3 s 7 t 4 < a 7 q ? Cad é 4 ; i a a Sie oF ’ . j i . ; ; e ; { e ‘ “ ; , _ : Red y 2 { . t é ; 1 - — . \ a J I + ‘ 4 \ - ® 2 : Lad ' ? te n ° iy me $ © S < . . \ , ~ ‘ | oy < / ” * ‘ A : ' a ¢ Smithsonian Institution Libraries : Je fe AMERIGA®, | Fy KARBEROUB:: iv LEIBESTER, PHONE 129. 3s. Stitiman B F err 1145 W. Highland abe: : Redlands, California | Bak ant IS > Bequest of : S. Stillman Berry a>. i‘ is a " * . See lreclale ,V. - Pr. Halac. Spe 12 ie -3 oe o Dalt, Ww.H, — Shectes vasmyeeien in the orHand Cataleque dL, Feveien Shecies . —WNautr les, 34633: 97~ 100; CR) s 2 Salsbury ,A-€. — Fr. Malac.Soc. bord .1EO)-S1, IS2e-_ or — F. Conch., 22€6) 2/470 -144, NSS. Ixedale 7 v. — Ir. Mafac Sac. Lon ed., 1¥ C4): 132,192). Dance, S.P.— The autharshi he c} the Toertanel Catalogue. Jour, Sec. ee Nat. Ast, ne 20-32%, Jan.l9o62., | 13 Feb. ISG ae. an Alison. — UVhe Reverend John Lightfost, Danie| Sclander, ee ancl the “Partlancl Catal Sle —Va utr/ets , aT, Ci \< fo -L9Y, ig July L\S6é58. *: Att Gee Ses) Can wt af ws a ade o~ + H \ Yosh mak BViGneet OU = ne), co We Sain Ny NES Se ey peg teen Lencon PUGS Tamjn, 1. Role B. Sapiey Sales, A7~34, Jan (942 {“Fortlan goer ge 0 fe Kay 5 ji. ee Malac. See bendy eae - {~El-22), ; ae > ~ < ‘ 6 ey 2 Se ey € ei 4 A Peer aAr OG hE Or’ T Ave . PORTLAND MUSEUM, LATELY THE PROPERTY. OF The Duchefs Dowager of Portland, OE€EC EASED: Which will be SOLD by AUCTION, Mr. SKINNER aad Co. On MONDAY the 24th of APRIL, 1786, NBD GAT a8 10 AND THE d THERTaY LS EVE N- FOLLOWING DAYS, Ar TWELVE O’CLOCK, Pandy, and the 5th of June, (the. Day his ‘Majesty’ s Birtu - Day it igh 7 oo). ts: kept) excepted ; Me her Was ‘DWELLING-HOUSE, mM oPRIVT-GARDEN, WHITEHALL; By ORDER or rut ACTING. EXECUTRIX., 4 To be viewed Ten Days preceding the Sale. CaTioGues may now be had on the Premises, and of Mr. SKINNER and C°, ALDERSGATE-STREET, Price Five SHILLINGS, which will admit the Bearer during the Time of Exhibition and Sale. N°? . 5 It HE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer ;-.and if any. Difpute fhall arifé- between two or more Bidders, the Lot in Difpute to be put up again. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than Six-pence under-a Pound ; above a Pound: One Shilling ; above Five Pounds Two Shillings and Six-pence. and fo in Proportion. II. Each Buyer to pay Five Shillings in the Pound as Earneft, in Part of Pay-- ment foreach Lot; and to give in their. Names and Places of Abode, if- required. IV. The Lots to be taken away,. with all Faults, at the Expence of the Pur- chafers, within Six Days after the Sale is ended, or any Day during the Sale, between the Hours of Nine and Eleven in the. Morning, and Five and Seven in the Afternoon ; and the Remainder of the Purchafe-Money~ to be paid before the Delivery. Qastiy. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Depofits. ” Money to be forfeited, the: Lots fhall be re-fold, and the Deficiency (if: any) by fuch fecond Sale, together withthe Expences attending the fame, . fhal] be made good by the Defaulter at this prefent Sale, «< 4 q i b= au linn Ais Sa aa ona “T may be proper to inform the Purchafers of the Catalogue, and the Public in . general, That there is no one Article contained in it but was a. Part of the Genuine Cottecrion of the late Noble Pofleflor, Margaret Cavendijh, Duchefs Dowager of Portland. Nothing is foifted into it: from the Cabinets of others ; but every Subject here recorded came.into her Pofleffion, either by In- heritance, the Affiftance of thofe who were honored with her Friendfhip, or by her own Purchafe and Induftry. And’ how diligent: have been her Enquiries into Natural Knowledge and the Polite Arts, as well as fuccefsful her En- déavours to encreafe the Stores’ of them, the following Catalogue will, in a . great Meafure,.demonftrate. In the Articles of V7rtu it contains no inconfider- able Part of her moft Valuable Colle&tion ; but in Natural Hiftory every Sub- ject is inferted fhe had with fo much Pains and Tvreafure accumulated. And: here it. will appear, that all the Three Kingdoms of Nature, the Animal. Fegetable, and Foffil,, were comprehended in her Refearches. Ilr all of thefe the took infinite Pleafure and Delight; but in none of themis her Cabinet’ more ‘wichly ftored than in that durable and beautiful Part of the Fi/?,.named Con- chology. In this Branch of Nature’s Works, no Colle&tion in Eurspe can equal that of her Grace’s in. Number and Variety.. To give fome Idea of its great Extent, it may be remarked, that the celebrated Linnaeus, who had itudied the Subject and methodized the Materials of it, has not defcribed One Fourth Part of the Objects contained in the Mufeum now offered to the Public. It was indeed in the Intention of the enlightened. Pofleflor to have had every unknewi Species defcribed and publifhed tothe World; but it pleafed God to cut fhort the Defign, not only by the Death of the ingenious Naturalift employed by her for that: Purpofe * ; but, in a fhort Time afterwards, to the great and irreparable Lofs of Science, by her owxz alfo. Had her Life been continued a few Years longer, it is poflible that every Subje&t in this Catalogue would have been properly defcribed and charaéterifed ; but in the prefent-Mazes of Science, all that could be done by the Compiler was only to give in general the clafiical or popular Names to fuch Articles as were known to have any, and to leave * Dr. Solander. cae oS Le) Cee) the great Bulk of Non-delcripts to the Examination and Determination of the Curious. Some Perfons, perhaps, may object to the Promifcuous Affemblage of the various Subjects here exhibited, and be ready to wifh that they had been allotted in Order and Method, according to Genus and Species; and it muft be contefled, that fuch a Proceeding would have proved extremely fatisfactory to every true Lover of Science. Such would have been highly pleafed to have feen each Article named, and ftand in its proper Place. But however defirable fuch an Attainment might have been to a few Cognofcenti, it is very certain that the Majority of the World are not AZethodifts. They love Variety more than Order, and would rather purchafe Twenty different Species of Cones or Turbos in One Lot, than the fame Number of High Admirals or Wentletraps. Yet to gratify every Palate, Care has been taken, as much as poffible, to keep the Grand Clajfés, and often the Genera together; at leaft as far as Refpect to Size, Rarity, or Beauty, would allow. And in this Difpofition, there are very few Subjects but will occur again and again ; fo that almoft every Perfon defirous of becoming a Purchafer, may have an Opportunity of fupplying his Wants. Whereas, in a methodical Arrangement, it muft of Neceffity have frequently happened, either that a Multitude of the fame Species muft be fold together in One Lot, (which very few would chule to purchafe) or each Individual of that Species, mutt be difpofed of /ingly, or in Pairs; which would have multiplied the Number of Lots to fuch a Degree as would extend the Sale to as many Weeks, as it confifts at prefent of Days. It is hoped however, that the Man of Science will notbe altogether difappointed in the prefent Arrangement of the Catalogue ; for as much Pains and Care have been taken to affix the proper claffical, or generally received Names, to as many Articles as the Time and Abilities of the Compiler would allow; it will be no great Trouble for him to caft his Eye over each Day’s Sale, as it occurs, and he will hardly fail to meet in one or more of them, with the Subjects he defires. In Order therefore to his more ready Underftanding the various Articles re- corded in the following Catalogue, it remains only to fubjoin an Explanation of the References and Abbreviations made Ufe of in it. REFEe A CATALOGUE OF Tene PORTLAND MUSEUM, LATELY THE PROPERTY OF The Duchefs Dowager of Portland, DECEASED: Which will be SOLD by AUCTION, BOY Mr. SKINNER and Co. On MONDAY the 24th of APRIL, 1786, AND THE THIRTY-SEVEN rortowine DAYS, Ar TWELVE O’CLOCK, Sun pays, and the 5th of June, (the Day his Mayesty’s Birr -Da¥ is kept) excepted ; At her lae DWELLING-HOUSE, In PRIVY-GARDEN, WHITEHALL; By ORDER or true ACTING EXECUTRIX, To be viewed Ten Days preceding the Sale. CATLOGUES may now be had on the Premises, ard of Mr. SKINNER and C°, ALDERSGATE-STREET, Price Frye Suiiitnacs, which will admit the Bearer during the Time of Exhibition and Sale. N° CONDITIONS of SAL EF I; THE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and. if any. Difpute fhall’ arife: between two or more Bidders, the Lot in Difpute to be put up again, II. No Perfon to.advance lefs than Six-pence under_a Pound ; above. a Pound: One Shilling ;. above Five Pounds. Two Shillings-and Six-pence ;.and fo~ in Proportion.. II, Each Buyer to pay. Five Shillings in.the Pound as Barneft, in Part of Pay-- ment for each Lot; and to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, IV. The Lots: to be taken away,. with all Faults, at the Expence of the Pur- chafers,. within Six Days after the Sale is ended, or any Day during, the: Sale, between the Hours of Nine and Eleven in the Morning, and Five and Seven in the Afternoon ;. and the Remainder of the Purchafe-Money : to be paid before the Delivery. TLastriy. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Depofit= Money to be forfeited, the Lots fhall be re-fold, and the Deficiency (if: any) by fuch fecond Sale, together with:the Expences attending the fame, fhall be made good by the Defaulter at this prefent Sale, PoR EOP Ae E -*T maybe proper to inform the Purchafers of the Catalogue, and the Public in : general, That there is no one Article contained in it but was a Part of the Genuine Cottecrion of the late Noble Poffeflor, Margaret Cavendifh, Duchefi Dowager of Portland. Nothing is foifted into it from the Cabinets of others ; but every Subje& here recorded came into her Poffeffion,. either by In-- heritance, the Affiftance of thofe who were honored with her Friendfhip, or by- her own Purchafe and Induftry. And” how diligent’ have been her Enquiries into Natural Knowledge and the Polite Arts,.as well as fuccefsful her En- deavours to encreafe the Stores of them,. the following Catalogue will, in 2 - great Meafure, demonftrate. In the Articles of Virtu it contains no inconfider- able Part of her moft Valuable Colle@tion ; but in Natural Hiftory every Sub- ject is inferted fhe had with fo much Pains and Treafure accumulated. And here it. will appear, that all the Three Kingdoms of Nature, the A:imal, Vegetable, and Foffil, were comprehended in her Refearches,. In all of thefe the took infinite Pleafure and Delight; but in none of themris her Cabinet more richly ftored thanin that durable and beautiful Part of the /%/?, named Con- ebology.. in:this Branch of Nature’s: Works, no Colle€tion in Eurcpe can equal that of her Grace’s in Number and Variety.. To give fome Idea of its great Extent, , it may be remarked, that the celebrated Linneus, who had ftudied the Subject, and methodized the Materials of it, has not deferibed One Fourth Part of the Objects contained in the Mufeum now offered to the Public. It was indeed in the Intention. of the enlightened Pofleflor to have had every unknew Species defcribed and publifhed tothe World; but it pleafed God to cut fhort the Defign, not only by the Death of the ingenious Naturalift employed by her for that: Purpofe x ; but, in a fhort Time afterwards, to the great and irreparable Lofs of Science, by her cw alfo. Had her Life been continued a few Years longer, it is poffible that every Subject in this Catalogue would have been properly deferibed and characterifed ; but in the prefent Mazes of Science, all that could be done by the Compiler was only to give in general the clailical or'popular Names to fuch Articles as were known to have any, and to leave | * Dr. Salander. the (Re the great Bulk of Non-defcripts to the Examination and “Determination Of the Curious. Some ‘Perfons, perhaps, may-object to:the Promifcuous Affemblage of the various Subje&ts here exhibited, and be ready to wifh that they had beeti allotted in Order and Method, according to.Genus and.Species ; and it muft _ be confefled, that fuch a Proceeding would have proved extremely fatisfactory to every true Lover.of Science. Such would haye been highly pleafed to have ae {een each zirticle named, and ftand.in its proper Place. “But however defirable fuch an Attainment might have been to a few Cognofcenti, it is very certain that the Majority of the World are not AXthodifts. "They love Variety more than Order, and would rather purchafe Twenty different Species of Cones or Turbos in One Lot, than the fame Number of High Admirals or Wentletraps. Yet to gratify every Palate, Care has been taken, as much as poffible, to keep the ‘Grand Claffés, and often the Genera together; at leaft as far as Refpect to Size, Rarity, or Beauty, would allow. And in this Difpofition, there are very few Subjects but will occur again and again ; fo that almoft every Perfon defirous of becoming a Purchafer, may have.an Opportunity of fupplying his Wants. Whereas, ina methodical Arrangement, it muft of Neceflity have frequently happened, either that a Multitude of the /ame Species mutt be ‘fold together in One Lot, (which very few would chufe to purchafe) or each Individual of that Species, mutt be difpofed of /ingly, or in Pairs; which would have multiplied the Number of Lots to fuch a Degree as would extend the Sale to as many Weeks, as it confifts at prefent of Days. It is hoped however, that the Man of Science will not be altogether difappointed in the prefent Arrangement of the Catalogue ; for.as much Pains and Care have been taken to affix the proper claflical, or generally received Names, to as many. Articles as the Time and Abilities of the Compiler would allow; it will be no great Trouble for him to caft his Eye over each Day’s Sale, as it occurs, and he will hardly fail to meet in one or more of them, with the Subjeéts he defires. In Order therefore to his more ready Underftanding the various Articles re- corded in the following Catalogue, it:remains only to fubjoin an Explanation of the References and Abbreviations made Ufe of in it. REFE. we REFERENCES ann ABBREVIATIONS EXPLAINED. ARGENP.—Conchiliologie, par M. D’Argenville.—Paris, 1757. Buonani-—Recreatione Del? Occhio e Della Mente, dal Filippo Buonanni.—Romae 1681 Born. muse ces.—Teftacea Mufei Cxfarei Vindobonenfis, que Juffu Marie Therefia, Augufte difpofuit & Defcripfit Ignatius a Born, Equ.—Vindobone 1780 Brander Fofs. Hanton.—Foffilia Hantonienfia colleéta, & in Mufceo Britannico depo- fito, a Guftavo Brander, R. S. and S. A. S.—Maf. Brit. Cur. Londini, 1766 Brown’s Famaica.—The Civil and Natural. Hiftory of Jamaica, by Patrick. Brow. M. Di—LZondon, 2756 D’ Avila.—Catalogue Sy ftematique & raifonne des Curiofites de la Nature, & de l’Art, qui compofent le Cabinet de Mi D’Avila, en 3 Tom.—4 Paris, 1767 Drury. —Illuftrations of Natural Hiftory, wherein are exhibited Figures of exotic In- fects, in 3 vols. by D. Drury.—Loxdon, 1770,.1773, and 1782: - Ellis’s Eorallines—An Eflay towards a Natural Hiftory of Corallines, &c. by Jonn Ellis, F. R.S.—London, 1755 Ellis Zoeph.—The Natural. Hiftory of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes; col- lected from various parts ofthe Globe, by the tate John Ellis, Efq. F.R.S. Soc. Reg. Upfal. Author of the Natural Hitftory of Englifh Corallines,. and other Works, fyftematically arranged and defcribed, by Daniel Solander, M.D... F.R.S. &c. with 62 plates;.engraven-by principal Artifts——Lozdon, 1786 Fabr.—Fabricii Entomologia Favanne—La Conchyliologie, ou Hiftorie Naturelle, des Coquilles de Mer, D’Eau Douce, Terreftres & Foffiles, &c. Par M. D’Argenville, Ouvrage confi- deratlement augmente, &c. par M. M. Favanne de Montcervelle Pere & Fils, —4 Paris, 1780- Forfter’s Cent.—Forfter’s Centuria [nfeé: Gualt.—Index Teftarum Conchyliorum que adfervantur in Mufeo, Nicolai Gualtiers Philofophi.& Medici Collegiati Florentini, &c—Florentie 1742 Harris.—Harris’s Englifh Lepidoptera Humph. Conch.—A Conchology, or: Natural Hiftory of Shells, publithed by Mr, Humphrey, 47 Knorr. —Les Delices des Yeux, & de VEfprit, ou Collé&ion Generale des different a de Coquillages, &c, par George Wolsfgang Knorr. Nuremberg, 1764 I——, after one or more names, denotes Linnzus’s Syftem a Nature Linckius.——Joliannis Henrici Lincii Lipfienfis, Acad) Nat, Cur.. Cas. & Soc. Lond. Reg, Sodalis, de Stellis Marinis Liber Singularis, &cm—Lipfia, 1733 Liffcre (vw) E: stoi vtioel Lifter, M, D, Hiftoria five Synopfis Methodice Conchyliarum, &e, Editio altera, Refenfuit & Indicibus auxit Gulielmus Huddesford, S.T.B, Coll. S. S. Trinitatis Socius, & Mufzi Athmoleani Cuftos,—-Oxonii, 1770 * Lifter Anim, Angl,—Martini Lifter, ¢ Societate Regia Londini. Hiftoria, Animalium Anglia, &c.—Londini, 1678 Lifters Fourney to Paris—A. journey to Paris, in the year 1698, by Dr. Len Lifter. ‘London, 1699 Martin.—Neues Syftematiches’ Conchylien Cabinet Geordnet und befchriebert von Fried. Heinrich Wilhelm Martini der Arzeneygelahrtheit, Doétor. und Practicus, in Berlinoe-Nurahrg, 1769 i Martyn,.—The Univerfal Conehologift, exhibiting the Figure of every known Sheil, accurately drawn and painted after Nature, with a new Syftematical Ar- rangement, by Thomas MartyniLondon, 1784 Naturforfcher ; Pennant.—Britith Zoology, by Thomas Pennant, Efg. in 4 vols. quatto.-Londoz, 1777 Petiver.—-Jacobi Petiveri Opera, Hiftoriam Naturalem Spettantia; or Gazophylacium, &c.——London,: 1764 ‘Regenf.—King of Denmark’s Book of Shells, by Regenfufius Rum,.—Thefaurus Cochlearum, Concharum, Conchyliorum, &c. Georgius Everhardus Rumphius, M, D. &c.—Hage Comitum, 1739 S.—~After one or more names, refers to a Manufcript Copy of Defcriptions of Shells, made by the late Dr. Solauder, new in the pofleffion of Sir Jofeph Bank s, “Bart. P. R.S. “Sebas==Locupletiffimi Rerum Naturalium Thefauri Accurata Defcriptio, & Iconibus Artificiofifimis expreflio, per Univerfam Phyfices Hittotiam, aie Albertus Seba, &c.— Amfteledami, 1758 Sloane’s Famaica—A Voyage to the Hlands Madera, Barbados, Nieves,’ St. Chriftopher’s, and Jamaica, with the Natural Hiftory, &c. of the lait of thofe Iflands, &c. by Hans Sloane, M. D. Fellow of the College-of-Phyficians, and Secretary of the Royal Society, in 2 vols:—London, 1707 ‘Walker's Minute Shells.—A Collection of the Minute and rare Shells lately difcovered in the fand of the fea fhore, near Sandwich, by William Boys, Efq. F.S. A. ~-confiderably augmented, and all their Figures accurately drawn, as magni- nified with a microfcope, by Geo. Walker, bookfeller, at Feverfham.—Loz- don, ¥785 W alentyno—V ethandeling der Zee-Horenkens en Zee-Gewaffen in en omtrent Ambo ina, En de Nabygelegene Eilanden, Door Francois Valentyn, in Zyn leven Bedienaar des Goddelyken,’ Woords in Amboina, Banda, &c. Dienende tot een vervolg van de Amboinfche Rareteitkamer Befchreven door Georgius Everhardus Rumphius. Te Amflerdam, 1754 ‘Where the Name hasno reference, it was given by the Compiler of this Catalogues, A con- A concise VIEW or tHE CONTENTS DAY’s SALE. _ Monday 24th April 1786. Firft Day. Tuefday 25th Wednefday 26th Thurfday 27th Friday 28th Saturday 29th Monday, May vt Tucfday 2d Wednefday 3d - Thurfday 4th Friday 5th Saturday 6th Monday 8th Tuefday oth Wednefday 10th Thurfday 11th Friday 12th Saturday 13th Monday 15th Tutfday 16th Wednefday 17th Thurfday 18h Second Day. Third Day. Fourth Day. Fifth Day. Sixth Day; Seventh Day. Eighth Day. Ninth Day. “Tenth Day. Eleventh Day. Twelfth Day; Thirteenth Day. Fourteenth Day. Fifteenth Day, Sixteenth Day. Seventeenth Day: Eighteenth Day. Nineteenth Day. Twentieth Day. Twenty-firit Day. Twenty-fecond Day, OF EACH HELLS, Corals, Minerals, Echini, Afterix; Petrefaétions, Infects, and other Subjects of Natural Hittory. Shells, Corals, Minerals, Echini, Afteriz, —— Petrifaétions, &c. but no Infects, The fame as the Firft Day. ———————____ The fame as the Second Day, ———————_ China, Japan, Wrought Chryftals, Snuff-Boxe:, &c. eros The fame as the Firft Day. The fame as the Second Day. The fame as the Firft Day. : Shells, Corals, Petrefaétions, Minerale, “Eggs of Birds, &c. The fame as the Fifth Day. China; Japan, Curious Agates, wrought Cryftals, &c. The fame as the Second. ee re cy ler The fame as the Firft; with the Addition of fome ——— Chinefe and Indian Artificial Curiofities. Shells, Corals, Minerals, Nefts and Eggs of —__ Birds, dried Vegetables, &c. The fame as the Firft Day. ao Shells, particularly an entire Cabinet 3; Minorea Shells, Birds, fome in Cafes; Minerals, Pe- trifactions, Corals, &c. ae China Snuff Boxes; Cabinets for Natural Hiftory; &c. The fame as the Firft Day; a ae Shells, Corals, Infeéts, Animals, and Vegetables in Spirits; Petrifactions, &c. but no Mi- herals, The fame as the Firft Day. The fame as the Second Day, Ditto. Friday (Cerro, > 2 SS em 7. SP Ms Cg ae an coe 7. 2 “so SB-4 CPi Vee G2. a4 SE ae sy 49.4.3 6 Fr tu Si eee é by. 1 4 ee ie Wee Sa. a FR = 6é/~% Le vé en rE ee oe ; ( vii ) CLA pro LEGG 70 5 Friday 19th Twenty-third Day, Coins and Medals, Curious Seals, Snuff Boxea, bb 47a China, Japan, Cabinets for Infeéts and Shelts, &c. : lye Saturday 20th Twenty-fourth Day. The fame as the Firft Day, 1 q Monday 22d Twenty-fifth Day. . Prints and i Ml 8¢C.. gis a ea 6 Tuclday 234 Twenty-fixth Day. Ditto, ra See tA Wednefday 24th Twenty-feventh Day, Ditto, with Miniature and other ~Bianbes, See eh eae & Thurfday 25th Twenty-eighth Day. ‘The fame as the Second Day. Oe 6 @. 44 - Friday 26th Fwenty-ninth Day, Ditto. ea 62. yt Saturday 271 Thirtieth Day, The fameas tlie Firft Day. Sal co ee é Monday 29th Thirty-firtt Day. The fame as the Second Day, including a Cole Jeétion of Models of Natural Cryftals.. oF 7. “ug Tuefday 30th Thirty-fecond Day. The fame as the Firft Day. ns : . 2 s Wednefday 31/? Thirty-third Day. Ditto. —— Seta ae, DG ean ea Thurfday, Fune 1ff Vhirty-fourth Day. Ditto. See ee i 5 & sip ) Friday 2d Thirty-fifth Day. The fameas tleSecond Day, £3. é& Saturday 3d Thirty-fixth Day, The fame as the Firft Day. fi A ee eee (9 Li eS Tuefday Oth Thirty-feventh Day. The fameas the Second Day. SEER) “A 4 Wednefday 7th Thirty-eighth Day. Jewels, matchlefs Antiquities, including tlie Ba Vase, of ALEXANDER SEVERUS ; the Head of Jupiter Serapis; the Head of Au- custus Casar; the Hercvues, Gold Cup, ae, 5640-26 /? dns wight oa *. A B 09 AY OV aly Noh Beg: — 859.47 2 /~ ¥/ £2 Se fg — A CATA. A ore re ae te OG ae PORTLAND MUSEU M. First Day’s SaA.z. MONDAY tHE 24th or APRIL, 1786. ROOM No. x. ‘ SHELLS, CORALS, PETRIFACTIONS, &. I HREE boxes, containing a Wariety of fhells, corals, &c. for grottos Sundry petrifactions of fhells, Cruftacea, &c. uae A partitioned box, containing a great variety of fmall hells, /orted, for making Flowers, Sc. A parcel of minerals, petrifaCtions, &c. ———- Two dine fpecimens of the Turbo Marmoratus, Liz. and one ditto uncoated and (ve boy 5 ae polifeca fafa. 6 Various Ammonite, Echinite, and other petrifa¢tions of animals and vegetables, a! 2 howtes Q a. eob4 . 7 ‘Twenty cards, containing a great variety of beautiful Nerite §£—-~——— a) Cima 8 A fine pair of Voluta Vefpertilio, Z. or Wild Mufic aie av 4 g Conus Ammiralis, L. va. f. S. or High Admiral, rare aa ee Abst: 10 A pair of Buccinum Barbiton, S. or Smooth ridged Harp; Cypywza Mauritiana, 2. in a young ftate, and 6 others A fine Chama Hippopus, L. or Bear’s Paw, China ae Nineteen cards, containing a variety of curious Nerite i Voluta Melo, S. or Spotted Mclon, and Voluta Anguria, S. or Great Biciean Melon, doth fine -rora, S. rare Strombus Fufus, Z, Perficus, or Perfian Spindle, a pair, fine, Lifer. 854. 12. A 16 Twenty: _ a a i-) pre 14 “[wenty-one cards, containing a great variety of Voluta Oliva, Z. and Voluta Au- Meer 2 4 fo-. © Se / Y/ , , 6. 6 lg. ry Gn Fy (0 & oS. G&G é / 4. s b a. ‘e) a £ o > 44 45 _ Wood eaten by worms from Sheepy Land, a Mats of Entrochi from Derly/birey ee Fhe foo Twenty-fix cards, including various fpecies of Trochus andTurbo £.6 b polifbed, and 6 other petrifactions Twenty cards, containing a pair of Buccinum Rana, $. a Buccinum Glans, Z. a Conus Nebulofus & Helvolus, &. Trochus Solaris, L. and fundry others ey prea Mauritiana, young, and Cypr. Mappa, LZ. Se ae ee Two fmall varieties of Spondylus Gederopus, L. both fine Six fine Venufes, viz. Caftrenfis, 6. Scripta, Literata, Meretrix, L. Cerea, S an > x s\ ad & — one from the S. Seas. A fine Cancer Mantis, L. and a beautiful thorny American lobfter Thirty-fix cards of Bivalves of various genera, mof? of them labelled A Nautilus Pompilius, L. wzcoated and finely engraved A pair of Buccinum Galea, L. and a Murex Tritonis, Z. the Mediterranean fore — Sundry Anomiz, Echini, and other Chalk Foffils See Martyw’s Univ. Conch, fig. 40. Us ‘Ye gece a a oi bs Yad ov oo —— Voluta Araufiaca, S. or Prince of Orange’s Flag, from Amboyna, vee rare i F Voluta Ebraza, and Ceramica, L. doth rare ete at f CY Ak: SD. Twenty-five Univalves of various genera, Jabelled ~~ teers 9 ~ A large Affortment of various fpecies of Cypraa, mo/f? of them labelled” A fine pair of Trochus Onutftus, or Carrier Trochus, rare, Favann. Tab. 12 Cst.2.— F Two fine fpecimens of Murex Hauftellum, Z. or Snipe Shells. Two varieties of Conus Betulinus, Z. or Butter-firkins a Four fine Oftree of the feallop kind, viz. Pallium, or Ducal Mantle, Maxima, and: Jacobea, L. and Cinnabarina, S. -- & ae mm ——— eps! ~ 1& Twelve various fpecimens of Afterias, or Star-fiflr RTE ae chee . . ore fe . ¥* Two fpecimens of Pinna Nobilis, L. Miderterranean m7 Twenty cards of beautiful Univalves, of various genera, ear ee Two fine varieties of Cypraa Exanthema, L. or W. India Argus oye 1: 4 aie, 7! tS different ftages of growth. ORES, MINERALS, &t. ° A LaRGe teffellated Pyrites, a fingular group of Cry(tal, and a fine piece of cry= fialized Terra ponderofa A fine fpecimen of ftalactitical Hematites Iron Ore, a fingular one of Mica, from. Tyrol; Coal intermixed with Spar, Saxoxy;. and.a curious fpecimen of decom- pofing Iron J age A beautiful Marcafite, from Béfon Mine, Staffordfbire; a ftalactitical Chalcedony, eat Cornwall; a fine eryftalized Terra ponderofa; and a Copper Ore, from Lorrain. a Ne White Shirl, very rare ; a curious piped group of Cryftals, and a fingular Flint Mes An eight-fided and another curious Spar, from Sawsay;. red Rock Salt, Spain; and a fine fpecimen of Wolfram, from Altenberg, rare = 6 6 A fine fpecimen of Flos ferri, from Steurmarck A curious group of Lead Ore with white and brown Cryftals, and figured Marca- fites, from Germany Black Shirl with white Quartz, Cornwall,.and a curious blue gnd white Shirlwith. — Mica, from Tyrol . 47 48 49 Ls) \ 5 Y ciate ical 59 COLL Mn 60 G2) x a] ict 61 62 / 43 Cs - C459 Mica, from Labradore, Gold Mica in Clay, from Pere‘go ix Ireland, and 8 nore §=————— Fifty-one fpecimens of Marbles, chiefly from Isahy——pelifhed a A large and fine fpecimen of Aqua Marine Cubic Fluor, from Cumberland SHELLS, PETRIFACTIONS, CORALS, &c. : Two Cypraa Tigris, or Leopard Cowry, a pair of Murex Tulipa, Z. 2 Stronibue tricornis, Martin 843. 45. Lif?. 873. and 3 more a A purple Echinus with white fpines, from the Mediterranean, and Echinus rofaceus, L. or Fleur-de-lis Echinus, W. Indies * The Orange Turbo, Knorr. Part I. tab. 3. fig. : and ditto uncoated Seven fpecies of Arca, viz, decuflata, pectunculus, pilofa, glycymeris, Z. deufta, and declivis, S. ol Sixty cards of Univalves, chiefly Helices, off of them labelled A very large Nautilites with Bivalves imbedded therein, from Portland—cut in ive as. A fine fpecimen of Madrepora ramea, LZ, or Cinnamon Coral, from Sicily . on EXOTIC INSECTS. Pap. Lemonias, Hellica, Vanille, Ainians, ZL. Huntera, Fabr. and various other Lepidoptera A pair of Phalangium reniforme, Z. and a rare Scorpion from Cayenne a ae Two of Menelaus, Z. and 6 other Papiliones ———— A pair of Fullonica, Z. and 5 other Phalene; Vitis, Z.; 2 other Sphinges; and 2 fearce Papiliones - Americanus, fycophanta, marginatus, Z. and 10 other Carabi a Maculatus, feftivus, triliniatus, virens, irroratus, araneiformis, Z. brevicornis, Fadr. and 13 other fine Cerambices Ten fine and rare Chryfomele, among them Philadelphica, L. &c. Papilio Apollo, anda pair of Phalena Tau, all fixe aa ieee at Rhinocéros, L. Boas, Fabr. 2 from Cayenne, and 4 other fine Scarabai es Seven rare Grylli from Africa and Cayenne pee A pair,of-Heétor, £. and another pair of fcarce Papiliones from Africa Two Pap. helcita, Z. and 4 rare Phalens, all from Africa Capenfi, hybrida, Z. and ro other curious Cicindelz Two fine Phalena Atlas, L. ot ae at A very fine Scarabeus Gideon, L. rare eo! eae Verrucafus, Indus, Z and 3 other very fcarce Curuliones ,§ ——— —_______ Se Alocus, Z. and 2 other rare Scarabeei from Cayenne = —-___- Cimex fignitus, nigripes, funebris, janus, Fedr. and 11 others ———________- Scarabeus Mimas, valgus, didymus, Zand 2 others, al/ rare BS bs fEdilis, 2 fuccinctus, L. fafciatus, Fab. and 4 other fine Cerambices —— Precaria, Z. and another curious fpecies of Mantis from 4frica All 2- f2 , “oO BaTRES 2a f= ——- ZB: A fora £35". 7. L Vv. ra a 7 we Ol oo. 0b. i dD. tae a $3 pk 7? eS y aie eZ wv ¢ uy. € eae ype ¢ = oe et a Ie ew fr VY ° T™ IND RK AR yee) & agit: an US 04 & ab hare hay Se Oa uy Vy fics — 2yAri* ot, Clnwys jt off yp Z ev ey Lae a ae E te Morne Ay L- : Gevefetrieg ©2009 fre —___— a a’ Fouply Tae 4 oe) | oe? Jd, ibe PETRIFACTIONS, SHELLS, CORALS, Wu 78 Part ofa Nautilus, with the pearly coat, from Breutford, Middlefex, and a feStior le Se of a Nantilites, finely exhibiting the concamerations, from Somer/et/bire 79 Madrepora musicata, from the Faf Indies, and a fingular fpecimen of Ifis nobilis, é. & EL, or sed Coral furrounding a black Coral, from Sicily ; %0 A fine fpecimen of Mytilus hyotis, L. (the Oftrea hyatis, S) or thorny Cockfcomb: —— > Papel 4 Oyfter, from China—very rare’ Re "sh y $: Venus decuffata, meretrix, gallina, Z. and 12 other bivalves: ee SSS py $2. A fine deuble Madrepora Fungites, LE. or Sea Muhhroom, —-~———-———_——______ 4) 20 é° 5 23 A fine Spondylus Gaderopus, L.—W. Ludies ee : 84 Mytilus bidens, L—aland’s [ands, and Mytilus pidus, 8. a Mediterrancanm- det ee i é both fire a4 85 Two Zonaria, L. Eaft Indies, and 6 other curious. fod rare compreffed Helices. iss O- G 86 Chiton aculeatus, 2 fpecimens, fquamofus, L. dxdaleus, olivaceus, .& rugofusy.S, aes NS 87 A fine Chama Cor, or Fool’s-cap Cockle, rare = woe 7 83 A fine pair of Bulla achatina, L. or the narrow-ftriped Zebra Snail, from the Cape>—— ¥,. 89 Voluta Nobilis, S. an extremely rare fpecies of the Mufic kind, from the E. Indies. ay : Lift 799. 6. : ape 9 i g0 Cardium cardiffa, L. or Venus’s Heart Cockle, fine and rare 5 . gt Echinus cidaris, L. or mammillated Sea Egg, from the Red Sea—very fine.and fearse ae g2 Strombus fufus, L. var. Chinenfis, or the Chinefe Spindle, a fixe pair, rare 93 A large fpecimen of the fmooth purple Magellanic Mufcle, wery rare—polifhed —— aks 94 ArgonautaArgo, L. or paper Nautilus of the Mediterranean a 95 A fine Arca fenilis, Z. a. or thick Ark, from Guinca—rare ti Wii 6 g®& Solen Legumen, very rare, and ftrigilatus, L. 97 Ayyoung fpecimen of Serpula gigantea, or great Osicntal Worm Shell,. with it’s Wee Operculum, wery rare—Seba, Vol. LIL, tad. 94> ne Mt yb 98 Chama Arcinella, L. or thorny Heart, very rare 1 AS. 99 Voluta Athiopica, Z. a. or Perfian Crown, rare 4 S> 300 Conus genuanus, LZ. or Guinea Adiniral, very /carce, me Iho op RES a eee Enp of the First Day’s SALB re aOR SeooxD Seconp Day’s Satz. TUES DAY rHe 25th or APRIL, 1786. SME LES, CORALS, PETREPACTION S, Se, RCS - aS WO boxes, containing a great variety of finall Shells, /arted at owe ed : Sundry grotto fhells, fome freeftone {pars, and a box of Peacock coal pei 2 log é Four dozen and a half of Leopard cowries 5 ee sade /2 2b Two fpecimens of Pinna, an Orange Turbo with it’s: Operculum, and varicus £ other fhells — # Forty-erght cards, containing a great variety of Snails and Turbos eee Eb: G Sundry Echini Marini, fome of them with their fpines on ——_—_—— .«w fF Conus Geographus, Z. and alarge Cone from Guinea —— — of ee Fifteen cards of various fpecies of Patella, or Limpets ye: ake ae ZnS Three Ammonite, 2 rare Cuneus, a winged Oytter from Shotower- Hill, a fpecimen of jafperfied Wood, and various other petrifactions Aes : Murex aruanus & perverfus, L. or right and left-handed Figs from America Tre re Twenty-four eards, containing a great variety of fpecies of Voluta oliva §=—— cages 4 ———— A variety of Bivalves fhells, confitting of Mytili, Cardiums, &c. Nine fpecies of Helix, among which are 2 of Scarabzus, 3 Cornu arietis, L. &c. g ; Vhe Club-fpined mammillated Echinus, with feveral of it’s {pines in Chalk; from RG: Kent Two fine Murex faxatilis, Z. or Endive purpura, rare —— ts fs OF Two pair of beautiful Land Snails, from the Weft Indies—rare = -——_-__-—_. # Twelve backs of various fpecies of Crabs ev bs aE oan : - & Oftrea malleus, E. 4. or Black Hammer Oy tfter a go? . Vifteen cards, containing a variety of fpecies of Nerites ae te Sh £ Forty four cards of various {pecies of Trochus, Helix, Turbo, and others, mo/? of in them labelled os | oe £ Ten fpecimens of Echini marint, of different fpecies, one of them with its [pines on ———— 7 - Forty-two fine fpecies of Univalves, of various genera, off of them labelled ——————_——~ 2 ¢ Two fine Strombus chiragra, L. or Devil’s Claw, in diferent fages of growth _-—_____ /2 Twenty-five cards of Univalves, of different genera, all of them with their Opercute. km ay 4 Voluta Melo, S, and a pair of V. Mufica, L.—very fine we Cy ae ., Twenty-four cards of minute fhells, for making flowers—forted — a A pair of Strombus lambis, or Spider, and 2 Cypr. exanthema, LZ. is different x. ve ae Sages of growth > a8 Spon- (A1ns ere vis re Pechauts Spondylus gederopus of the Mediterranean; Chama hippopus, or Bear's Paw; Sea é Arca pilofa, L. and Cardium Spinofum, $8. Pi a. aes : : LG Haliotis Iris, a new fpecies from New Zealand, 2 fpecimens, one of them uncoated —— ‘Twenty fpecimens of Univalves of different fpecies, mo? of them labelled Afterias ophiura, ZL. peCtinata pennant, and 11 other fpecies Two large Buccinum Rufum, L. or Bull’s-mouth Helmet A fine Nautilus pompilius, £ Thirty cards, containing a variety of Bivalve and Multivalve thells _—~_ Three varieties of Echinus orbiculus, with 2, 5, and 6 holes; and Kchinus pla- — ecenta si, i Placuna placenta, S. or Chinefe Window fhell, rare eS Three Cyprea Tigris, 2 mauritiana, 2 ftrombus Gallus, Z. and 2 murices ——-— ————— SOOO Twelve fpecies of pectens, labelled eS A pair of Trochus Solaris, and 3 murices a es & Two fine fpecimens of Bulla Zonata, S. from Coromandel—very rare , It A pair of Turbo petholatus, or Ribband Snail of the Z. Indies, and 2 other fine __ g. Turbos : ¢ Two Conus tzniatus, 2 fulgens, mappa, noéturnus, S. and 3 others ——— 7). A fine Oriental Land Tortoife, and an American ditto Tae CA —---——— Z. Five large mother-of-pearl fhells yaa! he ee ee ee “~ 6. g ol-p ee Various Corals and Corallines CO 6G Seven varieties of Harp Buccina, labelled —————-—————________-___——._ 4/3. "4 Two varieties of Voluta Scafa, S. rare ae ei Pt leis Pot) 2 a - Twenty-three Englifh Bivalves of different fpectes = — PAL rae Sie Madrepora Muricata & fungites, and a fpecimen of red Coral A fine piece of Foffil Wood, polifbed, and impreffion of a curious Plant in Coal Slate, from Lanca/fhire — SPARS, ORES, and othr MINERALS. Ye —P ey. Peacock coal, Stafford/bire; 4 varieties of Spars and Fluors, &c. Derby/bire; Mate<— cafites on an Ammonites, and 2 more Lapis Calaminaris, Hee, and various other Minerals Three fpecimens of micaceous and other Clays, from Averdeenfhire; 3 others of Steatites, or Soap-ftone, Cornwall; 4 of Amianthus, and various other Foffils —~— Three Tali of a Ludus Helmontii, Sheepy [/land; blue efilorefcenfe of Copper on Limettone ; a fine coloured Marcafite, Stafford/bire, and one more oF Part of two large Cubes of Amethyftine Fluor, with terra ponderofa on the fur- ———$$$ face, Cumberland, and 3 fine calcareous fpars Mica argentata, L. from the /parry rock near Portfoy; Garnets imbeddedin Mica, . Scotland; Zinc, from Wenlock-head; Lapis Calaminaris, Aix le Chapelle; Moun- * tain Cork, Siveden, and 5 more Suber montanum, L. from Languedoc; Refin-like Iron Ore, very rare, from Saxony, Zeolites, from Sky; a fine Amianthus, and 5 others "ih rg An, Crayne FT eae ee Soe e 7 i is Cath x60 { Sornes 361 ee 162 Sescnp tty ab 3 Beta. ; 166 Ss oom 368 vig [ict ~ 269 (Dierris 170 Silias 373 ce se me 173 EMD. ae eg 477 : i» 178 Artur 179 (7) Q ata 180 181 Seg 182 es os 183 od L- 184 pon 185 Pig y An elegant group Calamine Spar, Zincum criftallinum, Z. from Blylery iz Carinthia Green cryftallized Lead Ore, Bohemia—very fine; coloured Steel-grained Lead Ore, Freyberg, anda fine black Hematites Iron Ore, Saxony Stalactitical Iron Ore, with pearly glimmer, from Bendw-ff'on the Rhine; a fingular fhaped Spar, formed into Lamine; an eight-fided Spar, Mar/z, and a foil red and white Salt, from Spain A fine cryftallized Mangenefe, with yellow Cryftals, from the [aad of Elbe, i» Tu/cany, and a group of 6 fided Spars, Hartz A fine cryftallized tranfparent Ruby Silver Ore; Ditto, with Lead Ore and Spar, both from Saxony; a group of Cryftals of a fingular fhape and colour, and a curious Marcafite A tine fpecimen of Foliaceous Iron Ore, with Peacock Copper Ore intermixed). Taree 8) FoR 2B ESS oC OR AE Spa Ese A LarGE Spondylus Gederopus, LZ. or purple Spondylus of the Mediterranean, with a leffer one adhering to it A pair of fine Strombus Scorpius, Z. or Scorpion-fhell, from China—rare Twenty-three cards, containing various fpecies of Buccina, oft of them labelled = —_ Two Murex faxatilis, Z.orGreat pink-mouth’d purpura from Guinea—Regenf. 9.26. ___. A pair of Conus textilis, or Gold brocade ; Ditto of Voluta porphyria, or Camp olive; ditto of Buccinum maculatum ; 2 Helix carocolla, Z. and 5 others Venus literata, or Arabian Camp, 2 varieties, the fcarlet variety of deflorata, a fcarce one of fcripta, ZL. nimbofa, & dilatata, §. and 3 more A fpecimen of the Cone in Cone Coralloid, from: Derby/bire, and a fine Ammo- nites, Somer/ct/bire Two fine fpecimens of Murex Tritonis, Z. or oriental & occidental Trumpet fheils Pinna nobilis, £. 2. and Carnea, 8. ——. A pair of Murex trapezium. £. or Perfian Robe, /carce A pair of fcarce Murex tribulus, Z. or thorny Woodcock, and one Ditto of ano- ther fpecies a/fo rare Oftrea ifognomon, L. called Ifognoma lignea by S.. very rare, with an Oyfter ado hering A fine Conus Obefus, S, or purple-brindled Cone, from China—wvery rare Two beautiful varieties of Helix perverfa, L. Argenv. 9. G. right-hand figure, & another curious reverfe Land Snail a ee ae en _ Two fine Spondylus Gaderopus, L.. or black and white Oriental Spondylus, and __ the W. India fcarlet and white fpondylus Thirty-three cards, containing various fpecies of Cones, labelled ——_— Conus Prometheus, S. B. and aulicus, Z.a. the brunette and great African Cones, both rare Four beautiful fpecies of Oftrea pectines, rare = A fine Caft of an Echinus, from Malta A pair of fmall, but fine, Conus nobilis, Z, or yellow Tyger, very /carce 2 Mactra violacea, 5. from China—very rare. 486 Three c ae oe ie ae a ——— a Paes PA ce “z, vie Gg. o eee -A very fine Anomia terebratula, Z. or Pullet’s Egg, from Sicily—rare (oy 2 Bel foe og, Three fine and dcarce Volute, viz, fanguifuga, B. Virgo, & feabriufcula, Z. gb Three fine fpecimens of Tellina, viz. Gari, Z. Dentex, and cruente, &. — > - VI. 12. 1. all very rare - oN iol A very fine Nautilites, with the chambers ete from Somerfetfhire ae Vat A very fine variety of Oftrea pecten, and a fine pleuronectes, L. B 4 ¢ A very fine Bucci num-Galea, L. or Tun fhell, from Sicily af - Millepora cellulofa, L. or netted Coral, on it’s native rock, with other curious Z adhefions, from the. Mediterranean a a C ; A pair of Murex ramofus, L. or the yellow mouth’d Cinder purpura, from China, xt Fare Nine cards, containing various fpecies of Bucciaa, viz. alauda, cultum, volutum, famelicum, pica, a. #. gallinago, ungulinum, S. Three Buccina, viz. decuflatum, ZL. var. B. teniatum,,(or orange-ftrjped Helmet) and maculofusn, An exceeding fine Conus bullatus, Z. or orange wide-mouth’d Cone,’from China—very rare Buccinum providum, S. and Helix pomatia, L. reverfed, bath very fearce Ne oe Ze 7b Cypraa aurora, S. or orange Cowry, from Qsaheite, a new {pecies, and .very rare, yes i Martyn, Vol. IL. . mere _ China—both rare iis i Echinus atratus, Z. the purple club-fpined Echinus, from the Zaf Indiesmvery = — ict Tare a ee CR ifhat Op Peg Venus reticulata, & puerpera, Z. the mottled and ftriped bafket Cockles, from ‘Eyp of the Seconp Day’s SALE. Tuigp si Vat he LOT ; Fi 201 1b oblig 202 Tad 203 ‘Bos Pais > a6 Neary 207 oe: (Gs P3 rvs henry 08 ‘ Bellin 209 Coa lise 210 Cutyy sil “4s othe 212 Steen a 213 haope 214 Cigna 215 216 21 ay” a B Jeers 21 9 ee 220 Uylet. a28 cla aes VOlLes, 223 V spatiaad 224 et ae ‘Yr+1 326 S Ol Los 7 2277 Tuirp Day’s Sate. WEDNESDAY Tue 26th or APRIL, 1786, SHELLS, CORALS, PETRIFACT IONS, Se. WO boxes, containing a variety of unforted thells | 7a Thirteen bottles of thells fer making flowers A variety of Englith and other thells sae arn = Eighty-four card boxes, containing a great variety of finall thells, forted ————______ Sundry Pectens, Arks, Patella, and other Englith thells, /orted § —~-~-———--—_—____ Various Cyprez, Buccina, Strombi, and other fhells ~ A pair of Turbo pica, or Magpye thells, of extraordinary magnitude ———_-__-——— Twe Cyprex Tigris, 3 Mauritiana, LZ. and 4 more = A large Venus mercenaria, and ifiandica, L. the latter polifbed = =§ ————- Fourteen cards, containing various fpecies of Chama, Jadelled — Three very large Cones, viz. 2 literatus, and 1 betulinus, 2, 9 —— #leven large cards of various fhells, proper for fhellework ~—— A very large and fine knobbed Chinefe Murex eT A very fine Murex Colus, Z. or Crane fhell, rare J i A Five cards of beautiful frefh-water Nerites, viz. virginea, pulligera, ai asheps ;= A pair of Trochus onuftus, or Carrier thell, rare er Two Bulla achatina, Z, or purple-mouth Snails, from Guinea Two curious Oftrea, viz. corufca & elongata, S. rare A variety of thells of various Genera, from Jtaly — Six of the Venus Genus, viz. literata, iflandica, chione, Z. and cae 8 (= a oe Various fpecimens of Ifis hippuris, and other Corals —— Two Murex Tritonis, Z. the oriental and occidental Trumpet fhell Three fine fpecimens of Echini, one with it’s {pines ‘i irty-five cards of various biyalgese yu —_-_—___-______ Two fine Pectens, viz. Oftrea jacobsea, and Ziczac, L. ee Twelve cards, containing various fpecies of Englifh Crabs and Lobfters -—____ Thirty-two cards, containing a variety of Britith hells, off of them labelled A freth-water Helix in clay, from Hordwell Cliffs; a mammillated Echinites 3 a mafs of Anomia craniolaris, Z. another of Encrini, and 5 other petrifactions ~—— Two large and fine fpecimens of Turbo fmaragdus, or Emerald Turbo, from Now ZealunditBlgrtyyn, Viole 205 A group of {mall long echinated Oyfters on a Sand-{tone from Sumatra, a tulip Mufcle from ditto, and a white Venus from Wampoa in China, all undefcribed and rare Two fine pair of Bulla achatina, Z. the broad and narrow-ftriped Zebra Snails B a 232 Twentye (3) 2 : ts ze foo, en = he 4. ~=«4%# oe ee ait gat 9b ‘gemma 4 ar esr ee i fe Le Lp ae: g.é@ ao 7 Slag? 4 se 04 — so COR ey Or Rais Coe. oT lee eof he Leys \ ‘) f VELLA ut nh tvctty 7 s 4 a y L , : Cb aes, bs Mista Ate EOS Al cy f - . tt tatAAliy y C 3 Twenty-five cards of various fpecies of Patella, Jadelled A pair of large and fine Voluta Melo, S. or Mclon fhell, from China Twenty-eight cards, containing a varicty of Helices from York/bire—nvjth a-Catae logue of them A large and fine thorny Englith Crab < A variety of thells of various Genera A pair of fine Murex ramofus, Z. or Soldier purpura, FE. Dzdiess ————____ pe eT A fine Spondylus Gederopus, Z. from Martinique Cardium coftatum, Z. or piped-ridged Cockle, from Guinea’ Two fine Murex reticularis, or ftudded Frog fhell, from Sicily —Borms. MUS «CEST. S —— Various fragments of a rare kind of foffil patalla.in Chalk, from Ket, anda fine’) — Ammonites, ‘from Somer/et/eire: Sundry Fuci, Sponges, Corallines, and Efchara, Boho Po in three boxes: A large and fine fpecimen of Madrepora muricata, Z. from Madaga/car ORES, MINERALS, &é. Two emeralds, one in it’s native ftate from Mexico; an-ar curious polithed Hamatites iron ore,-and feveral others Two rock Cryftals, united with Amianthi within, rare- A capital fpeciinen of rich Bizmuth ore, from Foban georgen Fifty-two cards, containing a great variety of fmall fpecimens of Minerals, labelicF White Shirl, or Cockle, from the We of Porsland—rare, and Ditto with pr _ > —- Mica and Quartz, Sawony A curious fpecimen of yellow rhomboidal Fluors, from Tranfyloania—wvery rare Blue and green ery {tallizations of Copper, on an ochreous iron ore, very fine A moft curious group of yellow tinged Fluors, each having 10 planes-or fides, . Boe HY > ~ hes nethyft with Shirk; (a\ sone Stadt, Saxony placed in all direétions, and in fine prefervation, from Hungary A hollow flint, with a fingular ‘internal ‘part, imitating a ae ramified Mihai ponderofa, Derby/bire; a 6-fided fpar, and 6 more Green Afbeftos, Scotland, a white and 4 black Mica, a‘cock’s-comb Marcafite, and> —__ 6 others A great variety of f{pars, Ores, Cry ftals, and other Minerals PETRIFACTIONS, CORALS, SHELLS, Pe. Eight fine and rare Cypree, viz. two.of. ocellata, one of onyx, 2 of ttolida, Lig hyemalis, and ene umbilicata,: §.. the laft from’ Cor omarialel’ \ : Twelve fine fpecies of Echini: Eight pair of beautiful Neritz, among which are ‘ alpinaen: pea or’ ‘bloody _ - teeth, Ls the pyed hoof, occidental ribband, &c. Two pair of different varieties of Turbo Delphinus, E. or Dolphin fhells, fine Eight beautiful fpecies of Oftrea'Pectines, viz. pleuroneétes, or Fotos Ziczac,L. carinata, demifla, opercularis, S, and 2 ‘others ° __ Avariety of petrifactions of Shells, Echini, Cruttacea, &c. i n 36 cards” s ee ay 3 See Ha ling rly © KX ‘war 268 “Six {pecies of rare Phalenz, viz. furcula , dlifpar, fafeilina, crateegi eoluss L. aud ——_——— ; « 13 ) Z Diceto A large fpecimen. of , Voluta Capitellums I, and a fcarce 4 terreftrial Helix from , isi, 6 the W”. Indies “A curious tuberculated ‘Astin apiives) with two ieee ofthefameinlimes — og -Y ftone, from the neighbourhood of Bas |' RUT Mk Madrépora cinarefeens, Ellis Zooph. Tab. 43, st TS e Leo ~~ b Voluta inéraflata, S. Martyn, 499. 590. and a pair of Voluta Oliva, ZL. var a,—~al} ee wery rare *° 4 ar tae : ” Four {pecies of rare Echini, one Gratilla, J.. scidaris, and 2 others ee Min oc Two pair of the brown and yellow varieties of Helix. sitring, Z. from the & iS Tides tie y, —very fine and rare Lis ii ; Tivo fine and rare Cardiums ¥ VIZ. naewars or r white teawber and recut, Ey eee Cert ENGLISH INSECTS. Fe oh, fpecies of very rare Phalenz, Viz. gonoftigma, curtula, falicis, coryli, mo- fizt 93 nacha, atra, ZL. and 2 undeferibed ane? : i Seven fpecies of Sphinges, all rare, viz. culiciformis, tipuliformis,. fufiformis, pete SEMIS apiformis, Z. lineata, Fadr, and 2 doubtful A the brown tail of Curtis Fo. Thirty-fix fpecics of Neuropterz and Eh etonte A ae Four rare fpecies of Phalene, viz. quercifolia, populi, rubi, ga and the grafss_ /6. egger of Wilkes ) Thirty-four fpecies of Hemiptera, fore of tberk rare ee oO Five beautiful fpecies of Papiliones, viz. machaon, iris, hyale, jurtina wish is y pupa, and argus foemina, with the account of it’s larva and pupa, the firff ever obferved ~~ {> * Five rare fpecies of Phalenz, viz. abfinthii, alni, gamma, circumflexa, Z. and a non-defcript ee Cree | Thirty-nine different fpecies of Hymenopters, many of them labelled §=£©£ ———_____ oe | Eighteen ditto, fuch as dromedarius, palpina, leporina, camelina, &c. ad! lad died ra Fifteen ditto, viz. quadra, tremula, and various non-defcripte Re 2 cee 7. 6 Thirty fpecies of Coleoptera, of various genera, chiefly fearabmi, a// zamed ee es. vs ; Ten rare fpecies of Phalenz, viz. fulvago, occulta, Z. and various non-defcripts Nineteen fpecies of Coleoptera, chiefly carabi oe Twenty fpecies of fmall Phalena, chiefly alucite ee Ten rare fpecies of Phalenz, viz. pifi, ‘chi, gothica, {iréiliee, es Zr. and various non-deferipts, labelled Fifteen beautiful {pecies of Phalenz, all labelled §=§>=—~——_____________ Seven fpecies of Libctlulz, and various Apterz — Nine {pecies of Papiliones, and two of Phalena, aé/ labelled | Four tin boxes lined with cork, containing duplicates of various Lepidopters, many of them very rare, {uch as Phalena precox, Z. of which there are no lefa than 22 pair Z f ei a og Od yer Cin? Bo CORAL Jf AnH Abertegt p 7 ye BLag. Cus C5 ts og ‘CORALS, SHELLS, PETRIFACTIONS, Ge Fourteen fpecies of Corals, among which are Ifis dichotoma, hippuris,-L, Millee pora cervicornis, Corallina monile, Madrepora feriata, Bilis, and various others Twenty cards, containing various fpecies of Nerita, /ome of them rare Nine fine Bivalves, viz. Tellina interrupta, faufta, hians, §. & 5 fpecies of Venus, Ten fpecies of Screws and Needle hhells, viz. Buccinum crenulatyin, dimidiatum,, fubulatum, ZL. rhinoceros, oculatum, S. &c. A large and fine Oftrea nedofa, Z. or Duck’s-foot pecten, rare Ten cards, containing a variety of Bivalves, moft of them labelled §$=—————-———__—— ge A pair of Helix perverfa, L. right and left-handed, wery rare he ie Echinus anemonoides, or purple Anemony Echinus, extremely rare, and: one ditto C= tie with it’s {pines on, Favaxne 56. H. H. : Pipe a8 Lepas diadema, LZ. or Whale Barnacle, very rare Pe Meee A curious furbelowed Murex, Martyn, Vol. I. fig.6.¢. and a non-defcript pleatet® ee: Murex, both from Falkland’s Iflands, and rare ? _J The lefler Zebra Cone, extremely /carce Sas Four fpecies of Anomiz, viz. truncata, retufa, L. diftorta, & rubicunda, S. rare — fire A fine pair of Conus Ammiralis, Z. or a Admiral, rare 2 7. Buccinum Iris, 8. Martyn, Pol. L. fig. 2.b. the Epidermis of this fingular fpecies where ae awvet is of various colours, and it is exceeding fcarce A curious reverfe turret-thaped Helix, Fevanne, pl. 61. H, 13. extremely rare 16. 6 Conus bullatus, L. or orange tulip Cone, very rare aia a AS ete ee US oo Ca Enp of the Tutrp Day’s Sate. arg Fourre gi LOT ote 304 Pies... 7. LZ 5 a4 306 oa 307 Qwt7 308 Seglies 309 fp atte 7 310 Pa rh Atonjelatic, gar Veemng? 7 312 ¢ Mer dx 333 Q Cnt ey 314 ie 315 Hier nfrtmrtiy 2 316 ft 317 Cod 318 nie eas , 321 ; Vi tak tote 322 g Loam MALY, 323 2 Ba ern 325 Veodtlty 326 aswer B27, Ja stile . Two groups of the Serpula retorta, or retort Worm, from Ceylon,—very /carce > a aan Fourta Day’s Satz. THURSDAY tue e7th or APRIL, 1786. SHELLS, CORALS, PETRIFACTIONS, &e. Box of Cardium lavigatum, one of Oftrea opercularis, and one of Venus a TKS Has chione Sundry Mediterranean fhells a 4. 6 Two boxes, containing a quantity of Chinefe button fnails, & a box of flower fhells a) Fourteen Voluta porphyria, a box of other Volute, and fundry other hells —- 9 A box of Voluta vefpertilio, Z. 3 of Voluta oliva, and 3 of other hells sae ees 2. 6 Two varieties of Murex tritonis, Z. the great oriental Spider Strombus, and a young ditto : =— re 6 Twenty large cards, containing a variety of English hells ——. ge, Twelve cards, containing various fpecies of Needle thells, Jabclied —— — > Twenty fpecies of Univalves, among them Voluta mufica, and porphyria, Z. Buccinum barbiton, §. or Harp, &c. a A fine pair of Murex ramofus, L. or Soldier purpura, from Madagafcar cane Sue Seventeen fpecies of {mall Voluta, viz, aehatina, nitidula, polita, puilla, vitreas = patula, nana, S, and others aed , Two varieties of Venus caftrenfis, the Camp and Flame Cockles; Venus puer- Sales a pera, and pectinata, L.—all fine Arvenitty-of fmall delle, moft of them from. tle Spal Seas ee Sundry Echini, pectens, Anomiz, and other curious petrifactions in Chalk ee Ti, 4 A neat fmall Nautilus pompilius, LZ. a feftion of another, larger, a fine Voluta vefpertilio, and another Volute Twenty fpecies of Univalve fhells, viz. Buccinum glaucum, echinophorum, hamaftoma, L. ignave, §. and others - A fine Voluta Melo, S. cut to thew the internal ftruéture, and Voluta Scafa, 5, — A great variety of thells of the Strombus genus, /ome rare ————— coe Ten fine fpecimens of crabs and lobfters, from the Mediterranean —~__ C$- Sundry cards, containing a variety of fmall Englifh marine fhells ee R sas & Forty-nine cards, including a great number of fpecies of Tellina, Venus, &c. moft of them labelicd Several fpecimens of Millepora reticulata, Z. and various other Corals & Gitallinks A fine Strombus Chiragra, Z. or Devil’s Claw, remarkable for having a doxble claw Sixteen cards, containing various fpecies of Bulla, viz. gibbofa, or camel, am- pulla, hydatis, lignaria, Z. aperta, amygdatus, S. &c. A diftorted tpecimen of Voluta pyrum, Z. and a fine Voluta dealbata, S.-dorh rare 33@ Thirtys ( 16 ) Pia fob? IZ DS Sen sins casita irom. > 0 TN a ee bi: ola ao hivey pane mae containing various fpecies of Tava, igs rare es J. 14 Thirteen backs and other parts of curious Lobfters and-Crabs 3. Various fpeci ies of Buécina and other genera, ‘Jome rare — ON Light fpecies of Voluta, viz. vulpecula, plicatte, pertuta, offing, LD, and teflus rs lata, “S. or fall Bithop’s Mitre OR AS iL Fd Two fine Pinng, viz. nobilis, L. and nebulofa, 48. tes A very fine pair of Conus Itrerata, Z. or hebraicay from ea ih _—— & 6 Sundry. Cerals, Corallines, &c. 742% ss A large and fine fpecimen of Buccinum Gilea, ere hell, from Sicily 5 gig J Forty-one.cards, containing a great Varicty of Buccina, S..(Murex,.Z.) or Club fhells, many of the labelled A fine pair of Helix ampullacea, L.—wvery rare Two fine Murex trrbulus, Z- or therny-Woodcock, /carce Tive curious groups of Serpula, one formed en an in oytter- -fhel], anotheron.alarge 4 4 peGen, with oytters, &c. adacring & 6 A very fine fpecimen of Madrepora oculata, L..from the Mediterraneany—rare)9 —— (7 - Twenty-nine cards, containing a variety of fhells of the Trochus Genus, /ome of 4 Z them rare d Cardium aculeatum, Z, pina, S. andtwo Mytilus élongatusy IH hbo. pan 5/5) polifbed A pain of large ap fine Voluta anemesd S. from the Zand of Providers pei vare ' A fine pair of Voluta. éyeithtiin; Lea. b. or clouded Melon, from Guinea,—rare 5 Z Four varieties of a beautiful fpecies of Land Helix, fromthe Wef ioc ee nee . A-fine Rinna Maricata, ZL. with its byflus, from the Mediterranean cf A pair of fine Cypraa mauritiana, L. in a young che and a fine Cypr. ae — 9, £ cr burnt-mouth Cowry : “Two fine fpeimens of Buccinum rufum, ond an uncoated Nautilus eheoitlios -. » os ‘neatly painted ~ . : “~ *~7 << 418 Sixteen pieces of tea china, of the Drefden porcelain — [2 ae dat 419 Four white plates, awhite French ink-{tand, a fine white octagon emboffed per- : fume pot, cover, and ftand, a lizard white tea pot, and 3 white emboffed chocue . CZ. (— A pg late cups ; 420 Four white bottles with lizards, a white group, an incenfe cup, a green cup, 4 em-. - a boffed white cups, 4'two-handle ditto, a perfume pot and cover, a pair of leafe ~~ Loree Oe. |. fhape cups, and 2 bird pots —l «@j(¢_ 431 Two fine fluted japan dithes of the lion butterfly and fprigs, a pair of brown edge Fi eras ditto with wheatfheaf and flowers , Le 422 Eight old coloured japan difheswarious ye ee be. gr e212? 4 : A r . f _.“ 423 A pair of beautiful brown edge japan bowls, with fearlet dragons ——~ <4- «6 7 oo ~arn+* 424 A japan cream bowl, one image brown edge ditto, and a fine octagon brown edge. ditto — cee | Yi, fi ts Seven fine honey-comb burnt-in chocolate cups, 4 fine japan chocolate cups, 4 faucers, and 3 covers Tae & : 426 A japan tea pot, 2 itands, an octagon cup and faticer brown edge, a japan cup and Maacphrsy, faucer with red dragons, a fluted Drefden faucer, a ditto octagon bafon, a large japan cup, 3 fcarlet faucers, s cup, 2 lizard handle cream ewers, and § coloured =~ ¢-7 ae 4 patties. : bi ‘ ay C a 427 Eight err ee Cnt . Aaa ae ot Food a at 7 427 ight feollepped japan faucers, bamboo and tion, -2-patr of half-pint bafons, = a: fmall japan: bafkets, a brown edge cup and faucer, z leaves, and z cups: saat a 14 a Z 428 A capital large coloured japan falad bowl 3 " 2 Te: v Ss a di PUA UL aaa oi Lef ye 429 ‘ pair of farce pea-green difbes : woe 430 capital antique perfume pot, on feet ot ee | - 0 431 A moft beautiful group of carp, of the fine purple ground, decoratéd with pea-green -ferolt : a s leaves ma oe 7 on a 432 An clegant tea and coffee fet of the Dreflen- porcelain, moft beautifully painted in purple Ce as ole, land/capes, containing 48 pieces | OF 432* A moft capital fearce Dejeune,-of the Seve porcelain, cbeltias of a pair of han~ Z dle cups and faucers, a tea pot and cover, and a fugar pot and cover, intmitably'’ Zz: Sg painted with Amours, 8c. and afearlet tray Rare OLD GOLD anp 5 LLVER JAP AN; &e' rye ba LA ; | yes z 433 Avery fine fimall gold japan box,-ornamented with rofes, and a tray —————— hS Ae eee 434 A’fan cafe und cover of the brown and’ gold’ fpeckled, richly ornamented with S og gy gold and filver flowers Teh — Oe ee pace 435 Anexceeding fine black and gould. ‘cabinet, with 4 drawers infide, and-3 boxes, - Pb es Face with covers, and a tray OW ed is 436 A matchl./s black and gold box, richly ornamented with Mz tfaic work and gold rofes, ands\ Y ; a tray ~—— "4 Co x 5m etk 439 A very curious fexagon cabinet, with a variety of cUriofities be ag SNES “ AAph aa 4 38 An extraordinary fine gold and filver japan box, with Jans, ftudded with gold-and filvery - peg] % ee and a tray . Q 'o ext 439 Amatchlefs long box and cover, of the gold japan, richly ornamented Oo. 4I- xs 8 (Cpt 440 Two very rare and curious cafes, in four parts, with covers-of the horfe pattern,*- J? $y %, in rich black and gold japan ; — @- J £eearty gar A very fine indented japan cabinet, with foldin doors Z. ; yy 4 y Jay 8 7 ie Ap ond 442 A mof capital panelled Sexagon box, on feet, with a tray, richly ornamented with figures Pa as ee 7 of beautiful gold japan — €2, y gus fo 443 A very curious black japan box with a tree, and a ditto, reghislnte Deal, filver ps tel, ented with fruit, and a fquirrel in j: di <) gre ALLY mountel, ornamented with fruit, and a fquirrel in japan and ivory C s 444 Two wery fine /mall gold japan cabinets, with a tray and 3 drawers in-each, reais LD at, Bs 4 boxes ; ae 4 ; we é Ce: J astey 446 Avery capital box and cover, in imitation of a melon, of the rich eli and gold 2% 4 Z* Foret ott *~ 440 An elegant fquare gold japan box, richly ornamented _ " ahi miso, “ie . 06 447 Two black and gold japan cafes, very rare and curious, elegantly ftudded and ore wa a namented with trees, birds, and a lion \ yr e Aaj aD 448 A fmall curious black and gold box and tray of the flat japan Com fia curious 2. ge: —_———_= ee a *% 9 ’ n : wa 4 ial . { a) | eit . kr. , CURIOUS CRYSTALS £t0-, 79” ey. ae ‘FROM THE ARUNDEL Meee curd Labonte Pa ig 449 _ Two fine cryftal pyramids a eet , ble den! 450 Two engraved pieces of cryftal ae Ae i ee oz pert Cad h— 451 A cryftal fpoon, mounted with gold CO ne 452 A cryftal knife and fork, mounted in filver i ye 4 Zs= Cees AL 453 Five cryftal balls i Zz. 9 wid Sede c— 454 A metal gilt coblot}qilaitt gine gold Li ote ee ae Z =a 455 An agate pillar, with metal figure ee 7 . pase A 456 A large cryftal goblet,.curioufly engraved = ————--——--_ a ee 7" Pod a AiHet 457. A ditto ditto ee ee ee DP. £2 1S Ce. 458 Two ditto, fmall, ditto Fo KG CG 4 59 A large cugftal bird, curioufly engraved ro. tf Re a 460 A ditto ditto S——__—_________________. es 5 fore *- 461 Two.eryftal goblets, ditto _ a ary ae: Jieserire 462% A cryftal ditto, with enamelled foot and handles Respect, geeaeint tig Pi g . 46% Two cryftal falvers vt ; a0, ced @ -404 A very curious cryfal cabinet . ey at me ee en ee Fig ee er Ga 0+ [~~ ‘Very curious SNUFF BOXES any orner A RTI Cc LE 5. 466 A curious enamelled and gold antique box i 1. Lb 467 A ditto cryftal box fet with garnets, and one ditto cryftal +———__--____ —— £6. 66 4:58 Two agate and filver boxes Se ee ee Ra — 469 An agate, mounted in gold ‘<< Zz 5 470 A ftone box, mounted in gold. —-————_______ Le. 471.) A porpeyty “box, mounted invgold © ~ ee i 472 An agate patch box, ditto oe Shs Ural q é 473 A japan curious box, ditto. ay - = — ou 465 v > a $49 550 «5% 552 553 6554 ‘555 556 557 558 559 560 (a4) ati At “Two fine fpecimens of Voluta helvola, S. from Haravich Clips fap wud rae i A very large Oriental variety of Nerita Glaucina, ie rare Be aiies Mya aulica,, and rotundata,: Sy both very: rare it pis hades © Yf & A non-defeript fpecies. of Trochus, called the. Bhavreesen, from’ New Zealand j-~/- wcry rare, Martyn, Vol. 11. fig. Echinus anemonoides, wry rave, Cidaris, with it’s fpines,. arte rofadeus, Le Four different fpecimens of , Venus, . ViZe , puerpera, erycinay mercenaria, arid pllandica,e jo. , Ten cards, containing various curious fpecies of Helix, Turbo, & Trochus, from Ltaly, the W. Indies, and Canada, chiefly terreftrial and frrem-labelled A fine pair of Strombus Jambis, L...or Spider thell FOR. — A fine Afterias reticulata, or Mince- -pye, ophiuray ‘bens, and 2 other Star: fithes Millepora alcicornis, cellulofa, Z.'and various other Corals and Corallines Sixteen cards of various fpecies of turret-fhaped Buccina, or needles, all labelled A fetion of an Ammonites, from Bath, with it’s ramified chambers , finely cryfiallized SO RES, "M.IN ER 'A'LS, &. Native Orpiment,: Hungary, 3 fpecimens of fpathofe Lead Ore; Coal.with Cryf-. —— “4, tals and Mundic, from Staford/bire, and a fine coloured Iron Ore A fine cryftallized Iron Ore, and a group of Cubic. fluors with. Lead Offa: one fide of it polifbed A fine plated, Terra ponderofa, fprinkled sath Marcafites, from the Hartz A red Saline Stone, covered with delicate felenitical Cryftals, needle-fhaped, and . forming flars, from Hungary A fmall elegant group of. aninute‘ Cryitals from Saxony, : ented native. Copper from Cornwall, grey Silver Ore, with blue cryftallizations and phofphoric fpar, i Tyrol, and a cavernous: Stone, lined with white quartz Cryftals , A fine fpecimen of native Orpiment. with realger, from. Hungary-—rare oe vf 4 Part of a large brown rock Cryftal, rich in prifmatic Colours, from Bohemiamrare. 2 - 2 A hollow group ef cubic Fluors,:faturated with Marcafites, and having on the ; Ma furface various double-pointed 16-fided Spars, from DerbyJhire “i 6. & gas — J. — /S- ——__- A fine coloured Iron Ore, Sayz, a group of purple cubic Fluors, and 2. delicate groups of {pars t A large and fine fpecimen of bruh Iron Ore, with rhombic Spars, fromthe Foret of Dean, and a fine coloured Marcafite, from Béfox Mine Staffordjhire SHELLS, CORALS, PETRIFACTIONS,: &. ; , i A large and fine pair of Trochus Solaris, L. or Sun-thell, from the W Indies A fine pair of Buecinum odontiter, §. and Murex nodus, L.—all rare Two fine Spondylus gederopus, L. from the Mediterranean and Chine/e Seas i: ae Nine fine Univalves from the Coa/? of Guinca—rare ; A large and fine Madtra procera, S. or great American Maétra, from Neib-York A mafs of fragments of Encrini, slat pyritified in eye from Dorferfhire =. “561 A ~~ LO ee pepe ~~ —_—_—_ 6 akth,. 3. - gf J larriffihes 4a hs 562 ot d ST Me ~ o/ 565 yleer | pre et A ga GY 593 ; 574+ lhe og 7 S '\ Mytilus bidens, Z.'a fine variety from the Streighis of MZ ad demiffus, anda ~ ye 9) 6 Zz i) (op) Cnet yn A fine pair of Murex faxatiles, Z. ‘or great pink-mouthed purpufa, from Guineas as —very rare Twenty rare fpecimens of Trochus, Helix, and Turbo, one rever/> from Otaheite — Madrepora Carduus, Ellis Zooph. tab.35. anda fingular variety of Gorgonia pres Z re tiofa, ibid. tab. 13, fig. 3—both rare : Twenty-five cards, containing a great variety of f{pecies of the Patella Genus, —— of. 3 Caput Medufx, L. from the Mediterranncan, and another fine Afterias, Seba IIL. 7. 26 -—— /- A very large Voluta ponderofa, S. or heavy Volute, with a fine mouth, Martyr 916. * — S Six cards of Englith crabs and lobfters, viz. ftrigofus, depuratot, L. platy-cheless - Penn, ce —— as Eight cards of Oftrea, viz. folium, Z. vulfella, (Mya L.) incurva, conyplanata, ~. OG among them granatina, granularis, ZL. the black, the bronze, 8 4 (oe ¢ 4 Wy oS So Aa! Cts Be Os Ss BAK ‘A.radiated Zeolites,, from Sty, Tin Ore with Pyrites, a fine Chateaeanrng tt = - Voluta elongata, S$. or Midas's ear Land Snail,.a.very-rare terreftsial fhell. fiom» - Two fine fpecies of Conus, vizs.Lynceus, §: and the Peach-bloffom, doth very rare ——- t 30 ) Launches zag A fine fpecimen of arborefcent- native Silver, ‘2 @ neat glafs cafe - 4: Feathered Bifmuth, rare, in red Horn Stone, from Schnecberg, and Lead Ore wi ith 0. Cryftals, and nummular Spars, Hartz aes ae yp w 6 LS. Whice Shirl from. Portland-—very rare; cry ftallized- Manganes finely coloured, from. Elda, and ftellated Zeolites, from Jceland Native Cinnabar in Quartz, with Pyrites, from Hungary—polifoed — A. group of calcareous fpars, with rofes of flefh-coloured plated Terra ponderofa,, elegantly {prinkled with Marcafites, from the Hartz, and two curious Stalace — tite, white and brown: and. Pea Iron Ore, with other Foflils A Pudding Srone,, 2 Agates, warious Pebbles, and a ball-of Marble, all polifbed. SHELLS, CORALS, PE:‘TRIFACTULONS, -&@ A large fpecimen of the African variety of. sei fexatilis, or great pink mouth: (Be Z Purpura of Guinea—very rare ; Three curious fpecies of the Lepas genus, viz. two mitella, Z. 2 fignita, anda group of Cornucopiz, Ss Poufpied-of the French authors e A fine fpecimen of the Imperial Sun, from New Zealand, Martyn Vol. 1. fiz. 30. ge & fine purple variety of Spondylus Gederopus, from Chiza,—avery rare. A fearce variety of Turbo. duplicatus, . terebra, anda fine Murex Colus, Z. or Crane fhell, rare Three rare fpecies of Cyprzea, viz. fata, coftata, and inflata, $.:2 Voluta auris: muftelz, S, and 2-Trochus bilineatus, ox-defeript-and rare A large and fine Conus Ammiralis,.b. or High Admiral, very rare /- —_ ? met Fon New Caledonias. Martyn, Vol. Us fig. 256 ne. A fine fpecimen of Voluta amphora, S. or clouded Perfian Crown, from Chinay —_ rare— Martyn, 7806. Two beautiful'and fcarce varieties-of Helix. perverfa, L.. or left-handed Snails,: yellow banded with purple, ize Two curious and fcarce varieties of Murex babylonius, and 1 Murex favanus, Li. —— y 4 jst Four curious fpecies of Land ‘Snails, viz. Helix rugofa, or brown wrinkled Snail: from: Madeira, non-defeript, another, Lifter #. 31. 29.-and'z kinds of Turbo,.. a ee al one witha furbelowed mouth; from: Famaica—very rare, &c. Three fine Oftrea, viz. Frons, criftagalli, 6. §. and a fearce variety of Ditto, (all, Mytili of ZL.) 4) Three fpecies of terreftrial Snails, viz.Bulla virginea, L. &ce. Nautilus Pompilius, Z. and ferobiculatus, $i the laf from New Guinea, and very Bee rare A group of Serpula retorta, @ non- -defcript,.in a marine ie ipeney fubftance, from ae Ceylon——very rare Enp of the Srventu: Day’s ee te Eicutn. gga sa . A fine Madrepora fungites, LZ. foliofa, Ellis Zooph. tab. 52. another fcarce Mas —__ | Twenty-five cards, containing a variety of beantiful frefh-water and marine - Thirty-feven cards, containing a great variety-of Patella. EicutH Day’s Sate. TUESDAY tue 2d or MAY, 1786. DINING ROOM, No. 3. SHELLS, CORALS, PETRIFACTIONS,. Sew age oe IGHT large grotto fhells . ea J Two boxes, containing various Bivalve fhells, from Fer/ey te Ra fas Twenty-feven déep cards, including a great variety of fmall fhells, forted = —-—__— Y Two large Turbo marmoratus, 2 {carce Strombi,, a large. Murex melongena, a a Strombus gigas, Z..and‘one more A\parcel of Mediterranean fhells, &ce- Various Corals and Corallines, Gorgonie; &c. Se ee MAM. Zee Mike awe Ok. _ Murex reticularis, Born. 11..5--two fine Turbo marmoratus, Voluta olla, Buc- cinum tuberofum, 2 Trochtus noloticus, Z. and 2 others Twelve. fine Ottrea pectines, viz. Sanguinea, maxima, ziczac, Z.. marmorea, carinata, S. &c. Four Cyprza, 2 Strombus lambis, a fine muricated Turbo, and 2 more Ss drepora, and a-Monk’s Cowl Sponge A group of three Oyfters from Shotover-bill, Oxfordfhire,.a rare Coralloid, 3 — — Ammonita, and various other petrifactions Neritz A neat pair-of Buccinum rufum, Z. or Bull’s-mouth Helmet ‘fhell a ro) & Oftrea nodofa, or Duck’s-foot pecten, 1 valve of ditto from Coromandel, 2 Maxi- ma, ziczac, and plica, Z. ~- ‘ Two Strombus chiragra, 2 Lambis, L. and 4 Cyprexa- A very large and fine Pinna nobilis, Z. from the Mediterranean — Mya arenaria, lutraiia,.& margaratifera ; ~ Twenty-four cards, containing a variety of Crabs, chiefly exotic ~~ rai Pecten jacobea; Venus iflandica, 8- chione;-a Pinna nobilis, Z, and various other Bivalves Two pair of Bulla achatina, LZ. (the broad and narrow ftriped Zebra land Snails). A great variety, of terrreftrial and marine Shells, from Scotland’ - — ce h from Africa es (6 ~~ - Four fine varieties of. Mytilus margaratifera, Z. one.with adhefions, from the South Seas - ees Z Cancer angulatus, caffivelaunus, phalangium,.tuberofus, & afper of Pennants ; Cancerimantis, L..&c. all English Ten cards, containing a variety of Cardium, Tellina, and Venus, among them V. Penfylvanica, deftorata, & tigrina, Z. Tcllina faufta, hians, interrupta, 4. 5. &c. : & 741 Two Ce Jae te aL 5, 71° i Lif tre arn eo Bart: frat a wee Two very large Buccinum galea, Z. or Tun fhell, from the Mediterranean =——— G 6 A. mafs of fpiral Turbos: a fine chain Coral, ‘and a mafs of Corals with Anomiz Bic and other fhells, from Dudley, Worcefterfuire ‘Thirty-four cards of various fmall Patell, among which are, Ungarica, or a Fool’s-car, milicaris, fiffura, lacuftris, pellucida, reticulata, Z. &c. Thirty fix cards, containing a great variety of curious:fmall-petrifactions of .._- © - 6 ———— fhells, corals, &c. 9 i Sixty-one cards, containing a variety of minute -Englith thells, fome of them rare ——— 2. vs Three curious Agaric-fhaped fponges, rare, and 2 branched fponges =—————_~ /§ A Fifty cards, containing a great variety of Enghifh thells, /ome rare “Various Mad. epores, Millepares, Cordllines, Tubipores, and: other Zoophytz, 4 * “ETLONE awhich are ome rare [pectes ; Twenty cards, containing a-variety of beautiful finall Nerite, Dentalia, | &e. —— g - ‘Three: varieties of Venus dyfera, fuccinéta, cancellata,'Z. Camilla, seins, Zt ee aimathea, ftriatella, tenclia,’S. and various other Bivalves thells, jomeftarce —_. "Venus Dione, Z. and Umbratilis, 8.—both fine and sare te St LOANS Three varieties of the bli¢k Hercules’s Club, from New ‘South Wales, rare= {2 Martyn; Polur. fige 13. ge pe ARN Two fine fpecimens of Spondy ylus gederopus, L. from'the Eft Indies Suid heal esbey & 992 | Four Volutez, 2 Cones, various, Z. a fmall Carrier, and 2 Trochi from the oe Lb a OS, South Scas—all rare Six fine Oftrea pettines, viz. Sanguinea, marmorea, carina, ‘8. obliterata, ZL. &&. ‘—__» (&P An Echinus cordatus imbedded in Aint, and various other petrifagtions — nee ate Thirteen-cards, containing a:variety of Englith Bivalvés ands ik Cancer Depurator, pagurus, angulatus, Dorlettenfis, Aftacus Gammares of Pee S mant, and-various others : Pokus fe v Thirty-five cards, containing avariety of Patelle : ——— ff Two Pinne, an Arca, a Mytilus lithopbagus, 2 Venus tégrina, Z. and others © —_ A variety of Gorgonia, Joie of them rare, and a Faces with numberlefs Serpala | fpirorbis, on it. -L. Sanna Sundry Fuci, Corallines, &¢. forme adhering to fhells on C. 6 Cancer Bernhardus, Z. and a Wine el of other Crabs, penne marine, &c. from the Meditcrrancan = eaticgs Flabellum, Z. and various other f ecies of Gorgonia, one on We nativerdcke pie ‘B A very large Buccinum Tritonis, Z. or Oriental Trumpet cle. bp Threefine fpecies of Afterias, vix. Levigata,aranciaca, and rubens, &. —_—— Thirty-nine cards, containing a grevt variety of Bivalve thells ee ‘i ‘ Two Voluta mufica, 2 vefpertilio, Trochus maculatus, & perfcectivus, i. and r9 other Univalves ‘Ee = O7 Two curious fpecimens of Gurgonia pretiofa, Elis Dooph. 13+ 3 one adhering ie to the bone of another fpeciés of this genus; 3 of Madre ora feriata, ibid’ 3 16 de. $ Tubi, ora mufica, Pid 27. and various other Corals, &c. 4 ‘ Nine backs of rare f_ecies of oes many of ttn Catcer lactatus, Le the a ee Tpotted Scutrle, &e. Seven fine fpecimens of Crepria, viz, 2 of Stolida, a, + ditto, d 2 Onyx, L. aid, ale Shs 6 2 Hyemalis, $. ail rare Cone fous 7 76 eo) 7 ob 773 )fglle* 974 MN Far ler 778 Wliwln. 776 Giller 277 ett 778 Siem 979 Merial dtp 780 Y ee (ey ae aA 783 flan 784 Cad isis 785 , if z L : C$ Ubehlai 786 Cask. 787 Lee 788 Ne C4 / ator a, r4 789 VELL, ye 790° (atl, a ZA 792 aa ~ aug é Z Py 7 sag 793 CLeerfines, 794 Valkeac, 195 eZ 796 Nea: 597 ( 33) ftages of growth, fixe Echinus efeulentus of Pennant, Pl. 84. fg: 74. a mammilated Oriental Echinus, — and 3 more, the 1ft and one of the laft having their {pines Twenty-one cards, containing a great yariety of Nerite a — Ifis hippuris, 2 {pecimens of Mille pora cellulofa, Z. and various other Chin, &e. Buccinum nereidum, §. or Mediterranean ‘Trumpet-fhell, and a large Gricatay purpura, a variety of Murex ramofus, Z - Twenty cards, containing various finall Fecies of Echinus, /ome of them rare A pair of Murex cornutus, £. or thorny Snipe, fom Guinea—rare: eS Two Voluta feafa, in a young flate, §. var e. from Guinea—Jfcarce . An extremely rare fpecies of compreffed Turbo, or French-horn Iand Snail Lib ; posed to be a native of the E. Indies A lage and fine fpecimen of the orange-coloured variety of Oftrea Nodofa, L. or Duck’s-feot Peéten, from the /. Ludie:—rare A globofe terreftrial Helix, with a marginated mouth, of a white colour, with 2: brown bands, from New South Wales—cxcecdingly rare Voluta {cabriufcula, LE. the beaded Mitre, from Pulo Condore, very rare—Martyty Vol. 1. fige.2t0 le . SP AR. SO RE Sy GRAY TLA.LS,. &e. Sundry curious fparry Incruftations on Vegetables Thirty-two cards, containing various Cryftals, Salts, Tin Ore, Amianthi, and other Foffils, many-of them labelled. Twenty-two beautiful {pecimens of Spars, Fluors, and Marbles, from Derby/bire, _ polifbed” A fine cryftallized Manganefe, from Eija, and a coloured Lead Ore with white Cryftals on the furface, from Cumberland Bru Iron Ore, Pore? of Dean; a curiowfly figured Spar, Derdy/bire; and Cryf> tals with coloured Lead Ore, Cumberland Amethyfts; with Copper Ove, from Saxexy; a Chalcedony, a fine coloured Iron - Ore ; Zinc, containing Silver, and 8 other fine Minercts Coloured Nickell from Saxony—rare, and a fine Copper Ore, alfo coloured, from Thuringia: Fine Amethyfts: with Agate, . from the Palatinate; a Zeolites from Sky; Mica: with Lead Ore, from Bannat, in Tranfylvania; and a group of fmall white 8~ frded Spars-with Lead Ore, from the Hartz A mofs-like green Lead Ore, Saxony, and a cryftallized Manganefe with Cryftals, from Elba—both fine. Ailarge fpecimen of O-al in the Matrix,. from Carinthia—very rare at A:fmall curious fpecimen of cryftallized white Silver Ore, from Saxony - Stream Tin Ore, from: Cornwell; Tin Grains, Ditto; White Lead Ore, .from - Legd- Hills, Scotland; Hollow Balls, with needle Spars, & various other Minerals EX.0;:T LG: I:N-S:E CT. § Twenty-cight beautiful Lepidoptera Twelve fine fphinges, moft of them rare aie 798. Twelve a te ; X170 yz ti1w ~ f- C Baul fm _ An extremely fcarce fpecies of Strombus (a yariety of fu ene Z.) in two Zen sbo8 (er ‘6 ee Jaute ¢ Gr11f; Le tly, ete aA / ae - i tlrwryerd Cad A_ 2 ot \ lLiive ttat ESA £4 = . i aca 4 LS 798 799 8eo Sor 810 Sri 812 $13 814 S15 816 817 818 819 1832 Fifteen fine Sphinges, among which are*Cerbera, polymena, Z* &c. ‘Eighteen curious Libellule, chiefly from Africa—Jome rare “Thirty varieties of Cimex, many of'them rare—labelled, chiefly from Africa © — 4‘ ( 3 4 'y Gs bert flpe? ei gs Twelve fpecies of Coleoptere, chiefly Scarabsei, and moj of them rare, amonizft which are Gideon, Alozus, Carnifex, L. &ce Two very fine foectmens of Phatena’ Luna, L. from New York Twenty-fix very fine Papiliones, among{t which are Hector, Senna, Z. &c. & ~ P — = ——— oN +S Various fpecies of Lepidopterx, fuch as papilio oileus, bixe, Horta,Z. 8c. | / 5 $0 PN 3 t coe c~~a Three fine varieties of Papilio Teucer, 'Z. A very fine pair of Phalena Tau, L. from New York—rare A box of Hymenopterz, moftly Formice, from Africa Twenty-eight fpecimens of Lepidopterx, chiefly from Africa and the E. Indies many of them rare e ON Two fpecimens of Aranea avicularia, ‘Z. from ‘N. America _ Twenty eight fpecimens of Papiliones, among which are’ Proteus, Cytherea, ligea, pallia, Cybele, Z. Malicerta, Fadr. ‘8c. Twenty-feven beautiful Papiliones, among which are, Flexippus, Diflimilis, Sie ‘end milis, @Enone, Melzomene, and others, ‘dabelled Sixteen fine Papiliones, among which are Bolina, Xanthus, Clytia, Z. Sc ) Four fine Papiliones, viz..Glaucippe, Sphelenes, and 2 Agenor, L. A box of rare Coleopter, chiefly Scarabati, labelled Seven rare Caffide, (cruciata Fabr. &c:) from-Cayenne, Africa, and the Braxils Nine fine Spheges, from Africa—rare me i. — ON NY On oN AON > so WW gr Bilobus, and 2 ether rare Scarabai, L. aes Nine rareCurculiones, ‘among which are Spengleri, Palmarum, and others fom Africaand the Brazils 2) Sone ‘Seven fpecies of Cerambix, and 2 of Lucanus, rare oS - Eight very curious Elaters, or Spring Beetles, among which is Flabellicornis, fo oculatus,“Z. &c. Eight-Grytli, conocephalus, ZL. and others Jabelled CLR LO U.S S’o Esai. A fine Argonauta Argo, L. from the Mediterrancan Two fingular varieties of Cypraa flercoraria, and a pair of the reearae | variety of Bulla Achatina, ZL. from Guinea .% Murex nodofus, a very rare non-defcript fpecies, from the'S. Seas Lepas (Balanus, 8.).Diadema, L. or Whales Barnacle, rare ’ Helix unifafciata, a non-defcript fpecies of ‘land Snail Juuppofed to ‘be uniquethe country unknown Six beautiful varieties of Bulla’ Virginea, L. the'Prince of Orange’s Flag Snail,&ce ees Hy Two yarieties of Conus. Phrygeus, 8. extremely fcarce, from Coromandel lor _Buccinum Har pa, and Bulla rapa,’Z. or Turne, sthell, both fine and rare 2 gee ba 1 Gus Two odd Valves of a new genus. of Bivalve felis, from Van Diemen’s Land, Nav ‘). olland—extremely Jearce A fine Conus genuanus, Z. or Guinea Admiral, rare | sehgi ding Tas A sot curious and beautiful purple variety of Cyprea Mappa, ZL, 0. rare : Pe sag Enp of the KichtH Day’s SALE. L— LOT Aan hrty/ 833 fete - 834 a (barrviviey, 835 oe 836 Cop h— 837 Harpe - bey a 839 Otis 840 2) Ces 12 ey ita ad 841 of 2 ou 842 Uterratlt 843 Chee hep an 844 By es t 846 as Aer Ae re 848 aioe cy 849 Y vy bd Lt. ae 850 2 85 I Yoile x 852 : O as0 aH 353 Biss t Oe he Ninth Day’s Sate. WEDNESDAY tue sd or MAY, 1786. SHELLS, CORALS, ASTERIA, &. 4 Box of Voluta Oliva, and another of V. Mufica, L. zc = Nine Cardium aculatum, a box of Venus Iffandica, and a box of Solen filiquaftra, L. Thirty deep cards, containing a variety of flower fhells Twelve large cards, containing’a varicty of Englith hells Twenty various Univalves, among which are Buccinum tefticulus, tulipa, _ Strombus pugilis, Lucifer, Murex ramofus, L. &c. Various Corals, Corallines, Spongiz, &c. padi Buccinum nereidum & Neptuni, S. (Murex Tritonis, L.) the Méditertancan: = and W. India Trumpet hells Mya arenaria, three Mytili, viz. 2 Anatinus, one of them with a pearl within, and a New Zealand one; Chama gigas, e. ZL. and a valve of Mactra hians, 5. A parcel of large Englith thells, among which are Murex corneus, & antiquus, Buccinum undatum, Bulla lignaria, Z. &c. Thirty cards of Englih hells of various genera, moff of them labelled Two pieces of wood eaten by Terredo navalis, L. a piece of Cork with various ae Lepas anatifera adhering toit, and part of the branch of a tree with adhefions of Oyfters aecepesamres —~ a Sen a RTS 15 a ra ‘ae Oi Seer Afterias levigata, aranciaca, multiradiata, ophiura, L. lacertofa, Pennant, & 8 more ne Two fine Strombus chiragra, L. or Devil’s claw, /bewing different flages of grawt —— \ietiecs a Various odd valves of rare Pectens, Venufes, Cardiums, Chama, and other Bi- valve thells, many of them labelled Ps C42 Chiton fquamofus, ruber, LZ. dadalus, S. and various fpecies of Ballanini ——— SOs Nine cards of rare Mytili, amongft which are lithophagus, perna, bilocularis, Le Toe jubatus, pictus, S. &c. Thirty-four cards, containing various fpecies of fmall Buccina, /abelled —— an Thirteen various Oyfters, among which are Frons, complanata, L. vulfella, &. (Mya, L.) and others Buccinum Perficum, sage sie 3 other Buccina, and a fine Cheveaux-de-frize _ Murex : ray 4 Lon A te: Fe oe Twenty fine Univalves of various genera, moff of them labelled A very large and fine Afterias reticulata, L, or Mince-pye Star fith E 854 Four g- wees ae — GD po UOrne: . fare OF, dy es frt2 88r 882 mm ea lg “en Four fine Bucci,” viz. 2 Neptuni, grande, S. rufum, ZL. 2 youn’ Serombi,am@ 4 more ; fe 7 A fine Pinna Muricata, L. from the Medirterranean - A, We eS a The back of 15 curious fpecies of Crabs 2.6 Two fine Strombus Gallus, Weft Indies, and-a fine purple-mouth’d Shia, (a 2 ee variety of pugilis, Z.) from Florida Three curious varieties of Buccinum terebellum, S. (Bulla Z.) viz. the fpotted, ay HS the lineated, and the brindled; @#/] fie icant A very fcarce variety of Murex fexatilis 2 or pink-mouth’d purpura, with blue . vA ridges, from Guinea , Ws Se Twelve fine Echini, one of them with it’s fpines Forty cards, containing a great variety of {mall Bivalves, fome of them rare, ‘abit na £ 6 Fifteen large Univalves of various genera, among which are Strombus pugilis, / Z lambis; Murex tulipa; Buccinum perdix, L. &c. ~ . Various fpecics of Haliotis, or Sea-ear, among which are Mid, tuberculata, Z. 4g. ve Tris, 8c. 17 in all Eighteen eards of Univalves, of various genera, all with theirOpercula §=—_—— J — ‘Gorgonia pretiofa, Ellis Zooph. Madrepora faftigiata, ibid, tad. 33. Radiata, ib:2 4 47» 8. a fcarce variety of Muricata, and fungites, L. Two fine left-handed varieties of Helix Pomatia, L. one with it’s covering—erare Thirty cards of {mall Univalves, of different genera, mof? of them labelled Ha Z Seven cards of various fpecies of Arca, viz. 2 Pectunculus, pilofa, Z. deufta, ar- yi Z guta, feripta, §. and 2 more mary Two very rare fpecies of Patellz, uadefcribed Se Three fine fpecies of Murex, allied to Colus, ZL. rare . oo By 6 Eighteen curious fhells of the Helix, Turbo, and Nerita genera, al] rare _ oil, ate A very large fcarlet Spondylus Gederopus, L. from the W. Indies §=———____—- Two fine Varieties of Murex tulipa, L. one deeply frriated pedi r A very rare fpecies of Turbo, unde/cribed ny rae oF | is Mytilus avicula, and 2 of Tortuofus, S. rare, one of the latter uncoated tah rN cm Z Sundry fpines of various fpecies of Echini, and a card of fmall Echini from the we Eaft Indies Ae Five fine {pecies of Echini, (ane with it’s /pines). among whieh are lacunofus, ei- OY 4 daris, rofaceus, L. 8&ce x Twelve cards of beautiful Oftrea pectines, among whieh are carinata, S. jacobzea,, pine f L ziczac, £. &c. Two fine fpecies of Madrepora, viz. Labyrinthi-formis, Z. and’ Carduus, Ellis — Z 6 Zo0ph. Ve A farce variety of Bulla achatina, Z. from the Ea/? Indies pe A: CRYSTALS, SPARS, ORES, &e. A fine fpecimen of cryftallized Tin Ore, with Peacock Copper Ore intermixed: — fg rf Black Shirl, formed in-large Cryftals in-a:micaceous. Stone, from Lyrol shee 883 An: j (Gone fro oe ° Prep hse 833 Gat h- 884 Ahi erty 685 ot 886 Oty 837 Apr 8 Pf . S by F ( Wy - t 889 oe Syo EA ae Cheerjihets, Spr a 892 " 893 . % 894 AM Ne ys Danes 896 v Cota Uaree 897 SK as « /, 03 UUntrer — $98 ye 06 $99 Herdufi a Us g00 OR ei ed | gol Olfu— yy, g02 eet 94%, 903 (CY auyce 7 “gos AG Fg bis ey L /8 vf lr An elegant group of brown plated Fluors, formed in columns, very rare 4, 6 Plated and reticulated native Silver, 2 fpecimens from Saxony —_— ee Beautiful green ftellated fatin Copper Ore, on yellow Copper Ore, from Saxeuy, a rare Two fingular groups of Spars, from the Hartz; a Zeolites, Derby/hire, and Coal with Mundic and Spars, Staffard/bire Seventeen various Foffils, among which are Suber montanum, green Afbettos, _ Scotland, native white Vitriol, Hxxgary, &c. A large columnar Cryftal, one fide covered with Botryoid Mareafites, from St. Fuft, in Cornwall Two fine Incruftations on Vegetables =~ —____ A large Cone in Cone ftalaétites, a fine Steatites, from Resa near the Bicata) a fingular Pyrites, and 7 more Eleven large cards, containing Muria chryfolampis, natrum felenites, amianthus , afbeftos, Z. various Cryftals, Salts, &c. Sixteen cards of various Earths, Clays, Steatite, &c. EEO A beautifully coloured Cubic Fluor, and a Tin Ore with Cryftals and Shiri, both rare Brufh Iron Ore, Foref of Deine ¢ cryftallized Manganefe, Elba; coloured Coal, from Caermarthenfhire ; a phacolithus, from Sky; 2 fingular Spars, and 2 others Antimony, from Cornwall; a fine cryftallized Zeolites, from Sky; a teffulated Lead Ore, Derdy/hire, and 2 more A moft curious fpecimen of blue Plumofe, or needle Antimony, from Hungary wery fine and rare A very Jarge 8-fided Cryftal of Pyrites, made up of a nymber of Plates, with Spars, &c. from Saxony Part of a very large Cube of Amethyftine Fluor, with a border and rofes of f brown Terra Ponderofay from Camberland A large hollow fpecimen of Freeftone, lined with pointed Spat4) from Glouceffers / Joire, ZEtites marmoreus, La SHELLS, PETRIFACTIONS, Ge. Nine fine Univalves, viz. 2 Cypraa mauritiana, 1 Arabica, 2 Conus geographus; 2 Strombus pugilis, Z. and 2 others Sixteen cards of Anomiz, Serpule, Ammonites, a Mytilus, a Fungites, and Oa curious petrifactions Twenty-eight cards of various fpecies of Patella Twenty cards of various Foffil fhells, chiefly from France Madrepora labyrinthica, Ellis Zoop). 46. 3. two varieties of Ifis ochracea, &, wad various other fpecies of Corals Six cards of various fpecies. of Arca, among w hick are Ruombes, crenata, a. dilatata, denfa, S. and others - ao Two large fpecies of Serpulz from the Z. Indissamrare Ee 907 Twe C22 fens. co ee ——_—_——— ee Clare Lhe OG OtL = 997 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 925 22 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 93 932 ee (tes Paavtf : Two fine and large varieties of Venus literata, £, or Arabian Camp Clam, from. China A pair of a very fearce variety of Murex tulipa, from Florida, and an Antiquus, ae L. fingularly diftorted -— BIRDS: EGE & Sixteen fpecies of Birds Eggs, moftly Exgli/h—/ome of themrare; among them . the Gold and Silver Pheafant, and a Parrot’s Egg Thirty cards of Eggs of Britith Birds, fome of them atte lahees —— “- A number of cards, containing Eggs of Britith & foreign Birds, many of themrare job Nineteen large and {mall cards, of various Eggs, chiefly of fea Birds and the Hawk kind camnhte: A box divided into 36 partitions, containing many curious Eggs, moftly of fea G Birds, Jabelled, from Scotland ae Pe > Various Eggs of large marine and land Fowls “e i SHELLS, CRABS, &. Z Forty cards, containing a great variety of fmall Univalves of different generag ——— G.6 many of them rare and labelled 2 Sundry fpecies of Crabs and Lobfters, chiefly from the Mediterranean “TTt to Mee A very fearce variety.of Murex fexatilis, 2. 0 = ——— 16. Three {peeies of Pholas, viz. Dactylus, candidus, L. & crifpatus, S. Venus in« a craflata, S. and 2 fine Mya declivis, S. rare i Fourteen cards of Bivalves of various genera, confiting icin of Venufes,Care 5 diums, Mytili, &c. Two rare Echinitz, from Malta; part of a large Turbo; a Teredo navalis, and — i various other petrifactions Various Corals, Gorgoniaz, Spongiz, &c. ee ag Six cards of various fpecies of Afterias, ‘among which are Ophiura, aculeata, r Te bens, Z. and placenta of Pennaxt See Twenty-four cards,’containing various fpecies of Buccina, Jabelledmfome of themrare ~~ b A very fine fpecimen of Mara lata, S. /carce + 4b. Helix Otis, an extremely rare /pecies, figured by Favanne, tab. 63. eae Ng II Two fine pair, different varieties, of Helix citrina, L. very rare Three rare fpecies of Turbo, viz. Lifer, 589. 53. and 2 others Two fine varieties of Voluta Mufica, [. the black and the red _—_—— 7 - Myatruncata, L. from Newfoundland, and Complanata, 5, from Maryland==both se rare Three fine Strombi, viz. 2 young Lambis, L. and one undefcribed J. 6 Twenty-eight cards,containing various fpecies of Conus, all labelled, fome of shemrare —— 7 , Twenty-five Univalves of different genera, chiefly Cones and Volutes i 6 933 Two (a8 Ja a —_— C—O ee £52 - 7, / ) ( 39 ) Ppa Tynn af fivfe: 933 Two varieties of Helix achatina, Z. the broad firiped Zebra, & purple mouth’d from Guinea, and a terreftrial Helix from Surinam, Lift, conch. 1055+ 16 vid. alfa — —— ut a Lifter’s Fourney to Paris / J (ty Hinz 934 A cea Murex fexatilis, L. very rare _—_—— # 6 tmgplrty; 935 A fine Spondylus Gederopus, LZ. or purple Spondylus, formed upon the bool of « aren: oo : 4 Turkifh tobacco-pipe, from Alexandria ce fy le? 936 A largeand fine Buccinum hemaftoma, L. rare SS L é gh 937 Bulla phyfis, L. &. from China, and veficaria, S. from the W. Indies, both rare. —— Murufetity, 938 A pair of fine Buccinum bombycinum, S. a new fpecies from New Zealand 10 . 24° 939 Two rare pearly Mytili, from Pulo Condore, brown, and green radiated with Hie - black, rare Cy eig be 940 A fine large fpecimen of Conus Prometheus, §. from Guinea—rare ee eer > So naet “y 94 Two fine pair of Bulla Virginea, different varieties; Helix perverfa, and a {mall F in yy achatina, L. all rare Cutwd te, 942 A fine pair of Buccinum decuffatum, L. very rare —— f ye , ~ \ Z» 943 A fine Trochus folaris, L. remarkable for having double fpines, from the Wf ee eo , fr v Indies—rare ; af 944 The American Flag Buccinum, from the N. W. Coaf? of Americamextremely [earcey 2.4 . Martin Vol. 1. figs.3. ce dy fer 945 AfineChama Lazarus, very rare, a a Enp of the Nintu Day’s SALE» * Tenry AAA [pts ty, ‘ G Af ti Go one lirky o. ae b° ay Xk ¢ A 4 s ~*~ rity / Lr, A 4-4 > 2 { La at {le z ‘a , A ly + aes nfl Lt , LOT 946 947 948 949 950 Q5t g52 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 360 961 gb2 963 964 TentH Day’s, Sate.” THURSDAY tne 4th or MAY, 1786, SHELLS, CORALS, PETRIFACTIONS, See I N E large cards of various fmall thells for making flowers A box of Buccinum undatum, a ditto of Cardium echinatum, Z, and 8 Sore 4 ditto of other Englith fhells. Varicus odd valves of Cardiums, Spondyli, Venufes, Peétens, and other {carce /2 Bivalves Thirty-four deep cards of flower thells, /orted Two Strombus lambis, L. 3 other Strombi, 3 Cyprace, and a Nines entipa Twenty-feven cards of Britifh thells-of various genera, terreftrial and aquatic, mofily named A branched Coralloid, 2 maffes of Anomia, a mafs of Entrochi, a fpecimen of Z. / “Woot aud-dther petrifactions ars: Various {pecies of Serpule, among which are Filagrana, vermicularis, L. the great purple ridged crm of the W. Indies, & others, with feveral others of Torede navalis, Z. Sixteen cards, containing various fpecies of Mytili, among which are Ruber, modiolus, difcors of New Zealand, lithophagus, LZ. &c. aa Twenty-eight cards of Britith hells, terreftrial and aquat?c, of various generay moft of them labelled Fourteen cards of various fpecies of fmall Echini Two varieties of Chama gigas, Z. or furbelowed Clamp Twenty-eight fine Univalves, of different genera, confifting of Cones, Buccina, Volutes, &c. Ten various fpecies of Afterias, mong which are placenta of Pexaant, aranciacay rubens and ophiura of Z. oa ae Various Corals and Corallines, Fuci, &c. i Twenty-two cards, containing various f{pecies of Venus, /ome of them rare, moftly labelled ia A pair of a rare variety of Murex faxatilis, L. from Guinea Pere, Two fpecimens ef a fcarce variety of Murex tribulus from Martinique, and one A pair of fine Conus Augur, S. or dotted Cone,, Knorr. V1. tab. 13. fig. Ow A Medrepora fungites, the hcllow of which is filled‘with anumber ofa curious: Spondylus plicatus, L.—a mof? fingular /pecimen Cardium Cardifla, Z. and impreflum, S$ 2 curious fpecies of the Venus’s: Heart Cockle, very rare Two Turbo Delphinus, and 2 Pagodus, £. all fine- Cardium unedo, L. and Erythordon, 8. very fine—vhe latter exceedingly fearcery ss + Three varieties of Bulla ficus, L. or Fig thells, one of them very rare pr A fine Oriental Echinus, 4aving ifs fpincs “ee Saat ae Millepora agaracites, a moit curious undefcribed fpecies, very rare: es Two fmall but curious varieties of Spondylus Gederopus, Z. one adhering to: a Chama, from the E. Indies—rare Argonauta Navicula, Rum. 18.4, and hians, 8. 2b:d 18. B. both rare pearl & fine Chama Lazarus, and a fmall orange-coloured Spondylus Gaderopus, Za. __ le both rare Twenty curious fmall thells of various genera, tivo of them reverfe, and all rare, ah O - Anomia.obfoleta, 8.—wery fcarce — 73. 6 Enp of the ELeventH Day’s Sam. TIL EveventHe i LoT deres, 1059 Chee c___ 1060 Jhawy oct ~— 1061 AS. 3062 : ss gym : 1063 ake ined 1065 } ptinca 1066 r Athen 1067 ie 1068 j= FA ous. 4069 Aro 1070 Jb atd Ooi. 1071 pélectn 1072 a. pryn9e7y 1073 Pics. v74 D2 rae Ve orate 1076 PA gincn 1.’ 9077 O44 4 = 1078 a Fe) - y] niefA 1081 Day's Sars. ELEVENTH FRIDAY rae sth or MAY, 1786. Bol NO DOC AT NA, Large blue and white bowl and difh, z round tureens, and 2 bell bafons /. v4 : - A large blue japan punch pot and cover, a mazarine pannelled fugar dithy a pint bafon and cover, 2 blue japan ftands, brown edges, and a {mall dik fh ie Forty-three pieces of white china, various {-—~ Two white japan lamps, 4 white tea-pots, a cream ewer, an emboffed toilet box, sy, vs z 14 teacups, and 19 others various A tea aiid coffee fet of the Chelfea porcelain-—28 pieces a fs FO Two ottagon brown edge japan bafons, one cover, an oftagon patty, 2 ten fquare 2 _— faucers, 2 toilet pots, 2 odd pieces, and 2 cups Two japan dragon bafons, z cups, and 4 fine brown edge patties of the wheathheaf eee ek: is is A pattern ‘ psa Suet A fine wheatfheaf pattern difh with Bidwil edge, aten fquare ditto, wheathheafand ——— /. “/%. oe pheafants; a fall fcollop ditto, and 3 various with brown edges 3 A fluted brown edge cream bow], a f{colloped panne! ditto, and 3 fmall plates A fine fmall fan-pattern difh, a leaf-pattern ditto, a {collopped ditte, and 4 wheat- fheaf-pattern ditto A capital ofagon brown edged bowl with feavlit dragons a? ee 6 = és i Two fine blue pheafant pattern difhes, 2 fine ten fquare brown edge dilties, arid a Ry ag fcollopped ditto Cae Tworemarkable fine 21 inch-difbes, of the rare old coloured japan ‘4 = a S46 A large and very capital coloured japan bell-foaped bowl, on a carved and gilt Pande Eee | des alia. Three rare fea-green tea-pots, one with a filver fpout, and z bird pots phe a: 2a A purple bowl and difh, a‘bafon, 2 fine leaves, a cream ewer with filver handle 1 te os Nd and 2 feet, and a leaf-fhaped ftand aan q: £6 A pair of fine fexagon coloured japanned jars and covers J. A 2 bm A A fine emboffed purple beaker A fine claret-colour bottle, a brown ditto, a green jar and cover, rey a ee bottle with emboffed flowers os Sa om A capital fet of 3 jars and z beakers of the old blue and white iad 4 % Three large blue and white beakers ae Seven blue and white jars, 2 covers, 2 bottles, and 2 mugs hoa Saad fa Three large white beakers, 2 white figures, achasity, a 98s, a lion, and 8 other ORANGE Bis pieces 7. ? +» Fz 9! Cen 2 woe ot 1082 Two Sj ~0o oA A 4 Fn hote ng &% Pt inite oa Or, 1084 £085 1086 1087 1088 1689 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 r100 JIOI 3102 ¥103 i104 1105 1106 Re / ; ( 46 ) C FAR IS 7 | Tio uncommon japan perfume pots, 2 imitations of bamboo cane, and’ 2° Ze, “: fquare cannifters Two blue and white over handled tea-pots, a brown bottle, 3 crackled bottles, . As eae and 2 ducks Rare OLD GOLD anv STILVER JAPAN, &c. A large kidney -fhaped box and cover, of the fine indented japan era utes An oval box, ornamented with a jofs, & a Chinefe cow, & an indented japan box: 2. ¢& Two fine filver mounted fandel-wood boxes of the fexagon fhape, and trays, con- - | taining three diamond-fhaped boxes and covers in each, and ornamented with’ ye b bd cocks, hens, fauns, and dogs, and an inlaid jewel box. . “ Eight fcarlet and gold waiters, 3 large faucers, 2 chocolate cups and faucers, re= 3 y neg’ prefenting tortoifefhell infide rch aan A filver japanned jewel cheft we 6 A fquare japan cabinet, with drawers and folding doors, on a frame RON gE ie 35 6- A box of gold and filver japan, a red ditto with.a cover, in three parts, a black. and gold cup and cover, and a Chinefe cage —- £2.45 - A japan trunk with a tray gl i 6 Two nelts of fine japan boxes, with coloured flowers and léaves~ ce An elegant round box and cover, ornamented with a jofs, richly ftudded with fiver, containing atray, and.7 mall boxes infide, of the eRe, 3 allo a fmall boxy ., mr ee richly ornamented with rock-work and trees Two fmall fine fhaped boxes and trays, of the black and gold japan, and a round : fg aes ditto and tray A very fine gold japan box, in 3 parts, with filver rings and filk taffels . —— ii A very capital waiter of the flat japan, ornamented with carp in gold and filver 7- A ee Two elegant black and gold boxes, with trays of the old japan, containing four mall . Loxes in each, with covers, of the butrerfly patiern, ornamented with flower-pots, in i gold and filver, pearl and coral flowers -. ie a A capital jar in three. parts, in.imitation of an earthon-one, a very fine foaped tray + aks y with images and a bridge of the black and gold ae: A very rare and matchle/s Jquare box, on feet, with a tray, richly ornamented, repre ___ 32 / i Jenting the grain of wood, with 4 mall boxes infide of the gald japan ay A very fine gold japan box, in the form of a plume of feathers | ABs 4y . A very fine fat japan box, very ri ; y jap » very rich yer CURELOUS ACALE mute: Two agate bowls. Two ditto goblets POE CDS Rt as Oe eee ad ; Two ditto?) se ‘om, 4 onecditto: i!” Svsuae ee i pesado so acid ob pes } Threefmallditte === a wel Pe Pena ome Gx be PM, Ne 4. 4 f Ln 1109 fa ‘M10 a Vd a T1112 oto" , BA13 goed w «RTT4 W115 | ia 1118 Sten ei IQ < ial 1120 [etre Bo_a121 Varian 21122 poplar 1123 mw *% ay uw T1296 eat. Te26 ‘ee 1127 ot 1128 a 1129 lb 1130. 1 ao 1131 Uru. 1132 ao YW ‘ig de oe edie xis Cet. 1136 Hy 3337 VF 8 eeeg ya 11 38 Tot 1139 a N.B. 1143 Llano 1144 DU Araieh. A145 (4%) oa iid 224 Kt Twelve ditto cups, 2-faucers, and one ditto knife handle es MS fs- ‘One very curious blood-ftone and filver gilt vafe ny A 7 One ditto {mall ditto Aes. Gots One light-coloured agate niinee Oe che] 1: hl ae on ven bi fe Two finall agate vafes, mounted in gold —_—- OS 8 One fardonyx fquare ditto ditto SD eRe ee ; One agate ditto with a chain ditto a Ge 17, Pa One cryftal ditto with pearl ditto - ee sce s ne eg . One blood-ftone gobles. we nee ilinfaeeiN a 2 Ve a Two fmall agate urns, a fmelling bottle, 2 boxes, a pincufhion, and a owt?” One {mall blood-ftone pot, in gold One garnet and gold enamelled {melling bottle ae eee a Sh Mt Oneemerald. ditto ditto—was the property of Nell. Gwin, ~~ 7. 68 One ditto — fquare. ditto a Wie a 7% Two agate unmounted boxes and 5 pieces - SC ae , ee ge a Three large marble vafes: Two % agate feal handles-. ha aT or | anaeme One ditto cheft, in metal gilt’ a Pa es 74 One-large pebble tankard, in filver gifé:-———____________+_____ uae Pi a pee ¢ a Z One vafe, mounted in filver i ES dS aa One very curions mocoa /melling bottle One agate and gald tdoth-pick cafe... § ——__ » 4S One agate box and a pocket looking-glafs. (. 4. One reli&t—a Sone, mounted in gold . eee ee 4. 46 Two carnelian rings, an agate {melling bottle, a cup, anegg, and 3 pieces» Pin, 2. One very curious ring with emerald and diamonds, one diamond and ruby gold i) vA enamelled heart, and one cryftal and enamelled beaded watch ; ay ; One enamelled vafe, in metal gilt. ee FF One Derbyshire fpar vafe, in ditto Bees een 2_____— One very curious garnet fpoon, mounted in gold ae te eee oa. Four carnelian » ditto ditto —— s- (0 Seven agate ~ ditto - in:filver a Sens a ea 2. th ‘ One ditto: ditto in Golds, fi Log One filver gilt ditto, with a cryftal handle ea , a Two cryftal ditto, mounted in gold, and curioufiy fet with rubies ae ia) ook One ditto ~ ditto Captor te cae ee ya es Four ditto forks, . ditto ditto a Z “O The above Three Lots of CRYSTALS were out of the ARUNDEL CoLLECTION, - Peres Two very curious enamelled goblets, very finely painted a Two ditto cups and faucers ditto 7 Q Queen Elizabeth's falt-feller, in filver filligree work, and folds up in a very curions manner = fo. Co. 1146 Two ( 8) But ru? 4 {PQA aD 1146 uve wery fine bores, in bronze alee 2 “a Seg b—~—> #147 One ditto, and one India cow, with a figure upon it, ditto 239 tt * 1148 Two Derbythire fpar vafes i : ae Peerte... “ 1149 A very fine bronze figure upon a pedeftal a ay ign iks uso A very fine equefirian flatue of King William on borfeback, and a figure lying be. | underneath, in bronze re OO ee aoa (hy —— 11st Four curious pieces of painted glafs te 18%, Ny Gen ° ri5z Six pieces of metal gilt filligree, with glafs bottles —_. J.¢ Vor ee heegirvnrnt 4G 1153 Several pieces of filver filligree work ’ ————— fF fe, X) A here 4 1154 Acocoa nut and effence bottle, mounted in filver ——-. Fh z ® @ oe * rigs A filverink and pen-cafeand chain, and a ditto nutmeg-grater, wt. 12 Of a #4 s , Jiyt-— * y156 Three filver figures, wt. 27 oz. fh x wa + u1s7 Eight filver pieces, wt. 602. ah pr See i }. "Sgr > Es aOUe ds ; 1185 One very beautiful gold enamelled toothpick cafe asta fn. ah. vA & | > ‘Enn of rhe Eceventu Dav’s Sant. s ‘st %, *e ada es “ete Twerrtis » * TwetrTraH Day’s Sate. SATURDAY tue 6th or MAY, 1786, SHELLS, PEERIFACTIONS,, CORALS, és ser O a ney, ae WO large cafks of Foffil Wood’ ———_—_——~ : ind 1160 A parcel of Petrifactions, &c. from the neighbourhood of 2: Cilee a ae x161 Eight boxes,.containing. various Englifh thells, fuch.as Oftrea edulis, opercus gg YA iad laris, maxima, L. &c. oe 1162 Four fine fpecies-of: Venus, viz. [flandica, chione, mercenaria, and tigrina,L,.—-— f$ — Se 1163 Nineteen cards, containing various fpecies of Patella, /ome of ¢hem rare 682... ye murky ate 1164 A variety of Colus, J. and: other fcarce Murices - 7 5 4 Minny tC 1165 Fifteen fine Univalves,. among which.are Voluta cymbium, - ie pildarey faxatilis, L. Buccinum bulbofum, & exoletum,.S.c. &c. Teas Be g Mes Hampers, 2166 A fine Millepora.alcicornis, L. with an Alcyonium adhering; Gorgonia abie- tina, Ellis Zooph, tab. 16. and a curious Gorgonia, from: Florida, Ellis Corals. __ 20. PIS See: of 1167 Forty cards of fmall Bivalve thells of the genera Tellina, Donax, Venus, &c. many of them labelled a cake (‘ast 1168 A fcaree Echinus frony Mala, afine- Murex from Harts, and 6 other curious petrifactions- = pee yur 1369 Cyprea Tigris, g:fpecimens, fhewing the various flages of growth, and 5 of. | Mauritiana, L. to./bew the fame | ot 1170 ‘Two varieties of lacunofus,-rofaceus, efculentus, and 3 other fine Echini 3 | ots 117% Forty cards of exotic Univalves, chiefly of the Helix kind, many of them rare __ 3. ‘a | 1172 Six fpecies ef Mytilus, viz. Perna, difcors, Z. of New Zealand, pictus, farctus, : S. and edulis, L. «with a box-of pearls taken out of tt. 4 Cong 1173 Twelve fine fpecies of Venus, vizs Penfylvanica, fcripta, meroe, literata, L.. a, bifida, hermione, opima, &-cerea, S. &c. aac ¢, Genie 1174. A fine Anomia placenta, L. from Coromandel—rare te C Cs, 1176 Two fmall fpecimens of Nautilus Pompilius, L. ove of them nnsonted: Bulla ves ia re : ficaria, S, 2 Tiochus bilineata, and 4.other curious fhells z, , x 3176 A neat fmall pair of Voluta melo,S. or Melon hell, and a fine: Murex perverfus, Pe -? g ‘ ELi—vrare ie . pe ab 1197 Thirty-five Univalves of various genera, chiefly Buccina, of? of them labelled i 2 1178 Three fine fpecies of Echinus, viz. 2 varieties of Efculentus, and another with ‘ \ it’s {pines from the Mediterranean — ‘ay §- 1179 Thirty fe Pie bis a. § Len? , hak 1179 1180 rrst 1182 1183 1184 1185 .1186 1167 1188 _ +1189 1190 (Qt L1g2 1193 1194 1195 1196 F107 1198 1199 1200 r201 Two varieties. of Millepora cellulofa, alcicornis,.coriacea, £. and 3 curious K igo |) Thirty-two cards of fhells of various genera Six fine fpecies of Cardium, viz. Coftatum, medium, echinatum, Z. oh aeree variegatum, & muricatum, & Conus betulinus, literatus, Z. and. Prometheus, al/‘fine §=£——__—-__--- A fine pair of Cypraea Mappa, L. or Map Cowry, rare Arca. pectunculus, e. S. from the South Seas—very rare Afterias Caput Medufe,.an Echinus cidaris, L. with it’s fpines ; various {pecies of Cancer, &c. ; Nine fine Echini, placenta, orbiculus, L. &c. ome rare Oftrea: grandis, §. from Halifax in N. America ’ os ae Voluta Ebriea, 2.fine Murex pyrum, ZL. Buccinum maculofum, &. and 2 other Adie rare fheils om Serpula“Gigantea adhering to a’Madrepgora, with it’s Operculum, rare, mer Ja another Serpula adhering to a Pecten, from Sicily Ts Two Ammonite, parts of 2 others with waved chambers, 3 groups of See Bites Bae Five curious Sponges, viz. Fiftularis, Z. the wire, &c. ch T-welve fpecies of Nerita, in pairs, all fixe SESE Fourteen fine fpecimens of Haliotis, or Ear-fhells, among which are Afinina, ee ‘L. Iris,-one from New Holland—rare, &c. a J 7 Forty cards of Bivalve.and Multivalve. hells, of various genera, many of them labelled oa Be a re Madrepores WVoluta reticulata, L. and Coelata, Sx—oth rare Twelve fine terreftrial Snails, @l/ scarce g. A pair of Strombus fcorpius, Z. and a young one, with the fingers not formed Three fpecies of Pinna, viz. Nobilis, rotundata, 4, & pectinata, L. the laff Ene ad 4 glifh, ana all fine § A large Belemnites from Scotland, various Ammonitz, and other fine petri- —_ factions poy A Gorgonia, with feveral Mytili margaratiferri, and a group of Serpula fili- —+- a Sar , and fundry Myz vulfcliz, Z. (Oftrea, §) in Sponge orgs} SS Eighteen various bivalves of different genera, among which are Spondylus Gz= grana adhering deropus, of the Mediterranean, 2 Venus chione, 3 maculata, 2 pinna-nobilis, Li» BC Murex hauftellum, and brandaris, L. the Snipe, and thorny Snipe, doth fine }_, Two fine and large Arce, viz. granofa, L. and rigida, S.—rare Twenty cards,.of various Opercula of fhells A great-variety of exotic Foffil thells, qwith a@ catalogue annexed Two Cypreea pantherina, S. 7.7/7, 681. 28. two Conus ftriatus, ‘capitaneus, 2 ‘Voluta oliva, Z. and 4 more Two Voluta vefpertilio, a Trochus niloticus, a pair of Voluta porphyria, 2 Oriental Murex femorale, Z. and 2 others ~ 56 SPARS SG fd. a Cee bah £208 5209 r210 4201 1212 1213 y214 1219 ¥216> 1237 1218 1219 1220 y22t 4222 " Monoculus polyphemus, Z. and 2 fine Crabs, one of them from Jamaica - € 59 ) SPARS, CRYSTALS, ORES, OC Laeg ly jee 3 A fine fpecimen of red plumofe Antimony with Quartz, from Hangaryrave 3 A curious fpecimen.of green fhirl, with rock Cryttals intermixed, frem Yjrel— 4 rare - A fingular group of flatted‘Columnar Cryftals, very curious ———— £ Beautiful ftellated blue Cryftals of Copper, ona Quartz ore ftone, from Saxony, rare: _ A group of fingularly fhaped Spars on an Iron ore, wery rare, from Bayreith ————— White-lead Ore, Scotland; arborefcent Lead Ore in Spar, from Schajenberg,, in Saxony, and afenely coloured Lead Ore- =" oe Black Lead, from Jnverne/s; ‘Tin Ore, Cornwall; green Atbeftos,» Scotland; —_ jes ip -.Mica argentea, from Port/oy;and various other Minerals, &c. {Sia Sis A ieee Fy Fourteen beautifui varieties of Agates, from Muntrofe,.in Scotland ee we 6 A’ group of Cubic Fluors-with-Cauk Balls, and various Spars, Micz, &e: =——— a, Foe A plated Terra ponderofa, from the Hartz, and 2 large groups of Amethyftine Zz L : Cubic Fluors, with brown Terra panderofa, &c. from Cumberland - Two Stalactite;andwwarious {parry incruftations on Vegetables Zincum rapax, Z. or brown Blend, trom the Hartz ;: coloured Iron Ore, Elba, Tin Ore, Cora-walland 7 other Minerals- = she Tranfparent Realgar, and Orpiment with Realgar, from Aiungaryboth fine Q ic A fingular Flint, owing it’s figure to the futured Chambers and fiphunculus of an Ammonia;-germinating native. Copper from Cornwall; Minute Quartz Cryftals, Saxony, and a beautifully coloured Marcafite, Stafford/hire ae os “6 Nineteen cards,containing,a variety of curious Minerals, among others:a plated Iron Ore, Al/atia; blue, red, and-white rock Salt, 2 Zeolite, &c. ia / e _ A curious group of white femi-tranfparent Fluors, of a fingular figure, with fine white filky Amianthus intermixed, very rare SHELLS,-CORALS, &. A large and fine thagreen Trochus, from New Zealand—wvery rares Martyn, ‘Fon Wee Fist Pete Thirty-eight cards, containing various fpecies of Buccinum, many of them rare, and moftly labelled ; 0. A fine ftriated Nautilites, from the Blue Lodge Quarry, near Bath ae 3 A {mall Chama Gigas, Ly iz it’s native fituation, on a Madrepore a 4. , 6 Thirty-five cards, containing various fpecies of finall Buccina, laseled ~— y, Various fpecies of Sabella, among others alveotata, L. Rudis & Tubiformis of Pennant, &Ce | G 1231 A * ose a er) ae (2) Pian fori A fine Cone, a young Strombus, a fingular Belemnites, 3 Ammonita, and 3 © yi wes £2, O-4 Jie rb Tis other petrifa@ions Two fine Spondylus basta uke of the Meditorgaan: adhering ue with other hells affixed to them, very curious aa Two pair, different varieties, of Bulla Virginea, LZ. anda pair of an unde, fcribed Helix, from Madagafiar—all fine Three varieties of Mytilus Margaratiferus, Z. from the W. Indies, and one from China—fine cats Thirty-feven cards of Univalves, chiefly of the Trochus and Nerita Senate moft of them from the South Seas guy Sixteen cards, comprehending moft of the fimall fpecies of the Balanus genus __- Two Bernhardus, and various other fpecies of enna fundry {pécimens of Afterias aculeata, Z. 3 Onifci, &c. Sertularia operculata, L. or Sea-hair adhering to a Mytilus, from New eS ie ; Fluftra foliacea, Spongia aculeata, L.'3 branched Sponges, &c. A ftudded Cuneus, 5 curious capa of ot 2 ig from Dudley, me a other rare petrifaGtions © Two fearce varieties of Trochus alveolatus, or Beehive Snail, Lift. ba. bes fh purple-edged Trochus, Martyn, Vol. 1. fig. 33. re two rufiled Sasain from ‘amaica, and 4 other curious fhells a / > Various fpecies of Cancer, viz. dorimia, from ig 2 HL mantis, L. and others rc Four varieties of Oftrea perna, Z. (Ifognomon, $.) Mytilus hirundo, Marga- ritifera, 2 Anomia ephippium, L. 2 large Chitons, &c. | a AS Oftrea pectines, pleuroneétes, & nodofa, L. both fine pe b. Z " Seven curious Helices from Cox/fantinople, viz. two finely coloured edtitties of ee Pomatia, 2 of Lucorum, L. and 3 others A fine Mya declivis of Peanant, eeofniaie Anotnia Coon L.on a Peéten, and 3 other Englifh bivalves The broad ftudded Cuneus from abs. the narrow ae from We eymouth, and acurious Foffil Pecten Buccinum corenarium, S. from Newfoundland, and another fearce fpecies from Greenland : Twelve cards, containing vatious fpecies of Lepas, viz, Anatifera, yy tedlees lum, Z. Cornucopia, polita, S. and others, ladclled Thirty-nine cards, containing various {mall fpecies of Voluta, /abelled Madrepora dubia, Ellis Zooph. Tab. 26. fig: 3- prolifera, ibid, 32. 2+ rofea, Ells, MS. Millepora fpongiofa, & alciornis, ibid, and another, all fine Three curious ffecies of Pholas, viz. Striatus, S. 2 pink ones from Madras, and 3 in a piece of Wood Fourteen cards of curious fatal! Bivalves, of various genera, viz, a very finall Chama hippopus, ZL. 2 Venus turgens, peregrina, 5. &¢. a) 3) sa. — Cp inAyford ( 53 ) Geaidt 17 4263. A find ahd farge Tellina planata, Lavery rave - ———-— I - A large and fine land Helix, from Pulo Condore, Martyn, Pol. UW. fren ——— op Sry ‘i ip 1254 on T2559 1256 anyphar,s 1257 esi i a 1258 1259 AA ‘ f TA Mt earbo ¢ Attn, 4261 ast— 1262 1263 Oly £264 Heese a365 Ca Ae 3266 Cardium Cardiflay J. and impreffum, & two fmall varieties of the Venus’s Heart Cockle, rare A large and fine Conus obefts, S. or purple-brindled Cone, from Madaga/car—e q a Pee wery rare ; Six curious fpecies of Anomia, viz. Truncata, caput ferpentis, L. pubefcens, ib fie cruenta, diftorta & retufa, S. A pair of curious and rare white flender Murices, from Lecland—undefcribed = __ femhie Voluta fluctuofa, §. a moft curious and extremely fcarce fpecies of thesMufic kind, from New South Wales 4-4 A very fine Helix.otis, uxdefcribed and very rare — oe Sire Mytilus piceus, §. from Newfoundland—very rare ae bj. & fine Conus nebulofus, S. an extremely fcarce fpecies, nearly allicd to the Cedo nulli,Le —__ an Two rare fpecies of Oftrea, viz. Folium, L. and purpurea, S. the latter from South Seas ee fe Two neat {mall varieties of Spondylus Gaderopus, Z. from the Bef and Wef - Feies | | : Shae Madrepora criftata, Ellis Zooph. Lab. 31. f. 3, and Ampliata, did, 41. 1. 2. both very rare oe ee . Three fine fpecies of Balanus, viz. Tulipa, and tintinnabulum, with their _ 3 LZ Opercula, and Pyramidalis, 8.—Ellis, fg. ge ; wine ns 4a. 132% Enp of the TweurrH Day’s SALE. G2 THIRTEENTH Tos LOT 1267 1299 11280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 if THIRTEENTH Day's: SALE. MONDAY tne 8th or MAY, 3986. 000 © a. Ges ‘INSECTS, wire Tuer LARVA, PUPA, anp NESTS. ia pean vi ye ae | ART of the Nef of a rormicn (a native of yailalay fourd bebind the chimney ofa houfe near Clapham, Surry; a’ catd of Gold Shells, fuppofed to be the Cryfalides of a fpecies of Coccus. “See Mr. Lightfoot, in seks Tranf. 1786, Vol. 7. and funtiry Larva and Pupz of Infeéts Various terrene cells of exotic Infects of the Hymenoptera clafs Acurious Wafps Nett, from’ Cayenne, Liffer’s journey to Paris tab.1f.t.& 2 others, uw ens one within a,glafs cafe from Famaica, a terrene one from Italy; a Neft of — “5- the Apis Centuncularis ZZ. or Rofé Bee, another” Neft formed in a brick, &¢s _A large and curious Neft of a Vefpa, from the Wf-Ludies, inclofed in a gla/s - Seventeen fpecies of Englith Phalenz, mo/f a rare, near non-de[cript Twelve ditto, /ome of them new—all rare Sixteen curious exotic Spheges, chiefly from ihe Scarabeus Tityus, Z. and 7 others; 2 Cicade, 6 Grylli, a Nepa, and a Libellula Seventeen beautiful fpecies of Englith Papiliones, amongft them Quercus, Tages, Paphia, Euphrofyne, Semele, and Malve L. all very perfec ee Twenty-nine fpecies of the fmaller kinds of pele Phalenz, many of them very rare, all fine, and labelled - Seven fpecies of rare Englifh Pied: among which are Leucomelas-and pifi, I. and 4 others, oz defcript. Seventeen curious.exotic Scarabxi, amongft which are Lanigerus, laticollis, -punctatus, capenfis, indus, .Z. gibbofus, marginata; Cetonia marginella, olivacea, Fabr. &c. Twenty-five fpecies of fall. Coleoptere, of various «genera, chiefly from Africa and the Brazils, amongit awhich are Attellabus formicarius, curcus j lionides, and others, /alelled Pupus, Z. and 3.dther fpecies of Gryllus, all exotic ‘Four pair of exotic Sphinges, amongft-which are Carolina, euphorbia, and tena; eli. od . eye o Eleven foreign Papiliones, moff of them rare, amongf them Caffie, Leda, Jatrophe, L. &e. ‘Fitteen curious fpecies of Coleopttre, chiefly from Africa Twenty-nine beautiful exotic Lepisoptera, moftly Phalenz, /ome of them rare Oromedon, Fadr. and another fine cornuted Scarabaus, the laft from the Bra- ails—both rare 1286 Twenty- ¢ O11, hie Pe Lay ie 3 a yee) sep eet Les 16-47 = a ee -_ Pe ociijee 0c. ital ‘ip yA 1287 Pree evtin 2288 A Vquer 1289 Cazh ~ Of 1290 1291 OL, 1292 Cark 1293 Lhe : 1 294 Prtery etirra95 9 Ont, 1296 fp VY, 1297 ey fer 298 jilny , Vain. 1299 Setlind of $F 21400 Ae, Softer 1301 (AWA 3302 PBUK 13093 flr vAtL.,“-1 304, 7 of /3 ttt 1506 Boner 1307 ot 1308 he, 7 Sie Hanns Int, Jy 4310 1505 ‘Two varieties of Bulla achatina, and a fine Surinam Helix, all terreffrial is { 35 ) (o- Pb 04 raw ‘Twenty-two fpecies of Coccinella, amongft which are CaGi and Marginatay ZL. and fome undefcribed Ten various exotic Scarabei, amongft which are Naficornis, hifpanus, facer, carnifex, L. fyrictus, & bonafus, Fabr. all rare Two remarkably fine pair of large Sphinges, and 3 pair of fimall ones, all from N. America —~< Twenty-two fine exotic Lepidoptere, among which are Phalena hera, orna- trix; papilio Ariadne, venilia, Z. terea, & rofimon, Fabr. &c, - Five beautiful exotic Papiliones, amongft them 2 of Menelaus, Ulyffes, and phalena militaris, L. Various foreign Lepidoptere of the Papilio, Phalena, and Sphinx genera, very beautiful a4 Eight varieties of Echini, viz. 4 lucunter, 2 of them with their fpines, an efculentus, with white-tipped purple fpines, &c. Two fine varieties of Spondylus Gederopus, LZ. viz. the purple-ftriped from Ching, and a f{earlet one from the South-Szas—-doth rare Nine rare fpecies of Venus, among which are Exoleta, feripta, ZL. lintta & tumida, S. &c. Oftrea Folium, Z. and 3 fine varieties of Frons, §. (Mytilus L.) all rare Two very large fpecimens of Patella fungoides, or Mufhroom limpet, from the Cape of Good Hope. Humphrey's Conch. pl. IF. fig. 16. Twenty large Univalves of various genera, amongit others Strombus fufus, * ———— a young fate, a pair of tubcreulatus, or Hercules’s Club, 2 of lambis, L. &c. Two varieties of Offrea elongata, S. or purple-fpotted Oytter, from Norts- America Pinna Nobilis, 2 Oftrea jacobs, ZL. 2 Cardium fpinofum, S. or Rake Cockle, and 3 other Bivalves, all from the Mediterranean Fifteen Univalves, confifting of Cones, Volutes, and Murices, among which - are Conus decoratus, 8. capitaneus, Murex Vertagus, Voluta Oliva, LZ. &c. Nine fpecies of curious Crabs, with a Claw of the Hare-foot Crab ee ‘Thirty Cards containing a variety of curious petrifactions of Anomia, Echini, Pediculi, &c. — Various fpecies of Land Snails, from Coromandel, Italy, and the Weft- Indies A pair of fine Strombus lambis, Z. of Spider thells, from China : Thirteen fpecies of Bulanus, $. (Lepas, LZ.) drbelled, fome of them rare L30r ss A pati poo? ———— y, eres Eight pair of very fine Papiliones, from North America ——— Shes, CORALS, -PETRIFACTTON SS, Bc. “Two fine fpecimens of Buccinum rufum, Z. or Bulls mouth Helmet fhells, and a large granofum, S. or peacock Helmet, the faft from Guinea—and rare G Eighteen fine Petritactions, confifting of Pectinite, Ammonite, Anomia, &cs % ~ Fourteen backs of large fpecies of Crabs, all foreign ee 6) ae /heomphneg, i Ole LF = (late y 4 Lz ( Agr ta Y Ar tinvirvlirity ! 1325 1326 31327 1328 3329 1330 3331 3332 a eva { = } faccharina, L. and a rare fpecies of Voluta, or Olive, from the Brazils A large and fine varicty of Echitus faxatilis, L.—rare tt. he Millepora truncata, Ellis Zooph. 23. 1. and Madrepora oculata, L. 4 - Two fine fpecimens of Helix Ampullacea, L. or ge Land Snail from the Z . mS ) E. Indies aE i Four fine fpecimens of Placuna, S. (Anomia, L. ) viz. Placenta and iiptspyhagl a meee both from Chiza, and rare Four: curious and rare fpecies of Echini, all of them with their fpines on =——— Z. 6 Thirty-nine cards ef various fpecies of Buccinum, woff of them labelled SS ae 5 Twelve cards of various fpecies of Bivalves and Multivalves, vix. 2 Pinna pees rigs { tinata, 2 Pholas daétylus, Z. Oftrea carinata, §. &c, ae Eleven fpecies of European Bivalves, viz, Maétra oblongata, telfina rigida, & ee b Maétra lutraria, Z. Mya declivis of Pennant, 8c. Seven: curious and rare Serpulz, among which are four varieties of Anguina, ae w4 E. or the fiflurated Worm-fhell ‘A, pait of a, fearce variety of Murex ramofus, E. a fine Strombus urceus, Z. fram Ching, and 3, other fcarce fpecies . Ay pair of fine Buccinum flammeum, L. and two grande, §. all of the- Helmet kind, and from the Wi Indies SPARS,CRYSTALS, ORES, Se. Three laminated Stones with black and red Dentrites on them Twenty-two cards, containing native capillary Vitriol from Jdria; native blue Vitriol, Zyrol; a fpecimen of Amianthi, fome teflellated Pyrites, dodecahce- dral Marcafites, from Yyrol, and other Foffils A fpecimen of that curious Mineral of Derby/bire, called the Slikenfides, de- fcribed in Whiteburf’s Nat. Hift. of the Earth, and a large piece of Peacock Coal Various fpecimens of Lava, Petrifactions, &c. from Volcanos, 12 ditto poli/bed, and a Zine Ore Part of a Septarium from Weymouth, polifhed; a piece of Cornifh Moorftone, a green Copper Ore, a group of Spars from Crawford Muir, and 5 others An echinated Pyrites in Flint, Kent; a cryftallized Lead Ore with Zinc Ore, Derby/bire; a group of Spars inclofing Mareafites, Staford/bire, and a fine Septarium A fine fparry Incruftation on a Juniper buth Four elegant Minerals, viz. curioufly figured Iron Ore, from Hungary, richly Cbacd pra Ri ay A pair of Nerita gvoffa, atiother of a fcarce variety: of Murex ramofus, ‘patella man th. coloured Lead Ore, Saxony; White-lead Ore, Scotland; & green cryftallized Se -prifmatical Lead Ore, from Freyburg, in Bri/gaw Arborefcent native Silver ina Terra ponderofa, Saxony, and white Silver Ore —~ J with Spar, from Lorrain Grey Siver Ore with Lead Ore intermixed on a fine plated Terra ponderofa, ie & from Saxoay 8333 Aces Lhe Bp ee Prrvpr babe, 1333 1335 UA ivobad/ 1336 is Pe Cyltes- 1337 Le, cto 1338 Po sine Oa4h 1340 ob 1341 1342, BU Cr her 1343 Cask t44g Yi hair 1345 Ol, 13.46 Ley/ ter 3 J? APS tu 4348 Poetth 1349 Gtin i) Mid, 33590 ra VApuaa 135% “4ylts 1352 4 11-63 Mari hntgs 354 C. any : Pris age - (52) C Inf pr 2G uth A Cinder with black Bafaltic Cryftals, from Ve/uwuius; a curious radiated Iron _ rs A * Ore; a fingular Lead Ore, and a Drufen of brown Cryftals A fmall but elegant fpecimen of native arborefcent filver, from the Harts Y 6 A fine fpecimen of Copper Nickell, from Saony—rare a a Z A fpecimen of ferpentine ftone, from Zoedlitz; two Ditto, from Scotland; a ' Stone with Agates imbedded, Ditto; and various Nephritic Stones, from 2 Oo) - Lcolumb Kill, Ditto An Agate wiah Cryftals, from Namure ; Ariped Chert, Derbyfhire; a Jafperine Stone, from Arthur's Seat, near Edinburgh; and 3 other curious polifhed = — 67 —— {tones A fine fpecimen of cryftallized Zinc Ore, with Lead Ore, Saas &c. from | S~ ¢ Derbyfhire, one fide polifbed A group ef compreffed cryftallized tranfparent Fluors, from Cumberland—rare __ ee Iron Ore with minute red Cryftals, from Briffol, and part of an Ammonites, the Chambers lined with pointed Spars, Bath Sundry Pyrites, Cryftals, Spars, Selenites, &c. o— y . A large and fine flab of plumb pudding Stone, foli/hed Kees 9 . PETRIFACTIONS, SHELLS, CORALS, &e. A large Arca, from Tu/cany, a Belemnites, a Pecten, a Coralloid with Pholades, _ Ps £ and various other petrifactions Four curious fpecies of Buccinum and 3 of Murex, ail rare ae wy - The peach-bloffom Cone, Jarge and fine, and extremely /carce — dae ee Nine fine fpecies of Venus, viz. Scripta, a variety of caftrenfis, Z. opaca, S. y Z 4. and another from the South Seas, and 5 others, ail rare Nine backs of curious and rare Crabs Oftrea Jacobza, Arca pilofa, Z. and 2 other fine Bivalves from the Mediterranean Two varieties of Millepora, cellulofa, L. Madrepora truncata, Ellis’s Zooph. prolifera, and 5 other fine Corals = Nine cards, containing various fpecies of Arca, viz. Noa, undata, pella, L. declivis, dealbata, teeniata, S. &c, A large Mytilus elongatus, 5. with feveral leffer one’s of the fame fpecies af- fixed to it by their byffus, from Barbary A large and fine pair of Cones, known by the name of the Falfe Guinea Admiral Four fine fpecimens of Venus, viz. Caftrenfis, Z. or Camp Cockle, 2 of hians, and one pitta, S.—all rare = c Wa - Millepora foliacea, Muricata, and afcarce variety of Alcicornis, Elis MSS, ; another, Eilis Zooph. 26. 1. two of Spongites, zbid, 41. 3. a fmall Madre- /- pora galaxea, zd, 47. 7. and Rofea, Ellis MSS. &c. Two fine fpecimens of Murex armata, an extremely rare {pecies from the Coat sere ra of Guinea Four fine varieties of Mytilus modiolus, one of them polifhed kes “ 1357 | Ga. yor ny, ere 357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 A fine Solen anatinus, 7. from Coromandel, very rare TTT A large and fine Cardium robuftum, §. from Florida, very foarccmml iffer, 328.166, Three fine and rare fpecies of Patella, viz. two of baie seu laa Humphrez’s ° Conchology, 3. 9. anda large Ungarica, L. Four curious and uncomion fpecies of Tellina, vizs apo is oie lige: gua felis, Z. and Cruenta, 8.. Knorr VI. 12.12. The purple-rayed Oriental, and the Orange-coloured Occidental, varieties of Spondylus Gederopus, Z. the latter with two Chama gryphoides adhering: - _ A pair of a fearce variety of Conus varius, Kxor VL 1..2.-and a pair.of Glau- cus, L. Rum. 33.G. G. both fpecies rare ARTIFICIAL CURIOS FTI ES. From AMERICA, CuIna, and the newly-difcovered IsLaNDs in the SouTH SEAS. 1353 1364 3365 x 366 1367 1368 1369 3370 3371 A Chinefe book, containing 23 drawings in water-colours, fhewing the varieus proceffes in the gathering and curing of Tea; and alfo the manner of or- dering Silk-worms, and of nranufacturing Silk in China Another, containing a like number of drawings, exhibiting the various methods ufed by the Chinefe in the culture and ordering of Ricr, from the feed-time to Harveft;; with the manner of returning thanks to the Pagod..for his: bounties A long roll of filk. paper, on which is delineated-in. water-colours, the manner and order of a.fplendid Cu1NEsE Procession, attended by the EmpERor, preceded by a Pacop, the whole cantaining 66 figures- Another like roll, containing 67 figures, exhibiting various RELIGIOUS. CEREs moniEs of the CHINESE, painted in like manner with the prceceding The manner and form of a magnificent RELicsous PRockEss1on of the Cute NESE, in which are upwards of 70 figures, painted ana like roll, and in the’ fame manner as the two preceding articles A lady’s head-drefs,. a pair of lady’s flippers, an elegant filk. hand fireefcreen. worked in embroidery, a pair of chop-fticks, 2 pencils, and a Cuftom-houfe clearance for an Eaft-Indiaman, all from China A ftone adze, a cloth-beater, a fith-fkin rafp, a mallet, a wooden pillow, and a pair of mother-of-pearl caftinets, from Oraheite ;. an organ, from Azamokka 3. and a whiftle and a matted belt, from New Zealand. A large wicker basket from. Oraheste, a veflel made of a calabafh, curioufly orna- mented by burning, from Ggyenne, and a large deep wooden tray of Indian workmanfhip A curious feather ornament, from New Zealaud,, and various necklaces and other. ornaments made of fhells, bones, feeds, grafs, &c. by the Natives of the Friendly and Sandwich [flands, & co ra : ( 58) Pres 7 igre “/ a | ies ——_— * Z . ; CS Bere v Ae ey pe 7 Z eit ae ei ra) 4 Ligh 1372 4381 (9595) CPT Jrwa A curioufly embroidered grafs mat, from Angolz, a matted pocket, containing fpecimens of the body linen made of bark, of OrEREA, QUEEN of Ora- HEITE, with fome of her Majefty’s hair, braided by herfelf, a roll of a like plaited hair, and 2 ornaments for the ears, compofed of 6 péarls, from Ova- heite; 2 elegant feather Arrays or Rurrs, one in a bamboo cafe, from Sandwich: Ilands, and aferatch-head, from Nez Caledonia A patapatoo or war-bludgeon, a curious trumpet, both finely carved; a wooden comb, and a bone. ear-bob, all from New Zealand; a- knife formed of two teeth of a fhark fixed in a wooden handle, O-c/hy-hee / and a tataowing ins ftrument, a fling, and a Tetotum, from Ofaheite Acurious Indian fly-flap, the whifk. part formed of the fame piece of wood as that which conftitutes the handle, being cut into long fibres, and twifted ; - another made of peacock’s feathers; another made of the feathers of the common domeftic fowl ; a net made of plaited twine, and various other or- naments, thread, tape, twine, fifh-hooks, 8c. from the xerwly-di/covered [lands in the South Seas . A fiddle-fhaped patapatoo, and a water-fcoop, both fingularly carved, 3 wooden in{truments ufed in making cloth, and a curious wooden box, all from Mew Zealand Three large and various fmall fpecimens of cloth, made of the bark of the cloth tree, fome of them curioufly ftained in a variety of figures, from Osahertc, O-why-bee ! and other South Sea [flands Two large pieces of fine bark cloth, from the Society [/les Various fpecimenas of the inner birk of the Lagetto Tree, (fimilar to the bark of the Cloth Tree of the South Sea [ands); fome of the bark of the American birch tree, ufed as paper, fome white filky flax from New Zealand, &c. —— A curious helmet-fhaped cap, and 2 cloaks made of beautiful feathers, from O-why hee J Three curious boxes made of bireh bark, one covered with filk, and embroidered with tin, from Lapland, and 2 made by the Nuns at Qvebec, and embroidered with porcupines quills dyed of various colours, one reprefenting a landicape with birds, flowers, &c. A leather purfe, embroidered with tin, a fpoon made of a rein deer’s horn, and a wicker box formed of young juniper roots, &c. all from Lapland; a wooden fpoon with a matted cafe from Madaga/car; a box made of 4 calabath, fingu- larly carved, from South America ; a poem in the Malayan character, written on palm leaves, and various other curiofities A wampum belt, from North America, and a Venus mercenaria, LZ. or wampum clam, of which kind of fhell ihe beads in the belt are made Two wampum belts of the Indians in North America, and an European Wam- pum given in exchange for their wampum when any treaty is made with thofe peeple; fome leaden wampum, fuppofed to come from the Ifland Ado- dura, neat Fava, and 3 other Indian curiolities ie) ds ANTIA ( 60 ) 7 sh | ANTIQUITIE 9,§ Butynwa sl tea 1384 A hard ftone, with an infcription in the Runic Chara¢ter cut in releiva onit; two ftone arrow heads, one from /ialy; fome ancient dice found in the earth near Baden, in Switzerland; various fragments of teffellated pave- wir ments in colonred glafs and brick; a celt from Cormwall; an Indian ftone hatchet from Desroit; a druidical bead from Axnglefey; beans. and corn from Herculaneum, 8£C. 2285 Specimen of the hair of Mar¥ QUEEN of FRANCE, afterwards Dutchefs of Suffolk, Z _/b daughter of Hen. VII. taken from her corpfe in St. Mary’s Church, at Bure St. Epmunps, the 6th of September, 1784; with a MS account of that Lady, and of the manner in which her body (which was embalmed) was difcovered Cit § Coho. CC | Wseguttd, Oe EH é Conti ; BY PPISS Os ee Lelie Pa $s te) eee $i: fee CR KE Th he ee 2 b Enp of the THIRTEENTH Day’s Sate, 1€ as FouRTEENT# 1401 a i tn a A RE A eh a AECL ca ETAL SB ee EP RS DRE IL IEW EAT WORD wy o> 5 FourTEENTH Day’s SALE. TUESDAY tne oth or MAY, 1786, Rr O!’O" MAY" No, Ve SHELLS, CORALS, PETRIFACTIONS, &e. WENTY-EIGHT various Univalves, among which are 2 Harps, a Uni- corn Shell (Buccinum Monodon, S$.) 2 Cyprza vitellus, 2 Arabica, Conus teffulatus, S. &c. Coralloids in black marble from Durham, 4 Ammonitz, and various Gther Petrifactions Two Conus ftriatus, 2 Voluta vefpertilio, 2 porphyria, 2 Buccinum hemaftoma, © L. 2 Cithara (a variety of the Harp kind) 2 ignave, S. and 13 others Twenty-four Cards, containing a great variety of Patella, /ome of them rare —-- A great variety of eurious fmall fpecies of Afterias, moff of them Englifo A Limeftone filled with parts of a curious fpecies of Encrinus, or feathered Star- fith, fome of the branches of which are finely difperfed in relievo on the furface ~~ Various fpecimens of Teredo Navalis, Z. fome of them in wood, and z very large oriental Serpul A fearce variety of Maétra ftultorum, a Spondylus Gaderopus, Z. and 4 other fpecies of Bivalves, from the Mediterranean A Strombus Lambis, Z. from the South-Seas, and 2 fine baflard Scorpion Strombi, in different flages of growth Five cards containing different {pecies of Pinna, viz. pectinata, rudis, Z. lubrica, and tenera, S. &c. Two fine Pediculi from Dudley, impreflion of part of a Fifh in black flate, [/edex, Anomia Gryphites, Z. a Cockfcomb Oyiter, and a group of Serpule, Wilyire, and 8 other curious petrifactions Four cards of rare fpecies of Oftrea peétines, viz. Lima, varia, glabra, Z. tenera, S, and 2 others Truncata, Z//is Zooph. and another curious fpecies of Millepora, a {carce Fungites and 2 Sponges, all from the Mediterranean Two large and fine Buccina, viz. Galea, Mediterranean Tun Shells) and a large Murex Saxatilis, Z. from Guinea Fifteen Univalves of various genera, among which are Cyprea mauritiana and Carneola, 2 Conus figulinus, or beech-wood Cones, 2 Voluta mufica, 2 Murex trunculus, L. &c. A large and fine Murex reticularis of Borm, pl. XI. fig. 5. from the Mediterranean, rare H 2 y T Thy 9s bers Ce Vee L. and Cepa, S. (the great oriental and __ i, ‘a are is 2 Reg 3G 4. b ie BiG Goad a ae es es See ere os fling ¢ chat h: 7) 0 Muihe, re | ) t = ver a 414 yh ~ | Yy 4 2 Cu 1409 . 1410 1411 1412 1413 Vad 1415 1416 1417 1418 I4tg 1420. 1421 1422 SILICES; CRYSTALS; SPARS ORES “hy O- 6 Green filky Amianthus in a ferpentine ae He agiy mfin gular porphyry, a jafper, various pebbles, &c, ae Mammillated Chalcedony -with bitumen from Auvergne in hie cryftallized: Cinnabar from Hungary; and a group of curious branched Spars on lead and 5-6 Zinc ore A group of purple cubic Fluors, Saxexy ; another of curious fix-fided fand ftones,. a France; and a fine Spar oe Garnets in Granate, Scotland; Steatites, from China; ditto from Cornwall; a Septarium, and 4 others 4) iS A curious {parry incruftation on a juniper bufh ; and a box of Zeolites, Derbyfoiret —- ie A large group of brown Spars, 2 of Cryftals, and a fealy Marcafite on a Spar Mees | ogee A fine flab of landfcape marble, from Cottam near Briffol, an amethyftine Fluor,. from Derbyjhire—both polifbed, and blue efflorefence of copper on a chert, from —_ gris Staffordfhire White Amianthus from Lochjurn; lead ore with calamine, and copper blue, Lead Hills ; a curious Stalagmites and a lead ore, Derdy/bive; anda group of _ 13) Z amethyftine cubic Fluors, Cumberland Cubic pale green Fluors on Cryftals, Saxony; richly coloured Manganefe from * Elda, and a fine fpathofe white lead ore, Scotland — 8 A large and fine fpecimen of Looking-glafs iron ore, from ¥ huringia —- Tier Branched native Silver in fpar from Norway, cryftallized Ruby filver ore, Hartz. met —, and 2 fpecimens of cryftallized white filver ore, one of them from Lorraine A fine fpecimen of Copper Nickel, from Bebra in Hefe—rare sem i Plumofe Silver Ore, from Freyberg in Saxony, and red and black Silver Ore from’ Marienberg pa Ge a A fine natural Tourmalin; 2 double-psinted Rock Cryftals; a green Cryftals. fingularly diftorted ; a Brazilian Topaz in its native fate, and 2 beautiful plumofe- Zeolites, Derby/fbire (~ 4 = A curious hollow Nodule of Quartz, the furface curioufly figured, and ftained: . with Iron Ore, from Sayz 3 Red Silver Ore in.a plated Fluor, and a micaceous fone with native filver, both» from Saxony G - SHELLS, CORALS, PET RIPFACT VOM sce: Four pair of curious Helices, viz. Cornu arietis, L. and 3 others, all rare aa Vi Two fine varieties (the white and red) of Chama arcinella, Z. or thorny Heart, wery rare = Ags Two curious groups of brown Serpule, very fine, from the Mediterranean, viz, Contortuplicata, L. &c. r4 4 Twenty-fix cards containing various fpecies of Buccini, a// labelled ian Z Twenty-feven cards including a variety of fpecies of Cancer, among which are Hirtellus, pagurus, mznas, phalangium, L. tuberofus and afper of Pennant, ya and feveral of Phalangium Balenarum, JL. 4 ¢ , er i ———"= pe ‘ Le / 1423 Tubelaria 4 At. p \ 8 ya? oe —_—_ (/ 63. ) CM eF pr? Ol hie. oy 1423 Tubularia acetabulum, Z. or Venus’s Navel, on-a white ftone; and fundry loofe . ones fromthe Mediterrancaz, anda curious branched Sponge, from ditto ite 8424 Buccinum cornutum, or great-horned Helmet, of the £a/-/ndies, and tuberofum, _ L. or great brown VW, India Helmet, both fine Peng tartey 1425 Twenty-four cards containing various fpecies of Buccinum and Murex, mo/t of them labelled Se Clgfens 1426 Nine fine fpecimens of Echini, among& which are four Lucunters, shree of therm vith their Spines, three Cidaris, LZ. &c. Hun flatly, 1427 A-large and fine purple Chama eryphoides, Z, from the Wet-Indies, and a fine (f | orange variety of ditto, from China YiCk-7 y428. Three fine fpecimens of Cyprea, viz. 2 mauritiana, and one of talpa, L. all iu-a } poung * frate BRITISH BIRDS NESTS, wire trHemr EGGS, ae A. 429 Fifteen Nefts, with their eggs, a// labelled, amongft which is the Nightingale, iy the Bunting, the Sedge-bird, the Motacilla arundinacea, de/cribed in the Philof. * Franfadions, 1785, by Mr. Lightfoot, &c. da 1430° Seventeen ditto, including the golden-crefted Wren, the Petty-chaps «wth the bird, the Nut-hatch, the Whin-chat, &c. all labelled BO 1431 Twenty ditto, amongft them Tringa Hypoleucos, or Sand-piper; leffer Field- Jark,. long-tailed Titmoufe, Wheat-ear, Reed-{parrow, Willow-wren, Black- cap,. &Co: Aenphhrr, 4432 Eighteen ditto,. among which is the Turdus torquatus, or Ring Ouzel, the red- ; backed Butcher-bird, the Tit-lark, with a Cuckoo’s egg im it, \efier crefted lo hh ah Lark ; Muficapa atricapilla, or Cold-finch, &c. 3433° Fifteen ditto, including four Goldfinches, the Brambling or Mountain: finch, - Bull-finch, yellow Wag-tail, &c. 1434 Seventeen ditto, amongft them the Wood-lark; the Sky-lark; the Pippet-lark, and a new /pecies, with the bird 1435 Twelve ditto, amongft which are the Brambling, the Whin-chat, the Petty-chaps, the Stone-chatterer, the Red-ftart, &c. 1436 Twelve ditto, including the Long-tailed Titmoufe, the red-headed Linnet, the White-throat, Wlllow-wren, Reed-fparrow, &c. Lt, 1437 Thirteen ditto, amongft them the Sky-lark, the Fly-catcher, the Greater Tit- moufe, the Hedge-{parrow, with a Cuckeo’s egg in it, the Creeper, and the Golden-crefted Wren, &c. Cl, 1438 Eight ditto, amongft which are the Greater Butcher-bird, a very curious one of the Nut-batch, Falco Palumbarius, Z. or Furze-Hawk, and a foreign Hang-nett Clo 1439 Nine ditto, amongft them the Ruffs and Reeves, the Gos-hawk, Sparrow-hawk, Hen-harrier, Red Butcher-bird, &c. LG, 1440 Thirteen ditto, including the Sedge-bird, the Dob-chick, the Black-cap, Wheate- ear, &c. A, 1441 The Water-Ouzel, very rarely feen, a Motacilla arundinacea, and a foreign Hang-neft be fast 1442 The | 1442 1443 $4.44 3445 / (yea 5); Bud you? The Keftrel-Hawk, and an Oftrich’s egg —— A very fine and complete colleBion of near two hundred fpecies of Britifh Birds eB all arranged and named according to the Linnean {yftem FOREIGN, BIRDS. NES Ts. A Neft with the egg of the Sea-Swallow, as cut froma rock in an [land Weft of Borneo, ufed by the Chinefe in their rich foups, 4. Hang-neits, one formed of the plant called Tillandiia Four Hang-nelts, cone with 4 eggs in it; the net of a Sea-Swallow, and a {mall Humming-bird’s neft SHELLS, “CORALS, PE TRIEACTLON Sac Madrepora hirtella with Galaxea, Elis Zooph. Gorgonia pretiofa zbid. Tubipora mufica, L. a curious fig-fhaped Sponge, &c. A fine Ammonites from Weymouth, a crab’s tail in flate with the counterpart, an Aftroites from Maefricht, an Echinus galeatus curioufly lined with fpars, Suffalé, and a fcarce tuberculated Murex from Hamp/bire A fine Voluta Melo or Melon fhell, and Anguria, S. or great brown African Melon, Vol. Martyn III. 767 A pair of a fearce variety of Trochus Niloticus or Zebra Trochus from Puls Condore, and another rare Trochus Conus diftans, 5S. extremely rare, and a fcarce variety of Capitaneus, ZL. or Zebra Cone, Martyn Vol. II. 629 Three beautiful varieties of Bulla virginea (Prince of Orange’s Flag-fnail, &c.) 2 of Helix perverfa and a fcarce oriental frefh water Helix A fearce variety of Strombus Auris diane, L. remarkably deformed, from Pulo Condore, Martyn Vol. I. fig. 1. @. A large and fine Chama Cor. ZL. or Fool’s-cap Cockle, rare A very fine Voluta Cymbium, Z. or clouded Melon, from the Coaft of Guinea, rare Bucciaum Iris, §. Martyn Vol. I. fig. 2. 6. very fine and extremely fearce Four cards of a rare fpecies of Voluta, viz. Perficula, decollata, 2 varieties of Sibilla, S. &c. Eight fine Britith Bivalves, viz. Solen declivis, 8. (Mya of Pennant) Maétra lutraria, ftultorum, Mya truncata, Z. Oftrea carinata, Tellina variabilis, Maétra oblongata, 8. &c. Two large and fine varieties of Echinus orbiculus, Z. or Pancake Echinus Five curious fpecies of Anomia, viz. retufa, truncata, L. diftorta, rubicunda and pallida, §. The orange-mouth Spider Strembus, a fine pair, extremely /carce ina exulta, a very rare /pecies, from New Zealand erge and fine ipecies of knobbed, Murex, from China—very rare. Martyn, VY. 1323, 1324 miss varieues of Spondylus Gederopus,. from the Wf Indies and the a (a y IAC CW ; i i, Ke: 1464 A a ( ‘3 Be oes Ss /$~ 2. gaa =) BAe BEI 65 —— 1464 1465 3466 14697 1468 1469 1447S 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 ¥479 1480 3480 1482 1483 3484 ( 6s ) Mt fru 36 A large and fine Echinus mammillatus, Z, from the Red Seamrare = A very curious diftorted variety of Murex Colus, Z. or Crane, from Chita z: A pair of a fcarce variety of Murex brandaris, L. having three rows of spines, and another uncommon Murex Two fine fpecies of Cardium, viz. a culeatum, Z. and fpinofum, S. — —— A {carce variety of Murex ramofus, L. from Martinique, called the Brocoli leaf, — and a fingular diftorted fpecimen of another variety of ditto A curious non-defcript {pecies of Millepora,. heretefore known by the name of the chevaux ae frize foell, from. Guinea—extremely Jcarce Four fine fpecimens of Venus, viz. two varieties-of Gallina, another of Meretrix, ~ and reticulata, L. An exceeding fine pair of Cypraa umbilicata, S. from Coromandel—very rare Four pair of {carce Univalves from Coromandel, viz. the French-horn Turbo, the mottled Button Snail, the black-mouth Helix, and a fiefh water Nerita Two fine Murex Saxatilis, Z. or Endive purpurz, very rare mei e® =. A pair of {mall white Volutz, or Rice thells, one of them reverfe, and extremely fearce A very curious variety of Buccinum Teftudo, 8. or Harp-theil, having a great number of ridges—very fcarce An exceeding fine and richly coloured Conus bullatus, Z. or orange Tulip Cone, very rare, from China An extremely fine pair of Nerita corona, Z. or black thorny Nerita,. from the Ganges—wvery rare A large and fine Conus nobilis, Z. or yellow Tyger Cone, from China—very rave A pair of Murex elongatus, anon defcripr. fpecies, eztremely fcarce, Favanne, PLEO om Ede DRED PLANT S.°SeEDs,. FUNGI, &c: Eleven large cards divided into partitions, containing a very fine and complete colleGion of Britifh Lichens, all arranged and named according to the Linnaan Jiftem A curious Collection of Britith Fungi, among which are Lycoperdon fornicatum, ftellatum, Tuber, Z, Boletus ftrobilijand-liformis, Phillus caninus, &c, Another colleCtion of ditto, in three parcels, among which is the newly difcovered Lycoperdon Phalloides. (See Woodward in Philof. Tranf. Aun. 1785) Pedun- culatnm, JZ. Clathrus nudus, deenudatus, Z. and fome exotic Fungi, fuch as a Boletus from N. Zealond, the Hydnora, 8, from: Africa, with many curious fpecies of Agarics, &c. moft of them labelled Twenty-feven cards containing the pods and feeds of many curious exotic Plants, among which are the Cerbera Manghas, Arachis hypogea, Nymphaa Nelumbo, Hymenza Courbaril, Dolichos urens, Abrus precatorius, Job’s Tears form’d into a Necklace, Carolinea Princeps, Betle Nuts, various fpecies of palm- feeds, &c. &c. =e Another parcel of foreign Seeds, Nuts, &c. among: which are the leaves of the Hermas Gigantea, L. formed into purfes, from the Cape of Good Hope, known by the name of Hottentot Tinder; filky feeds of the Apocynum ; feeds of the Caltrop ; a piece of Caflada Bread; the root of the Polypodium aureum, or Scythian Lamb, &c. 485 Sundry so / qn 4) — 4027 eee, a fie (iar. fe Ss ae re 1485 1486 1487 1488 A btrnapthrty 4 1489 CAA 1490 Fic 7 ler A491 Lhd Cr wthrinay 3492 C4 A 1493 1494 > lege 7 Cams brary | 1495 CV cH, C . 1496 4 1497 (66 ) CBA fel is jot Sundry curious foreign Seeds, Weods, Gums,’ &c, including the Fruit of the Garcinia Mangoftana, from’ Fava; the Manilla or St. Ignatius’s Bean, with an account of its virtues; a feed veffel of the Illicium anifatum ; Gum from Meqw- Holland; the feed veel of Nymphea nelumbo, and a-fine fpecimen of Lyco- perdon fornicataum, L. &c. A large fpecimen of the Bread Fruit of the South-Sea Tflands Radix Mechoacanna, Rad. Ginfeng, a Hura or Sand-box; feeds of the Chinefe Caltrop; 3 preferved Nutmegs ; the pods’of Ochroma.Lagopus, S. known by the name. of the Down ree or Beaver Plant, &c. x Various parts of foreign Vegetables, among which are the Fruit obi Momordica -Luffa ; pod of Dolichos Enfiformis,; the Spatha Leaves of a kind of Palm from Orabeite; Lace Bark of the Lagetto Tree from Jamaica; Wood of Illicium anifatum, L. &c 7 of oe a aoe ERR OO dae a Twenty-five fpecimens of foreign Woods, weatly cut and labelled A fmall board and 8 veneers of curious foreign Woods, a fingular clufter of pine cones, &c. The leaves and acorns of many fpecies of Oaks, Jabelled Various fpecimens of dried Plants, in 6 parcels; fome Briti/h, others from France, Switzerland, Tobago, and Africa A large collection of Fuci or Sea Weeds, mo/? of them expanded Avery fine colleBion of Britifh Moffes, Bryums, Hypnums, Sc. awell-preferved, glued down and named after the Linnean method, in a neat portfolio, gilt and lettered on the back A complete colleéion of Britife Graffes, in two portfolios, all arranged and named after LINNAEUS A mifcellany of dried Plants, Britith and Exotic, many of them curious and rare A curious fpecimen of the Double Cocoa-Nut, from Praflin Ifland, New Guinea, named by Linneus, junior, Boraffus macrocarpos. —_— — ~ hes 1.6 Sounerat, pl. 3. page 4. Me Su fox 75-6 Enp of the FourTEENTH Day's SALR, yee ‘FarTEENTA at J (70 - — . ? LOT a 1498 1499 1597 Hcmeptnty $08 EUS 1509 FIFTEENTH Day’s Sate, WEDNESDAY tue toth or MAY, 1786, VI. SHELLS, CORALS, RET RIUEAC:TIONS, - és’: ROOM, No. Fine pair of Murex hauftellum, Z. or Snipe’s-head, from China Ten fine fpiral Univalves, amongft which are Buccinum crenulatum, dimidiatum, Z, oculatum, $. Murex vergatus, Furbo duplicatus, & Terebra, De 8c. Three curious Ammonite, an Echinites, a fingular Oftrea, a reverfe Murex, and g other petrifactions Twenty fpecies of Univalves of various genera, includimg Conus quercinus, §. Martyn, Fol. 11. 657. Voluta ceelata, Anguria zx a young fate, &c. A fine pair of Buccinum grande, §. or great white Helmet thell of the Wi Indi: Twenty-four Univalves of various genera, among which is Buccinum mono- don, or Unicorn, Melongena, S. (Murex, Z.) Cy;rea vitellus, Arabica, Murex rana, Bulla ficus, LZ. &c. Ten fine Bivalves, anong{t which are Mya arenaria, Arca glycymeris,-Z. three Mytili, &c. 3 . Three pair of curious and rare fzecies of Strombus, viz. Auris Diane, Z. with a black mouth, the Blackmoor’s-lips, Martyn, Pol, LVXXVIIL. 804. and LXXXVIII. 870. and another wade/oribed Three fpecies of Oftrea pecten, viz. Pallium, Z. or royal Mantle, another rare one, and 2 odd valves of Peregrina, $. from the South Seas Twenty fine Univalves of various genera, amongit which are Buccinum echi- norhorum, pomum, ZL. exoletum, Cithara (a variety of the Harp) granula- tum, peregrinum, S. Conus generalis, Z. or Flambeaux, and others labelled Four fine varieties of Mytilus rufticus, 8, or lilach Mufele Fifteen Univalves of different genera, including Buccinum perdix, undatum, ZL. Cepa, 8. Murex femorale, Z. or Hog’s-fnout, Strombus pugilis, L. another, Lifter, 873. two young Cypraee, &c. Five fine fpecimens of Echinus, viz. Diadema, a variety of mamillatus from the Mediterranean 3 lucunter, and 2 efculentus, Z. one with it’s {pines Ten fine Bivalves, amongit which are Mactra flriatula, very rare; ‘Tellina ra- diata; Venus maculata, chione, L. dilatata, §. Chama gigas, Xce , f ‘giz A eS aa a oar eS a pa 4 ees meas ALG ~~ -@ 6 Cee ty 4 ' f | or, Cri ne Cah 1622 1$23 1524 7525 1526 1527 1528 3529 1530 3531 3532 31633 1534 ( 68 ) it" A fine pair of Cyprea exanthema, ZL, in a young fate (alfo Zebra, L-) acaaadl aie Providence Six cards of Mytili, viz. Lithophagus, bilocularis, perfia, Z. pictus, & citri- nus, S. 4a //- Three fiac Ammonitz, and owe ditto, anda mafs of leffer ones, having great = —_ b > part of their pearly shells, from Dorfetfbire A fine pair of Turbo pagodus, and a fearce varicty of Strombus pugilis, Z. from: Florida we Four beautiful varieties of Helix citrina, L.eerare . = f A pair of fearce white Murices, and a mottled turret-fhaped Helix,.non-dejergge Rh and very rare Nine cards of fmall Bivalves, among which are Venus Borealis, Z. roftratay. & turgens, §. and 2 finall fpecimens of Chama gigas, L. &c. Twenty-fix cards of various Petrifa&tions, confifling of two very perfect fpecir ~ _ mens of Strombus fpinofus, Z. feveral Anomia, Afteriz, &c. Buccinum teftudo & barbiton, §. Murex lampas, Bulla.ovum, Cyprea arabica: and mauritiana, L.ina young ftatem—-wine in all ait Fourteen cards of various Bivalves of different genera, amongft which are Venus- literata, maculata, meretrix, edentula, Penfylvanica, Z. Polita,.Oftrea. varia. ~ Tellina rigida, §. &c. Three fine fpecies of Cancer, from the Mediterranean, viz. Dormia, LZ. a Sea — S$ - é Cray-fith, and the prickly Spider Crab 1 SS OTRO See i RRR . Various exotic Lepidopterz, confifting of Papiliones, Phalenz, and Sphinges . Eight curious Grylli, amongft which are Laurifolius, Myrtifolius, Z. andi others, from Africa Six beautiful Sphinges, among which are Terffa, lineata, Hadr. 4 Phalena; 2. §._—, pair of Papilio Sennz, Z. and 2 more, all exotic a. — Twenty-two fpecimens of Hymenopters, chiefly of theApis and Sphex generay, — -$ — from Africa~~labelled i Various fpeciés of Cimex, chiefly from Africa and Madeira—labelled era ‘Two very fine fpecimens of a large Phalena, fieured by Drury, Vol. 1. pl. XVIIG Siz: Ten curious and rare Spiders, 2 Mutille, 2 wheel Cimices, and others A great variety of beautiful Papiliones, chiefly from N. America Fifteen fine Papiliones, among which are Niphe, Mneme, Antiopa, Afteriz; Hecabe, L. &c. A box of Infe&ts, chiefly of the Coleoptera and-Hemiptera Claffés, Britifhand: — ~ ae 1. from New York »/ a v4 % ee => ay J exotic 0, Two fine fpecimens of Gryllus Nafutus, Z. from China 1. yee A fine Cerambix damicornis, Z. and‘2 others of thie fame genus from South’ Americas-all rare hay a a | 1535 KE aad , pects Piet. to3e A 1536 Conk 1597 eas 1538 1539 ( coal . 1540 Prey Ate rg 4 neg 1543 Prevrzhr- 1544 CO ek, ie es) a5 2 igor Sais, a f 1953 G27 Ae 1554 J. as Ten hag hk 1555 CegA_. ° x66 oe. AS Gg O 1558 XK 2659 ; 4 1560 Or xg61 C3562 [pas 1563 Oar Z 1564 — rae, ff ( 69 ) Cs pd F 49-2. © A box of various Papiliones and Phalense, chiefly eworte and labelled ‘= <. é Five curious Sphinges, from Africa and Famaica 5 A box of fall Infects of various genera, chiefly Hymenopterx and Dipters, / =! 2. 2 many of them labelled Sundry curious Hemiptere, among which are Nepa linearis, Blatta Orientalis, &c, —_ Cais Two very perfect fpecimens of a large and rare fpecies of {phinx, from New- York = labelled Various beautiful fmall exotic Lepidoptera, mnay of them rare — Fighteen fine Scarabei, all exotic and labelled A box of Coleoptere of the genus meloe, Z. and Lytta Fabr. Twenty-three fine Papiliones, chiefly from N. America Eighteen beautiful foreign Lepidoptere, principally from the acighbourbood of New-York Fourteen curious and rare fpeciniens of various genera of the Coleoptera clafs, chiefly from 4/rica and the Brazils —labelled A pair of a beautiful large fpecies of Sphinx, from North America—wvery perfed A fine pair of Phalena Luna, ZL. from New-Vork—rare — Eleven rare and curious fpecimens of Curculio, /adelled, amongft which are Vit- tatus, 2. mangifere, Fabr. &c. An exceeding fine pair of Phalena Tau, LZ. from New-York—rare Another pair of Ditto, varying in colours, al/o fine A very fine pair of Conus tendineus, 8. from Madaga/cars=very rave Four fine fpecies of Oftrea Pectines, ail rare Four cards, containing various rare fpecies of the Genus Turbo Three fine fpecies of Turbo, viz. two Chryfoftomus, or Gold Mouth, Cochlus, and Argyroitomus, L. Three fine fpecimens of Pinna, viz. Dentata, 8. from Orebeite, and 2 others ae Four curious and rare f{pecies of iain viz. Erycina, Z, Mitis, rigida, and opima, 8. ; Six very uncommon fpecies of the Genus Murex, wade/cribed —. ——___ An exceeding fine pair of Helix Gualtierana, L.—very rare a A very fine pair of the purple-mouthed Balla achatina, L. from Guinca=rare Mytilus Caftaneus, 8. Lift. 1058. 9. extremely fcarce ae Two pair of very fine Turbo Delphinus, L. different varieties — _ Eight fine {pecies of Venus, viz. Scripta, deflorata, maculata, z. bifida, antic quata, §. and a fine Donax fcortum, ZL. —— Seven fpecies of Britifh Crabs and Lobfters, all per/e Sixteen cards, containing various fpecies of Nerita, amongft which are Exuvia, coronata, radula, grofla, L. 8c. Two mamillated Echini, one of them with ifs fpincs, from the Afditerranean, and an Echinus efculentus, Z. I 2 1566 Fifteen eon pe as ( 7 ) CTA 7 a 56 LOT 1566 Fifteen cards of varions Petrifactions, confifting of Anomites, Dentalia, &e, gy 6 AM Ab oA 1567 Three fine varieties of Spondylus Gederopus, L. all from China.’ a, Ge An 1568 Six curious fpecies of Maétra, viz. Plicataria, L. eburnea,-fragilis, &c. and a: 3 vay 4 Solen Bullatus, Z.—wery rare r} o 1569 A-lock of the hairof the Angora Goat, horns of an Antelope, piece of the _.- tu-G a Birch Tree eaten by Beavers, quills of a: Porcupine, two Hair Balls, &c. =! 4 fithws 1$70 Sundry curious impreffions of Ferns & other Vegetables in Slate, Iron Stone, &es- = 7 J. SPARS ICR EC Tee Ne ee eee i oa 1g71 A petrified Bird’s.Nef, from Saxony, and a group of Cubic Fluors, with Lead. — 9 §> A Ore, &c.. one fide of it polifhed—Derbyfhire : g > ig fi 1572 Amethyfline Spar, with Lead Ore, from the Hartz; white Marble, Sky; green _..- & - Afbettos, Aberdeenfbire, polifocd; Manganefe, from Elé¢; and Tin Ore, with. Pt : ‘ Quartz, Cornwall i 2 Ewe. yt 7373 A large and fine fpecimen.of black Elematites Irom Ore, from Saxony. a Vv - coed 1574 Four fine fpecimens of Dendrite.in laminated Stones, two of them counterparts 2 . / OW 1675 J A large and fine Ammonites, with various futured chambers, and another with waved chambers — @ . A fine Madrepora labyrinthi-formis, Z. or broad-ridged Brainftone, from the W. Indies,.and a fine Madrepora critlata, Ellis Zooph. 31. 3. a oA ie 4. Five fpecies of Echinus, viz. Spatagus, a Ve? India mamillatus, rofaceus, L. —L oblatus, and another wadeferibed —— $ A large and fine radiated Mattra, from the Mediterrancan,-a variety of Stu'to- — a rum, Z, according to S. A fine pair of Murices from Osaheite—extremely /carce Vee Core b Anomia truncata.and craniolaris, Z. upon a fragment of a Madrepore, and like- Se eteslVER Rae ns ee eee —E — > SIXTEENTH Day’s Sate. THURSDAY tue ith or MAY, 1788. PETRIFACTIONS, CORALS SHELLS, Se. LOT : 1607 WO ofa fearce variety of Helix citrina, Z. anda pair of curious reverfe _ Qs Helices, Favaznne, pl 63. L. 3=—alfo rare £ 1608 Two curious impreflions of Plants on noel Slate, from Lauca/bire, andafpecte — /2- men of Foflil Wood rd 1609 A large Buccinum Galea, and two Murex tritonis, Z. from the Mediterranean. = =— 4 r610 Fifteen fine Bivalves, among which are Maétra lutraria, ftultorum, folida, Z. ey oblongata, hians & comprefla, §. Oftrea Jacobwa, maxima, epercularis, LZ. —~— 4 carinata & diftorta, 8 &c, ; 1611 Two Strombus Gallus, 2 large Murex ramofus, Z. and 5 Cyprece 1612 Nite cards of fmall Echini of different fpecies, ome of them rare TC a oS 1613 [wo fine Ammonita, with curioufly ramified Chambers, from Somer/etfbire oe 1614 Twenty-one cards, containing a great varicty of fpecies of Oftrea pectines, moft of them labelled — 157 1615 A Balanus from Jaly, an Alveolus of a Belemnites, a Siliquaftrum in Chalk, a fmall Echinus with fome of it’s fpines, al/o im Chalk; a Pulley Buccinum, from Maryland; a Mytilus hirundo, Z. in Limeftone, and 8 other curious gre Petrifactions 1616 Twenty-five Univalves of various genera, amongft which are Conus textile, Striatus, Turbo pica, Chryfoftomus, Buccinum glaucus, Harpa, Voluta mu- /. 5 fica, Jc. 8c. 3 Wy) 1617 A Meandritical, a Monk’s Cowl, a Fiftular, and various other curious Sponges = — q b 1618 Araretlouded Fig Murex, from Plarida, and a fine Strombus, (the leffer or white mouth Conch) from the W2/ Indies a 1619 Venus mevetrix, maculata & chione, Z, Tellina interrupta, Cardium fpinofum, §. and 2 other Bivalves aif yi ii 1620- Three rare fpecies of Conus in pairs, viz. Capitaneus L. Knorr UL. 6. figs 3s Leoninus, zbzd, III. 12. s. and Leonatus, §. : ge 1621 ‘Two fine ipecimens of the purple Echinus lacunofus of Peanant, tab. 35. one of them with it’s fpines, from Weymouth ~ VE 1622 Three curious imper forated Ear fhetls, a Strombus allied to Epidromis, Z. and 2 frefh-water Turbos, all zon- defcript and rare ie rd = 1623. A fine tranfparent flinty Hchinites pileatus, four Bivalves,.a fine caft of a fpiral Shell, an Orthoceratites, from Hinkelbcen in W. Gothland, from D? Avila’s Col- (- IZ. leflion ; an Ammonites, and a rare mamillated Echinus ’ 1624 + CA ym 2 0 fm : \ f i 1 1624 Wed r626 DA 1627 wo 1628 A 1629 ‘ 1635 Llhottlt» 1636 VA ne, 637 ft Ly 3638 é yb 36 Cred, ope 39 vB) Cask #640 [attler tm ch 1642 (73) CLI rive A farge and fine pair of Bulla lignaria, L. qwith the gizzard of one of then, anew difcovery; twoof Bulla patula of Pennane avith ditto; 4 Citrina, $. and three fine Murex corneus, Z. ail from Weymouth Alcyonium mamillofum, Eis Zooph. 1. 4. from Famaica ; Millepora cellulofa, Tupipora mufiea, Z. Corallina flabellum,, Elis Zooph. tab. 24. Madrepora hirtella, 22/4. Ifis hippuris, Z. and others A pair of a fearce variety of Trochus Niloticus, Z. and another fearce Trochus from the South Seas Twenty-nine cards of finall Univalves:of various genera, chiefly Volute, an? moftly labelled Two fine fpecies of Cancer; viz» Horridus of Pennant, Pl. 8. fiz. 14. and a: non-defcript, with the finger and thumb curioufly crefed Thirty-eight cards of finall Bivalves of various genera, chiefly Mytili, Venufes, Chama, & Oftrese, sof? of them labelled Nine fine Univalves, viz. two Strombus auris Dianz,. Trochus folaris,- two perfpectivus,.two Cyprza Stercorarius, and 2 Cypraea arabica, Le A very curious variety of Oftrea.Malleus, Z. called the mottled: Hourd’s Ear,- from Pulo Condore—-are Three fine Cowries, viz. a pair of Cypraa Talpa, and one of Mappa,-Z- Six-fine Corals, viz. His hippuris, Millepora cellulofa, L. a variety of hippuris, Madrepora dubia, Fifs Zooph. and Rofea, Ellis MSS, ‘Thirty-five cards of Univalves-of various genera,.chiefly Patella: and Dentalia, - moft of them labelled Forty-two cards of fmalf Buccina, mo/fly labelled: ess Avlarge and fine Echinus efculentus, Z. Ten cards of Bivalves and Multivalves, of various genera, /ome of them rare and labelled Eight pair of fine large Nerite,-among which are: Mamilla, canrena, albumen, Ly. 8c. Four fpecimens- of: Hermit Lobfters,-one of Aftacus Norvegicus of Pennant, Pi, 11, and 2 others Seven fine Bivalves, viz. Tellina remies, Oftrea Pleuronectes, . Arca pilofa, LZ, 2 Pinna, and a Venus Seventeen cards of fine Petrifactions, viz.-Trichites from Hedington, feveral Fungite, a Mytilus, a Serpula,.3 Anomite, &c. BRITISH‘ and FOREIGN BIRDS.. Ten pair of Britith Birds, of both fexes, among which are the Ring Ouzel; Picus villofus, xot before known to be British; Sturnus Cinclus, Emberiza Nivalis ; the red backed Butcher Bird; the Maufcicapa Atricapilla, or Cold- finch, of Pennant; a fingle fpecimén of the Bohemian Chatterer; and the head and wings of Rallus Porzana, LZ, or leffer {potted Water Hen, Sc. 1643. Forty- 1D / hos thao frm? a w 9.6 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 3662 £663 nee ( m4 ) [Sark poe 6 Fo:ty-three fpecimens of Englith Birds; among which are various fpecies of) “PSs Larks ; the Sedge Bird of Pennant; the Petty Chaps; the Willow Wren; fz the red-headed Linnet; the Whin Chat; theStone Chatterer; the golden- crefted Wren ; the Black Cap; the fmall fj potted Woodpecker, &c. The beak of the Buceros Rhinocerus, or Rhinoceros Bird; ditto of the Albi- __ fh b torfs; Picus Majer; the Baltimore Bird; two Humming Birds with their Neits; the claws of the Fithing Hawk, anda fkeleton of a bird ‘ r ty ; ghee Ee Four Humming Birds, and two Netfts, one with Eggs The leaft, and another fpecies of Humming Bird, with their Nefts ; A curious green and purple-crefted Humming Bird ~ Oe es ‘The fiery-throated Humming Bird, with it’s Neft and Egg; another ess b Bird, and the Plumb-headed. Parrot’s head 1~ 10, A beautiful crimfon-crefted Humming Bird, with a topazine throat, and_it’s Ps nett, rare Alcedo-Galbula, or Bhs *s-fither, from the Brazils, and Orioipe Mexicanus,.Z. eas va both rare Two Green Birds, with blue*heads, from South Americar are eat, 46 : £ Two birds of the Pipra genus, (xot in. Be ea black with white throats, from Ditto—very rare fw A pair of the Pi,ra-Erythrocephala, Z. or golden-headed Titmoufe, from Disio rare i a f Two fpecies of Humming Birds, viz. Trochilus Pegafus, and Superciliofus, and Certhia Carulea, L. from Ditto edn Two rare and beautiful Birds of the Finch.kind, one green with a bright chef-. ‘nut head, a blue breaft, and yellow pinions; the other with an olive back fx A and yellow breaft Pipra Leucocilla, or white crowned Brazillian Titmoufe, and Motacilla’Ca- / : & : yana, L.—Joth rare Two:fine fpecimens of Trochilus Mellifugus, Z. or Emerald throated Humming Birds,-rare ls 4 1t A‘fine pair of the Pipra Erythrocephala,.Z. or golden headed Titmoufe, fom South America—rare ; hes Zz A fine pair of Trochilus colubris,.Z. male and femalemerare 5 es S- Se A fine Certhea Czrrulea, or Blue-Creeper, anda Tanagra Chlorotica, L: both from Surinam, and rare jx T Ba mie BRITISH and EX'OTIC BIRDS in Grass-Caszs. The Parus biarmicus, Z. or bearded Titmoufe, male and female; the Dartford Warbler, Latham’s Synopjis of Birds, page 435. and Motacilla Hyppolais, Le ty -or Petty Chaps, iz 3 cafes z Picus Minor, LZ. or lefler fpotted Woodpecker; Motacilla Hirundinacea, a LOSS new Britijb bird with it's neff and ezgg—Sce Mr. Lightfoot, in ad eaere Tranfactions, 1785, and a Pippet Lark, in 3 cafes i & Two fine Tit-Latks, in 2 cafes © ‘ rt Two 1664 _ Avery curious. and rare Aqua Marine ftalactitical Spar 3 Spathofe Lead Ore, tinged with Iron Ore, from 4//atia—rare ( 7 ) pis i Two curious birds of the Certhia genus, from Sandwich [ands—_a new fpecies : , VA q, = ‘The Emberiza Nivalis, Z. or Snow Bunting, male and female—rare —_ Hig Two fine red birds, with black wings and tails, of the Certhia genus, from Sandwich [lands—a new /pecies Ls 4 7 — A curious non-defeript bird of the Upupa genus, green and purple, with a long white 4 . Spotted tail So. fae A fine Tantalus Ruber, ZL. or fearlet Curlew, from South America—rare Pe oe A large and fine crefted Grebe, with it’s wings extended, in a neat mahogany gla/s cafe, with a looking-gla/s back, lock and key fC. Another fine Tantalus ruber, Z. or fcarlet Curlew, from South Americamrare eae SEPTARIA SPARS, CRYSTALS, ORES, &c. A fection of a very large and fine Septarium, compofed of a dark- Jcolgdhtedailay, C with rich yellow Septa, from Dor/eybire, polished A large and fine fpecimen of coloured Mundic, from Staford/bire, and a group of three large Cubes of Amethytftine Fluor, coated and bordered with brown ’ Terra ponderofa, from Cumberland A large and fine fpecimen of the Marmaroides Dendropotamites of Da Coffa, (See his Hifory of Fofils) or Land{cape Marble, from Cottam, near Brifol, polifbed Solid Ore of Antimony, finely coloured, from Hungary ; white fpathofe Lead Ore, Scosland; Peacock Coal, Jreland; and a-cavernous Stone, with yellow _ Cryftals, Gloucefterfbire Two different Septaria ; a diced Lead Ore with Cubic Fluors, a and Mar- cafites; a group of Cryftals with Terra Ponderofa ; a Bruth Iron Ore, Fore/? of Dean; and a fingular Spar from the Hartz ‘A very large and fine botryoid fpecimen of Ochra Airugo, L. or cryftallized 7 green velvet Copper Ore, from Thuringia j Part of a very fine and large Cube of Marcafite, with a ferruginous coat Blue Rock Salt, from Spaiz, and a group of Cryftals, with columnar Spars, cryftallized Tin Ore, Marcafites, &c. Saxony ~— A fine plated Calamine; a coloured folid Bifmauth Ore, from Fohan Georgen Sradt; and a‘fine black ftala&itical Hematites Iron Ore, Saxony ‘An exceeding fine fpecimen of brown cryftallized Terra Ponderofa, from —— Saxony—rare A curious group of white and yellow 12-fided Spars, from Saxony ~ A large and fine f, ecimen of coloured dendritical Copper Ore, in a neat Terra Ponderofa, from Thuringia A curious bliftered Hamatites Iron Ore, inclofing Ochre, from Saxony — A fection of a rare and curious green and white Cryftal, poli/bed Solid Cobalt with Spar, from the Hartz, anda curioufly figured Iron Ore from 4 Saya A large and fine fpecimen of cryftallized Antimony, rare kK 168Qq A a le | Coste op be ee == A fine ftellated Manganefe, with Terra ponderofa, from the Hirrz Bed ane £53 WA i 7 go 4 A curious green cryftalized Copper Ore, witl: Iron Ore, from Yhuringia = —— Fine blue Copper Ore, formed in large Cryftals, and intermixed with white _ ‘fpathofe Lead Ore, rare A fingular group of brown columnar truncated: Sails Harz ——-1— A curious fpecimen of native Silver, and a fine blue capillary native Silver, ex. tremely fearce Groups of curioufly figured Spars on a ae Terra ponderofa,. fprinkled with Marcafites, from the Hartz CURIOS STE LLS COR 2 ix. toc A very large Buccinum cornutum, and a fine & large pairof Strombus gigas, Le Two fine fpecimens of Pholas Dactylus, Z. and a group of others in their na- tive beds A fine pair of Helix Perverfa, L. from China, & another rare Helix from Guineg- A curious and rare white Mactra from Guinea—non-defcript oe A very large and fine Voluta Auris Midx, L. or Midas’s-Ear,.from:Malaccame 13 wery rare Nine fine Oftrea Pectines, viz. Lima, L. fanguinea,.carinata, and tenera, S. &e.- Bird ye Two very fine pairs of Turbo Delphinus, L.—diffgrent varties — 6. ns Three fine fpecies of Anomia, viz. Truncata, terebratula, with curious ferpule £ adhering, and Diftorta, S. = Two fpecies of Buccinum, viz. Bombycinum and indutum, $. both from-the: ‘e> g si South Seas, and rare—Martyn, Fol. 11. figs. A very fine fpecimen of Chama Arcinella, or thorny Heart, rare —_— «SJ a Four cards of rare fpecies of Voluta, viz. Sanguifuga, filaris, L. filofa, $. Mare tyn, Vol. 1, fig. 22. 1. Sponfa, muftelina fcolopax, & grumofa, S. e- 2 A large and fine flab of Marble, replete with large and finall Ammonites, chiefly of one fpecies, fome with their thells finely preferved, one fide polifhed, mounted in a neat frame, with brafi border, and turning on brafs reap in order to foew both ram fides, from Dorfetfbire A pair of large Strombus gigas, and another of Buccinum nodafum,. L. Five cards of different fpecies of Chama, viz. Antiquata, oblonga, L. elongata, and decora, S.—rare Patella Calyptra, Martyn, Vol. 1. fig. 18. & another rare fpecies of Patella, ane eu tb ‘ev 7 other curious and rare Univalves A curious muricated branched Sponge, and a fingular meandritical Spongey —— Ai é both very rare j Voluta pyrum, Z. and angulata, 8. Martyn, Vol. IV. 1325.—}oth rare Four cards of rare fpecies of Voluta, viz. a fall pair of Mitra Papalis, L. two angulata, two opaca, one nocturna, §. and one more er £ A very fine Cardium Cardiffa, L. or Venus’s Heart Cockle, rare —~ 4! A fine pair of Conus araneofus, S. or Spider’s Web Cones, from Chiaa—rare, ; Martya, Fol. TE 676. ' ri a, } Patella Squama, the Fifh-fcale Limpet, non-defcript, out of the celebrated Linzceus's ff Collection, extreyt-*) fcarce en ¥ , pip » (RF yre® #3. “4— Ve 4 q ae (97°) Aid d yore? 1716 An Echinites Pileatus, remarkable for having only foar rays, unique “oe 1717 Acurious fpecies of Volutay, allied to Auris Juda, Leeunique ee 1718 A large and fine, and 2 fmall fpecimens of Patella Unguis, L. (Mytilus Lingua, o» green Ducks» Bill Limpet, S.) Humphreys Conchology, Pl. 2. fig. 26 from Amboynamae — 3 oe Ze Wainfcot table; with a deal cabinet for fhells with drawers iA 2 4 x 1721 A wainf{cot cabinet for infeéts, the drawers. lined and glazed’ vhs st G Abit 4 1727 A writing table, witha falling leaf Saag TI Te AT Or Appiah 1728 A fmall mahogany fhell cabinet, with 7 drawers, and covers: — ae ee on 1729 A ditto, with 24 drawers ee ee ee eee ee J C Va 1730 ©A ditto, with drawers, and folding doors: ————_________—_———_____ ES thar Geet, _ 1731 An angular ditto, with 6 drawers = — aS ON Se Oe ces /: va y sgracg coe eae 1732, Two cabinets with fliding doors: ——_—_—_—________—__—-———~___ > 7. 10 lg ee 1733 A ditto, with folding doors. ig IAN ah AB oS) |S Bd es 5 1734 A book-cafe, with drawers, and folding doors at the top, open work —~ 5.7 oom 4 i735 Acabinet for fhells, with drawers, vaneered with fine wood, and folding doors: / By / ke (Revie A 1736 A ditto, with upper part, fhaped top, and glafs doors ee pes a 7. et 1737 Twovery handfome mahogany cabinets, with drawers, of beautiful wood, with upper ae parts of plate glafs, the back plate filvered Taree ST a —~ 1738 One ditto, with 18 drawers ditto, and folding ditto. doors—fine wood ate: 2.8 lara 1739 An exceeding handfome large cabinet, with 36 drawers and folding doors, vancered with: pigeon wood, Jc. and upper part with folding doors and plate glafs, with Sockue ves 14 . zufide Pol N Bb On, tea Je <> y “ oss (a Ae 3740 Two large blue japan difhes V2 gl Pp : co ee 1741 A black difh, a round tureen and-cover, a wafh-hand bafon, 4 tea pots,.a ferpen= } 2 tine ftone tea-pot and fugar difh, 2 ear-fhape compotiers, and 3 japan:leaves : — er! ee i ad 1742 Two tea-pots, a fugar difh and cover, 7 chocolate cups, a Chelfea cup and faucer, 10-japan faucers and 7 cups, and a faffron pot and patty /. /O; Or EM > 3743 A brows edge japan dith, 6 bowls, various, 8 blue and white plates, and 5 odd i ee ‘4 ditto 1744 Twelve__§__=< Cane yen 14-79 = * 5} Sak fo? yy 9 Twelve trays and patties, of various fhapes, and 5 brown edge difhes SS es ‘Thirty-three odd faucers, 52 fundry cups, 2 brown cups and faucers, a bafon, and 2 odd pieces re, rn Six cups and faucers, brown outfides, a Drefden cup and faucer, 6 brown ground _ black and gold cups, 4 faucers, 6 pannel mazarine blue chocolate cups, aSt. —— £ . OZ b Cloux cup and faucer, 2 blue japan cups, 3 fmall bafons, 3 odd cups, a tea-pot filver fpout, a crucifix faucer, and a tray Six fine tavo-handle maxarine blue and gold cups of the Chelfea porcelain, and 2 fans _ Oe Be eee brown edged bafons Four coloured japan plates, various, and 3 fine brown edge ditto: ——_-—— i es Two brown: edge difhes, z fine ‘allopped ditto with dragons, a brown edge plate, Pa; = and a f{collopped ditto A pair of curious patties, brown rims, 2 o¢tagor ditto, and z odd ditto. = —— LS Two fine white beakers, 2 perfume pots and plates,.z.open-work bafkets, and 2. __ / ey perfume pots.with honey-comb covers. A coloured japan cream bowl, a brown edged oftagon,.and a fluted bowl eee Pde Se _ Four fine coloured japan.difhes and a basket : A. A. va _ A pair of exceeding fine fexagon bowls, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, a green ground bool, P a yellow ground ditto, a brown bafon, and 2 curious clouded half-pint d'tto €- (6 - ; A pair of fine foaped bafons and Jaucers, and 2 fine patties —- S-~2 G | Two fine brown edged octagon patties, z.ten fquare ditto with {tarlet dragons, _ 2.2. | and 2 fluted boat-fhape compotiers A pair of fine fquare character trays, 2 coloured brown edged bafons, and 2 fluted _ A a : image faucers- A pair of white fugar difhes and covers, z piesced pire pots, 5 emboffed cups, _ oe Ze and a pair of two-handle ditto _ Twelve fcollopped brown edge faucers, 4 ditto cups and faucers,.2 key-hole pat- i tern cups and faucers, 12 odd cups,and 2 odd pieces. ee 6 Two curious embofied tea-pots,.a brown image ditto, 2 green bafons, 3 crackled ~ faucers, a plate, 2 japan bafons, 4 half-pint bafons, and 2 curious faucers with eer” 4 G filver infides ae at Three large and curious purple pieces of ornamental! china, with fpouts: ———- . ee oe t T:wo very curious purple and pea-green monkey ornamental tea- pots pee 4, % 4 is i Two curious black ground flower-pots, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, 2 claret colour ditics oe i 2 bottles, 4 curious figures, 2 lion bottles, and 8 other pieces ae vA ‘ ve Three uery, curious JSea-green reed-paitern perfume pots a Sh eee 0. lo .- | Two large blue and white beakers, and an image row waggon rs hea 2 i A fea-green bottle, 2 cannifters, 2 cups and covers, 3 mazarine jars, 2 covers, & : i blue and white ditto and cover, 2 monkey flower-pots, and 4 various pieces dae F i : , ¢ i PARIQUS CURIOSITIES. Piet; i A pair of brilliant cut cryftal luftres, for z lights each, with gilt fockets ie Tee i A pair of ditto finaller ditto ditto ? = tl 1769 A ris ae ye ra AF A ~ y oe Ct 1 us » Cage oe aaa i tt YS a 4 Colerieee Lc (ott tate ‘ C ele fe tere tt 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 Avot 1795 3796 1797 1798 1799 1800 E801 “ ‘ a ( 80 ) Bad ynw? Lo Bag a 4 > ‘A pair of Chinefe figures made of Stealites itd ae orion ER” peg A very good convex mirror in an ebony frame—glafs 12 inches in'diametér - «« Bic) ra y . A very curious Eaftern tobacco-pipe, with filver pipe, cover, and ornaments, and 2 oSy a ditto pipe with filver ornaments ; the pipe in a glafs bottle, witha filver foot : ‘ A piece of ivory turning of extraordinary workmanfbip, with a glafs. hr upon an 2. th ebony pedeftal Three hundred and 4 very curious imprefiions of =e heads and other fubjette, 3g Ke in different coloured compofitions — ratty“ ona A very fine inlaid tortoife-fhell toothpick cafe — 1 verdad a nl en A filver ditto Ape a>) An amber ditto, mounted in gold Praha aid og piling ef: x A fteel ditto, inlaid and lined with ditto ( -—_ —~~_SE 5, “7 A beautiful gold ditto, wt. 15 penny-wts. - PGs Rae es t i 4 Five pieces of fine gold filligree, about 1 oz. ; sicher oni Masse OS fi A magnifying glafs, mounted \in filver ea mother-of ro ets one ditto eS FZ z tortoife-fhell Be ih > ate ea, A filver filligree horn-book, an enamelled dalla a:blood- Gane: locket if: ™ gold, and a compofition egg mks A ies Jb) A pen-knife with amber and gold handle, and agold knife with amber handle ae: D A gold knife with rofe-wood handle, and a fteel dittowith ditto = f Medi? 3 ee A fteel knife, with a beautiful gold and filver handle ard Aes A beautiful blue and gold {melling bottle, with gold tep NLA Peay A A ditto purple, with gold top, ftopper, chain, and foot ime > A fine gold fpoon, ditto rule, thimble, and patch box, and a fmall dittotooth i cafe, weight 2 ounces 67 — A fteel chain, with very beautiful inftruments, mounted in gold, with blue dog- bi , © tkin cafes CURIOUS SNUFF-BOXE S&. se Seven fnuff-boxes of tortoife-fhell, papier machee, &c. 7 A beautiful tortoife-fhell and gold turned box bs 5 , Se - A curious carved ivory box and a tortoife-thell ditto § ———__-___-_—__—— 7. /& A papier machee and gold ditto een 78-6 A japan ditto ditto —____—_-—— eee Ses A, 7 i A filver ditto, wt. 102. 7dwt. a1gf. 9° ————_________-_— chai ages ae ahs A curious china ditto, in gold Tira, et a A beautiful gold and red enamelled ditto, with a tree in bair, in a medallion, weight 2 0z. 6 dwt. 2 gr; phat Be A fine cryftal ditto, in gold, with a fine enamelled top, painted on both bees des Poa URV ra 5 A fine agate ditto, in gold =. see = : Cots A mocoa ditto ditto s eivimneeer 8 Bese A curious fhellditto, ditto “22... eR mae sc) My 78 Kes A curious fnail ditto gipcetiamaincetets |") Va) 2802 A Se Disha CI air pee es: pe Mb | ( 8 ) Bud fod Joe yw 6b (2¢4— wGoz Arvety fine-agate ditto, mounted in gold aaaaaias "1 a — Pharr 0 1803 Aditto egg-fhape ditto GEC i es ty t. 08. : On 1804. 4 beautiful gold enamelled ditto, beart foape = —_ _ Seas & i LZ /3 lat; 1805: A curious tortoife-thell inlaid ditto, in gold th a “aie aie Arcitl« 1806 A horn ditto, gold mounted, and inlaid with moileieieGeneart a / 5 on 1807 Avery remarkable fine whitecarnelian box, mountedingdd Pa ; ee o4 1808 A fine amber ditto in ditto ———- - = ° /s tect, 1809 A curious blood-ftone ditto ditto — _— _ i isles - 9 Bis ety Vite Hiw VLCL 381 A beautiful compofition ditto CGD ek Sere by oe i a OG a8 An agate ditto: ditto 22. 3. Pe Pe wiz A ditto ditto 6 LS ra Oo 1913. An exceeding finely chafed gold ditto, with different coloured gold, wt, 202, 1sdwt. § gr. C6 3814 A gold box, wt. 1.02. 13 dwts. 18 gr. sae a Zz 6 1815 A fine mocoaditto, mounted in gold ; mA A VYottu-~ 816. A very curious gold chafed ditto, in form of an oyfter, wt. § 02. 17 dwt. 2 Porth 1817 A beautiful gold enamelled ditto, wt. 202. 19 dwt. 18 gr. _ va ca 6 Butele 1818 Aditto fhell box, in gold, with a carnelian top ae vA i yj ttt { 1819, Avery beautiful mother-of-pearl dittey mounted in gold, and wery curioufly carved and J vi 6 inlaid with gold- — rt iat VE 6 Enp of the SEVENTEENTH Day’s Sate. ' ; E:GRTEENTH > SHH t EIGHTEENTH Day’s SAULs. ' rahe | " i 3 a 7 [ & SATU RD AcY. ree .rgtho om VM ALY).178605. ECHINI, SHELLS, PETRIFACTIONS, co RALS, Se po aes Lot es : MN Ll otk 4520 WENTY Univalves of various genera, among which are ‘Strombus hihu- it anus, or bloody mouth, a young ¢ one aoe Voluta vefpertilio, Trochus Paar Al es a maculatus, L. &c. Jere yr HL, 1321 Six curious and fine fpecimens of Echinus, viz. Rofaceus, placenta, and three _° # 4 O; . varieties of orticulus, L. Moras 1822 A fcarce variety of Troc ‘ng? Macutatus, an Haliotis Mide, and the great Oriental me b , rs ‘ Snake Turlo ; ped 4 ¥823 Twelve cards of Foffil thells, containing Belemnites, Anomiteés, Pectenites,My- — 3 ae tili, &c. Bog, Gtiveraihay CVetler. 1324 Buccinum Galea, from the Mediterranean; Murex Tritonis, and Buccinum — 7. i ee * tuberofum, from the Hef Indies C _ 1825 Alarge and fine Ammonites, with it’s curious futured chambers feperated, from gy __ the neighbourhood of Bath ; CT aa 1826 Four rare Univalves, viz. Helix Amarula, Nerita Albumen, ZL. and a pair of y ; Buceinum atrum, & De Lit 06, 1827 A fmall but very curious white fpiny Murex, znde[eribed, from New Zealand, and ve, a pair of a non-defcript Helix, with a high-ridged fpire, extremely rare 7 Mirrufbinnt, 1828 ‘Five cards, containing three fpecies of Pholas, viz. Striatus, Z. pulfillus, & py- go b pyraceus, S. and one more inclofed in wood, and 2 kinds of fearce Myz ; ut 1829 Twenty one cards containing various {pecies of fmall Buccina, all labelled — @- OG 1830 Twelve cards, containing various fpecies of Balanus, 8. (Lepas, Z.) among j which are Bajanoides, clavatus, ponderofus, rugofus, intertextus, 9. &c. (Ln 1831 A very large and fine fpecimen of the fhagreen Trochus, from New Zealand, wiry rare=—— Martyn, Vel. VW. fig. hs eS Lbuh{ 1832 «Four cards of rare Univalves, viz. Murex Javanus, Nerita exuvia, a pair of : orange-movth Turbos, an uncommon variety of T. Pagodus, and 2 fmalluns —— Ji = coated fpecimenswof Nautilus Pompilius, Z. Cu, ra 1833 Twenty cards of fine Univalves of various genera, among which are 2 Voluta ‘Scafa, Conus arenatus, two Buccinum turgidum, §. or fpotted Whilk, from Mi: } “NN. Zealand, Martyn, Vol. UW. fig. &c, O Paes 1834 A variety of Mytilus Margaritiferus, L. or lefler fpecies of the great Oriental __ & _ mothcr-of pearl fhell, from China Abang hogs 1835 A fine pair of the pink-mouth large Surinam Helix, figured by Lifer, 1005.1. Ds q Souracy to Paris, tab. 3. _ 1836 Various 7 One Fy yy Aut 1836 Ne flat, 181 | | 3838 fiver hee oh ~ 1839 Cast. 1840 Oa U7 4841 1845 ol, 1846 aot 1847 sa he Sn A pair of large and fine Murex Babylonius, L. from China, and a fearce white 4 Tower of Babel fhell, from the Straits of Magellan Sar A very large and fine Cockfcomb Oyfter in a foffil tate, from Jamaica, very rare = — 6 > Cancer Dormia, L. male and female, very fine and rare Six cards, containing g fine and rare Patellz ~ /4.- A very large and fine Bulla achatina, L. or broad-ftriped Zebra Land Snail, from the Coaft of Guinea Two Chama grphoides, L, adheringto an old Gorgonia, which, as wellasthe == £ / Shells, is over-run with a fine Millepora alcicornis, L. very curious a A large and exceeding fine {fpecimen of Pinna nobilis, with it’s byflus, Z. from the Alediterranean A fine Serpula, with a Millepora eellulofa, L. on it, piven tothe cafe of a Scolopendra marina; another Serpula from the Mediterranean, andalarge __ of i ‘white Oriental Serpula 3882 Oftrea 1882 1883 1884 £4, 1885 Tid 1886 1857 1888 188y -18g0 1891 1892 1893 ~ 0% 1804 Van! 1895 ere, Haney 5 71896 nth 1897 ( 8) ie a Oftvea Jacobeea, Arca pilofa, Venus chione, Z. and Cardium plebeium, & att from the Mediterranean, and fine An exceeding ‘fine pair of Conus literatus, Z. or great fpotted Hebraica, in — their native ftate, from Otabeite Three fine fpecies of Cardium, viz. Serratum, LZ. Dentex, and Tenerum, S, rare - A very fine pair of a fearce variety of Murex ramofus, Le. or Brocoli-leaf Pure J2- 0 .~ eT) A — —_— pura, from Martinique Oftrea Pallium, or Royal Mantle Peéten, and Oftrea Radula, Z. or Ducal Man: tle, borh fine A fine pair of a fearce undeferibed fpecies of terréftrial Helix, from ed car, anda curious variety of Bulla Virginea, L. BALI oH ann EXO TTC INS’! Cons, A box of British Infects, chiefly of the Lepidoptera clafs, among which are ‘Pap. betule, rubi, quercus, Phal. coffus, cefculi, vinula, maurus, monachus derafa, '‘fome fcarce Tinize, &c. all in good preservation A. large box of exotic Lepidopterz, chiefly Papiliones and Sphinges ——— Various fpecies of Englith Infects of the Hymenoptera and Neuroptera clafles, Some of them named Fourteen {pecies of Britith Coleopterx, chiefly of the Cerambyx and Leptura genera, among ft which is that rare and curtous Infect the Mordella Paradoxa, and Attelabus Apiavius, Z. ye @ 646 Various fmall fpecies of Lepidoptera, chiefly foreign, 0/7 of them labelled Are A box of various fpecies-of exotic Coleopterz, chiefly Scarabzet, /ome of them rare; among which are Nitidus, tetradactylus, zruginofus, fabulofus, L. Trox fuberofus, Mel. viridis, Fajr. &c. ae Various fpecies of {mall Coleoptera and Hemiptera, ail exotic, among which are Elater noéilucus, Ceramb. oculatus, Lamp. latiffima, bicolor, Chinenfis,- roftrata, corufca, marginata, ZL. &c. Ten curious and rare fpecies of exotic Papiliones, amongft which are Phaeton, ferina, Medea, Egewa, Fabr. &c. a A curious and rare fpecies of Mantis, uadefcribed by Linneus oe ve Three very rare Papiliones, two of them nearly allied to Protefilaus, Z. but diftin& ra Two pair of curious Cimices, viz. Criftatus, Z. and another, rare /L. iNrly 1899 Eight uncommon fpecics of the Sphex and Ichneumon kind, from 4f/ca and 1898 ie i? SCsy 4 1900 Vins 1901 Car 1902 the. £. Indies A fire pair of Sylpha Vefpilia, 1. America, & Bupreftis hirta, Z. and 6 ethers rare fpecies from Africa C. globofus, Fab, Entom p. 153..7. 135. and another curious and rare Infect of the fame genus, from the Cape of Good Hope Fourteen fine fpecimens of Lepidopterx, from N, Averica and the Case of Good Hope L 2 1 Pi 3. Two Gua t10 jan = epee “ii 0.44 1903 1go04 1905 1906 TORY, 1908 nge9 — 1910 1@1I 1912 8915 19t4 FOES 1916 nhs 1918 aOtg 1920 ig2l 1922 a7 Two curious and uncommon fpecies of Gryllus, viz. Squarrofus, E. from .—— Abt Africa, and another from the Eaft Indies Wad Twenty-two fpecies of Enghth Phalena, wery perfet and labelled, feveral of theme « ae undefcribed ' t SH Et J:5, CORALS, PETRIE AC 8 lay Np, &e. \ A large and fine Argonauta Argo, Z. er Paper Nautitus, from. the Mediterrancan Oe A fine red Spondylus Gederopus, ZL, from Martinique A fine pair of a fcarce fpecies of Trochus, from the £. Ludies, and a neat fmalk / es ¥ Three curious and rare fpecies of Solen, viz. Legumen, L. TOS and des = —~ ws, clivis, S. (Mya of Pennant) all Britifh A fine group of Serpula glomerata, and various {pecimens-of Lumbricalis ad- __ iy hering to a fine fprig of Madrepora Virginea, L. ’ Two pair of fine and rare fpecies of Helix, viz. Ampullacea, and.Carocolla, Z:_ —— 46) > Two fine fpecimens of Echinus Anemonoides, or Anemony Echinus, from the __— Le L E. Indies, one with, the other without, the Spines, rare Nautilus Pompilius, 2. from VWlybirez — (5,6 edt oo Two very fine Ammonoides, with curious futured pee one cut in tivo and polifbed ; A very large and fine Voluta feabriufcula, Z. Martyn, Fok I. fig: 2%. * A fine and large be jas of ‘Trochus Solaris, S. from New Zealand, very parpany OO Bt fi Martyn, Vol. \. figs. 30. 9+ es era An exceeding fies para of Lepas diadema, Z. (Balanus,.Sy). or Whale Barnacle, wery /carce } a fap s 216. LGt& tb Two fmall varieties of Spondylus Gaderopus, ZL. one from the Eaf,.the other trom the Weft Indies be 2 Hidix capillata, or hair-freaked Helix, non-defcript auditere 2 ae Madrepora angulofa, Ellis MSS or Butter-print Coral, called Meandrites, Ellis Zooph. tab. 48. fig. 1. and Madr. crater,, or Cup Madrepore, llis MSS— y v4 , both rare Six cards of Oftree Peétines, viz. Pellucéns, gibba; LZ. Proteus, diaphana, S. &c. —— iY, A fine Veluta Aithiopica, Z. or Perfian Crown, wery rare, from fe 69 Taz Sh Turbo cingulatus, a rare and curious non-defript Species § fomewhat like that of Fae vanne, pl. g. figs P An extremely fcarce eee of Tellina radiata, Z. or Tulip Tellen, of a red- dish purple colour, from the Brazils “ — A pair of a very curious Jpecies of Murex, undeferibed —— Sah bie Enp of the E1GHTEENTH Dass Saute ro ote ee —_ " eu ra > : P ‘ ’ t ; vais Ninereinta “~ ae NINETEENTH Day’s SALE. MONDAY tHE 15th or MAY, 1786, Sel bed on GA R AML S,. Cc. ge i. 2 LOT’ 1924 IFTEEN cards, containing various fpecies of Nerita,.among which are ek. Canrena, albumen, Mamilla, pelorontha, &c. ; 1925 Four fine Oftree, viz. Eburnea, {quamofa, and 2 lurida, S—al rare | ———--—-__ “4 1926 Eight fine Petrifactions, viz. 2 Strombus luctator, Brander’s Fufi. Hanson. pl. 5. = fiz: 64, an Anomia Gryphites, Z.. an Echinites from Verona, &c. SB 1927 Fourteen Bivalves of various gencra, among which are 2 Tellina radiata, 2 Oftrea maxima, L. fize, 3 Arcas, &c. ee 16 = 1928- Nine cards of various. fpecies. of Englifh Crabs, viz. Cancer pifum, minutus, phalangium male and female, Dorfettenfis; Aftacus Bernhardus, all defcribed =——— 4. G by Pennant, and the eared Crab, nox cef/cript 1929 A very large and fine Buccinum Galea, Z. or tun fhell fromthe Mediterranean -——__ A eA 1930 Six different curious Ovaries of marine hell-fith, and 4 eggs of Helix ovipara, x Lifer, 23. 21. fome pearls, &c- - ix 7 3931 Seven cards containing various fpecies.of Cardium, viz..one.valve of hemi- i cardium, 2-odd valves of retufum, medium, Z. muricatuim, ciliare & varies a gatum, 8. 1932 Fourteen cards of different fpecies of Needle Buccina, viz. Hecticum, ftrigila- tum, lanceatum, S. torolofum, articulatum, pertufum, capreolus, cinercum, -—————— ot & fufus, §. 1933 A fmall Echinus rofaceus and 7 varieties of Echinus.orbiculus, L.—/ome rare ————— & . 1934 Six fine fpecies of Venus, viz, Deflorata, literata, meretrix, &c. : eng or) 1935 ‘Two pair of very rare fpecies of Voluta, viz. Sanguifuga, ZL. and turricula, ip vA Sine : ; 1936 Two fine varicties of Chama.Gigas, L. or furbelowed clainp- — ¥o97 A beautiful Oftrea nodofa, or Duck’s-foot Pecten, and Oftrea plica, L. botA rare — a 1938 ‘Three fine varieties of Murex ramofus, viz. the Stag’s horn, and 2 others Roe > 2 7939 Three kinds of Pholas, one imbedded in wood, a {mall rare Solen, a Mya, &c. fob x940. A fine pair of Voluta czlata and another of Pepo, 8. Martyn, Vol. I. he ae fie. 708-—770 Sid, 1941 A pair of very fine Trochus Solaris, Z. or Tun fhell, from the 2 Indies—rare —- —- sf - 1942 Six fine fpecimens of Trochus, viz.,2 of Granofus from New-Zealand, Martyn, Fol. 1. fiz. 37+ re 2 maculatus, Z. and 2 others <7 re ‘5 Various teftaceous and other ANIJIALS, VEGETABLES, &c. in SPIRITS. 3943 A fine clufter of Lepas fignita, S. found in the Briti/b Channel, the animal ' Terebella, with it’s augur, of the Teredo navalis, or fhip-worm, and fundry : Z 4 Ovaria of Buccinum undatum, L, zz 3 dotiles 3044 A (oy é Aa Af. 4 . GC lttuyerrity, 7 4 *. wy 4b e Lh 1945 1946 ¥949 ar Je A fea Cray-fith, a Cancer mantis, a Gryllotalpa, a Cerambyx and it’s larva, a Cicada, a Gryllus, 2 of Aranea redimita, the Larve of a Sphinx, the Larve of the Hermit Moth, and various fmall Crabs,:8c. in nize bottles Twelve bottles, containing various fpecies of Mollufca, 2 Canceres, an Aphro< dita aculeata or Sea-Caterpillar, with a Doris, &c. an Alcyonium, feveval Sea-Leeches;. Hirudo muricata, a Sea-pen,. a young Cuttle-fith, . &c. Eleven bottles, containing a fine’ Pennatula, 3 Medufe, 2 Sea-Caterpillats, feveral of Hirudo muricata, Afterias: multiradiata, Alcyonium ficus, Sea< Grapes from St. Chrifopher’s, Laplifia depilans, an Holothuria,. &c. ‘A Mollufca, called by- the failors a Sea-horfe, a-curious non-defcript Nereis, a Sabella tubiformis of Penzant, a.Gorgonia ceratophyta, 2 of Lepas vittata, 8. Scha TV. tab. 166.No. 5, middle figures &cv in 8 bottles Sundry Ovaria, Pholas candidus, Lepas fealpellum, Mya truncata LZ. with it’s niembrane, a. Terebella, feveral- Bulle cith the animals, Lepas vittata, and _anatifera; and 4 Helix Janthina wth their ovaries, in g bottles Cyprinus Alburnus, vith the belly openvd, toifbew the diforder occafioned by Tape Worms, afmall Porcupine-fith ; a Father-lafher, a young Dog-fith with the appendage as taken out of the ovary, a ¥lying-fith ;. a\Weaver, a Star-gazer, a {potted Blenny, a Cuttle-fith, 3 Cyclopterz, a Sea Needle, various other ' Fithes, &c. iz 13 bortles Eighteen bottles, containing 2 Cafhou Apples: with the Nuts, 7 curions non- defeript Britifh Agarics,- 7 Flowers, *:&c. Three diffected Fruits, anon defcript Englith Agaric, and a Cafhew ‘Apple, in 5 bottles “Three rare Britith Agarics, vizi Crinitus, incurvus; and bulbofus, and Boletus fafciculofus. Sceffers Fung. a fine Cafhou Apple A fine /pecimen of the Balanus Diadema, §. vith 2 chifters of Lepas Aurita, Le adhering to-it, extremely curious and rare. : Ellis Philof. Tranf. 1758, tab. 34. ; fig. 1. ; A portion of the hin of a Whale, with 24./pecimens of the Whale Barnacle adbering to it in theiy natural fate, a mot interefting and uncommon article A very fine fpecimen of Sepia octopodia, Z. or a fpecies of Cuttle-fith, rare SPETRIFACTIONS, SHELLS, CORALS, Se, A-fine echinated 'Pecten iz chalk, another (ihe valves feparated) in flint, andia group of Cucumber Spines of. a mammilated Echinus, andan Anomia Plana in chalk, all from, Kent ‘Two fearce varieties of Mytilus hirundo, L. one green mottled with brown, the other yellowith brown ftriped with black ‘An extremely. fine pair of the Onyx Cowry (Cypreza Onyx, L.) very rare A fearce. variety of Caftrenfis, from Pulo Cozdore, and 5 other fine fpecies of .Venus, viz. Literata,. saijostny a fearce scams E dilatata, S. and.one more A pair of undeferibed: Gacties of Murex, Lifer, 930; 25+ anda Giewibecinnen puttulofum, :S, Raw. 49. Bo rare F 31961 Three 5. ty. & 1 Hart Ly : CPS: os Ly OL w NW Y OD Tee SATA 3975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 4986 1987 1488 - Various impreffions of curious Vegetables in coal flate, from Lanca/bire 4 (' 89..) ee: 222 yn Three rare {pecies of Cardium, viz. 3 cdd Valves of Dentex, & or Comb Cockle from Guiaca, Crinitum, from the Sovth Seas, and tenerum, S. Two of the oriental purple mouthed Strombus in different flages of growth, * ; / | fee oe Le wery rare, Knorr. Il, -26 **, fig. 2. 3. _ Ten fine fpecies of Balanus, §. (Lepas &.) viz. Diadema, teftudinaria, galeata, L. fibrofus, violaceus, ponderofus, S. Lifer. 442. 284. &ce ee Four curious-{pecies of Echinus, wrth their /pines on A very large Patella Ungarica, Z. or Fool's Cap Limpet ; and another {carce thell of the fame genus; Humphreys Conchology, pl. 5. figs 15- Two fine varieties of Spondylus Gederopus, Z. viz. the purple-ftriped from ——— China, and the fearlet and white from Martinique A fine clouded land fnail, and a reverfe ditto (Helix perverfa, L.) varieties of Knorr. IV. 28. fig. 4 and 5. from Pulo Condore—rare Rubi, and 2 non defcript Twenty-four fine {pecies of Carabus, moftly from Africa—/ome of them rare A fine'pair of Bupreftis Sternicornis, ZL. from China—rare Two pair of beautiful and fearce Phalenz, from Africa Five curious and rare Myrmeliones we Four fine varieties of Cimex Nobilis, Z. and another of the fame genus from Afriva—rare Five rare fpecies of Cantharis, 2 of them from China, and 3 from South Amerivak A pair of Phaleana Luna, Z. from New-York, in the utmoft ik aaa A fine pair of Nepa Grandis, ZL. from N. America—rare a.) Scarabeus Hercules, Ls from Dominica—rare oo : Pimelia ftriata, Fadr, and 6 other rare Coleopterze oe Cerambyx Quatuor-maculatus, ZL, and 2 other rare fpecies of the fame genus 1989 Eighteen Two large and fine varieties of Chama 'calyculata, L.—wry rare A large and fine fpecimen of the purple edged Trochus, from the N. WV. coaft : of America—rare. Martyn, Vol. I. fig. 33. 1 aS Venus obefa, 8. xen defcript and extremely fearce \ A fine Helix pomatia, Z. with it’s cover, and a reverfe ditto, the latter very rare Two curious and rare fpecies of Chama, viz. Arcinella, or thorny Heart, and oblonga, Le—both fine ——— Anextremely rare fpecies of Turbo with a wide umbilicus and marginated mouth, allied tothe French Horn, Martyn, Vol. J. fig. 20, but larger, ’tis a ¢ terreftrial thell, and is a native of Calabar in Africa: - Two fine fpecimens of Helix Amarula, Z. or black Papal Crown from the a Ganges, and a curious ftriated variety of ditto, Gualtier: t. 6. fig. B. fuppo- fed from China Madrepora Tuba, or Trumpet Coral, Ellis MSS. fafcicularis Ellis Zooph. tabe a 30. and Laétuca, ibid. tab. 44. both very rare - BRITISH ‘ann ;EXOTIC INSECTS. ‘Eight rare fpecies of Britifh Papiliones, viz. Lathonia, Iris, Pruni, Argiolus, / QT oN cy 7Q4- 1-4 1992 tun vhiety ", 1993 ot. 1994 ty 1995 BALDY: UPD 4 Cr arglitlyr-, 1997 1996 pa y F Oh traf OCH EL : i7 1998 na Clit1t49e.tlnn 1009 CovA ss aaa 2060 een Luke / ~ = ee ve % T liz. 4 2001 wae 2002 ry a Y TLes 2003 f A fu. 2004 ae 2005 4 he 4 fd ned 2906 Vag 6 CA rpilh LLG 4 2007 “3 t ae ee 2008 oe 2010 *. CevA— 2011 Oe 2012 {6° 7. (Bot foe Eighteen fine fpecimens of Cimex, among which are, Lineatus, perfonatus, L. barbicornis, fanus, cruciger, Fadr. and others from Africa and Cayenne Nineteen various fpecies of rare Englifh Phalenee, moft of them neve Eleven beautiful and rare Lepidoptera, among which are, Papil: Euippe, Phat, of Crepufcula, Leand others, from Afiica, the Brazils, &ce A pair of Sphinx Labrufca, and a Sph. Ficus, LZ. all fine Two large and 5 {mall Crickets or Grylli from Africa—rare Various Englith Lepidoptera, chiefly Dytifci, Elateres, and Cantharides Twelve curious and rare fpecies of Englifh Phalenz, among which are, Hepas tica, Myrtilli, Miata,-prunata,*Z. and feveral new fpecies Eleven curious exotic Sphinges, aniong which are,: Pectinicornis, convolvuli, and others from Africa, Famaica, &c. A fine pair of the Female of Phalena Imperialis, from North America, the Male is:figured in Drury, Vol. 1. pl. g. figs 1. and 2. A fine Mantis in the larva ftate, from the” Indies Eleven beautiful Papiliones, from the 2. Ludies, Africa, and the Brazils A curious Neft of the ‘Aranea avicularia, Z. or Bird-catcher Spider, with the infect in it, from North America—rare ; PETRIEFACTIONS, SHELLS CORALS, ots. Two large and.fine Ammonites from Gloucefter/bire—one of them cut in tivo $2.16 — 2. be ¢ ¥ Mee A - Ri ors -§ Zi * i rt a te ae 2 y Late yas — A very large and fine Afterias aranciaca, L. from the Mediterranean—in a deal cafe, 40 ib ‘“Avlarge and fine undefcribed Murex, from Chiza _A reverfe-Murex from Haraich ; a various Helix in limeftone, a large Anomia plana, a Gryphites, 2 Ammonites, a fungites, and 3 other. curious petri- factions Two eggs of the Alligator, 8 Turtles eggs, 5 of Lizards‘and Snakes ; the rattle and tecth of a Rattle-fnake, and the exuvia of a fnake of another fpecies The head, back, and tail of a fearce variety of the Armadillo, from Patagonia, and the-fhells of 7 Land Tortoifes, &c. Three varieties of Echinus efculentus, £. and the {pines of.a-rare fpecies.of Echinus, all from the Mediterranean A large and fine Conus Textilis, 2-other Cones. (marmoratus and miles) :2 fearce Voluta oliva, L. a Buccinum taniatum, S, orange-ftriped Helmet, and 3 more . “Thirty-five cards, containing various: fpecies of Buccina, ob labelled, Jome of them. rare I One Valve of a very large and rare fpecies of Mya-(a freth-water thell with a pearly infide) from China—rare : A very fine pair of a fcarce variety of Murex ramofus, LZ. or Brocoli leaf. Pare _pura from Martinique Cardium fragum, or white ftrawberry Cockle ; a fingle valve of a fearce variety of ditto, and a fne-Cardium pennies or Z. Vegus’s Heart Goskles 3 all from Ching and rare ; x - 3013 Helix pe tag « / — ete ae Logie nd fe mee ene OA ee [3.09 pena Ei P 2014 of: CVG Les 2015 etigee 2016 2017 2018 2019 Coutlr ot, 2120 Vern ono 121 Sumphrts 2922 ‘ers he 2024 2025 as 2026 C Keene 2027 4. 2028 how E- s Ca: aa fo ae tele die Helix cornu militare, L. 2 other fearce Helic¢es from America, Lifter, 4). 490 2 ditto from /taly, and one from China Two fine fpecies of Solen, viz, Radiatus, and ftrigilatus, L—borh fine A fine pair of the reticulated variety of Bulla Ficus, L. from China—rare Two fine-and rare fpecies of Echini, viz. -Cidaris and Diadema, L. . 22s Thirty-three cards containing various {mall fpecies of Cypraza, aff labelled—~ Some of them rare te BOs wo Voluta auris muftele, S. from the 8. Seas, and 7 other rare fhells 9S - A very perfect Solen anatinus, L. from China—extremely fcarce — (Sam A fall but fine fpecimen ef Voluta Nobilis, S. a very rare fpecies of the wild Mutick kind A pair of beautiful yellow Helix perverfa, Z. right and left-handed, ya China—rare emer mere Twelve curious fmall fhells of tae Turbo and Helix genera, mofe of them y- unelefcribed ae Three curious fpecies of Anomia, viz. Caput ferpentis, from Jalkland’s Tland, Lf. truncata, L. Mediterranean, and dittorta, S. all fine An-extremely fcarce variety of Trochus onuftus, or the fharp-edged Carrier, ve vA from China A fine Conus genuanus, Z. or Guinea Admiral, rare peat le Two fine Oftrea purpurea, S. from New Holland, and a group of ditto, but 5 A deftitute of the upper valves os ; The Cocoa-nut’Snail, a large and rare fpecies of Helix found in the woods at_ = fe 4 Barbadocs. Lifter, 125. 25. A pair of large and fine Strombus lividus, L. from Guinea, Liffery 12%. 17. rare — gt. Soy Enp of the NinETEENTH Day’s SALE. BOK "CWENTIETH M > TwENTIETH Day’s Satur. TUESDAY tHe 16th or MAY, T9e6% » * SHELLS, CORALS, PETRIFA@TTOIN'S, , sy ; Bere Ys ARIOUS Englith Bivalves of different genera, among which are Pinna ye é pectinata, Venus iflandica, Z, Oftrea carinata, S.. &c. A pair of fine ‘Trochus niloticus, and another of Trochus maculatus, Z. both fine Het Two large and fine Ammonites, with curioufly waved chambers, from Glonce/- ter/bire Vee io qecvz7ys Y, ao Jrrtag 2032 Warious Fuci, Corallines, Shells, &. from the Sea Coa/? of Scotland BPS a oe 2033 Strombus pugilis, Z. from the W. Indies, a fcarce variety of ditto, with it’s oper- at n culum, from Florida, Buccinum melongena, S&S (Murex, Z.) Buccinum valie dum, 8. New Zcaland, and 5 others 4 —— Seed 2034 Twoneat fmall fpecimens of Oftree pectines, viz. Pleuronectes, or lefler come a), t pafs, and Nodofa, L. or Duck’s-foot, doth rare — ye Ta ( Cet A, 7 : 2035 A large and fine fhagreen Trochus, from New Zealand—rare ——— - - 4p - Cnetherey, , 2036 Nine curious fmall Echini of different fpecies, /ome of them rare _ eae L | 2037 ‘Thiry-nine cards, containing a great variety of {mall fhells, chiefly of the chaos 7 6 os re, Trochus and Helix genera, /ome /carce Z -y s 2038 Sixteen cards of beautiful Neritz, of various fpecies. hr ened VE 4 2039 Warious Univalves of different genera, among{t which are Conus textilis, Muree = / nr, eo femorale, Cyprea amethyftea, L. Buccinum ignave, 8. &c. as is pele 2040 Three curious fpecies of Ammonites, with waved and futurea chambers hes Ut OY, Pr tag rae ae 2041 y 2067 Two eat’ fee oe so) Ag 730 ie eo ee! 2067 2068 2069 to7e ( 94 ) bint fr Two fine Belemnites, another with it’s alveolus, a.fcarce Anomia, two Ammae nites, a Balanus, and 2 other curious petrifactions aj 22. O- i: Z A fine Cancer Ruricola, ZL. or Land Crab from Famaica—rare a ee Fifteen cards, containing a variety of Univalves of various generay-/ome of thene A rere, among which are Bulla lignaria, Murex ramofus, Trochus niloticus, Z. Voluta Pepo, 5. &c. Six curions Bivalves from the Mediterrancan, viz. Cardium aculeatum, I. Ple- beium, S. Venus chione, Arca glycymeris, Oftrea Jacobea, & Pinna no- bilis, E. A Thirty-two cards, containing various fpecies of terreftrial: and aquatic fhells, chiefly of the Turbo genus GE i va Two fine mamillated Echini, one of them with it’s {fpines, and two other fine- ppb, fpecies of Echini, viz. Lacunofus and efculentus, Z. Twenty-five cards, containing various fpecics of Voluta, /ome of them rarem- . lab Ved: PES Nine cards, containing ten curious fpecimens of Venus, viz» three varieties ofr Literata, one of Caftrenfis, Virginea, meretrix, Penfylvanica, fcripta, Zn Procera, &. &c. A large and fine fpecimen ofa fearce varicty of Mytilus. hirundo, Zi. from Pale Condore Pholas Dactylus and Striatus, L. the latter in wood, and Pholas Hians, S. all fine GUM COPALadAMBE R inchfng INS ECT 8s. A curious fpecimen of Gum.Copal with Infects pombe pe LO ae 6 A red and yellow fpecimen of Gum-Copal,. with.a Formica and other Infets. _ 3, in it A large and fine fpecimen of,Gum Copal, with various Infects in it eae Amber from the Coaft of Suffolk; and four other fpecimens of ditto,. three of: Ge them with Infects. A fine clear fpecimen of Gum Copal, witir Infects inclofed. Another, inclofing a thell, very curious BRITISH anp EXOTIC INSEE CAS: Seven curious fpecies of Caffida,. from Africa and Cayenne=moft of, them nons defcript A fine pair of Phalana Paphis, ZL. from-New York—rare Five curious. and rare fpecies of Mantis, from Africa and the £. Indies Two large Sphinges, 6 Phalenz, and two Papiliones, ia fine prefevation and very beautiful, from New York Thirty-two fine Infests of the Hymenoptera clafs,. chiefly from Africa—fome of them rare, Twenty-four beautiful Papiliones, moft of them from Nerth- America. 2089 A (das eee 2 Ne Oe Lape s Pe aeSg° 2090 2091 2092 2093 G ar 2094 Abr 1 AAA 4 2095 aN g y # 2096-6 is aa ae Be cis tnt 2008 VU) Aarti 2099 Fa cree scott a * ZOO jr 2101 iS od 2102 ( dee 2103 t- 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2130 / 215% 2112 2113 2114: 2V15 ( 95 ) A box, containing various fpecies of exotic Lepidoptera, fome of them rare — Twenty-eight various Infects of the Hymenoptera‘and Diptera clafs, from Africa and the Laff Indies Seven rare fpecies of Engfith Phalene, among which are Tragopogonis, Ct+ trago, Typica, Lucipara, Precox, L. and two new /pecies Twenty-two curious and rare fpecies of Britith Phalene,-among which are Balthella, Geoffreila,Pomonella, Z. Conwayana, Fabr. and feverat new ones Ajax, Fidia, Brifeis, Dido, ZL. Affinis, Madr. and five other rare Papiliones Five curious fpecies of the Mantis genus, chicfly from Africa Two of Phalena Fraxini, Z. or Cleifden Nonpareil, very rare = Nine rare Coleoptera, viz. Scarab. Tityus, cylindricus, L. Bucephalus, Belze. bub, Fabr. &ce _—— Two Fulgora laternaria from China, and a pair of the fame genus frem A/rcc, non-deferipe Curculio Capenfis, Z. and four others of the fame genus, all -rare i Two pair of Sphix Nerii, L. and another pair of. beautiful Sphinges from ve W, Indies—rare A pair of the Humming Bird Libellula, from Afirica—every rare = eee ee Fourteen fine Cerambices, among which are Feftivus, L. and Lamia tornator, Fadr. and others frony South America.and the Eaft Indies Five large and beautiful Phalenz, from New York, viz. Luna, Tau, Z. Prome- thea (female), Imperialis (male), &c. of Drury f A. large anda fmall fpecimen of Papilio Turnus, Z. andtwo other pairs of fcarce Papiliones from Africa and the Eaf? Indics Thirty-eight curious {mall Infects-of various genera, maf? of them rave is t A large and rare Gryllus from Cayenne Lucifer, Z. and two other rare Scarabasz SH EDEDLS, E CHIN I, C GO:R ALS, Se A Wett Indra mamilfated, and three other Echini, with their fpines on: —_ A large and fine fpecimen of Arca fenilis, ZL. from Africa—very rare — Ten rare fpecies of Helix, and two curious Oriental frefh-water Nerite —____- A neat fall fpecimen of Oftrea nodofa, or Duck’s-foot Pecten, and a ‘ine Oftrea plica, L.—both rare A very fine pair of Trochus Lineatus, from Guinea, non-defcript and extremely fcarce Four fine fpecies-of Chama, viz. Calyculata, oblonga, 2. Lactea & decora, §, all rare: A very fine fpecimen of Patella teftudinaria, Z, or Tortoifefhell Limpet, from China—rare Two curious {mall varieties (Oriental & Occidental) of Spondylus Gederopus L. A fine yellow Helix perverfa, L, and one with the movth on the contrasy fide, both from China, and rare . : i (Bice yore age ee et 2120 C96) Bert fle ay gh A large and a fmatl fpecimen of Voluta incompta, $. from the South Seas, exe ; ff tremely fearce—Mariyn, Vol. 1. fig.tg. 1. Helix lucorum, Z. a curious diftorted fpecimen: of ditto, and one of the fume:fpee cies but reverfe——unique A very curious and rare white fpecies of Murex, non defcript An exceeding fine orange variety of Spondylus Gederopus, from the W. Indies — = UETY FAK é * A very fine fpecimen of Argonauta modo tacts or tuberculated Paper Nautilus, from the Cape of Good Hope, rare—Rum. 18. 1 A. very large and fine {pecimen of Voluta Ebrea, Z. or brindled Mufic, from China—rare A fmail but fine fpecimen of Voluta Cithara, 8. or painted ethiopian Crown, from Japan, very rare—Seba Mu. Vol. 3. te 65. fi 1-26 A very. perfect and finely coloured fpecimen of Chama Lazarus, L. var-a pan- nolus, § Rum. 48. 3.—very rare An exceeding fine fpeciinen of Conus Vicarius, « 9 L. a farce variety of the High 1 Ga eae /, OS RUA) Pee A Raye: Adniral, having feven bands, from Amboyna mee ar: Two very fine varieties of a rare fafciated compreffed Helix, with the mouth on the lefi fide — @- A very fine Solen ftrigilatus, Z. or pink-rayed Solen, from the Mediterranean —— $ - ig Murex decuffuta, or the Pottle Murex, a very curious non-defcript fpeciesmunique —~ ¢ G ~ Patella epidermidca, a moft fingular undefcribed fpecies of Limpet, extremely {carce ns ss pes A vary large and fine Solen radiatus, ZL. or purple-rayed Solen, from China— wre rare Two curious Volute, a geometric Helix, and two fingular Buccina, all veryrare. ~ /2— Env of the TwEnTIETH Day’s Sauz. ——_—_——_—_— T WENT ¥~ ee / LOT QA fe 213K Harring, 2132 C art, 2133 t as Uti fur 3134 Gla 2138 lnc 2136 Shot, 2138 Be 1 2139 Vo/le7 2140 a) Aun = 2141 2144 2145 Twenty-First Day’s SAre. WEDNESDAY tue 197th or MAY, 1786. SHELLS, CORALS, PETRIFACTIONS,. Sn HIRTY-FIVE cards, containing various Univalves of different genera, among which are Conus ftriatus, Tulipa, Bulla lignaria, Murex, ramofus, Buccinum hemaftoma, L. Veftitum, Mancinella, Vagum, S. &c. Various fpecies of Bivalves and Multivalves,-including Anomia Cepa, Mytilus Margaritifera, Chama gryphoides, three Chitons, &c. Three odd valves of a large undulated Venus, Li/?. 499. two large Pectens, al- lied to Oftrea Pallium, Z. and various other Foffil Shells, from Virginta Two of Buccinum tuberofum, Z. two of Neptuni, §. a large Turbo marmora- tus, Cyprea Tigris; the fame, uncoated; Strombus lambis, L. a young one of Gigas, L. A mafs of the Butterfly Anomiaz, Lif. Avim. Ang. tad. 9. fiz. 49.5 Various im- preffions of Ferns and other Plants in Iron Stone, from Colebrook Dale, Shrop- Jbire; and fome impreflions of Vegetables in Coal Slate, Lancafbire Twenty-one cards, containing various fpecies of Turbo, chiefly of the fpiral kind, among which are Duplicatus, variegatus, replicatus, L. &c. An Oyfter with an Oftrea diftorta ($.) adhering to it; an Oftrea Jacobea & opercularis, Pinna nobilis, Solen filiqua, Z. and three more Two fine fpecimens of Helix Scarabezus, L. a fine pair of Voluta fammea, S. a kin to Auris Jude, L. two other Helices, and three Turbos, all rare A large Donax grandis, S. a broad pink-rayed Tellen from Guizea, anda yellow and ftriped Tellen from, China—all fine and rare Three various Belemnites, a polifhed fection of a larger one, a mafs of Butterfly Anomiz, 2 polifhed Ceralloids, a Pinnites, a Crab from China, and two other fine petrifactions Thirty-three cards, containing various fpecies of Nerita, both frefh-water and marine, fame of them rare Twenty-three cards, including a great variety of Volutw, Buccina, Trochi, Neritz, and other curious Foffil Shells, chiefly from Jraly Twelve cards of curious fpiral Buccina, or Needles, amongft which are Lan- ceatum, two varieties of Strigilatum, Z. Xiphias, macilentum, truculentum, pertufum, pugio, bovinum, rigidum, S. &c. Two curious meandritical Madrepores, curioufly frofted with Spars, and a fin- gular Aftroites, faturated with Spar, all Foffil, and very rare A pair of a beautiful variety of Trochus Niloticus, Z. and another rare Trochus 2146 Nine lw Ve oy, a. fa Cot fre 2146 Nine fine Univalves, viz. two of Cyprea Tigris, two-of Lynx, one of Mawi- Cb an 59 Cae pik - G7 4 2166 Lia 216¢ 2162 (phi) tiana, two Voluta Olla, Z. and a pair of Buccinum Barbitun, §. or {fmooth- ridged Harp A fine Venus ‘igrina, polifbed, and three fine fpecimens-of Oftree Pectines, viz. Maxima, L. finely fpotted, Cinnabarina, Born. Mf. 103. a‘{mall variety of Pleuronectes, Z. or leffer Compafs Peéten A large Nerita glaucina, two Voluta Vefpertilio, two fine and large varieties of Oliva, L. Mariya, Il. 529. two Buccinum teftudo, §. Seda III. 70. fig. 2, 35 and 4. of the Bucc. Harpa, L. Fourtecn cards of eurious and rare fimall petrifa€tions, confifting of Anomie, Belemnites, Echinites, Buccina, Murices, &c. Venus Punctata,.S. Ram 43.'G. and two curious varieties of Venus literata, L.—all frie Fifteen cards, containing a variety of fmall fpecimens of Haliotis, among which are Afinina, tuberculata, ftriata, Z. &c. Nine backs of rare fpecies of Cancer, viz. two of Maculatus, two of Lactatus, one of Punctatus, Z. and four more Murex Morio, with it’s Epidermis on ; Buccinum Galea, Olearium, Z. Cotur- nix, S. and § others A beautiful group of a fcarce variety of Balanus Tintinnabutum, S. (Lepas, L.) /o- 9: 6 66 ay fome of them having their Opereula and -‘tentaculain them; with a number yo — 70 of lefler one’s adhering, very sine Six fine varieties (four fpecies) of the Harp kind, viz. Buccinum barbiton, -Cithara, Pandura, and Teftudo, S. Twenty-one cards, containing various fpecies of fmall Buccina, al/ of them labelhd Six curious fpiecies of Mattra, viz. Truncata, Z. from Newfoundland, 2 valves of rugofa, rare; a fine Eburnea, 8. three others, and a curious Solen from ‘Coromandel A fine Arca nodulofa, S. or ftudded Ark, Gualt. 87. E. one valve of a curious ipecies of Mya, wadefcribed, from China, and an Oyfter on a Coral, from Sumatra Three ivory ferew-boxes, containing a minute 1pecies of Nautilus, anAmmonia, both from China, and an Englifh Helix Nautiloides, with /ections of ditto; a Cocoa nut ferew-box, including various minute fpecies of Nautili from the Englith Coaft; acard of other {mall fhells, and various fpecimens of Nautilus fpirula, L.. Venus Cattrenfis, or Camp Cockle; two varieties of Meretrix, and an Oftrea Pallium, L. all fine Two fine fpecimens of Trochus Pyrimidalis, or Egyptian Pyramid, one with a fine green mouth, from the Red Sea—undefcribed and rare A large and very perfect fpecimen of Madrepora mamillofa, E//is MSS, Radiata, Lillis Zooph. Tab. 47. fig. & from the E. Indies—very rare Tas Ber ie ee see | Ctawy ri, - Ve G J Cit Mh, , 2181 Avery large and beautiful fpecimen of dendritical Peacock Ore in brown Terra / wer As ( 99 ) ad fe oe aa /o - 2163 A large and fine variety of Echinus Spatagus, L. Seha III. 9/. 4. fiz. 3. 4. very rare 2164 A large and fine radiated Mactra, a variety of Stultorum, ZL. according toS. from the Mediterranean—rare yi . 2165 A fine pair of a dwarf variety of Strombus Chiragra, Z.. or Devil’s Claw, from. tori China—rare 2166 Twent-eight cards, containing various fpecies of fmall Patell, /ome of themrare —— /+ 4 2167 Two very large fpecimens of Haliotis Midz, L from the Cage of Good Hope 2168 A fcarce black variety of Mytilus Margaritifera, Z. from Oraheite, & an Oftrea Grandis, S. or great American Compafs Pecten, aja rare emer 27 2169 Echinus Diadema, ZL. from Grenada, and a mamillated Echinus, with long fpines, vA L from Sicily—both rare meee 2170 Various fpecies of Mya, among which are Arenaria, Pictorum, Margaricifera, 3 GE'S L. Ventricofa, S. and others : 2171 Fifteen fine Univalves of various genera, including Conus Tulipa, literata, Le: ‘ l Terebra, §, Voluta mufica, a young one of Cypraa exanthema, L. &c. = ee tli Two fine fpecies of Voluta, viz. Amphora, or clouded Aithiopian Crown, and. Oo. ie an Melo, §. or fpotted Melon ie 2173 Voluta ceramica, L, and dealbata, §. or flender heavy Voluta, both from China, é and rare wie 7 “2174 Mytilus bidens, from Faltland’s [land; Perna, L. Pictus, & and another Me- : diterranean Mufcle, all fine — Sf Fae 2175 Three cards, containing various fpecies of Buccinum, viz. two of Hyftrix, or Hedge-hog; Lividum, S. and four more, all rare a re 2176 Nine cards, including various {pieces of fall Crabs, mo/ly rare 2177 Five curious and rare fpecies of Venus, viz. Dyfera, marica, ZL. Umbratilis, obfoleta, and Seniilis, 8. vk 2178 A pair of fine and large Trochus Telefcopium, L. oxe vith the miouth entire CRS WL S,..MARCASITES, SHIRLS;, O.RE Ss f&e, 2179 White Shirl, or Cockle, rare, from the L/le of Portland; cry ftallized Manganefe, Ee Ip Ele, and brown cryftallized Terra Ponderofa on a Spar 2180 Cubic Marcafites in a green Slate, from Ei/Wale, Scotland, and a group of fine gular flatted Cryftals ‘Ponderofa and Spar, from Thuringia 2182 Avery fine fpecimen of Flos Ferri, with a delicately froited furface, from Steurs 0 Ne : marck ° 2183 Avcapital group ef Aqua marine Cubic Fluors, from Saxozy—rare Pe 2184 Avery fine and large fpecimen of Antimony Ore, in large centripetal and c é tranfverfe columns, from Hingary—rare ae: . 2185 A curious group of white Spars, tinged with red, from the Hartz _ — 3 6 2186 Nine fine Minerals, among which is a fine fpecimen of Nickell, Peacock Iron 7... Ore, Saxony; native Orpiment with Realgar; Red and blue rock Sait; Co- 9 balt with red Efflorefecnce, Thuringia, &c. N 2157 A — ( 00 ) ad Pye £4, 1). 4 At curious rugged ftalatitical Iron Ore, from ue i Fiematites Iron Ore, Saxony; and an Arrow-head Gypfum, France g An elegayt fpecimen of the Plumofe Zeolites, from Matlock Bath, Derbyfbire oa SHELLS, COR A ELS S23 A fine pair of Trochus Onuftus, or Carrier, one of them loaded with Shelley, ~ from the W. Indies—rare a ‘¥wo curious and rare {pecies of Mya, viz. Complanata, Zif. 150. 5: and Obo< —— S vata, 9. both from Maryland A very fcarce variety of Echinus rofaceus, L. Guak. 110.-4. erp ie: Four fine Volute, viz. two varieties of Mufica, and two of Vefpertilio, Z.. CS aoe Seven cards of rare Univalves, among which-are two Helix Cornu Arictis, Zo four Helices from Madras; two others, and four Turbos Sue Geb Two very large and fine fpecies of Arca, viz. Nodulefa from China, Gualt. 87e b E. and Sulcata, §.—Joth rare Mes Nine fine Univalves of various genera, among which are two Nerita albumen, g- or Bull’s-eye Snail; Buccinum olearium; Murex Pyrum, L. &c. 6 Three fpecimens of Ifis hippuris, and four other fine Corals: a os Nine Univalves of different genera, including two Voluta Vefpertilio, two Porphyria, a pair of Conus ftriatus, LZ. orthe Spectre, a fcarce Trochus fromm) - China, and two more Fifteen cards of rare fmall Univalves of various genera, among which are Pa tella Ungarica, Chinenfis, equeftris, Bulla Naucum, two young Ovum, L, Conus uftulatus, rutilans, S. &c. Two curious fpecies of Oftrea, viz. a fmall Malleus, th and Elongata,. 5. ees Fifteen cards of Univalves of different genera, among which-are a pair of Voc luta Cymbium, Mufica, Murex pyrum, Buccinum Echinophorum, Z. and v4 ve Pandura, S. or Pink Harp, from Guinea, &c. oR) aa Four curious fpecies of Canceres, viz. Punctatus, Grapfus, Z. and two more, 2 bs all rare 7 i Six fine fpecies of Venus, viz. Iflandica, L, Craffa, tumida, S. and two others, rare A very large Voluta gibbofa, or Quaker Olive, S. from the Brazils ; a Trochus y productus from China, undefcribed; and a Nerita grofla, L. all fine and rare ie 7: 4 y A fine pair of Voluta Pepo, S. or young of the great brown Melon, from Guinea — S— A very fine Oftrea Ifognomon, and a fingular variety of Malleus, Z. both from, Pulo Condore, and rare yt Ae £ A pair of a fcarce variety of bits Colus, Z. from China, and another rare = __ ¥ id Murex. Three fine Corals, viz. Millepora, Ellis’s Zooph. tab. 26. §. Madreporaferiata, __ b ? Z ; ibid, 31.1. 2. and faftigiata, ‘bid. 33. Nine rare Univalves, among which are three Helix Oculus capri, er French- horn, from China; five varieties of Ampullacea, Z. anda fine banded Helix, Pe 9 Lift, tabs, 67 and 68, a209 A Din 2210 3 Pltngheu git f° L / Cl cuter 2212 Eres Mrnwine, 2213 /, +. Ca tle SP os Kecng ig 2226 * oO 2226 C., kL. 22297 Et 2228 : deal Cy ae Gaal’ guanties 49,8. 6 A fmall fpecimen of a fearce fpecies of Echinus, (Seda, Vol, IM. pl. XI. fig. 6 a.6..) and two others with their fpines on, fixe = Six fine fpecimens of Serpula, viz. two of Anguina, or fiffurated Worm; two Lumbricalis, Z. or Cork-fcrew; the Retort Worm of Ceylon, unde/cribedy and another Two fine varieties of Spondylus Gaderopus, Z. viz. the purple ftriped from co— China, and the fearlet and white from Martinique ee a A large and fine pair of the purple-mouth Land Snail of Guinea, and a variety LB of Bulla achatina, L. very rare — ; A fine fpecimen of Mya Gigas, 8, from the Afditerranean—Liff. 414.258. 9 —— ee Four fine fpecimens of rare Volutz, im a young ftate, viz. two of Amphora, or ‘brown clouded Perfian Crown, and Nobilis, or great Wild Mufick, borh Species rare, and from China Six curious undefcribed Murices, viz. one allied to Javanus, Z.; one, Lifer, Cf : 816. 27; two of the Purpura-kind from Guinea, and two others, all rare Ay TOL dene fi a) A very fine clufter of Lepas Cornu Copiz, §. D’Argenville, 26..D.—rare A fine pair of Helix fineatus, and an undefcribed fpecies of Land Snail from the 7. te Eaft Indiesmmvery rare Two fine varieties of Strombus Auris. Diane, Z.. ae Te A large fpecimen of Bulla lignaria, Z. with it’s ftemach or gizzard taken out of it, a late and cxrious difcovery foe ae . A fine Troehus Annulatus, or purple-edged Trochus, Martyn, Vol. 1. fig. 33+ re and two Canaliculatus, or bronzed Trochus, did, 33. 7. all from K. George's ee Sound, onthe N. W. Coaft of America—rare A. very fine pair of Murex faxatilis,.Z. or Endive Purpura, from China—rare —____ i Three curious and rare fpecies. of Selen, viz. Strigillatus, Z. var c. from the South Seas, Antiquatus, Pennant, 46, 25. and Cruentus, -§. from China aN q . Five fine varieties of Oftree Pectines, viz. four of Proteus, or Butterfly’s-wing Peéten from Mixorca, and one of Plica, L. A very large and fine Conus Imperialis, £. or Imperial. Crown, from China—= Eee. ee ae rare A fine Oftrea Ifognomon, L. from: China=rare ene | S —G A fcarce variety of Oftrea Malleus Z. var ¢. 8. and another of Spondylus Gx: > Ze deropus, Z. or purple {potted Spondylus from China—rare — 2 - _.Afine Conus Vicarius, ‘Z, a curious variety of the High Admiral, with feven bands, rare ces Ve —- Three rare fpecies of Voluta, viz. Caffra, Sanguifuga, and Virgo, L. A pair of a curious variety of Murex ramofus, L.— very rare on Yael Two fine varieties of Spondylus Gederopus, L. both from China : A fine Buccinum tendinofum, §. very rare = : ‘6 Four curious and rare fpecies of Solen, viz. Plebeius, Pallidus, Antiquatus, &. Y . f and Vagina, Z. & & Enp of the Twenty-First Dav’s Sate. ee N 2 a ~ Twentte /, —- mere t - Of. Ve ARM 3 9g Lotta. fprw* r # OAs +4, Co GANCERES, SHELLS, CORALS, PETRIFACTIONS, “&, LOT 2233 2234 "TWENTY-SECOND. Day’s. Saur. FHURSDAY tue 18th or MAY, 1786. ARIOUS fpecies of Crabs and Lobfters, among which are Cancer;_— oe . i ftrigofus, Bamftius, Dorfettenfis of Pezvant, &c. and four fine Onifci” Thirty-four cards, containing, a great variety of Helices,.among which are. Janthina, auricularia, ftriatula, Cornea, Z. Zonaria of Pennant, féveral of the~ _ minute fhells, deferibed by Mr. Lightfoot in Philof: Tranf. 1786. Vol. 1, 8éc. Two large cards, one containing various fponges, and the other a variety oft Corals and Corallines Various impreflions of Ferns and other Vegetables in Slate and Iron Stone,. from Lancafbire, Shropfbire, &ce. Twenty-feven cards of Britifh fhells of various genera —— oC Twenty-fourcards, containing various frecies of fmall Crabs, chiefly exotic — i) 3 Twelve cards, including fundry kinds of Opercula of hells G~ & Eight cards, containing various fpecies of Pholas,.viz. Dadtylus, coftatus,, crifpatus, candidus, Z. Hians, ftriatus, crenulatus, & explanatus, S. Thirty- -eight cards, containing various {peeies of Buccinum, among which are Papillofum, erinaceus, Glans, LZ. Pavidum, fuberofum, patulans, radula, ie guidum, creaatum, obfcurum, atrum, S: and others, /abelled- A very large and fine inna nobilis, Z. from the Mediterrancan Forty-two cards of Bivalves of various genera, chiefly of Venus, /ome rare, and moft of them labelled Thirty cards of curious fmali Petrifactions, conftfting of Anomte, Ammonites. Asteria, &c. : Sixteen. eards, containing various fpecies of Trochus, among which are Macus latus, Nileticus, Solaris, Z. &c. A very beautiful group of purple,. yellow,-and other. varieties‘of Chama grye- phoides, L.. adhering to a.Madrepora, from the Weft Indies. Part of a Serpula gigantea, from: China—rare Three fine fpecrnens of Venus, viz. two.varieties of literata, LE. and one of Splendens,. §. all from China. Nine fine fpecimens of Haliotis, among which are Afinina, Midz,. tuberculata,. L. Iris, cancellata, &c. Twenty-feven cards, containing various fmall. Foffil thells, both Univalves and Bivalves, /ome exotic A variety of Bivalves and Multivalves,, om Weymouth, fome of een labelled. (cap a Oy ae | 2253 ly 2254 A barusphe te 2255 Clr, 2256 Cali.) 2257 A pyr Ls, 2 2258 Cuet_, 4359 Ote 2260 \ Oly 2261 . 2263 OL 2.265 if co 2266 i 2267 OL 2268 / eA 2271 2272 Har /vhet 2273 cr ds ( 103 ) ROOM, Four fine f{pecimens of Voluta, viz. a pair.of Auris Juda, and another of Auris Mide, all from Malacca, and rare. Fifteen cards, containing various fpecies of Venus, among which are Tripla, Proftrata, caftrenfis, maculata, Z. antiquata, §. &e. Twenty various Univalves, among which are Trochus Tuber, perfpeivus, Voluta mufica,. Murex ramofus, Cyprea Amethyftea, & Arabica, Helix ca- rocolla, LZ. &c. Oftrea Hyotis, 8, (Mytilus), L.) or thorny.Cockfcomb Oyfter, frora China—-rare A very large & fine variety of Buccinum granulatum, S. from the W. Indies—rare Volita Ebraa,Z. or the brindled Mufic, from. China—fine and rare —_—_—- . A curious Murex with hollow fpines, a Foflil ditto, Brander’s Fo; Hanton. ple Ill. fg. 82.. and 4 others, al/-rare _ Eight cards, including various fpecies of Venus and Donax, viz. Donax .ftriata, L. Abbreviata, S. Venus turgens, hians, 8. &c. —— A pair of a fearce variety of Trochus maculatus, Z, and a fine non-defcript Trochus, all rare : ; A large purple Mufcle from the Straits of Magellan, (a varietytof Mytilus bidens, ZL.) and a Mytilus Pictus, 8. both fine and rare: Buccinum finuatum, or leffer waved Lip, from New Zealand, Tenerum, and aa Pandura, S. or Pink Guinea Harp, and a.diftorted fpecimen of the fmooth’ 7 Englifh Whilk j _ & Curious ORE 8, SPARS, CRYSTALS, &e. A very large and fine garnet in it’s native ftate, from Bohemia. Ae Le ee A group of a fingularly figured eight-fided Spar, from the Hartze-rare A fine black ftalatitical or Bruth Iron Ore, from Sayz pecs A beautiful fpecimen of green and blue Matachites Copper Ore,..from: Siberia, very rare... —_—— A rich fpecimen of plated Native Silver in Spar, from Norway fs A purple Stalactites; a blue Marcafite, Staford/bire; aChalcedony ; acurious» ___ ftellated Iron Ore; a radiated group of Needle Spars, and a Drufen of pearly Terra Ponderofa, all fine and rare aos ae A fine fpecimen of red cryftallized Silver Ore, from Freyberg, in Saxony A large and fine fpecimen of mofs-like cryftallized green Lead Ore, very rares. from Schopau, in Saxony A-very curious tubular Stalactites, from: Germany ome Oo ——— == A beautiful fpecimen of cryftallized Manganefe, from Else SHELLS,.CORALS, PETRIFACTIONS,.&e. Two fine and rare {pecies of Chama, viz, Lazarus from China, and Gryphoides from St. Vincenes An exceeding fine fpecimen of Voluta gravis, $. with it’s Epidermis on, from the Straits of Malacca, Martyn, Fol, 11. 917. 2275 Two No. VII. CSS of fr? L ufh ear i 1 2294 2295 2296 ~ € m4 ) Ly td fred ‘Two very rare fpecies of Mytilus, viz. Brunneus, and ornatus, §. or penciled Mufcle, the laft from China A pair of large and fine Trochus Solaris, Z. or Sun Shell, from Yameica le Various fpecies of frefh-water foflil Shells, in a calcarious Stone, from the J/le of Wight A large and fine Turbo farmaticus, Z. or Orange Turbo (Regenf. tab. I. fig. 7°) with it’s curious granulated Operculum, from the Cape of Good Hope—rare A large red variety of Spondylus Gaderopus, Z, with 2 of Charma gryphoides (a purple and a yellow) adhering to it, from Martinique A fixe Nerita corona, from China; and a ncat pair of Helix amarula, La. or black Papal: Crown, from the Ganges Two curious flinty Coralloids-called the Fig, very rare Cardium f{pinofum, Tellina faufta, S. Venus maculata, 2 varieties of Meretrisy and a Spendylus Gederopus, L.—all fixe A fingle ttar of Madrepora angulofa, Ellis Zooph. tab. 34. and 2 curious Mille- pores, one of them zdid. tab. 26. fiz. 1. all rare Nine. fine Univalves, among which are a pair of Buccinum decuffatum, 2 Ve- duta plicaria, L. Murex plicatus, er plicated Murex, from Falkland’s Dflands, undefcribed. Favanne, tab. 79, I. and 3 other rare fhells A large and beautiful white Mactra, from Guinea, wadcfcribed and rare Two of Trochus perfpectivus from Giza, a Solaris WM. Indies; Murex aruanus Pa 4 PTE: ay, Fe P aher ante’: Be Si Lh oe oe and perverfus, or right and left-handed Figs, from North-America, 2 Bulla — ampullacea, Guinea, and a pair of a {carce variety-of Murex canaliculatus, L. from Virginia. Lift. 877, 1. Two very fine fpecimens of Lepas tintinnabulum, Z. with their opercula, ad- hering together, from Guinea; afine Balanus pyramidalis, E. Indies, and a groun of Balanus ovalis, .§. from Ditto A fine Strombus Fufus, or Spindle, var. Perficus, and a‘fine and fearce variety of Murex:Colus, Z. or fpotted Crane, from China A very large and fine,Echinus efculentus, “ZL. from.the EZ. Indies. Favanne, 57, C, A large and finevariety of Mytilus margaritiferus, Z. or black Mother o’ Pearl - fhell, with the edge,entire, from Otaheite—rare Twenty-five cards of fmallfpiral Buccina, sof? of them undefcribed, and alt labelled Nine cards containing various fpecies of Arca, viz. a fingle valve of tortuofa, Now, 'Z. indurata, incraffata, imbricata, S. &c. y Eighteen fine Univalves, among which are, Murex trapezium, or Perfian rebe-s Strombus epidromis, or the Mainfail.; canarium,.Conus Virgo, 2 of Trochus perfpectivus, 2 Cypraa talpa, +L. &ce Seven cards including fome curious fpecies of Mytili, viz. Modiolus, or Tulip, from the W~ Jndles, angulatus, L..carinatus, from, Coromandel). brunneus, hians, \8., &¢. A large brown reticulated Arca, and Tellina papyracea, & eburnea, S.— 2336 Ten copper medals of Popes, &c. modern, and 4 fmall-ditto; 1g Roman — 2. L.. v : ditto, and 2 filver ditto, in all 84 pipes re vy a 2337 Thirty pieces of filver coins foarte Ieee 7 Him tuly, 2338 Seventy ditto, confifting of 6d, 4d, 3d, 2d, and 1 penny pieces _— tox gy Pmrethet 2339 Two Queen Anne’s half crowns, one of them gilt; 3 one ditto of William III. ana: . -- a crown piece of William and Mary biol v shina 2340 A Commonwealth crown piece, a Wilfiam Ii. ditto, a Queen Anne’s half crown, *O »? a fhilling, and 3 medals so Viutblls 2341 An Oliver’s crown piece with a flaw in the die, a ditto half crown, and a ditto fhilling ; a Queen Anne and a Queen Mary’s farthings C. ae aan Vor 2342 Three gold coins and a } guinea of K. George I. 3 fequins, a pagoda, and 45 6 fmaller pieces of gold coins 7 = Se 2343 Agold medal of Q. Mary, and a ditto of Q. Anne ey. Sa V2. 2344 One ditto fine large ditto of Matilda and Sophia a ; 42.0 CUR DOU SiS ibaa Se Nn is Ms Whuynirt 2345 -An amethy'f feal, a brown cryftal ditto, a white carnelian, a white and redocar- 7 nelian, and one compofition ditto, engraved and mounted in gold Se 7 ; 4 Pry 2346 A blood ftone and gold antique ditto—head of Czefar, finely cut. ——__—___—_ JS. - Iitit- 2347 Anagate ditto itto a head 9 et: NT ae Sa ZO 9 : 2348 Acarne‘ian ditto ditto cote ao aha & aan ~~ 2349 A blood ftone ditto ditto, enamelled, with rubies and diamonds" z Nt Cet, (2350 A carnelian ditto, with a portrait of the bloody fhouldered Arabian v, mats fey gsi Meryftal feal—bead of Socrates, finely cut ‘ ‘Le npg s pee oe DD ( likey ibis A remarkable curious carnelian, ditto al aie es ae | aie “a nae oy so 2353 A.ditto ditto dds chert peeeriy . - 2354 Aruby and gold ditto++heart and coronet, finely cut tiny Aap Pee ets Et aS 2355 Avery fine carnelian and gold antique ditto—figure of Bichede: finely cut 2 a if * Ly cata As 2356 A Superfine topaz and dittobead of Sappho, finely cut ewhd sotley 7 Oo . be Ohr—-> 2357 One ditto onyx and ditto—head of Hercules Fuvenis, finely cut gh Gwe é, : 2? Pog oni 2358 A ditto fardonyx and ditto—fgure of Agrippina ditto wt a ee a ~~ Ajiaiz, #359 A ditto ditto antique figure ditto yy 6 O curious—— 6— (Aes fave of tb BT Gey A Auk: atAyz ED g = | capes SO i: Ie oY » om 2378 2379 -2380 2331 2382 2383 2384 2385 2535* ( 3108 j Phot pd CURIOUS SNUFF-BOXES, &, 116, 12. 6 An ivory turned and carved box, in form of a batket Tt _ pi: : A tortoife=theH ditto;zmounted insfilver¢etlt) eae ee ee A curious compofition ditto, in gold ae A blue ditto, octagon fhape ditto ee , 4A F t , , 0) a A fhagreen patch-box, mounted and fludded syith gold SAS A fine blue compofition box, in gold ———_____-_-_______-—_~ A fine agate ditto = ditto TA eee ek An amber ditto (set cayinee eles a hee ain W - A very fine ditto ditto,. with.double ial be Le sa A very fine agate ditto ditto --—* tp the @ yg A beautiful gold ditto, with tortoife-/bell inlard, wt» 3,02, 1 dwt. eee oP A fine mocoa box, mounted in gold ——— a) ak shee b> Ce Seen A very curious enamelled dittae, wt. 3 oz 8 dwts. 23: gr, ——--— Mend 33 Sa oe Ux 4 bi A box, containing emeralds, amethyfts, and.fundry curious antique ftones;:cut RLS 4 } Six very curious antique toilet pieces in metal gilt, finely inlaid with:red coral, and / ~ Ue a metal gilt bell a Yn a A very curious antique fith trowel} finely engraved, awichoa cry ftal ener fet with a fine ruby and fapphire &c. , |. (0 aie A chett of drefling plate, containing 26 pieces, with the broken glafs, weight 113 0%, z dwt. 22 gr. 0- Eighteen curious combs, fome antique,. others “tna epaqeveday and inlasd /-? Ae i with gold FIN E. OLD) CH tN Twenty-three white chocolate and other cups : }- BD. Two white jugs, a mug, a faucer, 3.patties,. 13 mango cups,.4:emboffed cups, and dy yal 3 fluted ditto ihe y Two blue and white fugar difhes, 1 cover, a lamp, 3 bafons, 21 odd faucers,. 6 chocolate cups, a mug, 56 fmall cups—vyarious,.4 faucers and 2 cups of eBBr fpinnage, and bacon pattern /. @. Two Cheifea cups and faucers, 3 japan.ditto,. 9 brown edge faucers, Z partridge pattern cups and faucers, 18 japan cups, a.curious fmall:cup and faucer, and a il glafs jug -/. 4 , Six fcolloped japan faucers, 3 chocolate cups and faucers, 3: bafons, 2 Chelfea cups and faucers, 2 trays, 23 odd cups, g faucers, and 5 odd covers Oe tS . A crackled tea kettle and cover, 3 lizard handle cups, a fugar difh and cover, fil- ver flowers, 2 brown faucers, 8 curious: crackled bafons,, a fugar pot, and a toilet box and cover, in 3 divifions. os Ay Two fine oftagon brown edge japan bafons and 2 patties: A very fine ten-/quare brown edge bason, and an odtagon ditto-—wvery rare Three large and fine blue and gold difhes g Arudr rh 2387 J 2388 e lps 23 8 9 : 2390 Gana te 2391 Jn 2392 Cosh” 2393 ne 2S 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 ' 12403 C6 2408 Z 2409 tte 2410 ob aqit A fine fcarlet bafon with rock-work and figures, a red bafon and cover, a box in imitation of basket-work, with 3 boxes infide, onamented with coloured and gold flowers, a toilet pot and cover, and a ditto box in 3 divifions A very fine fhaped gold japan box, richly ornamented with leaves and flowers ditto. one the fhape of a fan, with a tree and flowers A very rich old japan jewel cheft A remarkable curious fhaped box, reprefenting a mufical inflrument, of the gold-—— f japan Three gilt combs, a fhagreen cafe, and an extraordinary fine rare and curious bot- tle, in 3 parts, of the red & goldy and a {mall red faucer of the gold & filver x4t2 A Oz J $3 f ae A fine fluted bow! and a Monteff fhape ditto, Jmaller oe —- & st ae ; Two pair of very fine brown edge plates and a bafon TA ip 4. 43 A capital ofagon brown edge partridge difh, 2 Jmaller ditto, an oftagon dittom—Hob in Co ae the Well, and 2 fine brown-edge plates Five very curious difhes with brown edges ] —é. 4 Two curious brown edge difhes, a ten-fquare ditto of the wheattheaf, te. pat- yp. C4 tern, and 2 others, very-fine y Four very curious trays, and 2 patties EN 7 ie 2 5 Part of a tea and coffce fet of the fine Chelfea porcelain, 36 seer ae paintedin _ 2. f purple birds ’ A fexagon japan-cannifter, and a pair of fine jars and covers —_ 2 sé A pair of fine embofled pea-green bottles, and 2 odd ditto 6. ¢6 A very uncommon japan jar with acover and a tortoife with a pump infide, exceeding aa CN A jie A 2 : A very vare and fine pierced ‘wafe and cover ——_—— A oi aes Tivo very beautiful c&agon:Drefden fpire bottles, and a fexagox japan ditto a ee sf Two exceeding curious fearce white birds on fea-green, pedsftals Ch y 4 A fexagon blue japan beaker, 2 o&tagon row waggons, and 2 blue bottles : aes A blue and white jar, 2 bottles, (one filver mounted) and 2 beakers y zs Ten blue ‘glafs flower vafes of $ Two fine blue vafe ‘bottles, ‘cut, z purple bottles, a-cannifter, a blue flower vafe, 12-73 2cruets, and a‘filk reel in a‘bottle — 4-7 Fine OLD GOLD anp SILVER JAPAN, &&e. An indented rtund box, with a tray, anda fet of pickle flands infide, a tortoife- fhell box witha tray, 6 ditto filver mounted, a ditto with a tooth-pick, 7 boxes, s a tea-pot and cover, 2 waiters, a {poon, a fhuttle, an ink-ftand, and a yew-tree / box mounted rs O Wi A brown and gold bowl and cover, z waiters, 2 ditto {colloped, with coloured leaves, and one with red and gold leaves ae. “oY : ¢ Two rare and curious cafes of the brown and gold japan, one ornamented with flowers, an owl & a crab in filver & gold, a filver boat, gold figure fhells, &c. a flee {is Two ditto, enriched with flowers and gold leaves, one with a bear the other with ; a-boar - * Mee 7] a a OW Phra 2412 tbicat= vee hs 2413, 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 € rr } fret lara 340.46 4 A fine black box and cover, witha horfe on the top; a ditto brown and. gold with. | flowers and leaves, a ditto in the fhape of a jar, a.ditto wheattheaf pattern, a. 4 — ia =a | ditto ivory inlaid, a ditto witha tree, 2 ditto with rofes, a trayy-a box, anda . piece of carved ivory - ag A large and fine japan cabinet, with drawers infide, and folding doors, on a carved 4. aS and gilt frame. : A fine toilet pot. and cover, of the flat oldiapaay adittoin 3, parts, afioal bafon | zB 7 é and cover, a black and gold bafon and cover, .fcarlet infide, with red.and gold. flowers, and a brown outfide bafon and cover A matchlefs, box in the form of a wheattheaf,. a ditto inthe ae of a_fan,., very: MY - /o- rich of the gold and filver japan, A very curious japan batket, gilt infide, and. et seaabe with leaves and Lita 2.2 filver rings, and a fquare tray ares ‘ Two very rich fexagon trays, of the gold japan, a finall long box, containing 35 infides, 2 diamond fhape boxes, with red flowers,.rofes, and leaves = __ uf ae A very rare.and capital fexagon box, with a tray, feclloped and feet, the cover richly: pe 3 ornamented with gold of the honcy-comb pattern, and leaves, the figure of an animal, attop, contains 7 fmall infide boxes, and.covers, reprefenting fruit ; the tray exceeds ing rich and fiudded with filver. S@ GJ Ld An extraordinary fine box of-the black and gold, ornamented. wii gold and filver, teks rofes, and a fine fhaped box, with a jofs and tray Uh 1 A capital waiter of the fan-pattern,, with a rich ftudded Het of the. fine gold: japan ; /r Ve A capital jewel box, in 3: parts ' Gries An elegant gold fland, and 2 very fine faaped boxes with a tray, 3 infide boxes to each, =e A jewel cabinet, with. drawers, of the black and gold, ftudded with filver, and. 7, to filver flowers. ree 7), A very capital and matchlefs box and cover, with gold ornaments and coral flowers- £4.73 A Juperbe unique box, of the gold and filver japan, with atray and a blue filkcafe.. ___ Gg ~~. A capital large gla/s cafe, in two parts, inlaid with coloured pearl, inan elegant file. 6 _~ with foelves and folding doors.to each, with large plate gla/s,. ; ay @! A ditto, the companion—equally beautiful a De A very accurate model of the Holy Sepulchre: at.Jerufalem,_ moft elaborately Nig t finifhed, and beautifully inlaid with mother-of-pearl, very fine. ogee 4 G. Ai By Pig 2, Te Ss hte Two mahogany. china. fhelves, with plate glafs doors A Sop ee FY A very neat miniature cabinet, vaneered with fine woods , AMEN, vg Five {mall cabinets for infects, &c.. Se as rs A very neat mahogany ditto, with 18 drawers, lined with cork and tadees y. A$ : A mahogany table for forting thells, with arimonthe back _ ee . 3434 Twa @ eS Wa 3 : ioe Ceasllh, 1g 2 ety fms afanrvrAa 7434 2435 2436 2437 24.38 2439 2440 sql 2442 2443. 2444 2445 2446 24.47 2448 aa j Piaf foi SSE eM ee Two ditto china thelves, with glafs folding deors 2-5 a. A deal cabinet for infects, with 30 drawers, with plate giafs S- 7 6 A beautiful mahogany ditto, with 22 drawers Pears a L A high ditto,. code, 4 Salty ae =, A ditto, 26 ditto sae ve lor A ditto,, 26.ditto —_—__ 7 76— A ditto, larger,. 39 ditto P. Lo A very handfome cafe of drawers, with a Chinefe villain ivory, in a cafe of plate le. 16 glafs, the back plate filvered An exceeding beautiful /mall mahogany cabinet, of very fine wood, inlaid with tulip wood and fringing, with 18 drawers, lined with cork and glazed; quite new, and —— “4j~> Kf made in the bef? manner for containing Infects A very fine large mahogany cabinet, with 48 drawers, lined with cork, andglazed Raw ¢ Four ebony chairs, curioufly carved, with cane feats A nutmeg cabinet with drawers, a travelling cafe inlaid, and’a mahogany boxs-— ¢ —— with glafs top and flider oo, eres MG we Two India cane chairs, with a cufhion to each, and a fatin wood writing fand,. with drawers A mahogany pillar and claw table CO - A large mahogany piller and claw table. oS a —— Ep of the Twenty-Torrp Day’s: Sam BOR Foe TWENTYe. Twenty-rourTH Day’s Saez. . SATURDAY tue 20th or MAY, 1786. SHELLS, RPETRIFACTIONS, CORALS, &c. F . : Ot ‘ a ‘- : , ve flenvitnets 2449 W.O large cards of thells of various genera, from Chiva andthe Coattof — /3. ¢ Guluca ie et ae 7450 Warlous {pecies of Afferias, and:Pennatula, an Alcyonium, Doris, Argo,. ZL. ee ro-6 / ee Sy an Afcidia ruflica, of Pennant, tab. 23. fig. 35- Usrto~ 245i A-fine pair of the Cheveaux-de frize yurpure, from Guinea, two Voluta Vefpere — 4— tilio, and two Voluta Porphyria, L. heb 24$2 Thirty-one cards of {mall Univalves of various genera, among-which are Vo- , £ Fr luta echinata, aperta, 8. Reticulata, pyrum, Z. Bueccinum bombycinum, Are = — gonauta calcarata, & hians, §. Murex colus, L. &c. Gy pe 2453 Fourteen large and-fine fpecimens of Patella, among which are ‘Granularts ats {Zz teitudinaria, nimbofa, L. the Mafhroom, the. Medufa, the Bronze, &c. £ “ip 4 e454 Tencards of Bivalves of different genera, including Cardium levigatum & —~ ; 3 ferratum, Venus maculata, & Tigrina,.Z. Tellina interrupta, & &c. et ot 2455 Thirty-one cards of Univalves of various genera, chiefly Buccina and Murices, —— ¢ labelled ih 2450 A large and fine {fpecimen of Madrepora criftata, Eulis Zooph.tab.31. 3.very rare = ——— S~ SPARS, CRYSTALS, ORES, Se. ‘ eperyys 2457 A large and fine fpecimen of Pifolithus, or Peafe-ftone, from Cari/ad, in Bo- tp ie: £ Aemia; Topbus Oolithus, Z. : 2458 A fine fpecimen of rock Cryital, with beautiful Prifmatic colours, andfinehair _ = /J ~ ; and needle-like Shirl within it, poli/bed & 7 OM Ai 2459 Alarge and fine fpecimen of Zinopel,.containing Gold, from Hungary-—rare ea Uwe 2460 Acut Cryftal, reflecting prifmatic colours, very beautiful pee” 1%, Oa _ 246t Avery fine fpecimen of grey needle Antimony, from Hungary easy - Curt heer 2462 Eleven fpecimens of veined Malachites Copper Ore, from Siberiam-/ome of thene / ; 4 polifhed ee z i a Lt 2463 PETRIFACTIONS, CORALS, SHELLS,. Aafia 9. 57 Fourteen cards, containing various fpecies of Nerita, viz, Albumen, canrena, L. the pyed flated Hoof, variegated Hoof, &c. ce TINY Fifteen cards, including various fpecies of fimall Ofte pedtines, ine of then labelled — vi : Madrepora dubia, Ellis Zooph..Rofea, El#s MSS, His hippuris, Z. a curious ye Millepora, Corallina Penicillus, £//rs Zooph. 25. 4. and 4 Madr. muricata, 2, =§ —— J. Six fine Bivalves, vizs Mya truncata, Newfoundland, another Mya from Mary & land, two Mattre, and two Telline, a// rare a A fine variety of Echinus Orbiculus, Z. with fix holes, having it’s fpines on, x very rare A collection of land and aquatic thells, chiefly Helices, from the neighbourhood | ous of Geneva Seventeen cards, containing various Nerit2; among which are-Chameleon, / , albumen, canrena,-L. 8c, Four curidus fpecies of Bivalves, viz. Donax pubefcens; Solen vagina, Anomia placenta, ZL. and.Tellina dentex, S. all from Chiza ; A curious undefcribed fpecies of Arca, alfied to Pilofi, Le but diftind, from the Mediterranean—very rare eo Thirty-nine cards, containing a great variety of fmall Fofil thells; from Hord- cvell Cliff's, mop of them numbered, referring to Brander’s Fol: Hanton, and ome ee undcferibed ba . A finely-fhaped-and- delicately ramified fpecimen of a fearce variety of Madre- pora muricata, from St. Mauritius — oo). Forty-four cards, containing a great variety of finall Bivalves of different genera, moft of them labelled ees a pie . A-fine Trochus fulcatus,-from New Zealand, Naturforfcher, Vol. 1X. tab. Ut, fiz. 5. ©. Martyn, Fol: I, fig. 337.5 the great ridged Snake from the Friendly Fle, undefcribed;, and Trochus nodulofus, from the Red Sea een | of Forty-one cards, including a great variety of fall Bivalve fhells, chiefly of the : Venus and Arca genera, of of them 1a bvlled a A om Fifteen fine Univalves of different genera, among which are Voluta Mitra Pu- + - palis, Murex Morio, Pyrum & Femorale, Strombus lentiginofus, Bulla ovuin, DP. DL. &c. , R Five curious turret-fhaped Murices, all from China, and rarc,.among which are ———- lo 4 Babylonicus, or Tower of Babel, Javanus, ZL. &c. ee Thirty-two cards, containing various finall fpecies of Voluta, oft of them labelled ——____ s Four fine fpecies of Buccinum, viz. Perdix, olearium, and a large fpecimen of glaucum, ZL. all from Céiza, and granofum, S. or Peacock Helmet, from Guinea Co A fine collection of Land and freth-water Englith thells, among them fome newly- difcovered fpecies, defcribed by Mr. Lightfsor, in Philof. Tranf. Vol. \. 1786, in Vass P, Small chip boxes, labelled ae o, Sixteen cards, including various fine petrifa€tions of Corals, Shells, parts of Rte: Fithes, &c, = age 2488 Sixteen (Rave ade ra Saree .* : 2489 Le Be } 2491 tu Matt pee Plight, |. 58 . Cars 2494 a at. 2495 Alam p breezy 2496 SS PE OSs a ~ 24-97 asn oe sly weit. 2498 2499 Crna 2. eae - >) Tavs, citins 2501 2504 Va 2505 7 A 2507, U4 ong tdi 25c8 beatlirt— 2509 Ai Legs 32570 ce aout A very large fpecimen of Mya Gigas, §. from the Medrterrancan—rare ‘Four fine’ Papiiivses, viz. Paris,“Z. twoof Therfites, Fade. andone more ‘Four curious and rareexotic Phalenz, of two fpesttaye one of them Maturna, L. -Fourteen beautiful foreign Papiliones of the fmaller kind, among which are. ee £ ‘Fourteen exotic Sphinges, chiefly from Africa . Six curious fpecimens of Spheges from Africa and the E. Indiesmrare Bech fr i ( a4 ) A large and fine purple & yellow-variety of Spondylus Gederopus, L. from Sicily ae Twenty-three cards, containing various {mall fpecies of Patella, fome of them rare, ; ‘including porcellaia, nimbofa, Chinenfis, teftudinaria, ungarica, &c. Thirty-five fpecimens of Univalves of different genera, among which are a pair of Trochus perfpectivus, Bulla ignaria; Cyprxa lurida, & Vanelli, L. Bueci- ‘num tardum, S. ‘Be. Twenty-five cards, containing Britifh fhells ‘of various genera, terreftrial and aquatic, feveral of them rare and Jadelled, fuch as’ Voluta tornatilis, Mya arctica, Arca nucleus, L. &c. BBO IN UGSio BEaAG see BB | . A large card, containing the Pupx, Larva, and Nefts of various Infecis ; a box of Wafps, fhewing the different fexes ; another, containing the Spharia efito- morhiza of Dick/on’s Cryptogamia, a new difcovery; alargeforeign oa Le: li /* Cells of the Queen Bee, ‘&c. FaogS ee Twelve fpecimens of Hymenoptera, chiefly Bees and Walps, from ‘Africa Figured by Drury, vol. 11. pl. 13. 4. Two.very fine pair of Sphinges, viz. Atropos, Z. and Achemon, Drery; vol. T1. fl. 2y. fige't Nine beautiful exotic Papiliones, viz. Enceladus, Leilus, Z. Met Fabr. Afcanius of Cramer, Drury, vol. UII. pl. 9. fiz. 1. &e. if Five Scorpions, acurious Phalangium, five Acari, and a large hairy Spider Kas Rumina,-cardamines, -Z. Hypermneftra of Scopoli, Zangis, Fabr. &c. Three-rare fpecies of Gryllus from Africa and Cayenne A fine pair of Panorpa €oa, Z. and 3 Libellule from Africamedll rare A fine pair of Phalena’‘Cadma, Drury, vol. I. pl. 18. fiz. 2. and another curios Moth, ibid. vol. Il. pl. 5. fiz. 1. Bess Scarabeus Simfon, Z. male and female, and Antaus, Fabr—all fine and-rare Ne A fine pair of Phalena Luna, from N. America—rare pte a 4 A pair of Cerambyx Rubus, L. and 2 other very beautiful and rare {pecies of ‘the fame genus, one of them from Guinea A'fine fpecimen of Mantis Giyas, L.—rare A-very fingular-and large fpecies of Gryllus, with fpined legs and pei from Cayen nt—rare cha 4. ; A fine pair of Bupreftis fafcicularis, L. very pavigeh and rare, from the Cape of Good Flope 3 Twelve fpecimens of Cicadz and Fulgore, from Africa—very curious and rare $ A‘fine Corambix Glaucus, Z. and three fine Bupreftes, viz. two of Vittata, and pe /- of one of Unidentata, Faér. Receat’_—— a ee cS ae - ec 4 fh ht LT ~ 2529 rem Viby A550: ‘4 4 oe QA Pres 31 Fore. v jrdy 2532 (uring? .) V3 fife 27. ‘Lc. ve Recent anp Fossir SHELLS, CORALS, &. ‘Twenty cards of Bivalves, chiefly of the Venus and Oftrea genera, mo/? of them labelled —-—— 3. G go. 6 Ifognoma rigida, §. from Pulo Condore, Lift. 227, 62. very rare —— — - SG — Two fpecimens of Serpula Helicina, a curious undefcribed fpecies, from Sy. Mauritius—every rare A moft beautiful variety of Strombus canarium, J. and a pair of a curious va riety of Murex Ramofus. Valentyn, No. 38 Four varieties of a curious fpecies of comprefled many-whirled Helix from - W, Florida; 2fingular Turbo uva, L. & 2 furbelowed Turbos from Guinea, and 2 freth-water Helices, a// rare Four cards containing the cafes of different fpecies of Clio, LZ. a new genus of Univalve Shells. See D’ Avilas, Vol. 1. pl. 20. fig. D. Es ¢. and 2 others, unkown An Ammonia from France, an Ammonites, Wiit/bire, an Echinites, from Malta, and a fladded Cuneus, from Peymouth—all rare Various fpecies of Britith Bivalves, chiefly of the Venus and Oftrea genera, moft of them labelled Two fine fpecies of Voluta, Melo or Melon, from C/iva, and Anguria, S. or great brown Melon of Guinea Twenty fine Univalves of different genera, among which are Conus Capitaneus, literatus, rufticus, Strombus luhuanus, Trochus maculatus, ZL. &c. Mytilus ungulatus, -Z. from New Holland, rare, and a large variety of ditto - from New Zealand A very curious and extremely rare fpecies of Patella, from'China, known by the name of the Cup and Saucer. Humph Couch. pl. 6. fiz. 10 A pair of a beautiful variety of Bulla virginea, Z. from Cxda, and a curious undeferibed Bulla from Carolina A large and fine Echinus of a lilac colour, from China extremely fearce- A finely fpined fcarlet and white Spondylus, (a variety of Gederopus, L.) from Martinique Nine cards of various beautiful fpecies of Patella, among which are Saccha- rina, greca, equeftris, chinenfis, &c. Three curious fpecies of Tellina, viz. Lingua felis, ZL. elongata, S. and another from Guinea—all rare 7 A fine Helix-perverfa, Z. from Pxlo Condorey another land Helix, from Nors)- America, two black mouthed ditto, from Coromandel, and a variety of Bulla - achatina, from the Ba/t-Lndiesall rare Three fine pair of Cones, viz. Noéturnus, fulgens, or baftard High-Admiral, and araneolus, §. or Spider's Web, all from China—and rare Nine fine Univalves of the Nerita, T.ochus and Patella genera, fome of them rare ~ Three large and fine fpiral Shells, viz. Turbo Terebra, a fcarce variety of du- plicatus, and a fine Buccinum crenulatus, L.—all from China Six curious and rare fpecies of Tellina, viz, Demiffa, leta, manda, 8. fragilis, ZL, and tyo others. Nise r 2637 Twelve ae , / ae. oP. 6 fee fe & eS ES _ jj. «-— ee nen $$ ae: Dei ( EG} eS CHhergnty, 253% Twelve rare Univalves of different genera, including Stromhys lividus, pes Peti- y Vs cani, Bulla Rapa, Helix Cornu Arictis, two Turbos from New Zealand, &ee : 25638 Two very long-legged Spider Crabs, from the 7. Ladies-—rare “ er" £ Cu A— 2539 Three fine varieties of Oltrea tencra, 5. from China, and another fpecies from: Z the Mediterranean aes 6 : Php fing; 2640 Aremarkably fine Echinus Cidaris, L. of the fixf? magnitude,. fom the Eafs- fd Ladies—wvare ad!: hv ine 2s4t A pair of large and fiac Cyprea teftudinaria, ZL. from China—rare Pei. / 2°42 The many furbelowed Clamp, (a variety of Chama Gigas) and a young. Chama» Ly 4 54 y Bi 8 young, V4 J Hippopus, L.—doth fine = ee, k 2543 A fcarce Buccinum from the South-Seas, two Wheathheaf Patella from Chinay. Humph. Conch. pl. 5. figs t+ Buecinum Hyftrix, or Hedge-Hog, from Dittaz, 7 7 cay ip two curious Needles, and § other rare Shells Hteomphichg 2644 Two very fine and fcarce varieties of Helix Ampullacea,. L. -both terreftrial, and from the La/?- Indies. [ — / 2645 An elegant impreflion of a fmall Fith in yellow flate,. from Verora.a Fern in an Iron Stone Nodule, from Colebrook Dale, Shropfbire; 4'Turbo concameratusy- a. wery rare, a {tudded Ammonites, auith it’s pearly Joell, and a fine Serpula 4, Fee Hernudr gy) p 2546 ‘Three {mall but extremely curious fpecies of Murex, all.of them undefcrihed, and wery rare [ —_ (~{4f/— Od} Po Cae 2547 A very fine variety of Cardium Cardifla, Z. or Venus’s: Heart Cockle, from: ; Amboyna—rare ° me op ahs Atami 4 ‘2548 Avfine pair of Tabby Helix, Lif. 73. andsa pair of curious reverfe Helices,. ‘ all rare a I: As 2549 Two very fine varieties of Venus Caftrenfis,, L. the Flante and the Camp- Cockle, both from China male <7 re 2550 Two fine fpecies of Cardium, viz. Fragum, Z. or white Strawberry Heart, frome Ww hs China, and Hyttrix, 8. Gualt. 72. B. both rare Tr @ ash 655: Avery curious. and uncommon variety of Bulla Ampulla, LZ. Rum. 27, G, ot from Chiza ES 552 A very large and fine PateHa Teftudinaria, L. or Tortoife Limpet,. from- /2. China—rare a are ‘ wi ota 2553 Alarge aud very fine [pecimen of Tellize Dentox, S, extremely fearce, from€oromanded. — 7 Chg tate » 2554 A fine pair of Conus Mappa, S. from China, very rare. Knorr... tab. 8. 4. WEES aa : (A ‘ 2555 Acurious clutter of Serpula retorta, undefcribed, aud rare-from Ceylon mere ble e20e) ee 2556 Avery fine {pecimen of Tellina violacea, §. from. China—very fearce one p-t (Crregorty , 2557. A very curious and fcarce variety of Strombus lentiginofus, L. Kuorr. III, 266 ot 2. 3. and a pair of another rare fpecies of the fame genus, undeferibed =e 6 ike 2558 A’ pair of Buccinum ventofum, Si—a very-rare non dé/cript fpecies- i C4 —7 2559 Avery fine and large fpecimen of Conus Ammiralis,. Z.. or High: Admiral). from Axboyna—rare , VW 54 6 ee, owt 2560 A-beautiful fpecimen of Voluta feabriufeula, L. or beaded: Mitre,. froms China, ty) rare. Knorr. IV. tabe 1 be fig Ze _ Wer £ Exp of th Twenry-FrourtTH Day’s SALE. Pete A Twenrr- Sa. % aa ; LB Lor ay [a a 2501 olotiit elie. 2562 bolu-ard-7 “ABs 2565 bert; ; 2566 PtAh 2567 ot : 2568 Oalur maby 2569 iby SY aia 2570 o4 2575 Cae 2572 G blivad7 2573 Ureaicligas 2574 Colivairy 2575 er a 2 6 aa 57 hee 25:79 oe 2580 thins 2584 2582 HELL 2583 2554 ow | 2585 Fe S 2586 76 inl, 2589 Five prints, viz, the Story of William Tell, the Diftribution of the Maundy, by” Forty-four portraits of Popes and Cardinals, foine very fearce = TweNty-fFirTH Day’s Sate. MONDAY Tue 22d or MAY, 1786, y eR A a: 2S, Parcel of mifcellaneous prints, ‘ina port-folio § “—----—-—— 4 Various prints of Natural Hiftory, Shells, Birds, and Plants = —— 4 - 2 Res Forty old portraits, French and Englith RO age en oO. Twelve by Hollar, White, Tomkins, and others Se EROS 5-2 Se a 7 a Eight views, Chatelain and Ravenet Satan bai 7 3 Pb The three ‘firft numbers of Cordiner’s ohne arid Natural ‘Hiftory of =F Scotland ee porerare Twelve various printsonethe infide of St. Peter’s at Rome at the time of the Jubilee in 1700 —a lO Bafire, and 3 others 0 A fet of 12 wery neat prints, reprejenting the Pragre/s of the Tvifh Linen Mannfa&ort, Poe VA goes & by Hincks—{earce : : . . vad te “se Thirty portraits, meftly German and Dutch eee Thirty-four ancient portraits, chichy French ————_-___--—_-—-__-____ Ze Fifty-two fmall pertraits, German, &e. ——_—____________— to Forty-three fmall pertraits, various ——__— 2 ee eee eS im Twelve portraits of the Emperors after Rubens, & 23 ancient portraits,inall 3¢ ~~ 7 2_ PA Fifty-two mall portraits of illuftrious perfonages aS leet sare Semester 1 Thirty ancient portraits, by Thomas De Leu, Wierx, and other matters —____ og. Fifteen portraits, various, after Vandyke, by Lombart ae Ae 3 x Fifty-one ditto,.by Audran, Nanteuil, and others 9 —~~~—--—----._ Shion Eight fine portraits, by Suyderhoef and Vifcher nn eee es, ee. ee Piste Twenty-two I’nglith portraits, va:1eus Se A ee SPADE QZ, “Z. Twenty-one {earce old Englifh portraits —___ ee b. ? rae Two fearce and fine Englifi portraits, George or flora Earl of Cumberland, by Ji eee P. Tempeit and R. White, and a head of Henry Jenkins memes A A portrait of Thomas Killigrew, by Faithorne, and 18 others, by Smith, a a f SZ ms Feurteen metzotinte portraits, Dutchefs of Hamilton, Countefs of Kildare, and others > fr A Three very fine prints, by Hogarth, viz, Midnight Coaverfation, and two of the Analyfis of Beauty a Bs Two by Hogarth, fearce and fine+-The March te Finchley, and Hogarth’s a Ticket 1 5” i> 8 aaa, FOL 585 Two = fos V f i) 7 / Ce ( of 2 PB tt fr? Sf G 4 Two by Hogarth, viz. Paul before Felix, and Mofes before Pharaoh’s daughter, /. 7 b 5 very fine oun yu Four by Hogarth: of Electioneering, fcarce and fine TEV Thirty-nine capital etchings after Rembrandt, Qftade, Sc, by Capt,.Bailey, very fines. a oe and moftly mounted, in @ portfolio 9 it Seven fine portraits, after Vandyke and others,.by Baron, &c. 7L, Z Fourteen curious portraits Le Two by Sir Jothua Reynolds, and g portraits by: Bartolozi, and-others. CS Twenty-five Englifh portraits, fome of them fcarce. ol. mugs 3); Mex Twenty-one very curious portraits, &c. iiNet esate Pic. fs wh = Sixty Englifh portraits: Twenty: five foreign portraits after Vandyke, by Morin; Nantuiel, and otk kG 6 Thirty-five portraits, Edelink, Nantuiel, and others. Thirty-fix portraits by various matters Forty-nine portraits, various, by Nantutel, and-others: Twenty-two antient portraits by Maffon, Edelink, Vanfchupen, &c. ——-——— CE Thirty portraits by De Larmeflin, &c. 6 Twenty-two portraits by. De Marceney, &c.. fome of them prnotyle very. fine. GO and ‘fcarce Ke ye 64 Fourteen {mall antient portraits, very fine Forty various old portraits by Nantuiel, Edelink, &c. I eh ae Thirty-one ditto by Drevet, Vertue, Edelink, and others: ASE Sth OS agli 3) ae Eighteen ditto 9 i Fourteen exceeding fine portraits, Drevet, 'Thomafin, Poilly, and others, fome- y fcarce To “ft : Fifty-two portraits by Lombart, Vanfchupen, Drevet, 8c. se ‘0, Thirteen very fine portraits by Drevet, Simmoneau, and De Larmeffin, &c,. —— ¢- o Twenty-four portraits by Drevet, Nantuiel, &c._ Thirty-four portraits, various, by Maffon, Drevet, Morin, &c.. Opes) biG Twenty-cight various portraits by Edelink, and other mafters. Bae a Eleven very fine fear ce portraits of illufirious perfons, by Morin- aS 7b Ten portraits of. the Dukes of Brabant; hy Soutman, very fine, and 10 portraits ofthe — 2 ; Princes of Orange, after Fandyke, fine impreffions Ze Tivo capital portraits of Marechalles D’Harcourt and Turene, by Maffon. and- Z (: -Nantutel, remarkably fine — Kighteen portraits by Rubens and’ Vandyke: Seventeen various portraits of the Dukes of Brabant, Princeffés of Orange, &c. Seventeen various portraits of great characters, by Vifcher and Houbracken page Twenty-nine portraits of illuftrious characters, by Albert Durer, Drevet, ands Ze other great matters DRAWINGS, VARTOUWS:. Ten of Natural Hiftory, by Charles Cordiner, of Bamff. fg Seventeen of Fruit, after Nature, coloured 3 * — hn Ucata. 2623 Uline 2624 CML. 2625 Whine dlls, 2626 Meok ure 2627 2628 D 6 5 Sa ete Miley nett 2631 Golcamt7 2632 ch Horg> 2633 Comke 2634 liter 2036 Slarte17 2636 eu a Sipmse? 2658 Ot, 2640 oly 2641 C4 2642 Clo 2643 & 26 enue ati : 2646 hitlipns 2647 Yoh i ad 2650 EN, 2651 Cos L_ 26 52 Cohirtlh 2653 ie ge 2654 7 y; See a 2655 N trv. 2656 i. obey 2258 - Two of Butterflies, exceeding fine, by'G. D. Ehret - Two drawings of Fan Mounts, in colours vs ( 119 ) FS AT rnd 79. I Twelve fhects of original drawings of Spiders, beautifully coloured from nature, — , 7 with their defcriptions, by Abin Yee 4 oe Aremarkable high finifbed Landfeape, and tvo fiudies from nature, Neytz Two landfcape views from nature in water colours, by Deytz, very highly and = 4 elaborately. finifhed: Tivo drawings on brows grounds of a Rofe, Sc. Carnation, highly finifbed, by Deyta =~ au if A pair of ditto, a Tulip and a Poppy, by Deyrz ou 7 _ A pair of very beautiful Bouquets, by ditto. - Sa 7. Os A pair of Thiftles. with Infetts by ditto Qe. / A. pair of various Shells, very fine, by ditto 5 vee A pair by ditto, of a Jay anda Thruth a 7p ia A pair by ditto, a Goldfinch and a Yellow Hammer ‘ Two by ditto, a Paroquet and companion Po Cb Four very fine of vellum, Plants, Flowers, and Infets. , ee ane Two of Ducks,.exceedingly fine, from nature. ne mel a 3 Twenty-two of vegetable and medical Plants, by Bolton, very fine 1 /@ Sixty-five ditto, by ditto. ae? Six various drawings. of Funggh,. very highly finithed, by Robins, No, Tr, 4 a A), vi 35 4, § and 6 or ae Six ditto, by Robins, No. 7,8, g, 10, rt and 72 ———— - $. oc. Six ditto, by-ditto,. No. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 || —————---_-__- Je 3 Six-ditto, by ditto, No. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 2 7. Six ditto, by-ditto, No. 25, 26, 27, 28, 2g and 39. ———————--_--____-—— via As Six.ditto, by ditto, No. 31, 32, 33, 34,-35.and 36 ai D 2 Sixditto, byditto,\’ yNo: 375 38) 940,.40) 4y.and.422—=— J, Six.ditto, by ditto,, No. 43, 44, 45, 46,47 and 48. Bae ge Three ditto, by ditto, No. 49, 50, 51, and two others — oe A very capital drawing in black chalk, by Guerchino es a yea By) A. very fase” drawing of a Poppy on white fattin, and two drawings of Tulips. Se Aref? and Fruit, on vellum . Twenty-feven drawings of Plants on vellum, by G. D. Ehret (unfinifhed) 32g Twenty-feven ditto ditto ee é ’ Fen Two very fine high finished rere by G: D, Ehret, viz. Laxrus Indica, and Trichofanibes 4 - : ry Two ditto, by G. D. Ehret, viz. Hura Motta dul and Pha/eolus Americana: eee Ws ¢- Two ditto, Methonica Malabarorum, and GALE Carolineinfis, by G.. D, Ehree ——— a b One ditto: Gorrallo dendran ia and one ditto of SEEDs various, by G. D. Ehret . — . 7@- F- A remarkable high finifbed drawing by Peter Brown, of the Trochus Solaris, Ls vars from New Zealand, in Sir Afton Lever’s Mufium; anda curious drawing of @ —~ 2 ./Y7 ~~ _ firing of Englifh Birds Eggs ; Two portraits, drawings after Holbein, by Mr. Humphreys, very fine BOOKS ~ Pe bo cvfns 2g Lo © oti A 2695 O¥ AnLL 2696 26977 fre Peas lise is ait bn Ae— heli Mi Cu he 2698 2699 2700 2701 i 270 ne 2705 2706 2/97 2708 Twenty-sixtH Day’s Saur. TUESDAY ve 23d or MAY, 1786, deeb ON. 2 yd. A Large quantity of various Prints, in a portfolio Triumphal Arches erected in London in the reign of K. James F. Perry’s Medals, and a Grand Cavalcade pee Oe ames Two ftained heads, after Holbein, by Daiton, from the King’s colle@ion§ §£——— gene’ Nine French portraits, by Nantuiel, Pitau, aud others a A> The Bifhop of Cambray, and three more, by Drevet, very fine =e ¥=« 42. Eleven French portraits, by Drevet ——______ /. oe Z ae # e Twenty-two ditto, by Edélink, Nantuicl, gc. A i Four,- by Marc. Antonio, fearce and fine ;. St. Cecilia, &ce: Six hiftorical, from Raphael and Corregio Seven etchings, by Raphael, Carrache, Spagnolet, &«. aot hich Ae Se Six very fine etchings, by Parmegiano, Guido, Carrache,. 8&e. Fifty etchings, by- Callott; Hiftory of the Bible, &c.- Twenty-four’ Les Miferes de la Guerre, and the Temptation of St. Anthony, by Callott aes een ee ee, en Six, by Bartolozi, Bafire, &c. ca Rae 7 ot MeN eee ee Twenty-three portraits of Artifts, fome of them {earce ne. oe / é a Twenty various portraits, by Nantuicl, &c. gS Ph see ie. OeaA Sixty-thtee curious old portraits; various Mafters $e ee. = r 7 Twenty-three portraits and views from Mr. Walpole’s cabinet) _ — a : Nineteen: various, by: Gelztius and Sadeler, and 17 by: Caftiglione, Della; ee Bella, and others SS a “Q Thirteen hiftorical, after Guido, Raphael, &c, ‘Bie Poilly, and others —____--__ 7 7 Tavo capital etchings, by Rembrandt, raifing of Lazarus, Sc—wvery fine ae The Pancake Woman,-by Vifcher; and four by Wille, from: Girard Dow, very fine —— Twenty-five fine portraits of Kings of Poland, &c. a ee ee Twenty portraits, Rubens and Vandyke >. oe Forty-/even portraits of Princes, Princeffis, and Epi Porfonages, Jome Veaee a Fe ye Nine fcarce etchings, by Rembrandt, very fine ——— eee Four remarkable fine etchings of portraits, by Rembrandt, Ephraim Bonus, Congurory i. = ae Ten portraits, etched by Rembrandt, very fine: Poa? Four very fine etchings, by Worlidge, after Rembrandt = Sine ee J Z A proof of Sir Edward ate) on white fatin, and nine others, by Worlidge ; ee Eleyeu St nae es 2709 Eleven portraits, after Rubens and Vandyke, and two views of Ruben'shoufe =, 4g— andi garden 2710 Seventeen etchings, by Carrache, - Doniinichigos! Guido, Elizabeth Siraniy Bs and others , Fifty-fix etchings, by Hollar, fome fcarce ee zZ.2 2y12 Fourteen by Albert Durer, very fiae ; the raifing of Lazarus, St. Ferome, ‘portrait of £ ! _Erafinus, Se. ae : ; 2713 Two etchings by Vandyke, and two by Mclan and Morin, very fine o. 2714 :Fitty-four etchings by Hollar, fome fearce ‘aor 2715 ““wenty-eight fcarce etchings by Van Vliet, Mechanics, &c. 43> 3716 Six portraits, etched by Rembrandt, very fine ee Mi ee a 2717 Twenty-five portraits of Poets, Princes, and others, by various. ae ak 2718 . Thirty-nine fearce old portraits, by Vandyke, &c. 4. sy 2719 Six hiftorical, by Barechio, Parmegiano, and others, very fine er er Oe ae 2720 Ten very fine hiffvical, by Rubens, Blomart, Vandyke, Veflerman, Sc. farce oe v4 . 2721 Fourteen very fine etchings, by Oftade, Vefcher, ‘&c. eer: Ra Ii 2522 ‘The Hundred-Guilder print, and three others, by Rembrandt, very fine eter. 2 77 « vA 2723 The Table-Cloth print, after Titian, by Maffon, very fine it pee 2724 Seven f{carce etchings of Landfcapes, by Rembrandt vf o2huees 1) JOS 2725 Twenty-five very. curious old portraits a aie eee Anos 2726 Sixty-one portraits, by Van Vliet, Wierx, -&c. ‘ 2 Ay rd 2727 Five portraits, by Vifcher, Matham, .&c. very fine 2 ' tr 2728 Six very dine portraits by. Seyderhoof ‘jp etl: eee 2729 :Highteen portraits of Artifts, &c. after Vandyke, and others. en eS 2730 ‘Fourtcen very fine old portraits, by Albert Durer - 7 Ped, 2731 Three etchings by Rembrandt, scarce, viz. the three Trees, the Angel appearing to ae the Shepherds, and the Windmill . 2732 Four; the Treaty of Munfter, Four Burghomafters of Anfardone Y Sigdrboh re) ‘3 and two-others, Jearce ’ Z in 2733 Four, by Albert Durer, extremely ‘fine, viz. St Hubert, Prodigal: Uh Bam ie Eve, and a Knight on Horfeback, very fcarce ; 3 Se da 2734 Seventeen very fine portraits, Vandyke, ‘&c. j iatege Py Boer 1. ¢C~ 2735 Thirteen portraits, after Titian and Vandyke iy lO 2736 Ten portraits, after Vandyke, &c.. by Pontius and Vanden'Enden ey 2737 Twoportraits of the Copynol, by Rembrandt, original. and copy, and one by Vifcher ey pr ‘Carira,t DRAWINGS, on Verium, &c. by G. D. EHRET. 2738 .Four; Sefeli pumilum, Oenanthe crocata, Oenanthe:filtulofa, and Crithmum, Pan s maritimum, LZ. No. 1, 2, 3, and 4, \ 2739 Four; Athamantha libanotis, Buplurum ‘tenuiffimun, Rotundifolium, and =, | rat Sanicula europea, ‘L. No.5, 6, 7, and 8 ) 2740 Four; Eryngium campeftre, Herniaria glabra, Beta vulgaris, L. and Che- /- Db ( 122 ) Bt fr? 4046 ‘nopodium, No. 9, 10, 11, and-12 SS cat, vile ( 123 tas. lan & Church amy Four; Gentiana filiformis, centaurium, autumnatis, Paeumonauthe, L. Mo. 14). LSA ae ey 14, 16, and 16 ee Cart 2442) Four;, Thefium linophyllum, Glaux maritima, Illecebrunt verticillatum, L. and one non-defcript by Yaylor, No. 17, 18, 19, and zo La 2943 Fours Campanula hederacea, Glomerata, Latifolia, Trachelium, Z. No. 21, Lh. a4 22, 23, and 24 ne By 2744 Four; Campanula rapunculus, Patula, Rotundifolia, and Lonicera, £. No. 25, 26, 27, and 28 rs fen 2745 Four; Samolus valerandi, Vinea, major and minor, fimplex.and duplex, and ie! 5 A Hyofcyamus niger, Z. by F. J. No. 29, 30, 31, and 32 frst: Pye 2746 Four; Polemoniumcceruleum, Anagallis arvenfis varietas c. Anagallis tenella, ae 9 We L. and ditto by another Hand, No. 33; 34) 35, and 36 aa WA 2747 Four; Anagallis arvenfis & Lyfimachia nemorum; Lyfimachia nummulalia, Thyrfiflora, and Hottonia paluftris, ZL. No. 37, 38, 39, and 4¢ — ¢. (3 Cetilte. 2748 Four; Menyanthes nymphoides, Trifoliata, Primula farinofa, and Veris, Z.. 7 the laf? by F. Howard, No. 41,.42, 43, and 44 ee ae, EAs phi 2749 Four; Afperugo procumbens, Pulmonaria officinalis, Anchufa fempervirens, < f and Cynogloffum, folio virenti, No. 45, 46, 47, and 48 Pe : eps 2750 Four; two Lithofpermum arvenfe, three varieties of Myfotis fcorpioides, ) ; : . Silene acaulis, and Sagina ereéta, L. No. 49, 50, §t, and 52 _ : V4 Vatte. 2751 Four; Alchemilla alpina, Vulgaris, Cornus fuecica, and Galium uliginofum, / a L. No. 535 $4, 55) and 56 cae oh ere v Yee 2752 Four; Afperula Cynanchica, Odorata, Sherardia arvenfis, Littorella lacuttris, Z Ne L. No. 57, 58°59, and 60 ee lpn». %753 Four; Plantago maritima, Scabiofa columbaria, Arvenfis, Succifa, L. No. Or, 62, 63, and 64 Se peal ee Preeter 2754 Five; Polycarpon tetraphyllum, Cufcuta, &c. Melica nutans, Itis feetidiffima, Pfeudatorus, L. No. 65, 66, 67, 68 and 69 — 3.7 $4 c Ame 2755 Four; Valetiana rubra, Dioica, Circa alpina, Lutetiana, L. No. 70, 715 2 RS 92, ead 9g Cees - 2 Ia b/Zc. 2756: Four; Salvia verbenacea,, Pratenfis, Pinguicula vulgaris, and Veronica trie _o 8 7 me 2 : phyllos, LZ. No. 74, 75, 76, and'77 lak BaF Four; ‘Veronica hederifolia, Agreftis, Montana, and Chamedrys, Z. No. 78, Sen /. ww A oL 79, 80, and 81 tones 2758 Five; Veronica ferpyllifolia, Officinalis, Spicata, Hippuris vulgaris, Z. and 2 /{— / Oy Sie Campanula glomerata, unfinifhed, L. No. 82, 835 84; 85, and $6 aaa . Yerrt. 2759: Four; Anemone chalcedonica, Turnera ulmifolia, Limonium peregrinum, C.2, btn ‘e Z Vi and Marubium pfeudodictamnus, L. No. 87, 88, 89, and go 4. . A 2760 Four; Goffipium, or Cotton; Hibifcus, or Ochra; Hibitcus, or Mufk Sved; and - af Pentapetes phoenicea, ZL. No. 91, 92; y3, and 94 and V4 72 Ae 2761 Fours Hibifcus, called Venice Mallow; Uibifcus malvavifcus, Geranium cuculs—__ f tod pred latum, and papilionaceum, Z. No. 95, 96, 97, and 98 - ‘Amge 2762 Four; Punica granatum, Pfidium pyriferum, Sifyrinchium Bermudianum, Be Coix, L. or Fob’s Phir f No. 99, 100, 101, and 102 ; 57. vA ‘a 2763 Four; Vinca rofea, Lantana Involucrata, Impatiens, and Collinfonia, No. 1035 coat at hie a 104, 10S, and 106 ets a? 7h Q. 2764 Five; ee z ie may Retard _ ees mee Pd s ie 2764 CO Wa 246 fo Siberss rie Gal lice Le 2769 VA) = Se : 2779 bo ahiher 2973, Ureckg parece *iit Rae 2775, MWA ok Reardon Gra. 2776 C/Lijhoa 2777 G Aaa ta 2778 C elolurtt 2779 of 2780 A 2781 er 2g ht 9 regyod 2784 KB acrectbore. HS Lt forr~ 2786 _ Three on white, and one on a brown:ground, viz. two fpecies of Robinia, Le. € #24 ) Ml for Five; thiree.om brown grounds, and two om white, vizi’a Thalittum & Plum- ~ bago, a Parthenium & Geranium ftriatum, an Actza) and an Apocynum, 2 Chamaleum, and two fine double Eaftern My qciaitiiae No. 107, 108, 10d» 1Jo, and rt Four; Rhus. foliis, fimplicibus ovatis, Phiyfalis Alkekengi, Afarum Canadenfes, and Pafiflora Murucuja Z. No. 112, 113, 114, and 129 Three on white, and one on a brown ground, viz. Pafliflora, Menifpermums. Phyfalis, and a curious. Portugal Bee Orchis, haviug a blue Flower with @ yellow fringed Border, No. 116, 117, 118, and 119° Three; Coffea, Cape Feflimine, & 2-varieties of Convolvulus, No. 121,122, & 123 Three on white, and one on a dark ground, viz. a Mimofa, Z. a Caflia, Ne- rium indicum, and Echinopus major, No, 124, 12%, 126,-and 128. Four; Attragalus alopecuroides, Plumeria rubra, Scorpiurus, two /pécies, amd’ a Medicago, L. No. 129, 130, 131,.and 132 Two white,. and. two-on. brown grounds, viz..two.Thalictrums, two fp seiepe sade y ¢- habs ois S 36 Tamarix, Aftrantia major, and. mignionet, and Amaryllis Belladonna, L, x Now 335.134, 03 55-and 136 Y. 1S. Four ; ; Mefembryanthemum linguiforme, Oxalis purpurea, Ariftolochia fo Yi ‘ virens, and Erythrina herbacea, L. No. 137, 138; 139, and:140: ras 7o™ Four; Erythrina corallodendrum, Mefembryanthemum hifpidum, Keempferia; L. Hort. Cliff; and Soldanella, No. i41, 142514 35and 144 , Sahn Four; A.blue Portugal Convolvulus, Amaryllis formofifima,. Draba aizoides,. L. and an Aloe, No..145, 146, 147, and 148 Four;. a Periploea,. Iris perfica, three varieties of fpring Crocus 5 and Jyig pumila, Z. No. 149, 150,.1§1, and 152. rb Four; Helleborus niger, two double varicties-of Narciffus, ihe ericoides,: £. and Ahovai plum. No. 153, 154, 1%5,-andr56") 5 "’ f. wo. b Tao curious varieties of Datura, with double white and pur; ple flowers; fined by ececttedy. __ de Pt No. 167, and 158 Two varieties of Tradefcantia, on.a brown ground ;-and three on. wise grounds, viz. a Lantana; Phlomis Leonurus, ZL. and the ¢ purple-ftriped white Liily,. No. 159, 160, 161, and 162 Four; Campanula canarienfis, Sedum arachnoideum; a Mexican Amaryllis; and Cynogloffum omphalodes, L. No. 163, 164, 165, and 166 Four; Mimofa pudica, Verbafcum miconi,. Amomum meveiber, LL. anda Convolvulus, No. 167, 168, 169, and 470 Four ; Ipomza Quamoclit, Afelepias Syriaca, another Afclepias, and Nytan- thes Sambac, L.. No. 171, 172; 173, and’174 a rare Spanith Linaria, a- Browallia, aM iueotay and Mentha canarienfis,-Zi.. No. 175, °1765.177,,and 178 6. 7-8. Boe ph if ass Four ; Malpighia, Bafella, Caffia, and: Tadigaters; 5. No. 179, 180; 181; & 182~— F - Three; Rufcus androgynus, Cannacorus,.and an Arum, No, 183, 184, and [or 15, % Four; Erythronium, Monarda, Phlox, and aScilla,.L.. No..186,.187, 188, & 189, Four;, Zygophyllum Fabago, Evonymus, Erythronium, and Nyé¢tanthes Sambac, flare pleno, extremely rare, LE. No.« 1995. 191, 192, and 193 Four; Kalmia aoe lis Mirabilis longiflora, an American Vaccinium, and Veratrum nigrum, LZ. No..194, 195,,196,, and 197 Four; Capparis, Iris variegata, Convallaria bifolia, and Veratrum album, In No. 198, 199, 200, and 201 a tay frud 2788 Four; yy fe 30 u7- #4 ~— eee as Sac 2799 2800 2891 2802 2803 “2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 gers 2816 2817 2818 Queso } (Mad frwa Four; Hibifcus rofa finenfis, Colutea sethiopica, Theobroma auguita, very fare and Anemone hepatica, L. No. 202, 203, 204, and 205 Five ; Geranium groffularioides, Lathyrus latifolius, Erica ciliaris, L. the Tea Tree in bloffem, and an American Lady’s Slipper, No. 206, 207, 208, 209; and 210 Four; Viola grandiflora, LZ. an Eushorbia, a Lanium, and a Philadelphus upon a brawn ground, by Howard, No. 211, 212, 213, and 214 Seven, various, by #. Howard & others, No. 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, & 221 - Four, very finc; an Afcle-ias, a Linum, 4 a double China After, and aSida, L. No. $22,'223 224° and 245 Four; Arctotis, Trillium, Amerpha, and Amaryllis, No. 226, 227, 228, & 22g Four; Rudbeckia, Chryfocoma, Polygala, & Sophorta, No. 330, 231, 232, & 233 Four; Perficaria, Chrif?sThorn, Paffion Flower, &c.No. 2345 235, 236, and 237 Four; Ruta, Ptelea, Helleborus hyemalis, & Bignonia, No. 238, 239, 240, & 24% Four; Cineraria, Scutellaria, Phytolacca, & Hermannia, No. 242, 243,244,245 - Four; Phlox, Silene, Rhamnus, and Pomegranate, No. 246, 247, 248, & 249 Four; Chelone, Hypericum, Cytifus, & Cephalanthus,Z No. 290, 251,252, & 25 3 Four; Malva, Hypericum, Saxiftaga, & Diofpyros, Z. No. 254, 255, 256, & 257 Four; Polygonum, Lonicera Diervilla, Veronica, and a NG 268, 259, 2600, and 261 Four; Blitum, Oxalis, Adonis, &c. No. 262, 263, 264, and 265 Carita, BOOKS or PRINTS ann DRAWINGS, Ten numbers of Curtis’s Botanical Plants, finely coloured —-—~—---—— Various prints of Shells, Animals, &c. and two drawings Mufeum Britannicum, 1 vol. A volume containing coloured after aie A moft curious collection of drawings, by Holbein, of Knights in Armour, Sc. beane tifully coloured, and exceeding fearce Courfes des Teftes ct Bagues fait, par Le Roy ba The original drawings of Birds, by Albin, moft beautifully cplagred after natirey 202 in number, on vellum, 2 wols. A volume bound in Ruffia, containing 341 Englih and foreign Portraits, by eminent engravers ; and various miftellaneous prints A ditto, containing 242 prints and drawings, various Twelve etchings, by the Honourable and Reverend Mr. Byra on Works of Vertve, very f{carce, 2 vols. 335, and 336: 339, and 340 and 344 350, 351, and 352 355, and 356. 127 ) Four; Hypochzris maculata, Serratula tinétoria, Four; Orchis bifolia,, Mafcula, Morio, Z, Pyramidalis, ey wy ee Four ;,{pecies of Hypericum, Z. No. 305, 306, 307, and 308 Four; Hypericum quadrangulum, Picris echioides, Lattuca faligna, ‘Hicsacium murorum,,Z. No. 309, 310, 311,,and 312 ee es ae (ee Carduus “heterophyllus, Carduus helenioides, L. No. 313, 314.315, and 316 ee Four ;. Orchis uftulata,. two of Militaris, Latifolia, ZL. No. 341, 342, 3435 Four; Ophrys:paludofa, Ovata, Monorchis, and Cordata, L. No. 353, 3549 Four ; Tuflilago farfara, Gnaphalium dioicum, Artemifia campeftris, Tufilago -petafites, ZL. No. 317, 318, 319, and 320 Four ;’ Solidago virgaurea, Cambrica, After tripolium, Matricaria maritima, se No. 321, 322, 323, and 324 Four ; Centaurea Cyanus, Cineraria-alpina, Filago Gallica, Jafione montana, . No. 325, 326, 327,.and 328. Four ; \Lobelia urens;. Viola odorata, Hirta,. Paluftris, ZL. No. 329, 339, 331» —~— Si 5 42 & $b ey oy oD |i a mae ws 6. 6 Four; Viola canina,.Grandiflora, Impatiens noli me tangere, Z. Orchis bifolia, __ No. 3375 33% Orchis maculata, two varieties, Conopfea, Satyrium hircinum, L, gee FZ ae = ie a ra en. tak Five; Orchis myodes galea & alis herbidis, Ophris anthropophora, L, two varieties,, Apifera, var 4. No. 3575 3583 359, 360, and 361,, and Satyrium ..hircinum; L. No. 362, 363, 364, 365, 369 Sagittaria fagittifolia, L, No. 370, 371, 372, 373+ 374 Four; Ophrys apifera, Cypripedium calceolus, two varieties. } Serapias latifolia, Z. Four ; Serapias, three varieties, Myriophyllum Soizatrins L.:No.,366, 367, 368, Five ;. Salix herbacea, Hydrocharis morfus rane, Empetrum nigrum, two varieties Six ; Phallus impudicus, Lycoperdon fornicatum, Valantia cruciata, Ophiogloffum, Vulgatum,.Ofmunda lunaria,Helvella mitra,Z. No. 375", 379,377, 3785379» 480. No. 3814-392» 383, 384>.385.386 389> 390 391>.392+ 3939.394», 395 AO (es aT Six; two Arbutus alpina, two Uvaurfi, and two Vaccinum vitis idea, L. Nine ; O« Lunaria, O..Crifpa, A. Septentrionale, P.. Fontanum, P. Phegop- teris, P. Lobatum, P. Lonchites, A. Thelypteris. A. Iivenic, No. 387 398, Six;. Polypod. rheticaum, T. Pyxidiferum, AdiantumMarinum, A. Capillis veneris, Rubus Cefius, two varieties, No. 396, 397, 398) 3992 400, 401 2863 Four; 1? fark (oo i uli ieee a e, As eee ED 2863 Four; Parnafiia paluftris, Statice Limonium, Linuin ‘Perenne an ‘Cantante ams Zu : L. 402, 403, 404, 40 / (tas jer? 2864 cai ae ee ¥Frankenia Levis, ‘Sioaita Precibinn, D Drofera -22 AP es, RA MO Rotundifolia, L. "No. 406, 407, 408, 409 pital? ‘ onto 2865 Four ; Rumex: fanguineus, © Digynus, Trientalis Europza, Z. and Atifma yanun=— 8 culoides, ZL. No. 410, 411, 412, 413 ; ae re he hy 2866 Four; Allium oleraceam, Urfinum, 2. ‘two others, No. 414, 415, 4i6, Oy ah a 2. 3 G ssi? gage 2867 Four; Galanthus nivalis, Narciffus poeticus, sd Wien es sable ir non- ce SEER ; feriptus, L. No. 418, 419, 420, 421 © © — A he : 2868 Four; Vaccinium myrtillus, Vitis idea, Epilobium alpinum, Andromeda Da- ae Z bits deecia,.L. 422, 4235 424) 425 ORE OR Gs ; S Sta 2869 Five; Anthericum offifragum, 2 varieties; Fritillaria meleagties ‘Convallaria mul- Z tiflora, Polygnatum, L. 426, 427, 428, 429, 430 —@ 2% 2870 Four; Ornithogalum Pyrenaicum,’ Umbelldctis ‘Luteum, Scilla: autumnalis, ibe y Z Si. No. 431, 432+ 433» 434 ia 5 — yen 2871 Four; Centaurium luteum perfolatum, Polygonum biftorta, Viviparam, L. and a Daphna mezereum, L. No. 435, 436, 437, 438 eee Se ttirltnd) 2872 ‘Four; Erica cinerea, Tetralix, Multiflora, Z. and Daphne laurcola, L. No. Ye ae 439» 440, 441, 442 7: £ CY ucmn 2373 Five; Erica Vulgaris, Vaccinium oxycoccus, 3 varieties; “Vitis idzea, L. No. 443 ‘ eo 444) 4459 446,:447 Ae oh pigs: 2874 Five; Monotropa hypopithys, ‘Adoxa, Paris quadrifolia, Pyrola minor, Rotundi- i, folia, L. No. 448, 449, 450, 451,452 EMME igh \ i bale ae 2875 Five; Butomus.umbellatus, Pyrola minor, Andromeda polifolia, Arbutus uva, urfi, Saxifraga ftellaris, L.No. 453, 454,455, 456, 457 : G — Ye wtHern 2876 Five;‘Saponaria officinalis, “Dianthus armeria, Prolifer, Ee, Saxifraga f Lie Hirculus, 2. No. 458, 459, 460, 461, 462 4 4a ¢- ne ae 2877 ‘Five; Saxifraga nivalis, ‘Qppofitifolia, Aizoides, Tridactylitis, and two others, an: (D beg ys Scleranthus annuus, “Z. “No. -463, 464,465, 466, 467 ‘ c - 2878 Six; Epimedium alpinum, Vaccinium uliginofum, Saxifraga umbrofa, Grannteehs Q, 74 4 { ftrblile, ‘Hypnoides, Scleranthus perrennis,.L.-No. 468, 499, 470, 471, 4725 473 2879 Five; Dianthus glaucus, Arenarius, Caryophyllus, Cucubalus badestrts, Behen, pay ow: ? Oy Ls Nos 4745 475s 475; 477, 478 Fs Fe, - ies g's 4 ga 2880 Five;:Cucubalus vifcofus, Otites, Mas. Silene Lufitanica, Amoena, Nodtiflora, L ] No. 479, :480, 481, 482,:483 me fi Fag ji At Ken 2881 ‘Five; Stéllaria holoftea’&’Graminea, Stellaria nemorum, Arenavaa tenuifolia, | )& _Peploides, and Silene Armeria, L. No. 484, 485, 486, 487, 488 oe Afu htc 2882 ‘Five; “Galeopfis eboracenifis, Chamzpytis vulgaris, Ajuga Reptans, Glechoma : te shederacea, L. -2-varieties, No. 489, 499, 491, 492, 493. pide 2883 Four; Galeopiis'ladanum, Tetrahit, var. e. Galgobdolon, Stachys Germanica, Sei ; ‘No. 4945 4952 496, 497 Fea eee. 2884 Four; Mélittis meliffophyllum, 2 varieties; Cithopaaiesta vulgare, Thymus és, ; acines,.L. No, Nga 4999 500, 501 ~ 2889. Four; By \ af fi negro? 2901 2902 3903 2904 Five; Potentillaargentea, Reptans, Tormentillaerecta, Reptans, Z. two varie~ 2995 C{ ras) ) fquamaria;-Z. No. 702, 503, 504, 505 Four; Bartlia Vifcofa, Melampyrum Criftatum, Rhinanthus Crifta Galli, Melampyrum fylvaticum, No. 506, 507; 508, 509 nodofa, Vernalis L. Now 510, 511, 512, 513, 514 Five; Lepidium ruderale, Drabaincana, Alyffam incanum, Lepidium petreum, L. two varieties, No. 515, 516, 547,518, 519 Five ; Sibthorpia Europea, Vella Annua, Draba verna, Thlafpi perfoliatum, L. Drabz muralis, No. 520, s21, 522, 523, 524 Minor, Groenlandica, Thlafpi montanum, - Five; Cochlearia rotundifolia, var. CKivF or ' Four; Prunella vulgarfs,. Scutellaria’ galericulata, Orobanche major, Lathroa - Five; Cymbalaria, Antirrhinum repens, Linaria lutea vulgaris, Scrophularia Dentaria bulbifera, Cheiranthus finuatus, Z. No. 525, 525*, 526, §27, 528 Five ;, Eryfimum cherianthoides, Alliaria, Braflica erucaftrum, Cardamine pra+ tenfis, Z. and twovarieties, No. 529, 530,531) 532) 533. Four ; Cardamine amara, Parviflora, Trifoliata, Farfuta, No. $34,535, 536.537 Four; Geranium Cicutarium, three varieties, and Mofchatum,. L. No. 5385 539 540 54t Four ; Geranium nodofum, Park. 704, fiz. 2,. Maritimum,. Pheum, and Syl- cums E. 54255435 544, 545 Five ; Geranium batrachoides, Park. Robertianum, faxatile, Rotundifolium, L. Perenne, Hudjfon Flo. Ang. No. 546,547, 548, 549) 550 Five ; Geranium molle, Columbinum G. diffetum, ZL. Hematodes, Parf, Lancaftrenfe flore eleganter ftriato, Ray, No. 5515 $521 5532 5545 555 Six; Fumaria capreolata, L. two varieties; _Claviculata, Polygala. vulgaris, 2 var. Genifta pilofa, Malva mofchata, L. No. 556, 557, 5585-5595 560,561 Four ; Cotyledon umbilicus veneris,. Sedum Telephiam, Rupeftre,.2. Album, No. 562, 563, 564, 565 Five ; Sedum villofum, Dafyphyllum, 2. Minimum non acre flore albo, Ray, ' Sexangulare, L. two varieties, No. 566, 567, 568, 5695 570 Six; Spergula nodofa, Lychnis flos cuculi, Oxalis acetofella, Z. two varieties, Afarum Europeum, L. and Agroftemma Githago, £. No. 571, 572; $73, 574s 575s 576 Four 5 Lythram falicaria, Agrimonia eupatoria, Euphorbia portlandica, Paralias, j L, No. 577,578, 579 580 Six ; Euphorbia platyphyllos, Hyberna, Spirea filipendula, Rubus faxatilis, Z. _othree varieties, No. 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586 ‘Four; Rubus Chamemorus, L. three varieties, Potentillafrufticofa, Z. No. 587, 588, 589,590 ties, No. 591s 5925 593> 594) 595 Five ;. Geum rivale, Urbanum, Comarum paluftre, Potentilla argentina, Alba, L. Nos 596, 597.5985 5992 600 (Ce fre 2906 roe se Sig = _ stipe ny fees 72. 10 pa VLC aes ae eaeet = 7 6 ri i Go _&. 46 — —= - (ea a — t+ F- Pree Pe aun § Sie re Lif l= & 3 3 J. SI28 4). 3 pee As Bee pepe ree fi eae aoe LDA pr yg * 2906 A Le: a gat ig eee C/ktp hat — 29> 2912 2913 (ge Tyee fu Five; s Anemone pulfatilla, Adonis, and’ ‘Coronifla varia,: Ranuheulus linguay Ageia unt ricomus, L. Aquatilis Hederaceus albus, Ray, pg 2499 ‘Noi hil 602, G05e ' 604, 605 Four; Ranunculus aquatilis; Trollius Europeus LZ, Helleboras viridis, and Cale \ tha paluftris, L, No, 606, 607, 608, 609 i vn 3 Ths ‘ Five; Anemone apennina, Ranunculoides, Nemorum, Ranunculus parviflorus, a b Stratiotes aloides, L. No. 610, 6115 612, 613, 614 & soe : Four; Aquilegia vulgaris, Nymphza-alba, Ciftus polifolius, Hirfutes Hud> Ape (Marifolius) L. No. 615, 616, 617, 618 1S Four; Papaver cambricum, Ciftus Helianthemum, Chelidonium majuus, and Glaucium, Z. No. 619, 620, 621, 622 © Three large unfinifhed drawings by Ehret V-- Ar R:- 1. OQ Ue The Transfigurat'on, a capital fine expreffion, after Raphael, printed onewhite fatin Eight Views in India, fix India, iia for {creens, and a iges of crimfon pae ee per with flowers 1. het 2914 LEG OAS 1b 9. e ya S25 OF io, 2/- 4 4. If jae a ed alt ree o hi} f iff LOT POD, 2954 MU vate: 2955 cS a uf S Ptairup 4 Ly? 5 Vi Me 2959 bus 2961 Jetlenotn/ 7962 Ce? a4 Ai 2953 Dy, TwENTY-EIGHTH Day’s Satt. THURSDAY vue 25th or MAY, 1786. SHELLS, CORALS, PETRIFACTIONS, &. ~_/ VINE curious and rare fpecies of Buccina, Jabelled A fearce variety of Helix albumen, or Bull’s-eye Snail, from China, two fine oriental Land Snails, and a beautiful Turbo from the Cape of Good Hope Fifteen fine Univalves of different genera, among which are Woluta mitra pa- palis, mufica, Conus capitaneus, Figulinus, Strombus tuberculatus, Cyprea talpa, Mus, &c. A large and fine Buccinum gatea, L. from the Mediterrancan mee ——- A clutter of the Oftrea Rhizophora and fragilis, S. adhering to the wood, in their ¢ native manner of growth Forty-one cards of various fpecies of TeHina, forme rare—Ilabelled = A very latge ard fine purple variety of Spondylus Gederopus, L. from the Mediterranean . A large and very fine variety of Buccinum calcaratum, $. Gualt, 31. Frare The bottle-fpined mamillated Echinus imbedded in Chalk, with two of it’s {pines annexed, from Keatvery rare A fine purple Chama Gryphoides, adhering to a Madrepora Virginea, LZ. from the W. Ludies—=very curious Nine fine {pecimens of Afterias, among which are Ophiura, rubens, laevigata, pappofa, aranciaca, ZL. &c, and three varieties of Pennatula Nine fine Univaives of different génera, viz. a pair of Murex perverfus, two Femorale, Conus Virgo, a pait of Trochus niloticus, Z. Cyprza feriata, (ra- ther a young one of Tigris, Z.) & nebulofa, S. (a young one of Mauritiana, B.) A very magnificent fpecimen of Pinna muricata, Z. with a pearl naturally af- a? — 6 fixed, from Srecly * Two fine fpecimens of Strombus truncatus, an undefcribed fpccies of L. shea gx ee ing the different flages of growth, from the E. Indies, rare—D’ Avila, vol. 1. tab. 12. 14. pee 4 Forty-fix cards, containing varicus fmall fpecies of Buccina; labelled 9 --———-—— ; Sixteen cards, including a variety of Haliotis, among which are Afinina, tu- berculata of Chine, one figured in Humph. Conch. pl. Q. fig. 5 the fearlete DP. ’L ridged, from the Cape, and other rare fpecies A fine tuberculated variety of Turbo farmaticus, Murex melongena, L. Bucci- num gemellum & fulcofum, 8. a very large Cyprea vitellus, & Trochus nie . Ze fu. 6 loticus, L. Raz 2971 Fifteen i } 2931 i 4 C1 2082 tt Let it Mh iP 2983. pt 2984 ots 2985 lan a oe “a if pe : ae (5S a7 A 2987 f net few 2988 ( Harry 2989 . i ap 299° AS nO 299! < pra d 3 j Be hte j Bae 2971 2972 “bry 2073 2974 ( 134) Ad fan 6.764 . Fifteen cards, containing various fpecies of Britifi Bivalves, chiefly of the Mace 0. tra, Mya, and Venus genera, mo/fly labelled—/ome rare * = Twenty-fix ecards of Univalves of different genera, including Strombus lividus, “ss L. from Guinea, ditto from China, Buccinum rana, infignitum, ftramofum, ~~ fallax, Cypraea gutrata, S$. &c.. Pi i A beautifully marbled variety of Troclus niloticus, Z, and a large green fpotted — J. , Trochus,. both Oriental Twenty fmall Univalves of various genera, among which are Murex neretoi- 2 deus, Strombus pes pelecani, L..Buccinum morbofum, Conus nimbofus,.and? Spectrum, 8. and other rare fhells A great variety of Britith Bivalves and Multivalves of different genera, mazy of? ve & them labelled se : 2 Thirty-five Univalves of various genera, among which are Helix haliotoidea, _ Ait Buccinum vibex,, Voluta cymbium, Capitellum, Mufica, Conus nuflatella;: | Cyprza carneola, Turbo delphinus, Z. and others : we “4 Seven rare fpecies of Oftrea, including Adpreffa, fapida, rhizophora, complanae — J. q ta, fragilis, S. Diluviana, & vulfella, Z. A very large and fine radiated Mattra, from the Mediterranean, a variety of — / é - Stultorum, L.—rare A fine clufter of Serpula filigrana, Z. and another delicate fpiny Serpula, upon: saat a Millepora Cellulofa, L. i ie Nine fine Univalves, confifting ofa beautiful pair of Conus literatus, another of. Voluta porphyria, two of Bulla ampulla, two of Cyprza ftercoraria, and a Turbo. petholatus,. Le : Le A very fine and perfect fpecimen of Chama Gigas,.Z. or greatfurbelowed Clamp,, __ 4) from New Holland—rare A very perfect pair of a fearce variety of Murex ramofus, L. from Ch:na Three curious fpecies of Mya, viz., Ponderofa, ovalis, Lifer, 146. 1..and roftrata, S.—all rare — v4 pind Thirty-feven cards of beautiful {mall Bivalves, chiefly of the Donax, Oftreay Cardium, and Venus genera, off of them labelled Cancer Uca, L. or the H. Crab, a very curious and rare fpecies, found:in the fwamps. of Jamaica, inclofed in a glafs cafe Bis 7 * Twenty large and fine Patelle, among which are Granularis, nimbofa, com— —___ Sy prefla, L. the bronze, the conic, the Medufa, &c. Buccinum Doridis, 8. @ very curious variety of the trumpet kind, remarkably thine = — f ut Various fpecies of Pennatula, viz. grifea, rubra, &c. Sabella penicillus, Aphres — : dita aculeata, L. &e. A pair of very large and fine Bulla achatina, L. or broad-ftriped: Zebra Saag . per from Guinea, one of them in its native ftate Three fine fpecies of Cancer, viz. Homarus, Mantis, anda beautifully coloured: —— Jj. b one from N. America A large and fine Foffil Pinna, from Somer/et/bire—rare Two curious and rare fpecies of Murex, fomewhat a-kin to-Trepezium, L. tut —- GG, diftinét—both Oriental é ea Gs 2993 er wo ot a Le juin 3007 Large and fine Dendrite in a laminated calcareous ftone, with the counterparz, ——___— ye Seat Cfea5 iia ices ee Jy ao a9g3 Twelve very rare Univalves, among which are a finall Turbo fealaris, Nerita varieties of Bernhardus, Z. and an uncommon Prawn Four large and fine fpecimens of Venus, viz. Tigrina, deflorata, chione, and mercenaria, Le. A large and fine Pinna rudis, LZ. from the W. Jndies—rare poem A fine variety of Murex tritonis, Z. or Tritons Trumpet, from the Yio see Two very rare fpecies of Cardium, viz. Spinulofum, from Coromandel, and one valve of Mordax, S. SPARS, ORES, CRYSTALS, &e. 30e5 Avery large and fine {pecimen of Marmoroides dendropotamites of Da Coa; from Cottam, near Bri/fol—polifhed 3006 Two large fpecimens of laminated Sand-f{tone,. with elegant Dendrite on the _ furface 3003 Fine filky Amianthus with Cryttals, from Piedmont a 3609 Fine brafly Marcafites in large irregularly-figured Cryftals on a curious Spar, from Saxony—very beautiful 3010 A group of white Spars in delicate ramifications, with round echinated ai trom Saxouy 8 MM riat the gorr A large flab of pritmatic Feidfpath, having a large fpot in it, of the moft vivid / v and beautiful colours, from the Coa/? of Labradore—polifbed ——-— 3012 ‘Three curious varieties of Avanturine, very rarcepolifbed. ee jo13 A very tine fpecimen of brown ftaladitical Chalcedony, with Terra ponderofa adhering, and a white twenty-fided Spar, from the Hartz—-both rare 3014 Fine ftellated effiorefcence of Cobalt,.on a white Terra ponderofa, from Schacelerg ——— 301g Arich fpecimen of native Cinnabar, with virgin Quickfilver, from the Palatizate 3016 A fine fpecimen of green. Lead Ore, in large cight-fided prifmatic Cryftals, from Bohemia—rare aaa 3017 A moft curious and beautiful fpecimen of leaf-like pinnated native Silver in Quartz, with Marrow-ftone, from Pery—very rare C 3018 Fifty- Virginea, L. two of Trochus alveolatus, wade/erided, two pair of Stombi, twe i of them from Guinea, &c. ee 2994 A large and fine Mytilus ornatus, S. or pencilled Mufcle, from iar Sah ee 2995 Patella pulchra, or beauty Limpet, Humph. Conch. pl. 2. fig. 8. from the Cape of 7 fies Good Hope, and another rare fpecies. of the fame genus, called the Cup and faucer, from China /2 2996 A fine fmall fpecimen.of Chama Lazarus, and two very fmall purple-fpotted Spondylus gederopus, L, all from China, and rare ‘2997 A large and beautiful pair of Conus literatus, Z. with large fpots, from Coyloz = ~~~ cS. som FALE 2998 A very-large and fine fpecimen of Chama Cor, L. or fool’s-cap Cockle, from. 9 --~~ fag Sicily—-rare 2999 Thirty-five cards, containing various finall {pecies of Voluta, fome of them rare, __ Sj and labelled 3000 Four curious fpecimens of Cancer, viz.. an Oriental Mantis, two very fcarce ss d? fa fei te ree 66 ) Cath teatrn ff V4 at LC. jf ~ hin Why 7 / L ab Casa ce hacetn ‘ ie ae oe 7 LVECLCT J3 Ltrs t A Plunf/ nts * Ve ot”. * Mei € 136 Fifty-eight beautiful polithed Silices, confifting qf Oriental Mochos, Onyxes,. Sardonyxes, Jafpers, Carnelians, Pebbles, 8c. PETRIFACTIONS, SHELLS, CORALS, €:, ‘A foflil ftalk of fome unknown Vegetable, fuppofed to contain a fimall quantity of Tron, veryrare and curious, from Germany Voluta virefcens, S. an extreme. fearce fpecies ef the Mufe kind, from Guincam Martyn, Vol. UI. figs 932. 933 ‘Nine cards, containing various fpecies of Needle'Buccina, among which are Crenulatum, L. Ferrugineum, dimidiatum, gazella, amieulatumn,; pertufum, monoceros,:& inguinatum, 9. all fine A fine Nautilus Pompilias, L.—zancoated SRD SIAN. lute land’s Tland, Demiffus, and two varieties of Pictus, S.—rare Scmae Corallina ‘Tribulus,.-or Caltrop Coralline, 2iis‘Zooph. tab. 2. figie.; a large and fine fpecimen of the Millepora, iid, 26. 14; Gorgenia pretiofa, zbid, 13. 3. iG an. Ifis-hippuris, and Madr. damzcornis, Tie ; Four fine fpecimens of Oftree Pectines, viz. two fcarlet varieties of Glabra, -a ‘finely-coloured Maxima,-Z. and a large carinata, S, A banded Ram’s-horn, J Judies; five other curious Helices; a-foarce Oriental frefh-water' Nerite, and two french-horn. Turbos A very fine pair of Strombus-Millepeda, L. from China—rare Vaud freA 92, 2 Ya, i: é . Four fine {pecimens of Mytilus, viz. a large variety of Bidens,’ ZL. ‘from Falke A large and. fine fpecimen of Placuna Ephippium, S. (Anomia, Z.) from @hing . go - mmniVErY GAVE An impreffion of.a curious Plant in a micaceous Sand-ftone, ‘from: pci and another in Coal-flate, from Lanca/hire—both rare A fine Bulia phytis, LZ. from China, Seba Il. tad. 38. fig. 49.50. and Bulla ve- — g i ficaria, S. from the W. Indies, ibid, fig. 46. 48—)oth rare A large.and fine Helix Corocolla, L. from Barbadoes, and a.curious bidentated —— comprefled Helix, doth rare ‘A curious and rare fpecies of -Echinus, of a lilac colour, from Chiva — - Six curious fpecies-of Aniomia, viz. Caput ferpentis, truncata, L. Rubicunda, diftorta, and twoof retufa, 9. ree, A large and-fine Oftrea levigata, S.-undefcrided, from China A curious variety of Murex tribulus, Z. or double thorny Woodcoék, from . China—rare A pair of a curious and» rare undefertbed fpecies tee Srom K, George's / Sound, on the NL W. Coaft of America Four curious fpecies of Venus, viz. Puerpera,'L. incraffata, Pennant, Zool. IV. ple $46 fig. 48. a. rarely found on the Englifh Coaft ; Plebeia, from New South Wales, and Notata,'S. from China A pair of fearce fpecies of Murex, Martyn, Vol. 1. fab. CXI. lower fizure, from China, and a fine Murex fimbriatus, ‘from Faltland’s Iand, D’ Avila, Vol. 1. pl. 10.—alfo rare ‘A iarge. fpecimen of Voluta Scafa, 8. ix the xtmoft perfection, from Guincam Martyn, Vol, 11. tab. 90. 764. A large and: Ane: Pinna rigida, 8, Kaorr Il, 26, 1,— 9 __ é og veral of it’s fpines annexed, in Chalk, from Kent—rare Two fine fpecimens, and two odd valves, of Mytilus ungulatus, Z. or the greea 7 > Muitcle, from China—very fcarce ¢6- A beautifully-coloured Oftrea maxima, from Weymouth, a Pleuronectes, China, ——— and two fine fpecies of Venus, viz. meretrix and maculata, L._—all fine Fifteen fine Univalves of different genera, including two Murex brandaris, ZL. —- /¢ - é - two Conus teffulatus, two of Protheus, Buccinum puttulofum, Armatum, Strumofum, S. &c. A carious collection of minute Shells from the Englith Coaft, including moft of | ame {eee the new fpecies figured by Walker in his Account of nines Shells difcovered at Sand- wich, with a MSS catalogue A very fine Ammonites with waved chambers, having moft of it’s fine pearly fil ——__ ye ae preferved—very curious and rare—from Somerfetthire A large and very fine Patella teftudinaria, Z. or Tortoife Limpet, from China— See rare : A clutter of three, and a fingle fpecimen of Oftrea purpurea, S. from New Hol- vg Me land, very rare—Born, muf. cas. Tab, 6. figs 11.12 Madrepora denticulata, Ellis Zooph. Tab. 49. fig. t. very rare; and a Madre- pora damecornis, L. from the Zaft /ndies — a. A large and fine Buccinum monodon, S. or Unicorn, from Terra de! Fuego, Martyn, Fol. JV. fig. to. e. and a fine Buccinum Perficum, L.—vare Three curious and rare undefcribed Murices Ah hee a A fine Cardium Cardiffa, Z. or Venus's Heart, from China—rare RRR wt co Nine fine Univalves, viz. two Trochus Niloticus, Z. Conus undulatus, S. two other Cones, a pair of Cypraa ftercoraria, a Bulla ea anda Murex ~~ ‘3 - rana, L. a 6 A fine Aftacus Norvegicus, or peta Lobfter, Pennant’s Brit, Zool. Vol. WV. —-—~— - pl. 12. fig. 24.— rare 2 , A fine Ottrea Malleus, Z. or Black Hammer Oytfter, from Pxlo Condore ole = Twenty fine Univalves of different genera, including two fine varieties of Mu- : . rex ramofus, two Brandaris, three Voluta ers; two Mufica, a pair of Conus miles, 1. Flammeus, §. &c. A fine Murex, with it’s Operculum, from China, Martyn, Vol. TV. 1333. anda — / , large and fine Bulla ficus, both from China Four fine fpecies of Pinna, viz. Pectinata, rotundata, rudis, L, and lubrica, S. __ ee C e—all rare § ‘3102 &. in (9/2. 6 Cc : 4i2n2 es re f= iy Z one 3122 ( 140 ) ta 14 on A curious non- defcript {pecies of Cancer, male and female, wery rare = Oe ¥ A very fine and complete fpecimen of Gorgonia pretiofa, Ellis Zooph. Tab. 13.3 3. Ye having the cruft or flefh on, with fponge, ferpulz, &c.. on their native rock,, from Sicily A very perfect fpecimen of the aculeated Pecten, in. Chalk, from Kent—rare ——— Murex aruanus & perverfus, from N. America; a pair of Trapezium, two Cy- fo-6 prea talpa, two Arabica, anda Conus literatus, LZ. all fine ee £ Oftrea Radula, LZ. or Ducal Mantle, of the firf? magnitude, from China—rare = ——_ Hr Two fine and beautiful {pecies.of the Harp kind, viz. Buccinum harpa, L. and Barbiton, S. from Ching Five curious and rare fpecimens of Voluta, or Dates, from Guinea, viz, three Li Wh v4 varieties of Punctata, one of Confpicua, and one of Rutila, S. / Two fine fpecies of Strombus, viz. Tuberculatus, or Hercules’s Club, and Pare as ‘ yA g luftris, Z. both from China ; Three fine fpecies of Arca, viz. Senilis, Z. from Guzzea, Nodulofa,.or ftudded: / D 4 _ Ark, from China—all rare ery i Ten beautiful terreftiial Helices from: the E, and W. Indies, and two curious: Lvs .. freth-water Neritz,. from China—all rare The body part of a curious and rare fpecies of Encrinos, Sve Ellis’s Corall, __ p fd Lie _ pl. 37» fig. K.—from Germany Z A fine globular fpecimen of Madrepora pleiades, Ellis Zooph. tab. 5% fe. 7) ae ey Ai extremelyrare terreftrial Snail of the Helix genus, but nearly approaching the Buca cinum kind; fuppofed to be Oriental. The ground yellowifh brown, with a few Spots of a darker colour, fo placed as to form fix. longitudinal bands. We have not ech, met with a figure of it in any author Two dark brown, and two Zigzag varieties of Veluta oliva,. L. and a fine pair — i3 Voluta cruenta, S. or the yellow-mouthed Olive, all from China. A large and fine Strombus Benepe L. or Scorpion: thell,, (the larger variety)» = @- from China—rare A large fine pair of Patella oculus hirci,. 0 or Goat ’s-eye Limpet,. one of them in: it's native flate, the other polifhed,, from the Cape of Good Hope—Humphrey’s: Conch, 2. 6s f A fine clufter of four of Oftrea elongata, S, from Chinz—rare rae A large and fine fpecimen of Placuna placenta, §. (Anomia, L.) or the Win- ial as’ dow fhell, from Chiza—rare Several fine fpecimens of Oftrea fragilis, S. adhering to a Rhizophora, 2 a — J £4 Curacoa A fine fpecimen of a very fearce variety of Madrepora muricata, ae eae be CRYSTALS, ORES, SPARS, St. A capital group of two large, and various finall,. Rock Crystals, very fine and A os “clear, from the Glacieres in Savitzerland 3123 re Wr | I 3138 3139 , he ( Seer. «) g bark d Two mottled bowlder Stones, from Staford/bire; Gypfum ee: white capillary Vitriol of Iron, from Jéria ; a curious Terra ponderofa ; an ZEtites; a large plate of brown Mica; a polithed Cryflal, /uppofed to be a Druidical ornament; and two fpecimens of Coal Money, from Sufix A large and fine fpecimen of White-lead Ore, compofed of {mall flat long qua- drangular Prifms, diverging from the centre, and forming a Brufh; with Ca- lamine, yellow Ochre, &c. from Freyberg in Brifcau—wvery rare A beautiful group of Aqua marine Cubic Fluors, on a drufen of topazine Cry- ftals, from Saxony——very rare A moft curious and elegant fpecimen of cryftallized arborefecnt native Silver, extremely fearce A very fingular rock-fhaped group of rhombic Terra ponderofa, the furface ~ curioufly figured, with fome twelve-fided fpars on one fide of it, from Saxony —rare A curioufly-formed group of white nummular eight-fided Spars, from the Hartz—wery fearce A lump of native Copper, from Cam/dorff, in Saxony, and a fine marcafitical Copper Ore, in large Cryftals, beautifully coloured, from Thuringia A curious fpecimen of cryftallized ruby. Silver Ore,. with cryftallized native Vitriol intermixed, from Saxony—in a /mall glafs cafe Terrra ponderofa of an uncommon figure, with delitate white fparry balls, on a group 0 of Cryftals, | the whole formed on a metallic Stone, from Hungary, rare; and a, fine white plated Fluor, with azure and green efflorefcence of Copper, grey Copper Ore, &c. Thuringia A very fine {pecimen of Malachites Copper Ore, from Siberia—very rare A fmall but clegant fpecimen_ of. mineralized Gold, with Terra ponderofa in- ‘termixed, extremely /carce, from Tranfylvania A large and fine clufter of white Cryftals, with a beautiful topazine fur face, on “a Yock Stone, from Saxony—rare Cryftallized Iron Ore, Elbe; Zeolites, Derby/bire; ditto, Scotland; a curious radiated Manganefe ; ; a Cobalt, with pink efflorefcence, Saalfeld; and native Cobalt, (very rare) with native Silver, Spar, purple Fluor and Lead Ore, from Johan Georgen Stadt, i in Saxony. A large and fine fpecimen of the beautiful crimfon CoPeer Ore, in capillary Cryftals, extremely fearce, from Hungary Two mott elegant famples of brilliant yellow criftallized native Sulphur, from a mountain in Dominica, where formerly avas a Folcano A beautiful fpecimen of cryftallized fapharine native Vitriol, with green nas tive Vitriol intermixed, from Hungary Rare CORALS, SHELLS, PETRIFACTIONS, &e, A large and fine fpecimen of Gorgonia pretiofa, Elis Zooph. 13. 3. with the ruff or flesh on, very complete, from Sicily S 2 3140 Nine td reed i eee 4 —— are (ore) fF for? hr vo oO 3140 Nine curious Bivalves, viz. Venus exoleta, two varieties of Proftrata, L. Scill . §.and two others; Donax fcortum, Z. and two more’ a nme hnez sis Th ee pair of Buccina, viz. Calcaratum, Infignitum,, and’ Morbofum, S.—aif Ze rare 3142 A fine pair of Voluta muricata, 8. one with the epidermis on, Lifter, 810..19. from PEF the W. Indies—rare oy ae 3143 Apair of fine clouded fpecimens of Helix perverfa, L. from China; and another. (o - curious and rare terreftrial Snail Ret fe V2 “4 AL— ~—- 3144. Five curious fpecimens of Tellina, viz. Lingua felis, Z. two varieties of Au- — Fons lica, from China, Papyracea,, from Coromandel,.and Compta, 8. from Mada- Ep; ee | é Ping 3145 Two large and fine varieties of Conus literatus, Z. viz. the great yellow banded i - Alphabet, with it’s epidermis on,.from Otaheite,and the Hebraica.with fmall ae Oe fpots, from Madagafiar Co afa 3246 Three varieties of three fpecies of Univalves, fhewing the dimond flages of é ia growth, viz. Cypreea exanthema, Strombus pugilis, and the pink-clouded: 2 : Strombus.of Guinea * eo te as 3147 Seven cards, containing various {pecies af Dentalivn, Viz. Elephantinum,, Den- Vane talis, Corneum, Entalis, L. &c. rcEEe : Vey wit 3148 ‘Two large fpecimens of Voluta Pyrum, L. from China, one of them with afine pean 2) ee mouth, rare ; (5%, 24. 3149 ‘Two of a fcarce variety. of Conus capitaneus, war. c..S. Kuorr. Il. 6. 3.. and a Lo AO large and beautiful variety of Voluta oliva, Z. Seba III. 3. C. bird herr. 3150 A fpecimen of a curious dwarf variety of Madrepora Damzeornis, L. or Deer’s- 7 / horn Coral, and Madrepora fragilis, a very rare undé/cribed fpecies, having it's =— SS a Siellular tubes conneéted by a fragile white papyraceus coralline matter, both: from. ie a ys the Eaf? Indies 3151 A very large and fine fpecimen of Murex Colus, L..or Crane Shell, from Chiszay, ~~ fz L o— —S are a yr 3152 Four beautiful fpecimens of Venus, viz. Caftrenfis, L. Tumida,. and two of oft Hians, S. all from China “Fi eae trp 353 Three very curious undefcribed fmall fpecies of Murex, extremely rare. ie 4. 3154 Two large and fine fpecimens ef Strombus paluftris, Z. or great black Cluby. from China—/carce Wai Jb Cures 3155 Avery fine pair of the black variety of Murex.Scorpio, Z. or Skeleton Shell, y | ee from China—vrare nt i vie > obs, 7. OA 3156 A fine Bulla phyfis,, L. from China, and Veficaria, S..from the W. Indies Pye: a Vg OO ne Un by 5 3157 A large and fine Anomia Caput Serpentis,. L. with the internal flrudlure completes, “i yy Naar ; from Falkland’s Iland—rare ted Ly arh 3158 A pair of large and fine Buccinum taurinum, 8. Lifer, 841. 69, from Chinam Py) nig very rare ye 3'59 A pair of very perfeét and beautiful Cypraa Mapp L.. or Map Cowry, from. (a ¥ vs Amboyna—rare ; 3160. A oi a 4 (5 azqh Hawrpth, 3161 Gruff 3162 Cask 3163 ba 3164 P gid OG 3106 4160 L. from China—very rare Caledonia, very rarc—Martyn, Vol, I. fig. 25. 2. ( 143) A large and fine fpecimen of the purple RORY white Spondylus Gederopus, A fine fpecimen of Voluta elongata, S. or Midas’s-ear Land Snail, from New Gibba, or fcarlet Pecten, from Guinea mT ATE A pair of Helix fufitanica, Z.a rare fpecies of terreftrial Snail, from Grenada = ~~ A fine fpecimen of Serpula gigantea, or great Worm Shell, from Pulo Condore, ‘eo a1? four? / sh Db cob — ff — — Six beautiful fpecimens of Oftree pectines, viz. Pes felis, L. three varieties of Proteus, or Butterfly’s-wing, and another from Mizorca, and a fimall one of AT A A fine Echinus efculentus, ofa red colour, from the E. Indies—rare PAs The body part, with the rays folded up, of a curious fpecies of Encrinos, or tailed Star-fith with many fingers; extremely curious and rare, inva foffil tate, vg from Dorfet/bire from the Mediterranean—rare A Jarge and fine radiated Mactra, L. (a variety of Stultorum according to Ss) A fine Buccinum luxurians, S. or foliated Buccinum, from Chiza—rare A fine Strombus latiffimus, ZL. from China—very rare Two odd valves, (but oppofite ones) of Mya ponderofa, S. a curious, large, and undefcribed frefh-water Bivalve, from China—extremely fcarce CS 5 6 f 7 See be - Wa Enp of the TWeNnTY-NINTH Day’s Sate, AOR THIRTIGTH . SSEShSS gt’ 0 "TuirtTietH Day’s SALt. SATURDAY rue azth or MAY, 1786. INSECTS, cuoiertx BRITIS LOT : ae 3170 fk fpecies of very {carce Britifh Papiliones, viz. two-pair of Virgaurer, — ; Z three maturna, one Hero, L. two pair of a new fpecies taken on the Chalk Hills in Dorfit/bire, and three others from ditto, alfo new 3172 Twenty-two fpecies of Britith Phalenze of the fmaller fort, among which are ny f- Clorana, Solandriana, Lecheana, literana, mundana, Holmiana, Brunni- = chana, 1. fquamana and emargana, Fad. and others, all perfcd and rare 3173. Ten various fpecies of Britifh Coleopterze, chiefly of the Cerambyx and: Lep- tu-a genera, including Cerambyx Edilis, hifpidas, cylindricus, coriareus; = __ Leptura melanura, L. and a-curious Necydalis, &c. 3174 Ten fpecies of fine Englifh Phalene, among which are Pallens, Oo, glyphica, g LZ trapetzina, graminis, &c. i 3175 Forty one fpecies of {mall Britifh Tinex, many of them very farce, fach as irro- rella, Harrifella, pinetelia, petiverella, Ramella, lapella, alftremeriana, Ly rab b com-ofitella, Fab. and many others uadeferibed—all labelled 3176 Eleven fpecies of Britith Coleopterz, containing two very rare ones of Elater, and feveral fcarce Carabi, one of which 1s extremely beautiful and rare, &c. Ly 3177. Twelve fpecies of rare Britith Phalenz, chiefly non-defcripts—all fine 2 NRE 3178 Eight fpecies of Englith Phalenz, all of them rare, including Falcataria, betu- laria, lacertinaria, vibicaria, amataria, and the defoliara cwith their winglefs __ vACE) Semales, Li—very fine 3179 Four curious and rare fpecies of ditto, containing Haftata, and putris, Z, mi- — vi niata of Forfler’s Cent. page 75. and one undefcribed 3180 Twelve beautiful and rare Englifh Tinex, fuch as Arcuana, Chriftianana, Libis 1-0 ee 3181 Six fpecies of rare Britifh Scarabei and Lucani, viz. Scarab. fullo, cylindricus, L. and two others wadeferibed; and Lucanus parallelipipedus, LZ. St +4 = 3182 A very fine pair of Sphinx Atropos, Z. or Jeflamin Hawk Moth, and a new yey 23 Sphinx related to the Convolvuli, lately difcovercd in York/bire—wvery rare 3183 Eight fpecies of fcarce Englith Phalene, among which are Affinis, diffinis, — wb derafa, pleéta, vaccinii, and Cenigrum, LZ. &c. , 3484 Eleven fpecies of Britith Phalenz, oft of them very rare, or non-defcript, among — (CS. which are the ulmata, Fabr. the Maid of Honour of Harris, pl. 41. figs re populata, bidentata, &c. L. 3185 Two very fine fpecimens of Phalena Cecropia, Z, from New-York, Drury, Vol. me (OH I. pl. 18. figs 2s pe 3186 Three Fs | oF, gi87 Orbe 3188 Obo 3189 Ote 3190 7 [Ath 3x9 ot 3192 “FC 3204 7 Cost ry 3205 DA 3206 ( 45 ) Pt ya 9. $= Three extremely curious and rare Englith Phalenew, among which is that very / wacommon one the Delphinii, or pea/e-dlofom Moth, of Wilkes, the Pinaftri ~ (. 7b of LZ and one uadefcribed Two other very curious fpecies of Englith Phalenz, viz. the Caftrenfis, ZL. or en ae Scarce Lacky Moth, and the verficolor, L. or Glovy of Kent, of Wilkes Four fpeciés of Britifh Phalen, viz. the Aufculi, L. or green fpotted Tyger, the batis, Z. and two others, all very rare Three fpecies of the larger Britifh Phalenz, viz. Sponfa, maura, and 3 pair of a new fpecies, related to pronuba, L. Nine fcarce fpecies of Englith Phalenz, /ome undefcribed, and labelled aa A large box containing 38 beautiful Lepidopterz, chiefly Papiliones, from mee J? North America Another containing a great variety of Britifh and exotic Lepidoptera, /ome f 7 them rare Ditto, containing various duplicates of Englith Lepidopterz, fame of them very hr i J rare, among which are many pairs of that fcarce /pecies the Phalena precox, L. :- Twelve fpecies of the larger Britith Phalene, among which are Pavonia, Quer- cus, Chryfitis, villica, nupta, plantagenis,. vinula, &c. all labelled, and finé Curious SHELLS, CANCERES, CORALS,. ECHINI,, é&c,. A very curious and rare undefcribed Madrepore, allied to. Fungites, LZ. but gr dts ftellated A beautifully coloured variety of Cancer Homarus, ZL. or fpiny Lobfter ———— (o~6 Eighteen fine Univalves of different genera, in pairs, among which are Conus capitaneus, Bulla ampulla from Guinea, Buccinum tefticulus, Voluta:mufica &7 =. and oliva, &c. Twelve fpecimens of Bivalves of diferent genera, containing Solens, Oftrez, & Tellina, anda Mya — ae Sixteen Univalves of various genera, including Turbo farmaticus, chryfoftos- _ mus, Murex rana, ec. Va » Three rare fpecies of Lepas, viz. three of Scalpellum affixed to'a Sertularia Gg - antennina, Z. feveral of ferrata, and one of dorfalis, S. the laft from the Mufquito Shore Two fine and rare fpecies of Cancer, viz Grapfus, and another uadefcribed, = Wf, from the Weft- Indies A very large and fine Murex perverfus,. Z. with fhort knobs, from Florida— 9 ; very rare Two fine and very large fpeeimens of Venus, viz. Puerpera, ZL. Manti/i. or Bafket Clam, from China, and dilatata, S: 7 A. pair of very fine Strombus Gallus, Z. or the Plough Shell, from Martinique An exceeding fine fpecimen of Madrepore hirtella. Ellis Zoop). tab. 37. from Providence—very rare eT —/S§ Eight pair of very fine fpecies of Nerita, iaicludiiy: pelorontha, 3 varieties of polita, albumen, Z. &c. — 3207 Six | LIE he 3210 32iT 3212 2213 (9146) food fone Pri: Six fine fpecimens of Oftr.a pectines, viz. Cinnabarina of Born, fanguinea, Ly 19 ; . . y ; _—-. ay marmorea, tumida, fagrinata, §. and one from the Mediterranean—all rare Two large and fine fpecimens of Nerita pulligera, Z. and three cards contain- ws ing feven pair of beautiful freth-water Nerita, chiefly oriental ei, Ta Two fine purple varieties of Oftrea Frons, Z, or Cockfcomb Oyfter, adhering ry together, from Aeapula, and one of fericea, §. on a Madrepore from the _ Be (os Faft- Indies A fine pair of Patella teftudinaria, ZL. or Tortoife Limpet, from China, one of ys them in its native frate sega < An exceeding fine fpecimen of Cardium fpinofum, S. or Rake Cockle,: from . vA the ALditcrrancan We fi A large and fine Murex cornutus. Z, or thorny Snipé’s Head, from Guinea— very rare — F - ‘ ; A curious variety of Echinus orbiculus, Z. with fix perforations, of the frft magnitude 6 7 A remarkably large and fine {pecimen of a fcarce variety of Mytilus Hirundo, , L. fron Pulo Condore cae ee A curious fparrified Fol Madrepare with large round Cells, wery rare, from Antigua Six fine Cones, viz. a-pair of Generalis, ditto of Varius, Z. one of Zonatus, and one of Leoninus, .S.—rare A very fcarce variety of Chama oblonga, Z. anda fingle valve of the fame fpecies __ vi j Four fine varieties of that beautiful fpecies of Turbo the Petholatus, L. DE kok 12 Ribband, from China—rare A remaikably large and fine fpecimen of a fcarce variety of Conus Protheus, __ Bf . S. or the great Cone of Guinea—rare CURTOUS ORE 8° WINE RAE oe: A large fpecimen of green flate, with beautiful Marcafitical Dendrite on the furface, from Lugleton in York/bire—rare ar 7 A large and fine fpecimen of Molybdena or Black Lead in Quartz, from n3 Saxoay—rare = SH A curious white Shirl from Portland, and a-group of fingular Spars, with brown Terra ponderofa, on a Drufen of Cryftals, from Saxony—both rare A large and fine fpecimen of a curious variety of red Copper Ore, with Quartz, = 2G from Corzwall—rare An elegant fpecimen of green Shirl with Quartz Cryftals intermixed, from ee, Tyrol—rare be A curious fpecimen of asborefcent native Silver in Terra ponderofa, from : Sascony—rare ‘n i, ch A moft beautiful fpecimen of Peacock Autimony, rich in opalic colours, from Felfobonia, extremely fearce {- ¢- A curious and beautiful fpecimen of white Lead Ore intermixed with Mala- chites Copper Ore, from Saxony—wvery rare A ene 3228 A 3232 3238 3239 3240 eenle ht 3241 vip (Curnfioney 3243 6 Cb 3244 sue 3245 Vin—2 3247 [3a fone? Sider yh. Pe ( 147 ) A’ fine Drufen of white twelve-fided Spars with fhort columns, from the Ffartz, oa Ae and a rickly coloured Iron Ore , A curious rectangular tetrahedral Cryftal of Feld{path, terminated by an hexa- . hedral pyramid of unequal fides, wery rare, from Baveno, in Italy A very fingular and curious Apecimen of black Hamatites Iron Ore, /haped like a boot, sw 40 from Seyn A group of Cryftals of a fingular flat fhape, from Switzcrland, and another of < ra brown cryftallized Terra penderofa, with finely coloured Mundic on the furface, from Saxony A curious Vhacolithus, the kernels in which are hollow and lined with minute ayes Spars and Marcafites ;- white Silver Ore, from the Harz; Silver Ore from Bamfthire, and one more Curious PETRIFACTIONS, CORALS, SHELLS, és. A very rare Coralloid, of the Madrepore kind, with cylindrical branches, hav- ye ing ftellated tops, internally fparrified, and partly imbedded in limeftone, S2. from Germany A fine Madrepora fungites, Z. or Mufhreom Coral, with a leffer ene on the aera: under fide, very cwrious and rare A {mall Turbo marmoratus, L. from China, the leffer ditto, from Madagafcar, —_ > and a fine fpecimen of Turbo cornutus, a new fpecies allied to Chryfoftomus, Ce L. but with a filver mouth, D’ vila, Fol. 1. pl. 5. fig. I. Two large and fine fpecies of Venus, viz. Gallina, Z. from China, and plebeia, fae S. from Falkland’s INand—rare Twelve cards of European Sh: lls, among which are Murex defpectus, Corneus, ee Antiquus, Buccinum undatum, Bulla lignaria, Z. Patula of Pennant, with = ~~ o G the Gizzard, Patella ungarica, ZL, Trochus Papillofus of Da Cofa, &c. Two large and fine Murices, viz. Tulipa from the W. Jidies, and a curious ce) ee non-defcript channelled fpecies, from Morida A very fine Pinna nobilis, Z. with fome byffus of fhells of this fpecies, inclofed yet ré in a gla/s cafe A fine complete Buccinum Rufum, Z. or Bull’s Mouth Helmet, and a young a. Te PA 2 one with the knobs blended together, very curious, from Madagafcar A Cancer horridus of Pennant, nearly covered with Anomiz fquamula, Z. and = 5 Balani A fine Pinna nigricans, §, or black Pinna from Otaheite—rare a Lak: A very fine Anomia fanguinea, S. or fcarlet Anomia, from New South Wales, ? 3g very rare —— - , . A large and fine fpecimen of Madrepora oculata, L. from the Mediterranean A large and fine mamillated Echinus filled with flint, from Kent, and a curious one from /Viltfhire, both rare Two pair of very fine varieties of Turbo Delphinus, ZL. or Dolphin Shelis, with finely branched fpines, from China—rare Two large and fine varieties of Tellina Pronuba, §. the red and the yello from the W. Indicsmvery rare very OW s ¢ mm 24h < a) 3240 LWO a ae ~y (4228 prov poe an 3248 Shemfphety su9 & }O Cotrr_7 De [oetlar~ 3251 | 2 S111 A252 y be 4 es arcettty 3253 is es 3254 a ee Pees 3255 f 3246 Ve —o re 3257 ‘at ttle, 3258 4 : — ¢ Cry, 3259 hate, 4 : on, 3260 AAt~w Vt A 3261 (? ‘ , 4 i+ pRen 3262 4} 3263 CK Serle 3264 tA ci 3 ad ag 32790 :: 327% Shemp hty ? Ns 4272 48 Two very perfect fpecimens : Buccinum fulcofum, $. or banded’ Tuns, from China-rare Ly §>- Wels ye preity A large and fine clufter of Lepas Cornucopia, S, adhering to a ftone,-very rare Five varieties of Nerita corona, Z, and two curious angular Nerite, all frefh- water and from Afia—sxtremely rare A very fine fpecimen of Turbo farmaticus, L. er agi: Turbo,. from the Cape of Geed Hope—rare. Cardium rufticum, or the Brunette C ockle from the Adriatic, and aculeatum,. — L. from the Bay of Naples—both rare A very fine fpecimen of the furbelowed Clamp, (a variety. of Chama.Gigas, L.} from China— rare A large and fine fpecimen of Madrepora angulofa, c Ellis Zooph. tabs34 ts 3. Six large and fine fpecimens of Conus, viz. a pair of Imperialis, ditto-of Mar 3 moreus, or black Tyger, a fcarce variety of'Capitaneus,.L.. and fulgens,. S.- / z or falfe High-Admiral, all from China eal. ae s Avery fine Chama Arcinella, LZ. or thorny Heart, from Martiniquem-rare ie Three fine fpecies of Cardium, viz. Rufticum,.Z. from the Adriatic ; robuftum,- from N. America, and durum, &. from: China A fine variety of Chama Gigas, from Madagafcar, and a curious one of Chama. Hippopus, L. or Bear’s Paw, witlv long fpines, from China is Four fine fpecimens of Helix oculus capri, Z. or French Horn, /hewing. the different flages of growth, Martyn, Fol. I. fiz. 27. 0. a pair of the leffer French=- Horn, #d:d. 28.0. and two others from Pulo Condere ;- and two of another: fpecies of Helix, from Guizea—all terrefirial, aad rare Twelve fine fpecimens of Venus, among which are Penfylvanica, maculata, . decuffuta, deflorata, caftrenfis, edentula,.rotundata, Z. &c. A large and curious undefcribed Foffil Patella, found in. the Chalk. Clif near Dover—sxtrenely rare Two large and fine fpecies of Voluta, viz. Meio and Anguria, S, se A very large and fine fearlet and white variety of Spondylus Gederopus, L: from: Martinique : A capital fpecimen of Gorgonia pretisfa, Edis Zooph. (Ifis nobilis, Z.) or reds 7. @ Coral, from Sicihy A very fine Fothl Cockfcomb Oyfter, from Germany—rare a & Two very rare undefcribed fpecies of Murex, one of them from Mew Zealand pene” A very fine fpecimen of Solen anatinus, Z. or Duck’s-bill Solen, from Trangues bar—rare LY Helix corragata, a large compreffid, carinated, and umbilicated /pecies of Land Snail, undefcribed, the Country unknown Zo SS A very large fpecimen of a curious mamillated Echinus, wakvown from awhence 1H A fine Conus Vicarius, Z. a varicty of the High Admiral Cone, from Amboyna, rare eis A fine clutter of the fearlet two-ridged Serpula, naturally affixed to a piece of wood, perferated by Terecines, from Nerv Zealand—vey rare A large and fine Mya ponderofa, 8. or great thick pearly. Mya, found in the rivers of - China, undefcribed and extremely fcarce ror Pits _—_ -Enp of the TuintietH Day’s Sag. THIRTY- ey 3283 3254 3295 5S ae 3286 id Cle hra, 3287 ff Wy, ~ ’ . Tuirty-First Day’s Sate. MONDAY tne 29th or MAY, 1786. SHELLS, CORALS, PETRIFACTIONS, &c. WENTY-ONE fine fpecimens of Univalves of different genera, among which are Turbo Chryfoftomus, or Gold-mouth, Conus minimus, Vox luta mufica, ZL. 8c. A large {mooth Serpula, and two fine groups of ridged ditto, from the Medi- terrancan Twenty fine fhells of different fpecies, among which are Trochus folaris, Buccinum vibex, Murex aruanus, Turbo petholatus, &c. < g a + hie ws oS vi (a. © A curious yellow variety of Chama gigas, Z. from Madaga/tar—rare es oe 18 Twenty fine fpecimens of Patella, among which are Granularis, nimbofa, L. the Bronze, the Goat’s-eye, &c. Two large and fine fpecies of Buccinum, viz. Tuberofum, from the W%f- Indies, and Cernutum, LZ. from the £. Lndres A large Voluta ponderofa, and a fine Voluta Scafa, Sm—oth rare Twenty-eight cards, containing various fpecies of Cones, amoug which are Princeps, mercator, capitaneus, Z. Corallinus, nebulofus, cinctus, arenatus, pulicaris, S. &c. Two large and fine varieties of Echinus orbiculus, Z. with fix perforations Nine large and fine Univalves of different genera, among which are Buccinum tuberofum, rufum, & pyrum; Turbo marmoratus, Z. three other Turbos, and two more Madrepora Ziczac, a new and undefcribed /pecies, with two other fpecies of Ma- drepora adhering to it, extremely rare—the country unknown Five curious and rare fpecimens of Venus, including two varieties of Mere- trix, Z. two of Nitida, and one of Splendens, 8. Twenty fine Univalves of various genera, among which are Conus genuanus, Voluta ebrea, Trochus perfpeGivus, Nerita canrena, Bulla ampulla, & lig- naria; two young ones of Strombus Gallus, Z. &c. Thirteen cards, containing various fine Petrifactions, confifting of Belemnite, parts of Echini in Chalk, an Aftroites, a fine indented Oyiter, the tails of two Pediculi in Fuller’s-earth, &c. Nine microfcopic glaffes with minute Nautili and other Shells in them, and ten other vacant ones T 2 3288 A ———— ( 150 ) Bol fred A very fcarce variety of Murex tribulus, Z. or the great thorny Woodcock, from China Three very fine and rare fpecies of Oftrea pectines, viz. Nodofa, or Duck’se foot; Pallium, or Royal-mantle; and Sanguinea, Z. A very fine Aftacus Norvegicus of Pennaat, or Norway. Lobfter—rare = ———-— A large and beautiful fpecimen of Buccinum granofum, 8. or Peacock Helmet, from Guinca—very rare Three curious and rare fpecies of Cardium, viz. Hlitum, multifulcata, and. Opima, S. Two fine banded varicties of Helix cornu arictis, from the Indies, and two curious Oriental reverfe Helices, ai rare- A very large fpecimen of Oftrea corufca, S. from Anamaboo, on 2 va of Guinea—rare A decayed Madrepore, with a great number of Anomia of three {pecies, viz. Trun- cata, retufa, and craniolaris, LZ, in their native fituations, on 2 ity, with other curious adhefions of Fungita, ferpule, &c. A pair of fine Strombus epidromis, or Mainfail; two. Voluta vefpertilio ; twa Conus marmoreus, or black Tyger, faded; a fine Virgo, or Sugar- loaf, twa Murex hauftellum, L. or Snipe,.and eleven other fine Univalves A very fine and fearce variety of SpondylusGaderopus, L. or fearlet Spondylus with ramified fpines, from China, very rare—Seba III. pi. 89. fig. 5. Two fine fpecimens of the great brown Oriental Tun Shell, from China—rare A very fine pair of a fearce variety of Murex ramofus, Z. from China, rareme Valentyn, No. 38 Buccinum teniatum, or orange-ftriped Helmet ; Tulipa, or ridged ditto, and’ Granofum, or Peacock Helmet; Voluta pepo; two fmall varieties of No- . bilis, S. and a Voluta mufica, L.—all fine, fome rare Three beautiful fpecimens of Venus, viz, Tigrina, and another yellow, polifeed, and a fine Caftrenfis, Z. A Cheveaux-de frize, and a fearce variety of Saxatilis, from Guinea; a fing Hauftellum, Z. or Snipe’s-head, and another fearce fpecies of Murex A very large and fearce variety of Echinus efculentus, 2. from the E. Indies A very fine fpecimen of Madrepora cinerafcens, Ellis Zooph. tab. 43. from the Ls MIndies= Y and frofted with white ‘Terra ponderofa, from Sawony—rare Meaty ha 3332 Acurious fpecimen of ftalactitical Iron Ore, with a brocoli-like furface, en- ibis” ae iD ~ : riched with the moft beautiful colours, from Saya—very rare a, Utrrprg 3333 Two fine fpecimens of a curious kind @f Septarium, with angulated cryftdlling _ ¥ * “ Sept, from Durham : re oe yi 3334 A group of four large green Cryftals, from Zyrol, and a fpecimen of Granate, Stith in which is a hollow, lined with cryftallized Feldfpath, and quartz Cryftals, — 9. 6 both very curious and rare La A) i 4 ° oe is fru Atog toon 3335 Finecrimfon ftellated Cobalt, on a cryftalline Mine-ftone, from Aznederg, and a ee is ¢ fine group of Spars of a fingular figure, from the Hartz 2: Pcs a 2336 A very fine coll Aion of Models of Natural Cryftals, done tn a compofiiion of a cinna= mon colour, containing 438 varielics, made under the infpétion of M. D’Lifle, of Y- Fe: Paris, aad numbered referring to his Cryttallographie Curious MADREPORES, SHELLS, PETRIFACTIONS, &e, Z . ie eke - hoe 3337 A curious globofe Madrepore, with angular ftars contiguous to each other, u2- It ly , defcribed and rare, on i#s native Rock, perforated by Mytili lithophagus, L. Sorte céz;,, 3338 Nine cards, including various fpecies of needle Buccina, viz. Heéticum, dupli- / ed 8 Pp p a A catum, L. Taurinum, vanellus, antilope, oculatum, unétum, and lautum, §. Te Cue 4 Some of them rare _ 3339 Twelve cards, containing different tpecics of Venus, among which are Caftren- 5 y eon D : fis, {cripta, meretrix, Z. Turgens, antiquata, 8. &c. a al yd 3340 The backs of two rare and beautiful fpecies of Cancer, viz. Fenatus, and a very 5 if &' y large maculatus, Z. Pry ik 3341 A large and finely-coloured fpecimen of Buccinum Tritonis, S. (Murex, Z.) ame 9 7) bs —~— J ‘9 Ay f-om New Holland—rare y 1 face 3342 A fine Arca pilofa, L. from the Mediterranean, two Oftrez carinata, Weymouth, ‘ od and Balanus tintinnabulum, 8. (Lepas, Z.) on a purple Cockfcomb Oyfter, — vs > f ; from Acapulca if an WA ae 3343 Sixteen cards, containing various Anomiz, Ammonite, a Mytilus, arare Care fp tq ; dium, fome Dentalia, fpines of Echini, and other Foffils L9* 6 BMon~ . 3344 Fourteen fine Univalves, among which are a pair of Trochus maculatus, two _ 6 2 FA y . Voluta porphyria, two Conus ftriatus, a pair of Murex femorale, L. &c. U ee Lan ctr 3345 Twenty-five fpecimens of Patella, among which are: Ungarica, granularis, OMe ~s J equeftris, L. the Marygold, &c. nt tk, 3346 Murex aruanus & perverfus, from N. America; two young of Cyprea exan- thema, L.; two of the brindled Strombus of the W. Indies, with remarkably —..§ $$ > black mouths, and two more ; : Fifteen——_——_—" 4 : ae : 3347 Pulte Gr. Q ee . —_—_———_—— = Ot 43548 Haupt, 3349 ft [owe Poa 3356 Lx lf o ecragpboely 3357 Ay 3358 ve 33 59 or) c Céncer g £4 2360 AU tt ip te My, 33 61 fou 5302 380 S Cine tet, 3383 Cb 3364 (bd Tony 23365 ye 3306 6 Hisanythaty, 81 cs liv 308 4 2 : ae ; # ? ( 53 ) = Zt frm Fifteen fine Univalves of different genera, among which are a j air of Conus generalis, two varicties of Literatus, a large Minimus, two Buccinum echi- nophorum,.two Voluta oliva, Z, a fearce Helix from Famaica, &c. A very large and beautifully-marked fpecimen of Conus betulinus, L. ¢# the | fineft preservation: A fine {pecimen of Gorgonia anceps, L, from Famaica, another Gorgonia from the Mediterrancan, a Cat’s-tail Sponge, from St. Chriff opber’s, and the fkeleton of a large one on it’s native rock A very large and fine Chalcedonic caft of a chambercd Turbo, from France __ very rare A fine and very large fpecimen of Echinus mamillatus, Z. one half of it cos vered with it’s triangular pyramidal fpines of a brown colour, Argeny. 25,4. from Madagafcar—rare , Twenty-fix cards, containing various fpecies of Conus, among which are Co- rufcus, ermineus, gubernator, Protheus, confiliarius, $8. &c. Three fine fpecimens of Pinna,.viz. two of Pectinata, from-/¥eymouth, and one of Rotundata, £. Two very f{carce varieties-of Murex Colus, LZ. Four beautiful fpecimens of Venus, viz. two varieties of Caftrenfis, (the flame and camp Cockles) and two of Meretrix (the painted Cockle, &c.) all from China: Four curious fpecies of Buccina, viz. three of Purpuratum, one of Aulicum, one of Iris, 3S. Martyz, Vol. 1. fig. 2. 6. and four fingular Murices, all rare A very large and fine non-deferipr Arca, allied to-Pilofa, Z. from the Medirer- YANCAN—T are. j A fine Conus granulatus, £. and two fine varieties of Conus circumfilus, $. all rare A very large and fine fpecimen of Madrepora caerulea, Ellis MSS ; Interftincta, Ellis Zoeph, tab..56, or blue Coral, from the Laff Indies, with two of a curious variety of Chama gryphoides, LZ. adhering, very rare A fine Anomia Tercbratula, LZ. from the Mediterranean—rare eae A pair of a fearce variety of Murex ramofus, L. or Cinder Sheil, fom China A very. large and curious variety of Venus Dione, L. from Jaumaica, and a fine Venus pitta, §. from China—both rare Two very fine and Jarge varieties of Helix Ampullacca, LZ. from the E. Judie rare Six curious and rare fpecies of Patella, viz. Teftudinaria, an uncommon variety of equeitris,.and nimbofa, L. two’angulated, figured in Humphrey's Cont. pl. ig. tS. and a fingular variety of Comprefla, L. Two very curious fpecies of Arca, viz. Modiolus, L. and Oblongata, 8. both rare A fine {pecimen of a fearce variety of Murex tribulus, Z. the Venus’s Comb, or double-fpined thorny Woodcock, from Chixva—rare A very fine pyritical Ammonites, with futured Chambers, baving part of its pearly fhell, found near Alo/ow 3368 A FAD. ae : ered ed . ay 4. a ja eee. ay o ee 7 ore: ff ee Pee he ee : } Ve we Cm ny Ortea? . an fF) Se ee they As 4363 A fine fpecimen of pronuba, §. and another fine Tellen, and a beautiful variety: —~ - Sa, ¢ of Venus meretrix, L.—all rare C Lif j 7 otp 3369 A very fine fpecimen of Tubipora mufica, L. and a curious variety of Madre- et b. é ba pora criftata, Ellis Zooph. both from the E. Indies 2 Lf a rly 3379 Buccinum teftudo, or tortoife-fhell Harp, from Madaga/car, and Pandura, §. or Z. Z ges pink-clouded Harp, from Guinea—both in the greateft perfection Mere 3 ccvtyetr 337! A very beautiful orange and white variety of ee Gederopus, L. from uf 3d: mais pe . China, rare 3 (1p Og 3372 A very uncommon variety of Murex - -cornutus,. ‘L. having a row oid more fi = ‘ than is ufual in this fpecies, from Guinea id “0 Anyrlrty, 3373 Avery fearce brown variety of Spondylus Gederopus, £. from China Ade #* adhe. oe J ot 3374 Murex undatus, a new-and undefcribed fpecies, uniquesthe country unknown = -——_ f ces ae 7h 3375 Avery large and fine Echinus Cidaris, L. or mamitlated Echinus, from the 1 ad x Red Sea=-very rare REE: 5 Pe OA 3376 A very curious Echinites,.from Maltas—rare Ss ZB 3377. Ala-ge and fine Cyprea Mappa, L. remarkable for it’s ‘sid daa from - g ding Amboyna—-rare ; VA 4 il. 3378 Voluta flictuata, S.a very fixe and beautiful fpecies of the Mufic kind, from New 3. 3s te - a Holland —extremely fcarce , p , 3379 A very large and fine fpecimen of Madrepora pileus, L.—extremely fcarce a ee A . 72 leg CR 380 Acurious frefh-water bivalve of the Venus genus, of a greenifh colour, tran{- y/} verlly furrowed, extremely fcarce—the country unknown ree a MOG Pegs 3382 Avery large and uncommon variety of Murex Colus, Z. or the great Crane (-4. 6 (2, o4 Shell, from ‘Guinee, Seba Wd. tab. 79 the longeft figure ee 3382 Avery fine fpecimen of Conus Vicarius, Z. a variety of the High Admiral, from 2 iD i Amboyna-rare i aie 3383 An exceeding fine fpecimen of Donax Pubefcens, L. extremely fcarce Si ea Lt sieyvhcty / 3384 Petella Auricularia, an extremely rare fpecies, from AmboynamRumpb. 40. N. a a ‘ Enp of the TuirTy-First Day’s SALBe ahs 94 Twirntys .2 7. Lae f OC nee A TuirTy-sECOND Day’s Sate. TUESDAY tue jzoth or MAY, 1786. PETRIFACTIONS, CORALS, SHELLS, &e. HIRTY-FIVE cards containing a great variety of [¢nivalves of different genera, among which are Conus Nuffatella, Buccinum Vibex, Tritonis, Voluta rufina, mufica, Bulla ampulla, ZL. &c. “A fine pair of a beautiful variety of Trochus niloticus, Z. from Ching——rare Nine fine {pecies-of Venus, viz. Scripta, litcrata, maculata, tigrina, verrucofa, meretrix, 8c. A fine pair of Helix ovipara, Lif, 1055. 1. from Surinam, and a fall fpeci- men of the Cocoa Nut Helix, did. 125. from the Wef-Indies, all terreftrial, and rare Two fine fpecies of Cardium, viz. Cardiffa, Z. and impreflum, 8. Bors. Muf. tab, 2. fig. +5, 16. both from China, and rare Thirty-four cards containing various fpecies of Buccina, forme of them rare, aad all labelled Bulla imperialis, or pink-mouth’d poached Egg, froin the Freendly [/les, Bucci- num luxurians, Conus quercinus, decoratus, S. two of generalis, ftriatus,and two Murex fpirillus, Z. all fine A large Conus betulinus, the /pots diflant, and very regularly placed, and figuiinus, L. of extraordinary fixe, both fine and rare Twenty-eight cards containing a great variety of Univalves, of the Voluta and Murex genera, mof? of them labelled, jome rare Four pair of fine Univalves, viz. Trochus punétulatus of Martyn, Vol. 1. Sige 36. ©. Granofus, ibid. 37. r. Buccinum Cithara, S, @ variety of the Harp kind, and Bulla ficus, L. A fine Tubipora mufica, and a curious and fearce variety of Madrepora Mean- drites, Z. or Butter-print Coral. Ellis Zooph. tah. 48. t. A very fearce variety of Spondylus Gederopus, ZL, of a dark red colour, from China A fine fpecimen of Marble fplit in two, and exhibiting various fragments of a fhell of the Nautilus genus, of the moft beautiful opaline colours imbedded therein; ‘tis commonly called Fire Marble, and comes from Carinthia— wery rare A neat fmall fpecimen of Chama arcinella, Z. in its native fituation on a fearce varicty of Mu ex tribulus, Z. from Guadalupemevery curious A finely fpincd Pinna Nobilis, 2. with a fpecimen of the byflus of this fpecies, from the Afediterrancan - : : 2 3400 Filty- ie (009 fot ye “ 2 ay ee Le fen sr pags ee Ve 2 CG Az CL Leg vy po LS a oe aug OS ae Ae hy P 3 arztitine +3490 "3401 = 4 ( 156 ) ft | Fifty-one cards containing a great varicty of finall fpecies of Conus, | Some of them rare, all labelled y Two large fpecimens of Lepas Tintinnabulum affixed together, from Guinea, a clufter of a Britifh variety of ditto, fundry fpecimens of Balanus, ZL. on an Oytter, and two Ear Shells, the furfaces of which are nearly covered with: Balanus ovalis, &. A large and fine fpecimen of Argonauta Argo, Z. or Paper Nautilus, from the Mediterranean Two extremely fine fpecimens of Murex Pileare, L. zvith their fingular Epidermides complete, in diferent flages of growth, from Sicily, Seba. Ill. tab. 57. fig, 29. 3h Twenty-three cards imcluding a great variety of Voluta, among which arc many kinds of Oliva, four of Ifpidula, two of porphyria, L. a pair of gibs bofa, and two of ventricofa, S. PZ vga A large and fine fpecimen of Madrepora ccerulea, Ellis MSS, interftinctas— L£llis Zooph. tab. 56. from the FE. Indies—-very rare A very large and fine Echinus pileatus in a foffil ftate, from Malta—wery rare Nine fine Univalves, viz. two large dark-coloured {pecimens of Cyprza Tigris,. L. two of Pantherina, S. a pair of Conus ftriatus or great Speétre, all from. China, Murex morio from Guinea, and a pair of Buccinum Teftudo, S. or great Harp of Madaga/car a Thirty cards, containing a great variety of {mali fpecimens of the Trochus. and Turbo genera, firme of them labelled Seven fine fpecimens of Afterias, viz. Pectinata, placenta, and bifida of Penzant,. a one from Guzuea, and four ether fcarce fpecies A large and fine Mytilus ungulatus, L. from New Holland—rare A large Conus varius, L. Regeafus tab. 7. 9. 10. and two fine varieties of Noc- turnus, 8. Martyn, Il. 687. and 688: all from China, and rare A fine white Arca, with a black Epidermis, from Pwlo Condore, and-a curious variety of Nox, L. both rare A very fine fpecimen of Trochus onuftus, or Carrier, loaded with fhells, from: Guadalupe—rare Various fpecies of Solen, including filique, vagina, radiata, L. anguftatus,. f- poe wb plebejus, 8. &c. | CURIOUS EXOTIC INSECTS. Five curious and rare fpecies of Cimex, two of them from 4frica a Seventeen beautiful fpecimens of Phalena, including Hyalinata,. Z, fix from ra Guinea, &c. A Seven curious fpecimens of Apis, viz. three from Africa, Dentata,. L. &c. gL Eighteen fine Papiliones, among which are Arfalte, amathea, carice, L. feve- ‘ ——— wv - ral from Africa, two from the Arazils, and one from the Laf- Lhdies Two curious and rare fpecies of Gryllus, from Cayenne A pair of Phalana Tau, ditto of Papilio Demophoon,.and two other fine Papi- henes, one of them from Africa—rare \ 342% Forty= CS zie 6 3422 “uang 3423 a ie. te KJ 3425 a 3426 CY ia, 343% a T Aenylrcllr 3432 Plant lr, 9433 e oy aoe derytttin 3435 Cdvany hott’ 3436 ye 7 Vaart 3437 ad 3438 Brury 3439 rd ae ae. Bat KJ Clim. 3442 [halite 3443 ($2ts- 3444 . ( S67 3 | of. é Fortysone fpecimens of Cimex, ehiefly from 4frica—all labelled Six rare Papiliones, viz. two of Menelaus, two of Achilles, and two others Three curious Phalene, one of them with a fingular cotton-like appendage to ~ ‘the wings, very rare — A pair of extremely fearce Bupreftides, of a fhining blue colour, with a large yellow fpot on each of the elytra A pair of very rare fpecies of Moloffus of Woe, black with fluted elytra nn ~ Ten various fpecimens of Termes chiefly from Africa, a Formica Leo, a curious Infe& with long’clavated antenne, probably a new genus, and two others a Three beautiful Scarabei from Africa, two of them of a fine polifhed green colour, the other a blue, fpotted with white, very rare Two very rare Bupreitides, green and gold, fpeckled with black ; and an un- common fpecies of Elater, yellow and brown wnt Guttatus, Z. and another rare fpecies of Carabus, black, with fix large white / fpots, from Africa - Two fine fpecimens of Phalana Cecropia, Z. from New-Vork—rare. Drury, * Pol. I. 18. 2. Five curious and rare Papiliones, viz. three of Feronia, L. one of Amphinome, Fab. and one more A large and fine Cerambyx Cervicornis, Z. from Sowth- America—rare Thirty-two beautiful Papiliones, all collected in the neighbourhood of New-Yore Twenty-four ditto, very fine, from the fame place ee Twelve fine and rare Papiliones, among which are Leilus, Paleno, Poly- damas, Hyparete, L. &c. Two large and fine fpecies cf Mantis, viz. Religiofa, L. and one from Africa both rare oe a> A very fine Male Scarabeus Aeon, L. from the Brazils—every rare A very large variety of Phalena Tau, and another curious Phalena of equal — fize, from Africa—borh rare Two curious Spiders from Famaica, one with hairy tufts on the legs, inclafed in glafs cafis, two beautiful yellow and white ftriped Cerambices, found among logwwood, fuppofed from the Bay of Honduras, at a wood wharf in London, in like cafc, and a fcarlet Acarus AS TERI A, SHEL WS.5€.O RyA BL. 85 boc. A very large and fine Afterias aranciaca, Z. from the Mediterranean—rare A large and fine [pecimen of a curious variety of Echinus mamillatus, L. or club- Jpined Echinus, with its [pines complete, from the Eaft-Indies—rare A very fine fpecimen of Strombus Scorpius, Le with the fingers very long and perfed, jrom China—rare A curious oriental ramified Sponge, with three Tfognomee inclojid, and a fingular piped Sponge, doth rare Thirteen curious Petrifaftions, ainong which area fpecimen of Chain Coral, a bird’s bone in flate, a Gryphites, two Ammonite, different, a Plectronites, &e. i r ee & te a ee ow ue of hee ; ike ee Ceeee, ye Lhe V3 A naa F- oo 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3464 3462 3463 3464 3465 vachs Twenty-five cards of fine Univalves, /ome of them rare, among which are Murex - 5b RT 'rana, Helix haliotoidea, Buccinum hemaftoma, Z. maculofum, tenerum, —— oP ae infignitum, and Voluta czlata, & &c. A curigus variety of Mytilus. hirundo, Z. or great Swallow-thell, from Chiza,. wery rare | A moft rare and curious variety of Murex Colus, £. white, with large kaobs, an oriental foell, Martyr, Vol. NV. jig. 1343. The upper valve of a very rare and. curious variety of Spondylus Gederopus,. ZL. of the colour of the brighteft polifhed red Coral, fuppofed from Guinea: A pair of curious bidentated, and two oiher undeferibed terreftrial Helices,. very rare A very uncommon variety of Echinus efeulentus, Z. having great part of its. curious fearlet and white fpines on, from the Haffelndies A fine Arca tortuofa, L. or twifted Ark, from China——wvery rare: Twenty fine Univalves of different genera, among which are Conus protheus;,’ catenatus, (a@ variety of protheus);; Buccinum cithara, S$. Harpa, pomum ;, Bulla lignaria, two varieties of Murex anus, two young of Strombus chira- gra, L. &c. A very large and fine foffil Madrepora Ficus, or Fig Coral, the pores-filled with: flint, from a chalk-pit in Buckinghampbire—very fcarce A very fine fpecimen of Pholas coftatus, L. or tiled Pholas, from South- Carolina; very rare A very fine fpecimen of Echinus lacunofus of Pennant, with its [pines complete,. from Svheveningen, inclofed in a {mall glafs cafe A very beautiful variety of Murex Saxatilis, Z. or Endive Shell, white, with Regenfus. tab. 1. fig. 6. A very large and fine Conus obefus, 8. or purple brindled Cone, extremely fcarce,. from Madagafcar ; A moft beautiful variety of Mytilus pictus,-5. ex painted Mufele, bright green,, waved with brown, from the Mediterranean—rare. Knorr. 1V. tab. 5. figs > Two curious fpecimens of a rare fpecies of Cancer,. male and female, fappofed. from the Eaft- Indies A large fpecimen of Gorgonia pretiofa,.or red Coral,, poli/bed: The fpotted crinkled Crane, a very fearce variety of Murex Colus, Z. from the Cape of Good Hopc—not figured: black fpines, from China—rare. colour, with white ramified fpines, from Chiza—very rare A very fine fpecimen of Mytilus ungulatus, Z. or fmooth.greem Mufele, from: New Holland—very rare Curious SPARS, CRYSTALS, ORES,. SALTS, &. A fpecimen of cryftallized Allum, Bruth Iron Ore with Spars from the Foret of Dean, and a fpecimen. of Antimony from Cornwall. A very curious plated Manganefe,, from Bije—rare 3466 Blue = Sa Fe 2. 16 - 2s. 1 MO Mp pas SG = nN — uo - A very large and curious variety of Spondylus Gaderopus, L.. of a purple 17 7 & Shy a e arntfo? SE 9. 6 6 ( (“2elernrfo7. ° 3466 Se ae, ( or gaia 2 - VizHir~' 3468 P “~~ ae | BH C Mtanfvatty 3477 Hethliy Exg pint Li atl le~ 3479 (159 ) Sad pr? ol. i Blue Feldfpath with white Quartz, and Mica argentea, rare, from hla A f,ecimen of Lead Ore of a blue colour, and a fine green cryftallized Copyer Ore, doth rare _— A curious fpecimen of arborefeent native Silver in Terra ponderofa, from Saxony A fine fpecimen of the true Rind of Ambergrife, extremely fcarce, weight near tive ae © ounces Averdupoi/se A fine fpceimen of Avanturine Stone, extremely rare “ee A large thick and fhort double-pointed Cryftal, internally filled with fingularly fhaped cavities, from Huxgary—rare = A curious and ponderous fpecimen of white plated Cauk of a glovofe figure, with Zinc Ore intermixed, rare A fine fpecimen of cryftallized Lead Ore, rich in Silver, finely coloured, with -Cryftals intermixed, from Saxony—rare A beautiful fpecimen. of Opal in the Matrix, from Carinthia, very rare, polifbed An elegant fpecimen of white fpathofe Lead Ore in needles forming centrical figures, from Saxony, very rare, the mine being lof? in-wwater A rich and beautifnl fpecimen of velvety native Cinnabar, with pure vermillion. on the furface, very rare, from a mine long, fince lof, ncar Wolffftein, in the Palatinate A moft elegant fpecimen of arborefcent native Copper of a brilliant colour, intermixed auith a faow-white marrow floney from New Moldova, in Timefvarrer Bannaty —_ on the Frontiers of Turkey, extremely fcarce A very uncommon fpecies of Iron Ore, of a bright fcarlet colour, and very ponderous, called Brick Tron Ore. Ferrum rubricofum, ZL. A fpecimen of Lead Ore, and another of Marcafite,. eniiched with the moft beautiful colours, from Derby/bire—rare ‘ Curious GORGONLE, MADREPORES, ASTERIA, SHELLS, &c. BA 7 AA1in Z. Ly 3480 / 3481 L Zz 3482 Z WL 3.483 2 S Lenfthaty, 3484, VA lA Ofhn 3485 3486 A fine foecimen of Gorgonia exferta, Elks Zooth. tad.1§. fig. 6 with a curious wariety of Aflerias Caput Medufe intanghd in its branches, the country une ~— known A pair of a fearce fpecics of Murex, allied to Erinaceus of Pennant, one with —— three fmooth vermiculi adhering to it, from the Mediterranean A very fine pair of Buccinum tabidum, S. from the £. Lndies—extremely fcarce A variety of Conus Capitaneus, Lifer, 780, with it’s curicus tufted Epidermis ony. and otherivife in the utmoft perfection, from Chixa a aaa A moff curious and rare /pesies of Madrepore, figured by Seba, Vol. II. pl. 112,. No. 31- and called by him Talpa Marina. It is known bere by the name of the Slug, aud is a native of St. Mauritius A fine pair of a variety of Bulla biroftris, LZ. or leffer Weaver's Shuttle, of a pale pink colour, very rare, from China A pair of Wentletraps, from Japan, and a curious undeferibed Buccinum, bore rere 3487 A — — y= ae ee Te. jae / Wa . ca tae icy P ae. ye (i ash fa ; ote oes. 3498 3499 (60 ) ayo found 79. [2 A large and fine violet Solen, from China—extremely frarce, Solen roftratus, & aleniyn Bivalves, No. § The great brindled Club, a very rare and undeferibed hects of Stossel, §. (Strome bus, L..) from Pulo Condore A large and fine f-ecimen of Cancer horridus, Z. Rum. ple g. from the E. Indies wery rare A fine fpecimen of the bafe or root of the Ifis hippuris, L, which is white, and not jointed with the black woody-like part as in the ftem and branches; the pari that was-next the body it was taken from, quite flat. J¢ is not figured by any author, and is extremely rare A large and fine fpecimen of Conus fufcatus, 9. or baftard Imperial Crown, from China, very rare——Martya, Vol. 11. fig. 693 A fine fpecimen of a rare terreftrial Helix, allied to Ungulina, Z. from the E. Lidies Part of a very large’-Chama Gigas, 2. with a curious fpecies of Serpula, na-- turally affixed to it, from China, and is the very Jpecimen figured in Humphrey's Conch. pl. 14. No. 1g. ’ A fine fpecimen of Cardium peétinatum, Z. or pink two-ways-ftriated Cockle, from Guinea, very rare—Liff. 514. 150 A very perfect fpecimen of Buccinum coronarium, &. or great waved-lip Buc- cinum, from New Zealand, extremely fcarce—Martyn, Fol. IL. fig. Avery curious fpecimen of Tubularia Acetabulum, from the Mediterranean, ' and avery perfect Madrepora Ananas, L. doth very beautiful and rare A very fine and perfect fpecimen of Conus nobilis, Z. or yellow Tiger, from China—very rare A very fine clutter of Tubularia Acetabulum, on their native rock, from the Mediterranean, and a perfect fpecimen of Madrepora Ananas, L. both very beautiful and rare A very fine Solen Legumen, £. extremely rare, particularly on the Britifh Coaft A very fine Conus Ammiralis, Z. or Bah Admiral, with nine bands, from Am boyna—rare 3) W, 7GMmD yf rid y Enp of th Tuirty-seconp Day’s Save. AR THIRIY= O- hat Gk wee (7 ~ (i= pate 7s Chad, hee Ses ie Fey Pane ANG. fe ee “Toirty-Tuirp Day’s Sate, WEDNESDAY tue 31ff or MAY, 1786, SHELLS, CORALS, ASTERIA, PETRIFACTIONS, &e. m! for Geel 35,00 [poral 3501 ae is [fer 3502 ‘ Cd, . 5504 A Ftd raflery’ 3596 ahi Oia W, F507 LL. 3508 OT Ma aaa hs D3 ee 3510 Xx } ot 1 LamaGgY, ial nee ogi J larrf ot, 9513 HIRTY-FIVE cards of Univalves, of various genera, among which are Buccinum perdix, Cypraa lynx,. Vitellus, Conus textile, Voluta mufica, L. two Turbo fmaragdus, from New Zealand, &c. Twenty-eight cards, containing a great varicty of Bivalves, confifting chiefly of — __ y-e1g gag y & yOu Oftrex petines, and Arce, many of them labelled Twenty-three fine fpecimens of Patella, among which are Ungarica, equeltrie, two varieties of Crepidula, Z, &c. Nine fine Univalves, viz. a pair of Voluta mufica, two Cypraa exanthema, Turbo rugofus, Z. two Cypraa pantherina,, and a pair of Buccinum teftudo, § A neat {mall pair of Buccinum cornutum, ZL. in a young ftate, from China Madrepora ramea, from.the Mediterranean, & Muricata, and a large fpecimen of Millepora polymorpha, LZ. from the VW’, Indies A large and fine Cancer ar€tus, L. or Bear’s-ear Crab, very rarem-Brown’s Fa- maica, tab. 41. fig. & Fourteen cards of {mall Bivalves,.of the Oftrea, Donax, and Venus genera, amon which are Donax denticulata, Venus tigrina, Z, Amathea, Decora, 8. &c. Six large and fine Bivalves, viz. a fcarce variety of Venus meretiix, maculata, literata, Z.. nimbofa, and Matra mitis, §. Twelve Univalves of different genera, among which are Murex rana, Z, Voluta butyracea, four other fearce Murices, a Trochus, a Nerita, &c. Six fine Cones, viz. a fcarce variety of Capitaneus, L. a pair of NoGurnus, fal- gens, and two of Ornatus, S§. ‘Two fpecimens of Serpula pholadea in a foffil Rate, from France—undeferibed ana wery. rare Two rare and curious fpecies of Cardium, viz, Hemicardiam, L. & Inpreffum, S. A fine clufter of Tubularia acetabalum on their native rock, and a fine Madre- pora favofa, L.—dcrh rare A very fine Solen violaceus, 8. from China—extremely rare Two flat valves of Englith Oitrea edulis, L. each having a large pearl affixed to its a piece of a large Mytilus Margaritifera, L. qwhich being /plit a detached pearl was difcovered within; and part of a frefh-water Mytilus of Chia, ewith e pear? Saficned to it—all curious and rare 216 A Sey oe e tae a LA € An : 2 y J ‘ lard ¢ tl aa e rm 4 pAm 1, aed ten c ae i Fa Ce wy C+ hor~ LM— op ~ {ttn _n— (37) (3 rile? iy A very curious and rare fpieces of Buccinum in a fofiil fate, having four high 1. @ harp ridges, from Maryland, wery rare—Liffer, 1059. 2 A very large and fine Cardium robaftum, 5. or great American Cockle, from Je 3 - Florida—rare Nine fine Oftrea Pe&iines, viz. Marmerata, faréta, carinata, S. Pleuronectes, maxie _ “/ ~ ma, and varia, L. &c. Thirty-three cards, coataining a great variety of {mall {pecies of Strombus, many / pie of them labelled A very curious and undeferibed f{pecies of Afterias, haviag nine rays, about ten So inches diameter, very rare Thirty cards, containing a great variety of {mall fpecies of Conus, al of them (P- labelled Two fine fpecinrens of Conus nobilis, from the Mediterranean, and a ftone, with wb various {mall fpecimens of Mytilus edulis, L. in their native fituations on it Twenty-eight cards, containing various fmall {pecies of Bulla, mo/? of them labelled ‘sie A large and fine fpecimen of Madrepora cinerafcens, Ellis Zooph. tab. 43. from Zo the £. Indies—rare CARATS OS EX OC CMP NaS Err: Twenty beautiful fpecimens of Lepidoptere, among which are Pap. Hecabe, Z Antiochus, Z. Palarga, Fad. Phal. Lunus, Z. and others, from Africa, Cae —— Se yenne, China, &C. Two curious and rare Myrmeleones from Africa, and one from the Eaf Indies -__§- = —s§» § ~- Sixteen beautiful Infeéts of the Lepidoptera kind, of of them rare A curious Sphinx from Africa, perhaps a variety of Drury, vol. I. pl. 28. fig. 4 another, id:d, vol. II. pl. 25. fig. 1. alfo from Africa, and one more of the fame genus, all rare ne aE A very fine pair of Phalena cecropia, L. male and female, from New York—rare 5 —L Six curious fpecimens of Cerambyx, viz. a pair of Farinofus, from China, one Drury, vol. I. pl. 31. fig. 5. one from Grenada, and two from Africa—all rare a g 3 Six curious fpecies of Hymenoptera, viz. two of Apis Violacea, L. three from L Africa, and another, all rare <. Ze 66, ———— Fifteen rare {pecimens of Dipterz, chiefly from Jfiica, viz. four Tabani, a Coe nops, feveral Afili, &c. Forty-eight beautiful fmall Phalenz, moft of them from N. America, and rare Six very rare fpecies of Scarabzi, viz. Fafcicularis, ftitticus, chryfis, hirtellus, Z. and two more ——- ——_ Six curious and uncommon fpecies of Cerambyx, from South America A very rare fpecies of Gryllus Six curious Sphinges, a// rare i _ Eleven beautiful Papiliones, viz. two of Apollo, four varieties of Medon, L. (/> — Doreus, Fad. one from Africa, two from the E. Indies, &c. 3539 A ; Cars friar Zen 19. 6 _ Bert yor 2 Gas (9. e es ST { 163 ) Ua iy) “4 3539 A very fine pair of Papilio Menelaus, L. from Surinam—vare Rah (eae A nie WX gegoimiwo fine fpecimens of Curculio Imperialis, or Diamond Beetle, from the Brazsls, Paits ae eel very rare~=—Drury, vol. I. pl. 1. Ase pe 3541: A patt of Phalecnalnperiahs, gals and female, from New-York, in the utmoft perfec iis AE ? - tion—The male of this fpecies is figured by Drury, vol. 1. pl. g. fig. 1.2. The KD female is larger and more beautiful ; j J Cotta, 3342 Twocurious and beautiful varieties of Buprettis fafcicularis, L. or tufted Beetle, : ie E from the Cape of Good Hope—rare £ J Aa veefpilinen, 3343 Seven uncommon Infects of the Hymenoptera clafs, including two of Apis Brae 2. iy L- filianorum, L. two Sirices, &c. fAeate— 3544 A very large and rare fpecies of Gryllus, of a green colour, with leaf-like upper a. ee =~ wings J eer cbb.3545 Two green and purple Bupreftis, and a green Infe& of the fame genus, from the = v_ Braxils i a 3546 Phalena Strix, L.—extremely fearce ae Pe tae 6. MADREPORES, SHELLS, PETRIFACTIONS, & Ahern fils 3547 A fine {pecimen of Madrepora Porites, L. very rare—Ellis Zooph, tab. 47. figs b. 4 fo - / (eett4e4+ 3548 Avery large and fine Cancer Homarus, L. from Weymouth (we - 3549 A fine fpecimen of Argonauta Argo, L. from the Mediterranean—remarkable for two fraaures it had received, which have been curioufly repaired by the animal erat Plath 355° A large and very perfect {pecimen of a fearce variety of Echinus efculentus, L. on from the £. Indies _— MY Ply 3551 Alarge and fine Mytilus illitus, S.a non-defcript frefo-water Shell, fappofed to be a- . 7 6 - Dee native of China, extremely {carce A : then 3552 Avery curious variety of Afterias ciliaris, Z. with long fpines, from the Coa/? of Pati ah 7 Guinea, and a beautiful {potted variety of the Lizard’s-tail Star-fith, fuppofed from the £. Indies—both rare Ot 3553 Two fpecimens of a very uncommon fpecies of terreftrial Snail, nearly allied te i) betas Helix Ovipara, Lif, 1055. 1. the country unknown AC Vise, 3554 A very curious and large fpecimen of Trochus onuftus, or the Carrier, loaded (. we with Corals, Stones, and Shells, from Guadaloup—very rare Ses 3555 Acurious fpecies of Madrepora, figured by Seba, vol. III. pl. 112. fig. 18. with a /2. funnel-fhaped fponge adhering to the edge of it, from Madagafar, anda = ——— « Monk’s-Cowl fponge with a branched fponge adhering, alfo affixed toa Ma- y drepore - a ect 3556 Avery curious variety of Oftrea Malleus, Z. or the mottled Hound’s-ear Oyfter, Ue Ee from China—rare Ae Priay re 3957 A beaatiful fpecimen of a {carlet and white variety of Spondylus Gederopus, L. /t fad A having long fpines and furbelows, naturally affixed to a MadreporaVirginea, L, - Lay. 3558 A moft beautiful large fpecimen of Conus obefus, §. or purple-brindled Cone, #7 7 a. é the utmoft perfection, from Madaga/car—very rare . * x 3559 A , AA y v Lewy VALLSB We ie: Y i p ‘ i ( 36%) Sok fwd 49. 5. A very large aitd fine Turbo fingularis, a new and undeferibed fpecies from New Liaw Jand, remarkable for the fingular fhape of it’s. Operculam,. which accompanies this, bis yy) ? Specimen 9 p 3560 ‘Two very curious and rare {pecies of unperforated Haliotides, from: Chizax ~—— 3561 A very fine fpecimen of Bulla Zonata, $.—Borm muyf. cas, tab. 9. figs Ve = ————— 6. 3562 Three very curious and uncommon fpecimens of Murex, unde/cribed and extremely: y fearce : (ikaiags i 3563. A large and very curious tuberculated fpecimen.of.Madrepora Meandrites, ZL. or Brain-flone Coral, from the W. Indies fh seer 3564 A fpecimen of Cypraa ftercoraria, with 2 of Balanus-ovalis, S. affixed toit, which Bethe, Being glazed over as the reft of the outer Jurface of the Cowry, foews in a curious mars ner the: progres of nature in the formation of the foell 3565 A-large and fine fpecimen of the. white Duck’s-bill Patella; from. Nea Hollandy. / "s ie wery rare—Humph. Conch. pl. v1. fig. 5; CURIOUS SPARS, CRVSTALS, GRES;, St.- 3566 Black Copper Ore, with green efflorefcence, from A//ace, and a curious fpecimems fs of foreign white Talc mr 3567 A Phacolithus and a Zeolites from Sky; bliftered Copper Ore, Cornwall; Tow °°” 3 oi pazine Cryftals, Saxony; cryftallized Allum, from the Works at Tolfg, near Cis- et wita Vecchia; and four more 2568 |, P (coma $58 bee ower adc tented braded Trochus, from New Zealand—fine —— p. 47. nae A very rare {pecies of Echinus, figured by Seba, Vol. IIL. pl. 10. fig. 23.4. bo —-——— — o ee ic Aujs ee, c<_3590 Anextremely fcarce fpecies of Murex, allied to Trapezium, L. but diftind Pbuegpinsty 3591 A very fine {pecimen of Pinna-ferrata, S. very rare—inclofed in a gla/s cafe 3592 A large and fine fpecimen of a fcarce variety of Murex Saxatilis, L. from Guinea, } Regenfus, tab. 9. fig. 26. _ 7 ——* Oust Ae _ 3593 A fine purple and white variety of Spondylus Gaderopus, Z. with long Spines, rare ——_-__—- (D Mord er 3594 Avery fine fpecimen of Voluta Nobilis, 8. from China, extremely {carce ae ca eee G nies 3595 A largeand fine fpecimen of Chama oblonga, L. from Pulo Condore—very rare ——-. fs I~ 6 Hererr/ ti 3596 A fmall /pecimen of a-terreftrial Snail, avariety of Helix Ampullacea, L. having it’s ys. Operculum, and-a card, containing three Eggs of this /pecies, and fix young Shells,as)| ——.____. ~ (a taken out of the Egg, very curious and rare, from the E. Indies (i lu 7 a0-<,3597 A pair of exceedIng fine f{pecimens of Helix perverfa, L. of a yellow colour, tas oe clouded with green, from Pulo Condore He Vite. 3598 A fine {pecimen of the white mise of the fkeleton fhell, Murex fcorpio, L.Va- be 6 £ ae lentyn, No. 36 “ ; a . —many labelled Eleven fine Englith Bivalves, viz. Solen Siliqua, Mya Margaritifera; Maétra, > /. lutraria, Z. Oblonga, Hians,. S. Venus iflandica, Cardium aculeatum, Echi- natum, Oftrea opercularis, Z, Carinata, 5. and a Pinna fragilis of Pennant , JE 3: Fort-one cards, containing agreat variety of fimall Buccina, labelled = =©£=——~ ‘ Twenty fine {pecimens of Univalves of different genera, /ome of hem rare, among which are Conus confpicuus, S, Spectrum, literatus, Buccinum echino- = phorum, Z. Granofum, S$. Turbo petholatus, Deiphinus, L. &c. Seven curious fpecimens of Solens, viz. a fma!l one of Roftratus, /alentyn Bivalves, No. 5, Dealbatus, §. a {mall ditto from Tranguebar, a f{carce variety of Stri- gilatus from China, Vagina, L. Pellucidus, Penxzant, and 2 {mall purple-rayed = fem ones A very large and fine Cancer Uca, LZ. or H. Crab, from famaica, very rare oe in a glafs cafe Two curious {pecies of'Gorgonia, viz. a yellow. varicty of Umbraculum, Eu/s Looph,. tab. tO. from the E. Indies, Pectinata, L. on it’s native Rock (an Iron Ore), from Florida; and a fine fpecimen of Spongia Implexa, an undefcribed =~——— inten Species, from St. Chriflopher’s , use 8 3627 Thirty 3627 Part fo ( 168 ) Thirty cards, containing a great variety of Univalves, chiefly of the Murex” genus, Hie of them rare Curious 8 E P TAR 14, SPARS, ORES, &e. A very perfect Septarium, with yellow {parry Septa, the interftices filled with a hard Clay, from. Weymouth, and a fection of another from Sheepy land A petrified Nofegay, from Carl/lad, in Bohemia; two other fparry Incrufta- tions on Vegetables, and a laminated Free-{tone Spar, from Portland Cobalt, with red efflorefcence, from the Old Silver Mine at. Alva; mative Cin- Zinnopel, from Ditto; two Iron Ores, from Elbes two curious Spars, frem the Hartz, and two more nabar, from Hungary ; Twenty cards, containing a great variety of Foflils, among which are Garnets from Aberdeenfhire, complete Cryftals from Derby/bire, Amianthus from Pied- mont, &Co lo. fp me ~ 9.4 wt ar 4 [2 ———— 2p be Radiated green Shirl, Saxony, and a fine black Shirl with quartz, from Zyrol ee A curious white foliated Spar, formed on both fides of a thin mafs of Pyrites, from the Hartz—rare A moft elegant {pecimen of cryftallized Copper Ore, of adeep. blue colour, the furface, which is globofe, is curioufly figured, and coated with a leautiful green Malachitcs,. very rare, the country unknown A very curious fpecimen of cryftallized Mifpickel, formed in long Prifms, with white Cryftals, from Freyberg, in Saxony A large and fine fpecimen of ftalactitical Manganefe, intermixed with Iron Ore, the furface beautifully gilded with Pyrites, very rare, from Sayz A fmall but elegant group of needle Spars, an Iron Ore, from Dhuringia—very rare A fine fpecimen of Manganefe, coy ttablined a in Lleida. with white Cryftals, intermixed, from Elbe ; A rich fpecimen of grey Copper Ore, partly cayernous;. the-hollews lined with cryftallized Copper Ore of an azure colour, very beautiful, from Thuringia rare A curious Amaigama of Silver, with Quickfilver, in a fingular form, Gedien the Works in Peru, very rare A large irregularly-foaped Cryftal, with rich black Tin Grains, and cryftallized Mice in relievo on the furface, and partly imbedded in very-curious and rare, from Bohemia A rich and beautiful /pecimen of arborefcent native Silver in Terra Ponderofa, from Freyberg, in Saxony—rare ; , A curioifly formed fpecimen of flalacitical Mangane/e, from Sayne=very rare A large and rich fpecimen of native Silver, in quartz, from Peru—very rare A {mall group of clear rock Cryftals, with curious internal appearances, from Madaga/car—very rare i ee " we a ~ sg ~/ / Seed o faery bo >, 7646" 3647 3648 3549" 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654- 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660. 3661 3662 3663. 3664 169 ) A moft elegant and beautiful frow-white pathofe Lead Ove, formed in fpicule, placey in all Direétions; one fide of it frofted with azure Cryftals ef Copper, from the Hartz. Such curious fpecimens are extremely rare, as the Mine is loft. we 7] Cryftallized native Gold,-on a group of quartz Cryftals, wery curious and rarey ——__ from Hungary A beautiful fpecimen of Emeralds of a fine colour, formed in eight-fided Cryftals, in their native bed of white Spar, extremely curious and rare—from Peru SHELLS, CORALS, ASTERIE &.. Affine Afterias Caput Medufe, intangled in the branches ofa pores from Sicily Thirty-five cards, containing a gréat variety of Univalves of the Buccinum and Murex genera, of? of them labelled: Eighteen cards, including various fpecies of Nerita, Helix, and Turbo, among which are Nerita polita, canrena, Helix haliotoidea, L. &c. Twelvecards, containing various {pecies of Oftre Pectines, among which are Maxima, varia, fanguinea, L. Diftorta, S. &c. Avery fine fpecimen of Nautilus fcrobiculatus, 8. or great umbilicated Nauti- lus, from New Guinea—very rare A’curious variety: of‘ Madrepora Muricata, Z. and an undefcribed branched Madrepora, both from the £. Judies, and rare Two very fine fpecimens of 8trombus truncatus, /hewing the different flages of growth, from China, very rare—D? Avila, Vol. 1. pl.-12 and 14 Twenty cards, including agreat variety of Foflil Shells, Afterie, &c. among which are feveral Cones, ‘Turbos, Anomiz, Dentalia, Trochi, &e. A-very fine and large fpecimen of ‘the black variety of Oftrea Malleus, LZ. or’ Hammer Oyfter, having very long arms, from Pulo Condore Alarge and fine fpecimen of the Cocoa-nut land Snail, from the W. Jndies, very rave— Lifters 125+ 25° A large and very fine Trochus onuftus, or Carrier Shell, loaded- with ftones, wery curious and rare, from Guadalupe Two large and fine Gorgonia, one red, the other yeHow, with ‘curious adhe- fions of Shells, -Ova of Fithes, &c. from Sicily Avvariety of curtous frefh-water shells in a foflil ftate, imbedded in a calcareous ftone, from the Le of Wight—rare The crinkled-fpotted Crane, - from the Cape of Good Hope, and a pair of another fcarce variety of Murex Colus, L. A fine fpecimen of Madrepora Damecornis, Z. and another of Madr. digitata, undeferibed A very fine fpecimen of the long-beaked Spider Crab, from Jamaica, very rare; inclofed in abow with a glafs top ft Curtove JO Se Gdoh force? 28> fli ~— —~ fe + aos ==" yp ry - aesiatain ( ajo ) ti ch es ran 37. 4 — Pe eee Curious BRITISH ann EXOTIC INSECTS. 1p % 4 ct a: 7 3665 A pair of cutious'‘Spiders cnclofed in a glafs.ca/e, and a very fingular neft or cell ; of a large Spider, having adoor to it. Brown's Jamaica, tab. 44. figs 3. ds ——— fh. in a like cafe, all trom Jamaica, and rare Z 3666 ‘Three very curious and rare fpecies of Cimex, from Cayenne i Pn, Prac coher iy a 3667 Two large and fine Phalena, from Africa, undefcribed and wery rare. oan 3068 A large and fine Mantis, in the larva ftate, from Jamaica, Drury, Vol. 1. tabe eae ae $0. fiz. 3. ia aglafs.café Oks 3669 Eight beautiful Papiliones, viz. a pair of Niavius, two of Orion, anda pairof | q ; Dane, Fabr.—eall labelled ae Pe =e ay BSS prt /DPO 36;0 Twoof Nireus, Anchifes, a pair of Jafion Charithonia, Z. and two other fine Papiliones fey , i tw 0 crt 36971 Eighteen beautiful Lepidoptera, mo? of them rare, from N. America ___-__-— Y/ ~ Tor tenntitton 3672 Phalena Luna, L. from New-York, in the greateft perfection, very rare “5% om 3673, Twenty-two curious and rare Phalenz, fom N. America, extremely beautiful 7 dg 7 ota sarterlys 3674 Avery curious variety of Mantis Gongylodes, L. from Madras—rare wt sal oe Frau ater 3675 A fine /pecimen of Scarabeus Acteon, L. fromthe Brazils—very fcarce ry «6° Hiwiviersy f, 3676 A very fine Scarabeus Gigas, L,—extremely rare f - a. Aq 3677 Sphex bidens, Z. and two other curious Infects of the fame genus, one of them 2, from Africa—all rare E ; 1A 3678 z. 6b Ten curious and rare fpecimens of Hymenopterz et a Te CW % oye Pye 367g Afpecimen of a very large and rare fpecies of Mantis, early allied to that figure____ 4 } a 5. in Drury, Vol. Il. pl. 50 Y, Crrerflrrey, 3680 Various fpecies of fmall Englith Phalzenz, mof? of them rare, aud among them fome ——— a if yf new /pecies ° Zs 3681 _g?. o other allied to Madrepora fungites, Z. but has a fmooth convex bottom ae ae 3717 A very fine fpecimen of Patella Unguis, Z, (Mytilus, 5.) from Amboyna, oe Sir vare—Humph. Conch, pl. Il. fig. 2. Pet. Gaz. 32. 9e Ly 3718 Two very beautiful varieties of a fcarce Terreftrial Helix, from the WH Tate, Bee J Russ 22. 160 fluntyys 3719, A very fine pair of Helix Gualtierana, L. an extremely rare Fpecies of Land Shail,« 7) Yao 7) the country unknown. Gaalt. 68. E.. a Qe ae 3720 Avery fine pair of Nerita Corona, L. with very long spines, one of them having: ie er it’s Operculum, from the Ganges, extremely fearce — 372t A large and fine fpecimen of Bulla Phyfis, Z. var. a. S: from Plo Condore, exs — /« $7 om tremely fcarcemMartyn, Vol. 1. figs 11. f. (> adh 9722 A very fine /pecimen of Murex Spondylium, a new and undefcribed fpecies, the / - 7 country unknown—~extremely rare. si © ota le torlng eee Enp of the TuirtTy-rourtH Day’s SALE, SOR Tuirtve nA a A ET el Sc eA nemmeneE In marimeemeamemn Tuirty-FirTH Day’s Sarr, FRIDAY tHe 2d or JUNE, 1486, SHELLS, CORALS, RETRIFACTIONS, &e: ef fret pe .WENTY FIVE Univalves of different genera, among which are Bucci- -num hemaftoma, Z. morbofum, S§. Conus tulipa, a fcarce variety of Ca- pitaneus, L. Clavus, Monile, or baftard Flambeaux, S. &c. S, 3724. Eighteen cards of needle Buccina, including Dimidiatum, duplicatum, hecti- -cum,:Z. Rhinoceros, luridum, punctatum, gazella, S, &c. 1G 3725 Fifteen fine:Univalves, among which are Buccinum Pandura, crifpatuin, macu- Y -- lofum, var b. §. Bulla lignaria, Murex Babylonius, Z.Conus teniatus, S. &c. 3726 A large and fine fpecimen of the great thorny Woodcock, (a variety of Murex angry -tribulus L.) with the beak accidentally curved. Martyn, vol. III. 1052 at 3727 Thirty-two cards, containing a great variety of Univalves, chiefly of the Murex and Buccinum genera, mof? of them labelled 3728 The upper valve of an Oftrea corufea, with a clufter of large Balanus tintinna- bulum,.S. naturally affixed to it, from dzamaboa, on the Coaft of Guinea 3729 Onewalve of a large Mytilus Margaritifera, Z. with a clufter of cight fine large Pearls natvrally formed within it, from China—wery curious and rare —— 3730 A-very fine fpecimen of Madrepora foliofa, Ellis Zooph. tab. 52. from the Eaf ee ee zr fe y Lidies—very rare ier A. 3731 Two very fine fpecies of Strembus, each very large of their kind, viz. Lentigi- nofus, from China, and the purple-mouthed variety of Pugilis, Z. from a Florida—both rare in A4ct hy 3732 Thirteen pair of beautiful fhells of the Nerita genus, among which are feveral : varieties of Canrena, polita, chameleon, pelorenta, L. &c. fome of them rare pf, Viidey, 3733 A large and fine fpecimen of Madrepora Undata, Ellis Zooph. pl. 40. very rare, from the We/?- Indies i Ss 3734 A large and.very perfect fpecimen of Argonauta nodofa, S. or tuberculated © paper Nautilus, from the Gape of Good Hope, very rare, Rum. 18. 16 ur of large and fine fpecimens of Conus literatus, L. from China, remarka- VY 8 tiga SKE, ms OU wrt A 2199 lc for their red ground—rare az 3736 Fours | ceed JTL LO Sis _t_¢+—.. a a (AE — Be ee = a Sie a Ae ee ey: ( 74 ) Jidpoes hip, oe Z Fourteen cards, containing various fpecies of Pholas, fome ef them rare, among, 2 which are Coftatus, candidus, crifpatus, Z. Crenulatus, hians, papyraceus, S. &c. Twenty. cards, including various fpecies of Bulla, /ome of them very rare, among. which are Citrina, Hydatis, Ampluttre, (broke) Ampulla, Secale, Nucleus, Se &C.. sob Two fpecimens of a curious variety of Murex Tulipa, L, from Florida—very D> rare A fine dark purple variety of Oftrea Pallium, Z. or Royal Mantle Peéten, anda ye b fine fpecimen of Cardium Hyftrix, 8, e Five fearce varicties of Voluta Oliva, LZ. all from China, and Voluta Pinguis,. ! S. or Quaker Olive, from the Brazils—rare Two curious varieties of Oftrea purpurea, S. from Nec Holland, and an odd valve of the fame fpecies, from China, usry rare—Born. muf. ces. pl ©. fige, —— Ils 126 Two fine fpecimens of a fearce fpecies of Murex, from the Straits of Magellan, one with it’s curious pileated Epidermis on, D' Avila, vol. 1. pl. 7. fig. 2. Two curious and rare fpecies of Gorgania, unxdeferibed, one of them from St. Kites - : A very fine and large fpecimen of Placuna Ephippium, 5S, (Anomia, Z.) or the . ni Saddle Shell, wery rare, from China A very fine variety-of Helix Ovipara, Lifter, tab. 23. having a white margin to the mouth, with three of it’s Eggs, and a young fhell as taken out of the Ege, = / - ae from St. Fincent’s—cxtremely curious and very rare A pair of a fine yellow variety of Buccinum Neptuni, 8. or Weff India Trums = —_ 43 ~ pet Shell, rare The body, with the rays folded up, of a curtous and. rare fpecies of Encrinus, defcribed by Rofinus, and figured in Ellis’s Corall. pl. 37. fig. K. with great part Phir of it’s ftem, imbedded in a calcareous ftone, replete with marine bodies of this and other kinds Av-very perfect fpecimen of Argonauta hians, S. a fearce variety of the brown paper Nautilus, from China, very rare—Rum. 18. B. Two fine fpecimens of Conus, viz. Aulicus, Z. and another rare fpecies, wude- dfcribed A very curious Bivalve, having the outer habit ofa Mya, filled with Flint, /5— found in a Chalk-pitin Kent, the only one known. A fine fpecimen of Voluta virefcens, §. or brindled Mafic, from Guinea, very Pen rare—Martin, Vol. II. fig. 932. 933. Two rare fpecies of Tellina, viz. Gari, Z: and Dentex, S: both from Chiza a ( A very large and fine fpecimen of Mille, ora fafcialis, L. from Weymouth ens cD. Eleven cards, containing various fpecies of Helix and Turbo, among which are Turbo Uva, fafciatus, Pennant, a varitey of Helix Amarula, Z. and others from —) N. America, &C. rare i ies (ans —_——_—— _ eee 3755 A. ie cae i ————— Jirr? 3756 Herma brag, 3757 Os 3758 fs) f ec 3759 é 3760 G edt A 3761 4? Ct : 3762. (ord 3763 OE a 5785 Cegh 3766 Cub 767 Hlarwnjitety 5 3768 P Fircty t_3789 Cian 3770 ie 3772 . Avery fine Bulla Zonata, from China, extremely rare, inclofed in a fmall glafs cafe, Jb of fre yy gol ‘abe . (175) A very rare-and fingular fpecies of Echinus, allied to Lacunofus, Z. but diftin&, the. country unknown A pair of extremely large and fine Turbo Petholatus, L. or ribband Shells, from 2. b China—rare u Three curious and: very rare Foffi! Anomia, viz. Roftrata, from France, Acule- - ata, found near Bath, and decemfulcata, foreign —Rorn. muf. ces. tab. 9. fig. Vs A very fine and curious varicty of Venus Dyfera, Z, from China,—extremely fcarce —— L. 73 - A motft beautiful pair of Cypraa argus, Z. from Amboyna—rare i see ee ers) 5 fF A large and fine fpecimen of Venus nimbofa, 5. from Florida, very rare—Fa- ae vanne, pl. 49. fig. It Six cards containing various fpecies of Strombus, Murex, and Turbo, among D- Z which are Strombus lividus, a variety of Paluftris, L. Rum. 30. T. &c. oe ecmeerai ae Gorgonia umbraculum,. Ellis Zooph. tad. to. and another of the fame genus, on ee ae their native rock, both rare, and two other Gorgonie. F Two fine fpecimens of Mya Ponderota, §. found in the Chinefe rivers, very PME see JSearce A pair of Voluta Auris Juda, L. another of Flammea, §. and three very curls ous undefcribed Helices, all very rare A fine fpecimen of Chama Lazarus, Z. white, fpotted with a rofe colour, from Pgs China—very rare Three rare and curious fpecies of Murex, viz. Babylonius,. Z. and two others ey of the fame divifion A neat fmall fpecimen of the black variety of Oftrea malleus, Z. with a Cockf- Rae 4 : 6 comb Oytfter adhering, from China - A pair of a fearce variety of Murex brandaris, Z. from the Mediterranean, and 2 ; Veg Ses very fearce Murex from China. AMTANTEHR SPARS, FLOORS) ORES, St mn 26 A large and fine fpecimen of white Afbeftus, from Loch Furn, in Scotland A fingular cryftallized Fluor, and a curious blue Slag, from the Hartz; a large piece of Bitumen Judaicum, from £eypfr, and a curious fpecimen of yellow Ochre of Bifmuth, from Saxony—very rare A group of Cryftals, from Cornwall; ditto, covered with Iron Ore; a polifved oS sse?em Spar, Derbyfbire, and an Iron Ore, frofted with minute Cryitals, Porc? of Dean A capital {fpecimen of white Amianthus, with fome green, and two new fpecies Cf. b of cryftallized Shirl, on a rock Stone, from France, very rare eens A fine fpecimen of Cork Iron Ore, with Cryftals on the furface, from Steur- curious rhombic Fluor with Marcafites from ran/jlvania— een Flips mark, and a both very rare /A3h35 Opal: od yo Patel 3795 3796 (176 ) is eee Opal in the Matrix from Carinthia, a curious Iron Ore, Sayns another Finely coloured from Steurmark, and a cryftallized vitriolic Rock Salt, from Hungary A group of curious flat cight-fided Spars, from the Hartz, and a fpecimen of coloured Wolffram, with Micz from Bohemia—both rare A large polithed flab of Agate with Cryftal, very rich in native Silver, wery rare, from Peru Cryttallized grey Silver Ore with white Spars, from ‘Lorraize, red: Silver Ore, Freyberg, and a fpecimen of Gold Ore A fine {fpecimen of a curious and extremely rare.kind of tranfparent Shirl, of a finc emerald colour, from the Cape of Good Hope A mott beautiful fpecimen of cry ftallized uaa Copper Ore, finely soloniily from Thuringia An excceding fine fpecimen of netted Silver Ore,.very rare, from Freyberg, in Saxony A fine fpecimen, of Opal, tich in the moft beautiful colours, in its native bed, from Carinthia, in Upper Germany—extremely fearce A curious fpecimen of black foliated Iron Ore, with fingular double-pointed> ~ Cryflals, twelve-fided Spars, and Terra ponderofa, on a red: Hematites Iron Ore, from Hungarye—rare A la ge and fine naturally polithed Cryftal of Antimony, from a a A fine fpecimen of filamentofe native Gold, on Quartz Cryftals. from Hungary A very curious fpecimen, of Iron Ore,.in a latticed form, from Sayw—rare A large and fine, Oculus Mundi, a ftone of the. opal kind naturally opake, but having the very fingular property of becoming tranfparent .when put inte water, from Carinthiamcxtremely rare ‘A moft curious fpecimen of ramified Iron Ore, extremely rare, from) Hungary Rare GORGONIA, MADREPORES, SHELLS, &e. Voluta Scrofa, S. an undefcribed fpecies of the mufic kind, of which only one other fpecimen is at prefent known A very large and fine fpecimen of Chama oblonga, Z. the.infide of a fine pur ple colour, very rare, from Pulo Condore A very-fine fpecimen, of Trochus attrahans, or oriental Carrier, a curious and very rare undefcribed kind, from Chiza Two large and fine fpecimens of the great brindled Club, ia different fages of growth, from China—wvery rare A very perfect foffil Skeleton of a Fifh, in a yellow flate, cuith the counterpart 5 very curious and rare, from Florence Nine curious and rare fpecies.of Helix, among which are a.fearce variety of Vivipara, from the Z. Indies, a pair of banded Cornu arietis from famaica, - Scarabeus from China, aac L. infignita. Lifer, 67, 68, &c. the laft undeferibed ae A very perfect fpecimen of a curious variety of Echinus fpatagus, extremely rare, the Country unknown A very fine and large red-barked Gorgonia, allied to Setofa, L. from the Mediterranea SY -FZ. 6 ee Pa (6 its Coste ae — (x ub { _ : ; ( are. } AF fr Dy 5, Cuuwyawy: 3797 A fine fpecimen of Murex cochlidium, Z. extremely ftarce, the Country unknown = —————— es ; A L Y “3798 A very fine fpecimen of Oftraa purpurea, S. rich in colour, from’ New Holland, A B h, 6 ane ve b us exceeding frarce. Born. mus. ces. tad. 6. fig 11; 12 b OEE ; 3799 Seventeen cards including a variety of curious and rare Petrifuctions, among y which are two Belemnita fufiformes, a Turbo concameratus, feveral Ammo- 43. 6 Pp nit2, Anomigz, &c; - Breeis Cz, 38c0 A fine purple-ftriped variety of Spondylus Gzederopus, with three {mall Cockf- Pea es comb Oyfters adhering to it, affixed to affcarce variety of Madrepora Dame cornis, L. from China pier? 3801 Afcarce variety of Murex ramofus, and another of Saxatilis, Z. or Endive Shell, At is : both from China-—rare Jharry tli}, 3802. A very fine fpecimen of Helix undata, a carinated umbilicated Land Shell, GG Bese Ve y the Country unknown. Lifer, 76. Favanne, tab. 63. fig. Gag 3803 A pair of Voluta puftula, S. a fmall fpecies, -from'the ¢/-Jndies, one of thém extremely fearce, being reverfe Gy A 38c4° A very curious un-named fpectes-of Muadrepore; figured in Ellis Zooph, — ~ tab. 32+ figs Ie a yA “ee (Aamegihrite, ’ 3805 Avery fcarce varicty of Cardium pectinatum, Z, from the South-Seas, Reorr V. ; ste a 26502" ad 3806 A very fine fpecimen of Conus Vicarius, ZL. a fearce variety of the High Admiral, ZeG having eleven bands, from Amboyna—rere 4 3807 A beautiful orange variety of Spondylus Gederopus, ZL. fromthe W2 Indies ae extremely fcarce Ha 3808 A very curious and uncommon variety of Murex ramofus, Ze Martyn, Vol. II. g fg. 589. Seba Ill. tab.77. No. 1 Ae pa 3809 ‘Two fine fpecimens of Oftrea Folium, ZL. adhering to a piece of wood, wery eee rare. Argenville 19. F.- 7 Tsay thers ns 3810 Two fine {pecimens of the white variety of the Murex Scorpiv, L. ix different ae e a flages of growth, from China, very rare. Valentyn, 36. : — ae 3811 THIRTY= ) ‘LOT Mire 3833 rie 3834 Le. 3535 & 3836 fr 2837 [bt h——— 3338 3839 Ctinuhriey 3840 Mb ip,. 34 ’ J we veh B: @ Lean 3842 Of 3843 "Of 3844 { BG. 3845 On 3846 He 3447 PORE 3848 - % . ‘Tuirty-stxTH Day’s Sater. SATURDAY tue 3d or JUNE, 1786. Currous SHELLS, CORALS, PETRIFACTIONS, &c. N exceeding fine pair of Conus aulicus, Z. or the Brunette, from ey/on, wery rare - Nine cards of rare Bivalves, among which are Cardium Cardifla, Z. erythro- don, S. Venus literata, Z. punétata, S$. a Mactra, and another from Coxo- mandel, a young fpecimen of Cardium Grande, undefcribed, and two more Three very curious and rare fpecies of Cancer, two of them figured in Seba, Vol. Ill. tab. 19, figs 18. and tab. 20, fig. 10. and 11 A very curious fpecies of mammillated Echinus, with fome of its truncated fpines on, the Country unknown—very rare A large and fine fpecimen of Cardium Grande, extremely fcarce, from China A pair of large and fine Voluta Auris Mide, Z. or Midas’s Ear Land Snaii, from Malacca—very rare A capital group of three of Spondylus Gaderopus, a Cockfcomb, and feven -other Ovtters, and eight of a fcarce varicty.of Chama gryphoides, LZ. fome of them adhering to each other, all.on-their native rock, @ very fingular and curious article A fine group of Tubularia Acetabulum, Z. on their-native rock from the Meaiterrancan, and a fkeleton of a Gorgonia, over-run with a Millepora Alcicornis, L. from the W. Zndies—both rare Avery perfeét fpecimen of a tuberculated variety of Afterias Caput Mcdufe, with the arms neatly curled up in form of a bafket, very curious and extremely rare, in a glafs cafe, the Country unknown A very large and fine fpecimen of Argonauta Argo, L. or Paper Nautilus, from the Mediterranean—very rare A very complete fpecimen of a fine purple and orange variety of Spondylus Gederopus, Z. with ramified {pines from China—vrare A. very perfect fpecimen of Conus pulcher, an undeferibed fpecies from the Coaft-of Guinca—cxtremely frarce, Lif, 772 Two rare fpecies of Pinna, viz. rotundata, and faccata, L. A very large and fine Cancer Diogenes, L. from Famaica—/carce SSae a A large and fine Anomia Ephippium, Z. (placuna, 8.) trom China—extremelp Tare A fine fpecimen of Madrepora Anthophyllites. Ellis Zooph, tab. 29. very rare Zz 38 193 A _/. (@ LE i eel nn a =, —— s- ie Lhe pee ce . re “ to e ak Ag? d ctinnr Z a Favb fom = |} ( 180 ) - A pair of very large and fine fpecimens of a curious variety of Bulla achatina, - ZL, with acrimfon mouth, from Guinca—very rare. Liffer, 581, 35. Donax fcortum, Tellina angalata, ZL. rugofa, 8. and another white Tellen from Coromandel Four rare Bivalves, viz. A fine Echinus, with green fpines, from the Mediterranean, aud a neat fmall fpecimen of Echinus Diadema, Z. with part of its fpines, from Grenada— beth rare Two ne and rare fpecies of Maé¢tra, viz. Atrata, a frefh-water fhell, and Vio-~ lacea, S, a marine fhell, both from China A very fine fpecimen of Patella pulchra, Humphrey's Conch. pl. 2. figs another of the cup and faucer Limpet, id:d, pl. 6, fiz. 10; tive of the Cape of Geod Hope, the latt of China A fine mafs of agatized cafts of turret-fhaped and other Univalves Set nas 8; and the firft is a na- wery curious, from Trance : A fpecimen of a rare fpecies of Coral, (Aladrepora afpera, Ellis Zooph. tah. 39.) with two fcarlet and white fpecimens of Spondylus Gederopus, £. pence wery curious, from Martinique A very fine fpecimen of Chama femiorbiculata, ZL. from China—very rare — A fine fpecimen of Serpula retorta, a very rare fpecies, from Ceylon; anda clufler of leffer ditto, from Tranquebar The body part of the Tortuife Encrinus, a new difcovered fpecies, found in the Chalk Pits in Surry—very rare A large and fine fpecimen of Cardium aculeatum, Z. from the Mediterranean = ——_—— A very large and fine fpecimen of the Cockle Limpet, from Falkland’s [land,. extremely [carces A fine fpecimen of a beautiful and very fearce variety of Murex Tulipa, L. from Ilorida, Lifer, 910 An extremcly fcarce frefh-water Bivalve, with a pearl infide, (Mya rugofa,°S.) from China—no more than one other fpecimen known A capital {pecimen of a finely branched variety of Millepora alcicornis, L. 22 inches by 18, very perfect, enriched'with Serpulz, and other adhefions, from Grenada Three curious varieties of Cardium Cardiffa, Z. or Venus’s Heart Cockle, white, pink, and yellow, from China—very rare A pair of a very uncommon fpecies of Helix, of the turrit thape, wudefrided, but figured by Favanne, pl. 70. fi. O Two fine fpecimens of a curious and beautiful variety of Conus undulatus, 8. extremely fearce, Gualt. 25. J. A large and very fine fpecimen of a fearce variety of Venus Dyfera, Z. from China. Falentyn Bivalves, fiz. 2 A pair of very fine Helix T LS RSAR: an undefcribed fpecies of Land Shell, trom China, and another very rare Shell, allied to Bulla achatina, Z. A fine fpecimen of the great thorny Woodcock, an extremely fearce variety of Murex Tribulus, L. from China sbaies. 3370 A Ces — ee Humphrey's Conch, 2. 7+ aay re pore 3379 3871 3372 Bi 7,2 3874 3875 3876 3877 3378 3879 3880 3884 ° 3582 3883 3884 3885 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 (081) ) ae Bict fore? A very fine fpecimen of Mya ponderofa, S. a very rare fichh-water Bivalve, with a pearly infide, from China rie 4 i A remarkable fine and large fpecimen of Millepora Alcicornis, Z. with two | fine Chama gryphoides, a peéten fagrinata, §. Corallina opuntia, ZL. and pees other curious adhefions, from Antigua A pair of extremely fine fpecimens of a fearce variety of Bulla achatina, Z, or narrow-ftriped Zebra Land Snail, from the Cape of Good Lope — * i c A very large and fine fpecimen of Mytilus plicatus, §, an extremely fears” a. Ee frefh-water Shell, from Chixza A large and beautiful fpeciinen of Voluta Amphora, 8. or clouded ‘Ethiopian eae Crowm. Martyn, Vol. Ul. fiz. 780 ae A very large foilil Grinder-Tooth of fome unknown quadruped, extremely fearce ——— f+ > A fine fpecimen of Madrepora muricata, and another of Mil'epora alcicornts, L, joined together, very curious, from Martinique —_—— Me CUBRLOWS~ EXO TLC aN-S ECTS, A fine pair of Cerambyx Longimanus, Z. from Surinam ,—-very rare = ——— 42. A pair of very fine fpecimens of Papilio Menelaus, Z. from Surinam—fcarce ~—— /. 708 - A very large and fine fpecimen of the great leaf Locuft, an undeferibed fpecies ‘of Gryllus, from Africa A yair of that mott beautiful Infe& the Pha alena Imperialis, of Drury, Vol. I. yun 7 , ple 9» fig. 1. 2. from New Vork—extremely fcarce A very large and fine Cerambyx Cervi-cornis, Z. from §. America—very rare —————- se \ Ten curious and rare infects, viz. a pair of Termes fatale, that defiru dive inf . the plague of borh the Indies; two of Caflida petiveriana, Z. two cu ious larve of a fingular {pecies of Chermes, three Nepez, one bearing its egysonits 7: é back, and a Cimex ; A very fine Scarabaus Atlas, L. extremely rare f. (I - as Two curious fpecies of Caflida, with green Elytra, one with two yellow, ¢ the | other with fix red {pots in them, both from the Brazil; ; and a beautiful fpecies of Tenebrio, of the colour of burnifhed copper, from the E. Indies, all undefcribed, and extremely rare (Ge The ‘Tenebrio Femoratus of Drury, toe vol. II, pl. 34. fig. 5. is like the laft-mentioned, but differs in fize and colour ‘ A curious Phalena, from the £. Indies—(Papilio Patroclus, Z.) and a very beaus a ad tiful yellow and black undefcribed Papilio, from Africa—extremely fcarce ————— ae fe An exceeding fine pair of Phaleaa Nobilis, a new and undeferibed fpecies, aie : very large, of a brown colour, veined with orange, flriped and fpotted with =o Pit tO eS yellow, extremely rare, from New York - Two fine fpecimens of an undefcribed fpecies of Cicada, from A/rica—eatremely iy Lh farce A beautiful green Buprettis, with four copper-coloured and two large yellow ated a fpots in the Elytra, defirided by Fabricius, from China—very rare tA A very fine {pecimen of Mantis Gongyloides, L. extremely fearce = —— ee ee An uncommon fpecies of Libellula, with a very long abdomen, allicd to that figured by Drury, vol. IL, pl. 48. fiz. 5. and is. perhaps the variety mentioned eby him, Seba’s Mu/: tab. 68, from Sarina Z 2 JG8o1 A 3891 3892 5893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 390% 3992 3903 3904 3905 3406 3907 3908 3909 (*: e8a%: ) De red ya7 A fine fpecimen of a very curious undefcribed fpecies of Curculio, from South a ve America—extremely rare 5 A very fine fpecimen of that beautiful and very uncommon infeét Curculid nds A ag bilis, from the Brazih—undeferibed ” 4 Two very fine fpecimens of Phalena Brachyura, Drury, vol. II]. ph 29. fig. te fi * from Sierra Leon, on the Coaf? of Africavery rare Bi arn A very large and fine Myrmeleon Libelluloides, Drary, vol. IIT, pl. 41. from. pas Ae Sterra Leon—extremely fearge A see curious and rare brown Cerambyx, from the W Indies, Pers Gaz, tabs. 47. ie f A pair We very large and fine fpecimens of Phalena Luna, L. ws, Madras—. extremely rare 5 A collection of beautiful Englith Moths and Butterflies, difpofed in a pi€tue p~ SE: refque form, in a large frame, glazed Curious MADREPORES, PETRIFACTIONS, SHELLS, &c. A very large and fine fpecimen of Ifis Hippuris, Z. or pyed-jointed Coral, from the &. Indies—rare. Ellis Zooph. pl. 3. fig. 1. and pl. 9. figs 3+ de A very perfect fpecimen of a curious fpecies of mammillated Foffil Echinus,. ; filled with flint, from the Kenti/hb Chalk Pitsmextgemely rare. Philof. Tranfs baer d anno A pair of large and beautiful fpecimens of Helix pitta, or the painted Helix, a terreftrial thell, fromthe I. Indies, very finc—Rum. 22.1. age > A fine Buccinum Ortilla, S. an undefcribed fpecies of the Helmet kind,. unique . ma / : ¢ A very fine fpecimen of Voluta Cithara, S: having its Epidermis on, from Sapars extremely fcarce.—Seba III, 65. 1,26 crit The Hair-ftreaked Helix, a very curious undefcribed fpecies of Land Snail, ex- 7 tremely fcarce, the country unknown. : CURIOUS ORES, CRYSTALS, &c. 3914, A fine fpecimen of cryftallized Antimony,. from Auvergne in France, very. * > ee as rs rare ; (oe 3915 Part of a Brazilian pebble Cryftal, reflecting prifinatic colours, very UE ne 3916 AQ fine Marcatitical Copper Ore, richly coloured, one fide polithed, from Sayz, of Land Snail, from whence unknown.—Savanne, pl. 63, fiz. G. 3. 3925 Avery large and fine fpecimen of a curious variety of Madrepora Muricata, L, - a inclofed in a glafs cafe, with mahogany frame and back 3926. A large and fine fpecimen of Voluta Nobilis, 8. an extremely rare, and very re beautiful thell of the Wild Mufic kind, from ChinaeeLifer, 799. 6.—Marit: LIL. 774, 5? rare a 3917. A Drufen of hollow pyramidal Quartz; its cavernous property fuppofed to Be owing to.a decompofition of fome calceious fubftance, over which it hae a A : formed, from Auxzary . -f 3918 Arich fpecimen of Native gold, in Quartz, from Perz _ See ——/ me ines 3919 An-elegant fpecimen of ftellated effloreicence of Cobilt, of a beauttful pink yea _ colour, from 4uneberg, in Saxony, rare, inclofed ima neat glafs cafe ara a 7 : 3920 A group of Quartz Cryftals, with Spicule of black fhirl within, and a curious a” plated Iron Ore, with Terra Ponderofa, from Cornwall, both rare aaee i he ~ 3921. A moft beautiful and rich fpecimen of cryttallized lamellated Native Gold, with ee Lead Ore, Quartz, Cryftals, &c. from Botsga,. in Tranfylvania, very rare So 3922 Avery fine fpecimen of Plumofe White Vitrol of Tron, very /carce, from aa a. Hungary Uncommon PETRIFACTIONS, SHELLS, MADRE- PORES, - &c. 2923 The famous cryttallized Echinites of Mr. Baker, defcribedin the Philofophical /0 = 10% Tranfactions, Ne. 482. 7 , 3924 A large and finely coloured fpecimen of Fivlix Undata, an undeferibed fpecies _ +, a “. fut, re € a8. } 1s Avery porfect fpecimen of cel browa variety of Muyex Scorpio, Z. or or Skeleton Shell, from China——/ aleniyn 39, voy rare very large and fine fpecimen of Anomi: ‘yBanguiners 5, or Sechics cs 3 from eee Lealand, extremely jcarce Amott. curious and raze Siliquaflrum, , ot, Foflit palate of a fith, fama Shepey [aad ; . Ae Oe A pair of the White-finned Purpura, a very curious undefcribed Species of Murex, the country unknown, wery rare A young, and a full grown fpecimen of Strombus Latiffimus, L. ae name: very fire, and extremely {carce A very pertect {pecimen ef a farce -variet eof Murex Ramofus,. 2. the countr yp yO. . ¥, COLMEGY unknown. —Svba 7 ole TL evra}: TF Heke bmn yea aR A very large and fine fpecimen ot Turbo Scalaris, L. or W dntletrapy om Fapan, extremely [varce . Shy at A fnuff box, formed of beautiful fpecimens.of the Gar Marble, from Gartathia Helix Monile, a beautiful non defeript preree Shell, the country unknown unique A fine fpecimen of Conus Aurifiacus, Gar Orange Admiral, from Arie exceedingly fcarce A fine and large fpecimen of Bulla Velva, L. or the Weayer’s Shuttle, from _ Japan, extremely rare A very fine fpecime: 1 of Helix Hemaftom a, L. an exceeding. fearce Oriental Land Shell — A fine Serpula Tortuofa, a new and undefcribed Species, the country unknown, —/" Flumph. Couch. ple 11, figs 4. unique CU aie GN a Saal r Enp of the Tuirty-stxtH Day’s SALE.' i wh Sasso, ® ‘THIRTY- LOT hurt 3940 A Chenafyaly 394h Wi oy 3942 ~ Veen 3943, (Cmtheg, 3044 CYture 3945 Cut 3946 Alene ft "3947 & 7%, 4% 3948 of 395 1) Scab gts = 4 AK 405% TCoretyh te; 3052. ee i 3953, ‘ s ** °e « ne ahs “92 a mae oye % a * a oie ° z % ie | , THIRTY-SEVENTH Davy’s SALE. TUES DAN cue 6th oF JUNE, 1786, GUR GOS Swe ESC O RA LS, -&e. S* beautiful polifhed fpecimens of agatized and jafperized wood, one of them with a knot in it, rare Solen complanatus, 8 an undefcribed fpecies, waique, the country un- known Cancer Scrupofus,? ZL. ory fingular and extremely rare Species, the country unknown Two fine fpecimens of the Conus Rubiginofus, S. extremely fcarce, the native place unknown A moft curious and beautiful variety of Strombus.Millepeda, Z. having a fine purple mouth, from Coromandel Another fpecimen of the fame, very rich in colour,. from the fame place,—- IN. B. A very curious Foflil Patella, much refembling a Bivalve, filled with flint, found in the Chalk Cliffs between Dea? and Dover, extremly (Carce A fine fpecimen of Arca Labiata, & or valved Ark, called by the French, Lhefe are the only two fpecimens known. Coquelochon de Moine,. D’avila, Vol. I. p/. 18. its country unknown A large and fine Mytilus Plicatus, 8. a very rare frebh water fhell, with a pearly infide, from Ching The Jefuit’s Cap Afterias, from the Ha/f- Indies, extremely [carce Voluta ZEthiopica, L. of extraordinary magnitude, being 15 inches long, from Amboyna, rare A fine fpecimen of Gorgonia Flammea, or Fiery Red Gorgon, from the Cape of Good Hope, very rare—Ellis Zoop! h. tabs At A large and fine {pecimen of an undetcribed fpecies of Strombus, from whence unknown, untgue A glazed frame, containing a fpecimen of a curious fpecies of Encrinus,. with feathered Tentacula, and a long ang culated item, befet with many clafpers, fifhed up off the iff fland of Barbadces, only three fpecimens are know De; the firt is deferibed in. the Memoirs of the OF this.-extremely rave animal, Academy of Sciences at. Paris, publihed in 1761, for the year.31755.: An zccount, with a figure of the fecond, is given by. Mr. Ellis, in the Philofo- phical Tranfactions, Vol. 53, for the year 1761, and which is now in the This fpecimen makes the third, which, though not complete enough to give an idea of the whole animal, is more perfect than the othertwo., [t is called by Mr. Ellis, Aichotomo, fiipite pentageno equifetiforimi Hunterian Mufeum. Lnerinus capite frellato ramofo- Ss ae (a) fe 44 4 iz. & Pee a ‘Pia Ae y Ee Pe Uf . to-6 A ite ( 186 ) Aho 45 1 A large picee of limeltone, filled with fragments of a Species of Encrinus, very analogous to that mentioned in the preceding lot; the feathered part and /- 4 —— fiem of one, and feveral Rems of others, are finely preferved in Relievo, on . the furface, and appear to be faturated with Marcafite. Such fpecimens 4. are.cittremcly fearee. They come from Dorfetfhire. A very large and fine fpecimen of Serpula Gigantea, an undefcribed Species, are from Luconia, 21 inches long, exzremely rareSeba IIL. 94. The largeft ae figure i + tg? A fine Cancer Horridus, Z. from Amboyna, very rare.—Rum. tah. Q. — A fine pair of Buccinum Bulleforme, a curious glofly peony Land Snail, non ee defeript, from Guadalupe, extremely Jcarce Voluta Brafiliana, a curious large undelcribed Species, with only two ial on _ Z. bee the Column, from the Br axils, extremely rare , A very fine fpecimen of Solen Cultellus, Z.. from EMER very rart—Gualt, ais 90. E. ae : A very large and fine Arca Tortuofa, Z. or twifted Die, from ee as et rare Y Sx eee §3e i Venus Erofa, S.a very curious undeferibed {pecies sai frefh water bivale, with a black epidermis, and fine purple infide, the country unknown, wey a oe rare "4 The great curved Cockfcomb Oyiter, an extremely rare Foffil bivalve, from i Y. ie ftaly ’ ce 2. A very large and fine fpecimen of oat ahes Allied to criftata. Ellis Zooph Smee Py" BIe3s rahe R A very fine fpecimen of the Concho-Lepas, or Cockle Limpet.—Humph. Conch. r page 12, No. 7, plate 5, fig. 9, which was taken from this Shell.—See alfo flavanne, pl. 4, fig. H. 2, from the Straits of Magellan. A fine fpecimen-of Voluta Araufiaca, S, or Prince of Orange’s Flag Mulieks from Amboyna, very rare.—Rum, 37. 2. — FF £ A pair of fmal! Murices, aliied to Hauftelium, EL. one ‘at them extremely fcarce, lb being reverfe, from Perfia Ttae 3 Se (ie A fine and fearce variety of Cancer Pelagicus, Z. from YamaicamBrown’s Fas pest maica tab. 41. fiz. 26 ae : . A large and fine Bulla Volva, Z. from Spam extremely rarewmSeba, vol. 11. 55. pomee 4 Tg." g A mott beautiful fpecimen of a rare fpecies of Echinus, ftarred and ringed with __ 4.4 purple, from China—Seba, Vol. III. 18. 6. a 6. 4. A fine pair of Helix Alba, a terreftrial Shell from the EZ. Zndies, one of them an exceeding great rarity, being left handed, or turning the contrary way.— 1& Lifter tab. 33. 32. and 46.—Favanne, 63. FE. A large and fine Conus Picus, or the Magpye Cone, an 1 undeferibed Species sg. é. from China, extremely fcarce A large ana elegantly branched Tree of Madrepora ramea. Z. or Cinnamon (eS Coral, from the Mediterranean, ‘rare $973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981, 3982 ( 187 ) fin okey g eee LZ. {CO —~— A very fine Helix erubefcens, a curious non-defeript Land Shell, the country unknown.—Lifler 24. 226 A‘fine fpecimen of that curious and very rare fhell, the Voluta Lapponica, L. vara 8. from Amboyna—Rum. 37. 36 Martyn Ill. 872. 873. Favannae, 33.2. Two fine Specimens of Helix Leucoftoma, an undefcribed fpecies of Land Snail, the country unknown, fuppofed to be the only Shells of this kind in England A very fine fpecimen of a curious brown variety of the Finned Purpura, an _ undefcribed Species of Murex, extremely rare A fingle Valve of Arca Margaritacea, S a curious fpecies of pearly freth water Bivalve, with a multiarticulate hinge, wnrgve A very fine fpecimen of Anomia Pfittacea, or parroquet’s beak, from the F. Indies, This with another in the Britith Mufeum, are all that are known 02 England Buccinum Dentex, a very curious undefcribed Species, the native place un- known, xnigue A large and beautiful fpecimen of Madrepora feriataa——Ellis Zooph. 31. 1. from the 2. Indies, extremely fcarce A very large and Foffil Paiate of a Fith, compoted of a number of gloffy black teeth, ufually called Bufonite, from Shecpy [Nand, Kent-—unique A xery fine Trochus tectus, the only perfect /pecimen known, from the Land of All Saints, in the Weft-Indies. A bad fpecimen is figured in Lifter, 628. 14—- —— "sis -undefcribed A very fine fpecimen of Patella Auricularia, figured by Rumph. tab. 40. fig. N. and called by that author an Oferculum, it. comes from China, and is extremely fearce >. . A large and fine fpecimen of Helix Tulipa, a curious non-de({cript fpecies, allied to the Bulla achatina, DL. the coxatry unknown—unigue Two fine fpecimens of an tundefcribed fpecies of Helix, allied to Bulla achatina, L. fram whence unknownemvery rare. Lift. Qs 4. A fine fpecimen of Helix hamaftoma, L. ef a deep-colour, an Oriental Land Shell, extremely foarce. Lif. 105. 2. Favanne, 64. A. 4. —— 4. 7. (6 «~ A” eae : le Ce A very large and fine Echinus Cidaris, L. from the Red Sea—wvery rare. Stbay vol. III. 13. 42. : A fine fpecimen of Helix teeniata, a beautiful non-defcript fpecies of terreftrial Snail, extremely farce, its native place unknowz A moft curious and extremely rare fpecies of Zoophyte, with fix rays, having an aperture in the centre, from the Coaf of Guinea, they have been hitherto ~ known by the name of the Cheveaux de frize Shell A very complete. fpecimen of Trochus Babylonius, or umbilicated Tower of Babel Trochus, the couatry unknown, and it is exceediagly rare A fine fpecimen of Murex famelicus, a curious undefcribed fpecies, from the Laft- Indies, extiemcly rare, and another, reverle, unique re ay A Cer 23 - { ll, a A en moe 2. & ae a ey as 726 — fle ZO ehh 3992 3993 ( 88 J wt prem, 126 A neat fall fpecimen of Trochus Solaris, Z. var. Timperialis, or the Emperiak _ 4. x= Sun, from Cloudy Bay, New Zealand—extremely fearce A large and fine lace-work Brainftone, Madrepora phrygia, Ells Zooph: tab. 48: fig. 2. from St. Mauritius—very rares This fpccimen is remarkable for being claven. — 7" ti at the top A very fine fpecimen of Echinus facculus, or the Lady’s. Pocket, extremely. Ragas: ae Ve from the Eaft Indies—utis undefcribed A, pair of very fine Turbo carinatus, a curious umbilicated and carinated: pees Lah e- é of Land Shell, #on-defcript.and'very rare—the country unknown, A very. fine fpecimen of Cardium.impreflum, S. a beautiful pink-fpotted:variety ae of the Venus’s-Heart Cockle, from Tranguebar--excecdingly fearce- Soren virnens, L, extremely rare,. from Java. This fpccimen, is owt of the ne Gr , celebrated Linnaus’s collection A. very fine fpecimen of Buccinum dubium, a-curious non-defcript fmooth ters reftrial Shell, of a pale brown colour, with feveral-raws of brown fpots oe Oh each volution—extremely curious, and‘uncommonly fcarce A very broad-and curious variety. of Oftraa Ephippium,. L. exceedingly perfect: and fine, and very rare, from Luconia. Ba pide ee A very large and fine fpecimen of:Madrepora Agnus, or Lamb Madrepora from, New Holland-extremely fearce. Seba, Vols U1. tab..CX1, fig. 6.. aa A large and perfect fpecimen of Murex Tribulus, ZL. var. Pecten, or the Venus’s, Comb, from China, exceedingly fcarce. Rum. 26. 3% ’ ay A very large and fine fpecimen of Echinus maximus, extremely fcarce, the country: unknowh. Sébas III. pl. 14 fig. 5. 6. and Favanne, pl, 58. fig. As 2. — / 4G « A capital fpecimca of Jafperized Foflil Wood, with a large knot-in it, 3 feet: z inches high; the greateft-diameter. 7 inches, the leaft: 4 inches, and:the- weight of it 93 pounds. One end is cutand polifhed, Fromavhence unknown, _ 7 ui Curious ORES or METALS, ann SEMI-METALS, CRYSTALS, & cs. 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4298 A very large and elegant fpecimen of yellow.cryftallized:‘Sulphur, ona groupof wy. /4- é white fpars, from Siberia—extremely fcarce A large and rich fpecimen of native foliated Gald, on a grey quartzofe Stoney, from Potof, in Peru—cxtremely fearce A large and fine Cryftal, with a tuft af green capillary. fhirl within.it, extremely: cnrious.and rare, from Lombardy = A moft elegant ftalactitical hematites IronOre, with.a gloffy furface, curioufly Z formed like Chinefe railing, with gates, arches, turrets, &c. exhibiting one. ~ ~~ of the-moft curioufly figured:fpecimens of the kind ever feen. A very fine drufen of flat fixteen-fided Fluors, tinged with native cinnabar, upon i a cinnabar bale, from amine long fince loffby water near Wolffftin, in the Palas —- /~ 45 tinate-extremely fearce A fine fpecimen of native Cinnabar, with pure foft vermillion in. the cavitiesy, Fis 6 Sr0m the fame mine.as the preceding article, inclofed in a neat glafs cafe 5 4010. A _____—_} und TIA wW4 fon ) Af 4029 \ ( #85 ) ae) aaa Alar ge and mott elegant fpecimen of fibrous fhow-white Lead Ore, partly tingéd with green Ochre of Copper, very beautiful, from the Hartz, in a like cafe a A very large and fine fpecimen of cryftallized Realger, from So/faterra, near __ Naples, very rare, in a like cafe A very fire fpecimen of radiated red plumofe Antimony, from Hungary, very DED — fearce, in alike cafe A large and fine fpecimen of capillary native Silver, from Saxony, in a like cafe Curious SHELLS, MADREPORES, &c eo A very large and fine fpecimen of Madrepora fungites, Z. with feveral young ones on the under fide, very curiévs asd rare, from the Ka/t-Indtes A very fine fpecimen of Murex trapezium, LE. of extraordinary magnitude, bee ing 18 inches in length, from the Maf- Judes A pair of Voluta fluctuata, & an undeferibed and very rare f,ecies of the Mufic ___ kind, one of them very fine, the country xuknown A fine fpecimen of Conus Architalaffus, S. a curious granulated variety of the High Adinital, eivtremely fcarce, from Amboyna. Argenvs Suppl. tad. 1. fig. M. N. Martyn, U. tad. min. 26. fize te 2. page 214% A very perfect (pecimen of Strombus Fufus, Z. or long-back Spindle, from Fapar: extremely fcarce. Argenv.10.D. Martyn, 1V. 100. Lif, gt. A pair of ditto, in a young ftate ae Murex antiquus, Z. and a reverfed one, extremely farce, named by T.. Murex contrarius A very fine fpecimen of Voluta Aulica, §. a beautiful red clouded fpecies of the wild Mufic kind, its country unknown, wnigue A very perfect fpecimen of Strombus finuatus, or fcollop-winged:Strombus, — extremely rare. Scba. III. pl, 620 fig. 3. Fatanne 22. A. 2. A very fine reverfed Voluta ponderofa, S. or heavy Voluce, extremely fCarce, from the Baff-Indies. A diredt one is figured in Favanne, pl. 35. fig. L A mott beautiful and perfect fpecimen of Voluta Gambaroonica, an undefcribed fpecies, from Gambaroot, in Perfia, of which there is only one other known Tunrso PuLcHER, or the BEAUTY, a marine turret-fhaped Shell, jmooth, of a white ground, with fix broad undultited pink flripes, extremely beautiful, wnique OstR#A SERICEA. 8. a moff curious and extremely rare undeferibed Species of the indented or Cock{comb kind, the country unknown A large and complete fpecimen of Conus Aurifiacus, Z, or Orange Admiral, rich in colour, frem Arhyonasextremely fcarce SeRPULA CLAVATA, or HERcuLEs’s Crus Worm, an exiremely delicate white 1 Species, remarkable for having feveral moveable Septe in the cavity, exceedingly curious ; and another, damaged, ferving to fhew the intefnal ftructure, from the J/fand Ceylon. Thefe are the only {pecimens known in Exgland A large and beautifully marked fpecimen of Voluta Nobilis, S. from Fupax, wery Tare Aaz a 4050 A Cano Z e) tent oy 2 a, ,- 3 Be fe ae aes Z. 3. 7m {ee ZZ 3 sere CZ, 44 a. & (ou 0. ee 2 42 fis Z ae 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4033- 4039 4040: dog yy, q 199 a hi IaA0 Avery perfect fpecinen of thar beautiful {pecies, the Veluta-Cithara, §.. from Fapan—extremely foarce Seba Ill, tab. 65. 6 20. A large and fine fpecimen of Madrepora foliofa, Hilts Zooph, tab. 52» with a _curious fponge formed in one of the cavities of it, very fingular and beautiful, _ from the £. Jndies ; A. very large and fine Afterias Echinites, or fpined Star-Fifh, from Java, an, extremely rare and valuable fpecimen. Ellis Zooph. tab, 60. 61. 62, Buccinum TritTwuM, S. a very fingularly. Jbaped non-defcript /pecies, \ts country. unknown, wnigue Arca LEGUMEN, @ moft delicate white non-defcript fpecies, extremely curious. and rare, te country unknown. Vortuta Dama, or Faun, a moft beautiful undefcribed jpecies, from: the. Coaft ° of Guinca—unique Votuta Carcarata, & amoft curious foell of the coronated divifion of the genus, undeferibed,, wxzique A beautiful undulated variety of Voluta Lapponica, Li from Amboyna—mextremely Jfearcee Martyn, IIL. 89. 872. 873. 4 very fine fpecimen of HELIx RINGENS, Li or GRINNER, @ mof? curious terre/>~ trial Snail, the country of which.is unknowa: at. ix che. Britith Mufeum,. and this, are-all that we know of in-England ° A very perfect fpecimen of Voluta pacifiea, Sbrought by Capt. Cook, from the. Reef off Endeavour River, on the Coaft of New Holland Two. fine SERPULA HELICINA, avery curious undefcribed Jpecies, remarkable for their burrowing into fones and coral; with their native bed, a Madrepora phrygias —— Tobey were brought from St. Mauritius, and are the only perfec? fpecimens known-. A magnificent fpecimen. of Voluta Imperialis, the moft perfect one known, from the Straits of Malacca—eextremely fcarce ~\ SA ot Eup. of the Tuirry-stvyenTu, Day’s.Sange. THIRTY ‘(nw 2.8 QS 1F- _- @. GEE | Z4. $- Se er. act é. -JZ bb. Lot 4042 mer ee — .. 4044 then eee oe a eth 4046 3 A BT cated / 4048 ORY 4oag Wahornv 4950 Fits HULL 4051 Srey. 4052 Of 4053 | SON aa Cush 4055 Codavt 4056 Bogs Casa 4058 ee 4959 0 4060 OOK ty Cohn ett 4062 Sis ad 4063 Ladh— 4064 Si 4065 SUS tengod _ 4066 Ta aug elim 4067 _ Ge— 4068 Fs tive 4669 OM 4070 SO Saaanmeee 4°92 Twenty curious rings ~~ : re ) Gtr ¢ 4093 -A fine mocoa fingle-ftone ditto HO ; pete C4 Gor 40g} One fine fapphire and brilliant clufter ditto = —~__ , ° i tla Le beere 4095 One fupcrfine-emerald and brilliant ditto ; — : és a. /5> a / 4096 One fine curious amber ditto, with a drop of water in the amber —~~___——____ —_. 2. yf 5 a Heyer fie gog7 A remarkable fine blue diamond and white double-heart dite —— y. Ve ZS oS aret—_ 4093 A white brilliant fingle-{tone ditto ee OA RPT ial cal ale ee Se ya § Con 4099 A very fine large Saxon topaz, in gold fetting ~~ 3, % FZ Crtrytclin, 4100 A very fine large amethyft « a0 oo 4/4 4 tan cALy(e 4ror An emerald and cryftal crofs %*+~—~_1_ ji, A ee b. 40 - Xs Ceyrnmrtf 4102 Nine fine pearl buttons ee il ee rhe Are 4103 Tavo very fine pink pearls iy St , «< : 6 . 106 Olay KR 4104 One fuperfine fprig, rofe diamonds, gartrets, and chryfolites. es 27 -* fae Cay 410s One feftoon of fowers, diamonds, and coloured ftones, enamelled, with mad Han . ee Dolphin 3 - ST 22 ¢: if te) tie 4106 Orpheus charming the Brutes, with enamel, fet with ftones and curious ornaments. — i re cht 4107 Nine curious pearl and ename! gold buttons, which were Qyveen Blinabeth’s —_ 7. : “Etat thet 4108 One fapphire, one vermillion, one opal and emerald rings ener os 2.4% 7 Eran 4109 A fine ditto and corenet, and one red mocea ditto Fay pana fs We My ASSO Be 4110 A vermillion or carbuncle, two moon ftones, one ditto a variety, a topaz cut § plain, achryfopas, an Oriental topaz, an opal, two Oriental rubies, a Saxon ; topaz, a hollowed garnet, a party-coloured agate, an opal, a vermillion.or carbuncle, a rough Oriental ruby, a garnet, an Oriental cat’ rh & aname- * § 44 a thyft, and an agate So pate Teed Lee at1t An Affyrian garnet, a rough Brazil topax, a ditto Oriental fapphire, a ditto errr 7 Ballas ruby, a chryfolite, a turmaline, veryrare, a rough fapphire, an agate, ed a rough fpinal ruby, a ftar-{tone, a party-coloured fapphire, a ditto ruby, a v4 jacynth, one unknown, a rough amethyft, at’ aquamarine, a turquoife, a xe ai | ss rough water fapphire, a cat’s-eye, a cryftal, a turquoife, a fun-ftone; ab SS agate, d mocoa, a brown-cryftal, and a white ditto A ot Li ee Loe Fe éti2 An Oriental fapphire, and an opal : me Ane oe ae a Sh ge ma 4is Cagle —— 4114 Atel air6 Clo 4117 Ob 4118 0 Oe poet teake 4BI9 A bervytAlr. 4 Yeas pre 41290 4421 4122 4 Or ovr eters 4423 * 4124 Be a bas é ) ob 4126 a 4127 , OF 4128 12 OG ere Taaryetion 4rgt A Ae 4432 Fume 4133 sire. 4:5 ‘ % 4135 4) Lb 4136 4137 aye (ett 4138 Og 4139 2% ye 4142 4143 4344. C\*y pu ved) 448 9146 ( 193 ) Teva headi, finely cut, upon @ very curions ated A very fine Brazil topaz Mss Ex Anexceeding fine Oriental ditte —— a eae ———_____-___ An Oriental firiped ruby ; apenas A ditto. purple ditto. At : A rough diamond, three pink ditto, a yellow ditto, anit a green dite a A diamond lask, anda purple diamond A pink rofe diamond: — A fine pink ditto A fmall diamond, naturally formed in another diamond A very fine orange-coloured ditto A beautiful jacynth ditto An exceeding beautiful purple diamond A curious box for jewels, made of box, with a filver pin, lock, and handle — __ A very fine fardonyx antique ring A fuperfine ruby and brilliant double-clufter ditto, an Omen cat’s-eye, baits eS Se ue —— —— — sia ae £35, 5° SE S: ear 3 and pearl drop. One fine pair of pearl and ruby three-drop car-rings, with ruby and brilliant knots. EXCEEDING CURIOUS ARTICLES. An iwory tankard, ox which is finely carved, in. alto relieve, a bacchanalian procef-- fion, with a filwer-gilt bottom, the edges engraved, with a border. of leaves, enriched ~ with various precious ones, fuch as rubies, topaxes, fapphires, jacynths,. emeralds, Se. the handle and lid are filver gilt, and decorated with jewels; and on the top is a boy Sculptured in ivory, The heighth is 6% inches, the width at bottom 5 inches, and’ the top 3.i. The infide of the lid is enamelled, with a garnet in the center A very curious gold enamelled antique cup, of extracrdinary workmanjbip and elegant Sorm, weight 23 oz. 2 dwts. 21 gre. ; > / 4147 4 —— (4 id re a “7 #0 960, and brilliant ring oe A fuperfine Oriental cat’s-eye, ruby, and brilliant clufter ditto §=——-—-_—___— y, yi; An extraordinary fine Oriental ruby and brilliant clufler ditte = —<-__-~___ 2. va A ditto yellow and white brilliant ditto 9 $~——~-_____ Dh FOG A ditto opal and brilliant ditto = —— et mek A Superfine green brilliant and avhite ditto Cate 8 AZ. ae Aditto pink ditto —_fingle-ftone ditto — ne aee ore re 7. #7 - A-ditto brilliant ditto, of the firfé water = ~——_——-____ a ait IT. oa A fine pair of pear] undrefs ear-rings se ee. Oe Three fine emerald and pearl fcollop fhells a wie Jt Ouxe pair of brilliant and fapphire car-rings, | 60 ‘D One pair of brilliant round car-rings oe oe ae a ae ‘ao A fuperfine pair of opal and ruby drop ear-rings, and one pair of ruby and brilliant knots ~~ J4&- U1. One folitaire, with a large fuperfine fapphire, in form of a crefcent, one very —— £6. 3. fine fapphire in the centre, and rofe diamonds One very fine ruby and brilliant crofs ON Sa gy ld ee f/ a ‘Aremarkable fine [prig, with a:fuperfine rofe diamond, ruby fpeinel, amethy/, emerald, 27L +~ ( 194°) Jhrfrre obo./ a Y . 4147 A very curiout Rofay, by Bunveruro Ceriini, faid io be the Rolary oft Henrietta Maria, Queen of King Coarres I, -wwho, in her neceffities, pacuned. it 10 the Duke of Ontszans. It confifts of fix plumb and fifty cherry-ftones ;: the fir. ‘moft curioufly carved with parts of biftory, the latter with heads of emperors; and on ab- 4- the reverses emblems and mottosof which a manufcript account 1s-annexed ee : ID RUF ESD ie A148 A mof remarkable fine ditto, by Dir ro, fad to have been the property of Pope CLEMENT. i Sais Vv 1 I, confifting of thirty-tavo plural -ffones of exgquifite workmanfpip of sculptures. an. botit fides, in relievo; and besrveen each -ftone is arpearl, 32,in number, witha gt - 79 ( larger one on the top of the cafel—a manufcript account is annexed , ae /o Aes (i) +4149 4 piece of carving tn wood, representing landfcapes, with views, in whichis intros ay duced water with vefféls failings and-on land various representations of hunting, with ‘boar, flag, dogs, and men on horfeback :—the whole executed in a~manner thatis © — Mg — AS 7° ae beyond defcription, and in the higheft prefervation > aa 4 yor te 4150 A gold box, with an exceeding curious mofaic top and bof¢tom ae Paes : gist A-fmall chimera of fine antique mofaic, fet in gold as a ring, and’ turns«upon ‘a ‘ g {wivel. “The figure has‘the wings and feet of a bird, with a a face, : rand 43 L & feems to'be an Hieroglyphic j4Yf ta 4162 A precious fragment of an antique intaglio, in an exceeding fine Bunolians Set in gold for aring. It reprefents Hurcurys as low as the waif, fitting in a fhiff, with a lian’s fein for a fail, one of the paws is faftened by q firing, which hangs over the bead of Hercures, whofe firengh in neck and back is wonderfully expreffed in fo 4], ~fmall a compafs ; 4183 cameo of the head of Aucustus eae upon a remarkable fine OnyX,-the ite Peri’ white, «pon a jacynth ground, the workmanfhip of Ju, iterate excellence. It was found at Malta Ls ly pot A154 . The bead of JurrTER SERAPISy cut out of a green balaltes, a mof inimitable piece of sculpture, of Egyptian workmanhhip, from the Barberini cabinet ; the /ize about Ap, 7 dy ee 4 inches. The countenance is highly exprefive of fublimity and dignity, tempered ; : with {weetnefs and grace } 4 he YaM, -4155 The moft celebrated antique Vase, or Ser ur. biit an Urn,: aan shes Baiberint iy fat? cabinet, at Rome. - Jr és the identical urn which contained the .afhes of the, Roman emperor ALEXANDER SEVERUS, aad his mother MAMMEA, which was depofited Va in the earth about the year 235 after‘Curist, and was dug up by order of Pore ~BARBERINI, named URBAN VIIL.. Setween the years 1623 and 1644. The _.materials of which. it is compofed. emulate an onyx, the ground a rich tranfparent . ddrk amethyftixe colour, and the fnowy figures which adorn it are in bas relief, of wworkmanfhip above all encomium, and fuch as cannot but exeiterin us the higheft idea of the arts of the ancients. Its dimenfions are_g inches and 3. quarters high, and 21 Inches and 3 quarters in circumference. A -more. particular account of this JSamous vale may be found in Montfaucon’s Antiquities, vol. V.! ‘book. II. chap. V1. dn Sig. Bartoli delle Sepulchri Antichi. -J2 the/Edes Barberinz, dn Wright’s Breval’s, and Miffon’s Travels. J Winckleman on ¢he Arts of the Ancients. te. Ge. SI §it6 f wery fine gold cup and falver, weight 44 0z. k5 dwts. hal sal ee 26 OR ee aime acs]