangulatus, lateribus sepe dilatatis et tuberculatis. Scutellum oblongum, apice obtusum. Klytra elongata, parallela, subcylindrica. Pedes modice robusti, femoribus (anticis preesertim) modice incras- satis, posticis interdum elongatis, et subtus dente acuto armatis ; tibiis subcompressis ; tarsis latis, ungue breyi. Corpus clongatum, subcylindricum. (Type, Promecotheca cyanipes.) This genus is distinguished from all others by the cylindrical thorax, strangulated at its base. 1. Promecotheca cyanipes (Erichs.). Tas. VII. Fre. 2. B.M. Hispa cyanipes, Erichs. Beitr. zur Zool, 270. tab. xxxix. fig. 10. P. elongata, subcylindrica ; thoracis lateribus antice constrictis, medio subtuberculatis; cyanea, nitida ; capite, thorace femorumque anti- corum basi nitido-fulvis, cyaneo-micantibus; elytris opacis, pal- lide fulvis, fortiter punctato-striatis, striis apicem versus et ad latera confusis. Long. 64 lin. Var. A. Corpore subtus pedibusque nitido-fulvis, cyaneo-mican- tibus, antennis basi fulvis. Hab. Philippine Islands. Collected by H. Cuming, Esq. British Museum, and collections of G. Waterhouse, Esq., and J.S. Baly. This species varies with the legs more or less fulvous, 88 PROMECOTHECA. 2. Promecotheca Cumingii, n. sp. B.M. P. elongata, subeylindrica, lete fulva; antennis (articulo basali excepto) oreque nigris ; thorace cylindrico, utrinque ante medium transversim impresso ; elytris fortiter et regulariter striato-punc- tatis ; femoribus subtus dente acuto armatis, posticis elongatis. Long. 4 lin. P. elongate, subcylindricai, dark fulvous, more obscure beneath ; antenne (the basal joint excepted) and mouth black; eyes and upper surface of posterior thighs piceous. Head smooth, impressed in the middle above with a small oblong fovea. Thorax less cylindrical than in the last species, deeply strangulated at its base, especially at the sides; above smooth and shining, sparingly punctured, transversely impressed on either side just before the middle. Scutellum oblong-quadrate, impunctate, its extreme apex black. Elytra broader than the thorax, elongate, subcylin- drical, parallel; apex rounded; surface closely covered with large, deeply excavated punctures, arranged in regular striz, the second interstice from the suture, and several on the outer margin (espe- cially towards their apex), slightly elevated ; thighs armed beyond the middle beneath with an acute tooth; posterior pair nearly equal in length to the abdomen, their upper surface stained with piceous. Hab. Philippine Islands. British Museum, and collections of G. Waterhouse, Esq., and J.8. Baly. 3. Promecotheca varipes, n. sp. B.M. P. elongata, subcylindrica, fulva; antennis, scutello, tibiis anticis basi et apice tarsisque, pedibus quatuor posticis totis, pectore abdo- mineque, nigris ; thorace cylindrico, medio constricto, transversim impresso, utrinque valde tuberculato; elytris fortiter striato-pune- tatis. Long. 5 lin. P. elongate, subcylindrical, fulvous; antennee, scutellum, base and apex of the anterior tibie, the anterior tarsi, four posterior legs, breast, and abdomen, shining black. Head impunctate, smooth and shining, above convex, impressed in the middle with a small fovea. Thorax cylindrical, scarcely longer than broad, deeply strangulated at the base; sides constricted in the middle, and produced immediately behind on either side into a large pro- minent protuberance, the latter transversely impressed above, ob- soletely foveolated, and separated from the disc of the thorax by a short longitudinal groove; disc smooth and shining, impunctate, impressed in the middle with a transverse grooved line, which extends on either side to the lateral constriction ; surface in front convex, slightly swollen. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra elongate, much broader than the base of the thorax, parallel ; PROMECOTHECA. 89 the apex rounded ; above subcylindrical, covered with large deeply excavated punctures arranged in regular strie. Body beneath black; the head, prothorax, anterior femora and tibize (base and apex of the latter excepted) fulvous ; four posterior thighs armed beyond their middle beneath with an acute tooth; hinder pair slightly elongate. Hab. North Australia. British Museum, and collection of J. 8. Baly. 4, Promecotheca Trilbyi, Thomson. Thomson, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 117. pl. 5. fig. 6. P. elongata, subcylindrica, nitido-viridi-znea ; clytris rufo-fulvis, fortiter punctato-striatis; thorace latitudine longiori, basi vix amplhato. Long. 64 lin. Hab. China. Collection of J. Thomson, Esq., Paris. 5. Promecotheca Scorpio, Thomson. Thomson, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 117, pl. 5. fig. 5. P. elongata, subeylindrica, viridi-zenea, nitida; elytris pallide fulvis, opacis, fertiter punctato-striatis, striis ad apicem confusis ; thorace basi amphato, latitudine vix longiori. Long. 54 lin. Hab. Philippine Islands. Collections of Major Parry, Messrs. G. Waterhouse, J. Thomson, and J. 8. Baly. This insect differs from the last in the shape of the thorax, and in the confused punctation of the elytra towards their apex. Species mihi ignote. 6. Promecotheca ceruleipennis, Blanch. « P, rufescens ; antennis nigris, articulo primo rufo ; prothorace toto rufo, lateribus lobato, basi transversim sulcato ; scutello concolore ; elytris cyaneo-virescentibus, dense grosseque punctatis ; pedibus rufis, tarsis nigrescentibus. «Long. 10 mill. «Corps allongé, d’un roux clair et vif. Téte courte, avec le front sillonné transversalement; les mandibules noires. Antennes cy lindriques , ayant au moins la longueur de la moitié du corps, noires, avee le premier article roux. Prothorax complétement de cette couleur, luisant, faiblement caréné au milieu, dilaté de chaque coté et arrondi, retréeci en arricre, et oftrant tres-pres du 90 MACRISPA, bord basilaire un profond sillon transversal. Kcusson roux. Ely- tres beaucoup plus larges que le thorax, quatre fois plus longues, paralléles, arrondies au bout, d’un bleu foneé, avec la portion basi- laire plus verte, criblées de trés-gros points enfoncés, disposes en séries longitudinales, avee les intervalles élevés de maniére 4 simuler des rides transyversales. Pattes de la couleur générale du corps ; les cuisses un peu renfiées, les jambes légérement courbées et les tarses assez larges, surtout les antérieurs, et de couleur noiratre. Abdomen enticrement roussatre.” Hab. Vavao. Blanch. Voy. au Pole Sud, tom, iv. p. 312. pl. 18. fig. 6. 7. Promecotheca Petelii, Guér. «‘Jaune fauve mat. Antennes, yeux, dessous et pattes noirs, avec la base des cuisses jaune. Corselet fortement rugueux, avec un petit sillon au milieu. Elytres 4 cétés alternativement plus ou moins ¢levées, les plus fortes lisses, entre lesquelles il y a de forts points enfoncés. Leur extrémité arrondie, un peu enfumée vers Vangle sutural. “ Hab. Java. Coll. Buquet. “Long. 9, larg. 3 mill.” Guér. Rev. Zool. 1840, f. 334. Genus XXIII. MACRISPA. Details, Tap, Ui. Eresb: Antenne (fig. 5a) corporis dimidio longitudine, super tubercula duo inter oculos insert, subfiliformes, ad apicem subinerassate, ar- ticulo primo incrassato, secundo brevi, duobus proximis elon- gatis, gracilioribus, ceteris fere equalibus, obconicis, perparum leniter incrassatis, subcompressis. Labrum (fig. 5 6) parvum, transversum. Mandibule (fig. 5 ¢) robustee, trigonee. Palpi robusti ; mawillares (fig. 5d) articulo primo minuto, duobus proximis clavatis, ultimo compresso, breviter ovato, obtuso ; labiales (fig. 5 ¢) articulo primo parvo, secundo clavato, tertio compresso, subclavato, obtuso. Mentun (fig. 5 f) oblongum, pentagonum, basi paullo angustatum ; ligula (fig. 5 g) subquadrata, segmento basilari bilobato. Oculi subelongati. Thorax subquadratus, apice medio paullo productus, lateribus sinu- atus. Scutellum semiovatum. Elytra ampla, oblonga, convexa, subinflata, apice rotundata. Pedes modice robusti; femoribus compressis, paullo inerassatis, sub- BOTRYONOPA. 91 tus spina compressa instructis ; tibiis curvatis, anticis dilatatis, compressis ; tarsis latis, latitudine vqualibus. Corpus clongatum, convexum. Differing from Botryonopa in having slender subincrassate an- tenn and large convex elytra. 1. Macrispa Saundersii, n. sp. Tas. VII. Fie. 3. M. elongata, nigra, nitida ; elytris ampliatis, fortiter punctatis, fulvis. Long. 12 lin. M. clongate, shining black ; elytra opaque fulvous. Head with the vertex finely rugose ; antennz half the length of the body, third and fourth joints slightly elongate, more slender than the rest ; labrum entirely covered with fulvous hairs. Thorax subquadrate, produced in front; sides slightly narrowed behind, their margin sinuate, slightly dilated, subreflexed ; above shining black, an- terior half of disc smooth, impunctate, impressed with a longi- tudinal groove, posterior half coarsely and deeply punctured, sides variolose-punctate ; at the base in front is a transverse depression, base itself transversely strigose. Elytra broader than the thorax, elongate, subparallel in front, slightly dilated behind, extending considerably beyond the sides and apex of abdomen; their apex rounded, sutural angle armed with an acute tooth ; surface opaque, coarsely and deeply punctate-striate near the suture, the interstices costate, rest of the surface confusedly but closely covered with deep punctures, interstices elevate-reticulate ; on the outer disc are two indistinct coste ; outer margin narrowly reflexed. Beneath shining black, last segment of abdomen with a large semilunate depression. Thighs armed beneath with a short flattened tooth, anterior pair incrassate. Hab. ———— ? A single specimen in the collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq. Genus XXIV. BOTRYONOPA. Details, Tas. I. Fre. 6. Blanch. Hist. des Ins. ii. p. 181. Antenne (fig. 6 a) super tubercula duo inter oculos inserts, minus robustee, filiformes, apicem versus vix compresse, sepe subat- tenuate, articulo primo incrassato, subovato, ceteris cylindricis, secundo primo longitudine equali, tertio elongato, ceteris bre- vioribus, ultimo paullo elongato, apice subacuto. Mandibule (fig. 6 6) trigonse, apice acute. Labrum (fig. 6 ¢) transversum. Palpt robusti, subcompressi; mawillares (fig. 6d) articulo primo parvo, ceteris longitudine fere eequalibus, secundo et tertio ob- conicis, hoe apice oblique truncato, quarto magis compresso, subovato ; Jabiales (fig. 6 c) subcompressi, articulo primo parvo, secundo obconico, tertio subovato. 92 BOTRYONOPA. Labium subelongatum ; mentum (fig. 6 f) subpentagonum, lateribus constrictum ; ligula (fig. 6 g) subquadrata, apice rotundata. Caput antice deorsum paullo reclive, oculis sinuatis. Thorax subquadratus, antice paullo productus, lateribus basi emar- ginatis, angulis posticis dente acuto armatis, anticis fere obso- letis. : Scutellum oblongo-ovatum. Elytra thoracis basi latiora, oblongo-elongata, parallela, apice rotun- data, sutura dente parvo armata, supra subconyexa, dorso sub- complanata, fortiter punctata*. Pedes robusti, vix mediocres ; femoribus (anticis presertim) incras- satis, elongato-ovatis, subtus dente parvo armatis; tibiis sim- plicibus ; tarsis latis. Corpus elongatum, dorso subdepressum. (Type, Botryonopa san- guinea.) Botryonopa is separated from the two succeeding genera by the more slender antenne, the joints of which are cylindrical, and by the presence of an acute tooth on the under surface of the thighs ; the body is also flatter above. 1. Botryonopa sanguinea, Gucr. Tas. VII. Fie. 4. B.M. Guér. Rev. Zool, 1840, p. 332. B. elongata, subdepressa, sanguinea ; antennis pedibusque (femoribus basi exceptis) nigris ; subtus nigro-picea. Long. 7-8 lin. Hab. Java; Northern India. British Museum, and most collections. This species varies in colour beneath from sanguineous to almost entirely black. I cannot discover any good specific differences be- tween the specimens from Java and those from Northern India. 2. Botryonopa Sheppardi, n. sp. B.M. B. elongata, subdepressa, sanguinea, nitida; elytrorum dimidio postico metallico-ceruleo ; antennis (articulo basali excepto) oculisque nigris ; thorace subquadrato, lateribus sinuato, rugoso-punctato, utrinque basique excavato. Long. 7} lin. B. elongate, rather more convex than in the preceding species, pale sanguineous ; posterior half of elytra shining metallic blue. Head punctured, grooved longitudinally, transversely depressed on the vertex, orbits rugose ; antenne black, their basal joint rufous ; eyes pitchy black. Thorax subquadrate, apical margin slightly * In this and several allied genera, the punctures on the surface of the elytra are each furnished with a pair of minute teeth. BOTRYONOPA. 93 produced ; sides nearly parallel, narrowed and sinuate in front, sinuate before their middle, deeply emarginate at their extreme base, posterior angle armed with an acute tooth; base narrowly margined ; surface subrugose-punctate, transversely impressed at the base, excavated on either side near the middle ; central line of disc in front and anterior margin impunctate. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broadly elongate, rather broader than the base of the thorax ; sides narrowly margined, parallel ; apex sub- acutely rounded, sutural angle armed with a minute tooth; sur- face moderately convex, flattened along the suture ; each elytron with eleven rows of punctures, the first abbreviated, interstices covered with finer punctures. Beneath smooth and shining. Hab. Northern India. ’ British Museum, and collections of Major Parry, W. W. Saunders, Esq., E. Sheppard, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 3. Botryonopa spectabilis, n. sp. B.M. B. elongata, subdepressa, sanguinea, nitida; elytrorum tertio postico metallico-ceruleo ; antennis oculisque nigris; thorace subqua- drato, lateribus vix sinuato, fortiter punctato, medio longitudi- naliter canaliculato, basi impresso. Long. 9 lin. B. elongate, subdepressed, sanguineous ; posterior third of elytra deep shining metallic blue. Head coarsely punctured; orbits of eyes rugose ; vertex transversely depressed, longitudinally grooved ; antenne entirely black ; eyes pitchy black. Thorax subquadrate; apical margin slightly rounded ; sides subparallel, suddenly nar- rowed and rounded in front, slightly so in the middle, their extreme base emarginate, posterior angle armed with an acute tooth; above moderately convex, transversely impressed at the base; posterior two-thirds covered with coarse, deeply impressed punc- tures; middle of the disc longitudinally grooved. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Hlytra broader than the base of the thorax ; sides narrowly margined, parallel; apex rounded, emarginate at the suture, sutural angle armed with an acute tooth ; above sub- convex, slightly flattened along the suture, more especially at the base, outer margin subreflexed ; each elytron deeply and regu- larly impressed with eleven rows of punctures, the first abbre- viated ; interstices towards their apex convex, slightly raised ; posterior third covered with a bright metallic blue patch, its an- terior edge oblique. Beneath smooth and shining rufous, Hab. Sumatra. British Museum, and collection of J. 8. Baly. This species is larger than the preceding, and has its thorax less closely punctured, the sides being less deeply sinuate ; the apical patch on the elytra scarcely covers the posterior third of the surface. 94 HISPOPRIA. 4. Botryonopa cyanipennis, n. sp. B. elongata, subdepressa, sanguinea ; elytris purpureo-cyaneis ; antennis, oculis pedibusque nigris; pectore, abdomine femorumque basi pallide rufo-piceis. Long. 64 lin. B. elongate, slightly flattened above ; head and thorax sanguincous ; elytra dark metallic blue ; antenne and eyes black. Head opaque, obscure sanguineous, coarsely punctured ; vertex black. Thorax subquadrate, rounded on the front and sides, the latter deeply emarginate at their base, posterior angles armed with a short acute tooth; above slightly convex, opaque, coarsely but not very closely punctured. Scutellum sanguineous. Elytra oblong-elon- gate, broader than the base of the thorax ; sides narrowly mar- gined, nearly parallel, slightly broader behind ; their apex sub- acutely rounded, emarginate at the suture ; sutural angle armed with a minute tooth ; above slightly flattened, convex on the sides, depressed along the suture before the middle ; each elytron deeply and regularly impressed with eleven rows of punctures, the first abbreviated ; interstices obsoletely elevated, subcostate near their apex. Beneath pale sanguineous; pleuree, abdomen, and base of thighs pale shining rufo-piceous ; their apex, the tibize and tarsi black ; posterior pair of thighs unarmed. Hab. Singapore. A single specimen in the private collection of A. Wallace, Esq. Genus XXV. HISPOPRIA. Details, Tas. II. Fie. 5 Antenne (fig. 5 a) super tubercula duo insertee, robustze, filiformes, corporis dimidio longitudine, articulo primo incrassato, clavato, secundo brevi, ceteris oblongis, fere eequalibus, ultimo sub- acuto. Labrum (fig. 5 6) transversum, declive. Mandibule (fig. 5c) oblique truncate. Palpi modice robusti; mavillares (fig. 5 d) articulo primo minuto, ceteris longioribus, fere sequalibus, secundo tertioque subcla- vatis, quarto ovato, ad apicem compresso; Jabiales (fig. 5 e) articulo primo minuto, secundo oblongo, subclavato, ultimo paullo longiori, ovato. Labium mento (fig. 5 f) trapeziformi, basi angustato, lateribus con- strictis ; ligula (fig. 5g) oblonga, apice rotundata. Caput antice subverticale ; oculis oblongis, antice prope apicem sub- emarginatis. Thorax transverso-quadratus, apice paullo rotundatus, lateribus dila- tatis, margine irregulariter sinuatis. Scutellum ovatum. HISPOPRIA. 95 Elytra thoracis basi latiora, oblonga, dorso complanata, ante suturam emarginata, angulo suturali dente acuto armata. Pedes robusti, mediocres, antici elongati; femoribus subtus ple- rumque dente acuto armatis, primis valde incrassatis ; tibiis validis, incurvatis, ad apicem incrassatis, subtus canaliculatis, anticis adhue validioribus, interdum introrsum dilatatis ; tarsis latis, articulo primo subhemispherico, extrorsum dilatato, an- tice concavo, secundo transyerso, subtriangulari, tertio triangu- lari, paullo elongato, ungue valido. Corpus oblongum vel oblongo-clongatum, supra plus minusve com- planatum. (Type, Hispopria foveicollis.) 1. Hispopria grandis, n. sp. H, oblonga, subdepressa, fulvo-testacea, nitida; elytris metallico- ceruleis ; antennis genubusque nigris. Long. 9 lin. H. oblong, subdepressed, shining testaceous. Elytra bright metallic blue ; antenne and knees black. Head punctured, longitudinally grooved down the front. Thorax transverse, suddenly constricted at the base ; apical margin slightly rounded ; sides rounded, their margin dilated, slightly. reflexed, the outer edge irregularly cre- nate, angled before the middle, anterior angles minute, subacute, posterior acute ; above subcylindrical at the anterior margin ; dise slightly subconvex, depressed transversely near the base, con- stricted portion at the base subcylindrical, grooved transversely ; posterior half of the thorax with a narrow longitudinal groove, more distinct towards the base ; disc covered with deep punctures, scattered in front, more crowded and subconfluent at the sides and base. Scutellum smooth and shining, testaceous. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax, nearly parallel in front, slightly rounded and somewhat broader behind; each elytron gradually rounded towards the apex, emarginate at the suture, sutural angle armed with a subacute tooth; above flattened, convex at the sides, the outer margin narrowly dilated, reflexed ; each ely- tron with eleven rows of deep regular punctures, the first row abbreviated ; interstices finely punctured, flattened in front, slightly raised near the apex. Beneath shining; metasternum transversely striate, armed towards the apex with two minute tubercles ; apex of the anal segment of abdomen sinuate ; thighs moderately thickened, the first pair scarcely more incrassate than the others, four anterior thighs armed beneath towards their apex with a short acute tooth ; anterior tibize much curved, their outer edge armed just below the base with a short obtuse tubercle, inner surface deeply grooved ; posterior margin of the groove dilated below its middle into a flattened triangular plate, its apex acute ; tibize and tarsi piceous. Hab. Borneo ; Java. Collections of J. Bowring, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 96 HISPOPRIA. 2. Hispopria foveicollis, n. sp. B.M. H. elongato-oblonga, nigra, nitida; thoracis disco foveis septimis magnis ; elytris fulvis. Long. 7} lin. H. shining black, the elytra fulvous. Head punctate, longitudinally grooved between the antenna. Thorax transverse, rather broader in front; sides dilated, subparallel, slightly rounded, the outer margin narrowly reflexed, irregularly serrate; disc subconvex, deeply but not very closely punctured, on its surface are seven deep fovez, the first four placed transversely across the middle, the three others near the base; on the dise in front is a slightly raised longitudinal line, smooth and impunctate. Scutellum im- punctate. Elytra broader than the thorax, nearly parallel, scarcely broader behind, their lateral margin slightly dilated and indistinctly emarginate towards the apex, the posterior extremity of each elytron slightly produced, subacutely rounded, emarginate before the suture, sutural angle acutely toothed ; above flattened, convex on the sides, each elytron with eleven rows of deep regular punctures, the first abbreviated, third, fifth and seventh inter- stices from the suture costate, the last two united towards their apex. Beneath black, finely punctured, the last four abdominal segments transversely depressed at their base; anterior thighs much thickened, their upper edge convex, their lower armed be- yond the middle with a short stout tooth ; anterior tibie strongly curved, the groove on their lower surface with its anterior edge bituberculate and produced at the apex into a flat obtuse process ; tooth on intermediate pair of femora nearly obsolete. Hab. Philippine Islands. Unique, in the British Museum. 3. Hispopria bipunctata, n. sp. BM. H. oblongo-elongata, pallide fulva; elytro utroque puncto magno antennisque nigris. Long. 6} lin. H. oblong-clongate, pale fulvous; antenns, and a large oval spot placed obliquely below the middle of each elytron, black. Head grooved longitudinally down the front; basal joint of antennz stained with piceous. Thorax transverse, its apex rounded, slightly produced ; sides dilated, rounded in front, angled before their middle, hence to their base slightly rounded, the edge of the rounded portion irregularly dentate, anterior and posterior angles acute, the former minute ; above subcylindrical at the apex, rest of the surface subconvex and covered with numerous deep punc- tures, the anterior margin and a slightly grooved longitudinal line in the middle impunctate. Scutellum smooth. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong-ovate, their sides somewhat rounded and rather broader behind the middle, the posterior extremity of each WALDACEA. 97 elytron suddenly rounded, emarginate at the suture, sutural angle acutely toothed ; surface flattened, convex on the sides, the outer border slightly dilated in the centre, indistinctly emarginate to- wards the apex; each elytron with eleven rows of deep, regular, but somewhat distantly placed punctures, the first row short ; in- terstices flattened, subcostate near the apex, where also the punc- turing is more crowded. Beneath pale fulvous ; anterior thighs thickened, under surface with a narrow ridge, which is terminated anteriorly by a short acute tooth. Hab. Philippine Islands. British Museum and collection of G. Waterhouse, Esq. 4. Hispopria geniculata, n. sp. Tas. VII. Fie. 5. BM. H, late elongata, pallide fulva; antennis, ore, genubus tarsisque nigris. Long. 7 lin. H. broadly elongate, opaque fulvous; antenne, mouth, knees and tarsi black. Head punctured, transversely depressed on the vertex, and with an indistinct longitudinal groove down the front. Tho- rax transverse-quadrate, its anterior margin produced, convex ; sides slightly dilated, rounded in front, nearly straight behind, their outer edge irregularly serrate; disc coarsely but not very closely punctured; on its middle in front is a slightly raised, impunctate, perpendicular line. Scutellum smooth and shining, oblong, its apex rounded. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax ; sides nearly parallel; the apex suddenly rounded, emar- ginate before the suture, sutural angle armed with an acute tooth; above, flattened along the suture, convex on the side and at the apex ; outer margin slightly dilated, its edge indistinctly emargi- nate ; each elytron with eleven rows of deep distinct punctures, the first abbreviated, the third, fifth and seventh interstices from the suture indistinctly costate, the fifth and sixth united towards their apex. Beneath smooth and shining; abdomen minutely punctured; legs with the knees and tarsi black; front pair of tibize stained with piceous, the under surface canaliculate ; outer edge of groove serrate; femora of the same pair strongly thick- ened, produced beneath into a flattened ridge, which is terminated anteriorly by a short acute tooth. Hab. Philippine Islands. British Museum and collection of G. Waterhouse, Esq. Genus XXVI. WALLACEA. Details, Tan. II. Fie. 6. Antenne (fig. 6a) modice robuste, ad apicem paullo incrassate, articulo primo incrassato, subovato, quatuor proximis longi- tudine fere sequalibus, obconicis, ceteris subcylindricis, paullo incrassatis. u 98 WALLACEA. Labrum (fig. 66) declive, transverso-quadratum. Mandibule apice dentate. Palpi macillares (fig. 6 c) articulo primo parvo, duobus sequentibus eequalibus, obovatis, apice oblique truncatis, ultimo ovato ; la- biales (fig. 6 d) articulo primo parvo, secundo obconico, oblique truncato, ultimo ovato. Mentum (fig. 6 e) pentagonum ; ligula subquadrata. Oculi ovati. Thorax transversus, lateribus rectis, integris. Scutellum ovatum. Elytra parallela, dorso complanata, apice rotundata, ante suturam emarginata. Pedes breves, modice robusti, simplices. Corpus clongatum, subdepressum. (Type, Wallacea Bowringii.) Distinguished from Hispopria by the different length of the second joint of the antennee and the simple thighs. 1. Wallacea collaris, n.sp. Tas. VII. Fie. 6. BM. W. elongata, depressa, testacea, nitida; antennis, thoracis macula elytrisque nigris. Long. 34 ln. W. elongate, depressed above, shining testaceous ; antenne and elytra (the basal edge of the latter excepted) black ; eyes piceous. Head finely punctured ; upper portion of face with a longitudinal ridge ; vertex transversely impressed between the upper margins of the eyes; antenne entirely black. Thorax one-third broader than long, slightly increasing in width from its base to before the middle ; sides dilated, straight, rounded in front, their outer border narrowly reflexed, entire, posterior angles acute ; anterior margin slightly sinuate on either side, its middle portion indi- stinctly produced; surface slightly convex from side to side, smooth and shining; on either side the medial line is an irregular row of deep oval punctures, rest of the surface impunctate ; tes- taceous, a triangular patch on the anterior margin black. Scu- tellum shining, impunctate. Elytra slightly broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined, narrowed just before their apex, the latter obtusely truncate, smuate at the suture, sutural angle armed with a small acute tooth; above depressed, slightly convex on the sides; outer margin reflexed, subcanalicu- late ; surface sulcate-striate, sulci deeply and regularly punc- tured; interstices costate; shining black, the extreme basal mar- gin testaceous. Body beneath pale shining testaceous. Hab. Borneo (Sarawak), collected by» Mr. Wallace. sritish Museum, and collections of A. Wallace and W. W. Saun- ders, Esqrs., and J. 8. Baly. WALLACEA. 99 2. Wallacea Bowringii, n. sp. W. late elongata, subdepressa, fusca, nitida; elytris postice anten- nisque nigris. Long. 34 hin. W. broadly elongate, subdepressed above, shining fuscous, antenne and posterior third of the elytra black. Head finely punctured, transversely impressed between the upper borders of the eyes ; the latter piceous; antenne black, basal joint obscure fuscous beneath. Thorax nearly one-half broader than long; sides dilated, laterally produced and obtusely angled in front, hence to their base subparallel, slightly rounded, their outer border reflexed, its edge obsoletely bidentate; anterior angles slightly produced, subacute, posterior very acute ; anterior margin obsoletely sinuate on either side, its middle portion sightly convex ; above subcon- vex from side to side, smooth and shining ; impressed here and there with afew deep punctures, rather more crowded on the sides, on either side the middle of the disc forming an irregular longitudinal row ; rest of the surface minutely punctured. Elytra rather broader than the thorax ; sides subparallel, slightly convex, narrowly margined ; apex more regularly rounded than in the last species, obsoletely sinuate at the suture, sutural angle armed with a minute acute tooth; above subdepressed along the suture, sides convex, outer border reflexed ; surface deeply sulcate-striate, sulci deeply punctured, their interstices subcostate ; fuscous, the posterior third black. Beneath shining fulvo-fuscous. Hab. Java. A single specimen in the collection of J. Bowring, Esq. 3. Wallacea distinguenda, n. sp. W. elongata, depressa, fusca, nitida ; antennis elytrisque nigris, his basi fuscis. . 1; Long. 44 lin. W. elongate, depressed above, shining fuscous ; antenne and elytre black, the latter with their anterior third fuscous. Head irre- gularly punctured, transversely impressed between the upper border of the eyes ; antenne entirely black ; eyes piceous. Thorax transverse-quadrate ; sides dilated, straight and parallel, laterally produced and angled in front, notched at their extreme base, anterior angles obsolete, posterior very acute, outer margin entire, obsoletely simuate, narrowly reflexed ; anterior border obsoletely sinuate on either side, its middle portion produced, convex ; above subconvex from side to side, deeply but subremotely punctured. Elytra broader than the thorax; sides parallel in front, narrowly margined ; apex acutely rounded, obsoletely sinuate at the suture, sutural angle armed with a minute tooth ; above depressed along the suture, convex on the sides, outer border reflexed ; deeply punctate-striate, strie towards the outer border suleate, their H 2 100 ESTIGMENA. interstices costate; black, the anterior third fuscous. Beneath shining fuscous. Hab. Celebes. A single specimen in the collection of A. R, Wallace, Esq. Very nearly allied to the last species, but easily distinguished by its flattened, more elongate form, and by the differently shaped thorax ; the strize on the elytra are also less deeply sulcate. Genus XXVII. ESTIGMENA, Hope. Details, Tas. IT. Fre. 7. Coleopt. Man. part 3. p. 174, details, pl. 2. fig. 1 ad. Antenne (fig. 7 a) robustee, filiformes, super tubercula duo inter oculos insertee ; articulo primo incrassato, secundo brevi, sub- moniliformi, tertio elongato, subcylindrico, ceeteris brevioribus, fere «qualibus, teretibus, ultimo paullo longiori, obtuso. Labrum (fig. 7 6) crassum, apice declivi. Mandibule (fig. 7 ¢) trigonee. Palpi mawvillares (fig. 7 d) articulo primo parvo, duobus sequentibus subclavatis, tertio paullo breviori, ultimo elongato-ovato ; la- biales (fig. 7 ¢) articulo primo parvo, secundo subclavato, tertio obovato. Mentum (fig. 7) subhexagonum ; ligula (fig. 7 g) subquadrata. Oculi (fig. 7h) subcuneiformes. Thorax subquadratus, lateribus sinuatis. Scutellum semiovatum, apice acuto. Elytra oblongo-elongata, apice rotundata. | Pedes breves, robusti; femoribus paullo incrassatis ; tarsis latis. Corpus elongatum, subconvexum. Estigmena agrees in form and antenne with Anidosera, but the different form of its mentwm will at once separate it. 1. Estigmena chinensis, Hope. Tas. VII. Fic. 7. B.M. Estigmena chinensis, Hope, Col. Man. pt. 3. 175. pl. 2. fig. 1. E. elongata, rufo-picea, nitida ; thorace subquadrato, fortiter sed sparse punctato, rubro; elytris punctato-striatis, nigris. Long. 64 lin. Var. A. Tota nigro-picea vel nigra. Var. B. Tota pallide brunnea. Hab. China, Ceylon, Northern India, Nepaul. British Museum. This species varies in colour from pale fulvo-fuscous to entirely black. The specimens from Nepaul are more coarsely punctured (especially on the thorax) than those from China and Ceylon. The ANISODERA, 10] Rey. J. Hope has erroneously described the prosternum as being pro- duced anteriorly into a stout spine. Mr. Westwood, who has kindly examined the typical specimen in the Hopean Collection, tells me that it is unarmed, Genus XXVIII. ANISODERA, Chevr. MSS. Details, Tas. IL. Fie. 8. Antenne (fig. 8 a) super tubercula duo inter oculos inserte, robustee, filiformes, apicem versus vix compresse, articulo primo incras- sato, subcylindrico aut obovato, secundo breviori, reliquis sub- cylindricis vel obconicis, tertio elongato, ceteris brevioribus, ultimo paullo lengiori, oblongo, apice compresso, obtuso. Labrum (fig. 86) transversum, apice declivi, margine antico sepe utrinque fasciculo e pilis rigidis instructo. Mandibule (fig. 8c) crass, trigone, apice seepe bidentatie. Palpt robusti, mawvillares vix compressi (fig. 8d), articulo primo parvo, duobus sequentibus subclavatis, equalibus, quarto ovato, compresso ; labiales (fig. 8 ¢) articulo primo parvo, secundo le- niter compresso, obconico, tertio magis compresso, subovato. Mentum (fig. 8f) pentagonum, lateribus valde constrictis ; ligula (fig. 8 g) transverso-quadrata vel quadrata. Caput fronte verticali. Oculi (fig. 8h) magni, flexuosi. Thorax subquadratus, lateribus seepe sinuatis aut angulatis. Scutellum oblongo-ovatum. Elytra elongata, parallela, convexa, dorso seepe complanata. Pedes robusti; femoribus inermibus; tibiis introrsum ante apicem plerumque sinuatis. Corpus elongatum, plus minusve convexum. (Type, Aiisodera ea- cavata.) Anisodera differs from Estigmena in the differently formed men- tum, and from Botryonopa in having simple thighs. A. Femora vix incrassata, leniter curvata. . Thorace subquadrato, lateribus plus minusve angulato, dorso plerumque tuberculato. 1. Anisodera ferruginea, Guér. Tas. VII. Fie. 8. BM. Anisodera ferruginea, Guér. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 333 A. late elongata, nigra, supra fusca, opaca; thorace subquadrato, lateribus parallelis, medio angulatis, rugoso-punctato, utrinque tuberculis duobus nitidis instructo, medio longitudinaliter canali- culato; elytris fortiter punctato-striatis, costatis. Long. 8—9 lin. 102 ANISODERA. Labrum large, black. Thorax subquadrate; sides parallel, angled in front, produced near their middle into a short subacute process ; surface rugose-punctate; middle of the disc broadly and longitu- dinally canaliculate ; either side of the grooved portion with two slightly elevated, smooth, oblong tubercles, sometimes obsolete. Hab. Java; Northern India. British Museum, and collections of Major Parry, W. W. Saunders, isq., E. Sheppard, Esq., E. Janson, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. The insect described by Guérin as Anisodera ferruginea is generally supposed to be identical with the Alurnus ferrugineus, Fabr. ; it does not agree, however, with the description given by that author in his Syst. Eleuth.; I have therefore separated it. 2. Anisodera scutellata, n. sp. A. elongata, dorso subdepressa, pallide fusca, opaca; scutello nigro, nitido; thorace transverso-quadrato, lateribus bisinuato. Long. 9 lin. A, elongate, subdepressed above, pale fuscous, opaque above ; scu- tellum shining black. Head subrugose ; antenne entirely fuscous, joints rather more slender and less cylindrical than in the last species, Thorax transyerse-quadrate ; sides margined, subparallel, subsinuate behind, sinuate in front, narrowed at their apex, their outer border produced into an obtuse angle at the middle and in front, anterior angles produced, obtuse; above rugose-punctate, less convex than in A. ferruginea, longitudinally excavated down the middle and also on the sides; either side of the central exca- vation with two indistinctly raised shining tubercles. Scutellum shining black, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax ; sides subparallel, narrowly margined ; apex rounded, subsinuate at the suture, sutural angle slightly produced, obtuse; above flattened along the back, convex on the sides; each elytron with several elevated coste, the second from the suture extending from the base nearly to the apex, the rest more or less interrupted, but all more distinct near the apex; the interspaces on the inner disc impressed with two or more rows of distinct punctures, sur- face towards the sides and apex irregularly punctured. Beneath shining ; legs pitchy. Hab. Java. A single specimen in the collection of J. Bowring, Esq. 3. Anisodera Bowringil, nu. sp. A. late elongata, convexa, picea, nitida, supra fusca, opaca; thorace subquadrato, lateribus angulato, disco rugoso, tuberculis quatuor oblongis subelevatis instructo, utrinque longitudinaliter impresso, medio canaliculato; elytris verrucoso-costatis. Long. 64 lin. ANISODERA. 103 A. broadly elongate, convex ; body beneath and antennee dark shining piceous ; above opaque, fuscous. Head with the vertex longitudi- nally grooved; five terminal joints of antennx opaque. Thorax subquadrate ; apex indistinctly rounded ; sides parallel, running suddenly inwards at their apex, angled in front and near their middle, above rugose, yeSgleMeNy grooved down the middle of the disc, the latter with four obiong, shining, indistinctly elevated tubercles ; on each side, externally to these latter, is a broad, deep longitudinal impression, extending nearly the whole length of the thorax. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax, oblong- elongate, slightly broader behind the middle, sides nearly parallel ; ; apex regularly rounded; above convex, deeply punctate-striate, puncturing along the outer disc and at the apex irregular and less deeply impressed ; each elytron with three raised verrucose coste, extending from the base nearly to the apex; between the first and second of these, and also on the outer margin, are several others, shorter and less distinct. Hab. Java. Unique in the collection of J. Bowring, Esq. b. Thorace latitudine longiort, subcylindrico, lateribus non angulato. 4. Anisodera Sheppardi, n. sp. A, elongata, angustata, convexa, supra opaca, fusca; thorace sub- cylindrico, latitudine fere tertio longiori; lateribus leniter rotun- datis, obsolete bisinuatis ; fortiter punctato, medio linea longitu- dinali, nitida, subcanaliculata; elytris costatis ; antennis corporeque subtus nigro-piceis. Long. 7-8} lin. A. narrow, elongate, convex ; above opaque, fuscous. Head punc- tured, longitudinally impressed on the vertex; eyes subreniform, pitchy black ; first five joints of antenne pitchy black, shining, the rest opaque. Thorax nearly one-third longer than broad ; sides slightly rounded, obsoletely sinuate in front and behind their middle, anterior angles slightly produced, acute; anterior margin indistinctly produced, subconvex, its middle emarginate ; above subcylindrical, obsoletely depressed behind the middle, deeply punctured, opaque ; an indistinctly raised, subcanaliculate longi- tudinal line running down the middle of the disc, dark shining fuscous, Scutellum smooth, dark shining fuscous. Elytra rather broader than the thorax; sides narrowly margined, parallel, scarcely broader behind their middle ; apex rounded, conjointly and deeply emarginate at the suture, sutural angle armed with an acute tooth ; above convex, indistinctly depressed along the suture, deeply punctate-striate, puncturing on the sides and towards the apex confused; each elytron with several raised shining cost, viz. two near the suture, commencing at the base and terminating before the middle, one commencing at the ter- 104 ANISODERA. mination of the anterior third of the elytron, and abbreviated just before reaching the apex, and a fourth towards the outer border, running from the base nearly the whole length ; in addition, placed near the apex are four or five others, shorter and less elevated than the rest. Body beneath shining pitchy black. Hab. Borneo. Collection of J. S. Baly. 5. Anisodera lucidiventris, Guér. Guér. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 833. A. elongata, rufo-fusca, opaca; thorace punctato, latitudine longiori, lateribus parallelis, postice subsinuatis ; elytris punctato-striatis, striis ad latera confusis, utrisque costis duabus, et postice aliis brevioribus minus distinctis. Long. 44-54 lin. Thorax longer than broad; sides nearly parallel, narrowed and in- distinctly sinuate behind the middle; above subconvex, closely covered with large coarse punctures, puncturing rather less crowded on the centre of the disc; medial line with a short, indistinctly raised longitudinal line. Elytra deeply punctate- striate, each with two elevated coste running the whole length, surface between the ridges irregularly punctured; bekind the middle are several shorter costz, less distinctly raised. Hab. Java. Collections of J. Bowring, Esq., and J. S. Baly. B. Femora magis incrassata, elongato-ovata. a. Antennis ad apicem attenuatis. 6. Anisodera Whitei, u. sp. BM. A. elongata, subconvexa, obscure fulva; thorace subquadrato, late- ribus’ rotundato; elytris punctato- -striatis, obsolete costatis ; an- tennis ad apicem subattenuatis, articulo tertio duobusque sequen- tibus subcylindricis, apice subito incrassatis. Long. 94 ln. A. elongate, subconvex, slightly flattened along the back, obscure fulvous. Head indistinctly punctured, longitudinally grooved on the vertex ; antenne robust, attenuated towards their apex ; first five joints shining, the rest opaque ; basal joint incrassate, obovate ; second very short, submonilitorm ; the three following thick, pubs cylindrical, suddenly swollen at their apex ; eyes piceous. Thorax subquadrate ; ; sides rounded, anterior angles indistinctly produced, acute; anterior margin slightly produced, convex, sinuate in the middle ; above Shee , indistinctly excavated behind the middle, medial line in front shining, obsoletely elevated and indi- stinctly grooved; surface covered with large deep impressions. ANISODERA. 105 Scutellum smooth and shining. Elytra broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined ; apex regularly rounded ; above convex, flattened along the suture ; deeply punctate-striate, punc- turing on the sides and near the apex confused ; each elytron with two slightly elevated coste, extending nearly their whole length ; at the apex are several others, shorter, but quite as distinct as the two former. Body beneath shining. Tarsi broad; basal joint short, semilunate. Hab. ? A single specimen in the Museum collection. b. Antennis ad apicem non attenuatis. Anisodera excavata,n. sp. Tas. VIII. Fie. 1. BM. A, elongata, convexa, dorso vix depressa, nigra, nitida; scutello, elytris abdomineque castaneis ; thorace subquadrato, fortiter va- rioloso-punctato, utrinque valde excavato. Long. 6-94 lin. A, elongate, shining black ; scutellum, elytra and abdomen chestnut- brown. Head punctured ; antenne robust, two-thirds the length of the body in the male, rather shorter in the female, jomts more elongate than in most of the species, coarsely punctured. Tho- rax subquadrate ; sides parallel, suddenly narrowed in front, irre- gularly sinuate, indistinctly emarginate at the base, posterior angles acute, anterior produced into a short tooth ; surface coarsely and deeply variolose-punctate, deeply excavated on either side near the outer margin, surface of excavated portion rugose, ante- rior portion of disc nearly free from punctures. Scutellam smooth, impunctate, its apex rounded. Elytra broader than the thorax, oblong-elongate ; sides nearly parallel, sightly convex in the female; apex rounded; above convex, male rather more flattened along the suture ; each elytron with eleven rows of deep regular punctures, the first abbreviated. Body beneath black, smooth and shining, abdomen castaneous. Hab. Northern India. British Museum, and most collections. 8. Anisodera Goryi (Guer.). Botryonopa Goryi, Guér. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 332. A, elongata, modice convexa, fulva, nitida; thorace latitudine vix longiori, postice paullo angustato, fortiter punctato, utrimque lon- eitudinaliter i impresso ; elytris punctato-striatis, interstitis alter- nis obsolete elevatis. Long. 61-8 lin. Hab. Java. Collection of J. 8. Baly. 106 ANISODERA. 9. Anisodera rufa (Guér.). Botryonopa rufa, Guér. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 832. A, elongata, convexa, pallide rufo-fusca; antennis elytrorumque margine apicali, nigris ; thorace subquadrato, lateribus subparal- lelis, antice rotundatis, punctato, utrinque fortiter longitudinaliter impresso ; elytris convexis, punctato-striatis. Long. 7 lin. Hab. Java. Collection of J. 8. Baly. It differs from the last species in the shape of the thorax and in the absence of costee on the elytra. 10. Anisodera cylindrica (Hope). BM. Trogosita cylindrica, Hope in Gray’s Zool. Mise. p. 27. A, elongata, angustata, subcylindrica, pallide fusca; antennis obscuris; thorace latitudine fere dimidio longiori, punctato, lateribus basique varioloso-impresso ; elytris punctato-striatis, interstitiis alternis subcostatis. Long. 4-44 lin. Scarcely half the size of the other species; narrow, subcylindrical, fulvo-fuscous, the antenne dusky. Thorax longer than broad, narrowed behind; sides subparallel. Elytra convex, regularly punctate-striate, alternate interstices subcostate. Hab. Northern India; Nepaul. British Museum and collection of J. 5. Baly. Species mihi ignote. 11. Anisodera ferruginea (Fabr.). ‘“ Alurnus ferrugineus, Fabr. Syst. El. 11. p. 26. «A, testaceus ; thorace punctato ; elytris striato-punctatis. “Statura omnino A. grossi, at duplo fere minor. Antenne cylhn- dricee, fuscee; articulo primo brevi, crassiori, rotundato. Caput et thorax punctata, obscure testacea, immaculata. Elytra obscura, testacea, striata, et inter strias linea geminata é punctis impressis. Corpus et pedes ferruginea. “ Hab. Sumatra.” 12, Anisodera gracilis (Guér.). 3otryonopa gracilis, Guér. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 333. “D’un rouge foncé. Corselet fortement ponctué, plus long que large, & cétés paralléles, sans impressions, beaucoup plus étroit que la base des élytres. Celles-ci un peu élargies en arriére, avec de faibles cotes, entre lesquelles il y a deux rangs de forts points enfonceés. “Long. 14, larg. 3} mill. “ Hab. Java.” DOWNESIA. 107 Genus XXIX. DOWNESIA. Details, Tas. II. Fre. 9. Antenne (fig. 9 a) robustee, subincrassate, articulis duobus basalibus brevibus, paullo incrassatis, tertio paullo elongato, tribus proxi- mis brevioribus, zqualibus, obconicis, quatuor sequentibus lon- gioribus, incrassatis, squalibus, subcylindricis, ultimo adhuc longiori, apice subacuto. Labrum transversum. Mandibule (fig. 9b) apice bidentate. Palpi maxillares (fig. 9 ¢) articulo primo parvo, subclavato, secundo vix longiori, obovato, paullo incrassato, duobus sequentibus longioribus, leniter compressis, illo obconico, hoe ovato ; labiales (fig. 9d) articulo primo minuto, secundo obconico, ultimo paullo elongato, ovato. Mentum (fig. 9 €) subpentagonum, ad apicem ampliatum; ligula (fig. 9 f) oblongo-quadrata, apice rotundata. Caput obtusum. Thorax subquadratus, parallelus, antice paullo productus, dorso transversim convexus. Scutellum oblongo-ovatum., Elytra elongata, convexa, apice rotundata, sutura sinuata. Pedes breves, robusti; femoribus incrassatis ; tarsis anticis (fig. 9) articulo primo ceteris latiori, ungue elongato. Corpus elongatum, subcylindricum. I have named this singular genus after Ezra Downes, Esq., of Bombay, a gentleman who for many years past has been an inde- fatigable investigator of the habits and ceconomy of Indian insects. 1. Downesia insignis, n.sp. Tas. VIII. Fic. 2. BM. D. angustata, subcylindrica, nigra, nitida; thoracis lateribus rectis ; elytris costatis, fortiter punctato-striatis. Long. 2 lin. D. narrow, subeylindrical, shining black. Head smooth; antenn robust, subincrassate, equal in length to the head and thorax. Thorax rather longer than broad; sides perfectly straight and parallel, notched at the base, narrowly margined, anterior angles nearly rectangular ; anterior margin produced, convex ; base mar- gined ; above subconvex from side to side, surface covered with small subremote punctures. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Kly- tra rather broader than the thorax; sides parallel, narrowly mar- gined; apex rounded; above convex, each elytron impressed with six or seven rows of deep punctures, outer striz sulcate, alter- nate interstices costate ; beneath shining black. Hab. Northern India. British Museum, and collection of J. S. Baly. 108 JAVETA, Genus XXX. JAVETA. Details, Tas. II. Fre. 10. Antenne (fig. 10 a) robuste, subincrassatee, articulis duobus basali- bus paullo incrassatis, submoniliformibus, tertio elongato, obco- nico, ceteris teretibus, perparum incrassatis, ultimo subacuto. Labrum (fig. 10 6) transversum. Mandibule (fig. 10) apice truncatee. Palpi macillares (fig. 10 d) articulo primo minuto, duobus sequenti- bus brevissimis, obconicis, ultimo his conjunctim longiori, ovyato ; labiales (fig. 10 e) articulo primo parvo, secundo obconico, ul- timo ovato. Mentum (fig. 10 f) pentagonum, lateribus valde constrictum ; ligula (fig. 10 g) transverso-quadrata. Caput (fig. 10 h) antrorsum inter oculos in rostellum breve, obtu- sum, productum (utroque lateri antenne articulate sunt) ; oculis magnis, ovatis, antice sinuatis. Thorax subquadratus, dorso convexus, valde excavatus. Scutellum oblongo-ovatum. Elytra elongata, convexa, fortiter punctato-striata. Pedes breves, robusti; femoribus anticis valde incrassatis; tarsis latis. Corpus elongatum, angustatum, convexum. Named after M. Javet of Paris. 1. Javeta pallida. Tas. VIII. Fie. 3. B.M. J. elongata, convexa, pallide fulva, nitida ; oculis nigris. Long. 3 lin. J. elongate, convex, pale shining fulvous; eyes and jaws black. Antenne equal in length to the head and thorax, robust. Thorax rather longer than broad; sides subparallel, sinuate behind, slightly narrowed in front, posterior angle acute; anterior mar- ein straight; surface transversely depressed behind, deeply and irregularly excavated on the sides and front, excavated portions coarsely punctured; disc irregularly shining, deeply pitted in the middle. Scutellum smooth and shining. Elytra rather breader than the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined ; apex rounded; above convex, deeply and regularly punctate-striate; alternate interstices indistinctly costate. Hab. Madras. British Museum, and collection of J. 8. Baly. Genus XX XI. GONOPHORA, Chevr. MSS. Details, Tas. IT. Fie. 11. Antenne (fig. 11a) filiformes vel subfiliformes, articulis duobus basalibus brevibus, plerumque equalibus, ovatis, primo paullo incrassato, ceteris subcylindricis, tertio seepe elongato. GONOPHORA. L109 Labrum (fig. 116) antice incrassatum, declive. Mandibule (fig. 11 ¢) trigoni, apice dentate. Palpi mawillares (fig. 11 ¢) articulo primo parvo, duobus sequentibus equalibus, obconicis, ultimo elongato, ovato, acuto; labiales (fig. 11 e) articulo primo parvo, obconico, secundo subclayato, ultimo ovato, apice acuto. Mentum (fig. 11 f) pentagonum, apice acutum, lateribus constrictum ; higula oblonga, seymento apical paullo dilatato, apice emargi- nato. Caput antice tuberculis duobus (his antenne articulate: sunt) creta elevata divisis instructum ; oculis oblongo-ovyatis, postice emar- ginatis. Thorax transverso-quadratus, lateribus prope medium angulatis, an- tice plerumque valde emarginatis, apice seepe cylindricus. Scutellum subtrigonum, apice obtuse truncatum. Elytra oblonga vel elongata, postice seepe paullo ampliata et obtuse angulata, apice rotundata. Pedes mediocres, modice robusti; tarsis latis, ungue brevi. Corpus elongatum vel oblongo-elongatum, dorso subcomplanatum. (Type, Gonophora hemorrhoidalis, Fabr.) A. Antenne basi et apice attenuate. 1. Gonophora Wailacei, n. sp. G. elongata, subdepressa, supra rufa; capite, thoracis margine late- rali, vittaque centrali, scutelloque nigris; subtus nigra, nitida ; femoribus anticis basi flavis; thorace transverso-quadrato, late- ribus paullo rotundatis, apice emarginatis; elytris costatis, inter- spatus bifariam punctatis, interspatio secundo a sutura basi con- fuse punctato. Long. 4 lin. G. elongate, subdepressed, shining red above ; head, lateral margin of thorax, a longitudinal stripe down its middle, and the scutellum, black. Head shining black; face with a small fulvous patch below the insertion of the antennee; third joint of the latter equal in length to the fourth and fifth. Thorax transverse-qua- drate, shghtly narrowed from the base to the apex; sides nearly straight behind, slightly rounded and narrowed before the middle, their apex deeply notched, anterior and posterior angles acute, the latter shghtly produced ; above subconvex, deeply and trans- versely excavated just in front of the base; surface rugose- punctate ; the lateral border and a longitudinal line down the centre of the dise shining black, the anterior two-thirds of the lon- gitudinal line elevated and deeply grooved above. Scutellum shining black, impunctate. Elytra rather broader at their base than the thorax; sides slightly dilated, indistinctly rounded; apex obtuse ; above subdepressed, moderately convex on the sides, dilated margin 110 GONOPHORA, nearly horizontal ; each elytron with three elevated costa, the outer one less distinctly raised than the other two, and nearly obsolete in the middle; interspaces deeply impressed with a double row of deep punctures, second interspace from the suture with a third row of punctures at the base, interstices transversely subcostu- late. Beneath shining black; a longitudinal line on the pro- thorax and the basal half of the anterior thighs pale yellow ; intermediate coxee and base of the intermediate thighs obscure fuscous. Hab. Borneo, collected by Mr. Wallace. Collections of A. Wallace and W. W. Saunders, Esqrs. 2. Gonophora suturella, n. sp. G. elongata, subdepressa, nitida, supra rufa; antennis, oculis, tho- racis margine laterali, elytrorum suturé margineque apicali, nigris ; elytris costatis, interspatiis bifariam punctatis ; subtus nigra, pec- tore, femoribus quatuor anticis infra, tibusque anticis introrsum, fulvis. Long. 4-4} lin. Very closely allied to the first species, but nevertheless, I think, distinct. Above red; antennz, eyes, and sometimes also the sur- face immediately around these latter, the extreme lateral margin of the thorax, a narrow sutural line, and the extreme apex of the elytra, black ; antenne rather longer and more slender. Thorax similar in form and sculpture, but without the black central lon- gitudinal line ; the elytra narrower, less dilated on their sides, and more parallel; interspaces between the costee impressed with two regular rows of deep punctures, the intermediate interstices on the sides and near the apex not distinctly elevated. Beneath shining black; the four anterior thighs beneath, the inner surface of the anterior tibiz and the breast, fulvous. Hab. Java. Collection of J. Bowring, Esq. 3. Gonophora Saundersii, n. sp. Tas. VIII. Fie. 4. BM. G. elongata, subdepressa, nigra, nitida ; capite postice, thorace (vitta mediali excepta) elytrisque rubris; thorace transverso-quadrato, lateribus bisinuatis ; elytris costatis, interspatiis confuse trifariam punctatis. Long. 54 lin. G. elongate, subdepressed, shining black ; the head behind, the tho- rax (a longitudinal line down the middle excepted), and the elytra red. Head smooth, impressed above with a deep fovea; antenne entirely black, robust, half the length of the body. Thorax trans- verse-quadrate, slightly narrowed from base to apex ; sides deeply bisinuate, apical angle slightly produced laterally, acute; apical margin convex; above subconvex, with three broad longitudinal GONOPHORA. ett elevations, indistinctly grooved above, smooth, impunctate, the two outer interrupted and nearly obsolete behind their middle, the entire and covered with a broad black vitta, which ex- tends from the base to the apex of the thorax ; rest of the surface rugose-punctate ; basal margin transversely grooved i in the middle. Seutellum smooth, black. Ely tra broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined ; apex obtusely rounded ; above sub- depressed, convex on the sides, each elytron with three strongly elevated costz, the suture also raised, interspaces with three or more confused rows of deeply impressed punctures. Beneath shining black ; extreme base of anterior thighs fulvous. Hab. Sylhet. British Museum, and collections of Major Parry and W. W. Saun- ders, Esq. 4. Gonophora fuscipes, n. sp. G. elongata, subdepressa, fulvo-testacea, nitida ; antennis pedibusque obscurioribus ; elytris utrisque tricarinatis, interspatiis bifariam punctatis, interspatio secundo 4 sutura basi, et interspatio exte- riori ad apicem, confuse punctatis ; antennis robustis, brevioribus. Long. 54 lin. G. elongate, subdepressed, shining fulvo-testaceous ; antenne and legs rufo-piceous. Head smooth; eyes piceous ; jaws black ; an- tennze shorter and more robust than in any other species. Thorax broader at the base than long, narrowed from the base to the apex ; sides trisinuate ; apical border straight, narrowly margined ; above convex, subcylindrical in front, transversely impressed at the base, rugose-punctate, a broad line down the middle, abbreviated towards the base and obsoletely grooved above, and an oblong longitudinal space on either side, slightly raised, impunctate. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax; sides par- allel, narrowly margined; apex regularly rounded, apical margin obsoletely serrulate ; above subdepressed, moderately convex along the sides; each elytron with three elevated costee, interspaces impressed with a double row of deep punctures, second interspace at its base and also the outer one towards its apex irregularly punctate. Beneath shining fulvo-testaceous ; legs (the thighs at their base excepted) rufo-piceous ; jaws black. Hab. A single specimen in the collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq. The antennee in this insect are shorter and thicker than in the other allied species. B. Antennee filiformes. a. Antennarwm articulo secundo primo longiort. 5. Gonophora insignis, n. sp. G. late elongata, subdepressa, pallide fulva ; antennis (articulis ba- 1B GONOPHORA. salibus duobus exceptis) elytrorumque plagé magna communi nigris. Long. + lin. G. broadly elongate, subdepressed, pale fulvous ; antenne (their base excepted) and a large common patch on the elytra, black. Head smooth ; antenne rather more than half the length of the body ; eyes piceous. ‘Thorax as broad at the base as long, narrowed from the base to the apex; sides obsoletely bisinuate, notched at their extreme apex ; base narrowly margined above, narrowly cylindrical in front ; disc convex, smooth and shining, impunctate, sides and base coarsely and deeply punctured, base transversely grooved. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra narrowly oblong; sides margined, subparallel, margin slightly dilated; apex rounded ; above flattened along the suture, convex on the sides ; each elytron with three elevated costz, their interspaces deeply impressed with a double row of punctures, interstices transversely costulate ; pale fulvous, a large common patch extending from the termination of the anterior third nearly to the apex, black. Beneath pale fulvous ; mandibles alone black. Hab. Celebes. Collections of A. Wallace, Esq., W. W. Saunders, Esq., and J. S. Baly. b. Antennarum articulis duobus basalibus longitudine equalibus. 6. Gonophora hemorrhoidalis (Fabr.). B.M. Hispa heemorrhoidalis, Fubr. Syst. El. 11. 60. Weber, Ins. 64. G. late elongata, subdepressa, testacea, nitida; antennis elytrisque nigris, his apice testaceis; utrisque tricarinatis, carinis supra un- dulatis, carina intermedia medio fere interrupta. Var. A. Elytris nigris, basi (puncto humerali excepto) apiceque tes- taceis ; carina intermedia interrupta. Long. 3 ln. G. broadly elongate, slightly wider behind, shining testaceous ; elytra (their extreme apex excepted) and antenne black. Head smooth ; basal joint of antenne and eyes rufo-piceous ; jaws black. Thorax broader at the base than long, its apex narrowly stran- gulated ; sides margined, straight and indistinctly sinuate behind, narrowed and deeply sinuate in front ; margin produced and angled near the middle, its outer border finely serrate; above with the anterior margin cylindrical; disc convex, thickened and rugose- punctate, longitudinally grooved down the middle, the hinder por- tion deeply impressed with a transverse excavation, which extends on either side obliquely upwards nearly to the anterior angles ; extreme base transversely grooved. Scutellum smooth, its apex nigro-piceous. Elytra broader than the thorax, slightly increasing in width to the posterior angles ; apex obtusely rounded, posterior GONOPHORA. Ls auigles distinct, obtuse ; sides nearly parallel, their entire margin distinctly serrate ; above subdepressed along the back, each elytron with three elevated coste, the upper margins of which are deeply undulate, the edge itself being coarsely serrate; intermediate costa nearly obsolete in the middle ; interspaces impressed with three or more rows of deep punctures, their interstices transversely costu- late ; black, a transverse apical spot, and, more rarely, a patch at the extreme base, testaceous. Beneath testaceous; apex of pos- terior thighs nigro-piceous. Var. A. Base and apex of elytra (a humeral spot excepted) testaceous ; intermediate costa entirely obsolete in its middle. Hab. Java; Borneo; Singapore. British Museum, and collections of Messrs. W. W. Saunders, E. Sheppard, A. R. Wallace, J. Bowring, and J. S. Baly. 7. Gonophora orientalis, Guér. B.M. Iconogr. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 280. G. late elongata, postice paullo ampliata, subdepressa, testacea; an- tennarum basi, thoracis macula discoidali elytrisque nigris, his testaceo-maculatis, utrisque tricarinatis, carinis supra undulatis, carina intermedia medio subinterrupta. Long. 24-3 lin. Nearly similar in shape and sculpture to the last species; antenne rather more robust, their apical half, and sometimes their whole length, rufo-fulvous ; sides of thorax less produced, nearly straight from their base to beyond the middle, central groove on the upper surface more distinct ; elytra black, with an apical spot and several others at the base and on the disc rufo-fulvous; outer edge less coarsely serrate ; mner carina less undulate. Hab. Java; Borneo. British Museum, and collections of Major Parry, J. Bowring, Esq., and J. 8..Baly. 8. Gonophora Bowringil, n. sp. G. late elongata, postice paullo amplata, subdepressa, testacea, ni- tida; antennarum basi verticeque piceis; thoracis margine late- rali maculisque quinque, scutello elytrisque nigris, his fulvo-tes- taceo-maculatis ; utrisque tricarinatis, carinis duabus exterioribus minus distinctis, interspatiis exterioribus irregulariter punctatis, interstitis valde transversim costulatis. Long. 22 lin. Very nearly allied to G. orientalis, with which it exactly agrees in the form and sculpturing of its thorax. It differs from that species in the coloration of the thorax, and in the coarser and more irregular punctation of the outer disc of the elytra. Head smooth ; vertex behind and base of antennse piceous ; jaws + 114 GONOPHORA. black. Thorax similar in shape and puncturing to the last species, the lateral margin rather more coarsely serrate ; the lateral border and five spots on the disc, four nearly parallel, placed transversely across the middle, the two outer confluent with the lateral border, and a fifth in the middle behind, pitchy black. Scutellum black, impunctate. Elytra similar in shape to G. ortentalis; the two outer longitudinal coste much less distinct, the intermediate one nearly obsolete in the middle, leaving visible only a row of stout acute teeth ; interspaces towards the sides and on the outer disc more irregularly punctate, puncturing over the whole surface very deeply impressed, interstices strongly elevated ; black, an apical spot, and some irregular patches at the base and on the disc, tes- taceo-fulvous. Hab. Java. Unique in the collection of J. Bowring, Esq. 9. Gonophora integra, n. sp. B.M. G. elongata, subdepressa, testacea, nitida ; antennis elytrisque nigris, his utrisque valde tricarinatis, carinis non undulatis. Var. A. Elytris basi testaceis. Long. 22 lin. G. elongate, subdepressed, bright shining testaceous ; antennee (their basal joint excepted) and the elytra black. Head smooth ; eyes piceous ; jaws black. Thorax rather broader at the base than long; sides narrowly margined, parallel and subsinuate behind, rounded and slightly produced in the middle, narrowed and deeply sinuate in front, their outer border minutely serrate; anterior margin straight; above convex, longitudinally grooved down the middle and just within the outer border; extreme base in the middle defiexed and impressed with a transverse groove; on the hinder portion of the disc is a deep transverse excavation, which curves upwards and outwards on either side, and is produced as far as the middle of the lateral border ; surface smooth and shining, coarsely punctured. Scutellum smooth, its apex piceous. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax, their shoulders rounded ; sides parallel, their outer border entire ; apex obtusely rounded, finely serrulate ; above subdepressed along the suture, convex on the sides ; each elytron with three elevated coste, the upper mar- gins of which are not undulate, margin of the outer costa serrate ; interspaces deeply impressed with a double row of deep punctures, second interspace from the suture irregularly punctured at its base, interstices transversely costulate and irregularly anasto- mosing; black, extreme base obscure testaceous. Hab. Java. British Museum, and collections of J. Bowring, Esq., E. Sheppard, Esq., and J. 5. Baly. GONOPHORA. 115 10. Gonophora chalybeata, n. sp. B.M. G. elongata, subdepressa, nigro-chalybeata; antennis apice albis ; elytris cyaneis, utrisque tricarinatis, carina exteriori medio fere obsoleta, margine serrata. Long. 3 ln. G. elongate, subdepressed, shining black, with a faint metallic blue reflexion ; elytra dark metallic blue. Head smooth, impressed on the vertex with a distinct fovea ; antenne slender, the four apical joints white, closely covered with adpressed whitish hairs. Thorax one-third longer than broad ; sides margined, nearly parallel and slightly subsinuate from their base to just beyond their middle, narrowed and deeply sinuate in front, margin produced, and ob- tusely angled just beyond its middle, obsoletely serrate; above subcylindrical at the anterior margin, disc gibbous, coarsely and variolose punctate, smooth, and longitudinally grooved down its middle, hinder portion near the base deeply impressed with a broad transverse excavation, which extends obliquely upwards on either side to the lateral border ; basal margin transversely grooved. Scutellum smooth, black. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax ; sides straight and parallel, their outer border entire ; apex rounded, apical margin finely serrate; above subdepressed along the suture, convex on the sides, each elytron with three strongly elevated coste, the outer one less raised, nearly obsolete in the middle, its upper margin coarsely serrate ; interspaces impressed with a double row of large deep punctures, second interspace from the suture with a third row at its base; interstices transversely costulate ; upper margin of longitudinal coste black, rest of the surface dark metallic blue. Body beneath black ; tarsi obscure rufo-piceous. Hab. Singapore. British Museum, and collections of Messrs. E. Sheppard, W. W. Saunders, M. Javet, and J. S. Baly. 11. Gonophora pallida, n. sp. B.M. G. elongata, subdepressa, pallide fulva, nitida; antennis, basi ex- ceptis, nigris; elytris utrisque tricarinatis, carina exteriori mar- gine serrata. Long. 3 lin. G. elongate, subdepressed along the back; pale shining fulvous ; antenn (their base excepted) and jaws black; eyes piceous. Thorax broader than long ; sides narrowly margined, subparallel and indistinctly sinuate behind, slightly produced and rounded near their middle, narrowed and sinuate in front, margin finely serrate ; above cylindrical at the extreme apex, which is separated from the rest of the surface by a distinct groove ; dise gibbous, coarsely rugose-punctate, central line with a longitudinal groove; on either 12 116 DISTOLACA, side is a large deep excavation which runs obliquely outwards from the centre of the hinder disc to the outer border near its middle ; extreme base with its central portion deflexed, transversely grooved. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, rather broader behind; apex rounded, its margin finely serrate ; above flattened along the suture, convex on the sides; each elytron with three elevated coste, their upper edge near the apex, and the whole length of the outer one coarsely serrate ; interspaces each impressed with a double row of large deep punctures, second interspace from the suture with a third row at its base, interstices less distinctly costulate than in any of the allied species. Hab. Singapore. British Museum, and collections of W. W. Saunders, Esq., and J.S. Baly. 12. Gonophora apicalis, n. sp. BM. G, elongata, subdepressa, pallide fulva, nitida ; antennis elytrorumque apice nigris. Long. 24 lin. G. elongate, subdepressed; pale shining fulvous ; antenne and the posterior third of elytra black. Head smooth, indistinctly rugose on the vertex ; antennz black, basal joint obscure piceous ; jaws black. Thorax one-third broader than long, substrangulate at the apex; sides margined, straight and parallel, obtusely angled just before the middle, recurved and deeply sinuate in front, their outer edge finely serrate ; above convex, cylindrical at the extreme apex, disc gibbous, its posterior portion with a deep transverse rugose excavation which runs obliquely upwards on either side to beyond the middle of the lateral border ; disc smooth and shining, impressed on either side with a few large deep punctures ; basal margin grooved. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, narrowly margined, their outer border finely serrate ; apex rounded; above flattened along the back, convex on the sides; each elytron with three elevated coste, the outer one less raised in the middle, its upper margin serrate ; interspaces with a double row of deep punctures, their interstices transversely costulate ; pale shining fulvous, the apical third black. Beneath shining fulvous ; apical segment of abdomen stained with piceous. Hab. Philippine Islands. Collected by Mr. Cuming. A single specimen in the Museum collection. Genus XXXII. DISTOLACA. Details, Tas. II. Fie. 12. Antenne (fig. 12 a) breves, ad apicem subincrassate, articulo primo brevi, paullo incrassato, secundo illo longiori, tertio paullo elon- DISTOLACA, IEG gato, tribus proximis longitudine perparum decrescentibus, ceteris brevibus, fere eequalibus, subincrassatis. Labrum (fig. 12 6) transversum, apice incrassato, declivi. Mandibule (fig. 12 ¢) crassee, subtrigone. Palpi mawxillares (fig. 12 d) articulo primo parvo, secundo subclavato, tertio obovato, ultimo elongato, ovato ; labiales (fig. 12¢) articulo primo parvo, secundo obov: ito, ultimo elong gato, ovato. Mentum (fig. 12f ) oblongo-ovatum, apice angulatum ; ligula (fig. 12g) apice bilobata. Thorax subquadratus, supra convexus, excavato-punctatus. Scutellum oblongum, apice paullo amplatum, obtusum. Elytra oblonga, apice rotundata, dorso subconvexa, costata. Pedes breves, validi; tarsis latis, ungue crasso. Corpus elongatum, subconvexum. (Type, Distolaca Whitei.) This genus is nearly allied by the form of its /abium to Gono- phora, but it may be readily distinguished by the shorter, subin- crassate antenne. In the present genus, as also in Gonophora, the apex of the apical segment of the ligula, instead of being free, as in most other genera of the family with which I am acquainted, is articulated to, and continuous with, the base of the lingua: in Alurnus it is even more closely united, all marks of articulation being absent. 1. Distolaca Whitei, n.sp. Tas. VIII. Fie. 5. B.M. D. elongata, dorso subdepressa, nitida; supra testacea; antennis oculisque nigris ; elytris chalybeis, basi testaceis; utrisque tri- carinatis, interspatiis bifariam punctatis ; subtus pallide fulva ; tarsis abdomineque nigris. Long. 21 lin. D. elongate, subdepressed along the back ; above shining testaceous ; antenne black; elytra deep metallic blue, their extreme base tes- taceous. Head smooth, eyes piceous; antenne with the basal joint, and also the extreme apex of the second, stained with rufous. Thorax transverse-quadrate; sides margined, sinuate behind, slightly produced and rounded in front, notched at their extreme apex, outer edge of margin obsoletely crenate; above very convex, cylindrical at the apex, surface smooth and shining, irregularly excavated and impressed with a few deep punctures ; the anterior margin, a broad longitudinal space in the middle longitudinally grooved along its centre, and an elevated ridge on either side, free from punctures ; bright shining testaccous, ex- treme lateral margin piceous. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax ; sides margined, sub- parallel, slightly dilated along their middle ; apex rounded; above 118 CHLBNOMENODERA. flattened along the suture, convex on the sides ; each elytron with three elevated coste, the outer one less raised in the middle, in- terspaces deeply impressed with a double row of punctures, inter- stices transversely costate, second interspace from the suture with a third row of punctures at its base ; shining chalybeate, their extreme base testaceous. Beneath pale fulvous, tarsi and abdo- men black, knees fuscous. Hab. Borneo. British Museum, and collections of W. W. Saunders, Esq., A. R. Wallace, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 2. Distolaca apicalis, n. sp. D. elongata, dorso subdepressa ; pallide fulva ; antennis (articulis duobus basalibus exceptis), oculis elytrorumque apice, nigris ; ely- tris bicostatis. Long. 22 lin. D. elongate, subconvex, slightly flattened along the suture, elytra bicostate ; pale fulvous, antennee (their base excepted), eyes, and apex of abdomen black. Head smooth and shining, impunc- tate. Thorax transverse, sides straight and nearly parallel behind, rounded and narrowed in front; above convex, anterior border cylindrical, separated from the disc by a deep groove ; disc shining, deeply and irregularly pitted, more especially behind, excavated portions deeply punctured. Scutellum smooth and shining. Ely- tra broader than the thorax ; sides parallel ; apex rounded, apical margin finely serrate ; above subconvex, slightly flattened along the suture; each elytron with two strongly elevated coste, their interspaces deeply impressed with a double row of large punctures, interstices transversely costulate; pale fusco-fulvous, the apex black. Hab. Celebes. Unique in the collection of A. R. Wallace, Esq. Genus XXXIII. CHELANOMENODERA, Blanch. Details, Tas. I. Fie. 18. Blanch. Hist. des Ins. ii. p. 181. Antenne (fig. 13a) breves, rigidee, ad apicem incrassate, articulo primo brevi, secundo illo longiori, tertio paullo elongato, quatuor ultimis incrassatis, intime connexis, zgre separatis. Labrum (fig. 13 6) parvum, transversum. Mandibule subtrigone, robuste, apice subacute. Palpi macillares (fig. 13 c) articulo primo parvo, duobus intermediis obconicis, hoc breviori, ultimo ovato ; labiales (fig. 13 d) articulo primo parvo, secundo obconico, ultimo ovato. C&LENOMENODERA. 119 Mentum (fig. 18.) subtrapezitorme, lateribus basi constrictis ; ligula (fig. 13 f) transverso-quadrata, apice rotundata. Caput sursum spectante thorace fere obtectum ; oculis subrotundatis. Thorax (fig. 13g) apice antrorsum angulato-productus. Seutellum oblongum, apice rotundatum. Elytra elongata, apice rotundata, dorso subconvexa. Pedes breves, validi; tarsis latis, ungue brevi, articul praecedentis lobis breviori. Antepectus antice dente brevi robusto armatum. Corpus elongatum, subeconvexum. (Type, Celenomenodera cucul- lata, Guer.) Remarkable for the prolongation of the apex of the thorax ; this forms a kind of hood, which almost entirely conceals the head when viewed from above. 1. Celenomenodera cucullata (Guer.). Tas. VIII. Fie. 6. Acentroptera cucullata, Guér. Icon. du Réegne Anim. Texte, p. 271. C. elongata, postice paullo latior, convexa, rufo-fulva, mitida, subtus pallidior ; oculis antennisque apice nigris ; thoracis apice utrinque in foveam magnam, leevem, valde excavato ; elytris fortiter punc- tato-striatis, interstitiis intermediis subcostatis. Long. 54 lin. Hab. Madagascar. Collection of J. S. Baly. My specimen differs from the description given by Guérin in the Tcon. du Régne Anim. in being less parallel and slightly dilated behind ; it is probably the other sex. 2. Celenomenodera preusta (Guér.). Acentroptera preeusta, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 272. C. elongata, angustata, subcylindrica, dorso leniter depressa, nigra, nitida ; thorace supra et infra, scutello elytrisque pallide fulvis, his apice nigris; abdomine (apice excepto) piceo. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Madagascar. Collections of J. Thomson, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 3. Coelenomenodera tarsata, n. sp. C. elongata, postice vix latior, subconvexa, dorso subdepressa, pal- lide fulva; oculis, ore, antennarum articulis duobus basalibus (cetera desunt) tarsisque nigris ; thoracis macula basali, scutello, 120 C&LENOMENODERA. genubus tibiisque fuscis ; thoracis apice utrinque in foveam mag- nam fundo punctatam, minus valde excavato. Long. 42 lin. C. elongate, slightly broader behind, subconvex, somewhat flattened along the back ; pale fulvous ; eyes, lower half of face, two basal joints of antennze (the rest are wanting), and the tarsi, black ; small spot in the middle of the thorax at its base, the scutellum, a longitudinal stripe on the side of the pleura, the knees and tibie, fuscous. Head punctured, less concealed by the thorax than in the two preceding species; lower half of face and the jaws black; a spot on the clypeus yellow. Thorax rather longer than broad; sides rounded, narrowed near the base, narrowed and sinuate in front, their posterior angles produced laterally into a small acute tooth ; apex produced and angled in front (but not entirely concealing the head from above), impressed on either side the central line with a large, shallow, ovate fovea, its surface closely punctured ; dise with several large shallow depressions, whole surface closely punctured ; pale fulvous, a small spot at the middle of the base, running upwards a short distance along the medial line, fuscous. Scutellum shining fuscous. Elytra broader than the thorax, slightly dilated behind; sides narrowly margined, apex acutely rounded ; above subconvex, indistinctly flattened along the suture, deeply punctate-striate, interstices indistinctly elevated. Beneath shining; the knees, tibiee, a longitudinal stripe on the outer side of the pleurz, and some small irregular spots on the breast and sides of abdomen, fuscous ; tarsi black. Hab. ————? A single specimen in the collection of J. S. Baly. This insect may very possibly be a pale immaculate variety of the following species, with which I am unacquainted. Species mihi ignota. 4. Celenomenodera suturalis (Gucr.). Acentroptera suturalis, Guér. Icon. du Réegne Anim. Texte, p. 272. ““Semblable aux précédents (cucullata et preusta), mais ayant le prolongement antérieur du prothorax un peu moins large en avant. Corps, antennes et pattes noirs. Corselet jaune, avec une bande longitudinale noire au milieu, partant de la base, une peu sinueuse sur les cdtés et n° ‘arrivant pas al’extrémité. Ecusson noir. Ely- tres jaunes, avec une large bande suturale noire, terminée avant Vextrémité postérieure. “ Long. 10, larg. 34 mill. “« Madagascar.” ACENTROPTERA. Aa Genus XXXIV. ACENTROPTERA, Chevr. MSS. Details, Tas. IL. Fre. 14. Antenne (fig. 14a) breves, robust, ad apicem subincrassate, articulo primo brevi, incrassato, secundo illo longiori, oblongo, tertio paullo elongato, tribus proximis longitudine perparum decres- centibus, quinque sequentibus brevibus, fere equalibus, paullo incrassatis, ultimo paullo longiori, subacuto. Labrum (fig. 14 6) transversum, apice subemarginatum. Mandibule (fig. 14 ¢) magni, apice dentate. Palpi maxillares (fig. 14 d) articulo primo minuto, duobus proximis brevibus, obconicis, oblique truncatis, ultimo paullo elongato, subfalciformi, apice acuto; Jabiales (fig. 14 ¢) articulo primo parvo, secundo subclavato, ultimo elongato-ovato, leniter cur- vato, apice acuto. Mentum (fig. 14 f) subpentagonum, lateribus leniter constrictum, apice obtusum ; ligula (fig. 14g) crassa, apice rotundata. Caput antice inter antennas creta elevata instructum. Thorax subquadratus, angulis anticis prominulis. Elytra oblonga, seepe postice paullo ampliata, apice rotundata; hu- meris prominuls. Pedes breves, robusti. Propectus inerme. Corpus late elongatum, dorso subdepressum. (Type, Acentroptera pulchella.) Acentroptera approaches very closely to Cephalodonta, and, although dissimilar in habit, is difficult to separate from that genus; the principal differences appear to be in the short, robust, subincras- sate antennz, the five terminal joints of which are nearly equal and slightly thickened, forming an indistinct club, and in the absence (as far as the materials before me show) of the spine at the apex of the anterior tibiz in the male. The general form is very similar to that of the first group in the genus Cephalodonta ; the elytra are rounded and entire at the apex, their posterior angles being entirely obsolete ; the shoulders are less prominent, their apex being always obtusely rounded. 1. Acentroptera pulchella, Guér. Tas. VIII. Fre. 7. A, subelongata, ‘‘ sanguinea ; antennis apice fuscis ; elytris luteis, valde striato-punctatis, circuitu. maculisque quadratis duabus communibus sanguineis.” Var. A. Elytrorum maculis nigro-viridibus. Long. 5-6 lin. 12 ACENTROPTERA. Hispa pulchella, Guér. Voyage autour du Monde, Zool. t. ii. p. 141; Mag. de Zool. 1838; Voy. de la Favorite, p. 67. pl. 235. fig. 3. Hab. Brazil. Collections of Major Parry, E. Sheppard, Esq., A. Fry, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. All the specimens that I have examined of this beautiful species differ slightly in markings from the specimen described by Guerin ; I have therefore thought it well to give his description entire ; I also find each alternate interstice subcostate, the one nearest the outer border being less elevated than the rest. “ La téte est petite, ponctuée, une peu avancée en angle aigu sur le front. Les yeux et les quatre derniers articles des antennes sont bruns. Le corselet est aussi long que large, un peu rétréci en avant, de forme carrée, trés ponctué, avec une petite ligne longi- tudinale lisse, d’un vert métallique, placée au milieu et n’at- teignant pas les bords antérieur et postérieur et une petite ligne sinueuse de la méme couleur, placée sur les bords latéraux. L’écusson est petit, arrondi en arricre, d’un rouge brun foncé. Les élytres sont beaucoup plus larges que le corselet, saillantes et arrondies aux épaules, un peu plus larges en arriére, arrondies au bout, avec dix lignes de gros points enfoncés, et une cote assez saillante presque au milieu et un peu plus pres de la suture que du bord externe. Elles sont d’un jaune pile, avec le bord externe, la suture, les épaules et Vextrémité dun rouge carmin vif. On voit sur la suture deux grandes taches carrées, communes, égale- ment rouges. Le dessus du corps et les pattes sont dun rouge carmin vif.”—Gueéri. 2. Acentroptera tessellata, n. sp. A. late elongata, subdepressa, obscure fulva ; thoracis margine laterali vittaque centrali elytrorumque margine fuscis ; elytris apice conjunctim emarginatis, utrisque 4-costatis, costis fusco-tes- sellatis ; oculis nigris. Long. 54 hn. A. broadly elongate, subdepressed above, obscure-fulvous ; eyes black; the sides of the thorax, a central vitta, and the lateral margin of the thorax fuscous; elytra parallel, their apex con- jointly emarginate ; each elytron quadricostate, the lateral margin and some elongate spots on the costs, fuscous. Head slightly excavated on the front; eyes black ; antennee with the second joint ovate, not longer than the first. Thorax transverse-quadrate ; sides straight and parallel behind, indistinctly angled in ‘their middle, scarcely narrowed and sinuate in front, anterior angles obsoletely produced into an oblique obtuse tooth; above subconvex, transversely depressed on the hinder disc, coarsely and closely punctured; the lateral border and a narrow vitta down the middle, ACENTROPTERA. 123 fuscous; on the central vitta, which is paler coloured than the side border, is an indistinct longitudinal groove. Scutellum smooth. Elytra broader than the thorax ; sides narrowly margined, parallel, not broader behind; apex obliquely rounded, conjointly emargi- nate at the suture, the latter armed with a small tooth; above convex on the sides, flattened along the suture ; shoulders slightly prominent, their apex rounded ; each elytron with four ele vd coste, the outer one less raised than the others ; interspaces im- pressed with a double row of deep, large punctures ; lateral mar- gin dark fuscous; the coste also tessellated with the same colour. Beneath shining fulvous ; jaws black. Hab. Brazil. A single specimen in the cabinet of Major Parry. This insect differs from the preceding in the emarginate apex of the elytron as well as in the shorter second joint of its antenne. Species mihi ignote. 3. Acentroptera Dejeanii, Guer. «Rouge. Antennes et front noirs. Corselet bordé de noir verdatre, avec un trait de la méme couleur au milieu. LElytres dun vert foncé presque noir, avec une large bande transverse jaune, placée au tiers postérieur, un peu dilatée en arricre pres de la suture ; des cétes élevées avec deux rangs de points enfoncés entre elles. Pattes noires, avec les cuisses presque enticrement fauves. “Long. 14, large. 5 mill. Bresil.” Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 271. Acenthroptera alapista, Thoms. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, t.viii. p. 479. pl. 24. f. 6. 4. Acentroptera Norrisii, Guer. “ Jaune d’ocre en dessus, rouge en dessous. Antennes courtes, de la longueur de la téte et du corselet, rouges. ‘Téte et corselet fortement rugueux, jaunes ; le corselet, ayant de chaque coté une large bande et une ligne plus ¢troite au milieu d’un noir a reflets un peu verdatres. Elytres assez allongées, presque parallcles, arrondies au bout, garnies de trois fortes cotes entre lesquelles il y a deux rangs de gros points enfoncés. Ces élytres sont d’un jaune docre, avec les bords rouges; elles offrent chacune une tache humérale, un petit point pres de l’écusson, une grande tache derricre ce point, vers la suture, une bande transverse et oblique, tenant 4 la tache humérale par une ligne noire qui en descend par le bord externe, et une autre bande transverse et oblique pres du bord postérieur, d’un noir a reflets verdatres. Dessous et pattes luisants, d’un rouge pale un peu obscur. ‘Long. 11, larg. 4 mill. Cayenne.” Guér. Icon. du Réegne Anim, Texte, p. 271. 124 CEPHALODONTA. 5. Acentroptera basilica, Thoms. « Téte fauve, avec une trés-petite bosse entre les yeux et sous les antennes. Yeux noirs. Antennes fauves, sauf les quatre derniers articles, qui sont noiratres. Mandibules et labre noirs. Palpes et mentum d’un rouge fauve. Prothorax un peu épineux aux angles latéraux antérieurs, plus large postérieurement, d’un fauve pale bordé de noir latéralement ; une ligne brune médiane courant au milieu; trés-granule, sur les cdtés srossiérement ponctueé, avec quelques bons soufflements sur le disque. Ecusson noir. Ely- tres plus larges postérieurement, subarrondies aux épaules, avec quatre carénes éleyées sur chacune ; entre les carénes, des alvéoles assez profondes, de la méme couleur que le prothorax ; enti¢rement bordées de noir, sauf les pointes apicales; deux taches sur les angles huméraux; un dessin tacheté au tiers antérieur; deux bandes naissant 4 la suture vers le quart postérieur et s’clongeant obliquement vers les bords latéraux ; et deux taches postérieures, larges, transversales. Dessous du corps, abdomen, pattes et tarses d’un rouge vif terreux.” Acenthroptera basilica, Thoms. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, t. viii. p- 479. pl. 24. figs. 4, 11. This and the two preceding insects appear to me to be simple varieties in colour of A. pulchella ; but never having seen them, I have not ventured to unite them. Genus XXXV. CEPHALODONTA, Chevr. MSS. Details, Tas. IIT. Fie. 15. Antenne (fig. 15 a) filiformes aut subincrassate, articulo primo brevi, secundo illo zquali vel longiori, articulis intermediis cylindricis aut compressis, interdum dilatatis, quatuor ultimis fere equa- libus, cylindricis vel subeylindricis. Labrum (fig. 15 6) margine deflexum. Mandibule (fig. 15 ¢) apice dentate. Palpi mavillares (fig. 15 d) articulo primo parvo, duobus intermediis brevibus, obconicis, ultimo elongato, subcompresso, leniter in- curvato, ad apicem angustato; labiales (fig. 15 e) articulo primo brevi, secundo multo longiori, obconico, tertio preecedenti eequali vel vix longiori, subcompresso, plerumque leniter incurvato. Mentum (fig. 15 f ) pentagonum, angulo apicali acuto vel rotundato; lateribus constrictis ; ligula (fig. 15g) mento latior, seymento apicali obliquo, apice rotundato aut subangulato. Caput antice plerumque angulatum aut in dentem acutum productum ; clypeus seepe tuberculo parvo armatus. Thorax subquadratus, lateribus plerumque sinuatus, angulis anticis productis. Seutellum basi ad apicem angustatum, lateribus sinuatum, apice truncatum. CEPHALODONTA. 125 Elytra oblonga vel elongata, subconvexa, dorso plerumque subdepressa, angulo postico spinosa vel inermia, apice rotundata, truncata vel irregulariter dentata; humeris prominulis. Pedes tibiis anticis maris ante apicem unispinosis. Corpus elongatum aut late elongatum. (Type, Cephalodonta spinipes, Fabr.) In Cephalodonta I have combined the insects placed by Chevrolat and others in the genera Cephalodonta, Scelanopla, and Micro- donta. After a careful study of the group, I cannot find any certain characters by which to separate them; I have preferred, therefore, making them sectional divisions of a single genus. A. Antennarum articulis intermediis cylindricis aut vix compressis. a. Corpus robustum, dorso subconvecum ; antennis filiformibus, modice ro- bustis; elytris apice rotundatis aut oblique truncatis, angulo postico obsoleto aut indistincto ; pedibus robustis, plus minusve elongatis. (ScE- LGENOPLA, Chevr.) 1. Antenne elongatze, articulis quatuor ultimis brevibus. 1. Cephalodonta spinipes (Fabr.). Tas. VIII. Fre. 8. B.M. Hispa spinipes, Fubr. Ent. Syst. App. p. 448; Syst. El. ii. p. 60. n. 8. Oliv. Ent. vi. p. 761. n. 4. pl. 1. fig. 4. Sceleenopla spinipes, Dej. Cat. edit. 3. C. subelongata, postice paullo amphata, convexa, sanguinea; elytris apice (Tab. IX. fig. 6) rotundatis, integris, costatis, interspatiis bifariam punctatis; nigris, maculis plurimis sanguineis ; maris tibiis anticis spina valida curvata armatis. Long. 6-7 lin. Hab. Cayenne; Brazil. British Museum and most collections. This, which is one of the largest and most striking species in the genus, is also the most common. It is the type of Chevrolat’s genus Scelenopla. 2. Cephalodonta gigantea (Guér.). Chalepus giganteus, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 269. Scelcenopla aristocratica, Thoms. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 478. pl. 24. fig. 3. C.elongata, postice paullo ampliata, convexa, sanguinea; elytris apice rotundatis, integris, costatis, interspatis bifariam punctatis ; nigris, maculis plurimis sanguineis; antennis valde elongatis ; maris tibiis anticis spina conica armatis. Long. 9 lin. Hab. Cayenne. Unique in the cabinet of J. Thomson, Esq. 126 CEPHALODONTA. 3. Cephalodonta Batesii, n. sp. C. subelongata, postice paullo ampliata, conyexa, sanguinea; elytris costatis, interstitiis bifariam punctatis, postice subangulatis, apice (Tab. IX. fig. 7) oblique truncatis, minute serratis, nigris, maculis plurimis sanguineis ; maris tibiis anticis spina brevi conica ar- matis. Long. 54 lin, C. subelongate, broader behind, convex, sanguineous; antenne (their basal joint excepted) and elytra black, the latter covered with sanguineous spots. Antennz longer than half the body, mo- derately robust ; intermediate joints obconic, gradually decreasing in length from the third to the seventh; four terminal joints covered with an ashy pile. Thorax transverse-quadrate ; sides subparallel, deeply emarginate and suddenly narrowed in front, angled just before the middle, irregularly sinuate behind, anterior angles strongly produced; above moderately convex, opaque, irregularly excavated on the disc; near the base of the latter is a broad transverse impression. Scutellum smooth. Elytra nearly parallel in front, slightly enlarged behind, narrowly margined, margin indistinctly dilated and rounded behind the middle, pos- terior angles distinct; apical margin minutely serrate, obliquely subtruncate ; above convex, similar in markings and colour to the two preceding species ; each elytron with four elevated cost, the spaces between which are occupied by double rows of deeply impressed punctures ; shoulders prominent, their apex armed with a very short conical spine. Beneath shining red; anterior tibie in the male armed near the apex with a short conical spine. Hab. Amazons. Collection of J.S. Baly. 2, Antenne minus elongate, articulis intermediis brevibus, quatuor ultimis longioribus. 4. Cephalodonta cardinalis (Guér.). Chalepus cardinalis, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 269. C. subelongata, postice paullo ampliata, subconvexa, sanguinea ; antennis elytrisque nigris, his sanguineo-maculatis, costatis, inter- spatiis bifariam punctatis, apice (Tab. LX. fig. 8) truncatis, angulis posticis distinctis, spinosis, humeris prominulis, spina brevi conica instructis. Long. 5 lin. Var. A. Antennarum articulis quatuor ultimis fulvis. Hab. Brazil. Var. Amazons. Collection of J.S. Baly. CEPHALODONTA, 127 b. Corpus subcunerforme, subdepressum ; antenms brevibus, modice robustis, ad apicem subincrassatis, articulis ultimis quatuor brevibus; elytris apice obtuse rotundatis, angulo postico distincto, dente parvo armato ; pedibus brevibus, (METAZYCERZ pars, Guer.) 5. Cephalodonta quinquemaculata (Guer.). B.M. Metazycera quinquemaculata, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p.270. C. subeuneiformis, subdepressa, supra fulva; antennis, oculis, scu- tello, macula scutellari, et utroque elytro maculis duabus, nigris ; subtus nigra ; femoribus tibiisque fulvis. Long. 3 lin. Very similar in form to the next species. Second joint of antenne not twice as long as the first ; thorax rounded behind, narrowed and sinuate in front; elytra impressed with large, deep, round punctures, arranged in strive, but the punctures themselves more distantly placed in the rows than in C. tarsata, strive confused on the sides ; alternate interstices towards their apex subcostate ; posterior angle armed witha short tooth ; apical margin obsoletely - dentate; a patch on the scutellar region and two transverse spots on the disc of each elytron, one before, the other behind the middle, the anterior common, black. (Tab. LX. fig. 9.) Hab. Mexico. British Museum, and collections of EK. Sheppard, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. Cephalodonta tarsata, n. sp. C’. subeuneiformis, subdepressa, supra pallide fulva ; antennis nigris ; subtus nigra; thorace, femoribus tibusque fulvis. Long. 3 lin. CO. somewhat wedge-shaped, subdepressed, pale fulvous above; an- tenne black; eyes piceous ; beneath shining black ; head, thorax, thighs and tibie fulvous. Head smooth, ‘indistinctly angled in fr ont, impressed on the vertex with an oblong fovea; antennie equal in length to half the body, moderately robust, slightly in- crassate, second joint twice as long as the first, four terminal joints short. Thorax transverse-quadrate ; sides narrowly margined, rounded just behind the middle, slightly subsinuate at the base, narrowed and sinuate in front, anterior angles produced into a subacute tooth ; above subconvex, transversely impressed on the hinder dise, coarsely and closely punctured; a broad, shining, longitudinal space down the middle of the disc, nearly free from punctures. Scutellum smooth and shining. Elytra broader than the thorax, rather wider towards their apex ; sides narrowly mar- gined, subsinuate below the shoulders, posterior angles distinct, armed with a short flattened tooth ; apex (Tab. IX. fig. 10) regu- larly rounded, apical border scarcely dilated, finely dentate ; above flattened along the back, convex on the sides, shoulders prominent, laterally produced, their apex subacute, scarcely extending beyond the outer border of the elytron ; the surface of each elytron im- 128 CEPHALODONTA, pressed with ten rows of large, deep, regularly placed punctures, their interstices towards the apex slightly costate. Body beneath shining black; head, thorax, thighs and tibize fulvous ; anterior tibiz in the male armed near their apex with a short acute spine ; legs short, moderately robust, front pair not elongate. Hab. Columbia. Collections of Major Parry and J. 8. Baly. c. Corpus late elongatum, subdepressum ; antennis robustis, articulis quatuor ultimis elongatis ; elytris apice oblique truncatis aut obtusis, angulo pos- tico spind validd armatis, humeris lateraliter productis, plus minusve ele- vatis. 7. Cephalodonta coccinea, Guér. Tas. LX. Fic. 2. BM. Cephalodonta coccinea, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 276. C. oblongo-elongata, postice paullo amphata, subdepressa, sanguinea; elytris apice (Tab. IX. fig. 11) oblique truncatis, «ngulo postico spina valida armatis ; humeris lateraliter productis, vix elevatis ; nigris, utrisque maculis quinquie sanguineis. Long. 32 lin. Hab. Cayenne ; Amazons. British Museum, and collections of W. W. Saunders, Esq., E. Sheppard, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 8. Cephalodonta conicicollis, n. sp. CO. late elongata, dorso depressa, rufa ; thoracis vittis tribus elytrisque obscure metallico-viridibus, his angulo postico in spinam validam acutam productis, humeris valde elevatis, apice truncatis, utrisque maculis octo rufo-fulvis ; thorace conico. Long. 4 hn. C. elongate, flattened along the suture ; bright rufous; three longi- tudinal stripes on the thorax and the elytra dark métallic green, the latter each with eight bright rufo-fulvous spots. Head smooth, obsoletely angled in front, impressed on the vertex with an oblong fovea ; antennee scarcely more than half the length of the body, moderately robust, slightly incrassate towards their apex ; joints cylindrical, second one-half longer than the first, fifth and two following short, submoniliform ; last four elongate, opaque, together forming half the length of the antenne. Thorax narrowed from the base to the apex, conic; sides obsoletely smuate behind, ante- rior angles produced into a stout subacute tooth ; above subcon- vex, slightly flattened on the disc ; surface shining, deeply punc- tured, puncturing on the sides subrugose ; bright rufo-fulvous, a marginal vitta, and another down the centre of the disc, dark metallic green. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax, indistinctly dilated towards the posterior angles, the latter produced obliquely outwards into a large, flattened, slightly acute, curved spine, its outer edge thickened, the inner CEPHALODONTA. 129 edge dilated and continuous with the apical margin of the elytron , sides straight, indistinctly margined; apex obtusely rounded, apical margin (Tab. IX. fig. 12) dilated, truncate ; above flattened along the back, convex on the sides ; shoulders produced obliquely outwards and upwards into a stout process, the apex of which is obliquely truncate and armed with two short stout teeth, the imner one longer than the other; surface deeply and regularly punctate- -striate, second and fourth interstices from the suture shining, subcostate, alternate interstices on the outer disc indi- stinctly elevated, suture also subcostate ; dark metallic green, each elytron with eight bright fulvous spots: one at the base; a second below the scutellum, common; two placed obliquely below the humeral process, subconfluent ; two below the middle on the outer border, also oblique and subconfluent ; another attached to the suture, parallel with the last, obliquely transverse ; and the eighth transverse, on the apical border, extending from the suture to the apex of the lateral spine. Beneath shining rufous ; legs moderately robust, subelongate, anterior pair rather longer than the others. Hab. Amazons ; Brazil. Collections of Major Parry and J. 8. Baly. 9. Cephalodonta armata, n. sp. C. late elongata, postice vix amphata, subdepressa, fulva; thoracis vittis tribus elytrisque obscure rufo-fuscis, eneo-micantibus, his costatis, apice truncatis, angulo postico spina valida acuta armatis, humeris elevatis ; utrisque maculis octo flavis. Long. 4 lin. C. broadly elongate, scarcely dilated behind, subdepressed ; fulvous, three vitte on the thorax and the elytra obscure rufo-fuscous with a metallic green reflexion ; each elytr on with eight pale ful- vous spots. Head smooth, obtusely angled in front, clypeus armed with a short stout spine, its apex obtuse ; ; vertex impressed with a longitudinal fovea; antennze subincrassate, second joint rather longer than the first, four terminal joints elongate, slightly in- erassate, forming nearly half the length of the antennz ; eyes black. Thorax narrowed from the base to the apex; sides nar- rowly margined, slightly angled near their middle, more narrowed in front, anterior angles produced into a stout subacute tooth ; above subconyvex, convex on the sides, transversely depressed near the base, basal lobe deflexed; deeply punctured, a central longi- tudinal stripe, and one on either side, close to the lateral border, rufo-fuscous with a metallic reflexion. Scutellum smooth, im- punctate. Elytra broader than the thorax, shghtly dilated behind ; sides narrowly margined, posterior angles produced obliquely out- wards into a large flattened spine, curved on the outer edge, its apex acute, scarcely extending backwards beyond the apical mar- gin; apex rounded, its margin (Tab. IX. fig. 13) dilated, the outer border truncate, obsoletely crenate; above flattened along the K 130 CEPHALODONTA. back, convex on the sides; shoulders very prominent, elevated obliquely upwards and outwards into a stout process, the apex of which is produced into a broad, flattened, acute spine ; surface regularly and deeply punctate-striate, the second and fourth in- terstices from the suture costate, the first of these abbreviated at the base, the alternate interstices on the outer disc towards their apex, together with the suture, also elevated ; rufo-fuscous with a faint metallic reflexion, each elytron with eight bright fulvous spots: the first transverse, on the basal margin ; the second ovate, just below the seutellum, common ; the next two ovate, confluent, placed obliquely below the humeral prominence ; three more below the middle, the first of these nearly circular, placed on the outer dise, and confluent with the second, which is attached to the lateral border, the third rather lower, irregularly ovate, and confluent with the suture; lastly, the eighth, transverse, placed on the apical margin. Beneath rufo-fulvous; legs moderately robust, anterior pair elongate, anterior tibize curved and slightly thickened towards their apex, armed within with a short acute spine. Male. Hab. Montevideo. A single specimen in the collection of J. S. Baly. Species nuhi ignote. 10. Cephalodonta goniaptera (Perty). ‘‘ Fulvo-ferrugineus, glaber ; thorace mutico ; elytris pictura ceru- lescente, crenato-punctatis, postice dilatatis, angulo postico externo in dentem producto. “ Long, 32’”, lat. 12’. “Habitat ad flumen Amazonum. ‘‘Caput breve, glabrum, oculis fuscis. Thorax capite latior, elytris multo angustior, punctulatus. Elytra planiuscula, densissime et insigniter crenato-punctata, fulvo-ferruginea, pictura cerulescente subretiformi; humeris prominulis, apice dilatato, dente ad angu- lum externum latiusculo, compresso, acuto. Subtus cum pedibus breviusculis ferrugineo-fulvus. Antenne fulvo-ferruginex.” Chalepus goniapterus, Perty, Delect. Anim. Artic. p. 100. pl. xx. fig. 6. I do not know a species agreeing exactly with Perty’s description and figure ; but his insect evidently comes into the present group. 11. Cephalodonta generosa, Guér. ««Semblable 4 la précédente (C. coccinea) pour la forme, les antennes, et les pattes antérieures. Antennes d’un brun rougeatre, avec les quatre grands articles de l’extrémité d’un rouge plus prononcé. Une bande longitudinale noire au milieu du corselet. Elytres d’un rouge un peu jaunatre, avec une tache noire, oblique, oceu- CEPHALODONTA. 131 pant le milieu postérieur des épines humérales, descendant jusque prés de la suture derriére l’écusson, une bande ¢troite, un peu en arricre, venant se confondre dans une grande tache au milien, laquelle remonte un peu contre la suture, qui envoie une autre petite ligne dirigée vers les épines postérieures (ces épines sont noires), et, 4 la hauteur de leur insertion, il y a une autre bande transverse, parallcle au bord postérieur, et assez prés de celui-ci. “Long. 84, larg. 3 mill. “‘ Cayenne.” Cephalodonta generosa, Guér. Icon. du Réegne Anim. Texte, p. 276. This species is very nearly allied to C. conicicollis, and perhaps may be a variety of that insect. d. Corpus elongatum, dorso subdepressum ; antennis filiformibus, elongatis, articulis quatuor ultimis subelongatis. 12. Cephalodonta lateralis, n. sp. C. elongata, dorso subdepressa, supra rufo-fulva ; elytris subpar- allelis, apice rotundatis, angulo postico dente acuto armatis, nigris, margine laterali rufo-fulvo ; thorace subquadrato, lateribus bisi- nuatis, medio angulatis; subtus rufo-fulva, nitida; ore, pleuris, abdomine (basi lateribusque exceptis), tibiis anticis apice, tibiis quatuor posticis tarsisque, nigris. Long. 44 lin. C’. narrow, elongate, bright rufo-fulvous ; elytra (their lateral border excepted), mouth, pleure, the four posterior tibie as also the apex of the front pair, all the tarsi, and the abdomen (the base and sides of the latter excepted), black. Head smooth, obsoletely angled between the antenne, vertex impressed with a single fovea, eyes piceous ; antenne two-thirds the length of the body, mode- rately robust, filiform, second joint rather longer than the first, four terminal joints subelongate. Thorax subquadrate, scarcely narrowed in front ; sides bisinuate, obtusely angled in the middle, anterior angles produced into a subacute tooth; above subcon- vex, transversely excavated behind the middle, coarsely punc- tured, anterior margin and a small space in the middle in front smooth, impunctate; basal lobe smooth, deflexed, transversely grooved. Scutellum smooth, shining. LElytra broader than the thorax ; sides nearly parallel, narrowly margined, posterior angles armed with a small acute tooth; apex rounded, apical margin (Tab. IX. fig. 14) finely serrate ; above subconvex, flattened along the back; shoulders prominent, laterally produced, their apex obtuse, not extending beyond the margin of the elytra, their outer edge finely serrate ; surface of each elytron impressed with eleven rows of deep regular punctures, the first abbreviated, fourth in- terstice from the suture indistinctly costate ; black, subopaque, the lateral border rufo-fulvous. Beneath shining rufo-fulvous ; aK) K 2 ibs 44 CEPHALODONTA. the mouth, pleurs, abdomen (its base, anterior half of sides, and a spot on either side the anterior segments excepted), the tarsi, four posterior tibie, and also the extreme apex of the anterior pair, black ; front pair of tibie armed near their apex with a short acute tooth. (Male.) Hab. Peru. A single specimen in the collection of J. S. Baly. e. Corpus elongatum; antennis elongatis aut subelongatis, ad apicem plus minusve incrassatis, articulis quatuor ultimis brevibus; elytris angulo postico spind aut dente acuto armatis; pedibus modice robustis, plus minusve elongatis. 13. Cephalodonta pulcherrima, n.sp. Tas. IX. Fie.1. B.M. C. elongata, postice paullo ampliata, subdepressa, pallide rufo-fulva ; elytris angulo postico extrorsum in spinam validam acutam nigram productis, apice oblique truncatis ; metallico-viridibus, postice in- fuscatis, utrisque maculis octo flayo-albis. Long. 44+ ln. C. broadly elongate, slightly dilated behind, subdepressed, pale rufo- fulvous ; elytra with their posterior angles produced almost directly outwards into a flattened, slightly curved, acute black spine ; their apex obliquely truncate ; bright metallic green, stained with fus- cous behind, each with eight pale yellowish-white spots. Head smooth, produced in front into a short acute tooth; antenne elongate, moderately robust, filiform, joints cylindrical, second one-half longer than the first, four terminal joints short. Thorax transverse ; sides narrowly margined, notched at the extreme base, rounded and slightly produced behind the middle, narrowed and sinuate in front, anterior angles produced into a stout obtuse tooth, posterior armed with a minute tooth; above convex, trans- versely depressed near the middle of the base, whole surface covered with large round punctures. Scutellum smooth, impunc- tate. Elytra broader than the thorax, slightly dilated towards the posterior angles, the latter produced almost directly outwards into a stout flattened spine, the apex of which is curved slightly backwards ; sides margined, subsinuate below the shoulders ; apex obtusely rounded, apical margin (Tab. IX. fig. 15) obliquely trun- cate, entire; above flattened along the suture, convex on the sides; shoulders prominent, laterally produced, their apex sub- acute; surface deeply and regularly punctate-striate, all the in- terstices on the sides, and the alternate ones on the inner disc, indistinctly elevated; bright metallic green, stained with fuscous, less metallic towards their apex, posterior spine black; each ely- tron with eight yellowish-white spots: viz. one basal; the second below the scutellum, common; the third placed on the outer sur- face of the shoulder, confluent with the outer border; three others smaller, and placed obliquely from the middle of the suture to the outer margin, just above the upper edge of the posterior spine ; CEPHALODONTA. (33 the seventh larger than the rest, trigonate, confluent with the suture, and forming a large common triangular patch on the posterior third of the elytra, its outer edge emarginate ; lastly, the eighth, narrow and transverse, placed on the apical border. Beneath rather paler; legs moderately robust, subelongate, anterior pair rather longer than the others. Hab. Brazil. Collections of Major Parry, A. Fry, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 14. Cephalodonta Sheppardi, n. sp. C. elongata, postice paullo ampliata, subdepressa, rufo-fulva ; elytris angulo postico in spinam validam acutam extrorsum oblique pro- ductis, apice obtusis; metallico-viridibus, postice pallide rufo- fuscis, utrisque maculis septem fulvis. Long. 4 lin. C. broadly elongate, slightly dilated behind, subdepressed, rufo-ful- vous; elytra with the posterior angles produced obliquely out- wards and slightly backwards into a flattened, slightly curved, acute spine; their apex obtuse; bright metallic green in front, pale rufo-fuscous with a metallic reflexion behind; each elytron with seven large, badly-defined fulvous spots. Head smooth, pro- duced in front into a short obtuse tooth; antenne elongate, moderately robust, filiform, scarcely thickened at their apex, joints cylindrical, second one-half longer than the first, four ter- minal joints short. Thorax scarcely broader than long, basal margin grooved; sides narrowly margined, notched at their ex- treme base, obtusely angled in the middle, narrowed and sub- sinuate in front, anterior angles produced into a stout obtuse tooth, posterior armed with a minute recurved tooth; above sub- convex, transversely impressed across the hinder disc; surface covered with large deep punctures, the anterior border and a nar- row line down the middle of the disc impunctate. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. LElytra broader than the thorax, rather wider towards the posterior angles, the latter produced obliquely outwards and slightly backwards into a large reflexed, flattened, slightly curved, acute spine; sides margined, subsinuate below the shoulders; apex obtusely rounded, apical margin (Tab. IX. fig. 16) obtuse, its edge indistinctly serrate ; above flattened along the back, convex on the sides; shoulders prominent, laterally pro- duced, their apex armed with a short stout obtuse tubercle ; sur- face deeply and regularly punctate-striate, alternate interstices near the suture, and each interstice towards the outer border in- distinctly raised; bright metallic green, rufo-fuscous with a faint metallic reflexion behind the middle; posterior spine bright me- tallic green ; each elytron with seven fulvous spots, less distinctly defined than in the last species: the first basal; the second below the scutellum, forming a common subrotundate patch; the third 134 CEPHALODONTA. large, on the outer half of the shoulder, confluent with the lateral border; the next two placed obliquely between the middle of the suture and the upper edge of the posterior angle, the outer one attached to the lateral border; the sixth subtrigonate, confluent with the suture, and forming a large triangular patch on the pos- terior third of the elytra, its outer border emarginate ; the seventh transverse, placed on the apical margin. Beneath paler; legs moderately robust, subelongate, anterior pair rather longer than the others. Hab. Brazil. Collections of W. W. Saunders, Esq. and J. 8. Baly. 15. Cephalodonta octopunctata, n. sp. C. subdepressa, subcuneiformis, apicem versus paullo ampliata, ob- scure sanguinea ; antennis apice nigris ; elytris apice obtusis, angulo postico spina valida nigro-purpurea armatis; metallico-violaceis, utrisque maculis quatuor flavo-testaceis. Long. 32 lin. (. subdepressed, subcuneiform ; obscure rufous ; four terminal joints of antenne black, closely covered with adpressed cinereous pubes- cence; elytra armed at the posterior angle with a flattened pur- plish-black spine; bright metallic violaceous, each elytron with four large fulvo-testaceous spots. Head smooth, armed between the antennz with a minute acute tooth, vertex impressed with a small fovea; antenne subelongate, moderately robust, slightly inerassate towards their apex, joints cylindrical, second more than one-half longer than the first, four terminal very short ; eyes piceous. Thorax broader at the base than long; sides notched at the extreme base, rounded behind, narrowed and sinuate in front, anterior angles produced into a stout subacute tooth, posterior armed with a minute tooth; anterior margin slightly sinuate on either side; surface slightly convex on the sides, flattened on the disc, covered with deep distinct punctures, a grooved longitudinal line down the middle being free from punctures; basal lobe deflexed, smooth and shining. Scutellum shining, impunctate. Elytra oblong-quadrate, gradually but slightly increasing in width to the posterior angles, the latter armed with a broad flattened acute spine; sides narrowly margined; apex (Tab. LX. fig. 17) obtuse, apical margin narrow, its outer border with several nearly obsolete teeth, more distinct near the suture ; above flattened on the back, convex on the sides; shoulders pro- minent, produced laterally, their apex subacute; surface deeply and regularly punctate-striate, the alternate interstices indistinctly raised; violet, with a metallic tint; each elytron with four large rufo-fulvous spots: the first basal, subtrigonate; the second on the shoulder, elongate; the third ovate, near the middle; and the fourth placed towards the apex, transverse, subreniform, common ; pos- CEPHALODONTA. 135 terior angles shining, purplish black. Body beneath shining sanguineous. Hab, Amazons. A single specimen in the collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq. 16. Cephalodonta pretiosa, n. sp. C’. elongata, subdepressa, pallide fulva ; thoracis vittis tribus elytris- que obscure metallico-purpureis ; his costatis, angulo postico in spinam validam acutam productis, utrisque maculis octo, conflu- entibus, superficiem fere amplectentibus, pallide fulvis. Long. 44 lin. C. elongate, subdepressed, pale fulvous, three longitudinal stripes on the thorax and the elytra metallic purple, the latter armed at the posterior angles with a large, flattened, very acute spine; each elytron with eight irregular pale fulvous spots, confluent and covering nearly the whole surface. Head angled between the eyes, impressed on the vertex with a distinct fovea; antenne equal in length to two-thirds of the body, slender, indistinctly in- crassate towards their apex, joints cylindrical, the second twice as long as the first, four terminal joints short; eyes black. Thorax broader at the base than long; sides narrowly margined, nearly straight behind, angled in the middle, narrowed and subsinuate in front, anterior angles produced, subacute ; above subdepressed on the disc, convex on the sides, coarsely punctured, basal lobe deflexed, impunctate ; a narrow central vitta and a broader sub- marginal stripe on either side, dark metallic purple. Scutellum margined, impunctate. Elytra elongate; sides nearly parallel, narrowly margined, posterior angles armed with a large, flattened, very acute spine ; apex (Tab. IX. fig. 18) obtusely rounded, apical margin narrow, its outer border serrate, serratures larger towards the suture; above flattened along the back, convex on the sides ; shoulders prominent, laterally produced, their apex subacute ; surface deeply and regularly punctate-striate, alternate interstices subcostate, the second from the outer margin and the fourth from the suture costate; obscure metallic purple, each elytron with eight irregular spots, confluent and covering nearly the whole surface. Beneath pale fulvous ; legs slender, anterior pair elon- gate, anterior tibiae armed near their apex with a short spine. (Male. ) Hab. Brazil. Collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq. 17. Cephalodonta obsoleta, nu. sp. C’. elongata, postice vix ampliata, subdepressa, pallide fulva ; oculis antennisque nigris, his apice fuscis; elytris angulo postico spina valida acuta armatis ; pallide rufo-violaceis eneo-micantibus, vitta 136 CEPHALODONTA. humerali, angulis posticisque nigris, utrisque plagis magnis qua- tuor, male definitis, superticiem fere amplectentibus, pallide fulvis. Long. 4 lin. C, elongate, scarcely broader behind; posterior angles of elytra produced into a large, flattened, acute spine; pale fulvous; eyes and antennee black, five terminal joints of the latter rufo-fuscous ; elytra pale rufo-violaceous with a faint metallic reflexion, the posterior spine and a short vitta on the shoulders black; each elytron with four large ill-defined pale fulvous patches covering nearly the whole of the surface. Head smooth and shining, obso- letely impressed on the vertex, front angled and produced ante- riorly into a short, stout, acute tooth ; antenn rather longer than half the body, joints cylindrical, second twice as long as the first, four terminal joints short, covered with short adpressed fulvous hairs. Thorax broader at the base than long ; sides indistinctly margined, rounded, narrowed and sinuate in front, notched and bidentate at the extreme base, anterior angles slightly produced into an obtuse tooth; anterior margin slightly produced in the middle, sinuate on either side; above cylindrical on the sides, flattened on the disc, transversely excavated at the base ; coarsely punctured, anterior margin’ smooth, impunctate, middle of the disc with a narrow, slightly raised longitudinal line ; basal lobe grooved, defiexed. Scutellum indistinctly margined on the sides, transversely grooved. LElytra broader than the thorax, slightly dilated towards the posterior angles, the latter produced into a large, flattened, acute spine, which runs obliquely outwards and slightly backwards ; sides nearly parallel, subsinuate in their middle, narrowly margined; apex (Tab. IX. fig. 19) rounded, nar- rowly margined, the outer edge serrate; above flattened on the back, convex on the sides ; shoulders prominent, laterally produced at their apex into an obtuse, slightly curved tooth ; surface regu- larly and deeply punctate-striate, alternate inter stices subcostate, the fourth from the suture for its whole length, and the sixth at its base and apex, costate ; suture also elevated ; pale rufo-viola- ceous, with a faint metallic reflexion ; a short vitta on the shoulder, and the posterior spine, black; each elytron with four large pale fulvous patches, indistinctly defined and covering nearly the whole surface; the first two longitudinal, parallel, extending from the base for two-thirds the length of the elytron ; the third towards the apex, confluent with the second, common, and forming with the one on the opposite elytron a broad transverse patch ; the fourth apical, also common, narrow, transverse. Beneath smooth and shining ; legs slender, anterior pair slightly elongate. Hab, Peru. A single specimen in the cabinet of W. W. Saunders, Esq. CEPHALODONTA. 137 1s. Cephalodonta Fryella, n. sp. C. late elongata, postice paullo amphata, subdepressa, rufo-fulva ; elytris apice truncatis, angulo postico extrorsum in spinam validam acutam productis, rufo-fuscis, purpureo-tinctis, unicostatis, utris- que maculis octo fulvis. Long. 44 ln. C. broadly elongate, slightly broader behind, subdepressed above, bright rufo-fulvous ; elytra produced at their posterior angles into an acute flattened spine, their apex truncate; unicostate, rufo-fuscous, more or less stained with dark purple, each with eight large fulvous spots. Head smooth, produced in front into a subacute tooth ; impressed on the vertex with a shallow fovea; eyes piceous ; antenne half the length of the body, moderately robust, subfiliform, slightly thickened towards their apex, joints cylindrical, second nearly twice as long as the first, four terminal joints short, closely covered with adpressed fulvous hairs. Thorax transverse ; sides narrowly margined, nearly parallel and subsinuate behind, angled and indi- stinctly produced in the middle, narrowed and sinuate in front, anterior angles produced into a stout obtuse tooth ; above convex, _ slightly flattened above, transversely impressed on the hinder disc, medial line with a faint longitudinal groove ; surface covered with large round punctures, subremote on the disc, more crowded on the sides, the latter rugose ; anterior margin impunctate. Scu- tellum smooth. Elytra broader than the thorax, shghtly wider behind; sides margined, posterior angles produced laterally into a flattened acute spine, its outer border thickened and slightly curved, the hinder margin dilated and continuous with the apical margin of the elytron; apex (Tab. LX. fig. 20) obtusely rounded, apical border truncate, its edge distantly and obsoletely toothed ; above subdepressed along the back, convex on the sides; shoulders prominent, laterally produced and obliquely elevated, their extreme apex truncate; surface deeply and regularly punctate-striate, fourth interstice from the suture costate, alternate interstices towards the sides slightly raised; rufo-fuscous, stained with dark purple, each elytron with eight fulvous spots: one at the base, transverse ; a second below the scutellum, forming a common rotundate patch; a third on the side immediately below the humeral callus; two in the middle, parallel, one near the suture, subrotundate, the other small and placed on the outer border ; the sixth large, on the lateral margin, just above the upper edge of the posterior spine ; the seventh subtrigonate, emarginate on its outer edge, confluent with the suture, and forming a large common triangular patch on the posterior third of the elytra; and the eighth at the apex, extending from the suture nearly across the posterior spine; outer edge of the latter black. Beneath bright rufo-fulyous ; legs elongate. Hab. Brazil. Collection of A. Fry, Esq. 138 CEPHALODONTA. 19. Cephalodonta subcornuta, n. sp. C. late elongata, postice paullo ampliata, depressa, rufo-fulva ; ely- tris costatis, angulo postico spina compressa acuta, nigra, armatis, rufo-violaceis, utrisque maculis quinque, superficiem fere amplec- tentibus, fulvis; capite inter oculos in spinam brevem validam producto, Long. 4 lin. C. broadly elongate, rather wider behind, depressed above, rufo- fulvous; elytra produced at the posterior angles into a flattened, acute, black spine ; rufo-violaceous, each elytron with five large fulvous spots, which almost entirely cover the whole surface. Head smooth, produced in front between the eyes into a short, stout, subacute spine ; the vertex impressed with a distinct fovea; antenn slender, half the length of the body, slightly incrassate towards their apex, second joint twice the length of the first, four terminal joints short, covered with adpressed ful- vous pubescence ; eyes and mouth piceous. Thorax transverse, narrowed from the base to the apex; sides bisinuate, rounded in the middle, more narrowed in front, notched at their extreme apex, anterior angles produced into an obtuse tooth; apical margin nearly straight ; above coarsely punctured, convex, sub- cylindrical on the sides in front, transversely depressed across the disc, middle of the base transversely excavated. Scutellum smooth, shining, impunctate. _Elytra broader than the thorax, slightly dilated posteriorly ; sides narrowly margined, slightly sinuate below the shoulders, posterior angles produced obliquely outwards into a stout, slightly curved, acute spine ; apex (Tab. IX. fig. 21) obtusely rounded, apical border scarcely dilated, its outer edge serrate; above flattened along the back, convex on the sides, basal margin thickened and somewhat elevated ; shoulders pro- minent, laterally produced, obliquely elevated towards the apex, the latter thickened, subacute; surface deeply punctate-striate, alternate interstices subcostate, more elevated towards their apex, fourth interstice from the suture costate for its whole length ; suture also raised; each elytron with five large pale fulvous patches, which almost entirely cover the surface: the first basal, subtrigonate; the next two parallel, elongate, the outer one of these commencing below the shoulder and running along the middle third of the outer margin, the other placed on the inner disc and indistinctly separated at its commencement from the basal patch; the fourth broad, transverse, placed towards the apex of the elytron; and the fifth narrow, transverse, on the apical border; posterior spine black. Body beneath shining pale rufo-fulvous ; legs slender, elongate ; anterior pair longer than the rest. Hab. Amazons. A single specimen in the collection of H. W. Bates, Esq. CEPHALODONTA. 139 20. Cephalodonta Pascoei, n. sp. C. elongata, postice vix ampliata, dorso depressa, rufo-fulva ; thoracis vittis tribus elytrisque metallico-purpureis; his costatis, angulo postico spiné valida acuta productis, utrisque maculis novem fulvis. . 1] Long. 44 lin. C. elongate, scarcely broader behind, depressed along the back, rufo- fulvous ; three vitte on the thorax and the elytra metallic green, the latter each with nine bright fulvous spots; posterior spine black. Head smooth, angled in front; antenne elongate, slender. filiform, scarcely incrassate at the apex, second joint twice as long as the first, four terminal shorter than the intermediate joints. Thorax as broad at the base as long, narrowed from the base to the apex ; sides bisinuate, tuberculate at the extreme base, angled near the middle, anterior angles produced into an obtuse tooth; above convex, transversely excavated on the hinder disc, longitudinally grooved down the middle; surface coarsely and deeply punctured, rugose on the sides; a central vitta and a submarginal stripe on either side, metallic green. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra wider than the thorax, scarcely broader behind; sides narrowly margined, slightly sinuate below the shoulders, posterior angles produced obliquely outwards and backwards into a flattened, slightly curved, reflexed spine, its apex very acute ; apex (Tab. IX. fig. 22) rounded, obsoletely emarginate, above flattened along the back, convex on the sides; shoulders prominent, laterally pro- duced, their apex subacute; surface deeply and regularly punc- tate-striate, fourth interstice from the suture costate, alternate interstices towards the outer border subcostate ; metallic purple, with an indistinct greenish reflexion in certain lights, each ely- tron with nine bright fulvous spots: one at the base; a second below the scutellum, common ; four others on the dise and sides, more or less ovate, the two outer ones confluent with the lateral margin ; one towards the apex, oblique, attached to the suture ; and a ninth common, transverse, placed on the apical margin ; suture elevated, pale rufous. Body beneath bright rufo-fulvous ; legs moderately elongate, anterior pair longer than the others. Hab. Brazil. Collection of J. 8. Baly. 21. Cephalodonta spectabilis, n. sp. B.M. C. late elongata, subdepressa, rufo-fulva ; thorace subconico ; elytris subcostatis, postice vix ampliatis, apice rotundatis, angulo postico spina acuta armatis, rufo-fuscis, eneo-micantibus, utrisque ma- culis sex fulvis ; antennis apice nigris. Long. 5 lin. C. broadly elongate, rather wider behind, subdepressed above, rufo- fulvous ; elytra rufo-fuscous, with a metallic reflexion, each 140 CEPHALODONTA. marked with six pale fulvous spots. Head angled in front between the eyes, impressed above with a deep fovea; antenn slender, their apex subincrassate, joints cylindrical, second more than twice as long-as the first, half as long again as the third, four apical joints black ; eyes pitchy black. Thorax rather broader at the base than long, narrowed from its base to the apex, subconic ; sides straight, anterior angles produced, acute; apical margin straight ; above subconvex, transversely depressed behind the middle, closely and coarsely punctured, the middle portion of the basal margin and an interrupted longitudinal lnme down the centre of the disc, slightly raised, impunctate; whole surface (especially the smooth raised portions) with a very faint metallic reflexion. Scutellum smooth, shining. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax, subparallel, rather broader behind their middle; sides narrowly margined, margin slightly dilated towards the posterior angle, the latter armed with a flattened acute spine, which runs almost directly backwards ; apical margin (Tab. IX. fig. 23) rounded, scarcely dilated, its edge obsoletely dentate near the posterior angles; above subdepressed, convex on the sides ; shoulders prominent, laterally produced, their apex subacute ; surface deeply and regularly punctate-striate, the suture and each alternate interstice subcostate, those on the inner dise more raised than the others ; rufo-fuscous, with a metallic green re- flexion ; each elytron with six pale fulvous spots: three on the sutural margin, common; and three others attached to the outer border, the last of these transverse, subapical, extending from the posterior angle nearly to the suture. Beneath shining rufo- fulvous ; legs less elongate, moderately robust, anterior pair of tibia armed just before the apex with a short subacute tooth. (Male.) Hab. Columbia. A single specimen in the British Museum. 22. Cephalodonta collaris, n. sp. C. elongata, nigra ; thorace, scutello elytrorumque basi extremo, ru- bris; elytris costatis, parallelis, pone medium vix ampliatis, mar- gine apicali paullo dilatato, irregulariter dentato. Long. 44 lin. Y, elongate, black; thorax, scutellum, and the extreme base of the elytra, red. Head with the front angled between the eyes, hinder part of vertex red; antennze slender, second joint obconic, nearly twice as long as the first. Thorax as broad at the base as long ; sides rounded, narrowed and deeply sinuate in front, anterior angles produced, subacute ; anterior margin slightly convex ; above sub- convex, deeply grooved transversely at the base, closely punctured, middle of the dise longitudinally canaliculate. Scutellum smooth, dull red. Elytra elongate ; sides parallel, scarcely dilated behind their middle, narrowly margined, apex rounded, apical margin CEPHALODONTA. 141 (Tab. [X. fig. 24) produced into several, irregular teeth, sutural angle armed with an acute spine; above subdepressed, convex on the sides ; each elytron with three coste, the first elevated only at the base and apex, the second entire, more strongly raised, the third less distinct ; interspaces deeply punctate-striate ; black, a small patch on the outer half of the basal margin red. Beneath shining black ; head, thorax, and anterior pair of thighs at the extreme base, red; legs slender, elongate, anterior tibiz in the male armed near the apex with a short obtuse tooth. Hab. Peru. Collections of W. W. Saunders, Esq. and J. 8. Baly. 23. Cephalodonta leta, n. sp. C. elongata, parallela, subdepressa, rufo-fulva; antennis apice sub- incrassatis, piceis ; elytris apice obtusis, angulo postico in spinam brevem acutam productis, metallico-viridibus, linea suturali antice, macula marginali postice, vittaque lata, apice dilatata, rufo-fulvis. Long. 33. lin. C. elongate, parallel, subdepressed along the back, bright rufo-ful- vous ; antennse slender, subincrassate towards the apex, pitchy ; elytra bright metallic green, the suture in front, an elongate mar- ginal patch behind the middle, and a broad vitta on the dise, di- lated at its apex, bright rufo-fulvous. Head smooth, produced in front into a small acute tooth ; antenne with the joints cylin- - drical, second nearly twice as long as the first, four terminal joints covered with adpressed fulvous pubescence, shorter than the preceding, which are sparingly covered with long silky hairs. Thorax scarcely broader at the base than long; sides notched at the extreme base, nearly straight behind, obtusely angled in the middle, narrowed and subsinuate in front, anterior angles produced obliquely into a stout subacute tooth, posterior armed with a small recurved tooth ; above convex, indistinctly depressed trans- versely on the hinder disc near the base ; surface closely covered with large coarse punctures, anterior margin BDH MELa > in the centre of the disc is an indistinct longitudinal groove ; basal mar- gin grooved on either side. Scutellum : smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax, subparallel; sides margined, subsinuate in the middle, posterior angles produced into a short, flattened, acute tooth; apex (Tab. LX. fig. 25) obtusely rounded, apical margin obliquely truncate, obsoletely curved; above flattened along the suture, convex on the sides; shoulders prominent, laterally pro- duced, their apex acute; surface deeply and regularly punctate- striate, alternate interstices (especially near the suture) subcostate ; bright metallic green, more obscure towards the apex, posterior spine metallic green; each elytron with the suture in front, an elongate patch on the outer margin below its middle, and a broad vitta extending from the outer side of the shoulder down the dise nearly to its apex, bright rufo-fulvous,—the vitta, which just 142 CEPHALODONTA. before its termination is slightly contracted, is dilated at the apex itself and curved inwards to the suture. Beneath pale rufo-ful- vous ; legs moderately robust, subelongate, anterior pair rather longer than the rest; front pair of tibiae armed with a short stout spine just before their apex. (Male). Hab. Cayenne. A single specimen in the collection of J. 8. Baly. 24. Cephalodonta gratiosa, n. sp. C. elongata, subparallela, dorso subdepressa, pallide fulva ; thoracis vittis tribus elytrisque metallico-viridibus, his costatis, apice bi- dentatis, utrisque linea suturali antice, lineaé marginali, vitta lata discoidali, postice flexuosa, apiceque, pallide fulvis ; scutello nigro. Long. 22 lin. C. elongate, subparallel, subdepressed above, pale fulvous; the scu- tellum black; three vitte on the thorax nigro-zneous ; the elytra bright metallic green, a sutural line in front, the lateral border, a broad vitta on the disc, flexuous near its apex, extending from the base (where it is confluent with the sutural line) nearly the whole length of the elytra, and an apical patch, pale fulvous. Head smooth, impressed on the vertex with a shallow fovea; eyes piceous; second joint of antennz one-half longer than the first (the rest wanting)*. Thorax as broad at the base as long, sub- conic ; sides narrowly margined, sinuate behind, indistinctly augled behind their middle, subsinuate in front, anterior angles produced obliquely into a short, stout, obtuse tooth ; above convex, transversely grooved at the base, coarsely punctured; a narrow longitudinal line and the lateral border nigro-zneous. Scutellum black. Elytra broader than the thorax, slightly broader behind ; sides margined, posterior angles armed with a broad, flattened, acute spine; apex (Tab. IX. fig. 26) rounded, apical margin produced into a flattened acute tooth, its outer edge with one or more indi- stinct teeth; above subdepressed along the back, convex on the sides; shoulders subprominent, slightly produced laterally, their apex obtuse ; surface deeply and regularly punctate-striate, alter- nate interstices raised, the two intermediate more strongly elevated, costate ; bright metallic green, each elytron with its lateral border, the suture in front, an apical patch, and a broad vitta on the dise, pale fulvous; the latter, which commences at the extreme base, where it is confluent with the sutural line, runs obliquely down the inner disc and joins the suture at the termination of its second third, it then curves obliquely outwards nearly to the base of the posterior spine, from whence it is produced almost directly across the elytron to unite with the suture near its apex. Beneath pale * The antenne in the only specimen that I have seen of this insect are unfor- tunately wanting, but from its habit I have placed it in the present section. CEPHALODONTA. 143 fulvous ; a longitudinal patch on the pleura nigro-zneous; legs slender, subelongate. Hab, Brazil. Collection of A. Fry, Esq. 25. Cephalodonta parvula, n. sp. C. elongata, parallela ; thoracis lateribus medio angulato-productis ; elytris postice rotundatis, margine integris, angulo postico vix productis ; pallide fulva ; elytrorum vitta suturali, alteré marginali, pone medium abbreviata, plagique magna transversa subapicali, nigro-piceis ; antennis (apice excepto) nigris. Long. 2}-3 lin. C. elongate, parallel, pale fulvous ; antenne black, their four apical joints pale fulvous ; elytra with a sutural stripe, a marginal vitta, abbreviated behind the middle, and a large, common, transverse subapical patch, nigro-piceous. Head impressed on the vertex, angled in front; antenne slender, more than half the length of the body ; eyes piceous. Thorax scarcely longer than broad ; sides produced and angled at their middle, anterior angles produced into a subacute tooth; above closely punctured. Scutellum smooth. Elytra broader than the thorax ; shoulders slightly prominent, pro- duced laterally into a short, acute, tooth-like process ; sides parallel, slightly rounded behind their middle; apex (Tab. IX. fig. 27) rounded ; narrowly margined, margin indistinctly dilated behind the middle, produced into a nearly obsolete tooth at the posterior angle, subsinuate at the suture, sutural angle acute ; above sub- convex, flattened along the suture ; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punctures, the first abbreviated; the suture and each alternate interstice subcostate ; pale fulvous, a sutural stripe, subsutural at the base, narrowed towards the apex, a marginal vitta, abbreviated behind the middle, and often becoming sub- marginal near its termination, and a large common transverse patch close to the apex of the elytra, pitechy black. Body beneath shining fulvous ; legs slender, elongate, knees and apex of tibiae stained with fuscous; anterior pair of tibiz in the male armed just before their apex with a short obtuse tooth. Hab. Upper Amazons. Collection of J. 8. Baly. 26. Cephalodonta Westwoodii, n. sp. B.M. C. elongata, parallela, dorso subdepressa, fusco-fulva, nitida; antennis tarsisque nigris; thorace elytrisque metallico-vinidibus, his cos- tatis, apice rotundatis, angulo postico in dentem acutum productis. Long. 33-4 lin. C. elongate, parallel, subdepressed along the back, bright fusco-ful- vous ; antennee and tarsi black ; thorax and elytra bright metallic 144 CEPHALODONTA. green. Head smooth, impressed on the vertex with a shallow fovea, and produced in front into a minute tooth ; antenne slender, shining black, the basal joint rufous, subincrassate towards the apex, second joimt more than twice as long as the first, five ter- minal opaque, the last four short. Thorax subconic; sides bi- sinuate, angled in the middle, anterior angles obliquely produced into a short, stout, subacute tooth ; above convex, subcylindrical on the sides, shghtly flattened transversely on the hinder disc ; surface covered with large, deep impressions, sides rugose, middle of the dise with an indistinct longitudinal groove. Elytra broader than the thorax ; sides margined, parallel in front, slightly rounded towards the posterior angles, the latter armed with an acute, flat- tened spine, produced almost directly backwards ; apex (Tab. IX. fig. 28) rounded, apical margin indistinctly toothed ; above con- vex, flattened along the suture ; shoulders prominent, slightly pro- duced laterally, their apex acute; surface regularly punctate-striate, punctures large and deeply impressed ; each elytron with four elevated coste, the two nearest the suture more elevated than the others, suture also costate ; bright metallic green, the suture, the two inner coste, and the posterior spine, shining black. Body beneath fusco-fulvous ; legs more obscure, subelongate, slender, anterior pair of tibize in the male armed near the apex with a short acute spine. Hab. Venezuela. British Museum and most collections. f. Corpus elongatum ; antennis ad apicem subincrassatis, articulis quatuor ultimis brevibus ; elytrorum angulo postico rotundato aut obtuso, inermt. 27. Cephalodonta marginata, Guér. B.M. Cephalodonta marginata, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 276. C. elongata, nigra, supra viridis, auro-purpureo marginata ; antennis pedibusque rufo-fuscis ; elytris apice (Tab. IX. fig. 29) obtusis. Long. 3-4 lin. Hab. Brazil. British Museum, and collections of Major Parry, E. Sheppard, Esq., W. W. Saunders, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 28. Cephalodonta fulvo-limbata, n. sp. CO. subelongata, supra viridis, antennis, thoracis basi et apice ely- trorumque limbo, fulvis, hoc maculis antennisque apice fuscis ; subtus rufo-picea, femoribus tibusque fulvis, fusco-maculatis. Long. 24 lin. C. subelongate, bright metallic green above; base and apex of thorax, together with the limb of the elytra, fulvous; this latter stained with dark fuscous spots. Head bright metallic green, . CEPHALODONTA. 145 closely punctured; antenne pale fulvous, their four terminal joints and some obscure stains on the upper surface of the rest fuscous. Thorax subquadrate, scarcely longer than broad, slightly narrowed in front; sides nearly straight, slightly sinuate behind their middle, anterior angles acute, indistinctly produced ante- riorly ; above convex from side to side, coarsely and closely pune- tured, the extreme anterior and basal margins fulvous. LElytra broader than the base of the thorax; sides nearly parallel, nar- rowly margined, slightly dilated behind; apex (Tab. IX. fig. 30) emarginate at the sutural angle, the latter armed with a minute tooth ; posterior angles obtuse; above convex on the sides, flat- tened along the suture, deeply punctate-striate, each elytron with four elevated coste, two near the suture and two towards the outer margin, the two former less distinct at their base, confluent just before their apex; bright metallic green, limb broadly fulvous, stained on the sides and towards the apex with irregular fuscous patches. Beneath rufo-piceous, sides of the pleuree with a me- tallic green reflexion ; legs pale fulvous, the anterior femora above, and an obscure ring in the middle of all the tibize, fuscous ; tarsi deep piceous. Hab. Brazil. Unique in the collection of A. Fry, Esq. g. Corpus elongatum ; antennis gracilibus, filiformibus, apice sepe attenuatis ; pedibus minus robustis, subelongatis. 29. Cephalodonta bidens (Fabr.). Tas. IX. Fie. 3. B.M. Hispa bidens, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Em. ii. p. 73. no. 11; Syst. Eleuth. ii. p. 64. no. 29. Oliv. vi. p. 770. no. 19. pl. 1. fig. 19. C. elongata, subdepressa, pallide fulva; antennis (articulis quatuor ultimis exceptis) oculisque nigris; thorace vittis tribus nigro- purpureis; elytris costatis, angulo postico spina valida armatis, vitté submarginali fasciaque subapicali nigro-purpureis; sutura obscure rufo-purpurea. Long. 4—44 lin. C. elongate, flattened above, pale fulvous. Head smooth, longitu- dinally grooved above; eyes, and seven basal joints of antenne, black. Thorax as broad as long; sides rounded behind, ob- liquely narrowed in front, anterior angles produced, subacute ; above coarsely punctured, the lateral margin and a central vitta, the latter abbreviated in front and at its extreme base, purple- black. Scutellum shining, obscure purple. Elytra broader than the thorax, parallel, scarcely broader behind, narrowly margined ; posterior angles armed with a large flattened spine, directed obliquely backwards ; apex (Tab. IX. fig. 31) rounded, apical mar- gin minutely toothed; above flattened along the back; shoulders prominent, laterally produced, their apex acute; each elytron L 146 CEPHALODONTA, with four elevated coste, the one near the outer margin less distinctly raised than the rest; interspaces with a double row of deep punctures ; the posterior angles, a narrow submarginal vitta, a pale subapical fascia, and an indistinct sutural line abbreviated towards its apex, shining purple with a metallic reflexion. Legs slender, anterior pair elongate; tibiz of the same pair in the male armed with a short acute spine. Hab. Amazons ; Cayenne. British Museum, and collections of E. Sheppard, Esq., W. W. Saunders, Esq., Major Parry, and J. 8. Baly. 30. Cephalodonta anchoralis, n. sp. C. elongata, parallela, dorso subdepressa, supra obscure fulva; ver- tice, antennis, thoracis vitta lata, scutello, elytrorumque macula communi anchoraliformi antice, apiceque nigris; subtus nigra, nitida, capite, thorace, pectore, femorumque anticorum basi, fulvis. Long. 4 lin. C. elongate, parallel, subdepressed along the back; above obscure fulvous; a patch on the vertex, antenne, a broad vitta on the thorax, the scutellum, and a large common anchor-shaped patch placed on the anterior half of the elytra, together with their apex, black. Head smooth, angled in front; the outer border of the eyes and a patch on the vertex black, the latter impressed near its anterior edge with an oblong fovea; antenne entirely black, fili- form, slender, indistinctly incrassate at their apex, two-thirds the length of the body, second joint nearly twice as long as the first, four terminal shorter than the intermediate joints, covered with adpressed fulyous pubescence. Thorax transverse-quadrate ; sides narrowly margined, notched at their extreme base, nearly straight behind, indistinctly angled in the middle, narrowed and bisinuate in front, anterior angles produced obliquely into a stout subacute tooth, posterior armed with a minute tooth ; above convex, trans- versely depressed just in front of the basal lobe; surface closely covered with large round shallow punctures, subrugose; middle of disc with a broad black vitta extending from the base to the apex; running down the centre of the stripe is a narrow, indi- stinetly raised line. Scutellum black. Elytra broader than the thorax; sides narrowly margined, parallel, slightly dilated and rounded towards the posterior angles, the latter produced almost ~ directly backwards into a flattened acute spine; apex (Tab. IX. fig. 32) rounded, its margin obtuse, serrate; above flattened along the back, convex on the sides ; shoulders prominent, laterally pro- duced, the apex subacute ; surface regularly and deeply punctate- striate; alternate interstices subcostate, second and fourth from the suture costate their whole length; obscure fulvous, on each elytron is a broad black fascia, which commences at the humeral angle of the elytron and curyes downwards to the middle of the suture, along which it sends a broad branch upwards to the seu- CEPHALODONTA, 147 tellum, forming, with the one on the opposite elytron, a large anchor-shaped patch ; the apex also black. Body beneath shining black ; head, thorax, centre of the breast, and the base of the anterior thighs, fulvous ; legs moderately robust, elongate, anterior pair scarcely longer than the others, anterior tibiz armed towards their apex with a short acute spine, the apex itself covered with bright fulvous hairs; all the thighs slightly incrassate. Hab. Peru. Unique in the collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq. 31. Cephalodonta pulchella, n. sp. B.M. C. elongata, parallela, leniter convexa, dorso subdepressa, rufo-fulva ; antennis nigris; elytris metallico-viridibus, utrisque maculis quinque, superficiem fere amplectentibus, fulvis. Var. A. Elytrorum maculis intermediis confluentibus. Long. 444 lin. C. elongate, parallel, moderately convex, subdepressed along the back, rufo-fulvous; antenne black; elytra bright metallic green, each with five large fulyous spots which nearly cover their whole - surface. Head smooth, produced between the antennee into an acute tooth; front impressed with a shallow fovea ; antennz slender, first jot short, submoniliform, second more than four times its length, narrowed towards its apex, intermediate joints subcylindrical. Thorax scarcely longer than broad at the base ; sides gradually increasing in width from their base to the middle, which is indistinctly angled, narrowed and subsinuate in front, interior angles produced, subacute; apical margin slightly pro- duced, its middle indistinctly angled; above subconvex, trans- versely impressed behind the middle, closely punctured, punc- turing less crowded in front. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra wider than the thorax, elongate ; sides parallel, narrowly margined, posterior angles produced into a small acute tooth; apical margin (Tab. IX. fig. 33) obtuse, its border finely serrate ; above subconvex, flattened along the suture; each elytron with four distinctly raised coste, the suture also elevated; interspaces impressed with a double row of deep punctures; dark metallic green, each elytron with five large fulvous spots, covering nearly the whole of the surface: the first at the base within the shoulders, subtrigonate ; the second oblique, extending from the humeral angle nearly to the centre of the suture; the next two placed just below the middle, paraliel, the outer one narrow and marginal, the other ovate, just touching the sutural margin ; the fifth smaller than the rest, subapical. Below bright rufo-fulvous, tarsi and apical half of abdomen more obscure. Var. A. Intermediate spots on the elytra confluent. Hab. Santarem; Ega; Upper Amazons. Collected by Mr. Bates. British Museum, and collection of J. 8. Baly. L2 148 CEPHALODONTA,. 32. Cephalodonta Stevensii, n. sp. C. elongata, parallela, modice convexa, dorso subdepressa, pallide rufo-fulva; antennis nigris, apice fulvis; elytris pallide rufo-vio- laceis, vix metallico-micantibus, apice anguste metallico-vinidibus, utrisque maculis quinque, superficiem fere amplectentibus, lete fulvis. Long. 3} lin. C. elongate, parallel, moderately convex, subdepressed along the back; pale rufo-fulyous; antennz black, their five terminal, together with the apex of the two preceding joints, fulvous ; elytra pale rufo-violaceous, their apical margin, and also their posterior angles, dark metallic green ; each elytron with four large fulyous spots, covering nearly the whole of their surface. Head smooth, angled between the eyes; second joint of antenni twice as long as the first. Thorax scarcely broader at the base than long; sides nearly parallel and subsinuate behind, notched and armed with two minute teeth at the extreme base, slightly angled in the middle, narrowed and sinuate in front, anterior angles pro- duced, subacute; apical margin slightly produced; above sub- convex, transversely impressed behind the middle, coarsely punc- tured, anterior margin and a slightly raised line extending two- thirds down the centre of the disc, smooth, impunctate. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax, elongate ; sides parallel, narrowly margined, posterior angles armed with a short flattened acute spine; apex (Tab. LX. fig. 34) rounded, apical margin obtuse, indistinctly serrate ; above subconvex, flat- tened along the suture; shoulders prominent, laterally produced, - their apex armed with a short subacute tooth; each elytron with four elevated costee, the suture also raised; the interspaces im- pressed with a double row of deep punctures ; pale rufo-violaceous, with a faint metallic reflexion, apical margin, together with the posterior angles, dark metallic green ; each elytron with five large fulvous spots, covering nearly the whole of the surface: the first at the base near the suture, oblong, oblique ; the second parallel with the first, on the humeral callus, narrowly oblong; the third subovate, placed on the inner dise near the middle, and divided from the last by an indistinct line, and often confluent with it; the fourth below the middle, obliquely transverse, extending from the suture. to the outer margin; and the fifth subtrigonate, placed near the apex. Beneath pale rufo-fulvous. Hab. Upper Amazons. Collection of J. S. Baly. 33. Cephalodonta Chevrolatii, n. sp. B.M. C. late elongata, postice paullo ampliata, dorso minus depressa ; an- tennis gracilibus ; supra nigra, subopaca, capite antice, thorace utrinque vitta submarginali elytrorumque vitta brevi humerali, CEPHALODONTA. 149 fulvis ; elytris angulo postico dente acuto armatis, apice oblique truncatis, prope suturam in laminam brevem irregulariter serratam productis; subtus nigra, nitida, capite, thorace, pectore, abdo- minisque basi flavis ; tarsis obscure fulvis. Long. 4 lin. C’. broadly elongate, slightly broader behind, less depressed along the back ; black, subopaque above; the head in front, a submar- ginal vitta on either side the thorax, and a short humeral stripe on the shoulders, fulvous. Head smooth, produced into a short acute tooth in front, impressed on the vertex with several indi- stinct foves ; antenne shining black, slender, slightly tapering to their apex, joints subcylindrical, second rather longer than the first, four terminal joints short, opaque. Thorax broader at the base than long; sides narrowly margined, notched at the extreme base and less distinctly so at the apex, subsinuate behind, obtusely angled behind the middle, narrowed and sinuate in front, anterior angles produced into a stout subacute tooth, posterior armed with a minute incurved tooth ; above subconvex, somewhat flattened on the disc; surface deeply and closely punctured, anterior margin and a narrow raised longitudinal line on the middle of the disc shining impunctate. Scutellum smooth, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax, slightly dilated and rounded behind their middle ; sides margined, posterior angles armed with a short acute tooth; apex (Tab. LX. fig. 35) rounded, apical margin obliquely produced near the suture into a short rounded plate, sutural angle armed with a short tooth ; outer edge of apical border finely and irregularly serrate; above subconvex, convex on the sides, indistinctly flattened along the suture; shoulders prominent, laterally produced, their apex armed with a short obtuse tooth ; surface regularly and deeply punctate-striate, interstices narrow, subcostate. Beneath shining black; head, thorax, breast, base and sides of abdomen, and base of all the thighs, pale yellow ; tarsi fulvo-fuscous ; legs slender, subelongate, anterior pair. of tibize in the male armed near the apex with a short acute spine. Hab. Amazons. Collected by Mr. Bates. British Museum, and collections of M. Deyrolle, E. Sheppard, Esq., and J. S. Baly. Species mihi ignota. 34. Cephalodonta unidentata (Oliv.). “‘ H. jaune, tachée de noir; élytres ponctuées, unidentées a l’extré- mité. “‘Magnitudo et statura H. sanguinicollis. Antenne filiformes, nigree, articulo primo basi pallido. Caput pallide flavum, basi nigrum. Thorax punctatus, flavus, macula magna baseos nigra. Scutellum nigrum. Elytra nigra, punctato-striata. Apex serratus, utrinque dente majori acuto. Corpus pallide flavum, pectoris lateribus, abdominis apice, macula femorum, tibiisque nigris. 150 CEPHALODONTA. «Elle ressemble, pour la forme et la grandeur, 4 I’ Hispe sanguini- colle. Les antennes sont filiformes, un peu plus longues que la moitié du corps, noires, ayec la base du premier article pile. La téte est jaune, avec les yeux et la partie postérieure noirs. Le corselet est ponctué, jaune, avec une grande tache & la base noire. L’écusson est noir. Les élytres sont noires, et ont dix rangées de points enfoncés, gros et serrés; Vextrémité est presque oblique- ment coupée, dentelée, avec une dent plus forte et aigué de chaque coté. Le dessous du corps est jaune pile, avec une tache de chaque cété de la poitrine; l’extrémité de abdomen, une tache sur les cuisses et les jambes, noirs. * Elle se trouve & la Guyane francaise.” Hispa unidentata, Oliv. Entom. vi. p. 767. pl. 1. fig. 14. h. Corpus elongatum, subcuneiforme ; antennarum articulis intermediis brevibus, quatuor ultimis elongatis, cylindricis ; pedibus subelongatis. 35. Cephalodonta Salléi, n. sp. C. subcuneiformis, dorso subdepressa ; supra fulva, capite, thoracis vitta centrali, seutello elytrorumque vitta brevi suturali, nigris ; elytris costatis, angulo postico dente brevi acuto armatis. Long. 42 lin. C. subcuneiform, shining black beneath, opaque fulvous above ; head, a broad vitta on the thorax, the scutellum, and a short sutural line at the base of the elytra, black; the lateral border of the thorax, together with the extreme outer border of the elytra near the suture narrowly edged with nigro-piceous. Head opaque, minutely punctured, longitudinally grooved above ; upper surface stained with obscure piceous; antenne shining black, robust, second joint scarcely longer than the first, last four joints elon- gate, opaque, together forming half the length of the antenne. Thorax longer than broad, conic; lateral margin indistinctly sinuate, anterior angles produced into a stout obtuse tooth ; apical margin slightly rounded ; above subdepressed, opaque, canaliculate just within the lateral border, the latter thickened ; surface irre- gularly excavated, impressed in the middle and on the sides with distinct punctures ; middle in front with an indistinct subopaque raised longitudinal line ; fulvous, a broad vitta down the centre black, extreme lateral border narrowly edged with nigro-piceous. Scutellum shining black. Elytra broader than the thorax, broader towards the apex, lateral border dilated, subhorizontal, outer margin convex, entire, posterior angles armed with a short, flat, acute tooth ; apex rounded, apical margin (Tab. IX. fig. 36) di- lated, rounded, sinuate near the outer angle, narrowed and deeply notched at the suture, outer border finely but not closely serrate, sutural angle armed with a short acute tooth ; above flattened along the suture, convex on the sides, dilated margin nearly horizontal, smooth, impunctate; shoulders prominent, laterally produced, CEPHALODONTA. is their apex obtuse; surface deeply and regularly punctate-striate, each elytron with three elevated cost, the inner one entire, and more strongly elevated than the two others, which are abbreviated beyond the middle; opaque fulvous, a short sutural stripe at the base, and the extreme apical border near the suture, black. Be- neath shining black, the sides of the abdomen and a broad stripe down the breast bright fulvous ; legs moderately robust, anterior pair slightly elongate. Hab. Cordova. Unique in the collection of M. Sallé. B. Antennarum articulis intermediis compressis, sepe dilatatis et perfo- liatis ; pedibus elongatis, gracilibus. (M1croponra, Chevr.) 36. Cephalodonta Robinsonil, n. sp. C. elongata, subdepressa ; antennis perfoliatis; supra fulva ; thoracis vitta lata elytrorumque apice plagaque communi antice, nigris ; elytris unicostatis, margine apicali irregulariter dentato ; subtus nigra; femoribus basi flavis. Long. 44 lin. C.eclongate, subdepressed, rather broader behind; above fulvous; eyes, antenne, a broad longitudinal stripe on the thorax, the scutellum, the apex of the elytra, a large common patch in front and a small stripe at their humeral angles, black. Head with the front angled between the eyes; second joint of antenne slightly compressed, obconic, nearly one-half longer than the first, third and four fol- lowing joimts compressed, dilated, perfoliate. Thorax as broad as long at the base; sides sinuate posteriorly, angled near their middle, deeply sinuate and narrowed in front, anterior angles pro- duced, obtuse; apical margin nearly straight; above opaque, deeply punctured; fulvous, a broad longitudinal stripe, more closely punctured than the rest of the surface, black. Scutellum black, opaque. Elytra broader than the thorax ; sides subparallel, sinuate below the shoulders, their outer margin moderately dilated and slightly curved, sutural angle armed with a short acute tooth ; apex (Tab. IX. fig. 37) rounded, apical border produced into several irregular teeth ; above subdepressed, convex on the sides ; shoulders prominent, laterally produced, their apex obtuse ; sur- face deeply and regularly punctate-striate, the fourth interstice from the suture costate, suture also elevated ; an interstice on the shoulder and also another near the outer margin indistinctly cos- tate ; fulvous; a large common subquadrate patch, extending from the base as far as the middle of the elytra, their apex, and a short stripe on the humeral angles, black. Beneath black; base of thighs yellow ; legs slender, elongate. Hab. Peru. Unique in the collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq. 152 CEPHALODONTA. 37. Cephalodonta Whitei, n.sp. Tas. TX. Fre.4, B.M. C. subcuneiformis, subdepressa, nigra; thorace flayo, vitta centrali nigra ; elytris unicostatis, dilatatis, apice rotundatis, angulo pos- tico spina brevi armatis; plagé humerali, fasciaque lata pone medium, flavis; antennarum articulis intermediis valde com- pressis, perfoliatis. Long. 5 lin. C. subcuneiform, subdepressed above, black; thorax yellow, the central line black ; elytra black, unicostate, a large patch on the shoulder, and a broad transverse band just behind the middle, yellow. Head finely punctured; antenne entirely black, first two joints short, nearly equal, third and three following very compressed, much dilated, perfoliate. Thorax as broad at the base as long, narrowed from its base to the apex; sides deeply bisinuate, their middle obsoletely angled, anterior angles scarcely produced, acute; apical border straight; above transversely de- pressed behind the middle ; surface closely punctured, yellow, with a narrow black longitudinal line down the centre. Scutellum smooth, black. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax ; sides with a dilated margin, which gradually increases in width towards the posterior angles, the latter armed with a short acute spine, its apex directed backwards; apical margin (Tab. IX. fig. 38) scarcely dilated, regularly rounded ; above subdepressed, deflexed on the sides, shoulders prominent, laterally produced, their apex obtuse ; surface deeply and regularly punctate-striate ; each ely- tron with the fourth interstice from the inner margin strongly costate, on the shoulder is a short costa, less distinctly raised, suture also elevated ; dilated margin. slightly reflexed along the sides, its surface impressed with a row of deep, transverse, oblong punctures ; black, a large humeral patch, extending nearly to the suture, and a broad transverse band just behind the middle, yel- low. Beneath shining black; the base of the anterior thighs, and a narrow longitudinal line, extending along the breast and base of abdomen, yellow ; legs slender; anterior tibize armed on the inner surface just before their apex with a short spine. (Jale.) Hab. Columbia. Unique in the Museum Collection. 38. Cephalodonta serraticornis (Fabr.). Tas. IX. Fre. 5. Hispa serraticornis, Fabr, Ent. Syst. ii. p. 73. no. 10 ; Syst. El. ii. p. 64. no. 27; Oliv. Ent. vi. p. 767. pl. 1. £. 15. C. elongata, subdepressa, postice paullo amphata; antennarum ar- ticulis intermediis compressis, perfoliatis; thorace latitudine vix longiori, lateribus bisinuato; elytris unicostatis, apicis medio in laminam brevem serratam productis, angulo postico unispinoso ; nigra, subopaca, capitis maculis duabus pone oculis facieque in- feriori, thoracis margine apicali et utrinque vitta submarginali, ee Seat ee eee CEPHALODONTA. 153 elytrorumque vittaé humerali, fulvis; subtus nigra, pectore femo- rumque basi fulvis. Long. 43 lin. C. elongate, subparallel, scarcely broader behind, subdepressed, black ; the lower half of the face, two spots on the vertex behind the eyes, a broad submarginal vitta on either side the thorax, together with its anterior margin, and a short humeral stripe on the elytra, ful- vous. Head very minutely punctured, impressed on the vertex by a small oblong fovea ; jaws black; antenne entirely black, first two joints short, equal, third and four following compressed, broadly perfoliate. Thorax rather longer than broad; sides narrowly margined, parallel and subsinuate behind, narrowed and more deeply sinuate in front, anterior angles produced obliquely outwards into an obtuse tooth, anterior margin straight; above subconvex, opaque, thickened just within the lateral margin, very finely gra- nulose, central line indistinctly grooved, whole surface covered with large, round, deeply impressed punctures, extreme base deflexed ; black, a broad submarginal stripe on either side fulvous. Scu- tellum black. Elytra broader than the thorax, subelongate, slightly dilated behind; sides narrowly margined, posterior angles armed with a short, acute, flattened spine ; apex (Tab. LX. fig. 39) rounded, its margin produced in the middle into a flat, irregularly serrate plate, which becomes suddenly abbreviated just before the sutural angle, forming with the opposite elytron a large square notch, suture armed with a short tooth; above flattened along the back, convex on the sides ; shoulders prominent, slightly produced laterally, their apex obtuse; surface finely granulose, deeply punc- tate-striate, the fourth interstice from the suture strongly costate, interstices on the outer disc indistinctly raised; black, a short stripe on the shoulder, confluent with the submarginal vitta on the thorax, fulvous. Beneath black, less opaque ; head, breast and base of thighs pale fulvous; coxze pale piceous; abdomen pitchy black ; legs moderately elongate, anterior pair longer than the others, all the thighs slightly incrassate ; front pair of tibize armed near their apex with a short acute tooth. (Male.) Hab. Cayenne. Collection of Major Parry and J. 8. Baly. 39. Cephalodonta Deyrollei, n. sp. U. elongata, postice paullo ampliata, subdepressa, nigra; antennis apice, facie inferiori, maculisyue duabus vertice, elytrorum plaga laterali, a basi pone medium extensa, thoraceque fulvis, hoc mar- gine laterali anguste, maculaque discoidah ad basin adfixa, nigris ; elytris unicostatis, angulo postico spina brevi acuta armatis, apice prope suturam in laminam brevem serratam productis; an- tennis minus perfoliatis. Long. 4 lin. Very similar in shape and sculpturing to the last species ; black, 154 CEPHALODONTA: subopaque ; apex of antenne, a broad marginal stripe on the elytra, extending from the base to beyond their middle, and the thorax, fulvous, the latter with the lateral border and an oblong patch in the middle of the disc, confluent with the basal margin, black. Head smooth, angled in front, pitchy black, vertex impressed with a deep fovea, a circular space surrounding this latter, and the lower half of the face, obscure fulvous ; antennz with the two basal joints short, nearly equal, third and four following compressed, moderately dilated, subperfoliate, four terminal joints bright ful- vous. Thorax scarcely longer than broad ; sides straight and nearly parallel behind, narrowed and sinuate in front, anterior angles pro- duced obliquely forwards into a stout subacute tooth; above sub- convex, finely granulose, surface impressed with deep large punc- tures, sides thickened and elevated just within the lateral margin; rugose ; centre of disc with an indistinct grooved line ; the extreme lateral margin and a large oblong patch on the disc, confluent with the basal margin, black. Scutellum opaque, finely granulose. Elytra similar in form to the preceding species, shoulders less prominent, their apex rounded, puncturing larger and more deeply impressed ; interspaces shining, not granulose, flattened plate on the apical margin (Tab. IX. fig. 40) placed rather nearer the suture; black, a broad patch commencing at the base and passing obliquely downwards along the outer margin to beyond its middle, bright fulvous. Beneath shining black; extreme base of thighs fulvous; tarsi nigro-piceous; legs moderately elongate. (Female.) Hab. re A single specimen in the collection of J. 8. Baly. 40. Cephalodonta cognata, n. sp. C. elongata, postice paullo ampliata, subdepressa, antennarum articulis intermediis leniter perfoliatis ; nigra, facie inferiori, maculis duabus yertice, thoracis vittis duabus elytrorumque vitta humerali, fulvis ; elytris unicostatis, angulo postico spina acuta armatis, apicis me- dio in laminam brevem serratam productis; subtus nigra, macula magna pectorali femorumque basi fulvis. Long. 4 ln. Very closely allied, and agreeing almost entirely in form and sculpture, to the C. serraticornis, of which species it may possibly be the female. Black; the lower half of the face, two spots on the vertex, a submarginal vitta on either side the thorax, and a short humeral stripe on the shoulders, confluent with the vitta on the thorax, fulvous; beneath shining black, a large patch on the breast and the basal half of the thighs bright fulvous. Head subopaque, impressed on the vertex with a deep fovea; antenne entirely black, first two joints short, equal, intermediate less dilated, subperfoliate. Thorax very finely punctured over the whole surface ; deeply impressed here and there with large round punctures ; sides thickened within the lateral border, but rather ee eee _.. 7." CEPHALODONTA. 155 less rugose. Elytra with the shoulders laterally produced, their apex (Tab. IX. fig. 41) armed with a short obtuse tooth; surface finely but less closely granulose than in C. serraticornis, less opaque, alternate interstices obsoletely raised; fourth from the suture strongly costate, shining. (/emale.) Hab. Upper Amazons. A single specimen in the collection of J. 8. Baly. 41. Cephalodonta Smithii, n. sp. C. elongata, postice paullo ampliata, subdepressa, antennarum arti- culis intermediis leniter perfoliatis, duobus ultimis fulvis ; nigra, facie inferiori, maculis duabus vertice, thoracis vittis duabus ely- trorumque vitté humerali, fulvis ; elytris unicostatis, angulo pos- tico spina acuta armatis, apice obliquis, vix productis; subtus nigra, maculé magna pectorali femorumque basi fulvis. Long. 32 lin. Very closely allied in form and colouring to the preceding species, but differing in the following characters :—Whole surface much less distinctly granulose ; antennz less perfoliate, third joint scarcely longer than the fourth (in C. cognata this joint is nearly a third longer than the following), two terminal joints fulvous and covered with white pubescence; thorax shorter, as broad as long at the base; apical margin of elytra (Tab. IX. fig. 48) scarcely dilated, oblique, its outer edge indistinctly toothed. Hab. Ega, Upper Amazons. Collected by Mr. Bates. A single specimen in the collection of J. 8. Baly. 42. Cephalodonta apicicornis (Gucr.). B.M. Microdonta apicicornis, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 272. C’. elongata, postice leniter ampliata, subconvexa, antennis maris subserratis; nigra, antennarum apice, femorum basi, elytrisque pos- tice, flavis, his unicostatis, angulo postico dente acuto armatis (Tab. IX. fig. 42). Var. A. Elytris apice nigris. Var. B. Elytris vitta suturali apiceque nigris. Long. 4 lin. Hab. Columbia. British Museum and collection of J. 8. Baly. 43. Cephalodonta elevata (Fabr.). B.M. Hispa elevata, Fubr, Syst. Bleuth. ii. p. 62. no. 22. C. elongata, subdepressa, fulva ; antennis, thoracis macula laterali vittisque duabus, elytrisque nigris, his unicostatis, postice valde 156 CEPHALODONTA. dilatatis, apice irregulariter dentatis, plagé humerali fascidque lata subinterrupta fulvis. Var. A. Thorace vitta laterali maculisque duabus nigris; elytris fulvis, plagé magné communi ante medium, antice tripartita, api- ceque nigris. Var. B. Thoracis vittis duabus nigris, basi apiceque confluentibus, elytrorum fasciaé fulvaé obsoleta. Long. 5 ln. C. elongate, subdepressed, black; head (eyes and antennz excepted) and thorax fulvous, the latter with two broad vitte on the dise, and a submarginal stripe on either side, black; elytra broadly dilated behind, unicostate, a humeral patch, and a broad subin- terrupted transverse band across the middle, fulvous. Head fulvous ; eyes and antenne black, the latter with the second joint rather longer than the first, remaining joints compressed, scarcely dilated. Thorax scarcely longer than broad ; sides nearly straight behind, obtusely angled at their middle, sinuate and narrowed in front, anterior angle subacute, armed immediately behind the angle itself with a minute tooth, the posterior angle also armed with two small acute teeth; apical margin slightly convex ; above subconvex, indistinctly depressed transversely behind the middle, basal margin grooved; surface distinctly but not very closely punctured; fulvous, a short stripe near the lateral borders, and two broad vitte on the disc, confluent at the base and apex, and separated only by a narrow fulvous line, black. Scutellum black. LElytra broader than the base of the thorax, subparallel, dilated behind ; sides with their outer margin dilated, gradually increasing in width towards their apex, rounded near the posterior angles, the latter armed with an acute tooth ; apex (Tab. IX. fig. 43) rounded, its margin dilated, irregularly dentate ; just before reaching the suture it becomes suddenly abbreviated, forming, with the opposite elytron, a large subqua- drate notch ; above flattened along the back, deflexed along the sides ; shoulders prominent, laterally produced, their apex armed with a short subacute tooth; surface deeply punctate-striate, fourth interstice from the suture elevated into a strong costa, which extends from the base nearly to the apex ; black, a humeral patch, an indistinct line on the lateral margin, and a broad trans- verse band, deeply notched behind, placed just below the middle of the elytra, fulvous. Body beneath shining black ; head, thorax, breast, base and sides of abdomen, together with the base of all the thighs, bright fulvous ; legs slender, elongate. Var. A. The two black vittz on the disc of the thorax abbreviated at their base and apex; elytra fulvous, their apex and a large common patch before the middle, anteriorly tripartite, black. Var. B. The dise of the thorax entirely black ; transverse band on the elytra obsolete. Hab. Upper Amazons, collected by Mr. W. H. Bates. CEPHALODONTA. 157 British Museum, and collections of E. Sheppard, Esq. and J. S. Baly. Var. B. in the cabinet of W. W. Saunders, Esq. 44. Cephalodonta Scheyrzeri, n. sp. B.M. C. elongata, subdepressa, postice amplata, supra fulva, opaca; an- tennis, thoracis vittaé margineque laterali, scutello elytrorumque vitté brevi submarginali, basi positaé, nigris; his unicostatis, margine explanatis, apice irregulariter serratis ; subtus nigra, thorace, pectore, abdominis femorumque basi, flavis. Long. 44 lin. C. elongate, subdepressed, dilated towards the apex, pale opaque fulvous; antenne, eyes, a central vitta, and the extreme lateral border of the thorax, the scutellum, and a short longitudinal stripe at the base of the elytra, just within their outer border, black. Head angled between the eyes, finely punctured; mouth black. Thorax rather longer than broad; sides straight and _ parallel behind, angled at the middle, narrowed and sinuate in front, anterior angles produced, subacute ; apical margin slightly pro- duced, its middle obsoletely angled; above coarsely punctured ; pale fulvous, a central vitta, and the extreme lateral margin, black. Scutellum smooth, shining black. -Elytra broader than the base of the thorax, subparallel, slightly sinuate, their apex rounded ; outer margin dilated, gradually increasing in width from the base towards the apex; posterior angle armed with a flattened, acute spine; apical margin (Tab. IX. fig. 44) irregularly dilated, serrate ; just before reaching the sutural angle, the margin itself becomes suddenly abbreviated, forming with the opposite elytron a large square notch ; above flattened along the suture, deflexed on the sides; shoulders prominent, rounded in front, laterally produced, armed at the apex with a short subacute tooth; surface deeply and regularly punctate-striate, each elytron with an elevated costa, extending from the base nearly to the apex ; dilated margin sub- horizontal, smooth, impunctate ; pale fulvous, a short submarginal line at their base black. Beneath shining black; thorax, breast, base and extreme lateral border of abdomen, together with the base of all the thighs, pale yellow; legs slender, elongate. Hab. Cordilleras, collected by Dr. Scherzer. British Museum, and collections of E. Sheppard, Esq., A. Murray, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 45. Cephalodonta carinata (Fabr.). B.M. Hispa carinata, Fubr. Syst. Eleuth, ii. p. 63. no, 28. C. elongata, subdepressa ; elytris unicostatis, apice bidentatis ; supra fulva; vertice, antennis, oculis, thoracis margine laterali macu- lisque duabus discoidalibus, basi confluentibus, elytrorumque plaga magna ante medium, antice tripartita, apiceque nigris. 158 CEPHALODONTA, Var. A. Elytris apice tridentatis, fulvis; sutura, plag&é magna ante medium, antice tripartité apiceque, nigris., Var. B. Elytris apice bidentatis, nigris, plagé humerali lineéque mar- ginali fulvis. Long. 3-33 lin. C. narrow, elongate, subdepressed ; elytra unicostate ; above fulvous; vertex, antenne, eyes, the lateral border of the thorax and two large patches on the disc, united at their base, the apex, and a large common tripartite patch on the anterior half of the elytra, black. Head obtusely angled between the eyes ; vertex black, a small spot in its middle yellow; antennze slender, second joint one- half longer than the first, intermediate joimts slightly compressed, but not dilated. Thorax rather broader at the base than long, narrowed from the base to the apex; sides bisinuate, obtusely angled in their middle, anterior angles subacute ; above convex, indistinctly impressed transversely behind the middle, narrowly canaliculate down the centre of the disc, closely punctured ; ful- vous, the lateral margin and two large patches on the disc, united at their base, black. Seutellum black. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax, subparallel, indistinctly dilated behind the middle ; sides narrowly margined, posterior angle produced into a flattened acute tooth ; apex rounded, apical margin (Tab. IX. fig. 45) dilated, produced near the suture into an acute tooth ; immediately before reaching the sutural angle the margin is sud- denly abbreviated, forming with the opposite elytron a deep subquadrate notch, above depressed along the back, deflexed on the sides; shoulders prominent, laterally produced, their apex subacute; surface deeply punctate-striate, each elytron with an elevated costa, extending from the shoulder nearly to the apex ; fulvous ; a large tripartite common patch, occupying nearly the whole of the anterior half of their surface, and the apex, black. Body beneath shining black ; a broad line in the middle of the body, extending from the head to the base of the abdomen, the sides of this latter, and the base of all the thighs, bright yellow ; legs slender, elongate. Var. A. Apex of elytra tridentate, the suture also black. Var. B. Elytra black, a humeral patch and the lateral border fulvous. Hab. Cayenne, Ega, Santarem, Upper Amazons, collected by H. W. Bates, Esq. British Museum, and collections of W. W. Saunders, Esq., E, Shep- pard, Esq., and J. 8. Baly. 46. Cephalodonta apicalis, n. sp. C. elongata, subdepressa, nigra; facie, antennarum apice, thora- cisque vittis duabus flavis; elytris unicostatis, angulo postico dente acuto armatis, apice ante suturam in laminam obtusam CEPHALODONTA. 159 productis; nigris, plagé humerali, macula apicali fascidque trans- versa flavis. Long. 3 lin. C. elongate, subdepressed, above black; the face, two apical joints of the antennz, and two broad vittee on the thorax, yellow; elytra unicostate, a humeral patch, a transverse band, and a small apical spot, yellow. Head with the entire face and front yellow ; second joint of antenne obovate, one-third longer than the first, third and three following compressed, slightly dilated, subperfoliate, two apical joints yellow. Thorax scarcely longer than broad, narrowed from the base to the apex; sides indistinctly sinuate behind, rounded at their middle, deeply sinuate in front, anterior angles slightly produced, subacute; apical margin straight; above sub- convex, closely punctured; black, a broad longitudinal stripe on either side, confluent at the extreme apical border, yellow. Scutellum smooth, black. Elytra broader than the base of the thorax, parallel, scarcely dilated behind ; sides narrowly margined, posterior angle armed with a short acute spine; apex rounded, apical margin (Tab. IX. fig. 46) slightly dilated, sinuate, produced just before the sutural angle into a short obtuse process; the margin itself suddenly abbreviated before reaching the suture, forming with the opposite elytron a large square notch ; above flattened along the back, convex on the sides; shoulders prominent, laterally produced, their apex obtuse; surface deeply punctate- striate ; each elytron with a strongly elevated costa, extending from the shoulder nearly to the apex; black, a large humeral patch, a transverse band across the middle, and a small trans- verse subovate spot on the apical border, yellow. Beneath shining; sides of thorax and pleure black; breast and base of abdomen bright yellow, remaining portion of abdomen stained with fuscous; legs elongate, slender, black; base of thighs pale yellow. Hab. Ega; Villa Nova; Upper Amazons. British Museum, and collection of J. 8. Baly. 47. Cephalodonta elongata (Guér.). Microdonta elongata, Giuér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 272. C. elongata, parallela, dorso subdepressa, nigra; facie, thoracis vitta utrinque elytrorumque vitta humerali, fulvis ; antennarum articulis intermediis compressis et paullo dilatatis; elytris subparallelis, unicostatis, angulo postico dente acuto armatis, prope suturam in dentes duos productis ; tibiis maris ante apicem spina brevi armatis. Long. 4-5 ln. “ Head fulvous; the antenn, jaws, eyes, a spot on each side behind these latter, and a patch on the vertex, black. Thorax black, a large stripe on either side, and the middle beneath, fulvous. Elytra elongate, black, a humeral stripe, confluent with the one 160 CEPHALODONTA. on the thorax, fulvous; shoulders prominent; surface deeply unctate-striate, each elytron with an elevated costa; their apex (Tab. IX. fig. 47) with a spine at the posterior angles and two others, geminate, at the sutural angle. Beneath, with the middle of the breast and the base of the abdomen, together with the base of the thighs, yellow.” Hab. Cayenne. Collection of J. S. Baly. 48. Cephalodonta Javeti, n. sp. C. late elongata, postice paullo ampliata, dorso subdepressa, subtus nigra, supra fulva; antennis, macula verticali, thoracis margine laterali anguste vittaque centrali, scutello elytrisque vitta brevi basali apiceque, nigris, his costatis, apice rotundatis, angulo pos- tico dente acute armatis, antennarum articulis intermediis leniter subperfoliatis. Long. 42 lin, C. broadly elongate, rather broader towards the apex ; shining black beneath, fulvous above ; antenn, a patch on the vertex, the ex- treme lateral margin, and a broad vitta down the centre of the thorax, the scutellum, a short sutural stripe, and the apex of the elytra, black. Head smooth and shining, longitudinally impressed on the vertex, indistinctly angled in front; face, a longitudinal patch on the vertex, and the antennee, black, second joint of the latter one-third longer than the first, intermediate joints com- pressed and slightly dilated, subperfoliate ; eyes piceous. Thorax broader at the base than long, narrowed from the base to the apex ; sides bisinuate, anterior angles slightly produced into an obtuse tooth; above convex from side to side, indistinctly depressed transversely on the hinder disc; deeply rugose-punctate, a nar- row grooved line on the centre of the disc ; fulvous, the extreme lateral border and a broad vitta down the middle, extending from the base to the apical border, black. Seutellum shining black. Elytra broader than the thorax, somewhat dilated towards the apex, the latter (Tab. IX. fig. 49) rounded, narrowly margined, its outer border finely toothed ; lateral border dilated, rounded, and slightly increasing in width towards the posterior angles, the latter armed with an acute tooth ; above flattened along the suture, con- vex on the sides, lateral border horizontal, impressed with a single row of large transversely-oblong punctures ; shoulders prominent, laterally produced, their apex subacute ; surface deeply and regu- larly punctate-striate, the fourth interstice from the suture strongly costate, the second from the suture, the second from the outer border, together with the suture itself, less distinctly raised, several of the intermediate interstices towards the apex also sub- costate; fulvous, a short sutural stripe at the base, together with the apical fifth of the surface, black. Beneath shining black ; head CEPHALODONTA. 161 (the mouth excepted) and breast shining fulvous ; legs slender, moderately elongate. Hab. San Andres, Tuxtla. Unique in the collection of M. Sallé. Species mihi wqnote. 49. Cephalodonta dilatata (Guer.). “Noire. Articles des antennes fortement aplatis et ¢largis. Une ligne jaune assez étroite de chaque cété du corselet, se continuant avec une petite tache de méme couleur placée sur les saillies humérales des élytres. Celles-ci fortement dilatces de chaque cote, surtout en arricre, dentelées aux bord, avee des doubles rangs de gros points enfoncés et deux fortes cotes prés de la suture. Elles offrent, au milieu, une fascie jaune, arquée en arriére, formée de quatre taches, dont les latérales carrées et les intermédiaires allongées. Le dessous est noir, avee wre petite tache au milieu du prothorax, du mésothorax et de la base de Vabdomen, jaunes. Une fine bordure autour de abdomen, et base des cuisses antérieures également jaunes. “Long. 11, lat. aux épaules 3, et en arriére 5 mill. Cayenne.” Microdonta dilatata, Guér. Icon. du Regne Anim. Texte, p. 273. This species is very closely allied to C. carinata; it may possibly be the male of that insect, of which I only know the female. 50. Cephalodonta compressicornis (Fabr.). ‘7, antennis compressis, serratis, nigra, thoracis margine elytro- rumque macula baseos rufis, elytris sulcatis, apice truncatis, angulato-serratis. ‘¢ Hab. In Amer. merid. “Nimis affinis precedenti. Caput atrum, macula frontali rufa. Thorax levis, ater, margine sanguineo. Elytra sulcata, atra, macula baseos sanguinea, apice truncata, serrata, dente exterior majori, angulato.”’ Hispa compressicornis, Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. ii. p. 64. no. 28. 51. Cephalodonta emarginata (Fabr.). Hispa emarginata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. p. 72. no. 9; Syst. Eleuth. ii. p- 62. no. 21. Oliv. Entom. vi. p. 771. pl. 2. fig. 22. “HH. antennis fusiformibus, nigra, elytris basi macula rufa, apice bidentatis. “* Hab. Surinam. “Statura et magnitudo omnino preecedentium., Caput rufum, oculis D } M 162 CEPHALODONTA. globosis, prominulis, antennisque nigris. Thorax niger. Elytra striis tribus elevatis, postice coeuntibus's sulcis traneyerae striatis, nigra, basi macula oblonga ferruginea, apice obtusa, bidentata. Corpus subtus pallescens. Pedes nigri, femoribus basi pallidis.” Species incerti generis mihi ignota. Alurnus testaceus, Fabr. “A, testaceus, antennis elytrisque ante apicem nigris. “ Hab. Nova Cambria. “ Hujus generis videtur, preecedenti (A. grossus) triplo mimor. An- tennee filiformes, corpore breviores, articulis brevibus, cylindricis. Caput et thorax levia, testacea, immaculata, Elytra punctato- striata, testacea, ante apicem late atra. Corpus et pedes tes- tacea.” Fabr. Syst. El. ii. p. 25. This insect in all probability belongs to the genus Owycephala. ’ fe : - APPENDIX. Page 1, line 33, before Guér. insert Leptomorpha filiformis. Page 3.—Leptispa Natalensis. Since the remarks on the differential characters of this insect, and L. filiformis and pygmea were written, I have examined several specimens of ZL. filiformis (probably the other sex), in which the sides of the thorax were straight and parallel, being rounded at the apex only ; it still, however, can be readily separated from L. pygmea by its much larger size and coarser punctation. Page 13, line 28, for brevi read breves. Page 16.—6. Stenispa collaris, n. sp. S. elongata, angustata, cylindrica, nigra, nitida; thorace rufo; ely- tris cupreo-viridibus. Long. 34 lin. S. narrowly elongate, cylindrical, shining black, thorax bright red ; elytra cupreo-zeneous. Head slightly concave between the eyes, finely but not very closely punctured, whole surface finely granulose. Thorax scarcely longer than broad ; sides straight and parallel, nar- rowly margined, apical border shghtly produced ; above transversely convex, side border canaliculate ; surface bright red, finely granu- lose, distinctly but not deeply punctured, puncturing more distant near the apex. Scutellum smooth, dark coppery green. FElytra rather broader than the thorax ; sides parallel, slightly narrowed towards their apex, narrowly margined; apex rounded, apical margin slightly dilated, indistinctly reflexed, its border obsoletely serrate, conjointly emarginate at the suture, sutural angle armed with an indistinct tooth ; above subeylindrical, surface dark cupreo- zneous, minutely granulose, each elytron with eleven rows of large distinct punctures, the first abbreviated. Beneath shining black, finely granulose ; abdomen deeply but not very closely punctured, last segment with the apical margin slightly concave, bordered with fulvous hairs. Hab. New Orleans. A single specimen in the collection of M. Sali. M 2 164 APPENDIX. 7. Stenispa Sallei, n. sp. S. elongata, subcylindrica, cuprea, nitida; antennis nigris. Long. 24 lin. S. narrowly elongate, subcylindrical, bright cupreous; surface mi- nutely granulose. Head indistinctly concave between the eyes, longitudinally canaliculate down the front, distinctly but subre- motely punctured. Thorax as broad as long; sides straight and parallel, narrowly margined, slightly narrowed and rounded at the extreme apex, anterior margin nearly straight ; above transversely convex, lateral border narrowly canaliculate; deeply but subre- motely punctured, puncturing rather closer on the sides, Scu- tellum smooth. Elytra rather broader than the thorax; sides parallel, narrowly margined, narrowed behind; apex acutely rounded, its border indistinctly dilated, obsoletely serrate, con- jointly emarginate at the suture, the latter armed with an indi- stinct tooth; above subcylindrical, obsoletely excavated towards the apex, each elytron with eleven rows of deep distinct punc- tures, the first abbreviated ; towards the apex several of the striz become abbreviated. Beneath shining cupreous; abdomen di- stantly punctured, last segment with its apical border angulato- emarginate. Hab. Orizaba? Unique in the collection of M. Salle. Very similar in form to S. metallica: in addition to the difference of colour, the whole surface is more finely granulose ; the thorax less closely and deeply punctured, its anterior margin being straight instead of convex, as in that species; the elytra also are less deeply punctured, and the puncturing on the abdomen is much more distant and less distinct. Page 20.—diopalpa Guerinii. Mr. Bates has recently sent three specimens of this insect from San Paulo, Upper Amazons, together with several specimens of @. collaris. Page 22, line 4, for brevi read breves. Page 26, line 12, for Var. C. read Var. D. Page 30.—13. Alurnus octopunctatus, Fairmaire. A. niger; elytris fere levigatis, pallide flavis, suturé margineque anguste nigris, utrinque maculis 4 nigris, postico transversal, paullo post medium posito. «Pun noir mat. Corselet finement ponctué, couvert aimsi que la téte, d'une fine pubescence grisitre. Heusson triangulaire, lisse, APPENDIX. 165 un peu creusé vers Pextrémité. Elytres lisses, 4 ponctuation trés- fine ; suture et bords externes finement marginés de noir, cette couleur n’atteignant ni V’écusson ni les épaules; sur chaque élytre, quatre taches noires, la plus petite allongée prés Pécusson ; la deuxiéme, 4 peu prés carrée, sur l’épaule; la troisicme, en arricre, formant, avec les deux premicres, un triangle presque équilatéral; la quatri¢éme, un peu en arri¢re du milieu, assez grande, transversale.” Hab. Venezuela. Fuirmaire, Rev. et Mag. de Zool, 1851, p. 349. This appears to be the same insect as Alurnus Dryas, Thomson. Mr. Thomson’s name must, therefore, sink into a synonym. The species will stand thus ;— Alurnus octopunctatus, Fairm. Dryas, Thomson. 14. Alurnus Cassideus, Westw. A. niger, pronoto utrinque luteo setoso ; elytris fere cordiformibus, parum convexis, /utco-fulvis, margine tenui nigro, plaga maxima triangulari e basi ad medium extensa, et cum fascia transversa (postice 4-furcataé) media connexa. Long. 12 lin. Hab. Mexico. Mus. Melly. Ann. § Mag. Nat. Hist. Nov. 1841, vol. viii. p. 104. Page 39, line 27, after producta insert instructo. Page 40.—Cephaloleia gratiosa. Var. B. Elytris nigris, dimidio postico fulvo. Var. C. Elytris fulvis, utrisque puncto nigro. Both these varieties are unique in the collection of M. Salle. Page 47.—11-12. Cephaloleia ruficollis, n. sp. C. elongata, subdepressa, nigra, nitida ; thorace rubro; elytris for- titer punctato-striatis. Mas. Abdominis segmento apicali truncato-emarginato, medio sinuato. Long. 2} lin. C. elongate, subdepressed, shining black ; thorax bright red. Head with the upper portion of the face and the vertex covered with deep punctures ; antenne filiform, first joint scarcely longer than the second, indistinctly incrassate. Thorax subquadrate ; sides narrowly margined, straight and parallel behind, narrowed and rounded in front, outer border narrowly canaliculate, scarcely produced beyond the apical margin ; above transversely convex, 166 APPENDIX. smooth and shining, indistinctly depressed transversely behind the middle ; whole surface remotely covered with large deep sub- ovate punctures. Scutellum smooth, minutely punctured. Elytra broader than the thorax; sides margined, nearly parallel ; apex rounded, conjointly emarginate at the suture, apical margin minutely serrulate ; above subconvex, slightly flattened along the suture, smooth and shining, each elytron impressed with eleven rows of large deep punctures, which cover nearly the whole sur- face of the elytron (the first abbreviated); the punctures on the strie placed near the posterior four-fifths of the suture smaller and less deeply impressed ; interstices towards the sides and apex elevated, subcostate ; lateral margin slightly reflexed, coarsely and transversely strigose. Beneath shining black; head and thorax rufous; apical segment of abdomen broadly truncate-emarginate, its middle portion sinuate (Tab. IIL. fig. 42). (Male.) Hab. San Andres Tuxtla. Unique in the collection of M. Salle. Remarkable for the coarse punctation of the elytra: it ought to be placed close to C. nigricornis, to which species it is nearly allied. Page 48.—Cephaloleia Waterhousei. On closer examination, I find that I have erred in describing the apical segment of the 2 of this species as being armed with an obtuse tooth ; the segment is broadly emarginate, and has.the central portion shghtly produced. Page 50.—15-16. Cephaloleia trimaculata, n. sp. C. late elongata, dorso subdepressa, supra nigra, nitida ; antennis (articulis duobus basalibus exceptis) obscure: fulvis ; elytris flavis, puncto humerali maculaque communi postice, nigro-piceis ; subtus nigro-picea ; pedibus abdomineque fulvis, hoe piceo. ‘Fem. Abdominis segmento anali late truncato-emarginato. Long. 24 lin. C. broadly elongate, subdepressed along the back, shining black above ; antenne (the two basal joints excepted) obscure fulvous ; ; elytra shining yellow, a small spot on the humeral callus, and a larger common subovate patch immediately behind the middle, nigro-piceous ; beneath nigro-piceous, legs ‘and abdomen fulvous, the latter stained with piceous. Head concave between the eyes, deeply punctured ; antennee moderately robust, filiform, first joint scarcely inerassate, slightly longer than the second, Thorax transverse-quadrate ; sides narrowly margined, straight and par- allel, narrowed and rounded at their extreme apex, ‘slightly pro- duced beyond the apical margin, the latter straight; above transverscly convex, surface covered with large round punctures, APPENDIX. 167 lateral border canaliculate in front. Scutellum smooth, shining black. Elytra much broader than the thorax; sides parallel, narrowly margined; apex obtusely rounded ; above subconvex, slightly flattened along the suture; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct shallow punctures, the first abbreviated ; bright yellow, a small spot on the humeral callus, and a large common subovate patch immediately behind the middle of the suture, nigro- piceous. Beneath nigro-piceous, legs and abdomen fulvous, the latter stained with piceous. Female, Apical segment of abdomen beneath broadly truncate- emarginate (Tab. IIT. fig. 43). Hab. Caraccas. Nearly allied to C. pretiosa. A single specimen in the cabinet of M. Salle. Page 62.—Cephaloleia opaca. By an unfortunate accident, the character of the anal segment of a totally different species was inserted in place of the true one ; this error was not discovered until too late for alteration in the body of the work. It becomes necessary, therefore, to erase the present description, and to insert the following :— Fem. Abdominis segmento anali bisinuato. Page 68.—Spec. 6. Demotispa Salleéi, n. sp. D. ovata, subdepressa, leete cyanea ; antennis nigris. Long. 2 lin. D. ovate, subdepressed above, bright metallic blue ; antennze black. Head canaliculate down the front, distinctly punctured. Thorax twice as broad as long; sides narrowly margined, regularly rounded and narrowed from the base to the apex ; anterior margin broadly excavated ; above subconvex, finely but not very closely punctured ; dise with six distinct foveee, four placed transversely immediately behind, and two just before the middle. Elytra rather broader than the thorax, subconvex on the sides, flattened along the suture, subsinuate below the shoulders ; sides subparallel, narrowly margined ; apex obtusely rounded, conjointly emarginate at the suture ; each elytron with eleven rows of distinct punc- tures, the first abbreviated. Beneath shining metallic blue ; abdomen distantly punctured, basal segment impressed on either side with a large deep fovea. Hab. St. Domingo. Unique in the collection of M. Sallé. Page 80.—Arescus monoceros. M. Sallé has kindly re-examined the type-specimen of Olivier, 168 APPENDIX. which still exists in the Museum of the Jardin des Plantes, and has found it identical with his Avescus caudatus. At the time of writing the description of thui insect, it was of extreme rarity, and he only possessed a single specimen of the red variety: the great difference in colour, together with the erroneous locality given by Olivier, naturally led him to describe it as distinct. Page 101.—For Anisodera ferruginea, Guér., read Anisodera Guérinii, n. sp. Should this insect prove distinct (as I fully believe it will) from No. 12 (Fabricius’s species), the name cannot stand, Fabricius haying the priority. I proposed to call it Anisodera Guérinii, but inadvertently omitted to make the change in the proper place. END EX: The names printed in italics are synonyms. abdominalis, Lept., 3. ACENTROPTERA, x, 121. eeneipennis, Cephalol., 59. aftinis, Cephalol., 44. albipennis, Eurisp., 86, albipennis, Hisp., 26. ALURNUS, vi, 24. AMBLISPA, vi, 10. anchoralis, Cephaiod., 146. angustata, Cephalol. ?, 63. ANISODERA, ix, 101. apicalis, Alurn., 29. apicalis, Cephalod., 157. apicalis, Cephalol., 41. apicalis, Distol., 118. apicalis, Gonoph., 116. apicalis, Homalisp., 54. apicicornis, Cephalod., 155. apicicornis, Microdont., 155. ARESCUS, viii, 80. aristocratica, Scelan., 125. armata, Cephalod., 129. armata, Homalisp., 34. basalis, Gidiop., 17. basilica, Acentropt., 124. Batesii, Cephalod., 126. Batesii, Homalisp., 36. Batesii, Stenisp., 14. bicolor, Chelob., 84. bidens, Cephalod., 145. bidens, Hisp., 145. bidentata, Cheirisp., 72. bimaculata, Demot., 68. bipunctata, Hispa, 29. bipunctata, Hispop., 96. bipunctatus, Alurn., 29. bipunctatus, Crypt., 78. Borryonopa, 1x, 91. Bowringii, Anisod., 102. Bowringii, Callisp., 5. Bowringii, Gonoph., 115. Bowringii, Wal., 99. cerulea, CXdiop., 21. ceruleipennis, Cephalol., 38. exruleipennis, Homalisp., 58. creruleipennis, Promecoth., 39. CALLISPA, v1, 4. cardinalis, Cephalod., 126. eardinalis, Chalepus, 126. earinata, Cephalod., 157. earinata, Hasp., 157. Cassideus, Alurn., 165. cassidoides, Callisp. ?, 10. caudatus, Ares., 36 CEPHALODONTA, x, 124. CrPHALOLEIA, vii, 39. chalybeata, Gonoph., 115. CHETIRISPA, vii, 71. Chelobasis, 80. Chevrolatii, Cephalod., 148. Chevrolatii, Cephaiol., 61. chinensis, Estigm., 100. eimicoides, Cephatol., 32. cimicoides, Xanthisp., 32. CLADISPA, vi, 22. Clarkella, Cephalol., 49. Clarkella, Stenisp., 15. coccinea, Cephalod., 128. coceineus, Alurn., 26. Ca&@L@NOMENODERA, x, 118. cognata, Cephalod., 154. collaris, Cephalod., 140. collaris, Cephatol., 19. collaris, G2diop., 19. 170 collaris, Stenisp., 163. collaris, Wal., 98. compressicornis, Cephalod., 161. compressicornis, Hisp., 161. conicicollis, Cephalod., 128. corallina, Cephalol., 42. corallinus, Alurn., 26. cornigera, Oxyceph., 75. CRYPTONYCHUS, viii, 75. cucullata, Acentropt., 119. cucullata, Coeleen., 119. Cumingii, Callisp., 5. Cumingii, Promecoth., 88. Cupido, Alurn., 29. cyanipennis, Alurn., 22. eyanipennis, Botr., 94. cyanipennis, Hisp., 18. eyanipennis, Cidiop., 18. cyanipes, Hisp., 87. cyanipes, Promecoth., 87. cyanoptera, Cephalol., 18. cylindrica, Anisod., 106. cylindrica, Trogos., 106. DeGandei, Cephalol., 57. Dejeanii, Acentropt., 125. DEMOTISPA, Vii, 65. depressa, Cephalol., 60. depressa, Oxyceph., 74. Deyrollei, Cephalod., 153. Deyrollei, Cephalol., 53. Deyrollei, Homalisp., 36. dichroa, Prosop., 70. dichrous, Alurn., 70. dilatata, Cephalod., 161. dilatata, Microdont., 161. dilaticollis, Cephalol., 46. dimidiatipennis, Callisp., 7. distinguenda, Wal., 99. DisTouaca, x, 116. Dohrnii, Amblisp., 12. d’Orbignyi, Alurn., 28. DowneEsiA, ix, 107. Dryas, Alurn., 30, App. 165. dubius, Crypt., 77. elevata, Cephalod., 155. elevata, Hisp., 155. elongata, Cephalod., 159. elongata, Microdont., 159. Elysianus, Alurn., 30. emarginata, Cephalod., 161. emarginata, Hisp., 161. Erichsonii, Cephalol., 45. EsTI@GMENA, ix, 100. EvrIsPa, viii, 85. excavata, Anisod., 105. eximia, Cephalol., 53. INDEX. fasciata, Caloclada, 24. fasciatus, Octoclad., 24. ferruginea, Anisod., 101, App. 168. ferruginea, Anisod., 106. Ferrugineus, Alurn., 106. filiformis, Lept., 1, App. 163. flabellata, Caloclad., 24. Jlabellatus, Octoclad., 24. flayo-vittata, Cephalol., 52. Fortunii, Callisp., 6. foveicollis, Hispop., 96. Fryella, Cephalod., 137. Fryella, Cephalol., 62. fulvipes, Cephalol., 49. fulvipes, Cidiop., 21. fulyo-limbata, Cephalod., 144. funesta, Cephalol., 59. fuscipes, Gonoph., 111. generosa, Cephalod., 150. geniculata, Hispop., 97. gigantea, Cephalod., 125. giganteus, Chalep., 125. goniaptera, Cephalod., 150. goniapterus, Chalep., 130. GoNoPHORA, x, 108. Goryi, Anisod., 108. Goryt, Botr., 105. gracilis, Anisod., 106. gracilis, Botr., 106. grandis, Hispop., 95. gratiosa, Cephalod., 142. eratiosa, Cephalol., 40, App. 165. Grayei, Cephalol., 51. Grayella, Demot., 66. Grayella, Homalisp., 35. grossa, Hisp., 27. grossus, Alurn., 27. Guérinii, Gdiop., 20, App. 164. heemorrhoidalis, Gonoph., 112. hemorrhoidalis, Hisp., 112. Hispps#, v. HIsPoponra, viii, 78. Hispoprtia, ix, 94. histrio, Ares., 82. histrio, Cephalol., 51. HoMALISPA, vii, 38. insignis, Callisp., 4. insignis, Down., 107. insignis, Gonoph., 111. integra, Gonoph., 114. janthina, Cephalol., 79. janthina, Hispod., 79. JAVETA, Ix, 108. Jayeti, Cephalod., 160. Javeti, Homalisp., 38. labiatus, Ares., 83. a leeta, Cephalod., 141. leta, Cephatlol., 39. leeta, Homalisp., 39. levigata, Amblisp., 12. levigata, Microrhop., 12. Lansbergii, Alurn., 28. lateralis, Cephalod., 151. laticollis, Gidiop., 19. LEPTISPA, Vi, 1. Leptomorpha, 1. limbata, Prosop., 69. lucidiventris, Anisod., 104. luctuosa, Cephalol., 55. MacrisPa, vili, 90. maculipennis, Cephalol., 58. marginata, Cephalod., 144. marginata, Homalisp., 55. marginatus, Alurn., 26. MELANISPA, vi, 30. metallica, Hisp., 15. metallica, Stenisp., 15. monoceros, Ares., 80. monoceros, Hisp., 80. Murrayi, Crypt., 76. Natalensis, Callisp., 9. Natalensis, Lept., 2, App. 163. nigricornis, Callisp., 8. nigricornis, Cephalol., 47. nigricornis, Hispod., 79. nigripes, Alurn., 27. nigripes, Callisp., 9. nigripes, CEdiop., 17. Norrisii, Acentropt., 125. obsoleta, Cephalod., 135. OcTOCLADISCUS, Vi, 25. octopunctata, Callisp., 8. octopunctata, Cephalod., 154. octopunctatus, Alurn., 164. (EDIOPALPA, vi, 16. opaca, Cephalol., 62, App. 167. orientalis, Gonoph., 115. OXYCEPHALA, Vili, 73. pallida, Demot., 65. pallida, Gonoph., 115. allida, Jav., 108. Paria Stenisp., 14. arvula, Cephalod., 145. ascoei, Cephalod., 159. perplexus, Ares., 84. Pertyi, Cephalol., 19. Petelii, Promecoth., 90. picta, Cephalol., 54. porrecta, Hisp., 76. porrectus, Crypt., 76. preusta, Acentropt., 119. preeusta, Coeleen., 119. INDEX, pretiosa, Cephalod., 135. pretiosa, Cephalol., 50. rinceps, Cephalol., 45. ROMECOTHECA, Viii, 87. PROSOPODONTA, vii, 68. proxima, Cephalol., 47. proxima, Prosop., 69. pulchella, Acentropt., 121. pulchella, Cephalod., 147. pulchella, Cephalol., 56. pulchella, Demot., 67. pulchella, Xenisp., 64. pulcherrima, Cephalod., 132. pygmea, Lept., 2. quadrimaculata, Clad., 23. quadrimaculatus, Alurn., 26. quadrimaculatus, Ares., 81. 171 quinquemaculata, Cephalod., 127. quinquemaculata, Metazycera, 127. Robinsonii, Cephalod., 151. rostratus, Alurn., 76. rufa, Anisod., 106. rufa, Botr., 106. ruficollis, Cephalol., 165. rufipennis, Prosop., 70. Salléi, Cephalod., 150. Salléi, Cephalol., 45. Salléi, Demot., 167. Salléi, Stenisp., 164. sanguinea, Botr., 92. Saundersii, Alurn., 28. Saundersii, Cephalol., 57. Saundersii, Gonoph., 110. Saundersii, Macrisp., 91. Scherzeri, Cephalod., 157. Scorpio, Promecoth., 89. scutellata, Anisod., 102. separatus, Ares., 81. serraticornis, Cephalod., 152. serraticornis, Hisp., 152. Sheppardi, Anisod., 105. Sheppardi, Bot., 92. Sheppardi, Cephalod., 135. Smithii, Cephalod., 155. speciosa, Botr., 74. speciosa, Callist., 74. speciosa, Hisp., 74. speciosa, Oxyceph., 74. spectabilis, Botr., 95. spectabilis, Cephalod., 159. spinipes, Cephalod., 125. spinipes, Hisp., 125. spinipes, Scelaen., 125. STENISPA, vi, 15. Stevensii, Cephalod., 148. subeornuta, Cephalod., 188. N2 172 succineta, Cephalol., 58. suturalis, Acentropt., 120. suturalis, Cheirisp., 72. suturalis, Coeleen., 120. suturella, Gonoph., 110. tarsata, Cephalod., 127. tarsata, Cephalol., 60. tarsata, Coeleen., 119. tessellata, Acentropt., 122. testaceus, Alurn., 162. tetraspilota, Cephalol., 63. thoracicus, Alurn., 25, tibialis, Demot., 66. Trilbyi, Promecoth., 89. trimaculata, Cephalol., 166. truncata, Melanisp., 31. unidentata, Cephalod., 149. unidentata, Hisp., 150. variabilis, Ares., 84. INDEX. varipes, Promecoth., 88. vespertina, Homalisp., 37. vicina, Cephalol., 55. vicina, Stenisp., 15. vicinus, Alurn., 27. Vigorsui, Alurn., 26. vittata, Callisp., 7. vittata, Eurisp., 86. WALLACEA, ix, 97. Wallacei, Gonoph., 109. Waterhousei, Cephalol., 48, App. 166. Westwoodii, Cephalod., 143. Whitei, Anisod., 104. Whitei, Callisp., 6. Whitei, Cephalod., 152. Whitei, Cephalol., 41. Whitei, Distol., 117. THE END, PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. HISPIDA, Tab. TABULA I. Fig. A. Enlarged labium of Stenispa, to show the different seg- ments. Aa. Mentum of Stenispa;—Ab. Basilar segment of ligula of ditto ;— Ac, Apical segment of ligula of ditto. Fig. 1. Details of Leptispa filiformis. a, Antenna ;—}. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—f. Labium ;—g. Scutellum ;—/. Tarsus. Fig. 2. Details of Callispa Fortunit. a. Antenna ;—?, Labrum ;—c. Mandibula ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— é. Palpus labialis ;—f. Labium ;—g. Scutellum. Fig. 3. Details of Amblispa Dohrnii. a. Antenna;—b. Mandibula;—c. Labrum ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— eé. Palpus labialis;—f. Labium. Fig. 4. Details of Stenispa metallica. a. Antenna ;—%. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—f/ Mentum ;—g. Ligula;—/. Segmentum basilare ; 7, Segmentum apicale. Fig. 5. Details of @diopalpa collaris and cerulea. a. Antenna ;—aa. Antenna of @. cyanipennis ;—b. Labrum ;—c. Man- dibula ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;—e. Palpus labialis ;—f. Mentum; g. Ligula; 4. Segmentum basilare; 7. Segmentum apicale ; — J. Scutellum. 5°. d. Palpus maxillaris of 4. cerulea ;—e. Palpus labialis of ditto ; f; Mentum of ditto ;—g. Ligula of ditto; 4. Segmentum basi- lare; 7. Segmentum apicale. Fig. 6. Details of Cladispa quadrimaculata. a. Antenna;—d. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—f Labium;—yg. Mentum;—h. Ligula ;— z. Scutellum. = be oe ~J . Details of Octocladiscus fasciatus *. a. Antenna ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;—e. Palpus labialis ;—f. Mentum ; g. Ligula. * This insect was unfortunately retuned to Paris without the drawings being made of the labrum and mandible. Fig. 8. Details of Alurnus marginatus. a, Antenna ;—?. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— é. Palpus labialis ;—f Mentum ;—g. Ligula; /. Segmentum basi- lare ;—2. Scutellum. Fig. 9. Details of Melanispa truncata. a. Antenna ;—. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—f. Mentum ;—g. Segmentum basilare of ligula ; h. Segmentum apicale of ditto ;—?. Tarsus. Fig. 10. Details of Xanthispa cimicordes. a. Antenna ;—6. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis;—/. Mentum ;—g. Ligula; 2. Segmentum basi- lave ; 7. Segmentum apicale ;—7. Scutellum ;—/. Tarsus. Fig. Fig. Fig. TABULA I. (continued.) 11. Details of Homalispa Batesiv. a. Antenna ;—. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis;—f. Mentum ;—gq. Ligula. . 12. Details of Cephaloleia gratiosa. a. Antenna ;—aa. Antenna of Cephaloleia succincta ;—b. Labrum ;— c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;—e. Palpus labialis ;— f. Mentum ;—g. Ligula ; h. Segmentum basilare. . 13. Details of Xenispa pulchella. a, Antenna ;—}. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—f. Mentum ; g. Ligula ;—A. Scutellum. . 14. Details of Demotispa pulchella. a. Antenna ;—é, Labrum ;—c. Palpus maxillaris ;—d. Palpus labialis ; —e. Mentum ;—/. Ligula s—g. Scutellum. 15. Details of Prosopodonta limbata. a. Antenna ;—}. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—/. Mentum ;—g. Ligula;—A. Scutellum. 16. Details of Chetrispa suturalis. a. Antenna;—’. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—/f. Mentum ;—g. Ligula;—/. Pes anticus. . 17. Details of Oxycephala depressa. a. Antenna ;—$. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—f. Labium ;—g. Mentum ;—. Caput. ig. 18. Details of Cryptonychus Murrayt. a. Antenna;—?. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ; 2a) Mentum ;—g. Ligula;—h. Caput ;— . Tarsus. vw Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. TABULA II. 1. Details of Hispodonta nigricornis. a. Antenna;—). Labrum ;—c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis; —f. Mentum;—g. Ligula;—h. Caput ;— ?. Tarsus. 2. Details of Arescus monoceros. a. Antenna ;—é. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—/f. Mentum ;—g. Ligula. 3. Details of Hurispa vittata. a, Antenna; —%. Mandibula;—c. Palpus maxillaris;—e. Palpus la- bialis;—f. Mentum ;—g. Ligula; 4. Segmentum apicale. 4. Details of Promecotheca cyanipes. a. Antenna;—?. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—/f. Labium ;—g. Mentum ;—A. Ligula ;—~. Tho- rax. 5. Details of Macrispa Saundersii. a. Antenna ;—. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—f. Mentum ;—g. Ligula. 6. Details of Botryonopa sanguinea. a. Antenna;—). Labrum ;—c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis;—f. Mentum ;—g. Ligula. 7. Details of Hispopria foveicollis. a. Antenna;—?. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—f. Mentum ;—g. Ligula. 6*. Details of Wallacea Bowringit. a. Antenna;—’. Labrum ;—c. Palpus maxillaris;—d. Palpus labialis ; e. Mentum ;—f. Ligula. 7*. Details of Estigmena chinensis. a. Antenna ;—d. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis;—f. Mentum ;—g. Ligula ;—/. Oculus. 8. Details of Anisodera excavata. a. Antenna ;—?. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula ;—d. Palpus mazxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—f. Mentum ;—g. Ligula ;—’. Oculus. 9. Details of Downesia insignis. a. Antenna ;—’. Mandibula;—c. Palpus maxillaris;—d. Palpus la- bialis;—e. Mentum;—/f. Ligula ;—g. Tarsus. 10. Details of Javeta pallida. a. Antenna ;—%. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus mavxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—f. Mentum ;—g. Ligula;—z. Caput. 11. Details of Gonophora hemorrhoidalis. a. Antenna ;—4+. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;-—-f. Mentum ;—g. Ligula. TABULA IL. (continued), 2.12, Details of Distolaca Whiter. a. Antenna ;—c. Mandibula ;—d. Palpus mavxillaris;—e, Palpus la- bialis ;—f. Mentum and ligula. 13. Details of Caelenomenodera cucullata, a, Antenna ;—, Labrum ;—c. Palpus maxillaris ;—d. Palpus labialis ; e, Mentum ;—f. Ligula ;—g. Side view of thorax. _ 14. Details of Acentroptera pulchella. a, Antenna ;—%. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula ;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e. Palpus labialis ;—f. Mentum ;—g. Ligula. _ 15. Details of Cephalodonta spinipes. a, Antenna;—>. Labrum ;—c. Mandibula;—d. Palpus maxillaris ;— e, Palpus labialis ;—f. Mentum ;—y. Ligula;—h. Pes anticus, Oe ue | es Fe Ree KA er oee. Bo PEE | we E Ae 133 eae) ew aha Ye ee ny 2 ee, eee? yp) oie eee, HISPIDA. Plate 1. Le IEG WAN Ay ” ds ee af Ct BS aX © 299 Go w S Ss +0 0 oe SS Os : G GQ a oS TAT D.1L: ae oa aN Se TABULA III. Fig. 1. Anal segment of Cephaloleia gratiosa $ 2. Fig. 2 Fe % Whitei 3. Fig. 3 - - i apicahis $ 2. Fig. 4. a 9 i corallina 3 @. Fig. 5. a A pe Erichsonii 3 @. Fig. 6. 3 af re affinis $ Q. Fig. 7 i 3 i. Salléi 3 2. Fig. 8 ‘5 » i. princeps 3 . Rig. 7 9. i, K a dilaticollis $ @. Fig. 10. - Fr s nigricorms 3 Q. Bich, s - - proxima 3 Q. Fig. 12. Fes + bs Waterhousei 3 9. Fig. 13. et 3 ‘ fulvipes 8. Fig. 14. . s Clarkella 3 @. Fig. 15. -, is - pretiosa 3 2. Fig. 16. a . a histrio 6 2. Bigs 17. es 5 es Graye Q. Fig. 18. cs is 5 flavo-vittata @ . Fig. 19. is . ao Deyrolle g Fig. 20. . _ Fi eximia B. Fig. 21. 3 Be 3 puta sd. Fig. 22. - BP luctuosa 3 . Fig, 23. 55 vicina 6 Q. Fig, 24. a ie » pulchella 9 *. Fig. 25. ‘ ie - Saundersii 3 . Fig. 26. - mF 3 De Gandei $ 2. Fig. 27. ? bp ¥ succincta 3 2. Fig. 28. a ‘3 maculipennis & . Fig. 29. i . . funesta 2 . Fig, 30. $4 H Pp ceneipenms & . Fig. 31. FP 3 4, tarsata 2 . Fig. 32. i. os depressa 6 . Fig. 33. a rf - Chevrolatir & . Fig. 34. 7. 7 i opaca 2 *, Fig. 35. . Fryella@ . Fig. 36. Frontal horn of Arescus monoceros. Fig. 37. 6 “s x separatus. Fig. 38. ss 5 . histrio 3. Fig. 39. i e i histrio 2 . Fig. 40. ye 53 labiatus 3 2. ‘ Hic, 41. 5 perplecus. Fig. 42. Anal segment of Cephalolera ruficolhs & . Fig. 43. Re * trimaculata ? . * The wrong sexual signs have been placed against Figs. 24 & 54 on the Plate. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. TABULA IV. . Leptispa filiformis (Germ. ). . Callispa Fortunii, Baly. . Amblispa Dohrnii, Baly. . Stenispa metallica (Fabr.). . Ediopalpa cyanipennis (Fabr.). . Cladispa quadrimaculata, Baly. . Octocladiscus fasciatus (Guér.). . Alurnus Elysianus (Thoms.). ,e a ? iL a a" a * i! EW. Robimson, Deli et Sc. 18 in oo Fig. “J TABULA VY. . Melanispa truncata, Baly. Xanthispa cimicordes (Guer.). Homalispa Batesti, Baly. Cephaloleia gratiosa, Baly. C. quadraticollis, Baly. C. suceincta, Baly. . Xenispa pulchella, Baly. Demotispa Grayella, Baly. ‘ay TABULA VI. . Demotispa pulchella, Baly. Prosopodonta limbata, Baly. . Cheirispa suturals, Baly. Oxycephala depressa, Baly. . Cryptonychus Murrayi, Baly. . Hispodonta ngricornis, Baly. . Arescus monoceros (Oliv.) 3. Arescus histrio, Baly, 3. ve HISPIDA, Tab. Vil. TABULA VII. Fig. 1. Hurispa vittata, Baly. Fig. 2. Promecotheca cyanipes (Erichs.). Fig. 3. Macrispa Saundersii, Baly. Fig. 4. Botryonopa Sheppardi, Baly*. Fig. 5. Hispopria foveicollis, Baly. Fig. 6. Wallacea collaris, Baly. Fig. 7. Estigmena Fi ee Hope. Fig. 8. Anisodera Guérini, RBaly. * The reference to this figure in the text has been wrongly placed under the preceding insect, Botryonopa sanguinea. AG: =I TABULA VIII. . Anisodera excavata, Baly. . Downesia insignis, Baly. . Javeta pallida, Baly. . Gonophora Saunders, Baly. . Distolaca Whiter, Baly. Celenomenodera cucullata, Guér. Acentroptera pulchella, Guér. Cephalodonta spinipes (Fabr.). Tab. VIL SPIDA, t iis J ——1 HISPIDA, Talo: 1x JU UU US LULA US XLS Uf LE TUL ; JU oa \46 ) TABULA IX. 1. Cephalodonta pulcherrima, Baly. 2. Pa coccinea, Guer. 3. A bidens (Fabr.). 4. a Whiter, Baly. 5. a serraticorms (Fabr.). 6. Apex of elytron of Cephalodonta spinipes. 7. - 5 . Batesii. 8. as . - cardinalis. 9. 33 A Ap quinquemaculata. 10. ee i 2 tarsata. lat, - < rs coccinea. 112 =f ee e conicicollis. 1133. ee x pe armata. 14. . a a lateralis. 15. - A pulcherrima. iG: 5A aS Es Sheppardi. lve a Be fe octopunctata. 18. ” ” ” pretiosa. 19. ry “6 a obsoleta. 20. aA 7 os Fryella. ile aH a an subcornuta. 22. x i, . Pascoe. 23. e Re i. spectabilis. 24. Ps < ~ collaris. 25. 9 3 . leta. 26. - - gratiosa. 27. * ? ie parvula. 28. 3 a - Westwoodir. 29, 55 “ : marginata. 30. 9 5 + fulvo-limbata. 31. a rs i bidens. 32) a se Z anchoralis. 33. x 5 5 pulchella. 34. aA ae es Stevensir. 35. ei a ie Ohevrolati. 36. a os By Salléi. 37. e BS Ps Robinsonii. 38. e: a fi | White. 39. 8 Be ie serraticornis. 40. ™ Pe se Deyroller. 4]. eS Ms cognata. 42. ns = ; apicicornis. 43. wl ¥ e. elevata. 44, : be PA Scherzer. 45. ; * carinata. 46. f - Fon aptcalis. 47. ¥ te i elongata. 48. a ; Smithii. 49. s Javeti. Poa aor t © . ' * i elena Os aN a RYO abs syn Wvalwets «Wee teal A IRL Phe Ue ON AS ee 3 ' ayes t atu hiqul as 7 3s. doy WO ‘duke Au ' a) walkers = eh PoE 4 Bd os ba y “> Stary Cuba tc ok AAs te hs GA ate at ‘ iy: Ae es . eer Vibiesy SM ul Hed eyo irc. So vas, % win 0% rd ka a a 2 hes) Bao ls vat 7. Tea WAG ARTY Hah) tseye} MO LOT ke + . | . CATALOGUES THE ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTION THE BRITISH MUSEUM. I. VERTEBRATA. List of Mammalia. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., F.L.S. &e. 1843. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of the Mammalia. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. &e. Part ]. Cetacea. 12mo, 1850. 4s., with Biatoe. Part 2. Seals. 12mo, 1850. 1s. 6d., with Woodcuts. Part 3. Hoofed Quadrupeds. Section I. (Ungulata furci- peda). 12mo. 1852, with Plates of Genera, 12s. This work contains the description of the genera and species, and figures of the chief characters of the genera. List of Mammalia and Birds of Nepaul, presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., to the British Museum. By Dr. J. EK. Gray and G. R. Gray. 12mo. 1846. 2s. List of Genera of Birds. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S8. 12mo, 1855. 4s. List of Birds. By G. R. Gray, F.LS., F.Z.S. &e. Part 1. Raptorial. Edition 1, 1844; edition 2, 1848. 3s, Part 2. Passeres. Section I. Fissirostres. 1848. 2s. Part 3. Galline, Gralla and Anseres. 1844. 2s. (Out of Print.) Part 3. Section I. Ramphastide. 1855. 6d. Part 4. Columbe. 1806. Is. 9d. List of British Birds. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S. &c. 12mo. 1850. 4s. List of the Eggs of British Birds. By G. R. Gray, I.L.8. &c. 12mo. 1852. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of Shield Reptiles. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. &e. Part 1. Testudinata. 4to. 1855. £1:10s. With figures of all the new species, and of the skulls of the different genera, Catalogue of Reptiles. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. &e. Part 1. Tortoises, Crocodiles and Amphisbzenians. 1844. Is, Part 2. Lizards. 1845. 3s. 6d. Part 3. Snakes (Crotalide, Viperidee, Hydride and Boide)., 12mo. 1849. 2s. 6d. 2 Catalogue of Amphibia. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. Part 2. Batrachia Gradientia. 12mo, 1850. 2s. 6d. With Plates of the Skulls and Teeth. Catalogue of Fish. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S.,F.L.S.,V.P.Z.S. Part 1. Cartilaginous Fish. 12mo, 1851. 3s. With two Plates. These Catalogues of Reptiles, Amphibia, and Fish, contain the characters of all the genera and species at present known; the latter are illustrated with figures of the genera. Catalogue of Fish, collected and described by L. T. Gronow. 12mo. 1854. 3s. 6d. Catalogue of Lophobranehiate Fish. By Dr. J.J. Kaur. 12mo. 1856. 2s. With Plates. Catalogue of Fish. By Dr. J.J. Kaup. 8vo. With many Plates, Part 1. Apodes, &e. 1856. 10s. List of British Fish ; with Synonyma. By A. Wuits, F.L.S. &e. 12mo. 1851. 3s. List of Osteological Specimens. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. &e. and G. R. Gray, F.L.S. 12mo. 1847. Qs. II. ANNULOSA. Catalogue of Lepidoptera. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S., F.Z.S. Part 1. Papilionide, with coloured figures of the new spe- cies. 4to. 1852. £1: 5s. List of Lepidopterous Insects. Part 1. Papilionide, &e. 12mo. 2ndedit. 1856. By G.R. Gray, F.L.S. Part 2. Erycimide, &e. 12mo. 1847. 9d. By E. DouBLeE- DAY, F.L.S. Part 3. Appendix to Papilionide, Erycinide, &e. 1848. 9d. List of Lepidopterous Insects, with descriptions of new species. By Francis WALKER, F.L.S. Part 1. Lepidoptera Heterocera. 12mo. 1854. 4s. Part 2. 1854. 4s. 6d. Part 7. 1856. 4s. 6d. Part 3. 1855. 3s. Part 8. 1856. 3s. 6d. Part 4. 1855. 3s. Part 9. 1856. 4s. Part 5. 1855. 4s. Part 10. 1857. 3s. 6d. Part 6. 1855. 3s. 6d. Part 11. 1857. 3s. 6d. 3 List of British Lepidoptera; with Synonyma. By J. F, Srr- PHENS, F.L.S., and H. T. Stainton, M.E.S. _ Part 1. 12mo. Ed. 2. 1856. 2s. Part 3. 1853. 9d. Part 2. 1852. Qs. Part 4. 1854. 3s. List of Hymenopterous Insects. By F. WaLxKer, F.L.S. Part 1. Chaleidide. 12mo. 1846. Ils. 6d. Part 2. Additions to Chaleidide. 1848. Qs. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects. By F. Smiru, M.E.S. Part 1. Andrenide, &e. 12mo. 1853. 6s., with Plates. Part 2. Apide. 1854. 6s., with Plates. Part 3. Mutillide and Pompilide. 1855. 6s., with Plates. Part 4. Crabronide, &c. 1856. 6s., with Plates. Part 5. Vespide. 1857. 6s., with Plates. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera. By F. Smiru, M.E.S. Part 1. Apide. 12mo. 1855. 6s. Catalogue of British Ichneumonide. By THomas DESsvIGNEs, M.E.S. 12mo. 1856. ls. 9d. List of British Aculeate Hymenoptera ; with Synonyma, and the description of some new species. By F. Smiru. 1851. 2s. Catalogue of Dipterous Insects. By F. WaLKeEr, F.L.S. Part 1. 12mo. 1848. Part 4. 1849. 6s. 3s. 6d. Part 5. Supplement I. 1854. 4s. 6d. Part 2. 1849. 3s. 6d. Part 6. Supplement II. 1854. 3s. Part 3. 1849. 3s. Part 7. Supplement III.1855.3s.6d. Catalogue of Homopterous Insects. By F. WAuKeEr, F.L.S. With Plates. Part 1. 12mo. 1850. 3s. 6d. Part 3. 1851. 3s. 6d. Part 2. 1850. 5s. Part 4. 1852. 4s. Catalogue of Neuropterous Insects. By F. WALKER, F.L.S. Part 1. 12mo. 1852. 2s.6d. Part 3. 1853. 1s. 6d. Part 2. 1853. 3s. 6d. Part 4. 1853. 1s. Catalogue of Hemipterous Insects. ByW.S.Dauuas,F.L.8.&c. With Plates, Part 1. 12mo. 1851. 7s. Part 2. 1852. 4s. The Catalogues of Hymenopterous, Dipterous, Homopterous and Hemipterous Insects contain the description of the species in the Museum which appeared to be undescribed. Catalogue of British Bruchide, Curculionide, &e. By JoHN Watton, F.L.S. 12mo. 1856. Catalogue of Cassidide. By Professor BonzMAN. 12mo, 1856, 3s. 4 Nomenclature of Coleopterous Insects (with characters of new species). Part 1. Cetoniade. 12mo. 1847. 1s. By A. Waits, F.L.S. &e. Part 2. Hydrocanthari. 1847. 1s. 3d. By A. WuitsE, F.L.S. Part 3. Buprestide. 1848. 1s. By A. Wurrs, F.L.S. Part 4. Cleride. 1849. 1s. 8d. By A. Wuirs, F.LS. Part 5. Cucujide. 1851. 6d. By F. Smiru, M.E.S. Part 6. Passalide. 1852. 8d. By F. Smirn, M.E.S. Part 7. Longicornia. By A. Wurre, F.L.S. With Plates. Part 1. 1853. 2s.6d. Part2. 1855. 3s. 6d. List of Myriapoda. By G. Newport, F.R.S. &c. 12mo. 1844. 4d. Catalogue of Myriapoda. By G. Newport, F.R.S. &e. Part 1. Chilopoda. 12mo. 1856. 1s. 9d. List of British Anopluva, or Parasitic Insects; with Synonyma. By H. Denny. 12mo. Is. List of Crustacea; with Synonyma. By A. Wuirr. 1847. 2s. List of British Crustacea; with Synonyma. By A.Wutre, F.L.S. 12mo. 1850. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of Entozoa; with Plates. By W. Barro, M.D., F.L.S. 12mo. 1853. 2s. Catalogue of British Worms. By G. Jounstron, M.D. 8vo. 1856. 10s. With Plates. Til. MOLLUSCA. Guide to the Collection of Mollusca. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S, ce. Sve. Part ls 1856.. s5s; Catalogue of the Mollusca. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. &e. Part 1. Cephalopoda Antepedia. 12mo. 1849. 4s. Part 2. Pteropoda. 1850. Ils. Catalogue of Bivalve Mollusca. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. &e. Part 1. Placuniadz and Anomiade. 12mo. 1850. 4d. Part 2. BrachiopodaAncylopoda. 1853.3s. Figuresof genera. Containing the characters of the recent and fossil genera, and the descriptions of all the recent species at present known. Catalogue of Phaneropneumona or Operculated Terrestrial Mol- luseca. By Dr. Louis Preirrerand Dr. J. E.Gray. 1852. 5s. Catalogue of Conchifera. By M. Desuayes. Part 1. Veneride, &e. 12mo. 1853. 3s. Part 2. Petri- colidee.. 6d. wo List of British Mollusca and Shells; with Synonyma. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. Part 1. Acephala and Brachiopoda. 1l2mo. 1851. 3s. 6d. Catalogue of Pulmonata. By Dr. Louis Preirrer and Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. Part 1. 12mo. 1855. 2s. 6d. List of the Shells of the Canaries, described by M. D’Oreteny. 12mo. 1854. Is. List of the Shells of Cuba, described by M. D’OrsiaNy. 12mo. 1 ls. List of the Shells of South America, described by M. D’Or- BIGNY. 12mo. 1854. 2s. List of the Mollusca and Shells collected and described by MM. Eypovux and SouLreyeT. 12mo. 1855. 8d. Nomenclature of Mollusca. By Dr. W. Barro, F.L.S. &e. Part 1. Cyclophoride. l2mo. 1851. Ils. 6d. IV. RADIATA. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa. By G. Busx, F.R.S. Part 1. Chilostoma. 12mo. 1852. 17s. With Plates. Part 2. Chilostoma. 12mo. 1854. 15s. With Plates. List of British Radiata; with Synonyma. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. 12mo. 1848. 4s. List of British Sponges; with Synonyma. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. 12mo. 1848. 10d. Catalogue of the Recent Echinida. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. Part 1. Echimidawregularia. 12mo. 3s. 6d., with Plates. V. BRITISH ZOOLOGY. List of the British Animals; with Synonyma and references to figures. Part 1. Radiata. By Dr. J. E. Gray. 1848. 4s. Part 2. Sponges. By Dr. J. E. Gray. 1848. 10d. Part 3. Buds. By G. R. Gray. 1850. 4s. Part 4. Crustacea. By A. Wuite. 1850. 2s. Gd. Part 5. Lepidoptera. By J. F, SrepHens. 1850, Ed. 2. 1856. 1s, 9d. 6 Part 6. Hymenoptera. By F. Smiru. 1851, 2s. Part 7. Mollusca Acephala and Brachiopoda. By Dr. J. E. Gray. 1851. 3s. 6d. Part 8. Fish. By A. Wuire. 1851. 3s. Part 9. Eggs of British Birds. By G. R. Gray. 1852. 2s. 6d. Part 10. Lepidoptera (continued). By J. F. STEPHENs. ‘ 1852. 28, Part 11. Anoplura or Parasitic Insects. By H. Denny. Is. Part 12. Lepidoptera (continued), By J. F. STEPHENS. 1852. 9d. Part 13. Nomenclature of Hymenoptera. By F. Smiru. 1853. 1s. 4d. Part 14. Nomenclature of Neuroptera. By A. WHITE. 1853. 6d. Part 15. Nomenclature of Diptera. By A. Wu1TE. 1853. Is. Part 16. Lepidoptera (completed). By H. T. Stainton, M.E.S. 1854. 3s. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera (Bees). By F. Smiru. 1855. 6s., with plates. Catalogue of British Ichneumonide. By THomAs DEsvVIGNEs, M.E.S. 12mo. 1856. Is. 9d. Catalogue of British Bruchide, Curculionide, &e. By JoHN Watton, F.L.S. 12mo. 1856. N.B.—These Catalogues can be obtained at the Secretary’s Office in the BririsH Museum; or through any Bookseller. VI. Books ILLUSTRATING OR DESCRIBING PARTS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS. The Illustrated Natural History. By the Rev. J. G. Woop, M.A., F.L.S. &e. New edition. 12mo. 1855. Illustrations of Indian Zoology, from the Collection of Major- General Thomas Hardwicke. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. Folio. 2 vols. 1830-1835. Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. Edited by CHARLES Darwin, F.R.S. 4to. 1840-1844. Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.SS. Erebus and Terror. Edited by Sir Joun Ricuarpson, M.D., F.R.S. &c., and Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. 4to. 1844-1845. British Museum—Historical and Descriptive. 12mo. 1855. Natural History of the Animal Kingdom. By W. S. DAuuas, F.L.S. &e. Post 8vo. 1855. ——— ¥ ‘ 7 Zoplepical Miscellany. By W. E. Leacn, M.D., F.R.S. 8vo. vols. Spicilegia Zoologica. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. 4to. 1829-1830. Zoological Miscellany. By Dr. J. E.Gray, F.R.S. 8yo. 1831. Knowsley Menagerie. Part 2. Hoofed Animals. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. Folio. 1850. A Monograph of the Macropodide. By JoHn Gov pn, F.R.S. Folio. 1841-1844. Mammals of Australia. By Joun Goutp, F.R.S. Folio. 1845. Popular History of Mammalia, By A. Wurre, F.L.S. Popular History of Birds. By A. Wuirs, F.L.S. Genera of Birds. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S. Illustrated by plates by D. W. MircHeE.t, Sec. Z.S. Folio. 3 vols. 1844-1849. The Birds of Jamaica. By P. H.Gossr, F.R.S. 8vo. 1847. Illustrations of the Birds of Jamaica. By P. H. Gosss, F.R.S. 8vo. 1849. Monograph of Ramphastide. By Joun Goutp,F.R.S. Folio. Birds of Australia. By JoHn Gouup, F.R.S. Folio. 1848. Report on the Ichthyology of the Seas of China and Japan. By Sir Joun Ricuarpson, M.D., F.R.S. S8vo. 1846. Fauna Boreali-Americana. The Fish. By Sir Joun RicHarp- son, M.D., F.R.S. &e. 4to. 1836. With Plates. Synopsis Reptilium. Part 1. Cataphracta. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. 8vo. 1831. Illustrations of British Entomology. By JAmEs F, STEPHENS, F.L.S. 10 vols. 8vo. 1827-1835. A Systematic Catalogue of British Insects. By J. F. SrePHENs, F.L.S. 8vo. 1829. The Nomenclature of British Insects. By J. F. Stepuens, F.L.S. 8vo. 1829 & 1833. A Manual of British Coleoptera. By J. F. StepHens, F.L.S. 12mo. 1839. Insecta Britannica. Diptera. By F. Waker, F.L.S. 8vo, 1851-1856. Monographia Chaleiditum. By F.WaLker,F.L.S. 8vo. 1839. Entomology of Australia. Part 1. Phasmide. By G.R, Gray, F.L.S. 4to. Synopsis of species of Phasmide. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S. 8vo. C 8 Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera. By Epwarp DouBLepAy, F.L.S., and J. O. Westwoop, F'.L.S. lustrated by W. C. Hewitson. 4to. 2vols. 1846-1850. Monographia Anoplurorum Britannize, or British species of Parasitic Insects. By Henry Denny, F.L.S. 8vo. With Plates. Fauna Boreali-Americana. The Insects. By W. Krrsy, F.R.S. 4to. 1837. With Coloured Plates. Insecta Maderensia. By T. Vernon Wo.uuastTon, M.A.,F.L.S. 4to. 1854. With Plates. Malacostraca Podophthalmia Britannie. By W. E. Lraca, M.D., F.R.S. 4to. 1817-1821. A Monograph of the Subclass Cirripedia. By CHARLES DARWIN, F.R.S. 8vo. 2 vols. 1854. Natural History of the British Entomostraca. By W. Barrp, M.D., F.L.S. &e. 8vo. 1850. Figures of Molluscous Animals, for the use of Students. By Maria Emma Gray. 3vols. 8vo. 1850-1854. A Synopsis of the Mollusca of Great Britam. By W. KE. Leacnu, M.D., F.R.S. 8yvo. 1852. Catalogue of the Land Shells of Jamaica. By C. B. ApAms. 8vo. 1851. Catalogue of Testaceous Mollusca of the North-east Atlantic sud ngiehhounne Seas. By R. MacAnprew, F.R.S. 8vo. 1850. Illustrations of the Geology of Yorkshire. By JoHn PHILLIPs, F.R.S. 4to. 1836. A Monograph of the Crag Mollusca. By Searies V. Woop, F.G.S. 4to. 1850. A History of British Starfishes. By Epwarp Forsss, F.RS. Syo. A History of the British Zoophytes. By GrorGe JOHNSTON, M.D. 8vo. 1838.—Ed.2. 8vo. 1847. : A History of British Sponges and Lithophytes. By GrorcE JoHnston, M.D. S8vo. 1842. A Synopsis of the British Diatomacee. By W. Smiru, F.L.S. 8vo, 2 vols. 1854-1856. The Plates by T. West. Proceedings of the Zoological Society. Series 1 and 2. Transactions of the Entomological Society. May 1857. QL British Museum (Natural 596 history) Dept. of Zoology C5B84 Catalogue of Hispidae in the collection of the Briti< a | ae f Iolo gicai Museum &% Medica! PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY a akeekd rettest) i Fes ihe vit ye ay eb ae aed eae ? ue . C a s% = Sty iteper jateit & iP ; i ; 2b i fe ew eideses be Re