
of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts

in the Beinecke Rare Book

and Manuscript Library

Yale University

Volume ii: mss 251-500

medieval & Renaissance texts & studies

Volume 48


of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts

in the Beinecke Rare Book

and Manuscript Library

Yale University

Volume ii: mss 251-500


Barbara A. Shailor

medieval & Renaissance texts & Studies

Binghamton, New York 1987

© Copyright 1987

Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies

State University of New York at Binghamton

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

Catalogue of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.

(Medieval & renaissance texts & studies ; v. 34, 48) Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Contents: v. 1. MSS 1-250 - v. 2 MSS 251-500.

1. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Catalogs.

2. Manuscripts Connecticut New Haven Catalogs.

3. Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) Catalogs.

4. Manuscripts, Greek (Medieval and modern) Catalogs.

5. Manuscripts, Medieval Connecticut New Haven Catalogs.

6. Manuscripts, Renaissance Connecticut— New Haven- Catalogs. I. Shailor, Barbara A., 1948- . II. Series. III. Title.

Z6621.B4213 1984 011'.31 84-667 ISBN 0-86698-065-2 (alk. paper) v. 1 ISBN 0-86698-030-X (alk. paper) v. 2

This book is set in Baskerville typeface,

smythe-sewn and printed on

acid-free paper to library specifications.

It will not fade, tear, or crumble.

Printed in the United States of America

Board of Advisors

Walter Cahn

Consuelo W. Dutschke

Jane Greenfield

Walter N. Nichipor

Richard H. Rouse


Abbreviations ix

MSS 251-500 1

Indices 493

Plates 575

List of Abbreviations



Aristoteles Latinus



G. Achten and H. Knaus, Deutsche und niederlandische Gebetbuchhandschriften der Hessischen Landes- und Hochschul- bibliothek Darmstadt (Darmstadt, 1959).

G. Lacombe, Aristoteles latinus. Pars prior (Rome, 1939); Pars posterior (Cambridge, 1955).

Bibliotheca hagiographica graeca, ediderunt Socii Bollandia- ni, 3rd ed. (Brussels, 1957).

Bibliotheca hagiographica latina, ediderunt Socii Bollandiani.

British Library.

Bloomfield, Virtues M. W. Bloomfield, et al., Incipits of Latin Works on the Vir- and Vices tues and Vices, 1100-1500 A. D. (Cambridge, Mass.,


B. N. Bibliotheque Nationale.

Branner R. J. Branner, Manuscript Painting in Paris during the Reign

of Saint Louis: A Study of Styles (Berkeley, 1977).

Briquet C. M. Briquet, Les filigranes: Dictionnaire historique des

marques du papier . . . 1282 jusqu'en 1600, facs. of the 1907 edition with supplementary material, ed. A. Stevenson (Amsterdam, 1968).

CAG Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca, 23 vols. + 3 supp. vols.

(Berlin, 1882-1903).

Canart P. Canart, "Scribes grecs de la Renaissance," Scriptorium

17 (1963) pp. 56-82.

CC Corpus christianorum.


Corpus christianorum: Continuatio mediaevalis.

E. A. Lowe, Codices latini antiquiores (Oxford, 1934-71).

Colophons de manuscrits occidentaux des origines au XVP siecle (Fribourg, 1965-82).

W. A. Copinger, Supplement to Main's Repertorium bib- liographicum (Berlin, 1926).

M. E. Cosenza, Biographical and Bibliographical Dictionary of the Italian Humanists and of the World of Classical Scholar- ship in Italy, 1300-1800 (Boston, 1962-67).

Clavispatrum latinorum, ed. E. Dekkers, Sacris erudiri 3 (2nd ed., 1961).

Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum.

F. E. Cranz and P. O. Kristeller, eds., Catalogus translatio- num et commentariorum: Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries (Washington, D.C., 1960- ).

L. M. J. Delaisse, J. Marrow and J. de Wit, Illuminated Manuscripts. The James A. de Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor v. 8 (Fribourg, 1977, for the Na- tional Trust by the Office du Livre).

K. A. de Meyier, "Scribes grecs de la Renaissance. Addi- tions et corrections aux repertoires de Vogel- Gardthausen, de Patrinelis et de Canart," Scriptorium 18 (1964) pp. 258-66.

S. de Ricci, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada (New York, 1935-40).

Dictionary of National Biography.

Early English Text Society.

A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Cam- bridge to 1500 (Cambridge, 1963).

A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Ox- ford to A. D. 1500 (Oxford, 1957-59).

Exhibition Catalogue W. Cahn and J. Marrow, eds., "Medieval and Renais- sance Manuscripts at Yale: A Selection," Yale Univer- sity Library Gazette 52 (1978) pp. 173-284.

CC Cont. Med. CLA


Copinger Cosenza



Delaisse, Marrow and de Wit, Waddesdon Manor

De Meyier

De Ricci



Emden, BRUC

Emden, BRUO



Faye and Bond

Gazette GKW Graux and Martin




Heawood IMEV




Leroquais, LH

Lieftinck, Moat- schappij

C. U. Faye, Supplement to the Census of Medieval and Renais- sance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. Con- tinued and edited by W. H. Bond (New York, 1962).

Yale University Library Gazette.

Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke (1925- ).

C. Graux and A. Martin, Rapport sur une mission en Es- pagne et en Portugal. Notices sommaires ... in Nouvelles ar- chives des missions scientifiques et litteraires 2 (1892) pp. 1-322.

L. F. T. Hain, Repertorium bibliographicum, in quo libriomnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum MD (Stuttgart, 1826-38).

D. and J. Harlfinger, Wasserzeichen aus griechischen Hand- schriften (Berlin, v. 1: 1974; 2: 1980).

Henry Bradshaw Society.

C. Wordsworth, ed. Horae Eboracenses , Surtees Society 132 (1920).

E. Heawood, Watermarks, Mainly of the 17th and 18th Cen- turies (Monumenta Chartae Papyraceae I) (Hilversum, 1950).

C. Brown and R. H. Robbins, The Index of Middle English Verse (New York, 1943). Supplement by R. H. Robbins and J. L. Cutler (Lexington, 1965).

A. Karpozilos, "The Yale University Manuscripts of An- dreas Darmarius," Hellenika 26 (1973) pp. 67-71.

N. R. Ker, Medieval Libraries of Great Britain, 2nded. (Lon- don, 1964).

N. R. Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries (Oxford, 1969- ).

V. Leroquais, Les livres d'heures, manuscrits de la Bibhotheque nationale (Paris, 1927-43).

Codices 168-360 Societatis cui nomen Maatschappij der Neder- landsche Letterkunde descripsitG. I. Lieftinck. Biblioteca Universitatis Leidensis. Codices Manuscripti, v. 1 (Leiden, 1948).


Lyell Cat. Meertens


Missale Romanum

MSS dates


OCT Olivier


Pacht and Alexander

Parke s, Cursive Book Hands

Parke s, Keble College




Phillipps Studies Piccard

A. de la Mare, Catalogue of the Collection of Medieval Manuscripts Bequeathed to the Bodleian Library Oxford by James P. R. Lyell (Oxford, 1971).

M. Meertens, De Godsvrucht in de Nederlanden; nam Hand- schriften van Gebedenboeken der XV' Eeuw. Leuvense Studieen en Tekstuitgaven 1-3, 6 (1930-34).

Monumenta Germaniae historica.

R. Lippe, ed., Missale Romanum Mediolani 1474 in Henry Bradshaw Society 17, 33 (1899, 1907).

Catalogue des manuscrits en ecriture latine portant des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste (Paris, 1959- ).

W. N. Nichipor, "Marginalia," Yale University Library Gazette 58 (1984) pp. 186-87.

Oxford Classical Texts.

J.-M. Olivier, "Les manuscrits grecs de l'Archivo- Biblioteca del Cabildo metropolitano (La Seo) de Saragosse," Scriptorium 30 (1976) pp. 52-57.

H. Omont, Facsimiles des manuscrits grecs des XVe et XVIe siecles (Paris, 1887).

O. Pacht and J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library (Oxford, 1966-73).

B. Parkes, English Cursive Book Hands 1250-1500 (Oxford, 1969).

M. B. Parkes, The Medieval Manuscripts of Keble College Oxford (London, 1979).

C. G. Patrinelis, " EXXrjveq xa)8txoygd<poi," E7U£x^pt<; xou Meaocuovtxou Apxetou vols. 8-9 (1958-59) (Athens, 1961) pp. 62-125.

P. Perdrizet, Le calendrier parisien a la fin du moyen age. Pub- lications de la Faculte des Lettres de VUniversite de Strasbourg 63 (Paris, 1933).

Patrologiae cursus completus, series graeca, accurante J. -P. Migne.

A. N. L. Munby, Phillipps Studies (Cambridge, 1951-60).

G. Piccard, Die Wasserzeichenkartei Piccard im Hauptstaatsar- chiv Stuttgart (Stuttgart, 1961- ).



Plummer, Last Flowering



Reynolds, Texts and Transmission


Richard Sarum Missal Schneyer

Sinclair Sonet

SR Stegmuller

Stegmuller, Sent.



Thomson, Latin Bookhands

Patrologiae cursus compleius, series latina, accurante J. -P. Migne.

J. Plummer, The Last Flowering: French Painting in Manu- scripts 1420-1530, exhib. cat. (New York and London, 1982).

Publications of the Modern Language Association of America.

Patwlogia orientalis (Paris, 1907- ).

L. D. Reynolds, et al., Texts and Transmission: A Survey of the Latin Classics (Oxford, 1983).

U. Chevalier, Repertorium hymnologicum v. 1-4 (Louvain, 1892-1912); v. 5-6 (Brussels, 1920-21).

M. Richard, Repertoire des bibliotheques et des catalogues de manuscrits grecs. 2nded. (Paris, 1958); Supplement (1964).

J. W. Legg, The Sarum Missal, edited from three early manuscripts (Oxford, 1916).

J. B. Schneyer, Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mit- telalters fur die Zeit von 1150-1350. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophic und Theologie des Mit- telalters 43 (Minister, 1969- ).

K. V. Sinclair, Descriptive Catalogue of Medieval and Renais- sance Western Manuscripts in Australia (Sydney, 1969).

J. Sonet, Repertoire d'incipit de prieres en ancien francais . So- ciete de Publications Romanes et Francaises 54 (Geneva, 1956).

Statutes of the Realm; with references to 1810-28 ed., v. 1.

F. Stegmuller, Repertorium biblicum medii aevi (Madrid, 1950- ).

F. Stegmuller, Repertorium commentariorum in Sententias Petri Lombardi (Wiirzburg, 1947).

A. Tenneroni, Inizii di antiche poesie italiane religiose e morali (Florence, 1909).

Bibliotheca scriptorum graecorum et romanorum teub- neriana.

S. H. Thomson, Latin Bookhands of the Later Middle Ages 1100-1500 (Cambridge, 1969).



Thorndike and Kibre


Vogel and Gardt- hausen

Walther, Initio



Weale, South Kensington


Ziskind Catalogue

L. Thorndike and P. Kibre, A Catalogue of Incipits of Mediaeval Scientific Writings in Latin 2nd ed. (Cambridge, Mass., 1963).

B. L. Ullman, "Petrarch Manucripts in the United States," Italia medioevale e umanistica 5 (1962). pp. 443-75.

M. Vogel and V. Gardthausen, Die griechischen Schreiber des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Beihefte zum Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen 33 (Leipzig, 1909).

H. Walther, Initia carminum ac versuum medii aevi posterioris latinorum, Garmina medii aevi posterioris latina, i 2nd ed. (Gottingen, 1969).

H. Walther, Lateinische Sprickwdrter und Sentenzen des Mit- telalters, Carmina medii aevi posterioris latina, ii (Got- tingen, 1963-86).

W. H.J. Weale, Bookbindings and Rubbings of Bindings in the National Art Library, South Kensington Museum (London, 1894, 1898).

A. Wilmart, Auteurs spirituels et textes devots du moyen age latin (Paris, 1932).

B. M. W. Knox, "The Ziskind Collection of Greek Manuscripts," Yale University Library Gazette 32 (1957) pp. 38-56.


MS 251 Mount Athos, 1585, 1651

Sermons; Lives of Saints (in Greek) Pis. 47, 51

I. 1 . pp. 1-8 [Table:] IlivaJ; axpiPr) [sic] ttj; 7tapou<JT)s 7n>xTt'8o<;. [text:] xou iv aytOL? Kanpoq rifiaiv uoavvou ... cpaetvr) xal Oeoxapu; rj auvoeyapouaa//

Pages 9-1315 contain Sermons and Lives of Saints for March 25 through August 29. Incipits are given only when no reference is made to a specific printed text.

2. pp. 9-23 John Chrysostom, Oratio de annuntiatione Deiparae [PG 62.763-70].

3. pp. 24-32 Gregory Thaumatourgus, Homilia in annuntiationem Vir- ginis [PG 10.1145-56].

4. pp. 32-56 Andrew of Crete, Oratio in annuntiationem [PG 97.881-913].

5. pp. 56-70 Michael Psellus, Oratio in salutationem B. V. M. [PO 16 (1922) pp. 517-27; E. Kurtz and F. Drexl, eds., Michmlis Pselli Scripta Minora (Milan, 1936) v. 1, pp. 82-93].

6. pp. 71-97 John Geometres, In annuntiationem Deiparae [PG 106.811-48].

7. pp. 98-138 Sophronius of Jerusalem, Vita S. Mariae Aegyptiacae [PG 87,3.3697-726].

8. pp. 139-171 Nicetas David, Passio S. Georgii [BHG3 676].

9. pp. 171-201 Andrew of Crete, Oratio in S. Georgium [PG 97.1169-92].

10. pp. 201-214 [Nicetas David], Encomium S. Marci [PG 105.283-300].

11. pp. 214-235 Asterius of Amasea, Laudatio S. Basilii ep. Amaseae [BHG3 240].

MS 25I

12. pp. 235-252 Nicetas David, Laudatio S. Iacobi Zebedaei [PG 105.79-100].

13. pp. 252-257 Proclus of Constantinople, Encomium S. Ioannis Evan- gelistae [PG 65.800-05].

14. pp. 257-261 Cyril of Alexandria, Homilia Ephesi dicta [PG 77.985-90].

15. pp. 261-323 Constantine Acropolites, Laudatio SS. Constantini et Helenae [BHG3 368].

16. pp. 323-331 Theodore of Studium, Sermo de S. Ioanne Baptista [BHG3 842].

17. pp. 332-361 John Stauracius, Encomium S. Theodosiae [BHG3 1774a].

18. pp. 361-387 John Zonaras, Commentarius de Cyrillo ep, Alexandriae [BHG3 2099].

19. pp. 387-426 Alexander the monk, Laudatio in apostolum Barnabam [PG 87,3.4087-106, Latin only].

20. pp. 426-465 Nicolaus, Vita S. Petri Athonitae [BHG3 1505].

21. pp. 465-476 Antipater of Bostra, Homilia in S. loannem Baptistam ... [PG 85.1763-76].

22. pp. 477-489 Aetius of Constantinople, Homilia in S. loannem Bap- tistam [BHG3 861p; also attributed to Leontius of Constantinople] .

23. pp. 489-529 Sophronius of Jerusalem, Oratio in S. loannem Bap- tistam [PG 87,3.3321-54].

24. pp. 530-548 Nicetas David, Laudatio SS. Petri et Pauli [PG 105.37-54].

25. pp. 548-557 John Chrysostom, In Petrum et Paulum Sermo [PG 59.491-96].

26. pp. 558-574 Nicetas David, Laudatio Apostolorum et discipulorum [BHG3 160].

27. pp. 574-580 John Chrysostom, In duodecim Apostolos Sermo [PG 59.495-98].

28. pp. 580-609 Theodore, priest of Constantinople, Depositio vestis inBlachernis [BHG3 1058].

29. pp. 610-630 Nicetas David, Laudatio S. Hyacinthi Amastreni [PG 105.417-40].

30. pp. 631-646 Nicetas patricius, Vita S. Andreae Cretensis [BHG3 113].

31. pp. 646-679 Constantine of Tium, Translatio S. Euphemiae [BHG3 621].

MS 251

32. pp. 679-718 Theophanes monachus, Vita S. Michaelis Maleini [BHG3 1295].

33. pp. 718-734 Nicetas philosophus, Passio SS. Ciryci et Iulittae [BHG3 318].

34. pp. 734-747 Cyril of Alexandria, Encomium in S. Mariam Deiparam ... [PG 77.1029-40].

35 . pp . 747-789 Gregory of Cyprus, Oratio de S. Marina [BHG3 1 1 69] .

36. pp. 789-831 Anonymous, Commentarius de Elia et Elisaeo [BHG3 577e].

37. pp. 831-842 John Chrysostom, In Eliam Prophetam Sermo [PG 56.583-86].

38. pp. 842-882 John Zonaras, Vita S. Eupraxiae [BHG3 631m].

39. pp. 882-910 Nicetas David, Laudatio S. Panteleemonis [BHG3 1416].

40. pp. 911-923 Timotheus of Antioch, In crucem et transfigurationem [PG 86,1.253-66].

41. pp. 923-956 John Damascene, Homilia in transfigurationem [PG 96.545-76].

42. pp. 957-986 Andrew of Crete, Oratio in transfigurationem Domini [PG 97.931-58].

43. pp. 986-996 John Chrysostom, Oratio de transfiguratione Domini [BHG3 1984b].

44. pp. 997-1005 John Chrysostom, Oratio de transfiguratione servatoris [PG 61.713-16].

45. pp. 1005-1027 Anastasius of Sinai, Oratio de transfiguratione Domini [BHG3 1999].

46. pp. 1027-1041 Ephraem, Oratio de transfiguratione Domini [F. Assemani, ed., Ephraemi Syri Opera Omnia (Rome, 1732-46) v. 2, p. 41].

47. pp. 1041-1061 John Chrysostom, Oratio de transfiguratione Domini [BHG3 1980k].

48. pp. 1061-1132 John Damascene, Homiliae in dormitionem B. V. M. [PG 96.697-762].

49. pp. 1132-1195 Andrew of Crete, Orationes in dormitionem B. V. M. [PG 97.1045-110].

50. pp. 1 196-1212 Germanus of Constantinople, Oratio in dormitionem B. V. M. [BHG3 1130s].

5 1 . pp . 1212-1228 Nicetas David , Laudatio S. Bartholomaei Apostoli [PG 105.195-214].

O MS 25I

52. pp. 1228-1239 Anonymous, Laudatio S. Moysis Aethiopis [BHG3 1310].

53. pp. 1239-1253 Theodore of Studium, Oratio in S. Ioannis Baptistae decollationem [PG 99.757-72].

54. pp. 1253-1289 Andrew of Crete, Oratio in S. Ioannis Baptistae decol- lationem [PG 97.1109-42].

55. pp. 1289-1315 Ghrysippus presbyter, Laudatio S. Ioannis Praecur- soris [BHG3 851].

II. 56. pp. 1316-1323 John Chrysostom, Oratio de saltatione Herodiadis ... [PG 59.521-26].

III. 57. pp. 1324-1334 Anonymous, Vita S. Mariae Magdalenis; text begins: Elq tov xatpov orcoG intptKaxti 6 xupio<; r|[i6jv ... [colophon on p. 1315 in hand of Scribe 2 : ] to rcapdv ptjiXiov U7rapx£t xy\<; hpau; \i6vr\<; at[xovo? Tzizpctc,- e-ypacpr) hi 81a xtl?°$ xupfXXou fiovocxoG. X 9 T- [Added on p. 13 1 5, in a later hand: ] yeyove 8e 8ta i%6$o\> xal aov8pou.?]<; too oatoixatou ev lepofiovaxots xuptoo xwvaxavxtou tlq c|>uxtxriv auxou aooTTjptav xal ot dvayivcoaxovxeg auTo eu'xeaOe urcep aoTOO- et tk; Si elfiXewa&i aiko ex xr\q K<xpouar\<; jxovfjc, £x&T<0 T(*S «P^C T&v aYi<*>v rcaxepwv. to Ti[ir)fAa atnoG i<m tov aptGfxov aaTcpa Aoe. [colophon of Scribe 3 (Ioasaph), p. 1334:] QeoG to Scopov, xat icodaa9 novo?, axva.' tavvouaptou it. p. 1335 inscrip- tions (see Provenance)

The manuscript is composed of three parts; the second two serve to com- plete a text that was either unfinished or damaged. Part I: pp. 1-1315 (skips 399); Part II: pp. 1316-1323; Part III: pp. 1324-1334. The three sections were written on sturdy paper with similar watermarks: anchor within a circle and surmounted by a six-pointed star, all with assorted countermarks, ff. ii (paper) + 662 (paginated 1-1335) + ii (paper), 317 x 210 mm.

Part I: (215 x 125) mm. Written in 26 long lines; triple outer and double inner vertical bounding lines, full length; two additional rulings in upper and lower margins. Ruled in hard point. Executed by a single scribe (Scribe 1) in large bold minuscule. A notice on p. 1315 in the hand of Scribe 2 (see colo- phon, art. 57) states that this portion was completed by Cyrillus in 1585 at the monastery of St. Simon Petras, with the subvention of Gonstantinus (Vogel and Gardthausen, p. 240). Cyrillus' own signature occurs on p. 1323. Intri- cate headpiece of vine-tendrils within rectangular blocks, outlined in black and filled with red, yellow, and pale gold (p. 9). Large initials, 10- to 8- line, of similar design and colors, appear for each new text together with narrow head- pieces. Some instructions for the rubricator remain along upper and lower edges.

Part II: (220 x 125) mm. Written in 25 long lines; single inner and double outer vertical bounding lines. Ruled lightly in hard point. Written by Scribe

ms 252 7

2 in a smaller, more calligraphic minuscule than Part I. Simple headpiece in black and red (p. 1316); one ornamental initial, 5 -line, sprouting floral mo- tifs, on same page, in red. 2-line initials in gold.

Part III: (220 x 133) mm. Written in 26 long lines; double inner and triple outer vertical bounding lines, and additional ruling in lower margin. Ruled in hard point. Executed by a single scribe (Scribe 3) who signed and dated the section on p. 1334: Ioasaph, 15 January 1651 (see colophon, art. 57). Head- piece of plaited design, in red and burnt orange (p. 1324); single decorative initial, 9-line, at beginning of text.

\\ II9, III-XIII10, XIV8, XV-XX10, XXI9, XXII-XL10, XLI8, XLII-L10, LI9, LII-LXIII10, LXIV9, LXV-LXVI10, LXVII6, LXVIII4, LXIX6. The tight binding does not allow a more detailed collation. Scribe 1 placed catchwords perpendicular to text near gutter, on verso.

Binding: s. xix. Half bound in purple calfskin with watered cloth sides. "Lec- tionary. Greek MS. Mt. Athos 1555" on spine.

Written at the Monastery of St. Simon Petras, Mt. Athos, in 1585 and 1651 (inscriptions and colophons on pp. 1187, 1315, 1323, and 1335; see above for scribes). Library of Constantine Simonides (signature on f. ii recto); his sale to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 13864, tag on spine). Purchased from L. C. Wit- ten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 25).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 46, no. 251. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 48. R. Carter, Codices Chrysostomici Graeci (Paris, 1970) v. 3, pp. 18-19, no. 16.

MS 252 Byzantium, s. XVI

Sermons; Lives of Saints (in Greek)

Pages 99-770 contain Sermons and Lives of Saints for December 20 to Febru- ary 2; incipits are listed only when no reference is given to a printed text.

1. pp. 99-115 John Chrysostom, Oratio de beato Philogonio [PG 48.747-56].

2. pp. 115-128 Athanasius, Homilia de censu [PG 28.943-58].

3. pp. 129-141 John Chrysostom, Oratio in Mud, Exiit edictum [PG 50.795-800].

4. pp. 141-156 Basil, Homilia in sanctam Christi generationem [PG 31 . 1457-76].

5. pp. 156-177 John Damascene, De nativitate Domini [BHG3 1912].

6. pp. 177-198 Gregory of Nyssa, Oratio in diem natalem Christi [PG 46. 1 127-50; pp. 199-210 missing].

7. pp. 211-212 John Chrysostom, Oratio in natalem Christi diem [PG 56.392-94]. R. Carter {Codices Chrysostomici Graeci [Paris, 1970] v. 3, p. 19, no. 17) iden-

O MS 252

tified this sermon, whose title was lost with p. 199, as that of St. John Chrysostom. The mutilated text begins, on p. 211: //xoct exivrjae np6<; im- <jrpo<pr)v 0&oO . . . xouTcp ouv xtp arcopcov rcopov Epyaiiocfiiva) Xpiarco, 86£ocv dvaTiefx-

4>tO[X£V 070V TW KOLipl ... OCfJlTJV.

8. pp. 212-233 John Chrysostom, Oratio in diem natalem Christi [PG 49.351-62].

9. pp. 234-256 Basil of Seleucia, Oratio in S. Deiparae annuntiationem [PG 85.425-52].

10. pp. 256-282 John Chrysostom, Laudatio S. Stephani [BHG3 1665a].

11. pp. 282-301 Gregory of Nyssa, Oratio in S. Stephanum [PG 46.701-22].

12. pp. 302-307 John Chrysostom, Oratio in Herodem et infantes [PG 61.699-702].

1 3 . p . 308 Basil of Seleucia, Oratio in infantes ab Herode sublatos [PG 85 . 387-89 ; pp. 309-48 missing].

14. pp. 349-361 [Amphilochius of Iconium], Oratio in circumcisionem et in S. Basilium [BHG3 261].

15. pp. 361-362 Gregory of Nyssa, Laudatio Basilii [PG 46.787-89; pp. 363-408 missing].

16. pp. 409-421 Gregory of Nyssa, Oratio de baptismo Christi [PG 64.33-38; sometimes attributed to John Chrysostom and Gregory of Antioch] .

17. pp. 421-446 Gregory of Nyssa, Oratio in baptismum Christi [PG 46.577-600].

18. pp. 446-464 John Chrysostom, Oratio de baptismo Christi [PG 49.363-72] .

19. pp. 464-476 Gregory Thaumatourgus, Homilia IV in S. Theophaniam [PG 10.1177-90].

20. pp. 477-494 Theodore Daphnopata, Oratio de manu S. Praecursoris [PG 111.611-20, Latin only].

21. pp. 495-522 Ammonius, Relatio de monachis [BHG3 1300; pp. 523-628 missing].

22. pp. 629-634 Unidentified text, beginning lacking; text begins: //xdbuaaiv exj3aXeTv. IV f[ ti xoct tou; fjuo-av8p<o7roi<; cptXavGpcorcov ... [pp. 635-650 missing].

23. pp. 651-666 Unidentified text, beginning lacking; text begins: //<jt6{jux, -co XocXfjaocv &<; <xXr]0<o<; yXuxuxepou? Xoyou; xTjpiou xai \1iX1xoq ... [pp. 667-678 missing],

24. pp. 679-680 Unidentified text, beginning lacking; text begins: //eTOXTteXGelv t<P Xoyixw toutw xai t&pet xai noi\iivi tuotcoovtou. xai fiiaGov a^tov -cffc xoia6vr\t;. . . .

25. pp. 680-699 Cosmas Vestitor, Oratio de Chrysostomo [BHG3 877v].

26. pp. 699-704, 715-716 [pp. 705-714 missing] John Chrysostom, Oratio in S. Ignatium martyrem [PG 50.587-89 and 595].

ms 252 9

27. pp. 716-732 John Mauropus, De Basilio, Chrysostomo, et Gregorio [BHG3 747b].

28. pp. 732-760 John Mauropus, Encomium Basilii, Chrysostomi, Gregorii [BHG3 747; P. de Lagarde, ed., "Joannis Euchaitorum metropolitae quae in codice Vaticano graeco supersunt," Abhandlungen der K. Gottingen Gesell- schaftder Wissenschafien (Historisch-philologische Klasse) v. 28, pt. 1 (1881, publ. 1882) pp. 106-19, nr. 178].

29. pp. 760-769 and 760 bis-769 bis John Damascene, Laudatio S, Ioannis Chrysostomi [PG 96.761-82].

30. pp. 769 bis-770 Amphilochius of Iconium, Homilia in occursum Domini [PG 39.43-48].

Paper (sturdy, polished; watermarks consisting of a hat surmounted by six- pointed star, with countermark of cloverleaf plus the letter P and unidentified letter), ff. ii (paper) + 222 (pagination at top of written space [99-770] indi- cates gaps in the text; foliation at the bottom [1-222] reflects the current state of the codex) + ii (paper), 322 x 217 (222 x 133) mm. Written in 2 columns of 28 lines; double outer and single inner vertical bounding lines full length, and two additional lines in lower margin between bounding lines only. Ruled in hard point, on verso.

I12 (-4 leaves), II10, III9, IV-V10, VI4, VII-X10, XI8, XII7, XIII-XVII10, XVIII7, XIX11, XX4, XXI11, XXII-XXIV10, XXV3. The manuscript is too tightly bound to permit a more accurate collation. Signatures (letters of al- phabet, beginning with stigma) appear both on the recto of first folio and on the verso of final folio.

Written by a single scribe in a bold and carefully executed minuscule.

Large initials, 7- to 5-line, skillfully drawn in red with many floral append- ages, occur at the beginning of each sermon. Long rubricated incipits and small initials throughout the codex.

Most pages are water- and wax-stained; some leaves have been repaired, others remain torn.

Binding: s. xx. Brick-red goatskin, blind- and gold-tooled by the same binder as MS 241.

Written in Byzantium in the 16th century; notations within the codex con- cerning the appropriate time for reading each item (e.g., "at the table") sug- gest that the collection was intended to be read aloud in a monastery. Belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 13866; tags on spine and f. lr); his acquisition from Constantine Simonides. Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 44).

Bibliography. Faye and Bond, p. 46, no. 252. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 51. R. Carter, Codices Chrysostomici Graeci (Paris, 1970) v. 3, p. 19, no. 17.

10 MS 253

MS 253 Italy, s. XVmed

Alcinous, Didaskalikos, etc. (in Greek)

1. ff. lr-43r 'AXxivoov <ptXooo<pov elg trjv nXaxcovoQ (ptXoooyiav . Taiv xoptwTa- xtov 7tXaTO)vo? 8oY[xaTcov. totauxri iiq [sic] av 8t,8aaxaXia fivotTO. 9iXoao9ta eari. opefo ... eupextxou? ££axoXou0ia<; xai xtov Xowctov auxou SoYtxaxoav y&veaGat.

Alcinous, Didaskalikos; P. Louis, ed., Albinos Epitome (Rennes, 1945) pp. 3-173. According to J. Whittaker, the text in this manuscript is a direct descendant of Paris, B. N. gr. 1309.

2. ff. 43v-172v levopaHros' ocoxodrovg aTtofxvrjfiovevfidTOJV {3i{iXiov a. IToXXdxu; £0au[i,aaa, Tiat izozi Xoyotg a0r]va£ooi; erceiaav ot ypac|>d[xevot <j<oxpdT7)v ... ei Be to) {jltj dpeaxri xaoxa, 7capapdcXXa)v to aXXou rj6o<;, rcpo? -cauxa, ouxto xptv£xco. -zikog Ttov xeaadptov £evo9covTO<; a7CO(Jiv7]|JLOV£U[i(XTCL>v.

Xenophon, Memorabilia; Knox has given selected points of difference between Beinecke MS 253 and the Oxford text for chapters one and two of Bk. I (Ziskind Catalogue, p. 54).

3 . ff. 1 73r- 1 77r ^evo^covTog qr\Toqog, fiioq ovyyoa<pelg naqa XaeqTtov btoyevovg. E&vocpwv, fpuXXou [j.ev rjv \ilog. 'AQtjvocToi;. tov 8fj|jiov dpxteii?. atSrifxtov hi xai ... e'xxoi; ro£pto<; dyaXfjiaxoiToto^. e'P8o(xoi; xto[xto8ia? dpxato? KQvr\vr\g.

Diogenes, Life of Xenophon; H. Long, ed., Diogenis Laertii vitae philosophorum (Oxford, 1964) v. 1, pp. 77-82.

4. ff. 177r-186r tov avrov Xaeqrtov {3tog owxqdrovg. xai yvcojitai tov avrov. 2<oxpdtT]<;, ato9pov£axou uiv rjv uto^, XiGoupyou xai 9atvap£T7K . . . xai exepo; im ypajxfidTwv ttoitittjs. xai 6 xwo?. £7ttxXri<j£i? Qewv yeypacpto?.

Diogenes, Life of Socrates; Long, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 64-77.

5. ff. 186r-193r tov avrov Xaeqrtov 88ev r\ (piXooo<pla rjq^aro. xat rtveq [sic] at ravTTjq atqeaetg. ovroq eartv 6 nqajroq [tou expunged by scribe] Xoyog tov fttftXtov tojv fiiojv tojv <ptXoo6(p(ov ... to tyj<; <piXoao9ta<; e'pyov, iviot 9aaiv, &7to [3ap(3dpo>v ap£at, ... Xexxeov 8e Tcepi auxaiv tcov dvSptov 7cpcoTov ye Tcepi GaXoG.

Prologue to Diogenes, Lives of the Philosophers; Long, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 1-8.

6. ff. 193r-199v tov ev dyiotg yqr\yoqiov tov OeoXoyov neqi dqerfjg. [in mar- gin:] fierane^qaa^ievov ex tojv enwv. [text begins:] 11600? fiiv efxot tfjs depeTrfc, xai Xiav <J9o8p6g ... toC rcxpovxos (3tou, tco xfjs ri^fpa? exEtvYji; 900TI, BiaXuGrjaeTai. f. 200r-v blank

Gregory Nazianzen, On Virtue; this paraphrase of Gregory Nazianzen also occurs with the Alcinous text in Paris, B. N. gr. 1309.

Paper (thick; rough finish; no watermarks), ff. i (paper) + i (contemporary paper) + 200 + i (paper), 172 x 116 (122 x 80) mm. Written in 18 long lines,

ms 254 n

ruled in hard point; single inner vertical bounding line and double outer, full length.

I-XXV8. Remains of quire signatures (letters of the Greek alphabet) in up- per right corner, recto.

Written by a single scribe in a tidy minuscule script.

Simple headpieces, headings, and initials, 4- to 2-line, in red.

Stains with loss of text on ff. 34v-35r, 36v-37r, 168v-169r, 174v-175r, etc.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Rigid vellum case.

Written in Italy in the middle of the 15th century. Formerly in the Vatican Library (Urbin. gr. 65) from where it disappeared sometime before the Napoleonic Wars. SeeC. Stornajolo, Codices Urbinates Graeci Bibliothecae Vaticanae (Rome, 1895) p. 69; J. Whittaker, "Lost and Found: Some Manuscripts of the Didaskalikos of Alcinous (Albinus)," Symbolae osloenses 49 (1973) pp. 128-29. Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; bookplate on f. i with no. 21; handwritten table of contents pasted inside front cover; no. 1 in his sale catalogue); sold to Thorpe; bought by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 7751; on spine and in pencil on Guilford bookplate). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 60).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 46, no. 253. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 54.

MS 254 Byzantium, 1301

Hesiod, Opera et dies, with scholia of Tzetzes (in Greek) PI. 45

1 . ff. lr-102v [Title in later hand:] r)oi6Sov eqya xat r)fiEQa [text begins abrupt- ly:] //i%-ryri\aii<; [?] Glvxei; rcapaXXyjXa dupiXixOpeo? xat cptXaX^Btoi; ... T||jL£pwv £p- ya^eToa- ota>vocyxo7t(ov, xat toc dcraxtata sxcpsuytov. 6 rictoBo^ cdo\6<; yjv tw yevei. rca-cepa 8e eax& tov Biov. [XT]TEpa Be rcoxi{jir|Sriv. aSeXcpov hi xbv 7c£pa7]v. t£Xo<;.

Tzetzes, Scholia in Hesiodi Opera et dies; T. Gaisford, ed. , Poetae Minores Graeci (Leipzig, 1823) v. 2, pp. 11 (line 21)-446; the final sentence in MS 254 ap- pears to be added from a biographical notice in the Suidas or a similar work; A. Colonna, "Homerica et Hesiodea," Bollettino del Comitato per la preparazi- one deWEdizione nazionale dei classici greci e latini 3 (1955) pp. 45-55; M. L. West, ed., Hesiod: Works and Days, OCT (1978) pp. 69-74.

2. ff. 8v-103v [Title:] T)at68ou epyoc xod T)|jL&pou [text begins:] Mooaou mepiTjOsv aotSrjat xXeioucrai ... opvtGa; xptvtov xat urappaatas aXeetvtov. [colophon, f. 103v, worn and mutilated, with the leaf bound in upside down:] 'ExeXeicoOr) to rcapov (3t|3Xtov tou YjatoBoo 8ta Tffe * * * u x^P*00 [rubbed] [xtjvi oxxooPpuo xa rjfjipa aa(3(BaT<p. £v btci tot [ = A. D. 1301. The last 6 lines are illegible.]

Hesiod, Opera et dies; M. L. West, op. cit., pp. 95-135; cf. pp. 83-85 and

12 MS 254

93. MS 254 is cited under the siglum <p5 in the critical apparatus; N. A. Livadaras, laxoQia tijg nagaSoaewq xov xetfievov xov fHoi68ov (Athens, 1963) esp. pp. 190-91; M. L. West, "The Medieval Manuscripts of Hesiod's Works and Days" Classical Quarterly 68 (1974) pp. 161-85. MS 254, cited as Phil- lipps 3875, is given the siglum <p5. See esp. pp. 177-83.

Paper (rough; light brown), ff. iv (paper) + 103 + iv (paper), 191 x 144 (135 x 91) mm. Written in 27-34 long lines, frame-ruled in hard point in a careless manner; prickings visible at corners of written space, though not al- ways at the exact point of intersection.

The codex has been repaired so extensively that it is impossible to collate; there are neither signatures nor catchwords. Certain leaves have been replaced in different periods; in most cases the missing text was supplied in the same format. (Folios added later: 39, 68, 84, 94-97.)

The main text was written by a single copyist who used a well spaced, but crude, style of writing for the work of Hesiod, and a more cramped, abbreviated style for the commentary of Tzetzes. Numerous interlinear and marginal notes in several hands.

Title of work and simple initial on f. lr in red; other ornamental initials, some of which incorporate animal motifs, in black. Diagrams, also in black ink, include: f. 67 v (outer margin) mortar and pestle; f. 67v (lower margin) man driving a cart pulled by two oxen; f. 69v (lower margin) plow, with parts labelled. The drawings in this codex belong to a tradition for Hesiod's Works and Days investigated by G. Derenzini and C. Maccagni, "Per la storia degli attrezzi agricoli. Una tradizione iconografica nei codici esiodei?," Le Machine (Bollettino dell'Istituto italiano per la storia della tecnica) 6-7 (1970) pp. 65-93.

The manuscript is in poor condition with loss of text due to faded ink, water stains, worm holes, and repaired leaves.

Binding: s. xix, before 1829. Tan, diced goatskin, gold-tooled. Bound by C. Lewis (active in London 1807-36).

Written in Byzantium in 1301 (see colophon in art. 2); early provenance unknown. Unidentified "P. Pistorii liber" on f. iii recto. M. Speyer of Basel (note of Sir Thomas Phillipps on last flyleaf, written upside down). Collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 3875, tag with number on spine; his extended comments on f. i recto: "When I gave this book to Lewis to bind there was a memorandum in it, that it was the 'Schaedographica Moschopuli,' which he lost. T. Phillipps 1829. But on examining the book itself it appears to be more likely to be the autograph of Tzetzes, with his scholia." Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 32).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 46, no. 254.

Ziskind Catalogue, pp. 49-50.

G. Vikan, Illuminated Greek Manuscripts from American Collections (Princeton, 1973) pp. 190-91, no. 54, fig. 99.

ms 255 !3

MS 255 Southern Italy, s. XVex

Oppian, Halieutica, etc. (in Greek) PI. 59

1 . ff. iii verso-iv verso Table for Oppian, Halieutica (in a later hand of the 16th century?); f. v blank

2. f. lr-v [Top of folio where heading should be is blank.] ['0]7uuavds 6 7«ht)X7|i; rcaxpos y.iv rjv 'AY7)aiXdou. \ir\ip6q Zt]vo86ttjs. To yevo? and Capfidvou xfjs xl- Xixtas ... (jLocXiaxa 8' sv xat? yvtofioXo-ytats xal mxpaPoXau;. Anonymous Life of Oppian; A. Westermann, ed., Bioygafoi (Brunswick,

1845) pp. 63-65; the text is followed by a summary of the work and a list of fish included in the work.

3. ff. 2r-61r 'Onmavov 'AXievxixcov nqcUxov. 'E9ved xoi rcovxoio 7coXua7tep£a? tpaXayyai;/ Ttavxotwv v£7i68cov 7cXooxdv f evo? ajj^ptxpfrnis ... TtoaetSdtov epuoixo/ 'Aa<pdXto<; ptCouxa S&uetXta v£p0e cpuXdaacov. [explicit:] 'Onmavoq oeXtSeootv 'AXmXoa <pvXa ovvdipaq/ Orjxaxo naat veoiq oy>ov dnetoeoiov.

Oppian of Anazarbos, Halieutica. The order of the text is distorted: 1.1-66; 380-543; 67-379; I.544-III.187; IV.562-619; III. 1 88-1 V. 561; IV.620-end. See F. Fajen, Uberlieferungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den Halieutika des Op- pian in Beitrage zur klassischen Philologie 32 (Meisenheim am Glan, 1969) p. 19, no. 62 (y2); A. W. Mair, ed., Oppian, Colluthus, Tryphiodorus with an English Translation (Loeb Classical Library, 1928) pp. 200-515; A. Zumbo, "Collazione dei MSS.y et b degli Halieutika di Oppiano," in Accademia Nazi- onale dei Lincei, Bollettino dei Classici, ser. 3, fasc. 1 (1980) pp. 63-92.

4. ff. 61v-96v 'Onmavov Kvvr\yexixwv nq&xov. [here begins an anonymous life of Oppian in the same manner as in no. 2 above, but it is more ab- breviated and ends after only 18 lines:] ei? xrjv iocuxwv mxxpiSoc, xeGvrjxev omu- avo<; xpiaxovxaexT)? wv. [text begins:] [S]ot fidxap detSco y<x.ii\q epixeSi; epeta^a/ yi*W°S ivaoXiwv ... ou8' ap exewoi/ xal xpaxepot nip eovxe? dvai[icoxl Sajxdaaavxo. [explicit:] TeXoq xov xexdqxov xcov xvvrjyextxdiv onmavov. ff. 97r-100r blank; see art. 8 for f. lOOv

Oppianus of Apamea, Cynegetica; see Mair, op. cit., pp. 2-199; A. Zumbo, "Un nuovo manuscritto dei Cynegetica pseudo-oppianei," in Accademia Nazi- onale dei Lincei, Bollettino dei Classici, ser. 3, fasc. 2 (1981) pp. 95-103 [siglum T].

5. ff. 101r-106r KoXXovOov, noir\xov, aonayrj eXevrjq. [N]ufjupai xpwtdSe? rcoxajAOU ijdvOoio Y&V&0XV a", 7iXoxd|JL<ov xpr|8£|jLva xal Upa rcod-fvta ... dvetaa/ 8££axo voaxriaavxa xdv dpxexaxov rcoXiTjxriv. [explicit:] xeXoq xfjq iXevrjq dgnayfjq.

Colluthus, Raptus Helenae; W. Weinberger, ed., Tryphiodori et Colluthi carmi- na (Stuttgart, 1969) pp. 39-58.

6. ff. 106r-115v Tov<piobd)Qov 'IXiov aXwatq. [T]£pfioc rcoXoxpnfixoto |i£xaxpoviov no\i[Loio/ xal Xoxov ap-yeCri? ... 'Ex xpoir\q dvaYOvxo fxoGov xeXeaavxe; 'Axaioi.

H ms 255

[explicit:] xeXoq rov dirjyrjfiaTOQ xqv<pio6o>qov negl rrjg iXiov a cdwaeojq. See art. 8 for ff. 116r and 12 lv; ff. 116v-121r blank

Tryphiodorus, Troiae Halosis; Weinberger, op, cit., pp. 3-33. For a colla- tion, see E. Livrea, "Un nuovo codice di Trifiodoro," in Scritti in onore di Salvatore Pugliatti (Milan, 1978) v. 5, pp. 501-08 [siglum T].

7. ff. 122r-137v 6iovvoiov oixovjj.evr}<; TZEQirjyrjoiq. [text begins:] ['AJpxopievoi; yaldv xe xai Eupea tuovtov d&i'S&iv ... auxcov ex u.owcdp6>v dvxd^io? &IV) dfiotjBr). [ex- plicit:] xiloq Siovvoiov TZEQirjyrjoeojg. f. 138r-v blank

Dionysius Periegetes, Description of the habitable world (De situ orbis). For text and accompanying scholia (which appear only on f. 122) see G. Bernhardy, ed., Geographi graeci minores (Leipzig, 1828) v. 1, pp. 9-63 (text), p. 316 (scholia).

8. A sixteenth-century hand has added brief notices, based on the Suidas, regarding Colluthus (f. lOOv), Tryphiodorus (f. 116r), and Dionysius (f. 121v).

Paper (watermarks similar to Briquet Chapeau 3397 for leaves with text, and to Harlfinger Cloche 31 for blank pages), ff. i (paper) + iv (contemporary paper) + 1 38 (foliation with Greek numerals ff. 1-60 only) + iv (contemporary paper) + i (paper), 319 x 215 (223 x 120) mm. Written in 29 long lines, frame- ruled in ink; single bounding lines, sometimes with additional vertical ruling on certain leaves (ff. 1-22, 122) in outer margin, to form a narrow second column for scholia; prickings at upper, lower and outer edges of folio.

I-XVI8, XVII10. Arabic numerals for quire signatures below lower right corner of written space, recto.

Text was written by a single scribe. A later hand, bold and ill-formed, sup- plied the table of contents (ff. iii verso-iv verso), minor marginal notations and the foliation in the upper right corner (for ff. 1-60).

Tinted drawing of Oppian writing his poem while contemplating fish in a nearby stream occurs on f. lv (perhaps an amateur copy of an author por- trait); one simple 6-line initial in red and black penwork, f. 2r; headings in red.

Binding: s. xix. Title in ink on fore edge. Tan calf case with deep geometric indentations, blind-tooled, with a dark blue, gold-tooled calf label. Similar to the bindings of MSS 256 and 258. Possibly bound by Whitaker (we thank A. R. A. Hobson for this information).

Written in Southern Italy, probably in the area of Otranto (according to A. Zumbo), at the end of the 15th century; early provenance unknown. Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; no. 76, in his sale cata- logue and on spine; note on f. i verso). Sold to Bohn; bought by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 6435, on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 41).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 46, no. 255. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 51.

MS 256 15

MS 256 Byzantium [?] or Southern Italy [?], s. XIII

Aristotle; Porphyry, etc. (in Greek)

1. ff. lr-12r 7copcpupioo ttaayooy^. [text begins:] Ovxoc dvayxatou xpuaaopte, xai tlq tt]v xwv Tiapa dptaxoxeXet xax7yyopi,cov ?>LoaaxaXiav ... dXX' e&xpxouat xal au- xai et<; Sidxpiaiv xe aikoov. xai xf|? xoivojvias Tiapdaxaaiv.

Porphyry, Isagoge; A. Busse, ed., Porphyri hagoge et in Aristotelis Categories Com- mentarius (Berlin, 1887) pp. 1-22.

2. ff. 12v-48v dfAuxoviou 91X0U090U s%r]yr\a\.t; t^v 9"v<ov. [text begins:] MeXXov- xa<; Y]{jloci; apxeaOai 9iXoao9oov Xoyojv, dvayxatov earl [xaGeTv, xacoxe eaxi 9iXoao<pia ... [text ends abruptly:] aiaOrjaEox; xai xivrjaeto?. o xov [jic] Se r$r\ xouxcov


Ammonius Hermeiou, In Porphyrii Isagogen; A. Busse, ed., Ammonius in Por- phyrii hagogen (Berlin, 1891) pp. 1-105. CAG 4,3 (P. Moraux notes that the text lost corresponds to one quaternion missing from the manuscript [£]).

3. ff. 49r-69r dpxrj twv $exa xocxrryoptcov xou dpioxoxeXou?. [text begins:] 'Ojitovu- fi.a 8e \iyr\x<xi tov 6vo(xa [xovov xoivov ... 01 8s eigoGoxei; XeyeaGat, crxsSov omavxes xaxTjpi0fjiT)vxai. xeXo<; xcov 8£xa xaxrjyopitov.

Aristotle, Categoriae; I. Bekker, ed. , Aristoteles , v. 1 (Berlin, 1831) lal-15b33.

4. ff. 69r-80v dpxr) dpiaxox£Xou$ xou TtEpt £p[i7)V£ia<;. [text hegins:] Ilptoxov Bel SsaGai, xt ovofia, xal xt pfju.a ... afxa 8e oox £v hi%f]xai xd evavxta UTrdpxsiv to auxio. x£Xo$ dpiaxoxeXous xou rcept sp|j.7]V£ia<;.

Aristotle, Zte Interpretations, Bekker, op. cit., v. 1, 16al-24b9.

5. ff. 81r-124v 7cpoX£-y6(i£va xcov Ssxa xaxrjyopitov. d[i.{i.a>vtoo 91X006900. [text begins:] 'E7C£i8e xfj; dpiaxoxeXou? evxos, eG£Xo{j.£v yeveaGat 9tXoao9ia<;. 9sps xivd [sic] T|[juv au(i[3aXX6[X£va dq xauxa [?] Cr)xr|ato|j.£v . . . Iva f\ [isv x6 xExpaytovov xouxo. [explicit:] x£Xoi; E^yTjaEtoi; d|j,u.tov£ou nrspi xcov 8£xa xaxriyoptcov dpicjxox£Xou<;.

Ammonius Hermeiou, In Aristotelis Categorias Commentarius; A. Busse, ed., Ammonius in Aristotelis Categorias Commentarius (Berlin, 1895) pp. 1-106; CAG


6. ff. 125r-162v xou u7cepxt|jLou xuptou [nx^X xou 4>£XXou Tztpiypctau; dt; xov jcepl £p[X£V£ia<; dpiaxoxeXou^. [text begins:] IIpo xf\q dxptPou? £X0£a£a>? xcov TcpoxdaEcov xwv xe xaxa9axtxcov xai xcov a7ro9axLxcov ... xfj 8eivox7)xi xou dv8po<;. ouSev a7U£xpu9d[jiTiv u{jlTv. [explicit:] xeXo; xffc Hzr\yr\ae<x><; xou Tuepl EpuTpetas.

Michael Psellus, In Aristotelis De Interpretation Commentarius; printed by Al- dus Manutius, AMMQNIOT TOY EPMEIOY YIIOMNHMA EIE ... (Venice, 1503) gatherings M, i - O, vi; for an anonymous Latin translation of this work, together with Boethius' Latin translation of the De interpretation, see Aristotelis Peri Hermenias Liber Anitio Manlio Severino Boetio Interprete; Paraphrasi Michaelis Pselli Peripatetici ... (Venice, 1541).

16 ms 257

7. ff. 163r-166v Miscellaneous notes on Psellus, the life of Porphyry, and philosophical definitions (in several hands).

Parchment (heavy, dark and poor quality), ff. ii (paper) + 166 + ii (paper), 256 x 184 (190 x 145) mm. Written in 24-29 long lines per page, frame-ruled in hard point.

I- VI8, VII now missing, VIII-XXI8, XXII6. Several gatherings signed with letters of the Greek alphabet in upper right corner, recto.

Written by a single scribe in minuscule which varies considerably in size and angle. Many marginal notes by later hands.

Some crude diagrams by original scribe within text (e.g., f. 33r: diagram illustrating the division of sounds); others added later in margins. Headpiece on f. lr is a plaited design set in an elaborate rectangle. An elaborate initial O follows headpiece; simpler initials elsewhere. Brown ink used for decoration throughout.

Binding: s. xix. Tan calf case of molded leather, blind-tooled with gold-tooled lettering on spine. Similar to bindings of MSS 255 and 258 and probably by the same binder. Possibly by Whitaker (we thank A. R. A. Hobson for this information).

Written in Byzantium, or in Southern Italy (according to D. Harlfinger) in the 13th century; early provenance unknown. Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; no. 237 in sale catalogue, tag on spine; note in his hand pasted inside front cover); sold to Payne, from whom it was ac- quired by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 6445, tag on spine and note inside front cover). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 8).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 46, no. 256. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 46.

MS 257 Italy [?], s. XVI2

Nicetas of Heraclea, Catena on Job (in Greek)

1. ff. lr-225r [Beginning of text is missing; heading:] noXvxQoviov TiooXoyoi; elg tov 7a>0. [text of prologue begins:] rH ev xocTq 9slou<; ypt^aTc; aaacpeia, rcoX- Xa<; e'xei xa$ ... 8uvai(j.e6a xoct TcpoOewptocc ypr\axiov xa0' exaaxov x£9aXaiov. [This prologue is not the same one that is printed in the PG reference cited be- low; the Catena of Nicetas of Heraclea follows immediately after this in- troduction:] TigodecoQia tov noditov xe<paXaiov. [text begins:] 'Ev youv xco Ttpcoxto, 6'vofj.a xoo Bixatou xai x^pav 97]at r\ ypaqjT] ... st<; xt)v pifSXov xaoxrjv xaToc9e|A£vaw e^rryriaiv. [followed by a folio written in geometric configura- tion that ends:] fxeG' ou x<p Tcaxp! r\ 86£a 6c[ia x<p dcyup Trveuptaxi dc, tou<; octwvas xwv al'cavaiv. &|i,T|v. ff. 225v-227v blank

ms 257 17

PG 93.17-470, attributed to Olympiodorus. There are a number of breaks in the continuity of the text which seem to indicate that the scribe was copy- ing a defective exemplar. He left what he considered to be the proper amount of space for the missing passages.

2. f. 228r An unidentified and incomplete Christian text: //8e ou^fjuxx0^ aapxe? ocutoG nrepotexoMivat ... npb$ xaGaipeaiv ocuxou Xo-ytC&Tat xaGarcep axopa// f. 228v blank

Paper (polished; watermarks similar to Briquet Chapeau 3467, 3486, 3488, 3489 and 3507; unidentified crossbow), ff. ii (paper) + 220 (foliation runs from 9 through 228) + ii (paper), 300 x 211 (210 x 122) mm. Written in 28 long lines; double inner and outer vertical bounding lines with additional outer line that was used to demarcate a narrow column for marginal notations. Ruled in hard point; no prickings visible.

I8 (now entirely missing), II-XXVII8 (IV has been misbound after f. 40), XXVIII12. Quire signatures are letters of the alphabet located along the low- er edge of folio, on recto; catchwords (partially legible) are perpendicular to text in the gutter.

Written by a single scribe who is the same as Scribe 2 in Beinecke MS 289, as Scribe 3 in MS 290, and as Scribe 1 in MS 490.

Floral headpiece, in red, on f. 9r; elaborate initials, 10- to 2 -line, in red, throughout text, many with accompanying floral motifs. Headings and most marginalia in red.

Binding: s. xviii. Edges spattered red and blue/ green. Rigid vellum case. According to J. L. Sharpe this manuscript was bound at the Jesuit College of Clermont, Paris (see Provenance).

Written in Northern Italy [?] in the second half of the 16th century. Belonged to the Jesuit College of Clermont, Paris (note on f. lr: "Paraphe au desir de l'arrest du 5 juillet 1763. Mesnir). Acquired by Gerard and Johann Meerman, ca. 1773, Bibliotheca Meermanniana, v. 4, p. 5, no. 36 (number written in ink on spine). Martin Joseph Routh, 1755-1854, president of Magdalen College, Oxford, from 1791-1854; bought from him by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 14041, on spine; autograph note inside front cover: "5/15/6. Ex Bibliotheca Meermann no. 36. fol. 217. Empt. anno. 1824. Codices MSSti Bibliothecae Meerman- nianae olim penes fuerant Bibliothecam Collegii Soc. Jesu Claremontini Paris; quorum dicitur fuisse Monasterii Corbeiensis prope Ambianos.")- According to W. Nichipor there is no evidence in the manuscript to suggest it was ever at Corbie. Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 38).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 46, no. 257. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 51.

18 ms 258

MS 258 Italy, 1473 [?] and s. XV2

Aristotle; Plotinus, etc. (in Greek) PI. 57

la. ff. lr-46r dgtatoreXovg negt ipvxfjg Xoyog. a rjroi dX<pa. [T]<ov xocXcov xai xi{iuov tt)v etBrjatv o7coXa|jt,[3dvovx££. [xdXXov Be ex£pav exepa^ xaxd dxpi[kiav ... yXwxxav Si, 6tcco<; arj^aivTj xi exepco. reAo? rdJr tzbqi yvxfjg dgiaroteXovg.

Aristotle, De anima; Knox gives variant readings from the OCT (1956) for sections 402a-405a {Ziskind Catalogue, pp. 44-45). I. Bekker, ed., Aristotelis opera (Berlin, 1831) I.402al-435b25.

lb. ff. lr-9v [In a column next to the Greek text:] Bonorum honorabilium notitiam opinantes, magis autem alteram altera aut secundum certitudinem ... si quidem omnia ex elementis commistis sunt commistionis autem ratio armonia et anima.

Latin translation of Aristode's De anima, ascribed to William of Moerbeke; P. F. A. Pirotta, ed., Sancti Thomae Aquinatis in Aristotelis Librum de Anima Commentarium (Turin, 1925) pp. 1-48.

lc. ff. 46r-47r 'EmXoyog. Twv rcepl ^Myr\g 7cpay[j(.ax£uaa{j!iv6i)v, 01 [xev, |ia0r||juxxtxcox£pov ot Be, Xoftxtoxepov ... exdxepov yap, exaxepou x^pk, oflSiv rj (iixpov wvriaiv. ra> dew x&Qiq.

Anonymous Epilogue to Aristotle, De anima; no text has yet been published. Cf. GAG v. 9, p. xiii.

2. ff. 47r-48v '0 fjiiv rcpo7]"]foij|i£voi; oxottos ... IXXeiTtot r\ <xXoQr\ai<;. cxpxouvxco?//

Simplicius, In Aristotelis De anima libros Commentarius; CAG v. 9, pp. 172 (4) to 173 (41).

3. ff. 48v-50v Oefiioriov naqayqaoig xwv tieqi ipvxfj? aQiaroteXovg Xoyoq a. Ilepi 4>i>x%> ooa Buvaxov cjuv £maxr][ir) Xa|3eTv dxoXooGouvxas dpiaxoxeXei . . . rj[xtv hi xtjv xaOoXrjv cpuaiv eniaxercxeov . &p<x// ff. 48, 49 and 50 should be ordered 48, 50, 49.

R. Heinze, ed., Themistii in libros Aristotelis De anima Paraphrasis (Berlin, 1899) pp. 1-3; CAG v. 5, 3.

4. ff. 51r-80r tzXcotivov evvedSog JtgwTTjg. 77 to fabv xai tig 6 avOgconog fiifi- Xiov Tzgattov. 'HBovotl xai Xutou, cpo^oi xe xai OappT], &7:t9ofxioci xe xai drco<jxpo9ai ... a>£ £7ui rcavxds ivavxtoo, xouxo <xXy]9&C" aXX' lid xou dyaGou ei'pirjxat. f. 80v ruled, but blank

Plotinus, EnneadesIA-8.6 line 27; P. Henry and H. K. Schwyzer, eds., OCT (1964) v. 1, pp. 43-115.

5. ff. 81r-96v Ilptoxov 8eT BeacrOai, xl ovojjux, xai pfjjxa, e7t£ixa xi iaxiv dra^a- ais, xai xaxdcpaai?, xai drcocpavcni;, xai Xoyog . . . oux evBixexat xd evavxia wirdp- X£iv xto auxto. xeXo; dptaxoxfiXou? xou 7t£pi epfxrjveta^. [colophon, in verse:] £iXr)<p£

MS 258 19

-cepfxa, h£\xo<; rj aTayeipixou/ t)|xo<; arc' apxfte, xtiascos xoa|xoo 0e£v [?]/ ataivoi; warap, eupov aoTO<; Xuxapa?./ x^t«8<ov s!|, exaxoaxo<; evvaxi?/ 7|8' o-fSoTjxoaToq xt, afxa xod xpi'xoq/ touvtou T6, xfi Sexdrrj 8' oySor]/ tjoT roxpaaxeuYi (xe.v, oipa t' svvaxr)/ ivSixxto 8' ex-cr), x£tpt 8& ypoccpeTaa Y£/ T£WPTl'0U M-£v' #t0S xwvaTavxtvou. Aristotle, Z><? interpretations; Knox gives variant readings from the OCT (1949) for sections 16a-b {Ziskind Catalogue, pp. 44-45). I. Bekker, ed., Aristotelis opera (Berlin, 1831) L16al-24b9.

Paper (medium weight, sturdy; watermarks on f. ii similar to Briquet Main 10713; ff. 1-48 similar to Harlfinger Homme 21 ; f. 49 similar to Briquet Ancre 428; ff. 51-67 similar to Briquet Chapeau 3384; ff. 69-80 similar to Briquet Balance 2506; ff. 81-96 similar to Briquet Lettre R 8938), ff. i (paper) + ii (contemporary paper) + 96 + iii (paper), 288 x 211 mm. The manuscript is divided into 4 parts, which do not correspond precisely with the divisions of the text.

Part I: (ff. lr-50v) written space 196 x 102 mm. for the Greek alone, in 26 long lines; 196 x 190 mm. for Greek and Latin, in 2 columns, ruled in hard point; single vertical bounding lines, no prickings. I- VI8. Quires signed with letters of the Greek alphabet on first folio of the quire, recto. Written in small, neat Greek minuscule. The parallel Latin translation (ff. lr-9v only) is in ital- ic, about the same size as the Greek; probably added later, since it is written around some marginal rubrics for the Greek text. Space for a 5-line initial at the beginning of the Greek text was not filled; 2-line initials in red at begin- ning of sections; headings in red, also marks in margin for chapters.

Part II: (ff. 51r-67r) written space 194 x 120 mm. in 27 long lines ruled in hard point; double outer vertical bounding lines, single inner vertical and horizontal bounding lines, all full length and across, with one or two extra rul- ings near outer edge for notes. Too tightly bound for accurate collation. Writ- ten in a rather large Greek minuscule, with a thick pen which ran out of ink every few words; marginal and interlinear notes much smaller, but possibly by same hand. Spaces for initials, 7-line or larger, were not filled in, but two initials similar to those in Part IV were sketched in (ff. 51r and 56r).

Part III: (ff. 67v-80r) written space 197 x 125 mm. in 27-28 long lines; frame- ruled in lead. Too tightly bound for accurate collation. Greek minuscule very similar to that in Part I. Spaces for 8-line initials not filled.

Part IV: (ff. 81r-96v) written space 195 x 123 mm. in 21 long lines; ruled in pale brown ink; single vertical and upper horizontal bounding lines, full across. Too tightly bound for accurate collation. Same scribe as Part II; signed on f. 96v: George, son of Constantine (see under Provenance). 7-line initials in black and orange-tinted red; stylized leaves and vines, with a bird on f. 83 v. Diagrams in red traced over black.

Binding: s. xix. Tan calf case deeply indented and gold- and blind-tooled. Similar to the bindings of MSS 255 and 256 and probably by the same binder.

20 MS 259

According to A. R. A. Hobson the binder may be Whitaker.

Parts I and III were written by unidentified scribes, in the second half of the 15th century; Parts II and IV by George, son of Constantine, in 1473. (The year of creation given is 6983, indication 6; A.D. 1473 is the closest year com- patible with all the other data, as P. Moraux points out.) D. Harlfinger sug- gests the scribe George was from Southern Italy (Die Textgeschichte der Pseudo-Aristotelische Schriji ... [Amsterdam, 1971] p. 60, n. 1). Belonged to Freder- ick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; no. 679 in his sale catalogue; tag on spine and Greek letters chi and gamma stamped in gold on the spine); sold to Payne, from whom it was bought by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 7717, tag on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 4).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 46, no. 258.

Ziskind Catalogue, pp. 44-45.

H. Schenkl, Bibliotheca patrum latinorum Brittanica V, in Akademie von Wissen- schaften, Sitzungsberichte, Philosophisch-historische Classe 127 (Vienna, 1892) p. 16, nr. 1723.

R. Brumbaugh, The Philosophers of Greece (New York, 1964) pp. 176-77, with reproductions of ff. 43 r and 66r.

MS 259 Crete [?], 1257, s. XVex

Euchologium (in Greek) PI. 44

1. ff. lr-19v, 44r-49v rj ^efCt Aeitovgyia tov iv aytoiq natqbq t}/j.u>v fiaotleiov tov fieydXov. uiXXcov 6 tepeuq ttjv Ge-tav imxeXetv ^uaxaywTftav ... xapitt toC dx- pdvxou aou 7raxpd<;* xal xoG a-fiou xal dyaGoG 7tveu[j.axo<; vuv xal d&i.

Liturgy of St. Basil; C. A. Swainson, The Greek Liturgies (Cambridge, 1884) pp. 149-71, with additional material in fifteenth-century portion, ff. 1-11. The transcription of the rubric, probably added later by a scribe unfamiliar with Greek, has been regularized.

2. ff. 50r-51v, 20r-26r 77 Beta Xettovgyia zcHv TtQorjyiaofievcov. evxV tfjq TcQoOeaecoq. '0 9e.6<; 6 Geo? rj[x<ov 6 uiro8e££a<; ... xal xXripov6u,ou<; dvdBei^ov vf\c, PaatXetac aou* oxi Tpftaaxat xai B&56l;aaTai- to 7cdvTt[jiov xai ^.t^XoTz^fKic, 6vo[j.d aou- xou 7taxp6? xai xou utoC xai xoG dyiou 7weufxaxo<;.

Liturgy of the Presanctified, which divides around the dismissal of the catechumens; Swainson, op. cit., pp. 173-87; the text of the liturgy at the end of the manuscript is an expanded version of that which appears in Swainson.

3. ff. 26v-43v, 52r-117v [Prayers, readings, etc.:] Ev%a\ tov Xvxvixov. Ev%r\ a. Kupie otxxipu-ov xai iX&^(j,ov' (jtaxpoGufxe xai TtoXuiXee ... ITpoxei'txEvov Mtyct-

MS 259 21

Xuvr] r\ cj)uxr| fxou. <sxixo<;: "Oti &rc&(3Xec[>e. [colophon, f. 117r:] etiX^qwOt} to na- obv evxoXoyiov 8ta ovweoyiav ia>dvvov tegewg xov nayxaXov xal Tfjq fit]Tgdg amov t,o)T\c, erovg <[>£& ivStXTtoivo^ t£. Followed by several short texts, f. 1 17v, added in another hand.

Prayers, services, and readings for various occasions.

Paper (ff. 1-11 added in s. xv; watermarks similar to Harlfinger Boeuf 27) and parchment (ff. 12-117), ff. i (modern paper) + 117 + i (modern paper), 184 x 132 (148 x 101) mm. Written in 21 long lines; double inner and outer vertical bounding lines full length. Ruled in hard point, on hair side; prick- ings along upper, lower, and outer edges (some lost due to trimming).

I8 ( + 3 leaves added at end), II10 (-3, 7), III-VII8, VIII10 (-3, 7), IX6, X10 (-4, 8) XI6, XII10 (-4, 8), XIII8, XIV10 (-3, 7), XV6. The original third gathering (now foliated 44-52) is misbound; it belongs after f. 19. Quire sig- natures, letters of the Greek alphabet, occur at both the beginning and end of quires, in the lower margin near gutter.

Written by three scribes, the third of which copied ff. 1-11 at the end of the 15th century to replace leaves that were either lost or mutilated. The first two scribes (ff. 12-117) signed and dated the codex on f. 11 7r: John the Priest and his mother Zoe, 1257 (see art. 3, for complete colophon). There are addi- tions in several later hands.

The older portion of the codex has many crude initials in red and blue; large decorative headpiece of woven pattern occurs on f. 50r, in red, blue, and yel- low. In the more recently written folios, initials are in red (much faded) with modest floral designs; vine- work headpiece on f. lr.

Binding: s. xv-xvi. From the Cretan "Apostolis Shop", according to A. R. A. Hobson. Resewn on three single vegetable fiber cords laced at an angle in and out of flush, oak boards grooved on the square edges. There are several unused lacing holes and traces of two previous linings on the inside of the boards. Covered in calfskin, originally brick red, faintly blind-tooled with concentric borders, the central panel filled with three lozenge-shaped tools, the center one containing a fleur-de-lis. There is a pin in the edge of the upper board and three holes for braids in the lower one. Rebacked.

Written in 1257 possibly in Crete (see art. 3 and discussion of scribes) where it acquired its present binding and presumably ff. 1-11 at the end of the 15th century; early modern provenance unknown. Unidentified rectangular label with handwritten "N° 2" on upper board. Bought by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 22408) in a Sotheby sale, May 1870. Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 45).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 47, no. 259. Ziskind Catalogue, pp. 51-52.

22 MS 260

MS 260 Italy, s. XVIIin

Dionysius the Areopagite, etc. (in Greek)

1 . 1 . ff . i recto - iv verso Incomplete table of contents from alpha through pi, which is continued on f. 366r-v for chi and omega.

2. ff. lr-5r yecogyiov iego/j,vrjjj.ovog tfjq dytwtdtrjq tov Oeov /neydXtjq ix~ xXrjotaq tov naxvfiegr], nagdygaotq elq tbv ayiov legofidgtvgov biovv- otov tov doeoTzayiTTjv ... "AvOpcaue xoo Geou. xat maxe Gepdrctov xal oixovofxe t<ov xpiatoS |i.o<?xT]p£<ov. xal £7ci0u^i(ov, tuoXX&v [lev ... xal to t<ov vor]|xdxwv Siaaacpouai xpucptov. 7cou [xev £i* iauxwv. tcoo Se xat £x xf\q x<ov 7raXatcov iqr\yr\at(i>q. f. 5v blank

Prooemium of George Pachymeres on Dionysius the Areopagite; PG 3.107-16.

3. f. 6r-v [Table of contents for Dionysius the Areopagite, De caelesti hierarchies] TdSe eveotiv iv tw negl tfjq ovgaviaq legagxiaq, xe<pdXata. "Oti nana deia eXXa/ntpiq xatd dyadorrjta . . . tig rj Xeyo/jievrj xaga twv dyyeXouv.

4. ff. 7r-94r Acovvoiov dgeonayttov imoxonov dOrjvaJv ngbq ttfioOeov enioxonov negl tfjq ovgaviaq legagxiaq xeydXaiov a. i^ytjoiq trjq intyga<prjq. [text of Pachymeres begins:] 'E^eiBri tepapxiocv tj £7u*fpacpTi e'X£t,, laxiov oxt i&papxia &axi tj xf\q SiaxdJjetoi; auxaiv ... [text of Pachy- meres ends:] xou Xoyou 9povu£o|jL£v, xal xr)v urcepl [sic] rjfia<; xal xtjv t)(jl&x£- pav yvcoaiv xpucptoxYjxa, atyri xifj,r|<javTe.<;. [text of Dionysius begins:] Ilaaa hoaiq dya0T) ... xtjv urcep Ti[ia<; xpixpioxrjxa aiyfj xt^aavxei;. ff. 94v-99v blank

Dionysius the Areopagite, De caelesti hierarchia with the Paraphrasis of George Pachymeres; PG 3.119-339, for both Dionysius and Pachymeres.

5. f. lOOr [Table of contents for Dionysius the Areopagite, De divinis nominibus:] Aiovvoiov dgeonayttov imoxonov ddrjv&v ngbq tt/uoOeov enioxonov e<peoov negl Oeiajv ovofidtojv. a. Tdbe eveotiv iv tcp negi 6eia>v ovofxdtwv Xoyco. tiq 6 tov Xoyov axonbq . . . ty. negl rgteiov xal evbq. tw ovpingeofivtega) ttfioOew, hiovvoioq 6 ngeofivtegoq.

II. 6. ff. 100v-126v [Heading, in a later hand:] 'EpfxrivEta Tecopytou IIaxu[XEpT]. [text of Pachymeres begins:] To roxpdv P$Xtov, 6 [iiya.q cjuv- x£0Tjai Siovucjio?, 7ipo<; xdv ev dyioi? xtfxoGeov xov xou |i,eydXou rcauXou [xaGrix^v ... [text of Pachymeres ends abruptly:] eaGuov, dXXd xoaa? XiXid8a<; xopxd^wv. rcdvxa xd Tjfjuov, ££' t][l6>v e'xwv, utc&p r\\LaLq U7C£pex«v// xeXoi;. [text of Dionysius begins:] Nov 8e to fxaxdpt& (xexd xd? GsoXoyi- xd<; UTroxuTtaxreu;, ini xtjv xoov Getwv ovofjidxtov . . . [text of Dionysius ends

MS 260 23

abruptly:] xdSe rapi xoG iTjaou <pT)aiv ev xat<; auv7]yfi£vai,<; auxai GeoXoyixaTi; arcoixewoaeaiv// ff. 127r-137v blank

Dionysius the Areopagite, De divinis nominibus I. 1-II.9, with Paraphrasis of George Pachymeres; text of Pachy meres, PG 3.585-648; text of Dionysius, PG 3.585-648.

III. 7. ff. 138r-265v 'Egftrjveia xov navceocoxdxov, firjxoojzoXixov r\QaxXeiaq,

xvgov, vixr\ta slq xd xetfieva. Tov iv dytotq naxgbq rjfidiv ygrjyogtov, aq%ieniox6nov va&avtyvov, xov BeoXoyov. "Axcov XetpoxovTiSel? izptxtq 6 0eTo<; jpr\yopioq. aiaxE Xowcov yT)pdaavxo<; xoG rcaxpos dvxtXapeaOai too xaxd va0,av£6v ... oq iaxiv rj xaiv Stxatwv aXrjGivTi EopTY] xai dyaXXiaau;.

Nicetas of Serres, Commentarius in Gregorii Nazianzeni orationes; PG 36.943-84; PG 127.1177-480, Latin only.

IV. 8. ff. 266r-268r [Table of contents for Theophanes Gerameus, Homiliae

(51) listed:] Tov aatcpaixdxov, xai Xoyiwxdxov Qeocpdvovq [sic], aqxiemaxonov xavgofxeviaq, xov emxXrjv xega/j,eouq byuXiai elq xdq xvqt- axaq xov evtavxov. [table begins:] 'OfxiXia izp&vt] ex xoG xaxa Xouxav ... OTi icodvvT); 6 (3a7rriCa)v ix vexpaiv Tjy&pGr). [C]tix[ei], xe. va [= cf. Chapter 51]. f. 268v blank

9. ff. 269r-329v Tov juaxagiojxdxov xai Xoyiojxdxov 0eo<pdvovq dgxiemoxoTiov xavgofxeviaq xrjq oixeXiaq, xov e7zixXt]v xega/Ltecoq, SfiiXiaiq

. . . 'Eizzihrpzip dpxrjv £iXrj<p£i aTjfiEpov, UTCavaytvcoaxEaGat xfj ExxXrjata to xoG xaxd Xouxav £uayy£Xiov . . . [text ends abruptly:] xe xai cpiXoTOXxopoi;- tz&c, oux ctniivjiyt] xolq Bdxpucrt, to xdXXos xf\q xopr\q 6pc5v,// catchwords: xai xr\q cpwvfjs

Theophanes Cerameus, Homiliae (text of 14 sermons); PG 132.203-92, 303-64, 803-26, and 857-84. The order of the sermons is as follows (using the numbers assigned in PG 132): 5, 6, 7, 9, 8, 41, 42, 10, 12, 13, 47, 14, 15, 16 (16 incomplete).

V. 10. ff. 330r-336v ToG &v cnyioiq 7iaxpo<; rjfjuov dvSpiou dpxiSTuaxoraio xp-f]X7\q xou {£poaoXu[XTj-cou £yxa>[jLiov tic, xouq dyEou? xai xaXXivixou? 8£xa |i.dpxupa<; . . . [text begins:] 'EtcoGeTxe xaxa xyjv rpExipav £7cdvo8ov to 91X01 xai dSeX- cpoi, xai x£xva ... xat £<oapxix<p auxoG 7tve6fjLaxi vGv xai del xai tic, xouq aiwva^ xwv attovcov. a\ir\v. <x\ii\\>. f. 337r-v blank

Andrew of Crete, Encomium in Martyres X; the text has not yet been published.

VI. 11. ff. 338r-348r [Heading:] [T]o0 aocpcoxdxoo {xovaxoG xai 7i;p£<jpVr£pou xoG j3Xe(xfXt38ou X6yo<; 7tepi fyuyr\<; dvayxatoxaxo^. [text begins:] [CH] |xev 6p[Jiri xou Xoyou 8iaXa[kTv TTEpi [inserted above: 7rdaT}<;] 4>0XTiC, <*>$ oiov xe, awxQ\ioiC, 6[xoG xai aacpoo?, rcptoxov jxev ouv ... xai xf}q bxoq [xaxapi- &xr\xoq tit; xb 8t7]vexe<; d^twaavxo?. ff. 348v-349v blank


24 MS 260

Nicephorus Blemmydes, De anima; Nicephorus Blemmides [editor not named] , 'Emtofxi) Aoytxfjq . . . xai tieqi tpvxfjg . . . Exbebofieva . . . Sanavfj xvqiov 'Iwavvkov Xar£fj Nixov (Leipzig, 1784) part 3, pp. 1-140

12. ff. 350r-353v [Unidentified extracts on grammar; no title, text begins:] ou XP'H Ch^v £v 7iaai tou; prjtjtaatv 6\xoi6xr\i:<x<; acn;aata<rcoo$, xat xavova? aacpaXsTi;, xat tutcoui; dxpt[ieT? ... ol nXeiouc 5e tcov f pa|j.|jiaTtxaJv vewxipou cpaatv etvat itpocpwvriatv et<; 7cp£a[iuT£pov.

VII. 13. ff. 354r-358v ix tdiv Siowaiov xov dXtxagvaaeax; tieqi t<wv eIxooiteo odgcov aroixEicov, nQoyegovzat. 'Apxat [iw ouv etat vr\<; av0p(o7rtvr)<; xat ivdpSpou cptovfjs, at {jtTjxeTt Btxo^evat Statpeatv ... xtov <ruXXa[Bwv tov owiauaTOv ejxcpatvetv pouXofxevo^ rjx0v- ff- 359r-361v ruled, but blank

Dionysius of Halicarnassus, De compositione verborum, extract (ch. 14-15.); W. Rhys Roberts, ed., Dionysius of Halicarnassus, De com- positione verborum (London, 1910) pp. 136, line 22 - 154, line 22.

The codex is composed of several small manuscripts and booklets, all writ- ten in similar styles of minuscule, that were originally bound together in the 17th century shortly after being copied. The binding is too tight to permit a precise collation.

Part I: ff. iv (contemporary paper; unidentified watermarks: crown, with the initials P, A, and cloverleaf as countermark) + 94 (watermarks similar to Heawood Anchor 2, 4) + v (contemporary paper; blank leaves numbered 95-99), 185 x 128 (138 x 95) mm. Written in 25 long lines; frame-ruled lightly in hard point. Copied by one scribe who signed the gatherings with letters of the Greek alphabet in the lower right corner, recto. Carefully executed woven headpieces in black and red on ff. lr and 7r; beginning of each portion of the text marked by large initial in red, accompanied by flowers outlined in red and filled with pale yellow. Rubrics stop on f. 22v.

Part II: ff. 27 (numbered 100-126; watermarks similar to Heawood Anchor 2, 4) + xi (blank, ff. 127-137), 185 x 128 (132 x 90) mm. Written in 24 long lines; frame-ruled in hard point. Copied by one scribe who often did not use the final line of the written space; catchwords appear in lower margin near gutter, on verso. Crude headpiece (in imitation of that on f. 7r?) occurs on f. lOOr. Large painted initials, in red, with vine-leaf appendages, mark sec- tions of the text.

Part III: ff. 128 (numbered 138-265; watermarks similar to Heawood An- chor 2, 4), 185 x 128 (137 x 90) mm. Written in 25 long lines; single vertical bounding lines; ruled in hard point. Copied by a scribe who added marginal notations in red throughout. Quires signed with letters of the Greek alphabet in center of lower margin, recto; catchwords are directly below the written space, near gutter, on verso. Delicate floral headpiece on f. 138r: each flower is out- lined in red and painted with pale grey and red washes; details added in black.

MS 26l 25

More modest headpiece in similar style, but painted with yellow, occurs on f. 148v; intricate initials in same colors on ff. 138v and 148v.

Part IV: ff. 54 (numbered 266-329; highly polished paper with no identifia- ble watermarks), 185 x 128 (131 x 85) mm. Written in 22 long lines; single vertical bounding lines; lightly ruled in hard point. Copied by one scribe who placed catchwords in lower margin near gutter, verso. Simple woven head- pieces, in red, on ff. 266r and 269r. Initials with floral motifs accompany rubri- cated titles for each sermon; decoration is incomplete (stops on f. 320r).

Part V: ff. 8 (numbered 330-337, the last blank; unidentified watermarks: crossbow and various countermarks, all with clover leaf), 185 x 128 (132 x 95) mm. Written in 30 long lines, in a small cramped minuscule. One initial, in black, occurs at the beginning of the text (f. 330r).

Part VI: ff. 16 (numbered 338-353, f. 349 blank; same watermarks as in preceding section), 185 x 128 (145 x 90) mm. Written in 24 long lines; single vertical bounding lines; ruled in hard point. Copied by the scribe who wrote Part I of the codex and who placed catchwords for each leaf below the written space, on verso.

Part VII: ff. 8 (numbered 354-361, the last three blank) + v (contemporary paper, foliated 362-366; unidentified watermarks: crown, with the initials P, A, and cloverleaf as countermark), 185 x 128 (132 x 85) mm. Written in 20 long lines; double vertical bounding lines; ruled in hard point. Copied by a single scribe who added the small decorative initial and heading, in red, at the beginning of the work.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Rigid vellum, rebacked.

Written in Northern Italy at the beginning of the 17th century. Clues to early ownership include "N. 10" on front cover and brief calendar entries (in Greek) for 17-27 May 1630 on front pastedown. Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; note in his hand inside front cover; no. 330 in sale catalogue); sold to Thorpe, who sold it to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 9480, tag on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 28).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 47, no. 260. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 48.

MS 261 Fano, 1471

Manuel Chrysoloras, Erotemata (in Greek) PI. 56

ff. lr-33v [Lines 1-4 blank; text begins:] Eiq noaa Siaigovvrai xa ei'xooi Tea- aaqa yqafifiaxa. Elq ... [bottom of column a:] '0 iaofxevoq 'H iao[L£vr\ To £cj6[A£vov [bottom of column b:\ saojxevou £<jo[xevYi<; eaofjiivou. [colophon:] Erotimatorum liber explicit Scriptus per Me Guglelmum ariminensem fani anno nono mei exilij et finitus eo die .4. nouembris horis 14 Mcccclxxi.

26 MS 262

One page of text missing between ff. 32 and 33; the text is the abridged ver- sion of Guarino of Verona, GKW, v. 6, nos. 6696-700.

Paper with parchment (ff. 1, 8), ff. ii (parchment) + 33 + ii (parchment), 166 x 1 12 (1 13 x 56) mm. Written in 22 long lines; ruled in hard point; single vertical bounding lines, full length. Final horizontal ruling for text is usually left blank.

I-IV8 ( + 1 leaf at end). Catchwords at inner edge of lower margin. Written in Fano by a single scribe, William of Rimini, who dated the manuscript 1471 (see contents for colophon).

Illuminated initial in red and gold, with floral designs in gold and black ink, and unidentified arms on first folio (vert, 3 bendlets ermine, in chief gules a cross argent). Initials, headings, and some marginal notations in red.

Binding: s. xix. Blue striped velvet.

Written in Fano in 1471 by William of Rimini; early provenance unknown. A small piece of paper containing the title of manuscript and transcription of the colophon (in an unidentified hand) has been bound in between ff. i and ii. Belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps (stamp with no. 1370 on f. iv). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 20).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 47, no. 261. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 47.

MS 262 Italy, s. XV

Liturgy (in Greek)

1 . ff. lr-3r Unidentified Italian text referring to Virgin Mary and the Saints, written in Greek letters.

2. ff. 3r-5v Miscellaneous prayers.

3. ff. 6r-37r [Rubric in Italian, but written in red Greek letters:] Xaqdxt,r\6vT] SiXov xdfirjo- X. 'AyaXXYjocaxo ei ^yr\ (J.ou emr} to xupto. eveBiae yap \it. tjAocuov acoT7}piou ... euXcoyta xuptou e<p' t[xai; toxvtote vfjv xat &£i xa! r\c; tou<; ltd//

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom; F. E. Brightman, ed., Liturgies Eastern and Western (Oxford, 1896) v. 1, pp. 353-98. The accents above have not been regularized. The many peculiarities of the text suggest that it was copied by a scribe unfamiliar with Greek, perhaps from dictation.

4. ff. 37v-39r Uoiprja oqQtj dxovao/iev xov dyiov EvavyyeXiov ... 'Ev dpxu rjv (hikoq- xat 6 X6yo<; tjv ... rcXfipu; x^PiX0^ x^ aXXt0ia<;' 86£a ai xupie.

Gospel of John, 1.1-14; E. Nestle and K. Aland, eds., Novum Testamentum Graece26 (Stuttgart, 1979) pp. 247-48. This text was the last Gospel of the

MS 263 27

Latin Mass, and the first of the Sequences of the Gospels given in Horae; it matches the preceding text in format and script.

5. ff. 39v-41r Short Hours of the Cross, in Latin.

6. ff. 41v-42r [Paschal Table, with mutilated heading, ending:] . . . xaxdc Xorci- voq. Xdpxi 81 Xa rcdaxa y<xvz<x 7i&p jxav 81 <ppax. iaxa$o. f. 42v miscellaneous notes, mostly illegible

7 . The lower text of palimpsest leaves appears to contain the Life of an uniden- tified Saint named Ioannes.

Parchment (thick; most leaves palimpsest: religious text of the 10th century, in a small, regular Greek minuscule is faintly visible), ff. i (paper) + 42 + i (paper), 178 x 132 (135 x 105) mm. Written in 12-17 long lines, ruled with hard point; single bounding lines, prickings at edges.

I6 (-6), II-IV6, V2, VI4, VII8 (-1), VIII6. Catchwords in rectangles in lower margin of last folio, on verso.

Written by two scribes in clumsily formed Greek minuscule: Scribe 1, ff. lr-5v, 41r-42v (he signs himself brother Jacobus on f. 42r); Scribe 2, ff. 6r-39r (an unusually large and thick script). Latin added on ff. 39v-41r in gothic cur- sive of 15th or 16th century. Marginal notes in Greek by various later hands.

Initials very crudely done, in various styles and several shades of red. Rubrics throughout. Some scribblings in the margins, including a cow on f. 25 v.

Folios 1, 2, 3, 41, and 42 are all torn, so that significant portions of the text are missing.

Binding: s. xix. Rigid vellum case; handwritten on spine: "Codex Memb Graec"; on front cover, "no. 2".

Written in Italy in the 15th century (see also comments on scribes above); be- longed to the Dominican convent of San Marco in Florence (B. Ullman and F. Stadter, The Public Library of Renaissance Florence [Padua, 1972] p. 317). Unidentified signature, s. xv, on f. 36r, "Ego frater laurenzino." Sold by Payne (signature and date 1833 inside front cover) to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 6564). Bought from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 48).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 47, no. 262. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 52.

MS 263 , Byzantium, s. XIII

Gregory Nazianzen, Sermons (in Greek)

The order of the sermons is as follows (numbers are those assigned in PG 35-36): 1 , 45 (directly after the two sermons that comprise Part I occur the commen-

28 MS 263

taries of Nicetas of Heraclea: PG 36.944-69 and PG 127.1301-401, in Latin translation only), 44, 41, 15, 24, 19, 38, 43, 39, 40, 21, 42, 16, 11, 14. The table of contents that precedes the text (also written by Scribe 1 ) gives a differ- ent order for the sermons after 40: 11, 21, 42, 14, 16.

Composed of two separate sections. Part I: ff. 1-18; Part II: ff. 19-303 (in- cluding 183 bis). Part I was apparently added to the beginning of the codex to complete the series of sermons and to furnish a table of contents (f. 1).

Parchment (thick, dark), ff. i (paper) + ii (parchment) + 304 + ii (parch- ment) + i (paper). Parts I and II have the following features in common: 275 x 195 (170 x 130) mm. Written in 25 long lines with double inner and outer vertical bounding lines, full length, and additional single rulings in upper, lower, and outer margins; ruled in hard point on hair side; prickings are sometimes visible in all but inner margins.

Part I: it is not possible to determine the collation for these folios; there are neither catchwords nor signatures. Written by a single copyist (Scribe 1) in a large, bold hand. The entire table of contents (including headpiece and title) is in red. Title, headpiece, and incipit on ff. 2r and 4v, in red; many simple initials, 5- to 2-line, throughout text. Folio 1 has been severely trimmed.

Part II: I-XXXIII8, XXXIV7 [?], XXXV8 (-8), XXXVI8. Quire signa- tures are letters of the alphabet with accompanying dots and flourishes, in red, on both verso and recto, in lower margin near outer edge of leaf. The writing of Scribe 2, who was responsible for the remainder of the text, is delicate and somewhat smaller than that of Scribe 1 . The style of decoration is similar to that at the beginning of the manuscript, but many of the initials and letters in headings are characterized by discus-shaped protruberances on the shafts.

Binding: s. xix. Diced brown calf, gold-tooled.

Written in Byzantium in the 13th century; early provenance unknown. Col- lection of Dr. Anthony Askew (1722-1772); given by his son to George Dyer (1753-1841), whose signature is on ff. ii recto and lr. A note by Dyer, now pasted on f. i verso, states: "This very valuable MS. of Greg. Nazianz. was given me by Adam Askew Esq. the son of my early friend, Dr. Anthony Askew. George Dyer, N. 15 Clifford Inn. Fleet Street. Lent it Mr. Burger, for three months, 16 Apr. 1820." Acquired from Payne by Sir Thomas Phillipps (stamp with no. 3006 on f. ii recto; tag on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 30).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 47, no. 263. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 49.

MS 264 29

MS 264 Italy [?], s. XVImed

Pseudo-Caesarius, Dialogues, etc. (in Greek)

I. 1 . ff. lr-130v [Heading, in dark yellow:] xatoagiov tov ao<pcotdrov tov [?] ev aylou; Jtargog rfti&v ygr\yogtov tov deoXoyov 6fj.aifxovo<;. (ti(iXoq ndarjq dyxtvotag }iE<rtr). [followed by head-piece; incipit, in red:] 7tevaeig 7tQoaax0eTaai V7td HQivatavTtov. deoxctgtorov. dvSgeov ygrjyogiov ...01 tt)v \Ltyai\r\\> xat £UpuxwPov SiarcXfovres GdXaaaav. &co? [xev i^oup- ta<; r\hioi<; ... 6 vou; opaiv tov 0e6v, onip eaxt tzolc, (Bpoxo^ 8td tzigimxh; xai &ua&Peiaq yvcoatv exwv 0£ou, aa>Gria£TOti. nigaq %vv 6e& cbSe ttjq Ttvxrfjq <p(Xoi. ff. 130a- 130c, blank

Pseudo-Caesarius of Nazianzen, Dialogues; PG 38.351-1189; R. Riedinger, Pseudo-Kaisarios: Uberlieferungsgeschichte und Verfasserfrage (Munich, 1969) MS N (pp. 68-70), pi. 6.

II. 2. ff. 131r-248r [Title-page, f. 130d recto, with 130d verso blank.] r\ 6e6(piXoq laxogia tov dytcotdrov deoScogrJTOv . [title, within decora- tive borders of headpiece, f. 131r:] 77 deo<piXog lorooia . [heading:] tov juaxagtov OeodcogrJTOv emaxonov xvggov. ovf\yy}oiq negl (3ta>v dytotv. tjtu; Aeyerai lorogia 6eo<piXoq. ngoXoyoq. [text:] Tcov dptaxcov dvSpoiv. xal xfj<j dp£xfj<j a8Xr]T(ov, xaX6v piev ISeTv xou? dyaiva? ... auv xto dyttp Tweupuxxi. vuv xal dtei xai dc, xoo<; auovai; t£>v auowov. du.r|v. teXo$. eXafie teXoq. rj 6eo<piXo<; loTogia. f. 249r blank

Theodoretus, Lives of the Hermits; PG 82.1283-496.

3. ff. 249v-262r tov clvtov deoScoghov emaxonov xvggov. Tiegi Tij<; detag xai dyiaq dydnrjq. 'HXixoi fxev, 01 xr\t; dpexfji; d0Xr)xat, xat oaot [erasure] xai 01015 aT£9avoi<; ... tw rcaxpl SoJja xtjii] xai Tzpoaxx>vr\csiq. cuv ra rcava- yiw xai £e*>ora>i<p TrveujjiaTi vuv xat del xai dc, toix; aiwva? xwv auovtov. d^v. ff. 262v-264v blank

Theodoretus, On Divine and Holy Love; PG 82.1497-522.

The codex is composed of two distinct manuscripts. Part I: ff. iv, l-130c; Part II: 130d-264.

Part I: Paper (polished; watermarks similar to Briquet Ancre 521, 522 and Harlfinger Ancre 57), ff. iii (nearly contemporary) +134 (presently foliated iv, 1-130; f. 130 followed by ff. 130a-c), 300 x 208 (212 x 115) mm. Written in 28 long lines. Ruled in hard point, double vertical bounding lines. I10 (ff. iv-9), II-XVI8, XVII4 (ff. 130-130c). Catchwords are perpendicular to text on verso; quire signatures are letters of the Greek alphabet placed below the written space to the right, on recto, and occasionally on preceding verso. Written by a single scribe in well formed minuscule that inclines somewhat toward the

30 ms 265

left. Elaborate headpiece in red and dark yellow with interlace design left un- colored (f. lr). Many initials with decorative appendages, in red, throughout; rubricated copiously.

Part II: Paper (polished; watermarks similar to Briquet Chapeau 3487, 3494, 3501 and Harlfinger Chapeau 786b), ff. i (f. 130d: same paper as text) +134 (numbered 131 to 264) + iii (nearly contemporary paper), 300 x 208 (215 x 116) mm. Written in 28 long lines. Ruled in hard point, single vertical bound- ing lines. I8 (+ 1, f. 130d, at beginning), II-XVI8, XVII6. Catchwords, per- pendicular to text, are buried in gutter along lower edge of codex. Written by a single scribe in a bold script in dark ink. Modest headpiece, in red and black, surrounds title (red majuscules) on f. 13 lr; simple headings and initials in red.

Binding: s. xviii. Edges spattered red and blue/ green. Rigid vellum case with "CAESARII QUAESTIONES et THEODORETI VITAE ASCETARUM GRAECE. Manuscript." on spine, handwritten in black ink. According to J. L. Sharpe this manuscript was bound at the Jesuit College of Clermont, Paris (see Provenance).

Written probably in Northern Italy in the mid- 16th century. According to Riedinger {op. cit., pp. 68-70) the manuscript belonged to Francois Olivier, Abbot of S. Quentin de Beauvais (d. 1636). Bound for the Jesuit College of Clermont, Paris (no. 91, notes on f. lr: "Colleg. Parisiensis Societ. Jesu," and "Paraphe au desir de l'arrest du 5. juillet 1763. Mesnil."). Acquired by Gerard and Johann Meerman, ca. 1773; Bibliotheca Meermanniana, v. 4, p. 9, no. 62 (number written on tag on spine); sale to Sir Thomas Phillipps (June 8-July 3, 1824; stamp with no. 3082 on f. i recto, tag on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 18).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 47, no. 264. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 47.

MS 265 Constantinople, 1453 [?]

Manuel Moschopulos, Erotemata (in Greek) PI. 46

ff. lr-148r ypau.|jLaTtxT) auvo{[>t? r\xpi$oy.£vr\, 7iotT]6eIaa rcapa xupoo jiocvoutiX x.pirt]<;. Tt eaxt 7tpoaa>8ta; Tuota T<xat<; iyfp<x[i[i6Lxo\j cptovfji;, trftous xaxa to a-KOLyytXiixov ... Tfft xexu(JK)[i£v7|c ... [final rubric is badly damaged; colophon:] dvSpovtxo? Tvx^U-qoq Efpoc^e tocutt|v. v:okivr\q 6 ocix[J.aX6>TOi; ev xcovaxavuvou nokzi. ff. 133v-134v and 148v blank

The codex diverges considerably from the edition of N. Titze, Manuelis Moschopuli Cretensis opuscula grammatica (Leipzig, 1822); it is similar to the early printed text of J. Vualder, Grammaticae artis graecae methodus Manuele Moschopulo authore (Basil, 1540) pp. 1-155.

MS 266 31

Paper (watermarks in gutter), ff. ii (paper) +148 (foliation by a previous owner, ff. 1-149, skipped from 87 to 89) + ii (paper), 216 x 142 (152 x 85) mm. Written in 21 long lines, ruled faintly in hard point; double [?] vertical bounding lines, no prickings visible.

I-XVIII8, XIX4. Quires signed with letters of the Greek alphabet in lower right corner, recto.

Written in neat Greek minuscule by a single scribe (see below).

Headpiece (f. lr), headings and many initials, 3- to 1-line, in red.

Binding: s. xix. Red goatskin, gold-tooled. Edges gilt. Bound by C. Lewis (London, 1807-36).

Written in Constantinople ca. 1453. A colophon (incomplete) on f. 148r indi- cates that Andronikos Pazikeos wrote the manuscript while a captive in Con- stantinople. This may be the same scribe as Andronikos Laskaris Pazikes Byzantios, who wrote Oxford, Bod. Lib. Barocc. 107 (s. xv-xvi). Belonged to an unidentified monastery of St. George (inscription of late 15th century at top off. lr). Other notes in the manuscript give the date 1463 (f. 148r) and an obituary notice for a brother Ioannes (f. 148v). Collections of Henry Drury (1778-1841; comments on f. i recto) and Sir Thomas Phillipps (tag with no. 3401 on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 37).

Bibliography. Faye and Bond, p. 47, no. 265. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 51.

MS 266 Italy, s. XVImed

Barlaam and Ioasaph (in Greek)

ff. lr-378v [Title is by another scribe who wrote the same title at the top of f. iii recto:] latogta ^agXadfi xai icodoa<p. [text begins in center of page, on line 9:] oaoi 7rve6u.aTi Beou ayovxat. outoi etaiv moi 6eoC <p7i<nv 6 6eTo<; a7r6aroXo<; to 8e ... £uxat<; xai rcpeojfeiais (BapXaoc{ji ii xai icaaaacp xwv [xaxaptaiv. rcepi tov r\ otrjYT]<Ji<;. 'Ev XPlaTV tya°S x# xupito W-&V, to rj Bo^oc xat to xpaxo^ d<; too? aicova; twv aicovcov. ajXTjv.

PG 96.860-1240; the text proper is followed by an additional prayer on f. 379r not given in the printed version: xopie lr\aou xpira 6 Bzbq, ttj rcpeap&Sa ttj5 rcavaxpavTOO Geotoxou, xal xwv oauov Tuaxipcov r)nwv (EapXaafji te xai uoaaacp, 86? eXeo? Tot? ex u66ou xTT]aafjivoi<; ttjv tepav TauTTjv xai (Jwxo^eXrj itftyrynv. atXTjv. yewi- to. Y&votTO. ff. 379v-380v blank

Paper (watermarks similar to Briquet Ancre 557 and Main 10746 and to Harlfinger Main 30, 39, 40), ff. ii (contemporary paper) + 382 (foliation be- gins on the second leaf of the first gathering), 207 x 150 (140 x 78) mm. Written

3^ ms 267

in 17 long lines. Ruled faintly in hard point, single vertical bounding lines that seldom extend to upper and lower edges.

I-XLVII8, XLVIII6 (6 = pastedown). Catchwords are perpendicular to text along gutter at bottom of folio.

Written by two scribes. The first copied ff. lr-357v (line 2); the second com- pleted the text. A third scribe wrote only ff. 356r (line 12) - 357v (line 2). The writing of each hangs from the guide-lines.

There is no decoration except for the title and a simple initial, both in red, on f. lr. The large spaces left at the beginning of the text and at various points within in it indicate that the codex was never finished.

Binding: Venetian, ca. 1565, according to A. R. A. Hobson. Original sew- ing on three double, tawed thongs presumably laced into pasteboards. The endbands are plain wound with a secondary embroidery. The spine is round and lined with coarse cloth extending onto the inside of the boards; the edges are slightly gauffered. Covered in dark brown goatskin, blind-tooled with con- centric borders, a foliate diamond and corner pieces with six-petalled flowers and acorns in the central panel. A red label (s. xviii-xix) has been added and the head and tail of the spine repaired.

Written in Northern Italy in the mid- 16th century. From the collection of the Barbara family of Venice whose distinctive binding appears on the manuscript (see P. Canart, "Les manuscrits grecs de la famille Barbara," Calames et cahiers: Melanges de codicologie et de paleo graphic ofjerts a Leon Gilissen, ed. J. Lemaire and E. van Balberghe [Brussels, 1985] pp. 15, 18); Canart's tentative identifica- tion of Beinecke MS 266 (p. 25) with no. 54 of the library of the Camaldulen- sian priory of St. Michael of Murano has been confirmed by B. Kotter on the basis of the prayer on f. 379r (see comments on text above). Belonged to Freder- ick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; no. 328, on spine and in sale cata- logue); sold to Bohn. From the collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 5536, tag on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 13).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 47, no. 266.

Ziskind Catalogue, pp. 46-47.

"Barlaam andjoasaph," The New Catholic Encyclopedia, v. 2 (New York, 1967), reproduction of f. 37 v on p. 100.

MS 267 Byzantium, s. XV-XVI

Collection of Excerpts (in Greek)

1 . ff. vi recto-viii verso //acofxev otocv ouv dxouarj? to ovo[xa vr\<; imYp<xyf\<; tou

^dX[JLOU ... d{JLT]V.

Sermon, incomplete and unidentified.

ms 267 33

2. ff. lr-7r [Title:] niva$ dxgiprjg rfjq nagovorjq nvxriboq. KecpdXaia xou a^too dBavaaiou, xecpdXatov xt eaxi Geo? a ... nepi vr\q rcpoaoSta? irota xdat?, cpcovfj? ey- -fpafifjuxxoo. uxa. ff. 7v-8v blank

Table in 421 chapters.

3. ff. 9r-543r Collection of extracts on theology, philosophy, grammar, science, history, and other subjects, attributed to Athanasius and many other authors; only the major texts are listed here.

A. ff. 9r-17r [Title of first extract, Athanasius, Quaestiones diversae:} rov dytov dOavaotov. 'Egcorrjoetq hiayoqai, 71eqi nXetorojv xal dvayxaiwv fyrrjjudrojv . . . [text of first extract begins:] 'Eqwrrjoiq, rig eori deoq- 'Anoxq^aiq, ©eoqeartv, Beoq ovaia voeqd- ddewqrjroq re xal dveqfirjvevroq ... [ends:] xal Xu7tr|aei xfj TuavaAeOpta xfj<; pw^atxfj<; %ti^oq.

PG 28.773 and following; similar selections from PG 28.597, etc. follow.

B. ff. 211 r-262r Uvvoytg fioqixfi neql BeoXoyiaq xal neql re iaroqlaq naXataq xal ereqojv nvwv dvayxatojv. Aet -fivtoaxetv, 6'xt x6 fjiaGelv ypd[Jt.[iocxa xaX&s, xal (ppovelv 6p0o86?to? 7i£pl GeoO xal xxtaew? ... B^ Yip[jnf]veua£v ouxo? auv x<p euayyeXteo.

Series of extracts outlining sacred and profane history; no printed text has been located.

C . ff. 386r-404v dvriqqrjoiq iovSaicov, x£H<mavd>v re, xal eXXrjvojv neql rfjq d%qdvrov oaqxcbaeojq . . . nqa%Qeiaa ev neqatbi, enl rwv xqovcov dyqodinavov . BaaiXeuovxo? appivdxou x% nepotxfig 7roXixe£ac £m Ttaadypou ... xal xtjv xou daxepo? exe£vou xax' eviauxdv eirtcpavetav.

Anonymous, Disputatio de Christo in Persia; BHG3 802. There are other ex- tracts on similar subjects on ff. 405v-411v and elsewhere throughout the manuscript. Folios 543v-549v were originally blank; a text has been added on f. 544r describing how to tell whether a sick person will die or recover.

4. ff. 550r-555v Tov fiaxaqiov i<pqal/Li etq rov (liov rov /aaxaqiov dfiqafiiov . . . 'ABsXcpol- (BouXo[ ufitv 8irppf)<jaa9at rcoXixttav xaXrjv xal xeXsiav ... TJpfcxo cJ>dXXtv [corrected to <|>aXXetv]// St. Ephraem, Vita SS. Abraham et Mariae; BHG3 5.

Paper (thick, polished; watermarks similar to Harlfmger Balance 75-77, Lettres 61, and Ancre 40), ff. ix (contemporary paper) + 555 + xi (contem- porary paper), 210 x 138 (155 x 90) mm. Written in 27 long lines; double ver- tical bounding lines, with two additional rulings in upper and lower margins; ruled in hard point.

The codex seems to be composed of gatherings of 8, but extensive repairs to the binding make it impossible to collate more precisely.

34 ms 268

Written primarily by five scribes. Scribe 1: ff. vi recto-viii verso; 550r-555v. Scribe 2: ff. lr-505r, 519r-533v, 535r-537r, 543r. Scribe 3: ff. 506r-517v. Scribe 4: 537v-538v, 544r (later additions of the 17th century). Scribe 5: ff. 539v-542v. Notes in several hands of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Many simple headpieces, in red, for each new section of text; headpieces accompanied by initials, in red, with floral designs. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xvi-xvii. Greek, perhaps from Ionian Islands, according to A. R. A. Hobson. Resewn with four chains laced in a Z pattern into square-edged, flush wooden boards. The colored, chevron endbands straddle the boards and are tied into them in three holes at head and tail of each board. The spine is round. Covered in dark brown calf, originally brick red, with corner tongues, and (an unusual feature) pegged turn-ins; blind-tooled with concentric bor- ders, the central panel filled in with rope interlace squares standing on a point, and the spine decorated with small flowers. Two pins in the edge of the upper board and stubs of triple braids in the lower. Head and tail of the spine repaired.

Written in Byzantium in the 15th and 16th centuries; clues to early provenance include: first, the inscription xocl x6Se 7tpd<; toT<j ocXXok; (inside front cover) fol- lowed by an owner's name, over which a later hand has written 'Av5p£ou; and second, "antonius de Constantino [?]iuien de giorgio" on f. i recto. Notes on f. iii recto give dates 1754 and 1740. Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; no. 47, in sale catalogue and in note inside front cover); sold to Payne (name on f. i recto) who sold it to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 6992, tag on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 11).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 48, no. 267.

Ziskind Catalogue, p. 46 (listed under Athanasius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexan- dria, d. 373).

MS 268 Spain or Italy [?], s. XVI2

Herennius, Commentarius in Aristotelis Metaphysica (in Greek)

ff. lr-144v 'Eqevviov <pdooo<pov i^TJyr]ot<; elq xa x& [sic] //era (pvaixa xov dqiaxoxeXovq. Mexa toc cpoaixa Xs-yovxai, obuep cpuasto? uirepfjpTai- xoct uidp aixtav ... aXXa tcovt&c api0[i.ou ouaa apxr), 816 xal xov dbcXaii; &pt,9[i6v, Iv eaoxfi aovTjpr]xe [xovo&i8<o^. [colophon:] xeXoq. egewtov <pikoooq>ov eiq xa fiexa xa yvotxa. vnb dv- Sqeov SaQfiagiov xov emSavgiov.

A. Mai, ed. , Classicorum auctorum e Vaticanis codicibus editorum tomus IX (Rome, 1837) pp. 513-93.

Paper (watermarks for both flyleaves and text are in the gutter), ff. iii (paper) + 144 + xxx (paper), 201 x 155 (136 x 91) mm. Written in 13 long lines; no rulings or prickings visible.

ms 269 35

I-XII12. Catchwords along lower edge of folio near gutter, on verso; sig- natures (letters of the alphabet) in the center along lower edge, on recto.

Written by Andreas Darmarius, who signed but did not date and place the manuscript at the end of the text.

Modest headpiece and three small initials in red; some rubrics.

Binding: s. xviii. German, according to A. R. A. Hobson. Blue/green edges. Tan sheepskin over wooden boards blind- and gold-tooled. Two brass fastenings.

Written in Spain or Italy in the second half of the 16th century by Andreas Darmarius; see colophon given above. For the scribe, see Vogel and Gardt- hausen, pp. 16-27 with Beinecke MS 268 listed on p. 27; Canart, pp. 60-61; Karpozilos, pp. 67-71 and no. 2; de Meyier, p. 264, no. 8. Belonged to the Library of the Santa Iglesia del Pilar, Saragossa, Spain (Graux and Martin, p. 200, no. 1826; Olivier, pp. 52-57). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 9).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 48, no. 268.

Ziskind Catalogue, p. 46.

MS 269 Salamanca, 1580

Life of Oppian, etc. (in Greek)

1. f. lr-v blank; f. 2r-v fiio<; dnniavov. 'OrcTuavo? 6 xo{.r\rr\<;. Tcaxpo? fjiev tjv ayrjaiXdou. [XTjTpo? hi ZtjvoSotti?. to Be. yevo^, owro dvaijdpjBoo -cffc xtXixtas ... tuf X<xv£i hi (jwtXiaxa ev toc yvo>\Lo\oyi<x xal icapaPoXatg.

Life of Oppian; A. Westermann, ed., Btoyga<pot (Brunswick, 1845) pp. 63-65.

2. ff. 2v-4v The life is followed immediately by the perioche (U. Bussemak- er, Scholia et Paraphrases in Nicandrum et Oppianum [Paris, 1849] p. 260), which is the same as the summary of the poem preceding the list offish in Beinecke MS 255. From the bottom off. 3r to the top of 3v is a list of military forma- tions, with the number of men in each. Finally, the last line of f. 3v begins a discussion of heroic verse that ends with the explicit on f. 4v: ziXoq okki- avou pi'05 xal rapt jxetpcov. f. 5r-v blank

3. ff. 6r-118r r^et^ov. aypXia eiq ra onntavov aXievxata, dvayxala tolq onovMoiq. (li(lliov, a. Aid -ci ewtev i'Gvea xal oux sine 7iXti07] r\ cpuXa. Aid x6 yw&axtw . . . ixoiow 8t) xal ouxot BsTttvoc xaxd xdv x«M-£>va 8td xov auvay [iivov elvoci tov arpocTOV* ai [xev tcov hp\)G>\> 6£o<p6poi- 01 hi xTjxiSocpopot. TeXoq xwv axoXitov twv OTCTuavou dXieimxeov. ff. 118v-119v blank

Scholia on Oppian, Halieutica, attributed to Tzetzes; Bussemaker, op. cit., pp. 260-369. The text of the scholia in this manuscript often diverges sig- nificantly from that of Bussemaker.

36 MS 269

4. ff. 120r-176r naqdfpqaaiq elq ra xov Snmavov aXievrixa [corrected to xvvrjyeTixd] axi%oi. Ta$ omciavoo ri\q xuvrrfiai; $($\ou<;, ix rrfc axoTetvffc ... "EvGev tot xal Taxu Trjv apxxov izthr\<3<xvzt<; owcaBe TJyayov. re^o? avv Oeqi. xf\<; TiagcupQaoeoDS r(ov xvvrjyerixwv onmavov ev 8 fiiftXioH;. [colophon:] U7c6 av- Bpeou Bapfjiapiou too emSauptou utou yecopytou izipaq EiXrjcpe tj roxpouaa (3£[3Xo<;. vf\<; tou t^&t^ou 7capa9pa<recos ev toT? xuvrj^fexixoT? 6jrmavou. ev ta> etet acprc voe|x- [Bpup i£. iv aaXafxavTivTi rcoXei vr\q {aramon;. ff. 176v-177v blank

Paraphrasis of Oppian, Cynegetica, attributed to Tzetzes; O. Tiiselmann, "Die Paraphrase des Euteknios zu Oppians Kynegetica," Abkandlungen der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, philologisch-historische Klasse, N. F. 4 (1900) pp. 1-43. The text is followed by a lengthy colophon in which the scribe attributes the work to Tzetzes. This attribution has been questioned by R. Browning, "The so-called Tzetzes Scholia on Philostratus and An- dreas Darmarios," Classical Quarterly, N. S. 5 (1955) pp. 195-200.

Paper (watermarks similar to Briquet Croix latine 5683 and Main 11292), ff. i (contemporary paper, f. 1) + 176 (ff. 2-177) + ii (contemporary paper), 289 x 201 (215 x 103) mm. Written in 20 long lines with no visible guide-lines, bounding lines or prickings.

The collation of the manuscript is peculiar, since certain gatherings were inserted within other gatherings that had previously been foliated in Arabic numerals (upper right corner). I4, II8 (with III12 and IV8 [-8] bound in be- tween ff. 11 and 31), V12, VI8 (-8; + 1 leaf added, f. 52), VII-X10, XI12, XII4 (-4), XIII10, XIV2, XV12, XVI10, XVII12, XVIII8, XIX12, XX4. Catch- words along lower right edge of folio, on verso; quire signatures, letters of the alphabet, are in the center along the lower edge, on recto. A later hand, some- time before the manuscript was bound as it is now, marked the quires with Arabic numerals (lower right corner, recto) which do not reflect precisely the current arrangement of quires.

Written by Andreas Darmarius in Salamanca and dated 17 November 1580 (for colophon, see art. 3).

Headings and simple initials in red. A few diagrams to illustrate text, main- ly geometrical figures showing the elements of the cosmos (ff. 31r-32v), but also one stemmatic diagram illustrating the divisions of fishing (f. 72v).

Binding: s. xix [?]. Limp vellum case; remains of tawed skin ties. Lettering in ink on spine.

Written in Salamanca in 1580 by Andreas Darmarius (colophon, art. 4; see Vogel and Gardthausen, pp. 16-27, with Beinecke MS 269 listed on p. 21; Canart, pp. 60-61; Karpozilos, pp. 67-71 and no. 3; de Meyier, p. 264, no. 2). Belonged to the Library of the Santa Iglesia del Pilar, Saragossa, Spain (Graux and Martin, pp. 221-22, no. 2027; Olivier, pp. 52-57). Purchased

MS 270 37

from C. A. Stonehill with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 42).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 48, no. 269. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 42.

MS 270 Italy, s. XVImed

Porphyry, Commentarius in Harmonica Ptolemaei (in Greek)

ff. lr-418r rEg/ur)veia tov noQcpvQiov eiq xa aQfiovixa nxoXefxeiov V7z6fivr)fxa. Uo\- Xtov <xipecj£tov ouaoiv ev [xouaixfj, 7C£pi tou rjpneajjivou d> eu86£te. ... 8iaoT<ftoet \iiloi;' Tcfj (jiv ajioXeT7tov 7cfj hi £mXa[ji|3avov, £T£p6-nf]xa too rjGou? ranetv. f. 418v, full- page diagram

I. During, ed., Porphyrios Kommentar zur Harmonielehre des Ptolemaios (Gote- borg, 1931) p. xv, no. 17; pp. 3-174.

Paper (watermarks obscured by tight binding), ff. i (paper) + 418 (early foliation 1-417, 305 bis) + i (paper), 192 x 144 (135 x 83) mm. Written in 13 long lines, ruled lightly in hard point on verso; single vertical bounding lines.

I-XXX12, XXXI14, XXXII-XXXIV12, XXXV8. Catchwords perpendic- ular to text in lower margin, along inner bounding line.

Written by Camillus Venetus in neat Greek minuscule.

Headings and initials in red. Several diagrams in black and red.

Binding: s. xx. Fairly limp vellum case with a tight back. Bound in the same manner and by the same binder as Beinecke MS 271.

Written in Northern Italy in the mid- 16th century by a single scribe, who was also responsible for Beinecke MSS 208 and 271. According to Karpozilos (p. 68), the scribe was associated with or a student of Andreas Darmarius; Knox attributes MSS 270 and 271 to Andreas Darmarius himself (Ziskind Catalogue, pp. 44 and 53), as does de Meyier (p. 264, no. 7). However, a close examina- tion of the hand shows that all three manuscripts are the work of Camillus Vene- tus. (We thank P. Canart for his assistance with the manuscript.) Belonged to the Library of the Santa Iglesia del Pilar, Saragossa, Spain (Graux and Mar- tin, p. 214, no. 621, part I; Olivier, pp. 52-57). Purchased from C. A. Stone- hill with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 54).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 48, no. 270. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 53.

38 MS 271

MS 271 Italy, s. XVImed

Aristides Quintilianus, De Musica (in Greek)

ff. lr-216v aQioreibov rov xotvuXiavov negt fiovmxfjq a. 'Aei uiv 9aufJt,a£etv £7ret- aiv, <£> TiuatoTa-coi [xot katpot eua£[3et£ xat 9Xwp£vxi£ ... Sovrjaouivots, evTsXfj xocxa [XOuaixTjv uia xaxaGeaOoa TcpayjxaTeia. x£Xo<;.

R. P. Winnington- Ingram, ed., Aristides Quintilianus De musica (Leipzig, 1963); T. J. Mathiesen, ed., Aristides Quintilianus: On Music in Three Books (New Haven, 1983) p. 60.

Paper (watermarks buried in gutter), ff. i (paper) + 216 + i (paper), 196 x 148 (135 x 85) mm. Written in 13 long, well spaced lines, faintly ruled in hard point; single vertical bounding lines do not extend into margins.

I-XVIII . Catchwords perpendicular to text in lower margin of verso along the inner bounding line.

Written by Gamillus Venetus in neat Greek minuscule.

Heading and initial on f. lr in red.

Binding: s. xx. Fairly limp vellum with a tight back. Bound in the same manner and by the same binder as MS 270.

Written in Northern Italy in the mid- 16th century by a single scribe, who was also responsible for Beinecke MSS 270 and 208. According to Karpozilos (p. 68) the scribe was associated with or a student of Andreas Darmarius; Knox attributes MSS 270 and 271 to Andreas Darmarius himself (Ziskind Catalogue, pp. 44 and 53), as does de Meyier (p. 264, no. 7). However, a close examina- tion of the hand shows that all three manuscripts are the work of Camillus Vene- tus (we thank P. Canart for this attribution). Library of the Santa Iglesia del Pilar, Saragossa, Spain (Graux and Martin, p. 214, no. 621, part II; Olivier, pp. 52-57). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 3).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 48, no. 271.

Ziskind Catalogue, p. 44.

T. Mathiesen, "Towards a Corpus of Ancient Greek Music Theory: A New Catalogue raisonne Planned for RISM," Fontes artis musicae 25, no. 2 (1978) pp. 129-32.

MS 272 Venice, 1585

Nicomachus Gerasenus; Gaudentius (in Greek)

1. ff. lr-2r Table of Contents for art. 3.

2. f. 2v Table of Contents for art. 4.

ms 272 39

3. ff. 3r-49v Nixo[i&%ov yegamvov nvdayogixov ag/j,ovixfjs eyxetgibiov vn- ayogevdev ef vnoyeiov xard to naXatov. fiifiXiov a Ttgooi/niov. Et xou 7toXuxou^ xa0' iauxov, xai SiaTttptXriTrax; evt cjufjircepocvOfjvou ... ext xai av0pa>7cot^ cprjai ijufi- cpcovov XP&tav xa^ ?ufX[xexpov &7C£V£ifj.avxo. reXoq vixo/u&xov yegaaivov ag]j.ovixfjg iyxetgtoiov.

Nicomachus Gerasenus, Harmonkum enchiridion, I— II; K. von Jan, ed., Mu- sici scriptores graeci (Leipzig, 1895) pp. 237-82.

4. ff. 50r-82v FavSevziov <piXooo<pov ag/novixijg Etaaycoyrj. ngoBeoigia. <D&i'8oii [sic] £uvexoTai Gupa? 8' £7c£0£a0at PepVjXot, xeov apuovtxcov Xoywv oc7ux6[jl£vo? ... U7idxr| uiatov 8£Xxa aveaxpa|jiuivov xai xaG rcXayiov avsaxpafAuivov. [full-page colophon, beginning on f. 82r:]; rwv vtxo^id%ov yegamvov, xai yav&evtiov (ptlooo<pov agjiovixdiv eyxEtQibtuiv Tiegag ElXrj<paoi avv 6ew. 'Ev raj erei nagd dvbgeov 6ag- fiagiov xov embavgiov a<p7te fiagtiov x$ 'Evaxiafe.

Gaudentius, Introductio harmonica; Jan, op. cit., pp. 327-55.

Paper (watermarks similar to Harlfinger Croix 42; a similar watermark oc- curs in Beinecke MSS 273 and 274), ff. iii (paper) + 82 + xxx (paper; uniden- tified watermarks of a man in a circle), 199 x 147 (132 x 91) mm. Written in 13 long lines, ruled in hard point on verso; single outer vertical bounding lines.

I-VI12, VII10. Quire signatures are letters of the alphabet in the center of the lower edge of page, on recto; catchwords near gutter on lower edge of verso.

Written and signed by the scribe Andreas Darmarius, who completed the work in Venice on 26 March 1585 (for colophon, see art. 4).

Much rubrication of the text. Small initials, 3- to 1-line, some with floral motifs. Simple headpieces in black and red at beginning of each section.

Binding: s. xvi. Lavender edges. Tan leather, flesh side out, over wooden boards with a blind-tooled X and a single line border on each. Probably by the same binder who bound MS 301 ; almost certainly done in the same bindery.

Written in Venice in 1585 by Andreas Darmarius and possibly brought to Spain by the scribe (see Vogel and Gardthausen, pp. 16-27, with Beinecke MS 272 listed on p. 22; Canart, pp. 60-61; Karpozilos, pp. 67-71 and no. 6; de Meyier, p. 264, no. 3). Belonged to the Library of the Santa Iglesia del Pilar, Saragos- sa, Spain (Graux and Martin, pp. 224-25, no. 2934; Olivier, 52-57). Pur- chased from C. A. Stonehill with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 39).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 48, no. 272.

Ziskind Catalogue, p. 51.

T. Mathiesen, "Towards a Corpus of Ancient Greek Music Theory: A New Catalogue raisonne Planned for RISM," Fontes artis musicae 25, no. 2 (1978) pp. 129-32.

40 ms 273

MS 273 Spain, 1587

Polychronius, Catena in Canticum Canticorum et Ecclesiasten (in Greek)

I. 1. ff. lr-53v 'E^rjyrjaig elg xb aojia xcov dojidxwv vnb Stayogwv. ovXXe- yev vnb TtoXvxQoviov Staxovov xal fiovaxov, xfjg fieydXrjg exxXi]oiag. ngodewgia. Toe 7cp6aw7ca xou (EipXiou xou aafxaxo?. vu|j.<ptos 6 xopios r)|iciv. vujjicpT] r\ &xxXr]ffia ... <o$ av erceaGaL xai aiixrji; Sia to x£Xetov SuvauivTjq. xeXo^. [colophon:] xd xov dofiaxog xojv da/ndrujv igjj,rjvev9evxa vnb 7ioXv%Qoviov btaxovov negag eiXrjipaoiv. nagd dvSgeov dag/uagiov xov entSavgtov ev t&5 exei a<pnt, <pevgovag(oj xe. f. 54r-v ruled, but blank

Polychronius, Catena in Canticum Canticorum;]. Meursius, Eusebii, Poly- chroni, Pselli in Canticum Canticorum expositiones graece (Leiden, 1617) pp. 77-112.

II . 2 . ff . 55r- 1 1 8v JJoXvxgoviov hiaxovov xfjg jueydXrjg exxXr\aiag xal fiova%ov eg/j.r}veia eig xov exxXrjmaaxrjv. ngooifitov. 'Ev tw &xxXr)aiaaxTJ, xeXeiav, &g av fxeyaXon; xal t&XeCoi? 7tapaxiGT)at . . . av0pa>7ras 09&iXei etvat xiktiog, xal dveXXtTnq^. [colophon:] nagd dvSgeov Sag/uagiov xov entSavgtov xovxl negag eiXr}<pe.

Polychronius, Catena in Ecclesiasten; M. Faulhaber, Hohelied-, Proverbien- und Prediger-Catenen (Vienna, 1902) pp. 148-66; A. Labate, "Nuovi codici della catena all'Ecclesiaste de Policronio," Augustinianum 18 (1978) pp. 551-53 where he assigns MS 273 to "Famiglia A."

The codex is composed of two manuscripts. Part I: ff. 1-54; Part II: ff. 55-1 18. Both manuscripts were executed by the same scribe and display iden- tical physical formats. Each was foliated individually in pencil in the upper right corner.

Paper (watermarks similar to Harlfinger Croix 42; a similar watermark also appears in Beinecke MSS 272 and 274), ff. ii (paper) + 118 + ii (paper), 302 x 195 (212 x 103) mm. Written in 20 long lines, ruled in hard point; single vertical bounding lines.

Part I: I-IV12, V6. Part II: I-V12, VI4. Signatures are letters of the alphabet in the center of the lower edge of page, on recto; catchwords occur near gutter on lower edge of verso.

Both parts of the codex were signed by the scribe Andreas Darmarius, who states that he completed the first section on 25 February 1587; the second sec- tion is undated (for colophons, see arts. 1 and 2).

Simple headpieces, in black, on ff. lr and 55r. Intricate initials, in red, on first folio of each treatise. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xx. Tan, spattered calf spine, marbled paper sides. Gold-tooled lettering and edges spattered lavender. Bound in the same manner and prob- ably by the same binder as Beinecke MS 274.

ms 274 41

Written in Spain by Andreas Darmarius who signed Part I in 1587 (see Vogel and Gardthausen, pp. 16-27; Canart, pp. 60-61; Karpozilos, pp. 67-71 and no. 7; Patrinelis, p. 76, no. 15; de Meyier, p. 264, no. 9). Belonged to the Library of the Santa Iglesia del Pilar, Saragossa, Spain (not listed in Graux and Martin; Richard, Supplement 1 ', pp. 54-55; Olivier, pp. 52-57). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 53).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 48, no. 273. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 53.

MS 274 Madrid, 1587

Procopius, Catena in Canticum Canticorum (in Greek)

ff. lr-185v IJgoxomov XQtariavov oo<ptorov elq td aajnaxa tu>v do/zdrcov etyyrjTixaJv exXoy&v imtofir}. 'And tpoDvfJQ ygrjyogiov vvoorjq xai xvgiXXov dXe^av8geia<; ... Ata twv ivxauGa y£fpa{jL|xevo)v, vufjupoaroXeiToci too; 7) cJjuxti ... tcov dpo>[idx<ov StjXoovtcov to &u6)8es Ttov oupavuov xai xocBapov. [colophon:] *Ev x<b etet naga dvSgeiov Sagfiagiov xov inihavqiov, vlov yewgyiov. aynt,. yevgovagiov 8. iv /jiaSgdXico rfj<; 'Ionaviaq.

PG 87 (pars II). 1545-1754.

Paper (watermarks similar to Harlfinger Croix 42; a similar watermark oc- curs in Beinecke MSS 272 and 273), ff. ii (paper) + 185 (157 bis) + ii (paper), 298 x 194 (211 x 112) mm. Written in 20 long lines; single vertical bounding lines ruled in hard point.

I-XV12, XVI5 (structure uncertain). Signatures are letters of the alphabet in the center of lower edge, on recto; catchwords appear along lower edge near gutter, on verso.

Completed by Andreas Darmarius in Madrid and dated 9 February 1587 (for colophon, see above).

Rubricated copiously throughout; one 3 -line initial on f. lr with foliage above and below. Simple headpiece at beginning in black.

Binding: s. xx. Tan, spattered calf spine, marbled paper sides. Gold-tooled lettering and edges spattered lavender. Bound in the same manner and prob- ably by the same binder as that of MS 273.

Written in Madrid in 1587 by Andreas Darmarius (see Vogel and Gardthaus- en, pp. 16-27, with Beinecke MS 274 listed on p. 22; Canart, pp. 60-61; Kar- pozilos, pp. 67-71 and no. 8; de Meyier, p. 264, no. 6). "M.S. 1 ... di Procopio" in pencil on f. lr. Belonged to the Library of the Santa Iglesia del Pilar, Saragossa, Spain (Graux and Martin, p. 216, no. 1230; Olivier, pp. 52-57). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 55).

42 MS 275

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 48, no. 274. Ziskind Catalogue, p. 53.

MS 275 Byzantium, s. XII/XIII

Josephus, Vita (in Greek)

ff. lr-32v tcoorjTiov fiioq. 'Efioi Be yivoq, ecmv oox 6caT][jLov aXX' $% iep£cov avtoGev x<xx<x$z$r\x.6c, ... lid too 7iapovTo; 'EvxauQa xaTa7iaoa> (t6)v Xoyov. [explicit:] t£Xo<; xf\q twarjTrou Eou8aixJfc <5cpxaioXoyi'a«;. Text is followed by four lines in the hand of a later scribe, probably of the 15th century.

A. Pelletier, ed., Flavins Josephe Autobiographie (Paris, 1959) contains the com- plete text but does not list Beinecke MS 275. The explicit indicates that the Life of Josephus was perhaps an appendage to his Antiquitates . This codex ap- pears to be one of the earliest surviving authorities for the autobiography of Josephus; N. G. Wilson suggests that the manuscript may be as early as the late twelfth or early thirteenth century. H. Schreckenberg, Die Flavius-Josephus- Tradition in Antike und Mittelalter in Arbeiten zur Literatur und Geschichte des hellenistischen Judentums 5 (Leiden, 1972) p. 28 (dated in s. xiv); idem, Re- zeptionsgeschichtliche und textkritische Untersuchungen zu Flavins Josephus in Arbeiten zur Literatur und Geschichte des hellenistischen Judentums 10 (Leiden, 1977) pp. 114-15, believes that the text of MS 275 is related to that in Milan, Bib- lioteca Ambrosiana MS 370.

Paper (rough, brown; no watermarks), ff. 32 + ii (modern paper), 315 x 231 (260 x 180) mm., trimmed. Written in 29 long lines, frame-ruled in hard point; single prickings in upper and lower margins.

I8, II10, III12 [?], IV2. Extensive repairs to the binding make it difficult to collate the manuscript with any degree of certainty.

Written by a single scribe in well-spaced minuscule; a second scribe added four lines on f. 32v, partly damaged and undeciphered.

Crude headpiece on f. lr, with title and small initials in red.

The upper and lower portions of the manuscript are waterstained. Most fo- lios have been repaired; the final leaf is badly mutilated with much damage to the text.

Binding: s. xvii-xviii [?]. Rebound in brick- red leather, blind-tooled with a rope interlace with small dots in the border and a floreate cross in the center.

Written in Byzantium in the late 12th or early 13th century; early provenance unknown. Belonged to the Library of the Santa Iglesia del Pilar, Saragossa, Spain (Graux and Martin, p. 211, no. 253; Olivier, pp. 52-57). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill in 1955 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate); his gift in memory of Louis M. Rabinowitz in 1957.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 48, no. 275.

ms 276 43

MS 276 Italy [?], ca. 1580

Sextus Julius Africanus, Cestoi (in Greek)

1. ff. lr-3r 'IovXiov d^Qixavov 7igd<; noXefucov TiaQaaxevrj. juvaf. Ilepl 6rcXricj«o<;. a'. Ilepl iroXefxCwv cp9opa?. p'. Oivou cpap[xa^?. y'.... riepi &tcXtixt(dv. ot,'. riepi uupaoiv. otj'. IUpl cpoXdxwv. o0'. reAo? totJ mvaxoq. f. 3v blank

Table of contents.

2. ff. 4r-68v 'IovXtov dygixavov tzqo<; nolefxtow naqaaxtvf]. nqooi^iov. Koccoc Xoyov ¥j et[Jiap[Ji£vriv, r\ xux^v, ai xtov 7ipa-Y(xd-ctov ix$<xau<;, iniyovcd xai 99opai ... "Oxt xa-ca xfy OTtXTjaiv &yTC&cppa"ftiivoi 6<pe£Xouatv elvou- ou [xovov 01 qutpoaGev ^ufot, dXXa xai 01 drctaGev oupayoi. s-u 81 xal ot axpot axtx°i T"v irXE.upcov xfjq cpdXa*^YO<;. [explicit:] tcAo? auv 0ea> ra>v ev noXi/Lioiq xaraaxevwv 'IovXtov &<pQtxavov. [colophon:] find dvbqeov daQjuagiov tov emSavgiov. ff. 69r-70v blank

The only use of the title in the codex occurs on f. 38r; the passages in MS 276 correspond in general to those printed by Melchisidech Thevenot, ed. , in Veterummathematicorum... opera JOYAIOY A0PIKANOY KEETOl (Paris, Ex typographia regia, 1693) pp. 275-79, 290-316 (280-89 were not includ- ed by the printer in the pagination). He used, according to his preface and notes on pp. 339-60, three manuscripts, now Paris, Bibliotheque Natio- nale Cod. reg. 2173, Cod. Colbert 1996 and Cod. reg. 3220. The chapter headings of the table in MS 276 are the same as those of the printed work, with one interesting exception. The chapter heading of the printed text, x8' npos eXEcpavxcov \l6lxt\v, is divided between two headings in MS 276: Ilepi IXecpdvTwv \L&xr\z x8' and Ilto; cn[iuvr\xci.{ tis Oriptotj Boaixaxou. There is no major difference in the text; subsequent chapter numbers diverge by one. Beinecke MS 276 is not listed in either the 1932 {Fragments des "Cestes") or 1970 (Les "Cestes" de Julius Africanus) works of J.-R. Vieillefond.

Paper (same watermark as Harlfinger Croix 41, from a manuscript signed by Andreas Darmarius and dated 5 April 1582), ff. ii (nearly contemporary paper) + 70 + i (nearly contemporary paper), 295 x 202 (215 x 96) mm. Writ- ten in 20 long lines. Ruled in hard point, single vertical bounding lines full length; some prickings visible at bottom of folio.

I-V12, VI10. Quires signed with letters of the alphabet in center of lower margin, on recto; catchwords appear along lower edge of folio near inner bound- ing line, on verso.

Written by the scribe Andreas Darmarius, who signed the completed manuscript (see art. 2).

Headpiece in black ink, on f. lr. Headings and chapter notations, in red. 3-line initial, with decoration above and below letter, in red on f. 4r; other small initials in red throughout codex at beginning of each section.

Binding: s. xix [?]. Limp green vellum case, blue-green edges.

44 ms 277

Written probably in Italy, ca. 1580, by Andreas Darmarius (see Vogel and Gardthausen, pp. 16-27; Canart, pp. 60-61; Beinecke MS 276 appears to be an unrecorded codex by this scribe). Belonged to the Library of the Santa I- glesia del Pilar, Saragossa, Spain (Manuscritos, incunables, rams [1501-1753], Saragossa, 1961, p. 15, no. 81; Olivier, pp. 52-57). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill by Thomas E. Marston in 1959; his gift to Yale in 1959.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 48, no. 276.

MS 277 Italy, s. XV2

Lexicon Greco-Latinum PI. 55

1. ff. lr-319r [Arranged in two columns with Greek in the first and Latin in the second:] "Aocto<; Insaciabilis et illesus/ aa^TO? Intangibilis innocuus cui non potest noceri/ auyh; Infrangibile/ . . . J>xpo<; Pallor wxpoxT)? Pallidi- tas/ &cj> uultus aspectus frons.

2. ff. 319r-323v tieqi owbeoficov xal imggTjfidrcov. "Av si uel utique/ aXXa sed/ apa Num an/ ... tog &vtoctouto> Interea/ & Euax. reXoq xov kefyxov. ff. 324r-325v blank

Beinecke MS 277 is similar with respect to both its physical format and its text to the lexicon of Girolamo Aleandro, published in Paris in 1512 by Gilles de Gourmant. The entries are not arranged in strict alphabetical order, but rather by the first two or three letters of the Greek word. In some instances, Italian equivalents are provided.

Paper (sturdy; watermarks similar to Briquet Chapeau 3387 and Harlfmger Ghapeau 12), ff. ii (paper) + 325 + ii (paper), 291 x 200 (210 x 115) mm. Ruled in 32 long lines, but written in 2 columns. Three outer and single inner vertical bounding lines; ruled in hard point.

I-XXI8 ( + 1 leaf added at end, f. 177), XXII-XL8, XLI4. The order of the quires is confused after IX: XIII, XIV, X, XV, XII, XI, XVI, XVII. Signatures do not appear consistently: letters of the alphabet are located at the beginning and end of some quires, in lower margin near outer bounding lines; occasionally there are also leaf signatures on the first four folios of a gather- ing at the very bottom of the page (many lost due to trimming).

Written by three scribes: Scribe 1 wrote the Greek words in precise minus- cule, using dark ink. Scribe 2 supplied the Latin equivalents for ff. lr-56r in a delicate humanistic cursive; Scribe 3 supplied them for ff. 57r-323v in a more flamboyant calligraphic style of writing. According to A. C. de la Mare the work of Scribe 3 is quite similar to that of Felice Feliciano of Verona.

Intricate but faded headpiece (f. lr) in red, with intertwining foliage left un- colored, accompanied by a 4-line initial with floral motifs. Small initials, in red, throughout text.

ms 278 45

Binding: s. xix. Brown calf spine, gold-tooled with decorated paper sides.

Written in Italy in the second half of the 15th century; early provenance unknown. Belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 11870, tag on spine). Pur- chased from L. C. Witten in 1956 by Thomas E. Marston; his gift to Yale in 1957.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 48, no. 277.

Exhibition Catalogue, p. 229, no. 53.

The Secular Spirit: Life and Art at the End of the Middle Ages, exhib. cat. (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975) p. 170, no. 187.

MS 278 Italy, 1453

Didymus, Interpretatio in Odysseam (in Greek) PI. 54

ff. lr-160r obvaaeta. vnodeatq [a red line separates the title from the chap- ter heading:] odvaaeiaq a. vTiodeotq. Getov d-yopoc YtvSTOU, ntpl tou tov 68uaaea et? i'0dxT)v TcejjicpGfivat . . . rty <xo(36Xtiv Xiytv toloutov 8e d<pi7]<jtv 6 tjx>q TiGp, ex toO oupavou. t£Xo<;. [colophon:] e/ceXeicoGT) 8id xtlP®S ttodvvou xou axouxaptwTOu ev Kiti auvy \ir\w. 6xTo(3pio) 8. ff. 160v-162v ruled, but blank

C. Schrevelius, ed., Homeri Odyssea et in eandem scholia et interpretatio Didymi (Amsterdam, 1665) pp. 3-494.

Paper (watermarks: Harlfinger Fleur 108, from a manuscript dated 4 Nov. 1445 and attributed to Ioannes Skoutariotes), ff. i (contemporary paper) + i (contemporary parchment) +164 (modern foliation skips a leaf between 13 and 14 and between 14 and 15; early foliation along bottom of page, mostly lost through trimming) + i (contemporary parchment) + i (contemporary paper), 273 x 208 (202 x 1 12) mm. Ruled in hard point for 30 long lines, but written in 2 columns. Single vertical bounding lines.

I-XIV10, XV-XVII8. Quires signed with letters of the alphabet in lower margin near gutter, on recto, except for the first which is on verso.

Written and signed by the scribe Ioannes Skoutariotes, who finished the manuscript 4 October 1453 (complete colophon given under contents above).

Simple initials and headings, in red, at the beginning of each book.

Binding: s. xix. Wooden boards. Quarter bound in brick-red goatskin. Bound for the convent of San Marco, Florence; title in gold on spine with number "232".

Written in Italy by Ioannes Skoutariotes in 1453 (see Vogel and Gardthausen, pp. 197-99; Canart, p. 68; de Meyier, p. 262). Acquired from Frater Philip- pus Lapaccinus by the Dominican convent of San Marco in Florence in the 15th century; ownership inscription of 15th century on f. ii verso is partially erased but still legible under ultraviolet light: "Iste liber est conuentus Sancti

46 MS 279

Marci de Florentia ordinis predicatorum. In bancho vj occidentis librarie grece. Habitus a fratre philippo lapaccino filio natiuo. N. LXXXVIIII." (B. Ullman and P. Stadter, The Public Library of Renaissance Florence [Padua, 1972] pp. 76, n. 1; 264; 279; 317.) Collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 10371, on spine), who purchased it from Payne (Cat. 1835, no. 100). Acquired in 1953 by Thom- as E. Marston (bookplate) from C. A. Stonehill. Gift of Thomas E. Marston in 1959.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 48, no. 278.

MS 279 France [?], s. XVImed

Aristotle, Ethica Nicomachea (in Greek)

1. ff. lr-244v 'AqiotoxeXovq r\Qix(bv vixojuaxBtcov. to A'. Ilacja xiyyr\ xal rcaaoc |ji0o8o<;, 6fioi6)£ hi rcpaljti; ... xal xiat vou.oi£, xal I'Qeai xp<*>^VYl* ^>iy<*>\iw ouv dp£dfx&voi. xiXoq xcov TjOixaJv vixofxaxsteov dpiaxoxeXou^. [t]£Xo<;.

I. Bekker, ed., Aristotelis opera (Berlin, 1831) II.1094al-1181b23.

2. ff. ii-x [Index by topic:] t' dyaGou opog. 2* ... ev ttJ <J>oxfj xpia xupta TcpdJjea*; xat akrfiiKVLc,: 127 '.

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + i (parchment with heavy erasure on recto) + 244 + x (index on parchment, foliated i-x) + i (parchment) + i (paper), 112 x 73 (80 x 48) mm. Written in 17 long lines, no ruling. Foliated in Arabic nu- merals by the original scribe.

I-XII8, XIII10, XIV-XXX8, XXXI2, XXXII10 [index].

Written by Angelus Vergecius in calligraphic sloping minuscule (cf. Beinecke MS 242, by the same scribe); note inscription at very base of spine: "Manusc. in perg. Vergec."

On f. lr, a symmetrical design of dolphins, flowers and leaves, in brown and red; initial with floral design, in red. Rubrication for chapter headings and initials throughout, the initials in the same style as above. First letter of most sections of the index in same style.

Binding: s. xix. Gilt, gauffered edges. Straight-grained red calf, gold-tooled. By F. Bozerian Jeune (active in Paris 1800-18).

Written probably in France in the middle of the 16th century; belonged to the Abbey of St. Martin of Laon (on f. lr, "Abbatiae St. Martini Laudunensis"; also note on f. ii verso). According to Abbe B. Merlette (unpublished and un- verified letter dated 21 Nov. 1966, in library files), the manuscript was once in the Library of Henri-Francois d'Aguesseau (1668-1751). Bookstamp of Walter Ashburner of Florence (b. 1864). Bookplate of Leo Olschki (1861-1940), bookdealer of Florence; listed in a catalogue of U. Hoepli (1955), from whom

ms 280 47

the book was purchased by Thomas E. Marston through C. A. Stonehill. Presented by T. E. Marston (bookplate) in 1957.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 49, no. 279.

MS 280 France, s. XII2/4

Josephus, De bello Judaico, Lat. tr. Hegesippus PI. 6

f. lr blank; f. lv [Inscription, in a slightly later hand:] Quam male romulea tractetur ab urbe Iudea/ Narrat Egisippus ut docet istud opus. [ff. 2r-117v:] Incipit Liber Egesippi hystoriographi . Quatuor libros regnorum quos scriptura com- plexa est sacra . . . index negotij fuit. Opes autem eorum appositus ab ipsis prius ignis consumpsit.

V. Ussani, ed., CSEL, v. 66 (1932) pp. 3-417.

Parchment (monastic, furry), ff. i (foliated 1, parchment, palimpsest with spacious 2-column format that seems contemporary with text) + 116 (folia- ted 2-117) + ii (paper), 289 x 214 (230 x 161) mm. Written in 2 columns of 35 lines; single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines full length; some- times two horizontal rulings through center of written space. Ruled faintly in lead; prickings in all margins except inner, occasionally double prickings for horizontal bounding lines.

I-XII8, XIII-XIV10. Quire signatures, much trimmed, along lower edge on verso.

Written by a single scribe in elegant French minuscule. Marginalia, includ- ing "Nota" marks, by several later hands.

Good pen-drawn initial for Book 1 (f. 2v), 12-line, in brown, with vigorous foliage swirls, modelled with fine striations, against a bright, multicolored (green, blue, red, maroon) panelled ground; for the Prologue and Books 2-5 (ff. 2r, 37r, 52r, 67v, and 82v), 7- or 5-line initials, in red, blue, green, and light brown with delicate, stylized foliage (f. 2r: also with two stylized heads). On f. 77v, a marginal drawing in red ink of a man pointing to text with a note (s. xiii) in brown ink "Nota de iniquo Symone." Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xviii. Edges gilt. Green goatskin gold-tooled, with a brick-red label.

Written in Northern France (possibly the Loire region?) in the second quarter of the 12th century; early provenance unknown. Unidentified inscription on f. lr: "MSS Biblioth. Coislozuch," with the number "240"; we have not been able to verify the suggestion that the manuscript came from the collection of the due de Coislin (Faye and Bond, p. 49, no. 280). Belonged to comte Justin MacCarthy-Reagh (1744-1811) and to Sir Thomas Phillipps (nos. 3883, 371 1; inscription on f. lv). Acquired by George Dunn (1865-1912) of Woolley Hall,

48 MS 28l

Maidenhead (booklabel); his sale (Sotheby's, 11 Feb. 1913, v. 1, no. 464). From the Sholem Asch Collection of Judaica (L. Nemoy, "The Shalom [sic] Asch Library," Gazette 18 [1944] p. 60; idem, Catalogue of Hebrew and Yiddish Manuscripts and Books from the Library ofShalem [sic] Asch [New Haven, 1945] p. 24, no. 137, pi. off. 2v facing p. 24). Presented to Yale in 1943 by Louis M. Rabinowitz.

secundo folio: appropinquauit

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 49, no. 280. Exhibition Catalogue, p. 187, no. 14.

MS 281 England, ca. 1470

John Lydgate, Life of Our Lady PI. 26

1 . ff . 1 r-4r This Boke was compiled by John Lydgate Monke of Bury at the excitacion and steringe of the Worshipfulle Prince Kynge henre the fyfthe. In the honoure glorie and Worship of pe birthe of the moste glorious mayde Wyffe and moder of Oure lorde Ihesu Criste. chapitred and marked after pis table. Furste a Prologe of the natiuite of our lady. Capitulo primo ... How candelmasse daie toke furste the name. Capitulo iiij.xx viij.

2. ff. 4r-l 14v Here begynnith the Prologe of the Natiuite of oure ladye. O Thought- full herte planted in distresse/ W1 slombre of slou]?e )>is long Wyntris night/ ... Benigne ladie anone to be gynne. Here endithe the Prologe of the Natiuite of oure ladye. And here begynnethe the Natiuite Of oure ladie. Capitulo primo. [f. 6r:] A ffloure of vertue fulle longe kepte in close/ fful many a yere. With hol- summe leves sote/ ... To thi servauntes shelde and socoure be/ To kepe and save from alle aduersite. Amen.

Beinecke MS 281 was not used by J. A. Lauritis, ed., who published the text in 1961 {Duquesne Studies , Philological series 2 [Pittsburgh, 1961]; see also below) .

3. Back flyleaf Unidentified recipe for an odoriferous substance, in Latin, on recto; verso blank.

Parchment (thick, furry), ff. ii (modern parchment) + i (original parchment flyleaf) + 114 (both modern foliation and pagination) + i (original parchment flyleaf) + ii (modern parchment), 309 x 197 (196 x 118) mm. Written in 28 lines of verse; single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across; additional pair of rulings in upper, lower, and outer margins. Ruled in ink; prickings at top, bottom, and outer edges of leaves (mostly trimmed).

I-XIV , XV2. Catchwords, enclosed in scrolls, in lower margin above ad- ditional horizontal lines.

ms 281 49

Written by a single scribe in a more formal style of bastard Anglicana than appears in Parkes, Cursive Book Hands, pi. 16 (i); delicately decorated ascenders and descenders along upper and lower edges of written space.

On f. 5v a large coat of arms, Carent quartered with Toomer, in a green, orange, and gold frame, against a dark green ground, perhaps a slightly later addition; f. 6r, a small coat of arms, Carent, in the lower margin, against a gold ground, surrounded by a phylactery wrapped around the bar border. Arms supported by two seated dogs, in black pen, set in an oblong landscape, edged heavily in black.

One 8-line (f. 6r), four 6-line (ff. lr, 21r, 52r, 85 v) and one 4-line (f. 106r) initials, blue and red with white highlights, filled with large four-lobed flowers and acanthus leaves, orange, green, pink, blue, and light blue, against irregu- lar gold grounds, edged in black, with full (ff. lr, 6r), 3/4 (ff. 52r, 85v) or sin- gle marginal (ff. 21r, 106r) borders. The full and 3/4 have gold, blue and red bands attached to initial, with curling and braided sections sprouting curling acanthus at corners; often against gold cusps, with spiraling black ink hair- spray vines with small green teardrop leaves, pink, brown, green, and blue flowers, and gold dots with small pink and blue leaves. 2 -line gold initials on irregular blue and red grounds with white highlights, each with two sprigs of black hair-spray with green leaves and gold dots, as above. 1-line blue and gold initials, with red or pink penwork. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xix. Brown goatskin blind-tooled, with a gold-tooled title. Bound by Francis Bedford (London, 1800-84), who worked with C. Lewis and set up his own shop in 1841.

Written in Southern England ca. 1470 according to K. L. Scott. Arms of the Carent family on f. 6r (argent, 3 roundels azure with 3 chevrons tenne, sup- ported by dogs); the Carent arms, quartered with the Toomer arms, appear on f. 5v (quarterly, first and fourth argent, 3 roundels azure with 3 chevrons tenne [Carent]; second and third argent, 3 bars wavy tenne [Toomer]; crest a dog proper). The Carent arms are also found in Manchester, Rylands/University MS Eng. 1 which J. J. G. Alexander ("William Abell 'Lym- nour' and 15th-century English Illumination," Kunsthistorische Forschungen. Otto Pdchtzu seinem 70. Geburtstag [Strasbourg, 1973] p. 169, n. 35) believes belonged either to William Carent (1395-1476), or to his brother John Carent (d. 1478), or to William's son John Carent (1425-83). On the Carent family see also J. M. Manly and E. Rickert, Text of the Canterbury Tales, vol. 1 (Chicago, 1940) pp. 614-15. Unidentified note of the late 15th century: "thys boke yeryn/ to \>e quene our souereyne/ lady ffor to se J>e converssacyon/ off our moost blessed lady off/ hevyn ffor to conffort/ and to passe tyme in/ redyng and ovyr/ seyng thys lytyll/ trety off hyr blessed", with the motto [?] "aymer2 et a tandyr", on verso of original front flyleaf. Signature of Thomas Colley, f. i verso; his partially erased inscription on final contemporary flyleaf. Beinecke

50 ms 282

MS 281 does not appear to be either MS 85 or MS 257 (now Urbana- Champagne, University of Illinois 85) from Mostyn Hall, which Lauritis was unable to locate for his critical edition, since the physical description of MS 281 does not correspond to those in the sale catalogue for Mostyn Hall (Sothe- by's, 13 July 1920). Belonged to Hannah D. Rabinowitz (bookplate). Purchased by Yale in 1960 from G. A. Stonehill as the gift of Edwin J., Frederick W., and Walter Beinecke.

secundo folio: [table, f. 2] how the aungel [text, f. 7] the aungel tolde

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 49, no. 281.

A. I. Doyle, "English Books In and Out of Court from Edward III to Henry VII", in English Court Culture in the Later Middle Ages , ed. V.J. Scattergood and J. W. Sherborne (London, 1983) p. 174.

MS 282 Belgium [?], s. XII2

Josephus, De bello Judaico, Lat. tr. Rufinus

f. lr blank, ff. lv-109v Post antiquitatis libros uiginta hi sequuntur qui captiuitatis iudaice et excidij iherusalem inscribuntur numero viite. Flauij iosephi hystoriographi liber primus de bello iudaico incipit capitulum . i. Quoniam helium quod cum populo romano gessere iudei omnium maximum que nostra etas uidit . . . quod earn solum per omnia que scripsi habuerint coniecturam. [colophon at bottom of folio:] Solus ego iosephum scripsi totumque peregi./ Non socius mecum scriba uel alter homo./ Ergo domus felixque penus cui talia condo./ Nunc mihi redde uicem multiplicando precem./ Liber ut an euo sim iamiam proximus euo./ Vt su- peris iungar hostis ab ore trahar./ Spiritus astra petat gaudens in pace quies- cat. amen./ Anima Waltheri scribe requiescat in pace, orate fratres. amen.

Parchment, ff. i (parchment) + 109 + i (parchment), 465 x 315 (365 x 220) mm. Written in 2 columns of 48 lines; single vertical, single lower horizontal, and double upper (widely spaced) horizontal bounding lines. Ruled lightly in crayon; prickings prominent in all margins.

I-XIII8, XIV6 (-6). Quire signatures (I, II, etc.) in center of lower mar- gin, on verso.

Written in bold and elegant early gothic bookhand; some looped flourishes in upper margins contain red dots.

Seven initials, 17- to 10-line (ff. Iv, 27v, 48r, 60r, 67v, 75v, 89v), in red, filled with red swirling foliage on orange and green grounds, with touches of blue, against irregular grounds of blue and/or orange panels. 6- to 2-line ini- tials, green and/or red with red or green foliate flourishes, set both outside and into text column; initials sometimes incorporate simple facial features.

MS 283 51

1-line red initials for rubrics. Rubrics throughout; remains of notes to rubricator.

Binding: s. xix. Brown goatskin, blind-tooled.

Written possibly in Belgium, to judge from the decoration, in the second half of the 12th century, by a scribe named Waltherius (see colophon above); early provenance unknown. Belonged to Ambroise Firmin-Didot; see his Catalogue illustre des livres precieux manuscrits ... (Paris, 1881) v. 3, p. 72, no. 54. From the collections of M. Zagajski and Hannah D. Rabinowitz (bookplates). Present- ed to Yale by William S. Glazier in 1960.

secundo folio: [dissensi]onibus est euersa

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 49, no. 282.

MS 283 Spain, s. XVI1

Epistolary, Cistercian use

1. ff. lr-133v Dominica prima in aduentu domini. Ad Romanos. xiij. Fratres, Scientes quia ... Dominica, xxv. Lectio ieremie prophete. xxiij. Ecce dies ueniunt dicit ... dicit dominus omnipotens.

Epistle readings for the temporale from Advent through the 25th Sunday after Pentecost.

2. ff. 133v-156v Epistle readings for the sanctorale from Stephen protomar- tyr (26 Dec.) through Sixtus (6 Aug.), ending defectively. Added in the mar- gins in a later hand are the translation of James the Greater, Maurus, John Ghrysostom, Julian bishop of Burgos, Robert of Citeaux and Peter of Ver- ona; also added in the margins but crossed out are entries for Vincent of Saragossa, Ildephonsus of Toledo, and Thomas Aquinas.

Small sections of the text are missing throughout the codex due to the addi- tion of miniatures.

Parchment, ff. ii (parchment) + 156 + ii (parchment), 340 x 240 (242 x 155) mm. Written in 18 long lines, single vertical and upper horizontal bound- ing lines full length and full across, ruled in lead; text ruled in red, written space defined by a border of double rulings, also in red.

I2 (f. 1 has been cut out and reinserted on stub); the remainder of the co- dex is too tightly bound to permit accurate collation. At least two gatherings seem to be missing at end. Catchwords, accompanied by four symmetrically placed groups of three dots, perpendicular to text along inner ruling.

Written in large round gothic bookhand with red and black accent marks for recitation.

52 MS 284

The fourteen full-page miniatures constitute the most extensive extant cycle by the "Spanish Forger" (see W. Voelkle, The Spanish Forger, exhib. cat., The Pierpont Morgan Library [New York, 1978] pp. 35-37, 61 ; figs. 92-109, 226, for reproductions of the miniatures, sources, and related works). The minia- tures are as follow: f. lr Kneeling donor (historiated initial), with border con- taining Sts. Peter and Paul, angels with a scroll and a coat of arms (unidentified; see below), and the four evangelists with their symbols; f. 9r Noli me tangere; f. 13r Gnadenstuhl Trinity; f. 28v Elijah fed by an angel; f. 38r Isaac blessing Jacob; f. 47r Moses striking the rock; f. 58r Eliseus restoring life to the son of the Sunamite woman; f. 74r Moses, Aaron and Hur at the battle against Amelec; f. 89v Male saint addressing a kneeling man; f. 105r Moses expound- ing the law; f. 114v Reception of blessed into heaven and the fall of the rebel angels; f. 12 lr Ezra preaching; f. 127r Courtly couple and two beggars; f. 135r Three ladies at mass. All pages with miniatures have full borders of scrolling acanthus in red, blue, green and purple with hair-spray and gold balls. 3- and 2-line initials, red or blue, with purple or red penwork (6-line on f. 134r). Rubrics throughout.

Binding: Date? Worn red velvet with a silver-gilt crucifix [a fairly recent addition?] on the upper board. Brass clasp engraved with "S. Maria/ ora pro nobis." Rebacked.

Written in Spain toward the beginning of the 16th century, for Cistercian use; early modern provenance unknown. In the late 19th or early 20th century the manuscript was in the possession of the "Spanish Forger" who erased portions of the text and added the present miniatures and unidentified arms (quarterly, first argent, 3 bars gules; second gules, a patriarchal cross argent; third azure, 3 shields or [charges illegible], an orle or; fourth gules, a lion rampant queue- fourche or and an orle or; an inescutcheon argent with a bird sable). Belonged to Hannah D. Rabinowitz (bookplate). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill in 1960 as a gift of the Yale Library Associates.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 49, no. 283. Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 275-77, no. 89.

MS 284 Florence, 1470

Cicero, Opera Philosophica Pis. 38, 64

1 . ff. lr-40r M. Tullii Ciceronis De natura deorum liber ad Brutum primus faeliciter indpit. Cum multe res in philosophia nequaquam satis adhuc explicatae sint . . . uideretur esse propensior. M. T. C. De natura deorum ad Brutum liber .III. et ultimus faeliciter explicit.

De natura deorum; O. Plasberg, ed., Teubner fasc. 45 (1933; revised by W. Ax, 1961) pp. 1-160.

MS 284 53

2. ff. 40v-68r M. T. C. De diuinatione liber primus incipit. Vetus opinio est iam usque ab heroicis ducta temporibus . . . Quae cum essent dicta surreximus. M. T. Ciceronis De diuinatione liber .II. et ultimus explicit.

De diuinatione; R. Giomini, ed., Teubner fasc. 46 (1975) pp. 1-148.

3. ff. 68r-73r Eiusdem De fato foeliciter incipit. Quia quae pertinent ad mores quos ethos Mi wocant, nos earn partem philosophic ... necesse est declinari quibus- dam athomis uel si uolunt omnibus naturaliter.

Defato; R. Giomini, ed., Teubner fasc. 46 (1975) pp. 149-74.

4. ff. 73v-91v M. T. Ciceronis Uber De legibus primus incipit. Pomponius Atticus et . T. Quintus loquuntur. Lucus quidem Me et haec arpinatum quercus agnoscitur. Saepe a me lectus ... et id ipsum quod dicis expecto. M. T. Ciceronis De legi- bus liber tertius et ultimus finit.

De legibus; A. du Mesnil, ed., Teubner (1879) pp. 16-257; P. L. Schmidt, Die Uberlieferung von Ciceros Schrift aDe legibus" in Mittelalter und Renaissance , Studia et Testimonia Antiqua 10 (Munich, 1974) pp. 323-24.

5. ff. 92r-114v M. T. Ciceronis fragmentum primi libri De academicis [erasure af- ter ac-, probably of h] incipit. In cumano nuper cum mecum Atticus noster esset . . . unum tamen praeter ceteros mirabatur, incredibili quadam fuit facul- tate. [f. 96v blank; Cicero's Lucullus begins f. 97r, and is divided into two parts labelled Libri III and IV:] Magnum ingenium Lucii Luculli magnum- que optimarum artium studium turn omnis liberalis et digna homine ... ita sermone confecto catulus remansit, nos ad nauiculas nostras descendimus.

Academicorum reliquiae; O. Plasberg, ed., Teubner fasc. 42 (1922; reprinted 1961) pp. 1-20. Lucullus; Plasberg, op. cit. , pp. 26-102.

6. ff. 115r-162v M. T. Ciceronis De finibus bonorum et malorum liber primus in- cipit foeliciter. Non eram nescius Brute, cum quae summis ingeniis ... in oppidum ad pomponium perreximus omnes. M. T. Ciceronis De finibus bonorum et malo- rum liber qvintus et ultimus foeliciter explicit.

De finibus bonorum et malorum; T. Schiche, ed., Teubner fasc. 43 (1919; reprinted 1961) pp. 1-203.

7. ff. 162v-165r Eiusdem ex libro sexto de re philosophica excerptum .P. Scipionis Afncam Sommum foeliciter incipit. Cum in africam uenissem aulo manlio consule ad quartam legionem tribunus ... Ille discessit, ego somno solutus sum. Som- nium Scipionis explicit, f. 165v blank

Somnium Scipionis; K. Ziegler, ed., De re publica, Teubner fasc. 39 (1955) pp. 126-36.

8. ff. 166r-215r M. T. Ciceronis Tusculanarum quaestionum ad Brutum liber pri- mus incipit foeliciter. Cum defensionum laboribus ^natoriisque muneribus . . . alia

54 ms 284

non potuit inueniri leuatio. M. T. Ciceronis Tusculanorum disputationum liber quintus et ultimus explit [sic]. Sit laus deo.

Tusculanae disputationes; M. Pohlenz, ed., Teubner fasc. 44 (1918; reprinted 1965) pp. 217-459.

9. ff. 215v-224r M. T. Ciceronis De senectute liber ad Atticum, qui et Cato Maior dicitur, foeliciter incipit. 0 Tite si quid ego adiuto curamue leuasso, quae nunc te coquit ... re experti probare possitis. M, T. Ciceronis De senectute liber, qui et Cato Maior dicitur, foeliciter finit.

De senectute; K. Simbeck, ed., Teubner fasc. 47 (1917) pp. 3c-43c.

10. ff. 224r-228v Eiusdem ad Brutum Paradoxa incipiunt. Animaduerti Brute saepe Catonem auunculum tuum ... sed etiam inopes et pauperes existimandi sunt. M. T. Ciceronis Paradoxa expliciunt.

Paradoxa Stoicorum; C. F. W. Miiller, ed., Teubner (1898) pp. 197-213.

11. ff. 229r-238v M. T. Ciceronis De amicitia liber ad Atticum Pomponium foe- liciter incipit. Proemium. Quintus Mutius augur Sceuola multa narrare . . . nihil amicitia prestabilius putetis. M. T. Ciceronis De amicitia liber explicit.

De amicitia; K. Simbeck, ed., Teubner fasc. 47 (1917) pp. 46c-86c.

12. ff. 239r-275r M. T. Ciceronis ad Marcum f ilium De officiis liber primus incipit foeliciter. Quanquam te Marcefili annum iam audientem Cratippum ... si tali- bus monimentis praeceptisque laetabere. Sit laus deo. M. T. Ciceronis De officiis liber tertius atque ultimus foeliciter explicit. Florentiae pridie kalendas M [crossed out] Aprilis Anno salutis .M. CCCC. LXX. ff. 275v-279v blank

De officiis; C. Atzert, ed., Teubner fasc. 28 (1958) pp. 1-160.

Parchment, ff. ii (parchment bifolio; i = front pastedown; ii = f. 1) + 277 (foliated 2-278) + ii (parchment bifolio; ii = back pastedown), 388 x 269 (252 x 150) mm. Written in 40 long lines. Ruled in hard point, double vertical and double horizontal bounding lines full length; prickings top and bottom.

I-XVI10, XVII4, XVIII-XXVI10, XXVII6, XXVIII10, XXIX8 (-8). Catchwords perpendicular to the text between inner bounding lines; the one on f. 91v scratched out. Quire and leaf signatures on first 5 folios of quire (e.g., bl, b2, etc.).

Written in italic script identified by A. C. de la Mare as the hand of Piero Cennini (b. 1444); cf. B. L. Ullman, The Origin and Development of Humanistic Script (Rome, 1961) pp. 123-26, illus. 69 and 70.

Fine border and initials by Mariano del Buono (we thank A. C. de la Mare for this attribution), who also executed Beinecke MS 409. 3/4 white-vine border, f. 2r, infilled green, pink, and blue, against a blue ground, with white dots; putti and birds; at the periphery, flowers, gold dots, and hair-spray, especially profuse in lower margin; supported by a trellis, gold, which expands at regu-

ms 284 55

lar intervals to form roundels. In upper margin, a blossom with fruits, in lower margin, in separate roundels, a hound chasing a stag, against deep landscape backgrounds. Between roundels with animals, the arms of Joannes Vitez, bishop of Gran (azure, a fleur-de-lis argent, between 2 stars or; in chief or, a lion passant regardant tenne; K. Csapodi-Gardonyi, Bibliotheca Corviniana [New York and Washington, 1969] pp. 72, 308 and pi. CIX), in a complex braided roun- del, infilled green and blue with white and yellow filigree, and supported by four putti, two of which play musical instruments. One historiated initial, f. lr, gold, Cicero reading a book, against a blue ground with stylized clouds, all against a green gound with yellow filigree. Thirty-two 7-, 6-, 5-, and 3-line initials, gold, with white-vine infilled green, pink, and blue, with white dots, against blue ground, with vines extending into margin, gold dots and hair- spray. Twelve 4- and 3-line initials, following f. 178, gold, against pink and blue or pink and green grounds, with white and/or yellow filigree. Following initials, one line of square capitals in brown or alternating red and brown. 1-line square capitals in text.

The entire codex, including the binding, is in an excellent state of preser- vation.

Binding: s. xv. Resewn on seven tawed, slit straps laid in channels and nailed into wooden boards. The spine is square, the edges gilt. Covered in ruby-red goatskin, blind-tooled with concentric panels. The rectangular central panel is reduced to a square with rope interlace and the central ornament is a four- pointed star protruding from a quatrefoil within a circle. Five foliate brass catch- es on the lower board; for catches that appear to be the same see T. de Mari- nis, La Biblioteca napoletana dei re d'Aragona (Milan, 1947) v. 1, pi. 54, pp. 169, 216; for catches of a similar design see v. 1, pi. 48 and v. 2, p. 127. Stubs of green fabric clasp straps on the upper board. Rebacked; headbands and a gold-tooled spine added. Two catches and all clasps wanting.

Written in Florence, completed 15 April 1470 (art. 12) by Piero Cennini (see K. Csapodi-Gardonyi, "Les manuscrits copies par Petrus Cenninus," Miscel- lanea codicologica F. Masai dicata [Ghent, 1979] v. 2, p. 415, no. 17) and illumi- nated by Mariano del Buono. On f. 2r, arms of Joannes Vitez, bishop of Esztergom (Gran), Hungary; see K. Csapodi-Gardonyi, "Die Bibliothek des Erzbischofs Johannes Vitez," Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1973) pp. 441-47. Acquired by Jonathan Peckover (d. 1883); bequeathed by him to his brother Alexander, later Lord Peckover of Wisbech. Bookplate with names of Alexander Peck- over and his grandson Doyle Penrose inside front cover. Sold at Sotheby's, 3 December 1951 (lot 22). Belonged to Louis M. and Hannah D. Rabinowitz. Purchased from C. A. Stonehill by the Yale Library Associates as the gift of Frank Altschul, in 1960.

secundo folio: Omnes autem

5^ ms 285

Bibliography: Faye and Bond p. 49, no. 284. Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 234-35, no. 59.

MS 285 France, s. XIV/XV

Les dits moraulx des philosophes

1 . ff. 1 r-80v Cy commancent les diz moraulx des philosophes translatez de latin enfran- coyspar . . . guillaume de tignonuille . . . [text:] Sedechias fu philosophe le premi- er par qui de la voulente de dieu ... II respondi soy Tier en cellui dont on a autreffoiz este deceu. Explicit.

2. f. 81r [Table of contents, in a later hand:] Cy ensuyt le table de ceste present liure nomme les ditz moraulx des philosophes. Les ditz de sedechias fo. i ... Les ditz des plusieurs autres fo. 71. ff. 81v-82v blank

This collection of moralistic sayings, compiled from various authorities, is the French version of an Arabic work of the 11th century. Guillaume de Tignonville (d. 1414) composed the French text from a Latin translation sometime before 1402. The philosophers represented include (in the order of their appearance): Sedachias, Hermes, Tac, Zalqualquin, Homer, Zal- on, Abion, Hippocrates, Pythagoras, Diogenes, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Ptolemy, Assaron, Loguion, Onese, Macdarge, The- sile, St. Gregory, Galen. For a critical edition of three English translations of the text see C. Buhler, ed., The Diets and Sayings of the Philosophers , EETS 211 (London, 1941).

Parchment (worn and stained), ff. i (paper) + 80 + ii (contemporary parch- ment) + i (paper), 294 x 210 (192 x 138) mm. Written in 29 long lines; single vertical bounding lines. Ruled carelessly in lead, with guide-lines for text run- ning through gutter; remains of prickings in upper and lower margins.

I-X8. Catchwords near inner bounding line.

Written by a single scribe in an informal batarde, often with calligraphic flourishes extending into margins.

One miniature on f. lr, 11-line, Ezekiel, Socrates, and Cicero with iden- tifying banderoles, in grisaille with light green and ink washes; in a frame of thin pink and gold bands. Related to a group of manuscripts of Christine de Pizan made for Philippe le Hardi in 1402-03, including Brussels, Bib. Roy. MS 10982-83, as well as to a Roman de la Rose, Oxford, Bod. Lib. Douce 371 (cf. Pacht and Alexander, v. 1, no. 632). The style does not appear, as stated in the Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 219-21, no. 45, to be associated with the Master of the Roman Texts and his workshop. One 5-line initial on f. lr, pink, with orange and pink ivy on a blue stem against a blue ground; a pink and gold bar border in inner margin, with ivy terminals, black ink ivy with gold leaves

ms 286 57

and gold dots. 2-line initials throughout, gold against pink and blue grounds with white highlights. Guide-letters and rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Quarter bound in brown, spattered calf, gold-tooled. Marbled paper sides.

Written in France, perhaps in Paris, ca. 1400; early provenance unknown. Under ultra-violet light two layers of notes on f. 80v (now mostly erased) re- veal the name "Edwardus Baytorjn?]". Belonged to Sir Thomas Tempest [of Stella], Baronet, s. xvii, and to John Borthwick of Crookstan (bookplate), s. xix. From the collection of Hannah D. Rabinowitz (booklabel). Acquired from C. A. Stonehill in 1960 as the gift of Edwin J., Frederick W., and Walter Beinecke.

secundo folio: seruiteur

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 50, no. 285. Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 219-21, no. 45.

MS 286 England, s. XIVe*

Missal, use of Sarum PI. 25

All page numbers refer to J. W. Legg, The Sarum Missal (Oxford, 1916).

1. ff. lr-5v Graded calendar, in red and black, lacking January and Febru- ary; the qualifier "pape" erased or crossed out. Includes entries for Edward "the Martyr" (18 March, in red), Cuthbert (20 March, in red), Resurrectio domini (27 March, in red), Richard de Wych (3 April, in red), Alphege (19 April), Dunstan (19 May, in red), Aldhelm (25 May, in red), Augustine of England (26 May, in red), Boniface (5 June), translation of Edmund Rich (9 June, in red), translation of Richard de Wych (16 June, in red), transla- tion of Edward "the Martyr" (20 June), Alban (22 June, in red), Ethelreda (23 June), translation of Thomas of Canterbury (7 July, in red, but crossed out), translation of Swithin (15 July, in red), Kenelm (17 July), Anna (26 July, in red), Oswald (5 Aug.), Cuthburga (31 Aug.), translation of Cuth- bert (4 Sept.), Edith (16 Sept., in red), translation of Edward the Confessor (13 Oct., in red), Edmund Rich (16 Nov.), Hugh "the Hammerking" (17 Nov.), Edmund King (20 Nov.), Thomas of Canterbury (29 Dec, in red, but crossed out).

2. ff. 6r-9r Benedictio salis et aquae, and the Sunday processions in Advent, pp. 10-14.

3. ff. 9r-130r Temporale, Advent to Easter Eve. The secret for the second Sunday after the octave of Epiphany (f. 45v) is "ut tibi [domine added] sint grata".

pp. 14-134.

58 MS 286

4. ff. 130r-132r Kyrie Eleison; 12 settings of Gloria in excelsis. pp. 1-7.

5. ff. 132r-136v Credo; Prefaces, pp. 211-15.

6. ff. 137r-142v Canon and Ordo of the Mass, begins imperfectly: //usque ad hec uerba de tuis donis ita dicens. Unde et memores domine nos semi tui sed . . . , followed by "Preces in prostratione" and by melodies and rubrics for "Benedicamus domino" and "Ite missa est".

pp. 223-29, 209-10, 9.

7. ff. 143r-202v Temporale, Easter to "Sabbato iiii temporum". pp. 135-201.

8. ff. 202v-204v In dedicacione ecclesie. pp. 202-04.

9. ff. 205r-267v Sanctorale, from the vigil of Andrew to Linus, pp. 232-352.

10. ff. 268r-285r Common of saints, pp. 354-83.

11. ff. 285r-300v Votive masses, in the following order: de sancta maria per aduentum, de sancta maria a natali usque ad purificacionem, de sancta maria a purificacione ad aduentum, de trinitate, de sancta cruce, de sancto spiritu, pro fratribus et sororibus, de pace, ad pluuiam postulandam, in tempore belli uel contra mortalitatem hominum, pro quacumque tribulacione, de angelis, memoria de incarnacione domini, de omnibus Sanctis, pro uniuer- sali ecclesia, pro papa, pro episcopo, pro prelatis et subditis, pro rege, pro rege et regina, pro semetipso sacerdote, pro speciale amico, contra tempta- ciones carnis, contra malas cogitaciones, ad uocandam graciam sancti spiri- tus, pro peticione lacrimarum, pro penitente, contra aeras temporales, pro inspiracione diuine sapiencie, pro eo qui in uinculis detinetur, pro tribula- cione cordis, ad poscendum donum sancti spiritus, contra inuasores ecclesie, pro benefactoribus uiuorum uel salutem, pro peste animalium, pro sereni- tate aeris, pro iter agentibus, pro peccatis, pro infirmo, ad memoriam de Sanctis Katerina, Margarita, Maria Magdalena.

pp. 384-412.

12. ff. 301r-304v Ordo ad facienda sponsalia, with vows in English (f. 301r-v). pp. 413-18.

13. f. 304v Ordo ad purificandum mulierem post partum.

14. ff. 304v-305v Ordo ad seruicium peregrinorum faciendum, pp. 451-52.

15. ff. 305v-306r Benedictio crucis peregrinacionis. p. 453.

ms 286 59

16. ff. 306r-311r Ordo ad uisitandum infirmum. pp. 419-28.

17. ff. 311r-313r Commendacio animarum. pp. 428-31.

18. ff. 313r-324v Missa pro defunctis. pp. 431-50.

19. ff. 324v-325r Portion of the marriage service omitted from f. 302v (Epistola. Nescitis quoniam. Et omnia alia require in fine libri). f. 325v ruled, but blank except for pen trials

pp. 416-17.

Parchment, ff. ii (modern parchment) + 325 + ii (modern parchment), 295 x 190 (181 x 115) mm. Written in 2 columns of 37 lines (32 in the Canon); single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines full length and full across, with two additional lines in upper, lower, and outer margins. Ruled in pale brown ink; prickings in upper, lower, and/or outer margins.

Binding is too tight to permit collation; one folio clearly missing at begin- ning of calendar, two at the beginning of the Canon (following f. 136). Re- mains of two sets of signatures, on recto; some catchwords, accompanied by flourishes, on verso.

Written by a single scribe in elegant gothic textura (larger size for the Can- on), with standard musical notation of Canon, etc.

Sumptuous full bar borders (ff. 6r, 9r, 34v, 42r, 143r, 160v, 165r, 172v, 174r, 202v, 205r, 214v, 229v, 232r, 243r, 244v, 256r, 262v, 268r, 313r), sur- rounding text and running between text columns, alternating red and blue seg- ments, divided by gold panels, from which sprout short sprigs of ivy (blue, red, pink with white highlights, often in a guilloche pattern) and daisy buds, gold cusped corners, filled with ivy or strapwork with flower terminals; the whole further embellished by hair-spray with gold balls and flowers; the gold with simple punches throughout. On the same folios, 7- to 5-line initials, blue and/or red with white highlights, filled with red, pink, and blue ivy or strap- work on irregular gold grounds, with simple punches. Elaborate 3- and 2-line initials throughout, pink and blue, filled with ivy, trailing pink and blue ivy, on irregular gold grounds extending with ivy into border, embellished with gold balls and hair-spray. 2- and 1-line gold initials throughout, with elaborate purple penwork designs, often far into margins; long (up to 10-line) /-initials in the same manner. 2- and 1-line blue initials throughout with red penwork; long /-initials in same manner. 1-line gold initials with simple brown penwork. Line-fillers in the litany, blue and gold. Two leaves, probably with miniatures of the Maiestas Domini and Crucifixion, have been removed before the Can- on (after f. 136).

First four leaves are stained and trimmed, but with no loss of text.

60 ms 287

Binding: s. xx. White, gold-tooled pigskin over wooden boards. Gilt edges. Bound by Sangorski and Sutcliffe (London, 1901 to the present).

Written in England at the end of the 14th century, presumably sometime after 1382 when the feast of St. Anna (26 July, in calendar and Sanctorale) was in- troduced to the whole of England. Additions made to the list of Saints in 1386 are not included {Exhibition Catalogue, p. 211, no. 36). Presented to the Char- terhouse, London, by Marmaduke Lumley, Bishop of Lincoln (d. 1450; in- scriptions on ff. 5v and 137r; N. R. Ker, Medieval Libraries of Great Britain [London, 1964] pp. 122, 278). W. H. St. John Hope {The History of the London Charterhouse... [New York, 1925] pp. 100, 102, 103) gives a Marmaduke Lumley as living in 1378 and as having been buried in the London Charterhouse ca. 1399-1400. This individual appears to be an ancestor of the Lumley who gave Beinecke MS 286 to the Charterhouse, and he may be the person who origi- nally commissioned it (we thank K. L. Scott for this suggestion). Purchased in 1960 from C. A. Stonehill.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 50, no. 286. Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 210-11, no. 36.

MS 287 Flanders, s. XVex

Hours, use of Rome

1. f. lr blank; ff. lv-13r Calendar; among the entries, Eucherius (20 Feb.), Resurrectio domini (27 March), Macarius (8 April), Desiderius (23 May), Transfiguration (6 Aug., in red), Bavo and Remigius (1 Oct., in red), Donatianus (14 Oct., in red), Hubert (3 Nov.). f. 13v blank

2. ff. 14r-15v Oratio deuota adymaginem ihesu christi. et incipit. Salue sancta fa- des nostri redemptoris ... [HE 174-75].

3. ff. 16r-23v Short Hours of the Cross.

4. f. 24r-v Oratio deuota de dolorosa et mestissima uirgine maria. Gratias tibi ago domine ihesu christe qui a fideli discipulo tuo....

5. ff. 25r-31v Short Hours of the Holy Spirit.

6. ff. 32r-37v Mass of the Virgin Mary. Introit: Salue sancta parens....

7. ff. 38r-45r Sequences of the Gospels, f. 45v ruled, but blank

8. ff. 46r-133v Hours of the Virgin, use of Rome; the Advent Office begins on f. 124r.

9. ff. 134r-159v Penitential Psalms and Litany.

10. ff. 160r-213v Office of the Dead, use of Rome.

MS 287 6l

Parchment (extremely fine), ff. vi (paper) + i (contemporary parchment, foliated vi) + 213 + v (paper), 114 x 84 (61 x 46) mm., trimmed. Calendar written in 16 long lines, text in 14, ruled in pale red ink; single bounding lines. Folios 211-13 show traces of a format different from the one used in the rest of the manuscript (97 x 71 mm. for the decorative frames as compared to ap- prox. 101 x 76 mm. elsewhere in the manuscript). Unfoliated paper leaves (s. xix?), some loose and torn, bound in before miniatures for protection.

The binding is too tight to permit accurate collation.

Written in round gothic script by one scribe.

Miniatures, borders, and initials of very high quality, executed by an artist of the Ghent-Bruges school, identified by O. Pacht as the Master of the David Scenes in the "Grimani Breviary" (Venice, Bibl. Naz., Marciana MS lat. I. 99 [2138]); to the same Master he attributes [unpublished note in the li- brary files] Oxford, Bod. Lib. Douce 112 (Pacht and Alexander, v. 1, no. 396) and Douce 256 (Pacht and Alexander, v. 1, no. 397). T. Kren ("A Book of Hours in the Beinecke Library [MS 287] and an Atelier from the Ghent- Bruges School," unpublished M.A. Thesis, Yale University, 1974; Renaissance Painting in Manuscripts , exhib. cat., J. Paul Getty Museum, 1983, pp. 59-62, no. 7, with figs 7d and 7f of ff. 40r, 5v) has identified the following manu- scripts from the same shop: Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, MSS 427 and 428; Detroit, Institute of Arts, Ace. no. 63.146; London, B. L. Add. MS 18852; Oxford, Bod. Lib., MSS Douce 8 and 12; Paris, B. N. MS lat. 10555; San Marino, Huntington Library HM 1174; Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 10293; Venice, Museo Correr, MS V.4; Vienna, 6st. Nat., Cod. 2032; and Washington, D.C., Library of Congress, MS 13. To this group, R. Wieck, Late Medieval and Renaissance Illuminated Manuscripts 1350- 1525 in the Houghton Library (Cambridge, Mass., 1983) pp. 58-59, no. 28, has added Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University, Houghton Lib., MS Richardson 8.

In the calendar, 24 miniatures, painted so that the written space appears to be superimposed on a full-page picture; the sign of the zodiac for each month is set in a small gold or grey oval above the second page for each month. For January, the scenes are a man and a wife at home and men playing on ice (ff. lv and 2r); for February, men cutting wood and taking it to town (ff. 2v and 3r); for March, planting and mending (ff. 3v and 4r); for April, tending sheep (ff. 4v and 5r); for May, a boating expedition and preparing for the hunt (ff. 5v and 6r); for June, picnics and haymaking (ff. 6v and 7r); for July, har- vest (ff. 7v and 8r); for August, threshing (ff. 8v and 9r); for September, gather- ing and pressing grapes (ff. 9v and lOr); for October, autumn plowing sowing (ff. lOv and llr); for November, cattle being taken to market and about to be slaughtered (ff. 1 lv and 12r); for December, slaughtering, buying and sell- ing in the marketplace (ff. 12v and 13r). Each calendar page enclosed in a gold and brown frame.

6-2 ^ MS 287

Six miniatures with full borders, in frames as above: f. 16r (Hours of the Cross), Betrayal of Christ, with border of scenes from the Passion of Christ; f. 38r (John), John on Patmos, border of Gothic architectural elements; f. 40r (Luke), Luke writing, scatter border of flowers on gold ground; f. 42r (Mat- thew), Matthew writing, border of architectural elements; f. 44r (Mark), Mark writing, scatter border of flowers on gold ground; f. 46r (Hours of the Virgin, Matins), Adam and Eve tempted by the Serpent, border, Tree of Jesse. The manuscript almost certainly contained 16 more full-page miniatures following ff. 13, 15, 23, 24, 31, 45, 69, 83, 89, 95, 101, 107, 117, 123, 133, and 159 (see below). Twelve illuminated initials, 5-line, letters formed of curling acan- thus on pink and/or blue, brown and green, or blue and green grounds; bor- ders of flowers or architectural elements, as above. The style of the borders on ff. 14r and 32r (putti, garlands, and other Renaissance motifs) differs from that in the rest of the manuscript, but according to J. Marrow is not later, since virtually identical borders occur in a similar Hours: Brussels, Bibl. Roy. IV. 237 (cf. G. Dogaer, "Een Brugs getijdenboek van omstreeks 1500 met Italiaase inslag," Hellinga Festschrift: Forty-Three Studies in Bibliography Presented to Dr. Wytze Hellinga [Amsterdam, 1980] pp. 151-57). Border decoration on every page without a full border: one bird, flower, grotesque, piece of jewelry, insect, or, occasionally, a household utensil, in each of the three outer mar- gins, traced and painted on the following verso. 2- and 1-line initials in the same style as 5-line initials, with blue or pink grounds. Ribbon line fillers in the same style. Rubrication in pale crimson: in calendar, for months, dates, and important feasts.

Seventeen full-page miniatures formerly in the manuscript have been iden- tified as modern additions painted by Caleb Wing, and are now bound separate- ly as MS 287A. (J. Backhouse, "A Victorian Connoisseur and his Manuscripts: The Tale of Mr. Jarman and Mr. Wing," The British Museum Quarterly 32 [1967-68] pp. 83, 88, 92.) Stubs in MS 287 indicate that Wing's miniatures replaced 16, perhaps 17 lost originals. Wing appears to have inserted two minia- tures after f. 69 (MS 287A, ff. 3, 4); in the original there was probably only one.

Water has caused ink to run in the upper left of f. 151r; no loss of text.

Binding: s. xix [?]. Gilt, gauffered edges. Bound in brick-colored velvet, over wooden boards; remains of velvet on turn-ins. An elaborate clasp with round blue sapphire and the initials "V. M." joined by a love knot on the inner side. Rebacked.

Written in Bruges or Ghent (as indicated by the Saints in the calendar and by the decoration) at the end of the 15th century. Early modern provenance unknown. The initials "V. M." on the clasp and the Maarbeck arms (gules, a goose argent, beaked and membered or, an orle or) on the border off. 32r are probably later additions (s. xix?). Catalogue of John Boykett Jarman (Sothe- by's, 13 June 1864, no. 72); purchased by Boone, 1864 (note on first front

MS 287A 63

flyleaf). Bookplate of Henry Hucks Gibbs, Baron Aldenham (1819-1907; H. H. Gibbs, A Catalogue of Some Printed Books and Manuscripts at St. Dunstan's, Re- gent's Park, and Aldenham House, Herts [London, 1888] p. 84). Sold by his descen- dants (Sotheby's, 23 March 1937, no. 175); purchased by W. H. Robinson and Sons. Unidentified "Church Congress Exhibition" label with handwritten "196" glued to verso of first flyleaf; similar label also appears on San Marino, Huntington Library MS HM 35300, which was owned by the church of St. James in Bury St. Edmunds from the year of its foundation 1595, until the sale of that library in 1971. Acquired from Dudley M. Colman, through C. A. Stonehill, by Louis M. Rabinowitz in 1954. Purchased from Hannah D. Rabinowitz through C. A. Stonehill's in 1960.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 50, no. 287.

Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 261-62, no. 78, pi. 29 off. 46r.

T. Kren, "A Book of Hours in the Beinecke Library and an Atelier from the Ghent-Bruges School" (M. A. Thesis, Yale University, 1974).

S. Hindman and J. D. Farquhar, Pen to Press: Illustrated Manuscripts and Printed Books in the First Century of Printing ([n.p.], 1977) p. 153, n. 140.

MS 287A England, ca. 1846-64

Miniatures by Caleb Wing (removed from MS 287)

Parchment, ff. ii (parchment) + 17 + hi (parchment). Miniatures measure 104 x ca. 80 mm.

The seventeen miniatures (all versos), formerly inserted in MS 287 (see above), were removed and rebound in their present form when recognized as the work of the 19th-century facsimilist, Caleb Wing. They were intended to replace originals excised from MS 287 at an uncertain date. As suggested by the format of MS 287, there were probably only sixteen miniatures in the origi- nal program. For Caleb Wing, his relation to J. B. Jarman, a former owner of MS 287, and his use of models of the Ghent-Bruges School, see Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 274-75, no. 88, and J. Backhouse, "A Victorian Connoisseur and His Manuscripts: The Tale of Mr. Jarman and Mr. Wing," British Muse- um Quarterly 32 (1967-68) pp. 76-92. The miniatures are not bound in the or- der they occupied in MS 287; a number scribbled on each recto refers either to the miniature's own former folio number in MS 287 or the folio number of the preceding page. The reason for the inconsistency is unclear. In the fol- lowing list, the first number following the title is the one on the recto, the sec- ond indicates the folio in MS 287 which precedes the stub. The subjects of the miniatures are as follow: f. lv Salvator Mundi, architectural border with grape-vine (14, f. 13); f. 2v Virgin and Child, scatter border with flowers and insects (24, f. 23); f. 3v Annunciation, scatter border of flowers with angels (69, f. 69); f. 4v Visitation, scatter border with flowers and insects (69, f. 69);

64 MS 288

f. 5v Nativity, scatter border with flowers and insects (83, f. 83); f. 6v Annun- ciation to the shepherds, architectural border with sheep (89, f. 89); f. 7v Ado- ration of the Magi, scatter border of flowers, insects, and birds (96, f. 95); f. 8v Presentation in the temple, architectural border (101, f. 101); f. 9v Flight into Egypt, architectural border (107, f. 107); f. lOv Assumption of the Vir- gin, architectural border (118, f. 117); f. llv David in prayer, scatter border with flowers, insects, and birds (134, f. 133); f. 12v Funeral, architectural border (159, f. 159); f. 13v Agony in the garden, architectural border (16, f. 15); f. 14v Pentecost, architectural border (25, f. 24); f. 15v Crucifixion, border with the Arma Christi (45, f. 45); f. 16v Entry into Jerusalem, scatter border with flowers and insects (124, f. 123); f. 17v Virgin and Child under a canopy sup- ported by angels, architectural border (32, f. 31). Binding: s. xix-xx. Worn red velvet.

MS 288 Italy, s. XVI2

Origen, De Engastrimytho, etc. (in Greek)

1. ff. lr-16r 'Qgiyivovq elq xi\v rwv fiaoiAei&v Ttgwrrjv. elq eyyaorgt/uvdov. toc dvayvcoaGevxa TcXetova iau, xai ind xpr\ £7UT&tiv6|j.evov eiTu&tv . . . <o r\ S6£a xai to xpaxoi; ei? tous atwva? tgov aitovwv. 'A(jltjv.

Origen, De Engastrimytho; PG 12.1012-28.

2. ff. 16r-79r Tov ayiov EvaraOtov aq%teniox6nov Avrio%eiaq xaxa 'Qgiyivovq Siayvwoxixoq, elq to xfjq eyyaargt/nvdov Oecbgrj/ua. Aet fxev aya(iat tov a^iocpavfj rrjs evGeou 7coXtT£ia$ aou CfjXov . . . 7tapeaTtoT<x<; e'x&iv 07cep iSiov exxpixov 07rdpx&i xf\q tou Geiou ^oa&ax;.

Eustathius, De Engastrimytho contra Origenem; PG 18.613-73.

3. ff. 79v-87r Tov ayiov Fgrjyogiov entoxonov Nvoorjq 'EntoxoXrj &ia xrjv 'Ey- yaaxgtfivdov. ngoq Qeohoaiov imaxonov. '0 euttov toTc iamou u.a07)TaTs ^r\xsXxt xai eupT|a7]T£, Stoaei toxvtolx; ... i8ta> raptYpd({>avT£<; Xofa), Oeou StSovro^ cnzoarikov- (jlev aou ttj Tt(xioT7]Tt.

Gregory of Nyssa, Epistola de Pythonissa ad Theodosium episcopum; PG 45. 108-13.

4. ff. 87r-91v Avxoxgdxogoq tyvcovoq ngoq dfiovoiav nagaivextxbq' laov tov ivooxixov. AuTOXpdTcop KaTaap ZVjvtov, E6oe(3T)g, NtxrjTTi?, Tp07ratoux°S> \iiyiozoq ... 7Cp6<; eauTOix; atpeXxeaGe, xai 7capd vfy; r\\itTip<xq paaiXetai; £7caive9r)aea9£.

Zeno, Admonitio de unione; PG 86, pars II. 2620-26.

5. f. 92r Table of contents for arts. 1-4, in both Latin and Greek (hand of the original scribe), ff. 92v-94v blank, except for notes on 94v

Paper (watermarks: Harlfinger Lettre 18 and similar to Briquet Lettre M 8392 and Monts 11932), ff. 94, 229 x 170 (150 x 111) mm. Written in 19 long lines, ruled in hard point on verso; double vertical bounding lines, full length.

MS 289 65

I-X , XI10, XII*. Catchwords for gatherings, perpendicular to text, are lo- cated between inner bounding lines in lower margin, on verso; catchword (or part of a word) for following leaf is located immediately below the written space, to the right. Quire signatures consist of Arabic numbers in upper right corner of recto.

Written by a single scribe in calligraphic minuscule.

Binding: Date? The binding has been removed along with all flyleaves. Sewn with long stitches over two pieces of tawed skin to a narrow piece of vellum which is wrapped around the spine.

Written in Italy in the second half of the 16th century. Graux and Martin (p. 218, no. 1732) comment upon two notices that were present in the manuscript when it consisted of 102 leaves: "Est D. B. Laurentii, canonici ecclesiae S. Mar- iae de Pilari, Romae, Kalend. Julii, an 1586"; and "Omnia ex Bibliotheca Vaticana descripta expensis Bartholomaei Laurentii, canonici ecclesiae S. Mar- iae de Pilari Caesaraugustanae, Romae, an. 1586." Library of the Santa Igle- sia del Pilar, Saragossa, Spain (Olivier, pp. 52-57). Purchased in 1960 from L. C. Witten; gift of the Yale Library Associates.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 50, no. 288. Karpozilos, p. 69, no. 9.

MS 289 Italy, s. XVImed

Tzetzes, Scholia ad Hesiodum (in Greek)

1 . ff. lr-8v xov ooqxoxdxov xvqiov Imdwov xov x&x&v eiq xa egya xal elq rag rjfiegaq xov 'Hoiodov. 'Ex tcov rcpoxXixtov xprju-voypacpajv pt)u.<xtcov, T] (3t[3Xo<; zl%t xux£(5va- xal CaXrjv ... 8ta xou roxpovtos p\[3Xtou, rcpos yetop-ftav rcpOTperceTai,. Introduction; T. Gaisford, ed., Scholia ad Hesiodum (Poetae minores graeci), v. 2 (Leipzig, 1823) pp. 9-22 (through section 19).

2. ff. 9r-69r HEIOAOY TOY AZKPAIOY EPTA KAI HMEPAI. 7rXr]ia8<ov axXayevetov &7cn:eXo[i.evoKov apxeafl' aurjTou, apototo hi 8uaao[X£vaaiv. [lines 381-2 of Hesiod:] IIXTiiaSwv dxXayevetov xwv axXavTO? Guyaxepcov 7rXeta8tov ... at yap Ttrjyat, xaiv 7corau.<ov wzipzt; eiatv. f. 69v blank

Scholia on Hesiod, Works; the text breaks off abruptly at the end of the com- mentary for line 755, where Scribe 2 has finished the final 12 lines begun by Scribe 1. See Gaisford, op. cit., pp. 242-412.

Paper (polished; watermarks: Briquet Ancre 592 and similar to Briquet Ar- balete 744, Tete de boeuf 14867 and Harlfinger Ancre 83), ff. xi (contemporary paper) + 69 + vii (contemporary paper; the same unidentified watermark on the flyleaves also occurs on the flyleaves of Beinecke MS 290), 211 x 153 (140 x 81) mm. Written in 21 long lines, ruled in hard point; single vertical and horizontal bounding lines that do not extend into margins.

66 ms 290

I8 ( + 1 leaf added at end, f. 9), II- VIII8, IX4. Remains of two sets of quire signatures (letters of the alphabet) along lower edge, on recto: one in center of folio, one in right corner. Catchwords perpendicular to text along inner edge, on verso.

Written in two distinct hands. Scribe 1 was responsible for the commentary and left ample space to supply the text of Hesiod; he did not complete his task. Scribe 2 supplied the first two verses of each Hesiod passage under discussion, wrote the final twelve lines of commentary contained in the codex (ff. 68v-69r), and added the heading and initials in red. All the additions of Scribe 2 are in a darker ink and bolder style of writing; he is the same scribe as that in MS 257, and as Scribe 3 in MS 290 and Scribe 1 in MS 490.

Two headpieces in black ink (ff. lr, 9r); heading and two initials on f. lr in red.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Paper case, "alia rustica". The name of Tzetzes is still legible on front cover. Both the style of binding and the hand on the front cover are the same as those for Beinecke MS 290.

Written in Northern Italy in the mid- 16th century; early modern provenance unknown. Belonged to the Library of the Santa Iglesia del Pilar, Saragossa, Spain (Graux and Martin, p. 223, no. 2659 [in pencil on cover]; Olivier, pp. 52-57). Purchased from L. C. Witten in April 1960 as the gift of the Yale Library Associates.

Bibliography. Faye and Bond, p. 50, no. 289. Karpozilos, p. 69, no. 10.

MS 290 Italy, s. XVI2

Michael Syncelhis, Eclogae Prophetiarum (in Greek)

ff. lr-108v [Heading, in black, over earlier title in red which has been ef- faced:] MtxarjXou lupeaPutipou auyyiXkov tou 'AuoffToXixou Opovou xoiv lepoaoXu- [xwv exXoyoet rcpocpriTeuov apt8r|X(o<; xfjv 7capouaiav tou xupiou ^jjioov iTjaoG yjpiaxou TupoavoKptovouaou . . . [scriptural text:] Ttegi xfjq veaq &iadfjx7)q'xei{ievov'A7zoxaAvy)si xvqioq xov figaxeiova [?] avxov xov ayiov ivwmov ndvxmv rcDv 7iQO<pi)xoiv xal oxpov- xai ndvxa xd dxqa xfjq yfjq xfjq awxrjQiaq xfjv naqd xov Oeov tj/u&v. eg/Lirjveia. [in- terpretation begins:] Bpaxtova xupiou Xiyti xov utov auxou <pavepouu.£vov 81a rf\q cccpxbq ... xpitTis, dcveaTT)?. auvavaatr|aa? xal xotq toov Slxoucov <[>uXaC-

This treatise of Michael Syncellus was not located in any of the standard reference works.

Paper (polished; watermarks: none are in Briquet though the design of one, an anchor within a circle surmounted by a star, is similar to a series from North- ern Italy: Udine, Verona, Ferrara, nos. 549-65 and to Harlfinger, Ancre 67,

MS 291 67

77), ff. xii (contemporary paper; the same unidentified watermark on the flyleaves occurs on the flyleaves of Beinecke MS 289) + 109 + vii (contem- porary paper), 210 x 150 (145 x 88) mm. Written in 18 long lines, ruled in hard point on verso; two or three outer bounding lines and single inner ones.

I- VI8, VII6, VIII-XII8, XIII6 (-1), XIV6, XV4. Signatures occur in no consistent manner; they are either Arabic numbers or letters of the alphabet in various locations along the lower edge, recto. Catchwords perpendicular to text at bottom of folio near gutter, on verso.

Written by three copyists. Scribe 1 copied ff. lr-94v, and also the first line off. 95r and the last line off. 99v, along with the rubrics for ff. 95r-99v. His style varies from formal and upright in the initial folios and in most scriptural passages to informal and slanted in most of the interpretation. Scribe 2 wrote the interpretation (in black) on ff. 95r-99v. Scribe 3 supplied ff. 100r-108v and made the correction, in black ink, of first portion of the incipit on f. lr, which was in red and then effaced. This third scribe is also Scribe 2 in Beinecke MS 289, Scribe 1 in MS 490, and the only scribe in MS 257.

Abundant rubrication throughout codex, especially for scriptural passages; many simple initials in red or black. Headpiece, in black, on f. lr.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Paper case, "alia rustica". Name of author on front cover. Both the style of binding and the hand on the front cover are the same as those for Beinecke MS 289.

Written probably in Northern Italy in the second half of the 16th century; ear- ly modern provenance unknown. Belonged to the Library of the Santa Iglesia del Pilar, Saragossa, Spain (Graux and Martin, pp. 216-217, no. 1236 [in pencil on cover]; Olivier, pp. 52-57). Purchased from L. C. Witten, April 1960, as the gift of the Yale Library Associates.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 50, no. 290.

MS 291 Italy, 1489

Pseudo-Cyrillus, Greek Lexicon PI. 58

1. ff. lr-151v [Heading supplied by another hand over the original faded heading:] xov ev dyioiq naxgoq t}fj.c^v xvqqiXXov yevofievov dgxtemoxoTiov dXe^avSgeiaq Ae£iq xaxd ctto^mwv. dgxv ™v «• [text begins:] "Aowrrov. d$Xa(3f]. evtot dbcXripcoTOv. ot 8e uiXava. 'Aaadu.T]v ... 'AapiuxTOV ... 'Aay£i; ... 'AaSev ... [list ends:] gocJxxi ... to ... cocJHafx&vov ... a)([)ta07]v ... w. cotlvi. ziXoq tou 6>.

2. ff. 151v-193r [Individual lists for certain books of the Old and New Testa- ment, not all of which are in alphabetical order; heading:] ke^etq tijq oxratevxov [list begins:] 'Ave^ooTtuptaev. avexTrjaaTO tyjv fyvxhv- xat avevewaa- xo xai 7uapejjLu8iq0T]. 'AXt|4)Ouoiv ... 'Aaretov ... 'AvacpopeTi; ... [text concludes

68 ms 292

with a section devoted to Hebraic words in the Greek Bible; list ends:] eoaxe ... cbaipaC ... toacpip 8taaxe8aa[Jids 0eou [xou- r\ xdXXiaxoi; xat ifcCp&xoc XPua°S- [colophon:] iztkti&Qr\ xo irapov Xei;tx6v, 81a xeiP°S xau.ou xou euxeXous xat ajiap- x<oXou xaxa xat 7tp<oxo0uxou 9avouptou* to £rct0exov xapa[UXou* 8ta el*68ou xat oiy6mr\<; 0£ou xupou [iixctr\\ xou taXtva- ev exet xfjs ivadpxou otxovo(xta<j, xtXuooxw. xexpaxoaiooaxco. ;u9 ev \lt\vI [Jtaia> £ T|[iipa y. xat 01 dva-ftvwaxovxes, eux£G0ai fJtot 8ta xov xuptov* xai \ii\ [x&[X9ea6a£ (xot rcapaxaX& zlq xd 7uoXXd |j.ou xat avapi0(xr]xa a9aX|jtaxa* 8t6xt d[i,a0T]<; xat df pot'xoi; etfxt, xat 8eo(xat aufx^pV^. Tco e'xovxt xai YpdcjjavTt, xpi<ra M-ou <J^aov. Tov 8axxuXot<; ypdcjjavxa- xov x&xxrjuivov. xov dva-ftvtoaxovxa [jiex'EuXafkias. cpuXaxxe xou? xp&t£, r\ xptd<; xptaoXPtax;. xeXo?. f. 193v blank, except for later notes

Paper (watermarks: unidentified), ff. i (paper) + 193 + i (paper), 207 x 147 (144 x 101) mm. Written in 2 columns, 28 lines per column with double outer vertical bounding lines full length; double inner bounding lines do not extend beyond written space. Ruled in hard point.

I-XXIV8 ( + 1 leaf at end). Quires signed with letters of the alphabet in lower margin, on both recto and verso; some are lost due to trimming.

Written by the scribe Phanourios Karabelos for Michael Ialinas and dated 5 May 1489 (for colophon, see art. 2).

Headpiece in red interlace or floral patterns at beginning of lists. The first letter of each word in the two columns, plus headings, are in red.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Spattered brown calf, blind-tooled, with a paper label.

Written in Italy in 1489, by Phanourios Karabelos for Michael Ialinas (see art. 2); early provenance unknown. French inscription giving title of manuscript, inside front cover. Sold at Sotheby's, 2 Feb. 1960, no. 292. Pur- chased from L. C. Witten, April 1960, as the gift of the Yale Library Associates.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 50, no. 291.

MS 292 Byzantium, s. XVI2, 1662

Pseudo- Augustine, Soliloquia, etc. (in Greek) PI. 48

1. ff. i verso-ii verso Miscellaneous midnight prayers.

2. iii recto-xi recto [Table of contents for art. 4:] niva^ tov naoovtoq (iifiXlav . 7cept ir\<; dppTjxou yXTjxux7]xo<; xou 0eou. dc, <puXXa ... xavdbv tic, xov xuptov tijjlwv tTjaouv xptatov- lie, cpuXXa. ziXoc, xou Tutvaxo?.

3. ff. xi verso-xii verso Three short prayers.

4. ff. lr-130v [Heading, beginning in black majuscules and ending in red minuscules:] ev%oX decogrjuxai xai igcotxai at xalov/nevai juovoXoyoi. tov

MS 292 69

fiaxaqiov avyovoxtvov imoxonov Innmvoq iqyLi\VEvQr\aav 8e TtQoq xtjv iXXdSa yXibxxav, 7iaga Arj/u,rjTQiov xov xvSwvt). Ttegi xfjq aQgrjxov yXvxvtrjxoq xov Oeov. 'Erci-fvofyv xupt£ tov £7U*ft,vcoaxovTa (xe. £rcrfvoi7]v at xupie xrjv vf\q h\Lr\$ , . . [text ends with a prayer on eternal life:] tlq ttiv tou 0£ou [xou j^aatXeiav. auxr) rj 7cuXrj toO xupiou, Sixouot etaeXeuaovtai iv ao-tr).

Pseudo-Augustine, Soliloquia, translated into Greek by Demetrius Cydonius; Nikodemos Hagiorites, in 'Emxofitj ex tcov 7iQoyrr}TavaxTodafii5tTixa>v ipaX/ncov (Constantinople, 1799) pp. 193-254.

5. ff. 131r-315r [Collection of Prayers and Canons; text begins:] Ovxwq 'AQyeaBw rO Ttgoaxvvrjaai xai Xaxgevaat OeXcov x& dXrfitvw TqiavTwaxaxm @ea>.

Elq to ovo/ua The collection includes prayers for the Vespers of each day

of the week (ff. 169r-208r), Oixot tfjq ... Geoxoxov (ff. 257r-275v), a list of sins (ff. 290r-292r), and other material. Colophon, added at the end of f. 315r by Scribe 4, in red and with a thicker pen: xeXoq xov xavovoq. iv exei a%1$. flvooaQiwv 6 aoxifiavhoixriq nqovar\q xai fiovvxavtoov eygaya' iv xai vacp xcovaxavxivov xai eXevrjq- tc5v loanooxoXwv .

6. f. 315v [Verses on the Soliloquia, begun by Scribe 1, with later verses by Scribe 4 (Bussarion); text begins:] B$Xiov 7rav£?£p£xov ttocvu £xX£X£y(JL£vov/ Eu- X«3c? hff\<stiq Tipbc, 0£ov, xaXXrrYpacpfiaOaov [?]/ ... [hand changes:] Tyyouv ottou to 7rapr] av£u, vf\q (3ouXt]<; ocutou.

7. ff. 316r-318v [Unidentified passage entitled Counsel of the Mind to the Soul:] ovfipovAr) vooq ngoq xtjv eavxov ipvxfjv. fyuyfi \i.ov hi [corrected to r\xi] xtov dtyaGtov toG 0£ou ... [xaxpoGujAiav xai ypr\(si6zr\i<xt ot[ir\v. f. 319r-v blank, ex- cept for later notes

Paper (watermarks [partial?] consisting of two crescents, one slightly smaller than the other, were not identified in Briquet or Harlfmger), ff. i (paper) + xiii (contemporary paper) + 318 (modern foliation omits the number 273) + i (paper), 105 x 72 (65 x 44) mm. Written in 13 long lines; single vertical bound- ing lines, full length; ruled in hard point.

I6 (-1; ff. i-v), II8 (ff. vi-xiii), III-XLI8 ( + 2 leaves, ff. 314, 315), XLII4. Catchwords along lower edge near gutter.

Written primarily by four scribes. Scribe 1 copied the main body of the text on ff. lr-301r in a fine and neat minuscule; perhaps he may be identified as Laurentius hierodiaconus whose name is incorporated in the decorative initial on f. 270v. Scribe 2 was responsible for the Table of Contents (ff. iii-xi) and ff. 301v-302v, 316r-319r; his writing is bold and crude. Scribe 3 supplied the text of ff. 303r-306r. Scribe 4, named Bussarion, wrote ff. 306v-315r and dated the section 1662 (see art. 5). Miscellaneous prayers, marginalia, etc., have been added in several different hands throughout the codex.

70 ms 293

Many fine illuminated initials are noteworthy for their large size relative to the script, and for the infinite variety of designs. Some extend the full length of the written space; many incorporate bird and animal, as well as floral mo- tifs. All initials are drawn in black and filled with gold, blue, red, and green. Headpieces, in the same style and colors as the initials, but more modest in size, occur for each new major section of the text. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xix. Half bound in brown calf, blind- and gold-tooled. Plain beige paper sides; title, in gold, on spine.

Written probably in Constantinople in the second half of the 16th century, with the last portion dated 1662. Notes in hand of Constantine Raphael Byzan- tinus (s. xviiiin; see Nichipor, pp. 186-87). Early ownership note of Nikolaus Karatzes is dated 1744 (f. 319r). Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guil- ford (1766-1827; bookplate; no. 297 on spine and in his catalogue; bookstamp on f. 319r; chi and gamma stamped in gold on spine); sold to Thorpe who sold it to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 5513, on f. i recto; mutilated tag on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 12).

Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 46.

MS 293 Constantinople, 1674

Synopsis Mikra (in Greek)

There are 5 sets of prayers in the codex. Each is preceded by a simple head- piece and heading that serve to separate one section from the next.

1 . ff. lr-27v [Prayer:] 'Aqxtj avv Beep xov jliixqov dnobeinov [sic] At 'evx&v xdiv dyicov natEQwv i\fx(x>v. Kvqie irjaov XQLax^ ° ®e<>S rjfiatv eAerjoov rjfidg a/u,rjv. Ilotovvxeg, oxfyov, xal Xeyofiev <5d|a aot 6 Oebq rjfiwv bo^a aot. BocaiXeu oopdvoie 7tapdxXT)T£ to 7iv&u[xa rf\t; atXrfitiau;. 6 rcavTaxou raxpwv, xal toc roxvxa ... [ir\ u.ou Tcapi'Sr]^ rr)v Serjaiv to aufj.<p£pov TCOtfjaov. telex; xov fiixgov anobeinvov.

2. ff. 28r-48r 'AxoXovOia xov ifeipdAjiov. Ai'euxwv twv aytwv TOXT£pa>v r\\i(bv. xupie irjaou xp^te 6 6&6^ TjfjLtov eXsr)aov ^pag. dfir)v at\ir\v. "Ayiog 6 9e6<; ayioi; ... aXXT]Xouia. 86£a aoi 6 0eo<; rj^oov 86£a aot.

3. ff. 48r-63v a>oa tiqwxtj. aytoi; 6 9e6<;- ayioi; taxupo? ayiog aGavaTo^. eXerjaov Yifjwc<; ... rcpeajkiais ttjs 7ravaxpavT00 aou [XT]Tp6g, xat toxvtwv aou Ttov dyiwv &\t.r\v. A6k~a, xal vvv, xal yivexai dnoXvotq.

4. ff. 63v-70v Ilgoaevxfj fitxga voxega and xov belnvov. [The text continues for ff. 64r-65v in the exact same manner as on ff. lr-3r. On f. 66r it diverges:] riioreua) dc, eva 0e6v rcaTepa 7ravxoxpdTOpa tcoitjttiv ... [ir\zr\p too 0£ou cpuXa^ov \i& urco tt)v ax£mr]v aou. xai xd/xe xal fiexavotaq oaaig deXetq.

ms 294 71

5. ff. 70v-78v eiq xbv ogdgov. Ai'eux&v xtov ayi<ov raxxepcov rj[xo5v xupie t7]aoo Xpiaxe, 6 Oeds tujuov, &X£t}cjov ^|j,aq dfjLrjv. BaaiXeo oupdvie rcapaxXriTe, to 7cveG[xa xfj(j aX7}0£tai; ... Iva xpaCco|i£V aot, x°"P£ vu|jKpT) avofjupeoxs. xeXoi; xai xw 0&w x<*PlS- [colophon:] 1674 ev fXY]vyj iooXiou x0. ff. 79r-80r blank except for pen trials

Paper (only partial watermarks), ff. i (paper) + 82 (foliation begins on the third leaf) + i (paper), 144 x 98 (98 x 70) mm. Written in 11 long lines; sin- gle outer and double inner vertical bounding lines, the inner full length. Ruled in hard point, on verso.

I2, II-III8, IV8 (-2), V-XI8 (+ 1 leaf at end, f. 80). Quire signatures (Arabic numbers) near the upper right corner of written space.

Written by two copyists. Scribe 1 was responsible for the major portion of the manuscript in a large bold hand; Scribe 2 supplied the rubrication and some parts written in a smaller, more delicate script. Scribe 1 dated the manuscript on f. 78v (see art. 5).

Inelegantly executed initials, 6- to 4-line, outlined in black and filled with red, olive, blue, and purple. Small initials in red sprouting floral motifs. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xviii. Islamic. Dark red goatskin with an orange gilt border and a gilt flowered pattern on a deeply inset central medallion of orange leather or paper. Title gold-tooled. Bound in a similar style to Beinecke MS 294.

Written in Constantinople in 1674; ownership inscriptions (18th century) of Helen Atradereskou [?] and of Nikolaus Karatzes of Byzantium, on f. i recto. Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; no. 549 in sale catalogue and on spine; chi and gamma in gold on added strip of leather at top of spine); sold to Payne who sold it to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 7759, tag on spine). Acquired from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 49).

Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 52.

MS 294 Mt. Sinai, 1619, 1674, Constantinople, ca. 1720-30

Paisius Hagiapostolites, Pis. 49, 53

History of Mount Sinai, etc. (in Greek)

I. 1. ff. lr-4v [Collection of passages on Mt. Sinai, from several authors; heading:] llept xou opou? Siva, xai ttj<; iv auxcp Movfjc xtj; dcyias [xeyaXopidpxupo? xat 7tava6<pou aixaxepivT)? ix xwv louSaixaiv 'AXe^dvSpou Maupoxopoaxou, [3i(3Xuo (3, aeXtBi: 65. [text:] To Si. Siva 6po<; tgjv ixet opaiv urcepavtaxEt., xai auva7i;x£i [lev x<o Xwprjp ... xopr\q/ aixaxepiviqi; xf}<; aocpfj? x'aOXrj90pou. [f. 5r blank, except for note at top of folio which states that Meletus Pegas of Alexandria wrote to Paisius of Rhodes two letters in the year 1598, three in 1599, two in 1600 (Byzantine era), and one in 1600 (Western date A. D.)].

72 MS 294

II . 2 . ff . 5 v-70r larogia rov dyiov xal deofia&iorov ogovq aivd xai xwv tkqix- a>Qtov avtov . . . noirj/ia xvgtov xvgtov naiaiov jlitjtqojioXitov rfjq dyi(o- rdzTjg liexQonokeox; goSov. Ttve? [xe rcapexdXeaav Xoyov 8tTnr]0fjvat/ iyoi 8£o|xat ujiaiv tt)v dxor]v evGfjvat/ . . . TQt Tt[i.Yi xai 7tpoaxuvir]at? to? STjfjuoup- y<$ fiovw/ ei? tou? vuv xai duexeiva ai&va? t&v aicovcov. [colophon:] £px£ 6xxtoPpiou - e rifxepa p\ aMot //ev aMa twv yaAjuoov Xoywv exovat elhr\l 6 8e 7capcbv xat tcpoticjto? £180? 8trc6v &tcx£i./ ^60^ xo 8wpov, xat taxco[3ou novo?, [note on f. 71v:] to rcapov 7rpoaxuvr]Tdpiov urcdpxet p<x,y<xi)\ fxovaxou too atvauou.

Paisius Hagiapostolites, History of Mt. Sinai, in rhyming verse; A. Papadopoulos-Kerameus, ed., Ilataiov 'AyumootoXhov MqxgonoXhov (St. Petersburg, 1891) pp. 1-90.

3. ff. 70v-76v AtT)YT]<ns 7idv<I>pata rcepi dX£?av8pou tou [xaxiSovo?, to ttco? eyevv^T), xai dveGpafprj, xat rcai? ... xal 6 tcXouto? tou. xat 8ta// [f. 77r blank, except for two notes in different hands:] opa ei? tov tou vex- Tapiou t£poaoXu|Acov xpovoypoKpov, Xe-yofxevov dppa(Bixov [and:] fH StaG^XT] tou |JLo>d[xe8 otcou acpriaev et? to atvatov opo?. ff. 77v-78v blank

Unidentified account of Alexander the Great.

III. 4. ff. 79r-99v ITept t65v (BaatXeoov tyJ? ai-fuVeou, tcov -yuvo|iiva>v, onzo tou? 8ta86xou? too fxtod[jL£0, TJaxepa dcp'ou ttjv enetpav octuo tou? xPlcmavo,k' xai 7cp6iTOv rcept tou fx<od|X£8. [text:] At7)"yT]ad[zevoi Ta xaTa ty|v Xupfyv, xai ai'YU7UTOv, to? r|8u<dr|0r]u.£v, [ii auvro|xtav £px6u.£a6Ev ... xai extort fiixpt tou vfjv [sic], xpatrjtat xai xupte^etat uVaiktov [colophon:] axo8 fxap- tiou 5 [stigma] x€> e'xovtt, xai "fpd<[>avtt, %piaxi jxou, acoaov. ff. 100r-102v blank, although 100-101 are ruled

Unidentified account of the kings of Egypt.

Beinecke MS 294 is composed of three distinct sections, ff. i + 102 + i.

Part I: ff. 1-4. Paper (thin; partial unidentified watermarks), ff. 4, 147 x 101 (109 x 80) mm. 16 long lines; no rulings visible. This section consists of a single gathering. Written by a single scribe, Constantine Raphael Byzanti- nus, in a well-formed minuscule.

Part II: ff. 5-76. Paper (polished; partial unidentified watermarks), ff. 72, 147 x 101 (110 x 70) mm. 18 long lines; ruled in hard point on verso; single vertical bounding lines, full length. I-IX8. Quire signatures (letters of the Greek alphabet) in center of lower edge, verso. Scribe 1 copied the main text (ff. 5v-70r) which is rubricated and preceded by a modest headpiece, in red; his script is delicate and well formed. He signed his name, Jacobus, on f. 70r and dated the work 5 October 1619. An additional note that seems to localize the codex to Mt. Sinai, occurs in his hand at the top off. 71v (see contents, art. 2). Scribe 2 (ff. 70v-76v) wrote in a large, bold and carelessly executed

ms 295 73

minuscule, and added a crude headpiece. All folios waterstained in upper portion.

Part III: ff. 77-102. Paper (partial unidentified watermarks), ff. 26 (folios 77 and 102 appear to be the flyleaves from the original manuscript before re- binding) + i (paper contemporary with first leaves, Part I), 147 x 101 (109 x 75) mm. Written in 15 long lines, single vertical bounding lines, full length. Ruled in hard point on verso. I8 ( + 1 leaf at beginning, f. 77), II— III8 ( + 1 leaf at end, f. 102). Written by a single copyist who completed the manuscript on 6 March 1674 (see art. 4). Small decorative initials with accompanying flour- ishes, in black.

Binding: s. xviii. Islamic. A flowered arabesque on a gilt central medallion deeply inset on brown goatskin with a border of lighter leather outlined with blind-tooled ropes. Spine blind-tooled with a gold-tooled title. Rebacked.

The first part of Part II (ff. 5r-70r) was completed by Jacobus, 5 Oct. 1619, and according to his note (f. 71 v) was the property of Raphael, a monk of Mt. Sinai. Origin of the rest of Part II unknown. Part III, completed 6 March 1674, may perhaps have been written at Mt. Sinai as well, given the content. These sections probably came to the vicinity of Constantinople around the end of the 17th century, for the scribe of Part I, Constantine Raphael Byzantinus, wrote and annotated other Beinecke manuscripts (see Nichipor, pp. 186-87) in that area, ca. 1720-30. Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; bookplate with no. 423; chi and gamma stamped in gold on spine; no. 298 in the sale catalogue); sold to Thorpe. Bought by Sir Thomas Phil- lipps (no. 5514; tag on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 50).

Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 52.

H. C. Rice, Jr., "Mount Sinai Exhibition," Princeton University Library Chronicle 21 (1960) p. 241.

MS 295 Constantinople, 1720, 1721, 1729

Jacobus Manas, Encomium, etc. (in Greek)

1 . ff. 1 v-2v [Heading:] Ilept tou ao*pf pantos . ix rr\q rapi Xoyioov ypaixcav imxpiG- \ir\at(x>$ Ar\\ir\xpio\i ilpoxo7ctou MocjxoTtoXtTOir rcapa <paf3ptxi<o (3t[3Xi,o0r)XT]<; eXXr)vtxf)<; T6fx<o ta, dpi8[xw tc, a£Xi8i 797. [text:] 'Iaxtopoi; Mava<; 'ApYeTo?- u- roxToq ... xa axpoajxaxtxa too 'AptaxoxeXoui;, xal xa GeoXoyixd. [colophon:] exei acoxTipiw a<|>xa. £v \vr\vi touvico.

Biography of Jacobus Manas copied from J. Fabricius, Bibliotheca Graeca (Hamburg, 1704-28) v. 1 1, p. 797, no. LXX; followed by a short selection from Fabricius on Alexander Maurokordatos, p. 776.

74 ms 295

2. ff. 3r-4v Eiq xov xi[j.t,«xaxov, xat aoqsaixaTov urcaxov xwv 9iXoao<pwv xfj? xou Xpwxoo y.zyalr\<; ixx\r\<si<x<; . . . Net'Xov <o<; dXXov 7roXox&ufJiovd us ... <o<; SwxTjp edtov orcdaaot/ 01a eiv ^air), xat tcoXco £ov&Tv aot,/ rj8e Bewpetv. [colophon:] ei<; 09etXo[j.evriq euepYeata? x&xfir|piov 6 \0y0Hxr\q yevixou x% [ity6Xr\<; exxXTpias, xat eXa^torcx; xaiv u.a9r]XGiv, xcovaxavxtvos pa9aTJX (3u£dvxios. ac|»x0.

Constantine Raphael Byzantinus, Sapphic ode to Jacobus Manas; see Nichipor, pp. 186-87.

3. ff. 5r-41v [Title on f. 5r:] 7upo<; xov u<J>Y)X6xaxov, xat eoasPeaxaxov ao0£vxr)v, xat Yiyefjiova 7rdo7]e ouyypopXaxta^ xupiov xuptov tcodvvriv xwvaxavxtvov (3aaaapdf3av (BoepoSav &yxa)[xiov 7rpoa90)V7^axtxdv exSoOev roxpd xoG evTifjioxaxou xat XoyKoxaxou St8asxdXoo xop [sic] Iaxou[jifj u.dvva xou dpfetou xoT? [xa0T)xaT(; ... £v xfj xaxd xrjv xoovaxavxivourcoXiv rcaxpiapxtxfj axoXf] xaxd xo ac[>xov exo? xo awxrjpiov. [f. 5v blank, text begins on f. 6r:] KaXov fjtiv xat dird yXcoxxyj? yepaipsiv dp£xriv 0'exdaxYiv i8t'a xat xaGoXou, xat xou? dp£xfji; ... \ir$inott dXXoxpico yevei StaXafx- jBavouivT)£ xfjs xaxd SiaSoxfy1 auv£X£tai;, du.T|v.

Jacobus Manas, Encomium of Joannes Constantinus Bassarabas.

4. f. 42r [Title:] Kpoq xov auxov yaXrjvoxaxov auGivxrjv ouy^pofiXaxiai; xat tyr\- Xoxaxov r)Y&[ji6va £7uypafA{jLa xou auxou. [text:] 9au.a aaq dp£xd$ [ji&y'dp'e^oxe xoi- pave Xa&v ... Ipyfjiaxa dyXad aeto Xo-yoto xap^sacji. ff. 42v-46v blank

Jacobus Manas, Epigram on Joannes Constantinus Bassarabas.

Paper (watermarks: partial, unidentified), ff. 46, 149 x 109 (ff. 1-4: 119 x 72; ff. 5-42: 116 x 65) mm. Written in 15 lines at the beginning of the manuscript and 19 for the remainder; single vertical bounding lines, full length. Ruled in hard point.

I4(l = front pastedown), II12, III-IV8, V12, VI4 (4 - back pastedown). Catchwords directly under lower right corner of written space.

Written by two copyists who date their work: 1720, 1721, 1729. Scribe 1 (also Scribe 1 in Beinecke MSS 294, 297, and 300, etc.) wrote ff. iv-4v and gives his name as Constantine Raphael Byzantinus (see colophon in art. 2 above); he dates his work on f. 2v (1721) and on f. 4v (1729). Scribe 2 (ff. 5r-42r) dates his section on f. 5r (1720).

Binding: s. xviii. Brown goatskin gold-stamped with portrait heads in a foliage border and flowers in central panel. Title on spine reads Demetrius Moscho- po[li]tes (author of the life of Jacobus Manas). A green tie.

Written in Constantinople at the beginning of the 18th century by two scribes, one of whom is Constantine Raphael Byzantinus (see Nichipor, pp. 186-87). Jacobus Manas and the Bassarabas family are mentioned by S. Runciman, The Great Church in Captivity (Cambridge, 1968) pp. 360-84. Belonged to Freder- ick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; bookplate; not located in his sale catalogue). Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 9233?; mutilated tag on spine) acquired

ms 296 75

it through Thorpe in 1836. Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 35).

Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 50

MS 296 Byzantium, s. XVI1/2, 1641

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, etc. (in Greek) PI. 50

1. ff. lr-31v 'H Beta Xettovqyta xov ev dyioiq natgoq fjfi&v Icodvvov xov XQvaoardfiov. ev%f} xfjq ngoBeaecoq. '0 Btbq 6 9eo<; tiu.&v 6 xov oupdviov apxov, xtjv xpocpfy xoG rcavxds . . . xds xapSias r)|iaiv rcdvxoxe- vuv xal del xal ei? xou<; auo- vas xdov aiobvtov, a[xf|v.

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom; C. A. Swainson, ed., The Greek Liturgies (Cambridge, 1884) pp. 101-44.

2. ff. 32r-75v "H Beta Xeixovgyia xov ev dyioiq Tiaxgbq rjfidiv (JaotXeiov xov peydXov, evxv TVS JigoBeoecoq. '0 titbq 6 Geo? rjfjuov 6 xdv oupdviov apxov, xr)v xpocprjv toO rcavxos xoajiou ... xal xou dytou xal Ccoorcotou aou Tivsu^aTO?- vuv xal del xal £t$ xotn; aicavas xaiv auovwv dtjxrjv. f. 76r blank

Liturgy of St. Basil; Swainson, op. cit., pp. 151-71.

3. ff. 76v-90v TH Beta Xeixovgyia x&v 7igoT}yiaojLiev(ov. 6 8tdxovo<;. euXo-prjaov 5£a7coxa 6 t£peu<;. Ex>\ojr\\i.ivr\ r) (SaatXeia xou 7caxpds, xal xou utou, xal xou dyiou ... dvdSeiijov xr\q PaatXeias aou- vuv xal aei xal tlq xouq aiwvai; xtov auovoov, ocfxrjv. [colophon:] xeXoq xal x& Beep So^a aitovioq. ayyia.

Liturgy of the Presanctified; Swainson, op. cit., pp. 175-87.

Beinecke MS 296 (Part I, original scribe) was apparently damaged, and a later scribe filled in the missing portions (Part II: ff. 1-8, 11-12, 74-90).

Part I: Paper (polished, sturdy; watermarks: Harlfinger Main 8), ff. 63, 167 xll8(110x 60) mm. Written in 14 long lines; double inner and single outer vertical bounding lines. Ruled in hard point. Written by a single scribe in large, bold, upright minuscule. Large initials, with copious floral designs, and head- ings, in red.

Part II: Paper (unidentified watermarks: crown surmounted by a six-pointed star and crescent), ff. 27, 167 x 118 (116 x 67) mm. Written in 17 long lines; single inner and outer vertical bounding lines. Ruled in hard point. Written by one scribe in neat minuscule that leans toward the right; he dated his work 1641 on f. 90v. Headpieces (ff. lr, 76v) in red, the latter with yellow added. Many initials in various sizes, some with yellow.

I8 (1 = front pastedown; + 1 leaf at end, f. 8), II-III2, IV- V8, VI6 (-4), VII-XII8, XIII10 (10 = back pastedown).

Binding: s. xvii-xviii [?]. Ottoman (we thank A. R. A. Hobson for this in- formation). Limp, flush, dark brown goatskin case, blind-tooled.

76 ms 297

Written in Byzantium in the first half of the 16th century and supplemented in 1641; early modern provenance unknown. Collection of Sir Thomas Phil- lipps (no. 2383, stamp on f . lr and tag on spine); his acquisition from Thorpe, who brought it from Spain (see Phillipps Studies, v. 3, p. 149). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 46).

Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 52.

MS 297 Constantinople, ca. 1720-30

Unidentified Geography, Greek tr. Demetrius Notaras

1. pp. i-xv [Table of contents:] IltvaJ; too TOXpovios j3t[3Xiou. 7cept too auv- -cofjLwxdTOU {xepLCT^ou Tfjs ... xepi vf\<; [xayeXXavix^i; yf\<;. p. xvi blank

2. p. xvii reto-ypaqjia auvxofxo? 90)vtj<; ex AaxtvtScx; et<; ttjv 'EXXaSa ttjv ... xat t&v xaTa9u[At(ov, [xexa xwv oupavitov xt 6(xou xai Imyzioiv . p. xviii blank

Dedication to Chrysanthus Notaras, Patriarch of Jerusalem (1707-33).

3. pp. 1-586 SuvTO(JL(i>Taxo<; \itpi<s[L6q rf\% uSpoyaiou acpoupoo;. [text:] IIptoTa owed oXa -cuxaivet va fjJjeupTK, 7tw? [i-ipoq ti t?£ 77)? xaXuxT&Tai and toc u'Soctoc, xal [lepo? a-zixtzai ... alxive? ax&86v cxxocXaaOTjaocv . xaG'ws Xeyouaiv eupioxovxai eSco av- 0pto7coi 8exa izohctq to uc|>o<;. pp. 587-592 blank

Unidentified Geography, translated into modern Greek from Latin by De- metrius Notaras.

Paper (no watermarks), ff. iii (paper) + ix (paginated i-xviii) + 293 (pagi- nated in Arabic numerals 1-586) + iii (paper), 160 x 103 (123 x 79) mm. Writ- ten in 17 long lines; double vertical bounding lines, full length. Ruled in hard point, on verso.

I8 (pp. i-xvi), II8 (xvii-14), III-XX8, XXI6, XXII-XXXVIII8. Catchwords for each subsequent leaf directly under written space near gutter.

The text was written by two scribes in similar styles of minuscule. Scribe 1 (pp. 1-238) is the same scribe (Constantine Raphael Byzantinus) as that desig- nated as Scribe 1 in Beinecke MSS 294, 295 and 300, etc.; Scribe 2 copied pp. 239-586. A third person supplied the Table of Contents at the beginning of the codex (pp. i-xv).

No ornamentation or rubrication.

Binding: s. xviii. Near Eastern. Brown goatskin with a deeply impressed medallion containing a crown, sword, sceptre, eagle, bull and /. Q. K., N. B. , originally gilt. Title gold-tooled. Spattered edges.

Written in Constantinople at the beginning of the 18th century by Constan- tine Raphael Byzantinus (see Nichipor, pp. 186-87) and a second unidenti-

MS 298 77

fied scribe. Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; book- plate; not located in his sale catalogue). Acquired by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 7673, stamp on first flyleaf; tag on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 29).

Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 49.

MS 298 England, s. XVIII/XIX

Nicolaus Smyrnaeus, De supputariis digitorum gestibus (in Latin and Greek)

f. lr-v blank; ff. 2r-6v [Heading, in Greek:] NixoXaou Sjjiupvatou jcftpl 8ax- xuXixou (iixpou. [in Latin:] Nicolai Smyrnaei De Supputariis digitorum gesti- bus. [text begins, in Greek:] 'Ev xaXc, xepat xocGeJjeis touc <xpi9[xou<;, outclk; . . . [text begins, in Latin:] In manibus sic numeros habeto ... [ends, in Latin:] ita nonaginta in laeva signantur, in dextra nongenta. Finis. Sequitur Tabula, [ends, in Greek:] x&ipl SrjXoi iwevTJxovxa, ev hi xfj Se^ta evveaxoota. xiXoc,. <7XT][ji.ocxKjfjL<ov X^ipoXoytaxtxaiv. f. 7r-v blank

Nicolai Smyrnaei Artabasdae graeci mathematici I Ex(pqaaiq numerorum notationis per gestum digitorum (Paris, 1614).

Paper (watermarks similar to Heawood 2744), ff. 7, 190 x 116 (101 x 63) mm. Written in two columns of 25 lines, with Greek text in the inner column and Latin translation in the outer. No rulings, bounding lines, or prickings visible.

I6 (+1 leaf at end).

Written in italic script (for the Latin translation) and Greek minuscule.

On the separate folio added after the text is a full-page diagram in 36 com- partments, each one containing a very delicate drawing of a position of the hand, "sign language" for a letter of the alphabet or a number.

Binding: s. xix. Marbled paper case repaired with plain, brown paper.

Written apparently by Henry Drury (1778-1841). Unidentified circular paper tags with numbers "980" and "722" on front cover; also pasted on front cover: cutting, in English, from unknown sale catalogue. Collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 17495, tag on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 40).

Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 51.

78 ms 299

MS 299 Byzantium, 1665

Canon Law and Ascetical Doctrine (in Greek) PI. 52

1 . ff. i verso-iii recto [List of Heretics; title:] tuoToi Xiytovxai alpextxol, xal rcoaov XcyLwv elvat. [text begins:] arco xov eovojjuov, euvojitavot ... xal xr|v apviqatv xfjs aipeaeos tou<;. ff. iii verso-vi verso, blank

2. ff. vii recto - xx recto [Table of contents; title:] IJiva^ Svv &ea>t rAytd>t [table begins:] Ilepl dpxt£p£fc>v too? etvat 7rpe7tov vd elvat xecpaXalov a ... rcepl £X^Tl^Jt.oauvYl<;• xt dyaQd- Xa^dvei- exetvo? orcou xApvu* auxriv ttjv eXeT)noaovr]v xecpaXalov t<? f- xx verso blank

3. ff. lr-146r [Below decoration in red and black, which includes a cross with inscription and a short text beginning sine fioi ttfite axavQE . . . and ending tov naqovtoq ftifiXiov is the title:] neqt agxiEOEcov ncog elvat tiqetiov va elvai. [text begins:] El' xt? £7U<jxo7t;tiv opeyeTat xaXou epyou £rci8u[ia ... oizou xd[AVT) aurr]v oxi -ftvexai xk7}pow[lo<;• ttjc; (BaatXetai; tgov oopavdiv. tcAos kch tq5 0ea> 6d|a.

Miscellaneous collection of canon law and related texts. The chapters of the table and the text correspond, but the numbering differs slightly in spite of some renumbering in black by Scribe 2. The source of a particular canon is given in the margin.

4. ff. 146v-149r [Prayer before Communion:] Ev%rj avyxoiQixixr}- enl tov fieX- XovTog fiETaXafi^eiv Tag Osiag xoivcovEiag. Kopte irioroo jp\<szi 6 Geo; r)\i&v ... auv i<b dvdpx<t> aoo rcaTpt xal :w Tiavayicp, xal dyaGco* xal Coootcouo aou kviu\i<x- xt, vov xal del* xal etc; too? alwva? xgjv afcowov. deiXTjv.

5. ff. 149v-153r [Miscellaneous regulations on judgments:] TC&pi xpiaeoov xaT? ornate ercpoaxafev 6 Geo? ... oxi tj xptate; too Geou eaxtv. ff. 153v-154r blank

6. ff. 154v-155v Miscellaneous notes of owners and pen trials.

Paper (polished, sturdy; unidentified watermarks: crown surmounted by six- pointed star and crescent, with the letters P and A, and clover leaf as counter- mark), ff. vi (nearly contemporary paper) +169 (foliated vii-xx, 1-155), 202 x 142 (162 x 100) mm. Written in 20 long lines; triple outer and single inner vertical bounding lines, full length, and an additional ruling in upper and lower margins. Ruled in hard point, on verso.

I6, II-XIX8, XX12, XXI8 (-8).

The main text was written by two scribes. Scribe 1, using a delicate, con- voluted minuscule, wrote ff. vii recto - xvi verso and ff. lr-133v; he placed quire and leaf signatures, both as letters, in red, in the lower margin in the first half of each gathering: the first letter represents the quire number, the second letter represents the leaf number. Scribe 1 also numbered ff. 1-20 in Greek letters in the upper right corner; he dated the manuscript 6 July 1665 on f. lr. Scribe 2, employing a bolder minuscule that inclines to the right, wrote

ms 300 79

ff. xvi verso - xx recto, ff. 133v-146r, and several rubrics and corrections in the first section; he placed catchwords under the written space on both recto and verso. Scribe 3, using a large archaizing hand, added the prayer on ff. 146v-149r. Scribe 4, apparently one of the owners of the manuscript, added the material on ff. i verso - iii recto and ff. 149v-153r. The remaining notes are in other hands.

Elaborate headpieces, in red and black interlace designs (by Scribe 2?) ap- pear on ff. vii recto and lr. Diagrams illustrating permissable and non- permissable marriages, giving names and relationships of individuals, occur on ff. 86v-89v. Numerous carefully executed initials in red, 11- to 2-line, throughout the text.

Binding: s. xvii. Dark brown goatskin over wooden boards. Trace of two fastenings. Rebacked and gold-tooled title added.

Written in Byzantium in 1665, possibly for Mt. Sinai: Anastasius of Sinai is often cited as the source of a chapter in the text and he is usually referred to as "Abbot Anastasius". Belonged to Panagiotes (ownership note of the 18th cen- tury on f. 155v). Collection of Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827, no. 207, bookplate); acquired by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 9512; tag on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 19).

Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 47.

MS 300 Byzantium, 1643, ca. 1720-1730

Andrew of Crete, The Great Canon, etc. (in Greek)

1 . f. ii recto IJegi rov ovyygaysax; ri}<; Tiagovorjq eQprjveiaq. faaiktuq xoavaxav- TivouTuoXeax; (BaatXeio*;. (BooXyapoxTOVos to £iuxXt]v axfxrjv dpdbraarot, rjaocv ... hCf\<; xai xrjv xaxapaiv ixXiqpooeraTO.

Passage referring to Akakios, Monk of Sabba, who is said to have written the interpretation of the Great Canon and who lived at the time of Basil the Bulgar-slayer and the patriarch Photius.

2. f. ii verso Fleql rov dyiov 'AvSqeov KqrjrTjq rov lEqoooAvfitrov ... Ouxos 6 [xaxaptoc 'Av87cea<; rpc[io^i\> . . . toSxttjv 8e. Xetas, CeXcpa? t& pax^X xe, xai vqt; [3aXXa?.

Passages referring to Andrew of Crete.

3. ff. lr-282v [Heading:] 'Egyur\vEia rov jieydAov xai tsgov xavovoq, rov iv dytotq Oeofoqov Ttargog fin&v dvbgsov rov lEgoooAvfirjrov . . . (bbrj a. fi%oo, nX$. 6 etg- fibq, a. [passage from the Great Canon:] Bor)do<; xai axETtaoOfjt; eyevero juot, elq ocorrjgtav, ovroq fiov 6e6q, xai 8o£doa) avrdv 8edg rov nargoq fiov xai vy>w- ooj avtov. Evbo^coq ydg bebo^aaOat. 'Egptr]V£ia. [interpretation:] 'Arcd vi]q 6§f]<;

80 ms 300

xfjs e^68ou, e8taXe£e xooxo, 6 7raxrip. 6 tapaTiX, eaavxas xat va etvat x«ptc . . . [text of the Great Canon ends:] xqotiov re ndvxa nrjgaafiov. xal oxvXevet jioXe/utovq xal 6V em to vnrjxocov. [text of interpretation ends:] xat {itycuXoTZpi-KtiaL aov xtp avdcpx<o autou naxpl xat xa> Trava-ftto xat a-fa0<ft xat £toojtotcp auxoo 7tveu|j.axi. vuv xat aet xat etc xou? auova;, ajjtTjv. [colophon:] xeXo$ yap etXy]<pev to racpov P$Xtov, ev [xrjv, touvvtai, ev em xoa[Jicoa<*>xT]ptov axi^y ... [followed by the com- plaint of the scribe that he is tired, sick and going to die; colophon ends:] vtxoXao? x£xXr)[xe <peo (jloi xat xoGxo fieya. ou xfj -/pilau, p68io<; yap rcespuxa xat el? ex xfje auX% tou.

Andrew of Crete, Grazi Canon, with commentary; text for the Grea/ Canon, PG 97.1329-85.

4. f. 283r [Two prayers] ev%r} 'Axaxtov Mova%ov Uafifiahov. [text of first prayer:] Xptaxe 6 9eo<; r\\L<bv, \ii\ a7coppicJ>T]<; r)(xa«; owto xou rcpocKojrou aou . . . [text of second:] A£cwcoxa xupte, 6 xotxj vivemxa? aa>aa$ Pappdpou? xat dwriaxous, au- xo^ xa|j.£ cptXotxxt'pfxov f. 283v blank

Paper (sturdy; watermarks similar to Heawood Crescent 866), ff. i (paper) + 283 + iii (paper), 200 x 146 (140 x 95) mm. Written in 22 long lines; dou- ble vertical bounding lines, full length. Ruled in hard point, on verso.

I-XXXV8 ( + 1 leaf added at end, f. 281), XXXVI2. Catchwords for every leaf appear directly under the written space near gutter; quire signatures, in red, are letters of the alphabet in the lower margin, on recto.

Written in two hands. Scribe 1 (ff. ii, 283) is the same scribe, Constantine Raphael Byzantinus, designated as Scribe 1 in Beinecke MSS 294, 295, and 297, etc. Scribe 2, Nicolaus of Rhodes, copied the main body of the text, ff. lr-282v; he signed and dated the codex June 1643 on f. 282v (see art. 3 for colophon).

Some initials, poorly executed, in gold, silver, and blue; rubricated throughout.

Bottom of f. 1 and top of f. 283 cut off.

Binding: s. xvi-xvii. Dark brown (almost black) sheepskin [?], badly gold- tooled. Orange edges. Badly rebacked.

Written in Byzantium by Nicolaus of Rhodes in 1643, with later additions by Constantine Raphael Byzantinus (see Beinecke MSS 294, 295, 297, etc.; Nichipor, pp. 186-87). Belonged to Panagiotes, grammarian of Constantino- ple (note of s. xvii on f. lr). From the collection of Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; bookplate; handwritten description of contents past- ed inside front cover; the letters chi and gamma stamped on spine in gold; no. 324 in catalogue); sold to Thorpe. Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 5534, tag on spine). William H. Robinson, Ltd., Pall Mall (sticker inside front cover). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 2).

MS 301 8l

Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 44.

MS 301 Italy, 1586

Constantine Harmenopoulos, Epitome, etc. (in Greek)

1 . ff. lr-15 lv entxofiri x&v leg&v xai detojv xavovcov. yeyove 5e xai avxrj, naga xov avxov navoE^doxov o£@aoxov xai vofio<pvXaxo<;, xai xgixov dsooaXovixrjs, xvgov Koovoxavxtvov xov 'AgfiEvonovXov. ngodecogia. T<ov xavovcov* 01 [iiv eiai xtov dc^iov arcoaxoXcov ... El[Lr\ tcoo xai 7cp6 xfj<j atxtxaXtoatai; eUv xaxeyvwafxevat. xiXoq xcHv iegwv xai deioov xavovcov.

Constantine Harmenopoulos, Epitome; PG 150.45-168.

2. ff. 152r-165v negl %etgoxovtaq intoxonojv, xai Jigsafivxegcov. xov fi™ xixXov. TtxXot; A0<;. Ot xXrjpixoi xai 01 rcptoxot xfj? tuoXeco? 7cpoxet[xevtov xcov ocyicov txxxy- yeXtoiV ... aiaxe £VX£O0£V xoui; aixfJ.aXcoxoo<; dfopaaai. xeXog xrjs it;a(30Xov.

Constantine Harmenopoulos, excerpts from Manuale legum; G. E. Heimbach, ed., Manuale legum sive Hexabiblos (Leipzig, 1851) pp. 806-18.

3. ff. 165v-168r Oicmiofia xov fisydXov Kwvoxavxivov. Ttegl xov nana fPd)fi7]<;: 0ea7u£o[A£v ouv Traoi xoXq aaxpdbcaK; xai xf| au"fxXr|xtp xf[q r\[L&v PaaiXefa^ . . . TOxpef- yucofxeOa izpbq xov uaxepa tj|juov uaTtav xai xotii; aoxoo SiaSoxou^.

Anonymous, Constitutio Magni Constantini de Papa Romae ("Donation of Con- stantine"); Heimbach, op. cit., pp. 820-22.

4. ff. 168r-169r 'Eiri rf\c, |3aaiX£ia<*; xtovaxavxtvoo xou Tcop^upo-yevv^TOU x6\ioc, e^cpeovrjOr] ... xov xfj<*; &&a&(3eia{ axuXov xov (BaatXda 0£iov avBpovtxov.

Anonymous, Tres tomi synodici; Heimbach, op. cit., p. 822.

5. ff. 169v-174r xov dyiooxdxov xai oo<pcoxdxov naxgtdg%ov KcuvoxavxtvovnoXeajg 0iXo6eov, dvaxgoni) xcov avco yeygafi/j.ev(ov dvadefiaxiojucov. '0 rapi xa xoiau- xa ao<pd<;, azfaaxbq vo[io<puXa£ xai xa0oXtx£ xptxa aptx£V07couX& ... xa0a 8rj 90aoavx£i; tXnopzv.

Philotheus Coccinus, Epistula ad Harmenopoulum; Heimbach, op. cit., pp. 822-26.

6. ff. 174r-192v vdfioi yeatoyixol, xax'exXoyrjv fiifiXiov xov, xfjq Oetag Xrjfeax; 'Iovoxiviavov ftaoiXeax;. negl yecogycov. [text begins, without the preface:] XpT) xov y£<opYOV, £pYaC6(Ji£vov xov iSiov dypov, elvai Stxaiov ... tva Stl'pxrjxat xo u'Stop St'auxcov, xouxo aekiav ixixtoaav. xsXo$. xeXoq xwv xax'ixXoyrjv 'Iovoxiviavov vo/icov. [colophon:] vnb dvbgeov bapagtov xov entbavgiov iv tcw exei a<pn$ fiaoxta} ta. ivexia&.

Justinian, Leges agrariae; Heimbach, op. cit., pp. 828-50.

82 MS 302

Paper (watermarks: unidentified man, closer to Briquet Homme 7578 than any other, with countermark GB), ff. ii (nearly contemporary bifolium; i = front pastedown) + 192 + iv (nearly contemporary, last two leaves a bifoli- um, with iv = back pastedown), 203 x 147 (132 x 90) mm. Written in 13 long lines, ruled in hard point, single vertical bounding lines full length.

I-XXIV8. Catchwords in lower margin at right, verso; quires signed with letters of the Greek alphabet, recto.

Written in Greek minuscule by Andreas Darmarius.

Initials (2-line) with stylized floral decoration, simple headpiece and head- ing, all in red.

Binding: s. xvi. Original sewing on four tawed, single cords laced to the inside of paste boards. The edges are lavender and the endbands sewn on small, tawed skin cores which are glued to the outside of the boards. The spine is rounded and backed and lined with parchment between sewing supports. Cov- ered in yellow/brown leather, flesh side out, blind-tooled. Bound in the same bindery and probably by the same binder as MS 272.

Written by Andreas Darmarius in Venice in 1586 (see art. 6). Belonged to the Library of the Santa Iglesia del Pilar, Saragossa (Graux and Martin, pp. 210-1 1, no. 22). MS 3 in an unidentified collection (pencil notation inside front cover). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust (MS 31) in 1957.

Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 49. Karpozilos, p. 70.

MS 302 Byzantium, s. XVI

Euchologium (in Greek)

1. f. lr blank; f. Iv Full-page illumination (s. xix?) showing St. Basil, St. John Chrysostom, and St. Gregory Nanzianzen, with elaborate red border.

2. ff. 2r-23r 77 Beta Xeixovgyia twv ev dyioiq naxobq T}fiG*v ioudwov dg^teTwoxoTtou xcovoravrtvovTzoAews tov xqvoooxo/liov. ev%f} xfjq Tzoo&eoeaig. f O Geo?, 6 Geo? 7\\lG>v 6 tov oupdvtov apxov ... rcXripcoaov xapa? *°" eucppoaovT)? x<x? xapSia? 7][ag>v. nav- tot£ vuv xoci del ... a.\Lr\v. xeXo?.

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom; F. C. Brightman, Liturgies Eastern and Western (Oxford, 1896) v. 1, pp. 353-98.

3. f. 23 v Full-page illumination (s. xix?) of the Mother of God, with an an- gel swinging a censer on either side.

4. ff. 24r-53r rj Beta Xeixovgyia xov ev ayioiq Tiaxgog 17/twv ^aaiXeiov tov fieydXov. evxV TV$ 7tQo9eae(og. eO Geo?, 6 Geo? Tjfxwv 6 tov oupdvtov ocpxov ... xoci ^eooiroiou aou 7weufAQCTO?- vuv xoci del ... dfiTjv.

MS 302 83

Liturgy of St. Basil the Great; C. A. Swainson, The Greek Liturgies (Cam- bridge, 1884) pp. 149-71.

5. f. 53 v Full-page illumination (s. xix?) of Christ lying on bier, with angel on either side offering incense, and with patriarchal cross behind Him.

6. ff. 54r-68r r\ Beta Xevtovqyia tov iv dytotg natQoq 17/zaiv ygrjyoQiov. EiaeXBov- ■zoq toG hpioiq iv t£> GuaiaaxTipuo ... xat xXtjpov6|aoui; avdSet^ov xf\c, [JaatXeta? aoir vGv xai ad ... d|iTJv.

Liturgy of the Presanctified; Swainson, op. cit. , pp. 173-87.

7. ff. 68v-80v [Title:] dxoXouGia too dyiaa[i.oG- -fivouiv?] xaxa ttjv dpxrjv ixdarou [X7)v6<;. [text:] |i£Ta to 0C7ioXocjat tov opGpov e^epxofxevot iv tco XouTTipito ... xai


Orthodox Church, Lesser Blessing, from the Ev^oXoyiov Meya.

8. ff. 81r-93r [Title:] -cafi? xf\c, dxoXouGiai; toG ayiauixou tcov dyuov 0£O9avtcov. [text:] fxexd to euiETv tov iepeav ttjv omaSdfxpovov eoxfy ^ Oeta? XeiToupyias ... £uxapiaToGvT££ tu 9ea>* ix^uov 81 [?] 00, tsXo? tou dytaaptoG toG {LtyaXou.

Orthodox Church, Greater Blessing, from the Ev%oX6yiov Meya.

9. ff. 93v-106r [Title:] Tfj xupiaxfj i<TKip<xq xf\c, orfias N135. [text:] ei<; to x& ... xai yivETai a7c6aToXoi;.

Orthodox Church, Vespers for Pentecost Sunday, from the EvypXoyiov Meya.

10. ff. 106v-108r tov iv dyioig naxqdq r}ji6)v icoavvov aqyientaxonov xovorav- TivovnoXecog tov xqvoootojiov, etg xr\v Xay.nqav xvgiaxrjv. evXoyrpov n, EV ti£

EuuEJ3ri<; xai 9iX60£o<j- d7ioXa(3£TGi) TauTT)<; xf\q xaXrjs TcavTjyupEax; . . . a.iza.pyy\ Ttov x£xoiu.T)uiv<ov iyeveTO* auTto r\ Solja ... dfjnrjv.

St. Johr Chrysostom, Homilia in S. Pascha (PG 59.721, 99.709) from the Ev- %ol6yiov Meya.

11. ff. 108v-l lOv [Title:] Ta|i<; -fivouivT)* dq ttjv droxjicpiacjiv vf\c, dyfa^ TparcE^T]*;- tt)v Y&vojjLtvTiv Tfj \Lff61r\ . . . . [text:] aovayouxGa ev tw vdpGrpa, xai 9aXXou,Ev ... yt,vo(j,£vT)i; tvyf\<; d7roXu6fjt£0a.

Orthodox Church, Washing of the Altar, from the Ev%oX6ytov Meya.

12. ff. 110v-115v [Title:] dxoXouOia too vurojpos- toG "f^vouivou ttj dyia xai fjieydXirj e. [text:] u,et<x tt)v 67U<j0dfji(B6ovov euxnv, £^£px£Tat 6 dpxiepEu? r\ 6 rpfoufj^- vo^ ... ouxi toxvt£<; xa0apoi e<rce. xiXoc, toG vwcTYjpos. 86£a tw dytto 0ew T)[xcov.

Orthodox Church, Washing of the Feet, from the iTiJ^oAdyiov Meya.

13. ff. 116r-117r [Title:] euxtj £7ua0du.(3covos [j^ />ro orctaGdfApcovos] . [text:] £e [^V, />; 9 2oi] 8ea7C0Ta tw [SaaiXeT xai xticttt] xai 8r)[jiioupYcp tcov arcdvTtov . . . xai aoi ttjv 86£av dva7T£[X7io[ji£v. tw 7caTpi xai ... a.\Lr\v. ff. 117v-118r blank

Orthodox Church, Prayer.

84 MS 303

14. f. 1 18v [No title; text begins:] "EXXoc|i,c[>ov £v xcdq xapbictiq f\\i&v cptXavBpcorce 8ea7C0Ta ... xat aol tt]v 86£av &v<X7teu.7totAev auv :u &vapx<p sou rcaxpl ... auriv.

Orthodox Church, Prayer.

15. f. 119r Arithmetical calculations and brief notes in a later hand; f. 119v blank

Paper (thick, with a slight shine; no watermarks visible), ff. iii (paper) + 119 + iii (paper), 240 x 163 (162 x 110) mm. Written in 21 long lines; ruled in hard point, double vertical bounding lines full length, additional pair of dou- ble horizontal bounding lines in upper and lower margins.

I9 [?], II-XIII8, XIV10, XV4. Binder's quire signatures (s. xix) in upper right hand margin, in Arabic numerals.

Written in a large, bold minuscule by a single scribe.

Three miniatures of good quality in Western style added later (s. xix?) on blank folios: f. lv, Sts. Basil, John Chrysostom and Gregory Nazianzen, all in priestly vestments, in an elaborate red border; f. 23v, Mother of God be- tween two angels swinging censers; f. 53v, Christ on a bier, in front of a patri- archal cross, flanked by angels swinging a censer and burning incense. Original decoration: elaborate headpieces, 4- to 2-line initials with stylized florals, plain 1-line initials and headings, all in red.

Binding: s. xix. Diced brown calf, gold-tooled, with a black label. On the spine, "LITURG. GRAEC. M. S.".

Written in Byzantium in the 16th century; early modern provenance unknown. Collection of Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; see Phillipps Studies v. 3, p. 56). Acquired from Cochran by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 6234; tag on spine and note in pencil on first flyleaf, verso). Purchased from L. C. Witten as a gift of the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust (MS 47) in 1957.

Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 52.

MS 303 Greek East, 1655-1753

Legal Documents (in Greek)

A collection of documents, most on financial subjects; 37 are promissory notes, and 43 include partnership agreements, sales contracts, and various types of settlements. Many involve ecclesiastics of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. These documents have been studied in detail by N. M. Vaporis, in "A Study of Ziskind Manuscript no. 22 of the Yale University Library," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 12 (1966) pp. 2-40, 13 (1968) pp. 41-84, and 14 (1969) pp. 87-124. Since he does not cite the folio numbers for each item, we are listing here his document numbers (in Roman numerals) and the appropriate folio references in MS 303.

MS303 85

I, f. lr; II, f. 2r; III, f. 3r-v; IV, f. 4r-v; V, f. 5r-v; VI, f. 8r; VII, f. 6r-v; VIII, f. 7r; IX, f. 9r; X, f. lOr; XI, f. 19r; XII, f. 20r; XIII, f. 22r-v; XIV, f. 21r; XV, f. 23r; XVI, f. 24r; XVII, f. 25r; XVIII, f. 26r; XIX, f. 34r-v; XX, f. 35r; XXI, f. 36r-v; XXII, f. 37r; XXIII, f. 38r; XXIV, f. 39r; XXV, f. 40r-v; XXVI, f. 41r; XXVII, f. 42r; XXVIII, f. 50r-v; XXIX, f. 51r; XXX, f. 52r; XXXI, f. 53r; XXXII, f. 54r; XXXIII, f. 55r; XXXIV, f. 62r; XXXV, f. 63r-v; XXXVI, f. 64r; XXXVII, f. 65r; XXXVIII, f. 66r; XXXIX, f. 67r; XL, f. 68r; XLI, f. 69r; XLII, f. 78r; XLIII, f. 79r-v; XLIV, f. 80r; XLV, f. 81r; XLVI, f. 82r-v; XLVII, f. 83r; XLVIII, f. 84r-v; XLIX, f. 85r; L, f. 92r; LI, f. 93r; LII, f. 94r; LIII, f. 95r; LIV, f. 96r; LV, f. 98r; LVI, f. 99r; LVII, f. 107r-v; LVIII (misprint- ed in Vaporis as LXIII), f. 108r-v; LIX, f. 109r; LX, f. HOr; LXI, f. lllr-v; LXII, f. 112r; LXIII,f. 113r; LXIV, f. 114r; LXV, f. 123r; LXVI, f. 124r; LXVII, f. 125r; LXVIII, f. 126r; LXIX, f. 127; LXX, f. 128r; LXXI, f. 129r; LXXII, f. 130r; LXXIII, f. 131r; LXXIV, f. 132r; LXXV, f. 133r; LXXVI, f. 134r; LXXVII, f. 142r; LXXVIII, f. 143r; LXXIX, f. 144r; LXXX, f. 145r; LXXXI, f. 146r; LXXXII, f. 147r; LXXXIII, f. 148r; LXXXIV, f. 149r; LXXXV, f. 97r-v.

Paper (various weights and watermarks), ff. i (paper) + 154 + i (paper), ca. 310 x 225 mm.; when larger, folded to fit that size. A group of documents with varying formats bound into one book.

Written by many different hands, including (ff. 131r, 133r, 134r, 144r, 145r and probably others) that of Gonstantine Raphael Byzantinus; this supports Vaporis' conjecture that he is to be identified with Constantine, who signed some of these documents as Referendarius.

Binding: s. xix. Narrow brown calf spine and small corners, blind- and gold- tooled. Marbled paper sides. Upper board detached. Possibly by the same binder as MS 304. On spine, "AIAOOPAI OMOAOITAI XI\"

Written in the Greek East between 1655 and 1753. Bound together in chrono- logical order during the 19th century, probably by Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; bookplate with no. 32 inside front cover). Acquired through Thorpe by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 7349, tag on spine and note in pencil inside front cover; Phillipps Studies, v. 3, p. 162). Bought from L. C. Witten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust (MS 22) in 1957.

Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 48.

86 ms 304

MS 304 Byzantium, s. XVII

Dositheus, etc. (in Greek)

I. 1 . f. lr [In capitals:] aomq ogdoSo^iaq 77 anoXoyia xaieXeyxoq [in minus- cules and capitals:] Tigot; xovq Staovgovraq xrjv'AvaxoXtxijv ixxArjotav algexixovq (pgovelv ev xotq negl deov, xal x&v deiwv <b<; xaxoygovovoiv ovxoi avxoi oi KaXovlvoi br\kovoxu EvvxeBelaa naga xotq iv iegoaoXv/noig ?omxr]<; ouvoBou £7it [in capitals:] Sootdeov naxQiaQ%ov legoooAvficov.

Title page for art. 4.

2. ff. lv-3v, 5r-6v [f. 4r-v blank] Notes on the present work and on the life of Dositheus in the hand of Gonstantine Raphael Byzantinus.

3. f. 7r Table of Contents for ff. 9r-173r in the hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus. ff. 7v-8v blank

4. ff. 9r-36r [No title; prologue begins:] AocnGeoi; eXeco Geou Ilaxpidp- X"f]Q xfj$ dyia<; -xfivrzou xou Geou r\[j.G>v avaaxaaettx; IloXetoi; 'IepoaoXujJuov xoTs <X7ravTaxoG yfjs, xal 0aXaaar)<; opBoho^oiq imaxonoic, dSeXcpou; xal auXXeixoup- yoTt; rifjiwv ev dyta Ilveupiaxt, xal Ttaaiv a7uXa><; xou; euaepeat xal 6pGo86£oii; XpiTuavoT<; xexvou; OLfcuKfixoXi; rjfxaiv, ev Kuptcp xatpsw* [text:] Katpo? xou XaXeTv, xal xaipo? xou atyav, 6 0096? exxXTjataaxriS 7uapaiveT ... T|v d7u<oXeaev utoGeaiav 81a xou u.uaxr]ptou xfjs [xexavotai;. ff. 36v-42v blank

Dositheus, Scutum Orthodoxiae; J . D. Mansi, Collectio Conciliorum (Paris- Leipzig, 1759-1927) v. 34B, p. 1652 (printed as Synod. Hierosolymit. adversus Calvinistas).

II. 5. ff. 43r-44r [Title:] Tefxovaxpdvxwv 86£ai Ao^at KaX[Btcotaxa>v. [text:] rjSuvaxo 6 a8a[xo<; xfj Geou x<*Pm ejijiiveiv xfj dG<ooxT]xi . .. t| yap Geia x^P1? xoT; \ir\ e'xouCTt StdGeaiv 8uxxixr]v xauxr)? yi'vexai <JxXr\pu<3\Ji6<;.

Anonymous, Opiniones Remonstrantium et Calvinistorum, partly written in parallel columns.

6. f. 44v [Title:] wroGeaet<; xivi; Sl'Jjv Xuovxai 8uax&p*l xtvd e7uiX£ip^{Jiaxa vf\% TiGixfji; GeoXoyia;. [text:] xdv [3ouX6[JLevov Ttpoacputoi; aTtoxpiGrjvai. izpoq xiva xwv £r]XT)fjt,dx<ov ... Xuexai xd Suaxeprj 8oxouvxa TtpopXrifjuxxa xfj? 7|GtX7J£ GeoXoyta<;.

Anonymous, Hypotheses de theologia ethica.

III. 7. f. 45r-v Excerpts on George Korresios (see art. 8) in the hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus.

IV. 8. ff. 46r-73r [Title:] xou aocpfoxdxou yecopyiou xopeaar) GeoXoyou xfj; [xeydXr]? exxXriata? d><; erne [xexd xfj? auvoSou xoiv [final word illegible].

MS 304 87

[text:] npo xp^fAaTOi; 8uo [?] xat auxaiv xrj \ity6Xr\ ixxXrjata ... intihi] xo auto rcveuu-a xat 8td vr\c, ypacpfj^ xat 8td xwv rcaxipcov eXaX^crev. f. 73v blank

George Koressios, In Cyrilli Lucaris capitula.

V. 9. ff. 74r-108v [Title:] ["Oxt] to aytov 7rveu[xa ixitopeuexat ix |jt6vou xou roxxpos Setxvoxat. [text:] 8oXta> 7iapa7C£xd<jfJtaxi ot XaxTvot xtjv i'xxoaxov ... I'va [AT] auyx&wat 'tfte T<*>v Gettov 6vo[Jtdxcov ix(p<x>vf[q [reading of final four words uncertain], ff. 109r-110v blank

Anonymous, De processione S. Spiritus.

VI. 10. f. lllr-v Notes and verses on Athanasius, patriarch of Constan- tinople (see art. 11), in the hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus.

VII. 11. ff. 1 12r-125v [Title: ] dGavacnoo xou Ttavaytcoxdxou Ttaxptdpxou xaiv- aravTtvourcoXecos. X6"fo<; tic, xov aacoxov utdv 4v x&<paXata> te xou Xouxd. [text:] 'ExeTvo<; 6 rcpocpT]xixa>xaxoi; xat xt8apw56i; 8aut8 6 [xoucjoupyexTii; ... xo 7iavdytov ovo|xd aou tic, xdu? d7T£pdvxou<; au»iva<; xaiv atcovcov. a.[ir\v. f. 129v blank

Athanasius, surnamed Patelaros, patriarch of Constantinople in 1651 A. D., Homilia de Filio Prodigo.

VIII. 12. ff. 126r-129r Notes, apparently for the examination of conscience; comments added in hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus state that the notes came from an autograph book of George Koressios (which also contained an autograph synopsis of the Old Testament by Mar- gounios).

IX. 13. ff. 130r-131v Material on Meletius 6 Huptyou, of Crete, holy monk and teacher of the Great Church, in the hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus (see arts. 14 and 15).

X. 14. ff. 132r-141v [Title:] xf) xuptaxrj rcpo x&v cpcaxov* apx?) xou euay-

yeXtou, it)<joC xptaxou, xou utou 0£ou, (xdpxou x&9aXatov Tipcoxov* Ttpootjjuov.

[text:] rivtoaxst, to? av vd f[xov Xoytxdv £<5ov, 6 ata9Y)xos ooxos r\kioc, ...

a rixot|xaaa? xols dYaTCwat ae, ev auxw XPiaT<£ TV 6£<P" $ "H S6£a ... d[ir|v.

Meletius Syrigou, Homilia in Dominicam ante Luces.

15. ff. 141v-147v [Title:] xupiaxrj [xexd xd Oaixa. 'Axouaa? 6 itjjoGi; oxt i(odvvr)i; 7caps860T], dv£x<opT)<j£v ei? xtjv yaXtXatatav [sic]. ptaxGai'ou x£<pdXaiov 8. 7cpooi[xtov. [introduction:] "E7re|i.c|>£v 6 iJc|>t<rco<j 8e.6i; xov a-pjxXov atixou twdvvT)v ... [alternate introduction:] IIccx; vd utjv yj0&X£V dcprjaav xtjv tooSatav 6 xuptoi; ... [text:] 'A7roxoxouat tcoXXol ottou etvat 8e8o{jiivoi ... riq y£voixo ;cdvxa<; Tjfxd? £7ttxux&tv iv XPiaT9 irjaou, <p 7tp£7cei Ttdaa 86£a ... xeXo? xat xw 0£tp 86J;a.

Meletius Syrigou, Oratio in Dominicam post Luces.

88 ms 304

XL 16. f. 148r Notes on Nathanael Chykas (or Chikas) in the hand of Gonstantine Raphael Byzantinus. f. 148v blank

XII. 17. f. 149r [No title; text begins abruptly:] lldi 7cept toutcov uc|>T]Xo9p6- vto^ e8t8a^&v. i\i£Xko\itv xai rcepi gov ev TT] TtpoGea&t StaXapetv ... xfjq aoxoo dJjioo0<o|i.ev dvexcppdaxou xai attovtou xomovtas" x«ptxi xat <piXav9p£D7ua . . . d^v.

Symeon of Thessalonika [?], De meridibus.

18. f. 149r-v note eoxat aqa i\ r\yiiqa xfjg xqioecog. Ka0cb$ oi 7Cpo ^tov GeoSiSaxxot avGpwTcot rapt ypacptxaTs xtaiv a [bottom of leaf chewed away] ... 01 7up07copeuovTai ev evSufxaat rcpofidxov, eatoGev hi eiai Xuxot apnaytq.

Symeon of Thessalonika [?], De iudicio extremo.

19. ff . 1 50r- 1 5 1 r neqiexxixd dig bvvaxbv xr\g /u,6vr}g xwv ^toriavoiv rjfi&v moxEOjg XEtpdXaia SojSexa, aneq xtveg aqdqa xaXovoi xfjg moxecog oatpeoxe- qov avvredevta, naqd xov ev dyioig ov/uecbv xov deooaXovixrjg . . . xai tieqI xwv neqisxxixdiv dqexaiv. 'H dX7]0r)£ xai (xovri xaiv "xjpiatvxv&v rjfxtov 7uaxi£, UTcep vouv ouaa xai Xoyov ... xai h*6%r\q xai [SaatXeias imv!>x<x>\).tv aicovito?, oxi auxai ... d{ir|v.

Symeon of Thessalonika, Articuli Fidei; PG 155.820-30.

20. ff. 151r-153v [No title, text begins:] oux [?] e8ei (i,ev f\[ixiG xoaouxov OLiiiyiw dXX^Xcov qjiXwv fxoi aptaxe ... xai i\[iag xai? eux«iS sou pcovvue Sid toxvtoi;.

Unidentified, Epistula ad amicum de quaestionibus ,

21. ff. 153v-155r [No title; text of Psalm begins:] [EJvXoyEt r\ yvxrj fiov xov xvQtov, xvgie 6 6e6g/uov ifieyaXvvdrjg o<po6qa. [text of interpreta- tion:] [izycx, cjipoBpa iyvtopiaBr\g rjplv, drco xfjij [xe-faXoupfia? xai TCpovotas x&v xxtajxaxoov aou ... eotxo*; xrj dpxfi, xo xeXos £xe9r)xev, 00 [one word illegi- ble] 8e -cotij xtvcov ei$ xov rcapovxa cJ>aXtxov dXXotyopta? dXX'extov reapf] xaxd xauxa<;, cb<; (kp\aa[AEvas xd<; xai Bu<ncapa8exxoui;.

Unidentified, Interpretatio Psalmi CHI.

22. f. 155r-v [No title; text of Psalm begins:] EvXoysi i] yyvxrj fiov xbv xvqiov. [text of interpretation:] xpiadyie c|)ux*) [xou xov Geov ... euXoyei r\ 4>uX"n l*00 tov xupiov bot-dCovoa eoa> xov ev xqidbi Bebv bog'a&fievov .

Unidentified, Interpretatio Psalmi CHI.

23. ff. 155v-157v [Title:] ['OJ/uiXia eig xr\v dvaxo/j,iSrjv xov Xeiipdvov xov Jiaviegojxdxov fxrjxqonoXixov <ptXaSeX<piaq, xvqloo [sic] yafiqirjX xov oefltfqov, noirjOeioa naqd xov oo<pa>xdxov xvqiov vadavarjXieqo/j.o- vdxov, ef ddrjvaiv xov yvxbq, xai nqoixoavyyekov naxgiagxixov. grjOetoa St vnb Oeobwqov xt,av<povqvdqov dndvoi eig xov afificova. [text:] [EJvo- xoxbxaxa xai 8avfiaoiu>xaxa, navteqcbxaxe xat oo<p<bxaxe beonoxa,

MS 304 89

6oicoxaxoi tepo[i6vaxoi, euXapeaxaxot tepefy, euyeveaxaxot apxovxe<;, ... xat 6(iou iraXtv oXot xou xuptou toe xaXXirj [one word lost], [colophon:] iypdqjT) ev xfj fxovfj xou U7cojivr|oxovxo<; xrj<; d-ficoxaxTji; |AT]Tpo7coXr][TOo] £peGou £XOU<; [lapxfco xe, Ev8txxtcovo<; 8. [note of owner:] ix xcov tou 9tXo0eou tspofiovd- Xou 7ra[middle portion partly illegible]xd<;, xat dpxtfxa [final two words crossed out; some text covered by tape].

Nathanael Chykas, Homilia de reliquiis Gabrieli Philadelphiae.

XIII. 24. f. 158r Notes on the holy deacon Macarius (see art. 25) in the hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus. f. 158v blank

XIV. 25. f. 159r-v [Title:] (laxaptou EepoBtaxovou xiva$ ocv ewcoi X6"fou£ im xrj xrjSaxtc, xou b> (laxapta xfj Xrj^ei ytvo(i£vou apxovxos xuptou paXaTjs. [text:] £££Xt7rov coast xoc7uv6i; at Tifiepat [xou xat xd 6(id [iou toaet <ppuy£tov auve^puyrjaav ... \ir\ xd$ £a0rixa<; Impprioetv, ouxe XtGot? rcXVjoaetv xd ££pua. [colophon:] xeXos 1707: (xouufxtawcx; 8&uxepa ioxa(i&vou.

Macarius the holy deacon, Oratio funebris Ralais Caryophylli.

XV. 26. f. 160r-v [Title:] SuXXoyat, xat 07][ieicoaet<; ejrto^eXets 7capd Stacpo- pcov tepcov dvBpcov, cbt; ot6v xe. £v Ppaxuxrjxt auv£tXe"f(i£vat. Tcpo? 7cpcoxo7reipou?, xal eva^X0? ^St) ev xco [xovaxixco [3icp etaayojjievoui; d8eXcpou<j. [text:] 'Aya- ivr\%i [xexd xtjv xou xoofiou dTrdpvrjaiv xov £v xco xoivoptcp 5&x6|xevo<; £uyov ... ipoPriGf) uoxepov xai xov taxiov aou. f. 161r-v blank

Unidentified, Admonitiones ad monachos novos.

XVI. 27. f. 162r [No title; first verse:] tl[ots 7tox| Be. [last verse:] <; oxe(i- (iaxo|3puxov xpdxos.

Unidentified Poema acrostichum on the name tep60eo<;.

28. ff. 162v-163r [No title; first verse:] r£pa<; 7tp097jxcov [last verse:] Ex6|X(iax6Jjuxov xpdxo<j. [monocondyl:] yepfxavos tepofiovaxos. f. 163v blank

Germanus, holy monk, Poema ad Matrem Dei acrostichum, with inter- linear glosses.

XVII. 29. f. 164r [Title:] "ExGeats 7i:£piaxaG|j.cov, xat fiixpcov dxpt[kaxdx7i, xaG'eXXTjva^ ... [text:] toxeov 6'xi xo xepaxov, xo tBicoxixcos Xsyotievov xoxxt- ov ... co? cpTio&r 6 yaXTjvoi;, xat i7U7ioxpdxrjs, vuv 8e xat 6 SioaxoptSTjq, tic, xou- xo xo PrjPXto. f. 164v blank

Unidentified Expositio ponderum et metrorum Graecorum.

30. ff. 165r-166r [No title; text begins:] ofiupva dpa(3ixa xat xoupxa [xoupaa9T) ... xat tj tcoXuxXovo? dpx&[itota- rcoXXd xaXXyj.

Unidentified Glossae botanicae.

ms 304

31. f. 166v 6 raxpov 8toaxopiSir]<; 6 aoiptoxocTOi; ioccpo$, U7rdpxei apaevtou xaaxtopta? y.xf\[La. [crossed out near bottom of leaf:] xxf}[xoc ttodvvou Xcovtdtou dxojxTfjvdxou. ff. 167r-168r blank

Ownership notes.

XVIII. 32. ff. 168v, 170r Paschal Tables, beginning with 1694 A. D. Com- parative Orthodox, Roman, Hilarion, Tzigalas (abp. Cyprus), and Panagiotes dvayvtooroi; 6 dexaixoi; (in his hand).

XIX. 33. f. 169 A single unbound leaf bearing a note on the date of Easter copied in the hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus from an au- tograph manuscript of Hierotheus -coG Apuaxpa? (of Drustra?). ff. 170v-171r blank

XX. 34. ff. 171v-172r Table of Feasts dated by Easter, f. 172v blank XXI. 35. f. 173r Diagram of the Universe and God. f. 173v blank XXII. 36. f. 174r [Title:] Taov dacapaXXaxxov too TtpcoxoTUTCOu. [text:] i\ Ta7ueiv6xT)<; [xou Bia ttj^ Tzapou<yr\q aoTfjs evuTuoypdcpou xai ififiapTupou 6|j.oXoyta? SrjXoTcotfi ... <m laov ecru xfj? xaGoXixfjs 6jjLoXoyLa<;. ff. 174v-175v blank

Copy of a loan agreement by Silbistros, metropolitan of Nauplia, in modern Greek, dated October 1, 1684. Cf. Beinecke MS 303, nos. 47, 56. This art. is not listed in the Table of Contents at the beginning of the manuscript (see art. 3) and was presumably a later addition.

Paper (usually thin and white; exceptions noted; watermarks vary), ff. i (paper) + 175 (including 21 bis) + ii (paper), 310 x 210 mm., except where noted. Bound too tightly for accurate collation. In 22 distinct parts:

Part I: ff. 1-36. Watermarks: Letters F C under leaf (f. 1); group of three unidentified figures (f. 4); grapes (f. 8); letters C S in elaborate circular design (f. 36). Written space 210 x 135 mm. 30 long lines, ruled in hard point, single vertical bounding lines full length. Catchwords for each folio, verso. Written in Greek minuscule. Initials (2- and 1-line) mostly square capitals, in black. Discoloration on ff. 9r and 36v suggests that this part was once separate, without additional notes and title page.

A quire of 6 leaves (ff. 37-42) was added between Parts 1 and 2 (watermarks: crown over grapes (f. 37); inscription (f. 40) identical with Heawood Names 3269. No text.

Part II: ff. 43-44. Watermarks indistinguishable. Written space 232 x 170 mm. 2 columns of ca. 43 lines, or in long lines, no ruling. Written in Greek minuscule by one hand. Once folded in quarters; some discoloration and holes at folds, but no loss of text.

Part III: f. 45. Watermarks indistinguishable. Written space 282 x 170 mm. 35 long lines written in small, neat Greek minuscule.

MS 304 91

Part IV: ff. 46-73. Watermarks indistinguishable. Written space 280 x 190 mm. Ca. 44 long lines, not ruled. Written primarily by two scribes. Scribe 1 (ff. 46r-63r) used a rapid, unevenly spaced script sloping sharply toward the right. After a few lines on f. 63r in another hand, Scribe 2 (ff. 63r-73r) wrote in a more angular and regular minuscule inclined toward the left. Scribe 1 also wrote Part V. Discoloration on ff. 46r and 73 v suggests the folios were once separate, and were folded in half crosswise. Some loss of text in upper right of folios, where paper has crumbled.

Part V: ff. 74-110. Watermarks: look more like a rhinoceros than a unicorn. Written space 255 x 185 mm. Ca. 30 long lines, not ruled. Catchwords for each recto and verso. Written by one hand in the same untidy Greek minus- cule as ff. 46r-63r. Discoloration on f. 74r suggests that the folios were once separate.

Part VI: f. 111. Watermarks indistinguishable. Written space 290 x 177 mm. 38 long lines on recto, 2 columns on verso, ruled in hard point, single vertical bounding lines. Small, neat Greek minuscule.

Part VII: ff. 112-125. Watermarks indistinguishable. Written space ca. 275 x 175 mm. Ca. 35 long lines, not ruled. Catchwords for each recto and verso. Written by one hand in an untidy Greek minuscule. Discoloration on ff. 112r and 125v suggests that the folios were once separate.

Part VIII: ff. 126-128. No watermarks. Size of written space varies, as does number of lines per page. Written in Greek minuscule by one hand; a note attached, in the hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus, says that these are autograph notes of Koressios [?]. Lower part of all three folios repaired with paper strips; some loss of text.

A single leaf, f. 129, was added between ff. 128 and 130; once folded in half lengthwise. Notes in Greek minuscule on inner half of recto.

Part IX: ff. 130-131. Watermarks indistinguishable. Written space 260 x 177 mm. 34 long lines, ruled in hard point; single vertical bounding lines, full length. Small, neat Greek minuscule.

Part X: ff. 132-147. Watermarks indistinguishable. These folios are 305 x 192 (228 x 140) mm. 31 long lines, ruled in hard point, single vertical bound- ing lines full length. Written in Greek minuscule, even and sloping by one hand. Discoloration on ff. 132r and 147v suggests that the folios were once separate.

Part XI: f. 148. Watermarks: unidentified coat of arms. Written space 250 x 175 mm. 34 long lines, ruled in hard point. Small, neat Greek minus- cule.

Part XII: ff. 149-157. Watermarks: star [?]; letters A & B. Written space 255 x 150 mm. 38 long lines, ruled in hard point. Written by one hand in a compressed upright Greek minuscule. Headings in red. Lower right of many folios has crumbled away, with significant loss of text. Discoloration on ff. 149r and 157v suggests that these folios were once separate.

92 MS 304

Part XIII: f. 158. No watermarks. 21 lines (not a full page) of notes in a neat Greek minuscule.

Part XIV: f. 159. No watermarks visible. This folio 290 x 197 (275 x 195) mm. 35 long lines, not ruled. Written by one hand in a curling Greek minus- cule. Discoloration suggests that the folio was formerly folded once lengthwise and several times crosswise.

Part XV: ff. 160-161. No watermarks. Written space 240 x 155 mm. 33 long lines, only vertical bounding lines ruled, in brown crayon. Written by one hand in Greek minuscule. Discoloration on f. 161v only.

Part XVI: ff. 162-163. No watermarks. 9 lines of verse, ruled in hard point, double vertical bounding lines full length. Written by one hand in an extreme- ly large, archaizing minuscule. First letter of each line red, with stylized floral motifs. The folios were formerly folded in quarters. Top off. 163 cut off and replaced with glossy white paper.

Part XVII: ff. 164-167. Watermarks: anchor in circle over letters A P with shamrock above. Written space 235 x 150 mm. Ruled in hard point (double vertical bounding lines, full length) for 2 columns of 32 lines, but the ruling is ignored; long lines used, and no full pages. Initials at beginning of each line on f. 164r in red. Discoloration only on f. 164r.

Part XVIII: ff. 168 and 170. No watermarks. Tables and notes extend 290 mm. down the folio and across the full width. Ruling for tables in black; no ruling for notes at bottom. Greek minuscule. Formerly folded in half crosswise.

Part XIX; f. 169. No watermarks. A loose leaf, 295 x 122 (132 x 92) mm. 16 lines, not ruled. Written in small, neat Greek minuscule.

Part XX: ff. 171-172. No watermarks. Tables measure 243 x 195 mm., with 2 lines of notes below. Tables ruled in black ink and notes in a sprawling Greek minuscule by one hand.

Part XXI: f. 173. Watermarks: unidentified crescents. Size unfolded is 287 x 300 mm. Concentric circles for diagram of the Universe and God drawn in black ink, labelled in small and large Greek minuscule by the same person. Formerly folded in quarters.

Part XXII: ff. 174-175. Watermarks: unidentified lion rampant. 307 x 227 mm., folded to fit size of binding; written space on f. 174r is 185 x 200 mm. 22 long lines, not ruled. Written by one hand in Greek minuscule. Once fold- ed in half crosswise.

Binding: s. xix. Narrow brown calf spine and small corners, blind- and gold- tooled. Marbled paper sides. Possibly bound by the same binder as MS 303.

Written in Byzantium during the latter part of the 17th century. Ownership notes of 18th century of Arsenius of Castoria and of Ioannes Choniates Acominates on f. 166v. The individual parts were perhaps collected and or- ganized by Constantine Raphael Byzantinus, s. xviii, whose notes are scat-

ms 305 93

tered throughout (see also Beinecke MSS 294, 295, 297, etc., and Nichipor, pp. 186-87). Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; bookplate inside front cover and stamp on first flyleaf at back). Acquired from him by Sir Thomas Phillipps from Thorpe (MS 7231; tag on spine and note in pencil on f. ii; see Phillipps Studies, v. 3, p. 102). Purchased from L. G. Wit- ten with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust (MS 34) in 1957.

Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 50.

MS 305 Italy, s. XVmed

Joachim of Fiore, Expositio super Apocalypsim, etc.

1. ff. lr-286r //marie vero non multa sed unum est necessarium. Inde est quod in serie libri sex quidem partes . . . nota erit omnibus sicut et illorum fuit. Amen. Explicit laus deo. Explicit expositio luculentissimj abbatis joachin su- per librum apocalipsis beati johannis apostoli ad laudem domini nostri ihesu christi qui utriusque magister extitit. Finis adest operis. mercedem summe la// [the end of the line is missing] Deo gratias.

Joachim of Fiore, Expositio super Apocalypsim pars I- VI, incomplete at begin- ning and defective throughout; several folios misplaced. For the text see the edition of 1527 (Venice: Franciscus Bindonus and Mapheus Pasinus); Steg- miiller, v. 3, no. 4016.

2. ff. 286v-287v Universis christi fidelibus ad quos littere iste peruenerint frater joachin dictus abbas. Vigilate et orate ut non intretis in temptatio- nem loquens dominus ezechieli prophete . . . donee videant deum deorum in syon uenientem in gloria patris sui. Amen. Explicit.

Joachim of Fiore, Epistola prophetica; Stegmiiller, v. 9, no. 4029, 1. A shorter version of this text was published by J. B. Odier, "Notes sur deux manuscrits de la bibliotheque du Vatican contenant des traites inedits de Joachim de Flore," Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire 54 (1937) pp. 220-23.

Paper (watermarks: similar to Briquet Fruit 7426; unidentified anvil and balance) with parchment leaves interspersed for outer and inner bifolios, ff. 289 (1-287; unnumbered folio between 13-14 and 129-130) + ii ( early parch- ment), 213 x 145 (125 x 109) mm. 2 columns of 33-35 lines. Folios 1-130 have single vertical (and sometimes horizontal) bounding lines full length; ruled in pen. Folios 131-287 frame-ruled in lead. Prickings in lower margin.

I5 [structure uncertain], II-XIV10 (-7, 8, 9), XV10, XVI12, XVII12, (-1 through 4), XVIII12 (-1 through 7), XIX-XXV12, XXVI-XXVIII10, XXIX . Catchwords in middle of lower margin, some accompanied by flour- ishes, verso.

94 ms 306

Written by multiple scribes in various styles of gothic, ranging from well- formed round gothic bookhand to very abbreviated running hands.

Simple decorative initials and rubrics, in red, throughout.

Many leaves at end of volume water-damaged, with loss of text.

Binding: s. xv. Original, wound sewing on four tawed, slit straps laced through tunnels in the edge of beech boards, wedged and nailed. Plain, wound endbands are sewn on tawed skin cores laced into the boards and nailed. They are tied down through pieces of blind-tooled spine lining. The spine is square and lined with calf or sheep. Covered in brown sheepskin with corner tongues and two strap-and-pin fastenings, the pins on the lower board. A circular de- sign is superimposed on original tooling of rope work in concentric frames. Final parchment flyleaf and pastedown (Italy, s. xiv1) are a bifolium contain- ing unidentified sermons [?] on Proverbs 11.22 and Psalm 75.2-3. Written space 180 x 120 mm., with 4 mm. between rulings. Offset impressions inside front cover indicate that similar flyleaf and pastedown were also bound in here.

Written in Italy toward the middle of the 15th century; early provenance unknown. Acquired from S. Harrison Thomson in 1969 with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Endowment Fund.

MS 306 Germany, s. XV2

Nicholas of Amiens, etc.

I. 1 . ff. lr-22r Incipit liber primus de artefidei catholice . . . tercio triginta conti- nens propositiones. Clemens papa. Cuius rei nominis et uite subjecti sen- ciant et tu a domino consequaris ... in infinitum magna puniendi sunt pena et sic propositum patet. etc. Explicit liber editus de artefidei [i erased] catholice a magistro alano compositus etc. Deo gracias. ff. 22v-24v blank

Nicolas of Amiens, De articulis fidei catholicae; PL 210.595-618. For the attribution of this work see M. T. d'Alverny, Alain de Lille ... (Paris, 1965) p. 69. Paragraphs numbered in margin with Arabic numerals.

II. 2. ff. 25r-27v Accepta ex libro Veni mecum in tribulacione quern copilauit frater Iohannes de rubescissa. [text:] Prima intellectio est quod totus mundus debet congregari ad fidem . . . imperator a cesare Augusto computatus. Et sic est finis, [note added in a contemporary hand:] Item anno 1466° incepit regere ludiuicus rex bauarorum in francia. f. 28r, pen trials for text on f. 29r; f. 28v blank

Johannes de Rupescissa, Prophecy; also in London, B. L. Roy. 7 A. IX, f. 4v.

MS 306 95

III. 3. f. 29r-v [Table to art. 4:] In present! tabula invenies que et cuius modi et guot capitula in tractatu sequenti habeantur. 1. Primo premittitur pro- hemium cum quibusdam auctoribus ... [9 sections, followed immedi- ately by 50 sections under the rubric:] Sequitur tabula de ymaginibus .

4. ff. 30r-64v 1. Hie incipitur tractatus bonus. Memoria secunda [sic] deus pater deus eternus generatam [?] sui intellectualis filij sapiencie ... immortalitate terram inpassibilitate aquam leuitate aerem claritate ignem. et sic est finis.

Cf. Thorndike and Kibre, 866; this unidentified Ars memorandi is accompanied by tables and charts including two labelled: Virtute trim- talis; Vicia et peccata in me uel in nobis. On ff. 55v-56r is a section enti- tled Cantus Intellige sic, with musical notation on 5-line staves. Chapters labelled in red Roman numerals in margin correspond to table in art. 3.

5. ff. 65r-68r Nota hec habes pulcherimas de hac materia regulas thulij. Item in [crossed out: con]sequenti tractatulo ponuntur vtiles et bone reg- ule de locis et ymaginibus ad prescriptam artem pertinentibus . . . et ad proferendum eligere ut sic etc. area thulij.

Unidentified text on imagines and idolae.

6. f. 68v Table labelled Computa deorsum iuxta Mud latus per tres partes vnius calumpne [?] secundum ordinem.

7. ff. 68v-70r Nota de rebus inuisibilibus . Si uis substancias inuisibiles inconari pone ymagines quas vidisti alias depictas . . . adhuc [crossed out: plures] plura capitula ponere ad vnum locum uero.

Unidentified text on invisible substances.

8. ff. 70v-71r Table entitled Contemplacio ihesu sub quater [sic] duodecim actibus comprehensa.

9. ff. 71v-72r List of religious antonyms, beginning: homo deus Creatura Creator captiuus Redemptor . . . [long rubric at end:] Nota hanc figuram composuerunt doctores alme vniuersitatis parisiensis ad erudicionem mul- torum et specialum horum qui in hoc ergastulo carnis . . . utpatet in eius declara- done. ff. 72v-75v blank

Paper, ff. i (paper) + 75 + i (paper), 215 x 147 mm. Composed of 3 parts:

Part I: ff. 1-24. Watermarks: unidentified crossed arrows, in gutter. Writ- ten space 152 x 98 mm. Ca. 25 long lines, frame-ruled in lead. Prickings at upper, outer and lower edges. I-II12. Quires signed with arabic numerals (28, 29) along lower edge near gutter, verso. Written by one scribe in large gothic cursive. 2-line initials, paragraph marks and underlining in red. Stains on ff. lr and 24 suggest this part was once a booklet.

96 ms 307

Part II: ff. 25-27. Watermarks: unidentified crossed arrows, in gutter. Writ- ten space 182 x 119 mm. Ga. 35 long lines, frame-ruled. Structure uncertain, quire signature (30) on f. 27v. Gothic cursive script by one person. Stains on ff. 25r and 27v suggest this part was once a booklet.

Part III: ff. 28-75. Watermarks: unidentified balance, in gutter. Written space 173 x 109 mm. Ca. 35 long lines, frame-ruled in pale brown ink. IV-VII12; remains of quire signatures as above (31-33) sometimes accompa- nied by catchwords in red rectangles. Gothic cursive by two hands: Scribe 1: ff. 28r-64r, and Scribe 2: ff. 64v-72r. Headings, strokes on 1-line capitals, underlining and chapter numbers in margin all in red. On f. 30r, a crude 3-line initial in red with brown penwork, including a bear's head [?] above and a man's head at side; on ff. 33v, 44v, 46v a grotesque in profile. Discoloration on ff. 28r and 75v suggests that this part was once a booklet.

Binding: s. xix-xx. Black cloth spine with olive green decorated paper sides.

All three parts probably written in Germany in the second half of the 15th cen- tury; Part II may have been written ca. 1466 (see art. 2). Early provenance unknown. Bound together by the 19th century, if not earlier; all three were part of a larger codex, and the modern pencil foliation of that codex (ff. 313-389) still appears in the upper right corner, recto. Sold by James Tregaskis and Son of London in 1935 (typewritten note and signature for certification of Hugh M. Tregaskis inside back cover). Belonged to Bernard Zufall (bookplate) who presented it to Yale in 1948.

Bibliography: L. Nemoy, "The Ancient Art and Practice of Mnemonics," Gazette 23 (1949) p. 189.

MS 307 Italy [?], s. XVII-XVIII


1. pp. i-ii blank, p. iii [Title page:] Graduate a Dominica Passionis usque ad Dominicam Sanctissime Trinitatis exclusive; p. iv blank; pp. 1-127 Iudica me Deus, et discerne causam meam ... sed nescit unde ueniat aut quo uadat, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, p. 128 ruled for music, but blank

Gradual with masses from Passion Sunday through Sabbato quattuor tempo- rum; musical notation only partially filled in for the mass of the vigil of Pente- cost (p. 111).

2. pp. 129-130 Table of contents to art. 1, with references to contemporary pagination.

3. pp. 131-136 Alphabetical list of incipits to art. 1, arranged according to the nature of the text (introit, gradual, tract, halleluiah, offertory or post- communion), with references to contemporary pagination.

msj}o8 97

Paper (watermarks buried in gutter), ff. ii (paper bifolium, i = front pastedown) + ii (contemporary paper bifolium, paginated i-iv) + 68 (contem- porary pagination in red, 1-127; pagination in pencil, 128-136) + ii (paper bifolium, ii = back pastedown), 232 x 171 (202 x 143) mm. Ruling for 4-line staves in brown ink; no other ruling.


Written in large round cursive script with loops.

Title page in red square capitals surrounded by a frame incorporating red and black dots; headings on pp. 129 and 131 in red capitals and black or red imitating roman font. Clusters of stylised ivy alternating red and black, pp. 129 and 130 (art. 2), 131 and 136 (art. 3). Divisions in art. 2 indicated by red dots enclosed in a red rectangle. Initials in text of 1 line plus 1 staff or less, in red. Headings in red.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Yellow edges. Brown sheepskin spattered on the out- side and streaked on the turn-ins.

Written in the 17th or 18th century, possibly in Italy; early provenance unknown. Ownership note torn away from front pastedown. Given by Philip M. Neufeld in honor Alexander Knoff, in 1960.

MS 308 Byzantium, s. XIII

Gospels (in Greek)

1. f. lr [No title, text begins:] (Bi'pXos Yeveoew? trjaou xPl<rcou, ui°c SoculS. uiou dppaau. ... d[Sid Si iyivvr\<3& xov dad,// [text ends abruptly at bottom off. lr].

Genealogia Christi: Matthew 1.1-7.

2. ff. lv-2v Tov xaxa fia-cdaiov evayyektov xa xe<pdXaia: a Ilepi xwv (idytov. . . . Ipr) Ilepl ty}<; aiTTiaeai^ tou xuptaxou acofxaToq [the list of chapters is followed by notes on Psalm verses].

Capitula Evangelii secundum Matthaeum.

3. ff. 3r-65r to xara [iaxOatov ayiov evayyehov. Bi[&o<; yevdaeco? ir)aou xptaxou uiou BautS, uiou djBpaau. ... uac, ttjs auvreXeCac xou octavo^, d[ir)v. Marginal notes give chapters and readings; one unnumbered folio cut out between ff. 62-63, with loss of text (Mt. 27.31-27.51).

Evangelium secundum Matthaeum; Nestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece26 (Stuttgart, 1979) pp. 1-87.

4. ff. 65r-v [Title:] Tou xaxd u-dpxou euayyeXi'ou, xd xe<pdXata. [text:] a riept tou Satu-ovtCotiivou ... \lt\ Tlept tt)<j aiTT|a£w<j xou atofiaTo; tou xupiou.

Capitula Evangelii secundum Marcum.

98 MS 308

5. ff. 66r-107v to xaxa judQxov ayiov evayyeXiov. Apx^j tou EuayyeXiou fyaou XpiaTou uiou tou Geou- <o<j yiypaKxaLi ev xoXc, Tzpoyr\xa.ic, ... 81a tcov £toxxoXou0ouv- xaiv ari[jL£i(ov, dfJLTjv. [marginal notes in red give chapters and readings].

Evangelium secundum Marcum; Nestle-Aland, op. cit., pp. 88-149.

6. ff. 107v-109r Tov xaxa Xovxdv evayyeXiov xa xecpdkata. a Ilepi xfj; drco- Ypacprjs ... 7C II[£pi]// [bottom off. 109 cut off, with loss of text], f. 109v blank

Capitula Evangelii secundum Lucam.

7. ff. 110r-177r xb xaxa Xovxav dytov evayyeXiov. 'E7C£i8r)7iep rcoXXol E7uxeip7]- aav dvaxd^aaOat Str^civ ••• aivouvT£<; xal euXo-youvTei; tov 0e6v, d|XTJv.

Evangelium secundum Lucam; Nestle-Aland, op. cit., pp. 150-246.

8. f. 177r-v [Title:] Tou xotra UodvvT)v euayyeXiou toc x£<pdXata. [text:] a Ilepi too ev xava ydfxou ... vr\ Ilept tr\c, aiTT|cjeco<; tou xupiaxou awfxaTO*;.

Capitula Evangelii secundum Ioannem.

9. ff. 178r-229r [One unnumbered folio cut out, with loss of beginning of John; text begins abruptly at John 1.12:] //e£oua£ocv TExva Geou -yevEaGai toi<; mareuouaiv tic, to 6vo(j,a aikou . . . ouSe aurdv oijjiat tov xoajxov x<*>pfisai toc -ypa^ofjie- va pijBXia- djxT|v. [marginal notes in red give chapters and readings; below some decoration, the original scribe added the note:] To xaToc ia>dvv7]v Eua-f- ylXtov, el*eB607] (jletoc xpovou? TptaxovTaBuo -n\q tou ypiaxoxj dvaXri4>£co<;.

Evangelium secundum Ioannem; Nestle-Aland, op. cit., pp. 247-319.

10. ff. 229v-257v [Title:] 'ExXo-fd8iov auv 0e<p twv Teaadpcov euaffeXuraov ... xal TeXetouv ev tco [ArivoXoyuo. [text:] Trj dyi'qt xal [a^aXr] xupiaxrj tou 7idaxa ... dXXo tou auxou xeqpdXatov vt).

Tabula Lectionum Liturgicarum.

11. ff. 257v-258v Brief selections from the Epistles, added by a later hand.

Parchment, ff. 258, 205 x 156 (145 x 95) mm. Written in 21-22 long lines, ruled in hard point, double vertical bounding lines full length. Prickings in upper, lower and outer margins.

I2, II-VIII8, IX8 (-5, after f. 62), X-XI8, XII10 (-3 following f. 83 and 9 following f. 88), XIII-XIV8, XV4 (lower part of 4 cut off), XVI-XIX8, XX7 [structure uncertain], XXI-XXIII8, XXIV8 (-6 following f. 177), XXV-XXVII8, XXVIII10 (-3 following f. 205 and 8 following f. 210), XXIX-XXX8, XXXI8 (-3 following f. 237 and 9 following f. 242), XXXII10, XXXIII8, XXXIV8 (-7 following f. 257). Quires signed on recto by a later hand, continuous through codex.

Written by a single scribe in a rather variable minuscule which has faded unevenly. Some sections have been retraced by a later hand. Added texts on ff. 2v, 257v-258v are in another later hand.

ms 309 99

Elaborate headpieces, 4- to 2-line initials with stylized florals, plain 1-line initials and headings, all in red, covered with gold on ff. 4r-29v.

Binding: s. xvi-xvii. Sewn on four vegetable fiber cords or with four chains laced into horizontal grooves on the outside of wooden boards which have deep edge grooves forking at the corners. According to B. van Regemorter, "La reliure byzantine," Revue Beige d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de VArt 36 (1967) p. 1 10, forked grooves are frequently found on Cyrillic bindings, but seldom on Greek ones. She suggests a Macedonian origin for Greek manuscripts with this charac- teristic; she also states that Cyrillic manuscripts were sewn on cords {pp. cit. , p. 124). The cords or chains are visible on the round spine which is lined with cloth which extends over about half of the outside of the boards. The head- bands are Western. Covered in dark red goatskin, now brown, with corner tongues. Remains of two leather fastenings, probably braids, laced through two pairs of holes in the lower board, holes for the pins in the edge of the up- per one. Triple blind-tooled fillets form an intersecting pattern more or less the same on both boards and the spine.

Written in Byzantium in the 13th century; early provenance unknown. Pur- chased in 1957 from Lathrop C. Harper, Inc., by Thomas E. Marston (book- plate) who gave it to Yale in 1960.

MS 309 Germany, s. XVII-XVIII

Alchemical Texts (in Lat. and Ger.)

1 . f. lr blank; f. lv Brief definition of alchemy, beginning: Quid sit Alchimia ... [text:] Hermes et alij Philosophi sic Alchimiam defmiunt: Ait enim in libro de substantiarum mutatione ... in genus melioris convertens.

2. ff. 2r-10v Iohannes Andreae in additionibus super Rubrica de Falsarijs. Scias quod Ars Alchimiae est donum Spiritus Sancti. Et scias . . . ne nimio et inconteni- ente calore materia disgregetur et comburator.

Definition of alchemy; Johannes Andreae is quoted, but he is not the author (Thorndike and Kibre, 1388). Other authors quoted include Arnold of Vil- lanova, Thomas Aquinas, Raymond Lull, Geber, anonymously Lilium de spinis, Morienus Rimanus, and Rasis.

3. ff. llr-12r Incertus Autor de Materia Lapidis Philosopici. Materia Principalis omnium Metallorum in suis Mineris, de qua ipsa generantur et causantur ... fluentem, tingentem, et in igne perseverantem. f. 12v blank; f. 13r, draw- ing (see physical description).

Albertus Magnus [?], Compendium de ortu et metallorum materia; Thorndike and Kibre, 851.

4. ff. 13v-37r Excerpts from Johannes Andreae, interspersed with 11 unla- beled drawings (see physical description below) and blank folios (ff. 19r,

100 MS 309

26v, 28r, 30r-v, 32v-33r, 37v-38v). On f. 14r-v, in a different hand of s. xviii, a brief alchemical recipe.

5. f. 39r-v De Virtutibus Lapidis Philosophorum. Lapis Philosophicus sic praeparatus habet virtutem efficacem omnem sanandi infirmitatem ... praeservat in conservatione sanitatis.

6. f. 40r-v Lamina Cristallina, quae est Elixir album, si detur, quantum gra- num Sinapis febricitanti ... fias juvenis et fortis.

7. ff. 41r-44r Description in German of the Philosopher's Stone, in a later hand, beginning: Wir erster [?] lapis philosophorum.... f. 44v blank. On recto of ff. 45-48, drawings; versos blank

8. f. 49r-v Five alchemical recipes, f. 50r-v blank

9. ff. 51r-71v Aurora Tfoophrasti Paracelsi. Von anfanng vnd herkommen der freyen kiinste, vnd von erfindung des Philosophischenn Stainns. Das erste Capitel. [text:] Adam ist der erste Erfinder aller kiinste: dann Er ... aufilassung einiges Puncts hierinn gnugsam begrifFen. Laus Deo. ff. 72r-74r, recipes, in same hand as art. 7, relating to silver processes, f. 74v blank

10. ff 75r-93v Anno M. D. XXVII. Difi Jahr hab Ich Theophrastus von ho- henhaim, aufi viel erlittener muhn arbeit vnd nach wandernn, diese tinctur . . . Also hatt diese Practick ein End, Gott vnfi seine gnade send, Amen. 1 543 .

Paracelsus (Theophrastus von Hohenheim, 1493-1541), Liber archidoxis , ex- cerpts, with some of the paragraphs dated 1527, 1537, 1538, 1543.

11. ff. 94r-97v Recipes relating to silver, gold and copper alloys.

12. ff. 98r-102v Colloquium Spiritus Mercury et Monachi Faboc . [text:] Spiritus. Was ist die ursach, dafi du mich mit so viel abgottischen worttenn vnd Con- jurationen ... die Multiplication zeigen werde. Gott der Allmechtige helffe sei mir mit gnaden, Amen.

13. ff. 103r-107r Symbolum Bernhardi. [text:] Ich glaub in Gott: wir sollen al- ien vnsern trost, hoffnung ... vnfi Gott der Vater vnd Gott der Sohn, vnd Gott der heylige Geist. Amen.

14. ff. 107v-115r Die wortt des Engelfi Zu der Jungfrawen Maria nach dem Befehl Gottes gethann. Luc: j cap. [text:] Der heylige Geist wird uber dich kommen, vnd die Grafft ... wird: dafi gebe Gott bald. Amen.

15. ff. 1 15v-125v Ein herlicher Tractat von dem .FMosophischen Stainn der weysen, welcher anno 1585, den 14 August, zu Tanntzigt im schwartzen Monch Closter Prediger Ordens ... Diesem tractat hatt gemacht und hinter Ihme verlassen Vicentius Haoffsti burtig von Posnun, vnd ein bruder desselben Ordens Im Jahr 1488. [text:] Im Nahmen der allerheyligstenn, vnzertrenn- lichen Dreyfaltigkeitt, einigenn vnd Traigenn [?] Gottheit ... Spittaler, Kir-

MS 309 101

chen vnd Schulenn: dar zu helffe mix vnd vnfi alien, Gott der Vatter, Gott der Sohn, vnd Gott der heylige Geist. Amen

Vincentius Haoffsti of Posen, Tractat von dem Philosophischen Stainn.

16. ff 125v-130r Ein ander Tractattlein. Gott allain die Ehre. Im anfang der Trinitet und erschaffung, oder der ersten schopffung aller Naturlichen dingenn vnd Creaturen hatt Gott dafi Wortt ... wil mir nicht geburtenn.

17. ff. 130v-133v Various recipes, in 3 diffferent cursive hands.

18. ff. 134r-172r Guido Magnus de Monte. Pars prima. Menstruum Vegetable minus, vel magnum, Vel Circulatum minus, vel quinta Essentia Vini. [text begins:] Recipe einen guttenn starckenn rotenn weinn, welcher besser ist dann der weisse, 24 maafi... nicht muglich zu zehlen die projectionn. Finis Tertiae Partis Guidonis Magni de Monte, ff. 172v-174v blank

Guido de Montanor, unidentified treatise, including a recipe for making red wine.

19. f. 175r Tabula Hermetis trismegesti, with chart in color, f. 175v blank

20. ff. 176r-183r Difi gerneel anzusehen schlecht und ring/ Helt Innsich grofi, Vnnd wichtige ding/ . . . Erlangest du das, so lafi dir fein./Die Armen stehts beuol- chen sein. f. 183v blank

Unidentified poem, in German, on alchemy.

21. ff- 184r-234r Paradeifi Toff el. sonst Gloria Mundi inscribirtt. Aufi dem Er- sten teil, vom vnterricht der kunst. [text:] Ich thue zuwissen alien Lieb- habernn dieser kunst dafi die Philosophi ... Ich bin geheissen Hermes Trismegistus, fahrend drey theil der gantzenn weltt.

22. ff. 234v-236r Twelve recipes, including one for changing antinomy to mercury, and one entitled Sumum [sic] secretum. f. 236v blank

Paper (watermarks hidden in gutter), ff. xii (paper) + 236 + xviiii (paper), 190 x 148 (159 x 116) mm. 18-31 long lines. Frame-ruled in ink, or not ruled.

Bound too tightiy for accurate collation. Catchwords for each folio, recto and verso, often used.

Written by 10 or more hands, all of the 17th and 18th centuries; most are cursive, but the one on ff. 176r-183r is gothic textura. Drawings in watercolor, of mediocre quality, including various symbolic depictions of alchemical process- es taking place within flasks: ff. 13r, 15r, 18r, 20r, 22r, 24r, 25r, 27r, 29r, 31r, 34r, 45r, 46r, 47r and 48r. A similar set of drawings can be found in Yale University, Beinecke Library, Mellon MS 57 (see L. C. Witten, et al., Alche- my and the Occult: A Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts from the Collection of Paul and Mary Mellon given to Yale University Library [New Haven, 1977] v. 3, pp. 363-67). Table of Hermes Trismegistus, f. 175r. Diagrams scattered throughout.

102 MS 3IO

Binding: s. xviii [?]. Brown calf blind-tooled, edges gilt. Arms (unidenti- fied) stamped on binding: on front, quarterly 1 and 4, barry of 6, 2 and 3, a lion rampant; in escutcheon, a bar fess impaled with barry of 6; the whole held by a two-headed eagle, displayed, below a crown. Back cover: barry of 8 impaled with a patriarchal cross on a hillock.

Written probably in Southern Germany, during the 17th century, with many later additions from the 18th century. Belonged to Dionysius Schmelzel of Adls- berg (bookplate). Collection of Johan Nepomuk Matz von Spiegelfeld (fl. mid- 18th century); note inside front cover, below Schmelzel's plate: "Nunc ex libris loan. Nep. Matz Baronis a Spiegelfeld." Purchased from C.A. Stonehill in 1963 with the Albert de Silver Fund.

MS 310 Flanders, s. XV2

Hours, use of Sarum PI, 20

1. ff. lr-6v Calendar, about half full, with important feasts in red; among the usual feasts for English saints are David (1 March), Chad (2 March), "Resurrectio domini nostri ihesu christi" (27 March), Richard of Chichester (3 April), John of Beverly (7 May), "Sancti augustini primi angelorum [sic]" (26 May), Translation of Richard of Chichester (16 June), "Sancti suuichini [sic] episcopi" (15 July). "Sancti" at the feast of Thomas of Canterbury (24 Dec.) is erased, although the octave (5 Jan.) and his translation (7 July) remain untouched. Also erased is the first p of pape for Gregory (12 March), Stephen (2 Aug.) and Clement (23 Nov.). Each month headed by verses: Prima dies mensis Et septima truncat ut ensis ... [Warmer, Initia 14563].

2. f. 7r blank; ff. 7v-13v Oratio deuota ad dominum nostrum ihesum 'christum. O Domine ihesu christe eterna dulcedo te amancium ... [HE 76-80].

3. f. 14r blank; ff. 14v-36v Memoria de sancta trinitate. Domine deus omnipotens pater et filius et spiritus sanctus da michi famulo tuo N. victoriam ... [fol- lowed by cues of Pss. 53, 66, 129 and the prayer:] Libera me domine ihesu christe fili dei viui qui in cruce suspensus fuisti ... [Lyell Cat., p. 373, n. 88]; Suffrages to John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, George, Christopher, Thomas of Canterbury, Anna, Mary Magdalen, Catharine, Barbara, and Margaret, f. 16v ruled, but blank; ff. 17r, 19r, 21r, 23r, 25r, 27r, 29r, 31r, 33r, 35r, and 37r blank

4. ff. 37v-75v Hours of the Virgin "secundum usum Sarum," with suffrages at Lauds for the Holy Spirit, Trinity, Cross, Michael the Archangel, John the Baptist, Peter and Paul, Andrew, Stephen, Lawrence, Thomas of Canter- bury (name erased in 4 cases out of 5), Nicolas, Mary Magdalen, Catharine, Margaret, All Saints and Peace. Short Hours of the Cross worked in; in-

MS 310 IO3

complete for Prime, at the end off. 59v, either because the scribe did not want to add another single leaf to the quire, or because said single leaf has since been lost. ff. 56r, 60r, 63r, 66r, 69r, 72r blank

5. ff. 76r-78v [Prayers to the Virgin:] Salue regina ... [with the set of 7 ver- sicles beginning:] Virgo mater ecclesie ... [and the prayer:] Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui gloriose virginis et matris marie corpus et animam . . . [HE 62-63]; f. 77r Septem gaudia de [sic] Beate marie virginis. Gaude flore vir- ginali que honore speciali ... [with the prayer:] Dulcissime domine ihesu christe qui beatissimam genitricem tuam ... [HE 64-66]; f. 78r Quinque gaudia de [sic] beate marie virginis. Gaude virgo mater christi que per aurem con- cepisti . . . [with the prayer:] Deus qui beatissimam virginem mariam in con- ceptu et partu ... [HE 63-64].

6. ff. 79r-95v Has videas laudes qui sacra virgine gaudes . . . Salue. Salue virgo vir- ginum stella matutina ... [a farsing of the Salve Regina, printed in Bonaven- ture, Opera (Vatican, 1668) 6. 466-67], with the prayer Deus qui de beate marie virginis utero ... [Sinclair, pp. 26, 27, 28, and passim]; f. 83r O intemerata ... [Wilmart 488-90]; f. 84v Obsecro te ... [Leroquais, LH 2. 346-47, masculine forms]; f. 86v Quicumque hec septem gaudia ... [with indul- gence of Pope Clement for 100 days] Uirgo templum trinitatis deus lumine bonitatis ... [RH 21899] [with the prayer:] Te deprecor sanctissima maria mater dei ... ; f . 89r Ad ymaginem domini nostri ihesu christi. Omnibus con- sideratis paradysus uoluptatis es ihesu pijssime ... [with the prayer:] Om- nipotens sempiterne deus qui unigenitum filium tuum dominum nostrum ihesum christum crucem coronam spineam ... [Wilmart p. 584 and p. 527, n.]; f. 92r Incipit oratio uenerabilis bede presbitri [sic] ... Domine ihesu christe qui septem uerba ... [Leroquais LH 2. 342; with the prayer:] Precor te pijssime domine ihesu christe propter eximiam caritatem ... [Leroquais LH 1 . 269]; f. 94r Saluationes ad sacrosanctum sacramentum. Aue domine ihesu christe uerbum patris filius virginis agnus dei ... [Wilmart 412-13]; f. 94v Oratio. Aue principium nostre creationis. Aue precium nostre redemptionis ... [RH 2059]; f. 95r Ad sacrosanctum sacramentum. Oratio. Aue uerum corpus natum de maria virgine. Vere passum ... [Wilmart 373-76]; f. 95r Oratio. Aue caro christi cara immolata crucis ara ... [Wilmart 379, n.]; f. 95r Oratio. Anima christi sanctifica me. Corpus christi salua me ... [Leroquais, LH 2. 340]; f. 95v Cuilibet dicenti hanc orationem . . . [with indulgence of Pope Boniface VI for 2000 years, granted at the request of King Phillip of France:] Domine ihesu christe qui hanc sacratissimam carnem tuam . . . nunc et in euum. Per christum dominum nostrum. Amen [HE 72].

Prayers to the Virgin, Christ, and on the Sacrament.

7. ff. 96r-110v Penitential Psalms, Gradual Psalms (first 12 by cue only) and Litany; among the 12 confessors, Albinus (9), Swithin (11) and Birin (12);

104 ms 310

among the 16 virgins, Edith (13) and Afra (14). According to N. R. Ker (note in library files) the spellings suuichine and urine for Swithin and Birin suggest that this manuscript was copied from a continental exemplar.

8. f. lllr blank; ff. lllv-132v Office of the Dead, use of Sarum.

9. f. 133r blank; ff. 133v-145v Commendation of souls: Pss. 118, divided into sections, and 138, and the prayers Tibi domine commendamus ... ; Misericordiam tuam domine sancte pater....

10. f. 146r blank; ff. 146v-151v Psalms of the Passion (Pss. 21-30. 6, with Pss. 22-24, 26 and 29 by cue only).

11. ff. 151v-162v Beatus uero iheronimus in hoc modo disposuit psalterium ... Ora- tio. Suscipere digneris domine deus omnipotens istos psalmos ... [mascu- line forms]. Incipit psalterium beati iheronimi. Verba mea auribus percipe ... Educ de carcere animam meam confiten// f. 153r blank

Psalter of St. Jerome, ending defectively; HE 116-22.

Parchment, ff. i (parchment) + 162 + i (parchment), 225 x 157 (135 x 86) mm. Calendar written in 34 long lines, text in 20. Ruled in red ink, single vertical and horizontal bounding lines full length and full across.

I6, II8 ( + 2 leaves tipped in, ff. 7 and 14), III4 ( + 4 leaves, ff. 17, 19, 21, 23), IV4 ( + 4 leaves, ff. 25, 27, 29, 31), V4 ( + 3 leaves, ff. 33, 35, 37), VI8 (+1 leaf after f. 43, now excised), VII8 (+ 1 leaf, f. 56), VIII8 ( + 4 leaves, ff. 60, 63, 66, 69), IX8 ( + 1 leaf, f. 72), X-XI8, XII8 ( + 1 leaf after f. 95, now excised), XIII8 ( + 1 leaf, f. Ill), XIV-XV8, XVI8 (+ 1 leaf, f. 133), XVII8, XVIII8 ( + 2 leaves, ff. 146, 153), XIX6 ( + 1 leaf, f. 155; with at least one fo- lio missing at end).

Written in liturgical gothic bookhand.

One of a number of Books of Hours almost certainly made in Flanders for the English market. The group includes Oxford, Bodl. Lib. Auct. C. infra 2. 13 (Pacht and Alexander, vol. 1, no. 221); the De Grey Hours, Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, MS 15537C (Sotheby's, 23 March 1920, lot 42, probably the same artist as Beinecke MS 310); Chicago, Newberry Library, MS 35 {French and Flemish Illuminated Manuscripts from Chicago Collections, exh. cat., 1969, no. 5); Parma, Bibl. Palat. 1652 (A. Ciavarelli, Codici miniati della Biblioteca Palatina di Parma [Milan, 1964] p. 41, figs. XII-XV, pi. 25-27); Hours of Catherine oj Aragon, The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, MS 76. F. 7; Lon- don, B. L. MS Harley 3000; Los Angeles County Museum, no number; and an Hours sold at Sotheby's, 8 Dec, 1981, lot 1 15, with miniatures by the same artist as the Beinecke Hours. (We thank K. L. Scott for her help in compiling this list.) Cf. also E. College, "South Netherlands Books of Hours Made for England," Scriptorium 32 (1978) pp. 55-57.

Twenty-three fine miniatures (originally twenty-five) tipped in, in red, blue and gold frames, with gold quatrefoils in the corners; each with a 3/4 bar border, red and blue, with a full border of English-style acanthus, red, blue, pink and

ms 310 J£5

gold against cusped gold grounds, especially at corners and centers, surrounded by green, red, blue and pink flowers and berries, and ivy in black pen with gold and blue leaves, some with birds, in red bounding lines. Subjects as fol- low: f. 7v Salvator Mundi (Fifteen Joys of the Virgin); f. 14v Gnadenstuhl Trinity (Suffrages); f. 17v St. John the Baptist; f. 19v St. John the Evangelist; f. 21v St. George; f. 23v St. Christopher; f. 25v Martyrdom of St. Thomas of Canterbury; f. 27v St. Anna, Virgin and Christ Child, with Angel; f. 29v St. Mary Magdalen; f. 31v St. Catharine; f. 33v St. Barbara; f. 35v St. Margaret; f. 37v Agony in the Garden (Matins, Hours of the Virgin); before f. 44 miniature [Arrest of Christ?] missing (Lauds); f. 56v Christ before Caiaphas (Prime); f. 60v Flagellation (Terce); f. 63v Christ bearing cross (Sext); f. 66v Crucifixion (None); f. 69v Deposition (Vespers); f. 72v Entombment (Compline); before f. 96 miniature [of David?] missing (Penitential Psalms); f. 1 1 Iv Raising of Lazarus (Office of the Dead); f. 133v Angels transport souls to Heaven (Commendatio animarum); f. 146v Gregorian Man of Sorrows (Psalms of Passion); f. 153v St. Jerome (Psalter of St. Jerome).

Twenty-three historiated initials, 6-line, pink and blue with white highlights on gold grounds with black cusping: f. 50r Holy Spirit as a Dove (Suffrages); f. 51r St. Michael; f. 51v Sts. Peter and Paul; f. 52r St. Andrew; f. 52r St. Stephen; f. 52v St. Lawrence; f. 53r St. Nicolas; f. 54v All Saints; f. 54v Man kneeling in prayer at altar, with angel; f. 79r Virgin as Apocalyptic Woman, holding Christ Child with rosary, flanked by angels (Prayers to Virgin); f. 83r Pieta; f. 86v Presentation of Virgin (Seven Joys); f. 89r Adam and Eve (Prayers to the Wounds of Christ); f. 89v Three empty crosses on Golgatha; f. 89v Sal- vator Mundi, with Crown of Thorns; f. 90r Right hand of crucified Christ; f. 90r Left hand; f. 90v Five wounds; f. 90v Left foot; f. 91r Right foot; f. 91r Mary; f. 91v St. John the Evangelist; f. 92v Christ and the thieves cruci- fied (Seven Last Words).

6-line initials, pink and blue, with white highlights, filled with acanthus on gold, against pink and blue grounds, framed in gold and edged with black cusp- ing. 3-line initials, gold, edged in black, on pink and blue grounds with white filigree. 1-line initials and line endings in the same manner. Calendar with 3-line KL monograms, as above, with hair-spray extensions and bar border, outer margin, and with hair-spray terminals. Kalends, Ides in blue and gold; important feasts in red.

Shows signs of use (water stains, rubbing), but no serious damage to text or illumination.

Binding: s. xvi-xvii [?]. Wound sewing on five large, tawed-skin supports, the backs of the gatherings cut in about 3 mm. on either side of the supports and at the kettle stitches. Dull gilt edges and traces of blue endband tie-downs. Covered in gold, striped velvet with two ribbon ties.

Written in the second half of the 15th century in Flanders; according to N. R. Ker the contents are very similar to Dulwich College, MS 25 (MMBL v.

106 ms 311

1, pp. 46-48), and both manuscripts were almost certainly produced on the Continent for the English market (see also art. 7). In England during the 16th century, when some references to Thomas of Canterbury were erased or al- tered (arts. 1 , 4), and the word pape in the Calendar was changed to ape. Book- plate of Edward Hailstone (1818-90; DNB, v. 8, p. 886); no. 1389 in his sale (Sotheby's, 27 April 1891). Given to Yale by Catherine Tinker Patterson in 1963.

MS 311 Italy, s. XVex

Isidore; Ambrosius Autpertus, etc.

I. 1. ff. lr-42r [I]n subsequente hoc libro qui nuncupatur sinonima id est multa uerba in unam significationem coeuntia. Sancte recordatio- nis ysidorus archiepiscopus ex yspania introducit personam hominis lamentantis ... Tu michi supra uitam meam places. Explicit liber Sinonime sancti ysidori Archiepiscopi.

Isidore of Seville, Synonyma; PL 83.825-68.

2. ff. 42r-61v [AJpostolica uox clamat per orbem atque in precintu [sic] fidei positis ne securitate torpeant dicit . . . attende que dico et mihi adhuc magis stupenda narranti fidem prebeto.

Ambrosius Autpertus, De conflictu vitiorum et virtutum; Bloomfield, Vir- tues and vices , no. 0455 (Beinecke MS 311 not listed). R. Weber, ed., CC Cont. med. 27B (1975) pp. 907-31.

3. ff. 61v-79r [DJilecto christi amicis siue degentibus. H. qualiscum- que uestre sanctitatis seruus. In una pace ambulare et ad requiem unam peruenire . . . nomine suo uocauit te ut memoriale eius semper esset apud te.

Hugh of St. Victor, Soliloquium de arm animae; PL 176.951-63, end- ing defectively. R. Goy, Die Uberlieferung der Werke Hugos von St. Vik- tor (Stuttgart, 1976) pp. 277-329; Beinecke MS 311 not listed.

4. ff. 79v-89r [Djesiderium caritatis uestre a nobis exigi[t] debitum sermonis ofncium. Sed tanta sunt que terreant et reuocent animum nostrum ut si uellimus prohibere desiderio vestro . . . ut cadem ipsa caritas fructum in uos inueniat operis non folia laudis. Explicit liber Augustini de iiijor uirtutibus. f. 83 bis ruled, but blank

Pseudo- Augustine, De quatuor virtutibus caritatis; PL 39.1952-57 and 47.1127-34.

5. ff. 89r-l 15 v [U]t ego peccator et ultimus inscipientior cetteris im- peritior uniuersis te ut sanctitatis uiam pergas ... Nam hijs qui hoc

MS 31I IO7

seculum dilligunt et qui in presenti tempore gloriantur et compla- cent audi quid dicitur nescitis quia amicitia huius mundi inimica est dei et//

Pelagius [?], De vita Christiana, ending abruptly in ch. 14; PL 50. 383-400. For the controversy concerning the attribution of this work see: R. F. Evans, "Pelagius, Fastidius and the Pseudo-Augustinian De vita Christiana" Journal of Theological Studies N. S. 13 (1962) pp. 72-98; G. Cannone, "Sull'attribuzione del De vita Christiana a Pela- gio," Vetera Christianorum 9 (1972) pp. 219-31.

II. 6. ff. 1 16r-127r Linjrascritta opera he [sic] cauata dal libro de le conformitate di sancto francisco videlicet yhesus hosti exponitur. Franciscus mollestatur. Ex- po sitio prime partis videlicet yhesus hosti exponitur. Quia in huius fructus septimi et conformitatis prima partem [sic] agitur de temptatione domini yhesu christi facta per hostem diabolum . . . quia de hijs et doctores et scriptura patet tertium quod erat declarandum pro huius fructus septimi et conformitatis prima parte videlicet yhesus hosti exponitur scilicet eius temptationi. [in a different hand?] Et conse- quenter predicta prima pars est breuiter declarata. ff. 127v-131v ruled, but blank

Bartolomeo da Pisa, De conformitate vitae beati Francisci ad vitam domini Iesu, Fructus VII, prima pars; printed in Analecta Franciscana 4 (1906) pp. 149-56.

III. 7. ff. 132r-133r [QJuisquis ades medijque subis iam limina templi/ Siste parum insontemque tuo pro crine passum/ Respice me, me con- de animo ... Sanctorum assotians [sic] eterne pacis amena/ Perpe- tuo felix mecum regnabit in aula./ Explicit, f. 133v ruled, but blank

Pseudo-Cyrianus (also attributed to Lactantius), Carmen de passione Domini; PL 7.283-86.

8. f. 134r-v [At top of folio, in original hand: iesus] [Vjirgo decus nostrum cuius se credidit aluo/ Diuum ille aeternus rex hominum- que pater/ Cuius ab humano sanctissimus ille deorum/ ... Salue quas dedimus uirgo tibi uota precesque/ Virgo intercessor nostra fer ante iesum./ Mafei Vegij Laudensis poetae laudatissimi Ad Virginem Salutatio Explicit.

Poem, Ad virginem salutatio, in 52 verses, here attributed to Mapheius Vegius (1407-58); listed in Walther, Initio 20491, without attribution.

9. ff. 135r-136v [M]ors fera cuncta rapit. non est lex certior ulla./ .1. nunc longa trahas ocia. cuncta rapit./ qui sacer et toti preeram qui maximus orbi./ Antistes iaceo. mors fera cuncta rapit/ ... Quid victus cultusque nites nunc [?] omnibus esca/ Pene fero unde tegar.

108 ms 311

mors fera cuncta rapit. [and then repeats first two lines of poem again] Finis, f. 137r-v ruled, but blank

Poem in 128 verses (7 16-line stanzas, each followed by the refrain "mors fera cuncta rapit") on the inevitability of death, with verses for various conditions and positions in life, including (as noted in margin by a nearly contemporary hand) pope, cardinal, king, poet, lawyer, farmer, wise man, old man, rich man.

Paper (watermarks: unidentified arms with a cross, others buried in gutter and cropped), ff. ii (paper bifolio) + 137 (contemporary foliation 1-115; un- numbered leaf between 83-84) divided into 3 distinct sections as follow:

Part I: ff. 1-115 (see above), written in 19 long lines; single vertical bound- ing lines in lead, full length. Guide-lines for text in brown ink, very faint or quite heavy. I-X8, XI6, XII-XIV8, XV6 (or 8, lacking 1 and 8 after ff. 109 and 114?). Catchwords for quires I-V centered in lower margin. Written in round gothic script with humanistic features (cf. Thomson, Latin Bookhands, no. 79), by one scribe using nibs of different widths. Spaces left for 2-line ini- tials. Severe water staining in lower margins of ff . 1-17; loss of text in some lower lines.

Part II: ff. 1 16-131 , written in 24 long lines. Vertical bounding lines in lead, full length; guide-lines for text in pale brown ink. I— II8 ( = XVI-XVII); catch- words centered in lower margin, verso. Written by one hand in round gothic with humanistic features. Plain 5-line initial in red, f. 1 15r. Rubrics and strokes on capitals within text, in red.

Part III: ff. 132-137, written in 32 lines of verse. Vertical bounding lines in hard point; rulings for text in ink. I6 ( = XVIII). Written by one hand in italic script. Spaces left for 2-line initials, with guide-letters for rubricator.

Binding: s. xv. Original, wound sewing on two tawed skin, slit straps laced through a tunnel in the edge into channels on the outside of a flush beech board and pegged twice. Endband cores of tawed skin rest on the spine, with a piece of unadhered tawed skin, under the tiedowns. The cores are pegged twice. Spine square. About one third of lower board is covered with tawed skin, originally green [?], nailed along the edge. Trace of a rectangular fastening on the lower board. Upper board wanting, lower board detached.

Written in Italy at the end of the 15th century; early modern provenance unknown. Purchased from Rauschburg's of New York in 1936 by S. Harrison Thomson (MS 18; pencil note on f. i recto). Acquired from Thomson in 1967 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: in hoc seculo

MS 312 IO9

MS 312 France, s. XVmed

Pseudo- Augustine, Soliloquia; etc.

1. ff. lr-172v Incipiunt Soliloquia beati Augustini episcopi. Cognoscam te domine cognitor meus cognoscam te uirtus anime mee. Ostende te michi consola- tor ... Qui es deus benedictus In secula sempiterna. Amen. Expliciunt solilo- quia beati Augustini episcopi.

Pseudo-Augustine, Liber soliloquiorum animae ad deum; PL 40.863-97.

2. ff. 172v-207r Sequitur sermo deuotus de passione domini nostri Ihesu christi. Christus passus est pro nobis uobis relinquens exemplum ut sequamini ues- tigia eius. prima petri secundo. Si paulus doctor gentium presens esset et hodie ... ad exemplar applicans uniuersos ex eis et conuincet egyptios et liberabit hebreos. Explicit sermo de passione domini nostri Ihesu Christi.

3. ff. 207r-230r Sequitur de hiis que passus est pro nobis isdem dominus noster Ihesus christi. Augustinus. Attende et intellige anima mea tempus beatissime passio- nis domini nostri Ihesu christi. Passus est Ihesus meus et amor meus dulce- do mea spes mea ... amare et hiis qui officiunt benefacere hec crisistomus.

Selections on the Passion of Christ, from Augustine and John Chrysostom.

4. ff. 230v-232v Quare appetenda est humilitas. Appetenda est humilitas. Primo quia ordinat hominem . . . humilitas autem gratiam haurit sicut uas uacu- um et inclinatum. Hec bernardus. [f. 233r blank; colophon at bottom of f. 233v:] Iste libellus est monasterii sancte trinitatis prope medontam ordi- nis celestinorum de manu fratris thome bertault scriptus. sic signatus 168.

Short discussion on humility, the final portion apparently from Bernard.

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 233 + ii (paper), 118 x 73 (66 x 45) mm. Writ- ten in 14 long lines. Single (double upper horizontal) bounding lines, full length and full across; ruled in pale red ink.

I-XXIX8 [+ 1 leaf added at end]. Remains of leaf signatures; catchwords, with decorative flourishes, in center of lower margin.

Written in neat batarde by a single scribe (see below).

Plain red and blue initial, 5-line, on f. lr. Simple blue initials, 3- and 2-line, on ff. 172v and 207r. Headings, paragraph marks in red.

Binding: s. xix. Gilt edges. Brown calf case blind- and gold-tooled, with white, watered-paper endleaves and pastedowns. Spine nearly detached.

Written in France in the middle of the 15th century by Thomas Bertault {Colo- phons, v. 5, no. 17859, from this manuscript but listed incorrectly as Bitault) and was no. 168 in the 15th-century library of the Celestines of Mantes (see art. 4 above) where it probably remained until the French Revolution. Be- longed to comte Georges de Nedonchel (1813-1901); his sale (Gand, 3 March 1903, no. 179) to the classicist Franz Cumont, of Brussels, who presented it

110 MS 313

to Prof. G. Lincoln Hendrickson of Yale University (inscription on front flyleaf: "Amico carissimo Georgio Hendrickson grato animo D. D. D. Franciscus Cumont Kal. Mart. MCMXXF). Given to Yale by Hendrickson in 1962.

secundo folio: vita beata

Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 1, p. 175 (while in Hendrickson's collection).

MS 313 Italy, 1465

Cicero; Plutarch, etc. PI. 35

1 . ff. lr-26r Quintus Mutius Augur Sceuola multa narrare . . . nihil amicitia praestabilius esse putetis. [in a different hand:] Vale. Finis De amicitia. f. 26v blank

Cicero, De amicitia; K. Simbeck, ed., Teubner fasc. 47 (1917) pp. 46c-86c.

2. ff. 27r-38v Animaduerti Brute saepe Catonem auunculum tuum ... sed etiam inopes et pauperes cx[added above: is]timandi sunt. Vale. f. 39r blank

Cicero, Paradoxa stoicorum; C. F. W. Miiller, ed., Teubner (1898) pp. 197-213.

3. ff. 39v-63v O tite si quid ego adiuto ... re experti probare possitis. Ex- plicit liber Marci Tullij Ciceronis de senectute. f. 64r blank

Cicero, De senectute; K. Simbeck, ed., Teubner fasc. 47 (1917) pp. 3c-43c.

4. ff. 64v-70v Cum in Africam venissem . . . ego somno solutus sum. Explicit opus M.T.C. de somnio scipionis. Finis.

Cicero, Somnium Scipionis; K. Ziegler, ed., De re publica, Teubner fasc. 39 (1955) pp. 126-36.

5. ff. 71r-101r Studeo mi pater latine ex te audire ... nullum maius expecto. finis, [in a different hand:] De partitionibus liber explicit [crossed out: 1511] 24 nouembris 1465. f. 10 lv blank

Cicero, Partitiones oratoriae; A. S. Wilkins, ed., Rhetorica, v. 2, OCT (1903).

6. ff. 102r-104v Ad diuos aduento caste ... nouandum in legibus. finis, f. 105r blank

Cicero, excerpts from De legibus; II. 8. 19 - 10. 23 and III. 2. 5 - 5. 12; C. F. W. Miiller, ed., Teubner (1905) pt. 4, v. 2, pp. 411-14, 433-37. Not listed in P. L. Schmidt, Die Uberliejerung von Ciceros Schrift aDe Legibus'' in Mit- telalter und Renaissance, Studia et Testimonia Antiqua 10 (Munich, 1974).

7. ff. 105v-106v [M]aiores nostros Angele mi suauissime non admirari ... Plutarchum ipsum audiamus.

MS 313 I"

Dedicatory epistle of Guarino da Verona to Angelo Corbinelli; printed by Christopher Valdarfer (Venice, ca. 1471) f. lr-v, Copinger 5984 (II); R. Sabbadini, ed., Epistolario di Guarino Veronese (Venice, 1915) v. 1, pp. 15-16.

8. ff. 106v-128r [QJuid nam est quod de ingenuorum educatione liberorum dicere quispiam posset ... At humano effici posse constat ingenio. finis. Deo gratias amen amen. Finis, f. 128v blank

Plutarch, De Uteris educandis, Latin translation by Guarino da Verona; see Valdarfer ed. cited above, ff. lv-15r.

9. ff. 129r-141r Note litterarum more vetusto. [CJonrandus dei gratia Romano omnibus inuicte perpetuo Petrus diaconus ... X .x./ Y .LV Z .Duomilia./ Expliciut [sic] littere numerates more uetusto.

Petrus Diaconus, De notis litterarum more romano; the introduction follows close- ly the text printed by Ioannes Tacuinus (Venice, 1525), but the manuscript gives fewer abbreviations, and they are not arranged alphabetically; ff. 140r-141r of the manuscript, with sections De numero litterarum and Metra, do not appear in the printed version.

10. ff. 141r-142v Valrii [sic] probi iuris notarum liber. Est etiam circa prescriben- das uel paucioribus litteris ... Q. A. M. quemadmodum. Q. M. quomodo uel quo magis. I.S. iudicium solui.

Marcus Valerius Probus, Iuris notarum liber, excerpts; H. Keil, ed., Gram- matici latini (Leipzig, 1864) v. 4, pp. 271-75.

11. ff. 143r-148v Cathologus romanorum imperatorum a Iulio Caesare hue usque. [I]ulias [sic] caesar primus Romanorum imperator Annis tribus mensibus. .vii imperauit ... Federicus .iii. dux Austrie nepos alberti eligitur in imper- atorem concorditer in francfordia die .iii. februarij. MCCCCXL cum magno omnium principium alemanie applausu.

Anonymous catalogue of Roman emperors, from Julius Caesar to Freder- ick III (elected 1440). The entries give all or some of the following informa- tion: when the emperor came to power, his relationship to the previous emperor, length of rule, age at death, place of death. The same text occurs in Berlin, Collection Hamilton 254, ff. 91-94.

12. ff. 149r-150v [Q]ui laudant sanctitatem tuam beatissime pater opus ... ad interpretationem ipsam accedamus.

Leonardo Bruni, Preface to tr. of Plato's Phaedo; H. Baron, ed., Leonardo Bruni Aretino humanistisch-philosophische Schriften in Quellen zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters und Renaissance, Bd. 1 (Leipzig, 1928) pp. 3-4.

13. ff. 150v-191v [I]pse affuisti o Phedon a die qua Socrates ... non igitur et tu assentieris. [crossed out by a later hand:] Si quis// 3 leaves cut out following f. 191

112 MS 313

Plato, Phaedo, tr. Leonardo Bruni, ending defectively. On the translation, see E. Berti, "La traduzione di Leonardo Bruni del Fedone di Platone ed un codice greco della Bibliotheca Bodmeriana," Museum Helveticum 35 (1978) pp. 125-48.

14. ff. 192r-195v M. T. C. De Optimo genere oratorum. [Ojratorum genera esse dicuntur tanquam poetarum . . . Eschinem ipsum latine dicentem audiamus. M. T. C. De arpinatis de Optimo genere oratorum liber explicit.

Cicero, De Optimo genere oratorum; A. S. Wilkins, ed., Rhetorica v. 2 OCT (1903).

15. ff. 196r-207v M. T. C. De essentia mundi. [Mjulta sunt in achademicis nostris conscripta contra phisicos . . . neque datum est immortalium deorum concessu neque munere dabitur. M. T. C, De essentia mundi explicit CCCC0 LXV. 4 leaves cut out after f. 207

Cicero, Timaeus; W. Ax, ed., Teubner fasc. 46 (1965) pp. 154b-187b.

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 207 + ii (paper), 203 x 135 (142 x 77) mm. Writ- ten in 25 long lines. Ruled in hard point on the hair side before folding, single vertical and horizontal bounding lines, full length and full width.

I-XII10, XIII8, XIV-XIX10, XX6 (-4 through 6), XXI10, XXII10 (-7 through 10). Catchwords centered below written space, verso, within a pat- tern of dots and flourishes.

Written in humanistic bookhand below the top line by two persons: Scribe 1, ff. lr-128r and 149r-191v; Scribe 2, ff. 129r-148v and 192r-207v.

Initials, 5- to 2-line, ff. lr, 39v, 71 r (space for additional initials on ff. 105v and 149r), gold edged in black with white-vine ornament, against crimson, green and light blue; white- vine extensions in upper and inner margins. On f. lr a coat of arms (see Provenance) in lower margin surrounded by a wreath with a fillet. 3-, 2-, and 1-line initials in red or blue. Rubrics throughout.

Water damage has obliterated several words in the lower left of f. lr.

Binding: s. xvii-xviii. Brown/red calf, gold-tooled. Paste decorated edges. On spine, stamped in gold but nearly effaced: "Ciceronis et aliorum varia. MSS 1465."

Written in 1465 in Italy, perhaps in Rome according to A. Derolez; the date is given in the original hand on f. 207v, and repeated by a later hand on f. lOlr. Arms of original owner (unidentified) on f. lr: party per fess azure and argent, a lion rampant countercharged, holding a fleur-de-lis or. Note on f. 70v reads: "Ex Biblioteca Dugganiana 1761." Collection of Ernest H. Alton (bookplate inside front cover). Purchased from L. C. Witten in 1964 by the Yale Library Associates.

secundo folio: existimem. Sed

MS 314 113

MS 314 France, 1557

Devotions (in Lat. and Fr.)

1. ff. lr-3r Suffrage to the Trinity; the set of prayers to the Persons of the Trinity, beginning Pater de celis deus miserere nobis. Domine sancte pater omnipotens eterne deus qui coequalem ... ; f.2r Domine iesu christe fill dei viui qui es verus ... ; f. 2v Domine spiritus sancte deus. qui coequa- lis ... [HE 124-25].

2. ff. 3r-7v Suffrages arranged in the order of the liturgical year; Christmas, Circumcision, Epiphany, Veneration of the Cross, Easter, Rogationtide, Ascension, Pentecost, Corpus Christi.

3. ff. 7v-33r Suffrages to Michael archangel, All Angels, John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, Andrew, John the Evangelist, James the Greater, Thomas, Philip, James the Less, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon, Jude, Matthias, Mark, Luke, All Apostles, Stephen, Dionysius, Lawrence, Sebastian, Christopher, All Martyrs, Gregory, Jerome, Augustine, Ambrose, Mar- tin, Nicolas, Claudius, Antony abbot, Rochus (rubric only, on f. 26v), Anna (beginning defectively on f. 27r), Mary Magdalen, Catharine of Alexan- dria, Margaret, Barbara, Apollonia, Genevieve, 11,000 Virgins, All Vir- gins, All Saints.

4. ff. 33r-42r [Prayers for various occasions:] Sequuntur plures petitiones et Ora- tiones. Primo quando surgis mane. In matutinis domine meditebor in te quia fuisti adiutor meus. Oremus. Gratias ago tibi domine omnipotens eterne deus qui me in hac nocte non meis meritis ... ; f . 33v Quando exibus [sic] domum tuam die. Vias tuas domine demonstra michi ... ; f . 33v Accipiendo aquam benedictam Die. Asperges me domine hyssopo et mundabor ... ; f . 33v Dicen- da ante imaginem crucifixi. Salua nos christe saluator per virtutem sancte cru- cis ... [with versicle, response and prayer;] Crucem tuam adoramus et veneramur ... ; f . 34r Quando pres biter se vertit. Spiritus sancti gratia illustret ... ; f. 34v In elevatione corporis domini. Anima Christi sanctifica me ... [for this and the preceeding 4 prayers, excluding "Asperges me", see Lyell Cat., p. 73]; f. My Alia Oratio. Adoro te deuote latens deitas ... [RH 518]; f. 35v In eleuatione Calicis. Aue vere sanguis domini nostri iesu christi qui de latere eius ... [Leroquais, LH 2.340]; f. 35v Salue sancta caro dei per quam salui fiunt rei ... [Leroquais, LH 2.348]; f. 36r Omnibus orationem sequentem deuote dicentibus inter eleuationem corporis christi et tertium. Agnus dei. duo milia annorum de indulgentiafuerunt concessa per dominum Bonifacium papam sextum. Oremus. Do- mine iesu christe qui hanc sacratissimam carnem ... [HE 72]; f. 37r Quando capitur pax. Da pacem domine in diebus nostris ... ; f. 37r Oremus. Domine non sum dignus vt intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum die verbo ... ; f . 37r Sequuntur orationes ante communionem dicende et post denotissime. Ecce plenus miserijs venio ad te . . . ; f. 37v Oratio ad iesum christum. O domine iesu christe supple de te, quod minus habeo in me .. . ; f . 38r Oratio ante sacram communio-

ii| ms 314

nem. Ad mensam dulcissimi conuiuij tui pie iesu christe ego peccator ... ; f. 39v In sumptione corporis Christi. Domine non sum dignus vt intres sub tec- tum meum, sed tu domine qui dixisti ... ; f. 39v Quando Recepisti. Vera per- ceptio corporis et sanguinis tui . . . ; f . 40r Alia oratio post sacram communionem. Ineffabilem misericordiam tuam domine iesu christe humiliter exoro . . . ; f. 4 lr Alia oratio post sacram communionem. Gratias tibi domine sancte pater om- nipotens eterne deus qui me indignum peccatorem ... ; f . ilv Alia oratio post sacram communionem. Domine iesu christe fili dei viui qui ex voluntate patris. . . .

5. ff. 42r-67v [Prayers:] Beatus papa gregorius instituit septem sequentes orationes et concessit omnibus penitentibus et confessis dicentibus eas genibus flexis ante ymagi- nem pietatis ... quatuordecim milia annorum indulgentie ... alie due sequntur [sic] orationes ab alio pontifice institute ... O Domine Iesu criste in cruce pendentem . . . [Leroquais, LH 2.346 with his n. 3 here at the end] followed by 2 prayers, O Amantissime domine sancte pater ego offero tibi . . . , and O domine Ihesu christe fili dei dei [sic] viui qui misterium tue acerbissime passionis ... ; f . 44v Oratio ad Iesum Christum. Conditor celi et terre rex regum et dominus dominantium qui me de nihilo fecisti ... ; f . 47r Oratio sancti bernardi. O bone iesu o pijssime iesu o dulcissime iesu ... [A. Wilmart, Le 'Jubilus' dit de St. Bernard (Rome, 1944) pp. 267-68]; f. 49r Oratio virginis marie quod dicebat quotidie in templo. Domine deus omnipotens qui cunta de nihilo potenter creasti ... ; f . 49v Oratio deuota. Deus propicius esto michi peccatori et custos mei omnibus diebus vite mee ... [HE 125]; f. 51r Deuota contemplacio beate marie

virginis iuxta crucem Stabat mater dolorosa iuxta crucem lachrymosa ...

[RH 19416], followed by the prayer, Interueniat pro nobis quesumus do- mine ... ; f . 53r Oratio valde deuota ad beatissimam virginem mariam. Obsecro te ... [masculine forms; Leroquais, LH 2.346]; f. 56r Alia oratio ad beatam virginem Mariam et ad sanctum Iohannem Euangelistam. O Intemerata ... orbis terrarum. Inclina mater misericordie aures tue ... [masculine forms; Wil- mart, 488-90]; f. 58r Oratio valde deuota ad beatam virginem mariam. Ab initio electa sine fine creata virgo maria mater domini nostri ... ; f. 59v Oratio adeandem virginem mariam plene remissionis. Ave virgo gloriosa stella sole clari- or mater dei speciosa . . . [RH 35801] ; f. 60r Oratio breuis et deuotissima ad ean- dem virginem mariam. Memorare o piissima virgo maria non esse auditum a seculo ... ; f . 60v Oratio Sancti Augustini. O Dulcissime domine Iesu christe verus deus qui de sinu patris omnipotentis missus es ... [see Lyell Cat., p. 380, n. 169]; f. 65v Oratio ad iesum Christum. Domine iesu christe amore il- lius gaudij quod dilecta nostra mater tua habuit ... ; f . 65v Oratio sancti Caroli magni. Domine Iesu christe pastor bone conserua iustos ... ; f . 65v Oratio angelorum ad reginam celorum. Salue alte trinitatis nobilis creatura ... ; f . 66r Promissiones dei seruantibus eius mandata. Si in preceptis meis ambulaueritis ... ; f. 67r Comminationes dei mandata eius negligentibus . Si non audieritis me

6. ff. 68r-70r [Prayers in Latin with their French equivalents:] Oratio domini- ca. Pater noster ... ; f . 68r Oraison dominicale. Nostre pere qui es es cieulx.

ms 314 ^5

Sanctifie soit ton nom ... [Sonet 1252]; f. 68v Salutation Angelicque. Ie te salue Marie pleine de grace, nostr[e] Seigneur est auec toy ... [Sonet 881]; f. 69r Symbolum Apostolorum. Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem ... ; f . 69 v Sym- bole des Apostres. Ie croys en dieu le pere tout puissant ... [Sonet 794].

7. ff. 70r-74v [Prayers:] Benedict™. Benedicite. Dominus. Nos et ea que su- mus sumpturi ... ; f . 70r Gratiarum actio. Agimus tibi gratias omnipotens deus pro uniuersis beneficijs tuis ... [with versicles, responses and the prayer:] Retributor omnium bonorum ... ; f . 71r Alia gratiarum actio. Laus deo, pax viuis, requies defunctis ... [with versicles, responses and the prayer:] Ego sum reus miserrimus et maximus peccator . . . ; f. 72v Ad sanctum corpus christi. Ave salus mundi verbum patris ... [cf. MS 110, f. 192v]; f. 73r Ave verum corpus Christi natum de maria virgine ... [Wilmart, 373-76]; f. 73r In raa- nus tuas domine commendo spiritum meum ... [Leroquais, LH 2.344]; f. 73r Dominus pars hereditatis mee et calicis mei ... ; f . 7 3v Ad proprium Ange- lum. Angele qui meus es custos pietate superna ... [Wilmart, 556-58]; f. 73 v Ad mariam virginem. Salue regina misericordie vita dulcedo ... [RH 18147, with versicle, response and the prayer:] Concede nos famulos tuos quesu- mus domine deus perpetua mentis et corporis salute

8. ff. 75r-76r Lists in French of the 3 theological virtues, the 4 cardinal vir- tues, the 7 sacraments, the 5 senses, the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, the 7 deadly sins, the 7 opposing virtues, the 7 works of spiritual mercy, the 7 works of corporal mercy, and requirements for true repentance.

9. ff. 76v-107v [Prayers in French:] Confession generale ... deuant que recepuoir son seigneur et createur. Ie me confesse a dieu le pere tout puissant, a la benoiste vierge marie . . . [Sonet 813]; f. 80r Sire Dieu ten dis ma coulpe. lay transgresse les dix command emens ... ; f. 83 v Oraison tres deuotte a Dieu, faicte en recon- gnoissance de luy par maniere de confession et Satisfacion. O dieu createur du ciel et de la terre. Roy des Roys ... [Sonet 1313]; f. 87v Oraison tres deuotte a dieu le pere. Mon benoist Dieu ie croy de cueur et confesse de bouche tout ce que saincte esglise croit et tient de vous ... [Sonet 1150]; f. 89r Qui veult bien viure et bien mourir de cueur et de bouche sil est possible en parlant a dieu cinq choses doibt dire qui sensuyuent, Etpremierement. Mon dieu mon createur ie con- gnois et confesse que tous les biens que sont en moy ... [Sonet 1178]; f. 91 v Oraison singuliere a nostre seigneur. Mon dieu, mon pere, mon createur, ie croy de cueur et confesse de bouche tout ce que saincte eglise croit et tient de vous ... [somewhat enlarged version of the prayer on ff. 87v-89; Sonet 1150]; f. 93 v Oraison a la vierge marie. Glorieuse vierge marie, mere de iesu christ, vray dieu tout puissant, Royne des cieulx tres sumptueuse, ie te recommande . . . [Sonet 679?]; f. 95v Sensuiuent les xv ioyes de nostre dame tres deuottes et de grande contemplation. Doulce dame [de] misericorde, mere de pitie fontaine de tous biens ... [Leroquais, LH 2.310-11]; f. 99v Oraison de la croix. Saincte vray croix adoree/ Qui du corps dieu fut ornee ... [Sonet 1876]; f. lOOr Oraison de nostre dame fort deuote et bien composee par laquelle on

n6 ms 314

requiert les peches estre effaces et les vertus estre donnees, pour euiter enfer, et auoir para- dis. A Toy Royne de hault paraige,/ Dame du ciel et de la terre./ Me viens complainde [sic] de l'oultraige ... [Sonet 24, by Guillaume Alexis]; f. 103v Oraison a la glorieuse vierge marie pour dire tons les tours. Glorieuse vierge marie/ A toy ie me rends et si te prie,/ Que tu me vueille ayder/ ... [Sonet 675, attributed to Guillaume Alexis]; f. 104v Obsecro te domina. Ie te prie saincte Marie mere de dieu tres pleine de pitie . . . Ainsi soit il. Amen [masculine forms; Sonet 846]. Finis. 1557.

Parchment (poor quality: many ends, some stitched pieces), ff. i (paper) + ii (contemporary parchment) + 107 + i (paper), 180 x 129 (150 x 101) mm., trimmed. Written in 16-18 long lines, ruled in pale brown ink. Single vertical and horizontal bounding lines, full length and full width; an additional verti- cal bounding line in inner margin on some folios. Prickings for text rulings along outer vertical bounding lines.

I-V4, VI4 ( + 2 leaves at end, ff. 25 and 26), VII-XI4, XII-XIII8, XIV8 ( + 4 single leaves at end, ff. 71-74), XV8 (+1 leaf at beginning, f. 75), XVI-XVIII8.

Written in batarde by several persons.

Forty-six miniatures of very poor quality, the majority 10- to 8-lines, rec- tangular and not full width of folio, framed in brown ink; four others (ff. 42v, 53r, 73v, and 104v) 5- to 4-lines, square, in gold frames edged in blue. The subjects follow: f. lr Trinity; f. lv God the Father blessing; f. 2r Christ Child blessing; f. 2v Holy Spirit as dove; f. 4v Crucifixion with Living Tree; f. 8r St. Michael; f. 9r St. John the Baptist; f. 9v St. Peter; f. lOr St. Paul; f. lOv St. Andrew; f. llv St. John the Evangelist; f. 12r St. James the Greater; f. 12v St. Thomas; f. 13r St. Philip; f. 13v St. James the Less; f. 14r St. Bar- tholomew; f. 14v St. Matthew; f. 15r St. Simon; f. 15v St. Jude; f. 16v St. Matthias; f. 17r St. Mark; f. 17v St. Luke; f. 18v St. Stephen; f. 19r St. Di- onysius; f. 19v St. Lawrence; f. 20r St. Sebastian; f. 21r St. Christopher; f. 22r St. Gregory; f. 22v St. Jerome; f. 23r St. Augustine; f. 23v St. Ambrose; f. 24r St. Martin; f. 25r St. Nicolas; f. 25v St. Claudius; f. 26r St. Antony abbot; f. 27r St. Mary Magdalen; f. 27v St. Catharine; f. 28r St. Margaret; f. 29r St. Barbara; f. 30r St. Apollonia; f. 31r St. Genevieve; f. 42r Strawber- ry plant (without frame); f. 42v Mass of St. Gregory; f.53r Virgin and Child, half-length; f. 73v Virgin and Child, with Mary crowned by angel; f. 104v Virgin and Child. 4- to 3-lines initials, ff. lr-7v only, silver or gold on magenta or blue irregular grounds, with gold or silver filigree. 2- and 1 -lines initials in red. Line-fillers in red and brown floral patterns. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xvi-xvii [?]. Resewn on four very small vegetable fiber cords. The spine of the cover shows that the earlier supports were nearly flat and double and that there were two half-bands near head and tail. Red edges. Covered in yellow/brown calf, blind-tooled with a central panel filled with strap work

ms 315 ^2

inside floral borders. A rectangle of leather near the center is painted red and "Margveritte de Savoy e" is tooled near the head of the lower board. The cover has been made into a case or hollow-backed binding.

Written in France, 1557 (see art. 9). Reputed to have been made for Mar- guerite de Valois, duchess of Savoy (1523-74); this is based on the inscription on the lower cover and note on f. ii recto: "Ce manuscrit vient de la Biblio- theque Brienne Cardinal de Lomenie [Etienne Charles Lomenie de Brienne, b. 1727], voici comme en parle l'Abbe Laire dans le catalogue im- prime de cette bibliotheque. page 304 du torn. 2 [F. X. Laire, Index librorum ab inventa typographia (Sens, 1791) v. 2, p. 304, no. 52]: 52 heures ou Livre de prieres in 4°. Codex in membranis cum nonnullis picturis et scriptus Lettres batardes 1557. pro usu Margueritae principissae de Sabaudia sicut constat ex inscriptione cuperturae superioris partim Latine partim Graece [sic; Laire says Gallice] scribitur." There is no evidence within the manuscript that it was writ- ten for Marguerite of Savoy. Nor is there evidence except the note on the flyleaf (which is not in the hand of Laire, the Cardinal's librarian) that the manuscript did in fact belong to Cardinal Lomenie de Brienne, and should be identified with the volume in Laire's catalogue. Signature on f. ii verso: "Thomas Wille- ment. 1839." Gift of Susan Dwight Bliss in 1964.

MS 315 England, s. XII4/4, XII/XIII

Honorius of Autun, Gemma animae, etc.

I. 1 . ff. lr-64v Incipit gemma ecclesie. Agmen in castris eterni regis excubans sub impetu uitiorum . . . Incipit prologus . Postquam christo fauente pela- gus scripture prospero cursu . . . et omnes in eo laborantes copiosum fructum in gaudio metant. Amen. Explicit liber cui titulus est gemma ecclesie.

Honorius of Autun, Gemma animae; PL 172.541-738.

II. 2. ff. 65r-80v Incipit speculum ecclesie. De sacramentis ecclesiasticis ut tractarem eorumdemque misticam dulcedinem uobis exponerem . . . verius enim inuenit amans quam disputans. Explicit speculum ecclesie.

Pseudo-Hugh of St. Victor, Speculum de mysteriis ecclesiae; PL 177.335-80.

3. f. 80v (a) In fronte est intellectus. Memoria in cerebro ... fides in corde. christus in fide, (b) Historia regum que canitur a dominica pasche ... celebranda sunt ieunia [sic] quattuor temporum.

Two short unidentified passages added at conclusion of art. 2.

n8 ms 315

III. 4. ff. 81r-122r Incipit Summa Magistri Iohannis Belet. In primitiua ec- clesia prohibitum erat ne quis loqueretur Unguis nisi esset ... vel hac. Qui me plasmasti miserere mei. f. 123r blank, except for 4-line note (s. xiii): Quot ossa quot dentes et vere sunt in homine/.... f. 122v blank except for early pen trials, notes

Jean Beleth, Summa; H. Douteil, ed., CC cont. med. 41 (1976) pp. 1-323. The order of the final eight folios should be: 115, 121, 117-120, 116, 122.

Composed of three distinct parts, all of parchment, 232 x 161 mm.

Part I: ff. 1-64: (176 x 115) mm. 2 columns, 40 lines. Double outer and single inner vertical bounding lines, with additional ruling between two columns, all full length; triple horizontal rulings at top, bottom and center of written space, full across. Ruled in lead or crayon; prickings in inner and low- er margins. I-VIII8. Catchwords along lower edge near gutter. Written by a single scribe in early gothic bookhand. Initials, 12- to 2-line, red, green, blue, with exuberant designs in contrasting colors that often extend full length of folio, some trimmed. Headings in red.

Part II: ff. 65-80: (175 x 122) mm. 2 columns, 40 lines. Rulings and prick- ings similar to those in Part I. I-II8. Early gothic bookhand. Decorative ini- tials, 8- to 2-line, alternate red and blue, with designs in contrasting colors; plain initials, 1-line, some with simple ornamentation, in red or blue through- out. Heading in red. Guide-letters in inner margin.

Part III: ff. 81-122: (173 x 117) mm. 2 columns, 40 lines. Ruled in crayon; rulings and prickings arranged as in I and II. I-IV8, V10 [structure uncer- tain]. Early gothic bookhand. Simple initials, a few with designs. Paragraph marks in red and/or black. Guide-letters in outer and inner margins; notes to rubricator perpendicular to written space in gutter and outer margin. Head- ings in red.

Binding: s. xix. Vellum case with a black label, gold-tooled, and arms of Athelstan Riley (see below) on covers. Bound by John R. Hering, London, active 1817-35.

Written in England, Parts I and II in the fourth quarter of the 12th century, Part III at the end of the 12th or beginning of the 13th century; early provenance unknown. Unidentified "A X [with P suprascript] Q." in black ink on f. lr; this same notation occurs in San Marino, Huntington Library, HM 19913. Be- longed to J. Athelstan Riley (1858-1945; "ex libris Athelstani Riley, A. M., 1886" on f. ii verso, together with his notes on text, and armorial binding). Two letters addressed to Riley from Suitbert Baeumer, Abbaye de Maredsous, 1889, and M. de la Tuille now glued to ff. i verso and ii recto. Sold at Sothe- by's 2 Feb, 1960, no. 294. Presented by Thomas E. Marston to the Beinecke Library in 1964.

MS 316 Iig

secundo folio: [f. 2r] mundum

[f. 66r] ut doceret [f. 82r] [cejlebrentur

MS 316 Germany, s. XVex

Arator; Sedulius

1. ff. lr-37r Incipit prefatio sancti Aratoris subdiaconi ad florianum in opus sequens. Qui meriti florem maturis sensibus ortum/ nominis ore tui . . . Domino sancto ac beatissimo in toto orbe primo omnium sacerdotum pape vigilio arator subdiaconus salutem. Menibus vndosis bellorum incendia cernens/ Pars ego tunc populi ... [followed by table of contents for Books 1 and 2; text begins, f. 2v:] Ut sceleris iudea sui [final s crossed out] polluta cruore/ Ausa nephas compleuit opus/ ... Et tenet aeternam socialis gratia palmam. Finis libri secundi beati Aratoris subdyaconi in actus apostolorum.

Arator, De actibus apostolorum; A. P. McKinlay, ed., CSEL 72 (1951) pp. 1-149.

2. f. 37r-v Hymnus Sedulij. A solis ortus cardine ad vsque terre limitem/ Christum canamus principem natum marie virginis/ ... Calcauit vnicus dei seseque celis reddidit. Finis hymni venerabilis Sedulij.

Sedulius, Abecedarius de vita Christi (Hymnus II); J. Huemer, ed., CSEL 10 (1885) pp. 163-68.

Paper (watermarks: similar in design to Briquet Pot 12620-24), ff. 37, 199 x 143 (139 x 76) mm. Written in 36 lines of verse; frame-ruled in lead; re- mains of prickings in outer margin.

I6, II8, III6, IV- V8 ( + 1 leaf added between 7 and 8 of final quire).

Written in a neat running script.

Plain initials, heading, initial strokes, in red.

Binding: s. xix. Blue paper wrapper with spine reinforced with cloth.

Written in Germany at the end of the 15th century; early modern provenance unknown. Unidentified notes include "37 feuillets" and "4709", in ink, and "A G" and "10395", in pencil, all inside back cover; small round white label with "220", in ink, upside down on back cover. Presented to the Beinecke Library in 1964 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).

secundo folio: de paralitico

120 MS 317

MS 317 England, s. XV/XVI

Devotional Writings (in Eng. and Lat.)

1 . f. lr [Mostly illegible; title:] De modo psallendi. [text:] Dum domino psalli [?] psallendo tu tria serues ... perfecto fine fruatur.

Walther, Sprichworter, no. 4128 (beginning Cum domino ... ); 11 lines.

2. f. lr Gaudet epar spodio. mace cor. cerebrum quoque musco . . . Dicit bora- go gaudia semper ago. [in margin:] Medicina ... pro regimine sanitatis. Borago.

Richard Rolle; Walther, Sprichworter, no. 101906; 4 lines.

3. ff. lv-3v The needes and graces of \>e masse beholde/ ... [text:] The first vertu is ful good/ That day )>ou shalt not lakke J»i foode/ . . . Almyghty god graunte yn trynyte. Amen.

The thirty- four virtues of the mass, numbered with Roman numerals in the margin; each virtue presented in a stanza of 4 lines, with the entire work preceded by 16 lines of prefatory material and followed by 16 + 14 lines. According to G. Keiser the text is similar to IMEV 3573.

4. ff. 3v-4v Yette moreovire ynto Pe confirmacyoun qfthise vertues ajoreseid. hit is redde yn the first book of holy scripture how some tyme Melchisedech bothe prest and kynge ... as it appereth euydently to euery man it redynge or herynge.

Prose commentary on art. 3, with paraphrases in English and some quota- tions in Latin of material taken from the Bible and Church Fathers.

5. ff. 5r-21v Here begynnyth the prologe ynto pe lyf of Seynt Ierom drawenyn to eng- lysh as hit is take of pe legende aurea, Vnto pe hygh pryncesse Margarete duchesse of Clarence by Syr. N. N. brothire and prest of pe Monastery of Syon [following six words cancelled: pe which is comynly callyd Shene]. Rigth noble and worthi lady and my ful reuerend and dere gostly doughtire . . . and desertys of this O gloryows seynt Ierom. Amen. Here endeth pe lyf of pe holy doctoure Seynt Ierom.

Symon Wynter, amplification of the Life of St. Jerome, drawn from the Legen- da aurea and from the apocryphal correspondence between Sts. Cyril and Augustine, and supplemented with revelations of St. Birgitta. The scribe in this manuscript has also added material concerning the story of St. Jer- ome and the lion taken from the Legenda aurea (ff. 20r-21r). In the upper margin of f. 5r has been added by a contemporary hand the name of the author, Symon Wynter; in the lower margin, by another hand: "This book to hym |>at lovyth god and J>e helth of his owen soule is bettyre J?an eny erth- ly tresoure. And so wolle he say J?at redyth or heryth hit. ffor with out J>e knowlych of J?e matere }>at is wryten in )?is booke, no man may fie evyll and do wele. the which is don for love or drede. or payne or ioye. vt patebit." This passage was then struck out and the statement added: "Beware offals

MS 317 121

englysshe." This life of St. Jerome is also preserved in three other 15th- century manuscripts: Cambridge, St. John's College MS N. 17 (s. XV2/4); London, Lambeth Palace Library MSS 72 and 432 (both s. XV3/4); it was printed by Wynken de Worde in 1499 [?] (STC 14508). The text of Lon- don, Lambeth Palace 432 was edited by C. Horstmann, "Prosalegenden," Anglia 3 (1880) pp. 328-60.

6. f. 21v Iste est qui ante deum magnas virtutes operatus est ... Oremus. Deus qui nobis per beatum Ieronimum confessorem sacerdotemque

Seven lines, in Latin, of prayers to St. Jerome; Horstmann, op. cit., p. 360.

7. ff. 21v-22r As a gret clerke shewyth in his bokys Of all J>e creaturys j?1 god made yn heuyn and yn erthe . . . the souereyn and specyall cause and skyll why he made }>eym was his owen goode wylle ... [f. 22r] et specialiter in libro quod Gowere composuit in lingua materna de omnibus predictis qui liber vocatur in lingua materna. The pater noster boke vt ibi plenus patebit intuenti.

Lay Folks' Catechism, continued in art. 10; see A. Hudson, "A New Look at the Lay Folks' Catechism," Viator 16 (1985) pp. 243-58; Beinecke MS 317 is listed in group B: "Manuscripts which have a significantly reworked text." A sign toward the end of the text refers the reader to a note in the lower margin: "Of ]?ise vij Jjynges before rehersyd for a more playn declaracyoun of hem to euery mannys vndirstondynge J?e which euery crysten man is bownde to lerne and kunne to his powere vpoun \>c payn of dampnacyoun loke yn )>e viijte lef after ]?is [art. 10] at such a sygne." Added beneath by another hand: "de istis vide in Speculo beati Edmundi archiepiscopi."

8. ff. 22r-27v Here folowyth pe medys and grace pat is gevyn vnto theym pat devoutly heryth pe masse. That blyssyd childe yn bedlem born/ |?at suffred his brayn be Jnrlyd wl ]?orn/ ... The childe J?1 best ys brynge vs to blys. wl hym to byelde. Amen. Explicit modus audiendi missam cum indulgencia eiusdem. Deo gracias.

The Virtues of the Mass; IMEV 3268.

9. ff. 27v-30r Ferthirmore yn confirmacyoun of J?e medys and merytes of theym f>at deuoutly here theire masse. Seynt bernarde sayeth. That to here a masse deuoutly ... }>at of nougth made all f>ynge. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A further prose commentary on the Mass. The final portion of text, begin- ning on f. 29v (Thyse be J?e tokenys and condycionys of a vycyows preste ... ), has been crossed out.

10. ff. 30v-34r Attendite popule meus legem meam etc. Good men and women as a gret clerke tellyth yn his hohes etc. vbi supra. Now good men and women as gret clerkes shewen and techen be here bokes \>er longeth to }>e feyth xiiij arty- cles of \>e which vij longeth to goddys godhede and of?er vij longeth to Ihesu

122 MS 317

crystys manhode . . . blys to J?e which blys he vs brynge qui cum patre et spiritu sancto viuit and regnat deus in secula seculorum. Amen.

The conclusion of the Lay Folks3 Catechism begun in art. 7, including texts on the 14 Articles of the Creed, 10 Commandments, 7 Sacraments, 7 Gifts of the Holy Ghost, 7 Deadly Sins, 7 Principal Virtues, 7 Deeds of Mercy.

11. f. 34r Hec in constitutionibus prouincialibus. capitulum Ignorancia sacer- dotum. Euery synfull man and woman yn j?is worlde J>at assendyth j>eire lorde god ... vt [?] aduertenti.

12. ff. 34v-35r [In upper margin:] I have gretly displesyd god and all )>e seyntes of heuyn I wot wele. [text:] Here folowyth a fourme of a generall confessyoun )>at euery crysten man and woman is bownde to kunne and knowe and j?erfor whan a man comyth to his gostly fadir . . . To J>e which blys he vs brynge \>l of nougth made all |?ynge. Amen. Amen. Amen.

13. f. 35r-v Grando nix et aqua tria sunt res est tamen vna/ Sic in personis trinus deus est tamen vnus/ Tres sunt non tria sunt Idem sunt non idem sunt.

Unidentified verses, followed by notes, in outline format, on the Mass (in Lat.).

14. ff. 36r-42r Incipit tabula super 4 libros dialogorum beati gregorii pape. Abire. Nisi ego abiero paraclitus non veniet ad vos. li° ca° 38. b....

Alphabetical subject index to Gregory's Dialogic all references are by book and chapter numbers and the letters a-d.

15. ff. 42v-50v Confessio generalis ac specialis. ExhortatUT1 [?]. Miserere mei do- mine quoniam infirmus sum sana me 6to. Beholde how }?e seek soule of mankynde sore woundyd knawynge his freelte dystresse and peryll cryeth to oure moste mercyful lorde . . . mercy of oure most mercyfull lord Ihesu cryste now and euer Amen. Explicit forma generalis confessionis ac et specia- lis prout patebit [one word illegible].

For similar forms of confession see P. S. Jolliffe, ed., A Check-list of Middle English Prose Writings of Spiritual Guidance (Toronto, 1974) pp. 69-73. This confession appears to be an expanded version of one found in Beinecke MS 163, ff. 179r-183v.

16. ff . 50v-5 1 r These been pe sorowes of oure Missed lady andpe rewardes for worship- pynge of ... Seyntjohn }>e euuangelyste after \>c assumpcyoun of oure lady bysily prayde and feruently desyred to knawe the glorye and \>e ioye ]?at oure blissed lady ... that a man receyveth whan he receyvyth }>e sacramente of baptyme.

Vision in which the Virgin Mary reveals to John the Evangelist her five sorrows.

17. ff. 51r-56v Deo gracias. Penitens veniens ad confessionem stando vt genuflectendo humiliter dicat. Benedicite. Respondeat benigne confessor, dominus exaudiat nos et det nobis suam graciam

MS 317 123

Many Latin notes, in several hands, tightly squeezed together, including sections labelled Augustinus in confessionibus; de ascensione; de temptacione. Fo- lios 53-55 are mutilated; f. 56 is torn in half with the upper portion miss- ing. On f. 54v appears "Aue maria mayden ymmaculate/ Eram plena et humylyte/ dominus tecum bothe erthely and late/ . . . ventris tui Ihesus on vs have mercy"; and some proverbs, in Middle English and Latin, begin- ning: "By a lytel hoole beholdeth man his frend/ Per specular modicum speculatur amicus amicum/ ... (cf. B. J. Whiting, Proverbs, Sentences and Prover- bial Phrases ... [Cambridge, 1968] p. 284, H 414).

Paper (watermarks: unidentified bull's head, small in size, buried in gut- ter), ff. iii (paper) + 56 + ii (paper), 215 x 145 (ff. lr-4v: 170 x 84 mm., sin- gle vertical bounding lines in hard point; ff. 5r-21v: 172 x 125 mm.; format varies considerably thereafter). Ca. 45 lines of verse or long lines.

Binding too tight to permit accurate collation; ff. 14-15 is a quire center as is 34-35.

Written primarily by a single scribe in Secretary script, with additions and corrections of s. xvi.

Edges frayed and upper portion of most leaves stained, with loss of text.

Binding: s. xix. Brown calf, blind-tooled. Title, in gold, on spine: "Life of St. Jerome. M. S." Remains of early place mark on f. 22.

Compiled and copied at the end of the 15th or beginning of the 16th century in England, perhaps at the Charterhouse at Sheen, or at Syon Abbey, where according to the heading in MS 317 (art. 5) the Life of St. Jerome was composed by Symon Wynter at the request of Margaret, Duchess of Clarence; see G. Keiser, "Patronage and Piety in Fifteenth-Century England: Margaret, Duchess of Clarence, Symon Wynter, and Yale University MS 317," Gazette 60 (1985) pp. 32-46. The codex shows evidence of much use, s. xvi, including notes dat- ed 1530 (f. 19r), and 1539 (f. 3r): "M* holmes of the gard born at lyrpole in lankashyre/ the thursday after saynt George." From the collection of Richard Towneley (1628-1707; armorial bookplate, dated 1702, inside front cover). The significance of an engraving of Cowdray House, Sussex (by George Quin- ton), tipped in as first front flyleaf, is unclear. Belonged to Sir Thomas Phil- lipps (no. 1052, inside front cover and stamp on f. i recto) and to Professor Charlton Lewis, Yale 1886. Given to Yale in 1964 by Charlton M. Lewis, Jr. , Grace Lewis Case, and Penelope Lewis Rainey, in memory of their father, Professor Charlton M. Lewis.

l31 . MS 318

MS 318 France, s. XVmed

Christine de Pizan; Jacques le Grand

1 . ff . 1 r- 1 3 7v Ci commence le Liure de la Cite des dames. Du quel le premier chappitre parle Content pour quoy etpar quel mouuement le dit liure Jut fait. j. Selon la maniere que jay plus en vsaige. Et a quoy est plus dispose ... La quelle ainsi par sa saincte grace vous face. Amen. Cy finist las tierce et darniere partie du liure de la cite de Dames. Deo gracias.

Christine de Pizan, La Cite des dames. Parts reproduced by E. Hicks, Le De- bat sur le Roman de la Rose, in Bibliotheque du XV siecle 43 (Paris, 1977) pp. 187-94, correspond closely with the text of MS 318. Cf. the English trans- lation by E. J. Richards, The Book of the Ladies (New York, 1982).

2. ff. 137v-139v Cy commence le liure jntitule De bonnes meurs, dont sensuit premierement la table ... Le .ixme. parle Comment on doibt penser au jour du jugement.

Table of contents for art. 3.

3 . ff. 139v-209r Cy commence le premier liure jntitule de bonnes meurs du quel sensuit le premier chappitre ... [text:] Tous orgueilleux se veulent a dieu comparer, en tant comme ils se gloriffient . . . de ceulx qui disent que le monde durera moult longuement. Explicit deo gracias. f. 209v blank

Jacques le Grand, Le Livre de bonnes moeurs. English version, translated and printed by William Caxton, first appeared in 1487.

Paper (watermarks similar to Briquet Char 3533 and Briquet Main 11086), ff. iii (paper) + 209 + ii (paper), 263 x 178 (188 x 130) mm. Written in 34 long lines, ruled in hard point; single vertical bounding lines, full length.

I-V10, VI8 (+ 1 leaf sewn in after 8, f. 59), VII-XXI10. Catchwords in center of lower margin, verso.

Written by a single hand in small, even batarde.

On f. iii verso, pasted in by a later owner, a miniature (80 x 61 mm.), the Queen of Sheba before Solomon, and a separate compartmentalized border (161 x 105 mm.) of blue and gold acanthus on pink, and red, purple and white flowers and grapevines, both with black dots and hair-spray, probably from different Northern French Books of Hours (Paris or Rouen), ca. 1500. The whole is set within single horizontal and vertical rulings in red ink, full length and full across. A label identifying the scene in the miniature, written in black ink (s. xvi?), has been inserted inside the border on a separate piece of parch- ment. Pasted in on f. 137v a small miniature (41 x 32 mm.) of St. Barbara, originally for a Suffrage, probably from the same Book of Hours as the border off. iii verso. Seven initials (3- or 2-line) in red or blue with blue or red pen- work flourishes. Rubrics (faded) throughout.

Some wormholes toward end of codex, not affecting text.

MS 319 125

Binding: s. xix [?]. Worn red velvet, rebacked. Sewing and endbands possi- bly earlier.

Written probably in Northern France, in the middle of the 15th century. The French caption below the miniature on f. iii verso suggests that the manuscript was still in French hands in the 16th century. Note, in ink, inside front cover: "Secundarius posessor et vetus peraccens erit quiuis alius - I.g." Purchased from L. C. Witten in 1964, with the Edwin J. Beinecke and Frederick W. Beinecke Fund.

secundo folio: aultres femmes

MS 319 Italy, s. XV2

Treatises on Rhetoric, etc. (in Lat. and Greek)

1. f. iv recto [Title:] [Frjanciscus philelfus Marco Aurelio sal. pi. D. [text:] Littere tue, quas a* * *s (3 or more letters obliterated by water stain) desider- aram ... viginti argenti commodas minas, idest integras: Vale, ex viijuo kl. augustas. 1476. Philelfus. f. iv verso blank

Francesco Filelfo, Eptstula ad Marcum Aurelium.

2. f. lr, lines 1-3 xov anoXkoiviov ogog negi Xe^ewg. xi ecu Xefo- ou^Xoxr) axoi- Xetoov, 6toxXXt]Xo<; ex<popd, u<p'eva xovov xai ev 7tveG[xoc dSiaaxdx<o<; ixipepofievT] Iv <X7i;X6ty]ti r\ auvOea&i.

Apollonius Dyscolus [?], Dej 'initio verbi.

3. ff. lr, line 4 - 2r, line 11 tieqi tcov xov Xoyov axTj/ndxcov. "IaGi oxi xcov xoo X6-fou axT)[iaTcov, xd \iiv etai xax'evotav xd Be xaxd X££tv . . . au xov axaap\ xd*yto xov icoatav.

Zonaeus, Defiguris; L. Spengel, ed., Rhetores Graeci (Leipzig, 1856) v. 3, pp. 161-65.

4. ff. 2r, line 12 - 3r, line 23 oxfaaxa xaxa Xe^iv etxoat 0; co? xai xa TtQoeigrjfieva. Tuoaa eiat xaxd X££tv xai tohot 6[aouo<; ... xal an' i\i' 6\uq- dvxi xou cnzokvic, i[ii.

Zonaeus, Figurae orationis; Spengel, op. cit., v. 3, pp. 165-70.

5. f. 3r, line 24 - 3v, line 5 tieqi 8ia<pogcov avvexSoxfjg. T16g<x<; cna<popd<; e'xei r; oovexSoxt)* ia- ^oia; xauxa<; ... d<p'evd<; xd noXXd <b<j xo 7r£pa&v oSuaaeu? xal i&pov xpotT]^ icxoXieGpov.

Anonymous, De generibus synecdoches; C. Walz, Rhetores Graeci ex codicibus floren- tinis mediolanensibus ... (Stuttgart, 1885) v. 8, pp. 691-92.

6. ff. 3v, line 6 - 4r, line 5 [No title, text begins:] rcoaa ax*)fAaxa Xoyou xcov E£a|AExpcov Eial* xi<; 6 X£ytov . . . dTOxyopEuaK;- \lx\ as yipov xo\Xr\aw ryco racpd vrjualv.

Unidentified, Defiguris orationis.

126 MS 320

7. f. 4r, line 5 - 4v, line 33 negl oxwdtcov. axf|[Jia ecrclv, afi,dpT7)fxa" [xexd \6you

TTETCOLTJfXEVOV £3X1 hi SwiXoGv ... 7| t8lOT7)S, OtOV T) *pVT) X£XOfJl|jivT] ttjv xeiPa-

Anonymous, De figuris; Spengel, op. cit., v. 3, pp. 171-73.

8. ff. 4v, line 34 - 9r, line 25 neqt tqotkov ttjq ygafi/Liarixfjq. Opdat? xpoTueov 7roi7]Tixcav ouxoi (jiv ouv ot xpoTcot vt\q ypa[AfAaxixf]$ ... (05 7tapa aaropoT' ^rpr's^ol uiXt, (jltite [idXiaxa.

Trypho, Zte fro/??>; Spengel, op, cit., v. 3, pp. 191-206.

9. f. 9r, line 26 - 9v, line 7 negi nadcov Xe&aiv. 7td0T) X£?£cov eixoaiercTa- 7up60£- 01?, olov 0eXw £0eXco ... o &axtv dtXXottoai? twv 9<ovr]£VTwv.

Unidentified, De passionibus verborum.

10. ff. 9v, line 7 - lOr, line 14 Unidentified notes listing inventors of the arts and sciences, the ten orators, the Muses, divisions of the Roman month, Egyptian and Roman names of the months, and, in a later hand, Attic month names in Greek with Roman equivalents, f. lOv blank

11. f. llr Ph. P. M. P. V. S. P. D. [text:] Suauissime tue, urbanissimeque littere non mediocri me ... Vale vir clementissime et me ama: qui te pluri- mum obseruo: ex viij. Kl. augustas. 1476. Philelfus. f. llv blank

Francesco Filelfo, Epistula ad Paulum Maurocenum.

Paper (watermarks: similar to Briquet Ciseaux 3668, Briquet Monts 1 1882, and unidentified grapes), ff. iv (i = pastedown, conjugate with iv) + i (paper, nearly contemporary; art. 1) + 10 + i (paper, nearly contemporary; art. 11) + iv (paper, i conjugate with iv, the back pastedown), 282 x 200 (202 x 119) mm. 35 long lines; frame -ruled [?] in hard point.

One quire of 10.

Written by one scribe in small, very even Greek minuscule. Letters with name of Filelfo on flyleaves at front and back are written in well-formed italic.

Headpiece, 1-line initials and headings in faded reddish-brown.

Water stains in the upper right corner of many folios; some loss of text.

Binding: s. xx. Block-printed paste paper case.

Written in Italy (see watermarks) in the second half of the 15th century; early modern provenance unknown. Acquired from Giuseppe (Joseph) Martini (Gat. 28/ 24) by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate), who gave it to Yale in 1960.

MS 320 England, s. Xmed

Pontifical (fragment)

Texts on the recto:

1. [Oremus dilectissimi fratres ... ] vel seculari desiderio// ... qui uiuit.

MS 320 127

Prayer "ad clericum faciendum," with variant beginning: Praesta, quaesu- mus.... Printed texts include D. H. Turner, ed., The Claudius Pontificals [Lon- don, B. L. Cotton Claudius A. iii], HBS 97 (London, 1971) I, p. 55; F. E. Warren, ed., The Leofric Missal [Oxford, Bodl. Lib. Bodley 579] (Ox- ford, 1883) p. 226; Z. Obertynski, ed., The Cracow Pontifical HBS 100 (Lon- don, 1977) no. 264; H. A. Wilson, ed., Benedictionarius Roberti Archiepiscopi, Rouen, Bibliotheque municipale 369 (Y. 7), HBS 24 (London, 1903) p. 114; G. H. Doble, ed., Pontificale Lanaletense, Rouen, Bibliotheque municipale 368 (A. 27), HBS 74 (London, 1937) p. 44.

2 . [Adesto domine] supplicationibus nostris// . . . et vitam percipere [mereatur] aeternam. per.

Prayer "ad clericum faciendum." Printed texts include Turner, op. cit., II, p. 100 (in monasterio); Warren, op. cit., p. 226 (in ecclesia); Obertynski, op. cit., no. 265 (in ecclesia); Wilson, op. cit., p. 114; Doble, op. cit., p. 44.

3. [Heading, in red, only partially visible:] [Dum tondis] eum dic[a]s [anti- phonam hanc]. [text in a smaller and different hand:] //ias mihi heredita- tem tuam. dominus pars heredi//

Antiphon and Psalm (one line of text only). Cf. Psalm 15.5; Warren, op. cit., p. 226; Obertynski, op. cit., no. 266; Turner, op. cit., I, p. 55. Art. 1 and the antiphon also occur in the ordination of monks of the Rituale eccle- siae Dunelmensis (Durham Cathedral MS. A. iv. 19, U. Lindeloff and A. H. Thompson, eds., Publications of the Surtees Society 140 [Durham, 1927] p. 96).

Texts on verso:

4. [Heading:] et cenubio se traden[tibus] . Praesta, domine quaesumus famulis// ... [mun]dum se gaudeant evasi[sse].

Part of an "ordinatio monachi." For printed text see Turner, op. cit., II, p. 98; Doble, op. cit., p. 46, and Wilson, op. cit., p. 132.

5. [Heading:] Oratio super eum qui prius. Deus cuius spiritu creatura// ... super hunc famulum [tuum ... gaudeat et aeternae. per dominum].

Prayer "ad barbas tonendas." For printed texts see Turner, op. cit., I, p. 61; Warren, op. cit., p. 226; Obertynski, op. cit., no. 269; Wilson, op. cit., p. 115; Doble, op. cit,, p. 45.

Two fragments of a single parchment leaf measuring 179 x 131 mm. now crudely patched together in their original format. Written in a fine, large Anglo- Saxon square minuscule with headings in red square capitals (mostly faded). Removed from a binding; numerous sections spotted and discolored.

Written in England in the middle of the 10th century according to T. A. M. Bishop; it presumably originated in one of the episcopal seats of the period

128 MS 321

and perhaps in one of the monastic cathedrals. For a list of Anglo-Saxon pontificals surviving from the 10th and 1 1th centuries see H. Gneuss, "Litur- gical Books in Anglo-Saxon England," in Learning and Literature in Anglo-Saxon England: Studies Presented to Peter Clemoes, M. Lapidge and H. Gneuss, eds. (Cambridge, 1985) pp. 131-33 (we thank H. Gneuss for his assistance with the Beinecke fragment). Beinecke MS 320 is apparently by the same scribe and probably from the same manuscript as Cambridge, Trinity College B. 1. 30 (James 28), two strips of parchment (binding fragments) that origi- nally comprised a single leaf. The Beinecke fragment is believed to have been in the collection of the English jurist and archeologist John Selden (1584-1654). A note in the margin of the recto may be in his hand: "Writ- ten ab1 the middle of the 9th Century circa A.D. 850." It would therefore have been left, with other manuscripts and books, to his executor Sir Mat- thew Hale, also a noted jurist (1609-76). Bought at Sotheby's in June of 1963 (lot unknown) by H. P. Kraus (Cat. 107, no. 2) from whom it was acquired in 1965 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

MS 321 Florence, ca. 1475

Poggio Bracciolini, Historia Florentina, PI. 39

It. tr. Jacopo di Poggio

1 . ff. lr-3v Prohemio di Iacopo di messer Poggio alio illustrissimo signor Federco [sic] da Montefeltro conte durbino. nella. Historia. Fiorentina. di messer. Poggio. suo padre, et tradocta. da lui di Latino in lingua fiorentina. Narrano gli scriptori inuictissi- mo principe che Alexandro magno figliuolo di Philippo Re de macedoni ... ritrouerrai molti de tua e ultimamente te medesimo.

Prefatory letter of Jacopo di Poggio to Federico da Montefeltro.

2. ff. 3v-139v Historia di messer Poggio. tradocta. di latino, in nostra lingua, da Ia- copo suo. figliuolo. Libro primo. Avendo a scrivere quelle guerre le quali el popo- lo fiorentino non molto piu che da cento anni in qua conuaria . . . che molti anni era stata in continue anxieta e in spesa inestimabile. Finito. loctavo. et ultimo, libro. della. historia. fiorentina. di messer. Poggio. tradocta. di. lingua, lati- na. in lingua, toscana. da Iacopo. suo. figliuolo. Finis, f. 140r-v ruled, but blank

Poggio Bracciolini, Historia Fiorentina, translated into Italian by his son Jacopo. Beinecke MS 321 was used as printer's copy for the first edition published by Jacobus Rubeus at Venice on 8 March 1476 (Hain-Copinger * 131 72): the manuscript was corrected and edited for publication; square brackets were inserted within text with various signs in the margin (some accompa- nied by Arabic numerals) to mark page divisions; many leaves smudged by printer's ink. For a comparison of manuscript and incunable see C. Mey- ers, "The Transition from Pen to Press," unpublished Master of Fine Arts Thesis (New Haven, 1983).

MS 32I 129

Paper (lightly burnished; watermarks: similar to Briquet Ghapeau 3387), ff. i (paper) + 140 (foliated by scribe with red Roman numerals in upper mar- gin between vertical bounding lines) + i (paper), 336 x 235 (225 x 126) mm. Written in 37 long lines. Ruled in hard point; double vertical bounding lines, with extra (single or double) rulings for notes in outer margin.

I-XIV10. Catchwords perpendicular to text between inner vertical bound- ing lines, verso. Quire and leaf signatures (e.g., m, m2, etc.) in lower right corner, recto.

Written in sloping humanistic bookhand with cursive elements, below top line (for scribe see below).

Illuminated initial in gold, f. lr, 10-line, infilled and surrounded by flowers in rose and blue (yellow centers), rayed gold discs, winding green stems and leaves, and hair-line decoration (cf. J.J. G. Alexander and A. C. de la Mare, The Italian Manuscripts in the Library of Major J. R. Abbey [London, 1969] pi. XXVIb). Gold initial, f. 3r, 6-line, on ground composed of blue, green, and rose panels, all decorated with gold scroll designs (cf. Alexander and de la Mare, op. cit., pi. XXVIa). Headings in red rustic capitals.

Binding: s. xix. Diced brown calf spine, blind- and gold-tooled, with Stroz- zi arms and "Poggio istoria tradotta da Iacopo suo figlio" and "M. S. Cartaceo del S. XV." Blue and white decorated paper sides.

Written in Florence ca. 1475 by Niccolo Fonzio and possibly corrected and annotated by Jacopo di Poggio, according to A. C. de la Mare. The relation- ship between this manuscript and one apparently completed in Florence, June 1475, by the scribe Ser Antonio di Jacopo for Girolamo Strozzi (who also com- missioned, in 1476, the first printed edition of the work) is unclear. There is no doubt, however, that Beinecke MS 321 served as exemplar for the printed text (see art. 2 above). Although F. Edler de Roover ("Per la storia dell'arte della stampa in Italia: Come furono stampati a Venezia tre dei primi libri in volgare," La Bibliofilia 55 [1953] pp. 107-17) mentions a transaction between the scribe Ser Antonio di Jacopo and Strozzi as recorded in Florence, Archivio di Stato, Carte Strozziane, V serie, n. 52 (Libro di debitori e creditori di Girola- mo di Carlo Strozzi, segnato C. 1472-76, c. 67*), she had not located either the manuscript copied by Ser Antonio di Jacopo or Beinecke MS 321 copied by Niccolo Fonzio (we thank L. Armstrong for bringing this study to our at- tention). The codex remained in the possession of the Strozzi family until at least the 19th century when it was rebound with Strozzi arms on the spine; unidentified stamp of Strozzi family on f. lr with motto "Expecto". Large A, in red crayon, "349" and "F.4", in pencil, inside front cover; later note in pen- cil: ttAO/$ROWXW." Belonged to Prince Piero Ginori-Conti (1865-1939; book- plate). Purchased from Davis and Orioli in 1963 by L. C. Witten from whom it was acquired, 22 April 1964, with funds from Edwin J. Beinecke and the Albert H. Childs Fund.

130 MS 322

secundo folio: piu eterna

Bibliography. T. E. Marston, "A Note on the Printing of Incunabula," Gazette 39 (1964) p. 82.

MS 322 Oxford [?j, s. XIII3/4

Jerome; Rabanus Maurus, etc.

Most of the texts appearing in arts. 1-19, including the short unidentified works in arts. 6-7 and 14-19, are also found in Alencon, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 2 (s. XII) and in Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional MS 91 (s. XIII). Beinecke MS 322 does not, however, have several texts found in these two manuscripts.

1 . 1 . ff . 1 r- 1 Or [Heading in upper margin : ] De hebraicis questionibus in Gene- si. [text:] Incipit prologus beati ieronimi presbiteri in libro de hebraicis ques- tionibus ingenesi. [Qjui in principiis librorum debeam secuturi operis argumenta proponere cogor prius respondere . . . et spoliorum diuisio- nem super sacerdotibus qui seruientes altari uiuant de altari. Explicit liber beati ieronimi presbiteri de hebraicis questionibus in genesi.

Jerome, Liber hebraicarum questionum in Genesim; P. de Lagarde, ed., CC ser. lat. 72 (1959) pp. 1-56.

2. ff. 10r-14v Incipit prologus eiusdem in librum de mansionibus filiorum is- rael. [I]n septuagesimo septimo psalmo quern iuxta ewangelistam matheum ex persona domini dictum credimus ... Quia recte uie domini et iusti ambulabunt in eis preuaricatores autem corruent in illis. Explicit liber beati ieronimi presbiteri De mansionibus filiorum israel.

Jerome, Epistola LXXVIII; I. Hilberg, ed., CSEL 55 (1912) pp. 49-87.

3. ff. 14v-23v Incipit prologus eiusdem ieronimi libri de distantiis locorum. [Ejusebius qui a beato pamphilo martire cognomentum sortitus est post decern ecclesiastice hystorie libros . . . zoeleth nomen lapidis vbi adonias immolauit uictimas iuxta fontem rochel.

Jerome, Liber de situ et nominibus locorum hebraicorum; PL 23.859-928.

4. ff. 23v-33r Incipit prologus in librum interpretationum hebraicorum nomi- num editum a beato ieronimo presbitero. [PJhylo uir disertissimus iudeo- rum originis quoque testimonio comprobatur . . . Sathan aduersarius uel preuaricator.

Jerome, Liber interpretationis hebraicorum nominum; P. de Lagarde, ed., GG ser. lat. 72 (1959) pp. 59-161.

5. f. 33r Aleph. mille uel doctrina. Beth. Domus. Gimel. retributio. uel plenitudo ... Res. capud. Sen. dentes. Tav. signum uel subter.

MS 322 I31

Abbreviated version of Jerome, Liber interpretationis hebraicorum nomi- num, De psalterio; Lagarde, op. cit., pp. 118-19. Cf. Lyell Cat.y p. 6, f. 11 3v.

6. f. 33r a) Greek alphabet, from alpha to omega; b) three systems of numbers; Roman numerals, Greek numbers transliterated into Roman letters (e.g., mia, dia, tria, tessera), letters of the Greek al- phabet.

7. f. 33r-v Note diuine legi necessarie [list of notae, e.g., ET hoc in ethimilogiis; SYL hoc in sillogisimis, followed by the text:] Prima nota hoc loco demonstratur De uultu tuo iudicium ... melius est habere Zachei staturum cum suauitate quam golie cum febre.

8. ff. 33v-39v Incipit liber beati ieronimi presbiteri De questionibus in libro regum. [F]uit uir unus de ramathaim sophim de monte ephraim et nomen eius helchana . . . Intelligendum namque est boues argenti siclis quinquaginta aream uero sescentis aureis emisse. Explicit liber beati ieronimi presbiteri de questionibus regum.

Pseudo-Jerome, Quaestiones hebraicae in libros Regum; PL 23.1329-64.

9. ff. 39v-45v Incipit liber eiusdem de questionibus in paralippomenon. [I]n diebus eius diuisa est terra quia in diebus eius facta est turris . . . cy- rus ut ruinas templi restauraret. Explicit liber beati ieronimi presbiteri De questionibus paralippomenon.

Pseudo-Jerome, Quaestiones hebraicae in libros Paralipomenon; PL 23.1365-1402.

10. ff. 45v-46r [Rubric written along side of column:] Incipit de decern temptationibus . [H]ec sunt uerba que locutus est moyses ad omnem israel ... quando me misit moyses ad terram considerandam. Explicit de decern temptationibus.

Pseudo-Jerome, Decern tentationes populi Israel in deserto; PL 23.1319-22.

11. ff. 46r-47r Incipit canticum debbore. [C]ecineruntque debbora et barach filius abinoem. Barach uir . . . quia domus rechab uinum non bibat sicut habes in ieremia propheta. Finit canticum debbore.

Pseudo-Jerome, Commentarius in canticum Debborae; PL 23.1321-28.

12. ff. 47r-48v Incipiunt lamentationes ieremie prophete. [E]t factum est post- quam in captiuitatem ductus est israel et ierusalem deserta est ... transgrediendi precepta illius et sequendo uoluntatem carnis. Explicit expositio super alfabeto hebreo.

Pseudo-Jerome, In lamentationes Ieremiae; PL 25.787-92.

13. ff. 48v-49r leronimus ad dardanum de musicis instruments. [Cjogor a te ut tibi dardane de aliis generibus musicorum sicut res docet uel

I32 ms 322

uisione uel auditu . . . et est minima sapientia legis ueteris in manu iudeorum.

Pseudo-Jerome, Epistola XXIII (De diversis generibus musicorum); PL 30.213-15 (MS 322 missing final lines of printed text).

14. f. 49r-v De partibus minus notis ueteris testamenti in genesi. Sintagma doctrina Oeconicon dispensatorem uel secretum Bdellium arbor est aromatica ... Diotropes heresiarcha temporis illius aliquis superbus.

Unidentified commentary, on Genesis through Sirach.

15. f. 49v Chart with signs of the zodiac, Gemini through Capricornus, and the title: Sic duodena poli chaldeus signa notauit.

16. ff. 49v-51v De epistolis pauli apostoli. Paulus apostolus non ab hominibus ... [Gal. 1.1]. Apostolus interpretatur missus propheta aliquando apostolus . . . Ille enim suo periurio se perimit sed iste ma- num interficientis impressit.

Unidentified commentary on Paul's Epistle to the Galatians.

17. f. 51 v De spera celi. Affirmatur celum rotundum esse iuxta ec- clesiasten et in spere modum uolui ... scientie caritatem conse- quamur.

Unidentified commentary on Paul's epistle to the Ephesians (3.18).

18. ff. 51v-52r Lapis viridis super quern merit nulla phantasmata ti- met significat fidem . . . benignitate suaues regia potestate circa omnes in cursus constantes.

Unidentified lapidary.

19. f. 52r De mensuris. Mensurarum appellationes quibus utimur sunt, xii. Digitus, uncia ... pro mensura illius rei teneto.

Thorndike and Kibre, 870.

20. f. 52r [Ljitteras uestras de electione eboracensi ecclesie nobis trans- missas debita benignitate suscepimus ... nostro uos conspectui presentetis abiecta canonice probare parati. f. 52v blank

Part of a letter of Innocent III (dated 1142) concerning the disputed election at York of St. William Fitzherbert; printed in C. H. Tal- bot, "New Documents in the Case of St. William of York," Cambridge Historical Journal 10 (1950) p. 10. "Vacat" entered into margin next to text.

II. 21. ff. 53r-172v Incipit epistola domini Rabani mauri tnaguncianensis ar- chiepiscopi in libro de natura rerum adLowicum [sic] imperatoremf ilium caroli magni. [DJomino excelentissimo et omni honore dignissimo ludoui- co regi rabanus uilissimus seruorum dei seruus eterne beatitudinis

MS 322 133

in christo optat salutem. Audita bona opinione uestra que predicatur . . . Qui licet parum sapiant reddunt tamen plerumque labori eorum per quos sibi consulitur et splendorem laudis et odorem [sic] bone opinionis. Herbe// catchwords: eterna paradisi

Rabanus Maurus, De universo, ending defectively in Book 19, ch. 8, sect. B (quire XVI is lacking); PL 111.9-529.

III. 22. ff. 173r-200v [Rubric above col. a in original hand:] Incipit liber

exameron id est sex dierum sancti ambrosii mediolanensis episcopi. Incipit dies primus in quo dixit deus fiat lux et facta est lux. apellauitque lucem diem et tenebras noctem. Tantumne opinionis assumpsisse homines presump- serunt ut aliqui eorum tria principia constituerent . . . ego dormiui et requieui et resurrexi quoniam dominus suscepit me. Ipse enim requieuit qui fecit cui est honor gloria perpetuitas a seculis et nunc et semper et in omnia secula seculorum. Amen. Explicit exameron sancti ambrosii mediolanensis episcopi.

Ambrose, Exameron; C. Schenkl, ed., CSEL 32,1 (1897) pp. 3-261.

IV. 23. ff. 201r-221v Incipit heustachij uiri dilectissimi prologus in exameron beati

basilij cesariensis archiepiscopi. [prologue:] Religiosus simulque studio- sus animus tue germanitatis dum plenitudinem celestium nosse desiderat scripturarum ... [text:] In principio fecit deus celum et ter- rain [Gen. 1.1]. Conueniens exordium de mundi compositione nar- raturus assumpsit ... Confundatur impius erubescat iudeus exultet iustus predicationibus ueritatis glorificetur deus nunc et semper et in secula seculorum. Amen. f. 222r blank; f. 222v has table of con- tents and notes added, s. xiv, and extensive contemporary notes, in lead (see Provenance).

Eustathius, In Hexaemeron S. Basilii latina translatio; E. Amand de Men- dieta and S. Rudberg, eds. (Berlin, 1958) pp. 3-126 (Beinecke MS 322 not listed).

The codex is composed of four parts; parchment (well prepared, but with holes and end pieces), ff. ii (bifolium, i = front pastedown) + 222 + ii (bifo- lium, ii = back pastedown), 351 x 226 (230 x 142) mm.

Part I: ff. 1-52: 2 columns, 60 lines; ruled in lead. Single vertical bounding lines, double horizontal bounding lines at top, center and bottom of written space, all full length and full across. Prickings at upper, outer and lower edges. I-III12, IV-V8. Catchwords, some partially trimmed, below inner column, verso. Quire signatures (e.g., primus quaternus, ij, iij, etc.) centered in lower margin, both recto and verso, within a circle of alternating red and brown dots and four brown flourishes (see Provenance for origin of signatures). Written by a single scribe in small gothic textura. Spaces left for initials (5- to 1-line).

134 ms 322

Rubrics and running titles in red. Guide-letters and notes to rubricator, the latter along outer edges of most margins except inner.

Part II: ff. 53-172: 2 columns, 60 lines; ruled in lead. Single vertical bound- ing lines full length; double horizontal bounding lines. Prickings in upper and lower margins. I-X12, XI (this quire, numbered XVI, is missing, with loss of text at end of art. 21). Catchwords along lower edge near gutter, verso; quire signatures as in Part I (VI-XV). Written by two scribes in small gothic tex- tura. Scribe 1: ff. 52r-160v; Scribe 2: ff. 161r-172v. Spaces for initials, 6- to 3-line, left blank, with guide-letters in red. Initials within text stroked with red. Headings and some spiral line-fillers in red (lacking in ff. 161-172, final quire).

Part III: ff. 173-200: 2 columns, 59 lines; ruled in lead. Single vertical bound- ing lines between columns and single or double for outer edge of written space, full length; double horizontal bounding lines that do not extend full width of page. Additional pair of rulings in upper, lower, and outer margins. Prickings in upper and lower margins. I12, II16. Catchwords along lower edge near gut- ter, verso; quire signatures as in Parts I— II (XVII-XVIII). Leaf signatures (e.g., a, b, c, etc.) in pencil, lower right corner, recto. Written by one scribe in small gothic textura. Numerous annotations in several contemporary and later hands. 6-line initial, f. 173r, divided red and blue with penwork in the same colors; other initials, 3- to 1-line, in blue with red penwork or vice ver- sa. Running titles in alternating red and blue versals. Headings in red. Guide- letters and notes to rubricator in most margins.

Part IV: ff. 201-222: 2 columns, 52 lines; ruled in lead. Single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across. Prickings (slashes) in upper margin. I12, II12 (-10, 11, probably blank). Catchwords along lower edge near gutter, verso; quire signatures as in Parts I— III (XIX- XX). Written by a single scribe in bold gothic textura. 3 -line initial, f. 20 lr, red with blue penwork; 2-line initials red with blue or vice versa. Guide-letters still visible. Running titles in alternating red and blue versals. Headings in red.

Binding: s. xiv. Apparently bound in England before arriving in Italy (see Provenance below). Original sewing, wound and caught up, on five tawed skin, slit strap supports laced through tunnels in the edge to the outside of oak boards, laid in channels and pegged with rectangular pegs. The spine is square with no trace of adhesive. Quarter covered with vellum or tawed skin nailed along the edge. The boards are broken, the sewing breaking and most of the cover wanting; the boards were repaired in the 18th or 19th century when presuma- bly the front flyleaf and pastedown from a document, in Italian, listing sale agreements made during 1650-52, were added.

Written in the third quarter of the 13th century, probably in Oxford for Hugh of Warwick; his contemporary notes in pencil, f. 222v: "Memorandum quod hec fuerunt debita mea in recessu Hugh de Warewik de Oxon. videlicet ...".

ms 323 J35

Numerous contemporary notes and corrections throughout text. Belonged to the convent of St. Francis of Assisi by 1381, when it was listed in the catalogue of the convent library as no. LXVII: "Quidam libri Ieronimi. Rabanus de natura rerum. Exameron ambrosii et basilii. Cum postibus et cathena. Cujus principi- um est. Qui in principio librorum debeam secuturi operis argumenta proponer. Finis vero Glorificetur deus nunc et semper et in secula seculorum. Amen. In quo libro omnes quaterni sunt XX. H." (see L. Alessandri, Inventario MVantica biblioteca de S. Convento di S. Francesco in Assisi [Assisi, 1906] p. 16). The distinc- tive quire signatures, devised by the convent librarian Giovanni Ioli, were placed on books at Assisi which entered the library before the inventory of 1381; see C. Cenci, O. F. M., Bibliotheca Manuscripta ad Sacrum Conventum Assisiensem (Assisi, 1981) v. 1, p. 32. Unidentified notation on final flyleaf: "Rugieri H. 1." Be- longed to S. Harrison Thomson (MS 10) who bought it from Hoepli, Milan, in 1932; acquired from Thomson in 1969 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: in hebreo

MS 323 England, s. XVmed

Brut Chronicle (in Eng.), etc.

1 . ff. lr Notes on the Clare family, in chart format, from a manuscript con- temporary with or slightly earlier than the main text (art. 3). Name of the appropriate King of England appears on the left in a red circle [concludes with King Edward IV, 1327-77], and a short history of the following mem- bers of the Clare family is added on the right: a) Richard, Earl of Hertford (ca. 1153-1217) and wife Amicia, Countess of Gloucester; b) Gilbert, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford (1243-95) and second wife, Joan of Acre, daugh- ter of King Edward I; c) sisters of Gilbert, no. b supra, together with their respective spouses: Eleanor (1292-1337) = Hugh Despenser; Margaret (1293-1342) = Hugh D'Audley; Elizabeth (ca. 1295-1360) = Theoblod Verdun (first husband), Roger Damory (second), John de Burgh (third); d) Elizabeth de Clare (ca. 1295-1360). f. lv blank, except for crude draw- ing of a bearded man

For a discussion of the Clare family of Gloucester see M. Altschul, A Baroni- al Family in Medieval England: The Clares 1217-1314 (Baltimore, 1965).

2. f. 2r Genealogical tree, s. xv2, establishing the claims of King Edward IV (1461-83) to the kingdoms of England, France, Castile and Leon. f. 2v blank, except for pen trials

3. ff. 3r-157v Here may a man hure Engelande Was f erst callede Albyon and poruj wham hit had pe name. In the noble lande of Syrrie >ere was a noble kyng and mighty and a man of grete . . . wi> his power and logged hym on \>e NorJ>e side of \dl

136 MS 323

Brut Chronicle, up to 1419, but the final leaf of text has been torn out. F. W. D. Brie, ed., EETS 131 (1906; reprinted 1960) and 136 (1908) pp. 1-390. Text is defective: missing two leaves (bifolium) between ff. 93-94 ( ... and to meny sike folc hire hele )?at hadde duverse maladies for J>e loue//3if )?at J>inge my3t be brought aboute and stande \>ey ... ; Brie, pp. 229-34). L. M. Matheson, "Historical Prose" in Middle English Prose: A Critical Guide to Major Authors and Genres, ed. A. S. G. Edwards (New Brunswick, New Jer- sey, 1984) p. 233.

Parchment (thick), ff. ii (paper) + ii (contemporary parchment, ff. 1-2) + 156 (ff. 3-158) + ii (paper), 322 x 224 (210 x 132) mm. 37 long lines. Ruled in ink; double upper and single lower horizontal bounding lines; single verti- cal bounding lines, all full width and length. Prickings in upper, lower and outer margins, with two parallel prickings for lower horizontal bounding line.

I-XI8, XII8 (-4, 5), XIII-XIX8, XX6 (f. 158 = stub). Catchwords, en- closed by decorative rectangles, close to written space near gutter, verso.

Written by a single scribe in neat Anglicana formata (cf. Parkes, Cursive Book Hands pi. 6, i). Running titles and marginal notes added by later hands.

Illuminated initial, 6-line, on f. lr, pink on gold ground, with blue, green, and pink acanthus leaves, and white highlights; full bar-border with swirling acanthus leaves in same colors as for initial; black hair-spray in outer mar- gins. Heading and chapter numbers in red. Small initials, 2 -line, blue with red flourishes, for most chapters. Paragraph marks alternate red and blue.

Parchment is well thumbed and worn, especially f. lr; some loss of text.

Binding: s. xvii-xviii. Covered in brown calf, blind-tooled, with a brick- colored, gold-tooled label, probably a later addition.

Written in England ca. 1440 to judge from the style of illumination (we thank K. L. Scott for this information); early provenance unknown. Belonged to Hen- ry Powle, Master of the Rolls (1630-92; DNB, v. 16, pp. 262-64); his shelf- mark inside front cover "A. 38." Signatures on f. i recto: "Mattw Lee" (with "2. 18. 6") and added below "N° 19 Thomas Huckell Lee." From the collec- tion of William Amhurst Tyssen-Amherst (1835-1909; bookplate on f. i rec- to); see S. de Ricci, A Handlist of a Collection of Books and Manuscripts belonging to the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney at Didlington Hall, Norfolk (Cambridge, 1906) p. 357, MS 57. Notation "H 498" in pencil inside back cover. Belonged to Herschel V. Jones of Minneapolis (1861-1928; book label pasted inside front cover); his sale by Anderson Galleries, New York (Cat. 1699, 23 January 1923, no. 125). Purchased from Van Sinderen in 1964 as a gift of the Yale Library Associates.

secundo folio: dou }>is

ms 324 J37

MS 324 England, s. XV2/4

Nicholas Love, Mirrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Christ

1 . ff. v recto - vi verso At the bigynnynge the proheme of the boke that is cleped the mirrour of the blessed lyf of Ihesu crist. Prima pars pro die lune. A deuoute meditacioun of the grete conseile in heuen for the restoryng of man [erasure] his saluacion. Capitulum primum. Of the manere lyuynge of the blessed virgine marie. Capitulum secundum ... Sacramentum corporis christi. Of that excellent and worthiest sacrament of cristes blessed body. Capitulum lxiiijtum. [note to the reader, in Latin:] Attende lector huius libri prout sequiiur in anglice . . . lucide poterit apparere.

Table of contents for The Mirrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Christ, tr. Nicholas Love; L. F. Powell, ed., Roxburghe Club 151 (Oxford, 1908) pp. 1-6.

2. ff. lr-126v //this entente \>l is to say as deuoute ymaginaciouns and lyk- nesses strirynge symple soules to the loue of god and desyre of heuenly thyn [added above: gys]. ffor as seint gregory seith ... though my kyndely re- soun ageyn seye it. Blessed be the name of oure lord Ihesu and his moder Marie, now and euere withouten ende Amen. Explicit Speculum Vite christi.

Powell, op. cit., pp. 9-308; MS 324 (referred to as the Sherard manuscript, in Lord Aldenham's collection) was one of three collated by Powell. Miss- ing folios as noted in collation, with loss of text corresponding to Powell, pp. 7-9, 11-20, 214-17, 236-38 and 299-302; omission of pp. 308-24 in Powell was apparently deliberate. The text in MS 324 concludes (ff. 124r-126v) with a section entitled De sacramento corporis christi. See E. Salter, Nicholas Love's "Myrrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Christ," Analecta Cartusiana 10 (Salzburg, 1974) p. 6, no. 28, and, for a revised list of the manuscripts, E. Salter, "The Manuscripts of Nicholas Love's Mirrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Christ and Related Texts," in A. S. G. Edwards and D. Pearsall, eds., Middle English Prose: Essays on Bibliographical Problems (New York, 1981) pp. 115-27; Beinecke MS 324 is listed on p. 124.

3. f. 126v Memorans quod circa annum domini Millesimum CCCCm deci- mum originalis copia huius libri scilicet Speculi vite christi in anglice presen- tabatur Londoun per compilatorem eiusdem Reuerendissimo in christo patri et domino domino Thome Arundell Cantuarensi Archiepiscopo ... decreuit et mandauit ad fidelium edificationem. et hereticorum confutacionem Amen.

Memorandum stating that the original copy of the translation was given to Thomas Arundell, Abp. of Canterbury, for his approval, in 1410; accord- ing to Powell (p. xi) this note appears in many copies of the text.

Parchment, ff. iii (parchment) + i (foliated iv, original flyleaf) + 128 (foliated v-vi, 1-126) + iii (parchment), 302 x 205 (186 x 123) mm. Written in 33 long lines; ruled in brown crayon. Double vertical bounding lines on outer side of

i35 MS 324

written space, single vertical bounding lines on side near gutter and near out- er edge of folio, all full length. Double horizontal bounding lines (and some- times two through written space, ca. 63 mm. apart), all full width. Prickings near outer and lower edges.

I2 (ff. v-vi), II8 (-1, 3, 4, 5, 6), III-XII8, XIII8 (-6, after f. 88), XIV8 (-8 after f. 97), XV-XVII8, XVIII8 (-3 after f. 123, and -7, 8 after f. 126, blank?). Loss of text in each case where folios are missing, except in the last quire, leaves 7 and 8. Catchwords on verso, crossing inner bounding line. Quire and leaf signatures (e.g., hj, hij, hiij, etc.) in lower right corner, recto. Modern parch- ment leaves (not foliated) have been bound in where originals lost.

Written by one hand in bastard Anglicana similiar to Parkes, Cursive Book Hands, pis. 7, ii and 8, i.

Initials at beginning of each day, 4-line, on ff. 22r, 34r, 53r, 106r, gold against pink and blue grounds, with white filigree, partial borders of acanthus leaves and daisy buds in purple, pink, orange and blue, black hair-spray with green leaves and gold dots. (Similar initials or more important decoration prob- ably occurred on the folios missing at the beginning of Prohemium, Monday, Friday and Chapter 64.) 3- and 2-lines initials gold against pink and blue, with white filigree, short border of hair-spray with green leaves and gold dots. 1-line initials and paragraph marks gold with blue penwork or blue with red used in text and in running titles and notations in outer margin. Line-fillers in blue and gold; rubrics throughout.

Outer margin of f. 37 cut off.

Binding: s. xix-xx. Olive green goatskin, blind-tooled, with gold-tooled label. Two clasp-and-catch fastenings. Bound by Zaehnsdorf (London, ca. 1842-1930). Original flyleaf (f. iv) is a bifolium, inserted sideways, from a manuscript written in England, s. xiv, in Anglicana formata. Each page meas- ures 190 x 150 (146 x 112) mm.; 30 long lines with 4 mm. between lines. Ruled in ink, single vertical and upper horizontal bounding lines full length and width; prickings along upper and outer edges. On the recto and verso at top, portions of a prose text printed in English Prose Treatises of Richard Rolle , EETS 20 (1866) pp. 39-41. On the recto and verso at bottom, Rolle's Commandment of Love, H. E. Allen, ed., English Writings of Richard Rolle (St. Clair Shores, Mich.: Schol- arly Press, 1979) pp. 76-78, lines 117-83.

Written in England (London?) ca. 1430-50 (we thank K. L. Scott for this at- tribution); early modern provenance unknown. According to Henry Hucks Gibbs, Lord Aldenham (1819-1907), tradition said that the manuscript be- longed to Nicholas Ferrar of Little Gidding (1592-1637; DNB, v. 6, pp. 1241-44), and descended through his kinswoman Martha (daughter of Edward Ferrar and wife of Castell Sherard) to her son Castell Sherard (married Jane Caryer); the manuscript passed to Miss Sherard of Abbots Langley, then to her nephew Henry Wilson, from whom Lord Aldenham acquired it. See A

ms 325 139

Catalogue of Some Printed Books and Manuscripts . . . Collected by Henry Hucks Gibbs (London, 1888) Addenda, p. 200; his bookplate, with notation "Bonaventure. L. 13. 9 [?]." Aldenham's sale (Sotheby's, 22 March 1937, no. 45) to George Smith, Esq.; his sale (Sotheby's, 2 Feb. 1960, no. 309). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill in 1965 by Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

MS 325 Mainz [?], 1446

Jordanus de Quedlinburg, Sermones de tempore PL 42

1 . f . 1 r-v Registrum contentorum huius voluminis in generali. 255. Maria magdalene [sic]. Expositio ewangelij in die pasche et habet 3 partes ... 458. Cum videri- tis. Sermo de eadem dominica habens sub sermones duos.

Table for art. 2, with references to numbered items in text. Sequence runs from 255 [due to missing first volume?] to 458.

2. ff. 2r-279v Sermons are identified by Schneyer numbers as listed in v. 3, pp. 813-24: f. 2r [introduction to Pars 3a:] Postquam domino fauente in priori volumine compleui duas partes operis principalis . . . sequar inte- grum qui dat paruulis intellectum. Amen; 61, ff. lr-7r; 62, ff. 7r-v, 9r-v, 8r-v (see Collation); 63, ff. 8v, 10r-14v; 64, ff. 14v-18r; 65, ff. 18r-19r; 66, ff. 19r-23v; 67, ff. 23v-27r; 68, ff. 27r-31r; 69, ff. 31r-35r; 70, ff. 35r-37v (reading for Pars 3a is on f. 37r: Cum autem venerit ille spiritus veritatis docebit vos ... [John 16.13-15], incipit is the same); 71, ff. 37v-43v; 72, ff. 44r-48v; 73, ff. 53r-75r (preceded by an explanation of why this ex- position is included: Quia in proximo precedent! ewangelio in sermone eius- dem ewangelij plura dicuntur de oracionibus non nulla etiam ibi tanguntur de oracione dominica ... per instructionem legencium posterium.); 74, ff. 48v-52r (f. 52v ruled, but blank); 75, ff. 75r-82r; 76, ff. 82r-86v; 77, ff. 86v-91v; 78, ff. 91v-95v; 79, ff. 95v-101v; 80, ff. 101v-106v; 81, ff. 106v-107r; 82, ff. 107r-lllr; ff. lllr-112r [introduction to Pars 4a:] In- cipit quarta pars operis. Expeditis cum dei adiutorio tribus partibus operis ... tocius quarte partis in generali; 83, ff. 112r-115r; 84, ff. 115r-118v; 85, ff. 118v-121v; 86, ff. 121v-127r; 87, ff. 127r-131v; 88, ff. 131v-134v; 89, ff. 134v-137r (Pars la begins: Hie turbe ex fame verbi dei irruerunt ad ihe- sum ut dicitur ... ut dicit iohannes); 90, ff. 137r-140r; 91, ff. 140r-143v; 92, ff. 143v-146r; 93, ff. 146r-149r; 94, ff. 149r-153r; 95, ff. 153r-156v; 96, ff. 156v-161r; 97, ff. 161r-165r; 98, ff. 165r-167v; 99, ff. 167v-170v; 100, ff. 170v-173r; 101, ff. 173r-176r; 102, ff. 176r-179r; 103, ff. 179r-182r; 104, ff. 182r-185r; 105, ff. 185r-188r; 106 lacking; 107, ff. 188r-191v(Pars la begins: Et si apostoli erant beati, qui christum dominum oculis corporali- bus videbant ... ); 108, ff. 191v-194v; 109, ff. 194v-198v; 110, ff. 198v-201v; 111, ff. 201v-205r; 112, ff. 205r-207r; 113, ff. 207r-209r; 114, ff. 209r-212r;

14° MS 325

115, ff. 212r-214v; 116, ff. 214v-217r; 117, ff. 217r-220v; 118, ff. 220v-222v; 119, ff. 222v-225v; 120, ff. 225v-228v; 121, ff. 228v-232r; 122, ff. 232r-235r; 123, ff. 235r-238r; 124, ff. 238r-242r; 125, ff. 242r-246r; 126, ff. 246r-249v; 127, ff. 249v-255v; 128, ff. 255v-259r; 129, ff. 259r-261r; 130, ff. 261r-263v; 131, ff. 263v-267v; 132, ff. 267v-269v; 133, ff. 269v-276v; 134, ff. 276v-279v; f. 279v [colophon:] Istud opus factum est anno domini CCC° lxv°. Ut habetur in expositione 2a Cum videritis abhominatio- nem. 455° et scriptum anno eiusdem 1446°.

The text in full of the Sermones de tempore Pascha usque adAdventum was printed in Strasbourg, 1483 (editor unknown; Hain 9438) ff. 243r-417v; variations between the two are minor. Regarding the author, see R. Lievens ,Jordanus van Quedlinburg in de Nederlanden (Ghent, 1958), and A. Zumkeller, Manuscripte von Werken der Autoren des Augustiner-Eremitenordens in mitteleuropaischen Bibliotheken (Wurzburg, 1966) pp. 302-10, no. 648 (MS 325 does not appear in his list of manuscripts).

3. ff. 280r-286r Abbas bona monastery dissipans 363 e. Abnegatio . . . Ypocri- sis quam detestenda 444 b. 407 c. 442 d. Deo laus et gratiarum actio, [in a different hand of s. xv:] Codex monastery sancti Iacobi prope Moguntiam ciuita- tem nobilem. f. 286v blank

Alphabetical index of subjects for art. 2; index was apparently made for this book since alphabetical guides appear in margins of text.

Paper and parchment (watermarks: similar to Briquet Raisin 13003 and unidentified angel; parchment poor quality, end pieces and with holes), ff. i (parchment) + 286, 300 x 210 (219 x 149) mm. Written in 2 columns, 43-47 lines. Frame-ruled in lead. Prickings at outer edges. Deckle edges remain on most folios.

I12 (7, 8, 9, 10 should be 7, 9, 8, 10; the scribe wrote the text in an incor- rect sequence and noted the error in the lower margins of ff. 7v, 8v, and 9v), II-IV12, V4 (outer bifolium parchment), VI- VII12 (all paper, reinforced at center with a strip of a 14th-century manuscript on parchment), VIII-XXIII12, XXIV12 (-11, no loss of text), XXV12 (-8 through 12, no loss of text). Ex- cept as noted, all quires have inner and outer bifolios of parchment. Quires signed by contemporary hand, in Arabic numerals, on lower right of verso.

Written by three scribes in various styles of informal gothic bookhand: 1: ff. lr-36v (catchwords centered below written space); 2: ff. 37r-52r, 75r-286r (catchwords along lower edge near gutter; leaf signatures in red Arabic numer- als, on recto, in center of lower edge); 3: ff. 53r-75r (catchwords same as for 2; leaf signatures in red Arabic numerals on recto, in center of lower edge). Many marginal notes and corrections by original and contemporary hands.

Initials, 6- or 4-line, in red and/or black, sometimes with brown penwork. Crude initials, 3-or 2-line, in red. Strokes on 1-line capitals, paragraph marks,

MS 326 141

underlining and numeration of sermons in red. Capitals and ascenders on top line often flourished, with added red and brown. Sketch of leper's head in margin off. 193r to illustrate Luke 17.15-19.

Binding: s. xv. Original, wound sewing on four tawed skin, slit strap sup- ports laced into channels in oak boards. Plain, wound endbands sewn on tawed skin cores covered with saddle-stitched covering leather. The spine is square and lined between the sewing supports with parchment manuscript fragments that extend inside the boards. Covered in tan calf with corner tongues and traces of tying-up strings defining the supports. Traces of two fastenings, the clasps on the lower board. Blind-tooled with an X in concentric frames and small round, rectangular, and flower-shaped tools. Paper labels on spine (see Provenance below). Parchment tag on front cover, in hand of s. xv, reads: "F viij. Jordanus de tempore a pascha usque ad aduentum. S."

Written in 1446 (see f. 279v), probably at the Benedictine monastery of St. Jacobus near Mainz, and probably as the second of two volumes (see art. 1 above). Ex libris (f. 286r) "Codex monastery Sancti jacobi in monte speciozo prope Moguntiam ciuitatem nobilem." This inscription or ones similar are repeated frequently throughout volume. Shelf-mark inside front cover: "S. XIV. B. 19." Unidentified book tags on spine: "64" (a square label with the number 1 added to make "164") and "41 (round paper label); possibly from the collec- tion of Kircherat Johann Christoph Dahl. St. Jacobus was suppressed in 1802, and many of its books were acquired by Leander van Ess, who in turn sold some of them to Sir Thomas Phillipps (Phillipps Studies, v. 3, pp. 29-33). Accord- ing to N. R. Ker (note in library files), MS 325 is almost certainly Phillipps no. 548 (Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum . . . , p. 6), although the Phillipps labels and numbers are not present. Phillipps sale (London, 1910, no. 475) to Dobell. Collection of Wilfred M. Voynich (De Ricci, v. 2, p. 1847, no. 11). Purchased from H. P. Kraus in 1965 by Thomas E. Marston, who presented it to the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: dicit quod

Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 2, p. 1847, no. 11.

MS 326 Italy, s. XV2

Bindus Senensis, etc.

I. 1. ff. lr-41v //Saluator cum diabolo pugnaturus ieiunauit et ipsum in tribus temptationibus superauit. Mt. 4. Abstinentia iuuat oratio- nem. Ideo tobias dixit ... [concludes:] Zelus indiscretus est quando non est ordinatus . . . quando accepit epistolas ut persequeretur chris- tianos. ac. 8. 9.

*4f ms 326

Bindus Senensis, Distinctiones exemplorum veteris et novi testamenti; Steg- muller, v. 2, no. 1765. First leaf, with text, missing.

2. ff. 41v-45v Abstinentia ualet ad multa. capitulo. primo. per to- tum./ Aceptio munerum ... Qelus malus multiplex, capitulo. 138.

Alphabetical tabula for art. 1 (no known attribution).

II. 3. ff. 46r-65v Incipit sumula capitulorum decretalium diffimtorum per domi- nion Iohannem andree et alios doctores quorum nomina quia ignorantur ideo non subscribuntur. Damnamus ergo et reprobamus libellum. Casus. Pater et filius et spiritus sanctus uera unio est non collectiua . . . [con- cludes in section with rubric: Deo eo qui cognouit consanguineam uxoris sue uelsponse] 8. Ex litteris. casus. Affinitas superueniens soluit// catch- word: sponsalia

Casus summarii decretalium; incomplete (X. 1.1. 1-4. 14.1). Capitulum numbers, in red Arabic numerals, to the left of each column. Cor- rections and marginalia in a contemporary hand.

III. 4. ff. 66r-118v Incipit tractatus de censuris ecclesiastkis compositus per vener- abilem uirum archiepiscopumflorentinum. Excommunicatio dicitur exclusio a communione . . . De penis que inferuntur a iudicibus habes etiam infra in tertia parte titulo de Iudicibus.

Antoninus, archbishop of Florence, Tractatus de censuris ecclesiastkis', GKW, v. 2, nos. 2068-71; T. Kaeppeli, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicato- rumMediiAevi (Rome, 1970) v. 1, pp. 89-91, no. 253 (MS 326 list- ed). Frequent corrections and additions in another hand, but not by the same scribe of marginalia in Part II above.

Composed of three parts, all of fine parchment, 280 x 197 (185 x 129) mm., 2 columns of 52 lines, and written by three scribes in fere-humanistic script.

Part I: ff. 1-45: double vertical bounding lines, full length, except for single ruling for right margin of left column. Lightly ruled in ink; remains of prick- ings along upper and lower edges. I10 (-1), II-IV10, V6. Catchwords, sur- rounded by four dots or modest flourishes, near inner vertical rulings, verso; quire and leaf signatures (e.g., b.2, b.3, etc.) in lower right corner, recto. Plain initials, 4- to 2-line, in red; guide-letters.

Part II: ff. 46-65: double outer (ink) and single inner (lead) vertical bound- ing lines, full length. I-II10. Catchwords, with dot and/or slash to left and right, in center of lower margin, verso; remains of leaf signatures (e.g., b, c, etc.) in lower right corner, recto. Headings, running titles, simple initial (f. 46r), chapter numbers, and initial strokes in red throughout. Notes to rubricator.

Part III: ff. 66-118: double outer and single inner vertical bounding lines ruled faintly in ink, most full length. Remains of prickings in upper and lower margins. I10, II10 (5 a contemporary replacement written by a different scribe),

MS 326 141

underlining and numeration of sermons in red. Capitals and ascenders on top line often flourished, with added red and brown. Sketch of leper's head in margin of f. 193r to illustrate Luke 17.15-19.

Binding: s. xv. Original, wound sewing on four tawed skin, slit strap sup- ports laced into channels in oak boards. Plain, wound endbands sewn on tawed skin cores covered with saddle-stitched covering leather. The spine is square and lined between the sewing supports with parchment manuscript fragments that extend inside the boards. Covered in tan calf with corner tongues and traces of tying-up strings defining the supports. Traces of two fastenings, the clasps on the lower board. Blind-tooled with an X in concentric frames and small round, rectangular, and flower-shaped tools. Paper labels on spine (see Provenance below). Parchment tag on front cover, in hand of s. xv, reads: "F viij. Jordanus de tempore a pascha usque ad aduentum. S."

Written in 1446 (see f. 279v), probably at the Benedictine monastery of St. Jacobus near Mainz, and probably as the second of two volumes (see art. 1 above). Ex libris (f. 286r) "Codex monasterij Sancti jacobi in monte speciozo prope Moguntiam ciuitatem nobilem." This inscription or ones similar are repeated frequently throughout volume. Shelf-mark inside front cover: "S. XIV. B. 19." Unidentified book tags on spine: "64" (a square label with the number 1 added to make "164") and "41 (round paper label); possibly from the collec- tion of Kircherat Johann Christoph Dahl. St. Jacobus was suppressed in 1802, and many of its books were acquired by Leander van Ess, who in turn sold some of them to Sir Thomas Phillipps {Phillipps Studies, v. 3, pp. 29-33). Accord- ing to N. R. Ker (note in library files), MS 325 is almost certainly Phillipps no. 548 {Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum . . ., p. 6), although the Phillipps labels and numbers are not present. Phillipps sale (London, 1910, no. 475) to Dobell. Collection of Wilfred M. Voynich (De Ricci, v. 2, p. 1847, no. 11). Purchased from H. P. Kraus in 1965 by Thomas E. Marston, who presented it to the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: dicit quod

Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 2, p. 1847, no. 11.

MS 326 Italy, s. XV2

Bindus Senensis, etc.

I. 1. ff. lr-41v //Saluator cum diabolo pugnaturus ieiunauit et ipsum in tribus temptationibus superauit. M*. 4. Abstinentia iuuat oratio- nem. Ideo tobias dixit ... [concludes:] Zelus indiscretus est quando non est ordinatus . . . quando accepit epistolas ut persequeretur chris- tianos. ac. 8. 9.

H^ MS 326

Bindus Senensis, Distinctiones exemplorum veteris et novi testamenti; Steg- muller, v. 2, no. 1765. First leaf, with text, missing.

2. ff. 41v-45v Abstinentia ualet ad multa. capitulo. primo. per to- turn./ Aceptio munerum ... Qelus malus multiplex, capitulo. 138.

Alphabetical tabula for art. 1 (no known attribution).

II. 3. ff. 46r-65v Incipit sumula capitulorum decretalium diffinitorum per domi- num Iohannem andree et alios doctores quorum nomina quia ignorantur ideo non subscribuntur. Damnamus ergo et reprobamus libellum. Casus. Pater et filius et spiritus sanctus uera unio est non collectiua . . . [con- cludes in section with rubric: Deo eo qui cognouit consanguineam uxoris sue uel spouse] 8. Ex litteris. casus. Affinitas superueniens soluit// catch- word: sponsalia

Casus summarii decretalium; incomplete (X. 1.1. 1-4. 14.1). Capitulum numbers, in red Arabic numerals, to the left of each column. Cor- rections and marginalia in a contemporary hand.

Ill . 4 . ff . 66r- 1 1 8 v Incipit tractatus de censuris ecclesiasticis compositus per vener- abilem uirum archiepiscopumflorentinum. Excommunicatio dicitur exclusio a communione . . . De penis que inferuntur a iudicibus habes etiam infra in tertia parte titulo de Iudicibus.

Antoninus, archbishop of Florence, Tractatus de censuris ecclesiasticis; GKW, v. 2, nos. 2068-71; T. Kaeppeli, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicato- rum Medii Aevi (Rome, 1970) v. 1, pp. 89-91, no. 253 (MS 326 list- ed). Frequent corrections and additions in another hand, but not by the same scribe of marginalia in Part II above.

Composed of three parts, all of fine parchment, 280 x 197 (185 x 129) mm., 2 columns of 52 lines, and written by three scribes in fere-humanistic script.

Part I: ff. 1-45: double vertical bounding lines, full length, except for single ruling for right margin of left column. Lightly ruled in ink; remains of prick- ings along upper and lower edges. I10 (-1), II-IV10, V6. Catchwords, sur- rounded by four dots or modest flourishes, near inner vertical rulings, verso; quire and leaf signatures (e.g., b.2, b.3, etc.) in lower right corner, recto. Plain initials, 4- to 2-line, in red; guide-letters.

Part II: ff. 46-65: double outer (ink) and single inner (lead) vertical bound- ing lines, full length. I-II10. Catchwords, with dot and/or slash to left and right, in center of lower margin, verso; remains of leaf signatures (e.g., b, c, etc.) in lower right corner, recto. Headings, running titles, simple initial (f. 46r), chapter numbers, and initial strokes in red throughout. Notes to rubricator.

Part III: ff. 66-118: double outer and single inner vertical bounding lines ruled faintly in ink, most full length. Remains of prickings in upper and lower margins. I10, II10 (5 a contemporary replacement written by a different scribe),

ms 327 H3

III-V10, VI3 [structure uncertain]. Catchwords, accompanied by four flour- ishes, under inner column, on verso. Plain initials, 4- to 2-line, headings, and paragraph marks, in red throughout.

Binding: s. xix. Half bound in mottled sheepskin, gold-tooled. Mottled paper sides.

Written in Italy in the second half of the 15th century; early modern provenance unknown. Notations, in pencil: "Ms. 195" (inside front cover) and "379/UZ" (inside back cover). Acquired from Bernard M. Rosenthal in 1959 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate) who presented it to the Beinecke Library in 1964.

secundo folio: [f. 1] Saluator [f. 47] 9. Cum [f. 67] Hec sunt

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, pp. 92-93, no. 246 (while in T. E. Marston's collection).

MS 327 Venice, s. XIV2

Merchant's Commonplace Book PI. 29

MS 327 has been published by A. Stussi, Zibaldone da Canal, manoscritto mercan- tile del sec. XIV m. Fonti per la storia di Venezia, sez. 5 (Venice, 1967). The same publication includes a description of the manuscript by T. E. Marston, a discussion of the handbook and of the drawing of the ships by F. C. Lane, a discussion of mathematical problems by O. Ore, several glossaries and in- dices, and 21 illustrations. All page references in square brackets listed below refer to this work.

1. ff. lr-43v Mercantile arithmetic. At the top of f. 26v is noted the date 20 August 1311. The text is devoted to weights, measures, sizes of cloth, descriptions of merchandise, in addition to problems in commercial arith- metic and accounting, [pp. 5-73, with detailed list of contents on xvii-xix]

2. ff. 44r-45r Decio che introuene alio re Milliadus/ siando andado a chacare. Lo re Milliadus si staua cum soa dama la Raina Illiabella e non aueua fiol ne fil- lia e vnciorno ... te vuolle atoxegare e uardatende ben//

Beginning of the Romance of King Meliades and the Birth of Tristan, [pp. 73-75]

3 . ff. 45v-46v Queste [sic] si e la chognossenca dele spllecarie si chomo se Raxionera qua de soto per singollo. Inprima ciaschun cucharo uuol esser blancho e secho e uuol essere ... Item cenabrio e ciaschun alltro sullimado se lauora ben in veniga.

Listing of spices on the market including ginger, pimento, cinnamon, [pp.


H4 ms 327

4. ff. 46v-52r Deuixion de le parte de It di naturalli. Lo di natural si e ore xxiiij, lora si a ponti iiij lo ponto . . . lo primo di del mexe et alltre al quarto di del mexe et cetera.

Astronomical and astrological information and notes on prognostication, [pp. 78-88]

5. ff. 52r-57r Miscellaneous texts, including: charms, incantations, prayers, in Latin and Venetian (f. 52r-v); beginning of the spurious letter of Christ to King Abgarus of Edessa (f. 52v; incipit: Beatus est abagare Rex qui no [sic] me vidisti.... ); medical recipes, in Venetian (ff. 52v-53v; 55v-57r); extracts from the Liber de proprietatibus of Bartholomaeus Anglicus, in Vene- tian (interspersed with medical recipes, etc., on ff. 53r-54v); Ten Command- ments, in Venetian (ff. 54v-55r); Four Seasons, in Venetian (f. 55r); astronomical and astrological notes, in Venetian (f. 55r-v); list of recipes for the use of rosemary in the treatment of various diseases (ff. 55v-57r). [pp. 88-97]

6. ff. 57r-59r I nomine domini Amen. Adamo si fo auanti lo auegnimento de Christo Ani ijm. viijc. lvij ... et adusse li genouexi che fo .ijm. iiijc. in prexion.

Venetian chronicle beginning with Adam; the latest date recorded is 1303. [pp. 97-101]

7. ff. 59v-62v [In two columns:] Li amaistramenti de Sallamon. Al nome de dio e bon commen^are/ tute le cosse che Ion vien a fare/ . . . per tuto lo mondo fo desperto/ ingraciato. Amen.

Dottrina dello Schiavo da Bari, entitled Li amaistramenti de Sallamon, in sixty- six 4-line stanzas; for comments on the text and various editions see Stussi, et al., pp. xxiv-xxvii. [pp. 101-08]

8. f. 63r-v Mercantile notes entitled "LoCorssode la Iaca [sic]" [pp. 108-10]

9. f. 64r Directions for bloodletting, [pp. 110-11]

10. f. 64v Proverbs including a 4-line fragment of the sonnet Tempo vene of Re Enzo. [pp. 111-12]

11. ff. 65r-67r Ell dio damore. AUtissimo Re pare de glloria/ Pregote che me di, seno e memoria/ . . . E como e de Came e de diuersse uinexone/ E olltre casse.

Ell dio d'amore in 48 4-line stanzas, [pp. 112-17].

12. ff. 67v-69v Notes and inscriptions in at least 5 distinct hands, s. xiv-xv, in Latin and Italian, mostly of a religious and theological nature; including 5 attempts (some incomplete) at prayers beginning Aue maria.... [pp. 118-22]

ms 327 [45

Paper (watermarks: similar to Briquet Fruit 7372-76, Briquet Cheval 3564, and Briquet Fruit 7341), ff. 69 (early foliation in Arabic numerals, 1-67) + i (paper), 280 x 215 (220 x 160) mm. Written in 30-32 long lines; frame-ruled in hard point or in lead. Folios 59v-62v (art. 7) and ff. 65r-67r (art. 11) are 2 columns, ruled in crayon.

I-II8, III12, IV-VI10, VII10 (-10), VIII2. Probably lacking the original first quire. Catchwords centered below written space, verso, within dots and flourishes.

Written by a single scribe in a neat notarial hand, through f. 67 v. Notes in art. 12 by various hands of s. xiv-xv.

Drawings of ships, towers and merchants in ink, with added yellow, brown, green, red and blue; many diagrams. For photographic reproductions of most drawings and diagrams see Stussi, op. cit. . Crude 2- and 1-line initials in red, with guide-letters for rubricator showing beneath; headings in red.

Repair of f. 1 with later paper; some loss of text. Repairs at outer edges on this and other folios do not affect text.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Rigid vellum case with paste-paper back endleaf and pastedowns. Central fold of each bifolium has been reinforced with a strip of parchment.

Written in Venice; although the date 20 August 1311 is mentioned at the top off. 26v (art. 1), the overall appearance of the manuscript and the design of the watermarks indicates that it was written in the second half of the 14th cen- tury. Belonged to Nicolaus de Canali of Venice in August 1422 (inscriptions on ff. 67v and 68v). Collection of Jacopo Soranzo (1688-1761), a Venetian Senator. Passed to Abate Matteo Luigi Canonici (1727-1805). In the collec- tion of the Rev. Walter Sneyd (bookplate). Listed in an unidentified Maggs catalogue for 1903. Belonged to Giuseppe (Joseph) Martini of Lugano; pur- chased from his estate by H. P. Kraus, ca. 1948. Sold in 1957 by Kraus (Cat. 75, pp. 118-19, no. 110) to Thomas E. Marston (bookplate), who presented it to the Beinecke Library in 1967. For more details on the Provenance see the article by W. van Egmond cited below.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, pp. 80-81, no. 146 (while in T. E. Marston's collection).

Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 200-01, no. 27.

F. C. Lane, "Le vecchie monete di conto veneziane ed il ritorno all'oro," Atti deWIstituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 117 (1958-59) pp. 49-78, with reproductions of ff. 13r, 7 v.

R. S. Lopez, "Un texte inedit: le plus ancien manuel italien de technique commerciale," Revue historique 94 (1970) pp. 67-76.

F. Melis, Documenti per la storia economica dei secoli XIII-XVI (Florence, 1972) p. 122, n. 1.

T46 ms 328

The Secular Spirit: Life and Art at the End of the Middle Ages, exh. cat. (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975) p. 128, no. 136.

U. Tucci, "Manuali di mercatura e pratica degli affari nel medioevo," Fatti e idee di storia economica nei secoli XII-XX. Studi dedicati a Franco Borlandi (Bolo- gna, 1977) pp. 215-35.

W. van Egmond, Practical Mathematics in the Italian Renaissance: A Catalog of Italian Abbacus Manuscripts and Printed Books to 1600, Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Monografia N. 4 (Florence, 1980) pp. 249-51.

MS 328 Italy, s. XV3/4

Dati, La Sfera

ff. lr-24v Al padre al figliuolo alio spirito santo/ per ognj secholo sic [changed from sia] gloria et honore/ ... doue si naujcha e finjsce quiuj/ lasia magiore al fume tanaj.

Gregorio (or Leonardo?) Dati, La Sfera; GKW v. 7, nos. 8015-31. This rhym- ing treatise (ottava rima) is divided into two parts: 1. a treatise on astronomy; 2. rules for navigation and the determination of the position of the sea.

Paper (watermarks buried in gutter), ff. ii (paper, i = front pastedown) + 24 + vi (paper, vi = back pastedown), 274 x 198 (ca. 130 x 90) mm. Three stanzas of 8 verses each per page. Frame-ruled in lead or hard point; prickings mark corners of a rectangle in center of page measuring ca. 190 x 110 mm. The text occupies the upper left portion of this rectangle.

I-II12. Quire and leaf signatures (e.g., a2, a3, etc.) in lower right corner, recto.

Written by one person in neat mercantile script.

One 4-line initial, f. lr, gold capital with white-vine foliage against a blue, pink and green ground, connected to a 3/4 white- vine border with brown pen- work and gold dots; a coat of arms (see Provenance) in wreath at center of lower margin. Two 3-line initials, ff. 7r and 14v, gold, against pink and green grounds with yellow and white filigree. Folios lr-14v illustrated in margins with astronomical and geographical diagrams, all of them circular, tinted draw- ings in brown pen with red, yellow, blue and green washes (e.g., eclipses, f. 5r-v). Folios 15r-24v decorated with unframed maps and illustrations drawn in brown pen, and tinted green, brown and red (e.g., Noah's Ark, f. 15v; Red Sea, f. 16r; Pharos at Alexandria, f. 17r; Mt. Sion, f. 21v). Most illustrations unlabeled.

Some leaves repaired; the manuscript shows signs of heavy use.

Binding: s. xvi-xvii [?]. Resewn on three vegetable fiber supports. Rounded spine. Covered in black/brown sheepskin over wooden boards with corner tongues. Blind-tooled with five line fillets forming diamonds. There are traces

ms 329 147

of four bosses on each board and two clasp-and-catch fastenings, the catches on the lower board. Fastenings and bosses are wanting. Concentric circles are scratched in the center of the lower board. Rebacked.

Written in Florence in the third quarter of the 15th century probably for an unidentified member of the Cambio family whose arms appear on f. lr (ar- gent, 3 chevrons sable). Pencil notations inside back cover include "737/ $LLS/ Auct HLS" and "5004/ L2L0". Purchased from the William Schab Gallery in 1948 by H.P. Kraus. Acquired from Kraus (list 168 [1954], item 73) in 1955 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate), who presented it to the Beinecke Library in 1965.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 71, no. 57 (while in T.E. Marston's collection). H.W. Liebert, "Manuscripts before 1700," Gazette 41 (1967) p. 106.

MS 329 Italy, s. XV2

Renaissance Miscellany

1 . front pastedown: index of the volume, written by an unidentified 15th-century owner.

2. f. i recto-verso: index of the volume, in a later hand. f. ii recto- verso blank

3. ff. lr-13r Comifnjcia i [sic] libro della vita et studij e chostumj di dante e di mes- sere francescho petrarcha poetj chiarissimj chonposta nouisimame[n]te da lionardo chan- celliere fiorentino . [Dante:] Avendo in questj giornj posto fine a vna opera assaj lungha ... et permuta gli abitatorj chon uolgere di sue rote. [Petrarch, f. 9r:] [CJomincia la vita di messere francescho petrarcha. Francescho petrarcha huomo di grande ingegnio ... chosj a chi non merita chome a chi merita dare si puote.

Leonardo Bruni, Vita di Dante e di Petrarca; A. Solerti, ed., Vite di Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio (Milan, 1904) pp. 97-107 and 288-93.

4. ff. 13r-18r Rispota della signoria di firenze fatta a lanbasciadorj del re daraghona fecie delta risposta lionardo brunj in nuo [sic] grafnjdissimo chonsiglio di dttadinj.

Magnificho et prestantissimo admiraglio et uoj spettabile chavaliere . . . e chonsenso di tutta la moltitudine de maggiorj e di morj [sic] della citta nos- tra. Finis.

Leonardo Bruni, ed. E. Santini, "Orazione al re di Napoli in difesa di Firenze," Giornale storico della letteratura italiana 60 (1912) pp. 332-38.

5. ff. 18r-23r Vna Nouella chonposta da messere lionardo darezzo. Non sono molti annj passati che trovandomj in chonpagnia di piu gentilj huominj ... di natura priuare in perpetuo sostene.

Leonardo Bruni, Novella diSeleuco eAntioco; D. M. Manni, ed., Libro di novelle e di bel parlar gentile (Florence, 1782) v. 2, pp. 280-95. Cf. E. Santini, "La

H^ MS 329

produzione volgare di Leonardo Bruni Aretino e il suo culto per 'le tre corone fiorentine'," Giornale storico della letteratura italiana 60 (1912) pp. 316-19.

6. ff. 23r-26r Sermonefatto per messere lionardo darezzo al magnificho chapitano nicholo da tolentino chapitano di ghuerra del chomune difirenze quando ricevette el bastone in sulla ringhiera de signorj la mattina di san giovannj batista lanno Mcccc0 xxxiij. Di tuttj gli esercitj romanj ... e gloria della nostra citta e fama inmortale di uoi, magnificho chapitano.

Leonardo Bruni, published by O. Gamurrini as Orazione delta a Nicolo da Tolen- tino (Florence, 1877). Cf. H. Baron, Leonardo Bruni Aretino humanistisch- philosophische Schriften (Leipzig, 1928) p. 175.

7. ff. 26r-27v Orazione di messere francescho filefo [sic] fatta nel prencipio della lezi- one e disposizione di dante in santa maria delfiore difirenze. Nello splendito e lam- pegiante fulghore de nostrj animj spettabilj e nobilissimj cittadinj ... e deboleza del mio pouero ingegnio o vero dotrina.

Francesco Filelfo, ed. C. de' Rosmini, Vita di F. Filelfo (Milan, 1808) v. 1, pp. 119-23; the oration is published at the conclusion of the Vita.

8. ff. 27v-34r Epistola di meser francescho petrarcha fiorentino Mandata al famosisi- mo huomo Messere Nichola acciaiuolj gram sinischalcho etc. sopra lanchoronazione del Re luigj. Nellultimo ho huomo famosisimo la fede a uinto la perfidia ... sechondo che tulio scrive volera alle sedie del cielo vale onore della patria e di noj.

Petrarch, Italian trans, of Familiarium rerum HbriBk. XII, epistola 2; G. Orti, ed., Volgarizzamento d'una pistola del Petrarca a N. Acciaiuoli siniscalco del regno di Puglia (Verona, 1834) pp. 1-18.

9. ff. 34r-37r Orazione prima fatta per messere stefano porcharj da roma chapitano per detto e detta in sulfa renchiera del palagio della citta difirenze allentrata de signorj. Quante volte io raghuardo e degnissimj e giochondissimj chospettj vostrj ... florentissima republicha ne seghuira.

Stefano Porcari, ed. G. B. C. Giuliari, Prose del Giovane Buonaccorso da Mon- temagno (Bologna, 1874) pp. 1-11. Sixteen Porcari orations are in Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana MS 1074 (R. III. 12) of which twelve appear in Beinecke MS 329. All sixteen orations occur in Beinecke Marston MS 247 and all three manuscripts share some texts in common.

10. ff. 37r-42r Sechonda orazione fatta pel detto messere stefano in sulfa ringhiera al- lentrata de nuovj priorj. Io mi richordo magnificj signor miej venerandj cholleghij ... negli amplissimj e singhularj vostrj ingegnj.

Stefano Porcari, ed. Giuliari, op. cit., pp. 12-27. The scribe incorrectly co- pied the rubric from the text for art. 8 and later cancelled it.

MS 329 149

1 1 . f. 42r-v Lettera scritta per lentulo offiziale Romano in gudea [sic] dellauenimento di christo. Al tenpo dottauiano Ciesare chon cio fusse chosa che diuerse partj del mondo si scriuesse ... raro e modesto e sprezioso intra figliuolj degluominj .

Pseudo-Lentulus, ed. G. Manzi, Testi di lingua inediti tratti da' codici della Bibli- oteca Vaticana (Rome, 1816) pp. 80-81.

12. ff. 42v-43r Risposta facta per messere Stefano de porcharj da Roma etletto [sic] chapitano del popolo di firenze alii elezionare quando gli dierono la lezione del chapitanato. Io chognioscho magnificj elezionarj della inclita et famosa citta di firenze ... e prometto pienamente adenpiere e doseruare.

Stefano Porcari, ed. Giuliari, op. cit., pp. 85-87.

13. f. 43r-v Risposta fatta per detto messere stefano de porcharj in santa maria del fiore quando glifu dato il guramento [sic] nella sua venuta. [Ho] Uvdito [sic] mag- nificj et escielsi signorj miej quanto per lo uostro egregio e dottissimo chan- cielliere ... di questo florentissimo popolo.

Stefano Porcari, ed. Giuliari, op. cit., pp. 75-77.

14. ff. 43v-44v Risposta fatta pel detto messere stefano de porcharj a signorj quando gli dieron la bacchetta. Laettatus sum in is que data sunt michi. Magnificj e gloriosj signor miej, Io debbo meritamente vsare le predette parole del salmis- ta . . . excellenzie e dello inuitissimo popolo fiorentino.

Stefano Porcari, ed. Giuliari, op. cit., pp. 88-90.

15. ff. 44v-48r Orazione fatta per messere stefano porcharj in sulla ringhiera del pala- gio allentrata de priorj. Quante chonsiderazione mochorrono allanimo mag- nificj e potentj signorj ... da qui benedictus esti [sic] in sechula sechulorum. Amen.

Stefano Porcari, ed. Giuliari, op. cit., pp. 50-60.

16. ff. 48r-49r Risposta fatta pel detto messere stefano a vno protesto fatto per la signo- ria a rettorj. Magnificj e prestantissimj signor miej e prudentissimj e uener- andj chollegj riuolgendo io spesso ... chustodiam legem tuam senper in sechula sechulj.

Stefano Porcari, ed. Giuliari, op. cit., pp. 102-05.

17. ff. 49r-51r Risposta fatta per messere stefano a vn altro protesto per la signoria a rettorj. Quante volte o in me medesimo chonsiderato magnificj e potentj signorj e venerabilj chollegj . . . chonseruare e anplifichare qui est benedit- tus in sechula sechulorum. Amen.

Stefano Porcari, ed. Giuliari, op. cit., pp. 106-11.

18. ff. 51r-58r Terza orazione fatta pello detto messere stefano de porcharj in sulla ringhiera allentrata de nuouj priorj della citta di firenze. Se alchuna volta e stato

150 MS 329

ismarrito el mio picholo ingegnio . . . de uostrj beneficj fissa nella mimoria si riserua.

Stefano Porcari, ed. Giuliari, op. cit., pp. 28-49.

19. ff. 58r-59r Orazionefatta pel detto messere stefano quando rende la bacchetta. Questo o [sic, for di] inlustrj signor miej finiscie la mia administrazione . . . le inse- gnie del mio magistrate da uoj ricevto.

Stefano Porcari, ed. Giuliari, op. cit., pp. 61-63.

20. ff. 59r-60v Orazionefatta per detto messere stefano de porchari quando prese licen- za da signorj. Se maj per alchuno tenpo ... mi durera la vita io lasciero da- mare sono tutto vostro.

Stefano Porcari, ed. Giuliari, op. cit., pp. 64-68.

21. ff. 60v-61r Orazionefatta pel detto messere stefano a papa martino quando ritorno a roma. Se maj nel chorso di mia vita ... della quale lumile creatura vostra rachomando.

Stefano Porcari, ed. Giuliari, op. cit., pp. 78-80.

22 . ff. 61 r-66v Protesto fatto per Matteo di marcho palmiere a rettorj quando fu ghon- faloniere la prima volta. Se 11a reuerenzia e 11a fede ... di tutto sarete roghato.

Matteo Palmieri, ed. G. Belloni, "II protesto di Matteo Palmieri," Studi e problemi di criticia testuale 16 (1978) pp. 41-48.

23. ff. 67r-69v Orazionefatta per uno scholaro forestiero in santa maria delfiore di firenze chonfortando e cittadinj a mantenere ed acresciere lo studio delle discipline arte

liberal]. Quando la magnificha e 11a oservantissima moltitudine . . . repubricha possiate prestantissimamente chonseghuitare.

24. ff. 69v-70r La presente lettera mandorono i nostrj magnificj signori alpopolo della citta di uolterra tornatj che furono alia diuozione del chomune chonposta per messere lionardo [struck out: brunf] darezzo nostro chancelliere . Nobilis vir [sic] amicj kris- simj [sic], Le chose umane sechondo che ne mostra ... di questa signoria data florenzie die xxx ottobris Mcccc xxxj.

Cf. Morpurgo, op. cit., p. 64, n. 19.

25. ff. 70v-83v Pistola Mandata da messere giovanni bochaccj a messere [P]ino de rossj fiorentinj . Io estimo messere pino che sia ... intendo che dati siano e sanza piu dire priegho iddio che chonsolj voj e lloro. Amen.

Giovanni Boccaccio, Letter to Pino dei Rossi, ed. N. Bruscoli, UAmeto, Let- ters, II Corbaccio (Bari, 1940) pp. 159-82.

26. ff. 83v-89r Protesto fatto per messere giannozo manettj quando fu ghonfaloniere. Volendo e nostrj magnifici ed eccelsj signori seghuitare gli ordinj . . . voi ser zanobj a chuj saspetta ne sarete roghato. Amen.

ms 329 151

Giannozzo Manetti, ed. H. W. Wittschier, G. Manetti, Das Corpus der "Ora- tiones" (Cologne-Graz, 1968) pp. 66-99.

27. ff. 89r-90v Nellanno della natiuita del nostro signore gieso [sic] cristo M cccc° xlj indizione quarta sechondo el chorso di melano giovedi a di xvij di luglio nel chastello ... fusse del suo gran suggello suggellata. Io simonioro gholino figluolo [sic] per aducto di messere andrea a segretario del ducha notaio fuj presente alle chose predette e roghato scrissj le chose sopra scritte e posj el mio vsato segno. Finis.

Peace treaty between Milan and Florence, 1441.

28. ff. 91r-135v Qualunche persona tacendo i beneficj ricevti naschonde sanza di cio auere chagione ... II quale choncedendolo choluj che dognj grazia e donatore tosto a pugnierla non temendo le si fara inchontro. Finis, f. 136 ruled, but blank; ff. 137-150 blank

Giovanni Boccaccio, Corbaccio, ed. T. Nurmela (Helsinki, 1968).

Paper (watermarks: similar to Briquet Fleur 6651, Briquet Echelle 5910, Bri- quet Etoile 6070 and one unidentified), ff. ii (paper) + 150 (contemporary foli- ation in Arabic numerals), 283 x 216 (214 x 140) mm. Written in 27-30 long lines, frame-ruled in lead. Prickings at corners of written space.

I-XV10. Catchwords centered in lower margin, verso. Quire and leaf sig- natures (e.g., a1, a2, a3) in red.

Written in a mercantile script (mercantesca) by one hand.

Calligraphic initials, 4- to 2-line, in red with purple or blue with red. Rubrics in brownish-red.

Binding: s. xix. Paper binding "alia rustica". On spine, "Miscella di belle lettere".

Written in Italy, perhaps in Florence (judging from the contents), after 1441 (see art. 27). On the front pastedown, a nearly obliterated signature: "Questo libro e di .mlmo D ... ol.ndo". Collection of Prince Piero Ginori-Conti (1865-1939; bookplate). Belonged to the bookdealer Giuseppe (Joseph) Mar- tini (unverified note in files). Unidentified shelf numbers: "n°. 66" on tag on spine; "n°. 114" on a diamond-shaped paper tab on spine. Listed in Bernard M. Rosenthal, Cat. 15 (1964) p. 3, no. 5, illus. p. 47 (f. lr), 48 (f. 26r). Ac- quired from L. C. Witten in 1965.

secundo folio: [equejstri nella quale

Bibliography: D. Dutschke, Census of Petrarch Manuscripts in the United States , Cen- simento dei Codici Petrarcheschi 9 (Padova, 1986) pp. 205-10, no. 81.

152 MS 33O

MS 330 Eastern France or Germany, s. XIImed

Bede, Historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum

1. f. lr blank; ff. lv-149v Incipit prologus uenerabilis bede presbiteri. Gloriosissimo regi Ceolvvlfo Beda famulus christi et prespiter. Hystoriam gentis anglo- rum ecclesiasticam quam ... [text, f. 4r:] Britania oceani insula, cui quondam albion nomen erat . . . letentur insule multe et confiteantur memorie sancti- tatis eius. Explicit liber .v. hystorie gentis anglorum.

B. Colgrave and R. A. B. Mynors, eds., Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the Eng- lish People (Oxford, 1969) pp. 2-560. MS 330 is noted on p. lxvii when it was in the possession of Messrs. Quaritch in London. The editors state that the beginning portion of MS 330 (into Book III) belongs to the German tradition, whereas the latter portion belongs to the French tradition; at the conclusion of the manuscript is the work De sanguinitate (see art. 4) which had been added to the M tradition in the ninth century. Each of the four books is preceded by a table of contents in two columns, with chapters indi- cated by Roman numerals in red.

2. ff. 149v-151r Recapitulatio hystoriographi. Verum ea que temporum distinc- tion latius digesta sunt ob memoriam conseruandam breuiter recapitulari placuit ... edilbaldo rege merciorum .xv. agente annum imperii. Explicit recapitulatio. librorum.

Colgrave and Mynors, op. cit., pp. 560-66.

3. ff. 151r-152r Item.recensio.auctoris. Hec de hystoria ecclesiastica britannia- rum et maxime gentis anglorum prout uel litteris antiquorum uel ex tradi- tione maiorum ... quibus scriptura sancta contexta est. [prayer added in same hand immediately following text, without rubric:] Teque deprecor bone ihesum ut cui ... et parere semper ante faciem tuam. Amen. Explicit Recen- sio librorum.

Colgrave and Mynors, op. cit., pp. 566-70.

4. f. 152r-v Incipiunt dicta Isidori. Beatus hysidorus de consanguinitate sic lo- quitur, cuius series vi gradibus dirimeretur hoc modo. i films et filia ... ut nostrum silentium uestrum fiat exitium.

For the text and a discussion of the sources for this short passage on consan- guinity see L. Machielsen, "L'origine anglo-saxonne du supplement cano- nique a l'Histoire ecclesiastique de Bede," Revue Benedictine 73 (1963) pp. 33-47, 314-16.

Parchment (many holes and repairs), ff. 153 (foliated 1-152, with leaf be- tween 76 and 77 not numbered), 254 x 171 (209 x 121) mm. Written in 30 long lines; ruled in lead or crayon with single bounding lines; remains of prick- ings (punctures) in upper, lower, and outer margins.

MS331 x53

I-XIII8, XIV10 (-2, 6 blanks), XV-XVI12, XVII8, XVIII10 (-10, presuma- bly blank). Quires signed with majuscule letters (A-R; some trimmed) in center of lower margin, verso, and minuscule letters (b-s) near gutter, recto.

Written by several hands of different appearances, perhaps by scribes of vary- ing ages or at different dates. The scripts range from rounded to angular minuscule.

Plain orange initial, 7- to 2 -line; heading and chapter notations (in mar- gins) in same shade. Guide-letters and notes for rubricator.

Binding: s. xvi-xvii [?]. Sewn on three supports laced into wooden boards. The spine is slightly rounded and lined, the lining extending onto the inside of the boards. Covered with white pigskin, blind-tooled. Two fastenings, the catches on the upper board. On the fore-edge of the lower cover is a notation contemporary with binding: "Gesta anglorum bede."

Written in Eastern France or Germany in the middle of the 12th century. Be- longed to the Benedictine abbey of St. Martin of Spanheim in the diocese of Mainz where it appears to have been bound in the 16th or 17th century; ex- libris on f. lr, contemporary with binding: "Codex Sancti Martini In Span- heym." Passed through the hands of Messrs. Quaritch in London before 1968 (see art. 1). Acquired from H. P. Kraus (Cat. 117, no. 26) as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke in 1968.

secundo folio: etiam in continguis

Bibliography: T. E. Marston, "Two Bede Manuscripts," Gazette 43 (1968) pp. 82-84.

MS 331 England, s. XVmed (post 1435)

Richard Rolle, The Fire of Love, etc. (in Eng.)

1. pp. 1-134 [Preface:] At the reuerence of our lorde Ihesu criste to the askyng of thi desire Suster Margarete couetyng ... [text, f. lv:] More have I mer- vailed then I shew forsothe when I felt first my hart wax warm and trewly ... he sal serue to the hee Emperoure in World of Worlde. Amen. Explicit liber de Incendio amoris Ricardi Hampole heremite translatus in anglicum instances domine Margarete heslyngton recluse per fratrem Ricardum ray- syn sacre theologie Bacallarium tunc Priorem lincolniensem ordinis car- melitarum. Anno domini millesimo ccccmo. xxxvt0. in festo translacionis sancti martini Episcopi quod est quarto nonas Iulij per dictum ffratrem Ricardum Mysyn. scriptum et correctum.

Richard Rolle, The Fire of Love, English translation of Richard Misyn. R. Harvey, ed., EETS, Orig. Ser. 106 (1896) pp. 1-104; M. Sargent is prepar- ing a critical edition of Rolle's original Latin texts of the Incendium Amoris and Emendatio Vitae, with the Middle English text on facing pages.

^54 ms 33i

2. p. 134 Those this boke be evile to rede/ As in englishe not veray ornate/ yet to hevyn it wil the lede/ Thy mynd ther to therfor associate/ And in- wardly be not desolate/ The entent ther of do thou take/ And pray for hym that dyd yt make/ [signed] comd R. Hutton. pp. 135-36 ruled, but blank

Poem added, s. xvi, by Richard Hutton (see Provenance).

3. pp. 137-167 [Preface:] This boke is of mendyng of life or ellis o/~the reule of lifyng ... [text:] Tary thou not to oure Lord to be turned ne put itt not fro day to day for oft tymes cruelte [changed later to cruelty] of deede vaneshes ... with dedes of thankyng in World of Worlde. Amen. Thus endis the xij. Chapiters of Richard Hampole in to english translate be ffrere Richard My- syn to informacion of cristen saules. Anno domini millesimo quad- ringentesimo tricesimo quarto.

Richard Rolle, The Mending of Life, English translation of Richard Misyn. Harvey, op. cit., pp. 105-31; see art. 1 above. Text missing between ff. 148-49: as J?e spouse said of hir selfe [ch, 4]// ... //}>is and slike o}>er oure synnys ... [ch. 6]; printed text: pp. 114-16.

4. pp. 168-174 Who |>at lufes or likes to here/ of gude mens lifes J?at are has bene/ ... In mynde of him oft he it kist/ Ihesu J>at }?ere vppon was done.// [catchwords: ffull commonly]

Verse life of John of Bridlington (d. 1379); M. Amassian, "A Verse Life of John of Bridlington," Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 71 (1970) pp. 136-45; C. F. Sleeth, "Textual Observations on a Verse Life of John of Bridling- ton," Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 74 (1973) pp. 128-30. Square brackets, in red, punctuate text.

Parchment (thick, furry), ff. 87 (paginated "ffolio .1." - 174, s. xvii), 235 x 169 (178 x 111) mm. Written in ca. 34 long lines, pp. 1-167; ca. 34 lines of verse, pp. 168-174. Frame-ruled in pale brown ink or crayon; double up- per horizontal bounding lines; remains of prickings in outer and lower margins.

I-IX8, X8 (-3, between pp. 148-149), XI8. Extra threads around sewing supports indicate at least one missing gathering at both beginning and end of codex. Quire and leaf signatures (e.g. , h iiii) in lower right corner, recto. Catch- words, enclosed by scrolls that may be decorated with red, in lower margin toward right, verso; drawings accompany catchwords: p. 96 hand, p. 144 gro- tesques, p. 158 bird.

Written by a single scribe in bastard Secretary script (cf . similar style of writ- ing in Parkes, Cursive Book Hands, p. 15, i). Marginal and interlinear glosses by several hands, s. xvi-xvii.

Blue initials, 2-line, with elaborate pen-work flourishes, in red: zigzags along the margin and foliage designs in and around the body of letter. Underlining, initial strokes, and simple helical line-fillers, in red.

ms 332 155

Binding; s. xv. Original, wound sewing on seven small, double, tawed-skin supports laced into grooves on the inside of oak boards and pegged. Covered in pink, tawed skin with two strap-and-pin fastenings, flower-shaped pin bases on the lower board. Fastenings wanting and supports breaking. Original pastedowns from an antiphonal (England, s. xiii) with parts of the office for Stephen at Matins and at Lauds; musical notation on 4-line red staves. Text on front pastedown: //Adoremus regem magnum dominum qui in Sanctis ... de ambulatione uenit ad eum et uirga quam raanu//; text on back pastedown: //peregit et iesum a dextris uirtutis dei . . . sacratissimum beati stephani corpus statim terre motus//.

Written in England in the middle of the 15th century (post 1435), in a North- ern dialect with some standardization according to J. J. Smith. Inscription on p. 167 indicates that the codex was given to Richard Hutton by William Garleke, rector of Merrow, in 1508: "Possessor huius libri magister Ricardus [?] Hutton Anno domini millesimo Quingentesimo octauo ex dono domini Wil- liam Garleke, Rectoris de marowe." Numerous marginal and interlinear notes in hands of s. xvi-xvii illustrate that the text was being read for comprehen- sion in this period; annotations include corrections (often by one individual on comments made by another), glosses on particular words, and whole pas- sages transcribed in the margins. One scribe, s. xvii, has written in lower margin of p. 1: "in this boke where you finde any words marked ouer them with the figures 1,2,3 etc. you may read those words as they are there markt for better understanding it." A similar inscription also occurs on p. 50. Signature of s. xv2 (partially erased) on p. 151: "Richard hennage." Early modern provenance unknown. Acquired from G. A. Stonehill in 1965 as the gift of Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: Vtward. And

MS 332 France, s. XIII1/4

Lucan, Bellum civile, with scholia

1. f. lr [Upper margin, much rubbed and stained:] Corduba me genuit [rapjuit nero prelia dixi ... michi coma placet.

Epitaphium Lucani, 4 lines only; A. Riese, ed., Anthologia latina (Leipzig, 1870) I, fasc. 2: p. 126, no. 668.

2 . ff. 1 r-9 1 v Bella per emathios plusquam ciuilia campos/ Iusque datum sceleri canimus populumque potentem/ ... Ad campos epidanne tuos. ubi solus apertis/ Obsedit muris calcantem menia magnum. Explicit liber lucani [ad- ded later:] decimus. Amen.

Lucan, Bellum civile; A. E. Housman, ed., M. Annaei Lucani Belli civilis libri decern (Cambridge, Mass., 1926; reprinted 1950) pp. 1-324; a new Teub-

156 MS 332

ner text is being prepared by G. Luck. For a discussion of the transmis- sion of the text see R. J. Tarrant in Reynolds, Texts and Transmission, pp. 215-18.

3. ff. lr-91v Scholia for art. 2, beginning at Bk. I, line 12: hie tangit bellum illud quod fecit cesar cum filijs maioribus pompei compremandam [?] ciuita- tem ispanie ... ; preceding Book II: In principio huius secundi libri con- tinetur questio Romanorum de preuiso infortunio futuro turn uirorum ... ; on Book II. 3: prescia. scilicet sciant et cognoscant futuras clades melius enim esset.... Paragraph at conclusion of text, f. 91v: Intentio lucani est in hoc opere dissuadere ciuile bellum per utrumque scilicet pompeium et cessarem ... hanc auctoritatem secutus. Remainder of leaf contains an unidentified text, now almost completely erased.

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 91 + i (paper), 235 x 108 (177 x 60) mm. 42-45 lines of verse. Agenda format. Double or triple vertical bounding lines, full length; upper horizontal ruling sometimes extends full width. Ruled in lead. Prickings in upper and lower margins; remains of prickings for text rulings on outer edge, often on additional vertical ruling that delineates column for scholia.

I-XI8, XII4 (-4). Slip of parchment contemporary with text has been in- serted after f. 30 to supply lines IV. 466-99 omitted on f. 31r. Catchwords in center of lower margin, verso, often with decorative flourishes or enclosed by rectangle.

Main text written above and below top line in a small early gothic book- hand by two scribes. Scribe 1: ff. lr-37r; Scribe 2: ff. 37v-91v. First letter of each verse written to left of text between double rulings or on middle of three rulings; right-hand margin justified. Scholia, primarily at beginning of codex, written in a contemporary hand; for other marginalia see Provenance below.

Decorative initials, red or blue, 12- to 4-line, with simple designs in oppo- site color, for each book. Rubrics added sporadically. Plan of Brindisi appears in the margin of f. 15v (11.610) to illustrate Caesar's siege of the city (cf. B. M. Marti, ed. , Amulfi Aurelianensis: Glosule super Lucanum [Rome, 1958] p. lxvi); on f. 47v is a schematic circular drawing (accompanying VI. 333 ff.) of Paulus in the center, surrounded by Pelion, Ossa, Otrix, Pindus and Olympus.

Rubbing, staining, trimming of leaves, and worm holes result in some loss of text and scholia.

Binding: s. xix. Light brown pigskin, blind-tooled, with brass fastenings.

Written in France in the first quarter of the 13th century. The codex bears evidence of much early use (e.g., marginalia and corrections of text, s. xiv, by an Italian writing gothic script, ff. 86r, 89v, etc.; extensive notes by an Italian humanist, s. xv/xvi). Early modern provenance otherwise unknown. Acquired from Dr. Ernst Hauswedell, the German publisher, bookseller,

MS333 i57

and auctioneer in 1964 by L. G. Witten; purchased from Witten in 1965 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: In medio dum

MS 333 England, s. XV1

Peter of Blois, Epistolae, etc.

ff. lr-94v //Siciens salutem vestram In visionibus ihesu christi. Videtis quia ... nisi mors anime transgressionis mater magistra// catchword: no- cendi

Peter of Blois, Epistolae, etc., beginning and ending imperfectly, with lacu- nae in the text. The order of the letters according to the numbering in PL 207 is as follows (Roman numeral in manuscript given in parentheses): conclusion of 14 (xv), 15 (xvi), 16 (xvii, conclusion lacking), 1 leaf with text cut out be- tween ff. 3-4, 18 (beginning lacking), 19 (xx), 20 (xxi), 1 leaf with text cut out between ff. 6-7, 22 (beginning lacking), 23 (xxiv), 24 (xxv), 25 (xxvi), 26 (xxvii), 27 (xxviii), 148 (xxix), 28 (xxx), 29 (xxxi), 145 (xxxii), 30 (xxxiii), 31 (xxxiv), 32 (xxxv), 33 (xxxvi), 34 (xxxvii), 35 (xxxviii), 37 (xxxix), 38 (xl), 36 (xli), 39 (xlii), 73 (xliii), 74 (xliv), 75 (xlv), 76 (xlvi), 77 (xlvii), 78 (xlviii), 144 (xlix), 147 (1, conclusion missing), 1 leaf cut out between ff. 26-27, (li, conclusion only of unidentified work), 79 (lii), 80 (liii), 81 (liv), 82 (lv), 83 (lvi), 84 (lvii), 85 (lviii), 87 (lix), 88 (lx), 90 (lxi), 91 (lxii), 92 (lxiii), 93 (lxiv), 94 (Ixv), 95 (lxvi, conclusion lacking), 1 leaf with text cut out between ff. 42-43, 97 (beginning lacking), 98 (lxix), unidentified letter of Pope Alexander to Sol- danus de instructione jidei (lxx; beginning: "Seruus seruorum dei Soldano yconij veritatem agnoscere et agnitam custodire. Ex litteris tuis et ... ), 99 (lxxi), 100 (Ixxii), 101 (Ixxiii), 104 (lxiv sic), 102 (lxxv), 103 (lxxvi), 105 (lxxvii), 106 (lxxviii), 107 (lxxix, conclusion lacking), 1 leaf with text cut out between ff. 54-55, 111 (beginning lacking), 112 (lxxxiii), 113 (lxxxv), 114 (lxxxvi), 115 (lxxxviii sic), 116 (lxxxviii), 117 (lxxxix), 118 (xc), 119 (xci), 120 (xcii), 121 (xciii), 122 (xciv), 123 (xcv, conclusion lacking), 2 leaves with text cut out be- tween ff. 64-65, 124 (beginning lacking), 40 (xcviii), 41 (xcix), 42 (c), 43 (ci), 44 (ciii sic), 45 (ciii), 46 (civ, conclusion lacking), 3 leaves plus a gathering of twelve [?] with text removed between ff. 70-71, 66 (beginning lacking), 67 (cxxv), 68 (cxxvi), 69 (cxxvii), 70 (cxxviii), 71 (cxxix), 72 (cxxx), 89 (cxxxi), 126 (cxxxii), 127 (cxxxiii), Peter of Blois, Canon episcopalis, PL 207.1097-112 (cxxxiv), 143 (cxxxv), 131 (cxxxvi), 132 (cxxxvii), 133 (cxxxviii), 134 (cxxxix), 135 (cxl), Peter of Blois, Invectiva in deprauatorem PL 207.1113-26, ending imper- fectly (cxli).

Parchment, ff. 94, 222 x 151 (155 x 105) mm. Written in 42 long lines; frame- ruled in lead or ink; remains of prickings in upper, lower, and outer margins.

J5? ms 334

I [missing], II12 (-1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12), III12, IV12 (-9), V12, VI12 (-2), VII12 (-3), VIII12 (-2, 3, 10, 11, 12), IX [missing], X-XI12. Quire and leaf signa- tures (e.g., 5b, 6b, or iiif, ivf) in lower right near vertical ruling, on recto. Catchwords, enclosed by rectangle and designs in black and red, in center of lower margin, on verso.

Written in neat running script by a single scribe.

Decorative initials, 3- to 2-line, alternate red and blue, with penwork de- signs, usually incorporating anion descending flourish, in contrasting color. Headings, initial strokes, underlining of first few words of text, simple line- fillers, and corrections, in red throughout.

Numerous marginal stains, not affecting text.

Binding: s. xv. Original, wound, caught-up sewing on five tawed, slit straps laced into grooves extending about 40 mm. on the inside of beech boards. Pegged. Covered in blue/green tawed skin cut flush at head and tail of the spine with sewing holes close to the edge and traces of whipstitching. One strap- and-pin fastening, the pin on the lower board. Trace of a chain fastening at the head of the upper board. Endbands, fastenings, chain and part of the boards wanting. Contemporary inscriptions on back cover partially visible under ultraviolet light: "Epistole magistri petri blesenesis pro Ma[middle of word rubbedjis.

Written in England in the first half of the 15th century; early modern provenance unknown. Inscription on f. lr: "The Gift of John Stout to Henoks Hamilton March 30th 1798." Presented to the Beinecke Library in 1966 by Thomas E. Marston.

MS 334 Italy, 1459

Nicolaus Cusanus, De beryllo PI. 34

ff. lr-22r Qui legerit ea que in varijs scripsi libellis uidebit me in oppositori- um coincidencia crebrius . . . [incipit:] Reuerendissimi in christo patris dominj Nicolaj de Cusa tituli Sancti Petri ad Vincula Cardinalis presbyter} Berilus feliciter incipit. Beril- lus lapis est lucidus albus et transparens cui datur forma concaua . . . Qui facit mirabilia solus et est in eum [sic] benedictus. Finis 1459. 8ua January Deo laus. ff. 22v-24v ruled, but blank

According to K. Borman, "Eine bisher verschollene Handschrift von De Beryl- lo " Mitteilungen und Forschungsbeitrage der Cusanus-Gesellschqft 10 (1973) pp. 104-05, the Beinecke manuscript is the oldest witness to this text. For the text see L. Baur, ed., Nicolai de Cusa De Beryllo (Leipzig, 1940) pp. 3-53; MS 334 is not used.

Paper (watermarks: similar to Briquet Fleur 6651 [a. 1452, not 1552 as print- ed]), ff. ii (contemporary parchment, i = front pastedown) + 24 + ii (con-

MS335 159

temporary parchment, ii = back pastedown), 214 x 144 (143 x 80) mm. 33 long lines of text; double vertical bounding lines full length.

I-II12. Leaf signatures, in red, in center along lower edge (e.g., al, a2, etc.); catchwords near gutter along lower edge.

Written in fere-humanistic script by one scribe.

Two illuminated initials, one on f. lv, 11-line, with the arms of Nicolaus Cusanus (see Provenance), mauve, green, blue, and gold acanthus with yel- low and white highlights, against a square gold ground, edged with brown pen; foliate serifs with extensive penwork and gold dots fill outer margin. The sec- ond initial, f. Ir, 7-line, as above, with short penwork extensions and silver dots; body of the initial incorporates the lens (beryllus). Diagrams to comple- ment text in margins.

Binding: s. xvi-xvii [?]. Sewn on three small, tawed skin, slit strap supports laced into made boards. The head edge is spattered green. Covered in light brown goatskin with corner tongues. Four fastenings of suede-like ribbons. Blind-tooled with concentric frames, the center filled in with a floral design, dotted with ring punches. All but one of the fastenings wanting.

Written probably in Rome, according to A. C. de la Mare, in 1459, for Nicholas of Gusa (see C. Bianca, "La Biblioteca romana di Niccold Cusano," Littera An- tigua 3 [1983] pp. 675-76); his arms appear on f. lv (or, a crayfish gules; crest: a cardinal's hat proper). For additional manuscripts containing his arms see G. Heinz-Mohr and N. Eckert, Das Werkdes Nicolaus Cusanus (Cologne, 1963) pp. 101-02, 136-37 with photographic reproductions. Inscription on back pastedown: "Anno domini millezimo quigentezimo vingezimo ottauo die vin- gezima quarta mensis septenbris." Unidentified notations include "8484" (in pencil on front pastedown); "7847" (in pencil on back pastedown). From the collection of Ricardo Heredia y Livermore (label with monogram inside front cover; see Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de M. Ricardo Heredia comte de Benahavis [Paris, 1891] part I, pp. 72-73, no. 224); inscription in his hand on front flyleaf: "Bib- lioteca del Duque de Sessa/ V. Astirga (2a parte) Mayo 1870/ Paris C. Lefeb. (1 10 fr.)." Bought from the English dealer Ernst Weil in 1963 by H. P. Kraus (Cat. Ill, pp. 4-5) from whom it was purchased in 1965 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: esse et in

MS 335 Italy, s. XV1

Sacro Bosco, De sphaera, etc.

1. ff. lr-llv Incipit tractatus spere. Tractatum de spera in quatuor partes dis- tinguimus. dicentes in primo quid sit spera, quid centrum, quid axis spere . . . aut deus nature patitur aut mundi machina dissoluetur. Explicit tractatus spere materialis. ff. 12r-13r ruled, but blank

i6o ms 335

Joannes de Sacro Bosco, De sphaera; L. Thorndike, ed., The Sphere qfSacrobosco and its Commentators (Chicago, 1949) pp. 76-117.

2. ff. 13v-15r Incipit prima introdnctio astrologie. Nos iuxta rectam ymaginatio- nem inchoantes astrologiam intelligamus mundum esse spericum corpus ... hec sunt que introducendis primo ymaginando occurrunt. finis deo gracias amen.

Unidentified Cosmographicae libellus also found in Vat. Urb. lat. 507, ff. 310r-311r (P. Kibre provided this information).

3. ff. 15v-37v Incipit alius tractatus spere quern transtuli de galico in latinum. Liberi hominis et ingenij nobilis est figuram et dispositionem mundi numerum et ordinem elementorum ... [table:] De figura et partibus principalibus mun- di capitulum primumj De natura celi capitulum secundum! ... [text, f. 16r:] De figura et partibus principalibus mundi. Mundum tamquam pomum dicimus esse rotundum. Corpus autem similis forme . . . vt subito ad ilium capitulum possit haberi reuersus et ipsius vocabuli seu nominis diffinicio repperiri. Explicit tractatus quern repperi in gallica lingua et transtuli in latinum substancia non mutata. deo gracias amen.

Nicolas Oresme, Traite de la sphere, in a Latin translation apparently extant only in this manuscript; see C. E. Lutz, "A Fourteenth-Century Argument for an International Date Line," Gazette 47 (1973) pp. 125-31, reprinted in her Essays on Manuscripts and Rare Books (Hamden, Conn. , 1975) pp. 63-70.

4. ff. 37v-38r Incipit tabula vocabulorum et nominum diuersorum vt infra. Axis, capi- tulo. v. ./ Arcus diurnus. capitulo. xviijl ... zodiacus. capitulo. vii.l zona seu zone, capitulo. xxviij.J Explicit tabula, ff. 38v-40v ruled, but blank

Alphabetical index for art. 3.

Parchment, ff. ii (parchment, i = front pastedown) + 40 + iv (parchment, iv = back pastedown), 232 x 159 (170 x 105) mm. Ca. 49 long lines; frame- ruled in crayon with prickings at the corners of the written space.

I-V8. Catchwords in center of lower margin, with flourishes in both black and red, verso.

Written by one person in small fere-humanistic script bordering on cursive.

Simple decorative initials, 5- to 2-line, in red. Headings, paragraph marks, strokes on majuscules at beginning of sentences, and marginal notes, in red.

Seventeen carefully executed astronomical drawings and two tables, in red, black, yellow and beige, accompany arts. 1 and 3.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Limp vellum case. "Tractatus spere" on tail edge.

Written in Italy, possibly in Florence, in the first half of the 15th century, ac- cording to A. C. de la Mare; early modern provenance unknown. Belonged to W. Redmond Cross, Yale 1896; gift of Mrs. Cross in 1968.

MS 336 l6l

secundo folio: etiam aliud

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 228-29, no. 52.

MS 336 Belgium, s. XIImed

Augustine, De trinitate, etc.

1. f. lr Ex libro retractationum sancti augustini secundo. capitulum primum. Libros de trinitate que deus est quindecim scripsi per aliquot annos . . . Lecturos hec que de trinitate disserimus. Explicit retractatio sancti augustini.

Augustine, Retract. 2.15; printed in the Prolegomena of W. J. Mountain, ed., CC ser. lat. 50 (1968) p. vii.

2. f. lr-v Versus rustici defensoris sancti augustini. Ter quinos ammo suadente per ardua libros/ Augustine trahens nobile condis opus/ ... descripsitque tua se deus ipse manu.

Rusticus [?], Poem on Augustine (8-line); CPL, no. 1508; Anthologia latina 785c.

3. ff. lv-2v Incipit oratio catholice fidei et bonorum operum subsequentium librorum sancti augustini. Da nobis domine in uia hac qua te duce ingredimur intellec- tum ... sicut es trinus et unus deus et ignorantie tenebras remoue a me.

Pseudo- Augustine, Oratio in libros de trinitate; Mountain, op. cit., v. 50A (1968) Appendix B, pp. 551-55.

4. ff. 2v-3r Domino beatissimo et sincerissima caritate uenerando fratri et consacerdoti pape aurelio augustinus in domino eternam salutem. [text:] De trinitate que deus summus et uerus est libros iuuenis inchoauj . . . qui- dem sed tamen ad caput eorundem librorum jubeas anteponi. Ora pro me.

Dedicatory letter; Mountain, op. cit., v. 50, pp. 25-26.

5. ff. 3r-136v Incipiunt capitula libri .i. De triplici causa erroris falsa de deo opinantium .... xii. De unitate persone filij dei et filij hominis siue in gloria siue in humilitate. Expliciunt capitula. Hie sunt libri beati augustini episcopi numero .xv. de indiuidua trinitate. De triplici causa erroris falsa de deo opinantium. i. [text:] Lecturos hec que de trinitate disserimus prius oportet ut nouerint stilum nos- trum . . . siqua de meo et tu ignosce et tuj. Amen. Explicit liber sancti augustini episcopi de trinitate. [at bottom of column:] Liber sancte Marie de balerna.

Augustine, De trinitate; Mountain, op. cit., pp. 27-535. The chapter head- ings, set out at the beginning of each book and repeated within the text, correspond for the most part with those printed by Mountain, op. cit., pp. 3-23.

Parchment, ff. ii (parchment) + 136 + ii (parchment), 345 x 245 (260 x 178) mm. 2 columns, 37 lines. Ruled in hard point on hair side before folding;

ffo ms 337

single outer vertical bounding lines and three vertical rulings for inner bound- ing lines, all full length; horizontal rulings sometimes extend through gutter. Prickings in upper, lower, and outer margins.

I-XVII8. Remains of quire signatures in center along lower edge, verso: Roman numerals surrounded by decorative patterns of dots. Binder's marks, s. xv, added under lower right corner of written space, recto (e.g., pi, p2, p3, etc.).

Written by a single scribe in French minuscule.

Extremely fine monochrome initials, red or green for ff. 1-2, red thereafter (cf. Pacht and Alexander, v. 1, no. 119). Headings, chapter numbers, run- ning titles, in red.

Upper portion of many folios damaged and/or repaired, with loss of text.

Binding: s. xix. Original slit straps laced into oak boards, s. xix, the upper one detached. Braided leather or tawed skin endbands. Quarter bound in brown pigskin.

Written in Belgium in the middle of the 12th century presumably at the Cister- cian abbey of Balerne, diocese of Besancon, to which it belonged (contemporary inscription on f. 136v; L. Cottineau, Repertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes ei prieures [Macon, 1935-70] v. 1, col. 248). Beinecke MS 336 is recorded as "Au- gustini Eiusdem Liber de Trinitate. Folio" in the inventory of manuscripts com- piled by Antonius Sanderus, Bibliotheca Belgica Manuscripta (Lille, 1641-43/44), reprinted uv Archives et Bibliotheques de Belgique, special 7 (Brussels, 1972) v. 2, p. 134. Acquired, ca. 1830, in France by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 14917; inscription in lower margin off. lr); his sale to Quaritch, Gat. 168 (March 1897, no. 360); Cat. 211 (January 1902, no. 14); Cat. 321 (Dec. 1912, no. 248). The Quaritch catalogue entries include a brief description of original bind- ing and flyleaves. From the collection of the bibliophile and rare bookdealer Wilfred M. Voynich (d. 1930). Presented to the Beinecke Library in 1964 by Thomas E. Marston.

secundo folio: nescientibus

Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 2, p. 1845, no. 3 (while in the Voynich estate).

MS 337 England, 1526-27

Sacro Bosco, De sphaera (Eng. tr.), etc.

1. ff. lr [Inscriptions at top of title page:] Verbum domini manet in eter- num/ xpisTou pT|[xoc jxevet tlq tov ootocvtoc xpovov. [title, enclosed in a circle with a spiralling scroll:] here begynnythe a boke off astronomy callyd the spere the qwyche is newly translaytt owtt off latyne in to owre ynglysche tonge the 3ere off owre lord god m ccccc xxvj. [inscription at bottom of folio:] An- tonius Aschamus. f. lv blank

ms 337 ^3

2. ff. 2r-7r here begynnyth the table off \>1S presentt boke the qwych is dewyd- ed in iiij bokes off whom ]>e fyrst boke . . . The eclipse off J?e sone and mone both particular and hole. Capitulum tertium .li. quarti. Here ffynyshethe the table off this presentt boke.

Table of contents for art. 3.

3. ff. 7v-82r here begynnythe sertayne notes or rewles off geometre neces- sary and nedfull to be knowyn a fore )>e redyng off this presentt boke. [ff. 7v-10v contain introductory remarks not in the Latin text] ... [beginning of treatise, f. llr:] The difinition off spera. Capitulum primum li primj . Spera as euclide doth wrytt is a thyng rownd and solide J?e qwych is discribed by )>e ... for the more that the mone dothe go in to the opposite off the sone the more lyght she takes as doth apere by this fygure. Here Endithe the spere Introductory to astronomy with the histories off the constellationes and ymages off hewen both fygured and emargyned the names off the au- tentyke authores the longytud and latytud off certayne prouynces In Eu- rope aphrice and asia the mowynge off the .x. hewenes and the ymaginationes off all the circles as is afore expresed the whiche is newly translayt surthe [?] off latyne in to yngliche By anthony askham scoler and studient off the vniuersite off cambrige In the 3ere off oure lord god a thowsand .v. hun- drethe and xxvij. f. 82 v blank

Joannes de Sacro Bosco, Sphaera, translated into English and supplemented by Anthony Ascham.

4. ff. 83r-105r Calendar for the years 1529-35. For each of the twelve months there is a table, Latin quotation, and a volvelle with sign of the zodiac (vol- velles for January, February, June, July, August, and September are defec- tive). On f. 105r is a brief explanation of how to use the calendar: "for the declaration off this kalender ye shall vnderstand that the goldyng nowmbre is set in the hyghest circle . . . Also }>e whitte colore stand for the change and the blake for the fulle. here endythe the kalender composid by the sayd An- thony Askham."

5. ff. 105v-106v The complaynt off sand cipriane the grett Nigromancer mayd after that he was conuertid off the virgyne Justyne. O mortall man In this lyffe transi- tore/ In dewde with grace throwght power celestiall/ ... for me and all mankynd thy body was rent/ have pety on me lord for mercy I cry/ thy holy precept I shall neuer deny. I Quod Anthony Askham.

F. Robinson, "'The Complaynt Off Sanct Cipriane, The Grett Nigromancer': A Poem by Anthony Ascham," The Review of English Studies 27 (1976) pp. 257-65.

Paper (watermarks: similar to Briquet Lettres et Monogrammes 9890 and Pot 12863), ff. paper stubs of leaves removed + ca. 106 (both the foliation and

164 MS 337

collation are very confused due to the pasting together of many leaves, some of which have become unglued and were foliated separately) + paper stubs, 383 x 275 (323 x 222) mm. Frame-ruled in ink or hard point; lines for the text ruled in hard point. Format and number of lines per page vary considerably.

Text written in English secretary script.

Numerous explanatory drawings and tables appear throughout the manuscript, including 40 drawings of constellations: 1. f. 22v J?e grete bere; 2. f. 23v the lesse bere; 3. f. 24r the serpent or dragon; 4. f. 24v the arctophi- lax or bootes; 5. f. 25r crowne; 6. f. 25v hercules; 7. f. 26r lyra; 8. f. 26v swane; 9. f. 27r cepheus; 10. f. 27v cassiopea; 11. f. 28r andromeda; 12. f. 28v per- seus; 13. f. 29r auriga or the carta; 14. f. 29v Ophiulcus or serpentarius; 15. f. 30r dart or shafte; 16. f. 30v Egle; 17. f. 31r delphyn; 18. f. 31 v pegasse the horse; 19. f. 32r deltoton or the triangle; 20. f. 32v Rame; 21. f. 33r bull; 22. f. 33v geminj; 23. f. 34r crabe; 24. f. 34v lyon; 25. f. 35r virgen; 26. f. 35v scorpius and libra; 27. f. 36r sagyttary; 28. f. 36v capricorne; 29. f. 37r aquary; 30. f. 37v fysshes; 31. f. 38r gret whalle or monster off \>e see; 32. f. 38v flude eridanus; 33. f. 39r hare; 34. f. 39v orion; 35. f. 40r the gret dogge; 36. f. 40v the lesse dogge; 37. f. 41r shype; 38. f. 41v centaury; 39. f. 42r ara; 40. f. 42 v hydra.

Nineteen maps, accompanied by tables of longitude and latitude: 1. f. 46r-v Spayne or iberia; 2. f. 47r-v gallia or france; 3. f. 48r-v germania; 4. f. 49r-v ytalia; 5. f. 50r-v Gicilia; 6. f. 51rSarmatia; 7. f. 51vtracia; 8. f. 52r Macedo- nia; 9. f. 52vepirus; 10. f. 53r-v achara; 11. f. 54r-v lese asia; 12. f. 55r syria; 13. f. 55v palestina or judea; 14. f. 56r assyria, carmonia; 15. f. 56v india; 16. ff. 56bis-57v a large fold out map with composite drawing that incorporates the preceding geographical locations in Europe, and tables; 17. f. 58r-v aphri- ca; 18. ff. 58v-60r asia; 19. f. 61 a large fold out map with composite drawing of the earth, on verso.

Nine devices that explain the movement of the heavenly bodies: 1. f. 73r epicycle off fowre pianettes that is to say off saturne Jupiter mars and venus; 2. f. 74v the sone hayth thre perticuler orbes; 3. f. 75r the planett Mercury hathe fyue perticuler orbes; 4. f. 76v the mone hathe fowre perticuler orbes; 5. f. 77r Off the station direction and Retrogradation off planett; 6. f. 78r the mone is eclipsid both perticuler and hole; 7. f. 79v the sone is Eclipsid; 8.-9. ff. 80r and 81 v the mone doth tayke lyght off the sone (2 drawings).

All drawings are carefully drawn in brown ink, tinted with washes of green, yellow, black, brown, pink, and labelled in red or brown ink.

Cropped, resulting in loss of some marginalia.

Binding: s. xviii. Brown sheepskin, blind-tooled with central panel and out- er border colored dark brown. Pink spattered edges.

Written at Cambridge 1526-27 by the astrologer Anthony Ascham, who signed and dated the manuscript in several places (ff. lr, 82r, 105r, 107r). Belonged

MS 338 165

to Thomas Smales (signature and date "1727" on f. lr). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill, 14 Dec. 1964, with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Fund.

MS 338 Italy, s. XIVmed

Guido da Baysio, Rosarium decretorum, pars II PI. 30

ff. lr-21 lv Quidam hie incipit .ij. pars huius operis in qua tractatur de negotijs expedito tractatu de ministris . . . perfruamur sapientia cum patre et spiritu sanc- to per infinita seculorum secula amen. Valeat uestra paternitas quantum placet, [colophon:] Suscipe completi laudes o christe laboris. Quas cordis leti uox sub- dita reddit amoris. Sit merces operis oratio sacra legeritis que iungas superis. Nos toto robore mentis Sancte petre me tibi recommendo sicut. Is qui tuus est seruus specialis. Amen.

Guido da Baysio, Rosarium decretorum, secunda pars; printed in Strasbourg, 1473, by Johann Mentelin, and frequently thereafter (GKW v. 3, nos. 3744-49). Text defective throughout; see collation for missing leaves.

Parchment, ff. i (parchment) + i (contemporary parchment) + 211 + i (con- temporary parchment foliated 212) + i (parchment), 452 x 275 (354 x 194) mm. Written in two columns of 85 lines. Single vertical and horizontal bound- ing lines, ruled in hard point or sometimes lead; rulings for corrections in out- er, upper and lower margins. Prickings for vertical bounding lines in upper and lower margins.

I-IV10, V10 (-10 after f. 49), VI10 (-1 before f. 50), VII10 (-4 after f. 61), VIII-XII10, XIII10 (-1 before f. 118), XIV10 (-2 after f. 127), XV10, XVI10 (-4 leaves, structure uncertain), XVII10 (-3 after f. 153), XVIII10 (-2 after f. 161), XIX4, XX-XXII10, XXIII8. Catchwords (some decorated) in lower margin near inner vertical ruling, verso. Remains of quire and/or leaf signa- tures in lower right corner, recto.

Written in elegant round gothic bookhand secundum pecias (see below).

Fine miniature and initials, closely related in style to the Decretals, Vatican Lat. 1375, signed by the illuminator Jacopino da Reggio, as well as to a group of late thirteenth-century Bolognese Bibles: Gerona Cathedral (no number); El Escorial MS a. I. 5; London, British Library MS Add. 18720; Oxford, Bod. Lib. Canon. Bibl. Lat. 57 (Pacht and Alexander, vol. 2, no. 90); Paris, Bib. Nat. MS lat. 18.

One miniature, f. lr, 23-line, without frame, bishop enthroned under bal- dachin instructing the clergy; two trees at sides; two birds above. In lower mar- gin, a roundel with a portrait of a student, in a blue, pink and white frame, surrounded by spiral foliage and large gold dots. At the end of the volume, f. 212v, a roundel with a portrait of an older man, with a thick red and blue frame with blue, green, and gold dots. Thirty initials, 16- to 12-line (ff. lr,

166 ms 339

15v, 36r, 45r, 47v, 52r, 59r, 64r3 68v, 81r, 92v, 96v, lOOr, 103v, 123v, 127r, 129r, 131r, 137v, 156v, 163r, 163v, 166r, 166v, 172r, 174r, 190r, 190v, 193r, 194r), most with a single, some with as many as three figures, bishops, priests, monks, students, and women, either reading, instructing or debating; in one case, f. 194r, a priest celebrating mass (De consecrations). The figures set against navy blue grounds with white filigree; the initials shaded pink, orange, red, blue and green against square gold grounds with white filigree, framed in black, blue or green; curling foliate serifs attached to bar stems in inner or central margin, interrupted by initials in margin, blue, light blue, grey, pink, orange, red, and black, extending full length of margin; with large spiral foliate termi- nals with gold dots and flourishes in brown ink, often incorporating roundels, some with additional figures or birds. Numerous small, 4-line, flourished ini- tials, red with blue flourishes and vice versa, as well as red and blue alternat- ing paragraph marks throughout. Running titles added along upper edge.

Binding: Date? Brown leather over wooden boards, possibly early. Blind- tooled with concentric frames of fillets and a rectangular rope tool. Hearts in a central panel. Four fastenings, the catches on the upper board. Heavily re- stored.

Written probably in Bologna, in the middle of the 14th century, from a sta- tioner's exemplar secundum pecias. The pecia notation (primarily 4-leaf clover design) on ff. 2v-173v runs from 1 to 97 (leaves with pecia numbers 27, 63, 69, 81, 83, 85 and 90 now lost [see collation]); another series of 1-11 is on ff. 175v-194v; a third series, of 1-10, is on ff. 196v-211v. Pencil notation "1753" on first front flyleaf. Acquired from L. G. Witten in 1958 by Thomas E. Mar- ston (bookplate), who gave it to Yale in 1963.

secundo folio: 1. e. q. iij. altare.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 86, no. 195 (while in the collection of T. E. Marston).

MS 339 Metz, s. XIVin

Baudouin d'Avesnes, Chroniques de Hainaut PI. 9

1. ff. lr-3v Coument herodes antipas fist coper le chief saint iehan baptiste et la soufrance nostre seignor . . . Dou conte perron dausuere et de ciaus qui issirent.

Table of contents for art. 2 below.

2. ff. 4r-191r Nous vous auons dit deuant ke li empereres tyberius enuoia pylate en iudee ... agnes qui premierement fu mariee a Renaut del mares, et puis lespousa li quens amauris de iaffe. ff. 191v-192v blank

ms 339 167

Baudouin d'Avesnes (d. 1289; Lord of Beaumont and son of Margaret of Flanders), Chroniques deHainaut. Portions of the text on ff. 88r-191r (without the sections dealing with the Crusades) are printed in J. Kervyn de Letten- hove, Istoreet Croniques de Flandres (Brussels, 1880) vol. 2, pp. 555-609. MS 339 continues to ca. 1131 {op. cit., v. 1, p. xv). For further information on Baudouin, see op. cit., v. 1, pp. vi-xvii.

3. ff. 193r-195r Coument li Rois foukes ala uers antioche por sa fille qui es- toit ueue et le descort que il contre lui conte de iaffe . . . Des tartaires et cou- ment li apostoles innocens enuoia aiaus. ff. 195v-196v blank

Table of contents for art. 4 below.

4. ff. 197r-372r Nous vous deismes desus coument la princesse dantioche ot proposide de tenir ... il le fist pendre a monfaucon par le requeste des amis la Roine de quoi il en i ot au pendre .xiiij. que contes que dus. f. 372v blank

Portions of text not dealing with the Crusades are printed in Kervyn, op. cit., v. 2, pp. 609-96.

Parchment, ff. 372 + ii (contemporary parchment), 450 x 310 (301 x 205) mm., trimmed. Written in 2 columns of 41 lines. Single vertical and single or double horizontal bounding lines, usually full length and full width. Ruled in lead. Remains of prickings in upper and outer margins; sometimes double prickings in outer margin for one of the lower horizontal bounding lines.

I2 (+1, f. 1, before 1), II-XXIV8, XXV6 (-5, a blank), XXVI4, XXVII-XLVIII8. Catchwords below second column near vertical bounding line, verso.

Written in fine gothic textura. Corrections made over erasures.

According to K. Davenport and M. A. Stones, the manuscript was presuma- bly illuminated in a Metz-based shop whose most distinctive product is the set of books made for Renaud of Bar as bishop, between 1302 and 1316, in- cluding the Bar Breviary (London, B. L. Yates-Thompson 8, its other half Verdun 107). Within the Bar group the closest in style to Beinecke MS 339 is Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery MS 127, a Missal of the Premonstratensians of Trier made after 1298, as St. Louis is an original entry. Not only the type of bar border, gold balls, leaves and figure style are similar, but also the flour- ished initials.

One fine historiated initial, 4-line (f. 4r): orange, pink and blue with white filigree; a king seated in conversation with three men, the figures orange, pink, and blue against a ground diapered in gold and blue with crowns in white; on a blue ground with white floral filigree framed in gold; curling vine serifs, red and green, extending into a 3/4 vine border, blue and pink, with red, blue, green and white leaves with some knots and gold cusping; large gold dots; two dogs, one with a bone, in lower margin. Two coats-of-arms in upper and low- er margins (see Provenance). One fine calligraphic initial, 5-line, f. 197r, divid-

168 ms 339

ed red and blue with particolored penwork, red and blue, with flourishes and a cascading column of /s, alternating red and blue and extending 3/4 length of inner margin. 4- to 2-line initials, red or blue, with blue or red penwork, dots and large flourishes, one on f. 4r with a cascading column of Ts as above. 1-line initials, red or blue, with penwork, as above. Numerous crude margi- nal drawings in brown ink; for example, f. lOr, the Death of Seneca. Notes to rubricator, arts. 1 and 3.

Binding: s. xix. Diced brown calf over heavy wooden boards which are pos- sibly original.

Produced in a Metz-based workshop under fairly strong English influence at the beginning of the 14th century (see above). Marginal notes in French, in a hand of s. xv. Coats-of-arms on f. 4r are painted over arms of earlier own- ers; at the top of the folio, unidentified arms (ermine impaled with gules, a stag's head cabossed or); at the bottom arms of the Esch family of Metz (er- mine, 4 bars gules impaled with argent, a fess sable). For this branch of the Esch family see Baron Gerard d'Hannoncelles, Metz ancien, 2 vols. (Metz, 1856). Three notes in French are pasted inside the front cover. The first (in a hand of the 15th century that also annotated portions of the text) reads: "II. En cest liure sont lez cronicques de la descolacion et jehan baptiste/ dez pappes/ dez emperreurs/ dez Rois paienns et dez Rois crestiens/ Iusque a Roy phellippe filz le Roy loys de france m ijc lxxiiij." Addition along top "1. Cab. Tal. 5. A. 1 [?]"; another addition in pencil (s. xviii) along bottom: "Ex Bibl. Monor de Thou" (presumably Jacques- Auguste de Thou, 1553-1617). The second note (s. xviii?) reads: "Get cronique [several words inked out] contient 1'histoire depuis l'empereur Tibere jusqu'au Regne de Philippe le Hardy, outre 1'histoire des Empereurs Romains, l'auteur s'etend beaucoup sur celle des Bretons ou il mesle beaucoup de Fables. Au cinquieme siecle il commence celle des Roys de France que fait ensuite la principal partie du livre. II s'etend beaucoup sur les croi- sades dont il fait l'Histoire fort en detail. II y entremesle plusieurs genealogies des Maisons de Hainaut de Dreux, d'Anjou de Naples, de Rumigni, de Mor- tagne, d'Anghien, d'Antoing, de Barbanion et autres, qu'il commence au terns des la premiere croisade, et les continue jusques a son terns, en marquant ex- actement les alliances." The third note (s. xviii-xix) reads: "Ghroniques des Empereurs des Rois de France composees sur latin du 13me siecle [erasure of a few letters] est du temps de lauteur. La connoissance que l'auteur semble avoir de lorigine et de la fondation de plusieurs eglises et abbayies du Hainaut et de la France et de plusieurs families de [word crossed out] deux provinces dont il rapporte les genealogies, font soupgonner quil y demeuroit. II s'etend particulierement sur les Croisades." Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827). Sold by Rodd to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 7078, ac- cording to tag on spine and stamp on f. lr; the addition of the no. 20826 by another hand in pencil may suggest he purchased the present volume when

MS 34O 169

it was two separate manuscripts). Acquired from H. P. Kraus in 1958 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate), who gave it to Yale in 1962.

secundo folio: [table:] La mort ualentiniuen [text, f. 5:] Entrues que

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 83, no. 170 (while in T. E. Marston's collection).

MS 340 France, s. XV-XIX


A collection of documents bearing the signatures of rulers or important per- sonages of France; most are preceded or followed by an engraving of the per- son. Mounted so that both sides of the document are visible.

1 . f. 2 Document of Louis XI (1423-83), in Fr. ; signed at Abbaye de la Vic- toire, 3 Sept. 1475.

2. f. 3 Certificate of nobility given by Charles VIII (1470-98), in Fr. ; signed at Surgeres, 1 July 1470.

3. f. 5 Document of Charles VIII (1470-98), in Fr. , introducing Jehan Odet to the Duke of Milan; signed at St. Germain, 15 May [no year].

4. f. 7 Letter of Louis XII (1462-1515), in Fr.; signed at Loches, 19 Feb. [no year]; countersigned Robertet.

5. f. 8 Letter of Marie de Cleves (1426-87), in Fr.; signed at Blois, 8 May 1475; countersigned Villebresme.

6. f. 10 Document of Louis XII (1462-1515), in Lat.; signed by Lecharron at Milan, 1 March 1505.

7 . f. 12 Letter of Francois I (1494-1547) to the Duke of Urbino, in Fr. ; signed at Paris, 25 Dec. 1518.

8. f. 14 Autograph letter of Louise de Savoie, duchess of Angouleme (1476-1531), in Fr.; signed 2 May 1526 [?].

9. f. 16 Letter of Henri II (1519-59) to Ferdinando Gonzaga, in Fr.; signed at St. Germain, 31 Jan. 1548.

10. f. 18 Letter of Catherine de Medicis (1519-89) to the vicomte de Turenne, in Fr.; signed Paris, 18 July 1585. Copy of the same letter f. 19.

11. ff. 21-22 Letter of Francois II (1544-60) to the Bishop of Limoges, in Fr. and cipher; signed 31 Aug. 1560; countersigned Robertet.

12. f. 24 Autograph draft of a letter of Charles IX (1550-74), in Fr. , about the due de Guise and the Prince de Conde; undated.

13. f. 26 Document of Charles IX (1550-74), in Fr.; signed at Bordeaux, 15 Apr. 1565.

*7° ms 340

14. f. 28 Document of Charles IX (1550-74), in Fr.; signed by Brulart, no- tary of the King, at Vincennes, 15 June 1562.

15. f. 30 Autograph letter of Henri III (1551-89) to the due de Nevers, in Fr.; signed 20 June 1588.

16. f. 32 Autograph letter of Henri IV (1553-1610) to a lady, with the return of her palfrey, in Fr.; no date. Copy of the same, f. 33. f. 35 blank

17. f. 36 Letter of Marguerite de Valois ( 1553-1615), inFr.; signed in 1614; remains of seal attached.

18. f. 38 Letter of Marie de' Medici (1573-1642) to the due d'Orleans, in Fr.; signed 21 July [no year], f. 39 blank

19. f. 40 Letter of Marie de' Medici to a marquis, in Fr.; dated Dec. 1622.

20. f. 41 Document of Marie de' Medici to Cristiana di Francia, in It. ; no date.

21. f. 43 Letter of Cesar, due de Vendome (1594-1665), to the due de Beaufort, in Fr.; signed at Vendome, 16 May 1662.

22. f. 45 Letter of Louis-Joseph, due de Vendome (1654-1712), in Fr.; signed 24 March 1703.

23. f. 47 Letter of Marie de' Medici, in Fr.; no date.

24. f. 49 Letter of Louis XIII (1601-43) to M. le Chancelier, in Fr.; signed at St. Germain, 19 Jan. 1642.

25. f. 52 Letter of Anne of Austria (1601-66) to M. Chanut, Conseiller du Roi, in Fr.; signed at Paris, 1 Dec. 1650. f. 53 blank

26. f. 55 Letter of Gaston, due d'Orleans (1608-60), to the Diocesains de Castres [?], in Fr.; signed at Blois, 26 Nov. 1652.

27. f. 57 Letter of Ferdinand II (1578-1637) to Louis XIII (1601-43) of France, in Lat.; signed at Frankfurt, 14 Sept. 1619.

28. f. 59 Document of Louis XIV (1638-1715) to governors and lieutenants of provinces, in Fr.; signed Aug. 1643 by his mother Anne of Austria, act- ing as regent.

29. f. 61 Document of Louis XIV (1638-1715) to the Controlle general des finances, in Fr.; signed Dec. 1650 by Anne of Austria, acting as regent.

30. f. 63 Autograph letter of Louis XIV (1638-1715) to the Princesse de Nemours, his sister, in Fr.; signed at Versailles, 16 June 1701. f. 64 blank

31. f. 66 Document of Marie Therese of Austria (1638-83), in Fr.; signed at Versailles, 8 Sept. 1676.

32. f. 68 Letter of Philippe II, due d'Orleans (d. 1723), in Fr. ; dated 10 Apr. 1709.

ms 34° lT_

33. f. 69 Letter of Marie Francoise de Bourbon to the comtesse de Toulouse, in Fr.; no date.

34. f. 70 Commission of Marie Francoise de Bourbon for Jacques Bertin [?], as a Brigadier de Gardes, in Fr.; dated 24 Feb. 1740.

35. f. 72 Letter of Louis XV (1710-74) to the Emperor, in Fr.; signed at Versailles, 30 Dec. 1744. f. 73 blank

36. f. 75 Autograph letter of Louis XV (1710-74), in Fr.; no date.

37. f. 77 Letter of Marie Leszczynska (1703-68), wife of Louis XV, in Fr.; signed 31 Dec. 1747.

38. f. 79 Letter of Marie Leszczynska to the Cardinal Collicola, signed at Versailles, in Fr.; 17 Jan. 1729.

39. f. 81 Document in Fr. ; signed by Louis Philippe, due d'Orleans (1725-85), and others; signed at Versailles, 2 May 1753.

40. f. 83 Letter of Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, marquise de Pompadour (1721-64), in Fr.; no date.

41 . f. 85 Document of Jeanne Becu, comtesse de Barry (1743-93), recording debt of 2000 livres to M. Gilbert, in Fr.; dated 16 Nov. 1786.

42. f. 87 Letter of Louis XVI (1754-83) to M. le Controlleur general, about Fontainebleau, in Fr.; signed at Versailles, 14 Jan. 1774.

43 . f. 90 Letter of Louis XVI authorizing payment to S. Forget, in Fr. ; signed at Paris, 30 Sept. 1791.

44. f. 92 Document of Marie Antoinette (1755-93) authorizing payment, in Fr.; signed at Versailles, 1 July 1783.

45. f. 94 Letter of Chretien Guillaume de Lamoignon de Malesherbes (1721-94), in Fr.; signed at Versailles, no date.

46. f. 96 Letter of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) to the Ordinateur en chef, in Fr.; no date.

47. f. 98 Brevet d'honneur for one Suss, after the siege of Thionville, in Fr. ; signed by Napoleon Bonaparte, 5 July 1799.

48. f. 100 Authorization by Napoleon Bonaparte for the ship Trifone to sail from Venice, in It.; signed 21 Nov. 1811.

49. f. 103 Document of Napoleon Bonaparte, authorizing Francois Jean Bap- tiste Lang to enter the service of the King of Westphalia, in Fr. ; signed by Marie Louise at Saint-Cloud, 6 Sept. 1813.

50. f. 105 Letter in It. about Italy; no signature, no date.

51 . f. 107 Letter of Louis XVIII (1755-1824) authorizing payment to Gare, Inspecteur general des chasses a Brunoi, in Fr.; signed at Versailles, 25 Apr. 1778.

i72 ms 340

52. f. 109 Letter of Louis XVIII asking M. le Cure of St. Denis to keep the bodies of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette at St. Denis, in Fr.; signed at Paris, 20 Jan. 1815.

53. f. 110 Letter of Marie Josephine Louise to the comtesse de Provence, in Fr.; no date.

54. f. 112 Document of Charles X (1757-1836) for reimbursement of one Chalus, in Fr.; signed at Versailles, 2 Sept. 1781.

55. f. 114 Letter of Charles X to the Baron de Damas [?], in Fr.; no date.

56. f. 116 Letter of Louis-Philippe (1773-1850) to M. Delacroix Frainville, in Fr.; signed at Neuilly, 8 May 1827.

57. f. 1 18 Letter of Louis-Philippe to M. Duchaffault, announcing the open- ing of the Session des Chambres, in Fr.; signed at the Tuilleries, 15 Nov. 1836.

58. f. 119 Letter of Louis-Philippe to M. de la Rochefoucauld, announcing the opening of the Session des Chambres, in Fr.; signed at the Tuilleries, 27 Nov. 1843. f. 121 blank

59. f. 122 Certificate of residence for a soldier in Vendome, in Fr.; signed by various persons at Vendome, 18 July 1791.

60. f. 124 Letter of Louise Marie-Amelie (1782-1866), wife of Louis Philippe I, to Cardinal Bernetti, in Fr; signed at Paris, 23 Feb. 1836.

61. f. 126 Letter of Louise Marie Adelaide de Bourbon Penthievre (1753-1821) to Mme. Lyon, in Fr.; signed 2 Feb. 1812.

62. f. 128 Letter of A. de Bracevick to the King, asking for the Croix de la legion d'honneur, in Fr.; dated 14 July 1839.

63. f. 130 Letter of Napoleon III (1808-73) to M. Briffault of London, in Fr.; signed at Paris, 4 Apr. 1848.

64. f. 131 Letter of Napoleon III to the Minister of Justice, in Fr.; signed at the Ely see National, 9 Feb. 1849.

65. f. 132 Letter of Napoleon III to the Sacre College, in Fr. ; signed at Paris, 15 Feb. 1860.

66. f. 134 Letter of thanks by Eugenie, Empress of France (1826-1920) to "mon Cousin" for Christmas greetings, in Fr. ; signed at Paris, 20 Feb. 1859.

67. f. 136 Letter of Eugenie, Empress of France, to her uncle, in Sp.; signed at Paris, 21 May 1853. f. 137 blank; f. 138 copy of the same letter, in Fr.

68. f. 139 Letter of Eugenie, Empress of France, to the comtesse Waluta; in Fr.; no date.

69. f. 140 Letter of Frederick Hardman, concerning the Emperor's health, etc., in Eng.; signed at Paris, 7 Sept. 1866.

MS341 m

70. f. 142 Letter of Henri, comte de Chambord (1820-83) to the marquis de Castoret, in Fr.; signed at Kirchberg, 29 Sept. 1841.

71. f. 144 Letter of unidentified writer, in Fr., dated 5 Apr. 1868.

72. f. 145 Letter of unidentified writer to a General, in Fr., signed at Ver- sailles, 5 May 1871.

73. f. 147 Government order of payment to General Marie Edme Patrice de MacMahon (1808-93), in Fr.; signed at Paris, 28 March 1854.

74. f. 148 Letter of General Marie de MacMahon to a General, in Fr.; no date.

75. f. 150 Letter of Jules Grevy (1807-91), in Fr.; no date.

76. f. 152 Letter of Sadi Carnot (1837-94) to M. Cournieaux, in Fr. ; dated 1884.

77. f. 153 Letter of Felix Faure (1841-98), in Fr.; dated 26 Oct. 1890.

78. f. 155 Letter of J. P. P. Casimir-Perier (1847-1907) recommending one Theodore Asselin, in Fr.; signed at Paris, 28 Nov. [no year].

79. f. 156 Letter of unidentified writer, on paper whose letterhead is the arms of the town of Montelimar, in Fr.; signed at Montelimar, 9 Oct. 1879.

Documents written at various times between 1470 and 1890. Collected, mount- ed and bound (dark blue goatskin, gilt, by Riviere and Son) in one volume during the 19th century; arrangement of the album similar to MS 341, but by a different binder. Gift of Susan Dwight Bliss in 1964.

Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 2, pp. 1665-66 (while in S. Bliss's collection, only lists arts. 1-16; a document of Henri III, included in the De Ricci description of the volume, has since been removed).

MS 341 Germany and Austria, s. XVI-XIX


A collection of documents bearing the signatures of rulers of Germany and Austria; each is preceded by one or more engravings of the person. Mounted so that both sides of the document are visible.

1. f. 1 Letter of Ferdinand I (1503-64), emperor of Germany, in Lat.; signed at Prague, 15 Feb. 1534.

2. f. 3 Letter of Ferdinand II (1578-1637), emperor of Germany, in Ger.; signed at Graz, 1601.

3. f. 6 Letter of Ferdinand III (1608-57), emperor of Germany, in Ger.; signed at Vienna, 6 Aug. 1651.

174 ms 342

4. f. 8 Letter of Francois I (1708-65), duke of Lorraine, in Lat.; signed at Vienna, 12 March 1759.

5. f. 10 Letter of Frangois II (1768-1835), emperor of Germany and Aus- tria, in It.; signed at Vienna, 7 Jan. 1829.

6. f. 14 Letter of Rudolph II (1552-1612), emperor of Germany, in Ger.; dated 23 March 1607.

7. f. 16 Letter of Maria Theresa (1717-80), empress of Austria, in Lat; signed at Vienna, 22 Oct. 1771.

Documents written at various times between 1534 and 1829. Collected, mount- ed and bound in one volume during the late 19th or early 20th century (red goatskin, gold-tooled, by Grabau); arrangement of the album is similar to MS 340, but by a different binder. Gift of Susan Dwight Bliss in 1964.

Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 2, p. 1665, no. 16 (while in S. Bliss's collection; only art. 1 listed).

MS 342 France, s. VIII1

Gallican Sacramentary (2 bifolios)

Folio lr is virtually illegible; beginning on f. lv are the following formulas which have been published by W. J. Anderson, "Fragments of an Eighth-Century Gallican Sacramentary ," The Journal of Theological Studies 29 (1928) pp. 337-45. E. A. Lowe noted (CLA, v. 2, no. 219) that the text is closely related to that in the Missale Gothicum (Rome, Vat. Regin. lat. 17). Text not continuous.

1. f. lv: Exaudi supplicationes familiae tuae ... flagrantes adsume per. Collect for Mass on Rogation days.

2. Praefacio missae. Sempiternam domini maiestatem fratres karissimi deprecemur ut ... prestet auxilium per.

3. Item collectio. Deus qui diues es ad ignoscendum ... constantes praesta quesumus//

Part of the third Sunday Mass in the Missale Gothicum.

4. f. 2r: //futuris propitiusque concede ut que ... proximis remittamus per. Concluding portion, 5-lines, of Post orationem dominicam.

5. Benedictio populi. Benedic domine populum tuum et deuotum ... [conclusion illegible] .

Sunday benediction.

6. Collectio p****. Diuinam misericordiam fratres karissimi concordi oratione ... corda confirment.

ms 342 175

Collect after communion.

7. Exaudi preces familiae tu[ae] omnipotens sempiterne deus ... auxilian[te] sferueraus].

Collect, probably at the end of Mass.

8. f. 2v: [Rubric on f. 2r:] Missa in natiuitate sancti lohannis Bap [remainder lost]. [Ijnter diuinas laudes et nostras preces fratres ... perdire quod ipse prestat.

Mass for the Nativity of St. John the Baptist; Preface.

9. f. 3r: [Rubric on f. 2v:] Collectio eiusdem. Domine deus noster qui ad tes- timonium sancti iohannis baptiste ... obtenfeat] per christum dn//


10. f. 3v: [Rubric on f. 3r:] Collectio post ** '[first three lines off. 3v illegible; line 4:] iohan[ni]s bap[tiste] natiuitatem [?]ti respice [prop]itius ... et fauore per.


11. [Rubric and beginning of text missing:] [Deus q]ui hunc diem [pjreconis tui [hono]rabilem no[bis] ... at praesentia wntiati quod ipse prestat.


12. Contestatio. Vere dignum et iustum est aequum et salutare est nos ... editus sensit et ad//

13. f. 4r: //bitaculo tuo et qui scorum mortibus causas ... spem cunctis ue- niae largiaris per.

Collect, probably Post nomina for Sts. Peter and Paul.

14. Collectio ad pacem. Deus qui eclesiam tuam apostoli tui petri ... [end muti- lated; small portion of another unidentified formula].

Collect for peace.

15. f. 4v is mostly illegible; col. 2, line 1: Haec sunt duo flumina ar[?] ... // Perhaps the contestatio for the Mass of Sts. Peter and Paul.

Parchment, ff. 4 (portions of two bifolios), ca. 262 x215(215x 165) mm., trimmed. 2 columns, 24 lines; 9 mm. between lines. Ruled on hair side in hard point; single vertical bounding lines.

Arts. 1-4, 8-15 written in uncial; arts. 5-7 in a pre-Carolingian minuscule with prominent ascenders.

Pen-drawn initials, touched with red, yellow, green, and/or orange occur for each art.; some incorporate a sawtooth pattern and fish motif. Heading for art. 8 in majuscules for first line (filled with yellow, red, green) and red uncials for second; remainder of headings in red uncials.

176 MS 343

Leaves damaged by pasting, cutting, and folding. Boxed.

Written in France in the 8th century according to E. A. Lowe, CLA, 11.219; Supplement, p. 47; however, K. Gamber, Codices liturgici antiquiores, Spicilegii Friburgensis Subsidia 1.1 (Freiburg, 1968) p. 166, no. 215, suggests the manuscript was produced before 750 in Northeastern France. Removed from a binding where they functioned as the pastedowns and the first and last flyleaves. Belonged to Wilfred Merton (1889-1957; MS 21); his handwritten note in library files: "The two pairs of leaves were originally bought by my friend, the late ardent but impecunious booklover E. P. Jacobsen in Red Lion passage for 6 d. a piece. One I bought from H. A. Selden for £25 on the 19th August 1913 and the other from a fellow collector of fragments - Mr. Har- grave [?] Graham on 7 August 1915 for £14." Merton sale (Breslauer, Cat. 90, 1958, no. 1). Acquired from H. P. Kraus, Catalogue 88: Fifty Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts (New York, [n. d.]) pp. 4-5, no. 2, in 1965 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 177-78, no. 2.

C. Mohlberg, ed., Missale Gallicanum Vetus (Rome, 1958) pp. 98-102.

E. Bourque, 5Etude sur les sacramentaires romains 2, 2 (Rome, 1958) p. 403, no. 524.

K. Gamber, Sakramentartypen. Versuch einer Gruppierung der Handschriften und Fragmente bis zurjahrtausendwende, Text und Arbeiten, Heft 49/50 (Beuron, 1958) p. 30.

T. E. Marston, "A Collection of Early Manuscript Leaves," Gazette 40 (1965) p. 8.

MS 343 Northeastern Italy, 1437

Zabarella, Lectura super Clementinis PI. 33

ff. lr-366r Nouum nichil esse vna est omnium fere sentencia que ut in eternis vera est . . . ut fructus afferat vberes moliamini ad laudem indiuidue Trinitatis. Amen. Explicit lectura Eximij doctoris domini Francisci de Cabbarellis fe padua. Cardinalis florentinus super Clementinis. Anno domini 1437. die 22 Maij. f. 366v ruled, but blank

Francesco Zabarella, Lectura super Clementinis; printed by Mathias Bonhomme in Leiden, 1551.

Paper (watermarks: unidentified mountain and unidentified animal obscured by text), ff. iv (paper) + 366 + iv (paper), 432 x 285 (270 x 171) mm. 2 columns of 62 lines; ruled in lead with a single horizontal line at the top of written space and single vertical bounding lines for each column. Prickings in upper, lower, and outer margins.

ms 344 ^ZZ

I8, II-XXVIII10, XXIX6, XXX-XXXVI10, XXXVII-XXXVIII6. Leaf signatures in lower right corner on recto (e.g., al, a2, etc.). Catchwords, often accompanied by flourishes, in center of lower edge, verso.

Written by a single scribe in small neat fere-humanistic script. Marginal notes by several writers (s. xv-xvi), one of whom added running titles in up- per right-hand corner (recto).

A large empty space on f. lr indicates that a miniature of ca. 27 lines was planned for the opening of the text. One 7-line initial, f. lr, shaded pink and orange, with red, green, and blue acanthus leaves on dark blue, with white filigree, against a gold ground edged thickly in black. In the border, a red, blue, and gold flower, with spiraling vines above and below, green, light blue, red, brown, the spirals filled with dark blue or gold, with white filigree. Large gold dots with four black spikes. 2- and 1-line paragraph marks in red or blue throughout. Instructions to the rubricator in margins.

Binding: s. xx. Brown goatskin with gold-tooled title. Bound by Sangorski and Sutcliffe (London, 1901 to the present).

Written in Northeastern Italy (perhaps Padua?) and completed in 1437 (see explicit); early provenance unknown, though the manuscript was apparently decorated in the same workshop as Beinecke Marston MS 198. Engraving cut out and pasted in lower margin off. lr: two unidentified arms (on the left: quarterly, 1 and 4 an eagle displayed; 2 and 3 a dog [?] passant in front of a tree; in base, as quarters 2 and 3, with the dog chained to the tree; bordure with 10 branches [?]. On the right: tricked coat of arms, argent, 4 bands pur- ple; crest: a pair of wings raised). Pencil notation inside front cover "14336". Presented by Thomas E. Marston in 1966.

secundo folio: conficere non

MS 344 Italy, s. XV3/*


1 . ff. lr-21 lv Lessons for the sanctorale from Saturninus through Catharine, including many Franciscan feasts: Translation of Antony of Padua, Trans- lation of Francis, Bernardinus of Siena, Antony of Padua, Louis of Toulouse, Stigmata of Francis, Eleazar de Sabran, Translation of Clara, Francis (his life, in 9 lessons per day, arranged for the week, ff. 163v-179v), Transla- tion of Louis of Toulouse and Elisabeth of Thuringia. The 6 [?] leaves miss- ing between f. 133v (end of Tiburtius and Susanna) and f. 134r (beginning of Assumption) may have contained lessons for Clara, Hippolytus and Cas- sianus, and Eusebius. A rubricated note in the lower margin off. 18r gives the first lesson for the feast of "Bernardus" [sic], for Berard and compan- ions, canonized in 1481. The feast of St. Bonaventure O.F.M. (canonized in 1482) has not been added to the book. The presence of the feasts of Justina

178 MS 344

(ff. 179v-181r) and Prosdocimus (ff. 189r-191r) suggests Padua as the ori- gin of this manuscript.

2. ff. 211v-214v Bull of canonization of Bernardinus of Siena, ending defec- tively; catchword: [uer]gentes. Given by Nicolaus V, 2 May 1450; U. Hiin- temann, ed., Bullarium Franciscanum (Quaracchi, 1929) v. 1, no. 1364, pp. 700-03 (ends col. 1, line 13).

3. ff. 215r-255v Lessons for the common of saints and for the anniversary of a dedication of a church.

Parchment, ff. ii (parchment, s. xvi; i = pastedown) + 255 + ii (parch- ment, s. xvi; ii = pastedown), 357 x 263 (229 x 178) mm. Written in two columns of 31 lines; single vertical bounding lines full length in hard point or crayon on hair side; horizontal lines ruled for each column in ink.

I-XIII10, XIV10 (apparendy missing 4-9), XV-XXVI10 (+ 1 leaf, f. 255, at end). Horizontal catchwords near gutter.

Written by one person in round gothic bookhand.

One 9-line initial, f. lr, St. Saturninus holding an open book and martyr's palm, three-quarter length in front of trees and sky, dark blue with white filigree; purple foliage against a gold ground edged in black, with curling purple, green, and gold foliage extending into margin. Full border, framed in blue and gold, with three roundels in lower margin, right and left, hour glasses with scrolls with the motto "Pan. se. de. moi.", center, a coat of arms (barry of 6, sable and argent; overall a bend or). In upper margin, at right, a smaller roundel with a duck; at center, a Greek cross in gold, on purple; each roundel framed in gold with blue or purple. Some foliage, as in initial, in center outer margin; border otherwise filled with blue and purple flowers with red and green centers, symmetrically disposed with smaller blue, purple, and green flowers, blue, pur- ple, red and gold dots and fine spiralling vines in light brown. 2-line initials throughout, red or blue with blue or red penwork, with flourishes. 1-line red or blue paragraph marks. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xviii. Brown calf over wooden boards, blind-tooled. Five very small, round bosses on each board and two fastenings. Rebacked. Pastedowns and flyleaves are conjugate leaves from a gradual (Italy, s. xvi): front pastedown hidden under bookplates; front flyleaf with parts of the third Christmas mass and the rubric for Circumcision; back flyleaf with part of the first Christmas mass; back pastedown with parts of the mass of Epiphany. Front flyleaf: [up- per margin:] xxxxiii. //descendit lux magna super terram ...In circumcisione domini ... //; back flyleaf: [upper margin:] xxxviiii. //die genui te ... Dixit dominus domino me//; back pastedown: [upper margin:] xxxxvi. //mini super te orta est ... cum muneribus a//.

Written in Northern Italy, perhaps near Padua (see art. 1), probably between 1450 and 1481. Bernardinus of Siena, canonized 1450, is included by the origi-

MS345 179

nal scribe, but is at the end of the section (art. 2); Berard and companions, canonized 1481 , are added by a different hand in the margin (f. 18r). Uniden- tified arms of original owner on f. lr (barry of 6 sable and argent, overall a bend or). Entry from sale catalogue with heading "Folio" pasted inside front cover; no. 1 in an unidentified catalogue of Solomons and Berkelouw. Book- plate of Claude E. S. Bishop (motto: Virtus in actione consistet). Gift of Thomas E. Marston in 1966.

secundo folio: Gui egeas

MS 345 France, 1256

Legal Document (in Lat.)

Instrument of liege homage, stipulating conditions under which Raymond d'Agout, Lord of Val de Sault, became liegeman of Alfonse, Count of Poitou and Toulouse (1220-71), son of Louis IX of France; dated 10 December 1256 and written by the notary Raymond Bermond. Guido Fulcodi, mentioned in line 25 as a clerk of the King of France, is probably the future Pope Clement IV (1265-68).

Written 10 December 1256; seal removed, holes for attachment. Filing notes in French on dorse, in cursive hands of s. xvi and xviii. Purchased from H. P. Kraus (list 189, item 14; perhaps from the collection of Giuseppe [Joseph] Martini?) in 1968 by Thomas E. Marston, who presented it to the Beinecke Library.

MS 346 Italy, s. XII1/4

Augustine, In Ioannis Evangelium (1 bifolium)

f. lr-v //derant. abierunt ad phariseos. et dixerunt eis quae fecit ihesus. siue annuntiando ... ante oculos eorum ascendit in celum. ibi sedet ad dexteram patris qui iudica//

f. 2r-v //firaa. Audio superius dicentem. Ueniet hora glorificetur ... in nouis- simo die. Preuidebat ergo dominus qui sciebat//

Augustine, Tractatus CXXIV in Ioannis Evangelium. The text is not continu- ous; R. Willems, ed., GC ser. lat. 36 (1954) folio 1: pp. 431-34; folio 2: pp. 446-49.

Parchment, 1 bifolium, 420 x 302 (312 x 217) mm. 2 columns, 44 lines; 8 mm. between lines. Ruled in hard point on hair side before folding; double horizontal bounding lines that extend through gutter; double vertical bound- ing lines for each column. Prickings (diagonal slashes) in all margins except inner. Written in elegant late Carolingian minuscule. Decorative initial, 10-line,

i8o ms 347

on f. lv: white- vine ornamentation on red, purple, blue, and yellow ground (cf. K. Berg, Studies in Tuscan Twelfth-Century Illumination [Oslo, 1968] pi. 38, initial^). Plain initials, heading, chapter notations, running title (f. lv), in red.

Written in Italy, probably Tuscany, in the first quarter of the 12th century, as part of a larger codex (foliated 146, 152 in a later hand). Large holes in gutter suggest the bifolium once served as front and back flyleaves. Presented to the Beinecke Library in 1968 by Thomas E. Marston.

MS 347 Spain [?], s. XVin

Hugh of St. Victor, Expositio in regulam S. Augustini

1. ff. lr-13v [Heading in upper margin, slightly later hand:] Comentum domini hugonis de sancto victore super regulam beati agustini [sic], [text:] Hec precepta que subscripta sunt ideo regula appellatur quia videlicet in eis nobis recte . . . Immiscentes temporibus tempora terroribus blandimenta//

Hugh of St. Victor, Expositio in regulam beati Augustini; PL 176.881-924. Text breaks off on f. 13v in the middle of ch. 11 (PL 176.920-21). See R. Goy, Die Uberlieferung der Werke Hugos von St. Viktor (Stuttgart, 1976) pp. 457-78; Beinecke MS 347 not listed.

2. f. 14r //pervagacio de loco ad locum tepiditas operandi tedium cordis mur- muracio detraccio uaniloquia et blasphemia Que uincitur per studium . . . rogemus tarn ut de hijs omnibus liberati nos omnipotens deus qui regnat In eternum amen. f. 14v blank

Concluding passage (25 lines) of unidentified text on vices and their remedies.

Paper (thick; watermarks: similar in design to Briquet Arc 791 and 799), ff. 14 (modern foliation 115-128), 395 x 283 (290 x 185) mm. Written in 2 columns, 52 lines. Frame-ruled in crayon.

Collation impossible, since all leaves have been repaired extensively in gut- ter. Catchwords, f. 12v, under inner column, enclosed in rectangle, verso.

Written in a neat running script by one person.

Blue and red divided initial, 5-line, on f. lr, with elaborate penwork flour- ishes in purple and red. Smaller initials, 4- to 3-line, blue with red penwork designs, alternate with red and purple.

All leaves worn and repaired.

Disbound; boxed.

Written probably in Spain toward the beginning of the 15th century; early modern provenance unknown. Formerly part (ff. 115-128) of a larger manuscript. Presented to the Beinecke Library in 1968 by Thomas E. Marston.

ms 348 181

MS 348 Germany [?], s. XVex

Giovanni Gioviano Pontano, De principe

ff. lr-llv de regimine principum breuis et utilis tractatus. Publius Cornelius Sci- pio dux alfonse cui post ex virtute affricanus fuit cognomen . . . breui sequen- tur alij quos futures [erased: arbitros] arbitror non inutiles. f. 12r-v blank, except for ink tracing and embellishment of watermark

Printed by Mathias Moravus in Naples in 1490 (Hain-Copinger 13256), and often thereafter.

Paper (watermarks: similar in design to Briquet Monts 11837-38), ff. 12, 278 x 210 (204 x 125) mm. Written in 40 long lines; frame-ruled in lead.

Single gathering of twelve leaves.

Written by two scribes in different styles of a running hand. Scribe 1: ff. lr-8v, lOv-llv; Scribe 2: ff. 9r-10v.

Red added to opening initial on f. lr; heading in red.

Disbound; in pamphlet case.

Written possibly in Germany in the late 15th century to judge from the water- marks; early provenance unknown. Purchased from C. A. Stonehill in 1965 as the gift of Sara C. Chisholm.

MS 349 France, s. XII/XIII

Cistercian Order, Statutes

1. For f. lr see art. 5; ff. lv-15v Anno igitur ab incarnatione domini L. viii. in generali capitulo hec ceperunt institui. Ex quibus multa tarn superioribus scrip- tis ubi potuimus inserujmus. Cetera que restant per capitula distingantur. Abbatibus et monachis qui in uia sunt, uel in grangiis si conuentus demerit . . . mittun- tur cum gaudio caritatis eos suscipiat. et eis sicut propriis in omnibus//

Statuta capituli generalis, with the years 1 158 and 1 180-1 190 mentioned in red. This article was originally placed after f. 127.

2. ff. 16r-104r //calefaciendis preparent, si tamen frigus hoc exegerit. Finita namque post euangelium collecta ... benedicat potum seruorum suorum.

Liber usuum; P. Guignard, Les monuments primitifs de la Regie Cistercienne (Di- jon, 1878) pp. 95-245. Beinecke MS 349 is missing 3 folios at the begin- ning of the text, containing Capitula 1-3 and part of 4; the order of the remaining folios should be 16, 17, 20, 18, 19. Quires 6 and 7 are also bound incorrectly; should be in the order 53, 62-67, 60, 61, 54-59, 68.

3 . ff. 104r-l 1 7v Super instituta generalis capituli apud cistercium. In carta carita- tis inter cetera continetur quod singulis annis . . . et priuatim dicetur. Similiter net ad missam pro defunctis.

182 ms 349

Super instituta generalis capituli apud Cistercium; Guignard, op. cit., pp. 245-73. Includes 92 chapters, the same and in the same order as those in the Di- vionensis manuscript, Dijon, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 114 (82), dated ca. 1173-91 (J. Turk, Cistercii statuta antiquissima, Analecta Sacri Ordinis Gisterciensis fasc. 1-4 [1948] pp. 5-9).

4. ff. 117v-123v Incipiunt capitula usuum conuersorum. i. Qualiter se habeant fratres in grangiis. ii. Quo tempore surgant ... [prologue, f. 118r:] Incipit prologus. Cum constet super animas fratrum laicorum ... [text, f. 118v:] Qualiter se habeant fratres in grangijs. Tarn ad uigilias quam ad horas . . . habere contigerit. nam emere [erasure] omnino non licet.

Liber usuum conuersorum] Guignard, op. cit., pp. 276-87.

5. ff. 123v-127v Super cartam caritatis. Antequam abbatie cistercienses florere inciperent ... [text, f. 124r:] Incipit carta caritatis. Quia unius ueri regis et domini et magistri nos omnes seruos licet inutiles . . . quatuor supra nomi- natis abbatibus preuisum fuerit celebrabitur. [Pen trials on f. 127v include 2 copies of the beginning of art. 1 and a lecture on the Catholic faith which continues on the present f. lr:] Quicumque vul [sic] saluus esse ante omnia opus est vt teneat catholicam fidem . . . Vnus omnino non confusione sub- stancie sed vnitatis persone.

Carta caritatis; Guignard, op. cit., pp. 79-84.

Parchment, ff. ii (parchment, i = front pastedown) +127 (early foliation reflects original sequence of leaves: 116-30, 4-5, 7-8, 6, 9-41, 50-55, 48-49, 42-47, 56-115) + ii (parchment, ii = back pastedown), 295 x 202 (222 x 137) mm. 29 long lines, ruled in lead, double vertical bounding lines on left side of page, single vertical bounding lines on right, triple horizontal bounding lines at top and bottom and sometimes at center, all full length. Prickings near gut- ter and lower edge; double parallel prickings near gutter for some horizontal bounding lines.

I8, II8 (-8 following f. 15), III8 (-1, 2, 3 before f. 16), IV-VII8, VIII-IX8 (leaves of the two quires are confused; for correct order see art. 2), X-XVI8, XVII3 (structure uncertain; no loss of text). Quires signed in Roman numer- als surrounded by four dots at center of lower margin, verso; sequence runs i-xiiii beginning on f. 19v.

Written by one scribe in large, even bookhand. Additions by various hands, s. xiii-xvii; some lost due to trimming.

Four large initials, ff. lv, 38r, 86r, and 93r (12-, 29-, 8-, and 9-line), light brown with crude running pattern of clover leaf-like forms in brown ink, filled with brown, green and red spiral foliage with flowers and dragon-head termi- nals, on blue and red grounds decorated with triplets of white dots. See W. Cahn, "The Rule and the Book: Cistercian Book Illumination in Burgundy and Champagne," in T. G. Verdon, ed., Monasticism and the Arts (Syracuse,

MS 350 183

1984) fig. 6.1 off. lv. One elaborate, but crude, calligraphic initial, f. 118v, 9-line, divided red and green, accompanied by red and green foliate motifs, framed in green. Numerous initials throughout, 7- to 2-line, red or blue, and occasionally green, with blue, red or green foliate penwork, some extensive. 1-line initials, red or blue, alternating. Rubrics throughout, some in text, others in margins. Wavy red line-fillers.

Binding: s. xix. Brown calf, blind- and gold-tooled, with mottled, mauve paper sides. On spine: "Constitutions du monastre de Fontaine-Jehan".

Written in the late 12th or early 13th century, after 1191 (f. 32v contains the feast of St. Thomas of Canterbury, added to the Cistercian calendar in 1191); probably produced at the abbey of Fontaine-Jean in Northern France, to which it belonged in the late 16th century. The Cistercian abbey of Fontaine-Jean, near Montargis, between Sens and Orleans, was a daughter house of Ponti- gny founded in 1124. Notes of s. xvi on f. 75v: "ce livre est de Fontaine Jean" and at bottom of f. 104r: "Nous auons de coustoume en ceste maison de Fontaine-Jehan. Que quand vn Religieulx decede. Le tranteiesme iour. On diet vnne grande Messe et vn Libera sur la fosse. Et le dernier Jour de Ian vne grande Messe et vn Libera sur la Fosse"; this hand is similar to that which wrote "Frere Denis Regnault" on f. 127v. The note on f. 104r continues in cur- sive in another hand: "et vng Libera tous les dymanches a la sortie de nonne vng an durant". On f. 126v is a note in the same [?] cursive hand giving the date of the death of this Denis Regnault: "Fr. Dionysius Regnault relligiosus huius monastery in anno domini 1590 quj obijt autem." However, a short prayer in the margin off. lOv ends with the inscription "1601. F. D. Regnault". Other early notes give no indication of place; on f. 15v, "Frere Nicolas Dignet religieulx de ceans Ian mil vc xlij [added by another hand:] qui morut Ian de grace 1595." On f. 122v, "En Ian 1548 le 20 ior De Januier frere Thomas Chammaillard fut profes. Frere Thomas." Partially erased note in lower margin off. 14v con- tains the date 1555. Collection of Abbe Joseph Felix Allard (1795-1831; owned a number of manuscripts from Pontigny); purchased from him by Sir Thomas Phillipps in the late 1820's (no. 3744: tag on spine and stamp inside front cover; Phillipps Studies v. 3, pp. 33 and 152). Sold at Phillipps sale at Sotheby's (30 Nov. 1965, no. 6, pi. off. lv) to H. P. Kraus. Purchased from Kraus in 1969 by Edwin J. Beinecke, who presented it to the Beinecke Library.

MS 350 Germany (Basel?), s. XVmed

Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum historiale

This catalogue entry should be read in conjunction with that of MS 350A.

ff. lr-239r //Post mortem honorii theodosius eiusdem nepos cepit anno dominj cccc. xxv. et mundi vero m. cccc lxxxviij. et imperauit solus annis iij. huius anno primo wandali mauritaniam inuaserunt . . . coronant cesarem et augustum

184 MS 350

appellant pipinium uero filium eius regem ytalie ordinatum collaudant. Ex- plicit tercia pars speculi historialis.

Books 21-24 (numbered 20-23 in the Douai edition of 1624). The text be- gins imperfectly and is apparently lacking Book 20 (see collation below) and the table of contents for Book 21 similar to those preceding ch. 22 (ff. 51v-53r); ch. 23 (ff. 108v-110r); ch. 24 (ff. 161r-163r). Each book is divided into chap- ters signalled by Roman numerals and rubrics: Book 21 = 111 chs., Book 22 = 135 chs., Book 23 = 110 chs., Book 24 = 176 chs.

Paper (watermarks: Briquet Tete de boeuf 15056) + parchment inner and outer bifolios, ff. i + 239 + ii, 281 x 210 (205 x 150) mm. 2 cols., 38-48 lines, with a greater number of lines on parchment leaves. Frame-ruled in hard point or lead; prickings in upper, lower and outer margins.

I 6 (-1), II-XV . Leaf and quire signatures (e.g., e vi, e vij, etc.) lower right corner, recto, indicate that the first four gatherings are missing; catch- words in lower margin under inner column, verso.

Written by a single scribe in a well-formed running hand with batarde shad- ing, and flourishes in the upper and lower margins that are often decorated with red. The same scribe also wrote the Hystoria Tartarorum in MS 350A, but did not execute the Vinland Map (MS 350A, art. 1). A somewhat later hand, s. xv/xvi, added running titles in the upper margin in italic script.

Rubrics, Roman numerals and some simple plain initials in red.

Binding: s. xv. Sewn on four tawed, twisted, double supports laced into grooves extending ca. 25 mm. on the inside of beech boards and pegged. The spine is square and lined with vellum extending onto the inside of the boards between sewing supports. Covered in brown leather blind-tooled with concen- tric frames, the center panel filled in with small, square bird tools. The entire binding was tooled upside down. Impressions of the tools go through to the wood. Four fastenings, the clasps on the upper board. Restored; endbands ad- ded and clasps wanting. On the glue left from the original pastedowns, now wanting, are the offset impressions from a single, heavily annotated manuscript document that was cut in half vertically; dated 1437 from the Council of Basel.

Written in the middle of the 15th century, as indicated by the overall appear- ance of the codex and the design of the watermarks, either in Germany or perhaps in Basel where the document once serving as pastedowns was presuma- bly written (see Binding above); previously bound together with Beinecke MS 350A. For the relationship of MSS 350 to 350A see the Provenance and Select Bibliography of MS 350A. Purchased through C. A. Stonehill by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate) in 1957, and subsequently presented to Mrs. L. C. Wit- ten by him. Presented to the Beinecke Library by an anonymous donor in 1965.

MS 350A 185

MS 350A Germany (Basel?), s. XVmed

Vinland Map; Hystoria Tartarorum

This catalogue entry should be read in conjunction with that of MS 350.

1 . f. lr blank except for inscription in upper right corner that appears to read: "Delineacio prima pars secunda pars tertia partis [?] speculi"; ff. lv-2r (a single parchment bifolium). Outline map of Europe, Africa, Asia, the sur- rounding seas and the islands including Iceland, Greenland and Vinland, with legends identifying countries, islands, etc. f. 2v blank

2. ff. 3r-13r Incipit hystoria tartarorum. [RJeuerentissimo patri fratri Bogirdio ministro fratrum minorum in Boemia et polonia regencium frater C. de bridia inter minores minimus filialis obediencie subieccionem tarn debitam ... sed ignorancie mee pocius imputetis. Actum ab incarnacione domini m°. cc°. xl°. viii° iii°. Id. augusti. Explicit vita et hystoria tartarorum. ff. 13v-18v blank, with all but f. 18v ruled

G. D. Painter, ed., in The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation, ed. R. A. Skel- ton, T. E. Marston, et al. (New Haven, 1965) pp. 21-106, with Latin text and English translation on pp. 54-101.

Paper (watermarks: Briquet Tete de boeuf 15056) with parchment inner and outer bifolios, ff. i (paper) + 2 (Vinland Map) + 16 + i (paper), 285 x 212 (206 x 150) mm. 2 cols., 39-41 lines. Frame-ruled in hard point or lead; prick- ings in outer and lower margins.

I , II1". Remains of leaf signatures ii-vii in lower right corner, recto.

Written by a single scribe in a well-formed running hand with batarde shad- ing. This same scribe wrote MS 350, but not the Vinland Map.

Incipit and explicit in red.

Binding: s. xix-xx. Heavy tan calf, blind- and gold-tooled.

Originally the Vinland Map, Speculum historiale, and Hystoria Tartarorum were bound together in this order in a single volume (Beinecke MS 350), as is indi- cated by the patterns of the wormholes. The latter two works, copied in Ger- many or perhaps Basel, were written on paper with identical watermarks by a single scribe and can be attributed on paleographical grounds to the middle of the 15th century. The origin and date of the Vinland Map, however, has been the subject of considerable debate. According to the editors of The Vin- land Map and the Tartar Relation (see Select Bibliography below) the map is the earliest known representation of any part of the New World and originated in Northern Europe during the 15th century. In their opinion it is contem- porary with the two manuscripts with which it was previously bound. Other scholars have been hesitant to accept the map as genuine and have suggested that it may be a modern forgery. In 1974 Walter C. McCrone Associates, Inc. , having tested particles of ink removed from the map, concluded the following.

186 MS 2$i

First, the ink of the map contains between three and forty-five per cent of titani- um in the form of anatase, a pure titanium dioxide pigment prepared by precipitating titanium in sulphuric acid by a process available in this form only since 1920. Second, the overlying black constituent of the ink was put down over the yellow-brown by a separate application and then ninety per cent or more was flaked off to expose the yellow-brown line so as to "simulate the ap- pearance of faded ink." The McCrone report therefore concluded that the map was probably forged after 1920. (See W. C. and L. B. McCrone, "The Vin- land Map Ink," Geographical Journal 140 [1974] pp. 212-14.) In January of 1985 the Vinland Map underwent further tests at the University of California, Davis, where it was subjected to the proton beam of a cyclotron. The machine per- mitted a research team to examine both the parchment and ink of the map without physical damage to the manuscript. The results of the cyclotron in- vestigation, contained in a report entitled "Further Elemental Analyses of the Vinland Map, the Tartar Relation and the Speculum Historiale" calls into ques- tion the assumption made by McCrone Associates that the small particles of ink used for their chemical tests were, in fact, representative of the ink of the entire map. According to the scholars from Davis, titanium is present only in trace amounts, a fact that suggests the previous quantitative analysis was not methodologically sound. MS 350A was acquired from a private collection in Europe by L. C. Witten, who subsequently determined that the Vinland Map and Hystoria Tartarorum were once bound together with another manuscript then in the possession of Thomas E. Marston (now Beinecke MS 350). Pre- sented to the Beinecke Library by an anonymous donor in 1965.

Select Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 277-78, no. 90.

R. A. Skelton, T. E. Marston, G. D. Painter, eds., with a Forward by A. O. Vietor, The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation (New Haven, 1965).

W. E. Washburn, ed., Proceedings of the VinlandMap Conference (Chicago, 1971), with extensive bibliography.

R. S. Lopez, "Much Ado about Vinland," Su egiuper la storia di Genova (Genoa, 1975) pp. 371-79.

MS 351 France, ca. 1525

Pigafetta, Journal of Magellan's Voyage (in Fr.)

1. f. lr Notes in a later hand; f. lv inscription, see Provenance. [Title, f. 2r, in blue:] Navigation et descouurement de la Inde superieure et isles de Malucque ou naissent les cloux de Girofle faicte par Anthoine Pigaphete Vincentin Cheuallier de Rhodes Commanceant en Ian Mil W et xix. [dedication, in red:] Anthoyne Pigaphete Patriae Vincentin et Cheuallier de Rhodes a Illustrissime et tres excellent Seigneur Philippe de Villers L [erasure] leadam indite grand Maistre de Rhodes son seigneur esseruer- atissime. f. 2v blank

MS351 ^7

2 . ff . 3r-98v Prologue de Anthoine Pigaphete sur le present liure sien traictant. La naui- gation des isles de Malucque . . . Chapitre Premier. Pource quil y a plusieurs gentz curieux (tres illustre et tres reuerend Seigneur) qui non seullement se con- tentent descoutter et scauoir . . . au tres illustre et noble seigneur Philippes de Villiers Lisleadan tres digne grand maistre de Rhodes. Fin. f. 99r ruled, but blank; f. 99v continues notes from f. lr

A journal of Ferdinand Magellan's voyage around the world in 1522, writ- ten by Antonio Pigafetta (ca. 1480/91 - ca. 1534), an Italian gentleman from Vicenza who survived the trip. Beinecke MS 351, the text of which is divid- ed into 57 numbered chapters, is the most complete and most handsomely produced manuscript of the four surviving witnesses to the text; the origi- nal, probably in Italian, is now lost. The two other French manuscripts, also copied in the first half of the 16th century, are Paris, B. N. MSS fr. 5650 and fr. 24224; the only manuscript extant from the Italian tradition is Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana MS L. 103 Sup., of approximately the same date as the French manuscripts. An abridged French text was printed at Paris for Simon de Colines, Le voyage et navigation Jaict par les Espaignolz es Isles deMollucques (no date, probably ca. 1526-36); for a modern edition see J. Denuce, Pigafetta: Relation du premier voyage autour du monde par Magellan 1519-22, Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir a. l'histoire de la geographic 24 (Antwerp and Paris, 1923) pp. 29-225 (MS 351 = C), with a description of the Beinecke manuscript on pp. 11-14.

Parchment (fine), ff. i (paper) + ii (parchment) + i (original parchment flyleaf) + 98 (foliated 2-99) + ii (parchment) + i (paper), 276 x 184 (195 x 122) mm. 27 long lines, or in 2 columns for vocabulary lists (ff. 19v-20r, 51v-53r, 83r-84v). Ruled faintly in red ink; single inner vertical and horizon- tal bounding lines; double outer vertical bounding lines; additional ruling in outer margins for notes; all bounding lines full length and full across.


Written in elegant humanistic bookhand with script often resting above the rulings; marginal notes and headings in a more cursive script that inclines toward the right.

Twenty-three beautifully drawn and illuminated maps, mostly full-page, sur- rounded by gold frames, and with scrolls superimposed that contain the iden- tifying legends for islands and land masses. Subjects of maps are as follow; we give the title as it appears in the text of the manuscript: f. 21r figure du destroict Pathagoniques. De la region de Pathagonie, Mer ocean, De la mer Pacifique, Et aultres Capz; f. 23r figure des isles infortunees; f. 25v figure de lisle des larrons et leurs barquettes [with two figures in a boat]; f. 29r figure de lisle des bons signes. Et des quatre aultres isles Cenalo, Hinnangar, Ibus- son, Abarien; f. 35v figure du cap de Gatighan, Des isles de Mazzaua, Bohol, Ceilon, Baibai, Polo, Canighan, Tigobon, et Pozzon [legends on scrolls not

'88 ms 351

filled in]; f. 53v Cy apres sont figurees les isles de Zzubu, Mattan, et Bohol; f. 54r En lautre figure est lisle de Panilonghon; f. 56r figure de lisle de Caghaian; f. 57r [no title] Isle of Pulaoan; f. 62v figure de lisle de Burne et du lieu ou sont les mettles vifues; f. 65r figure des cinq isles Benaian, Calagan, Butuan, Cippit et Maingdanao; f. 66r figure des isles Zzolo, Cauit, et aultres; f. 67v figure des isles Giboco et aultres; f. 68r figure des isles Sanghir, Nuzza, Cheai, Camanuzza, Gheaua, Lipan, Cabaluzzar, Cabiao, Cauiao; f. 69r figure des isles Meau, Paginzzara, Zzoar, etc.; f. 85r figures des isles Giailolo, Mutara, Tarenate, et Chir; [cartouche on map:] Toutes les isles en ce liure mises. sont en laultre Emispere du monde aux Antipodes; f. 85v figure des cinq isles ou naissent les cloux de girofle et de leur arbre [with drawing of clove tree]; f. 87r figure de isles de Bacchian, etc.; [legend on map:] En ceste isle habitent les Pigmei; f. 87v Aultre figure des isles Ambalao, Ambon, Tenetun, Luma- tola, et Sullach; f. 88v figure des isles Bandan, Zzorobua, Rossonghin, et aultres; f. 90r figure des isles Zzolot, Nocemamor, et aultres; f. 92r figure des isles Timor, Cabanaza, et aultres; f. 93r figure de la grand mer.

Decorative initials, 4- to 3-line, rose or blue highlighted with white, on gold rectangular grounds edged in black, contain flowers in contrasting colors or strawberries and green and chartreuse leaves. Gold initials, 2-line, on red rec- tangular grounds or on red and blue grounds (divided diagonally or horizon- tally) with gold highlights. Gold paragraph marks, 1-line, on rectangular grounds that alternate red and blue, with gold highlights; rectangular line-fillers in red and gold, also highlighted with gold. Headings for chapters and titles for maps within text, as well as notes in margin entered by same scribe, in red or blue.

Binding: s. xix. Red goatskin, gold-tooled. Bound by Duru in 1851 (note on f. i verso). Disbound and mounted for photographic reproduction for the facsimile edition by Harold Tribolet at the Extra Bindery of the Lakeside Press. Rebacked with extraordinary skill.

Written in France ca. 1525. Although some scholars have suggested that Beinecke MS 351 is the dedication copy presented to the Grand Master of Rhodes by Pigafetta, there is no firm evidence to support this hypothesis; all four extant manuscripts contain the dedicatory inscription to the Grand Master (see art. 1). First known owner is Jean Gognet, gentleman of the chamber and apothecary of Jean de Guise (1498-1550), Cardinal of Lorraine (f. 2r: ana- gram of Cognet: "Ne age cito"; arms on f. lv: azure, a chevron or between three lilies argent); his presentation to Christophe de Gastinois, the Cardinal's secretary (inscription on f. lv: "Viro clarissimo, eruditissimo, et integerrimo, Christophoro Gastynaeo, Illustrissimi Cardinalis a Lotharingia ex consilijs secretioribus Senatori, et libellorum supplicum Magistro dignissimo Ioannes Cognetius eidem Principi a Pharmacis et Cubiculis hunc librum D. D." with Gastinois arms in wreath above: azure, a fess argent, in chief 3 estoiles or,

ms 352 189

in base a phoenix or rising from flames proper). Belonged to the Abbey of St. Leopold at Nancy; inscription in upper margin off. lv: "Sancti Leopoldi Nan- ceiani an. 1720." Unidentified notes of s. xix on ff. lv and 99v discuss the pos- sibility that MS 351 is the original dedication copy. In 1841 the French geographer R. Thomassy ("La relation du premier voyage autour de monde a-t-elle ete composee en francais par Antoine Pigaphete . . . ," Bulletin de la So- ciete de Geographie, 2nd ser. 20 [1843] pp. 165-83) examined the manuscript when it was in the library of a certain M. Beaupre, a judge at Nancy, presuma- bly Jean-Nicolas Beaupre (1795-1869; Dictionnaire de Biographie Frangaise, v. 5, p. 1 163). Sold by Potier in Paris, March 1851 (no. 506); Felix Solar sale (Paris, Techener, April 1861, no. 3238). From the collection of Guglielmo Libri (1802-69); his sale (Sotheby's, 25-29 July 1862, no. 456) where it was acquired by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 16405; tag on spine, note on f. i verso). Robin- son sale (Cat. 83, 1953, pp. 96-105); purchased from the Robinsons in 1964 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

Bibliography. H. Harrisse, Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima ... Additions (Paris, 1872) p. xxxii.

J. A. Robertson, Magellan's Voyage around the World (Cleveland, 1906) v. 2, pp. 260-64.

T. E. Marston, "Around the World in 1080 Days," Gazette 39 (1965) pp. 101-04.

R. A. Skelton, Magellan's Voyage: A Narrative Account of the First Circumnaviga- tion by Antonio Pigafetta (New Haven, 1969) v. 1: Introduction and translation of text, v. 2: facsimile, in color, of Beinecke MS 351.

L. Peillard, Pigafetta: Relation du premier voyage autour du monde par Magellan 1519-22 (Geneva, 1970) pp. 52-56.

MS 352 Italy, s. XVI1

Girolamo Benivieni, Three Poems, in It. (1 leaf)

First poem: //A questo mio latino/ Tutte contente e liete/ D[is]sero come vo- lete/ ... ****vi trastullate/ [Di] me che uostra sono vi ricordate. Fine.

Eleven verses; considerable damage to beginning of 8 verses in upper left corner.

Second poem: Del medesimo Lorenzo a le medesime sue done. I. [Non m' inc]resce di me/ Talhora si malamente/ Che non men dogla sente/ ... Stato e amor conseruj/ Voi e me facci un de piu uil suoi seruj. Fine.

Eighty-five verses; five others cancelled.

Third poem: A la antedecta Gostanza sua nipote, Stommi cosi soletto/ A men- sa come suole/ Ch' il mio cor dir non uuole/ ... A me e tua la rosa/ Sia ch[e] gl'e giusta cosa//

]92 ms 353

Seventy-three verses; considerable damage to end of 15 verses in upper right corner.

Paper, 1 f. (foliated 88), 286 x 192 (238 x 160) mm. 3 columns, 30 lines. Ruled in hard point. Written in a vigorous notarial script. Leaf is mutilated and has been repaired extensively. Boxed.

The three poems were once thought to be the autograph works of Lorenzo de' Medici; complete handwritten transcription of text (s. xix-xx) in library files has heading "Autograft) di Lorenso il Magnifico (Poesie Inedite)"; the attribu- tion to Lorenzo was based on the title of the second poem "Del medesimo Loren- zo ... ". According to M. Martelli (letter on file), however, the poems are in the hand of Girolamo Benivieni (1453-1542; cf. A. M. Fortuna and C. Lun- ghetti, Scriptorium Florentinum v. 1 [Florence, 1977] pis. 89, 90, and R. Ridolfi, "Girolamo Benivieni e una sconosciuta revisione del suo Canzoniere," La Bib- liofilia 66 [1964] pp. 213-34, with pis.). MS 352, f. 88 from a larger volume, may be Benivieni's working copy, since words and verses have been added and deleted throughout; all three columns on both recto and verso have been struck out; poems have not been located in the Opere of Benivieni (Venice, 1522). Sold by the bookdealer Niels Hansen Christensen (no. 172 in his unidentified catalogue) as the work of Lorenzo de' Medici to S. Harrison Thomson, from whom it was acquired in 1967 with the Beinecke Rare Book Endowment Fund.

MS 353 Italy, s. XVmed

Paulus de Sancta Maria, Scrutinium Scripturarum, etc.

1 . ff. lr-8r [Table of contents for art. 3, written in red throughout:] Hec tabu- la est in libro qui dicitur Scrutinium scripturarum Editum ad conuincendum induratam perfidiam Iudeorum . . . Primum capitulum continet quod non solum Iudei . . . sentien- dum est et ibidem huiusmodi tractatus in laude diuina finitur. Amen. Finis Tabule.

2. f. 8v (a) Iudei non sunt cogendi ad fidem quam tamen si inuiti susceper- int cogendi sunt retinere . . . blasfemetur et fides quam susceperunt uilis ac contemptibilis habeatur, leo papa episcopis. [L]icet [text ends incomplete? following line and a half blank]; (b) [Q]ui sincera intentione extraneos a Christiana religione ad fidem cupiunt rectam . . . liberam habeant obseruan- di celebrandique licentiam. xlv. di [sic]

Passages concerning the conversion of Jews to Christianity; (a) unidenti- fied; (b) Letter of Pope Gregory I to Pascasius, bishop of Naples; MGH Epistolae v. 2 (Berlin, 1899) Epistola 13.15, p. 388.

3. ff. 9r-201v Scrutamini scripturas in quibus putatis uitam eternam habere et ille sunt que testimonium perhibent de me . . . homo christus yhesus Veri- tas est sine fallacia bonitas sine malitia felicitas sine miseria. Cui honor et

ms 354 W

gloria in secula seculorum. Amen. Explicit pars Dialogi et Finis Huius Salutiferi Operis. Deo Gratias.

Paulus de Sancta Maria (of Burgos; 1353-1435), Scrutinium Scripturarum; printed by Johann Schall (Mantua, 1475), Hain-Copinger 10765, and thereafter.

Parchment (hair side quite yellow), ff, ii (paper) + 201 + ii (paper), 281 x 206 (190 x 128) mm. Written in 35 long lines; single vertical bounding lines and occasionally double vertical bounding lines, full length. Ruled in hard point or lead, often with vertical lines ruled on one side of parchment and horizontal on the other.

I-XIX10, XX12 (-12, a blank). Catchwords under written space.

Arts. 1 and 3 written below top line in fere-humanistic script by a single scribe who frequently erased and rewrote the text; art. 2 added in another hand. Some later marginalia.

Crudely executed initial and full border on f. 9r: gold initial, 11-line, on blue rectangular ground, with white vine-stem ornamentation highlighted in green; border in gold, blue, pale pink, mauve and green, consisting of swirling acanthus leaves, flowers, birds, gold dots and leaves around bar border in up- per and outer margin, and with putti supporting laurel wreath (arms effaced) in lower margin. One penwork initial of pathetic quality, 8-line, red and blue divided body accompanied by red and blue penwork designs, on f. 125v. Ta- ble of contents (art. 1) and headings throughout, in bright red. Remains of notes to rubricator.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Red goatskin, with green, gold-tooled labels. Yellow edges.

Written possibly in Naples or Southern Italy, in the middle of the 15th centu- ry according to A. C. de la Mare; early modern provenance unknown. Be- longed to Irvin Davis (d. ca. 1961). Acquired from Menno Hertzberger in 1968 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: [table, f. 2] mentionem [text, f. 10] intentio

MS 354 Flanders [?], s. XVI1

William St. Thierry, Vita S. Bernardi, etc.

Beinecke MS 354 is a copy of Vita I, recensio A; see A. H. Bredero, "Etudes sur la 'Vita prima' de Saint Bernard," A nakcta Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis 17 (1961) pp. 3-72 (MS 354 listed on p. 22 as Gethsemany [sic] Abbey 16) and pp. 215-60; 18 (1962) pp. 3-59; J. Morson, The Life of St. Bernard: Manuscripts and Recen- sions in Collectanea Ordinis Cisterciensium Reformatorum 19 (1957) pp. 54-55 (listed as Gethsemani Abbey MS. 16).

*92 ms 354

1 . ff. lr-25r Incipit prologus domtni Wilhelmi abbatis sancti Theoderici in vita sancti ac melliflui doctoris Bernardi clarevallis abbatis. Scripturus vitam serui tui ad honorem nominis tui prout ... Sapiencia vincens maliciam. paciencia im- pacienciam. superbiam humilitate.

William of St. Thierry, Book I; BHL 1211.

2. f. 25r-v Subscripcio operis precedents quam Burcardus abbas balernensis apposuit. Prescriptum opus voluminis huius quod de vita sanctissimi viri Bernardi clarauallis abbatis a venerabili Wylhelmo sancti Theoderici . . . licuit opti- mo pictori sed preocupato [sic]. Explicit liber primus.

Burchard of Balerna, epilogue to Book I; BHL 1211.

3. f. 26r-v Incipit prefacio Herualdi [sic] bone vallis abbatis in secundo libro vite eius- dem. Virorum illustrium gesta nonnulli scriptorum laudibus attollentes. verbis ea solemnibus celebrarunt quantum excellentis ingenij . . . bonitas condonabit. Explicit prefacio.

Arnold, abbot of Bonneval, prologue to Book II; BHL 1212.

4. ff. 26v-54r Incipit liber secundus in vita sancti Bernardi abbatis. Ea tempestate honorius papa cuius ad hue instituta nitent et redolent . . . et reuersa est inter regem et principem tranquillitas et pacis desiderata serenitas. Explicit liber Secundus.

Arnold, abbot of Bonneval; Book II; BHL 1212.

5. ff. 54r-69v Incipit tercius liber in vitam sancti Bernardi clareuallensis abbatis. In- numeris quidem signis atque miraculis vt orbis comperit vniuersus fidelem famulum deus Bernardum clareuallensem glorificauit . . . sub alio quidem principio curabimus annotare perpauca de multis. Explicit liber tertius.

Arts. 5-7 (Books III-V) are by Geoffrey of Clairvaux; BHL 1214-16.

6. ff. 69v-93r Incipit liber quartus in vitam sancti Bernardi abbatis. Sicut sermone super cantica canticorum vicesimo quarto seruus domini Bernardus clare- uallensis gratulatur ... impossible omnia comprehendi.

7. ff. 93r-104v Cum post tantos labores dominus ac sudores dilecto suo Ber- nardo clareuallensi abbati diu desideratum preciose mortis sompnum dare . . . quod est super nomen sicut et tu super omnia deus benedictus in secula amen, [added to conclusion of this manuscript and to Bonn, Universitats- bibliothek, S. 366 (s. XVI):] Transeunte domno clareuallensi abbate ipsa hora transitus eius Joannes clareuallensis monachus equitans cum rege fran- corum equo descendit dominicam oracionem flexis genibus dixit. Et inter- rogatus a rege cur hoc fecisset. respondit abbatis mei animam ab angelis in celum modo deferri vidi. et pro eo dominicam oracionem dixi. Rex sta- tim in claramuallem [sic] misit. et nuncio reuerso ipsam horam obitus eius fuisse qua ille orauerat inuenit. Explicit liber quintus de vita et obitu beati Ber-

ms 355 ^93

nardi abbatis clareuallensis Benedicatur deus. [at bottom of second column:] Per fratrem ualerium de meyen.

Paper (watermarks: similar in design to Briquet Main 1 1423-29), ff. ii (paper) + 104 + i (paper), 273 x 197 (201 x 140) mm. 2 columns, 28 lines. Ruled in lead or ink; double horizontal and single vertical bounding lines, mostly full length and full across; remains of prickings in upper, lower, and outer margins.

Collation impossible due to rebinding and repairs.

Written by a single scribe (see Provenance) in neat gothic bookhand exhibit- ing batarde influence.

Decorative initials, divided red and blue, 5- to 4-line, at the beginning of each book. Plain German initials in red throughout. Initial strokes, headings, corrections, in red. At least two hands responsible for rubrications; portions of red initials are oxidizing.

Binding: s. xix. Black, hard-grained goatskin, blind-tooled.

Written in Flanders in the first half of the sixteenth century by the scribe Valerius de Meyen (d. 1556; see Colophons, v. 5, no. 18363); early modern provenance unknown. Erased inscription, mostly illegible, below colophon: "[Hie liber e]st S. R[ober]ti." Modern note, in pencil, on f. 104v: "Manuscript. Knights of the Round Table, Date 902." Bookplate of V. Raimond van Marie (1887-1936). Belonged to the library of the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky (MS 16) which bought it in 1921 from Wilfrid M. Voynich. Acquired in April 1964 from the private collector Laurence Taylor Greer by H. P. Kraus. Pre- sented in 1968 by Kraus to the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: Guidonis

Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 1, p. 739, no. 26 (while at the Abbey of Gethsemani).

MS 355 France, s. XIV1

Thomas Aquinas, Summa contra gentiles

1. pp. 1-10 Incipiunt capitula primi libri. Capitulum primum. Qui sit officium sapientis. Capitulum ii. Que sit in hoc opere auctoris intencio ... Capitulum Ixxxxvi. De finale iudicio. Capitulum Ixxxxvii. De statu mundi post iudicium. Expliciunt capitula quarti libri.

Table of contents for art. 2.

2. pp. 11-368 Incipit liber de veritate catholice fidei contra errores infidelium editus afratre thoma de aquino ordinis fratrum predicatorum. Capitulum primum est. Que sit officium sapientis. Ueritatem meditabitur guttur meum et labia mea de- testabuntur ... [Prov. 8.7; text:] Multitudinis usus quern in rebus nominandis

^94 ms 355

sequendum philosophus censet ... impugnare videntur. In nullo enim naturalium//

Thomas Aquinas, Summa contra gentiles, ending abruptly at the beginning of Bk. 4, ch. 80 (in manuscript: ch. 68, De sacramento resurrectionis); S. Thomae Aquinatis ... opera omnia iussu impensaque Leonis XIII P. M. edita, vols. 13-15 (Rome, 1918-30).

Parchment, ff. 184 (paginated 1-368), 331 x 237 (242 x 170) mm. 2 columns, 49 lines. Ruled in crayon. Double vertical bounding lines for outer edges of written space, single lines between columns; additional pair of rulings in up- per, lower, and outer margins; single upper (and sometimes lower) horizontal bounding lines, all full length and full across. Prickings in all margins except inner, for bounding lines only.

I6 (-6, presumably blank), II-XV10, XVI12, XVII10, XVIII12, XIX10 (-6 through 10). Leaf signatures in purple (e.g., bij, biij, etc.) in lower right cor- ner, recto; catchwords, enclosed by rectangle and decorative flourishes (incor- porating fish, p. 338), along lower edge under inner column, verso.

Written in neat gothic bookhand by a single scribe.

Red and blue split initial, 10-line, at beginning of text (p. 1 1) with fine pen- work flourishes within body and length of inner margin, in red, blue, and pur- ple. Similar initials, 6- to 3-line, without penwork extensions, on pp. 68, 130, 284. Small initials, 5- to 2-line, alternating red with purple penwork and blue with red, throughout. Headings in red; running titles in red and blue; para- graph marks alternate red and blue.

Binding: s. xv. Sewn on five double, tawed thongs laced into flush oak boards through tunnels in the edge and pegged with rectangular pegs. The back board is cracked and mended. The spine is square and lined with tawed skin. Plain, wound endbands sewn on twisted, tawed skin cores laced into the boards. Added embroidery is sewn through the cover and shows on the spine and the edge, with whip-stitching around the entire endband. Covered in kermes pink tawed skin with corner tongues. Two strap- and-pin fastenings, the pins on the lower board. Five foliate bosses on each board. A pin, straps and two bosses want- ing. Original front pastedown: incomplete alphabetical index, s. xiv, of sub- jects from amor through uita (no entries for x). Original back pastedown, also contemporary with main text: fragment of a theological text on the biblical prophets, on recto; unfinished diagram of the books of the Bible, divided into categories in mandata diuisio, in exempla diuisio, in ammonitiones diuisio, in reuela- tiones diuisio (with material from Old Testament only), on verso.

Written in Northern France in the first half of the 14th century. According to a contemporary inscription on the back pastedown, the manuscript belonged to the Cistercian abbey of Beaulieu en Rouergue in the canton of St. Antonin and department of Tarn-et-Garonne (see L. Cottineau, Repertoire topo- bibliographique des abbayes et prieures [Macon, 1935-70] v. 1, 299-300): "Iste liber

MS356 i95

est beate marie belliloci Ruthen diocesis et est in vadimonio pro xxiiij solidis [remainder of line illegible]/ et posuerunt pro isto precio fratres iohannes pastinellj et frater geraldus de ampulio monachi eiusdem monastery pro specie- bus quas habuerunt cellerarii eiusdem monastery." The pledge was redeemed, evidently, since the codex was still at Beaulieu in 1448 when the obituary no- tice of an abbot was entered further down the pastedown: "Anno domini milesi- mo iiij° xlviij0 et die iouis xxij mensis augustij circa mediam noctem obiit dominus durandus canletj [?] olim abbas monasterii belliloci cuius anima re- quiescat in pase [sic] amen." Inside upper cover is the inscription, s. xix [?]: "Comte de Lastic/ St. Antonin/ Tarn et Garonne." Purchased from Librarie Paul Jammes in 1967 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: [table of contents, p. 3] Capitulum Ixxxxvi [text, p. 13] exceditur

MS 356 Germany (Mainz?), s. XVIex

Commentaries on St. Thomas Aquinas, etc.

I. 1. ff. lr-68r [Heading:] In tertiam partem summae theologicae diui Thomae Aquinatis. Incepit R. P. Ioannes Leo SS. Theologiae P. 7 Nouembris. 1594. [text:] Prooemij loco quaedam praemittenda sunt et in primis. Quodnam sit huius tertiae partis subiectum? Respon- deo esse christum deum et hominem ... Absoluit R. P. Ioannes Leo 14 Aprilis 1595.

Joannes Leo, Quaestiones I- VI in tertiam partem Summae Theologicae divi Thomae Aquinatis, dated 1594-95; see C. Sommervogel, Bibliotheque de la Compagnie de Jesus (Paris, 1893) v. 4, cols. 1692-93, no. 3A, with additional manuscript texts.

2. ff. 68r-124r Sequentia dictauit R. P. Henricus Scherenus Quaes- tio VII. De gratia Ghristi prout quidam singularis est homo. Arti- culus I. Vtrum in Christo fuerit aliqua gratia habitualis. Conclusio: affirmans ... Absoluit 20 Septembris anno 95. f. 124v blank

Henricus Scherenus, Quaestiones V1I-XIX, dated 1595.

II. 3. ff. 125r-151v [Heading:] Tractatus de sacramentis in genere. [in outer margin:] Incepit hunc tractatum July R. P. Leonardus Hol- zerus anno 1592. [text:] Prooemium. De sacramentis agit Magister Sen. in 4. et scholastici ibidem ... Absoluit hunc tractatum R. P. Leonardus Holzerus 30. Septem. anno 1592.

Leonardus Holzerus, Quaestiones LX-LXV de sacramentis in genere, dat- ed 1592.

4. ff. 151v-230r [Heading:] De sacramentis in specie. De baptismo. [in upper margin:] Incepit hunc tractatum R. P. Leonardus Hoi-

196 MS 356

zerus Nouembris anno 1592. [text:] De baptismo tractatu diui- sio. De baptismo sex quaestiones agit D. Thomas, prima de essen- tia, secunda de ministro ... Absoluit R. in Christo P. Leonardus Holzerus 28. Iunij anno 1593.

Leonardus Holzerus, Quaestiones LXVI-XC de sacramentis in specie, con- cerning baptism, confirmation, communion, and confession, dated 1592-93.

5. ff. 230r-252r [Heading:] In supplementum tertiae partis D. Tho- mae. [text:] Quaestio I. De partibus paenitentiae in speciali et pri- mo de contritione. Articulus I. Vtrum contritio sit dolor de peccatis assumptus cum proposito confitendi et satisfaciendi. Conclusio: con- tritio apte definitur dolor ... Absoluit R. P. Leonardus Holzerus Septembris Anno 1593.

Leonardus Holzerus, Quaestiones I-XL, concerning confession, extreme unction, and ordination, dated 1593.

6. ff. 252v-264r [Heading:] De sacramento matrimonii, [text:] Matrimo- nium tribus modis considerari potest, primo ut est officium naturae, secundo vt est sacramentum ... Absoluit R. P. Leonardus Holzerus 25. Septembris anno 1593. f. 264v blank

Leonardus Holzerus, Quaestiones XLI-LX VIII, concerning matrimo- ny, dated 1593.

III. 7. ff. 265r-288v [Heading:] Commentaria in librum prophetae lob. [text:] Antequam ad explanationem prophetae lob accedamus prolegomena quaedam vt tractatio apertior sit et breuior premitte- mus. Questio I. sitne liber Iobi prophetae canonicus, et quam clas- sem ... Absoluit R. P. Ioannes Busaeus 30. Aprilis anno 1593. Finis prophetae lob.

Jan Buys, Commentaria in librum prophetae lob, in 42 chapters, dated 1593.

8. ff. 289r-305v [Heading:] In librum iosue. [in outer margin, in red:] Incepit R. P. Ioannes Busaeus 17 Maij anno 1593. [text:] Antequam ad explicationem huius historiae veniamus 7 res exponendae sunt, ordo libri, classis ... anno 1594. f. 306r-v blank

Jan Buys, Commentaria in librum Iosue, in 24 chapters, dated 1594.

9. ff. 307r-326v [Heading:] In priorem epistolam diui Pauli ad Corin- thios. [in outer margin:] Incepit hanc priorem epistolam R. P. Ioannes Pernottus 12 Nouem. anno 1593. [text:] Questio I. Quot epistolas ad Gorinthios scripserit S. Paulus. Verior sententia est scrip- tas esse epistolas a S. Paulo tres ... Absoluit R. P. Ioannes Pernot- tus hanc priorem epistolam 31. Martij, anno 1594.

MS 356 197

Ioannes Pernottus, Commentaria in priorem epistolam divi Pauli ad Corin- thios, in 16 chapters, dated 1593-94. See Sommervogel, op. cit., v. 6, cols. 544-45.

10. ff. 327r-337v [Heading:] In posteriorem epistolam ad Corinthios. Incepit explicationem huius epistolae R. P. Ioannes Busaeus 2 Junij anno domini 1594. Moguntiae. [text:] De argumento epistolae. Scrip- ta est haec epistola authore Chrysostomo et Theodoreto e Macedo- nia et quidem Philippis ... Absoluit R. P. Ioannes Busaeus 25 Septembris.

Jan Buys, Commentaria in posteriorem epistolam ad Corinthios , in 13 chap- ters, dated 1594.

11. ff. 338r-349r [Heading:] In epistolam diui Pauli ad Ephesios. In- cepit R. P. Ioannes Busaeus SS. Theologiae doctor 12 Nouembris, anno 1594. [text:] Antequam aggrediamur explanationem huius epistolae dicemus breuiter de authore epistolae, stylo, loco, tempore et occasione ... Absoluit R. P. Ioannes Busaeus 23 [?] February Anno 1595 et sequentem epistolam incepit 27. February.

Jan Buys, Commentaria in epistolam diui Pauli ad Ephesios, in 6 chap- ters, dated 1594-95.

12. ff. 349r-355r [Heading:] In epistolam diui Pauli ad Philippenses. [text:] Hanc epistolam e vinculis Roma scripsit apostolus anno Neronis Caesaris et Christi ... Absoluit R. P. Ioannes Busaeus 17. Aprilis, anno 1595.

Jan Buys, Commentaria in epistolam divi Pauli ad Philippenses, in 4 chap- ters, dated 1595.

13. ff. 355r-360r [Heading:] In epistolam diui Pauli ad Colossenses. [text:] Dubium est qui fuerint hi Collosenses ad quos scripsit apostolus hanc epistolam ... Absoluit R. P. Ioannes Busaeus 15 Junij anno 1595.

Jan Buys, Commentaria in epistolam Pauli ad Colossenses, in 4 chapters, dated 1595.

Articles 14-17 appear to be the work of Jan Buys, although only the last bears his name and the date.

14. ff. 360r-361r [Heading:] In primam epistolam diui Pauli ad Thes- salonicenses. [text:] Argumentum. Omnium epistolarum quas scripsit apostolus haec prima est quam Athenis vel vt alij volunt Corintho ... nisi habeat gratiam spiritus sanctus.

[Jan Buys?], Commentaria in primam epistolam Pauli ad Thessalonicenses , in 5 chapters.

*98 ms 356

15. ff. 361r-363r [Heading:] In secundam epistolam diui Pauli ad Thessalonicenses. [text:] Argumentum. Argumentum epistolae est idem cum superioris epistolae eamque non multo post duabus de cau- sis scripsit apostolus ... vere est otiosorum hominum.

{Jan Buys?], Commentaria in secundam epistolam Pauli ad Thessalonicenses, in 3 chapters.

16. ff. 363r-368v [Heading:] In primam epistolam diui Pauli ad Timotheum. [text:] Argumentum epistolae. Hactenus apostolus vt notauit Tertullianus 1. s. contra Martionem doctrinam communem omnibus christianis tradidit ... quia nihil apud illos est certum.

[Jan Buys?], Commentaria in primam epistolam Pauli ad Timotheum, in 6 chapters.

17. ff. 368v-369v [Heading:] In secundam epistolam ad Timotheum. Caput. I. [text:] A progenitoribus, indicat se a fide maiorum suo- rum discessisse, pieque et honeste vixisse ... Absoluit R. P. Ioannes Busaeus 25. Septembris 1595.

Jan Buys, Commentaria in secundam epistolam ad Timotheum, in 4 chap- ters, dated 1595.

Paper (thin), ff. i (paper) + 369, 199 x 158 (170 x 110) mm. Single vertical bounding lines ruled in hard point; no other rulings; ca. 50 lines.

I6 (quire signatures under written space, on recto: A), II- V8 (B-E), VI6 (F), VII-XVI8 (G-Q), 2 gatherings of 8 cut out, stubs remain, XVII-XX8 (Aa-Dd), XXI-XXII6 (Ee-Ff), XXIII-XXIV8 (Gg-Hh), XXV-XXX12 (Ii-Oo), XXXI8 (Pp), 1 gathering of 4 cut out, stubs remain, XXXII6 (Aaa), XXXIII8 (Bbb), XXXIV6 (Ccc), XXXV4 (Ddd), XXXVI8 (Eee), XXXVII10 (Fff), XXXVIII8 (Ggg), XXXIX8 (-7, no loss of text; Hhh), XL-XLII8 (Iii-Lll), XLIII-XLIV10 (Mmm-Nnn), XLV8 (-5 through 8, no loss of text; Ooo). ff. 345v-368v have catchwords on verso of each leaf, under written space near gutter.

Written by a single scribe in sloping italic.

Headings in majuscules; otherwise no decoration.

Binding: s. xvi [?]. Rigid vellum case gold- and blind-tooled. Stubs of green ribbons. Bound upside down. On upper cover "ICA" and "1595"; on lower cover "Tertia Pars D. Thomae." Written in ink on spine over inscription, now illegi- ble: "Scripta Theologica" (entered twice) and *E/ 1594." Gauffered edges.

Written at the end of the 16th century as indicated by the dates 1592-95 throughout, perhaps in Mainz (see art. 10), where Jan Buys (1547-161 1) and Joannes Leo (1540-1609) taught at the university; the texts appear to be tran- scriptions of university lectures. Belonged to the Capuchin Friars at Engelberg- am-Main (see Lexicon Capuccinum [Rome, 1951] col. 536; inscription on front

ms 357 ^99

flyleaf, s. xvi-xvii: "fratrum Capucinorum Montis Angelorum"). Acquired from the bookdealer Ifan Kyrle Fletcher (Cat. 6, Feb. 1967) with the James Hos- mer Penniman Fund.

MS 357 Italy, s. XV1

Annals of Genoa, to 1293

Beinecke MS 357 contains an abbreviated version of the text printed by G. H. Pertz, ed., MGH SS v. 18 (Hannover, 1863); page numbers in square brack- ets refer to this edition.

1 . ff. lr-2r [Preface:] Hec est cronica comunis Ianue quam cepit recitare Cafa- rus egregius Ianuensis ciuis . . . fidem christi predicarunt martirio coronati sunt anni xxxvi post passionem christi.

2. ff. 2r-16r Cafari annales (1099-1163), beginning: Tempore enim stolli cesarie paulo ante in ciuitate Ianue cumpagna [sic] ... [pp. 11-56].

3. ff. 16r-23v Oberti cancellarii annales (1164-73), beginning: Gestarum re- rum quas quondam Ianua gessit/ ... [pp. 56-96].

4. ff. 23v-37r Ottoboni scribae annales (1174-96), beginning: Congruum qui- dem et equitati atque iusticie consentaneum esse dignoscitur ... [pp. 96-114].

5. ff. 37r-52v Ogerii Panis annales (1197-1219), beginning: Cum perutile uideatur existere et communitate Ianue et tarn presentibus quam ... [pp. 115-42].

6. ff. 52v-58r Marchisii scribae annales (1220-24), beginning: Necessarium si quidem generi reperitur vt quod natura non valet ... [pp. 142-56].

7. ff. 58r-91v Bartholomaei scribae annales (1225-48), beginning: Anno dominice nactiuitatis cc xxv fuit in regimine ciuitatis vir nobilis Blan- chaleo ... [pp. 156-225].

8. ff. 91v-108r Annales ianuenses (1249-64), beginning: Anno cc xxxx viiii potestas ciuitatis Ianue fuit dominus Albertus malauolta . . . [pp. 226-48].

9. ff. 108r-lllv Lanfranci Pignolli, Guillielmi de Murtedo, Marini Usus- maris, et Henrici Marchionis de Gavio annales (1264-65), beginning: Cum autem per quosdam viros sapientes que suprascripta sunt ... [pp. 248-53].

10. ff. lllv-115r Marineti de Marino, Guillielmi de Murtedo iuris perito- rum, Marini Ususmaris et Iohannis Suzoboni laicorum annales (1265-66), beginning: Quoniam non currente cclxv per quatuor viros sapientes digne que suprascripta ... [pp. 254-58].

11. ff. 115r-117v Nicolai Guerci et Guillielmi de Murtedo ictorum, Enrici Droci et Bonivassalli Ususmaris laicorum annales (1257-69), beginning:

222. ms 357

Gum uero per quosdam uiros sapientes que suprascripta sunt in cclxvi seriatim ... [pp. 259-66].

12. ff. 117v-133r Oberti Stanconi, Iacobi Aurie Marchisini de Cassino et Bertolini Bonifatii annales (1270-79), beginning: Istoriogrophus [sic] noster capharus opus cepit laudabile ... [pp. 267-88].

13. ff. 133r-162v Iacobi Aurie annales ianuenses (1280-94), beginning: Quoniam multa et magna vtilitas et [sic] preterita et presentia ... [pp. 288-356].

14. ff. 163r-172v De galeis xxvi et nauibus vi pro gentibus Ierosolimam et de coronatione regis Ierusalem ac lumine quod apparuit mirabiliter anno domini Mlxxxxviiij ... Malefactores multiplicantes quorum ordinationes potestas Ianue obseruare habebat in. [?] Finita cronica scripta ad officium bulletarum communis Ianue. ff. 173r-175r ruled, but blank

Table of contents for arts. 1-12, incomplete, since most of the references to the precise year were not entered.

15. ff. 175v-176r Annotated list of cognomens, dated 1440, added by a con- temporary hand. ff. 176v-177r blank

16. f. 177v Pen drawing of a bearded man labelled "La fassa di senacherib re di oriente" and the names of the winds arranged in a circle.

Paper (coarse, brown; watermarks: unidentified bull's head buried in gut- ter), ff. i (paper) + 177 + i (paper), 213 x 150 (145 x 85) mm. Folios 1-20: 26 long lines ruled in lead and vertical bounding lines full length; ff. 21-177: ca. 23 long lines, written space frame-ruled in lead. Prickings in upper, lower and outer margins.

I20, II32, III-V20, VI24, VII20, VIII22 (-22).

Written by two scribes. Scribe 1 (ff. lr-45v, 158r-163v, 168r-172v): com- pact fere-humanistic script with exagerrated flourishes at conclusion of most lines; catchwords along lower edge near inner vertical bounding line. Scribe 2 (ff. 46r-157v, 164r-167v): well spaced informal humanistic script; catchwords in center of lower margin. Marginal annotations and arts. 15-16 added, s.xv-xvi, by several hands.

Stained throughout.

Binding: s. xix. Rigid vellum, gold-tooled. Stamped, in gold, on spine: "Gaffari Chronica MS."

Written in Italy, possibly in Genoa, in the first half of the 15th century; heavi- ly used and annotated, s. xv-xvi. Belonged to Sir Henry Edward Bunbury, 7th Bart. (1778-1860; DNB, v. 3, pp. 265-67); his bookplate and inscription on front pastedown: "Henry Edward Bunbury/ Bo* at Genoua. Feb.1? 1828. Pr. 60 Francs." Presented to the Beinecke Library in 1966 by Thomas E. Marston.

secundo folio: receperunt

MS 358 20I

MS 358 France, s. XV1/4

S alius t, with scholia

1. ff. lr-2v Impeditum est quod ab hostibus est possessum. Expeditur au- tem permissione alicuius aut ... est consul et pater patrie meruit appellari.

Unidentified preface; according to B. Ross, Beinecke MS 358 shares some introductory material with Munich, Staatsbibl. Cod. Monac. 19480 (Teg. 1480) and Maihingen, Cod. Maiing. II. Lat. 1 in 4to Nro. 102.

2. ff. 3r-55r Omnis homines qui student sese prestare ceteris animalibus, sum- ma ope niti decet, ne vitam silencio transeant ... Leticia meror. Luctus at- que gaudia agitabantur. ff. 55v-56v ruled, but blank

Sallust, Bellum Catilinae; A. Eussner, ed., Teubner (1891) pp. 1-41.

3. ff. 3r-54v Omnis homines. Intendit siquidem in hoc prohemio multis ra- tionibus persuadere uirtutem animi uiribus corporis . . . meror in corde pro amicis. Luctus in uultu iterum pro amicis Agitabatur. Explicit.

Unidentified scholia on Sallust, Bellum Catilinae. Although the commentary of Beinecke MS 358 belongs to the medieval school tradition rather than to the Renaissance tradition, neither the text of this article or of art. 5 be- low resembles closely any medieval texts currendy known. Columbia Univer- sity Library Plimpton MS 96 has some similar but not corresponding commentary.

4. ff. 57r-162v Falso queritur genus humanum de sua natura, quod Imbecilla atque eui breuis ... Ex ea tempestate spes atque opes ciuitatis in illo site mere. Explicit.

Sallust, Bellum Iugurthinum; A. Eussner, ed., Teubner (1891) pp. 42-121.

5. ff. 57r-162v [Scholia in upper margin:] In Iugurtina historia redarguit salustius impugnantes patriam per auariciam ... [scholia beginning at right:] Materia huius libri est regnum numidie et res publica vel numidarum bel- lum ... pugnare .i. satis uidebatur eis quod se ab illis defenderint.

Unidentified scholia on Sallust, Bellum Iugurthinum (see art. 3 above).

Parchment, ff. iii (paper) + ii (contemporary parchment) + 162 + iii (paper), 210 x 146 (112 x 75) mm., trimmed. Written in 18 long lines, ruled in red ink. Double vertical, single horizontal bounding lines, full length and full width. Additional rulings for scholia: single vertical lines in inner and out- er margins, double horizontal lines, widely spaced, in upper and lower mar- gins. Remains of prickings in outer margins.

I2, II-XXI8. Catchwords along lower edge, right of center; some trimmed.

Written in batarde, with scholia in a smaller version of the same hand.

One miniature, 12-line, f. 74v, a T-O mappa mundi, in a red and gold frame, slightly waterstained at the edges; M. Destombes, ed., Mappemondes, A.D. 1200-1500 in Monumenta Cartographica Vetustioris Aevi, v. 1 (Amsterdam,

202 ms 359

1964) p. 72, no. 31.18. One 4-line initial, f. 3r (pink), and one 3-line initial, f. 57r (blue), both with white highlights, filled with red and blue ivy on gold against a gold ground. Twenty 2-line initials, gold, filled with pink and blue against pink and/or blue grounds, square or irregular, with white filigree. Cap- itals stroked in yellow, red or blue between ff. lr and 26v; in yellow for the remainder of the text. Borders were perhaps added later (s. XV^4) on folios with initials only; between ff. lr and 57r, flowering vines, gold, green and blue with gold dots in lines above, below or in written space; blue and gold acan- thus mixed with flowering vines, red, pink, blue, and green with gold ivy in line above written space and in inner margin within rulings for scholia; on a few folios, outer vertical bounding line reinforced in red with small acanthus terminals. Between ff. 57v and 162v pink, blue and/or green acanthus, with flowering vines, pink, blue and green, with gold ivy and dots, disposed as above; on f. 85v vertical bounding line repainted as a green stem with lopped off stalks. Lemmata underlined in red.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Limp vellum case with title in ink. Rodent damage.

Written in France during the first quarter of 15th century; early modern provenance unknown. Appeared in a Francis Edwards Catalogue (no. 711 [1951], no. 2; mappa mundi is color frontispiece), and in the catalogue of Menno Hertzberger and Co. of Amsterdam (1952 and 1954; Cat. VI, no. 181). Pur- chased from C. A. Stonehill in 1954 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate); his gift to Yale in 1965.

secundo folio: [scholia, f. 2:] Cederuntque [text, f. 4:] libido

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 76, no. 101 (while in T. E. Marston's collection).

MS 359 Italy, s. XVmed

Pomponius Mela, De chorographia Hbri tres, etc.

1. f. lr blank; f. lv Nobili ac Generoso Viro Domino Lodisio Auria In Ex- peditione Neapolitana Francorum Regis Admirato. [text of poem:] Tu quern liligeras nutu frenare triremes/ Cernimus, Equoreis, et dare iura salis/ ... Haec te fata manent, pergas per semita [?] Patrum/ Doria et in totta Do- ride victor eris.

Poem, 8-line, to Luigi Doria (Lodisius Auria) on the campaign of the French to Naples (1494-95); added by a later hand.

2. ff. 2r-40v Pomponii Melle de cosmographia liber incipit. Orbis situm dicere ag- gredior impeditum opus et facundie minime capax . . . iam fretum uergens promontorium operis huius atque athlantici littoris terminus explicit. Fi- nis, f. 41 r ruled, but blank

ms 359 203

G. Ranstrand, ed., Pomponii Melae De chorographia libri tres (Stockholm, 1971) pp. 3-65; not among the manuscripts listed by P. Parroni, ed., Pomponii Melae De chorographia libri tres (Rome, 1984).

3. f. 41 v Ferruginei uetusto more attramenti conficiundi [sic] modus: Ex Kyri- aco Anconitano. [text:] Primum quidem habeto gallarum minutarum crisparumque ad drachmas tris ... post collato et continuo scribito.

Formula for making ink attributed to Cyriac of Ancona (Ciriaco de' Piz- zicolli, ca. 1391-1450), added in a later hand.

4. f. 42r Marco Auria Nobili ac Magnanimo Viro. [text:] Marce decus ligu- rum, preclara stirpe potentum/ Edite Lambarum, lux rediuiua toge/ . . . Di- cere fas nobis hinc quod fatidica Doris,/ Aurius, ut redeant Aurea secla, regat. f. 42v blank

Poem, 8-line, to Marco Doria (Marcus Auria), added in a later hand.

Parchment, ff. i (contemporary parchment, f. 1) + 40 (ff. 2-41) + i (con- temporary parchment, f. 42), 204 x 152 (138 x 98) mm. 27 long lines. Ruled in ink for horizontal lines and in crayon for vertical; single vertical bounding lines, full length. Prickings in upper and lower margins; and an additional single pricking in outer margin just above upper edge of written space (cf. A. Dero- lez, Codicologie des manuscrits en ecriture humanistique sur parchemin, Bibliologia 5 [Brepols, Turnhout, 1984] p. 77).

I-V8. Catchwords, some accompanied by dots and flourishes, perpendicu- lar to text along inner vertical bounding line. Remains of quire and leaf signa- tures (e.g., el, e2, etc.) in lower right corner, recto.

Art. 2 written by a single scribe in elegant humanistic bookhand; art. 3, in italic, added in late 15th century; arts. 1 and 4, in upright humanistic, in the 16th century.

Small gold initials, 2-line, on red, blue, green rectangular grounds with sim- ple white-vine ornamentation and white filigree, at the beginning of each book of art. 2 (ff. 2r, 15r, 29r). Plain blue initials, 2-line, throughout. Headings in red. Guide-letters for illuminator and rubricator.

Waterstained throughout; large portions of parchment covered by purple blotches.

Binding: s. xv-xvi. Original sewing on three tawed slit straps laced into chan- nels on the inside of beech boards and pegged, the channels filled in with glue or mastic. The spine is square. Plain, wound endbands sewn on twisted, laced cores sit on the spine. Covered in brown leather, blind-tooled with double fillets forming an X in a frame with lozenges made up of small cross-shaped tool in each compartment. One fastening, the catch with an Son it on the lower board. "Cosmographia" written on head edge.

Written in the middle of the 15th century, probably in Lombardy according to A. Derolez; arts. 1 , 3, 4 are later additions. A hand contemporary with main

204 MS 360

text carefully added Greek equivalents for Latin proper nouns (e.g., lilibeum = XiXufBaTov). Perhaps owned by a member of the Doha family (see arts. 1 and 4). From the library of W. Redmond Cross, Yale 1896; presented to the Beinecke Library in 1969 by Mrs. Cross.

secundo folio: ita nominibus

MS 360 England, s. XVin

Psalter and Hours (in English)

1. ff. lr-139r //as J>e vessel of a potter And now 3e Kingis vndirstonde 3e ]?at demen ]?e erj?e be lernede. Serue 3e J>e lord with drede and make 3e ful ioie to hym with tremblinge . . . herie 3e hym in cymbalis of Iubilacioun eche spirit herie J>e lord. Here endip pe sauter.

Psalter in English, in the 8-part liturgical division, beginning defectively in Ps. 2, 9: one leaf missing after f. 35v (end of Ps. 37, beginning of Ps. 38) and one missing after f. 108v (end of Ps. 108, all of Ps. 109). J. Forshall and F. Madden, eds., The Holy Bible ... made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his Followers (Oxford, 1850) vol. 3, pp. 739-888, the later ver- sion of the Wycliffite translation of the Psalms.

2. ff. 139r-152v And bigynnen opere salmes whiche ben clepide pe canticlis Confitebor tibi domine. Isaye ii° capitulo. Lord I schal knoweleche to J>ee for ]?ou were wroo)> to me ... he may not heere be saaf.

Six ferial canticles (Confitebor, Ego dixi, Exultavit cor meum, Cantemus domino, Domine audivi, Audite celi), Benedicite omnia opera, Te deum (W. Maskell, Monumenta ritualia Ecclesiae Anglicanae [Oxford, 1882] v. 3, pp. 239-40), New Testament canticles (Magnificat, Benedictus dominus deus, Nunc dimittis), Athanasian Creed (Quicumque vult): (Maskell, v. 3, pp. 257-60) all in English with rubrics in Latin. Forshall and Madden {pp. cit.) list the same canticles as appended to the Psalter in London, B. L. Harley 1896 and Additional 10046; Oxford, Bod. Lib. Bodley 554 and New Col- lege 320; Cambridge, St. John's College E. 14. According to A. Hudson, the text of New College 320 appears to be the same as that in Beinecke MS 360.

3. ff. 152v-155v Litany, in English, including Dionysius (13), Eustachius (14), Thomas (15), Christopher (16) and Richard (17) among the 17 martyrs; Cuthbert (9), Swithin (10), Silas (13), Dunstan (14) and William (15) among the 15 confessors; Radegundis (12) and Frideswide (13) among the 13 virgins. Maskell, op. cit., v. 3, pp. 227-32. The litany is similar, though not identi- cal, with one in Oxford, Bod. Lib. Bodley 85, ff. 63-67 (Book of Hours), and to the Latin litany printed by C. Horstmann, Yorkshire Writers (Lon- don, 1895-96) v. 2, pp. 399-400. The prayer on f. 155v (beginning: God

MS 360 205

to whom it is proprid to be mercyful euer and to spare take oure preyer ... ) is found in Oxford, Bodleian Library Hatton 111, f. 9 at the end of Jerome's Psalter. The text in MS 360 ends defectively at the conclusion of this prayer.

4. ff. 156r-166v Hours of the Virgin, Sarum use, in English, psalms by cue only, beginning defectively.

5. ff. 166v-168r Penitential Psalms, by cue only; Gradual Psalms, by cue only; litany with reference to "\>e o]>er letanye bifore for fro hens for)? J>e concordij? wi]? )?e oJ?ere"; f. 167v An antem of our ladi Salue Regina. Heyl queene modir of mercy oure lyf oure swetnes . . . Omnipotens , Almy3ti endeles god )>at worchinge wi|? J>e holy goost ... [in Latin in HE, 62-63]; in English.

6. ff. 168r-176r Here bigynnep placebo. I louede for J>e lord schal her. Antem. I schal plese to ]>e ... Deus indulgenciarum, God of for3euenesse. Pese orisouns stonden bitwixe placebo et dirige.

Office of the Dead, Sarum use, in English, Psalms by cue only.

7. f. 176r-v And here bigynnen pe comendatiouns. Ps. Beati inmaculati. Blessid ben men withouten ... J?ou lord waische hem awey bi J?i moost merciful pitee. Bi crist oure lord Amen.

Commendation of souls (Pss. 118, divided into sections, and 138, by cue only, followed by the prayer, Tibi commendamus ... ) in English.

8. ff. 176v-185v Here bigynnep Ieroms Sauter, Lord god vouchesaf to take up J>es salmes )>at ben halowide to J?ee . . . Lord perseyue my wordis with eeris . . . Thou schalt lede out of tribulacioun my soule for I am \'\ servaunt. Aue regina. Heil queene of heuenes modir of J?e kyng of aungels. ... ff. 186r-191v ruled, but blank.

St. Jerome's Psalter, with introductory prayer and text [in Latin, in HE, 116-22] followed by a suffrage to the Virgin [in Latin, RH 2072]. There is an entry for Jerome's abbreviated Psalter in A Manual of the Writings in Middle English 1050-1500,]. Burke Severs, ed. (Hamden, 1970) v. 2, pp. 387 and 540; MS 360 is not listed.

9. f. 192r-v [Added in another hand:] domine ne in furore tuo arguas et cetera in lingua materna sic, lord in )>i woodnesse undirnym not me, ne in J?i ire amende me. Woodnesse or wra)>J>e is a stiryng of maunes wil exitynge to veniaunce ... ]?at is be I not amounge J?o [>at schal be purgid in \>e fier of purgatory but heere amende me. [in the lower margin:] Item prophetus dicit in imo nocturno, Iratus est furore dominus in populum suum et psalmus 10. f. 193r blank

10. f. 193v [Added in a later hand:] Notes on Historia, Alegoria, Anagogia, Tropologia, with letters of the alphabet (a, b, d, c) in the outer margin to correct the order of presentation, f. 194r-v ruled, but blank

206 MS 361

Cf. Ker, MMBL, v. 2, p. 872 (entry for Glasgow University, University Library, Euing 2).

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 194 + i (paper), 123 x 83 (79 x 51) mm. Writ- ten in 22 long lines, ruled in brown ink. Single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines, full length and full width; prickings visible at outer edge of folio; two rows of parallel prickings on ff. 186-193.

I missing, II8 (-1), III-V8, VI8, (-5), VII-XIV8, XV8 (-7), XVI-XX8, XXI8 (-7), XXII-XXIV8, XXV4, XXVI10. Leaf signatures b-z on quires 2-23 (first quire missing), with ad hoc symbols on quires 24-25, using red ink from the ninth quire on correcting the previous erroneous signatures (/ on quires 9 and 10: L on quires 12 and 13). Notes (s. xvi) on ff. 35r, 108v and 155v (the latter in pencil) indicate missing leaves. Catchwords, some with decorat- ed frames, in center right of lower margins, verso.

Written in small well formed gothic bookhand.

Five 6- to 5-line initials at the liturgical divisions of the Psalter (Psalms 26, 52, 68, 80, 97; initials for Psalms 1, 38, and 109 missing, offset initials on ff. 35v, 109r, and 156r), pink and blue with white highlights against cusped gold grounds, filled with brown, blue, and pink foliage with curling foliate serifs; pink, blue and gold bar border in outer margin with foliate shoots, terminals and horizontal extensions full across in upper and lower margins. Eleven 5- to 4-line initials (ff. 139v, 158v, 161r, 162r, 163r, 163v, 164r, 165v, 168r, 169v, 176v), gold, edged in black against a cusped ground, quartered in blue and pink, with white highlights and floral hair- spray. 3-line initials, blue with red penwork throughout. Capitals alternating red and blue. Rubrics throughout. Red and blue line-fillers in litany.

Binding: s. xix-xx. Brown leather case, blind-tooled. Red edges. Smells like a Middleton binding.

Written in England at the beginning of the 15th century; early modern prov- enance unknown. Purchased from Henry Fletcher in 1965 by Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke, for the Beinecke Library.

MS 361 Byzantium, s. XIV2

Aristotle, Rhetorica, etc. (in Greek)

1. ff. lr-4v blank; ff. 5r-110r dgiatoTekovg xiyyr\<; grjTOQixfjg, a. 'H pTjxoptxr) iaxiv dcvxiaxpo<po<; [s.l. xocl taoaxpo<po<;] xrj SiocXsxxtxri ... e!'pT]xa- axr)x6ocx&- i'xexe xpivaxe. x&koq dtpiato-ceXouq iiyyr\c, p7]xopixfj<;.

Aristotle, Rhetorica; I. Bekker, ed., Opera, v. 2, pp. 1354a. 1420b; R. Kassel, Der Text der aristotelischen Rhetorik (Berlin, 1971) pp. 10, 57-61, siglum Yal.

2. f. llOv [Title:] Tuept evGufx^axoi;: [in margin:] [cp]tX67uovo<;: [text:] £<xu auX- Xo-fiaacjGai ix x&v evGu^7]|jLax<ov oxixixx; ... £V0Ofj.£icj0ai xrjv (iiav itpoxaaiv.

MS 361 207

Joannes Philoponus, excerpt from In Analytica posteriora commentarius; CAG, v. 13, 3, pp. 5-6.

Paper (watermarks of four different types: unidentified coat of arms [ff. i-iv]; similar in design to Briquet Tete de licorne 15771 [quires 2, 10]; similar in design to Briquet Fruit 7371 [quires 3, 10, 14-15]; similar to Briquet Cloche 4030 [quires 4-9, 11-13, 14-15]), ff. iv (paper) + 106 (foliated 5-110) + i (paper), 212 x 142 (155 x 92) mm.

I-VII8, VIII8 (-8 following f. 67), IX8, X6, XI-XIII8, XIV4 (-4 following f. 108), XV2.

Written by 9 scribes in Greek minuscule: Scribe 1: ff. 5r-20v; 2: ff. 21r-36v; 3: ff. 37r-52v; 4: ff. 53r-67v (this hand is very similar to Florence, Laur. 32, 27 dated 1339, cf. A. Turyn, Dated Greek Manuscripts of the Thirteenth and Four- teenth Centuries in the Libraries of Italy [Urbana, 111., 1972] pi. 155); 5: ff. 68r-81v; 6: ff. 82r-83v; 7: ff. 83v-84r; 8: ff. 84v-97v; 9: ff. 98v-110r. Arrangements of rulings, all in hard point, vary according to the scribe. Scribe I: double ver- tical bounding lines full length with additional single rulings in upper, lower, and outer margins; horizontal rulings for written space extend through gutter. Scribe 2: single horizontal and vertical bounding lines full length; horizontal rulings for written space extend through gutter. Scribe 3: double vertical bound- ing lines full length with additional single rulings in upper and outer margins, and double in lower margins. Scribe 4: double vertical bounding lines full length; single upper (not used consistently) and double lower rulings in mar- gins that extend only between bounding lines. Scribes 5 and 9: same as for Scribe 4 except that single upper marginal rulings appear throughout. Scribes 6, 7, 8: double vertical bounding lines full length; single ruling in lower mar- gin that extends only between bounding lines.

2-line initials with stylized floral motifs in brown and red. Headings in red.

Waterstains in upper and outer margins; lower edge of back cover and low- er margin of final leaves chewed; no loss of text.

Binding: s, xvii-xviii. Sewn on three tawed, kermes pink, slit strap supports with holes, possibly for fastening them while sewing, visible on the upper side. The endbands are sewn on twisted leather cores extending about 18 mm. in- side the cover, the supports and endband cores laced into a vellum case. Four tawed fastening ribbons, mostly wanting. Endband cores broken and lower side badly rodent-eaten. On cover, large capitals in brown ink: "Rectorica [cor- rected to Rhetorica] Aristotelis Graeca."

Written in Byzantium in the second half of the 14th century; Latin marginalia of the 15th century (ff. 7r, 8v, 9v, lOr, llr, 12v, 13r, 15v). A partially legible note on f. HOv reads: "Argento dato in mano di mastro guglielmo di leche unc viij ...". Later marginalia in a Western style of Greek writing is found on ff. 28v, 92v, 93r-v, 95r, 96v. Purchased from L. G. Witten in 1965 by Ed- win J. Beinecke and Frederick W. Beinecke, for the Beinecke Library.

208 MS 362

MS 362 Italy, s. XV2

Aristotle, De interpretatione, Lat. tr. Ioannes Argyropylos, etc.

1. Written on the front pastedown and flyleaf is a brief account, in Latin, of the life of Ioannes Argyropylos: Iohannes Argyropylus exui post Byzantii excidium ad Cosmum confugit ... anno 1498 adeoque Argyropylum eo tem- pore fuisse Romae docentem literas graecas.

2. ff. lr-21v Prefatio Iohannis argiropyly [sic] Constantinopolitani ad clarissimum ac prestantissimum uirum Petrum medicem In libros aristotelis de interpetratione [sic] et generatione raciocinationis. Iohannes argiropylus nobilissimo atque doctissimo uiro Petro medici Incolumitatem bonamfortunam perpetuamque felicitatem. Institui nobilis- sime atque doctissime petre non ullos aristotelis libros elegantius ... [text, f. 3r:] Aristotelis peripateci de interpetratione [sic] seu de Enuntiatione. Pars Prima. Primum diffinire opportet quid sit nomen et quid verbum est ... At fieri nequit ut eidem simul contraria unquam insit. Aristotelis peripatetici de inter- petratione seu de Enuntiatione liber. Explicit.

Aristotle, De interpretatione, Lat. tr. of Ioannes Argyropylos, with his prefa- tory letter to Piero de' Medici.

3. ff. 22r-45r Aristotelis Resolutionum. Priorum primus. Primum dicere opportet circa quid cuiusque nostra consideratio est. Quippe circa ... etiam cum al- terius modi figure ad modos alterius comparantur. f. 45 v, now glued to an inserted sheet of paper, appears to contain additional notes and the crude portrait of a young woman

Aristotle, Priora analytica, through Book 1.7.29b28.

Paper (watermarks: unidentified flower in gutter), ff. i + 45 + i, 205 x 148 (142 x 88) mm. 28 long lines. Ruled in hard point; double vertical bounding lines, full length.

I10, II8, III10, IV18 (-16). Catchwords perpendicular to text along inner ver- tical bounding line.

Written in italic by a single scribe.

Plain initials, 2- to 1-line, and headings, in red. Numerous tables and cres- cent diagrams within the text and margins, in black and red.

Binding: s. xix. Red, spattered paper case.

Written in Italy in the second half of the 15th century, presumably as a school text; there are frequent marginal doodles. Unidentified shelf-marks include: 1. white and blue oval label, with "110" written in red ink, glued to spine; 2. "30" in brown ink in upper right corner of back pastedown; 3. pencil notation "L3I" on verso of back flyleaf; 4. "9" in brown ink written on spine. Acquired from L. G. Witten in 1965 as the gift of Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke.

secundo folio: cum auditate

MS 363 209

MS 363 England, s. XVII1/4

William Roper, The Lyfe of Sir Thomas More Knighte

1. f. iii recto [Title-page:] The Life, Araignment, and Death, of the famous learned, Sir Thomas More Knight: Somtymes Lord Chauncellor of England.

2. f. iii verso Engraving of Sir Thomas More, half-length, to right, stand- ing, pointing to scroll in right hand, with inscription: Effigies Thomae Mori. Quondam supremi totius Anglice Gancelarij dignissimi omnique Virtutis ac scientiarum, genere ornatissimi, Glarissimo Domino Gosuino Batsonio in Cancellaria Brabantica Regiae Maiestati a Consilijs dicata.

3. ff. lr-73v This Sir Thomas More was borne in London, his ffather was a stadient of Lincolns Inn, and brought him vpp in the lattyn tounge ... master John Hey wood and his wife at a supper amidst theire discourses. Finis.

E. V. Hitchcock, ed., The Lyfe of Sir Thomas Moore, Knighte ..., EETS Origi- nal series 197 (1935) pp. 5-104; Beinecke MS 363 is mentioned on p. xxvi where the editor notes that it was "Mr. Murray's copy" (then owned by Mr. W. Fagg), used for the text established by T. Hearne, ed., Guilielmi Roperi VitaD. Thomae Mori Equitis Aurati ... (Oxford, 1716). Cf. Provenance below.

Paper (watermarks: Heawood Coat of Arms 481), ff. iii (contemporary paper) + 73 + ii (contemporary paper), 195 x 149 (146 x 99) mm. Ca. 23 long lines. Frame-ruled in red ink; prickings in lower margins.

I-XVIII4 ( + 1 leaf added at end). Quires signed in upper margin near gut- ter, recto. Catchwords for each page, within frame-ruled space.

Written in neat chancery script.

Illuminated title-page, f. iii recto: double blue frame with sprigs of berries and leaves on both sides and gilt designs above and below. Gold initial on f. lr marks the beginning of text.

Binding: s. xvii-xviii [?]. Part of a book rebound in limp vellum, gold-tooled, with holes for two ties.

Written in England, probably in the first quarter of the 17th century. Inscrip- tion on final flyleaf, verso: "he died in the yeare 1535 [subtraction table:] 1679 [minus] 1535 [ = ] 144 yeares since Sr Thomas Moore died." Note on f. ii ver- so: "Ap. 10. 1 723/ Collat. & perfect/ P.J. Wright." From the collection of Alex- ander Murray of Broughton in the early 18th century (bookplate; signatures on title-page and f. lr). Belonged to Mr. W. Fagg, 275 Church Rd., Crystal Palace, S. E. 19 (cf. Hitchcock, op. cit., p. 2; art. 3 above). Bookplate of Ed- ward May (inside front cover). Christie's sale (9 Dec. 1965, no. 202); purchased from C. A. Stonehill in 1966 for the Albert H. Childs, Yale '61, Memorial Collection.

210 MS 364

MS 364 Flanders, 1512

Rent Book (in Flemish)

ff. lr-42v Lists of names and amount of rent due to Heere van Moorslede; heading on f. lr reads: "Rentebouc loos vander poorte heere van morslede ende van mosscherambacht van zijnder heerlicker ende ernelicker Rente be- hoorende tzijnder vierscare van morslede vallende alle Iare vp sente maertins dach in den wintre." Additional notes in hands of s. xvi occur on ff. i recto, 42r-v, final flyleaf recto, and occasionally in text.

Parchment (quality irregular but usually poor), ff. i (paper) + 42 + i (paper, conjugate with front flyleaf), 215 x 145 (ca. 140 x ca. 85) mm. Ruled in ink [?], single vertical bounding lines full length or no ruling.

I-IV8, V12 (-11, 12). Quires signed on recto, lower margin, in Roman numerals.

Text written by one hand in small, even gothic cursive.

Binding: s. xvi-xvii [?]. Original sewing tacketed through two thick, rec- tangular pieces of leather on the outside of a vellum wrapper. Written on front cover, in bold gothic textura: "Rente bouc om den heere van morslede".

Completed and signed 1 July 1512, presumably for Heere van Moorslede, at Moorslede (ca. seven kilometers southwest of Roeselare in Belgian West Flanders). According to P. E. Webber the dialect and orthography of the text are typical of Flemish, and in particular West Flemish, texts, and the script, while less strikingly localized, is nevertheless one commonly used for such texts in that area and at that period. Purchased from Elwert in 1965 by the Yale Library Associates for the Beinecke Library.

MS 365 England, s. XV4/4

Book of Brome PI. 27

Page references in square brackets for each bibliographical citation refer to the edition of this manuscript by Lucy Toulmin Smith, A Common-place Book of the Fifteenth Century ... (London, 1886).

1 . f. lr Man in merthe hath meser in mynd/ For meser ys treser whan merthe ys behynd/ ... For yt may so be tyde/ That thow schall have mych more.

Rules of Conduct; IMEV 2064. 26-line poem of exhortation extolling such virtues as meekness, silence, and acceptance of circumstances, [pp. 14-15]

2- f. lr The hart lovyt J>e wood The here lovyt j?e hyll/ ... ys to haue hyr wyll.

Satyrical proverbs on women (4 lines); IMEV 3372.6. [p. 11]

3. f. lv Cipher puzzles and sayings, in two columns. In column a is a collec- tion of puzzles based upon interchanging letters. Column b is a poem of

MS 365 211

instruction on daily living [IMEV 799]: Fyrst a rysse erly/ serve thy god devly/ ... A lord god mercy qui verba cuncta creasti/ Helpe kyng of cowme- fort qui vitam semper amasti. [pp. 11-14]

4. ff. 2r-3r Schall haue 30\vre dessyer }>e same 3er/ hold 30W stabyll and ware now1/ ... Be trew and trost in mary myld/ and sche wyll 30W fro schame


Poem on the casting of dice; MS 365 is used by W.L. Braekman in his edi- tion of the text, Fortune- Telling by the Casting of Dice in Scripta 4 (Brussels, 1981) p. 17 (MS I: Ipswich, County Hall Deposit, MS. Hillwood) and pp. 21-27 (text). MS 365, which is incomplete, contains 95 lines of the poem: 6.6.6 (first line missing) to 5.5.3 (incorrectly cited by Smith as 5.5.0). [pp. 15-18]

5. ff. 3v-4v Blank, except for words "Harry Cade," and "at Stuston" at top of f. 4r. Perhaps the beginning of an account.

6. ff. 5r-14v All ft wylle of wysdam lerel lystyn to me and 3e xall here ... Thus 3endyth the talkyng/ God 3yffe vs all hys blyssyng. ffinis.

Adrian and Epotys; IMEV 220. [pp. 20-46].

7. ff. 15r-22r Fader ofhevyn omnipotent/ Wl all my hart to the I call/ ... Now Ihesu that weryt the crown of thorne/ Bryng vs all to heuyn blysse. ffinis. f. 22v blank

The mystery play Abraham and Isaac; IMEV 786; O. Waterhouse, The Non- Cycle Mystery Plays, EETS, Extra Series 104 (London, 1909) pp. xlviii-liv, 36-53; N. Davis, Non-Cycle Plays and Fragments, EETS, Sup. Series 1 (Lon- don, 1970) pp. lviii-lxx; D. Bevington, Medieval Drama (Boston, 1975) pp. 308-21; P. Happe, English Mystery Plays (Harmondsworth, 1975) pp. 152-71; N. Davis, Non-Cycle Plays and the Winchester Dialogues (University of Leeds School of English, 1979) pp. 49-65, with complete photographic facsimile of the play. [pp. 46-69]

8. ff. 23r-26v Kyng of blysse blyssydft1 be! lord of myth and of pete/ ... ffader the soune and the holy goste/ kyng and lord thow arte moste//

The Fifteen Signs of Doomsday, ending at line 236; IMEV 1823. [pp. 69-79]

9. ff. 27r-27v Accounts of Robert Melton, of Stuston, with Mistress Frox- mer. [pp. 174-75]

10. ff. 28r-38r Ihesu ft ys moste of myth/ And of wronge makyth ryth ... That ys lord of mythtys moste/ ffadyr and ye sunne and ye holy goste. ffinis. f. 38v blank

Sir Owen the Knight; IMEV 1767. R. B. Easting, "An Edition of Owayne Miles and other Middle English texts concerning 'St. Patrick's Purgatory'," un- published D. Phil, dissertation (Oxford, 1976). [pp. 82-106]

212 MS 365

1 1 . ff. 39r-44r 0 Olde andyowngft ben here/ lystyn and to me clare/ ... In thys lekenes sente to ye vs/ ffor to stroye thy fayre body/ W* hys crafte of negramency// f. 44v blank

Fragment of the Life of St. Margaret; IMEV 2673. [pp. 107-18]

12. ff. 45r-46v Accounts of Robert Melton, Purchases, 1502-03. Folio 47r is blank, except for 3 lines at the top, perhaps the beginning of another ac- count, [pp. 172-73]

13. ff. 47v-50r This is the felson booke for the Est Comoune of Stuston ... f. 50v blank

14. ff. 51r-55r Articles of enquiry at "The Corte Barune." [pp. 151-60]

15. ff. 55v-59r Articuli lete. [pp. 160-66]

16. ff. 59v-60r Agreement and quittance for delivery of barley between Robert Melton and Robert Page of Scoles, 1504. [p. 175]

17. ff. 60v-61r The tax lists of Stuston and Thranston. [pp. 128-29] ff. 61v-62r blank

18. ff. 62v-63r Accounts of Robert Melton for expenses concerning his mother and brother, 1499-1503. [pp. 167-68]

19. f. 63v Recipe[s?] for the jaundice, [p. 176]

20. ff. 64r-65r Church duties at Stuston. [pp. 129-31]

21. ff. 65v-67v Accounts of Robert Melton, Purchases, 1501-02. Accounts on f. 67r-v marked "payd" are crossed out; pen trials in the lower margin off. 67v. [pp. 168-70]

22. ff. 68r-77r Twelve model forms of legal documents, first in Latin, then translated into English, [pp. 131-51]

23. ff. 77v-78r Accounts of Robert Melton, Debtors, 1502. [p. 171]

24. f. 78v In the worchepe of god and of oure lady and of all the holy cumpa- ny, he shall sey xv pater nosters xv aues and iij credys ... and ther is all. f. 79r blank

Instructions concerning prayers to be said to various saints, and when they are to be said. [p. 119]

25. f. 79v Newell! Newell! Newell! Newell!/ thys ys \>e song of angell gabryell/ Tydyngys trew }>er be cum new/ sent ffrome j?e Trynyte/ . . . Ecce sum hu- milima ancilla domini Secundum tuum verbum ffiat mychi.

A carol of the Annunciation; IMEV 3736. [pp. 122-23]

26. f. 80r Trentals er Commonley seyd xxx*1 massis and no derege ... of eche of these iii masses.

Directions for a trental. [pp. 19-22]

MS 365 2^3

27. ff. 80v-81r Prudencia. Thynges passyd Remembrans and wyll devide/ Thynges present consydris and wyll goune/ . . . Thus ffortyn or on ffortyn thys I ffynd.

Seven Wise Counsels, with only the four stanzas on Prudencia, Iusticia, Tem- perancia, Fortitudo; IMEV 576. [pp. 18-20]

28. f. 81r I stond as styll as ony stoun/ The grace of god \>Rn [?] he wyll send/ ... And caritas ys gon wt all.

God amends all (one quatrain); IMEV 1367.9. [p. 20]

29. f. 81v Portion of an account, incomplete, and pen trials.

Paper (watermarks: similar to Briquet Armoiries 1038 for part of quire I and all of II; similar to Briquet Main 11399 for remainder of quire I, all of quires III and IV, part of V; similar to Briquet Navire 11971 on ff. 68, 79 only; similar to Briquet Lettre P 8586 on ff. 72, 75; similar to Briquet Main 11152 on ff. 73, 74; unidentified watermark on f. 81), ff. ii (-i, contemporary paper) + 78 (modern foliation, 1-81, includes flyleaves) + ii (contemporary paper; conjugate to front flyleaves), 206 x 141 (ca. 160 x 75) mm. for works of verse by Scribe 1 (with leaves folded vertically to delineate written space; prickings at corners of written space); format for rest of manuscript varies con- siderably.

I22 (-7), II24 (-20), III16 (-2 through 6), IV16 (-7, 11, 12, 13, 15), V12. Parchment strips reinforce the center of each gathering. Although twelve leaves and one flyleaf are missing, there appears to be no loss in the literary texts (leaves missing after ff. 7, 41).

Written primarily by two persons: Scribe 1: ff. lr-26v, 28r-44r, 68r-77r, 79v, 80v-81r. Written in small, well formed Anglicana script with first line of each text in formal bookhand. Initials for articles 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, in red, 4- to 2-line, with penwork flourishes in brown; initial strokes for same articles (plus 10 and 22) in red. Portions of text underlined in red; rhyming verses often bracketed, in red, at end of lines. On f. 14v, a fine half-page drawing in red and brown of the monogram IHS which incorporates both a heart pierced by a lance and vine patterns and tendrils. Art. 4 is illustrated with drawings of dice, in red, in outer margins. Scribe 2: ff. 27r-v, 45r-60r, 62v-67v, 77v-78v, 80r, 81v. Written in a large sprawling script; no ornamentation. A third per- son added art. 17 at a later time.

First leaves heavily stained; lower right corner waterstained ff. 1-43.

Binding: s. xvex. Original sewing with long stitches through a thick rectan- gular piece of leather on the outside of a vellum wrapper. Contemporary scroll design added to upper cover with unidentified inscription, in red, mostly illegible.

The main texts of the manuscript, which are primarily devotional in nature (arts. 1-8, 10-11, 22, 25, 27), were written in East Anglia by an unidentified

214 MS 366

scribe toward the end of the 15th century; a second individual, identified as Robert Melton of Stuston in Suffolk, added numerous accounts and notes (arts. 9, 12-16, 18-21, 23-24, 26) at the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th century. Melton was the co-executor of the estate of John Cornwallis (d. 1506), Lord of the Manors of Brome, Stuston, Okley, and Thranston, whose family possessed Brome Hall from early in the 15th to the 19th century. Melton ap- parently acquired the book after 1492, for on the lower turn-in of the front cover is a draft of a receipt, in Latin, dated 1 May 1492, written in the same hand as the main texts; it is possible that Melton was the original patron for the volume. From him the codex seems to have passed by inheritance until its rediscovery ca. 1880 at Brome Hall by Sir Edward Kerrison whose grand- father had bought the property from the Cornwallis family. Lady Caroline Ker- rison, daughter-in-law of Sir Edward Kerrison, commissioned Lucy Toulmin Smith to produce the edition of the complete manuscript noted above. Upon the death of Sir Edward Kerrison, Brome Hall and its contents were inherited by a younger sister, Lady Bateman. The codex reappeared in the 1930*8 as the property of the Honorable Mrs. R. Douglas Hamilton of Oakley House, Diss, and again in 1959 as the property of Denis Hill-Wood of Sherborne St. John, near Basingstoke in Hampshire, who deposited the manuscript in the Ipswich and East Suffolk Record Office in the County Hall (see R. L. Greene, "The Book of Brome: Appearance and Disappearance," Gazette 42 [1968] pp. 107-09). Acquired from the heirs of Hill-Wood by L. C. Witten from whom it was purchased, 23 Dec. 1966, by Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 241-42, no. 66.

T. E. Marston, "The Book of Brome," Gazette 41 (1967) pp. 141-45, with reproductions of ff. 14v, 15r.

S. J. Kahrl, "The Brome Hall Commonplace Book," Theater Notebook 22 (1968) pp. 157-61, with plate off. 15r.

N. Davis, "The Brome Hall Commonplace Book," Theater Notebook 24 (1969-70) p. 84.

MS 366 Italy, s. XVI2

Council of Trent

1. ff. lr-lOOr Collection of 514 clarifications and letters issued and submit- ted by the bishops and prelates who participated in the Council of Trent; the title (f. lr) is "Elucidationes Nonnullorum Locorum Sacri Concilij Triden- tini ab Illustrissimis et Reverendissimis Dominis eiusdem Concilij Inter- pretibus emisse et concesse nonnullis Episcopis et alijs Prelatis." Topics include the education of girls (nos. 134, 184), sale of relics to subsidize schools

MS 366A 215

(185), and indulgences for visits to the Holy Land (395); the most numer- ous clarifications concern seminary schools and matrimonial questions.

2. ff. 100r-106r Alphabetical list of subjects, ranging from Abbas, Abbatissa to Vnio, Vota Capitularium. f. 106v blank

Paper (watermarks buried in gutter), ff. i (paper) + 106 (early foliation 1-106) + i (paper), 195 x 138 (160 x 135) mm. Written in 18-32 long lines, no ruling visible.

Bound too tightly for accurate collation.

Written by several hands in italic.

Some headings and initials, square capitals, done in brown ink by scribe.

Ink has bled through paper, but seldom obliterates text.

Binding: s. xix-xx. Rigid vellum with red ties. Written in ink on front cover: "Goncilio di Tronto."

Written in Italy, soon after the Council of Trent (1545-63). Signature on f. lr of Cosimo Bracciolini (fl. ca. 1580, Canon of the Cathedral of Pistoia and noted theologian; see G. Mazzuchelli, Gli Scrittori dltalia [Brescia, 1753-63] v. 2, pt. 4, p. 1957). Unidentified and mostly illegible bookstamp over Brac- ciolini's signature. Purchased from W. H. Schab (New York) in 1967 with the income of the Henry Fletcher Fund, as the gift of Mrs. Henry Fletcher.

MS 366A Italy, s. XVI2

Council of Trent

ff. 1 r-34v Unpublished collection of 1 7 1 clarifications on the Council of Trent (arranged by the diocese to which they apply), with some references to the pon- tificate of Gregory XIII (1572-85); supplements MS 366. Tide, f. lr: "Elucida- tiones factae super Concilio Tridentino per Illustrissimos et Reverendissimos eius Interpraetes ad Instantiam diuersorum Episcoporum et aliorum Praelato- rum secundum ordinem sessionum positae."

Paper (watermarks: unidentified bird with the letter A [?] above head), ff. 34 (foliated 107-140, in the same hand as did MS 366), 195 x 138 (ca. 180 x 80) mm. Written in 17-20 long lines, no ruling visible.

I10, II— III12. Catchwords on verso near gutter, partially trimmed.

Written by several hands in italic.


Written in Italy, soon after the Council of Trent (1545-63), but not before 1572, the beginning of the reign of Gregory XIII; probably produced at the same time as MS 366. Separated from Beinecke MS 366 before that book re- ceived its present binding. Notes of s. xvii [?] in margins are similar to those

2l6 MS 367

in MS 366. Purchased from G. Strand's Antiquariat of Copenhagen by Richard H. Pachella; his gift to Yale in 1972.

MS 367 Byzantium, s. XVI2

Olympiodorus, In Platonis Gorgiam Commentaria, etc. (in Greek)

1. ff. lr-192v axoha avv 0ed5 elq xov xov ixXdxoivoq yoqyiav and <pojvT}q 6Xv]x~ modcogov xov /ueydkov yikoaoyov. [first lemma from text of Plato:] IToX£fxou xal (xaxTj? 9aat yjpi\v<xi & <Jfc>xpax£ij. [text of Olympiodorus:] 'Iaxeov oxi 6 81- dXoyo<j 7i£pi£xet SiaXeyojxeva Tcpdatorca, xal 8td xouxo xal ot X6yoi 7cXdx<ovo$, 8t- aXo-yoi Tcpoaayopeoovxai, cos e'xovx£<; n;p6aco7ca ... [texts ends abruptly:] et (xev •yap &>q ayaGov, 8ta xt vuv dcpripiqxai aoxfy// catchword: aya

Olympiodorus, In Platonis Gorgiam Commentaria; W. Norvin, ed., Olympiodori Philosophi in Platonis Gorgiam Commentaria (Leipzig, 1936) pp. 1-231. The Olympiodorus text is divided into npi£ei$; each praxis is numbered with Greek notation; the last numbered one (f. 184r) is [X which begins with the Plato lemma "Axoue 8t) yam (xaXa xaXou Xoyou, but another rcpafo auv 0sto (un- numbered) begins on f. 190r, with the words xouxtov 8e Stxaaxal lid xpovoo. The numbering of 7cpa§et^ is disturbed from f. 62r until the end, since one is left titled but unnumbered; its number is assigned to the following section.

2. f. 193r-v aQxrj xov v. Nixeo- xpo7coo|iar dvxa-ftovtCo(iai- rcepiyivoiiar urcep- fidXXio- U7C£paipco- U7t&paxovxi£to- eljaipto- xaxaPdXXto ... U7coxi0e(iat. dgxv tov |. JjevoSoxto- 7Tpo?£V<o* ipr)paivio* xfipaaivor cppuxxto. aQ%r) xov o....

Text from a portion of a lexicon, including middle of M through middle of O; the text provides multiple synonyms for each word.

3. f. 194r-v //7cpoa£xto xov vouv iizi xooxoiq hi diroxripuxxEiv 6 vo(jloG£xt)i; IxeXfiocrev dXXd xaxos xaxco? omoXoto jxexd xcov xaXcov 8t8aaxdXcov upcoxov [ib xai xd 6v6- fiaxa xaoxa ^a0wv ... xo 8axpu&iv yap xal xo ot[xtoxx£tv xi0£a0ai jjlocXXov// catch- word, in lower margin: ixpfjv

Unidentified and incomplete philosophical text.

Paper (watermarks in gutter; similar to Briquet Ancre 558, but without coun- termark), ff. ii (paper) + 194 + ii (paper), 203 x 152 (136 x 85) mm. 19 long lines, ruled faintly in hard point.

I-XXIV , XXV2. Catchwords for each gathering on verso, near inner bounding line.

Written by one scribe in a typical scholarly hand of the period. Marginal notes in same or nearly contemporary hand, in brown and red.

Headpiece, f. lr, stylized floral motifs in green, orange and purple. 2-line initials with stylized floral motifs, 1-line initials and headings in red. Diagrams of philosophical distinctions and genealogy.

MS 368 217

Waterstains in all margins; text only affected on f. Ir. Repairs with paper strips in margins of f. Ir.

Binding: s. xvi-xvii. Sewn on three leather supports laced into made boards. The round spine is lined with coarse cloth extending nearly to the center on the outside of the boards. Covered in dark brown leather, blind-tooled, with lettering in ink near the head of the spine. Some rodent damage.

Written in Byzantium in the late 16th century. Undeciphered note in Arabic on leaf attached to first flyleaf at front is followed by the date 1630. Acquired by the Phrontisterion of Trebizond on 5 Jan. 1845, according to a note on first flyleaf, recto: "OuXa 1947 ex xfj<; f3t,pXio0r|XT]<; xou aypkiou rr\<; -zpcuzt^owzo^J Iv exet 1845. lav. 5"; also stamp on f. Ir. No. 940 in an unidentified collection (tag on spine). Note in Turkish (19th- or 20th-century cursive, in pencil, also on the leaf attached to the first flyleaf) states the contents of the codex and mentions Trebizond. Belonged to Prof. Oskar Rescher from whom it was ac- quired in 1967.

Bibliography: R. S. Brumbaugh, "The Puzzle of the Copyist of Yale's Olympio- dorus Manuscript," Studio. Codicologica (1977) pp. 113-15 [to be used with caution].

MS 368 Germany or Bohemia [?], s. XVmed

Claustrum animae, etc.

1. ff. lr-31v Incipit liber qui intytulatur Claustrum anime. Abbas huius claustri est iugis meditacio diuine presentie. Sed quia non est locus vbi non deus sit ... eorum clemenciam exorantes ipsorum offensam toto cordis, conomine [sic] precanentes. f. 32r-v, a list of those discussed (Abbas, Prior, Subprior, etc.)

Claustrum animae; Bloomfield, Virtues and Vices, no. 0049 (MS 368 not listed).

2. ff. 33r-39v Ad laudem et gloriam benedicte ac indiuidue trinitatis Patris et filij et spiritus sancti. Et ad veneracionem sanctissimi sacramenti precio- si sancti corporis et sanguinis domini nostri ihesu christi ad satisfaciendum vestro pio ac salubri desiderio quod impletum delectet animum nostrum. Et ut magis excitari possit . . . nee plus nee minusque quam opporteat sumat sub certa mensura. Quod nobis et michi concedere dignetur etc. Deo gracias.

Meditationes ad venerationem sancti Sacramenti altaris.

3. ff. 39v-45v Item prima inclinacio sacerdotis est dei humilitas. Introitus est desiderium prophetarum ... Semper recole sy magistrum dominum. In tua domo materiali recepisses et cetera. Celi et terre dominum recepisti. f. 46r-v ruled, but blank


MS 369

Explicatio Missae et omnium ad earn pertmentium; arts. 2 and 3 may be part of the same treatise [?].

Paper (unidentified bull's head with crescent wedged between horns), ff. i + 46 (early foliation 328-374) + i, 219 x 155 (149 x 96) mm. Frame-ruled in brown ink. Prickings at outer edges.

I , II-IV12. Catchwords along lower edge, near gutter, verso.

Written by one scribe in gothic cursive, with loops.

Initial on f. Ir (4-line) and 2-line initials in orange. Headings, underlining, and strokes on 1-line capitals in orange.

Brown stains near gutter, ff. 1-3, not affecting text.

Binding: s. xix. Dark brown, watered cloth, with a gold-tooled title on front cover: "Claustrum Animae. Mss. Saec. XV."

Written perhaps in Eastern Germany or Bohemia in the mid- 15th century, formerly part of a larger volume (ff. 328-74); early modern provenance unknown. The following evidence of ownership is similar to that in Beinecke MS 385: stamp with monogram of letters "FG" (on f. Ir and 45v); small rec- tangular tag with "Nro. 50" in black ink (pasted inside front cover); notes of a 19th-century owner: "45 blattern" (front pastedown), "Claustrum Animae (f. 1R-32V). Von fol. 33R bis 45V. Meditationes ad venerationem SSl Sacramenti Altaris et Explicatio Missae et omnium ad earn pertinentium. MSS. Saeculi XV." on front flyleaf, and "R. L. L." on f. 45v. Belonged to S. Harrison Thomson. According to a pencil note inside front cover it was no. 1 in his collec- tion, and he acquired it in Prague in 1924. The earlier provenance cited above, however, corresponds closely to that in Beinecke MS 385 in which Thomson states that he bought it in Oxford in 1926. It is probable that Thomson acquired both manuscripts in the same place, whether Oxford or Prague. Purchased from Thomson in 1967 with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Fund.

MS 369 Central America, s. XVI

Sermons (in Nahuatl)

ff. lr-48v lacking; ff. 49r-256v Sermons in Nahuatl, beginning defectively in the sermon for the second Sunday after Easter, through the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost; material for each Sunday includes a reading from the Epistles with a "Declaration del testo" and an "Aplicacion del testo," and a reading from the Gospels with the same exegetic material. Some marginal notes in Spanish, s. xvi. The following leaves with text are missing: 56, 62-63, 88, 157, 167.

Paper (watermarks similar to Briquet Croix Latine 5688), ff. i (paper) + 202 + i (paper), 204 x 146 (160 x 108) mm. Frame-ruled in hard point.

Binding too fragile for accurate collation; no catchwords or signatures. Ap- pears to be in quires of 24.

MS 370 2ig

Written in Central America during the 16th century; early modern provenance unknown. Purchased from James E. Ritch, Jr., in 1966, with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Fund.

MS 370 England, s. XVI/XVII

William Camden's Commonplace Book

A collection of material copied primarily by William Camden, antiquary and historian (1551-1623), from documents that were in the Tower of London and in the College of Arms. Some selections are from official records, others are from private papers that were deposited in the Office of Arms. The manuscript is composed of four parts, the first two of which are laid in. We thank M. Cole for her assistance with the contents of this manuscript.

Gathering of 8 leaves written in a later hand, laid in:

I. 1. ff. Ai-Aviii List of persons grouped by letters of the alphabet A-Z (individual sections are not, however, arranged alphabetically) to serve as an index to sixty pages of escheats taken from Inquisitions post Mortem, 1399-1422 (ff. 57r-120r in Part III).

Gathering of 14 leaves laid in, with bifolium added after Bi and single leaf tipped in before Bxv:

II. 2. f. Bi recto blank, except for inscriptions (see Provenance); f. Bi ver- so List headed "these made Earle at the Coronation of K. Charles [I]-"

3. ff. Bii recto-Biii verso Two columns: in the left-hand column a phrase in English, in the right-hand possible Latin equivalents us- ing only the letters of William Camden's name [w = uu\. Examples include: Adam's apple tree: Declinaui malum; A labirinthe: Linea duci malum; An ermine with a hart: Illi damnum caue.

4. f. Biv recto-verso Notes on creation of Knights at coronation of King Henry IV, and on inheritance.

5. ff. Bv recto-Bxi recto Genealogical charts and notes for the follow- ing baronies (note in margin: "Praesidents brought into the office of Armes 10 Decembr. 1598. by Mr Edw. Nevill, of Baronies descending to heires masles"): Bewedefert, Bothall, Barkley, Latymer, Gillesland, Blankney, Warwike, Oxford, Lawarre, Holgat, Killpecke, Groby. f. Bxi verso blank

6. ff. Bxii recto-Bxiii recto Argument by Lady Fane on the inheritance of females, with respect to her claim to the barony of Abergavenny against Edward Nevile, the male heir. Note in margin: "putt into the office of Armes by the Lady Fane 10..Decembris [1598]"; head-

220 MS 370

ing: "That by ye Lawes of ye Realme, Dignities conferred by ye kinges writt. of Summons to Parliament descend to Females where there is a sole heire, and not coheires, and y1 y6 alienacion of ye pos- sessions cannot alter ye Lawe." f. Bxiii verso blank

7. f. Bxiv recto Questions raised by the Earl Marshal and passed on to Elizabeth I and the two Lord Chief Justices regarding Lady Fane's claim (see art. 6) by William Camden, 19 February 1598. Heading: "Questions wherin I moved the Lord Chiefe Justices 19 February, att the comaund of the E. Marshall, 18 February 1598." f. Bxiv ver- so blank

8. f. Bxv recto "The Answer of the Lord Chief Justice of England" and "The Answere of the Lord cheif [sic] Justice of the Common Pleas." ff. Bxv verso-Bxvii verso blank

Reading from the front of the volume:

III. 9. f. lr-v blank except for short inscriptions and pen trials; f. 2r-v Pa- tents of creation

10. f. 3r Notes from the Book of Worcester, dated 1231.

11. ff. 3v-4r Lists of baronies according to descent (e.g., "Baronies descended to eldest sister when their were sisters and coheirs").

12. f. 4v (written sideways) Copy, in Latin, of legal document of "Ed- wardus Rex Anglie", dated 30 April, f. 5r blank

13. ff. 5v-23v (several bifolios inserted sideways; contemporary folia- tion: 3-12; some leaves, added later, not foliated) Lists of peerage titles, some dated, ff. 6v-7r, 9r, lOv-llr, 12v, 13v, 14v, 15v, 16v, 18v blank (18 = half-leaf)

14. f. 24r blank; f. 24v (large fold-out sheet, inserted sideways) List of peerage titles, with dates granted, ff. 25r-26v blank

15. f. 27r-v Lists of individuals whose peerage titles were lost, then restored, ff. 28r-29v blank

16. ff. 30r-51r (contemporary foliation 18-39) Alphabetical list of names, with dates, beginning with B that was misbound before A. ff. 31v, 32v, 33v, 34v, 36v, 38v, 39v, 40v, 42v, 43v, 44v-45v, 46v, 48v, 49v, 50v blank

17. ff. 51v-56v (contemporary foliation: 39 and 40 for first and last leaves; other folios inserted later between them, sideways) Presence lists for House of Lords, apparently extracted from Journals of the House of Lords, some before Henry VIII: Die Mercurij 15 April. 14 H 8; Pari. 6 H 8; 1 Edw. 6; 35 H 8; Domini in parliamento anno Henrici 71 xix°; Primo die primo anno Elizab. aderant in Parlamento [sic]. ff. 53v-54r, 55v blank

MS 37O 221

18. ff. 57r-120r (contemporary foliation 41-100) Escheats taken from Inquisitions post Mortem, 1399-1422. See also art. 1.

19. f. 120v Alphabetical index for art. 20.

20. ff. 121r-139v (contemporary foliation 101-118) Lists of families and their descent, arranged by earldoms: Comites Cantabrigiae, Co- mites Notinghamiae ... Comites Oxonie.

21 . ff. 140r-141r (contemporary foliation stops at 1 19) Lists of Justices of the Bench, with dates.

22. f. 141v Chancellors of the Duchy of Lancaster, with dates.

23. f. 142r Short list, 11 lines, entitled "Bancus", with dates.

24. f. 142v Short list, 14 lines, entitled "Mona Insula", primarily in- dividuals governing the Isle of Man.

25. f. 143r blank; ff. 143v-144r (later insertion bound in sideways) List of lieutenants of the Tower of London arranged according to Kings, from Henry VIII; last entry dated 1616. f. 144v blank

Reading from the back of the volume:

IV. 26. ff. lr-2r Names of principals involved in the civil war between Yorkists and Lancastrians and the places where each died between 1459 and 1500. f. 2v blank

27. ff. 3r-5v Report of the pleadings in the Abergavenny trial heard in February 1599 [MS reads 1598] before the Earl Marshal at his residence, Essex House, including the Earl of Essex's eulogy of Eng- land's aristocratic society (f. 5r-v). ff. 6r-7r blank

28. f. 7v Summonses to Parliament for 49 Henry III.

29. ff. 8r-17r Short alphabetical lists of lords of Parliament for: Ed- ward I, Edward II, Edward III, Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VI, Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII, Henry VIII, Mary, Elizabeth, James (annotated), f. 17v blank

30. ff. 18r-19v Lists of names, with heading: "28 E 3. Qui literas ad PP miserunt et coniunctim Procuratores Regis Edw. Ill authoritate sua munierunt", and concluding: "Constituerunt Procuratores Re- gis suos etiam Procuratores speciales ad tractandum cum Papa In- nocentio de pace extra iudicialiter tanquam coram persona priuata non tanquam coram Iudice nee in forma nee in figura Iudicij. M. CCC. LIIII. ff. 20r-55v blank

31. f. 56r-v Abstracts from Rolls of Parliament, 11 Henry VI.

32. f. 57r-v Account of the Arundel-Devon dispute, dated 27 Henry VI. f. 58r-v blank

222 MS 371

Paper (watermarks: unidentified design, Part I; Briquet Lion 10555 and simi- lar to Briquet Pot 12736, Part II; unidentified grapes and Briquet Lion 10555, Parts III, IV), ff. 8 + 17 + 144 + 58, 114 x 160 mm.; format varies con- siderably.

Codex originally bound in quires of 16; many insertions and deletions make it difficult to collate with certainty.

Written primarily by William Camden in several styles of cursive (cf. W. W. Greg, English Literary Autographs 1550-1650 [Oxford, 1932] Part III, pi. 73).

Edges of some leaves crumbled and torn, with loss of text.

Binding: Date [?]. Broken limp vellum case.

Written and compiled by William Camden (1551-1623) at the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th century; his signatures on ff. Bi recto and lr. Ap- parently only Part I and miscellaneous later annotations are not in Camden's hand. Belonged to Sir Richard St. George (d. 1635; DNB, v. 17, pp. 615-16), who was Camden's successor as Clarencieux king-of-arms in 1623. MS 370 was among the heraldic manuscripts collected or written by Sir Henry St. George (1581-1644) that were acquired from Boone by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 13160; tag on spine). Charles W. Traylen Cat. 66, no. 9. Purchased in 1967 from C. A. Stonehill with the Albert H. Childs Fund.

Bibliography: W. H. Dunham, Jr., "William Camden's Commonplace Book," Gazette 43 (1969) pp. 139-56.

Idem, "'The Books of the Parliament' and 'The Old Record', 1396-1504," Speculum 51 (1976) pp. 694-712; included in Beinecke Library files is a hand- written transcript of London, College of Arms Library, MS 2. h. 13, ff. 387v-390r, made for the Yale University Library and referred to in this article.

MS 371 Northern France or Low Countries, s. XIVin

Nicolas de Byard; Defensor, etc.

1. ff. lr-163r Duplex est abstinencia detestabilis et laudabilis. Detestabilis ut in ypocritis ... nee auris audiuit nee in cor hominis ascundit [sic] que preparauit deus electis suis ad que uos perducere dignetur qui viuit et reg- nat per omnia secula seculorum. amen. amen. amen.

Nicolas de Byard, Tractatus de vitiis et virtutibus; Bloomfield, Virtues and Vices, no. 1841; MS 371 not listed. Printed under the title Dictionarius pauperum by Andre Bocard, for Durand Gerlier (Paris, 1498), Hain-Copinger 6153.

2. ff. 163r-168v Themata per totum annum dominicalia et ferialia. f. 169r blank

Table of themes for the liturgical year beginning In sabbatis advesperas, Dominica prima, and concluding with a section devoted to Saints, Andrew through

MS 371 223

Martin. The order of the table corresponds closely to the printed text cited in art. 1, ff. 119r-122v.

3. ff. 169v-170r Hie est tabula per modum alphabeticum [remainder of head- ing trimmed], Abstinencia. i. ij. iij./ Adulacio. iiij./ ... de videndo. clxi. de vita eterna. clxii./ explicit liber qui vocatur de abstinencia.

Alphabetical subject index to art. 1 which is similar to that printed by Bocard, op. cit., ff. 122v-123v; numbers refer to foliation for art. 1 that was added by same hand as subject index.

4. f. 170v [Heading:] Capitulum de paciencia. [text:] Inpaciencia. Sunt qui- dam qui . . . qui impaciens et sustinebit dampnum. Explicit liber qui vocatur de abstinencia.

Chapter omitted from art. 1.

5. f. 171r-v Ista tabula [two words trimmed and illegible] sequentem libel- lum. De abstinencia. xij./ De auaricia. xxiiij/ ... De verbo ocioso. lvij./ De virtu te xxv.

Alphabetical subject index for art. 6.

6. ff. 172r-232v Incipit liber scintillarum virtutum et primo de caritate. Dominus dicit in euangelio. Maiorem caritatem nemo habet . . . [conclusion on f. 23 lv:] quam per vnius licentiam multi periclitentur. Tu autem domine nostrorum miserere. Est exemplaris crimen si tu uitiaris. [at bottom of folio:] Nomen scriptoris ma[?]r petrus amator amoris.

Defensor, Liber scintillarum; H. M. Rochais, ed., GC ser. lat. 117 (1957) pp. 2-234. The order of the chapters, following the numbers in the printed text, is: 1-20, 22, 38, 21, 23-26, 28-30, 32-37, 39-46, 48-50 (the last chapter divided into De tribulacione and De hits qui a mundi amore prepediuntur), 51-81 (although no leaves of the manuscript are lost, the text skips in the middle of ch. 68 from f. 222v to f. 232r-v, and resumes on f. 223r in the middle of 70; on both ff. 222v and 223r occur contemporary notations that hie deficit and that the reader is to Require plus in vltimo folio), 31.

7 . f. 233r Series of short passages entitled "Nota diligenter quod hec consider- anda sunt in missa," with some portions attributed to Gregory and Augustine, f. 233v blank

The parchment has been prepared in three different ways that do not cor- respond precisely to the literary divisions. A single contemporary hand added both running titles and foliation throughout the codex. The parchment, thick and of poor quality, measures ca. 157 x 119 mm.

Part I: ff. 1-155 (contemporary foliation i - cliiij, Ixvii bis): (121 x 90) mm. Written in two columns, 29 lines. Single vertical bounding lines; ruled in ink or lead. Remains of prickings in no consistent pattern. I12 (-1, a stub),

224 MS 372

II-XIII12. Quire signatures, bold Roman numerals in center of lower mar- gin, and catchwords (occasionally), both on verso. Quire and leaf signatures (e.g., m, mj, mij, etc.) on recto near gutter. Written by multiple scribes in gothic textura of varying quality. Penwork initial, 4-line, on f. lr, blue with red flourishes. Plain initials, 4- to 2-line, red or blue. Paragraph marks alter- nate red and blue. Some guide -letters.

Part II: ff. 155-171 (contemporary foliation, clv-clxiii; rest lost due to trim- ming?): (ca. 140 x 100) mm. Frame-ruled in lead for either long lines (ff. 155-158) or 2 columns (ff. 159-171). I18 (-18, a stub). Quire and leaf signa- tures as in Part I. Written by several scribes in crude gothic textura; f. 171r-v (art. 5) added by the same scribe who wrote running titles and foliation through- out the codex.

Part III: ff. 172-233 (contemporary foliation, i-lxi, final folio unnumbered): (120 x 95) mm. Written in 27 long lines; no consistent arrangement of rulings or prickings. I- VII8, VIII8 (-7, 8). Quire signatures, similar to those in Part I, on recto and/or verso. Catchwords near gutter, verso. Written by three scribes: 1, ff. 172r-193r, small compact gothic textura; 2, ff. 193v-232v, loopy cursive verging on Anglicana; 3, f. 233r, gothic cursive. Penwork initial, red with blue flourishes, 3-line, on f. 172r; plain initials, 2-line, headings, initial strokes, in red. Notes to rubricator.

Binding: Date? The backs of the gatherings are cut in about 4 mm. at each sewing station. Original sewing on four tawed slit straps. There are fragments of leather saddle-stiched around the plain, wound endbands, and traces of adhe- sive and leather [?] between sewing supports on the spine. Covers wanting.

Written in Northern France or in the Low Countries at the beginning of the 14th century; early provenance unknown. Inscription on f. lr "Bethleem" in- dicates that the codex belonged, s. xvi-xvii, to the Augustinian priory of "Beth- lehem" near Louvain. Belonged to S. Harrison Thomson (MS 7; pencil note on f. 233v); purchased from him in 1967 with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Rare Book Endowment Fund.

secundo folio: nullus

MS 372 Italy, 1620

Valerio Mariani, Delia miniatura, etc.

Pocket-size codex containing discussions, in Italian, of painting miniatures in manuscripts.

1. f. lr [Title-page:] Delia miniatura del Sig1^ Valerio Mariani da. Pesaro Miniatore del Duca d'Vrbino con aggiunta d'altre cose per l'istessa profes- sione hauuta dal Sr D. Antonello Bertozzi scrittore e miniatore in Padoa per me Francesco Manlio Romano Tanno MDCXX. f. lv blank

ms 372 225

2. ff. 2r-4v Tavola di quanto in questa opera si contiene. 1 . Azurro oltramar- ino et Biadetto. 4. Verdetto e Verde Azurro ... 84. Diuersi habiti. 94. Di- uerse carnagioni. Color de fiori diuersi.

Table of contents for art. 3, incomplete, for it does not list most of the sec- tions on ff. 84r-95r.

3. ff. lr-95v (contemporary foliation) [Heading:] Azurro Oltamarino [sic] et Biadetto. [text:] L'Azurro oltramarino e pretiosissimo colore tanto per la sua immutabile bellezza quanto anco perche . . . [ends on f. 82v in section with title: Viole saluatiche et altri fiori di simil colore et altro colore:] si ritoc- cano con cinabro e lacca insieme. [f. 83r-v blank; text continues on f. 84r:] Veste d'Azurro oltramarino. In doi modi si pud fare l'una con l'azurro schietto dando con l'istesso azurro ... in carta et altre cose gentili.

A treatise on painting miniatures, entitled Delia miniatura, consisting of two parts. Folios lr-82v appear to be the work of Valerio Mariani (fl. 1560-1620; U. Thieme and F. Becker, eds., Kiinstler Lexicon, v. 24, p. 94). On ff. lr-30v Mariani provides a list of colors and the recipes for each color; in the re- mainder of the text he discusses techniques for painting landscapes in per- spective. E. Jayne (in an unpublished paper) indicates that Mariani has quoted two chapters from the Sulla materia medica of Dioscurides, a work which had been translated into Italian by Pietro Andrea Matthioli and published in Venice in 1557. The second portion of the treatise (ff. 84r-95v) is, ac- cording to the title-page, the work of Antonello Bertozzi (fl. ca. 1590; P. Zani, Enciclopedia metodica critico-ragionata delle belle arti [Parma, 1820] v. 4, p. 16). The focus of this section is on painting watercolor portraits rather than on painting landscapes. According to E. Hermens an imperfect manuscript copy of this treatise also appears in Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijks- universiteit, Vossius Germanici Gallici 5 q.

4. ff. 95v-97r Four short passages: Macinar argento per perle false, Per far che un archibuso facci passata grande, Altro modo bello, Per tirare ad una quantita d'uccelletti.

5. ff. 97v-113v Additions in at least 3 hands, dated 1612-1627, containing: technical recipes (for rock alum to size paper and parchment; "a levare l'or- to al fumo di rasso [?]"; for aqua fortis to engrave on copper; for an "amal- gam" and for a salt, both verified by a G. B. Mn.; for a "bianco perfetto"; for a wash to size paper before painting; for lead for a pencil); lists (of 9 place names in Venice; of minerals with their days of the week and the as- trological symbols of said minerals and days; of degrees of the cardinal direc- tions under columns headed Ro[ma] and Vefnezia] with a note of the distance between the 2 Venetian quarters of Marghera and the Fondamenta di Lizza Fusina; of the 13 books on geometry and arithmetic, some designated as manuscript, given to one Giovanni Battista Brugiatti in Rome to send to

226 ms 373

Venice; of the accounts done with Giovanni Battista Costanti, majordomo of Pope Paul V, regarding various buildings in Rome and in Ferrara), and personal notes (an undeciphered word square with Latin and Hebrew script; an inscription in Hebrew characters; the plan of a room in Venice; the date of an event reckoned according to the "uso veneto"; the recording of the writer's first tonsure in Rome), ff. 98v-99r blank

Paper, ff. i (paper) +118 (contemporary foliation for arts. 3-5, beginning on present f. 5: 1-113, 41 bis) + i (paper), 129 x 82 (98 x 59) mm. Ca. 19 long lines; frame-ruled in ink, with additional interior rulings to form a rec- tangle of parallel lines for written space.

I6 ( + 1 leaf added at end), II-XIV8, XV8 (-8). Catchwords in lower right corner of written space, every page.

Written in upright humanistic bookhand for arts. 1 and 2 and for the head- ings in art. 3. Main text in a gently sloping italic script. Additions on ff. 95v-113v by several hands, some very cursive and poorly formed.

Simple headpieces, in brown pen, for beginning of some chapters.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Rigid vellum case with a gold-tooled spine: "Mariani Delia Miniatur [sic]."

Written in Italy in 1620 by Francesco Manlio Romano (who remains uniden- tified, see art. 1), according to the title-page; both script and page layout are much influenced by printing. Inscriptions, s. xix, front flyleaf, recto: 1) "My Tutor gave me this in 4. March 1821 - he says it is 201 yr old." 2) "Given me by my Tutor 4th March 1821 - 200 yr. old." 3) "Given to John N. Chaster by his affectionate Mother Susanna on the 31st July 1870/ Signed Susanna Chaster July 31st 1870." Signatures of John N. Chaster on front pastedown and twice on final flyleaf, verso. Notation, in pencil, on front pastedown: "II L/ 248". Bought from the English dealer R. C. Hatchwell in 1958 by H. P. Kraus (Cat. 95, no. 25) from whom it was purchased in 1965 as the gift of Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke.

MS 373 England, s. XIII/XIV

Isidore; John of Wales

I. 1. ff. lr-40v Summum bonum deus est quia incommutabilis est et corumpi omnino non potest . . . bonum est corporaliter remotum esse a mundo sed multo est melius uolunta//

Isidore, De summo bono; PL 83. 537-693. Text defective: missing one leaf between ff. 14-15 (portions of 1.29-2.1), ff. 23-24 (portions of 2.23-29), and 3 [?] leaves between ff. 34-35 (portions of 3.5-6); text ends abruptly at 3.17.

ms 373 ^7

II. 2. ff. 41r-168v //reuerebitur imperialem potenciam ut legem posset preuaricari diuinam. Cumque rufinus uerbis plurimis uteretur ... Quantum enim gaudium erit glorie conditoris asistere presentem dei uultum cernere prout ait Gregorius liber 2 omelia 22. Ibi enim//

John of Wales, Communiloquium (Summa de regimine vitae humanae); for his life and works see W. A. Pantin, "John of Wales and Medieval Humanism," Medieval Studies Presented to Aubrey Gwynn, S. J. , ed. J. A. Watt, J. B. Morrall, F. X. Martin, O. S. A. (Dublin, 1961) pp. 297-319. Text begins abruptly at Pars I, Dist. 1, cap. 2 and ends abruptly at Pars VII, Dist. 3; in addition, one quire is missing after f. 100 (old foliation skips from 78 to 91) and one leaf between ff. 164-165.

The codex is composed of two separate and incomplete segments.

Part I: ff. 1-40, parchment, 183 x 134 (131 x 85) mm. 37 long lines. Ruled in crayon or lead; single vertical bounding lines, full length, with an addition- al pair of rulings in outer and lower margins on ff. 1-12. I12, II12 (-3), III12 (-1), IV6 [?]. Catchwords along lower edge, enclosed by rectangles. Small gothic bookhand in light brown ink. Initials, 4- to 2-line, alternate blue with red penwork designs and red with blue penwork designs. Paragraph marks alternate red and blue. Spaces left for rubrics.

Part II: ff. 41-168 (old foliation: 19-100, where it stops), parchment, 194 x 133 (137 x 85) mm. Ruled in crayon; single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across, with additional pair of rulings in lower margin. Remains of prickings (slashes) in all margins except inner. I-X12, XI10 (-5, 10). Catchwords in lower margin, verso, often enclosed by rectangles. Small gothic bookhand; later hand, s. xv, added appropriate pars and distich numbers as running headlines; scattered marginalia throughout, some in Anglicana script. Decoration similar in style and scope to Part I.

Binding: s. xx. Bound in tan suede [?] with early, printed board pastedowns.

Written in England at the end of the 13th or beginning of the 14th century; signature of "John Houldford", s. xv2, in lower margin off. lOlr, written up- side down. Part II of the manuscript was well used in the 15th century, for there are several series of numbers in the margins that appear to be chapter or indexing references, in addition to the running headlines. Acquired from S. Harrison Thomson in 1968 with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Rare Book Endowment Fund.

secundo folio: ei et altitudo

228 ms 374

MS 374 Belgium, s. XIII/XIV

Guillaume Perault, Summa vitiorum, etc.

1. ff. lr-13r Iohannes episcopus defide. Fides est sanctissime religionis fundamen- tum caritatis vinculum amoris subsidium ... que gloriam querit humanam.

Extracts on fides and other virtues from various authors: Pseudo-John Chrysostom (begins as in CPL, no. 923), Augustine, Cicero, Gregory, In- nocent, Jerome, Bernard, Anselm. Rubrics include: Iohannes episcopus defide, De spe Augustinus, Augustinus de caritate, Tullius de prudentia, Iohannes de iusticia, phylosophus de fortitudine . . . Bernhardus de gaudio futuro, Sequitur de sacerdotibus, Sequitur de monachis et religiosis Ieronimus, Apostolus de virginitate. A similar col- lection of extracts occurs in Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University, Hough- ton Library, MS Riant 89 (Italy, s. XIII/XIV).

2. ff. 13r-14v Incipiunt tytuli summe vitiorum. .i. De peccato in genere. .i. Quod peccatum dyabolo placeat ... ciiij. De remediis contra peccatum lingue. De silencio claustralium.

List oftituli for art. 4; a contemporary hand has foliated art. 4 (Roman numer- als in upper left corner, verso) and placed the appropriate folio reference next to each titulus.

3. f. 14v A table with 40 compartments recording: Septem vicia, Septem peti- ciones, .vii. dona spiritus, Septem virtutes, Septem beatitudines .

4. ff. 14v-115r Dicturi de singulis uiciis cum oportunitas se offert incipie- mus ... locutum esse aliquid penituit tacere vero numquam.

Guillaume Perault, Summa vitiorum; many manuscripts and printed editions. Cf. A. Dondaine, "Guillaume Peyraut; vie et oeuvres," Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum 18 (1948) pp. 184-97; Bloomfield, Virtues and Vices, no. 1628. Text is defective; one leaf missing between ff. 24-25, two leaves between ff. 96-97.

5. ff. 115r-116v Series of short selections, some crossed out, including rules for clerics (e.g., fratres possunt spelire eos qui sunt in confraternitate eo- rum). The text ends imperfectly with the rubric: verte duo folia.

Parchment, ff. ii (paper) + 116 + ii (paper), 183 x 127 (45 x 102) mm. 2 columns, 32 lines. Ruled in ink; single vertical and horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across; remains of prickings in outer and lower margins.

I8 (+ 1 leaf, f. 9), II6 (+ 1 leaf after 1, f. 11), III8, IV8 (-1, before f. 25), V-XII8, XIII8 (-2, 3, after f. 96), XIV8, XV7 [?]. Quires signed with Ro- man numerals and abbreviation sign for -us.

Written by several scribes in cramped gothic bookhands. Marginal annota- tions in contemporary and later hands; some loss due to trimming.

Decorative initial, 3 -line, at beginning of art. 4, red and blue with red flourishing, and border design that extends horizontally across top of accom-

ms 375 229

panying table (art. 3). Crude initials, 4- to 2-line, red or blue, often with sim- ple penwork designs of opposite color. Some running titles (others trimmed), headings, initial strokes, in red. Paragraph marks in blue or red.

Parchment is worn and rubbed throughout, often affecting legibility of text.

Binding: s. xviii1, in tan calf with arms of the Abbey of Pare stamped in gold on upper and lower covers; arms effaced in 1829 when library of the ab- bey was sold. Red label with "Summa Virtu turn et Vitiorum M. S." in gold, on spine, possibly added by C. Lewis. Red spattered edges.

Written in Belgium at the end of the 13th or beginning of the 14th century. Belonged to the Premonstratensian Abbey of Pare near Louvain as indicated by the distinctive calf binding, with arms (now effaced) stamped on covers and the pressmark ".IV theca .X." on the front pastedown (cf. E. Van Balberghe, "Les criteres de provenance des manuscrits de Pare," Archives et Bibliotheques de Belgique, special, Contribution a l'histoire des bibliotheques et de la lecture aux Pays-Bas avant 1600 [Brussels, 1974] pp. 525-42). Beinecke MS 374 may be "Guilielmi Paraldi Episcopi Lugdunensis/ Summa Virtu turn et Vitiorum. in Pergameno" recorded in the inventory of manuscripts in the monastery compiled by Abbot Jean Maes (1635-36) for Antonius Sanderus, Bibliotheca Belgica Manuscripta (Lille, 1641-43/44) and reprinted by Archives et Bibliotheques de Bel- gique, n° special 7 (Brussels, 1972) v. 2, pp. 162-75. The Pare library was sold in Louvain, 28 October 1829. Belonged to John Lee (born Fiott; 1783-1866) of Hartwell House near Aylesbury, Bucks.; his inscription "I. Lee. Doctors Commons/ bought of Mr.... /Repaired, 9 June 1835. 26/92" and armorial ex-libris (quarterly, 1 and 4, azure 2 bars or, a bend counter- compony gules and or [Lee], 2 and 3, azure on a chevron charged with an anchor sable be- tween 3 lozenges or [Fiott]) on front pastedown. Lee sale (Sotheby, 7 April 1876, no. 1945, or 8 November 1888, no. 664). Unidentified shelf-marks in- clude "122" [also on front cover], "103", "114", "N° 21", all in ink on f. ii rec- to. Presented to the Beinecke Library in 1968 by Thomas E. Marston.

secundo folio: iusticia

MS 375 France, s. XVIin

Hours, use of Paris PI. 18

1. ff. lr-12v Full calendar in red and black, including the major Franciscan and Dominican feasts, f. 13r blank

2. ff. 13v-20r Sequences of the Gospels, that of Mark ending defectively af- ter f. 15v; Passion according to John, followed by the prayer, Deus qui ma- nus tuas et pedes tuos

3. ff. 20r-24r Stabat mater ... [RH 19416], followed by versicle, response and the prayer, Interueniat pro nobis quesumus . . . ; Obsecro te . . . [mascu-

£3^ ms 375

line forms; Leroquais, LH 2.346]; O intemerata ... orbis terrarum. Inclina mater misericordie aures ... [masculine forms; Wilmart, 488-90]; followed immediately by a prayer to John the Evangelist, O Iohannes beatissime christi familiaris amice qui ab eodem domino nostro iesu christo virgo elec- tus es

4. ff. 24v-61r Hours of the Virgin, use of Paris, the 3 sets of Psalms and lessons at Matins with rubrics for the days of the week; the Short Hours of the Cross and the Holy Spirit worked in; loss of text after f. 52v (end of Sext, the Short Hours and miniature for None) and after f. 58v (end of Vespers, the Short Hours, miniature and beginning text of Compline).

5. ff. 61v-65r Short Hours of the Conception.

6. ff. 65v-75r Penitential Psalms and litany, including the Franciscans Francis, Antony of Padua and Louis of Toulouse among the confessors, and Clara of Assisi among the virgins.

7. ff. 75v-97v Office of the Dead, use of Paris.

8. f. 97v Rubric only for the suffrages; text ends defectively.

Parchment (fine), ff. i (modern parchment, reinforced) + i (contemporary parchment) + 97 + i (parchment, modern?) + i (modern parchment, rein- forced), 125 x 85 (83 x 50) mm. Calendar written in 23 long lines per page, text in 26; single vertical and horizontal bounding lines, full length, though mostly concealed by decorative borders; ruled in pale brown ink.

Bound too tightly for accurate collation.

Written by a single scribe in a precise humanistic script similar in style to that of Geoffroy Tory (1480-1533).

Fifteen full-page miniatures in camaieu-gris with gold accents in narrow frames of gold in form of a rope. The style of the miniatures is related to that of a group of manuscripts probably produced in Rouen under the influence of Jean Bourdichon in the early 16th century; see G. Ritter and L. Lafond, Manuscrits a peintures <k Rouen (Paris, 1913). The decoration of MS 375 is related to the "Petites Heures" (use of Rouen) of Anne of Brittany (Paris, B. N. nouv. acq. lat. 3027) and the so-called "Hours of Henry IV" (use of Rome; Paris, B.N. lat. 1171); see Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 265-67. The subjects of the miniatures are as follow: f. 13v (Gospel Sequences) St. John on Patmos; f. 24v (Matins) The Annunciation (according to O. Pacht the iconography of this miniature has its analogy in the Annunciation of the Laval Hours, Paris B. N. lat. 920 in the center of which a view opens to a fountain of life. The same details also appear in two panel paintings, one in Gerona, the other in Genoa, both based on Flemish models); f. 35v (Lauds) Joseph's dream; f. 36r The Visitation; f. 41 v (Hours of the Cross) Crucifixion; f. 43r (Hours of the Holy Spirit) Pente- cost; f. 44v (Prime) Nativity (added s. XVIex); f. 48v (Terce) Annunciation to the shepherds; f. 51 v (Sext) Adoration of the Magi; f. 55v (Vespers) Flight

ms 375 23*

into Egypt, a column with a statue and a broken column in the foreground; f. 61v (Hours of the Conception) St. Joachim and St. Anna at the Golden Gate; f. 65v (Penitential Psalms) David in prayer, a putrefying corpse in the back- ground; f. 75 v (Office of the Dead) Raising of Lazarus; f. 79v Job and his family; f. 80r Job on the dunghill. Twelve smaller miniatures in narrow gold frames with the occupations of the months in the Calendar. Signs of the zodiac appear in the sky or in the background. In addition there are three miniatures, 8-line, f. 14v (Gospel Sequences) St. Luke; f. 15r (Gospel Sequences) St. Mat- thew; and f. 20v (Stabat mater) the two Marys at the cross. All text pages with elaborate borders consisting of solid panels in gold or grey divided by knotted cords, black with white or gold highlights enclosing the letters E, F, G. Similar cordeliere borders occur in manuscripts written for Anne of Brittany and her daughter Claude of France. Compare Waddesdon Manor, James A. de Roth- schild Collection MS 22 (Delaisse, Marrow and de Wit, Waddesdon Manor, p. 476, fig. 8), New York, Pierpont Morgan Library MS 50 (B. da Costa Greene and M. Harrsen, The Pierpont Morgan Library. Exhibition of Illuminated Manuscripts, New York, November 1933 to April 1934, no. 118, pi. 82) and the Hours of Claude of France formerly in the possession of H. P. Kraus, New York (C. Sterling, The Master of Claude, Queen of France [New York, 1977] fig. 1). Initials, 4- and 3 -line, blue, grey, or pink with white highlights, filled with knotted cords or flowers against gold grounds flecked with black. Initials, 2- and 1-line, and KL monograms, gold, on red and blue grounds with gold filigree. Line fillers gold on red and blue grounds with gold filigree, or gold logs. Rubrics in gold and blue.

Binding: s. xix. Tortoise shell sides with two gold-plated [?] clasps. Pale blue watered silk doublures.

Written in Northern France, perhaps Rouen or Paris as is suggested by the style of the decoration, at the beginning of the 16th century. The letters E, F, and G, surrounded by the cordeliere borders on each text page probably refer to the original owner, who remains unidentified; the prominent use of the knotted cordeliere borders suggests that MS 375 was produced for a mem- ber of the sisterhood Chevalieres de la Cordeliere, founded in 1498 by Anne of Brittany for widows of the nobility (cf. Sterling, op. cit., p. 8). Early modern provenance otherwise unknown. Belonged to Marie-Caroline de Bourbon, Duchesse de Berry (1798-1870), no. 17 (autograph inscription on first front flyleaf on verso) and to Baron Edmond de Rothschild, MS 77. Rothschild fa- mily sale Paris, Palais Galliera, 24 June 1968. Acquired from H. P. Kraus in 1969 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 265-67, no. 81, pi. 30 (ff. 24v-25r).

232 MS 376

MS 376 France, s. XIII4/4

William of Tournai, Flores Bernardi

1. front and back flyleaves: Deed, in Latin, dated 26 March 1450, issued by "Antonius Longobardus [several letters or words lost in binding] neapo- lis Reginalis ad contractus Iudex." The document was cut in half and trimmed to serve originally as pastedowns; considerable loss of text.

2. ff. lr-6v Alphabetical subject index for art. 5, with entries for: Abbatum de pompa et negligentia, Abissus, Abstinencia ... Ypocrisis, Zelus, Zelus prelati in prelatorum zelus.

3. ff. 6v-9v Index for art. 5 arranged according to numerical sequence, rang- ing from 2 to 8: e.g., Due alle quibus uolant anime ad diuersa scilicet spes et timor; Tres filie nobilis regis; Quatuor amoris gradus, etc. f. lOr blank

4. f. lOv Table of contents and first part of list of capitula for Book 1 of art. 5, added s. xv^, to replace text on lost folio.

5. ff. 1 lr-136v ilvii De ilia unitate quo tres substancie in christo una persona sunt. vtijDc distinctione trium gradium in dominica incarnacione ... [text:] Incipit liber primus excepcionum collectarum de diuersis opusculis beati bernardi egregii abbatis dare uallis de eo [sic] quid est deus. In libro .v. de consideracione pri- mum. Quid est deus qui est merito quidem nichil conpetentius eternitati que deus est ... impassibile agile [added in margin: configuratum] glorifica- tum denique corpori claritatis sue. Explicit liber decimus.

William of Tournai, Flores Bernardi, missing the prologue and beginning of table of contents for Book 1; GKW v. 3, nos. 3928-30 for printings of arts. 2, 5-7.

6. ff. 136v-139r Capitula ista sunt excerpta de quibusdam summis venerabilis patris beati bernardi In quibus continentur uerba quidem melliflua de beatissima dei genitrice maria. [table:] De dignitate et excellencia beatissime dei genitricis marie. / ... [text:] De dignitate et excellencia beatissime dei genitricis marie. In sermone de assumpcione eiusdem. Non est quod me delectet magis non est quod terreat magis quam de gloria uirginis . . . principes nos faciat glorie et beatitudinis sue. Amen.

Excerpts from St. Bernard [?] on the Virgin Mary.

7. ff. 139r-140r Incipiunt auctoritates quedam memoria digne collecte de dictis ber- nardi. In capitulo sequenci. In epistola ad robertum monachum. Dolor minus deliberat non uerecundatur non consulit rationem non metuit ... mater intacta ab angelo benedicta. f. 140v blank

Concludes with a short extract not in printed text (cf. art. 5) but in some early manuscripts (cf. Paris, B.N. lat. 16373, s. xiii, f. 146r; Cambrai, Bibl. Mun. 252, s. xiii-xiv, f. 173r-v): De laude ipsius uirginis. In sermone de uigilia domini. O beata maria sola inter mulieres benedicta....

MS376 ^33

Parchment, ff. i (parchment, s. xv) + 140 + i (parchment, s. xv), 205 x 145 (159 x 102) mm. 2 columns, ca. 45 lines. Ruled in lead; prickings in up- per and lower margins. Folios 1-26: double horizontal and outer vertical bound- ing lines, other vertical bounding lines are single; all full length and full width. Additional pair of rulings across upper margin for running titles. Folios 27-50: similar arrangement to previous section for vertical rulings of written space, but only a single upper horizontal bounding line; additional rulings in upper margin. Folios 51-140: similar arrangement to ff. 27-50, but with single ver- tical ruling added in outer margin and another pricking for upper horizontal bounding line in outer margin.

I10 (see also art. 4), II4 [?], III-XII12, XIII6. Leaf signatures for first gather- ing, in blue, in lower right corner, recto (e.g., ii, hi, etc.); catchwords in center of lower edge, verso.

Written in compact gothic script with numerous corrections and notes in contemporary and later hands, s. xiii-xv.

Decorative initials, divided red and blue, 3-line, with extensive penwork designs and cascades also in red and blue, for the beginning of each book of art. 5 and for art. 6. Simple initials, red or blue, 2-line, with penwork designs of the opposite color throughout the codex. Running titles (e.g., FLO. B. I) in red and blue; headings, chapter numbers, and underlining, in red.

Outer column of f. 140 cut off; no loss of text.

Binding: s. xix. Limp vellum case with two ties and two black, gold-tooled labels: "Flores ex operibus B. Bernardi" and "M. S. XIII-XIV C." Wound, caught-up sewing, wound endbands, and vellum lining on the spine between sewing supports.

Written in France in the fourth quarter of the 13th century. Early ownership inscription, s. xiv [?], in lower margin of f. lr, effaced but partially legible under ultraviolet light: "Istum librum dedit frater Iacobus conuentum sulm [for Sulmona near Naples?] ...". Presumably the manuscript was in or near Naples in the fifteenth century when the flyleaves (see art. 1) and the text on f. lOv (art. 4) were added. Note on recto of final flyleaf indicates that the manuscript was received in Rome on 26 October 1584, having been brought from Naples by Marcellus Maioranus, bishop of Acerra (see C. Eubel, et al., eds., Hierarchia catholica medii et recentioris aevi [Regensburg, 1923; reprinted Padua, 1960] v. 3, p. 94): "Romae Die XXVI mensis Octobris M. D. Lxxxiiii. Accepi transmissum Neapoli a R. P. D. Marcello Maiorano Episcopo Acer- rano." Belonged to an unidentified member of the Albani family whose oval book stamp containing initials "R. A." appears on f. lr (cf. seal of family illus- trated in Enciclopedia Italiana, v. 2, p. 95); stamp not located in J. Gelli, Gli ex-libris italiani (Milan, 1930). Number "53" in ink on f. i verso. From the library of the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky (MS 4) which acquired it in June 1920 from Maggs. Purchased from the private collector Laurence Taylor

£34 ms 377

Greer in April 1964 by H. P. Kraus, who presented it to the Beinecke Library in 1968.

secundo folio: [index, f. 2] d. 1. 5. [text, f. 11] vii. De

Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 1, p. 731, no. 4 (while at the Abbey of Gethsemani).

MS 377 Germany, s. XV2

William of St. Thierry; Bernard of Clairvaux, etc.

I. 1. ff. lr-32v IncipitprefacioepistolebeatiBernardiabbatisadfratresDemonte dei de vita solitaria. [preface:] Dominis amicis et fratribus h. priori b. et w. sabbatum delicatum ... [text, f. lv:] Fratribus de monte dei orientale lumen et antiquum ilium in religione egipcium feruorem tenebris ... in fronte celle semper habeat, secretum meum michi secre- tum meum michi [Isaiah 24.16]. ff. 33r-34v ruled, but blank

William of St. Thierry, Epistola adfratres de monte Dei, formerly at- tributed to Guigo and Bernard of Clairvaux; PL 184.307-54.

II. 2. ff. 35r-39v Sermo beati bernardi abbatis In annunciatione dominica de Mo psalmj Vt inhabitet et cetera. Vt inhabitet gloria in terra nostra . . . [Psalm 84. 10]. Gloria nostra hec est vt ait apostolus testimonium conscien- ce nostre [2 Cor. 1.12]. Non quidem tale ... excipiatur a pace in idipsum dormiens et requiescens.

Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermo in festo annuntiationis B. V. Mariae; PL 183.383-90.

3. ff. 39v-45v Secundum Lucam. In illo tempore dixit ihesus discipulis suis parabolam ... [Luke 16.1]. Omelia leccionis eiusdem beati Bernardi abbatis. Huius sancti euangelij leccio quante sit vtilitatis et in histor- ia simpliciter ... [f. 45v:] quatenus in eterna tabernacula recipi ... per omnia secula seculorum. Amen.

Bernard of Cluny [?], Sermo de villico iniquitatis, formerly attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux; PL 184.1021-32.

4. ff. 45v-46r Epistola beati bernardi Ad matheum albinensem episcopum de uilo iniquitatis. Reuerendissimo domino suo Matheo venerabili dei gratia albinensi Episcopo. frater Bernardus vterque suus quicquid seruus domino et filius patri ... vbi propensius posco misericordi- am. Valete. f. 46v blank

Bernard of Cluny, Preface to art. 3; PL 184.1021.

III. 5. ff. 47r-68r Incipit retractio beati bernardi in librum de duodecim gradibus humilitatis. In hoc opusculo cum illud de ewangelio quod dominus



MS377 235

ait diem vltimum iudicij se nescire . . . Sequuntur duodecim gradus hu- militatis. Duodecimus gradus humilitatis est corde et opere humilita- tem . . . quos ascendendo melius tu in tuo corde quam in nostra codice leges.

Bernard of Glairvaux, De gradibus humilitatis et superbiae; J. Leclercq, ed., Opera S. Bernardi (Rome, 1963) v. 3, pp. 13-59.

6. ff. 68v-82v Incipit tractatus beati bernardi abbatis de vite ordine et morum institucione. Hortatur quidem timidam mentis mee impericiam quia sepe fraterna caritas . . . supplexque tu ora hoc modo. [prayer:] Mater patris et filia miserorum leticia stella maris . . . Bone fili prece matris dona tuis regna patris. Amen.

Jean, 1'Homme de Dieu, Tractatus de ordine vitae et morum institutione, formerly attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux; PL 184.561-84. MS 377 has prayer added at conclusion not in printed text.

IV. 7. ff. 83r-84r Sermo de ewangelica leccione. vbi triduo sustinens dominum septem panibus turba rejicitur. Misereor super turbam quia iam triduo susti- nent me nee habent quod manducent [Mark 8.2]. Ewangelium fratres ob hoc scriptum est vt legatur . . . quern ego dabo caro mea est pro mundi uita [John 6.52].

Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermo I pro Dom. VI post Pentecosten; PL 183.337-39.

8. ff. 84r-85v Item Sermo de septem misericordijs. Misericordias domini in eternum cantabo ... [Psalm 88.2]. Vtquid enim michi insipiens nescio que cogitacio ... bonitate vsque ad celestia speranda presumere.

Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermo II pro Dom. VI post Pentecosten; PL 183.339-41.

9. ff. 85v-87v Item Sermo defragments septem misericordiarum. Scitis quid fecerim. septem vobis hodie misericordias proponendo ... vsque ad conspectum glorie magni dei qui est benedictus in secula.

Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermo III pro Dom. VI post Pentecosten; PL 183.341-44.

10. ff. 87v-92r Sermo pulcherrimus de beata virgine maria dubitatur de auc- tore. Ave maria gratia plena dominus tecum [Luke 1.28]. Miracu- lum fuit quod virgo peperit mentis clamor uirginis amor . . . erant humanitatis opera. Ignite diuinitatis miracula.

Anonymous sermon on the Virgin Mary; PL 184.1013-22.

11. ff. 92r-94v In solempnitate sancti Benedict! abbatis. Dixit symon petrus ad ihesum. Ecce nos reliquimus omnia ... [Matthew 19.27]. In huius

236 ms 377

patris nostri precipua solempnitate totis esset uiribus inclamandum ... et habundancius habeamus Ihesus christus dominus noster qui est benedictus in secula. Amen.

Nicholas of Clairvaux, Sermo in natali S. Benedicti de euangelio; PL 144.548-53. For the attribution of this sermon see J. Leclercq, "Les collections de sermons de Nicolas de Clairvaux," Revue Benedictine 66 (1956) pp. 264-79, citing London, B. L. Harley MS 3073.

12. ff. 94v-97v In obitu reuerendissimi patris humberti. Humbertus famu- lus dei mortuus est deuotus famulus seruus fidelis ... ad quern ipse peruenit qui est benedictus in secula. Amen. ff. 98r-99v blank

Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermo in obitu Domini Humberti; PL 183.513-18.

The codex is composed of several "booklets" or units of similar format: I (art. 1), II (arts. 2-4), III (arts. 5-6), IV (arts. 7-12, sermons). Throughout the manuscript the outer and inner conjugate leaves of each quire are of parch- ment; ff. ii (contemporary paper: watermarks for front and back flyleaves similar to Piccard Ochsenkopf VII. 481) + 99 + ii (contemporary paper).

Part I: ff. 1-34: paper (watermarks: unidentified P in gutter), 213 x 142 (156 x 98) mm. Ca. 27 long lines; frame-ruled in crayon or hard point; prickings in upper, lower, and outer margins. I , II16 (-13, 16, blanks). Catchwords along lower edge near gutter. Written by a single scribe in well formed up- right gothic script exhibiting batarde influence in the long descenders. Care- fully executed red and blue divided initial, 8-line, on f. lr; infilled and surrounded by delicate foliage designs in red and purple ink, on a green ground, with flourishes extending down inner border. Similar initial, f. 1 v, without green ground and with blue scroll design for crossbar. Headings, paragraph marks, initial strokes, underlining, and Nota marks in red.

Part II: ff. 35-46: paper (watermarks: similar in design to Briquet Lettre

Y 9182-84), 212 x 141 (152 x 99) mm. Ca. 29 long lines; frame-ruled in lead; prickings in upper and outer margins. A single gathering of fourteen leaves (-13, 14, blank); remains of quire and leaf signatures in lower right corner, recto (e.g., a2, a3, a4, etc). Written in a script similar to that in Part I, but with less batarde shading. Fine initial, 8-line, on f. 35r, divided red and blue, infilled and surrounded by six foliage designs in red penwork on green ground, with a central flower of six petals touched with yellow. Plain blue initial, 3-line, on f. 39v, with some floral designs in body in natural color of paper; red ini- tials, 2-line, ff. 40r and 45v. Headings, initial strokes, underlining and cor- rections, in red. Paragraph marks in red or blue. Guide-letters for rubricator.

Part III: ff. 47-82: paper (watermarks: similar in design to Briquet Lettre

Y 9182-84), 212 x 142 (153 x 99) mm. Ca. 28 long lines; frame-ruled in lead; prickings in upper, lower and outer margins. I12 (leaf signatures in lower right corner, recto: 1, 2, 3, etc.), II-III12 (quire and leaf signatures in lower right

ms 377 ^37

corner, recto: lb, 2b, 3b, etc.). Written possibly by the same scribe as Part II. Divided initial /, red and blue, 10-line, on f. 47r, with red and purple foliage designs on green ground surrounding initial, and with flourishes extending down inner margin. Blue initial, 4-line, on f. 68v, infilled and surrounded by pen- work designs in red. Plain initials, 2-line, headings, initial strokes, paragraph marks, corrections, and some marginal notes, in red. Guide-letters and instruc- tions for rubricator.

Part IV: ff. 83-99: paper (watermarks: similar in design to Briquet Lettre Y 9182-84), 212 x 139 (147 x 94) mm. Ca. 30 long lines; frame-ruled in lead; prickings in upper, lower and outer margins. I16 (-8, 16), II4 (-3); quire and leaf signatures in lower right corner, recto (e. g. , 2a, 3a, 4a, etc.). Written in small cramped gothic script similar to those in I— III. Blue initial, 5-line, on f. 83v, with interior floral designs in natural color of parchment; body in- filled and surrounded by red penwork designs extending down inner margin. Initials, 5- to 2-line, headings, paragraph marks, in red.

Binding: s. xvi-xvii [?]. Original sewing on four tawed, slit straps, the spine rounded and the supports prominent and defined. Plain, wound endbands on vegetable fiber cores, the covering leather saddle-stitched around them. Co- vered in dark brown calf with round and lozenge-shaped tools in diamonds and triangles formed by intersecting fillets in a central panel in a double outer frame. One fastening, the catch on the upper board and the strap wanting. Turk's head knot placemarks on the fore edge. Rectangular label removed from upper edge of front cover; two modern brown labels, stamped in gold, on spine: "Bernardi Varia" and "M. S.w Original front pastedown: lower portion of a parchment bifolium (Germany, s. XV) of the Doctrinale of Alexander of Villa Dei with lines 1056-79 visible on verso and 1520-44 on recto; D. Reichling, ed. , Das Doctrinale des Alexander des Villa-Dei, Monumenta Germaniae paedogo- gica, v. 12 (Berlin, 1893) pp. 69-71, 97-99. Ca. 5 mm. between lines of text. Binding restored.

Written in Germany in the second half of the 15th century, probably in Cologne; a table of contents and the following ownership inscription, s. xv2, appear on f. i recto: "Liber monastery Sancti [name illegible] ordinis sancti Augustini canonissarum regularum In Colonia." From the collection of Leander van Ess, Darmstadt, who sold the manuscript in 1824 to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 508; stamp on f. i recto and inscription, in pencil, on f. lr). Phillipps sale (Sothe- by's, 6 June 1910, no. 87) to Leighton (Cat. of mss., [1912], no. 21). Acquired from Davis and Orioli (Cat. 25 [1919], no. 2) by the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky (MS 7). Purchased from the private collector Laurence Taylor Greer in April 1964 by H. P. Kraus, who presented it to the Beinecke Library in 1968.

secundo folio: ingerente

Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 1 , p. 732, no. 7 (while at the Abbey of Gethsemani).

238 MS 378

MS 378 Germany, s. XIV2

Jacobus de Voragine, Sermones de tempore

ff. lr-36v [In upper margin:] Jacobus de Voragine. [text:] In die sancto pasche lectio primus . Maria Magdalene et maria iacobi ... [Mark 16.1]. Pauci sunt qui amicum diligant in vita quia fere omnes amicum diligunt . . . Et benedixit sub- dito peccatis aliud enim esse subditum peccatis//

Schneyer, v. 3, pp. 225-27; the sermons appear in the following order: nos. 59-74 (one leaf missing between ff. 6-7, with loss of text in sermon 62), 76, 75, 77-78 (text ends abruptly).

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 36 + i (paper), 224 x 146 (140 x 102) mm. 2 columns, 32 lines. Ruled in ink (ff. 1-9); ruled in pen for vertical rulings and lead for horizontal (ff. 10-36). Single vertical and widely spaced (skips one line of text) double horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across; prickings in upper, lower, and outer margins.

I8 (-7), II-IV8, V8 (-6 through 8). Quires signed with Arabic numerals in center of lower margin, verso; catchwords to right of quire signatures.

Written in uneven gothic bookhand that does not sit on ruling.

Crudely executed initials, 4- to 2-line, in red, at beginning of each sermon. Rubrics, initial strokes, underlining of Biblical passages, paragraph marks in red, throughout.

First leaf badly stained and rubbed, with some loss of text.

Binding: s. xx. Vellum spine with rigid, gold-tooled vellum sides. Small strip of liturgical manuscript (s. xii/xiii) with neumes bound between ff. 7-8.

Written in Germany in the second half of the 14th century; the text was set up for indexing by original scribe (a, b, c, etc., in margins). Belonged in the 15th century to the Benedictine monastery of St. Peter, Erfurt; inscription and press-mark in upper margin off. lr: "Liber sancti petri in erfordia. C. 46." Not located in J. Theele, ed., Die Handschriften des Benediktinerklosters S. Petri zu Erfurt, Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen, Beiheft 48 (1920). Unidentified no- tation on f. lr: "Nro 10." Acquired from S. Harrison Thomson in 1968 with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Rare Book Endowment Fund.

secundo folio: matrem de sua

MS 379 Italy, s. XV2

Hieronymus de Neapoli, Liber ad monachos

ff. lr-54v Incipit liber reuerendissimi in christo patris fratris hyeronimi de neapoli viri ualde clarissimi et omnibus uirtutibus ornatifuit bis abbas generalis ordinis nostri scilicet ordinis montis oliueti. Incipit pro logus . Apostolica tuba dilectissimi que per aures corporis internus nostrarum mentium pulsauit auditum ... [text, f. lv:] Incipit

MS 380 239

liber ad monachos quomodo debent proficere in deum et in uirtutibus. Capi- tulum primum de bona uoluntate et disposione quam debet monachus habere. Sed ueniamus ad causam cur ista premisimus nee diutius . . . qui est super om- nia deus benedictus in secula secularum. Amen. Explicit. Deo grade reffer- rantur. Amen. Explicit utilissimus tractatus de insignijs monastice religionis atque demonstrations cenobialis obseruantie et de eorum deformitate atque uenustate editus a Verier- abili ualde uirofratre Hieronymo neapolitano [added, in a later hand, a note on the life of the author] .

For the author Hieronymus Miraballius of Naples see P. M. Lugano, ed., Antonii Bargensis Chronicon Montis Oliveti (1313-1450) (Florence, 1901) pp. 48-49, 55; he was vicar general of the Olivetan order 1417-20, 1431-35.

Parchment, ff. i (parchment) + 54 + i (parchment), 200 x 139 (140 x 99) mm. 33 long lines. Ruled lightly in pen with single vertical bounding lines. Some prickings in upper corners of written space.


Written by two scribes. Scribe 1 (ff. lr-22r) in informal humanistic script; catchwords in center of lower margin, verso, surrounded by modest decora- tive flourishes. Scribe 2 (ff. 22r-54v) in fere-humanistic script; catchwords per- pendicular to the text along inner bounding line.

Gold initial, 4-line, infilled and surrounded by blue penwork designs, on f. lr for beginning of prologue; charming border extending down inner mar- gin, in blue and purple penwork, with gold dots, incoporates grotesque with gold tongue. Plain red initials, 3- to 2 -line, with purple penwork, for each chapter. Headings and paragraph marks in red throughout. Guide-letters for rubricator.

Some folios repaired with modern paper or parchment along lower margin.

Binding: s. xix. Rigid vellum case.

Written in Italy in the second half of the 15th century; early modern provenance unknown. Off-set impression of a circular seal or pilgrim's [?] badge that was attached to f. 8. Unidentified evidence of ownership includes "6087" and "A III 10" in pencil inside front cover and "117" written in ink on upper cover. Belonged to S. Harrison Thomson (MS 9); note on front pastedown indicates he purchased the manuscript in Milan. Acquired from Thomson in 1968 with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Rare Book Endowment Fund.

secundo folio: studia

MS 380 Italy, s. XV2

Thomas of Ireland, Manipulus florum, etc.

1 . ff. lr-3r Quatuor virtutum speties multorum sapientum sententijs diffinite sunt ... aut deficientem puniat ignauiam.

24° MS 380

Excerpts (De prudentia, De fortitudine, De continentia, De iustitia) from Martin of Braga, Formula honestae vitae, a work often attributed incorrectly to Seneca. C. W. Barlow, ed., Martini Episcopi Bracarensis opera omnia (New Haven, 1950) pp. 237-50.

2. ff. 3r-10v De sapientia Salamonis. Cani sunt sensus hominis ... ; (f. 6r) Ex- pliciunt prouerbia Salamonis. Et sequunt [sic] ipsius Salamonie [sic] notabilia ... ob- sequio militie uobis subditi sunt. ff. llr-12v ruled, but blank

Salomonis dicta; excerpts concerning wisdom, including quotes from Seneca, Book of Wisdom, etc.

3. ff. 13r-198v Sanctorum Doctorum ac etiam aliorum quamuis paganorum rationi tamen congruentia dicta memoria et auctoritate digna ad instruc- tionem fidelium ex locis plurimis ut flores collecta feliciter incipiunt. [text:] Vix uidi continentem quern non uidi abstinentem. [added in margin, in red: Ambrosius] ... Nee unde certe nee quo pergitis meministis F. Petrarca libro secundo capitulo de duro itinere. ff. 199r-202v blank

Thomas of Ireland, ManipulusflorumQ.. T. Gelardi, ed., Monteregali, 1858); cf. R. H. and M. Rouse, Preachers, Florilegia and Sermons: Studies on the "Manipu- lus florum" of Thomas of Ireland (Toronto, 1979) p. 364 and Appendix 4 on p. 246. In the lower margins are numerous quotes from Petrarch's De remediis utriusque fortunae.

4. ff. 203r-265r De virtutis inopia. F. Petrarca. At virtutis inops sum verum dam- num iustus dolor ... proprius accessisse nostri dixere philosophi. ff. 265v-266v blank

Excerpts from Petrarch, De remediis utriusque fortunae; cf. N. Mann, "The Manuscripts of Petrarch's De remediis: A Checklist," Italia medioevale e umanistica 14 (1971) p. 82, no. 177.

5. ff. 267r-274r [Title, in a later hand:] Isidori Opusculum de temporibus. [text:] [B]reue[m] temporum pergo nationes [sic] et Regna Primus et nos- tris Iulius africanus ... momenta quia pater posuit in sua potestate. Finis.

Isidore, Chronicon; PL 83.1017-56. Text missing between ff. 272-273 (Ner- va to Honorius) and most sections abbreviated.

6. ff. 274v-281v Miscellaneous definitions and etymologies, mostly of Greek words, e.g. : Philosophia cum id est latino et unico L dici potest latine amor sapientie.... ff. 280v-281r ruled, but blank

7. ff. 282r-285v [Table of contents, in another hand; ends with colophon:] In Dei nomine. Amen. Anno eiusdem 1495 die X secunda decembris. Ex- plicit tabula istius libri qui vocatur flores collectae auri feliciter fink, etc. Qui scripsit scribat semper cum domino viuat/ Qui me furatur vel reddat vel moriatur. Amen.

MS 381 241

8. f. 285 v [Title:] Sancti Vitalis verba, [text:] Advenis optatus presul cele- berime tandem/....

Six unidentified verses.

Paper (watermarks similar to Briquet Huchet 7693), ff. iv (paper) + 285 (early ink foliation 1-212, 214-245, 247-274, 277-285, 290-293; modern pencil foliation 1-285) + iv (paper), 215 x 145 (ca. 127 x 80) mm. Folios 1-12 writ- ten in 33 long lines, with single vertical bounding lines full length in lead and guide-lines for text in ink; ff. 13-125 written in ca. 26 long lines, frame-ruled in lead; ff. 126-272 written in 26 long lines ruled as ff. 1-12; ff. 273-281 writ- ten in ca. 28 long lines, single outer vertical bounding lines in hard point, sin- gle inner in lead. Prickings in all but inner margins, ff. 282-285 not ruled.

I-XXIII12, XXIII8 (+ 1 leaf added at end?). Catchwords perpendicular to text on inner bounding line.

Written by a single scribe in various styles of italic script; heavy annota- tions by the scribe and later hands.

Several crude initials: f. lr, 4-line gold initial on blue ground, infilled red, and 3-line red initial on gold ground; on f. 2r, 5-line red initial on blue ground; f. 72v, 4-line red initial on green ground with some flourishes and gold dots, infilled blue. Initials (2- and 1-line), names of authors (added in margins), paragraph marks and headings in pale red.

Binding: s. xix. Quarter bound in brown, diced calf with a gold-tooled title on spine: "Miscellanea di Seneca, Petrarcha e d'altri." Orange, leather-grained paper sides. Rebacked.

Written in Italy before 1495 (see art. 7); early modern provenance unknown. Belonged to the Visconti-Litta library and to the Trivulzio library (according to note of F. von Schennis, f. ii recto; not located in catalogues). Collection of Friedrich von Schennis, Swiss-born artist (1852-1918; bookstamps on ff. ii recto, 266v, 281v, 285v). Belonged to A. N. L. Munby, from whom it was acquired by H. P. Kraus. Purchased from Kraus by Thomas E. Marston (book- plate) in 1959; his gift to the Beinecke Library in 1969.

secundo folio: esse genus

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 92, no. 244 (while in the collection of T. E. Marston).

D. Dutschke, Census of Petrarch Manuscripts in the United States, Censimento dei Codici Petrarcheschi 9 (Padova, 1986) pp. 192-94, no. 76.

MS 381 Venice, 1513

Venetian Document

Ducale issued in the name of Leonardo Loredan, doge of Venice (1438-1521), giving instructions in Latin and Italian to Andrea Marcello as Governor of

242 MS 382

Dulcigno (now Ulcinj, Yugoslavia). The document is dated 8 August 1513, and signed by "Victor Blanchus Secretarius," the same individual who signed Beinecke MS 104, a Venetian ducale dated 1515. On ff. 12v-13r is a directive from the Venetian Council of the X, signed by Rafael Iordannis, regarding Andrea Marcello, captain of Dulcingo, and the payment of custom duties; fol- lowed by a yearly and quarterly outline of salaries owed, in a different but contemporary hand, signed Zune (Giovanni) Spineli [?]. f. 13v blank

Parchment, ff. ii (paper) +12 (modern foliation 1-15 including all except first flyleaf) + ii (paper), 242 x 167 (165 x 108) mm. Written in 29 long lines. Single vertical bounding lines, full length; ruled in ink.

Composed of a single gathering of 12 leaves.

Written in elegant italic.

One full border (f. lr), flowers and swirling leaves extending from a vase in lower right corner, gold on a dark purple ground, executed in a style relat- ed to Benedetto Bordone; two inset panels at top of folio (framed by thick gold bands), the upper containing the lion of St. Mark stepping out of water and holding an open book, dolphins, and a castle on a cliff in the background, the lower an inscription in gold majuscules on blue ground. In lower margin the Marcello arms (see Provenance) against a landscape. According to L. Arm- strong, the style of illumination is very similar to that in Yale Law School Deposit Mss J/ V53/ no. 1,4 (Faye and Bond, p. 54, no. 25). 2-line initials, on f. lr only, gold on green and on red grounds respectively. 1-line initials, red, for ff. lv-lOr.

Binding: s. xix-xx. Rigid vellum gold-tooled.

Produced in Venice in 1513; arms of the Marcello family (azure a bend wavy or) on f. lr. Belonged to Herschel V. Jones of Minneapolis (1861-1928; book- label); his sale by Anderson Galleries, New York, cat. 1394 (29 January 1919) no. 1274. Presented to the Beinecke Library in 1968 by Thomas E. Marston.

MS 382 Central Italy, s. XIImed

Psalter (bifolium)

1 . f. lr //dicant gentes ubi est deus eorum . . . adiutor eorum et protector eo- rum est//

Psalms 113.2-10.

2. f. Iv //dominus memor fuit nostri. et benedixit nobis ... quia inclinauit aurem//

Psalms 113.12 - 114.2.

3. f. 2r //circumdederunt me dolores mortis ... omnis homo mendax// Psalms 114.3 - 115.11.

MS 383 ^ 243

4. f. 2v //retribuit michi. Calicem salutaris accipiam ... Confitemini domino quoniam bonus//

Psalms 115.12 - 117.1.

Parchment, ff. 2 (bifolium), 152 x 117 (140 x 72) mm., trimmed, with loss of one line of text and lower margin; 8 mm. between lines. Ruled in hard point. Written in fine Italian minuscule. Historiated initial containing an imploring figure for Psalm 114, 4-line, on f. lv, with the hand of God descending from heaven forming the ascender of the uncial d; partly mutilated historiated ini- tial containing a naked [?] figure on f. 2v. Decorative initials, gold on maroon or blue ground, ff. 2r and 2v, with white vine-stem ornamentation. Headings for each Psalm in red; red initial letters for each verse, set to the left of text bounding line.

Produced in Central Italy in the middle of the 12th century according to W. Cahn, who has suggested a similarity between the historiated initial on f. lv and one in an Umbro-Roman Bible (Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense MS 721; see E. B. Garrison, Studies in the History of Medieval Italian Painting [Florence, 1955] v. 2.2, p. 163, fig. 178 off. 43). The fact that Psalm 114 has been sig- nalled by an initial of some ambition is unusual and probably indicates Benedic- tine usage for the manuscript. Removed from a binding. Presented to the Beinecke Library in 1968 by Thomas E. Marston.

MS 383 Bohemia, 1398 [?]

Charter of Wenzel, Emperor of Germany (in Ger. and Lat.)

Charter of Wenzel (1361-1419) confirming the rights and privileges granted by his predecessors to the towns of Ober- and Nieder-Ingelheim, Wynterheim and Wachenheim, granted 1398 [?]. On the verso, in the same hand: "R. Petrus de Wischow [Vyskov]." In a contemporary hand, 2 lines on the fold of the leaf below the main text, partially cut off at right: "Per d. W. Patriarcham Auth. Cancel***// Wlathinco de Weytem**le//".

Written in Bohemia, apparently in 1398. Filing notes on dorse in German (s. xvii-xviii). Much of text lost at folds, especially at the one running horizontal- ly across the center of the leaf; more loss in the same area due to water and grease stains, and holes in parchment. Square has been cut out of lower right corner of parchment; loss of a few letters of charter and part of the note on the fold (see above). Purchased from S. Harrison Thomson in 1967, with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Fund.

244 MS 3^4

MS 384 Italy, s. XI4/4

Passionary (3 leaves)

1 . f. lr-v [Lines 1-6 mutilated] //ut rex et omnis qui cum eo erant mirantur de adolescentis animi fortitudine ... Et post filios occisa est et mater. Hec ergo de impietatibus et de inmensis ... in secula seculorum. Amen.

Unidentified passion offilii and mater.

2. ff. lv-2r Incipit passio sancti stephani episcopi. Quod est iiii Non. Aug. Tem- poribus ualeriani et galieni multi christianorum declinantes seuitiam tyran- norum occultabantur ... [end obscured].

Passion of St. Stephen I; BHL 7845.

3. f. 3r-v line qua michi apparuit et dixit ad eum. Vade die luciano pres- bytero vane laboras in aceruo illo ... ***cui est honor et***orum. Amen. * * *sio sancti Luciani.

Passion of St. Lucianus; BHL 5008.

4. f. 3v //ug. Incipit* **Sixti episcopi. Eodem tempore* **et ualerianus pre***erunt sibi sixtum ... Vsque adeo consolatus sum rnichi uel clero meo. ut de profundo mortis eterne conar omnes/7

Passion of St. Sixtus II; BHL 7801.

Parchment, 3 ff., 250 x 178 mm. Originally 2 columns; 32 lines preserved on ff. 1 and 3, 33 lines on f. 2; 9 mm. between lines. Ruled in hard point on hair side; single vertical bounding lines. Carolingian minuscule. Folio lv: decorative initial, 15-line, in red, blue, and yellow; f. 3v: similar decorative initial (partially trimmed) in blue, green and yellow; both outlined in red. (Cf. K. Berg, Studies in Tuscan Twelfth-Century Illumination [Oslo, 1968] pis. 18, 20, 23, 24.) Headings in red majuscules; first letter of each sentence filled with red. Leaves trimmed with considerable loss of text.

Written in Italy, probably Tuscany, in the fourth quarter of the 1 1th century. Used as pastedowns. Presented to the Beinecke Library in 1968 by Thomas E. Marston.

MS 385 Germany or Bohemia, s. XVmed

Sermons; Tractatus de XII naturis XII animalium

1. ff. lr-3r Dum medium silencium tenerent omnia omnipotens etc. Sap. vif [Wisdom 18. 14]. In hijs verbis notatur aduentus filij dei ihesu christi super altarum inter missarum sollempnia. Et ibi ... et sumere mereretur. Sic quod factum est ut sancto spirite panis ut prius latitantem agnouit.

Unidentified sermon for Advent.

MS 385 245

2. ff. 3r-4v Conuenit Ecclesia magna cogitare quid faceret fratribus suis qui in tribulacione erant Mc [1 Maccabees 5.16]. Accipite semina et serite agros ut fruges habere possitis ... [Gen. 47.23-24]. Verba ista dixit yoseph ad populum egypti ... in purgatione qui dicit etiam postularent propter quod hec dies animabus ordinata est etc.

Unidentified sermon.

3. ff. 4v-7r Iste auctor agit de xij naturis xiij [changed from xij?] animalium propter duodecim numerum apostolorum qui satis perfectus. equaliter tria. Sic sancta trinitas designatur ... sermones blandos etc. Qui flumine est placi- dum etc. hec de naturis animalium dicta sufficiunt etc.

Excerpts from an unidentified work De duodecim naturis duodecim animalium; the animals discussed are: lion, eagle, serpent, ant, fox, deer, spider, sea- monster, turtle, elephant, panther, centaur. The habits and religious sig- nificance of each are described.

4. f. 7r Questio est erant duo viri quorum vnus fuit religiosus et alter secularis ... secularis legittimus per seruum religiosus etc. f. 7v ruled, but blank

Quaesho on whether the sin of lust (luxuria) is worse for a religious or a secu- lar man.

Paper (watermarks: similar to Piccard Ochsenkopf 1.163), ff. i (paper) + 7 + i (paper), 304 x 201 (250 X 152) mm., with deckle edges. Written in 2 columns of ca. 38 lines, frame-ruled in brown ink. Prickings at outer edges.

Composed of a single [?] gathering of 7 leaves (structure uncertain).

Written in gothic cursive with loops, by one scribe.

Crude 3- and 2 -line initials in red. Strokes on 1-line capitals and underlin- ing in red.

Binding: s. xix-xx [?]. Olive cloth spine with paper sides.

Written in Eastern Germany or Bohemia in the mid- 15th century; early modern provenance unknown. The following evidence of ownership is similar to that in Beinecke MS 368: stamp with monogram of letters "FG" (on ff. lr and 7r); small rectangular tag with "Nro. 51" in black ink (pasted to upper margin of f. lr); inscriptions of a 19th-century owner: "Tractatus: De Missa, et Sacramen- to Eucharistiae. De XIII naturis XIII animalium, adaequatis Christo et numeri XII Apostolorum. Quaestio quaedam theologicalis" (on f. lr) and "G.L." (on f. 7v). Belonged to S. Harrison Thomson. According to a recent note inside front cover it was no. 2 in his collection, and he acquired it from Parker's in Oxford in 1926. The earlier provenance cited above, however, corresponds closely to that in Beinecke MS 368 which was apparently bought by him in Prague in 1924. It is probable that Thomson acquired both manuscripts from the same place, whether Oxford or Prague. Purchased from Thomson in 1967 with the Edwin J. Beinecke and Frederick W. Beinecke Fund.

secundo folio-, que solis

246 MS 386

MS 386 Italy, s. XIIImed

Cistercian Order, Statutes

1 . ff. lr-2v Incipit prologus in opere subsequenti. In episcopatu lingonensi situm noscitur esse cenobium nomine molismus . . . largius continet ea que diximus.

Summa exordii Cisterciensis coenobii; J. Turk, Cistercii statuta antiquissima (Vati- can City, 1948) pp. 81-82. The manuscript is lacking the final seven words of the printed text.

2. ff. 2v-96r Incipiunt capitula. i. De aduentu domini. .ij. Quomodo per hye- mem ... [text, f. 5r:] Incipit liber vsuum secundum consuetudinem fratrum cister- ciensium. de aduentu domini. primo Capitulo. In aduentu domini dominica prima ysaias incipiatur ad uigilias ... benedicat potum seruorum suorum. Explicit liber usuum.

Liber usuum; P. Guignard, Les monuments primitifs de la Regie Cistercienne (Di- jon, 1878) pp. 91-245.

3 . ff. 96r-99v Carta karitatis. Antequam abbatie Cystercienses florere inciperent

... sed ubi a quattuor supranominatis abbatibus preuisum merit celebrabitur. Carta caritatis explicit.

Carta caritatis; Guignard, op. cit.y pp. 79-84. The readings are from what J. Turk {op. cit., pp. 109ff.) calls the Carta caritatis posterior.

4. ff. 99v-100r Ordo in vigilia sancte crucis. In uigilia sancte crucis abbates ad capitulum uenientes intrent ... nisi pro presenti defuncto fuerint impediti. Recordamini ut oratio in capitulo instituatur, a presidente pro generali capitulo in hac ipsa uigilia. Que usque ad absolutionem capituli eiusdem teneatur. Hec est ilia oratio que debet institui uidelicet. Deus misereatur nostri. Pater noster. et Deus qui corda fidelium.

Statute passed in the General Chapter in 1211; J. Paris, Nomasticon Cister- ciense (Solesmes, 1892) p. 277. The printed text ends at defuncto.

5. f. lOOr [Added in a later hand:] Gospel reading for the Octave of Epipha- ny: Luke 3.21-4.1, with the collect Deus qui hodierna die. f. lOOv blank

Parchment, ff. 100 + i (paper, later than binding?), 292 x 191 (209 x 137) mm. 27 long lines, ruled in lead, single vertical and double upper horizontal bounding lines, mostly full length and full across. Prickings in all but inner margins.

I-XII8, XIII4. Remains of catchwords in lower margin, verso, in a much smaller script.

Written by one scribe in a large, round early gothic bookhand. Art. 5 (f. lOOr) added, perhaps in the 14th century, in a later form of gothic script, pos- sibly by a German rather than an Italian scribe.

Initial on f. 96r {Carta caritatis) 3-line, blue and red with penwork in red and blue. Initial on f. lr blue and red, 4-line. 2- or 1-line initials in blue or

MS 387 247

red, rarely with penwork in the other color. Strokes on 1-line initials, head- ings, chapter numbers, and line fillers in red.

Binding: s. xix. Vellum case with black, gold-tooled goatskin labels. End- bands and sewing earlier. Pastedowns from a 15th-century antiphonal, with square notes on 4-line red staves. Hymn on back pastedown beginning In di- uinis [RH 8569 or 4335].

Written in Italy in the mid-13th century, after 1232 because St. Dionysius is given two masses (f. 45r), a situation which dates from an act of the General Chapter in 1232. Collection of Ernest Petit (1835-1918; bookplate), historian of Burgundy (see his Charles, manuscrits autographes, documents historiques sur la Bourgogne, faisant partie d'une collection particuliere [Paris, 1886] pp. 58-59, no. 162). The detailed note of Philippe Guignard, dated 12 March 1879, at Dijon, is bound in the back of the volume; he apparently examined the manuscript while it was in Petit's collection. Belonged to the Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentucky (MS 5) which obtained it from Alphonse Picard, Paris, in 1922. Purchased from the private collector Laurence Taylor Greer by H. P. Kraus. Given to the Beinecke Library by Kraus in 1968.

secundo folio: [hu]ius uere

Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 1, p. 731, no. 5 (while in the possession of Geth- semani Abbey).

MS 387 England or Northern France, s. XIII2/4

Ruskin Bible

1 . f. i recto Table of contents, from Genesis to Apocalypse, added s. xv; folio references correspond to numbers added by the same hand on the verso of each leaf of text.

2. f. i verso Prologue to Ecclesiastes, Stegrmiller, v. 1, no. 462, added s. xv.

3. ff. lr-383v Bible in irregular order; 3 Ezra and Baruch completely omit- ted as well as many prologues. The text includes chapter divisions introduced in the revision of Stephen Langton, either within text or in margins; con- temporary corrections in margins are on additional guide-lines carefully ruled in lead and enclosed by decorative lines, in red. In parentheses, references to the prologues as listed in Stegmiiller, v. 1 : General Prologue (284); Pro- logue to Pentateuch (285), Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deu- teronomy; Joshua (311, 307); Judges; Ruth; 1 Kings (323), 2 Kings, 3 Kings, 4 Kings; 1 Chronicles (328, 327), 2 Chronicles; Proverbs; Ecclesiastes (no prologue, although rubric appears: Incipit prologus in ecclesiasten, with text of Proverbs 31 immediately following); Song of Songs; Wisdom (468); Ec- clesiasticus; Job; Tobit (332); Judith; Esther (341 + 343); 1 Ezra (330), 2

248 MS 387

Ezra; 1 Maccabees (551), 2 Maccabees; Ezekiel (492); Daniel (494); Isaiah (482); Jeremiah (485 + 487); Lamentations; Prologue for Minor Prophets (500), Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi; Psalms (414, 430); Matthew (595, 601, 596, 590), Mark (607), Luke (620, followed by Luke 1.1-4 treated as a prologue), John (624); Acts (640); Catholic Epistles (809); Romans, 1 Corinthians (684), 2 Corinthians (700, ending: emendatos ostendens), Gala- tians (707), Ephesians (715), Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews; Apocalypse.

4. ff. 383v-420v Aaz apprehendens ... eos uel consiliatores eorum. Expliciunt interpretationes hebreorum nominum secundum Remigium.

Index of Hebrew names generally attributed to Stephen Langton; Stegrmiller, v. 5, no. 7709.

5. f. 420v Materia euangelorum. Matheus. De genealogia domini ... De hoc quod discipuli non ieiunant//

Parchment, ff. ii (paper) + i (contemporary parchment) + 420 (foliation of s. xv, 1-420, on verso, between rulings for running headings) + ii (paper), 285 x 185 (198 x 112) mm., trimmed. 2 columns, 53-55 lines. Single vertical bounding lines with additional ruling between columns. Triple horizontal rul- ings at top, bottom and sometimes through center of written space, full across. Double horizontal lines, upper margin, for running headings. Single vertical line, outer margin. Ruled in lead. Prickings in outer margin for running head- ings, and in upper and lower margins for vertical rulings (some also visible in inner margins for text rulings).

I10 (+1 leaf added, f. i), II-XVIII10, XIX4, XX-XXIII8, XXIV-XL12. Remains of quire signatures in center of lower edge and of catchwords, to the right of signatures.

Written in a small gothic textura, ff. l-210v above top line, ff. 211r-420v below top line, by several scribes.

Fine historiated and ornamental initials, closely related in style and iconog- raphy to the initials in the Scripps Bible in the Detroit Institute of Arts (see C. Selby, "An English Bible from the Thirteenth Century," Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts, 38 [1958-59] pp. 29ff.; P. Barnett, "A Pair of Thirteenth-Century Bibles: The Ruskin Bible at Yale and the Scripps Bible in the Detroit Institute of Arts," Gazette, 55 [1980] pp. 1-13, fig. 1 off. 175v, fig. 3 off. 233r; Exhibi- tion Catalogue, pp. 191-92, no. 19, pi. 7, f. 22 v) and to the iconography of Prince- ton University Library, Garrett 28 (England, s. XIII3/4). See A. L. Bennett, The Place of Garrett 28 in Thirteenth-Century Illumination, unpublished Ph.D. The- sis (Columbia University, 1973) ch. 3. Historiated initials for most books and some prologues, 12- to 4- line (without ascenders or descenders), blue, brown,

MS 387 249

orange , green, pink and gold with leafy and geometric designs, many with long bar and/or dragon ascenders and descenders; foliate vine serifs, some inhabit- ed with animals or grotesques, against gold grounds; framed in thin bands of green and gold.

The subjects are as follow: f. lr Jerome at writing desk inspired by an angel (Prologue), f. 4v full-page vertical format for the Seven days of Creation, with additional scenes of God warning Adam and Eve, the Temptation, Expulsion, Spinning and delving, Birth of Cain or Abel, Cain killing Abel (Genesis), f. 22 v Moses going into Egypt (Exodus), f. 37 v God giving the commandments to Moses (Leviticus), f. 47 v Moses and Aaron (Numbers), f. 60v Moses lead- ing the Israelites across the Red Sea (Deuteronomy), f. 70v Joshua and the lion (Prol. to Joshua), f. 71r Death of Moses (Joshua), f. 77v Death of Joshua (Judges), f. 85r Elimelech, Naomi and two children, 21 -line vertical format (Ruth), f. 86r Grotesque (Prol. to 1 Kings), f. 86v The call of Samuel (1 Kings), f. 96v Suicide of Saul; Amalekite relating the news to David (2 Kings), f. 104r David and Abishag (3 Kings), f. 1 13v King Ahaziah on deathbed and consult- ing Beelzebub (4 Kings), f. 123r Adam and descendants (1 Chronicles), f. 13 lv Solomon praying at Gideon (2 Chronicles), f. 14 lv Solomon as teacher, wielding a switch (Proverbs), f. 147v Solomon with a scroll and staff (Ecclesiastes), f. 150r Nimbed saint and personification of Ecclesia (Song of Songs), f. 151r Solo- mon, with scroll, addressing a group of people (Wisdom), f. 155v Jesus ben Sirach seated between a youth and an angel (Ecclesiasticus), f. 168r Job on the dunghill (Job), f. 175v Centaur with bow (Prol. to Tobit), f. 175v Tobit healed by Tobias, with angel Raphael beside him; Tobias taking fish from Tigris River (Tobit), f. 178v Judith and Holofernes (Judith), f. 182v Man with a whip on a camel-like animal (Prol. to Esther), f. 186r Grotesque bitten by a dragon (Prol. to 1 Ezra), f. 189v Grotesque (Prol. to 2 Ezra), f. 194r Two entwined dragons (Prol. to 1 Maccabees), f. 194r Six soldiers on horseback (1 Macca- bees), f. 203r Seated and haloed figure with messenger (2 Maccabees), f. 209v Vision of four beasts; Ezekiel in bed (Ezekiel), f. 225v Grotesque (Prol. to Daniel), f. 226r Daniel in lions' den brought food by Habakkuk, with angel above (Daniel), f. 233r Rabbit eating its tail (Prol. to Isaiah), f. 233r Isaiah sawn in half vertically (Isaiah), f. 249r Dragon biting its back (Prol. to Jeremi- ah), f. 249r Jeremiah's vision of the boiling cauldron (Jeremiah), f. 267r Jeremi- ah lamenting (Lamentations), f. 269r Owl (Prol. to Hosea), f. 269r Hosea and Gomer (Hosea), f. 27 lr Joel preaching (Joel), f. 272r Amos with flock and an- gel above (Amos), f. 273v Obadiah called by God (Obadiah), f. 274r Jonah cast to the whale (Jonah), f. 274v Micah preaching (Micah), f. 276r Nahum prophesying at Nineveh (Nahum), f. 276v Habakkuk commanded to write the vision (Habakkuk), f. 277r Zephaniah and God (Zephaniah), f. 280v Malachi and five Levites at altar with sacrificial lamb (Malachi), f. 282r David and Goliath; David and musicians (Psalm 1), f. 285r David standing with kneeling man pointing to his eyes (Psalm 26), f. 287r God and kneeling man (David ?)

250 MS 387

pointing to lips (Psalm 38), f. 289r God with a scroll, fool with a club (Psalm 52), f. 290v David in deep waters; God above (Psalm 68), f. 293r David pray- ing; God above blessing (Psalm 80), f. 295r Two musicians (Psalm 97), f. 297v Trinity [?] (Psalm 109), f. 303v Virgin and Child (Matthew), f. 313v Mark inspired by angel (Prol. to Mark), f. 321r Grotesque (Prol. to Luke), f. 321r Luke inspired by angel (Luke), f. 332r John inspired by angel (Prol. to John), f. 340v Christ with Apostles (Acts), f. 353r Christ giving keys to Peter (Peter), f. 355r John inspired by angel (John), f. 356v Peter and Paul (Romans), f. 360v Griffin (Prol. to 1 Corinthians), f. 360v Peter and Paul (1 Corinthians), f. 364v Peter and Paul (2 Corinthians), f. 367r Peter and Paul with hand of God descending (Galatians), f. 368r Paul in prison handing scroll to Tychicus of Chalkedon (Ephesians), f. 369v Paul in prison handing scroll to Jew (Philip- pians), f. 37 lv Grotesque (Colossians), f. 372v Grotesque; bird biting its back (1 Timothy), f. 373v Paul and messenger (2 Timothy), f. 374v Paul preaching (Titus), f. 375r Paul preaching (Philemon), f. 375r Two nimbed Apostles: Peter and Paul? (Hebrews), f. 378v John inspired by an angel (Apocalypse).

All other books and prologues with ornamental vine-scroll initials; 32- (f. 182v) to 4-line, some incorporating men, animals and grotesques. Initials for chapters, 6- to 2-line, red or blue or divided red and blue with blue and/or red penwork flourishes, some with feather-like designs. Chapter numbers, run- ning titles alternating red and blue letters or numbers. Helical line fillers, in red. Remains of instructions to rubricator.

Lower margin off. 1 cut away; red ink has bled in certain sections of text. Trimmed, with some loss of marginalia.

Binding: s. xix. Gilt edges. Brown, hard-grained goatskin, blind-tooled with a gold-tooled title. Bound by H. Stamper (note on front pastedown).

Produced in England or Northern France in the second quarter of the 13th century; agreement on the origin of the manuscript has not yet emerged among art historians. N. G. Morgan (Early Gothic Manuscripts 1190-1250 [Oxford, 1982] p. 36, note 40) has suggested Northern France; A. Bennett (op. cit.), however, believes that the Ruskin Bible was produced in England but served as a trans- mitter of French iconography to England. There needs to be further investiga- tion of its distinctive iconography, and its relationship to both 13th-century Parisian painting and stained glass. Belonged to John Ruskin of Brantwood (1819-1900; book label inside front cover); see J. S. Deardon, "John Ruskin, the Collector," The Library 21 (1966) p. 132, no. 1; E. T. Cook and A. Wed- derburn, eds., The Works of John Ruskin, v. 12 (London, 1904) fig. 27 on p. 481 off. 351 v. Purchased from Arthur Severn in 1906 by C. W. Dyson Per- rins; see G. Warner, Descriptive Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts in the Library ofC. W. Dyson Perrins (Oxford, 1920) pp. 27-30, no. 6, with pi. VII of ff. 22v, 209v, 175v, 77v; his sale (Sotheby's, 8 Dec. 1958, no. 5) to Arthur Rau. Ac- quired from H. P. Kraus (Cat. 117, pp. 5-6) in 1968 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

MS 388 251

secundo folio: non posse

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 191-92, no. 19, with pi. 7 off. 22v.

Illustrated Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts , exh. cat. (London, Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1908) p. 119, no. 76.

MS 388 Italy, s. XIV

Gregory, Dialogi; Vitae Patrum (extracts)

1. ff. lr-lOv Abicit temporalia sanctus libertinus .3. d. et equum sibi abla- tum. non uult recipere. .3. d. ... Vrsus sotius obedit. .47. a. Zizania de. expositio. .81. c. f. llr-v blank

Alphabetical subject index for art. 2, with references to folio and column of text.

2. ff. 12r-103r [Original foliation: 1-92] Liber dyalogorum beati gregorii pape et uenerabilis petri primi librj. Incipiunt capitula. Capitulum f71. De honorato ab- bate monastery fundensis jj. . . . [table with 12 chapters, followed by text:] Incipit liber dyalogorum primus. Quadam die nimijs quorundam secularium tumultibus depressus . . . non indigebimus si ante mortem deo hostia ipsi fuerimus. Deo Gratias. Explicit liber dyalogorum Beati Gregorii Pape Doctoris. Deo Gratias. Amen., f. 103v blank

Gregory, Dialogi; PL 76.149-429. Book 1 (12 Chapters); Book 2, f. 29v (38 chapters); Book 3, f. 48r (38 chapters); Book 4, f. 76r (62 chapters). Each book is preceded by a table of chapters.

3. ff. 104r-115r [Original foliation 93-104] Dicebat quidam de thebeis seni- bus qui filius esset sacerdotis ydolorum. Et cum paruulus sederet in tern- plum ... Hec igitur si casta fuerit et fidelis semper currit ad dominum. f. 115v ruled, but blank

Series of extracts from the Vitae Patrum, including Bk. V, ch. 5.39 (PL 73.885-86); 6.21 (PL 73.892); 7.31 (PL 73.900-01); 10.27 (PL 73.916-17) ... Bk. V, ch. 16.1 (PL 73.969-70); 5.37 (PL 73.883-84); Bk. VI, ch. 4.13 (PL 73.1017).

Parchment (shiny; ink flaking on many leaves), ff. i (paper) + ii (contem- porary parchment) +115 (contemporary foliation, Arabic numerals, for arts. 2 and 3) + ii (contemporary parchment) + i (paper), 253 x 181 (173 x 120) mm. 2 columns, 30 lines. Ruled in crayon, lead, or hard point on hair side; single vertical bounding lines with extra pair of horizontal rulings in upper and lower margins and single vertical ruling in outer margin, most full length; many horizontal rulings extend entire width of page. Prickings prominent in all margins.

I8, II12 (-4, blank), III-X12. Catchwords along lower edge, verso, near gut- ter; remains of leaf signatures, in red, on ff. 9-12 (a,b,c,e), on recto.

252 MS 389

Written in neat rounded gothic bookhand by a single scribe.

Finely executed initials, split red and blue, 5- to 3 -line, with red and blue penwork designs, at beginnings of arts. 1 and 3 and each book of art. 2. 2-line initials alternate red and blue, with penwork designs of the opposite color. Run- ning titles (between horizontal rulings in upper margin), headings, paragraph marks, initial strokes for first letter of each sentence, and chapter numbers (Arabic or Roman numerals, some in margins) in red throughout.

Binding: s. xix. Green calf blind-tooled with concentric, delicately cut rolls. Early binding by Riviere (established in Bath ca. 1829, in London ca. 1840). Six red and brown stripes on edges. Rebacked. Title gold-tooled in two com- partments on spine: "Dyalogorum/ Gregorii Pape Et/ Venerabilis Petri" and "Libri IV/ Vit. Prm."

Written in Italy in the 14th century; numerous schoolboy notes, s. xv, on flyleaves, including inscriptions on first back flyleaf: "1482 die xxi [?] maij", "Ille qui scripsit opus suprascriptum est stultissimus", "Iste Liber est mei Io- hannis Iacobi de Bio [with abbreviation stroke above] superiori qui est bonus scholasticus", "Petrus de biorum [with abbreviation stroke]". Belonged to Friedrich von Schennis, Swiss-born artist (1852-1918; bookstamp on ff. iii recto, 1 lr). Unidentified notations, in pencil on f. i verso: "D5052" and "[1750J/425." Presented to the Beinecke Library in 1968 by Thomas E. Marston.

secundo folio: [table, f. 2] benignitatem [text, f. 13] dicta sunt

MS 389 Lyons, s. IXmed

Bede, Expositio In Marci Evangelium

f. lr See Provenance; ff. lv-132v In christi nomine incipit prologus bedani pres- biteri in libro commentariorum super marcum. In expositionem euuangelii secundum marcum opitulante ipsa euuangelica gratia scribturi. Primo quae fuerit eidem marco ... [table, ff. 2v-4r:] Incipiunt capitula. I. Esaie testimonio. iohannes ange- lus id est nuntius appellatur. et predicatio eius babtismusque refertur . . . XL VI. Resurrectionis ac passionis eius ... signis sequentibus indicatur. [text, ff. 4r-132v:] Initium euangelii ihesu christi filii dei sicut scriptum est in esaia propheta. Conferendum hoc euangelii marci principium. principio mathei quo ait. Liber generationis ihesu christi filii dauid filii abraham atque ex utroque unus domi- nus noster ihesus christus dei . . . per formam serui ut liberi contemplentur for- mam domini. expositionis in euangelium marci Liber iiii explicit beda famula christi et presbiteri.

D. Hurst, ed., CC ser. lat. 120 (1960) pp. 431-648. Text defective: missing one quire after f. 8 (pertitus est mundus in quo domino famulamur// . . . //qui quantum distat oriens; p. 444, line 294 to p. 456, line 769); one leaf in quire

ms389 253

IX, after f. 61 (se ipsum etc// ... //humane uerecundiae usu; p. 538, line 1951 to p. 539, line 2010). The commentary is written in early Carolingian minus- cule; the Biblical passages for commentary are written in orange uncials, many of which have faded and are now illegible (some letters written over in brown ink by a later hand). The use of orange uncials for Biblical passages, however, is not entirely consistent, e. g., the text of Mark 8.23-25 (f. 59v) was written in Carolingian minuscule and incorporated into the commentary. Letters in outer margins indicate passages quoted from Church Fathers (e.g., G for Gregory, H for Jerome); Roman numerals added in outer margins by later hand refer back to list of chapters on ff. 2v-4r. The text has been much edited and corrected, both by the original scribe and by later hands. There are no book divisions. According to T. W. Mackay the scribe of MS 389 was work- ing off an exemplar that preserved insular characteristics; the Beinecke manuscript has, moreover, not been corrupted by Vulgate readings. One can note in particular the reading annos on f. 34v (CC text, p. 496, line 294) where all the other 9th-century manuscripts read animos and the reading ut on f. 47r (CC text, p. 516, line 1055) instead of quod.

Parchment (much worn; many natural flaws), ff. ii (paper) +132 + ii (paper), 263 x 165 (202 x 144) mm., trimmed. Written in 31 long lines. Ruled in hard point on hair side; double vertical bounding lines full length; remains of prickings in upper margin.

I8, II missing, III-VIII8, IX8 (-6, with loss of text), X-XVII8, XVIII6 (-6, a blank). Quires signed with Roman numerals, center of lower margin, verso. Numerals have been altered to accomodate loss of second gathering (e. g. , VII has been changed to VI); another modern hand, in pencil, has given the cor- rect number below the altered original.

Written in a somewhat uneven early Carolingian minuscule, with Biblical passages in orange uncials. Heading, f. lv, square capitals and uncials, in orange.

Initials, outlined in black, filled with orange and yellow, ff. 26v, 77v, 131 v. Plain initials, black or red, some with modest scroll designs, at beginning of each segment of commentary.

Upper portions of ff. 61, 68, 69 torn, loss of text; f. 132v extremely worn.

Binding: s. xix. Dark green goatskin; gold-tooled. Title on spine: "Bedae Opera. VII. Siecle."

Written probably in the area of Lyons in the middle of the 9th century accord- ing to B. Bischoff; numerous pentrials, s. ix-x, on f. Ir; early provenance other- wise unknown. Unidentified white round label with "417" at top of spine, and notes in same hand as label on f. Ir: "7me Manuscrit. 8me Siecle." Belonged to Guglielmo Libri (1802-69; no. 139 in his collection; white round label with "139" in black ink, at base of spine); his sale (Sotheby's, 28 March, 1859) at which it was purchased by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 16249; tag on spine, in-

254 ms 390

scription on f. ii verso). Sold at Sotheby's (30 Nov. 1965, no. 1) to H. P. Kraus (Cat. 117, no. 25) from whom it was purchased in 1968 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: continentia

Bibliography: K. Zangemeister, Benefit uber die Durchforschung der Bibliotheken Eng- lands, Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, v. 84 (Vienna, 1876) p. 582, no. 16249 (MS attributed to s. viii).

M. W. Laistner, A Hand-List of Bede Manuscripts (Ithaca, 1947) p. 51 (at- tributed by E. A. Lowe to s. x).

T. E. Marston, "Two Bede Manuscripts," Gazette 43 (1968) pp. 81-82.

MS 390 Paris, s. XIV2/4, XIV3/4

Savoy Hours (fragment)

ff. lr-26v Suffrages to: (f. lr-v) John the Evangelist, James the Greater, All Apostles, All Evangelists (rubric only); (f. 2r-v) Trinity, Angels; (f. 3r-v) Mar- tyrs, Louis IX, King of France; (f. 4r-v) Antony abbot, Julian of Brioude, Leonard, Louis IX, King of France (rubric only); (f. 5r-v) Long Hours of An- gels (end of Sext and part of None only); (f. 6r-v) Andrew, James the Greater; (f. 7r-v) Benedict, All Confessors; (f. 8r-v) Mary Magdalen, Catharine of Alex- andria; (f. 9r-v) Margaret, All Virgins; (f. lOr-v) All Saints, for peace; (f. 1 lr-v) All Apostles, John the Evangelist; (f. 12r-v) Long Hours of Angels (end of None, beginning of Vespers); (f. 13r-v) Silvester, Augustine; (f. 14r-v) Mar- tin, Remigius; (f. 15r-v) Eligius, Antony abbot; (f. 16r-v) Leonard, Gregory; (f. 17r-v) Romaric, Agnes; (f. 18r-v) Agatha, Cecilia; (f. 19r-v) Lucy, Ursu- la; (f. 20r-v) Elisabeth, Genevieve; (f. 2 lr-v) Gertrude, Barbara; (f. 22r-v) Clara, for the pope and prelates; (f. 23r-v) for the king and princes, for those who work the soil; (f. 24r-v) for those who give alms, for family and friends; (f. 25r-v) for oneself ( ... me famulam tuam ... ), for the souls of the dead; (f. 26r-v) Peter martyr (a suffrage beginning defectively?), Joys of the Virgin: Gaude virgo mater christi que per aurem concepisti ... [followed by the prayer:] Deus qui beatissimam virginem mariam in conceptu et partu ... [both in HE, 63-64].

Parchment, ff. hi (parchment) + 26 + iii (parchment), 201 x 147 (135 x 85) mm., greatly trimmed. Written in 26 long lines. Single vertical and upper horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across. Ruled in light brown ink.

Written in gothic bookhand; ff. lr, lv, 4r, and 4v added in the third quar- ter of the fourteenth century by Jean L'Avenant, who has been identified by P. de Winter, "The Grandes Hemes of Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy: The Copyist Jean L'Avenant and His Patrons at the French Court," Speculum 57 (1982) pp. 802-03, fig. 20 (f. 6r) and fig. 21 (f. 4r), as the scribe of three other

MS 390 255

manuscripts: a Bible historiale, Hamburg, Kunsthalle MS Fr. 1 (two volumes); the Grandes Hemes of Philip the Bold, Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum MS 3-1954; and the Prayerbook of Philip the Bold, Brussels, Bibliotheque Royale, MS 11035-37.

The twenty-six folios are the only fragment known to remain of the Book of Hours of Blanche of Burgundy (d. 1348), Countess of Savoy and grand- daughter of Saint Louis of France, which was executed in Paris in the atelier of Jean Pucelle. The manuscript received additional texts and miniatures in the third quarter of the fourteenth century, when it was owned by Charles V, King of France, 1364-80. The Yale fragment contains fifty of the original two hundred and fifty-five miniatures, the majority executed between Pucelle's death in 1334 and Blanche's death in 1348, the remainder between ca. 1370 and 1378, the terminus ante quern being the death of Charles's wife, Jeanne de Bourbon, represented on one of the destroyed leaves. The Pucellian miniatures are most closely related to the work of Hands 1 -3 in the Hours of Jeanne II, Queen of Navarre (Paris, B. N. n. a. lat. 3145), and other manuscripts by the same ar- tists: the Prods de Robert d'Artois (Paris, B. N. fr. 18437), Paris 1336, and two compilations of the works of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Florence, Biblioteca Laurenziana Fiesole 89 and Rome, Vatican Library, MS Vat. lat. 744, produced in Paris in 1343 for the Dominican Parisius de Dyna. The added miniatures can be compared with the Bible of Jean de Sy (Paris, B. N. fr. 15397). See Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 209-210, no. 35, pi. 15 of f. 2r; Lesfastes du Gothique: le siecle de Charles F (Paris, 1981-82) no. 265, pp. 312-14; F. Avril, La librairie de Charles V (Paris, 1968) no. 174, p. 100. Most recently, P. de Winter, op, cit., p. 803, associates them with a copy of Aristotle, Ethics, Brussels, Bib. Roy. MS 9505-06. All of the miniatures are in tricolor quatrefoils, the first, earlier set against pink or blue grounds with white filigree, gold frames and gold leaves on hair-line stems, the later miniatures with the grounds in pink or blue imita- tion relief. The subjects are as follow (miniatures added for Charles V on ff. lr-v, 4r-v): f. lr St. John the Evangelist, Calling of St. James; f. lv All Apos- tles; f. 2r Throne of mercy, Blanche of Savoy kneeling in prayer, ground with arms of Burgundy and France; f. 2v Angels; f. 3r Execution of three martyrs; f. 3v St. Louis IX, King of France, with Blanche praying; f. 4r St. Antony abbot, with Charles V kneeling in prayer; St. Julian of Brioude and compan- ions in a ship; f. 4v St. Leonard with two prisoners; f. 5r Guardian angels with soldiers in battle; f. 6r St. Andrew, with Blanche praying; f. 6v St. James the Greater, with Blanche praying; f. 7r St. Benedict, with Blanche praying; f. 7v All Confessors; f. 8r St. Mary Magdalen, with Blanche praying; f. 8v St. Catharine of Alexandria, with Blanche praying; f. 9r St. Margaret; f. 9v All Virgins; f. lOr All Saints; f. lOv Pax with priest at altar, Blanche attend- ing; f. llr All Apostles; f. llv St. John the Evangelist, with Blanche praying; f. 12v Temptation of Christ; f. 13r St. Silvester, with Blanche praying; f. 13v St. Augustine, with Blanche praying; f. 14r St. Martin; f. 14v St. Remigius,

256 MS 39O

with Blanche praying; f. 15r St. Eligius, with Blanche praying; f. 15v St. An- tony abbot, with Blanche praying; f. 16r St. Leonard with two prisoners; f. 16v St. Gregory, with Blanche praying; f. 17r St. Romaric, with Blanche pray- ing; f. 17v Martyrdom of St. Agnes; f. 18r St. Agatha (badly damaged); f. 18v St. Cecilia with Valerian crowned with wreaths by two angels; f. 19r St. Lucy, with Blanche praying; f. 19v St. Ursula, with Blanche praying; f. 20r Visitation; f. 20v St. Genevieve and angel preventing devil from blowing out candle, with Blanche praying; f. 21r St. Gertrude, with Blanche praying; f. 21v St. Barbara, with Blanche praying; f. 22r St. Clara, with Blanche pray- ing; f. 22v Pope and prelates; f. 23r King and princes; f. 23v Three men prun- ing, hoeing and delving; f. 24r Almsgiving; f. 24v Blanche praying before altar with large gold Calvary; f. 25r Blanche praying before altar with large gold Calvary; f. 25 v Angels carrying souls from Purgatory.

Each folio with a 3/4 bar border, sometimes detached from initial, pink, blue and gold with ivy terminals, or a single bar with ivy attached to initial, in in- ner margin; some with grotesque terminals, and birds and hunters in the mar- gins and bas-de-page. 2-line initials, with heads, ivy, the arms of Savoy (ff. 2r, 14r, 18v, etc.) or the arms of Burgundy (f. 3v); blue or pink with white highlights on gold grounds. 1-line initials, blue or gold with red or black pen- work. Line fillers, red, blue and gold, on ff. 1 and 4 only. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xviii. Red-brown sheepskin heavily gold-tooled with floral borders and corner fans, the center filled in with a circle made up of fan tools.

Written and illuminated in the atelier of Jean Pucelle in Paris, probably ca. 1334-40 (see above), for Blanche of Burgundy, Countess of Savoy (d. 1348; arms on ff. 2r, 9r, 14r, etc.). Supplemented ca. 1370-78 with texts and minia- tures commissioned by Charles V, King of France (1364-80). The codex of which MS 390 is a fragment was given by his heir, Charles VI (1380-1422) to Jean, duke of Berry on 7 July 1409 (note by Jean Flamel, secretary and librarian of the Due de Berry, recorded from the other part of the manuscript, Turin, Bibl. Naz. MS E. V. 49, which was destroyed by fire in 1904). The duke of Berry may have given the complete manuscript away soon after he acquired it; it does not appear in his inventory of 1413. Leaves comprising MS 390 may have been removed after the Hours were given to the University Library of Turin by Count Victor- Amadeus II of Savoy in 1720 (see the argu- ment in Exhibition Catalogue, p. 209). MS 390 was donated by John Virtue, first Bishop of Portsmouth (d. 1900; signature on f. i recto) to the Catholic Episcopal Library of Portsmouth Cathedral (bookplates of Virtue and Cahill Library of Portsmouth Cathedral, with number 8429). Library was dispersed in 1941 and the manuscript was preserved in the Presbytery at Winchester. Letter to Herman W. Liebert, Director of the Beinecke Library, dated 28 July 1971, from William Fletcher states: "I have just had lunch with Father Ber- nard Fisher and he was surprised that he had never told me of the burglary

ms 39° 257

in the Presbytery at Winchester two days after I first found the precious frag- ment. As you know the books had been at the Presbytery ever since the time when they were bombed at Portsmouth, lying tranquilly on the shelf. The Reverend Father was a little perturbed when he realised how much value had been lying on the shelf for so many years and, the following day decided to put it in his safe in his study. When he came downstairs the following morning he was horrified to see that the safe had vanished, it was found in the base- ment broken open and the contents missing, i.e. £2.50 and the Savoy manuscript. As you can imagine there was a great deal of panic until, a few hours later a curate was strolling down the drive and happened to notice in the bushes, an open book which was, The Savoy Hours, thrown there by the petty thief. It was returned to the open shelves to rest there safely, as it had done for over 20 years, until I collected it. I wonder what that poor little thief would say if he ever learned that he threw a fortune into the bushes and walked away with $6.00 for his labours." The manuscript was deaccessioned by the Bishop and Cathedral Chapter "for better care and to the advantage of scholars" in 1967 (stamped over bookplate). Sold at Christie's, 5 July 1967, no. 163. Purchased from H. P. Kraus in 1969, as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 209-10, no. 35, pi. 15 (f. 2r).

L. Delisle, Recherches sur la librairie de Charles K (Paris, 1907) v. 1, pp. 208-13;

v. 2, pp. 43-44, no. 247.

H. Y. Thompson, ed. , with a note by Dom P. Blanchard, Les Heures de Savoie. Facsimiles of Fifty-two Pages from the Hours Executed for Blanche of Burgundy (Lon- don, 1910).

P. Durrieu, "Notice d'un des plus importants livres de prieres du roi Charles V. Les Heures de Savoie ou 'tres belles grandes Heures' du roi," Bibliotheque de VEcole des Chartes 72 (1911) pp. 500-55.

Idem, "Les aventures de deux splendides livres d'Heures ayant appartenu au due Jean de Berry," Revue de I'art ancien et moderne 30 (1911) pp. 5-16.

E. Panofsky, Early Netherlandish Painting (Cambridge, Mass., 1953) v. 1, pp. 34f., 37; v. 2, figs. 18, 19.

M . Meiss, French Painting in the Time of Jean de Berry, The Late Fourteenth Centu- ry and the Patronage of the Duke (London, 1967) pp. 109, 188, 317.

F. Avril, La Librairie de Charles V, exhib. cat. (Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale,

1968) no. 174.

C. R. Sherman, The Portraits of Charles V of France (1338-1380) (New York,

1969) pp. 45 and 48f., fig. 41.

G. E. Hutchinson, "Attitudes toward Nature in Medieval England: the Al- phonso and Bird Psalters," Isis 65 (1974) p. 28.

In Retrospect: A Catalogue of 100 Outstanding Manuscripts Sold in the Last Four Decades by H. P. Kraus (New York, 1978) pp. 110-11, no. 37, pi. off. 2r.

258 MS 391

MS 391 Italy, s. XVex

Lazarelli, Fasti christianae religionis PI. 40

1. ff. lr-3v Lodovici Lazarelli Septempedani Poetae Christiani ad inuictos Principes diuum Ferdinandum de Aragonia Parthenopeum Regem et eius primogenitum Alphon- sum calabriae ducem super fastorum libris. Argumentum. Cum sepenumero con- siderarem Serenissime Rex Ferdinande Tuque future Rex Dux chalabriae inuictissime Alphonse, ita homines natos esse ut diuinae participes rationis per omnem uitam in contemplatione uersarentur . . . et uestro clarij mini- mis iudicio augustiori comprobate. Hoc N. pacto Rhinocerotum cornua et canum luridi dentes constringentur.

Dedication to Ferdinand of Aragon and to his son Alphonse, Duke of Calabria.

2. ff. 4r-6v Poeta Musam Alloquitur. I Mea musa precor Regem pete Par- thenopeum/ Ferdinandus is est gloria summa ducum/ . . . Sic illi aduersum poterit mitescere caelum/ Sic retrahet saeuas sors uiolenta uices.

Dialogue between Lazarelli and his Muse.

3. ff. 7r-42r Lodouici Lazarelli Septempedani Poetae Christiani Ad Pios Ac Inuictos Principes Ferdinandum De Aragonia Siciliae Regem Eiusque Primogenitum Alphon- sum Calabriae Ducem Fastorum Christianae Religionis Liber Primus. O bruta mens curis vanos depone labores/ Et tibi nunc subeant que meliora uides/ . . . Dix- erit et primi consumpta parte laboris/ Me laetum linquens Pieris alma volat.

Books 1-3 on methods of counting time, moveable feasts, the ages of the world, the Jewish patriarchs, popes (the latest, Paul II, 1464-71), etc.

4. ff. 42v-44v Hi sunt menses in quibus Christianae religionis mobilia jesta cadunt descripti secundum formam anni 1476 ... [f. 43r:] Describuntur in his mensibus ex- empli gratia festa mobilia iuxta usum ecclesie colore rubeo iuxta decreta patrum colore nigro uelut in anno 1477 contigerit [with calendar of moveable feasts for Novem- ber-June] .

5. ff. 45r-230v Fastorum Liber Quartus. Annua cum referam que sint data fes- ta tonanti/ Et natalitios sacrificosque dies/ . . . Perpetuum mansura mini tunc fama resurget/ Cum tremet ob meritum iudice terra deo. Finis.

Books 4-16, March through February, and final book entitled ludicium.

6. ff. 231r-242v Calendar, March through February, with two series per month, the first with Christian feasts, the second with agricultural, zodia- cal and historical (Roman and Jewish) information. Among the Christian feasts are those of Severinus, bishop of Septempeda (8 Jan.); Venantius "Camertini patroni" (18 May); Bernardinus (20 May); Vincent Ferrer (5 Apr.); "Dedicatio ecclesie Sancti Severini" (8 June, in the town of that name, formerly called Septempeda); Antony of Padua (13 June); Clara of Assisi

MS391 ^59

(12 Aug.); Louis of Toulouse (19 Aug.); "[I]mpressio stigmatum sancti Fran- cisci" (17 Sept.); Tryphon, Respicius and Nympha (10 Nov.); Menas, her- mit in the Abruzzi (10 Nov.); Elisabeth of Thuringia (19 Nov.).

7. ff. 243r-246r [Thirteen poems by others in honor of Lazarelli:] Fabritius Varaneus. Nunc celebrare facit consumpti nomen homeri/ Ilias aeneis uir- giliumque refert/ . . . Altius extollent tanto te laude minores/ Materia quan- to clarius extat opus. [8 verses]; Platyna. Nunc liquido apparet sententia uera platonis/ Alternas rerum iam remeare uices . . . Hunc mage commendat sed Christi uerior aetas/ Et scriptum uere religionis opus. [12 verses]; Sulpitins Verulanus. O cui caelesti conflagrat pectus amore/ Et qui cum signis annua festa canis/ . . . Mistica non uulgo sic tu sanctissime uates/ Vnica Piceni fama perennis agri. [16 verses]; Idem. Loris aetherei tonantis actus/ Missis prodigijs iocisque uatum/ . . . Hoc uerum est sapere haud labore uano/ Tot nugas aper- ire fabularum. [8 verses]; Paulus Marsus. Sic uicina mihi quamuis Nasonis alumni/ Natalis tellus dux sit et ille mihi/ ... Si caneretis idem veterumque abscederet error/ Equatum parili lance sederet onus. [16 verses]; Astreus. Quid proceres populis tribuit quibus ampla regendis/ Sceptra deus largas quiue tenetis opes/ ... At tibi si desint nunc dona solubilis evi/ Praemia per- petui te lodouice manent. [16 verses]; Ex C. Laurentij Eustothij silua qua pluri- mi recentiores poetae laudantur recitata romae in Symposio domini Francisci Diedi oratoris ueneti ad Sixtum iiiiF1 Pontificem Maximum. Sed mens expectat uates seque in- serit ultro/ Lazarellus inops fastos namque ipse per omnes/ . . . Ad tua iam Brenti proauus cui caerula uentit/ Equor in adriacum turbatis flumina lym- phis. [38 verses]; Lippus. Hec uates nostri modo suscipe pignus amoris/ Car- mina si nostrum pignore pectus eget/ . . . Duremus tamen his etiam fmera afferet aetas/ Saepe redit pulsa nube serena dies. [28 verses]; Sinthius. Max- ima iuliacis creuere uolumina sacris/ Multaque telchinum mystica sacra no- tant/ . . . Auguror a Sixto dabitur tibi mitra bicuspis/ Et tua nee fugiet plectra secundus honor. [20 verses]; Pamphilus. Temporis o nostri uates clarissime carmen/ Hoc nostrum expleto perlege iudicio/ . . . Hinc tibi fama decus num- mi noua gloria surget/ Sic tu defunctus nomine uiuus eris. [10 verses]; Macharius Camers eques et Poeta. Clara nouis caelo properat septempeda fas- tis/ Aurea dum festos iungit ad astra dies/ Irrita cum causis valeant tua tem- pora sulmo/ Editur aeternae relligionis [sic] opus. [4 verses, complete here]; Fabritius Varaneus Presul camerin [us?]. Qui ueteres adamas tamen relegisque poetas/ Vatibus ingenium credis abesse nouis/ . . . Vincere materia non in- ficiabere nostrum/ Et rerum et serie carminis ire pares. [14 verses]; Io. Ge- orgius Cassianus. Quondam iuliaco suffusi flamine uates/ Non nisi quod sacrum est explicuere pii/ . . . Sic natale solum ciue hoc Septempeda gaude/ Huius et exemplo quisque poeta mere [20 verses], f. 246v blank

Eleven poets are represented; most of those identified in Cosenza are as- sociated with the Accademia Pomponiana in Rome in the 1480's; they are:

260 MS 391

Fabrizio Varano, bishop of Camerino, fl. 1503-13; Bartolomeo Scacchi Pla- tina, historian of the papacy, 1421-81; Giovanni Sulpizio da Veroli (in Cam- pania), grammarian, fl. s. xvex; Paolo Marsi, poet, 1440-84; P. Astreus da Perugia, fl. s. xvex; "Laurentius Eustothius's" poem recited in Rome be- fore Sixtus IV (1471-84); Lorenzo de' Lippi from Colle, near Florence, fl. s. xvex; Pietro Leoni Cinzio from Geneda in the province of Treviso, fl. s. xv; a "Pamphilus" wrote an epitaph on Aesop published in Rome 1475. All but the 38 verses by Laurentius Eustothius were published from this manuscript by G. F. Lancellotti, L. Lazzarelli poetae laureati Bombyx ... (St. Jesi, 1765).

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + ii (parchment) + 246 + ii (parchment) + i (paper), 215 x 130 (152 x 85) mm. Written in 34 long lines or lines of verse. Double inner and single outer vertical and double upper horizontal bounding lines full length. Ruled on flesh side in brown crayon or in lead, with two ad- ditional rulings in upper margin for running titles. Remains of prickings in outer and lower margins.

I6, II-XXXI8. In XXVIII, unidentified a, b, c, e, d, g, f, in lower right corner.

Written in well formed humanistic script below the top line.

Eighteen miniatures, the final six sketched in but unfinished, by an accom- plished artist whose identity remains uncertain. Attributed by T. de Marinis to Matteo Felice, active at the Aragonese court in Naples (T. de Marinis, La Biblioteca Napolitana dei Re d'Aragona [Milan, 1947] v. 2, pp. 90-91). The attri- bution requires further study (see H. P. Kraus, Catalogue 117: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts [New York, n.d.] pp. 67-72, no. 17, with photographic reproductions of ff. 41v, 19v, 57r, 122v, 142v, 152v, 194r; Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 238-39, no. 63, pi. 22 off. 5r). The miniatures, usually framed in a pink or mauve egg-and-dart molding and a thin gold band, are as follow: f. 5r Poet and Muse; f. 6v Presentation of work to patron; f. 16r Entry into Jerusalem; f. 19v Last Supper; f. 25r Crucifixion; f. 28r Empty Cross on Golgatha; f. 31r Resurrection; f. 33v Ascension; f. 35v Pentecost; f. 38r Corpus Christi procession; f. 41v Sixtus IV exhibiting the Volto Santo from a pulpit in St. Peter's; f. 5 7r Annunciation; f. 122v Transfiguration; f. 13 Ir Assumption; f. 142v Birth of the Virgin Mary; f. 194r Mary and Joseph adoring the Child; f. 202v Adoration of the Magi; f. 203r Baptism of Christ. Dedicatory inscrip- tion in gold Roman letters on a marble-patterned panel appears on f. 7r. One historiated initial, below inscription, 10-line, of the author at work: gold, edged in black, against a purple and pink quartered ground with pink and purple filigree; all framed in green. In lower margin is a coat-of-arms (see Provenance) supported by putti. Four initials all'antica, ff. Ir, 70r, 102r, 222v, 14- to 7-line, gold, black, purple, pink, orange and green with flowers and acanthus. Ten white-vine initials, ff. 45r, 58r, 88v, 115r, 137v, 155v, 170v, 182r, 200r and

MS 392 261

213v, 10- to 8-line, colors as above. Numerous 4- to 2-line initials, gold, edged in black, on orange-, pink-, and blue-flecked grounds, with guide-letters; some with faces drawn in interior. 2- and 1-line initials, gold, red, and blue with acanthus serifs. 1-line paragraph marks red or blue. Running titles in yellow, red, and blue. Rubrics in margins in red, blue, and purple. KL monograms, 3 -line, yellow, red, and blue.

Binding: s. xix. Worn red velvet case.

Produced for Ferdinand of Aragon, King of Naples (arms on f. 7r: argent, a cross gules; type 2 in T. de Marinis, op. cit. , v. 2, pi. A); illuminated perhaps in Northeast Italy according to A. C. de la Mare, although attribution to a specific artist or locale has proven difficult (see above). The text of the Fasti was begun by Lazarelli in 1480, and completed in 1485 (f. 230r: "Si seriem annorum diuinae prolis ab ortu/ Nunc cupis ad nostros lector habere dies/ Mille quatringentis iunge octoginta sciesque/ Tempore in hoc fastis imposuisse mouerim [?]/ Quinque prius sed nostra manus iam cepat annis/ Scribere ... "). This copy was therefore begun between 1485 and 1494, the year of Ferdinand's death, and probably closer to 1494; several miniatures were left incomplete, presumably when the news of Ferdinand's death was announced. The planned date of completion was possibly 1495, since the entry in the calendar for Rosh Hashana ("Festum Hebreorum quod dicitur rose Hasana" on f. 237v) is on 1 September, and occurred on that date in 1495. Owned in the 18th century by the Jesuit College of Brera in Milan (dissolved 1773; erased inscription par- tially visible on f. lr) where it was seen by G. F. Lancellotti (L. Lazarelli poetae Bombyx ... [St. Jesi, Italy, 1765] pp. 14-15; see also G. Tiraboschi (Storia delta letteratura italiana [Florence, 1807] v. 6, p. 962). Belonged to Charles Fairfax Murray (1849-1919; booklabel). T. de Marinis saw the manuscript in Zurich, "presso la libreria 'L'Art Ancien' (1940)" {op. cit., v. 2, pp. 90-91; v. 3, pis. 128 and 129 of ff. 6v-7r, 4v-5r). Sold at Sotheby's (11 July 1966, no. 266) to H. P. Kraus. Purchased from Kraus in 1968 (Cat. 117, pp. 67-72) by Ed- win J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: a me exhiberi

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 238-39, no. 63, pi. 22 of f. 5r.

MS 392 Germany, s. XIV1, XV2

Scholar's Notebook (in Lat.)

I. 1. ff. lr-151r Excerpts (divided into three parts) from the Malograna- turn of Gallus, abbot of the Cistercian abbey of Konigssaal, Bohemia; for a list of manuscripts and early printed editions of the complete text see B. Haage, "Zur Uberleiferung des 'Malogranatum'," Zeit- schriftfur deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur 108 (1979) pp. 407-14.

262 MS 392

The colophon reads: Explicit excerptum [one word scratched out] malogranati tractatus 1467 die 16marcij. The table of contents on f. 256v describes the work as "Excerptum malogranati cum quibusdam ad- ditis fratris henrici de piro carthusiensis." The excerpts and accom- panying notes are apparently the work of Henricus de Piro, fl. 1470, prior of the Charterhouse of St. Barbara in Cologne (see T. Petreius, Biblioteca Cartusiana sine Illustrium sacri cartusiensis ordinis . . . [Cologne, 1609] pp. 137-38, where art. 1 is mentioned), ff. 84v and two leaves (unfoliated) between 102-03 are blank

2. ff. 151v-153r Table of contents for art. 1 above, ff. 153v-154v blank

II . 3 . ff. 1 55r- 1 7 1 v Incipit libellus deymitacione crisli et contemptu omnium vanita- tum mundi. Capitulumj. Qui sequitur me non ambulat in tenebris dicit dominus [John 8.12]. Hec sunt verba christi quibus ammonemur quatenus eius vitam et mores imitemur ... quidquid de alijs sit non negligas teipsum. Tantum proficies quantum tibi ipsi vim intuleris.

Thomas a Kempis, Tractatus de imitatione Christi et contemptu omnium vanitatum mundi, Book I only, in 25 chapters numbered in Roman numerals (22 bis); L. M. J. Delaisse, ed., Le manuscrit autographe de Thomas a Kempis et 'Limitation de Jesus-Christ'; examen archeologique et edition diplomatique du Bruxellensis 5855-61 (Antwerp and Paris, 1956) v. 2 (text), pp. 181-222.

4. ff. 172r-196r Fasciculus florum secundum ordinem connexionis. Anima mea audiuit interne a verbo superno . . . Sed maiora illuminacioni vacans in partem sibi optimam preeligit. Deo laus. lxv. [for 1465?]

Unidentified Fasciculus florum or Fasciculus morum in 23 chapters, including rubrics for De presencia dei Capitulumj, De interna grade in- spiracione ij, ... De proprietatibus anime resultatibus vi, ... De malicia huius vite x, and concluding De interna inuestigacionis experiencia xxtj, Doctrina vtilis concludens de contemplacione xxiij.

5. f. 196v Brief excerpts from Augustine and Jerome, in the same hand as art. 6 below.

6. ff. 197r-199v Excerpta ex dictis sanctorum doctorum de diuersis defectibus et negligencijs ac dubijs casibus qui contingere possunt in missa. Si sacerdos in missa ante canonem aliquo casu deficiat alius sacerdos debet mis- sam reincipere . . . potest saltern in loco vbi sputum pedibus non pos- sit conculcari. Hec in Rationale diuinorum. ff. 200r-203v blank

Unidentified excerpts dealing primarily with defects in the perfor- mance of the mass; rubrics include: Si vinum aut aqua non inuenitur in calice, Si sacerdos omisit aliqua, Si hostia in calicem cecidk, Siue hostia siue euckaristia in terram ceciderit

MS392 ^3

III. 7. ff. 204r-220v [In upper margin, in a different hand:] Incipiunt auc- toritates sanctorum doctorum de virtutibus et vicijs et primo quid sit virtus Augustinus. [text:] Virtus est bona equalitas mentis qua recte viuitur qua nemo male vtitur ... calidi uel huiusmodi ad [?] vel duella et cet. patet iuxta sensum [one word illegible] proponiti.

Unidentified extracts on virtues and vices; cf. no. 6481 in Bloom- field, Virtues and Vices. Rubrics in MS 392 include: De fide, De spe, De sancta maria, De christo et beata virgine, De caritate, De dilectione proxi- mi ... De Ira, De inuidia, De detractione, Ad clericos, Ad religiosos. The selections are drawn primarily from Augustine, Bernard, Anselm, Ambrose, Gregory, Jerome.

8. ff. 220v-243v Series of exempla of virtues and vices perhaps in- tended as illustrations for the selections quoted in art. 7 above. Rubrics include: Exemplum quare sanctus Benedictus fuit temptatus ..., Ex- emplum quanti vigoris sit confessio, Item de confessione exemplum, Item exem- plum defornicacione, . . . Exemplum de solitudine, Defratre qui neglienter [sic] vixit et correctus est, De sancto Paulo simplice, De conuersione Taise [Thais] meretricis, ... Exemplum de corpore cristi, De temptacione fornicacionis, ... Exemplum de martirio.

9. ff. 244r-247r [Heading in upper margin, in a later hand:] Exem- plum de udone Episcopo Magdeburgensi. [text:] [A]nno domini millesimo quinquagesimo octauo [sic] tercio imperante apud per- chinopolim id est meydenburg in saxonia contigit prodigium terri- bile nimis ... In predicta igitur vrbe scolaris quidam nomine vdo liberalibus litteris insudabat ... [ends:] vix tandem redierunt huius horrendi prodigij. [in the same hand as the heading:] Paucula hie desunt quae vide in fine libri ubi iterum idem exemplum habetur. ff. 247v-248v blank

Exemplum of Udo, Abp. of Magdeburg; E. Ohgren, ed., Die Udo- Legende in Publications de l'lnstitut Slave d'Upsal 8 (Upsala, 1954) pp. 51-57, with the text in MS 392 ending with Section 18; not lo- cated in the list of manuscripts cited on p. 151.

IV. 10. ff. 249r-252r Erat olim in partibus aquilonis homo quidam po- tens et nobilis qui et gloria preiminebat suorum splendore natalium et deliciis affluebat . . . ut per exemplum Albani serui tui mereamur et nos cum eo a nostris facinoribus ablui et super niuem dealbari. Amen.

According to the index on f. 256v this is "De quodam diuite et nobili qui defuncta uxore ex propria filia sponte filium genuit. qui postea propriam matrem nescienter in uxorem duxit."

204 ms 392

11. ff. 252r-255r Anno domini nongentesimo quinquagesimo Ottone tercio imperante apud pertinoposim [sic] id est Medeyburgh in Sax- onia contigit prodigium terribile nimis . . . et seuerissimam vlcionem. ff. 255v-256r ruled, but blank

The same text as art. 9 above, but continuing further.

12. f. 256v Table of contents to the works in the codex.

Composed of four parts all measuring ca. 215 x 145 mm.

Part I: ff. 1-154, paper (heavy, rough; remains of deckle edges; watermarks: unidentified monogram buried in gutter). Contemporary Arabic foliation that omits two blank leaves between 102-03. Written space 175 x 110 mm., ca. 34 long lines. Single vertical bounding lines only; ruled in hard point. I-XIII12. Copied by one person in a poorly formed, abbreviated gothic cursive. Small knobby initials, 3- to 2-line, in red. Underlining, paragraph marks, initial strokes, and circles enclosing marginal annotations by the scribe, in red, throughout.

Part II: ff. 155-202, paper (heavy, rough; watermarks: similar in design to Piccard Buchstabe P XVI. 301-29). Written space 152 x 105 mm., ca. 29 long lines. Frame-ruled in hard point; prickings in all margins except inner. I-IV12. Quire and leaf signatures (e.g., jb, 2b, 3b, etc.) on recto in lower right corner; catchwords along lower edge near gutter. Written by two scribes: 1. ff. 155r-196r (arts. 3-4) in hybrida; incipits, knobby initials (3-line), strokes on initials, in red. 2. ff. 196v-199v in hybrida; crudely drawn initials (2-line), paragraph marks, strokes on initials, and underlining for headings, in red.

Part III: ff. 203-248, paper (heavy, rough; watermarks: similar to those in Part II). Written space 170 x 100 mm., ca. 33 long lines. Single vertical bound- ing lines only, ruled in hard point; prickings at corners of written space. I-IV12 (with 2 leaves between 247-48, blanks, removed). Written in neat gothic cur- sive by a single scribe. Many plain initials, 2- to 1-line, headings, initial strokes, and lines drawn through the names of authors cited, in red. Notes to rubrica- tor, many perpendicular to text along outer edge of leaf.

Part IV: ff. 249-256, a single gathering of parchment, written space 173 x 120 mm., 2 columns, ff. 249r-252r (first column) ca. 47 lines per column; single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines; ruled in lead; prickings in lower margins; written in small neat gothic textura. Small plain initial (f. 249r) in red. ff. 252r (col. b) - 255r ca. 30 lines per column; frame-ruled in ink; written in gothic cursive.

Binding: s. xv. Bound in the Charterhouse of St. Barbara in Cologne (see Provenance below). Vellum stays in the center of the gatherings and their backs cut in about 3 mm. at each sewing station. Sewn on four double, vegetable- fiber supports laced into oak boards and pegged as are the plain, wound end- bands. Covered in light brown calf with very narrow corner tongues and de-

ms 393 ^5

fined supports. Blind-tooled with intersecting diagonal fillets with roses, two- headed eagles, crowned swans and fleurs-de-lis in the compartments, inside an outer frame. Trace of a catch on the upper board; edge of the lower one cut in for a strap. Rebacked and clasp wanting. Front and back flyleaves, for- merly pastedowns, from a liturgical manuscript (Germany, s. xii/xiii) containing Office of the Dead. Responses to the first five lessons are Qui lazarum, Heu michi, Ne recorderis, Domine quando, Peccant em me cottidie.

The patterns of water damage and stains indicate that the codex originally con- sisted of several booklets, all written in Germany, which were bound together in the 15th century. Parts I— III were probably written at the Carthusian house of St. Barbara in Cologne in the second half of the 15th century; Part IV (art. 10) in the first half of the 14th century with art. 11 added in the 15th century. The booklets were perhaps assembled by Henricus de Piro, prior of the house of St. Barbara (d. 1473) and, according to the 15th-century table of contents on f. 256v (art. 11), the compiler of Part I. Although the 15th-century exlibris has been cut out of ff. lr and 256v, the old pressmark "E. xl" of St. Barbara's remains, as well as the notation "124" on the spine. Item "00 124" in the pri- ory's 17th-century shelf-list; see R. B. Marks, The Medieval Manuscript Library of the Charterhouse of St. Barbara in Cologne in Analecta Cartusiana 21-22 (Salz- burg, 1974) v. 2, p. 428: "00 124 Tractatus de periculis tentationum evaden- dis quatuor novissimis/ De imitatione Christi et contemptu mundi Thomas a Kempis." In addition, the style of binding and the binding stamps are those described and illustrated by Marks, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 90-107 (see binding description above). Belonged to Leander van Ess who acquired many volumes from St. Barbara's in 1821; his sale to Sir Thomas Phillipps in 1824 (no. 509; on f. 2r, and stamp with number on f. 256v). No. 2264 in the Leighton sale at Sotheby's, 28 Oct. 1919. From the collection of S. Harrison Thomson (no. 4), who bought it from Dawson's of Los Angeles in 1929. Acquired from Thom- son in 1968 with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Rare Book Endow- ment Fund.

secundo folio; vnde [?] ac sperant

MS 393 Bohemia, 1423

Hugh of Strasbourg, etc. PI. 63

I. 1. ff. lr-19r Incipit liber Compendij Theolice veritatis. [table:] Diffini- ciones sacramenti. De Institucione sacramentorum. De effectu sacramentorum ... [text:] Celestis medicus humani generis reparatiuus tali modo sanauit . . . sed eciam expellunt de cordibus [eo- rum struck out] aliorum. Explicit bonum et utile librum et excerpta theoloyce [?] veritatis.


ms 393

Long extracts from Hugh of Strasbourg, Liber compendii, Bk. 6, Chs. 1-37, and Bk. 7, chs. 1-23, 29 (ends in middle of chapter) printed by A. Borgnet, ed., B. Alberti Magni Opera v. 3 (Paris, 1895) pp. 201-34; 237-53; 258.

2. ff. 19v-50v Speculum humane saluacionis. [prologue:] Abbacia quidam quercum ualdemagnum instante habebit . . . O bone ihesu da ut hoc opusculum tibi placeat proximos edificat et me tibi gratum faciat amen, [text:] Incipit speculum humane saluacionis in quo patet ca- sus hominis et modus reparacionis. Et in hoc speculo ... in trinitate et vnitate perfecta viuit et regna deus per omnia secula seculorum. Amen. Explicit speculum humane saluacionis anno domini cccc0 xxiij0 in die [a crossed out] Jelicis et audaucti.

J. Lutz and P. Perdrizet, eds., Speculum humanae salvationis (Miilhausen and Leipzig, 1907) v. 1, pp. 2-99. The chapters are not numbered in MS 393 and there are no illustrations.

3. ff. 51r-75r Statuta domini archiepiscopi pragensis sic dicit. Nullus pres- byter parochianum alicuius sine proprij licencia sacerdotis . . . liber- tatis ecclesie si dyocesanus sic fieri mandaret etc. Expliciunt Statuta domini Archiepiscopi pragensis per manus fridrici Anno domini cccc0 xxiij0 in die lamperti.

Statutes of Prague.

4. ff. 75r-78r De peghardis [sic] et beginis etc. [text:] Ad nostrum qui desideranter inuocetur gerimus vt fides katholica nostris prosperetur. . . . [commentary:] Glosa. Hie papa dampnat sectam beghardorum et beginarum alamanie et octo ipsius errores excitans dyocesanorum et inquisitorum ofneium contra illos . . . simulata sanc- titas duplex est iniquitas etc.

Commentary of Joannes Andreae on the second Clementine decree Ad nostrum qui desideranter promulgated against Beghards and Beguines in November 1311. For the decree see E. Friedburg, ed., Corpus Ju- ris Canoniciy Decretalium Collectiones, Pars Secunda (Graz, 1959) 1 183-84, lib. V, tit. in; for the commentary see the numerous early printed editions, GKW, v. 6, nos. 7077-109.

5. ff. 78r-79v, 84v Theological notes, including "Signa que bonus diligatur a deo sunt hec 4or" and "Descriptio orationis quid sit ora- tio." The text skips from f. 79v to 84v where it ends imperfectly.

6. ff. 80r-84r Legimus in exodo quod moyses fecit librum eneum. de speculo mulierum que excubabant ad hostium tabernaculi in quo lauarentur aaron et filij . . . Idcirco Albertus canonicus regularis in diessen licet minimus presens opusculum ... [f. 84r:] non potest conferre baptizmi sacramentum etc. Queritur utrumll See art. 5 for f. 84 v.

ms 393 ^7

Albert of Diessen, Speculum vellavacrum sacerdotum (Speculum clericorum); Bloomfield, Virtues and Vices, no. 2910; MS 393 not listed.

II. 7. ff. 85r-234v Festo Andrea. Venite post me ... [Matthew 4.19]. Bea- tus gregorius exponens verbum propositum dicit per hec verba, domi- nus omnes ad eternitatem vocat . . . totum perficere concedat nobis iesus christus filius dei viui qui est eternus etc. Finito libro sit laus et gloria christo. Expliciunt excerpta soci de tempore hyemali nee non estiuali etc.

Conrad of Brundelsheim, Sermones de Sanctis; the sermons are arranged in the following order, according to numbers in Schneyer, v. 1, pp. 738-46: 267-99; 302; 304-06; 308-16; ff. 159r-161r: second sermon for Peter and Paul, not in Schneyer, beginning Principes Iuda duces eorum psalmus [Psalm 67.28]. Dicit gregorius vnicuique Memento ad sumendam ... ; 317-18; ff. 165v-166r: fifth sermon for Peter and Paul, not in Schneyer, beginning Principes apostolorum [sic] con- gregati sunt cum deo abraham psalmus [Psalm 46.10]. Cum 27 philosophum 12 metaphysice vnus sunt princeps ... ; 319-21; ff. 171r-172r: fourth sermon for Mary Magdalen, not in Schneyer, be- ginning Remittuntur ei peccata multa . . . [Luke 7.47]. De maria mag- dalena doctores grecorum et latinorum sibi aduersari videntur . . . ; ff. 172r-173v: Sermon for St. Margaret, not in Schneyer, beginning In uera preciosa [?] margarita abijt et vendiet omnia que habuit ... ; 322-40 (no. 340 ends imperfectly on f. 203v and f. 204r is blank, as if space had been allotted for the conclusion, but never used); 341-44; 348-51; 353; 357; 359-60; 362-63; 365; 367-69; 371-73.

Composed of two distinct parts, 290 x 212 (ca. 230 x 160) mm.; pattern of stains on ff. 84v-85r suggests parts were originally separate books.

Part I: ff. 1-84. Paper (coarse; watermarks: similar to Piccard Kreuz III. 805; unidentified mountain and unidentified bull's head). 2 columns, 39 lines. Frame- ruled in ink (exceptions: f. lr unruled; ff. 75v-84v format irregular); remains of prickings in upper, lower, and outer margins. I- VII12. Catchwords for first six gatherings near gutter, verso. Written by three scribes in a running hybri- da script: 1 (ff. lr-75r; arts. 1-3); 2 (ff. 75r-79v, 84v; arts. 4, 5); 3 (ff. 80r-84r; art. 6). Plain initials, 6- to 2 -line, in red; headings in red or black in gothic textura, those in black often enclosed by red rectangles; initial strokes in red. Guide-letters for rubricator in margins.

Part II: ff. 85-234. Paper (coarse; watermarks: two similar to Briquet Tete de boeuf 15229 and to Piccard Ochsenkopf XII.288; unidentified horn and elongated bell). 2 columns, 40 lines. Frame-ruled in hard point; some prick- ings at corners of written space (ff. 133-144). I-V12 ( + half-leaf at end, f. 145), VI-VIII12, IX10, X-XII12, XIII12 (-8 through 12, no loss of text). Quire marks, Arabic numerals, in lower right corner, recto; catchwords under writ-

268 ms 394

ten space near gutter, verso. Written by several scribes, all in various styles of running hybrida; ff. 133r-145v, 234r-v is the same hand as Scribe 2 of Part I. Plain initials, 5- to 2-line, in red; headings and final colophon enclosed in red rectangles; initial strokes in red. Guide-letters for rubricator.

Binding: s. xv. Original sewing on tawed slit straps laced through a tunnel in edge to outside channels in flush wooden boards, pegged with rectangular pegs and the channels filled in. Plain, wound endbands sewn through the spine lining onto tawed cores laced into the back cornering of the boards. The spine is rounded with a parchment lining (unidentified liturgical text: Germany, s. XII) that extends on the inside of the boards between sewing supports; parch- ment reinforcement strips from same manuscript and from others. Remains of parchment bifolios of a liturgical manuscript (Germany, s. XIII) glued in- side both covers. Length of page and written space: 121 (88) mm.; 6 mm. be- tween rulings for text. Covered in cream-colored, tawed skin. Five hat-shaped bosses and two strap-and-pin fastenings, the pins on the upper board. The lower board is cut in to accomodate the straps. Parchment label glued to upper board: "de sacramentis Speculum humanae saluationis/ Questiones bone Sermones de Sanctis;" added below in another hand: "de Sacra questione [?] bo. S. de. S." Lettering on tail: "de sacra question: bo. S. de." Straps wanting.

Written probably in Bohemia in the first half of the 15th century; art. 3 in Part I is signed and dated by the scribe, Fridericus, in 1423; art. 2 is dated the same year but is unsigned by the scribe. Early modern provenance unknown. Pencil notations inside front cover: MS III 12; wwpillar/ vt = 15120; 1420; inside back cover: 3775. Acquired by H. P. Kraus from Heinrich Rosen- thal of Lucerne in 1945. Purchased from Kraus (Cat. 115, no. 12) in 1970 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: [f. 2:] 7mo a malo [f. 86:] sed deo qui

MS 394 England, s. XVII1/4

Nicholas Breton, Three Dialogues

1. f. i recto - verso blank; f. ii recto [Title-page:] Auspicante Jehouah/ Au- xilium memoriae Liber/ Nicolai Bretoni, opus, non minus sibi laboriosum, quam lectori studioso fructuosum. ff. ii verso - v verso blank

2. f. lr [Heading:] To the Right Honorable my very good Lorde and Master: the Lorde Northe, encrease of honor, and hartes wished happiness, [dedi- cation:] Right Honorable, the worlde is so full of Machauiles thatt thatt [sic] he who studies any matter of worthe more then the greedy humor of game ... I take my leave in all humblenes. Yor honors in all bounden duty. Nich. Breton, f. lv blank

ms 395 ^9

Dedication to "Lorde North", presumably Dudley, third Baron North (1600-66).

3. ff. 2r-10r [Heading:] Religio. [First dialogue:] Quest: In Religion Whatt is firste to be Considered? Aw: Thatt there is a God ... Qu: And, Whatt in the Comforte of Mercy? Aw: the life of loue. ff. lOv-llr blank

4. ff. llv-17r [Heading:] In Philosophia: quid Considerandum? [Second di- alogue:] Qu: Whatt firste note take you in Natural philosophy? Aw: thatt Nature is a spirite: comprehensible in her properties ... Qu: and whatt of sorrow? Aw: the Misery of Nature, ff. 17v-18v blank

5. ff. 19r-24v [Heading:] Whatt is moste Necessary in a Common Welthe to be Considered. [Third dialogue:] Aw: The prince, the Counsaile, the people. Qu: Whatt note you touchinge the prince? ... or by Inheritance or Traffique, and so the better att his neede to make use of them. ff. 25r-80v blank

These three dialogues are not printed in A. B. Grosart, ed., The Works in Verse and Prose oj Nicholas Breton (Edinburgh, 1879).

Paper (watermarks: two unidentified pots, one with the letters RF, the other with B and a vertical stroke in the upper panel on the belly, and two vertical strokes in the lower panel), ff. v (paper) + 81 (65 bis), 293 x 195. Irregular format.

I16 (ff. i-v, 1-10; -7, a blank?), II16, III14, IV20, V14, VI12 (-7 through 11).

Written in neat sloping cursive.

Binding: s. xviii [?]. Plain vellum case with one tie.

Written in England by the author, Nicholas Breton (1545?-1625?; DNB, v. 2, pp. 1 183-89), at the beginning of the 17th century (see art. 2); early modern provenance otherwise unknown. Sold at Parke-Bernet (13 Nov. 1968, no. 20) to C. A. Stonehill, from whom it was acquired as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

MS 395 England, s. XIII/XIV

Anglo-Norman Poetry

1 . ff. lr-68r [f. lr-v:] //Ore sui ci deuant tei si ferai ton comant/ Or escotez beal pere entent que te dirai/ ... [I]oseph est en egypte od ses freres remes/ Ben a garde le regne les set anz sunt passez// [text resumes imperfectly on f. 2r:] Nous sumes de lor filles co est la verite/ Nous ni auom nul dreit nest pas nostre herite/ . . . Deu de qui oistes que ne furent conoissanz/ Sil conur- ent ou le paing froissanz.

Herman de Valenciennes, Bible, beginning imperfectly. For a recent printed text cf. I. Spiele, ed. , Le Romanz de Dieu et de sa Mere, Publications Romanes

£22 ms 395

de l'Universite de Leyde 21 (Leiden, 1975) with a transcription of Paris, B. N. fr. 20039. Folio lr-v corresponds to pp. 219-21 (verses 1922-99); ff. 2r-61r correspond to pp. 223-341 (verses 2078-6684). Folios 61v-68r of Beinecke MS 395 are not included in the printed edition. According to P. Meyer, "Notices sur quelques manuscrits francais de la Bibliotheque Phil- lipps, a Cheltenham," Notices et extralts des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Natio- nale 24 (1891) p. 198, the copyist made numerous errors. On the sources for this work see F. Mehne, Inhalt und Quellen der Bible des Herman de Valenciennes (Ph. D. diss., Vereinigten Friedrichs-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg, 1900).

2. ff. 68r-75r Ci comence la sumption nostre dame. S. Mar. Seignurs ore escotez que deu vous beneie/ Por sa mort preciose qui nous dona la uie/ . . . Toz soient herbergez la sus en ta maison/ Amen ma douce dame ton liure isi finom. Amen.

Herman de Valenciennes, L'Assomption de Notre Dame. Often found, as here, following the poem on the Bible by the same author. For the text see Spiele, op. cit., pp. 343-58. See also Meyer, op. cit., pp. 207-09.

3. ff. 75r-97v [Added in margin, s. xiv-xv:] Ici commense comme le pere enseyndist Son fyz de Sen et Sauoir. [text:] Li pere sun fiz chastiot/ Sen e sauer li enseignot./ Beu fiz dist il a mei entent/ ... Dit ai assez pur vous guarnir./ Ki cest orrez or vous voil taisir./ E ki cest liure aura escrit/ Deus lui doint ioie sanz delit. Amen, [added by the original hand:] Si vous volez estre amiable receuez ces treis moz [marked to delete: en] ubliance sanz. Fetes ceo ke lem vous dit. e coe que lem vous prie. Pernez coe que lem vous done e ne grucez mie. Suffrez en pacience coe que lem vous die. Si vous [marked to delete: ces] viuez si faitement. Done viuerez vous amiablement. Ki cest romanz escrit/ De deu seit il beneit. Petrus Alphonsus, Disciplina clericalis, followed by three moral precepts; eds. A. Hilka and W. Soderhjelm, "Petri Alphonsi Disciplina Clericalis" Annales Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 49, no. 4 (1922) p. xv, MS C of version B; text: pp. 79-138. D. Tyson ("The Epitaph of Edward the Black Prince," Medium Aevum 46 [1977] pp. 98-104) discusses a section of the Disciplina clericalis which appears in MS 395, f. 96v; MS 395 is C in the sigla, as Phillipps 4156. See also Meyer, op. cit., pp. 209-10.

4. ff. 98r-110r //Pluie en eel tens la terre ne suprent/ Mes une funtaine de parais descent/ Ki tute la terre aruse communement/ . . . Ore sumes seignurs uenu desque a la fin/ Del liure ke lem apele Genesim. Explicit liber Geneseos. f. HOv blank

Poem in Anglo-Norman on Genesis, lacking first folio; A. Vising, Anglo- Norman Language and Literature (London, 1923) p. 42, no. 9. See also Meyer op. cit., pp. 210-11.

5. ff. 11 lr-129v Ci comence Trebor. oii a maint beau dit et profitable. Trebor reconte sa traitie/ E sil reconte sanz feintie/ . . . Tant kil truisse escrit doctriner/ Entre ces lettres le pora trouer.

ms 395

Robert de Ho, Les Enseignements de Robert de Ho, in 2904 lines, ed. M. V. Young (Paris, 1901) pp. 31-155. The only other known copy is Paris, B. N. fr. 25408, which breaks off after line 2363. See also Meyer, op. cit. , pp. 212-19.

6. ff. 1 29v-130v Ces sont les realmes de diuerses terres. Or a esgarde danz ernuls/ Qui trop e [with abbreviation stroke] sages et veizous/ Que ki que metreit paiens de la . . . Ore uous ai dit trestot le veir/ Si cum il ert al mien espeir.

Extract of 180 lines from the romance Partenopeus de Blois; printed by Mey- er, op. cit., pp. 220-24, who lists seven other complete or fragmentary manuscripts of this romance in French verse.

7. ff. 131r-145r Iesu Grist par seint eustace/ Nus tra[ns]mette la sue grace/ ... Ke nus puissum estre ueisin/ En la ioie del ciel sanz fin. Amen.

Vie de saint Eustache; see H. Petersen, "Trois versions inedites de la Vie de Saint Eustache en vers francais," Romania 48 (1922) pp. 365-402. This ap- pears to be the only copy of one of the 1 1 known French metrical versions of this work (Meyer, op. cit., pp. 224-28). Folios 141 and 142 have been misbound, so that lines 1603-1922 follow f. 150 (see art. 8).

8. ff. 145r-152v Curteis est deus ki tut cria/ Qui tut guuerne e tuit fet a/ . . . Riens ne dutez ne tant ne quant/ Mes bien creez ke cist vus mand. Issi finist/ De prestre iohan lescrit.

Letter of Prester John to Emperor Manuel Comnenus, tr. into Anglo- Norman verse by Raoul d'Arundel; this is the earliest translation of the let- ter (ante A.D. 1100), and the only one known in French verse. Two folios of art. 7 have mistakenly been bound in between ff. 150 and 151 (see above). In R. Vitale, "Edition and Study of the Letter of Prester John to the Emperor Manuel of Constantinople: The Anglo-Norman PJiymed Version" (Ph.D. diss., Univ. Maryland, 1975), MS 395 is used to establish the text. See also Mey- er, op. cit., pp. 228-35.

9. ff. 153r-179r Ci comence le Bestiaire enfranceis. Qui ben comence et ben de- fine/ Cest uerite seue et fine/ . . . Ke nous al ior del iugement/ Seiom a sa destre partie/ Amen Amen chascun en die. f. 179v blank

Guillaume le Clerc, Bestiaire; ed. R. Reinsch, Le Bestiaire, Das Thierbuch des normannischen Dichters Guillaume le Clerc (Leipzig, 1890) pp. 219-402 (ending at line 4136). MS 395 is Reinsch's U (pp. 30-31); he groups it with several other Anglo-Norman copies, including London, B. L. Egerton MS 613; Ox- ford, Bod. Lib. Bodley 132; and Paris, B. N. fr. 902 (p. 33). See also Mey- er, op. cit., pp. 235-36.

10. ff. 180r-183v Hie incipit liber sompniorum et lunarum. luna prima. Fet fu Adam. Bon est a totes riens comencer. Enfant qui nest ert pruz et sages, et soffra perilz en eaue ... E ki le setime ior de Marz ou en lutime ior daueril se seignera//


^1 ms 395

M. Forster, "Vom Fortleben antiker Sammellunare im englischen und in anderen Volkssprachen/Mw^/m 67-68 (1944) p. 154; Meyer, op. cit., pp. 236-38, cites several manuscripts with similar texts, including London, B. L. Royal 16. E. VIII, Paris, B. N. fr. 2039, and Oxford, Bodl. Lib. Digby 86.

11. ff. 184r-188v //A deu ala al ciel quant del siecle departi/ Ki deu sert ne faut pas que li ne seit meri/ . . . Quant vendrum a granz nuces que ne seum forsclos/ Amen chescun die ceo nus ad dit Beros. Amen.

Le voyage du Chevalier Owen aupurgatoire de saint Patrice, lacking 1 folio (90 lines) at beginning; ed. M. Morner, Le Purgatoire de saint Patrice par Berol (Ph.D. diss., Lund, 1917), from this manuscript (see pp. xii-xiii) and the one other known copy of the same text (Tours, Bibl. Municipale MS 948, s. xiv). See also Meyer, op. cit., pp. 238-46.

12. ff. 189r-224v Qui uolt oir e uolt saueir/ De rei en rei de eir en eir/ ... vint en bretaigne saint germains/ Si li enueia sant romains/ Ki del aposto- lite// catchwords: De rume ont la poeste

Wace, Roman de Brut, lines 1-7141; ed. I. Arnold, in Societe des anciens textes francais (Paris, 1938) v. 1, pp. 5-379. Arnold lists MS 395 (then in the Phillipps collection) as Z (pp. xiii-xiv), and considers it in the family of, but inferior to, Durham, Cathedral C. IV. 27. I, and Lincoln, Cathedral no. 104 (both of s. xiii; see p. xxviii). See also Meyer, op. cit., pp. 246-47.

Parchment (poor quality), ff. ii (parchment) + 224 + ii (parchment), 300 x 200 (253 x 170) mm. Written in 2 columns of 36-42 lines of verse, ruled in lead (below top line). Triple vertical bounding lines to left of written space and between columns (initials of verses placed on center ruling), double or tri- ple vertical bounding lines at right of written space, double horizontal lines at top, center and bottom of written space, all full length and full across. Prick- ings (dots, slashes, or triangular tears) at outer edges, sometimes near gutter; extra pair often appears several mm. within the row of prickings for the cen- tral and lower horizontal bounding lines.

A tight modern binding prevents the precise collation of the manuscript. I12 (-1, -2, + 1 leaf glued in at beginning), II-VII12, VIII16 (-15, -16 at end of art. 3), IX8 (at least one leaf missing at beginning, see art. 4), X5 (struc- ture uncertain), XI6, XII-XIII12, XIV8, XV4 (misbound in the following order: 141, 142, 151, 152), XVI-XVII12, XVIII6, XIX7 (structure uncertain), XX-XXII12.

Written by 6 scribes in large gothic bookhand. Scribe 1 : ff. lr-75r, 1 1 lr-130v, 153r-183v (characterized by decorative descenders in final line of text); Scribe 2: ff. 75r-97v (z with small horizontal crossbar); Scribe 3: ff. 98r-110r, 131r-152v, 189r-201v, 212v-216v (exaggerated ascenders in top line of text); Scribe 4: ff. 184r-188v; Scribe 5; second column off. 20 lv (crude script); Scribe 6: ff. 202r-212r, 216v-224v (poorly formed).

MS 396 273

4-line initials, divided blue and red (ff. lllr, 153r, 189r), with penwork in red and blue or red only. 3- and 2- line initials, red with blue penwork or vice versa (quire VI lacks flourishes on initials). Paragraph marks in red or blue; some rubrics at beginning of articles. 1-line initials stroked with yellow or red. Ink drawings in margins include King Arthur (f. 189r).

Early repairs with parchment throughout; no loss of text. Waterstains, ff. 221v-224r. Rubbing on f. 224v has caused some loss of text in col. a.

Binding: s. xix. Diced red/brown calf, gold-tooled.

Written in England at the end of the 13th or beginning of the 14th century; early provenance unknown, but some 15th-century glosses, in Middle English and Latin, occur in the text. Unidentified shelf-marks "585" and "L.2" and in- scription on f. lr: "In Chartophyl [?] ." Many notes of an unidentified Eng- lish owner (s. xix) in library files. Acquired from Thorpe by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 4156, note inside front cover and damaged tag on spine). Phil- lipps sale at Sotheby's, 29 Nov. 1966, no. 49. Sold by B. Quaritch (Cat. 880, 1967, no. 2). Bought from C. A. Stonehill, in 1968, by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

Bibliography: J. Vising, Anglo-Norman Language and Literature (London, 1923) p. 96, no. 302.

MS 396 Italy, s. XVII

Pope Pius IV

1 . ff. lr-5r Sommario de Capitoli formati tra li Cardinali nella Sede uacante di Paolo IV l'anno 1559: da giurarsi, et osseruarsi da [sic] chi sara Papa. ff. 5v-6v blank

Summary of suggestions by the College of Cardinals made upon the death of Pope Paul IV and before the election of Giovanni Angelo de' Medici as Pope Pius IV (1559-65).

2. ff. 7r-8v Risposta del signor Cardinale Orsini.

Response to the Pope on conclave reform, by Cardinal Flavio Orsini (d. 1581), a jurist who had been made Cardinal by Pope Pius IV.

Paper (watermarks: unidentified bird, with letters A and N, all enclosed with- in a circle), ff. ii (paper; measuring only 246 x 155 mm.) + 8 (contemporary foliation 130-137), 307 x 223 (ca. 270 x 158) mm., leaves folded to form verti- cal bounding lines. A single gathering of 8 leaves written in large, sprawling italic.

Binding: s. xix-xx. Paper case over millboard.

Written in Italy, probably Rome, in the 17th century; originally part (ff. 130-137) of a larger volume. Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guil-

274 ms 397

ford (1776-1827); not located in his sale catalogue. Acquired by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 6315; tag on f. i recto and pencil notations on f. i recto and f. lr). Purchased from Hellmut Schumann in 1969 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

MS 397 France [?] or Germany [?], s. XIIex

Hermannus Contractus (1 bifolium, 1 fragment)

1. f. lr-v //uel astris [signs to represent stars] uel ita [signs] et est in cigno ! ... harenosa et ceteras partes per mauros//; f. 2r-v [quan]//tum spacii * numerus ipsorum graduum in hac linea a corausto ... Ex his iuxta regulam circuli et diametrici crassitudinem//

Hermannus Contractus. De utilitatibus astrolabii, text of bifolium not continu- ous: f. lr-v, Book 1. 17-19 (PL 143.401-03); f. 2r-v, Book 2. 1-3 (PL 143.406-08).

2. f. 3r-v Fragment of a single leaf with narrow strip of text ca. 22 mm. wide, //ita .xii. in eo spa// ... [H]oc modo alhanca//

Hermannus Contractus, Liber de mensura astrolabii, Book 1, portions of chs. 5-6 (PL 143.385-87).

Parchment, ff. 1-2: bifolium with individual leaf measuring 201 x 125 (161 x 70) mm.; f. 3: fragment 202 x 63 mm. 36 long lines. Prickings along outer edge. Romanesque minuscule verging on gothic bookhand. Plain initials, 3- to 2 -line, headings and horizontal lines for chart in orange. Diagram of dial on f. 2r; star chart on f. 3v.

Written in France [?] or possibly Germany [?], at the end of the 12th century. Annotated by several contemporary hands, in Latin. Bifolium used as a wrap- per for a book numbered "5311". Owned in 17th or 18th century by a German who wrote in the margin (f. 2v). Purchased from H. P. Kraus in 1969 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

MS 398 Italy, s. XIV2

Boccaccio, De claris mulieribus, It. tr. Donato degli Albanzani

1. ff. lr-2r [Alphabetical index according to the names of the women, with reference to chapter numbers:] Tauola Delle Rubriche dellefamose dopnne, videlicet In prima [one word illegible] amore de tucte sia et cetera, xvij. Arangne dasia trouo luso dellino et penso fare le reti fini sua uita con un lazzio. xxiiij. Almathea vergine chiamata de pheba [sic] famosa per sua verginita . . . Ixxxxvij. Xenobia reyna di palmi remi.

MS398 275

2. ff. 2v-74r Incomincia il libro delle Jamose donne Conpilato per misser Giouanni boccacci a pitizione dellajamosissima Reyna Ioanna de puglia translatato per maistro donato Casentino a pitizione del marchese Nicolo da EstL Rubricha. Douendo yo scriuere per che vertude siano conosciute le famose dopne non par cosa indengna pigliare [c]omenciamen[to] da quella che fu matre de tucti gli homini. Eua la quale fo sanza dubio prima madre fo gloriosa di magnifiche virtudi per che ella non fu prodocta in questa faticosa valle di miserie ... [f. 73r, end of last chapter:] ma singolare honore di ytalia non ueduto per lo tempo passato dalcune na- cionj. [f. 73r, translator's continuation:] Sequita pure de cuesco medesino caso et di questa medesino dopnna et di suo tragedia etfinicion. Lautore che scripse de queste famose dopne non arriuo al fine di questa reyna gloriosa . . . et che niuno se dee chiamare beato Innanczi che muoua [sic] et chegli sia sepellito. Finito e quj il libro delle jamose dopne compilato per Misseri Iohannj boccaczi adpeticione de la Serenis- sima et Excelsa famossissima Illustra Regina Iohanna Regina di Ierusalem di puglia et de Sicilia et cetera, po fo translatato in dyoma vulgaro per maestro donato di Casentino adpeticione del Magnifico Marchese Nicolo da Esti principe et Signore diferrara deo Gra- cias Amen. f. 74v blank, except for pentrials

L. Tosti. ed. , Volgarizzamento di Maestro Donato da Casentino delVOpera diMesser Boccaccio De claris mulieribus rinvenuto in un codice del XIV secolo dell'Archivio cas- sinense (Naples, 1836). The chapter on Soaemias/Semiamira (in the Latin text, between Faustina and Zenobia) is not present in MS 398 or in Tosti's edition. For the translator's continuation, in Latin, see A. Hortis, Studi sulle Opere La- tine del Boccaccio (Trieste, 1877) pp. 114-16.

Paper (watermarks: unidentified mountain) and parchment (inner and out- er bifolios, of poor quality), ff. i (paper) + 74 + i (paper), 280 x 213 (199 x 170) mm. Written in 2 columns of 39 lines. Ruled in brown ink, single vertical (and some horizontal) bounding lines full length.

I8 (-8, +1 leaf added to replace it, f. 8), II-V8, VI18, VII18 (-17, 18, no loss of text). Catchwords centered below columns, verso, sometimes enclosed in red and/or brown penwork.

Written by three persons in round gothic script: Scribe 1, ff. lr-33v (except f. 8, replaced in s. xvi); Scribe 2, ff. 33v-36v; Scribe 3; ff. 37r-74r. In por- tions written by Scribes 1 and 2 some elaborate ascenders and descenders in upper and lower margins, touched with red.

Initials, 3- to 2-line, in red or blue, sometimes with red penwork. Rubrics throughout. Initial added [date?], f. 2v, to replace one removed: blue, with leafy filler in green outline, and foliage extending down margin and across top and bottom of column, drawn in green, red, and blue.

Initial removed from f. 2v; leaf was then reinforced with paper covering f. 2r, col. b (blank). Lower margins of ff. 1, 33 and 37 cut off.

276 MS 399

Binding: s. xix-xx. Vellum spine and fore-edge strip with marbled paper sides. Label on spine: "Donne Illust. del Boccacc. MS."

Written in Italy toward the end of the 14th century; early provenance unknown. Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; bookplate; no. 78 on tag on spine and in his sale catalogue, 8 Dec. 1830). Acquired through Thorpe by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 7452, tag on spine and pencil note inside front cover; Phillipps Studies v. 3, pp. 56, 162). Purchased from H. P. Kraus (Cat. 100, no. 16; Gat. 110, no. 14; Cat. 115, no. 1) in 1970 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: [index, f. 2] per simplicita [text, f. 3] cum presentusu

MS 399 Louvain, 1514

Ciruelo, Opusculum de Sphera mundi Ioannis de Sacro Bosco

1 . ff. lr-15r Johannis de sacro busto [sic] Spere mundi opusculum vna cum addicioni- bus peroportune inter sertis ac aliquali textus expositione Petri Ciruelli darocensis felici sidere inchoat Pro hemium Author is . Dixit ifcrossed out: hjohannes tractatum de spera mundi 4or capittulis distinguimus. Dicturi primo (quorundam ter- minorum expositione premissa) de forma mundi ... [Gap. 1 begins, f. lr:] Capitulum de forma mundi . . . Spera (ut geometre aiunt) est corpus rotunditate perfectum ... Aut deus nature patitur aut mundi machina dissoluitur. Et sic est finis Louanij Anno 1514 incompleto. circa festum paulj. f. 9v blank

Pedro Sanchez Ciruelo, Opusculum de Sphera Mundi Ioannis de Sacrobosco; has the same divisions, but is shorter than the edition done by Guy Marchand for Jean Petit (Paris, 1498) a. vi, verso - m. vi, recto.

2. ff. 15v-16r [Text:] Circulus ecentricus uel egresse cuspidis uel egredientis centri dicitur qui non habet centrum suum cum centro mundi . . . [commen- tary:] Circulus huius libri. Incipit theorica id est scientia speculatiua de moti- bus planetarum.... ff. 16v-18v blank, except for short note on f. 18r concerning the planets

Unidentified commentary on Gerard of Cremona (Sabbionetta?), Theorica planetarum; F.J. Carmody, ed., Theorica planetarum Gerardi (Berkeley , 1942). The commentary is incomplete, discussing only the first three sentences of Gerard's treatise.

The manuscript is bound with two early printed texts:

I. Bartolomeo Vespucci, comp., Oratio de laudibus astrologiae; Textus Spherae Joannis de Sacro Bosco, with commentaries of Bartolomeo Vespucci, Franciscus Capua- nus de Manfredonia, J. Le Fevre d'Etaples, Pierre d'Ailly, Robert of Lincoln,

MS 4OO 277

and Joannes Regiomontanus. Venice: J. Rubeus and Bernardinus Ver- cellenses, 1508. The Ciruelo manuscript is bound in between ff. 70 and 71 of the printed text, between the commentaries of J. Le Fevre and Pierre d'Ailly.

II. Egidio Colonna, De materia cell questio and De intellectu possibili contra Averoim quaestio aurea. Padua: Hieronymus de Durantis, 1493 (Hain 114).

Paper (watermarks similar in design to Briquet Lettre P 8538 and Piccard Buchstabe P 11.268), ff. ii (part of quire I) + 18, 299 x 206 (245 x 160) mm. Written in ca. 60 long lines, frame-ruled in hard point; prickings at corners of written space.

I10, II8, III2.

Written in small, cramped cursive of 2 sizes, for text of Sacro Bosco and commentary; headings by the scribe, in a larger more formal script related to batarde.

Simple initials in outline by the scribe (3- or 2-line).

Stain on f. 8v does not affect text. Discoloration on ff. i recto and 18v sug- gests that the manuscript was once a separate booklet.

Binding: s. xix [?]. Vellum case with stubs of two ties.

Written in 1514 (see f. 15r) in Louvain. Early modern provenance unknown. Purchased from H. P. Kraus (Cat. 107, no. 27) in 1970 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

MS 400 Paris, s. XV1/4

De Levis Hours PL 12

1 . ff. lr-12v Full calendar in French of the general type printed by Perdrizet, alternating red and blue entries with major feasts in gold.

2. ff. 13r-16v Sequences of the Gospels.

3. ff. 17r-22v Obsecro te ... [masculine forms; Leroquais LH 2.346]; O in- temerata ... orbis terrarum. De te enim ... [masculine forms; Wilmart, 494-95].

4. ff. 23r-76r Hours of the Virgin, use of Paris, 9 Psalms and lessons at Ma- tins for the 3 nocturns; two leaves missing after f. 58 v (end of Terce, begin- ning of Sext). f. 76 v blank

5. ff. 77r-92v Penitential Psalms and Litany, including Dionysius (11), Maurice (12), Eustachius (13), Nicasius (15), and Quentin (19) among the 19 martyrs; Remigius (4), Maturinus (6), Brictius (13), Ivo (14), Magloire (17), Privatus (18), Medard (19), Sulpice (20), and Maurus (21) among the 21 confessors; Juliana (5) and Genevieve (9) among the 13 virgins.

6. ff. 93r-121v Hours of the Passion, with two leaves missing after f. llOv (end of Terce, beginning of Sext), two after f. 1 13v (end of Sext, beginning

278 MS 400

of None), two after f. 116v (end of None, beginning of Vespers), two after f. 121v (end of Compline, beginning of art. 7). ff. 103v, 118v ruled, but blank

7. ff. 122r-125v Short Hours of the Cross, beginning defectively.

8. ff. 126r-129v Short Hours of the Holy Spirit.

9. ff. 130r-164v Office of the Dead, use of Paris; one leaf missing after f. 134v.

10. ff. 165r-171v Fifteen Joys of the Virgin, in Fr., beginning defectively [Leroquais, LH 2.310-11]; Seven Requests, in Fr. [Leroquais, LH 2.309-310]; Sainte uraye croys aouree ... [Sonet 1876].

11. ff. 172r-179v Suffrages to the Trinity, Annunciation, Holy Cross (2), Michael archangel, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, All Apostles, Di- onysius, Cosmas and Damian, Lawrence, Antony abbot, Leonard, Louis King, All Confessors, Mary Magdalen, Catharine of Alexandria, 11,000 Virgins, All Virgins, All Saints.

12. ff. 180r-189r Votive masses of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary, the Dead. f. 189v ruled, but blank

Parchment, f. i (parchment) + 189 + i (parchment), 216 x 153 (104 x 68) mm., trimmed. Written in 16 long lines, 17 in Calendar. Single vertical and horizontal bounding lines, full length. Ruled in red ink.

I12, II4, III6, IV-VII8, VIII8 (-5, 6), IX-XIV8, XV8 (-3, 4, 8), XVI8 (-1, 5, 6), XVII4 (-4), XVIII8 (-1), XIX8(-7), XX-XXII8, XXIII8 (-6), XXIV-XXV8, XXVI8 (-8). Three of the missing leaves were offered at auc- tion but not sold at Sotheby's, 22 June 1982, lot 75: VIII (5) folio 2 in sale, end of Terce, Hours of the Virgin; XV (3) folio 3, end of Terce, Hours of the Passion; XVII (4) folio 1, end of Compline, Hours of the Passion. A fourth leaf, XVI (5), end of None, Hours of the Passion, reproduced in M. Lans- burgh, "The Illuminated Manuscript Collection at Colorado College,'' Art Journal 28 (1968) p. 63, fig. 6, also remains in the Lansburgh collection. The fate of the other missing leaves, including perhaps six miniatures, is unknown.

Written in gothic bookhand.

Sixteen miniatures from the workshops of the Lucon Master and the Master of the Duke of Bedford, in blue, pink, and gold arched frames, some with cusp- ing; see M. Meiss, The De Levis Hours and the Bedford Workshop (Lectures in Manuscript Illumination, New Haven, 1972). The collaboration represents the latest known activity of the Lucon workshop (dated works from 1401-11) and one of the earlier products of the Bedford Master (active ca. 1410?-1435?); see Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 221-23, no. 46, pi. 26 of f. 23r. For other manuscripts produced in the two shops, see M. Meiss, French Painting in the Time of Jean de Berry: The Limbourgs and their Contemporaries (New York, 1974) v. 1, pp. 363-68, 393-97, and Plummer, The Last Flowering, p. 2, no. 2. In addition, the "Bedford"-style Hours of the Cross, sold at Sotheby's (19 May

MS 4OO 279

1958, lot 102, with illustration in color) and now in an English private collec- tion, closely resembles Beinecke 400 in style, quality, script and borders (we thank G. de Hamel for this observation).

Miniatures are as follow (number following the letter M refers to plates in Meiss, De Levis Hours): f. 23r Annunciation (Hours of the Virgin, Matins; Bed- ford workshop, M. frontispiece); f. 42r Visitation (Lauds; Bedford workshop, M. 1); f. 51r Nativity (Prime; Lucon workshop, M. 2); f. 56r Annunciation to the shepherds (Terce; Bedford workshop, M. 7); one miniature missing af- ter f. 58: probably Adoration of Magi (Sext); f. 62r Presentation in temple (None, Lucon workshop, M. 3); f. 66r Flight into Egypt (Vespers; Bedford workshop, M. 8); f. 72r Coronation of the Virgin (Compline; Bedford work- shop, M. 9); f. 77r David in prayer (Penitential Psalms; Lucon workshop, M. 4); f. 93r Betrayal of Christ (Hours of the Passion, Matins; Lucon Master, M. 5); f. 98v Christ before Pilate (Lauds; Bedford workshop, M. 10); f. 104r Flagellation (Prime; Bedford workshop, M. 1 1); f. 107r Way to Calvary (Terce; Bedford workshop, M. 12); one miniature missing after f. 110, probably Crucifixion (Sext); one miniature missing after f. 113, probably Deposition (None); one miniature missing after f. 116, probably Lamentation (Vespers); f. 119r Entombment (Compline; Bedford workshop, M. 13); one miniature missing after f. 121 , subject uncertain (Short Hours of the Cross); f. 126r Pente- cost (Short Hours of the Holy Spirit; Bedford workshop, M. 15); f. 130r Buri- al service in cemetery (Office of the Dead; Bedford workshop, M. 14); one miniature missing after f. 165, subject uncertain (Fifteen Joys of the Virgin); f. 169r Last Judgment (Seven Requests; Lucon workshop, M. 6).

Each miniature with a lavish acanthus border incorporating arms on ff. 77r and 93r (see Provenance). Text pages with a 3/4 bar border, pink, blue and gold, with interlace knots at corners and terminals and delicate rinceaux, in two sizes on different folios. 3 -line initials at text opening, two historiated: f. 77r David in prayer and f. 93r Christ with three Apostles in the Garden; f. 51r with a blue and gold diapered ground; the remainder, blue with white highlights or in pink and blue acanthus filled with ivy, with blue and orange leaves, on gold, against pink, blue and/or gold grounds with white filigree; framed in gold, often with small ivy or acanthus serifs. 4- to 2-line initials in text and KL monograms, pink or blue with white highlights, filled with ivy, as above. 1-line initials blue, pink and gold with white filigree. Line fillers, blue, pink and gold, three (ff. 57r, 102r, 102v) signed by Petrus Gilberti, known to have signed line fillers in at least four other manuscripts: two copies of the Bible historiale, Brussels, Bibl. Roy. MS 9001-2 and London, B. L. Royal 15 D III, and two Books of Hours, Brussels, Bibl. Roy. MS 9484 and Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Library, MS Bd. Rare BY C36 H835 (olim B 24); see Meiss, De Levis Hours, pp. 9-10, with fig. off. 102r on p. 9; H. Vollmer, "Drei neue Miniaturisten-Namen des XV. Jahrhunderts," Repertoriumfur Kunst- wissenschajt 33 (1910) p. 235; and G. Dogaer, "Petrus Gilberti, een vroeg-

280 MS 4OI

vijftiende eeuws frans verluchter, " Archief- en Bibliotheekwezen in Belgie 38 (1967) pp. 117-19. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Gilt edges. Red velvet with a silver fastening (for in- scription on clasp see Provenance) and a silver medallion, with unidentified male figure preaching, in center of upper board.

Written and illuminated ca. 1410-20, in Paris, in the workshops of the Lucon Master and the Master of the Duke of Bedford. Arms on ff. 77r and 93r may have been painted over original arms. The present arms are (f. 77r) or, 3 chevrons sable impaling or, 5 piles issuant from the dexter side sable, with motto "a James" on a scroll above; and (f. 93r) or, 3 chevrons sable. Those on f. 93r have tentatively been identified as belonging to the French family of De Levis, Dukes of Mirepoix and Ventadour, and those impaled with them on f. 77r as perhaps the arms of the Westkercke family of the Netherlands, but there is no known record of intermarriage between the families. In an in- scription in German inside of clasp, the birth of Anna Barbara Magdalena Honoldin is recorded by her godfather, Elias Dietrich Holl, in 1762: "A. 1762. d. 13 Dec. nachts zw. 8 u. 9 uhr ist gebohren Anna Barbara Magdalena Honol- din deren Gevatter Elias Dietrich Holl. W. G. L. u. S." Unidentified nota- tions inside front cover include: small white label with "Q. 4" printed in black; white label with blue frame within which has been added in pencil "1". Be- longed to Robert Hoe ([G. Shipman], A Catalogue of Manuscripts forming a Por- tion of the Library of Robert Hoe [New York, 1909] pp. 33-34; part 4 of his sale, Anderson's, 11 Nov. 1912, no. 2347, illus. facing p. 326 off. 93r). From the collection of A. Chester Beatty (pencil notation inside front cover "W[estern] MS. 85. Ill"; part 2 of his sale, Sotheby's, 9 May 1933, no. 53). Purchased from H. P. Kraus in 1968 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 221-23, no. 46, pi. 17.

Catalogue of an Exhibition of Illuminated and Painted Manuscripts . . . (New York: The Grolier Club, 1892) p. 18, no. 41, pi. facing p. 10.

R. Schilling, "The Master of Egerton 1070 (Hours of Rene Anjou)," Scripto- rium 8 (1954) p. 278, n. 20.

MS 401 England, s. IXin

Aldhelm, De laude virginitatis

Published by R. Ehwald, Aldhelmi Opera, MGH, A. A. 15 (Berlin, 1919; 2nd ed. 1961); MS 401 described on p. 214 (MS P). The Old English glosses, ad- ded s. X2, are printed and discussed by A. S. Napier, Old English Glosses (Ox- ford, 1900) pp. 175-78 (no. 11); H. D. Meritt, "Old English Aldhelm Glosses," Modern Language Notes 67 (1952) pp. 553-54; idem, "Old English Glosses, Most- ly Dry Point," Journal of English and Germanic Philology 60 (1961) p. 441; L.

MS 401 28l

Goossens, The Old English Glosses of MS. Brussels, Royal Library 1650 ... (Brus- sels, 1974) p. 19, no. 9. The 26 leaves of this manuscript are probably frag- ments of eight quires that can be arranged as follows (with ff. 9 and 22 out of order):

1. ff. 1-5 Leaves 2-3, 5-7 of a quire of 8. ff. lr-2v: //unus tamen accipit ... Cecinisse cum diceret//; ff. 3r-5v: //rite rimando. Nunc ... Antidotum uitaliter propi//

Portions of chs. 2-7; Ehwald, 230/15 - 232/4 and 232/23 - 235/5.

2. ff. 6-7 Outermost bifolium of a quire of 8. f. 6r-v: //Ut est illud non au- feretur ... limpidissimi solis splendor//; f. 7r-v: //suppraema strage trucker ... uero si uestrae sagacitatis. [text continues in art. 3, f. 9r]

Portions of chs. 8-9 and 12-13; Ehwald, 236/5 - 237/6 and 241/1 - 17.

3. ff. 9, 8 in this order, the outermost bifolium of a quire of 8 (lower and outer margins trimmed, with much loss of text), f. 9r-v: peruigil sollicitudo solerter ... affectu lugubriter conponat//; f. 8r-v: //uocibus quod sola ... altera se maritalis lasci//

Portions of chs. 13, 16-17, with text continuing on f. 9r from 7v; Ehwald, 241/17 - 242/9 and 245/21 - 246/9.

4. ff. 10-16 A quire of 8, lacking the seventh leaf. ff. 10r-15v: //Ilia pulcher- rimo fulgentis pudicitiae ... catholicae fidei sectatoribus//; f. 16r-v: //Con- planans anfractus praeco regis . . . confectio humanae

Portions of chs. 17-22, 23; Ehwald, 246/10 - 253/1 and 253/26 - 255/6.

5. ff. 17-19 The first, fifth, and sixth leaves of a quire of 6. f. 17r-v: naturae nocitura habebatur ... Atque quinquies quadra//; ff. 18r-19v: //muros. Et hanc ueteranam ... disputationis sophisma pollebat [followed by erasure]//

Portions of chs. 23-24, 25-27; with text continuing on f. 17r from 16v; Eh- wald, 255/6 - 256/6 and 259/14 - 262/10.

6. f. 20 A single leaf of a quire. //Ac demum quinquies bilustris ... sacella et dissipatas fanaticae//

Portions of chs. 29-30; Ehwald, 267/16 - 269/6.

7. f. 22 A single leaf of a quire, //sera penitentia cunctis ... qui orientis im- perii sceptra//

Portion of ch. 32; Ehwald, 272/9 - 273/11.

8. ff. 21, 23-26 The first, fourth, fifth, seventh, and eighth leaves of a quire of 8. f. 21r-v: //exsoluit. Sed rursus ... rumigerula [?] uirginitatis//; ff. 23r-24v: //ad eundem theophilum destinasse ... mutarit. Et post pauca//; ff. 25r-26v: //quarum formosam uultus ... flagrorum uibice cruentata//



Portions of chs. 45-46, 47-49, 50-51; Ehwald, 299/9 - 300/12; 302/7 - 304/13; 305/14 - 307/15.

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 26 + i (paper), 198 x 145 (138 x 110) mm. ff. 1-9 written in 19 long lines; ff. 10-26 in 22 long lines. Ruled in hard point generally on hair side before folding; double vertical bounding lines. Double horizontal rulings, many extend full width of bifolium. Prickings on innermost and outermost vertical bounding lines; occasional double prickings (e.g., f. 17) at corners of written space.

See above for collation.

Written by two scribes, Scribe 1, ff. lr-9v: a vigorous and well spaced Anglo- Saxon minuscule; preference for minuscule d; strokes of letters often extend well into margin at end of line. Scribe 2, ff. 10r-26v: slightly cramped hand; preference for uncial d. See E. A. Lowe, "Membra disiecta" Revue Benedictine 39 (1927) p. 191. Anglo-Saxon glosses added by several hands either in small upward-leaning Caroline minuscule or in a somewhat larger script that uses insular letter- forms.

Decorative initials, 5- to 2-line, in black surrounded by red dots; smaller initials, 2- to 1-line, in red, often with traces of yellow. Letters, stroked with red, many now oxidized; occasional punctuation in red.

Folios 8, 9, and 22 have been used as wrappers; mutilated with loss of text. Significant water damage on ff. 19r-20v, 26r; rewritten by later scribe.

Binding: s. xixmed. Olive paper case with "Middle Hill boards," bound by George Bretherton of Gloucester who worked for Sir Thomas Phillipps, 1848-51.

Written at the beginning of the 9th century, probably in Canterbury or Worces- ter to judge by the script (see E. A. Lowe, op. cit., pp. 191-92; A. von Euw, Die Handschriften der Sammlung Ludwig [Cologne, 1982] v. 3, pp. 66-69). The Old English glosses were apparently added in the second half of the 10th cen- tury (N. R. Ker, Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon [Oxford, 1957] no. 12; idem, "A Supplement to Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon" Anglo-Saxon England b [1976] pp. 121-31, no. 12) and may be of Kentish origin (Napier, op. cit. , p. xxxii). There are at present 38 leaves surviving from the original manuscript: 28 folios in the Beinecke Library (MSS 401 and 401A; see also following catalogue entry), 2 leaves in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Lat. th. d. 24 (see F. Madan, et ai, Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library [1905] v. 5, p. 842), portions of 2 leaves in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Don. f. 458 (see Ker, "A Supplement to Catalogue'' op. cit., p. 122), 2 leaves in Cambridge, University Library Add. MS 3330 (we thank J. S. Ring- rose for her assistance with these fragments), 1 leaf in London, B.L. Add. MS 50483K, 1 leaf in the J. F. Lewis Collection in the Free Library (MS ET 121) of Philadelphia (Faye and Bond, p. 454), 2 leaves in Malibu, California, J. Paul Getty Museum MS Ludwig XI. 5 (see von Euw, op. cit. , pp. 66-69). The

MS 401A 283

fragments comprising Beinecke MS 401 were discovered by Samuel Weller Singer (1783-1858), Librarian of the Royal Institution, in a Brighton book- shop where the codex had been dismembered to provide wrappers for books. He presented one fragment (f. 22) to Sir Thomas Phillipps in 1827; inscrip- tion on f. 22v, in upper margin: "Preserved from the cover of a book by ... Singer, Librarian to the Royal Institution, and by him presented to Sir Thos. Phillipps, Bart. 1827." The remaining leaves of MS 401 were either given or sold by Singer to Richard Heber (1773-1833); his sale (10 Feb. 1836, no. 32; label on spine) to Payne who acquired them for Phillipps (no. 8071; tag on spine; inscription inside front cover). In the Phillipps sale of 25 Nov. 1969 (Sotheby's, New Series, Medieval Manuscripts ■, Part V) these leaves were joined together with two additional leaves from the same manuscript (Phillipps MS 20688, ff. 9, 10; presently Beinecke MS 401 A) and sold as lot 442. Acquired from H. P. Kraus in 1970 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 178-79, no. 3.

T. E. Marston, "The Earliest Manuscript of St. Aldhelm's De laude virginita- tis,n Gazette 44 (1970) pp. 204-06.

R. L. Collins, Anglo-Saxon Vernacular Manuscripts in America, exh. cat. (New York: Pierpont Morgan Library, 1976) pp. 29-31.

H. Gneuss, "Manuscripts Written or Owned in England up to 1 100," Anglo- Saxon England 9 (1981) p. 54, no. 857.

MS 401A England, s. IXin

Aldhelm, De laude virginitatis (bifolium)

Conjugate leaves originally from the same manuscript as Beinecke MS 401; probably the third and sixth leaves of a quire:

1. f. lr-v //squaloris nausiam perpetitur ... et apertis clatrorum obstaculis// Portion of ch. 36; Ehwald 283/4 - 284/7.

2. f. 2r-v //Tempore scelestissimi Iuliani ... Potissimum uiridibus herbarum// Beginning of ch. 38; Ehwald 286/17 - 288/1.

Parchment, ff. 2 (bifolium), 177 x 117 (145 x 100) mm., 22 long lines. Ruled in hard point on the hair side; double vertical inner and outer bounding lines with prickings along each of these double vertical rulings. For the script see MS 401; MS 401A was written by Scribe 2. Decorative Ton f. 2r, black ini- tial surrounded by red dots. Stitching holes in center of bifolium; outer mar- gins trimmed with some loss of text.

For the origin and early provenance of these two fragments see MS 401. Be- longed to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 20688, ff. 9, 10) who acquired them from

^5l MS 402

Guglielmo Libri (1802-69; his sale, Sotheby's, 28 March - 5 April 1859, no. 1 1 1 1 , f. 2r illustrated in pi. xxv). In the Phillipps sale of 25 Nov. 1969 (Sothe- by's, New Series, Medieval Manuscripts , Part V) the leaves were joined together with the 26 leaves now comprising Beinecke MS 401 (Phillipps no. 8071) and sold as lot 442. Acquired from H. P. Kraus in 1970 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

Bibliography: see MS 401.

MS 402 Germany, s. XImed

Gospels of Matthew and Mark PI. 4

1 . ff. lr-68r Gospel of Matthew, preceded by Prologue to Gospels from Jer- ome (Plures fuisse qui euangelia scripserunt et lucas euangelista . . . , Steg- miiller, v. 1, no. 596); letter of Jerome to Damasus (Nouum opus me facere cogis ex ueteri ut post exemplaria scripturarum ..., Stegmuller, v. 1, no. 595); spurious addition to letter attributed to Jerome (Sciendum etiam ne quis ignarum ex similitudine numerorum error inuoluat ..., Stegmuller, v. 1 , no. 601); Prologue to Matthew (Matheus ex iudea sicut in ordine primus ponitur ita euangelium ..., Stegmuller, v. 1, nos. 590, 591); list of 28 capi- tula, on ff. 6r-7v, with orange Roman numerals in outer margins and ini- tial letter of each verse to left of text space, touched with gold. Ammonian sections are given in the margins throughout the text of Matthew and Mark. f. 8r-v ruled, but blank

2. ff. 68v-lllr Gospel of Mark, preceded by Prologue to Mark (Marcus e- uangelista dei et petri in baptismate filius atque ..., Stegmuller, v. 1, no. 607) and 13 capitula (ff. 69r-70v) similar in format to those in art. 1. Final leaf missing; the conclusion of Mark is added on a piece of parchment (Ger- many, s. XIImed) stitched in between ff. 110 and 112 (formerly glued to f. 112).

Parchment, ff. ii (parchment) + 110 (modern foliation at upper right is cor- rect) + i (f. 112, contemporary parchment, ruled, one column 80 mm. wide, double vertical and horizontal bounding lines full length and full across, ruled in hard point) + i (parchment), 185 x 120 (121 x 62) mm., trimmed. Written in 24 long lines, single horizontal, double vertical bounding lines, full length, ruled in hard point on hair side. Additional single vertical rulings in inner and outer margin delineate columns for Ammonian sections. Remains of prick- ings in upper and lower margins.

I-VIII8, IX6, X-XIV8 (+ 1 leaf, f. 112, pasted in at end). A half leaf sewn in (s. xii) between ff. 110 and 112.

Written in German minuscule by a single scribe.

MS 403 285

At the beginning of each Gospel, full-page initials, f. 9r (Matthew) and f. 71r (Mark) incorporating symbols of the Evangelists; f. 9r has gold foliate scrolls with silver tendrils, one with a pink dragon-head terminal, against blue, light green and orange; f. 71r gold and silver, with spiraling foliage in shaded blue, orange and green, supported by a pink and gold dragon; both followed by dis- play capitals in alternate lines of gold and silver, shaded in blue. Large initials in gold and silver as above, 2-line, f. lr, and 6- or 5-line, ff. 3r, 5r, 5v, and 68v, for prefaces, epistles and prologues. 3-line initials, as above, for chapter divisions. 1-line initials throughout, inner margin, orange, filled with gold and/or silver. Rubrics in orange. Some oxidization of silver. The style of deco- ration is related to a group of Gospel books attributed to Freising and dated ca. 1040. The decorative initials are especially close to those in Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Glm 6204, 828, 23343, and 12201a. See E. F. Bange, Eine bayerische Malerschule des XI. und XII. Jahrhunderts (Munich, 1936) p. 39 ff. Compare, for example, f. 9r (Matthew) to Bange, op. cit., figs. 38 and 85; f. 71r (Mark) to figs. 39-41 (note the similarity in the hierarchical order of scripts); f. lr to figs. 124-25. Also compare the style of small initials to figs. 102, 103, and 174.

Binding: s. xix-xx. Red velvet case.

Written in Germany, probably at Freising (see above), in the middle of the 11th century; the conclusion of Mark lost by 12th century (see art. 2). Early provenance unknown, though the manuscript was in a French-speaking area when a text containing the date 1586 was added to f. lllv; the remainder of the French text is mostly illegible. Acquired from Leon Gruel of Paris (Feb. 1920) by A. Chester Beatty (see E. G. Millar, The Library of A. Chester Beat- ty ... [Oxford, 1927] v. 1, pp. 75-76, no. 20, with pi. LX of ff. 9r, 71r, 68v-69r). Sotheby's sale (24 June 1969, no. 43). Purchased from H. P. Kraus in 1969 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: uolumen

Bibliography; Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 183-84, no. 9, pi. 9 of f. 9r.

MS 403 France, s. XII4/4

Bible, with glossa ordinaria

1. ff. lr-62v [I]n anno primo cyri regis persarum ut compleretur uerbum domini ex ore hieremie suscitauit dominus spiritum cyri ... et in primitiis. Memento mei dominus meus in bonum. Explicit Ezras, f. 62v blank

Text of Ezra and Nehemiah, written in a single column (usually central), but on widely spaced rulings that will permit glosses to be written between the lines (see C. F. R. de Hamel, Glossed Books of the Bible and the Origins of the Paris Booktrade [Suffolk, 1984] pp. 24-25).

286 ms 404

2. ff. lr-62v Beda. Doraus uel templum dei in scripturis Sanctis unus quisque electorum et tota simul ecclesia solet appellari . . . labores memorie se creatoris et largitoris omnium bonorum commendat [followed by two short uniden- tified extracts from Augustine, Contra Cresconium].

Glossa ordinaria, both in margins and between lines of text; PL 1 13.691-726.

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 62 + i (paper), 232 x 157 (written space for Bib- lical passage varies from 140 x 56 to 155 x 102 mm.; when the commentary is written between the lines of the text and in all of the margins the written space measures ca. 165 x 119 mm.). For the text: ca. 8-21 lines; for the com- mentary: a maximum of 46 lines. The precise arrangement of the rulings varies according to the proportion of text to commentary (e. g. , there are not always rulings in the upper margin for the gloss). Ruled in crayon; prickings in outer margin.

I- VII8, VIII6. Quire signatures (e.g., a, b, c, etc.) along lower edge, verso.

Written in two sizes of neat French minuscule by a single scribe; text writ- ten either above or below top line and gloss below top line.

Lower half of f. 62 repaired with contemporary [?] parchment.

Binding: s. xix-xx. Plain vellum wrapper.

Written in France in the fourth quarter of the 12th century; early provenance unknown. Belonged to the Bibliotheque Houitte de Lachesnais (stamp on ff. lr and 9r). Purchased from Rossignol in 1969 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: [text] in ierusalem [gloss] Beda et

MS 404 Northern France, s. XIII/XIV

Rothschild Canticles (in Latin) PI. 8

The following entry was researched and written by J. F. Hamburger.

1 . f. lr Unidentifed arms, later addition; ff. lv-4r, 8r, 9r, lOr, 1 lr have tint- ed drawings added s. XIV1; ff. 12v-105v Emitte agnum domine dominatorem terre de petra deserti ad montem filie syon . . . Bernardus orauit domine due me ubi es. dixit ei barnarde non facio quoniam si ducerem te ubi sum annichilareris michi et tibi. ff. 4v, 5v-6r, 7v, 8v, 9v, lOv, llv-12r, 13v, 15v-16r, 17r, 18r, 19v-20r, 21v-22r, 23v-24r, 25v-26r, 27v, 28v-29r, 30v, 31v, 32v-33r, 34v-35r, 36v-37r, 38v-39r, 40v-41r, 42v-43r, 44v-45r, 46v-47r, 48v-49r, 50v, 51v, 52v, 53v-54r, 55v-56r, 57v-58r, 59v-60r, 61v-62r, 63r, 64v-65r, 66v-67r, 68v-69r, 70v-71r, 72r, 73v-74r, 75v-76r, 77v-78r, 79v-80r, 81v-82r, 83v, 84v-85r, 86r, 87r, 88v-89r, 90v-91r, 92v-93r, 94v-95r, 96v-97r, 98v-99r, lOOv-lOlr, 102v-103r, 104v-105r, 106v blank; f. 107r and upper portion of 107v are erased (see art. 8)

MS 404 287

A florilegium comprised of a series of meditations and prayers. The text, apparently a unicum, is a cento of biblical, liturgical, and patristic citations, with some additional material spuriously attributed to St. Bernard. The most important sources are the Song of Songs, the other Wisdom books, the Prophets, and, in the Trinitarian section, Augustine's De Trinitate. With the exception of f. 14r, the text occurs only on alternating versos. For a more complete description of the text and layout, see M. R. James, Description of an Illuminated Manuscript oftheXIIIth Century in the Possession of Bernard Quaritch (London, 1904), which is, in part, inaccurate, and J. F. Hamburger, "The Rothschild Canticles," Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, forthcoming in 1987, which will include an edition of this text.

2. ff. 107v-112v [Unidentified tract on the vices and virtues:] Sub superbia continentur hec qui secuntur. Inanis gloria que est appetitus laudis humane . . . Garitas est uirtus quam homo diligit deum super se et super omnia propter deum et proximum suum sicut se ipsum propter deum.

3. ff. 113r-114v In damasco erant diuerse herbe de natura speciali ... adam erat pauperrimus hominum quia mandatum dei trangressus est et promeruit mortem.

Tract on the monstrous races; R. A. Wisby, "Marvels of the East in the Wiener Genesis and in Wolfram's Parzifal" Essays in German and Dutch Litera- ture, ed. W. Robson-Scott (London, 1973) pp. 9-10 and n. 40; J. B. Fried- man, The Monstrous Races in Medieval Art and Thought (Cambridge, Mass., 1981) pp. 94, 214, n. 25, and 233, n. 12; and H. W. Janson, Apes and Ape- Lore in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (New York, 1957) p. 94.

4. ff. 1 15r-l 19v [Seven exemplar] Nota quod quidem nobilis mulier cum es- set in ecclesia tempore hyemali quedam paupercula mulier post tergum suum gemebat pre angustia frigoris ... [final exemplum, f. 1 19r:] Nota de clerico dormienti cui uidebatur quod demones ducerent animam eius ad infernum ... vidit ibi omnia peccata sua que confessus est intrauit religionem.

5. ff. 120r-121r [Excerpts attributed to John Chrysostom, Augustine, and Bernard, from an unidentified florilegium:] Crisostomus otium mors est et uiui hominis sepultura ... Augustinus in epistola ad yponenses. si modo tanta custodia tanta intentione cum magno labore agitis ne in aliquos cruciatus transitorios incidatis. ff. 122r, 123r tinted drawings; ff. 121v, 122v, 123v blank

6. ff. 124r-132r Acceptio personarum iudicare digne de subditis nequeunt qui in subditorum causis sua uel odia uel gratiam secuntur . . . postremus gradus est omnium uitiorum peremptorius ut de hoc mundo credas te cotidie migraturum. f. 132v blank

Excerpts from the Pharetra, a florilegium probably composed by an anony- mous Franciscan working before 1264 (see R. H. and M. Rouse, Preachers,

288 ms 404

Florilegia and Sermons: Studies in the "Manipulus florum" of Thomas of Ireland [Toronto, 1979] pp. 41 and 204-205). For a printed edition of the text, see Bonaventure, Opera omnia (Vatican City, 1596) v. 6 (Part 8) pp. 103-208.

7. f. 133r [Moral sayings, including verses on the confession of sins:] Omnis mulier fornicaria est quasi stercus in uia comes . . . Ilia autem aggrauant pec- catum et hoc scitur per hos uersus. Aggrauat ordo locus peccata scientia tempus. Etas conditio numerus mora copia causa et modus in culpa status altus lucta pusilla.

8. ff. 133v-140v Quid est predestinatio. predestinatio est ea ordinatio que ante creatum seculum quosdam ad suum regnum preordinauit ... [f. 139v, mid-page:] Scriptum est pater non portabit iniquitatem filii nee filius patris. Si filii parentibus// [text continues without a break on f. 139v:] //leti sunt. De absentibus amicis solliciti. Gum autem omnes simul ueniunt amplius gaudebunt ... [f. 140v:] Si autem uelociter contigerit pro alterius sancti meri- to fit ut sancto Mart// [text completed in another hand, s. XV?:] //ino epis- copo anima latronis apparuit cuius altare destruxit.

Two excerpts from the Elucidanus attributed to Honorius of Autun, Book 11.28-45 and BookIII.27-30; PL 172.1109-76. See Y. Lefevre, UElucidari- um et les lucidaires, Bibliotheque des holes franqais d'Athenes et de Rome 180 (Paris, 1954). Ultra-violet photography has revealed that the passage from Book III originally continued on f. 107r-v with the words "anima latronis" and continued through III. 32. The passage probably was erased after the manuscript was misbound (see physical description).

9. ff. 141r-142r [Five exempla:] Item beatus bernardus. cum esset in quo- dam castro et haberet socium secum intrauit lectum cum autem deberet dor- mire domina domus uenit ad lectum suum . . . Item non desperet peccatrix sed beatam uirginem habeat in memorie et cito resiliet a peccato. ff. 142v-144v originally left blank; ff. 142v and 144v covered with indecipher- able notes in faint lead [?]; ff. 143r and 144r with added drawings of Her- mit Saints.

10. ff. 145r-149r Excerpts from Ecclesiastes 2.16-8.5 and Hebrews 11.1-12.15. ff. 1 49v-l 52 v originally left blank; ff. 150r, 151r, 152r with added drawings of Hermit Saints.

11. ff. 153r-160v Excerpts from Proverbs 11.1-15.4.

12. ff. 161r-166v [Biblical passages, with excerpts attributed to John Chrysostom, Gregory, Augustine, Bernard, and the glossa ordinaria, possi- bly from a glossed Bible:] Job qui dicit etiam si occiderit me sperabo in eum ... Tertio amandus est quia benefitiis suis [?] meruit, bernardus multum de nobis deus meruit.

ms 404 289

13. ff. 167r-174v Proverbs 30.1-31.31; Jerome, Prologue to Ecclesiastes, Memini me hoc ferme ... (Stegmiiller, v. 1, no. 462); excerpts from Ec- clesiastes 1.1-2.16.

14. ff. 175r-182v Excerpt from Ezekiel 3.19-20; excerpts from Proverbs 1.1-10.21.

15. ff. 183r-185v [Tract on the death and assumption of the Virgin:] Maria uixit post mortem domini xiiijs annis vs ebdomadis preceptis . . . quesierunt et non inuenerunt sed capillos inuenerunt.

16. f. 186r-v [Tract on the Ten Commandments and the Seven Sacraments:] Hec sunt x precepta domini que deus scripsit in duobus tabulis lapideis . . . Quattuor de istis sacramentis possunt iterari tria non possunt iterari.

17. f. 187r-v [Tract on the five signs of the Epiphany:] In epiphania domini erant v signa . . . tunc erat xxxij annorum et xiij dierum postea uixit ihesus usque ad parasceuen.

18. f. 188r-v Iheronimus in octauo libro super ezechielem ... deus qui est sapientia et monitor tocius philosophic in libro salomonis.

The Penitence of Solomon; see H. Weisweiler, Das Schrifien der Schule An- selms von Laon und Wilhelm von Champeaux in deutschen Bibliotheken, Beitrage zur Geschichte und Theologie des Mittelalters, v. 33, 1-2 (Munster/Westfa- len, 1936) p. 238, and A. Derolez, Lambertus qui librum fecit: Een codicologische Studie van de Liber Floridus-Autograaf (Ghent, Universiteitsbiliotheek, Handschrift 92), Verhandelingen van de koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie, Klasse der Letteren, 40, no. 89 (Brussels, 1978) p. 180.

19. ff. 189r-190r Vnde uerissime apparet quod sicut oculus uespertilionis se habet ad lucem ... uide ergo ipsum purissimum esse si potes et occurret tibi quod ipsum non potest cogitari. ut ab alio acceptum. (f.l89r) Dicendo cum dyonysio ad deum trinitatem. summitas superessentialis et superdeus superoptime christianorum inspector . . . Benedictus dominus in eternum et dicet omnis populus fiat fiat amen. (f. 190r) O herte vrunt timothee wachte dat niemen ongeleerde dese dincen hore . . . o herre leid ons in dat heimeliche verborgen onbekinte clare stilnisse der lutren gemoude di ougen nies [?] en hant [to which is added, in the same hand:] Animalia sancta ambulabant ante facies eorum vbi erat impetus spiritus illic et ambulabant. ff. 190v-192v blank

Two abridged excerpts from Bonaventure, Itinerarium mentis in deum, chap- ters 5.4-5 and 7.5-6, to which has been added a paraphrase of the Pseudo- Dionysius, De mystica theologia, chapter 1.1, in Ripuarian dialect of Middle High German. The compiler recognized that the second excerpt from the Itinerarium is itself a paraphrase of chapter 1 . 1 of the De mystica theologia. No

290 ms 404

complete Low German translation of De mystica theologia is known. Another, non- identical Low German paraphrase of chapter 1.1 occurs in a Sammel- handschrift in Kloster Ebstorf (Niedersachsen), MS IV, 12, ff. 297v-298v, for which see W. Stammler, "Meister Eckhart in Norddeutschland," Zeit- schriftfur deutsches Altertum 59, N. F. 47 (1922) p. 206. All three passages added, s. XIV1, on folios originally left blank, ff. 190v-192v blank

Parchment, of uneven quality in arts. 2-19, ff. iii (modern parchment) + 192 ( + 2 unfoliated blanks between ff. 96 and 97), 118 x 84 mm., severely trimmed.

Art. 1: ff. 12v-105v. 118 x 85 (ca. 99-85 x 54) mm. Written by Scribe 1 (see below) in 18-20 long lines; ruled in hard point on text pages only, single vertical bounding lines, single or double horizontal bounding lines, full across, at top of written space; many text pages without rulings for text. Prickings for vertical bounding lines in lower margin. I4 ( + 5 leaves: two bifolios, ff. 1 and 2 and ff. 4 and 9, and a single leaf, f. 3), II4 ( + 2 leaves, ff. 11 and 14), III6 (-2, loss of miniature facing text on f. 16v, originally conjoint with f. 20, now attached to f. 17, a singleton), IV8 (-6, loss of miniature facing text on f. 26v, stub now between ff. 24v and 25r), V-VI8, VII8 (-7, loss of text fac- ing miniature on f. 51r), VIII8, IX8 (-4, loss of miniature facing text on f. 62v), X8 (-6, loss of miniature facing text on f. 71v), XI8, XII8 (-4, loss of miniature facing text on f. 86v; ff. 84 and 86 inverted), XIII8, XIV4, XV8.

Arts. 2-18: ff. 107v-188v. 118 x 84 (ca. 93-85 x 53-55) mm. Arts. 4-5, 6 (ff. 124r-125r), 9-18 written by Scribe 1 in 17-21 long lines; ruled in hard point (except gatherings XVI, XVIII-XX, ruled in lead), single vertical bound- ing lines, double horizontal bounding lines, full across, at top of written space, single lower horizontal bounding line, some full across. Prickings for vertical bounding lines in lower margin. Arts. 2 and 6 (ff. 125v-132r), 7-8 written by Scribe 2 in 16-19 long lines, ruled in lead, single vertical bounding lines, single horizontal bounding lines. Prickings in lower margin for vertical bound- ing lines remain on some folios; in gathering XIX (arts. 7-8) there are prick- ings in the upper margin 53 mm. apart that do not, however, correspond to either the vertical or the horizontal lines. The anomaly suggests that the gather- ing was ruled and written upside down. XVI6, XVII8 ( + 2 leaves, ff. 113 and 114; the stub off. 113 now appears between ff. 106 and 107; the stub of f. 114 appears between ff. 122 and 123; f. 114 may have been part of a bifolium as its stub shows traces of several letters), XVIII8 ( + 2 leaves, a bifolium, ff. 123 and 132, added by Scribe 2 when he completed the gathering), XIX8, XX4, XXI-XXII8, XXIII6, XXIV-XXV8, XXVI6 ( + 4 leaves, a singleton, f. 183, at the beginning of the gathering, and three singletons, ff. 187-189, at the center, between ff. 186 and 190). Art. 19 written by Scribe 3 on unruled blanks.

MS 404 291

The gatherings containing arts. 2-19 are evidently misbound. The correct order can be partially restored as follows: XXV, XXII, XXIV, XXI (arts. 10-11, 13-14: Biblical excerpts). The erased passage from the Elucidarius (art. 8) on f. 107r-v indicates that XVI originally followed XIX. The date of the addition to art. 8 at the end of XIX suggests that the manuscript was mis- bound as early as the fifteenth century, perhaps during rebinding. The use of scraps and the evidence of the original pastedown in XXVI (arts. 15-19) suggest that it always occupied the final position. The order of the gatherings containing arts. 3-6, 9 and 12, as well as their placement relative to the others, remains conjectural.

Written by three scribes. Art. 19 (ff. 189r-190r) written by Scribe 3 in an informal gothic bookhand, no later than s. XIII/XIV. Scribes 1 and 2 collabo- rated on the rest of the manuscript: arts. 1, 3-5, 6 (ff. 124r-125r), 9-18 writ- ten by Scribe 1 in a neat, but somewhat irregular gothic bookhand, arts. 2, 6 (ff. 125v-132r), 7-8 written by Scribe 2 in an undisciplined gothic bookhand. Minor corrections in various hands throughout; erasures of several brief pas- sages in art. 1 (e.g., f. 95v, with a note added: hunc locum necesse est).

The manuscript is outstanding for the quality and complexity of its program of illustration. In its original state it included at least fifty full-page miniatures, of which forty-six survive, one-hundred-and-sixty smaller miniatures, and forty- one historiated initials. Twenty-three tinted drawings were added on blank and added folios at a later date (s. XIV1). The decoration is the work of at least three artists. The miniatures, initials, and marginal decoration are the work of two hands, one of whom contributed only two full-page miniatures (ff. 61r and 64r) that depend on the style usually associated with the name of Master Honore. The other, predominant hand works in a flatter, more linear style associated with Northeastern France. Among the most closely related manuscripts are a Book of Hours, Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery MS 90, which can be localized to the diocese of Therouanne, and a Vincent of Beauvais, Specu- lum historiale, Boulogne, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 131 , written in 1297 for Eustache Gomer of Lille, abbot of St.-Bertin (we thank M. A. Stones for bring- ing the manuscript in Boulogne to our attention). For these and other related manuscripts see M. A. Stones, "The Illustration of the French Prose Lancelot in Flanders, Belgium and Paris, 1250-1340," Ph.D. dissertation (University of London, 1971) v. 1 , pp. 208-24; "Sacred and Profane Art: Secular and Litur- gical Book Illumination in the Thirteenth Century," The Epic in Medieval Socie- ty: Aesthetic and Moral Values, ed. H. Scholler (Tubingen, 1977) pp. 100-112, esp. p. 108, n. 27; "The Minnesota Vincent of Beauvais Manuscript and Thirteenth-Century Book Decoration," The James Ford Bell Lectures, no. 13 (Minneapolis, 1977). Full-page miniatures, in art. 1 only, some divided into two or three registers, in blue or burgundy frames, surrounded by a narrow gold band, with orange lozenges at the corners, each with an ivy spray, in black

292 MS 404

ink with five gold leaves; predominantly blue or vermilion tesselated or tooled gold grounds; two (ff. 25r and 55r) with fleurs-de-lis in lozenges (see Provenance). On each text page in art. 1 there is a smaller miniature, 9- to 5-line, with a witness who gesticulates towards the full-page miniature on the facing page; each miniature in a blue and/or pink frame with gold squares in the corners. Almost every folio in arts. 2-18 with at least one small miniature, 10- to 5-line, framed as above. Arts. 11 and 14 illustrated almost exclusively with historiated initials, 6- to 4-line, blue, pink and/or orange against grounds of the same colors, with short ivy branches extending from the serifs, many with grotesque terminals. M. R. James, op. cit. , describes the subjects, which are too numerous to be listed here. Individual miniatures have been discussed by E. M. Vetter, Die Kupferstiche zur Psalmodia Eucharistica des Melchior Prieto von 1622, Spanische Forschungen der Gorresgesellschaft, 2nd series, 15 (Miin- ster/Westfalen, 1972) pp. 209-10, ff. 18v-19r; idem, "Virgo in sole," Festschrift fur Johannes Vincke (Madrid, 1963) v. 1, pp. 367-417, esp. 386-87 and fig. 9 off. 64r, incorrectly identified as f. 63v; M. Levi d'Ancona, The Iconography of the Immaculate Conception in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (New York, 1 95 7) pp. 24-25, fig. 6 off. 64r, incorrectly identified as f. 63v and pp. 58-60, fig. 38 off. 57r; M. Evans, "Allegorical Women and Practical Men: The Iconog- raphy of the Artes Reconsidered," Medieval Women, ed. D. Baker (Oxford, 1978) pp. 305-329, esp. p. 319 and pis. 28-29 of ff. 6v-7r; idem, "The Geometry of the Mind" Architectural Association Quarterly 12, 4 (1980) pp. 32-55, esp. pp. 47, 55, and fig. 22 off. 102r; P. Verdier, Le couronnement de la Vierge: les origines et les premiers developpements d'un theme iconographique (Montreal, 1980) pp. 84 and 95, n. 66, pis. 81a-b of ff. 64r and 73r; F. O. Biittner, Imitatio Pietatis: Motive der christlichen Ikonographie als Modelle zur Verdhnlichung (Berlin, 1983) p. 124, n. 187, f. 73r; L. F. Sandler, "Jean Pucelle and the Lost Miniatures of the Belleville Breviary," Art Bulletin 66, 1 (1984) pp. 73-96, esp. pp. 82 and 91-92, pis. 11, 25, 26 of ff. 15r, 19r, and 40r (identified inaccurately as the miniature com- plementing the text on f. 97 v). For the iconographic program, see the forth- coming dissertation by Hamburger, op. cit.

Illuminated initials, 2- to 1- line, in art. 1 only, gold against irregular blue or pink grounds, with white filigree, edged in black, some of the 2-line initials with ivy borders, as above. The borders, especially in arts. 2-18, are populat- ed with grotesques and other marginal illustrations, the majority apparently non-narrative and without reference to the adjacent texts and miniatures, in the same style as the miniatures by the predominant hand (see L. M. C. Ran- dall, Images in the Margins of Gothic Manuscripts [Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1966] passim). Names of Hebrew letters in art. 13 in red.

Lower outer corners cut from ff. 167-192. Marginal decoration on many folios severely trimmed. Gold has flaked off considerably from the full-page miniatures on ff. 13r, 15r, 19r; some flaking of gold on ff. 6v, 18v, 25r, 34r, 44r.

Binding: ca. 1966. Bound in two volumes (I; ff. 1-96; II: ff. 97-192) in na- tive tanned vermilion Nigerian goatskin, by J. Greenfield, without any adhe-

MS 405 293

sive touching the bookblock itself. Previously bound in brown leather in a sin- gle volume.

Written in Northern France at the turn of the 14th century, as indicated by the style of the decoration. The fleurs-de-lis in the backgrounds of the minia- tures on ff. 25r and 55r need not refer to a member of the French royal house. Unidentified 19th-century coat of arms on f. lr: gules, three hares' heads proper, with the motto Tunc satiabor. Collection of William Alexander Douglas, Duke of Hamilton and Brandon. Given by him in 1856 to the Reverend Walter Sneyd, according to a note formerly on a flyleaf no longer present in the manuscript (see M.R. James, op. cit., p. 1, and Hidden Friends: The Comites Latentes Collection of Illuminated Manuscripts , exh. cat., Sotheby's, 20-28 Septem- ber 1985, no page numbers, same page as entries 21-23). Sneyd sale, Sothe- by's, 16 Dec. 1903, no. 513. Bernard Quaritch, London. Collection of Edmond de Rothschild, MS 98 (his sale Paris, Palais Galliera, 24 June 1968, no. 1). Acquired from H. P. Kraus in 1968 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 202-03, no. 29, pi. 12 of f. 84r.

A. N. L. Munby, Connoisseurs and Medieval Miniatures (Oxford, 1972) p. 114. R. W. Pfaff, Montague Rhodes James (London, 1980) pp. 195-96.

MS 405 England, s. XIVmed

Brut Chronicle (in Anglo-Norman), etc.

1. f. i Unidentified document, possibly a court roll, s. xiv, mostly illegible, on recto (portion of same document used for final flyleaf); texts added on verso begin with 3 lines, in Latin: Est tuus anna pater, vriel nasaphat tua mater/ Est vriel iustus, anne pater ille vetustus/ Et nasaphat ego sum, fruc- tum peperi generosum; followed by 6 lines, in French noting a) the discov- ery of Christ's cloak in the monastery of Argenteuil in 1 106; b) the appearance of the sign of the cross in the moon, in October of the same year; c) the founding of the Cistercian Abbey of Sibton (Suffolk) in 1159; followed by a prayer to St. Apollonia: Beata Appolonia graue martirium pro domino sustinuit. tiranni post traxerunt earn.... In lower margin is a sketch of a coat of arms with St. Andrew's Cross, incomplete.

2. ff. lr-74v [E]n la noble cite de graunt troie auoit vn fort chivaler . . . [final folio only partially legible, with end of text totally obscured].

Brut Chronicle, up to 1333, in Anglo-Norman. J. Vising, Anglo-Norman Lan- guage and Literature (London, 1923) p. 74, no. 378c; Beinecke MS 405 not listed.

3. Final flyleaf, recto, is palimpsest: underwriting apparently from same docu- ment as front flyleaf; written over are business accounts [?], and notes in English concerning English history. Verso: visible under ultra-violet light is list of English Kings, in two columns.

£94 ms 406

Parchment, f. i (contemporary parchment) + 74 + i (contemporary parch- ment), 182 x 145 (160 x 1 18) mm. The codex is composed of two distinct parts that were early on bound together since the contemporary foliation continues through the manuscript. I: ff. 1-16. Ruled in ink: prickings at corners of writ- ten space. No consistent arrangement of ruling; sometimes single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines, full length and/or full across. I-II8. Writ- ten in delicate Anglicana bookhand. Running titles, trimmed. II: ff. 17-74. No clear pattern of rulings. I-V8, VI10, VII8. Catchwords along lower edge near gutter. Written in bold Anglicana bookhand. Crude initials, 2-line, al- ternate red with purple penwork designs and blue with red, many with three- leaf clover design in body of letter.

Worn, stained, and repaired throughout.

Binding: s. xviii. Brown, mottled calf with a gold-tooled spine and a red label.

Written in England in the middle of the 14th century; early provenance unknown. Unidentified, partially completed, coat of arms with St. Andrew's Cross on f. i verso. Label stamped "Tiringham's Chronicle," and octagonal white paper label with "43" written in ink, both on spine. From the Deene Park library in Kettering, Northamptonshire, of G. L. T. Brudenell (shelf-mark "D. 7. 4" in pencil inside front cover). Sotheby sale, 10 July 1967, no. 48. Acquired from H. A. Levinson (Cat. 60, no. 765) in 1969 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: Bruyt

MS 406 France, ca. 1400

Guillaume de Deguilleville; Willem van Ruysbroeck, etc. PI. 11

I. 1. ff. lr-85v A ceulz de ceste Region/ Qui point ny ont de mansion/ Ains \y erased] sont tous comme dit s. pol/ ... De la ioie de paradis/ Que doint diex aux mors et aux vis. Explicit. Amen.

Guillaume de Deguilleville, Le Pelerinage de vie humaine, ed. J. Sttirzinger (London, 1893) pp. 1-423. MS 406 contains the 1330 recension of the poem; it does not appear in the list of manuscripts of this work pub- lished by M. Lofthouse ("'Le Pelerinage de Vie Humaine,' by Guil- laume de Deguilleville," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 19 [1935] pp. 178-91) and supplemented by R. Tuve {Allegorical Imagery: Some Medieval Books and Their Posterity [Princeton, 1966] p. 147, n. 2).

2. ff. 85v-92r //Vt planeta erraticus/ Malo mortem quam infici/ Er- roribus heretici/ ... [ f . 88v:] Respicereque a tergo. [added below: Ex- plicit credo factum a peregrino] ; f. 88v Pater creator omnium/ Origo et principium/ A quo causantur omnia/ ... In domum tuam ibimus. Amen, [added below: Explicit pater noster facta a peregrino]; f. 91 v

MS406 ^95

Aue reclinatorium/ Et propiciatorium/ Et captiui spes populi/ ... Saluus esse non poterit. Explicit. Amen, [added below: Explicit aue maria a peregrino].

Guillaume de Deguilleville, three poems in Latin, the first lacking lines 1-8; the first words of the stanzas, taken consecutively, form the Credo, the Pater Noster and the Ave Maria.

3. f. 92 v Vous qui aues pour passer vostre vie/ Qui chascun ne fait que deseuir/ . . . Vnire du mien ne menchant qui amasse/ Viellesce vient etc. [refrain finished by a later hand:] guerdon faut temps se passe.

Poem added in a hand of s. xv, contrasting the life of a servant and a rich man; composed of three 8-line stanzas with a 1-line refrain.

II. 4. ff. 93r-134v Excellentissimo domino et christianissimo ludouico dei gratia Regi francorum ... frater W. de Rubruc in ordine fratrum minorum minimus salutem et semper triumphare in christo. Scrip- turn est in ecclesiastico de sapiente in terram alienarum gencium tran- siet bona et mala ... Imo plures interpretes et copiosas expensas.

Willem van Ruysbroeck, Itinerarium; A. van den Wyngaert, ed., Itinera et relationes Fratrum Minorum saeculi XIII et XIV, Sinica franciscana 1 (Florence, 1929) pp. 161-332.

5. ff. 134v-135r Ut ait ethicus physicus gens stultissima est inter alias gentes ad aquilonem iuxta Yperboreos montes ... ad futu// . . . alex- ander ca//

Summary of Aethicus Ister, Cosmographia III. 31-39, on the land of Gog and Magog; end of last 9 lines lost when miniature on f. 135v cut out. Full text in H. Wuttke, ed., Die Aechtheit des Auszugs aus der Kosmographie des Aithikos (Leipzig, 1854) pp. 17-27.

6. ff. 135v-141v [O glojrieuse [Trinjite/ [U]ne essence [en] vraye [un]ite/ [conclusion only of 4 more lines, then:] En sonidame maieste/ Qui vn dieu de toutes perssonnes . . . Prendras en gre que jen chap- puiz/ Car ce doit plaire que on puet faire. Explicit le tresor maistre Jehan de Meun.

Jean Chapuis, Les sept articles de lafoi; often attributed, as it is here, to Jean de Meun. A. Langfors, Les incipit des poemes frangais anterieurs au XVP siecle (Paris, 1917) p. 239.

Composed of two distinct parts, both of parchment (thick, poor quality); single paper flyleaves contemporary with binding at front and back.

Part I: ff. lr-92v, 265 x 190 (209 x 140) mm., trimmed. 2 columns, 42 lines, each column with double vertical bounding lines at left, single vertical at right;

296 MS 406

initial letter of each verse written on outer bounding line. All horizontal rul- ings full across. Prickings at outer edges for bounding lines and rulings for text.

I-XI8, XII4. Catchwords in pen-drawn frames, lower right, verso.

Written in neat cursive script, with loops, by one scribe, portions of text overwritten to darken the script.

The manuscript is illustrated with 79 column miniatures; two others on ff. 83v and 85r have been cut out. The miniatures are simple pen drawings, tint- ed pink, red, tan, purple, and blue, in pen-ruled frames, tinted in yellow; on ff. 18r and 22r with ivy leaves on hair-line stems at corners and centers. On f. 16v an unframed drawing of the carpenter's pax. Subjects of the miniatures are as follow (references in parentheses are to lines in the edition of Stiirzinger; we thank D. Donoghue for compiling this list): (line 1) Author/Pilgrim speak- ing f. lr; (35) Author dreams of Jerusalem f. lr; (63) City of Jerusalem f. lr; (133) Sts. Benedict and Francis help their followers into the City of Jerusalem f. lv; (164) St. Peter guards the gate where the poor enter f. 2r; (237) Grace Dieu instructs the Pilgrim f. 2v; (391) Grace Dieu shows him her house f. 3v; (479) The Official of God saves and bathes the Pilgrim f. 4r; (503) The Pil- grim meets Moses and is annointed f.4r; (533) Moses gives ointments to the Official, Reason descends from a tower and joins them f. 4v; (797) Official marries a woman and a man f. 6r; (823) Moses with Reason tonsures a crowd of people f. 6r; (963) Moses establishes various offices f. 7r; (1163) Reason preaches to the new officials f. 7v; (1278) Moses gives a sword and keys to the Pilgrim, Reason instructs him f. 9r; (1431) Moses dines on bread and wine f. lOr; (1465) The Pilgrim turns to Reason f. lOr; (1519) Nature chides Grace Dieu f. lOv; (1981) Nature asks pardon of Grace Dieu f. 13v; (2011) Penitence and Charity meet Moses f. 13v; (2513) Carpenter's square/^ f. 16v; (2729) The Pilgrim asks Grace Dieu to instruct him f. 18r; (3359) Grace Dieu shows the scrip and staff to the Pilgrim f. 22r; (3665) The Pilgrim receives the scrip from Grace Dieu f. 23v; (3749) Grace Dieu gives him the staff f. 24r; (3813) Grace Dieu shows him the armor f. 24v; (3837) The pilgrim receives the gambe- son f. 25r; (3909) He puts it on f. 25v; (4055) He receives the habergeon f. 26r; (4341) He receives the scabbard f. 28r; (4515) He wears his armor f. 29r; (4747) He removes his armor f. 30v; (4779) He goes on his way f. 30v; (4815) Grace Dieu sends Memory to help him carry his armor f. 31r; (4969) The Pil- grim asks Moses for bread f. 32r; (4975) The Pilgrim thanks Grace Dieu f. 32r; (5031) The Pilgrim and Memory go off f. 32v; (5093) He meets Natural Understanding f. 33r; (5163) Reason shows a letter to Natural Understanding f. 33v; (5211) The Pilgrim reads a commission from Grace Dieu to Reason f. 33v; (5667) Reason tells the Pilgrim to ignore Natural Understanding f. 36v; (6205) The soul departs from the Pilgrim's mouth f. 39v; (6293) The Pilgrim questions Reason f. 40r; (6507) He meets a mat-maker and a young woman (Occupation and Idleness) f. 41v; (6905) He sees Reason and Grace Dieu on the other side of the hedge f. 44r; (7033) He is snared by Sloth f. 45r; (7249)

MS 406 297

Sloth strikes the Pilgrim with her axe f. 46r; (7297) She drives him away from the hedge f. 46v; (7339) He meets Pride riding on Flattery f. 47r; (8191) He meets Envy with her daughters, Treachery and Detraction f. 52r; (8757) He is attacked by Envy, Detraction, Treachery and Pride f. 55v; (8797) Anger joins the attack f. 55v; (8976) Sloth threatens him, Memory reminds him of his armor f. 56v; (9059) Avarice approaches him f. 57v; (9169) Chessboard and a church f. 58r; (10685) Gluttony, Venus and all his enemies attack him f. 67r; (10785) The hand of Grace Dieu gives him back the staff from a cloud f. 67v; (10893) The Pilgrim prays (alphabet prayer) to the Virgin and Child f. 68v; (11239) Tears falling from an eye in a rock fill a tub f. 70v; (11333) The Pilgrim bathes in the tub f. 71r; (11417) A turbulent sea with human figures, some with wings f. 71v; (11465) Satan spreads a net for pilgrims in the sea f. 72r; (11503) Heresy, walking backwards, approaches the Pilgrim f. 72v; (11567) Grace Dieu rescues him f. 73r; (1 1781) The Pilgrim meets Youth f. 74r; (11971) Tribulation, with a hammer and tongs, meets the Pilgrim f. 75r; (12345) He escapes from Tribulation to Grace Dieu f. 77r; (12443) The Ship of Religion f. 78r; (12555) The Porter of the ship f. 79r; (12623) The Pilgrim enters the ship; The Porter prepares to strike f. 79v; (12651) Willful Poverty and Chastity f. 79v; (12669) Discipline and Obedience f. 79v; (12675) Study carrying a platter of food (Holy Scripture) to Abstinence f. 80r; (12685) Winged Orison wearing a letter box and holding an auger f. 80r; (12695) Wor- ship with a horn, organ and psaltery f. 80r; (12714) Chastity makes a bed while Willful Poverty sings f. 80r; (12723) Dead souls serve a meal to monks; Absti- nence is the Refector f. 80r; (12973) Obedience ties the Pilgrim's hands and feet f. 82r; (13043) Infirmity and Old Age approach the Pilgrim f. 82v; (13263) cut out (Infirmity and Old Age throw him on a bed) f. 83 v; (13275) Mercy comes to comfort him f. 84r; (13417) cut out (Death comes, stepping onto the bed) f. 85r. 2-line initials throughout, red or blue with black or red penwork. First letter of each verse stroked in yellow. Proper names in red. Folio lr-v damaged, with loss of text and parts of miniatures. Miniatures cut out, ff. 83v and 85r.

Part II: ff. 93r-141v have two distinct formats: ff. 93r-129r measure 265 x 190 (208 x 142) mm., trimmed; ff. 93-104 are trimmed even further. 2 columns, 31 lines; single vertical bounding lines; all horizontal lines ruled full across. Ruled in lead. Prickings (slashes) in upper, lower, and outer margins. Some visible in gutters. Folios 129v-141v measure 265 x 190 (205 x 142) mm., trimmed. 2 columns, 39 lines; each column with double vertical bounding lines at left, single vertical at right. All horizontal lines full across. Ruled in lead.

I12 (quire XIII as presently bound), II10, III8, IV8 (+ 1 leaf added at end, f. 123), V8, VI2. Catchwords under second column in lower margin.

Written by multiple scribes in cursive, with or without loops.

Between ff. 93r and 135r (art. 5), two 2-line initials, red, with simple brown penwork. Some capitals stroked in red or yellow. Between ff. 135v and 141r

298 MS 407

(art. 6), three crude tinted drawings, red, green and brown, in initials, either divided red and brown with red flourishes and dots, or red, with a scroll and a fish incorporated: f. 136v Nativity, f. 138v Harrowing of Hell, f. 140r Ascen- sion. Three drawings cut out from ff. 135v, 136v and 137r. Space left for one drawing on f. 139r and for two on f. 140v. 2 -line initials in red, some with red pen work.

Binding: s. xviii. Brown, mottled calf with a gold-tooled spine and a red label. Edges spattered red.

Written perhaps in Northeastern France, ca. 1400; early provenance unknown. Marginal notes in French and Latin, s. xv-xvi. Inscriptions include: "31u. 14s. 6d." (f. 141v, s. xv); "Marie ... femme de Jacques audouin [?] Marchand de- meurant a Tonnerre [?]" (f. 140v); "Toussanct" (f. 141v, hand of s. xvi); "T L" with a heart (f. 141v); "Jacques prouest [?]" (f. 77v, s. xviii-xix); "marie anne Thermite" (f. 90r, s. xviii-xix). Notes on front and back flyleaves said to be in the hand of Francois Xavier Laire (1738-1801), librarian of Cardinal Etienne Charles Lomenie de Brienne (b. 1727); manuscript not located in the catalogue by Laire, Index librorum ab inventa typographia ... (Sens, 1791), 2 vols. Acquired from Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827) by Sir Thom- as Phillipps (no. 6343; tag on spine and pencil note inside front cover; Phillipps Studies, v. 3, p. 159). Bought at Sotheby's, 25 Nov. 1969, no. 460, by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: Ceux qui estoient

Bibliography: T. E. Marston, "William of Rubruc's Trip to the Tartars," Gazette 45 (1970) pp. 12-14.

MS 407 Italy, 1428

Albergati Bible PI. 32

1. ff. lr-612v A Bible in the usual order (see Ker, MMBL, v. l,pp. 96-97); numbers in parentheses refer to prologues which precede the text, as listed in Stegmuller: General Prologue (284); Prologue to Pentateuch (285), Gen- esis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy; Joshua (311); Judges; Ruth; 1 Kings (323), 2 Kings, 3 Kings, 4 Kings; 1 Chronicles (326 begin- ning: Tantus ac talis + 328); 2 Chronicles + Prayer of Manasses; 1 Ezra

(330); 2 Ezra; 3 Ezra; Tobit (332, beginning: Chromatio et Helyodoro epis- copis iheronimus presbiter ... ); Judith (335); Esther (341 + 343); Job (344, 357); Psalms (443, beginning: Eusebius, ieronimus, sophronio suo ... ); Proverbs (457); Ecclesiastes {Praefatio from Jerome, 3351); Song of Songs; Wisdom (468); Ecclesiasticus (introduction to Ecclesiasticus, Multorum nobis ..., considered as prologue); Isaiah (482); Jeremiah (487); Lamentations;

MS 407


Baruch (491); Ezekiel (492; Isidore, Prol. Ez. 5202); Daniel (494); Prologue for Minor Prophets (500); Hosea (507); Joel (511, 510; Isidore, Prol. Hosea 5208); Amos (515; 512, beginning: Amos pastor et rusticus ruborum mora et ... ); Obadiah (519, 517, 516); Jonah (524, 521; 522, beginning: Ionas interpretatur columba et naufragio ... ); Micah (526, 525); Nahum (528, 527); Habakkuk (531, 529); Zephaniah (534, 532); Haggai (538, 535); Zechariah (539, beginning: Secundo anno darii regis ... ; 540); Malachi (543, Isidore, Prol. Malachi 5219); 1 Maccabees (552, ending ... cum romanorum ducibus atque legationum); 2 Maccabees; Matthew (590); Mark (607); Luke (620, followed by Quoniam quidem ..., treated as a prologue); John (624); Romans (669 + Romani namque tarn infirmi erant ut non in- tellegerent ... ; 677, 675); 1 Corinthians (685); 2 Corinthians (699); Gala- tians (707); Ephesians (715); Philippians (728); Colossians (736); 1 Thessalonians (748); 2 Thessalonians (752); 1 Timothy (765); 2 Timothy (772); Titus (780); Philemon (783); Hebrews (793); Acts (639); Catholic Epistles (809); Apocalypse (835). ff. 613r-616v blank

2. ff. 617r-680v Aaz apprehendes ... Expliciunt interpretationes biblie deo gratias amen.

Index of Hebrew names generally attributed to Stephen Langton; Stegmuller, v. 5, no. 7709.

3. ff. 681r-682r Cap. XXV. De testamento Ruben et Symeon ... et arguet in electis gentium israel etc.

Chapters 25-29 of the Testament of the 12 Patriarchs, f. 682v blank

Parchment, ff. i (parchment) + 682 + i (parchment), 231 x 161 (135 x 111) mm. Written in 2 columns of 42 lines. Ruled in lead, single vertical and horizon- tal bounding lines, full length.

I8, II-LXI10, LXII8, LXIII-LXVIII10, LXIX6. Horizontal catchwords in center of lower margin, verso. Remains of quire and leaf signatures in lower right corner, recto.

Written in rounded gothic bookhand.

The Bible is a splendid example of the Italian late gothic illuminated manuscript. The decoration consists of two very richly illuminated pages (f. 5r, Genesis; f. 272r, Psalms), thirteen small miniatures (IT. lr, 570v-576v), and 79 historiated initials, 7- to 10-line (not including ascenders or descenders) at the beginning of every book of the Bible, the sections of the Psalter, and a few prologues. The miniatures are in thin gold or yellow frames. The histori- ated initials are composed of acanthus, mauve, blue, pink, orange, and/or green. The subjects are as follow: f. lr Jerome represented as a monk in the wilder- ness; f. 5r seven rectangular scenes from the Creation in two rows (four and three); beneath, a rectangular miniature representing God the Father [?] with a dove at his ear (Genesis); f. 27v Moses addressing a group of Israelites

3oo ms 407

(Exodus); f. 46 v an Israelite, burning an offering, receives the benediction of God (Leviticus); f. 59v Moses praying, God above in the sky (Numbers); f. 79r Moses praying, God above in the sky (Deuteronomy); f. 96v Death of Moses, with Joshua and God looking on (Joshua); f. 109r Death of Joshua (Judges); f. 122r Ruth in the grainfield; bird of paradise in border (Ruth); f. 123v Bird of paradise (Prol. 1 Kings); f. 124v Eli receives the infant Samuel from Hannah (1 Kings); f. 142r Beheading of the Amalekite (2 Kings); f. 156r David and Abishag (3 Kings); f. 172r Worship of Baal (4 Kings); f. 187v Num- bering of the Israelites (1 Chronicles); f. 201r Solomon and two women (the mothers?) (2 Chronicles); f. 219r Man kneeling at an altar, God above in the sky; blue medallion inscribed IHS in lower border (1 Ezra); f. 224r Nehemiah and Artaxerxes (2 Ezra); f. 23 lv Bearded man at a lectern (3 Ezra); f. 239r Death of Tobit, Tobias and the swallow (Tobit); f. 244v Judith decapitating Holofernes in bed (Judith); f. 25 lr Mardocheus, Ahasuerus and Esther, Ha- man hanging from the gallows (Esther); f. 258v Job on dunghill (Job); f. 272r Four standing figures holding pens and books (four prophets?); three-quarter length figure of David, playing a psaltery (Psalms); f. 276v Nimbed and bearded figure holding a book (Psalm 26); f. 279v David points to lips (Psalm 38); f. 282v Fool (Psalm 52); f. 285v David standing in deep waters (Psalm 58); f. 289r David with a book (Psalm 80); f. 292r Cantors at lectern (Psalm 95); f. 295v Christ with book inscribed AQ (Psalm 109); f. 303r Solomon and Re- hoboam (Proverbs); f. 313v Crowned Solomon seated on a throne, holding a book and globe of concentric circles in blue, green and silver (Ecclesiastes); f. 317v Christ and Ecclesia (Song of Songs); f. 319v Solomon with sword and scales (Wisdom); f. 327v A monk in black habit, a nimbed figure holding a scroll (Ecclesiasticus); f. 348v Isaiah sawn; piece of green turf in lower border with a fowler pursuing two rabbits, two birds perch at the edge of the turf, out of which springs a large spray of flowers (Isaiah); f. 372v Jeremiah in pri- son; in the border a man holding a crozier with a pair of bellows as his head dress (Jeremiah); f. 399r Jeremiah lamenting, with ruined city to right (Lamen- tations); f. 401r Jeremiah praying (Prayer of Jeremiah); f. 401v Baruch dictat- ing to a youthful scribe; large spray of vetch with blue flowers and gold pods in left border (Baruch); f. 405r Ezekiel's vision of God (Ezekiel); f. 429r Daniel writing; medallion with flowers on red background in lower border (Prol. Daniel); f. 430r Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Daniel); f. 440v Hosea and Gomer with God above (Hosea); f. 444r Joel and three priests facing an altar, God above; a medallion containing a human head under a gold crown in lower bor- der (Joel); f. 445v Amos in a landscape with gold sheep; a blue shield charged with an eagle beneath a gold crown in lower border (Amos); f. 449r Obadiah and God above, burning houses; a medallion with white flowers on red ground in lower border (Obadiah); f. 449v Jonah cast to the whale; an elephant carry- ing a tower with an armed man and a medallion containing a naked man in border (Jonah); f. 450 v Micah and God; a shield charged with an eagle under

MS 407 301

a crown, supported by two woodpeckers in lower border (Micah); f. 453r Na- hum and Nineveh, God above (Nahum); f. 454v Habakkuk suspended over a ravine by an angel; a blue shield charged with a peacock under a crown in lower border (Habakkuk); f. 456r Zephaniah in the foreground, a city in the background, God above; a red shield charged with a human head in lower border (Zephaniah); f. 45 7v Haggai and a mason with trowel building a house; a blue shield charged with a grotesque head under a crown in lower border (Haggai); f. 458v Zechariah and a man on a red horse between two rows of myrtle trees; a shield with a man's head under a crown in outer border (Zechari- ah); f. 463 r Malachi at a lectern; a blue shield charged with a horse-man in lower border (Malachi); f. 464v Battle between Antiochus and the Jews (1 Mac- cabees); f. 479v The prophet Jeremiah [?] writing (2 Maccabees); f. 490v Var- iation on the Tree of Jesse: in the initial the Virgin is seated in the pose of Jesse; above, a panel with five half-length figures (Matthew); f. 506r Mark writing, the lion at his feet (vertical format); a putto riding a stag in border (Mark); f. 516r Luke and bull (Luke); f. 533r John with eagle at his feet (verti- cal format) (John); f. 546v Paul, writing, Rome in the background (Romans); f. 553r Paul preaching to a large crowd, landscape in background (1 Corin- thians); f. 559r Paul preaching to a large crowd in basilica (2 Corinthians); f. 563r Paul preaching to a large crowd (Galatians); f. 565r Paul preaching to a large crowd, landscape in background (Ephesians); f. 567r Paul preach- ing to a large crowd, landscape in background (Philippians); f. 568v Paul preaching to a large crowd, landscape in background (Colossians); f. 570r Paul with a book (Prol. 1 Thessalonians); f. 570r Paul between Silvanus and Timo- thy (1 Thessalonians); f. 57 lv Paul with a book (Prol. 2 Thessalonians); f. 57 lv Paul, Silvanus and Timothy (2 Thessalonians); f. 572r Paul with a book (Prol. 1 Timothy); f. 572v Paul, Silvanus and Timothy (1 Timothy); f. 574r Paul with a book (Prol. 2 Timothy); f. 574r Paul and Timothy (2 Timothy); f. 575r Paul with a book (Prol. Titus); f. 575r Paul and Titus; naked man with a pointed blue cap in the border (Titus); f. 576r Paul with a book (Prol. Philemon); f. 576r Paul and Philemon above and Paul with a book below (Philemon); f. 567r Paul with a book (Prol. Hebrews); f. 576v Paul's letter presented to the Hebrews (Hebrews); f. 58 lr Luke with book (Prol. Acts); f. 58 lr Pentecost (Acts); f. 597v St. Jerome with a book (Prol. Catholic Epistles); f. 597v James with staff and book (James); f. 599v Peter with book and keys (1 Peter); f. 601r Peter with book and keys, landscape in background (2 Peter); f. 60 2 r John with a book (1 John); f. 603 v John hands two scrolls to the people below (2 John); f. 604r John hands scroll to two people below (3 John); f. 604r Jude with a book, vertical format (Jude); f. 604v St. Jerome with a book, cardinal's hat and lion at his feet (Prol. to Apocalypse); f. 605r St. John's vision of God with the double bladed sword (Apocalypse).

At least four artists collaborated in the illustration and decoration of the co- dex. The main artist, responsible for the miniatures on f. 5r and 272r, as well

302 MS 407

as a great number of historiated initials (e.g., ff. 546v, 553r, 559r, 565r, 567r, 568v) is, as C. Huter has noted, in some ways close to the Paduan illuminator of the Lectionary of Bishop Pietro Donato (New York, Pierpont Morgan Lib. MS 1436), although his origins are probably Lombard. The miniature on f. lr is also by a Lombard artist, reflecting the influence of the Vitae Imperato- rum Master. (C. Huter does not exclude the possibility that f. lr and f. 5r represent the shifting development of a single hand). J. J. G. Alexander has noted the work of the Venetian illuminator Christoforo Gortese on several fo- lios: f. 27v, where all the decoration is by Cortese, ff. 59r and 68v, where only the borders are his. The series of historiated initials on ff. 570r-576v are by an artist with affinities to the Florentine illuminator Biagio Sanguini. A fur- ther group of initials and borders (e.g., ff. 224r, 239r, 449r) seems to be by a Franco-Flemish artist (see Exhibition Catalogue pp. 225-26, no. 49, pi. 18 of 272r).

On virtually every folio, recto and verso, are elaborate bar borders, in mar- gins and/or between text columns, full or half-length, gold, blue, green, pink, and/or orange with white filigree, some with curling acanthus, leafy midpoints and terminals with acanthus and hair-spray extension. On folios with minia- tures or initials, more elaborate borders (full borders on ff. lr, 5r): curling hair- spray with gold dots and trefoil leaves, spikey ivy, pink, blue, orange and green flowers, putti, insects, birds, grotesques and, on f. 348v, a marginal scene, lower left corner, a fowler chasing rabbits. Several of the border decorations are by a Lombard artist (e.g., ff. lr, 5r) and are touched by the influential style of Cortese. They might usefully be compared to the work of the Master of the Franciscan Breviary. In addition, A. C. de la Mare believes that some of the borders are Florentine and may be by early Filippo Torelli.

Ornamental initials (5- to 6-line) at the beginning of the prologues in red, blue, orange, and/or green, acanthus infilled red with white filigree against irregular gold grounds; gold against cusped pink and blue backgrounds with white filigree; some rinceaux initials in Franco-Flemish style, pink or blue with white highlights against cusped gold grounds. 2- and 1-line initials, gold on red and blue grounds with white filigree. Running titles in alternating red and blue letters or in gold against red and blue rectangular grounds with white filigree. Line fillers (ff. 617r-682r) in red, blue and/or gold. Chapter numbers in red or blue. Rubrics throughout.

First two leaves slightly creased.

Binding: s. xix-xx. A painted design under the gilt fore edge (see Provenance below). Red velvet binding.

Written in Italy in 1428 by the scribe "Cazaninus iohannis de Montebellio Bononiensis Diocesis" for Cardinal Niccolo Albergati (arms on f. lr and on fore-edge painting; colophon on f. 682r: "Hunc librum Biblie et plura alia opera theologicalia scripsi ego Cazaninus iohannis de Montebellio Bononiensis

MS 408 303

Diocesis pro Reuerendissimo et Deuotissimo patre nostro et domino. Domino N dei Gratia Cardinale sancte crucis ierusalem cuius anima et corpus semper in pace quiescant. Amen. yhs. Fine facto pia me benedicat virgo maria 1428 die 13 Augusti."). According to an inscription added below the colophon in a slightly later hand Cardinal Albergati bequeathed the manuscript to the Cer- tosa de Val d'Ema, Florence: "Ipsum librum donauit idem dominus huic monasterio sancti laurentii cartusiensis ordinis in quo qui legerit pro ipso oret deum." A document in library files, dated 28 September 1839 and originating in "Certosa di Firenze," certifies for the purposes of sale that Cardinal Alber- gati "reliquit nobis Bibliam pulcherrimam et quedam alia librorum volumina" in 1442. Belonged to R. S. Holford, Dorchester House, Westonbirt, Dorchester- shire; bequeathed to his son, Sir George Holford (sale by executors of his es- tate, 1928); The Holford Collection, Dorchester House (Oxford, 1927) v. 1, p. 17 (pis. X-XI). From the collection of A. Chester Beatty (Western MS 79); his sale, Sotheby's, 24 June 1969, no. 61); see E. G. Millar, The Library of A. Chester Beatty ... (Oxford, 1930) v. 2, pp. 232-44, pis. CLXXXV-CLXXXVIII; Western Illuminated Manuscripts from the Library of Sir Chester Beatty, exhib. cat. (Dublin: Trinity College, 1955) no. 12; R. J. Hayes, "Contemporary Collec- tors XVIII: The Chester Beatty Library," Book Collector 7 (1958) p. 257. Ac- quired from H. P. Kraus in 1969 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: que destruitur

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 225-26, no. 49, pi. 18 of f. 272r.

S. C. Cockerell, Exhibition of Illuminated Manuscripts, exhib. cat. (London: Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1908) no. 180, pi. 122.

MS 408 Central Europe [?], s. XVex-XVI [?]

Cipher Manuscript PI. 43

Scientific or magical text in an unidentified language, in cipher, apparently based on Roman minuscule characters; the text is believed by some scholars to be the work of Roger Bacon since the themes of the illustrations seem to represent topics known to have interested Bacon (see also Provenance below.) A history of the numerous attempts to decipher the manuscript can be found in a volume edited by R. S. Brumbaugh, The Most Mysterious Manuscript: The Voynich "Roger Bacon" Cipher Manuscript (Carbondale, Illinois, 1978). Although several scholars have claimed decipherments of the manuscript, for the most part the text remains an unsolved puzzle. R. S. Brumbaugh has, however, suggested a decipherment that establishes readings for the star names and plant labels; see his "Botany and the Voynich 'Roger Bacon' Manuscript Once More," Speculum 49 (1974) pp. 546-48; "The Solution of the Voynich 'Roger Bacon' Cipher," Gazette 49 (1975) pp. 347-55; "The Voynich 'Roger Bacon' Cipher

304 ____ MS 4°8

Manuscript: Deciphered Maps of Stars," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 39 (1976) pp. 139-50.

Parchment, ff. 102 (foliation, s. xvi, Arabic numerals; not every leaf foliat- ed) + i (paper), including 5 double-folio, 3 triple-folio, 1 quadruple-folio and

1 sextuple-folio folding leaves. 225 x 160 mm.

Collation is difficult due to the number of fold-out leaves that are not always foliated consistently. I-VII8 (f. 12 missing), VIII4 (leaves foliated 59 through 64 missing from center of quire), IX2 (double and triple fold-out leaves), X2 (1 triple fold-out), XI2 (1 quadruple fold-out), XII2 (f. 74 missing, followed by stubs of conjugate leaves), XIII10, XIV1 (sextuple fold-out), XV4 (1 triple and 1 double fold-out), XVI4 (1 double fold-out; ff. 91, 92, 97, 98 missing,

2 stubs between 94 and 95), XVII4 (2 double fold-outs), XVIII12 (ff. 109-1 10, central bifolium, missing). Quire signatures in lower right corner, verso, and sometimes on recto.

Almost every page contains botanical and scientific drawings, many full- page, of a provincial but lively character, in ink with washes in various shades of green, brown, yellow, blue and red. Based on the subject matter of the draw- ings, the contents of the manuscript falls into six sections: Part I. ff. lr-66v Botanical sections containing drawings of 1 13 unidentified plant species. Special care is taken in the representation of the flowers, leaves and the root systems of the individual plants. Drawings accompanied by text. Part II. ff. 67r-73v Astronomical or astrological section containing 25 astral diagrams in the form of circles, concentric or with radiating segments, some with the sun or the moon in the center; the segments filled with stars and in- scriptions, some with the signs of the zodiac and concentric circles of nude fe- males, some free-standing, others emerging from objects similar to cans or tubes. Little continuous text.

Part III. ff. 75r-84v "Biological" section containing drawings of small-scale female nudes, most with bulging abdomens and exaggerated hips, immersed or emerging from fluids, or interconnecting tubes and capsules. These draw- ings are the most enigmatic in the manuscript and it has been suggested that they symbolically represent the process of human reproduction and the proce- dure by which the soul becomes united with the body (cf. W. Newbold and R. Kent, The Cipher of Roger Bacon [Philadelphia, 1928] p. 46). Part IV. ff. 85r-86v This sextuple-folio folding leaf contains an elaborate ar- ray of nine medallions, filled with stars and cell-like shapes, with fibrous struc- tures linking the circles. Some medallions with petal-like arrangements of rays filled with stars, some with structures resembling bundles of pipes. Part V. ff. 87r-102v Pharmaceutical section containing drawings of over 100 different species of medicinal herbs and roots, all with identifying inscriptions. On almost every page drawings of pharmaceutical jars, resembling vases, in red, green and yellow, or blue and green. Accompanied by some continuous text.

MS 408 305

Part VI. ff. 103r-117v Continuous text, with stars in inner margin on recto and outer margins of verso. Folio 1 17v includes a 3-line presumed "key" open- ing with a reference to Roger Bacon in anagram and cipher.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Vellum case. Remains of early paper pastedowns.

Written in Central Europe [?] at the end of the 15th or during the 16th [?] century; the origin and date of the manuscript are still being debated as vigorously as its puzzling drawings and undeciphered text. The identification of several of the plants as New World specimens brought back to Europe by Columbus indicates that the manuscript could not have been written before 1493. The codex belonged to Emperor Rudolph II of Germany (Holy Roman Emperor, 1576-1612), who purchased it for 600 gold ducats and believed that it was the work of Roger Bacon; see the autograph letter of Johannes Marcus Marci (d. 1667, rector of Prague University) transcribed under item A below. It is very likely that Emperor Rudolph acquired the manuscript from the Eng- lish astrologer John Dee (1527-1608) whose foliation remains in the upper right corner of each leaf (we thank A. G. Watson for confirming this identification through a comparison of the Arabic numerals in the Beinecke manuscript with those of John Dee in Oxford, Bodleian Library Ashmole 1790, f. 9v, and Ash- mole 487). See also A. G. Watson and R. J. Roberts, eds., John Dee's Library Catalogue (London, The Bibliographical Society, forthcoming). Dee apparent- ly owned the manuscript along with a number of other Roger Bacon manuscripts; he was in Prague 1582-86 and was in contact with Emperor Ru- dolph during this period. In addition, Dee stated that he had 630 ducats in October 1586, and his son Arthur (cited by Sir T. Browne, Works, G. Keynes, ed. [1931] v. 6, p. 325) noted that Dee, while in Bohemia, owned "a booke ... containing nothing butt Hieroglyphicks, which booke his father bestowed much time upon: but I could not heare that hee could make it out." Emperor Rudolph seems to have given the manuscript to Jacobus Horcicky de Tepenecz (d. 1622); inscription on f. lr "Jacobi de Tepenecz" (erased but visible under ultra-violet light). Johannes Marcus Marci of Cronland presented the book to Athanasius Kircher, S.J. (1601-80) in 1666. Acquired by Wilfred M. Voy- nich in 1912 from the Jesuit College at Frascati near Rome. Given to the Beinecke Library in 1969 by H. P. Kraus (Cat. 100, pp. 42-44, no. 20) who had purchased it from the estate of Ethel Voynich.

Included with MS 408 is the following supplementary material in folders or boxes labelled A - N.

A: Autograph letter of Johannes Marcus Marci of Cronland in which he presents the manuscript to Athanasius Kircher in Rome, in the belief that Kircher would be able to decipher it. "Reuerende et Eximie Domine in Christo Pater. Librum hunc ab amico singulari mihi testamento relictum, mox eundem tibi amicissime Athanisi ubi primum possidere coepi, animo destinaui: siquidem

306 ms 408

persuasum habui a nullo nisi abs te legi posse. Petijt aliquando per litteras ejus- dem libri turn possessor judicium tuum parte aliqua a se descripta et tibi trans- missa, ex qua reliqua a te legi posse persuasum habuit; uerum librum ipsum transmittere turn recusabat, in quo discifrando posuit indefessum laborem, uti manifestum ex conatibus ejusdem hie una tibi transmissis neque prius huius spei quam uitae suae finem fecit. Verum labor hie frustraneus fuit, siquidem non nisi suo Kirchero obediunt eiusmodi sphinges. Accipe ergo modo quod pridem tibi debebatur hoc qualecunque mei erga te affectus indicium; huiusque seras, si quae sunt, consueta tibi felicitate perrumpe. retulit mihi D. Doctor Raphael Ferdinandi tertij Regis turn Boemiae in lingua boemica instructor dic- tum librum fuisse Rudolphi Imperatoris, pro quo ipse latori qui librum at- tulisset 600 ducatos praesentarit, authorem uero ipsum putabat esse Rogerium Bacconem Anglum. ego judicium meum hie suspendo. tu uero quid nobis hie sentiendum defini, cujus fauori et gratiae me totum commendo maneoque. Reuerentiae Vestrae. Ad Obsequia Joannes Marcus Marci a Cronland. Pra- gae 19 Augusti. AD 1666 [or 1665?].

B: Correspondence between W. Voynich and Prof. W. R. Newbold concern- ing Newbold's supposed decipherment of the manuscript (1919-26). Correspon- dence between Anne M. Nills, executrix of the estate of Ethel Voynich, and the Rev. Theodore C. Peterson, dated 1935-61, concerning the provenance, dating and decipherment of the manuscript.

C: Cardboard tube containing articles from international newspapers and maga- zines; among them The New York Times, The Washington Post, Der Zeitgeist, and others, concerning the announced sale by H. P. Kraus of the cipher manuscript.

D: Scrapbook of newspaper clippings (1912-26) concerning the cipher manuscript, compiled by W. Voynich.

E: Miscellaneous handwritten notes of W. Voynich.

F: Miscellaneous material, including handwritten notes by A. Nills about the cipher, and her correspondence about the sale of the manuscript.

G: Five notebooks handwritten by Ethel Voynich containing notes on the iden- tification of the plants, medicinal herbs and roots; miscellaneous notes by A. Nills listing some characters or combinations of characters as they appear in the manuscript.

H: Box of negative and positive photostats.

I - L: Lectures, pamphlets, reviews and articles concerning the manuscript. Includes (in K) the transcript of a seminar held in Washington D. C . on Novem- ber 1976 entitled "New Research on the Voynich Manuscript."

M: Miscellaneous correspondence between R. Brumbaugh and J. M. Saul (Paris) and J. Arnold (Oak Grove, Mo.). Handwritten transcription of ff. 89v-116r by R. Brumbaugh.

MS 409 307

N: Temporary folder of negative photostats.

Select Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 271-72, no. 85.

W. R. Newbold and R. G. Kent, The Cipher of Roger Bacon (Philadelphia, 1928).

J. H. Tiltman, The Voynich Manuscript (Baltimore, 1968).

C. A. Zimansky, "William F. Friedman and the Voynich Manuscript," Philo- logical Quarterly 49 (1970) pp. 433-43.

The Secular Spirit: Life and Art at the End of the Middle Ages, exhib. cat. (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975) p. 203, no. 217 (with illus.) and color pi. 9.

R. S. Brumbaugh, ed., The Most Mysterious Manuscript: The Voynich "Roger Bacon" Cipher Manuscript (Garbondale, Illinois, 1978), with additional bib- liography.

M. E. D'Imperio, The Voynich Manuscript: An Elegant Enigma (National Secu- rity Agency/ Central Security Service, Fort Meade, Maryland, 1978), with additional bibliography.

MS 409 Italy, 1467

Psalms, Job, Proverbs (in Hebrew) PI. 36

We thank D. Ruderman for his assistance with the text.

1. ff. lr-2r ruled, but blank; ff. 2v-108v Psalms, with divisions at 42, 73, 90 and 107. ff. 109r-110r ruled, but blank

2. ff. 110v-152v Job.

3. ff. 153r-187v Proverbs. Colophon at conclusion of text, translated: "[erasure, presumably name of scribe] scribe, as a donkey, I wrote this Psalms, Job and Proverbs to Signor Jacob, may he see progeny and may his days be lengthened, the son of the distinguished rabbi Benjamin, may the Rock and Redeemer protect him, from Montalcino, and I received pay- ment for my work in several installments up to the present day 5 July 5227 [1467].

Parchment, ff. hi (paper) + 187 + hi (paper), 111 x 80 (61 x 41) mm., trimmed, 16 long lines. Ruled in light brown ink; single vertical bounding lines, full length.

I-XVII10, XVIII8, XIX8 ( + 1 leaf added at end, f. 187).

Written in cursive Italian Hebrew script, with square initial letters; cf. B. Narkiss, Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts (Jerusalem, 1969) p. 55.

The extremely fine decoration of MS 409 is in the Florentine style of the third quarter of the fifteenth century. M. Levi d'Ancona has associated the Beinecke manuscript with a group of manuscripts executed by Antonio di Nic-

308 ms 410

colo di Lorenzo (1445-1527), including a Breviary dated 1470 in Florence (Ric- cardiana 284) and a Book of Hours in the Victoria and Albert Museum (George Reid MS 63). Gf. Sotheby's, Cat. 9, July 1969, no. 63 and M. Levi d'Ancona, Miniatura et miniatori a Firenze (Florence, 1962) pp. 19-20, pi. II. According to A. C. de la Mare, however, the artist of this manuscript is Mariano del Buono who also executed Beinecke MS 284. Compare also Jerusalem (Israel Museum, Bezalel MS 180/55).

Two full-page miniatures: f. 2v David beheading Goliath (Psalms) and f. HOv Job on the dunghill, with the three tempters. Miniatures accompanied by elegantly illuminated full borders of pink and blue flowers with green stems and yellow fruit issuing from yellow vases; gold dots and hair-spray. Putti and brightly colored birds appear among foliate ornamentation. Polylobed and cir- cular medallions in borders: f. 2v David in prayer, David as king, animals; f. HOv Destruction of Job's flock; f. 153r Judgment of Solomon, antelope (Prov- erbs). Other borders, without miniatures, contain medallions of busts of prophets, some holding scrolls: f. 52r (Psalm 73), f. 67r (Psalm 90), f. 80r (Psalm 107), f. lllr Qob). Border without medallions: f. 30v (Psalm 42). Borders of ff. 30v, 80r, lllr are less carefully executed than rest of illumination and may be by another artist. The opening word of Psalms 42, 73, 90 and 107, as well as of Job and Proverbs, occurs in a panel with foliate borders in burnished gold. First letter in each chapter of Psalms, and first word in each chapter of Job and Proverbs framed in red or blue (one in gold, f. lllr) with purple or red penwork flourishes.

Binding: s. xvii. Red calf over beech boards, gold-tooled with a floral border and flower vases and arabesques in the center. Gilt, gauffered edges and wood- block paste paper endleaves and pastedowns.

Written in 1467 (see colophon in art. 3), presumably in Florence, for Jacob, son of Rabbi Benjamin of Montalcino. For Rabbi Benjamin and his family, see U. Cassuto, Gli Ebrei a Firenze neWeta del Rinascimento (Florence, 1918) p. 246, note 1. Early modern provenance otherwise unknown. Sotheby sale, 9 July 1969, no. 63, with plates of ff. 153r, HOv. Acquired from C. A. Stonehill in 1969 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 232-33, no. 57.

B. Narkiss, Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts (Jerusalem, 1969) p. 39.

A. C. de la Mare, "The Library of Francesco Sassetti (1421-90)," Cultural Aspects of the Italian Renaissance. Essays in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller, ed. C. H. Clough (Manchester and New York, 1976) p. 197, note 81.

MS 410 England, s. XV4/4

Indulgence Scroll (in Lat. and Eng.)

We thank K. L. Scott for her assistance with this manuscript. Concerning this sort of scroll, see C. Buhler, "Prayers and Charms in Certain Middle English

MS 4IO 309

Scrolls," Speculum 39 (1964) pp. 270-78; and R. H. Robbins, "The 'Arma Christi' Rolls," Modern Language Review 34 (1939) pp. 415-21. The texts are written on one side of a roll (dorse is blank), in the following order:

1 . O man vnkynde/ Bere in thy mynde/ My paynes smerte . . . [poem in 6 verses; cf. IMEV 2504].

2. [Above the Emblems of the Passion:] The pardon for .v. pater noster .v. aues and a credo whyth pytuusly beholdynge the arrnes of cristis passyon is . xxxij . M. et Iv. yeres.

Prayers to be said for a pardon of 32,055 years.

3. [Below the Emblems of the Passion:] P [erased: ape] Innocent hath grauntid to What man or Woman ]f doyly Worshyppeth deuoutly the . v. principall Woundes of our lorde ... the .vij. partes of there penance relesid in)? paynes of purgatory. And . vij petycions right wysly askyd . . . [poem beginning: ] Ihesu for thyne holy name/ And for thy bytter passyon ... [IMEV 1703].

4. [Around the Cross, see Membrane II of physical description:] Thys crosse . xv. tymes moten is Jf lenght of our lorde ihesu criste and what day ye loke ther on . . . per shall no wykyd spyryt nor none enmyes [changed from enimyes?] haue . . . Saynt Cyryace and saynt lulite hys modyr desyryd thys petycyon of god . . . [suffrage to Cirycus and Julitta:] Oracio de sancto Cyriaco et matre eius. Salue decus per miliorum miles regis angelorum ... [with the prayer:] Deus qui gloriosis martiribus tuis Ciriaco et Iulitte tribuisti Thome famulo tuo humilita- tem et virtutem ... semper retinere Constanciam. Per Christum dominum nostrum. Amen.

Prayer based on the measurement of the length of the body of Christ, very similar to one in London B. L. Rotulus Harley 43. A. 14, printed by Biih- ler, op. cit., pp. 274-75.

5. Crux christi sit semper mecum. Crux christi est quem semper adoro. Crux christi ... vbi te videt. In nomine patris et filij et spiritus sancti. Amen.

Eleven short invocations, all beginning Crux christi....

6. [Below Christ Child; added slightly later on Membrane III:] O altissima crux humana et innocens sanguis. O pena magna. O christi penuria ... ad regnum glorie splendissime. Amen.

Fifteen Oes.

Parchment roll, 1515 x 165 mm., unevenly trimmed at top and bottom, com- posed of three membranes glued together, the third an addition of the late fifteenth century. Written and decorated area, 1391 x 141 mm. Single bound- ing lines and guide-lines for text (6mm. apart) ruled in lead.

Written in gothic liturgical script in brown and red ink.

The roll is best described in membranes.

Membrane I: Two miniatures of the Emblems of the Passion, the one above the written space in a gothic architectural setting, with a Saint on either side

310 ms 410

and instruments of the Passion included around the full-figure of Christ stand- ing with the cross. The miniature below with three exceptionally large nails and a heart enclosed by a crown of thorns and supported by two angels; sur- rounded by instruments of the Passion. The patron in clerical costume of white gown and blue robe [Austin friar?] in prayer with a scroll "Quinque Wulnera dei sint medicina mei. Amen." A curling acanthus and floral border, contain- ing birds holding snakes in their beaks; red, blue, pink and orange, framed in blue, with a gentle ogee arch at the top. The birds with snakes are of non- English derivation, possibly from models from the milieu of Nicolaus Spierinc, who was still alive in 1499; see A. H. van Buren, "The Master of Mary of Burgundy and his Colleagues: The State of Research and Questions of Method," Zeitschrift fur Kunstgeschichte 38 (1975) p. 297 and note 50. Spierinc's use of this motif apparently comes from Cleves Master shop models and from playing card models; for this motif, see M. Geisberg, Das alteste gestochene deutsche Kar- tenspiel vom Meister der Spielkarten (vor 1446) (Strasbourg, 1905) Taf. 13, no. 23, lower right corner. Initials, 1-line gold or pink on blue or pink grounds with pen flourishes.

Membrane II: A large empty cross (17 mm.) drawn in black ink and colored brown, in the center of the written space. One 6-line initial, pink and blue acanthus on a gold ground infilled with an aroid. Three 2-line initials, one blue filled with a pink flower on gold, one pink with white filigree on gold, one gold, filled with blue with white filigree on a pink ground. Floral border, including columbines, roses, in red, blue, pink and green, with insects, against a tan ground with brown dots, framed in red and blue.

Membrane III: A miniature of the Christ Child as Salvator Mundi: seated on a red cushion beside the cross, holding the orb and blessing. This iconogra- phy, rare and perhaps unknown in English manuscript illustration, is proba- bly of foreign origin. One 3-line initial, pink and blue with white highlights, filled with a blue and pink flower on a gold ground. Border with large blue, pink, green and orange flowers joined by an undulating green stem, with brown hair-spray and gold dots. Framed in blue and pink.

Holes and tears in the margins of the upper two segments; considerably rubbed, with some loss of text.

Written in England in the fourth quarter of the 15th century. Note of a 16th- century owner at the end of the roll, "An Indulgence of Innocent VI ca. 1352." The original owner's name, Thomas, occurs in the suffrage (art. 4); his "por- trait" below the Arma Christi is flanked by the arms of two Lincolnshire fami- lies: on the left, argent, 3 cinquefoils and a canton gules (Driby), and on the right ermine, a fess gules cottised sable [?] (Bernake); possibly Thomas Bar- nak (Bernac) noted in Emden, BRUO, v. 1, p. 110. The cock standing on a rectangle enclosing the word "SHOT", at the lower right end of the roll, may be a rebus for the name of the owner [Cockshutt?] who added the portion

MS 411 311

described as Membrane III, and the text of art. 6. Listed in Rosenbach Com- pany, A Bibliophile's Miscellany: Rare Books and Manuscripts (1941) no. 296. Pur- chased from H. M. Fletcher in 1969 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

Bibliography: J. Krochalis, "God and Mammon: Prayers and Rents in Prince- ton MS 126," The Princeton University Library Chronicle 44 (1983) p. 211.

MS 411 France, s. XVIin

Hours, use of Rome PI. 19

1. ff. lr-6v Full calendar in French, alternating red and blue entries, f. 7r blank

2. ff. 7v-12r Sequences of the Gospels, that of John followed by the prayer Protector in te sperancium ... [Perdrizet 25].

3. ff. 12r-17v Obsecro te ... [masculine forms; Leroquais LH 2.346]; O in- temerata ... orbis terrarum. De te enim ... [masculine forms; Wilmart, 494-95].

4. ff. 18r-72v Hours of the Virgin, use of Rome; f. 62r ruled, but blank; changed office begins on f. 62v. f. 73r ruled, but blank

5. ff. 73v-89v Penitential Psalms and litany with Martialis as the last apos- tle; Eutropius (13) and Quentin (14) among the 14 martyrs; Remigius (6), Eligius (9), Egidius (10), Julian (11), Lubin (14) and Sulpice (15) among the 16 confessors; Genevieve (9) among the 12 virgins.

6. ff. 90r-123v Office of the Dead, use of Rome.

7. ff. 124r-128v Short Hours of the Cross.

8. ff. 129r-132v Short Hours of the Holy Spirit.

9. ff. 133r-149r Suffrages to Michael archangel, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, Peter and Paul, Andrew, James the Greater, Christopher, Lawrence, Sebastian, Dionysius, Maurice, George, Martin, Claudius, Ni- colas, Antony abbot, Fiacre, Francis, Mary Magdalen, Anna, Catharine of Alexandria, Barbara, Margaret, Apollonia, Genevieve, Avia, 11,000 Vir- gins, All Saints, f. 149v blank

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + i (modern parchment) + iv (contemporary parch- ment) + 149 + ii (contemporary parchment) + i (parchment), 192 x 123 (125 x 68) mm. Written in 22 long lines; ruled in pale red ink. Single vertical and horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across.

I8 (1 = f. iv), II8, III4, IV6, V-VIII8, IX6 ( + 1 leaf after 4, f. 62), X8, XI8 ( + 1 leaf before 1, f. 73), XII-XVI8, XVII2, XVIII-XX8, XXI2. Catchwords vertical along inner bounding line.

312 MS 4II

Written in a gothic book hand by a single scribe.

A Book of Hours notable for its elaborate cycle of illumination, closely related in style and some aspects of its content to two other Books of Hours, Paris, B. N. lat. 1393 and Philadelphia, Free Library, MS 113. See Exhibition Cata- logue, pp. 262-63, no. 79, and E. Wolf, A Descriptive Catalogue of the John Freder- ick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts in the Free Library of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, 1937) pp. 126-29, with illustrations. Other loosely related manuscripts include a Missal, Waddesdon Manor, James A. de Rothschild Collection, MS 19; a Book of Hours, New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, Heinemann Collection, H. 5; a Book of Hours sold by Leo S. Olschki of Flor- ence (Cat. 74, no. 42, 1910). See Plummer, Last Flowering, pp. 71-72, no. 93. To these manuscripts can be added another Book of Hours by the same artist, Sotheby's, 10 December 1969, no. 64. It might be fruitful to compare the il- lustrations in MS 41 1 to the decoration in early printed Books of Hours, par- ticularly those produced by A. Verard, S. Vostre and P. Pigouchet in Paris at the end of the 15th century (cf. P. Lacombe, Livres d'Heures imprimes au XVs et au XVF siecle (Paris, 1907).

Large miniatures (LM), facing text pages, and Calendar pages are in ar- chitectural frames, gold with red and blue panels; the frames of the miniatures are inscribed with the opening words of the text along the lower edge. A few small miniatures (SM, 14- to 6-line) are inserted in the text. Historiated borders (B) in outer and lower margins, framed by red and gold columns and/or a red and gold bounding line; upper border, a thin panel, either pink with gold filigree and gold foliage, or flowers and acanthus on gold and parchment grounds. Subjects of the miniatures and the historiated borders are as follow. In the Calendar: the Occupations of the months and the Signs of the zodiac. Similar representations of the Signs of the zodiac appear in the Hours of Catherine of Aragon attributed to Jean Bourdichon, ca. 1503-05 (see H. P. Kraus, Cat. 80, no. 35, with plate of Calendar). In the Gospel Sequences: f. 7v Fall of Re- bel Angels (LM); f. 8r St. John on Patmos with vision of seven-headed beast (B; John); f. 9r St. Luke painting the Virgin (SM), Annunciation (B; Luke); f. lOr St. Matthew with his angel (SM), Three Magi guided by star (B; Mat- thew); f. llr St. Mark at lectern (SM), Calling of Apostles (B; Mark). For the Prayers: f. 12r Pieta (SM), Virgin and Child in aureole, with unidentified family [?] below (B; Obsecro te); f. 14v Maria lactans (SM), Mary's devotions in the temple (B; O intemerata). In the Hours of the Virgin: f. 17v David, Adam and Eve, Moses and prophets released from Hellmouth (SM); f. 18r bust-length "portraits" in roundels with inscriptions around edges are Basil, Hilary, Thomas, Cyprian, Luke and an unidentified man [inscription Isaiah 7.14] (LM): according to J. Marrow a similar version of this composition oc- curs in Paris, B. N. fr. 727 on f. Ir with the difference that the Paris manuscript is a copy of Jean Mansel, Histoires romaines, and that in this context the busts are of Livy, Orosius, Lucan, Sallust, Suetonius, and Leonardo Bruni; f. 26r

MS 411 313

Nativity, with annunciation to the shepherds in the background (LM; Lauds); f. 35v Adoration of the shepherds (LM; Prime); f. 39v Presentation in temple (LM; Terce); f. 43r Presentation in the temple (LM), Adoration of the Magi, Magi warned by an angel, departure of the Magi (B; Sext); f. 46v Massacre of the Innocents (LM), Herod instructing soldiers, Joseph warned by an an- gel, Flight into Egypt and Fall of the idols (B; None); f. 47r Death of Herod (LM), Joseph told in dream to return, Return, 12-year old Christ in the tem- ple (B; None); f. 50v Marriage at Gana (LM), Christ's temptation, Christ with two angels, Calling of Peter and Andrew (B; Vespers); f. 51r Transfiguration (LM), Christ with Aposdes, Christ healing lame man, Christ revives the daugh- ter of official (B; Vespers).

The series of 12 Sibyls on ff. 51v-61v are accompanied by texts on scrolls in the lower border (except f. 56v), most of which correspond to the set used in the painted decoration of the Roman palace of Cardinal Giordano Orsini (d. 1438); on this set of prophecies, see E. Dotson, "An Augustinian Interpre- tation of Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling," Art Bulletin 61 (1979) pp. 405-08, with the usual text for each Orsini Sibyl given p. 407, n. 167. Other manuscripts with Sibylline texts (all Books of Hours) include Paris, B. N. lat. 920 and lat. 10491 , and Paris, Arsenal MS 438; the texts also appear in many printed Hours by Verard and Vostre (see E. Male, L'art religiewc de la fin du moyen age en France [Paris, 1925] pp. 267-96). The texts in MS 411 are always shorter than the ones given in Dotson, and are often garbled and misspelled; they are only given in full below when they differ significantly from the text. On the page facing each Sibyl, or on the same page (f. 56v and f. 61v) are border scenes from the life of Christ, to which the prophecies are supposed to refer, and appropri- ate Biblical passages on a scroll in the lower border (these references are given in brackets following the identification of the scene above them). Subjects are as follow: f. 51v Persian Sibyl and Prophet (B); f. 52r Virgin and Child, St. John (B; in grisaille) [John 1.5; Ps. 81.5]; f. 52v Libyan Sibyl and Prophet (B); f. 53r Virgin and Child in aureole, Prophet (B; in grisaille) [John 1.9; Isaiah 60.1]; f. 53v Erythraean Sibyl, Prophet (B); f. 54r Annunciation, St. Luke(B; in grisaille) [Luke 1.31; Isaiah 7.14]; f. 54vCumaean Sibyl, Prophet (B); f. 55r Nativity, St. Luke (B; in grisaille) [Luke 2.7; Isaiah 9.6]; f. 55v Samian Sibyl, Prophet (B); f. 56r Mary places Christ in the manger, St. Luke (B; in grisaille) [Isaiah 1.3]; f. 56v Maria lactans, St. Luke (both in grisaille), Tiburtine Sibyl announcing the Nativity to Caesar Augustus, European Sibyl announcing the flight into Egypt, Flight into Egypt, in grisaille, (B); f. 57r Assumption (LM), Visit to the temple, Angel announcing death to Mary, Dor- mition (B; Compline); f. 57v Triburtine Sibyl, Prophet (B) [with line usually attributed to Phrygian Sibyl]; f. 58r Mocking of Christ, St. Mark (B; in grisaille) [Mark 14.65; Ps. 68.8]; f. 58v Agrippan Sibyl, Prophet (B); f. 59r Flagellation, St. Matthew (B; in grisaille) [Matthew 27.26; Ps. 128.3]; f. 59v Delphic Sibyl, Prophet (B); f. 60r Crowning with thorns, St. John (B; in grisaille) [John 19.2;

314 MS 411

Lamentations 3.14]; f. 60v Hellespontian Sibyl, David (B); f. 6 lr Crucifixion, St. John (B; in grisaille) John 19.18; Ps. 21.17]; f. 61v Phrygian Sibyl, Prophet, St. Matthew, Resurrection (B, the latter two in grisaille) [prophecy: Vetula de resurrectione suspendunt ilium et in ligno occidunt sed tercia die resurget] ; [Matthew 20.19].

For the Changed Office of the Virgin: f. 62v Vision of St. Bernard (LM), f. 63r Faith (B); f. 63v Hope (B); f. 64r Charity (B); f. 64v Temperance (B); f. 65r Justice (B); f. 65v Prudence (B); f. 66r Fortitude (B).

In the borders of ff. 66v-72r are the Old and New Testament type and anti- type figures of prophet and apostle in the outer border, with the Old Testa- ment prophecy, in French, in the upper border and in the lower border the fulfillment of the prophecy as stated in the Creed, in French, with attribution to the specific apostle, and with an illustration in grisaille of that Creed phrase: f. 66vJob, St. Peter, "God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and of earth"; f. 67r David, St. Andrew, "Jesus Christ His only begotten Son our Lord"; f. 67v Isaiah, St. James the Greater, "Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary"; f. 68r Jeremiah, St. John the Evangelist, "Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried"; f. 68v Baruch, St. Thomas, "He descended into hell, the third day He arose from the dead"; f. 69r Ezekiel, St. James the Less, "He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father"; f. 69v Daniel, St. Philip, "From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead"; f. 70r Hosea, St. Bartholomew, "The Holy Catholic Church"; f. 71r Amos, St. Simon, "The Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins"; f. 71v Jonah, St. Jude, "The resurrection of the body"; f. 72r Habbakuk, St. Matthias, "The life everlasting"; f. 72v Moses and the burning bush, Israelites (B).

For the Penitential Psalms: f. 73v Annointing of David (LM); f. 74r David and Goliath (LM); f. 74v Last Judgment (B); f. 75r David in prayer (B); f. 75v Pride: Aristocrat with lion (B); f. 76r Man in Hellfire (B); f. 76v Hatred and Anger: A suicide, with porcupine (B); f. 77r Man stabbed by demons (B); f. 77v Envy: Man brooding (B); f. 78r Man bitten by demons (B); f. 78v Glut- tony: Man eating, dog with bones (B); f. 79r Man force-fed by demons (B); f. 79v Lust: Woman with mirror and goat (B); f. 80r Man in boiling oil (B); f. 80v Avarice: Man counting coins, bear (B); f. 81 r Man in fire tormented by demon (B); f. 81 v Melancholy: Woman and donkey, Woman in hellfire (B); f. 82r David in prayer (B); f. 82v Pity: Woman with pennant (B). Similar depictions of women with pennants representing the Virtues, through f. 89v: f. 83r Truth (B); f. 83v Justice (B); f. 84r Peace (B); f. 84v Hope (B); f. 85r Charity (B); f. 85v Humility (B); f. 86r Patience (B); f. 86v Abstinence (B); f. 87r Diligence (B); f. 87 v Prudence (B); f. 88r Temperance (B); f. 88v Forti- tude (B); f. 89r Fairness (B); f. 89v Obedience (B).

For the Office of the Dead: f. 90r Man between Heaven and Hell (LM); f. 90v Dance of Death: Pope and skeleton (B) [all the figures in the border

MS 4II 315

scenes through f. 97v have a skeleton behind them]; f. 91r Emperor (B); f. 91v Cardinal (B); f. 92r King (B); f. 92v Bishop (B); f. 93r Nobleman (B) f. 93v Abbot (B); f. 94r Knight (B); f. 94v Priest (B); f. 95r Nobleman (B) f. 95v Cistercian monk (B); f. 96r Merchant (B); f. 96v Franciscan friar (B) f. 97r Peasant (B); f. 97v Hermit (B).

For the Short Hours of the Cross: f. 124r Arrest of Christ (LM), Apostles flee, Christ led away, Christ before Pilate (B); f. 124v Christ before Caiaphas (B); f. 125r Christ before Annas (B); f. 125v Christ before Pilate, Flagellation (B); f. 126r Crowning with thorns, Ecce Homo (B); f. 126v Pilate washing hands, Bearing of cross (B); f. 127r Nailing to the cross, Lance thrust into Christ's side (B); f. 127v Joseph of Arimathia requesting the body of Christ from Pilate (B); f. 128r Descent from the cross, three Marys and St. John (B); f. 128v Entombment (B).

For the Short Hours of the Holy Spirit: f. 129r Pentecost (LM), Apostles baptizing and preaching (B); f. 129v St. James (B); f. 130r Pope (B); f. 130v Cardinal (B); f. 131r Bishop with staff (B); f. 131v Bishop with crosier (B).

For the Suffrages: f. 132v Trinity and angels (B); f. 133r Michael weighing souls (B); f. 133v St. John the Baptist holding the Agnus Dei, and preaching in the desert to men of varied estate (B); f. 134r St. John the Evangelist boiled in oil, writing, and with poisoned chalice (B); f. 134v God the Father in angel mandorla, St. Peter with book, Conversion of Paul (B); f. 135r Martyrdom of St. Andrew, Proconsul Aegeas tortured by demons (B); f. 135v St. James the Greater points to a young man unjustly hanged and to the man's parents, 2 pilgrims (B); f. 136r St. Christopher and hermit, ships (B); f. 136v Mar- tyrdom of St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence, group in prayer (B); f. 1 3 7r Martyrdom of St. Sebastian (LM); f. 138r Martyrdom of St. Dionysius and his compan- ions, St. Dionysius carries his head (B); f. 138v St. Maurice and his compan- ions (B); f. 139r St. George (LM); f. 140r St. Martin in bed, God holding cloak, St. Martin divides cloak (B); f. 140v St. Claude as abbot, as bishop, and with the young men resuscitated from drowning (B); f. 141r St. Nicolas as bishop, gift of gold, three children in a tub (B); f. 141v St. Antony reading, temptress, Antony in fire (B); f. 142r St. Fiacre with spade, falsely accused of sorcery by Becnaude, chastised by Bishop Pharo (B); f. 142v St. Francis receiving the stigmata (B); f. 143r Assumption of Mary Magdalen, in cave, at Mass, and with ointment jar (B); f. 143v St. Anna and her 3 daughters, man kneeling in prayer, Christ as a child with his 6 young cousins all with haloes and their future attributes as apostles (B); f. 144r The 3 husbands and the 3 sons-in-law of St. Anna (B); f. 144v St. Catharine debating philosophers, beside wheel, beheaded (B); f. 145r St. Barbara baptized (LM); f. 146r St. Margaret with dragon, with flock, two men on horseback (B); f. 146v St. Apol- lonia (B); f. 147r St. Genevieve with bishop, with candle, with demons emerg- ing from inkwell (B); f. 147v St. Avia put into prison, with angels, administering [?] the sacrament (B); f. 148r Pope receiving St. Ursula and 11,000 virgins

316 Ms 411

(LM); f. 148v Martyrdom of St. Ursula, virgins beheaded (B); f. 149r All Saints and Trinity (B).

Lower borders without historiations have small landscapes with battling grotesques and animals in red and gold frames, or acanthus surrounding scrolls, pink and gold, some with prophecies (as in ff. 51v-61v) and others with texts relating to the figures above (portions of Pater Noster, in French, f. 72 v; 7 mortal sins, in French, ff. 75r-81r). Text pages without miniatures or histori- ated borders have borders in outer margins only: landscapes with animals, as above, in fanciful architectural frames; damask patterns with lettering (MAR- IA VIRGO, MM, MI in black and gold); blue, black, red and/or gold panels with elaborate gold, black and white filigree; red, blue and green flowers on gold grounds, blue and gold acanthus on parchment grounds; some with in- sects and grotesques. 2-line initials, blue with white highlights, filled with blue and red ivy on gold grounds. 1-line initials, gold or blue with white highlights against pink and/or blue with gold filigree. Line fillers same as 1-line initials or with green and yellow leaves on gold. Rubrics throughout. Calendar with feasts alternating red and blue.

Binding: s. xx. Dark blue velvet case. Bound by J. Greenfield in the Yale Conservation Studio, 1984-85.

Written in France in the early 16th century. The manuscript has been attributed to Rouen, at first on the mistaken assumption that it was written for the use of Rouen (Christie's sale catalogue, 16 July 1969, lot 149), but it is to be noted that Rouen saints are not prominent in the litany. On the basis of the illumi- nation, the manuscript could have been produced either in Rouen (for use else- where) or in Paris. An 18th-century note on f. iii verso states that it was produced in the 14th century, belonged to the comte d'Angouleme, who gave it to his wife Louise de Savoie, upon whose death it passed to Marguerite de Valois, Queen of Navarre, and later to Anne d'Autriche, Mme. de Chevreuse, the Rohans, and M. de Sardiere. The manuscript is hence sometimes called the "Hours of Marguerite de Valois" or "Marguerite de Valois' Prayer Book" although there is no evidence to support ownership by anyone on the 18th- century list except by Jean Baptiste Denis Guyon de Sardiere, son of Mme. de la Mothe-Guyon (d. ca. 1759; signatures, ff. lr and 149r). His collection was catalogued for sale in Paris, 1759, but acquired en bloc by Louis Cesar de la Baume le Blanc, Due de la Valliere (1708-80) before the sale (not identified in G. de Bure, Catalogue des livres provenans de la bibliotheque de M, L. D. D. L. V. [Paris, 1767]). Bought at the Due's sale by Jean-Benjamin de la Borde (1734-94; first valet- de-chambre of Louis XV; note on second flyleaf at end). Unidentified shelf-mark on second flyleaf at end: "III 9810." Restored in 1846 by A. Gobert according to a note on second flyleaf at end: "Restaure en 1846 par Mr. Ad. Gobert avec autant dliabilite que de discernement. Ce travail a ete paye 360 f." Sold by Gavin Astor from the Hevin Castle Collection

MS 412 317

(Christie's, 16 July 1969, no. 149; pis. of ff. 7v, 17v-18r, 46v-47r, 59v-60r and 73v-74r). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill in 1969 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 262-63, no. 79.

MS 412 Northeastern Italy, 1507


1 . ff. lr-9v Esemdomi [sic] peruenuto alle orechie senutio mio ti esser nouamente inamorrato mi aparso aperte [one letter illegible] ga ala beniuolentia la qual he fia noi sina da nostri teneri anni, Che udendo te dar operra a Ghossa la qual In se non laudabille . . . sapi non fabulla grecha fincta ma verra In- storia udirai assai lachrimossa et ponendo fine a mio exordio principiero lo achaduto chaxo.

Letter to "Senutius" to dissuade him from marriage.

2. ff. 9v-53r Nella gloriosa et magnificha Cita di Venetia naque di nobillissi- mo parentado bella Efigie ualleria II chui padre Vallerio dilla chaxa mar- cella Ananti il parto di suo moglie hellena idio volse che vita finisse . . . possa abandonati dalla propria forma In uno sepulchro fureno chiuxi chusi alle fiate la morte vnisse cholloro chella uita sepperra.

First novella, about Valeria married against her will to Pietro Lombardo; cf. G. H. Bumgardner, "An Antecedent of Romeo and Juliet,7' Gazette 49 (1975) p. 269.

3. f. 53r-v Non mi par senutio mio che far te debi menzione delle piatosse uoce le qual da qualumque persona furono In si gloriossa Cita sparse ... ce persuade piu lomglio non serro a zo non fastidischa le tue peritissime orechie. Valle Et sis felix anime dimidium mee. finis.

Conclusion of letter in art. 1.

4. ff. 53v-55r [Inscription on cartouche:] Mia excessit e vitaprunichi causa, [text:] Piu delle fiate vediamo sequirre che gli antiqui exempli In noi soleno esser chaxone di perfectissima Et bona operratione ... gli suoi signati georni peruenutii ha morte chome nel sequente tractato per gli Effecti pietossissi- mi demomstreremo.

Prologue to second novella.

5. ff. 55r-81v Vinesia al prexente fra tute le antiquissime Cita del momdo sub- limata di honorri si ritroua doue le antiquissime monarchic ... [f. 55v:] In questa dignissima Citade non he molti anni passati che se ritrouo vna gen- tilissima stirpe di citadini il chui prenome era della chaxada di chastelgli ... [f. 56r:] misier Zuane Citadino Veneto per el suo virtuoso et honesto

318 ms 412

viuere el qualle solla se trouo et vnicha phigliolla A la chui puosse nome Iullia . . . azioche chom sente a tal beneficio essendo prima alia Clementia di dio renda gratia poi per merito del benne riceuuto si tribuischa alle anime di passati Iouenni deuote oratione. finis.

Second novella, "Julia e Prunneo"; Bumgardner, op. cit., pp. 269-72.

6. f. 82r Iovenni Donne Et vui piatosi amantil che limfortunio caso udito haueti/ . . . Per sua Iusta merce seran saluate/ Qual fu laflicto popul per Iudit. Finis.

Unidentified sonnet; transcribed and discussed in Bumgardner, op. cit., p. 273.

7. ff. 82v-105v [Inscription on cartouche:] Quod vivens non potui moriens poter- ro. [heading:] Hyeronimo Di amando una giouine et Constreto dal padre di tuor moglie niegha il paterno uollere di maridarsi. Et languendo per amore nelle sue bracie gli Conciede morte che ella dexiderata giouine se auidesse lultimo giorno. Et a questo modo gli gioueneti Inamorati per amore finirone la lor uita. [text:] La preclarissima et magnificha Cita di padoua il Gui origine primo et fondamen- to hebe da antiquissimi et ualloroxi troiani ... [f. 83v:] Fu adumque uno Ciptadino di quella di nostri giorni Ghiamato messer franciesco di brachi el qual da gli benni dilla fortuna . . . et agli uiuenti per exempio Eterno riman- gha acioche di talli Imfortunij rechordandossi paurossi prouedi di fugirlli acioche di lor non si ragiona qualli di Costoro piangendo se scriue. Third novella, "Lucretia e Hyeronimo"; Bumgardner, op. cit., pp. 269-72.

8. ff. 105v-122v [Inscription on cartouche:] CrudelleAn Propitium Factum Dices. [text:] Verona antiquissima Cita la qualle da breno primo fondator di quella a memoria di lui fu longhamente brena Chiamata ... [f. 106v:] Vno giouene della dita Caxa [pellegrini] Chiamato Estore il qualle gientillissimo et bello Era quanto uno che mai quella Cita ne tenesse ... [f. 120r:] nella Ghiesia di santa maria antiqua In uno horeuolle sepulchro gia di passati signori dalla schalla quelli piangendo mallenchonosamente li renchiuse. [f. 120v:] Morte hecho la tua transfligente et spauenteuoile saeta di Corri . . . Che pensar di te Cossa pur lieta et amorossa et Cussi sempre sequir uiuerai contenta Pascendo Amor di dollci et Iochondi ragionamenti. finis.

Fourth novella, "Camilla e Estore"; Bumgardner, op. cit., pp. 269, 271-72.

9. ff. 122v-145r Instoria di mister Druxillo et di madona uictoria fiolli Del Conte vbaldo de [sic, no last name] Composta per misser felliciano Antiquario . [text:] Fue antiquamente per allexandro magno dato per Comandamento a perdicha hauen- do dario presso Ischomfito Che tuti quelli Che fureno Ingrati di beneficij riceuuti doueserro esser morti Cum ferro . . . Ritrouandomi stare alchum giorno Cum otio nel duro saxo dil monte poiano quando la stadera del Ciello tochaua il zodaicho [sic] del solle negli anni Delia Christiana salute Mille e quatro zento e setanta quatro Disposi il mio pichollo Ingegno formare questa Iusta uictoria et destinarlla al nome uostro Generosa madona fran-

MS 412 319

zeschina lauagnola acio che legendolla possiate passare el tempo non Cum otio et per monstrarui quanta sia la Imchomparabille fede la qualle felli- ciano antiquario porta al uostro Carissimo Consorte gregorio ... [f. 124r:] Come nel sequito del mio tractato Intendo monstrare. [frame:] Non sono per tanto molti anni passati che legiendo nelle Instorie de longobardi ritrouer- ai nella extermita [sic] de alchum libro una gallicha Instoria Intitullata Ius- ta victoria scripta In lingua grammaticha ... [text, f. 124r:] Io trouo adumque Che regnando adoardo sechondo re nella splendida cipta de parisse. In quelle Contrade non molto distante si si [sic] ritroua una picholla Cypta Cum al- chune Castelle il possesore Delle qualle In quel tempo fue il Conte Vbaldo galicho homo ... et chel suo Caro fratello habia schampato da morte al Cui trono celleste et magiesta superna Daremo laude et gloria senza fine. Amen. [on scroll:] Antonius Angelerius Guielmi Filius M°D° VIP Die XV Madii. ff. 145v-146v blank

Fifth novella, "Justa Victoria," by Felice Feliciano; G. Mardersteig, ed., La gallica historia di Drusillo intitulata Justa Victoria ... (Verona, 1943) pp. 7-67; Bumgardner, op. cit., pp. 270-76.

Paper (watermarks: crossed arrows buried in gutter), ff. i (paper) + iv (con- temporary paper) + 146 + ii (contemporary paper) + i (paper), 235 x 161 (ca. 150 x 100) mm., trimmed. Written in 21-23 long lines; double vertical bounding lines, full length. Ruled in lead. Prickings at lower edge.

I-X8, XI10, XII-XVIII8 (8 = f. i at back). Catchwords on verso, centered just below written space.

Written by one person in bold italic.

Decorated with several miniatures and borders in water and body color: f. iv verso, full-page miniature of tomb in a landscape, with an epigraphic in- scription referring to art. 2: "Angelus extinctus gladio Valeria moestu. impar amor rapuit. continet urna duos." Arms above inscription: azure, a fess or; an inescutcheon azure, a bend wavy or. On f. lr, a full frame, outer, inner and upper margins with bucrania, trophies, swags, jewels, arms and armor (including two shields: azure, a fess or; and azure, a bend wavy or [Marcel- lo]), in blue, pink, green and gold, framed in gold; lower margin, a parapet with a cornice, enclosing a cartouche with bust, supported by putti and flanked by the letters "A. A.", background filled with spiral flowing vines, pink, blue, green and gold, with brown hair-spray. Cartouches bearing inscriptions on ff. 53v, 82v, 105v (see arts. 4, 7, 8). On f. 145v a scroll, written in red and blue letters festooned on a tree in a landscape, the ends supported by two putti (see art. 9, colophon). At the beginning of each novel, a 3- or 2-line initial, gold, against a purple or crimson ground with gold floral filigree; followed by several words in text script, gold against a crimson or purple rectangular ground.

Binding: s. xviii. Gilt, gauffered edges. Brown sheepskin over wooden boards, blind-tooled. Floral woodblock paste paper pastedowns and endleaves. Two

320 MS 413

fastenings with shell-shaped clasps on the upper board and pins in the edge of the lower. Rebacked.

Written for Antonius Angelerius, son of Guglielmo (initials, f. lr and colo- phon in art. 9), probably in the area of Padua or Venice (the Angelieri family settled in Este by s. xiii; see Bumgardner, op. cit., p. 268); manuscript com- pleted 15 May 1507. Library of the Venetian Senator Jacopo Soranzo (d. 1742); mentioned in an inventory by his librarian Melchiori (Venice, Bibl. Marciana, Ital. Glasse X, 139, f. 90v; Bumgardner, op. cit., p. 268, no. 1). Collection of Abate Matteo Luigi Canonici (1727-1805); his notes on the novelle pasted on f. i recto. Passed to his nephew, Giovanni Perissonotti; purchased from him in 1835 by the Rev. Walter Sneyd (bookplate); T. Phillipps, Catalogue manuscrip- torum Magnae Britanniae (Middle Hill, 1850) p. 16, no. 237. Sneyd sale (Sothe- by's, 16 Dec. 1903, lot 550) to Murray. Purchased from Goldschmidt's in 1969 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

MS 413 Rheims [?], ca. 875

Capitularies of Charlemagne, Louis the Pious, etc.

1. f. lr blank; f. lv Crude drawing of two figures wrestling [?] and the head of a third watching; inscriptions or pen-trials include "Reuerentissimo" above the two figures, "missi nostri" to the right; "pustet" on the arm of the left figure, "iste est lasneullus" across the bodies of the two; in the lower mar- gin, upside down, is a 1-line inscription in a contemporary hand: "Cum in nomine domini dei aeterni et sanctae matris [?] christi Richardus."

2. f. 2r (1) R. Exclamauit sanctus nazarius dicens domine ihesu christe salua animas seruorum tuorum ... V. Domine libera animas seruorum tuorum a demonibus ... ; (2) Isti sunt inclyti martires christi geruasius et prothasius ... ; (3) Isti sunt angelica solidati claritate martyres incliti geruasius . . . Sub- limemur. V.

Three responsories, with neumes, for Sts. Gervasius and Protasius; incom- plete since the verse is lacking in the second and third response, though the third response has the neuma. According to M. Huglo the neumes resemble those from the Northeastern region of France at the boundary of the Lor- raine style of notation and are of the type sometimes found at Rheims. See, in particular, the shape of the porrectus.

3. f. 2v [Title-page:] In christi nomine incipiunt capitula episcoporum re- gum et maxime omnium nobilium francorum. [two couplets:] Legiloquum quisquis librum ... Legem namque bonam dictarunt

Title executed in square capitals; couplets in rustic capitals; written on every other line.

ms 413 3^

4. ff. 3r-4r Incipit praefatio. Dominante per secula infinita omnium dominatore e christo saluatore nostro. creatore uniuersae creaturae. anno incarnationis ipsius. dcccxxvii. Indictione. vj. Anno uero xiii. imperii gloriosissimorum principum domni hludouici ... mundane pertinentialegis. in quarto congessi. Explicit praefatio . Preface to the capitularies of Charlemagne and Louis the Pious compiled by Ansegisus in 827; A. Boretius, ed., MGH LL II, Capitularia Regum Francorum, v. 1 (1883) p. 394; MS 413 listed as no. 44 on p. 392 of In- troduction.

5. ff. 4r-7r Incipiunt capitula. i De his qui ab episcopo proprio excommunican- tur. ii De his qui ad ordinandum ueniunt ... clx De ebrietate. clxi De ad- monitione ad omnes. Explicuerunt capitula.

List of 161 chapters for Bk. I; MGH, op. cit. , pp. 395-97; MS 413 does not list ch. 145, De ecclesiis uel altaribus ambiguis, nor is the chapter included in art. 7.

6. ff. 7v-8r Regnante domino nostro ihesu christo in perpetuum. Ego karo- lus gratia dei eiusque misericordia donante ... oboedientia aeterna felici- tate ab omnipotente deo remuneretur. Explicit praefatio domni karoli serenissimi imperatoris.

Preface. of Charlemagne; MGH, op. cit., p. 397.

7. ff. 8v-26v Incipiunt capitula suprascripta et eorum textus. De his qui ab episcopo proprio excommunicantur . [text:] Sunt enim aliqui qui culpis exigentibus ab epis- copo proprio excommunicantur. Et ab aliis ecclesiasticis. uel laicis ... opera eorum bona coram hominibus ut glorifkent deum qui in caelis est. Explicit liber primus.

Capitularies, Book I; MGH, op. cit., pp. 397-413. Each capitulum is indicat- ed by a square bracket and Roman numeral, both in red, in outer margin; headings for each section in red rustic capitals; first initial for each section, in red, offset to left of text space; same format of presentation for arts. 9, 11, 13 (Books II-IV).

8. ff. 27r-28r Incipit praefatiuncula libri secundi. Supra in primo libro capitula ecclesiastica ... descripsi libello. Explicit praefatio. Incipiunt capitula libri secun- di et eorum praelocutio. ii [sic] De diuina prouidentia in constitutione domni imperatoris. et de conseruatione. [abbreviation stroke for final m partially erased] trium capitulorum. in De hoc quod admonitor fidelium domnus imperator sit. et omnes fideles adiutores ipsius ... xlv De ecclesiis antiquitus constitu- tes, xlvi De sepultura.

List of 46 chapters for Book II, preceded by a short preface; MGH, op. cit., pp. 413-14.

9. ff. 28v-39v Incipiunt praedicta capitula et eorum praelocutio ac textus. Omnibus uobis aut uisu aut auditu notum esse non dubitamus quia genitores nostri

3£2 ms 413

et progenitores ... quae ab antiquis parentibus patribus constituta est. Ex- plicit liber secundus.

Capitularies, Book II; MGH, op. cit., pp. 414-23.

10. ff. 39v-41v Praelocutiuncula libelli tertii incipit. Superius in duobus libellis ecclesiastica praefatorum principum ... adunaui libello. Explicit praelocutio. i De pace seruanda. ii De iustitiis generalibus ... Ixxxviiii De homicidiis in- fra patriam factis. xc De mensuris et ponderibus.

List of 90 chapters for Book III, preceded by short preface; MGH, op. cit., pp. 424-25.

11. ff. 42r-53r De pace seruanda. De pace ammonemus. ut omnes qui per ali- qua scelera rebelles sunt, constringantur . . . inuicem siue ad capiendum sicut in lege domini preceptum habemus.

Capitularies, Book III; MGH, op. cit., pp. 425-34.

12. ff. 53r-55r Incipit praefatiuncula quarti libelli. Quia supra in duobus ec- clesiastica quae praefati principes domni imperatores Karolus . . . adunaui libello. Incipiunt capitula libri quarti. i De seruis per contumatiam alicui uim in- ferentibus. ii De rebus uel mancipiis a fisco regali occupatis . . . Ixxiii De statu hominis. Ixxiiij De proprietate hominis que ob aliquod crimen in bannum fuerit missa.

List of 74 chapters for Book IV, preceded by a short preface; MGH, op. cit., pp. 435-36.

13. ff . 55r-66v Incipiunt supradicta capitula et textus. id est de seruis per contumaciam alicui uim inferentibus . Si serui per contumatiam collecta multitudine alicui uim intulerint id est aut homicidium . . . comprehensum his ad quos ilia legibus pertinet exsoluat.

Capitularies, Book IV; MGH, op. cit., pp. 436-46.

14. ff. 66v-69r [Title, f. 66v:] Capitula karoli regis iunioris facta in monasterio sancti medardi. [text, f. 67r:] Vt missi nostri per ciuitates et monasteria singula tarn canonicorum . . . et ecclesiasticus homo qui commutatus fuerit perpetua liber- tate fruatur.

Charles the Bald, Capitulare missorum suessionense , April 853, in 12 chapters; W. Hartmann, ed., MGH Concilia 3 (1984) pp. 284-89 (with a short description of MS 413 on p. 259). For a recent discussion of arts. 14-17, 19, 22, see J. Nelson, "Legislation and Consensus in the Reign of Charles the Bald," Ideal and Reality in Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Society: Studies presented to J. M. Wallace-Hadrill, ed. P. Wormald (Oxford, 1983) pp. 202-22 and App. I. Chapters indicated by square brackets with Roman numerals, both in red, in outer margin; first initial of each section, in red, offset from text space; same format of presentation for arts. 15-17, 19, 22.

ms 413 3£3

15. ff. 69v-72r Capitula hlotkarii imperatoris et karoli regis facta in palatio ualen- tianas [sic]. In nomine sanctae et indiuiduae trinitatis karolus gratia dei rex. Dilectis et fidelibus missis nostris per regnum nostrum . . . et in tribus ar- chisiuis et in duobus brionisis.

Charles the Bald, Capitulare missorum silvacense, November 853, in 13 chap- ters; A. Boretius and K. Krause, eds., MGH LL II Capitularia Regum Francorum v. 2 (1897), no. 260, pp. 270-74 (line 19), with p. 276, no. 10, added at conclusion.

16. ff. 72r-75r In nomine sanctae et indiuiduae trinitatis karolus gratia dei rex. Unfrido uenerabili episcopo. Ingiscalco et berengario comitibus ... sed et plura si necesse fuerit episcopus quisque colligere et dicere procurabit. Charles the Bald, Capitulare carisiacense, Feb. 857, in 10 chapters; Hartmann, MGH, op. cit., pp. 389-94.

17. ff. 75r-82r Capitula domni karoli regis iunioris in pistis facta. In nomine sanc- tae et indiuiduae trinitatis karolus gratia dei rex. et episcopi abbates quo- que. et comites ac ceteri in christo .. . et per legalem compositionem et per ecclesiastice satisfactionis paenitentiam.

Charles the Bald, Capitula pistensia, June 862, in 4 chapters; Boretius and Krause, MGH, op. cit., v. 2, no. 272, pp. 302-10.

18. f. 82v De iure sepulturae. De uiris et uxoribus in uno sepulchro. eucherius ait Cebron ciuitas. iiij. uirorum qui in ea sepulti sunt ... Oblatio. Id est a patre fllius deo oblatus.

Text added in a smaller script by a contemporary hand.

19. ff. 83r-96r Capitula iunioris karoli regis, in pistis facta. Karolus gratia dei rex. Notum esse uolumus omnibus dei et nostris fidelibus . . . et defendandam in omnibus quantum deus auxilium prestare dignatus fuerit parati semper et in omnibus simus.

Charles the Bald, Edictum pistense, June 864, in 36 chapters; Boretius and Krause, MGH, op. cit., v. 2, no. 273, pp. 312-28, line 13; chapter 29 in- cluded within text without interruption at conclusion of chapter 28.

20. ff. 96r-97r Sententia domni gregorii papae. Beatus papa gregorius com- missam sibi diuinitus aecclesiam. ligures. uenetios. hiberos. aliosque ... non dubitet porcionem a quo prius hoc peculiare flagitium sumpsit exordium.

Unidentified text.

21. f. 97v Primus rex francorum faramundus extitit. qui fait troianus. Secun- dus clodio ... rex francorum atque dux aquitanorum. xxxij. Philippus qui uiuente patre cepit regnare.

List of Frankish kings from Faramund to Philip II (1180), written by two scribes in two columns, s. XII2.

324 ms 413

22. ff. 98r-102r Incipiunt capitula iunioris karoli regis que facta fuerunt ad carisia cum palatium publicum capitulo primo. [text:] Quia necesseest ut quod male rein- crescit iterum recidatur de constitutionibus . . . et mansione presbiteri habeat sicut in eisdem capitulis continetur.

Charles the Bald, Capitulare carisiacense, Jan. 873, in 12 chapters; Boretius and Krause, MGH, op. cit., v. 2, no. 278, pp. 343-47.

23. ff. 102v-104v Cap. i. Quia necesse est ut quod male reincrescit iterum recidatur. de constitutionibus ... obtineat. et mortuo illo. filius eius//

Same as art. 22, ending abruptly in ch. 8 (p. 345, line 38, of MGH text).

24. f. 105r (rear flyleaf) Crudely drawn figure, perhaps Hercules with club and lion's skin; prayer (copied twice) for communion: "Domine ihesu christe fili dei uiui qui ex uoluntate patris " f. 105v blank

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 105 (paginated, s. xviii, 1-209) + i (paper), 270 x 225 (180 x 140) mm. Written in 24 long lines. Ruled in hard point on hair side before folding; double vertical bounding lines with additional single rul- ing in inner margin and double rulings in outer margin (for chapter numbers); single horizontal bounding lines, full across; vertical rulings often extend only the length of written space. Prickings prominent on f. 2 (title-page) where they occur in upper and lower margins and along outer vertical ruling of written space for all horizontal rulings.

I2, II-XII8, XIII8 (-1, no loss of text), XIV8. Signatures for gatherings II-VI (Roman numerals I-V) located in center of lower margin, verso; other signatures partially or entirely trimmed.

Written in fine Carolingian minuscule primarily by two scribes. Scribe 1: ff. lv-42v; Scribe 2: ff. 43r-96r, 98r-102r.

Eleven large decorative initials (5- to 13-line) of very good quality in gold, green, red, and white, of the style usually associated with the school of Rheims. The initials are constructed of broad outlines in green which are decorated with unburnished gold (partly rubbed) and bordered with red. The letters terminate in interlace knots and animal heads. Empty spaces within the initials are filled with interlace grids of stylized foliage in unburnished gold laid on greenish ground. The stems of the most important initials (ff. 3r, 8v, 28v, 55r, 67r, 83r, 98r) are decorated with white interlace designs on red grounds (cf. the decorative initials in the Bible of San Paolo fuori le Mura, Rome; E. Monaci Archivio Paleografico Italiano [Rome, 1914] v. 4, pis. 4, 11, 15, 18, 19; compare also the style of decoration in Paris, B. N. lat. MSS 2294 and 17969, Paris, Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal MS 612, New York, Pierpont Morgan Library MS 728, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 272). On f. 83r appears the name "karolus" in large decorative heading in gold on green with red arabesques. Plain initials and headings in red.

Binding: s. xviii. Edges spattered red. Brown spattered calf, blind-tooled. Remains of paper label on spine.

ms 414 3^5

Written in Northeastern France shortly after 873. Although the addition of three responsories in honor of Sts. Gervasius and Protasius (art. 2) suggests that the manuscript was either made for a church in Soissons where these saints were especially venerated or was located there soon after it was produced, there is also strong evidence to support Rheims as the place of origin. The style of decorative initials in Beinecke MS 413 is closely related to that in the Bible of San Paolo which was produced in Rheims, ca. 870-75 (see P. E. Schramm and F. Mutherich, Denkmale der deutschen Konige und Kaiser [Munich, 1962] v. 1, pp. 135-36, no. 55; W. Koehler, Buchmalerei des fruhen Mittelalters , ed. E. Kitzinger and F. Mutherich [Munich, 1972] pp. 145-46) and to other manuscripts attributed to the school of Rheims under Archbishop Hincmar (845-82); see list of manuscripts cited above. In addition, B. Bischoff (letter on file) has identified the style of the second hand (ff. 43r-102r) as similar to that of Ingobertus, whose name is associated with the Bible of San Paolo. Whether the manuscript originated in Rheims or Soissons, it was clearly ex- ecuted at a scriptorium connected with the court of Charles the Bald (Emperor, 840-77). According to G. H. Pertz (MGH LL I, p. 270) the volume was for- merly in the library of a certain "Gohier", perhaps Louis-Jerome Gohier (1746-1830) who was Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice in 1792 and Minister of Justice in 1793 (see Dictionnaire de Biographie Frangaise, v. 16, p. 499). Acquired from Payne by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 10190; tag on spine; in- scription on f. lr); purchased by A. Chester Beatty (his Western MS 11; see E. G. Miller, The Library of A. Chester Beatty ... [Oxford, 1927] v. 1, pp. 50-52; pis. XXVIII-XXX of ff. 28v-29r, 42r, 83r). Sotheby's sale (24 June 1969, no. 40). Acquired from H. P. Kraus in 1969 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: quae domnus

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 180-81, no. 5, pi. 1 off. 83r.

K. Christ, "Die Schlossbibliothek von Nikolsburg und die Uberlieferung der Kapitulariensammlung des Ansegisus," Deutsches Archiv fiir Geschichte des Mit- telalters 1 (1937) pp. 314-15.

T. E. Marston, "A Legal Manuscript of the Ninth Century," Gazette 44 (1970) pp. 111-13.

R. McKitterick, The Frankish Church and the Carolingian Reforms 789-895 (Lon- don, 1977) p. 32 (attributes MS 413 to Tours).

MS 414 France, s. XIIin

Bible PI- 5

Presumably the second of a two- volume Bible, the codex is arranged as fol- lows (numbers in parentheses refer to prologues that precede the text, as they are listed in Stegmuller): Isaiah (482); Jeremiah (487); Lamentations (ending

326 MS 414

at 4.22); Baruch; Ezekiel (492); Daniel (494); Prologue to Minor Prophets (500); Hosea (507); Joel (511); Amos (515, 512); Obadiah (516, 519 + 517); Jonah (524, 522); Micah (526); Nahum (527); Habakkuk (529); Zephanaiah (532; followed by the concluding portion of 534, without rubric: Iosiam regem iude cuius temporibus ... lectionis denunciauit); Haggai (535, 538); Zechariah (540) Malachi (544); Job (344, 357, 349, 355; at conclusion another prologue: 350) f. 92v ruled, but blank; Proverbs (457); Ecclesiastes; Song of Songs; Wisdom Ecclesiasticus (with Multorum nobis et magnorum treated separately as a pro- logue; Prayer of Solomon at end); f. 124r-v (originally blank) Cronica ysidori vel ieronimi vel augustini. Brevem temporum expositionem per generationes et regna primus ex nostrus tribus . . . [description of the Creation up to Solomon; Isidore of Seville, Chronicon, PL 83.1017-30]; Matthew (595, 596, 581, 590) + capitula; Mark (607) + capitula; Luke (620) + capitula; John (624) + capi- tula; Acts (640) + capitula; Catholic Episdes (809); Apocalypse (835); Romans (670, 674, 677); 1 Corinthians (685; ends imperfectly at 4.15).

Parchment, ff. i (parchment) + 197 + i (parchment), 273 x 187 (202 x 121) mm., trimmed. Written in two columns of 48 lines, above top line. Double vertical and horizontal (widely spaced) bounding lines, full length and full across. Two horizontal lines at center, full across. Ruled in hard point on the hair side.

I- VII12, VIII4 ( + 4 leaves, ff. 85-88, before 1), IX-X12, XI4 ( + 4 leaves, ff. 117-20, before 1), XII-XVI12, XVII12 ( + 1 leaf, f. 197, after 12).

Written in an elegant French minuscule, chapter divisions added in mar- gins by a later hand.

Twenty-seven line aniconic initials, 20- to 7-lines, are most closely related to similar decoration in a group of manuscripts from Albi and its region; Albi, Bibl. Mun., MSS 5, 6, and 13 and Paris, B.N. lat. 776; more generally to the group of Limousin manuscripts produced around 1100, of which the most important is the Second Bible of Saint-Martial (Paris, B.N. lat. 8). See Exhibi- tion Catalogue pp. 186-87, no. 13, pi. 4 (f. lr); W. Cahn, Romanesque Bible Illu- mination (Ithaca, New York, 1982) cat. no. 77, p. 274, fig. 125 (fol. lr incorrectly labeled lv), and D. Gaborit-Chopin, La decoration des manuscrits a Saint-Martial de Limoges et en Limousin du XF au XIF Steele (Paris-Geneva, 1969) p. 219. The initials are drawn in black pen, filled with yellow, brown or blue, most with interlace knots at midpoints and terminals, some with dragon heads, infilled with intertwining palmette foliage against irregular red, blue, green, and yel- low panelled grounds. Prologues open with 10- to 4-line initials, red and blue with terminals in the leafy "arabesque" design as defined by J. J. G. Alexander in Essays presented to N.R. Ker (London, 1978) pp. 87-116. Chapters with 3 -line initials in red. 1-line initials, running headings, and rubrics throughout. Mar- ginalia sometimes outlined in red. A hole in the parchment on f. 183 has also been outlined in red. On f. 43 v, a Tau sign drawn in the margin by a later hand.

ms 415 3£7

Binding: s. xix. Red velvet case. Leather placemarks on fore edge.

Written in the area of Limoges or in Aquitaine at the beginning of the 12th century; early provenance unknown. Belonged to Leon Gruel, Paris. Acquired from him by A. Chester Beatty in 1920 (E. G. Miller, The Library of A. Chester Beatty ... [Oxford, 1927] v. 1, pp. 104-07, with pis. LXXIX-LXXXI of ff. 159v, lr, 18r, 41r, 73r, 59v, 81v, 83r, 127r, 103r, 169v, 138v, 146v, 146r). Sotheby's sale (24 June 1969, no. 44). Purchased from H. P. Kraus in 1969 by Edwin J. Beinecke, for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio\ idola argenti

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 186-87, no. 13; pi. 4 off. lr.

MS 415 Italy, s. XIIIin

Laws and Statutes of Pisa PI. 28

Beinecke MS 415 contains the earliest known redaction of the Constituta legis et usus of Pisa issued ca. 1146-56. In the edition of F. Bonaini, Statuti inediti della citta di Pisa dal XII al XIV secolo (Florence, 1854-70) neither the Beinecke manuscript or a slightly later one discovered by A. Gaudenzi in 1894 (Vat. lat. 6385) were used to establish the text of this Pisan lawbook. See also G. H. Pertz, Archiv der Gesellschaft fur alter e deutsche Geschichtskunde 8 (1843) p. 766; R. Celli, Studi sui sistemi normativi delle democrazie comunali, Secoli XII-XV, v. 1 : Pisa, Siena (Florence, 1976) p. 29, note 20 and passim; P. Classen, "Kodifika- tion im 12. Jahrhundert: Die Constituta usus et legis von Pisa," Recht und Schrift im Mittelalter in Vortrage und Forschungen (Konstanzer Arbeitskreis, 23) 1977, pp. 311-17. G. Airaldi is preparing a new edition of the text,

1 . ff. lr-17v Constitutum de legibus liber incipit de in ius uocando. Cum actor iudici- um ingressus reclamationem de aliquo fecerit ... [final rubric: Coniuratio siue sacramentum iudei.] Coniuro te per deum unum et uerum et per deum habraam ... quia de hoc sacramento periurus non sum. [followed by 21 lines of text, now erased and illegible]

2. f. 18r-v Incipiunt capitula totius libri constitutorum usus pisane ciuitatis.

De constitutis factis per tempora et ex quo ualeant. ,i It. De penis pub-

licis et ex quibus causis commune a priuato exigere potest. Expliciunt capitula.

Table of contents for art. 3; Bonaini, op. cit., v. 2, pp. 811-12.

3. ff. 18v-62v In nomine domini nostri ihesu christi. Anno incarnationis domini M. C. LXI. Indictione villi . . . liber constituti pisane ciuitatis incipit. Nobis pisanorum constituta facientibus equitas ortando suasit omnibus ea scire atque intelligere uolentibus ... iudicatum fuerit adimplere cogatur. Quod si in// catchwords: fra .x. dies

328 MS 415

Constitution usus; lacking one leaf with text after f. 34 (containing portions of ch. 22, De societate facta inter extraneos); manuscript ends abruptly in ch. 49, De appellationibus. Bonaini, op. cit., v. 2, pp. 813-973.

Parchment (thick, coarse), ff. i (paper) + 62 (f. 35 = modern parchment insertion) + i (parchment) + i (paper), 275 x 183 (185 x 117) mm. Written in 33-34 long lines. Double vertical bounding lines, full length; ruled in hard point on hair side before folding; some single horizontal bounding lines, full across. Remains of prickings in upper, lower, and outer margins.

I-III8, IV10, V4 (-1, after f. 34), VI- VIII8.

Written by three scribes in well formed bookhands. Scribe 1: ff. lv (lr erased)-20r, catchwords along lower edge near gutter; Scribe 2: ff. 20r-38v, catchwords in center of lower margin surrounded by four dots and squiggles symmetrically arranged; Scribe 3: ff. 39r-62v, catchwords in center of lower margin surrounded by short lines, dots and flourishes symmetrically arranged. Numerous corrections and additions in several hands.

Decorative initial, 7-line, f. lr, in red and black with simple foliage designs in interior; red initial, 4-line, at beginning of art. 3, f. 18v; rubrics through- out, some perpendicular to text in margins. Plain initials, 2- to 1-line, and paragraph marks, in red; on f. 15v only, two initials, 1-line, and paragraph mark in blue. Guide-letters for rubricator in gutter or margins.

Folio lr almost entirely erased and illegible.

Binding: s. xix. Quarter bound with reddish-brown goatskin over wooden boards. Paper label, with title "Statuta Civitatis Pisanae An. 1186" written in ink on spine.

Although the text of the Constituta legis et usus contained in MS 415 dates to the second half of the 12th century, the codex itself appears to have been produced at the beginning of the 13th century and then heavily corrected and annotated throughout the first half of the 13th century; large portions of the text have been erased, crossed out, or underlined, and there are later addi- tions in several hands in most margins. Unidentified bookstamp consisting of the initials "A. N." enclosed in a double circle, outer thick and inner thin; square paper label with "112" in ink, on spine; "22/E 100" in ink on back pastedown. Purchased from Payne and Foss by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 4582, on front pastedown and spine; "B34.296" in brown crayon on front pastedown). Pre- served in library files is a letter (six pages) from the editor F. Bonaini (see text above) to Sir Thomas Phillipps concerning this manuscript; Bonaini's ques- tions, in Italian, occupy the right half of the page (each sheet is folded vertical- ly through the middle) and the answers of Sir Thomas Phillipps, in English, occupy the left half of the page. It is unclear whether the response of Phillipps, dated 27 August 1846, was ever sent to Bonaini, since Bonaini says little about the manuscript in his edition of the text (Bonaini, op. cit., v. 2, p. xxviii). Ac-

MS416 3^9

quired from H. P. Kraus in 1957 (Cat. 75, no. 84) by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate) who presented it to the Beinecke Library in 1969.

secundo folio: ad iustitiam

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 81, no. 148 (while in the possession of T. E. Marston).

Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 188-89, no. 16.

D. Herlihy, Pisa in the Early Renaissance (New Haven, 1958) pp. 13-14, note 30.

T. E. Marston, "The Earliest Known Laws of an Italian City State," Homage to a Bookman. Essays ... for H. P. Kraus (Berlin, 1967) pp. 109-12, with pi. of f. 7r.

MS 416 Germany, s. XIII/XIV

Speculum theologiae, etc.

1 . ff. lr-8v The manuscript was originally composed of roughly executed full- page illustrations and diagrams that constitute the Speculum theologiae. There has been debate concerning the compiler of this collection of drawings of moral and theological subjects: F. Saxl, "A Spiritual Encyclopedia of the Late Middle Ages," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 5 (1942) pp. 95-99, believed the compiler to be Franciscus Bonacursus, archbishop of Tyre from 1272; L. F. Sandler, The Psalter of Robert de Lisle .. . (Oxford, 1983) p. 23, footnote 52, has suggested that John of Metz (Johannes Metensis) is the compiler. Some or all of the diagrams occur in other manuscripts, beginning in the 13th century (for a complete list see Sandler, op. cit.y Ap- pendix III, pp. 134-39). Titles in Latin below are taken from the manuscript; English headings are provided where there are no Latin titles: f. lr Turris virtutum; f. lv Lignum vitae factum fratre bonauenture; f. 2r Table of the Twelve articles of faith (concordance of Credo, Apostles, and Hebrew prophets); f. 2v Wheel of sevens (concordance of Seven petitions, sacraments, gifts of the Holy Spirit, Arms of justice, Works of Charity, Virtues and vices); f. 3r Rota pugne moralis (virtues and vices); f. 3v Arbor uirtutum; f. 4r Arbor uitiorum; f. 4v Table of the Ten Commandments, Ten Plagues, Ten abuses of impious; f. 5r Table of the Seven Acts of the Passion, Seven Ca- nonical Hours, Seven Senses; f. 5v Arbor divini amoris; f. 6r Arbor sapien- tiae; f. 6v Table of the Eight beatitudes, Eight rewards, Nine orders of angels; f. 7r Tree of mystical love; f. 8r Cherub, a diagram based on the treatise De sex alis cherubim associated with Alanus de Insulis or Clement of Clantho- ny (text continued on f. 8v; PL 210.266-79). Below diagram is a drawing of a cleric, entitled "hermannus custos," holding an open book inscribed "sub umbra alarum tuarum protege me."

330 ms 416

Later additions to the manuscript include:

2. f. 7v (Added in a running script, s. xv). Table of seven gifts given by Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Church, Reason, etc.

3. f. 7 bis, r-v (Half-leaf written in running script, s. xv). Text on recto; In deum peccaui et sanguinem domini nostri ihesu christi . . . ; followed by a table of the seven deadly sins and their derivatives; texts on verso: lists of Peccata cordis, Peccata ordinis, and Peccata operis.

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 8 + i (paper), ca. 285 x 220 mm. (leaves are very uneven due to irregular trimming).

I8 ( + half-leaf stitched in between 7 and 8, 190 x 110 mm).

Inscriptions written in gothic bookhand, additions in either textura or run- ning scripts (ff. 2r, 7v).

The illustrations listed in art. 1 on ff. lr-7v are drawn in red ink, height- ened with green, orange, and yellow. The diagram on f. 8r is drawn in brown and red, touched with blue, red, yellow and gold.

Folio 8r darkened and rubbed with some loss of text.

Binding: s. xix. Half bound in mottled brown goatskin, gold-tooled, with a red label. Marbled paper sides.

Written in Germany at the end of the 13th or beginning of the 14th century, perhaps at the Cistercian monastery of Kempen near Dusseldorf to which it belonged in the 15th century (note, s. xv2/4, on f. 2r: "Pertinet Monasterio Campensis ordinis Cysterciensis."). Although some scholars have suggested that the final drawing on f. 8r was added by another hand either in the 14th centu- ry (see Exhibition Catalogue, p. 195) or in the 15th century (Sandler, op. cit., p. 136), R. H. Rouse believes the text may, in fact, be contemporary with the main portion of the manuscript but written in a less formal style of Gothic script. The previous identification of the "hermannus custos" in the drawing on f. 8r as Hermann von Kempen, sub-prior of Kempen, who lived in the mid- 15th century (Sotheby's Cat., 30 November 1965, p. 33) therefore seems unlikely. Collection of Leander van Ess of Marburg (1772-1847; no. 137 on tag on spine; Sammlung und Verzeichnis handschriftlicher Bikher [1823] no. 137). Acquired from him by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 522, tag on spine; Phillipps Studies, v. 3, pp. 29-33). Phillipps sale at Sotheby's, 30 Nov. 1965, no. 10, pi. 7 (f. lv). Sold at Dawson's of Pall Mall, 25 Nov. 1969, no. 3. Purchased from C. A. Stonehill in 1969 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 195-96, no. 23, pi. 9 (f. lv).

G. Ladner, "Medieval and Modern Understanding of Symbolism: A Com- parison," Speculum 54 (1979) p. 252, fig. 21 (f. 6r).

C. Laun, "Bildkatechese im Spatmittelalter: Allegorische und typologische Auslegungen des Dekalogs," unpublished Dr. Phil, dissertation (Munich, 1979); Beinecke MS 416 listed and discussed as L2 (London, Auktion Sotheby & Co.).

ms 417 331

MS 417 England, ca. 1325

Psalter PI. 24

1 . ff. lr-6v Graded calendar for monastic use in brown, blue, red, and gold, including the feasts of Odilo (2 January, in capis, 12 lessons), "Resurrectio domini" (27 March, duplex festum, processionaliter in gold), Hugh (29 April, in capis, 12 lessons), Maiolus (11 May, in capis, 12 lessons), Pancratius, Nereus and Achilleus (12 May, in capis, process., 12 lessons), Translation of Hugh (13 May, 12 lessons), Alban and Consortia (22 June, 12 lessons), Ethelreda (23 June, 12 lessons), Visitation (2 July), Translation of Thomas of Canterbury (7 July, in albis, process., 12 lessons; not erased), Transfig- uration (6 August, 12 lessons), "Excepcio reliquiarum sanctorum" (3 Oc- tober, in albis, 12 lessons), Odo (19 November, in capis, 12 lessons), Thomas of Canterbury (29 December, in capis, process., 12 lessons, erased).

2. ff. 7r-110r Psalter in the 10-part division, with one leaf missing after f. 74 (Pss. 95.10-97.8) and one after f. 75 (Pss. 100.7-101.22).

3. ff. 110r-120v Ferial canticles, Te Deum, Benedicite omnia opera, N. T. canticles, Quicumque vult.

4. ff. 120v-124v Litany including Odo (23), Maiolus (24), Hugh (26) and Gerard, bishop of Toul (27) among the 28 confessors, and Ethelreda (1 1), Milburga (12), Radegundis (13), Walburgis (14) and Consortia (16) among the 21 virgins.

Parchment, ff. ii (parchment), + 124 + ii (parchment), 348 x 227 (263 x 162) mm. Written in 32 lines in calendar, in two columns of 22 lines in text, ruled in light brown ink. Single vertical and horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across; two horizontal lines in center full across. Double verti- cal and horizontal rulings in upper, lower and outer margins. Additional text ruling in hard point to mark height of minims.

I6, II-IX8, X8 (-5 and 7 after ff. 74 and 75), XI-XVI8. Catchwords below second column, verso (one with grotesque on f. 108v).

Written in fine gothic bookhand.

A sumptuously illuminated and exceptionally well preserved manuscript of East Anglian origin, whose border ornament is comparable to the "Ormesby Psalter" (Oxford, Bodl. Lib., Douce 366) and figure style to the "Luttrell Psalter" (London, B. L., Add. 42130). (See Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 201-02, no. 28, pi. 1 1 of fol. 7r). Eight of the original ten historiated initials survive: f. 7r David harping (Psalm 1), f. 2 3r Annunciation (Psalm 26), f. 33v Nativity (Psalm 38), f. 42v Adoration of the Magi (Psalm 50), f. 43r Presentation in temple (Psalm 52), f. 52v Assumption (Psalm 68), f. 64v Coronation of Virgin (Psalm 80), f. 85v Trinity (Psalm 109). Initials for Psalms 97 and 101 missing (see colla- tion and art. 2). The historiated initials pink and blue with white filigree and dots on f. 7r incorporating intertwining leaves in pink, blue, green and orange;

332 ms 417

the figures predominantly orange, and purple with some pink, blue and green, on elaborately tooled gold, set against square grounds, quartered blue and red, with diapering. Each initial with a lavishly ornamented full border incorporating spiraling foliage, large oak leaves, flowers, knots, grotesques, and quatrefoils framing additional figures. These include on f. 7r, an Annunciation, monk kneeling in prayer, trumpeting figures, and, in the bas-de-page, David and Goliath, flanked by grotesques; f. 33v a crowned male bust [king?] and birds; f. 42v grotesques; f. 52v Volto Santo, f. 64v standing man and grotesques. 2-line initials for Psalms, pink and/or blue, with white filigree and dots, filled with spiraling ivy, large leaves and dots, blue, green and orange, occasionally a fleur-de-lis, flower, or diaper pattern, on gold, against pink and blue grounds, with white filigree and dots, most connected to bar borders, pink, blue, orange and gold with floral, ivy and grotesque terminals. 1-line initials for verses, gold, thickly edged in black, against irregular pink and blue grounds with white filigree and dots. Many varied line fillers in red and blue.

Lower right corners of ff. 42 and 85 excised.

Binding: s. xvi, perhaps at Oxford. Caught-up sewing on twelve tawed, slit strap supports, only four of them laced into beech boards, the others cut off at the edges of the spine. The spine is square and the bands prominent and defined. Covered in dark brown calf, blind-tooled with two concentric frames of medallion heads and arabesques, with thistles in the outer corners of the inner panel and an ornament with a cherub's head on it in the center. The design is the same as no. 522, pi. xxxvi, in J. B. Oldham's English Blind-Stamped Bindings (Cambridge, 1952); see also p. 53: HM. h (3), POxford 1562-66, and p. 36. Nails for catches but no marks of them on the leather, stubs of two straps on the upper board.

Written probably at a Cluniac house in East Anglia, perhaps Castle Acre or Thetford, judging from the Saints in the litany and calendar, according to L. F. Sandler. Stylistic features suggest a date ca. 1325. Taken to Australia in the late 19th century by an ancestor of W. T. B. Wildash; no. 160 in Wildash collection (Sinclair, pp. 257-58); sold by W. T. B. Wildash at Sotheby's (9 July 1969, no. 44 with 3 plates; one in color). Mutilated and unidentified "Church Congress Exhibition" label with handwritten "505 [?]" glued inside upper cover (see also Provenance of Beinecke MS 287). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill in 1969 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: [calendar, f. 2] KL Marcius [text, f. 8] [cajput meum

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 201-02, no. 28, pi. 11 (f. 7r).

Art at Auction. The Year at Sotheby's and Parke-Bernet (1968-69), pp. 288-89.

N.J. Morgan, Medieval Art in East Anglia, 1300-1520, exhib. cat. (Norwich, 1973) 32, nos. 26-27.

MS418 333

L. F. Sandler, "An Early Fourteenth-Century Cluniac Psalter from East Anglia" (Fourth Annual Yale Lecture on Medieval Illumination, 1976), un- published.

MS 418 France, s. XV3/4

Roman de la Rose PI. 13

1 . f . iii recto Tu dis paris que tu faiz merueillez/ Et quen toy sont prouessez non pareillez/ ... la tienne voulente/ maiz par crainte le vouloir mest oste.

Poem on Paris of Troy, in 18 lines, added in a later hand (s. xv/xvi).

2. ff. lr-315r Maintes gens dient que en songes/ Nya que flabes [sic] et men- songes/ . . . Ainsy eu la Rose vermeille/ A done fut iour ie mesueille. Explicit.

F. Lecoy, Le Roman de la Rose, 3 vols. (Paris, 1966-70).

3. f. 315r [In a hand contemporary with the text:] La fin du Roumant de la Rose/ Ou lart damours est tout enclose/ Ainsy comme il est renomme/ et la fait escripre vng nomme/ Monsieur maistre pierres louuel/ Priant acis qui a nouel/ ... Maiz autant en ait lescripuain. f. 315v ruled, but blank

Poem in 12 lines, including the name of the man for whom the volume was copied, Pierre Louvel.

Parchment, ff. ii (paper) + i (parchment, original flyleaf ?) + 315 + ii (paper), 318 x 218 (220 x 113) mm. Written in 36 lines of verse. Ruled in pale red ink, single vertical and horizontal bounding lines full length and full across, with an extra ruling inside written space to enclose initial letter of verse. Prick- ings at upper and lower edges.

I-XXXIX8 ( + 2 leaves, ff. 314 and 315, added at end). Catchwords on ver- so, along lower edge near gutter. Remains of quire and leaf signatures (e.g., b iij) near gutter along lower edge, recto.

Written in well-formed batarde by one scribe; art. 1 and some marginal no- tations in a slightly later hand.

The style of the miniatures and borders can be related to that of a group of manuscripts thought to have been produced in Rouen during the third quarter of the 15th century (for the list, see Exhibition Catalogue, p. 247), but is not among the most distinguished of the group; decoration of similar style and quality occurs in two French vernacular manuscripts in Vienna (Ost. Na- tionalbibl. MSS 2619 and 2566). Parallels for the cycle of illustration in MS 418 have not yet been found in other copies of the text. The use of inscriptions in almost every miniature to identify the figures may be significant, since J. Fleming (The Roman de la Rose: A Study in Allegory and Iconography [Princeton, 1969] p. 43) mentions that the name-tags consistently attached to the figures in Oxford, Bodl. Lib. Douce MS 364, are rarely found elsewhere.

334 ; ms 418

Sixty-six miniatures, 16- to 12-line, framed in gold; on f. lr with a cusped arch and a full border of blue and gold acanthus at the corners and midpoints, red and blue flowers, and hair-spray with gold leaves, bounded in red and with a gold bar in inner margin. Other miniatures with 3/4 borders in the same style, some with birds. The number in parentheses is that of the line immedi- ately following the miniature, as in Lecoy's edition, f. lr Dreamer in bed; at right, dressed and washing hands (1); f. 3v Dreamer looking across stream at flower arbor; in background, images on wall of Felonie, Haine, Vilaine (169);

f. 4v Dreamer looks at images of Envie and [?]ioyuse [ = Tristesse?] (235); f. 6r Dreamer looks at image of Vieillesse (339); f. 7r Dreamer looks at image of Ypocrite (405); f. 8r Dreamer looks at image of Povrete (439); f. 9r Oiseuse leads Dreamer into garden (511); f. llr Deduit, ten companions, and Dreamer in hall (629); f. 20r Dreamer at Narcissus's fountain, rose trellis in background (1283); f. 25r Dreamer holds Rose beside fountain (1621); f. 26r Dieu d'Amour shoots Dreamer (1679); f. 29r Dieu d'Amour addresses Amant (1879); f. 3 Or Amant embraces Dieu d'Amour (1953); f. 42r Amant meets Bel Accueil (2781);

f. 44r Danger threatens Amant with club; Bel Accueil flees (2910); f. 45r Raison speaks to Amant (2982); f. 47 v Amant beseeches Danger (3135); f. 48v Amant and Danger in garden (3209);

f. 50r Franchise and Pitie intercede with Danger for Amant (3309); f. 51r Bel Accueil leads Amant back to Danger (3339); f. 52 v Bel Accueil agrees to allow Amant to kiss Rose (3455); f. 53v Malebouche slanders Amant to Bel Accueil (3511); f. 54r Jalousie rebukes Bel Accueil as Honte and Paour look on (3535); f. 55v Honte and Paour come to rebuke sleeping Danger (3629); f. 57v Bel Accueil in tower, guarded by Honte, Paour, and Danger, with three men on either side (3779);

f. 63 v Raison remonstrates with Amant beside a tower (4191); f. 104v Amant and Dieu d'Amour, with Doulx Parler on one side and Amis [?] (inscription partially erased: perhaps was "Doulx parler") (7199); f. 143r Amant speaks with Richesse beside fountain, her companion at right (9985);

f. 147r Dieu d'Amour pardons Amant (10277);

f. 149r Dieu d'Amour enthroned, with Oiseuse, Hardement, Honneur, Richesse and unidentified man standing beside (10409); f. 151r Jean de Meun at lectern (10535);

f. 156v Dieu d'Amour addresses Faussemblant, while Abstinence and eleven others stand around throne (10901);

MS418 335

f. 173r Faussemblant and Abstinence in front of Dieu d' Amour on Throne (11951);

f. 174r Dieu d' Amour and twelve people, some waving lances before tower; two men with lances on tower (11985);

f. 175v Abstinence and Faussemblant go as envoys to Malebouche (12089); f. 179r Faussemblant cuts out Malebouche's tongue, Abstinence and Amant look on (12331);

f. 179v Largesse, Faussemblant, and Courtoisie speak to La Vieille, Amant look on (12351);

f. 182r La Vieille offers chaplet to Bel Accueil (in tower), Faussemblant, Cour- toisie, Largesse and Amant below (12511);

f. 185r Bel Accueil accepts chaplet, Amant, Faussemblant, Franchise and Lar- gesse look on (12697);

f. 212v La Vieille leads Amant to Bel Accueil (in tower) (14649); f. 213v Bel Accueil, Amant and Beau Regart beside tower (14719); f. 214v Danger chases Amant away from Rose, Bel Accueil looks on (H778);

f. 215r Paour, Honte and Danger drive off Amant (14806); f. 217r Paour, Danger and Honte assail prostrate Amant (inscription added later) (14913);

f. 219r Five of Dieu d'Amour's barons in armor, another man among them (15049);

f. 220r Dieu d'Amour enthroned, surrounded by barons in armor (15105); f. 222v Danger overcomes Franchise (15273); f. 224r Pitie, with a sword, attacks Danger (15361); f. 225r Danger lies struck down, Pitie attcked by Honte (15431); f. 225v Honte and Bien Celer fight, as Delict falls down (15457); f. 226v Honte lies stunned, while Paour begs mercy from Hardement [sic, although Hardement should be begging] (15481); f. 227 v Seurete seizes Paour by the ears (15563);

f. 228v Dieu d'Amour speaks to Franchise, before his barons (15597); f. 229v Franchise finds Adonis and Venus at a fountain (15655); f. 23 lr Venus sets out in chariot, men on foot and horseback stand behind (15749);

f. 232v Venus and Dieu d'Amour enthroned, surrounded by armed barons (15847);

f. 233r Nature perpetuates the species (15863); f. 238v Nature confesses to Genius (16242);

f. 282v Nature at her forge, Genius flying outside window (19409); f. 283r Genius exhorts Dieu d'Amour and three followers (19447); f. 300v Venus, with three armed women, demands that Honte and Paour (in towers) surrender (20681);

f. 309v Courtoisie, Pitie and Franchise send off Amant (dressed as a pilgrim) and Bel Accueil (21317);


336 MS 419

f. 3 1 1 v Amant (as pilgrim) kneels before woman in shrine, with Doulx Parl-

er and Bel Accueil looking on (21553);

f. 312v Amant with staff approaches rose trellis through wooden fence, while

Bel Accueil points to Rose (21603);

f. 313v Amant holds Rose, Bel Accueil looks on (21665);

f. 314v Dieu d' Amour enthroned, Amant kneeling before him, Venus, Bel

Accueil and others besides throne (21713).

On f. lr a 4-line initial, blue with white highlights, filled with red and blue ivy against a gold ground. 3- or 2-line initials, gold, with pink and blue grounds with white filigree. Capital at beginning of each verse stroked in yellow.

Borders and miniature on f. lr rubbed. Black ink hair-spray on many bor- ders smeared.

Binding: s. xix. Rigid vellum case heavily gold-tooled, with a red label. Gilt, gauffered edges. Motto on upper cover: "Nobilis ira." Bound by Bevan.

Written in Normandy, probably in Rouen, in the third quarter of the 15th century, for Pierre Louvel who has been identified with a member of a Picard family, Ecuyer, Seigneur de Glizy, de Houssoy et de la Cour d'Auneuil (d. 1475; see art. 3). Inscription (s. xvi) on f. 124r appears next to the text con- cerning the folly of marrying a wife unseen: "Le nota de mademoyselle de mata." Inscription of s. xviii on f. lr: "Ex libris Marini Bochette de Malauzat." Be- longed to John Ker, 3rd Duke of Roxburghe (1740-1804; DNB, v. 11, p. 51); his sale, Evans, 18 May 1812, no. 3102. Sold by John Broadley, F.S.A. (1774-1833?) at Evans, 12 July 1832, no. 521. Sold by David Stewart Ker, M. P., at Christie's, 8 July 1848, no. 1409 (when the manuscript had an "old morocco" binding); bought by William Stuart of Aldenham Abbey, Hertford- shire, and Tempsford Hall (bookplate from Tempsford Hall Library, Case C, Shelf 4; note in Stuart's hand on clipping from Ker sale catalogue). Sold by Mrs. M. H. O. Stuart (Sotheby's, 4 June 1934, no. 28, frontispiece with minia- tures of ff. 30r, 53v, 233r, full size pi. off. 300v) to Maggs. Sold by Dawson's of Pall Mall (Cat. July 1969, pp. 16-18, no. 12, with pi. off. 220r) to C. A. Stonehill. Acquired from C. A. Stonehill in 1969 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: Ou elle

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 246-48, no. 70.

D. Poirion, Le Roman de la Rose (Paris, 1973) with f. 63v as cover illus.

MS 419 Mexico, s. XVI-XVIII

Documents (in Sp. and Nahuatl)

Collection of documents concerning sales by the Indians of land near Hidalgo, Mexico, between 1563 and 1721. Signatures and seals of many Spanish vice- roys and other officials. Most documents are in Spanish, some are in Nahuatl.

ms 420 337

Paper, ff. i (paper) + 216, 311 x 213 mm. Written space, lines per page, and ruling vary.

Too fragile for accurate collation.

Written in several scripts, ranging in style from cortesana to 18th-century cursive.

Some water stains and dirt, not affecting text. Loss of text at the outer edge of a few folios, where paper has crumbled.

Binding: s. xviii [?]. Reddish-brown goatskin wrapper. Notation "216$ [?]" on upper cover; unidentified and badly rubbed title or inscription on lower cover.

Written in Mexico, at various times from 1563 to 1721; presumably in the hands of the governors of Mexico during that period. Sold by Charles Hamil- ton Galleries, auction sale 36 (18 Sept. 1969, no. 176). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill in 1969, from the fund in memory of Robert W. Small, B. A. Yale 1938, LL. B. Yale 1941.

MS 420 Italy, s. XVIex

Papal Conclaves (in Lat. and It.)

1. f. lr Table of contents for the codex, f. lv blank

2. ff. 2r-17r Gonclaue Pape Leonis Xmi. 1513. Nomina Reuerendissimorum Dominorum Cardinalium et Conclauistarum ... promissit Dominus Cus- tos Cancellarie. Dominicus de Iuuenibus. Finis, f. 17v blank

Conclave of Leo X (1475-1521), elected 1513. The codex does not contain a description of the conclave of Adrian VI, elected 1522 (d. 1523).

3. ff. 18r-100v Conclaue Clementis septimi Pontificis Maximi. Scripturus quae memoratu digna Romae et in Italia ab excessu ex hac vita Adriani vj. Pontificis Maximi gesta sunt . . . atque in maxima ara a patribus sit adora- tus. f. 101 bis, r-v, blank

Conclave of Clement VII (1478-1534), elected 1523.

4. ff. lOlr-HOv Conclaue di Paolo Terzo per morte di Clemente settimo. Fu Papa Clemente settimo creato dopo 10 giorni di Conclaue ... segno eui- dente di uno allegro et felicissimo gouerno. Finis.

Conclave of Paul III (1468-1549), elected 1534.

5. ff. 1 1 lr-138v Conclaue in quo creatus fuit Iulius Tertius. Mirum quidem esset, quod cum de Pontificis Maximi Comitijs mentio fieret ... profuseque condennati fuerunt. Finis, f. 138 bis, r-v, blank

Conclave of Julius III (1487-1555), elected 1550.

6. ff. 139r-151r Conclaue di Marcello Secondo. II Cardinal di Ferrara da prima che torno di Francia ... Lorena, Burgos, Ghisa, et Sciatiglione. II Fine. ff. 151v-151 bis, v, blank

338 ms 420

Conclave of Marcellus II (1501-55) elected 1555.

7. ff. 152r-165r Conclaue di Papa Pauolo Quarto. II Conclaue di Pauolo iiij per essere stata cosi breue la uita di Marcello ... Monte. Simoncello. Pog- gio. II Fine. ff. 165v-165 bis, verso, blank

Conclave of Paul IV (1476-1559), elected 1555.

8. ff. 166r-l 75v Conclaue di Pio Papa Quarto. II Conclaue, nel quale fu creato Pio Quarto per la lunghezza della sede uacante ... il quale in quel modo, che e notorio fu creato Papa. II Fine.

Conclave of Pius IV (1499-1565), elected 1559.

9. ff. 176r-190v Conclaue nel quale fu creato Papa Pio Quinto. Nel Con- claue doue fu creato Papa Pio Quinto, il numero de Cardinali passaua cin- quanta ... per il qual egli hauesse ambito il Papato o altre dignita. ecclesiastiche. f. 191r-v blank

Conclave of Pius V (1504-72), elected 1566.

10. ff. 192r-197r Ragionamento di Gio. Franc. Card, di Gambera, sopra la creatione di Papa Pio V esteso da Mons. Paolo Sanuitale. Trouandomi io a questi giorni passati del mese d'ottobre 1582 . . . et con concorso uniuer- sale elletto Papa. f. 197v blank

Paolo Sanvitale, Ragionamento di Giovanni Francesco Gambara sopra la creazione di Papa Pio V, written in 1582.

11 . ff. 198r-206v Conclaue di Papa Gregorio xiij. Vi promissi Paltro giorno di narrarui con le prime mie lettere il modo con il quale prima per uolonta di Dio ... da molti anni in qua et state sano. Di Roma li 23 di Maggio 1572. f. 207r-v blank

Conclave of Gregory XIII (1502-85), elected 1572.

12. ff. 208r-228v Instruttione di M. Francesco Lottino sopra l'attioni del Con- claue. Io [crossed out: non] posso testificare come di cosa ueduta con l'occhi ... nell'ingresso che egli fa nel Conclaue. f. 229r-v blank

Giovanni Francesco Lottini, Instruzioni sopra l'attioni dei Conclavi; F. Cerroti (Bibliogrqfia di Roma medievale e moderna [Rome, 1893] v.l, p. 550, no. 8572) refers to another manuscript copy in Rome, Bibl. Corsiniana MS 219.

13. fF. 230r-248v II Conclauista di M. Felice Gualterio a II Cipriano saracinel- lo. Se gli huomini fossero sempre piu riseruati ... si ogni Capo d'allontanar- la piu che pud da se stesso. f. 249r-v blank

Felice Gualterio, // Conclavista; Cerroti {op. cit. , v. 1, p. 547, no. 8560) refers to another manuscript copy in Rome, Bibl. Romana-Sarti, a codex of s. XVI.

Paper (watermarks, not arranged consecutively: similar to Briquet Armoiries 1233 and Briquet Oiseau 12209; unidentified fleur-de-lis, crown, eagle, and

MS 421 339

coat-of-arms), ff. i (paper) + 253 (contemporary foliation in Arabic numer- als, 1-248; folio between 100 and 101 = 100 bis, between 138 and 139 = 138 bis, between 151 and 152 = 151 bis and between 165 and 166 = 165 bis; modern foliation for 249) + i (paper), 280 x 210 (200 x 115) mm. Written in 17-21 long lines. Frame-ruled by hard point and folding.

Bound too tightly for accurate collation. Catchwords for each leaf in arts. 2-8 and 10.

Written in italic by various hands, a different one for each article.

Ink has bled into paper in most sections, often obscuring but not obliterat- ing text.

Binding: s. xviii. Tan sheepskin spine, blind-tooled, with a later [?] red, gold-tooled label. Brown paper sides spattered black.

Written in Italy, probably at the end of the 16th century. The arts, may have originally circulated separately. Unidentified shelf-marks: "90" painted on spine; remains of paper label with "67" written in ink [left portion of label missing]. Purchased at the sale of Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827), by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 5114; tag on spine, note inside front cover; Phil- lipps Studies, v. 3, p. 56). Bought from Hellmut Schumann in 1969 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

MS 421 Germany, 1454

Jacob Twinger von Konigshofen, Chronicle (in Ger.)

MS 421 belongs to the A-recension of Twinger's Chronicle which was written in 1386 (f. 235r: Jacob von Konigshofen mahte dies buch 1386); cf. "Die Chro- nik des Jacob Twinger von Konigshofen," Die Chroniken der oberrheinischen Stddte vom 14. bis ins 16. Jahrhundert (Leipzig, 1870; reprinted, Stuttgart, 1961) v. 8, pp. 230-498; v. 9, pp. 499-910. MS 421 represents an abbreviated and earli- er recension than that published in the printed text (G -recension); in addition to being in an abbreviated form, Chapter 5 contains a different sequence of text.

1. ff. lr-2r Hie uohet an die uor rede in difi cronica. Man vindet geschriben in latine vil croniken das sint bucher von der zit die do sagent von keisern babesten kiinigen vnd von ander heren wie in leben sie gewesen vnd von etlichen geschichten und neuhaftigen dingen die von inen oder bi iren ziten geschehen sint. Aber zu tiische is Kitzel sallicher bucher wie doch das die kliigen leigen also gerne lesent von semlichen dingen also gelerten pfaffen ... der selben materie ist me beschreiben.

Preface, including a synopsis of the work.

2. ff. 2r-225v Hie het die vor rede vnde Cappitel ein ende vnd vohet die cronike an wiegott die engel beschuf. Got in ewigkeit noch sinre grosse miltekeit der woke ime selber alleine mitbehalten sinen schatz der ewige wunne und frode die

340 ms 421

alzit von ime flussent. Darvmbe beschiif er in dem anuang der welte zum ersten den obersten himel vnd darin ix chore mit engeln . . . Des selben iores kam auch der kiinig von Fenenmarg gen Strossburg un was zu iibernaht do vnd also heimlich das es wenig lutes benant. [?] nun das 6 capitel. ff. 226r-228v blank

Chapters 1-5 of the Chronicles; 1: History of the Ancient World, based on the Bible and classical sources (ff. 2r-32v); 2: History of the Roman Em- perors from Julius Caesar to King Wenceslas (ff. 32v-101r); 3: History of the Popes (ff. 101v-135r); 4: History of the Bishops of Strasbourg (ff. 135v-158v); 5: History of Strasbourg and Alsace (ff. 159v-225v).

3. ff. 229r-246r [Introduction:] Hie vohet an das VI cappitel dises buches. In dem sint uil bi alle materien die do uor geschriben ... Hie vohet an das sechste cappitel do inne mit kurze geschriben stet alle vor geschriben ding dis buches ... [f. 229v blank, text on f. 230r:] iiii Abel adams sun wart erslagen von sim bruder chaim in dem iore also adam was CXXX ior alt den tod weinte adam und eva C ior ... cxxii Zwene babste [or bobste?] oder me sint dike mittenander gewesen das such vor bi dem worte babste. [colophon:] Deo gratias primo nonas February inditione secunda 1454.

Chapter 6 of the Chronicle, which consists of an alphabetical index, is preced- ed by an explanatory introduction. Added at conclusion in a later hand are 7 short entries.

4. f. 246v Anno LXVIII zugen die schwitz in das sunckgaw und brannten vil schlosse hirtztstein brunstat schweikhussen freninngen [?] sanckhein [?] rickeshein. Im selben zug haten sy ein huffen vff dem schwartzwald vnd gewinnen ein letze ab sant plesse do zugen die im brissgaw vnd schwartz- wald . . . kam doch zu spatt dar nach zugen sy wie [?] waltzhiitt vmb das inen [?] der schad vf waltzhiitt beschechen wass geschach als vor herbst im LXVIII ior. ff. 247r-250v blank

Short passage referring to the war of the Swiss in Alsace and the Black Forest in 1468, added in a later hand.

Paper (watermarks similar to Piccard Ochsenkopf VII. 151), ff. 250 (con- temporary foliation in upper right corner, 1-229, in Roman numerals) + ii (paper; ii = back pastedown), 272 x 200 (210 x 140) mm. Folios 1-25 written in 35-39 long lines, the remainder in 2 cols., 36-39 lines. Frame-ruled in lead.

I11 [?], II14, III-XX12, XXI9 [?]. Signatures for second and third gather- ings (small Roman numerals) on recto.

Written in a cursive book hand by a single scribe. Numerous annotations to the text in margins by a later hand.

Two uninspired initials, 7- and 5-line, in red with crude penwork in green. Plain initials, headings and rubrics in red.

MS 422 341

Binding: s. xviii-xix [?]. Vellum over wooden boards with two brass clasps. Blue/green edges and title in ink on spine.

Written in Germany in 1454. Entry on last page referring to the war of the Swiss in Alsace and the Black Forest added after 1468. Unidentified shelf-mark "D 560" on spine. Early modern provenance otherwise unknown. Marginal annotations in single hand, s. xvii. Note, in pencil, inside lower cover: "Property RB/3777." Acquired by H. P. Kraus from Heinrich Rosenthal of Lucerne in 1945. Bought from Kraus (Cat. 80, no. 27; Cat. Ill, no. 7), 9 January 1970, as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: etwas vindest

MS 422 Italy, s. XV1

Aegidius Romanus, Capitula fidei christianae, etc.

1. ff. lr-4v [In upper margin:] Sancti spiritus assit nobis gratia amen, [preface:] In libro isto omnia continentur que pertinent et sciri debent pro nostra salute. Primo de fide Trinitatis ... [text:] De Trinitate dei hoc scien- dum est quod in vna substantia sunt tres persone ... Et sic habes xijcim ar- ticulos fidei et quilibet tenetur et//

Aegidius Romanus, Capitula fidei christianae ', ending abruptly in Ch. 15 {De duodecim articulis fidei et de Apostolis qui ipsos composueruni). G. Bruni, "Rari e inediti Egidiani," Giornale critico dellafilosofia italiana 40 (1961) pp. 312-18; Beinecke MS 422 not listed.

2. ff. 5r-6r //bonum per dei gratiam atque vestram applicuisse sanus et in- columis in studio laudabiliter perseuero. Item narratio dicitur viciosa si sit confusa ... et uirtute et videre poteris in salutationibus infrascriptis. f. 6v blank

Unidentified treatise on rhetoric, beginning abruptly in prima pars of the text, with the following headings: De uicio petitionis, De reprobando uicioso dic- tamine, Notula doctrinalis, Incipit secunda pars de omnibus regulis que fa- ciunt ad artem utiliter annotandis, Quid sit epistula, Quare epistula fuit inuenta, De partibus epistule, Diffinicio salutationis, De his que consider- antur in salutationibus.

Paper (coarse, brown; watermarks: unidentified human head?), ff. i (paper) + 6 (early foliation, 1-6, in ink) + i (paper), 299 x 195 (189 x 115) mm. Ca. 38 long lines; frame-ruled in lead. Remains of prickings in upper, lower and outer margins.

A single gathering of 6 leaves, with at least one bifolium missing in center of quire; crudely stitched together.

Written in Italian notarial script.

342 ms 423

Two initials, in black ink with simple penwork designs, also in black, for preface, 7-line, and text, 10-line, on f. lr; added later [?]. Guide-letters in margins.

Binding: s. xx. Marbled paper wrapper.

Written in Italy in the first half of the 15th century; early modern provenance unknown. Acquired from Guiseppe (Joseph) Martini by H. P. Kraus from whom it was purchased in 1962 by S. Harrison Thomson. Acquired from Thomson in 1969 [?] as the gift of Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke.

secundo folio: quod est

MS 423 Spain, s. XIII1

Compilatio tertia, with gloss of Johannes Teutonicus

We thank K. Pennington for his assistance with this manuscript.

1. ff. lr-82v Incipiunt decretales Innocentii pape. [introductory letter of Innocent III:] Innocentius episcopus seruus seruorum dei vniuersis magistris et scolar- ibus Bononie ... [text:] de constitutionibus . Cum omnes unum corpus simus in christo singuli autem alter alterius . . . persone inueniantur in illo que pos- sint in abbates assumj. [added to end on ff. 82v-83r is Ex ore sedentis, 3 Comp. 5.16.7, with note in margin that it belongs under de priuilegiis]

Compilatio tertia; A. Agustfn, ed.,Antiquae Collectiones Decretalium (Lerida, 1576) ff. 124v-229v; E. A. von Friedburg, ed., Quinque compilationes antiquae (Leip- zig, 1882), a register edition.

2. ff. lr-82v [Gloss to introductory letter of Innocent III:] Seruus. Licet hie se appellet seruum seruorum dei tamen infra dicit quod non puri hominis sed . . . [gloss to text:] Verum est quod in percipiendis stipendiis non habetur

ratio personarum Assumi. Coram deo profiteor quod hec summula in-

flationem uel inuidiam aspernatur. . . .

Gloss of Johannes Teutonicus; K. Pennington, "The Manuscripts of Johannes Teutonicus' Apparatus to Compilatio tertia: Considerations on the Stemma," Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law N. S. 4 (1974) pp. 17-31; idem, "The French Recension of Compilatio tertia" Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law N. S. 5 (1975) pp. 55-71; idem, Johannis Teutonici Apparatus glossarum in Compilationem ter- tiam, in Monumenta iuris canonici, Ser. A, v. 3 (Vatican City, 1981) for Books 1 and 2 only, 3-5 forthcoming. The text is also accompanied by ex- tracts from the gloss of Bernardus Parmensis on the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX; these were probably added ca. 1245 or later (e.g., f. 5v).

3. f. 83r-v Written by two different hands are texts from the registers of In- nocent III: Super quibusdam (Reg. 12.154; PL 216.173-74) which was later

ms 424 343

split into segments and placed in 4 Gomp. 3.18.1 and 5.16.1; Cum contin- gat (Reg. 13.127; PL 216. 313-1 5) which was also split into two parts and placed in 4 Comp. 1.2.1 and 1.8.1.

4. ff. 83v-84r Lists citing Biblical support for legal points, drawn from Old and New Testaments, f. 84v pen trials, etc.

Parchment (poor quality: holes, end pieces), ff. i (parchment) + 84 + (parch- ment), 324 x 218 (190 x 122 mm. main text; ca. 265 x 205 mm. including gloss). 2 columns, 54 lines (text), ca. 86 lines (when gloss is written in all mar- gins). Ruled in lead or crayon with single vertical bounding lines to delineate both text space and gloss, and with additional ruling between columns of text. Prickings often in all margins.

I8 (extra piece of parchment bound in between 1 and 2, 7 and 8, the latter containing text), II-V8, VI4, VII-XII8. Catchwords along lower edge; Ro- man numeral in center, lower edge, f. 40v.

Text portion written in cramped bookhand; gloss and additions (arts. 3-4) in several contemporary and later hands, some more cursive, all highly ab- breviated.

Headings in majuscules alternating red and blue with simple pen scrolls in opposite color. Decorative initials, 5- to 2-line, set out in margins, red with blue designs alternating blue with red. Rubrics, and running titles (book num- bers) in red for arts. 1-2. Spiral line fillers and 1-line initials in red or blue. Notes for rubricator.

Some leaves stained and/or mutilated, with loss of text and gloss: ff. 1-3, 45, 84. Defects in leaves repaired with red and blue thread.

Binding: s. xix-xx. Spanish [?]. Rigid vellum case; lettering on spine, in black: "Inocenti Decreta." On upper cover, painted inscription in red and blue, that attempts to reproduce heading on f. lr: "Innocentij."

Written in Spain, perhaps soon after Johannes Teutonicus completed his text ca. 1218 and before 1234; the codex shows evidence of much early use. Sever- al contemporary and later hands have added glosses in all margins and some- times between columns of text; glosses have been keyed to text by use of grammar gloss marks. Remains of unidentified white and blue rectangular label on spine. Bookplate, in red and white: monogram of J. B. with bird above and "ex libris" in circle below. Acquired from P. C. Hoffman in 1970 by Ed- win J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: [se]qui absolutos

MS 424 Italy, 1541; s. XVI

Euclid, Catoptrica, etc. (in Greek) PI. 60

I. 1. ff. lr-8v evxXelbov xaronrgtxa. [added in left margin:] T7ioxeta0co "Oc|>iv eivou &u0£iav tic, xa fA&aa Ttdvxa [addition in right margin; v.pyjy.

344 ms 424

U7rox£ta0<o ocjnv elvai eu0Eiav] ... Lv toutoj yivf\zi av xupxd ^iv Evorcxpa, ola. xa// text ends abruptly at end of first quire; catchwords: apy t]0- xX* xotXa 8e, ota xd

Euclid, Catoptrica, with additional diagrams; I. L. Heiberg, ed., Teub- ner (1895) v. 7, pp. 285-338.

2. ff. 9r-23r [No title; text begins abruptly at beginning of quire 3:] //tffe £p xat £ to ei [?] at -yv vx- xt)- tjttt* wr to dvaxiXXouat |iiv ... rJ7rep rj Xoikt] xd 9avepov fj T| xuxouoa xffc tuxouotj?.

Euclid, Phaenomena, with standard alternative propositions and scho- lia; H. Menge and I. L. Heiberg, eds., Teubner (1916) v. 8, pp. 42-156.

3. ff. 23r-41r xd nqb tcDv evxAeiSov ojixixwv. ' Aizohzixvix; xd xaxd tt]v ocJ>iv 7uapajxu0ta<j ixo\j£t [sic] xtvd<;, ■KpoGfKiXoyitfiy.tvoq . . . 6|j.oito<; yap Sei- ^o[xev xd au^Paivovxa- xa0drc£p xai ev xot; xuxXoti;.

Euclid, Opticarum recensio Theonis; I. L. Heiberg, ed., Teubner (1895) v. 7, pp. 144-284.

4. ff. 41r-78v EvxXeibov bebofieva. AeSo^/iva xtp [xeyeQ&t Xeyexat xoapia xai ypafxfxai- xat ytovtai ... 8o0£v apa laxi xo U7c6 xtov a5- e£. [colophon:] reAo? tcwv evxXelbov bebofievoiv Beat x<*Qi<;- OvaXeqiavoq [sic] y,6va%o<; (poQoli($iEv<; 6 dXfiivov xavxrjv fliftXov ev ra> xov dycov dvxwviov juovaattjgico eygatpe, ivexrjm exet a<pfia.

Euclid, Data, with scholia; H. Menge, ed., Teubner (1896) v. 6, pp. 1-186, 261-336.

II. 5. ff. 79r-102v [No title; text begins abruptly at beginning of Part II:] //0a* Xe* xa [illegible] apa f^xoi izpbq aXXr)Xa Xoyov e£et Seoofxevov, r\ xo exepov xou exepou 8o0£vxt (leT^ov laxw r\ £v \6yio ... taa<; ycovta; rcotoGaat r] dviaou; [xev SeSojiivai; hi xa? izpbc,/! catchwords: xat? pdaeat

Euclid, Data, incomplete at beginning and end; H. Menge, op. cit. , pp. 34-136.

III. 6. ff. 103r-142r nqooifiiov. ev a> ojicag XQe^a btaaaiprjaewt; xtvwv xeyaXaiwv bi ' <bv ixdaxoxe 6 nxoXefiatoq xovg daxQovofitxovg imXoyia- fjovq xai xa<; xwv dnobeifecov etpobovq avfineqaivexai. Td [jlev hr\ rq<; Ttpoxepa<; t\\jm>v craiou8r]<; ei'xouv axotx&uoa£co<; ax; xaXeTv dJjtoo- |X£v im xfi daxpovofitxfj iTziaxr\\i.r\ ... lv hi xoXq x£xdpxot<;- auxd [xova xd xwv dax£pwv \xty£Br\- xat £tatv, 01 xavove<; 00x01// [remainder of leaf left blank for canons]

Theodore Metochites, Introductio in Piolemaei compositionem mathemati- cam; K. Sathas, ed., Meoaiajvixrj BifiXiodfjxr}, v. 1 (Venice, 1872) pp. ptY]'-pt0' (first section only; no complete text has yet been published); see I. Sevcenko, Etudes sur la polemique entre Theodore Metochite et Nice-

ms 424 345

phore Choumnos (Brussels, 1962) pp. 280-86, for a list of MSS and discussion of the MS tradition (Beinecke MS 424 not listed).

Paper, ff. 142 + i (paper). The manuscript was bound out of order when purchased by Yale; the order has since been corrected. Composed of 3 distinct parts:

Part I: ff. 1-78. Paper (thin, with a slight shine; watermarks: Harlfinger Ancre51 [1540, 1541 A. D.]), 370 x 262 (228 x 115) mm. 30 long lines, ruled in hard point, double vertical bounding lines full length. I8 (quire missing af- ter f. 8; the next is signed with a gamma), II-IX8, X6. Catchwords perpen- dicular to text between inner bounding lines, verso. Quires signed in Greek notation on recto, within flourishes. Written in Greek minuscule by Valeriano da Forli, who also wrote marginal notes in red and labelled the diagrams. Head- piece, 3- and 2-line initials with stylized floral motifs and headings in red. Diagrams in margins of geometrical figures drawn with compass and ruled in brown ink, labelled in red. Water- stained, especially on f. lr; no loss of text. On f. 57r, spills, dirt and pen trials; several words effaced or obscured. Dis- coloration on ff. lr and 78v suggests that this part was once separate.

Part II: ff. 79-102. Paper (thicker than in Part I; watermarks similar to those in Part I), 368 x 260 (222 x 125) mm. 30 long lines, ruled in hard point, dou- ble vertical bounding lines full length. XI-XIII8. Catchwords perpendicular to text between inner bounding lines. Written by one person in Greek minus- cule. Headings in red. Diagrams drawn with compass and ruler, labelled in red, and fitted into written space. Waterstains on all folios, but especially ex- tensive on f. 79r; no loss of text.

Part III: ff. 103-142. Paper (watermarks: Harlfinger Lettres 66), 350 x 235 (220 x 125) mm. 30 long lines, ruled in hard point, double vertical bounding lines full length. XIV10 (-1?), XV-XVI10, XVII10 (+ 1 leaf, f. 143). Catch- words perpendicular to text between inner bounding lines. Written by one hand in an even Greek minuscule. 2- to 1-line initials with stylized floral motifs and headings in pale red. Waterstains throughout; loss of text only at top of f. 103r-v.

Binding: s. xix. Vellum case with a gold-tooled title.

Part I written by Valeriano da Forli, son of Albino, in the monastery of S. Antonio in Castello, Venice, in 1541 (see art. 4 and Vogel-Gardthausen, pp. 369-72). For a facsimile of his script, see Omont, no. 48. Parts II and III have no colophons, but were probably also written in Italy in the 16th century; ear- ly modern provenance unknown. The parts were together by the 19th centu- ry, when the present binding was done. Acquired by H. P. Kraus from the New York dealer John Fleming in 1965. Purchased from Kraus in 1970 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

346 ms 425

MS 425 France, s. XV3/4

Missal (in Fr.) PL 15

1. ff. lr, 2r Leaves with coats-of-arms (see below) and a full-page miniature (see below), both later additions on original leaves, ff. lv, 2v ruled but blank

2. ff. 3r-5v Table of contents in French (no references to folio numbers).

3. ff. 6r-148r Temporale in French with cues in Latin, from the first Sunday in Advent through Holy Saturday; litany on ff. 145-146v includes Louis King among the confessors.

4. ff. 148r-152v Common and special prefaces in French with cues in Latin; canon of the mass in French, but omitting the consecration prayers as indi- cated by the scribe, f. 151r, "Cy ne sont pas mises les parolles du sacrement du corps" and "Cy ne sont pas mises les parolles du sacrement du sang."

5. ff. 153r-240r Temporale in French with cues in Latin, from Easter through the 25th Sunday after Trinity; dedication of a church.

6. ff. 240r-320v Sanctorale in French with cues in Latin, from the vigil of Andrew (29 November) through Catharine (25 November), including masses for Maurice, Remigius and Dionysius.

7. ff. 320v-331v Common lessons of Saints.

8. ff. 331v-359v Votive masses in French with cues in Latin of the Trinity, Holy Spirit, Holy Cross, Virgin Mary (3 forms according to the liturgical year), All Saints (2 forms), "pour quelconques neccessite et besoing," against sin, for sinners, for one's friends, for one's family, for peace, for those travel- ing, for the sick, to ask for rain, to ask for good weather, for prelates, for the king, for oneself, to request the grace of the Holy Spirit, against temp- tations of the flesh, for the dead (13 forms followed by the common lessons); marriage service in French with rubrics, for liturgical directions, mass of the Trinity, prayer upon entering the house, and benedictions of bread and wine, and of the chamber and the bed; benediction of the fount; benedic- tion of holy water; votive masses of the Eucharist and of Louis King.

Parchment, ff. iv (contemporary parchment, iii and iv foliated 1,2) + 357 + iii (contemporary parchment), 365 x 260 (245 x 162) mm. Written in 2 columns of 27 lines, ruled in pale red ink. Single vertical and horizontal bound- ing lines full length and full across. Prickings (slashes) in upper and lower margins.

Bound too tightly for accurate collation.

Written by a single scribe in formal gothic bookhand.

A richly decorated manuscript with an unusual and elaborate program of miniatures by at least four artists: the Master of the Vienna Mamerot, Jean Colombe, a hand close to the Masters of Morgan 96 and 366, and a fourth

ms 425 347

artist whose hand has not yet been identified in other manuscripts. For manuscripts either by or related to these hands and attributions for the individu- al miniatures see Plummer, Last Flowering, pp. 51-52, no. 68. Each large minia- ture has a full border incorporating four marginal scenes (428 in all) with subjects which either amplify or follow closely from the action of the minia- ture, disposed with two rectangular scenes in the outer border and two roun- dels in the lower border. For example, the border on f. 220v accompanying the miniature of Christ and the epileptic demoniac incorporates scenes of Christ with the father as his son collapses, the father kneeling in prayer, Christ bless- ing the child, and Christ helping the boy to his feet. On f. 133v, with the minia- ture of Christ foretelling the treachery of Judas, the marginal scenes depict Christ reaching for a towel, tying the towel around his waist, washing Peter's feet, and washing the feet of the other Apostles. The subsidiary miniatures, framed in red, are surrounded by blue and gold acanthus, flowering vines in green, blue and red, ivy in black pen with gold dots, large, naturalistic flow- ers, and black hair- spray with gold dots. The borders are framed on the outer edges with a red bounding line, on the inner edges with a red or gold bound- ing line.

Listed below are the subjects of the 107 large rectangular miniatures which are derived from the Gospel reading for that day or from incidents in the Saint's life.

Temporale: f. 6r Entry into Jerusalem; f. 7v Christ points out signs of sun and moon to the Apostles; f. 9r John the Evangelist sends two of his disciples to greet Christ; f. 16v St. John the Baptist preaching; f. 22r Nativity; f. 25r Circumcision; f. 27r Adoration of the Magi; f. 31r Miracle of the Wine at Cana; f. 32v Christ heals the leper; f. 35v Christ narrates the parable of the vine- yard; f. 38r Christ narrates the parable of the sower before a large crowd; f. 40v Christ and the Apostles enter Jerusalem; f. 48r Satan tempts Christ to turn stones into loaves; f. 51 v Christ and the Apostles confronted by the resi- dents of Jerusalem; f. 56r Christ and four Apostles go up to Jerusalem; f. 58r Transfiguration; f. 61 v Christ and Apostles with the Canaanite woman; f. 66r Christ, Apostles and Mary go up to Jerusalem; f. 67v Beating of Lazarus; f. 71r Departure of the prodigal son; f. 74r Christ and the dumb man; f. 76r Christ at Nazareth; f. 81r Christ cures the mother-in-law of Simon; f. 82v Christ and the Samaritan woman at the well; f. 85r Christ preaching in the temple; f. 88v Christ and the Apostles by the Sea of Galilee; f. 93 v Christ heals the blind man; f. 96v Christ watching the funeral procession at Nain; f. 98v Rais- ing of Lazarus; f. 102v Christ preaching in the temple; f. 108v The annointing in the house of Simon the Pharisee [?]; f. 1 13r The annointing at Bethany (ac- cording to Matthew); f. 119v The annointing at Bethany (according to John); f. 122r Last Supper; f. 127r Judas paid; f. 133v Christ foretells the treachery of Judas; f. 135v Crucifixion; f. 153r Resurrection; f. 154v Road to Emmaus; f. 156v Christ appearing to Apostles; f. 158v Peter walking on water; f. 160v

34*J ms 425

Mary at tomb; f. 162v Christ appearing to the twelve Apostles; f. 164r Mary Magdalen at tomb; f. 165v Doubting Thomas; f. 175r Transfiguration of Christ, with Moses and Elijah; f. 183r Pentecost; f. 189v Christ among the Pharisees; f. 191r Christ enters the home of Simon; f. 195r Gnadenstuhl Trinity surround- ed by angels; f. 196v Lazarus outside the door of the rich man; f. 202r Christ by the lake of Gennesaret; f. 205r Christ speaks to the Apostles prior to the second miracle of the loaves; f. 209r Christ laments as he approaches Jerusa- lem; f. 212r Christ heals the deaf man; f. 215r Christ heals two of the ten lepers; f. 218r Christ revives the son of the widow of Nain; f. 220v Christ meets the father of the epileptic demoniac; f. 223r Hosea preaching; f. 229v Christ cures the paralitic; f. 232r Christ heals the son of the nobleman; f. 236r Christ heals the daughter of the official; f. 23 7r Christ speaks with Philip prior to miracle of loaves; f. 238v Christ speaking to Zacchaeus, in tree.

Sanctorale; f. 242r Martyrdom of St. Andrew; f. 244v Thomas sees wounds of Christ; f. 245v Martyrdom of St. Stephen; f. 247r St. John with the poi- soned chalice; f. 248v Herod orders the massacre of the Innocents; f. 253v Mar- tyrdom of St. Sebastian; f. 255r Christ meeting horsemen [?]; f. 256r Conversion of St. Paul; f. 258v Presentation; f. 261r St. Peter preaching; f. 262v Selection of Matthias; f. 264v Annunciation; f. 268v Philip ordered to sacrifice; f. 270r Heraclius with soldiers; f. 272r St. John the Evangelist boiled; f. 273r St. Bar- nabas casting down gold; f. 276r Circumcision of St. John the Baptist; f. 279v St. Peter and St. Paul; f. 284r St. Margaret brought before the prefect; f. 285r Noli me tangere; f. 287r St. James sentenced; f. 288r Martyrdom of St. James; St. Peter imprisoned; f. 29 lr Martyrdom of St. Lawrence; f. 293v Dormition; f. 295r St. Bartholomew enters temple; f. 297r Salome with head of St. John; f. 298v Joachim and Anna present offerings at altar of temple; f. 300v Her- aclius approaches Jerusalem with cross; f. 303r Two magicians with dragons; f. 304r St. Maurice before Maximian; f. 305v St. Michael and dragon; f. 308r Stigmatization of St. Francis; f. 309r Martyrdom of St. Dionysius; f. 310r St. Luke; f. 312r Two groups of soldiers; f. 314v Apostles, Popes, Martyrs and Virgins; f. 316r Funeral ceremony; f. 317v St. Martin and beggar; f. 319v St. Catharine in her study.

Common of Saints: f. 320v St. Paul writing, Ephesians reading; f. 322v Mar- tyrs; f. 326v Two confessors reading; f. 330r Martyrdom of St. Catharine.

Additions of s. xvii [?] on front flyleaves, originally blank, f. lr: Full-page frontispiece miniature, a throne room, the walls draped with a tapestry, blue with fleur-de-lis and the letter K in gold roundels; running around the walls, a bench covered with a green tapestry; in front a gothic canopy supported by three columns from which hang coats-of-arms, each with an attached inscribed scroll, the top arms supported by angels. Center column: the arms of France moderne and Charles VI; left column; arms of six duchies; right column: arms of six archbishoprics, f. 2r: Miniature, a monstrance in an elaborate gothic architectural niche, inscribed at bottom, "L'Office de la Messe." Full border

MS 425


of blue and gold acanthus with green leaves and arms of Henry V of England; square panels at corners with jewels set in acanthus quatrefoil medallions against mauve grounds, bounded in red and gold. Gold acanthus in upper margin from which hang, in left and right margins, strings of rosary beads.

4- and 2-line initials throughout, shaded pink or blue with gold foliate deco- ration against blue or pink grounds with pink or blue curling leaves, height- ened in gold. 1-line initials, gold, against pink or blue grounds with gold filigree. On ff. 6r-13v the 4- and 2-line initials, as well as line fillers in the same man- ner, are painted over blue or red initials with red or blue penwork and line fillers in red, blue and gold. The overpainting of this archaizing decoration reflects a change in decorative scheme rather than an interval of three-quarters of a century between the writing and the illumination of the manuscript (see Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 252-54, no. 74). Rubrics and some underlining in red throughout.

Binding: s. xix. Quarter bound in brown goatskin. Blue/green cloth sides with silver fastenings and fittings. On fastenings, small roundels with portraits of the evangelists; on clasp, a roundel with Annunciation. Numerous Turk's- head place-marks on fore edge. Earlier covers, s. xvii, mounted inside boards.

Produced probably in Bourges, ca. 1470-75, judging from the illumination; formerly known as the "Fouquet Missal", based on the mistaken attribution of the illumination to Fouquet. (For discussion and refutation of the theory that the manuscript was begun ca. 1400, but not completed until ca. 1470, see Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 252-53.) Arms of Charles VI of France and Henry V of England were added to ff. lr and 2r (originally blank), s. xvii or later; no other evidence of ownership by royal families. The sale catalogue of Ambroise Firmin-Didot (see reference below) lists a series of early owners, but without supporting evidence: Charles VI of France (1348-1422); his daughter Catherine, wife of Henry V of England; Henry VI, Henry VII, and Henry VIII of Eng- land; taken to Antwerp by one Gilles and sold in 1545 to the Premonstratensian monastery of Tongerloo, where it remained until 1869 (a letter in the library files from the archivist of Tongerloo, dated 1967, states that the abbey has no inventory mentioning this volume, but no longer has records of manuscripts held before the French Revolution); supposedly acquired from the abbey by the dealer A. Bachelin, who then sold it to A. Firmin-Didot (booklabel; Cata- logue illustre des livres precieux manuscrits et imprimis de la bibliotheque de M. Ambroise Firmin-Didot [Paris, 1879] v. 2, pp. 43-49, no. 17). Purchased at the Firmin- Didot sale by the bookseller Fontaine, who sold it to Countess Mniszeck, step- daughter of Honore de Balzac. Unidentified white rectangular label, with blue border and "6595", appears on f. i recto. Passed through hands of the book- seller Thibaudeau. Library of Robert Hoe ([C. Shipman], A Catalogue of the Manuscripts Forming a Portion oj the Library of Robert Hoe [New York, 1909] pp. 133-38); at Part I of Hoe's sale (Anderson's, 1 May 1911, no. 2155, pi. of

350 ms 426

f. 135v), was bought by Dodd and Livingston. Collection of Baron Edmond Rothschild (MS 13). Owned by Gabriel Wells (bookseller) for 20 years. Ac- quired from H. P. Kraus in 1968 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: [table, f. 4] La vielle [text, f. 7] acomplir

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 252-54, no. 74, pi. 26 (f. 135v).

L. M. J. Delaisse, "A Liturgical Problem at the End of the Middle Ages: The 'Missale Gallicum'," Litterae Textuales, Essays Presented to G. I. Lieftinck 4 (1976) pp. 16-27, fig. 3.

F. Avril, "Manuscrits a peintures d'origine francaise a la Bibliotheque Na- tionale de Vienne," Bulletin Monumental 134 (1976) p. 331.

S. Hindman and J. D. Farquhar, Pen to Press: Illustrated Manuscripts and Printed Books in the First Century of Printing ([n. p.], 1977) p. 70.

MS 426 England, s. XIVmed

Matthew of Westminster, Flores historiarum

ff. lr-87v [Added in upper margin:] historia Mathei Parisiensis: Manuscrip- tum Loftusianum. [text begins imperfectly:] //Ora ad compitum ubi se findit in quadruuium et stans ibi tacite rei euentum diligenter explora. Transient enim figure hominum utriusque sexus ... extremum qualiter uel quomodo ueritatem plurimi ignorauerunt. Carneriuam natus princeps Edwardus ama- tus. Ingratis gratus est morte graui cruciatus. ff. 85-86 misbound

H. R. Luard, ed., Flores historiarum in Rolls Series 95 (London, 1890) v. 1, pp. xxx-xxxi; Beinecke MS 426 is designated "II (4). MS. Tenison." The text begins imperfectly in Book I, 1058 (Luard ed., v. 1, p. 578) and contains con- tinuations in Book II to 1327. See A. Gransden, "The Continuations of the Flores Historiarum from 1265 to 1327 ," Mediaeval Studies 36 (1974) p. 473, note 13.

Parchment, ff. iii (paper) + i (original parchment pastedown) + 87 + i (original parchment pastedown) + iii (paper), 384 x 260 (289 x 196) mm. Writ- ten in 2 columns, 48 lines. Single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across. Remains of prickings in upper margin; ruled in lead.

I-VII12, VIII3 (ff. 86, 85, 87: leaves missing between ff. 85 and 87). Catch- words in center of lower margin, enclosed in rectangle, verso.

Written in bold gothic textura; x is crossed.

Rubrics, often accompanied by notes to rubricator in well formed current Anglicana script. Decorative initials not filled in. Numerous pen trials and crude drawings in margins (e.g., ff. 28r, 46v, 47r, 63r).

Binding: s. xix. Blind-tooled brown calf with a gold-tooled title. Parchment flyleaves (formerly pastedowns) from a Missal (England, s. xv) much rubbed

ms 427 35^

and worn, and with offset impression from original binding of corner tongues and four attachments. 2 columns, 36 lines, written space 275 x ca. 185 mm.; 9 mm. between rulings for text. Gothic textura. Fine blue initials with intri- cate herringbone pen work designs in red. Headings in red; paragraph marks in blue.

Written in England in the middle of the 14th century, presumably at the Clu- niac priory of St. Saviour, Bermondsey, Surrey (inscriptions of s. xv/xvi on f. 23r "Bermondsey Saluator IHS," and f. 84v "Bermondsey Rogamus vos"). Note at foot of f. lr, s. xv2: "Ihesus for the woly name and for the bytter peschyn saue me ffro syne and schame and worly damnaschyn." Belonged to Dudley Loftus (1619-95; DNB, v. 12, pp. 79-88; note on f. lr: "Manuscrip- tum Loftusianum"); acquired by Sir James Ware (1594-1666) who collated it with Lambeth Palace MS 1 106; there are numerous marginal notations com- paring the two codices (see M. R. James and C. Jenkins, A Descriptive Cata- logue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Lambeth Palace [Cambridge, 1932] Part V, pp. 818-24). Purchased in 1686 by Henry Hyde, second Earl of Clarendon (1638-1709; Catalogi MSS. Angl. et Hib., 1697, no. 93); from whom it passed to Thomas Tenison, archbishop of Canterbury (1636-1715); sale of Tenison heirs (Sotheby's, 1 July 1861, no. 60) to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 15732, tag on spine). Letter concerning provenance of manuscript from F. Madden of British Museum, 10 Nov. 1860, bound in at front of volume. Purchased from H. P. Krausin 1968 (Cat. 100, no. 11; Cat. 117, no. 29) by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

MS 427 France, s. XV3/4

Christine de Pizan, Le Livre des Trois Vertus PI. 14

ff. lr-95r Cy commence le liure des trois vertus a lenseignement des dames. Le premier chappitre deuise comment les vertus par la commandement xpistinne [sic, spelled out] fist et compila le liure de la cite des dames. Et liu apparurent de rechief. et luy commirent a /aire ceste presente oeuure. Apres que Ios ediffie a laide et par le commandement de trois dames de vertus Cest assauoir raison droitture et Iustice . . . soit presentee deuant dieu ou siecle sans fin. Lequel II vous ottroit. Amen. Explicit le liure des .iij. vertus A lenseignement des dames, ff. 95v-96v ruled, but blank

A complete modern text in French has not yet been published; portions are printed in M. Laigle, Le Livre des Trois Vertus de Christine de Pisan et son milieu historique et litteraire, in Bibliotheque de XV siecle v. 16 (Paris, 1912). Printed in Paris, 1497, by Antoine Verard (GKW v. 6, no. 6649). Cf. also the unpub- lished dissertation of L. L. DeBower (U. of Massachusetts, 1979), 436 pp.

Parchment, ff. ii (paper) + i (parchment) + 96 + i (parchment) + ii (paper), 354 x 263 (216 x 160) mm., trimmed. Written in 28 long lines; single vertical

35*. ms 427

and horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across. Ruled in red ink. Prickings (slashes) in outer margin.

I-XII8. Catchwords in right corner, lower edge near gutter, verso. Remains of leaf signatures in lower right corner, recto.

Written in batarde, with elaborate flourishes and cadeaux in upper and lower margins.

The manuscript includes four miniatures which are among the finest by the Master of Amiens 200, active in Hesdin and Mons and possibly in Amiens in the third quarter of the fifteenth century (see Plummer, Last Flowering, pp. 14-15, no. 20, pi. 20 of f. lr; Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 243-244, no. 68, pi. 24 off. lr). Other manuscripts decorated by the same artist include a Valerius Maximus, Berlin, Staatsbibliothek MS 94; the Histoires romaines by Jean Man- sel made for Philip the Good, Paris, Bibl. de l'Arsenal MSS 5087-88; a Girart de Roussillon written at Mons in 1448, Vienna, Ost. Nationalbibl. Cod. 2549; a Chroniques de Hainaut, Boulogne, Bibl. Mun. MS 149; and a Book of Hours, New York, Pierpont Morgan Library MS 194. In addition to these manuscripts cited by Plummer, J. Marrow attributes two other works to the same artist: Berlin, Kunstbibliothek MS Lipp. Cd. 1; Amiens, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 200.

Four half-page miniatures: f. lr Three virtues before Christine de Pizan, f. 16r Princesses seated around Dame Prudence, f. 49v Courtly and noble wom- en seated before three Virtues, f. 72r Bourgeois and common women seated before three Virtues; in gently arched red and/or blue and gold frames. Each miniature with a 6- to 4-line initial, blue with white highlights, filled with red, blue and green ivy, against an irregular gold ground, edged in black, some with cusping. Initial on f. lr with arms of Crevecoeur family (gules, 3 chevrons or) added later. Folios with miniatures have a blue and gold bar in inner mar- gin, with diamond-shaped terminals and regularly spaced blocks of black hair- spray with two gold ivy leaves in margin; the other three margins with red, blue and green acanthus, with some gold, red and blue flowers, birds, insects, surrounded by blue and gold ivy leaves. 2-line initials, gold, filled with pink or blue against irregular, cusped blue or pink grounds with white filigree. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xix. Red, straight-grained goatskin gold-tooled with black on- lays over the bands. Light blue, watered silk doublures and gilt edges. Bound by Bozerian (Paris, 1793-1817). Armorial binding of comte L. L. Pajot d'Ons- en-Bray (see Provenance).

Written in Northern France, possibly in Amiens, in the third quarter of the 15th century. Arms of original owner appear to be overpainted (f. lr); present arms are those of the Crevecoeur family (gules, 3 chevrons or). One of its mem- bers, Jacques Crevecoeur, was knight of the Toison d'Or between 1431 and 1435 (we thank O. Pacht for this information). One of the titles of the head

ms 428 353

of the Crevecoeur family in the 15th century was Seigneur d'Onsembray (Diet, de la noblesse, v. 6, p. 503; see below). Faded note, s. xvi-xvii, below border on f. lr, visible under ultra-violet light: "Je suis a Monsieur Louis conte de Gand." Bound in the late 18th century for comte L. L. Pajot d'Ons-en-Bray (1678-1754); his arms stamped in gold on cover (argent, a chevron azure with 3 eagles' heads sable, erased; beneath an earl's crown). Belonged to Baron Ed- mond de Rothschild (1845-1934; MS 12). Sold by a member of the Rothschild family (Paris, Palais Galliera, 24 June 1968, no. 6). Purchased from H. P. Kraus in 1968 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: lassez et

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 243-45, no. 68, pi. 24 (f. lr).

The Secular Spirit: Life and Art at the End of the Middle Ages, exhib. cat. (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975) p. 161, no. 177 (with illus. off. lr), and p. 68 (f. 16r).

G. E. Hutchinson, "Zoological Iconography in the West after A. D. 1200," American Scientist 66 (1978) p. 677, fig. 3.

MS 428 Italy, s. XIVe*

Dante, Divina Commedia PI. 31

1. f. lr-80v Nel mecco del camin di nostra uital mi ritrouai per una selua ob- scura/ che la diritta uia era smarrita . . . ma gia uolgea il mio uolere il uelle/ Si come rota che egualmente e mossa/ Lamor che moue il sole e laltre stelle. Explicit liber paradisi et per consequens finis totius comedie dantis allegherij excellentis poete de florentia.

Dante Alighieri, La Commedia secondo Uantica vulgata; G. Petrocchi, ed., ([Mi- lan:] Mondadori Editore, 1966-67) 4 vols.

2. ff. 81r-82r Questo capitolo fece messer busone da agobio sopra tutta la comedia di dante. Accio che sia piu fructo et piu dilecto/ a quei che si dilectan di sapere/ del alta comedia uero intellecto . . . che speculando queste cose uede/ Et cosi tutto '1 dicer suo si prende/ Fortificando la cristiana fede.

Bosone de' Raffaelli da Gubbio, "Capitolo" on the Divine Comedy, in 64 ter- zine; printed by F. Roediger, "Dichiarazione poetica dell'Infemo dantesco di Frate Guido da Pisa," // Propugnatore , n.s. 1 (1888) pp. 371-84.

3. f. 82r-v Questo capitolo parla sopra tutta la comedia et dicesi chelfece elfigliuolo di dante alleghieri. O voi che siete dal uerace lume/ alquanto illuminati ne la mente/ che sommo fructo del alto uolume . . . Fin che dal cielo non li fu data ata [sic]/ la qual li uenne per uoler diuino/ Nel mecco del camino de la sua uita. Deus canoris laudetur omnibus horis. Explicit hie liber scriptor sit cri- mine liber. Manus scriptoris francisci predicatoris. Explicit expliciat qui debet soluere soluat. f. 83r-v ruled, but blank

354 ms 428

Iacopo Alighieri, "Divisione" of the Divine Comedy in 50 terzine (thus of the B group); printed by Roediger, op, cit, pp. 358-70.

Parchment, ff. i (parchment) + 83, 306 x 227 (212 x 158) mm. Written in two columns of 46 lines. Double and single vertical bounding lines for each column; double upper and single lower horizontal bounding lines, all full length and full across. Ruled in lead.

I-VIII10, IX2 ( + 1 , f. 81, before 1). Catchwords in center of lower margin.

Written in round gothic script.

Very fine initials and borders, similar in style and iconography to two other manuscripts of the Divine Comedy, Florence, Bibl. Laur. Temp. 1 and Rome, Vat. lat. 4776. The Florence codex is signed by the scribe Simone Camaldo- lese and dated 1398 (see Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 212-13, no. 38). Three histori- ated initials, each with a personification with attributes: f. lr, 16-line, Divine Justice, a winged figure, seated on a lion and holding a sword and scales (In- ferno); f. 27v, 8-line (without descender), Divine Love, a seated winged figure holding nest with a Pelican feeding its young from its own heart (Purgatorio); f. 54r, 12-line, Caritas, a standing winged figure with a flame in each hand and a head surrounded by flames on her chest (Paradiso). Each initial with a full border of fleshy acanthus, blue, orange, olive green, pink, grey and gold, with tooling; birds in lower margin of ff. lr and 54r; on f. lr a coat-of-arms, in lower margin: azure, a chevron or, between two roses in chief argent, a mount of 6 in base argent, probably of the Bini family, Florence. 3 -line ini- tials, red or blue, with mauve or red penwork with long intricate flourishes often extending the length of the page. Opening text of Inferno adjacent to the initial off. lr in display capitals with penwork panels in brown ink. Initials at the beginning of each stanza stroked in yellow. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xvi. Sewn on five double supports attached to wooden boards. The spine is square with well defined bands and red and green endbands. Cov- ered in dark brown goatskin, blind-tooled in mudejar style in two sets of con- centric frames; DO.IOAN.DE gold-tooled in the center of one, BORGA in the other (see Provenance below). Traces of two fastenings. Gilt edges. Re- stored. For color plate of binding see Kraus Cat. 100, no. 15.

Written in the late 14th century by the Dominican friar Franciscus (see art. 3; Colophons, v. 2, no. 4159); original arms probably of the Bini family of Flor- ence occur on f. lr (azure, a chevron or, between 2 roses in chief argent, a mount of 6 in base argent). Belonged to Juan de Borja, 3rd Duke of Gandia (1495-1543), for whom it was probably bound. Held by Ramon Fazoll in 1522, possibly as collateral for a loan (note, f. 83v: "Ramon Fazoll. Lo tingue en 1 [?] a 15 de mars 1522. per memoria"). Perhaps in collection of Ferdinand of Aragon, Duke of Calabria (1488-1550); T. de Marinis believed it was no. 637 in the 1550 inventory of the Aragonese library (La biblioteca napoletana dei red'Aragona [Milan, 1947] v. 1, p. 198, v. 2, pp. 61, 221). Ferdinand's library

ms 429 355

was bequeathed to the monastery of San Miguel de los Reyes in Valencia, whose ownership inscription (s. xvii-xviii) occurs on f. lr of MS 428 ("Es de la Libreria de S. Miguel de los Reyes"), and whose pressmark (0. 11) is inside the front cover. Expurgated by Fr. Antonio Ollet [?] in accordance with the Sandoval y Rojas Index of 1612; note on f. 82v reads "Ex commissione dominorum In- quisitorum Valentie vidi expurgaui iuxta expurgatorium nouum Madriti 1612 et subscripsi ego fr. Antonius Ollet"; the passages censored are: f. 8v, Inf. xi, 8-9: Pope Anastasius' denial of the divine birth of Christ; f. 15r, Inf. xix, 107-117: on the Donation of Constantine; f. 61r, Par. ix, 136-142: Folco da Marsiglia's denunciation of the present corruption of the Church and the "prophecy" of the removal of the papacy to Avignon in 1305. The same inqui- sitor completed the expurgation of another Dante then at San Miguel (now London, B. L., Yates-Thomson MS 36) on 14 Sept. 1613. Unidentified note of s. xviii on f. i verso: "Comedias de Dante en Italiano. Lit. A. Nu. 3 n. 14." Bought in Spain by Lionel Harris of the Spanish Art Gallery from whom it was obtained by Ellis and Elvey. Purchased from them by Charles Fairfax Mur- ray (1849-1919; booklabel). While in his collection, it was apparently exam- ined by P. d'Ancona {La miniatura fiorentina [Florence, 1914] v. 2, p. 169, no. 189); this is the same manuscript as d'Ancona's no. 188, which he saw only in the 1908 Burlington Club exhibition or catalogue [see Bibliography]). Pur- chased from Murray in 1906 by C. W. Dyson Perrins (bookplate, 2 tags with nos. 57 and 83; G. Warner, Descriptive Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts in the Collection of C. W. Dyson Perrins [Oxford, 1920] pp. 156-57, no. 57, pi. 62). Perrins sale at Sotheby's, 9 Dec. 1958, lot. 14 (pis. 16 and 17, off. lr and binding). Purchased from H. P. Kraus (Cat. 100, no. 15; Cat. 110, no. 1, with color pi. of f. 54r and detail of colophon, f. 82v) in 1968 by Edwin J. Beinecke, for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: che e principio

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 212-13, no. 38, pi. 6 (f. lr).

Illustrated Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts , exh. cat. (London: Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1908) p. 119, no. 76.

P. Brieger, M. Meiss and C. Singleton, Illuminated Manuscripts of the Divine Comedy (Princeton, 1969) v. 1, pp. 38 (n. 24), and 47.

MS 429 France [?], s. XIVmed

Petrus Quesvel, Directorium iuris, etc.

1. ff. lr-426v Si quis ignorat ignorabitur . 1. cor. xiiij [1 Corinthians 14.38]. Est hec verba ponuntur dei xxxviij c. Qui est et secundum ... a quo exspec- to michi premium reddi cui laus est et gloria per omnia secula seculorum amen. Explicit liber quartus et ultimus. ff. 91v, 189v-190v, 296v blank

356 ms 429

Petrus Quesvel, Directorium iuris; see J. F. von Schulte, Die Geschichte der Quellen und Literatur des canonischen Rechts (Stuttgart, 1875; reprinted Graz, 1956) v. 2, p. 262.

2. ff. 426v-427v Prologus siue tabula generalis super summam que director- ia vocatur. Incipit liber De summa trinitate tytulus primus . . . De relacioni- bus. t. lius. De con firm acione vtili et invtili. t. liius.

Table of contents {Tabula generalis) listing tituli for art. 1, arranged accord- ing to sequence in text.

3. ff. 428r-452r [Preface:] Licet tabula supradicta sufficere posset ad invenien- dum questiones et materias huius libri . . . Idcirco post tabulam generalem rubricarum siue tytulorum secundum ordinem librorum uolui facere ques- tionum tabulam secundum ordinem alphabeti ... [table:] Abbas quos or- dines potest conferre liber, 1. ti. xxiiij ... Uisitare si recipit munera quod [?] erit/ Uisitacio require verbum visitare. Explicit tabula directory iuris libro tercio et quarto. Anno domini ccc° xxij° compilatus est liber iste per suum auctorem.

Alphabetical subject index (Tabula specialis) for art. 1, consisting of one list for Books 1 and 2 (ff. 428r-439r) and a second list for Books 3 and 4 (ff. 439r-452r).

4. f. 452v Eleven short blessings at Easter, s. xv, for meat, cheese, bread, salt, and lard.

Parchment (rough, poorly prepared), ff. i (contemporary parchment) + 448 (not including scraps bound in; contemporary foliation for art. 1 only, Arabic numerals, ff. 1-423, with 90 bis) + i (contemporary parchment), 329 x 248 (260 x 198) mm. 2 columns, 65 lines. Frame-ruled in lead, often with addi- tional pair of rulings in all four margins. Remains of prickings (long slits).

I-VII12, VIII16, IX-XII12, XIII8, XIV-XVI12, XVII8, XVIII-XX12, XXI8, XXII-XXV12, XXVI14, XXVII-XXXIV12, XXXV4, XXXVI- XXXVIII12, XXXIX10, XL8. Small pieces of parchment, containing text omitted, bound in; now foliated 340, 405. Catchwords written in block forma- tion in center of lower margin, verso, enclosed in a square.

Written by a single scribe in a hasty cursive schoolhand (cf. similar hand in Thomson, Latin Bookhands, pi. 18).

Red and blue split initials, 18- and 16-line, with elaborate penwork designs and plain full border in red and blue mark beginning of Books 1 and 2 (ff. lr, 91r); smaller initial with partial border at beginning of Books 3 and 4 (ff. 191r, 297r) and for the two parts of art. 3 (ff. 428r, 439r). Numerous initials, 5- to 2-line, alternate blue with red flourishes and vice versa. Running titles in red and blue, paragraph marks alternate red and blue. Notes to rubricator, but rubrics never supplied. Initial strokes and underlining, in red, for arts. 2 and 3.

ms 430 357

Part of outer column of f. 189 cut off, no loss of text. Binding: s. xx. Brown calf over wooden boards, with the leather sewn around the endbands.

Written possibly in France in the middle of the 14th century; the cursive school- hand is of indeterminate origin, but the style of decoration is French. The manuscript was written after 1322, the date at the conclusion of art. 3 that refers to the compilation of the text by Petrus Quesvel; none of the manuscripts listed by R. Lioi, "II Directorium Iuris del francescano Pietro Quesvel nei ser- moni domenicali di San Giacomo della Marca," Studi Francescani 59 (1962) pp. 216-33, seems as useful as Beinecke MS 429 for dating this work of Quesvel. The codex was heavily used in the 14th through 16th centuries: there are many corrections, additions, and erasures throughout (some lost due to trimming) as well as two systems of numbering for indexing, one in Arabic numerals and the other in Roman. Inscription on f. 452 r, s. xvi-xvii: "Georgius Nicolaus Stoll Studiosus A. D. 1322." Purchased from Bernard M. Rosenthal (Gat. 15 [1964] no. 30, with plates of f. lr and of the original binding) in 1968 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: superior [with ior deleted]

MS 430 Spain and Mexico, s. XV-XVIII

Christopher Columbus

Collection of seven documents, in Spanish, relating to the family of Christopher Columbus (Colon); presented to Yale University in 1962 by Charles and Lindley Eberstadt.

1. Will of Domingo Colon in favor of his wife, Teresa. Santarroma, Spain, 1423. Parchment, 1 f. (397 x 340 mm.).

2. Confirmation of a privilege of free passage signed by Ferdinand and Isabe- lla of Spain. Tordesillas, Spain, 6 June 1494. Parchment, 4 ff. (319 x 241 mm.).

3 . Escritura de arras a favor de Dona Juana Colon de la Cueva ortogado por Don Francisco Pacheco Bocanegra su esposo. Mexico, 26 February 1608. Paper, 6 ff. (315 x 219 mm.).

4. Sentencia de revista a 22 diciembre 1608 sobre la tenuta y posesion del esta- do de Veragua. Seville, 22 December 1608. Paper, 2 ff. (310 x 216 mm.).

5 . Deed and inventory of property given by Don Nuno de Cordoba to Maria de Mendoza, Marquesa de Agropoli. Madrid, 7 July 1632. Paper, 11 ff. (305 x 218 mm.).

6. Sentencia del Pleito de Veragua en propiedad. [Madrid], 29 March 1664. Paper, 2 ff . (317 x 215 mm.).

355 MS 431

7. Arbol genealogico de la descendencia de Cristobal Colon. Madrid, 20 Sep- tember 1783. Paper, 1 f. (585 x 413 mm.).

8. See Beinecke Library 1979. +133 for an additional document, probably a copy, in Spanish, pertaining to various heirs in the litigation of the estate of Christopher Columbus and detailing Don Mariano Colon's claim to the inheritance. Madrid [?], 1768 [?]. Paper, 4 ff.

MS 431 Spain, s. XVIII-XIX

Christopher Columbus

Collection of 54 items, in Spanish, relating to the family of Christopher Co- lumbus (Colon). The title of each item is recorded as found on the cover of the document; all items are written on paper. The folio count does not, for the most part, include outer wrappers or blank leaves, but rather leaves with text. Many of the items consist of a series of documents, sometimes stitched together, often with half-leaves and/or letters bound or laid in. Purchased from the Libreria del Plata in 1968 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

Box 1:

1. Apartamiento que hizo D. Luis Colon de los danos que tenia a los privile- gios concedidos a Cristobal Colon, en virtud de varias mercedes que se le hicieron en la Isla de Iamayca. 15 ff. Manuscript copy authorized by the King in 1820.

2. Enterado de que yacen en la Catedral de esta Chidad los restos del celeb re Altt. Cristobal Colon descubridor de este nuevo mundo, y primer instrumen- to de que Dios se valio, etc. Trata la trasladacion de las cenisas de C. Colon a la Isla de Cuba, la solicita el Gral en Jefe de la escuadra, a su Majestad. 52 ff. Dated 1820.

3. Diego Colon y Ruiz; Dos cuentas del producto de la venta de la obra titula- da Colon, juzgados militares de Espafia e Indias, desde el ano 1841 hasta el de 1845 inclusives. 6 ff. Copied in 1845.

4. Escritura ortogada en 28 de Marzo de 1848 por D. James Michell Winn y Da. Josefa Teresa Elvira Winn su esposa, capitalizando la pension vitalicia que sefialo en esta el Sr. D. Diego Cebedeo Colon y Sierra. 15 ff.

5. Documento legal del fallacimiento de D. Diego Mariano Colon de Toledo y Sierra, ocurrido en la ciudad de Montpellier Francia, el dia 20 Noviembre de 1840. 3 ff. Copied in 1871.

6. Ynventario, cuenta, division y participacion de todos los bienes pertene- cientes a los Sefiores D. Josef J. Colon de Toledo, etc. 47 ff. Copied in 1806.

7. Real titulo en S. Yldefonso, 18 de Agosto de 1782, a favor de D. Josef Co- lon de Larreategui. 11 ff.

MS431 359

8. En vista del Arbol de los Descendientes de D. Cristobal Colon fundador del Estado de Veragua, etc. 21 ff. Dated 8 June 1765 in Madrid.

9. Pleyto sobre el Ducado y Mayorazgo de Veragua. (Trata sobre los bienes de Cristoval Colon.) 7 ff. Dated 1831, in Madrid.

10. Testimonio de varios particulares del abistestado. (Trata sobre los bienes de Diego Colon.) Copia manuscrita legalizada por Real Cedula de S. M. el Rey Dn. Fernando VII. 66 ff. Dated 1854.

11. Plaza de Oidor de la Cancilleria de la ciudad de Valladolid. Real titulo a favor de D. Josef J. Colon de Larreategui. 4 ff. Dated 1781.

12. Cuenta divisoria de los bienes quedados al fallecimiento de la Sra. Da. Merced Jimenez Rodriguez. Copia manuscrita legalizada sobre los bienes de la sucesion de D. Diego Colon. 9 ff. Copied in 1857.

13. Capitulaciones matrimoniales para el celebrado por el Sr. D. Diego San- tiago Colon de Toledo y Ruiz de Villafranca, con la Sra. Da. Maria Vic- toria de Montalvo y Rodriguez, y partida de este matrimonio. 39 ff., with 2 leaves laid in. Dated 1852.

14. Gracia de la Cruz pensionada de la Real Distinguida Orden de Carlos III al S. D. J. Colon ano de 1789. 14 ff.

15. Relacion 6 extracto de los descubrimientos hechos por los Espafioles en America y Asia desde 1492 hasta 1549. Siendo el Sr. Cristoval Colon quien llevo a su Bartolome Colon y por pilotos a Martin Alonzo Pinzon, Fco. Mar- tinez Pinzon y 120 personas. 8 ff. Manuscript copy authorized by the King, 1820.

16. Don Josef Colon de Larreategui se postra a los augustos pies de V. M. cubierto de pena y de dolor. 25 ff. No date.

17. En la Suprema Asamblea de la Real y Distinguida Orden Espafiola de Carlos III, etc. 1 f. Dated 1789.

18. Por decreto que el Rey se ha servido de dirigirme, etc. 1 f. Dated 1789.

19. Atendiendo el Rey al merito y circumstancias que concurren, en Vs. 1 f. Dated 1789.

20. Copia de la carta que D. Fernando Colon escribio a S. M. sobre conservar y aumentar la libreria que este tenia. Otra copia que se escribio a D. Luis Colon sobre la muerte ejemplar de Fernando Colon. 10 ff. Manuscript copy authorized by the King in 1820.

21 . Testamentaria del Sr. Don Diego Cebedeo Mariano Colon de Toledo Sie- rra. 86 ff. (foliated). Copied and dated 1841-42.

22. Don Diego Colon y Ruiz: Espediente formado por el nombramiento, acep- tacion y discernimiento del cargo de su curador, hecho el Ecmo. Sr. Pedro

360 MS 43I

Colon de Toledo almirante duque de Veragua y de la Vega y marques de Jamaica. Trata tambien de los Mayorazgo Sierra ortorgado por el Emper- ador Carlos ano 1548. Mayorazgo de Cabeza de Vaca, Cortez, Reino- so, etc. 19 ff. Copied in 1841.

23. Sr. D. Diego S. Colon de Toledo y Ruiz de Villafranca. Documentos de su pertenencia pendientes de capitalizacion o liquidacion en la Direccion General de la Deuda Publica. 61 ff. and 6 printed works, preceded by Ta- ble of Contents.

Printed works: a) Gaceta de Madrid, no. 3651, 12 Sept. 1844, 4 pp.; b) Boletin Oficial de Madrid, no. 1938, 17 Sept. 1844, 4 pp.; c) Direccion General del Tesoro Publico, Madrid, 2 June 1855 (2 copies), 5 June 1855, 2 pp.; d) Direccion General del Tesoro Publico, A los Gobernadores de las provincial , 8 June 1855, 2 pp.

24. Don Josef Colon de Larreategui, etc. 4 ff. Copied 1804.

25. En el nombre de Dios Todopoderoso, yo Dfla. Dolores Rodriguez y Gime- nez natural de Villadava en la Isla de Cuba. Trata sobre testamentaria deta- llada en la presente, sobre la sucesion de D. Colon. 7 ff. Dated 1861.

26. En la Villa Cienfuego a 21 de julio de 1855, etc. Sobre poder conferido para la educacion de los Sres. Diego Colon y Dna. Victoria de Montalvo. 13 ff., with 11 half leaves. Parts dated 1855, 1872, 1874, 1870.

27. Partidas sacramentales de varios ascendientes paternos y maternos de D. Diego Santiago Colon de Toledo y Ruiz de Villafranca. 48 ff., preceded by Table of Contents. Copied and dated 1820-1859.

28. Da. Maria del Rosario S. Colon y Ruiz. Tres documentos que acreditan su fallecimiento, verificado en Paris el dia 29 agosto de 1832; el dia 29 de agosto de 1833. 7 ff.

29. Leg. Numero unico. Trata la solicitudes elevadas por D. Diego Colon al Rey a los efectos de que se le conceda autorizacion para sacar copias de documentos del Archivo de Ultramar, y las copias de los mismos. Habla sobre los Reyes Catolicos, Cristobal Colon, Diego Colon D. Maria de Toledo Virreina de las Indias, descubrimientos, etc. 79 ff. Copied in 1821.

Box 2:

30. Dos copias simples de la Real Carta de legitimacion de Da. Maria del Rosario Saturia y D. Diego Santiago Narciso Colon de Toledo y Ruiz de Villafranca. Copia manuscrita legalizada afio 1850. 14 ff.

31. Mayorazgo fundado por Mosen Pierres de Peralta, mayor y menor. Es- crituras de reconocimiento y senalamiento de alimentos al Sr. D. Diego Ce- bedeo Colon de Toledo, Sierra, etc. 14 ff. Dated or copied in 1829, 1852, 1814, 1826-30, preceded by Table of Contents.

32. Real carta de legitimacion de D. M. del Rosario Saturia y D. Diego San- tiago Narciso Colon de Larreategui Ruiz de Villafranca. Fecha en Palacio 29 dejunio de 1824. 10 ff.

MS431 3^

33. Copia de las primeras capitulaciones entre los Reyes Catolicos y D. Cristoval Colon. Trata de las capitulaciones que hizo D. Cristobal Colon en diez y siete de Abril de mil quatrocientos noventa y dos con los Reyes Catolicos, etc. 4 ff. Manuscript copy authorized by the King in 1820.

34. Testamento e inventario de las rentas que distrutaba y resultado de las cuentas de sus administradores pertenecientes al Sr. Diego Colon y Sierra. 19 ff. Dated or copied in 1844, 1834, 1841.

35. Inventario cuenta y partition de los bienes, etc. 10 ff. Dated 1814-20.

36. Tasaciones, cartas y otros papeles correspondientes al inventario, cuenta y participacion de los bienes, etc. 47 documents, dated 18th-19th century, some items undated.

37. Plaza de ministro del Consejo Real. L.I - N. 6 - Real titulo en S. Lorenzo 11 de octubre de 1791 a. favor del Sr. Josef J. Colon. Varias cartas de en- horabuena. Orden de la separation de dicha plaza y cartas de la llegada a Burgos etc. 15 documents, dated or copied in 18th- 19th century, some undated.

38. S. D. Diego Colon y Ruiz. Cuenta de las cantidades de maravedises in- vertidas en pago de honorarios de letrados, derechos, etc. Ca. 130 docu- ments, mostly dated or copied in 1841-45.

39. Testamentaria del Sr. Diego Cebedeo Colon y Sierra. Estado de las can- tidades de maravedises, etc. 5 ff. Dated 1840-41.

40. Estado de las cantidades de maravedises que de la pertenencia del Sr. Die- go S. Colon y Ruiz han recibido el escmo. S. Duque de Veragua, etc. 5 ff. Dated 1841-42.

41 . Testamentaria del Sr. D. Lino de Montalvo y Vinader y Da. Merced Jime- nez de Rodriguez. Trata sobre la sucesion de los bienes de D. Diego Colon. 15 ff. Dated 1853-57.

42. Carta al Excmo. Sr. Principe de la Paz. Con la firma de J. Colon de La- rreategui. 2 ff. Dated 1796, in Burgos.

43. D. Diego Mariano Colon y Sierra: Cuenta vendida en de Agosto de 1814 por Sr. D. Matias de Pecifia al Ecmo. Sr. D. J. J. Colon y 2 escrituras de carta de pago y recibo a favor de D. Colon. 18 ff. Portions dated or co- pied in 1827, 1840, 1814, 1831, 1817, 1819.

44. Carpeta que contiene diver sas cartas, consultas y observaciones relativo todo a la testamentaria, etc. Cartas manuscritas de Diego de Colon y otros, copias manuscritas legalizadas, algunas en Cuba ano 1852. Ca. 85 ff. , with many letters laid in.

45. Copia manuscrita de una cedula de los Reyes Catolicos, y de una breve y curioso extrato de la venida y estada en estos Reinos de Cristoval Colon. 4 ff. Manuscript copy authorized by the King in 1820.


MS 432

46. Apuntamiento para el pleyto que sigue en el Real y Supremo Gonsejo de las Indias Don Mariano Colon y Larreategui ... sobre la succession en propiedad del Ducado de Veragua y Almirantazgo de las Indias. 20 ff. Dated 1781.

47. Espediente reservado de la testamentaria del Sr. D. Diego Cebedeo Colon y Sierra. Junta celebrada el dia 24 de diciembre de 1840. 3 ff.

48. Dos manuscritos con sellos y firmas dados en el afio 1802. 4 ff.

49. Testamento ortogado con fecha en la ciudad de Zaragoza 23 de Setiembre de 1807, etc. Otro fechado en la ciudad de Valladolid del de setiembre de 1800, etc. Otro correspondiente al ano 1813. 23 ff.

50. Testamentaria del Sr. Diego Colon y Sierra. Recibos y documentos que acreditan el cumplimiento de algunos de los legados que hizo [Colon] en su testamento. 21 ff., with letters laid in. Portions dated 1853, 1834, etc.

51 . Don Ventura Collar y Castro, archivero del archivo general de Ultramar ... Accediendo el Rey a lo solicitud de D. Diego Colon se ha servido con- cederle licencia para sacar copias certificadas de algunos documentos, etc. 63 ff. Copy dated 1821.

52. Don Miguel Gonzalez y Don Joaquin de Mendizabal, vecinos de esta corte, a V. S. hacemos presente que el Sr. D. Diego Cebedeo Colon, etc. 62 ff. Copy dated 1841.

Box 3:

53. Varios papeles y notas simples hononficas y genealogicas de las casas y apellidos de Sierra, Salcedo, Velez, Ladron de Guevara, Rivadeneira, Puga, Mosquera, Sotomayor, Reinoso, Cabeza de Vaca, Osorio, Pimentel, Gar- cia de Villalpando, Figueroa, Laso de la Vega, Florez y Santisteban. Con- tiene ademas diversos arboles genealogicos. Ca. 245 ff., 17th-18th centuries.

54. Traslado de algunos capitulos de privilegios concedidos al almirante Don Alonso Enriquez. 6 ff. Copy authorized by the King in 1820.

MS 432 France or Germany, s. XI/XII

Noted Missal (1 leaf)

//dus totus post eum abiit ... parate nobis Et abierunt ***// Masses for Monday and Tuesday in Holy Week.

Parchment, 1 leaf, trimmed; 320 x 240 (285 x 195) mm. 2 columns, 34 lines; 9 mm. between lines. Ruled in hard point on hair side; single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across. Prickings (round punc- tures) in inner and outer margins. Late carolingian minuscule. Unheightened

ms 433 3^3

Messine neumes. Plain initials and headings in red. Some small initials touched with red. Both recto and verso rubbed with some loss of text.

Written in Northeastern France or Western Germany at the end of the 11th or beginning of the 12th century. Unidentified "lxiii [?]" in black ink on verso, center of upper margin. Formerly used as flyleaf; off-set of binding turn-ins on recto. Acquired from S. Harrison Thomson in 1967 with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Rare Book Endowment Fund.

MS 433 Paris, s. XIIImed

Vanderbilt Bible PI. 7

1 . ff. lr-408v A Bible in the usual order (see Ker, MMBL, v. 1 , pp. 96-97) with some later additions; numbers in parentheses refer to prologues which precede the text, as listed in Stegmuller: General prologue (284); Prologue to Pentateuch (285); Genesis (preceded by list of capitula), Exodus, Leviti- cus, Numbers, Deuteronomy; Joshua (311); Judges; Ruth; Kings (323); 1 Chronicles (328); 2 Chronicles (327) + Prayer of Manasses; 1 Ezra (330); Nehemiah; 2 Ezra ( = 3 Ezra; Stegmuller, no. 94, 1); Tobias (332); Judith (335); Esther (341 + 343); Job (344, 357); Psalms (f. 185r-v, written in a later Italian hand, s. xv, contains three prologues to the Psalms [398, 414, 430], and two before Proverbs [456, 455]; running titles on ff. 186r-208r indicate liturgical uses for the Psalms); f. 208v blank; (ff. 209r-211v con- tain Canons of the four Gospels, in verse, written in a different hand); Proverbs (457); Ecclesiastes (462); Song of Songs; Wisdom (468); Ecclesiasti- cus (with Multorum nobis et magnorum treated as a prologue); Isaiah (482); Jeremiah (487); Lamentations (Recordare treated separately; incipit: Recor- dare domine quid ... ); Baruch (491); Ezekiel (492); Daniel (494); Prologue for Minor Prophets (500); Hosea (507); Joel (511, 510); Amos (515, 512, 513); Obadiah (519 + 517); Jonah (524, 521); Micah (526); Nahum (528); Habakkuk (531); Zephaniah (534); Haggai (538); Zechariah (539); Malachi (543); 1 Maccabees (ff. 313-17 misbound; should be 313, 315, 314, 317, 316; prologues: 547, 553, 551); 2 Maccabees; Matthew (590, 589); Mark (607); Luke (Quoniam quidem treated as a prologue; 620); John (624); Ro- mans (677); 1 Corinthians (685); 2 Corinthians (699); Galatians (707); Ephe- sians (715); Philippians (728); Colossians (736); 1 Thessalonians (747); 2 Thessalonians (752); 1 Timothy (765); 2 Timothy (772); Titus (780); Phile- mon (783); Hebrews (793); Acts (640); Catholic Epistles (809); Apocalypse (839).

2. ff. 409r-422r Aaz apprehendens ... Zorobabel ... iste magister confusiones. Expliciunt interpretationes nominum hebreorum.

Index of Hebrew names generally attributed to Stephen Langton; Steg- muller, v. 5, no. 7709. According to L. Light this version has significant differences in the text from the one listed in Stegmuller, and is shorter.

364 ms 433

3. ff. 422v-423v List of readings for year, beginning with the first Sunday in Advent through Monday after Easter.

4. ff. 424r-427v (Correcting here the misbinding of one bifolium) Another list of readings from the first Sunday in Advent (f. 427r) through the 25th Sunday after Trinity, for the dedication of a church, for the sanctorale from Andrew through Cecilia, for the common of saints and for Trinity, Holy Spirit, Holy Cross, Virgin Mary, and the dead, written in the same hand as the later inscription on f. 422r (see Provenance).

Parchment, ff. iv (paper) + 428 (foliated 1-427, skipping folio between 87 and 88) + iv (paper), 185 x 123 (132 x 85) mm., trimmed. Written in two columns of 51 lines, ruled in lead. Single vertical bounding lines, full length; double horizontal rulings in upper margin (for running title) and lower mar- gin; single vertical lines in outer margin. On ff. 408-422 (art. 2) the above pattern plus double horizontal rulings full across at top, center and bottom of written space, and prickings at outer edge.

I-III24, IV22, V-VI24, VII- VIII20, IX4, X18, XI8, XII20, XIII-XVII24, XVIII-XIX28, XX18 (-17 and 18 after f. 424), XXI4.

Written in small gothic textura, below top line; a few corrections added in a tiny neat cursive hand. Marginal notes in several cursive hands of s. xiv-xv.

The manuscript is assigned by R. Branner, "The 'Soissons Bible' Paintshop in Thirteenth-Century Paris," Speculum 44 (1969) pp. 34-35, to the Soissons atelier, active in Paris in the second quarter of the thirteenth century (see also R. Branner, Painting in Paris during the Reign of Saint Louis [Berkeley, 1977] pp. 77-78, 216, and Appendix V H; of these, 17 are Bibles). The majority of the initials are by the "Chief Painter"; one, on f. 72v, bears the signature of "Master 1111" whose mark appears in other manuscripts in the group (see Branner, Painting in Paris, Appendix IV A G). The historiated initials, 1 1- to 6-line (not including ascenders or descenders), are pink and blue, with dragons, against pink and blue grounds with gold dots and triplets of white dots.

Subjects: f. lr St. Ambrose at lectern (Prologue, Genesis); f. 4r Seven days of creation (Genesis); f. 19r Two men (Exodus); f. 32v God and Moses (Leviti- cus); f. 41 r God and Moses (Numbers); f. 53 v Moses [?] and two men (Deu- teronomy); f. 65r Head of God, Joshua, water (Joshua); f. 72v Death of Joshua, crowned; Juda (Judges); f. 81r Elimelech, Naomi (Ruth); f. 82 v Son of Heli beheaded, theft of ark (1 Kings); f. 93 r Beheading of the Amalekite (2 Kings); f. 102r David in bed, attendant brings Abishag (3 Kings); f. 113v Ahaziah falls from tower (4 Kings); f. 125r Pedigree register (1 Chronicles); f. 135v Solomon with scepter (2 Chronicles); f. 149r Cyrus standing (1 Ezra); f. 152v Nehemiah before Jerusalem (Nehemiah); f. 157v Josue asperging altar (2 Ezra); f. 162v Tobit and swallow (Tobit), f. 166r Judith and Holofernes (Judith); f. 171r Esther, Haman (Esther); f. 176r Job, wife (Job); f. 186r David harping (Psalm 1); f. 189r Coronation and unction (Psalm 26); f. 191v David points

ms 433 3^5

to eyes (Psalm 38); f. 193r Doeg (Psalm 51); f. 193v Fool (Psalm 52); f. 195v God, David in deep waters (Psalm 68); f. 198r David and bells (Psalm 80); f. 200v Two singers (Psalm 97); f. 203r Trinity (Psalm 109); f. 212r Solomon and Rehoboam (Proverbs); f. 218v Solomon, man, youth (Ecclesiastes); f. 220v Ecclesia (Song of Songs); f. 222r Solomon, man (Wisdom); f. 226v Prophet with staff (Ecclesiasticus); f. 239r Isaiah sawn (Isaiah); f. 254r Jeremiah, God, boiling caldron (Jeremiah); f. 272r Jeremiah laments Jerusalem (Lamentations); f. 273v Baruch as scribe (Baruch); f. 276r Vision of the 4 beasts; Ezekiel in bed (Ezekiel); f. 292v Daniel in lions' den (Daniel); f. 299v Hosea, Gomer (Hosea), f. 302r Joel, two men (Joel); f. 303r Amos with sheep, head of God (Amos); f. 305r Two men (Obadiah); f. 305v God and sleeping Jonah; Jonah thrown from boat (Jonah); f. 306r Micah watches city (Micah); f. 307v Na- hum and Nineveh (Nahum); f. 308v Angel, Habbakuk (Habbakuk); f. 309v God, prophet (Zephaniah); f. 310v Gyrus (Haggai); f. 311r Head of God, Zechariah (Zechariah); f. 313v Two men (Malachi); f. 314r Beheading of idola- trous Jew (1 Maccabees); f. 325r Delivery of letter (2 Maccabees); f. 332r Mat- thew as scribe (Matthew); f. 34 lv Mark with lion (Mark); f. 348r Priest censes altar (Luke); f. 358v John standing with eagle (John); f. 366r Paul with sword (Romans); f. 369v Paul (1 Corinthians); f. 373v Paul with sword (2 Corin- thians); f. 376r Paul with sword (Galatians); f. 377v Paul with sword (Ephesi- ans); f. 379r Paul with sword (Philippians); f. 380r Paul with sword (Colossians); f. 38 lr Paul with sword (1 Thessalonians); f. 38 lv Paul with book (2 Thessalo- nians); f. 382r Paul with sword (1 Timothy); f. 383r Paul with sword (2 Timo- thy); f. 384r Paul with book (Titus); f. 384v Paul with sword (Philemon); f. 384v Paul with two Jews (Hebrews); f. 388r Ascension (Acts); f. 399r Apostle standing (James); f. 400r Peter with key (1 Peter); f. 401r Peter as Pope (2 Peter); f. 40 lv Apostle as scribe (1 John); f. 403r Apostle standing (2 John); f. 403r Apostle with book (3 John); f. 403r Apostle standing (Jude); f. 404r John as scribe (Apocalypse).

Initials for prologues 6- to 4-line (without ascenders or descenders), as above, filled with intertwining vines, blossoms, dragons, occasionally birds or fish; 4- to 1-line initials, red or blue with blue and red penwork. Headings, chap- ter numbers, red and blue alternating letters with blue and red penwork. Cap- itals stroked in red. Some rubrics missing.

Rectangular pieces cut out of lower margin, ff. 266-69; no loss of text.

Binding: s. xix. Red, straight- grained goatskin, gold-tooled.

Written in Paris in the mid-13th century. Inscription of s. xv, on f. 422r, states that the manuscript was given to the Dominican convent of St. Andrew in Faen- za by Fr. Vincent de Albicellis, who had bought it with money from his par- ents, and who had permission from the general of the order, Leonardo de Perusio, to have the use of it for himself ("Ego frater Vincentius de albicellis de fauentia hanc bibliam emi ex pecunijs parentum meorum Que et per

366 ms 434

R. M. leonardum de perusio nostri ordinis generalem concessa mihi fuit ad libitum sed tamen pertinet ad conuentum S. Andree de fauentia ordinis predicatorum."). Bookplate of the family of John Campbell (1635-1716), Earl of Breadalbane, on f. ii recto. Leaf pasted in after f. i has transcription of note on f. 422r, and statement, "This copy is of about 1370. Sold at Pi- att's July 1835." Collection of Cornelius Vanderbilt (no. 190); bequeathed to Yale in his memory by his daughter Gladys Moore Vanderbilt, Coun- tess Laszlo Szechenyi, in 1966.

secundo folio: intelligunt

MS 434 Netherlands, s. XV4/4

Hours, use of Utrecht (in Dutch) PI. 21

1 . ff. lr-12v Full calendar, with major feasts in red, including Pontianus (14 Jan., in red), Ludger (26 March), Pancratius (12 May, in red), Servatius (13 May, in red), Boniface (5 June, in red), Odulf (12 June, in red), Trans- lation of Lebwin (25 June, in red), Lambert (17 Sept., in red), Remigius and Bavo (1 Oct., in red), Willibrord (7 Nov., in red), Lebwin (12 Nov., in red), f. 13r-v frame-ruled, but blank

N. van Wijk, Het Getijdenboek van Geert Grote (Leiden, 1940) pp. 25-35.

2. f. 14r blank; ff. 14v-54v Hours of the Virgin [van Wijk, op. cit., pp. 36-70].

3. f. 55r blank; ff. 55v-124v Long Hours of the Eucharist, with 9 lessons at Matins, f. 125r-v ruled, but blank

4. f. 126r blank; ff. 126v-148v Penitential Psalms and Litany, including Gereon (18), Pancratius (32), Boniface (35), Lambert (37) among 51 mar- tyrs; Werenfrid (15), Remigius (17), Bavo (18), Willibrord (21), Servatius (28), Lebwin (29), Ludger (30), Odulf (31) among 31 confessors; Gertrude (17), Ursula (20) among 26 virgins [van Wijk, op. cit., pp. 139-54].

5. f. 149r blank; ff. 149v-187v Office of the Dead [van Wijk, op. cit., pp. 155-95].

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + ii (contemporary parchment) + 187 + ii (con- temporary parchment) + i (paper), 164 x 111 (91 x 57) mm., trimmed. 19 long lines, ruled in pale red ink. Single vertical and single or double horizon- tal bounding lines full length and full across.

I6, II6 ( + 2 leaves, ff. 7 and 14, before 1 and after 6), III- VII8, VIII8 (+1 leaf, f. 55, before 1), IX-XI8, XII6, XIII-XV8, XVI8 (+ 1 leaf, f. 126, after 8), XVII8, XVIII6, XIX8 (+1 leaf, f. 149, after 8), XX-XXIII8, XXIV6.

Written in gothic bookhand.

The decoration of the manuscript was executed in three distinct stages (we thank J. Marrow for his assistance with the illumination). First the original

ms 434


decoration (some of it overpainted later) of historiated initials with acanthus and penwork borders on ordinary text pages dates from ca. 1475 and is in a style associated with Delft. It consists of four 9- or 8-line historiated initials: f. 15r Virgin and Child, half-length (Hours of the Virgin); f. 56r Monstrance under filigree (Hours of the Eucharist); f. 127r Last Judgment (Penitential Psalms); f. 150r Souls in Purgatory (Office of the Dead); the initials are blue with white highlights or spiralling acanthus in white and gold, against cusped grounds, with penwork floral sprays in border, tinted red, blue and yellow. Fourteen 5-line initials for the Hours, blue, with leaves in white, filled with flowers or fruit, against gold grounds, square with cusps at corners: each with a three-quarter border, a red, blue and gold bar, some with dragon-head ter- minals, in outer margin; foliage with flowers, red, blue, green, purple and pink, and animals surrounded by brown and black hair-spray and gold dots. Fairly close analogies to this first style of decoration include Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, James MS 25; The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek MS 131 G 8; Berlin, Preussische Staatsbibliothek MS germ. Oct. 6. Second, the inserted miniatures on f. 14v Adoration of Magi (Hours of the Virgin), f. 126v David rebuked by Nathan, David in penance (Penitential Psalms), and f. 149v Rais- ing of Lazarus, probably date ca. 1475-85 and differ in style from the manuscript to which they were added; their place of origin is uncertain. The Three Kings in the Adoration scene and the Raising of Lazarus were executed by an artist of some accomplishment. Third, the miniature on f. 55 v Angels with Monstrance (Hours of the Eucharist) and most of the overpainted bor- ders around miniatures and pages with historiated initials probably date from ca. 1500-10. The borders consist of pink and/or gold arched frames, cusped in black, with full borders, some compartmentalized, pink, blue and/or gold, with various combinations of gold curling acanthus, red, blue, and green flow- ers, insects and jewels; one (f. 149v) a damask pattern with jewels and flowers in roundels. For this latest style of border and miniature compare a Book of Hours of the early 16th century in Copenhagen, Royal Library Gl . Kgl. Saml. 1607, 4°. Many small initials in red or blue with flourishing in blue or red, often extending the length of the written space. 1-line initials alternating red and blue. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xvii. Gold-tooled, green goatskin with a red label and a spine decorated "a la grotesque," possibly by one of the Padeloups, a family active in Paris from ca. 1654 to 1800. Traces of original sewing and paste in gutter and on contemporary parchment flyleaves. Gilt edges.

Produced in the Netherlands, probably in Delft, ca. 1475, with ornamenta- tion added in the fourth quarter of the 15th century and at the beginning of the 16th century (see discussion of illumination above); early modern prov- enance unknown. No. 733 in an unidentified sale (sale description pasted on f. i verso); pencil notation "M 350" added on f. i verso. Unidentified pale blue

368 ms 435

rectangular label with "1994" printed in black pasted to f. iii recto. Collection of Cornelius Vanderbilt (no. 191); bequeathed in his memory by his daugh- ter, Gladys Moore Vanderbilt, Countess Laszlo Szechenyi, in 1966.

MS 435 Lyons s. XV/XVI

Hours, use of Rome PI. 17

1. ff. lr-12v Full calendar in French, alternating red and blue with major feasts in gold; includes the usual Northern French Saints, f. 13r-v blank

2. ff. 14r-18r Sequences of the Gospels, ending with the prayer, Protector noster in te sperantium ... [Perdrizet, 25].

3. ff. 18r-21r Obsecro te ... [Leroquais, LH 2. 346-47, masculine forms], f. 21 v blank

4. ff. 22r-58v Hours of the Virgin, use of Rome with weekly variations of psalms and antiphons at Matins beginning on f. 53 v. f. 59r-v ruled, but blank

5. ff. 60r-62r Hours of the Cross, short form. f. 62v ruled, but blank

6. ff. 63r-65r Hours of the Holy Spirit, short form. f. 65 v ruled, but blank

7. ff. 66r-77r Penitential Psalms and Litany, f. 77 v ruled, but blank

8. ff. 78r-97v Office of the Dead, use of Rome, followed by the prayers for the dead: Auete omnes anime fideles . . . ; Domine ihesu christe salus et liber- atio ... [the set in LH 2. 341].

9. ff. 98r-99r Catena on the Passion of Christ, mainly from John 19 (see Lyell Cat., pp. 65-66), followed by the prayer: Deus qui manus tuas et pedes tuos....

10. ff. 99r-l 1 1 v Suffrages to the Trinity, Michael archangel, Peter and Paul, Christopher, Sebastian, Antony, Claudius, Anna, Mary Magdalen, Catha- rine of Alexandria, Barbara, Margaret, Apollonia, Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins, Stephen, Lawrence, Nicolas, the 10,000 Martyrs, George and Ivo.

11. ff. lllv-112v Seven Prayers of St. Gregory [Leroquais, LH 2. 346].

1 2 . ff. 1 1 2v- 1 1 3v Eight Verses of St. Bernard [RH 27912], followed by the prayer: Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui ezechie regi iudee ... [Leroquais, LH 1. 32,45].

Parchment, ff. ii (paper) + 113 (including f. 13, a blank modern insertion) + iii (paper), 191 x 121 (99 x 52) mm. Written in 17 long lines in the calen- dar, 24 in text; ruled in pale red ink, single horizontal and vertical bounding lines, full across and full length. Prickings at outer edges for bounding lines and rulings for text, usually with double prickings for lower horizontal bound- ing line.

ms 435 3^9

I-II6 (f. 13 inserted after II), III- VII8, VIII6, IX-X8, XI2, XII-XIII8, XIV4, XV-XVI8. Catchwords perpendicular to text along inner bounding line.

Written in elegant batarde.

According to J. Marrow the illumination of M5 435 is stylistically similar (or identical) to a group of manuscripts from Lyons, in particular Lyons, Bib- liotheque de la Ville MS 583 (V. Leroquais, Exposition de manuscrits a peintures du VP au XVIP Steele [Lyons, 1920] p. 41, no. 52, with PL LIV off. 46r) which certainly came from the same shop and is probably by the same artist as Beinecke MS 435.

Fourteen full-page miniatures in elaborate architectural frames, gold, with marbelized columns on plinths capped with a lintel or arched, scalloped or tri- angular pediments, with swags and putti. Subjects are: f. 14r John on Patmos (Gospel Sequences); f. 18v Virgin and Child, with angels (Obsecro te); f. 22r Annunciation, with Marriage of Mary and Joseph in pediment (Hours of Vir- gin, Matins); f. 29r Visitation (Lauds); f. 36v Nativity (Prime); f. 39v Annun- ciation to shepherds (Terce); f. 42r Adoration of Magi (Sext); f. 44v Presentation in temple (None); f. 47r Flight into Egypt (Vespers); f. 51r Coronation of the Virgin (Compline); f. 60r Crucifixion (Short Hours of Cross); f. 63r Pentecost (Short Hours of Holy Spirit); f. 66r King David sending Uriah into battle (Penitential Psalms); f. 78r Job on dungheap (Office of the Dead). Twenty- five small miniatures, 13- or 12-line, in black and gold frames, one, f. 106v, in a gold and magenta arched frame: f. 15r Luke (Gospel Sequences); f. 16r Matthew (Gospel Sequences); f. 17v Mark (Gospel Sequences); f. 98r Flagel- lation (Catena on Passion of Christ); f. 99v Trinity (Suffrages); f. lOOr St. Michael; f. lOOv Sts. Peter and Paul; f. 10 lr St. Christopher; f. 10 lv St. Se- bastian; f. 102r St. Antony; f. 103r St. Claudius; f. 104r St. Anna, Virgin and Child; f. 104v St. Mary Magdalen; f. 105r St. Catharine; f. 105v St. Barbara; f. 106v St. Margaret; f. 107r St. Apollonia; f. 107v St. Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins; f. 108r St. Stephen; f. 109r St. Lawrence; f. 109v St. Nicolas; f. llOr 10,000 Martyrs; f. 1 lOv St. George; f. lllr St. Ivo; f. lllv Mass of St. Gregory. Calendar with twenty-four small miniatures in upright rectangular brown and gold frames in outer margin; occupations of the months on rectos, signs of zodiac on versos. 6-line initials with full-page miniatures, blue curling scrolls rilled with red, blue and green flowers against gold or gold flowers against red; red and gold grounds with gold filigree. 3- to 1-line initials, gold, against red or blue grounds. Line-fillers and KL monograms in the same manner. Feasts al- ternate red and blue, with important feasts in gold. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Brown calf, gold-tooled, in a reddish-brown gold-tooled box lined with a paste paper. Traces of two fastenings.

Written in the area of Lyons at the end of the 15th or beginning of the 16th century; early modern provenance unknown. In a binding and case of the

37£ ms 436

18th-19th century, with the initials FX [tree with helmet and visor] and ^K> Z embossed in gold on case. Belonged to Cornelius Vanderbilt (no. 192); be- queathed to Yale in his memory by his daughter Gladys Moore Vanderbilt, Countess Laszlo Szechenyi, in 1966.

MS 436 France, s. XV4/4

Vanderbilt Hours PL 16

1 . ff. lr-6v Full calendar, in French, alternating entries in red and blue with major feasts in gold.

2. ff. 7r-10r Sequences of the Gospels.

3. ff. 10v-13v Obsecro te ... [masculine forms; Leroquais LH 2. 346-47]; O Intemerata ... orbis terrarum. Inclina aures ... et a morte subitanea et improuisa me deffendat// [masculine forms; Wilmart 488-90, here ending defectively] .

4. ff. 14r-55v Hours of the Virgin, use of Rome, beginning defectively, weekly variations of Psalms at Matins begin on f. 47v; changed office for the litur- gical year begins on f. 52r.

5. ff. 56r-66v Penitential Psalms and Litany including Dionysius (10) and Mauricius (11) among 11 martyrs; Hilary (3) and Aegidius (7) among 9 confessors; Radegundis as the last of 10 virgins.

6. ff. 67r-70v Hours of the Holy Cross, short form.

7. ff. 71r-73v Hours of the Holy Spirit, short form.

8. ff. 74r-101v Office of the Dead, use of Rome.

9. ff. 102r-109v Suffrages to the Trinity, Michael archangel, John the Bap- tist, Peter and Paul, James the Greater, Stephen, Sebastian, Christopher, Antony abbot, Nicolas, Martin, Mary Magdalen, Barbara, Apollonia, Catharine of Alexandria, Margaret, Genevieve.

Parchment, ff. ii (paper) + ii (16th-century parchment) + 109 + i (16th- century parchment) + ii (paper), 188 x 120 (121 x 68) mm., trimmed. Writ- ten in 25 long lines; calendar in 33 lines. Single vertical and horizontal bound- ing lines, full length and full across, ruled in red; prickings in upper and lower margins.

Bound too tightly for accurate collation.

Written in batarde script.

Miniatures and an extensive cycle of border vignettes by Jean and Jacque- lin Montlugon, who were active in Bourges between 1477 and 1492 and who signed the Monypenny Breviary (ex coll. Major J. R. Abbey, London, MS 5574; see A. van de Put, "The Monypenny Breviary," Proceedings of the Society

MS 436 371

of Antiquaries of Scotland^ [1922] pp. 72-114; N. Reynaud, "George Trubert, enlumineur du Roi Rene et de Rene II de Lorraine," Revue de VArt 35 [1977] pp. 41-61, fig. 37: f. 20r of MS 436). Other manuscripts decorated at least in part by the same artists include Grenoble, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 101 1 , which has a similarly extensive cycle of exploits of wild men in lower margins (identified by C. Schaefer); Paris, Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal MS 438; a Book of Hours sold at Sotheby's, 18 May 1981, no. 4, and the Hours of Louis de Laval (Paris, B. N. lat. 920). See in particular the recent discussions of the artists Jean and Jacquelin Montlucon by C . Schaefer, "Nouvelles observations au sujet des Heures de Louis de Laval," Arts de I'Ouest (published by the Univer- site de Haut-Bretagne) 1980, no. 1/2, pp. 33-68 (MS 436 cited inaccurately as Yale MS 77 on p. 68, note 48) and idem, "Die 'Romuleon' Handschrift (78 D 10) des Berliner Kupferstichkabinetts/'yizAriucA der Berliner Museen 23 (1981) p. 142.

The calendar pages are framed by gilt columns and entablatures in the an- tique manner with the occupations of the month and signs of the zodiac in the outer margin and a Creation cycle in the lower margin. Subjects of minia- tures as follow: f. lr God enthroned with angels; f. lv Fall of rebel angels; f. 2r Creation of sun, moon and animals; f. 2v Creation of Adam; f. 3r Adam blessed by Trinity; f. 3v Adam presented crown by God; f. 4r Creation of Eve; f. 4v Adam and Eve forbidden to eat from Tree of Knowledge; f. 5r Satan and demons in Hell; f. 5v Temptation; f. 6r God and Satan; f. 6v Expulsion from Garden of Eden.

Eleven half-page miniatures framed in magenta and gold with cusping at the top; fanciful architectural bases, surrounded by simulated grey-black mar- ble with joined wings and foliage branches in gold. Subjects: f. 20r Visitation (Hours of Virgin, Lauds; Annunciation for Matins excised); f. 27r Nativity (Prime); f. 30r Annunciation to shepherds (Terce); f. 33r Adoration of Magi (Sext); f. 36r Presentation in temple (None); f. 39r Massacre of Innocents (Vespers); f. 44r Virgin, crowned, adored in heaven (Compline); f. 56r David and Bathsheba (Penitential Psalms); f. 67r Ecce Homo (Short Hours of Cross); f. 71r Pentecost (Short Hours of Holy Spirit); f. 74r Lazarus in Abraham's bosom and Dives in Hell (Office of Dead).

Twenty-three miniatures, 8 lines in height, in magenta and gold frames, each with a full border of flowers and acanthus, birds and grotesques on com- partmentalized gold and white grounds. Subjects: f. 7r John on Patmos (Gospel Sequences); f. 7v St. Luke; f. 8v St. Matthew (rubric says Mark); f. 9v St. Mark; f. lOv Virgin and Child (Obsecro te); f. 12v Pieta with three Marys (O Intemerata); f. 102r Trinity (Suffrages); f. 102v St. Michael; f. 103r St. John the Baptist; f. 103r Sts. Peter and Paul; f. 103v St. James the Greater; f. 104r St. Stephen; f. 104v St. Sebastian; f. 105r St. Christopher; f. 105v St. Antony abbot; f. 106r St. Nicolas; f. 106v St. Martin; f. 107r St. Mary Mag- dalen; f. 107v St. Barbara; f. 108r St. Apollonia; f. 108v St. Catharine of Alex- andria; f. 109r St. Margaret; f. 109v St. Genevieve.

372 ms 436

Text pages with full borders: columns in inner margin; panels with masks, shields, garlands, and wings in upper margin; flowers and acanthus, as above, in outer margin; and, in the lower margin, one of the fullest known cycles devoted to the wild man (sometimes extended to include outer margin as well). Other manuscripts from the same shop, the Monypenny Hours and Grenoble Bibliotheque Municipale MS 1011, also contain extensive cycles of wild-man imagery; the artists Jean and Jacquelin de Montlucon lived in Bourges in a house "at the sign of the Wild Man." See T. H. Husband, The Wild Man: Medieval Myth and Symbolism, exhib. cat. (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1980) no. 38, pp. 144-147, with reproductions of the wild man scenes on ff. 81r (fig. 95) and 86r (fig. 94).

5- and 4-line initials with leafy branches, gold with fruits, flowers, profile heads on pink or mauve grounds. 2- and 1-line initials, line-endings, and KL monograms in the same style. Rubrics in red. Calendar entries alternate red and blue. F. i verso added in s. xvi: the arms of Gian Francesco di Monte- gnacco in a frame closely modelled on the decoration of the calendar pages.

Binding: s. xix. Tan goatskin, gold-tooled with concentric frames, the cen- tral panel daubed with green and red. Red label.

Written in France in the last quarter of the 15th century, probably in Bourges, where the artists Jean and Jacquelin Montlugon were active. Original owner unknown; evidence for his or her identity includes the inscription "Le cheval de MH" on the trappings of a knight's horse (f. 17r) and the initials R and A joined by a love knot, on the canopy of a litter (f. 70v). Belonged to Gian Francesco di Montegnacco (d. 1541), Canon of Aquileia, and Count Palatine and Protonotary Apostolic under Pope Clement VII (see V. Spreti, Enciclope- dia storico-nobiliare italiana [Milan, 1931] v. 4, pp. 670-72). He had added a full-page frontispiece (f. iv verso) including his arms (quarterly 1 & 4, sable, a lion argent, crowned and armed or, standing on 3 hillocks vert; 2 & 3, gules, a tower argent charged with a fleur-de-lis or; crest: the cap, sable, of a pro- tonotary apostolic; supported by 2 winged putti; inscription below, in gold cap- itals on a blue field: IOANNIS. FRANCISCI. MONTENIACI. D. PROTONOTARII. ET. SCVTIF. AP. CANO. AQ.); his arms also added in many marginal scenes of wild men, on shields (e.g. ff. 16r-v, 38r, 40v, 43r). Belonged to Philippe de la Tour, bishop of Adria (1707-17); bequeathed by him to his godson Laurence de la Tour, who in turn gave it to Ignatius Crivel- li, Cardinal of Ravenna (1759-68), as recorded in the inscription on f. iv rec- to: "Ignatio Crivelli S. R. E. Cardinali Amplissimo Legato Exarcatus Ravenae etc.: Laurentius a Turre Ex Haereditate Patrui sui Philippi Episcopi Adrien- sis D. D. D." Acquired by Cornelius Vanderbilt (no. 193); bequeathed to Yale in his memory by his daughter Gladys Moore Vanderbilt, Countess Laszlo Szechenyi, in 1966.

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 259-61, no. 77, with pi. 28 off. 56r.

ms 437 373

MS 437 France, s. XV4/4

Hours, use of Rome ("Vanderbilt Missal")

1. ff. lr-12v Calendar, rather empty, with important feasts in red; among original entries are Vedast and Amandus (6 Feb.), Silvinus (17 Feb.), Urs- mar (18 Apr.), Quentin (2 May), Servatius (13 May), Boniface (5 June), Remade (3 Sept.), Humbert (6 Sept.), Aichard (15 Sept.), Gaprasius (20 Oct.). Approximately 75 feasts added by several later hands, including 18 Franciscan feasts: Francis of Assisi (25 May, 17 Sept., 3 Oct. as vigil for feast on 4 Oct. with its octave on 11 Oct.), Antony of Padua (15 Feb., 13 June with its octave on 21 June), Louis of Toulouse (19 Aug. over an erasure, with its octave on 26 Aug., 8 Nov.), Bernardinus (20 May with its octave on 27 May), Bonaventure, in red, in lower margin of f. 7r ("festum sancti bonauenture semper celebratur prima dominica mensis Jullij [sic]"), Clara (12 Aug., 2 Oct.), Elisabeth of Thuringia (19 Nov.), Eleazar de Sabran (27 Sept.). Because of damage and later repair to the upper margin off. 1, it is not possible to tell if Berard (16 Jan.) was also added.

2. ff. 13r-19r Obsecro te ... [Leroquais, LH 2. 346-47, masculine forms]; f. 16v O intemerata ... [Wilmart 488-90].

3. ff. 19v-21v Suffrages to Sebastian, Adrianus (ending defectively), Mar- garet (beginning defectively) and Catharine.

4. ff. 21v-25v Prayers added in 4 later hands: Suffrage to Felix and Adauc- tus; f. 22r Suffrage to Francis; f. 23v Suffrage to the Franciscan Saints; f. 24v Seven Prayers of St. Gregory [Leroquais, LH 2. 346].

5. ff. 50r-78v, 101r-106v, 26r-49v Hours of the Virgin, probably use of Rome (although antiphon at None is "Post partum uirgo . . . ," f. 28v); weekly vari- ations of the Psalms at Matins set into the text before the lessons. Changed office for the liturgical year begins abruptly, ff. 42r-49v. Misbound and with the opening leaf of most hours missing: before ff. 50 (Matins), 66 (Lauds), 75 (Prime), 101 (Terce), 104 (Sext), 27 (None), 38 (Compline).

6. ff. 79r-84v Hours of the Cross, short form; begins abruptly.

7. ff. 85r-89v Hours of the Holy Spirit, short form; begins abruptly.

8. ff. 90r-95v Mass of the Virgin.

9. ff. 95v-100v Sequences of the Gospels.

10. ff. 107r-124v Penitential Psalms, beginning abruptly, and Litany; Quen- tin (6) among the 9 martyrs; Gaugeric (8), Vedast (9) and Louis King (10) among the 10 confessors; Francis (1), Antony of Padua (3), Louis of Toulouse (5) and Bernardinus (6) among the 6 monks; Clara of Assisi (8) and Elisabeth of Thuringia (10) among the 10 virgins.

11. ff. 125r-164r Office of the Dead, use of Rome, begins abruptly; com- pleted by a hand of s. xvi or xvii in lower margin, f. 164v ruled, but blank

374 ms 438

Parchment, ff. ii (parchment) + (paper) + 164 + i (paper) + ii (parchment), 177 x 140 (108 x 68) mm., trimmed. Written in 17 long lines in Calendar, 16 in text, ruled in pale red ink; single vertical and horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across.

I— II6, HI8, IV5 (2 individual leaves, followed by a bifolio and a single leaf of parchment of lighter weight), V8 (-2, after f. 26), VI8 (-6, after f. 37), VII8 (-3, after f. 41), VIII4 (-4, after f. 49), IX8 (-1, before f. 50), X8, XI8(-2, after f. 65), XII8 (-4, after f. 74), XIII8 (-1, before f. 79; -8, after f. 84), XIV-XV8, XVI6 (ff. 101-106, originally belonged before f. 26), XVII8 (-1, before f. 107), XVIII8, XIX8 (-4, after f. 124), XX-XXIII8, XXIV4 (4 separate leaves, probably the first half of a quire of 8).

Written in gothic bookhand.

Two half-page miniatures, f. 30v Flight into Egypt (Vespers), and f. 90r Virgin and Child (Mass of Virgin) in arched frames, pink or blue and gold; each with a 4-line initial, f. 30v blue with white highlights against an irregular brown ground with gold flowers, f. 90r pink with curling acanthus in gold, against a brown and blue ground with green and white acanthus. Both minia- tures with full acanthus and floral borders, red, blue, pink, green, purple and gold, with grapes and grotesques and a three-quarter bar, pink, blue and gold. Two historiated initials [later additions?], f. 19v, 7-line, St. Sebastian (Suffrage), and f. 20r, 5-line, St. Adrianus (Suffrage), both black with gold curling acanthus on a black and/or pink ground with gold filigree and three- quarter bar border, pink, blue and gold, with a full border of flowers and hair- spray, grapes and birds, and red, blue, pink and green acanthus in corners. 2-line initials, gold, filled with blue or pink on pink or blue grounds with white highlights, each with floral and hair-spray border as above, versos only, red bounding lines. 1-line initials and KL monograms as 2-line initials; impor- tant feasts and rubrics in red. ff. 21v-25v (art. 4), initials, 5- to 2-line, very crude, black on pink grounds with yellow floral filigree, edged thickly in black.

Damage and repair to upper margin of f. 1 .

Binding: s. xix. Black, hard-grained goatskin, gold-tooled. Bound by H. M. Coombs and Co. Gilt edges.

Written in Northern France in the fourth quarter of the 15th century. The original entries in the calendar suggest the area around Cambrai; added en- tries suggest that the manuscript may have belonged to a Franciscan house in the 16th century. Signature on third flyleaf recto: "John B. Bartlett [?] 1846." Acquired by Cornelius Vanderbilt (no. 194); bequeathed to Yale in his memory by his daughter Gladys Moore Vanderbilt, Countess Laszlo Szechenyi, in 1966.

MS 438 Italy, s. XV3/4

Petrarch, Trionfi

1. ff. lr-2r ruled, but blank; f. 2v [Title, in gold rustic capitals:] Francisci petrarce celeberimi vatis florentini meritoque inter alios poete laureati tri-

ms 438 375

umphorum primus incipit de amore et prima pars primi triumphi feliciter summit initium.

2. ff. 3r-57v {Tr. cup. I) Nel tempo che rinuoua i miei sospiri . . . Vien chatena- to Ioue inanci al charro; (f. 7r, Tr. cup. Ill) Secunda pars primi triumphi de amore. Era si pieno il chor di marauiglie ... Et quale e il mele temp[with dot below: <?]rato chon lassentio; (f. llv, Tr. cup. IV) Tertia pars primi trium- phi de amore. Poscia che mia fortuna in forca altrui . . . Ghel pie ua inanci et locchio torna adietro; (f. 15v, Tr. cup. II) Quarta pars et ultima primi trium- phi de amore. Stancho gia di mirare non sacio anchora . . . Et dun pome beffa- ta alfin cidippe; (f. 20r, Tr. pud.) Eiusdem jrancisci petrarce poete clarissimi secundus triumphus de pudicitia incipit. pudicitia vincit amorem. Quando ad un giogho et in un tempo quiui ... Fra quali i uidi Ipolito et Ioseppe; (f. 25r, Tr. mort.

I) Eiusdem francisci petrarce poete tertius triumphus de morte incipit et pars prima ter- tii triumphi de morte. mors vincit pudicitiam. Questa leggiadra et gloriosa donna . . . Morte bella parea nel suo bel uiso; (f. 29v, fragment of Tr. mort.) Secunda pars ut multi volunt tertii triumphi de morte. Quanti gia nella eta matura et Acra ... quella per chui ben far prima mi piacque; (f. 30v, Tr. mort. II) Tertia pars tertii triumphi de morte sed aliqui secundam volunt. La nocte che seghui lor- ribil caso . . . Tu starai in terra sanga me gran tempo; (f. 35r, fragment of Tr. jam. I) Quarta pars et ultima tertii triumphi de morte ast alii tertiam. Nel cor pieno damarissima dolciecca . . . Poi alia fine uidi Artu et Carlo; (f. 39r, Tr. jam. I; heading in lower margin:) Eiusdem jrancisci petrarce poete clarissimi quartus

Triumphus incipit dejama et prima pars eius. jama vincit mortem. Da poi che morte triunfo il bel uolto ... Si come aduiene a chi uirtu relinque; (f. 42v, Tr. jam.

II) Secunda pars quarti triumphi dejama. Pien dinfinita et nobil marauiglia ... Magnanimo gentile constante et largho; (f. 46v, Tr.jam. Ill) Tertia et ultima pars quinti triumphi dejama. Io non sapea da tal uista levarme ... Qui lascio et piu di loro non dicho auante; (f. 49r, Tr. temp.) Eiusdem Francisci Petrarce poete clarissimi quintus triumphus de senectute uel de tempore incipit. tempus vincit jamam. Nel lauro albergho chon la Aurora inanci . . . Chosi il Tempo triunfa e nomi el mondo; (f. 53r, Tr. et.) Eiusdem jrancisci petrarce poete jlorentini claris- simi triumphorum sextus et ultimus de eternitate triumphus incipit. eternitas vincit jamam et omnia. Da poi che sotto il cielo cosa non uidi . . . Ora che fia dunche a ri- uederla in cielo, Francisci Petrarce uatis eterni jlorentini triumphorum sextus et ulti- mus de eternitate triumphus explicit jelicissime.

3. f. 57v Religious [?] text, severely rubbed and illegible, f. 58r-v ruled, but blank.

Parchment, ff. ii (paper) + 58 + i (paper), 197 x 133 (122 x 79) mm. Writ- ten in 21 lines of verse; ruled in ink, double vertical bounding lines full length.

I10 (+ 2 folios, conjugate leaves, tipped in before f. 1), II-V10, VI6. Catch- words in inner margin along lower edge.

Written by one scribe in humanistic bookhand.

37^ MS 438

Six fine miniatures: f. 3r, Triumph of Love; f. 20v, Triumph of Chastity; f. 25v, Triumph of Death; f. 39r, Triumph of Fame; f. 49v, Triumph of Time; f. 53v, Triumph of Eternity. Other manuscripts in a similar style include Flor- ence, Bibl. Laur., MS Plut. XLVIII. 8 (Cicero, Orationes); Bibl. Laur. MS Plut. LXVI. 8 (Flavius Josephus, De bellojudaico), and a copy of Lactantius, Opera formerly in the hands of H. P. Kraus of New York (Cat. 88, p. 95, no. 44), and now in Malibu, California, J. Paul Getty Museum, MS Ludwig XI. 1 . According to A. von Euw, Die Handschriften der Sammlung Ludwig (Cologne, 1982) v. 3, pp. 47-51 (with pi. off. 2r), the artist of Getty MS Ludwig XI. 1 is iden- tified as the Fiesole illuminator. According to A. C. de la Mare the same artist may have decorated Beinecke Marston MSS 55 and 184. The iconography of the miniatures is conventional except for the representation of the Triumph of Eternity on f. 53v; see Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 321-32, no. 56; G. Caran- dente, / Triunfi nel Primo Rinascimento (Turin, 1963); and E. Miintz and Prince d'Essling, Petrarque: L'lllustration de ses ecrits (Paris, 1902). Each miniature, 12- to 9-line, is rectangular, framed with a thin band of burnished gold (except on f. 39r, a square 14-line miniature in a purple frame edged on both sides with gold). On f. 3v, a full border: putti with swags in upper margin [trimmed], white-vine ornament in side and lower margins, the ground predominantly blue, with some green and pink and with white dots; in outer and lower mar- gin, a gold trellis, with polygonal medallions at corners and midpoints, con- taining a capital /, and the busts of a child, youth, and young woman; finely drawn animals (stag, goat, panther, rabbit, and fox) superimposed over bor- der; these are related to animals in contemporary Florentine manuscripts (see Exhibition Catalogue, p. 232), and perhaps reflect the use of a model book. In the lower margin of f . lr is a coat-of-arms (effaced), supported by four putti and with birds in surrounding vine ornament. For the other miniatures, par- tial borders with dark blue, green, pink and gold flowers and gold dots and hair-spray. Small medallions containing the letters I, A, C, O, P, O incorpo- rated into successive borders form the name Iacopo, 3-line initials of gold, in- filled green and pink, with delicate white filigree, against blue grounds. Headings and initial of each tercet in gold.

Binding: s. xviii. Gilt, gauffered edges. Red calf, gold-tooled with a ribbon border, acorns in the corners and a diced central ornament.

Written and decorated in Florence in the third quarter of the 15th century. The name "Iacopo" (see above) is probably that of the man who commissioned the volume. Arms of the owner on f. lr have been effaced. Early modern provenance unknown. From the collection of Henry Huth (1815-78; bookplate; see The Huth Library [London, 1880] v. 4, p. 1133); belonged to his son Alfred H. Huth (1850-1910); sold by Sotheby's, 16 July 1917, no. 5734. The name "Baccio Baldini" is written in modern pencil on the first flyleaf, verso. Purchased from H. P. Kraus in 1969 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

ms 439 377

secundo folio: Vagho dudir

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 231-32, no. 56, with pi. 21 (f. 3r).

D. Dutschke, Census of Petrarch Manuscripts in the United States, Censimento dei Codici Petrarcheschi 9 (Padova, 1986) pp. 210-13, no. 82.

MS 439 Swabia, ca. 1510-1517

Gregorius Bock, Scribal Pattern Book

This model book for scribes is composed of two parts. The first illustrates al- phabets in various scripts; the alphabet is often preceded by a text written in that style. The writing specimens appear in the following order; there are no labels or names provided in the manuscript by the author.

1 . ff. lr-3r Gothic textura: well defined feet; the precise ductus for each let- ter of the alphabet is given for this script, but not for the others. On f. lr: "1510"; f. 2r: "Anno domini Millesimo quingentesimo decimo."

2. f. 3r-v Epigraphic majuscules.

3. f. 4r-v Round gothic: well defined feet; signature at conclusion: "gregorius."

4. f. 5r-v Round humanistic: approach strokes and serifs more pronounced on ascenders than in preceding script.

5. f. 6r-v Gothic bookhand: delicate hairlines; some batarde influence on descenders; single-compartment a.

6. ff. 6v-9v Batarde: several styles, both formal and informal. The specimens at the bottom of ff. 6v, 7v, 8v appear to be additions, the last of which ad- dresses the scribe's cousin "Hainrichenn Lorcher Lanndtschriber zu Wir- tennberge Burger zu Stutgarttenn" and is dated 1517.

7. ff. lOr-llr Greek alphabet with sections labelled: Literae [sic] maiuscu- lae, Diphthongi propriae, Diphthongi impropriae, Sequitur alphabetum graecum. Each letter is spelled out, often in a peculiar manner (alpha, uita, gama, delta, episim ... lafda, etc.).

8. ff. llv-13r Hebrew alphabet: Sequitur alphabetum hebreum, followed by Sequitur alphabetum secundum in alium modum factum. Added in a slightly later hand: Sequitur alphabetum Iudaicum; dales, gimel, bes, alep, tes, hes, saen, vof, he, lames, schlechkoff

9. f. 13r-v Batarde, signed at conclusion "gregorius Bock."

10. f. 14r-v Round gothic, with angular a, g, q.

11. f. 15r Humanistic bookhand.

12. f. 15v Batarde [a later addition?].

378 ^ ms 439

13. f. 16r Coded script: pig-pen cipher.

14. f. 16v Gothic textura: gently curving feet, curves in upper portion of let- ters broken; elaborate hairline finishing strokes. Rulings for the written space and text have been boldly drawn in black ink.

15. f. 17r-v Documentary script: extravagantly tall ascenders and descenders on a basically humanistic script.

16. f. 18r-v Gothic textura: no feet and few finishing strokes at bottom of letters; even a portion of the lower arc of e is omitted.

17. ff. 19r-24v Documentary scripts: six styles in various degrees of formali- ty. The writing specimen on f. 20r copies an official letter by "Hugo . . . Epis- copus Constanciensis" who can be identified as Hugo von Hohenlandberg, Bishop of Constance 1496-1529.

18. f. 25r-v Small neat running script; italic alphabet and passage added at end much later (s. xvii-xviii?). f. 26r blank

The second part of the codex is composed of decorative initials arranged al- phabetically.

1. f. 26r blank; f. 26v Small gothic majuscules stroked with red. ff. 27r-28r blank except for a few pen trials and notes

2. ff. 28v-30v Large gothic majuscules (ca. 55 mm. tall), some with red ad- ded, all with elaborate black penwork designs composed of different styles of foliage.

3. ff. 31r-34v Fanciful large gothic majuscules alternating in red and blue.

4. ff. 35r-37v Large shaded epigraphic capitals followed by shaded Arabic numerals.

5. ff. 38r~49v Gothic capitals in black and red, often extending the full length or width of leaf and incorporating human and animal grotesques as well as floral motifs, ff. 48v-49v were apparently never completed, f. 50r-v blank, except for inscription on recto

Parchment, ff. ii (paper) + 50 + ii (paper), 178 x 123 (115 x 90) mm. For- mat varies considerably. Rulings in lead, often with parallel rulings for each line of text. Remains of prickings in outer margins.

I8 ( + 1 leaf at end), II10, III8, IV6 ( + 2 separate leaves at end), V2, VI8 ( + 3 separate leaves at end), VII2.

Most passages of text in the first part begin with large decorative initials, primarily white floral designs on black grounds. Initial (green and red added) with full penwork border of swirling leaves on f. lr; initial in colors and con- taining arms on f. 4r (see Provenance below).

Some leaves stained, rubbed and difficult to read.

ms 44Q 379

Binding: s. xx. Rebound in 1984 in the Yale University Conservation Stu- dio. Non-adhesive paper binding.

Written by Gregorius Bock (see arts. 3 and 9) ca. 1510-1517 (see arts. 1 and 6), probably in Swabia. The coat of arms on f. 4r (party per fesse, or and sa- ble, a goat rampant counterchanged; crest: a demi-goat rampant, sable) is simi- lar to that of the Boeckhli family of Augsburg; Bock mentions his cousin, the official scribe of the Duchy of Wurttemberg (art. 6), and one of the texts co- pied is a document of the Bishop of Constance (art. 17). Belonged to the Benedictine monastery of Ochsenhausen, Wurttemberg, in the 16th century (stamp, f. lr, and inscription of s. xvi on f. 50r: "Fratrum Ochssenhausano- rum"). Unidentified stamp, f. 2r, may be that of Metternich family of Bur- scheid (argent, 3 escallops sable); an illegible inscription in gothic textura extends from dexter chief around base to sinister chief. Acquired by H. P. Kraus from Bernard Breslauer in 1968. Purchased from Kraus in 1969 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 267-68, no. 82, pi. 31 (f. 48r).

The Secular Spirit: Life and Art at the End oj the Middle Ages, exhib. cat. (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975) p. Ill, no. 120.

MS 440 Northern Italy, s. VII/VIII

Bible (bifolium)

//monumenti. Maria autem magdalenae et maria Joseph aspiciebant ... et ser- monem confirmante sequentibus signis. Amen.//

Mark 15.46-16.20; text is continuous.

Parchment, ff. 2 (bifolium), 327 x 236 (265 x 197) mm. 2 cols., 19 lines. Ruled in hard point on flesh side before folding; impression of ruling has some- times cut through parchment; single vertical bounding lines. Prickings (slash- es) in upper, lower, and outer margins; those in upper margin close to first line of text. Written in large uncial script, with very fine strokes for vertical lines of A^ and for triangular shaped bow of a. Unpainted initial, 2-line, on f. lr, with rope and fish motif.

Written at the end of the 7th or beginning of the 8th century in Northern Italy (E. A. Lowe, CLA, 11.142; Supplement, pp. 45-46); early provenance unknown. Belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 1329, pp. 11-14 only) who apparently acquired it from the bookseller Royer or from the collection of Amans-Alexis Monteil (1769-1850). Sotheby sale, 23 Feb. 1959, lot 229a. Pur- chased the same year from H. P. Kraus by Mark Lansburgh (his stamp in inner margin, f. 2r); see An Illustrated Check-List of Manuscript Leaves in the Collec-

380 MS 44I

tion of Mark Lansburgh (Santa Barbara, 1962) no. 1, pi. 1. Acquired from Goldschmidt's in 1964 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 24, no. 1 (while in Lansburgh collection).

P. McGurk, Latin Gospel Books from A. D. 400 to A. D. 800 (Paris, 1961) pp. 26-27, no. 7.

T. E. Marston, "A Collection of Early Manuscript Leaves," Gazette 39 (1965) p. 8.

MS 441 England [?], s. VIII/IX

Bede, Expositio in Lucae Evangelium (1 leaf)

//[in margin:] lx. [text:] Non est. Enim arbor bona quae ... [Luke 6.43]. Contra hypocritam quae ceperat exsequitur si ueram inquit ... [in margin:] lxlii. [text:] Quid autem uocatis me ... [Luke 6.46]. Ac si aliis uerbis ita dicereft]//

Bede, Expositio in Lucae Evangelium, including Luke 6.43-46; D. Hurst, ed., CC ser. lat. 120 (1960) pp. vi, 149-51; M. L. W. Laistner and H. H. King, A Hand-list of Bede Manuscripts (Ithaca, 1943) p. 46.

Parchment, 1 f., trimmed along outer column with some loss of text, 380 x 230 (written space reconstructed to approximately 300 x 210) mm. 2 columns, 31 lines. Ruled in hard point on flesh side; single vertical bounding lines. Prick- ings along edge of inner column. Written in elegant Anglo-Saxon minuscule, with rubrics in which A and S are majuscule. Biblical passages, in orange, are inset in columns.

Written at the end of the 8th or beginning of the 9th century in England or in an Anglo-Saxon center in Germany (E. A. Lowe, CLA, 11.200; Supple- ment, p. 47); T. W. Mackay suggests a somewhat earlier date in the mid-8th century. Two other leaves of the same manuscript are presently in Hanover, Kestner-Museum CUL. I. 71/72 (393/394); see CLA, Supplement, no. **220. Belonged to Wilfred Merton (1889-1957; MS 42); his sale (Breslauer's, Cat. 90, 1958, no. 2 and pi. XXIII, 2). Purchased from H. P. Kraus in 1959 by Mark Lansburgh (see his An Illustrated Check-List of Manuscript Leaves in the Col- lection of Mark Lansburgh [Santa Barbara, 1962] no. 2, pi. 2). Acquired from Goldschimidt's in 1964 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 24, no. 2 (while in Lansburgh collection).

J. Mallon, et al., L'Ecriture latine (Paris, 1939) pi. 48, fig. 72.

T. E. Marston, "A Collection of Early Manuscript Leaves," Gazette 39 (1965) p. 9.

MS 442


MS 442 Northern France, s. IX3/4

Pseudo-Isidore, Decretals

1. f. lr Entire leaf has been erased; f. lv Nomina undecim regionum continentium intra se prouintias cxiii. Italia Gallia Africa Hispania Illiricus Trachia Asia Oriens Pontus Aegyptus Brittannia ... Flauia. Maxima. Ualentiana.

Polemius Silvius, Laterculus; T. Mommsen, MGH Auct. ant. 9 (1892) pp. 534_42. The entire text is written over an erasure.

2. ff. lv-2r Nomina ciuitatum Cxxv. quae sunt in prouintiis solius regionis galliae. Inprouintia uiennensi ciuitates sunt xiiii. Ciuitas metropolis uiennensium. Giuitas gennauensium ... Ciuitas ualensium. id est octodorus. Finiunt nomina ciuita- tum prouintiarum galliae.

Notitia Galliarum; Mommsen, op. cit. , pp. 584-612; the order of the provinces in this manuscript is: Uiennensis, Narbonensis prima, Narbonensis secun- da, Aquitanica prima, Aquitanica secunda, Nouempopulana, Alpium maritimarum, Belgica prima, Belgica secunda, Germania prima, Germa- nia secunda, Lugdunensis prima, Lugdunensis secunda, Lugdunensis ter- tia, Lugdunensis quarta, Maxima sequanorum, Alpium gratarum [sic]. The entire text is written over an erasure.

3. f. 2r-v Nomina pontificum sacre romane ecclesiae et quot annis uel mensibus seu diebus quisque eorum ibi sedit. Petrus s. an. xxv. m. ii. d. iii./ Linus s. an. xi. m. iii d. xii/ ... Benedictus. s./ Nicolaus s./ [added in a later hand:] Adri- anus s./ Hiohannes s./ [added in another hand:] Marinus s./ Accapitus s.

List of Popes, the original list ending with Nicolas I (858-67), with the du- ration of reign indicated only through Pascal I. The additions are Adrian II (867-72), John VIII (872-82), and Marinus and Accapitus, thus neg- lecting Popes from Marinus I (882-84) to Marinus II (942-46). This entire art. is written over an erasure. For the significance of this list and its addi- tions see J. H. Erickson, "New Pseudo-Isidore Manuscripts," Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law N. S. 5 (1975) p. 116; H. Fuhrmann, Einflujl und Ver- breitung der pseudoisidorischen Fdlschungen von ihrem Auftauchen bis in die neuere Zeit, Schriften der Monumenta Germaniae Historica 24.1 (Stuttgart, 1972) v. 3, pp. 761f.

4. f. 3r [5 lines, erased at top of col. a, are barely visible under ultra-violet light:] hie liber sancti/ saluatoris est/ ex armario coenobii carrof/ fensis quern frotarius petragoricae urbis eps***/ [untampered text, remainder of col. a:] contulit. Siquis igitur eum/ de prefato coenobio/ dan do aut uendendo aut depre/ dando aut furando aliena/ uerit aut datum aut uenditum/ aut depreda- tum aut furatum/ aliter receperit nisi ut in/ predicto loco ilium resti/ tuat aut aliubi repertum si restituere non potuerit. [4 lines, erased at top of col.

382 MS 442

b, are partially visible under ultra-violet light:] indicare ********/ ****** oribus eius/ dem coenobii neglexerit/ aut hoc folium dolo/ incident uel hunc ti/ tulum ex eo deleuerit/ quo iratus deus animas/ percutit anathemate fe/ riatur. Nee aliquo/ se ante tribunal christi obstaculo muniat/ fiat. fiat.

Dedicatory inscription and book curse that occupies the entire page. Accord- ing to B. Bischoff the inscription is by the same scribe who wrote some of the rubrics in the text. See C. McCurry, "On the Provenance of the Yale Pseudo-Isidore," Bulletin of Canon Law N. S. 2 (1972) pp. 61-67, and the sec- tion on Provenance below.

Arts. 5-7 are introductory material to the Pseudo-Isidore text.

5 . ff . 3 v-4v In nomine domini nostri ihesu christi, Incipit praefatio sancti isidori libri huius. Isidorus mercator seruus christi lectori conseruo suo et parens in domi- no fidei salutem. Compellor a multis tarn episcopis quam reliquis servis dei canonum sententias colligere et uno in uolumine . . . atque diuersorum con- ciliorum breuiarium interpolatur sequens ordinem suum. Explicit praefatio.

Preface; P. Hinschius, ed., Decretales Pseudo-Isidorianae et Capitula Angilramni (Leipzig, 1863) pp. 17-20 [referred to hereafter as Hinschius].

6. ff. 4v-5r Incipit epistola aurelii carthaginensis archiepiscopi ad damasum papam de canonibus apostolorum quod omni ueneratione sint colendi. Beatissimo damaso. aurelius carthaginensis episcopus. Gloriam apostolicae sedis et uestrae sub- limitatis gratiam nostra humilitas exorat . . . ; Rescriptum beati papae damasi aurelio archiepiscopo directum. Reuerentissimo fratri et coepiscopo aurelio. Damasus. Scripta sanctitatis tuae debita ueneratione suscepimus ... gra- tiano et syricio uiris clarissimis consulibus.

Epistolae of Pseudo-Jerome and Pseudo-Damasus; Hinschius, pp. 20-21.

7. ff. 5r-6r Incipit ordo de celebrando concilio. Hora diei prima ante solis ortum eiciantur omnes ab ecclesia obseratisque foribus cunctis . . . Sicque data sibi inuicem pace conuentus concilii absoluatur. Explicit ordo de celebrando concilio.

Ordo de celebrando concilio; Hinschius, pp. 22-24.

Arts. 8-21 comprise Part I of Pseudo-Isidore.

8. f. 6r-v Incipit breuiarium canonum apostolorum etprimorum a sancto clemente usque

ad sanctum siluestrum apostolicorum atque diuersorum conciliorum i. Canones

apostolorum. numero 1. ii Decretorum dementis papae. epistolae .v. ... in subsequentibus continentur.

Breuiarium canonum apostolorum; items numbered i-lxxx: Canones apostolo- rum through Deinde sequuntur reliquorum decreta apostolicorum sicut in subsequentibus continetur, with rubrics for Concilia gretiae, Concilia africae, Concilia galliae, Concilia hispaniae. Hinschius, pp. 25-26.

9. f. 6v Incipiunt tituli canonum apostolorum numero I. i. de ordinatione episcopi. ii. de ordinatione presbiterorum et diaconorum uel ceterorum . . . /. Quod

MS 442


non debeat una mersio in baptismate quasi in morte domini. Plura capitula ab apostolis constituta in decretis apostolicorum ut superius continetur . . . fidelibus inuestigatoribus haec inserenda conseruantes committimus. Tituli canonum apostolorum, items numbered i - 1. Table of contents for art. 11; Hinschius, pp. 26-27.

10. ff. 6v-7r De canonibus apostolorum quod non sint respuendi ut quidam garnunt sed omni ueneratione habendi sicut haec beati hieronimi presbiteri et aliorum multorum sanctorum patrum scriptura testatur. Beatissimo papae damaso, hieronimus. Gloriam sanctitatis tuae nostra humilitas deprecatur ... uel qui contra ca- nones apostolorum excessisse cognoscitur. Ora pro nobis.... Pseudo-Jerome, Epistola to Pseudo-Damasus; Hinschius, p. 27.

1 1 . ff . 7r-8r Incipiunt ecclesiasticae regulae sanctorum apostolorum prolatae per clementem ecclesiae romanae pontificem. . . . De ordinatione episcopi. i. Episcopus a duobus aut tribus episcopis ordinetur. De ordinatione presbiterorum et diaconorum uel cetero- rum. ii. Presbiter ab uno episcopo ordinetur et diaconus et reliqui clerici ... [concludes in /:] Non [added above: enim] dixit nobis dominus ... et filii et spiritus sancti [Mat. 28.19]. Expliciunt canones apostolorum.

Canones apostolorum; Hinschius, pp. 27-30.

12. ff. 8v-13r Incipit epistola dementis ad iacobum fratrem domini. Clemens iaco- bo domino et episcopo episcoporum regenti hebreorum sanctam eclesiam. . . . Notum tibi facio domine quia symon petrus qui uere fidei merito ... per patientiam participemur atque regni eius mereamur esse consortes. Amen.

Hinschius, pp. 30-46.

13. ff. 13r-14v Item epistola preceptorum sancti dementis papae missa iacobo jratri domini. Clemens romanae ecclesiae presul, iacobo [added at end of line: karis- simo] hierosolimorum episcopo. Quoniam sicut a beato petro apostolo ac- cepimus omnium apostolorum patre qui claues regni caelestis ... deus te iterum iterumque incolomem custodiat reuerentissime frater. amen. Explicit.

Hinschius, pp. 46-52.

1 4 . ff. 1 4v- 1 7v Item incipit epistola generalis dementis pape omnibus tarn maioris quam inferioris ordinis clericis ac cunctis fidelibus scripta. Clemens urbis romae episco- pus.... Urguet nos fratres multus amor uester et religiosa inuitat deuotio ... semper custodiat fratres et sibi placere in omnibus concedat. amen.

Hinschius, pp. 52-60; f. 17r (end of col. a and b with text: proloqui sed ma- gis protestari ... in suo ordine semper custo-) is written over an erasure, by a contemporary hand.

15. ff. 17v-18v Item epistola sancti dementis pape scripta ... directa. Clemens ro- mane urbis episcopus.... Oportet fratres omnes doctores qui ad salutem animarum instituti sunt . . . ut deo semper in omnibus placere ualeatis. Amen.

Hinschius, pp. 60-64.

3^4 ms 442

16. ff. 18v-19r Item epistola sancti dementis papae de communi uita . . . directa. Dilec- tissimis fratribus et condiscipulis... . communis uita fratres omnibus est neces- saria, et maxime his qui deo ... Deus autem pacis sit cum omnibus uobis. Amen.

Hinschius, pp. 65-66.

17. ff. 19r-21v Incipit epistola anadeti pape de oppressione et laceratione christiano- rum ... directa. Anacletus seruus christi ihesu in sede.... Benedictus deus et pater domini nostri ihesu christi, qui secundum magnam misericordiam ... et nunc et in omnia secula seculorum. Amen.

Hinschius, pp. 66-75.

18. ff. 21 v-23v Cuius supra ad episcopos italiae directa de ordinatione archiepiscopo- rum ... causis. Anacletus episcopus, uniuersis episcopis in italia constitutis. Quoniam apostolicae sedis debitam reuerentiam. erga me caritas uestra dis- tribuit ... et dominus pontificum. cui est honor et gloria in secula seculo- rum. Amen.

Hinschius, pp. 75-81.

19. ff. 23v-24v Cuius supra de patriarchis et primatibus ac reliquis episcopis et quod ecclesia ... ecclesiarum. Anacletus seruus christi.... Benedictus deus et pater domini nostri ihesu christi, qui benedixit nos in omni benedictione spiritali ... ut in omnibus honorificetur deus per ihesum christum cui est gloria et imperium in secula seculorum. Amen.

Hinschius, pp. 81-87.

20. ff. 24v-25v Incipiunt statuta decretalia epistolarum euaristipape . . . atque defide. Dilectissimis fratribus uniuersis africae regionis episcopis, euaristus. Con- sulentibus uobis fratres karissimi quid super his quae in uestris contineban- tur .. . et dilectionis erit uobiscum. Deo autem et patri nostro gloria, in secula seculorum. Amen.

Hinschius, pp. 87-89.

21. ff. 25v-27r Cuius supra quod christus sit caput et sponsus ecclesiae ... eos debeant diligere. Euaristus urbis Rome episcopus.... Unum nos fratres sentire opor- tet et agere, ut sicut legimus in nobis unum cor et una anima esse probetur ... sit cum omnibus uobis amen. Data kl. noub. gallo et bradua uu. cc. conss. Explicit.

For the remainder of Part I we list the folio references for each text, followed by the page numbers in Hinschius; an asterisk preceding the folio reference indicates that the text in the manuscript has been edited, with erasures, ad- ditions, etc.: ff. 27r-29r (pp. 94-102); f. 29r-v (pp. 102-03); ff. 29v-30r (pp. 104-05); ff. 30r-31r(pp. 105-07); f. 31r(pp. 108-09); ff. 31r-32r (pp. 109-12); f. 32r-v (pp. 113-15); ff. 32v-33r (pp. 115-16); f. 33r-v (pp.

ms 442 385

116-18); ff. 33v-34r (pp. 118-20); f. 34r-v (pp. 120-22); ff. 34v-35r (pp. 122-23); f. 35r(pp. 124-25); f. 35r-v(pp. 125-27); ff. 35v-36r(pp. 127-29); f. 36r-v (pp. 129-30); ff. 36v-37r (pp. 131-33); f. 37r-v (pp. 133-35); ff. 37v-38v (pp. 135-37); *ff. 38v-39v (pp. 137-43, final 9 lines off. 39v, col. b blank); *f. 40r-v (pp. 143-46); ff. 40v-41r (pp. 147-48); ff. 41r-42r (pp. 148-51); ff. 42r-43v(pp. 151-56); *ff. 43v-44v (pp. 156-60); *ff. 44v-46v (pp. 160-66); *ff. 46v-47v (pp. 167-70); *ff. 47v-48r (pp. 170-72); *ff. 48r-49r(pp. 172-75); *ff. 49r-50v (pp. 175-80); *ff. 50v-51r(pp. 180-83); *ff. 51r-52v (pp. 183-89); *ff. 52v-53v (pp. 189-91); *ff. 53v-54r (pp. 191-94); *f. 54r-v (pp. 194-95); *ff. 54v-55r (pp. 195-97); *ff. 55r-56r (pp. 197-200); *ff. 56r-57r (pp. 200-04); *ff. 57r-58r (pp. 204-06); *ff. 58r-59r(pp. 206-10); *ff. 59r-60v(pp. 210-14); *ff. 60v-62r(pp. 214-18); *ff. 62r-63r(pp. 218-20); *f. 63r-v(pp. 220-23); *ff. 63v-64v(pp. 223-26); *ff. 64v-66r (pp. 226-30); *ff. 66r-67r (pp. 230-33); *ff. 67r-68v (pp. 233-38); *ff. 68v-70r (pp. 238-42); *ff. 70r-71v (pp. 242-47).

22. ff. 72r-73v Item incipiunt capitula decretalium uenerabilium apostolicorum sancte romane eclesie. i. Primum excerpta quaedam ex sinodalibus gestis sancti silues- tri papae capitula posuimus . . . cxcii. Cuius supra ad secundinum seruum dei reclusum.

Table of contents for art. 23, with chapters numbered from 1-192. The text has been corrected; there are numerous erasures over which the present list was written; some sections of the table are well spaced, others are tightly squeezed together. This table does not correspond to that printed in Hin- schius, pp. 445-48.

23. ff. 74r-140r Beginning of Part III of Pseudo-Isidore, numbered 1-71. The sequence of numbers corresponds to that given in art. 22, but it is clear that many of the numerals and rubrics in the text are written over erasures. In addition, on ff. 115v (col. b) to 116v (col. a) there is a long erasure of an unidentified text that occurred between xxxv Item innocentii adjelicem epis- copum and xxxvi Epistola episcoporum concilii cartaginensis innocentio papae directa.

Hinschius, pp. 449-565.

24. ff. 140r-173v De hinc sequuntur decreta leonis papae aduersus euticen constan- tinopolitanum abbatem qui uerbi et carnis unam ausus est pronuntiare naturam dum constat in domino ikesu christo unam personam nos confiteri in duabus naturis dei scilicet atque hominis. Lxxii. Epistola leonis pape ad euticen constantinopolitanum abbatem contra heresim nestorianam. Dilectissimo filio euticeti. Leo episcopus. Ad notitiam nostram tuae dilectionis litteris retulisti, quod nestoriana heresis quorundam ... non publicetur conscientia confitentis. Data ii non. marc, recime. [sic].

Leo the Great, Epistolae, in the following order, with numbers assigned in the edition of P. and J. Ballerini, Sancti Leonis Magni Romani Pontificis Opera

386 MS 442

(Venice, 1753-57) 3 vols., in both Greek and Latin; following the Ballerini number is the Roman numeral (in parentheses) given in MS 442 [the se- quence of numbering continues unbroken from art. 23]: 20 (lxxii), 23 (lxxiii; this letter and the preceding one have been squeezed mostly into col. b of f. 140r); no. 22 (text is incomplete, lxxiiii, preceded by synopsis of 4 chs.) and the beginning of 28 (numbered lxxv on f. 140v, but xcv on f. 141r, text preceded by synopsis of 6 chs.) have been written over an erasure on f. 140v; the remainder of 28, as well as 25 (lxxvi) and the beginning of 35 (lxxvii), are on leaves (ff. 141-42) that have been stitched in; one stub re- mains between ff. 140 and 141; 29 (lxxviii), 31 (lxxviii), 33 (lxxx); 59 (lxxxi, the conclusion of this letter has been squeezed together on f. 145v), 44 (lxxxii, with one stub remaining between ff. 145 and 146), 45 (lxxxiiii), 60 (lxxxiiii), 61 (lxxxv), 69 (lxxxvi), 70 (Ixxxvii), 71 (lxxxviii and ciiii), 79 (lxxxviiii and cv), 80 (xc and cvi, letter preceded by synopsis of 4 chs.), 82 (xci and cvii), 83 (xcii and cviii), 85 (xciii and cviiii), 90 (xciiii and ex), 93 (xcv, another number erased), 104 (xevi, another number and portion of rubric erased), 106 (xcvii, another number erased; most of col. b on f. 150v written over an erasure), 120 (xcviii, another number erased), 97 (xcviiii), 99 (c, con- taining only first 3 subscriptiones), 139 (ci), 115 (cii), 114 (ciii), 134 (ciiii), 135 (cv), 130 (cvi, letter preceded by synopsis of 2 chs.), 124 (cvii, conclu- sion of letter on f. 156 is written on a leaf stitched onto stub that has a num- ber beginning lx; text squeezed together), 163 (cviii, letter spans two leaves, ff. 156v-157r, both stitched in, with both stubs of original leaves bearing a number beginning lx), 162 (cviiii, also on f. 157, leaf stitched in), 155 (ex, ff. 157v-158r, the first leaf stitched in and on the second the conclusion of the text has been written over an erasure), 165 (cxi, letter preceded by synopsis of 3 chs.), 15 (cxii, preceded by synopsis of 16 chs.), 7 (cxiii, Ro- man numeral and text on f. 163v written over erasure), 1 (cxiiii, Roman numeral and beginning of text on f. 163v written over erasure; remainder of text on f. 164r, a leaf stitched to original stub), 19 (cxv, written on f. 164r-v, a leaf stitched to an original stub; text is much corrected), 16 (cxvi, letter preceded by synopsis of 8 chs. and written on ff. 164v-166r; the first two leaves are stitched to original stubs, the final one begins a new quire; the text has been unevenly disposed on the leaves and large sections have been written over erasures), 4 (cxvii, preceded by synopsis of 5 chs.), 18 (cxviii), 167 (cxviiii, preceded by synopsis of 17 chs.), 14 (exx, number writ- ten over erasure, preceded by synopsis of 11 chs.), 159 (exxi, preceded by synopsis of 7 chs.), 12 bis (exxii, preceded by synopsis of 5 chs., text on f. 171r corresponds to the printed edition except that a long erasure in col. a and b separates ch. 4 from 5), 108 (exxiii), 166 (exxhii, preceded by syn- opsis of 2 chs.), 9 (exxv, preceded by unnumbered synopsis of 2 chs.), De privilegio chorepiscoporum (exxvi and exxv, followed by an erasure in col. bf f. 173r), 168 (exxvii, preceded by a synopsis of 2 chs.).

ms 442 387

25. ff. 173v-174v cxxviii. Incipit Hilari papae sinodale decretum. [followed by syn- opsis of 5 chs.; text:] Flauio basilisco et hermerico ... quoque diaconibus. Hilar[i erasedjus episcopus ecclesie catholicae urbis Romae synodo presidens dixit. Quoniam religiosus sancto spiritu congregante conuentus hortatur ... ; [f. 174r:] cxxviiii. Epistola eiusdem hilari pape ad ascanium et ad uniuersos tarraconen- sis prouintie episcopos. [followed by synopsis of 5 chs.; text:] Dilectissimis fratri- bus ascanio et uniuersis episcopis.... Postquam litteras uestrae dilectionis accepimus quibus presumptiones siluani episcopi ... ; [f. 174v:] cxxx. Item eiusdem hilarii papae ad eundem ascanium tarraconensem episcopum de his quae su- perius sunt scripta. Dilectissimo fratri ascanio. . . . diuine circa nos gratiae me- mores esse debemus qui nos per dignationis suae misericordiam ... facit auctoritas. Deus autem incolomem te custodiat frater karissime.

Pope Hilary, Epistolae; Hinschius, pp. 630-32. The numbering in the mar- gins is cxxviii-cxxx, thus following the sequence from the preceding arts. However, the latter two numbers have been written partially over erasures.

26. f. 174v cii. Incipiunt [in margin: cxxxi] decreta papae simplicii epistola ad zeno- nem spalensem episcopum de commissafide apostolicae sedis. Dilectissimo fratri zeno- ni. simplicius. Plurimorum relatu comperimus dilectionem tuam feruore ... incolomem custodiat frater karissime.

Epistola of Simplicius to Bishop Zeno of Seville; Hinschius, p. 632. Note the two numbers assigned to this letter: cxxxi (following the sequence from preceding arts.) and cii.

27. f. 174v [In margin: cxxxij.] Epistola eiusdem simplicii ad iohannem rauennatem episcopum ut nequaquam episcopus presbiter aut diaconus ordinetur inuitus. Simplicius episcopus iohanni episcopo rauennati. Si quis esset intuitus ecclesiastice dis- cipline uel si quid apud te ... seuerino uiro clarissimo consule.

Epistola of Simplicius to John of Ravenna; PL 130.931. The text in MS 442 has been tighdy compressed and written over an erasure by a different hand from the one which wrote the preceding text.

28. ff. 174v-175r [In margin: cxxiii.] Item epistola eiusdem simplicii ad florentium equitium et seruorum episcopos. . . . Relatio nos uestre dilectionis instruxit et gesto- rura ... post consulatum leonis augusti.

Epistola of Simplicius to Bishops Florentius, Equitius and Severus; PL 130.931-32. The text in MS 442 has been tightly compressed and written over an erasure by the same hand as the preceding art.

29. f. 175r [Entire art. was added in the outer margin; edge trimmed with loss of text.] cxxxiiij. Epistola acatii constantinopolitani episcopi adsimplicium epis- copum urbis romfaej. Domino sancto patri archiepiscopo simplic[io] acatius. Sollicitudinem omnium ecclesiarum secundum apostolum circumferentes, nos ... ora pro nobis iustissim[e] pater.

388 ms 442

A gloss mark, in red, connects this Epistola of Acacius of Constantinople to Simplicius to art. 28; Hinschius, pp. 632-33.

30. f. 175r-v cxxxv. Incipit synodale decretumfelicis papae. [synopsis of 6 chs. ad- ded in inner margin and connected to text with gloss mark:] i. De his qui rebaptizati doluerunt . . . ab aliis episcopis non suscipiantur. [text begins in written space:] Flauio boetio uiro clarissimo consule sub die tercio iduum martiarum in basilica . . . diligentissimi fratres. Dat. iduum martiarum dina- mio et siuidio uu. cc. consulibus.

Decreta of Felix III; PL 130.933-36.

31. ff. 175v-176r cxxxvi. Item eiusdem jelicis ad acacium constantinopolitanum epis- copum.... Felix episcopus sanctae ecctesiae catholicae urbis romae. accatio. multarum transgressionum repperiris obnoxius et in uenerabilis concilii nice- ni contumelia ... nee iam anathematis uinculis exuendus.

Epistola of Felix III to Acacius of Constantinople; Hinschius, pp. 634-35.

32. f. 176r exxxvii. Epistola felicis papae ad zenonem spalensem episcopum. Dilectis- simo fratri zenoni felix. filius noster uir clarissimus terrentianus ad italiam dudum ueniens ... Deus te incolomem custodiat frater karissime.

Epistola of Felix III to Zeno of Seville; Hinschius, p. 635.

33. ff. 176r-202v exxxviii. Incipiunt decreta de recipiendis uel non recipiendis libris scripta a gelasio papa cum septuaginta eruditissimis episcopis in sede apostolica urbis romae. Post propheticas et euangelicas atque apostolicas scripturas quibus ecclesia catholica per gratiam dei fundata est . . . aut ueniat bonum pontifica- tus aut faciat. Data xviii kalendarum nouembrium die indictione .viii. finit. Finiunt constituta symmachi papae.

Continuation of Pseudo-Isidore; we give the folio references for each item and the Roman numeral assigned in the manuscript, followed by the page references in Hinschius: ff. 176r-177v (exxxviii, pp. 635-37); ff. 177v-178v (exxxviiii, pp. 637-39); ff. 178v-180r (cxl, pp. 639-41); ff. 180r-182v(cxli, pp. 641-45); ff. 182v-185r(cxlii, pp. 646-49); ff. 185r-187v(cxliii, preceded by synopsis of 30 chs., pp. 650-54); ff. 187v-188r (cxliiii, preceded by syn- opsis of 2 chs., p. 654); ff. 188r-189r (cxlv [cxliii below], preceded by syn- opsis of 8 chs., pp. 654-57); f. 189r-v (cxlvi, preceded by synopsis of 5 chs., p. 657); ff. 189v-190v (cxlvii, rubric and beginning of letter written over an erasure, pp. 657-59); ff. 190v-192r(cxlviii, portions of texts written over erasures, pp. 659-60); ff. 192r-193r (cxlviiii, text heavily edited and sub- scriptiones from Severinus Tindaritanus to end written over an erasure, pp. 662-64); ff. 193r-199r (cl, pp. 664-75); ff. 199r-200r (cli, pp. 675-79); ff. 200r-202r (clii, pp. 679-84); f. 202r-v (cliii, pp. 684-85); f. 202v (cliiii, pp. 685-86).

34. ff. 202v-203r civ. Incipiunt decreta hormisdae papae. Epistola iustini imperatoris hormisdae papae directa. [lines 1-3 and beginning of 4 written over erasure:]

ms 442 389

Sacratissimo ac beatissimo archiepiscopo almae urbis romae et patriarchae hormisdae. iustinus imperator. quo fuimus semper [original hand:] et quo sumus studio pro conciliandis sententiis . . . accepta pridie kalendas decem- bris conss. sus. Epistola of Emperor Justinus I to Pope Hormisda; PL 130.1049-51.

35. f. 203r-v clvi. Exemplar precum. Deo amabili ac piissimo imperatori ex deo augusto et principi iustino christianissimo deprecatio et supplicatio Haurite aquam cum laetitia ex fontibus salutis uociferator isaias propheta exclamat fontes salutis . . . desiderium in gloriam sui et rei publice discipli- nary Remainder of f. 203v, col. b, and f. 204r ruled, but blank.

Exemplar precum; PL 130.1051-52.

36. ff. 204v-214v Continuation of Pseudo-Isidore; we give the folio refer- ences for each item and the Roman numeral assigned in the manuscript, followed by the page references in Hinschius: ff. 204v-205r (clvii, preceded by synopsis of 3 chs., pp. 686-87); f. 205r-v (clviiii, pp. 687-88); ff. 205v-206r (clviiii, pp. 688-89); f. 206r (clx, p. 689); f. 206r (clxi, p. 689); ff. 206r-207r (clxii, preceded by synopsis of 3 chs., pp. 289-91); f. 207r-v (clxiii, p. 691); ff. 207v-208v (clxiiii, pp. 691-93); f. 208v (clxv, p. 693); ff. 208v-209r (clxvi, pp. 693-94); f. 209r-v (clxvii, pp. 694-95); ff. 209v-210r (clxviii, pp. 695-97); ff. 210r-212r (clxviiii, pp. 697-701); f. 212r (clxx, a large portion of the text [obtemperas et in fide potius . . . cum iustis et fideli- bus agnoscitur] is added in the outer margin and tied to the text by a gloss mark, pp. 701-03); ff. 212r-213r (clxxi, pp. 703-05); f. 213r-v (clxxii, pp. 705-06); ff. 213v-214r (clxxiii, pp. 706-08); f. 214r (clxxiiii, p. 708); f. 214r-v (clxxv, pp. 708-09).

37. f. 214v clxxvi. Epistola eiusdem silueriipape in damnatione uigilii. Siluerius epis- copus, uigilio. Multis te transgressionibus irretitum sacerdotalis iam dudum nouit generalitas ... data ista cartula per anastasium subdiaconum.

Damnatio Vigilii; Hinschius, pp. 628-29.

38. ff. 214v-222v Continuation of Pseudo-Isidore; we give the folio refer- ences for each item and the Roman numeral assigned in the manuscript, followed by the page references in Hinschius: ff. 214v-215v (clxxvii, preceded by synopsis of 7 chs., pp. 710-12); ff. 215v-216v (clxxviii, pp. 712-15); ff. 216v-217v (clxxviiii, pp. 715-18); ff. 217v-218r (clxxx, pp. 718-20); ff. 218r-220r (clxxxi, pp. 720-25); ff. 220r-221v (clxxxii, pp. 725-30); ff. 221v-222v (clxxxiii, pp. 730-32; conclusion of text on f. 222v followed by erasure).

39. ff. 222v-223v clxxxiiii. Incipiunt decreta synodica gregorii pape. Regnante in perpetuum domino nostro ihesu christo temporibus piissimi ac serenissimi . . . [concluding with subscriptio episcoporum: } Fortunatus presbiter tituli sanc- torum quattuor coronatorum. Finiunt decreta synodica gregorii papae.

39° ms 442

Roman Synod of 595; Hinschius, pp. 746-47. The beginning of the text on f. 22 2v is written over an erasure; the remainder of the text is written on a leaf (f. 223) stitched to a stub. Col. b on f. 223v is left blank.

40. ff. 224r-226r clxxxv. Epistola eiusdem gregorii pape de expositione diuersarum re- rum quam transmisit ... misit. Reuerentissimo fratri augustino episcopo gregorius seruus seruorum dei. Per dilectissimum filium meum ... quam portat inuitus. Hue usque responsiones beati gregorii papae ad consulta re- uerentissimi antistitis agustini.

Gregory the Great, Epistola to Augustine of Canterbury; Hinschius, pp. 738-42; the text has been heavily corrected and edited.

41. ff. 226r-227v dxxxvi. Item epistola eiusdem gregorii papae ad leandrum spalen- sem episcopum de simpla mersione baptismatis. Reuerentissimo et sanctissimo fratri leandro. . . . Respondere epistolis uestris tota intentione uoluissem nisi pastora- lis . . . ; clxxxvii. Eiusdem gregorii pape ad leandrum episcopum. Gregorius leandro episcopo spalensi. Sanctitatis uestrae suscepi epistolam solius caritatis calamo scriptam . . . ; clxxxviii. Item eiusdem gregorii pape ad riccaredum regem uuisigotho- rum. [followed by synopsis of 7 chs., text:] Gloriosissimo atque excellentis- simo filio ricarredo.... Explere uerbis excellentissime fili non ualeo quantum tuo opere ... et eius bonitati atque dignitati debebamus.

Gregory the Great, three Epistolae sent to Spain; Hinschius, pp. 732-35.

42. ff. 227v-229r clxxxviiij. Item eiusdem gregorii pape etherio lugdunensi episcopo directa. Dilectissimo fratri aetherio.... Caput nostrum quod christus est ad hoc sua membra esse uoluit ... ; [exc in outer margin, but in text:] clxxxviii. Item eiusdem gregorii papae brunihildi reginae directa. Dominae gloriosissimae at- que precellentissimae filiae brunihildi.... Postquam excellentiae uestrae sol- licitudo regia est ubique gubernatione ... pia esse uiderit deuotione sollicitam.

Gregory the Great, Epistolae to Etherius, bp. of Lyons, and to Brunhilda, Queen of the Franks.

43. ff. 229r-231r exci. Item eiusdem gregorii papae ad theoctistam patriciam. Gregorius seruus seruorum dei theoctiste patriciae. Magnas omnipotenti deo gratias agere debemus quod piissimi et benignissimi imperatores nostri tales ... nutrimento uitam uestram longius extendat.

Hinschius, pp. 742-46.

44. f. 231r-v excii. Item eiusdem gregorii papae secundino seruo dei recluso directa. Dilectissimo filio secundino.... Dilectionis tuae litteras suscepi qui in meo sensu amoris melle condita sapuerunt . . . qui peccatores sanguine suo redi- mere uenit. Imagines//

Hinschius, pp. 735-37. Remainder of col. b on f. 231v is blank.

45. ff. 232r-234v Quae secuntur ex epistolis predicti gregorii papae per diuersa loca sunt, excerpta. ac primum ex epistola eiusdem secundino seruo dei recluso directa. In

MS442 39^

extremum epistolae requisisti quid eis respondendum sit qui dilectionem tuam ... [second rubric:] Sequentia epistolarum uerba de diuersis locis sunt excerp- ta. prolixitatem uero uitantes capita epistolarum non prenotauimus. Ratio nulla per- mittit ut propriis cuiusquam usibus applicetur ... et ab omni aduersitate seruet illesos atque custodiat.

Florilegium of the Epistola of Gregory the Great; most of the excerpts follow- ing the second rubric are preceded by the phrase et alibi. The text occupies a single gathering originally composed of four leaves, the fourth one (blank?) now cut out; the final 19 lines off. 234v are blank. For a discussion of the Florilegium and its transmission see M. Kerner, et al., "Text identifikat ion und Provenienzanalyse im Decretum Burchardi," Studia Gratiana 20 (1976) pp. 34-39.

46. f. 235r [Rubric only:] Incipiunt decreta synodica martini papae contra theodo- rum et cyrum quondam episcopos ac socios eorum hereticos damnans eos quod unam naturam et unam uoluntatem atque operationem infilio dei asserebant. quae transcribens misit per ortodoxos uiros in orientem atque occidentem.

Rubric for the Canones of the Lateran Synod of 649, Martin I (649-53). The remainder of col. a is ruled, but blank; art. (47) begins at the top of col. b.

47. ff. 235r-236r i. Si quis non confitetur secundum sanctos patres proprie et uere patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum trinitatem in unitate. unita- tem in trinitate ... cui gloria et honor, ueneratio et imperium. cum patre et spiritu sancto nunc et semper et in secula seculorum Amen. Et subscrip- serunt martinus papa ac ceteri episcopi numero centum quinque. f. 236v blank

Canones, in an unidentified Latin translation; for both the Greek text and another somewhat different Latin translation see J. D. Mansi, Sacrorum con- ciliorum nova et amplissima collectio (Florence, 1764) v. 10, 1151-62. The text in MS 442 is apparendy incomplete, for the 105 subscriptiones referred to at the end of the art. were never added (Mansi, op. cit., 1162-67). The text in MS 442 has been much corrected.

48. f. 237r-v Incipiunt constituta secundi gregorii pape sub anathemate interdicta. In nomine domini dei saluatoris nostri ihesu christi imperante domno piissi- mo augusto leone a deo coronato magno . . . sed et Constantino nouo imper- atore eius filio anno secundo indictione quarta. Finiunt constituta secundi gregorii pape.

Roman Synod of 721, Gregory II (715-31); Hinschius, pp. 753-54, but lack- ing the subscriptiones episcoporum and subscriptiones presbiterorum seu diaconorum on f. 23 7v.

49. ff. 238r-239v Incipiunt capitula quae ex greets et latinis canonibus et synodts romanis atque decretis presulum ac principum . . . agebatur. Dei ordinationem accusat in qua constituuntur, qui episcopos accusat uel condemnat. dum minus ...

392 ms 442

regum uel potentum deinceps canonum censuram in quocumque crediderit uel permiserit uiolandam. Finit. Final 9 lines of col. b left blank

Capitula Angilramni; Hinschius, pp. 757-69.

50. f. 240r Incipit epistola isidori spalensis urbis episcopi landefredo cordubensi episco- po, data. Domino sancto meritisque beato fratri landefredo episcopo, isido- rus episcopus. Perlectis sa[nctit]atis tuae litteris, Gauisus sum quod optatam salutem tuam earum relatu cognoui. de his autem . . . cura chrismatis confl- ciendi cura baptisterii ordinandi preparatio luminariorum in sacrario et preparatio sacrificii.// Finit.

Isidore, Epistola ad Lendefredum (of Cordoba); PL 83.893-97, with text end- ing imperfectly in par. 14, and R. E. Reynolds, "The 'Isidorian' Epistula ad Leudefredum: An Early Medieval Epitome of the Clerical Duties," Medi- aeval Studies 41 (1979) pp. 252-330: transcription of the text from the Codex Aemilianensis (El Escorial d.I.l) on pp. 260-62, with references to Beinecke MS 442 on p. 269, no. 70; p. 270, no. 77; p. 276, no. 129; pp. 287-88.

51. f. 240r-v Incipit epistola eiusdem isidori episcopi de restaurandis post paeniten- tiam honoris gradibus clericis in corporali facinore lapsis. Domino sancto meritisque beato fratri masonio episcopo, isidorus episcopus. Ueniente ad nos famulo uestro uiro religioso nicetio . . . aut potior extat auctoritas. Data sub die pridie kalendarum martiarum anno tertio [added in margin: regni domni nostri gloriosissimi] uuitterici regis. Finit epistola isidori episcopi de restauratione sacer- dotum. Lower portion of col. b blank.

Isidore, Epistola to Massona of Merida; PL 83.899-902.

52. ff. 241r-242v Incipit synodus ephesina prima ducentorum episcoporum habita aduer- sus nestorium constantinopolitanum . . . predicaret. Conuenit autem haec synodus theodosio iuniore tercio decimo et ualentiniano consulibus aera cccc. lxviii Cui synodo presedit. . . . Religioso et deo amabili consacerdoti nestorio cyrillus uel quicumque sunt apud ephesum ... ex mortuis secundum quod uita est et uiuificatur ut deus anathema sit.

Cyril of Alexandria, Epistola to Nestorius, with 12 chs. from the Council of Ephesus; E. Schwartz, ed., Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum (Berlin, 1924-26) 5,1, pp. 182-83.

53 . ff . 243r-249v Incipiunt nonnullae sanctiones sparsim collectae actionis primae sancti et magni calcedonensis concilii. Cum in dei nomine sub die viii° id. octobris indictione. iiiita. calcedona marcianus imperator in ecclesia sancte martyris ... Unde si uidetur eras hoc perfectius disponatur consul de altero Id. apri- lis. Finit actio undecima.

Pseudo-Isidore, excerpts from the Acts of the Councils of Chalcedon; see J. B. Pitra, ed., in Spicilegium Solesmense 4 (Paris, 1858) pp. 166-85 for the printed text and K.-G. Schon, "Exzerpte aus den Akten von Chalkedon bei

ms 442 393

Pseudoisidor und in der 74-Titel-Sammlung," Deutsches Archivjur Erforschung des Mittelalters 32 (1976) pp. 546-57 [with Beinecke MS 442 mentioned on pp. 549 (note 18), 554 (notes 49-52)] for a discussion of these excerpts.

54. ff. 249v-250r Incipiunt epistolae sancti cyrilli alexandrini episcopi inpredieto sancto et magno concilio recitate atque ab uniuersis approbate. Reuerentissimo et beatissimo consacerdoti nestorio, cyrillus. Obloquuntur quidem sicut audio quidam existimationi mee apud tuam reuerentiam . . . indiscissum concor- diae atque caritatis uinculum perseueret.

Cyril of Alexandria, Epistola to Nestorius; Schwartz, op. cit., II, 3, 2, pp. 7[266]-10[269].

55. f. 250r-v Cuius supra iohanni episcopo directa. Domino meo dilectissimo fratri et consacerdoti iohanni, cyrillus in domino salutem. Exultent caeli et letetur terra solutus est enim medius paries maceriae. Quod contristabat ... ex codice porrecto sibi ab aetio archidiacono sanctae constantinopolitanae ecclesiae. Finiunt epistolae sancti cyrilli [remainder of rubric illegible].

Cyril of Alexandria, Epistola to John of Antioch; Schwartz, op. cit., II, 3, 2, pp. 10[269]-14[273]; text crowded on f. 250v, col. b.

56. ff. 251r-252r Incipiunt capitula sancti quinti concilii constantinopolim caelebrati sub iustiniano augusto. Si quis non confitetur patris et filii et spiritus sancti unam naturam siue essentiam unam uirtutem et potestatem ... Si autem monachus aut laicus merit anathematizabitur. Finit.

Definitio sanctae quintae synodi (553) in the version of the Lateran Synod of 649; text is divided by Roman numerals i-xiv. Mansi, op. cit., v. 10, 1045-54.

57. ff. 252r-253r Quae secuntur ex constantinopolitana sexta synodo sumpta sunt. Nam cum leditur fides parentum reuerentia uelut inutilis et periculosa despicitur . . . qui locutus est per eas [?] cum ueritate hi duo libri membranacii libri sancti quinti concilii sunt, et reliqua. Remainder of cols, a-b on ff. 253r and 253 v are blank, except for pen trials that include the date 1243.

Excerpts from the sixth general Council at Constantinople (681).

Parchment (thick, poor quality), ff. iii (paper) + 253 + iii (paper), 402 x 300 (320 x 210) mm. Ruled in hard point with single vertical and horizontal bounding lines that do not usually extend full length or full width of page; prick- ings primarily for bounding lines. Written in Carolingian minuscule.

The physical format of the codex varies considerably from section to sec- tion. It seems to have been written, corrected, and rubricated by multiple scribes and to have been composed in units; the quality of the parchment often changes from scribe to scribe. There are, moreover, two sets of quire marks, one earli- er sequence that occurs only on the verso, and a second sequence (contem- porary) which runs through the codex as it is now constructed and occurs on either the verso or recto.


394 MS 442

For each gathering or sequence of gatherings we provide the old quire sig- nature where visible, and selected features of physical format that will help to suggest the complex construction of the codex . Unsigned bifolium added at beginning (arts. 1-3; 2 cols., 41 lines, two sets of prickings for text rulings prominent in outer margins), I8 (-6; 2 cols., 44 lines), II8 (2 cols., 53 lines), III8 (prickings for bounding lines at intersections of horizontal and vertical rul- ings), IV8, V6 (ff. 34-39), VI-VIII8 (2 cols., 54 lines; the same scribe copied all 3 quires and the beginning of the next), IX8, X8 (early quire signature = i on f. 79v, 2 cols., 37 lines beginning f. 74r), XI8 (remains of early quire sig- nature = ii on f. 87v), XII8, XIII8 (early quire signature = iiij on f. 103v), XIV8 (v on f. lllv), XV8 (vj on f. 119v), XVI8 (vii on f. 127v), XVII8 (viij on f. 135v), XVIII8 (-6; 7 and 8 [ff. 141-42] are leaves stitched to stubs; see art. 24), XIX12 (-4 between ff. 145-46), XX12 (3, 4, 11, 12 are leaves stitched to stubs), XXI8 (earlier quire signature = xii on f. 173v), XXII8 (xiii on f. 181v), XXIII8, XXIV8 (xv on f. 197v), XXV8 (xvi on f. 205v), XXVI8, XXVII10 (10 [f. 223] stitched to stub; see art. 39), XXVIII8 (ff. 224-31, arts. 40-44), XXIX4 (-4), XXX-XXXI8, XXXII3 [?].

Binding: s. xviii. Brown calf with gold-tooled spine. Boards mosdy detached, sewing breaking, part of spine leather wanting.

Written in the third quarter of the 9th century according to B. Bischoff (K.-G. Schon, op. cit., p. 500, n. 2) or in the decade after 850 according to S. Wil- liams {Codices Pseudo-hidoriani, Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Ser. C: Subsidia III [1971] p. 149, nr. 364). The precise origin of the manuscript is as yet un- determined. It is thought to have been written in the province of Rheims (Wil- liams, op. cit.,) or perhaps in the ecclesiastical province of Paris (B. Bischoff). The contemporary dedicatory inscription on f. 3r (for transcription see art. 4) appears to indicate that the manuscript was given to the monastery of Char- roux in the diocesis of Poitiers by Frotarius, Bishop of Perigueux. The donor cannot be identified with certainty although McCurry, op. cit , believes that this Frotarius may be Frotarius, the archbishop of Bordeaux (860-76). For an opposing point of view see M. Kerner, et al., op. cit., p. 37, n. 86. Schon, op. cit., has theorized that MS 442 represents the oldest version of the Class Al of the Cluny version of the Pseudo-Isidore Decretals (on the Cluny version see H. Fuhrmann, EinfluJS und Verbreitung der pseudoisidorischen Fdlschungen. Von ihrem Auftauchen bis in die neuere Zeit, Schriften der Monumenta Germaniae Historica 24 [1972] v. 3, pp. 757-68). The question of the composition and transmission of the Pseudo-Isidore text in the Middle Ages should, however, be reconsidered after there has been a detailed analysis of the relationship be- tween the physical construction of Beinecke MS 442 and the composition of the Decretal text. According to P. Meyvaert the Beinecke manuscript may be critical for understanding how the Pseudo- Isidore text with its constituent parts was developed. A preliminary examination of the codex suggests that Part III

ms 444 395

of Pseudo-Isidore (Decretals of Popes from Sylvester to Gregory I) was perhaps the first to be compiled, since the earlier sequence of quire signatures (i-xvi) in MS 442 occurs in this section. Any future hypothesis concerning the Pseudo- Isidore text should take into account the peculiar codicological features of the Beinecke manuscript including: the role of multiple scribes and editors, the number and extent of the erasures, the deletion and insertion of leaves, the uneven disposition of the text on many folios, and the two distinct series of quire signatures. Unidentified note concerning "Isidore Mercator ou Pecca- tor," in French, s. xvii/xviii, on f. ii recto. Acquired from L. C. Witten in 1970 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: [f. 2:] ciuitas aquensium [f. 4:] aliqua hie

Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 179-80, no. 4.

S. Kuttner, "Institute of Canon Law, Annual Report," Traditio 26 (1979) p. 433.

R. E. Reynolds, "The Pseudo-Hieronymian De septem ordinibus ecclesiae: Notes on its Origins, Abridgements and Use in Early Medieval Canonical Collec- tions," Revue Benedictine 80 (1970) p. 249, n. 1.

Idem, "The De qfficiis VII graduum: Its Origins and Early Medieval Develop- ment," Mediaeval Studies 34 (1972) p. 118, n. 26.

D. Jasper, "Romanorum pontificum decreta vel gesta. Die pseudoisidorischen Dekretalen in der Papstgeschichte des Pseudo-Liuprand," Archivum Historiae Pon- tificiae 13 (1975) p. 90, n. 22, 25; p. 92, n. 34; p. 97, n. 63; pp. 101-03; p. 107, n. 114.

R. Schieffer, "Zur Beurteilung des norditalischen Dreikapitel-Schismas. Eine uberlieferungsgeschichtliche Studie," Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte 87 (1976) p. 182, n. 98; p. 183, no. 103.

MS 443

Armenian Bible (reclassified)

MS 444 France, 1639

Henri de la Thuillerie, Letter (in Lat.)

Letter of rejoicing, from Henri de la Thuillerie to his father, the French diplo- mat and politician Gaspard Coignet de la Thuillerie (1597-1653; see Diction- naire de Biographie Francaise, v. 9, cols. 146-47), upon the father's return; at the conclusion (f. 17r): "Filius amantissimus Henricus de la Thuillerie. Aetas ix. An. et mens. iij. Na. scriptus anno 1639."

Parchment, ff. iii (paper) +17 (original foliation in gold Arabic numerals, lower right corner of border) + iii (paper), 235 x 205 (119 x 89) mm. Written

396 ms 445

in 14-15 long lines, recto only. Written space and full borders enclosed by nar- row gold band; prickings at corners of both.

Collation uncertain; many leaves loose and sewn in separately.

Written in italic, with larger size of script for headings and proper names.

Each page has full border incorporating personifications, coats-of-arms, mot- toes, putti, birds, and flowers, in red, blue, green, yellow, gold and silver, all of mediocre quality. On f. lr, full-page drawing with arms of the Coignet family of Auxerre (azure, 2 swords per saltire argent, hiked to the base or, between 4 crescents argent).

Binding: s. xvii. Red goatskin, gold-tooled with a "seme" pattern of swords and crescents, flames and fleurs-de-lis. Satin doublures. Traces of two fastenings.

Written in 1639 in France. Inscription on f. ii recto, s. xviii [?]: "Gretre". Be- longed to the Earls of Derby at the Garden Library of Knowsley Hall, Lan- cashire (note on f. i verso, followed by "A. b. Shelf 2, 23") and bookplate, s. xix, with number "25. E". Derby sale at Christie's, 19 Oct. 1953, no. 299 (incorrectly described as an order of nobility) to Maggs. Given to Yale by Wil- marth S. Lewis in 1954.

MS 445

Armenian Prayerbook (reclassified)

MS 446 Italy, s. XV3/4

Moamin, etc. PL 37

1. ff. lr-2r [Prologue:] Reges pluribus delectationibus gaudent. Aliis uictor- ia plus placet ... [table of contents for art. 2, followed by contents of first portion of treatise, f. 2r:] Primus tractatus continet teoricam uenationis que fit per aues rapidas ... Capitulum. xiii. de modo sciendi portare auem supra manum.

2. ff. 2v-50v Sequitur primus tractus [sic] qui continet teoricam uenationis que fit per aues rapidas. Genera uolatilium auium uiuentium de rapina Quibus utimur aucupando sunt quatuor ... ut ascendat uapor ad ipsam et sudet et quando sudabit omnes pediculi cadent.

Moamin, De scientia venandi per aves, Latin tr. by Theodorus of Antioch; for the manuscript tradition: H. Tjernard, Moamin et Ghatrif (Stockholm, 1945). Although the prologue states that there are four treatises composed by Moa- min, the fourth (Quartus naturam et medicamen qutrupedum [sic] cum qui- bus uenamur) is omitted in this manuscript.

ms 446 397

3. ff. 50v-58r Sanctis [sic] rex stabat in suo palatio ante eum stabant discipu- li sui et tenebant placitum de falconibus suis et cogitabant . . . et misce simul in baccili et mitte super pedem inflatum quotidie et tunc liga et sanabitur.

Treatise of Dancus rex; G. Tilander, ed., Dancus rex, Guillelmus falconarius, Gerardus falconarius (Lund, 1963) pp. 48-116.

4. ff. 58r-61v Iste magister non fuit mandax [sic] sed uerax iste medicine sunt bone perfecte et multum gulglielmus falconerius qui fuit nutritus ... et si uult capere grues oportet ipsum habere, xii. ysmelos.

Treatise of Guillelmus falconarius; Tilander, op. cit., pp. 134-68.

5. ff. 61v-62r Sunt falcones qui uocantur girifalchi qui conuersantur . . . ; Sunt et alii falcones qui uocantur peregrini et sunt optimi et gentiles et maximi ardimenti . . . ; Sunt et alii falcones qui conuersantur in Corsica et Sardinia et sunt parui et rubei in pectore suo . . . ; Sunt et alii falcones qui nominan- tur gentiles et habent pennas rubeas pro maiori parte et pedes albos.... ff. 62v-66v blank

Four anonymous descriptions of types of falcons.

Parchment (fine, smooth), ff. i (paper) + i (original parchment flyleaf) + 66 (later foliation 1-62) + i (paper), 262 x 175 (168 x 101) mm. Written in 25 long lines. Double horizontal and vertical bounding lines, full length and full across; ruled on hair side in hard point or faintly in lead; some prickings in outer margin.

I_VI10, VII6. Catchwords perpendicular to text between inner bounding lines.

Written by a single scribe in elegant round humanistic script below top line.

One miniature, f. Ir, five falcons sitting on a perch in a niche, with a 6-line initial, blue and light green, with green and blue acanthus, against gold, framed in red, with white dots; full border, pink and blue flowers on stems with pink, orange and green leaves and gold dots spiraling around a pink and gold bar; framed in gold and inhabited by birds, putti; four of the putti in lower margin support a coat-of-arms (or, 4 pallets tenne; see T. de Marinis, La biblioteca napoletana dei re d'Aragona [Milan, 1947] v. 2, p. 324 and pi. 13A, off. Ir). 5-line initials, gold, filled with blue or crimson with flowers in white, on irregular grounds of crimson or blue with flowers in white, and hair- spray extensions with crimson and blue leaves, flowers and gold trefoil leaves or dots. 2-line initials, gold, filled with crimson or blue against irregular crimson or blue grounds with white filigree. Rubrics throughout.

Binding: s. xix. Red goatskin, gold-tooled with "Cetreria" on spine. Gilt edges with illegible inscription on fore edge.

Produced probably in Naples in the third quarter of the 15th century for Fer- dinand II of Aragon (arms on f. Ir; see A. Lupis, La sezione venatoria della bib-

398 MS 447

lioteca aragonese di Napoli ... [Bari, 1975] pp. 33-38). Unidentified round label with the number "238" on spine. Belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 2253; stamp on f. i recto and tag on spine); his purchase from Longman. Sold by Sotheby's on 1 July 1946 (no. 16, pi. 23 off. lr) to C. A. Stonehill from whom it was purchased and presented to Yale (October 1946) by William Robertson Coe.

secundo folio: in latinum

Bibliography: A. Lupis, "Petrus de TAstore, Moamyn, Ghatriph: Sulla tradizi- one dei trattati di falconeria d'epoca federiciana," Codices manuscripti 3 (1977) p. 16, no. 3.

MS 447 Spain, s. X1

Unidentified Theological Commentary (bifolium)

f. lr text virtually illegible; ff. lv-2v //similia de scribturis sacris dei domino plurima inuenies dicta. Iratus enim deus ... [passage on f. 2r:] Duo enim seruo- rum genera in scripturis inueniuntur diuinis. Unum bonorum alium uero malo- rum. Bonorum de quibus dominus per esayam dicit: Ecce serui mei comedent et uos esurietis ... [Isaiah 65. 13-14]. Et quibus dominus in euangelio ait; Euge seme bone et fidelis ... [Matthew 25. 21 and 23]. Multorum autem genus seruo- rum est de quibus scriptum est ... [f. 2v much rubbed; conclusion:] uitam eter- nam. gaudium plenum et sempiternam. Ubi est certa securitas secura//

Unidentified text that discusses the nature of man's hereditas ("christus est hereditas nostra") and the distinction between serui boni and serui mali (perhaps referring to Luke 12:42?); text appears to be continuous. P. Meyvaert believes that the text is by an author who knew Isidore well, since Etymologiae 10. 131 is quoted.

Parchment, ff. 2 (bifolium), 270 x 203 (222 x 140) mm., 2 columns, 30 lines. Ruled in hard point on hair side; narrowly spaced double vertical bounding lines; prickings between two columns. Written in upright Visigothic minus- cule (see B. A. Shailor, "Corrections and Additions to the Catalogue of Visigothic Manuscripts," Scriptorium 32 (1978) pp. 310-11). Traces of small, 2-line, decorative initial and rubric on f. lr. Removed from a binding: ff. lr and 2v much damaged with loss of text.

Written probably in Northern Spain in the first half of the 10th century. "1612" and "Civ: 1612" written several times, s. xvii. Belonged to Mark Lansburgh (stamp in margin of f. 2v; see his An Illustrated Check-List of Manuscript Leaves in the Collection of Mark Lansburgh [Santa Barbara, 1962] no. 4, pi. 4). Purchased from Goldschmidt's in 1964 with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Fund.

ms 449 399

Bibliography. T. E. Marston, "A Collection of Early Manuscript Leaves," Gazette 40 (1965) p. 9.

MS 448 Italy, s. XVI1

Astrological Tables (in It.)

Astrological tables for solar and lunar locations, probably for use in compiling calendars; tables of latitudes of cities; chronological tables for 1508-18. Most tables are accompanied by prose descriptions, in Italian.

Paper (watermarks: trimmed, in upper margins; unidentified eagle enclosed by a circle similar in design to Briquet Aigle 204), ff. i (paper) + 16 (f. 16 glued to contemporary leaf added at end) + i (paper), 185 x 136 (137 x 106) mm. Ca. 28 long lines of text; frame- ruled in ink, with only horizontal bound- ing lines full across.

A single gathering of 16 leaves (+1 leaf added at end).

Written in Italian notarial script by a single scribe.

Yellow added to initials and to astrological signs, and some numbers.

Stained throughout; final folio repaired.

Binding: s. xviii. Blind-tooled brown sheepskin.

Written in Italy in the first half of the 16th century, to judge from the dates in the chronological tables; early modern provenance unknown. On f. i verso, in red: "1 14" with "AS [?]". Acquired from Rosenkilde and Bagger (Copenha- gen) in 1971 as the gift of the Yale Library Associates.

MS 449 (olim Z109.75) Denmark [?], 1637

Vita sanctae matris nostrae Birgittae

1 . f. i recto Short quotation from a letter of St. Jerome (Epistola 22; PL 22.395) followed by notes explaining the grammatical form of the Latin pronoun "mi" in the quotation, ff. i verso - iii recto blank

2. f. iii verso [Title-page:] IHS. Vita Sanctae Matris nostrae Birgittae in duos diuisa libros Liber primus.

3. f. lr Tinted engraving of St. Birgitta writing, with inscription below; "S. Birgitta Christianorum Sybilla. En certam pia spondet opem Regina polo- rum. Dum recitetur; Aue stella, Maria, maris. T[heodorus] van Merlen fecit." f. lv blank

4. ff. 2r-78r Cap. 1. Legenda. Orta est s. mater ex maioribus longe scientis- simis, provt de S. Ioanne Baptista, diuo Papa Gregorio ac Sancto Nicolao non dissimile legitur ... nunc ex mortalitate hac in vitam sic transit aeternam.

400 ms 450

Book I, consisting of 62 chapters; hand-colored engraving of St. Birgitta, standing with open book in left hand and crucifix in right, pasted to f. 1 1 v.

5. ff. 78r-150r [Heading:] Liber II De Vita sanctae Matris nostrae Birgit- tae. Caput. 1 . [text:] Praeceperat humilitatis a matris vt corpusculum suum in Monasterio quidem sancti Laurentij ... terra marique proscripsit. f. 150v blank

Book II, consisting of 32 chapters; same engraving (but uncolored) of St. Birgitta as on f. llv pasted to f. 106v.

Paper (thick, coarse), ff. iii (contemporary paper) + 150 (foliation by scribe, 1-141, is incorrect) + iii (contemporary paper), 99 x 76 (70 x 52) mm. Frame- ruled in hard point. I-X8, XI8 (with bifolium added between 7 and 8, ff. 88-89), XII8, XIII6, XIV4, XV10, XVI-XIX8. Quires signed with letters of the alphabet (a through s) under written space of first leaf, on recto.

Written in quasi-italic by a single scribe.

Folio 16 cut in half vertically, with loss of text on outer half of leaf.

Binding: s. xix [?]. Vellum case with stubs of two ties. Title, in ink, on spine and front cover: "Vita Sancta [sic] matris nostrae Birgittae." Red edges.

Written in Denmark [?] in 1637; colophon by the scribe on final flyleaf: "IHS. Liber hie collectus est ex reuelationibus Sanctae Birgittae et processu Canonizationis eius per quendam Ordinis S. Birgittae in S. Mariabaum [?] sacerdotem finitus in peruigilio Natiuitatis Domini nostri Iesu Christi in ante annum 1637 ...". A later hand has rewritten the inscription, now very faded, on the preceding verso. The significance of the contemporary [?] marginal note, f. 127v: "P. Antonius Ballinghem in Ephemeride 12 Martij ..." is unclear. Be- longed to comte Paul Riant, 1836-88 (not found in the published catalogue of his collection). Presented to Yale by Mrs. Henry Farnam, in 1896 (A. B. Benson, "The Scandinavian Collection," Gazette 8 [1933] pp. 49-53).

MS 450 Central France [?], s. XII1/4

Juvenal, Satires, with scholia

1. f. lr a. [2 lines written along upper edge:] Quinque sunt partes satira- rum. Reprehensiua, derisoria, hortatiua, deprecatiua, laudatiua ... et postea ternarium .

b. [in column below:] In principio huius libri uidendum est de uita poete qualis fuit. Iuuenalis fuit aquinas id est de aquino oppido. Incertum est an fuisset filius libertini ... et ita lassant me audiendo malas scripturas illorum. sed ero ego semper auditor tantum [?] s. non [ending incomplete?].

a. Notes on the genre of satire; b. notes on the life of Juvenal, followed by notes on titulus, qualitas carminis, materia, intentio scribentis, etc. Apparently the introduction to scholia (art. 3).

MS 45O 401

2. ff. lv-65v Semper ego auditor tantum nunquam ne reponam/ vexatus to- tiens rauci theseide codri/ . . . Vt qui fortis erit sit felicissimus idem/ Vt leti faleris omnes et torquibus omnes.

Juvenal, Satirae I-XVI; W. V. Clausen, ed., OCT (1959) pp. 37-175. The text of the satires is written in a narrow column in the center left of the page with generous space between lines; the first letter of each verse is set to the left of text. According to G. M. Parassoglou, "A Yale Manuscript of Juvenal," Rheinisches Museum fur Philologie N. F. 117 (1974) pp. 334-49, MS 450 be- longs to the E class of texts established by U. Knoche, Handschriftliche Grund- lagen des Juvenaltextes, Philologus Suppl. 33, 1 (Leipzig, 1940) pp. x-xi. Original leaves lost between ff. 1 and 3, 4 and 6; text of Satire I. 27-84 and II. 146-111.32 is still missing, but text of Satire I. 85-143 and II. 88-145 has been supplied on leaves written in s. xv, now ff. 2 and 5 in manuscript. Lines 165-66 are missing from Satire XI; a humanist has added 165 at bot- tom of written space on f. 48v. A similar situation occurs with Satire XIII. 34 on f. 52r. Line 239 of Satire XIV was omitted from the text (f. 60r), but is given in the scholia.

3. ff. lv-65v Descensus ad litteram. Ipsi poete cum deberent scribere utilia scribunt inutilia. et patiar ego istud ..., A. teseide nomen est patronomi- cum femininum ut eneide ..., B. Codrus malus poeta fuit qui scripsit fabu- la [sic] de teseo . . . , C . toga est quoddam genus uestis extense usque ad talos ... [conclusion of scholia, f. 65 v, mostly illegible].

Extensive scholia and interlinear glosses with numerous abbreviations; the scholia do not agree for the most part with the scholia vetustiora. Internal evi- dence suggests that they were written later than the mid-8th century and possibly after 896. See W. S. Anderson, "The Marston Manuscript of Juvenal," Traditio 13 (1957) pp. 407-14; CTC, v. 3, Juvenalis, Addenda et Corrigenda, pp. 432-33. The scholia is mostly written in a narrow column in the outer margin, but also extends into the inner and upper margins; most segments of scholia are keyed to the text by letters of the alphabet or tie marks.

Parchment (shiny), ff. i (paper) + 65 + i (paper), 268 x 165 (192 x 78) mm. Written in 29 lines of widely spaced verse. Ruled with hard point on hair-side before folding; horizontal rulings for text extend across conjugate leaves through gutter; double vertical and single horizontal bounding lines full length and full across; additional vertical ruling to delineate outer edge of column for scholia. Prickings in all margins except inner.

I8 (-2, 3, 6, 7 with ff. 2 and 5 replacements, s. xv), II-VII8, VIII12 (-4, no loss of text). Catchwords center of lower margin.

Written by a single scribe in a small bookhand; interlinear glosses and scho- lia by same scribe in a cramped and abbreviated script, ff. 2 and 5 in two sizes of humanistic bookhand.

4£2 MS 451

Red initial, 4-line, infilled with modest arabesque motifs (cf. J.J. G. Alex- ander, "Scribes as Artists: The Arabesque Initial in Twelfth-Century English Manuscripts," in Medieval Scribes, Manuscripts and Libraries, Essays Presented to N. R. Ker, ed. M. B. Parks and A. G. Watson [London, 1978] pi. 116 of Oxford, Bodl. Lib. MS Bodley 391); spaces left for other initials at beginning of each satire; rubrication for scholia on f. 2r. Simple drawing of racecourse in circus appears on f. 9r.

Binding: s. xviii-xix [?]. Brick-red goatskin, blind-tooled. Characteristic bind- ing of the Guarnieri-Balleani library in Iesi, Italy.

Written in the first quarter of the 12th century probably in Central France, but the preparation of parchment and the use of the meridional abbreviation for qui may suggest an origin in Southern France or Northern Italy. An in- scription, s. xiv-xv, visible under ultraviolet light, in lower margin on f. lr: "Iste liber est fratris Joachini Bononiensis de ordine fratrum predicatorum" in- dicates that the manuscript was in Italy at this time. Owned in the 15th centu- ry by an unidentified Italian humanist who replaced missing leaves of the text; according to A. C. de la Mare the script is characteristic of Northeastern Ita- ly, s. XV3/4. Shelfmarks: "L-II-9 Giovenale" in pencil on front pastedown and "L II 9" on front flyleaf; "2957" in pencil on front flyleaf. Note of Thomas E. Marston on front pastedown: "From the Guarnieri-Ct. Balleani Library at Iesi; library formed c. 1450— purchased from Balleani heirs through Rosenbach in Feb. 1952. The fifteenth century leaves are not in the hand of Stefano Guarnieri compare 1st leaves of Cicero de Finibus Bonorum." Since the manuscript was sold at Sotheby's 19 Dec. 1929 (no. 844), it is not clear how Rosenbach acquired it from the Balleani heirs in 1952. Presented to Yale in 1959 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate).

Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 68, no. 33 (while in T. E. Marston's collection).

Exhibition Catalogue, p. 185, no. 11.

B. Munk Olsen, L'etude des auteurs classiques latins aux XF et XIF siecles, v. 1 (Paris, 1982) pp. 578-79.

MS 451 Germany, s. XV4/4

Giovanni Antonio Campano, Oratio in conventu Ratisponensi, etc.

MS 451 contains three works copied from incunabula:

1. ff. lr-lOr Giovanni Antonio Campano, Oratio in conventu Ratisponensi ad exhortandos principes Germanorum contra Turcos et de laudibus eorum. Rome, Ste- phan Plannck, ca. 1487 (GKW 5940); or Rome, Stephan Plannck, ca. 1488-90 (GKW 5941).

2. ff. lOv-llv Johannes de Margarit, Oratio pronuntiata in senatu Venetiarum. Rome, Georgius Teutonicus (Lauer?) for Johannes Philippus de Lignamine,

ms 452 403

24 July 1481; Hain-Copinger 9411. The colophon from the printed work appears at the conclusion of the text (f. llv).

3. ff. 12r-14r Franciscus de Toleto (Francois Busleiden), Oratio in funere Leonardi de Robore. Rome, Stephan Plannck, ca. 1481-87; Hain-Copinger 7337. f. 14v blank

Paper (watermarks: unidentified, in gutter, similar to Piccard Buchstabe P XII), ff. ii (paper) + 14 + ii (paper), 211 x 147 (158 x 94) mm. 45 long lines. Frame-ruled in lead; vertical rulings full length.

Single gathering of 14 leaves.

Written in a small running script exhibiting batarde influence.

Binding: s. xx. Black goatskin, gold-tooled.

Written in Germany in the last quarter of the 15th century; formerly part (foliat- ed 103-16, in pencil, in upper right corner) of a larger volume. Acquired from Breslauer (Cat. 101, no. 61) in 1970 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

MS 452

Number not used

MS 453 Italy, 1485

Coluccio Salutati, De seculo et religione

1. ff. lr-81r [M]emor semper fui venerabilis et carissime frater postquam te mundo subtractum in sanctissimo cenobio tuo letus et auidus . . . et ineffabilis trinitatis in sue eternitatis Indiuisibili perseueret [sic] Amen, [colophon:] Anno domini Miiiic lxxxvto: hoc opus scriptum fuit per me martinum. de Lauren- tio de padono. diocesis ypporriensis ad honorem dei et sacratissimeque vir- ginis marie.

B. L. Ullman, ed., Colucii Salutati de seculo et religione ... (Florence, 1957) pp. vi-vii (MS no. 3); text: pp. 1-167. Folios 49 and 50 (central conjugate leaves) were reversed in binding.

2. f. 81v Six lines of text, incomplete, beginning: Consilia euangelica sunt ilia que christus super legem moysi adiecit que sunt numero duodecim.... Primum est paupertatis.... Secondum [sic] est obedientie ... //

Paper, ff. 81, 226 x 168 (160 x 100) mm. 30 long lines. Single vertical bound- ing lines ruled in lead or hard point, full length; horizontal rulings for text in pen.

I8, II10 (-6, no loss of text), III-IV10, V-VI8, VII10, VIII12, IX10 (-7 through 10, presumably blank). Catchwords, with flourishes, under written space and often extending into inner margin.

404 MS 454

Written in neat gothic cursive that shows batarde influence; first word(s) of each section executed in bold textura. Spaces for decorative initials are un- filled; guide-letters in margins. Folio 27v reproduced in Thomson, Latin Book- hands, pi. 82.

Binding; s. xvii [?]. Sewn on three tawed, slit strap supports, the spine lined with vellum between them. Blue- and cream-colored endbands. Covered with tawed skin, originally white, over flush, made boards.

Written probably in Northwestern Italy (diocese of Ivrea) by the scribe Marti- nus de Laurentio de Padono, in 1485 (colophon, f, 81r). Unidentified shelf- marks include "N° 838 B" written in ink inside front cover; "P 2/ 12" in ink at top of spine; "S/ 31-5-27" in pencil inside back cover; and an early owner- ship inscription, now effaced, in upper margin off. lr. Belonged to S. Harri- son Thomson (MS 6); note inside front cover states that he purchased the manuscript in Oxford in 1926. Acquired from Thomson in 1968 with the Ed- win J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Rare Book Endowment Fund.

secundo folio: qui licet

MS 454 Spain, s. XV2

Manuel Diaz, Libre de cavalls

1. ff. lr-2r Three Drawings of horses including: f. lr the effects of the signs of the zodiac on the horse (with descriptive rubrics, e.g., Aries es contrari al cap. Cancer als pits; f. lv anatomical parts of the horse (incomplete); f. 2r the proper locations for bloodletting [?].

2. ff. 2v-34v Sixty-five diagrams of bits for horses, some with explanations in red.

3. ff. 35r-39r [Table of contents for art. 4:] Del preniment e del domdament del cauall iij. De la guarda e doctrina del cauall iij . . . Del cauall qui mena la choa e no la porta be ans la tors .C.xj. f. 39v ruled, but blank

4. ff. 40r-151v [Preface, f. lr:] [E]n nom sia de la sancta trinitat qui es pare e ffill e sant spirit tot vn deu. Com sia molt necessari a tot caualler e gentil horn . . . [text begins on 41r, without rubric:] Lo cauall deu esser engendrat de guarra ho astello que sia bo e de bon pell . . . E asso sia escrit e mes en les capsanes ho xaquima de la bistia. [added in a later hand:] e diren per iij ho per iiij veses lo pater noster. ff. 152r-173v blank

Manuel Diaz, Libre de cavalls; this treatise in Valencian dialect was trans- lated into Spanish by Martin Martinez de Ampies and published under the title Llibre de menescalia [Saragossa: Paul Horus, 1499].

Paper (with parchment leaves interspersed; watermarks: similar to Piccard Turm 132-47 and Briquet Tete humaine 15670), ff. ii (original parchment

MS455 4^5

flyleaves) + 173 (art. 4: contemporary foliation, Roman numerals in red, i-cxiiij, in upper right corner) + i (original parchment flyleaf), 300 x 210 (175 x 119) mm. Ca. 33 long lines (2 columns for ff. 35-39). Single vertical and upper horizontal bounding lines in crayon or lead, rulings for written space usually in hard point.

I14 (+ 1 parchment leaf at beginning), II16, III8, IV18 (1, 18 = parchment bifolium), V-X16 (1, 16 in each gathering = parchment bifolium), XI20. Catchwords, with penwork or ornamentation centered below written space, verso.

Written by a single person in Spanish fere-humanistic script.

In addition to the illustrations listed in arts. 1-2, there is on f. 40r a drawing of a knight in armor on horseback, in red, blue, and green. He holds a shield with the arms of Alfonso V, King of Aragon (d. 1458): per pale argent, a lion rampant gules; bendy of 4, argent and gules. 2-line red initials with penwork in black at beginning of each text section. Headings, paragraph marks, and strokes on initials, in red. Remains of directions to rubricator along lower edge.

Binding: s. xv. Original sewing on three slit-strap, tawed supports laced to the inside of beech boards and pegged. Plain wound endbands with a second- ary, multi-colored sewing on tawed cores. The spine is square, and lined with vellum between supports, the sewing supports slightly defined. Covered in brown goatskin, blind-tooled with concentric frames, the spine diced. Two fastenings, the catches on the lower board decorated with floral designs, the clasps wanting. Repaired.

Written in Spain, perhaps Aragon, probably in the second half of the 15th cen- tury; early modern provenance unknown. Belonged to Guglielmo Libri (1803-69); his sale (Sotheby's, 28 March 1859, no. 313; 25 July 1862, no. 124). Collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 16379; tag on spine; note on front flyleaf). Purchased from Robinson's in 1947 as the gift of the Yale Library As- sociates.

secundo folio: Asso son

MS 455 England, s. XIII2/4


1. ff. lr-3v blank, with 6 stubs between 2 and 3; f. 4r-v Table of lections for the liturgical year. At the end of the table: "Incipiunt questiones ffratris Nicholai de Lira super Bibliam . . . signantur cum puncto in capite." On the left of the inscription, in another hand: Vacat; on the right: In isto volumine.

2. f. 5r (a fold-out leaf) Subject diagram of books of the Bible for both the Old and New Testaments, with the number of chapters in each, in red. ff. 5v-6r blank

4°6 ms 455

3. f. 6v [To the left of the leaf, in two columns:] List of Books of the Old and New Testaments with number of chapters in each. [To the right:] Nota quod omnes libri biblie fuerunt editi grece praeter euangelium Mathei et epistolam pauli ad hebreos vt dixit Waldeby . . . [followed by notes on fasting].

4. ff. 7r-13v Series of prologues to the Books of the Old Testament in the following order; numbers are those listed in Stegmuller: 284; 311; 307; 323; 328; 347 (beginning Rogor ... ); 457; 482; 487; 492; 494; 500; 507; 511 + 510 + 508 + 509 (no divisions); 512; glossa ordinaria on Obadiah treated as Prologue, 11816 (1); 521 + glossa ordinaria on Jonah, 11817 (1); glossa ordinaria on Micah, 11818 (3); 528; 531; 534 + Stephen Langton, Soph., 7858; 535 + glossa ordinaria on Haggai, 11822 (1); 539, 540; 543 + 545 (no division); 330, 329; 332; 335 + Isidore, Prol. Judith, 5191; 341 + 343 (no division), f. 14r-v blank

5. ff. 15r-340r Old Testament; books as follow: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Ruth, 1-4 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus (with Prayer of Solomon), Isaiah, Jeremiah, Baruch, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadi- ah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Ezra (with ch. 11 beginning at v. 16, et sederunt), Nehemiah (fol- lowed by a short paragraph: [H]ic post incensam a chaldeis iudeam dum iudei ingressi fuisset ... hebrei habebant repperit; Isidore, Prol. Ezra, Steg- muller 5187; f. 296v blank and 2 Ezra missing), Tobit, Judith, Esther, 1-2 Maccabees, Psalms (one bifolium misbound; f. 340v blank).

6. ff. 341r-409r New Testament, in the following order; numbers in paren- theses refer to prologues printed in Stegmuller that precede each book: Mat- thew (590); Mark (607); Luke (620); John (624); Acts {glossa ordinaria treated as prologue, 11831 [1, 3] + 640 + 631 + 635 [no divisions]); Romans (670); 1-2 Corinthians; Galatians; Ephesians; Philippians; Colossians; 1 Thessalo- nians (with running title: Ad Leodocenses); 2 Thessalonians; 1 Timothy (765); 2 Timothy (772); Titus (780); Philemon (783); Hebrews (793); Cath- olic Epistles {glossa ordinaria treated as prologue: Iacobus cognomento iustus films marie sororis matris domini ..., 803); Apocalypse (832 + 828, no di- visions), ff. 409v-410v blank

7. ff. 41 lr-420v Extensive table of readings, with incipits and explicits of texts, for the liturgical year, temporale, sanctorale, common of saints, and votive masses, also citing Biblical locations. Added by the same person who wrote arts. 1 and 2 above, ff. 421r-422v ruled, but blank; ff. 423r-425v (with four stubs between 423-24) blank

Parchment, ff. vi (parchment; remains of six stubs between ii and iii) + 417 (modern foliation, 1-425, includes flyleaves) + ii (parchment), 326 x 230 (207 x 120) mm. Ruled in crayon or lead as described below; written above top line. Remains of prickings in all margins.

ms 455 4£7

I8, II-XVII10, XVIII8, XIX-XXI10, XXII8, XXIII-XXIX10, XXX6, XXXI-XXXII10, XXXIII-XXXV8, XXXVI-XLI10, XLII8 (+ 1 leaf after 6, f. 407), XLIII14 [structure uncertain].

Text written in similar styles of gothic bookhand mostly by two scribes who also appear to have ruled the segments each copied. Scribe 1: ff. 7r-13v, 171v-296r, 307r-409r; 2 columns, 53 lines; single vertical and triple horizon- tal bounding lines, with three additional horizontal rulings through center of folio and two in upper margin for running titles, all full length and full across. Scribe 2: ff. 15r-171v, 297r-306v; 2 columns, 47 lines; single vertical lines between columns, double inner and triple outer vertical bounding lines for writ- ten space, triple horizontal bounding lines, with three additional horizontal rulings through center of folio and two in outer margin, all full length and full across; quires signed with large Roman numerals in center of lower margin and catchwords in gutter, on verso. A later hand of the 15th century wrote arts. 1, 2, and 7 in a less formal style of gothic than the text; at least four other persons of the 14th- 15th centuries have annotated the text in various styles of cursive.

Decoration by two distinct hands whose division of work does not correspond precisely to that noted for the scribes. 1 : ff. 7r-220v, 325r-340r. Large flourished initials, body divided red and blue, with interior designs primarily in red, and small blue circles added; first line of text in blue capitals decorated with simple red pen strokes. Many rubrics missing. 2: ff. 221r-324v, 341r-409r. Flour- ished initials similar in design to those by 1 , but somewhat smaller in size and mostly without small blue circles; first line of text in blue and red capitals al- ternating; chapter divisions decorated with long herringbone pendants in red and blue. Running titles and marginal chapter divisions in alternating red and blue letters throughout codex. Notes to rubricator, some perpendicular in gutter.

Binding: s. xv-xvi. Original sewing on five double, tawed supports laced straight and in Vs into back-cornered wooden boards and pegged. The spine is square, the sewing supports prominent. Braided tawed skin [?] endbands. The first covering is brown calf with corner tongues. Next is a chemise of pink, tawed skin with an outer cover sewn to it with diagonal stitches of blue thread. Outer and inner covers are adhered to each other and to the boards with ex- tending edges cut off. Two strap-and-pin fastenings with foliate pin bases on the lower board and stubs of kermes pink straps. Green discoloration on pastedowns. Trace of lettering in ink on the spine.

Written in England in the second quarter of the 13th century. Rebound in the 15th century when arts. 1,2, and 7 were apparently added as well as the notation £E^ written in ink on the lower cover. Early inscriptions of s. xv-xvi include: "Iste liber pertinet Ws Grisley" on front pastedown and "Liber Ws. Grysley" on f. 6v (William Gresley, b. 1461; Emden, BRUO, v. 2. p. 822; his name also occurs in Eton College MS 44); "Liber pertinet ad Christoferum hole [with notarial marks]" on f. lr; "Liber Somerkuse [?]" on back pastedown.

4°8 ms 456

Unidentified shelf-marks, in ink, on front pastedown: "C. h." and "K 5". Uniden- tified clipping, in English, from sale catalogue pasted to front flyleaf. The co- dex was acquired from Maggs, 4 Aug. 1939, by Henry Fletcher who presented it to Yale in 1947.

secundo folio: [f. 8:] iordanem. hostium

Bibliography: T. E. Marston, "Some Notable Books and Manuscripts," Gazette 22 (1948) pp. 78-79.

MS 456 Padua, 1674

Diploma (in Lat.)

f. lr blank; f. lv Full-page illumination (see below); ff. 2r-3v In Christi no- mine amen. Vniuersis et singulis presens hoc publicum Doctoratus Priuilegium uisuris lecturis, seu legi audituris Nos Io. Baptista Abb. Candiottus I. V. D. et in Episcopatu Padue . . . et frequenti copia testibus omnibus ad praemissa uo- catis, et rogatis. L. D. O. M. [followed by autograph signature of I. B. Abb. Candiottus and signed by the notary Faustus Daviniusj. f. 4r-v blank

Diploma for a doctorate of Civil and Canon Law accorded to Franciscus Adelasius (Adelasio) from the University of Padua, 27 Jan. 1674.

Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 4 + i (paper), 243 x 174 (186 x 120) mm. Writ- ten in 38 long lines, with rulings in lead; written space and borders enclosed by double parallel lines in mauve ink.

Single quire of four leaves.

Written in elegant italic script; headings and names of persons in humanis- tic bookhand or square capitals, in gold.

On f. lv: coat-of-arms of the Adelasio family of Bergamo (gules, per fess 3 pennants argent on staves or; in chief azure, an eagle displayed or) surrounded by a full floral border in vivid shades of gold, brown, red, orange, and blue, with two peacocks in lower panel and a framed oval miniature of the Virgin Mary supported by griffins in upper panel. On f. 2r similar treatment of folio, but with text of diploma in center of page and a miniature of St. Antony of Padua in upper panel; ff. 2v-3v surrounded by full floral borders of less ex- uberant design than ff. lv-2r.

Binding: s. xvii. Brick-red sheepskin heavily gold-tooled with a central medal- lion surrounded by floral arabesques and fan corners in multiple roll borders of different designs, the outer one blind-tooled. A red wax seal (cracked), dis- playing the arms of Gregory, Cardinal Barbadicus (Barbarigo; 1626-97), and enclosed within the original gold-tooled circular holder (58 mm. diameter) that matches the binding, is attached to the spine with twisted silk cords.

Written in Padua in 1674. Notation, in ink, inside back cover: ".2293."; uniden- tified catalogue entry, in English, pasted inside front cover. Acquired from

ms 457 409

Dawson's Book Shop, Los Angeles, in 1937, by the Rev. Anson Phelps Stokes (bookplate) from whom it was purchased by Yale in 1956 with the Penniman Fund.

MS 457 Venice, 1575

Mores Italiae PL 41

Album of 105 water-color drawings of Italian costumes and scenes of daily life, including two maps of Venice.

Paper, 105 ff., 280 x 218 mm.; water-color drawings: 185 x 130 mm.; mount- ed, framed by narrow gold strips.

Binding: s. xix. Red, straight- grained goatskin, gold-tooled, with light blue, watered silk doublures and flyleaves. Possibly bound by one of the Bozerians (Paris, 1793-1817), but the foot of the spine where their signature usually ap- pears was destroyed in rebacking. Gilt edges.

For each drawing we give in square brackets, following the folio reference, the number written on the painting (presumably its placement in a series be- fore the mounting in present album), the title in Italian, when present, and a brief description of the subject:

f. 1: [3] portrait of a member of the de la Houssaye de la Morandais family

of Brittany, with the inscription "Anchora. H.M." and two anchors, and the

date 1575;

f. 2: [2?] arms of the de la Houssaye de la Morandais family: chequy argent

and azure; crest: on a tower argent and azure a head proper with a cardinal's

hat proper, with one tassel (cf. J. B. Rietstap, Armorial General [Baltimore, 1972]

v. 1, p. 994);

f. 3: "II Ritratto De la Ragusea [?] in Venetia," portrait of a Venetian courtesan;

f. 4: [title illegible], masked carnival revelers and street jugglers during Mardi


f. 5: a lady in a horse-drawn carriage;

f. 6: "Veronica Franca," portrait of a lady, naked;

f. 7: [93?] "Una galea con schiavi," a galley with slaves;

f. 8: [9] "Una Sposa Genouese," a Genovese bride;

f. 9: [69] "Una Corregiana Gentildona di Cocho," a lady from Corregio in a

horse-drawn carriage;

f. 10; [19] gentleman in a black robe;

f. 11: dueling bravoes, with spectators on horses;

f. 12: [116] "Una Gentildona Bolognese," a gentlewoman from Bologna;

f. 13: [39] "II Patriarcha da Venetia," the Patriarch of Venice, with two acolytes;

f. 14: [36?] the Bucentaur of the Doge of Venice;

f. 15: [160] a horseman [Hungarian?] in a hooded cloak;

410 ms 457

f. 16: [112] "Una Cittadina," a townswoman; f. 17: a courtesan and a visitor in her chamber;

f. 18: [22] "Un Gentiluomo da duolo," a gentleman in mourning, dressed in black;

f. 19: [96] "Una Donzella Ferrarese," a maiden from Ferrara; f. 20: "Una Gentildona Morta," a dead gentlewoman on a funeral bier, car- ried by Poor Glairs;

f. 21 : [65] a prostitute leaning from a window of her chamber addressing two men;

f. 22: [137] "Un Bascia," a man wearing a turban;

f. 23: [26] "Un Zarlatano in banco," fiddling street peddlars on a table; f. 24: [50] a courtesan;

f. 25: [28] "Gli Orfanelli de Padoua," the orphans of Padua; f. 26: [35] "Un Frate di S. Giorgio in Alga," a canon;

f. 27; a prostitute leaning from a window, with a gentleman at the door below; f. 28: [61] "Una Gentildona Maritata Padouana," a married gentlewoman from Padua;

f. 29: a view of Venice, in pen and ink;

f. 30: [109] "Un Battuto," a flagellant in black monastic robe; f. 31: a herd of donkeys and their keeper;

f. 32: [115] "Una Gentildonna Fiorentina," a Florentine gentlewoman; f. 33: [74] "Cocho Napolitano," a Neapolitan carriage with woman descending; f. 34: [60] "Una Vedova Padouana," a widow from Padua in black; f. 35: a hunter on horseback with two dogs; f. 36: two men carrying fishing nets, observed by five cats; f. 37: [51 changed to 44?] "Una Donzella Venetiana," a Venetian maiden, robed completely in black;

f. 38: [94] "Una Galea con Soldati," a galley with soldiers; f. 39: a council member [?] in a red robe with fur trim; f. 40: [111] "Una Cortegiana Romana," a Roman courtesan; f. 41 : [165] "Un Frate de l'ordine de S. Jeronimo," a monk of the order of St. Jerome;

f. 42: a group of young people playing games in the countryside, with men caught by women in an animal trap [?];

f. 43: a Doctor of Medicine in a black robe, perhaps a university professor; f. 44: the Grand Council of Venice, in pen and ink;

f. 45: [32] "Un Frate de S. Antonio de Padoua," a monk of St. Antony of Padua; f. 46: [50 changed to 46?] "Una Cor. Venetiana in Strada," a Venetian courte- san in the street;

f. 47: [97] "Un Cortigiano Ferrarese," a courtier from Ferrara on horseback; f. 48: a gentleman in a red robe;

f. 49: [52 changed to 48] "Una Gentildona Venetiana," a gentlewoman from Venice;

ms 457 411

f. 50: six hooded members of a religious fraternity, in white, black, grey and

blue robes;

f. 51: a flock of goats with their shepherd near Roman ruins;

f. 52: a bishop in purple robe and wearing a black hat lined with green, on

a mule;

f. 53: [100] "Una Cortegiana Senese," a Sienese courtesan;

f. 54: [20 changed to 25] "Cosi se porta il Vino in Padoua," two peasant men

carrying a barrel of wine;

f. 55: a view of Venice, in pen and ink;

f. 56: [2?] "Un Gentiluomo Padouano," a gentleman from Padua;

f. 57: [99] "Una Gentildonna Sanese," a Sienese gentlewoman;

f. 58: "Contadini [che] uanno [al] mercato," three peasants on their way to

the market;

f. 59: [107] a bishop in blue and white robe (choir dress) with black hat;

f. 60: [56] "Una Donzella Padouana," a maiden from Padua, with black veil;

f. 61: [38] "La Processione del Santo in Padoua," religious procession for St.

Antony in Padua;

f. 62: [110] "Un Altro," a hooded flagellant in white monastic robe;

f. 63: a courtesan receiving a guest [?];

f. 64: [15] a gentleman in an elaborately embroidered robe;

f. 65: "Gentildonna Romana maritata," a married gentlewoman from Rome;

f. 66: four men (including a clergyman and a Turk) dining under a tree with


f. 67: [8] city official in a blue robe with white fur trim;

f. 68: [123] "Una Cittadina Napolitana," a townswoman from Naples;

f. 69: an aristocratic lady peering from a sedan-chair;

f. 70: [18] "II Decurio," a decurion;

f. 71: [66?] Dogana in a red dress and golden robe;

f. 72: a prostitute leaning from a window and two gentlemen below;

f. 73: [47 changed to 45] "Una Ruffiana Francescana [?]," an almswoman with

knotted cord [?];

f. 74: two bird catchers;

f. 75: "Un Capitano de Citta," a mayor in red robe;

f. 76: [5?] "Una Venetiana da Duolo," a Venetian lady in mourning;

f. 77: Senator in a red robe with embroidered gold sash;

f. 78: [46 changed to 43] "Un Forastiere," a lady and a foreigner;

f. 79: [132?] "Una Nave grossa," a large sailing ship;

f. 80: [83] "Una altra Cittadina," a townswoman in a green dress;

f. 81: [16] Professor in a maroon robe with embroidered gold sash;

f. 82: [63] "Una Padouana da Duolo," a lady from Padua in mourning;

f. 83: "Un Officiale da Venetia," a city official of Venice;

f. 84: [57; title trimmed] a bride [?];

f. 85: [167] "Capuzini," two Capuchin monks in severely patched robes;

4-J2 MS 458

f. 86: "Una Vedoua Bolognese," a widow from Bologna; f. 87: a horseman tipping his hat;

f. 88: [166] "Un Frate de S. Michel in Bosco fuora le mura De Bologna," an aged monk of St. Michael in Bosco outside the walls of Bologna, wearing glasses; f. 89: [125] "Una Cortegiana Napolitana," a courtesan from Naples; f. 90: a duel with one man stabbed in the mouth; f. 91: [32?] "Un Official de Corte de Padoua," an official of Padua; f. 92: [122] "Una Altra," a woman in a red and blue dress, with fan; f. 93: a horseman with an umbrella;

f. 94: [25?] "Un Padouano morto," a dead gentleman from Padua carried on a funeral bier by Poor Clairs; f. 95: a joust in an enclosed area;

f. 96: "II Duca de Genoa," the Duke of Genoa in gold robe; f. 97: [21] "Una Gentildona maritata Spagnula," a married gentlewoman from Spain;

f. 98: [25] "Un Altro vestito de duolo," a gentleman dressed in white; f. 99: [120] "Una Donzella Napolitana," a maiden from Naples; f. 100: a cardinal in red robe and hat, apparently the same individual as f. 103; f. 101: "Una Donzella Genouese," a maiden from Genoa; f. 102: [156?] "II Ritratto del Turco Moderno," portrait of a Turk with a large turban;

f. 103: [100, title illegible] a cardinal on a mule, apparently the same individu- al as f. 100;

f. 104: [124] "Una Vedoua," a widow in dark green dress and black robe; f. 105: a peasant carrying two buckets of wine.

Compiled presumably in Venice in 1575 for the unidentified member of the de la Houssaye de la Morandais family whose portrait appears on f. lr and arms on f. 2r; provenance otherwise unknown. Given to Yale in 1955 by Mrs. Bernard F. Gimbel.

Bibliography: T. E. Marston, "The Gimbel Manuscripts," Gazette 30 (1956) p. 152.

MS 458 Italy, 1608

Delle imboccature de' i cavalli

1 . f. i recto [Title-page:] Delle imboccature de' i Caualli: 17 Maij Anno 1608. In Siena et Fiorenza. Carlo Filippo di Vuelden. f. i verso blank

2. ff. lr-80r Eighty life-size pen-and-ink drawings, tinted with grey, of vari- ous styles of horse bridles and bits; apparently intended as a pattern book. Drawings numbered 1-80 along upper edge of each leaf; versos blank, ff. 81r-82v blank

ms 459 4^3

3. ff. 83r-85v Descriptive index for drawings (beginning: 1. Canone alia Calabrese con la guardia dritta. Questa e la prima Briglia che si mette a' i Polledri. Briglia che non offende la bocca e le guardie ... ); incomplete, since index concludes with entry for no. 78. ff. 86r-97v blank

Paper (watermarks: similar in design to Briquet Armoiries-Pomme de pin 2118, but with a majuscule M sitting on the top of left and right upper cor- ners, and with four divisions for the tree base), ff. (paper) i + 97, 423 x 285 mm., ff. lr, 84r-87v: single vertical bounding lines in ink.

I4 (ff. i, 1-3), II8, III4, IV8, V4, VI8, VII4, VIII10, IX4, X8, XI4, XII8, XIII4, XIV8, XV6, XVI8 (-7, 8).

Written in small neat italic.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Vellum case; stubs of two green ties.

Compiled by and/or for Carlo Filippo di Vuelden whose name appears on f. lr. "180" in blue crayon on front cover, on front pastedown in lower left cor- ner, and on f. lr, lower right corner; "108. a. 36" in pencil on f. 2r, upper margin. Large oval white tag on spine with "F/97" in ink corresponds to "F 97" and inscription, "Riss [?] unterschiedliche fur Pferd-Geschirr" (s. xix) on small piece of paper tipped to front pastedown. Acquired from the Sporting Gallery in 1967 with the Beinecke Rare Book Endowment Fund.

MS 459 Italy, s. XV

Giordano Ruffo, Marescalcia equorum (It. tr.)

1. f. lr Questo libro composse cum grando studio uno caualero di caluaria lo qualo sapeua bene bene [sic] tute le medecine deli caualo . . . Questo ca- ualero aueua nomo giordano Rupho di calauria ... de lo cauallo le quale haueua diligentemente proua.

Preface of the unidentified translator providing background of the author.

2. ff. lv-5r Questa si e la taula da trouare prestamente ... [table:] 1. de la criatione del cauallo. 2. De luxo del cauallo ... 262. Remedio al malo de la febra oculta. finis.

Table for art. 3; the text appears to include 4 additional chapters, unnum- bered, not noted in table.

3. ff. 5v-76 Questo e lo libro de aristotelo facto a paritione de alexandro per ogni infirmita.... [Preface:] Concio sia cossa che intra tuti gli animali del somo creatoro a luxo de humana generatione.... [Ch. 1:] de la criatione del cauallo. Primamente de la criatione del cauallo quando . . . [concludes in fi- nal rubric: Recepta bona da nemo]: una peza e poy la cira noua nel uecta [?]. Rubric on final line of folio erased.

414 ms 460

Giordano Ruffo, Marescalcia equorum, translated into Italian. Text defective: missing leaves between ff. 8-9 (end of ch. 5 and beginning of ch. 6), ff. 50-51 (chs. 104-110), ff. 52-53 (chs. 132-40), ff. 74-75 (chs. 250-60); up- per portion off. 55 (chs. 146, 149) cut out; ff. 63v-64r (chs. 189-95) crossed out. Arabic numerals, in red, added in margin for each chapter, correspond to chapter numbers in art. 2.

Paper (thick; watermarks: unidentified basilisk in gutter), ff. i (paper) + i (contemporary paper) + 76 + i (paper), 200 x 150 (140 x 101) mm. 27 long lines, except for art. 2 (2 columns). Single vertical bounding lines ruled in hard point or ink; horizontal rulings in ink.

I8 ( + 1 leaf at beginning), II-III8, IV12, V8, VI8 (-7), VII7 [structure un- certain, ff. 52-58; text missing between 52-53, 54-55], VIII-IX8, X2. Catch- words below written space near gutter.

Written in gothic script, with some humanistic features.

Crudely executed border design, in red, on f. lr. Plain initials, 3- to 2 -line, in red; some embellished with simple foliate ornamentation or with human and animal grotesques (e.g., ff. 24v, 44v). Headings in red.

Some staining and wear affecting text.

Binding: s. xix-xx. Tan, "pasta espanola" paper case.

Written in Italy in the 15th century; early modern provenance unknown. In- scription, s. xvi, on original front flyleaf: "Matris amore tuae mihi sit tua gra- tia christe/ Vt meo scribendo dextero frasi fier./ Alphonso V [?]./ Alphonso ha [?] V. [?] mano propria." Beneath, s. xviii: "Giordano Rufo Calabrese Dell'Arte di curare le malattie de' Cavalli." Given to Yale in 1948 by Mary W. (Mrs. Samuel) Milbank.

secundo folio: de lo dolore

MS 460 (olim Z109.225) Netherlands, 1601 or 1610


1 . ff. lr-146r Hymns for the temporale from Advent through Corpus Christi and a feast of the Virgin.

2. ff. 146r-224v Hymns for the sanctorale including Antony of Padua, Clara, the Stigmata of Francis, Francis, Didacus (O. F. M., can. 1600).

3. ff. 225r-229v Leaves from a printed breviary with the office for Lauds.

4. ff. 230r-240v Leaves from a manuscript with Psalms, the Athanasian Creed, versicles and responses.

5. ff. 241r-253v Leaves from a printed breviary (different from that of art. 3) with offices of Sext and None, Vespers throughout the week, and the beginning of Compline.

MS 460 415

6. pp. 254r-313r Hymns for the common of saints, the dedication of a church, the Festum Niuis (dedication of St. Mary Major) and the Assumption, f. 313v blank

Paper, ff. vi + 313, ca. 155 x 100 mm. (size of leaves and written space varies widely). Most folios have 6 lines of text plus 6 staves. No rulings.

Composition of volume is irregular; accurate collation impossible.

Written by several scribes in liturgical gothic bookhand or square and dis- jointed humanistic script, both of which have been influenced by printing.

Decorated with initials and partial borders cut from earlier manuscripts, none of high quality; penwork decoration added to portions pasted in. Twenty en- gravings, woodcuts and drawings, colored by hand, also pasted in and sur- rounded by simple borders in red ink: f. vi verso Annunciation (engraving); f. 27v Mary sewing, Christ and Joseph engaged in carpentry (engraving); f. 40r Sacred heart, with monogram IHS, surrounded by border of flowers, in- sects, birds and snail (engraving); f. 109r Last Supper (engraving); f. 134r Mary and Child, with three angels (engraving with inscription, "Tu iubilus angelo- rura"); f. 155v St. Peter displaying cloth with head of Christ (engraving); f. 163v St. Clara (engraving with inscription, "S. Clara Ora pro nobis"); f. 175v St. Francis of Assisi receiving stigmata (engraving with inscription, "Deus meus et omnia"); f. 179v St. Michael (engraving with inscription, "S. Michael"); f. 210v drawing of sacred heart in center of rectangle, with inscription: "Hec est forma vulneris lateris Domini nostri ihesu christi quam deuote intuentes et salutantes gracie augumentum et a multis periculi [?] preseruacionem conse- quents." Surrounding the heart: "Domini nostri Ihesu christi Salue sanctum vulnus lateris;" f. 286r 9 small woodcuts of 12 Saints; f. 313r Flight into Egypt (engraving with inscription "Fuga Christi in Aegyptum," signed by Cornelius de Boudt). Crude 1-line initials in red and faded purple. Square notes on 4-line red staves. Rubrics throughout.

Many leaves repaired or trimmed. Some leaves or portions of leaves used to complete sections were inserted sideways or pasted over another part of the manuscript.

Binding: s. xviii. Brown calf with a gold-tooled spine and parts of two fastenings.

Written and assembled in the Netherlands, 1601 or 1610, according to inscrip- tion, in red, on f. v verso: "Desen boeck is Ter Eeren Godts gheschrenen Int Jaer 16010 [sic] Wilt om Goets wil voor ons bidden, a. w." Given to Yale in memory of Nathaniel Terry Bacon by his children Leonard Bacon and Susan Bacon Keith, in 1926.

4*6 ms 461

MS 461 Paris, 1649

Devotions for a Priest

1. pp. 1-19 Praeparatio ad missam pro opportunitate sacerdotis facienda. Antiphona. Ne reminiscaris Domine delicta nostra . . . paratam sibi in nobis inueniat mansionem. Qui tecum viuit et regnat in vnitate Spiritus sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Psalms 83-85, 125, 129, Kyrie eleison and prayers.

2. pp. 20-23 Orationes dicendae cum Sacerdos induitur Sacerdotalibus paramentis. Cum lauat manus, dicat. Da, domine, virtutem manibus meis ... vt istud portare sic valeam, quod consequar tuam gratiam. Amen.

Prayers for the priest to say as he washes his hands, puts on the amice, alb, girdle, maniple, stole and chasuble.

3. pp. 23-30 Orationes dicendae ab Episcopo quando in Pontificalibus celebrat. Ad Caligas. Calcea, Domine, pedes meos in praeparationem Euangelij pacis ... vt cum exultatione portionem accipiam cum justis.

Prayers for a bishop to say as he puts on the pontifical sandals and cope, washes his hands, puts on the amice, alb, and girdle, as he picks up the pectoral cross, puts on the stole, tunicle, dalmatic, pontifical gloves, plane- ta, miter, ring and maniple.

4. pp. 31-39 Gratiarum actio post missam. Antiphona. Trium puerorum cante- mus hymnum . . . qui beato Laurentio tribuisti tormentorum suorum incen- dia superare. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Daniel 3.57-89, Psalm 150, Kyrie eleison and prayers.

5. pp. 40-59 Orationes pro opportunitate Sacerdotis ante celebrationem et Communio- nem dicendae. Oratio Sancti Ambrosij Episcopi. Die Dominica. Summe Sacerdos, et vere Pontifex Iesu Christe, qui te obtulisti ... vt nee esuriam, nee sitiam in aeternum. Qui cum eodem Deo Patre, et Spiritu sancto, viuis et regnas, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Prayers for a priest to say each day before mass.

6. pp. 59-71 Alia Oratio ante Missam. Ad mensam dulcissimi conuiuij tui, pie Domine Iesu Christe ... ; p. 63 Oratio Sancti Thomae Aquinatis . Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, ecce accedo ad sacramentum vnigeniti Filij tui ... ; p. 65 Orationes post celebrationem et Communionem dicendae. Oratio Sancti Thomae de Aquino. Gratias tibi ago Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus, qui me peccatorem ... ; p. 68 Alia Oratio Sancti Bonauenturae . Transfige, dul- cissime Domine Iesu, medullas et viscera animae meae ... in quo fixa et firma et immobiliter semper sit radicata mens mea, et cor meum. Amen, [below, in smaller script:] N. Jarry Paris, scribebat 1649. p. 72 blank; p. 73 monogram within a wreath; p. 74 blank

MS 462 417

Parchment, ff. ii (contemporary parchment) + 36 (original pagination 1-71, 72 added later) + iv (contemporary parchment, i = pp. 73-74, iv = back pastedown), 121 x 83 (87 x 56) mm. 16 long lines, including running titles. No rulings visible; written space framed by narrow gold and red line.

I2 (pp. i-iv), II-X4, XI4 (4 = back pastedown).

Written in imitation of Roman font, upper and lower case, with cursive for headings and rubrics, by N. Jarry.

Title page (p. 1), p. 31 (Gratiarum actio) and p. 40 (orationes) with finely executed headpieces and 3- or 2-line initials, gold edged in red, with flowers. 2-line initials gold edged in red or blue; 1-line initials in red. Running titles and headings in red. On p. 73 a monogram that incorporates the alphabet in- side a wreath tied with a pink ribbon.

Binding: s. xvii-xviii. Red goatskin, gold-tooled, with two gold-plated clasps which may be later additions. Gilt edges.

Written by N. Jarry in Paris, 1649 (see art. 6); not listed in R. Portalis, Nico- las Jarry et la calligraphie au XVIIe Steele (Paris, 1896), although he lists three other copies of the same text (pp. 60-61, nos. 67-69). Bookplate of Catherine Anita Bliss. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Fisher in 1936.

MS 462 Austria, s. XV2

Adolphus of Vienna, Doligamus, etc.

1 . f. lr-v Gregorius dicit melius est et sanius est iuueni serpontem [sic] fenefi- cum [ sic] amplexari quam meritricare . . . liber iste de fraudibus mulieris ex- istit etc.

Unidentified prose preface to art. 2, including an explanation of the name of the work.

2. ff. 2r-31r Augurio docti fraudes didici mulieres/ De quarum fraude nemo cavere potest/ . . . Nee non quindenis, adolfus fecit egenis/ Me merces domini detur huic ego bona fini.

E. Habel, ed., "Der Doligamus des Adolfus von Wien," Studi medievali, Nuo- va serie, 11 (1938) pp. 103-47; MS 462 not listed. The text, a series of fa- bles concerning the deceitful conduct of women, is heavily annotated with interlinear glosses and lengthy explanatory prose passages inserted both be- tween segments of the text and in the outer margins.

3. ff. 31v-80r Circa secreta mulierum initium. Notandum. homo generat hominem et sol. Ista propositio scribitur a philosopho secundo phisicorum ... corrupte spiritaliter in memoriam delectacionis. etc. [colophon, enclosed in red rectangle:] ante festum nicolaij vnum diem primo. etc.

Unidentified commentary on art. 4, with prefatory material on ff. 31v-33v, and large segments of commentary after each portion of text. Thorndike

4J8 ms 462

and Kibre 636, citing only Vienna, Nationalbibliothek MS 5371*, ff. 19r-32v.

4. ff. 34r-79v [Prologue:] Dilectissimo sibi in christo socio suo et amico caris- simo ... [text, f. 35r:] Sicut sicut [sic] scribit Aristoteles secundo de genera- cione et corruptione ... ut presens doctrina clare habeatur in glosa etc.

Albertus Magnus, attributed author, De secretis mulierum; GKW v. 1, 719-66. For the manuscripts, editions, and attribution of the work to Albertus Mag- nus see L. Thorndike, "Further Consideration of the Experimenta, Speculum astronomiae and De secretis mulierum ascribed to Albertus Magnus," Speculum 30 (1955) pp. 427-43; C. Ferckel, "Die Secrete mulierum und ihr Verfasser," Sudhqffs Archivfur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften 38 (1954) pp. 267-74; B. Kusche, "Zur 'Secreta Mulierum'- Forschung," Janus 62 (1975) pp. 103-23.

5. ff. 80v-83r [Heading:] Carmina enee postea pij pape de fridrico impera- tore. [text:] Incipe calliope cur nunc me deseris an non/ Materias uersu dig- nas et appollinis arte/ . . . Est populi [one word illegible] et sis pius occuparuit.

Pope Pius II (Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini), Carmen in laudem Friderici Caesaris; poem written in praise of Friedrich III (1415-93), King of the Germans and later crowned Holy Roman Emperor. G. Voigt, Enea Silvio de} Piccolomini (Berlin, 1862; reprinted 1967) v. 2, p. 267.

6. ff. 83r-84v Incipe caliope. In hoc poemate eneas siluius alloqukur calio- pem que fuit mater orphei . . . notat appollo quod fridricus non peccat . . . //

Unidentified prose commentary on art. 5; ends imperfectly [?].

Paper (watermarks: similar to Piccard, Ochsenkopf XIII. 173 and XI. 201, and similar in design to Briquet Main 11090, 11092-93), ff. i (paper) + 84 + i (paper), 204 x 149 (155 x 92) mm. 13-49 long lines or lines of verse, de- pending upon the proportion of text to commentary and interlinear glosses. Frame-ruled in ink with prickings at corners of written space.


Written by a single scribe in inelegant gothic cursive, with a smaller script for commentary and interlinear notations.

Crude decorative initials, 2-line, in red, some with foliage designs in body of letter; first letter of each verse or sentence stroked with red.

Some loss of marginalia due to trimming on ff. 8v, 9r.

Binding: s. xx. Red paste-paper case with a black, gold-tooled label.

Written in Austria in the second half of the 15th century. According to H. P. Kraus (Cat. 125, Text Manuscript 1) "the handwriting of this codex has been compared with a signed example of the writing of Nicolaus Mair, a school-

MS 464 419

master of Ulm, and found to be the same"; this has not been verified. Acquired by H. P. Kraus from a German private collector in 1966. Purchased from Kraus, 27 April 1970, as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: Augurio

MS 463 Perugia, 1477

Diploma (in Lat.)

Diploma for a doctoral degree in arts and medicine from the University of Peru- gia, dated 5 December 1477; awarded to "Magister Firmanus lodouici de Baronibus de monte lupono prouincie marchie anchonitane diocesis firmane."

Parchment (thick), f. 1, 255 x 576 (152 x 478) mm. Single vertical (lead) and horizontal (pen) bounding lines. Neat round gothic script, with ascenders extending far into the upper margin. Remains of guide-notes along lower edge. Illuminated initial, 12-line, on rectangular gold ground; initial infilled with pink flowers on blue ground, and surrounded by modest red, green, blue and orange acanthus; ground surrounded by thick black penwork decoration and three groups of three gold discs. Staining and wear along creases where diplo- ma was folded into eighths.

Written presumably in Perugia in 1477 or shortly thereafter; filing notes, s. xviii, on dorse. Above, in a later hand "34"; in pencil: "1059". Paper wrapper in which document was formerly preserved contains notes "F. U. 203" on white and blue rectangular label; "FU 711" in pencil. Clipping, in German, from unidentified sale catalogue, item 1081 . Acquired from Goldschmidt's (uniden- tified catalogue, item 101) in 1933 by the Rev. Anson Phelps Stokes, from whom it was purchased by Yale in 1956 with the Penniman Fund.

MS 464 France, s. XVIII1

Prieres de la Messe PI. 23

ff. lr-48v Prayers in French to be said at various times during the Mass, divided into groups: f. lr Prieres de la Messe; f. lOv A L'evangile; f. 14r A L'offertoire; f. 19v A la Preface; f. 23r Au canon; f. 35r Au Pater; f. 38r A L'agnus; f. 43r A la Communion; f. 46r Au dernier Evangile. Each group is subdivided by rubrics; the section on the Communion, for example, contains the headings apres la communion and a la Benediction. Composed by Paul Pellisson- Fontanier (1624-93), according to the Firmin-Didot catalogue (see Provenance); we were unable to find a printed text, although one is recorded by J. B. Souchay, ed., Oeuvres diver ses de M. Pellisson (1735; repr. Geneva, 1971) p. 23. ff. lv-2r and 22r blank

420 MS 464

Paper, ff. iv (contemporary paper) + 48 + iv (contemporary paper), 173 x 109 (108 x 61) mm. Written in 13 long lines, including running headings. Single vertical bounding lines, ruled in lead; written space framed by narrow black and gold line.

Bound too tightly for accurate collation.

A characteristic work of the master calligrapher Jean Pierre Rousselet, a fol- lower of Nicholas Jarry, active in Paris between 1677 and 1736; very similar in style and format to a Recueil ... des Opera de M. de Lully, H. P. Kraus, Cat. 159 (1981), no. 21, and a Preces Missae, Brussels, Bibl. Roy., cited by Kraus without number. R. Portalis (Nicolas Jarry et la calligraphie au XVIF siecle [Paris, 1896] p. 130) lists a Prieres de laMesse which appears to be the Yale manuscript, and attributes the miniatures to J. Restout. Portalis also lists 23 other manuscripts written by Rousselet (pp. 126-33), one of which, a Liber Evan- geliorum, is owned by H. P. Kraus, Cat. 159, no. 23. To Portalis' list can be added: Kraus, Cat. 159, no. 22, a Liber Epistolarum (recently sold), L. Witten, Cat. no. 18, no. 51, a Pontificale, and a Prieres de la Messe in Malibu, J. Paul Getty Museum, Ludwig MS V.8 (formerly Kraus, Cat. 85 [1957], no. 102); for bibliography concerning and other manuscripts by Rousselet, see A. von EuwandJ. M. Plotzek, Die Handschrifien der Sammlung Ludwig [Cologne, 1979] v. 1, pp. 253-56 with pis. 166-69 of the Getty manuscript). Two full-page miniatures and nine historiated headpieces in gouache, all in frames best described as resembling the frames of 18th-century mirrors; the frames blue and purple with white highlights and gold side-pieces decorated with red flow- ers in diamonds; floral swags at bottom. Full-page miniatures on f. 2v Adora- tion (Prayers) and f. 22v Crucifixion (Canon). Smaller miniatures: f. 3r Seven cherubs adoring apocalyptic lamb on book with seven seals (Prayers), f. lOv Christ before Pilate (Gospel), f. 14r Flagellation (Offertory), f. 19v Veronica on the road to Calvary (Preface), f. 23r Nailing to cross (Canon), f. 35r Agony in the garden (Pater Noster), f. 38r Carrying of the cross (Agnus Dei), f. 43r Disciples laying flowers on Christ's shroud (Communion), f. 46r Ascension (Gospel). Tail-pieces with swags, as above and filled with gold, on f. 48v with the Holy Spirit as a dove. 3- and 2-line initials, blue with white highlights on gold; 1-line initials in red. Titles in gold, red and blue capitals; running headings and rubrics in red.

Binding: s. xviii-xix. Black goatskin, gold-tooled. A red label and salmon- pink doublures and flyleaves. Gilt edges.

Written in France during the first half of the 18th century by J. P. Rousselet (note in pencil on f. ii recto: "Execute par J. P. Rousselet"; cf. U. Thieme and F. Becker, Allegemeines Lexikon der bildenden Kunstler [Leipzig, 1935] v. 29, p. 119); apparently decorated by J. Restout (see above). Acquired from Armand Bertin by Ambroise Firmin-Didot (Catalogue illustre des livres manuscrits et imprime ... bibliotheque de M. Ambroise Firmin-Didot [Paris, 1882] pp. 45-46, no. 25).

MS 465 421

Autograph of William Augustus White (1843-1927), with date 15 April 1903, on f. i verso; listed in the card index of his manuscripts at the Grolier Club, New York (H. C. Bartlett, comp.) as a Marie copy. Bookplate of Ray Living- ston Murphy, by whom it was bequeathed to Yale in 1954.

MS 465 France, s. XV4/4

Concertacio leporarii et falconis, etc.

1. ff. lr-6r [Heading:] Concertacio Leporarij et falconis. [text:] [M]ane sur- gens nobilis an volatum In flumen vel venatum In siluam Iuueniliter Ire pararet cepit dubius fluctuare ... habitabunt in domo seruientque ad nu- tum domini ferri sentenciam Implorantes. Explicit.

G. Holmer, ed., Le Debat du Faucon et du Levrier, Acta Universitatis Stock- holmiensis, Romanica Stockholmiensia 8 (Stockholm, 1978), text: pp. 29-42. Holmer believes that Beinecke MS 465 is the only manuscript to preserve the complete Latin text which was later translated into French by Robert du Herlin, Secretary of King Louis XI.

2. ff. 6v-8r [Heading:] [B]ernardus de cura et modo rei familiaris vtilius gubernande. [text:] Licet omnium rerum mundanarum status et exitus negociorum sub fortuna laborent . . . quern optauit ad que earn perducant merita sua dampnabilis senectutis. f. 8v ruled, but blank

Pseudo-Bernard of Clairvaux, Epistola de gubernatione rei familiaris; PL 182.647-51 (Epistola 456).

Parchment, ff. iv (paper) + 8 (foliated 25-32) + iv (paper), 240 x 185 (201 x 88) mm. 35 long lines. Double or single upper horizontal bounding lines and single lower and vertical lines, full across and full length. Lightly ruled in dark red ink.

Eight leaves from two gatherings; leaves 5, 6 conjugate.

Written in fine upright batarde script.

3- to 2 -line spaces for decorative initials unfilled.

Lower margin chewed by rodent; parchment stained throughout; no loss of text.

Binding: s. xix after 1881. Dark brown goatskin, gold-tooled with medal- lion of falcon on upper cover. Bound by Riviere and Son (London, 1881-1939).

Written in France in the last quarter of the 15th century; formerly ff. 25-32 of a larger volume; early modern provenance unknown. "lOlv" in lower mar- gin, in pencil, f. lr. Belonged to C. F. G. R. Schwerdt (bookplate; see cata- logue of his library, Hunting Hawking Shooting [London, 1928] v. 2, p. 320); his sale (Sotheby's, 12 March 1946, no. 2195). Purchased from E. P. Goldschmidt and Co. by David Wagstaff (bookplate); gift of Mrs. David Wagstaffin 1946.

422 MS 466

MS 466 Spain, s. XVI2, XVII

Cordoba, Cathedral: Estaciones del mes de noviembre (in Sp. and Lat.)

1. ff. lr-18r Record of those for whom memorial prayers were to be said during November, divided into 6 estaciones, with a total of 501 memoriae. The place where the prayer is to be said is often given; from those mentioned, the church in question can be identified as the Cathedral of Cordoba (e.g. Arco del corral de los naranjos, f. 2v; Capilla de Sancta Ynes, f. 7r). In- cluded by the original hand on f. 17v, in red, is a Memoria De don leo poldo [sic] de austria obispo de Cordoua htjo del emperador maximiliano en su sepultura e[n erased] medio del cruzero nueuo, murio anno domini 1557. [Bp. Leopold of Cor- doba, d. 1557, buried in the transept of the 16th-century part of the Cathedral]. Memoriae added in nearly contemporary hand, f. 18r, for Fran- cisco de Reynoso, Bp. of Cordoba (d. 1601) and Juan de San Clemente, Abp. of Santiago de Compostela (d. 1603). Memoriae added for Don Diego de Mardones, Bp. of Cordoba (d. 1625) in humanistic script, on ff. 3r, 6v, 9r, 12r, 15r and 18v-19r. ff. 3v-4r, 9v, 12v-13r, 15v-16r and 19v have ink frames, but are blank

2. ff. 20r-21v [Prayers for the Dead:] Pro episcopo defuncto. Oratio. Deus qui inter apostolicos sacerdotes famulum tuum ... ; f . 20r Pro sacerdote defuncto. Oratio. Beati petri apostoli tui, quesumus domine, intercessione nos protege ... ; f. 20r Pro uno quocumque defuncto. Oratio. Inclina domine aurem tuam ad preces nostras ... [HE 101]; f. 20r Alia. Oratio. Absolue, quesumus do- mine, animam famuli tui ... [HE 113]; f. 20v Alia. Oratio. Annue nobis, domine, ut anima famuli tui ... ; f . 20v Pro una defuncta. Oratio. Quesumus domine pro tua pietate miserere anime famule tue ... [HE 113]; f. 20v Alia. Oratio. Inueniat quesumus domine anima famule tue lucis ... ; f. 20v Pro parentibus. Oratio. Deus, qui nos patrem, et matrem honorare precepisti ... [HE 111]; f. 20v Pro benefactoribus. Oratio. Deus venie largitor, et humane salutis amator ... [HE 111]; f. 21r Oratio. Deus cuius miseratione anime fidelium requiescunt ... [Sinclair p. 83]; f. 21r Pro quibus sit anniuersarium. Oratio. Deus indulgentiarum domine, da animabus ... ; f. 21 v Pro omnibus defunctis. Oratio. Fidelium deus omnium conditor et redemptor animabus . . . [HE 101]; f. 2^,4/^. Oratio. Animabus, quesumus domine, famulorum famularumque tuarum oratio proficiat ... [HE 111]; f. 21 v Pro pluribus mulieri- bus. Oratio. Quesumus domine pro tua pietate miserere animabus famula- rum tuarum ... restitue [cf. HE 113]. Per christum dominum nostrum.

Parchment (thick, stiff), ff. 21, 252 x 196 (228 x 150) mm. Written in 34 long lines in art. 1, 21 long lines in art. 2. In art. 1, ruling in hard point sets columns for paragraph marks and the rubric Mem[oriae] before each name; ruling also in hard point for text; frames in pale violet ink for written space. In art. 2, ruling in hard point for text, with lines drawn in ink halfway between lines of text.

I8 ( + 2 leaves, ff. 3, 9, later additions), II8 ( + 3 leaves, 2, 5, and 8, later additions).

Written by a single scribe in rotunda, very well executed, with additions at end of estaciones in rotunda and humanistic script, by later hands.

Initials, ff. 20r-21v (2-line), in alternating red with purple penwork and blue with red penwork. 1-line capitals sometimes have yellow wash. Rubrics in orange-tinted red, paragraph marks in blue. Added memoriae for Don Diego de Mardones have elaborate penwork cadeaux at the beginning.

Offset impression of red lines (from pastedowns or flyleaves now lost?) ap- pear on ff. lr (running vertically) and 21v (horizontally); no loss of text.

Binding: s. xvi. Resewn on three small, vegetable fiber supports laced into wooden boards. The spine is square and lined with vellum between the sup- ports. Covered in tan sheepskin blind-tooled with a floral roll border and ara- besques in the center. A paper label on the upper cover: "Noviembre." Rebacked.

Written at or for the Cathedral of Cordoba in the second half of the 16th cen- tury (after 1557; see art. 1). Still at the Cathedral in 1625, when memoriae for Don Diego de Mardones were added. Collection of Charles Dudley Armstrong (bookplate); his gift to Yale in 1951.

MS 467 Italy, 1579-85

Hunting Diary (in It.)

1. ff. 2r-114v 1579 A di 15 di Ottobre. Volendo rillustrissimo signor Cardinale cominciare la caccia mando i bracchi ad esercitarsi ... [21 March 1585] et doppo si andd A alloggiare alia Villa di Paolo Matthei. Porci no. 5.

Hunting diary of Ferdinando de' Medici, Cardinal, and Grand Duke of Tus- cany; this portion of the manuscript covers the period 15 October 1579 to 21 March 1585.

2. f. 115r Affixed to the leaf is a narrow strip of paper with rough notes for the hunts of 19, 21 March (these two crossed out, as they have been entered in full in the main text) and 22, 26, 29 March, 4 April; on the 5th of April "si torno a Roma." ff. 115v-141v blank

Paper (unidentified watermarks in gutter), ff. iii (paper) + i (contemporary paper) + i (contemporary parchment) + 141 (contemporary foliation, Arabic numerals, 2-141, unnumbered leaf between 116-117) + iii (paper), 225 x 159 (ca. 180 x 120) mm. Pages folded vertically to delineate written space.

Binding too tight to permit accurate collation.

Written in a sprawling cursive script.

Binding: s. xix. Dark green, hard-grained goatskin, gold-tooled, by the same binder as MS 90.

424 MS 468

Written in Italy, probably in Tuscany, between 1579-85, for Ferdinando de' Medici (1549-1609); front cover of original limp vellum binding bound in at front of manuscript, with contemporary inscription: "Libro della Gaccia che si fe [?]/ Illustrissimo et Reverendissimo Signor Cardinale d'/ Medici mio Si- gnore e padrone." Added below, in later hand: "XIX." Perhaps belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827), and to be identified with "Libro della Caccia che fu per Cardinale de Medici, 1584 ..." which appears in his sale catalogue (Evans, 8 Dec. 1830, no. 41). Belonged to Sir John Saun- ders Sebright (1767-1846) for whom it was bound (cf. MS 90). Acquired by H. P. Kraus, from whom it was purchased by David Wagstaff. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. David Wagstaff in 1951.

MS 468 England, s. XV3/4

Conrad of Saxony, Sermons, etc.

1. pp. 1-145 //ve talibus. Item per auariciam proximum ledendo in rebus vnde ... in eisdem vicijs alios scandalizantibus .M*. 18. ve homini illi per quern scandalum venit.

Sixty-seven (originally seventy-three) Sermones de tempore. The first six ser- mons are missing and nearly all of the seventh (Schneyer, v. 1, p. 750, no. 30); the rest are numbered consecutively in the margins in contemporary Arabic numerals from 8-73 (Schneyer numbers: 33, 35, 38, 41, 44, 46, 52, 54, 59-60, 65, 67, 71, 73, 75, 81, 85, 91, 93, 95, 98, 103, 107, 115, 121, 124, 126, 129, 132, 138, 137, 143, 146, 152, 154, 156-57, 170, 174, 178-79, 181, 184, 189, 191, 194, 198, 200, 203, 205, 209, 211, 214, 217, 221, 224, 227, 231, 234, 236, 238, 241, 244, 251, 250, 255).

2. pp. 145-416 Extendam palmam meam ad ... [Ex. 9.29]. Hoc verbum moysi potuit beatus Andreas dicere . . . Omnia ergo honeste et secundum ordinem etc.

Sermones de Sanctis et de communi sanctorum. The sermons are numbered con- secutively in the margins in contemporary Arabic numerals from 74 to 208. This numbering includes all but three of the sermons of which there are only cues with a reference to their occurrence elsewhere; unnumbered ones are between 79 and 80, 85 and 86, 142 and 143.

The following sequence gives the number of the sermon in the manuscript with the Schneyer number in parentheses: 74 (257); 75 (258); 76 (261); 77 (260); 78 (263); 79 (264); [79a] cross reference only to first Sunday after Easter (265); 80 (267); 81 (266; but concludes as 269); 82-85 (270-73); [85a] cross reference only to feast of St. Peter in Chains (310); 86-87 (274-75); 88 (278); 89 (277); 90-91 (279-80); 92 (282); 93 (281); 94 (not in Schneyer; pp. 202-204: Philippe qui videt et me videt et patrem meum [John 14.9].

MS 468 425

Videtur deus per fidem in mundo. Videbitur per speciem in celo ... ipsi in contemplando lucidissimi fuerunt. Sermon also found in Herzogenberg 42, ff. 73v-74r; see H. Mayo, Descriptive Inventories of Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Austrian Libraries [Collegeville, Minn., 1985] v. Ill, p. 139.); 95-96 (283-84), 97-98 (286-87); 99: 8 lines followed by cross reference to Third Sunday in Lent (288); 100-02 (290-92); 103-05 (295-97); 106-09 (299-302); 110-11 (304-05); 112 (303); 113 (306); 114: 3 lines followed by cross reference to Common of Martyrs (308); 115 (307, ends imperfectly, folio cut out between pp. 254-255); 116 (310, begins im- perfectly); 117(309); 118-19(312-13); 120(317); 121 (316); 122(320); 123 (319); 124-25 (324-25); 126-27 (327-28); 128-29 (330-31); 130 (334); 131-32 (336-37); 133: 6 lines followed by cross reference to Tuesday after Pentecost (338); 134 (not in Schneyer; p. 302: Surgens secutus est ... [Mat- thew 9.9]. Hie arguit porphirius et Iulianus vt ... inspiracione interius vt sequerentur accendit. hec Ieronimus. [12 lines only]); 135 (339); 136(341); 137 (340); 138 (344); 139-40 (342-43); 141-42 (345-46); [142a] cross refer- ence only to the feast of St. Mark (cue after 346); 143-46 (347-50); 147 (356); 148 (289); 149 (294); 150-51 (358-59); 152 (357); 153: cross refer- ence only to feast of St. Catharine (cue no. 4 after 359); 154: cross refer- ence only to feast of St. Matthias; 155: cross reference only to feast of Sts. Philip and James (cue no. 10 after 359); 156: cross reference only to third Sunday after Easter (cue no. 11 after 359); 157: cross reference only to feast of St. Matthew (cue no. 13 after 359); 158-60 (360-62); 161: cross refer- ence only to feast of St. Bartholomew (cue no. 1 after 362); 162: cross refer- ence only to feast of St. Paul (cue no. 3 after 362); 163: cross reference only to feast of Sts. Simon and Jude (cue no. 5 after 362); 164: cross reference only to ninth Sunday after Pentecost (cue no. 2 after 362); 165: cross refer- ence only to seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (cue no. 7 after 362); 166: cross reference only to fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost (cue no. 8 after 362); 167: cross reference only to the Common of the Apostles (cue no. 9 after 362); 168: cross reference only to the Sunday in "Albis" (cue no. 10 after 362); 169; cross reference only to the third Sunday after Pentecost (cue no. 11 after 362); 170: cross reference only to the feast of St. Lawrence (cue no. 12 after 362); 171 (366); 172-73 (364-65); 174: cross reference only to the second Sunday in Lent (cue no. 1 after 366); 175: cross reference only to eleventh Sunday after Pentecost (cue no. 3 after 366); 176: cross refer- ence only to Wednesday after Pentecost (cue no. 12 after 366); 177: cross reference only to third Sunday after Easter (cue no. 14 after 366); 178: cross reference only to the feast of the decollation of St. John the Baptist (cue no. 16 after 366); 179-80(368); 181-82(369-70); 183: cross reference only to eleventh Sunday after Pentecost (cue no. 6 after 370); 184-86 (371-73) 187: cross reference only to thirteenth Sunday [?] (cue no. 2 after 373); 188 cross reference only to Common of One Doctor (cue no. 3 after 373); 189

426 ms 468

cross reference only to sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost (cue no. 5 after 373); 190: 13 lines (cf. cue no. 6 after 373); 191: cross reference only to feast of St. Nicolas (cf. cue no. 9 after 373); 192: cross reference only to translation of St. Francis (cf. cue no. 10 after 373); 193: cross reference only to Mon- day after Easter (cf. cue no. 16 after 373); 194: cross reference only to trans- lation of St. Francis (cf. cue no. 20 after 373); 195-97 (374-76); 198: cross reference only to feast of St. Innocent (cf. cue no. 8 after 376); 199: cross reference only to conversion of St. Paul (cf. cue no. 9 after 376); 200 (377); 201 (379); 202 (378); 203: cross reference only to fourth Sunday in Lent (cf. cue no. 1 after 379); 204: cross reference only to the Circumcision (cf. cue no. 2 after 379); 205: cross reference only to thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost (cf. cue no. 4 after 379); 206: cross reference only to third Sun- day after Easter (cf. cue no. 6 after 379); 207: cross reference only to "Mane nobiscum" (cf. cue no. 10 after 379); 208 (383).

The following short texts (arts. 3-11), mostly unidentified, are apparently not the work of Conrad of Saxony. The numbers in parentheses after the page references are those assigned in the manuscript.

3. pp. 416-422 (209) Credo in deum. Nota quod 10a die post ascencionem domini discipulis pre timore Iudeorum ... vere fideliter fiat.

An abbreviated version of Richard Rolle, Super symbolum apostoli; Stegmiiller, v. 5, no. 7313. Running title in manuscript: De articulis fidei.

4. p. 422 (unnumbered) Duodecim articuli fidei catholice. Primus quod deus sit trinus et vnus. id est tres persone et nulla illarum sit alia . . . premia det sur- gent omnes quod sacra sacramenta dent.

5. pp. 422-25 (210) Decern precepta decalogiet duo ewangelij, Primum preceptum est scilicet vt credatur quod credendum est et nihil credatur quod non sit credendum ... bona et fide non ficta.

Running title: De X preceptis.

6. pp. 425-426 (211) Leua eius sub capite meo [Song of Songs 2.6]. Meditacio nocturna. p. Si memor fui. tunc super ... aue maria. oracio. Sancti nomi- nis tui domine timorem per iter etc.

Running title: De meditacione nocturna.

7. pp. 426-27 (212) Et dextera illius amplexetur me [Song of Songs 2.6]. Similiter intellige manum dexteram hie per cuius palmam intelligatur amor dei ... aue maria oracio. Sancti nominis tui domine timorem etc.

Running title: De meditacione diurna.

8. pp. 427-429 (213) Misericordia dei quam magna sit peccatoribus . Primo quia graciam conuertendi peccatoribus tribuit alioquin conuerti non possent . . . et propter hec bene dicitur misericordia domini super omnia opera eius.

ms 468 427

Running title: De dei misericordia.

9. pp. 429-430 (214) Nota quod mulier diligere ... Primo quia non de terra fie- bat sicut et homo sed de re speciosissima scilicet de costa hominis . . . Item a muliere voluit christus suam preciosam crucem [?]iri.

10. pp. 429-430 (unnumbered) Quare non nominauit angelus in salutacione virgi- nis . . . Primo nota quod tria sunt genera hominum quidam sunt in peccatoris existentes ... et duo Ml passim.

11. pp. 431-432 (215) Anthe0. [1] Orapro nobis ... Solent existentes in pericu- lo petere sanctorum suffragiam ... ; [2] Tria genera hominum non possunt esse diu absque sumpcione tibi sine magno grauamine paruuli infirmi qui ... ; [3] Dominus deus auxiliator meus . . . Auxiliator ad inchoandum ad proficiendum et ad conflrmandum. [4] Ieronimus ad paulinum. In principio cuiuslibet operis oracionem dominicam ... ; [5] Augustinus. Oracio est deo sacrificium. Oranti subsidium hostibus flagellum. [6; heading in margin:] Peccatum ad modum sompni aufert [short list of Biblical references to sleep and dreams].

12. pp. 433-462 (216) Diuisiones Thematum. A list of themes for sermons, many of which are not included in this manuscript.

13. pp. 462-69 Themata sermonum huius voluminis, listing sermons 1-208. This series of themes indicates that the first seven sermons, now missing, were based on Hora est (Rom. 13.11); Quecumque scripta sunt (Rom. 15.4); Tu est qui (Mat. 1 1.3); Dirigite viam (John 1.23); Euangeliso vobis (2 ser- mons: Luke 2.10); Lapidauerunt Stephanum (Acts 7.58).

14. pp. 469-498 Tabula huius libri. Alphabetical subject index; references are by sermon number and a subdividing number found in the margins of the text; leaf (or leaves?) missing between pp. 494-95, with some entries S- T lost.

15. pp. 498-502 Historie notabiles contente in hoc volumine. List of pas- sages quoted from the Old Testament (Genesis- Maccabees) and New Testa- ment (Matthew- Apocalypse), with references to works numbered 1-214 in manuscript, pp. 503-504 blank

Paper (with parchment of poor quality for inner and outer bifolios of each gathering; watermarks: unidentified crown in gutter), ff. i (paper) + 251 (modern pagination 1-503, missing pp. 253-254) + i (paper), 219 x 146 (149 x 93) mm. Frame-ruled in hard point; prickings in all margins for bounding lines.

I5 (beginning of quire lost), II-IX12, X14, XI12 (-12 after p. 252, with loss of text), XII-XIV16, XV12, XVI-XVIII16, XIX12, XX5 (structure uncertain, pp. 495-504, leaf missing before p. 495). Quire and leaf signatures in lower right corner, recto (e.g., h.l., h.2., etc.).

428 MS 469

Written by two scribes in Secretary script: Scribe 1 (pp. 1-141) uses a looped d and catchwords enclosed by simple brown and red scrolls; Scribe 2 (pp. 142-502) uses an unlooped d and catchwords enclosed by decorated and/or shaded scrolls, in brown and red.

Flourished initials, 3- to 2-line, red with blue designs and vice versa through- out manuscript. Brackets, initial strokes and underlining, in red, throughout. Opening words or line of each sermon in a careful text hand.

Binding: s. xix. Half bound in brown calf, blind-tooled, with a gold-tooled title ("Sermones") on spine; dark blue cloth sides. Impression of oval label in upper register of spine.

Written in England in the third quarter of the 15th century. A collection of sermons and materials for the construction of sermons which has been careful- ly provided by its writer with an extensive apparatus to facilitate use: full run- ning titles; contemporary Arabic numeration in upper corner for each sermon; brackets within the text, distinguished by Arabic numerals and symbols in mar- gins to indicate text divisions, and multiple tables at end of volume. Inscrip- tion in lower margin, p. 502: "Hoc opus pertinet fratri thome ordinis minorum sacre pagine bachelario. 1512°." Early modern provenance unknown. Belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 2768; tag on spine, inscription on p. 1). Present- ed to Yale in 1933 by Henry Barrett Hinckley.

MS 469

Elizabethan Songbooks (not available for cataloguing)

MS 470 England, s. XIV2/4

Quodlibeta theologica

An anonymous, and apparently incomplete, collection of questions and responses on theological subjects; numbers in square brackets after each folio citation indicate Arabic numerals added, in lead, in the margins of the manuscript by an early owner (some omitted or skipped).

I. 1. f. lr-v [23] Alia erant duo quesita circa deum in quantum nature seu rei naturalis ... Respondeo vnum circa produccionem

2. ff. lv-2r [24] Aliud era[t] circa produccionem corporis celestis adeo et erat vtrum deus

3. f. 2r-v [25] Quarta questio circa naturam assumptam erat in com- paracione....

4. ff. 2v-3v [26] Post questiones de deo et de creatura assumpta se- quitur que erant animata que erant circa puras creaturas....

MS470 __ 4^9

5. ff. 3v-4v [27] Tercia questio circa intenciones communes erat

6. ff. 4v-5v [28] Alia circa creaturas in generali erant circa principium re- rum materiale....

7. ff. 5v-6v [29] Secundum quesitum circa angelos quod pertinet ad eorum modum cognoscendi....

8. ff. 6v-7v [30] Secunda questio circa corpora celestia erat utrum celum sit anima....

9. ff. 7v-8r [31] Tercia questio circa corpora celestia erat suppositio quod angelus moveat celum

10. ff. 8r-9r [32] Poste[a] secuntur quesita circa hominem et erant quedam. . . .

1 1 . f. 9r-v [33] Circa hominem secundum animam quesita fuerunt quedam circa naturalia quedam circa moralia. . . .

12. f. 9v [34] Secundum quesitum circa animam per comparacionem....

13. ff. 9v-10v [35] Aliut erat quesitum circa animatum per comparacionem ad actus....

14. f. llr-v [36] Aliud erat quesitum circa animam per comparacionem ad habitum

15. ff. llv-12v [37] Circa uirtutes et uicia erant quesita tria quorum vnum erat de uirtutibus

16. ff. 12v-13r [38] Quia medicina nostra quam traditam habemus ab ypocrate....

17. ff. 13r-14r [39] An possimus sufficienter attingere ad sinceram verita- tem in rebus materialibus in lumine naturali . . . ["thome" added in margin] .

18. ff. 14r-18r [40] An in lumine naturali ex rebus sensibilibus possumus scientifice alia inuestigare de deo quod non

19. ff. 18r-19v [41] Utrum in lumine proprii generis possimus attingere ad cognicionem

20. ff. 19v-21r [42] Utrum in lumine fidei vna cum lumine naturali possit homo attingere ad certitudinem sciencie uel sapiencie....

21. f. 21r [43] Utrum theologie doctores ultra noticiam quam habent de veritatibus theologicis per fidem

Articles 22-24 appear to be taken from Thomas Wylton, Quodl. 1 , quest. 8-10; see P. Glorieux, La litterature quodlibetique (Paris, 1935) v. 2, p. 279; Emden, BRUO, v. 3. pp. 2054-55.

22. f. 21r-v [44] An cum vnitate speca spei attome alicuius....

23. ff. 2 lv-23v [45] An quantitas eadem numero . . . ["Albertus super librum sex principiorum" cited in the text on f. 21v].

430 ms 470

24. ff. 23v-24r [46] Utrum minus calidum opponatur calido . . . ["frater t. dicit in 2a 2e" cited in a note in the margin of f. 23 v written by the main hand].

25. f. 24r [47] Utrum intensio fiat in huiusmodi fo^s per addicionem perfeccionis

26. f. 24r-v [48] Utrum isti gradus sint simpliciter diuisibiles uel in- diuisibiles quod indiuisibiles primo [?] quia si isti gradus essent di- uisibiles

27. ff. 24v-25v [49] Utrum theologia sit vnus habitus quod sic quia primum in omni genere est....

28. ff. 25v-26v [50] Utrum ad relacionem realem requiritur quod habeat fundamentum reale ex quo oriatur . . . quod non requiritur

29. ff. 26v-27v [51] Utrum poto quod attributa dinstinguntur ex natura rei. vtrum maior....

30. ff. 27v-28v [52] Utrum cum simplicitate diuina stet quod deus sic in genere et quod sic

31 . ff. 28v-29r [53] Utrum tempus habeat esse reale distinctum a motu secundum suum esse formale quod sic

32. f. 29r-v [54] Utrum numerus qui oritur ex diuisione ... quarum vna non est alia et sic est in proposito.

33. ff. 29v-34v were left blank by the original scribe and are filled with questiones, disputationes, etc., in small running script by several hands; the date 1423 appears in the upper margin of f. 30r.

II. 34. ff. 35r-36v [60] //omnibus communes eo quod philosophus de eis determinat in metaphisica

35. ff. 36v-37v [61] Aliud quesitum circa potencias anime in com- paracione ad obiectum erat istud

36. ff. 37v-38v [62] Circa potencias anime in comparacione ad actus erant quesita duo vnum circa actum....

37. ff. 38v-39r [63] Alia erat questio circa actum potencie ... et erat ista vtrum ilia eadem passio....

38. ff. 39r-40v [64] Post quesita circa hominem quo ad naturalia ... quesita circa hominem quo ad moralia quorum erant quedam circa status quedam circa habitus morales....

39. ff. 40v-41r [65] Secunda questio circa status erat vtrum status prelacionis et status religionis....

40. ff. 41r-42r [66] Tercium quesitum circa statum erat vtrum volens profiteri vitam religiosam caucius et sapiencius

ms 47Q 43^

41. ff. 42r-43r [67] Circa actus progredientes ex intrinseca secundum habi- tum ... viis suis procedunt etc.

42. f. 43r Begins in another hand: Circa incarnacionem quero primo de pos- sibilitate vtrum possibile fuerit naturam humanam vniri deo in unitate....

Duns Scotus, Commentarius Oxoniensis in librum HI Sententiarum.

43. On ff. 43v-46v are questiones, etc., in the same hand as ff. 30r-34v, in- cluding on f. 44v the beginning of Walter Burley's De puritate artis logicae, tractatus brevior: Ut iuuenes in quolibet problemate disputantes potuerint . . . consequentia tunc non erit bona//

P. Boehner, ed., Franciscan Institute, Publications Text Series v. 9 (New York, 1951) pp. 199-200.

Composed of two sections of similar, yet somewhat different, physical formats.

Part I: parchment, ff. 1-34, 293 x 213 (230 x 152) mm. 2 columns, 68 lines. Ruled in lead; single vertical and double or single horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across. Prickings at intersection of horizontal and vertical rulings for written space and in outer margin (quires II and III only). I , II10, III12. Catchwords, enclosed in decorative rectangle, on f. 12v; remains of leaf signatures (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4) in ink, in lower right corner, recto. Written primarily in a tiny English gothic bookhand (with some German features), with numer- ous abbreviations; marginalia and texts in art. 33 added by several English hands, s. xv; ff. 30v-34v frame-ruled and written in long lines.

Part II: parchment, ff. 35-46, 293 x 213 (230 x 157) mm. 2 columns, 63 lines. Ruled in lead; single vertical and horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across. Prickings in all margins, for bounding lines only. I12. Leaf signatures (e.g., b, c, d) in ink, lower right corner of recto. Written in an unti- dy English script, with Anglicana features; texts added on ff. 43v-46v by same hands as art. 33; another hand entered text on f. 43 r.

Style of decoration is the same throughout arts. 1-32, 34-41 : initials, 2-line, in red with brown flourishes, alternate with blue with red flourishes; paragraph marks alternate red, blue; guide-letters for flourished initials in margins.

Binding: Date? Limp vellum folder. Off-set impression of turn-ins from origi- nal binding on f. 46v.

Written in England in the second quarter of the 14th century; contemporary note of sale on f. 46v: "questiones de philosophia alique et super 4m senten- tiarum et quodlibet cuiusdam doctoris pro tribus florensis." The codex bears evidence of much early use: marginalia in several hands of s. xiv-xv; texts ad- ded on blank leaves (arts. 33, 42-43); numbering of quodlibeta. Acquired by S. Harrison Thomson in 1938 (MS 15; inscription inside front cover); pur-

432 ms 471

chased from Thomson in 1970 with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Rare Book Endowment Fund.

MS 471 Bohemia, s. XV1/4

Sermones dominicales

Arts. 1-54 constitute a collection of unidentified sermons for the liturgical year (beginning imperfectly in the 2nd Sunday of Advent) based on readings from the Epistles; most of the sermons are also found in Basel, Universitatsbibliothek MS B VIII 19, a manuscript from the Dominican convent at Basel, s. XIVex (see G. Meyer and M. Burckhardt, Die mittelalterlichen HSS der Universitatsbib- liothek Basel, Abt. B, Theologische Pergamenthandschriften, Bd. 3 [Basel, 1975] pp. 93-95). Folio references in square brackets at conclusion of each art. refer to Basel MS B VIII 19.

1. ff. 3r-5r //Natura doctus sperat in futuro perfici suam [added: felicitatem] et dulcedinem. Indoctus vero ... degustare facit. Hanc virtutem nobis con- cedat omnipotens.

See also art. 60.

2. ff. 5r-6v Dominica iif. Sic nos existimet homo ut ministros ... [1 Cor. 4.1]. Nota quod in ministerio duo sunt, scilicet status quern secuntur emolimenta et actus ... que uenerit ad portum hanc laudem nobis concedat qui in celo viuit et regnat. [f. 14r]

3. ff. 6v-8r Gaudete in domino semper et iterum ... [Phil. 4.4]. Sanctum Thomam 2a 2e q 28°. Precepta legis dantur de actibus virtutum gaudium igitur ... ut in extremo merearaur in tua gloria inveniri quod ipse concedat qui viuit et regnat. [f. 27r]

4. ff. 8r-10r Quanto tempore heres panotitis /actus est ... [Gal. 4.1]. Quando res aliqua induit cognicionem alterius rei ... ad hanc felicitatem nos perducat ihesus christus qui est in secula seculorum benedictus. [f. 31v]

5 . ff. lOr- 1 2v Obsecro itaque uosfratres per misericordiam dei ut exhibeatis corda [sic] vestra ... [Rom. 12.1]. Modus est experti medici hoc facere ut quando videt quod infirmus remedia aspera et dura ... in templo celesti mereamur mani- bus angelorum presentari. Quod ipse concedat qui in celo viuit et regnat in secula seculorum. [f. 37r]

6. ff. 12v-15r Habentes igitur donaciones secundum graciam que data est ... [Rom. 12.6]. Nota quod dona et virtutes et beatitudines que a deo donata sunt . . . O bone ihesu doce nos vnitatem et concordiam bonorum eternaliter intrare. Quod nobis, [f. 43r]

7 . ff . 1 5r- 1 6v Nolite esse prudentes aput vosmet ipsos . . . [Rom , 12.16]. Filij huius seculi a filijs regni in hoc discernuntur et distinguntur ... virtutibus ador- nare et inimicis beneficia inpendere. Quod ipse concedat qui etc. [f. 50r]

MS471 433

8. ff. 16v-18r Nemini quidquam debeatis nisi ut invicem diligatis ... [Rom. 13.8]. Si ad invicem dileccionem habuerimus proximo de omni debito satisfacie- mus ... reficit hanc rectitudinem nobis concedat ihesus marie Alius Amen, [f. 54r]

9. ff. 18r-20v Induite vos sicut electi dei sancti et dilecti ... [Col. 3. 12]. Citati ad presenciam regis uel alias magni domini summum connatum consueverunt ponere ... numquam valeamus cessare. Quod nobis prestare dignetur pater et filius et spiritus sanctus. [f. 59r]

10. ff. 20v-23r Nescitis quod hij qui in stadio currunt omnes quidem currunt ... [1 Cor. 9.24]. Licet enim in presenti vita multi sunt qui currant ut fidem recipi- ant ... in eterna vita eternaliter percipere valeamus. Quod nobis concedat pater et filius et spiritus sanctus etc. [f. 65v]

11. ff . 23r-29v Libenter suffertis insipientes cum sitis ipsi sapientes ... [2 Cor. 11.19]. Videmus quod homines habentes similitudinem aliquem ad invicem ratione illius similitudinis sibi ipsis applaudunt . . . et cum apostolo Paulo in eterna gloria mereamur habitare. Quod nobis concedat pater et filius et spiritus sanctus. [f. 71r]

12. ff. 29v-33v Si ligwis [sic] hominum loquar et angelorum caritatem au- tem non habeam ... [1 Cor. 13.1]. Omnis accio christiani hominis ad ilium [crossed out: fide] finem debet tendere . . . per quam mereamur peruenire ad tuam mellifluam presenciam. Amen.

13. ff. 33v-37r Hortamur vos ne in vanum [sic] graciam dei accipiatis ... [2 Cor. 6.1]. Si quis mutuo bouem equum aut aliud animal ab homine accepisset ... vite eterne valeamus pervenire. Quod nobis concedat pater et filius et spiritus sanctus. [f. 89r]

14. ff. 37v-40r Rogamus et obsecramus uos in domino ihesu vt quemadmodum accepis- tis ... [1 Thess. 4.1]. Nota quod quidam ambulant et deo placent decalo- gum obseruantes scientes enim quod nisi sic ambularent . . . hanc autem applicacionem sanctitatis et uindicie concedat nobis ihesus marie filius qui est in secula benedictus. [f. 96r]

15. ff. 40r-42v Estote imitatores mei [sic] sicut filii karissimi ... [Eph. 5.1]. IUud quod summe conplacet patri in filio et patrem maxime delectat . . . et vsque ad mortem certa pro iusticia id est pro patria celesti. Ad illam patriam per- ducat nos ihesus marie filius. [f. 102r]

16. ff. 42v-44v Scriptum est quoniam abraham duos filios habuit vnum de ancilla . . . [Gal. 4.22]. Seneca in questionibus naturalibus sic dicit quemadmodum in corporibus maxime dissimilitudines sunt . . . Hanc libertatem nobis concedat ille qui in celis regnat sine fine. [f. 107r]

17. ff. 44v-46r Christus assisstens pontifex futurorum bonorum per amplius et perfec- tius tabernaculum non manufactum id est ... [Hebrews 9.11]. Pontifex ad hoc

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constituitur ut munera deo populo offerat et deum populo . . . Hunc ergo mediatorem contemplandum nobis concedat pater et Alius et spiritus sanc- tus. [f. 113r]

18. ff. 46r-47v Hoc sentite in vobis quod et in christo ihesu ... [Phil. 2.5]. Secun- dum Gregorium libro vij° moralium. Tanto quis perfectus est quanto per- feccius sentit dolores alienos ... ita venerari ut tecum mereamur in celesti patria viuere et gaudere. Quod nobis concedat qui in celo viuit et regnat.

[f. 114v]

19. ff. 47v-49r Expurgate vetus fermentum ut sitis noua conspersio ... [1 Cor. 5.7]. Seneca libro vj° questionum naturalium in hec verba dicit. Noua magis quam magna mirari hodie ... da nobis tuum sacramentum ita venerari ut a te numquam valeamus separari. Quod ipse concedat qui regnat in secula seculorum. Amen. [f. 119r]

20 . ff . 49r-50r Omne quod natum est ex deo vincit mundum . . . [ 1 John 5.4]. Secun- dum sanctum thomam In omnibus naturis ordinatis invenitur quod ad per- feccionem nature inferioris duo concurrunt . . . fuit ihesus christus in cruce passus quern amorem nobis concedat. [f. 124v]

21. ff. 50r-51r Christus passus est pro nobis nobis relinquens ... [1 Peter 2.21]. Seneca epistola iiij dicit, Longum iter est per breue precepta et efficax per exempla . . . testamenti eterni dominum nostrum ihesum christum aptet nos in omnibus ut faciamus eius voluntatem. Quod nobis concedat. [f. 128v]

22. ff. 51r-53r Obsecro vos tamquam advenas et peregrinos abstinere ... [1 Peter 2. 1 1]. Et quia enim a paradysi gaudijs per cibum cecidimus dignum et iustum est ut in quantum . . . Felix ergo qui sic hie obedit ut vitam eternam possideat ad quern nos etc. Amen. [f. 133v]

23 . ff. 53r-54v Omne datum optimum et omne donum perfectum desursum est ... [James 1.17]. Sicut esse naturalem cuiuscumque forme est a datore formarum scilicet ab illo qui dat ... Non auditores legis sed factores iustificantur. Quam con- cedat pater et films et spiritus sanctus. Amen dicant. [f. 138v]

24. ff. 54v-55v Estote ergo factores verbi non auditores tamen fallentes ... [James 1.22]. Sentencia saluatoris est servus sciens voluntatem domini et non fa- ciens iuxta earn vapulabit plagis multis . . . manere non in solitudine quia perseuerat in remota mentis intencione hec Gregorius Rogemus. [f. 143r]

25. ff. 55v-57r Estote prudentes et vigilate in orationibus ... [1 Peter 4.7]. Secun- dum sanctum thomam. Ad prudenciam pertinet ratione consiliari id est iudi- care et percipere ... secundum Augustinum. De Ciuitate dei Inpleta credimus inpletara cernimus et inplenda considimus. Et ideo secundum Apostolum Cor. xj°. Ipsi gloria in secula seculorum. Amen. Amen. [f. 147v]

26. ff. 57r-58v Dum complerentur dies penthecosten [sic] erant omnes discipuli ... [Acts 2.1]. Ipsa sapiencia diuina ex ore altissimi prodiens dicit ut habetur Mr

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Vbi enim duo uel tres etc. Dico nam sicut deus ubique est ... edificet ut fructum vite inde percipiat. Quod nobis, [f. 152v]

27. ff. 58v-60r Aperiens Peirus os suum ... [Acts 10.34]. Mentem humanam quam spiritus sanctus diuino amore repleuit. Dignum est ut os eius . . . Qui- curaque baptizati sumus in christo in mortem ipsius baptizati sumus etc. Rogemus ergo deum. Rogemus ergo deum. [f. 157r]

28. ff. 60r-61r Cum audissent apostoli qui erant ierosolimis quod ... [Acts 8.14], Verbum quod ex ore altissimi egreditur quo verbo celi firmati sunt ... Et dat pignus eterne hereditatis. f* Cor. [?]. Dedit nobis pignus spiri- tus. [f. 161v]

29. ff. 61r-62v Stans petrus cum xj eleuauit vocem suam et locutus est eis ... [Acts 2.14]. Tunc enim habemus stare karissimi et vocem nostram ele- uare in altum ... hie saluus erit [?] salutem nobis concedat ihesus christus etc. [f. 165v]

30. ff. 62v-63v Gaudete perfecti gaudete estote exhortamini idem sapite ... [2 Cor. 13.11]. Sicut enim perfectio naturalis rei requirit substanciam vir- tutem et operacionem ... et omnis perfeccio eternaliter speculatur. Ad quam nos perducat. [f. 170r]

31. ff. 63v-65r Deus caritas est ... [1 John 4.8]. Licet deus secundum Cas- sianum sit virtus inexplicabilis pietas incomprehensibilis sapiencia ... degustat ut inde fructum vite eterne percipiat. Quod nobis concedat ihesus marie virginis. Amen, [f. 174v]

32. ff. 65v-66v Nolite mirari si odit uos mundus . . . [1 John 3.13]. Sicut enim causa dileccionis et amicicie est similitudo et conformitas sic causa odii . . . et si non venerit tempus non saciabitur saguine [sic] id est rapina. Roge- mus ergo. [f. 179r]

33. ff. 66v-68r Humiliamini sub potenti manu dei ut uos ... [1 Peter 5.6]. Videmus enim in hac machina mundi aliquod quantum est circumferencia mundi . . . qui semper inesse gloriam habet et imperium super nos ut ei sem- per obediamus in secula seculorum id est sine fine amen. [f. 183v]

34. ff. 68r-69v Existimo enim quod non condigne passiones huius temporis adfuturam graciam que reuellabitur in nobis ... [Rom. 8.18]. Licet enim secundum Thomam passiones huius temporis ad futuram gloriam secundum eorum substanciam non sint . . . ut dissoluatur qui ad christum omnibus viribus nititur ire et cum christo eternaliter regnare. Ad quern nos perducat. [f. 188v]

35. ff. 69v-72r [OJmn^ vnanimes in ordine estote conpacientes ... [1 Peter 3.8]. Decet enim sanctos viros ut sint vnanimes quia secundum Originem super libro numerorum hii qui deo militant . . . sicut et ego sanctus sum dominus deus noster quam sanctitatem nobis concedat omnipotens deus. [f. 193v]


MS 471

36. ff. 72r-73v Dominica. [Q]uicumque baptizati sumus in christo ihesu in morte ip- sius baptizati sumus ... [Rom. 6.3]. Licet enim glosa super illo uerbo Heb. 6°. Baptismum doctrine distingwat triplicem baptismum scilicet aque penitencie et saguinis [sic] . . . peccatis mortui iusticie viuamus in christo ihesu domino nostro id est in opere christi alibi nula [sic] spes est. Rogemus ergo christum ut det. [f. 199r]

37. ff. 73v-75v Humanum dico propter infirmitatem carnis . . . [Rom. 6.19]. Caro enim nostra in principio creacionis que fuit fortis et sana congruens et obedians . . . secundum Augustinum discernit redemptos a perditis quos in vnam concreverat massam. Rogemus. [f. 204r]

38. ff. 75v-77v Dominica. Debitores sumus non carni ut secundum carnem viuamus ... [Rom. 8.12]. Gregorius libro .9. moralium dicit discrecione magne moderacionis caro seruanda est ... Hoc audiens dyabolus confusus disces- sit. Rogemus. Rogemus. [f. 208v]

39. ff. 77v-80r Non simus concupiscentes malorum sicut et illi concupierunt ... [1 Cor. 10.6]. Causa omnis peccati uel est concupiscencia carnis uel oculo- rum aut superbia vite . . . et addita est ei gratia in statu suo quo stabat hanc graciam nobis concedat. [f. 214r]

40. ff. 80r-83r Scitis quoniam cum adhuc gentes essetis ad simulacra ... [1 Cor. 12.2]. Suam vltima beatitudinem et ignorare et simulacro muto tamquam ultimae ... sicut scit cuique expedire. Ioh.f. Spiritus vbi wult spirat. Rogemus. [f. 220v]

41 . ff. 83r-85r Notum nobis facio ewangelium quod predicaui nobis ... [I Cor. 15.1]. Inter omnes actus quos homo potest producere et elicere tunc actus predicacionis . . . ille qui sic deo per graciam appropinquat ut filium dei in se reuelare valeat. Quod nobis, [f. 226v]

42. ff. 85r-86v Fiduciam talem habemus per christum ad eum [sic] ... [2 Cor. 3.4]. Ilia arma debent pugnam inducere cum quibus ipse potest suum in- imicum superare ... vicina est misero hanc misericordiam nobis concedat. [f. 231r]

43. ff. 86v-88v Abrahe dicte sunt promissiones et semini eius ... [Gal. 3.16]. Hec promissiones que date seu facte fuerunt abrahe que decantant ... ut tecum in celis perhenniter [?] mereamur viuere. Quod nobis, [f. 236r]

44. ff. 88v-92r Spiritu ambulate et desideria carnis non perficietis ... [Gal. 5.16]. Actus vnius potencie cum intenditur actus alterius potencie remittitur . . . da nobis hanc crucem sustinere ut tecum mereamur in celesti patria viuere et gaudere. Quod nobis, [f. 24 Ir]

45. ff. 92r-95r Spiritu viuimus spiritu ambulemus ... [Gal. 5.25]. Facta carnis mortificare et crucifigere et secundum spiritum viuere et ambulare . . . tenea- mus ut tecum in futuro seculo in perpetuum maneamus. Quod nobis con- cedat pater et filius.

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46. ff. 95r-97r Obsecro uos ne deficiatis in tribulacionibus meis pro uobis que est . . . [Eph. 3.13]. Ilia tribulacio que habet hominem angariare et vicia carnis deprimere ... omnia ista contempnerunt. Et ad istam gloriam nos perducat qui in celo viuit et regnat etc. [f. 256r]

47. ff. 97r-99r [Partly effaced:] Dominica xvija, Obsecro itaque uos ego vinctus in domino ... [Eph. 4.1]. Digni deo ambulant et ad suam uocacionem atten- dunt qui per artam et angustam viam . . . sine fastidio eternaliter saciatur. Hanc felicitatem nobis concedat ihesus christus qui est super omnia benedic- tus in secula seculorum. Amen. [f. 261r]

48. ff. 99r-100r Dominica xviif. Gracias ago deo meo semper ... [1 Cor. 1.4]. Graciarum acciones referendo non solum pro se sed pro alijs quibus aliquid datum est ... respice in hac hora ad opera manuum mearum hanc confir- macionem nobis concedat ihesus qui est benedictus. [f. 266r]

49. ff. 100v-102r Dominica xixf1. Renouamini spiritu mentis nostre ... [Eph. 4.23]. Postquam primus parens noster a iusticia originali decidit . . . tibi seruia- mus ut tecum in eterna patria habitare valeamus. Quod ille concedat qui in regno celorum viuit. [f. 269r]

50. ff. 102r-105r Widete itaque fratres quomodo caute ambuletis non quasi insipientes ... [Eph. 5.15]. Nota quod quidam incaute et insipienter ambulant quia insipientes et bonum propositum habentes . . . humiliter deseruire ut tecum mereamur in celesti patria viuere et gaudere nunc semper, [f. 275r]

51. ff. 105r-107v Confortamini in domino et in potencia uirtutis ... [Eph. 6.10]. Quanto quis magis cognoscit potenciam et uirtutem alicuius et sibi de ilia potencia . . . ut dura corda valeamus emollire et ilia ad regna celestia perducere. Quod nobis concedat marie films qui est in secula. Benedictus. Amen. Rogemus. [f. 280v]

52. ff. 107v-110r Confidimus in domino ihesu quia qui cepit in uobis opus ... [Phil. 1.6]. Ille uere confldit in domino ihesu qui ihesum christum fili- um vnigenitum . . . Istum ergo fructum iusticie nobis concedat ihesus marie filius qui est benedictus in secula. [f. 286v]

53. ff. 110r-113r Dominica. Imitatores mei estote et obseruate eos qui ita ambulant sicut habetis formam nostram ... [Phil. 3.17]. Virtuosi et caritatiui hominis est exhortare ad uirtutes. Nam quanto quis magis uirtuosus et caritatiuus ... nunc in eis quod nititur attendat. Quod nobis concedat ihesus christus Marie filius in secula seculorum. Amen. [f. 29 lr]

54. ff. 1 13r-l 15r Non cessamus pro uobis orantes et postulantes ... [Col. 1 .9]. Quanto enim quis actus nobilior et excellencior tanto ille actus est magis exercendus ... in cherubim et seraphyn collocatur. Hanc felicitatem nobis concedat ihesus christus Marie filius qui cum patre et spiritu sancto viuit et regnat. Amen. [f. 298r]

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According to modern numbering of sermons (Roman numerals) this is ser- mon 51, and the last in the series.

55. f. 115v [I]ncipiunt decern precepta secundum quod beatus augustinus exposuit. Sapiens est qui scit dampnum suum precauere ... recipere aliam fidem nisi iam in qua baptizatus// f. 116r ruled, but blank

Commentary on the Ten Commandments, ending abruptly soon after the beginning of the first; the complete text was then copied later in the volume (art. 57). Stegmuller, v. 6, no. 9592.

56 . ff . 11 6v- 1 1 7r Filia populi met induere cilicio aspergere , , . [Jer . 6.26] . Quamuis solempnitas quadragesimales in sequenti dominica inchoetur ecclesia . . . et de cinere venio cinerem parto et in cinerem redeo, Et ideo uere dicitur homo terra Ier etc. [In another hand:] Terra terra audi sermonem domini id est tu homo.

Jacobus de Voragine, beginning portion of the first Sermo quadragesimalis; Schneyer, v. 3, no. 196.

57. ff. 117v-128v Pncipiunt [sic] decern precepta secundum quod beatus au- gustinus exposuit. Sapiens est qui scit dampnum suum precauere ... ab- veniet et transcurrat nee homines tedio officiantur. Inde finis x preceptorum. Amen.

See art. 55.

58. ff. 128v-129v Tria sunt in quibus precipue lex diuina consistit mandata promissa et sacramenta . . . presint plures facere missas non est [?] eum eua- dire dampnacionem. f. 130r ruled, but blank

Unidentified text on divine law.

59. f. 130v Colossians 1.9-14 and 3.12-17, copied by two different hands.

60. ff. 131r-137v List of Epistles upon which the sermons were based; the first two (missing from the beginning of the volume) are Scientes quia hora est nos iam de sompno surgere ... [Rom. 13.11] and Fratres quecumque scripta sunt ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt ... [Rom. 15.4]. The list ends abruptly at the reading for the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost (Phil. 3.17; art. 53 above).

Paper (watermarks similar to Briquet Cloche 3934, Briquet Cloche 3979, and Briquet Tete de cerf 15499), ff. 135 (foliated 3-137), 289 x 218 (202 x 146) mm. 2 columns, ca. 46-50 lines; frame-ruled in brown ink. Prickings in upper, outer, and lower margins.

I12 (-1, 2), II-X12, XI10, XII12 (-8 through 12). Catchwords centered in lower margin, within simple scroll.

Written in a running hand by five scribes: 1: ff. 3r-85r; 2: ff. 85r-115r; 3: ff. 116v-117r; 4: ff. 115v, 117v-129v, 130v (art. 58); 5: ff. 131r-137v.

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Crude 3-line initials, in red, at beginning of each sermon; guide-letters for rubricator. Underlining of names of authors and of Biblical quotations, and initial strokes, all in red. Rubrics often lacking.

Rodent damage in outer margins, from f. 68 on; no loss of text.

Binding: s. xv. Original sewing on four tawed, slit strap supports laced through tunnels in the edge of flush beech boards to a groove on the inside and pegged. The spine is square, back cornered, and lined between sewing supports with stubs of vellum that extend on the inside of the boards (in front: partially visible document in Latin, written in chancery hand, s. xiv/xv; in back: Missal, Germany, s. xiimed, initials in orange, with neumes, small for- mat: part of a bifolium). Plain, wound endbands on tawed cores which sit on the spine. Covered in tawed [?] skin, originally white, with a small tab of a single layer of skin at head and tail. Five flower-shaped bosses on each board and two strap-and-pin fastenings, the pins on the upper board, and both boards cut in to accomodate the straps. Rodent damage, and all but two bosses want- ing. Most quires reinforced in center with narrow strips of parchment, includ- ing portions of a leaf used for pen trials, s. xv; and of an unidentified text written in batarde with a pen-and-ink drawing, s. xv. On outside of upper cover, written in ink: "Super epistolis dominicalibus/ Sermo de preceptis."

Written probably in Bohemia during the first quarter of the 15th century. Pur- chased in Kutna Hora by the priest Wenceslaus of Kahlenberg [?] of Luznice (note, s. xv, inside lower cover: "Liber Wenceslai sacerdotis Calui de Luznicz emptus in Montibus gutnis"). Similar note, mostly effaced, inside front cover. Early modern provenance unknown. Acquired by S. Harrison Thomson in Prague, 1926; purchased from him in 1969 with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Rare Book Fund.

MS 472 England, s. XIV1/4

Sermons (in Lat.)

Arts. 1-89 are sermons for the liturgical year, Advent through 23rd Sunday after Pentecost. Those that have been identified have either a Schneyer num- ber or a reference obtained from the incipit files of the Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes in Paris. Folio references are those in pencil, in lower left corner, recto.

1. ff. lr-v Dominica. ja. aduentus domini. Occurramus obuiam saluatori nostro. In inuitatore hodierno. Scitis karissimi quam hoc tempus dicitur tempus aduen- tus ... quod respondebo illi.

Guillaume Perault; Schneyer, v. 2, no. 129.

2 . ff. 1 v-2r Item eadem dominica prima. Abiciamus opera tenebrarum et induamur . . . Ro. 13. [Rom. 13.12]. Habet fides ecclesie quod christus spiritualiter ven- turus sit ... iusticie christus deus noster. Qui cum deo etc.

44° ms 472

3. ff. 2r-3r Dominica .ija. in aduentu domini. Quecumque scripta sunt ad nostram doctrinam ... Ro. 15. [Rom. 15.4]. Nota quattuor libros esse scriptos ad nos- tram doctrinam. Scilicet Librum glorie. Librum grade ... et prophete ut legitur Matthaeus .22.

Guillaume Perault; Schneyer, v. 2 no. 132.

4. f. 3r-v Dominica, iif. [S]ic nos existimet homo ... Cor. 4. [1 Cor. 4.1]. Quilibet christianus minister uel seruus christi est ... voluntas dei sanctificacio vestra. Guillaume Perault; Schneyer, v. 2, no. 135.

5. ff. 3v-4v Dominica, iiif. jn aduentu domini. Dominus prope est. Phil. 4. [Phil. 4.5], Ratione triplici uerbum istud recitat ecclesia tempore isto. Primo ut ... et ipse exaudiebat eos.

Guillaume Perault; Schneyer, v. 2, no. 142.

6. ff. 5r-6v In natiuitate christi. Natus est tibi puer masculus . Ie. 20. [Jer. 20.15]. Nescio loqui quia puer ego sum. Ie. 1. [Jer. 1.6]. Quando aliquis magnus vult mittere aliquem seruorum ... homines esse deuotiores. Sic et nos. Guido d'Evreaux; Schneyer, v. 2, no. 7.

7. f. 7r Dominica ja post octauum epiphanie. Nolite conforman huic seculo. Ro. 12. [Rom. 12.2]. Volens nos apostolus ab amore mundi retrahere. dicit Nolite ... quo ad gule indicium, Nolite igitur conformari huic seculo.

8. ff. 7r-8r Dominica 2°. [Q]ui miseretur in hillaritate si ipse subueniat. Ro. 12. [Rom. 12. 8]. Nota quod Eleemosyna .xij. bona facit ... diligere quam matrem.

Guillaume Perault; Schneyer v. 2, no. 133.

9. f. 8r-v Dominica 3a. Nolite esse prudentes apud uosmet ipsos. Ro. 12. [Rom. 12.16]. Secundum vnam exposicionem dissuadetur in hoc uerbo superbia intellectus ... ut suspendatur mola asinaria etc.

Guillaume Perault; Sermo 22 in a collection of 115 sermons, Dominica IIa post. Oct. Epyphanie (Paris, Bibl. Maz. 1013).

10. ff. 8v-9v Dominica 4a. Nemini quicquam debeatis ... Ro. 13. [Rom. 13.8]. Idem. Cetera ita soluite, vt non debeatis aliquidnisi caritatem illam ... (Jer. 17.4].

Guillaume Perault; Schneyer v. 2, no. 149.

11. ff. 9v-10r Dominica 5a. Induite vos sicut electi dei. Colos. 3. [Col. 3.12]. Sicut pueri solent vestibus suis spoliare quando furantur ... indutum sacco. Vt legitur Hester 3. [Hester 4.1].

Guillaume Perault; Schneyer v. 2, no. 150.

12. f. lOr-v Dominica in Lx*. [S]ic currite ut comprehendatis . Cor. 9. [1 Cor. 9.24]. Nota duo meritum currite et premium ut comprehendatis. Nota quattuor

ms 472 44^

sunt necessaria alicui ad hoc quod sic currat ut comprehendat . . . Roa. Quat- tuor sunt necessaria alicui ad hoc ... factum est dissiparet.

Guillaume Perault; Sermo 26 in same collection as art. 9.

13. ff. lOv-llv Eodem die. Sic currite etc. [1 Cor. 9.24]. Tria solet perpen- dere minister intelligens, cum dicitur ei ... in futuro brauium nisi compre- hendat.

Guillaume Perault; Sermo 27 in same collection as art. 9.

14. ff. llv-12r Dominica in Ly?. [LJibenter gloriabor in infirmitatibus meis. Cor.

12. [2 Cor. 12.9]. Per hec duo uerba libenter et gloriabor vult apostolus ... vt inhabitet etc.

15. ff. 12r-13r Dominica in quinquagesima. Evacuaui que erant paruuli. Cor.

13. [1 Cor. 13.11]. Verba sunt bead pauli, qui dick se ... ut eius exemplo puerisia euacuemus cum ad etatem virilem peruenerimus ... si te lactauer- int peccatores etc.

Guillaume Perault; Schneyer v. 2, no. 159.

16. ff. 13r-14r Feria iiif in capite ieiunij. Cum ieiunas. vnge caput tuum ... Ml vj. [Mat. 6. 17]. Sicut dicunt veridici. interiora per exteriora possunt cog- nosci ... Sufficiunt hec de Ieiunio siue de abstinencia. Sequitur de Eleemosy- na que nota ibi. vnge caput tuum in christum.

17. ff. 14r-17v De hac requ. supra dominica 21 post octauum epiphanie. Sequitur de principali sunt de mendicia, que nota ibi. faciem tuam laua ... Dicatur igitur cum ieiunas. vnge etc.

18. ff. 17v-18v Dominica ja quadragesime. [NJunc tempus acceptabile. Cor. 6,. [2 Cor. 6.2]. Legitur in Ecclesiaste .3. quod sit tempus adquirendi ... ad quam hereditatem nos perducat etc.

19. ff. 18v-19v Eodem die. Nunc dies salutis. Cor. 6. [2 Cor. 6.2]. Habente ali- quo langorem quasi desperatum si deus per aliquem angelum significaret ... Quod nobis concedat etc.

20. ff. 19v-20v Dominica 2a xle. [EJst voluntas dei sanctificatio uestra. I. Tess. 4. [1 Thess. 4.3], Nota duo diuine uoluntatis notificacio. Est uoluntas dei ... Ait ergo Est uoluntas dei sanctificatio uestra.

21. ff. 20v-21r Dominca 3a. Estote imitatores dei. Eph. 5. [Eph. 5.1]. Necessar- ium est uerum exemplar ei qui vult falsum librum corrigere . . . quod potius uolunt silens esse dyabolo quam deo.

Guillaume Perault; Schneyer, v. 2, no. 164.

22. ff. 21v-22v Dominica media xle. [LJetare ierusalem. [Gal. 4.27]. Spiritus sane- tus a quo ordinatur officium ecclesiasticum. hodie in introitu misse monet ... que dicta sunt mihi in domo domini ibi. Amen.

442 ms 472

Guillaume Perault; Schneyer, v. 2, no. 168.

23. ff. 22v-23r Dominica in passione dominj. Per proprium sanguinem intromit semel in sancta. Heb. 9. [Heb. 9.12]. In uerbis propositis declarat apostolus qualiter christus ... et afficit uehementius.

24. ff. 23r-24v Dominica in Ramispalmarum [sic]. [HJoc sentite in nobis quod et in christo ihesu ... Phil. 2. [Phil. 2.5]. Ecclesia in hodierno officio duo inten- dit ostendere fidelibus. videlicet gloriam mundi ... post mortem ad ipsum intrando. Quod nobis prestare dignetur etc.

25. ff. 25r-29r De passione christi. Erit vita tua quasi pendens ante te. Deut. 28. [Deut. 28.66]. Domine ad quern ibimus. uerba vite eterne habes. Io. 6. [John 6.69]. Stultum est ad alium ire quam ad ilium qui annuit facilius ... esse lata ad omnes scilicet amicos et inimicos. [followed by 3 short lines:] Lim- pha marath ligno dulcescit. sal Elisei/ Sanat aquas Iericho. sedat mare mersio lone./ Sic penas dulces reddit tua passio christe.

26. ff. 29r-32r Item de passione. [E]go sum vermis et non homo obprobrium ... P. [Ps. 21.7]. In principio sciendum quod tota intentio predicatum est ... ad gaudium eternum ualeamus attingere. Quod nobis prestare dignetur etc.

27. f. 32r Anthe® in passione. Ego uero egenus et pauper deus adiuua me. P. [Ps. 69.6]. Karissimi homo sanctus est naturaliter ad ymaginem et similitudinem dei ... addendo. deus adiuua me.

28. ff. 32r-36r Sermo in passione. [UJnus pro omnibus mortus est. Cor. 5. [2 Cor. 5.14]. Primus homo deo inobediens. mortem incurrit temporalem ... Ad quod gaudium nos perducat etc.

29. ff. 36r-37r Item de passione. Ihesus nazarenus rex iudeorum. Io. 19. [John 19. 19]. Hie commendatur saluator tripliciter. Primo. ex parte nominis ihesus . . . In- uocemus ergo cum iacobo fortissimum deum israel. Be. 33.

30. ff. 37r-38r Item de passione. Christus passus est pro nobis . Pe. 2. [1 Peter 2.21]. Nota christi penalitas. christus passus est. nostra comoditas pro nobis ... qui pro nobis est passus. Amen.

31. f. 38r Excerpta reparationis humane sunt hec. Ad reparacionem domus que cecidit. preciditur lignum. Sic ad reparacionem nature humane . . . cum no- bis quod timebatis aduenerit.

32 . ff. 38r-39r Auctoritates de sancta cruce. O bone ihesu circuire possum celum et terram mare et aridam et nusquam te inuenio ... inuenies dolorem. quia vndique cruorem.

Selections from Augustine, Bernard, John Damascene, Gregory, Hugh of St. Victor, and Cassian.

33. ff. 39r-40r Sermo de crucis uirtute. Loquens apostolus de cruce dominica. ait Cor. 1. [1 Cor. 1.18]. Virtus dei est sancta crux. Vnum notandum quod virtus crucis ostendi potest ... cum christo possitis peruenire. Amen.

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34. f. 40r-v De sancta cruce. [A] bsit gloriari nisi in cruce domini nostri ihesu christi. Gal. 6. [Gal. 6.14]. Homo cum naturaliter gloriam appetat. necesse est eum scire in quo gloriari debeat ... per earn salui fiant. Ipso prestante Qui viuat etc.

35. f. 41r-v [No rubric; text continuous from art. 34.:] [S]urrexit dominus uere. Luc. 24. [Luke 24.34]. Notaduo. primo ipsa christi resurrectio ponitur, secundo uirtus ipsius resurrectionis exprimitur ... plagis confixus clauis etc. ut supra folio 4to.

36. ff. 42r-46r [Part of rubric erased.] Dicit beatus IoannesApo. 19. Audiui qua- si vocem magnam turbarum in celo ... [Apoc. 19.1; followed by partial English translation:] I herde als it were a mykel ... [text:] Circa istorum uerborum intellectum aduertendum est quod duplex est resurrectio . . . Qui cum deo patre etc.

37. ff. 46r-47r Item die pascha. Pluit Mis manna ad manducandum. P. [Ps. 77.24], Ad maiorem istorum uerborum declaracionem. Primo exponatur quomo- do populus israeliticus multis annis seruiuit ... hie promerebitur graciam et vitam eternam ad quam nos perducat.

38. ff. 47r-48v Item die pasche. Venite prandete. Io. 21. John 21.12]. Sicut testatur philosophus inter omnes uirtuosos liberates sunt cariores ... consequatur gratiam et uitam eternam. Prestante domino nostro ihesu christo Qui cum deo patre etc.

39. f. 49r-v Item alius. Accepitpanem et dedit eis. Io. 2 1 . [John 21.13]. Acceden- tibus ad salutarem panis eukaristie percepcionem. plurima sunt notanda que et christus fecit in cena ... ut ad cenam domini digne valeatis accedere etc.

40. ff. 49v-50v Item alius. Custodi me ut pupillam oculi. P. [Ps. 16.8]. Tria facit psalmista. Primo hortatur ad custodiam . . . consequens custodie premi- um, gaudium est eternum. Ad quod uos perducat. etc.

41. ff. 50v-51v [Rubric missing.] Misit dominus angelum suum et eripuit ... Act. 12. [Acts 12.11]. Tanguntur tria scilicet mittentis auctoritas. ibi. Misit dominus ... que ducit ad ciuitatem perducat. ihesus christus. dominus noster. Qui cum deo patre. etc.

42. f. 51v [Rubric missing.] Mane nobiscum domine. Luc. 23. [Luke 24.29]. Anthea. Bonum est audire uerbum dei et loqui de deo ... de angelis hospi- tatis apud loth Gen. 19.

43. f. 52r-v Dominica f post pascham. [PJaxvobis. Io. 21. [John 20.19]. Sermo breuis est sed tamen vtilis. In quo tria tanguntur pro nobis ... tunc autem facie ad faciem. Ipso adiuuante Qui cum deo patre etc.

44. ff. 52v-53r Item de pace. [IJtem. Nota quod Est pax bona ad quam deus uocat. Cor. 7 [1 Cor. 7.15]. In pace uocauit nos deus, hec autem pax est

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triplex. Pax hominis ad se ipsum ... Ad illam pacem nos perducat. Qui sine fine etc.

45. f. 53r-v Item de pace. Nota Est pax reprehensibilis commendabilis et desiderabilis. prima est malorum a via ueritatis errantium .. . vt omnes vnum sint sicut tu pater in me.

46. f. 54r-v [Rubric missing.] [BJonus pastor animam suam dat pro ouibus suis. Io. x. [John 10.11]. Ista uerba licet generaliter dici possint de omni pastore ... vnum ouile et vnus pastor. Pastor deus est. Ouile celum. ad quod nos perducat.

47. ff. 54v-55v Dominica post pascham. [PJlorabitis etflebitis uos. Io. 16 [John 16.20]. Primo dicendum est de fletus utilitate. secundo de flendi tempore. Circa primum Nota quo lacrime ad superna ascendit ... sed gaudebitis in future Quod nobis concedat etc.

48. ff. 56r-57r Dominica 4a. [I]lle arguet mundum etc. Io. 16. [John 16.8]. Hie videamus duo. arguendi dignitatem contra quam non potest allegari ... ad bonos. venite benedicti patris mei precipite. etc.

49. f. 57r-v Dominica 5. [PJetite et accipietis. Io. 16. [John 16. 24]. Nota duo saluatoris nostri excitatio. Petite. Eiusdem promissio. et accipietis ... audiuit nee in cor hominis ascendit. Cor. 2. [1 Cor. 2.9].

50. ff. 57v-58r In Rogacione. Orabo spiritu. orabo etmente. Cor. 14. [1 Cor. 14.15]. Glossa loqui apparebo ut signa rerum formentur in spiritu . . . operatur in celum. Hec est scala quam vidit Iacob etc. Gen. 28. [Gen. 28.12].

51. f. 58r De uirtute orationis. Hec [inserted above: scilicet oratio] aperit celum. Luc. 3. [Luke 3.21]. Ihesu baptizato et orante apertum est celum. Item orante stephano ... [concludes with chart labelled Peticio].

52 . ff. 59v-60r Petite et dabitur uobis . . . [Luke 11.9]. Mos est potentis alicuius recedentis ab amicis suis. duo facere ... Qui optat dare ait Petite et dabitur uobis. Amen.

53. f. 60r-v [Rubric missing.] Amice ascende superius. Luc. 14. [Luke 14.10]. Hec uerba si exponantur de ascensione christi. Sunt uerba patris ad filium ... vna adoratione cum carne eius ab omni creatura. f. 61r-v blank

54. ff. 62r-63r In ascensione. [VJenite ascendamus ad montem domini. Ysa. 2. [Is. 2.3]. Ieroboam Rex statuit vitulos aureos ... ad hunc montem ipse nos tra- hat. Qui sine fine vivit et regnat. Amen.

55. ff. 63r-64r Item de ascensione. Trahe me post me ... [Song of Songs 1.3]. Sicut beatus paulus testatur nihil boni potest esse in homine nisi illud proueniat a domino ihesu christo ... ut ad eternam perueniamus. Ipso tra- hente. Qui cum deo patre etc.

56. ff. 64r-65r Item in ascensione dominj. [AJscendit iter pandens ante eos. Mich. 2. [Michaea 2. 13]. Tria sunt consideranda scilicet ascendens. iter osten- sum et quibus ostendatur ... Procede de hijs tribus sicut vis.

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57. ff. 65r-66v [Rubric missing.] Ignem veni mittere in terram. Luc. 12. [Luke 12.49], Ignem. id est uirtutes. anglice. Mhytes. ducentes hominem ad regnum celorum ... ad hoc ascendit. ut ignem mitteret in terram. Quern nobis concedat etc.

58. f. 67r [P]redicator est quasi campana que signum est hominibus ut ueni- ant ad ecclesiam ad audiendum officium diuinum . . . nisi intus operetur gratia saluatoris. igitur etc.

Incomplete [?], 5 lines.

59. f. 67r-v In die pentecoste. [VJnicuique datur manifestacio spiritus ad utilitatem. Cor. 12. [1 Cor. 12.7]. In uerbis istis circa aduentum spiritus sancti ex- primitur vtilitas ... profecto perueniet in uos regulam dei.

60. f. 67v De eodem. Accipite spiritum sanctum. (John 20.22]. Nota duo dantis munificentia. accipite. doni excellentis. spiritum sanctum ... doctrine ad sub- ditorum edificationem. Accipite ergo spiritum sanctum ut et uos sancti sitis preposito prestante etc.

61. ff. 67v-68r De eodem. Dabo uobis spiritum [Ezek. 37.6]. Nota 3a Saluatoris nostri munificencia. dabo. doni collati excellencia. spiritum. nostra omni in- digentia. uobis ... dabo uobis spiritum sanctum Qui uos informet, roboret etc.

62. ff. 68r-69r De trinitate. Gracia domini nostri ihesu christi et caritas dei et communicacio sancti spiritus ... Cor. vlt. [2 Cor. 13.13]. Ecclesia in hijs uerbis recolit quandam oracionem quam faciebat apostolus . . . et societas .u. sit cum patre et filio eius ihesu christo. Qui uiuit et regnat deus....

Guillaume Perault; Schneyer v. 2, no. 188.

63. f. 69r [Part of rubric missing.] Deus vnus est [Gal. 3.30]. In trinitate patris et filij et spiritus sanctus Nulla est patris propter antiquitatem debilitatio ... Est ei seruiendum reuerenter singulariter et semper, f 69v blank

Incomplete [?], 8 lines.

64. f. 70r Dominica la post trinitatem. Sicut in Adam omnes moriuntur ... Cor. 15. [1 Cor. 15.22]. In hijs uerbis duo principaliter considerari possunt scilicet humani generis corruptio . . . dicitur in themate nostro. Sicut in Adam . . . viuificabuntur. Amen.

65. f. 70r-v Dominica 2°. Odit vos mundus. j. Io. 3 et Io. 15. [John 15.18]. Si mundus odit uos scitote etc. Hie primo Notandum quare mundus odit ... odite mundum. ut percipiatis regnum eternum. Amen.

66. ff. 70v-71v Dominica 3°. Uocauit nos in eternam suam gloriam. Pe. in fine. [1 Peter 5.10]. Nota. 3a. vocatio dominica. vocauit. consolacio humana. nos. eterne retributionis . . . quem rex uoluerit honorare. Quod in nobis perficiat. Qui sine fine viuit et regnat.

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67. ff. 71v-72r Dominica 4a. [NJolite iudicare. Luc. [Luke 6.37]. Hie notan- dum quod duplex est iudicium ... contra quos dicitur hie. Nolite iudicare et non etc.

68. f. 72r-v Dominica 5. Uocati estis. [1 Peter 3.9 and 1 Cor. 1.9]. Nota 3a scilicet condicionem uocantis. terminum vocationis contumatiam vocati hominis ... jnuocabunt me, et non exaudiam.

69. ff. 72v-73v Dominica 6°. [IJn morte eius [added above: scilicet christi] bap- tizati sumus. Ro. vj. [Rom. 6.3]. Duo facit apostolus. Primo interioris hominis commemorat puritatem ... proditores. Dicamus igitur quia In morte christi baptizati sumus.

70. ff. 73v-74r Dominica 7a. Sicut exibuistis membra uestra seruire ... Ro. 6. [Rom. 6.19]. Exibet peccator membra sua omnia seruire dyabolo velociter ... Alij uxorem ducunt Luxuriosi videlicet etc.

Guillaume Perault, from same collection as art. 9 (Dom. 7a post trin.).

71. f. 74r-v Redde rationem villicationis tue. Luc. 16. [Luke 16.2]. Sciendum quod de quinque oportebit quemlicet hominem christianum ... Venite benedicti patris. mihi percipite regnum. etc. Quod nobis.

72. f. 75r Dominica ix?. Qui se existimat stare videat ne cadat. Cor. x. [1 Cor. 10. 12]. Duo in hijs uerbis nobis incutere possunt timorem scilicet status nostri dubietas ... Qui stare se existimat. Videat ne cadat etc.

73. f. 75r-v Dominica*?. [VJides ciuitatem fleuit ... [Luke 19.41]. Nota .2. Di- uina bonitas. vidit. compassionis immensitas.yZmV ... post lacrimas vite in- nocentiam non custodit. etc.

74. ff. 75v-76v Dominica xf. Gratia eius in me vacua nonfuit. Cor. 15. [1 Cor. 15. 10]. Nota primo quomodo gratia est non vacua et secundo quomodo est vacua . . . Sed in celo habundabit gloria, ad quam etc.

75. ff. 76v-77r Dominica 12a. Sufficientia nostra ex deo est. Cor. 3. [2 Cor. 3.5]. Hie nota duo. Ex parte nostri insufficientia. Ex parte dei sufficientia ... Ex quo est sufficientia nostra. Qui nobis concedat eterna gaudia.

76. f. 77r-v Dominica 13. [DJiliges dominum deum tuum ... Luc. 28. [Luke 10.27]. Duo facit. Primo excitat ad deum diligendum. Diliges. etc. subdit diligendi modum ... vt sic cum deo regnare valeamus. Amen.

77. ff. 77v-78r Dominica 14a. Ite ostendite vos sacerdotibus. Luc. 17. [Luke 17.14], In primis exponatur totum euangelium usque ad uerbum premissum ... sacerdotibus suis ostendere. ut cum eo letemur sine fine. Amen.

78. ff. 78r-79r Dominica 15a. [NJolite errare. Cor. 6. [1 Cor. 6.9]. Constat quod Errare in via morum semper est malum et ideo semper est error cauendus ... et sanguis eius emundat nos ab omni peccato. Amen.

ms 472 447

79. ff. 79r-80r Dominica 16. In caritate radicati etfundati. Eph. 3. [Eph. 3.17]. Homo cum sit creaturarum dignissima. ratione dotatus ... faciet cum temp- tacione prouentum etc.

80. f. 80r Dominica 17. Digne ambuletis. Eph. 4. [Eph. 4.1]. Duo facit. primo excitat nos ad spiritualem perfectum . . . Iustificationem quam ceperam non deseram tenere. Ml .x. Qui perseuerauerit usque in finem etc.

81. ff. 80r-81r Dominica 18. In omnibus diuites facti estis . Cor. 1 [1 Cor. 1.5]. Nullum latet Karissimi quia seculares omnes diuitias . . . largitori seruire cur- etis vt cum eo regnare possitis. Amen.

82. f. 81r-v Dominica .19. [TJolle ledum tuum et vade. M* xj. [Mat. 9.6]. Item Tolle grabatum tuum et ambula. Io. 5. [John 5.8]. In hijs uerbis monet ad duo. Primo ad abiectionem mali ... quo eas nisi ad me. non est qua eas nisi per me. etc.

83. ff. 81v-82r Dominica .xx. de triplici hoste. Caute ambuletis . Eph. 5. [Eph. 5.15]. Duo facit. Primo excitat ad motum status progressiuum ... vt a domino glorie coronari possitis.

84. f. 82r-v Dominica 21a. [EJrat quidam regulus cuius filius ... Io. 4. [John 4.46]. Regulus iste quemlibet nostrum signat. qui se ipsum spiritualiter regere debet ... Exemplum de dicte euangelico. Luc. 16.

85. f. 82v Item alius sermo eodem die. Vade filius tuus viuit [John 4.50]. Istud ver- bum et est consolatorium et edificatorium. Consolatorium primvm luctus ... et visitatio tua id est consolatio custodiuit spiritum meum etc.

86. ff. 82v-83v Dominica 22a. Redde quod debes . Ml. 18. [Mat. 18.28]. Hie nota quod debemus multa multis. vnum gregorius ait. Pater meus multis creditori- bus ... vt deus tibi retribuat vitam eternam. Amen.

87. ff. 83v-84r Dominica 23. Nostra conuersatio in cells est. Phi. 3. [Phil. 3.20]. Nota quod duplicem hie innuit apostolus conuersationem bonorum scilicet et malorum ... Plorabitis etflebitis. Ibi est quod oculus non vidit etc. Cor. 2. [1 Cor. 2.9]. f. 84v blank

88. f. 85r-v [Rubric missing.] [B]enedixi ei et erit benedictus. Ge. 27 [Gen. 27.33]. Duplice benedictione benedixit dominus beato. N. patri nostro scilicet gratie et glorie ... hie benedictus erit iuxta quod predictum est ... etc.

89. ff. 85v-86r [Rubric missing.] [IJnuentus est iustus [Sir. 44. 15?]. In hijs uerbis ad beati .N. confessoris nostri duo tanguntur que sunt vita laudibilis et fama Celebris . . . misit ad ilium qui eum ad se perducerent in gloriam ad quam etc.

90. f. 86r-v [Rubric missing.] [IJustum deduxit dominus per uiam rectos [sic] [Wis- dom 10. 10]. Tria primo exprimitur huius sancti [multiplex?] perfeccio. iustum secundo sue perfectionis subiungitur . . . Iustum deduxit dominus per vi. r°.

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91. ff. 87r-88v Sermon material in the form of short glosses on readings for part of the liturgical year, from first Sunday after the octave of Epiphany to John the Baptist.

92. ff. 88v-93v De maria magdalena. [MJagister adest et uocat te. Io. .xj. John 11.28]. Verba ista litteraliter dicuntur de magdalena. de quibus duo relu- cent consideranda. Primum est illustracio mentis sue ... Sic ergo honorabitur quern rex voluerit honorare. Qui nobis concedat Qui sine fine viuit et reg- nat. Amen.

93. f. 93v Distinctiones on the body of man (stans, declinans, totaliter prostra- tum) and on his reliquiae, verba, facta.

94. ff. 94r-95r De J°. confessore. Quis putas est fidelis seruus et prudens ... Luc. 25 [Mat. 24.45]. Legitur in Prouerbio quod uerbo domini celi firmati sunt et spiritu oris uirtus eorum. Sicut celi dicuntur apostoli ita viri ... nos hor- rea colligat sempiterna. Quod ipse prestare dignetur Qui viuit et regnat. deus per omnia secula seculorum. Amen.

95 . ff. 95r-97r De purificatione beate virginis. [PJostquam impleti sunt dies purgatio- nis Marie secundum legem Moysi. tulerunt dominum ihesum in ierusalem ut sisterent eum domino. [Luke 2.22]. In prouerbijs dicitur. Suscipiat uerba mea cor tuum. custodi precepta mea et viues. In hijs uerbis Sal. 4or occurrunt notabilia. scilicet, quod uerbum domini auris audiat ... angeli domino nos offerant et consecrent diuinis in eternum laudibus mancipatos. Qui nobis prestare dignus.

96. ff. 97r-98v Infesto omnium sanctorum. Uidens turbos ihesus ascendit in montem etc. Ml v. [Mat. 5.1]. Hanc sancti euuangelij leccionem fratres toto corde audire et retinere debemus. quoniam in ea exhibetur nobis doctrina ... reg- ni dominatione. proposito largiente. quern omnes sancti benedicunt sine fine Amen.

97. f. 98v De 407 scelere. Notandum quod 4or sunt scelera detestanda. Primum est extenuatio peccati. secundum exultatio post peccatum ... Reuertere re- uertere sunamites. reuertere reuertere ut intu [?] te.

98. f. 98v Que elementa vindicabunt dominum. Nota omnis creatura obedit deo preter hominem. Sol lucet de die ... Et aqua similiter dicet et vindicabit eum. quia erunt in algore aque congelate. ut dictum est. Be Whar man.

99. ff. 99r-101v In Mo tempore Maria stabat ad monumentum /oris plorans [added above: Ioh. 28; (John 20.11)]. Omelia Origenis. Audiuimus fratres Mariam ad monumentum foris stantem. audiuimus plorantem. Videamus si possi- mus . . . nuncians discipulis quia vidi dominum et hec dixit mihi. cui est honor et gloria. Qui cum patre et spiritu sancto viuit et regnat in secula seculo- rum. Amen.

Pseudo-Origen, De Maria Magdelena (also sometimes attributed incorrectly to Anselm of Canterbury); L. Bourgain, ed., La Chaire francaise au XIF sie-

MS 472 449

cle ... (Paris, 1879) Appendix I, pp. 373-83; J. P. McCall, "Chaucer and the Pseudo Origen De Maria Magdalena: A preliminary Study," Speculum 46 (1971) pp. 491-509, MS 472 not listed.

100. ff. 102r-108r Excerpts from Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea, mostly the beginnings of chapters, dealing with the etymology of personal names; taken from the following chapters in the edition of T. Graesse (Dresden and Leipzig, 1846): 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 39, 42, 44, 45, 46, 49, 57, 58, 59, 63, 65, 77, 81, 89, 90, 93, 96, 99, 100, 107, 113, 117 (De sancto Laurentio; parts of Graesse's sections 1 and 8), 123, 124, 130, 139, 140, 142, 145, 147, 149, 153, 156, 159, 155, 166, 169, 170, 172, 168.

101 . ff. 108v-109v Discussion of why the Western Church does not have feasts for O. T. Saints, on how the apostles were called 3 times, on Nicolas (not taken from Jacobus de Voragine), a distinctio on homicides, Jacobus de Voragine on Anastasia (Graesse, op. cit., ch. 7, without the etymology), and 2 brief theological notes.

102. f. 109v Table for ff. 110r-176v (art. 103).

103 . ff. 1 lOr- 1 76v Sermons for the liturgical year from Advent to Catharine, with the Dedication of a Church at the end, all taken from Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea. When the etymology of the name of the feast has been given above (art. 100), it is omitted here; the last few lines of the chapter may also be omitted. Numbers in parentheses refer to chapters in Graesse, op. cit. f. llOr De aduentu domini (1); f. 112r De nativitate domini (6); f. 113v De sancto Stephano prothomartyre (8); f. 115r De sancto Iohanne euuangelista (9); f. 116r De Sanctis innocentibus (10); f. 116v De circumcisione domini (13, pp. 79-86, omitting parts); f. HSr Addicio. Notanda addicio est Alleuimus [?] Viden- dum est in quo pro instituta fuerit circumcisio . . . et gratia cooperandi con- fertur [not from Jacobus] ; f. 118r De epiphania (14); f. 119v De conuersione sancti Pauli (28); f. 120r De cathedra sancti Petri (44); f. 120v De sancto Mathia apostolo (45); f. 121v De annunciatione dominica (50); f. 123r De passione domini (53); f. 125v De resurrectione christi (54); f. 128r De Iacobo alphei (67); f. 130r De inuentione sancte crucis (68); f. 1 3 lv De ascenswne domini (72); f. 133rDe mis- sione spiritus sancti in apostolos (73); f. 135v De sancto Barnaba apostolo (81); f. 136r De Natiuitate sancti Iohannis Baptiste (86); f. 138r De sancto Petro apostolo (89); f. 140r De commemoratione sancti Pauli (90, ending defectively); f. 142r [De Maria magdalena] (96, beginning defectively; one leaf lost between ff. 141-42); f. 144r De sancto Iacobo apostolo (99); f. 145r Ad vincula sancti Petri apostoli (HO); f. 146v De sancto Laurentio martyre (117, to p. 497); f. 149r De assumptione beate Marie virginis (119, to p. 517); f. 153r De decollatione sancti Iohannis Baptiste ( 1 25) ; f . 1 54v De Exaltattone sancte crucis ( 1 3 7) ; f . 1 58r De Sancto Matheo apostolo (140, pp. 625-27); f. 158v De sancto Michaele archangelo (145); f. 162r De sancto Luca euuangelista (156, to p. 699); f. 164r Infestiuitate omnium sanctorum (162); f. 166r De commemoratione animarum (163); f. 169v De sancto

45° ms 472

Martino episcopo (167); f. 171v De sancta Katerina (172); f. 173v De dedicatione ecclesie (182).

104. f. 176v Quare dicitur venerabilis Beda et non sanctus. Circa annum domini .dc. lxxxvij Beda venerabilis presbiter et monachus in anglia claruit. Qui licet ... hac sunt in fossa. Bede venerabilis ossa. etc.

105. ff. 177r-181v In annunciatione dominica. Aue maria gratia plena etc. Luc. j. [Luke 1.28]. Karissimi hec salutatio dictata fuit ore tocius trinitatis. pri- ma clausula ... fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.

106. ff. 181v-182r Item sermo in annunciatione dominica. Nouumfaciet dominus su- per terram mulier circumdabit virum. In Iere. 31. [Jer. 31.22]. Ad matrimonij commercium celeb randum. tria solent concurrere. scilicet promissio de futuro ... Non infantem uel puerum. Cuius causa satis supra exposita est.

107. ff. 182v-184v Item in annunciatione. [Mjaiestas domini ingressa est templum. In Ezechiele. [Ezek. 43.4]. Karissimi Ecclesia sancta recolit hodie dignatio- nem dei qua de sinu patris ingredi uoluit uterum virginis ad salutem ... turbe diuinitus inspirate ei cum floribus occurrerunt.

108. f. 185r [Rubric missing.] [M]ortuus est rex [3 Kings 22.37]. Hec uerba possunt exponi de christo quantum ad duo quantum ad condicionis nobilita- tem . . . Et ita uere possumus dicere quia Mortus est rex. Qui est benedictus. Amen.

109. f. 185r Ihesum queritis [Mark 16.6]. Verba fuerunt angeli ad deuotas mulieres et possunt esse uerba matris ecclesie ... habet vitam eternam. Quam concedat vobis ihesus quern queritis. Amen.

110. f. 185r-v [M]anducauimus et bibimus cum illo ... [Acts 10.41]. In hiis uerbis possumus attendere scilicet Saluatoris nostri erga nos. dileccionem. nostram honorificationem ... meum sanguinem. habet vitam eternam ... Amen.

111. f. 186r //bum viderent in carne solem in nube lumen in testa lucernam in laterna ... fidei operibus panditur iter euntibus ad eum. Qui est vita et gaudium nostrum etc.

Unidentified passage, 14 lines, beginning imperfectly.

112. ff. 186v-187v Item in ascensione. [Ojritur sol et occidit et ad locum suum reuer- titur. Ecce j. [Ecclesiastes 1.5]. Istud thema con [?] in Se 3a festa Salutaria scilicet christi incarnationem passionem et ascensionem . . . qui erunt a dex- tris venite etc. Ad quod nos pro sua pietate et misericordia perducat. Qui sine fine viuit et regnat. Amen.

113. f. 187v Anthe°. Gustate et videte quoniam suauis est dominus. P. [Ps. 33.9]. Gustant sed non vident ut Augustinus ante conuersionem. Vident sed non gustant ... luce gracie. Psalmus illumina oculos meos. Et ut ita sit. Pater et aue.

ms 472 45^

114. f. 188r-v In ascensione domini. [QJuis est iste qui uenit de Edom. Ysa. 63. [Is. 63.1]. Edom interpretatur terrenus uel sanguineus, et allegorice significat terrain sanctam in qua sanguis ihesu ... hora mortis valeamus ascendere. Largiente eodem domino nostro ihesu christo. Qui cum eodem deo patre etc.

Parchment (thin, poor quality), ff. ii (paper) + 189 (104 bis) + ii (paper), 220 x 147 (170 x 110) mm. Written in 40-48 long lines. Ruled in lead, single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines full length and full across, with an extra ruling in outer margin on which notations of parts of sermon are marked. Folios 146-66 (quires XIII-XIV) ruled in brown ink, single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines, with a single extra ruling in the upper margin and a pair of rulings in lower margin. Prickings at all outer edges, for bounding lines and rulings for text.

I12, II12 (-1 before f. 13, no loss of text), III-IV14, V12 (-10 and 12, before and after f. 61; no apparent loss of text), VI8, VII12, VIII6 (-6 after f. 86, no loss of text), IX-XII12, XIII12 (-9 after f. 141, with loss of text), XIV12, XV8, XVI12, XVII8, XVIII4 [structure uncertain; text missing before f. 186]. Catchwords near gutter, along lower edge, verso.

Written by three (?) scribes in small, neat Anglicana, similar to Parkes, Cursive Book Hands, pi. 16 (i). Scribe 1: ff. lr-145r, 174r-188v, rubrics and marginal notes throughout, and all catchwords except that for quire XIV. Scribe 2: ff. 145r-173r. Scribe 3: f. 173v (traced over hand of Scribe 2?).

Crude 3- and 2-line initials in red, the initial on f. lr with red flourishes. Many small initials not executed. Rubrics and paragraph marks in red, many missing or erased. Guide-letters for rubricator.

Numerous folios were end pieces; corners and edges have been squared and straightened by adding pieces of coarse paper. Folio 84, very poor quality and thin at the center, was reinforced on verso (blank) with a strip of paper.

Binding: s. xix. Tan calf over wooden boards, blind-tooled, with a red gold- tooled label "Manuscript." Earlier fastenings covered over. Boards detached.

Written in England in the first quarter of the 14th century, according to A. G. Watson; early provenance unknown. Note in unidentified hand of s. xix on f. i recto, describing contents; unidentified cutting from a sale catalogue on same folio ("Book of Devotion ... in an upright gothic hand ..."). Library of Arthur Hugh Smith Barry of Marbury Hall (1843-1925; Burke's Irish Family Records [London, 1976] p. 77; bookplate, with "Case 22, Shelf 9"). Purchased from S. Harrison Thomson (MS 14, note inside front cover) in 1970, with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Fund.

secundo folio: Cum igitur

452 ms 473

MS 473 France, s. XIII3/4

Guillaume Perault, Sermones de Epistolis, etc.

1. ff. lr-76r [Erased inscription, visible under ultra-violet light, f. lr:] Ser- mones epistolarum secundum fratrem G. de petra alta. [text:] Dominica pri- ma aduentus domini. Hora est iam nos de sompno surgere etc. [Rom. 13.11]. Hoc tempus dicitur tempus aduentuum ... ad consilium sacerdotis non uult abstinere quin ornet se crinibus alienis.

Guillaume Perault, Sermones de Epistolis; see A. Dondaine, "Guillaume Pey- raut, vie et oeuvres" Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum 18 (1948) pp. 197-209. Sermons occur in the following order with numbers referring to sermons as listed by Schneyer, v. 2. Incipits for unlisted sermons are given in full; in some instances it has been difficult to distinguish the precise order since the sermons are often lacking rubrics or clear divisions within the text: 129-32, 135, f. 4r: Sic nos existimet ... [1 Cor. 4.1]. Sicut aliquam artem lucratiuam addiscere uolens ..., 136-39, 141-43, f. 9v: Obsecro uos ... [Rom. 12.1]. In primo uerbo dat formam prelates mansuete regendi ..., f. lOr: Sicut in uno corpore . . . [Rom. 12.4]. Utitur apostolus similitudine sumpta ..., 147, f. lOv: Nolite prudentes esse apud uosmet ... [Rom. 12.16]. Secun- dum unam exposicionem dissuadetur ..., 149-50, 152, 151, 153-55, 156 + 157 + 158 (without break), 159-60, f. 18v: Ecce nunc tempus accepta- ble ... [2 Cor. 6.2]. Legitur quod sit tempus acquirendi. Tempus illud demonstrat nobis ..., f. 19r: Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile ... [2 Cor. 6.2]. Si quis peregrinus transiturus esset mare ..., 163, 162, 165-66, 164, 167-69, f. 24v: Christus assistens pontifex ... [Heb. 9.11]. Notandum quod in uer- bo proposito docet nos apostolus iiijor et hoc contra ..., f. 25r: Non cessa- mus pro uobis orantes ... [Col. 1.9]. Videlicet ibi deo per omnia placentes in uerbo proposito iiijor docet nos apostolus ..., f. 25v: Iste est omnis fruc- tus ... [Is. 27.9]. Circa uerbum istud sex ostendemus. Primo quam con- temptibilis sit uita hominis sine fructu ..., 170-73, 174 + 175, 176-84, f. 37r: Estote prudentes ... [1 Pet. 4.7], Prudentes esse debemus id est prouidentes futura pericula et uigilate ..., 185-200, f. 47v: Debitores su- mus ... [Rom. 8.12]. Vocem exactoris non audit ..., f. 48r: Debitores su- mus ... [Rom. 8.12]. Deo nobis et proximo, deo tria honorem timorem amorem ..., 202, f. 48v: Neque ydolatre efficiamini ... [1 Cor. 10.7]. Quatuor uitia hie dissuadet apostolus que cauenda essent hominibus scilicet ydolatram ..., 203-15, f. 61r: Non cessamus pro uobis ... [Col. 1.9]. In uerbo proposito iiijor docet nos apostolus . . . [the same sermon as that be- ginning on f. 25r], 216-20, f. 65v: Obsecro uos ... [Eph. 4.1]. Specificat apostolus in hiis uerbis ea que requirit dignitas ad quam uocati sumus . . . , 221-25, f. 69r: Confortamini ... [Eph. 6.10]. Ut ualde gra [?] periculum est quod homo guuerram [sic] habeat ..., 227-28, f. 71r: Testis est mihi deus ... [Rom. 1.9.]. Ecclesia in hodierno officio instruit nos circa proximi dileccionem ..., 229-30, 232-33.

ms 474 453

2. f. 76r Glosses, contemporary with art. 1, that note teaching distinctions. At conclusion, in a later hand: "Expliciunt sermones de tempore secundum fratrem. G. de petra alta et sunt fratris gunnssalui de yspania."

3. f. 76v Short extracts from Clement, Fulgentius, Seneca, Job.

Parchment, i (paper) + ff. 76 (contemporary foliation, Arabic numerals in red, in center of upper margin; contemporary foliation, Roman numerals in black, partially visible in upper right corner) + i (paper), 171 x 119 (130 x 85) mm. Ruled in lead; written below top line. Single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across; remains of prickings in upper and outer margins.

I16, II- VI12. Quires signed, on recto, with Roman numerals; catchwords along lower edge toward gutter, verso.

Written in small gothic bookhand with many abbreviations. Marginal no- tations, some lost due to trimming, by several hands.

Plain initials, headings, paragraph marks, in red, but not throughout.

Binding: s. xx. Rigid vellum case.

Written in Northern France in the third quarter of the 13th century; owner- ship inscription, s. xivmed, on f. 76v ("Isti sermones sunt fratris gunssaluj de yspania") and two lines, in Spanish, suggest that the manuscript was in Spain in the 14th century (see also art. 2). Acquired from Dawson's Book Shop, Los Angeles (Cat. 156, Aug. 1941, no. 43), in 1942, by S. Harrison Thomson (MS 20 in his collection) from whom it was purchased in 1967 with the Edwin J. and Frederick W. Beinecke Rare Book Endowment Fund.

secundo folio: preparatio

MS 474 Italy, s. XIV

Three Documents (in Lat.)

Three scrolls of parchment, two of which have been crudely stitched together, while the third is separate. They date from the 14th century and concern in- habitants of the castle and town of Lustignano in the valley of the river Cornia in Northwestern Italy; all were written in cramped and abbreviated chancery hands.

1. (detached) 440 x 152 mm. Land transaction between Niccholaus, duke of Volterra, and Iohannes, Count of Lustignano, on behalf of a certain Michael; signed by the notary Guarnerius; dated 1350.

2. (first attached; mutilated, worn, text illegible at head and tail) 320 x 196 mm. Unidentified land transaction involving Iohannes filius [one word un- clear] de Lustignano; name of notary scratched out; dated 1304.

3. (second attached) 388 x 181 mm. Bill of contumacy involving Raymerus Balduccus and the brothers "Iohannes and Michelis"; signed by the notary Barthalus Sanuccius [?] of Volterra; dated 1346.

454 ms 476

Written in Italy in the 14th century; early provenance unknown. Filing notes, in Italian, s. xvii, on dorse of each scroll. Acquired from S. Harrison Thom- son in 1970 with the Beinecke Rare Book Endowment Fund.

MS 475 s. XX [?]

Modern Illumination

Portion of a single leaf intended to represent a fragment of a large noted serv- ice book. On the recto, historiated initial and beginning of a hymn: Spiritus domini desecnditim [sic] sic anna* * et hoc quod continet omnium [?]// Verso blank. The fragment is an imitation of a 15th-century antiphonal [?]: each word is a unit, not stretched to fit the rhythm of the chant; the colors are inaccurate and unmodulated; the gold is applied in too high relief; the insect in the mar- gin is an anachronistic insertion; there is no text on the verso; and the parch- ment has been varnished.

Parchment, part of a leaf measuring 276 x 199 mm. Ruled in pale black ink, with double vertical bounding lines at left end of each line and guide-lines for bottom and top of minims.

Written in round liturgical gothic; both the letters and the notes (square, on 4-line red staves) appear to have been written first in pale black ink or lead, then traced in opaque black ink.

One initial, a poor imitation of the type found in Tuscan antiphonals of the early fifteenth century: Pentecost, with orange, blue, green and pink acanthus against gold, thickly edged in black, hair-spray, gold dots and one insect in margin.

Presented to Yale in 1941 by Robert Lehman, Yale 1913. Deposited in the library of the Art School, 1945; no record of transfer to the Beinecke Library.

MS 476 Germany [?], s. XV2

Epistolary (1 leaf)

1. f. lr //ab oculis eorum et mors ... Ecce noua facio omnia. Apoc. 21.4-5: Epistle for last Sunday after Pentecost [?].

2. f. lr-v Incipit proprium sanctorum ... nisi mittantur. Sicut scriptum est. Quam//

Beginning of Proper of the Saints, with Epistle for St. Andrew (30 Nov.); Rom. 10.10-15.

Parchment (soft, furry), 1 leaf (contemporary foliation, 116, in red, in center of upper margin, recto), 330 x 250 (245 x 175) mm. 22 long lines, on verso;

ms 477 455

10 long lines on recto, with space of 12 lines (140 mm.) left blank between arts. 1 and 2, perhaps for a miniature; 12 mm. between lines. Bold, well spaced, and slightly rounded gothic bookhand. Red hufnagel neumes scattered over the text for the subdeacon who reads the Epistle at Mass. On recto, 5-line initial in red, ending in pen and ink flourishes. On verso, illuminated initial C, 1 1-line, of poor quality, on brownish-red ground within rectangular frame of bright orange, green, and blue (cf. a similar frame in I. Berkovits, Illuminated Manuscripts in Hungary XI-XVI Centuries [New York, 1969] pi. 23). Initial in white with bands of gold and silver; two gold-bordered medallions with white- blue centers, resembling jewels or mirrors. Initial encloses full-length figure of St. Andrew holding cross of his martyrdom. Text initials touched with red. Inner margin slightly trimmed.

Written in Germany [?] in the second half of the 15th century. "A, 8" in brown ink, on verso, in upper left corner. Gift of Millicent Todd Bingham in 1969 to Yale University; removed from the collection of Historical Manuscripts of the Sterling Memorial Library of Yale Univeristy in 1970 and transferred to the Beinecke Library.

MS 477 Italy, 1616

Guglielmo Balzani, Treatise on Falconry (in It.)

1. ff. lr-5r [Title page, f. lr:] Si quis auet Dominus pernoscere forte libel- lum/ Inferius nomen perlegat ipse meum./ Baro Castaniae. [f. lv blank; table of contents for art. 2 begins f. 2r:] Tabula del presenti libro. Capitolo primo della generatione et natura del aquila gentile et nobile. f. 3. Capitulo ij°. della seconda Xta [sic for virtu] del aquila gentili. f. 4 ... Le purgature della osse. f. 129. La purgatura del bambace. f. 129. Finis honerat Capud. f. 5v blank

2. ff. 6r-134v Excellentissimi principi et singnori et ognuno gentilomo che si deletta delle excellente virtu della falconaria . . . per esser casa mia sub- detta alii Illustrissimi et excellentissimi principi marchesi de' monferrato. la eta mia de dodichi anni fui al seuitu et seruita indingnamente di quello excellentissimo principi guigliellmo octavo marchese de monferrato. Io gugliellmo de la famiglia de bazani de la magnifica cita de casale ... [f. 134v:] ma dando le secondo che ho scritto sarra cosa mirabile. [colophon:] Finis onerat capud. Laus Deo ottimo et maximo. Die 8 nouembris x5e indictione 1616. f. 134 bis, r-v, blank

Guglielmo Balzani, of Casale Monferrato, Treatise on Falconry. The 8th Mar- chese of Monferrato mentioned in the prologue is presumably Guglielmo (1550-1587).

45^ MS 477

3. ff. 135r-136v [Table for art. 5:] Capitulo 2. di aconciar penne amacature in lo cannolo. f. 135. Gapitolo iij. di insitar penne amacature rotte in can- nolo. f. 135 ... Capitolo xi. f. 171. Capitolo per laqua polificata. f. 171.

4. f. 137r [Heading:] Ad nuuoli Cattavatti et altri mali che se fanno in l'oc- chi. [text:] Tornando al Capo sol uenire, a le falcone mali in l'occhi, de se causano nuuoli ... lo finochio si uersi son questi et cet.

Paragraph on cataracts and other illnesses of the eyes, added s. xvii.

5. ff. 137v-208r [Heading:] Ihesus Ihesus Maria Agatha, [text:] Hauendo lo pio presto che si porra a quello con molta diligentia ricognoscere si per auentura ... [concludes, f. 208r, with recipe:] Medicina per la rugna delli Cani. Recipe sulfaru piu greca ... buglite insiemi a focu lentu. Finis. Laus Deo. ff. 208v-219v blank

Treatise on veterinary science as applied to hawks, etc. The hand changes on f. 177v, with chapters numbered 1-18 followed immediately by 32, etc.

Paper (watermarks: unidentified crossbow in circle, with countermark "B A B"; ff. i + 220 (contemporary Arabic foliation; 134 bis) + i, 194 x 144 (172 x 112) mm. Frame-ruled in hard point.

I-XXXII4, with quires signed in Arabic numerals in lower left corner of recto. Bound too tightly for collation of remaining leaves, where no quire sig- natures appear. Catchwords for each page.

Written by 2 hands in cursive of s. xvii: Scribe 1, ff. lr-177r; Scribe 2, ff. 177v-208r.

Binding: s. xviii. Spattered brown calf, blind-tooled. Edges spattered blue/green and red. Rebacked.

Written in Italy, 1616 (see art. 2); early modern provenance uncertain. Be- longed to an unidentified member of the Colonna family: stamp, in red, on ff. lr, 208v and verso of back flyleaf. Acquired by Sir John Saunders Sebright (1767-1846; bookplate). Library of David Wagstaff (booktag); given to Yale in 1944 by Mrs. David Wagstaff.

Bibliography: M. G. Wynne, "The Wagstaff Sporting Books and Manuscripts," Gazette 20 (1945) p. 12.

A. Lupis, La sezione venatoria delta Biblioteca Aragonese di Napoli . . . (Bari, 1975) p. 12.

Idem, "Petrus de l'Astore, Moamyn, Ghatrif," Codices Manuscripti 3 (1977) p. 17, n. 6.

ms 479 457

MS 478 Byzantium, s. XI/XII

Homer, Iliad (fragment, in Greek)

[Title, added later in English:] Homer, Iliad. Q. XXIV. v. 493 [text begins abruptly:] //ocuxap ly& TOxvarcoT(jio<; inii texov ula<; aptaroix; ... 6'Xptot xe TtXoikooi t£- avaaae. 8e u.up[ju86vEaat//

Homer, //ww, 24.493-536 (lines 501-02 are nearly illegible); T. W. Allen, ed., Homeri Mas (Oxford, 1931) v. 3, pp. 356-58. MS 478 may be another leaf from the same manuscript as the single folio included in T. W. Allen's text under the siglum Bm1 (British Library, Egerton 267, f. 19) which con- tains Book 22. 193-236 of the Iliad. The size, format, date, and style of writing are very similar; both fragments show signs of having been used in a binding (we thank T. S. Pattie for his assistance in making the comparison).

Parchment, one leaf, 205 x 147 (177 x 125) mm. 22 lines of verse, ruled in hard point, double vertical bounding lines full across, with an extra horizontal ruling in upper margin. Between rulings for text, 8 mm.; between vertical bounding lines, 8 mm.

Written by one hand in Greek minuscule, using brown ink; some accent marks added later in black.

1-line initial in red.

Discoloration, rubbing and punctures across lines 9-11, effacing some of the text; was once used as a binding reinforcement.

Written in Byzantium in the late 1 1th or early 12th century; early provenance unknown. Contents written at top of recto and verso in a 16th-century italic hand: "Homer. Iliad. Q. XXIV. v. 493" and "Homer. Iliad. Q. XXIV. v. 515." Gift of Laurence Witten in 1957.

MS 479 Rheims, 1303; s. XIVin

Ovid, Heroides; Epistolae ex Ponto PL 10

I. 1. ff. lr-44v [First 2 lines obliterated by stain.] Troia iacet certe dan[ais inu]isa puellis/ vix priamus tanti totaque troia fuit/ ... At melius uirgo fauisset uirginis annis/ Quos uereor paucos ne uelit esse michi. [colo- phon:] Dextram scriptoris seruet pia uirgo pudoris/ Perscriptus fuit iste liber Remis anno domini m°. ccc° tercio feria secunda post dominicam qua cantatur. Cantate. f. 45r-v blank

Ovid, Heroides I-XIV; XVI-XXI (line 12); H. Dorrie, ed., P. Ovidii Nasonis Epistulae Heroidum (Berlin, 1971), MS 479 not listed.

II. 2. ff. 46r-82r Naso thomitane iam non nouus incola terre/ hoc tibi de gethyco littore mittit opus/ Si vacat hospicio peregrinos brute libel-

458 ms 479

los/ . . . Quid uiuat extinctos ferrum dimittere in artus/ Non habet in nobis iam noua plaga locum, [colophon:] Explicit expliceat lu- dere scriptor eat. [three lines below:] Ad loca ponthina misit te naso ruina/ triplex doctrina nisus [?] tuus atque corina. f. 82v pen trials and inscriptions (see Provenance)

Ovid, Epistolae ex Ponto, I.1-IV.16. Letter 2 of Book I divided into two sections at lines 68-69.

3. ff. 46r-51v For each of the first eight letters of art. 2 a brief in- troductory paragraph, written by the same scribe as the text, appears in outer margin; for example, f. 46r: "Hanc epistolam primam scribit ouidius ad brutum et exorat eum ut librum suum uelit recipere . . . loci possit habere. Dicit ergo Naso etc."

Composed of two parts of similar agenda format that were bound together by the 15th century, when notes were also added to the parchment pastedowns, now the flyleaves (see Provenance).

Parchment, ff. i (original parchment pastedown, now flyleaf) + 82 + i (origi- nal parchment pastedown, now flyleaf: 187 x 66 mm).

Part I: ff. 1-45, 39 lines of verse. Ruled in lead or crayon. Triple vertical bounding lines delineate column for written space; additional vertical ruling in inner and outer margins to form columns for commentary. Double upper and lower horizontal bounding lines; additional pair of rulings in upper and lower margins. Prickings for all vertical lines in upper and lower margins; re- mains of prickings for horizontal text rulings in outer margin. I-V8, VI4 ( + 1 leaf added at end). Remains of catchwords along lower edge near gutter, verso.

Part II: ff. 46-82, 45 lines of verse. Format same as for Part I, but horizon- tal text rulings often extend into inner margin. I-IV8, V6 (-6, no loss of text). Remains of catchwords as in Part I.

Written by one scribe whose hand is characterized by an unusually tall dou- ble compartment a.

Decorative initials, 4-line, body split red and blue, with neat penwork flour- ishes, in red (ff. lr, 46r); plain initials, 3- to 2-line, alternate red and blue for each letter throughout text; first letter of each verse placed on middle rul- ing of three vertical bounding lines.

Stains in upper margin result in some loss of text.

Binding: s. xv. Caught-up sewing on four double, tawed supports. Covers wanting.

Part I written in Rheims in 1303 (see colophon, art. 1); Part II was written by the same scribe in a contemporary period. Ownership inscriptions, s. xv-xvi, on front and back flyleaves: "huius Hbri christoforus de drosuy verus est poces- sor," and "Iste liber est Iohannis de ... [remainder illegible]." On f. 82v, s. xv-xvi: "Iste liber est Iohannis de drosay;" below, in a hand of s. xviii: "ce

MS 486 459

livre a ete ecrit en 1340 par jean durosay." Early modern provenance unknown. Belonged to Martin Bodmer, from whom it was acquired by H. P. Kraus. Pur- chased from Kraus in 1970 with the Edwin J. Beinecke Fund.

secundo folio: [f. 2r:] fallor

[f. 47r:] confitear

MS 480 Mexico [?], s. XVI


ff. lr-126r [Tide page, f. lr:] Dominica 20, post pascha ad missam Introitus. [text:] Misericordia domini plena est terra ... et omnem saporem suauitatis. f. 126v blank

Gradual, with masses from the second Sunday after Easter through the 13th Sunday after Pentecost, omitting Ascension and Pentecost; ff. 92v-93r and 1 15r blank, without interruption of text

Parchment, ff. i (paper board) + 126 + i (paper board), 674 x 519 (565 x 360) mm. , trimmed. Written in 5 lines and staves, ruled in hard point. Dou- ble vertical bounding lines, full length. Prickings in upper and lower margins.

I-XVIII6, XIX4, XX6 ( + 1 leaf after 2, f. 1 15), XXI6 ( + 1 leaf at end, f. 126). Each bifolium is sewn together from 2 leaves, then sewn into quire.

Written by one scribe in round liturgical gothic script.

Initial on f. lv (2 lines + 2 staves high) made of cadeaux, with gold paint sloppily applied. Other initials 1 line + 1 staff, same style, in black or red, with or without gold. Square notes on 5 -line red staves. Headings in red.

Water has caused red ink to run on many folios; no loss of text. Some repairs in margins with pieces of coarse parchment.

Binding: s. xix. Half bound in brown calf, gold-tooled, with blue cloth sides.

Written probably in the 16th century, perhaps in Mexico, where it was locat- ed by 1580; note in red cursive highlighted with gold (written by a contem- porary hand) appears on title page (f. lr): "Convento de San Francisco. Mexico, de aho 1580." Library of the Rev. John Wright (bookplate). Deposited at Yale by Henry R. Wagner in 1912.

MSS 481-485

Five collections of fragments that will be published separately.

MS 486 Germany, s. XIVin

Wolfram von Eschenbach, Willehalm (bifolium)

1 . f. lr-v //[Edele] stein dar vf verwiret/ [Daz er noch] wol geziret/ [lr huffel vnd] ir siten/ [Ze etlichenj ziten/ [Des] mantels si ein teil vf swanc/ Swes

4^0 MS 486

ouge dan dar vnder dranc . . . Hohe vursten in werde[keit gedig]en/ Wi solde ich iamer h[an verswigen]/ Vnd kvmmers nicht ge[denken]/ Ich kondes nicht ent[wenken]/ Der menlichen hohen [vruht]/ Der mit so ellenthaft[er zuht]//

2. f. 2r-v //an vch vnd an di den irs gebt/ Min herze in iuuereme gebote lebt/ Vnd miner [brouder iuver] kinde/ Vwer aller ingesinde/ Wil ich nach vluste truric sin ... Di der minnen gern vz brachte/ Sere in das versmachte/ Wer sich kein mir armen vrojwen]/ In sturme lieze schowen//

Wolfram von Eschenbach, Willehalm, 249.9-253.22 and 262.23-267.8; the text is not continuous, one bifolium missing between leaves. W. Schroder, ed., Wolfram von Eschenbach, Willehalm (Berlin, 1978) pp. 318-24 and 335-41; the text belongs to the X-recension of Wolfram's Willehalm.

Parchment, ff. 2 (bifolium), 250 x 195 (190 x 145) mm. 2 columns of 34 lines. Double vertical bounding lines, full length; ruled in light brown ink. Writ- ten in gothic bookhand. Plain initials in red; first letters of verses touched with red. Removed from a binding: text suffers from holes, stains, and creases. Mar- gins trimmed.

Written in Germany at the beginning of the 14th century according to K. Schneider; it was part of a manuscript containing not only Wolfram's Wille- halm but also the Willehalm of Ulrich von dem Turlin. In addition to MS 486, two fragments survive: Munich, Universitatsbibliothek Cod. ms. 889 and Strasbourg, Bibl. Nationale et Universitaire MS 2201 (cf. Schroder, op. cit., pp. lvii-lviii, no. 52). According to H. Fromm ("Ein wiedergefundenes Willehalm-Fragment ," Zeitschrift fur deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur 103,2 [1974] pp. 123-25) the original manuscript was dismembered around 1550 and the Beinecke fragment used as a binding for Sphaera mvndi, autore Rabbi Abraha- mo Hispano filio R. Haijae. Arithmetica secundum omnes species suas autore Rabbi Elija Orientali. Quos libros Oswaldus Schreckenfuchsius vertit in linguam latinam, Sebastianus vero Munsterus illustravit annotationibus (Basel, 1546). Inscription on Beinecke frag- ment on what was the spine reads: "Sphaera mundi/ Arithmeti/ ca Rabi". In- scription, s. xviii, "pro. 3 xr aus der Meehlfuhrer. bucher Auction" on f. lr, upper margin; this probably refers to Rudolf Martin Meelfuhrer (1670-1729; Biographie Universelle [Paris, 1821] v. 28, pp. 103-04). Belonged to Edward Dow- den (1843-1913; DNB, 1912-1921, p. 126); autograph letter (27 July 1891) in library files from Richard Garnett to Prof. Dowden stating that Mr. Ward of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum had identified the leaves and citing the text in the Lachmann edition (Berlin, 1833), pp. 530-38. P. M. Barnard Sale, Tunbridge Wells (Cat. 122, 1920, no. 166). Belonged to Wilfred Merton (1889-1957), who according to Fromm sold the fragment dur- ing his lifetime since it is not listed in the catalogue of his estate. Acquired from H. P. Kraus in 1965 (Cat. 88, no. 12; Cat. 100, no. 10) as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

MS 488 461

MS 487 Southern Germany, s. XVin

Heinrich von Munchen, Weltchronik (two fragments)

We thank N. Palmer and G. Kornrumpf for their assistance with these fragments.

Fragment 1 (recto, col. a + verso, col. b): //Den nicht geleich an Reychait was/ Des fursten haus der ain hiez/ Wann ze Ring all darumb stiez/ . . . vnd den palas/ Vnd all di Reichait di da was/ [D]as must ir alls geuallen wol//

Fragment 2 (recto, col. b + verso, col. a): //Als helyas het gen Im geret/ ... Dir h[eu]t vil drat nement sein//

For a discussion of Heinrich's Weltchronik see G. Leidinger, Munchner Dichter des 14. Jahrhunderts (Munich, 1930) and P. Gichtel, Die Weltchronik Heinrichs von Munchen in der Runkelsteiner Handschrift des Heinz Sentlinger (Munich, 1937), and the recent article of N. H. Ott, "Heinrich von Munchen," Verfasserlexikon 2. Aufl., Bd. 3 (1981) 827-37. The text is as yet unpublished. Inner margin continues through gutter, with slits for binding, to include ca. three letters of the text of the other half of the bifolium. According to G. Kornrumpf, who has compared the text of Beinecke MS 487 with Vienna, Osterreichische Na- tionalbibliothek Cod. ser. n. 9470, the two fragments belong to two separate quires from the same dismembered codex described by H. Menhardt, "Zur Weltchronik- Literatur," Beitrage zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 61 (1937) pp. 438-48.

Parchment, portions of two leaves, each cut in half vertically. The recon- structed folio would measure ca. 360 x 280 (250 x 170) mm. 2 columns of 54 to 56 lines. Frame-ruled in brown ink with double vertical, single horizontal bounding lines, all full length and full across. Written in gothic cursive script. Plain initials alternate in red and blue; headings and initials in red. Guide- letters for plain initials. Rubbed and stained on verso with some loss of text.

Written in Southern Germany at the beginning of the 15th century according to K. Schneider. 17th-century inscription in inner margin "Stiifft Buch pro anno 1657" corresponds to a similar inscription on a fragment from the same dismembered codex described by Menhardt {op. cit., p. 441). Early modern provenance otherwise unknown. Acquired by H. P. Kraus from the private collection of Bernhard Bischoff. Purchased from Kraus in 1965 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

MS 488 Italy, 1456

Giordano Ruffo, Marescalcia equorum (It. tr.), etc.

1. ff. lr-28v [Preface:] Como lo cauallo fo creato dalato [sic for da l'alto?] creatore del cilo et dela tera per uso dela uma [sic for umana?] generacione

462 MS 488

... [text:] In prima dico che lo chaualo di esere generate* da stalone gouene ... [f. 28v:] Conpito e la opera che fece lo bon chaualiero cha la [?] erse lo qual sape ben tuta la malscalcharia. deo gracias amen 1456 a di primo feer [?].

Giordano Ruffo, Marescalcia equorum, in an anonymous Italian translation. Numbering of chapters (contemporary Arabic numerals in margins) begins at section de lo uerme and runs 1-62 in text, but 1-64 in table on ff. 5r-6v.

2. ff. 28v-30r In nomine de pare e delo fio e delo spiritu sancto amen, a lo nome del nostro signor ihesus christo ocidemo questo uermo . . . lob vermes habuit et si habui tamen mortui sunt misericordia ihesu christi et si sunt in massa ... mitantur. Amen. fiat. fiat. fiat.

Miscellaneous recipes and prayers, in Italian and Latin, for various ailments, including worms.

3. f. 30r-v de camora 1. de coperta de ochi 2. ... de cognosere un chaualo che dieue esere rio o bono 65.

Table of contents for art. 4.

4. ff. 30v-36v [C]hi uol guarir un chaualo de camora faza cussi pya onca .3. de solfo pisto ... La inciodadura si e colpa del maistro finito libero [sic] sit laus et gloria christo amen.

Unidentified series of recipes for the diseases of horses and advice concern- ing horses, numbered with Arabic numerals in margin, 1-67.

5. ff. 36v-38r Additional recipes, including lists of herbs for various illness- es; a later hand has added "Nota" signs in margins, f. 38v blank

Paper (unidentified bull's head in gutter), ff. ii (paper) + 38 (contemporary foliation 1-36, modern 37-38) + iii (paper), 219 x 148 (163 x 105) mm. Ca. 25 lines; ruled in hard point or lead. I6, II-IV10, V2.

Written in a poorly formed Italian notarial script; notes in contemporary cursive hands.

Plain initial, 5-line, in red and black, at beginning of art. 1; initial strokes and rubrics for ff. lr-9v only.

Binding: s. xix. Limp vellum case. Stamped on upper cover: "Medecine des chevaux/ manuscrit du XV siecle."

Written in Italy in 1456 (see art. 1); early modern provenance unknown. Pur- chased from Myers and Company, London, by David Wagstaff (bookplate); gift of David and Isabelle Tilford Wagstaff in 1944.

secundo folio: [segura]mente pora

Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 2, p. 1906, no. 23 (while in Wagstaff collection).

MS 489 463

MS 489 Spain, s. XVI2

Marques de Santillana, Cancionero, etc.

I. 1. ff. lr-2r Carta, del Senor marques de Santillana, al Senor Pedro de mendo- ga Senor de almagan. Al muy amado Sobrino Senor. El marques de Santillana e conde del Real, Salud. yo he muy gran plazer porque vos me certificades del estado e dispusicion saludable . . . Quexades vos porque no vos aya embiado los sonetos y prouerbios y algunos dichos de sabios o cosas de Seneca que me demandastes ... De lo qual yo fio No vos Repentiredes. El marques.

Letter from Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, Marques de Santillana (1398-1458), to his nephew Pedro de Mendoza, Senor de Almagan. Santillana promises to send a copy of his own sonnets, some proverbs, and sayings of the philosophers and of Seneca which Mendoza had requested, and discusses a translation of a letter of Seneca sent to him by Mendoza. A. Gomez Moreno, "Una carta del Marques de Santillana," Revista de Filologia Espahola 63 (1983) pp. 115-22.

2. ff. 2r-3r Respuesta de pedro de mendoga Senor de almagan. Al senor mar- ques de Santillana. Muy magnifico Senor: yo Pedro de mendoca guar- da mayor del Rey nuestro Senor e de su consejo ... Dize V. m. [vuestra merced?] que estoy quexoso por los Sonetos a mi embia- dos. No so yo el que me quexo mas antes las claras ... segun ellos son me da esfuerco Osadia. Pedro de mendoca.

Reply of Mendoza to Santillana, about Santillana's Sonnets.

3. ff. 3v-33r Vias. contra, fortuna. Qu'es lo que piensas Fortuna/ tu me cuydas molestar/ . . . tornare/ al nuestro tema y dire/ qu'es lo que pien- sas fortuna.

Santillana, "Bias contra Fortuna"; M. Duran, ed., Poesias completas (Madrid, 1980) v. 2, pp. 89-154. Lacking stanzas 30 and 80; stan- zas 145-76 placed after stanza 48.

4. ff. 33r-38r Otras del marques. Remoto a vida mundana/ E de cuyda- dos ageno/ ... por santos sean contados./ Fini dato./ O cientificos letrados/ minad el templo diafano/ y non vos pasen en vano/ vios tiempos Reposados.

"Canonigacion de los bienaventurados sanctos, Maestre Vicente Fe- rrer, Predicador, e Maestre Pedro de Villacreces, Frayre Menor," Duran, op. cit., v. 2, pp. 189-99. MS 489 lacks stanzas 19 and 28, and has 2 different stanzas following 27.

5. ff. 38r-41v Otras suyas del marques, [added by a later hand:] El titulo es triunfete de amor, [text:] Siguiendo el placiente estilo/ a la diesa di- ana/ . . . que vi la Senora mia/ contra mi desmesurada.

464 MS 489

"Triunfete de amor," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 165-73.

6. ff. 41v-44r Otro dezir suyo del marques, [in margin, by a later hand:] Titulo. El planto de la Reyna Dona Margarida. [text:] A la ora que medea/ su ciengia prefiria/ . . . Fazed vos como fizieron/ aquellas yn- sinias gentes.

"El planto de la Reina Margarida," Duran, op. cit.., v. 1, pp. 149-56.

7. ff. 44r-46r Otro Dezir Suyo. [added in a later hand:] Titulo Querella de amor, [text:] Ya la gran noche pasaua/ E la luna se ascondia/ ... Serra morrer mas non ver/ perder meu ben coytado.

"Querella de amor," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 139-43.

8. ff. 46v-48v Otro Dezir Suyo. [added by later hand:] Titulo, Vision. [text:] Al tiempo que va trancando/ apolo sus crines doro/ ... non saben dezir la prosa/ Si gela Recomendaron.

"Vision," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 144-49.

9. ff. 48v-50v Otro dezir suyo. Gentil Duefia tal paresce/ la ciudad do vos partistes/ ... no conuiene porfiar/ con quien pudo mas que yo.

"Otras coplas," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 96-100; MS 489 lacks the 4th and the final stanzas, and has an added stanza after 6.

10. ff. 50v-51r Otro Dezir suyo. De la muerte tan temida/ de mi gran pesar concierta/ . . . pues que pordes la mas bella/ vuestra fuerca per- dereis.

Four 8-line stanzas.

11 . f. 5 lr-v Otro dezir suyo. Bien piense que a salua fe/ mi coracon aten- dia/ ... por vnos otros trocar/ fingiendo ser entendida.

Three 8-line stanzas.

12. ff. 51v-52v Escusagion Suya. Antes el Rodante cielo/ tornara man- so e quieto/ ... espejo de las mugeres/ de Castilla.

"Decir del Marques a ruego de su primo don Fernando de Guevara," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 104-07. Only the first 6 stanzas are includ- ed in MS 489; the last stanza is headed "Otra Suya".

13. f. 53r Otro dezir suyo. No punto se discordaron/ fortuna e naturale- za/ . . . que si lo saber quesedes [corrected above to queredes]/ planiredes mis langores.

"Loor a Dona Juana de Urgel Condesa de Fox," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 89-90. MS 489 contains only stanzas 1, 2 and 3.

14. ff. 53v-57r [Added in later hand:] Titulo. Defunsion de Don En- rrique de villena. [text:] Robadas auian ellaustro [sic] y borea/ a pra- dos y seluas frondes y flores/ . . . e vinme en el lecho tan yncontinente/ como al pie del monte por mi Recontado.

MS 489 465

"Defunssion de don Enrique de Villena," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 228-36.

15. ff. 57r-75r Comedieta de ponca que compuso el Senor Marques de Santi- llana. O vos dubitantes cred las ystorias/ y los ynfortunios de los hu- males/ . . . visto tal caso y tan desastrado/ despues conuertido en tanta alegria. Beltenebros.

"La Comedieta de Ponza," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 240-304. Lack- ing stanzas 57-64 and 73-75.

16. ff. 75v-79r Another copy of art. 14, with title by the original scribe: "Co [space of half the line] Santillana la muerte del Senor Don enrrique de villena consejero mayor del Rey de castilla Don Johan."

17. ff. 79r-84r Otras suyas que hizo de las quatro Donas. Dolencia, Vejez. destierro, pobreza. En vn espantable Cruel temeroso/ falle escuro fon- do e muy aborrido . . . ca nunca vi pobre que fuese donoso/ Saluante enojoso y muy desdorado.

Poem in 31 octaves, in which the speaker is asked to decide whether disease, old age, exile or poverty is the worst evil; he chooses poverty. Appears in the Cancionero dejuan Alfonso de Baena, where it is attributed to Ruy Paes de Ribera (ed. E. de Ochoa y Ronna [Madrid, 1851] pp. 311-19, no. 290). MS 489 has numerous variant readings, and lacks stanzas 19-22 and 27-31 of the printed text, but has 6 stanzas which do not appear there: one after 13, 2 after 14, and 3 after 26.

18. ff. 84v-85r Pregunta de Ju° de mena al marques. Sin gran for- taleza tempranca y saber/ nos puede prestar varon muy apuesto/ . . . Seyendo ynmortales son defetuosos/ y nunca Reposan ni son mas quietos.

"Pregunta de Johan de Mena al Marques de Santillana," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 124-25.

19. f. 85r-v Respuesta del Senor marques a Ju° de mena. Si algo yo siento y se conoscer/ poeta de mena lo por vos propuesto/ . . . y dellos proceden los dias gragiosos/ por medio noturnos escuros y netos.

"Respuesta del Marques," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 126-27.

20. f. 85v Vna que Hizo el marques a Ju° de mena. Dezidme el de mena y mostradme qual/ pues se que pregunto a hombre que sabe/ ... mas siempre guerrea a la gente humanal.

"Otra Pregunta del Marques a Johan de Mena," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 132-33.

21. f. 86r Respuesta. En corte gran Febo y en campo Anibal/ lo vno y lo al Sabeis a que Sabe/ ... cobdicia Uamada por seso moral.

"Respuesta de Johan de Mena al Marques," Duran, op. cit. , v. 1 , p. 133.

4^6 MS 489

22. ff. 86r-98r Versos Del marques de Santillana que tratan de la libertad, con- tra La Seruidumbre. [added in later hand:] El Suefio. [text:] Oyan Oyan los mortales/Oyan e prendan espanto/ . . . Do padezco tales penas/ que ya no biuo cuitado.

"El Sueno," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 173-202. One stanza added after 13; lacking stanza 39.

23. ff. 98v-106v Dotrinal [sic] de lospriuados que compuso el marques de San- tillana. [added in later hand:] Sobre la muerte de Don Alvaro de Luna, [text:] Vi thesoros ayuntados/ por gran dafio de su dueno/ ... pues Rogad a Dios por mi/ gentes de todos estados.

"Doctrinal de privados," Duran, op. cit., v. 2, pp. 157-77.

24. ff. 107r-118v Otro dezir del, marques de Santillana, del ynfierno de los enamorados. La fortuna que no cesa/ Siguiendo el curso fadado/ ... Non se qua! non se aparte/ Si no es lo poco prouado.

"Infierno de los enamorados," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 202-27.

25. ff. 119r-120r Otro Dezir Del Marques de Santillana. No es vmana la lumbre/ que de vuestra faz procede/ . . . qual yo nunca vi ni veo/ Dadme vida con Reposo. f. 120v blank

"Otro derir," Duran, op. cit., v. 1, pp. 100-102. MS 489 lacks stanza 5.

II. 26. ff. 121r-322r Comienga la obra de los prouerbios. Agena Cosa es lo que deseando viene. Para intrudicion [sic] deste prouerbio es de prosuponer lo que aristotiles pone en el primero libro de sus Eticas que los biens se departen en dos maneras . . . y auia acabado y fenescido en bien auiamos de dezir este fue virtuoso y bien auenturado. Fin de los prouer- bios y comiencan dichos de Filosofos.

Pseudo-Seneca, Proverbia, Castilian tr. perhaps by Pedro Diaz de Toledo (d. 1499), Counsellor to Juan II of Castile, Chaplain to the Marques de Santillana, and later first bishop of Malaga. Text printed at Zamora, 1482, and later. Each proverb is followed by an explanatory text.

27. ff. 322r-324v [Heading: see art. 26]. Quatro cosas deue obrar de- llas el Rey e guardar e mantener, la ley ... El seguramiento con la pobreza mejor es que el Recelo e pauor con la Riqueza.

Dichos de filosofos, in 29 parts, mostly lists: 4 things a king should do, 3 sorts of friends, etc.

28. ff. 324v-327v Oracion Sdcada de cornelio tacito torna [ta added above] en Romance del libro de agustoy dize asi. La muerte de afranio quebranto la potencia De Seneca por que ya las sus buenas artes e Dotrinas no tenian tanta fuerca ... (f. 325r) Oracion de Seneca A Nero. Catorze anos son cesar que me Dieron por compahero de tu esperanca ... (f. 326v) A Seneca Nero en esta manera Respondio. Al razonamiento tuyo

ms 49Q 467

luengo tiempo antes pensando a hordenado poder yo Responder subitamente . . . fingiendo que Dolencia y estudios De Filosofia lo te- nian en casa ocupado. ff. 328-330 blank

Tacitus, Annates 14. 52-56, in an unidentified Castilian translation. E. Kosterman, ed., of Latin text, Teubner (1936) v. 1, pp. 317-20.

Composed of two segments, formerly separate books, ff. ii (paper) + 330 (foliated 1-327, s. xvii; 328-330 modern) + ii (paper, now stubs only). 205 x 151 mm.

Part I: ff. 1-120. Paper (thin; watermarks similar in design to Briquet Homme 7582). Written space varies; for prose 162 x 95 mm., for poetry 170 x 85 mm. Ca. 27 long lines (arts. 1, 2) or ca. 24 lines of verse. Frame-ruled in hard point. Text written in large italic with headings in less cursive bookhand.

Part II: ff. 121-330. Paper (watermarks: unidentified Latin cross in elon- gated, pointed oval). Ca. 26 lines: physical format not consistent, width of writ- ten space varies between 100 and 80 mm. Leaves folded vertically to delineate text space. Written in a more compact italic script than Part I, but with simi- lar types of headings.

Accurate collation not possible due to glue on spine.

Binding: s. xvi-xvii. Original sewing on three small, tawed tapes laced into limp vellum case. Small pieces of unidentified Latin manuscript glued in as spine reinforcements. Two tawed thong fastenings. Inscription on spine: "Prouerb. Moral [?]".

Written in Spain in the second half of the 16th century (ca. 1565); early modern provenance unknown. Belonged to Gregorio Mayans y Siscar (1699-1781; see A. Morel-Fatio, "Un erudit espagnol au XVIIIe siecle" in Bulletin Hispanique, v. 17 [1915] pp. 157-226); his sale, Wheatley and Adlard (10 March 1829, no. 595; inscription on f. i recto). Acquired by Richard Heber (1773-1833); his sale by Evans (10 February 1836, no. 1407; round label on spine). Belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 8320; tag on spine). Sotheby's sale (16 June 1970, no. 1291). Purchased from C. A. Stonehill in 1970 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

Bibliography: M. Duran, ed., Marques de Santillana: Poesias completas (Madrid, 1975) v. 1: pi. 2 off. 119r.

C. B. Faulhaber et al., Bibliography of Old Spanish Texts (Madison, 1984) p. 196, nos. 2331-37.

MS 490 Italy, s. XVI2

Scholia on Oppian (in Greek) PI. 61

1. f. lr [Title:] OeoScopou Maytaxpou ff. lv-2v blank

468 MS 491

2. ff. 3r-86v oypXia deoScogov fiayioiQov, elq to aov ftifiXlov onmavov- fiioq onntavov. [text of Oppian's life begins on f. 3r:] 'Otctuocvoi; 6 jioitjttis, 7u<XTpd<; (jiev rjv dtYTjaiXdou* jJL7]Tp6? hi J-£voooTT)<r to (xev yevo? and dva£dp(Bou xfjs xtXtxta<; ... [ends on f. 4r:] Suax^picj-caTOv xai [xaXiaxa ev tou<; yvtofxoXoYtat.? xoct 7uapa|3oXocT<;, 8iaXa[xpdv&i. [followed immediately by perioche on f. 4r; f. 4v blank; text of scholia begins on f. 5r:] 'Ia-ceov oxt tcov TtotTjTcov ot uiv eiat xpa- 71x01* 01 8e xtojjiixot ... 'AXcoy], x<^Pot xojcoGeaia, et£ i]v Siauivooai efYP^Xeis. TrepKfpaartxto^ 6e Xeyei ttjv GdXaaaav. x£Xo<; OTumavou aXteoxixaiv aov.

Scholia in Oppiani librum primum here attributed to Theodore Magister, preced- ed by the life of Oppian and perioche of his work; portions of the text of Oppian are quoted as lemmata. Text of life: A. Westermann, ed., Bioygcupot (Brunswick, 1845) pp. 63-65; the text is the same as in MS 255. Text of perioche: U. Bussemaker, ed., Scholia et Paraphrases in Nicandrum et Oppia- num (Paris, 1849) p. 260. Text of scholia: Bussemaker, op. cit., pp. 260-301. The text of the scholia in MS 490 differs substantially from that of Bus- semaker.

Paper (watermarks similar to Briquet Ancre 558 and to Harlfinger Ancre 78), ff. i (paper) + 86 + i (paper), 325 x 215 (188 x 110) mm. 18 long lines, ruled in hard point, single vertical bounding lines full length.

I-II8, III6, IV8, V6 (leaf missing in second half of quire), VI-VII8, VIII6, IX-XI8, XII6 (-6 following f. 86). Catchwords perpendicular to text in gut- ter, verso. Quires signed by letters of the Latin alphabet, square capitals, be- low written space toward right, recto.

Written by 3 scribes. Scribe 1 (ff. lr-35v) writes in an elaborate minuscule with heavy vertical strokes and uses a pen which gives considerable shading; this scribe also wrote Beinecke MS 257, was Scribe 2 in MSS 289 and Scribe 3 in MS 290. Scribe 2 (ff. 36r-65v) writes a minuscule which slants to the right, and has shading similar to that of Scribe 1 . Scribe 3 (ff. 66r-84v) writes in an upright minuscule with little shading.

Headpiece, 2-line initial and heading on f. 3r in dark red.

Binding: s. xix. Brown calf, blind-tooled.

Written probably in Italy in the late 16th century; early modern provenance unknown. Purchased from C. W. Traylen in 1970 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

MS 491 Italy, s. XVIin

Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Trattati di archittetura ingegneria e arte militare

ff. lr-57v Parmi che le fortezze cule loro circuitioni in tal modo adattate sie- no che dale machine delle bombarde o scalamenti o altri stormenti bellici

MS491 4^9

difendare si possino . . . ancho di coro incotta conperto di suuaro o altre materie che ale botte alquanto resistare possino, si como la figura. Q.

MS 491 is a witness to the first version of the treatise which was probably finished ca. 1476-77; see R. J. Betts, "The Architectural Theories of Frances- co di Giorgio," unpublished dissertation (Princeton University, 1971) pp. 131-40. The order of contents is as follows: fortresses; temples, churches and theaters; columns and other architectural details; plans for palaces; aqueducts; measuring and surveying; instruments of war. There are, however, no head- ings or chapter divisions. The contents correspond to two other manuscripts of di Giorgio's first version of the treatise: Turin, Bibl. Nazionale, Saluzziano 148 and Florence, Bibl. Laurenziana, Ashburnham 361. MS 491 is slightly longer than the Laurenziana codex, but shorter than the Turin manuscript, with the sections on monasteries, diverse practical matters, campanile, gardens and the "Libro dei Fuochi" of Marco Greco missing. The text of the Turin and Laurenziana manuscripts has been edited by C. Maltese, F. di Giorgio Mar- tini, Trattati di archittetura ingegneria e arte militare (Milan, 1967) vol. 1 ; the Beinecke manuscript was not known to Maltese but its text corresponds to Maltese, op. cit., pp. 3-232.

Paper (sturdy; watermarks: anchor and star similar to Briquet Ancre 478, Bergamo 1502), ff. ii (paper) + 57 + iii (paper), 410 x 260 (260 x 165) mm. Written in two columns of 38-40 lines; single vertical bounding lines, full length. Ruled in lead.

Collation uncertain due to fragile paper and binding.

Written in italic script by a single scribe who left blank spaces for illuminated initials.

Outer and lower margins of almost every page filled with architectural or mechanical sketches drawn either directly on the leaves (ff. lr-5v) or on small strips of paper pasted onto the margins of the leaves (ff. 6r-57v), in brown ink, sometimes with green or pink washes. The drawings illustrate every sec- tion of the text; many have explanatory inscriptions. They correspond closely to those in the Turin and Laurenziana manuscripts (cf. Maltese, op cit., pis. 1-119). The subjects are as follow: f. lr anthropomorphic scheme of a fortified city; f. 2r different polygonal structures and views and plans for fortification towers; ff. 2v-3r designs for fortresses; ff. 3v-4r details of a fortress and exter- nal defenses such as palisades, designs for draw bridges; f. 4v perspective view of a fortress; f. 5r umbilical towers, city plans, a human figure inscribed in a circle and square; ff. 5v-6r plans for cities with harbors; f. 6v designs for breakwaters; f. 7r designs for locks and breakwaters; f. 7v designs for bridge foundations, two bridges with three arches; f. 8r designs for floating bridges, method of laying foundations in the water; f. 8v various amphibious carts, method of laying foundations in the water; f. 9v plans for longitudinal and centrally planned churches; f. lOr plan for a longitudinal church; f. lOv analogy

47° ms 491

between the plan of a church and the human body, two plans of churches with transept and dome; f. llr scheme of the different proportions between apse and nave of a church featuring a human head, various designs for columns and pilasters, plans for domed churches; f. 12r designs for centrally planned buildings; f. 12v plans and views of centrally planned buildings; f. 13r plan and views of a theater, resonating vases for improving the acoustics in a thea- ter; f. 13v columns, capitals, and pilasters; f. 14r columns, capitals, and bases; f. 14v design for a column, capitals, and bases; f. 14v design for a column, capitals with impost block; f. 15r projection of a column, designs for vases to be placed on columns; f. 15v modular structure of the human body; ff. 16r-18v plans for a palace; f. 19v designs for rooms and courtyards; f. 20r designs for facades; f. 20v facade of a house and theater, doorways, analogy between the upper human body and an entablature; f. 21r a coffered dome, church facade with a standing colossus; f. 21v designs for vaults and consoles; f. 22r designs for consoles, trussed roofs and chimney tops; f. 22v chimney tops and fire- places; f. 23r designs for baths; f. 23v perspective view of a rustic villa; f. 25r design for an enclosed garden; f. 25v designs for locks and breakwaters, vari- ous sieves and cisterns; f. 26r two sieves, design for an aqueduct; f. 26v de- signs for tunnels and wells; f. 27r design for a well; f. 27v elementary geometric figures; f. 28r designs for spire, columns and an obelisk, sketch of a quadrant and explanatory drawing for measuring the height of towers with a quadrant; f. 29r explanatory drawing for measuring the height of towers, method for meas- uring height and distance; f. 29v diagrams for measuring width and depth; f. 30r method for constructing a right angle, explanation for measuring the height of a campanile; f. 30v method for measuring the height of a tower, in- strument for measuring the depth of a body of water; f. 31r design for a meas- uring square, method for measuring the width of a river; f. 31v pendulum, method for constructing an arch, the quadrature of the circle; f. 32r circle in- scribed in a square and triangle, square inscribed in a circle; f. 32v methods for constructing perspective; f. 33r diagram of half a wheel, design for a mill; ff. 33v-35r various designs for water mills; f. 35v designs for water mills in running and stagnant water, design for a combination water/wind mill; f. 36r design for a wind mill and various water mills; f. 36v designs for water mills and mills turned by animal power; f. 37r designs for wind and water mills; f. 37v designs for water mills; f. 38r designs for mills in perpetual motion and self- fed water mills; f. 40v plan for constructing a water pipeline over rugged terrain; f. 41r design for a fountain, navigable locks, plan for constructing a water pipeline over rugged terrain; ff. 41v-43r designs for water pumps; f. 43v methods for dredging a body of water; f. 44r designs for rammers and machines for lifting heavy loads; f. 44v machines for lifting heavy loads, de- signs for windlasses; f. 45r designs for windlasses, machine for transporting heavy loads; f. 45 v machines for transporting and pulling heavy loads; f. 46r machines for lifting heavy loads; f. 46v designs for wagons; f. 47r designs for

ms 492 47^

wagons and amphibious carts; f. 48r a bell tower; f. 50r how to blow up a tow- er, how to divert a river to besiege a city, how to bring water into a city; f. 50v temporary defenses for a besieged fortress, trenches approaching a for- tress; f. 51r designs for movable defenses; f. 51v designs for movable defenses for bombards; f. 52r movable defenses for bombards; ff. 52v-53r designs for assault ships; f. 53v bombards on trestles, section of a bombard; f. 54r designs for an armored ship, trebouchets, ramrods and movable assault towers; f. 54v designs for armored ships and floating bridges; f. 55r designs for floating bridges and underwater defenses for blocking a shipping lane; f. 55v catapults; f. 56r designs for scaling ladders; ff. 56v-57r designs for movable bastions and scal- ing ladders; f. 57v designs for movable defenses.

Binding: s. xviii. Red edges. Mottled, brown calf, streaked on the turn-ins. Blind-tooled, with a gold-tooled spine.

Written in Italy at the beginning of the 16th century. Flyleaf has note "Tom- maso Obizzi 1776 Cremona." This is probably Marchese Tommaso Obizzi (1751-1803) who bequeathed 328 manuscripts to the Biblioteca Estense in Modena. In 1861 the manuscript was offered for sale in Venice; handwritten note pasted on flyleaf reads: "L'autore del Codice di Archittetura Civile e Militare che abbiamo jersera insieme esaminato e Francesco di Giorgio Martini architetto Senese morto nel 1506. L'opera rimase inedita fino al 1841; in cui l'lngegnere Civile Promis di Torino la diede in luce cola in due volumi in 4to nell'Atlante. Questa magnifica edizione e posseduta qui dal Marchese Pietro Salvatico e manca alia Marciana. Nella Marciana pero v'e l'opera stessa in codice a penna del secolo XVI con le identiche figure di quella da noi esaminato attaccate con colla fra il testo [?]; sebbene il carattere sia diverso. Sta al Num°. Ill e IV della Classe degli Italiani nello Scaffale e.II.-S. Ella pud comunicare tali notizie a regola del prezzo per cui revorebbe alienare. Venezia 14 Giugno, 1861." Unidentified labels on spine "911" and "1635"; these same numbers also ap- pear on f. i verso. Purchased from Zeitlin & Ver Brugge, 11 September 1970, as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

Bibliography: The Secular Spirit: Life and Art at the End of the Middle Ages, exhib. cat. (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975) p. 196, no. 210, with pi. of f. 43r.

MS 492 England, s. XIVin

Pierre de Peckham, Edmund Rich, etc.

I. 1. ff. lr-85v //Car si del frut mange eussez/ Del tut semblable a li fussez/ Si saueriez sur tote rien/ ... A la dame qe por nos prie./ Ke issi seit soun fiz ihesu crist./ Amen. Amen, issi fmist. Issi Finist Le Romaunz qest Appelez Lume as Lays.

472 ms 492

Pierre de Peckham, La lumiere as Lais, lacking all of Book I and part of Book II; Book III begins f. 16r. Loss of text after f. 25 (conclusion of Book III and beginning of capitula for Book IV). List of chapter head- ings, in red, for Book III, f. 16r; Book IV, f. 25v. A. Langfors, Les incipit des poemes frangais anterieurs auXVP sikle (Paris, ca. 1917) p. 436; P. Meyer reprints portions and discusses the text in "Les manuscripts francais de Cambridge," Romania 8 (1879) pp. 325-32; he read the no- tice of MS 492 in the Techener catalogue (see Provenance), but did not know its present whereabouts (p. 326). See also M. D. Legge, "Pierre de Peckham and his 'Lumiere as Lais'," Modern Language Review 24 (1929) pp. 37-47 and 153-71 (copy in Techener catalogue mentioned p. 43); and E. J. Arnould, "On Two Anglo-Norman Prologues," Modern Lan- guage Review 34 (1939) pp. 248-51.

II. 2. ff. 86r-99v En le noun de nostre douce seignour ihesu crist ci co- mencent les martires [sic] que sunt touches en le sermon que uient apres rudement en dite . . . et pur nostre humilite estre hai haucez a la ioie du ciel qe nous est aparailez. Amen, per sa douce pite. Ami pur W. ai fet cest escrit chier le tenez et ne mie en despite, [followed by a prayer in the same hand:] Cest une oreison apres le sermon. Om- nipotens sempiterne deus miserere famulo tuo .N. et per interces- sionem . . . [explicit:] Ci finist le liuere qe seint Edmunde de pountenei fit. E si est apele speculum Amicicie.

Edmund Rich, St., abp. of Canterbury, Speculum amicicie, also known as Speculum religiosorum or Speculum ecclesie, in a French translation. H. W. Robbins, ed., Le Merure de Seinte Eglise by St. Edmund of Pontigny (Lewisburg, Pa., 1923) pp. 1-78, includes all the text except the sen- tence at the end before the prayer [Ami pur W.... ]. MS 492 is not included in his list of manuscripts, pp. viii-ix, nor in the list given by H. Forshaw, "New Light on the Speculum Ecclesie of St. Edmund of Abing- don," Archives d'histoire doctrinale et litteraire du Moyen Age 46 (1971) pp. 16-17. According to A. Wilshire, MS 492 is of the original family of French manuscripts, containing the text as translated for nuns, not as modified for lay people; it is closely related to the text in London, B. L. Royal 12. C. XII, ff. 17r-30r, but includes a vital sentence in the chapter on contemplation which is lacking in all other manuscripts ex- cept Oxford, Bodl. Lib. Selden Supra 74. See A. Wilshire, "The Latin Primacy of St. Edmund's 'Mirror of Holy Church'," Modern Language Review 71 (1976) pp. 500-12; idem, Mirour de Seinte Eglyse, Anglo-Norman Text Society 40 (London, 1982) siglum A9, pp. vi, xi, xiii.

3. ff. 99v-104v Seint poul li apostole dit/ Si come nous trouum en escrit/ ... Ke il sa ioie nous otrie./ Od lui en perdurable uie. Amen.

ms 492 473

Poem on the love of God and the hatred of sin; Langfors, op. cit., p. 358. P. Meyer, "Notice du MS. Rawlinson Poetry 241 (Oxford)," Romania 29 (1900), prints portions of the text, pp. 83-84; according to Meyer (p. 5) the poem in MS 492 belongs to the same family as Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 405, and Oxford, Bodl. Lib. Rawlinson Poetry 241.

4. ff. 104v-105r Swete ihesu king of blisse/ Min herd loue min herte lise/ . . . \>u bring me out of f>is longing/ To come to j?e at min ending. Amen.

Hymn based on the "Iesu dulcis memorta" (14 quatrains); IMEV 3236.

5. f. 105r-v Cristene man J>u lerne of loue/ For ]>e ich wolde on er]?e come/ . . .J?at )?ou mowe myn blisse yse/ ]nn owene is }>e nede. Amen.

Appeal of Christ to sinner, 54 verses; IMEV Supplement 631 .5 (citing this manuscript).

6. ff. 105v-l lOv Under the rubric medecines, a collection of recipes in- cluding Pur dolur des oylz, Pour cheuelur auer, A la gute [several recipes], Si homme ne put dormir, and A les mals del chief, [added at end in a different hand:] Ffinis. 1429. f. lllr-v has crude draw- ings, added s. xvi

For such recipes, few of which have been published, see R. Bossuat, Manuel bibliographique de la litteraturefrangaise du Moyen Age (Melun , 1951) pp. 279-80.

Parchment (soft, furry), ff. iii (parchment) + 111 + hi (parchment), 307 x 206 mm., trimmed. In two distinct parts, the first of which has several dis- tinct formats.

Part I: ff. 1-85. ff. lr-55v, written space 249 x 177 mm. Written in 2 columns of 36 lines. Single vertical and horizontal bounding lines, full length and full across. Two additional sets of double vertical lines in outer margin; two sets of double horizontal lines full across in lower margin; one set of double lines full across in upper margin. Ruled in brown ink. Prickings in upper, lower and (on some folios) in outer margins, ff. 56r-71v, written space 248 x 179 mm. Written in 2 columns of 36 lines. Single vertical and lower horizontal bounding lines, double upper horizontal lines, all full length and full across. All horizontal lines cross intercolumnar space. Ruled in light brown ink. Prick- ings in upper, lower and outer margins, ff. 72r-85v, written space 246 x 175 mm. Written in 2 columns, 36 lines. Single vertical and single or double horizontal bounding lines, all full length and full across. All horizontal lines cross intercolumnar space. Ruled in light brown ink. Prickings in upper, low- er and outer margins, and near gutter. I2 (+ 1 leaf, f. 3, after 2), II-III10, IV8

474 ms 492

(-3, after f. 25), V9 [structure uncertain], VI10, VII-VIII6, IX-X10, XI4. Catchwords, lower right corner, some decorated with red, verso. Leaf signa- tures: ff. lr-55v, 1 to 5 diagonal strokes in lower margin between vertical lines separating columns, or letters of alphabet, in red, in lower right corner; ff. 56r-71v, two sets of 1 to 5 vertical strokes in lower margin between vertical lines separating columns and under right column; ff. 72r-85v, 1 to 4 vertical or horizontal strokes in lower right corner and, on ff. 74r and 75r, traces of later quire and leaf signatures, perhaps from when I and II were bound together (Kiii, Kiiii). Written in gothic texturaby two hands: Scribe 1: ff. lr-71v; Scribe 2: ff. 72r-85v. One historiated initial, f. 16v, Master expounding to a pupil, figures predominantly pink and blue on a pale purple and gold diapered ground; blue initial with white filigree and pink and green curling vine serifs on a pink ground with white ivy; ground framed by a thick gold band, edged in black. Two styles of minor decoration that correspond to work division of the two scribes: ff. lr-71v, 2 -line initials, blue or gold with red or blue pen work with flourishes; 1-line initials, blue or gold; numerous line fillers, almost every line in different styles, blue and gold; first letter of each verse stroked in red. ff. 72r-85v, 2-line initials, blue with red penwork and flourishes. No line fillers. First letter of each verse stroked in red. Rubrics throughout.

Part II: ff. 86r-lllr, written space 248 x 157 to 169 mm. Single vertical and horizontal bounding lines, upper 1 or 2 lines full length. Upper 4 and lower 2 lines cross intercolumnar space. Ruled in red ink, except ff. 104v-l 1 lr, ruled in light brown ink. Prickings in upper margin. I— III6, IV8. Catchwords low- er right corner. Leaf signatures (i, ii) for first quire. Written in gothic textura by two hands: Scribe 1, ff. 86r-99v (column 1); Scribe 2, ff. 99v (column 2)-110v. Decorative initial, divided red and blue, 4-line, on f. 86r, with blue and red flourishes and design cascading down inner margin. 2-line initials, blue, with red penwork and flourishes. 1-line initials, red or blue. Rubrics throughout. Very crude drawings (s. xvi) added on f. lllr-v.

Binding: s. xix. Brown, hard-grained goatskin, blind- and gold-tooled. Bound by F. Bedford (London, active 1851 - ca. 1883). Title on spine: "Lume As Lais/ Poemes frangais MS. XIV siecle."

Written in England at the beginning of the 14th century. Notes in English cur- sive of s. xv on ff. 16r, 16v, 25r, etc. Signatures of s. xvi include Thomas Leedes and John Younge (f. lllr-v). Many signatures of members of the Lake fami- ly: Robert Lake (1584), Thomas Lake (1585, 1589, 1625; 1567P-1630, DNB v. 11, pp. 417-19) and Hugo Lake (27 Jan. 1627). Early modern provenance otherwise unknown. Library of J. J. Techener (1802-70); described in J. Tech- ener, Description raisonnee d'une collection choisie d'anciens manuscrits (Paris, 1865) v. 3, p. 5, no. 1498. Collection of Thomas Brooke, F. S. A., of Armitage Bridge (bookplate); sold by Sir John Arthur Brooke, Fenay Hall, at Sotheby's (31 May 1921, no. 908). At sale of Sir R. Leicester Harmsworth (Sotheby's, 16 Oct.

ms 493 475

1945, no. 2018); bought by Ellis for George Smith of Marlborough. At Smith's sale (Sotheby's, 2 Feb. 1960, no. 317, pi. 22 off. 16v); purchased by Maggs, apparently for Martin Bodmer. Acquired from H. P. Kraus in 1960 by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

MS 493 England, s. XV3/4

Thomas Hoccleve; John Lydgate

According to M. S. Marzec and A. S. G. Edwards (bibliographical citation in art. 10), the manuscripts Beinecke 493 (Ya), Oxford Bodl. Lib. Bodley 221 (Bo), Laud. Misc. 735 (La), and Selden Supra 53 (Se) constitute a distinct group among the 43 extant manuscripts of Hoccleve's Regiment of Princes. They are distinguished not only by common variant readings but also by the con- tents and arrangement of the codices. All four contain the same works as listed below (arts. 1-10) in the same order except that in Se the Regiment occurs first rather than last in the volume. It appears that BoLaYa were produced at ap- proximately the same time, perhaps in the same scriptorium, but by different scribes.

1. ff. lr-6v [Prologue:] Affter j>1 hervest ynned had his sheves/ And J>1 \>c broune sesoun of mighelmesse/ . . . Her endith my Prolog. And ffolwith my compleynt. [text, f. lv:] Almyghty god as liketh his goodnes/ visitith folk all day as men may se/ ... ffor thy 3efftys and thy benefices all./ And vn to thy mercy and grace I call. Here endith my compleynt and begynneth a dialogg. Thomas Hoccleve, Complaint;}. Mitchell and A. I. Doyle, eds., The Minor Poems EETS (1970): the revised edition of EETS Extra series 61 (1892), 73 (1925) ed. by F. J. Furnivall and I. Gollancz, pp. 96-110.

2. ff. 6v-16v And endid my compleynt in this maner/ One knokkid at my chaumbre dore sore/ . . . Wole I translate and Y my gilt I hoope/ Schall purge as clene as kerchefes doth soop. Explicit dialogus et incipit quedamfabula de qua- dam et nobile imperatrice Romana. Ca.° iij°.

Thomas Hoccleve, Dialogue with a Friend; Mitchell and Doyle, op. cit., pp. 110-39.

3. ff. 16v-28v In the roman actus wryttyn is this/ Sometyme an emperour in the Citee/ ... Wich J?1 no wight eshewe may ne flee/ And whan god list also dye shull wee. Here endith }f [changed from my] tale of a good woman which was In tyme Emprice of Rome, and now sewyth a prologg J? moralizasion of]? same tale.

Thomas Hoccleve, Tale ofjereslaus3 Wife; Mitchell and Doyle, op. cit., pp. 140-73.

4. ff. 28v-30r [Prologue:] My frende affter y. [sic] trow a wook or twoo/ That |?1S tale endid was hoom to me cam/ ... [prose text, f. 29r:] The emperour ]>l

476 ms 493

I spak of beforne is our lord ihesu crist. his wife is j?esawle, the emperour brother is man ... to J?e Ioy of paradyse to }>e wich he vs bring J?( starf for our redemcioun. Amen. Her endith ft moralizing of my tale and begynneth the most profitable and holsomest crafte that is to kune lerne to dye.

Prose moralization of the text in art. 3, preceded by a prologue in verse; Mitchell and Doyle, op. cit., pp. 174-78.

5. ff. 30r-41r Sethen all men naturely desyre/ To kunne, O eterne sapience/ ... Se to J?1 soule soo or J?ow hens wende/ That it may have the lyf )>* hath non ende. Here endith to lerne to dye and begynnyght a prolog of jf ix. lesson f1 is redd on all halow day.

Thomas Hoccleve, How to Learn to Die; Mitchell and Doyle, op. cit., pp. 178-212.

6. ff. 41r-42r [Prologue:] Tho other thre parties which in \>e booke/ Off J?e tretice of deth expressid be/ ... Her endith jf prolog and begynnyth the lesson, [text, in prose, f. 41v:] Lo thus is seid of \>l cite in a place in it is no sorow hevenesse ne wamentyng ... ]>e better parte which parte god graunt vs all to chese Jmrgh his mercyable grace. Amen.

Thomas Hoccleve, The Joys of Heaven, in prose, preceded by a prologue, in verse; Mitchell and Doyle, op. cit., pp. 212-13.

7. ff. 42r-51r Here begynnyth ]f prologg of ]f tale of Ionathas. This book to have endid had I thoght/ But my frende made me chaunge my cast/ ... [text, f. 43r:] Some tyme an Emperour prudent and wise/ Regnyd in Rome and had sounes thre/ . . . His lyff he lede vn to his dying day/ And so god vs graunt \>l we do may. Her endith my tale of Ionathas and of a wikkid woman and begynnyth the moralisyng.

Thomas Hoccleve, Tale of Jonathas, preceded by prologue; Mitchell and Doyle, op. cit., pp. 215-40.

8. f. 51r-v Tthis [sic] Emperour above expressid is our lord god \>l hath. iij. sones. By )>e ferst sone we shull vndurstand aungeles ... to sey J»e kyngdome of heven to which bryng vs all. Amen.

Prose moralization of the tale in art. 7; Mitchell and Doyle, op. cit., pp. 240-42.

9. ff. 51v-60v O 3e folkes hard hertid as a stone/ Which to J?e world have all 30ur aduertence/ . . . Off her tonge I have no suffisaunce/ Her corious metres in Englisshe to translate. Laus tibi sit christe etc. Finis.

John Lydgate, Dance of Macabre, in the following sequence: Verba translators (5 stanzas); Verba auctoris (2 stanzas); pope, emprour, cardinall, kyng, patri- arke, constable, archbysshopp, baroun, lady of grete astate, bysshopp, sqwyer, abbot, abbess, baly, astronomyer, burges, chanon, merchaunt,

ms 493 477

chartereux, sargeaunt, monke, vsurer, poor man (with rubric: Deth top? poor man, and text: Vsure to god ... ; below, the rubric: The poor man aswerith, with no corresponding text), ffisicion, amorus sqwyer, gentilwoman amorous, man of law, jurour, mynstrall, tregetour, parson, laborer, frere minoner [?], chylde, clerke, Ermett (and armytt), a3en to ]?e Ermytt (with rubric: ]f armytt answerith, but no corresponding text), ]>e kyng liggyng ded and eten wl wormes, Macabre J>e doctor (2 stanzas), Lenvoy de translatour.

F. Warren, ed., EETS Orig. ser. 181 (1931).

10. ff. 61r-133v Mvsyng upon \>e restles bysynes/ Which J?( )?1S troubly World hath ay on hand/ . . . To j?ee \>x all seist of loves fervence/ That knawith he J?1 nothing is hid ffroo. Explicit Egidius de regimine principum Amen. f. 134r-v ruled, but blank; one leaf missing between ff. 133-134

Thomas Hoccleve, Regiment of Princes, missing vv. 3976-4049 between ff. 114-115; F. J. Furnivall, ed., EETS Ex. ser. 72 (1897) pp. 1-197; A. S.

G. Edwards, "Hoccleve's Regiment oj Princes: A Further Manuscript," Edin- burgh Bibliographical Society Transactions 5 (Edinburgh, 1978) p. 32.

Paper (with parchment leaves for inner and outer bifolios for each gather- ing; watermarks: unusual bull's or goat's head not located in Piccard, Briquet, or E. Heawood, "Sources of Early English Paper- Supply," Library 4th ser. v. 10 [1929] pp. 282-307), ff. i (parchment) + i (contemporary parchment) + 134 + i (parchment), 288 x 208 (210 x 108) mm. Written in ca. 40 long lines or lines of verse. Frame-ruled in ink; prickings for bounding lines in all mar- gins except inner.

I-IV14, V14 (-11, after f. 66; no loss of text), VI- VIII14, IX14 (-4; text loss between ff. 114-115), X14 (-12, 14; both blank). Catchwords, enclosed in plain brown and/or red scrolls, at lower edge of page near inner vertical ruling, ver- so; quire and leaf signatures (e.g., c.j., c.ij., etc.) in lower right corner, recto.

Written in a current mixed hand, Anglicana with Secretary forms, by a sin- gle scribe who wrote in a more cursive and compressed style of script for the prose sections of text.

Blue initials, 6- to 2-line, for major text divisions, with several distinct styles of red flourishing. Compare, for example, initials on ff. lv, 41v, 77v. Head- ings and marginal notes in red; paragraph or stanza marks alternate red and blue.

Binding: s. xx. Tan pigskin, blind-tooled, with title, in gold, on spine: "Hoc- cleve/ Manuscript/ XV Cent." Edges spattered red.

Written in England in the third quarter of the 15th century (we thank M. B. Parkes for his assistance in dating the manuscript) by a scribe who paid care- ful attention to the presentation of the text: stanzas are divided by red lines that extend width of written space; metrical arrangements are marked by brack- ets in red; notes are added, in red, in outer margins and preceded by blue

478 ms 494

paragraph marks that are often joined together to form a vertical wavy line. In addition, the scribe has also paid attention to minor ornamental features: decorative flourishes, mostly in red, have been added to many lower margins; ornamental ascenders in top line of text extend into upper margin and are often decorated with red. Scribe added the number of folios in the manuscript at conclusion of text, f. 133v: "vj score xij" but seems to have miscounted. Notes, s. xviii, on front of original vellum binding or on recto of original front flyleaf (upper line partially trimmed): "Reynolds/ 1713./ Staff:"; on verso of same leaf, probably in the same hand, is a table of contents, in English, followed by a brief life of Thomas Hoccleve, in Latin, and a list of his works, also in Latin. Modern provenance unknown. Apparently acquired by Robinson's in July 1952 (pencil note inside back cover). Formerly in the collection of Martin Bodmer of Geneva; purchased from him by H. P. Kraus. Acquired from Kraus in 1970 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: ffor ofte

MS 494 England, s. XV1/4

Brut Chronicle (in Eng.), etc. PI. 62

1 . f. lr-v A bifolium of what was evidently intended to be an obituary calen- dar of a Dominican convent (probably in Suffolk or Chelmsford as has been suggested by J. Baker) but the work was abandoned after the entry for Janu- ary 13. The following entries are visible under ultra-violet light: Jan. 2 Obitus Margerie de Benestede; Jan. 4 Obiit Domina Mabella [?] de Burnauyle qui [sic] iacet ante gradus presbeteri; Jan. 5 Obiit Frater Willelmus de Crauene; Jan. 6 Obiit Frater Reymundus De pennafforti Magister ordinis Tercius [Raymund of Penafort, O. P., d. 6 Jan. 1275]; Jan. 7 Obierunt Willelmus ffilius Robert! de Rokyswelle Et dominus Iohannes Bacon rector; Jan. 8 Obiit Alexander Tylere Et Idyu[a] vxor eius; Jan. 10 Obierunt Frater Ala- nus de Bagburham. Et Isabella de badewe; Jan. 13 Obiit Domina Iohanna de Barw specialis Benefactrix huius domus Et Dominus Iohannes Heuenyng- ham Miles, f. 2r-v blank, except for numerous inscriptions discussed un- der Provenance

2 . ff . 3r- 1 03r Here may a man hure hou Engelonde wasforst callede Albyon: and after wham hit hadde that name. In ]>e noble lande of Syrrie }>er was a noble king a stronge man and a mi3ty of body and of gret name ... in J?at bataile and euery man toke al f>at he mi3te wiJ>oute eny chalange. ff. 103v-104v blank, except for pen trials and inscriptions

Brut Chronicle to 1333, the earliest stage of the Middle English text; F. W. D. Brie, ed., EETS 131 (1906; reprinted 1960) pp. 1-286. The text of MS 494 is defective; three leaves missing between ff. 24 and 25 ( ... and for

ms 494 479

wrath lete felle adoun )>e Castel to J>e grounde//called Anbrian: and nou hit ys callede Ambresberye ... ; Brie, pp. 53-60); four leaves between ff. 26 and 27 ( ... and Otta anon bisegede j?e toun and 3af vnto )>e toun a stronge//and his lande shal be J>an replete ... ; Brie, pp. 65-70); three leaves between ff. 51 and 52 ( ... and exilede him out of ]?e lande and erchebi- sshoppe//haue made ]?ere a castell but )?e Erl of Gloucestre ... ; Brie, pp. 138-46). Beinecke MS 494 is listed in L. M. Matheson, "The Middle Eng- lish Prose Brut: A Location List of the Manuscripts and Early Printed Edi- tions," Analytical and Enumerative Bibliography 3 (1976) p. 259.

Parchment, ff. ii (contemporary parchment, foliated 1-2) + 102 (modern foliation 3-104 in lower right corner), 282 x 196 (198 x 128) mm. 2 columns, 37 lines. Ruled in crayon, with double upper horizontal bounding lines and single vertical bounding lines, full across and full length. Prickings in all mar- gins except inner.

I-II8, III8 (-6 through 8, after f. 24), IV8 (-3 through 6, after f. 26), V-VI8, VII8 (-8, after f. 51), VIII8 (-1, 2, before f. 52), IX-XIV8 (f. 104 = stub only). Catchwords under inner column in lower margin, verso, often accompanied by paragraph mark, rectangular enclosures, etc. , in red or blue; quire and leaf signatures (e. g. , g j, g ij, g iij, etc.) in black or red, in right lower margin, recto.

Written by at least two scribes in neat Anglicana formata.

Plain initials, 9- to 2-line, in blue, throughout text. Headings and chapter numbers in red, with blue spiral line fillers. Paragraph marks for headings in blue, for text in blue or red. Remains of guide-letters for rubricator.

Parchment is stained and worn; some portions of text illegible.

Binding: s. xv. Original wound, caught-up sewing on four tawed, slit straps. Boards made of bifolios of vellum with a piece of leather wrapped around them, but not covering the spine. Sewing breaking.

Written in England in the first quarter of the 15th century. The early prov- enance of the codex is complex and cannot be arranged with certainty in chrono- logical order; its association, s. xv, with a Dominican convent in Suffolk or Chelmsford is suggested by the obituary calendar on the front flyleaves. Numer- ous signatures and ownership inscriptions of William and Robert Naseby, s. xv2, including: [1.] on f. lv: "This Book Coste me William Nasby skyner of London >e xii day of Aprill In ]>e 3ere of )>e Reigne of our souereigne lorde kyng Edwarde \>e iiijte after }>e conquest J?e iijde yer Summa [?] CI s1 Od." The name "Nasby skyner" is written over an erasure, and clearly is in the same hand as the signature "Wyllyam Nasby" on f. 2r; [2.] on f. 102v: Thys ys mastre naysbe boke/ he that stellht yt shall be hangged/ vppon a hoke as hy as I may loke/ by me Robard naysbe."; [3.] on f. 104v: "Robard Naysbe/ a good man and/ a trwe." P. Christianson has suggested that William and Robert Naseby may be related to Master John Naseby, a notary and stationer in London in the second half of the 15th century. Belonged, s. xvi, to William Swan (in-

4^0 MS 494

scription on f. 19r: "William Swanne longeth ffor a black cote [?]") and to Leon Swan who has written the same sentence on f. 57r but has substituted his own name. Signature, s. xvi, of John Barker or Barton on f. 40r. Note on f. 2r: Memorandum that I have borrowed of Mr Lynch the Dyall of princes tyll Mar- tynmas next this xviijth of September 1603 by me Thomas Kendall." Owned by Simon Segar (fl. 1656-1712; DNB, v. 18, p. 1136) of Gray's Inn; his long inscription f. 2r: "This book was in the 3rd year of Edw. the 4ths time William Nasby's but is now owned 1696 by Simon Segar son of Simon the son of Thomas the son of Sr William Segar Knl Garter principall King at arms (liveing [?]mp Elizabeth Reg. and King James the first) the son of Francis the son of Nicho- las [one word crossed out] by the daughter of.... .[sic] Grasanthorpe the son of another Nicholas the son of Gerrard etc." Prayer, s. xvii, repeated on ff. 2r, 2v, 42r: "Pray for ye Soull of Thomas Bisschup which decessid ye 7th day of September in y6 yeere of our Lord 5C and iiij on whose SOULLYS IHU have mercy. Amen." Although the inscription "Henry Jones 1716" appears on f. 104r, the manuscript was presumably in the possession of the Frewen family in the early 18th century; on f. 2v is the engraved armorial bookplate dated "1711" of Thomas Frewen of Lincoln's Inn (1687-1738). The volume remained in the family until the beginning of the twentieth century when it was owned by Moreton Frewen (1853-1924), economist and the eccentric uncle by mar- riage to Sir Winston Churchill (for a genealogy of the Frewen family see H. M. Warne, A Catalogue of the Frewen Archives, East Sussex Record Office, no. 5, 1972). M. Frewen's inscriptions on f. 47r: "Moreton Frewen/ Washington USA/ May 1903" and f. 18r: "Moreton Frewen/ Gov. House/ Jan 1 1905. Ot- tawa." Moreton Frewen appears to have used the manuscript as an autograph album on his various travels. Autographs, in chronological order, f. 2v: "Dud- ley Ld. Lt. Ireland, Inver 1903" (William Humble Ward, 2nd Earl of Dudley, 1867-1932, who was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1902-06); f. 2v: "Grey Gover- nor General Canada Ottawa. Jan 1 1905" (Albert Henry George Grey, 4th Earl Grey, 1851-1917, who was Governor-General of Canada in 1904-11); f. 36r: (written in lower margin, upside down) "W. Bourke Cockran [Member Congress added in hand of Moreton Frewen] Washington D. C. Jan 10th 1905" (1854-1923; member of the House of Representatives in 1887-95, 1905-09, 1921-23); f. 2v: "Examined by me with great interest at the White House, Washington, U. S. A., Jan 16th 1905 Theodore Roosevelt" (1858-1919; 26th President of the United States); f. 41v (written in lower margin, upside down): "Wayne MacVeagh Washington D. C. January 19 1905" (1833-1917; Penn- sylvania lawyer and reformer of the Civil Service); f. 102v: "Yours Truly W. J. Bryan January 21 1905" (William Jennings Bryan, 1860-1925; unsuccess- ful Democratic candidate for the President of the United States in 1896, 1900, 1908). Purchased from H. P. Kraus in 1970 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

secundo folio: fader

ms 495 481

MS 495 Italy [?] or Germany [?], s. XVmed

World Chronicle (in Lat.)

The compiler of this unidentified world chronicle cites as sources Sallust, Suetonius, Josephus, Orosius, Macrobius, Eusebius, Origen, Eutropius, Sige- bertus, Hugh of Fleury, and many others. The chronicle proper concludes at the beginning of the thirteenth century (art. 7). The text of the manuscript is continuous, with no book and few chapter notations; the following divisions into articles attempt to reflect the organization and contents of the chronicle.

1 . ff. lr-2 lr De Inicio orientalis Regni assiriorum ex quatuor principalibus. . . . [Njonus Assiriorum potentissimus rex padre bello deffuncto regnauit in assiria an- nis. lij. i cepit autem ante ortum abrae ... tempore gratianj imperatoris an- nis Cxlviij non computatis annis xl quibus fine fuerunt.

Assyrian through Visigothic kings; the beginning of the text has some chap- ter divisions in red including: De Ninia Rege assyriorum et eius segnitie. Cap. iiij., De ario rege assyriorum et cathalogo quorunaam sucessorum eius. Cap. v, ... De exordio regni artabani persarum regis vj. Cap. xxxiiijor, De exordio Regni arthax- ersis cognomine longimani persarum Regis vij. et morte eius. Cap. xxxv, ... De Bello Ciuili inter arthaxerses et Cyrum fratrem eius et morte amborum Iustinus Orosius et Vgo floriacensis. Cap. xlij....

2. ff. 21r-94r Deyano primo ytalie Rege. [IJanus in ytalya primus regnauit ut quibusdam placet . . . ab urbe condita dcij quo anno cepit bellum punicum tertium. Explicit Istoria belli punici.

The early kings of Italy, the early Republic, the Punic Wars; rubrics in- clude De saturno secundo ytalie Rege, Depico saturnifilio Inytalia rege primo laurentum ex cronicis, Defauno, ... De leticia Rome habita ex victoria ..., Qualiter intacti sunt prefati legati et pax inter romanos et cartaginem firmata est.

3. ff. 94r-l 14r Incipit prejatio define Scipionis et haniball et de ceteris gestis usque ad Iugurthinum bellum. Peracto Bello punico tertio tamen superiori libro con- texta est et finit historia continuo macedonicum successit periculo . . . qui seruitutis conditionem vite amore toleraret sed maluerit mori quam seruire.

The Republic after the Punic Wars; rubrics include Qualiter Scipio affricanus fratrem in asiam concomitatus est deinde coactus reddere e cario rationem, De certamine orto ex accussationibus factis de ipso africano et excusationibus ipsius ... De magna clade gallorum transalpinorum ..., De gallis qui maluerunt mori quam seruire Roma- nis Orosius etc.

4. ff. 1 14r-175v (column b blank) Incipit prologus hystoria de bello Iugurthino etc. Iugurtini belli hystoriam scripsit salustius Crispus vir clarissimus Ciuisque Romanus ... his ita partis vitellius ad antiochiam arthabanus et babilloni- um reuersi sunt. etc.

482 ms 495

Jugurthine War, war with Gimbri and Teutones, Civil Wars, Catilinarian conspiracy, wars in Asia; rubrics include Incipit hystoria belli Iugurthini de amicitia Masinisse numidarum regis cum Romanis, De natura et moribus eiusdem regis, ... De herode huius nomine ij. parthorum rege. xij. et morte ipsius, De bonone parthorum rege. xiij. et eius gestis, De arthabanio parthorum rege. xiiij0T et eius gestis.

5. ff. 176r-188r De exordio Imperij Gaij Iulij Cesaris primi Romanorum monarchie post reges expulsos et quare dictus est Imperator et Cesar. Gaius Iulius Cesar Im- perator et pontifex et dictator secundo et consul quarto primus omnium Romanorum post reges expulsos . . . curius promptus orator clarius habitus est. etc.

Julius Caesar; rubrics include Qualiter mulctatus est a silla dictatore propter cor- neliam coniugem ..., Qualiter tribunus et questor f actus est ..., Qualiter pontifex maxi- mus et pretorfactus ... De exequijs ipsius cesaris ac sepultura mirabili, De oppinionibus quorundam qui noluerit mori et de ultione et eius occisores.

6. ff. 188v-382r De exordio Imperij Octauiani Augusti. Octauianus cesar augustus Romanorum Imperator et pater patrie a quo et ceteri nuncupati sunt au- gusti ... eo fugato imperij regimen inuasit.

Roman Emperors, Augustus through Theodosius; early entries draw heavily on Suetonius.

7. ff. 382r-403r De imperio augustulli in yialia. Augustulus post nepotem te- nens occidentis imperium Cepit imperare anno secundo zenonis imperatoris ... deduceris et hoc dicens dum gladium euaginatum elleuasset ut caput precideret morculphus non habens.

Rulers from Romulus Augustulus to Alexius and Marculphus.

8. ff. 403v-405r Pax Constantiensis, 1 183, of Frederick Barbarossa (10 para- graphs). Par. 1-3 (f. 403v): Privilegium imperatoris (MGH, Legum Sectio IV. 1, p. 418, section 293.42). Par. 4 (f. 403v): Iuramentum nuntiorum lom- bardicorum (MGH, op. cit., p. 419, section 294). Par. 5, 6, and 7 as far as the word similiter (ff. 403v-404r) not located in MGH; text of par. 5: Ego iuro omnibus ciuitatibus societatis lombardie et marchie Romane et locis et domino obizoni . . . per rectores lombardie marchie Romanie siue hoc huiusmodi coloquio; text of par. 6: Die lune vndecimo exunte Ianuario in placentia in ecclesia sancte brigide in presentia viuianelli . . . potestas de Mediolano petrus vicecomes; par. 7: Hec sunt nomina illorum qui iurauerunt ut supra legitur. Et ut dicti Rectores Iurauerunt . . . ut Albertus de Tebaldo similiter et alias personas . . . (the text for the remainder of paragraph 7 [from et alias personas] through 10 is printed in MGH, op. cit., pp. 416-19, sections 33 [end] - 41). ff. 405v-406v blank, except for woodcut pasted to f. 405v

ms 495 4^3

Paper (watermarks: similar to Briquet Tete de boeuf 15513), ff. 406 (con- temporary foliation i-ccclxxviiij; 380-406 in modern pencil), 403 x 297 (278 x 300) mm. 2 columns.

I-XXXIX10, XL8, XLI10 (two leaves missing after 5, structure uncertain). Remains of leaf signatures (Arabic numerals) in red or brown ink, lower right corner, recto; for catchwords see below.

Written by three scribes. Scribe 1: ff. lr-105v, 60 lines of text written in a small and even, slightly rounded gothic bookhand; ruled in lead or crayon with single vertical bounding lines full length; prickings for bounding lines only. Guide-letters for initials never supplied. Rubrics (in upright gothic), paragraph marks and initial strokes in red. Catchwords, surrounded by symmetrical flour- ishes, in center of lower margin, verso. Scribe 2: ff. 105v-110v (end of quire XI), 112r-114r, 40 lines of text in a small notarial hand with some shading of descenders; pricked and ruled as above, but vertical bounding lines do not always extend into lower margin. Rubrics (ff. 105v-110v only) in same hand as preceding section; rubrics for ff. 112r-l 14r as for Scribe 3. Paragraph marks and initial strokes in red. Guide-letters for initials never supplied. Scribe 3: ff. lllr-v, 114r-405r, 55-58 lines of text in a dark gothic script characterized by fine hair-lines and curved flourishes over the letter i\ pricked as for two preceding sections, but with additional prickings at corners for each text column of written space; ruled in hard point with single horizontal and vertical bounding lines full length and full across. Decorative initials (signalled by guide-letters), in red, with protruberances and hair-lines. Notes to rubricator in inner and outer margins. Rubrics (beginning f. lllr) in same hand as text; paragraph marks, often exaggerated, in red. Catchwords, surrounded by flourishes which may be touched with red, in center of lower margin, verso.

Binding: s. xv. Italian [?]. Sewn on four tawed slit straps laced into wooden boards. Covered in brown goatskin, blind-tooled with concentric frames of al- ternating fillets and rope interlace, the central panel filled with interlace. Four fastenings, the catches on the lower board, the straps, now wanting, attached with seven star-headed nails. Parchment strips from unidentified manuscripts reinforce center of each gathering. Remains of a paper or vellum label with lettering in ink near head of lower board (see Provenance) and trace of a chain base at the tail. Heavily restored.

Written in the middle of the 15th century, perhaps ca. 1446 when the codex was given to John Capgrave by Jacobus de Oppenheim; inscription on f. 405v: "honorabilis dominus Iacobus de hoppenaim historiarum totius orbis dedit hunc librum Iohanni Capograue Comite Oxoniae die xxviiij. mensis octobrjs Anno A natiuitate dominj millesimo ccccxl sexto/ ad Iura tonandum [?] In librear- ja." For a discussion of the life and works of the English poet and historian John Capgrave see A. de Meijer, "John Capgrave, O. E. S. A (1393-1464)," Augustiniana 5 (1955) pp. 400-40; 7 (1957) pp. 118-48, 531-75. According to

4&| MS 496

de Meijer Capgrave was elected in August of 1455 to another 2-year term as head of the English Augustinian Province. In 1457 he resumed his literary in- terests, including work on a universal chronicle from the beginning of the world until the year 1417; this endeavor resulted in the Chronicle of England produced ca. 1462 (J. Lucas, ed., EETS v. 285 [1983]). The precise origin of MS 495 is unclear: although the hand of Scribe 1 appears to be Italian, the hand of Scribe 3 and the style of decoration on the leaves written by him seem to be German; the style of the watermarks suggests Northern Italy or Germany, whereas the binding seems to be Italian. The manuscript was not completed and is defective: initials on ff. Ir-llOv are wanting; there are lacunae in the text (e.g., a contemporary hand on f. 69r has written next to an empty space in column b: "Nota hie meo Iudicio deesse saltern capitulum vnum" and on f. 291r only a portion of the first column is used, with the text resuming im- perfectly on the verso). MS 495 may, moreover, have been one in a set of volumes, for a mutilated tag on the lower cover reads: "Prima p[a]rs/ [one word illegible] hy[storia?]lis." The manuscript, especially the part written by Scribe 1, exhibits evidence of much use; an early hand, s. xv2, has carefully edited large portions of the text; woodcuts of cities, buildings and ships from an uniden- tified Italian printed book have been either pasted or laid in the manuscript. Presented to the Beinecke Library in 1964 by an anonymous donor.

secundo folio: a parentibus

MS 496 Southern Italy, s. XI1

Passionary (bifolium)

ff. lr-2v [First line trimmed, line 2:] //maria. ecce concipies. At ilia timore deposito constanter ait. Quomodo fiet hoc que uirum ... ut primum ostendam eum uobis quern uidentes nolite ex[paue]scere//

Passion of St. Bartholomew (25 August); BHL, no. 1002; Acta Sanctorum, Aug., v. 5, P35.B/20-P37.E/19. Text is continuous.

Parchment (thick), 2 ff. (bifolium), 303 x 215 (266 x ca. 220) mm. 2 columns, 30 lines, 10 mm. between lines. Ruled in hard point on flesh side; three verti- cal bounding lines full length between columns; single lines for outer vertical rulings. Written in neat but somewhat uneven Beneventan script. Passages added in cramped text hands, s. XIIImed, in lower margins, f. 2r-v. Leaves trimmed with some loss of text along upper and outer margins; portions of f. 2v illegible due to paste and offset impressions of leather turn-ins and wood- en boards.

Written in Southern Italy in the first half of the 1 1th century; see E. A. Lowe, "A New List of Beneventan Manuscripts," Collectanea vaticana in honorem Anselmi

ms 497 i?5

M. Card. Albareda a Bibliotheca Apostolica edita, Studi e Testi 220 (Vatican City, 1962) p. 232; V. Brown, rev. ed. of E. A. Lowe, The Beneventan Script, Sussidi eruditi 34 (Rome, 1980) v. 2, p. 107. Bifolium used as flyleaf and pastedown. Belonged to E. A. Lowe; MS 2 in his collection. No. 67 in pencil within circle in inner margin, f. lr. Acquired from B. M. Rosenthal in 1970 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

MS 497 France, s. XV1

Georges d'Esclavonie, Le Chateau de Virginite

1 . ff. lr-53r [Top of folio, in a different hand:] Pour garder virginite. [text:] A ma filiole en ihesu crist tres amee dame yzabeau de villeblanche religieuse du couuent de dames de beaumont empres tours George de Esclauonie mais- tre ez [with z partially erased] ars et docteur en theologie. Chanoine et penen- cier de leglise de tours. Salut et le titre de ta virginite garder. et prendre le fruit. Vueille sauoir. que ie fu prie et requis daucuns uenerables seig- neurs . . . I te prie aussi. que tu aies memoire de moy. en tes prieres. comme ie faiz de toy. Et la grace de notre seigneur ihesu crist soit auec toy pardurablement. Amen. Donne a tours le darrenier iour de decembre Lan mil. iiif. et xj.

Georges d'Esclavonie (canon of the Cathedral of Tours), letter to Dame Isabelle de Villeblanche, a nun at the Benedictine convent of Beaumont - les-Tours; the work was apparently presented to her 31 December 1411, and this would seem to be an early copy. The work was published by A. Verard (Paris, 1505) and by Jehan Trepperel (Paris, 1506). For a recent consideration of the text see A. Vernet, "La 'premiere minute' du 'Chasteau de Virginite de Georges d'Esclavonie (1411)," Munchener Beitrage 32 (1982) pp. 233-47.

2. ff. 53r-54r Cest loroison comment ma filiole se doit recommander a dieu. O tres doulz et tres debonnaire sire ihesu crist. souurain filz du souurain pere. qui aueques luy et le saint esperit as toutes choses cree ... ; (f. 53v) Cest loroison quant ma filiole mettra le voil sus sa teste, Sjire [sic] mon dieu et mon createur qui es tres loyal prometteur des biens perdurables. . . . f. 54v ruled, but blank

Vernet, op. cit., pp. 246-47.

Parchment, ff. iii (paper) + 54 + hi (paper), 206 x 131 (152 x 99) mm. 30 long lines. Single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines, mostly full length and full across. Ruled in lead; prickings in upper and lower margins.

I-III8, IV- VI10. Catchwords along lower edge near gutter.

Written by a single scribe in a neat gothic script with batarde influence. An- notations and corrections by a contemporary hand.

486 MS 498

One simple initial on f. lr (4-line) in red; other plain initials (3-line) alter- nating red and blue. Headings, paragraph marks, strokes on initials, in red.

Water damage in lower margin of most leaves, ff. 13-54.

Binding: s. xviii. Red straight-grained goatskin, wide gold-tooled floral bor- der, with Richard Wier's "broken cable" roll (see Provenance below). Gold-tooled panels on spine. Edges gilt. Title on spine: CURIEUX/ MSS SUR VELLIN.

Written in France in the first half of the 15th century. Two later hands, both of the 15th century have added on f. lr: "Pour garder virginite" and "Inuen- toire." Belonged to comte Justin MacCarthy-Reagh, of Toulouse (1744-1811); the binding is the type made for him by Wier in Toulouse (cf. C. Ramsden, "Richard Wier and Count MacCarthy-Reagh," The Book Collector 2 [1953] pp. 247-57); not in his sale catalogue. Sold at Evans, 22 Jan. 1817, no. 1230 (note on f. ii recto); bought by Sturt. From the collection of Richard Heber (1773-1833); his sale by Evans, 10 Feb. 1836, pt. XI, no. 1471 (round tag with number on spine). Bought by Payne and Foss for Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 8337; tag on spine). Acquired from Alan G. Thomas, 28 December 1970, by Edwin J. Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.

secundo folio: de par moy. te

MS 498 France, s. XVIex

Devotions (in Fr.) PI. 22

1. f. lr Title-page, so faded that only border is clear; f. lv Easter table for 1585-94.

2. ff. 2r-5v Preface sur le present manuel De deuotion. Considerant nostre Seigneur Iesuschrist la tres grande Importance de loraison . . . ; f. 4r De la grande ef- ficace et puissance de loraison ... Purge lame des peches, Oste la peyne que les peches ont merite . . . ; f. 4v Tesmoignaige de lescripture touchant la force et vigueur de loraison. Le Prophete Elie a moyennant l'Oraison impetre de Dieu quil ne plouueroit en trois ans et six mois . . . ; f. 5v Oraison pour le commensement de mon oeuure. O Seigneur preuiens mes oeuures....

3. ff. 5v-12r Sequences of the Gospels in French.

4. ff. 12r-18v [Prayers to Jesus and the Trinity:] Oraison du nom de Iesus. O Bon Iesus 6 doulx Iesus 6 tres debonaire Iesus 6 Iesus filz de Marie ... ; f. 14r Troys Oraisons secutiues A la Saincte Trinite. O Saincte Trinite ie te loue de ma bouche, de mon cueur ... ; f . 15v Seconde oraison A la Saincte Trinite. Donne moy Seigneur que mon coeur te puysse louer ... ; f . 17r Oraison Troy- siesme A la Saincte Trinite. O vous troys personnes egales et coeternelles vn Dieu vray Pere

5. ff. 18v-34r [Prayers for various occasions:] Oraison du matin apres le resueil. Illuminez Seigneur Dieu Createur des cieux et de la terre et de tous les

MS 498 487

anymaulx ... ; f. 20v Oraison quant on se leue. Ie me leue au nora de nostre seigneur Iesus Christ ... ; f . 20v Oraison pour tous les matins recomander a dieu toutes les actions de la Iournee. Exauce et conserue moy mon Dieu de tout scan- dale ... ; f . 22r Prieres pour dire le matin deuant toutes choses. Seigneur Dieu saige et debonnaire puys quil ta pleu de me prendre en sauuegarde ... ; f . 24v Oraison pour acquerir deuotion. O Dieu puyssant gracieux et misericordieux tous les citoyens de Paradis te chantent gloire ... ; f . 26v Oraison pour acquerir ung estat de vye qui soit agreable a Dieu. O Seigneur Dieu eternel qui gouuernes regis et ordonnes toutes choses ... ; f . 27r Oraison quant on va dormir. O Dieu tout puyssant et eternel ie te rends graces de ce quil ta pleu me preseruer ... ; f . 27v Oraison quant on se meet au lict. Puis quil vous a pleu ordonner mon Dieu que ce corps fragille et mortel ... ; f . 28r Meditation auant le someil. Lors que tu vas dormir tu rerendras graces a dieu ... ; f . 28v Briefue exorta- tion pour estre vigillant. Le iour du Seigneur viendra comme vng larron en la nuict ... ; f . 29r Meditation estant entre a leglise . Tres chers freres quant nous sommes debout pour prier il nous conuient veiller ... ; f . 30r Meditation con- tenant la briefuete de nostre vye. Veillez car vous ne scauez heure ne iour

6. ff. 34r-44v [Prayers to Christ:] Oraison du Signe de la croix. O Seigneur Ie- sus Christ qui estant obeyssant a ton pere celeste iusques a la mort ... ; f . 35r Oraison devant lymaige du Crucifix. O Tres benyn Seigneur Iesus Christ qui auec si precieux gaige ... ; f. 35r Oraison a Iesus christ crucifie. Seigneur Iesus Christ qui pour la Redemption du monde as voulu patiemment en- durer angoisses ... ; f. 36r Oraison a nostre Sauueur Iesus christ. O Seigneur Iesus Christ filz de Dieu viuant qui pour la redemption du genre humain as en larbre de la Croix ... ; f. 37v Oraison en souuenance de la mort de nostre Seigneur. Les tenebres ont este faictes par toute la terre lors que Iesus Christ deuoit mourir en la Croix ... ; f . 38v De la passion de nostre Seigneur. Seigneur Iesus Christ qui pour la redemption du monde as voulu patiemment en- durer angoisses ... [same prayer on ff. 35v-36r]; f. 39r Autre de la passion nostre Seigneur. O Seigneur Dieu mon Redempteur ie souspire apres toy de toutes mes affections ... ; f . 39v Action de graces pour le beneffice de la redemption. Nostre Seigneur Iesus Christ laigneau qui a este occis qui nous a rachapte de son sang ... ; f . 40r Oblation de Iesus christ a Son pere. O pere tres puyssant qui astant ayme le monde que tu as liure ton filz vnique ... ; f. 41 v Oraison a nostre sauueur Iesus Christ. O Iesus fontaine de toute suauite pardonne moy que iusques a present ie nay soffisament cognneu ... ; f . 42v Oraison a nostre Seigneur Iesus christ Sauueur du monde. O Bon Iesus 6 tres doux Iesus tres de- bonaire Iesus 6 Iesus enfant de la pure vierge marie

7. ff. 44v-63r Penitential psalms and litany in French.

8. ff. 63r-71r [Prayers for confession:] Priere auant que aller a confession. O Sei- gneur des misericordes qui es le plus offence par moy en ceste multitude presque infinie de mes peches ... ; f . 65r Autre priere auant que aller a la Confes- sion. Seigneur Dieu tout puyssant qui nestes venu en ce monde pour perdre

488 ms 498

l'homme ... ; f . 69r Autre confession de pechez. O Dieu tres clement ie te prie donne moy vraye contrition de coeur ... ; f . 70r Autre confession de peches. O Mon Seigneur mon dieu misericordieux par dessus toutes choses....

9. ff. 71r-90v [Prayers for communion:] Priere auant que se presenter a la sainte Communion. O Seigneur fontaine de toute bonte et clemence qui nas este contant davoir pourte ... ; f . 76r Priere sur le poind de la Communion. O Dieu Roy souuerain voicy mon Ame bien deliberee ... ; f. 77v Oraison pour dire auant que aller a la Reception du Sainct Sacrement. O Nostre Dieu pain celeste vie de luniuers i'ay peche au ciel et deuant toy ... ; f. 78v Autre oraison au mesme effect. O Seigneur ie me cognois indigne destre participant de ton tres pur Corps ... ; f . 79r Autre oraison a mesmes fins. Ie croy et confesse que tu es vray Iesus christ Filz de Dieu viuant ... ; f . 79v Oraison apres la reception du sainct sacrement. O Seigneur remply nostre bouche de ta louange ... ; f . 80r Autre oraison a mesme effect. O Seigneur Iesus Christ donne nous que ton precieux sacrement . . . ; f. 81r Institution Catholique de la veriteet dignite du Corps et du sang de Iesus Christ au Sainct sacrement. O Bon Iesus, de qui la magnifi- cence est si grande ... ; f . 83v Oraison pour dire auant ou pendant Le sacrifice de la messe. O Redempteur Iesus qui non seulement nous as aymes ... ; f . 85v Oraison auec la confession de lafoy Chrestienne. O Dieu tout puyssant et eternel ie pouure homme suiet a peche renouuelle au iourd'huy l'aliance ... ; f . 87v Oraison a lelevation du Corps de Nostre seigneur. Ie te salue 6 benoit et digne sainct Sacrement Parolle du Pere ... ; f . 88v Autre oraison a mesme effect. Sei- gneur Dieu qui nous as laisse la memoire de ta mort ... ; f . 88v Autre a mesmes

fins. Ie t'adore, ie te fais hommage sonnel comme ie puys ... ; f . 89r Oraison a lelevation d [sic] Calice. Ie te salue tres noble sang qui as decole du couste precieux de mon Seigneur Iesus Christ ... ; f . 89v Oraison apres que la messe est achevee. O Seigneur debonnaire Dieu tout puyssant ie te prie humble- ment que tu vueilles recevoir

10. ff. 90v-101v [Prayers to God and the Saints:] Oraison pour se recommander a dieu. O Seigneur ie recomande entre les mains de ton ineffable miseri- corde, mon ame ... ; f. 91r Autre pour se recomander a Dieu. S [sic] Seigneur ie recommande entre les mains de ton inefable misericorde mon Ame . . . [same as preceding prayer]; f. 91 v Oraison A la vierge marie. O Glorieuse mere de Dieu nous te requerons de ton ayde et secours ... ; f . 92r Autre oraison A la vierge marie. O Vierge en tout temps mere de Dieu et de Iesus Christ porte en hault nostre oraison ... ; f. 93r Autre a la mesmes. Ie vien a toy 6 Mere de Dieu cognoissant la multitude de mes pechez ... ; f . 93r Autre orai- son a la mesme. Ie te salue Marie pleine de grace Dieu est auec toy. Escoute filhe de Dauid et dabraham ... ; f . 94r Oraison au Sainct ange nostre protecteur. O que ie suys grandement tenu a nostre commun Seigneur et Pere ... ; f . 95v Autre oraison au Sainct Ange. O mon saint Ange, ie te prie que non obs- tant ma grande ingratitude tu me contregardes ... ; f . 96r Oraison en memoire des

MS 498 489

saintz. O Seigneur ayes semblablem [sic] pitie de moy ton indigne seruiteur ... ; f. 96v Oraison a tous les Sainctz. O Saincte et pure Vierge Marie mere de Dieu et mere de nostre Seigneur Iesus Christ ne prens en male part . . . ; f. lOOr Oraison a sainct pierre mon patron. O Seigneur Dieu qui entre et par dessus touts les saints as merueilleusement esleu tes bienhureux apostres ... de lintercession de Sainct Pierre mon patron

11. ff. 101v-112v [General prayers:] Oraison pour leglise catholique et pour tous peuples. Nous te prions Seigneur pour ta saincte Eglise laquelle tu as acquis ... ; f . 103r Oraison pour leglise affligee des heretiques. O Dieu, les Gentilz et les nations barbares et infidelles qui nont poinct de foy ... ; f. 106v Oraison pour dire tous les Dimenches. Mon Dieu tres benin mon Seigneur et mon Createur ie creature pecheresse me presente au iourdhuy deuant tes yeux ... ; f. 107v Autre oraison pour dire le Dimenche. Dieu tout puyssant et eternel qui pour conseruer rhomme a toy ... ; f. 108v Oraison pour estre iustifie De dieu, O Dieu recteur du Ciel et de la terre qui regnes eternellement ... ; f. 1 1 lv Oraison pour impetrer parfaicte foy esperance et Charite. O Misericordieux Seigneur Iesus Christ ie te prie par ton effable [sic] misericorde que tu es- pendes en mon ame....

12. ff. 112v-128r [Prayers for the sick and the dead:] Oraison estant en grand maladie. Seigneur Iesus en la main de qui nous confessons la playe et la sante, la mort et la vie ... ; f. 113v Oraison pour les malades qui sont a larticle de la mort. O Iesus Christ, Pere de misericorde fay misericorde a ceste pouure creature. Ayde moy en mon extreme necessite ... ; f. 114r Autre oraison a mesmesfins. O Dieu misericordieux et debonnaire qui selon la multitude de tes misericordes ... ; f . 1 15r Recommandation de lame Qui trepasse. O tres chere Ame en Iesus Christ marquee de limage et semblance de la venerable Trinite ... ; f . 1 1 5 v Oraison pour subuenir aux necessitez quotidiennes . Ie tay requis de deux choses Seigneur mon dieu et mon pere, ne me les denie deuant que ie meure ... ; f. 116r Oraison que ceste vie est plaine de Tribulations. O Seigneur tout puyisant [sic] et misericordieux il m'ennuye fort de ceste vie ... ; f . 1 18r Oraison consolatotre nous exortant que les tribulations de ce monde sont petites et la loye eternelle grande. O Seigneur tres benin seulle esperance de mon ame tu es la consolation eternelle ... ; f. 120v Oraison pour nous reposer en Dieu. O Tres doux et tres amyable [sic] Seigneur Iesus Christ donne moy que ie puysse reposer en toy ... ; f . 123r Oraison en memoire des trespasses. O Seigneufr] Dieu Pere sainct de qui la misericorde est grande de qui la misericorde dure tousiours ie te prie ayes souuenance des ames fidelles ... ; f . 124r Autre orai- son pour les trespasses. O Seigneur eternel qui as la vie et la mort en ta main ... ; f . 124v Recomandation de lame Trespassee. O Seigneur nous te recomman- dons lame de ton seruiteur afin que celluy qui est maintenant trespasse . . . ; f. 126r Oraison pour les ames de tous fidelles . Nous te prions 6 sainct pere pour les ames des fidelles trespassez quilz puyssent iouyr ... ; f. 126v Oraison

490 ms 498

pour les viuans et Trespassez. O Seigneur pardonne a tous ceulx qui nous hayent ... ; f . 127v Autre oraison a mesmesfins. O Seigneur Dieu eternel qui es Seig- neur des mortz et des viuans et fais misericorde a tous....

13. ff. 128r-138r [Prayers for persons of various conditions:] Oraison pour nostre sainct pere le pape. O Seigneur Iesus Christ qui es la sapience eternelle de Dieu le Pere celeste ... ; f . 129r Oraison pour lempereur. O Seigneur tout puys- sant de qui toute puyssance et dignite procede nous te requerons ... ; f . 129v Oraison pour le roy Tres chrestien. O Dieu tout puyssant et eternel createur de toutes choses, Empereur des anges, Roy des roys et seigneur des seigneurs qui as fait triompher Abraham ... ; f . 1 30v Oraison pour dire en temps de guerre ou autre persecution. O Seigneur Dieu de nos peres Regarde maintenant le camp des assiriens ... ; f. 132r Autre oraison a mesmesfins. O Seigneur Roy tout puyssant toutes choses sont en ta puyssance et commandement . . . ; 133v Troisiesme oraison a mesme effect. O Dieu eternel tout puissant et miser- icordieux. Pere celeste combien que par nostre vie meschante ... ; f . 134v Oraison contre les tentations Du diable. Deliure moy de mes ennemis Seigneur iay prins mon refuge a toy ... ; f . 135v Oraison pour un pere defamille. O Dieu eternel quant tu commandes que chacun de nous ait soin dauancer le profit de son prochain ... ; f. 137r Oraison pour les mariez. O Tres doulx Createur et Redempteur du genre humain qui despuis le commensement du monde ... ; f . 137v Oraison que les enfans soient Instruitz en la crainte de dieu. O Dieu octroie nous que non seullement nous adherions a ta parolle et doctrine....

14. ff. 138r-153v [Prayer and meditations on the next world:] Oraison afin que Iesus christ ayepitie de nous quant il viendra Iuger le monde. Ie confesse o benin et misericordieux Seigneur que iay griefuement peche et que ma conscience a merite la dannation ... ; f. 140v Proiect des peynes denfer. Qui est celluy qui pourroit declairer les grandz tourmens qui sont aprestez aux malhureux . .. ; f. 144r Du vehement desir de lame a la vie eternelle deparadis. Comme le cerf cerche les fontaines des eaux ainsi crie mon Ame apres toy ... ; f . 151r De la Ioye de paradis. O Vie eternelle 6 pais amiable [sic] 6 celeste Ierusalem quest ce que Ion escript de toy que diet on de toy....

15. ff. 153v-156r [Prayers upon finishing this manual:] Action de graces ayant acheue le present manuel. Tout nostre pouuoir est en toy Seigneur Dieu par quoy nous labourons pour neant et ne profitons aucunement lors que nous sommes abandonnez de ta grace ... ; f . 154r Priere et oraison A Dieu eternel pour pierre Aymes auteur du present manuel de deuotion. Cest a ceste heure Dieu tout puyssant et pere tres misericordieux que finissant [?] ce present manuel de devotion . . . que i' aye travailhe tant en le scripture que en la peinture. . . .

16. ff. 156r-161r Table of contents with reference to folio numbers, ff. 161v-162v ruled, but blank

Parchment, 162 + i (contemporary parchment), 136 x 93 (106 x 67) mm., trimmed. Written in 17 long lines. Frame-ruled in light brown ink.

MS 498 491

I6 (1 used as pastedown). Tight binding prohibits further detailed collation; + 2 leaves added at end, with second additional leaf used as back pastedown.

Written in a roman and italic script influenced by printing.

Thirty-two miniatures, in brown frames, of average quality: f. 6r St. John (Sequences); f. 7v St. Luke; f. lOr St. Matthew; f. llr St. Mark; f. 12v Crucifix- ion, in a scrolled frame with wreaths against a purple ground (Prayers to Jesus and Trinity); f. 14v Trinity; f. 19r Creation (Prayers for various occasions); f. 29v Christ driving moneylenders from the temple; f. 30v Hermit in prayer in front of crucifix, in wilderness; f. 34v Crucifixion (Prayers to Jesus); f. 45r David in prayer (Penitential Psalms); f. 63v Christ with Apostles (Prayers for Confession); f. 78r Christ washing Peter's feet (Prayers for Communion); f. 81v Last Supper; f. 86v Ecclesia; f. 88r Mary Magdalen embracing the Cross; f. 92r Virgin Mary in aureole (Prayers to Saints); f. 94v St. Michael; f. 97r Saints adoring the name of the Lord in heaven; f. lOOv St. Peter; f. 102r St. Ambrose (Prayers for Church); f. 104r Martyrdom of St. Peter; f. 1 12r Faith, Hope, and Charity; f. 113r Victims of plague and earthquake, in grisaille, perhaps added later over erasure (Prayers for Sick and Dead); f. 11 7r Good Samaritan; f. 123v Burial scene or grave robber [?]; f. 128v Pope, King and Emperor (Prayers for persons of various conditions); f. 131r Samson and Philistines; f. 136r Return of the Prodigal Son; f. 138v Last Judgment (Prayer and meditations on next world); f. 141r Hell mouth, with Cerberus; f. 144v Heaven.

2 -line initials, gold, blue or silver against gold, red, green or blue grounds. Bounding lines reinforced in gold and pink. Rubrics throughout. Full border on title page made up of panels framed in gold filled with grotesques, can- delabra, masks against pink grounds.

Binding: s. xvi-xvii. Sewn on three single, tawed supports laced into the boards. Gilt edges and red and cream beaded endbands. Covered in brown calf, gold-tooled all over with strap work and arabesques in concentric frames. Two fastenings, now wanting. Engravings of the Virgin Mary glued to front and back pastedowns. Front pastedown: Virgin and Child handing rosary to St. Dominic with legend Psalterii B. Mariae Virginis aut Rosarii inuentur S. Dnic. Back pastedown: S. Maria Mater Dei with four flowers in corners.

Written and illuminated in France, by Pierre Aymes (see art. 10, f. lOOr, Oraison a sainct pierre mon patron, and art. 15 where the name is given in full), during the later part of the 16th century. (Note rubrics on ff. 59v, 81 r and lOlv men- tioning Teglise catholique" and "Institution catholique", and lengthy prayer against heretics, ff. 103r-106v). Signature of Paul Duceir [?] inside front cover, with date "21 mars 1763". Gift of Thomas E. Marston in 1970.

492 ms 500

MS 499 Italy, s. XVII

Chronicles of Pisa

1 . ff. lr-44r [Heading:] Pisa fu edifichata da lo re pelonope di romania. [text:] Sichondo che noi ritrouiamo nellantiche istorie anti scritture . . . li buoni pisani i grandi minacci e la mala intentione de fiorentini. ff. 44v-45r blank

Chronicle of Pisa. Beinecke MS 499 follows approximately the text published in G. D. Manzi, ed., "Chronicon Pisanum ab urbe condita ad a. 1342," Stephani Baluzii tutelensis miscellanea novo ordine digesta et non paucis ineditis monumentis ... (Lucca, 1761) v. 1, Appendix, pp. 448-56, but contains some material (e.g., ff. 42r-44r) not in printed text, and some sections of MS 499 are arranged in a different order of presentation.

2. ff. 45v-169r [Note, f. 45 v:] Questi Annali che seguno apparisano fatti da un certo Rinieri Sardi Cittadino Pisano ... [text, f. 46r:] In principio creo Iddio Cielo e Terra e tutte quelle cose che per lui furon fatte e ordinate ... il dogio al ducha di melano la citta di genoua et si fu in domenicha. Amen. Amen. ff. 169v-170v blank except for the contents written in pencil on f. 170r

Chronicle of Pisa, covering the years from creation to 1400, with the Chroni- cle of Ranieri Sardo beginning at 1355; the final paragraph, dealing with 1422, was added by a later continuator after Sardo's death. O. Banti, ed., Cronica di Pisa di Ranieri Sardo, Fonti per la storia d'ltalia 99 (Rome, 1963) pp. 1-299; MS 499 not used.

Paper (deckle edges; watermarks: unidentified sun within circle, in gutter), ff. 1 (paper) + 170 + i (paper), 284 x 213 (ff. 1-44: 250 x 160; ff. 46-169: 250 x 175) mm. Single vertical bounding lines ruled in hard point.

Collation impossible due to tight binding; catchwords for every leaf, recto and verso.

Binding: s. xix. Vellum spine and fore-edge strip, with gold tooling on spine and dark red label: "Cronica Pisano./ 1342/ Annali di Pisa./ 1422/ MS." Mar- bled paper sides.

Written in Italy in the 17th century; early modern provenance unknown. Be- longed to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; armorial book- plate; label missing from spine; no. 181 in Cochrane's catalogue, number in pencil inside back cover) from whom it was acquired by Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 6377). Purchased from A. G. Thomas in May 1970 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.

MS 500

Koran (in Arabic; reclassified)


I. Manuscripts by Places and Periods 495

II. Dated Manuscripts 497

III. General Index 499

IV. Illuminators and Scribes 541

V. Provenance 543

VI. Other Manuscripts Cited 549

VII. Incipits 552

Numbers in the index entries refer to the manuscript number rather than to the page number.

Index I

Manuscripts by Places and Periods


s. XV, 462

s. XVI-XIX, 341


s. XII, 336

s. XIII/XIV, 374

s. XVI, 399


s. XII, 282


s. XIV, 383 s. XV, 393, 471


s. XV, 368, 385


s. XI/XII, 478

s. XII/XIII, 275

s. XIII, 263, 308

s. XIV, 254, 361

s. XV, 265

s. XV-XVI, 267

s. XVI, 252, 292, 296, 302, 367

s. XVII, 292, 293, 294, 296, 299, 300,

304 s. XVIII, 294, 295, 297, 300


s. XIII, 256


s. XVI, 369


s. XV [?] or XVI [?], 408

CRETE [?]:

s. XIII, 259

s. XV, 259


s. XVII, 449


s. IX, 401, 401 A

s. X, 320

s. XII, 315

s. XII/XIII, 315

s. XIII, 322, 331, 455

s. XIII/XIV, 373, 395

s. XIV, 286, 324, 405, 417, 426, 470,

472, 492 s. XV, 281, 323, 324, 331, 333, 360, 365,

410, 426, 468, 493, 494 s. XV/XVI, 317 s. XVI, 337 s. XVI/XVII, 370 s. XVII, 363, 394 s. XVIII/XIX, 298 s. XIX, 287A


s. VIII/IX, 441 s. XIII, 387


s. XV, 287, 310 s. XVI, 364


s. XVI, 354


s. VIII, 342

s. IX, 389, 413, 442

s. XII, 280, 403, 414

s. XII/XIII, 349

s. XIII, 332, 345, 376, 433, 473

s. XIII/XIV, 404

s. XIV, 339, 355, 390, 479


Index I

s. XIV/XV, 285, 406

s. XV, 312, 318, 340, 358, 400, 418, 425,

427, 436, 437, 465, 497 s. XV/XVI, 435 s. XVI, 314, 340, 351, 375, 498 s. XVII, 340, 444, 461 s. XVIII, 340, 464 s. XIX, 340


s. XI/XII, 432

s. XII, 330, 397, 450

s. XIII, 387

s. XIV, 371, 429

s. XVI, 279


s. XII, 393, 471

s. XII/XIII, 392

s. XIII, 393

s. XIII/XIV, 416

s. XIV, 378, 392, 486

s. XV, 306, 316, 325, 350, 350A, 377,

392, 421, 451, 487 s. XVI, 341, 356 s. XVII, 309, 341 s. XVIII, 309, 341 s. XIX, 341


s. XI/XII, 432

s. XII, 330, 397

s. XV, 348, 368, 385, 476, 495

Greece: s. XVI, 251 s. XVII, 251


s. XVII-XVIII, 303


s. VII/VIII, 440

s. XI, 384, 496

s. XII, 346, 382

s. XIII, 386, 415

s. XIV, 305, 327, 338, 388, 398, 428, 474

s. XV, 253, 255, 258, 261, 262, 277, 278, 284, 291, 305, 311, 313, 319, 321, 326, 328, 329, 334, 335, 343, 344, 353, 357, 359, 362, 379, 380, 391, 407, 409, 422, 438, 446, 450, 453, 459, 463, 488

s. XVI, 266, 270, 271, 272, 288, 289, 290, 301, 344, 352, 366, 366A, 381, 412, 420, 424, 448, 457, 467, 490, 491

s. XVII, 260, 372, 396, 456, 458, 477, 499

ITALY [?]:

s. X, 262

s. XIII, 256

s. XV, 495

s. XVI, 257, 264, 268, 276

s. XVII-XVIII, 307


s. XIV, 371


s. XVI -XVIII, 419 s. XVII, 430

MEXICO [?]: s. XVI, 480


s. XV, 434 s. XVI, 434 s. XVII, 460


s. X, 447

s. XIII, 423

s. XV, 430, 454

s. XVI, 269, 273, 274, 283, 466, 489

s. XVII, 430, 466

s. XVIII, 430

s. XVIII-XIX, 431

SPAIN [?]: s. XV, 347 s. XVI, 268


s. XVI, 439

Index II

Dated Manuscripts


MS 259


MS 467


MS 254


MS 269


MS 479

1580 [ca


MS 276


MS 393


MS 251


MS 407


MS 272


MS 343


MS 301


MS 325


MS 273


MS 278


MS 274

1453 [?],

MS 265

1601 or


MS 460


MS 421


MS 458


MS 488


MS 477


MS 334


MS 294


MS 313


MS 372


MS 409


MS 449


MS 284


MS 444

1473 [?]

MS 258


MS 296

1470 [ca.],

MS 281


MS 300


MS 261


MS 461

1473 [?],

MS 258


MS 251

1475 [ca.],

MS 321


MS 292


MS 463


MS 299


MS 453


MS 293


MS 291


MS 294


MS 412


MS 456

1510-17 [ca.],

MS 439


MS 295


MS 364



MS 294


MS 399



MS 297


MS 337



MS 300


MS 424


MS 295


MS 314


MS 295


MS 457



MS 287A

Index III

General Index

Abergavenny, barony of, 370

Abgarus, King of Edessa, 327

Abion: moralistic sayings, 285

Abraham and Isaac, 365

Acacius of Constantinople: Epistola, 442

Accounting, problems in (in Italian), 327

Accounts, 364, 365, 405

Acts of the Councils of Chalcedon, ex- cerpts, 442

Adelasius, Franciscus, 456

Admonitiones ad monachos novos (in Greek), 304

Adolphus of Vienna: Doligamus, 462

Adrian and Epotys, 365

Aegidius Romanus: Capitvlafidei christian- ae, 422

Aethicus Ister: Cosmographia III. 31-39, 406

Aetius of Constantinople: Homilia in S. Ioannem Baptistam (in Greek), 251

Africanus, Sextus Julius. See Sextus Julius Africanus

Agenda format, 332, 479

Akakios, Monk of Sabba, 300

Alain de Lille. See Alanus de Insulis

Alanus de Insulis: De sex alis cherubim, 416

Albanzani, Donato degli, tr. , 398

"Albergati Bible", 407

Albert of Diessen: Speculum vel lavacrum sacerdotum, 393

Albertus Magnus [?]: Compendium de ortu et metallorum materia, 309; De secretis mulierum, 462

Albi, 414

Albinus Platonicus. See Alcinous

Alchemical texts: in Latin and German, 309

Alcinous: Didaskalikos (in Greek), 253

Aldhelm: De laude virginitatis, 401, 401 A

Alegoria, notes on, 360

Alexander of Villa Dei: Doctrinale (frag- ment), 377

Alexander the Great: life of, unidentified

(in Greek), 294; moralistic sayings, 285

Alexander the Monk: Laudatio in apostolum Barnabam (in Greek), 251

Alexander, Pope, 333

Alexandre de Villedieu. See Alexander of Villa Dei

Alexis, Guillaume. See Guillaume Alexis

Alfonse, Count of Poitou and Toulouse, 345

Alighieri, Iacopo: Divisione of the Divine Comedy, 428

Alphabet, Greek, 322

Alphonse, Duke of Calabria, dedication to, 391

Alsace: history of (in German), 421

Amaistramenti de Sallamon, Li, 327

Ambrose: Exameron, 322; extracts, 392

Ambrosius Autpertus: De conflictu vitiorum et virtutum, 311

Amiens, 427

Ammonian sections, 402

Ammonius: Relatio de monachis (in Greek), 252

Ammonius Hermeiou: In Aristotelis Categor- ias commentarius (in Greek) , 256; In Por- phyrii Isagogen (in Greek), 256

Amphilochius of Iconium: Homilia in occur- sum Domini (in Greek), 252; Oratio in cir- cumcisionem et in S. Basilium (in Greek), 252

Anagogia, notes on, 360

Anagrams, 351

Anastasius of Sinai: 299; Oratio de trans- figuratione Domini (in Greek), 251

Ancient world: history of (in German), 421

Andreae, Johannes. See Johannes Andreae

Andrew of Crete: Encomium in Martyres X (in Greek), 260; Great Canon (in Greek), 300; Oratio in annuntiationem (in Greek), 251 ; Oratio in loannis Baptistae decollatio- ns (in Greek), 251 ; Oratio in S. Georgi- um (in Greek), 251; Oratio in transfig-


General Index

urationem Domini (in Greek), 251; Orationes in dormitionem B. V. M. (in Greek), 251; commentary on (in Greek), 300

Anglia, East, 417

Anglo-Norman, 395, 405, 492

Anglo-Saxon glosses, 401, 401 A

Anglo-Saxon pontifical, 320

Animals, treatise on, 385

Annates Januenses, 357

Annals of Genoa, to 1293, 357

Anne of Brittany, 375

Annunciation, Carol of (in English), 365

Anonymous sermon on Virgin Mary, 377

Ansegisus, compiler, 413

Anselm: extracts, 392

Anselm of Canterbury, attributed author: De Maria Magdalena, 472

Antipater of Bostra: Homilia in S, Ioannem Baptistam... (in Greek), 251

Antiphonal (fragments), 386, 331

Antiphonal, imitation of, 475

Antoninus, St.: Tractatus de censuris ec- clesiasticis , 326

Antonio di Jacopo, Ser, 321

Antonius Longobardus, 376

Antonyms, religious, 306

Apollonius Dyscolus [?]: Definitio verbi (in Greek), 319

Apostolis Shop, 259

Aquafortis, recipe for, 372

Aqueducts, plans for, 491

Aquitaine, 414

Arabic numerals, scribal pattern for, 439

Aragon, 454

Arator: De actibus apostolorum, 316

Architecture, treatise on (in Italian), 491

Argenteuil, monastery of, 405

Argyropylus, Ioannes: life of, 362

Argyropylus, Ioannes, tr., 362

Aristides Quintilianus: De musica (in Greek), 271

Aristotle: Categoriae (in Greek), 256; De ani- ma (in Greek), 258; De anima (Latin tr.), 258; De anima, epilogue to (in Greek), 258; De interpretation (in Greek), 256, 258; De interpretatione, Latin tr. Ar- gyropylus, 362; Ethica Nicomachea (in Greek), 279; Priora analytica, Latin tr. Argyropylus, 362; Rhetorica (in Greek),

361; commentary on (in Greek), 256, 258, 268; epilogue to De anima (in Greek), 258; moralistic sayings, 285 Arithmetic, mercantile, 327 Arithmetic, thirteen books on, 372 Arithmetical calculations (in Greek),

302 Arma Christi roll, 410


Adelasio family of Bergamo, 456

Alfonso V, King of Aragon, 454

Archbishoprics, six, 425

Barbadicus (Barbarigo), 456

Barnak. See Bernake

Bernake, 410

Bini of Florence, 428

Boeckhli of Augsburg, 439

Burgundy, 390

Cambio, 328

Carent, 281

Carent quartered with Toomer, 281

Charles VI, King of France, 425

Cognet, 351

Coignet of Auxerre, 444

Crevecoeur, 427

De Levis, Dukes of Mirepoix and Ven-

tadour, 400 Driby, 410 Duchies, six, 425 effaced, 438 Esch of Metz, 339 Ferdinand of Aragon, 391, 446 France moderne, 425 Gastinois, 351

Henry V, King of England, 425 Houssaye de la Morandais (de la), 457 incomplete, 405 Joannes Vitez, 284 Lee, John (born Fiott), 374 Maarbeck, 287 Marcello, 381, 412

Montegnacco, Gian Francesco di, 436 Nicolaus Cusanus, 334 Ons-en-Bray, 427 Pare, abbey of, 374 Savoy, 390 unidentified, 261, 283, 309, 313, 339,

343, 344, 400, 404, 412 Westkercke, 400 Arnold of Villanova: extracts, 309 Arnold, abbot of Bonneval: VitaS. Bernardi,


General Index


Ars memorandi, unidentified, 306

Artabasda, Nicolaus. See Nicolaus Smyrnaeus

Articles of the Creed, fourteen (in English), 317

Articuli lete, 365

Arundel-Devon dispute, 370

Ascham, Anthony, 337

Askham, Anthony. See Ascham, Anthony

Assaron: moralistic sayings, 285

Asterius of Amasea: Laudatio S. Basilu (in Greek), 251

Astreus da Perugia, 391

Astrological tables (in Italian), 448

Astrology, 327, 337, 372, 408

Astronomy, 327, 328, 335, 337, 399, 408, 448

Athanasian Creed: in English, 360; in Lat- in, 460

Athanasius: Homilia de censu (in Greek), 252; Quaestiones diversae (in Greek), 267

Athanasius Patelaros: Homilia defilio prodigo (in Greek), 304; notes and verses on (in Greek), 304

Athos, Mt., 251

Augustine: Contra Cresconium (extracts), 403; De Trinitate, 336; De Trinitate (ex- tracts), 404; Traciatus CXXIV in Ioan- nis Evangelium, 346; commentary on Regula, 347; extracts, 312, 371, 374, 392, 404, 472; poem on, 336; prayers, 314

Augustine, pseudo-: De quatuor virtutibus car- itatis, 311; Oratio in libros de trinitate, 336; Soliloquia, 312; Soliloquia (in Greek), 292; Soliloquia, verses on (in Greek), 292

Auria. See Doria

Austria: rulers of, 341

Autograph album, 494

Autpertus, Ambrosius. See Ambrosius Aut- pertus

Bacon, rector Iohannes, obituary notice, 494

Bacon, Roger: unidentified text attribut- ed to, 408

Badewe, Isabella, obituary notice, 494

Badge, off-set impression, 379

Baeumer, Suitbert, 315

Bagburham, Frater Alanus de, obituary notice, 494

Balduccus, Raymerus, 474

Balduinus Avennensis. See Baudouin d'Avesnes

Balerne, Cistercian abbey of, 336

Ballinghem, P. Antonius [?], 449

Balzani, Guglielmo: Treatise on Falconry (in Italian), 477

Barlaam and Ioasaph (in Greek), 266

Baronies, lists of and notes for, 370

Bartholomaeus Anglicus: Liber de proprietati- bus (extracts), 327

Bartolomeo da Pisa: De conformitate vitae bea- ti Francisci, 311

Barw, Domina Iohanna de, obituary no- tice, 494

Basel [?], 350, 350A

Basel, council of, 350

Basil: Homilia in sanctam Christi generationem (in Greek), 252; liturgy of (in Greek), 259, 296, 302

Basil of Seleucia: Oratio in infantes ab Her- ode sublatos (in Greek), 252; Oratio in S. Deiparae annuntiationem (in Greek), 252

Basil the Bulgar-slayer, 300

Bassarabas, Joannes Constantinus, 295

Baudouin d'Avesnes: Chroniques de Hainaut, 339

Baysio, Guido da. See Guido da Baysio

Bede: Expositio in Lucae Evangelium (frag- ment), 441; Expositio In Marci evangeli- um, 389; Historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum, 330; notes on, 472; prayer, 310

"Bedford Hours", 400

Beghards and beguines, 393

Beleth, Jean: Summa, 315

Benedictine use, 382

Benedictines of Mount Olivet, 379

Benestede, Margerie de, obituary notice, 494

Beneventan script, 496

Benivieni, Girolamo: three poems, in Italian, 352

Bernard of Clairvaux: De gradibus humili- tatis et superbiae, 377; Flores Bemardi, 376; Sermo infesto annuntiationis B. V. M. , 377; Sermo in obitu domini Humberti, 377; Ser- mones pro Dominica VI post Pentecosten, 377; Vital, recensioA, 354; extracts, 312, 374, 376, 392, 404, 472; prayers, 314, 435


General Index

Bernard of Clairvaux, pseudo-: Epistola de gubernatione rei familiaris , 465

Bernard of Cluny [?]: Sermo de villico ini- quitatis, 377

Bernardinus of Siena: bull of canonization, 344

Bernardus Parmensis: gloss on Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, 423

Bertozzi, Antonello: Delia miniaturat 372

Bestiary, 395

Bibles, 387, 407, 414, 433, 455; glossa or- dinaria, 403, 404, 455; commentaries on (in Latin), 322, 346, 389; commentaries on (in Greek), 251, 257, 273, 274; ex- tracts, 386, 404; Ezra and Nehemiah, 403; fragment, 440; Gospels (in Greek), 308; list of books, 455; New Testament (in Greek), 262; Old Testament, com- mentary on (in Greek), 251; subject di- agram for, 455

Biblical prophets, theological text on, 355

Biblical references to sleep and dreams, 468

Biblical support for legal points, lists cit- ing, 423


Bedford, 281, 492

Be van, 418

Bozerian, 427

Bozerian Jeune, 279

Bozerians [?], 457

Bretherton, 401

Cologne, Charterhouse of St. Barbara,

392 Coombs, H. M. and Company, 437 Duru, 351 Grabau, 341 Greenfield, J., 404, 411 Hering, John R., 315 Lewis, C, 254, 265 Padeloups [?], 434 Riviere, 340, 388, 465 Sangorski and Sutcliffe, 286, 343 Stamper, 387 Tribolet, Harold, 351 Whitaker [?], 255, 256, 258 Wier, Richard, 497 Yale Library Conservation Studio, 439 Zaehnsdorf, 324


a la grotesque, 434

alia rustica, 290, 329

armorial, 309, 427

armorial, Abbey of Pare, 374

armorial, Riley, Athelstan, 315

armorial, Strozzi, 321

Barbaro family of Venice, 266

clasps with inscriptions, 400

Cretan "Apostolis Shop", 259

Date?, 283, 288, 338, 370, 371, 470

Dated-1595, 356

Dated- 1851, 351

German, 268

Guarnieri-Balleani Library, Iesi, 450

Ionian Islands, 267

Islamic, 293, 294, 300

Macedonian [?], 308

medallion with falcon, 465

Middle Hill boards, 401

Mudejar, 428

Near Eastern, 297

Ottoman, 296

Oxford?, 417

pasta espaiiola, 459

silver medallion, 400

Spanish [?], 423

tortoise shell, 375

Venetian, ca. 1565, 266

14th century, 322

15th century, 284, 305, 311, 325, 331,

333, 350, 355, 365, 392, 393, 454, 471, 479, 494, 495

15th- 16th century, 259, 359, 455 16th century, 266, 272, 301, 417, 428,

466 16th [?] century, 356 16th- 17th century, 267, 300, 308, 364,

367, 489, 498 16th- 17th [?] century, 310, 314, 328, 330,

334, 377

17th century, 299, 409, 434, 444, 456 17th [?] century, 453 17th-18th century, 313, 323, 361, 461 17th-18th [?] century, 275, 296, 363 18th century, 257, 264, 268, 280, 293,

294, 295, 297, 337, 344, 374, 390, 405,

406, 412, 413, 420, 438, 442, 448, 460,

477, 491, 497 18th [?] century, 309, 394, 419 18th-19th century, 253, 260, 285, 289,

290, 291, 307, 327, 335, 353, 358, 372,

400, 408, 435, 458, 464 18th-19th [?] century, 421, 450

General Index


19th century, 251, 254, 255, 256, 258, 261, 262, 263, 265, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 292, 298, 302, 304, 312, 315, 316, 317, 321, 326, 329, 332, 336, 339, 340, 349, 351, 354, 357, 362, 368, 369, 375, 376, 379, 380, 386, 387, 388, 389, 391, 395, 401, 414, 415, 416, 418, 424, 425, 426, 427, 433, 436, 437, 446, 457, 465, 467, 468, 472, 480, 488, 492, 499 19th [?] century, 269, 276, 287, 318, 399,

449 19th-20th century, 287A, 306, 324, 350A, 360, 366, 381, 396, 398, 402, 403, 407, 459 19th/20th century, 341 20th century, 252, 270, 271, 273, 274, 286, 319, 343, 373, 378, 404, 411, 422, 429, 439, 451, 462, 473, 493

Bindus Senensis: Distinctiones exemplorum, 326

Birgitta, St.: life, 449

Bishop, prayers for, 461

Bishops of Strasbourg: history of (in Ger- man), 421

Black Forest, War of Swiss in Alsace and (in 1468), 421

Blanche of Burgundy, countess of Savoy, 390

Blessings at Easter, 429

Bloodletting [?] for horses, 454

Bloodletting, directions for (in Italian), 327

Boccaccio, Giovanni: Corbaccio, 329; De claris mulieribus , Italian tr. Donato degli Al- banzani, 398; Epistola (in Italian), 329

Bock, Gregorius: scribal pattern book, 439

Bologna, 338, 457

Bolognese Bibles, 338

Bonaini, F., correspondence with, 415

Bonaventure: Itinerarium mentis in Deum (ex- tracts), 404; prayer, 461

Boniface VI, Pope: indulgence, 310

Book curse, 442

"Book of Brome", 365

"Book of Worcester", notes from, 370

Bosone de Raffaelli da Gubbio: Capitolo on Dante, Divina Commedia, 428

Botanical notes (in Greek), 304

Botany, 408

Boudt, Cornelius de, engraver, 460

Bourdichon, Jean, influence of, 375

Bourges, 425, 436

Breton, Nicholas: three Dialogues, 394

Breuiarium canonum apostolorum, 442

Breviary, printed, 460

Brome Hall, 365

Bruges, 287, 287A

Brugiatti, Giovanni Battista, 372

Bruni, Leonardo: Novella diSeleuco e Antio- co, 329; Orations (in Italian), 329; Vita di Dante e di Petrarca, 329

Bruni, Leonardo, tr., 313

Brut Chronicle: in Anglo-Norman, 405; in Middle English, 323, 494

Bryan, William Jennings, autograph, 494

Burchard of Balerna: Vita S. Bernardi, 354

Burchardus Belle vallens is. See Burchard of Balerna

Burley, Walter: De puritate artis logicae, trac- tatus brevior, 470

Burnauyle, Domina Mabella [?] de, obitu- ary notice, 494

Business accounts, 364, 365, 405

Busleiden, Francois. See Franciscus de Toleto

Buys, Jan: Commentaria in epistolam ad Co- lossenses, 356; Commentaria in epistolam ad Ephesios, 356; Commentaria in epistolam ad Philippenses , 356; Commentaria in librum Iosue, 356; Commentaria in librum prophe- tae lob, 356; Commentaria in posteriorem epistolam ad Corinthios, 356; Commentar- ia in priorem epistolam ad Corinthios, 356

Buys, Jan [?] : Commentaria inprimam episto- lam ad Thessalonicenses , 356; Commentar- ia inprimam epistolam ad Timotheum, 356; Commentaria in secundum epistolam ad Thes- salonicenses, 356; Commentaria in secundum epistolam ad Timotheum, 356

By art, Nicholas de. See Nicolas de Byard

Cade, Harry, 365

Caesarius, pseudo-: Dialogues (in Greek),

264 Caffaro, Andrea: Annals of Genoa, 357 Calendars, 310, 337, 375, 391, 400, 411,

417, 434, 435, 436, 437 Calligraphy, 439 Cambrai, 437 Cambridge, 337 Camden, William: commonplace book,



General Index

Camers, Macharius, 391

"Camilla e Estore", 412

Campaign of the French to Naples (1494-95), 359

Campano, Giovanni Antonio: Oratio in con- ventu Ratisponensi, 451

Campanus, Johannes. See Campano, Giovanni Antonio

Candiottus, Ioannes Baptista, 456

Canon law, 326, 338, 343, 366, 366A, 393, 423, 429, 442

Canon law and ascetical doctrine (in Greek), 299

Canones apostolorum, 442

Canons (in Greek), 292

Canons of the four Gospels, in verse, 433

Canterbury, 401, 401 A

Canticles (in English), 360

Capitula Angilramni, 442

Capitularies of Charlemagne, Louis the Pi- ous, etc., 413

Cardinal virtues, four, 314

Carol of the Annunciation (in English), 365

Cassian, extracts, 472

Cassianus, Iohannes Georgius, 391

Casus summarii decretalium, 326

Catena on the Passion of Christ, 435

Censorship, 428

Cento, 404

Central France, 450

Central Italy, 382

Chalcedon, Acts of the Councils of, ex- cerpts, 442

Chancellors of Duchy of Lancaster, 370

Chapuis, Jean: Les sept articles de la foi, 406

Charlemagne: Capitularies, 413; prayers, 314

Charles the Bald: Capitula pistensia, 413; Capitulare carisiacense, 413; Capitulare mis- sorum silvacense, 413; Capitulare missorum suessionense, 413; Edictum pistense, 413

Charles V, King of France, 390

Charles VI, King of France, 390

Charms: in Italian, 327

Chelmsford, 494

Chevalieres de la Cordeliere, 375

Chikas, Nathanael. See Nathanael Chykas

Christ, spurious letter to King Abgarus of Edessa, 327

Christ, treatise on (in Greek), 267 Christ's cloak, 405 Christian feasts, 391 Chronicle (in German), 421 Chronicle, Brut. See Brut Chronicle Chronicle, Venetian (in Italian), 327 Chronicle, world (in Latin), 495 Chronicles of Pisa (in Latin), 499 Chrysanthus Notaras. See Notaras,

Chrysanthus Chrysippus presbyter: Laudatio Ioannis

Praecursoris (in Greek), 251 Church duties, 365 Churches, plans for, 491 Chykas, Nathanael. See Nathanael Chykas Cicero: Academica, 284; De amicitia, 284, 313; De divinatione, 284; Defato, 284; De finibus bonorum et malorum, 284; De legi- bus, 284; De legibus (extracts), 313; De natura deorum, 284; De ojficiis, 284; De Optimo genere oratorum, 313; De senectute, 284, 313; Paradoxa Stoicorum, 284, 313; Partitiones oratoriae, 313; Somnium Scipi- onis, 284, 313; Timaeus, 313; Tusculan- ae disputationes, 284; extracts, 374 Cinzio, Pietro Leoni, 391 "Cipher Manuscript", 408 Cipher puzzles and sayings (in English),

365 Cipher, scribal pattern for, 439 Ciriaco de' Pizzicolli. See Cyriac of Ancona Ciruelo, Pedro Sanchez: Opusculum de

Sphera mundi, 399 Cistercian abbey of Sibton, 405 Cistercian Order, Statutes, 349, 386 Cistercian use, 283

Civil and Canon Law, diploma for, 456 Civil Law, 301, 340, 341, 357, 365, 370,

383, 415, 430, 431 Clare family of Gloucester, notes on, 323 Claude of France, 375 Claustrum animae, 368 Clement: extracts, 473 Clement IV, Pope, 345 Clement VII, Pope: Conclave, 420 Clement, Pope: indulgence, 310 Cleves Master shop models, 410 Cloth, sizes of, 327 Cluniac house, 417 Cockran, W. Bourke, autograph, 494 Coded script, scribal pattern for, 439 Cognomens, list of, 357

General Index


Coignet de la Thuillerie, Gaspard, 444

Collections of documents, 340, 341, 430, 431

Collection of excerpts (in Greek), 267

College of Arms, 370

Colluthus: Raptus Helenae (in Greek), 255

Cologne, 377

Colon family. See Columbus, Christopher

Colophons, 251, 254, 258, 259, 261, 265, 268, 272, 273, 274, 276, 292, 300, 301, 304, 312, 325, 338, 354, 380, 392, 393, 399, 407, 409, 421, 424, 428, 449, 453, 460, 461, 462, 477, 479

Colors, recipes for, 372

Columbus, Christopher: documents per- taining to family of, 430, 431

Columns, plans for, 491

Commandments, Ten, 317, 404; commen- tary on, 471; in Italian, 327

Commendation of souls, 360

Commentaries on St. Thomas Aquinas, 356

Commonplace book, 365, 370

Commonplace book, merchant's, 327

Commonwealth, dialogue on, 394

Compilatio tertia, with gloss of Johannes Teutonicus, 423

"Complaynt Off Sanct Cipriane, The Grett Nigromancer", 337

Concertacio leporarii etfalconis, 465

Conclaves, papal (in Latin and Italian), 420

Conduct, rules of (in English), 365

Confession of sins, verses on, 404

Confessions (in English), 317

Conrad of Brundelsheim: Sermones de Sanc- tis, 393

Conrad of Saxony: Sermones de tempore, 468

Conradus de Heilsbronn: See Conrad of Brundelsheim

Conradus Holtnicker: See Conrad of Saxony

Consanguinity, passage on, 330

Constantine Acropolites: Laudatio (in Greek), 251

Constantine Harmenopoulos: Epitome (in Greek), 301; Manuale legum (excerpts, in Greek), 301

Constantine of Tium: Translatio S. Euphe- miae (in Greek), 251

Constantine Raphael Byzantinus. See also Index IV under Scribes, 303, 304

Constantinople, 265, 293, 295

Constantinople [?], 292

Constantinople (Patriarchate): legal docu- ments (in Greek), 303

Constellations, 337

Constituta legis et usus, 415

Constitutio Magni Constantini de Papa Romae (in Greek), 301

Constitutiones Clementinae, commentary on, 343

Copper engraving, 372

Corbinelli, Angelo, 313

Cordoba Cathedral, Estaciones del mes de Noviembre, 466

Coreggio, 457

Corporal mercy, seven deeds of, 314

Corte Barune, 365

Cosmas Vestitor: Oratio de Chrysostomo (in Greek), 252

Cosmographicae libellus, unidentified, 335

Cosmography, 359: extracts on (in Greek), 267

Costanti, Giovanni Battista, 372

Council of Basel, 350

Council of Trent, 366, 366A

Counsel of the Mind to the Soul (in Greek), 292

Court roll [?], 405

Cowdray House, Sussex, 317

Cravene, Frater Willelmus de, obituary notice, 494

Creation of Knights at coronation, notes on, 370

Crete, 259

Cronica di Pisa di Ranieri Sardo, 499

Cusanus, Nicolaus: See Nicolaus Cusanus

Custom duties, 381

Cyriac of Ancona, 359

Cyrianus, pseudo-: Carmen de passione Domi- ni, 311

Cyril of Alexandria: Encomium in S. Muri- um Deiparam... (in Greek), 251; Episto- lae, 422; Homilia Ephesi dicta (in Greek), 251

Cyrillus, pseudo-: Greek Lexicon, 291

Damasus, pseudo-: Epistola, 442 Damnatio Vigilii, 442 Dancus rex, 446


General Index

Dante: Divina Commedia, 428

Dad, Gregorio (or Leonardo?): La Sfera,

328 De dei misericordia, 468 Defiguris (in Greek), 319 De figuris orationis (in Greek), 319 De generibus synecdochae (in Greek), 319 De iure sepulturae, 413 "De Levis Hours", 400 De meditacione diurna and De meditacione noc- turne,, 468 De mensuris, 322 De modo psallendi, 317 De passionibus verborum (in Greek), 319 De processione S. Spiritus (in Greek),

304 Deadly sins, seven (in French), 314 Death and assumption of the Virgin Mary,

404 Death, poem on the inevitability of (in Lat- in), 311 Decern precepta decalogi et duo evangelii,

468 Decorative initials, patterns for, 439 Deed, in Latin, 376 Defensor: Liber scintillarum, 371 Definitio sanctae quintae synodi, 442 Definitions, miscellaneous, 380 Deguilleville, Guillaume de: See Guillaume

de Deguilleville Delft, 434

Delle imboccature de' i cavalli, 458 Demetrius Cydonius, tr., 292 Demetrius Notaras: See Notaras, De- metrius Devotions and devotional texts: for a priest, 461; in English, 365; in English and Latin, 317; in French, 498; in Lat- in and French, 314 Diaz, Manuel: Libre de cavalls, 454 Diaz de Toledo, Pedro, tr., 489 diagrams. See also Drawings, Water-color drawings, Illuminations Abuses of the impious, ten, 416 Acts of the Passion, seven, 416 Alchemical, 309 Angels, nine orders of, 416 Arbor divini amoris, 416 Arbor sapientiae, 416 Arbor uirtutum, 416 Arbor uitiorum, 416 Arms of justice, 416

Articles of faith, twelve, 416

Astronomical, 328

Beatitudes, eight, 416

Bible, books of, 355

Bits for horses, 454, 458

Canonical hours, seven, 416

Charity, works of, 416

Cherub, 416

Cleric, 416

Concordance of Credo, Aposdes, Hebrew prophets, 416

Cosmos, elements of, 269

Crescent, 362

Dial, 397

Dialectical, 256

Eclipses, 328

Eight beatitudes, 416

Eight rewards, 416

Fishing, divisions of, 269

Genealogy, 367

Geographical, 328

Geometrical, 334, 424

Gifts of the Holy Spirit, seven, 416

God and Universe, 304

Hermannus custos, 416

Horses, bits for, 454, 458

Justice, arms of, 416

Lignum vitae, 416

Love, tree of mystical, 416

Mnemotechnic, 306

Moral concepts, 416

Nine orders of angels, 416

Numerological, 416

Permissable and nonpermissable mar- riages, 299

Petitions, seven, 416

Philosophical distinctions, 367

Plagues, ten, 416

Positions of the hand, 298

Rewards, eight, 416

Rota pugne moralis, 416

Sacraments, seven, 416

Senses, seven, 416

Seven acts of the Passion, 416

Seven canonical hours, 416

Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, 416

Seven petitions, 416

Seven sacraments, 416

Seven senses, 416

Sevens, wheel of, 416

Star chart, 397

Subjects of books of the Bible, 455

General Index


Ten abuses of the impious, 416 Ten commandments, 4-16 Ten plagues, 416 Theological concepts, 416 Tree of mystical love, 416 Turris virtu turn, 416 Universe and God, 304 Virtues and vices, 416 Wheel of sevens, 416 Works of charity, 416

Dice, casting of (in English), 365

Dichos de filo sofas, 489

Didymus: Interpretatio in Odysseam (in Greek), 278

Diogenes: moralistic sayings, 285

Diogenes Laertius: Life of Xenophon (in Greek), 253; Prologue to Lives (in Greek), 253

Dionysius of Halicarnassus: De compositione verborum (in Greek), 260

Dionysius Periegetes: Description of habita- ble world (in Greek), 255

Dionysius the Areopagite: De caelesti hier- archia (in Greek), 260; Dedivinis nomini- bus (in Greek), 260

Dionysius, pseudo-: De mysiica theologia, paraphrase of, 404

Dioscurides: Sulla materia medica (extracts), 372

Diplomas (in Latin), 456, 463

Directions for a trental (in English), 365

Disputatio de Christo in Persia (in Greek), 267

Distinctio on homicides, 472

Distinctiones for teaching, 473

Distinctiones on the body of man, 472

Dits moraulx des philosophes, 285

Divine law, unidentified text on, 471

Documents: in cipher, 340; in French, 340; in German, 341, 383; in Greek, 303, 304; in Italian, 322, 340, 341; in Lat- in, 340, 341, 345, 376, 383, 471, 474; in Nahuatl, 419; in Spanish, 340, 419, 430, 431; document, unidentified, 405

Dominican convent, Chelmsford or Suffolk, 494

Donation of Constantine (in Greek), 301

Donato da Casentino: See Albanzani, Donato degli

Donato degli Albanzani: See Albanzani, Donato degli

Doomsday, fifteen signs of (in English),

365 Doria, Luigi and Marco, poems to, 359 Dositheus: Scutum Orthodoxiae (in Greek),

304 Dottrina dello Schiavo da Bari, 327 drawings. See also Water-color drawings, Illuminations, Diagrams

Alchemical, 309

Amphibious carts, 491

Anatomy of horses, 454

Anthropomorphic scheme of fortified city, 491

Aqueducts, designs for, 491

Arches, designs for, 491

Architectural, 337, 491

Armored ships, 491

Assault ships, 491

Astral diagrams, 408

Astrological, 408

Astronomical, 335, 408

Bases of columns, designs for, 491

Bastions, movable, 491

Baths, designs for, 491

Bearded man, 323

Bell tower, design for, 491

Bird, 331

Bloodletting [?] for horses, 454

Bombards, 491

Botanical, 408

Breakwaters, designs for, 491

Bridge foundations, 491

Bridges, 491

Bridges, floating, 491

Brindisi, plan of, 332

Buildings, designs for, 491

Campanile, how to measure, 491

Cans, 408

Capitals, designs for, 491

Capsules, 408

Cart, 254

Carts, amphibious, 491

Catapults, designs for, 491

Chimney tops, designs for, 491

Church facade with standing colossus, 491

Churches, plans for, 491

Cisterns, designs for, 491

City plans, 491

Coffered dome, designs for, 491

Colossus, standing with church facade, 491


General Index

Drawings (continued) Columns, designs for, 491 Consoles, designs for, 491 Constellations, 337 Construction of right angles, 491 Courtyards, designs for, 491 Crude, 426, 492 Death of Seneca, 339 Defenses for a besieged fortress, 491 Defenses, military, 491 Defenses, movable, 491 Defenses, underwater, 491 Dice, 365

Dome, coffered, designs for, 491 Domed churches, 491 Doorways, designs for, 491 Drawbridges, 491 Enclosed garden, design for, 491 Entablatures, designs for, 491 Facades, designs for, 491 Farm implements, 254 Females, nude, 408 Figures wrestling, 413 Fireplaces, designs for, 491 Floating bridges, 491 Fortified city, 491 Fortress, perspective view of, 491 Fortresses, 491 Fountain, design for, 491 Garden, design for, 491 Grotesques, 306, 331 Hand, 331

Harbors, plans for, 491 Herbs, 408 Hercules [?], 413 Hermit Saints, 404 Horse bridles and bits, 454, 458 Horses, 454 Human body, 491 Human figure inscribed in circle and

square, 491 King Arthur, 395

Knight in armor on horseback, 454 Ladders, designs for, 491 Leper's head, 325 Locks, designs for, 491 Machines for transporting heavy loads,

491 Magical, 408 Man driving a cart, 254 Man pointing to text, 280 Man, bearded, 357

Mappa mundi, T-O, 332

Maps, 337

Measurement for height, width, depth,

491 Mechanical, 491 Medicinal herbs and roots, 408 Merchants, 327 Military defenses, 491 Mills, designs for, 491 Monogram IHS, 365 Mortar and pestle, 254 Mt. Sion, 328 Noah's ark, 328 Obelisks, designs for, 491 Oxen, 254

Palace, plans for, 491 Palisades, 491

Paulus with Pelion, Ossa, Otrix, etc., 332 Pendulums, designs for, 491 Perspective view of fortress, 491 Perspective, method for constructing,

491 Pharmaceutical, 408 Pharos at Alexandria, 328 Pilasters, designs for, 491 Plants, unidentified, 408 Plow, 254

Polygonal structures, 491 Pumps, designs for, 491 Quadrants, sketches of, 491 Racecourse in circus, 450 Ramrods, 491 Red Sea, 328 Resonating vases, 491 Rooms, designs for, 491 Roots, 408 Saints, Hermit, 404 Scaling ladders, designs for, 491 Scientific, 408

Senacherib, re di oriente, 357 Seneca, death of, 339 Ships, 327 Ships, armored, 491 Ships, assault, 491 Sieves, designs for, 491 Spires, designs for, 491 Stars, 408

T-O mappa mundi, 332 Theater, plans and views for, 491 Tinted, 404 Towers, 327 Towers, umbilical, 491

General Index


Trebouchets, 491

Trenches approaching a fortress, 491

Trussed roofs, designs for, 491

Tubes, 408

Tunnels, designs for, 491

Umbilical towers, 491

Underwater defenses, 491

Vases, resonating, 491

Vaults, designs for, 491

Villa, perspective view of, 491

Wagons, designs for, 491

War, instruments of, 491

Water mills, designs for, 491

Water pipeline, plan for, 491

Water pumps, designs for, 491

Wells, designs for, 491

Wind mills, designs for, 491

Windlasses, designs for, 491

Wrestling figures, 413

Zodiac, effect on horses, 454

Zodiac, signs of, 322, 337, 408 Dream book (in Anglo-Norman), 395 Dreams, Biblical references to, 468 Dry-point glosses, 401, 401 A Ducale, 381 Dulcigno, 381 Duns Scotus: Commentarius Oxoniensis in

librum III Sent. , 470 Duodecim articuli fidei catholice, 468 Durandus Canletj [?], abbas, 355

Earldoms, 370

East Anglia, 365, 417

Easter, blessings at, 429

Easter table for 1585-94, 498

Eclipses, 337

Edmund of Abingdon: See Rich, Edmund

Edmund of Pontigny: See Rich, Edmund

Edmund Rich: See Rich, Edmund

Edward I, King of England, 370

Edward II, King of England, 370

Edward III, King of England, 370

Edward IV, King of England, 323, 370

Edward VI, King of England, 370

Egesippus: See Hegesippus

Egypt, Kings of, 294

Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 370

Ell dio d'amore, 327

Elueidarius (extracts), 404

Engineering, treatise on (in Italian), 491

English history, notes on, 405

English kings, list of, 405

Engraving, copper, 372

Engravings, 317, 340, 341, 363, 449, 460,

498 Ephraem: Oratio de transfiguratione Domini (in

Greek), 251 ; Vita SS. Abraham et Mariae

(in Greek), 267 Epiphany, five signs of, 404 Epistolary: Cistercian use, 283; fragment,

476 Ernaud, abbe de Bonneval: See Arnold, ab- bot of Bonneval Escheats from Inquisitions post Mortem,

1399-1422, 370 Etymologies, miscellaneous, 380 Euchologium (in Greek), 259, 302 Euclid: Catoptrica (in Greek), 424; Data (in

Greek), 424; Optkarum recensio Theonis (in

Greek), 424: Phaenomena (in Greek), 424 Eustathius: De Engastrimytho contra Origenem

(in Greek), 288; In Hexaemeron S. Basilii

latina trans latio, 322 Eustothius, Laurentius, 391 Examination of conscience, notes on (in

Greek), 304 Exempla of virtues and vices, 392 Exempla, five, 404 Exempla, seven, 404 Exemplar precum, 442 Exemplum of Udo, abp. of Magdeburg,

392 Explicatio Missae, 368 Expositio ponderum et metrorum Graecorum (in

Greek), 304 Eyes, diseases of, 477

Fables concerning women, 462

Fairfax, John: See Sacro Bosco, Iohannes

de Falcons and falconry, 446, 465, 477 Fano, 261

Fasciculus florum or Fasciculus morum, 392 Fasting, notes on, 455 Feasts: Christian, 391; dated by Easter, ta- ble of (in Greek), 304 Felice Feliciano: See Feliciano, Felice Feliciano, Felice: "Justa Victoria", 412 Felix III, Pope: Decreta, 442; Epistolae, 442 Felson Book, 365

Ferdinand I, Emperor of Germany, 341 Ferdinand II, Emperor of Germany, 341 Ferdinand III, Emperor of Germany, 341 Ferdinand of Aragon, dedication to, 391


General Index

Ferial Canticles, 417; in English, 360

Ferrara, 457

Ferrara, buildings in, 372

Fides, extracts on, 374

Fifteen Oes, 410

Fifteen signs of Doomsday (in English),

365 Filelfo, Francesco: Epistula ad Marcum

Aurelium, 319; Epistula ad Paulum

Maurocenum, 319; Orazione, 329 Filing notes, 383, 463 Financial documents (in Greek), 303 Fishing, 255, 269 Fitzherbert, St. William, letter concerning,

322 Five exempla, 404 Five senses, 314 Five signs of the Epiphany, 404 Five sorrows of the Virgin Mary (in Eng- lish), 317 Florence, 284, 321, 328, 329, 409, 438, 457 Florence [?], 335 Florence, peace treaty with Milan, 1441,

329 Florilegium, 380, 392, 404, 442 Fontaine-Jean, Cistercian abbey, 349 Forger, Spanish, 283 Fortresses, plans for, 491 Fortune-telling by the casting of dice (in

English), 365 "Fouquet Missal," so-called, 425 Four cardinal virtues, 314 Four seasons (in Italian), 327 Fourteen Articles of the Creed (in English),

317 Fragments. See Manuscript fragments

bound in Francois I, Duke of Lorraine, 341 Francois II, Emperor of Germany and

Austria, 341 France: engravings of rulers, 340; rulers

of, See description for MS 340 Francesco Filelfo: See Filelfo, Francesco Franciscus Bonacursus, 416 Franciscus de Toleto: Oratio in funere

Leonardi de Robore, 45 1 Frankish Kings, list of, 413 Frederick Barbarossa: Pax Constantiensis,

1183, 495 Freising, 402

Friedrich III, King of Germany, 462 Fulgentius: extracts, 473

Galen: moralistic sayings, 285 Gallican Sacramentary, 342 Gallus: Malogranatum, 392 Gaudentius: Introductio harmonica (in

Greek), 272 Gaufrid of Clairvaux: See Geoffrey of

Clairvaux Geber: extracts, 309 Genealogia Christi (in Greek), 308 Genealogical tree, 323 Genealogy, 370, 430, 431 Genesis, Anglo-Norman poem on, 395 Genoa, 457

Genoa, Annals of, to 1293, 357 Geoffrey of Clairvaux: VitaS. Bemardi, 354 Geoffroy d'Auxerre: See Geoffrey of

Clairvaux Geography (in Greek), 255, 297 Geometry, thirteen books on, 372 George Korresios: In Cyrilli Lucaris capitu-

la (in Greek), 304; autograph notes (in

Greek), 304: excerpts on (in Greek),

304 George Pachymeres: Paraphrasis and Prooe-

mium on Dionysius the Areopagite (in

Greek), 260 Georges d'Esclavonie: Le Chateau de Vir-

ginite, 497; prayers, in French, 497 Geraldus de Ampulio, frater, 355 Gerard of Cremona (Sabbionetta?): com- mentary on, 399 Germanus of Constantinople: Oratio in dor-

mitionem B. V. M. (in Greek), 251 Germanus, holy monk: Poema ad Matrem

Dei acrostichum (in Greek), 304 Germany: rulers of, 341 Ghent, 287, 287 A

Gianozzo Manetti: See Manetti, Gianozzo Gifts of the Holy Ghost, seven: in French,

314; in English, 317 Giordano Ruffo: Marescalcia equorum,

Italian tr., 459 Giorgio, Francesco di: Trattati di archittetura

ingegneria e arte militare, 491 Giovanni Gioviano Pontano: De principe,

348 Girolamo Aleandro, 277 Glossa ordinaria, 403, 404, 455 Glossae botanicae (in Greek), 304 Glosses to note teaching distinctions, 473 Glosses, Anglo-Saxon, 401, 401 A Gobert, Ad., 411

General Index


"God amends all", 365

Gog and Magog, 406

Gospel reading, 386

Gospels (in Greek), 308

Gospels of Matthew and Mark, 402

Gospels, canons of the four, in verse, 433

Gradual Psalms, 310

Graduals, 307, 480; fragments of, 344

Grammar: extracts on (in Greek), 260, 267

Grammar, Greek, 261, 265, 319

Greek alphabet, scribal pattern for, 439

Greek grammar: See Grammar, Greek

Greek language, 260, 261, 265, 319, 361; extracts on (in Greek), 267; Lexicon, 277, 291, 367; metrics, treatise on (in Greek), 304

Gregory I, Pope: letter, 353

Gregory II, Pope, 442

Gregory IX, Pope, 423

Gregory XIII, Pope: Conclave, 420

Gregory Nazianzen: On Virtue (in Greek), 253; Sermons (in Greek), 263; commen- tary on (in Greek), 260

Gregory of Antioch: Oratio de baptismo Christi (in Greek), 252

Gregory of Cyprus: Oratio de S. Marina (in Greek), 251

Gregory of Nyssa: Epistoia de Pythonissa (in Greek), 288; Laudatio Basilii (in Greek), 252; Oratio de baptismo Christi (in Greek), 252; Oratio in baptismum Christi (in Greek), 252; Oratio in diem natalem Christi (in Greek), 252; Oratio in S. Stephanum (in Greek), 252

Gregory Thaumatourgus: Homilia (in Greek), 251 ; Homilia 4 in S. Theophaniam (in Greek), 252

Gregory the Great: Dialogi, 388; Dialogi, alphabetical subject index to, 317; Epistolae, 442 ; Florilegium of Epistolae, 442; extracts, 371, 374, 392, 404, 472; moralistic sayings, 285; seven prayers of, 435, 437

Gregory, Pope: prayers, 314

Grey, Albert Henry George, 4th Earl Grey, autograph, 494

Greyhound, 465

Gualterio, Felice: II Conclavista, 420

Guarino da Verona: abridged grammar (in Greek), 261 ; dedicatory epistle to Ange- lo Corbinelli, 313

Guarino da Verona, tr., 313

Guido d'Evreaux: Sermo, 472

Guido da Baysio: Rosarium decretorum, pars II, 338

Guido de Montanor, 309

Guido Fulcodi, 345

Guignard, Philippe, 386

Guillaume Alexis, 314

Guillaume de Deguilleville: Le pelerinage de vie humaine, 406; Poems (in Latin), 406

Guillaume de Lorris, 418

Guillaume de Saint-Thierry: See William of St. Thierry

Guillaume de Tignonville, tr., 285

Guillaume le Clerc: Bestiaire, 395

Guillaume Perault: See Perault, Guillaume

Guillelmus de Sancto Theodorico: See Wil- liam of St. Thierry

Guillelmus falconarius, 446

Guillelmus Tomacensis: See William of Tournai

Hainaut, Chroniques de, 339 Hampole, Richard: See Rolle, Richard Hawks, veterinary science for, 477 Heavenly bodies, movement of, 337 Hebrew alphabet, scribal pattern for, 439 Hebrew scriptures, illuminated manuscript

of, 409 Hegesippus, tr., 280 Heinrich von Munchen: Weltchronik, frag- ment, 487 Helen of Troy, 255 Henricus de Piro, compiler, 392 Henry III, King of England, 370 Henry IV, King of England, 370 Henry V, King of England, 370 Henry VI, King of England, 370 Henry VII, King of England, 370 Henry VIII, King of England, 370 Heraldry, 370 Herennius: Commentarius in Aristotelis

Metaphysica (in Greek), 268 Heretics, list of (in Greek), 299 Herman de Valenciennes: L'Assomption de

Notre Dame, 395; Bible, 395 Hermann von Reichenau: See Hermannus

Contractus Hermannus Contractus: De utilitatibus as- trolabii, 397; Liber de mensura astrolabii, 397 Hermes: moralistic sayings, 285 Hermes Trismegistus: Tabula, 309 Herod, 252

General Index

Heroic verse, discussion of (in Greek), 269

Hesiod: Opera et dies (in Greek), 254; scho- lia on (in Greek), 254, 289

Hevenyngham, Dominus Iohannes (miles), obituary notice, 494

Hidalgo, Mexico, 419

Hieronymus de Neapoli: Liber ad monachos, 379

Hilary, Pope: Epistolae, 442

Hincmar, archbishop, 413

Hippocrates: moralistic sayings, 285

Historia, notes on, 360

History: extracts on (in Greek), 267; sacred and profane (in Greek), 267

Hoccleve, Thomas: Complaint, 493; Dia- logue with a friend, 493; How to Learn to Die, 493; Joys of Heaven, 493; Life (in Latin), 493; Regiment of Princes, 493; Tale of Jereslaus' Wife, 493; Tale of Jonathas, 493

Hohenlandberg, Hugo von, 439

Holmes, Matthew, 317

Holy wood, John: See Sacro Bosco, Io- hannes de

Holzerus, Leonardus: Quaestiones I-XL con- cerning confession, extreme unction and ordination, 356: Quaestiones LX- LXV de sacramentis in genere, 356; Quaes- tiones LXV1-XC de sacramentis in specie, 356; Quaestiones XLI-LXVIII concerning matrimony, 356

Homer: Iliad (fragment, in Greek), 478; Odyssey, commentary on (in Greek), 278; moralistic sayings, 285

Honorius Augustodunensis: See Honorius of Autun

Honorius of Autun: Gemma animae, 315

Horses, 454, 458, 459, 488

"Hours of Marguerite de Valois" [?], 411

Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary: frag- ment of, 390; use of Paris, 375, 400; use of Rome, 287, 411, 436, 437; use of Sarum, 310; use of Sarum (in Eng- lish), 360; use of Utrecht (in Dutch), 434

Hours of the Conception, 375

Hours of the Cross, Short, 262, 287, 310, 375, 400, 411, 435, 436, 437

Hours of the Eucharist, Long (in Dutch), 434

Hours of the Holy Spirit, Short, 287, 375, 400, 411, 435, 436, 437

Hours of the Passion, 400

Hours, miniature from pasted in, 318

Hufnagel neumes, 476

Hugh of St. Victor: Expositio in regulam S. Augustini, 347; Soliloquium de arra animae, 311; extracts, 472

Hugh of St. Victor, pseudo-: Speculum de mysteriis ecclesiae, 315

Hugh of Strasbourg: Liber compendii, ex- tracts from, 393

Hugo Argentinensis: See Hugh of Strasbourg

Hunting, 255, 269

Hunting diary (in Italian), 467

Hutton, Richard: poem (in English), 331

Hymnal, 460

Hymns: in English, 492; in Latin, 307, 370, 386, 460, 480

Hypotheses de theologia ethica (in Greek), 304

Hystoria Tartarorum, 350A

Iacopo Alighieri: See Alighieri, Iacopo Illumination, modern, 475 illuminations. See also Diagrams, Draw- ings, Water-color drawings

Aaron and Moses, 387

Aaron, Moses, and battle against Amelec, 283

Abbot, 411

Abishag and David, 387, 407

Abishag, attendant brings, 433

Abstinence, 406, 411, 418

Adam and descendants, 387

Adam and Eve, 287, 310, 387, 411, 436

Adam blessed by Trinity, 436

Adam presented crown by God, 436

Adam, creation of, 436

Adonis, 418

Adoration of Magi, 287A, 375, 391, 411, 417, 425, 434, 435, 436, 464

Adoration of shepherds, 411

Adrianus, 437

Aegeas tortured by demons, 411

Agatha, 390

Agnes, martyrdom of, 390

Agnus Dei, 411

Agony in garden, 287A, 310, 464

Agrippan Sibyl, 411

Ahasuerus, Esther, Mardocheus, 407

Ahaziah falls from tower, 433

Ahaziah on deathbed with Beelzebub, 387

General Index


Illuminations {continued) All Apostles, 390 All confessors, 390 All Saints, 310, 390, 411 All virgins, 390 Allegorical, 406, 411, 418 Almsgiving, 390 Alphabet monogram, 461 Amalekite giving news to David, 387 Amalekite, beheading of, 407, 433 Amant, 418

Ambrose at lectern, 314, 433 Ambrose with model of church and book,

498 Amelec, Aaron, Moses, 283 Amis, 418 Amos, 411

Amos with sheep, 387, 407 Amos with sheep, head of God, 433 Andrew and Peter, calling of, 411 Andrew with cross, 310, 314, 476 Andrew with cross and book, 390 Andrew, martyrdom of, 411, 425 Angel announcing death to Mary, 411 Angel swinging censer, 302 Angel, Habakkuk, 433 Angels, 283, 287A, 310, 390, 410 Angels transport souls, 310, 390 Angels with monstrance, 434 Angels, fall of rebel, 283 Anger, 406, 411 Aniconic initials, 414 Animals (See also Birds and specific types of

animals), 292, 387, 409, 411, 434, 438 Anna and Joachim, 425 Anna with daughters, 411 Anna, Virgin, Christ Child, 310, 435 Annas, Christ before, 41 1 Annointing at Bethany (2), 425 Annointing of David, 411 Annunciation, 287A, 375, 391, 400, 411,

417, 425, 435 Annunciation to shepherds, 287A, 375,

400, 411, 435, 436 Antiochus and Jews, 407 Antony abbot, 314, 390, 436 Antony in fire, 411 Antony of Padua, 456 Antony reading, 411 Apocalyptic lamb, cherubs adoring, 464 Apocalyptic woman, Virgin as, 310 Apollonia, 314, 411, 435, 436

Apostle as scribe, 433

Apostle standing, 433

Apostle with book, 433

Apostles, 387, 390, 425

Apostles and Christ with Canaanite wom- an, 425

Apostles baptizing, 411

Apostles flee, 411

Apostles preaching, 411

Apostles with Christ, 387, 411, 498

Apostles, all, 390

Apostles, calling of, 411

Apostles, Christ appearing to, 425

Apostles, Christ at sea of Galilee, 425

Apostles, Christ confronted at Jerusalem, 425

Apostles, Christ enter Jerusalem, 425

Apostles, Christ with, 411, 498

Architectual setting, gothic, 410

Architectural frames, 287A, 411, 435

Aristocrat with lion, 411

Ark, theft of, 433

Arma Christi, 287A, 410

Aroid, 410

Arrest of Christ, 310, 411

Artaxerxes and Nehemiah, 407

Ascension, 391, 406, 433, 464

Assumption, 287A, 391, 411, 417

Assumption of Mary Magdalen, 411

Augustine, 314, 390

Author at Work, 391

Author dreams of Jerusalem, 406

Author/Pilgrim speaking, 406

Avarice, 406, 411

Avia put into prison, 411

Baal, worship of, 407

Baldachin, 338

Baptism of Christ, 391

Barbara, 310, 314, 318, 390, 435, 436

Barbara baptized, 411

Barnabas casting down gold, 425

Barons in armor, 418

Bartholomew, 314, 411

Bartholomew enters temple, 425

Baruch, 411

Baruch as scribe, 433

Baruch dictating to youthful scribe, 407

Basil, 302, 411

Bathsheba and David, 436

Bear, 411

Bearded man at lectern, 407

Bearing of cross, 411


General Index

Illuminations {continued)

Beating of Lazarus, 425

Beau Regart, 418

Becnaude accusing Fiacre, 411

Beelzebub with King Ahaziah on death- bed, 387

Beggars, 283

Beheading of Amalekite, 407, 433

Beheading of idolatrous Jew, 433

Bel Accueil, 418

Bellows as head dress, 407

Benedict, 390, 406

Bernard, vision of St., 411

Berries, sprigs of, 363

Betrayal of Christ, 287, 400

Bien Celer, 418

Bird biting its back, 387

Bird of paradise, 407

Birds, 284, 287, 287A, 292, 338, 353, 390, 407, 409, 417, 418, 427, 428, 433, 436, 437, 444, 456

Birds on perch, 446

Birds with snakes in beaks, 410

Birth of Cain or Abel, 387

Birth of Virgin Mary, 391

Bishop enthroned, 338

Bishop Pharo chastising Fiacre, 411

Bishop with crozier, 411

Bishop with staff, 411

Bishops, 338, 411

Blanche of Burgundy, 390

Blind man, Christ heals, 425

Boats, 351, 411

Boat, Jonah thrown from, 433

Boating expedition, 287

Boiling cauldron, Jeremiah, God, 433

Boiling cauldron, Jeremiah's vision of, 387

Bourgeois and common women, 427

Burial scene [?], 498

Burial service in cemetery, 400

Busts, 438

Caesar Augustus with Tiburtine Sibyl, 411

Caiaphas, Christ before, 310, 411

Cain killing Abel, 387

Cain or Abel, birth of, 387

Call of Samuel, 387

Calling of Apostles, 411

Calling of James, 390

Calling of Peter and Andrew, 411

Calvary, 390

Camaieu-gris, 375

Camel-like animal, 387

Canaanite woman, Christ and Apostles, 425

Candelabra, 498

Cantors at lectern, 407

Cardinal, 411

Caritas, 428

Carpenter's pax, 406

Cartouches, 412

Castle on a cliff, 381

Catharine, 435

Catharine beheaded, 411

Catharine beside wheel, 310, 314, 411

Catharine debating philosophers, 411

Catharine in her study, 425

Catharine of Alexandria, 390, 436

Catharine, martyrdom of, 425

Cattle going to market and to be slaugh- tered, 287

Cauldron, boiling, 387, 433

Cecilia, 390

Centaur with bow, 387

Cerberus, hell mouth with, 498

Charity, 406, 411

Charity, Faith, Hope, 498

Charles V, King of France, 390

Chastity, 406

Chastity, triumph of, 438

Cherubs adoring apocalyptic lamb, 464

Chessboard and church, 406

Christ among Pharisees, 425

Christ and Aposdes with Canaanite wom- an, 425

Christ and Ecclesia, 407

Christ and Samaritan woman at well, 425

Christ and thieves crucified, 310

Christ appearing to Apostles, 425

Christ as child with cousins, 411

Christ at Nazareth, 425

Christ bearing cross, 310, 411, 464

Christ before Annas, 411

Christ before Caiaphas, 310, 411

Christ before Pilate, 400, 411, 464

Christ by lake of Gennesaret, 425

Christ Child as Salvator Mundi, 410

Christ Child blessing, 314

Christ Child, Virgin, Anna, 310

Christ cures mother-in-law of Simon, 425

Christ cures paralytic, 425

Christ driving moneylenders from tem- ple, 498

Christ enters home of Simon, 425

General Index


Illuminations {continued) Christ foretells treachery of Judas, 425 Christ giving keys to Peter, 387 Christ heals blind man, 425 Christ heals daughter of official, 411, 425 Christ heals deaf man, 425 Christ heals lame man, 411 Christ heals leper, 425 Christ heals son of nobleman, 425 Christ heals 2 of 10 lepers, 425 Christ laments as he approaches Jerusa- lem, 425 Christ led away, 411 Christ lying on bier, 302 Christ meets father of epileptic demoni- ac, 425 Christ narrates parable of sower, 425 Christ narrates parable of vineyard, 425 Christ points to signs of sun and moon,

425 Christ preaching in temple, 425 Christ revives son of widow of Nain,

425 Christ speaking to Zacchaeus, 425 Christ speaks to Philip, 425 Christ tempted by Satan, 425 Christ washing Peter's feet, 498 Christ watching funeral procession at

Nain, 425 Christ with Apostles, 387, 411, 498 Christ with book inscribed AQ, 407 Christ with three Apostles in garden, 400 Christ with two angels, 411 Christ, Apostles at sea of Galilee, 425 Christ, Aposdes confronted at Jerusalem,

425 Christ, Apostles enter Jerusalem, 425 Christ, Aposdes, Mary go to Jerusalem,

425 Christ, arrest of, 310, 411 Christ, baptism of, 391 Christ, betrayal of, 287, 400 Christ, five wounds of, 310 Christ, full-figure, standing with Cross,

410 Christ, lance thrust into, 411 Christ, left hand and left foot of, 310 Christ, mocking of, 411 Christ, passion of, 287 Christ, right hand and right foot of, 310 Christ, scenes from life of, 411 Christ, temptation of, 390, 411

Christ, Thomas sees his wounds, 425 Christ, wounds of, 410 Christ, 12 years old, in temple, 411 Christ's shroud, disciples laying flowers,

464 Christine de Pizan, 427 Christopher, 310, 314, 435, 436 Christopher and hermit, 411 Cicero, 285

Cicero reading a book, 284 Circumcision, 425

Circumcision of John the Baptist, 425 Cistercian monk, 411 Clara, 390

Claude as abbot, 411 Claude as bishop, 411 Claudius, 314, 435 Clove tree, 351 Columbines, 410 Confessors reading, 425 Confessors, all, 390 Conversion of Paul, 411, 425 Cordeliere borders, 375 Coronation and unction, 433 Coronation of Virgin, 400, 417, 435 Corpse, putrefying, 375 Corpus Christi procession, 391 Courtly and noble women, 427 Courtly couple and two beggars, 283 Courtoisie, 418 Creation, 407, 498 Creation of Adam, 436 Creation of Eve, 436 Creation of sun, moon, animals, 436 Creation, seven days of, 387, 433 Creed, illustrations of, 411 Cross, carrying of, 310, 411, 464 Cross, empty, 410 Cross, nailing to, 411, 464 Crown of thorns enclosing heart, 410 Crown of thorns, Salvator Mundi, 310 Crowned Solomon seated on throne, 407 Crowning with thorns, 411 Crucifixion, 287A, 310, 375, 391, 411,

425, 435, 464, 498 Crucifixion with living tree, 314 Cumaean Sibyl, 411 Cyprian, 411 Cyrus, 433

Damask patterns, 411, 434 Dame Prudence, 427 Dance of death, 411


General Index

Illuminations {continued) Danger, 418 Daniel, 411

Daniel in den of lions, with Habakkuk, 387 Daniel in lions' den, 433 Daniel writing, 407 David, 411

David and Abishag, 387, 407, 433 David and Bathsheba, 436 David and bells, 433 David and Goliath, 387, 411, 417 David as King, 409 David beheading Goliath, 409 David harping, 417, 433 David in deep waters, 407 David in deep waters, God, 387, 433 David in prayer, 287A, 375, 400, 409,

411, 434, 498 David playing a psaltery, 407 David pointing to eyes, 387, 433 David pointing to lips [?], 387, 407 David praying, God above blessing, 387 David rebuked by Nathan, 434 David released from hell mouth, 411 David with book, 407 David, Amalekite giving news to, 387 David, annointing of, 411 Dead souls, 406 Deaf man, Christ heals, 425 Death, 406 Death of Herod, 411 Death of Joshua, 387, 407 Death of Moses, 387, 407 Death of Tobit, 407 Death, dance of, 411 Death, triumph of, 438 Deduit, 418 Delict, 418

Delivery of letter, 433 Delphic Sibyl, 41 1 Delving, 390

Demons emerging from inkwell, 411 Demons tormenting man in fire, 411 Demons torturing Aegeas, 411 Demons, man bitten by, 411 Demons, man force-fed by, 411 Demons, man stabbed by, 411 Departure of Magi, 411 Departure of prodigal son, 425 Deposition, 310, 411 Destruction of Job's flock, 409 Detraction, 406

Devil, 390

Dieu d' Amour, 418

Diligence, 411

Dionysius, 314

Dionysius carries head, 411

Dionysius, martyrdom of, 411, 425

Disciples laying flowers on Christ's shroud,

464 Discipline, 406 Dives in hell, 436 Divine Justice, 428 Divine Love, 428 Doeg, 433

Dog with bone, 339, 411 Dogs, 281 , 339 Dolphins, 381 Donkey, 411 Donor, kneeling, 283 Dormition, 411, 425 Doubting Thomas, 425 Doulx Parler, 418 Dove, Holy Spirit as, 310, 314 Dragon, Margaret with, 411 Dragons and dragon-head terminals, 387,

402, 414, 433, 434 Dragons, magicians with, 425 Dreamer, 418 Duck, 344

Dumb man and Christ, 425 Eagle, 407

Eagle, John standing with, 433 Earthquake, victims of, 498 Ecce homo, 411, 436 Ecclesia, 387, 433, 498 Ecclesia and Christ, 407 Ecclesia and Saint, 387 Eden, expulsion from, 436 Elephant, 407

Eli receives Samuel from Hannah, 407 Eligius, 390

Elijah fed by angel, 283 Elimelech, Naomi, 433 Elimelech, Naomi, two children, 387 Eliseus restoring life to son of Sunamite

woman, 283 Emmaus, road to, 425 Emperor, 411

Empty cross on Golgatha, 391 Entombment, 310, 400, 411 Entry into Jerusalem, 287A, 391, 425 Envie, 418 Envy, 406, 411

General Index


Illuminations {continued) Ephesians reading, 425 Epileptic demoniac, Christ meets his

father, 425 Erythraean Sibyl, 411 Esther, Ahasuerus, Mardocheus, 407 Esther, Haman, 433 Eternity, triumph of, 438 European Sibyl, 411 Evangelists, four, 283 Evangelists, symbols of, 402 Eve and Adam, 310 Eve, creation of, 436 Execution of three martyrs, 390 Expulsion from garden of Eden, 387, 436 Ezekiel, 285, 411

Ezekiel in bed, vision of 4 beasts, 387, 433 Ezekiel's vision of God, 407 Ezra preaching, 283 Fairness, 411 Faith, 411

Faith, Hope, Charity, 498 Falcons, 446 Fall of idols, 411

Fall of rebel angels, 283, 411, 436 Fame, triumph of, 438 Faussemblant, 418 Feet of Christ, 310 Felonie, 418

Fiacre accused by Becnaude, 411 Fiacre chastised by Bishop Pharo, 411 Fiacre with spade, 411 Fish, 433

Fish and rope motif, 440 Fish motif, 342 Five wounds of Christ, 310 Flagellation, 310, 400, 411, 435, 464 Flattery, 406 Fleur-de-lis, 417 Flight into Egypt, 287A, 375, 400, 411,

435, 437 Floral headpieces, 461 Fool, 407, 433

Fool with club, God with scroll, 387 Fortitude, 411 Fountain of life, 375 Fowler pursuing animals, 407 Fox, 438 Franchise, 418 Francis, 406 Francis of Assisi, 411 Francis receiving stigmata, 411, 425

Franciscan friar, 411

Fruit, 434

Funeral, 287 A, 425

Gambeson, 406

Genevieve, 314, 390, 436

Genevieve with bishop, 411

Genevieve with candle, 411

Genius, 418

George, 310, 411, 435

Gertrude, 390

Globe of concentric circles, 407

Gluttony, 406, 411

Gnadenstuhl Trinity, 283, 310

Gnadenstuhl Trinity surrounded by an- gels, 425

Goat, 411, 438

God and Micah, 407

God and Moses, 433

God and Satan, 436

God and sleeping Jonah, 433

God enthroned with angels, 436

God giving commandments to Moses, 387

God holding cloak, 41 1

God the Father blessing, 314

God the Father in angel mandorla, 411

God the Father with dove descending, 407

God warning Adam and Eve, 387

God with scroll, Fool with club, 387

God, Amos with sheep, 433

God, David in deep waters, 433

God, Jeremiah, boiling cauldron, 433

God, prophet, 433

God, Zechariah, 433

Gold crowns in borders, 407

Golgatha, empty crosses on, 310

Goliath and David, 387, 411, 417

Gomer and Hosea, 387, 433

Gomer and Hosea, God above, 407

Good Samaritan, 498

Gothic architectural setting, 410

Grace Dieu, 406

Grapes, 437

Grapes, gathering and pressing, 287

Grave robber [?], 498

Gregorian Man of Sorrows, 310

Gregory, 314, 390

Gregory Nazianzen, 302

Gregory, mass of St. , 314, 435

Griffm, 387

Grisaille, 411, 498


General Index

Illuminations (continued) Grotesques, 287, 379, 387, 390, 407, 411,

417, 439, 498 Guardian angels with soldiers, 390 Habakkuk, 407, 411 Habakkuk commanded to write vision,

387 Habakkuk with Daniel in den of lions,

387 Habbakuk, Angel, 433 Habergeon, 406 Haggai and mason, 407 Haine, 418

Haman hanging from gallows, 407 Hainan, Esther, 433 Hand of God descending on Peter and

Paul, 387 Hands of Christ, 310 Hannah with Eli and Samuel, 407 Hardement, 418 Harrowing of hell, 406 Harvest, 287 Hatred, 411 Haymaking, 287

Head of God, Amos with sheep, 433 Head of God, Joshua, water, 433 Head of God, Zechariah, 433 Headpieces, floral, 461 Heart enclosed by crown of thorns, 410 Heaven, 411, 498 Heli, son of, beheaded, 433 Hell, 411, 436 Hell fire, man in, 411 Hell fire, woman in, 411 Hell mouth, 411 Hell mouth, with Cerberus, 498 Hell, Dives in, 436 Hellespontian Sibyl, 411 Heraclius and cross, 425 Heraclius with soldiers, 425 Heresy, 406 Hermit, 411

Hermit in wilderness, 498 Hermit, Christopher and, 411 Herod instructing soldiers, 411 Herod orders massacre of Innocents, 425 Herod, death of, 411 Hilary, 411 Hoeing, 390

Holofemes, decapitation of, 387, 407, 433 Holy Scripture, 406 Holy Spirit as dove, 310, 314

Honneur, 418

Honte, 418

Hope, 411

Hope, Faith, Charity, 498

Horn, 406

Horse, red, 407

Hosea, 411, 425

Hosea and Gomer, 387, 433

Hosea and Gomer, God above, 407

Hound chasing stag, 284

Hourglasses, 344

Household utensils, 287

Human head under gold crown, 407

Humility, 411

Hunt, preparations for, 287

Hunters, 390

Husband and wife at home, 287

Idleness, 406

Idolatrous Jew, beheading of, 433

Imploring figure, 382

Infirmity, 406

Insects, 287, 287A, 407, 410, 411, 427, 434, 475

Instruments of the Passion, 410

Isaac blessing Jacob, 283

Isaiah (half length), 411

Isaiah sawn in half vertically, 387, 407, 433

Islands, 351

Israelite receives benediction of God, 407

Israelites, 411

Israelites, Moses addresses, 407

Israelites, Moses leading, 387

Israelites, numbering of, 407

Ivo, 435

Ivy, stylized, 307

Jacob, Isaac blessing, 283

Jalousie, 418

James sentenced, 425

James the Greater, 314, 390, 411, 436

James the Greater with hanged man, 41 1

James the Less, 314, 411

James with staff and book, 407

James, calling of, 390

James, martyrdom of, 425

Jean de Meun at lectern, 418

Jeremiah, 411

Jeremiah in prison, 407

Jeremiah lamenting, 387, 407

Jeremiah laments Jerusalem, 433

Jeremiah praying, 407

Jeremiah [?] writing, 407

General Index


Illuminations {continued)

Jeremiah's vision of boiling cauldron, 387, 433

Jerome as monk in wilderness, 407

Jerome at writing desk, 387

Jerome in study with lion, 310

Jerome kneeling in front of chalice, 314

Jerome with book, 407

Jerusalem, 406

Jerusalem, Christ and Apostles confront- ed at, 425

Jerusalem, Christ and Apostles enter, 425

Jerusalem, Christ, Apostles, Mary go to, 425

Jerusalem, entry into, 391, 425

Jerusalem, Jeremiah laments, 433

Jerusalem, Nehemiah before, 433

Jesus ben Sirach, 387

Jew with Paul in prison, 387

Jew, beheading of idolatrous, 433

Jewelry, 287

Jewels, 434

Jews battling with Antiochus, 407

Jews, Paul with two, 433

Joachim and Anna, 425

Joachim and Anna at Golden Gate, 375

Job, 411

Job and family, 375

Job on dunghill, 387, 407, 409, 435

Job, wife, 433

Job's flocks, destruction of, 409

Joel, 411

Joel and three priests, God above, 407

Joel preaching, 387

Joel, two men, 433

John, 498

John and eagle, 407, 433

John as scribe, 433

John Chrysostom, 302

John hands 2 scrolls to 2 people below, 407

John inspired by angel, 387

John on Patmos, 287, 375, 411, 435, 436

John the Baptist, 310, 314, 436

John the Baptist preaching, 425

John the Baptist with Agnus Dei, 411

John the Baptist, circumcicision of, 425

John the Evangelist, 283, 310, 314, 390

John the Evangelist boiled in oil, 41 1, 425

John the Evangelist sends two disciples, 425

John the Evangelist with poisoned chalice, 411, 425

John the Evangelist writing, 411

John with book, 407

John's vision of God, 407

Jonah, 411

Jonah and God, 433

Jonah cast to whale, 387, 407

Jonah thrown from boat, 433

Joseph of Arimathia, 411

Joseph warned by angel, 411

Joseph's dream, 375, 411

Joshua and the lion, 387

Joshua watching death of Moses, 407

Joshua, death of, 387, 407

Joshua, death of, crowned, 433

Josue asperging altar, 433

Juda, 433

Judas paid, 425

Judas, Christ foretells his treachery, 425

Jude, 314, 411

Jude with book, 407

Judgment of Solomon, 409

Judith and decapitation of Holofernes,

387, 407, 433 Julian of Brioude, 390 Justice, 411 Justice, Divine, 428

King, 411

King and princes, 390

King David sending Uriah into battle, 435

King with three men, 339

Knight, 411

Labors of the months. See Occupations

Ladies at mass, three, 283

Lance thrust into Christ's side, 411

Largesse, 418

Last Judgment, 400, 411, 434, 498

Last Supper, 391, 425, 498

Lawrence with grill, 310

Lawrence with grill and book, 435

Lawrence with grill and palm, 314

Lawrence, martyrdom of, 411, 425

Lazarus in Abraham's bosom, 436

Lazarus outside door of rich man, 425

Lazarus, beating of, 425

Lazarus, raising of, 310, 375, 425, 434

Left hand and left foot of Christ, 310

Lens {beryllus), 334

Leonard with two prisoners, 390

Leper, Christ heals, 425

Lepers, Christ heals 2 of 10, 425

Libyan Sibyl, 411


General Index

Illuminations {continued) Lion, 428

Lion of St. Mark, 381 Lion, aristocrat, with, 411 Lion, Mark with, 433 Living Tree, crucifixion with, 314 Louis IX, King of France, 390 Love, Divine, 428 Love, triumph of, 438 Lucy, 390 Luke, 283, 287, 314, 375, 407, 411, 425,

435, 436, 498

Luke inspired by angel, 387

Luke painting Virgin, 411

Lust, 411

Magi guided by star, three, 411

Magi warned by angel, 411

Magi, Adoration of. See Adoration

Magicians with dragons, 425

Malachi at lectern, 407

Malachi with five Levites, 387

Malebouche, 418

Man between heaven and hell, 411

Man bitten by demons, 411

Man brooding, 411

Man counting coins, 411

Man eating, 411

Man force-fed by demons, 411

Man in boiling oil, 411

Man in fire, tormented by demons, 411

Man in hellfire, 411

Man kneeling at altar, 310

Man stabbed by demons, 411

Man, naked, 407

Mappa mundi, 358

Maps, 351

Mardocheus, Ahasuerus, Esther, 407

Margaret, 310, 314, 390, 435, 436

Margaret brought before prefect, 425

Margaret with dragon, 411

Maria lactans, 411

Mark, 283, 287, 314, 407, 411, 433, 435,

436, 498

Mark inspired by angel, 387

Mark, lion of St., 381

Market place, buying and selling, 287

Marriage at Cana, 411

Marriage of Mary and Joseph, 435

Martin, 314, 390, 411, 425, 436

Martin in bed, 411

Martyrs, 425

Martyrs, execution of three, 390

Mary and Joseph with Child, 391

Mary and Joseph, marriage of, 435

Mary at tomb, 425

Mary crowned by angel, 314

Mary Magdalen, 310, 314, 390, 435, 436

Mary Magdalen at tomb, 425

Mary Magdalen embracing Cross, 498

Mary Magdalen, assumption of, 411

Mary places Christ in manger, 411

Mary, Virgin, 456

Mary's devotions in temple, 411

Marys (two) at Cross, 375

Marys, three, 411, 436

Masks, 498

Mason with trowel, 407

Mass of St. Gregory, 314, 435

Massacre of Innocents, 411, 436

Massacre of Innocents, Herod orders,

425 Master expounding to pupil, 492 Matthew, 283, 287, 314, 375, 411, 433,

435, 436, 498 Matthias, 314, 411 Matthias, selection of, 425 Maurice and companions, 411 Maurice before Maximian, 425 Medallions, 409, 438 Melancholy, 411 Memory, 406 Men cutting wood, 287 Men playing on ice, 287 Men taking wood to town, 287 Merchant, 411 Mercy, 406 Mercy, throne of, 390 Messenger, 387 Micah and God, 407 Micah preaching, 387 Micah watches city, 433 Michael archangel, 310, 314, 411, 425,

435, 436, 498 Miracle of wine at Cana, 425 Miracles, 425 Mirror frames, 464 Mocking of Christ, 411 Monk in black habit, 407 Monk kneeling in prayer, 417 Monk, Cistercian, 411 Monks, 338

Monogram, with alphabet, 461 Monstrance, 425 Monstrance under filigree, 434

General Index


Illuminations (continued) Moses, 406

Moses addresses Israelites, 407 Moses and Aaron, 387 Moses and burning bush, 411 Moses and God, 433 Moses expounding law, 283 Moses going into Egypt, 387 Moses leading Israelites, Red Sea,

387 Moses praying, God in sky, 407 Moses released from hell mouth, 411 Moses striking rock, 283 Moses [?] and two men, 433 Moses, Aaron, and battle against Amelec,

283 Moses, death of, 387, 407 Moses, God giving commandments to,

387 Mother of God, 302 Muse and poet, 391 Musicians, two, 387 Myrtle trees, 407

Nahum and Ninevah, God above, 407 Nahum prophesying at Nineveh, 387,

433 Nailing to cross, 411, 464 Nails of the cross, 410 Naked man, 407 Naomi, Elimelech, 433 Naomi, Elimelech, two children, 387 Narcissus' fountain, 418 Nativity, 287A, 375, 400, 406, 411, 417,

425, 435, 436 Natural Understanding, 406 Nature, 406, 418 Nazareth, Christ at, 425 Nebuchadnezzar's dream, 407 Nehemiah and Artaxerxes, 407 Nehemiah before Jerusalem, 433 Nicolas, 310, 314, 411, 435, 436 Ninevah, Nahum prophesying at, 387,

433 Ninevah, Nahum, God above, 407 Nobleman, 411 Noli me tangere, 283, 425 Numbering of Israelites, 407 Oak leaves, 417 Obadiah called by God, 387 Obadiah, God above, burning houses,

407 Obedience, 406, 411

Occupation, 406

Occupations of the months, 287, 375,

411, 435, 436 Oceans, 351 Oiseuse, 418 Old Age, 406 Organ, 406 Owl, 387 Panther, 438 Paour, 418

Paralytic, Christ cures, 425 Passion of Christ, 287 Patience, 411 Paul, 314

Paul and messenger, 387 Paul and Peter, 283, 310, 387, 425, 435,

436 Paul and Philemon, 407 Paul and Timothy, 407 Paul and Titus, 407 Paul between Silvanus and Timothy, 407 Paul in prison, with Jew, 387 Paul in prison, with Tychicus, 387 Paul preaching, 387 Paul preaching, various backgrounds,

407 Paul with book, 407, 433 Paul with sword, 433 Paul with two Jews, 433 Paul writing, 407, 425 Paul, conversion of, 411, 425 Paul's letter given to Hebrews, 407 Pax with priest at altar, 390 Peace, 411 Peacocks, 407, 456 Peasant, 411 Pedigree register, 433 Pelican feeding young, 428 Penitence, 406 Pentecost, 287A, 375, 391, 400, 407, 411,

425, 435, 436, 475 Persian Sibyl, 411 Personifications, 406, 411, 418, 427, 428,

444 Peter, 314, 406, 411, 498 Peter and Andrew, calling of, 411 Peter and Paul, 283, 310, 387, 425, 435,

436 Peter and Paul with hand of God

descending, 387 Peter as Pope, 433 Peter imprisoned, 425


General Index

Illuminations {continued) Peter preaching, 425 Peter receiving keys from Christ, 387 Peter walking on water, 425 Peter with book, 411 Peter with book and keys, 407 Peter with key, 433 Peter, martyrdom of, 498 Peter's feet, Christ washing, 498 Pharisees, Christ among, 425 Pharo, Bishop, 411 Philemon and Paul, 407 Philip, 314, 411 Philip ordered to sacrifice, 425 Philip, Christ speaks to, 425 Phrygian Sibyl, 411 Picnics, 287 Pieta, 310, 411 Pieta with three Marys, 436 Pilate washing hands, 411 Pilate, Christ before, 411, 464 Pilgrim/ Author speaking, 406 Pilgrims, 411 Pitie, 418 Pity, 411

Plague, victims of, 498 Planting and mending, 287 Plowing, 287 Poet and muse, 391 Pope and prelates, 390 Pope, King and Emperor, 498 Pope, Peter as, 433 Popes, 411, 425 Porcupine, suicide with, 411 Porter of ship of religion, 406 Portraits, 338 Portraits in roundels, 411 Poverty, Willful, 406 Povrete, 418 Prelates, 390 Presentation in temple, 287A, 400, 411

(2), 417, 425, 435, 436 Presentation of Virgin, 310 Presentation of work, 391 Pride, 406, 411 Priest at altar with Pax, 390 Priest celebrating mass, 338 Priest censes altar, 433 Priests, 338, 411

Priests and Joel, God above, 407 Princes, 390 Princesses with Dame Prudence, 427

Prison, Jeremiah in, 407

Prodigal son, departure of, 425

Prodigal son, return of, 498

Profile heads, 436

Prophet with staff, 433

Prophet, God, 433

Prophets, 411

Prophets, busts of, 409

Prophets, four [?], 407

Prudence, 411

Pruning, 390

Psaltery, 406

Psaltery, David playing, 407

Purgatory, angels carrying souls from,

390 Putti, 284, 353, 391, 407, 409, 412, 435,

438, 444, 446 Putto riding a stag, 407 Queen of Sheba before Solomon, 318 Rabbit eating its tail, 387 Rabbits, 407, 438

Raising of Lazarus, 310, 375, 425, 434 Raison, 418 Reason, 406

Rebel angels, fall of, 436 Reception of blessed into heaven, 283 Red Sea, Moses leading Israelites, 387 Rehoboam and Solomon, 407, 433 Religion, ship of, 406 Remigius, 390 Resurrection, 391, 411, 425 Return of Prodigal Son, 498 Return, Joseph told in dream, 411 Richesse, 418 Right hand and right foot of Christ,

310 Road to Emmaus, 425 Roman de la Rose, 418 Romaric, 390 Rome, 407

Rope and fish motif, 440 Rose trellis, 418 Roses, 410

Ruth in grainfield, 407 Sacred heart, 460 Saints adoring name of Lord, 498 Saints, All, 310, 390 Salome with head of St. John, 425 Salvator Mundi, 287A, 310 Salvator Mundi, Christ Child as, 410 Salvator Mundi, Crown of Thorns, 310 Samaritan woman and Christ at well, 425

General Index


Illuminations (continued) Samian Sibyl, 411 Samson and Philistines, 498 Samuel with Eli and Hannah, 407 Samuel, calling of, 387 Satan, 406

Satan and demons in hell, 436 Satan tempts Christ, 425 Saturninus, 344 Saul, suicide of, 387 Sawtooth pattern, 342 Scabbard, 406 Scales, 428 Scribe, youthful, 407 Scrip, 406

Scripture, Holy, 406 Sea of Galilee, 425 Sebastian, 314, 411, 425, 435, 436,

437 Serpent, Adam and Eve with, 287 Seurete, 418

Seven days of creation, 387, 433 Sheep, 287A Sheep in landscape, 407 Sheep, Amos with, 433 Sheep, tending, 287 Ship of religion, 406 Ships, 351, 411 Sibyls, twelve, 411 Silvanus, Paul, Timothy, 407 Silvester, 390 Simon, 314, 411 Simon the Pharisee, 425 Simon, Christ cures his mother-in-law, 425 Simon, Christ enters his home, 425 Singers, two, 433 Sixtus IV, 391 Skeletons, 411 Slaughtering, 287 Sloth, 406 Socrates, 285 Soldiers, 425

Soldiers on horseback, 387 Soldiers, guardian angels with, 390 Solomon and Rehoboam, 407, 433 Solomon and two women [?], 407 Solomon as teacher, wielding switch, 387 Solomon praying at Gideon, 387 Solomon with scepter, 433 Solomon with scroll and people, 387 Solomon with scroll and staff, 387 Solomon with sword and scales, 407

Solomon, crowned and seated on throne,

407 Solomon, judgment of, 409 Solomon, man, 433 Solomon, man, youth, 433 Solomon, Queen of Sheba before, 318 Son of Heli beheaded, 433 Soul, 406

Souls in Purgatory, 434 Souls, dead, 406 Sowing, 287

Spinning and delving, 387 Stag, 284, 438 Stephen, 310, 314

Stephen, martyrdom of, 425, 435, 436 Stigmatization of St. Francis, 425 Strawberries, 314, 351 Students, 338 Study, 406 Suicide of Saul, 387 Suicide with porcupine, 411 Sunamite, son of, 283 Sword, 428

T-O mappa mundi, 358 Temperance, 411

Temptation of Adam and Eve, 387, 436 Temptation of Christ, 390, 411 Temptress, 411 Theft of ark, 433 Thomas, 314, 411 Thomas of Canterbury, 310 Thomas sees wounds of Christ, 425 Thomas, doubting, 425 Three empty crosses on Golgatha, 310 Three Marys with Pieta, 436 Three Marys with St. John, 411 Three Virtues before Christine de Pizan,

427 Three virtues with women, 427 Threshing, 287 Throne of mercy, 390 Throne room, 425

Tiburtine Sibyl with Caesar Augustus, 41 1 Tigris River, Tobias taking fish from, 387 Time, triumph of, 438 Timothy and Paul, 407 Timothy, Paul, Silvanus, 407 Title-page, 363 Titus and Paul, 407 Tobias taking fish from Tigris River, 387 Tobias, Tobit and swallow, 407 Tobit and swallow, 433


General Index

Illuminations {continued) Tobit, death of, 407 Tobit, Raphael, Tobias, 387 Tobit, Tobias and swallow, 407 Tomb in landscape, 412 Transfiguration, 391, 411, 425 Treachery, 406 Tree of Jesse, 287 Tree of Jesse, variation on, 407 Tree of Knowledge, 436 Tribulation, 406 Trinity, 314, 417, 433, 435, 436,

498 Trinity and angels, 411 Trinity blessing Adam, 436 Trinity [?], 387 Triumph of Chastity, 438 Triumph of Death, 438 Triumph of Eternity, 438 Triumph of Fame, 438 Triumph of Love, 438 Triumph of Time, 438 Trumpeting figures, 417 Truth, 411

Tychicus with Paul in prison, 387 Ursula, 390

Ursula and 11,000 virgins, 411, 435 Ursula, martyrdom of, 411 Utensils, household, 287 Venus, 406, 418

Veronica on the road to Calvary, 464 Vices, 411

Victims of plague and earthquake, 498 Vieille, Vieillesse, 418 Villaine, 418 Virgin and Child, 287A, 314, 387, 406,

411, 434, 435, 436, 437 Virgin and Child in aureole, 411 Virgin and Child, Anna, 310, 435 Virgin and Child, with Mary crowned by

angel, 314 Virgin as Apocalyptic woman, 310 Virgin in aureole, 498 Virgin, coronation of, 435 Virgin, crowned, adored in heaven, 436 Virgin, Luke painting, 411 Virgin, presentation of, 310 Virgins, 425 Virgins beheaded, 411 Virgins, All, 390 Virtues, 411

Virtues, three, 427

Vision of St. Bernard, 411

Vision of 4 beasts, Ezekiel in bed, 387, 433

Visit to temple, 411

Visitation, 287A, 375, 390, 400, 435, 436

Volto Santo, 391, 417

Way to Calvary, 400

Whale, Jonah cast to, 387, 407

Wife and husband at home, 287

Wild men, 436

Willful Poverty, 406

Winged figures, personifications, 428

Winged Orison, 406

Woman in hellfire, 411

Woman with mirror and goat, 411

Woman with pennant, 411

Woodpeckers, 407

Worship, 406

Worship of Baal, 407

Wounds of Christ, five, 310

Youth, 406

Ypocrite, 418

Zacchaeus, Christ speaking to, 425

Zechariah, 407

Zechariah, head of God, 433

Zephaniah, 407

Zephaniah and God, 387

Zodiac, signs of, 287, 322, 375, 411, 435, 436

10,000 Martyrs, 435 Incantations, in Italian, 327 Incest, parable on, 392 Inclinable: manuscript exemplar for, 321; bound in, 399; manuscript copied from, 451 Indexing, 317, 325, 355, 371, 376, 378,

388, 429, 468 Indians, in Mexico, 419 Indians, Nahua, 369 Indulgence Scroll, 410 Initials, patterns for, 439 Ink, formula for, 359 Innocent III, Pope, 423; letter concerning

St. William Fitzherbert, 322 Inquisitions post Mortem, 1399-1422, es- cheats from, 370 Instruments of war, 491 Interpretatio Psalmi CHI (in Greek), 304 Inventors of arts and sciences, notes on (in Greek), 319

General Index


Invisible substances, text on, 306

Ioannes, brother, 265

Iohannes de Sacro Bosco. See Sacro Bosco, Iohannes de

Iohannes Pastinelli, frater, 355

Iohannes, count of Lustignano, 474

Ioli, Giovanni, 322

Isidore: Chronicon, 380; Chronicon (extract), 414; Desummo bono, 373; Epistolae, 442; Synonyma, 311; prologues, 455; quota- tion from, 447

Isidore, pseudo-: Decretals, 442

Isle of Man, 370

Ivrea, diocese of, 453

Jacobus de Voragine: Sermo quadragesima- lis, 471; Sermones de tempore, 378; ex- tracts, 472

Jacobus Manas. See Manas, Jacobus

Jacopino da Reggio, 338

Jacopo di Poggio: letter to Federico da Montefeltro, 321

Jacopo di Poggio, tr., 321

Jacques le Grand: Le Lime de bonnes moeurs, 318

James I, King of England, 370

Jean Beleth. See Beleth, Jean

Jean Chapuis. See Chapuis, Jean

Jean de Bourbon, 390

Jean de Meun, 418

Jean, l'Homme de Dieu: Tractatus de ordine vitae, 377

Jerome: De psalterio, 322; Epistola LXXVIII, 322; Epistola, extract from, 449; Liber de situ et nominibus locorum hebraicorum, 322; Liber hebraicorum questionum in Gene- sim, 322; Liber interpretationis hebraicorum nominum, 322; Psalter, 310; Psalter (in English), 360; extracts, 374, 392; prayers to, 317; prologue to Ecclesi- astes, 404

Jerome, pseudo-: Commentarius in canticum Debborae, 322; Decern tentationes populi Is- rael in deserto, 322; Epistola XXIII (De generibus musicorum), 322; Epistolae, 442; In lamentationes Ieremiae, 322; Quaestiones hebraicae in libros Paralipomenon, 322; Quaestiones hebraicae in libros Re gum, 322

Jews, conversion to Christianity, 353

Joachim of Fiore: Epistola prophetica, 305; Expositio super Apocalypsim, 305

Joannes Philoponus: In Analytica Posteriora (in Greek), 361

Job: extracts, 473

Johannes Andreae: commentary on second Clementine decree, 393; extracts, 309

Johannes de Rupescissa: Prophecy, 306

Johannes Marcus Marci of Cronland, au- tograph letter, 408

Johannes Metensis. See John of Metz

Johannes Teutonicus: gloss on Compilatio tertia, 423

John Chrysostom: Homilia in S. Pascha (in Greek), 302; In duodecim Apostolos sermo (in Greek), 251 ; In Etiam Prophetam ser- mo (in Greek), 251; In Petrum et Paulum sermo (in Greek), 251; Laudatio S. Stepha- ni (in Greek), 252; Oratio de annuntiatione Deiparae (in Greek), 251; Oratio de bap- tismo Christi (in Greek), 252; Oratio de beato Philogonio (in Greek), 252; Oratio de saltatione Herodiadis. . . (in Greek), 25 1 ; Oratio de transfiguratione Domini (in Greek), 251; Oratio de transfiguratione ser- vatoris (in Greek), 251; Oratio in diem natalem Christi (in Greek), 252; Oratio in Herodem et infantes (in Greek), 252; Ora- tio in illud, Exiit edictum (in Greek), 252; Oratio in S. Ignatium martyrem (in Greek), 252; extracts (in Latin), 404, 312; litur- gy of (in Greek), 262, 296, 302

John Chrysostom, pseudo-: extracts (in Latin), 374

John Damascene: De nativitate Domini (in Greek), 252; Homilia in transfigurationem (in Greek), 251; Homiliae in dormitionem B. V. M. (in Greek), 251; Laudatio S. Ioannis Chrysostomi (in Greek), 252

John Geometres: In annuntiationem Deiparae (in Greek), 251

John Lydgate. See Lydgate, John

John Mauropus: De Basilio, Ckrysostomo, et Gregorio (in Greek), 252; Encomium Basilii, Chrysostomi, Gregorii (in Greek), 252

John of Bridlington: Life, in English verse, 331

John of Metz, 416

John of Thweng. See John of Bridlington

John of Wales: Communiloquium, 373

John Stauracius: Encomium S. Theodosiae (in Greek), 251


General Index

John Zonaras: Commentarius de Cyrillo (in Greek), 251; Vita S. Eupraxiae (in Greek), 251 Jordanus de Quedlinburg: Sermones de tem- pore, 325 Josephus: De bello Judaico, Latin tr. Hegesippus, 280; De bello Judaico , Lat- in tr. Rufrnus, 282; Vita (in Greek), 275 Journals of the House of Lords, 370 Joys of the Virgin, Fifteen (in French),

314, 400 Joys of the Virgin, Five, 310, 390 Joys of the Virgin, Seven, 310 "Julia e Prunneo", 412 Julius III, Pope: Conclave, 420 "Justa Victoria", 412 Justices of the Bench, lists of, 370 Justinian: Leges agrariae (in Greek), 301 Justinus I, Emperor: Epistola, 442 Juvenal: Satirae, 450; notes on life, 450; scholia on, 450

Konigshofen, Jacob von. See Twinger von

Konigshofen Kent, 401, 401 A Kings, English, list of, 405 Knights, creation of, 370 Korresios, George. See George Korresios Kutna Hora, 471 Kyriacus Aconitanus. See Cyriac of Ancona

Lactantius [?]: Carmen de passione Domini,

311 Lancaster, chancellors of duchy of, 370 Landscapes, instructions for painting, 372 Langton, Stephen, 455; Index of Hebrew

names, 387, 407, 433; revision of,

387 Lapidary, unidentified, 322 Lateran synod of 649, 442 Laws and Statutes of Pisa, 415 Lay Folks' Catechism, 317 Lazarelli, Lodovico: Fasti christianae religio-

nis, 391; poems in honor of, 391 Lectionary, 344

Legal documents. See Documents Legal documents, model forms of, 365 Legal points, lists citing Biblical support

for, 423 Leo the Great: Epistolae, 442 Leo X, Pope: Conclave, 420

Leo, Joannes: Quaestiones I- VI in tertiam par- tem Summae Theologicae divi Thomae Aqui-

natis, 356 Leonardo Bruni. See Bruni, Leonardo Leontius of Constantinople: Homilia in

Ioannem Baptistam (Greek), 251 Leopold, Bishop of Cordoba, 466 Letter of rejoicing (in Latin), 444 Lexicon Greco-Latinum, 277 Lexicon, Greek, 291 Lieutenants of Tower of London, 370 Life of St. Margaret (in English), 365 Lilium de spinis: extracts, 309 Limoges, 414 Lippi, Lorenzo de', 391 Litany, 310, 360, 375, 400, 411, 417, 434, , 435, 436, 437, 498 (in French) Liturgical year, table of lections, 455 Liturgy of St. Basil (in Greek), 259, 296,

302 Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (in

Greek), 262, 296, 302 Liturgy of the Presanctified (in Greek),

296, 302 Loan agreement (in Greek), 304 Loguion: moralistic sayings, 285 Loire, 280 Lombardy, 358 London [?], 324 London, College of Arms, 370 London, Tower of, 370 Lords of Parliament, 370 Loredan, Leonardo, doge of Venice, 381 Lottini, Giovanni Francesco: Instruzioni

sopra Vattioni dei Conclavi, 420 Louis the Pious: Capitularies, 413 Louvain, 399 Love, Nicholas: Mirror of the Blessed Lyj of

JeSu Christ, 324 Lucan: Bellum civile, with scholia, 332;

epitaph, 332 "Lucretia e Hyeronimo", 412 Lunar locations, tables for, 448 Lunar texts, in Anglo-Norman, 395 Lustignano, 474 Lydgate, John: Dance of Macabre , 493; Life

of Our Lady, 281 Lyons, 389, 435

Macarius, holy deacon: Oratio funebris Ralais Caryophylli (in Greek), 304; notes on (in Greek), 304

General Index


Macdarge: moralistic sayings, 285

MacVeagh, Wayne, autograph, 494

Madden, F., letter from, 426

Madrid, 274

Magellan's voyage, journal of, 351

Magical text, in unidentified language, 408

Mainz, 325, 356

Malogranatum, excerpts from, 392

Manas, Jacobus: Biography of (in Greek), 295; Encomium (in Greek), 295; Epi- gram (in Greek), 295; Sapphic ode to (in Greek), 295

Manetti, Gianozzo: Protesto, 329

Manors, English, 365

Manual of canon law (in Greek), 299

Manuel Chrysoloras: Erotemata (in Greek), 261

Manuel Comnenus, Emperor of Constan- tinople, 395

Manuel Diaz. See Diaz, Manuel

Manuel Moschopulos: Erotemata (in Greek), 265

Manuscript fragments bound in, 318, 322, 323 (arts. 1-2), 324, 331, 344, 350, 355, 376, 377, 378, 386, 392, 393, 405, 426, 460, 471, 489, 494, 495

Manuscripts bound in, 399

Mapheius Vegius [?] : Ad virginem salutatio, 311

Maps, 328, 332, 337, 350A, 457

Maps, illuminated, 351

Marcello, Andrea, 381

Marcellus II, Pope: Conclave, 420

Mardones, Diego de, Bishop of Cordoba, 466

Margaret, Duchess of Clarence, 317

Margarit, Johannes de: Oratio pronuntiata in senatu Venetiarum, 451

Margounios, 304

Maria Theresa, empress of Austria, 341

Mariani, Valerio: Delia miniatura, 372

Marques de Santillana, Lopez de Mendo- za, 489

Marriage vows, in English, 286

Marsi, Paolo, 391

Martinez de Ampies, Martin, tr., 454

Martin of Braga: Formula honestae vitae, ex- tracts from, 380

Mary, Queen of Scots, 370 Mary, Virgin. See under saints

Mass of the Dead, 286

Mass of the Virgin, 287, 437

Mass: commentaries on (in English), 317; defects in the performance of (in Latin), 392; extracts concerning (in Latin), 371; notes on (in Latin), 317; virtues of (in English), 317

Materia evangelorum, 387

Matteo Palmieri. See Palmieri, Matteo

Matthew of Westminster: Flores historiarum, 426

Matthew Paris. See Matthew of West- minster

Matthioli, Pietro Andrea, tr., 372

Maurokordatos, Alexander, 295

Maurus, Rabanus. See Rabanus Maurus

Measuring, 491

Medical advice (in Greek), 267

Medical recipes: in English, 365; in French, 492; in Italian, 327, 488

Medici, Ferdinando de', 467

Medici, Piero de': letter to, 362

Medicinal herbs and roots, 408

Meletius Syrigou: Homilia in Dominicam ante Luces (in Greek), 304; Oratio in Domini- cam post Luces (in Greek), 304; notes on (in Greek), 304

Meliades, Romance of King, 327

Melton, Robert, 365

Memorial prayers, 466

Mendoza, Lopez de, 489

Mendoza, Pedro de, Sefior de Almazan, 489

Mercantile arithmetic, 327

Merchant's Commonplace Book, 327

Mercy: seven deeds of (in English), 317; seven deeds of corporal (in French), 314; seven deeds of spiritual (in French), 314

Merlen, Theodorus van, 449

Messine neumes, unheighted, 432

Metz, 339

Mexico, documents concerning, 419

Michael Ialinas, 291

Michael Psellus: In Aristotelis De Interpreta- tions commentarius (in Greek), 256; Ora- tio in salutationem B. V. hi. (in Greek), 251; notes on (in Greek), 256

Michael Syncellus: Eclogae Prophetiarum (in Greek), 290

Michael the Priest, of Jerusalem. See Michael Syncellus


General Index

Milan, peace treaty with Florence, 1441,

329 Military arts, 491

Military formations, list of (in Greek), 269 Military science, treatise on (in Italian),

491 Minerals with their days of the week and

astrological symbols, 372 Minerals, lists of, 372 Miniatures, instructions for painting, 372 Missals: fragments of, 426, 432, 471; in

French, 425; use of Sarum, 286 Misyn, Richard, tr., 331 Mnemonics, 306

Moamin: De scientia venandi per aves, 446 Model book for scribes, 439 Model forms of legal documents (in Latin

and English), 365 Modern illumination, 475 Monastic rule, 379 Monstrous races, tract on, 404 Montalcino, 409

Months, notes on (in Greek), 319 "Monypenny Breviary", 436 Moon book (in Anglo-Norman), 395 Moorslede, Heere van, 364 Moral precepts (in Anglo-Norman), 395 Moral sayings (in Latin), 404 More, Sir Thomas, 363 Mores Italiae, 457

Morienus Romanus: extracts, 309 Moschopulos, Manuel. See Manuel

Moschopulos Mottoes: A James, 400; Aymer2 et a tan-

dyr, 281; Expecto, 321; Iranobilis, 418;

Pan. se. de. moi., 344; Tunc satiabor,

404; Virtus in actione consistet, 344 Muses, notes on (in Greek), 319 Music, theories on (in Greek), 270, 271,

272 Musical notation, 286, 306, 307, 331, 378,

386, 413, 432, 460, 471, 476, 480 Mystery play, 365 Mysticism, 334

Nahuatl language, 369, 419 Naples, 353, 391, 446, 457 Naples, campaign of the French (1494-95),

359 Nathanael Chykas: Homilia de reliquiis

Gabrieli (in Greek), 304; notes on (in

Greek), 304

Navigation, 328, 351

Neumes, 378, 413, 432, 471, 476

New Testament Canticles (in English), 360

Niccholaus, duke of Volterra, 474

Nicephorus Blemmydes: De anima (in

Greek), 260 Nicetas David: Encomium S. Marci (in

Greek), 251; Laudatio Apostolorum et dis-

cipulorum (in Greek), 251; Laudatio S.

Bartholomaei Apostoli (in Greek), 251;

Laudatio S. Hyacinthi Amastreni (in

Greek), 251; Laudatio S. Iacobi Zebedaei

(in Greek), 251; Laudatio S. Panteleemo-

nis (in Greek), 251 ; Laudatio SS. Petri et

Pauli (in Greek), 251; Passio S. Georgii

(in Greek), 251 Nicetas of Heraclea: Catena on Job (in

Greek), 257; commentary on Sermons,

263 Nicetas of Serres: Commentarius in Gregorii

Nazianzeni orationes (in Greek), 260 Nicetas patricius; Vita S. Andreae Cretensis

(in Greek), 251 Nicetas philosophus: Passio SS. Ciryci et

Iulittae (in Greek), 251 Nicholas Love. See Love, Nicholas Nicholas of Cusa. See Nicolaus Cusanus Nicolas de Byard: Tractatus de vitiis et virtu-

tibus, 371 Nicolas of Amiens: De articulis fidei catholi-

cae, 306 Nicolas Oresme: Traite de la sphere, Latin

tr., 335 Nicolaus: Vita S. Petri Athonitae (in Greek),

251 Nicolaus Artabasda. See Nicolaus

Smyrnaeus Nicolaus Cusanus: De beryllo, 334 Nicolaus of Clairvaux: Sermo, 377 Nicolaus Smyrnaeus: De supputariis digitor-

um gestibus (in Latin and Greek), 298 Nicomachus Gerasenus: Harmonicum en- chiridion (in Greek), 272 Nieder-Ingelheim, 383 Normandy, 418

North, Dudley, third Baron, 394 Northern France, 355, 404 Notaras, Chrysanthus, 297 Notaras, Demetrius, 297 Note diuine legi necessarie, 322 Notitia Galliarum, 442 Novelle, 412

General Index


Numbers, systems of, 322

Ober-Ingelheim, 383

Obituary notices, 265, 349, 355, 494

Occleve, Thomas. See Hoccleve, Thomas

Office of the Dead: 392; use of Paris, 375, 400; use of Rome, 287, 411, 435, 436, 437; use of Sarum, 310; use of Sarum (in English), 360; use of Utrecht (in Dutch), 434

Olivetans, 379

Ollet [?], Fr. Antonio, 428

Olympiodorus: In Platonis Gorgiam Commen- taria (in Greek), 367

Onese: moralistic sayings, 285

Opiniones Remonstrantium et Calvinisiorum (in Greek), 304

Oppian of Anazarbos: Halieutica (in Greek), 255; Life (in Greek), 255, 269, 490; Perioche (in Greek), 255, 269, 490; scholia on (in Greek), 269, 490

Oppian of Apamea: Cynegetica (in Greek), 255

Orations (in Italian), 329

Orators, notes on ten (in Greek), 319

Ordo de celebrando concilio, 442

Origen: De Engastrimytho (in Greek), 288

Origen, pseudo-: De Maria Magdalena, 472

Orsini, Cardinal Flavio, 396

Orsini, Cardinal Giordano, 411

Orthodox Eastern Church: councils, 304; Greater Blessing (in Greek), 302; laws (in Greek), 301; legal documents (in Greek), 303; Lesser Blessing (in Greek), 302; liturgy and ritual (in Greek), 259, 262, 293, 296, 302; the- ology, 304; Vespers for Pentecost Sun- day (in Greek), 302; Washing of the Altar (in Greek), 302; Washing of the Feet (in Greek), 302

Otranto, 255

Ovid: EpistolaeexPonto, 479; Heroides, 479; introductory paragraphs, 479

Owayne Miles, 365

Oxford, 322, 417

Padua, 344, 457

Padua [?], 343, 412

Padua, University of, 456

Paes de Ribera, Ruy: Cancionero de Juan

Alfonso de Baena, 489 Page, Robert, of Scoles, 365

Paisius Hagiapostolites: History ofMt. Sinai

(in Greek), 294 Paisius of Rhodes, 294 Palaces, plans for, 491 Palimpsests, 262, 280, 405 Palmieri, Matteo: Protesto, 329 Pamphilus [?], 391 Papal Conclaves (in Latin and Italian),

420 Paper, recipe for rock alum to size, 372 Paracelsus: Liber archidoxis (extracts), 309 Paraldus, Gulielmus. See Perault,

Guillaume Parchment, recipe for rock alum to size,

372 Paris, 285, 318, 375, 390, 400, 411, 433,

461, 464 Paris [?], 442

Paris, Matthew. See Matthew of West- minster Paris, of Troy, poem on, 418 Parisius de Dyna, 390 Parliament: abstracts from Rolls of, 370;

lists for, 370; lords of, 370 Partenopeus de Blois, extract from, 395 Partnership agreements (in Greek), 303 Pascasius, letter to, 353 Paschal tables, 262; in Greek, 304 Passion according to John, 375 Passion of Christ, 312 Passion of Christ, catena on, 435 Passion, psalms of the, 310 Passionary (fragments), 384, 496 Patelaros, Athanasius. See Athanasius

Patelaros Patents of creation, 370 Patriarchate of Constantinople, documents

(in Greek), 303 Pattern book: for horse bridles and bits,

454, 458; for scribes, 439 Paul III, Pope: Conclave, 420 Paul IV, Pope, 396: Conclave, 420 Paul V, Pope, 372

Paul of Burgos. See Paulus de Sancta Maria Paulus Burgensis. See Paulus de Sancta

Maria Paulus de Sancta Maria: Scrutinium

Scripturarum, 353 Peace treaty between Milan and Florence,

1441, 329 Pecia notation, 338 Peckham, Pierre de: Lumiere as Lais, 492


General Index

Peerage titles, lists of, 370

Pegas, Meletus, of Alexandria, 294

Pelagius [?]: De vita Christiana, 311

Pellisson-Fontanier, Paul, 464

Penitence of Solomon, 404

Penitential Psalms, 310, 375, 400, 411,

434, 435, 436, 437; in English, 360; in

French, 498 Peraldus, Gulielmus. See Perault,

Guillaume Perault, Guillaume: Sermones de Epistolis,

473; Sermones, 472; Summa vitiorum, 374 Perspective: drawings on, 491; in painting

landscapes, 372 Perugia, University of, 463 Perusio, Leonardo de, 433 Peter of Blois: Canon episcopalis, 333;

Epistolae, 333; Invectiva in deprauatorem,

333 Petrarch: De remediis utriusque fortunae,

extracts, 380; Epistola (in Italian), 329;

Trionfi, 438 Petrus Alphonsus: Disciplina clericalis, 395 Petrus Blesensis. See Peter of Blois Petrus Diaconus: De notis litterarum more

romano, 313 Petrus Quesvel: Directorium iuris, 429 Peyraut, Guillaume. See Perault, Guillaume Pharetra, extracts, 404 Philippe le Hardi, 285 Philoponus, Joannes. See Joannes

Philoponus Philosopher's stone, 309 Philosophers, sayings of (in Spanish), 489 Philosophy: dialogue on (in English), 394;

extracts on (in Greek), 267; notes on (in

Greek), 256; unidentified text (in

Greek), 367 Philotheus Coccinus: Epistula ad

Harmenopoulum (in Greek), 301 Photius, patriarch, 300 Piccolomini, Aeneas Silvius. See Pius II,

Pope Pierre de Peckham. See Peckham, Pierre de Pigafetta: Journal of Magellan's Voyage (in

French), 351 Pigments, recipes for, 372 Pilgrim's [?] badge, 379 Pino dei Rossi. See Rossi, Pino dei Pisa: chronicles of, 499; laws and statutes

of, 415 Pisan, Christine de. See Pizan, Christine de

Pius II, Pope: Carmen in laudem Friderici

Caesaris, 462 Pius IV, Pope: Conclave, 420, 396 Pius V, Pope: Conclave, 420 Pizan, Christine de: La Cite des dames , 318;

Le Livre des Trots Vertus, 427 Pizzicolli, Ciriaco de'. See Cyriac of Ancona Planets: commentary on, 399; movement

of, 337 Platina, Bartolomeo Scacchi, 391 Plato: Phaedo (in Latin), 313; commentary

on the Gorgias (in Greek), 367;

moralistic sayings, 285 Playing card models, 410 Plotinus: Enneades (in Greek), 258 Plutarch: De liberis educandis (in Latin), 313 Poem on the love of God and the hatred

of sin, 492 Poema acrostichum (in Greek), 304 Poggio Bracciolini: Historia Florentina

(Italian tr.), 321 Polemius Silvius: Laterculus, 442 Polychronius: Catena in Canticum Canticorum

(in Greek), 273; Catena in Ecclesiasten (in

Greek), 273 Pomponius Mela: De chorographia libri tres,

359 Pontifical (fragment), 320 Pope, election of, 396 Popes: history of (in German), 421; list of,

442 Porcari, Stefano: Orations (in Italian), 329 Porphyry: Commentarius in Harmonica

Ptolemaei (in Greek), 270; Isagoge (in

Greek), 256; Life of (in Greek), 256 Portraits: engravings, 340, 341;

instructions for painting, 372;

unidentified, 457 Prague, statutes of, 393 Prayers: in English, 365; in French, 314,

400, 497, 498; in German, 309; in

Greek, 259, 262, 292, 293, 299, 300,

302; in Italian, 327; in Latin, 310, 314,

317, 320, 327, 368, 375, 390, 400, 404,

405, 435, 461, 464, 466, 492; in

Spanish, 466 Precepts, moral (in Anglo-Norman), 395 Prester John: letter to Emperor Manuel

Comnenus, 395 Prieres de la Messe, 464 Priest, devotions for, 461 Printed texts bound in, 399, 460

General Index


Printer's copy, 321

Probus, Marcus Valerius: Iuris notarum liber

(extracts), 313 Proclus of Constantinople: Encomium S.

Ioannis Evangelistae (in Greek), 251 Procopius: Catena in Canticum Canticorum (in

Greek), 274 Prognostication, notes on (in Italian), 327 Prognostications, 395 Promissory notes (in Greek), 303 Prophecies (in Greek), 290 Proverbs: in English, 317; in Italian, 327;

in Latin, 317 Proverbs on women (in English), 365 Psalm CIII, interpretation of (in Greek),

304 Psalms, 460

Psalms of the Passion, 310 Psalms, Gradual. See Gradual Psalms Psalms, Penitential. See Penitential Psalms Psalter of St. Jerome: in Latin, 310; in

English, 360 Psalters: in Latin, 417; fragment, 382; in

English, 360 Psellus, Michael. See Michael Psellus Pseudo-Isidore, Decretals, 442 Ptolemy: commentaries on (in Greek),

270, 424; moralistic sayings, 285 Purgatoire de Saint Patrice, Le, 395 Pythagoras: moralistic sayings, 285

Quesnel, Petrus. See Petrus Quesvel Quinton, George, engraver, 317

Quodlibeta theologica, 470

Rabanus Maurus: De universo, 322

Raoul d'Arundel, tr., 395

Rasis: extracts, 309

Rationale diuinorum, 392

Raymond d'Agout, Lord of Val de Sault, 345

Raymond Lull: extracts, 309

Readings, list of, 433

Recipes. See also Medical recipes; alchemical, 309; for mixing colors and pigments, 372; for odiferous substance, 281; for rock alum to size paper and parchment, 372

Regulations on judgments (in Greek), 299

Religion, dialogue on, 394

Religious antonyms, 306

Religious [?] text, 438

Renaissance Miscellany, 329

Rent Book, 364

Repentance, requirements for, 314

Responsories, 413

Restorer: Gobert, Ad., 411

Reynoso, Francisco de, Bishop of

Cordoba, 466 Rheims, 413, 479 Rheims [?], 442

Rhetoric, 422; treatises (in Greek), 319, 361 Rich, Edmund: Speculum amicicie (in

French), 492 Richard II, King of England, 370 Richard III, King of England, 370 Richard Rolle. See Rolle, Richard Ripuarian dialect of Middle High

German, 404 Robert de Ho: Les Enseignements de Robert

de Ho, 395 Robert du Herlin, 465 "Roger Bacon Manuscript", 408 Rokyswelle, Robertus de, obituary notice,

494 Rokyswelle, Willelmus, obituary notice,

494 Roll, indulgence, 410 Rolle, Richard: Commandment of Love

(fragment), 324; The Fire of Love,

English tr., 331; The Mending of Life,

English tr. , 331; Super symbolum apostoli

(abbrev. form), 468; proverb (in Latin),

317 Rolls of Parliament, abstracts from, 370 Roman de la Rose, 418 Roman Emperors: history of (in German),

421 ; Julius Caesar to Frederick III (in

Latin), 313; world chronicle (in Latin),

495 Roman synods of 595 and 721, 442 Rome, 354, 396; buildings in, 372 Romeo and Juliet, antecedent to, 412 Roosevelt, Theodore, autograph, 494 Roper, William: The Lyfe of Sir Thomas More

Knighte, 363 Rossi, Pino dei: letter to (in Italian), 329 "Rothschild Canticles", 404 Rouen, 318, 375, 411, 418 Rudolph II, Emperor of Germany, 341 Ruffo, Giordano: Marescalcia equorum,

Italian tr., 488 Rufinus, Tyrannius. See Tyrannius



General Index

Rulers of Austria and Germany, 341

Rulers of France, 340

Rules: for clerics (in Latin), 374; of

conduct (in English), 365; monastic (in

Latin), 349, 379, 386 Rupescissa, Johannes de. See Johannes de

Rupescissa "Ruskin Bible", 387 Rusticus [?]: poem on Augustine, 336 Ruysbroeck, Willem van. See Willem van


Sacramentary, Gallican, 342 Sacraments: seven, 314 (in French); seven

(in English), 317 Sacro Bosco, Iohannes de: Desphaera, 335;

De sphaera (English tr.), 337;

commentary on, 399 Saints {The names have been standardized, for

the most part, following F. G. Holweck, A

Biographical Dictionary of the Saints

[St. Louis, Mo., and London, 1924].) Abraham, 267 Achilleus, 417 Adauctus, 437 Adrianus, 437 Aegidius, 436 Afra, 310 Agatha, 390 Agnes, 390 Aichard, 437 Alban, 286, 417 Albinus, 310 Aldhelm, 286 Alphege, 286 Amandus, 437 Ambrose, 314, 498 Anastasia, 472

Andrew, 310, 314, 390, 411, 425, 476 Andrew of Crete, 251 Anna, 286, 314, 375, 411, 425, 435 Antony abbot, 314, 390, 400, 411, 435,

436 Antony of Padua, 344, 375, 391, 437,

456, 460 Apollonia, 314, 405, 411, 435, 436 Augustine, 314, 390 Augustine of England, 286 Avia, 411

Barbara, 310, 318, 390, 411, 435, 436 Barnabas, 251, 425, 472 Bartholomew, 251, 314, 411, 496

Basil, 252, 302, 411

Basil, bp. of Amasea, 251

Bavo, 287, 434

Benedict, 390

Berard, 344

Bernard, 354, 411, 435

Bernardinus, 437

Bernardinus of Siena, 344, 391

Birgitta, 449

Birin, 310

Bonaventure, 344, 437

Boniface, 286, 434, 437

Brictius, 400

Caprasius, 437

Catharine, 286, 310, 425, 437, 472

Catharine of Alexandria, 314, 390, 400,

411, 435, 436 Cecilia, 390 Chad, 310

Christopher, 310, 314, 360, 411, 435, 436 Cirycus, 251, 410

Clara, 344, 375, 390, 391, 437, 460 Claude, 411

Claudius, 314, 411, 435 Clement, 310 Consortia, 417 Constantine, 251 Cosmas, 400 Cuthbert, 286, 360 Cuthburga, 286 Cyprian, 337, 411 Cyril, 251 Damian, 400 David, 310 Desiderius, 287 Didacus, 460

Dionysius, 314, 360, 400, 411, 425, 436 Dominic, 498 Donatianus, 287 Dunstan, 286, 360 Edith, 286, 310 Edmund King, 286 Edmund Rich, 286, 492 Edward "the Martyr", 286 Edward the Confessor, 286 Egidius, 411

Eleazar de Sabran, 344, 437 Eligius, 390, 411 Elisabeth, 390

Elisabeth of Thuringia, 344, 391, 437 Ethelreda, 286, 417 Eucharius, 287

General Index


Saints {continued) Euphemia, 251 Eupraxia, 251 Eustachius, 360, 395, 400 Eutropius, 411 Felix, 437 Fiacre, 411 Francis of Assisi, 311, 344, 375, 391, 411,

425, 437, 460 Franciscan Saints, 437 Frideswide, 360 Gaugeric, 437

Genevieve, 314, 390, 400, 411, 436 George, 251, 310, 411, 435 Gerard, bp. of Toul, 417 Gereon, 434 Gertrude, 390, 434 Gervasius, 413 Gregory, 314, 390, 435, 437 Gregory Nazianzen, 252, 253, 260, 263, 302 Helen, 251 Heraclius, 425 Hilary, 411, 436 Hubert, 287 Hugh, 417

Hugh "the Hammerking", 286 Humbert, 437 Hyacinth at Amastris, 251 Ignatius, 252

Ildephonsus of Toledo, 283 Ivo, 400, 435 James, 425, 472 James the Greater, 251, 283, 314, 390,

411, 436 James the Less, 314, 411, 472 Jerome, 314, 317, 407 Joachim, 375, 425 Joannes [?], 262 John Chrysostom, 252, 283, 302 John of Beverly, 310 John of Capistrano, 460 John the Baptist, 251, 252, 310, 314, 342,

400, 411, 425, 436, 472 John the Evangelist, 251, 283, 310, 314,

317, 375, 390, 400, 411, 425, 472, 498 Jude, 314, 411 Julian, 411

Julian of Brioude, 390 Julian, bishop of Burgos, 283 Juliana, 400 Julitta, 251, 410 Justina, 344

Kenelm, 286

Lambert, 434

Lawrence, 310, 314, 400, 411, 425, 435,

472 Lebwin, 434 Leonard, 390, 400 Louis IX, King of France, 390 Louis King, 400, 425, 437 Louis of Toulouse, 344, 375, 391, 437 Lubin, 411 Lucianus, 384 Lucy, 390 Ludger, 434

Luke, 283, 314, 375, 411, 425, 472, 498 Macarius, 287 Magloire, 400 Maiolus, 417 Margaret, 286, 310, 314, 365, 390, 411,

425, 435, 436, 437 Marina, 251

Mark, 251, 283, 314, 381, 411, 498 Martialis, 411

Martin, 314, 390, 411, 425, 436, 472 Mary Magdalen, 286, 310, 314, 390,

400, 411, 425, 435, 436, 472, 498 Mary of Egypt, 251 Mary, niece of Abraham, 267 Mary, Virgin, 251, 252, 262, 281, 287,

302, 304, 310, 314, 317, 360, 375, 376,

377, 390, 391, 400, 404, 411, 417, 434,

435, 436, 437, 456, 460, 472, 498 Matthew, 283, 314, 375, 411, 472, 498 Matthias, 314, 411, 425, 472 Maturinus, 400 Maurice, 400, 411, 425, 436 Maurus, 283, 400 Medard, 400

Menas, hermit in the Abruzzi, 391 Michael archangel, 310, 314, 400, 411,

425, 435, 436, 460, 472, 498 Michael Maleinus, 251 Milburga, 417 Moyses, the Ethiopian, 251 Nereus, 417 Nicasius, 400

Nicolas, 310, 314, 411, 435, 436 Nympha, 391 Odilo, 417 Odo, 417 Odulf, 434 Oswald, 286 Pancratius, 417, 434


General Index

Saints {continued) Pantaleon, 251 Panteleemon, See Pantaleon Paul, 251, 283, 310, 314, 342, 411, 425,

435, 436, 472 Peter, 251, 283, 310, 314, 342, 411, 425,

435, 436, 460, 472, 498 Peter martyr, 390 Peter of Athos, 251 Peter of Verona, 283 Philip, 314, 411, 425 Philogonius, 252 Pontianus, 434 Privatus, 400 Prosdocimus, 344 Protasius, 413 Quentin, 400, 411, 437 Radegundis, 360, 417, 436 Raymond of Penafort, 494 Remacle, 437

Remigius, 287, 390, 400, 411, 425, 434 Respicius, 391 Richard, 360 Richard de Wych, 286 Richard of Chichester, 310 Robert of Citeaux, 283 Rochus, 314 Romaric, 390

Sebastian, 314, 411, 425, 435, 436, 437 Servatius, 434, 437 Severinus, 391 Silas, 360 Silvester, 390 Silvinus, 437 Simon, 314, 411 Sixtus II, 384

Stephen, 310, 314, 425, 435, 436 Stephen I, 384 Stephen protomartyr, 472 Stephen, Deacon, the First Martyr, 252 Sulpice, 400, 411 Swithin, 286, 310, 360 Theodosia, 251 Thomas, 314, 360, 411, 425 Thomas Aquinas, 283, 461 Thomas of Canterbury, 286, 310, 417 Trinity, 390, 435, 436 Tryphon, 391 Ursmar, 437

Ursula, 390, 411, 434, 435 Vedast, 437 Venantius, 391

Vincent Ferrer, 391 Vincent of Saragossa, 283 Vitalis, 380 Walburgis, 417 Werenfrid, 434 William, 360 Willibrord, 434 10,000 Martyrs, 435 11,000 Virgins, 314, 400, 411, 435 Saints Lives and legends: in Latin, 311, 354, 384, 449, 496; in Greek, 251, 252, 260, 262, 264, 267 Saints: engravings of, 460; woodcuts of, 460 Salamanca, 269 Salaries, accounts of, 381 Sales contracts (in Greek), 303 Sallust: Bellum Catilinae, 358; Bellum

Iugurthinum, 358; scholia on, 358 Salome, 251 Salomonis dicta, 380

Salutati, Coluccio: De seculo et religione, 453 San Clemente, Juan de, Archbishop, 466 Sandoval y Rojas Index, 428 Sanvitale, Paolo: Ragiomento di Giovanni

Francesco Gambara, 420 Sardo, Ranieri: Chronicle of Pisa (in Italian),

499 Satire, notes on, 450 Satyrical proverbs on women (in English),

365 "Savoy Hours", 390

Scherenus, Henricus: Quaestiones VII-XIX in tertiam partem Summae Theologicae divi Thomae Aquinatis, 356 Scholar's Notebook (in Latin), 392 School texts, 362 Science: extracts on (in Greek), 267; text

(in unidentified language), 408 Scribal Pattern Book, 439 Seal, off-set impression, 379 Seals, 419, 456

Secundo folio (Partial words and references beginning with numerals appear at the conclusion of the list.) a me exhiberi, 391 a parentibus, 495 acomplir, 425 ad iustitiam, 415 aliqua hie, 442 Asso son, 454 Augurio, 462 aultres femmes, 318

General Index


Sec undo Folio {continued) Beda et, 403 benignitatem, 388 Bruyt, 405

Capitulum lxxxxvi, 355 Cederunt, 358 Ceux qui estoient, 406 che e principio, 428 ciuitas aquensium, 442 conficere non, 343 confiteor, 479 continentia, 389 Cui egeas, 344 cum auditate, 362 Cum igitur, 472 cum presentusu, 398 d. 1. 5, 376 de lo dolore, 459 de par moy te, 497 de paralitico, 316 dicit quod, 325 dicta sunt, 388 dou J>is, 323 ei et altitude- , 373 Entrues que, 339 esse et in, 334 esse genus, 380 etiam in continguis, 330 etiam, aliud, 335 etwas vindest, 421 exceditur, 355 existimem. Sed, 313 fader, 494 fallor, 479 ffor ofte, 493 Guidonis, 354 Hec sunt, 326 idola argenti, 414 in hebreo, 322 in hoc seculo, 311 in ierusalem, 403 in latinum, 446 In medio dum, 332 ingerente, 377 intelligunt, 433 intentio, 353 iordanem hostium, 455 ita nominibus, 359 KL Marcius, 417 1. e. g. iij. altare, 338 La mort ualentiniuen, 339 La vielle, 425

lassez et, 427

libido, 358

matrem de sua, 378

mentionem, 353

mundum, 315

nescientibus, 336

non posse, 387

nullus, 371

Ou elle, 418

per simplicita, 398

piu eterna, 321

preparatio, 473

quae domnus, 413

que destruitur, 407

que solis, 385

qui licet, 453

quod est, 422

receperunt, 357

Saluator, 326

sed deo qui, 393

studia, 379

superior, 429

uolumen, 402

ut doceret, 315

Vagho dudir, 438

vii. De, 376

vita beata, 312

vnde [?] ac sperant, 392

Vtward. And, 331

[ca]put meum, 417

[cejlebrentur, 315

[equejstri nella quale, 329

[hujius uere, 386

[segura]mente pora, 488

[sejqui absolutos, 423

7mo a malo, 393

9. Cum, 326 Sedachias: moralistic sayings, 285 Sedulius: Abecedarius de vita Christi (Hymnus

II), 316 Seneca: extracts, 380, 473 Seneca, pseudo-: Proverbia, Castilian tr., 489 Senses, five, 314 Sequences of the Gospels, 375, 400, 411,

435, 436, 437; in French, 498 Sermons: in Greek, 251, 252, 260, 263, 267, 302, 304; in Latin, 312, 377, 378, 385, 393, 471, 472, 473; in Nahuatl, 369 Sermons [?], 305

Servant and rich man, poem contrasting life of, 406


General Index

Seven deadly sins: in French, 314; in

English, 317; table of, 416 Seven deeds of corporal mercy (in French),

314 Seven deeds of mercy (in English), 317 Seven deeds of spiritual mercy (in French),

314 Seven exempla, 404 Seven gifts: table of, 416 Seven gifts of the Holy Ghost: in French,

314; in English, 317 Seven opposing virtues (in French), 314 Seven prayers of St. Gregory, 435, 437 Seven principal virtues (in English), 317 Seven requests (in French), 400 Seven sacraments: in French, 314; in

English, 317 Seven vices, virtues, beatitudes, etc., 374 Seven wise counsels (in English), 365 Sextus Julius Africanus: Cestoi (in Greek),

276 Sibton, Cistercian abbey, 405 Sibylline texts, 411 Siena, 457 Sign language, 298 Signs, astrological, 448 Silbistros, metropolitan of Nauplia, 304 Simplicius: Epistolae, 442; In Aristotelis De

anima libros commentarius ( in Greek), 258 Sinai, Mt., 294, 299 Sins, lists of, 416 Sins, seven deadly: in French, 314; in

English, 317 Sir Owen the Knight, 365 Sixtus II, Pope, 384 Sixtus IV, Pope, 391 Sketches. See Drawings, Water-color

drawings, Illuminations, Diagrams Sleep, Biblical references to, 468 Smyrnaeus, Nicolaus. See Nicolaus

Smyrnaeus Socrates: moralistic sayings, 285 Soissons, 413

Solar locations, tables for, 448 Soldanus, 333 Solomon, penitence of, 404 Sonnet, unidentified (in Italian), 412 Sophronius of Jerusalem: Oratio in loannem

Baptistam (in Greek), 251 ; Vita S. Mariae

Aegyptiacae (in Greek), 251 Sorrows of the Virgin Mary, five (in

English), 317

"Spanish Forger", 283

Speculum humanae salvationis, 393

Speculum theologiae, 416

Spices, list of (in Italian), 327

Spierinc, Nicholas, 410

Spiritual mercy, seven deeds of, 314

Statutes of Prague, 393

Statutes of the Cistercian Order, 349, 386

Stefano Porcari. See Porcari, Stefano

Stephen Langton. See Langton, Stephen

Stone, philosopher's, 309

Strasbourg: history of (in German),

421 Strozzi, Girolamo, 321 Stuston, East and West, 365 Suda. See Suidas Suffolk, 494 Suffrages, 310, 314, 360, 390, 400, 411,

435, 436, 437 Suidas, 254, 255 Surveying, 491

Symbolum Bernhardt (in German), 309 Symeon of Thessalonika: Articuli fidei (in

Greek), 304 Symeon of Thessalonika [?]: De iudicio

extremo (in Greek), 304; De meridibus (in

Greek), 304 Synopsis mikra (in Greek), 293 Syrigou, Meletius. See Meletius Syrigou

Tables, 306; astrological, 448; astronomi- cal, 335; chronological, 448; longitude and latitude, 337; vices, virtues, etc., 374

Tac: moralistic sayings, 285

Tacitus: Annates 14.52-56, Castilian tr., 489

Tax lists, 365

Temples, plans for, 491

Tempo vene, fragment of, 327

Ten orators, notes on (in Greek), 319

Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, 407

Teutonicus, Johannes. See Johannes Teutonicus

Therouanne, 404

Theaters, plans for, 491

Themistius: Paraphrasis in libros Aristotelis De anima (in Greek), 258

Theodore Daphnopata: Oratio de manu S. Praecursoris (in Greek), 252

Theodore Magister: Scholia in Oppiani librum primum (in Greek), 490

General Index


Theodore Metochites: Introductio in

Ptolemaei compositionem mathematicam (in

Greek), 424 Theodore of Constantinople: Depositio in

Blachernis (in Greek), 251 Theodore of Studium: Oratio in Ioannis

Baptistae decollationem (in Greek), 251;

Sermo de S. Ioanne Baptista (in Greek), 251 Theodoretus: Lives of the Hermits (in Greek),

264; On Divine and Holy Love (in Greek),

264 Theodorus of Antioch, tr., 446 Theological and philosophical questions (in

Greek), 264 Theology: commentary, unidentified

(fragment), 447; extracts, 267; notes,

393; text on biblical prophets, 355; text,

unidentified, 292; virtues, three, 314 Theon, of Alexandria, ed., 424 Theophanes Cerameus: Homiliae (in

Greek), 260 Theophanes monachus: Vita S. Michaelis

Maleini (in Greek), 251 Theophrastus von Hohenheim. See

Paracelsus Thesile: moralistic sayings, 285 Thomas a Kempis; Tractatus de imitatione

Christi, 392 Thomas Anglicus. See Wylton, Thomas Thomas Aquinas: Summa contra gentiles,

355; commentaries on, 356; extracts,

309; prayers, 461 Thomas de Hibernia. See Thomas of

Ireland Thomas Hibernicus. See Thomas of Ireland Thomas Hoccleve. See Hoccleve, Thomas Thomas of Ireland: Manipulus florum, 380 Thranston, 365 Three theological virtues, 314 Thuillerie, Henri de la, 444 Tignonville, Guillaume. See Guillaume de

Tignonville Timotheus of Antioch: In crucem et

transfigurationem (in Greek), 251 Tituli canonum apostolorum, 442 Toleto, Franciscus de. See Franciscus de

Toleto Tory, Geoffroy, 375

Tower of London, documents from, 370 Trent, council of, 366, 366A Trental, directions for, 365 Tres tomi synodici (in Greek), 301

Tristan, birth of, 327

Tropologia, notes on, 360

Troy, 255

Tryphiodorus: Troiae Halosis (in Greek), 255

Trypho: De tropis (in Greek), 319

Tuille, M. de la, 315

Tuscany, 346, 384, 467

Twinger von Konigshofen, Jacob: Chronicle

(in German), 421 Tylere, Alexander, obituary notice, 494 Tylere, Idyua, obituary notice, 494 Tyrannius Rufinus, tr., 282 Tzetzes: Scholia ad Hesiodum (in Greek),

289; Scholia in Hesiodi Opera et dies (in

Greek), 254; Scholia in Oppianum (in

Greek), 269

Udo, abp. of Magdeburg, 392 Ulcinj, Yugoslavia. See Dulcigno Ulrich von dem Turlin: Willehalm, 486 University lectures, transcriptions of, 356

Valencian dialect, 454

Valensis, Johannes. See John of Wales

"Vanderbilt Bible", 433

"Vanderbilt Hours", 436

Varano, Fabrizio, bp. of Camerino, 391

Venetian chronicle, 327

Venetian Council of the X, 381

Venetian document, 381

Venice, 272, 301, 327, 381, 424, 457; list of nine place names, 372; views of, 457

Venice [?], 412

Veroli, Giovanni Sulpizio da, 391

Verona, 277

Vie de Saint Eustache, 395

Vigilius, Pope, 316

Villeblanche, Dame Isabelle de, 497

Vincent of Beauvais: Speculum historiale, 350

Vincentius Haoffsti of Posen: Tractat, 309

"Vinland Map", 350A

Virgin Mary. See under Saints: Mary, Virgin

Virtues and vices, 311, 312, 314, 315, 347, 365, 371, 374, 385, 392, 404, 416; table of, 374

Virtues: four cardinal (in French), 314; of the mass (in English), 317; poem of exhortation (in English), 365; seven opposing (in French), 314; seven principal (in English), 317; three theological (in French), 314


General Index

Visigothic script, 447

Vision of the Virgin Mary (in English),

317 Vita sanctae matris nostrae Birgittae, 449 Vitae Patrum (extracts), 388 Volvelles, 337 Votive masses, 286, 400 Voyage du Chevalier Owen au purgatoire de Saint

Patrice, Le, 395 "Voynich Manuscript", 408 Vuelden, Carlo Filippo di, 458 Wace: Roman de Brut, 395 Wachenheim, 383 War of Swiss in Alsace and Black Forest

(1468), 421 War, instruments of, 491 Ward, William Humble, 2nd Earl of Dud- ley, autograph, 494 Water-color drawings

Acolytes, 457

Almswoman, 457

Antony, procession for St., 457

Arms, 457

Bird catchers, 457

Bishops, 457

Brides, 457

Bucentaur of Doge of Venice, 457

Canon, 457

Capuchin monks, 457

Cardinal, 457

Carnival revelers, 457

Carriage, horse-drawn, 457

Cats, 457

Costumes, 457

Countryside, 457

Courtesans, 457

Courtier on horseback, 457

Daily life, 457

Decurion, 457

Doctor of medicine, 457

Dogana, 457

Dogs, 457

Donkeys and herder, 457

Duel, 457

Duke of Genoa, 457

Fiddling street peddlars, 457

Fishing nets, 457

Flagellant, 457

Funeral biers, 457

Galley with slaves, 457

Galley with soldiers, 457

Goats and goatherd, 457

Grand Council of Venice, 457 Hooded members of religious fraternity,

457 Horse-drawn carriage, 457 Horseman with umbrella, 457 Horses, 457

Hunter on horseback with dogs, 457 Italian costumes, 457 Joust, 457 Jugglers, street, 457 Maidens, 457 Man in a turban, 457 Mardi Gras, 457 Mayor in red robe, 457 Men dining, 457 Monks, 457 Oppian, 255 Orphans of Padua, 457 Patriarch of Venice, 457 Peasant and buckets of wine, 457 Peasants and barrel of wine, 457 Peasants on way to market, 457 Poor Clairs (2), 457 Portraits, 457

Procession for St. Antony, 457 Professor, 457 Prostitutes, 457 Roman ruins, 457 Sedan-chair, 457 Senator, 457 Shepherds, 457 Ship, 457

Street jugglers, 457 Turbans, 457

Turk with large turban, 457 Umbrella, horseman with, 457 Wine, buckets of and barrel of, 457 Water-color painting, instructions for,



Briquet Aigle 204, 448 Briquet Ancre 428, 258 Briquet Ancre 478, 491 Briquet Ancre 521, 264 Briquet Ancre 522, 264 Briquet Ancre 549-65, 290 Briquet Ancre 557, 266 Briquet Ancre 558, 367, 490 Briquet Ancre 592, 289 Briquet Arbalete 744, 289 Briquet Arc 791, 347 Briquet Arc 799, 347

General Index


Watermarks {continued) Briquet Armoiries Pomme de pin

2118, 458 Briquet Armoiries 1038, 365 Briquet Armoiries 1233, 420 Briquet Balance 2506, 258 Briquet Chapeau 3384, 258 Briquet Chapeau 3387, 277, 321 Briquet Chapeau 3467, 257 Briquet Chapeau 3486, 257 Briquet Chapeau 3487, 264 Briquet Chapeau 3488, 257 Briquet Chapeau 3489, 257 Briquet Chapeau 3494, 264 Briquet Chapeau 3501, 264 Briquet Chapeau 3507, 257 Briquet Char 3533, 318 Briquet Cheval 3564, 327 Briquet Ciseaux 3668, 319 Briquet Cloche 3934, 471 Briquet Cloche 3979, 471 Briquet Cloche 4030, 361 Briquet Croix latine 5683, 269 Briquet Croix latine 5688, 369 Briquet Echelle 5910, 329 Briquet Etoile 6070, 329 Briquet Fleur 6651, 329, 334 Briquet Fruit 7341, 327 Briquet Fruit 7371, 361 Briquet Fruit 7372-76, 327 Briquet Fruit 7426, 305 Briquet Homme 7578, 301 Briquet Homme 7582, 489 Briquet Huchet 7693, 380 Briquet Lettre M 8392, 288 Briquet Lettre P 8538, 399 Briquet Lettre P 8586, 365 Briquet Lettre Y 9182-84, 377 Briquet Lettres et Monogrammes 9890,

337 Briquet Lion 10555, 370 Briquet Main 10713, 258 Briquet Main 10746, 266 Briquet Main 11086, 318 Briquet Main 11090, 462 Briquet Main 11092-93, 462 Briquet Main 11152, 365 Briquet Main 11292, 269 Briquet Main 11399, 365 Briquet Main 11423-29, 354 Briquet Monts 11837-38, 348 Briquet Monts 11882, 319

Briquet Monts 11932, 288 Briquet Navire 11971, 365 Briquet Oiseau 12209, 420 Briquet Pot 12620-24, 316 Briquet Pot 12736, 370 Briquet Pot 12863, 337 Briquet Raisin 13003, 325 Briquet Tete de boeuf 14867, 289 Briquet Tete de boeuf 15056, 350, 350A Briquet Tete de boeuf 15229, 393 Briquet Tete de boeuf 15513, 495 Briquet Tete de cerf 15499, 471 Briquet Tete de licorne 15771, 361 Briquet Tete humaine 15670, 454 Harlfinger Ancre 40, 267 Harlfinger Ancre 51, 424 Harlfinger Ancre 57, 264 Harlfinger Ancre 67, 290 Harlfinger Ancre 77, 290 Harlfinger Ancre 78, 490 Harlfinger Ancre 83, 289 Harlfinger Balance 75, 267 Harlfinger Balance 76, 267 Harlfinger Balance 77, 267 Harlfinger Boeuf 27, 259 Harlfinger Chapeau 12, 277 Harlfinger Chapeau 78b, 264 Harlfinger Croix 41, 276 Harlfinger Croix 42, 272, 273, 274 Harlfinger Fleur 108, 278 Harlfinger Homme 21, 258 Harlfinger Lettres 18, 288 Harlfinger Lettres 61, 267 Harlfinger Lettres 66, 424 Harlfinger Main 8, 296 Harlfinger Main 30, 266 Harlfinger Main 39, 266 Harlfinger Main 40, 266 Heawood Anchor 2, 260 Heawood Anchor 4, 260 Heawood Coat of arms 481, 363 Heawood Crescent 866, 300 Heawood Horn 2744, 298 Heawood Names 3269, 304 Piccard Buchstabe P 11.268, 399 Piccard Buchstabe P XII, similar to, 451 Piccard Buchstabe P XVI. 301-29, 392 Piccard Kreuz III. 805, 393 Piccard Ochsenkopf 1.163, 385 Piccard Ochsenkopf VII. 151, 421 Piccard Ochsenkopf VII. 481, 377 Piccard Ochsenkopf XI. 201, 462


General Index

Watermarks {continued) Piccard Ochsenkopf XII.288, 393 Piccard Ochsenkopf XIII. 173, 462 Piccard Turm 132-47, 454 Unidentified, 252, 260, 306, 311, 317, 357, 370, 377, 393, 394, 396, 420, 422, 459, 467, 468, 477, 488, 489, 493, 499

Weights and measures, 327

Wenzel, Emperor of Germany, 383

Wild men, 436

Willem van Ruysbroeck: Itinerarium , 406

William de Rubruquis. See Willem van Ruysbroeck

William of Moerbeke, 258

William of Rubruc. See Willem van Ruys- broeck

William of St. Thierry: Epistola ad fratres de monte Dei, 377; Vita S. Bernardi, 354

William of Tournai: Flores Bernardi, 376

Winds, names of, 357

Wine recipe, 309

Wischow [Vyskovj, R. Petrus de, 383

Wisdom, extracts on, 380

Wolfram von Eschenbach: Willehalm (frag- ment), 486

Women: fables concerning (in Latin), 462; satyrical proverbs on (in English), 365 Woodcuts pasted in, 460, 495 Worcester, 401, 401 A Worcester, Book of, 370 Word square, undeciphered, 372 World chronicle (in Latin), 495 World history (in German), 421 Wylton, Thomas: Quodlibeta, 470 Wynter, Symon: Life of St. Jerome, 317 Wynterheim, 383

Xenophon: Memorabilia (in Greek), 253

Yorkists and Lancastrians, civil war be- tween, 370

Zabarella, Francesco: Lectura super Clemen- tints, 343

Zalon: moralistic sayings, 285

Zalqualquin: moralistic sayings, 285

Zeno: Admonitio de unione (in Greek), 288

Zibaldone da Canal, 327

Zodiac, signs of, 322, 337. See also under il- luminations

Zonaeus: Figurae orationis (in Greek), 319

Index IV

Illuminators and Scribes


Antonio di Niccold di Lorenzo, similar to,

409 Aymes, Pierre, 498

Bedford, Master of the Duke of, 400 Bordone, Benedetto, style of, 381

Chief Painter, 433 Cortese, Christoforo, 407

Jean Colombe, 425

Lucon Master, 400

Mariano del Buono, 284, 409

Master Honore, style of, 404

Master IIII, 433

Master of Amiens 200, 427

Master of the David Scenes in Grimani

Breviary, 287 Master of the Franciscan Breviary, style

of, 407 Master of the Vienna Mamerot, 425 Masters of Morgan 96 and 366, close to,

425 Matteo Felice [?], 391 Metz-based shop, 339 Montlucon, Jean and Jacquelin, 436

Petrus Gilberti, 400 Pucelle, Jean, 390

Restout, J. [?], 464

Sanguini, Biagio, affinities with, 407 Soissons atelier, 433 "Spanish Forger", 283

Torelli, Filippo, early, 407

Vitae Imperatorum Master, influence of, 407

Wing, Caleb, 287, 287 A

A. W. [?], 460

Andreas Darmarius, 268, 269, 272, 273,

274, 276, 301 Andronikos Pazikeos, 265 Angelus Vergecius, 279

Barthalus Sanuccius [?], 474 Benivieni, Girolamo, 352 Bertault, Thomas, 312 Bock, Gregorius, 439 Breton, Nicholas, 394 Bussarion, 292

Camden, William, 370 Camillus Venetus, 270, 271 Cazaninus, Iohannes, 407 Constantine Raphael Byzantinus, 292,

294, 295, 297, 300, 304 Constantinus, 251 Cyrillus, 251

Davinius, Faustus, 456

Felice Feliciano of Verona, style of, 277 Franciscus, Dominican friar, 428 Francesco Manlio Romano, 372 Fridericus, 393

George, son of Constantine, 258 Guarnerius, 474 Guglelmus ariminensis, 261

Ioannes Skoutariotes, 278 Ioasaph, 251

Jacobus, 294 Jacopo di Poggio [?]



Index IV

Scribes {continued) Jarry, Nicolas, 461 Jean L'Avenant, 390 John the Priest, 259

Laurentius hierodiaconus [?], 292

Mair, Nicolaus [?], 462

Martinus de Laurentio de Padono, 453

Melton, Robert, 365

Niccolo Fonzio, 321 Nicolaus of Rhodes, 300

Phanourios Karabelos, 291

Piero Gennini, 284 Rafael lordannis, 381 Raymond Bermond, 345 Rousselet, Jean Pierre, 464

Valeriano da Forli, 424 Valerius de Meyen, 354 Victor Blanchus, 381

Waltherius, 282 William of Rimini, 261

Zoe, 259

Zune (Giovanni) Spineli [?], 381

Index V Provenance

A. N., 415

A&Q, 315

A. W. [?], 460

Acominates, Ioannes Choniates, 304

Adelasius, Franciscus, 456

Aguesseau, Henri-Francois [?], 279

Albani family, 376

Albergati, Niccolo, 407

Albicellis, Fr. Vincent de, 433

Aldenham, Henry Hucks Gibbs, baron,

287, 287A, 324 Allard, Abbe Joseph Felix, 349 Alphonso, 459 Alton, Ernest H., 313 Amherst of Hackney, William Amhurst

Tyssen-Amherst, 1st baron, 323 Andreas, 267 Angelerius, Antonius, 412 Antonius di Constantino [?]iuien di gior-

gio, 267 "Apostolis Shop", 259 Armstrong, Charles Dudley, 466 Arsenius of Castoria, 304 Asch, Sholem, 280 Ascham, Anthony, 337 Ashburner, Walter, 279 Askew, Adam, 263 Askew, Dr. Anthony, 263 Assisi, convent of St. Francis, 322 Astor, Gavin, 411 Athos, Mt., monastery of St. Simon

Petras, 251 Atradereskou [?], Helen, 293

Baccio Baldini, 438 Bacon, Leonard, 460 Bacon, Nathaniel Terry, 460 Balerne, Cistercian abbey, 336 Barbaro family of Venice, 266 Barker [?], John, 494 Barnak, Thomas, 410 Barry, Arthur Hugh Smith, 472

Bartholomaeus Laurentius, 288

Bartlett [?], John B., 437

Barton [?], John, 494

Bateman, Lady, 365

Beatty, A. Chester, 400, 402, 407, 413,

414 Beaulieu en Rouergue, Cistercian abbey,

355 Beaupre, Jean-Nicolas, 351 Bermondsey, Surrey, Cluniac priory of St.

Saviour, 426 Berry, duchesse de, 375 Bertin, Armand, 464 Bethlehem near Lou vain, Augustinian pri- ory, 371 Biblioteca Dugganiana, 313 Bibliotheque Houitte de Lachesnais, 403 Bingham, Millicent Todd, 476 Bischoff, Bernhard, 487 Bishop, Claude E. S., 344 Bisschup, Thomas, 494 Blanche of Burgundy, countess of Savoy,

390 Bliss, Catherine Anita, 461 Bliss, Susan Dwight, 314, 340, 341 Bock, Gregorius, 439 Bodmer, Martin, 479, 492, 493 Borde, Jean-Benjamin de la, 411 Borthwick, John, 285 Bourbon, Marie-Caroline de, duchesse de

Berry, 375 Bracciolini, Cosimo, 366 Brera Jesuit College, Milan, 391 Broadley, John, 418 Brome Hall, 365 Brooke, Sir John Arthur, 492 Brooke, Thomas, 492 Brudenell, G. L. T., Deene Park library,

405 Bunbury, Sir Henry Edward, 357

Camden, William, 370


Index V

Campbell, John, 433

Canonici, Abate Matteo Luigi, 327, 412

Capgrave, John, 495

Carent, John, 281

Carent, William, 281

Castle Acre [?], 417

Catherine, wife of Henry V of England [?],

425 Chammaillard, Frere Thomas, 349 Charles V, King of France, 390 Charles VI, King of France, 390 Charles VI, King of France [?], 425 Charroux, monastery of, diocese of

Poitiers, 442 Chaster, John N., 372 Chaster, Susanna, 372 Chelmsford, Dominican convent, 494 Chevalieres de la Cordeliere, 375 Christoforus de Drosuy, 479 Church Congress Exhibition, unidentified,

287, 417 Cockshutt [?] family, 410 Cognet, Jean, 351 Coislin, due de [?], 280 Coislozuch, 280 Colley, Thomas, 281 Colman, Dudley M., 287, 287A Cologne, charterhouse of St. Barbara, 392 Cologne, unidentified monastery of Au-

gustinian Canon Regulars, 377 Colonna family, 477 Constantine Raphael Byzantinus, 292. See

also Index IV under Scribes. Convento de San Francisco, Mexico, 480 Cordoba, Cathedral, 466 Cornwallis family, 365 Cornwallis, John, 365 Cowdray House, Sussex, 317 Crete, "Apostolis Shop", 259 Crevecoeur family, 427 Crivelli, Ignatius, 436 Cross, W. Redmond, 335, 359 Cumont, Franz, 312

Dahl, Kirchenrat Johann Christoph [?],

325 Davis, Irvin, 353 De Levis family, 400 Dee, John, 408 Deene Park Library, 405 Derby, earls of, 444 Didot, Ambroise Firmin, 282, 425, 464

Dignet, Frere Nicolas, 349

Dionysius Schmelzel, of Adlsberg, 309

Doria family [?], 359

Douglas, William Alexander, duke of

Hamilton and Brandon, 404 Dowden, Edward, 486 Drosay or Drosuy family, 479 Drury, Henry, 265, 298 Duceir [?], Paul, 498 Dunn, George, 280 Durosay. See Drosay and Drosuy Dyer, George, 263

E, F, G, 375

Eberstadt, Charles and Lindley, 430

Ecuyer, Seigneur de Glizy, de Houssoy et

de la Cour d'Auneuil, 418 Edwardus Baytor[n?], 285 Engelberg-am-Main, Capuchin friars,

356 Erfurt, Benedictine monastery of St. Peter,

378 Ess, Leandervan, 325, 377, 392, 416

Faenza, Dominican convent of St. An- drew, 433

Fagg, W., 363

Farnam, Mrs. Henry, 449

Fazoll, Ramon, 428

Ferdinand II of Aragon, 446

Ferdinand of Aragon, Duke of Calabria, 428

Ferdinand of Aragon, King of Naples, 391

Ferrar, Nicholas, 324

FG, 368, 385

Filing notes, 383, 463

Fiott, John. See Lee, John (born Fiott)

Firmanus lodouici de baronibus de monte lupono, 463

Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J., 461

Fletcher, Henry, 360, 455

Florence, Certosa di Val d'Ema, 407

Florence, Dominican convent of San Mar- co, 262, 278

Fontaine-Jean, Cistercian abbey, 349

Frascati, Jesuit College at, 408

Frewen family, 494

Frotarius, bp. of Perigueux, 442

FX [tree with helmet and visor] gf Z, 435

G.L., 385

Index V


G.L., 385

Gand, Louis, comte de, 427

Garleke, William, 331

Gastinois, Christophe de, 351

George, monastery of St., 265

Gethsemani Abbey, Trappist, Kentucky,

354, 376, 377, 386 Gilles [?], 425

Gimbel, Mrs. Bernard F., 457 Ginori-Conti, Prince Piero, 321, 329 Glazier, William S., 282 Gohier, Louis-Jerome, 413 Gretre, 444

Graham, Hargrave [?], 342 Gresley, William, 455 Grisley. See Gresley Gruel, Leon, 414 Grysley. See Gresley Guarnieri-Balleani Library, Iesi, 450 Guglielmus di Leche, 361 Guilford Collection. See North, Frederick,

5th Earl of Guilford Gunssalvus de yspania, frater, 473

Hailstone, Edward, 310

Hale, Sir Matthew, 320

Hamilton, Henok8, 333

Hamilton, Mrs. R. Douglas, 365

Harmsworth, Sir R. Leicester, 492

Harris, Lionel, 428

Heber, Richard, 401, 489, 497

Hendrickson, G. Lincoln, 312

Hennage, Richard, 331

Henricus de Piro, 392

Henry V, King of England [?], 425

Henry VI, King of England [?], 425

Henry VII, King of England [?], 425

Henry VIII, King of England [?], 425

Heredia y Livermore, Ricardo, 334

Hevin Castle Collection, 411

Hill- Wood, Denis, 365

Hinckley, Henry Barrett, 468

Hoe, Robert, 400, 425

Hole, Christopher, 455

Holford, R. S., 407

Holford, Sir George, 407

Holl, Elias Dietrich, 400

Holmes, Matthew, 317

Honoldin, Anna Barbara Magdalena, 400

Houitte de Lachesnais, Bibliotheque,

403 Houldford, John, 373

Houssaye de la Morandais (de la), 457 Hugh of Warwick, 322 Huth, Alfred H., 438 Huth, Henry, 438 Hutton, Richard, 331 Hyde, Henry, second Earl of Clarendon, 426

Lg., 318

Iacobus, frater, 376

Iacopo, 438

Ioannes Choniates Acominates, 304

Iohannes de Drosay, 479

Iohannes Iacobus de Bio [with abbrevia- tion stroke], 388

Ipswich and East Suffolk Record Office, 365

J- B.t 423

Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust. See

Ziskind Charitable Trust Jacob, son of Rabbi Benjamin of Montal-

cino, 409 Jacobsen, E. P., 342 Jacobus de Oppenheim, 495 Jacques audouin [?], 406 Jacques prouest [?], 406 Jarman, John Boykett, 287, 287A Jean, duke of Berry, 390 Joachinus Bononiensis, 450 Joannes Vitez, 284 Johannes Marcus Marci of Cronland,

408 Jones, Henry, 494 Jones, Herschel V., 323, 381 Juan de Borja, 3rd Duke of Gandia,


Karatzes, Nikolaus, 292, 293

Keith, Susan Bacon, 460

Kempen, Cistercian monastery, 416

Kendall, Thomas, 494

Ker, David Stewart, 418

Ker, John, 3rd Duke of Roxburghe,

418 Kerrison, Sir Edward, 365

Lake, Hugo, 492

Lake, Robert, 492

Lake, Thomas, 492

Lansburgh, Mark, 440, 441, 447

Laon, abbey of St. Martin, 279


Index V

Lastic, comte de, 355

Laurenzmo, frater, 262

Lee, John (born Fiott), 374

Lee, Matthew, 323

Lee, Thomas Huckell, 323

Leedes, Thomas, 492

Lehman, Robert, 475

Lewis, Professor Charlton, 317

Libri, Guglielmo, 351, 389, 401 A, 454

Loftus, Dudley, 426

Lomenie de Brienne, Cardinal Etienne

Charles, 406, 314 [?] London, Charterhouse, 286 Lowe, E. A., 496 Lumley, Marmaduke, 286

MacCarthy-Reagh, count Justin, 280, 497

Matz, Johan Nepomuk, von Spiegelfeld, 309

Mainz, Benedictine monastery of St. Jaco- bus, 325

Mainz, St. Martin of Spanheim, 330

Maioranus, Marcellus, bishop of Acerra, 376

Mantes, Celestines of, 312

Marcello family, 381

Marguerite de Valois, duchess of Savoy [?], 314

Marie, 464

Marie anne Thermite, 406

Marini Bochette de Malauzat, 418

Marie, V. Raimond van, 354

Marston, Thomas E,, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 308, 315, 316, 319, 325, 326, 327, 328, 333, 336, 338, 339, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 350, 357, 374, 380, 381, 382, 384, 388, 415, 450, 498

Martini, Giuseppe (Joseph), 327, 329, 345, 422

May, Edward, 363

Mayans y Siscar, Gregorio, 489

Medici, Ferdinando de', 467

Meelfuhrer, Rudolf Martin, 486

Meerman, Gerard and Johann, 257, 264

Melton, Robert, 365

Merton, Wilfred, 342, 441, 486

Metternich family of Burscheid [?], 439

Mexico, Convento de San Francisco, 480

Michael Ialinas, 291

Milan, Brera Jesuit College, 391 Milbank, Mary W. (Mrs. Samuel), 459 Mniszeck, countess, 425 Montegnacco, Gian Francesco di, 436 Monteil, Amans- Alexis, 440 Moorslede, Heere van, 364 Munby, A. N. L., 380 Murphy, Ray Livingston, 464 Murray, Alexander, 363 Murray, Charles Fairfax, 391, 428

Nedonchel, comte Georges de, 312

Nancy, abbey of St. Leopold, 351

Naseby, Robert, 494

Naseby, William, 494

Neufeld, Philip M., 307

Nicolaus de Canali, 327

North, Frederick, 5th Earl of Guilford, 253, 255, 256, 258, 260, 266, 267, 292, 293, 294, 295, 297, 299, 300, 302, 303, 304, 339, 396, 398, 406, 420, 467, 499

Obizzi, Marchese Tommaso, 491

Olivier, Francois, 264

Olschki, Leo, 279

Ons-en-Bray, comte L. L. Payot d', 427

P. Pistorii liber, 254

Pachella, Richard H., 366A

Panagiotes, 299

Panagiotes, grammarian, 300

Pare, Premonstratensian abbey, 374

Paris, Jesuit College of Clermont, 257, 264

Patterson, Catherine Tinker, 310

Peckover, Alexander, 284

Peckover, Jonathan, 284

Penrose, Doyle, 284

Perissonotti, Giovanni, 412

Perrins, C. W. Dyson, 387, 428

Petit, Ernest, 386

Petrus de biorum [with abbreviation stroke], 388

Philippus Lapaccinus, 278

Phillipps, Sir Thomas, 508, MS 377; 509, MS 392; 522, MS 416; 548, MS 325; 1052, MS 317; 1329, MS 440; 1370, MS 261; 2253, MS 446; 2383, MS 296; 2768, MS 468; 3006, MS 263; 3082, MS 264; 3401, MS 265; 3711, MS 280; 3744, MS 349; 3875, MS 254; 3883, MS 280; 4156, MS 395; 4582, MS 415;

Index V


5114, MS 420; 5513, MS 292; 5514, MS 294; 5534, MS 300; 5536, MS 266 6234, MS 302; 6315, MS 396; 6343 MS 406; 6377, MS 499; 6435, MS 255 6445, MS 256; 6564, MS 262; 6992 MS 267; 7078, MS 339; 7231, MS 304: 7349, MS 303; 7452, MS 398; 7673 MS 297; 7717, MS 258; 7751, MS 253 7759, MS 293; 8071, MS 401; 8320 MS 489; 8337, MS 497; 9233, MS 295 9480, MS 260; 9512, MS 299; 10190 MS 413; 10371, MS 278; 11870, MS 277; 13160, MS 370; 13864, MS 251 13866, MS 252; 14041, MS 257 14917, MS 336; 15732, MS 426 16249, MS 389; 16379, MS 454 16405, MS 351; 17495, MS 298 20688, MS 401A; 20826, MS 339 22408, MS 259

Pierre Louvel, 418

Poitiers, monastery of Charroux in the di- ocese of, 442

Portsmouth Cathedral, Catholic Episcopal Library, 390

Powle, Henry, 323

Rabinowitz, Hannah D., 281, 282, 283,

284, 285, 287, 287A Rabinowitz, Louis M., 280, 284, 287,

287A Raphael, monk of Mt. Sinai, 294 Rau, Arthur, 387 Regnault, Frere Denis, 349 Rescher, Prof. Oskar, 367 Riant, comte Paul, 449 Riley, Athelstan, 315 Ritch, James E., 369 RLL, 368 Robertus, 354 Rothschild, Baron Edmondde, 375, 404,

427 Routh, Martin Joseph, 257 Rudolph II, Emperor of Germany, 408 Rugieri H. 1, 322 Ruskin, John, 387

Saragossa, Library of the Santa Iglesia del Pilar, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 288, 289, 290, 301

Sardiere, Jean Baptiste Denis Guyon de, 411

Schennis, Friedrich von, 380, 388

Schwerdt, C. F. G. R., 465

Sebright, Sir John Saunders, 467, 477

Segar, Simon, 494

Selden, H. A., 342

Selden, John, 320

Sessa, el Duque de, 334

Severn, Arthur, 387

Sheen, Charterhouse at [?], 317

Shelf-marks, unidentified, 259, 260, 287, 298, 301, 315, 316, 321, 322, 323, 325, 326, 328, 329, 334, 338, 339, 356, 362, 367, 368, 372, 374, 376, 379, 385, 388, 389, 395, 397, 400, 405, 411, 415, 417, 420, 421, 423, 425, 428, 434, 446, 447, 448, 450, 453, 455, 456, 458, 463, 465, 476, 491, 493

Sherard, Castell, 324

Sherard, Martha Ferrar, 324

Sherard, Miss, of Abbots Langley, 324

Simon Petras, monastery of St., 251

Simonides, Constantine, 251, 252

Sinai, Mt., 299

Singer, Samuel Weller, 401

Smales, Thomas, 337

Smith, George, 324, 492

Sneyd, Rev. Walter, 327, 404, 412

Solar, Felix, 351

Somerkuse [?], Liber, 455

Soranzo, Jacopo, 327, 412

Spanheim, Benedictine abbey of St. Mar- tin, 330

Speyer, M., of Basel, 254

St. George, Sir Henry, 370

St. George, Sir Richard, 370

Stokes, Rev. Anson Phelps, 456, 463

Stoll, Georgius Nicolaus, 429

Stout, John, 333

Strozzi family, 321

Stuart, Mrs. M. H. O., 418

Stuart, William, 418

Suffolk, Dominican convent, 494

Sulmona [?], convent of, 376

Swan, Leon, 494

Swan, William, 494

Syon Abbey [?], 317

T. L. with heart, 406 Techener, J. J., 492 Tempest, Sir Thomas, of Stella, 285 Tenison, Thomas, archbishop of Canter- bury, 426 Tepenecz, Jacobus Horcicky de, 408


Index V

Thetford [?], 417

Thomas, frater ordinis minorum, 468

Thomson, S. Harrison, 305, 311, 322,

352, 368, 371, 373, 378, 379, 383, 385,

392, 432, 453, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474 Thou, Jacques-Auguste de, 339 Tiringham's Chronicle [?], 405 Tongerloo, Premonstratensian monastery

[?], 425 Tour, Laurence de la, 436 Tour, Philippe de la, 436 Toussanct [?], 406 Towneley, Richard, 317 Trappist, Kentucky, Gethsemani Abbey,

354, 376, 377, 386 Trebizond, Phrontisterion of, 367 Trivulzio library, 380

Valencia, San Miguel de los Reyes, 428

Valliere, due de la, 411

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 433, 434, 435, 436,

437 Vanderbilt, Gladys Moore, countess Laszlo

Szechenyi, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437 Venice, Monastery of S. Antonio in

Castello, 424 Victor-Amadeus II, count of Savoy, 390 Virtue, John, 390 Visconti-Litta library, 380 Vitez, Joannes, 284 Voynich, Wilfred M., 325, 336, 408 Vuelden, Carlo Filippo di, 458

Wagner, Henry R., 480

Wagstaff, Mr. and Mrs. David, 465, 467,

477, 488 Ware, Sir James, 426 Wells, Gabriel, 425 Wenceslaus of Kahlenberg [?] of Luznice,

471 White, William Augustus, 464 Wildash, W. T. B., 417 Willement, Thomas, 314 Wilson, Henry, 324 Winchester, Presbytery at, 390 Witten, Mrs. L. C, 350 Wright, P. J., 363 Wright, Rev. John, 480 Wiirttemberg, Benedictine monastery of

Ochsenhausen, 439

Younge, John, 492

Zagajski, M., 282

Ziskind Charitable Trust, 2, MS 300; 3, MS 271; 4, MS 258; 8, MS 256; 9, MS 268; 11, MS 267; 12, MS 292; 13, MS 266; 18, MS 264; 19, MS 299; 20, MS 261; 22, MS 303; 25, MS 251; 28, MS 260; 29, MS 297; 30, MS 263; 31, MS 301 ; 32, MS 254; 34, MS 304; 35, MS 295; 37, MS 265; 38, MS 257; 39, MS 272; 40, MS 298; 41, MS 255; 42, MS 269; 44, MS 252; 45, MS 259; 46, MS 296; 47, MS 302; 48, MS 262; 49, MS 293; 50, MS 294; 53, MS 273; 54, MS 270; 55, MS 274; 60, MS 253

Zufall, Bernard, 306

Index VI Other Manuscripts Cited

Abbey, Major J. R., MS 5574 (ex coll.), 436 Aberystwyth: National Library of Wales

MS 15537C, 310 Albi: Bibliotheque Municipale MSS 5,6,

13, 414 Alencon: Bibliotheque Municipale MS 2,

322 Amiens: Bibliotheque Municipale MS 200,


Baltimore, Maryland: Walters Art Gallery

MS 90, 404 - MS 127, 339 - MS

427, 287 - MS 428, 287 Basel: Universitatsbibliothek MS B VIII

19, 471 Berlin: Kunstbibliothek MS Lipp. Cd. 1,

427 Staatsbibliothek MS germ. Oct. 6, 434

- MS 94, 427

Bonn: Universitatsbibliothek S. 366, 354

Boulogne: Bibliotheque Municipale MS 131, 404 - MS 149, 427

Brussels: Bibliotheque Royale MS 9001-2, 400 - MS 9484, 400 - MS 9505-06, 390 - MS 10982-83, 285 - MS 11035-37, 390 - MS IV.237, 287

Cambrai: Bibliotheque Municipale MS

252, 376 Cambridge: Corpus Christi College MS

272, 413 - MS 405, 492 Fitzwilliam Museum James MS 25, 434

- MS 3-1954, 390

St. John's College E. 14, 360 - N. 17,

317 Trinity College B. 1. 30, 320 University Library Add. MS 3330, 401,

401A Cambridge, Mass.: Houghton Library of

Harvard University MS Riant 89, 374

- MS Richardson 8, 287

Chicago, Illinois: Newberry Library MS

35, 310 Copenhagen: Royal Library Gl. Kgl.

Saml. 1607, 4°, 434

Detroit, Michigan: Institute of Arts Ace.

no. 63.146, 287 - Scripps Bible, 387 Dijon: Bibliotheque Municipale, MS 114

(82), 349 Durham: Cathedral A. iv. 19, 320 - C.

iv. 27. I, 395

Escorial, El: a. I. 5, 338 -d. I. 1, 442

Florence: Archivio di Stato Carte Strozzi-

ane, V ser. n. 52, 321 Biblioteca Laurenziana Ashburnham

361, 491 - Fiesole 89, 390 - Plut.

XLVIII.8, 438 - Plut. LXVI.8, 438

- Temp. 1, 428 - 32, 27, MS 361 -

65, 26-27, MS 409 Biblioteca Riccardiana, 284, 409 - 1074

(R.III.12), 329

Gerona: Catedral, s.n., Beinecke MS 338 Glasgow: University Library Euing 2, 360 Grenoble: Bibliotheque Municipale MS 1011, 436

Hague, The: Koninklijke Bibliotheek 76.

F. 7, 310 - 131. G. 8, 434 Hamburg: Kunsthalle MS Fr. 1, 390 Hanover: Kestner-Museum CUL. I.

71/72 (393/394), 441 Herzogenberg: Stiftsbibliothek of the Au-

gustinian monastery, 42, 468

Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Library MS Bd. Rare BY C36 H835, 400

Jerusalem: Israel Museum, Bezalel MS 180/55, 409


Index VI

Leiden: Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit

Vossius Germani Gallici 5q, 372 Lincoln: Cathedral no. 104, 395 London: British Library Add. 10046, 360

- Add. 18720, 338 - Add. 18852, 287

- Add. 50483K, 401, 401 A - Cotton Claudius A. iii, 320 - Egerton 267, 478 - Egerton 613, 395 - Hariey 1896, 360 - Hariey 3000, 310 Hariey 3073, 377 - Rotulus Hariey 43. A. 14, 410 - Royal 7. A. IX, 306

- Royal 12. C. XII, 492 - Royal 15. D. Ill, 400 - Royal 16. E. VIII, 395

- Yates-Thompson 8, 339 - Yates- Thompson 36, 428

College of Arms Library MS 2. h. 13,

370 Dulwich College, MS 25, 310 Lambeth Palace, 72, 317 - 432, 317 -

1106, 426 Victoria and Albert Museum George

Reid MS 63, 409 Los Angeles, California: Los Angeles

County Museum, s. n., 310 Lyon: Bibliotheque de la Ville MS 583,


Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional MS 91, 322

Maihingen: Cod. Maiing. II. Lat. 1 in 4to Nro. 102, 358

Malibu, California: J. Paul Getty Muse- um MS Ludwig V. 8, 464 - MS Lud- wig XI. 1, 438 - MS Ludwig XI. 5, 401, 401 A

Manchester: Rylands/University MS Eng. 1, 281

Milan: Biblioteca Ambrosiana L. 103 Sup., 351

Munich: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 828, 402 - Clm 6204, 402 - Clm 12201a, 402 - Clm 23343, 402 - Cod. Monac. 19480 (Teg. 1480), 358 Universitatsbibliothek, Cod. ms. 889, 486

Pierpont Morgan Library, Heinemann Coll. H. 5, 411 - MS 50, 375 - MS 194, 427 - MS 728, 413 - MS 1436, 407

Oxford: Bodleian Library Auct D. infra 2.13, 310 - Barocc. 107, 265 - Bod- ley 85, 360 - Bodley 132, 395 - Bod- ley 221, 493 - Bodley 554, 360 - Bodley 579, 320 - Canon. Bibl. Lat. 57, 338 - Digby 86, 395 - Don. f. 458, 401, 401 A - Douce 8, 287 - Douce 12, 287 - Douce 112, 287 - Douce 256, 287 - Douce 364, 418 - Douce 371, 285 - Hatton 111, 360 - Lat. th. d. 24, 401, 401 A - Laud. Misc. 735, 493 - Rawlinson Poetry 241, 492 - Selden Supra 53, 493 - Selden Supra 74, 492 New College, 320, 360

Paris: Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal MS 438, 411 - MS 438, 436 - MS 612, 413

- MSS 5087-88, 427 Bibliotheque Nationale Cod. Colbert

1996, 276 - Cod. reg. 2173, 276 - Cod. reg. 3220, 276 - fr. 727, 411 - fr. 902, 395 - fr. 5650, 351 - fr. 15397, 390 - fr. 18437, 390 - fr. 20039, 395 - fr. 24224, 351 - fr. 25408, 395 - gr. 1309, 253 - lat. 8, 414 - lat. 18, 338 - lat. 776, 414 - lat. 920, 375 - lat. 920, 411 - lat. 920, 436 - lat. 1171, 375 - lat. 1393, 411 - lat. 2294, 413 - lat. 10491, 411

- lat. 10555, 287 - lat. 16373, 376

- lat. 17969, 413 - n. a. lat. 3027, 375 - n. a. lat. 3145, 390

Parma: Biblioteca Palatina 1652, 310 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Free Library

Lewis Collection MS ET 121, 401,

401A - MS 113, 411 Princeton, New Jersey: University Library

Garrett 28, 387

New Haven, Connecticut: Beinecke Library MS 163, 317 - Marston MSS 55 and 184, 438 - Marston MS 198, 343 - Mellon MS 57, 309 Yale Law School Library - Mss J/ V53/ no. 1,4, 381

New York: Kraus, H. P., 411

Rome: Bible of San Paolo fuori le Mura,

413 Biblioteca Casanatense MS 721, 382 Rouen: Bibliotheque Municipale, 368 (A.

27), 320 - 369 (Y. 7), 320

San Marino, California: Huntington

Index VI


Library HM 1174, 287 - HM 19913, 315

- HM 35300, 287 Sotheby's: 19 May 1958, lot 102, 400 -

10 December 1969, lot 64, 411 - 18

May 1981, lot 4, 436 Strasbourg: Bibliotheque Nationale et

Universitaire MS 2201, 486

Tours: Bibliotheque Municipale MS 948,

395 Turin: Biblioteca Nazionale MS E. V. 49,

390 - Saluzziano 148, 491

Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana: Regin. lat. 17, 342 Vat. lat. 744, 390 - Vat. lat. 1375, 338 - Vat. lat. 4776, 428 - Vat. lat. 6385,

415 - Vat. lat. 10293, 287 - Vat. Urb.

gr. 65, 253 - Vat. Urb. lat. 507, 335

Venice: Biblioteca Marciana Lat. I. 99

(2138), 287 - Ital. ClasseX. 139, 412

Museo Correr MS V.4, 287

Verdun: Bibliotheque Municipale 107, 339

Vienna: Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek

Cod. 11 (Salisb. la), 284 - Cod. 2032,

287 - Cod. 2549, 427 - Cod. 2566,

418 - Cod. 2619, 418 - Cod. 5371*,

462 - Cod. ser. n. 9470, 487

Waddesdon Manor: Rothschild Collection MS 19, 411 - MS 22, 375

Washington, D. C: Library of Congress MS 13, 287

Index VII


A ceulz de ceste Region/ Qui point ny, 406 A ffloure of vertue fulle longe kepte in

close, 281 A la ora que medea, 489 A ma filiole en ihesu crist tres amee dame

yzabeau, 497 A progenitoribus, indicat se a fide maior-

um suorum, 356 A solis ortus cardine ad vsque terre limi-

tem, 316 A Toy Royne de hault paraige,/ Dame du

ciel et de la terre, 314 Aaz apprehendens, 387, 407, 433 Ab initio electa sine fine creata virgo mar-

ia, 314 Abbacia quidam quercum ualdemagnum

instante, 393 Abbas huius claustri est iugis meditacio di-

uine presentie, 368 Abiciamus opera ... [Rom. 13.12]. Habet

fides ecclesie quod christus, 472 Abrahe dicte sunt ... [Gal. 3.16]. Hec

promissiones que date seu facte, 471 Absit gloriari nisi ... [Gal. 6.14]. Homo

cum naturaliter gloriam appetat, 472 Absolue, quesumus domine, animam

famuli tui, 466 Abstinentia ualet ad multa, 326 Accepit panem ... [John 21.13]. Acceden-

tibus ad salutarem panis, 472 Acceptio personarum iudicare digne de

subditis nequeunt, 404 Accio che sia piu fructo et piu dilecto, 428 Accipite spiritum ... [John 20.22]. Nota

duo dantis munificentia, 472 Ad diuos aduento caste, 313 Ad laudem et gloriam benedicte ac indi-

uidue trinitatis, 368 Ad mensam dulcissimi conuiuij tui, pie

Domine Iesu Christe, 461 Ad mensam dulcissimi conuiuij tui pie iesu

christe ego peccator, 314

Ad nostrum qui desideranter inuocetur

gerimus, 393 Ad reparacionem domus que cecidit.

preciditur lignum, 472 Adam ist der erste Erfinder aller kiinste,

309 Adamo si fo auanti lo auegnimento de

Christo, 327 Adesto domine supplicationibus nostris,

320 Adoro te deuote latens deitas, 314 Advenis optatus presul celeberime tandem,

380 Affirmatur celum rotundum esse iuxta ec-

clesiasten, 322 Affter Y hervest ynned had his sheves, 493 Agimus tibi gratias omnipotens deus pro

uniuersis, 314 Agmen in castris eterni regis excubans, 315 Al nome de dio e bon commencare/ tute

le cosse che, 327 Al padre al figliuolo alio spirito santo, 328 Al tenpo dottauiano Ciesare chon cio fusse,

329 Al tiempo que va trancando, 489 Aleph. mille uel doctrina. Beth. Domus, 322 Alia circa creaturas in generali erant circa

principium, 470 Alia erant duo quesita circa deum in quan- tum nature, 470 Alia erat questio circa actum potencie, 470 Aliud erat circa produccionem corporis

celestis, 470 Aliud erat quesitum circa animam per

comparacionem, 470 Aliud quesitum circa potencias anime in

comparacione, 470 Aliut erat quesitum circa animatum per

comparacionem, 470 Alltissimo Re pare de glloria/ Pregote che

me di, 327 All y wylle of wysdam lere, 365

Index VII


Almyghty god as liketh his goodnes, 493 Almy3ti endeles god \>at worchinge, 360 Amice ascende ... [Luke 14.10]. Hec

uerba si exponantur de ascensione,

472 An cum vnitate speca spei attome alicuius,

470 An in lumine naturali ex rebus sensibili-

bus, 470 An possimus sufficienter attingere ad sin-

ceram veritatem, 470 An quanitas eadem numero, 470 And endid my compleynt in this maner,

493 Angele qui meus es custos pietate super-

na, 314 Anima christi sanctifica me. Corpus christi

salua me, 310, 314 Anima mea audiuit interne a verbo super- no, 392 Animabus, quesumus domine, famulorum

famularumque, 466 Animaduerti Brute saepe Gatonem auun-

culum tuum, 284, 313 Anno domini millesimo quinquagesimo oc-

tauo tercio imperante, 392 Anno LXVIII zugen die schwitz in das

sunckgaw, 421 Annua cum referam que sint data festa

tonanti, 391 Annue nobis, domine, ut anima famuli tui,

466 Antequam ad explanationem prophetae

lob accedamus, 356 Antequam ad explicationem huius histor-

iae veniamus, 356 Antequam aggrediamur explanationem

huius epistolae dicemus, 356 Antes el Rodante cielo, 489 Aperiens Petrus ... [Acts 10.34]. Mentem

humanum quam spiritus sanctus, 471 Apostolica tuba dilectissimi que per aures

corporis internus, 379 Apostolica uox clamat per orbem atque in

precintu [sic], 311 Apostolus interpretatur missus propheta

aliquando, 322 Appetenda est humilitas. Primo quia or-

dinat hominem, 312 Apres que Ios ediffie a laide et par, 427 Argumentum epistolae est idem cum su-

perioris epistolae, 356

As a gret clerke shewyth in his bokys of all,

317 Ascendit iter ... [Mich. 2.13]. Tria sunt

consideranda scilicet, 472 Asperges me domine hyssopo et mun-

dabor, 314 At the reuerence of our lorde Ihesu criste,

331 At virtutis inops sum verum damnum

iustus dolor, 380 Attende et intellige anima mea tempus

beatissime passionis, 312 Audiui quasi ... [Apoc. 19.1]. Circa istor-

um uerborum intellectum, 472 Aue caro christi cara immolata crucis ara,

310 Aue domine ihesu christe uerbum patris

filius virginis, 310 Aue maria, 327 Aue maria ... [Luke 1.28]. Karissimi hec

salutatio dictata fuit ore, 472 Aue principium nostre creationis. Aue

precium, 310 Aue reclinatorium/ Et propiciatorium, 406 Aue uerum corpus natum de maria vir-

gine, 310 Aue vere sanguis domini nostri iesu christi,

qui de latere, 314 Auete omnes anime fideles, 435 Augurio docti fraudes didici mulieres, 462 Augustulus post nepotem tenens occiden-

tis imperium Cepit, 495 Auxiliator ad inchoandum ad proficien-

dum, 468 Ave maria ... [Luke 1.28]. Miraculum fuit

quod virgo peperit, 377 Ave salus mundi verbum patris, 314 Ave verum corpus Christi natum de mar- ia virgine, 314 Ave virgo gloriosa stella sole clarior mater

dei speciosa, 314 Avendo a scrivere quelle guerre le quali el

popolo, 321 Avendo in questj giornj posto fine a vna

opera, 329

Beata Appolonia graue martirium pro

domino sustinuit, 405 Beati petri apostoli tui, quesumus domine,

466 Beatus est abagare Rex qui non me vidisti,



Index VII

Beatus hysidorus de consanguinitate sic lo- quitur, 330 Beatus papa gregorius commissam sibi di-

uinitus aecclesiam, 4-13 Beholde how J>e seek soule of mankynde,

317 Bella per emathios plusquam ciuilia cam-

pos, 332 Benedic domine populum tuum et deuo-

tum, 342 Benedicite. Dominus. Nos et ea que sumus

sumpturi, 314 Benedixi ei ... [Gen. 27.33]. Duplice

benedictione benedixit, 472 Berillus lapis est lucidus albus et transpar-

ens, 334 Bien piense que a salua fe, 489 Bonorum honorabilium notitiam

opinantes, magis autem alteram, 258 Bonus pastor ... [John 10.11]. Ista uerba

licet generaliter, 472 Breuem temporum pergo nationes [sic] et

Regna, 380 Britania oceani insula, cui quondam albi-

on nomen erat, 330

Calcea, Domine, pedes meos in

praeparationem, 461 Cani sunt sensus hominis, 380 Caute ambuletis ... [Eph. 5.15]. Duo facit.

Primo excitat ad motum, 472 Cecineruntque debbora et barach filius

abinoem, 322 Celestis medicus humani generis

reparatiuus tali, 393 Cest a ceste heure Dieu tout puyssant,

498 Chi uol guarir un chaualo de camora faza

cussi, 488 Christus assisstens ... [Heb. 9.11]. Ponti-

fex ad hoc constituitur ut munera,

471 Christus assistens ... [Heb. 9.11]. Notan-

dum quod in uerbo, 473 Christus passus est pro nobis uobis relin-

quens exemplum ut, 312 Christus passus est ... [1 Pet. 2.21]. Nota

christi penalitas, 472 Christus passus est ... [1 Pet. 2.21]. Sene- ca epistola iiij dicit Longum, 471 Circa actus progredientes ex intrinseca

secundum habitum, 470

Circa annum domini .dc. lxxxvij Beda venerabilis presbiter et monachus, 472

Circa hominem secundum animam que- sita fuerunt, 470

Circa incarnacionem quero primo de pos- sibilitate, 470

Circa potencias anime in comparacione ad actus erant quesita, 470

Circa virtutes et vicia erant quesita tria quorum vnum, 470

Circulus ecentricus uel egresse cuspidis uel egredientis, 399

Circulus huius libri. Incipit theorica id est scientia, 399

Clara nouis caelo properat septempeda fas- tis, 391

Cognoscam te domine cognitor meus cog- noscam te uirtus, 312

Cogor a te ut tibi dardane de aliis generi- bus musicorum, 322

Comme le cerf cerche les fontaines des eaux, 498

Como lo cauallo fo creato dalato creatore, 488

Concede nos famulos tuos quesumus do- mine, 314

Concio sia cossa che intra tuti gli animali del somo, 459

Conditor celi et terre rex regum et domi- nus dominantium, 314

Conferendum hoc euangelii marci prin- cipium. principio mathei, 389

Confidimus in . . . [Phil. 1.6]. Ille uere con- fid it in domino, 471

Confortamini in ... [Eph. 6.10]. Quanto quis magis cognoscit potenciam, 471

Confortamini in ... [Eph. 6.10]. Vt ualde gra [?] periculum est, 473

Conrandus dei gratia Romano omnibus in- uicte, 313

Considerant nostre Seigneur Iesuschrist la tres grande, 498

Consilia euangelica sunt ilia que christus super legem moysi, 453

Conueniens exordium de mundi composi- tione narraturus, 322

Conuenit Ecclesia ... [1 Mac. 5.16]. Ac- cipite semina et serite agros, 385

Corduba me genuit rapuit nero prelia dixi, 332

Index VII


Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem,

314 Credo in deum. Nota quod 10a die post

ascencionem, 468 Crisostomus otium mors est et uiui homi-

nis sepultura, 404 Cristene man \>u lerne of loue, 492 Crucem tuam adoramus et veneramur,

314 Crux christi sit semper mecum. Crux

christi est quern, 410 Cuius rei nominis et uite subjecti senciant

et tu, 306 Cum audissent ... [Acts 8.14]. Verbum

quod ex ore altissimi, 471 Cum defensionum laboribus senatoriisque

muneribus, 284 Cum ieiunas ... [Mat. 6.17], Sicut dicunt

veridici. interiora, 472 Cum in africam uenissem, 284, 313 Cum in nomine domini dei aeterni et sanc-

tae, 413 Cum multe res in philosophia nequaquam

satis, 284 Cum omnes unum corpus simus in christo

singuli, 423 Cum post tantos labores dominus ac su-

dores dilecto, 354 Cum sepenumero considerarem Serenis-

sime Rex, 391 Curteis est deus ki tut cria/ Qui tut,

395 Custodi me ... [Ps. 16.8], Tria facit

psalmista. Primo hortatur, 472

Da, domine, virtutem manibus meis,

461 Da nobis domine in uia hac qua te duce,

336 Da pacem domine in diebus nostris,

314 Da poi che morte triunfo il bel uolto,

438 Da poi che sotto il cielo cosa non uidi,

438 Dabouobis spiritum ... [Ezek. 37.6]. Nota

3a Saluatoris nostri munificencia,

472 Damnamus ergo et reprobamus libellum,

326 De baptismo sex quaestiones agit D.

Thomas, prima, 356

De gratia Christi prout quidam singularis

est homo, 356 De la muerte tan temida, 489 De partibus paenitentiae in speciali et pri- mo de contritione, 356 De sacramentis agit Magister Sen. in 4. et,

356 De sacramentis ecclesiasticis ut tractarem

eorumdemque, 315 De Trinitate dei hoc sciendum est quod in

vna substantia, 422 De trinitate que deus summus et uerus est,

336 De uiris et uxoribus in uno sepulchro. eu-

cherius ait, 413 Debitores sumus ... [Rom. 8.12]. Deo no- bis et proximo, deo tria, 473 Debitores sumus ... [Rom. 8.12].

Gregorius libro .9. moralium dicit,

471 Debitores sumus ... [Rom. 8.12]. Vocem

exactoris non audit, 473 Deliure moy de mes ennemis Seigneur iay

prins, 498 Deo gracias. Penitens veniens ad confes-

sionem, 317 Der heylige Geist wird uber dich kommen,

309 Descensus ad litteram. Ipsi poete cum de-

berent, 450 Desiderium caritatis uestre a nobis exigit

debitum, 311 Deus caritas ... [1 John 4.8]. Licet deus

secundum Cassianum sit, 471 Deus cuius miseratione anime fidelium re-

quiescunt, 466 Deus cuius spiritu creatura, 320 Deus indulgentiarum domine, da anima-

bus, 466 Deus propicius esto michi peccatori et cus-

tos mei, 314 Deus qui beatissimam virginem mariam in

conceptu, 310, 390 Deus qui de beate marie virginis utero,

310 Deus qui diues es ad ignoscendum,

342 Deus qui eclesiam tuam apostoli tui petri,

342 Deus qui gloriosis martiribus tuis Ciriaco

et Iulitte, 410 Deus qui hodierna die, 386


Index VII

Deus qui hunc diem preconis tui, 342 Deus qui inter apostolicos sacerdotes famu-

lum tuum, 466 Deus qui manus tuas et pedes tuos, 375,

435 Deus qui nobis per beatum Ieronimum

confessorem, 317 Deus, qui nos patrem, et matrem honorare

precepisti, 466 Deus venie largitor, et humane salutis

amator, 466 Deus vnus est ... [Gal. 3.30], In trinitate

patris et filij et, 472 Dezidme el de mena y mostradme qual,

489 Di tuttj gli esercitj romanj, 329 Dicendo cum dyonysio ad deum trinita-

tem. summitas, 404 Dicturi de singulis uiciis cum oportunitas

se offert, 374 Dieu tout puyssant et eternel qui pour con-

seruer l'homme, 498 Digne ambuletis ... [Eph. 4.1]. Duo facit.

primo excitat nos, 472 Dilectissimo sibi in christo socio suo et ami-

co, 461 Dilecto christi amicis siue degentibus. H.

qualiscumque, 311 Diliges dominum ... [Luke 10.27]. Duo

facit. Primo excitat ad deum, 472 Diss gemeel anzusehen schlecht und ring,

309 Diss Jahr hab Ich Theophrastus von ho-

henhaim, 309 Diuinam misericordiam fratres karissimi

concordi, 342 Dixit ihesus ... [Luke 16.1]. Huius sancti

euangelij leccio quante sit, 377 Dixit iohannes tractatum de spera mundi,

399 Dixit Symon ... [Mat. 19.27]. In huius

patris nostri precipua solempnitate, 377 Dolor minus deliberat non uerecundatur

non consulit, 376 Dominante per secula infinita omnium,

413 Domine deus noster qui ad testimonium

sancti iohannis, 342 Domine deus omnipotens pater et filius et

spiritus sanctus da michi, 310 Domine deus omnipotens qui cunta de ni-

hilo, 314

Domine i[h]esu christe amore illius gaudij

quod dilecta nostra, 314 Domine i[h]esu christe fili dei viui qui es

verus, 314 Domine ihesu christe fili dei viui qui ex

voluntate patris, 314, 413 Domine I[h]esu christe pastor bone con-

serua iustos, 314 Domine ihesu christe qui hanc sacratissi-

mam camem, 310, 314 Domine ihesu christe qui septem uerba,

310 Domine ihesu christe salus et liberatio,

435 Domine non sum dignus, vt intres sub tec- tum meum: sed tu domine qui dixisti,

314 Domine non sum dignus, vt intres sub tec- tum meum, sed tantum die uerbo,

314 Domine spiritus sancte deus. qui coequa-

lis, 314 Dominis amicis et fratribus h. priori b. et

w., 377 Domino excelentissimo et omni honore

dignissimo lodouico, 322 Dominus dicit in euangelio. Maiorem

caritatem nemo, 371 Dominus pars hereditatis mee et calicis

mei, 314 Dominus prope est ... [Phil. 4.5]. Ratione

triplici uerbum istud, 472 Donne moy Seigneur que mon coeur, 498 Douendo yo scriuere per che vertude siano

conosciute, 398 Doulce dame [de] misericorde, mere de

pitie, 314 Dubium est qui fuerint hi Collosenses ad

quos scripsit, 356 Dulcissime domine ihesu christe qui beatis-

simam genitricem tuam, 310 Dum complerentur ... [Acts 2.1]. Ipsa

sapiencia diuina ex ore, 471 Dum domino psalli [?] psallendo tu tria,

317 Dum medium ... [Wisd. 18.14], In hijs

verbis notatur aduentus filij, 385 Duplex est abstinencia detestabilis et

laudabilis, 371

Ea tempestate honorius papa cuius ad hue instituta, 354

Index VII


Ecce nunc tempus ... [2 Cor. 6.2]. Legitur

quod sit tempus acquirendi, 473 Ecce nunc tempus ... [2 Cor. 6.2]. Si quis

peregrinus transiturus, 473 Ecce plenus miserijs venio ad te, 314 Ego sum reus miserrimus et maximus pec-

cator, 314 Ego sum vermis ... [Ps. 21.7]. In princi-

pio sciendum quod tota intentio,

472 Ego uero egenus ... [Ps. 69.6]. Karissimi

homo sanctus est naturaliter, 472 Emitte agnum domine dominatorem terre

de petra, 404 En corte gran Febo y en campo Anibal,

489 En la noble cite de graunt troie auoit vn

fort chivaler, 405 En le noun de nostre douce seignour ihesu

crist, 492 En vn espantable Cruel temeroso, 489 Era si pieno il chor di marauiglie, 438 Erat olim in partibus aquilonis homo qui-

dem potens et nobilis, 392 Erat quidam ... [John 4.46], Regulus iste

quemlibet nostrum signat, 472 Erit vita ... [Deut. 28.66]. Stultum est ad

alium ire quam, 472 Esemdomi [sic] peruenuto alle orechie

senutio mio ti, 412 Est etiam circa prescribendas uel pauciori-

bus, 313 Est hec verba ponuntur dei xxxviij c. Qui

est, 429 Est tuus anna pater vriel nasaphat tua

mater, 405 Est voluntas dei ... [1 Thess. 4.3], Nota

duo diuine uoluntatis, 472 Estote ergo ... (James 1.22]. Sentencia

saluatoris est servus sciens, 471 Estote imitatores ... [Eph. 5.1]. Illud quod

summe conplacet patri, 471 Estote imitatores ... [Eph. 5.1]. Necessar-

ium est uerum exemplar ei qui,

472 Estote prudentes ... [1 Pet. 4.7]. Prudentes

esse debemus id est, 473 Estote prudentes ... [1 Pet. 4.7]. Secun- dum sanctum thomam. Ad pruden-

ciam, 471 Et dextera illius ... [Song of Songs 2.6].

Similiter intellige, 468

Et factum est postquam in captiuitatem

ductus est israel, 322 Euery synfull man and woman yn ]>is

worlde, 317 Eusebius qui a beato pamphilo martire

cognomentum, 322 Evacuaui que erant ... [1 Cor. 13.11]. Ver- ba sunt beati pauli qui dicit se,

472 Exauce et conserue moy mon Dieu,

498 Exaudi preces familiae tuae omnipotens

sempiterne deus, 342 Exaudi supplicationes familiae tuae,

342 Excellentissimi principi et singnori et ognu-

no gentilomo, 477 Excellentissimo domino et christianissimo

ludouico, 406 Exclamauit sanctus nazarius dicens do- mine, 413 Excommunicatio dicitur exclusio a com-

munione, 326 Existimoenim ... [Rom. 8.18]. Licet enim

secundum Thomam passiones, 471 Expurgate vetus ... [1 Cor. 5.7]. Seneca

libro vj° questionum, 471 Extendam palmam ... [Exodus 9.29]. Hoc

verbum moysi potuit beatus Andreas,


Fader of hevyn omnipotent/ Wl all my

hart, 365 Falso queritur genus humanum de sua

natura, 358 Ferthirmore yn confirmacyoun of J»e me-

dys, 317 Fet fu Adam. Bon est a totes riens

comencer, 395 Fidelium deus omnium conditor et

redemptor animabus, 466 Fides est sanctissime religionis fundamen-

tum caritatis, 374 Fiduciam talem ... [2 Cor. 3.4]. Ilia arraa

debent pugnam inducere, 471 Filia populi ... [Jer. 6.26]. Quamuis

solempnitas quadragesimales in se-

quenti, 471 Francescho petrarcha huomo di grande in-

gegnio, 329 Fratribus de monte dei orientale lumen et,



Index VII

Fue antiquamente per allexandro magno

dato, 412 Fuit uir unus de ramathaim sophim de

monte ephraim, 322 Fyrst a rysse erly/ serve thy god devly,


Gaius Iulius Cesar Imperator et pontifex

et dictator, 495 Gaude flore virginali que honore speciali,

310 Gaude virgo mater christi que per aurem

concepisti, 310, 390 Gaudet epar spodio. mace cor, 317 Gaudete in domino ... [Phil. 4.4]. Precepta

legis dantur de actibus virtu turn,

471 Gaudete perfect! ... [2 Cor. 13.11], Sicut

enim perfectio naturalis, 471 Genera uolatilium auium uiuentium de ra-

pina, 446 Gentil Duena tal paresce, 489 Glorieuse vierge marie/ A toy ie me rends

et si te prie, 314 Glorieuse vierge marie, mere de iesu

christ, vray dieu, 314 Gloriosissimo regi Ceolvvlfo Beda famu- lus christi et, 330 Got in ewigkeit noch sinre grosse miltekeit

der wolte, 421 Graciadomini ... [2 Cor. 13.13], Ecclesia

in hijs uerbis recolit, 472 Gracias ago ... [1 Cor. 1.4]. Graciarum ac-

ciones referendo non solum pro se, 471 Grando nix et aqua tria sunt res est tamen

vna, 317 Gratia eius ... [1 Cor. 15.10]. Nota pri-

mo quomodo gratia est non, 472 Gratias ago tibi domine onmipotens eterne

deus qui me, 314 Gratias tibi ago domine ihesu christe,

287 Gratias tibi ago Domine sancte, Pater om-

nipotens, 461 Gratias tibi domine sancte pater omnipo-

tens eterne deus, 314 Gregorius dicit melius est et sanius est, 462 Gustate et ... [Ps. 33.9]. Gustant sed non

vident ut Augustinus, 472

Habentes igitur ... [Rom. 12.6]. Nota quod dona et virtutes, 471

Hactenus apostolus vt notauit Tertullia-

nus, 356 Hanc epistolam e vinculis Roma scripsit

apostolus anno, 356 Hanc epistolam primam scribit ouidius ad

brutum, 479 Hauendo lo pio presto che si porra a quel-

lo con molta diligentia, 477 Hec aperit celum ... [Luke 3.21]. Ihesu

baptizato et orante, 472 Hec de hystoria ecclesiastica britanniarum

et maxime, 330 Hec est cronica comunis lanue quam cepit,

357 Hec precepta que subscripta sunt ideo re-

gula appellatur, 347 Hec sunt uerba que locutus est moyses ad

omnem israel, 322 Hec sunt x precepta domini que deus scrip- sit in duobus, 404 Hec uates nostri modo suscipe pignus

amoris, 391 Heil queene of heuenes modir of j?e kyng,

360 Here folowyth a fourme of a generall con-

fessyoun, 317 Here may a man hure Engelande Was,

323 Here may a man hure hou Engelonde was,

494 Hermes et alij Philosophi sic Alchimiam

defmiunt, 309 Heyl queene modir of mercy oure lyf oure

swetnes, 360 Hie papa dampnat sectam beghardorum,

393 Hie tangit bellum illud quod fecit cesar

cum filijs, 332 Historia regum que canitur a dominica

paschae, 315 Hit is redde yn the first book of holy scrip- ture, 317 Ho Vdito magnificj et escielsi signorj miej,

329 Hoc sentite ... [Phil. 2.5]. Ecclesia in

hodierno officio duo, 472 Hoc sentite ... [Phil. 2.5]. Secundum

Gregoriam libro vij° moralium, 471 Homo deus, creatura creator, captiuus

redemptor, 306 Homo generat hominem et sol. Ista

propositio scribitur, 462

Index VII


Hora est iam . . . [Rom. 13.11]. Hoc tem-

pus dicitur tempus aduentum, 473 Hortamur vos ne ... [2 Cor. 6.1]. Si quis

mutuo bouem equum, 471 Hortatur quidem timidam mentis mee im-

periciam, 377 Humanum dico ... [Rom. 6.19], Caro

enim nostra in principio creacionis,

471 Humbertus famulus dei mortuus est deuo-

tus famulus, 377 Humiliamini sub ... [1 Pet. 5.6]. Videmus

enim in hac machina mundi, 471

I Mea musa precor Regem pete Par-

thenopeum, 391 I stond as styll as ony ston/ The grace of

god, 365 lanus in ytalya primus regnauit ut quibus-

dam placet, 495 lay transgresse les dix commandemens,

314 Ich glaub in Gott: wir sollen alien vnsern

trost hoffnung, 309 Ich thue zuwissen alien Liebhabernn dieser

kunst, 309 Ie confesse o benin et misericordieux Sei- gneur, 498 Ie croy et confesse que tu es vray Iesus,

498 Ie croys en dieu le pere tout puissant,

314 Ie me confesse a dieu le pere tout puissant,

314 Ie me leue au nom de nostre seigneur,

498 Ie t'adore, ie te fais hommage, 498 Ie tay requis de deux choses Seigneur mon

dieu, 498 Ie te prie saincte Marie mere de dieu,

314 Ie te salue 6 benoit et digne sainct Sacre-

ment, 498 Ie te salue Marie pleine de grace Dieu est

auec, 498 Ie te salue Marie pleine de grace, nostre

Seigneur, 314 Ie te salue tres noble sang qui as, 498 Ie vien a toy 6 Mere de Dieu cognoissant,

498 Iesu Crist par seint eustace/ Nus trans-

mette, 395

Ignem veni ... [Luke 12.49]. Ignem. id est

uirtutes. anglice. Mhytes, 472 Iheronimus in octauo libro super ezechie-

lem, 404 Ihesu Y ys moste of myth/ And of wronge,

365 Ihesu for thyne holy name/ And for thy

bytter passyon, 410 Ihesum queritis ... [Mark 16.6]. Verba

fuerunt angeli ad deuotas, 472 Ihesus nazarenus ... [John 19.19]. Hie

commendatur saluator tripliciter,

472 Ille arguet ... [John 16.8]. Hie videamus

duo. arguendi dignitatem, 472 Illuminez Seigneur Dieu Createur des

cieux, 498 Im anfang der Trinitet und erschaffung,

oder der ersten, 309 Im Nahmen der allerheyligstenn vnzer-

trennlichen, 309 Imitatores mei ... [Phil. 3.17]. Virtuosi et

caritatiui hominis est, 471 Impeditum est quod ab hostibus est pos-

sessum, 358 In caritate ... [Eph. 3.17]. Homo cum sit

creaturarum dignissima, 472 In cumano nuper cum mecum Atticus

noster esset, 284 In damasco erant diuerse herbe de natura

speciali, 404 In deum peccaui et sanguinem domini nos-

tri ihesu, 416 In diebus eius diuisa est terra quia in die- bus eius, 322 In divinis, 386

In epiphania domini erant v signa, 404 In expositionem euuangelii secundum

marcum opitulante, 389 In fronte est intellectus. Memoria in

cerebro, 315 In hoc opusculo cum illud de ewangelio

quod dominus, 377 In hoc poemate eneas siluius alloquitur

caliopem, 462 In Iugurtina historia redarguit salustius

impugnantes, 358 In libro isto omnia continentur que perti- nent et sciri, 422 In manibus sic numeros habeto, 298 In manus tuas domine commendo spiritum

meum, 314


Index VH

In matutinis domine meditebor in te: quia fuisti, 314

In morte ... [Rom. 6.3]. Duo facit aposto- lus. Primo interioris, 472

In nomine de par e delo fio e delo spiritu, 488

In omnibus ... [1 Cor. 1.5]. Nullum latet Karissimi quia seculares, 472

In prima ciaschun cucharo uuol esser blan- cho, 327

In prima dico che lo chaualo di esere gener- ate, 488

In primitiua ecclesia prohibitum erat ne quis loqueretur, 315

In principio creo Iddio Cielo e Terra e tutte, 499

In principio cuiuslibet operis oracionem dominicam, 468

In principio huius libri uidendum est de uita poete, 450

In quo patet casus hominis et modus reparacionis, 393

In septuagesimo septimo psalmo quern iuxta ewangelistam, 322

In subsequente hoc libro qui nuncupatur sinonima, 311

In the noble lande of Syrrie J>ere was a no- ble kyng, 323

In }>e noble lande of Syrrie j?er was a no- ble king, 494

In the roman actus wryttyn is this, 493

In the worchepe of god and of oure lady, 365

In uera preciosa [?] margarita abijt et ven- diet, 393

Incipe calliope cur nunc me deseris an non, 462

Inclina domine aurem tuam ad preces nos- tras, 466

Induite vos ... [Col. 3.12]. Citati ad presenciam regis uel alias, 471

Induite vos ... [Col. 3.12]. Sicut pueri so- lent vestibus suis, 472

Ineffabilem misericordiam tuam domine iesu christe humiliter, 314

Innocentius episcopus seruus seruuorum dei, 423

Innumeris quidem signis atque miraculis vt orbis, 354

Institui nobilissime atque doctissime petre non ullos, 362

Intendit siquidem in hoc prohemio multis

rationibus, 358 Intentio lucani est in hoc opere dissuadere

ciuile bellum, 332 Inter diuinas laudes et nostras preces

fratres, 342 Interueniat pro nobis quesumus, 314,

375 Inueniat quesumus domine anima famule

tue lucis, 466 Inuentus est ... [Sir. 44.15?]. In hijs uer-

bis ad beati .N., 472 lo chognioscho magnificj elezionarj della

inclita, 329 lo estimo messere pino che sia, 329 lo mi richordo magnificj signor miej vener-

andj, 329 lo non sapea da tal uista levarme, 438 Iohannes Argyropylus exul post Byzantii

excidium, 362 Iovenni Donne Et vui piatosi amanti/ che

limfortunio, 412 Ipse affuisti o Phedon a die qua Socrates,

313 Iste auctor agit de xij naturis xiij animali-

um, 385 Iste est qui ante deum magnas virtutes

operatus, 317 Iste est ... [Is. 27.9]. Circa uerbum istud

sex ostendemus, 473 Iste magister non fuit mandax sed uerax

iste, 446 Isti sunt angelica solidati claritate mar- tyres, 413 Isti sunt inclyti martires christi geruasius

et prothasius, 413 Ite ostendite ... [Luke 17.14]. In primis ex-

ponatur totum euangelium, 472 Item beatus bernardus. cum esset in quo- dam castro, 404 Item in sequenti tractatulo ponuntur vtiles

et bone, 306 Item prima inclinacio sacerdotis est dei hu-

militas, 368 Iudei non sunt cogendi ad fidem quam ta-

men si, 353 Iugurtini belli historiam scripsit salustius

Crispus vir, 495 Iulius caesar primus Romanorum imper-

aator Annis, 313 Iustum deduxit ... [Wisd. 10.10]. Tria pri- mo exprimitur huius sancti, 472

Index VII


Job qui dicit etiam si occiderit me spera- bo in eum, 404

Kyng of blysse blyssyd ]>u be/ lord of, 365

L'Azurro oltramarino e pretiosissimo colore

tanto, 372 La fin du Roumant de la Rose/ Ou lart

damours est, 418 La fortuna que no cesa, 489 La muerte de afranio quebranto la poten-

cia, 489 La nocte che seghui lorribil caso, 438 La preclarissima et magnificha Cita di

padoua il Cui, 412 Laettatus sum in is que data sunt michi,

329 Lamina Cristallina, quae est Elixir album,

si detur, 309 Lapis Philosophicus sic praeparatus habet

virtutem, 309 Lapis viridis super quern merit nulla phan-

tasmata, 322 Laus deo, pax viuis, requies defunctis, 314 Le iour du Seigneur viendra comme vng

larron, 498 Le Prophete Elie a moyennant, 498 Lecturos hec que de trinitate disserimus

prius oportet, 336 Legimus in exodo quod moyses fecit

librum eneum, 393 Les tenebres ont este faictes par tout la

terre lors, 498 Letare ierusalem ... [Gal. 4.27]. Spiritus

sanctus a quo ordinatur, 472 Leua eius sub . . . [ Song of Songs 2.6]. Me-

ditacio nocturna .p. Si memor fui, 468 Li pere sun fiz chastiot/ Sen e sauer, 395 Libenter gloriabor ... [2 Cor. 12.9]. Per

hoc duo uerba libenter, 472 Libenter suffertis ... [2 Cor. 11.19]. Vide-

mus quod homines habentes, 471 Libera me domine ihesu christe fill dei viui

qui in cruce, 310 Liberi hominis et ingenij nobilis est

figuram, 335 Libros de trinitate que deus est quindecim

scripsi, 336 Licet omnium rerum mundanarum status,

465 Limpha marath ligno dulcescit. sal Elisei,


Litteras uestras de electione eboracensi ec-

clesie nobis, 322 Littere tue, quas a***s desideraram,

319 Lo cauall deu esser engendrat de guarra

ho astello, 454 Lo di natural si e ore xxiiij, lora si a pon-

ti, 327 Lo re Milliadus si staua cum soa dama, 327 Lo thus is seid of )>l cite in a place in it, 493 Loquens apostolus ... [1 Cor. 1.18]. Vir- tus dei est sancta crux, 472 Lord god vouchesaf to take up ]>es salmes,

360 Loris aetherei tonantis actus/ Missis

prodigijs, 391 Lors que tu vas dormir tu rerendras, 498 Lucus quidem ille et haec arpinatum quer-

cus agnoscitur, 284

Magister adest . . . [John 1 1 .28], Verba ista

litteraliter dicuntur, 472 Magnificho et prestantissimo admiraglio et

uoj, 329 Magnificj e prestantissimj signor miej e

prudentissimj , 329 Maiestas domini ... [Ezek. 43.4]. Karissi-

mi Ecclesia sancta recolit, 472 Maintes gens dient que en songes, 418 Maiores nostros Angele mi suauissime non

admirari, 313 Man in merthe hath meser in mynd, 365 Man vindet geschriben in latine vil

croniken das sint, 421 Manducamus et ... [Acts 10.41]. In hiis

uerbis possumus attendere, 472 Mane nobiscum ... [Luke 24.29]. Bonum

est audire uerbum dei, 472 Mane surgens nobilis an volatum In flu- men, 465 Marce decus ligurum, praeclara stirpe

potentum, 359 Maria Magdalena ... [Mark 16.1]. Pauci

sunt qui amicum diligant, 378 Maria stabat ... [John 20.11]. Audiuimus

fratres Mariam ad monumentum, 472 Maria vixit post mortem domini xiiijs an-

nis vs ebdomadis, 404 Mater patris et filia miserorum leticia Stella

maris, 377 Materia huius libri est regnum numidie et

res publicae, 358


Index VII

Materia huius libri est regnum numidie et

res publicae, 358 Materia Principalis omnium Metallorum

in suis Mineris, 309 Matrimonium tribus modis considerari

potest, primo vt, 356 Maxima iuliacis creuere uolumina sacris,

391 Memini me hoc ferme, 404 Memor semper fui venerabilis et carissime

frater postquam, 453 Memorare o piissima virgo maria non esse

auditum a seculo, 314 Memoria secunda [sic] deus pater deus

eternus, 306 Menibus vndosis bellorum incendia cer-

nens, 316 Mensurarum appellationes quibus utimur

sunt. xii. Digitus, 322 Misereor super ... [Mark 8.2]. Ewangeli-

um fratres ab hoc scriptum est,

377 Misericordiam tuam domine sancte pater,

310 Misericordias domini ... [Ps. 88.2]. Vtquid

enim michi insipiens nescio, 377 Misit dominus ... [Acts 12.11]. Tangun-

tur tria scilicet mittentis, 472 Mon benoist Dieu ie croy de cueur et con-

fesse, 314 Mon dieu mon createur ie congnois,

314 Mon Dieu tres benin, mon Seigneur et

mon Createur, 498 Mon dieu, mon pere, mon createur, ie

croy de cueur, 314 More have I mervailed then I shew for-

sothe when, 331 Mors fera cuncta rapit. non est lex certior

ulla, 311 Mortuus est ... [3 Kings 22.37]. Hec uer-

ba possunt exponi de, 472 Multa sunt in achademicis nostris con-

scripta contra phisicos, 313 Multitudinis usus quern in rebus nominan-

dis sequendum philosophus, 355 Mundam tamquam pomum dicimus esse

rotundum. Corpus autem similis,

335 Mvsing upon \>e restless bysynes, 493 My frende affter y trow a wook or. twoo,


Narrano gli scriptori inuictissimo principe

che, 321 Naso thomitane iam non nouus incola

terre, 479 Natus est ... [Jer. 20.15]. Quando aliquis

magnus vult mittere, 472 Nel cor pieno damarissima dolciecga,

438 Nel lauro albergho chon la Aurora inan-

ci, 438 Nel mecgo del camin di nostra vita,

428 Nel tempo che rinuoua i miei sospiri,

438 Nella gloriosa et magnificha Cita di Vene-

tia naque, 412 Nello splendito e lampegiante fulghore de

nostrj animj, 329 Nellultimo ho huomo famosisimo la fede

a uinto, 329 Nemini quicquam ... [Rom. 13.8]. Idem.

Cetera ita soluite, ut non debeatis,

472 Nemini quidquam ... [Rom. 13.8]. Si ad

invicem dileccionem habuerimus,

471 Neque ydolatre ... [1 Cor. 10.7]. Quatuor

uitia hie dissuadet, 473 Nescitis quod hij ... [1 Cor. 9.24]. Licet

enim in presenti vita multi sunt,

471 Newell! Newell! Newell! Newell!/ thys ys

J>e song, 365 No es vmana la lumbre, 489 No punto se discordaron, 489 Nobilis vir amicj krissimj. Le chose umane

sechondo che ne, 329 Nolite conformari ... [Rom. 12.2]. Volens

nos apostolus ab amore mundi, 472 Nolite errare ... [1 Cor. 6.9]. Constat quod

Errare in via morum, 472 Nolite esse ... [Rom. 12.16]. Filij huius

seculi a filijs regni, 471 Nolite esse ... [Rom. 12.16]. Secundum

vnam exposicionem dissuadetur, 472,

473 Nolite iudicare ... [Luke 6.37]. Hie notan-

dum quod duplex est, 472 Nolite mirari . . . [ 1 John 3.13]. Sicut enim

causa dileccionis, 471 Non cessamus ... [Col. 1.9]. In uerbo

proposito iiijor docet nos, 473

Index VII


Non cessamus . . . [Col. 1.9]. Quanto enim

quis actus nobilior, 471 Non cessamus ... [Col. 1.9]. Videlicet ibi

deo per omnia placentes, 473 Non eram nescius Brute, cum quae sum- mis ingeniis, 284 Non est quod me delectet magis non est

quod terreat, 376 Non m'incresce di me/ Talhora si

malamente, 352 Non simus concupiscentes ... [1 Cor.

10.6]. Causa omnis peccati uel est,

471 Non sono molti annj passati che trovan-

domj, 329 Nonus Assiriorum potentissimus rex padre

bello deffuncto, 495 Nos iuxta rectam ymaginationem in-

choantes astrologiam, 335 Nostra conuersatio ... [Phil. 3.20]. Nota

quod duplicem hie innuit, 472 Nostre pere qui es es cieulx. Sanctifie soit

ton nom, 314 Nostre Seigneur Iesus Christ laigneau qui,

498 Nota Est pax reprehensibilis commendabi-

lis et desiderabilis, 472 Nota omnis creatura obedit deo preter

hominem, 472 Nota quod Est ... [1 Cor. 7.15]. In pace

uocauit nos deus, 472 Nota quod quidem nobilis mulier cum es-

set in ecclesia, 404 Nota quod 10a die post ascencionem

domini discipulis, 468 Notandum quod 4or sunt scelera detestan-

da. Primum est, 472 Notum uobis facio ... [1 Cor. 15.1]. Inter

omnes actus quos homo potest, 471 Nous te prions 6 sainct pere pour les ames,

498 Nous te prions Seigneur pour ta saincte

Eglise, 498 Nous vous auons dit deuant ke li empe-

reres, 339 Nous vous deismes desus coument la prin-

cesse, 339 Nouum faciet ... [Jer. 31.22]. Ad

matrimony commercium celebrandum,

472 Nouum nichil esse vna est omnium fere

sentencia que ut, 343

Nullus presbyter parochianum alicuius sine

proprij, 393 Nunc celebrare facit consumpti nomen

homeri, 391 Nunc dies salutis ... [2 Cor. 6.2]. Habente

aliquo langorem quasi, 472 Nunc liquido apparet sententia uera plato-

nis, 391 Nunc tempus ... [2 Cor. 6.2]. Legitur in

Ecclesiaste. 3. quod sit tempus, 472,


O 3e folkes hard hertid as a stone,

493 O altissima crux humana et innocens san- guis, 410 O Amantissime domine sancte pater ego

offero tibi, 314 O Bon Iesus, de qui la magnificence est si

grande, 498 O Bon Iesus 6 doulx Iesus 6 tres debonaire,

498 O Bon Iesus 6 tres doux Iesus, 498 O bone ihesu circuire possum celum et ter- rain mare, 472 O bone i[h]esu o pijssime ihesu o dulcis-

sime ihesu, 314 O bruta mens curis vanos depone labores,

391 O cui caelesti conflagrat pectus amore, 391 O dieu createur du ciel et de la terre. Roy

des Roy, 314 O Dieu eternel quant tu commandes que

chacun, 498 O Dieu eternel tout puissant et misericor-

dieux. Pere, 498 O Dieu, les Gentilz et les nations barbares,

498 O Dieu misericordieux et debonnaire qui

selon, 498 O Dieu octroie nous que non seullement

nous, 498 O Dieu puyssant gracieux et misericor- dieux, 498 O Dieu recteur du Ciel et de la terre,

498 O Dieu Roy souuerain voicy mon Ame,

498 O Dieu tout puyssant et eternel createur,

498 O Dieu tout puyssant et eternel ie pouure,



Index VII

O Dieu tout puyssant et eternel ie te rends

graces, 498 O Dieu tres clement ie te prie donne moy,

498 O Domine ihesu christe eterna dulcedo te

amancium, 310 O domine Ihesu christe, fill dei dei [sic]

viui, qui misterium, 314 O Domine I[h]esu c[h]riste, in cruce pen-

dentem, 314 O domine ihesu christe supple de te, quod

minus habeo, 314 O Dulcissime domine Iesu christe verus

deus qui de sinu, 314 O Glorieuse mere de Dieu, nous te requer-

ons, 498 O glorieuse Trinite/ Une essence en vraye

unite, 406 O herte vrunt timothee wachte dat niemen

ongeleerde, 404 O Iesus Christ, Pere de misericorde fay,

498 O Iesus fontaine de toute suauite pardonne

moy, 498 O intemerata, 310, 314, 375, 400, 411,

436, 437 O Iohannes beatissime christi familiaris

amice, 375 O man vnkynde/ Bere in thy mynde,

410 O Misericordieux Seigneur Iesus Christ ie

te prie, 498 O mon saint Ange, ie te prie que, 498 O Mon Seigneur mon dieu misericordieux,

498 O mortall man In this lyffe transitore, 337 O Nostre Dieu pain celeste vie de luniuers,

498 O Olde and yowng }>* been here/ lystyn

and to me clare, 365 O Pere tres puyssant qui astant ayme le

monde, 498 O que ie suys grandement tenu a nostre

commun, 498 O Redempteur Iesus qui non seulement

nous, 498 O Saincte et pure Vierge Marie mere de

Dieu, 498 O Saincte Trinite ie te loue de ma bouche,

498 O Seigneur ayes semblablem [sic] pitie de

moy, 498

O Seigneur debonnaire Dieu tout puyssant

ie te, 498 O Seigneur des misericordes qui es le plus,

498 O Seigneur Dieu de nos peres Regarde

maintenant, 498 O Seigneur Dieu eternel qui es Seigneur

des mortz, 498 O Seigneur Dieu eternel qui gouuernes,

498 O Seigneur Dieu mon Redempteur ie

souspire apres toy, 498 O Seigneur Dieu Pere sainct de qui la

misericorde, 498 O Seigneur Dieu qui entre et par dessus

touts, 498 O Seigneur eternel qui as la vie et la mort,

498 O Seigneur fontaine de toute bonte et cle-

mence, 498 O Seigneur ie me cognois indigne destre,

498 O Seigneur ie recomande entre les mains,

498 O Seigneur Iesus Christ donne nous que

ton, 498 O Seigneur Iesus Christ filz de Dieu vi-

uant, 498 O Seigneur Iesus Christ qui es la sapience

eternelle, 498 O Seigneur Iesus Christ qui estant obeys-

sant, 498 O Seigneur nous te recommandons lame

de ton, 498 O Seigneur pardonne a tous ceulx qui nous

hayent, 498 O Seigneur preuiens mes oeuures, 498 O Seigneur remply nostre bouche de ta

louange, 498 O Seigneur Roy tout puyssant toutes

choses sont, 498 O Seigneur tout puyisant [sic] et misericor- dieux, 498 O Seigneur tout puyssant de qui tout puys-

sance, 498 O Seigneur tres benin seulle esperance de

mon, 498 O Thoughtfull herte planted in distresse,

281 O Tite si quid ego adiuto, 284, 313 O Tres benyn Seigneur Iesus Christ qui

auec, 498

Index VII


O tres chere Ame en Iesus Christ marquee,

498 O Tres doulx Createur et Redempteur du

genre, 498 O tres doulz et tres debonnaire sire ihesu

crist, 497 O Tres doux et tres amy able [sic] Seigneur,

498 O Vie eternelle 6 pais amiable [sic] 6

celeste, 498 O Vierge en tout temps mere de Dieu,

498 O voi che siete dal uerace lume, 428 O vos dubitantes cred las ystorias,

489 O vous troys personnes egales et coeter-

nelles, 498 Obsecro itaque uos ... [Eph. 4.1]. Digni

deo ambulant et ad suam uocacionem,

471 Obsecro itaque ... [Rom. 12.1]. Modus est

experti medici hoc facere, 471 Obsecro te, 310, 314, 375, 400,411, 435,

436, 437 Obsecro uos ne . . . [Eph. 3.13]. Ilia tribula-

cio que habet hominem, 471 Obsecro uos ... [Eph. 4.1]. Specificat

apostolus in hiis uerbis, 473 Obsecro uos ... [Rom. 12.1]. Inprimouer-

bo dat formam prelates, 473 Obsecro vos tamquam ... [1 Pet. 2.11]. Et

quia enim a paradysi gaudijs, 471 Occurramus obviam saluatori ... Scitis

karissimi quam hoc tempus dicitur,

472 Octauianus cesar augustus Romanorum

Imperator et pater patrie, 495 Odit vos mundus ... [John 15.18]. Hie pri-

mo Notandum quare mundus, 472 Omne datum optimum ... [James 1.17].

Sicut esse naturalem cuiuscumque,

471 Omne quod natum ... [1 John 5.4]. Secun- dum sanctam thomam In omnibus, 471 Omnes vnanimes ... [1 Pet. 3.8], Decet

enim sanctos viros ut sint, 471 Omnibus consideratis paradysus uolupta-

tis es ihesu pijssime, 310 Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, ecce acce-

do ad sacramentum, 461 Omnipotens sempiterne deus miserere

famulo tuo, 492

Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui ezechie

regi iudee, 435 Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui gloriose

virginis, 310 Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui unigeni-

tum filium, 310 Omnis homines qui student sese prestare

ceteris, 358 Omnis mulier fornicaria est quasi stercus

in uia comes, 404 Omnium epistolarum quas scripsit aposto- lus haec prima, 356 Or a esgarde danz ernuls/ Qui trop,

395 Orabo spiritu ... [1 Cor. 14.15], Glossa

loqui apparebo ut signa, 472 Oranti subsidium hostibus flagellum, 468 Oratorum genera esse dicuntur tanquam

poetarum, 313 Orbis situm dicere aggredior impeditum

opus, 359 Oremus dilectissimi fratres ... vel seculari

desiderio, 320 Oritur sol ... [Ecc. 1.5]. Istud thema con

[?] in Se 3a festa, 472 Orta est s. mater ex maioribus longe scien-

tissimis, 449 Oyan Oyan los mortales, 489

Para intrudicion [sic] deste prouerbio es de

prosuponer, 489 Parmi che le fortezze cu'le loro circuitio-

ni, 491 Pater creator omnium/ Origo et principi-

um, 406 Pater de celis deus miserere nobis. Domine

sancte, 314 Pater noster, 314 Pax vobis ... [John 20.19]. Sermo breuis

est sed tamen vtilis, 472 Per proprium ... [Heb. 9.12]. In uerbis

propositis declarat apostolus, 472 Peracto Bello punico tertio tamen superi-

ori libro contexta est, 495 Petite et ... [Luke 11.9]. Mos est potentis

alicuius recedentis, 472 Petite et accipietis ... [John 16.24]. Nota

duo saluatoris nostri excitatio, 472 Philippe qui videt ... (John 14.9]. Videtur

deus per fidem in mundo, 468 Phylo uir disertissimus iudeorum originis

quoque testimonio, 322


Index VII

Pien dinfinita et nobil marauiglia, 438 Piu delle fiate vediamo sequirre che gli an-

tiqui exempli, 412 Plorabitis et flebitis ... [John 16.20]. Pri-

mo dicendum est de fletus, 472 Pluit Ulis manna ... [Ps. 77.24]. Ad

maiorem istorum uerborum, 472 Pomponius Atticus et T. Quintus loquun-

tur Lucus, 284 Poscia che mia fortuna in forca altrui,

438 Post quesita circa hominem quo ad natura-

lia, 470 Post questiones de deo et de creatura as-

sumpta, 470 Postea secuntur quesita circa hominem,

470 Postquam christo fauente pelagus scripture

prospero cursu, 315 Postquam impleti ... [Luke 2.22]. In

prouerbijs dicitur. Suscipiat verba,

472 Pource quil y a plusieurs gentz curieux,

351 Praeceperat humilitatis a matris vt corpus-

culum suum, 449 Praesta, domine quaesumus famulis,

320 Praesta, quaesumus ... vel seculari

desiderio, 320 Precor te pijssime domine ihesu christe

propter eximiam, 310 Predicator est quasi campana que signum

est hominibus, 472 Prescriptum opus voluminis huius quod de

vita, 354 Prima dies mensis Et septima truncat ut

ensis, 310 Prima intellectio est quod totus mundus

debet congregari, 306 Prima nota hoc loco demonstratur De uul-

tu tuo, 322 Primamente de la criatione del cauallo

quando, 459 Primo nota quod tria sunt genera homi-

num quidam, 468 Primo quia graciam conuertendi peccatori-

bus tribuit, 468 Primo quia non de terra fiebat sicut et

homo sed de re, 468 Primum dicere opportet circa quid cui-

usque nostra, 362

Primum diffinire opportet quid sit nomen

et quid, 362 Primum preceptum est scilicet vt credatur

quod credendum est, 468 Primum quidem habeto gallarum minuta-

rum crisparumque, 359 Primus quod deus sit trinus et vnus. id est

tres persone, 468 Primus rex francorum faramundus extitit,

413 Principes apostolorum ... [Ps. 46.10]. Cum

27 philosophum 12 metaphysice,

393 Principes Iuda ... [Ps. 67.28]. Dicit

Gregorius vnicuique Memento, 393 Prooemij loco quaedam praemittenda sunt

et in primis, 356 Protector in te sperancium, 411 Protector noster in te sperantium, 435 Publius Cornelius Scipio dux alfonse cui

post ex virtute, 348 Puis quil vous a pleu ordonner mon Dieu,

498 Purge lame des peches, Oste la peyne,


Qu: Whatt firste note take you in Natural

philosophy?, 394 Qu'es lo que piensas Fortuna, 489 Quadam die nimijs quorundam seculari-

um tumultibus depressus, 388 Qualunche persona tacendo i beneficj

ricevti naschonde, 329 Quando ad un giogho et in un tempo qui-

ui, 438 Quando la magnificha e 11a oservantissi-

ma moltitudine, 329 Quanquam te Marce fill annum iam au-

dientem, 284 Quante chonsiderazione mochorrono al-

lanimo, 329 Quante volte io raghuardo e degnissimj,

329 Quante volte o in me medesimo chonsider-

ato, 329 Quanti gia nella eta matura et Acra,

438 Quanto tempore ... [Gal. 4.1]. Quando res

aliqua induit cognicionem, 471 Quarta questio circa naturam assumptam

erat, 470 Quatro cosas deue obrar dellas el Rey, 489

Index VII


Quatuor libros regnorum quos scriptura,

280 Quatuor virtutum speties multorum

sapientum, 380 Quecumque scripta sunt ... [Rom. 15.4].

Nota quattuor libros esse scriptus, 472 Quest: In Religion Whatt is firste to be

Considered?, 394 Questa leggiadra et gloriosa donna, 438 Questio est erant duo viri quorum vnus fuit

religiosus, 385 Questo e lo libro de aristotelo facto a pari-

tione, 459 Questo libro composse cum grando studio

uno caualero, 459 Questo o inlustrj signor miej finiscie la

mia, 329 Quesumus domine pro tua pietate mise- rere animabus, 466 Quesumus domine pro tua pietate mise- rere anime, 466 Qui ben comence et ben define/ Cest

uerite, 395 Qui est celluy qui pourroit declairer, 498 Qui in principiis librorum debeam secuturi

operis argumenta, 322 Qui laudant sanctitatem tuam beatissime

pater, 313 Qui legerit ea que in varijs scripsi libellis

uidebit, 334 Qui meriti florem maturis sensibus ortum,

316 Qui miseretur . . . [Rom. 12.8]. Nota quod

Eleemosyna. xij. bona, 472 Qui se existimat ... [1 Cor. 10.12]. Duo

in hijs uerbis nobis incutere, 472 Qui sequitur ... [John 8. 12]. Hec sunt ver- ba christi quibus ammonemur, 392 Qui sincera intentione extraneos a Chris- tiana religione, 353 Qui ueteres adamas tamen relegisque poe-

tas, 391 Qui volt oir e uolt saueir/ De rei en rei,

395 Quia in huius fructus septimi et conformi-

tatis prima, 311 Quia medicina nostra quam traditam

habemus ab ypocrate, 470 Quia quae pertinent ad mores quos ethos

illi uocant, 284 Quicumque baptizati ... [Rom. 6.3]. Licet

enim glosa super illo uerbo, 471

Quid est deus qui est merito quidem nichil,

376 Quid est predestinatio. predestinatio est ea

ordinatio, 404 Quid nam est quod de ingenuorum educa-

tione liberorum, 313 Quid proceres populis tribuit quibus ampla

regendis, 391 Quidam hie incipit .ij. pars huius operis

in qua tractatur, 338 Quinque sunt partes satirarum. Reprehen-

siua, derisoria, 450 Quintus Mutius augur Sceuola multa nar-

rare, 284, 313 Quis est iste ... [Is. 63.1]. Edom inter-

pretatur terrenus uel, 472 Quis putas ... [Mat. 24.45]. Legitur in

Prouerbio quod uerbo, 472 Quisquis ades medijque subis iam limina

templi, 311 Quondam iuliaco suffusi flamine uates,

391 Quoniam bellum quod cum populo

romano gessere iudei, 282 Quot epistolas ad Corinthios scripserit S.

Paulus, 356 Quot ossa quot dentes et vere sunt in no- mine, 315

Recipe einen guttenn starckenn rotenn

weinn, welcher besser, 309 Redde quod debes ... [Mat. 18.28]. Hie

nota quod debemus multa, 472 Redde rationem ... [Luke 16.2]. Sciendum

quod de quinque oportebit, 472 Reges pluribus delectationibus gaudent,

446 Regnante domino nostro ihesu christo in

perpetuum. Ego karolus, 413 Religiosus simulque studiosus animus tue

germanitatis dum, 322 Remittuntur ei ... [Luke 7.47]. De maria

magdalena doctores grecorum et,

393 Remoto a vida mundana, 489 Renouamini spiritu ... [Eph. 4.23]. Post-

quam primus parens noster a iusticia,

471 Retributor omnium bonorum, 314 Reuerendissimo domino suo Matheo

venerabili dei gratia albinensi Episco-

po, 377


Index VII

Reuerentissimo patri fratri Bogirdio minis-

tro fratrum, 350A Right Honorable, the worlde is so full of,

394 Rigth noble and worthi lady and my ful

reuerend, 317 Robadas auian ellaustro y borea, 489 Rogamus et ... [1 Thess. 4.1]. Nota quod

quidam ambulant et deo placent, 471

Saincte vray croix adoree, 314 Sainte uraye croys aouree, 400 Salua nos christe saluator per virtutem

sancte cruris, 314 Salue alte trinitatis nobihs creatura,

314 Salue decus per miliorum miles regis an-

gelorum, 410 Salue regina, 310 Salue regine misericordie vita dulcedo,

314 Salue sancta caro dei per quam salui fmnt

rei, 314 Salue sancta facies nostri redemptoris,

287 Salue virgo virginum Stella matutina,

310 Sanctis rex stabat in suo palatio ante eum

stabant, 446 Sapiens est qui scit dampnum suum

precauere, 471 Schall have 30wre dessyer j>e same 3er,

365 Scias quod Ars Alchimiae est donum Spiri-

tus Sancti, 309 Scitis quid fecerim. septem vobis hodie

misericordias, 377 Scitis quoniam ... [1 Cor. 12.2]. Suam vlti-

ma beatitudinem et ignorare, 471 Scripta est haec epistola authore

Chrysostomo, 356 Scriptum est ... [Gal. 4.22]. Seneca in

questionibus naturalibus, 471 Scripturus vitam serui tui ad honorem

nominis, 354 Scrutamini scripturas in quibus putatis ui-

tam eternam, 353 Se alchuna volta e stato ismarrito el mio

picholo, 329 Se 11a reuerenzia e 11a fede, 329 Se maj nel chorso di mia vita, 329 Se maj per alchuno tenpo, 329

Secunda questio circa corpora celestia erat,

470 Secunda questio circa status erat vtrum sta- tus prelacionis, 470 Secundum quesitum circa angelos quod

pertinet, 470 Secundum quesitum circa animam per

comparacionem, 470 Sed mens expectat uates seque inserit ultro,

391 Sed ueniamus ad causam cur ista premisi-

mus, 375 Sedechias fu philosophe le premier par qui

de la voulente, 285 Seigneur Dieu qui nous as laisse la

memoire, 498 Seigneur Dieu saige et debonnaire puys,

498 Seigneur Dieu tout puyssant qui nestes

venu, 498 Seigneur ie recommande entre les mains,

498 Seigneur Iesus Christ qui pour la redemp- tion du monde as voulu [2], 498 Seigneur Iesus en la main de qui nous con-

fessons, 498 Seignurs ore escotez que deu vous beneie,

395 Seint poul li apostole dit/ Si come nous,

492 Selon la maniere que jay plus en vsaige.

Et a quoy, 318 Semper ego auditor tantum nunquam ne

reponam, 450 Sempiternam domini maiestatem fratres,

342 Sequitur de principali sunt de men-

dicia, 472 Seruus seruorum dei Soldano yconij verita-

tem agnoscere, 333 Seruus. Licet hie se appellet senium seruo- rum, 423 Sethen all men naturely desyre, 493 Si algo yo siento y se conoscer, 489 Si in preceptis meis ambulaueritis, 314 Si Unguis hominum ... [1 Cor. 13.1]. Om-

nis accio christiani hominis, 471 Si non audieritis me, 314 Si quis ignorat ... [1 Cor. 14.38]. Est hec

verba ponuntur dei, 429 Si sacerdos in missa ante canonem aliquo

casu deficiat, 392

Index VII


Si uis substantias inuisibiles inconari pone

ymagines, 306 Sic currite ... [1 Cor. 9.24]. Nota duo

meritum currite et premium, 472 Sic currite ... [1 Cor. 9.24]. Tria solet per-

pendere minister, 472 Sic nos existimet ... [1 Cor. 4.1]. Nota

quod in ministerio duo sunt, 471 Sic nos existimet ... [1 Cor. 4.1]. Quilibet

christianus minister uel seruus, 472 Sic nos existimet ... [1 Cor. 4.1]. Sicut ali-

quam artem lucratiuam, 473 Sic uicina mihi quamuis Nasonis alumni,

391 Sichondo che noi ritrouiamo nellantiche

istorie, 499 Sicut exibuistis ... [Rom. 6.19]. Exibet

peccator membra sua omnia seruire,

472 Sicut in Adam ... [1 Cor. 15.22]. In hijs

uerbis duo principaliter, 472 Sicut in uno ... [Rom. 12.4], Utitur

apostolus similitudine sumpta, 473 Sicut scribit Aristoteles secundo de gener-

acione, 462 Sicut sermone super cantica canticorum

vicesimo quarto, 354 Siguiendo el placiente estilo, 489 Sin gran fortaleza tempranca y saber,

489 Sintagma doctrina Oeconicon dispen-

satorem uel secretum, 322 Sjire [sic] mon dieu et mon createur qui es

tres, 497 Solent existentes in periculo petere sanc- torum suffragiam, 468 Some tyme an Emperour prudent and

wise, 493 Spera (ut geometre aiunt) est corpus rotun-

ditate, 399 Spera as euclide doth wrytt is a thyng

rownd and solide, 337 Spiritu ambulate ... [Gal. 5.16]. Actus

vnius potencie cum intenditur, 471 Spiritu viuimus ... [Gal. 5.25]. Facta car-

nis mortilicare et crucifigere, 471 Spiritus sancti gratia illustret, 314 Spiritus. Was ist die ursach, dafi du mich

mit, 309 Stabat mater, 314, 375 Stancho gia di mirare non sacio anchora,


Stans petrus ... [Acts 2.14]. Tunc enim

habemus stare, 471 Stommi cosi soletto/ A mensa come suole,

352 Studeo mi pater latine ex te audire,

313 Suauissime tue urbanissimeque littere non

mediocri me, 319 Sub superbia continentur hec qui secun-

tur. Inanis gloria, 404 Sufficientia nostra ... [2 Cor. 3.5]. Hie

nota duo. Ex parte nostri, 472 Summe Sacerdos, et vere Pontifex Iesu

Christe, 461 Summum bonum deus est quia incom-

mutabilis est, 373 Sunt enim aliqui qui culpis exigentibus ab

episcopo, 413 Sunt et alii falcones qui conuersantur in

Corsica, 446 Sunt et alii falcones qui nominantur gen- tiles, 446 Sunt et alii falcones qui uocantur peregri-

ni et sunt, 446 Sunt falcones qui uocantur girifalchi qui

conuersantur, 446 Surgens secutus est ... [Matthew 9.9]. Hie

arguit porphirius et Iulianus, 468 Surrexit dominus ... [Luke 24.34]. Nota

duo. primo ipsa christi, 472 Suscipere digneris domine deus omnipo-

tens istos, 310 Swete ihesu king of blisse/ Min herd loue,


Tantumne opinionis assumpsisse homines

presumpserunt, 322 Tary thou not to oure Lord to be turned,

331 Te deprecor sanctissima maria mater dei,

310 Temporibus ualeriani et galieni multi

christianorum, 384 Temporis o nostri uates clarissime carmen,

391 Teque deprecor bone ihesum ut cui, 330 Ter quinos animo suadente per ardua

libros, 336 Tercia questio circa corpora celestia erat

suppositio, 470 Tercia questio circa intenciones communes

erat, 470


Index VII

Tercium quesitum circa statum erat vtrum

volens, 470 Testis est ... [Rom. 1.9]. Ecclesia in

hodierno officio instruit, 473 That blyssyd childe yn bedlem born,

317 The emperour \>l I spak of beforne is our

lord, 493 The first vertu is ful good/ That day J?ou,

317 The hart lovyt )>e wood The here lovyt j>e

hyll, 365 These been J»e sorowes of oure blissed lady,

317 This boke is of mendyng of life or ellis of

the reule, 331 This book to have endid had I thoght,

493 This Emperour above expressid is our lord

god, 493 This Sir Thomas More was borne in Lon- don, 363 Tho other thre parties which in ]>c booke,

493 Those this boke be evile to rede, 331 Thynges passyd Remembrans and wyll de- vide, 365 Tibi domine commendamus, 310 Tolle lectum ... [Mat. 9.6]. In hijs uerbis

monet ad duo, 472 Tornando al Capo sol uenire, a le falcone

mali in l'occhi, 477 Tous orgueilleux se veulent a dieu com- parer, 318 Tout nostre pouuoir est en toy Seigneur

Dieu, 498 Tractatum de spera in quatuor partes dis-

tinguimus, dicentes, 335 Trahe me post me ... [Cant. 1.3]. Sicut

beatus paulus testatur nihil, 472 Transeunte domno clareuallensi abbate

ipsa hora, 354 Transfige, dulcissime Domine Iesu,

medullas et viscera, 461 Trebor reconte sa traitie/ E sil reconte,

395 Trentals er Commonley seyd xxx11 massis,

365 Tres chers freres quant nous sommes de- bout, 498 Tria genera hominum non possunt esse diu

absque sumpcione, 468

Tria sunt in quibus precipue lex diuina

consistit, 471 Troia iacet certe danais inuisa puellis,

479 Trium puerorum cantemus hymnum,

461 Tu dis paris que tu faiz merueillez,

418 Tu quern liligeras nutu frenare triremes,


Uidens turbas ... [Mat. 5.1], Hanc sancti

euuangelij leccionem, 472 Uirgo templum trinitatis deus lumine boni-

tatis, 310 Universis christi fidelibus ad quos littere

iste peruenerint, 305 Unus pro omnibus ... [2 Cor. 5.14]. Pri- mus homo deo inobediens, 472 Uocati estis ... [1 Peter 3.9]. Nota 3a

scilicet condicionem, 472 Uocauit nos in . . . [ 1 Peter 5.10]. Nota 3a

vocatio dominica, 472 Ut ait ethicus physicus gens stultissima est,

406 Ut ego peccator et ultimus inscipientior

cetteris, 311 Ut iuuenes in quolibet problemate dis-

putantes potuerint, 470 Ut sceleris iudea sui polluta cruore, 316 Utrum ad relacionem realem requiritur

quod habeat fundamentum, 470 Utrum cum simplicitate diuina stet quod,

470 Utrum in lumine fidei vna cum lumine

naturali, 470 Utrum in lumine proprii generis possimus,

470 Utrum intensio fiat in huiusmodi, 470 Utrum isti gradus sint simpliciter divisi-

biles, 470 Utrum minus calidum opponatur calido,

470 Utrum numerus qui oritur ex diuisione,

470 Utrum poto quod attributa distinguntur,

470 Utrum tempus habeat esse reale distinc-

tum, 470 Utrum theologia sit vnus habitus, 470 Utrum theologie doctores ultra noticiam,


Index VII


Vade filius ... [John 4.50]. Istud verbum

et est consolatorium, 472 Veillez car vous ne scauez heure, 498 Venite ascendamus ... [Is. 2.3]. Ieroboam

Rex statuit vitulos, 472 Venite post me ... [Mat. 4.19]. Beatus

Gregorius exponens verbum, 393 Venite prandete ... [John 21.12]. Sicut

testatur philosophus, 472 Vera perceptio corporis et sanguinis tui,

314 Verba mea auribus percipe, 310 Vere dignum et iustum est aequum,

342 Verona antiquissima Cita la qualle da bre-

no primo, 412 Verum ea que temporum distinctione

latius digesta sunt, 330 Verum est quod in percipiendis stipendiis,

423 Vetus opinio est iam usque ab heroicis duc-

ta, 284 Vi thesoros ayuntados, 489 Vias tuas domine demonstra michi,

314 Vides ciuitatem ... [Luke 19.41]. Nota .2.

Diuina bonitas, 472 Videte itaque ... [Eph. 5.15]. Nota quod

quidam incaute, 471 Vinesia al prexente fra tute le antiquissime

Cita del momdo, 412 Virgo decus nostrum cuius se credidit aluo,

311 Virgo mater ecclesie, 310 Virorum illustrium gesta nonnulli scripto-

rum laudibus, 354 Virtus est bona equalitas mentis qua recte

viuitur qua nemo, 392 Vix uidi continentem quern non uidi ab-

stinentem, 380 Vnde uerissime apparet quod sicut oculus

uespertilionis se, 404 Vnicuique datur ... [1 Cor. 12.7]. In uer-

bis istis circa aduentum, 472 Volendo e nostrj magnifici ed eccelsj si-

gnori, 329 Vous qui aues pour passer vostre vie, 406 Vt inhabitet gloria ... [Ps. 84.10]. Gloria

nostra hec est vt ait apostolus, 377

Whatt is moste Necessary in a Common Welthe, 394

Who bat lufes or likes to here, 331 Wir erster [?] lapis philosophorum, 309

Ya la gran noche pasaua, 489

"Aarcxov. d^XaPfj. eviot arcXripcoxov, 291 "Aoctck; Insaciabilis et illesus/aomxcx; Intan-

gibilis, 277 'AyaXXTiao-co et tyuyft [xou Itzt] xtp xupt'o,

262 'Aycmrpi \itxa, xtjv xou x6a{xou a7iapvT)<Jiv,

304 'ASeXcpot, [3ouXo[jLai ufjuv 8t7)YTiaaaGai

7coXtT£tav, 267 'Aei [xev ayajxai xov a&txpocvfj xfj? ivGeou,

288 'Aet oiv Gaufia&iv IxeiaLv, & xt|j,uoxaxot,

271 ayioi; 6 Geo?- ayio? taxuPO? ayto?, 293 "Axtov XeipoTovTjGei? tepeug 6 Geio? ypT^ptos,

260 "Av si uel utique/ aXXa sed, 277 'Avefcmuptasv. <xvexxr|aaxo xfy cJ>uxtiv,

291 "AvSpwTte xou GeoC xai rciaxi Gepowccov,

260 'Aizb xfj? oSfj; xfjc eJ|68ou, IStaXe^e, 300 dmd xov euvouiov, euvojxiavoi, 299 'ArcoSetxvui; xa xaxa X7]v oc|>tv TtapajxuGia;,

424 'A7coxotou<ji 710XX01 orcou eTvai 8e8o[x£vot,

304 'Apxai |Jt£v ouv eJal xffc avQpoiTttvr)^ xai,

260 Apx^l tou zwxrfxzkiou tyaoG xPtaToC vlov,

308 'Apxofxevo? ym&v xe xai eopia rcovxov aetSetv,

255 Aoxoxpaxcop KaTaap Zrjvtov, Eua&firis,

NixTjxric, 288

BaaiXeu oopdvoie 7iapdxXT]xs xo Tiveupia ttjc,

293 BaotXeuovxoi; apptvaxou xfj? 7t&p<Tixfj<;

itoXixeia^, 267 BaaiXeu? xtovaxavxivouTtoXeco? (3aa£Xeto<;, 300 BtpXtov xave^pexov toxvu IxXeXeynivov,

292 (JipXoi; ytvt<stoi<; trjaou xpiaxou, utou, 308 Bor)06i; xai ax£jcaa0fi<; i-fivixo jxoi, tlq

otoxripiav, 300 Bpaxiova xopiou Xifei tdv utdv auxoG,



Index VII

r£pa? 7Epo97]T(ov, 304

TecoYpatpia <juvxo|ao? 9a)r|v? £x AaxivtSo? £t?

TTiv, 297 rtvcoaxei, to? av va tjtov Xoytxov t&ov,


Ae8o[i.£va tu (ji£y£0£t Xifexai x<°P'a xat>

424 AeT ytvcocrxEiv, oxi to |i.a0£tv "fpd|xfjuxxa xaX<o?,

267 A£ajioxa xupiE, 6 xou? vivEutxa? atoaa?,

300 At' eux&v xdiv ayicov rcax£p<ov V<»>v- x6pie,

293 Ata xi ewcev e'Qvea xai oux eitce teXtjSti,

269 A i.a xwv Evxau0a Y£*rpa|A[ji£v<ov, vufjKpoaxo-

XeTtoci, 274 Atrjfrt<ja|Ji£voL xoc xaxa xtjv Xu(3i7)v, xai, 294 AiriYT)ai? TOxvcbpaia ne-pl aXE?vSpoG xou,

294 SoXtto 7capa7tExd<j|xaxi oi Xaxtvoi xrjv i'xxoaxov,

304 Aoai0so? iXeto 0eou Ilaxpidpxr)? ^ aT^a?»


'E0ve<x xot ttovxoio rcoXucmspEa? 9<xXayya^,

255 Ei xai jcoXuxou? xa0' iauxov, xai, 272 Ei' xt? hm<jx,<mr\v 6p£'y£xai xaXou i'pyou,

299 El' xt? suaE^Y)? xai 9tX60£o?" drcoXafSsxa),

302 Ei? tzogo. Siatpouvxai xa etxoat TEaaapa,

261 Ei? xov xatpov onou £it&pwcaxet, 251 Ei? xov xi[xia)xaxov, xai ao^toxaxov urcaxov,

295 EtaeX06vxo<; xou iEp£co? iv xto 0u<Jtaaxr|pL<o,



289 'ExeTvo? 6 rcpo97]xix<oxaxo? xai xt0ap<oS6?

SauiS, 304 "EXXajxcJjov ev xat? xapStai? i\[i6iv 9iXav0p<o7ie,

302 'E|j.ot yivoq eaxiv oux aorjjxov dXX' e£,

275 'Ev apxu rjv cbXo?- xai 6 Xoyo? f[v, 262 'Ev youv x<o rcpa>xa>, ovo(j.a xou Stxatou xai,

257 'Ev xaT? x^P^1 xa0e?ei? xou? api0p.ou?, 298

'Ev xtp £xxXTi<Jia<rtfi, xeXeiav, <I>? av fxeyaXoi?,

273 £J;£Xtxov toast xarcvd? ai ^[ispai (xou xai,

304 'E7tei8e xrj? ocpt<Jxox£Xou? £vxd?, £0£Xo[aev,

256 'EtceiStj tepapxtav i] £m"rpa9T| ex£i, 260 'ErcaSrJTtep apxV EtX^pet arifxspov, 260

'E7T£l8^JC£p TtoXXoi ^7ClX£lpT)O0CV, 308

"Etce^cJjev 6 ScJjlotoi; 0e6? xov orffEXov auxou,

304 'EtcI ttj5 (SaatXeta? x<ovcxavx£vou xou, 301 'EiuyvotTiv ae xupi£ xov srctYtvtoaxovxd [jie,

292 'ETcoOeixE xaxa X7]v rjnExepav ercdvoSov, 260 'EpwxTim?, xi; £axt 0eo?, 267 eaxi auXXoytaaaOat £x x<ov £v0u[jit]|juxt(ov,

361 Euaxoxoxaxa xai 0au[xacid)xaxa, jtavi£ptoxax£

xai, 304

'H dX7)0r]<; xai pavr) s&v xPl<TTtavwv W&v,

304 'H ev xai? 0£iai? YPa9a^ aaa9Eia, 7toXXa?,

257 'H [xev opfiT) xoO Xoyou SiaXafktv 7i;£pi, 260 *H prixopixr] ioxtv avxiaxp09o? xfj SiaXexxixfj,

361 r| xa^Eivoxr)? \iou 8td xfj? TuapoiiaTf]; aurq?,

304 'H8ovai xai XCxat, 9opoi xe xai 0dppri,

258 rjSuvato 6 a8a(jio? xfj 0eoO x^pixi £[xfji£v£iv, 304 'HXixoi [xev, ot xfj? dpExfj? d0Xir)xai xai,


©EOTCtCofXEV aw 7ta<jt toT? aaxpdraxt? xai xfj,

301 Subv dyopd yiv^at! ^£pi toO xov oSuaada,


'Idxto|Bo? Mdva? 'ApfEio? unaxo?, 295 l^ot? 7u6x[xco Se, 304 "Ici0t oxt xaiv xou Xo-fou axTiM-dxcov, 319 'Iaxiov oxi 6 SidXoyo? 7t£pi£x£i, 367 iaxEov oxi xo x£paxov, xo tSicoxixto?, 304

'IlTXEOV OXt X(OV TC0l7]XtOV ot [ji£v, 490

Ka0to? oi 7tpo ^[xoiv 0£o8i8axxoi av0pto7rot

TUEpt, 304 Kaipo? xou XaXstv, xai xaipo? t:ou atyav, 304 KaXov (xev xai dico yXtoxxT]? yEpaipEiv, 295

Index VII


Ka-ra X6yov fj Et|AapfiivT)v, r\ xvxw, 276 Ke<pdXata toG dytou dGavaaiou, xecpdXatov

&m, 267 Kupte Et]<toG xPl<JTe o 9e6$ i?|[kov, 299 Kupte iriaou xpi^s o ©so?, ttj npeaPeia, 266 Kupte, otx-cipfiov xat eXerjfxov (xaxp60u[xe,


{xe-ya ofoSpa iyvcopiaBr)? rijxTv, drco xfj<;,

304 M£XXovTa<g rj[xa<; dpxeaGai 9tXoao<pcov \6y <ov,

256 (xeXXwv 6 tepeu; ttjv Geiav imxeXelv, 259 Meta toc cpuatxd Xeyovtai, drop tpua&coc, 268 Metd ttjv dTticjGdtfjiPtovov euxtiv, e|£px&Tat,

302 Mexd to dmoXuaai tov opGpov £l;E.px6fAevoi,

302 Me-ca to etxEtv xov tep&av ttjv, 302 MoGaai 7tteptT)Gev dotSfjcn xXeiouaai, 254

N6[x<pat TpaiiaSe? TtoxaLAoG £dv6oto yeveBXr],

255 Nuv 8e Jj txaxapte fiexd xd<; GeoXo-ftxdi;, 260

Sevotptov, ypuXXou piv fjv uio?, 253

'0 Stdxovot;. euXoyTjoov 8£a7tOTa, 296 '0 617ewv toi? eamoG fi,aG7]Tai<j £rjTeire, 288 '0 Geo? 6 Geo? V"v ° ™v, 296, 302 '0 Geo? 6 Geo? t||a<ov 6 wtoSetJias, 259 'O fxev 7rpoiTyou[ji£vo? oxojto?, 258 '0 Tcept Ta TotaGxa aocpo;, oepaaTo;, 301 Oi xX7]pixot xal oi 7ip<oToi Tfj? rcoXeaiij, 301 Oi ttjv [xeydtXiriv xai eGpux^pov SwctcXeovtei;,

264 'OfJLtbvujJia 8e Xeyrixat wv ovojxa [jwvov xoivdv,

256 Ovxo? dvaifxaiou xpuaaoptE, xai et? tt)v twv,

256 '07C7ciav6? 6 7uolt)tti<; 7caTpo<; [xev rjv, 255, 269,

490 ouoi nvzv\icLii 9eoG dyovTat. ouxoi, 266 Ou XP"H C^tjv sv juaai toT? prifjiactv, 260 oux eSet |iiv ^[xa? tocjoGtov amtx^v, 304 Outo? 6 [jtaxapto? 'Av8p£aij TfcfAaCev, 300 Ourax; 'ApxeaGto 'O rtpoaxuvfjaat xai

Xaxpeuaat, 292 "Ocjnv elvai euGeiav el; t<x [xiaa rcdvxa, 424

rcaGri X££e6)v eixoatexxd* 7cp60e<u<;, olov, 319 Ilaaa xiyyr\ xai rcaaa fiiGo8os, olxoioj; 8£, 279

IlEpi xpia£tov TaTs OTuat? ercpooTa^ev, 299 Ilepi c|>t>xrj<;, oaa SuvaTOv auv e7Ct<xrr||jLT| XafleTv,

258 ILaTeuto ti<; iva Gedv 7taT£pa rcavroxpaTopa,

293 IIXr)id8<ov dTXa-fevewv iTctTeXo^Evaaiv

apxeaG', 289 IloGo? [xev efxotr^? dpe-cf);, xat Xiav acpoSpos,

253 IloXXdxi? eGauLxaaa, xbi tcote Xoyon;, 253 IloXXtov aip£aE(ov ouatov ev fxouaixri, 7re.pi,

270 rtosa etai xaT<x Xe^v* xat rcoTa* otxotto?,

319 TOaa trx^fxaTa Xo-you x&v e^atUTptov etai-, 319 IToaa? 8ta90pdi; exet rj auvexSoxr)- ta-, 319 npo Tfj; dxptPoG; ex0£ae&)<; Ttov Ttpoxdaetov,

256 IIp6 xpTlP-aTOi; 8uo xat auTtov xrj ixeydXri, 304 nptoxa o\tt:6 6Xa xuxatvet vd Ti5ElipTl?, 297 IlptoTov Set GeaoGat, ti ovotia, xai, 258 nptoTOv 8 eT GeaGat xt ovojjux xat, 256 TlGx; vd (jtfy tjGeXev dcp^oEtv, 304

Se. 8£<T7C0Ta xto [iaciXeT xai xtiot7] xat

STiLuoup-fio, 302 ajxupva dpaptxa xai Toupxa [xoupaaipr),

304 Soi [xdxap det'oo) yatT]? eptxESe.? epeiajxa, 255 cjuva-yofjteGa £v to> vdpGr]xt, xat <[>dXXo(Ji£v, 302 axf\\ia. £ariv, dfxdpTri[xa- [xexd Xo-j-ou, 319 2<oxpaTT)?, aco<ppovtaxou (jiev rjv uio<;,

XtGoupYoG, 253

Td dvaYVwaG£vra TcXsiovd iart, xai ETcei xp^l,

288 Td fi£v 8r) xf]5 7cpOT£pa<j r\\L&\> arcouSfj?, 424 Td 7cp6<KOTOX toG ptpXtou toG dajAaxoi;.

vu[x<p£o<;, 273 Td? 07C7itavoG xfj? xuvTifta? p£[3Xou?, h. vi\q,

269 T£pjxa uoXux{xt|t010 [AEtaxpovtov 7i;oX£(jLoto,

255 Tfj dyta xat \LVf6Xr\ xuptax^ toG xadxa, 308 xt eaxt Xefo* ou|jL7cXoxri aTotxettov, 319 Ti sctl npoowSta; 7rotd xdat«; i-n-p^^00

9tovfj<;, 265 Tive? [xe xapexdXeaav X6*fov hvr\yrfifiva\., 294 To 8e Siva opo? twv £xet opwv, 294 To itapov pipXiov, 6 \t.iyo^ ouvTL6r)(jt Siovuotoc,

260 To xfje yd.oao<pia.t; e'pyov, evtot 9aatv, 253


Index VII

ibv pouX6fxevov npoo^uto; dmoxpL07}vai izp6<;,

304 •cpiaa-yie fyuxh V-ou xov 0e6v, 304 Tcov (ipiaxtov avBptov. xal xf]<; apexfj*;, 264 Ttov xaXtov xat xtfxi'&w X7]v &t8r)atv, 258 Ttbv xavovcov oi jjtiv eiat Ttov drftcov, 301 Tcov xupKoxdcxtov rcXixoovo? Soyfxdtxtov.

toiocuxtj, 253 Twv 7iepi ^uxfj? 7cpa"if|xaTeuaa(jLEvtov, oi jxev,


Oa|j,a oa? apExa? fx£y' ap' efrxe xoipocve,

295 Oet'Sco ^uvexotai Qupa? 8' MttBeaGai P£(3t]Xol

x&iv, 272

<Ppdt<Jt(J XpOTCCOV 7COLT]XtX60V' OUTOl [llv OUV 01,


Xpyj xdv yeopyov, ipya^6(jievov xov iSiov, 301 Xpiaxe 6 Geo? tijjuov, \ii\ <x7toppt<})T|s, 300

Yux^l M-ou- txt xwv dc-fa0cov xou Geou, 292



Endpapers MS 390, ff. 12v-13r

Plate 1 Features of Greek Binding

Plate 2 Fastenings: Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Bohemia

Plate 3 Fastenings: Germany, Flanders, Denmark, England

Plate 4 MS 402, f. 71r (4/5 natural size)

Plate 5 MS 414, f. 18r (4/5 natural size)

Plate 6 MS 280, f. 2v (2/3 natural size)

Plate 7 MS 433, f. 310v (slightly reduced)

Plate 8 MS 404, ff. 58v-59r (2/3 natural size)

Plate 9 MS 339, f. 4r (slightly enlarged)

Plate 10 MS 479, f. 46r (slightly reduced)

Plate 11 MS 406, f. 80r (3/5 natural size)

Plate 12 MS 400, f. 77r (7/10 natural size)

Plate 13 MS 418, f. 47r (1/2 natural size)

Plate 14 MS 427, f. 16r (1/2 natural size)

Plate 15 MS 425, f. 264v (1/2 natural size)

Plate 16 MS 436, ff. 9v-10r (3/5 natural size)

Plate 17 MS 435, f. 22r (5/6 natural size)

Plate 18 MS 375, ff. 51v-52r (4/5 natural size)

Plate 19 MS 411, ff. 89v-90r (2/3 natural size)

Plate 20 MS 310, f. 66v (5/7 natural size)

Plate 21 MS 434, f. 149v

Plate 22 MS 498, f. 78r (slightly enlarged)

Plate 23 MS 464, f. 22v (slightly reduced)

Plate 24 MS 417, f. 33 v (3/4 natural size)

Plate 25 MS 286, f. 256r (3/5 natural size)

Plate 26 MS 281, f. 6r (4/7 natural size)

Plate 27 MS 365, f. 14v (3/4 natural size)

Plate 28 MS 415, f. 7r (1/2 natural size)

Plate 29 MS 327, f. 16v (1/2 natural size)

Plate 30 MS 338, f. 36r (1/2 natural size)

Plate 31 MS 428, f. 54r (4/7 natural size)

Plate 32 MS 407, f. 546v (a. 1428) (5/7 natural size)

Plate 33 MS 343, f. lr (a. 1437) (7/16 natural size)

Plate 34 MS 334, f. lr (a. 1459) (slightly enlarged)

Plate 35 MS 313, f. 27r (a. 1465) (slightly reduced)

Plate 36 MS 409, ff. 2v and 153r (a. 1467)

Plate 37 MS 446, f. lr (3/5 natural size)

Plate 38 MS 284, f. lr (a. 1470) (1/2 natural size)



Plate 39 MS 321, f. lr (a. 1475) (5/7 natural size)

Plate 40 MS 391, f. 35v (2/3 natural size)

Plate 41 MS 457, f. 61 r (a. 1575) (7/8 natural size)

Plate 42 MS 325, f. 2v (a. 1446) (3/4 natural size)

Plate 43 MS 408, f. lOOr (3/4 natural size)

Plate 44 MS 259, f. 116r (a. 1257) (6/7 natural size)

Plate 45 MS 254, f. 67v (a. 1301) (5/6 natural size)

Plate 46 MS 265, f. 117r (a. 1453?) (3/4 natural size)

Plate 47 MS 251, p. 718 (a. 1585) (5/6 natural size)

Plate 48 MS 292, ff. 73v-74r

Plate 49 MS 294, ff. 5v-6r (a. 1619) (5/7 natural size)

Plate 50 MS 296, f. 88r (a. 1641) (slightly reduced)

Plate 51 MS 251, p. 1324 (a. 1651) (5/6 natural size)

Plate 52 MS 299, f. vii recto (a. 1665) (slightly reduced)

Plate 53 MS 294, ff. 2v-3r (5/7 natural size)

Plate 54 MS 278, f. 87v (a. 1453) (natural size)

Plate 55 MS 277, f. 76r (2/3 natural size)

Plate 56 MS 261, f. lr (a. 1471)

Plate 57 MS 258, f. 83v (a. 1473?) (1/2 natural size)

Plate 58 MS 291, f. 186r (a. 1489) (5/6 natural size)

Plate 59 MS 255, f. lv (1/2 natural size)

Plate 60 MS 424, f. 26r (a. 1541) (3/5 natural size)

Plate 61 MS 490, f. 3r (3/4 natural size)

Plate 62 MS 494, upper cover (1/2 natural size)

Plate 63 MS 393, upper cover (3/7 natural size)

Plate 64 MS 284, lower cover (1/2 natural size)


Features of Greek Binding


Turn-in Corner tongue




MS 4


Ms 179

Ms 57

Ms 495

Mss 68, 87, 136, 221, 328, 359


MS 161

Ms 169

i o



Ms 67

Ms 43

Ms 284


Ms 127


Ms 454


Ms 153


Ms 225



Ms 377





Ms 350

^— =lS

Ms 77


Ms 134

Ms 196

Ms 330



Ms 218


Ms 39


Ms 60


Ms 331

Ms 455

Ms 88


MS 402, f. 71r (4/5 natural size)



m Jn-t«w(r m term hmuamn - CktmAfocfei tiY iwi4fm Am 4*ietVfrKbdUif !«&*<- filst „*m<ni rryf ««ld ; m«erried*icM«t0 anno mpn «' ^rjWh*^ tritlicU; t**4c(t«u f&tt*c fi? mpf *t«U . wfij; **fl «mftim*t*t©«e ttmfer cirm .«tttt£c2*«feif fAttwfm re^tTmrt*^^"

crfttfio frit ««ifwi"rt- uicimam :'«■ fu^ uui (" lur^r luciiru hh r*tn|

rr cbii altera! '"'watlmtvurr (rpirumw juii.Tu^ Accmqv titiioi «*of -'*■*■ Ju» "B^f cr Unfit- - .wi«jt "<«a ^tw ewp i*ctpui f JHefbrnti «JH •*f*rt*:" ckm*. H«*c«*ni dr«?p rr £*n*i in dm

tmtmrai . «p xnrwlurM frtita - ermniwuin flTpt* fit^amr nri: reafifc? ttifiv. ^ri«frtb; **■• rr &#«Wtb': er ^ptb rrp- Cr l»c4Mr"r .*l wfti nr er fi pnaWtr . **e r*ip rer** 6* .wr

&Ir*n <k«rf'. h*utr the Atii ^ it iwtnrWfjuri »«.m4km*f.^©k?frFTtru* cua-«*reifira ^de^»0n&««WBf«*c ;?jit'£'rtimif me:*)*

TtHTtf ^15*1 rtl O^^fciftwuwrr «« <4*4m *jwr i" tiwlit w*t*fftr {ttpeof Vfor <i«£wi*«Jwr urr Wi c&4 rtam vwtib -pr <t«4 Va^ti.«nmief cUi'ulrrf I W«r &r <l«f. OUiui «i uriirr f*

MS 414, f. 18r (4/5 natural size)




medonim. 'dumirnu

at ri,kf H(Jfg?u frtrrVtiHYriattfan jm Ct|>mn *%irr Ctmk^ij 4*?ktr c|UM1%* jmu>dni$ atiwm $ifftn"£ 4Jitwcbf if^tiinic uln c^tmn fin* *|«^ifi?

CMiweroi iHiliiniin^^|ui.tifikm". mm

\\im\vmn p-^ptp . imniftm«p <w$fr

jrthtun uillairr f&f. ivftatarmbtf*

plenty nivki< ftrraiere 4uft*£^«*«>

imirt umfma&sm mmtdLiwcemii

jpen- jcrlkdcrum * gfcnemvar-nt itm> ufrf,&&muu urn -tfodwnt «ir fen&mt* .*• yrvftm* m^oJ^mm

ftbtJufmuut d%mt 4&* ws^ggtp?;;

aittftap \xkp0wm dtummf bt* m%Lvm nvtdvtimm^euwM0haw dwm tm tactftocm t!dt^v^mhdfk; faxtwu*. a»«(ilw bona* ..xprnzm feW-punnf*". qiitinfttqrMatt Hinting:

fvAium mt*faitti4»nvm qm&reu ;

ittwtktr. ivfij^it^fmi$,tii0«im i

.tU^nr entaimoetitVf esiii uhuf.#u motccm. vxa^nur. bw* fnccdftc kmnht*/ tw« mmu* uirnm> fi«wfe

tin tuiuii oatu*.€

iWOUt6 *

Ataanrc imptf'tia

menu t; nimra. <? pccmttu fus *'•«£?

yidiu*. t fhnuuir. £tcciti*cq

MS 280, f. 2v (2/3 natural size)


* '0 ■■:■:■ ($ ':; L 0 t „„. rwnfome ui ftt«6a«ft« sf

f AmWt'tlt'aHvtM^U- '■-/-:■..-.

»«©fcfl> nugttu Q&nte Anon*- W *f«n«» *««% <(H* 4utr-ilM jftl our

■&« vwtfnu ^^dtfl&i.<lwc^g^

1 arttftrf {OttL&niiriifcft a<fef Cuun- WNb#i iUdtf Ataa.4puithf 4MH««r

1 £t«Ul<iytU&t^d^<^-fRUUil.

I ntwmtf i wow ugiUA (dtAflMtn»

I m*ffe|t«tsaaf MtWfcatqi tBCwnaiajat.

If «aw^ vau^- iutAwfuttt.1 . jRflirftrtw^il^BB^ fjfimwii'tfittww.

„. -— .„ - -ir-r^--»

'',5 «#fhwttwfl^Hi«flVif «#trtMtbf««t

utifl weduttt -. «f AnuHuV«iti-^h i twanr i *Mtam'iin(<u(lr w^; wwr M&w ftwiw imtftn irayittip fraud: ... £*$ cW^(vaab1^!jA^<mik>i«' rfti \tCvitSdntf tAsstf wtv toSfijia^

i.-A( . wmt mflfcn aw* (4r!tett ticf &

#tfiMtiuM at- ft' tu pw«r «n»«u* ■■'• te-t Aif ^jwfttrtd^iffVr^iiw

utgwtift&iftdtmf t -$waiw«rui«w£

ef^am #t!rt ti&t^r <V*irtft.T. ■««** -:

ft8i w«unw; .t. .tttw* wtrt-Mwr.*


_ fftWSMwWW.

,._- Js^fligfi^ latest"

,'f">kV-«tte.i,\ir tur<

TUftflHf l«Ml lifrtf iiftll

-fii'tfttiwfefttlUlTWI ttt'

|>!OlfirtrtirHl«JTHtMffl ilS.ljBlfiBficHlCitldot

'Ajm.j-eftMiicmitifti ;!»*rVii-m an **■»)■ ^



MS 433, f. 310v {slightly reduced)














m V9>


pbmmtt latreruut

gtm am muotmt pae a cornice uctd ttfatgct*uti Uauttc-li unfftotmr ape

jmltpfattfijat cftotmt 1 acour? tcpcar pttft- < jl mm

MS 339, f. 4r (slightly enlarged)



Jfer tVttwr.W SttF ihh? wl* ww**-"

&* *$*£** m& «&<

'''■ " jCl.jwS h*««5wr nmm!t%-'v^&2t!ii0$i^t

JH3m«V#l?*)to writes .'.<- <p? 4mxt:mx^ £-«)?.# «tn1»Mfe-r-i«|;tt«»tir

«1S «gi4» «r»«wf j*i?<wfi». •vmAr.''

.ty *»« nmkf <W*fb6 4titov«fttHwr ^.,.

' ^ c# .any- £ ■«*» wfiwf hmv* t*W~* £ cte:m^■Wf&ne$■^fl*tnem«^tm'' * «^|»^f^^«w fe|*». ■■■■'■■'

$"*nsif yWtse m*3t fSr ft**.


h Site *»frm B.«3 |>V £i* " ■W«A ■■ Hjt*»r aft w .M*« *»•" tub* «»• f-* WuA»» "'*•* "

MS 479, f. 46r (j%Mj> rtrfuooO


■■■ Mt'MM'iiaji

4WW£rpv.£ v^f fife* 1ft.' #. .:ii^^etW^^ ^V„A

MS 406, f. 80r (3/5 natural size)


MS 400, f. 7 7r (7/10 natural size)



1.' cic tt'cwuv 01 mo? ixa-f«c

jf ci par inufoUjif ct con iron ffa»:

"V «tm6*a:s*iii>Mtcfh' <^mr

# r hu> Sws Cut u ft aft <T u^crsu: pur'iXJu? -Tin' juaai C&ont ntc pxff fd pnoit aire <£>uc\mi& 'ft© onaftcs »v cftiv


■S*t !«.€ fciva* cntvttfiitt

/w-. J|3§.<«&-* '-»#..• v. .-■■ ■>-.*?-.*■.* * >•

MS 418, f. 47r (7/2 nafura/ size)




| K*$ **»i^**iitncwicMt itUmmii ci cmmtr & mtfftffMtftu

j&»m ft t ? jia«ii»n~fu iwrim *r*» unm v»)j*u-.»:* .v--^

lie deputes t IV rtiih ft- ''"*■** am*o ncmieiif vt £\u*cn2Vnt- *£* -* ^ duon? */ ■■. »..■■:/ ;fiif$ii f*u;*'- <foiituT»«:mo.< : d inaiwir *V i'mir 4 ^Jht Imaitifti.-' * '. vt**iMfi^c •■?JrtitolfC ion? *.-ii*itfi*i»ifr.f <:ffffi<fnr lfc^iW'*>3L

MS 427, f. 16r (i/? Batara/ size)


MS 425, f. 264v (1/2 natural size)


m*mn> m*i& St MffumCttfr -Stormim ■tmi€*tiaut..Jpua*i aim m«t**a mam* t*u*0 ^rp «&-wm? *%$nau<mtt? mm * St Apmtv tfk^atro^ ftu# <?0

' t*ii0 ; *m«wm iJt jia^ro

>h**i r **$ &tf$cw : {> **&4***»

tp&ir) fu***f Aa>tfW«a<» *

J team t


.j^Mwaaw; m^t«- ^««a #w^ 1% ma trifcnmt *it*t) vefm%wtf%

avftu- 4>mma**mm aturtv i

wtt*? %i%t- am "xtew n&tj «v$t ]

«a *u*ar*n £<» mu a^t &mig ' fkc fcmucn mr-1 *? n&*mn <

\ Coqutnmr n0tu&f€ttx*tw&

<ft ***# AJfnmpnw tft m or rfctW<mi «>fct*wart'-fei»i4^itt

MS 436, ff. 9v-10r (3/5 natural size)


ri '. /■

MS 435, f. 22r (5/6 natural size)


MS 375, ff. 51v-52r {4/5 natural size)



' Hin-itiitnmiitpp*orr.'iiirtT 'n tiuwn nQ(t\a ojm.i fifrkmpn mnpifliH cc iwcT'tKTpctfim fmtiuj

[* it mpomit firm ptttrt ir xn* qu\ umamtu wnu 'iiAtifefnmit 0 momomw

fctXCf 0#*lTfll«Mt^ CtfcpWIOf CIS (TC«|pfnf$ CH'0.'Atmi$ M

proquibHScftrmQnTpKcrsu fmumii* Qtioftf nrt ptis ho I iHuftniliiitiui'&inuinuia urlftminiMi ifl'mi(ofiCD>)tt!r (tifcnm iitrnTrtninutis otiti btitffmtn&rmspnriUiftfw rimmtna nrfittoziiit fiio*t titr tittltflitt « $ u r D»« aniftOM

MS 411, ff. 89v-90r (2/3 natural size)


MS 310, f. 66v (5/7 natural size)

L \


MS 434, f. 149v


MS 498, f. 78r (slightly enlarged)


MS 464, f. 22 v {slightly reduced)


Ettraltit* ten *%*******

MS 417, f. 33v (3/4 natural size)


miODni qncdt



3fenfe9M»4Hrrtt* :

|i$«iittt^||fiinjrflwfl^ */rp»eaaai fife

rrttfr ■*'■ L-tttorcPfmctfls

-* fttttipdt* 0£tntf

9 tfutitts# itptnt£st-

jrfl»H j^&&tmim4'1^- ___,

Ijwtm twain OHM*:

flwe fit it% mwrttwu: totittf

itjumatit mmmtm$lm«

tttr* j_»- ibJlifii btf &' i'm ;:iwc lis «TfPr;^i 5 tm ftu"

JiHTUlP ; ______ *|l«i»«-

"»# JflhfcttM e»il> **» «JH»tC«ttt ; *«B» CflttlOHO latwfcp &0&lf _ 8*8 men ttwiuiw 1 fftfim qaf _


,%mm< txrqutbt Wumfcv tit** tttfrt* UstlgflffiliTtttr' Hb *m* ni ttnn utm nrii t*t»

, . iirffte jS_ !i-





1 ftto t&ift ^_n ttttusnttn m m*e ta m taw flatt* ■«?



MS 286, f. 256r (5/5 watara/ jiz*)

»., .-Jf -*■'.„. p ;


jffuf ttiffltt^ ** _pm .feiti?

tit* fliilUi* « m«fc , |«Dt^ ofjfcflff ftutnf«!|r

^fgBdgilttmcft to fjr- t?pK tut te . turn titm^mir wtr nottSft t$ tamajntt >. fjuilc &ufc afmie 6f pf fci.«« teVmc . . Oft<nrit«fc ftettrr pie^mutH' ih*i» fr» *rtftr-* ■■ ■■■

' t\mo tfr Vrrnt te% fe fhffe tafc IM* f ' ■.

tefiftT m a fitrtnmr « twtMi &f isftMctiti ...

,j$a pm* (Biiw irmc |ttw« femytrnt $0® .?■■ ■■ ' ;.v

: 0% ffrfllfc ofcw* *nft *f)fe t*k jiwt«|Jt v

tyutitutiSi ttttft ^ftfpit tUc ttftfe ,:§*iKta w«t« , :4is fbnte voit tnft&ittflf wtwe raw* ttdfe C . . -■ Olimi otficr Hoittr dk ■«# $ if ef ftfife '. Oj imjfift &m n»ii$ tfr ftet# Wftffe . ;■

***" «f fbi rtk jh#«Btttinciiteft ft tfctm. J\m lm^- mJtKibitr ««* witftudttefMn v.- >ifb t&*c jnitr t$*t Jjttiwgr mttv ef # •■ '




MS 281, f. 6r (4/7 natural size)


■«.«^»»i»y»«ii»'*'-»'.^- -.


> ■» ■»■<■ ' t,..'«-.i*'V "'

^4 v4,::. :':.:«,;;-

I;, ■:■■■ "

«r*p*h %fi V*« <***sr** c^wio^>- ■■■■■■■ "—■»*•

TRfo<[ *«ft>w> f*>m^


MS 365, f. 14v (3/4 natera/ «>*)




^frtm'tm fine- fattte p*ffiftt"t^- e*«*c£M?«r^^


tf te^Tf^L t^ntttj atr» matt** ^*«*" «* ^U5^- m mife reafntr- S 1 m ^^ jfe^ . . ^^ .


neat* ^fc 0 #t« #■ ft * - <*** f*ftftt« «rddir .


MS 415, f. 7r (i/? n«fam/ size)



rtt»t>«n-<i dn*|V- nauxr'i" f%nt*Vv- ,«.** jMV ^rti-tu- «-• a., .-f^u. p*^i,-- t-fcjcw&- V.uvn 't^ c'-/- *cte%h,

'-;> "*V^ *• ■■ *-^l"\. '^ * pVtM|'vCW^^rt< I.

'*c™**^ivn; if"*

a«cVm fj*t» «"«'^ ]• c 3* ^^f^lF^ f'"MK~~ '"'" R*^****- -fry**'


MS 327, f. 16v (7/2 natara/ j^)


" ' ' ' i cimawiff





, _ -w..-- ■J^nt'n'oc&fcu

*. n^ohniiuf 3bf<^iwcic<atow»tremfkiitBff

•^ tcq iftttl *aan*& otrMfcftn m W >ttt£n eaccsr.i fn^rrtTcmAa^p»^.aiar<|rtfe^tHi.'iuiUtw:

£■■ milvf:T<atwUHCou^a&an«ftiot«6tasa.

*:partu«jtKi1b©.iSuouw.l'tttf02«on "xqa'(xmiitn>enuccuiato;cbutc(»tmr.

i ml:



Ty^ - nB'.-dFiEcof pgtimt . ..


<3Thi^Hj%»iwi«>W'Aaa.«?wM atri&n vow "d afcfifcfvmiHiacM a ttapvctfttftt0f abfcmTp

tuTwduCfl m&m&trnxL *«£« cradft* ->r»3 opt* 1 >£3»4'optitonrawtnf«so 5wm3jpwK»

-£>* $>

■>t«ifcn u^toBx.^^rcglvinrftere-i.nwtk-

MS 338, f. 36r (i/2 nafara/ ^)



, "Y* mm tx «.mus$ mitt irtmtjMivtc q iui rtswimt ; r..i t\i -

Wile i'«mm:.Uum||Hitoma:. '

trne(i.i t l»1e t-k&lns? ottncHjfcJ

tO ti ufttn'csftamu* fArttff eh? u4 Di*w? so .jgtint tft» its

fe mm.t twmra tt „»W usibgr-

L tliu i"«*» ft*jlu" h ortw ram* mgn * t'#]t?j s'uo ftvtt& 11 m Uit|c ysttJt > sis-tnet .-totfe rtsftnreiHngn, ji«ta-ti»$wnK nlftrtwtM ftnrntn-i

O tn«f<gUttt4 aUgrims bimupv* - eh- AtfjpM fllttJ rtt-qm V>4i!.vt<jjr4. amnp miiettnact ft aire t«JH« .1

J 3 fKOCtj ptftp* ttrt»tmftl}1t£}

wmwAuhj mb»1jm ftptfl*g|3-

am" Man |rEtTt*.-'7 fin* ikttcs. ' tisc Lifqi i.\iatx mp.ti 1 tufttrft .

_a 3 ,\ wcri ran tt w f ck" J •* »w iu 1

_ j^ 1,1 WJtti^IftW flH HWttl &tt!UU -

^C mi.mtm,!M.c tit wt#.s t'mfo. tu,i fis f its uagfu wi,t t*cgti .t .*»i - fi n>tf9rtr jrn'rgw cfe Wtttt-mX

LttiflW S»tU uhmTWS cr-Jtblse-

uj >} pciT {HfW S"0!I ftitK let.wrv .

tUirtitUi'fu nmHctsfminciJtw, ■u nnwut d,u.i toncaffrwnji *m»->fia>m?i»iurim'n<Hi(:ttt, HnonctUtt." WiipucH.t tw«M

' HOUtnttimiun flpiinu>MpH*k» n,'U

.i-iirtfhvtfi.vnH* n;t*xi cowc ix,mut

JL^ -0i«U Dtft'filt


HtJ*,»-W|U-Wd-»SW- '*

' .T®i«3t»t!fli.iiMft«i«i.?mSsiiste.r

7 ami' t«*.H*-4nwi4tet.eort«ti! l«g!}»- *■"'* ic p«n.mri€aB4 fttiiitteM.

' ■SXipiSif.') TO« JEWHtM td fttW M

|.ftH« qtuttBP Jllmno ,1 (Wta

MS 428, f. 54r (4/7 natural size)



* i^

-'trt:rfptf i^hirta^i* 1»%«ts&R "*""* "ftM£IIi&|ttCtf epii^



r afl'Iafilw „....

MS 407, f. 546v (a. 1428) (5/7 natural size)


S f^


mipxfuMiM tir

^ It* .Httfc ftnte m<mtf* tn *l*io «pi &L , -vvi lento GwmcS <wwr»crtf

J aIhA tinte itfflr Cf tvftr mgvttittt in-

tor mw fttmr ^tttytl €(k -nmrn. «i*j» <mr ob t& <«ic w fun mnf<\ fcmpr** I Sitcom nA «o» i»#Vr *ui£m*c tomen

eHx)r enw jWttH|It_fan*t roxtmcewanf. cyiftwh **r«o nvucrwh piitttjn^-.

*ii;A f.v ■■■-■* frarctomr 4m#<fm/»^ ftiH1 groeimttrV BtmfvntbutlA can

filh:«o& ft^ £?-ir ffav*. ■;■'■,, ®M&£hti int-.


MS 343, f. lr (a. 1437) {7/16 natural size)


fit* *

CUi|? mill* Htiit n ^

Sin 4n< < uri^Ai-c tcy<»tn fe«cep**im|*titp'ic*»**HH

tan? ^X cifigmnt* *fc tufiouc m &tn\ ttlnt itc p$mV ptfi-tt*^ '-&tii coAiti Ht nimup *

*t>» Vt>dnC<J«€ iift%«;rttt^*t OjuC\ ttttt" r*H*

tltCtl' P!«H^ III <Sf%*& <T mftQt1f£ ^T4M/f jit:

p3£>!?tlmtt*H t~ »"K<" mifarn t>


aluan^MCg mtc/lccfitrtic* icsticii\t'i!fpt

ttU mtwiiittiitv /V*m«iim«0 tn'ri^tficl)

-&«Htt<t fH»h paptf fldfvti*nfntitfu Jjafcct

m H*j# Jti {.-■•«£ rrnm ^tf<4j#t *5tf«iuv» (»»t ml* $

Kt- ^5»* « ;ihH' *»l** pi It A &*-»£ Ucc ItiCptl -r*tflirrtinCMttv m>*fetmt"* to^etc ^'lleaf

MS 334, f. lr (a. i459) (slightly enlarged)



.■ pe< C*&trmit:-m lUm^iatiutTn auvcet: \oca$ qpwcs Cxphs'Ao

: < , l" i t - re rdi cr puMia? -S$. taUtcncio am. '■iui. !. iis.ita popuio prwfc-ifcUw uulcrcnt;. uvxi ^' nut^ts <*<; tlli-c^ aut ribt .-tar yu> ■■■ Ins tji«a iu-'-s <»t pb'vvi plus ufcnmuri^twr.jpC" . pcxir du-Ti adi copwtm 4"m a«*t d*ctmf wc «sat a u,c f 10 tmdi-u citlJT€|»,i;rtr «# tfpwttionr- p&fni

tK a% fencit <^ut ne> plAn^- pcobmruu: to out <g.u5 4- en t* at IxW? *|«c «i*UiI &^u*£*ur H*> ' tsctn Ctt-trumis n«3%<iU4ta«t".-tt^i*nw,rittt £*m-

dscendo nofutt pvob&bde ^fttfetttstm horivxduM

L«rup f Oiuwt <a oh pttteioctn fisri *aieitati« et cL

tMt'd*4^ti0ioqu0€: Cit&.-n.du. tzzmtdc tfmm%f0x ■d%n&-,Atxm%i dc-rtwvcf d^0mmlmxdt tw^tv tri* ci^c^ tnvaovtiihbv de--&mtmv* jwttiffko

MS 313, f. 27r (a. 7465) (slightly reduced)


* jr ♦».* arm Tppyw- ■»"|7(apTt wp*i-4j

11 B'SWV*




MS 409, ff. 2v and 153r (a. 1467}


MS 446, f. lr (3/5 natural size)



it*. &«*« fli«i« w "Wttme twssfsij #*• ^rrcimvv^

jiv* St 4*" SA&tH* ifwuiffc ^.s^»- **- .«# dfg/imn^yavc ^

';''> jhAntuttt . wwsiff^wft .a©*a*»»»s 4*--«*«sm ---

■■«; »- ■■■. ' ■''■■«*■_ *«*- sjfaci**<**»f itr^dU^ ■' %^Ur s-- W dtigfhww pf«*>5%^

•u-,ttt *■ kjw -iiK«jr 'V>*w<--4,; K*m» *. *t *\f»t*s§ Aewwn Se-sM; ,>« .*ftg *d*biw, *e .sineae .««* .ivuife 5k, r.ifjr iis^- i**j |'m>^ drift* (Wjf' 9«m«<Wc

■:..t--.*J*--T- .T-rflTM .-MWCW «r«WM-«i*10Wuril** Jm**W M**S*-'JI« . W&ft- iji ^*€ «f

.-n~.*r ,-*v'J- <*■ ■"--■•=-.*(-^ a«Hj.h-. -t. vie- ."*.■■ T^n *«■*>., -^«*«tpfess«p'wM*r!. >sasr ?.. ..1. -ij*4»-W«i at --.-«!■ «■■':■ a.i, ft, ::-.!«■ ;.-,.-:.'.■■. '**4w irn. W*sr *tj***» Wrsft .

;.-*■-,* •»n',,i!!« *■-=** V;.e*#v.»' ,t»h jmetm d*\i-«t Pf^wsrw*^ ■.«***♦■ wk.w ..:r*-. . *( ;=« . -t,, . ,v«-;-,r :.^» ^v,-j| js,fsvfcn* «nw.-^<iiwtrc««t- ■'■■€« *# ,i*tnil «i*u' s-« -■■ ■!■■>■ '' errw.*«»*T »w.lftr ,#,«« #: .tuixi ^w rtffi^ Wf»«rHtiit>vF

.vdv,jt" -■-»-*r,-*i*s ■■*.■■ P-«-»^ >>i*'-% 5«** s*s#: .-«« 4tt* .;i«**i 0»*d>kHW<*4*Mi-

-f-vPT.vv "c-i, >-,*,--.■- '.- ■■■■ .^ ,.Mrsss 'Wt-fSis* S*yt^1*tiM\.v,«'::kt,wrti^'«fe,ji«l«s<IS(3^

*--1-»' •'-tap ■■.lusAi ■■■-.-: ■■,>. s-.otj.^ t4*<4d'ctj s*e^ ftWjWa f^te sum «- ;V. -<^i5 5»wns *'*>•*■« *^mmi <inc».i*i^'writ »wv*«4. s«*r-*s* -itT&wwr ;^.i«r ^-_tw-


;■ " ■^-SH^-.^rfei-^ii^gaafefe^** L'-:V': :

MS 284, f. lr (a. 1470) (1/2 natural size)


o a.

-I *-?

C "*• IT

£■* * £ J>

fa-ar-t- ■■£ ti

., WC'

■*> » £H *■« i

V ' " '

**"•*-* s I^AU-g k

- 1 $ ^ j «r* £ «c |


_ k 2 £ <3L * 3


c *

5 1

?•?*? 1.13 5z"i f £ *,j*|*^

c k = § -Ft




£ ^



MS 391, f. 35v (2/3 natural size)



tr- io



N3 <


st axvid



****** ^** ^i** ***«*< <■».*-■

faic-witi ft«js,mv ■■!>«,* .-.«,..< >-**« ^■■■■■•v.-- r*^ *«* ^ *

>.#^v *-W rt*»it ntofc. srr«<? 4*-"-1-if-a>.>:«'- ■■ '? fi. ,- ^ . *..#.

MS 408, f. 100r (3/4 natural size)



■f %#> .- ■■'■X--.-' . > : >,"-i'-:-

'ir ..->

:,/.'. ',*!■■

irf ^ '';■■ iS&SPfr- ::^ili^









MS 259, f. 11 6r (a. 1257) (6/7 natural size)



''^'.^M-.-JH.m-M-: ■■..■'■■"?", .... :.i--.'j% _:.-1*v.*\V**iC ^t'.': .A .#i*L^'j±-.rtoii*.,:*K'.:im:'s<#m




MS 254, f. 67v (a. i30i) (5/6 natural size)


trio 6^*%««>^irt>^}*a *:*mi

^t*ffw*miif*f :^*mi

MS 265, f. 117r (a. 7453?) (5/# nato/ jiz*)




T "S fS ct 18S2 S * 3 F c*

2 3

j 144 If r














, 1 *

1 f^iil





"3 CO

























.....^pqp^^pMfl W0mM Wi Milliliillllll











^ov > Aezjfov ^sJUixm mt it*

#tm to w*f «m-» «* kjk 4m* *

& IAS i *?c ^ «un«mi *M*fr*

' * ■'■■■ f ■".■■■■■ ' *

1 ai \ *■ ■: »V* .: , --'V

MS 296, f. 88r (a. 7647) {slightly reduced)


hmm^MtM^m^^MMSm* nJ\ZUci±Mj>u<7*au7k>it}oTi»Ln

MS 251, p. 1324 (a. 1651) (5/6 natural size)


fluffy u^s Q* ^ gj^j r &ty* Ijf %^« Qi'**p¥--

* * * * *^» o^

J IV * #?* *l? * Ttynj* » *****' r-t^* }#*ff» &>AtJw *4f/W x^iiW


MS 299, f. vii recto (a. 1665) {slightly reduced)







i hi

If! ,<f "i

^1 m ® f r t*





^ ■■■■■-■■■«. . j ■-.-V-"











1 1 v»f :|f If ittff fl 1 M i



MS 261, f. lr (a. 1471)


:'■■: '■<»■..,■.■"-.'"■ ..N-».;:^.-.-,-w.*f..v«rf<v>-»

■' ' ' <$ ■■:%.->. -5?' j:-.' ■■*«(» <"*'' -TSP*

■■:■ '■ w^'Sffttt^v* *

■.i*»-rJ./,-:.-f|liU-:; '...■;..

*fU**> ^'' ««»*r

MS 258, f. 83v. (a. 1473?) (1/2 natural size)


■■;K.A«M-*e ; +■■

,K«pu^. *■

^ ova* Y%t ' *

*T p ( tmut ' +-

„..e. ?***** ■■*-

|^' vmet '■ +■■

.A rtuoL#*M- ; *• A* vie '-*-

r r rtt «W «L*rlC' «■

* A* at mt-- nvLmmtat** *wm «■«*«**»* ■?*"

ftVreuAjLiit'Wp'ttAUiTv^ -■♦■

MS 291, f. 186r (a. 74<93) (5/6 natural size)



|^^:^ :^ *^^fe#*5^§^i -^lil^^ ^:**# ?H W; ;

_^ ._....t. ^ .-y^^^B::'Sii




MS 255, f. lv (1/2 natural size)



-*Y I





..»■-., ,** •».■ >?■■.. 4 **•- ,*.- ■.-*:■■ ■■-■■!■■"■

■**-.^* * £ ^

.- A, ^3^



■1' !vi

1 . ->. ■■:>.■■









':M. MM.


.... V-'




::\:A^mmm:mmmmxmt ' " ■■#::§||piiilii:

. x:,y^mmx^



■:■■ -| . ■■;■ - A^.-v'^IM^^v^'t^ &■:.#*.■■■'"*








K s


■■- * **. Air (J ,, ««*



MS 490, f. 3r (3/4 natural size)


MS 494, upper cover (1/2 natural size)


MS 393 , upper cover (3/7 natural size)


MS 284, lower cover {1/2 natural size)